AMERICAN JOURNAL SCIENCE AND ARTS. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS, Prorrssors JAMES D. DANA anp B. SILLIMAN. ASSOCIATE EDITORS, Proressors ASA GRAY anp WOLCOTT GIBBS, OF CAMBRIDGE, AND Prorrssors H. A. NEWTON, S. W. JOHNSON ¥ GEO. J. BRUSH anv A. E. VERRILL, OF NEW HAVEN. THIRD SERIES, VOL. IV.—[WHOLE NUMBER, CIV.| Nos. 19—24. JULY TO DECEMBER, 1872. WITH FIVE PLATES. NEW HAVEN: EDITORS. 1872. Anne PRINTED BY TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR, 221 sTaTE srr, MissouR} BOTANICAL GARDEN LIBRARY CONTENTS OF VOLUME IV. 8 NUMBER XIX. ART. Be: ie of Recent Earthquakes; by C. G. Rocx- Deis oe) 20k gg wen eee gk re es Sn oe a Sos ae 1 IL. olan from the Physical Laboratory of Harvard ata be No. ty Pier be Ceggune Condition of Gas Flames; by Jon OWERINOS, sc poe oonch Sn FE ae 4 Ill. the Maienis r sie Coasiiiegt Physics by W.A. Norton, 8 IV.—On the Datolite from Bergen Hill, New Jersey ; by Ep- WARDS cI AWae 2 WG Piste Ly uc po Je. eden a sen 16 V.—On certain Lower sepia rocks in St. Lawrence county, ; eA OME Bui Shares phd bee test 4d te Ss 3 VL—On a simple Apearatts for me hyp ee hac ne with Electricity of high tension; by A. W. W 738 VIl.—On the Action - Ozone upon ‘Vuleanized Masse ey Nya Wa Wh RIGHE, 2s ccna 3. on ete eo a heed 29 VU. On the Gesane Coral Island Subsidence; by Jamzs pds Se De oe La ew Sines ate oe 2 epee eee ee ee 31 IX.—On a precise Method of tracing the Progress and of de- termining the ae pei of a Wave of Conducted Heat ; by Anwenp Mi Mayee, oo oo% ob ce vitiengs- arden edit 37 X.—Remarks on the ee. Criticisms of Prof. Dana; by T. EMRE SAUNT yd cca ebok Siviias st 055.0. eum es 41 XL—On ee: Meteor of April 30th-May Ist; by Danten eR rl od eds sd ie 52 XI. —Out the ‘Tertiary Basin of the Marafion; by Cu. Frep. Beets Cee Sask baw ae es 53 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Chemistry and Physics.—On the wg td emitted by the vapor 3 iodine, Satet: On the absorption spectra of the vapors of selenium and of.certain other bodies, GERNEZ, g anies = Sete te n spectra of the vapors se pacar selenious acid and h : On soap of silver, Gor! th of fixing the Comets of Acids an d Alcohols ‘by the oat of their age Poporr, 61.—On Phenol-eolors and their Relation to Natural own ng Ma YER, 64 AEYER, 62.— Citeny and Natural History.—On t os Kozoon, Dawson, 65. ae of a hs of a Large Bone Cave in re ee 69 —Pseudomorp Serpentin e with the form of Staurolite, Ranp, is —Hisingerite, from the Gap Mine, a yowstoved County, Pa., Ranp: Descriptions of new species of fossils from the vicinity of Louis- ville, Ky.. and i Falls of the Ohio, JamEs Haun and R. P. W Mine ical i soo of vom bi asiinocomt gs sactions the Nova Scotian Insti te of Natural Science of Halifax: sei Micheli, On mt Re prem ike Double Star Castor, 77. eee of Ibbenbiihren, Westphalia, : Meteorites of India, TscHERMAK, 78 iv CONTENPS, Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence.—Cause of the blue and violet chatoyant colors of Fishes, PoucHET : Tron in the blood, BoussiIngauLt, 78.—Prismatie bows A th - T. Rey n Journal of se Go Wot : Notes ag ag i Ferns en 1869, ete, A. PERREY: Half. io Boceeatione | in Scien NUMBER XX. Arr. XIII.—On the Evaporative Efficiency of Steam Boilers ; by Wm. P. Tro : 81 XIV. Description of two new Land Snails from the Coal- measures; by F, H. BrapLey 87 XV.—On Glacial a in the vicinity of New York ity; by SRE ENE, ok PULL eu Le ee 88 XVL—On the Hetimation “of wa in Coal and Organic mimpounas: by WwW. G. Mirsrie, 022i i. sues 8.88 90 ae —On the Address ee the American Association of rof, T. Sterry Hunt; by James D. Dana. No. II,- 97 XVII —Reply toa “ Note on a saneics of Priority ; ? by WAM PEATE SS es ree. 105 XIX.—-On the Corundum region of North Carolina and Georgia, with descriptions of two gigantic erystals of that species; by Cuartes U. Suerarp, Sr.,_- ---- -- 109 XX.—Ohm’s law counidened from a geometrical point of Views by Jonn. Trownnipes, 0 0s 20 115 XXI.—New N Gath American Myriopods ; by O. Harcer,_- 117 Te Description of New Tertiary Mammals ; <7, 2), SAAR. POO bie cee a ans 122 SCIENTIFIC ghee oct and Physics. —— experiment in refere the question as to vapor- es, T. PLATEAU, —On the nitr ato- ocala mores of the fatty series, 131.— eng Sa ction of prance acid by iodhydric acid: On an aldehyd-alcohol, 132. Geology and Mineralogy.—Fossils probably of the Chazy era in the Eolian Lime- stone of West Rutland, Bi.Lines: Hayden Exploring Expedition, BRADLEY, 133. —La Névé de Fst ve ses Glickers , DE SEvE, 134.-—The Ancient Glacier of the Rhone: Glaci in Fuegia ‘and Patagonia, AGASssiz, 135.—Annual rt of the Seporbrtamdent of the Louisiana State Uni —— for the oc 1871, 136.—Investigations on Fossil Birds, Mitxe-EDWAnDs, 1 sp Ver. tebrates from the Niobrara ‘and U pper Missouri: Extinct Simrsais = Tertiary of Wyominy, Lempy: Graptolites, 142, Pek sap: of New e des of Fossils, HALL and WHITRIELD : Coal of Lota: On the Rate of Growth of Coral Reefs, Dawa, 143.—Re r = années 1868 and 1869, Dr B ni Jordan tion of the vapors near Vesuvius, GORCEIX Mots on Rhinosaurus, Marsu, 14 Botany ~ Note on Intelligence i in Monkeys, Corr, 147.--Curious Habit : Dia of a Snake, Cop toms in Hot Springs, 148.——Life in the Mam PacKarD, Jr. and AM: Reproduction of ges Robert Brown’s first Botanical Paper, 149.—Prantl’s memoir e, ~~ the United States: Kan-sun: Martius, Flora ieasiloaia CONTENTS, Vv —_— —On the Temperature of the Surface of the Sun, Ericsson, 152.- Aurora of Feb. 4, Gasp: Edinburgh Astronomical Observations: Astrenicenical and Deisctcicn Observations made during the year 1869, SANDS. et seegeme pee a8 Intelligence —Height of Mt. Rainier and Mt. Bak : Gla- the s of the Pacific Coa rigs Se 156.—Academy of Natural Scns of Palade phi ia: coe orie della Societa dei Spe troseopisi Italiani, TACOHINI, 157.—Monthly Record of Results of Opearvati ions in Mete Lhe: ogy, ete.:; Hayden’s Exploring and diarversinns Expedition ; nai of the Peabody Academy of Sciences, PACKARD, Jr.: Petroleum in San Domingo, MAR Feber 158.—American Associatio ek 159.— Obituary. n Willia am Sehkepenhs, 159.—Robert Swift: George R. Gray, 1 MUMBER XXI. Arr. XXIIL—Researches in Actino-Chemistry. Mem First. On the Distribution of Heat in the Spectrum; . J ORI: WO TERA DRAPER Sn i aig wk es so 161 XXIV.—On the Corundum region of North Carolina and Georgia, with descriptions of two gigantic i gees of that species; by Cuartes UpHam SHEparp, Sr.,. Bese Wt aoa Sig of ee of the works of J. Barrande ; ‘by XXVIE ——— on Dr. sia baa 8 i ad in Dr. Carl’s “Repertorium;” by ALFRED M, Maymr,._-...-..----- 198 XXVIII. ie eee Description of Mow Tertiary Mam- mals; by O. C. Marsn,. ----- 202 XXIX.—On certain aac between the mean motions of the Perihelia of Ju er, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune by Dlamini, IRE WOOD, 6) cas 4c e x- 2 e i gaednoe ” 995 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. os and Physics —On the ammoniacal platinum bases, CLEVE, so nds containing phosphorus vos gong SCHUTZENBERGE 7.—On ar specific _— of carbon, H. F. Weser, 228.— What Sst mien oiler Motion? James Oro, 229.—On ae peur of Yttria and Ceria from Zirconia and Tron, J. W. TAYLOR, 2 stg fl and Natural History.—On pee and eto Rocks in the Teton ange, F. —On Cha R, ase Taiepetment of the irene of Natural History ry, 237 .—U. 8. Geological Survey of the Territories, F. Haypen: Damouritic garnetiferous schist of Salm-Chateau, L. D. z Kontyck and DAVREUX 80) C ° ALL an the an vern of ghee cee in herd E. Riv Sharks’ teeth of the Crag, supposed to have been bored by man, “T McK . HUGHES: ‘he G y a i i vi CONTENTS. Astronomy.—Annals of the Observatory of Harvard College, Wa. CRANcH Bonp, 242.—Astronomical mares of Moon-Craters, Sun-Spots, e way Aurora Pag a os March, 243.—The Sun’s Light: The August Meteors: On tw ts, O.. H. PETERS, eng oe of star-shine, night- light, the Godincal Tight, C. Prazzi-SMYTH, 2 Espana Scientific Intelligence.—List ~ Elevations and Distances in bo portion of the United States west of the Mississippi River, C. cas 246. rEtfec t of change of barometric ans on human beings: The ature and Rainfall of July, 1872, C. Keurgen, Jr: A Manual “Quali. tative Analysis, RoBERT GALLOWAY, 248. 8, NUMBER XXII. Page Arr, XX X.—On the nature and duration of the discharge ON age N. Roop. Part IIL (To be continued. - 249 XI. —0n ithe Guinot and Embryology of ebro lina ; ArD 8. Morsx, Ph.D. With Plate III.... 262 XX xi mtu of the Errata, or “A Few Millions 3” by AtFreD M. Mayer, Ph.D., 2 4 ee leable Iron;” by Russet W. Tirumedie ig) + SREB apie 270 XXXVI. —Deseriptions of a ite new species, and one new enus, of Silurian Fossils, from Ohio; by = B. Merx,.- 274 XXX VII.—Discovery of a New Planet ; : by C. H . F, Perers, 281 XXXVIIL.—Adadress before the American Association at its recent oo in Dubuque, lowa; by Asa Gray,------ 282 aN —Preli rere fetter oe of New Tertiary Reptiles ; C. Mar 2 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. istry and Physics.—W ater not = _Bieetrolyte, 3 0.— ahp od Examination of the new Platinic bemedap Norton: On the pad of Chl Wurtz and Voer, 312.—On w Organic avis obtained from Dulcite, ‘avcaiaba’ S13. Geology and No 1 His am —Hayden Rocky Mountain Geological Expedition, 313.—On the teas Valley . Karthquake, 316. ocagrmge ais rface Geology of Northwestern Ohio, WINCHELL, 321.—Note n Tinocera ceps, Marsu: A spe ag of the Fossil Crustacea belonging ‘to the Order ‘Meros tomata, Wi Notice of a new species of Tinoceras, MARSH — A Life Slide, 333. —Extract from the Address of Mr. De La Rue a the British As- ‘oclantis: 324.—Report on Lunar Obj suspected 0 ange, Birt: Aurora esgeine 326. eid of the ‘equatorial bands of Jupiter: The Object-glass of Allegheny Observatory stolen: Erratum to Prof. Kirkwood’s Article, 327, Miscellaneous cE de ta. e.—Meeting 0 of the Se eating = on, 327.— Papers relating to the Transit of Venus in 1874, 330.—Volcanic Eruption o Hawaii: Tider waye at the antes Islands: A General ade t to the Dice CONTENLS. vii tents of Fourteen ie co eget ier eo pe caine coh Pompeii, 331.— Sea-Serpents: Bass culture in Eng h Association, 332.— Obituary. —Sir Andrew Smith : Delaunay, Per ‘DIX. Euclid’s Doctrine of Parallels; he - C. eon 333 Notice of some Remarkable Fossil Mammals; by O. C. MaRsH 343 Notice of a New and pater sicar Fossil Bird ; by 0. C. MaRsH, 344 NUMBER XXII. P Arr. XL.—A Theory of the Formation of the great Features yi of the Earth’s Surface; by Josepn LeConre, --------- 345 XLL—Catalogue of bright ‘Lines in the Spectrum ‘of the Solar Atneepiers: bY KR. AD TOUNG, oo... ees soe 356 XLIT.—On the Quartzite, “Limestone and associated rocks of the vicinity of “ghee reat tate Mass. With a map, on Plate TV ¢ Dy games D270 k, 3) 362 LUI.—On the iahare ae darsiion of the discharge of a regi Jar connected with an induction coil; by OapEN Part II, - Nia aware wig 371 XUIW. a ‘thes Allegheny System of Electric Time Signals; : by 8 ARGEBY,'¢ 00s cing 25 eee 77 XLV. be ot a piativod “of detecting the phases of vibration in the air surrounding a sounding body, and thereby meas- uring directly in the vibrating air the length of its waves and satan. the form of its wave-surface; by ALF M. May 387 XLVI. Syren = Evolution ‘of Structure in 1 Seedlings ; by DORN ©. DG ee os spews XLVIL. eRajoinder' te Prof. as — iy a ‘Note on a Question of Prio Pe wy Be iainge 5 ee VIitt. XL L — Elements wy fatiets nis or “(193); a A SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. Chemistry and Physics.—On the Chemical Efficiency of ee = Dewar, 401. —On the Law of Extraordinary Refraction in Iceland Spar, G. G. Stoxss, 404 —On a new Galvanic Pile, of economic construction, M. ee Geology and a al History.—Discovery of Fossil Quadrumana in the Eocene of Wyoming, 0. C. Marsu, 405.—Note orn a new genus of Darniveees from the Tertiary of Wyoming, O. C. MaRsH: Notice of a New —— from the Oreta- ceous, O. C. MarsH: Recent Eruption of Mauna Loa, T. Coan; 40 oe of Mauna Loa to the scene of the Eruption, 407.—Volcanic Energy, an ttempt to develop its true origin and cosmical relations, R. MALLET, 409 e aalvent action and Belgium, J. PRESTWICH, 413.— t rvations in Bermudas, M. Jo 416.—His he names Cam and camige in Geology, T. 8. Hunt, 416.—Report of the Geological Survey of the State of New ew Hampshire, ©. H. Hircucock, 417.—Memorie per servire alla Daborisions della Carta Geo- logica a'Ttalia On the Occurrence ¢ Native Sulphuric Aci Eastern ' 418.—Analysis 0 mpa North Carolina, J. B ADGER Leite: in re ber of Fichtelite, J. W. MALLET, 419.—Botanical a and Intelligence, 420.—A Handbook of Chemical Technology, R. Wagner: On Beavers and Beaver Dams in Mississippi, J. SHELTON, 422. Vili CONTENTS. Astronomy.—Spectrum of the Aurora, E. S. HOLDEN, 423. . Scientific Intelligence.—Institute of Technology, Boston: Annual Re- of the Director of the Meteorological Observatory, Central Park, New York: Hayden's Geological Exploration in = Rocky Mountains, 424.— Obituary.-— Rev. John P. acatin John F. Frazer, NUMBER XXIV. P Arr. XLIX.—On a simple and precise method of measuring the wave-lengths and velocities of sound in Gases; and on an rid tesoest ud the me poses in the oe of an Acoustic Pyrometer; by ALFRED M. Mayer,..---.-.-- 425 L.—On ‘le stability of the Collodion Film ; oy Lewis M. NES Siete ee SariSaiens is een ad ac gh eee 430 LL—Note ar cient Orthoclase, found at the O den ae separte Township, Sussex Co., N.w.; by. Prof. ee ee ee Ce ates GS es rel Se ak 33 LIL. =n Soil Analyses and their Utility; by Eve. W. H1- ee wee Se ee ee ee ae eg 434 LIL_Tke Heat produced in the ‘Sele =e the effects of Exposure to Gold; by Jom) Dearen,. 222. 2 ek 445 LIV.—On the rtzite, Lucastane iat acasind rocks ‘of the vicinity of Great Barri rrington, Berkshire Co., Mass. ; hee U. Wawa AO0gtInGged),. . os oko ose cc 450 LV.—On the relation between Color and Geographical Distri- bution in Birds, as exhibited i n Melanism and Hyper- chromism ; by Risser Bibewax.. 0 454 LVL—A Theory of the Ce of the great Features of the Earth’s Surface; by Josepu LeConre (conclude oe . 460 VIL—On a crystal of Sadat. from Delaware Co. ; by Epwarp 8. Dana,. OG oS ENE ee 3 LVIII.—Spectrum of Lightning s by Epwarp 8. Ho ys 474 Letter from Dr. B. A, Gourn, irector of the Ohasrvaicey at Cordoba SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. etric Flames, by R. Konic, 481.—On i “ight enited oy the et ee compounds of uranium, BECQUEREL, 486. of the Aurora Borealis , VoGEL, 487.—On the heat of expan Sat 2 solid tation Burr, 488. met and Natural History.—Wyo oti Coal Formations, E. Bs Cope: Decaisne’s i grt of a Gens Pyrte @ —Botanical suppleme: to the fifth Annual U, 8. Geological Saevay of the Territories fot ‘Tet, by M. Lzs- si ahs ion Astronomy.—Elements of Alceste, by C. H. F. Prrers, 495. Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence.—Analysis of the Meteoric Iron of Los Angeles, California, by C. T. Jackson, 495.—Tables and Diagrams relating to non- _ condensing Engines and a by W. P. TRowpRripGE: Chemistry, Inorganic and age with ee ae A BLoxaM, 496. Pies of the Mt. Uniache, Oldham. Renfre Y Gold Mining Districts H. Young Huinp, 497.— orumndin al Engravings by the Observatory of Cierverd College, 4 497,.— Obituary. —John F. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS, [THIRD SERIES] Art. I.-—Notices of Recent Earthquakes ; by Prof. C. G. Rocr- woop, Jr., Bowdoin College. 1. On January 16, 1872, an earthquake almost entirely destroyed the city of Shamaka in Russia. Over one hundred persons are reported to have been killed and a large amount of roperty destroyed, scarcely a building having been left stand- ing in the city. The earthquake was felt over a large extent of the surrounding country. Shamaka is a city of 25,000 inhabit- ants, lying at the southern base of the Caucasus Mountains, and about 75 miles west of the Caspian Sea. 2. On February 6, at 8 o'clock A. M., a slight shock of earth- quake was felt at Wenona, Mich. A letter from Ed. D. Cowles of that place, states :—‘ The shocks were three in number and lasted altogether about thirty seconds, the vibrations travelling from the N.N.E. They jarred buildings and were plainly observable by persons out of doors, and were characterized by that peculiar rumbling sound which is noticed in subterranean vibrations.” 3. On February 8, at about 5 a. M., a slight earthquake occurred at Cairo, Ill. A letter (in my possession) from Geo. Fisher of Cairo to Clinton L. Conkling of Springfield, IL, gives the following :—“ I was in bed on the second floor of a brick dwelling house. It seemed to me that something struck the head of my bed with considerable violence from the southeast, making quite a noise and shaking the entire house. The shak- ing continued for several seconds with varying intensity. I suppose that fully twenty seconds elapsed before it finally ceased. Persons who were up at the time seem to think that Am. Jour. wee bee Series, Vou, IV, No. 1.—Joxy, 1872. 2 C. G. Rockwood on Recent Earthquakes. the vibrations were from N.W. to S.H. I think they were the other way, from S.E. to N.W. No damage was done by = shock.” On March 6,a despatch from Berlin, Prussia, says :— ‘i Shocks of earthquake were felt this afternoon ng hal in Dresden, Pirna, Schandau, Chemnitz, Bodenbach, Weimar and Rudolstadt. ‘The movement was not violent, but was more or less perceptible at intervals for over an 5. On March 26, the State of California was visited by an cages bee more severe than any that has occurred there for som The e main shock occurred at about 24 25" a. M., and w felt throughout the length of the State, from Red Bluff on the north, to San Pedro on the south, thus extending over 64 de- et Ne of Loe ges and from the Pacific coast inland to Virginia The hii of this shock is variously reported from 2% 10™ at Jackson to 25 45™ at White Pine, Nev. The discrepancies are mate was ps Si one minute. The region shaken was the eastern and western slopes of the 7 Sierra Nevada, and the Sacramento, San Joaquin and Tulare valleys, extending southward even into Mexico. (A shock was re been pushed toward the N In many places the first heavy shock was followed by a series of lesser ones, closing with a stronger one at a few min- utes after six s.M. And in the neighborhood of the moun- tains the slight shocks continued te be felt at intervals for some days or even weeks. Thus a letter from Visalia, dated April 12, says:—“ Ever since the first die of the earthquake we ON ee ee ee ee ee ee eS ee fee ers C. G. Rockwood on Recent Earthquakes. 3 habitants, was greatly damaged by the earthquake, and here killed and thirty-four others seriously injured. Frame houses were shaken, but not thrown down. At Independence also many buildings were prostrated and a few lives lost. In this valley, and at some other places, the shocks were pee: ceded and accompanied by a loud rumbling sound, which is described as being “like a train of cars or like distant artillery.” Mention was made in the first accounts of large fissures in the ground, fires seen in the mountains, etc.; but these re- ports do not seem to be confirmed by the later advices. The level of Owen’s lake is also said to have risen four feet. e published in the newspapers of San Francisco; and for aid in collecting them, my thanks are due to C. G. Rockwood, Esq., Newark, N. J i. C. Smith, Esq., secretary of the Merchants’ Exchange and News Association, New York, Rev. D. W. Poor, D.D., af Nien ay Cal. and John A. Keyes, postmaster at a, It is to be ati that more full and careful scientific accounts of the physical phenomena may have been collected by some person on the spot, and that they may in due time be given to the public. 6. A slight shock was reported at Paducah, Ky., on the morning of March 26, and another at Salt Lake City, Utah, at * The following later news has appeared in the columns of the San Francisco “Zone Pine, May 17, 1872.—We had such a shake to-day as we have not had since the 26th of March, when the town was reduced to ruins. There has been no y thrown from my seat. “The shock lasted some thirty seconds.” & 4 J. Trowbridge—Electrical Condition of Gas Flames. 1 Pp. M. March 28. These may have been part of the Inyo earthqu uake, 7. On April 8, at 8 o'clock a. M., a severe earthquake apap Bee a large part of the ancient city of Antioch in Syria. ock lasted over 40 seconds, and the wave travelled from east . west. It was accompanied by a noise “like distant thunder or artillery.” Lighter shocks continued to be felt at irregular intervals for at least a week after the first one. Very many buildings were shaken down, filling the narrow streets with the débris and burying hundreds of the inhabitants beneath the ruins. “The number of killed is estimated at 1,000 many more were left without shelter. The old villages south of the Orontes river were also much an but comparatively little harm was done north of the cit Noy A despatch from Copenhagen, aang 14, gives the follow- - lenge at which arrived here to-da ay from Iceland, pa ries of violent earthquake souk at Hasvick on the 16th, 17th ‘and 18th of April. Twenty houses were destroyed, and several persons were injured, but no lives were lost.” 9. The recent grand eruption of Mt. Vesuvius is interesting, as tee possibly connected with the phenomena recorded above. This eruption first assumed noticeable proportions on the night of April 24, 1872, when a flow of lava was added to the flames and smoke which had for months adorned the summit of the mountain. _ On the night of the 25th, a chasm opened in the side of the cone, from which issued a torrent of lava; the whole occurring so suddenly as to overtake and destroy a number of the spectators who were vs oe eruption. The lava continued two or three day rwhelmed two villages, and buried a considerable extent “ot ite»: ese land. The eru co finally ended with a shower of stones and volcanic san which fell in the streets of Naples to the depth of several inches. gi eruption was attended with the cuba local tremblings of e eart Brunswick, Me., May 31, 1872. Art. IL.— Contributions from the Physical ee of Harvard College ; No. III. On the Electrical Condition of Gas Flames ; by Fr OHN TROWBRIDGE, Assistant sean of Physics. Pror. H. Burr, of the University of Giessen, has published in the Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, vol. lxxx, 1, anc in the Phil. Mag. of Feb., 1852, an investigation of the electri cal properties of flames. He reviews at first the different J, Trowbridge—Electrical Condition of Gas Flames, 5 theories in regard to the subject; Becquerel, for instance, finds electric opposition in all directions in flames which depend upon the difference of the temperature of the metals immersed in them. Pouillet recognizes a motion of electricity only from the interior to the exterior, and hence also from the base to the summit of the flame; Hankel, however, finds a motion the reverse of this in the flames produced by the ignition of spirits, and states that it is independent of the temperature of the im- mersed conductor. Prof. Buff then gives the following as the results of his investigation : 1. Gaseous bodies which have been rendered conductible b strong heating are capable of exciting other conductors, solid as well as gaseous, electrica 2. When a thermo-electric circuit is formed of air, hydrogen or carburetted hydrogen, alcohol vapor, charcoal, or finally a metal, whether combustible or incombustible, an electric current is developed, which proceeds through the air from the hottest place of contact to the less warm place. 8. The development of electricity which has been observed in processes of combustion, and particularly in flames, is due to thermo-electric excitation, and stands in no immediate connec- tion with the chemical process. 4. The products of combustion do not therefore, by any means, occup the relation to the burning body which has n assumed by Pouillet; if positive electricity rises with the ascending gases, it is only in the degree in w which the air exterior ae the place of hottest contact is “connected by a proper con- ucto: The following are the results which I have obtained in test- ing the ree condition of the flame of a Bunsen burner a Sir William Thomson’s quadrant electrometer. The pai given er to the arbitrary divisions of the scale, upon — a spot of light is reflected from the mirror of the instru- on connecting the testing plate of one pair of quadrants of tp. instrument with the flame, while the other pair were connected with the metallic burner and with- the earth, the flame was found to be ehcp: electrifie The following are some of the experiments selected from a series that were made. Exp. 1. Flame 12 c. m. high; Plage at the height of 7 c. m. A — indication of 130°, very steady. Exp. 2. A platinum wire, su tituted for the plate, and mocking the flame 3 c. mt the burner, gave a deflection of 30° in a negative direc Exp. 3. With the testing plate just above the tip of the @. 6 J. Trowbridge—Electrical Condition of Gas Flames. flame, the instrument showed a positive deflection of 70 to 80 de fix, 4. With ae ee plate 5 mm. from the outer sur- face of the flame, on all sides, a feeble positive charge was obtained, the air in srhrerten with the flame being apparently charged ‘positively, the indication in no case exceeding fifty or sixty degrees on the scale of the electrometer. Exp. 5. The metallic tip of the burner was found to be charged positively, giving an indication closely agreeing in the number of degrees with that corresponding to the — in- dication of the flame. This indication was quite constant. Ex hen a glass tip was substituted for the metallic tip, no charge was found upon it. This was the case when any non-conducting body formed the tip. Exp. lass tip having been substituted for the metallic one, a platinum wire was inserted below the orifice and care- fully de aaa until it occupied the centre of the in- Av terior cone of flam very feeble indication of negative dautacky Ltn the Nettle ‘ile, with the Bunsen burner, the flame and the metallic tip are in ilecided electrical opposition ; the one having a nega- tive charge and the other a nearly equal positive charge; in spirit flames the two opposite states recombine, the wick of ‘the lamp and the fluid contained in the vessel connecting the two charges. The flame, therefore, merely takes the potential of the atmospheric electricity at the place where it is situated. The electrical condition of the flame of a Bunsen burner when tested by a sensitive galvanometer gives in the main the same results as those obtained by Prof. Buff from spirit flames. The quantity of electricity in the current passing from the flame to the tip is exceedingly sm % _— we have seen above that the terminal immersed in the gas flame has a tension a little exceeding that of the ole pole of a Daniell’s element. The air in the room, at the time the above experiments were first performed, was charged positively to about the tension of the positive pole of twelve Daniell’s elements. The experi- ments were afterward repeated when the air in the room indi- cated a negative charge, with no difference in the results. At the suggestion of Dr. Wolcott Gibbs, Rumford professor, m means of which I could increase the heat and the flow of air and gas at pleasure. Slight deviations in the scale readings were Spinal this means: the flow of air appeared to affect the wo of ee bsiaes the metallic tip, rendering it less con- riments were in the main confirm The. ii ae the uallie plate submitted to he flame and J. Trowbridge—Electrical Condition of Gas Flames. i generally negative. By placing a setts isle upon the prime conductor of an electrical machine, he was enabled to change the jecuiion of the air from a positive to a negative state and the reverse. He —— separates 8 results obtained from the idioelectric effect of the flame, w he states, in no case gave a tension equal to siaeda pole of a Daniel's element. uring the past ——— observations made in the laboratory tend to confirm these views. ave, however, found on some days the air eras octal positive. The room is in the north-west corner of the building, and there was a strong north- west wind blowing at the times this was observed. I noticed, also, while experimenting with the flame of a Bunsen burner placed near ‘the water drop Aen used by Sir William Thomson in investigating the electrical state of the atmosphere, that the positive charge of the air in the neighborhood greatly decreased, and in some Instances became feebly negative, by the presence of the flame. pelo lead : 1. The flame of a Bunson burner is negative while positive electricity accumulates on the burner itself, if it is a con- ductor. With orifices made of non-conductors, no charge was pera Anaya the tip. e stratum of air in contact with the outer cone of flame nee ‘a chily charged with positive electricity. The partly con- gas of the interior cone is neutral. 8. The presence of flames tends to change the nature of the atmospheric electricity at the given place, reducing a positive tension to a feebly negative one. 8 W. A. Norton—Molecular and Cosmical Physics. Art. I1L—On Molecular and Cosmical Physics ; by Prof. W. A. Norton. [Concluded.] 13. If we include in the curve of effective molecular action the external electric attraction which we have seen may arise within the sphere of what has been called the effective external repulsion, it will be seen that the curve beyond Oc should be raised ; and that when an effective death ie supervenes, and determines a chemical union, it will pass entirely above the zero line, from ¢ to a certain distance beyond Od. But instead of this the result may be that it passes above the zero line for a certain distance, ene at a point, #9 a’ , beyond c, or even = ee es in a chemical union. As this attraction ope- tes through a certain distance before - fp is esta- blshed, Pad or less heat is generally gi e it (1)as the force of ediecn: attraction ie ie sd Tiquide (which ip saga ments have shown to attraction, but should onl promt e the repulsion between the poner re olecules. to thi fact we see the reason why each on. The diffusion should not stop Swati she two gases become a uniform mixture, since as long as an ideal plane can be taken within the gaseous mass, Sats eee W. A. Norton—Molecular and Cosmical Physics. 9 on opposite sides of which the number of molecules of the two kinds is not the same, the repulsion that takes effect across this plane will be of a less intensity than that which is directed toward it. Since the force of electric attraction that comes into play between two dissimilar gaseous molecules, lying on opposite sides of the surface of contact, is of the same intensity for each molecule, and the molecular repulsion of each gas is the same, the velocity of diffusion of ack should be inversely pro- portional to the sone root of the density; which is the fun- damental law of gaseous diffusion established ‘by Professor Graham. In the case ‘of two liquids the result is not precisely the same, since the molecular repulsion may be of different bet ence the ne forces of eee gravity is the least, penetrates most rapidly into the other. It may be added that the external attraction under considera- tion is also the force which gives to liquids their solvent power. 14. en two substances combine in several different propor- tions, the force of affinity is ordinarily weaker in proportion as the number of primitive molecules (‘atoms’) of the one that i origi with one of the other is greater. This may be ascribed the circumstance that each new combination withdraws a wage 9 of the electric ether from the sides of the molecules on which union has pesos taken place, and occasions a eval of the envelopes there. The a of this should generally be that the molecular attraction subsisting there is weakened, and combined ; or when the decreasing force of external —— the envelo s. Thy view of this his sy we may see how it is that a minute ¢ e in the proportion of one of the constituents may effect a ace change in thes degree of tenacity, hardness, &c., of the c poor tne (e. g., different qualities of steel resulting ated erences in the quantity of carbon that is combined wi the iron). The phenomena of fermentation may be referred ‘ e same cause. 10 W. A. Norton—Molecular and Cosmical Physics. 15. All the mechanical properties of bodies may be ascribed to varied values of the quantities ~.. m, and 7? (vol. ii, p. 338), and to the variations that may occur in these values under dif- ferent circumstances. These quantities must depend primarily upon the mass and size of the atoms around which the ethereal atmospheres and electric envelopes are condensed. The marke difference in the properties of certain substances which have nearly the same atomic weight, indicates that atoms of the same mass may differ in size. It is to be observed that the same substance may assume various states of aggregation of its primitive molecules, in which it exhibits different properties; under varied thermal or other circumstances of solidification, giving rise to modifications of the molecular envelopes. One general result may be noted, viz., that an aggregation of compound molecules should have less tenacity than one of primitive molecules of the same substance; since in the latter case no two molecules can be drawn asunder sses in is, are propagated indefinitely as unneutralized heat-pulses. At the same time a change Dace occurs in the physical con- ee ee ee Te a eT EE ee ee ee ee W. A. Norton—Molecular and Cosmical Physics. 11 molecules, which convey impulses of the same intensity as those expended in arresting the molecular movements. Heat is developed in this way when bodies are compressed by pressure, or impact. The heat of friction also originates in this manner; for between the molecules of the two rubbing surfaces the force for which the ratio ~ exceeds 69, will, when ie aa give out heat in this manner; since the mutual attraction of their envelopes will diminish. We have seen that the same state of things occurs with india-rubber when it is stretched. In fact, it appears from the table on page 444 (vol. iii), that all bodies of matter for which the ratio - is less than 6°9 are in this t in the same condition with iidia -rubber. There are certain oe aa reasons for believing that all liquids belong to this class, on this view the heat of congelation may be as- cribed to a ie apse of the molecular envelopes resulting from the expansion of the mass that ensues as the compressive force at surface of the liquid ceases to operate. Except in the case of water, the molecules of the liquid being in what has been e secondary condition, this collapse of the envelopes will be attended with an augmentation of their attractive actions and a consequent attraction of the mass; but this aug- mentation will increase the ratio ~~ and so tend to make the. 12 W. A. Norton—Molecular and Cosmical Physics. (3.) The evolution of heat may also result from the action of an electric current,—either compressing the molecular envel- luminiferous ether, the energy of which is subsequently ab- ulses. : 18. All the diverse effective forces in operation, in or upon bodies, may act as statical forces, or dynamical forces. In the first case the impulses that fall upon the central atoms of the primitive molecules are reflected off again, either in electric or ethereal waves; and no transformation of motion from ethereal The dynamical energy of any moving mass, of either of the three varieties of matter, represents the previous expenditure of a certain amount of ethereal wave-force, and can disappear only in the act of transformation into an equivalent energy of either of the other two forms of matter; and each transformation ordi- narily soon gives place to another, and so never ending cycles of transformation are pine through. : When the pulses of radiant heat fall upon ordinary molecules — one portion of the wave-force is transmitted, another reflected, and a third absorbed. ,Absorption is of two kinds, general and W. A. Norton—Molecular and Cosmical Physics. 13 to the luminiferous ether. The collapse of an envelope is attended with vibratory movements of its individual atoms both toward and from the central nucleus, and at right angles to this line oy hia in rate with the position of the atom in the ich originate ethereal waves of diverse rates of Heat ; is eit by good aria te chiefly by waves of the electric ether passing over from molecular envelope to another; and hence the same pliynical: “oonititions which favor the conduction of heat should also favor the conduction of elec- tricity. Heat may also be slowly and imperfectly conducted by successive radiations from molecule to molecule through the a ether, with attendant absorptions by the molecular velopes ; when the density of the interstitial electric ether is £66 feeble to admit of direct conduction. 20. What is called the interior ae energy of a body of matter, in the mechanical theory of heat, is the mechanical or equivalent thermal energy capable of Weihiy expended, or given out, in a contraction of the mass after expansion, or in the con- densation of simple into compound molecules, or in the collapse nded molecular envelo When the expansion of en- vate has resulted srecitinr wees from an increased attraction between contiguous molecular envelopes, superinduced by an extraneous action (awed ical or the rmal), t the potential heat- energy absorbed will be eben to the attractive energy ex- pended. The work done, if any, in this case by the extraneous action in opposition to molecular resistances is altogether dis- tinct from this incidental effect. The mechanical stretching of wires, and liquefaction, with me esa absorption of heat, may be cited as illustrative e e hypothesis now in vomue that heat imparts vibratory movements to the atoms themselves of bodies, involves the assumption that the vibrations are as rapid, or approximately so, as the undulations of the heat-waves; which the comparatively sl ’ transmission of sound- vibrations, and the com- paratively feeble intensities of the elastic forces called into play in their transmission, renders in the highest degree improbable. y £ 14 W. A. Norton—Molecular and Cosmical Physics. 21. Waves of light and of the actinic force originate, like those of heat, in the vibratory ne of the atoms, or et by the spectroscope, may be chiefly ascribed to diversi- n the range and rate of variation of the intensity of the Seen acting on the atoms of the electric envelopes of molecules. The envelope of the molecule of each substance is in a specia condition of equilibrium, both asa whole and in oa its ape ; and any sald rea of it, by heat-waves for example, wi originate special rates and systems of vibration dacs ose its rate as a whole, or in subdivisions of greater or less extent, or in its individual atoms. Stationary all the conditions ripen cag (8 for the oe of the diverse in initial waves with the direct and reflex waves from other con- tiguous molecular envelopes may also play a certain part in the 2 RT Physicists have sought for a similar theoretical result by con- ceiving that the molecules of the vapor or gas are compound ; but the fact that each incandescent gas when sufficiently com- ressed gives a continuous spectrum, necessitates the supposi- tion that the gaseous molecule is composed of an indefinitel at number of simple molecules, which cannot be admitted. his conclusion cannot be avoided if we allow that to each rate of undulation of a ray belongs a particular degree of refrangi- ity. 93, The img 3 of the “Correlation of Forces,” is implied in the doctrine of convertible energy that has been briefly set forth (p. 12). It applies to the dynamic energies that have re- sulted from the operation of cosmical or molecular forces durin, certain previous intervals of time. These energies are over an above the forces attendant at any instant upon the natural statical condition or tendency of things; and hence are so many disturbances of the natural equilibrium, and as this always tends to assert itself, must continually manifest Poaseives in ——— with material movements, and these movements t be continually undergoing tra nsformations, wherever the moni masses ( whether of either of the two ethers or of ordin- ary sone come into contact with others at rest. 24. In the gaseous state of matter the only molecular force in ee Tg eae ine W. A. Norton—Molecular and Cosmical Physics. 15 operation is the heat-repulsion—the mutual attractive actions the molecular envelopes having become insensible. The law of Mariotte may be deduced from this theoretical principle in the following manner. Let m be a point in the enclosure against which the elastic pressure is exerted, and cmd a slightly divergent cone; all the gaseous particles lying within this cone will be the centers of heat-waves proceeding in all directions, and in the thermal equilibrium of the mass each molecule will radiate an amount of heat equal to that which it receives by absorption from surrounding molecules. There will acoatiea ae be a uniform wave-flow of heat from one layer ab of the SS mass to the next toward m, and thus the quantity of wave-force that falls on m is the same as if there were an unin- terrupted flow directly from one layer ab. Now if the density of the gas be doubled, the number of molecules, or wave-centers in any layer ab will be oubled, and hence the wave-force impinging on m will be doubled. The result is the same as if, for every such slightly divergent cone, there was a line of aerial particles moving with a certain uniform velocity and im- pinging upon m; the density of this representative line being proportional to the density of the gas. is dearer idea accords with the fndecnatiel hypothesis of the kinetic theory of gases. The known deviations from the strict i of the proportionality of the elastic pressure to the density may be ascribed to the fact that the mutual attractive action of the molecular envelopes becomes sensible when the density is greatly increased, and the distance be- tween the molecules approximates to Od (fig. 4, vol. iui, . 889 e well known experiment by Ss oule, which established that a gas expanding into a vacuum expe- riences no change of temperature, shows that the heat- energy lost in the expansion of the escaping gas is restored by the impact of the particles upon the enclos- as at a should obviously be the result if, as we have gaseous phenomena are entirely due to the — of “REIS A heat-repulsion, since the energy of the repulsive heat-waves expended in imparting velocity to the particles should be given out again when the motion of the particles is arrest It is obvious from the explanation above given of the law 2 Mariotte that if two different gases have the same temperature they will exert the same elastic outward pressure, provided the number of their molecules is the same for equal volumes; or, in other words, at the same temperature and pressure the num ber of ees: es in equal volumes of the two gases should be hes sadidie heat of different gases should be the same under 16 E. §. Dana on the Datolite from Bergen Hill, N. J. specific heats of compound gases, we should at the same time expect, would be greater than that of a simple gas. Art. IV.—On the Datolite from Bergen Hill, New Jersey; by Epwarp 8. Dana. With Plate L THE Bergen Hill tunnel is famous for the abundance, beauty, and variety of the minerals which it brought to light. Datolite, pectolite, calcite, analcite, apophyllite, natrolite, stilbite, and others were obtained there during its excavation in a degree o perfection rarely equaled by the pinion of any other local- ity. The crystallizations of datolite are especially remarkable; some of the surfaces covered with the brilliant crystals being eighteen to twenty-four inches in length.* e crystals are in general not over a third of an inch across, though they sometimes have a diameter of one inch. Those of a single specimen have always entire uniformity of habit. The datolite is associated on different specimens with most of the other species found at the same locality, but it was not found possible to obtain any facts which would throw light upon the influence of the associated minerals on the crystalline form. Among the varied forms, four different types may be distin- ished. a Figure 1 represents a very common and characteristic form. The crystals here are very thin, wedge-like, and are attached to the mass of rock approximately by the extremity of the clino- diagonal, though varying from that of the diagonal terminating between 2 and 2 on one side, to that between —4 and —4 on the other. From the position and shape of these crystals, they offer an unusual number of surfaces for the reflection of the light, and hence give the specimen a brilliant sparkling aspect, * — specimens of this kind occur in the collection of Mr. Haines of Eliza- ee er NEN fee ae Se ee a Pe mma ae e e s Se RN Set Pe ee ee eg ee EN Spee Kw Se Poe fe E. &. Dana on the Datolite from Bergen Hill, N. J. 17 which serves to distinguish them at a glance from all other forms. It is always els: no further modifications than those fgared having been observ Another and more snteretinig type is shown in figure 2. Tho crystals here are approximately equal in the three dimen- sions. The figure shows this form in its simplest condition. Other planes occur, viz: —2-7; also (as in fig. 3, which is a por- tion of a crystal with this habit) 2-1, 4-2, 4, 4, 3, 44, -8-2 ; these the crystals. c. Higure 14 represents a rare and quite unique form. The planes —2-2 and 2 are here most prominent, and when the J be- comes merely a line and 7-2 a minute triangle, as is sometimes the case, it has the aspect of a rhombohedron. The planes 2-2 and 2-9 are noticeable features of the figure, and are spoken of more particularly in another place. In addition to the planes figured, there occur on crystals of the same specimen, 1 very small, and 7-2, 7-2, 2-2 as mere lines. d. Another type of form, though not so distinct, is exhibited in figure 13. Under this type we seldom find the crystals of two specimens exactly similar, there being a great variation in the relative sizes and in the number of the P dene A very complex form of this type is bY. ager in fig. 8. € spec- ial points to be noted in crysta this habit are: the plane -2-4, which is often very large and almost invariably etched and therefore without pote and also the presence of the series —4-2, —4-4, —4-7 and —6-3, ~6-8, - 6-7 (fig. 4). The planes of the series last rietioad are very common, the two series frequently occurring together; and one of them at least is almost always present with the —2-. This peculiar range of planes above 77 oe not appear to have been met with on crystals from foreign ocalities. Under these four distinct types and their modifications, all the crystals of Bergen Hill datolite observed by the writer (on over two hundred specimens) can be includ e following is a list of all the planes obseryed ; in it, those marked with an asterisk (*) have not "been observed before: O (top) vertical prisms, q-t, 0-4,* 7-2,* Z + 1-2, ne * 44> or thodomes, —1-i, —4-2, —2-i, —4-4 8-1; 24; clino- domes, 4-4," 1-4, 4, *92 i, 4-2; ” hemi- at —4; ay dy i, $5" —42, 44 6-3," —6-3; 4-2;* _ 6-3 (?), 12-3; — $3, —8-2, 39 9-2: —4.3,* 33* 23: -& 219.* 3.5,* 9.4% (?), s* @).+ BA The plane 6-7, found by Hessenberg (Min. Not., rv, where it is designated #P «) on — from Bergen Hill, I have not observed except on crystals from Am, Jour. Sou —Tarxp Srrtss, Vou. IV, No. 1.—Juty, 1872. 18 E. &. Dana on the Datolite from Bergen Hill, N. J. Among the new planes, the following are determined by the zones in which they occur, as will be seen in the figures: O-§, 24 (fig. 4), 4-2 (fig. 8), ¢2 (fig. 14), —4-3 (fig. 8,) 3-8 (fig. 12),* 1-2 pe ae Sicchaa 1 and 1-2). OA1-1=171° 1’ (measure ae is e plane 7-2 consists of an oscillatory combination of 7-7 < 'L Other new vertical prisms are 7-4 (fig. 11), and 7-3 (fig. 8); 1-4 %-t = 170° 58’ ‘gece 171° 11’); +8 A7¢= 117° 39’ (measured = 117° 51’). 3 (fig. 8) is a new octahedral plane; OA 2=158° 36’ sabieisiate 158°50’). §-3 has always the shape and position shown in . figs. 9and 12; t-tr4 -8=108°4’ (measured =107°-108°) ; Ov §-8=188° 14’ (ere ee 188°). -6-3 (fig. 9) is on the edge between J and —4-2, consequently m=— n . SE | } the case did not admit of determination by measurement ; ta n is obviously less than 2 and greater than 1, and it is hence very probably equal to 3 , Which puts it in the same zone with 12-3. Between 4 a and 22 a rough plane was observed in one case. Here maa" +43 the plane gives an angle of 165° to 168° upon 2-2, and consequently n cannot be less than 3. A remarkable series of planes, usually convex (figs. 17), in the ne zone with —2-2, 2-1 and J (opposite —2- 3 having ins = often takes the place of the clinodome 2-%, which Boel present is very narrow. The common form of this +m-n plane (G) is convex ; starting from —2-i, where it makes on 7-7 an angle of about 95°, it curves around toward J, chang- ing in the value of m and n constantly till the intersections wit 4-4 and 1 become parallel and it makes an angle on 7-7 of 101° to 102°30’. This is represented in fig. 17, which is a front view of the plane. In fig. 14 we have a plane of this zone quite flat though unpolished, and giving on measurement the angle on t-t of 94° 80’-96°; its s ce oe is consequently }- 9 (required 95° 42’). Another plane of this zone, also sometimes occurring alone, as shown in fig. 16, a direct view of it, makes parallel intersec- Fis with 4-2 and 1, oe is hence 3 - ¢¢,5-5=100° 57. On e edge between §-5 and —2-7 the same crystal, a plane spice , fig. 16) which heat to the other part of @. Des Cloizeaux gives the planes y, , x, #, %, misapprehending the form which he tubes frome Doone Mineralogy; placed in the proper position y would become dh, x, g, ete. y (-2 2), however, he figures also from a crystal of Haytorite. * In figures 12 and 15 the crystal is represented in eesti gs ses necessary in order to show well the new planes. Ah la i a aac a a a ta a NS a ek a a ee FE. S. Dana on the Datolite from Bergen Hill, N. J. 19 The clinodome 4-2 is also occasionally wholly or in part re- placed by a convex +m-n plane (r), in the zone that includes 4, 248n' In fig. 6 the plane (r) occurs, though by the projection its shape is not satis- factorily shown. Measurement gives for tA71=91° 30/ to 92° 30’ near its intersection with —2-7; but for the larger part of the plane t,¢-2=97° —98°, and near its intersection with $ TALIS 107° 20’-108°.. The last angle corresponds to the plane 8.3 fh whose calculated inclination on 7-7 is 107° 36’; while the main part of the plane has for » probably 4, ret ing 8-4, which in- clines toward 7-7 at the angle 97° 81’. re may be included in t the plane ¢ -6, for which the same are is 95° 13’. The plane 1-2 belongs to the same zone; but its angle with ¢? is 103° 36’, and evidence of its presence ‘was not found, while that of 2-4 was sustained by the following observation. 4-2 and 4, which plane therefore has m= Between 1 and —2-7 a convex plane (y fig. 15) occurs, giving 7-?~7=105°-107°; from the zone we have m= - —1 This plane is in a zone between 1 and the position of 2-2, while 3-4 is in that between $ and 4-2 The two zones here cross, and if 7 is the plane common to them, it is $-4. That it is so is rendered almost certain by its angle of Sie a on 7-7, and its similarity to t in having a convex su he convex planes & and t replacing the clinodomes 2-2 and 4-1, sometimes occur together. In fig. 6, the intersections of O with the two planes t converge ackward, a necessary conse- quence of the oblique position of 1. The series of planes above 7-7, -4.i and -6-1 rand the adjoining In mee to the ae character of different planes, and their frequency of occurrence, I make a few additional remarks. The clinodiagonal hemi-octahedral planes and vertical prisms, almost without exception, are destitute of any polish, and often eg rough ; this is true also of —2-¢ ae: athe other oe —6-3 6-2 44,42, and 4 The nr mining planes, sche cecal exce tions, are well polished, ae ae e presence 0 wavy lines on t the surface in most. cases prevents vey cocce measurements, O, when of sufficient size to be well observed, is uniformly striated in two different directions, parallel to its intersections with the tahedral planes of the m series. In the crystals from which fig. 8 was drawn, it consisted of an oscilla- 26 E. &. Dana on the Datolite from Bergen Hiil, N. J. tory combination of O and 3, introducing so much irregularity as to make 4-7 at pty slightly triangular in shape. The planes T, 1-1, 4-2, , and 2 are never absent ; ore 2-i, O; 1 are very common; i, are 1, —6-4, —4-2, —4-4, —6-5, —6-3, a little less common ; 7-3, 7-2, —8-2, 4, (the last generally associated with the cameras planes), were observed o tenth of the specimens examined; —1-1, a. 4 2.9, #-4, on one-twentieth ; — 8-7, 7-2, 42, 3 2, 12, 7-3, are rare; and 7-4, 2-2, —6-3, —4-8, 3-3, are very ra The following ‘table of all the observed planes, ‘with the let- tering employed by different authors, is added for the sake of convenience of reference. Miller's letters are taken from Brooke and Miller’s Mineralogy (1852); eugene from Pogg. Ann xciv, 1855; Dauber, from Pogg., Ann., cili, 1858. The planes in this list that have not been found by the author on the Ber- gen Hill crystals, have their symbols in parentheses. fy 24, 12-4, hae 8, $-5 ? Dana. Mohs. Miller. Schreder. Dauber. Des Cl. oO 8 a 8 a h} it b c 6 c p (new 42 ea F a} Gregg e} ¢ e d d d a’ e! iy r r eo ef 12 6 r) | of et 73 (new) % b 0 b! g’ (—#) ok —it u y u ot age v of 2 a x a x o4 (—3i) Pa 0% —4t ¢ o —6t pe y 0} —8i z ¥ 0” (8%) a? (64) 2PaHess’b. 2 a at +i (new) it o o h§ fi t t t i’ 2i g g g g 8 (82) h 4i J m 4 m m (8) g° —4 r n _ n dt (—8) & é 4 n B’ ht 2 € é é e € 4 t 1 9’ d 1 ™ t iy B $ « wl Kk + (new) qangee win SPT gee Be peel E. S. Dana on the Datolite from Bergen Hill, N. J. 21 Dana. Mohs. Miller, Schreeder. Dauber. Des Cl. g (—$2) ‘ a i (h Gregg) Zz =eEer RNR —82 q g B g 29 h h a h & 14(2) (new) In the figures the axes have the positions and ‘the relative values adopted by Professor Dana, and the system of symbo employed is also the same. It is to be noticed that Lé adopted this position of the axes in his work on the Heuland Cabinet (1837), while other authors have taken 7-1 as O an made either 2-2 or 4-2 the fundamental prism. This position has the considerable advantage of giving the planes in vertical the . double the length of the vertical axis; the theoretical form would then approach more closely to the dimensions commonly occurring in the crystals. It is worthy of note that the planes of the fundamental plus octahedrons are represented by the terms in the series ¢ $ $ } 444; and excluding 8-2 and 3-2, two clinodomes mentioned b Des Cloizeaux, the clinodomes are all of the same series, thoug wanting thus far the members £ and 4. In the preparation of this article I have had the free use of the specimens of datolite in the cabinets of Yale College, Prof. G. J. Brush, Rev. E. Seymour of New York, and Mr. Benjamin 22 T. B. Brooks—Lower Silurian rocks Haines of New Jersey. The cabinet of Mr. Haines contains many hundred specimens, and I am greatly indebted to his gpeton for the privilege of examining them at my Acct To eymour and Professor Brush I would also express my gratefal acknowledgments. The complex form represented in figure 8 is from a crystal in the cabinet of Mr. Seymour. New Haven, Ct., May, 1872. Art. V.—On certain Lower Silurian rocks in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., which ue e grobaky older than the Potsdam Sandstone ; by T. ’B. BRoo A survey of the Caledonia and Keene iron mines at Keene Station, St. Lawrence county, New York, made by me in the spring of 1870, developed the following series of sedimentary conformable rocks, some of which are apparently older than the Potsdam In descending order the series is as follows:—Ist, A fine grained, somewhat friable light Bray, sometimes reddish, ait stone, which toward the bottom of the bed is often a quartz conglomerate. It is lighter colored and less firm, but otherwise resembles the sandstone quarried at Potsdam. The maxi- mum thickness observed was, say 40 feet, but the line separat- ing this rock from No. 2 was not always well-defined, and the surface was lowered from erosion. This rock is named by Dr. Emmons Potsdam sandstone page 93, Part rv, Geology of N. Y., where the Caledonia Mine is described under the name of the “ Parish ore bed.” 2nd, Next below this sandstone is the iron ore formation ; made up of red hematites, both specular and earthy, together with irregular lenticular masses of a brownish and very compact sandstone or quartzite, and a magnesian rock resem- bling No. 3 of this series. Associated with the ore are the car- nates of lime and iron and other minerals: carbonaceous mat- ter is shown by the analyses. This formation varied greatly in thickness in different localities, from a few feet to at least 40. The mines which are now extensively worked are in this formation. 8rd, Under the ore, and forming the foot wall of the mines, is a soft rock, generally schistoze or slaty, but sometimes massive in structure, of a green to grayish-green color, a lead te and rere porous where exposed in outcrops. It is ap- eyK wes oe rock, containing considerable graphite and iron regis ne esignated by Dr. Emmons as serpentine, and : a 5 “f Se ne ee Ee ee eee See in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. 23 with the overlying ore was regarded by him as eruptive. This schist, like the ore, varies greatly in thickness, the maximum observed being at least 90 feet. 4th, Below the schist is a bed of Naar eryevalne pad stone, white to light gray in color; often friable near the s face and weathering toadark color. It holds numerous aryaute of bronze colored mica and, still more abundantly, graphite in thin scales. The thickness of this formation is not less than 250 feet. 5th, Is a sandstone similar in character to No. 1, described above. The thickness ‘as uncertain, but one outcrop is exposed not less than 15 fe Dr. Emmons does not mention this rock, and I do not thinke a8 observed it, or he certainly would have men- tioned it in connection with his i igneous theory for the origin of limestones, inasmuch as it separates two deposits of his “ primi- ~ limestone.’ , Is a granular crystalline limestone closely resembling i 4 before describe d, but differing in containing in places irregular beds or veins of granite, composed of a white feldspar and quartz. A mineral resembling tremolite was observed in this formation. This association of limestone and granite is fully described by Dr. Emmons (pages 24 and 338 and 340), and seems to have afforded him the best arguments for his peculiar views regarding the origin of the limestone. The thickness of this bed could not be even approximately determined ; it is certainly thicker than the limestone already described. my survey was purely economic, having reference to explorations for iron ore, not much attention was paid to the thickness of the rocks below the ore. I consider that the series described has a minimum thickness of 700 feet, and probably much greater. raga bag this whole series and = bawnding not seen. This gneiss is a part of the great azoic area of north- ern New York, and is colored Laurentian on the geological map of Canada. It is lithologioally a totally different rock from the granite described above in No. 6 as associated with the marble, although Dr. Emmons seems to give them the same origin and e. No limestone was seen in it,—the feldspar was reddi and it always contained mica and often hornblende. This series of sandstones, limestones, and ferruginous and magnesian schists was not found complete, so as to display unmistakably the sequence of the beds except on one section, 1. ¢@., through the west corner of the Caledonia mine lot :—and there the 3nd and 3rd members were of less than usual thick- ness. The Laurentian gneiss was not seen on this section. At the Kearny mine the members of the series from 1 to 4 inclusive 24 T. B. Brooks—Lower Silurian rocks are well shown. At the Caledonia mine the 1st, 2nd and 8rd are well developed, as is also the case southeast of the Keene. At this latter pomt the magnesian schist No. 3 is seen in such close unc. to the gneiss as to render it probable that beds 4 e wanting. This could be explained by supposing eet Samegulanty in the bottom of the sea in which they were e Ihe whole series are folded, presenting several anticlinal and synclinal axes which run rudely parallel with the edge of the Laurentian area, i. e., northeast and southwest. On one sectiona half-mile long across the Caledonia and Kearney mines, no less than six such axes were observed. Prof. Dana oo - rocks of the Potsdam epoch in N ew York as having usual gentle dip or as nearly horizontal.” poy neice tote nee Bi not embrace the rocks at this locality. e place an outcrop of magnesian schist (No. 8) has a dip of 80°, indicating a very sharp fold. side from this, the inclinations observed varied from 0° to 40°. The upper sandstone has been eroded from considerable part of the area about the mines, exposing the ower rocks and affording a good st gag for stratigraphical study. The surface is quite hilly, the highest point ob- served being 120 feet above the valley at its ‘pile As has been remar r. Emmons describes formations Nos. 1, 2, and 3 in Geology of New York, Part Iv, page 93, under the cay tacts names of “ Potsdam Sandstone,” - Specu- lar Iron Ore “Serpentine.” He regards the last two as well as the Sean which underlies them as eruptive, and oes not seem to have observed the sandstone which divides the two limestone beds. The planes of bedding were occasion- ally obscure in the magnesian rock and sandstones, often so in the iron ore and marbles; but taken as a whole they cannot uppermost sandstone No. 1, « Potsdam,” as he has re cael done, and if he begins the Potsdam epoch at this locality wit the bottom of this sandstone, which is unquestionably his inten- tion, then the rock beds 2 to 6 inclusive are older than this so- called base of the Paleozoic column, This view would ibly make them the equivalents of the Taconic system of Emmons, and it is strengthened by the similarity in general lithological character. number and order of the beds between this series and that system as described, in Geology of New York, Part Iv, pages 138 to 144. It is hardly to be supposed, however, that Hesane would have passed over so promi- nent a suggestion ‘of his favorite system without recognizing it. sa in St. Lawrence Co., N. ¥. 25 There is no doubt but that his fis views regarding the rigin of limestones stood somewhat in the way of his seeing all the facts that this interesting dumtiew exhibits. His section of the Parish ore bed, page 93, ote Iv, does not represent the facts now to be observed. I found on magnesian schist where he has marked gneiss. It should be remarked, however, that there has been a large amount of work done of late years, revealing many additional facts. r. Emmons gives 60 to 300 feet as the minimum and maxi- mum thicknesses of the Potsdam sandstone in northern New York, and it has been described as diminishing in some in- stances to 20 or 80 feet. The prevailing rock observed in this region seems to have been a Latinas d sandstone, frequently having a conglomerate as its lower member. Nor have any rocks of different lithological character been ascribed to this ab in the region in question; although partly calcareous ers and even beds of true limestone have been observed in the upper rocks of this period in the northwest. The rocks I have described, therefore, have apparently too great a thickness — and show too wide a variation in lithological.character to be regarded as the equivalents of the Potsdam. Some forms, obtained from a calcareous layer the base of the upper sand- stone, which I thought might be organic, were pronounced by Dr. Newberry to be concretions. The ee ig of graphite was the only evidence of organic life obser The Potsdam quarries are only 35 wiles ‘northeasterly from the Rossie mines, and the country between was examine y mmons. He may have traced the sandstone throug stratigraphically. My own reconnaissance of this country leads me to believe that this could easily be accomplished. Should it be done, a point of considerable interest which would be incidentally settled is this:—Does the Potsdam sandstone in this 2yov eaycae his places, decidedly gneissic in character? y own hasty observations at the Sterling and Tate ore beds leads me to believe that it ‘does: if so, the Tate bed de- scribed by Dr. Emmons, pages 95 and 846, as being overlaid by gneiss, may be found to be the equivalent of the Rossie beds, which I believe to be “the ease. ‘The ores are certainly very similar. This Tate bed confirmed Dr. aA and with go reason, in his view, that the iron ores were of “primitive age,” lying either in or immediately on top of the great gneissic seri AE bearing on this subject, I would mention that the iron ores of the Siirernee: district in Crawford and Phelps Co., o., bear a close resemblance to those of Rossie, and work equall well in the furnace. The Missouri ore contains con- siderable yellow ochre, which is less abundant at Rossie; but 26 A. W. Wright—Production of Ozone with Hleciricity. the specular and earthy red hematites are nearly identical - and unlike any other iron ore I have seen. A sandstone associ- ated with the Missouri ores is very similar to the Pots- dam in lithological character, and the series is, I believe, regarded by the Missouri geologists as of Lower Silurian age. ron ores are described as occurring in the Potsdam period of Canada, but I do not know of any ore in the United States which the Geological Reports assign to that period. Art. VL—Ona simple Apparatus for the Production of Ozone with Electricity of high tension; by Prof. ArnrHur W. RIGHT. EXPERIMENT has shown that in the production of ozone by electricity the maximum amount of oxygen is ozonized by the silent or glow discharge, and most of the forms of apparatus by which this is effected are contrivances by which oxygen is made to flow slowly through a space traversed by such a discharge. n y. Babo’s apparatus, as well as in those of Siemens and Houzeau, the metallic conductors are separated by glass and a stratum of air. By inductive action of the charged metallic surfaces the intervening air becomes charged with electricity oppositely upon its two sides, and simultaneously with the discharge of the metallic terminals, through the wire of the coil, a discharge takes place through the air, not in the form of sparks, but diffusely, producing a glow of purplish light, visible only in the dark. _ These apparatus succeed best with electricity of compara- tively low tension. In using the Holtz’s electro-machine with them the discharge is apt to occur chiefly in the form of sparks through the air, or it may even traverse and perforate the glass, and the form of the apparatus must be varied to give the best results. _ When the poles of the machine itself are separated to a suffi- cient distance the electricity passes between ee either in the rm of a diffuse brush, spanning the whole interval, or with a very minute brush upon the negative pole, and a glow upon the positive, the intermediate space not being visibly luminous. is is the so-called dark or silent discharge, exhibiting the phenomena of the electric shadow when suitable objects are interposed, as described in a former paper.* When this occurs the strong odor shows that a considerable amount of the atmos- pheric oxygen is converted into ozone. * This Journal, II, xlix, p. 381, and III, i, p. 437. A. W. Wright—Production of Ozone with Electricity. 27 an annular space of some two or three millimeters breadth around it. The gas is admitted through one of the branch tubes and escapes from the other, after having passed through the whole length of the tube. n using the apparatus the wires must be connected with the poles of the machine in such a manner that the disk becomes the hegative terminal, as this arrangement gives the greatest degree of expansion and diffuseness to the current. On turning the machine, and adjusting the ball and disk to a proper distance, a nebulous aigrette surrounds the latter, quite filling the inter- val between it and the wall of the tube, while the part of the tube between the disk and ball is crowded with innumerable hazy streams converging upon the positive pole, or simply caus- ing the latter to be covered with a faint glow. A current of air or oxygen sent into the tube must pass through this, and ozone is very rapidly produced, and in great quantity. The condensers are of course not used with the machine, when this apparatus is employed. ere appears to be an advantage in causing the oxygen to pass from the negative toward the positive within the tube, for the gas through which the discharge pone is transported in the contrary direction, as may be readily seen on bringing a candle flame between the au Hh of the machine, or causing a in column of smoke to rise through the polar interval. The flame and the smoke are deflected, and stream off toward the Negative pole. If the gas should be admitted in the direction mentioned, { there would be a tendency to obstruct its flow some- 28. A. W. Wright—Production of Ozone with Electricity. but required a considerably longer time for the change. WwW chénbein’s test solution is employed the deep blue color is immediately produced, but the solution is too thick to work well if the starch has been heated considerably, or for a long time, in making it. A better proportion is to take one part of potassic iodide by weight, ten parts of starch, and five thousand parts of water. This forms a milky solution, suffi- ciently mobile to mix well when the ozonized air bubbles through it. When 100 cubic centimeters of this solution were used, and air passed through the apparatus as before, the blue color appeared at once on = uaptin of electricity, and in 30 seconds it was deeply colored. ith dry oxygen the effects were much more rapid and re- markable. 100 cubic centimeters of the solution were used, as before. The instant the machine was put in action the liquid about the end of the delivery tube became deep blue, and in from ten to fifteen seconds the whole had acquired a uniform and intense blue color. The summer moisture having interfered somewhat with the effective working of the electro-machine, there has been no Opportunity to determine the percentage of ozone produced in this manner, but it appears to be very large. When dry oxy- gen is passed through the tube very slowly, the issuing gas when inhaled produces a painful burning sensation in the lungs, and causes violent coughing, which persists for a considerable me. When oxvgen is used it is found that the electrodes must be separated to a much greater distance than is necessary for air, otherwise x etal toe and destroy a large proportion of the a ormed. were separated about 11% centimeters. When the tube was filled with air and the poles were 7 or 8 centimeters apart the A. W. Wright on the Action of Ozone, ete. 29 discharge was of the silent kind, but on admitting oxygen it immediately took the form of direct sparks. The quantity of the solution used ih these experiments was much greater than would be needed in order to exhibit the characteristic reactions of ozone to an audience of moderate size. Art. VIL—On the Action of Ozone upon Vulcanized Caoutchouc ; by Prof’ ArTHUR W. WRIGHT. _ IN using the Holtz’s electro-machine, in the summer season, it is often very difficult to make it retain any considerable charge, or even to keep up its action for more than a minutes. The ebonite insulators are found to have lost in a e degree their insulating power, and to have become con- the warmer portion of the year unused. The surface of the ebonite becomes hygroscopic, condensing upon itself a large amount of moisture, the accumulated liquid being sometimes So abundant as to trickle down in drops. aving noticed on one occasion that this liquid had an acid I was led to examine it more closely, and the ordinary tests very speedily showed it to be sulphuric acid. Its pres- ence was a sufficient explanation of the defective insulation. Similar deposits of moisture were found upon the ebonite ty of two induction coils some time after they had been As nothing containing sulphur had been used about the apparatus, the acid was ovidasie derived from the ebonite self The first thought was that the material had been heated in the process of vulcanization sufficiently to oxidize the sul- hur; but as the sulphurous oxide, if thus formed, would be 30 A. W. Wright on the Action of Ozone, ete. attacked and quickly perforated by it. It seemed most prob- able then that the acid was the result of the action of the ozone upon the insulators, and experiments were made which entirely confirmed this supposition. To the exit-tube of the ozonizing apparatus described in the previous paper was attached one end of a vulcanized rubber tube a few inches long, the other end being slipped upon the glass tube of a small wash-bottle containing some thirty or forty cubic centimeters of water. Air was slowly driven through the apparatus, and, having been strongly ozonized by the action of the electricity, bubbled up through the water. is was continued for an hour and a half. At the end of this time common air was passed through the apparatus to dis- pe the ozone left in it, the tubes were removed, and the * time afterward, there was an unmistakable odor of sulphur- slightest evidence of any action upon the sulphur could be detected is was what might have been expected, for as the air often contains a small percentage of ozone, sulphur exposed to it would undergo slow alteration, with loss of weight, and it does not appear that anything of the kind has ever been observed. It is evident that while the ebonite is undergoing decomposi- tion by the ozone, the oxygen combines with the issuing sul- phur to form sulphurous oxide, which with the atmospheric moisture produces sulphurous acid, this in turn being converted into sulphuric acid by the further action of the ozone. The J. D. Dana— Oceanic Coral Island Subsidence. 31 absorption of moisture from the atmosphere by the sulphuric acid produces the dew-like deposits observed. The deleterious effect upon the insulators can be remedied by neutralizing the acid with some substance which will not form a hygroscopic compound or essentially lessen the insulat- ing power of the ebonite. I have used oxide and carbonate of magnesium with very good effect. A little of either of these substances in fine powder is sprinkled upon a soft cloth or piece of chamois leather and rubbed over the insulators. T € excess is removed with a wet cloth, and the surface, after drying, cleaned and polished by rubbing with a soft woolen cloth very slightly moistened with carbonic di-sulphide. As the ebonite is attacked by the latter substance, care should be served, in employing it, to use only so much as is needed to facilitate the polishing process without injuring the surface. The ebonite may be somewhat discolored by these operations, but the color cah be restored by rubbing with a little oil, or will return of itself after a time. good results. On one occasion, early last autumn, when the electro-machine had not been used for some months, the sparks under-water prolongation, longer than that above water: the line of the Hawaiian Islands, for example, which has a am ce" of Only four hundred miles from Hawaii to Kauai, and five hundred and thirty to Bird Island, the western rocky islet of the group, but stretches on westward, as the coral registers show, * From the closing chapter of the writer's work on Corals and Coral Islands, (Pp. 364-372), recently published by Dodd & Mead, New York. 82 J. D. Dana—Oceanie Coral Island Subsidence. even to a distance of two thousand miles from Hawaii, or as: far as from New York to Salt Lake City; and how much farther is unknown, as the line of coral islands here passes the boundary of the coral reef seas, or the region where coral records are possible. 2 ther ranges of submerged summits are shown to extend through the whole central Pacific, even where not a rocky peak remains above the surface; for all the coral islands from the eastern Paumotus to Wakes Island, near long. 170° E. and lat. 19° N., north of the Ralick and Radack (or Marshall) groups, are in linear ranges: and they have, along with the equally linear ranges of high islands just south, a nearly uniform trend, curving into northwest and north-northwest at the western ex- tremity. The coral islands consequently cap the summits of linear ranges of elevations, and all these linear ranges together constitute a grand chain of heights, the whole over five thousand miles in length. Thus, the coral islands are records of the earth’s submarine orography, as well as of slow changes of level in the ocean’s bottom. This coral island subsidence is an example of one of the great secular movements of the earth’s crust. The axis of the subsiding area* has a length of more than six thousand miles scoquel to one-quarter of the circumference of the globe; and the breadth, reckoning only from the Sandwich Islands to the Friendly Group (or to Tongatabu) is over twenty-five hundred miles, thus equalling the width of the North American con- tinent. A movement of such extent, involving so large a part of the earth’s crust, could not have been a local change of level, but one in which the whole sphere was concerned as a unit ; for all parts, whether participating or not, must have in some way been in sympathy. with it. his subsidence was in progress, in all probability, during the Glacial era, the thickness of the reefs proving that in their origin they run back through a very long age, if not also into the Tertiary. It was a downward movement for the tropical Pacific, and perhaps for the warmer latitudes of all the oceanic areas, while the more northern continental lands, or at least those of North America, were making their upward movement, preparatory to or during that era of ice. he subsidence connected with the origin of coral islands and barrier reefs in the Pacific has been shownt+ to have amounted to several thousands of feet, perhaps full ten thou- sand. And, it may be here repeated that, although this sounds large, the change of level is not greater than the elevation whi * The position of this area is stated on page 328 of the volume on Corals and Coral Islands. ~ + Ibid, p. 329. J. D. Dana— Oceanic Coral Island Subsidence. oo the Rocky Mountains, Andes, Alps and Himalayas have each experienced since the close of the Cretaceous era, or the early Tertiary ; and perhaps it does not exceed the upward bulging in the Glacial era of part of northern North America. The author has presented reasons for believing* that in this Glacial era the watershed of Canada, between the River St. Lawrence and Hudson’s Bay, was raised at least 5,500 feet above its present level (1,500 feet); and that this plateau thus elevated was the origin of the great glacier which moved south- eastward over New England. This region is the summit of the eastern arm of the great V-shaped Azoic area of the continent, The idea that the two arms of the great Azoic V were raised together, is not without some support. For the courses of the two were the courses of great continental uplifts or movements, 4gain and again, through the successive subsequent ages; an the present outline of the continent is but the final expression of the great fact; moreover, the elevations parallel to the western arm of the V have been much the greatest. Even the exceptional courses, such as the nearly north and south trend of the Green Mountains, were marked out first in the Azoic, ore. It is therefore reasonable that, late in geological his- tory, during the Glacial era, after the great mountain chains of * This Journal, IIT, ii, 1871. AM. Jour. 8ct.—Turep Series, Vou. IV, No. 19.—Jcxy, 1872. 3 84 J. D. Dana-—— Oceanic Coral Island Subsidence. the continent had been made and raised to their full height, and the surface crust thickened over all the continent, except that of the Azoic nucleus, by successive beds to a thickness of thousands of feet, even thirty-five thousand by the close of the Paleozoic along the Appalachians, and probably much beyond this on the Pacific border; and-when these thick sediments had in many regions been stiffened by crystallization or metamor- hism; I say it is reasonable that, finally, changes of level, through the working of the old system of forces, should again have affected most the old nucleal Azoic area of the continent, where there had been no thickening except what had taken a internally ; and that, if one arm of the V, that along the anadian watershed, were raised at this time—as the facts prove—the other, northwestern in trend, should also have been raised, and to a greaterextent. This is at least probable enough to become a question for special examination over the region. These northern continental upward movements which intro- duced the Glacial era, carrying the Arctic far toward the tropics, may have been a balance to the downward oceanic movements that resulted in the formation of the Pacific atolls. hile the crust was arching upward over the former (not ris- ing into mountains, but simply arching upward), it may have been bending downward over the vast central area of the great n. The changes which took place, cotemporaneously, in the Atlantic tropics, are very imperfectly recorded. The Bahamas show by their form and position that they cover a submerged land of large area stretching over six hundred miles from north- west to southeast. The long line of reefs and the Florida Keys, trending far awa i dence that this Florida region participated in the downward banks, and also the blankness of the ocean’s surface, all appear to bear evidence to a great subsidence. The peninsula of Florida, Cuba, and the Bahamas look, as they lie together, as if all were once part of a greater Florida or southeastern prolongation of the continent. The northwestern and southwestern trends, characterizing the great features of the American continent, run through the whole like a w and woof structure, binding them together in one system ; the former trend, the northwest, existing in Florida and the Bahamas, and J. D. Dana—Oceanic Coral Island Subsidence. 85 the main line of Cuba; and the latter course, the west-southwest, mm cross lines of islands in the Bahamas (one at the north ex- tremity, another in the line of Nassau, and others to the south- east), in the high lands of northwestern and southeastern Cuba, and in the Florida line of reefs, and even further, in a sub- merged ridge between Florida and Cuba. This combination of the two continental trends shows that the lands are one in sys- tem, if they were never one in continuous dry land. We cannot here infer that there was a reguiar increase of subsidence from Florida eastward, or that Florida and Cuba participated in it equally with the intermediate or adjoining seas ; for the facts in the Pacific have shown that the subsiding oceanic area had its nearly parallel bands of greater and less subsidence, that areas of greatest sinking alternated with others of less, as explained on page 828; and that the groups of high islands are along the bands of least sinking. So in the Atlantic, the subsidence was probably much greater between Florida and uba than in the peninsula of Florida itself; and greater along the Caribbean Sea parallel with Cuba, as well as along the ei have taken place about it; for it is not natural for an | Wenty miles to the southwest-by-west from the Bermudas, there are two submerged banks, twenty to forty-seven fathoms under water, showing that the Bermudas are not completely alone, and demonstrating that they cover a summit in a range of heights; and it may have been a long range. . ,+D the Indian ocean, again, there is evidence that the coral- island subsidence was one that affected the oceanic area more than the adjoining borders of the continent, and most, the cen- tral parts of the ocean. For, in the first place, the Archipelago of the Maldives narrows and deepens to the southward. Fur- ther, the large Chagos Group, lying to the south of the Maldives, “8 remarked upon by Darwin, contains but very little dry lan M any of its extensive reefs, while some of them, including the Great Chagos Bank, are sunken atolls. Again, still other large reefs n ly , lie to the southwest of the Chagos Group; while Keeling’s is another outlying atoll southwest of southern Sumatra and far ont toward mid-ocean. 86 J. D. Dana—Oceanie Coral Island Subsidence. The probability is, therefore, that both the central Atlantic and Indian Oceans were regions of this subsidence, like the central Pacific, and that the absence of islands over a large part of their interiors may be a consequence of it. rate of sinking exceeding five feet in a thousand years (if my estimate from the growth of corals is right) would have buried islands and reefs together in the ocean; while, with a slower rate, the reefs might have kept themselves at the water’s surface. So small may have been the difference of rate in the great move- ment that covered the Pacific with coral islands, but left the Indian Ocean a region of comparatively barren waters, with some “half-drowned” atolls, and the central Atlantic almost wholly a blank. While thus seeming to prove that all the great oceans have their buried lands, we are far from establishing that these lands were oceanic continents. For as the author has elsewhere shown, the rofoundest facts in the earth’s history prove that the oceans ocean that are not of coral origin. The course of argument leads us to the belief that a very large number of islands, more than has been supposed, lie bur- ied in the ocean. Coral islands give us the location of many of these lands; but still we know little of the extent to which the earth’s ranges of heights, or at least of volcanic peaks, have dis- appeared through oceanic subsidence. Recent dredgings and soundings have proved that the bottom of the oceanic basin has little of the diversity of mountain chains and valleys that prevail over the continents; and, through this observation (and also by the discovery that some ancient types of animal life, supposed to have been long extinct, are perpetuated there), they have afforded new demonstration of the proposition, above sta- ted, that the oceans have always been oceans. But while the facts do not imply the existence deep in the ocean of many granitic mountain chains, they do teach that there are long ranges, or lines, of volcanic ridges and peaks, and some of these es be among the discoveries of future dredging expeditions. range of deep-sea cones, or sunken voleanic islands, would be as interesting a discovery as a deep-sea sponge or coral, even if it should refuse, excepting perhaps a mere fragment, to come to the surface in the dredge. e may also accept, with some confidence, the conclusion that atolls and barrier reefs originated in the same great bal- ance-like movement of the earth's crust that gave elevation and cold, in the Glacial era, to high-latitude lands. If so, the tropics and the colder latitudes were performing their several ‘ A. M. Mayer—Boundary of a Wave of Conducted Heat. 87 works simultaneously in preparation for the coming era; and it is a gain to us in our contemplations, that we hence may bal- ance the beauty and repose of the tropics, through all the pro- gressing changes, against the prolehged scenes of glacial deso- lation that prevailed over large portions of the continents. Art. IX.—On a precise Method of tracing the Progress and of determining the Boundary of a Wave of Conducted Heat; b LFRED M. Mayer, Ph.D., Professor of Physics in the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J. _ In 1870 Meusel experimented on the formation of double todides, and on the remarkable changes of color produced in these bodies by heat.* He prepared a double iodide of copper that experimented on by me) turns to a deep chocolate brown on heating to about 70° ©. In order forcibly to exhibit this change of color, Boettger moistened the iodide with weak gum Water, and painted it on paper; on heating the latter, the change of color is produced, and on cooling, the iodide regains its former brilliancy. Dr. G. F. Barker had the kindness to present me with a card So prepared, and on experimenting with it I soon perceived the valuable means it afforded of tracing the progress and of deter- mining the boundary of a wave of sontacred heat. To Dr. ker I am also indebted for the iodide used in the experi- ments I here present. The first use I made of this substance was to track the heat conducted by bars and plates of metal,+ and the sharpness of the boundary of the colors instigated me to test the value of 18 mode of experiment, by applying it to a determination of the elliptical contour of the isothermal of conduction, in the Principal section of a quartz crystal. : Stee harmont, in his beautiful researches on this subject (Ann. de Ch. et de Ph., 3¢ S., t. xxi, xxii), has carefully determined the ratio of the axes of this elliptical figure, by coating a thin Sngitudinal section of the crystal with wax, and leading through it a silver wire, by means of which heat was brought - Ber. Berl. Chem. Ges, iii, 123, 1870. Bul. Soc. Oh., H, xiii, 220, 1870. J. Pr. Ti. ii, 136, Aug, 1870. He iodide is decomposed by contact with certain metals; these should be ‘balan With a film of collodion, or electrotyped with copper before applying the. 88 A. UM. Mayer—Boundary of a Wave of Conducted Heat. Exp. Major Axis. Minor Axis. Ratios. ] 12°50 9°75 1°28 % 11°60 8°50 1°35 3 10°00 7°50 1°33 4 12°00 9°00 1°33 5 13°75 10°00 1°37 6 18°00 14°00 1°29 7 15°00 12°00 1°25 8 9°75 7°50 1°30 1°31 Mean Ratio. Sénarmont, in the above experiments, used every precaution to attain accurate results. He screened the plate from draughts of air and from radiations; kept the plate horizontal and_fre- ee. rotated it around its heated wire. After the ellipse had become constant in its form, he allowed the plate to cool, and then measured the axes of the ellipse by means of a micrometer. In the experiments which follow, I used a quartz: plate 27™" long, 22™™ wide, and whose thickness was 1:2™™. Its center of figure was pierced by a hole 1:°25™™ in diameter, through which nied the foo) ia gd a oa 1 spots to chocolate color. Dark red, with spots of 0 . . 7 * > Rae aah! ides 3) Th oy ecslake coke, 2 : ‘ , Whole surface of a deep 70 24°0 16°87 r= 0 eo | 72°: 260 17°62 pee 6 Deep purplish brown. 75° 26°25 18°62 Ba we 100° 45°0 30°5 ee an 5 3 e The last experiment, in which the temperature of the surface was 100°, gave deflections so far exceeding those produced before that I sought to pense them comparable by removing the hot water cube to a greater apt from the thermo-battery, when I obtained the following ra Temp. Lamp-black. Iodide. Ratio. 100° 20° 13°41° L367 The result was the same ratio as apa ee obtained. These ? light, does not appear to have any action on its power of radiating the rays of heat of low intensity. I intend, however, to return to this investigation, provided with an apparatus giving the differential actions of two cubes, and having a - carefully calibrated galvanometer, and with this arrangement to test the reflecting as well as the radiating power of this and other iodides. Several applications of this iodide for showing elevations of temperature will naturally present themselves; for example, Foucault's experiment of the heating of a copper disc, when rotating in the magnetic field, can “be exhibited to a large audience by painting the dise with this iodide; on the dise attaining 70° C., the brilliant scarlet will ehange to a deep . brown, to regain {its former brilliant hue on coolin A more useful application may be made of this, or of several other more appropriate metallic compounds, by painting them on the pillow-blocks, and other parts of machines which are liable to injurious heating from friction. Thus the machinist can, from the colors of these paints, ascertain the temperature of these sometimes inaccessible parts of moving machines. May 20, 1872. TL. S. Hunt on the Criticisms of Prof, Dana. 41 Art. X.—Remarks on the late Criticisms of Prof. Dana; by T. Sterry Hunt, LL.D., F.R.S. In this Journal for February last (p. 86) Prof. Dana has criticized certain points in my address “On the Geognosy of the Appalachians and the Origin of Crystalline Rocks,” given in August, 1871, at Indianapolis, before the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science. I am charged by him with rejecting, for many mineral silicates, the view that they case we may say, with Prof. Warrington Smyth, that in these intermediate forms “lie the materials for a history ;” while we venture, with him, to express a doubt whether, from a series of Specimens supposed to show a transition from chrysolite to Serpentine, or from hornblende to chlorite, “we are obliged to Conclude that there has been, historically speaking, an actual transition from the one to the other.” [See his anniversary 1867 |" as president of the Geological Society of London, in Prof. Dana says that Scheerer is the only one who shares my Peculiar views on this question. I have, however, asserted in and shall endeavor to make good my assertion. In his essay on P seudomorphs, published in 1859 [Ann. des Mines, V, xvi, 317-392], Delesse begins his argument by remarking that since, 'N Some cases, a mineral is found to be surrounded by another Clearly r sulting from its alteration (as for example anhydrite Y Sypsum), certain mineralogists have supposed that wherever one mineral encloses another there has been epigenesis or pseu- domorphous alteration, Such, he says, may sometimes be th case, but it is easy to see that it is not so habitually. A crys- 42 T. 8. Hunt on the Criticisms of Prof. Dana. tallized mineral species frequently includes a large and even a predominating portion of another, and the combination is then considered by many as an example of partial pseudomorphous alteration. In such instances, remarks Delesse, the question arises whether we have to do with the results of envelopment, or of chemical alteration ; to resolve which it becomes necessary to study carefully the pro oblem of envelopment. He then pro- ceeds to show that the enveloped substance is, in some cases, erystalline (and arranged either symmetrically or asymmetri- cally with regard to the enveloping mass), and in other cases amorphous, and enclosed like the sand-grains which predominate in the calcite crystals of Fontainebleau: The difficulty im deciding whether we have to do with envelopment or with epigenesis increases when the enveloped mineral becomes so abundant as to obscure the enveloping species, or when it becomes mixed with it in so intimate a manner as to seem one with the latter, (se fondre insensiblement avec lui). The propor- tions of the enveloped and the enveloping mineral, we are told, may so far renee that the one or the other is no longer recognizable. - ‘As the forces which downing erystallization have a great asides the ae mineral is = pages iy 339, 341, 53]. Our author then proceeds to tell us that having carefully- idions in numerous specimens, the supposed mica-pseudo- morphs. of iolite, andalusite, sig pyroxene, hornblende, ete., he regards them, a as in all cases, examples of envelopment, and expresses the opinion that we must omit from our lists a great number of the so-called pseudomorphous minerals, especially among the silicates. The final result of the process of envelop- ment is, according to Delesse, this—to give rise to mixed min- eral cs owing their external _ = at crystallizing T. &. Hunt on the Oriticisms of Prof. Dana. 43 are in reality examples of isomorphism” [pages 364, 365 Referring to the well-known investigations of Mitscherlich 9 the crystallizing together, in all proportions, of isomor- phous species, and of the symmetrical crystallization of one salt around a nucleus of another isomorphous with it, Delesse sug- gests that the different forms and varieties of hornblendie and pyroxenic minerals afford many examples of the kind. He then adds, “ If, as Scheerer has remarked, water plays in silicates the part of a base, anhydrous silicates may erystallize at the ‘somorphism, or homceomorphism, the association with pyroxene of the hydrous species, schiller-spar, as well as that “of vari- We may cite from Scheerer, as examples of what he call were isomorphism, the association (in the same crystals) of We have thus endeavored to set forth, chiefly in his own words, the views enunciated in 1859 by Delesse, according to Whom the phenomena of so-called pseudomorphism among — exposé notre maniére de voir), he says, ‘ We hasten to ad aia these facts may also be explained in a manner altogether ttferent (peuvent aussi s'interpreter d'une mantere toute différ- 859). . That ‘the « pseudomorphism” of the authors just named ao. Dana or myseif who has misrepresented or misunderstoo less “ eee Ty : diffuse memoir of the latter, from which we have quoted, is it T. S. Hunt on the Criticisms of Prof. Dana. wanting in unity of plan and purpose; and that parts of it, if we may hazard a conjecture, seem to have been written while he still inclined to the views of the opposite school. From the e of pseudomorphs which he has given, and from many passages in the text, it might be inferred that he then held the notions of Rose, Haidinger, ete., which he elsewhere, in the same paper, speaks of as being entirely different from his own. The views of Delesse, about this time, underwent a great change, which has a historic importance in connection with those which I advocate. When, in 1857 and 1858, he published the first and second parts of his admirable series of studies on metamor- phism, Delesse held, in common with nearly every geologist of the time, to the eruptive origin of serpentine and the related magnesian rocks. Serpentine was then classed by him with other ‘‘trappean rocks;’ and he elsewhere asserted that ‘“ granitic and trappean rocks” undergo in certain cases a change, near their contact with the enclosing rock, by which they lose silica, alumina and alkalies, and acquire magnesia and water, being thus changed into a magnesian silicate; which may take the form of saponite, serpentine, tale or chlorite. [Ann. des Mines, V, xii, 509; xiii, 398, 415]. It would be difficult to state more distinctly the view, which he then held, of the origin of these magnesian rocks and minerals by the chemical alteration ms ticed, in which, in place of the theory of epigenic pseudomor- feantion of various mineral silicates, taught by the German school, he brought forward, in explanation of the facts upon which this was based, another theory, which was only * extension of that already maintained by Scheerer and myself. It was not until 1861 that Delesse published the last part of his studies on metamorphism, which appeared in the Memoirs maintaining, as in 1858, that they are derived from the latter, Delesse, in 1861, asserts, on the contrary, that ‘the plutonic T. S. Hunt on the Criticisms of Prof. Dana. 45 rocks are formed from the metamorphic rocks, and represent the maximum of intensity, or extreme limit of metamor- ism.” Journal for March, 1860 [II, xxix, 284] and more fully in the nadian Naturalist for Jane, 1860 [also in this Journal, xxxii, 56], where it was pointed out that steatite, chlorite and serpen- tine were probably derived from sediments similar to the mag- a Silicates found among the tertiary beds in the vicinity of aris, the so-called magnesian clays. Ye have seen that these various novel views, put forth by me in 1859 and 1860, though totally different from those taught : followin e origin of ontine. He g nearly Delesse” as to the origin of serpen : also asserts that I “make Delesse the author of the theory of 46 T. S. Hunt on the Criticisms of Prof: Dana. which the theory of metamorphism by alteration has been built, are, for the most part, examples of association and en- velopment, and the result of a contemporaneous and original erystallization,—is identical with the view suggested by Scheerer in 1846, and generalized by myself, when, in 1853, I sought to explain the phenomena in question by the association and crys- tallizing together of homologous and isomorphous species.” To Delesse therefore belongs the merit not of having suggested the notion of envelopment in this connection, but of ha aving pointed out the bearing of the pbhocate tie ts 6 senishiereaackan: and amorphous species on the question befo Prof. Dana moreover asserts that while Silewice is the onl one who maintains similar views to myself, I, in common wit all other chemists, reject the chemical speculations which lie at the base of his views. On the contrary, unlike most chemists, who have failed to see the great principle which underlies Scheerer’s doctrine of po re ae ism, I have main- Jo iffer by nM, nH,O,, may cag those differing by »C,), have fa of homo ogy, and moreover be isomor- phous. The existence of these same — was further maintained and exemplified in sel tomic Volumes, read by me before she French Aca ct of Sciences and ub- stone to dolomite, and im doumaia to serpentine ; or more directly from granite, granulite or diorite to serpentine at once, without passing through the intermediate stages of limestone and dolomite ;’—“ part of which transformations,” says Prof. Dana, ~ phe one, had never conceived ; and Rose, Haidinger, Rammelsberg, and probably Blum, and the | many others,’ ” h pret st udiate them asstrongly as myself.” The ‘ many other ers,’ as he a ee remarks, are “ other writers on pseudomorphism,” among whom it would be unjust not to name their progenitor, Breithaupt, von Rath and Miller, at the same time with Volger and Bischof. According to Prof. Dana, I “add to the misrep- T. S. Hunt on the Criticisms of Prof. Dana. 47 resentation by means of the strange conclusion that because such writers hold that crystals may undergo certain alterations in composition, therefore they beleve that rocks of the same constitution may undergo the same changes.” This “strange conclusion” I have always supposed to be Prof, Dana’s own, 0 one has perhaps asserted it so clearly or so broadly as him- self, and I shall therefore quote his own words in my justifica- tion. As early as 1845, in an article entitled ‘‘ Observations on Pseudomorphism,” [this Journal I, xlviii, 92] he wrote: “The Same process which has altered a few crystals to quartz has dis- tributed silica to fossils without number, scattered through rocks of all ages. The same causes that have originated the steatitic Scapolites, occasionally picked out of the rocks, have given magnesia to whole rock-formations, and altered, throughout, their physical and chemical characters. If it be true that the crystals of serpentine are pseudomorphous crystals, altered from chrysolite, it is also true, as Breithaupt has suggested, that the 2 process of pseudomorphism, or in more general language, of meta- morphism; the sa i i ism, as it bears on all erystalline rocks, and of pseudomorphism, are but branches of one system of phenomena.” If there could be honing especially the first one, in which, he says, “‘ metamor- wm ws spoken yr as pseudomorphism en a broad scale.” {This Journal, If, xxv, 445}. Prof. Dana, when in his last criticism of me, fourteen years after the one just uoted, he reproaches me with having charged him with hol ing the doctrine that “regional metamorphism is Pseudomorphism on a grand scale ;” and declares that he makes no such remark, neither expresses the sentiment in his Mineral- By of 1854, 48 T. 8. Hunt on the Criticisms of Prof. Dana. With these citations before us, and remembering the views Scheerer, and the later ones of Delesse, together with the lan- guage of the latter in his essay on Pseudomorphs, let us no- tice the words of Naumann, addressed to Delesse in 1861, in allusion to the essay in question. “Permit me to express to ou my satisfaction for the ideas enunciated in your memoir on seudomorphs, ideas which my friend Scheerer will doubtless share with myself” (idées gue mon ami M. Scheerer partagera sans doute comme mot-méeme). en follows the language which I have quoted in my address, in which he combats the error of those who hold that gniesses, amphibolites, and other crystalline rocks are “the results of metamorphic epigenesis, and not ori- ginal rocks,” and adds, “It is precisely because pseudomorphism has so often been confounded with metamorphism that this error has found acceptance.” [Bull. Soe. Geol. de Fr., II, xviii, 678]. The reader must now judge whose opinions it is that are here denounced as erroneous, and whether Naumann was on the side and 1860, already referred to. But while it has been generally admitted that what, in my address, I have called the first class of crystalline rocks (consisting chiefly of quartz and aluminous silicates) might result from the molecular re-arrangement of the elements of clay and sand-rocks, I maintained in those papers that what I have called the crystalline rocks of the second class (in which protoxide silicates predominate) have been generated, by asimilar process, from deposits of chemically-formed silicates. This view being adopted by Delesse and by Giimbel to explain T. S. Hunt on the Oriticisms of Prof. Dana. 49 the origin of the various magnesian silicated rocks, hitherto generally regarded as the product of epigenesis, the latter has proposed to designate the process as diagenesis; a term which I adopt, as one well fitted to denote the generation of all kinds of erystalline rocks through a molecular re-arrangement of sedimentary deposits, of whatever origin. Prof. Dana, in com- mon with most other geologists, admits in his Manual the production by diagenesis of the rocks of the first class, but in the case of serpentine and steatite declares them to have been formed by epigenic pseudomorphism or chemical alteration of pyroxenic and other crystalline rocks; the origin of which is important chapters in geological treatises.” [This Journal, I, That Prof. Dana has receded from the extreme views on this subject which he maintamed from 1845 to 1858, and which I have constantly opposed, seems probable; but until he formally rejects them, the student of geology will not wnnaturally suppose that he still gives the sanction of authority to the doctrine which he once taught, without any qualification, but now repudiates, that “metamorphism ts pseu- domorphism on a broad scale.” : i, Dana having clearly defined the proposition that the chemical alterations which are recognized in individual cryst are to be conceived as extending to rock-masses; and having moreover asserted that the principle of the identity of metamor- phism and pseudomorphism “bears on all crystalline rocks,” is logically committed to all the deductions as to the changes of tocks which the transmutationist school has drawn from the “upposed alteration of minerals. By reference to the table of Pseudomorphs in the fourth edition of Dana’s Mineralogy, it will be seen that each one of the metamorphoses of rocks men- * ema _I shall however show, in addition, that in eac “te plication of the principle to rock-masses has been recog- nized by It would be easy, did space permit, to extend greatly this list of supposed transmutations. The various associations of rocks ; y: ~ ¥ gton Smyth, in his address already quoted, “to offer a Premium to the ingenious for inventing an almost infinite Am. Jour. So1r.—Tuirp Series, Vou. IV, No. 19.—Jury, 1872, 4 50 T. S. Hunt on the Criticisms of Prof. Dana. series of possible combinations and permutations.” Before pro- ceeding further it is to be noted that no distinction can, in many cases, be established between the results of alteration (or partial replacement) and substitution (or complete replacement) ; since successive alterations may give the same product as direct sub- stitution. Thus, for example, quartz might be directly replaced by calcite, or else first altered to a silicate of lime, which, in its turn, might be changed to carbonate. The alteration of quartz to a silicate of magnesia, and that of both pyroxene and pectolite to calcite, is maintained by the writers of the present Metamorphosis of granite or gneiss to limestone. Calcite, we are told, is pseudomorphous of quartz, of feldspar, of pyroxene, and of garnet, besides other species: it moreover replaces both orthoclase and albite ‘by some process of solution and substi- tution.” [Dana’s Mineralogy, 5th edition, 361.] Since quartz, orthoclase and albite can be replaced by calcite, the transmuta- tion of granite or gneiss into limestone presents no difficulty. I cannot, at present, give the reference to the statement of Volger that some gneissoid limestones owe their origin to such a process. Metamorphosis of limestone to dolomite. This change 1s maintained by von Buch, Haidinger and many others. I am blamed for mentioning in connection with this-school the name of Haidinger, who, Prof. Dana says, “never wrote upon the subject of the alteration of rocks.” It has, however, never before been questioned that Haidinger was the first, if not to suggest, to clearly set forth the theory of the supposed conver- sion of limestone into dolomite by the action of magnesian solu- tions, aided by heat and pressure; a theory which I have else- where refuted. [Bischof, Chem. Geology, iii, 155, 158; Zirkel, Petrographie, i, 246 ; Liebig and Kopp, Jahresbericht, 1847-48, 1289, and this Journal, I, xxvii, 376]. Metamorphosis of dolomite to serpentine. This change is maintained by G. Rose [Bischof, Chem. Geol., ii, 423], and by Dana [this Journal, III, iii, 89]. Metamorphosis of granite, granulite, and eclogite directly into serpentine, chlorite and tale. These transmutations are main- tained by Miiller, and adopted by Bischof. [Chem. Geol., ii, 424, 434. | trine from the pages of Bischof’s work already quoted. Meta- morphosis of diorite, hornblende-rock and labradorite to serpen- tine; G. Rose, Breithaupt, von Rath [ii, 417,418]. Diorite and L. 8. Hunt on the Criticisms of Prof. Dana. 51 hornblende-slate to tale-slate and chlorite-slate ; G. Rose [iti, 312]. Mica-slate to tale-slate, and steatite and mica to serpentine, steatite and tale; Blum, C. Gmelin [ii, 405, 468]. Quartz-rock to steatite; Blum [ii, 468]. With regard to New England rocks, Prof. Dana asserts that “there are gneisses, mica-schists, and chloritic and talcoid schists + in the Taconic series.” I have, however, shown in my address made up from the ruins of the primary schists, and distinguished from these by thé absence of the characteristic crystalline min- erals which belong to the Green Mountain primary schists. Again, Prof. Dana states that I make the crystalline schists of the White Mountains a newer series than the Green Mount- ain rocks. A careful perusal of my address will show that I nowhere assert that the rocks of the third series, on my line of section, are younger than the second series. Such a view of their relations has, however, been maintained for the last gene- tation by the Messrs. Rogers, Logan, and many others, all of Whom assigned the crystalline schists of the White Mountains to a higher geological horizon than the Green Mountains. Tn Support of this view of their relative antiquity, I have, it is “ae, brought together observations from South Carolina, Penn- sylvania, Michigan, Ontario, and Maine, all of which point to the same conclusion; and I might now add similar evidence from New Brunswick and from Nova Scotia. My “chrono- logical arrangement” of New England crystalline rocks, as it is called by Prof. Dana, so far as it is my own, is limited to my . n directly overlaid by unerystalline shales, sandstones and con- glomerates, made up in part of the ruins of these, and holding 52 D. Kirkwood— Meteors of April 30th-May 1st. one has yet proved that these mineral characters are restricted to rocks of a certain geological period. I answer, that in oppo- sition to these facts, it has not yet been proved that they belong to any later geological period than the one already indicated ; and that it is only by bringing together observations, as I have done, that we can ever hope to determine the geological value of these mineral fossils. In no other way did William Smith prove, in Great Britain, the value of organic fossils, and thus lay the foundations of paleontological geology. Montreal, April, 1872. ArT. XL—On the Meteors of April 30th- May 1st; by Pro- fessor DANIEL KrRKW0O PROFESSOR SCHIAPARELLI, in his list of meteoric” showers whose radiant points are derived from observations made in Italy within the last few years, describes one as occurring on April 30th and May Ist, the apparent position of whose radiant is in the Northern Crown, R. A. 287°, N.P. D. 55°. The same shower has also been recognized by Robert P. Greg, F.R.S., of Manchester, England. This meteor-stream, it is now propos to show, is probably derived from one much more conspicuous in ancient times. In Quetelet’s Physique du Globe, pp. 290-297, we find mete- oric displays of the following dates. In each case the corres- ponding day for 1870 is also given,* in order to exhibit the close agreement of the epochs. 1. A. D. 401, April 9th ; ee BS to April ey, for 1870. 538, = ‘ 2 6th: April 25 2 839, “9 arith ay ea $ 4," —. OB7. 4 seme Ms April 30th, . &.” = 984 ie « May Ist, : 6. “1009, * «“ April 28th, “ The epochs of bey and 934 suggest as probable the short riod of 7 years. It is found agin: aly th ire interval of 608 years—from 401 eee equal to 89 mean periods of 68315 years coh ” With this S approximate value the six dates are all represented as follows From A. D. 401 to A. D. 538, 20 periods of 6: 85 years. , 44 “cc 6°84 ee 38 to “ 839 to 927, 13 - ot Ee ety _ 927 to 934, 1 10: = ee 934 to 1009, 11 = Sus; © s period corresponds approximately to those of several gaeta whose aphelion distances are somewhat greater than the — : * Making proper allowance for the precession of the equinoxes. C. F. Hartt—Tertiary Basin of the Marafion. 58 mean distance of J oc eee So long as the cluster occupied but Ject to frequent perturbations by Jupiter. ArT. XIL— On the Tertiary Basin of the Marafion ; by Cu. FRED. Hartt, A.M. ON the 12th of December, 1867, Prof. James Orton of Vas- sar College, on his journey down the Marafion, or Peruvian Amazonas,* spent a few hours at Pebas, a little village on the several species of fossil shells, but strangely neglected to observe the mode of their occurrence. In announcing his discovery in this river is called by some writers the Amazon, Rio Amazon, Amazons or 0 If one uses either 8zon or Amazons there is no propriety in prefixing the Portuguese word Rio. bd is Rio a zona im it is commonly spoken of as o Amazonas or the Amazons. T have simply followed the rule of not attempting to translate South American names. The Who swe Mag. Nae Hist for J 1871, p. 6 ; ist. for Jan. and Feb. » p. 6 Se Od “rgpens Dese. of new fossil shells of the Rio Amazon, published in advance, , 1870, 54 0. F. Hartt—Tertiary Basin of the Marafion. pronounced drift ;” while in his ‘“ Andes and Amazon” he simply says that the fossils occurred in a fossiliferous bed inter- ealated between the variegated claysso peculiar tothe Amazon,’* and that “‘interstratified with the clay deposits are seams of a highly bituminous lignite.¢” Prof: Orton therefore leaves it to be inferred that the Pebas beds are traceable down the whole length of the yer i Mr. Henry Woodward, in the paper just quoted in a foot note, says that the Pebas clays are ‘ evl- dently Bed IT. of Prof. Agassiz’ s section.{” Orton sub- mitted his fossils to Mr. Gabb, who described ay renin them§ under the names of Neritina pupa, Turbonilla minuscula, Mesalia Ortoni, Tellina Amazoniensis, Pachydon obhqua and P. tenua. In Mr. Gabb’s opinion these remains indicated a fauna of Ter- tiary age. On the strength of this opinion Prof. Orton ven- tured to attack Prof. Agassiz’s theory of the glacial origin of the valley of the Amazonas, laying stress on the fact that the shells occur well preserved, in _ place, and “ showing” no indi- cation of a “‘ grinding glacier.” Under the instructions of Prof. Orton, Mr. Hauxwell, an intelligent naturalist, resident some 30 years on the Amazonas, made larger and more complete collections of these shells and found the fossiliferous beds elsewhere on the Marafion, especially at Cochaquinas on the southern side of the river. These col- lections were placed in the hands of Mr. Conrad, who described them, distinguishing ten species of gasteropods and six of lamel- libranchs, referring all the latter to the genus Pachydon (Aniso- thyris Conrad). More recently Mr. Hauxwell sent large collec- tions to England. Those in the ete as of Mr. Janson of London were examined by Mr. Henry Woodward of the Brit- ish Museum, and form the subject of the paper already twice referred to. Mr. Woodward makes several changes of nomen- clature, and describes two new species. The list of the Pebas fossils now stands as follows: GASTEROPODA. Hemisinus Swainson (freshwater !) Tscea —— (freshwater ?) bag cise Conrad. coher Conrad=Mesalia Ortoni| Py™s Conta ph mrad. Neritina Lamarck (fresh and brackish os mrad, Li d (freshwater ? he gla . ri Cora re nag ) N. pupa Gabb (=N. Ortoni Con- Ebora pL pnvereohag or marine ?) pares Sopot (land). ‘a Conrad. Nesis subsgen of sean ~ Purbnila isso. — T. minuscula Gabb. Odostomia ? Woodward (brackish water). * Andes an + Op. cf ¢ Bull. de Ta Soe. oe Geel. de France 24 Série, T. xxv, p. 685. at, ‘Geol. and Phys. Geog. of Brazil, p § Amer. Jour. Sai vol, iv, toe C. F. Harti—Tertiary Basin of the Marafton. —BH LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. guishes two varieties : a, distorta, Anodon Cuvier (fresh water). B, crassa. nodon Batesit Woodward. . ovata Conrad Anisothyris Conrad (=Pachydon Gabb) (bracki ater). A, tenuis (==Pachydon tenwis Gabb, is Conrad, Anisothyris . cuneata Conrad. Hauxwelli Woodward) ;* of this| Tellina. Species Mr. Woodward distin- Tf. Amazoniensis Gabb. in the summer of 1871 I met Mr. J. B. Steere, a graduate of Michigan University, who was traveling on the Amazonas, making natural history collections. We spent more than a month together, and I took him over my old ground at Hreré and Monte Alegre. As he was about to visit the upper Ama- zonas, I gave him instructions to examine the Pebas locality, make a geological section, showing the character and arrange- ment of the beds, and collect carefully the fossils. Under date of Jan. 26th of this year, he has written me an account of his visit to the locality in question, and has sent some interest- ig notes which give us for the first time a clear idea of its geological structure, and of the conditions under which the fossils are found bo pe ba be be Ss 5: 8 5 Q =) E B Mr. Steere says that a short distance below Tabatinga,t Which, it will we remembered, is just on the boundary line clay, with veins of oe coal dividing them. These veins i miles above Tabatinga; but owing to the shortness of the stop of the steamer, he was unable to examine the locality with care. He describes the country below Pebas as low and less than a hundred feet above river level, i. e., during the n. e fossiliferous clay beds lie near the level of the river, but they are covered by 20-30 feet of red clay which he compares to the Superficial clays so common on the lower Amazonas. Pebas, as already stated, is situated on the left bank of the Rio Am- * I sympathize with the wish to show honor to so deserving a gentleman as Mr. Hauxwell, but the change of the specific name from tenuis, however inappro- Priate the term may be, to Hauawelli, is unwise and inadmissible. t Tabatinga is the name given to the white feldspathic clay common all over Brazil Toud, Tupi, taba Portuguese form, is a yellowish clay; tinga means white. 56 C. F. Hartt—Tertiary Basin of the Marafion. bayact, a mile above its confluence with the Marafion. Two miles below the mouth of the Ambayacti is Old Pebas. Both sites are on the high terra firme.* The right bank of the Amazonas opposite the Ambayacu is recent poe low, but far- ther down the terra firme appears, and Pichana is situated upo Phe | bank on which Pebas stands, Mr. Steere says, is about 100 feet high, that is during the dry season. In front of the village the lower strata are hidden from view by a eg of nein din L The lowest bed seen is a ig clay of which a thickness of fifteen feet is uncovered. In the middle is a band three feet in eucee Scicaaag shells. sae. * fined seam of lignite, six inches in thickness. For a few fib bors and below this, the clay is filled with vegetable remain: Ill. A bed of ue clay, ee feet in thickness, with an occasional shell too badly preserved to be remove Ly. Blue clay, five feet ak full of fossils. bed, ten feet in thickness, of red and white clay, and ag without fossils. This forms the surface deposi Not far from the ravine where the first section was made, Mr. Steere made another as follows: I 2or8 ft. of clay full of fossils. Il. 106 ft. blue clay. III. 3 ft. blue pie filled with fossils. IV. : ft. dirty coal. V.. 5 or 6 ft. of red and white clay. In a ravine in the forest near the vil lage, he made still another section, “ finding in descending order” (I quote his own wo: ‘five or six feet of red and white clay; a vein of dirty coal (two feet); blue clay without fossils, ten feet; another narrow vein of coal ; eight or ten feet of blue clay without fossils ; ; more coal ; beds of clay without fossils; more coal veins.” r, Steere visited Pichana, where he found much me same structure as at Pebas. At Old Pebas the same beds are seen containing beds of lignite, but they appear to be more denuded an at New Pebas At Iquitos Mr. Steere found similar beds that appeared to be the continuation of those of Pebas, but afforded no fossils. * Land not laid under water during the annual flood + Lieut. Herndon visited Pebas in 1851. He speaks of the ravines back of the town in which a black slate rock crops out, and says that he brought from the old town to the new “specimens of black clay slate, that crops out in narrow veins on the bank, and made a fire with it, w ei purned all night, with a strong bituminous smell.”—Exploration of Valley of the Amazonas, Pt. I, pp. 219-220. C. F. Hartt—Tertiary Basin of the Marafion. 57 Mr. Steere has made very extensive collections of the fossils of the Pebas locality and vicinity, and they will probably afford some new species. When these collections with their accompanying lithological specimens shall have been studied, we shall have more details relative to the character of the beds tof. Agassiz could have seen the blue clays in the neighbor- hood of Tabatinga, for he makes no mention of the lignites Which occur in them, and it also seems to me doubtful whether variegated clays, but in an older and distinct underlying forma- te quite unlike the ordinary more recent variegated clays of ing the age of the lower series, leaving the question of the age of the superficial clays undecided. They certainly afford no proof them with the superficial clays of the Lower Amazonas, for my ,Xperience with these deposits has satisfied me, that, how simi- : er these beds may be in different localities, they may * 58 C. F. Hartt—Tertiary Basin of the Marafion. vary in age and greatly in the conditions under which they were , deposited. Ase Pebas shells do not shed one ray of light on the ee question of the glaciation of the Amazonian valley. I hav owever, shown that the supposed facts on which Prof. Aegean founded his theory, viz: the assumed identity of structure of the Serras of Ereré and Parti (Almeyrim); the occurrence re erratics of diorite at Ereré, etc., were no facts at all. Hrer a monoclinal ridge of sandstone which no geologist would ever think of calling drift, and the supposed drift clays at its base contain lower Devonian trilobites and are traversed by trap dykes; the supposed erratics of diorite are boulders of decompo- sition; the Serras of Parti* are composed of horizontal beds of soft rocks undoubtedly more modern than the coast of Kreré and offering not the first evidence of glacial origin ; the gigan- tic moraine which Prof. Agassiz thought to have pete across the mouth of the Amazonas does not exist. Moreover I have failed in finding, during many months of careful search, anything like drift in the province of Para; and therefore, hav- ing no evidence whatever of the former existence of glaciers in the Amazonas, or question of the glacial origin of the valley need not be rais eI do sok ‘believe in the glaciation of the Amazonas, I still saThies to the belief that glaciers have existed in the cen- tral and southern portions of the Brazilian plateau. Prof. O. H. St. John, who, as one of the geologists of the Thayer expedi- tion, made a journey through the interior of Brazil from Rio de Janeiro to Maranhao, assures me that he has found not only the superficial deposits, but also the topography characteristic of a glaciated country in Minas Shea while these phenomena are not visible in Piauhy and Mar ough the Pebas shells thick no light on the question of the glaciation of the Amazonian valley, they aid in establishing the fact that the Upper Amazonas or “Maraiion, from Iquitos to ae a distance of some 240-250 miles, flows through a ‘cca Be asin, _ we of the river being deepl cut through this age. The width of this basin is undetermined, as is also the atest age of the beds, for the nature of the fauna is such that it is impossible to say to which division of the Ter- tiary they are to be referr The fauna indicates an estuary formation. That at the time of the deposition of Pebas beds there was water communication between the basins of the Amazonas and the Orinoco is scarcely probable. * IT visited the Serra of Paraudquara in 1871. Chemistry and Physics. 59 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. I. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. eter. Pure iodine is then introduced into the tube, which after expulsion of the air is sealed. If the iodine be then volatil- wed and the wire ignited by a battery, the spiral appears sur- rounded by a flame of a very rich red color, which yields the well-known interrupted spectrum.— Comptes Rendus, Tome Ixxiv, a ei Ww. G. 2. On the absorption spectra of the vapors of selenium and of certain other Bihiek. — Getter bee fond ee the vapors of Seenium and a number of other colored vapors give distinctly marked absorption bands. When selenium is heated in a porce- aed by the author. Tellurium when volatilized in an atmos- Phere of dry carbonic acid gas emits at a very high temperature a golden yellow vapor, which yields a very brilliant absorption ru Yapors, which act verv strongly onlight. The absorption spectrum 8 particularly Seislond gt orange and the green, Tellurous 60 Scientific Intelligence. bromide gives a violet vapor, the most remarkable absorption bands of which are in the red and the yellow. Proto-bromide of ors. Ali acetals heated gives a which exhibit systems of sens ye equidistant rays im about the middle of the spectrum.— — ome lxxiv, On the absorption spectra of the vapors of sulphur, seloniou ree and hypochlorous acid.—The same writer has obse t plates of glass gave at first vapors which absorbed the most re- frangible rays of the spectrum, leaving finally a red band extend- ing a little beyon On raising the temperature higher this band spreads out; the ‘other rays of the spectrum then reappear, the violet and blue being crossed by bundles of dark rays. The phenomenon is therefore the same as that observed in the case of selenium. Selenious acid at the instant of vaporization gives well- marked dark ae Sig nomen in the violet and blue. The author found the absorption spectrum of hypochlorous acid identical with that of Ny poshiieis and grit acids, only in the case of h chlorous acid the layer of gas must be much longer in order that the phenomenon may be distinotly ‘visible. Aqueous solutions of all these gases give the most salient lines of the gases pemeety es. — Comptes Rendus, Tome xxiv 03. w. 4. Jluoride o of silver.—In continuing his researches on ae compdunds of fluorine, Mr. G. E has arrived at the following ults: Iodine acting upon ai fluoride with the aid of heat produces argentic iodide and fluoride of iodine. Fluoride of iodine red-hot platinum, but which corrodes glass at 60° F., and crystals of silicon at a red heat, as well as platinum in contact with argen- tic fluoride in a state of fusion. It fumes strongly in the air, and is decomposed by nag into fluohydric and iodic acids, F,+3H, a not act on an aqueous soieion of the salt at 60° F. Rs Be of silicon placed upon argentic fluoride when fused became at once red hot, wenal ire sh ier combustion, and areola wean! of silicon. Al ump of tused —— st slowly in Chemistry and Physics. 61 to this mixture, bubbles of spontaneously inflammable silicide of hydrogen were evolved and ignited. Pure and dry silicon added to argentic fluoride at a temperature of low redness evolved much heat with violent action, and set free metallic silver. The fluoride when fused is rapidly decomposed by sulphur with evolution of sulphur i i ing formed. as a very powerful dusty odor. Sulphur rapidly decomposed an 4Agh+CS,—2Age,5+ €F,. The tetra-fluoride is Sains “acid I ies ag E. Phil. Mag., May, 1872. Tage 5. On a method of fiaing the Constitution of Acids and Alco- hols by the oxidation of their Ketones.—In his researches upon the oxidation of ketones, Poporr observed a uniformity of results Which led him to suggest this oxidation as a means of determin ing the rational constitution of acids and alcohols. Taking the ~ Varieties of ketone expressed by the following general form- (1) CH, Sat (CHy)n — CO — R (2) == CH — (CH,), —CO—R (3) CH sot —CO—R sae —CO—R ho by the acid eve: this method may be used to determine the constitution of the the noe tadical which is contained in any acid. alec) > acids may be obtained by oxidizing the corresponding Sohols, the constitution of these latter may also be determi y this method. : * a re ‘est the method, amyl aleohol—of boiling point 130° to 1915 ; nN whose power of rotation in a tube 25 cm. long was —2'4°,— 62 Scientific Intelligence. was oxidized, and the valeric acid ABE Sian boiled from 174° to 176° , and i in which a=+-4°4°,—was converted into the eal- cium salt, and distilled with an equivalent quantity of calcium benzoate. On rectifying the product, it boiled at 225° to 226°, and afforded on analysis numbers agreeing with those required by butylphenyl ketone. To fix the constitution of the butyl it con- tained, the ketone was oxidized. The products consisted of ben- zoic acid and iso-but tyric acid, with traces of acetic acid; thus proving that this ketone, and also, therefore, the valeric acid and the amyl alcohol from which it was derived, — iso-butyl and not butyl. Their neene ey Peers ya o1°>CH—CH, —COOH and © 2 >CH—CH, —CH, OH, a result already confirmed in sides wide by Erlenmeyer, Frank- land a8 Duppa, and Butlerow.— Ber. Berl. chem. Ae: aN, oe Feb., 1872. B. 6. On Phenol ee and their Relation to Natural Coloring atters.— B. r has continued his researches on gallein and fluorescein,” re Sekt 4 coloring matters derived from the ane (1.) Phenol colors. Whi 0 part s of feo, 5 aks phthalic —— and 4 parts concerns sulphurio acid are heated to 120° o 130° for several hours, a red mass is obtained, yee a ye Lelekewhite powder on gstareilisn with boiling dissolved in potassium hydrate, and precipitated Aes perma ihe acid, a granular precipitate is obtained, having the c composition C,H, 0... It is the pethe al <- of henol I has probably the ration- al constitution C gH,(CO.C,H Olt >, and is isomeric with the pisos ether of phenol. ‘When Sheare. ra solution in potassium ydrate, with zine-dust, the magnificentl y fuchsine-colored solu- tion is decolorized, and hydrochloric acid precipitates therefrom the white granular phthalin of phenol, C,,H,,O,. Mellitic and pyromellitic acids act similarly upon phenol ; but the most inter: * This Journal, III, ii, 203. Chemistry and Physics. 63 esting action is that of oxalic acid, which has long been known, and the product of which is rosolic acid. The aurin, lately isola- ted from rosolic acid by Dale and Schorlemmer, Baeyer supposes to be C,,H,,O, and to result from the oxidation of leucoaurin C,,H,,0,, which is thus produced: CO,-+(C,H,0),=C, ,H, ,0,+(H,9).. _(2.) a Naphthol colors. a Naphthol, heated with phthalic oxide, yields light yellow crystals of the anhydride of the phthalein of naphthol, C,,H,,0,, insoluble in potassium hydrate. Heated with sulphuric acid, it gives a beautiful red body, C,,H, .Ox. Oxalic, mellitic and pyromellitic acids act similarly on anaphtho i ith ph .{3.) Resorcin colors. Resorcin heated with phthalic oxide, gives the phthalein of resorcin, or fluorescein, which, precipitated from its potash solution by hydrochloric acid, is C,,H,,0,, bu recrystallized from alcohol is C,,H,.0,. Reduced by zinc-dust, the corresponding phthalin is obtained. Heated with sulphuric acid, a red body is formed, which is turned blue by alkalies, and which yields a second red body on reduction. It closely resem- bles the coloring matter of litmus. Succinic oxide gives with rein, the succinein of resorcin; and oxalic acid, the carbonein, rar sme ©, ,H,0,. *.) Lyrogallol colors. rogallol rogallic acid) by the action of phthalic oxide, se satel Orr 0., the ietadein of pyrogallol. Reduced, it gives gallin C,,H,,0,. Heated with sulphuric acid, it forms cerulein, C,,H,,0,, and this on reduc- tion gives cerulin, Oxalic acid and succinic oxide, as well as oil of bitter-almonds, acetone, etc., also afford colored compounds When heated with pyrogallol. peyaroquinone gives with phthalic oxide a red | pthatein, solu- © in potash with a violet color, and dyeing, like brazil-wood, with iron and alumina mordants. Pyrocatechin, thus treated, Sives a phthalein, soluble in potash with a transient oo” ; i maxing Compound belongs to the sugar group or to the family of 8etable acids. Thus hematein—the coloring matter of log- ma: : i i ] °° . . ch amie acids or with a derivative of crotonic acid.— Ber. Berl. mt. Ges, iv. 658, July, 1871. G. F. B 64 Scientific Intelligence. New Erecting Prism; by Josereu ZentTMayer.—Mr Joseph Zentmayer exhibited ae described a single prism, which erects the i image completely, and in such a way oe the incident and emerging rays are parallel, which, as far as we cnow, was never accomplished before. In connection with tne microscope, s it was shown, it interfered very little with the definition, and, although the light i is twice refracted and reflected, the loss of ight is much less than one would expect. With the microscope, the prism is placed right above the objec sai e, and the instrument may be used in any inclined position. r of such prisms might be used also for an erecting binocular microscope of which the two bodies have the same inclination to the s tage. Fig. 1 shows the front and profile of the prism. The projection of the front is a square, that of the profile an isosceles triangle. The angles at the base of the triangle are 27° 19’ for crown glass of a refracting index of 1°53, in ae ss obtain the greatest aper- ture combined with the smallest pri Fig. 2 is a view from above. The peer of A, B, and C of figs. 1 and 2 are the identical ones, their dotted parts are the ays ‘isee of the rays inside of the glass, and their course may be reat Geology and Natural History. 65 cof followed in the profile, fig. 1, where the upper ray, By emerges e lower one, and the lower ray, C, as the upper on s the ray A enters the pervendicnlas line above th lower edge, it will not be reflected out of its plane, while the rays B as A emerge at the corresponding opposite point, a perspective representation of the prism. — Journal Franklin. Institute. Il. GroLtogy anp Natrurat History. 1. On the Eozoon ; by Dr. Dawsoy.—Dr. Dawson published a reply to the first of the extended memoirs of Messrs. King and is said by the ae ere describer of the Eozoo In opposition to these facts, and to the careful deductions drawn from them, the authors of the paper under consideration maintain that mae str uctures are mineral ahd orystarane I believe that in t 2 “plastic-force” as a mode of scedun tin for fossils would not be tolerated for am ment, were it not for the great antiquity and highly crystalline aatdinion of the rocks in which the structures are found, which naturall create a prejudice against the idea of their being’ fossiliferous, That the authors themselves feel this is appar- ent from the s slight manner in which they state the leading facts above given, and from their evident anxiety to restrict the question to the mode of occurrence of serpentine in limestone, and to ignore = Laveounens of Kozoon preserved under different mineral condi- Wi th perence to the general form of ers and its structure on the larg e scale, I would call attention to two admissions of the authors of the paper, w oa appear to me to be fatal to their case: First, they admit, at page 533 [ henner % vol, x], their “inabil- ity to andthe pairs ily” the alternating rol tbe gee carbonate of Roz inerals in the typical s specim of Canadia beg They oak a feeble attempt to establish an poneny between this and certain concentric concretionary layers; but the e Z0On pres any concretionary hypothesis. If, however, they are unable t ion the lamellar’ structure alone, as it appeared to Logan in a °9, is it not gar to attempt to explain it away now, when yttain minute internal structures, co: ing to what might ay been exp : rigin, are ted on the hypothesis of its organic origin, ded to it? If I affirm that . certain mass is the trunk of a fossil AM, Jour. Sot.—Turep Series, Vor. 1V, No. 19.—Jury, 1872, 5 66 Scientific Intelligence. tree, and another asserts that it is a concretion, but professes to be unable to account for its form and its rings of. growth, surely his case becomes very weak after I have made a slice of it, and have shown that it retains the structure of w Next, they appear to admit that if dpedtinon occur wholly com- with scepticism as probably “strings of segregated calcite. Since the account of that specimen was published, additional frag- ments have been collected, so that ‘new slices have been prepared. locality, and are, therefore, probably Upper Laurentian, or per ~ Hurorian, so that the eee specimens may appr roach in age t Giimbel’s Eozoon Bavaie Further, the authors of ore paper have no right to object to our regarding the laminated specimens as “typical” Eozoon, If the question were as to typical ophite, the case would be different ; but the question actually is as to certain well-defined forms which we regard as fossils, and allege to have organic structure on the small scale, as well as lamination on the nace cale. We profess to fragments of corals occur in Paleozoic marstores but we are under no obligation to accept irregular or disintegrated specimens as hiner and, nies it pet reason from these ok won we thie Birds-eye limestone seb the Lower Silurian of Ameri ca, as Crys- talline gens! bu : a comparison with the unbroken masses of he same coral sho Tre : a. I propose, shortly, to public por feats examples, showing fragments of various kinds of fossils preserved in these limestones, and recognizable only by the infiltration of their pores and other minute structures. I a l also be able to show that in many cases the crystallization of the carbonate of lime and the infiltration of *Dr. Hunt, in a recent communication to this Journal for July, 1870, p. 2 is supposed to tees them as resepestiagh eg a great series of strata not hi eget clearly recognised, | ee ee age but distinct from 2’ newer than the Upper Laurentian and the Huro: Geology and Natural History. 67 other substances have not interfered with the perfection of the most minute of these structures. e aa have the cavities filled with a sedimentary limestone, an on Several fragmental specimens from Madoc are actually wholly nu Specimens present great difficulties to an observer; and _ peak no doubt that they are gets overlooked by collectors in sequence of their not being developed by weathering, or show- ng any obvious structure in fresh fractures, With regard to the canal system, the authors persist in confus- retions, and in likening them to dendritic crystallizations of silver, of lime. Ina r Oren as other than very imperfect, imitative. I may a 7h Ss case 1s one of the occurrence of a canal structure in forms ich on other grounds appear to be organic, while the concre- ve te ous objections, I leave Dr. Hunt to deal. Ith regard to the proper wall and its minute tubulation, the 8 Morganic. With regard to the first of these positions. I ma Pet ey a8 angular crystals, closely pac ogether, while the spicular crystals of siliceous minerals which often oie cifica- and R ; ‘ ‘af as é “sample of this; and whatever the nature of the crystals may be, * “ Quarterly Journal Geol. Society,” 1864. 68 Sceventific Intelligence. they baye no appearance in the plate of being tubuli of Eozoon, I have very often shown microscopists and geologists the cell-wall along with veins of chrysotile and coatings of acicular crystals occuring in the same or similar limestones, and they have never failed at once to recognize the difference, “especially under high powers. I do not deny that the tubulation is often imperfectly preserved, and that in such cases the casts of the tubuli may appear to be microscopist examining them. How difficult is it in many cases to detect the minute See of Nummulites and other fossil Foraminitera? How often does a specimen of fossil wood present in one part distorted ae sooteen fibers or mere crystals, with the remains of the wood forming pbragmata between them, when in other parts it may show the most minute structures in perfect reservation? But who feauld use the disintegrated gs to invalidate the evidence of the parts better preserved? Yet this is seca the argument of Professors King and batt and heh they have not hesitated in using in the case of a fossil so old as Eozoon, and so often compressed, crushed, and es aearojed by mineralization. Tha me progress has been apes and I trust that it will soon be pos- sible to bring forward not merely additional specimens pvp? of the structure of Eozoon, but fresh evidienns of its wide geograph- ical range, and also links of co connexion with fossils of the Paleozoic roc e discovery recently made in Massachusetts, and alluded to Lh Messrs. Rowney and King, is itself not witho vat im- portance. In the meantime un content to rip the webbie! tions of Messrs. King and Rowney as nearly exhaustive of the natural history of those age forms which may be confounded with Eozoon, and therefore as in a certain way useful in the ek ther prosecution of the sahjees As already stated, I am at Geology and Natural History. 69 (2) that of the tubulation and other structures similar to those of Eozoon preserved in the Paleozoic rocks. case in very few other instances, The railway company have given the find to have been a most important one, and one that may well come under the notice of the International Congress of Archeology and Anthropology at their meeting this year, where the whole {nestion of bone caves and their contents is to form a prominent Subject for discussion. he cave in question was originally, when first discovered about two years ago, 28 metres (about 91 ft.) long, and was fissure in the Jura limestone, which had been enlarged by running water. Its Opening was visible half way up the mountain side, partly hidden in dense woods. It stretched from north to south, year has already cut away one half of the cave; but unfortunately the contents were employed on the line. On this account, only the Part not touched was able to be excavated and examined, and this middle 3 metres (9} ft.) deep. Wood ashes and pieces of coal, to- gether with pieces of pottery, had accumulated to about the height ad ich were sharp splinters of flint, and a thick mass of broken and split bones, and the shattered pkulls and jaw bones of a heterogeneous mass of animals of all kinds. In the lowest layer no trace of men, either by their remains or by their handiwork, could be found; all the remains consiste of bones of animals chiefly the cave bear, hyena, and lion. ‘These »ve-dwelling animals appear to have been the first and earliest Possessors of the cave. But soon after this, men must have dis- 70 Scientific Intelligence those of the previously-named animals. The most numerous remains consist of flints, of which many siGuina were found; but these do not appear to have been used as implements, but come rather under the category of flint-flakes, the chippings from knives, Saws, sees &c. The most perfect one found is three inches long half-an-inch wide, and is toothed like a saw, and was piolaely used as such to a off the ends of the deer’s borns, of which quantities were foun n order to judge of tee age in which men began to inhabit this cave, we must examine the remains of the bones and skeletons of the G inanfe which they hunted, and whose flesh was eaten in the cave € most conspicuous among these is the cave bear, and although it might at first sight appear very difficult to recognize in the broken and burnt bits of bone that they really do belong to the cave bear, nevertheless, careful comparison with specimens in museums has proved that this is the case. Eve ery care seems capture. 5 the same pie , together with the bones of the cave ping are found bones of the elephant and of the rhinoceros, but nany in comparison. ese remains, however, show con- aavely by the way in which they have nigh spilt up and broken, that man —— Hee animals at the time he first appears on the scene. Remains of horses, oxen, ie and wolves were also met with, sar in proof that the early inhabitants were not unmindful of fish, there are the bones and scales of large pike and carp. The smaller bones of mice and frogs do not appear to owe their origin so much to man as to the owls, which seem to have held possession of the cave as well. Great interest attaches to the fragments of pottery which were found in the cave, and which rival the flint flakes in quantity. It appears to have been all hand made, but gprs. 2: rough, shows considerable beauty of shape and form. It s possible to 0 put to- gether from the fragments one or two more or less complete ves sels, which, however, show great diversity as to size, &c., some in di The A block of gimnite Sui os one Ae 8 mabhed smooth by lon z usage, and appearing quite eee can hardly be ee ee than a well- worn millstone, and this is rendered more probable by two * holes having been bo is. oe upper side as if for the purpose e of affixing a handle. The presence of this millstone would inne the cultivation of land in the immediate neighborhood, which 18 confirmed by the finding of several spindles made of clay. Geology and Natural History. 71 The different objects found in this cave are of great interest, as they apparently run counter to the somewhat hard and fast lines which have been drawn as to different well marked periods in the early history of man.—~ Nature, May 30. 3. Pseudomorphs of Serpentine with the form of Staurolite ; T. D. Ranv (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1871).—At the line between Philadelphia and Montgomery counties, the well-known steatite bed, beginning on the west side of Chestnut Hill, about three miles distant, crosses the Schuykill and continues in a nearly southwest by south direction (exactly 8. 54 W.), beyond that river about two miles and a half, where it crosses the valley of Mill Creek, and ends, or sinks beneath the surface. Perhaps the most rate. ‘ one place hereafter mentioned, seem to weather so much alike at no clue to the form can thus be fe unnerite. n the northeast side of Mill Creek, a portion of the rock in Ke surface, the steatite d bri ng cavernous and decom soft and brittle, rae to be other than matrices of crystals, while in two cases + uct cruciform cavities with angles of about 60° were observec portions of rock containing these were cut out, and in 72 "Scientific Intelligence. one of them lead was poured, and a cast obtained, which, while irregular and rough, was a fac-simile in metal of the common cruciform twins of staurolite. Portions of the same rock, which had not altered, were found containing the serpentine in distinct a ir a in ae ink twinned at angles of about 60°. . Hisingerite, from the Gap Mine, Lancaster County, Pa. ; eos lack smueekens lustre between resinous and vitreous ; streak, brown. Fracture conchoidal, brittle. H.—23-3. G.== 2.11. Analysis, omitting 1.13 per cent. gangue :— W ater at 212". Sus Se at redness pee ga a 9.89 24.19 See ee es eee FeO Se ae a ee rege gr ae ee Peg ce re eee ee ae 99.58 In a cutting through decomposed mica schists, on the new line of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore "Railroad, about half a mile southwest of Gray’s Ferry, there is a white efflorescence, alkaline to the taste. It consists chiefly of oar ee of soda, an unloo “igh mineral in such location.—Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phitlad. 5. Deseripti tons of new species of Fossils from the vicinity a4 Louisville, Ky., and the Falls of the Ohio; by James Hatt a R. P. WuirFietp, 7 Published ‘May, 1872, in sacl of the Report on the Beate | Museum. Contains descriptions of species of Orthis, Spirifera, Pentamerus, Aviculopecten, Yoldia?, la, a Pol nee se and of the new genus Ptychodesma, based on a modioloid 6. Mineralogical ep pac cri of aes Rath.—The 144th vol- ume of Poggenc meee 8 alen con ntains a continuation of the val- nine Alps; wollastonite of Mt. Somma; allophane of Dehrn in Nassau. 7. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science of Halifax, Nova Scotia.—Part I. of vol. iii, 94 pp. 8vo. (5s.), has recentl ‘peen issued. It contains several tte on the geology, natura t nisvery, and meteorology of Nova tia. - Mare Micheli ; On some Recent cinegse vg in Vegetable ae ty An article in the Archives des Sciences of the Bibliotheque Universelle of Geneva, in ee a t reproduced in English in the Ann. and Mag. of Natural ondon, for ebruary and March last.—Micheli is a renaad WEE into the French of Sachs’ volume upon Vegetable Faysologys 4 and we trust he will translate the other volumes of the series to which this belongs, The researches which are first ERE PEG in this inter- Geology and Natural History. BS esting article, relating to the movements of chlorophyl grains in the cells of leaves i s the whole protoplasmic mass; and Frank (in Bot. Zeit.) finds that the result of prolonged unilateral illumination is to accumulate the grains In the more strongly illuminated side of the cell,—that, like hyl a: those of Famintzin, Krauss, Prillenx, Boronetsky (Bot. eit., 1871, No. 13), and Pfeffer, go to confirm the now well- White light decomposes 100 parts of carbonic acid, ed and orange “ 32.1 s Ow “ce Yell 46.1 : Green ee 15.0 re Blue, indigo, and violet ns 7.6 ~ .- Curve of assimilation, nearly parallel to the curve of luminous Surmpee culminates between the Fraunhofer lines D and E._ henomena which result from the absence of light, Krauss 4 ond normal dimensions. The blade of a leaf, it appears, °mpletes its growth after coming into the light solely from the waterials which it assimilates (into starch or its equivalent) ; Starch stored up in the older tissues is of no use to it. In dark- ms cti a otk. » and the ligneous and cortical cells, or passive parts, on the wg rom an anatomical point of view the etiolated internodes are Tistinguishea by presenting all the characters of very young inter- 74 Scientific Intelligence. nodes just ee — the bud; the thickening of the walls of the ligneous and cortical cells, which characterizes adult stems is here wholly poo This thickening, indeed, is Saas by bonds which are not yet very wasn understood to the presence of leaves on the internode. In darkness the leaves not being developed, the cells retain the primitive pean of their membranes. “ This being understood, the elongation of the etiolated stems is easily explained, thanks to the intervention of two factors. In the peripheral layers that itis it ; in youn jected to a tension strong enough to cause them to shorten con- siderably when they are isolated. But in proportion as their walls become thickened the resistance becomes more effective, and we see this in the fact that their contraction, when they are separ- ated from the rest, becomes less and less. In darkness their walls do not thicken, and nothing is opener to the elongation of the ped ery cells. This is the first fac Vith regard to the pith itself, M. RS 6s already shown, in a former work (Botan. Zeit., 1867, Nos. 17, 18), that it has the property of het ip solely by the interpoution of aqueous molecules between the cellulose molecu is interposition may take place in the etiolated as in the seul Gat: ; the pith is, therefore, the only part of the plant which continues to grow actively in ‘the dar is growth is precisely the second factor e jak gi ps - os internodes ; and by combining it with the absence o nce in the peripheral ys we can under- recent observations —— relate to the ‘action of cold upon plants, iota j r, have been already referred to in se pages, see Michel 8 abstract of Schreeder’s researches upon the of the Maple ” we will reproduce :— The pin has paid attention to all the successive aoa ie ee works which, even when they do not contain any Vv ults, are, nevertheless, very useful to read and py bie ; but it is is difficult to give a clear notion of them in a few words. glance at the course pursued by M. Schreder will show the great number of facts which group themselves within a frinework| such as he has adopte “ The first part is entirely devoted to the study of the sap, its ascent and its composition. The maple, under the latitude of in its composition. It always contains sugar, a transitory p of the transformation of the starch accumulated in the. aca oy, 4 es Geology and Natural History. 75 during the preceding summer, and destined to become re-trans- formed when it reaches the buds. The proportion, faithfully approaching the term of their development, are on the verge of sufticing for themselves. These facts are, therefore, perfectly in mic which are called upon to assist in the development of the young leaf are traced by means of reagents from cell to cell. Two, ‘specially, give origin to detailed observations, namely starch and in. The dissemination of the former in the different sal Be ro-vasc 4 confirmation of all that theory led us to foresee. As to tannin, tis developed in all the cells of the bud ; an i ie € Its appearance it persists there, without appreciable change. ts function has grea was unable to recognise in it any of the characters of an excrementi- Problem would, erhaps, become easier.” . @, oe Botany for Beginners ; an Introduction to the Study of Baas by Maxwext T. Masters, M.D., F.R.S. London, 1872: psabury, Evans & Co. Pp. 185, 18mo. A series of articles ae of elementary botany with admirable freshness and clear- ae and illustrated by wood-cuts of uncommon excellence, tracted our attention during the past year in the pages of suc- se i ; into this little volume e articles, it appears, from the _ Dr. Masters; the illustrations were contributed by Mr. ington § are ten chapters, or lessons. Vo frst, explaining how to begin, and starting with early spring OWers, is a study of a willow and poplar, followed by the ash snd elm. The second, tulip and eee: The third, the apple — Let us suppose that a certain quantity of elec- 1. tricity pees at the point O, is transmitted by the conductor . BOC to the surface BC. The = c quantity passing through an unit ay of the conductor will vary inversely as the section bc, and inversely as the distance of . the section from Hence we shall have for an expression of this quantity g= x 2 gq. (1). In which Q repre 0 sents the entire quantity passing through any section S$; and «18 the distance of the section from O. If we suppose that the conductor B OC is formed by the revolution of any curve, Whose equation is y= F (a), about the axis of X, equation (1). becomes g= — 3; By substituting for y its value from the *quation of the curve which generates the conductor, we shall obtain equations which represent, when constructed as curves, the variations in the quantity of electricity passing through a Unit section of the conductor. When the generating curve is y? = e the equation becomes = —= constant; a straight line parallel to the axis of X. If the curve is an equilateral hyperbola, whose equation is =~ we shall have g= = ma where m is any constant. This aC2e ° id 1s the equation of a straight line passing through the origin. en the equation of the generating curve is y=’ the con- ductor BOQ becomes a cylinder ; and g= © where Cis any con- Stant. This is the equation of an equilateral hyperbola, and is iden- 116 J. Trowbridge on Ohm's law. tical with the equation S= ee which is our original expression for Ohm’s law. 2. If we construct the various curves represented by the \ \ equation S= R taking X as the axis of resistance, E be- ing constant for each curve, we shall have a series of hy- perbolas. The series of curves repre- sented in fig. 2 may be called isoelectric curves, and present some remarkable analogies to the isothermal curves of ther- mo-dynamics. Let m=F (Sk) be the equation of the curve ab. The curve ab will represent the relation between the increase in resist- ance and the decrease inten- y 3. sion. The curve a’b’ will represent this relation for m+dm. The twocurves a and a’b’ differ from each oth- er by a constant; the same is true of the curves a’ a and b’b, which are similar to the adiabatic curves of thermo- dynamics. Perhaps the sub- ject is best exemplified by an application to the electro- ~2 magnetic engine. “The performance of external work by an electro circuit pro- duces a counteractive force whose magnitude is equal to the external work performed in an unit of time divided by the strength of the current. ; “ Let W be the external work performed in any unit of time by the engine. This gives rise to a counteractive force which causes the current to be of less strength than that which the battery produces when idle. Let 7 be the strength of the cur- rent in the idle circuit, and 7’ the strength when the work VW is performed per unit of time; then the counteractive force 18 —, and the strength of the current 7’ is the same as if the electromotive force instead of being E were H— Sate | <——R— O. Harger—New North American Myriopods. 117 W.J. M. Rankine on the General Law of the Transformation of Energy, Phil. Mag., 1858. In fi if we suppose that the electro-magnetic engine does work, the strength of the current will fall in passing from the resistance O C to O D, by reason of the counteractive force, to the lower isoelectric curve ab; and a’abb' a’ will represent the cycle of operations gone through by the performance of work and a return to the condition of an idle battery. In fig. 2 a= ees In thermo-dynamics a represents the elasticity of a gas whose volume is represented by the line R. n electro-dynamies a may be taken to represent the capacity of a circuit, of given resistance, for work. ne area of the figure ab’ a’ represents the work accom- plished in going through the cycle of operations abb’a'a. As in thermo-dynamies we shall have Q’—Q= A F, where F repre- Sents the area abb’a’ and Q and Q’ the distribution of tensions. When the area F becomes infinitely small we have d(Q= AdF, and by a discussion of this area in reference to a change from m to dm it is found that —< constant. _ tn an electric circuit if T—2 represents the difference of poten- - th ~ any two points, then we have Heat = Q’ (T'—?) or a y bg Q’=a constant for any one epoch, and m may be taken ‘0 represent T—¢ The remarkable fact that the efficiency of e . both the thermo-dynamic and electro-dynamic engine is ex- Pressed by the same function ot has already been noticed by Mr. J. P. J oule, Manchester Transactions, vol. x. en Arr, XXL Brief Contributions to Zoilo the Mi Mahed gy, from the Museum of Fale College, No. XXIU.—Descriptions of New North Amer- can Myriopods ; by O. HarGeEr. ai Museum has lately received a number of interesting b Ynopods from various parts of the country, collected in part 4 the writer while traveling across the continent as a member e f. Marsh’s Geological Expedition to the Rocky Mountains mn ific Coast. i t weg by entomologists, a large proportion of these species are and’ and in the following article a few of the most interesting “~~ Characteristic forms are described. 118 O. Harger—New North American Myriopods. Lathobius pinetorum, sp. nov. Ferruginous, head and sometimes a few of the anterior seg- ments of deeper color. Cephalic segment polished, its posterior margin elevated. Ocelli on each side ten to fourteen. An- river, Oregon, in October, Geophilus gracilis, sp. nov. Trichopetalum,* gen. nov. Sterna not closely united with scuta; third and fifth joints of antenne elongated; scuta furnished with bristles; no lateral pores ; eyes present. i This genus belongs to the family Lysiopetalide, and is closely related to Pseudotremia of Cope (Proce. Am. Phil. Soc., vol. X1, p- 179, 1869). It differs from that genus in having no pores, instead of having the “annuli with two pores on each side of * From Opié, a bristle, and zéraAov, a leaf or plate. O. Harger—New North American Myriopods. 119 Naturalist, p. 748, Dec., 1871). It may be remarked that, in the descriptions above referred to, Prof Cope, in stating the relative lengths of the joints of the antennz in each of the two species, omits all mention of the 6th joint; and, in the same manner, Prof. Packard omits the second. Prof, Packard's figures also represent only seven joints in the antennzy. Craspedosoma, as defined and figured by Gervais (Apteéres, vol. iv, p. 119, 5; fig. 5), has the sterna and scuta consolidated into a complete ning as in Polydesmus and ulus, and therefore differs from this genus, as shown in plate 11, fig. 4, by a character considered of family importance.* Trichopetalum lunatum, sp. nov. PI. II, figs. 14. Dirty white, banded transversely and mottled with light brown anteriorly. Segments 28; males with 45, females with 46 pairs of legs. Head large, dilated laterally, covered with short, erect, bristly hairs. Kyes (fig. 2) of 10 ocelli, in a lunate Oup, Convex toward the bases of the antenna. Antenne fig. 2) pilose, seven-jointed ; the joints measure, the first ‘(07™", second “10™™, third -23™", fourth *11™, fifth 22™, sixth oom, seventh ‘07™, First scutum semicircular, with the posterior margin slightly concave. Near the outer angles of this seutum are two small tubercles on each side, each bearing a stout bristle, and higher up a third tubercle on each side bears also a bristle. The remaining scuta (fig. 4) throughout are furnished with three bristles on each side, springing from tubercles, the two lower being approximate and situated on the upper surface of the short lateral processes, and the third higher up on the Scutum. On a few of the posterior segments these bristles are in a transverse row, and on the last scutum, which is broad and truncate, the two inner ones are thickened at their bases. here is an impressed dorsal line. Legs slender, white, hairy, with the penultimate joint lengthened. The under side of the Seventh segment of the male fig. 8) is furnished anteriorly Segment. In crawling these organs have a motion similar to that of the 1 his species is not uncommon under or among decaying faves in moist woods about New Haven. * Since the above was in Prof. Cope, i article on the Wyandotte Cave . Cope, in an yandott and its Fauna (Am. ae Lng July, 1872, p. 414), has referred Sptrostrep ( eudotremia) ; Packard to anew genus Scoterpes, which he characterizes as ek of eyes and lateral pores. Agreeing with Dr. Packard, he also doubts Validity of his own’ genus tremia, and refers P. cav r trephon, The lateral bear P. Vudiit are thus left somewhat doubtful, and with- Out actual examination it is impossible to decide whether or not it is congeneric With the species of Trichopetalum. 120 O. Harger—New North American Myriopods. Trichopetalum glomeratum, sp. nov. general color is somewhat darker. The eyes 11, fig. 5) of 19 ocelli in a subtriangular patch. There are 31 segments, ‘12™". Length of animal, 10™™. A single specimen of this species was collected by the writer in the valley of the John Day river, Oregon, in October, 1871. Trichopetalum vuloides, sp. nov. respectively, first 10™™, second 12™™, third -21™™, fourth -12™, fifth 22™™, sixth -08™™, seventh °05™". First scutum nearl semi-circular, but with the lateral angles acute, furnished wit a transverse row of six short bristles, as are the other scuta; these bristles are much stronger on the posterior segments, and on the anal segment two of them are thickened at their bases. Under a high power, the scuta are seen to be minutely wrinkled transversely across the back, and longitudinally along the sides. Legs hairy. Length 8™™. This species was collected under stones at Simmons’ Harbor, on the north shore of Lake Superior, by Sidney 1. Smith, Naturalist to the U. S. Lake Survey. Lulus furcifer, sp. nov. Dark chestnut brown, beautifully ornamented with a black dorsal line, a lateral row of black spots and transverse bright ellow bands, which are very narrow and interrupted across the Ses Feet and under part of body much lighter; segments about 55. Eyes triangular, connected by an impresged line along the upper margin of a dark band, which is encroached upon. below by yellowish spots. Antenne filiform, pilose and nearly black at tip, last jot very short; scuta with impressed lines on the sides, and under a lens the surface of the back 1s seen to be covered with minute oblong pits; anal scutum not mucronate. Male organs (pl. u, fig. 7) of three pieces on eac side directed backward, the outer (fig. 7, a) cylindrical and dis- tally hairy on the inner side; within this is a much larger piece (fig. 7, 5) in the form of an elongated narrow plate bent aroun a robust spine (fig. 7, c), which is the inner and at its base the 0. Harger—New North American Myriopods. 121 Polydesmus armatus, sp. Nov. Color various shades of chestnut brown or sometimes oliva- ceous, with the lateral laminz and tip of anal seutum yellow ; a few of the posterior scuta are sometimes lighter colored than the others. he inferior border of the face, and the basal _ Joints of the antennz are yellow; distally the antenne are much ot o£ bar (a PS] v2] Dd = B por OQ o) p a TM et o) nr) a 4 fo} "Ss ee =) a = a, pas] — SS © ot pw © =] 22) ce na (as) — 5 dg oO lee PY) iS Qu inner (is. 8, a) is cylindrical for the first third of its course, and ; lamelliform, and sends inward and upward a much excavated “aig (fig. 8, c), distally a smaller and less excavated one hack 8, @), and is at this point contracted, but expands so as to co in a much bent plate. The other portion (fig. 8, 0) i ttl ong curved spine on a bristly cylindrical base, arising a title behind and outside of the former, and curving spirally around it, so that its attenuated tip is received in the excavated 8 small stout hooked spine (fig. 8, e) is nearly con- aled 6 the bristles that spring from the base of the larger ength 28™™, Ge 18 Species resembles P. Haydenianus Wood, but may be , ate distinguished by the much produced anal scutum, and Oo. € male organs. It was collected in the John Day valley, regon, by Prof. G. H. Collier and the writer, in October, 1871. ae College, New Haven, Conn., June 27, 1872. EXPLANATION OF Puate IL. Figure s Trichopetalum lunatum, female, magnified 15 diameters. - Antenna and right eye of the same, magnified 40 diameters. 3. Inferior view of seventh segment of male of the same, magnified 40 _Glameters, 4 Diagram of transverse section of segment of the same, magnified 30 meters. ‘ “i dia e . Trichopetalum glomeratum. Antenna and right eye, magnified 265 “# 6 diameters. ‘ Trichope Antenna, magnified 25 orked : the bent plate, the corresponding process on the right side is figur u“ In position. : . Polydesmus armatus. Male appendages of left side magnified 20 diameters, seen from below; a, larger process; 6, spine-like process ; ¢ and d, processes from the upper surface of a; ¢, curved basal spine, J 122 O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. Art. XXI1.— Preliminary Description of New Tertiary Mammals; by O. C. Marsa. Part L THE explorations of the Yale College party in the Rocky Mountain region, during the past season, brought to light, m addition to the extinct Birds and Reptiles already described by the writer, many interesting species of new fossil Mammals, and in the present communication a number of these from Wyoming Territory are briefly characterized. Others will be noticed in the succeeding numbers of this Journal, and it is intended, at an early day, to give a full description with illus- trations of all the new fossil vertebrates discovered by the two Yale expeditions of 1870 and 1871. Paleosyops laticeps, sp. nov. determine with certainty its exact specific relations. One of the treasures obtained by the Yale expedition of 1870, which first explored the Green River Tertiary basin, was the nearly complete skeleton of a species of Paleosyops, somewhat smaller than the one described by Dr. Leidy. The animal was adult, with the dental series in full perfection, although the epiphyses were not completely codssified with the vertebre. The teeth in this specimen have apparently the same general structure as those in the type of P. paludosus, but differ in beg nearly smooth; and this is not the result of age, as this individ- ual was younger than the original of the larger species. € ap ea moreover, given for the molar described* (‘22 ines fore-and-aft and 18 transversely”), would not apply to any of the series in the present specimen. The last upper molar of the latter has two well developed internal cones. The cranium in Paleosyops laticeps is broad, and the zygomatic arches much expanded. The squamosal portion is especially massive. The nasals are narrow and elongated, and more like the corresponding bones in Ayrax than those in the larger pachyderms, They are prominently convex transversely, an¢ strongly arched longitudinally. The inner edges are thickened * Proceedings Philadelphia Academy, 1870, p. 113. ‘ O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. 128 below at the suture, indicating a strong cartilaginous nasal septum. The anterior extremities are truncated, with the ex- ternal angles rounded. The upper teeth form a complete series. The canine is large, and broadly oval at its base. The outer incisor is the largest, and at its posterior edge the premaxillary 18 subtriangular in transverse section. The sagittal and occi- pital crests are strongly developed, and the coronoid process of the lower jaw is short and recurved. The remaining portion of the skeleton, which will be described in detail in the full deserip- tion, shows conclusively that Paleosyops belongs to the Perisso- dactyls, and not to the Artiodactyl group of mammalia, as sup- posed by Dr. Leidy. Measurements. Length of entire upper molar series, 166 Antero-posterior extent of three true upper molars, - --- - - 94° Antero-posterior diameter of last upper molar,.. _....--- 36° Transverse di We ay ok ee a ts 40° Antero-posterior diameter of upper canine at base,---.-- 29° ; ransverse iameter, RSE ese sen Sele ek a aa a : “pace occupied by three right upper incisors, ..-.------- 34° Vertical extent of zygomatic process of squamosal,__.... 51° Transverse diameter of both nasals near anterior margin,. 42° Width between bases of tipper chnities son ost fool ct. 49° idth between bases of fourth upper premolars, - --- ---- 40° This unique specimen was discovered in September, 1870, by Mr. A. H. Ewing of the Yale exploring party. The locality was near Marsh’s Fork, about fifteen miles from Fort Bridger, Wyoming. The geological horizon was Eocene, or lower Mio- cene. Other specimens of the same species have since been found in the same region by members of both the expeditions. Telmatherium validus, gen. et sp. nov. A cated by the ‘greater portion of a skull with teeth, and portions of several other skeletons, obtained by the Yale party last year arsh,* is * This Journal, vol. ii, July, 1871, p. 35. Additional remains of this animal, ~ ined during our explotsnoks inst “jeer, show clearly that it belongs to the a boscidea, as at first suspected. The species may therefore called Mastadon PO 124 O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. developed. The last upper molar has but a single internal these teeth have a strong inner basal ridge. The roof of the mouth is deeply excavated between the premolars. The nasals are decurved laterally, and much compressed. Measurements. Extent of upper molar series, - 734° SS mettons Of upper true. molara.. 34 es oe 130° Antero-posterior diameter of last upper molar, = ee Antero-posterior diameter of last upper premolar, -- ----- 28° rankeorme Grainieter a 33° Space occupied by three right incisors, 75 Antero-posterior diameter of upper canine at base, ---- -- 2 Sraneearae Gisitieter oo ee Vertical diameter of zygomatic process of squamosal,.... 34 important parts well preserved. These remains show conclu- sively that there are two genera represented among them. One of these is doubtless Paleosyops, but the type of that genus 18 too imperfectly known to determine its more important charac- ters. These two genera agree apparently in the structure of the anterior portion of the skull, but differ somewhat in their den- titi n some specimens, which agree best with Dr. Leidy’s original description of Paleosyops paludosus, the last uppeT molar has two inner cones, and to this group the name Palo- syops may in future be restricted. The other specimens have but a single internal cone on the last upper molar, and for the genus thus represented the name Limnohyus is proposed. ‘These genera may be distinguished from Telmatherium by the pre- maxillaries, which are short, stout and depressed, with a small median suture. Other distinctive characters of the three genera will be given in the full description. The present species may be distinguished from those above described, especially by the strong basal ridge of the molars. 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. 125 On the last lower molar it extends entirely around the posterior obe. The first of the upper true molars has the two inner cones nearly of the same size. The small intermediate median tubercles are well developed on the upper molars, and all the teeth are strongly rugose, even in fully adult animals. The nasal bones contract anteriorly and are rounded in front. The ic unite by a very short median suture, similar to that in Paleo- Measurements. Antero-posterior extent of last three upper molars, La Antero-posterior diameter of last upper molar, 41° Transverse diameter, ee ar en ae a ee 43°5 Antero-posterior diameter of last upper premolar, - ------ 20° peveversé diameter, .__..._..._..... i teases 26°5 Antero- osterior diameter of last lower molar, Vertica diameter of zygomatic process of squamosal,.... 34° The specimen on which the above description is chiefly based was discovered, in September last, by Mr. F. Mead, Jr., hear Henry’s Fork, Wyoming. Other specimens of the same nr, Mr. G. M. 8eological formation was lower Miocene, or Hocene. Hyrachyus princeps, sp. NOV. This well-marked species includes the largest of the Tapiridee yet found in this country. The remains representing it indi- cate an animal nearly three times the bulk of Lophiodon Baird- us Marsh, and probably twice that of the individual named yrachyus eximius by Dr. Leidy. The specimens on which the Species is based consist of a nearly complete series of upper teeth, and several lower molars, with the more important parts of the skeleton, all ertaining to one animal, and remarkably well Preserved. The last two upper molars are unusually lar ede to the rest of the series, and have as antero-external quite separate, and with its apex incurv Measurements. Ettent of entire upper molar series, 194°. mm stable double salts of cobalt, iridium and rhodium, having respectively the formulas, €o,(N G2) sos, fr4(NO2) 0K and Rh,(N®,),2 K,, the nitrous atom is (0,N—) and not (—~O—N®)? > w. G.] 3. e reduction of glutanic acid by iodhydrie acid.—The seacectian of Ritthausen have rendered it probable that glutanic Wes by pure glutamic acid, ©,H,N®,, was = converted into glutani¢ acid by the action of nitrous acid, e glutanic acid obtained in this manner, €,H,O,, was then ped in a sealed tube with a into desoxy-glutanic iar oe The new acid is ee basic, orms large crystals which belong to the monoclinic bre: and is easily soluble i in water. The formula of this acid is the same as of them yield pyrotartaric acid b —— uction.— Journal fir prakt Chemie, "Ne Velgd Band 5, p. 3 33 ot wa an aldehyd-alcohol. rah has obtained a aes * poly- mer of aldehyd, ane the formula €,H,©,, to which he gives the name of aldol. is a perfectly colorless liquid, which after cooling becomes thick like a pure solution of sugar. It is so viscid at. 0° that the tube containing it may be inverted without any flow of liquid. When gently heated, it becomes as fluid as water, but it regains its viscid character only some hours after cooling. 1ts density at 0° is 11208: it has a strong serene and bitter taste, and mixes in all proportions with water and aleo When heated to 135°, aldol is resolved mu crotonic shiclivd sid water: € HO, =O 8 ,O-+0H,. Aldol reduces se nitrate aie cupropotassic sulphate. When heated for some days with anhydrous acetic acid, aldol forms aD acetate havi Sait the formula €,H,0(€,H,®,) ; ‘and a diacetate having the formula €,H,(€, H,0 ©) 05 which may be regarded as the diacetate of crotonic aldehyd. — Nitric acid oxidizes aldol with es energy, forming severa Gritanil Y welll not yet descri hosphoric chloride also acts energetically an aldol, fo sf chloride which is Lae ierse €©,H,Cl,. This is a thick, colorless liquid almost impossible to purify. Wurtz pounidell aldol to have a constitution represented by the formula: €H,—€H(0H)-—€H,—€Ho. Geology and Mineralogy. 133 By the prolonged action of chlorhydric acid upon aldehyd, Wurtz obtained also the anhydride of aldol (€,H,9),0. The author remarks that aldol in many respects resembles the sugars, glucose being like aldol, at the same time an aldehyd and an alcohol.— Comptes Rendus, Tome Ixxiv, p. 1361. Lona II. Grotoay anp MINERALOGY. 1. Fossils probably of the Chazy era in the Eolian Limestone of West Rutland ; by E. Burtrxes. (From a letter to J. Dana, dated Montreal, May 23.)—I received last summer som fossils from Rev. Wing, and made the following note upon them before I sent them back. : 5th June, 1871, from the Rev. A. Wing, twenty specimens with the following ticket: “Encrinites and obscure fossils, supposed to be Trenton, col- lected May, 1870, at the marble quarries, West Rutland, not one d r o Most northern one worked on the southwest side of the valley, Say one hundred and fifty rods southwest from Barns’ hotel, West Rutland.” _ If Hitchcock's Eolian is Stockbridge limestone, then the latter Meludes the Chazy. The plate of the Cystidean, P. tenuiradiatus all, is a never-failing guide to the Chazy ; at least it is so on the aoe ms Lake Champlain. oe ate ayden Kxplorin edition. the covery 0, bee Pnnaticn in be tee of Idaho; by Prof. F. H, Brapiey, Geologist of the Expedition. (From a letter to J. D. Dana, dated Fort Hall, Idaho, July 7th, 1872.)—I write to announce the discovery of the Quebee group. I first found it in be conside i dsto: I trace red as representing the Potsdam sandstone. I tr sae d, nearly coniiiioasee to the angle of Port Neuf Cafion— @ distance of over fifty miles. At this latter point the bed seems Me thin somewhat, and is overlaid by 1,000 feet or more of quartz- es 134 Scientific Intelligence. a Neévé de Justedal et ses Glaciers ; par C. pr Srun, ad- joint. . ‘Vint Pome Aine de I Université Royale de Chris- tiania. 56 pp. 4to, with a chart, 9 photographs, and a lithographic plate. Chitianis, 187 0.—We cite here a few facts from this i impor- tant memoir. The great névé of Justedal covers a high plateau, lying between Sogn on one side and the Nordfiord and Séndfiord on the other, having a height of 1400 to 1650 meters above the sea, but passing northeastward into a chain of mountains, the cul- minati ing summits of which are the Lodalskaobe, 2076 meters in hess, parent it descends the valley of Viksdalen into the Séndfiord. The ‘length of the névé region is thus about 42 miles, and its sur- face over nine hundred square miles. fj aciers of the first class that descend from the snow- plateau are those of—1, Vetelfiord ; 2, Boium; 3 and 4, Suphelle; 5, Langedal; 6, 7, Optag; 8, Austerdal ; 9, Tunsbergdal ; 10, 11, 12, Bergset; 13, Nigar; 14, Faobergstol ; 15, Lodal; 16, Stege- “eh er Gredung Bad al; 19, Ne sda is 20 Aobrekke; 21, Brigsdal ; 22, Melkevold 23, Fo nd, in the valley of Stardal ; 2 Lunde. ‘After numerous measurements of the rate of progress the movement of the ice in the glaciers of Boium, of Tonehengal and of Lodal, in the course of the month of August, the author gives the following as the mean results. In the case of the glacier of Boium, the rate per hour near its extremity was 0°28 in. pao tt and English) ; ; 3,000 feet above the extremity it was 0°66 i 8 yards from the oe convex side, 0°87 in. at the middle, mite o- 81 about 100 m the opposite or more convex side; while at points vag the less con- vex side within 20 to 40 yards of the margin the rate was 0°16 im. to 0°20 in. an hour. For the glacier of Tunsbergdal, the rate per hour near the ex- tremity was 0°23 in.; about 2,900 feet above it was 0°37 in. 135 yards from the concave side ; about the middle 0°41 in. to 0°51 in. ; and toward the convex side 0°62 in. to 0°63 in. For the glacier of Lodal, the rate per ar, about 490 yards above the extremity, was at the middle 0-104 in. to 0-091; about 1,875 yards above the extremity 0°183 in., 0°218 in. and 0° 212 in; about 2 500 yards from the extremity, just below where the two _ tributary glaciers come in from the right and left, 0°047 in. ear the margin; 100 yards from this margin, 0°140 in. ; ‘about th @ middle of the glacier 0°279 in. ‘297 in. tat author states vee the inelnation of the surface beneath the glacier where the measurements were made is about the same for each, and that the aiferonce ve the rate - motion depended on the pressure from the upper eng of = lacier. This pressure, was, ‘‘iseetoak,; much the greatest for the glacier of Boium. The o 8 Geology and Mineralogy. 135 conclusions are drawn that the movement diminishes in ratio toward the sides, bottom, and extremity of the glaciers; and when the course bends, so that one side is convex and the other concave, the movement is most rapid on the convex side. T are only a few of the results brought out in this Memoir. Tt is illustrated by a map and diagrams, and also by a photo- graphic plate made up of nine photographic views of the Norwe- gian glaciers, 4, a for lower Switzerland to the J uras, and lodged boulders on these mountains, and that Prof. Guyot followed the lines of these bould- ers from the Juras across the plain to their sources in the Alps. Messrs, Falson and Chantre have recently traced the path of this glacier all the way from Lake Geneva, southwestward to Lyons, passing by Seillon, Chatillon, Ars and Sattonay, and even ten miles farther south, to Vienne in Dauphiny. In its course, after being Jomed by the glacier o. the Arve (of which the Mer de Glace was one of the sources), it encountered the local glaciers of some of the valleys of Bugey; but it ended in surmounting the latter and depositing its moraines ot crystalline rocks over their moraines of eemetone rocks.— Bibl Univ., 1870, xxxviii, 118, and Bull. Soe. col, : showing that the denudation was not due to the east-and-west course of the Magellan straits. e two heads of the narrowest part of the straits are beautifully polished and rounded. Similar glacial effects were observed in Borgia Bay ; Sreater extension than now. rot. Agassiz concluded from the character of the north and South sides of the summits in Fuegia, and other facts, that the tho’ement of the ice was to the north, and independent mainly of © present slopes of the land. The region ne which Prof. Agassiz states that he observed Slacial phenomena in southern South America includes all of the 136 Scientific Intelligence. continent south of 37° of S. latitude both on the Atlantic side (Bay of St. Matthias, and the Pacific side. At Talcahuano large erratic boulders and roches abe AO were observed at the mouth Vin- cente (between Concepcion Bay and ‘Gh Bay of Aranco) glacial markings were found by. Mr. Pourtales, at the sea level—“ a mag- nificent polished surface,” says Prof. Ag gassiz, “as well preserved as an ave seen under glaciers of the present day, with — marked furrows and scratches ;” and this is in latitude 3°°. place is only a few feet above tide level, upon the slope of a hill n which stand the ruins of a Spanish fort. The course of the scratches is nearly east and west ; but some cross the main trend, - and runsoutheast. The magnetic variation at pach emer is 18°3', the true meridian being to the right of the magnet 6. Annual Report of Prof. D. oE Boyd, Savesntediais of the Louisiana State University, for the year 1871, to the Governor of the State of Louisiana. 233 pp. 8vo. New Orleans, 1872,.—This Geological ‘Serooy of the State by | “ V. Horxiys, M.D., Prof. Geol., Chem. and Min., in the Universi In the Geological Report, Prof. tes ins gives many inp : facts with regard to the ge opens deposits, and also a colo red geological map of the State. The Post-tertiary is eg to con- sist, following the order of age, of (1) the Drift, (2) the Port Hud- son group (so named by Hilgard), (3) the Loess, (4) the Yellow oam. ‘To the last three the term Bluff formation is here ap- plied; and it is stated that “the delta formed by the se from the end of the Drift period to the era of the Loess was posed of its strata.” The beds of the Port Hudson group are mostly hard sand-beds, sandy-clay and were: they are more or less calcareous, and are often characterized by calcareous concretions. e thickness at the ee welle of rea is 160 to 282 feet. Pro Hhilg a in the southern part, and fresh water shells in some aac The of the po cent fg Lignite layers also oceur in it, and Setacaeee sot ge mps. The | sovats a fine silt, sos compacted. The water of slight ‘ai is is whsor ed into its porous beds, while heavier flows Vyclostoma, Achatina, and Suecinea, as long sinee observed near N atohen “ar Lyell; and sometimes affords bones of the mastodon. Geology and Mineralogy. 187 The yellow loam bed is for the most part between ten and twenty- five feet in thickness. “It is remarkable for the uniformity with which it appears at various levels, proving its deposition since the occurrence of a large amount of denudation in the older Bluff by a supposed barrier. e drift contains pebbles, which are mainly of reddish and yellowish chert. Among them there are numerous Silurian rachiopods; they must have come from Tennessee and the States farther north either side of the Mississippi river ; some of em from points 400 miles or more distant. The thickness of the drift in Louisiana is stated to average 200 feet. In the northwest- ‘ 2 rot. nee “that the passage of this formation into the modified he N boulders of large size occurring at this elevation in Licking Co., Ohio; and on this point he adds; “ We are . Ssissippi valley, and must grant that when the water floated an ice raft either up or over a hill 1,159 feet above the present sea- el there was a clear sweep for the polar current from the straits of Belle Isle (Gulf of Newfoundland) to the Gulf of Mexico.” 18 iceberg theory appears to be here called in just where it fannot serve. If the Gulf of Mexico had then opened up over the Continent either to the Arctic or the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, with the water 1,159 feet—or say 1,000 to 2,000 feet or more—deep at the Gulf, the Gulf stream would be the current, if any, that would “2ve occupied the great interior sea of the Mississippi valley ; and this would have given icebergs southward-bound a hard up-stream current to beat against. ere does not appear to be any good foundation for the conclusion that the Labrador current would 138 Scientific Intelligence. have had control of the waters. The latter flow would have d 4 its position greatly the advantage of the former in the contest for possession of the Mississippi region, and would at least aa ‘nullified the Labrador flow if n nothing more. The iceberg theory is therefore as wholly inapplicable to Louisiana as it is to New England. Besides the above consideration, and also the ob- jection to a continental submergence in the absence of the skeletons of whales, shells, and other sea relics from the drift regions of the ntinental inte rior, there is other evidence against the iceberg the- e fact that the deposits of sand bear evidence, in many = reas as Prof Hopkins says, that they were made by running water in rapid flow. e oceanic currents are slow lazy currents, even the best or largest - — 3 miles an hour is an unusual rate, and 5 miles an extrem cept in narrow channels. So slow a move- ment is wholly inadequate to produce the kind of beds making up muc e the drift; for the sand deposits often bear evidence of the fling of the waves, or of the } iolent rush of a tidal current, as ing Co. "Ohio, to ag sm resent place, and been — nent means of transportation over the north, icebergs, or more common- ld ard perio od with extreme slowness, even ain e cahelionee of the ceils epoch had taken n plac e. But sche or later the flood from ane melting would have begun; ant: as Prof. Hilgard has shown, it would have been a vast flood, coming as it must have done sa ice that buried deeply the whole icatsh of the Missis- sippi water-shed, and even from regions beyond it, since one oF more of the Great Lakes then poured their waters southward—an : area ey less than. twenty millions of square miles. An d, in suc ood, masses or bergs of ice, freighted with wit would ave oa e with the current southward ; while the waters in rapi violent aoe would have transported the sands and even coarser material, and made deposits of all the various kinds — 7. Investigations os Fossil Birds; by Mr. A. Mane Ep- warps,—At the moment when my inv mergers upon fossil b ree 0. which have lasted fully twelve years. Geology and Mineralogy. 139 I believe I have demonstrated, by the examination of the bones which have been found in the recent deposits in the Mascarene for the most part, to extinct species, eee for when Europeans visited them for the first time, they id not find there any Mammalia, with the exception of some Epyornis which Mr, A. Grandidier and I have been able to recognize among the fossils collected in the swamps of the south- West coast have enabled us to establish the rela ionship which Connects these birds with the Dinornis, the Palapterpx, and h : ra M superficial deposits, sometimes in caverns, fragments of bir Is Which furnish us with valuable indications of the climatal condi- tions of that epoch. Some of these species have now entirely dis- 4ppeared: others, in conside toward the north—for instance, the grouse and the great tion, W ;2nnot invoke the same explanation for birds which have never been domesticated. Lastly, we also find in our caves a grea humber of species identical with those which now inhabit temper- -_ urope—among others, the cock, which was supposed to be a hative of India, but which, on the contrary, must have been a con- *mporary of the first ages of man. ‘ : eliey especially the Middle Tertiary deposits which have fur- mshed me with a rich harvest. us in the Department of the Allier I have recognized the presence of about 70 species belong- § to very various groups, some of which no longer belong to our 140 Scientific Intelligence. fauna. Parrots and trogons inhabited the woods; swallows built in the fissures of the rocks nests in all pr obability like those now found in certain _ ts of Asia and the Indian archipelago. A secretary bird nearly allied to that of the Cape of Good Hope sought in the plains the serpents and reptiles which at that time, as now, must have furnished its nourishment. Large tre cranes, flamingoes, the sone oh (birds of curious forms, part both of the characters of the flamingoes and nite a Gralle), and ibises frequented ‘the banks of the water-courses where the midst of the lakes; and, lastly, sand-grouse and numerous > seein noe birds assisted in giving to this ornithological popula- tion a physiognomy with which it is impossible not to be struck, and ick recalls to one’s mind the descriptions which Livingstone has given us of certain lakes of southern Africa. e list I have given of the birds whose existence I have ascer- . in the part of the “spare lakes the alluvium of —_— hee formed the deposits of St. Géraud le Puy, of Vaumas, &ec., which are only represented in my collection by a single bone or meee a few bones. The species most frequently met with are left mete as now, birds had preferences for certain places, certain -, from which they de — pie —- The little diver h the genera Totanus and Tringa, whilst Elorius and Himantopus are represented by few indbvictiate I have found numerous bones of the ibis, and in particular of the eaibogintaeete estas Hee 5 the four other species of the latter —— re by no means so common. . The cranes are rare; their bones are almost always broken and often injured by the teeth of rodents, as if they had lain for a long time on the bank before being carried to the bottom of the lake. The rails, the gallinaceous birds, the pigeons, the sand-grouse, the passerine birds, the raptores, and the parrots have left but few traces of their existence. These bi rds, from their mode of life, did not remain continually on the shores of the lakes or water-courses ; their — might be eaten or destroyed at once, and it would d a concurrence of exceptional circumstances for them to be Geology and Mineralogy. 141 I met with a single bone of a parrot, sand-grouse, secretary bird, or of several of the raptores; and some, of which I had collected the remains a long time ago, have not appeared since. All the bones of birds collected in the Miocene beds of Weis- senau, in the basin of Mayence, that I have been able to examine, kag a complete resemblance to those of the Department of the er. the Bourbonnais and the Auvergne: and although the greater part of the species belong to families at present existing in our fauna, hot one is known to be actually living, and several of them Re characters sufficient to constitute new gener re, : € marine faluns of the Loire have only furnished me with a few species of birds. I have been able, however, to recognize a cormorant almost as large as that which now lives on our shores, 142 Scientific Intelligence. we have as yet discovered only very few traces of terrestrial animals which lived during the deposition of these important strata. Perhaps new zoological forms will be discovered there filling up the immense gap which exists between the J urassi¢ 8, Fossil ache ten From the Niobrara and Upper Missouri.— Prof. Leidy has founded a species of lion, Felis augustus, on sev- eral teeth and fragments of riots from the Loup Fork of the Nio- brara, Nebraska, obtained by Dr. Hayden. The most character- iscosaurus ; and “ viewing the specimen as probably represent ing a genus different from those mentioned, he proposes for the species the name Oligosimus grandevus.” Another specimen ob- tained by Dr. Hayden in the “ Black Foot country” at the es = the Missouri, “ looks as if it had formed part of the dermal a of some huge saurian, or perhaps of an armadillo-like eh 9 : ee this specimen heres is a distal phalanx, which may belong to the same — named Tylosteus ornatus.— Proce. Acad. Nat. Sci., April 2, 1872. 9. esa Mammals from. the Tertiary of Wyoming ; Prof. Leidy. specimen here described is a fragment of an upper jaw with er molar teeth, and another a lower jaw with one molar. e upper molars have crowns composed of four lobes, the outer of which are like those of Anchitherium. The three upper molars occupied a space of eight lines. They are too large for the know? species of Hyopsodus or Microsyops, and nearly accord with the lower molars of Notharctus. The species is named Hipposyys show that the Bridger Tertiary formation of was C0- temporaneous with the Tertiary deposit of Meeitath Oo. N. I Proc. Acad, Nat. ‘ad., Apr. 2, 1872, 10. Graptolites—Prof. Allman has a valuable. article on the morphology and affinities of Graptolites in the May number of the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, which concludes 48 ows: is were alleged Polyzoal [or Bryozoan] affinities, however, have some claim on our acceptance. Indeed, were it not for the dis- arene a the probable graptolite gonosome (corbule ?), we should have nearly as much to say for this view as for that which wo ould refer them to the Hydroida, more especially as the So of Rhabdopleura renders us acquainted with a polyzoon in whose t * On this point, see Marsh, this Jourual III, iii, 56, 360. Geology and Mineralogy. 143 is developed a chitinous rod in almost all respects like that of the graptolites.* On the whole, then, it would seem that the graptolites consti- h if fiinity Thave proposed to designate them.’ . Descriptions of New Species of Fossils, from the vicinity of Louisville, Ky.; by James Hart and R. P. Wurrrtetp (con- tinued). 12 pp. 8vo. Published June 12, in advance of the Report on the State Museum.—The species described are Brachio- , nort and South, is unquestionably Cretaceous. It is covered with beds gain, the branches of the large Madrepore of the wreck were Widely spaced, those of M. cervicornis having intervals of from Six to eighteen inches or more between the branches. ct it is impossible to make any exact estimate of the rate of growth of the reef; because a large part of the reef-grounds Sen at is, of the region of soundings receiving the eoral débris— i t . ora . <— of all Aiea. aie and channels among reefs, the bottoms of ic , as 8reat extent so because too deep for living corals; and it is true wee, compari vith that of a graptolite has al- parison of the rod of Rhabdopleura with that of a graptolite ready been made by Dr. Nicholson (‘Manual of Zoology”), though he adopts the ao generally accepted view which finds hydrozoal rather than polyzoal affiniti ‘the graptolites. 144 Scientific Intelligence. even of the coral plantations, these including many and. large jarren areas, ‘These unproductive portions of Pecreree con- this allowance, the estimate of one-fourth of an a a year would become one-twelfth of an i Again, shells add pee ee ably to the amount of calcareous material, perhaps one-sixth as yee as the corals; but against this we may ‘set off the porosity of the coral. The rate of growth of the a clivosa, stated on page 125, would make the rate of increase in the reef very much less r. pid. The specimen—grown within fourteen years—weighs 24 oz. avoirdupois, and has an average diameter of 7 inches. This increase would become about 1-80th of an inch per yea The specimen of Oculina diffusa, referred to on -_ 125, weighs 44 ounces, which is five-sixths more than that of the Meeandrina, while the average anaes of the clump is the same. The average annual increase would consequently cover a circular area of 7 inches diameter 1-18th of an inch deep. And m calculation, because we have not the specimen for examination, d it is not certain that the Sales stated by him was not horizontal diameter. These estimates from the Meandrina clivosa and Oculina growth as those ip she outer margin of the reef. Again, we have made no allowance for the carbonate of lime that is supplied by the waters by way of cement, supposing that this must come originally, for the most part, from the reef itself. Besides, we have aeons supposed all the coral reef-rock to be solid, free from open spaces ; and, further, it is not considered that much of it is a coral pat soto in which the e fragments 8 their original osi Pon the other side, we have not allowed for loss of débris from the reef grounds by transportation into the deep seas adjoining, believing the amount to be very small. Whatever the uncertainties, it is evident that a reef increases its height or extent with extreme slowness. If the rate of upward Geology and Mineralogy. 145 progress 1s even one-sixteenth of an inch a year, it would take for an addition of a single foot to its height one hundred and ninety years, and for five feet a thousand years. It is here to be considered that the thickness of a growing reef could not exceed twenty fathoms (except by the few feet added een beach and wind-drift accumulations), even if existing for oe of thousands of ears, unless there were at the same Ime a slowl progressing subsidence; so that if we know the possible rate of increase in a reef, we cannot infer from it the ney ae for any particular reef; for it may have been very . ; Slower than that. Without a subsidence in progress, the eel would increase only its breadth.—Dana’s Corals and Coral 18. Revue de Géologie pour les années 1868 and 1869, par M. tT. Vol. viii, 1872. Paris (Dunod, in dia, Coal, b : i y Thomas Oldham; Geology of the Shillong Plateau by H.R. Medlicott; Part 2, the papers on the Kurhurban and mantrated by numerous plates; and Ser. vit, Kutch Fossils, some lary Crabs, by F. Stoliczka, also illustrated in excellent style. Birests , ALFRED C. SELwyn, F.G.S., ches Report of Progress for 1870-71, 352 pp., 8vo. 1872.— th he Survey, “ Progress of the Survey and on the Gold Fields of Quebec New 8 é runswick; by Mr. Roxss on Northwestern bar runswick; by Mr. Ricuarpson on the country north of Co e St. John; by Mr. Venn and Me’ putatio; by Mr. Broome on Phosphate of Lime and Mica; by alah ELL on the region north of Lake Superior. The most orate report is that of Messrs. Bailey and Matthew. Their on ame, and of the progress of discovery with reference to it, ae up, in succession, the Laurentian areas and rocks, t z : itneg or those regarded as probably of this system, the Prim- thes under the name of the St. John Group, the Upper Silurian, Me evonian, the Lower Carboniferous, the Carboniferous or Coal ‘sures, and the Triassic or New Red Sandstone. eology M. Jour. Sct.—Tarrp Series, Vor. IV, No. 20.—Aveust, 1872, 10 146 Scientific Intelligence. of New Brunswick was well posted up by Dr. Dawson, in 1868, in the second edition of his excellent oe Geology, and illus- trated by a geological map. The authors give a more il account of some parts os the nibleat together with the results of beds by Mr. Matthew, was first proved to be Primordial “i Prof. C. F, Hartt, his discoveries with regard to the fossils, added to those previousl obtained, enabling him to announce this con- elusion with full confidence, the species of Lingula, Para ? yond doubt. The formation consists mainly of shales and is stated to be a little over 2000 feet in thickness, It occurs in Southern eet Geol olog 21. Stirlingite, Z.. erite.—Kenngott, in the February number of the Jahrbuch fir Mineralogie, has applied to the chrysolite containing zine, described by Repper in this Journal, II, 1, 35, the name Stirlingite, and to - manganesian dolomite, of the same author and page, the : is name Reepperite by Prof. Bruah i in the supplement to Dana’s Mineralogy, issued a month later arch s the silicate is more deserving of a — name, it is to be regretted that Reepper’s name cannot be it. The Jahrbuch ‘fir Mineralogie, Geologie und Palzontologie, of Leonhard and Geinitz (formerly Leonhard and Bronn), publish shed at Stuttgart, is the only journal in which mineralogists will find all the latest mineralogical news. It is an excellent journal also in its other departments, geology and paleontology. 22. Oligoclase from Wilmington, Delaware—N. Teclu gives for the X ay f | Fie 1. NS wy Pe aA pop E F ae H ee seat | | | rE Diffraction Spectrum | foie bapa t | | ee ee ee Regarding the space between the fixed lines D and E as rep- i Tesenting the central region, in each the fixed lines D and E are ca coincident. Che cttw lines are laid off —— pacsecas €y appear through the flint-glass prism of the spectro- Scope; those of the diffraction are arranged according to their 164. Sf. W. Draper—Distribution of Heat in the Spectrum. wave-lengths. It thus appears that in the prismatic, from the fixed line p to A, the yellow, orange, and red regions occupy but little more than half the space they do in the diffraction; while the green, blue, indigo, and violet, from the fixed line E to H, occupy nearly double the space in the prismatic that they do in the diffraction spectrum. The general result is that in the prismatic the less refrangible regions are much compressed, and the more refrangible much dilated. And it is plain that the same will hold good in a still greater degree for any invist- pemye that are below the red and above the violet respect- ively. an increased heat for that region; and on the contrary, the dila- tation of the more refrangible would give an exaggerated dimr nution of heat for that space. But if it were possible to make satisfactory heat measures on the diffraction spectrum, im which the colored spaces and fixed lines are arranged according t0 their wave-lengths, the admission would be substantiated. In view of these facts I did attempt many years ago to make heat measures on the diffraction spectrum. But so small is the heat that, as may be seen in the Philosophical Magazine (Mareh, 1857), the results were unsatisfactory. More recently I have tried another method of investigation, on principles which I will now explain. For the sake of clearness, restricting our thoughts for the moment to the more familiar case of the visible spectrum, if we desired to ascertain the true distribution of heat, would not the proper method be to collect all the more refrangible rays into one focal group, and all the less refrangible into another foca group, and then measure the heat that each gave? If the view currently received be correct, would not nearly all the heat observed be found in the latter of these foci, and little, if indeed any, be found in the former? But if all the various regions of the spectrum possess equal heat-giving powers, WO not the heat in each of these foci be the same ay Let us give greater precision to this idea. Using Angstrom® J. W. Draper—Distribution of Heat in the Spectrum. 165 wave-lengths—the length at the line a is 7604, and that at H? 3933, and these lines are not very far from the less and more tefrangible ends of the visible spectrum respectively. The mid- dle point of this spectrum is at 57 68, which may therefore be called its optical center. This is a little beyond the sodium line D, which is 5892. Now if by suitable means we reunite all the rays between 7604 and 5768 into one focus, and all the tays between 5768 and 3933 into another focus, are we not in a Position to determine the true distribution of the heat? Should the heat at these two foci be sensibly the same, must not the conclusion at present held be abandoned ? a0 In these investigations the rays of the sun be used, it is necessary to restrict the examination to the visible spectrum, excluding the invisible red and invisible violet radiations. O these the earth’s atmosphere exerts not only a very powerful train ‘pectrum, and that the indications they are giving are reliable. This variable absorptive action of the atmosphere depends partly on changes in the amount of water vapor, and partly on the altitude of the sun. At midday and at midsummer it is at ‘minimum. The disturbance is not merely a thermochrose, for both ends of the spectrum are attacked. It is a matter of ‘ays. But if the day be clear and the sun’s altitude sufficient, the visible spectrum may be considered as unaffected. +t should be borne in’ mind that the envelopes of the sun himself exert an absorptive action, which is powerfully felt in the ultra-violet region, as is indice the numerous fixe lines crowded together in that region. e force of this remark will be appreciated on examining the plate above referred to, m the Philosophical Magazine for May, 1848. . It seems then that all the conditions necessary for the solu- tion of this problem will be closely approached if we make use °t prisms constituted of any substance which is completely color- the eye, and confine our measures to the visible spectrum, collecting all the radiations between the fixed line A and the center of that spectrum just beyond p into one focus, and all * 166 «od. W. Draper—Distribution of Heat in the Spectrum. the radiations between that center and H? into another focus, and by the thermopile or any other suitable means measuring the heat of these foci. Such is the method I have followed in obtaining the meas- ures now to be presented: but before giving them there are cer- tain preparatory facts which I wish to submit to the considera- tion of the reader. (1.) In the mode of experiment hitherto adopted, no special care has been taken to ascertain with accuracy the position of the “extreme red,” yet that is held to be the point from which on one side we are to estimate the invisible and on the other the visible spectrum. Different persons, perhaps because of a different sensitiveness of their eyes, will estimate that position differently. The red light shades off gradually—it is almost impossible to tell when it really comes to an end. be deseri d, I found no difficulty in recognizing heat in the violet Le ? J. W. Draper—Distribution of Heat in the Spectrum. 167 (4.) If waves of light falling upon an absolutely black sur- face, and becoming extinct thereby, are transmuted into heat, if the warming of surfaces by incident light be nothing more than the conversion of motion into heat—an illustration of the modern doctrine of the correlation of forces—heat itself being only “a duce the same amount. For though an undulation of the latter Description of the Apparatus employed. The optical arrangement I have employed for carrying the foregoing suggestions into practice is represented by fig. 2, and ™ a horizontal section by fig. 8. lack cient to permit the light of the slit to pass. After refraction the dispersed rays fall as a spectrum on a concave me lel rays. I have sometimes used one of speculum metal, Ut more frequently one silvered on its 168 &. W. Draper—Distribution of Heat in the Spectrum. this mirror there are therefore three foci. Ata distance of eleven inches there is one, ¢, fig. 3, giving a spectrum image of the sun. Still further there is a second, f, which is a spectrum image of the slit a, in which, if the prism be at its angle of minimum devia- tion, and the other adjustments be correctly made, will be seen the Fraunhofer lines. Again, still farther off, at g, is a focal image of the rectangular opening of the black paper ¢ ¢, on the Fig. 2. front face of the prism. This image, arising from the recombin- ation of all the dispersed rays, is consequently white. The second and third foci are at distances from the mirror depending on the distance of the slit a, and the black paper ¢ ¢, respect ively. With the intention of being certain that the light coming through the slit @ is falling properly on the rectangular opening in the prism screen ¢c,a small looking-glass is placed at p. he experimenter, sitting near the multiplier m, can then see Gi tinctly the reflected image of that opening. t the place where the second focal image with its Fraut- hofer lines forms, two screens of white paste- , A, % are arranged. By suitably placing the former of these, /, the more refrangible rays may be intercepted, and in like manner by the J. W. Draper—Distribution of Heat in the Spectrum. 169 ‘ quity to its incident rays as to throw the focal images suffici- ently on one side. Yet this obliquity must not be greater than 's actually necessary for that purpose, or the purity of the sec- ond spectrum, with its Fraunhofer lines, will be interfered with. Fig. 3. it the place of the third focus, arising from the reunion of the Spersed rays, is the thermopile g, connected by its wires kk With the multiplier m. ; _henever any of the visible rays of the Fraunhofer spectrum are intercented by advancing either of the screens A, 2, the image on » face of the pile ceases to be white. It becomes of cular ray, or of any selected combination of rays. The screens can be ar ged oe us to reach any designated Fraunhofer Tine. The pile have used is of the common square form; a linear Pile would not answer. The focal image on the pile is of very 170 soo. ;W. Draper—Distribution of Heat in the Spectrum. much greater width than the slit a, on account of the obliquity | of the front face of the prism. y removing the screen h, and placing the screen 7 so that its edge coincides with the line A of the Fraunhofer spectrum, all the invisible heat radiations of less refrangibility than the red are cut off, except the contaminating ones arising from the gen- eral diffusion of light by the substance of the prism. Under these circumstances the image on the pile will be white, and the multiplier will give a deflection representing the heat of the visible and the extra violet regions. If then the screen be advanced still further, until it has intercepted all the less refrangible regions up to the sodium line D or a little beyond, that is, to the optical center of the spectrum, the tint on the face of the pile will be greenish-blue, and the multiplier will give a measure of the heat of the more refrangible half of the visible spectrum, together with that of the ultra-violet rays; the latter portion may, however, be eliminated by properly using the other screen h. esides the error arising from stray heat diffused through the spectrum, in consequence of the optical imperfection of the prism, there is another which may be recognised on recollecting the relative positions of the prism, the concave mirror, and the face of the pile. It is evident that the prism, considered as 4 warm or a cool mass, is a source of disturbance, for the mirror reflects its image, that is, the image of the prism itself, to the pile. After the intromitted sunbeam has passed through the prism for a short time, the temperature of that mass has risen, and the heat from this source has become intermingled with the proper spectrum heat. But this error is very easily eliminated. It is only necessary to puta screen n in the path of the incoming ray, between the slit and the prism, and note the deflection of the multiplier. Used as we are here supposing, the multipher as two zeros. The first, which may be termed the magnetie, is the position in which the needles will stand when no current is passing through the coil. The scale of the instrument should be set to this. The other, which may be termed the working zero, is formed by coupling the pile and the multiplier together, and introducing the screen n between the intromitting slit a the prism. On doing this it will probably be found that the index will deviate a few divisions. Its position should be. accurately marked at the beginning and close of each measures, and the proper correction for them made. Th turbing influences of the mass of the prism, of the mirror, and of the pile itself, are thus eliminated. As respects the last, It should not be forgotten that it may be affected by changes 1? the position of the person of the experimenter himself. 'ith the intention of diminishing these errors, I have usually J. W. Draper—Distribution of Heat in the Spectrum. 171 covered the upper and lower portions of the concave mirror dd with pieces of black paper, so arranged as to leave a band of sufficient width to receive and reflect the entire spectrum. aa, fig. 4, is the upper paper, bb the lower, ce the uncovered reflecting band, receiving the spectrum rv. Had the spaces thus covered been permitted to reflect, they would have rendered more intense the image of the Fig. 4. could not be used in these delicate re- : searches until proper arrangements were applied. It was covered with a glass shade. The slightest cause casioned currents in its included air, which perpetually drifted and disturbed the needles. For this reason, and also accurate reading, it is best to view the position of the index tough a small telescope. e combination of needles being nearly astatic, attention Must be paid to their magnetic perturbations, whether arising from local or other causes; and, since the vibrations are very i. ample time must be given before the reading is ascer- ed. The condition of the face of the pile is of importance. It Wil not answer—the surface so produced is too glossy and rellecting. The plan I have found best is to take a glass tube If an inch in diameter and six inches long, open at both ends. and use it as a chimney. Api the lower end, and the face of the pile to be blackened being held Stanc falling on it, Its quality of transmitting light is well known to every one who has looked at the sun through a smoked glass. e galvanometer I have used is calibrated according to the ethod. e num given in this memoir do not Ped the angles of deflection, but their corresponding 172). ;W. Draper—Distribution of Heat in the Spectrum. The proper position of the intercepting screens h, 7, can often be verified with precision by looking through blue cobalt glass. This glass insulates a definite red, an orange, and a yellow ray in the less refrangible regions, and then commencing with the green, gives a continuous band to the end of the violet. Its red ray begins at the less refrangible end of the spectrum, and to receive all the radiations coming from the prism, and that none are escaping past its edges, The operations required are as follows : The heliostat is to be set, and its reflected ray brought into the proper position. The optical train is adjusted, the prism being at its minimum deviation, and the concave mirror giving a white image on the face of the pile. ‘ The screen h is then to be placed so that, without inten any rays coming from the prism to the mirror, it cuts off the Fraunhofer spectrum above H?. Be e screen 7 is so placed as to cut off all rays less refrangible than the sodium line p. More correctly, the screen should be a little beyond p. The light on the face of the pile will now be greenish-blue. ; The screen n is then placed so as to intercept the intromitted beam. When the needles of the multiplier come to rest they give the working zero, which must be noted. ne The intromitting screen n being now removed, the multiplier will indicate all the heat of the more refrangible rays, that } from a little beyond p up to H?._ The force corrected for the working zero is to be noted. ; screen 7 is then removed to the line A, so as to give all the radiations between the lines A and H?. The light on the J. W. Draper—Distribution of Heat in the Spectrum. 178 face of the pile is white, and the multiplier gives the whole heat of the visible spectrum. By subtracting the foregoing measure from this, we have the heat of the less refrangible region, that is from a to the centre of the spectrum. As a matter of curiosity, the experimenter may now, if he pleases, remove the screens A,7; the light on the face of the pule will still be white, and the multiplier will give the force of the entire radiations, except so far as they are disturbed by the thermochrose of the media. These measures, as not bearing upon the problem under consideration, I do not give in the following tables. : Tnstead of advancing the screen 7 from the less toward the “nt refrangible regions, I have very frequently moved h om mode of experimentation, as I did not find that its results dif- fered in any important degree from those obtained as just described. The variation in different experiments may generally be traced to errors in placing the screen ¢ with exactness on the centre of the spectrum and on the line A. ; or the sake of more convenient comparison, I have reduced all the different sets of experiments to the standard of 100 for the whole visible spectrum. ov wave made use of four prisms: (1) rock salt ; (2) flint glass ; (3) bisulphide of carbon ; (4) quartz, cut out of the crystal so give a single image. All the observations here recorded were made on days when there was a cloud Taste I,—Distribution of heat by rock-salt. ries I. Series IT. Heat of the whole Moet cite Maes sak on ee @) see guste. ge In this table the column marked Series L. gives the mean of four sets of measures, and that marked II. of three, At the ning of each set the rock-salt was repolished. Taste IL— Distribution of heat by flint-glass. Series I. Series IT. (1) Heat of the whole visible spe trum,. .------- 100 —s-: 100 (2) . more refrangible region, -------- 49 (3) vy less « Rie ig I. gives the mean of ten sets of measures, Series IL. of eg i : 52 51 48 174 oo. W. Draper—Dstribution of Heat in the Spectrum. TasieE IIll.—Distribution of heat by bisulphide of carbon. Seri sI. Series I. (1) Heat of the whole visible spectrum, 100 100 (2) . more refrangible region,_--.-.--- 52 49 (3) = less “3 Dt iin ee 48 51 The sulphide employed was devoid of any yellowish tinge; it was quite clear. Series I. is the mean of eight experiments, Series IT. of ten. Taste [V.— Distribution of heat by quartz. : Series I. Series Il. (1) Heat of the whole visible spectrum, ------_--- 100 100 (2 ye more refrangible region,_------- 49 53 £3) * less . sf Ge SEN NE 51 47 Series I. represents twenty-seven experiments, Series IL. twelve. In the former two quartz prisms were used to increas€ the dispersion ; in the latter only one was employed. Perhaps it may not be unnecessary for me to say that I have repeated these experiments many hundred times during a perio of several months, including the winter and the summer, vary- ing the conditions as to the hour of the day, arrangement of the paratus, &c., as much as I could, and present the foregoing tables as fair examples of the results. Apprehending that the heliostat mirror, which was of speculum metal, might exert some disturbing influence on account of its faint reddish tinge, I replaced it with one of glass silyered on the front face, but could not detect any substantial difference in the results. k The important fact clearly brought into view by these exper ments is, that if the visible spectrum be divided into two equal portions, the ray having a wave-length of 5768 being con sidered as the optical center of such a spectrum, these portions will present heating powers so nearly equal that we may impute the differences to errors of experimentation. Assuming this as true, it necessarily follows that in the spectrum any two series of undulations will have the same heating power, no matter what their wave-lengths may be. But this conclusion leads unavoidably to a most important modification of the views now universally held as regards the transmutation of force. ae From this point of view the conception that there exists 1? an incident ray various principles disappears altogether. We have to consider an incident ray as consisting solely of etherial @.U, Shepard—Corundum of N. Carolina and Georgia. 175 ones atoms,—and these in their turn can give rise to con- _ results, as when we gradually raise the temperature of a -J9stance the oscillating movements of its molecules are mparted to the ether, and waves of less and less length are successively engendered. she remark has been made that these results are essentially sean with photometry. In fact, any thermometer is con- "ted into a photometer, if its ball or other receiving surface be coated with a perfectly opaque non-reflecting substance. ae ae ea sa XXIV.—On the Corundum region of North Carolina and b corgia, with descriptions of two gigantic crystals of that species ; oy Cartes UpHam Sueparp, Sr., Prof. of Natural History jm Amherst College, Mass. (Concluded from page 114.) ey remains to speak of the corundum itself. This may be 'd to be eminently crystalline throughout, often in tolerably ead crystals of considerable size, in a few instances, gigantic. er form, as usual, is that of six-sided prisms or pyramids, Sometimes the two combined; and exhibiting occasional trian- gular faces belonging to the primary rhombohedron. Whether 176 CU. Shepard—Corundum of N. Carolina and Georgia. massive or crystallized however, it is readily cleavable ; and the crystals are remarkable for showing cleavage lines, whereby their faces are transversely ruled off into lozenge-shaped areas, often in a very beautiful manner. The prevailing colors are blue and red, the latter often of a deep tint and handsome. The blue is intense only in small patches, and shades off into gray or pale yellowish gray. Thus far I have seen no single remarkable for their translucency and internal regularity. Their unfitness for cutting, therefore, would appear to result from their too easy cleavage, rather than from other causes. The same crys- tal often combines the red and blue shades of color; the latter tint, if the form is pyramidal being the deepest at the base, and evin- cing a tendency to traverse the center of the crystal nearly to its apex, where the ruby color wholly replaces it, and sometimes here presents itself with much intensity. The faces differ con- siderably in smoothness and luster. Those belonging to the prism, the primary rhombohedron, and the face perpendicular to the axis, being the most perfect ; while those of the pyramids are the most deficient in finish. In size, the crystals vary from @ quarter of an ounce up to a pound in weight, though the latter are rare; while two have been foun comparative dimensions. It repre- sents them at about one-tenth the nat- ural size. The largest of the two is red at the © surface, but within of a bluish-gray. This was found by Col. Jenks last au- tumn at the Culsagee mine, Macon o., N. C.; and occurred in a layer of soft, almost pulverulent, vermiculite, within four feet of the surface of the ground. We undoubtedly owe the very perfect preservation of its form to the soft mater ial in which it was reposited. Had it occurred ata greater depth in the stratum, where the gangue is an unaltered ripido- lite, its extrication except in fragments, would have been impo> sible. The general figure is pyramidal, showing, howeveh scarcely more than a single six-sided pyramid, whose summit }§ 0. U. Shepard—Corundum of N. Carolina and Georgia. 177 shadings, where the eraciplie! abounds. The small triangular Space between s and s refers to a cleavage face parallel with one of the primary planes. The sina le ues Very uneven, from being coated by a brown vermicu- lite, or altered ripidolite. Some of the lateral planes are coated ™ patches with a white pearly margarite. The general color of 3 tal is a grayish-blue, though there are spots, icularly near the angles, where it is of a pale sapphire tint. ts greatest AM. Jour, ate” as Serres, Vou. IV, No. 21.—SePTEMBER, 1872, 178 ©. U. Shepard—Corundum of N. Carolina and Georgia. breadth is six inches, and its length rather above five. This specimen also was found by Col. Jenks, while exploring for corundum at a new locality in Rabun Co., Ga., at a spot about 16 miles west from Walhalla (S. C.), a little north of the pro- n noting the associated rocks and minerals, we here fin ‘ hornblendic gneiss (with considerable spite) on one side 0 the vein (rarely on both sides), and ta ner, though much more rarely, the diaspore is here found. 4p} C. U. Shepard—Corundum of N. Carolina and Georgia. 179 with the margarite and other imbedded minerals. The amphod- olite or indianite variety of anorthite also occurs at a few or ruby color. Its associates are spinel (which is either red or gray), rutile, biotite (phlogopite), a brown hornblende, a grass-green arfvedsonite, a peculiar feldspar, and more rarely, serpentine). Thus far, neither magnetite nor diaspore have been detected as occurring in the aggregate at these places. magnetite. But in the absence of quartz and the prevalence of Magnesia, we discover a marked similarity of conditions with the N. ©. and Chester localities. j Concerning the localities in Delaware and Chester counties, Pa. Lam unable to speak definitely. But all the specimens of corundum I have examined from that county, N. C., an entirely distinct region from that in the Blue Tidge ‘first described, the corundum is mixed with — re rutile. The specimens of blue corundum found within a * See this Journal, vol. xi, ix, p. 271. 180 Works of Barrande. crystals occurring at Norwich, ig were completely sur- rounded by the allied species, fibrolit Dolomitic limestone constitutes the aha repository of corun- dum in other countries, as at Campo Longo, St. Gothard; and of the emery, according to Dr. J. Lawrence Smith, in the Turk- ish dominions, where he has pointed out the margarite, diaspore and chloritoid as its distinguishing attendants The examples from Mozzo, Piedmont, show a gangue of some ompact iPaten of feldspar ; but, it is noticeable, with the be sum. i to av poeta in dolomitic limestone; while he larger crystals and cleavable masses from Ava, Hindostan, Thibet and China, as well as those from ve Urals, were prob- ably afforded by a region in some respects similar to that of the mountainous district of Georgia and North Carolina; but of the minerals immediately aeoate with it in those countries we possess no reliable informatio Amherst College, June 8, 1872. Art. XXV.—Notice of some of the works of J. Barrande, with extracts from he} remarks with reference to the mode of origin of Paleozoic species. Trilobites, Extrait du aippleaieys au vol. i. du Systéme Silurien du centre de la Bohéme. Prague, 1871. 8vo, 282 pp. 2. Systéme Silurien du Sei de la Bohéme: Pies ii, Céphalo- podes; 4™° Series, Pl. 351 4 460. 4to. ag So 3. Syst. Sil. ete. ; Céphal odes ; a Spe 1 istribution horizontale et verticale “~ 6 éphalopodes, dans les Contrées Siluriennes. 4to. Prague, 1 THE receipt of the above-named volumes, which we owe i the kind ee of the author, Mr. Joachim Barrande, ° Prague, Bohemia, gives us a favorable opportunity for noticing the , ektouiid "iad valuable labors of this accomplished natw- For forty years or more, he has made the study of the ea strata of Bohemia and of their fossils his principal objec His first publication was a brief “‘ Preliminary Notice of the Silurian Bede and the Trilobites of Bohemia,” issued in Leipzig This was followed, in 1847 ‘id 1848, by a brief notice the Bohemian Brachiopoda, published in two parts, a * Prepared for this place by Professor Frank H. Bradley of Knoxville, Tennesse® Barrande— Origin of Paleozoic Species. 181 In 1852, he commenced the publication of the large quarto including 107 plates, appeared in 1865, followed, in 1866, b h oe plates 108 to 244. The first liv- was followed, in 1868, by the third series of plates, including Nos, 245-35 Nos. 351-460, which is named at the head of our article, ap- peared in 1870, accompanied by a volume of 263 pages of sup- Radiates; and for the final one which is to give us all the de- tails of the stratigraphical and lithological geology of the Bohe- man basin. As a whole, these volumes will constitute one of the grandest monuments ever erected to the energy, skill, np and industry of one man, as well as to the constant general distribution, a series of octavo pamphlets, including the general asi ney Tepresent, thus showing that his object has been purely the Spread of information rather than personal credit for priority. this series, we name one at the head of our article. He has 480 issued four pamphlets, entitled “ Défense des Colonies,” of ] Which we propose to speak further on another oceasion © supplementary text of the Cephatnpeds includes a thor- ouch study and full summary of the general and detailed facts of their distribution, at least so far as Silurian forms are con- 182 Barrande— Origin of Paleozoic Species. interesting matter, that we feel justified in making considerable extracts, especially from the closing Résumé général :— “T. Relative importance of Cephalopods. As regards organiza- tion, this order [Cephalopoda] is the first among Mollusks. It can al; innumerable. : Thus far, the Cephalopods may be considered as oceupy1g or disputing the first rank * *, but, in other respects, we mus dail that the preéminence belongs to the tribe of Trilo- ites. ‘They ess, in the first place, an incontestable an well-marked preéminence over the Cephalopods as rega riority. We know, in fact, that this tribe of Crustaceans col- stitutes by itself almost the whole of the Primordial Silurian fauna. The number of genera and species by which it is repre sented in this fauna is already very considerable, and we se¢ that it tends to increase constantly, especially in England and America. * * No authentic trace of Cephalopods has yet been recognized in the same formations. The great prolific powe? of the Mollusks of this order in the second et third faunas authorizes us to think that, if they had existed under vane generic and specific forms in the Primordial fauna, we show find their remains as frequent as those of the Trilobites in the Barrande— Origin of Paleozove Species. 188 multiplicity of specific forms, the Trilobites are far from possess- Ing so marked a predominance. * * Although the Trilobites maintain some numerical superiority, as regards species, in all the three faunas, it has not been very noticeable. But, 1f we consider only the second and third faunas, the predominance of the Cephalopods becomes, on the contrary, very great. On the whole, in spite of the privileges which seem to assure the first rank to the Trilobites, in the whole of the Silurian faunas, the Cephalopods possess exclusively certain advantages, W ich assured their domination during the continuance of the second and third faunas. The total number of Silurian species enume- tated in the “Thesaurus Siluricus,” in 1868, reached 9,030. Adding about 800 Bohemian species, the names of which are hot yet published, and the new species announced in Canada and elsewhere, the sum total of forms known in the Silurian Il. First appearance of Cephalopods.—W hat is most inexpli- cable to us is alia eet abruptness with which the Cephalo- hearly half the total number of types of this order, which is 20. . as a whole, present the — forms 184 Barrande— Origin of Paleozoic Species. by its completely contracted aperture, the more ancient form corresponding wi e ill, we observe one important deficiency, namely, the total absence of the more simple forms of the order, 7. e, the Ascoceratidw. The number of species derived from these 12 primitive types is about 166. * * This number represents about one-third of the 478 forms which characterize the second fauna in all Silurian coun- tries. Thus, the order shows itself already largely developed, in generic types and specific forms, upon the horizons where we observe the most ancient traces of its existence. We ought also to note the important fact that, during the first epoch, the number of migrating species, or those common to many coun- tries upon the grand northern zone of Europe and America, does not constitute one-fourth of the sum total of existing forms. There is, moreover, no form common to these northern especially each of the great Zones, possesses many contemporaneous t which exclusively belong to it. But itis écially- the listribution of specific forms which offers us one of the most remarkable examples of ocali- zation. In fact, among more than 240 species already know? in the whole of the Primordial fauna properly so called, the number of those which are common to two countries geog raphi- cally separated is very . Thus the circumstances which seemed the most inexplicable, in the first appearance of the Barrande— Origin of Paleozoic Species. 185 Cephalopods, were already previously manifested in the first appearance of the Trilobites. They seem to have been even more exaggerated in what concerns this tribe of Crustaceans. al. IIT. Hvolution of Cephalopods.—The evolution of Cephalo- pods, during the continuance of the second and third Silurian dueed b enera, in our band g’, succeeds immediately the absolute maximum of 11 types, represented only by 86 species, mour band g*. Th facts, well ascertained, suffice to ec untry. The appearances of the 26 types of this order are mainly con- centrated in three principal epochs, which correspond to the 186 Barrande— Origin of Paleozoic Species. beginning of’ the second fauna, the beginning of the third fauna, and the end of the third fauna. We observe, also, that of the third fauna we can count only 4 or 5. We do not know ny reason to be assigned for these fluctuations. They are particularly well marked in the basin of Bohemia, doubtless on account of its great richness. * * About the beginning of the third fauna, the 12 existing types show a development of specific forms which constitute the absolute maximum 0 the Silurian, viz, about 1000 species. This is principally due to the contribution furnished by Bohemia, viz: 746 species. IV. Parallel between the chronological and zodlogical evolution of Cephalopods.—Concordance between geological and zodlogical evolution should be plainly shown, if the more simple forms of zodlogical evolution had appeared first, and if, on the other hand, the more vaicgitiodaad forms had appeared Jast, in the series of Silurian epochs. Now, observations of facts shows us that precisely the contrary has occurred. In fact, according to exist- ing documents, the more simple forms, viz: the Ascoceratide, appeared only toward the end of the second fauna in Canada, other hand, the more comple rms, suc Nautilus and Trechoceras, are manifested from the beginning of the secon fauna, in Ameri These facts suffice to show us the and the chronological evolution of Silurian Cephalo But we have also noted, in the course of our studies, other facts, which confirm this discordance, and which are inexplicable _ by the transformation theory. The principal ones are as follows : regions, about the beginnin i accord with the idea of their slow and successive derivation hemia, within a very narrow horizontal area, and the Barrande— Origin of Paleozoic Species. 187 vertical thickness of a few calcareous layers of our formation E. These distinct forms reach the number of 746, representing the proportion of 0°46, 7. e., nearly half, of the 1622 species of Cephalopods to-day known in the Silurian world. 3. If the Song study, there has arisen no new type, either cosmopolite or ocal, during all the continuance of the Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian faunas. * * Still, as a whole, these faunas present 4 number of species of Cephalopods at least as considerable as that of the second Silurian fauna, during which there appeared 17 generic types. In this case, neither time, nor space, nor the — of specific forms, failed to favor the production of some ew ty e, tt ie ahen the very power of variation or transformation that has itself been wanting. If this pretended force really 48 a continuous action, and one inherent to the nature of characters, from the Silurian period, without producing a single “arg and distinct type, in spite of the number of their ific forms, in every country and i faunas, If the type of Cephalopods * * had been gradually constituted by transformations, up to their normal form, the be s, whose examples showing the exact form which we, find. transition forms are nowhere found in Silurian countries. 188 Barrande— Origin of Paleozoic Species. the contrary, wherever we observe the first appearance of a type, the conformation of the shell offers to us all the characters which distinguish it from other types of this order. No coun- try seems to us to have been more favorable than Bohemia for the preservation of transition forms between the 20 types which it ee: for many of them are represented by myriads of individuals, among which we do not discover any intermediate form. Of certain species, * * we have been able to collect the of econ van intermediate forms between the types invari- i ocerata noted in our studies upon the evolution of the Cephalopods, as offering ideally an intermediate type between Barrande—Origin of Paleozove Species. 189 immigration of foreign species] are entirely new, and represent the effect of gradual renewal. These three sources united have furnished only about 84 per cent. of the species of Cephalopods in any fauna whatever. * * There remain, then, about 66 per It remains for us to call the attention of our scientific readers to the harmony which exists between the results of this study pon the ual renewal of species and the results of the parallel established above between the zodlogical and the chron- Slogical evolution of Cephalopods. In considering the chron- 3 ypes, parallel has brought us to recognize that the generic and specific forms = the Silurian Cephalopods cannot be regarded as gradually ved More simple to the more compli the successive evolution of the Cephalo, cannot be attri- 190 Barrande— Origin of Paleozoic Species. buted to a power of variation inherent in their nature and only controlled by the influence of the surrounding medium. Ac- the Silurian countries. This conclusion, immediately deduced the whole of the facts observed in the Silurian world, confirms, in a manifest manner, our preceding conclusion, derived from the parallel between the zodlogical and the chron- ological evolution of Cephalopods. Both contribute equally to show us how far teachings founded upon positive facts deter- mined by science are in discordance with the spontaneous intuitions of any theories whatever. r. Barrande enumerates in his list of Silurian Cephalopods 25 genera and 1622 species. ary. “Upon one of the earlier pages of this volume, we have recalled the fact that direct observation has marvelously con- J lete discord with the observed facts of paleontology. These iscordances are so numerous and so well marked, that the composition of the real fauna would seem to have been caleu- lated for the express purpose of contradicting all that. the theories teach us ing the first appearance and the prim tive evolution of the forms of animal life upon the globe. | So, the paleontological theories are completely invalidated by reality, whose test they cannot sustain. It is still to be ascertain whether the demonstrated discordances ought to be imputed solely to the essential principle of the theories of descent and A. A. Hayes—Red Oxide of Zine of New Jersey. 191 transformation, or whether they are derived, to some extent, from their point of departure in paleontology, «7 ¢., from the supposed animal nature of Hozoon. is is a question whose solutions we leave to those whom it concerns. For our own part, we persist in thinking that science ought to keep strictly within the sphere of observed facts, and remain completely Independent of every theory which may tend to lead it into the sphere of imagination.” Arr. XXVI—On the Red Oxide of Zine of New Jersey; by Aug. A. Hayss, A.A.S. Tats mineral, discovered and analysed by the late Dr. Bruce of New York, was subsequently examined by M. Berthier. In his “'Traité des Essais par la voie Séche,” 1834, are his tesults, in which no allusion to the cause of the rich red color °F this mineral is made, but the remark, “le manganése y est probablement a l'état de deutoxide,” closes the description. n the year 1845 I made some analyses of this beautiful min- tal for my late friend, Mr. Frank Alger, who was then com- adopted by Mr. Alger, and expressed in his published work, and subse uently Prof. Dana quoted the analysis and opinion in his standard work on Mineralogy. In the years, since passed, the subject has been several times discussed by scientific friends ; ‘nd when doubts of the sufficiency of the cause have been ex- Pressed, a resort to ocular proofs at the moment has been deemed ®onvincing and satisfactory. tee Jn turning to the description of this mineral in the 5th Edition of the admirable system of Mineralogy by Prof. Dana, T was surprised by the statement that the tinguished and ‘ccurate author had found, by “means of a high magnifying 3 Wer, that this ore is free from foreign scales of red oxide iron.” Dr. Lewis Feuchtwanger had kindly sent me a large cabinet ‘pecimen of a finely colored mass of this mineral engaged in - At some points of junction the red oxide seemed to 192 3 The above specimen was discovered last autumn, by G. G. Lobdell, J r., in the Tertiary shale near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming. Thinolestes anceps, gen. et sp. DOV. affinities, but their carnivorous characters appear unmistakable. apparently had the angle of the lower jaws inflected, and therium, and the two genera are evidently anes related. In the complete description, the characters and affinities of this peculiar roup, which may disenssed ort and stout. The The ] j in this species are sh ower jaws in this species oy caw or La teeth agree in number and general form w 206 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. therium tyrannus Marsh, and may be divided as follows: In- cisors 2-2, canines 1-1, molar series 7-7. There are ache sath, also, in the upper jaw behind the canine. The first pre- molar above and below has only a single fang. The upper molars have an alien pare of pointed cusps, and on the i inner Measurements. Longitudinal extent of upper molar series, ...........05+ 26; ae Eettent of three upper true molaray 6 cisiaeses ag s'ch bso 43 155 Extent of three lower true molars,..........e0seeese0es 18 Antero-posterigr diameter of last lower molar, Rr eee 6°6 Transverse iameter, ht ea ee ee ie wks Cees 5 is ks eS 4° Depth of jaw on posterior face below last lower molar,...10° This species is represented in the Yale Museum by the ge important part of several skeletons, which were found, last au- tumn, by Mr. J. F. Quigley, Mr. G. G. Lobdell, Jr., and the writer, in the Tertiary deposits of Western Wyoming — crassus, gen. et nov. in the proportions of the Boe they : are very wailar The present species was about as large as a raccoon, but the lower jaws are much stouter, and are ankylosed at the symphysis. Measurements. Longitudinal extent of lower molar series,.......- weukisn ee Extent of three lower true molars, ........ s..eeeeceees 23°5 Antero-posterior diameter of last lower mae: PE a Transverse diameter, ....<..++..+++ whan 4s oe . ky eek 5'5 Extent of last three upper mo molars, PO EBITD | 2 Transverse diameter of last upper ‘molar, Be Ye ee Ts 7'8 The specimen on which the above description is mainly based was discovered, last September, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming, by Mr. O. Harger, of the Yale party. 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. 207 Limnotherium affine, sp. nov. A species of Limnotherium, somewhat smaller than L. tyran- nus Marsh, is well represented in the Yale Museum by portions of a skull with teeth, both lower jaws, and a considerable part of the skeleton of the same animal, The lower jaws are muc the base than the first lower premolar. This and the following premolar have each but one fang. The upper true molars closely Tesemble those of Thinolestes anceps. oe Measurements. Longitudinal extent of lower molar a. ea aaa a . Extent of last three lower rg Naeega area ee rece gene ear 17° Antero-posterior diameter of last lower WON ce o6 aoe big mermrerse ditmoter,.,..25 55 sii ee 1s eos 4° th of jaw on posterior face below last lower molar,... 9° Antero-posterior diameter of lower canine at DeRO ews <6 2°3 € type specimen of this species was found, last September, at Grizzly Buttes, by Mr. J. F. Quigley, of the Yale party. Orohippus pumilus, gen. et sp. Nov. consist of two separate series of upper molar teeth, four of each. They indicate a new genus of small solipeds, nearly allied to Anchitherium, and which ossibly nee include the 1 racile. The crowns of ner tubercles, from which ridges extend obliquely to the an- _ letior inner margin of the outer cusps, but the anterior ridge is divided so as to form an intermediate anterior tubercle. All © teeth preserved have a distinct basal ridge. The species " &S about the size of Anchitherium gracile, and appears to have ad a long slender tail. Measurements. Vongitudinal extent of four upper posterior molars, ..... i ad Taeto-posterior diameter of last upper molar,.........+. 7° rensveree diamoter;..«s ¢ivsdcuki xs suaues eueeeds inne’ 8° aitero-posterior diameter of penultimate upper molar,.... 7°5 ‘Fansverse diameter, ....s+++++- iculb «Re CANCERS OREN ENS 8°5 "he specimens here described were found, in August last, at Grizzly Buttes, Wyoming, by Mr. G. M. Keasbey and the writer. Helohyus plicodon, gen. et sp. nov. An interesting genus of small pachyderms, near!, related to Hyracotherium, is indicated by an upper molar tooth in perfect. 208 O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. Measurements. Antero-posterior diameter of last upper molar,.........-- sas ‘ram eres cintietir, ..... os oe ec wee sen sc eee 10°2 Distance between summits of external pair of cones,...... 4 Distance between summits of anterior pair of cones,...... 53 The known remains of this species were found by Mr. H. D. Ziegler and Mr. G. G. Lobdell, Jr., last summer, at Grizzly Buttes, near Fort Bridger, Wyoming. Thinotherium validum, gen. et. sp. nov. Measurements. Antero-posterior diameter of last lower molar,.......-.+-- 1 nsverse diameter in front... 000. J0.decseels cu ees : Transverse diameter through central pair of cones,.....-- Distance between summits of central cones,......-.-+-+> 31 Antero-posterior diameter of first lower true molar,.....- 8-4 Passalacodon litoralis, gen. et sp. nov. Several small mammals, evidently insectivores, about the size of the European hedge-hog, were among the interesting discov O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. 209 tally in the penultimate molar. The rami were apparently not codssified, cr ; Measurements. Antero-posterior diameter of last lower WOIST io 55 5st ss Bee Transverse TANCE ois cap ene cee a ee Antero-pesterior diameter of penultimate lower molar,..... 4°8 PAYORSO HBMGLED, oc oii cus Fuss eee h cs eens 5k els 1 3:1 Depth of jaw below first lower premolar,........-...+++: 6° This unique specimen was found, in September last, near Henry’s Fork, by Mr. J. F. Quigley, of the Yale party. Anisacodon elegans, gen. et sp. nov. Another genus, nearly allied to the preceding one, may be established on a lower jaw with teeth, which belonged to an animal about the same size as the one last described. In the Present specimen, the last lower molar is smaller than the pen- ultimate. In both, the cavities between the cusps are much More deeply excavated than in the same molars of Passalacodon, and the small intermedial tubercles are less prominent. Measurements. qitero-posterior diameter of last lower molar, ..........-- tb en aa pueverse diameter, . ... <5.) ico cours cotus ave k 160d) et 3°9 Trt Posterior diameter of penultimate lower molar,.....4°6 mer eree diameter... 0 ce ve ewe ee curls Pies vs Be Depth of lower jaw on posterior face below last molar,....6°5 The only known specimen of this tee was found, last au- ‘umn, by the writer, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming. Centetodon pulcher, gen. et sp. NOV. tooth fetes, although probably there is little affinity between the two genera. The posterior part of the crown 1s formed by a Jour. Scr.—Tairp —— Vou. IV, No. 21,—Sepremper, 1872, 210 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. low tubercle, which is separated by a deep notch from the an- terior elevated portion. ‘The latter is ae of three pointed cones, the front one being the highe Measurements. Space occupied by last two lower molars,...........+++- a Antero-posterior diameter of last lower molar, Cae ise eris 18 PR URUNVOTUR CRRIOROT, Fes vs ince es cence sib es och es eases 11 Depth of jaw below ‘last lower MROIRE 5. tc ck eee 3°5 The specimen here described was a last September, by the writer, near Henry’s Fork, Wyomi Part III. Nearly all the remains briefly described in this section of the present communication belonged to quite small animals, many of them insectivorous, and several evidently marsupials. In the complete description, now in course of preparation, these various species will be fully described, and their more exact affinities determined. Stenacodon rarus, gen. et sp. nov. A new Feevont of very small mammals, apparently related dis- tantly to Hyopsodus, may be established on a single last t lower molar, in good reservation which is one of the rarities of our collections. The crown of the tooth is remarkably narrow. It is composed omsaritially of four main cusps, nearly of the same size, and a larger posterior tubercle. The main cusps are al ranged in two transverse foe and the posterior pair are the highest. There is no basal ridge. The species was somewhat smaller than Hyopsodus paulus Leidy. Measurements. maathe siig diameter of last lower molar,.......-+++ 65™ Transverse diameter through anterior pair of cones,...--+ 2°9 Piadavors diameter through posterior tubercle,.....++++ 2° Height of posterior pair of cones above jaw,...------ ‘wee The above erage was found by the writer, last autumn, near Henry’s Fork. Antiacodon venustus, gen. et sp. nov. This species, which is about the same size as Homacodon i gans, is at present represented only by part of a lower jaw, wit the characteristic lower molar, so often alone preserved. The ¢ crown of the present je has a similar composition to that 0 the same molar in Homacodon. The four principal cones stat in nearly opposite pairs, but the posterior tubercle is less widely O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. 211 separated from the central pair of cones, and the inner anterior cusp has its summit distinctly cleft. The crown, also, is propor- tionally shorter longitudinally. There is a distinct basal ridge on the front and outer sides of the crown. Measurements. Antero-posterior diameter of last lower molar,........... 62 mm" Transverse diameter through anterior pair of cones,...... 3°6 Transverse diameter through central pair of cones,....... 3°6 ed er 4 Height of anterior inner cusp above jaw,.....- The only known specimen of this species was found, last September, by the writer, near Henry's Fork, Wyoming. Bathrodon typus, gen. et sp. nov. In this genus, the first and second lower true molars have ‘rowns with a similar composition to those of Limmnotherium, but the anterior pair of cusps are more elevated, and the poster- lor pair are nearly equal in size. The last lower molar is quite different from the corresponding tooth in that genus. It is more like the preceding molar with the addition of a posterior tubercle, which is near the inner margin. The present species 18 based mainly on a portion of a lower jaw containing the last three molars, They indicate an animal about as large as Lim- notherium elegans Marsh, and one probably allied to that Species, Measurements. Kongitudinal extent of last three lower molars,......... 12h tero-posterior diameter of last lower molar,......-.-- 5° H Srevamee CIMMiGtEr cis ash h sin nk ck one es ke Coonan. 3°5 eight of penultimate lower molar above jaw,....-..+ +: 2°6 The only known remains of this species were found by Mr. F. Mead, Jr., at Grizzly Buttes, near ort Bridger, Wyoming, in September last. Bathrodon annectens, sp. nov. m it in having the anterior half of the crown narrower than the Posterior portion. The former is elevated, and has its inner ®usp the highest. There is no distinct basal ridge. Measurements. antero-posterior diameter of last lower molar,.....+.--+ 53 = Tavsverse diameter in front,.....-- SOC GE Rae 3°4 Tansverse diameter through posterior half,........-+-+ 3°5 Depth of jaw on posterior face below last lower molar,. .10°6 212 O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. This unique specimen was discovered, in September of last year, near Henry’s Fork, by Mr. F. Mead, Jr., of the Yale party. Mesacodon speciosus, gen. et sp. nov. This species and genus is based essentially on a nearly per- fect lower jaw, with most of the teeth in good preservation. In its general features, the jaw resembles that of Limnotherium, and the molars are similar in composition to those of J. elegans, although considerably narrower. The teeth form a continuous series. e canine is large and compressed, and almost in con- tact with the s earn There are three premolars, and three true molars. The first premolar had but a single fan e timate. e jaw is short, twisted longitudinally, and was not covssified with its fellow. The lower border was produced posteriorly, and the angle inflected. The remains indicate an animal about the size of the preceding species, and probably insectivorous. Measurements. Longitudinal extent of six lower molars,............++: 203. Extent of three lower true molars,..............-.- BP - Pn ee pamgaia! of last lower PROSE, cies 5 ep ts 4°3 AYORENCTOR IAIDONOE 65 oy hak oat a ee ths 5s ech = te 3° Depth = ou on Toner face below last lower molar,... 7° The jaw described above was —— by the writer, ‘as Sep- eciban = Grizzly Buttes, Wyoming. Hemiacodon gracilis, gen. et sp. 1 : A genus of small mammals, apparently insecivorows with molar teeth resembling those in Mesacodon, is well re resented by portions of several lower jaws, and possibly By other char- e same species, witohi somewhat smaller than that last described. ‘The lower ‘ain preaented are rather slender and’ compressed. The teeth form a continuous series, os the dental formula appears to be as follows: Incisors 2, canine 1, premolars 3, and molars 3. There were a Te two ‘aeall incisors, and the ae e jaws were not codssified at the symp trie The lower margin was produced epee and the angle inflected. easurements. oe extent of nine eed MD ce cet ea 20° = Extent of premolar and molar series,..........-.-++++-172 Extent of iemEe Sesese ook” O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals, 213 Antero-posterior diameter of last lower molar,........-. ica memcaveres diameter, i.» » 46 + a x +i+ae-bo5,0 4 ¢eacme eels 2°4 Depth of jaw below last lower molar,....---++++++++++: 6°3 The type specimen of this species was discovered, last autumn, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming, by Mr. G. G. Lobdell, Jr. Other specimens were found in the same region by Mr. O. oe, Mr. J. J. DuBois, and Mr. T. G. Peck, of the Yale party, Hemiacodon nanus, sp. Dov. Measurements. Longitudinal extent of last four lower teeth,....+-+-+ +++: Bg accu Extent of three lower molars,.....-++-+-+ereeeete cree 9 Antero-posterior diameter of last lower molar,.....-+---- 3.5 FAMSVErse Giameter, ........-00csees coer eescsee seers : epth of jaw below first lower true molar,......-------+- 46 aj The specimen on which the above description is based was Boovered by Mr. O. Harger, in September last, near Henry’s ork, Wyoming. _ Hemiacodon pucillus, sp. nov. A still smaller species, not larger than a mole, is indicated SY a fragment of a lower jaw containing the penultimate molar ™ good condition. The jaw was proportionally more com- Measurements. qitero-posterior diameter of penultimate lower molar, ...2°3 ™™° H AnSverse diameter, ........e7ee-rttr erste aa ee ee ty Doett above jaw of anterior tubercles,...+++-+sss8+s8t* 17 pth of jaw below this molar,....---++-++ssrtsreetctt 3°7 : This specimen, the only known remains of the species, was ound in September, 1870, by Mr. H. B. Sargent, of the Yale Party. The locality was at Grizzly Buttes. 214 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. Centetodon altidens, sp. nov. A fragment of a lower jaw in our collections contains a pen- ultimate molar, which agrees so nearly in its main features with the last lower molar of Centetodon pulcher, that the species it represents may provisionally be referred to that genus, although the species differ widely in size and other respects. The tooth preserved is remarkable for its great height above the jaw. e notch between the low posterior tubercle and the elevated anterior trifid portion of the crown is not so deep as in the small species, and more like that in the genus Cenie- tes. There is a faint basal ridge around the crown, except on the inner side. Measurements. Longitudinal extent of last two lower molars,...........- 5G. . Antero-posterior diameter of penultimate ower molar,....3° Transverse diameter, .......+.....seeeeeceeeseeeecees 2°3 BRR ROTO TOW oe ei ie eae yh cas oo s es baw 371 Depth of jaw below penultimate molar,............++0+: 6° This specimen was found by the writer, last autumn, near Henry’s Fork. Entomodon comptus, gen. et sp. nov. Another genus of insectivores is represented by several is0- lated teeth, one of the most characteristic of which is a last ae! molar, in excellent preservation. This tooth is ve rrow, and its crown is composed of a low posterior tubercle slightly bifid; a pair of elevated central cones, the outer r bein the highest, and slightly in advance of the other; and a sma compressed anterior tubercle. Behind the inner central cone is a deep —— There is no basal eS The tooth indi- es =] oc ™M Bes S 3 vss fom Bp Can ar) bar] ct = Ba Ma oi ®, | i=} lei} Measurements. 1g mms Antero-posterior saat of last lower molar,......--+-- 53 ™ Transverse diameter through central cones,.....+-++++++ 2°5 Height of outer central cone above FAW ce i ccce canes et 4°4 Height of anterior tubercle above jaw,......--+++++++++° 3°4 The type specimen of this species was found near Henry 8 Fork, last September, by Mr. G. M. Keasbey. Entomacodon minutus, gen. et sp. nov. A small insectivorous mammal, about as large as a mouse, is indicated by a fragment of a lower jaw with the last molar pe™ 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. 215 Measurements, Antero-posterior diameter of last lower IAL, occa 8 ek ie 72 pe Mane ree dinvicter. .... 5'8 Transverse rie diaz en te as ee ie 3 Height above jaw,....... Peder ee ies ai, ea ee 4°6 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. 217 The ah Bi sags. was found by Mr. O. Harger, near _ Henry's Fo an vulpinus, sp. NOV. ing, may be base t of a lower jaw containing the last premolar. ae sthies Toil specimens probably belong to the same spec The premolar has the Stor tuberele pro- Measurements. Space oeeupied by four lower premolars,.........+-++++> oa Snes a diameter of last premolar, ee ee 7 Transverse di OEOH is ven es peak penn ween ee od 2°3 Height aioe: OUR W is in Ca oo eh eke ee eee 43 Depth of j jaw below ldat preingtar ois oa Sh ecee ss 8° The known remains of this species were found a Me. T. G. Peck, in September last, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming Orotherium Uintanum, gen. et sp. nov. This genus is near ly allied, apparently, to Lophiotherium, but differs from the known remains of that genus in having, on the second ate remolar, a prominent posterior tubercle. In the true lower molars, also, the anterior inner cone is slightly bifid, @ character not indicated in the figures given of the correspond- ing teeth of Lophiotherium. The present species is based on a nearly entire lower jaw, with the last six teeth in perfect pre- servation. The first true lower molar is very similar to the fourth premolar, ages . Hise broader anteriorly. The second Premolar is narrow, with the anterior cusp compressed and sep- arated from the ee tubercle by a wide notch. The lower teeth resemble those of Lophiotherium Se seo Leidy, as well 4s those of the smaller species, L. Ballard’ Marsh, and both me ne senna doubtless be placed in the genus Orotherium. elations ne this genus to Orehippus cannot at present be ily determine Measurements. Lon ngitudinal extent of last six lower teeth,...........++- 47) 9 Extent of last three lower molars,.......-+2++++0+ Ree & 3 Tateto-posterior diameter of last ‘lower MOIGL,» oss oben ue 11°5 Wiaverie distaste; ccc. acs occ os fv tonnes oe 5° Antero-posterior diameter of fourth lower premolar, cevinde s MSVerse diameter, .....ssc-seccre sees ceerreees seeed This specimen was found near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming, by the writer, in September last. 218 O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. Helaletes boops, gen. et sp. nov. Among the Tapiroid mammals in the Green River Tertiary deposits, there are two distinct genera which have been referred to Lophiodon. Dr. Leidy has given the name Hyrachyus to one of these, which embraces the larger species, and the other may be called Helaletes. In this genus the last lower molar has a third, posterior lobe. The upper molars resemble those of Lo- phiodon. The astragalus differs widely from the Tapiroid type, and in its narrow oblique condyles is very similar to that of the Equide. Other characters of the genus will be given in the full description. The present species is based upon the greater portion of a skull with teeth, and the more important parts of the skeleton of the same individual. The teeth agree in size with those of Lophio- don nanus Marsh, but the last upper molar has a small tubercle on the outer margin between the cusps, which appears to be wanting in the type specimen of the latter species. There are also other differences of importance. Both species doubtless belong to the same genus. Measurements. Longitudinal extent of last three lower molars,.......--- 33°57, Antero-posterior diameter of last lower molar,.......- itnlkae Depth of jaw below last lower molar,............2.0+¢0% 4 Antero-posterior diameter of last upper molar,........--- 111 SYRUOVETHO: TIMINOLOE FS re ee OA ek 11°5 deny tls OF MERRINE eee Glatvieae ere Width between condylar ridges,....... Seca eens avs nee) 2% The type specimen of this species was discovered, last au- tumn, at Grizzly Buttes, Wyoming, by Mr. G. G. Lobdell, Jr. Part IV. Paramys robustus, sp. nov. A new rodent, with lower molar teeth similar to those : Paramys, but a much larger animal than the known i sige Antero-posterior diameter of last lower molar,......-- ee sor Weansverse Ginmiewee, 6s ci os oe ca eae ee eseee® Oe 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. 219 nim. Transverse diameter of UMOIROT oss week che cee ee 4° The specimens above described were found by Mr. G. G. Lobdell, Jr., and Mr. G. M. easbey, in the lower Tertiary de- posits of Grizzly Buttes and Henry’s Fork, Wyoming. Tillomys senex, gen. et sp. Nov. A small rodent, about the size of a rat, is represented in our Wyoming collections by a fragment of a lower jaw with the second molar in place, and apparently by some other uncharac- teristic remains. The crown of this molar is somewhat worn, Measurements. Space occupied by four lower molars,.....-..+++++ee+ee+ ery Antero-posterior diameter of second lower molar,........ 2° ET OrOO CRM Ot tdi end si dagen intmee seen canes 1°8 Depth of jaw below second WIDMER oud conc. Sxeen cee 5° The known remains of this species were found, in September last, by the writer, near Henry’s Fork. Tillomys parvus, sp. nov. of the last lower molar, The species was but little larger than & mouse, Measurements. Kength of lower molar seTrieS,.. «+0. se+ esse ceeserscvese vs tero-posterior diameter of second lower molar,........ s Transverse diametar, .. .ossa0ssescnenpeerh ieee? Pace between incisor and first lower molar,.....-......-3" This specimen was found by Mr. O. Harger, at Grizzly Buttes, Wy oming, in September last. Taxymys lucaris, gen. et sp. Nov. The existence of another small rodent, evidently belonging to the Sciuridee, is clearly proved by a fragment of an upper jaw, 220 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. which start from the outer side, and meet in a prominent inner and slightly bifid tubercle. There are two low ridges outside of the main pair, which meet in the same tubercle. Measurements. Space occupied by first two upper molars,............+++ pen saree coetergs Auge of second aise molar,...+.-.--- i BR EUS NOD, os care eae ce oc sy ected ssaeese 2° Transverse diaiieeer’ of first upper molar,...........-.-- 1 The above remains were DS last autumn, by the writer, near Henry’s Fork, Wyomi Scevuravus cee sp. nov. penultimate gle: and several isolated teeth. These remains indicate an animal about half the bulk of Seduravus undans Marsh. The lower incisor is more convex in front than in that species. The jaw is short and deep, and the masseteric fossa ends in front under the second molar. The wedge penultimate molar has three fangs, and the last one had four Measuremenis. i Space occupied by three posterior lower molars,.......-- ee gace Antero-posterior diameter of third lower molar,.......-++ 2° Altansverse diameter... 6.402 5 a 1°9 epth of jaw below second lower ee Meee ee arg at 53 Transverse diameter of lower in NOMWOE) eas va sok eae eee 1°2 The remains at resent BS Uae this species were fo und, last autumn, at He and ay Buttes, Wyoming, by Mr. G. M. Keasbey and te write Colonymys celer, gen. et sp. nov. Another small rodent, about the size of the animal last de- scribed, is indicated by several isolated molars, which differ widely from the corresponding teeth in any genus of this group rom the Green River Tettiary deposits. A typical upper mo- lar in perfect condition has its crown composed of our princi: pal cusps, regularly arranged in two pairs. The outer pair are entirely separated from each other. The inner pair are very near together, and have their summits turned toward the center 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. 221 of the tooth. The two anterior cusps are connected by an out- ward curving basal ridge. A similar ridge passes from the outer posterior cone inward, but does not reach the opposite cusp. This upper molar, which is apparently the penultimate, measures 2-4™™* in antero-posterior diameter, and 2°1™™ in trans- verse diameter. ‘he known remains of the present species were found, last autumn, near Henry’s Fork, by Mr. H. D. Ziegler and Mr. A. B. Mason, of the Yale party. Apatemys bellus, gen. et sp. NOv. specimen is a portion of a large rodent-like incisor. The molar Transverse diameter of incisor,......-+-++++eee eee eete This unique specimen was found, last September, near Henry's Fork, by Mr. G. G. Lobdell, Jr. Apatemys bellulus, sp. nov. Another diminutive mammal, apparently of the same genus, but somewhat smaller than the species last described, is we > sissy by a lower jaw with the last three molars perfect. he penultimate molar agrees in the composition of its crown With that of A. Bellus, In the last lower molar, the outer border of the posterior cavity forms a slightly eurved longitudinal hich termina nidge, whic es in asmall tubercle. The molar teet are narrow, and the jaw compressed. The cavity for the incisor extends below all the lower molars. ts. Space oceupied by last three lower molars,... +--+ +++ +++ : = Antero-posterior diameter of last lower molar,..-+-+-+++++ 21 Transverse diameter, ....---+s+-sesseeereeccctrerettet 16 Antero-posterior diameter of penultimate lower molar,... +2" Transverse diameter, ..-. ++++++++ eonogeaney See acl 222 O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. This interesting fossil was found, last autumn, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming, by Mr. G. M. Keasbey. Entomacodon angustidens, sp. nov. A very small insectivore, which appears to belong to the enus Hntomacodon, left its remains in the Green River Tertiary deposits, and our collections contain a left lower jaw, with the last premolar and the two following molars in good preserva- tion. ‘The molars agree essentially in the composition of their crowns with those of #. minutus, but the three anterior cusps are nearer together, and the one in front is nearly as high as the others. The specimen indicates, also, a smaller animal than the type of that species. The jaw is much compressed, and the teeth are very narrow. The last premolar resembles the adjoiming molar, but has the anterior cusp rudimentary. Measurements. Space occupied by last four lower teeth,..........-.+++5 55 9 Antero-posterior diameter of last lower premolar,.......- 1°6 Antero-posterior diameter of penultimate lower molar,....1°7 APADSVOISE GIAWEEEE wires syne bape © kmh 0 hg ore ie 6 6 me ¥ Depth of jaw below last lower molar,...........22.0+0+5 2°5 This specimen was found by Mr. J. J. DuBois, at Grizzly Buttes, Wyoming, in September of last year. Triacodon grandis, sp. nov. The genus Zriacodon was established, by the writer, on @ single lower premolar, which differed widely from any corres ponding tooth then known. The species thus represented was called 7. fallax, and its possible marsupial affinities were sug gested.* The researches of the Yale party during the past mal, but much still remains to be ascertained. A portion of & * This Journal, vol. ii, p. 123, August, 1871. 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. 223 ridge. It indicates, moreover, an animal several times the bulk “4 that species. Probably other remains of both species were ound by our party, but have not been recognized as pertaining to this genus, Me : Antero-posterior diameter of last lower premolar,......... Ese Brees. Giamter, iis aus Socag st ese ay cd 5'8 Ae t of anterior cusp above jaw,.......sse0. seseeecs .5°2 eight of exterior cusp above jaW,........seesseeeereess 8 This rare specimen was found, by Mr. O. Harger, in the shale near Henry’s Fork. The geological horizon was essentially the Same as at Grizzly Buttes. Triacodon nanus, sp. Nov. much smaller species, apparently not more than one-half the bulk of 7 Jallax, is indicated, likewise, by the peculiar last °wer premolar. This tooth, like that in the other species, has two fangs, There is a faint basal ridge, and the three pointed cusps, that give the crown its character, are more nearly of equal size than in either of the larger species. Measurements. antero-posterior diameter of last lower premolar,......... iene Peet eree CUM Gt oe is ie vas pegs ee aes 3° Height of anterior cusp above jaw,.....- bins ewan tess 2°5 Height of exterior CUSP ADOVE JAW,.... ccs erenrertecercn 4: nna specimen, the only remains of the species at present i" Own, was discovered at Grizzly Buttes, in September last, by ". G. G. Lobdell, Jr. Euryacodon lepidus, gen. et sp. nov. a tragment of an ane jaw containing the last two molars in ‘ : ur collections contain other characteris- le fossils which 2 Re to be specifically identical with this the name, Paleacodon verus, but each has its inner m ae into a small tubercle. In the penultimate upper molar, 'S tubercle is especially prominent. outer , also, Measurements. Space occupied by last two upper molars,...-------+++++ 4°3 mm- Antero-poste ior diameter of penultimate upper molar,....2°4 Transverse GiAMeter, .. <6 sb sc see cose ak ees Canes nee 3°8 Transverse diameter of last upper MOlar,. +++ sevsssess asso 224 O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Mammals. The type specimen of this species was found, last autumn, at Grizzly Buttes, by the writer, and other remains were discov- ered, at the same locality, by Mr. O. Harger. Paleacodon vagus, sp. nov. Measurements. Space occupied by last three upper molars,........-++.++> (pers Antero-posterior diameter of penultimate upper molar,....2°7 ATAU VOrie CIMUIUER Coe Solas ees ola ec pas ee ae ke 4° Antero-posterior diameter of last upper molar,..........-+ 21 EPatiCernd Ciel a ic ks shee cso es eee ea es we ees 3°6 The only known remains of this species were found at Grizzly Buttes, Wyoming, by Mr. F. Mead, Jr. Yale College, New Haven, August 15th, 1872. Postscript. August, 1871) were published together, in pamphlet form, a0 widely distributed, June 21st, 1871. The species there described, munication were issued separately as follows:—Part I, J0 22d, 1872; Part IT, August 7th, 1872; Part II, August 13th, 1872; and Part IV, August 17th, 1872,—the date of publica- tion being printed on each pamphlet. ct e brief descriptions here given are merely preliminary t° a full description, with illustrations, now in preparation. Yale College, August 19th, 1872. D. Kirkwood—Motions of the Perihelia of Jupiter, etc. 225 ART. XXIX.— On certain Relations between the mean motions of the Perihelia of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune; by Professor DANIEL KiIRKWOOD. In Mr. Stockwell’s able memoir* on the secular variations of the planary orbits, it is shown that the mean motions of the perihelia of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are as follows: ET Tg oa iaige pine sem ge rennin Meunier cre ae 22’’.4608479 AITADUOY 0, 53:5 15s baw eae 3.7166075 Pieptune. i6:.icnvewew wt add ba ete” 0.6166849 Denoting these values by Nvi, Nvi, and Nviii, respectively, we have, Nvi_7Nvii+ @Nviii = 0'.1447048, . . . (1) As these quantities depend upon the masses of the planets, some of which are not i i ‘, Onigsberg astronomer, is 176.55. Now, it will be found that a value of 177”.17 (which exceeds Bessel’s by 0”.62), corresponds to a mass, sz¢3 which Nvi_7Nvii+6Nvii=O, . . . (2) accurately true. The difference, 0.62, is less than that between the determinations of the equatorial diameter of Saturn by the est observers. If equation (2) be exact, the corresponding relation between the mean longitudes of the perihelia will be obvious, and it Must follow that the perihelia of no three of the four outer planets can simultaneously have the same mean longt _In short, if ’, Li, Lvii and Lili, represent the mean longitudes of the Perihelia of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, respectively, * Smithsonian Contributions, Washington, 1872. } The mean motion of Jupiter’s perihelion is precisely the same. AM. Jour. $o1.—Turrp Sariss, VOL. IV, No. 21.—SEPTEMBER, 1872. 15 226 Scientific Intelligence. their mutual relations will probably be expressed by the follow- ing equations: Lri—7Lvi+6L™' = 180°, . . . (8) Vv [i 6(LY*—L*") a 0, tare (4)* SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. I. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. nm the ammoniacal platinum bases.—CLEvE has continued his slabovata investigation of the ammoniacal compounds of plati- num, and has des cribed a number of new compounds containing aniline and ethylamin. By heating chloride of plato-semi-diamine in a sealed tube, with weak alcohol and an excess of aniline, a white crystalline powder is obtained, which has the formula, 2NH Pe} arc, ¢ le This salt gives with chlorplatinite ee potassium a voluminous rose- colored precipitate corresponding to the green salt of Magnus, and having the formula pr { 2NH X(NELC,)C1- “Ol t a : The aie and oxalate of this base have respectively the formulas, 2NH 2 Pt | (NE (NHC )f2NOs, and Pt | a(NILC tes 0,+0H?. By evaporating the chloride of this base with aniline, water, and a little aleohol, a new chloride is obtained containing one atom less of aniline, ‘and 26 er the formula, 2NH Pt 13 NILOI, t Cl,. By the action of iodine upon the first chloride ammonia is diset gaged, and a yellow powder having the formula NH Pt NHC, | l is hee en ath We may consider this iodide as derived from the chloride, N NH, Pt} NH C,. NH,©, tL Cl,, by the loss of the two external molecules, NH, anid NH,Cs- nder the same circumstances the isomeric chloride, * a the mone fret referred to, Mr. Stockwell has shown that while “ = angul stance between the ‘perihelia of Jupiter and Uranus is —S y 180", " se Tongitude of each may differ from its ae ~ aS a considerable fact, the present angular distance is but Chemistry and Physves. 227 NH, . NH,C Pt | NH, . NH,C, { Ol, disengages the two external molecules of aniline, and we have lodide of platosamin, NH, .1 a | NH, .L The second chloride above mentioned unites also with platinous chloride to form a part which crystallizes in very brilliant, thin, micaceons scales i en aniline is dissolved in a concentrated boiling solution of sulphate of plato-semi-diamine, colorless prismatic crystals are obtained having the formula, 2NH, Pt 3NH,C, 'SO,. When chloride of platosamine, Pt(NH, ¥ Oly, is heated with ani- line, water, and a little alcohol, thin nacreous scales are obtained, Which have the formula, NH, . NH,C Pe} NH: . NH,C, Lo, and are isomeric with the salt first described. The chlorplatinite of this compound is a slightly soluble, crystalline, buft-colored powder. The author describes also the normal sulphate and nitrate, By boiling the chloride of plato-semi-diamine with ethylamine, Cléve obtained a chloride having the formula, 2NH Pe 2NH,C, { Cla, Which gives a beautiful green chlorplatinite. The solution of the chloride gives with potassic iodide a precipitate having the wa, formul NH = Pt| Nic, fl € lsomeric chloride, is easily obtained by the action of ethylamine upon chloride of Platosamine, is much less soluble than the compound hormal sulphate with 6 atoms of water of crystallization.— Bull. W. G. horus and platinum.— UTZENBERGER has continued his investigations of the very temarkable compounds of platinous chloride, and has arrived at Mteresting results, When the compound, P(C,H,0),F° Cle, is treated with ammonia, it becomes fiuid and gradually dissolves. The solution gives on evaporation the chlorhydrate of a new base, PN(C,H,0),H;Pt . NjH, . 2HCl. 228 Scientific Intelligence. The compound, P,(C,H Oa Sg also dissolves in ammonia, and yields the chlorhydrat P,(C,H '0),Pt. NH, The methyl compounds, P(CH,O), PtCl, ee Pt 2(CH,0),PtCl,, yield similar compounds. It appears probable that the radical and P 2(Cy H,0) gPtCl,, are = Berichte der ‘Detschen : w. 3. On the specific heat of carbon.—H, F. Wexner has seid Co—t = 0°0947+-0°000497t — 0°00000012t2. By means of this formula the true specific heat, or the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of the unit of weight one degree at t°, may be determined, since we have: t:Oo— = fia and =0 0947-40" 000994t — = 00000036t?. This gives . following values for diamond: 0° 7y=0 es 50°. y= 071485 100° = 01905 150° 7 = 02357 200° y= 02791 In the case of graphite the author, from want Neg snow, made only two determinations. These gav e the equation Co—t = 0°1167+0-0008t Mt = 0°1167-+0-0016t These results explain the discrepancies in the iinet . the specific heats of carbon by other physicists. They sh w tha oar amond at about 525°C. would have a specific heat of 052 ee as as the law.of Dulong and Petit requires. Weber considers Chemistry and Physics. 229 his result as furnishing a strong argument against the law in question, as in his opinion the law loses all chemical and physical ote heat and internal work.—Berichte der Deutschen Chem. @s., Jahrgang v, p. 303. Ww. G. 4. What determines Molecular Motion?—The Fundamentat Problem of Nature ; by Mr. James Croxt.—Mr, Croll closes an article of 25 pages in the July number of the Philosophical Maga- ane with the following remarks tery. This is the cherished hope of modern evolutionists, and of the advocates of the physical theory of life. But it is a mental i alized. A little consi- (eration might satisfy any one that chemistry and physics will € terms light, heat, electricity, magnetism, &c., are different hames which we apply to different modes of molecular motion ; be known regarding them, yet it woud not afford us any explan- ation of the cause of the determination of molecular motion m organic nature. . The character of a cause may often to some extent be judged indirectly from the nature of the effects produced. —_ It is from the effects produced that we know, for example, that that mode of hat he ff this difference consists ; but it enables us to conelude with certainty that there is a difference. Effects which are electrical we refer to that unknown mode of motion called electricity. We do not i electrical effects to gravitation or to heat ; fi tween this effect and any electrical effect is ummeasura 230 Scientific Intelligence. greater than between electrical effect and any effects produced by heat, or by gravitation, or by any other of the forces of inorganic natu ure, It would be far more rational to attribute all the phe- nomena of the inorganic world, say, to heat, than to attribute the jue of molecular motion in the organic world to chem- ical and pie energie It must now be obvious that nothing which can be determined by the comparative Se caRee no o biological researches, n o mi mal differs from another, or the parent from the child, it is because in the building-up process the determinations of molecular motion were different in the two cases; and the true and fundamental ground of the difference must be sought for in the cause of the . . . . determination of molecular motion. Here in this region the doc- oD n re lig he matter than the fortuitous concourse of atoms and the atomical philos Lage of = sug aie This, I trust, will be rendered still cr evident w e come to examie m detail the arguments advanced by Soba cap ntatenasaie in support of thier fundamen tal hypothesis, ‘that the whole world, living and not living, is the result of the mutual sapabe pe according to definite laws, of the forces possessed by th eles of Mer the primiti : nebulosity of the universe was composed.’ ”—Phil. Mag., xiiv 5. On the 2 SS of as iaand Ceria from Zirconia and Iron; by J. W. Taytor, F.G.S. (From a letter to one of the Editors.)—The solution in "HCl is precipitated by ammonia, and boiled for a few minutes. An excess of oxalic acid is then added and the whole boiled for halfan hour; the zirconia and ir possi e, ‘dropped into a strong solution of carbonate of am mmonia —which will dissolve the yttria precipitate. A slight trace of ceria ded — be dissolved ? which may be eliminated by repeating the pre On Quebec and Carboniferous Rocks in the Teton Range + oh Prof. F. H. aa of the Hayden Exploring Expedition, Sade bere to ack ee discovery of a few small trilobites, mistakably of Quebee Group age, in the base of the mass amatction which overlie the central granites of this Teton range Geology and Natural History. 231 . pale buff, somewhat vesicular, magnesian limestone, entirely with- i i bo its similarity to that seen in Malade valley, I am led to expect similar results there when I work out its details, and that this Same Quebec roup age must finally be made to include the basal portion of the so-called Carboniferous limestone, through a large i i he fossils been overlooked heretofore, But for having suspected the age m the character of the rock, I should probably have given up the Search long before finding the fossils. '€ start to-morrow for the ascent of the Grand Teton, and are Sanguine of success, although the profile of the easiest slope shows in one part a rise of 63°, and most of the peak reaches 48°, inst. n Cha James Gurkin, F.R.S.E. (Geol. Mag., vols. viii, ix. ofessor lations, upward 00,000 years ago), owing to the eccentricity of the earth’s orbit being at a high value, and the winter of our emisphere happening to fall in aphelion, a climate of intense : e. t t Sinilar conditions characterized the mountainous and northern erica. (2.) That the greater contours of the land were assumed at a much earlier date than the advent of the Glacial epoch, and there- fore guided the flow of the ice from the high grounds to the sea. (3.) That, while the ice moved along the line of the principal i i dulations of the ground, and verflowed considerable hills. : ae (4.) That the ti grundmorinen,” and “ moraines profondes are the materials which gathered underneath the ice,—the general 232 Scientific Intelligence. prevalence of smoothed and striated stones showing that the de- posits referred to ree - have been derived from rocks above the level of the mer de g That one ae. ‘of glacial action was the erosion of rock- basins. (6.) That intense glacial conditions were interrupted by inter- vening periods characterized by mild and even genial climates,— the change es of climate being indirectly due to the precession of the equinoxes, which, during a period of extreme eccentricity, would gradually cause the bier: to shift from one SP to the her. ia; on the continent oe similar deposits; in America y tiers of ents 9 with buried trees and extinct mammalia. (8.) That the intermingling of northern and southern forms in the caves and river-gravels points rather to former oscillations of climate than to periods of strongly-contrasted summers an win- ters,—the arctic mammalia indicating both the gradual approach and the disappearance of "placlal conditions ; the southern forms being memorials of genial climatal conditions by which the cold or glacial periods were interrupted. (9.) That the earlier stage of the — epoch embraced several cold and warm periods; but how many re mutilated nature 0 the records does not at present daable ‘a us to (10.) That the climate of the earlier cold sarod was more severe ne Pes became in de gcse glacial periods of the same Brees (13.) That this continental condition of Britain may have super vened at a time when the climate was cold and ungenial, and the arctic mammalia may then have revisited our land. (14.) That the upheaval of land in the north of Europe, W which rs joined Britain to the continent, was accompanied by a correspoD ing depression in the south. (15.) That during this movement a large part of Italy was SU ‘ll merged, and deposits of sand filled up the rock- basins, which in ny probability had been sil oe out in former ice-ages at the mout of certain Nr gn valleys that open ee the plains of Piedmo ny : (16.) That the fossils of these sands indicate a sel ne id the Mediterranean similar to bers obtains at présent. (17.) That during this depression in the south of ‘Europe con- tinental Britain attained to the enjoyment of a mild climate. Geology and Natural History. 233 (18.) That paleolithic man, and species of mammalia charac- teristic of the temperate and abounded in our country at this and river-bed: warm-temperate zone, may time, and left their relics in caves ZO have (19.) That while the mild period continued, subsidence ensued in northern Europe, b level of the waves. (Formation of (20.) That this depression in northern Eur is movement of elevation in the south, asindicated by the old (2 t. 1.) That ift : of subsid if the upheaval in the a legs depth than 100 fathoms. (22.) Th period con which means Britain, from the north of the kames, eskers, asar, etc.) at the Dirnten lignite beds accumulated while this mild tinued in Italy and the north of Europe. 23.) That when the submergence was approaching its limits = b (24.) That consequently such a change of climate could not have €en due to geographical causes. (2 5.) Th . glaciers of Switzerland advanced Oraines” some portion of those at during the submergence in northern Europe, the it and covered up with “ newer deposits which had gathered mild p (26.) That similarly in Italy the Alpine glaciers stole out from i the plains of Pi (2 time iene land in the south of Europe bein ably of greater extent than it is now (28.) That the cold of this period di earlier stages of the Glacial epoch that (29.) ip form: of th 9, That if any deposits indica ed in the Mediterranean, e That the movement of depression in f Piedmont, tive of a cold sea were at this they must be still under water, g at that period most pro- * d not approach in severity the north of Europe 234 Scientific Intelligence. was reversed and converted into one of elevation. (Raised beaches ; arctic shell clays. (30.) That this upheaval again joined Britain to a continent. (31.) That glaciers during this stage continued to fill the mountain-valleys of Great Britain and Ireland. oa nes. ) (32.) That in those turbaries and deposits, which can be clearly shown to be of more recent date than this last extension of the glaciers in Britain and the continent, the human relics obtained belong either to the Neolithic period or to still oe recent times, and that these relics are never accompanied by the remains 0 hippopotamus, rhinoceros, or any of the han pee of mam- malia, (33.) That the climate of Britain during the period of local glaciers was suited to the wants of arctic mammalia, and perhaps the mammoth and Siberian rhinoceros may have survived to this time. (34.) That as the cold decreased, Britain became densely wooded,—the climate then resembling probably that of Canada before her cahgee were thinned. (aeganate) ; Bos primigenius ; B. ie 5 ons, (35.) That "ere hue Britain became pee and the sea as to a greater height than its present lev (36.) That finally the sea retired, and the Biches order of things obtained. 3 West ‘Indies during the winter of 1868-9. He gives much new information with regard to the geology and mineralogy of the ae islands, and closes with the following summary ° the fa From the account given above it is seen that the oldest rocks of ve West Indies do not contain fossils, and are, on that account, of nown geological age. ey occur in Trinidad, and are called the Caribbean series. They extend farther to the west in the northern part of South America. It seems Mote uncertain whether this series occurs in the other West India is The oldest fossiliferous separ? hel the West fndiat a enipales belong to the Cretaceous format The Cretaceous formation i is spade in Trinidad, Jamaica and One Trigonia resembling 7. Boussé vipers is found in the “0 ie Parian,” and this circumstance seems to indicate that, the time tor the deposit of those beds is about the Neocomian period. Geology and Natural History. 235 oi Cretaceous beds of Jamaica may be classed as a West an equivalent to the European Hippurite lime or to the uronien”” and Gosau deposit. os ji ean ca, in Trinidad (th n Fernando beds), as also in S olo m e regarded, too, as very probable that W : - : Rows a may be classed as equivalents to the lower or middle ne a sae of Europe (the lower “ caleaire grossier ” of Paris Anguilla, Anti ree whit a, Antigua, Barbados and Trinidad. In St. f € marl also seems to belong to the Miocene time. The Miocene an e Miocene time open channel existed over Panama to the acifie Ocean, and re that a connection with Europe existe in form of an archi- eae extending from Europe across the ocean to the West Indies. a aged indicated and developed by Messrs. Duncan, Sowerby, h nd Moore, seems very plausible, and it coinei i ee potnesia which Oswald Heer proposed to explain th it between the European Miocene and the still ‘al North American flora. Pea Miocena fauna of the West Indies does not, however, offer ae close affinities with the Miocene fauna 0 North America. * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. ix, 1853, p. 132, 236 Scientific Intelligence. The thickness of the Miocene strata of the West Indies, as well as their generally undisturbed position and the absence of volanic rocks, indicates that the Miocene time was, in the West Indies, a long period of calm, undisturbed by vo anic — The ‘Plivesné beds of the West Indies oecur in Trinidad (the Matura beds) and i in Barbados. To the newest Pliocene or Post- Ye referred. “et these deposits occur among rocks ejected from b a very recent time. From the facts exposed above it may consequently be inferred, that of the two prevailing lines of elevation in the West Indies the one running from west to east originated before the Miocene time, and that the other from N. W. to S. E., commencing with th Bahamas and continuing in the sas direction down to Trinidad, was formed after the Miocene tim n the piers hn tg of the memoir, the following are described as new minera Resanite.— by des ous silicate of pte and iron, of an olive- green color, uncrystalline and G = 2°06. The analysis afforded Si 35-08, Ou 23°18, Be 9-91, H (vol. at 100° C.) 23°15, TI (ign.) 8°53=99°85. It gives the formula, if the iron is protoxide, k? Si*. It is hog decomposed by h drochloric acid. Named after Pedro Res Bartholomite—In yellow nodules, composed of small readied The analysis gave 5 44-75, Be 22- 71, Mg 0-63, Na 17-08, H 8-08, Na Cl 2°88, insol. 3°56=99'69. Separating the common salt, the magnesia as sulphate and the meer it gives the form ula S + Fe and ie 50°00, Be 25-00, Na 19°38, H 5°62==100. It is vinta to botryog evonian and Linea Carboniferous Plants.—In the Proceed- ings s of the Geological Society of London, published May, 1872, is an interesting paper, by Prof, Heer, on the Fossil Plants of Bear Island, Spitzber; en. As catalogued by him, the flora of this place, which occurs in shales associated with coal, and below the gp Carboniferous limestone, includes a remarkable mixture of t plants of the Lower Carboniferous or Subcarboniferous of eer d America, with ferns characteristic of the Upper. Devonian. a this high northern latitude a transition from the Devonian to that of the Carboniferous. In North America such a transition occurs in Ohio, but in other localities these floras are somew Geology and Natural History. 237 distinct ; and in the east the two series containing them are un- conformable, rof. Heer, however, somewhat impairs the value that formation, He even goes so far as to hold that the plants of the American Chemung and Hamilton groups must be Carbon- iferous also. This, however, proceeds from want of acquaintance on his part with the rich Middle Devonian flora of Eastern America, the resemblance of which to that of the Coal-measures, im general facies, and especially in its richness in ferns, has misled other European paleobotanists accustomed to regard the Middle Devonian as comparatively barren in plants, whereas in fact it contains a flora comparable in richness with that of the Coal-for- mation, though distinct as to species Mr. Daintree has recently read before the same society a paper on the Geology of Queensland, Australia, in which he refers to a Devonian flora existing there; and Mr, Carruthers, who has exam- ined hig specimens, identifies some of them with species found in the Devonian of North America. We have thus the wonderful fact of the extension of a Lower Carboniferous and Devonian flora 5. Pp the Proceedings, containing records commencing with April 4, wing : P ‘Aa Henry Wurtz, in an article (p. 103) on the rock of the alis having G=2-94, from Prof. Cook (Geol. of New Jersey, p. 215).— and, s thene 40, he gives for the calculated result— _ $i53-5, 3118-2, Pe 8-7, Mg 8-7, Oa 7-4, K, Na 27=99°2. [We strongly suspect from the resemblance of the rock to that t - ents are essentially the same that have been obtained in analyses of the New Haven rock.—s. D. D. ; A mica schist filled with minute crystals of kyanite covers large areas, according to Professor D, 8. Martin, on New York islan East 424 street, near the Union Depot, and also between 46th streets, west of Madiso i Tock is probably continuous from one point to the other. 238 Scientific Intelligence. Prof. Martin also states (p. 222) that granular limestone has been found in the gneiss in East 124th street, which is probably a prolongation of the ridge at Mott Haven and slaw wien in West- chester county. Dr. J. L. Newberry scone: on page 224, that the iron ore on the Cling water, in etki ing, discovered by Dr. Hayden, contains p. ¢. of titanic ac U. 8. Geolo ogi ants Survey of the Territories ; F. V. HaypEN, U. ‘8. Geolog gist in charge. Profiles, Sections and other I. lustre tions designed to accompany the jinal report of the Chief Geologist of the Survey, and sketched under his directions ; by Henry Exxiorr. Under authority of the Secretary “6 ~ Interior, 1872. gra = cal, 7. Damouritie ss schist of Salm-Chdteau.—Messts. L. D. pz Kontyox and P. Davrevx have analyzed a schist look- ing as if steatitic, pape have found it to consist of a hydrous mica affording “ perfectly ” the compositions of damourite, “ K, 31, 6Si, 2H.” Some transparent and slightly elastic mica-like plates in the rock have the same constitution as the rock itself. The garnets are manganesian, or of the fae spessartite.—Proc. Acad. Loy. Belg., ee 6, L’ Institut, July 1 8. Bathmodon sors ns of Cope. —Prof. Corr stated that the inzgest | mamma the Eocene formation segs those of tween the types of hoofed animals. The single outer cresc a ruminant ain while the inner table resem bled the interior part of the crown ‘of Vitanotherium. It differed, however, in its early union with the outer margin, its edge i thus possibly h omologous with the posterior transverse crest Geology and Natural History. 239 Rhinoceros, The premolars had two or three lobes with cres- centic section arranged transversely. He regarded the genus as of the most marked of these was the genus Hipposyus, described by Dr. Leidy, 9. On some New Species of Fossil Mammalia from Wyoming; by Dr. Jos. Lerpy. (From a letter to Mr. Tryon, dated Fort Bridger, J uly 24th, printed in advance of the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and issued Aug. se often with abundance of fresh-water shells, also pa oceur. There are often isolated lands surrounded by broad plains or As the buttes crumble away under the effect of the weather, the fossils of their strata become exposed to view. On the 17th, in company with Dr. J. Van A. Carter and Dr. Joseph K. Corson, U.S.A., I made a trip to the valley of Dry Cree » forty miles from Fort Bridger. Here we encamped, a a three days in exploring the neighboring buttes for fossils. Most abundant vertebrate remains are e of shells of which are frequently met with in little heaps of fragments m se of the tapir-like animal which I have named Pak h Paludosus, We also found a number of more characteristic speci- mens than I had before seen of the larger species of Palwosyops djor. Dr. Corson further discovered the remains of a small Species which may be named PaLs®osyors HUMILIS. An upper 240 Scientific Intelligence. diameter. We likewise found some additional remains of yrachyus agrarius, and better specimens than I before had of the larger Hyrachyus eximius. A -preserved last lower molar toe of a pair of transverse lobes, with sloping sides and acute summits, the upper canine teeth, apparently of the most formidable of car- sabre-toothed tiger. The more perfect specimen consists of nearly nine inches of the enameled crown. its perfect condition the character consists in the lance-head-like form of the terminal three inches. It is thickened at the axis, and impressed and expanded toward the edges, so as to be actually broader in one portion than immediately above. e antero-posterior diameter of the crow? near its base is two inches; the thickness over an inch. ese canine teeth, terminating in lance-like points, must have proved most terrific instruments of slaughter. Their possessor was 20 doubt the scourge of Uinta, and may therefore be appropriately named UINTAMASTIX ATROX,. Geology and Natural History. 241 Plates.—Contains descriptions of species of Corals, Brachiopods and Gasteropods. The figures are excellent. ll. On the Fossil. Man of the cavern of Broussé-roussé, in Italy, called the cave of Mentone; by E. Rrvrerv.—This skeleton is very nearly complete, it wanting only some bones of the feet, and also the lower extremity of the left tibia, and the posterior extremity of the caleaneum of the same side, broken by the stroke of the pick-axe which brought the skeleton to light. © measurements show that the skeleton is one of large size. The skull was very dolicocephalous, and its facial angle good, ap- eee eee Fr closely resembles the man of Cro-Magnon found daphus, Cervus Canadensis, a Cervus which may be the stag of apra primigenta(?), Antilope rupicapra of ZL Among these animals, three b mong the other objects present there are two flint knives, a ne pin cut from the radius of a stag, and 22 canines of the stag perforated, h e bones were all'in place, the attitude being that of a man Who had died in his sleep just where he was found, that is, on a m f h e. 13. The Geology and Physics of the Post-glacial period, as . Liverpoo ©Ol. Soe, uthor, after giving detailed des- ean of the region and its Post-glacial formations, presents the followi i after a laying down of the boulder- clay, the land was elevated above its present level, and again depressed below it, the valleys of the present Lancashire and 242 Scientific Intelligence. out of the boulder drift; that a re-emergence took place, and a pause, when the inferior peat and forest beds were formed; that a second subsidence took place, denuding these peat beds, and making the Formby and Leasowe marine beds; that an upward movement succeeded, and then grew the forest trees, remains of T. M. Brewer, of Boston, and Mr. R. Rid promised by December Ist, by Messrs. Little, Brown o-5: Sa with such authors, and Dr. Baird at the head, the work will assuredly be one of high merit, and just what is needed. The American birds, in most cases of life size. The publishers state that two editions will be issued, one with colored, the other with uncolored, illustrations. 15. Fossil Oephalopods of the Museum of Comparative Zoology + Embryology ; by AupuEevs Hyarr. Bulletin of the Museum, vol. ii, No. 5.—This memoir contains the results of a careful investr gation with respect to the embryology and structure of ammonites and related cephalopods, by a study of the shell in its different stages of development, and also by a comparison of its characters with those of the living nautilus, : 16. Boston Society of Natural History.—Number 3 of part 1 of vol. iii, of the Memoirs of this Society, recently issued, com tains an elaborate memoir by Elliott Coues, M.D., on the Osteo logy and Myology of Didelphys Virginiana, with an appendix 0? its brain, by Jeffries Wyman. ay rescent Salt obtained twelve miles from Denver, Colorado, contains, according to P. Frazer, Jr., sulphate of soda, 63°5 x. cent., sulphate of lime 9°70, water 21°88, chloride of sodium, SU® phate of magnesia, &c., 4°55.—Hayden’s Report on Wyoming, 1871, p. 187. IIt. Asrronomy. Loe 1. Annals of the Observatory of Harvard College, v0h ide, and G. P. Bond. The first. series was published in vol. i, part i and included the places of 5500 stars; thesecond, in vol. ii, part ™ Astronomy. 248 and included the places of 4484 stars. The tables in vol. vi—the third series—contain the places of 6100 stars between 0° 40’ and 1° 0’ north declination. : Volume vii, comprises brief tables and numerous plates, illus- trating the positions and characters of solar spots, from the obser- vations of Prof. Wm. C. Bond during the years 1847-49. e plates number 112. Professor Winlock says, in his preface to the volume, that the drawings, here reproduced, “ furnish a more per- is observations.” The plates are engraved with great apparent 2. Astronomical Engravings of Moon-Oraters, Sun-Spots, ete. ; by the Observatory of Harvard College. —The aerethieg” “ Coll ns “The Director of the Observatory of Harvard College purposes to publish a series of astronomical engravings, which shall repre- Observatory under his charge. ; : i The series will consist of at least thirty pictures, and will em- ences, nebulas, and spectra of variable stars. — ; © obtain some assistance toward defraying the expense 0 Set. The pictures will be delivered from time to time as they are completed, and they will be followed by some pages of notes and explanations.” The few specimen plates sent us are excellent, and of great T: -% ation to the greatest extent. At 1.30 P.M. the maximum east declination occurred; it then gradually diminished, increasing a Position. The horizontal force was comparatively little ee the whole range of the disturbance amounting only to 070268 0: 244 Scientific Intelligence. last he found in the sun some re s of great extent remarkable for the presence of magnesium, stretching over an arch from 12 to 168 degrees; and that on the 1 he presented to the Spectro- n the spectroscope around the whole border, that is, the whole chromosphere was invested with vapors of this metal. Under this general ebullition, there was naturally an absence of pe ae while the flames of the chromosphere were very marked and bril liant; and the more brilliant the flames 7 A pap: the amount of magnesium indicated.—_L’ Institut, July 10 e August Meteors were observed, on the night of 9-10, at Sheffield Hall, by Prof. C.S. Lyman, aided b y some Aces assistants. ales to 103 0 co ti regular watch was kept, but 30 or 40 were ced. After the numbers were as follows: "from 10} to iy o by 6 observers. it oe 6 “ . > 50, 6G 114 oe 12, 61, o (a9 “ 12 “ 19456,% 5 «& a. a (most of the time). “ 1 * 14, 42, “ 4 «“ 6c 14 “ 2, 32, “ 2 (74 “ 9 « 9 4, soa 74 2 +“ 34, some haze; accurate _— not kept; but the number was at about oe same rate. Several were brilliant, leave colored trains, At about 8 minutes past 12 one exploded with a bright flash in the east. e paths were not mappe “ greater. There was much auroral light in the north all night, with occasional streamers about midnight. No cloudiness in the sky until after 3 o’cl Pro fessor R. W. McFarland, of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, states, in a letter dated Oxford, Aug. 12, cme he observed on the morning of the 10th from a quarter before 3 to 5 minutes before 4, and counted in that time 62 meteors. 6. On two new p ; by Prof. C. H, F. Prrzrs. (From 4 letter to one of the Editors, dated Litchfield Observatory of ppt ilton College, Clinton, N. Yu ms 17.)—I have obtained the Astronomy. 245 (1.) Asteroid (122). 1872. Ham. Coll. m. t. APP. a. App. 6. No. of comp. Bom! & h. 8. Seats id 4 16 9 37 «31 48 sea? 1 41 84900 Soke AT. 89: 49... 2k 48, 2986 cn Bie ES 12 coe AAS 0 a a Oe 12 Oe ee eae 21 46 5952 —11 52 382 10 Ce ree ee ae ee et ee. 10 SEO OER BY 21 45 3547 —12 0 21 10 pear Wa : 10 (21 —W 8 131 8 per&, 40. .B1y,48. WSL Ap12, da ed 10 sO 28 BS. Oh 42 ade. 18 ea 10 The magnitude of the planet is between 11th and 12th. (2.) Asteroid (12 3). 1872. Ham. Coll. m. t. App. a. App. 6. . No, of comp. Sete. ee m. ‘ 4 Aug 1, 12 8 29° 21 «BY 3003 100 4 BBS 12 S00 oS IS MS 1S. 1 Oh BORE, Ne. BSS 8 Wi sei Meee 1 55 491 —10 10 155 5 Doct vldy OS: SB: Aly Bh ee 18 oR, 8 6 Py eB a es Sis ae te Ae 10 Po & 18 8258: SR Re ees 10 8 12 29 68 1 50 4320 .—10 20 267 6 The magnitude of this planet is estimated about 12th. On Jul 31 I succeeded only in obtain ning a rough e estimate of position, pea aon not permitting accurate measurements. will be no difficulty in finding the planets pr after the disoae heht, even without ephemerides. ‘Speet tra of sar-ehine; night-light, - peocewee light ; by S. Pra 221-SMYTH.—* And what sort of spectrum ought such stabahite > and night ‘ear to offer to senha ad locality of its formation, very much “like the waite of the ast twilight fact, according to numerous observa- tions on the Sicilian night sky, when free from any accusation of aurora, I found such ohuaniee to yield a short iesnereg hna c trum; and that culminating, not at the aurora line place of W. L. 5579, but near W. L. 5350. ow this place evidently corresponds within the limits of error of observation to that of the rit residual portion of the continous ence we are led to she Fon olanita that the spectram 0 4 acal light is the same in kind as that of either s Sunshine. Whence the further deduction is caritable. that the 246 Miscellaneous Intelligence. older astronomical theory of the zodiacal light being the solar t ro jus negatived by the spectroscope: for “ no two speouray” as the lady most truly said in the Royal Gcvaiery at Palermo, “can be more essentially different than . of the aurora and the zodi acal light. They are as different from one another as night from day.— Monthly Notices Astron. Sots , June, p. 285. so MISCELLANEOUS SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. t of Elevations and Distances in that portion Pi the United "eatin west of the Mississippi River; collated and See by Prof. MS Tuomas, Assistant i S. Ge ological Survey under Dr. I, V. Haypmn. 32 pp. 12mo. Washington, 1872.— W. ere Table x1, of elevations in - 258 O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Birds. This unique fossil was found by Mr. G. M. Keasbey, of the Yale party, in September last, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming. Aletornis gracilis, sp. nov. A small aquatic bird, about the size of a Woodcock, is oe sented in our Wyoming collections by the proximal end o humerus in excellent preservation, and probably by some me important remains. The species thus indicated may be placed provisionally in the genus Aletornis, until the discovery of ad- ditional material determines more closely its affinities. fare: the head, on the paren side, the surface is concave. Measurements. Greatest diameter of proximal end of humerus, - - -- - ---- 114 Greatest Seer of articutae ead 7. nase ws tA 84 Loast Giimeter. | oo a a a ee 3°6 Least Y See of shaft below hend,. 22.3.2... tcc 3°6 The specimen here described was found by Mr. H. D. Zieg- ler, in September last, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming. Aletornis bellus, sp. nov. A diminutive species, about half the bulk of that last - scribed, and which may for the present be referred to the sam — genus, is indicated by the distal end of a tarso-metatarsal, an os tee by a few other isolated and less ween o ay spect- tarso-metatarsal is similar in its esse features to the same bone in the Killdeer plover (Higialiti a Suge and about the same size. The outer, or fourth, meta sal element, however, is more produced distally, and its ex ed is obliquely compressed. The trochlear groove in on distal end of the third metatarsal is not quite in the middle, outer articular surface being ee the larger. Measuremen Transverse diameter eee of distal end of tarso-. metatarsal, sed oof O' el6 oR 6 8 Cee C8 ee 4.8 8 6 ee Ee Se. ee Aunuboneunes aca of fourth metatarsal at —_— end, 3° : Transverse Soe of shaft through lower foramen P found s at present representing this scans were Set ‘ee LTE, at Grizzly Buttes, Wyoming, in September last. 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Birds. 259 Uintornis lucaris, gen. et sp. nov. A small bird evidently belonging to the Scansores, and gooly related to the Wood deep groove. The shaft above the union of the three elements is broad, and nearly flat in front. On the posterior side it is somewhat concave. The foramen between the third and fourth metatarsals is small, and the groove above it quite narrow. Measurements. pansverse diameter of tarso-metatarsal at distal end,.... 4°8 r €ro-posterior diameter of third metatarsal,.......+++ 2° orth CHOIMNCECT, ca deck erin esses ee oe ete doe if Wiane posterior diameter of fourth metatarsal,......--- 3° idth of shaft through lower foramen,...----+++++++++ 35 ae type specimen of this species was found by the writer, t autumn, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming. Catarractes affinis, sp. Nov. evidently a nearly related species. The F eet aoe ae : : iffers m the oo Ng ae bone of that species in several particulars. the tendons of the triceps mu: unequal size in the being much the scle of pero species, the one on the ulnar side arger, Measurements. Length of entire humerns,...---+2---sreer ee 95° ™™- Greatest diameter of proximal end,...--+-++++*: ins Transverse diameter of distal end,.... -- a given aa’ 10° * This Journal, vol. xlix, p. 213, March, 1870. 260 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Birds. Greatest —_—— of articular head, ..0.0. 000 sucess cece 14:3 Least dia We eke a a ic hs ws oe tae (RS 72 Greatest diamete OF seate RE WIS, 1065 ios OS geese es bs Pease Cinteter sk os os Gg Ss hs ee ee 4-2 This ee specimen, which belongs to the Aaa of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, was found by Dr. A. ©. Hamlin, in the Post-pliocene clay near Bangor, Mane Meleagris altus. Meleagris altus Marsh. Proceedings rece Academy, 1870, p. 11, and American Naturalist, vol. iv 17. (Meleagris superbus Cope, Synopsis Extinct Batrachia, ete., p. 239. This species, which was based on portions of four skeletons, soy eancd most nearly in size and general features the eae wild Turkey of North America (Meleagris gallopavo Linn.). may readily be distinguished, however, by its more oe the wild ran in patale besa doar igen and in aoe the shaft straighter, or less sigmoid. The coracoid is elonga and its lower end expanded ave S Its pneumatic han i is erectile slender and Pelngaied The hypotarsus, a — canal, as in the adult suicag and onan glinnceon birds. “The bridge, if it existed in an ossified — ondition, was ley Measurements. ase Length (approximate) of humerus,...... .++++++++++ 159°5 Greatest diameter of proximal end,.......+-++++-+++++ 42° Greatest diameter of distal end,...........+++ee+se0" 33° Leugth of. e0rhboidss. . cee caen ets dan ose hoe ek 122° Transverse diameter OF JOWGE GGG. von cc ees tence nee? 37°5 Length of tae ns ee 150° Transverse diameter OF distal end. 4. 6.600 cee. s sess 31° 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Birds. 261 meen Of tibia, 2.656. SSeS eA ea 243° mm- Transverse diameter of distal end,......+...+.-ee+0+5 18° Length of tarso-metatarsal,..........seceecceetecees 176°5 Transverse diameter of proximal end,.......+++++++++ 23° Distance from proximal end to spur,....+++-+++++++55 110: The specimens here described were found in_the Post- pliocene deposits of Monmouth County, New Jersey. Meleagris celer, sp. nov. the posterior face, where it is met by an external Si of sim- ilar length. The tarso-metatarsal has the external ri more ossified than in the larger species. The remains preserved indicate a bird about half the bulk of JZ altus. I oe: Measurements. WEED Of tibia... 262s evn ssersarnrenrere ceennces ia Greatest diameter of proximal end,.....-+++++++++++° 3 Transverse diameter of shaft at middle,........+++++++ 9°6 Transverse diameter of distal end,......-- se+erreee- 16°5 Antero-posterior diameter of outer condyle...--..---- 16° Transverse diameter of proximal end of tarso-metatarsal, 1 4 2 . \ntero-posterior diameter,....-+---++eeereceeeeteess tT known specimens of the present s ies are from the Post-pliocene of Monmouth County, New Jersey. Grus proavus, Sp. NOV. An extinct species of Crane, somewhat smaller than Grus Canadensis Temm., is indicated in the collections of the Yale differs essentially from it in hot having the grooves for the coracoids meet on the median ne. They are i separated from each other by a space ve. e sternum die than in C Can- that species mainly in having the shaft less curved : in ot respects the resemblance is close. : 262 E. &. Morse—Oviducts of Terebratulina. Measurements. Width of sternum between outer ends of coracoid grooves, 45°" Width of sternum. at: middle, .3.....0.2:..iaccsre wwe v4 39° Distance between coracoid grooves,.......+seeeeeeeere 5° Length (approximate) of femur, % 126° Transverse diameter of shaft at middle,.............+.- 12°5 Transverse diameter of distal end,...........+++---0 . The remains on which this species is established are likewise from the Post-pliocene deposits of Monmouth County, New Jersey. Yale College, New Haven, August 28th, 1872. Art. XXXIL.— On the Oviducts and Embryology of T erebratulina ; by Epwarp S. Morsg, Ph.D. With Plate IIL for the third time, and now my heretofore fruitless endeavors have been met with success. The results of these observations were communicated at the they assumed the form of a deeply annulated embryo, compos of four distinct rings, which hada marked vermian contraction be attaching themselves by the caudal segment. During the latter part © E. S. Morse—Oviduets of Terebratulina. 263 ap. J have, however, nearly three hundred outlines of the embryos during their development, a few of which are presented . this brief communication. Next year it is hoped a com- ete history of their development will be made, as many things ave been observed in their proper management of which I shall profit in my next attempt. a. gency ing ERhynchonella alive, to note the ciliary action in the iducts driving currents outward, and to establish the correct- Protruded. A jar of specimens dredged b PEG ged by Dr. P. P. Carpenter. who kindly accompanied me from Montreal, was left standing ae its arms their entire length from the partially opened els. I*poured the sea water carefully out, and suddenly poured in ¢ ie strongest alcohol, and the specimen is now pre- selban in this exerted position. re ohn E. Gavit, Esq., and Dr. Thomas T. Sabine of New York, z owed all my examinations at Eastport. In a forthcoming oo of the Boston Society of Natural History all the details these examinations will be given. EXPLANATION OF Puate III. tals. Figure ee Glandular organs supposed to be testes, seen from below. 2. Portion of left oviduct with its relation to the supposed testis. a, ovi- . due , its external opening. «¢ i 3. Left oviduct as it appears from the front through perivisceral wall. a, ovid b, its external opening. c, in ning. d, ovaries in pallial membranes. , left divaricator muscle. F.¥.F. Eggs entering, w passing through, and escaping from oviduct. 4. Right oviduct seen from behind. a, intestine. 64, anterior ocelusor s. ¢, oviduct. d, internal mouth of oviduct held in the ilio- parietal band “Jike a landing net in its loop.” ¢, ilio-parietal band ecessory heart of Hancock. ine is thrown into folds, in consequence of the traction of the outer wall of intestine, Figs. 6 and Figs Embryology. 1 to 12, showing various stages of embryo. 8, partial side views. Figs. 7 and 11, side views. - 12, partial end view. Fig. 1 264 A. M. Mayer—Erratum of the Errata. Art. XXXIIL—Erratum of the Errata, or “‘ A Few Millions ;” by ALFRED M. Mayer, Ph.D. I am indebted to Mr. A. Cowper Ranyard, of London, for calling public attention to errors existing in the illustrative ap- pendix to a research entitled “ Acoustical Experiments, &c., which article of mine the editor of Natwre honored with a re- publication in his journal, on May 9, 1872. The existence of these errors has been known to me since a few weeks after the original publication of my paper; but as they did not affect in the least the subject prom of the rect calculation 185,300 miles= 298,212,000,000 millimeters _ 0005895 millimeter and 5,058,700,000,000,000 (Mr. R.’s result) minus 505,870,000, 000,000 (Mr. M.’s result) gives Mr. Ranyard 4,552,830,000,000,- 000 tremors. Thus it appears that both Mr. Ranyard and myself can com: mit errors in simple arithmetic ; but I am sure that our mutu friends will not attribute them to want of sufficient ere wate 7 soi as ’ do not wish Mr. Ranyard’s errors in any way to extenuate MY. own greater negligence, which has gr pls: § my paper; containing, as it does, “some strange numerical errors, which perhaps it will be well to point out, lest some of Le readers should make use of the numbers given at te end of the paper without previously testing them.” (A. ©. R.) I will, therefore, ask my readers to substitute the following for the second paragraph under the heading of = Bs mseaw cei Relations in the eaperiments and analogical facts he phenomena of light. * See Nature, June 20, 1872, p. 142. E. W. Hilgard—Geology of the Southwest. 265 We will now examine the analogical phenomena in the case of light. Let fork No. 1, giving 256 vibrations a second, stand for 508,730,000,000,000 vibrations a second; which will be the number of vibrations made by the ray D, of the spectrum, if we cag A 300,000 kilometers per second as the velocity of light. Then fork No. 8 will represent 504,750,000,000,000 vibra- tions per second; which latter give a wave-length ‘0000048 millimeter longer than that of D, and belong toa ray removed from D,, toward the red end of the spectrum, by eight times the distance which separates D, from D, We saw that fork No. 8, giving 254 vibrations a second, had to move toward the ear with a velocity of 8°784 feet to give the note produced by 256 vibrations per second, emanating from a fixed fork; so, if a star, which only sends forth those rays which vibrate 504,750,000,000,000 times a second, should move toward the eye with a velocity of 2,442 kilometers, or 1,517 miles, its color would change to that given when D, emanates from a stationary Soda-flame, Art, XXXIV.— On some points in the Geology of the South- west; by E. W. Hitearp, of the University of Mississtpp THE third annual Report of the Geological Survey of Louisiana, by Prof. F. ¥, Sopiina, contains a number of statements and discussions controverting, apparently at least, Some of the facts and views heretofore published by me, especially as regards the quaternary history of the Mississipp1 Valley and Gulf of Mexico. While some of the points made by mty respected friend are based merely upon misunderstand- ings, there are others which result from material differences in Mi ec ee of facts, and as such require notice at my ands, As regards the inadmissibility of Prof. Hopkins’s conjecture that the Labrador current may have been instrumental in dis- tributing the drift over the Mississippi Valley, I have little to Say that could add to the cogency of ana’s remarks on € same subject, in the August number of this Journal. The southern drift bears everywhere the character of a deposit formed by “fresh water in a state of violent flow, and devoid, or nearly so, of animal | 2 I dl stated, on the strength of an array of evidence against whic oF stratigraphical fact. For the origin of hold myself responsible; but I must demur Am, Jour. pogeéea Sertes, Vou. IV, No. 22—Ocr., i 1 266 E. W. Hilgard—Geology of the Southwest. unqualified statements, that the drift “must date from the eriod of depression,” and that ‘‘ during a long period after the deposition of the drift the land stood at about its present level, ” » If, -as'Peot mM form deposits with the wavy stratification of river alluvium, an alone produce such structure; and, if so, the Gulf shore must have been elevated to the extent of at least 450 feet above its present level, at the time the Calcasieu drift was deposited.t Moreover, the Calcasieu profilest show most convincingly the existence of ridges of denudation at the drift surface, as well as beneath it; and, similarly, subterranean ridges of drift mate- rial are frequently struck in wells on the Mississippi coast-t The drift materials are, equally, the last thing so far found beneath the Port Hudson clays in the Mississippi bottom ;—to what extent they have filled up that ancient trough, future borings must determine. I cannot, therefore, see on what grounds Prof. Hopkins as- sumes that the erosion of the drift surface took place while the land stood “ nearly” at its present level. If, Pe) expect, drift vel should be found underlying the strata of the New Or eans well, the minimum elevation of the Gulf coast, during and even after the Drift period, would be increased by several hundred feet. And I cannot refrain from once more calling attention to the obvious difference between the chemical status of the stratified drift of the South, and that of Illinois and In- iana. In the latter, lignitized trees and layers of muck are abundant, indicating submersion at a comparatively recent riod; while the “orange sand” of the Southwest, as hereto- fore repeatedly stated by me, as a rule contains nothing that eapable of further oxidation or solution by atmospheric ar cl unless it be silex. Such complete peroxidation a? lixiviation, the effects of which have largely extended into erlying formations, || unquestionably indicate a lo sub- aérial exposure, from which the Northwestern strati was in a great measure exempt. * This Journal, November, 1869, p. 335. Ibid, p. 344. $ Misa, Report, 1860, pp. 28 and 29. P ition Rep. 1860, p. 23- L. W. Hilgard—Geology of the Southwest. 267 As regards the later formations, I note that the propriety of substituting Dana’s prior name of ‘Champlain period” by tha of “Bluff period,” as proposed and carried out by Prof, Hopkins, Stems to me at least doubtful. A descriptive name should at least give the predominant and essential character of the greater part of the formations concerned. That Swallow’s name, as applied to the Loess, is preéminently characteristic, no one that nows that formation, as invariably exhibited on the Mississippi and its great tributaries, will deny; while, apart from the Port Hudson bluff itself, few, probably, besides Prof. Hopkins and myself, know of any prominent example of bluffs formed by the ort Hudson strata—a formation as positively characterized by Plateaus and prairies, from Pensacola to the Rio Grande, as the oess is by “bluffs.” As for the Yellow Loam and its equiv- alents, spread like a blanket over the whole country, up hill pe carn, it is peculiarly apt, ¢f tn stu, to be absent from b/uf? S The name apart, I am constrained to believe that, while appar- ently differing widely from me in his interpretation of the strata penetrated in the New Orleans artesian well of 1856, he never- theless agrees, substantially, in all but the use of a name. when, on p. 185, he speaks of the Port Hudson strata as “the delta formed by the Mississippi, from the end of the Drift eriod to the beginning of the era of the Loess,” he merely ers from me in conferring the name of the ‘ Mississippi’ "pon that broad expanse of swamps, marshes, and lagoons Which then filled the trough remaining after the Drift period, and through which the continental waters made their way as t they might. In this broad sense, I cheerfully admit the Whole of the strata underlying New Orleans to be “ Mississipp! delta, deposits.” Similar ones, however, were at that time forming all along the northern and western Gulf border, con- Stituting the “blue clay bottom ;” which, is as well known on the coast of Alabama and Texas, as is the sudden seaward Slope at a variable distance from the main land, that Prof. Hopkins erroneously supposes to be peculiar to the mouths of the Mississippi, and to be formed by river deposit. _But while the modern delta deposits proper everywhere ex- hibit an abundance of drift-wood particles, and a rapid alterna- tion of character corresponding to the frequent rise and fall of the river: the deeper deposits of the New Orleans well lack both these characteristics, bemg remarkably uniform through consid- erable thicknesses of material.* — the — * far as pre- viously known are of livi cies; but so far as [ am aware, nothing else is expected of asiueenry marine beds. Yet the fact that three or four of the species are not now known to be * See “ Report on the Age of the Delta,” in Rep. U. S. Eng. Dept. for 1870. 268 E. W. Hilgard—Geology of the Southwest. living in the Gulf or elsewhere, conveys a hint that when these “delta” deposits were made, the present state of things had not come to pass. From the somewhat arbitrary standpoint of some paleontologists, the strata in question would even have to come under the head of marine Pliocene! confess, also, to a violent distrust of the chemical method of identifying formations, as applied by my friend to deposits so exceedingly variable in their nature, and over such extensive areas. Had he gone to New Orleans instead of Arkansas, he might have found in the “drove wells” of that city about as eat a variety of waters, as the two extremes he refers to as characterizing the Port Hudson and river deposit waters, “in eae That ‘‘at various points between Baton Rouge and Arkansas, the alluvium is over a hundred feet in depth, I have not the slightest doubt; for the same is true of the the proof intended to be conveyed, that such is the least average depth of the alluvium. All direct stratigraphical observations heretofore made have led the observers to a con- ess coarse sand, but modified somewhat, in accordance with the nature of the underlying strata,+ in Louisiana as well as else- where. ‘This is the case even where it is in situ; but where, % in the case mentioned by him as occurring on Sicily Island &. 177), it is merely a talus, commingled with the other materials furnished by the degradation of the hills, it of course will ‘changed according to the nature and amount of the admixture. I doubt that there is any Yellow Loam to be found én situ oP ee Island. : The fine, more or less indurated silts, forming perpendicular walls when eroded, to which Prof. Hopkins refers, are clearly an- terior in time, and distinct from the Yellow Loam proper ; aS may be seen at Port Hudson itself, and at numerous points eo the edge of the Loess region in Mississippi, where a na transition into the Loess proper is frequently observable. It 1s * See Humphrey's and Abbot’s Report on the Mississippi river; this Journal, December, 1871, p. 402; Proceed. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1871, p. 252. + Miss. Rep. 1870, p. 197, et al. ¢ Miss. Rep. 1860, pp. 319-20, and 198, $334. E. W. Hilgard— Geology of the Southwest. 269 Calcasieu pine-flats and “ Bay Galls;” or the as ones of the was still sub i i hie oe ee ‘agp substantially the same even in this latitude, is shown y its outliers on the Five Islands, where (e. g., at Weeks’ 2g at work since the deposition of the Loam ; : find the geological place of the Loam oceupied by materials = ing not the least resemblance to its usual facies. Such is € case, e. g., on the sandy uplands of south-east Mississippl, tions on the Gulf border has manifestly taken place. If a slice 200 feet in thick- * This Jour., Jan., 1869, p. 80. Miss. Rep., p. 198, $335. t Miss. Rep, p. 304, pane j tia, pp. 198-99. 170 Davenport—Chemical Investigation of some ness, and known to extend through six degrees of longitude with a remarkable uniformity of character, may not speak for itself, we shall have to suspend our discussions of a large por- tion of the geology of the globe. owever, I am in possession of data and specimens from Texas, sufficient to show the approximate correctness of the outline given in my “Map of the Mississippi Embayment,” as well as the close correspondence of the character of the forma- tion in that State, to that exhibited by it in the Anacoco region, in western Louisiana. “i To the two localities of Cretaceous outcrops mentioned by Prof. Hopkins, I have to add another, viz: at King’s Salt Works, in Bienville; where a genuine “rotten limestone” forms the bed of Bayou Castor. University of Miss., August, 1872. Arr. XXXV.— Contributions from the Sheffield Laboratory of Yale College. No, XXV.—Results of a Chemical Investigation of some Points in the Manufacture of ‘‘ Malleable [ron ;” by Russett W. Davenport, Ph.B. THE annealing process employed in making malleable is consists, as is well known, in packing the castings with oxide each annealing, show what influence the process bas upo? em It will be seen the iron us ess. The annealed n broken were up to the average toughness © ‘malleable iron,” and their strength did not materially decreas? after the second annealing. castings whe ‘ I. Casting No.1. Before annealing. i 2. verage. Silicon, "44 "45 “445 Phosphorus, "29 34 315 Manganese, "524 534 529 Sulphur, 054 059 064 F Total Carbon, 3°44 3°42 3°43 points in the Manufacture of Malleable Iron. 271 Il. Casting No.1. After first annealing, Ae 2. Average Silico 40 436 38 Phosphorus, 323 “330 327 Manganese, 5 585 Sulphur, 062 072 "067 Total Carbon, 1°58 1:49 1°51 Il. Casting No.1. After second annealing. 5. Average 1 : 447 451 “449 Phosphorus, 31 "32 “315 Manganese, 51 *b4 525 Iphur, 086 081 "083 Total Carbon, below 0°10 per cent. IV. Casting No.2. Before annealing. E 2. me Average Silicon, 59 58 ‘585 Phosphorus, *29 27 280 Manganese, 55 62 585 Sulphur, ‘d “10 ‘105 Total Carbon, 3°50 3°43 3°48 V. Casting No.2. After first annealing. i. 2. verage. ilicon 16 612 “614 Phosphorus, -290 291 290 Manganese, 619 ‘613 616 ulphur, 152 “143 “147 Total Carbon, “48 eel 43 VI. Casting No.2. After second annealing. Z. 2. Tage. ilicon, 15 613 “614 Phosphorus, -29 30 -295 Manganese, 59 56 575 Sulphur, 161 1638 162 a From the above analyses the following conclusions may be Tawn; first, that the silicon, phosphorus and manganese are h th — castings before annealing, containing 3} per cent of com- med carbon, showed, on breaking. a white fracture, and were 272 Davenport—Chemical Investigation on some too hard to be cut by a drill; after the first annealing an inter- esting change showed itself in the fracture; a whitish surface extended in about ,; of an inch on all sides, surrounding a dark core of dull black color; the line of change from the light to the dark was quite distinct, and the whole was easily cut by a drill. A portion of this white outside layer was filed off and the carbon determined to be present only in traces, while analyses II. and V. show the presence of a considerable amount of carbon, when a sample of the entire cross section was taken. The black core was noticeably smaller in the case of casting No. 2 than in casting No. 1, which accounts for the small amount of total carbon in analysis V. After the second anneal- events only a reduced, that which remains is by the an — slow cooling changed in its state of he tas carbon; for where the iron before annealing is white and very hard, after annealing it shows.a dark fracture and 18 technically called, gave a dirty green color to the solution and ess of the iron owing to the p amount of silicon, phosphorus or sulphur; but it also must pownts in the Manujacture of Malleable [ron. 273. Further analyses were made of another specimen, before and after its annealing, which when, annealed and broken was brittle, and showed the crystalline structure to some extent. VIL. Before annealing. : EB Average. Silicon, 577 ‘580 579 Phosphorus, "425 "423 424 Manganese, 154 117 "165 Sulphur, “116 112 114 Total Carbon, 3-277 3°285 3°281 VIL. After annealing. 1; 2. Average. Silicon, 560 babe 60 Phosphorus, "46 “44 450 Manganese, 136 158 “147 Sulphur, "113 Sune 113 Total Carbon, below 0°10 per cent. The weakness in this case may perhaps be partially caused by the large amount of phosphorus present,but the next two analyses made of specimens, which when broken after being annealed were very brittle and showed a most decided crystal- ine structure, go to prove that this phenomenon of crystalliza- Hon cannot be attributed to the presence of an excessive amount of silicon, phosphorus or sulphur. TX. Once annealed, large erystalline Saces in fracture. 1. . Average. Sili “44 “46 450 Phosphorus, 267 266 "266 Manganese, "264 "182 "223 Sulphur, 145 133 139 Carbon, below 0°10 per cent. X. Twice annealed, crystalline faces extended entirely across the Sracture, jh Average. Silicon, 585 593 589 Phosphorus, 213 212 "212 anganese, "149 158 153 Sulph 092 118 ‘105 Carbon, none or slight trace. The above analyses to seem afford no explanation of this erys- talline structure, and the cause of it can only be determined by careful experimenting and by the comparison of a large num of trustworthy anal : : € next analysis was made of an annealed casting which When bent sliciwadl a greater degree of toughness than common. 274 =F. B. Meek—Descriptions of new Silurian Fossils. It was of circular section 4} inch in diameter, and was bent cold through an angle of 90° without showing fracture. XI. 1 2. Average. Silicon, "717 “722 "719 Phosphorus, 206 "202 204 Manganese, "273 "268 *270 Sulphur, 035 037 "036 Total Carbon, 1°840 1°844 1°842 From this analysis it may be inferred that the silicon may run as high as 0-7 per cent without effecting the toughness of the annealed product, while it also tends to show, what might cer- tainly be expected, that an iron low in phosphorus and sulphur is most suitable for making malleable iron. n regard to the chemical processes used in making the above analyses, in most of the important points I followed the methods for the analysis of iron and steel, given in the last American edition of Fresenins, and I departed from these meth- ods only in such details as Prof. Allen, of the Sheffield Scien- tifie School Laboratory, kindly recommended. All the spect mens examined except, No. XI, were obtained from Messrs. 0. B. North & Co., of New Haven, whose courtesy in specially preparing and re-annealing the iron for this investigation 1S gratefully acknowledged. : es Art. XXX VI.—Deseriptions of a few new species, and one new genus, of Silurian Fossils, from Ohio ;* by F. B. MEEK. PROTASTER ? GRANULIFERUS Meek. Disk small, apparently circular; rays rather slender, and of unknown length. Dorsal surface of disk and rays covered y an integument composed of innumerable minute graims 0 calcareous matter. Ventral side of disk not well exposed 1 furrow into two parts, the anterior one of which is very short, and the posterior longer and marked by a minute pit at its * These fossils are to be fully illustrated and described in the report of the Obio F. B. Meek—Deseriptons of new Silurian Fossils. 275 Breadth of disk, about 0:48 inch; breadth of arms at their 0 inch. belong to this species is very imperfect, being merely an incom- plete disk, and the inner ends of the rays. It does not con- po &, 18 Covered by an integument composed of a vast num Ol very minute grains of calcareous matter, instead of distinct establishment of a new genus or sub-genus for such forms, in Which case the name Alepidaster might be applied to the group, which would probably also include Protaster gregarius of Meek and Worthen T have intentionally avoided, in the foregoing description, the use of the terms ambulacral and adambulacral pieces, applied ow some in describing the arms of species of Protaster é : PALMASTER INcOoMPTUS M. Small ; rays rather short, or only about once and a half as long as their breadth at the inner ends, and rapidly tapering to their outer extremities, which are more or less angular. isk equaling in breadth the length of the rays. Dorsal side of rays Composed each of three rows of about nine pieces* each, that * In some of the rays these appear, but this is probably due to the exposure of ue of the marginal rows of the rays by oblique pressure. 276 F. B. Meck—Descriptions of new Silurian Fossils. are wider than long, and increase rather rapidly in size inward to the margin of the disk, which is made up of smaller pieces ; a few very minute pieces apparently sometimes occur between the rows on the dorsal side of the rays. Surface of dorsal pieces a little roughened, but apparently without spines. Madreporiform piece rather small, a little oval, or almost ar cular, nearly flat, and marked by very fine, irregularly inter- rupted radiating striz. Ventral side unknown. Greatest breadth across, between the extremities of rays on opposite sides, 0°90 inch; length of rays, 0°35 inch ; breadth of same at inner ends, about 0°22 inch; length of madreporiform pieces, 0°08 inch; breadth of same, 0-07 inch. This species seems to be related to P. matutinus Hall, but want the well-defined madreporiform pieces seem in the species The only specimen of this species I have seen is firmly attached to a foliated expansion of coral, so as to conceal the ventral side entirely. It was evidently lying dead on its back, on the bottom of the sea, when the coral commenced growin . upon its ventral side; and afterward the coral not only covere ties of its rays. Locality and position—Cincinnati group of the Lower Silurian, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Dyer’s collection. os Note.—A fine star-fish recently sent to me by Mr. Dyer, from the Cincinnati rocks, presents many features indicating close rela- F. B. Meek—Descriptions of new Silurian Fossils. 277 tions to Paleaster granulosus of Hall; and yet a critical compari- son with his description (he has not yet published a figure of that Species), leads me to think it most probably distinct. It has about the same proportional length and breadth of rays; but instead -eight marginal and le ; s thirty-two adambulacral pieces on each side—the number of to call it Paleaster speciosu RHYNCHONELLA NEGLECTA, var. SCOBINA. Shell rather small, sub-trigonal, compressed, or sometimes in TS ite gibbous, with the mesial fold very prominent and narrow. Dorsal valve bearing on the mesial fold four plications, the middle two of which are more prot one of which latter occupies each provided with about 278 F. B. Meek—Descriptions of new Silurian Fossils. incurved, projecting moderately beyond that of the other valve. Surface ornamented by fine marks of growth, and numerous minute, distinct, regularly disposed granulations. : Length of one of the largest, and most gibbous specimens, 0°55 inch; breadth of do., 0°50 inch; convexity of same, 0°53 inch. Other individuals of near the same length and breadth in the number and arrangement of the plications, with A. neglecta Hall, from New York, Niagara and Clinton groups. But if that shell has been correctly figured and described, from well- preserved specimens, it must be distinct from this, as there are no surface granulations illustrated in the figures or mentioned in the description of the New York species; while they are quite distinctly and beautifully defined on those before me from Ohio ork Niagara fossils are usually found in a good state of preservation, it is very improbable that such a character could have escaped attention in 2. neglecta. 1 there: fore feel strongly inclined to regard the shell under considera- tion as a distinct species; but as it agrees so closely in other characters with R. neglecta, have concluded to view it, for the resent, as a variety of that shell, under the name scobind, which can be retained for it should it prove, as I think it will, to be a distinct species. a It is possible that the internal characters of the species will be found to differ generically from those of Rhynchonella, 4 distinctly prided surface being unusual in that genus. Locality and position.—Clinton group, Dayton, Ohio. Found by Prof. Orton. PLEUROTOMARIA (SCALITES ?) TROPIDOPHORA M. F. B. Meek—Descriptions of new Silurian Fossils, 279 widens rapidly forward, though there is no defined revolving band at the angle. Length or height, 0.55 inch ; breadth about 0.50 inch. This shell possesses some of the characters of both Pleuro- fomaria and Scalites. In general appearance it is most like ; se rapidly forward from, the angle of the volutions. Specifically, this shell is related to Plewrotomaria selecta of Billings, from Which it differs in having its strie of growth nearly obsolete, and in wanting the revolving angle just below the suture, seen in that species. on oe Locality and position. —Cincinnati group, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. A. S. Miller’s collection. Genus Dicraniscus* M. Shell inequivalve, hinge line straight, rather long, hinge pro- vided with teeth and socket deltidium ; beak imperforate ; interior without dental or other aming, or processes of any kind; muscular impressions un- known. Ventral valve without a well developed area, but ee and on each side of the base of this with a prominent the hinge. Shell substance very thick about the hinge, and showing an im erfectly fibrous structure when broken, the fibers béing arranged at right angle to the surface of the valves. _ T have had specimens of this remarkable shell under consid- eration for nearly a year; but have been waiting for others to be found that would show its characters more clearly, all of those seen bein entary. Somewhat better specimens have recently been found by Prof. Orton, but none nearly en- re have yet been discovered. Those now at hand, however, * Dimin. of dixpavoc, a two pronged fork; in allusion to the long bifid cardinal 280 F. B. Meek—Descriptions of new Silurian Fossils. give the means of making out its generic and specific characters with some degree of detail, though we yet want specimens show- ing the exact form of the entire shell, and the muscular impres- sions of the ventral valve. dium sometimes covering the upper part of the foramen. __ It is probably more nearly related to Stricklandinia of Bill- ings; but on comparing some of the specimens sent to him Prof. Orton, Mr. Billings writes that he thinksitentirely distinct from his genus, which he says has no such cardinal process. The ventral valve of our shell also differs in having no trace of the triangular internal chamber, seen under the beak of Stricklandinia. Dicraniscus Orronr M. Shell truncato-suboval, or suborbicular, with front narrowly rounded; hinge-line less than the greatest breadth. ioe moe erately deep mesial sinus not extending to the beak; cardinal ent, or at least more so than that of the other valve, and more incurved ; area wanting or very narrow and obscure; cardinal er, urrowed on their posterior sides above. Surface smooth. as the dorsal; because I could not understand how so very CH. F. Peters—Discovery of a New Planet. 281 fore, not until Prof. Orton found a broken specimen with portions of the two valves united, and showing this process in place, that I was aware that the dorsal valve has its beak so incurved as to give this cardinal process an oblique forward direction within the other valve. Hven then n, however, it seems to touch the bottom of the ventral valve. The specific name is given in honor of Prof. Edward Orton, who discovered the only specimens of the species known Locality and eal —Summit of the Clinton group, near _ 28e by Mr. ay 7 “Miller of that ci ty, there are two exam Orthis, agreeing in form and general appearance with O. plicatelia, but differing in bei gens @ larger, and in havin ith the beak of are see in plicatella as andl pte foun TS giv Shell a esto appearance that leads me to to think i it will emai be found to belong to an entisecribed species. As I know nothing Arr. XXXVIL—Discovery of a New Planet; by 0. H. F. Perers, From a wer Nod Litchfield Observatory, Hamil- ton College, August 2 Lasr night another new planet came into my view. It is tather bright, and about the 10th magnitude; the following Positions were dete bene 5 1872, B. c. ug t a a) é ou) 8 Aug. 23, 12 98 6 2291 .2959 —T7 18 288 (10 comp.) 1392 49 92912164 —7 18 42:3 ( 5 comp) Whence its daily motion is inferred to aA Pat 51s in iene *Scension, and 6’ in declination toward the south. Am. Jour. Sc1.—Tummp Serres, Vor. IV, No. 22. paty oo 18 282 Prof. Gray's Address before the Art. XXXVIII—Address before the American Association at tts recent meeting in Dubuque, Iowa; by Prof. Asa GRAY. American Association at Dubuque. 283 Sierra Nevada and the Coast Range, and among them trees which are the wonder of the world. As I stood in their shade, in the groves of Mariposa and Calaveras, and again under the canopy of the commoner redwood, raised on columns of such majestic height and ample girth, it occurred to me that I could not do better than to share with you, upon this occasion, some of the thoughts which possessed my mind. In their develop- ment they may perhaps lead us up to questions of considerable Scientific interest. I shall not detain you with any remarks (which would now be trite) upon the size or longevity of these far-famed Sequoia trees, or of the sugar pines, incense cedar, and firs associated with them, of which even the prodigious bulk of the dominating Sequoia does not sensibly diminish the grandeur. Although Ho account and no photographic representation of either species of the far-famed Sequoia trees gives any adequate impression of their singular majesty—still less of their beauty—yet my inter- est in them did not culminate merely nor mainly in considera- tions of their size and age. Other trees in other parts of the world may claim to be older. Certain Australian um trees ( Eucalypt:) are said to be taller. Some, we are told, rise so Judge from the actual counting of the layers of several trees, no Sequoia now alive can sensibly antedate the Christian era. guishing appellations seems proper enough. But the tablets of personal names which are affixed to many of them in the venerable trunks so placarded has recorded in annual lines the lifetime of the individual thus associated with it, one may ques- Whether it be the man or the tree that is honored in the connec- tion, probably either would live as long in fact and in memory Without it, 284 Prof. Gray's Address before the have none. The redwood—including in that name the two species of “ big trees”—belongs to the general cypress family, but is sud generis. Thus isolated systematically, and extremely isolated geographically, and so wonderful in size and port, they more than other trees suggest questions. Were they created, thus local and lonely, denizens of Cali- fornia only; one in limited numbers in a few choice spots on the Sierra Nevada, the other along the Coast Range from the Bay of Monterey to the frontiers of Oregon? Are they veri table Melchisedecs, without pedigree or early relationship, and possibly fated to be without descent? — r are they now coming upon the stage (or rather were they coming but for man’s interference) to play a part in the future? Or are they remnants, sole and scanty survivors of a race that “to the manor born,” but are self-invited intruders, we mu needs abandon the notion of any primordial and absolute adap- tation of plants and animals to their habitats which may stand : in lieu of explanation, and so preclude our inquiring any fo American Association at Dubuque. 285 ”7 Separate groves may be reckoned upon the fingers, and the trees of most of them have been counted, except near their Southern limit, where they are said to be more copious. Species limited in individuals holds its existence by a precarious enure ; and this has a foothold only in a few sheltered spots, of a happy mean in temperature and locally favored with mois- ture in summer. Even there, for some reason or other, the Plnes with which they are associated (Pinus Lambertiana and P. Ponderosa), the firs (Abies grandis and A. amabilis), and even the Mcense-cedar (Libocedrus decurrens a great advantage, and, though they strive in vain to emulate their size, wholly verpower the Sequoias in number. ‘To him that hath shall be given.” The force of numbers eventually wins. At least in the commonly visited groves Sequoia gigantea is invested in lts last stronghold, can neither advance into more exposed posi- tions above, nor fall back into drier and barer ground below, hor hold its own in the long run where it is, under present con- ditions ; and a little further drying of the climate, which must Ouce have been much moister than now, would precipitate its doom. Whatever the individual longevity, certain if not speedy 18 the decline of a race m which a high death-rate afflicts the young. Seedlings of the big trees occur not rarely, indeed, 286 Prof. Gray's Address before the [=] and its accessibility, that, judging the future by the past, it is not likely, in its primeval growth, to outlast its rarer fellow- species. ily man preserves and disseminates as well as destroys. The species will probably be indefinitely preserved to science, and for ornamental and other uses, in its own and other lands; and the more remarkable individuals of the present day are likely to be sedulously cared for, all the more so as they become scarcer. Our third question remains to be answered: Have these famous Sequoias played in former times and upon a larger covered by glaciers, these Sequoias must have occupied other sss if, as there is reason to believe, they then existed 10 e land. I have said that the redwoods have no near relatives in bs < American Association at Dubuque. - 287 Ow species of the same type, especially when few, and the type peculiar, are, in a general way, associated geographically, 2 é, inhabit region. Where it is not so, where near relatives are separated, These four trees, sole representatives of their tribe, dwell almost Some interesting facts may come out by comparing generally e then, first, that there is another set of three or four Peculiar trees, in this case of the yew family, which has just Own out of the Alleghanies into its present limited southern 288 Prof Gray's Address before the oS of which China is a part, and Japan, as we shall see, the por- tion most interesting to us. There is only one more species of Torreya, and that is a companion of the redwoods in California. It is the tree locally known under the name of the California nutmeg. In this case the three are near brethren, species of the same genus, known nowhere else than in these three habitats. , because they are of genera whic common all round the northern hemisphere. Leaving these out of view, the noticeable point is that the vegetation of Cali- 3 fornia is most strikingly unlike that of the Atlantic Umite@ = States. They possess some plants, and some peculiarly Ame? ican plants, in common,—enough to show, as I imagine, that the difficulty was not in the getting from the one district to ™ American Association at Dubuque. 289 other, or into both from a common source, but in abiding there. The primordially unbroken forest of Atlantic North America, nourished by rainfall distributed throughout the year, is widely separated from the western region of sparse and discontinuou tree-belts of the same latitude on the western side of the con- tinent, where summer rain is wanting or nearly so, by immense treeless plains and plateaux of more or less aridity, traversed by longitudinal mountain ranges of a similar character. Their other lands, are mostly southward, on the Mexican plateau, or Many as far south as Chili The same may be said of the Plants of the intervening great plains, except that northward 290 Prof. Gray's Address before the and in the subsaline vegetation there are some close alliances with the flora of the steppes of Siberia. And along the crests of high mountain ranges the arctic-alpine flora has sent south- ward more or less numerous representatives through the whole length of the country. If we now compare, as to their flora generally, the Atlantic Uhited States with Japan, Mandchuria, and Northern China, 2. e., Hastern North America with Eastern North Asia—half the ) Mandchuria, along with many other peculiar plants divided be- wo. ere are plants enough of the one region wT io) =| ct 7 9 =] Qu et 5 é nm — 2 0g oO re _ = fr) a ° =) 2) ar) NM S oe ct | 2) S pe ie) ioe) pond > m — pe} =F QO even most of the genera and species which are peculiar to North erica as compared with Europe, and largely peculiar to Atlantic North America as compared with the Californian region, are also represented in Japan and Mandchuria, either by identi- cal or by closely similar forms. The same rule holds on a more northward line, although not so strikingly. If we compare the plants, say of New England and Pennsylvania (lat. 45°—AT’) with those of Oregon, and then with those of North Asia, we shall find many of our own curiously repeated in the latter, while only a small number of them can be traced along the route even so far as the western slope of the Rocky Moun tains. And these repetitions of Eastern American types 1? Japan and neighboring districts are in all degrees of likeness: character; sometimes the two would be termed marked vate ties i they grew naturally in the same forest or in the same region ; sometimes they are what the botanist calls re resentar tive species, the one answering closely to the other, but wit some differences regarded as specific; sometimes the two ar@ merely of the same genus or not quite that, but of a single or very few species in each country,—when the point which mee = ests us is that this eters limited type should occur in tw? antipodal places and nowhere else. American Association at Dubuque. 291 It would be tedious and except to botanists abstruse to enumerate instances, yet the whole strength of the case depends upon the number of such instances. I propose, therefore, if the Association does me the honor to print this discourse, to append in a note a list of the more remarkable ones. But I would here mention two or three cases as specimens. Our Rhus Toxicodendron or poison ivy, is very exactly re- peated in Japan, but is found in no other part of the world, although a species much like it abounds in California. Our other poisonous Rhus (A. venenata), commonly called poison dogwood, is in no way represented in Western America, but has so close an analogue in Japan that the two were taken for the same by Thunberg and Linneeus, who called them &. vernia. ur northern fox-grape, Vitis Labrusca, is wholly confined to ~ the Atlantic States, except that it reappears in Japan and that region. The original Wistaria is a woody leguminous climber, with showy blossoms, native to the Middle Atiantic States. The other species which we so much prize in cultivation, W. Sinensis, 1s from China, as its name denotes, or perhaps only from Japan, where it is certainly indigenous. a spies ur yellow wood (Cladrastis) inhabits a very limited district on the western slope of the Alleghanies. Its only and very near relative (Maackia) is in Mandchuria. : he Hydrangeas have some species in our Alleghany region. All the rest belong to the Chino-Japanese region and its con- tinuation westward. The same may be said of Philadelphus, except that there are one or two mostly very similar in Cali- ormia and Oregon. Our blue cohosh (Caulophyllum) is confined to the woods of ly b es. Another relative is our twin leaf, /efersonia, of the peg ars I ought not to omit ginseng, the root so prized by the Chinese, Which they obtained from their northern provinces and Mand- 292 Prof. Gray's Address before the churia, and which is now known to inhabit Corea and Northern Japan. The Jesuit Fathers identified the plant in Canada and the Atlantic States, brought over the Chinese name by which we know it, and established the trade in it which was for many eige most profitable. The exportation of ginseng to China as probably not yet entirely ceased. Whether the Asiatic and the Atlantic American ginsengs are exactly of the same species or not is somewhat uncertain, but they are hardly if at all dis- tinguishable. There is a shrub—Zllioitia—which is so rare and local that it is known only at two stations on the Savannah river in Georgia. It is of peculiar structure, and was without near rela- tive until one was lately discovered in Japan (in Tripetaleia) so like it as hardly to be distinguishablexcept by having the parts of the blossom in threes instead of fours, a difference which is not uncommon in the same genus or even in the same species. Suppose Eiliottia had happened to be collected only once, 4 good while ago, and all knowledge of the limited and obscure locality was lost; and meanwhile the Japanese form came to known. Such a case would be parallel with an actual one. A specimen of a peculiar plant, Shortia galacifolia, was detected 10 the herbarium of the elder Michaux, who collected it (as bis autograph ticket shows) somewhere in the high Alleghany mountains more than eighty years ago. No one has seen the living plant since, or knows where to find it, if haply it still flourishes in some secluded spot. At length it is found 12 Japan; and I had the satisfaction of making the identification.” One other relative is also known in Japan; and another still unpublished has just been detected in Thibet. Whether the Japanese and the Alleghanian plants are exactly the same or not, it needs complete specimens of the two to settle. So far as we know they are just alike, And even if _ some difference were discerned between them, it would not ap- preciably alter the question as to how such a result came 10 ass. Each and every one of the analogous cases I have beet detailing—and very many more could be mentioned—ralses the same question and would be satisfied with the same avswe! These singular relations attracted my curiosity early 1 the made (by Messrs. Williams and Morrow) during Commo’ ore Perry's visit in 1853, and, ially, by Mr. Charles Wright - American Association at Dubuque. 298 this subject somewhat fully, and tabulated the facts within my reach.* This was before Heer had developed the rich fossil botany of the arctic zone, before the immense antiquity of existing species of plants was recognised, and before the publication arwin's now famous volume on the Origin of Species had introduced and familiarized the scientific world with those how current ideas respecting the history and vicissitudes of species, with which I attempted to deal in a tentative and feeble way. western sides of the continents—the one extreme, the other mean—was doubtless even then established, so that the same Species and the same sorts of species would be likely to secure and retain foothold in the similar climates of Japan and the Atlantic United States, but not in intermediate regions of dif- ferent distribution of heat and moisture; so that different Species of the same genus, as in Yorreya, or different genera of le same group, as Redwood, Taxodium, and Glyptostrebus, or different associations of forest trees, might establish themselves Presup an ancestry in pliocene or still earlier times occu- Pying the high northern regio nd it was thought that occurrence of peculiarly North American genera In Kuro * Mem. Amer. Acad., vol. vi. 294 Prof. Gray's Address before the and local origination of each type, which is now almost uni- versally taken for granted. e remarkable facts in regard to the Eastern American and Asiatic floras, which these speculations were to explain, have since increased in number, more especially through the admira- ble collections of Dr. Maximowictz in Japan and adjacent coun- tries, and the critical comparisons he has made and is still engaged upon. I am bound to state that in a recent general work * by a dis- tinguished botanist, Professor Grisebach of Gottingen, these facts have been emptied of all special significance, and the relations between the Japanese and the Atlantic United States floras declared to be no more intimate than might be expected from the situation, climate, and present opportunity of inter- change. This extraordinary conclusion is reached by regarding as distinct species all the plants common to both countries be- tween which any differences have been discerned, although such differences would probably count for little if the two inhabit the same country, thus transferring many of my list of identical to that of representative species, and then by simply eliminating from consideration the whole array of representative species, |. €, all cases in which the Japanese and the American plant are not exactly alike. As if, by pronouncing the cabalistic word species, the question were settled, or rather the greater part of it remanded out of the domain of science; as if, while com: these singular duplicates to be wondered at, indeed, but wholly beyond the reach of inquiry. Now the only known cause of such likeness is inheritance; and as all transmission of with some difference 12 individuals, and as changed conditions have resulted, as is well known, in very considerable differences, it seems to me that if of arctic fossil plants. These are confirmed and extend through new investigations by Heer and Lesquereux, the resu!t = to me by the latter. ee The Taxodium, which everywhere abounds in the miocené formations in Europe, has been specifically identified, first by Goeppert, then by Heer, with our common cypress of the * Die Vegetation der Erde nach ihrer klimatischen Anordnung, 1871. thanks mainly to the researches of Heer upon ample collection Its American Association at Dubuque. 295 e of Iceland, Spitzbergen, Greenland, Mackenzie river, an ska. It is named 8. Langsdorfiz, but is pronounced to be very much eS. sempervirens, our living redwood of the Californian coast, and to be the ancient representive of it. Fossil specimens of a similar, if not the same, species have been recently detected in the two redwoods of California are the direct or collateral descen- dants of the two ancient species which so closely resemble them. The forests of the arctic zone in tertiary times contained at least three other species of Seguota, as determined by their re- mains, one of which, from Spitzbergen, also much resembles the common redwood of California. Another, “ which appears to have the commonest coniferous tree on Disco,” was common in England and some other parts of Europe. So the Sequoias, now remarkable for their restricted station and numbers, as well as for their extraordinary size, are of an ancient stock; their ancestors and kindred formed a large part of the forests which flourished throughout the polar regions, now desolate and ice- clad, and which extended into low latitudes in Europe. On this continent one species at least had reached to the vicinity of its present habitat before the glaciation of the region. Among € fossil specimens already found in California, but which our trustworthy paleontological botanist has not yet had time to ex- amine, we may expect to find evidence of the early arrival of these two redw upon the ground which they now, after much yicissitude, scantily occupy. 296 Prof. Gray's Address before the Differences of climate, or circumstances of migration, or both, must have determined the survival of Sequoia upon the Pacific, and of Zaxodiwm upon the Atlantic coast and still the redwoods will not stand in the east, nor could our Zaxodium find a con- redwoods ; the other is far south in the Andes of Chili. | enealogy of the Torreyas is more obscure ; yet it 18 a unlikely that the yew-like trees, named Juxrites, which flourish with the Sequoias in the tertiary arctic forests, are the remote ancestors of the three species of Torreya, now severally 1 Florida, in California, and in Japan. s to the pines and firs, these were more numerously a880- ciated with the ancient Sequoias of the polar forests than with their present representatives, but in different species, “pp more like those of eastern than of western North America They must have encircled the polar zone then, as they encircle the present temperate zone now. I must refrain from all enumeration of the angiospermous OF ordinary deciduous trees and shrubs, which are now known by a their fossil remains to have flourished throughout the — = regions when Greenland better deserved its name, and i the present climate of New England and New Jersey. : Greenland and the rest of the north abounded with oaks, eee” senting the several groups of species which now inhabit both ou eastern and western forest districts; several poplars, one bev! like our balsam poplar or balm of gilead tree; more beec than there are now, a hornbeam, and a hop hornbeam, somé birches, a persimmon, and a planer-tree, near se ae re pe those of the Old World, at least of Asia, as well as of Atlant _ North America, but all wanting in California; one Juglans American Association at Dubuque. 297 a tertiary species, and one nearly allied to Sequova Langsdor, z, which in turn is a probable ancestor of the common Californian redwood; has furnished to Lesquereux in North America, the remains of another ancient Sequoia, a Glyptostrobus; a Liquid- ambar which well represents our sweet-gum tree; oaks analogous iving ones; leaves of a plane tree, which are also in the tertiary, and are scarcely distinguishable from our own Platanus talis ; o undistinguishable from our living species.” I eed not con- Our actual flora are marked in the cre us period, and have come to us after passing, without notable changes, through the te formations of our continent. rilary According to these views, as regards plants at least, the adaptation to successive times and changed conditions has been tions, TI, for one, cannot doubt that the present existing species are the lineal successors of those that garnished the earth in around us are to their conditions now. Order and exquisite Am. Jour. So.—Turrp Serres, Vor. IV, No. 19.—Oor., 1872. oD 298 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Reptiles. adaptation did not wait for man’s coming, nor were they ever stereotyped. Organic Nature,—by which I mean the system and totality of living things, and their adaptation to each other and to the world,—with all its apparent and indeed real stability, should be likened, not to the ocean, which varies only by tidal oscilla- tions from a fixed level to which it is always returning, but rather to a river so vast that we can neither discersi its shores nor reach its sources, and whose onward flow is not’ less actual because too slow to be observed by the ephemere which hover over its surface or are borne upon its bosom. Such ideas as these, though still repugnant to some, and not long since to many, have so possessed the minds of the natural- ists of the present day that hardly a discourse can be pronounced or an investigation prosecuted without reference to them. I suppose that the views here taken are little if at all in advance of the average scientific mind of the day. I cannot regard them as less noble than those which they are succeeding. An able philosophical writer, Miss Frances Power Cobbe, has recently and truthfully said : * “Tt is a singular fact that when we can find out how anything - done, our first conclusion seems to be that God did not do it. I agree with the writer that this first conclusion is pe _ and unworthy ; I will add deplorable. Through what faults or infirmities of dogmatism on the one hand and scepticism 0? the other it came to be so thought, we need not here consider. Let us hope, and I confidently expect, that it is not to last; that the religious faith which survived without a shock the notion of the fixity of the earth itself, may equally outlast the notion 0 the absolute fixity of the species which inhabit it; that, in the future even more than in the past, faith in an order which 1s the basis of science will not (as it cannot reasonably) be dis: severed from faith in an Ordainer, which is the basis of religion iene. Art. XXXIX.—Preliminary Description of New Tertiary Reptiles; by O. C. Marsh. Parr L _ THE remains described in this paper are from the early bet tiary deposits of the Rocky Mountain region, and were dis- covered by the Yale College party during their explorations summer and autumn of last year. The localities are nearly * Darwinism in Morals, in Theological Review, April, 1871. 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Reptiles. 299 all in the Eocene beds of the Green River basin, first examined by the Yale party, in 1870, and found to contain so many new and interesting forms of vertebrate life.* In this extinct fauna, eptiles were particularly abundant, and among them were numerous Lizards, several species of which are here described. Thinosaurus paucidens, gen. et sp. nov. The present species is based upon the greater part of a skele- ton found, by the writer, in place. Portions of several other of the crowns attached to the inner wall of the jaw are muc expanded, and their sides furrowed, as in Heloderma. The orsal vertebree have the articular ball and cup transversely elliptical, and much inclined. The centra have their inferior surface very slightly concave longitudinally, and convex trans- versely. The articular faces for attachment of the nibs have * This Journal, vol. i, 1871, pp. 192, 322, and 447. 300 O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Reptiles. gated, but less so than the dorsals. The distal caudal verte- bre are slender, but not materially compressed. The limb bones preserved resemble those of the Iguanas. The remains peerres of this species indicate an animal about four feet in ength. Measurements. Space occupied by three lower teeth,.........+6+-ee-0e5 Loe Length of dorsal vertebra from edge of cup to end of ball, 16° WAGED Of ATHCUIAE CUD,. o>. ~d0csc es oe opens svrenens teat 11° PPR GU WAG) 0s cre i ee eet on eens tases 5 oe eee hee 10°2 Expanse of anterior zygapophyses,..........++e-++-008: Expanse of posterior zygapophyses,....-....+-+++ee eee 17 Expanse of small intermediate processes,............+++ 4°5 Length of first sacral vertebra,............cce0e socees 13 Width of cup,........ Weis ak Fuleee dive obee een bbe eee 6 BONO OF Brat COG, 26. 5 PN a ees ba ENS 132 The type specimen of this species was found by the writer, t last September, at Grizzly Buttes, Wyoming. The geologi horizon is Eocene, or possibly Upper Miocene. Thinosaurus leptodus, sp. nov. This species, which was somewhat smaller than the one above described, is indicated by the more important parts 0 two skeletons, and some isolated remains of other individuals. U over the lower half, at least, of the crown. There is a distinct cutting edge in front, but none behind on the lower part of the teeth observed. The vertebrae are very similar to th ; paucidens. The articular cup is transversely elliptical, and 18 pacar depressed above for the neural canal. The two sacral vertebrae are ankylosed. Both are short, and have a deep as on the lower surface of the expanded diapoP The pelvic arch is very similar to that in the Iguanas, ilium is pointed at its upper extremity. The caudal vertebre ave the chevrons situated about one-third the length of the centrum from the end of the articular ball. The tail was long and slender. Measurements. ; Space occupied by three lower teeth,...........- s+ ++" ibe ntero-posterior diameter of crown of lower tooth,....--> 2°5 Transverse di he ber as nek oe en je enals eles a8 1 O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Reptiles. 301 Length of dorsal vertebra on lower surface,............. 13°6™"- BPIath OE CPs. neva Kids bes) {cued aieawt neers 9° Expanse of anterior zygapophyses,.......+-.s0+eeeeeees 16 Length of two united sacral vertebree, eigiucecs ois 18°6 Length of ‘lium, lise aden eas has ae ea ee 42°7 The skeleton on which this description is mainly based was found in September last, at Grizzly Buttes, Wyoming, by Mr. . Quigley. Another ns eae was found at the same locality by Mr. G. G. Lobdell Thetiovasirvs crassus, Sp. NOV. A third and still larger species of the same genus is repre- sented in our Wyoming collections by a number of dorsal ver- tebree, and a few other less characteristic remains, all parts of one skeleton. The vertebree preserved differ con siderably from those of the preceding species, in being much more massive in proportion to their jong which is about the same as in ucidens. Those of the dorsal series have the inferior surface of the centrum aay straight niga meren ved and flat slightly concave eva ronsely The unarticular surface of t vertebree is everywhere irregularly striated The known re- mains of this species indicate a reptile about five feet in length. Measurements. Length of dorsal vertebra on lower surface,.........++++ 16.3 Transverse diameter of articular cup,.....-.---++++e++-> 11:2 MEVOOAG CIBINOLOr Ge BO occa scans 6 ak tate ae St 43° matin Giiwichie ns a cake cams vac 55 Expanse of anterior zygapophyses,......--+--+eeee renee Expanse of posterior zy gapophyses, es uo eee mee eees 20°2 The specimen on which the present species is based w found by the writer, last See in the Tertiary shale et Mery: s Fork, Wyoming. Thinosaurus grandis, sp. nov. A gigantic Lizard, the largest yet discovered in the Green River basin, and exceeding i in size any livi RPI is indi- cated by fragmentary portions of several individuals. These remains agree so nearly with those of the species above de- scribed that they may be referred, provisionally at least, to the genus Thinosaurus, The ve — so far as known, resemble in their proportions ene ae 302 O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Reptiles. vertebra has a groove on the lower side of its diapophyses. This species was probably not less than seven feet in length, and three or four times the bulk of Jguana tuberculata. Measurements. Transverse diameter of cup of dorsal vertebra,........--- 13° Transverse diameter of same vertebra between articular faces of diapophyses, ...+....--ee cece cece cece eeceree 29 Transverse diameter of neural arch between zygapophyses, 16° 22° mle Expanse of posterior zygapophyses, ......-.-+++eeeeeees Length of posterior sacral vertebra,........+++++eee+005 18° a tensyerse diameter of ball). oo 05 oo. os Sores ose ope ee 11°5 Length of first caudal vertebra,......00..00 cece veneers 18°1 Antero-posterior diameter of acetabular cavity,.......-++ 21: The type specimen of this species was found, in September, 1870, at a Buttes, Wyoming, by Mr. C. W. Betts, of the Yale party of that year. Thinosaurus agilis, sp. NOV. larger species, but the basal grooves on the inner side do not extend up so far on the crown. The two species may ? readily distinguished, also, aside from the great difference 1 size, by the anterior caudal vertebrx, which in the present spect men have the articular cup much more depressed. In the dorsal vertebree, the neural spine is quite short. The middle and distal caudals are much elongated. The remains preserve indicate an animal about two feet long. Length of dorsal vertebra on lower surface,....------- 10°3 ™ Width of articular COPics oat cas oo ae Width of ball. 2. coco ee Expanse of anterior zygapophyses,._.......---------- 9° Expanse of posterior zygapophyses,........-.-----.-- 8°2 ength of first caudal vertebra,..............-..----- 73 Width of artitnlar tipo sn ee 5° 2°8 Vertical diameter of cup, - - - Tranverse diameter of distal end of femur, ; The specimens on which this description is based were found, last autumn, near Henry’s Fork, by Mr. G. G. Lobdell, jr. Glyptosaurus princeps, sp. nov. In addition to the characters given when the genus @lypl? saurus was proposed,* the following, derived from a study of * This Journal, vol. i, p. 456, June, 1871. weer ee wwe eee 0. ©. Marsh—New Tertiary Reptiles. 303 more complete specimens, may be mentioned. The entire body and tail was covered with ornamented osseous plates, most of them united by suture. The rami of the lower jaw were but loosely attached at the symphysis. There were numerous small teeth, “dents en cardes,” on the pterygoids. The malar arch was complete. The parietals were thick, and there was a parietal foramen. The pelvic arch and the limb bones resemble those in the Iguanas, but the posterior limbs were proportion- ally smaller. The caudal vertebre, in some species at least, were divided transversely by a thin unossified septum, so that the centra break there readily, as in many recent lizards. those of Heloderma. "The lower teeth were close together, and had their bases deeply fluted. The frontal bones are very ry are closely and irregularly crowded together. They are tuber- cular, and collectively resemble the patern of some of the pla Measurements. = occupied by anterior twelve lower teeth, 23° idth of frontals at posterior edge of nasal suture, --- -- 15°6 Width at posterior edge of prefrontal suture, 19° Greatest thickness of frontals on median line, 5° Width of cotylus of lower jaw,. ne A Longitudinal diameter, . 5... 2c paves 3 _ The type specimen of this species was found by the writer, in Sealer last, in the Eocene shale at Grizzly Buttes, Wyoming. Oreosaurus vagans, gen. et Sp. NOV. were not covered with osseous scutes. The body was thus pro- tected, but the dermal plates preserved, even those evidently 304 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Reptiles. from the dorsal region, were united together by beveled edges. The teeth were pleurodont. The pterygoid bones supported minute tubercular teeth, resembling those of Glyptosaurus. _ In the species here described the teeth are rodlike, with small bases, and obtuse striated summits, which are crowned by a low longittdinal ridge. The frontals are thick, and loosely united by suture. Between the orbits, their sides are. nearl Measurements. Space occupied by eight teeth near middle of lowerjaw,- 11:2 ™ es occupied by four anterior teeth of upper jaw,---- 5 idth of band of small teeth on pterygoid, _----~------ 4°6 Width of frontals at posterior margin,.-_-.-.--------- 13° Width between orbits, i Ue ee The known remains of this species were found by the writer, last autumn, at Grizzly Buttes, Wyoming. Tinosaurus stenodon, gen. et sp. nov. A small carnivorous Lizard is indicated among our Wyom- ing fossils, by part of a lower jaw, with two teeth, in excellent preservation, and by some other fragmentary specimens. - teeth preserved are from near the middle of the lower Jaw. Their crowns are short, much compressed, pointed, and curve backward. They are separated from each other about half the diameter of the crown. The anterior tooth is the larger, and Measurements. Space occupied by three lower teeth,....-.------------ 45 OF eight of crown of lower tooth above jaw,------------- dl Antero-posterior diameter at base,.......-.----------- 1°8 Transverse diameter of jaw below teeth,....----------- 2° The remains which can now with certainty be referred "i this species are from Henry’s Fork, Wyoming, and were foune — by Mr. J. F. Page, in September last. 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Reptiles. 305 Part II. Glyptosaurus brevidens, sp. nov. The present species is well represented by the greater portion ofa skeleton in remarkable preservation. “The reptile appears to have been covered up, soon after death, in the soft mud of the lake, and thus the bones, and even many of the dermal Scutes, were preserved in their natural position. The remains covered with similar scutes. The malar arch was massive. The teeth are rod-like, close together, and unusually short, pro- Jecting but slightly beyond the jaw. The summits are obtuse, and marked by irregular strie. The pterygoid teeth are minute, and arranged in a narrow band. The dermal scutes on the malar region are very thick, and have their tubercles in concentric rows, forming an ocellated pattern. The dorsal plates are large, quadrilateral in form, with the lateral margins united by suture, and the ends imbricate. The exposed parts of these scutes are covered with small tubercles, arranged ear € margin in rows. e center is more or less carinate longitudinally, The cervical vertebre have a keel below, which gradually subsides in the dorsal region. The articular l is surrounded by a deep groove. 3 Measurements. Width of frontals between GEN hicks cua cee nsdn ees 19: te: = agg occupied by five posterior upper teeth,..........- 75 sdth Of cosipital condyle, 666.65 2. A 8° pth of lower jaw at cotylus,....... Pete rents ees 12° Length of centrum of anterior dorsal vertebra,.......... 11° Width of articular cu pe Bill See ieee (ides ws es anse of anterior zygapophyses,....--....++e2+++2+5 15° eth of dorsal soute, £55.50 00 bs ass ot ne ge cns cae se Width of same) 26. At GA This specimen was found by the writer, last September, at Grizzly Buttes Wyoming. Glyptosaurus rugosus, sp. Nov. ment. The prefrontal and postfrontal bones, moreover, ap- Proach each other, above the orbit, much more nearly than in 306 O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Reptiles. the species hitherto described. The remains preserved of this species indicate an animal about three or four feet in length. Measurements, Width of both frontals at posterior margin,.........-++ Sh7 WV Mates WEEWOCN OP DIR os 6 56 bs 5 ons wo ok os snes sees cee 22. Extent of postfrontal suture on frontal,.............++ 13°5 Distance between prefrontal and postfrontal,........+.-. 3. Thickness of frontals on median line between orbits,....- 3°4 The only known remains of the present species were found, in September last, at Grizzly Buttes, by Mr. 'T. G. Peck, of the Yale party. Glyptosaurus sphenodon, sp. NOV. A smaller species, probably belonging to the genus (lyplo- saurus, is indicated in ou River basin. The crowns are long, cylindrical, separated slightly from each other, and directed ‘obliquely backward. The summits are compressed, and very sharp. ‘The bases of the teeth are rugose, and the crowns smooth. This species was about two or three feet in length. Measurements. Space occupied by four upper teeth,............00e0e 0 gees Height of upper tooth on inner side,..............-++" :s +e MPUOTS TNO FAW os Ses ss ewe des eee woh eee 2° Antero-posterior diameter of crown,..........2eeee0e08¢ 12 The specimens at present representing this species were dis covered last autumn, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming, by Mr. T. G. Peck. Glyptosaurus ocellatus Marsh. This Journal, vol. i, p. 458, June, 1871. ortant parts of the same skull and skeleton. The frontals il slightly sigmoid longitudinally, the posterior margin and the vd terobital region being elevated. They are closely covered wee form an ocellated pattern. The plates of the middle row on each frontal between the orbits have their length and width nearly equal. The pterygoid bones have a narrow band of teeth ee their inner margin, and exterior to this in front a second sh po] This species was rather larger than the type specime? G. sylvestris. 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Reptiles. 307 Measurements. Length of frontals on median line, lg Width between orbits, 19°5 idth at posterior margin, 32°4 Transverse diameter of distal end of humerus,....----- 18°4 The specimen here described is from Grizzly Buttes, Wyo- ming, and was found by Mr. J. F. Page. Oreosaurus lentus, sp. nov. emarginate. The chevrons are thus attached on either side to a prominent ridge, their position being a little behind the middle of the centrum. The reptile represented by the remains preserved was apparently about two or three feet long. Measurements. Length of anterior caudal vertebra on lower surface,..... We etirris Transverse diameter of articular cup,.......+..2se00e+0: 44 meen! Alanister, 02. ci as aE ce Distance from chevrons to end of ball,..... ..---+-se+05 3°5 _ The known remains of this species were found by the writer, in September last, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming. Oreosaurus gracilis, sp. Nov. A somewhat smaller lizard, which may for the present be e Or Space occupied by the fourteen anterior teeth of lower jaw, 10°2™™- 375 Depth of jaw below fourteenth tooth, .......-.-.++-+++ Thic ess of jaw at this point,......-.-+-6-eeeeeeeeee 2°4 Length of symphysis,........- i aeenacs (54 ence 2 The remains on which this species is based were found, last autumn, by the writer, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming. The Seological horizon is Eocene. 308 0. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Reptiles. Oreosaurus microdus, sp. NOV. Another species, apparently belonging to the genus Oreosaurus, and about as large as O. gracilis, may be established on some isolated remains which are quite characteristic. One of these is part of a lower jaw with the teeth in excellent preservation. The latter are unusually small and slender, and curve gently outward. The crowns are nearly round; the summits obtuse, somewhat compressed, and marked by irregular striw. The 5 jaw is stout, and the groove for Meckel’s cartilage large. Width of jaw near middle, . oy hee aeenth» Seok eee: 2° Length of lower tooth including base,........... rr 2° The only remains that can now with certainty be referred to this species are from the Eocene beds, near Henry’s Fork, where they were found by the writer, last September. Oreosaurus minutus, sp. NOV. Measurements. igs Space occupied by eight anterior teeth of lower jaw,.---- 22 Depth of jaw below eighth lower tooth, .........+++-++ 15 Thickness of jaw at this point, ......0 sescescosrsseesss Space occupied by four upper teeth of larger specimen,.-- 2° The type specimens of this species were discovered by the writer, last autumn, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming. Tinosaurus lepidus, sp. nov. A species of very small lizards, apparently belonging © the genus Tinosaurus, may be established on some fragment®'y ; remains among our Wyoming fossils. One of these 8 ao anterior half of a lower jaw in good condition. The pee | specimen are compressed, and closely resemble those a — chameleon. The rami of the lower jaw were stout, and mi O. C. Marsh—New Tertiary Reptiles. 309 deep, and met each other ata considerable angle. The sym- physis is short, and its surface nearly smooth, showing that the tami were but slightly attached. The groove for Meckel’s cartilage is unusually large. The animal represented by the remains preserved was probably not more than a foot in length. Measurements. Space occupied by four anterior lower teeth, ........... ane Depth of jaw below fourth tooth, ..........0+.0e00. ioe Meer or iw at thix points. ween. nocacacshertkabn neon 16 Length of BY URD YSN 5 6 dog oie hace 0 oe bee aE 2 _ The specimen here described was found by Mr. O. Harger, in September last, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming. Iguanavus exilis, gen. et sp. nov. tion. The specimens that can now be plac belonged to animals about two feet in length. Me easurements. Length of twelfth caudal vertebra on lower surface, ..... oT = Dsverse diameter of articular cup,.......-..s++--+++: 2 Vertical GiAMeteR: Vs cise beast RO Pe aye ear 18 Transverse diameter of articular ball, ... cscs sne csess 2 The remains above described were found last September, by the writer, near Henry’s Fork, Wyoming. Limnosaurus ziphodon, gen. nov. Crocodilus ziphodon Marsh. This Jour., vol. i, p. 453, June, 1871. Additional remains of this species, since obtained by the Yale party at the same locality as the type specimen, clearly show that it belongs to a genus quite distinct from the modern Crocodilus, The sharp, compressed teeth, with both edges Serrated, differ widely from those of any known Crocodilians, and alone afford a distinctive character. Others w Stven in the full description. Yale College, New Haven, Sept. 21st, 1872. 310 Scientific Intelligence. SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. I. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 1. Water not an Electrolyte.—The books have long taught that the object of adding an acid, in the electrolysis of water, is to render it a conductor. The fact that compound substances when decomposable conduct only by electrolysis, and hence, that a body not an electrolyte cannot be made so by the addition of another body, has long rendered it probable that it is the acid which is actually decomposed by the current, and that the water suffers decomposition only by a secondary action. Boureory has investigated the subject experimentally, and has proved that acid, and the current is passed for a given time, the hydrogem being collected. Whenth ant a Concluded: the contenmen hydrogen equal to 3" It is therefore certain that it is not H,S0, which is decomposed, but H,SO,+(H,0O),, or H,SO,. Two hypotheses may be offered to as this Ma» tes 1) Both the be and the acid are decomposed by the current, but success ively: Positive electrode. Negative electrode. H,SO, = (S0,+0)+........ H, ; (H, 0), — O ee eee ee ee ee Be or (2) The current decomposes a definite compound having the formula SO,(H,0O).,, or H.SO, : H(80, = 180 4-0) 46306 ss Facts show the second supposition to be the true one. Operating, for example, with currents ing intensity, upon liquids com t H “ to H,SO,+125aq,, it is found that the ratio of the acid decom posed to the hydrogen evolved is always that above given; whic would not be the case, in all probability, were the acid and water separately electrolyzed. Moreover, the compound H,SO, 18 not Chemistry and Physics. 311 a hypothetical one, since an acid of ae constitution has been ren- dered probable by the maximum contraction observed when one molecule of H,SO, and two of pe ig are mixed. In the case of nitric acid, the seth of current ss age to be upon the group 20,(H, O) 45 ; a body conceded to e Crystallized oxalic sae “‘dorianately, dake in solution, is elec- trolyzed alone, no water takin ng part. The hydrogen disengaged corresponds to the equatio C,H,0,(H,0), = (C, O,-+0,) ihe 6 ea, ae (Boa As only Sections dioxide is set free at the positive electrode, must be that the AL soon evolved reacts upon and destroys ae portion of the acid, t (C,H,0,(H, O)a)e+0, = (C,0,),+(H29),. Moreover, if this interpretation be true, the quantity of acid de- stroyed should be much greater at the positive than the negative electrode ; for: 1) At N electrode. By current 1 molecule, ‘Aci cid sare (2) At P electrode ode | “ Now exactly ¢ thre e times | greater than at the negative. gain, in elec- ie © ae ® Q et Lee § 2 fu ® m1 ma z Rm BH. a) ie ig é ° ® ae _- ec ° a ey h the result yh The si sia on ee acid only, thus: EO electrode. Negative electrode. sie (C, H,0,4+-0) +... .%..5 H and a . ‘the pom: the ea reactions occur: ,0,+0 = CO,+CH,0,. (2) Water alone is tcomee ,0,+0 = CO,+H,0 arn iy The acid bey he water sxe both ie simultane- C,H,0,0)-++-0 = (CO,),+H If « represent the’ amount of acid slecteotpiad, 2s loss pina be: by the first hypothesis, nothing at the positive and equal to ; Sat the negative electrode; by the second, on the corny there i is no loss at the negative, and the* oss is equal to a at the se electrode; and by - third, it is equal in ak pasa ent, being represented by < 3 Now experiment shows that there is no loss of acid at the positive electrode ; hence the first hypothesis is the true one, and the water is not ‘decomposed by the current. lies an Bourgoin concludes, therefore, that: “ Water is hot decomposed by the electric current; it plays the part of a Solvent only.”— Bull, Ch., U, xvii, 244, arch, 1872. G F. B. 312 Scientific Intelligence. . pr. Ch., Il, v, 365, May, 1872. G. F. B. 3. On the Formation of Chloral._—The action of chlorine upon a .,, CH; Wirts ou aldehyde H produces acetyl chloride docr 78 urtz l CO : ; time ago showed. In this case it is not the methylic groups CH,, but the incomplete group COH, which is attacked. ; order to render this latter group more resistant, Worrz 3° VoarT load it, as it were, with other groups; hoping thereby to limit the action to the methyl group. For this purpose, they use the compound CH,---CH es oH, obtained by Wurtz and Fra- lli by acting with hydrochloric acid gas on a mixture of ean yada and alcohol. Here the COH group is replaced by one 0 greater complication, CH | “y oH, Upon submitting this sub- stance to the action of chlorine in presence of a eee a iodine, the predicted tetrachlorinated ether, OCl,---CH 4 ¢) 7? °, 18 ob- tained, This it is easy to transform into chloral by the action of water: ocl,--CH | OP 24s 11,0 = HC1+0,H, (OH)+CCl,--COH. Heated with alcohol, hydrochloric acid and trichloracetal are pr duced, thus: oc.H CC1,--OH | Gy 2M +.C,H, (OH) = HC1+C01,--CH} oc2H? Moreover, the hydrochloric acid acting on an excess of alcohol produces, at the same time, ethyl chloride. Cee B above reactions, the authors explain the ag chlorine upon alcohol in the production of chloral. The nas stage produces aldehyde and hydrochloric acid, as Stas shown: in? 401,2(HON,4+ 10 This a ia og acid acts upon the aldehyde and the ere alcohol, to form the monochlorinated ether of Wurtz an polli: CH CH ' (2) CaH,(OH)+ (° +H01 = CH,--CH} Oy? *+H20 This ether then becomes tetrachlorinated by the action of the chlorine, as above shown: (3.) CH,--CH | Crete tol, = CCl,--CH} OCH + HCI)» ‘Geology and Natural History. 313 And finally, by the action of water produced in the last reaction, the tetrachlorinated ether produces chloral and alcohol: (4) CCl,---CH Ors 4 1,0= HC1+C,H, (OH)+CCl,-.-COH, or, by the action of alcohol, produces trichloracetal,—a substance | detected by Lieben in the products of the chloral manu- acture, mM water is neutral and tastes sweetish. Treated with silver oxide, it yields free dulcitamine, as a powerful base, easily displacing ammonia from its combinations, bluing strongly red litmus Water and alcohol. Dulcitamine has the formula C,H,,NO,, an resembles glyceramine in many of its properties. Its discovery furnishes new proof of the close relations between the triatomic alcohol, glycerin, and the hexatomic alcohol, dulcite—C. &., Ixxiv, 1406, May, 1872, G F. B Il. Grotoagy AND Natura History. 1. Hayden Rocky Mountain Geological Expedition.—(From 4 letter by Dr. F. V. Haypen, in charge of the Expedition, to J.D. Dana, dated Madison Valley, Montana Territory, Sept. 1, 1872.)—The following is a brief summary of what the survey under my charge has accomplished up to the present time, and what it Proposes to do before the end of the season. rge and well-equipped parties have been in the field at y uly. The largest party made Ogden the point of departure. It was under the direction of Mr. James tevenson, my principal assistant. There are attached to this 814 Scientific Intelligence. surveyed a route from Ogden to Fort Hall, Idaho, where full preparations were made for a pack train with supplies for a given time. Snake Riv valley, forced their way across the mountains, made a careful sur- vey of the Teton range, then passed up the valley of Henry’s reached the Geyser Basin of the Madison August 14th. The pa t disco’ made by this party was the four remarkable passes at the head of ese passes correspond to the four points of th compass, and are all within a few miles of each other. Henry Lake is located in the center. The Targee or East pass is about 6,500 feet elevation, and forms one of the at gateways to Madison valley, and the sources of the Madison and Yellowston® Henry’s or South pass is about 6,000 feet, and opens into)” Snake valley; Red Rock or West pass, 6,300 feet, connects the great valley of the Jefferson branch, while the Madison or South pass opens into the lower Madison. All these passes are smooth and low that one may ride over them in a carriage are spe There is probably not a more interesting geograph point on the American continent where there are, within a0 area Geology and Natural History. 315 of a few miles, four such remarkable gree. eat the Pacific es the Atlantic slopes. There is not the slightest obstruction railroad over either of these eitnek migrants are already following our track of exploration, and hoe Soke ten fon very numerous, and their vale in the location of i Sedpoireait points, as well as correcting the old one a has abr: reat. The Tetons found to be within © All tion is paid to all results of a practical character on the principle that the money that enables us to make t se explorations comes om the people, and should acl = far ai possible to them in a sha re will be avedlabie to e party under Mr. eveniiee ‘s now on its way down the east side of the Snake River valley, having carefully surveyed the Sources of that river: every branch will be carefully locate The party will reach Fort Hall about the 13th of October. It will then survey a parallel belt to Salt Lake City, thus connecting all our work in the northwest with the Pacific railroad. The party under my charge will complete the survey of the Madison river and its branches, then the Gallatin to its sources, then pass over moi mountains into the valley of the Yellowstone, down to the thal? g to the mouth of Shields river, then to the three forks of the Missouri, and then down that river to Helena, where our labors will probably close about the Ist of November. latitude and longitude of Fort Ellis has been quite pone fixed Y an extended series of observations by Mr. Gan with a transit, — similar observations will be made at Virainia City and Helen - Besides the two large parties mentioned above, there have been a number of smaller ones operati ng in various portions of the West, under the auspices of this survey. Prof. Cyrus Thomas spent t the season in the northwest collecting agricultural —— and all other information of a service character, s bee ae aes visit Dakota and ota, and to push his : ai en rthward into the Red River country as possible. e public ae — for a continuation of his agricultural reports, as ell as n insects, and other subj f. PD Cope, one of our most disti nguished scientists, fitted Sut quite an extensive party at Fort Bridger at the expense of the 316 Scientific Intelligence. work by an examination of the celebrated Kansas bone deposits. The results of his labors will be of great importance to Geology, Paleontology, and Natural History generally. Professor Joseph Leidy, the eminent comparative anatomist of Philadelphia, is also exploring the west for fossil vertebrates. He is also making a study of the minute forms of life under the microscope, and will present a report on the minute fauna an flora of the districts he visits é Mr. F. B. Meek, accompanied by H. M. Bannister, of the Smith- sonian Institution, has spent about two months along the Pacific railroad for the purpose of making a critical examination of dis- a or obscure points in the geology of that interesting region. eir success has been most satisfactory, and a valuable report may be expected. rof. Leo. Lesquereux, our great authority on the Coal for- mations and the fossil plants found with them, has spent most of the summer, assisted by his son, in the west. He first went to - then explored the coal beds around Denver Cheyenne, and made a critical investigation of the Coal for- m the Uni ifi annual report next winter. These special examinations had for their prime object the deter mining, by the most overwhelming evidence, the relations of the great group of Tertiary beds of the west to the Saleen = i ant points of western geology. The a F departments of research, to be illustrated in the quarto series of n the Owen’s Valley Harthquake.—The August and ay: dD; Yee on the “Owen’s Valley Earthquake” of March 26th, 1872. In pursuing the geological survey of the State, ® party found it necessary to pass through the valley, and occasion was taken to make such scientifie inquiri d observations: vad the time allowed. The first paper, of which the following 184 brief abstract, describes the geological character of the region and the local phenomena. wen’s valley is about 70 miles long, and is enclosed on the west by ae Sierra Nevada, rising from 10,000 to 11,000 feet 7 ee the valley, and on the east by the steep and narrow range na Geology and Natural History. 317 upheaval. nyo range, on the other hand ancient, being a part of the great Paleozoic formation of the Grea n, and consists of limestones, sandstones, and other land north of the valley and south of Mono lake there are abundant indications of former voleanic activity, in the form of solfataras and hot springs ndependence. In the region to the south of the lake the vibra- ons were felt as approaching from the northwest; at Lone Pi they were referred to the high mountains in the immediate vicinity i assign ” Was always more to the south of west as we proc north. € recurrence of subterranean noises preceding or accompany! the shocks is confirmed, and the noises are re the cracking brush slope.’” A tidal wave was produced in Owen’s lake, but caused no damage beyond the temporary inundation of the shore. 318 Scientific Intelligence. “There are several places in the valley where eva in the ound have crossed roads, ditches or snes of fences, and where evidence has been left of an actual moving of the one hori- zontally as well as vertically. One of these instances of horizontal motion is seen on the road from Bend City to eee pee 5 about three miles east of the latter place. Here, according to areful diagram of the Sera it appears that the road running poe and west has been cu a fissure twelve feet wide, and the west- erly portion of . ade! Sighieen feet to the south.” Other similar instances were notic The “ General Cmehintons? arrived at in the second paper are, surface at a rate of from thirty to thirty-five miles in a minute, if measured in a line at right angles to the axis of saul Si ai aptain faa ajor General) R. J. Nelson, R. E. eh or of a bee which, through oversi isht, is 0 ee in the writer’s recent work on Corals and Coral Is iso The abstract nppeaeed in the Quar $n Journal of the Society for 1853, p. 200.—J Hydrographical Office, is only 230 fect ae ‘the sea, Gener rally speaking, the hills on the larger ipa are much under 300; feet in height, ‘and on the islets from 50 to 10 feet. The ities generally is occupied by ee rocky hills "bee ae ing basins or lorena parts of what may once have been basins, cuyirncue ae an Witer, ‘more or less brackish, rises and falls every where throughout the lower parts of these flats, though ye contemporaneously with the tide*, or at a uniform rate. The s face is sometimes covered with grass and low bush, and foe it consists of the bare rock, ful of hollows, which are coated or even arched over with wists achdaistantie substance. It is in these cavities, locally termed “ pot holes,” that most of the soil is found; and in the gardens made on such ground, Bra Sree, 2 pine-appes Indian aioe sugar-cane, etc., grow luxuriantly, ides t ask “rock-marshes” there are also ordi inary marshes and mangroy swamps, of no great extent or depth, which are more or less 10 connection with the sea. On the lar wer islands the rocky surlace _* At Nassau, Bahamas, the tide rises from 4 to 3 feet (spring to neap); but ai Iuensids & Haasteoke 5 bs to 44. e Geology and Natural History. 319 of the hills is very thinly and partially covered with “red earth,” mixed in varying proportions with vegetable matter. This scanty soil is fertile, if well used. en uncleared, it is covered with bush and forest trees. There are also sandy tracks termed “ pine- barrens,” where the bush suddenly disappears and the palmettos become fewer in number, though enough remain to exhibit an } northern and southern floras. The lowest portions of the flat grounds frequently nonkenn small brackish water or salt lakes. In the chalk-marsh of Andros Island, howev er, there is a freshwater lake, with three streams as its outlets; and it appears that, there i is no ele freshwater lake or stream in ahs Bahamas. There are large caverns in Long Cay and Rum Cay; a pr ply caverns are as numerous in the Bahama Islands as in the mudas; but so few extensive excay ations have nee made, that Ba cannot be positively affirmed. of the most striking objects in the topogra er of ue ae: is the very veep submarine valley, forming the gulf known as “the Tongue f the Oce ean,” nee runs into the Great Bahama Bank trom its ved ea end. The color of the water around the islands is usually G, &e., growing confusedly together without any other appar- ent order than that of accidental succession and accretion, both laterally and vertically. These are at times aided or even super seded by Serpule, &c., as seen in the serpuline reefs apt. Nelson si ‘out a few of the localities that exhibit most clearly the character, source, and mode of sagregation of ben materials of the ordinary Bahama rock, such as is formed the sea level; at the same time re ferring ‘the illustrative penimons in the ere Segiton' n, For peinne: ut ide : Point and W (specim o. 1) the shells o ; re especially accompany th Jast Point (s ens Nos, 2 and 3) the sand is derived from corallines and nullipores; the finer sand ing often in ig, SN iggy sre spherical grains, phongh not so perfectly as at the (Specimen No. between Exuma and Lon he beac ear Charlotteville 1 Point (specimen No. 5) consists prineipally of dg ylvanica in various stages of Seung taatine f Hills (Caicos Group) the mass of Conch shells ( Strombus gigas) uffi rock, but an island several hundred feet in length. Along the N. Ww. beach at Gun Cay (specimen No. 8), a hard, coarse, stratified 320 ' Scientific Intelligence. rock is formed of Conch and other shells, together with coral frag- which, being consolidated in various degrees, are converted into rock of different qualities. * * * * TI ance, but softer and more porous. When first exposed it is quite white, and is inconveniently bright and dazzling under a tropical sun; but it becomes of a dark ashen-gray color alon and more or less so elsewhere, when exposed to the weather. Its the south-west of New P the rock is hard and homogeneous, and may be raised in good blocks for building purposes. The looser and softer kinds of rock are found usually on the hill tops. A variety offering a singular counterfeit of true odlitic structure is found at or near White Gay, xuma, and elsewhere; but the spherules are solid, and have bees ung chalk formation. The “red earth” previously mentioned as forming, generally speaking, he B is at times interstratr fied with the rock, and sometimes it is incorporated with it. It 18 complete clue to the characters of this substance. Some of the varieties from the Del: i 2 the varieties gave off ammonia, whether retaining organi¢ texture — Geology and Natural History. 321 or not. The author thinks it not unlikely that the “red earth,” ven in the case of the five strata in Ireland Island, has been largely deiivea from eh inhabiting once-existing cavern the same time, he considers it probable that birds, their diops pings fupplying a one of guano, have also assisted in the forma- ion of this deposit. e occurrence of pumice floated ashore at Watling Island, and elsewhere in the aes amas pode also oo Bermuda); 1 is briefly. noticed. 4, 8 hio; by Prof. N. H is was a circ - aepccege peculiarly favorable for the preservation of h the features of the drift. e whole of the vast tract is a plain wit More unevenness than the age region of Illinois. He accepted th cier theory © Pr gassiz to explain nearly a long ridges high have received the names of St. Johns, having an elevation above Lake Erie of about ‘495 feet: Wabash, ei isabout 375 feet above that lake; the St. Mary’s, ranging from 2 to 390 feet above Lake Erie; the Van Wert, ranging from 194 2 240 feet; the Blanchard ridge from 188 to 218 feet; “and the Bel more ridge, about 150 feet above Lake Erie. These he regarded aS So many terminal moraines left in the retreat of the local gla- ot which filled ae 1e St. Lawrence v _ including the basins of akes Ontario and Erie, as well as the valley of the Maumee, about the close of the Glacial ea He aide all the drift i in North- ers in it oa wh marked by glacier wats He ex xpla ained by crayon diagrams how the drift, frozen in the ice, or riding on its back, ow thawing of the foot of the elac er. He supposed that the eet. At that time it had an outlet by way of Houg btoh, id, through the wittled: of the Wabash, its outlet by way of the Lawrence valley being yet obstructed by the glacier. Above the water of Lake Erie. regarded as evidences of a higher stage of that lake the existence of loose sand knolls and ridges scattered 322 Scientific Intelligence. over Northwestern Ohi running in all directions and having all altitudes up to 200 fee Th e oo. as ozars, or sand-bars thrown up by t the action of currents and waves. Besides these sandy deposits —_ are numerous places known as ae sedan ridges, where the has been denuded from the rock, the boulders found in the drift being left in the immediate vicinity, usually in a belt round the bases of these ridges. The rock in such cases is water-worn and wrought into fantastic shapes, common about rocky shor These sandy deposits of Lacustrine origin frequently obscure the true glacier moraines for great distances, and have often been con- founded with them. he superficial lamination of the clay about Defiance, Ohio, he ores to the action of the waters of the St. Joseph and St. He aed the existence of these moraines as a confirmation of the theory of Prof. Agassiz, and read off by proportions! numbers the manner of retreat of the ice. The halting puns separated by the following figures; 15; 15; 2; 35; 34; * . L., Detroit Tribune of Aug. 31. z Note on Tinoceras shapes. 3 if O, C. Marsu. te fe name eee anceps, there eer: ae to he a of this animal a are similar to usenoe Mansion eieageh parts of onograph o, Ly ee he Fossil Crustacea belonging t art III, Pterygotus and Slimonea yous 71-120, plates -absliga by Henry Woopwarp, F.G.S., F.2Z5., the British Museum. 4to. es 1872. a for the _—_ seersphien) Sasiens, —The first part o memoir the volume of the Salecmonrah en Society for 1865 “pub Geology and Natural Llistory. 323 fore be said to equal in size the largest species of the genus Prery- gotus, which, no doubt, attained a length of at least five feet.” € specimen of Slimonia, figured natural size on plate xvii, is Will give in a condensed form the diagnostic characters of each Senus of the Merostomata. 1. Notice of a new species of Trnoceras; by O. C. Marsu.—A Second species of Zinoceras, considerably larger than Z: anceps, is represented in the Yale Museum by portions of a skull and teeth, with parts of the same skeleton ; and likewise by frag- mentary remains of several other individuals, all from the Eocene deposits of Wyoming. The skull is proportionally very small, and indicates one of the most remarkable animals yet discovered. It rs apie a pair of short horns, and has also two powerful tusks, Which in size, shape, and direction resemble the canines of the Walrus, The molar teeth are small, the last of the upper series being much the largest. The horn cores are short, somewhat curved, with obtuse compressed summits. They are about 130™™* mM length. There are apparently but five teeth in the upper molar Series, and a long hiatus in front of the premolars. The tusks are May be called Tinoceride. : _ 8. Microscopical: A Life Slide—The accompanying engrav- Mgs represent front and side views of a form of life slide for the 324 Scientific Intelligence. microscope, designed and used with much success by Mr. D.S Holman is constructed to retain the greatest quantity of mate- rial under the smallest cover glass, and is designed to be used with the highest powers of the microscope for studying the Bacteria, Vibriones nad other very low forms of life. : e slide consists, as will be seen from the cuts, of a central polished cavity, about which is a similar polished bevel ; and from the bevel outward extends a small cut, the object of which is to afford an abundance of bs wou come so great, from the evaporation of the liquid within, as to cause the destruc- The bevel is usually } in. in j diameter (the cut is } of natural size); the small canal is cut through the inner edge of the bevel or annular space, outward, for the purpose named above. : It is found upon enclosing the animaleule, &c., that they will We have repeatedly had the opportunity of witnessing the use of this slide, and are convinced that nothing of the kind has yet IIL Astronomy. 1. Extract from the Address of Mr. De La Rur before the rere! matical and Physical Section of the British Association of — he was President.-Passing to the subject of comets, Mr. De. Rue gave an explanation of Prof. Zéllner’s eS theory which, e Astronomy. 325 ceeded, tend to establish also a connection between solar spots and solar radiation. It is demonstrated by the researches of Piazzi Smyth, Stone, and Cleveland Abbe, that there is no connection between the amount of heat received from the sun and the pre- find a close harmony between them, connection will prob- ably be found to exist over the globe generally ; but with refer- ence to the Indian ocean, Mel discussion of twenty-five years’ observations, that in | and 25° south latitude, and between 40° and 110° east longitude, as really come, hot only for relieving private observers from the systematic ob- Servation of solar phenomena, but for drawing close ties between all scattered scientific observations so as to let one grand scheme ada the whole; and no method seems to be so well adapted Col. Srranex, in moving a vote of thanks, complimented the President on his success in rendering photography available for Uurposes of astronomical measurement, and thus accomplishing What the most eminent astronomers had believed to be impossible, 826 Scientific Intelligence. wire through it, and laid it down, and after a few minutes the glass This is a curious phenomena, and not easily ex- that it was electrical. Omne ignotum pro electrico expresses the whole foundation of Zéllner’s theory.——Proc. Brit. Assoc., Athen- aum, Aug, 24. 2. Report on Lunar Objects suspected of Change. (Read be- Mr. B fore the British Association by met.)—As the last report of the streaks and the color of the floor. The principal results of the second discussion appeared to be that changes in the appeat ance and luminosity of the streaks had been detected, and these changes were of such a character that they could not be referred to changes of illumination, but depended upon some agency con- nected with the moon itself, while the color of the floor was found to vary as the sun ascended in the lunar heavens, being darkest with the greatest solar altitude. The report was accompanied s Aurora Australis.—The Aurora Australis was visible on the evening of April 11th, but could be observed only for a short time on account of clouds. Between 7.30 and 7.50 P.M. streamers cloud extending on the horizon from 8.8. W. to S.E. to a height of 12°-15°—cou seen, It gradually grew fainter, disappearmg ding only a « white tint visible, growing rapidly fainter, wntil it was shut of Miscellaneous Intelligence. 327 the the solar system'since they depend on the condition of the sun. 5. The Obdject-glass of the Equatoreal of the Allegheny Observa- glary, of a kind hitherto nearly unprecedented. It was entered at night, after the Director and his assistant had left the building, and the object-glass of the equatoreal v 3 inches in aperture), was Temoved from the telescope and carried away. No other injury was done, and, except some eye-pieces belonging to the transit, nothing else was taken, ~ I have reason to believe that the thieves hoped to extort a large teward for the return of the glass, which is of course otherwise valueless to them. onsidering that most of the observatories of the country fehl sufferers by similar spoliation, if a preceden it worth while for burgla tle guarded instruments should be warned of a danger, I shall be obliged by your giving publicity to this letter. : 6, um to Prof. Kirkwood’s Article on page 225 of this volume.—The fraction zz, should have been printed yz4;.5- IV. Miscentnangous Screntiric INTELLIGENCE. 1. Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement u Science, at Dubuque, Iowa.—The standing committee having iled in their efforts to make satisfactory arrangements for the Meeting of the Association in San Francisco, accepte tion of the citizens of Dubuque, and convened in the latter city on the 21st of August, Prof. Asa Gray in the chair. After the * G est, he yielded the chair to his successor, Prof. J. Lawrence Smith. The fol owing business was transacted in general session, f. Benjamin Peirce was added to the committee appointed at the Indianapolis mee ting t iali the Gener al Government ™ regard to establishing an observatory at some suitable point Upon the Rocky Mountains. 328 Miscellaneous Intelligence. A committee was appointed to memorialize the General Govern- ment in regard to the desirableness of compiling the results of all the geological surveys of the country, and publishing the same, together with suitable maps. This committee is to consist of all the members who are or have been in charge of State or govern- ment surveys. A resolution was also passed asking of the War Department the establishment of a Signal Service Station at Dubuque. The association also by resolution expressed approval and appreciation of the published results of the Geological Survey of Iowa, and appointed a committee to memorialize the legislature of Iowa, asking its continuance and liberal support until completed, under the direction of Dr. C. A. White. i nted at the Indianapolis meeting to report whether ay revision of the constitution is required in relation to a xe re ey jon in » above regard occurrence and expressed the belief that a strict adherence to its provisions the association was made, which, in accordance with the constitution, will come up for action at the next meeting. e following officers for the ensuing year were elected: ass. (he havin 3 One hundred papers in all were presented; but over twenty of these were not accepted for publication. The following an we ern Limi pos W. On the Ancient Mounds of Dubuque and its Vicinity; by H. T. WoopMay. . Observations on living Rhynchonella; by E. S. Morse. : A Discussion of the Forces of oe and Contraction; by J. D. WARNER Miscellaneous Intelligence. 329 The Relation of the U.S. nee tte to the Geological and Topographical Survey of the States ; The. Sacha = the afissiseippi. River. by C. G. F % Zoological Barriers, with speci ial reference to y Bont America; by JAMES On Sympathetic age ene: as exhibited in sig pm See ae Vibrations, and the Optical Method of showing them; by Jos. Lo Diccitia ¢ ro Electr 2 Measurement, with alse soars Direstiden for its Practi- cal paeicntion; hae de B Hinearp. Sola and Lunar Photogra’ ake by Jos. Wintock. [Communicated by Benj. Glacial Deposits of Northern Ohio; by Joun B. PERRY. On some ancient Carved rg — n N ew ae Bs — W, A ihn a 1G; ARD. I s; by . HiIneGarp. On the relation between Or ic Vigor and — by ote’ ee — Elephas en a new species of Fossil Elephant . Foster. . Some Peculiarities in the Crania and ri of the ltorna Builders, by C oS mm the Production of Spiegeleisen, embodying a paper by Hugh Hartmann; by » FOSTER. Becton of the Printing Chronograph at the Dudley Observatory; by G. W. Patio Tables modified and expanded from Bessel’s formule, to be used mg logarithms, computed with the Scheutz Tabulating Engine; by G. W. 7 the so-called velocity of the electric current over Telegraph Wires; by G. W. Hoven. use of Automatic Instruments for registering Meteorological Phenomena; a “4 W. Hove: use of Teed £ in the eee of Domes Battery; by G. W. Hoven. 5 On Binary Stars ; y D. Kinxw gin of Limestone in the Coal Manteca: Es E. B. ANDREWS. Grats sone of ite special Uses; by E. B. ANpREWS Good Wine, a Social and National hapa by G mae gilocantal "aad ne of North-Weste io; by N. . WIN cal Data of some of the Noth Wester Shcaeas. poy nang eae, by ©. HL Explanation of. ix Geological Map of ive looeaggartea. by ©. H. Hrrowcoox. of the Sun; by H. F. W. 1g Nor sop eepg ne by H. Pr. Wasa The force at any point of the hortace ts ta roading Melk Aiipacld of threo ‘nequal axes, under hentia mee ig the gravy of its own particles and the accom- trifugal J. Apcock. a of the Progressive motion of Water in the Tide Wave, being less ng gs upon lengthen the day; by J. D. WARNE On a new Genus in bo ba ng Family Tineide, with Remarks on the Proctifeation of of Yucca; b: Compressed Air as a Motor; : Wm. yo distribution of the Ruby and Sapp in th in in the wagon States, with exhibitions Hypsometri Os Geological Dizon scoveries among the White ountains in New Some specimens from ‘ MITH. On the cause of the Mortality of Fish in Inieinn Hiiver: by P. B. Hoy. On the Dynamical condition of hs tices sates of Aggregation ; by G. Huvricns. Am. Jour. Sok--Tarnp Saxmne, Vou. IV, No. 22.—Ocr., 330 Miscellaneous Intelligence. Pyrite on the lateral eres of Calcite scalenohedra; by G. HINRI Simple Arsenic Ap us for the certain dete ction of minute oS ‘of Arsenic in toxicological ali econo INRICHS. n the an e Probability as applied to the determination of mental exertions; y G. HIN: : Simple nie for pede for quantitative demonstrations in the Physical Laboratory; by G. Hz n pana rican an Iron Salsan that was seen to fall in South Africa; by J. LAWRENCE The peat i of the oo of Potash and Soda into Carbonates in the La C hg ‘time - . by K. T. Cox Atmospheric Theory of an eliorated climate and an pee etapa: in} the Arctic Regions in opposition to the Galt Stream ers by wy A brief statement of effec tors er gems of OE var ina of the aes year in the vicinity of eis e Observations in Socceeiahia ‘oan in aca ‘Carolina ; by W. ©. ing On the peenie Mammals of the genus aig yy Sepa by E. D. Cope. On the Eocene genus Synoplotherium; by E Co On the Geological Age of the Coal he! Wheatus: Shs of D. CopPE. On the so-called sexual characters of Copepoda; by A. H. TUTTLE. Remarks on the magnifying powers of vs aa by R. H. Warp. On a Field-stage for clinical penis scopes; by R. H. Warp Respiration in Plants; Cireulation in Insects ; by Ez enn Organisms in Drin nking Water; by on W. Bascock. Media for the ee of Entomostroca ; by O. S. Wescorr. _ Washin ho Gorernm ent Print aS ‘Office Congres present se are y bel ‘by this Commission. There are two quite important ones by Mr. Rutherfurd, in which he oe reat ” opinion that the best form of movable instrument for p otograph- ing the transit would be a five-inch objective, with seventy menes focal distance, in a cell allowing of the application, in front of it, of a flint-glass_ lens of such curves as would shorten the focal dis- e 8 et ° ) 23 = ot o = 2 2 © ® — ter. This is upon the method suc- cessfully employed by J Mr. Rutherfurd in his own observatory in New Yor Prof. Newcomb after discussion of the difficulties of the prope favors the method Res loyed by Prof. Winlock, which is to pnt the image of the s y a plane revolving mirror, into a fixed tel es ae of very Sey focal distance. wish that the Commission could have given us another p "i detailing the character and the results of the experiments ses ¢ for by the first appropriation of Congress. It would seem Miscellaneous Intelligence. 331 the photographs made in these two ways ought before this time to ha n compared, and the capabilities of each method for securing the highest degree of accuracy determined. We fear that the experiments have not been made, and that, if not made very soon, the efficiency of all the American photographic obser- vations of the transit will be sadly impaired. 3. Voleanie Eruption on Hawaii.—Sandwich Island papers of August 21 and 28, announce that the summit crater of Mt. Loa is again in eruption. A brilliant light is seen at the summit from all sides of the island, and ejections of columns of lava to a height of several hundred feet take place; but a flow of lava down the mountain is not reported. 4. Tidal wave at the Sandwich Islands.—An unusual tidal wave took place at these islands on August 23, at 12 o’clock noon, it Honolulu from 12 to 14° there were five distinct waves of diminishing height, ranging from 12 to 15 minutes. Captain Williams of the British ketch Ino, reports that on August 18, in 18° 55’ N.and 159° W., the sea for twenty-four hours was violently breaking and boiling as if on a bar or reef.— Honolulu Gazetie. _5. A General Index to the Contents of Fourteen Popular Trea- tues on Natural Philosophy, for the use of Students, Teachers and Artizans, by a Massachusetts Teacher. 108 pp., 8vo, Ne York, 1872 (Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co.).—This index will Wwe were most grateful to be liberated. There are at present 180 men employed in the work of excavation, somewhere outside the Varies but as they are breaking new ground of consid- erable depth, much has to be cleared away before any thing can be discovered. In the general aspect of the old city no changes are, of course, observable ; but everywhere I marked the judicious bee Commendatore Fiorelli, in preserving the ruins, and rendering a Visit one of instruction as well as of enjoyment. The bodies, or orms of bodies, in the museum, held together or filled up by plas- ter of Paris, after the ingenious design of the Commendatore Fiorelli, had a more than usual interest forme. Their discover and preparation is an old story now, for I was present at their dis- interment and preparation “a long time ago,” and sent a detailed report of all to the Atheneum, but Lrepeat they had an especial terest for me now, for they were a lively and painful representa- tion of the sufferings lately inflicted by the same agency. To one of the bodies still adheres a portion of its dress, and in April last 332 Miscellaneous Intelligence. many victims in their agony prayed to have their clothes removed; but it was found to be impossible to do so without flaying them alive. Another body, that of a female, lies apparently with a oe at her nose, reminding me of that terrible 28th of , when even in the streets of Naples it was impossible to walk without sheltering eyes, nose, and mouth; and when, after gulp- ho The agency b is ea illustrated by the heaiaa | in the museum of Pompeii. Ww. m, 3. Sea-Serpents —Regarding “sea-serpents,” the following note may fe interesting :—The South African Museum, Cape Town, recently received a specimen of the Ribbon fish ( Gymnoterus) fifteen feet long without the tail. It appears that this fish is known to distant inland fishermen as being forty feet long, an and from its slender shape and snake-like movement is probably the “sea-ser- pent” of late years so minutely described by Ba pence From its M is second greatest mae oa pisciculture, the first being the conveyance of fag to Australia.——Vature > Aug. itis Biwctatioar Tee ms eeting of the British Associa ton ys nf 3 will be held at Bradford, under the presidency ‘ of . JO : Natu that for August 15, to be had of Macmillan & Co., New OBITUARY. Sir us ep Smrru, “ author or - yr pent a of the Zoology upsettin go “3 a boat, while in an excursion on the coas mandy. was born in August, 1 APPENDIX. Euchd's doctrine of Parallels demonstrated. By ALExX’R C. Twinine, LL.D. lettered and numbered in a manner to ig eng their proper they are thus pre- Evuciip’s Evements, Boox L Prop. IV. Cor. If two incomplete figures have their sides €qual, each to each in the same order, and likewise the con- tained angles equal, each to eaeh in the same order, then the two sides drawn to complete the figures shall be equal, and the figures shall be equal and alike in every respect. * By T. Perronet Thompson, Queen’s Col., Cambridge. 334 A. CO. Twining—Euelid’s Doctrine of Parallels. Prop. XIX. Cor. In a right angled triangle the side sub- tending the right angle is greater than either of the sides con- taining the right angle. For (17. 1.) the right angle must be greater than either of the angles opposite to it, and therefore must subtend a greater side. Prop. XXIV. Cor. In two triangles having unequal angles contained by sides equal each to each, the angle opposite the smaller contained angle and subtended by that one of the con- taining sides which is not less than the other, is greater than the similarly subtended side of the other triangle. For DEF is greater than DEG or A BC, which has the larger included angle. Prop. XXI a. THEOREM. If two straight lines intersect, then any third line from one to the other is greater than a perpendicular dropped from any point between the third line and the point of intersection. Let the straight lines A E, A F, intersect in A, and let BC be perpendicular to A F, and A E be longer than AB, Then C any line E D is longer than BC. For suppose ED not Fig. 1. i terior opposite angle E AG, which is impossible. Therefore EF can neither be less than BC nor equal to it, but must fi greater; and much more must any other line ED from E be greater. A. C. Twining—EKuclid's Doctrine of Parallels. 335 Prop. XXVIII 4. THEOREM. No triangle can have the sum of its angles greater than two rught gles, Let ABC be atriangle. The sum of its angles at A, B, C, cannot exceed two right angles, First, let the triangle be Fig. 2. nght angled at A. From gy Berect BD perpendicular to A B, and join CD. “a the angles at B and C together to exceed a right angle. Then because ABC and BCA ex- ceed a right angle, but A B : Cand CBD together only equal a right angle, A C B, contained by the sides A C, CB, is greater than CBD contained by the sides D B, BC, equal to the others each to each; and, of these, B C 18 the greater because it subtends the right angle at A (19.1. Cor.). Therefore (24.1. Cor.) the angle BDC is greater than the right angle at A. And because the three sides C A, A B, »U; containing the right angles A, B, are equal to the same, taken mm the order DB, BA, AC (4.1. Cor.), and the right angles equal in the order B, A, the angle A CD equals the angle BDO, and is therefore greater than a right angle. And in like Manner may it be shown by taking, in A D produced to R, the bases BG, G I, IR, to any desired number, each equal to A B, and erecting the perpendiculars GH, IJ, R Y, and so on, each equal to AC or BD, that the figures BH, GJ, IY, and SO on, are each equal and alike in every respect to the figure A D. Complete the figures by joining DH, HJ, J Y, and so on. Produce CD indefinitely to K.* Because C DB is greater point M, making I M less than IJ or its equal AC. And in * It cannot meet A B produced (17.1). * 336 A. C. Twining—Euclid's Doctrine of Parallels. angles are right angles, the angles ACO, BDL, are equal (4.1. Cor.), and COB, DLG, are equal. And in like manner it may be shown that BO P equals G LM, also that G P Q equals Z, and so on,—also that OPG equals LMI, and PQI equal to two right angles,—consequently their equals CO a are the same, and (14. P is one straight line— Prop. XXVIII 3. THEOREM. Through a given point there can be but one parallel to a given straight line. : . Let AB be the given line, and C a given point. Drop cA perpendicular to A B, and through C draw the straight line CR at right angles to AC; then CR is the only parallel © A B through C. es As above assumed. The demonstration of this proposition in the Proceedings the American Association, before alluded to, is by a different proess. - A. C. Twining—Euchid’s Doctrine of Parallels. 337 For take any line CO making an acute angle A CO with . From any point Gin the line drop G F perpendicular to CR. Bisect C F in D, and erect DI perpendicular to C R and meeting CO inI. In FG, take FH, HK, each equal to Fie. 3. DI, and join DH, 1H,IK. Because the sides C D, DI, are equal to the two D F, F H, and the included angles right angles the triangles CID, DH F, are equal and alike in every respect (41.), and the angle CID equal to DHF. But O is adjacent to DIC at the point I in the straight line C O, and similarly D HG is adjacent to D H F,—consequently (13.1.) O and D HG are equal angles. The angles DCI, CID, of the triangle, right angled at D, must together (28. 1.), either be equal to or less than a right the two H K, HI of another triangle, each to each, and the con- tained angles, are right angles, the triangle HI K is equal and alike in every respect to I H D, and also, therefore, to DCI. Therefore the angles HI K, DIC together equal a right angle, and the three angles CID, DIH, HIK together equal two right angles, ‘Therefore (14.1.) CI, IK make one and the same Straight line. Also the two angles FC K and F KC of theright angled triangle C F K are together equal to aright angle. There- fore it has been shown that if the oblique angles of the right angled triangle C D I are together equal to one right angle, then CI produced will pass througb the point K, making a right angled triangle C F K, which, equally with C DI, has its oblique angles together equal to a right angle. Produce CF to J, making B 338 A. @. Twining—Euchid's Doctrine of Parallels. “gegen! as RZ, greater than C A, through the extremity with CR, RZ, aright angled triangle whose oblique angles at C the line CI produced has met A B and crossed it, and must so meet and cross in case the angles of C DJ are together two right angles as first supposed. But, if C I produced does not pass, as above, through K then the angles of C DI cannot be equal to two right angles, and therefore they must be less, since (28 a, 1) they cannot be greater. Suppose then that the angles of CDI are together less than two right angles. Then, the construction and proof remaining as before, the angles of the triangle DF H are less than two right angles, and since the angles of DI H cannot be greater than two right angles, the four angles of the quadrilateral I F are less than four right angles, and each of the equal angles at I and H is less than a right angle. Therefore [H K is greater than the angle IHF or its equal HID. Draw H P equal to ID, or HK, at the angle I H P equal to HID, which is less than a right angle—and therefore I H P falls within the angle IH 4. Join IP; then (4. 1.) the angle HPI equals HDI, and 1s accordingly acute. It may be supposed either that P shall fall within the triangle I H K, as at p, or else in the side I K, as at p’, or otherwise outside, as at P. Supposing it at p, let Hp be produced to meet IK in p’. Then Hp’ is greater than Hp oF its equal H K, and consequently the angle Hp’ K is less than H Kp’ (19.1) being subtended by the less side. But HKI's acute (17.1) because [HK is obtuse. Much more, then, 18 H p’ K acute and its adjacent angle H p'I obtuse; and yet more is the exterior angle (16.1) Hp I obtuse—which is contrary '0 the construction, as already proved. Therefore P does not fall within THK; and, similarly, it cannot fall in IK, as atP- Therefore P must fall outside, and make the angle H I P greater than HIK. But because, by what has been shown, DI G less A. C. Twining—FHuclid’s Doctrine of Parallels. 339 DIH, or the angle HIG, is greater than DHG less IHG, or the angle DH I, or its equal HIP, by construction, the angle HIG is greater than HI P, and much more greater than HI K. Therefore the line CI produced to G makes HG greater than K, if the angles of C DI are together less than two right angles—that is, equally, makes HG greater than HK, if OI produced does not pass through K. But if CI produced passes through K, then is HG by supposition not greater than H K, and the angles of CD I accordingly are not less than but (28 a. I) equal to two right angles, and Cl meets A B. JoinI A. It has been shown that if CI produced meets K, or makes with I A the angle AIK, it must meet A B, and also that if it does not meef K it makes with I A an angle LAG within I A K, and therefore much more must it meet AB. There- fore CI produced must meet AB, whether it does or does not pass through K—that is, i must meet AB. And the same may be proved on the other side of AC. Therefore C R is the only line through C which cannot be produced to meet AB. Remarks. 1st. The two principal propositions of the foregoing demon- Stration are, no doubt, too difficult for beginners. hat fact, in themselves, prime qualities, they do not of necessity counter- balance the advantage of a system like Euclid’s, preéminent in 0 more than average difficulty, was not on that account refused by its author a place in due order among his elementary proposi- ons; and, though unsatisfactory in its concluding inference, and therefore omitted in subsequent editions, it will ever remain Worthy of preservation and of study by reason of the beauty and Skill of its conception and conduct. - It is quite otherwise, however, with the so-called analytic or functional proof by the same author, which has been made the subject of earnest controversy. This, it is familiarly nown, depended upon the consideration that in any given tri- angle the given base and the given angles at the base determine 340 A. ©. Twining—Fuclid’s Doctrine of Parallels. the third angle. Therefore, it was argued, this third angle is a function of the two angles and the side—but a function into which the side cannot in fact enter, because a (ine cannot enter into the composition of an angle,—on which account the two Qu (4) iad o por 5 on (a>) i] -e ° <4 oO for) to Pen et ao 9 o ~ fas) a ao iq) B ou ol R 5 cot ee a ) ee 5 ra) or [o> 3 o cs) i) point, whatever the bases, because they so meet with the assumed base. On this assumption the entire doctrine would follow apace from the ordinary rudiments of geometry. Mr. T. P. Thompson, the author before alluded to, has himself introduced into his above-mentioned modification of W X, of unlimited length both ways, travel along the axis from the vertex A toward Z, till it cuts the axis in M; and it has been shown (28p, 1 Cor.) that during such travel it cannot cease to cut the series, &¢.” The fatal objection is that W X 1s 80 restricted by the conditions of its cutting that, although ever approaching the point M, it cannot be proved capable of reach- e grounds of this objection will be made yet more clear in the recasting of Mr. Thompson’s proof, which follows. A. C. Twining—Euclid’s Doctrine of Parallels. 341 Thompson’s Proof transformed and simplified. In our here abbreviated process, Mr. Thompson’s chain of proof will be presented unbroken (and in some parts even a fortiori) but in propositions involving altogether not one-third the bulk and labor of Mr. Thompson’s own method. This Statement includes our antecedent demonstration (p. 3) that no triangle can have the sum of tts angles greater than two right angles ; ut, aside from this, the proof is reduced in compass to one-tenth. It will be the purport of this our transformed process—equally as it was of Mr. Thompson’s process—to show that no triangle can have the sum of its angles less than two right angles. _¥or—looking back to the figure of our xxviii a—if ABC, right angled at A, is supposed to be such a triangle, and the quadrilateral (or tessera—so called by Thompson) be constructed as before, then, since the angles of BCD cannot exceed two right angles, the four angles of the tessera are less than four night angles, and the equal angles AC D, BDC, are each less than a right angle. Construct, as below, Thompson’s figure under his Caption xxviii E—and with the saine! designating letters—in which QM P is astraight line of bases on which the tesseras A on the 8a polygon. Join BC, CD, DE; then ABC,=ACB, must han ACD,=BDC, even were ABD one line, and much more, as easily shown, for the angle at B. But BI / 4 D, is greater than BDO, and much more than ACB. In like manner may it be shown by joining E F, FG, that the equal cusps HG F, D FG are greater than the cusps CED, BDE. In the same manner, also, if A Z is an axis perpendicular to B C— and easily shown to be normal also to ED, G F—it may be proved that if an indefinite line W X moves from A toward Z, keeping at Tight angles to the axis, it shall make the cusps formed by it at I and H greater than the preceding cusps at G and F, and so on 342 A. C. Twining—Euclid’s Doctrine of Parallels, indefinitely. Again, the perpendiculars C O, E Q, &., and BN, DP, &c., to the straight line Q P, can never meet each other or the axis,—consequently the cusps must each, as EG F, ; be less than the angles EG T, DFS, respectively (that is, than half either of the equal angles of the equiangular and equilateral polygon IGECAB , &c.); for, if otherwise, G F would e one and the same straight line which cuts another straight line T'S in two points T and §, or beyond them. Again, let W X cut the axis at any intermediate position, as Y, within the tessera EH D F G. It cannot cut the line ED or GF, since all three are normal to A Z. Therefore it cuts the sides EG, DF, of that tessera in V, U, making angles or cusps V UD, UVE, which cannot be less than EGF, DFG, respectively, because, if so, the four angles of the tessera EH F must exceed four right angles. Therefore the cusps formed at V and U are each greater than a given angle ACB. And because TG F is less than a tight angle, T G W’ is greater, and the half angle T GI of the polygon will be within it,—so that W X, after passage through any tessera, as ET, of the entire series, may enter and traverse another, as IT, and cut the polygon in the sides GI, F Therefore W X, as it approaches to Q P, can never cease to cut the polygon (and at an angle which can be shown, as above, to be greater than a given angle). Let it move on at right angles to the axis till it reaches M. It will then coincide with the straight line of bases QP, which therefore will somewhere cut the polygon. That is, the base of some one of the tesseras will cut its side opposite the base—which is impossible; com sae teat the original supposition is also impossible. his exhibits with fidelity Mr. Thompson’s complete pro- cess,—only excluding his supposition that the cusps may at length come to equal or exceed half the constant angle of the polygonal series by proving such supposition itself to be impos- sible. The exceptional point, as already remarked, is the last step of the process—that of WX moving forward to coincide with M. Indeed, beginning back of that step, and at the close. of the one preceding it, the really legitimate conclusion would be deduced as follows: “ But W X cannot actually reach M during this consecutive intersection of the tesseras. For suppose it to advance to M while cutting the polygonal series, as in I, H; then IM, which makes the angle IMQ, must also make an equal vertical angle (15-1) on the opposite side of Q P, instead f HM P on the same side,—which last is impossible.” _ It would, no doubt, be urged by our author that if wx cuts the polygon when in the position Y, but ceases to cut ID the position M, it could not but be that the cuttin ig c o — % O. C. Marsh—New Fossil Mammals. 343 definite tessera,—and especially that no such disruption is sup- posable between lines that never cease to cross one another at an appreciable angle. The infirmity of all this, however, is sufficiently exposed by the inquiry how it appears that W will not have traversed and cut the polygonal series throughout us utmost capacity of extension, while yet at a limiting position short of M—even as C O (referring back to the figure under our Caption xxviii B) will have traversed and cut A B throughout Its utmost capacity of extension when it has reached the limit C R. This new exemplification, supplied by our author’s own labors, and supplementing his own history of fruitless attempts multi- pled on this subject, in spite of failures in the past, only affords hew evidence how amply any approved demonstration, now or hereafter, of the doctrine of parallels will be recognized and esteemed as having accomplished a scientific desideratum. Notice of some Remarkable Fossil Mammals; by O. C. MARSH. The Museum of Yale College has recently received the Temains of several fossil mammals, new to science and of great interest. One of these, which is represented by the entire around its lateral and posterior margins an enormous crest. On Summits are obtuse, and nearly round. They are solid, eet at the base, which is perforated by the upper extremity of the canine. Near the anterior margin of the nasals there is still another pair of horn cores, which are near together, and have obliquely compressed summits. The nasal opening was small. The premaxillaries are slender, and without teeth. The upper canines are greatly elongated, slightly curved, and itudi e lower portion is thin and 344 0. C. Marsh—New Fossil Bird. posed of two transverse ridges, separated externally, and meet- ing at the inner extremities. The skull measures about 28°5 inches (722°™™:), in length ; 85 inches (202.™™-), in width over the orbits; 6°75 inches (169™™-) between the summits of the maxillary horn Sons and 25 (88™™) between the tops of the nasal cores. The m xilla ary horn cores are about 8 inches, or 75™™ in height. The canine is 9-25 inches (232:™™-) in length below the jaw, 64°™™"’, in lon- gitudinal diameter at base, 25°" in transverse diamete er. The molar teeth occupy a space of 150-™™-, and the last upper molar has an antero-posterior diameter of 36-™™, The species may be be called Dinoceras mirabilis. The present animal was nearly as large as an nha The remains now known are from the Eocene of Wyom Another aon is elical by portions of a skull with teeth, and some other ragmentary remains. his specimen ers essentially from Dinoceras mirabilis, in the upper molar teeth, the last of the series =F proportionally much larger than the corresponding tooth in that species, and having, moreover, 4 broad floor extending bankas between the posterior crest and the basal ridge. The length of the upper molar series of six teeth is 163°™™-, the last true molar being 45°™™ in antero-pos terior Sianeli and also in transverse dikinieor This species, equalled D. mirabilis in size, and may be called wg lacus- remains are also from the Eocene of Wyoming. The species of Dinoceras, and those of Tinoceras, represent & distinct order which may be called Dinocerea, A full descrip: tion of these interesting mammals will be given at an early day. Notice of a New and Remarkable Fossil Bird ; by O. C. MARSB- One of the most on a of recent discoveries in Paleon- 0 ssil bird, found, during yD eantsatoe "The remains indicate an aquatic bird, about 4 large as a pigeon, and differing widely from all known birds, in having biconcave vertebroe e cervical, dorsal, and cau udal vertebre preserved all show this character, the ends of the centra resembling those in Plesiosaurus. The rest of the skeleton presents no marked dggintion from the page avi type. e wings were large in proportion to the posterior extremities. me humeru rigs 586" in length, and has se radial crest strongly developed. The femur is small, and has ie transversely. The t ibia is slender, and 445™™- long. Its distal end is incurved, as in $ pee birds, but has no supratendinal bridge. This species il called Ichthyornis dispar. A more complete oman ‘ri appear in an early number of this Journal. Yale College, Sept. 26th, 1872. AM. JOUR. SCI. AND ARTS, Ill, Vol. IV. Plate Ill. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS. [THIRD SERIES] Art. XL—A Theory of the Formation of the great Features of the Karth’s Surface; by JoserpH LEConvs, Prof. Geol. and at. Hist, University of California. that this paper might, very appropriately, have been entitled A general theory of igneous agencies.” The general and first effect of igneous agency is, evidently, the formation of Continents, sea bottoms and mountain chains. Volcanoes and earthquakes are secondary phenomena—they are but occa- Stonal accidents attending the slow march of these grander effects. ceording to Humboldt, all the effects grouped under the Seneral head of igneous agency are the result of “the reaction Y the interior on the crust of the earth.” This formula, although T too vague and general to deserve the name of a theory, Must, we believe, form the point of departure of every true theory. But in de arting from this vague formula, only the most confused sins contradictory notions seem to prevail Amongst geologists. We have therefore thought that, on a sub- Ject of such vital importance, lying as it does at the very found- ation of theoretic geology, any light, or even m8 more defi- hite statement than now exists, might be considered timely. I have, for many years, thought much on the subject, and _ Stfiven to emerge from the chaos which now exists into some- thing like clearness of conception. I here present, with some hesitation, the results, hoping that they may serve, at least, as ints in the right direction. ‘ Aw. Jour, 8c1.—Tarap — Vou. 1V, No, 28.—Nov., 1872. 346 J. LeConte—Formation of the to wrinkle, 1. e., to bend into alternate convex and concave arches, which form respectively the continents and sea-bottoms. The Continents and sea-bottoms.—If we regard the earth as consist- ing of a solid crust sustained as a floating body upon a liquid, the least reflection suffices to convince us that the greater inequalt- ties of the surface cannot be produced by alternate convex and con- cave bendings of the crust like those shown in fig. 1, in which @ is the continental and } the oceanic crust, and J/ the sea level. No such arch as that producing a continent 3000 to 6000 miles across), should sustain itself The arch a would break < * Phil. Trans., May, 1862. Features of the Earth's Surface. 347 interior. The accompanying diagram (fig. 2) is an ideal repre- sentation of what must be the general character of the crust on this view. As before, a is the continental and 6 the oceanic crust. For simplicity’s sake, in all these diagrams, the crust is represented as spread out on a plane. If we admit that the general constitution of the earth is that of a solid crust cover- ing a liquid interior, I cannot see how the above conclusion can be avoided. assumed this all along, for there could not be a crust otherwise. 2. The material of the crust must expand in solidifying, i. e., in coming crust. 3. Some portions of the crust must cool and thicken faster than others; these more rapidly thickening por- tions becoming the continents. Under these three conditions we nay account for continents and sea-bottoms as follows. _ Suppose a liquid earth consisting of heterogeneous materi covered with a thin crust of solid matter, cooling and the crust thickening everywhere by additions to its lower surface. Evi- dently the more conductive portions would cool and thicken than the less conductive portions. Thus the inequalities - Would commence on the lower surface, as in fig. 8. But such » oe SQ SS of things represented by fig. 2 is assumed. y 90 20°00 f 03 4. Pownal, Vt, bh-gray, 42:90 42:20 1:98 0-78 1-33 5-24 5°60==1000 These analyses indicate that it is often impossible to distinguish the hydro-mic® paged guish the 2y' slates; for No, 2, although described in the Vermont Report as “the most unc an the vicinity of Great Barrington, Mass. 367 _ }) Chioritic varieties of the mica or hydro-mica slate occur in Tom Ball and the Taconic Mountains, in some of which there is as much chlorite as mica. They sometimes contain (11) Tremotite rock. The Canaanite of Canaan, a coarsel granular rock, white to grayish-white in color, often mixed wit quartz and with limestone, and often containing scales of brown mica. Weathered specimens sometimes show the ends of crystals of tremolite. : _ (12) Clay-slate occurs alternating with quartzite and limestone im Williamstown, Massachusetts, and at Rutland and elsewhere im Vermont. That of the Taconic range west of Great Barring- ton lies mostly to the west of the mica or hydro-mieca slate of that range. } : { “aaa : appears to be almost solely the hydrous mica damourite; just such a rock has been recently described from ‘Galm-Chateaa, and called damouritic schist. Another analysis by Barker, not here cited, is of a chloritic variety. ee 4 868 J. D. Dana on the Quartzite, Iimestone, ete., C. Quartzite beds.—The rocks of the quartzite beds differ much in character. The principal kinds are the following. — (1.) An intensely hard, gray or whitish quartzite, jointed profoundly and in more than one direction, but without distinct traces of bedding. me beds are a conglomerate of the same hardness, made up of pebbles or stones from the size of a pea to that of cobble stones. Minute particles of pyrites are spar- ingly disseminated through a large part of this and other varieties of the quartzite. _ (2.) A rock equally massive in fracture and almost as firm, but showing the bedding more or less distinctly. (It is often used for the hearths of furnaces.) Cleavable particles of a glassy feldspar are sometimes distributed through it. When thus laminated it often contains, especially over the surfaces of the lamine, scales of a white mica or hydro-mica, and sometimes minute brown or blackish tourmalines. A rock of this kind often weathers rapidly on exposure, SO as to become very friable, or even fall to sand. (It is used for making glass in the region.) : (3.) Soft sand-beds, in thin layers, that change deeply to 4 irty sand. ‘ (i) Caleareous quartzite, which graduates on one side wees limestone and the other into quartzite. Some hard laminat quartzites are very porous as if they had once contained calea- reous material. : (5.) Gneissic quartzite and quartz-conglomerate. A variety consisting partly of quartz pebbles half an inch to an inch m diameter containing large masses of orthoclase and much mica and really a variety of gneiss. (6.) Feldspathie quartzite, a quartzite, often very hard, con taining much orthoclase through its mass. The orthoelat ecomposes easily and becomes removed, leaving the rec cavernous, and thus, as Hitchcock long since explained, 18 pt duced the buhrstone of Berkshire. Besides the orthoclase, a glassy cleavable less alterable feldspar may often be oor guished in the so-called buhrstone, and sometimes in the wa of the cavities that had been made by the decomposition an removal of the orthoclase; it is probably either albite oF oligoclase.* sarees The transitions between the different kinds of rock in thé quartzite formation are often very t. Only a few sometimes separate the regularly-bedded fragile quartzite from the hard bedless granular quartz. The soft sand-rock pape has within it intensely hard masses made up of the sands © __ *I am indebted for specimens of this and the preceding variety of the quartz ‘Brook and Mill Biver, east of New Lenox. n=? we "0m fe valeve-l in the vicinity Great Barrington, Mass. 269 many layers solidified together ; the bedding stops short off in ignorant of the facts would suppose were all rence boulders, ay they are -— at least the hard knots of the rotted sand rock. These ‘aivenicess in the quartzite serve to explain much that is my serious in its apparent distribution. It does not answer the pu of strict science to set down the plains along the valleys as all limestone areas; for the soil of these plains may test on soft beds either of the quartzite formation, or of the Mica schist; and we cannot infer from dn outcrop of hard quartzite only a few yards in breadth that the concealed stra- tum below to whith it belongs has no greater breadt Again, following the direction of the bedding, seis are some- times changes from quartzite to mica schist or gneiss. is is Proved by the fact t at the’étrata-of the sme north-and-south range, or in the direction of the strike, are mainly quartzite in one Mg and in another, two or oe miles we! are Seid Berke Those 1 facts at the first thought seem strange. But we take ed little note heath unaltered ses rocks of the change pepe the beddin ie unger f purely siliceous sand to a impure con a ff an existing seashore, from the sands of 4 sand-flat to Sie: ee of the shallow hoveor but a few rods 370 J. D. Dana on the Quartzite, Limestone, ete. distant; and the difference we find in the Green Mountain rocks is only this small and often unimportant distinction made intensely apparent by metamorphism. If then a bed of rock may be quartzite in one part and mica schist or gneiss in another, and if these rocks alternate with one another in the way mentioned, there is not strictly any quartzite formation in the Green Mountains; for the formation is made up of various rocks, and quartzite is not always the predominant one. he kinds of rocks in the region under discussion have been here separately described with some detail because the fact 1s not generally appreciated that gneiss, granitoid gneiss, coarse and fine mica 5G hydro-mica slate, compact garnet rock, hornblende slate, chloritic rocks, as well as quartzite, soft an hard, may belong to the Stockbridge limestone formation, and even overlie it. Many of the rocks are precisely such as be long to the so-called “ Green Mountain Series,” which series has been pronounced on lithological evidence to be pre-Silurian and Huronian. I have collected specimens of chloritic mica slate from the summits of Mt. Washington in the Taconic range; of Tom Ball; of the Graylock ridve, near South Adams, Mass.; of Mt. Mansfield, in the region of the Green Mountain series of rocks in Vermont; and from the ridge two miles west of this city directly the Canaan limestone: Is the rock therefore of the White Mountain series and pre-Silurian? I have seen @ slate abounding in’ staurolites alternating with hornblende rock, gneiss and quartzite, in Vernon, in southeastern Vermont, but & few miles north of the Bernardston region of either Lower Helder f berg or Devonian quartzite, slate and limestone (crinoids an ne in diameter of stem occurring in the beds), and, as the Vermon Report states, the quartzites of these adjoining towns are proba- bly the same rock: Are these beds of the White Mountain series and pre-Silurian ? ‘e learn from the facts how much virtue there is in lithology for determining the equivalency of metamorphic rocks. ~ may afford a quick answer to hard questions, but its answer '° worth very little unless otherwise abundantly fortified. : [To be continued.] 0. N. Rood—Nature, etc., of the Discharge of a Leyden Jar. 871 Art. XLIII.—On the nature and duration of the discharge of a Leyden Jar connected with an induction coil; by OapEN N, Roop, Prof. of Physics in Columbia College. Part IIT. (Concluded.) Form and duration of the discharge of the small jar with brass alls as electrodes. The form of the discharge under these circumstances was more complex ; the succession of acts being generally as fol- lows: first, an instantaneous spark, which was followed by a pale violet discharge, lasting a small fraction of a second ; afterward came a series of instantane- ous sparks whose number diminished as the striking distance became great- e; the average of the experiments Sarai Oo apne ‘0247 sec. nla PEC Ce panes > pees 0276 “ Final ws ea SSI a. OS 0261 “ The portion AB, figs. 5 and 6, consisted of from ten to "twenty instantaneous pace: its duration varying with the Di number of included discharges. Dise observations gave for Maximum duration of AB,............... ‘0119 see. Medium “ RE tae at sc. Clue * Minimum MN cceeetrs sere 0058 * jj ome: .—A quite differant form was some ee a Deen ike that in fig. 7, and consisting of a faint violet streak termin- at each end by: an instantaneous spark, the Sg aa being, 026 sec, to 030 sec 372 O. N. Rood—Nature and Duration of t. These, from their rarity, were a little difficult to study, and I am not — sure that in all cases the act” was terminated by a spark. The violet streak was of course invisible in dise experiments. Striking distance 2 millimeters—The form was the same as fig. 5, but the dimensions were somewhat reduced. Total duration with WAP "seins ss 01830 sec. dis 01588 “ AVOTORG,. fs einiin d+ cw cds Average duration of are Pe ee The other alge (fig. 7) also sometimes occurred with a dura- tion of ‘027 s P wapieerd pen 3 millimeters.—The form was still the same; ro ag ion AB consisting pean’ of only three or four ee but often of eight or Total duration with A i. eee 0124 * dise The form of fig. 7 sometimes occurred, tipo with a duration about twice as great as that just give Striking distance 4 millimeters.—The form was sometimes ope same as those just ota but more often consisted solely ° a compact series of from four to six seapesuincnr rt sparks. ‘0 Duration with — sparks, oe re 3 sec. disc. uk Oya pees 0082 “ Striking a: 5 millimeters.—Merely two, three oF four isolated sparks. Average total duration, ...-..37.:. <3 0085 sec. (disc). Striking distance 6 pees —Same form as es last, Average total duration,..............++ 0025 sec. (dise). Striking distance 7 hence —T wo, three, may four jiaig Average total duration,.......5..60..0% ‘0018 disc). Striking distance 8°75 millimeters.—Only two wales one quite faint. Interval between them 0009 sec. (disc). Striking distance 10 millimeters.—One spark; seldom two- 10-75 was the maximum striking distance; at it, and half @ millimeter under it, only a single spark was produe Form and duration of the discharge of the small jar with platr- num points as electrodes. The length of the simple induction spark was 58 millimeters. the Discharge of a Leyden Jar. 373 Striking distance 1 millimeter.—The form varied considerably, three or four different kinds being mingled. e simplest . form consisted of ten or twelve instantaneous sparks following each other at a pretty regular interval, which increased some- what toward the close of the act. This kind of discharge pro- duced a short hissing sound like that obtained by thrusting a red hot wire in cold water, and its presence could be detected by the ear alone. The total duration of this form was subject to considerable variation; below I gi The greatest, 0099 sec. M ‘0037 tc “ medium, 0068 “ The last quantity was not obtained as the mean of the other two, but is the average of eleven distinct experiments with the disc and mirror. These I give as a sample of the variation in the results sometimes obtained in these experiments, the discord- ance being mainly due, not to the methods, but to the pheno- menon itself. sec, 0047 mirror and compass. “0099 “ “ “ 006 4 © &e “ 70047 “ “ mercury tube. 6c “ce “ Average 0068 If we take the average number of sparks as ten, we shall lave for the average interval separating them ‘0007 sec., that 8, these sparks were generated at the rate of 1428 per second. Suppose that a combination of ten or fifteen of them would be sufficient to render the ear sensible of the tone produced ; but Owing to the irregularity of their position, instead of fur- Nishing an approximation to a musical tone, the sound resem- bled rather that of the combination of the consonants, sr. hap drawing a card or piece of thin sheet brass over the e of an irregularly notched plate of brass, this sound could be imitated. . Other forms.—Quite often the discharge was like that given m fig. 7, with a total duration of ‘017 sec. More rarely the form in fig. 5 was produced, but I could obtain no good _ Me€asurement of it. In one case its average duration was doubtfully estimated to be sec. 374 O. N. Rood—Nature and Duration of Striking distance 2 millimeters.—Form was generally like fig. 4, merely ten or twelve instantaneous sparks; total duration ‘0075 sec. Sometimes forms like fig. 7 were seen. Striking distance 3 millimeters.—Like the last, with perhaps twenty sparks; total duration 0088 sec. Forms like fig. 7 were sometimes seen. Striking distance 4 millimeters,—Fifteen or twenty sparks; total duration ‘0081 sec. Striking distance 5 millimeters. —Form same as the last; num- ber smaller ; total duration ‘0078 sec. “Striking distance 7 millimeters —Same form; total duration 0067 sec. Striking distance 9 millimeters,—Form the same; total dura- tion ‘0060 sec. Striking distance 10 millimeters.—Same form; total duration -0046 sec. Striking distance. 12 millimeters.—Same form still; only four or five sparks ; total duration ‘0041 sec. Striking distance 15 millimeters.—Like the last, consisting of two or three sparks, total duration 0020 sec. The maximum striking distance was 24°5 millimeters, when the discharge consisted of only a simple instantaneous spa! an It will be noticed that the total duration of the discharge 1 these experiments was not, as formerly, a maximum a a een known that the simple induction discharge consists of an instantaneous spark which is followed by a violet light, the latter lasting during a rather large fraction of a second. This is called the aureol, and has been studied by several physicists the Discharge of a Leyden Jar. 375 As their results, nevertheless, would have no particular applica- tion to the matter in hand, I made a new set of experiments with the same apparatus, using also the ‘same electrodes and battery. Duration of the aureol with brass balls as electrodes. Striking distance. Duration. 1 millimeter. "026 sec. 2 “ce ‘Ol 5 “ce 3 sc “0 l 2 oo 4 “ “009 it 5 “ ‘006 is Ata striking distance of ten millimeters the aureol was not visible. The light of the aureol corresponding to one of the electrodes was violet, that due to the other had a hue approach- Ing red. ith small striking distances the two streaks were i contact, but separated as the distance between the electrodes was increased. Duration of the aureol with platinum points as electrodes, the length of the simple induction spark being 48°7 millimeters. Striking distance. Duration. 1 millimeter. ‘022 sec. 2 “ “020 ce : 3 cc 0 ] 8 é 10 oe alee ae ee With ten millimeters only one of the streaks was visible; as before, they were red and violet. In both of these experiments the duration of the aureol a8 great an interval as 026 sec., which is the maximum dura- tion of the multiple discharges described in this paper. -he general result obtained in these experiments may then be summed up as follows: if a Leyden jar, of a selected size, it is evident that we may regard two vening layer of air a millimeter thick, as a minute Leyden jar, Tepresenting the last of the series. 376 O. N. Rood—Nature, etc., of the Discharge of a Leyden Jar. The combination of the aureol or violet discharge with the multiple sparks, is, I think, to be explained thus: the first spark heats and rarefies the air between the electrodes; if then the electric current is furnished with sufficient rapidity by the coil, the tension of the electricity in the jar may rise sufficiently for a discharge through the rarified air before it can cool down, and thus produce the violet light. This state of things would continue till the electricity began to be furnished more slowly by the coil, when it would result that, the air between the elec- trodes having time to cool down would no longer permit the electricity to pass through it in an unbroken stream, but wou ompel it to discharge itself in sparks. According to this idea the successive sparks ought to be separated by a gradually increasing interval, and this indeed appears to be the case, the rise of the separating interval being particularly strongly marked toward the close of the total act. Brass balls favor this mixed form of discharge, perhaps, by confining the air to a certain extent, and thus preventing it from cooling down. Platinum points can have no such influence, and with them this pheno- menon is rare. With the larger jar it never occurred, as the air was always able to cool down before the electric tension had sufficient time to rise in its larger surface, so as to warrant a discharge. With the small jar and longer striking distances, the violet light was not produced for an analogous reason, and also perhaps because the air was less confined. described in the second part of this paper, this violet light He lass, and the use of a lens of vastly larger angular aperture. he large number of sparks (15 or 20), given by the small ter to dispense with arrangements for controling the moment 4 to olv- ant I will also call the attention to the circumstance that yer Le : . : S. P. Langley—Allegheny System of Time Signals. 877 in experiments on binocular vision, etc., the results are not to be relied on as having been obtained with an instantaneous illumination, as is abundantly shown by the large total dura- fons so often met with in this investigation. Finally, by the use of large rotating discs, these multiple discharges can readily be exhibited to moderate sized audiences. New York, June 29th, 1872. Art. XLIV.—On the Allegheny System of Electric Time Sig- nals; by Prof. S. P. LANGLEY. THE necessity of a uniform standard of time for the railways of the United States is one which is growing into importance with the increasing extent of our railway system; and we are, ere long, in this country, to be called on to settle for ourselves 4 practical problem which has already been solved in England, and which is beginning to make its demand for solution upon the managers of our railroads. Since past experience shows that their probable adoption of 4 new and common standard will introduce it to public notice and discussion, and then to adoption by cities and individuals, it is desirable that this should not be done without the direction which intelligent scientific coGperation will give to a movement originated by the demands of intercontinental c. As few are aware how generally this codperation has y been invoked, nor to what extent the public is indebted to observatories for increased security of transit, it has seem tan account of what has been done in this direction in any ne of them would be of interest. The earliest introduction of the system of electric automatic smission of time-signals, on an extended scale, appears to be due to the observatory of Greenwich. ‘he Astronomer Royal, with Mr. C. V. Walker, commenced their use in 1852, carrying for that purpose special wires on the les of the South Eastern Railway from Greenwich to London Bridge. The subsequent extension of the use of Greenwich time under this system has been almost universal throughout the United Kingdom, the observatories of Glasgow and Liverpool, under the direction respectively of Professor Grant and Mr, Hartnup, as well as that of Edinburgh, having taken Part in bringing it to its present condition of utility. For an instructive and very full description of the methods employed at Greenwich, reference may be made to an article m_ the perological Journal for April, 1865, by W. Ellis, Esq., PRA , to whom, as to all the gentlemen named, the writer Am. Jour. Sct.—Turrp Serres, Vou. IV, No. 23.—Nov., 1872. 24 ‘ 378 = S& P. Langley—Allegheny System of Time Signals. arrangement in a form adapted to the needs of American railways, and the supervision of their application to the wants of cities and individuals. In doing this, a great number of ingenious devices have been examined, and if the system to be described appears to be one of the simplest, it has yet been reached only after much care in setting aside all which would not bear the test of practical the Pennsylvania Central Railroad with its official standa of ime ; it the time is now sent daily to Philadelphia 0” the east, as far as Lake Erie on the north, and to Chicago on t west, regulating the clocks on a number of minor roads eo whose wires it goes, as well as on those of the principal soutl- ern lines connecting the Atlantic with the Mississipp!. Thus passing, as it does, over several thousand miles daily, 1 * elieved to be at present one of the most extended systems 0 ‘time distribution in the world. : The observatory is on the summit of the ascent on the north- ern side of the valley of the Ohio, about two miles in a S. P. Langley—Allegheny System of Time Signals. 379 double wire or “loop,” communicating with the city, is em- ployed occasionally for the observatory’s own messages, and when (as, for instance, in longitude determinations) it is wished to send sidereal time, without interrupting the regular trans- mission of signals from the mean-time clock. In the transit toom, in the western wing of the observatory, are kept the sidereal clock by Frodsham, of London, and the principal mean- tme clock by Howard, of Boston. On the escape-wheel arbor of this, the standard mean-time clock, and turning with it, once a minute, is a wheel cut with Sixty sharp radial teeth, of which those corresponding to the 50th, 51st, 52d, 58d, 54th and 59th seconds of the minute have y the minutest lifting of one from the other, and this is effected automatically by means of a ruby attached to one of them, and placed within reach of the wheel above mentioned. As each of these teeth passes, the ruby, and with it the spring, is lifted through a minute distance. (Not in practice more than One one-hundredth of an inch, and- usually much less.) Once a Second, therefore, the circuit is opened during a period of prob- ably less than a twentieth ‘of a second, and as the wheel ad- vances a tooth with each vibration of the pendulum, the armature of the repeater is raised each second of the minute, until the 49th is complet This action is repeated in every minute of the twenty-four hours without variation. The particular second is thus iden- tified, but one minute is (so far as the action of the standard clock is concerned) not distinguished from another. To do 880 S& P. Langley—Allegheny System of Time Sigdals, consists less in this, however, than in a device by means 0 which it can be caused to gain or lose any fractional part of 4 change is being effected. This chronometer is to replace the nection with the local circuits of the observatory ; one ba bang employed for the sidereal clock and chronograph, aly another for the mean-time standard. Any interruption of the when the circuit is opened. The accessory apparatus, suc ie batteries, relays, switch-boards and so forth, which are use in every telegraph office, it will be superfluous to describe here 1ethod which has been adopted as likely to ensure ™ accuracy in the time keepers which control it. : S. P. Langley—Allegheny System of Time Signals. 381 The transit instrument in the western wing, is of four inches aperture, and with it and the chronograph, observations for time are made on every fair night of the year, except on vations of each night, after the other corrections are applied, and the results determined from the chronograph and the side- real clock. The mean error in the resulting determination of é sidereal clock correction, is from three to four hundredths of a second, but it cannot be assumed that that of the mean time standard is known within these limits, except at the time that the observations are freshly made. t may be desirable to point out where the system pursued here differs from that in which a few signals are sent at stated hours, as at Greenwich. In the case of the time ball for instance, dropped daily by a clock at Greenwich mean noon, it 18 customary to compare the mean time clock which drops it, with the sidereal time a few minutes before twelve. If it (the Operating clock), be slow, it is caused to gain, and if fast, caused to lose, an amount needed to bring it to coincidence yy noting coincidence of beats by ear. The resulting errors of . } . 3882 S& P. Langley—Allegheny System of Time Signals. (AT, dt, being the usual symbols for the respective corrections of error and rate) : : 9 LHerculis, Aug. 10, 1872. Time-stars | si ital A. E. F., observer. (0 Herculis, At mean 9b AT. ot. Sidereal clock, + 79°32 +1518 Break-cireuit chronr. +2™°22°18 -+3°*30 Chron, 3242, + 50°05 +311 Mean time standard — 00°27 -+0°46 The mean time clock is here 0°27 fast by actual observation, but when the next comparison is made the following morning (at 21 hours), its error can usually be obtained only by compar ison with another clock. If it be compared with each of the other clocks in turn, each, owing to the variations of its rate during the night, will probably give a slightly different result, but supposing all the time-keepers equally reliable, the prob- able error will be less, in taking the mean of the four, than by any. single one. ( he above corrections for error and rate having been applied to the sidereal clock ; a comparison is taken with it in the morn- ing, and the resulting time of the mean-time clock noted, on the assumption that the sidereal clock is an exact standard. The same comparison is made with each, after the respective corrections and rates have been applied, each being succes: sively treated as an independent standa The results will then be entered in this form. 1872. August, 104 21". . Error of mean time standard, — 0°19 (by sidereal clock.) “ 6 % “ — 0°05 “ break-circuit chron. - : n - + 0°11 “ chron’r 3242. “é “ i74 < ‘14 aoe 0°04 “6 its own rate. The mean or “adopted” error of the mean time standard is then — 0* sate oe SRG 4 — 0°04, In the absence of any more absolute criterion, the time of the standard in this instance is assumed to be four one bun- not abruptly, but gradually during the ensuing twelve hours. It is of course impracticable to stop the clock and raise OF lower the adjusti twice daily for such minute corrections Basak S. P. Langley—Allegheny System of Time Signals. 888 ete. Weights representing three or four seconds are kept on the top of the bob, so that their removal will retard the clock if desired to that amount. A record is kept in which the comparisons in the tabular form above given are entered twice daily, the amount of the Th meter and clock-case thermometer are also read twice daily for the purpose of laying down curves representing the separate effects of temperature and pressure. Another curve, whose ordinates represent the algebraic sum of the correspond- ing ordinates of the first two, shows the combined results of both, or comparison with still another representing the clock rates. These are chiefly useful in the occasionally long intervals of cloudy weather which occur iu winter. At such times the clock rates are obtained by interpolation from the curves, and “weighted” according to the degree of dependence to be placed on each clock, before making up the final or “ adopted error” of the standard. When observations are obtained daily, however, Such precaution is needless. é Those who are aware of the number of patented devices for controling distant clocks by electricity, may perhaps feel sur- prise that so little mention has here been made of their use. Some of these are of extreme ingenuity and much promise, 384. SS P. Langley—Allegheny System of Time Signals. even this is not quite reliable where the circuit is a long one. The clocks described have subsidiary apparatus en: abling them to send controling currents on the Jones’ plan, but thus far its use has been confined to the observatory. The whole work, external to the observatory, has therefore been hitherto done by the sending of signals, through which distant clocks may be regulated, but without employing means for their contro/, and though this is done over a very extende field, a brief description of it, under the three divisions to which it naturally falls, will suffice. 1st. The supply of time to watchmakers and jewellers. ee _ “jewelers wire” passes through the Western Union Telegrap almost if not quite all of the clocks and watches of the city are thus at sitendhand regulated. There is, in this uniform an many lost minutes in the day to eac rson in a city, a their aggregate represents a large draft upon the time of the business public, disappear. ae Applications have been received from watchmakers 1n poe y boring cities and at a considerable distance from Pittsburgh, !F this telegraphic supply of the time, which it has not always en possible to accommodate, but which have been welcome as showing a public appreciation of the utility of the work. 2d. The supply of time to railroads. The watchmakers and jewelers are in telegraphic connection with the 1ent * observatory by a wire which is devoted to their use, but dis - SP. Langley—Allegheny System of Time Signals. 385 tant cities, such as Chicago or Philadelphia, can be reached only by the wires of the telegraph or railroad companies, which are too valuable to be exclusively employed for this purpose. The method used on the Pennsylvania Central, and Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago roads, will sufficiently illustrate the System as applied to railways. A special wire connects the observatory with the office in which the wires owned by these roads unite. In this office is asmall bell which is struck lightly every second, in the manner escribed, and except for the pauses to designate the minute and hour, continues to sound unintermittingly ; affording to the conductors and other employees specially concerned in the time ameans of ready comparison, even without entering the building. At 9 and at 4, Altoona time (ten minutes fast of Pittsburgh), the Pittsburgh operator in charge connects the main eastern wire to Philadelphia, 354 miles distant, with the observatory, and for the ensuing five minutes the beats of the Howard mean-time standard are automatically repeated on similar bells, or on the customary ‘“sounders” in Philadelphia and in every tele- graph office through which the road wire passes; all station clocks and conductor's watches being compared with it as the Official standard. After five minutes the clock is “switched” by the Pittsburgh operator out of the main line wire, which is returned to its ordinary use. A similar set of signals, lasting for five minutes, is sent at 9 and 4 of Columbus time (18 minutes slow of Pittsburgh) to all Stations as far west as Chicago inclusive, in the main western line (of 468 miles in length). At Philadelphia the time is 6 for using a single unit of time, as, though the names of “ Phila- delphia time,” “ Altoona” or “Col i n train, is regulated from a single standard, that of the clock in the observatory. The advantages of this uniform and wide distribution of ex- act time in facilitating the transportation of the country, and in enhancing the safety of life and of merchandize in transit be- tween the Western and the Atlantic cities seem to be suffi- Clently evident. The fact that the system, described in this » ; ? . . article, has obtained the extension it has, within three years 386 SS P. Langley—Allegheny System of Time Signals. from its commencement will, it may be hoped, justify the belief that its use has proved not only valuable to railways, but an added security to the safety of the public. 3d. Supply of time to cities. At present, arrangements are in progress for regulating the principal public clock of Pittsburg, (the turret clock of the City Hall, about two miles om the observatory), which it is intended shall strike every third hour on the bells of the fire alarm, and probably also in the various police stations. As the mechanism for doing this is still in course of construction, and may yet be modified im trial, it would be premature to speak of it, especially as its suc- cess has not yet been proven in practice here. The city clock will automatically report its own time to the observatory by a special wire, and it is probable that in controling its rate from the observatory, the “Jones” system will be used. The necessity of a uniform standard of time over the whole country, which was alluded to in the outset as one of growing importance, has not been further directly touched upon in this article, which is yet as a whole devoted to describing the means of meeting it. The evident tendency, in thus sending the tme from one standard over so large an extent of territory, to diminish the number of local times, and so prepare the way for a future system, in which, at least between the Atlantic and the Mississippi, they shall disappear altogether. step in this direction has been contemplated by the a gers of the roads uniting New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Chicago, who have intended to use the time of the ge ian of Pittsburg between the two extreme points mentiones; running all trains from New York to Chicago by this ae alone, in place of using successively the local times of Philadel- hia, Altoona and Columbus, as at present. Such a change would have already taken place during the last summer, eX°¢ ' for an unexpected cause of effected. ; The labors of this and of other American Observatories at tending to the same important end, that of the ultimate adop- tion of some single time for all the country east of the Missis- sippi, by which not only the railroads, but cities and the publie generally, will regulate themselyes. What point shall be chose? is of less importance than that some one shall be used and Un — , versally. : The subject is one which has hitherto attracted little public attention, but it does not seem unsafe to make the assertloPs that the causes which have almost insensibly effected such ® -siclbseag in England, will in a few years more bring it about re. Allegheny Observatory, Allegheny, Penn., Sept, 22, 1872. A. M. Mayer—Method of Detecting the Phases, etc. 387 Art. XLV.—On a method of detecting the phases of vibration in ) the air surrounding a sounding body; and thereby measuring | directly in the vibrating air the length of its waves and exploring | the form of its wave-surjace ; by ALFRED M. Mayer, Ph.D., Member of the National Academy of Sciences. Professor of Physics in the Stevens Institute of Technology. THE curve A, B*, B4 ete., is the well known symbolic repre- sentation of the dynamic condition of the air, at a given instant, when traversed by simple sonorous vibratiohs. Those portions of the curve above the axis OX represent the length and manner A BI B? B3 Bi B BE of the aerial condensations, while those flexures below the axis represent the rarefactions; therefore similar points of the flex- ures above the axis, or sim ints in the flexures below the axis, represent like phases of vibratory motion. Imagine these Conditions of the air produced by a vibrating at A; then tances from A, equal to any number of whole wave-lengths the B will, at the same moment of time, swing with A, but A; while at intermediate positions, on the line OX, the oscillations of B will be lagging somewhat behind or be slightly mm advance of the phase of A’s vibration. After this it is evident that if, by any means, we can see af. the same time the vibrations of A 8g of B, we will (if the received conception of the nature of a vibration’s propagation 1S Correct) see their motions just as has been described above, and will therefore be able to measure, directly in the air, a wave- h and to determine any wave surface enclosing a vibrating y- I have devised several processes. I will, however, here 388 A. M. Mayer—Method of Detecting the Phases of describe only two; the first, though impracticable, I speak of to render clear the general method of all; the second I give on account of its simplicity, ease of execution, and the superior accuracy of its numerical results. : Take two tuning forks giving the same note and having mirrors attached to their similar prongs; place one at A, the other anywhere on the line OX. Reflect a pencil of light from each mirror of the forks to a revolving mirror, whose axis of rotation is in a plane parallel to the planes of vibration of the forks. If the fork B, which vibrates sympathetically, be placed at B*, B*, BY, ete, then the two pencils reflected from the forks will, on striking the revolving mirror, be drawn into two sinuous curves, and the flexures of the two curves will run parallel to each other, that is, the curves will appear as the two rails of a sinuous railway; but, if the fork B be placed at B', B*, or B®, ete, then the sinuosities of the two curves will no longer be parallel but will be opposed; that is, where a flexure of one of the curves is concave on the left, the opposite flexure of the other curve will have its concavity on the right. If the fork B be placed at intermediate positions, in reference to those above stated, we will have neither concore ance nor opposition of the flexures, but intermediate eth depending on the fraction of half wave-lengths at which the sympathetic fork is placed on the line OX. F t is now readily seen that if we should place the fork B . two successive points, as B? and B‘, on the line OX, so tha exact concordance of flexures of the curves should be seen . each of these points, then evidently we have placed the fork . two positions removed from each other by a wave-length, for at these points the air had at the same instant the same phase © vibration. Thus we have measured a wave-length. pier more, if by any means we could move the fork B around so that during this motion it always preserved, in reference 10 A, the same relation of vibratory phase, we would have deter- mined the form of the wave-surface produced by the propas® tion of A’s vibrations. The above is an exposition of the thoughts that have ste ied my mind for several months, and they ultimately led to t : ollowing method, by which a!l I have narrated can be accom plished without any difficulty ; thanks to the inventive pouty of Mr. Konig, to whose skillful aid so many physicists are CO? tinually indebted. : ‘ch The membranes of Mr. Kénig’s manometric capsules ede us with surfaces which vibrate in perfect accordance with the air which touches them, and we can lead the impulses of ae membranes through gum tubes to gas jets waded | at any desir oint, where the vibrations of their ees , ean be com Thus they are far superior to the tuning forks, which require ee Vibrations in the Air surrounding a Sounding Body. 389 the relations of delicate adjustments to be maintained durin each change of position, and therefore forks could only wit culty be made to serve in the measure of a wave-length, and could not at all be employed to trace out a wave-surface on account of the impossibility of a continuous comparison of their vibrations, which latter condition the manometric flames admirably fulfill. The Experiments. eh quite close to and directly behind, the organ pipe again caused the serrations of its flame neatly to bisect the Spaces between the serrations of the organ pipe flame, and moy- Ing around the o ipe, with the resonator held at such distances from it that the bisections were steadily kept, I de- Scribed in space the wave surface of the sounding pipe i Surface I found approximately to be an ellipsoid with its foci 390 A. M. Mayer—Method of Detecting the Phases of at the top and bottom of the pipe. Nothing could be more satisfactory, and it was charming to behold how neatly the the serrations. I now substituted for the resonator an organ pipe, in every respect similar to the one on the bellows, and with it I repeated the wave-length measures previously made with the resonator; indeed the column of air in the pipe 12 my hand responded so perfectly to the sounding pipe that 1 thought it gave more marked results than those produced with the resonator. The manometric flame-micrometer. In'the experiments described above, we examined the appear: ances in the mirror with the unaided eye, and with it estimated when coincidences and bisections occurred ; but td obtain results of precision, a method was devised which determines neatly these critical points. For that purpose I have invented the following micrometer, founded on a beautiful suggestion of Dr. R. Radau, who thus describes in his excellent ‘1’ Acoustque (Paris, 1867, p. 272), a method of observing the flames of two similar sounding organ pipes. ‘We attach to the two pipes two of Kénig’s flames arranged so that the point of one flame fides its base, but which shows by reflection the base of the other flame. Th produces the illusion of a single flame. If now we observe this hybrid image in the revolving mirror while we sound the two pipes, the point separates from the base, which proves that the two flames shine alternately, and the one retracts while the other elongates; if the two tubes act on the same flame, t effect is null, and the flame remains immovable.” By placimg the above “small fixed mirror” on a divided circle; or °Y silvering its back and determining its angular displacements around a vertical axis by the method of Poggendorff,—that 18, by observing through a telescope, the reflections of a fixed scale m the back of the mirror,—we have devised a simple aD precise micrometer for ascertaining the amount of displacement of the resonator's flame. For, having once determined, for # given note, the amount of angular motion of the mirror requ to move the bases of the flames over the distance between the centers of two contiguous serrations we have the angular value of a displacement equal to that caused by moving the reson® tor through a wave-length, and a fraction of the turn requ I to-produce the above movement of the bases of the flames W) over a corresponding fraction of a wave-length. Thus cam be measured very anal fractions of a i ek Indeed, even with the unaided eye and without the use of the micromett? Vibrations in the Air surrounding a Sounding Body. 391 mirror I have distinctly detected a displacement of the flames on moving the resonator, (UT) over only 3 centimeters or 7th of a wave-length, and with the micrometer I feel assured that I can determine the wave-surface of a body giving the note UT, to one centimeter of its true position. Of course with higher notes we shall get a proportionally closer determination. But the object of this paper is not to present numerical results ; I reserve these for a subsequent communication, in which I will also present diagrams of apparatus and the appearances of the ames In various experiments. I will here remark that the success of the experiments de- pends on the resonator with its attached tube being in perfect unison with the organ pipe; also, the relative heights and posi- tions of the flames should be so adjusted that the sharpest definitions are obtained in the rotating mirror, and thus be able to detect and measure the effects of small changes in the position of the resonator ; but these and other manipulative details will readily occur to any physicist who repeats the experiments. Applications of the Method. lates of high theoretic interest which have heretofore been eemed beyond the reach of experiment. Its application to such are so numerous that they are almost co-extensive with the phenomena of sound. The actual experimental determination of wave-surfaces in free air and in buildings can now certainly be accomplished ; and such determinations may serve to extend our knowledge in the direction of giving the proper laws which should govern architects in their construction of rooms for public assemblies. the differences, if any, in the velocities of sound, corre- sponding to vibrations differing in intensities and frequencies, May be determined by the use of reflectors, and the direct Tom the capsules of pipe and resonator to contiguous jets, and adjust their flames to coincidence or to bisection of serrations; using for this purpose the manometric micrometer. Now sup- pose, for siipheuy: that the pipe gives 340 complete vibrations ma second; then, as the velocity of sound is 340 meters per Second, it is evident that in ath of a second an*aerial pulse will traverse one meter. Therefore, if all things else remain the 392s dd. C. Draper—Evolution of Structure in Seedlings. same, and we lengthen the resonator tube $ meter, the serrated flames of the resonator will be displaced } of the distance be- tween the centers of two contiguous serrations ; : be lengthened 1 meter, or one wave-length, the displacement will amount to the entire distance separating the centers of two contiguous serrations; and for n number of wave-lengths of elongation of tube, we shall have n number of such displace- ments. Thus can be measured a wave-length; and if the number of vibrations given by the pipe be accurately known, we can reach with the manometric micrometer an accurate determination of the velocity of sound. Finally, we are bold enough to believe that we have in the highest development of the method, a means of tracking 1 the air the resultant wave-surface of combined notes; and, 2 short, of bringing the exploration of acoustic space to approach somewhat to that precision of measurement which, for over half a century, has characterized the study of the eethereal vibrations producing light. September 21st, 1872. Art. XLVL—Growth or Evolution of Structure in Seedlings ; bY JOHN C. Draper, M.D. THE continuous absorption of oxygen, and formation of car- bonic acid, is an essential condition of evolution of structure, both in plants and in animals. : tl The above proposition in so far as it relates to es bis robably be admitted by all; the opposite opinion is, however, Pp y § ’ PP p to show that in these organisms, as in animals, growth as applied to evolu- e discussion of the proposition in question nec involves a preliminary review of the character of oe gases : : i. that they change their action according as they are examin die in the a ee or in the dark, exhaling oxygen under the first con®” tion, and carbonic acid under the second. Various explan® tions of this, change of action have been given, that generally - accepted accounting for it on the hypothesis of the absorptio® - J. C. Draper—Evolution of Structure in Seedlings. 898 of carbonic acid by the roots, and its exhalation by the leaves when light is no longer present. e change, on the contrary, appears to arise out of the fact that two essentially different operations have been confounded, viz: the actual growth or evolution of structures in the plant, and the decomposition of carbonic acid by the leaves under the influence of the light, to provide the gum or other materials that are to be organized. These two factors are separated by Prof. J. W. Draper in his disscusion of the conditions of growth ia plants. We propose to show that by adopting this proposi- on of two distinct operations in the higher plants, all the apparent discrepancies regarding the growth of these plants are explained. The growth of seedlings in the dark offering conditions in which the act of growth or evolution of structure is accom- ott without the collateral decomposition of carbonic acid, arranged two series of experiments in which growth under this condition might be studied and compared with a similar growth in the light. That the experiments might continue over ® sufficient period of time to furnish reliable comparative results, _Iselected peas as the subject of trial, since these seeds contain Sufficient material to support the growth of seedlings for a couple of weeks. or germination, viz., darkness, was secured ; the second, warmth, rl inders Shenae for each and keeping the level of the water the same in th. Since the upper part of each tube presented a similar opening 70° to 80° F., while regularity and uniformity in the ~ this the growth of the seedling was marked every twelve hours. Am. Joun. Sc1.—Turp Sertes, Vou. IV, No. 23.—Nov., 1872. . 25 394 = J. C. Draper—Hwolution of Structure in Seedlings. The hours selected were 7 A. M. and 7 P.M. I thus obtained the night and day, or dark and light growth of every seedling, as long as those in the dark grew. The seeds were planted on June lst, and appeared above the ground on June 6th, when the measurements were commenced. In each series one see failed to germinate; the record consequently is for four plants in each, and the history of the evolution of structures is as follows : Evolution of structure in the dark.—In Table I. the seeds are designated as A, B, C, D, and each column shows the date on which leaves and lateral growths appeared. These constitute periods in the development of the plants, which are indicated by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. The weight of each seed is given in milligrammes. Table L—Seedlings grown in the dark. A. B, Cc. Weight of seed. 43i. 436. 456. 500. Period 1, wth day. 7th day. 7th day. 7th day. s“ 2, 8th “ 9th “ 9th “ sth “ “ 3, 10th “ 10th “ llth “ 10th “ ee 12th “ 12th “ 13th “ 12th “ ee 14th “ 15th “ 15th “ 14th “ ech 17th “ isth “ 18th “ 17th “ , A glance at the above shows the uniformity as regards time with which the structures were evolved in each plant. It also indicates for each plant. an equality in the number of perl of evolution, viz., 6, notwithstanding the difference 1m the weights of the seeds; and suggests that the power of evolution of structure in seedlings resides in the germ alone. The character of the evolution in the six periods shows 4 steady improvement or progression. In the first, the growth consists of the formation close to the stem of two partially developed pale yellow leaves. The second period is similar to the first, except that the leaves are a iitte teres The third presents a pair of small yellow leaves close to the main stem, from between which a lateral stem or twig ree hich @ and the tendril three times as long asin the third. The fifth is like the fourth, except that the tendril bifurcates- The sixth is similar to the fifth, except that the tendril trifur eates. _ Stem, leaves, twigs, tendrils of various degrees of complexity, all are evolved by the force pre-existing. bs the germ without J. C. Draper—LEvolution of Structure in Seedlings. 895 Evolution of structure in. the light. Table IL—Seedlings grown in the light. E, F. G. Weight of seed. 288, 426. 462. : Period 1, _ 6thday. — 6th day. . 2, _ 7th. “ 7th day. ith “ >: 3, 8th “ 8th “ ah * 9th “ by 4, 12th: * 9th “ 10th “ 10th “ ‘y 5, 15th “ lith “ 14th “ 12th “ “ rea 13th “ Dt toto <3 14th “ 6, Table II. was obtained in the same manner as Table I, the While the general character of the evolution in both series t. In IL the leaves 455 of seeds in the dark produced 184 of dry plant, while 455. & light "“" 41g #4 A comparison of the parts below the ground with those above (both being dried at 212° F.) shows that the proportion of root to total weight of plant was also nearly identical ; being, 25 of root for 100 of plant in the dark, and os 8 100 : light. The close similarity in the evolution of visible structure in the light and in the dark, the small difference in the tot Weights of the plants grown in the same time in both series, and the close approximation in the proportional weight of root to re all justify the conclusion, that the growth in darkness and in light closely resemble each other, and that it is proper to reason as regards the nature of the action from the first to the second. “ Another interesting fact which lends support to the opinion that the process of growth in seedlings developed in the dark 896 =—s oS. C. Draper— Evolution of Structure in Seedlings. There remains an important argument concerning which nothing has thus far been said. It is to be derived from the consideration of the rate of growth in the light series during various periods of the day of twenty-four hours. If the evolu- tion of structure in a plant in daylight is the result of the action of light, that evolution should occur entirely, or almost entirely during the day. If on the contrary it is independent of the light, it should go on at a uniform rate as in plants m the dark. For the elucidation of this portion of the subject, I present the following tables; the first of which shows the growth by night, to 7 A. M. of the seedlings in the dark series, com pared with their growth by day, 7 4. uw. to7 P.M. The mea surements were taken from the sixth to the twentieth of the month, the day on which growth ceased in the dark series. Table II.—Seedlings grown in the dark. Night growth. Day growth. No. 1 122 inches, 14 inches. No. 2 133. ** 13> No. 3 1g « 11g ¢ No. 4 128 « ne Average, 12§ ‘© Average, 12% “ The total day growth and night. growth under these circum stances are nearly equal, though there is a slight excess 2 favor of the night, amounting as the table shows, to % of 4? inch in 12 inches. ; In Table IV. the growth of the light series is given in the same manner, by day and by night, for the same time, viz: 1 June 20th. The thermometric and hygrometric conditions 10 0th series were very similar, as indicated by the dry and wet bulb thermometers suspended in the vicinity of each set of J. C. Draper—Evolution of Structure in Seedlings, 897 Table [V.—Seedlings grown in the light. Night growth. Day growth. No. 5 34 inches. 4 inches, No. 6 Bogs a No. re 5 4 “ 4 4 74 No. 8 a a Average, 64 “ Average, 6 “ Having established the continuous character of growth in seedlings, and the similarity of rate and nature of the process by night and by day, and admitting that at night plants throw olf carbonic acid, it is not improbable that this carbonic acid arises, not from mechanical absorption by the roots, and vapori- zation by the leaves, but as a en result or concomitant of the act or process of evolution of structure, To put the matter in the clearest form, let us first under- Stand what growth is. It appears in all cases to consist in the evolution or production of cells from those already existing. According as the cireumstances under which the cells are pro- now we examine the evolution of cells under the simplest conditions, as for example in the fermentation that attends the manufacture of alcohol, we find that with the evolution of the torule cells carbonic acid is produced. The two results are intimately connected, and it is proper to suppose that since the carbonic acid has arisen along with the new cells, the latter Operation must in some way involve a process of oxidation. Accepting the hypothesis that oxidation is attendant on these processes of cell growth under the simplest conditions, we pass 398 = J. C. Draper—Evolution of Structure in Seedlings. to the examination of what occurs in the lower forms of veget- able organisms found in the air. The Fungi, and indeed all plants that are not green, with a few exceptions, exhale carbonic acid and never exhale oxygen. In this case, in which cell production often occurs with such marvelous rapidity, the carbonic acid must have arisen as a consequent of the cell growth. It is improbable that it has been absorbed by roots and exhaled from the structures, either in these plants or in those produced during fermentation. In the latter there never are any roots, and in the former, even where roots are present, they bear a small proportion to the whole plant. The quantity of moisture exhaled by such growths is also insignificant, and out of proportion to the car- bonic acid evolved. We must, therefore, in this case decline to accept the root absorption hypothesis, and admit that the carbonic acid has arisen as a result of the cell growth in the plant. that the evolution of their structures is inseparably attended y the formation of carbonic acid, and it seems imposs!D!® plant or animal, oxygen and evolve carbonic 4 ‘js or some other owidized substance, as an essential condition of the evolution of their structures. College of the City of New York, Sept. 12th, 1872. t E. Billings—“Note on a Question of Priority.” 399 Art. XLVIL—Rejoinder to Prof. Hall's Reply toa “ Note on a question of Priority” ; by EH. Bruuines. With regard to publication, I hold it to be the duty of at author who describes new fossils to make his work accessible to the public. If he fail to do this, he cannot claim priority over one who has published in the regular way. His work may be adopted as a matter of courtesy, but not to take precedence over fair publication. Prof. Hall’s pamphlet was not accessible to the public at the time my paper was published, and therefore his genus Rhynobolus cannot take priority over my genus Obole/lina. During the discussion that has taken Place it has been argued, with reference to publication, that ‘no determined rules or laws have been hitherto settled or followed.” On this point, I hold that there are laws which hot instituted by legislative enactment, and although they may be habitually transgressed by any number of unscrupulous persons. The law of publication is one of these. Every true haturalist instinctively feels and knows that such a law does ork fossils for comparison, and for that purpose have bought them, collected them myself, and sent others to collect them for me. But I only use them for comparison. I never described a new species collected in New York. On the other hand, Prof. Hall collects Canadian fossils, and goes further. He describes the new species. He 400 Peters—Elements of two Planets. even visited a party who, as he well knew, was collecting for our survey, and procured a collection from him. In his reply, he gives the reader to understand that he has refrained from describing Canadian species “ from a natural sense of propriety.” Where was this sense of propriety when he described the fossils from Cayuga, Canada West, in vol. iv, Pal. N.Y.; for instance, imputed to me. There is, besides the above, nothing in his reply but matter totally irrelative to the subject in dispute. Arr. XLVIIl.—Elements of Planets (122) and (128); by Prof. . H. F. Perers. From a letter to one of the editors, dated Litchfield Observatory of Hamilton College, Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y., October 15, 1872. would be of little value. TI have, consequently, computed their orbits, for each selecting from the series of observations three positions suitably distributed. The elements, which, on account of the length of the area employed, may be assumed to possess already a great degree of reliability, result as follows: (122) Gerda, from obs. Aug. 1, Aug. 28, and Sept. 24. Epoch: 1872, August 28-0, Berlin mean time. M, = 112° 59’ 34-63 == 2° 5’ 28074 m==208 12 1°76 pe = 6135218 68 == 178 56 41°89 eas eq. 18720 log a = 05081178 t= 1 36 16°85 (123) Brunhilda, from obs. Aug. 1, Aug. 27, and Sept. 25. Epoch: 1872, August 27-0, Berlin mean time. M, = 267° 54’ 28-70 p = 6° 30! 2332 We Tl GI 8208 pt = 8031187 8 = 308 42 13-02 {mea eq. 1872°0 log a= 074301512 (§o= 6 28 32°48 , Chemistry and Physics. 8 401 7 . * tion and eccentricity very small, a coincidence which is ped among the other known asteroids except in the orbit of yt, The orbit of Gerda is remarkable for having both the inclina- not n re-computing, for a check, the observations from the ele- aay the following insignificant differences remained (cale.— obs.) : - (122) Litres, 2928) Aa Ad Aug. 1 ~—001 -0%1 Aug. 1 —0°01 —0""1 Aug. 28 —0-02 00 Aug. 27 —0-04 —0°2 Sept. 24 ~0-04 —0'1 Sept. 22 —0°03 0:0 The planet (124) (named Abeste) a few days ago reached its stationary point, so that now its right ascension is increasing. Its brightness, now about 11-2 magnitude, will permit observa- tions for some time yet. SCIENTIFIC: INTELLIGENCE. J. CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 1. On the Chemical Efficiency of Sunlight ; by Jamns Dewar Esq. (Phil. Mag., Oct. 1872.)—Of all the processes proposed to pot one has yet sed in strictly dynamical meas 18 18 owing to the very small amount of energy to be measured necessitating very peculiar processes its recognition. The ecess ecul ; chemical actions generally induced by light are of the “Trigger” or “ Relay:” description—that is, bear no necessary relation to the i There is natural power envolved by the transformation. e one 7 ” So far as I'am aware, the following passage, extracted from Helmholtz’s Lectures “On the Conservation of ine ? F Must suppose that these chemical rays afford that amount of ~ 402 Scientific Intelligence. e T are absorbed by the green leaves of plants, and the energy which is stored up in the form of chemical force in the interior of the ants. We are not yet able to make so accurate a measurement of both these stores of energy as to be able to show that there is an equivalent proportion. We can only show that the amount of energy which the rays of the sun bring to the work is completely carbon which during one year, on the surface of a square foot m our latitude, can be produced under the influence of ‘solar rays. This quantity, when used as fuel and burnt to produce carbonic acid, gives so much heat that 291 Ibs. of water could be heated 1 N comes down during a year to one square foot is sufficient to raise the temperature of 430,000 Ibs. of water 1°C. The am of heat which can be produced by fuel growing upon on Mi foot during one year is, as you see from these figures, a very ea fraction of the whole amount of solar heat which can be produ by the solar rays. It is only the 1477th part of the whole are of solar light. It is impossible to determine the quantity of sir eat so accurately that we could detect the loss of so sm a fraction as is absorbed by plants and converted into other sagge of energy. Therefore, at present, we can only show that the sidering that active growth only takes place during five eee i the year, we may safely adopt ;4, of the total energy of ee as a fair value of the conserved power, on a given area of t : . earth’s surface in this latitude during the course of the pone As chlorophy] in one or other of its forms is the substance throug! which light becomes absorbed and chemical decomposition ¢™ i i a 0 sues, it would be interesting to acquire some ide the eg ed by a given erea of leaf-surface bacon. ple course of a day, and to compare this with the total availa ties, provided we could determine the equation of chemical trans Chemistry and Physics. 4038 Boussingault’s recent observations on the amount of carbonic acid decomposed by a given area of green leaf seem to me to afford interesting data for a new deter iMbnaion of the efficiency of sunlight. By experiments made between the months of January and October under the most favorable circumstances in atmo- spheres rich in CO2, one square ae ae of leaf was ey! ha a id in one hour, as a mean, 5°28 cub. centims. of CO®, in darkness to evolve. during the same period of time 0°33 bah centim . of CO?, In other words, one ie er metre of Ee The Giihaitity of avery e acid decomposed does not represent the whole work of sunlight for the time, as water is simultane- laborious researches on vegetable physiology, says, “Si l’on envi- Sage la vie végétale dans son ensemble, on est convaincu que la feuille est la premiére 6tape des glucoses que plus ou moins m odi- 8, on trouve répartis dans les diverses parties de l’organisme ; que e’est la feuille qui les élabore aux Sat de Pacide carbonique et de Peau.”"—dnn. de Chemie, tom. xiii, p 415. e funda- Mental chemical reaction taking place in the leaf may therefore be represented as follows Be UU. Be) ee ED ee OO (2 age FO mee" te OF tape sugar. : absorption of a large amount of energy ; : if we enue i i ‘0 Ay “HE, which can he shown to be very little, the calculated result is made & Maxim whereas the gongeneapian of (2) pte attended with an evolution of heat, diminishes considerably the amount of Power required, Happily Preakicod's he determination of the thermal value of grape-sugar leaves no doubt as to the true equiv- alent of work done in its formation. Taking the following * The rate at which the leaf functions is dependent on the luminous intensity. The relative amounts, apenas of carbonic acid decomposed through the action of the different colored rays are proportional to their luminous power; and the curve of mange cigeed is found to follow the curve of Fraunhofer. This proves that the sie ings we form of equal luminous impressions is in reality due to equal a, ; ; \ into two postions ° identical thermal effects by absorption. This does not prove = each ray has the total energy, but only that in all probability those at equal distances enter nda of te mea ve-length in ‘dis ndrinall ‘ght-epectrure of the nuh 404 Scientific Intelligence. thermal values CO,O = 68,000, H 2,0 =68,000, C®H!? O&= 642,000, 1 cub. centim. of CO? decomposed as in (i would require ramme-units of heat, or its mma srg alent, whereas the complete change into grape sugar of the same amount of carbonic acid requires only 4°78 gramme un ie "But , we ate seen before, 1 square decimetre of green leaf functions at "the rate of 5°28 cub. centims. of carbonic acid Paiiailat ed per hour; therefore 5°28 + 4°78 — 25-23 represents the number of gramme-heat-units con- served through the absorption of light in the above period of time. Pouillet estimates the mean total solar radiation per square decimetre exposed normally to the sun’s rays in or near Paris, per our, as 6,000 gramme-units, so that 6,000 — 25:23 = ats repre- sents the fraction of the entire energy conserved. The estimate is by no means too great, as Boussingault has shown the leaf may function at twice the above rate for a limited ames and as both sides of the leaf are included in the measurement of the green surface in his memoir, we ought to double the es for a leaf exposed perpendicularly to the sun’s rays, increasing the above as ig ig 3 120th art. nee has a strong absorptive action on the rays of light of low eee G just those rays that are in part selected by chloro- phyl), bic the well wn a lines of the we spectrum. 8 esence, refore, of varying quantities aqueous Vv epee in t pote cma in a atpodalod produces a con- siderable difference of rate in the osition ae iB the d pom sition. Thus the same plant in different ee con- ditions may gaboriie different substances. n the Law of Extraordinary a in Iceland he by a. G. soca M.A., Sec. R.S. (Proce. Roy. Soc.)—It 1s pee —— years since I carried out, in the case of Iceland ised met of examination of the law of refraction which I desert admit of scrutiny, across the two acute angles, in Pade of ore wave-normal within the crystal oe ig respectively iné india as of 90° and 45° to the axis. The he cut fa the referred by Thode to ‘to thé clea oe Pinkie and thereby t° axis. The =_ observed was the bright D of a soda-flame. Geology and Natural History. 405 The result obtained was, that Huygens’ construction gives the true law of double refrac tion within the limits of errors of obser- e I intend to prese sent to the vis ted Society a detailed account of the observations; but in the mean time the publication of this preliminary notice of the pelt obtained may possibly be useful to those Noe, Ses in the theory of double refraction.— Phil. Mag., IV, xliv 3. ok a new Galvanic Pile, of economic construction ; by M. Garrrr.—The high price of galvanic en and the difficulty of procuring them being often an obstacle to the applications which might be made of them, I essayed the ‘aoc of de- vising an apparatus that one could make anyw without the aid of the professional workman, with pis sen Alte of little value, widely spread in commerce, and possessing the essential quality of so roqpte im ae effects. é m, used som years since on tele graphic lines ; but its elements are different. It co sists = a aa into which dip two rods—one of lead, the other of zinc. The leaden “ne aod ape to the bottom ; the zinc is eotelk. shorter. The bot the vessel is coated with red oxide of lead (minium); hid te — liquid is water Te 10 per cent of hablorby arate amm & bun the cent ag of zine formed does not sensibly alter the con- ductivity of the exciting liquid; , ts constancy is reci finally expense is almost nothing when the circuit is open.— Com oe ae de _— d. des pene Je ne 15, 1872, p 120.— Phil. Mag., ;x Il. Grotogy AND NatTuRAL History. 1. Discovery Mf Fossil Quadrumana in the Eocene of Wyom- ing ; by O. C. Marsu.—An examination of more complete apo mens of some of the extinct Mammals already described by th Writer from the Eocene deposits of the Rocky Mountain region, clearly indicate that among them are several representatives of the yl er obs asdgarpens Although these remains differ widely from all forms of that group, their mite Big al tant iat 9 lard that the og should be placed with t $ coer » Thinolestes, anit Fidos olenn, en. ave the principal parte of the skeleton much as in some of t the cor. Tespondence in man the er bones being very close. The anterior part of the lore jaws is similar to that of the Marmosets, 406° Scientific Intelligence. but the angle is more produced downward, and much inflected. The teeth are more numerous than in any known Quadrumana. Some of the species have apparently forty teeth, arranged as fol- lows: Incisors = canines * premolars and molars i A full de- scription of these interesting remains, the first of the order detected in this country, will be given by the writer at an early day. Yale College, Oct. 7th, 1872. 2. Note on a new genus of Carnivores from the Tertiary of Wyoming ; by O. C. Marsu.—Additional remains of the large Carnivore described by the writer, on page 203, as Limnofelis from L. ferox. The canines and premolars of the lower jaw some- what resemble those in the Hyena, but there were only two inc i 3. Notice of a New Reptile from the Cretaceous; by O. ©. Marsu.—An interesting addition to the Reptilian fauna of the as is avery small Saurian, which differs widely from any hitherto discovered. The onl possess. e planted in distinct sockets, and are directed obliquely backward. ach j and with very acute summits. The rami were united in front : re is no distinct groove on their mner surface, as in all known Mosasauroids. The dentigerous portio? of jaw i i i st an coverer, Professor B. F. Mudge, who found the remains 10 the upper Cretaceous shale of Western Kansas. Yale College, Oct. 7th, 1872. / 4. ent Eruption of Mauna Loa; by Rev. Trrus COAX: (From a letter to J. D. Dana, dated Hilo, Hawaii, Aug. 27,1872). —On the night of the 10th inst. a grand and lofty pillar of lig # rose from the summit of the mountain to the height of some 2,000 feet. This was directly over the great terminal crater, Mokua- weoweo. It was most distinctly seen at first from Kilauea and Geology and Natural History. 407 On the evening of the 13th we had the first perfect view from Hilo. The illuminated. cloud of steam and gases which hung over the crater sometimes rose in a well-defined vertioal column to a great height, and then the higher portion would. expand, forming an inverted cone; again it seemed lighted up above the mountain and Lg out like an umbrella over the crater. The changes of form, the expansion, ela bagi and convolutions of the . BAS pile, could be distinctly marked, and also the rapid variations in brilliancy dependent on the greater or less intensity of the Ber lavas in the abyss nee tis now seventeen days since we first saw the eruption, and still the great furnace is in full blast. The action is, evidently, intense, Of all the demonstrations made in this vast ee on the summit of the mountain since our yest in Hilo, have equalled this in magnitude, in vehem HES in rane 8 yet It 1s confined to the deep crater ; ee we kn ot whether the terrific forees now raging in this abyss will rend the walls f the mountain and let out a flow of lavas to the eS or De their fury within the recesses of the mountain. e from the border of the ial must now be fearfully g : Tam ashamed to say, that, so far as we Aarne no one me yet visited the region ‘of eruption, jaf ite o py age (nearly 72), in ‘ta mily, I hould before this tanch of Reed and Richardson in Kapapala, Kau, you can aie up on horseback. in a Lome I hope soon to hear that some one has been to the samm Ten thousand ect below the summit fires is Kilauea. This crater ha n very active of late. The south lake, which Was so dee en I last wrote you, has long been filled, and it has over many times, sending off broad streams of incan- reat Southern portion of Kilauea, van cones that uff and screech 23d inst., a tidal wave. It occurred at a calm, e sea in our ae rose silently and rapidly, like an sboqming tide, to the height of four pet ine pais Ina ix minutes it had Wing fainter, until the “ia Tees to its normal condition. e had no earthquake at the e have had occasional slight earthquakes of late, but no Severe periee 5. Ascent of Mauna Loa to the scene of Eruption.—The fol- lowing i is an extract from an account of the ascent of Mauna Loa Yo the place of et ag published in the Pacific C eamnainegae Advertiser of Sept. 2 408 Scientific Intelligence. The summit.—Before us lay a rugged plain, a two miles in diameter, of black lava, overlaid in many places with fields of brown a-a, and everywhere torn into unheard of shapes by the fierce power that had upheaved the whole. To our right rose a remarkable Be poe! or sry showing black against the sky. On every hand deep crevices, and spent waves of lava had dashed coirester i in tye riad shapes, and so congealed: Hurry- ing on as well as we were able, we final ly reached a cul-de sae, formed by a branching a-a flow, and here we dismounted, and tethered our animals for the night. This done, we took our way five hundred yards over a ehh strip of rugged lava, and all at once pee upon the edge of the Crater of Mie caob sind ACI e before us, at our feet as it were, yawned a terrific chasm, with black perpendicular walls eure the eye daw some 800 feet, to where, in the inky black- of the lower basin, sprung up in glorious sparkling light, self- sang a mighty fountain of clear molten lav Referring to the en er published herewith the reader will find that we reached the crater’s edge on or ‘eastern side at the point marked by the outline of a tent. The nt walls that en- circle the pit, marked a, on our side fell jpedpanidhiouldety about five hundred feet, wiiie on the opposite or pias side they descended nearer eight hundr ed, to where the plateau marked 8 form eda pons to the crater, broken down again to form " the pit marked c, : general shape of the central crater, Mokuaweoweo, was an ws? lar ellipse, rather more than three-quart ers of a mile through i cs etd axis, by about a mile and a quarter from the dividing bye arked by a dotted line on the left, that separated it from F, 7 proce known as Pohaku Hanalei, to a similar though not so we ebay artition wall on the ri ht hand et joined to it the crater poking id ‘J air ec fro liquid lava, surpassin on beautiful to gaze upo 3 fiery fountain, a ak incline of ae thrown up by this Geology and Natural Efistory. 409 lower basin, The basin itself oceupied about one-third of the space bounded by the ancient walls of the crater. _ Flowing down the sides of the symmetrical cone that the fall- ing stream of lava was rapidly forming were many bright rivers . 2 # Sented a unique and beautiful appearance. On the extreme right entire area of the basin was overflowed by the melted lava. e us, and called frequently to each other to note when some tall jet, rising had reached the summit level of the mountain, we heard the muffled roar of the long pent up gases as they rushed out of the opening which their force had rent in the basin’s solid bed. And now that we were in full view of the grand display, Sparkling upward jet rising with tremendous force from out an meandescent lake. Following up the glowing stream, we saw it arch itself and pour over as it were in one broad beautiful cas- Cade. While the ascending stream was almost silvery in its intense brightness, the falling sheet was slightly dulled by cooling, and thus the two were ever rising, falling, shooting up in brilliant 8. Voleanie Energy: An Attempt to develop its true Origin ad Cosmical Relations ; by Roserr Mauiet, F.R.S. (Proce. Am. Jour. Gage 3 Srrigs, VoL. IV, No. 23.—Nov., 1872, 410 Scientific Intelligence. Roy. Soc., No. 136, 1872). (Abstract). 7 yao author passes in eo review the principal theories which in modern times have proposed to account for voleanic activity, The chemical theory, which owed its partial acceptance chiefly to the fame of Davy, may be dismissed, as all known facts tend to show that the chemical ene rgies of the materials of our globe were almost wholly exhausted prior to the consolidation of its 2 se s The mechancial theory, which finds in a nucleus still in a state of liquid nen a store of heat and of lava, ete., is only tenable on the admission of a very thin solid crust ; and even caeomgl a crust of about 30 miles thick it is difficult to see how surface-water is to gain access to ” fused nucleus, yet without water there can be no volcano. More recent investigation on the part of mathe-. maticians has been su panel to prove that the earth’s crust is not thin. Attaching little value to the calculations as to this, based on precession, the author yet concludes, on other grounds, that the solid crust is probably of great thickness, and that, although there is evidence of a nucleus much hotter than the crust, there is certainty that any part of it remains liquid; but if so, it is in any case too deep to render it conceivable that poe wb should make its way down to it. The results of geological spent and of physico- snathemationl reasoning thus oppose each other, 8° that some source of volcanic heat closer to the erage venana be sought. The h hesis to supply this, pro Hopkins and adopted by Piel viz: of i ooeaea pay bts taleos of liquid matter infusion at no great depth from the surface remaining fuse unded b for ages, surroun y colder and solid rock, and with (by hyp thesis) access of surface-water, the author views as feeble a ub- sustainable. bie source, then, for voleanic heat remains still to be found ; if found under conditions admitting to it water, opel? of cra sea, all known phenomena of volcanic action on our earth’s face are explicable. author points out various relations and points of connec tion pecirece voleanic phenomena, seismic phenomena, and the lines of mountain elevation, which sufficiently indicate ‘hat they are all due to the play of one set of cosmical forces, thoug ferent in degree of energy, which has been constantly decaying with time. He traces the ways in which the contraction of our globe a been met, from the period of its original fluidity to the prese” state: first, by deformation of the spheroid, he oi generall e oar, of mountain elevation ine C. Prevost was the oaly 1 true one—that which asc ribes ang d solid crust of sufficient uced by the ressures pone prod Geology and Natural History. 411 go cleus, the work expended in mutual crushing and dislocation of its : ; p ments completed by him:—the one on the actual amount of heat capable of being Es Species of rocks, chosen so as to be representative of the whole series of known rock formations from Oolites down to the hardest erys- talline rocks; the other, on the co-efficients of total contraction between fusion and solidification at existing mean temperature of the atmosphere of basic and acid slags, analogous to melted roc The latter experiments were conducted on a very large scale, and the author points out the great errors of preceding experi- menters, Bischoff and others, as to these co-efficients. By the aid of these experimental data, he is enabled to test the theory produced when compared with such facts as we possess as to the rate of present cooling of our globe, and the total annual ees of volcanic action taking place upon its surface and within crust. He shows, by estimates which allow an ample margin to the best data we possess as to the total annual vulcanicity of all sorts of our globe at present, that less than one fourth of the total heat at present annually lost by our globe is upon his theory sufficient _ to account for it; so that the secular cooling, small as it is, now S0lng on is a sufficient primum mobile, leaving the greater portion 412 Scientific Intelligence. still to be dissipated by radiation. The author then brings his views into contact with various known facts of vulcanology and seismology, showing their accordance. : e also shows that to the heat developed by partial tangential thrusts within the solid crust are due those perturbations of hypo- geal increment of temperature which Hopkins has shown cannot eferred to a cooling nucleus and to differences of conductivity alone. He further shows that this view of the origin of volcanic heat is independent of any particular thickness being assigned to the earth’s solid crust, or to whether there be at present a liquid fused nucleus, all that is necessary being a hotter nucleus than far unexplained fact that the elevations upon our moon’s surface, and t vast when compared with those upon our globe. Finally, he submits that if his view will account for all the 7. Solvent action of water. From the Anniversary Address of J. Prestwich, President of the Geological Society, February, 1872.— ed with the solvent action of the water on the strata it bndinin The analyses, made for the Commission by Drs. Frankland an ames water at Ditton gives 20-78 grains per gallon of solid residue. It was also shown by Drs. Letheby and baling and Professor Abel that the unfiltered waters of the Thames Companies, which take oO ORS Sp SE Ae a gee a Ae pea Geology and Natural History. 413 Some general estimates have already been made by Professors Ramsay and Geikie of the quantity of mineral matter carried down in solution by the THames ; but the more exact data supplied to the Commission enables us to make some additions to previous results. Taking the mean daily discharge of the Thames at King- down by the Thames every twenty-four hours is equal to 3,364,286 Ibs, or 1502 tons, which is equal to 548,230 tons in the year. Of this daily quantity about two-thirds, or say 1000 tons, consist of carbonate of lime, and 238 tons of sulphate of lime; while limited Proportions of carbonate of magnesia, chlorides of sodium and potassium, sulphates of soda and potash, silica and traces of iron, alumina and phosphates constitute the rest. If we refer a small portion of the carbonates, and the sulphates and chlorides chiefly, to the impermeable argillaceous formations washed by the rain- Water, we shall still have at least 10 grains per gallon of carbonate of lime, due to the Chalk, Upper Greensand, Oolitic strata, and Maristone the superficial area of which, in the Thames basin above Ingston, is estimated by Mr. Harrison at 2072 square miles. Therefore the quantity of carbonate of lime carried away from this area by the Thames is equal to 797 tons daily, or 290,905 tons annually, which gives 140 tons removed yearly from each square mile; or, extending the caleulation to a century, we have a total removal of 29,090,500 tons, or of 14,000 tons from each square e of surface. Taking a ton of chalk, as a mean, as equal to 15 cubic feet, this is equal to the removal of 210,000 cubic feet per century for each square mile, or of +, of an inch from the whole Surface in the course of a century, so that in the course of 13,200 years a quantity equal to a thickness of about 1 foot would be temoved from our Chalk and Oolitic districts. 8. Correlations of the Coal Measures of Britain, France and Belgium. From the Annive Address of the President of the Geological Society, Joseru Presrwicu, F.R.S., February, 1872.—It may be asked if any correlation can be established be- tween the coal measures of Bristol and South Wales, and those of i ing mass of from 2000 to 3000 feet of rock called Pennant exists in both the Welsh and Bristol coal field; and the total mass of Coal-measures is not very different, it being, say, 10,500 feet in the one, and 8500 in the other, and there being in Wales 76, and in Somerset 55 workable seams of coal. In the Hainaut (or Mons 414 Scientific Intelligence. and Charleroi) basin, the measures are 9400 feet sap. with 110 seams of coal; in the Liége basin 7600 feet, with 85 seams; and in Westphalia 7200 Sor with 117 seams. On is other hand, none of our central or northern coal basins, with the exception of the Lancashire field, aesond half this thickness, and more generally are nearer one fourth. Further, the difference which exists be- orth steam, and smiths’ coal in the a equally exists between our northern coals and those of Belgium, which latter show, on the one hand, close affinities with see of Wales and Bristol. I am informed by two experienced Belgian hoe ing ets hat and nomical purposes. Organic remains afford us a little help; but not sufficient is yet known of their relative distribution. The ) elgiu similarity of mass and structure, uniformity of subjection to like oe was in ihe north ak the cc cinaitiows fitted for the formation of coal first set in. The common Stigmaria ficoides and various ats aera Pe appear oat the base of the Carboniferous or i uedian series of Northumberland, which there overlies con- Fornably the Tesies Old Red Sandstone ; and productive beds of coal exists low down in the Moaataindiimestone series. ese ri the coal fiooth: me in eatlier in the Seth, it seeme to have been P rolonged further south, under more favorable conditions, to @ ater period. What those conditions were—whether the proximity of a greater land-surface, of a longer and aes subsidence, wit more numerous rests—we cannot yet pretend to to say. 9. Recent Observations in the Bermudas ; by MatruEew JONES. —As my late visit to these islands has placed me in possession facts relating to their original aspect of a somew . conclusive nature, I deem it advisable to communicate sis in a brief form instead of awaiting the time spew for the separates bof a more elaborate paper on the = On previous occasio 2a always regretted my inability, from lack of time, to jade ate aonb into their geological ¢ acter in the hope of discovering some satisfactory clue to thelr primitive condition. I oi aware that in different parts of the Geology and Natural History. 415 tion, to conceive that such layers of red earth were first formed 4 surfaces, and became covered to their respective depths by accu- l natural causes hardened Indeed, I have always been led to suppose from appearances that the whole group was the result of an upheaval of the ocean bed slightly above the water level, and a gradual elevation afterward into which contained stalactites and red eart Again within the last few months, I have, through the kindness of his Excelleney aio General Lefroy, C.B., F.R.S., the present Governor, lneod in : : : ing the past two years extensive submarine blastings have — extremity of the islands, for the purpose o at a of suffi- lent depth for the reception of the “Great Bermuda Dock,” which attracted so much attention off Woolwich when launch e 4 layer of red earth two feet in thickness, containing remains of i compact esi gag . 416 Scientific Intelligence. hat é eht feet will bring the whole space which intervenes between the present land and the ra erly direction—not only out to the reef, but to a greater distance. ore canus) which now inhabits them, were in the habit every evening of winging their flight from the main island toward the north. habit of this bird to leave its roosting place for distant feeding rounds during the day, to return at random, is one of its well- to support the supposition that the Bermudas once presented a much gore extensive aspect than they do at present, and certain addi- tional evidences which I hope to Fe forward shortly in a collec form, will, I conceive, tend to confirm my impression that th uri which extended in somewhat semicircular form for a distance of aoyenty or eighty miles, and which have suffered submergence sal a depth only to be correctly ascertained by borings, which might be successfully accomplished under the auspices of the Govern- ment at a triflmg expence.—Wature, Aug. 1. 10. History of the names Cambrian and Silurian in Geology, by T. Srerry Hunr. 64 pp. 8vo. From the Canadian Nat uralist for April and July, 1872.—Prof. Hunt has here made valuable contribution to historical geology. But the conclusion of the whole matter that the name Cambrian should be now BH” in this and other lands for the Primordial or part of it, because this would be in accordance with “historic truth,” does not se¢e™ note Rak r to follow. __ In England, the so-called Cambrian has turned out, as Hee a —— Primordial in its upper half at least—a part now call 2 Geology and Natural History. 417 the Menevian group,* with the underlying Harlech grits; that is, it contains Paradoxides and the same range of generic cokes that Barrande and others had previously found in the European Pri- mordial ; and a transfer, therefore, of all to the Primordial was natural. But Prof. Hunt says, after alluding to the views of some others, that Barrande’s course “is a still greater violation of his- toric truth, ” as if error which history had made venerable might never ge eradicated from science, The term Silurian, as used in Great Britain, has included a wide nics es formations, from the Lingula Flags to the top of the Ludlow group, and all this in spite of a wide range in the tribes of fossil species, and notwithstanding the gevcomma ity between the Upper and Lower Silurian. Now the Lingula Flags pass into the Cambrian without break or unconformability, and with but a small Boat a in the life. wWelaa good sg api — is there for is slaving “historic truth” as much as to throw the Primordial sup. ‘Historic truth,” in fact, has little weight in the action, _ though eine. Whi as regards t the labors of two ity fo ll. Report of the Geological Survey of the State of 8 Ham reat °f shire, showing its progress during the year 1871; Hisshiea i Ph.D. 56 P. - Nashu aa, x H., is13—Prot ite : is accompanied b by a colored a3 owing the areas occupie the different kings of roc ere are ae desoripaons of oe hee (Conocephaliter) ariolaris, C. icks, C. ‘anon C. (?) hum- 7s, Pein age (near Conocoryphe) ‘peimordiaiis, Agnostus princeps, itia Solvensis Jones, unctatus, Leperdi See further, Quart Jo ur. Geol. Soc., xx, 233, xxi, 476, xxv, 51, xxviii, 173 and Rep. Brit. Assoc. ice 1866, 1866 and 1868. 418 Scientific Intelligence. rocks, and a number of analyses of the contained feldspar. The Report also fos oe very valuable tables of heights along different railroads, and in the mountains. ere are brief accounts also of iron-ore in Bartlett, and the alluvial gold of Ladin Stream. Th preparation of the final — Report on the geology of the State Is stated to have been be 12. Memorie per servire calla Deserizione della Carta Geologica @ Italia, Ae tis a cura del R. Comitato Geologico Vol.L 364 pp. 8vo.—A beautiful volume of Italian geological memoirs, ithiseenbed by a geological — of the Island of Elba, 13. On the Occurrence of Nativ aan Acid in Eastern Texas; by J. W. Matret, Ph.D. (Proc. Brit. Assoc., 1872.)— Not far from the Gulf of Mexico, and within twenty-five or thirty miles to the westward of t eches river, there occur at several of open prairie—small drainage-wells and shallow pools of water T strongly sour to the taste. is sourness is due to the presence of free sulphuric acid, which is ae by various salts, esp ially aluminium an sulpb At most of these oe n gases are continually ecapitig (hydrogen sulphide, marsh gas, 4 carbonic anhydride), the bubbles burning readily on the application of a light. 1g At the bottom of the water in some instances, as at one — where, by means of an artificial bank, a pond has been formed 0 some 250 feet in diameter, known locally as the “sour lake,” an A iety of p ‘ rounding soil, occasionally to such an extent that sods taken Up with a _ ‘are set on fire and used to give light in the open air at ni Ata a point in Louisiana some fifty or — miles further east, where, however, the acid water does not oceur, though combusti- nore or less mingled with calcium carbonate, and underlaid nt The circumstances connected with "the occurrence © of le A gether | in this region of combustib etroleu sulphur, g reg gio us as Pp F ts e walphatio acid Near “witch seems to be pense sal h a Foes Soa by Dr. Mallet sitaiaet o less than ye grms. sulphuric acid (H,SO,) to the Btie or 370 grs. from imperial gallon, this exceedi ng any" amount hitherto —— Geology and Natural History. 419 other es unless the acid spring of the Paramor de Ruiz, in New anada, be an exception, examined b wy, who does not “i pr he oa how much of the very large aati of sulphuric acid is uncombined with bases. The water of the Rio Vinagre, gi npeaiesy a Sewn Tale from North Carolina ; by Mr. Apvexr, of the Laboratory of the University of Virginia. (Chemical News, No. 654.)\—Among the minerals referred to there was a very beautiful “soapstone, from the Nantahela Moun- tains, 8 miles from the mouth of Nantahela River, Swayne Co. {formerly Cherokee Co.), N. C.” It had been sawn _ slabs -d about 14 inches thick, was very uniform in character, compac with indistinct traces of foliated siaceture, white with a faint ay ish shade, lustre pearly, streak white, moderately Se greasy to the touch, hardness = about 1 1°25, sp. gr. == 2°82. Itr sembled nephrite. Analysis afforded: Silica 57-72, magnesia 33°76, alu- mina 2°52, iron — gee: so a 60110065 If the silica, magnesia, and w lone be considered, the +iH, numbers ac EE resid re re the formula (SMO O),S The 6h ss gp is obviously oni from the foliated tale from Webster, Jackson Co., N. C., analyzed by Genth — Jour., I, q 3). In the latter “ per cent of nickel oxide was foand, and but 0°34 per cent of wate In the aaaceak now described there is no nickel. ae) of Virginia, March 12, 1872. Leucite.—Prof. vom Rath, the excellent e Ahern Stel Sond sf ons. has found, through the examination of a twi crystal, a: Well as by méastroutent that the crystals of Pesog instead of son aera! trapezohedrons, are really tetragon he occurrence in recent Pine timber of oe te hy trocarbon hitherto known only in a fossil state; by W. ALLET, Ph.D. (Proc, Brit. Assoc., 1872.)—Some nearly colorless crystalline crusts, found in clefts between the und to agree ecu i in physical and chemical properties with the fichtelite of romeis and Clark, and on seabyeia yielded— ar n f * of of oe 7* 87°8 ae Cioticiets Hydrogen in og with the foemnlar 2(C, H 3 The fusing-point was found 420 Scientific Intelligence. Botanical Publications and Intelligence.—Among the pub- sett ee ee come to hand the most important to American botanists 1 enera A aw an Arrangement of the North American Lichens, by renee Tuckerman, M.A. Amherst: Edwin Nelson. 872. pp. xv, 281, 8vo.-—This small volume contains the i and long- Ae yi! results at many years of earnest study, a and completed. Then our students of lichens, and those who would fain be such, will for the first time be supplied with er books for the study, and those of the very highest order of meri print and paper are truly excellent, and if, as the imprint in cates, the composition and press-work were done in a coun office, ae . regs derfi The a of British India, by J. D. Hooxsr, CB. &e., sessed ee es Botanists. Part L . 208, 8vo. London: : L. Reeve & Co, 1872.—The Indian Flora is here begun saath “in a form po scope 8 with a vigor which render its completion hope : os f Dr. Thomson’s Indian Flora, being CSR RDE g on account of the long Geatianed ill-health of the latter and the manifold other duties % e former, the task is now taken up m dvantageously in 8 nee — that of the other British Colonial floras, but still aie eed, messy on the model of Dr, Hooker's Flora ° ndian species are described in it. The present half wee begins with Pieindidanas and ends with Polygala ae te Tho omson’s nam : : i A. W. perk its : oe a Monthly Record of e! togamic Botany and Literature; edited by M. A. Cooke, M.A. Williams & Norgat® 8vo. In parts of 16 3; sixpe nee a number; five shillings * ___- year. —Three num Ful y—September, are before us; each has a plate, colored or plain; ~~ although Sans naturally predomi Geology and Natural History. 421 nate in the letter-press, the other lower SE et rs tod _— share of attention. The characters of the Fungi des f th the State of New York, are here reproduced. A series of articles by the veteran mycologist mish wee describing North American Fungi, begins i in the thir n fact, A Cr latter now published relates mainly to the Alsinew of the World, from Mexico southward, and is edited by Dr. Garcke. It is seldom wise to print posthumous manuscript which is not m8 completed by the author. For instance, Lastarriwa o here included in the MUecebree or Paro nychiec, with the sea that, although Remy, with all the characters before him, had referred the genus to the Polygonacew, Mr. Bentham had cor- rectly transferred it to the former order, and had even been antici- pated by Kunze and ~~ ss.) by Kunth. If Rohrbach, and still more, Bentham, had really noticed the orthotropous ovule and Seed, , they could hardly fave failed to see the Polygonaceous ee apes The genus, as we have elsewhere indicated, is as it were & Chorieunite without . distinct gamophyllous involuere, “but with perianth imitati epg DeCandolle in eee ser bsoper publishes careers o his w Piperace ich have notice said e the psc tation = that neve: in the pi iparese ay It re ns W ops. olanderi,” from California, —_— on s sodiaeche Frio ee and this abe vol. 18, part i, gh index lees: ec: synopsis of all the known Ameri n species is a great he p. Fascicle 58, which completes the sistant part of vol. - » ea oe Phyto- remarks agin Caspary) that in all the pentamerous species of a the second te faces oe axis, while in Aldrovranda the ird ond superposed to the enol D. intermedia cs e., D. longifolia L., var. Americana) extends to Brazil, where D. graminifolia represents our northern D. filiformis. Fascicle 59 is a very t ne; it contains only the isetacece, which were elaborated = the late Prof. Milde, sind the two sheets were re printed more t 422 Scientific Intelligence. two years ago. They have been awaiting Prof. Braun’s account of the Rhizocarpece and Isoetes, which, when issued, will complete the volume of the higher Cryptogamia. ; of. Hofmeister has accepted the botanical chair at Tiibingen, vacated by the death of Von Mohl; Dr. Sachs succeeds Hofmeis- Kiel. Prof. Kerner has been transferred from Innspruck to the University of Prague. By a misprint in the July number of this ournal, the name of the late Dr. Wight was given as Dr, Wright. Herbarium of the late Dr. Curtis—A biographical notice of gt ous ; the types of the hundreds or even thousands of species which Dr. Curtis has described, or at least determined and catalogued. Its Bentham and Hooker’s Genera Plantarum, vol. 2.—We bere seen more of the earlier sheets of this volume, the first part © G , so a text-book upon Chemical Technology, we UY that more attention will be paid to teaching it systematically 1 our schools of science, | _ _ 18. On Beavers and Beaver Dams in Mississippi ; = Mr. (From a letter to one of the editors, date¢ Ray ; ppi, Sept. 12.)—I have resided in ss Astronomy. 423 prenty since 1837, now for Bonny pant pa years. When I came som. avers here, it was replied, that there were a few, but no could then tell me where there, was one of their dams in this mee uoThoed, And yet by the year 1850, their dams were to be found in nearly all the streams in the county, that were not so small as to become dry during our long summers, or two large for the operations of the beaver. They continued to increase, greatly to the injury of most of our low land, and to t ope ance of its cage pecs In 1858 or 1859, a rofessional trapper from Wisconsin, if I a not mistaken, caught seven oerere or eighty beavers in this wie in less than a mo ti They are pa increasing in this county, as I have no doubt they are in all the ties of central Mississippi and Alabama, and sea datitely chrosahiat both States. I have no doubt that, in inds county, they are more than half as numerous as the popula- tion. I now write in the Court House of the county, and they can be found in sight of it, and at a less distance than one mile. Ill. Astronomy. ectrum of the Aurora; by Evwarp I Hoxpen, - Lieut. obtained; then Maik a wide slit it was turned on the aurora, a the foltocin sketch ogy which was carefully verified, so that it Tepresents exactly what I Blue. M > The —— MN is what I conceived to be the length of the Spectrum given by my instrument under usual conditions. The Violet (extreme) rays seemed cut off, and I saw 1° a broad and bright red band CR), 2a 24 a black space equal in width to it (B), 8 4 green and bright band (G) nearly as wide, then a faint of » ace Hight, om = bright line in the blue (1), ‘hen a bright ie gib] t whose color could not be ee nce owe (2). The. relative Serie for my instrument are kept in the drawing. 424 Miscellaneous Intelligence. Ithen opened Angstrdm’s “Spectre Normal,” and saw that he gave the auroral line as in the yellow. I observed this green line again, and cannot persuade myself that it was yellow. The black space I am i i IV. MIscELLANEOUS ScIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. 1. Institute of Technology, Boston.—Prof. T. Sterry Hunt, for twenty-five years connected with the Geological Survey of Canada, has entered upon his duties as Professor of Geology in the Insti- tute of Technology. ites Annual Rep. of the Director of the Meteorological Obser- vatory, Central Purk, New York. 42 pp. 8v the close of this excellent Report there is a series of synoptic charts, one each month of the year, giving the mean height of the barometer, that of the thermometer, and the strength of the wind for the month. : 3. Hayden’s Geological Exploration in the Rocky Mountains. —A letter from Dr. Hayden, dated Gallatin City, Montana, “— 10, states that his two parties have been successful in their phate at every point; and that no accident or sickness has occurre™ Dr. Hayden’s branch of the exploration will have for the Report map of a territory 10,000 square miles in area, with contour lines of 100 feet. the 30th October, in his 47th year. He had recently returned from the meeting of t ican Dubuque. residence at Swanton, in Northern Vermont, as pastor of ' led to his examining into its geology, and especially t . : i observer. P Joun F. Frazer, LL.D., Professor of Natural Philosophy Chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania, died on Satu By afternoon, at a quarter before three o’clock, of heart disease. further notice will be given in our next issue. ogy of Lower Louisiana and the Salt Deposit on Petite Anse Islant ard, Ph.D., Prof. Chem., Uniy. Mississippi. 34 pp- 4t0- R- . ic carl oo gqtom™ AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ARTS, [THIRD SERIES] Art. XLIX.—On a simple and precise method of measuring the wave-lengtis and velocities of sound in Gases ; and on an appli- cation of the method in the invention of an Acoustic eler ; by Atrrep M. Mayer, Ph.D., Professor of Physics in the Stevens Institute of Technology. _ The measurement of the wave-length.—Without any consid- eration as to the velocity of sound or the number of vibra- tions producing a given note, we can accurately measure the wave-length of the note by the following simple arrangement of apparatus, which is an instrumental simplification of the method first used by Zoch (Pogg. Ann., vol. exxviii, p. 497.) .. On the acoustic bellows fix an organ pipe, and place opposite its mouth a Helmholtz resonator responding to its note. of the manometric flame-micrometer* adjust the two flames so that their serrations Se coincide when viewed in a cubical evolving mirror. Now suppose, for simplicity, that the pipe ives 342 complete vibrations in one second ; then, taking the Velocity of sound at 842 meters per second (at 15° C.), it will Tequire ;}, of a second for an aerial pulse to traverse one ._* See “On the method of detecting the phases of vibration in the air surround-— ing a sounding body; and thereby measuring directly in the vi air the — length of its i its wave-surface,” Nov. No. of this Journal, In this paper I gave the credit of the suggestion on which I f my t I find that it is due to Zoch (Pogg. Ann., vol. exxviii). Acoustique without giving credit to the real inventor. — Am. Jour. Sct.—Turrp Serms, Vou. IV, No. 24,—Derc., 1872. 26 426 A. M. Mayer on a method of measuring the meter. Therefore, if the resonator tube be lengthened 4 meter the serrations of its flame will no longer coincide with those of the pipe, but will bisect the spaces between the latter; for an impulse from the resonator has now to traverse such an increased length that it arrives at its manometric flame ;1,; of a second later than before the tube was lengthened. If the tube be lengthened one meter, or a whole wave-length (German), the displacement of the resonator serrations will amount to the entire distance separating the centers of two contiguous serra- tions; and on elongating the tube n number of wave-lengths, n number of such displacements will occur. Thus can be mea sured, not only one, but many wave-lengths, for I have not seen sensibly diminished the intensity of the pulses after they have traversed many meters of firm thick tubing. Therefore the error made in the determination of the distance occupied by many wave-lengths will not be greater than that occurrmg the measure of the length of only one; and, consequently, this error being divided over so great a number will proportionally increase the accuracy of the deduced length of a single wave. and form, closed by a large membrance which vibrates oe with the fundamental note of the pipe, and proceed as above. gas, by the process I have described, greatly exceed in 8 curacy the results heretofore obtained by Dulong, Wertheim and others who deduced the length of the wave and velocity from measures of the internodal distances in organ pIpes; which embodies the principle invented by Herschel, and which has its highest development in the exquisite interference @pP® _ratus which Kénig has recently described in Poggendorff’s Ann® ten, Bd. exlvi, p. 165.* , In my lecture-room I have hung up before the students * series of gum tubes having lengths of }, 1, 11, 2, 24, 3, ete. WaV® * See the translation of Konig’s paper in this No. of the Journal. Wave-lengths and Velocities of sound in Gases. 427 lengths of different notes. The tubes, forming any one of these series, are used with the organ-pipe and resonator correspond- ing to their note; and as they are successively adapted to the resonator, they cause the serrations of its flame successively to coincide with and to bisect those of the organ pipe flame. Students after such exhibitions do not depart from the room with their usual skepticism as to the existence of an acoustic wave-length, but look upon the tubes as measurés of actua entities, 3. The Acoustic Pyrometer—Having devised this simple arrangement of apparatus for measuring the number of wave- lengths contained in a given tube, the idea occurred to me that T could use the method in determining the variation in the num- ber of wave-lengths contained in this tube, caused by a change in the temperature of the air which it contained; and thus Succeed in readily determining any temperature to which the tube might be exposed. The accuracy of this (as far as I know) entirely new method of pyrometry, and the facility of its application can be judge of by the following discussion. The formula v= jon (1+ at) id gives the velocity of sound in air of a known temperature. This formula, as is well known, is reduced numerically to V= 333™ / 1+ 00367 én which, V=the velocity of sound at the temperature ¢ centigrade ; 338= the velocity of sound in meters, at 0° C.; and 00367 the coefficient of expansion of air under a constant pressure. We will suppose that we have outside of the furnace, whose tem- perature we would measure, an UT’, organ pipe; that we have laced opposite its mouth an UT, resonator; and that tubes rom pipe and resonator lead to contiguous gas jets placed before the revolving mirror. We will also assume that the air in and around the organ pipe is at 0° C., and that the serrations of the ames of pipe and resonator are brought to coincide when 13 meters of metal tube, connecting the resonator with its mano- metric capsule, are placed in a furnace which also has the tem- ature of 0° ©. Therefore the length of a wave in the urnace tube is 3% =0™-65, and it will contain 20 wave-lengths. Now gradually raise the temperature of the furnace to 820° C. As the temperature rises we will see the serrations of the resonator flame gradually slide over those of the organ pipe flame, and when the temperature has reached 820° C. we will have observed that the serrations of the resonator flame have glided over 10 times the distance separating the centers of two contiguous serrations of the flame of the organ pipe: for at 498 A. M. Mayer on a method of measuring the 820° C. the air in the furnace tube will have ia ae to 4 times its volume at 0° C., and therefore 333 1- ate 0a xe20) A= it will contain 3 the number of wave- lengths it aid ‘eitien at O° C., and the length of one of these waves in the tube will be 1:3 meter. We will now determine the limit of accuracy of the method by elevating the temperature of the furnace 100°, or to 920° C. At this temperature the velocity of the si po in the furnace tube will equal 696 sf peter, and the length of the wave at this velocity will be 1°36. But 1™-36—1"-3=0"-06, the differ- ence in wave- length pees by the increase in temperature from 820° to 920°, and sufficient to cause the serrations to be displaced ‘46 of the distance separating the centers of two con- tiguous serrations of the organ pipe flame. But by means of the manometric flame micrometer ;';th of this displacement can be measured, therefore, we can measure an increase of 10° Gm temperature above 820°. Fro examination of the well established formula for the « Siternination of the velocity of sound, it will be seen that the : @ecuracy of our determinations of furnace temperatures will : glone depend on the precision of the coefficient 00367, which _ is the number arrived at by Regnault and Magnus for the « &xpansion of air acter a constant pressure; and this is one of e will now examine os relation edie between tempera- tures and wave-lengths. I have computed two tables; the first - gives the velocities of sound and the wave- engi ol the note ER, corresponding to temperatures between 0° ©. and 2, 000° .; the second those corresponding to temperatures between 0% C. and —272°48° C. ; Memperature. Velocity. | Wave-length. || Temperature. Velocity. pepsin 0° C. “ ] 1 333m 650 500 849°35 65 00 389°34 760 1600 872-96 1°705 200 8°53 “856 1700 895°97 1-748 300 a7 "942 1800 918-41 i , 400 523°14 1-021 1900 940°26 pe . 500 560°7 ‘095 2000 9610 je . 600 596°03 164 Oe “650 ft 100 4 "228 — 50 | 300-86 587 <9 008 at “349 —150 93°14 43 "1100 747-38 1°458 : 186 te wn —250 95°60 _ 1200 T1419 1-512 ea reds _ 4300 799-96 aie _ 1400 82494 611 Wave-lengths and Velocities of sound in Gases, 429 _ These related numbers I have projected into the accompany- ‘Ing curve, whose abscissas are the temperatures, and whose ordinates are the wave-lengths. This curve, which is the graph- 3383/1 us = is evidently a parabola, ical expression of y= since it has the form y?=aa,; and y will equal 0 when « has receded to the point on the axis of abscissas equal to —272-48° - Which is “the absolute zero” of temperature It is evident that this same curve will give the numerical relations between temperatures and the wave-lengths of any note, or the velocities of sound in any gas, by merely giving dif- ent numerical values to the divisions on the axis of ordi- nates It only remains to give the simplest formula for determining the temperature of the furnace in terms of the observed dis- lacements of the resonator serrations, and of the known num- r of wave-lengths in the furnace-tube at the temperature 4 Let t= temp. C. of the air in and around the organ-pipe. v= eines “the furnace-tube. v= velocity of sound at temp. ¢ v’ = “b rz “ v. ¢= number of wave-lengths in furnace-tube at temp. @ d= observed displacement of resonator serrations by an elevation of temperature Then 7—d will equal the number of wave-lengths in the fur- nace-tube (allowance made for elongation of tube by heat) at the temp. ¢’. As the velocity of sound in the furnace-tube will be inversely as the number of wave-lengths it contains, it fol- lows that | ek v':vii:l:l—d; hence v is but (1) v=333/1+ 008674, and (2) v'=838/1+ 003677, hence (8): wt. 3334/14 00367" Reducing equation (8) we obtain ed vl 9 ings 4) t=(syqg aca) ~ 27248: which gives ¢ in terms of v, / and d. Combining equations (1) and (8) we obtain (6) ¢ which gives ¢’ in terms of J, d and ¢. But as v has to be calcu- _ 972-48 (21—d) d+u ie a ; — 4380 L. M. Rutherfurd—Stability of the Collodion film. lated in order to obtain / in equation (5), it follows that equa- tion (4) is the simpler and the more readily worked numeri- call y: , If we call T the absolute temperature centigrade, then T=?’ +272°48, and equation (4) becomes(6)T= Care. in which equation the origin of codrdinates is at the vertex of the latter to the manometric capsule, so that the rarefied air in the hot tube cannot enter the tubing outside of the furnace. If the serrations of the manometric flames are too dim to be readily observed, they can be rendered distinctly visible, eve? in broad day-light, by the use of “carbonized ” gas, or by sifting into them the fine scrapings of lead pencil. In ascertaining the number of displacements produced by any temperature, the furnace-tube is slowly moved into the furnace, so that the October 12, 1872. = Art. L.—On the stability of the Collodion Film; by LEwIs M. RUTHERFURD. ; THE very numerous and concordant micrometric measures of direction th the utmost when applied to a a of glass properly albumenized. LL. M. Rutherfurd—Stability of the Collodion film. 481 aging about thirty-four stars on each plate; also upon many plates of the group about 4 Orionis; also upon many plates of the group surrounding 41 Bodtis; also of the group surround- ing 4 Cassiopea. In addition to the measures of the position and distance of the members of the several groups mentioned, very many meas- ures have been made upon long lines of star images, at inter- vals of one second of time from each other, for the purpose of determining the angular value of any given portion of the plates. Very many measures have been made for the same purpose upon selected star pairs, and the results of these meas- ures compared with the results of transits of stars over dia- mond lines drawn upon a plate of glass placed in the photo- graphic plate-holder at the photographie focus,—and finally many measures have been made upon star groups taken on the preceding, central and following regions of the plates for the purpose of detecting the character and amount of the distor- tion, if any, of the images. The results of all these measures were so concordant as to plates and upon one not albumenized respectively, a shrinkage to the following fractions of the whole space measured: in No. 1, sis, No. 2, g}z, No. 8, ya's, No. 4 ar's3- \ were measures of the same plate, but in directions perpendicu- _ lar to each other. No. 4 was on a plate not albumenized: xpe- n for examination, and for that purpose the following measures were made upon plates, albumenized before the application of the collodion, first when leaving the camera and quite wet, and sec-: ond when they had become dry; some of the plates were neg- 432 L. M. Rutherfurd—sStability of the Collodion film. i The plates were made and the measures conducted by Mr. Chapman, my assistant, who is an accomplished photographer and familiar with the use of the micrometer. The plates were left clamped upon the stage of the micrometer during the inter- val between the measures wet and dry, and both these meas- ures were consequently made on the same parts of the screw. In every case five bisections of each of the two lines were made, and the difference between the means of these readings nine measures is Rey. 00017, which is 57,355 of an inch; it due to the cooling of the glass plate, by the evaporation whic takes place the moment the wet plate is taken from holder and exposed to the air under the micrometer. This excess of distance (Rev. 00017), would be caused by an merease of temperature for the dry glass of about 4° F. This consideration reveals a source of error in the use of wet plates which I have not hitherto considered, since the same objection to the method used by Mr. Paschen, as I ae it, is that instead of being confined to an investigation a comparison of the actual state of the plate when dry, whan ought to have been had all the adjustments, manipulations 4” instruments been perfect. Note on Aventurine Orthoclase. 4838 PuaTEe No, 1. PLATE No. 2. June 27, 1870. Therm. 74°. | June 27, 1870. Therm, 74°. Wei. Wet. Line No. 1, Line No.2. Line No.1. ° Line No. 2. 165-5500 72°1175 164°3275 71°9350 “5470 1125 3325 “9450 "5525 "1225 "3250 "9300 "B5T5 “1275 "3350 “9370 "5540 "1240 “3275 ‘9475 165°5522 72°1208 164°3295 71-9388 72-1208 71-9388 93°4314 92°3907 +10 Therm. Cor. +10 Therm. Cor. 93-4324 92°3917 : Dry. Therm. 72°, Dry. Therm. 72°. 165-1125 716850 163°9075 715100 "1150 “6880 “9000 50 1175 6890 9100 00 1175 "6850 9025 50 1125 6860 50 165-1150 71°6866 163-9045 71°5130 71-6866 . 715130 93°4284 92-3915 +7 Therm. Cor, + Therm. Cor. 93°4291 Dry —R.0-0033 923922 Dry + R.0°0005 Plate No. 1. June 27. Therm. 74° and 72° Dry—R. 0-0033 ae a. % re ns “ 74° and 72° “ +R. 0°0005 “ No.3 July 3. “ 82° and 83° “ +R. 0°0004 SNe Se “« 84° and 85° “* +R. 0:0007 ee i “ot ona wa 6 64. 0-009 NG. 6 we BS ge" and 80" “ ER, 00092 = Nog: 10-98 wae bo" = eR. 0°0059 ae “ eee oe. . O'0040 > Na: 8. gee: “ 84° and 82° “ +R. 0:0089 Mean excess of Dry, R. 0°0017=y¢4z, of an inch. Arr. LL—Note upon Aventurine Orthoclase, found at the Ogden Mine, Sparta Township, Sussex Oo., N. J.; by Prof. Lexps. Antone the masses of gneiss rock thrown out in sinking one of the oat of the Ogden mine, I found, during the course of € past summer, ia panes of ve bE. pagp ad which appears hith ve esca The three cleavages O, i- and Le, rl ee obtained, par ford the cleav- age a of orthoclase. The ety thin plates, which may be procured by slicing the stone in the direction of the principal - 434 E.. W. Hilgard—Soil Analyses and their Utility. cleavage, are of considerable size, and furnish excellent speci mens for microscopic examination. The color of the orthoclase is a delicate flesh-red, which color is due entirely to the imbedded crystalline scales of what has en supposed to be géthite. The stone itself is translucent . and quite colorless. The results obtained in two analyses were: ie 2. Mean. Silica, 64°80 64°82 64°81 Alumina, 19°02 19°25 19°02 Ferric oxide, 0°23 } 0°23 Lime, 1:29 1°23 1°26 Magnesia, 0°61 0°58 0°59 Potash, 15°22 13°38 14.30 Ign., 26 0°26 0°26 100°47 In an analysis of an aventurine oligoclase from Tvedestrand in Norway, Scheerer obtained SiO, 61°30, Al,O, 23°77, Fes O, 0°36, CaO 4-78, Na,O 850, K,O 1:29. In this the per cent of géthite is somewhat greater than in the New Jersey orthoclase, but in both cases the extremely small amount. of foreign matter which suffices to impart the brilliant aventurine character to the feldspar is remarkable. It is worth noting 10 this connection that all the specimens of sunstone from Kennett, ester Co., Pa., in the cabinet of the Stevens Institute, are oligoclase, not orthoclase. amo Art. LIL—On Soil Analyses and their Utility; by Eve. W. HrLearp, State Geologist of Mississippi. (Read at the Dubuque Meeting of the Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., August, 1872.) secured for myself and my co-laborers the compassionate sym- E. W. Hilgard—Soil Analyses and their Utility. 435 “ee of true believers. While I consider the work far from elng as complete as it should be, and for that as well as other Teasons its publication in detail may be delayed for some time ; - I think what can now be said of sufficient importance to ; d rom such knowledge of soils as analysis may impart, would seem, to many, disproportioned to the expendi- ture involved. very modest we are, truly, when a purely ford; apart from the important general inferences which may fairly be ex 436 FE. W. Hilgard—Soil Analyses and their Utility. soils, if we abandon as hopeless the determination of their chemical character? Are the proofs that have been brought against the utility of soil analyses really of such a character as to justify so grave an omission? an omission, too, which in many cases cannot hereafter be supplied. ven in the com- paratively youthful State of Mississippi, I have found diff- ni in obtaining reliable specimens of some soils, whose great productiveness had led to their cultivation by the earliest set- tlers, over the entire area of their occurrence. eae I question the propriety of this omission, and the justice of the testimonium paupertatis thus inflicted upon agricultural and analytical chemistry. To define my position, I premise that-— 1. I fully agree with Prof. Johnson as to the comparative use- lessness of a single analysis giving the percentages of soil ingre- dients found, zn ordinary cases. It is only when such analysis demonstrates the great abundance, or very great deficiency, of one or several primarily important ingredients, that, by itself, it con- veys information of considerable practical importance. Note, bbe such cases are not altogether infrequent, even in virgin soils. 2. I agree that an “average soil” is a non ens, except as referred, comparatively, to a particular set of soils closely related in their origin. ‘ 3. Also, that the claim of being able to detect the minute differences caused by cropping without return to the sou, 18 i Hi the power of our present ana re 4. I farther admit that, ordinarily, the analysis of soils long cultivated, and treated with manures, can give but little and very soil; from the great difficulty, if not impossibility, of obtaining fair representative specimens. urthermore, that to designate soils by the names of the Cretaceous, Carboniferous or Silurian strata they may happen 10 overlie, is very loose practice; since in most cases they are derived from Quaternary deposits, which may or may not have _ On the contrary I demur, in the first place, to the broad assertion that “it is practically impossible to obtain average as inapplicable to a very large class, ially of virgin soils, covering large areas with a uniformity . : rocesses. ~ _ The Hepeeneeot this exception is not, it is true, very EF. W. Filgard—Soil Analyses and their Utility. 437 4388 #. W. Hilgard—Soil Analyses and their Utility. their having obviously been taken at an improper lone e. g., near a foot-path, by the side of a fence, on a partially denuded hillside or ravine, in the bed of a run, at the foot of a tree, ete. e question of depth must, in my view, be left to be deter- mined by the circumstances of each case, except in so far as the extreme depth to which tillage may cause the roots of crops to reach, must be within the limits of the samples taken. Of these, one should ordinarily represent what, under the usual practice of tillage, becomes the arable soil; another, the sub- soil not usually broken into; a third will in most cases be use- to show what materials would be reached were the land to From the fact that the atmospheric surface water must, in its course, inevitably have a tendency to bring about such agreem Such I find to be very decidedly the case; so much so, that habitually look to the former as the most reliable index, of & soil’s distinctive character. To this there can be no legitimey objection, when, as in all the upland soils now under consi eration, the surface soil is directly derived from the su me and its depth is less than thorough culture would give to 3° arable soil. EF. W. Hilgard—Soil Analyses and their Utility. 439 As regards the analysis itself, I premise that I have always found even the most ‘chemically pure” reagents so y necessary to reject, as arule, even the purest, after keeping it for a few weeks in a glass bottle. The same is true, an uniform strength, and precipitating all riche muah precipitates Vv ‘ As regards Dr. Peter’s failure to determine the amounts of soluble silex, nitric acid, ammonia, chlorine, and the degree of oxidation of the iron, I agree that the former is desirable, not becomes manifest ; as might, indeed, have been foreseen. — As regards nitric id the consideration suggested by Prof. Johnson himself, viz, that its quantity must be exceedingl Variable, within short peri in one and the same so Seems to me a sufficient dispensation from the laborious etermination. 2 The same holds good, in a measure, for ammonia. Its quan- 440 3 E. W. Hilgard—Soil Analyses and their Utility. tity varies continually in the soil, as it does in the atmosphere; its chief absorbers in the soil are “humus” and clay. Where these prevail largely, ammonia can scarcely be deficient as a nutritive ingredient to an injurious extent; albeit, more might doubtless be beneficially added. Moreover, the characteristic effects of ammonia on vegetation are sufficiently obvious (in “running to weed”) to render its determination in virgin soils, laborious and even uncertain as it is, a matter of comparatively little practical consequence, however great might be its theo- retical interest. ‘ s for the determination of the degree of oxidation of iron, I confess I fail to see its practical bearing. When ferric oxide is present, plants surely can have no difficulty in reducing the modicum they need to a soluble condition. When ferrous oxide exists to any great extent, it indicates a want of drainage, and manifests itself both in the color of the soil and in the poison- ous effect on vegetation. But farmers surely do not need the aid of chemical analysis to tell them that their soil needs drainage and aération! A determination made to-day would be of no value to-morrow, if the soil had been plowed in the interval. Finally, Dr. Peter does determine chlorine, in the treatment of i n int shows, so little likely to be deficient in the soil, that 1 omission would not be a serious practical objection. A much graver defect is the failure to determine separately the organic matter (“humus”) and the chemically combined minations in question can be effected even approxima” That they should form part of every soil analysis, 1s obvious, I have attempted to obtain a reliable scale of the different d s of “heaviness” of soils, from the determination of 2 maximum absorption of h pic moisture at ordinary to peratures. about - a +21°, the amount of aqueous vapor absorbed by a thin layet of soil exposed to yh E. W. Hilgard—Soit Analyses and their Utility. 441 Very pars RE ewiivecwe 1°5 to e: bs per: cent, MORI BOBS sian i 5°0 to Clay De very heavy, .--....,.12°0 to 1 : there being, of were all serie grades of hygroscopic power, as we of ‘heay t appears that for this mterval of ‘eepenibens: the peomaiarte of absolute absorbing power in the soil, resulting from the rise of temperature, is just balanced by the increased amount of vapor diffused in the air—not an unimportant circumstance, with regard to vegetable life. There are, however, two soil ingredients which interfere seriously with the correctness of the estimate as to Pama erived from the coefficient of absorption, viz., “humus” an Jerric oxide. Both of these are highly hygroscopic, ye both counteract the ‘‘ heaviness” caused by excess of clay. Moreover, there is a class of soils (viz, fine siliceous silts) whose exceeding “heaviness” in cultivation is much complained of, yet whose absorbent — is very sm When, as in the majority ree cases, the surface soil has none tm derived from the subsoil, the disturbing effect of the umus” may be sensibly eliminated by comparing, not the soils, fee the subsoils, in this respect.* As to the ferric oxide, there are among about 200 Mississippi soils analysed but three or four whose agricultural qualities would have been seriously - earaame cates by a reliance upon the coefficient of absorption a But I do not for a moment admit, that in a material so com- = both in its composition and mode of action any one or _ data, whether chemical, — or ec mango may be e soil: or, as Prof. Johnson ex- orate it, ‘to do violence to agriculture.” So far from this, consider that a proper interpretation of the analytical veal must take into ee not only all the chemical an physical facts observed on the specimen, but all that has been or can be observed in loco—the location, _ a relations to drainage, ete. ; as well as all that i s known co a earches ssippi, ra sixteen years past. C early, the oie Ai pets : Prof Johnson’s position and mine is one of degree only ; yet this difference is not a slight * In such cases, the surface soil is always more sandy than the subsoil. Am. Jour. oo se Vou. 1V, No. 24—Drc., 1872. - 449 E. W. Hilgard—Soil Analyses and their Utility. one, since while, as before remarked, I have made, or caused to e made, some 200 analyses of soils and subsoils, his classic works on the growth and nutrition of plants do not contain so much as a tabular exemplification of the composition of various soils, as resulting from chemical analysis. If, then, ‘ the prob- abilities of its uselessness in direct application to practice are so great,” as Prof. Johnson seems to hold, I have committed a grievous error, and squandered the substance of the State. I think that the considerations already adduced should plead measurably in extenuation of my course. But I will now state succinctly what services, in my view, soil analyses may fairly claim to be capable of performing, when conducted substantially in the manner, to the extent, and under the conditions defined more powerful, or at least more energetic, solvents; and that, therefore, a determination of those ingredients which may hen, however, a partial solvent of uniform strength is used in all cases alike, and its action continued for the same length of time, it may fairly be presumed that, as between souls of in ? * measure, proportional to the amounts of available nutriment and the experience of cultivators as to the productiveness 4 soils ; wii provided, tha E. W. Hilgard—Soil Analyses and their Utility. 443 The ahs is important; but that with a proper local knowledge these allowances can be made, and that in most takes the hair off the feet of cattle. Ergo, every “sticky” clay soil in the State is called, considered, and treated as a “prairie” soil, especially if the hardened clods adhering above the hoofs of cattle should carry the hair with them. If such soil is un- thrifty, and rusts eotton, it is because “ there is too much lime in it,” which “scalds” the seedlings. In matter of fact, most of these soils are notably deficient in lime, so as to directly and immediately benefited by its application wherever mera ; : a here acts, probably, as much chemically as physically ; the clay bei ts A Phile the physical defects of these soils are doubtless the main cause of the crop failures, yet analysis has suggested a remedy which relieves, for the time being, from the necessity of the more costly im- ‘provements; lime being comparatively easy of access. Analogous cases are far from infrequent, both in this and in the adjoining States; and I have been led to attach special im portance to the determination of time in soils, from the (not unexpected) rule which seems to hold good very generally, viz., that, f ribus, the thriftiness of a soil is sensibly dependent upon the amount of lime it contains ; while, at the same time, in the usual mode of culture without return to the soil, the duration of fertility is correspondingly diminished, and its cessation is very abrupt wherever much lime is present. It may be said that, after all, this is but what, from data already Saws might have been expected. Granted ; then, @ fortiori, soil analysis, involving the determination of lime, * See, for example, the article “Heavy Flatwoods Soil,” in my Miss. Rep. _ 1860, pp. 276, 279. Va A 444 E. W. Eilgard—Soil Analyses and their Utility. is of considerable use in determining the present and future value of soils. In speaking of the “ amount” of lime, I must be understood to refer, not so much to its absolute percentage, as to its _— tity in comparison with that of potash, which, with phosphori acid, is what all our fertilizers chiefly aim to supply. Their determination must, of course, be considered of prime import ance, since their absence or extreme scarcity is fatal to profitable fertility ; while, when they are present, even though imme- diately available for absorption to a slight extent only, we possess in lime, ammonia, etc, and the fallow, ready and powerful means for correcting their chemical condition. to Liebig’s testimony, ordinarily be-capable of profitable culture. Again, it is well known that the same species of plants may occupy soils of widely different quality and value. True, an attentive observer will in such cases see differences in the mode of development ;* yet these are often such as to escape ordinary remark, and grievous disappointments frequently arise “i eee a ae fiat eee ce OR he a er J. C. Draper—Heat produced in the Body, ete. 445 of late been customarily treated, is the more to be regretted as no probable amount of private effort can accomplish what must, of necessity, be done on an extended scale and with the aericultaral volaies must and will take up and continue, as far as possible, the investigation of the agricultural pemnsiatiilas of each State; but the special and local experience acquired by those conducting a field survey, as well as their oppor- tunities for extensive and comparative duerrtion: are unfor- tunately “not transferable,” even to the finest, quarto report. In order to attain their highest degree of usefulness, our agri- cultural colleges should teach, not merely general principles, together with a sufficiency of the handicrait of a i re; but they should be enabled to point out to each student, ‘with reference to his particular neighborhood, How Crops Grow, and How Crops Univ. of Miss., at 1872. Art. LIIL.—The Heat produced in the Body, and the effects of Exposure to Cold ; by JouN C. Draper, M.D. Tux following results were obtained in an attempt to deter- mine the quantity of heat passing off from the surface of the oe by —— ow much it would elevate the waspersis a known mass of cool water during a given period of The manner of experimenting was as follows :—Seven and a half cubic feet of cool water were drawn into a bath, and the temperature taken after careful mixing. The bath was then covered over for about four-fifths of its extent to prevent the action of currents of air, and at the close of an hour the tem- perature was again tested. The rise of $ a degree represented the amount of heat absorbed from the air during one hour, and was deducted as a normal error from the lts afterward obtained. During the time occupied in determining the normal error of ce bath ( (viz., one hour wie I ao on a sofa to bring the circula- ry and respira’ ns into a condition similar, as pda of the ee Bares to that to which they onl be submitted 446 J.C. Draper—Heat produced in the Body, while in the bath. My dress during this phase of the experi- ment consisted of a thin flannel summer undershirt, lnen drawers, and cotton socks. At the completion of the hour of rest these were removed with as little exertion as possible and I stepped into the bath, and lay down, allowing only the head to project above the surface of the fluid. At the close of an hour the temperature of the bath was again taken. I then left it, and drying the surface of the body, reassumed the same dress and lay down on the sofa. Throughout the whole of each experiment, the temperature of the air, the dew point, the temperature of the bath, of the armpit, mouth and temple were ‘taken, together with the rate of respiration and of the pulse. Since in these experiments two series of phenomena are investigated, I have for the sake of clearness of description separated the results in accordance with the phenomena 1D question, and direct attention first to the Quantity of heat evolved from the body. During Rest. Motion ist Exper 2d Exper. 3d July 4 July 5 July 11 Temp. of air, -.-. 90° F 4° FB, ae Wet bulb thermometer, - -_---- 78° F. 76° F. 74°F. Experiment commenced at --.. 11.45 a.m. 12.10 p.m, 11.50 A.M Temp. of water when drawn,--_ 734° F. 734° F, 75° F. Temp. of water at the end of) — . 53°F. ‘ an hour on entering the bath, 2 eae ee emp. of water at the close of ‘ : oo F. an hour on leaving the bath, 764° F. 764° F. 7 2° ¥. q° Be 2 es d rror, ‘Volume of water in the bath, 74 cubic feet. Volume of the : 3 ee Weight of the body, 180 Ibs. Height of the body, 5 feet 54 inches. In the first and second experiments I laid perfectly still ; the results therefore show the quantity of heat passing off from the surface of the body in a state of rest. This, as the table ps Sas in one hour. The volume of the body being three cubic feet, it follows that if we consider the specific heat of the ody itself about five degrees of Fahrenheit’s scale. The con- verse of this may also be considered as true, viz., that after th, the air being at 78°, enough heat is lost in the course of | an hour to cool the body five degrees, at least during the first hour, It is therefore a fact of considerable importance from 4 and effects of Eaposure to Cold. 447 medico-legal point of view, especially in estimating the time a body has been immersed in water after recent drowning when the temperature of the water is about 78°, as is the case with the Croton and other streams in summer. In the third experiment one or other of the lower extremities was alternately kept in motion during thirty minutes of the hour in which the body was immersed in the bath. The move- ment consisted in extending and flexing the leg on the thigh at the rate of fifty flexions per minute, and being performed under the surface of water involved considerable muscular exertion. The physiological effects of the cold bath on the body. Experiment of July 4,—Rest— Temp. of Bath 74° F. I i 4 5 6 Temp. be-; Immed. jAfter 1 hour; Immed. |One hourjTwo hours fore enter-|afterenter-jin the bath &/after leay-/after leav-\after leay~ ing the ing the | just before | ing the ing the ing the aot fama bath, bath. leaving it. bath, bath. bath. Temp. of the mouth 99°F.| 99°F.| 98°F. | 97°R.| 97°F.) — . armpit} 96°F.| 97°F] 95°F. 92°F. | 96°F. — “ temple,| 96° F. en on — 94° F. te of respiration, | 20 22 16 13 16 19 Rate of pulse, 14 13 65 54 60 12 Note.—A. chill or shock was experienced on entering the bath, and the sensation of coolness remained ile in the water. Perspiration set in and skin became cool two hours and a hal: r coming out. Shortly after leaving the bath slept for 30 nutes. . mi Experiment of July 5,—Rest—Temp. of Bath 14° F. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Immed. }After 1 hour i ah Revs Ea ny wld ie ten fat rot | elk ore T ee ier ee, ing bath. Temp. of mouth, or. | 99°F.| 98°F. 97°F. | 97°F. } 98°F. “© armpit, 98°F. | 97°F. | 94°F. 94°F.| 97°F. | 97°F. « . temple, ret 95°F. 95° F. 96° F. 96°F ate of respiration, | 17 21 18 5 1 6 18 64 55 56 60 Note.—Symptoms same as in experiment 1, but not as well marked; slept 30 minutes as in preceding. _If in the tables we compare column 1, representing the con- dition before entering the bath, with column 4, representing the 448 J. C. Draper—Heat produced in the Body, condition immediately after leaving it, we find that in both experiments the exposure for one hour to water at a tempera- ture of about 74° F. lowered the temperature of the mouth of a degree of cold such as that employed, is to reduce the temperature of the body and the rate of respiration slightly, while it affects the rate of pulsation in a very profound manner. One of the consequences of this effect of cold on the action of the heart was a great reduction in the quantity of oxygen introduced into the system. The rate of pulsation — reduced nearly one-third, the quantity of oxygen convey into the interior of the body was diminished in a somewhat similar ratio. In a short time this began to exert its influence on the nervous centers, and there was a overwhelming disposl- tion to fall asleep, which was unconsciously indulged in in both experiments shortly after leaving the bath, notwithstanding the strong desire to keep awake for the purpose of recording the rates of pulse and respiration at given periods. Another evident consequence of such a sluggish movement of the blood is the disposition to congestion of various mterna organs, and herein we may see a partial explanation of the action of cold in causing inflammations, especially of those organs engaged in the processes of secretion and excretion. e discussion of the results obtained has thus far been con- metric indications. In the case of the respiratory movements it is also very difficult to avoid influencing them in the act 0 co g th temperatures are, it is true, free from minations none of these objections can be urged; they are.con: siderable, and by counting for half a minute for every reco e, the error is reduced to a maximum of one beat. The movements of the heart are, in addition, free from the liability to error that exists in the case of the respiratory movements. j ecepting the pulse determinations as being accurate am Recollecting that and 3 that just and effects of Exposure to Cold. 449 just before leaving the bath, with 4, the condition just after leaving it, we find that the rate of the pulse has dimin- ished eleven beats in the first and nine in the second ex- f those organs by increasing the work they are obliged to per- form, and raising the pulse-respiration ratio to that actually so a tendency to congestion of various internal organs, espe- piration College of the City of New York, Oct., 1872. 450 J. D. Dana on the Quartzite, Limestone, etc., Art. LIV.—On the Quartzite, Iimestone and associated rocks of the vicinity of Great Barrington, Berkshire Co., Mass. ; by James D. Dana. (Continued from page 370.) 3. Stratification. (a.) Monument Mountain, and the Housatonic Valley adjoining ut on the west. Monument Mountain has a precipice of hard quartzite on Its eastern front,* and a wall of the same rock along the sides facing southwest and west, while through the interior the rock is mica schist and gneiss. of these joints have gin a north-and-south direction mountain near its southwestern side. 2 Mount re and the Taconic range to the southwest, and, nearer _ beautiful valley of the Housatonic, with its lakes and villages. i ae + ae ee oe a Oe ee are compass courses. The variation _ Barrington region is about 8}° W., which would make N. 10° E, compass cous? _ correspond to . 14° E. true course. 2 in the vicinity of Great Barrington, Mass. 451 H is the position of the Housatonic river, and a little south of the line of the section is the village of Housatonic. Near q?(pon the map) passes the road, first northeastward, then northward, to Stockbridge. As shown, there are in Monument Mountain two strata of quartzite, q', g%, with two of schist, (mica schist and gneiss) s', s*, all dipping southeasterly, the average slope 25°. _ The thickness of the upper quartzite of Monument Mountain 1s 200 or 250 feet; that of the schist under it at least 500 feet; and that of the lower quartzite about 250 feet. The schist (s*) over the interior of Monument Mountain varies much in strike and dip, as is common in beds that are little inclined. The dip is for the most part to the east of south- east 20° to 25°, the strike being about N. 25° K. Just west of the eastern quartzite the amount of dip varied from 15° to 25°, and the direction was generally that just stated: yet in Some places the strike was N. 50° W. an 70° W. At the There is no good outcrop of the lower schist (s') at the west end of Monument Mountain east of the Housatonic river; but the smooth surface of the foot hills or slopes in that part, and the sudden transition from numberless quartzite : ments to occasional masses of gneiss which is found on the descent of this side of the mountain, are evidence of its existence. Besides this, the stratum of schist is well exhib- i as farther west there is a bold ridge of quartzite, which is evidently the western side of the fold of the quartzite (¢’). A narrow depression or valley intervenes between the schist and this quartzite, so that the actual superposition of the former was not visible; but the dip of the schist was not only _ toward the quartzite on the east (as shown in the section), but also on the west of it in the Williamsville valley; and hence the quartzite is the course of a shallow synclinal. The quartzite was of the hard jointed kind, indistinct in its bedding. At one place I observed a westward dip of 20°—the strike N. 20° W.—in diyisional planes which appeared to be those of the bedding. 452 J. D. Dana on the Quartzite, Limestone, etc., The following section of Monument Mountain (fig. 2) rep* resents the stratification along a line half a mile north of that of the first (fig. 1). Bo ym sn eS Slstor ty "805 * es ao abe Se see 8 g Section across Housatonic Valley and Monument Mountain. On the west, it passes the Housatonic river, near an old dis- mantled iron furnace, (/, on map), about three-fourths of a mile north of Housatonic village. On the eas?, it comes out in front VS ¢g si falls gradually in height, be gree with the southeasterly dip of the strata. The schist of the interior of the mountain here passes through to the east face, beneath the bed o quartzite is just above the level of the hard bedless qanreee and about a hundred yards to the east of it, at a point meee ff of the bluff. It lies conformably beneath the schist ; the dip st the quartzite is 15° to.20°, the strike N. 25° E., and the dip ° the schist above and a little farther east 25°, with the same strike. The depression on the east side of the hard weste™ os petit the ees becomes a mere path (at | right of the path, a little distance from it. wm the wrieinity of Great Barrington, Mass. 453 ’ ) from the hard jointed to the softer bedded kind. Traces of similar bedding, and of like softness in the rock where bedded, occur at the northern margin of the eastern crest of quartzite, along the path descending northward; also in some places near the hard quartzite of the southwestern wall, where, at places, I passed isolated masses of great size undergoing deep disintegration, that bore evidences of the great amount of degradation which had taken place around them. Descending the western slope, toward the Housatonic river and village, the quartzite is passed; and then a.region of schist, indicated (as stated above) by a sudden substitution over the slopes of loose masses of schist in place of quartzite; and, finally, within less than a hundred feet of the base, on the path leading northwestward toward the old furnace, there is an to 80 feet, is probably due to the abrupt change in the rock ind drift, so that the thickness of the schist was not ascertained ; it oy, does not exceed 50 feet. The limestone is the true tockbridge limestone. _ the same low anticlinal is here apparent that is represented m figure 1; and it is further evident that the anticlinal has an inclined axis dipping southward, inasmuch as the limestone, an inferior stratum in the fold, is exposed on going north, while covered to the south. € mica schist of the interior of ee lpr ga tn part of the gneiss layers, decom rapidly and deeply, and by this means peer of the sinew ane phy overs ath earth, which is partly clayey. country adjoining on the west, south, and east. [To be continued] _ 454 R. Ridgway—Relation between Color and tT. LV.—On the relation between Color and Geographical Dis- tribution in Birds, as exhibited in Melanism and Hyperchrom- ism; by RoBERT Rip@way. ; THE two chief modifications of color experienced in the sev- eral geographical, or climatic, regions of the North American continent, by certain species of birds which are resident over a very extended area, are the following :—I. A melanistic tendency, which may be either an increase in the intensity of color or in the extent, of the black parts of the plumage; and Ik A greater brightness, or an increased prevalence, of the three primary colors, red, blue, and yellow. “hie These features are mainly noticeable as the result of a ee i 1a.die increasing as we trace a species southward. j These generalizations may be best illustrated by presenting the following especially noteworthy cases: 3 IL Melanism triking example in illustration of this law is found in Chrysomitris psaltria, under which we range as races, . Arizone Coues, C. Mexicana Swains., and C Columbiana Lafr. Specimens of this bird from the southern ortion of the Western province of the United States (Rocky Mountains to California, its northern limit being about the parallel of 40°), have the black of the upper parts confined to the head, wings and tail, the entire dorsal region being olive-green; this form na, New Mexico, and the northern provinces of _— (var. Arizone),t have this olive-green clouded, or mixed, wi * CHRYSOMITRIS PSALTRIA Var. PSALTRIA. tthe _ Fringilla psaltria Say, Long’s Exp., ii, 1823, 40.—Chrysomitris psaltria Bonap- List, 1838.—Baird, B. N. Am., 1858, 422. : Hab. Rocky Mts. and Middle province of U. S., north to about 40°. + CHRYSOMITRIS PSALTRIA var. ARIZONZ. : 366.— ‘Chrysomitris Mexicana var. Arizone Coues, P. A. N. 8, Philad., 1 Cooper, Orn. Cal., i, 1870,170. Hab. ‘Southern border of U. 8., in New Mexico and Arizona. Bo eee Ce eae Pee ee Geographical Distribution in Birds. 455 black, there being more of the latter color in the Mexican than in the Arizonan specimens. By the time we reach the latitude of Mirador and Micatlan, the black entirely replaces the olive- green; the bird now is the var. Mexicana,* and continues with nearly the same characteristics south to Costa Rica and Pan- ama, from which latter countries we find specimens in which the black is often appreciably more intense and lustrous than * in those from Mexico. These three forms all have white on size. These equatoreal specimens (var. Columbiana)+ exhibit ward, first through var. nigricapillus§ (Costa Rica and Panama), and finally ending in var. nigriceps| (Ecuador), which has the * CHRYSOMITRIS PSALTRIA var. MEXICANA. Carduelis Mexicana Swains., Syn. Birds Mex., Phil. Mag., 1827, 435.—Chry- somitris M. Bonap., Consp., 1850, 516.—Baird, B. N. Am., 1858, 423, pl. iy, t 2: Hab. Middle America (coast to coast), from Northern Mexico to Costa Rica. + Curysomrris PsALTRIA var. COLUMBIANA. Chrysomitris Columbiana Lafr., Rev. Zool. 1843, 292.—Baird, B. N. Am., 1858, 423.—Sclater, Catal., 1862, 124. Hab. Bogota to Panama. ¢ Mytarcuus Lawrenctt var. LAWRENOT. : Tyrannula Lawrencii Giraud, 16 sp. Texas Birds, 1841, pl. ii—Myiarchus L. ird, B. N. A., 1858, 18.—Sclater, Cat. Am. B., 1862, 233.—Coues, P. A. N. 8., July, 1872. Hab. Mexi Myiarchus nigricapilus “ Cabanis, MS.,” Sclater, Cat. Am. B., 1862, 233.—M. | Mytarcuvs LAWRENCI! var. NIGRICEPS. Myiarchus nigriceps Sclater, P. Z. S., 1860, pp. 68, 295 (Ecuador).—Ib., Catal. Am. B., 1862, 234.—Coues, P. A. N.S, July, 1872. Hab. Panama to Ecuador. 456 R. Ridgway— Relation between Color and crown deep black. Sayornis nigricans,* from California and orthern Mexico, has the crissum pure white; Mirador speci- tropical American examples (var. saaheh Costa Rica and Ecuador), have it dark snuff-brown, while examples from Mira- dor, Mexico, are as exactly intermediate in colors as they are in itat. The same law as s regards the Pacific province of North Amer- ica is made evident by the well known cases of Picus villosus var. Harrisii,t P. pubescens var. — wl Sphyropicus varus var. ruber,f the Northwest coast forms of Falco peregrinus, F. Columbarius, Bubo plat ates Scops ai and numerous other similarly affected species IL The law affecting the primary colors,—Of this class we may begin with yellow, as being the color whose changes are most nearly parallel with those of black, i. e., affected nearly simi- larly in middle America and the ‘Pacific province of North America. The following cases afford illustrations:—Xan- thoura luxcuosa** from the Rio Grande of Texas and Northern Mexico, has the lower Sale deep green, while the same species from Guatemala (var. Guatemalensis),++ is pure gamboge yellow * SAYORNIS NIGRICANS, nigricans Swains., Phil. Mag., 1827, —Sayornis n. Bonap.. Compt. Hager 657. “Baird, Be N.A., 1858, 183.5 Sel., Cat, "1862, 200. Hab, California and Northern — + SAYORNIS NIGRICANS a AQUA’ is aquaticus Scl. and Salv., This, cose A aennscra Hab. Central pay from Southern Mexi } Picus vILLosus var. HARRISII. Picus Hinwviantt hit, Orn. Biog., v, 1839, 191, pl. 417.—Baird, B. N. Am. 1858, 87. ab. Western Province of N. Am., and south into a where it grades into the smaller and still darker var. Jardini, which reaches its extreme evn goa eon in —— — | Prous pus Picus Gairdnert hak: eee Bice, ie 1839, 317,—Baird., B. N. Am., 1858, 91. Hab. Western Province. sp bf 5 Swat omy VARIUS V: rec ruber Gmel., 8. N, i 1788, 429.—Sphyropicus ruber Baird, B. N. A+ Hab. Pacific Province of N. — ** XANTHOURA LUXUOSA var. Li - Garrulus luauosus Lees., R. Z., Z., April, 1839, 100. Xanthowra 1. Bonap., ConsP- 1850, cron oe B. x. Am., 1858, 589. . Mexico, from the Rio Grande to Isth. Tehuantepec. GUATEMALENSIS. Geographical Distribution in Birds. 457 beneath, intervening localities producing specimens having a mixture of green and yellow below—either color predominat- inas, characterized—will, perhaps, render the remarks which follow it more lucid: Synopsis of the species and their subordinate races of the genus Geothlypis. Throat yellow, Series I; Throat ashy, Series IT. Serrss 1 A. Black “mask” extending backward beneath the eye, on to the auriculars. Bill slender, the culmen nearly straight (as in Opor- ornis), Bill, from nostril, -30; tarsus, -70; wing, 2°25; tail, 2°15. Hab. Whole of the United States in summer; in * MyIopIOCTES PUSILLUS Var. PUSILLUS. , oe eee ee i a a 815. ird, B. N. Am., in s Hab. Eastern Province and Rocky Mts. of N. Am.; eastern middle America in winter. + MyYr1opI0cTES PUSILLUS var. PILEOLATA. Motacilia pileolata Pallas, Z. R. As., i, 1831, 497. ‘yiodioctes pusilius var. pileolata Ridgway. . ¢ HeLMINTHOPHAGA CELATA var. Hab Goast, from Radiak , Cape Ben ; . Pacific to cas. A ‘i iny upon the genus- Geothlypis, by Mr. Salvin, very interesting paper upon gen > avila aoe i tions are made, and theories suggested, which we may be able to corroborate by a few additional facts bearing upon the relationship of the several species of Am. Jour. Sct.—Turp Serigs, Vou. IV, No. 24.—Dec., 1872, 238 - 458 R. Ridgway—Relation between Color and winter south through middle America to Chiriqui, and throughout most of the West India eget oe as.* Abdomen yellow ; occiput nas ie Bill, ; tarsus, 90; wing, 2°50; tail, 2°50. Hab. Nass, “thand of New Providence, Hehiuen: residen se p.r Abdomen bright fe ae hie: be ee tinged to a ellow. Bill, "75; wing, 2°45 : ail, Hab. Eastern Multec (Xalape 5.2%. sauna 2. G. speciosa. Crown black; abdomen ochraceous; bill mio ie ack. Wing, 2°40; tail, 2°30. Lapel ee Mex ex spectosa.§ Abdomen Mei yellow; bill with the soar mandible yellow Hab, Ecuador. fp. semifiava.| 3. G, mQuinocTrALis. Cro a dene a yellow Black of the aivieiters Ane acy hosterionly by the olive- green of the nape. Bill, 17 deep; bbe 2°50; tail, 2°35. Hab. Northeastern South America (Trinidad, Guiana, Venezuela and New Granada). aequinoctialis.4 Black of wet e auricular bordered polbersorly by the ash of the Forehead. narrow black. Bill, -14 deep; ; wing, 2°40; ail, Hah Southern South Americ ca (Brazil, Paraguay, Busnoe' Ayre oto). fl velaia® Forehead Senda. black. Hab. Chiriqui. y. Chiriquens B. Black mask not extending beneath the eye, but confined a the lores and a narrow frontlet. Bill thick, the culmen curved (much as in Granate — * GEOTHLYPIS seed trichas Linn, Me x, i T66, 66, ! 293.— Geothiypis t. erage tau Hein., 1860, 16.—Baird, B. N. Am., 1858, 241; Rev. Am. B., 1864, 2 + GEoTHLYPIS TRICHAS var ie OCIOSA. pis sperioen Sel, P P, Z.8, 1858, 447. (We are unable to describe these re exactly, since we have not been able to see specimens; while the the published cage degen lacking in sufficient details.) | GzorHLYPIs SPECIOSA var. SEMIFLAVA. Geothlypis semiftavus Sel, P. Z. 8. 1860, 273, 291. { GEOTHLYPIS AQUINOCTIALIS Var. EQUINOCTIALIS. Slotacilla cequinoctiatis Gm, 8. N., (288, 972.—Geothlypis wg. Caban., Mus. Hein., i, 1860, 16.—Baird, Rev. m. B, i, 1865, 224. ** GEOTHLYPIS oh pecans Sylvia velata Vieill., Ois. Aim, Sept, i "1807, 22, pl. Ixxiv.— Geothlypis Gahan, Mus. Hein. 1.1866; 3 cto Am. By 1, 1865, 223. UP sme QUINOCTIALIS Var er RIQUIENSIS. wegen sir April, 1872. measurements = acocipics) pril, 8 (No ie Gee hh Sates — Peg ni SCS AE ORS PP ae > ooh te aR an oe ere Geographical Distribution in Birds. 459 4, G. POLIOCEPHALA. Lee bole, ash; maxille yellow. Eyelids white; nape and a culars oliv ve-green ; ‘abdo- men whitish. Bill, 30-715 fo: wing, 2°20; tail, 2°50. Hab. Western Mexico (Mazatlan). a. poliocephala,* Eyelids black ; ; nape and auriculars ashy ; abdomen wholl yellow. Bill, ‘35, 18 deep; wing, 2°40; tail, 2°50, Had. Guatemala, and Costa Rica. B. caninucha.+ Series II. 5. G. Pamapetruia. Head and neck wholly ashy. Eyeli usky; lores dusky, not in strong contrast th the ; black centers of the feathers of the ular region larger, or expanded, posteriorly, suf- North America, south in winter (migrating across the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, without atin by the way !) to Costa Rica, Panama and Bogota. a. Philadelphia. t Eyelids pure white; lores deep black in strong con- trast with the ash; black centers of the feathers of the gular and jugular region, not larger teriorly, and showing no TB ovine to form a patch on the jugulum. Tail 2°25 to 2°50. (Female distin- | y eyelids, and more dusky lores.) Hab. Western prov- ince of North America, from British Columbia to Costa Rica. fi. Macegiltivra i In studying closely the affinities of the different forms in the above synopsis, one of the most striking facts noticea is is that all of the peculiarly southern species, except G. poliocephala, have the belly wholly yellow; while the most northern species (@. trichas), with the belly whitish in the northern form, has it yellow in the two southern ones; two of the tropical American species have also the belly whitish in their northern (G. polio- cephala and G. speciosa) and Aba Seta in their sues races (@. poliocephaia, var. coninucha, and G. speciosa var. semiflava). These facts we consider as ian if not ak of a fropical > GEOTHLYPIS POLIOCEPHALA var. POLIOCEPHALA. Rev. nn i, 1865, 225. + GEoTHLYPIs POLIOCEPHALA ten Pe W eb me 1810, 101, 1. xiv.— Geothlypis ahaa Wi = Philad. Baird Bs N. Am, 1968, 296: Rev. Am. B., 1865 5, $ Guornize Prizaomin > why ag og ¥; 1839, 75 pl. 399. a a , t ga Paird, BON. Aaa, 1868, 494, gl. este Rev. Am. B., i, 1865, 227. ‘ 460 J. LeConte— Formation of the wholl ellow, and closely approach in characters also the easy $ fad] American examples of var e American exe : the western form of this species has a longer tail than the east- ern one, and white, instead of dusky, eyelids, so also has that of G. Philadelphia (var. Macgillivray’). In the case of Myiar- chus Lawrencit, before alluded to, it is noticed that the yellow of the abdomen increases in richness, just at the same rate that the blackish of the pileum does in intensity, as it approaches its most southern extreme. ; {To be continued. } Meant Art. LVL—A Theory of the Formation of the great Features of the Earth's Surface; by Josepu LEContE, Prof. Geol. and Nat. Hist. University of California. [Concluded] As already stated, every other theory fails to account for the immense crushing together shown by plication and slaty cleav- age. Many theories take cognizance of this crushing, but in all it is a ec dinate accompaniment instead of the cause of the elevation. Let us examine very briefly some of the more recent theories, and show their inadequacy. ie __* For a discussion of this law see Baird, in this Journs vol. xli, March, 1866, / Features of the Earth's Surface. 461 miles wide, still the neigrs necessary would be enormous. t phenomena went on together pari passu; and, therefore, the surface was never convex at all, but nearly or quite horizontal all the time. Subsidence under such circumstances might pe duce horizontal tension or stretching of the lower strata, but could not produce horizontal crushing and plication of the upper strata. * “Some points in American Geology,” this Jour., May, 1861. ; * Whitney: Mountain Building, p. 101. Hunt, American Geology, this Jour., May, 1861. eee #ee 462 J. LeConte—Formation of the tal crushing together and folding of the strata, and an up- swelling of the whole mass. Halland Hunt leave the sediments just after the whole preparation has been made, but before the actual mountain formation has taken place; and, therefore, In the language of Dana, “it is a theory of mountains with the mountains left out.” | fe Be Ege thes alae the elevation, would itself produce the plication ? Or Oo ro beyond : mast produced by horizontal thrust crushing such as ridges, peaks, gorges, and, in fact, nearly all that con- stitutes scenery, are produced by subsequent erosion. I feel considerable confidence in the substantial trath of the foregoing statement of the mode of formation of mountam chains. As to the mode of formation of continents and sea bot- be formed by a similar unequal yielding to horizontal thrust and a similar crushing together and up-swelling. If 80, be would be necessary to suppose the amount of horizontal yiela- __ ing in this case much less, but the depth effected much greatel) than in the case of mountain chains. But, as we find nour _ * Mountain Building, &., p. 106. ‘ Features of the Earth’s Surface. 463 mistakable structural evidence of such crushing, except in the case of mountain chains, I have preferred to attribute the for- mation of continents and sea bottoms to unequal radial con- traction. I wish next to show that this theory of mountain chains explains in a satisfactory manner not only the mountain eleva- tion and the phenomenon of plication and slaty cleavage, but also all the most conspicuous phenomena of mountain chains an of igneous agencies. The satisfactory explanation of these become, of course, strong evidence of the truth of the theory. The further development of the theory will be best undertaken in connection with the explanation of these phenomena. (A.) Thick sediments of mountain chains. It is a well-known fact, first brought prominently forward by Prof. Hall, that mountain chains are composed of enormous masses of sediments. This fact forms the basis of Hall’s sedimentary theory. Prof. Whitney,* it is true, thinks that the sedimentary theorists have mistaken cause for effect,—that thick sediments are not the cause of mountains, but mountain chains are the cause of thick sediments. He believes that a granite axis upheaved out of the sea has furnished by erosion the sediments which have been deposited on their flanks. But when we remember the immense thickness of these sediments and their extent, and the com- parative narrowness of the granite axis which furnished their materials, we may well ask what must have been the original altitude of this granite axis! It seems impossible that the immense mass of sediments invulved jin the structure of the whole chain. Not only so, but in many chains the strata are nite axes. My own belief is that all, smaller and greater, ve been fore ) I believe, are not the débris of the granite axis of the chain; position more definitely: Mountain chains are ttoms where immense thickness of sediments have accumulated ; and as the greatest accumulations usually take place off the shores of con- tinents, mountains are usually formed by the up-pressing of mar- ginal ns. We will make this plainer by some illus- * Mountain Building, &c., pp. 102 and 103. been 40, 464 J. LeConte—Formation of the trations taken from the history of mountain chains in North erica. Appalachians.—The area now occupied by the Appalachian chain was, during the Silurian and Devonian ages, the eastern margin of the bed of the great interior Paleozoic sea. During all this time the whole Paleozoic sea, but especially this eastern margin, received sediments from a continental mass to the northward (the Laurentian area), and also especially from a continental mass to the eastward. Besides the marks of shore deposit found abundantly in the Appalachian strata, other evidences are daily accumulating that the area to the east of the Appalachian chain, left blank in the geological map of the United States im Dana's text book—the so-called primary or gneissic region 0 the Atlantic slope—is Laurentian, and therefore was probably land during the Paleozoic times. The size of this eastern contl- nental mass it is impossible for us now to know, as it has been partly covered by later deposits, and perhaps even partly cov- the sea; but, judging from the quantity of sediments carried into the Paleozoic sea. and especially from the thick- ness of the sediments (30,000 feet) along its eastern margin, derived probably wholly from this source, it must have been bea large. Z t the end of the Devonian age, much of the middle portion of the interior Paleozoic sea was upheaved and became land (see Dana’s map, Manual, p. 183); and the Appalachian area now became alternately a coal marsh and an estuary emptying into the sea southward. Into this estuary or marsh, during the whole Coal period, sediments were brought from land north, east, and west, until 10,000 feet more had been deposi The subsidence of the Appalachian area, therefore, must have een 40 t i _ During the Coal period, therefore, the Appalachian region was still nearly on a fore with the sea. So far from being 4 Features of the Earth's Surface. 465 convex plateau, it was a north-east and south-west trough. So far from being a mountain chain, it was evidently lower than the regions east and west of itself At the end of this period occurred the Appalachian revolution. The great mass of sedi- ments which had been accumulating for so many ages, with their included seams of coal, yielded to the horizontal thrust, was crushed together, and folded and swelled upward to a height propor- tionate to the horizontal crushing. Thus was the Appalachian formed—subsequent denudation has made it what it now is. It is probable that in the process of the up-pushing of the chain (or possibly at a later time) the eastern continental mass was diminished by subsidence. Sierras.— We have good reason to believe that, at least some ortion of the area now occupied by the Rocky Mountains was ry land even during the Paleozoic era. To what extent or what height we do not know. I shall say nothing of the form- ation of this the oldest portion of the North American Cor- dilleras, as the history of its formation is little known. I will commence with a considerable body of land which certainly existed in this region at the beginning of the Mesozoic era. Now, during the whole Triassic and Jurassic periods, the region now occupied by the Sierras was a marginal sea bottom, receiving abundant sediment from a continental mass to the east. At the end of the Jurassic, this line of enormously thick off-shore depos- its yielded to the horizontal thrust, and the sediments were crushed together and swelled upward into the Sierra range. All the ridges, peaks, and cafions—all that constitutes the grand scenery of these mountains—has been the result of an greatly enlarged continent until the end of the Miocene, an then it also yielded in a similar manner and formed the coast The view that mountain chains are the up-squeezed sediments 466 J. LeConte—Formation of the of marginal sea bottoms completely explains the well-known law of continental form, viz., that continents consist of interior basins with coast chain rims. In fact, the theory necessitates this as a general form of continents, but at the same time pre- pares us for exceptions in cases of mountains formed from mediterranean sediments. The view is best illustrated from the American continent, because of the regular manner in which lems seem to be reduced to their simplest terms, and therefore are most easily studied and understood in America. Prof. Dana, in a paper on “the plan of development of the American continent,”* brings out some grand views on the relation of the heights of coast chains and their position, to the size and depth of the uceans which they overlook. From these formal laws, and proceeding on the hypothesis of a fluid in- terior, he concludes that sinking sea bottoms, determined by interior contraction, is the force by which continents are elevated. According to him, the sinking sea bottoms, together with the lateral thrust produced by interior contraction, push up the continents, at the same time crumpling up their margins into mountain chains. Such a process might certainly account for coast chains, for their position at right angles to the greatest expanse of ocean, ind: for their heights and crumplings being in proportion to the size and depth of the contiguous oceans; but the mechanics of the process is, it seems to me, untenable. For observe: this subsidence cannot be gravitative subsidence; for this could not raise continents. It is evidently a concave bending of the sub-oceanic earth-crust pressing on the liquid interior, and through it pushing up the continental crust. Now I have already shown that no stiffness of crust—not even if the crust were several hundred miles thick—could stam such strain over such immense areas. While I admire, there fore, the formal laws of Prof. Dana, I cannot accept his phy sical explanation. ‘ c.) Parallel ranges.—Whitney, in his essay on Mountain Building, already referred to, has drawn attention to the a that the celebrated law of Elie de Beaumont, that paralle . ranges of mountains are of the same age, so far from being ue is nearly the opposite of the truth. Parallel ranges, at bee = of the same great system, are nearly always successlV ae formed; and I would add successively formed coastward. na illustrates this by reference to the three great ranges. of ie North American Cordilleras, viz., the Rocky Mountains, ™e¢ Sierras, and the Coast range—and by the several ranges form ing the South American Andes. The theory I have preset at once explains this fact, and erects it into a law. Its4 ‘necessary result of the theory. . _-* ‘This Jour., II, vol. xxii, p. 335. Heatures of the Earth’s Surface. 467 In this connection, I will throw out a suggestion. Attention has been often directed to the truly wonderful submarine ridges and hollows brought to light by the U. S. Coast Survey, as occurring in the course of the Gulf stream, and extending all along the coast from the point of Florida to the coast of New England.* These ridges are truly submarine mountain ranges running parallel with the coast, and to the Appalachian. g Wim £ s- as the Appalachian was formed on the interior basin margin of they have we may suppose f become submerged in the partial subsidence of this continental tamorphism of Jenc thus far brought forward, I think it almost certain that moun- tain chains are formed by the squeezing together and up- swelling of lines of off-shore deposit. ut the question naturally arises: Why does the yielding to horizontal pressure place along these lines in preference to any other? I believe that the answer to this question is to be found in the recent views + Prof, Bache, Proc. Am. Assoc., 1854, p. 140. 468 J. LeConte—Formation of the on the subject of the aqueo-igneous fusion of deeply buried sediments. e accumulation of sediment, as first shown by Babbage, and afterward by Sir John Herschell, necessarily produces a rise of the geo-isotherms and an invasion of the sediments by the interior heat of the earth. From this cause alone, taking the increase of interior heat at 1° for every 58 feet, or about 90° per mile, and adding the mean surface temperature (60°), the lower portion of 10,000 feet of sediments must be at a tem- tae of about 230°, and of sediments 40,000 feet thick, ike those of the Appalachian chain, must be nearly 800° F. Even the former moderate temperature, long continued in the presence of the included water of the sediments, would be sufficient to produce incipient change—at least lithification, if not metamorphism. In fact, lithification of sediments wi probably take place under heavy pressure even at ordinary temperature, but is no doubt hastened by high temperature. The latter temperature of 800° is certainly sufficient to produce not only metamorphism, but aqueo-igneous pastiness, OF even complete aqueo-igneous fusion. With a small quantity of alkali in the included water of such sediments, all these ably continues during this process. Finally, this softening deler- mines a line of yielding to horizontal pressure, and a consequent up-swelling of the line into a chain. us are accounted for, first, the subsidence, then the subsequent upheaval, and also the metamorphism of the lower strata so universal in great mountain chains. By this view, of course, the exposure of the metamor a rocks on the surface is the result of subsequent erosion. ven the granite axis, I believe, in most cases, is but the lower- most, and therefore the most changed portion of the squeezed mass, exposed by subsequent erosion; although it is by n° means impossible that in some cases the granite may he squee out as a pasty mass through a rupture at the top of the swelling mass of strata. The theory, as will be observed, strongly inclines toward the metamorphic origin of granite, but does not require it. _ For there is nothing to hinder the aqueo-igneous fusion of ap _ original granite crust by the accumulation of sediments upo? it, and the consequent yielding of the crust along the line of accumulation,” ; Soe Features of the Earth's Surface. 469 (z.) Fisswres and slips.—The enormous foldings of the strata which must occur in the formation of mountain chains by lateral thrust would, of necessity, produce fractures at right angles to the direction of thrust, or parallel to the folds, 2 e., to the range. The walls of such fissures would often slip by readjustment by the force of gravity ; or else might be pushed one over the other by the sheer force of the horizontal thrust. The first case would give rise to those slips in which the foot wall has examined the so-called volcanic rocks on this coast, both in the Sierras and in the Coast chain, but especially in the former, 470 J. LeConte—Formation of the can fora moment imagine that these immense floods of lava have issued from craters. The lava floods of the Sierra and Cascade ranges are, it seems to me, among the most extra- ordinary in the world. Commencing in middle California as immense but separate lava streams, in northern California it becomes an almost universal flood several hundred feet thick ; in Oregon the flood becomes universal, and at least 2,000 feet thick, and this continues through Washington Territory and into British Columbia, how far I know not. An area 700 to By this theory, as by every other theory of mountain for- mation, it is necessary to suppose that there have been in the history of the earth periods of comparative quiet, during which of revolution- range, where it is cut through by the Columbia river and its . Jerlaid ern boulder drift Since that time we have been in what might be called a crater- ly d * Richthofen, th en, Natural ‘System of Volcanic Rocks : Memoirs of Cal. Acad. vol. i, part 2d. soon to give th der si i + I hope give the evidence of this in a separate co tion Features of the Earth’s Surface. 471 In regard to fissure-eruptions, nothing but general contraction and a squeezing out of liquid matter can account for the Whitney* thinks this squeezing out the result of subsidence of areas on either side of the mountain chain. I confess I do not understand the mechanics of this. Of course it could not be subsidence by weight, for this is inconsistent with the princi- ples of hydrostatic pressure. It could only be by a concave bending of a stiff crust pressing on a fluid interior; but this over a large area is impossible, for the reasons already given in the early portion of this paper. Besides, pressure on a general interior liquid would be propagated equally to every portion of the interior surface of the solid crust, which would therefore yield not necessarily in a contiguous part, but at the weakest point wherever that may be. In fact, if we admit the interior fluidity of the earth, the mechanics of igneous agencies is sur- rounded with insuperable difficulties on every side. The more we try to arrive at clearness the more the difficulties seem to accumulate. ‘ The theory which I have just presented accounts, it seems me, for all the principal facts associated in mountain chains. This is the true test of its general truth. It explains satisfae- torily the following facts. 1. The most usual position of tain chains near continental coasts. ~ 2. When there are several ranges belonging to one system, the ranges" have usually been formed successively coast-ward. 3. Mountain chains are masses of immensely thick sediments. 4. The strata of which moun- the cleavage planes being usually llel to the mountain _ chain. 5. The strata of mountain chains are usually affected with metamorphism, which is great in proportion to the height of the mountains and the complexity of the foldings. 6. Great * Mountain building, etc., p. 90. 472 J. LeConte—Formation of the Features, ete. fissure-eruptions and volcanoes are usually associated with mountain chains. 7. Many other phenomena—such as fissures, slips, earthquakes, and the subsidence preceding the elevation of mountains, it equally accounts for. It will be remarked that the theory, though in its general features, not dependent upon, yet strongly inclines toward and is powerfully supported by, the views of Rose, Bischof, Hunt. and others as to the metamorphic origin of granite and even of igneous rocks; the view that surface materials have passed by perpetually repeated cycles, through all the stages of rocks and soils ; igneous rocks disintegrated to soils, carried away and deposited as sediments, consolidated into stratified rocks, meta- morphosed into gneiss, granite or even into lavas, to be again _ after eruption reconverted into soils and re-commence the same eternal round; and thus we look in vain for the original ma- terial. I confess I lean strongly to this view. I am fully aware that there are some phenomena of move- ment of the earth’s crust which are not explained by the fore- going theory. I refer especially to those great and wide-spread oscillations which have marked the great divisions of time, and have left their impress in the general unconformability of the tangible which may be attacked and overthrown by facts an by physical reasoning. We have had enough of vague theoriz- ing in geology ; of vague shadows through which the trenchant sword of science passes with no effect. It is time that the more perfect methods of physics were applied to geology. Oakland, Cal., May 15, 1872. : E S. Dana—Orystal af Andalusite from Delaware Co., Pa. 478 Art. LVIL—Ona crystal of Andalusite, from Delaware Co., Pa. ; by Epwarp S. Dana. THE annexed figures represent a remarkable crystal of anda- lusite, from Upper Providence, Delaware Co., Penn., received by Professor Dana from Dr. George Smith, and now in the Yale College Cabinet. Figure 1 shows the crystal (natural size) with the planes as actually occurring. It will be ath: noticed that while all 9 rt the known planes, “| | with one exception ed ~ Tye} (22), are present, there is an irregularity in their occurrence al- | most amounting to a f kind of hemihedrism; li and 72 app but once, instead of twice, | } | i | | } and 72, 22, and 1 once, instead of four times. Figure 2 shows the crystal in its theoretical form, with all the planes as they would regularly occur. Za gave 88° 15’ (that is, 91° 45’), and O the macrodiagonal section the angle 93° to 94°; this obliquity, however, is not in the right direction to explain the partial hemihedrism. t small, and there was nothing in their manner of occurrence to Suggest that the peculiarity of the crystal figured was anything more than an accidental irregularity. In all of these speci- mens there was a great diversity in the prismatic angle, and obliquity in the angle of O upon the diagonal sections was very common. A word should also be added-in regard to the cleavage in the Specimens from Delaware Co. In most cases it was irregular, many of the crystals having a fibrous, tremolitic structure, and in others it was radiated. The regular cleavage parallel to the prismatic faces, howeyer, did occur, and a chemical analy . several of the specimens is needed to determine whether in the former case any change in constitution had taken place. Am. Jour. 7 Series, Vou. IV, No. 24.—Dzc., 1872. 474 E.. S. Holden—Spectrum of L[nghtning. Arr. LVIiL—Speetrum of Lightning ; by Epwarp S. HoLpEN, Lieut. of Engineers, U. 8. Military Academy, West Point. I DESIRE to communicate to you a few observations on the spectrum of lightning, which I could wish to be more complete. The instrument was a pocket spectroscope of Hawkins & Wales. The first set was made in Philadelphia shortly after sunset, on the evenings of August 18, 14, and 15, 1872. There was a continuous play of sheet lightning and frequent vivid flashes. In the sheet lightning and in the fainter flashes the green and blue portions of the spectrum were visible, the violet and red cut off; in the brighter flashes a complete and continuous spectrum appeared and superposed on it bright lines. The red end of this spectrum (of vivid flashes) seemed to be shorter than that of the spectrum of a common gas-jet turned down low, with which it was constantly and almost instantaneously compared, without moving from the place of observation. From the sheet lightning I repeatedly obtained series of bright bands in the green, but the width and intensity of these bright bands continually changed. Of the bright and sharp lines I saw but three :—1, line in green; 2, line in blue; 3, line in violet (or extreme blue?). Green. Red. Notes—The red ends slightly Violet. rs =—__ ond 1. 2=D line, : 3 bounds yellow 5 near boundary of green | green metimes blue. 7 6 6 4 a ee rane erat The spectroscope was then turned to the lightning, and with the above dark lines as reference lines the following br) 28 lines were mapped: (a) bright line Jess refrangible than red (border) of spectrum, i. e., extra red; (b) bright line sligh y ore refrangible than 4 (see fig.); (c) bright line near 9 OF _ (fig.) “ green or blue” ; (d) bright line in blue between 6 and 7, le. Letter Jrom B. A. Gould. 475 The green portion seemed to have variable limits and to be disproportionstely bright, but no green bands were seen. In my note book I have marked (a) (b) and (c) “sure of.” U. % ae Acad., West Point, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1872. Letter r Ale Dr. 3B. Goutp, Director of the ge tte at Cordoba, to the “Dilitors dated Cordoba, Sept. 4, 1872. Searcely a mail has gone out homeward for many months with- out we having experienced a-strong desire to tel repeat ‘the old wie of obstacles and delays; for, ‘although we have all worked to the utmost of our power, this interval has served to show how erroneous were my estimates of what could be accomplished within a given interval, in a ape country = at a distance from those facilities to which we are so thor ghly accustomed at home that it is difficult to feel how idisoeeenhie they are, or to make allowance for their entire absence. nd while anxious to fulfill my promise of writing to you, I was unwill- ing to send tidings unacco mpanied wd accounts of something done toward the fulfillment of my origin oh rane devoted to soe research in this clear and trans spare can now commence. an era of full activity, I shall not feel that these years of toil in the joint capacity of architect, surveyor, Sie ot engineer and mechanician, as well as astronomer, have _— ted Mprighnyesay. which have till now wien’ unex delayed the bom ae of the e observ rvations, have not interfered with the Uranometry, whic has advanced as uninter- identified from the hora pe and their mean, — x of 1872°0; _ or for those ew whieh could not be rat a in the belt between 5° and 15° of N. declination and expa tenths of a magnitude, For stars Ww 1. ie Roan. we had no trustworthy basis; -~ ogee a Ages arge proportion of our stars were noted as gree and many even fainter than 7 by Lalande, Tey | pa risbane, 7 was 476 Letter from B. A. Gould. indisposed to believe that stars ea below 64 or 6°6 could be visible to the naked eye. Experiments made with cabs reba failed to give a eaGuteclore restilt, a shits I fixed upon 65 as aided eye being considered as below 6°7. The work had far aavinged before the arrival of any means of accurately testing the oo of this assumption; and my suprise was great when er mparison of the faint stars within the espera with ‘Argelander’s “Durchmusterung” and Bessel’s zones, there re- mained no room re doubt that the — which we had been calling 6°5 was in reality not more than 7°0; and that on the clearest nights ohare not brighter than 7-2 could be distinctly seen, ea considerable number which had been seen and recorded are not above the 7°5 magnitude. This is beyond all question, and ee at once the transparency of our sky, and the sharp of our observ that the limit ought not to be brighter than 7 t was no difficult to translate cet agnitudes recorded into the correspond- ing true ones, since t of the stars had been observed two OF seem. the limits of vision ; Shite any systematic ed to diversity ri the estimates of the several observers. cou uld be at once recognize Th and their places reduced to the adopted “tas For this rig ion a large number of additional faint stars have been added t the catalogue in the belt—those only being adopted as stant ards of magnitude to which all four observers assigned the sam Swing The scale thus established has been similarly ei ag Letter from B. A. Gould. 477 by the accordant estimates of all, to two regions on opposite sides of the pole, and at about 60° declination, so that an abundant regions different from those which he had previously observed, and each one is now engaged in repeating his former work, with of the revision series. Thus I think we may believe that no star brighter than the 7th magnitude will escape notice, that the misidentifications will be few, and that the final results for the magnitudes deduced from so large a number of observations, free from systematic discordance, will be entitled to a high degree of confidence, : This revision, as well as the repetition of the original work, are both of them more than half completed, and I see no reason to feel otherwise than very well satisfied with the results. My great of the work, a the combination and scrutiny of the results, is quit i onsiderabl observation. nd I doubt whether this could have been more zealously or faithfully accomplished than by the gentlemen engaged Am * i especially, since it belongs to the northern hemisphere. It is the ae in Maca No. 507 of the Hour VL in Weisse’s Bessel, the place for 1872-0 being 6" 18” 19°-+7° 9'°2. : ae Bessel called its magnitude 7, and Mr. Davis noted it as 6-1 in the beginning of 1871; but his subsequent observations have shown it to fluctuate between the limits 6‘2° and 7°3° in a period of about 31 di: But enongh of the Uranometry, which must soon be brought to @ conclusion. : With the meridian circle I have already accomplished a very fair amount of work in determining the positions of stars uniden- 478 Letier from B. A. Gould. tified for the Uranometry, and of others regarding which there is discordance in the existing catalogues. ‘The observations for lati- tude are completed and will give a value which can probably not be essentially nethide g without an investigation of the division errors of the circle. I have not yet completed their discussion, but the clbant latitude will not differ much from —31° 25’ 15'4, In connection with Sefior Moneta, Chief of the Corps of National Engineers, 1 have already carried out two series of longitude- determinations; the one with the city of Rosario, the other wit uenos Aires. With each of these places ebiie-dhedabé have been ex- changed on several nights, and with results that indicate that Cordoba is in fact more than a minute of time to the westward of the longitude of Santiago de Chile from European meridians is doubtless better determined than that of any other point in South America, the proposed undertaking should not only give us a very oo ater result for this observatory, but likewise improve the adopted values for Buenos Aires, Rosario and Montevideo. The value which I am for the present adopting is Cordoba “¢ 51™ 33° E. from Washington, 16 39 W. from Greenwich. All obstacles to me commencement of the zone-work have, I inted upon a pe in another room, and rovided with 4 herwis h dial, or a fitting ag ak bat this Nga have entailed a delay of at least four or five months; so, ignoring the want of local Srgectariticn we have as ‘struggling since May in an a ges 3 to construct one of the « “home-made” sort, which should be ciently nice in its mechanical execution never to miss second, and yet interfere as little as possible with the clock rate. This is at last pia sagen thanks to the persistent efforts of Dr. Sollee and the dial is now perfo Letter from B. A. Gould. 479 With the equatorial I was able to follow the comet discovered by Tempel Nov. 3, 1871, on every clear night but one from Jan. 17 to Feb. 21, in spite of its extreme faintness. This comet was let observed in Europe only for about ten days, and I think the Cor- a t . ‘ mong my most cherished plans in connection with this expe- dition has been that of obtaining photographic impressions of prominent star-clusters in this hemisphere, for measurement an computation of the same kind as that bestowed, before leaving home, upon Mr, Rutherfurd’s photographs of the Pleiades an Presepe. With this view I made an earnest but unsuccessful effort in Boston to obtain the needful means by subscription. But in December last some of my near necessary funds for the es a and equipment of a trained pho- of thirty-six stars in the cluster in Scorpio, and a he images oe the brighter stars are slightly elongated, they are jon f the beautiful micrometer which has in his own : such exquisite work, I cherish some hope of being able to se oo 480 Letter from B. A. Gould. you the palpable demonstration that by nr and ingenuity something may be done even with a fractured len The great scientific importance of a study of the singular mete- orological relations of this country has made me unwilling to neglect any opportunity of furthering such investigations; ~~ though greatly indisposed to sacrifice any time which might devoted to astronomical ee With this feeling I have lost no opportunity of urging © e Government the high importance of an organized system of xibvebtclopieas observations, and a bill arts with the tes amg wee have provisionally undertaken the organization management of this Bureau, but with the hope of being able? elon long to resign it into some competent hands. I have also undertaken the Commissionership of Weights and Heastien; hoping thus to contribute something toward the further- ance of the great oo movement toward the unification of weights, measure currency. And I am glad to announce. that as a prelimina hes ep toward the practical inttodiction of the metric system, it has been ordere the Government that from and after Jan, Ist, 1873, all the measurements and records of the custom houses of the nation are to be made me metric units. At Loxsie every one of the 14 provinces has its own measures of length and capacity, each differing from the seas. and all differ- ing from those of pain, whence they were derived. It will not be a difficult matter, 1 am co Abe tcet to bring the metric units into practical use throughout tle 6 ntry. Of other scientific news I have but little to tell. A very beau- tiful meteor passed over the city of Tucuman at about 5 4. M., on the 21st August, dazzling those who were in the streets, and alarming them not a little. It exploded with a loud report motion is said to have — Ske the east, but no more definite information could be obta We are in the midst of me tempestuous but rainless sensch of the year. Two or three times a week, hurricanes pass 0 r the city, rendering the air opaque with dust and doing much injury to s and houses. This is one of our great troubles, in consequence of t the harm done to the instruments by the penetrating clouds of fine hard clay-dust. There h has been no rain for many months, and the bed of the Rio Primero is dry, below the upper part of the city; a not very uncommon phenoauaseet Chemistry and Physics. 481 SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. I. CuHemistry AND Puysics. On Manometrie Flames ; by Dr. R. iol of Paris.—- [The following 18 a translation of the latt tter part of Dr. Konig’s admirable paper “On manometric flames,” recently published in Poggendorg’s Annalen, Bd. 146, 8. 165. The figures annexed are from electrotypes which accompanied the acoustic apparatus re- cently sent pda Dr. Konig to the Stevens Institute of ‘Technology. —A. eae Rewantinds —In describing the results obtained by the combination of the notes of two organ pipes, I did not make 1. mention of unison. rn combination of two notes in unison is of and the attending phenomena of interference. I there elt — to describe them in connection with other similar experimen 482 Scientific Intelligence. If we take two organ pipes in unison, attach to them two flames, and sound one of them, the flame of the other will show that the incInded column of air has had the vibrations communicated to it, and that this communication continues even when the organ pipes observed in the inset "Tf we now sou id the second pipe cole, and thus induce vibrations of its own, these will combine with the resonance vibrations, and the flame violently indicates beats which can also be distinctly hear I draw particular attention to thie isolated appearance of reson- ance vibrations in the column of air, because this does not happen in the case of two violin strings stretched over the same sounding board, where the string vibrations are always combined with the resonance vibrations in the influenced string, even if it is not sounded. The beats produced by two such strings acting on each other are of such nature that one reaches the maximum amplitude while the other is at re minimum, The flames of two organ pipes show the same phenomenon, one rising while the other falls. In the latter both must et while it is necessary to sound poly one of the strings. In pipes of perfect unison whose vibrations make the same mu- flame, the flame will, in the case of ines , be more violently agi- tated than the two flames 8 were; for in the latter case they were — both by direct and by induced vibrations, which in the same column of air were of very unequal intensity ; nore however, two notes of almost equal intensity are produced directly in two equa columns of air. If the two notes are made gradually to approach unison we shall observe that we cannot retard at will the beats as ace suddenly ce two columns of air vibrate like 4 system, that is, like two mlebinarid tuned bodies which are so intl- mately connected, a each other so strongly, that neither can emit its gveung note; the seclgiacee being that but a single note, a mean between the two, is This note is stron than that of a single organ pipe and causes the flame to contract in the center, an above a non-luminous blue broad ba As we approach pure unison the height of this dark base increases, the luminous contraction disappears and when unison is reache the flame appears at rest. At the same time the strong funda- ‘mental note of the organ pipes has almost entirely disa ppeared,, Chemistry and Physics. 483 and we clearly perceive the first overtone, since, as we well know, the even overtones are strengthened and the uneven ones destroyed whenever the difference of half a phase of vibration oceurs in the two notes in unison. This octave [the first overtone] is also seen in the flame which produces a series of low broad images in the mirror each of which is cleft. It is well in this experiment to use greater ‘bregi of the air in order to increase the intensity of the octave in the Since this cpaest lia of the octave in the interference of two fundamental notes may be Sata vo beautifully | also by means communication with the tube leading to the pe te capsule ; which I did by means of gum tubes in such a manner that the upper wind box of the syren preserved a limited inabilit irks as to roduce and interrupt interference through its different _—— Yhenever we approach the point of interference of the upper large vibrations of the fu ideisbke! tone atti disappear, and the short cloven flame of the octave take ss 8 special apparatus, which I constructed for observing pheno- mena of inter st of different kinds, is based upon a method first used by Herschell, and after him ‘by other physicists. The principle gy in producing interference by allowing waves coming from the same source directions, differing in engi by half a wave-length, and then uniting them again. A t ube is used branc ching off in two direc- interference, we must introduce as simple e as possible into the tube by connecting it with a resonator before which the cor- responding Say React is sounded : now lengthen one of which is a manometric capsule, si shall hay? len thening one | ea how the deeply cloven flames in the revolving mirror are soaly’ dl a inte baachs of light when the difference of half wave-length is reached. Interference may be shown much more beautifully by means of another arrangement, Instead of allow- one. Ona stand are dle one bein, saved Seok oh o gum tubes. gas pipe of g) capsule with the highest burner, pa “poe “of the * 484 Scientific Intelligence. other capsule with the lowest, and by means of the other two pipes I connected both capsules with the middle burner. If I now 2. sound the tuning forks, both branches being of equal length, os three flames in the revolving mirror appear as three sert flames cloven to an equal depth one above the other. On ‘engi ening one branch half a wave-length of the note, the middle one alone becomes a simple band of light, while the other two com tinue to vibrate with uncha i intensity. Here we observe at the same time the effect produced by waves of sound coming through each arm separately and oahen they are reunited. a. in these experiments we use an open organ pipe, instead of a uning fork with resonator, the vibrations of the octave appear aids during the interference “sl oe waves of the > fandamental note; provided the organ pipe is not of too great diameter. In the same manner as the feb hte note we can also remove any 24 sgn rd a note by means of interference. This can be shown very ni by means of a closed pipe. I introduce its sound into the ata by connecting it to the latter by means 0 m tube attached to its termin are capsule, after removing the gas burner. If I then pull out the tube so far that im terference is produced for the ate 3, the middle. flame in the Chemistry and Physics. 485 the arrangement of the three flames is particularly useful, because the constant images of the upper and lower flames render the slightest variations of the rst flame very perceptible, If U an= 00] is sung to the note ¢ in the apparatus, the funda- mental tone is but weakl y aiecesid by the octave; if we then arrange the apparatus so that the waves of ¢ interfere, ev + trace. of this octave disappears ; while on interference of the fi amen- ~ tal note two narrow flames of almost equal height take the place of each broad one, which represents the octave which exists now almost alone. If we sing O to the same note, where the octave is stronger than with U, we ean make the same experiments, but here the tone 3 appears on sine of the octave, the broad flame of the fundamental note changing into three points succes- sively i erie roe in altitude. If the waves of the octave inter- fere we get a group of five peaks of flame which indicate the tones 1, 3, 5. If we suppress the fundamental tone and with it the tones 3, 5. etc., we get a simple series of flames caused alone by the ,a especially in more composite groups of flames pertaining to th ower notes, ill therefore remark, that on lengthening one tube of the apparatus we often sudde very considerable the point of interference of the lower octave or sae ot a higher overtone of the note which is separated in this man Instead of shies branchmg tube, in which the pound was intro- duced in the preceding experiment, we can use two separate tubes * exactly squat a length and shape, each of which consisting of three pieces united a * in a telescope, so that the two open ends may be turned i y direction without ne = length or ing t nt g and for the ae of Zoch, I et prov are the ches with two stop-cocks by which they may be filled and shone oe ; é erie ai si f the tubes with india rubber rings to prevent the as from esca : at these poi Of peril t ag appara on. do for direct observation of the - different phenomena of interference with the ear, and for wc ing the experiments of Mach, Quincke and others. For this pur 486 Scientific Intelligence. ose we must put in the place of the flame apparatus one of the forked tubes and connect this with the ear by means of an india rubber tube. 2. On the light emitted by the phosphorescent compounds of uranium.—BEcQuEREL has examined the phosphorescence spectra of some of the compounds of uranium, and has arrived at the following results: : (1.) The compounds of protoxide of uranium hitherto studied ‘chloride and sulphate) did not exhibit any appreciable phospho- rescence. But although some compounds of the sesquioxide are equally inactive, this is not the case with the greater number, which when properly treated give rise to a more or less vivid emission of light. (2.) The greater number of these phosphorescent substances give a series of groups of luminous and dark bands which appear in a art of the spectrum extending from about C to beyond but near . These groups are 5, 6 or 7 in number, and the bright and dark bands formed by them are not in the same places for the different compounds, but preserve the same positions in the case of the same substance. (3.) If the succession of luminous groups in the spectrum charac- terizes in general the compounds of uranium, the acid in the com- pound determines the disposition of the bright and dark bands of each group, which disposition may differ greatly for the different compounds, .) In the double salts of the same class, in the sulphates and double sulphates for instance, the composition of each group remains the same, but the index of refraction of the corresponding * sulphates, __ (5.) If we consider the characteristic lines or bands of each hada in the same compound (which may be the center of a bright ban or a dark line), we find that from the first group to the seventh, differences between the wave-lengths of the corresponding luminous rays diminishes; the ratio of these differences to the mean WaV lengths also diminishes. i . Ole ne eee Chemistry and Physics. 487 and may be regarded as sensibly constant. Moreover, with differ- ent compounds this ratio only varies between limits but little ena: from each Sti Thus we have for the mean value of this rat Substance. Ratio < Obloride-of urawiumy 2.