$4.00 per Year. $4.60 per Year (Foreign). 35 cts. per Copy. THE © AMERICAN NATURALIS A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE. he MANAGING EDITO Prors. E. D: COPE, Philadelphia, anp J. $. faar aiin Tufts College, College Hill, Mass. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: ka da ae aot ae ee ade Sas Pe ee ae Se ETES T PE ee E E So W A. E T N A, ee eee ae OL Pe ne a ey aa ae APN E rey 3 iiai is j. PEET T? ET N Erg? j gi Vol. XXIX. é ‘Mgrs cd r t Characters of: Gems. Dr. C..0, WHITMAN, Chicago, ProF. ©. M. kigae Durham, N. H Pror. W. PROF. W. H. HOBBS, “Madigon, Wis. E Dr: ae On gasped: Lineo -BAY LEY, SHER TCL Main re C. AER garni toy = . ANDREWS, Baltimore, OMAINE eine a Bor D, laesi à . athe RWIN F. SMITH, Washingtona, D, ©. JULY, 1895. No. 343 CONTENTIO. PAGE THE SYMBIOSIS OF STOCK AND GRAFT Erwin F. Smith. 615 = ON A Supposep CASE OF PARALLELISM IN. THE Genus Pararosyors. (Ilustrated): Charles Earle... BIRDS or NEW GUINEA Soy matic: (Con- tinued.) . G. S. Mead. 627 = On A New CLasstricaTion OF THE LEPIDOPTERA, (Ilustrated.) A. S. Packard. 636 e Recent LITERATURE Some recent Text-books and Student Guides —Comstock’s Manual for the Tory of Insec ts —In Bi rd Land i © Recent Books AND: Sy Pere Pane AAT bi F GENERAL Nor Mineraloc oe icinal Planes and the Variation Crystal Angles—Determination of the Prin- , cipal Indices of Refraction for the most Im- portant Rock-making Minerals—New Minerals The Met- ones et Inclusions in “Volcanic Rocks ` ET + | Vsolagiett Bem Peconic M Pannen ess : acteki PA Geology and P SEE E > Californian Coast—Disintegration of G ame Set AR = of the Northwestern States—Thé Silver Mines of Lake Valley, New Mexico—Erosion of Sub- _ merged Limestones—Irrigation of Western | % Kansas—Plistocene Deposits in Switzerland— z Si T Boan A Protist: Seain ‘the “a Roches ter. y Rules ”—The Missouri Botanical Garden, New Astragalus $e Regetibte Phyviolegy-—The action of light or on picts Abe. pokati Regions of Aa istralia— Notes on a Snapping Turtle’s Nest—On some — | new North American creas 1 eee Entomology—Distribu on of Injurious In sect Psych olo gy—Mental 2 Child and the Race: : ‘Methods and Processes For Sale ` ercas sarunasts in 28 volumes to 1894 Volumes I to 14 sae (1880) bound, volumes 15 to 28 (1881 to 1894) in parts, unbound. The Edwards & Docker Co., 518 Minor St., Philadelphia, Keigyosha Natural History Store Supplies Museums and Private Purchasers with Zoological, Botanical, Paleontological and Mineralogical Specimens, native to Japan and surrounding seas, on lowest possible terms. We employ only scientifically trained collectors under the guidance of specialists, and especially recommend the services of Messrs M. Kikuchi and Y. Nawa on our staff. The former, until lately assistant in the Science College, is familiar with the best modern methods of morphological work, and the latter, a well known entomologist, is an expert in his branch as his beautiful exhibits in the late Chicago Fair well attest. For application and information, communicate to M. KIKUCHI, Keigyosha, Urajimbocho, Kanda, Tokyo, Japan. Vols. 18, 19, 20 and 21 of The x% American Naturalist, in parts, in perfect order. H. F. WEGENER, , REDLANDS, CALIFORNIA. — THE AMERICAN NATURALIST M 2. -| Jee Vout. XXIX. July, 1895. 343 THE SYMBIOSIS OF STOCK AND GRAFT. By Erwin F. SMITH. Under the title, Ueber Transplantation am Pflanzenkérper, (pp. VI, 162, Pl. XI, figs. 14), Dr. Hermann Vochting, Prof. of botany in the University of Tübingen, has contributed a study on the relations of graft and stock which is of unusual interest. After some consideration of the literature of the sub- ject he discusses (1) Methods of grafting, (a) Grafting of like parts in normal and abnormal positions; (b) Grafting of un- like parts; (2) The symbiosis of scion and stock ; (8) Histo- logical investigations. The author’s conclusions relative to the mutual relations of stock and graft rest upon careful ex- periments covering a period of some years. His first exper- iments consisted in the union of parts of the same and related varieties of the red beet. The top of a plant recently grown from the seed but sufficiently large was cut away and young shoots from two-year old blossoming plants were grafted on. These cions were taken from the base of recently developed shoots and bore from two to three vegetative buds. These buds grew into short, fleshy sprouts plentifully provided with leaves which resembled those of the first year, i. e. were not like those on the blossom shoot from which they weretaken. Sub- sequently the axis also became thickened but to a less degree. The shoots did not produce blossoms but elaborated food for 42 616 The American Naturalist. [July, their own use and that of the root. The roots also increased in circumference in proportion to the amount of their nourish- ment. This growth was excentric and preponderatingly under the cion. The following year blossoms were produced in the ordinary manner and death followed. Conclusion: If these shoots had remained on the parent plant, they would have blossomed the same season and died in the fall. Inserting them on the young root changed them into a vegetative state and prolonged their life for a whole year. In this case the young root exerted the controlling influence. In another ex- periment plants at the commencement of the second year were divided into two lots. The plants of one set were forced into a rapid development of blossoms; the others were restrained from blossoming by being kept in a cool place. The tops of the retarded plants were cut away and cions from the forced plants were inserted. The result of this experiment was quite different. These cions developed blossoms in the normal way. None of them remained short or formed the tufts of broad leaves which were peculiar to the sprouts in the previous ex- periment. In this case the leaves had long petioles and rather narrow blades as in ordinary blossom shoots. Here likewise the roots increased in size near the inserts, i. e. around them and below. Conclusion : Grafting on young and old roots leads to very different results. Knight’s law, expressed still more clearly by van Mons, that only its own nature controls the development of the cion, is not universally true. Cion and stock mutually influence each other always. Sometimes one preponderates in in- fluence, sometimes the other. The control exercised by the stock in these experiments with the beets is ascribed to move- ment of assimilative matters (stoffwechsel). The young root grows and stores up reserve materials, chiefly sugar. The old root does not grow, gives up its reserve materials, and dies after it is emptied. “It is plain,” says the author, “that the manner of growth of the bud, i. e. its development into a vegetative or floral shoot, depends less upon itself than upon — the parts bearing reserve substances, especially the roots.” 1895.] The Symbiosis of Stock and Graft. 617 In the middle of June, segments were removed from old roots, then producing blossoms, and were inserted into young, actively-growing roots, only recently developed from the seed. There was union of tissues but no increase in circumference, no radial growth. When these inserted pieces were examined the following winter they were, unexpectedly, found full of sugar. The cells bore abundant plasma, fine nuclei, and seemed to be in good condition, although at the time of their insertion they had given up the greater part of their reserve materials. The only possible conclusion is that the root inserts had formed new cane sugar out of the materials brought to them by the young roots. Old beets were set into young roots and in this way also their life was prolonged, the _ old parts dying only a little earlier than the young roots. In this case they showed no such quantity of sugar. Inasmuch as these old roots did not increase in thickness in spite of their good nourishment by the young roots it might be inferred that they are not capable of it, but such an inference would be wrong. Segments of old roots taken in the middle of March and inserted into the basal parts of panicles in rapid develop- ment showed a marked growth, what the author calls,—“ ein sehr auffallendes Verhalten.” They began a new process of development, grew up above the surface of the stem on a level with which they were originally inserted, and ended by form- ing swellings of various sizes and shapes. When the piece of reot was inserted upside down it was swollen at the upper end, when it was inserted right end up the swelling was at the lower end. Thestem around the insert also finally enlarged, sometimes only above the insert, sometimes also at both sides. The growth of these root-inserts was very remarkable. Under normal conditions the same pieces would have made no growth whatever. Planted in the blossoming stem they began to grow, and this growth was so energetic in some cases that the pieces increased to several times their original volume. Dr. Véchting is in doubt as to the cause of this behavior, but concludes from it that there is no necessary relation between growth and the storing of sugar since he found these growths very poor in sugar although the cells appeared to be active. 618 The American Naturalist. [July, Some attempts were made to unite annuals and perennials. The tomato was used for a stock, the author not being aware, apparently, that the tomato is not strictly annual but frequently lives far into the second year and evan longer in green houses and in warm climates. In the first series of experiments cions of Solanum dulcamara were grafted on. They made a good union and more growth than any shoots on the parent stem. In the fall the plants were removed toa house. Gradually the leaves fell off, but the sprouts remained fresh for a time. They died, however, in December or January, the disturbance beginning below with the stock. It was thought that owing possibly to the fall of the leaves and the cessation of the activ- ity of the graft, it had not sufficiently stimulated the stock, so another experiment was made using as cions Solanum capsi- cum and S. pseudocapsicum, which hold their leaves over winter. A good union was secured and the plants developed fine tops and prospered until winter. In early winter the stocks became diseased at the root and the tops died quickly. One plant, however, held on longer and toward the end of December the part of the stock above ground formed adven- tive roots. In January the graft turned yellow and died. Conclusion: These experiments do not show that the life of annuals can be prolonged by grafting perennials upon them but it is not certain that such an end might not be reached by the use of other plants. An experiment was also made on Mercurialis annua which bears _staminate and pistillate flowers on different plants. Portions of male and female plants were united by grafting but the result was negative, the sex remain- ing distinct. Mention is also made of a staminate Ginkgo tree in the Botanical Garden at Basle into which a pistillate branch was grafted many years ago. . This has grown into a stately system of branches but the sexual parts are just as distinct as on separate trees. The same result has been reached in the same garden with Acuba japonica. Plants of varied color and form were also grafted together. The more recent discussion of the symbiosis of cion and stock turns chiefly on the subject of the transmissibility of panach- ure and on the possibility of graft hybrids. A portion of the 1895.] The Symbiosis of Stock and Graft. 619 white and yellow spotting of variegated leaves is unquestion- ably pathological and is readily transmitted by grafting. Since we do not know the cause of this disease, we can form no definite idea as to its method of transmission, yet the whole process of transmission gives the impression of an infection. How this takes place we do not know, but it seems as if it must be through the wandering of specific material particles out of the variegated cion into the stock. Concerning the transmission of non-pathological peculiarities such as colors, especially those held in the cell sap, the author thinks that they cannot pass directly into the stock, but that something must pass that is able to produce them. He saw in Bonn, Lindemuth’s experimentin which violet color was transmitted from a potato cion to the green stock, and says it was so. His own experiments are as follows: Coleus. Many experiments with characteristic forms. The unions were easily affected and the plants were kept into the second year and some into the third year. Conclusion: In no case was there any trans- mission of color from the graft to the stock, or from the stock to the graft. Neither was there any influence on the form or nervation of the leaves. Cion and stock retained their origi- nal peculiarities unchanged, Tradescantia : The shoots of T. zebrina and T. quadricolor were grafted on the green T. Sellowi. The cions reached a considerable length but in no case was there any transmission of color. Beets (salad, fodder, and sugar): (a) Union of different colored beets. Dr. A. Maclean of Colchester, England, was the first to try this in 1853. He joined the root of a red beet to that of a white Silesian beet. They united but the red part remained sharply delimited from the white. There was no transmission of color or of form. In the author’s own experiments white and orange, white and red of various shades, and yellow and light and dark red beets were united. In part of the experiments = roots were joined to roots; in others shoots, to roots. With one exception there was no transmission of color from cion to stock or vice versa. Each part retained its own color. The blend- ing of colors did not occur even in the region of the union. Microscopic examinations were made and the place of union 620 The American Naturalist. [July, could be seen very distinctly. The exception was as follows: The shoot of a red beet was worked on the root of a white mangel wurzel? (Futterriibe) and subsequently a red color appeared in the swelling around the inserted cion. No such color was visible on the rest of the root, nor could any such be found on other ungrafted roots of this variety. It would seem that the color in this root was due-to the influence of the graft and that this experiment supports Lindemuth’s observations. Nevertheless this case is not entirely beyond suspicion since colored beets are apt to develop most color in the vicinity of wounds, and because all varieties of beets are nearly related and though apparently constant may possess latent peculiar- ities. (b) Union of bodies of different sizes. Very large white beets were grafted on small dark red ones and vice versa, the parts being about the same size when united. In the first case the plants grew more than in the second, i. e. because they had a larger leaf surface for assimilation. (c) Union of varieties having unlike shapes. Each grew after its own manner unin- fluenced by the other. M. Gaillard tried grafting Cucurbitace- ous plants and got the same result. ‘White, green and yellow colocynths were united but there was no blending of colors. Several attempts were made to procure graft-hybrids. The author wholly failed to get variegated hyacinth flowers by a union of different bulbs. Even when the union took place be- tween blossom stalks there was no mixture. In experiments with potatoes his results confirm Lindemuth’s. There was no mixture. Many experiments were tried using well marked and constant varieties very distinct in color and form. He discarded the tubers and worked with young, well-rooted shoots which were removed from the tubers, set out in the earth, and grafted as soon as they were a short distance above the ground. As soon as the cions were healed on, the plants were put into a hot bed. They remained here until the fall of the leaves in autumn, care being taken to remove all the green leaves which appeared from time to time on the stock so that it should be nourished only by the vegetation of the cion. At the close of the experiment the tubers were found to possess all of the peculiarities of the mother plant. The cions did not 1895.] The Symbiosis of Stock and Graft. 621 produce any change either in color or form. In Strasburger’s experiment of grafting Datura on potato and getting atropin in the tubers, if the malformation of part of these tubers was due to the presence of atropin then it is a case of poisoning and not of a change in the specific nature of the stock due to the cion, as Strasburger also admits. From the observations of Lindemuth there can be no doubt that many of the reports of graft hybrids rest on errors. Master’s reported an exper- iment made by Maule of Bristol and exhibited a photograph showing Helianthus tuberosus grafted on H. annuus and the roots of the latter bearing tuberous growths. This experiment was repeated by M. Carriere, a very careful observer, and on the roots of his Helianthus annuus appeared two budless black swellings with a rifted surface, and in general resembling cer- tain dahlia tubers. In the vicinity of these were other forms which more nearly resembled the artichoke. This experiment should be repeated. Conclusion: Either there are no such things as graft hybrids or else they are limited to a small num- ber of plants. 622 The American Naturalist. [July, ON A SUPPOSED CASE OF PARALLELISM IN THE GENUS PALAEOSYOPS. By CHARLES EARLE! The object of the present paper is to attempt to show that in the extinct perissodactyle Palaeosyops, the species developed at least two parallel series, both of which may have lead to some permanent result. In other words, from a very thorough study of the known species of this genus, I am lead to the conclusion that the genus Titanotherium may have had a polyphyletic origin. This, will be impossible to prove until we know more of that intermediate form Diplacodon. Little has been attempted in the construction of the phylo- genies of species of fossil mammals, although a great deal has been done in this respect in regard to genera. I attempted it in my “ Memoir on Palaeosyops,” but the recent acquisition of new material proves that I made some mistakes in my phylo- genetie scheme. As our knowledge of Palaeosyops now stands, we know considerable about the structure of the skeleton in a number of well defined species, and in some cases the com- plete osteelogy is known. Professor Cope was one of the first to call attention to the phenomenon of the parallelism of genera. Professor Scott? in his series of valuable papers has placed before us a thorough exposition of what we have to attempt in paleontological investigation, and especially the relation of the latter to the facts of evolution. In the “ Deep River Mammals” he remarks? “only very rarely can we construct a phylogeny of species as distinguished from that of genera, and the latter are too vague for the purpose.” "American Museum of Natural History, New York. * Phylogeny of the Tylopoda. Journal of Morphology, Vol. ee Osteology of Mesohippus and Leptomeryx. Journal of Morphology. Vol. V, p. 301. The Mammalia of the Deep River Beds. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., 1894. 3 Page 119. 1895.] Parallelism in the Genus Palaeosyops. 623 Quite a large number of species of Titanotherium have been already described, but as a whole this genus is remarkably homogeneous in the characters of the species, and it is very uncertain how many there really are. The deeply concave or saddle-shaped skull is typical, I believe, of all the known spe- cies. The case with Palaeosyops is quite different, as this genus exhibits a great variety in its specific forms, fully as great, if not greater than Palaeotherium of the Middle Eocene of Europe. : Within the past summer some exceedingly valuable material of Palaeosyops has been collected for the American Museum of Natural History by Mr. O. A. Peterson of the Museum; and this has just been described in bulletin form by Professor Osborn. We are greatly indebted to this bulletin for its im- portant information in regard to the stratigraphical relations of the skulls of Palaeosyops. This: material was collected in the country just south of the Uinta Mountains, and the deposit which oceurs in this area was always supposed to pertain only to the Uintaor Upper Eocene. Mr. Peterson discovered skulls of a species of Palaeosyops in this region, namely, P. megarhinus, which is typical of the Bridger proper, and, in fact, he found one skull of this species or a variety of the same, which is the earliest one known of thisform. Thisskull came from the base of the beds under the Uinta, which is considered to be the bot- tom of the Bridger. Mr. Peterson informs me that Palaeosyops occurs from this position in the beds as far up as just beneath the Uinta proper. Furthermore, in the uppermost of the transition beds, between the Bridger and Uinta proper, Mr. Peterson discovered a number of large skulls of a supposed new type of Palaeosyops, but I think I can quite safely say that this form really belongs to the genus Telmatotherium Marsh (Leurocephalus S. & O.). The characters of these skulls nearly demonstrate my views as to the phylogenetic relation- ship of Palaeosyops to Telmatotherium, and in my memoir on the former genus I remarked “I consider that Telmatothe- rium is the most highly specialized genus of the Palaeosyopi- nae approaching more closely in its dental characters (skull unknown at that time) to Diplacodon than any other genus of 624 The American Naturalist. [July, the subfamily, Telmatotherium should, therefore, hold an intermediate position between Palaeosyops and Diplacodon.” It is interesting to note that these newly discovered skulls of Telmatotherium are merely greatly enlarged ones of the P. me- garhinus type (see fig. 2), and that other skulls in the collection of the American Museum show the transition stages between the generalized form of P. megarhinus and that of the Telma- totherium type from the uppermost part of the transition beds already, referred to. 7 _In the Bridger proper or the area of southwestern Wyoming, just north of the Uinta Mountains, occur at least three well defined types of skulls of Palaeosyops, namely, that of P paludosus, with frontal region strongly convex and occipital portion broad and heavy (see fig. 3). The character of the teeth in this species is very primitive, but it has a specialized form of skull. 2. The type which Marsh called Limnohyops. I recognized this as a good genus in my memoir, but I now believe that it should be included in Palaeosyops. In P. (Limnohyops) lati- cens the skull is saddle-shaped like that of Titanotherium, and I called particular attention to this fact in the paper already quoted (see fig. 1). 3. The P. megarhinus type of skull is the most primitive of all, there is hardly any depression on the dorsal surface, and the sagittal crest is well defined. The teeth are tending towards those of Telmatotherium, as they have broad and angular crescents, with a reduction of the intermediate tubercles (see fig. 2). I wish to emphasize particularly that in the Bridger proper, the saddle-shaped type of skull was established, and contemporaneous with it was the much more primitive skull of P. megarhinus. I accordingly did not suspect that the lat- ter was in the direct line leading to Diplacodon. However, the discovery of the skull,of this species south of the Uinta Mountains and its relationship to Telmatotherium, has made necessary some changes in the phylogeny of the species of Palaeosyops, and I now find that there were two well defined lines of Palaeosyops tending in the characters of their skulls and dentition towards Titanotherium, and that these two 1895.] Parallelism in the Genus Palaeosyops. 625 series were parallel in many of their characters, although the P. megarhinus-Telmatotherium division did not commence to differentiate those characters which are found in Titanothe- rium as early as the P. laticeps-P. vallidens series. In the following table I have arranged some of the species of Palaeosyops phylogenetically and in three parallel columns, two of which are supposed to contain persistent types. The third column contains the more specialized species, which are are supposed to have died out. In conclusion I wish to emphasize the following points :— The first series exhibits transition in the structure of the the teeth and skull which is quite gradual, although in the most highly differentiated form of this line, namely, Telmato- therium sp. nov. (type specimen in American Museum collec- tion), the dorsal contour of the skull is slightly convex and not saddle-shaped as in Titanotherium. This series began to differentiate later, as already shown, than the second series ; this is proven by the presence in the Bridger proper of the supposed earliest members of the two lines, namely, P. mega- rhinus, which has a skull with a nearly straight dorsal contour, and the ancestor of the second line, namely, P. laticeps, with a skull which is deeply concave like that of the White River — genus Titanotherium. 2. The changes from P. laticeps to P. vallidens parallels that of the first series in many ways, notably the increased height of the crowns of the molars, reduction of the intermediate tubercles, increase in size of the skull, and lastly some indica- tions of the development of horns. 3. The great variety of species occurring in the genus Palaeosyops indicates progression and advancement towards a higher type, although we observe that a number of the species probably left no descendants. In the genus Titanotherium, which was approaching extinction, we see fewer well marked species and much closer similarity between them than between those of Palaeosyops. The American Naturalist. [July, 626 | | | | ‘rodoig 123pug ‘sa[010qn} ayBIpeu1ezUl pedopaaep [[aM pue sumoo MOT PITA Samud yaa, 'XƏA * -u09 A]Suo.js uoWed WUO} PITA ‘pwosg pur qoys nyg ‘Apo snsopnyod sdohsoanjng ad 3 Sade Sate “uTe}09NN aoUaIajJal əəuəNŅ “UOLJa]]OO uour əy} ur mef oBer v Aq pəzuəsərdəa st səroəds SYL `O P ‘ssnymubohy umaapopun?], ¿ 'ouooosr OST ssuoy quetdrour ų ‘ssjesvu pue s[Bjuoay yo uonounf yw satis sig -Á1wuounpna suoood Ay yya Ieou JOIANS wrpu əy} Pe ne | ‘auoood Ly ‘səpozəqn} ayVIpa oun, UL se padvys oyppes ugg “ysunyy sda Sint (8 preada anan pi ‘zedoad vyu “ULOGSQ ‘wnmusoo wnuapopwar, "E ‘rodoig 108pug əy} wory *‘peonpedl $310 -1əqn} IVIPSULIOIUT PUR PazyBFuoe eurodeq 0} ‘AT[BISIP pBorq pus ‘ssw [NAG peg snueysvhow q@ g ‘rasplig Jo əseq mory auovodÁy yya ejot Iouadns 3y pur uor 45919 pepes ‘(pews 3 ae apeg (Honga) snurysvbau “gq `I 14s “quaqstsiod-U0 N ‘sad £7, qUeISTSIa,T ‘sodA J, yuasa SUO pazieyedg TI SNS Peda ‘T PHOS Pend ‘HAV J, 1895.] Birds of New Guinea. 627 BIRDS OF NEW GUINEA ERE TT By G. S. MEAD. (Continued from page 417). Considerable uncertainty exists in regard to the different species of Rectes. The lines of division between them have not been clearly drawn; accordingly, we are in possession of more names than birds, the difficulty arising from insufficient information as to the size, age, locality and even sex of the specimens described. Passing over two or three doubtful forms we meet with a species new to science when D’Albertis and Salvadori first saw it. Itis R. brunneiceps. The back and scapulars are a bright cinnamon, the head and neck a clouded brown, the breast, abdomen, under sides of wings and tail fulvous. The ground color therefore, is not as distinctly laid as in most, if not all, of the other forms. Rectes aruensis is a handsome little bird of a very bright chestnut body, a crested head entirely black, and throat, breast, wings and tail the same. Under parts are of a deep tawny buff. The black on the breast is prolonged in a shield- like figure as far as the abdomen. Length, ten inches. Rectes jobiensis has a warm reddish brown thoughout except- ing where, as on the head, the coloring takes a lighter dye. The under parts are not materially different in coloration, a paler or deeper shading of the prevailing tint only being noticeable. Even the bill has the same general complexion. The female is similar to the male with the advantage of a somewhat larger size. As indicated by the specific name, jobiensis comes from the island of Jobie, northwest of the main- land in Geelvink Bay. He is a handsome bird like most of his kind, the erectile crest, which, however, is scarcely more than the head feathers considerably ruffled, adding to his con- spicuous appearance. Not much is known of his habits or of any of the Rectes. The total length of the ane: species is a fraction over nine inches. Pseudorectes, classed as a separate genus, are so like the Rectes in most respects as to make special description, if entered 628 The American Naturalist. [July, upon at all, of obvious necessity. It will be sufficient here, while pointing out that the differences lie chiefly in the form of the crests, bill and, in the case of Melanorectes (a third genus), nasal bristles, to mention a few species and add one or two details as marks of identification. Pseudorectes cristatus, now placed in this genus, is noticeable for its crested head. Its general color is dull red, shading and paling on certain parts of the body, wings and tail. In size and appear- ance Pseudorectes ferrugineus is like the other species. Male and female differ imperceptibly. Above darkish brown predominates shading off or brightening on the wings and tail. Beneath is a soft buff. The bill, legs and feet dusky. Pseudorectes leucorhynchus, or white-bellied wood shrike, is another species with the customary coat of snuff brown, tail brighter, head darker, under parts a warm buff as far as the throat, which becomes tawny. Bill yellow. Tail nearly one- half the total length, measuring more than five inches. A synonym is Colluricincla leucorhyncla, sometimes classified as Rectes. The third genus, Melanorectes, represented by the species nigrescens, is fairly well indicated by its name. The general color of the male is dark, black on the head, black or sooty on the under parts. Bill black, legs plumbeous. The female is ruddy and dusky brown, rejoicing in a brighter garb than her mate, although the tints are neutral rather than positive. The length is seven inches. The Rectes, or to be more exact, Rectes dichrous, is the only bird according to Mr. Goldie, that the natives will not eat. New Guinea contains several species and sub-species of the genus Chibia, the native name for the Drongo shrike, birds of from 10 to 13 inches in length, belonging to the family of the Dicruridæ. They are black in color with a purplish or green- ish sheen, rather long, square cut tails, wings somewhat longer, both reflecting lustre more or less faint, strong, curved beaks imbedded in bristling hairs, and, in some instances, long, delicate, flexible hair-feathers on the head. It seems hardly essential to separate this genus from Dicrurus. In fact, most travelers in New Guinea have employed the latter name 1895.] Birds of New Guinea. 629 exclusively i in describing these birds, but Mr. Sharpe's deci- sion is in favor of the first mentioned. Chibia carbonaria is perhaps the most common member of this genus, being met with near Port Moresby and elsewhere in New Guinea as well as on adjacent islands. It is 12 inches long, black all over, with green or purple gloss sometimes, glittering as from metal, but on the face of a velvety softness. The bill and legs are also black. A smaller form inhabiting the Aru Islands has been called Dicrurus assimilis. Another variety, Chibia megalornis, belongs to Ke Island, to the east of Aru. Here the gloss and reflections are about the same as already recorded, with perhaps an added glint of blue and darting gleams of steel. Bead-like points show here and there on the breast as on the other species. Hackles appear on the neck of a greenish tinge. The bird is about 11 or 12 inches in length with tail about half as long. A little bird living in Southern New Guinea, though not con- fined to that region, may frequently be seen flitting about among the trees in the bush, engaged in a busy search for food. This is Collyriocincla brunnea of the Prionopide. It is a brown and gray bird, the brown washed with gray as on the wings, becoming altogether white on the cheeks, or gray obtruded upon by brown, as along the the tail and on the crown; below a muddy tint running whitish and white on the belly and under tail-coverts. A glow of yellow shows on the under wing-coverts. The length isonly between 8 and 9 inches. : Closely related to the foregoing, by some authorities regarded as of the same class, by others formed into a separate genus, are small birds termed Pinarolestes ; little shrikes they may be called. The species P. megarhynchus is common enough throughout the archipelago. The prevailing color is a dark brown, streaked on the breast a deeper hue. Total length 8 inches ; the female a trifle smaller. Near Port Moresby, of recent years so well known a spot in Southern New Guinea, may be met more or less frequently a few. species of the Oriolidz, one of which, of the genus Sphecot heres, is especially noticeable. It is about the average 630 The American Naturalist. [July, size of the oriole, has some bright color, though the general tone is sober, and has that bare or bald circlet around the eye which imparts a singular aspect to the face. The bird in question is Sphecotheres salvadorii, so named from the eminent Italian ornithologist. There is much olivaceous, becoming almost yellow around the body, running into a bluish gray about the throat and side face, white on the abdomen, yellow on the upper portion, white in wide patches on the outer tail feathers, the inner ones black, jet black on the crown as far as the staring spaces enclosing the eyes. The female is clad in dusky brown or slate mainly, mottled by darker spots on the upper surface, the under parts with running spots or irreg- ular lines of olive or dusky over a pale yellow ground. The tail is marked similarly with that of the male, only brown takes the place of black, and dull yellow of white on some of the feathers. Clear white occurs about the vent and an open spot around the eye. Mr. Stone collected this bird as well as Oriolus striatus, a true oriole, common, probably, over the island. In this case the general coloration is not greatly unlike that of the female above described, with, however, a purer brown both above and beneath; but the distinctive feature of the striatus, as the name implies, rests in the streaks which appear almost everywhere in narrow or broader lines over the body and even monopolize the crown of the head. In fact, about the only parts free from these long black, brown or gray streaks are the wings and tail, yet these are lined off or margined with slightly different tints. The female does not show mark- ings at variance with those of the male. The length is a good 12 inches. Hattam Thickhead (Pachycephalopsis hattamensis), is a small bird about 7 inches in length, found in the moun- ains of Northwest New Guinea. The sexes do not differ in color or size. Back and wings are a deep olive which becomes a mere line on the wing-coverts; these are almost black. The under-wing coverts and tail are a light brown somewhat varying in shade. The head and nape of neck are gray, the lores white, as are also the chin and throat. Lower down this changes into a greenish yellow, shading off on the abdomen. Bill and feet dark. 1895.] Birds of New Guinea. 631 The-Blue-bodied Lupetes—Eupetes cxrulescens—is a small thrush-like bird about 8 inchesin length. D’Albertis speaks somewhat doubtfully about its habits. It runs along the ground, he says, and does not appear to perch upon the trees. Gould, however, figures it on low branches. In color it is not unlike our shrikes, although darker and more uniform, the prevailing tint being a soft bluish grey. Black is seen on the face and as a narrow rim surrounding the pure white throat. A less clear gray is spread on the under tail feathers; other- wise the gradations of the uniform steel blue are scarcely observable. The bill is sharp and black ; legs and feet black. The noticeable feature of this bird is the pure white throat, the white extending well down on the breast and half way round the neck. This feature is characteristic of this fine group of birds and marks them out at once. The Manucodes form in their several species a beautiful class of richly plumed birds, sometimes numbered with the Paradisea, but belonging rather to the crow family. They are however a glorified crow in their sparkling dress and imperial bearing. One of the most conspicuous for size and elegance is the Curl-crested bird of paradise, as he is sometimes styled —Manucodia comrii. This species is of a wondrously lustrous black throughout; it fairly blazes out with the very inten- sity of brightness, so that all the possible combinations which rays of light fastening upon a gleaming black sur- face are capable of forming, here display themselves in changing blue, violet, green, purple, etc. The dazzling effect is greatly magnified and heightened by the appearance as it were of beads and spangles of feathers upon the flat surface of the body. Upon these the reflections of light seize and glitter with a fitful radiance. To no bird, therefore, can the term sparkling be applied with as much appropriateness as to the Manucodes, Especially are these short, crisp, curl- feathers producing the strange effect abundant on the breast. In fact, they cover it, while reaching around the sides and upon the shoulders. The head, too, with its double crest of compact, thick feathers, is almost as heavily bejewelled. In addition to the short convoluted feathers, another singular 43 632 The American Naturalist. [July, feature should not be overlooked: upon the long, heavy tail- feathers may be seen superfluous feathers, somewhat loosely laid and extending not quite the length of those below. These take the shape of the keel of a boat not unlike the tail of our crow blackbird in flight, though devoid of the trimness and elegance that marks that fine bird. The habitat is the D’Entrescasteaux group of islands. The bird has a strange, low, far-penetrating whistle. The bill and feet of the comrii are dull black. The bill is long and power- ful. . The total length of the bird is between 17 and 18 inches. The nest of this manucode has been found on the lower branch of a breadfruit tree near the end. It was composed of small vines and twigs rudely heaped together. The eggs were long and pointed and more than an inch and a half in length. Their color was buff or fawn blotched with purple dots and streaks. Considerably smaller, but quite as brilliantly adorned is the Green Manucode—Manucodia chalybea—whose habitat is the mountains near the seacoast. Although green would seem to be the distinctive color of this species, yet the play of blue over the basal black is almost as much in evidence; both these tints are evanescent. The little recurved feathers cover the head, neck and throat and the breast as far as the abdomen. The tail is also boat shaped and reflects blue, violet, purple from a smooth surface. The back is rippled over in blue, green and lilac waves of light whenever the bird moves or the angle of vision is changed. But it is on and by means of the spangled feathers that the most exquisite effects are produced. At times they seem to dart forth light like sparks on burnt paper. The length of this manucode is about 14 inches. Another species of Catbird besides those already mentioned - is the Black-naped--Aeluroedus melanocephalus. The resemblance is close among the several branches of this group of birds. Here as with all the rest grass green and pale yellow are the prevailing tints. In this instance the breast, head and neck are liberaily marked with black spots orstreaks. White with simi- larly black-tipped feathers takes the place of the yellow on the 1895.] Birds of New Guinea. 633 throat and cheeks. White terminates the tail feathers and is also found onthe abdomen. There are spots of ochre on some of the wing feathers. The crown of the head is much dotted with black while the nape is almost entirely black. The length of this species is between 1] and 12 inches. The habitat the As- trolobe Mountains. Mafoor Island Cuckoo-shrike—Graucalus mafoorensis—has a breast that is beautiful with wavy horizontal lines of white on a black ground color ; these lines extend over part of the under wings. In the female the lines are broader, forming narrow stripes, thus giving the appearance of being almost equally and alternately black and white. Otherwise the bird is a soft drab color uniformly spread. Its local habitat seems to be Mafoor Island in Geelvink Bay. A bird met with frequently along the Fly River and else- where in New Guinea as well as in the adjacent islands is a kind of starling—Mino or Eulabes dumontii or Gracula dumontii— often seen sitting on the tops of dead trees, like the Twelve-wired bird of paradise and the Wattled bird. It is about ten inches in length, stout and well built. The body is a fine black with purplish and greenish reflections strongest on the shoulders. Some gray down feathers appear on the neck; on the wings a prominent white patch but small when the bird is not in motion, is to be noted. The under tail-coverts are white sheathing the black tail. The abdomen is bright yellow, as are also the bill and feet. The eyes darker, almost brown. Around the eyes large bare spaces covered with a dull colored skin only, call particular attention to this Grakle. There are also bald spaces extending from the roots of the bill to the chin and throat. The sexes are alike. By some strange over- sight in Stone’s little volume, this bird is called the Golden oriole. It may be, however, that this traveler confounded Dumont’s grakle with an allied genus not altogether unlike an oriole, namely Gracula orientalis or Melanopyrrhus orientalis, which is not uncommon near Port Moresby and other parts of New Guinea. This showy bird has the head of a bright rich orange. The same deep color marks the rump, lower back - and upper tail-coverts. Under parts around the vent show 634 The American Naturalist. [July, almost as deep a hue. All else is a glossy green-reflecting black, save a few yellow feathers near theneck. Bill, feet and eyes are light yellow. Length, 10 inches. Another species— Melanopyrrhus or Gracula anais, has less vivid orange than orientalis, but is marked similarly excepting on the head which instead of a rich yellow is glossy black, the bright color not appearing until a broad collar is seen round the neck and throat. D’Albertis in his Journal desea another Mina, very scarce, which he considered new to science. The male has the “head, neck and breast of a rich orange golden color; throat and sides of the head, dark blackish green; abdomen above and below black, each feather margined with dark shining green; rump and tail-coverts deep golden orange; belly yellow, under tail-cover white tipped by a light yellow, wings and tail black, primaries white spotted, bill, eyes and feet, yellow.” The traveler named the bird Mina. robersonia. The Chestnut-backed Eupetes—EHupetes castanonotus, is a small, noticeable bird found among the Astralobe Mountains in Eastern New Guinea, and in those of the northwest. The general color above is a rich chestnut. The lower back, rump and upper tail-coverts a clear blue. Wing-coverts are a bright blue with the shaft lines plainly visible. Some red- dish stains tinge the scapulars while some small black feathers may also be descried. The tail is of a dull blue cast with clearer edges. The head is banded by a pale blue stripe above the eyes. Black markings diversify the face and run as a narrow rim around the pure white throat and cheeks. The under parts are a bright blue. At the termination of the © a under tail-feathers are broad patches of black. The length of the male bird is 9 inches. The female is somewhat smaller, differing further in having the entire upper surface chestnut without any blue. The tone is duller, however, excepting on the lower back and rump. Beccaris Scrub Robin—Drymoedus beccarii—is a plain bird, distinctively Australian in character, found in the mountainous regions of New Guinea. The general color above is a lightish brown, wing-coverts ashy brown and black 1895.] Birds of New Guinea. 635 barred with white. Middle tail feathers brown tipped with white. The head is of a darker brown with a spot of black beneath each eye. The cheeks and throat are a dingy white. Under parts are of a paler brown running into ashy along the sides. Under tail-coverts brown, under wing-coverts dusky tipped with wide white bars. Bill black. Feet light. Length, 7 inches. A Moluccan Bulbul—Criniger chloris—is a rather long, slender bird of a shaded yellow color, about 8.5 inches in length. The head is dark, almost black, sides of the throat slightly speckled. Tail is long and broad. Bill long and black. Feet black. Iris black. Male and female alike. This graceful bird inhabits Batchian and Gilolo, falling, there- fore, within the geographical limits of Papua. Though dull in color the Naked-faced Honey-eater—Melipo- tes gymnops—is not the least interesting of the division of birds to which it belongs. Very many of the honey eaters are remark- able for their rich variegated plumage and the elegance of their forms. New Guinea contains numerous species peculiar to its own territory, while sharing with other portions of Malaysia the possession of many more. The species just noted comes from the Arfak Mountains. It is a small bird with a total length of 8.5 inches only. The prevailing color is dark brown cinereous, deepest on the back and shoulders. The face is bare and of a dingy yellow or mud color; a tint almost the same is seen on the thighs and near the vent. These are the only parts which can boast of any brightness. The abdomen and lower breast present a slightly mottled or striated appearance because of the presence of straggling light feathers over the dark slate ground color. The under tailis also of a slate color unrelieved excepting by the white quills. Bill and feet black, the former short and sharp. D’Albertis classified this honey- eater as a new genus and new species, calling it also a beauti- ful bird. It hardly deserves this epithet as we have seen. Among the many Lories of New Guinea, one of the love- liest in harmonious blending of rich colors is the Red-fronted Chalcopsitta scintillata, Temm. It is of small size, only a foot long and of a warm, soft green plumage set off with carmine 636 The American Naturalist. [July, and black. The forehead is a velvety crimson running into black on the crown. Crimson appears also on the bend of the wings, on the under side of the wings intermingled with yellow, on the thighs and on some of the tail feathers; these tail feathers, exquisitely tinted with yellow at their extremi- ties, are rounded and overlapped in a curiously beautiful fashion. All else the color is a predominating green, frequently flushed with red or grained with yellow. Bill and feet black, eyes yellow. The sexes are not easily dis- tinguished. ON A NEW CLASSIFICATION OF THE LEPIDOPTERA. By A. S. PACKARD. The taxonomic importance of Walter’s most interesting dis- covery that Hriocephala calthella has maxille constructed on the type of those of biting or mandibulate insects, i. e., with an inner and outer lobe (lacinia) beside the palpi, was apparently overlooked by him as well as others, though its bearings on the phylogeny of the Lepidoptera as, however, insisted on by Wal- ter, are, it seems to us, of the highest interest. The presence of the maxillary lobes, homologous with the galea and lacinia of the Mecoptera (Panorpidee) and Neuroptera (Corydalus, Myrmeleon, as well as the lower orders Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Coleoptera, etc.), in what in other important respects also is the “lowest” or most primitive genus of Lepidoptera, the lacinia being a rudimentary, scarcely functional glossa or tongue, and not merely a vestigial structure, is of great signi- ficance from a phylogenetic point of view, besides affording a basis for a division of the Lepidoptera into two grand divisions or sub-orders, for which we would propose the names Lepi- doptera laciniata and Lepidoptera glossata. Sub-order I. LEPIDOPTERA LACINIATA. Walter thus writes of the first pair of maxille: “The other mouth-parts also ofthe lower Micropterygine have a most 1895.] On a New Classification of the Lepidoptera. 637 primitive characteristic. In the first pair of maxille of Micro- pteryx calthella, aruncella, anderschella and aureatella, cardo and stipes are present as two clearly separate pieces. The former in M. calthella and arunecella in comparison with the latter is larger than in anderschella and aureatella. In the last two species, the cardo is still tolerably broad, but reduced. The stipes are considerably longer than the cardo in the two last species, while it is of the same thickness. From the stipes arises the large 6-jointed palpus maxillaris, folded two or three times and concealing the entire front of the head and all the mouth-parts. Af its base, and this is unique among all the Lepidoptera, two entirely separate maxillary lobes arise from the stipes. The external represents the most primitive rudiment (anlage) of a lepidopterous tongue.” (Fig.1.) It is evident from Walter’s figures and description that this is not a case of re- duction by disuse of the tongue, but that it represents the primitive condition of this lobe or the galea of the maxilla, and this is confirmed by the presence of the lacinia, a lobe of the maxilla not known to exist in any other Lepidopterous insect, it being the two gales which become elongated, united and highly specialized to form the so-called tongue or glossa of all Lepidoptera above the Eriocephalide,' which we may regard as the types of the Lepidoptera laciniata. Another most important feature correlated with this, and not known to exist in Lepidoptera glossata is the presence of two lobes of the second maxille, besides the 3-jointed labial palpi, and which correspond to the mala exterior and mala in- terior of the second maxille of Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Platyptera, Corrodentia, i. e., Perlide, Termitide and Odonata, and also, as Walter states, to the ligula and paraglosse of Hymenoptera. In this respect, the laciniate Lepidoptera are more generalized than Neuroptera, Trichoptera, or Mecoptera. Walter thus describes the two lobes or outer and inner mala of the second maxilla: “ Within and at the base of the labial palpi is a pair of chitinous leaves provided with stiff bristles, 1 In his paper on the larva of Eriocephala, etc. (Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1894, p. 335), Dr. Chapman separates the old genus Micropterya into two families: Eriocephalide and Micropterygide. His group Eriocephalidx I here regard as comprising the types of the sub-order Lepidoptera laciniata or Protolepidoptera. 638 The American Naturalist. [July, being the external lobes of the underlip formed by the consolidation of the second pair of maxille, and which reach, when extended, to about the second-third of the length of the second palpal joint. Itsinner edge is directly connected with the inner lobe (mala interna). The latter are coalesced into a short, wide tube, which, by the greater size of the hinder wall, opens externally on the point, also appearing as if, at the same time, cut off ob- liquely from within outwards. “The outer anterior edge of the tube forms a strongly chi- tinous semi-circle which, becoming thinner, finally passes into the delicate membranous hinder wall. Also anteriorly a deli- cate membrane appears to cover the chitinous portion. | Fig. 1. Fic, 2. “ We have here, in opposition to the weak, naked under lip represented by a triangular chitinous plate of the Lepidoptera, a true ligula formed by the coalescence of the inner lobes of the second maxille into a tube, as in many Hymenoptera, and with free external lobes, which correspond to the paraglusse of Hymenoptera,” : Walter has also detected a paired structure which he regards as the hypopharynx. -As he states: “A portion of the inner surface of the tube-like ligula is covered by a furrow-like band . 1895.] On a New Classification of the Lepidoptera. 639 which extends close to the inner side, is coalesced with it and in position, shape, as well as its appendages or teeth on the edge may be regarded as nothing else than the hypopharynx.” While he refers to Burgess’ discovery of a hypopharynx in Danais archippus, he remarks that this organ in the lower Micropteryginæ (Eriocephalidæ) exhibits a great similarity to the relations observable in the lower insects, adding: “ The furrow is here within coalesced with the inner side of the labium, and though I see in the entire structure of the head the inner edge of the ligula-tube extended under the epi- pharynx as far as the mandible; I must also accept the fact that hère also the hypopharynx extends to the mouth-opening, as in all other sucking insects with a full-developed under lip, viz., the Diptera and Hymenoptera.” Another feature of importance, diagnostic of this suborder, is the mandible (Fig. 2), which, in form, size and the teeth are closely related to those of the lower mandibulate orders, being, as Walter states, in the form of true gnawing jaws, like those of the biting insects. They possess powerful chitinous teeth on the opposed cutting edges, 12 to 15 on each mandible, and also the typical articulating hook-like processss by which they are joined to the gena, and corresponding cavities are in the latter. In Micropteryx and other of the more generalized moths, the mandibles in a very reduced form here survive as functionless vestiges of the condition in Eriocephala. Turning now to the head and trunk, we find other primi- tive characters correlated with those just mentioned. The head is of moderate size, as wide as the body, with small compound eyes, and with two ocelli. The occipital region is well developed, as in the epicranium ; the clypeus and labrum are of moderate size. The generalized nature of the thorax is especially. note- worthy. The prothorax is seen to be very much reduced, the two tergites being separate and minute, not readily seen from above. The rest of the ERES is very long, exhibiting but lit- tle concentration. The mesothorax is but slightly larger than the metathorax, the mesoscutum is very short, the scutellum rather triangular than scutellate. 640 The American Naturalist. [July, The metathorax is but little shorter and smaller than the mesothorax, and remarkable for the widely separated halves of the scutum, a Neuropterous character (compare Ascalaphus and Corydalus) in which it differs from Micropteryx. The slope of the scutellum is that of a low, flattened triangle. As regards the abdomen, attention should be called to the disparity in size and shape between the sexes, also to the male genital armature, which is very large and completely exserted: and reminds us of that of Corydalus, in which, however, the lateral claspers are much reduced, and also that of certain Trichoptera (Sericostoma, Tinodes, Stenophylax, Hydropsyche, etc.). The larval characters of this sub-order it would be difficult to give, for in the remarkable larva of Hriocephala calthella as described and figured in Dr. Chapman’s elaborate account, we appear to have a highly modified form, entirely unlike the simple apodous larva of Micropteryx, and perhaps quite un- like the primitive stem-form of Lepidopterous larve. We are indebted to Dr. Chapman for mounted specimens in a slide kindly given us by him. The body is broad and flattened, the segments very short in proportion to their width, the prothor- acic segment, however, very long in proportion to the others, but the surface rough and corrugated, not with a hard, smooth dorsal plate as in many Tinide, Tortricide, ete., since it is not a boring insect. The eight pairs of abdominal prop-like tuber- cles, which we should hardly regard as homologues of the abdominal legs, are, like those of the Panorpide, simple tuber- cles armed with a curved spine. The tenth or last abdominal segment is armed with a pair of dorsal spines, arising from a tubercle. The singular flattened and fluted sete represented by Chapman are unique in Lepidopterous larve. He also de- scribes a trefoil-shaped sucker on the under side of the ninth and tenth abdominal segments, “ very unusual;” though as it appears to be paired, it does not, as Chapman thinks, seem to us to indicate “a further point of relationship to Limacodids.” Chapman states that “the head is retractile, so far, that it may occupy the interior of the second thoracic segment,” and he says that “the antenne are remarkably long for a ah On a New Classification of the Lepidoptera. 641 Lepidopterous larva.” He remarks that there are “ two strong mandibles, with four brown teeth,” and adds: “two pairs of palpi are also visible—two- and three-jointed, apparently those usual in Lepidopterous larvæ, but I have not defined their re- lations. There is also a central point (spinneret?)” I add rough sketches of the mouth parts, so far as I could draw them with the camera from specimens mounted in bal- sam by Dr. Chapman. The labrum (Fig. 3, lbr.) is less divi- ded than usual in Lepidopterous larvee, but is not, in this re- spect, much unlike that of Tineids e.g. Gracilaria (see Dim- mock’s Fig. 2, p. 100, Psyche, iii). The four-jointed antenne (Fig. 3A ant.), ending in two unequal seta, are of very unusual Fic; 8. size and length, and soare the maxillary palpi (Fig. 3B mz. p.) which are much larger than in any caterpillar known to me, and greatly in disproportion to the maxillary lobes; the maxillary itself differs notably from that of other caterpillars ; what appears to be the lacinia is palpiform and two-jointed. The labium and its palpi are much as in Gracilaria, but ap- pear to be three-jointed, with a terminal bristle (it is possible - that there are but two joints). Unlike the larva of Micro- 642 The American Naturalist. [July, pteryx, that of Eriocephala does not appear to possess a well- marked spinneret; while it is easy to see it in the former genus, in Eriocephala I can only detect a lobe which appears to be simply the rudiment (anlage) of a spinneret (unless the latter is in my specimen bent under the head); but this organ needs further examination on fresh specimens. It would be interesting if it should be found that the spinneret isin a generalized or germinal condition, as compared with that of Micropteryx. The pupa.—Unfortunately, we are, as vet, ignorant of the pupa form. Dr. Chapman has only found the head-piece of the pupa, but refers it to the “Incomplete,” and thinks it probable that the pupa has the “third and following abominal segments free ” The eggs.—The egg, according to Chapman, is “large and spherical,” and laid in confinement in little groups, to the num- ber of twenty-five in all. Diagnostic characters of the Lepidoptera laciniata.—I add the characters of this sub-order. Imago. Maxilla with a well- developed lacinita and galea, arising as in mandibulate in- sects from a definite stipes and cardo, the galea not elongated, united and differentiated into a glossa, each galea being separ- ate from its fellow, and the two not acting as a “tongue.” The maxillary palpi enormous, six-jointed. Mandibles large, scarcely vestigial, with a broad, toothed cutting-edge, and with them apparently functional hinge-processes at the base, as usual in mandibulate insects. Hypopharynx well-developed, somewhat as in Diptera and Hymenoptera; second maxilla divided into a mala exterior, and a mala interior, recalling those of mandibulate insects; palpithree-jointed. Thorax and prothorax very much reduced ; metathorax very large, with the two halves of the scutum widely separate. Venation highly generalized; both fore and hind wings with external lobe or a “jugum ” as in Trichoptera, veins as in Micropteryx and showing no notable distinctions compared with those of Micropteryx; scales generalized ; fine scattered setee present on costal edge and on the veins. Abdomen elongate, with the male genital armature neuropteroid, ex- serted, the dorsal, lateral and sternal appendages very large. 1895.] On a New Classification of the Lepidoptera. 643 Eggs spherical. Larva, in form, highly modified, compared with that of Micropteryx, with large, four-jointed antenne and very large three-jointed maxillary palpi; no spinneret? No abdominal legs, their place supplied by a pair of tubercles ending in a curved spine on segments 1-8; a sternal sucker at the end of the body. Pupa libera? Sub-order IJ. LEPIDOPTERA HAUSTELLATA.? This group may be defined thus: Maxille with no lacinia, the galee being highly specialized and united with each other to form a true tubular haustellum or glossa, coiled up between the labial palpi. The maxillary palpi large and fine or six- jointed in the more generalized forms, usually vestigial or entirely wanting in the more modern specialized families. Mandibles absent, as a rule, only minute vestiges occurring in the more generalized forms. Wings both jugate and frenu- late, but mostly the latter, tending to become broad and with highly specialized scales, often ornamented with spots as well as bars, the colors and ornamentation often highly specialized ; the thorax highly concentrated, the metathorax becoming more and more reduced and fused with the mesothorax ; the abdomen in the generalized forms elongated, and with large exserted male genital armature. Pupa incomplete, the abdominal segments 3 to 6 or 7 free, in the more generalized primitive forms, the end of the maxil- lary palpi forming a visible sub-ocular piece or “eye collar;” or à flap-like piece on the outside of the maxille; the labial palpi often visible ; clypeus and labrum distinct; paraclypeal pieces distinct; no cremaster or only a rudimentary one in the generalized primitive forms. Larva with usually a prothoracic or dorsal chitinous plate; the armature consisting, in the primitve forms, of minute one- haired tubercles, the four dorsal ones in a trapezoid on abdomi- nal segments 1-8, becoming specialized in various ways in the later families into fleshy tubercles, or spines of various shapes. Five pairs of abdominal legs, with hooklets or crochets forming 2 If the term haustellata should be thought inapplicable from its frequent use by former authors, the term Lepidoptera glossata could-be used instead, 644 The American Naturalist. [July, a complete circle in the more generalized forms (in Hepialide several complete circles), the hooklets in the latter more special- ized groups, usually forming a semicircle situated on the inner side of the planta. This sub-order may be sub-divided into two series of super- families and families, the Paleolepidoptera and the Neolepidop- tera. I. PALEOLEPIDOPTERA (Pupæ libere). The characters of this group are those of Micropteryx, whose larva has a well-developed spinneret; though it has no ab- dominal legs, the other features are so truly lepidopterous that the absence of legs may be the result of reduction by disease, rather than a primitive feature. The pupa (Fig. 4) has entirely free antenne, mouth-parts and limbs, and bears considerable resemblance to that of a caddis-fly. The mandibles are enormous, and, as described by Chapman, are adapted for cutting through the dense coccoon. The maxillz are separate and curved up on each side and ` partly concealed by the labial palpi, not extending straight down as in the Pupx incomplete and obtecte ; the maxillary palpi situated just in front of the mandibles extend outward and forward, reaching to the antennw. The labrum is deeply cleft and strongly setose, as is the epicranium ; the clypeus is square, with a singular, white, delicate membrane, the use of which is unknown. The hind legs extend beyond the end of the abdomen, which is simple, not terminating in a cremaster ; the sides of the segments bear a single large seta. The trunk characters are much as in Eriocephala. The head is larger and squarer, the eyes very small; there are two ocelli present; the clypeus and labrum short and small. The prothorax is very much reduced, much as in Erioce- phala; the metathoracic scuta show an advance over those of Eriocephala in being united on the median line instead of separated; the metoscutellum is very large, larger and more scutellate than that of Eriocephala. The shape and venation of the wings (Fig. 5) are nearly identical with those of Eriocephala, being long, narrow and 1895.] On a New Classification of the Lepidoptera. 645 pointed, both pairs nearly alike in size and venation, except that on the hinder pair there is a “jugum ” or angular fold: scales are of generalized shape all over the wing. The pres- ia] IIa Fic. 5. ence of a jugum on both pairs of wings is significant, since in Trichoptera, they are also present in both pairs of wings. II. NEOLEPIDOPTERA. This series may be divided into two sections, corresponding in the main to the Pupx incomplete of Chapman (the Erioce- phalide and Micropterygide included by Chapman being re- moved), and his Pupæ obtectx, for the first of which we would - suggest the name Tineoids, and for the second, the large broad- winged forms or Macrolepidoptera or Platylepidoptera. Tineoids or Stenopterygia. . 646 The American Naturalist. - [July, These are Tineoid forms with many vestiges of archaic fea- tures, usually with narrow wings, of dull hues or with metallic bars, or with highly specialized shapes of scales and spots, and the venation generalized in the earlier forms. The maxille are sometimes aborted (wholly so in Hepialide); maxillary palpi either well-developed, more or less reduced, or wanting ; mandibles rarely occurring as minute vestiges; the thorax neuropteroid in the more primitive forms becoming shorter and the segments fused together in the later or more specialized groups. The pup. are incomplete; the more primitive forms with the eye-collar and labial palpi visible; paraclypeal pieces dis- tinct ; abdomen often with no cremaster in the most primitive forms. Larve with one-haired tubercles, the four dorsal ones ar- ranged in a trapezoid on abdominal segments 1-8; usually a prothoracic dorsal plate; the abdominal legs sometimes want- ing in certain mining forms (and Cochliopodide) ; larve often case-bearers or borers; crochets on the abdominal legs in the primitive types arranged in two or more complete circles ; in the lowest forms a well-marked spinneret. Remarks on the Tineina.—It must now be very obvious that we need to re-examine and revise the Tineina, and especially their pup and imagines, particularly those of the more gen- eralized forms, such as the Tineide (Tinea and Blabophanes), and the Taleporide, comprising all those ancestral forms with broad wings and a generalized venation which may have given rise to the neolepidopterous families. Then careful studies should be made on the Adelidæ, Cho- reutidee and Nepticulide, and other families and genera in which the mandibles have persisted (though in a vestigial condition), and also those with functional or vestigial maxil- lary palpi, such as Tineidw, Gracilariide, Elachistide, etc. It is evident that the classification of the Tineina will have to be entirely recast; instead of placing the Tineide, with their broad wings and generalized venation at the head of the Tineina as done in our catalogues and general works, they should go to the base of the series, not far from the Microptery- 1895.] On a New Classification of the Lepidoptera. 647 gide. On looking over the venation of the Tineide repre- sented on Spuler’s Plate XXVI, it is evident that the very narrow-winged genera, such as Coleophora, Ornix, Lithocol- letis, Nepticula, Gelechia, Cemiostoma and (Ecophora, are highly modified recent forms, when compared with Tinea and Blabophanes as well as the Adelidæ (Adela, Nemotois, Cho- reutidee, Simaethis and Choreutis) and justify Chapman in associating them with the Pyraloids in his group of Pupæ obtectx. Family Prodoxidx.—This group is represented by Tegeticula (Pronuba) and Prodoxus. The eye-collar (maxillary palpi, Fig. 6, mx p) is larger than in any of the other Tineina, and the group is thus intermediate between the Neo- and Paleolepidoptera. The pupa, as well as other stages, have been well-des- cribed by Riley, who, however, has over- looked the eye-collar, though he figures and describes the remarkable “ maxillary tentacles.” I am disposed to regard the latter organ as the maxilla itself, and to consider that the “ maxilla ” of Riley is the Fic, 6. lacinia or inner lobe of the maxilla, but have had no material for examination. Should this prove to be the case, it would carry the family down among the Lepi- doptera laciniata. (To be continued.) RECENT LITERATURE. Some Recent Text-books and Student Guides.—For several years the crying need of American teachers has been a text-book of zoology which, in contents and manner of treatment, should be of use in American colleges and technical schools: All that our publishers had offered us were books which were far behind the times, and some were far behind any times unless we go back to that long ago when 44 648 The American Naturalist. [July, father Adam was posing as a systematist and was giving the animals their names. So the American student has had to depend on Euro- an works, Sedgwick’s translation of Claus, notwithstanding its outrageously high price and its short comings in treating of the vertebrates has been used extensively. With Dr. MeMurrich’s Inver- tebrate Morphology’ the demand is partially met—partially since the work deals only with the Invertebrates. Now the American teacher can refer his students toa brief and yet modern account of those animals fortunate enough to lack back bones, with the assurance that they will find, clearly expressed, the essential facts of structure and development. In his general treatment Dr. McMurrich follows the time honored precedent, first dealing with protoplasm and the cell, next with the Protozoa and the passing to the Metazoa and their various subdivisions. In these the sponges are retained under the Cceelenterata (spelled Coelentera) while, rightly we think,the Ctenophores are regarded as a distinct branch. A bit of conservatism retains the Nemertines in the flat worms, and the close association of the Sipunc- culids and Gephyrea. Like von Kennel, one author disregards the Arthropods, presenting instead three “types” Crustacea, Arachnida, and Tracheata, and (pace Lankester) treating the Xiphosures as an ap- pendix to the Crustacea. In his general treatment the author exhibits a familiarity with recent literature and discusses at some length such morphological questions as the origin of metamerism, the iner-relationship of arthropods, affin- ities of the Mollusca, etc. The illustrations are largely process cuts ‘and while they have, in most instances, a freshness which is pleasing there is not infrequently an exasperating inaccuracy or vagueness in many of the diagrams and copies. Thus the student puzzling over the oviduct of the barnacle will have no assistance as to its termina- tion from fig. 181, while one looking for the number of cardiac ostia in Limulus will be misled by fig. 196. But the most serious errror which we have noticed relates to Peripatus. In fig. 220, which is copied from Sedgwick, the term ccelom is extended to all the cavities of the body which Sedgwick shows are pseudocceliac, and the peculiar feature that the true ccelom is restricted to the gonads, the sac at the inner ends of the nephridia, and the nephridia and genital ducts is no where noticed in the text. The typography and press-work of the volume are good and we are glad to see that the publishers have dropped the fat . 1 A text-book of Invertebrate Morphology T James Playfair McMurrich: New York. Henry Holt & Co., 1894 80 pp. vii+660 1895.] Recent Literature. 649 and dumpy style in which they issued the earlier volumes of the « American Science Series. At last there is a convenient work on the anatomy of the cat; a work which is devoted to the cat and the cat alone; which does not discuss foreordination or total depravity, Grimm’s law or the price of stocks; which tells the student plainly how to cut up the useful laboratory animal, tells the names of the various parts, and gets through when itis through. The little work of Messrs. Tower and Cutter is handy in size, clear in directions and intelligible in its figures and diagrams. It is the book we long have sought aud mourned because we found it not. Comstock’s Manual for the Study of Insects.°—For several years teachers and students of entomology have been waiting in eager anticipation for the completion of the work upon which Professor and Mrs. Comstock have so long been engaged. Now that it has appeared they have no reason to regret the delay, for the book is by far the best manual available to the student. It contains 700 pages, 800 figures on the text and six full page plates, one of which is colored. Practically all of the illustrations are original with the authors, the great majority of them having been especially engraved for this book by Mrs. Comstock. These figures for the most part are of unusual excellence, and the plates, especially IV, V and VI are of rare artistic value, and in my judgment are the finest examples of insect illustrations in black and white that have appeared in America. Any entomologist would be glad to frame these for his study or laboratory, and it is to be hoped that the publishers will see fit to print these plates on large paper for this purpose. In the preface the authors state that the book has been prepared especially with reference to the needs of the student who desires to determine “ the names and relation affinities of insects, in some such way as plants are classified in the well-known manuals of botany.” It has been possible to carry out this idea only with the larger groups, the number of species precluding the possibility of making keys to species. The keys go far enough, however, to be of great value to the teachers and student. Nineteen orders of insects are recognized, in the following sequence —Thysanura, Ephemerida, Odonata, Plecoptera, Isopoda, Corrodentia, 2 A laboratory guide for the dissection of the cat by Frederic P. Gorham and . Ralph W. Tower. New York, Chas. Scribners Sons, 1895, pp. ix-+87. 3 A Manual for the Study of Insects by J. H. and A. B. Comstock. Ithaca, N. Y. Comstock Publishing Co., 1895. Price $3.75. i 650 . The American Naturalist. [July, Mallophaga, Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Physopoda, Hemiptera, Neurop- tera, Mecaptera, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Siphonaptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera. ‘The first chapter is devoted to zoological classification and nomenclature, and the second to the near relatives of the insects—crustaceans, scorpions, spiders, mites and myriapods. In the third chapter appears a general discussion of the characteristics of the class Hexapoda, together with a table for determining the orders of insects. Then follow nineteen chapters, each devoted to one order of insects. The Manual must prove for many years to come the sine qua non of the student of American insects. The authors are to be congratulated upon the happy completion of so many years of earnest work, and ento- mological teachers will be heartily glad to be able to give a satisfactory answer to the query so often asked regarding a text-book for those desiring to take up the study of insects. The accompanying plate shows samples of the engravings in the book.— CLARENCE M. WEED. In Bird Land.*—In this little volume Mr. Keyser has recorded a series of observations made on the birds about Springfield, Ohio. A rare descriptive power combined with a warm love for the feathered tribes makes the writer a most delightful depicter of scenes in bird life. Domestic and social habits, out-of-the-ordinary conduct, their schemes for making a living and a -variety of other interesting bits of information, the result of the author’s personal gleaming in field and forest, at all seasons of the year, are discussed in an easy, colloquial style that is extremely entertaining. A list of birds seen in the vicinity of Springfield during the year, numbering 134 species is given in the appendix. RECENT BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. Annual Report of the Curator of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Har. vard College to the President and Fellows of Harvard College for 1893-94. ARANZADI, D. T, p—E.—Fauna Americana, Madrid, 1892. Barnes, C. R.—On the Food of Green Plants. Extr. Botanical Gazette, Vol. XVIII, 1893. From the author. BENDIRE, C.—Description of Nests and Eggs of Some New Birds, collected on the Island of Aldabra, northwest of Madagascar, by Dr. W. L. Abbott. Extr, Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII. 1894. From the author. ‘In Bird Land. By L. S. Keyser, Chicago, 1894. A. C. McClurg & Co, Pu blishers, PLATE XXVIII. ENGRAVINGS OF INSECTS FROM COMSTOCK’S MANUAL 1895.] Recent Books and Pamphlets. 651 Bulletin No. 28, 1894, Saye Exper. Station of the Rhode Island College of Agric. and Mechan. Art Bulletin No. 32, 1894, "Division of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. From the Dept. Bulletins No. 103 and 108, 1894, North Carolina Agric. Exper. Station. CAMERON G. L.—Tho Geology of Denver and Vicinity. Extr. Proceeds. Colo- rado Scientific Soc. No date given. From the author. Coss, N. A:—Host and Habitat Index of the me Fungi. Misc. Pub. - No. 16, Dept. Agric. New South Wales. From the Contributions from the Geological sane of paren College, Vol. ITI, Nos. 14-23, 1893-94. From the Colle Dubois, E’'—Pithecanthropus ine eine Menschenaehnliche Uebergangsform aus Java. Batavia, 1894. From the author. EIGENMANN, C. H. AND C. H. Beeson.—A Revision of the Fishes of the Sub- family Sebastinae of the Pacific Coast of America. Extr. Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII, 1894. From the Smithsonian Institution. Fisu, P. A.—The Forms and Relations of the Nerve Cells and Fibers in Des- mognathus fusca. Aus, Anat. Anz., Bd. IX. From the author. FAIRCHILD, F. L.—The Gedlowical History of Rochester, N. Y. Extr. Proceeds. Rochester Acad. Sci, Vol. II, 1894. — The Evolution of the Ungulate Mammals. Extr. Proceeds. Rochester Acad. Sci., Vol. II, 1894. From the Society. FAIRBANKS, H. W.—Review of Our Knowledge of the Geology of the Califor- nia Coast Ranges. Extr. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Vol. 6, 1894. FISHER, G. E. AND I. J. Scuwatt.—Some Thoughts on the Teaching of Math- ematics. Phila., 1894. From the authors. GILL, T.—On the Nomenclature and Characteristics of the E DERA Extr. Proceeds, U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII, 1894. From the author. Haccket, E.—The Cobiteadion of Faith of a Man of Science. Moniin; 1894. From the author. Hare, E.—Restes d’ élan et de Tion. Extr. P’ Anthropologie, Juillet, 1894. From the author. HERRERA, A. L.—El clima Dell Valle de México y la Biologia de los Verte- brados. Extr. La Naturaleza, 2d series. mu HovucHTON, M. E. W.—A Paper on the Michigan Mining School. Lansing, 1894. From the author. Johnson’s Universal Cyclopedia, Vol. I. From the Pub., A. J. Johnson & Co., New York, 1893. LEIGHTON, V. L—The Development of the Wing of Sterna wilsonii. Tufts College Studies, No. IT, 1894. Lucas, F. A.—Notes on the Anatomy and Affinities of the Coerebidae and other American Birds. Extr. Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII, 1894. From the Smithsonian Institution. AN, B. S.—Some Coal Measure Sections near Peytona, West Virginia. Extr. Proceeds. Amer. Philos. Soc., Vol. XX XIII, 1894. From the author. Maps for the Tenth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist of California, 1890. From the Mining Bureau. 652 The American Naturalist. [July, MARTIN, K.—Uber seine Reise in den Molukken, durch Burn, Seran und Benarchbarte kleiners Iseln. Aus den Verhandl. der Gessell. fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1894. From the author McGez, W. J.—The ENE of Uniformitarianism to Deformation. Bull. Society Mearns, E. A.—Description of a New Cotton Rat (Sigmodon minimus) from New Mexico. Memorial rss ta in Honor of President Sadi-Carnot. Phila., June 30, 1894. From M. L. Voss MERRIAM, J. C._Ueher die Pythonomorphen der Kansas-Kreide. Separat- Abdruck aus Palaeontographica, Stuttgart, 1894. From the author. Moors, C. B.—Certain Sand Mounds of the St. John’s River, Florida. Part II. Philadelphia, 1894. From the author. Newton, A. AnD H. GApow.—A Dictionary of Birds. Part III (Moa-Sheath- bill). London, 1894. From the authors. Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanice Natural Curiosorum. Tomi LV et LVI, 1891; LVII, 1892; LVIII, LIX, 1893; LX et LXI, 1894. In exchange. Oszorn, H. F.—Fossil Mammals of the Upper Cretaceous Beds. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. V,1893. From the author. Report of the Trustees of the Australian Museum for the year 1892. From the Museum. Ripeway, R.—Descriptions of Twenty-two New Species of Birds from the Gal- apagos Islands. Extr. Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII, 1894. From the . Smithsonian Institution. Riccs, S. R.—Dakota Grammar Texts, and Ethnography Contributions to North American Ethnology, Vol. IX, 1893. From the Dept. of the Interior. Rosertson, C.—Flowers and Insect., XII. Extr. Botanical Gazette, Vol. XIX. RussELL, H. L.—Bacteria in their Belation to Vegetable Tissue, Extr. Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, Vol. III, Nos. 4, 5 and 6. Baltimore, 1893. From _ the author. STEARNS, R. E. C.—The Shells of the Tres Marias and other Localities along the Shores of Lower California and the Gulf of California. Extr. Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII, 1894. From the Smithsonian Institution. STEJNEGER, L.—On some Collections of Reptiles and Batrachians from East Africa and the Adjacent Islands, received from Dr. W. L. Abbott and Mr. W. A. Chanler, with descriptions of new species. Extr. Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus» Vol. XVI, 1893. From the author. True, F. W.—Diagnoses of some undescribed Wood-Rats (genus Neotoma) in the National Museum. Extr. Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII, 1894: From the Smithsonian Institution. Verslag 1893 en Naamlijst van de Leijden der Maatschappij Arti et Amicitiae- Amsterdam. WRIGHT, A. A.—The Ventral Armor of Dinichthys. Extr. Am. Geol., Vol. XIV, 1894. From the author. 1895.] Mineralogy. 653 General Notes. MINERALOGY.’ Vicinal Planes and the Variation of Crystal Angles.— Miers’ has measured by means of a specially constructed goniometer® _ the changes in the form of crystals during their growth. Potash and ammonium alum is a substance whose apparently octahedral crystals are subject to noticeable variations in the size of the octahedral angle, and whose faces are sometimes vicinal in character. Miers began an investigation to determine whether the angles subject to variation have different values at different stages in the growth of the crystal, and if so, whether the faces change their inclination during growth, provided the crystal is held fixed. He has made the following import- ant observations : (1.) The faces of the regular octahedron are never developed on alum growing from aqueous solution. (2.) The reflecting planes (which are often very perfect) are those of a very flat triangular pyramid (trisoctahedron). (3.) The three faces of this triangular pyramid may be very un- equal in size. (4.) The trisoctahedron which replaces one octahedral face of a crystal may be different from that which replaces another face of the - same crystal. (5) During the growth of the crystal the reflecting planes change their mutual inclinations; the trisoctahedron becomes in general more acute, i. e., deviates more from the octahedron which it replaces as the crystal grows. (6.) This change takes place, not continuously, but per saltum, each reflecting plane becoming replaced by another which is inclined to it by a small angle (generally about three minutes). (7.) During growth the faces are always those of trisoctahedrons; but, if for any reason, as rise of temperature, re-solution occurs, icosi- tetrahedrons are developed. ‘Edited by Dr. Wm. H. Hobbs, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. ? Abstract of paper read before the British Association. Nature, 50 pp. 411- 412. (August 23d, 1894.) 3 See these notes, March, 1895. 4 654 The American Naturalist. [July, Thus it is shown that, in this case at least, crystals do not grow by the deposition of parallel layers of substance, but that new faces are constantly being developed which obey the law of rational (though not simple) indices. Their mutual inclinations in the case of alum show that the face to which they approximate is always the octahe- dron with angle 70° 31%’, hence the faces of this form do not vary their inclination as supposed. Determination of the Principal Indices of Refraction for the most Important Rock-making Minerals.—Zimanyi‘ has determined by the method of total reflection (using a modified Kohl- rausch total reflectometer) the principal indices of refraction, and hence, at the same time, the double refraction, of the more important rock-making minerals. He has found that methylene iodide, which has not before been used with the total reflectometer, is a particularly good enclosing medium, since it was found to suffer scarcely any change in the course of an entire year. His paper gives the results of a very extensive series of determinations on no less than fifty-five spe- cies or varieties, A few of the determined values are given below: Mineral. Mean index of refr. Doublerefr. Opt. Char. Albite (Schmirn). 1.5337 > 0.0105 ot Elsolite (Laurvik). 1.5350 0.0042 — Nepheline (Vesuvius). 1.5407 0.0050 — Orthoclase. 1.5222 0.0064 — Sodalite (Ditro) 1.4834 Nosean (Laach). 1.4950 Hauyne (Latium). 1.5027 Leucite (Vesuvius). 1.5086 Cordierite (Bodenmais). 1.5396 0.0091 — Muscovite (Buckfield). 1.5861 0.0388 i Augite (Pojana). 1.7000 0.0250 —? Biotite (Diff. localities). 1.5600-1.5894 Tremolite (Diff. localities). 1.6117-1.6135 0.0252-0.0270 — Actinolite (Diff. localities). 1.6150-1.6257 0.0271-0.0280 _ Tourmaline (Diff. loc.) 1.6324-1.6357 0.0184-0.0239 Amphibole (Kafveltorp), 1.6463 0.0163 + Sillimanite (Saybrook). 1.6641 0.0200 +- Olivine. 1.6710 0.0359 ES Zoisite (Tyrol). 1.7010 0.0050 + t Zeitsch. f. Kryst., XXII, pp. 321-358 (1894). 1895.) Mineralogy. 655 New Minerals.—Igelstrom* describes several supposed new min- erals from Sjögrube, Gouv. Orebro, Sweden, which are either massive or so poorly crystallized that their symmetry could not be definitely determined. Their names and supposed compositions are as follows : Lamprostibian.—A qualitative analysis showed the presence of much Sb,O, and FeO, with smaller amounts of MnO, As,O,, PbO, “and other substances ;” from which the mineral is supposed to be an anti- monate of iron and manganese. Elfstorpite—A qualitative determination yielded much H,O, As,O, and MnO, with traces of CaO and MgO, hence the mineral is sup- posed to be a very hydrous arsenate of manganese. Chlorarsenian.—Anhydrous arsenate of manganese (from qualita- tive tests). Rhodoarsenian.—Analysis furnished the following formula: (10 RO As,O,)+10 (RO H,O) in which R—=Mn, Ca, and Mg. Basiliite.—(Mn,O,), Sb,0;+7 Mn,O,. 3 H,O. _ Sjégrufvite—2 (RO), As,O,+ Fe, O,. As,O,+6 H,O, in which R= Mn, Ca, and Pb. Doelter, The Characters of Gems.—Eight years ago Groth is- sued a very interesting popular introduction to the study of gems, in- tended for the general public and also in a special way to inform jew- elers of the delicate mineralogical methods which may be made use of by them for the determination of stones. Great stress was laid upon the optical method of investigation, and a special microscope was de- signed and constructed for the use of jewelers. Doelter’ has recently published a more pretentious work, and one of a somewhat more practical character. The book is essentially a manual and includes some 260 pages. It contains a great deal of matter and this is very well arranged. Doelter shows that in spite of the delicate nature of the optical methods, they can only rarely be applied on cut gems. The specific gravity test, particularly when heavy solutions are used, is the most delicate test, and also the one most easily applied. In ad- dition, the examination with the dichroscope, and chemical and hard- ness tests, are applied in some cases. The artificial reproduction of the different gems in the laboratory, and the technical methods of imitat- 5 Zeitsch. f. Kryst., XXII, pp. 467-472 (1894). ê Grundriss der Edelsteinkunde, Engelmann, Leipzig, 1887. 7 Edelsteinkunde, Bestimmung und Unterscheidung der Edelsteine und Schmucksteine, die kiinstliche Darstellung der Edelsteine, von Dr. C. Doelter. Veit & Comp., Leipzig, 1893. 656 The American Naturalist. [July, ing the valuable gems are given in detail. The greater part of the work is devoted to the detailed descriptions of the individual types of stones. In the third part of the work is given a systematic method of examin- ing a stone, with a key for use in the determination. A chapter is devoted to the means of identifying the various imitations in use in the trade. A list of 250 trade names of gems, with the scientific name of the mineral and the group in which it belongs in parallel columns, will prove of great value for reference—W. H. Hosss. PETROGRAPHY?: Rock Differentiation.—Harker’ contributes an interesting article on rock differentiation in his study of the gabbro of Carrock Fell, Eng- land. The hill in question consists of bedded basic lavas, gabbro, granophyre and diabase in the order of their intrusion. The gabbro is of especial interest, since it presents a simple example of rock differ- entiation. In its center the mass is quartziferous. Toward the periph- ery it passes gradually into an ordinary gabbro, and immediately upon the border into an aggregate composed largely of titaniferous magne- tite. In explaining the causes of this gradual transition in chemical and mineral composition, the author discards the theories usually pro- posed to explain similar phenomena, and concludes that, in the case under discussion, the separation Of the magma into its parts took place during the period of crystallization by concentration of the crystalliz- ing substances. The concentration is greatest for those minerals belong- ing to the earliest stages of the rock’s history, hence it is thought that the differentiation took place by diffusion in a fluid magma, and that in those parts of this magma richest in basic minerals crystallization first occurred. As the crystals separated, the supply of the crystallizing substance was kept up by diffusion from other portions of the magma into the basic portions. Another interesting feature of the gabbro mass relates to the con- tact effects produced by the rock in the surrounding basic lavas, some of which are enclosed as fragments in the midst of the gabbro. Their isotropic base has erystallized, and some changes have been produced ' Edited by Dr. W. S. Bayley, ied has Waterville, Maine. 2 Quart. Journal Geol. Soc., 1894, p. 3 1895.] Petrography. 657 in the composition and structure of their phenocysts. At the immedi- ate contacts of the different rocks a commingling of their materials seems to have taken place. Mica has been generated in the gabbro, and the groundmass of the lavas has disappeared, leaving a plexus of small feldspar laths imbedded in a clear mosaic of quartz or of quartz and feldspar. The Metamorphism of Inclusions in Volcanic Rocks.— In a memoir presented to the French Academy of Sciences, Lacroix? gives a very full resumé of the conclusions reached by him in the study of the action of modern volcanic rocks on the inclusions imbedded in them. The conclusions are based on the results of late studies as well as on those reached several years ago.‘ The author finds that the basaltic and the feldspathic effusives act differently toward foreign fragments imbedded in them. The former act principally through their high temperature, fusing the most easily melted components of the inclusions, while the trachytic rocks act more effectively in producing mineralogical changes through the aid of the mineralizers, mainly water, with which they are abundantly provided. The physical and chemical changes suffered by the material of the inclusions are dis- cussed separately and fully. Often the fragments in the basalts are reduced by fusion to a few grains of their most resistant components, while the fragments in the trachytes have lost only their micaceous constituents by fusion. Consequently the metamorphism in the latter cases is supposed to have been produced at a comparatively low tem- perature, although the new minerals produced in number exceed by far those produced in the basaltic inclusions at a much higher tempera- ture. With respect to the effects produced on rocks in situ, it is found .that basaltic and trachytic lavas act alike—mainly through their heat. The metamorphic action in both cases is comparatively slight. The similarity in the effects produced by the two types of lavas in this case, when compared with the dissimilar effects produced upon their inclu- sions, is explained as a consequence of the fact that all lavas, when they reach the surface, lose their volatile constitutents, and so, of neces- sity, can affect alteration in contiguous rock masses solely by means of their high temperature. In other words, the alteration of inclusions is effected at a depth beneath the surface, while the alteration of rocks in situ is a surface phenomenon, 3 Mémoires présentés à P Acad. d. Sciences de l'Institut de France, xxxi, tSee American Naturalist, 1894, p. 946. 658 The American Naturalist. [July, The Petrography of Aegina and Methana.——The lavas of the island of Aegina and the peninsula Methana in Greece are ande- sites and dacites that have broken through cretaceous and tertiary limestones. Washington’ separates the rocks into the two groups above-mentioned on the basis of the SiO, contents. Rocks containing above 62% of SiO, he classes as dacites, those containing less than this amount as andesites. The dacites are divided into hornblende, horn- blende-hypersthene and biotite varieties, and the andesites into horn- blende, biotite-hornblende, hornblende-augite, hypersthene and horn- blende-hypersthene varieties. All the rocks are more or less porphyritic, and all contain more or less glass. Tridymite is present in the horn- blende andesites from the Stavro district. The trachyte described by Lepsius from near Poros is a biotite-hornblende-andesite. Brown and green hornblendes are both present in the Grecian rocks, but not in the same specimens. The green variety is characteristic of the pyroxene free andesites, and the brown variety of those rocks containing an almost colorless pyroxene as one of its essential components. This association of the two hornblendes indicates that their formation is dependent upon differences*in chemical composition of the magmas from which they separated, as well as upon the conditions under which their separation took place. In almost all of these rocks there are segregations of the same com- position as that of the enclosing rocks, except that they are more basic. Two classes of segregations are observed. The first are hornblende- augite-andesites, containing brown hornblende and no glass; the second class is composed of green hornblende in a glassy base with plagioclase laths. The brown hornblendes are often changed to opacite, surrounded by a zone of colorless crystals of augite. In those segregations in which the hornblende is of the green variety, nosuch alteration is observable. The glass in these segregations is so different from that of the rock in which they occur, that it cannot be regarded as portions of the latter. The author is inclined to regard these bodies as fragments of earlier lava flows buried deeply beneath the latter ones. In his discussion on the general relations of the different rocks of the region, the author states that “in general * * * the more acid the rock the more vitreous the groundmass, the smaller and more micro- litic the crystals in it, and the larger and more abundant the pheno- cysts.” After remarks on the chemical relations of the different rock types to each other, and a discussion of the Aegina-Nisyros region as a 5 Jour. of Geology, Vol. II, p. 789, and Vol. III, p. 21. 1895.] Petrography. 659 “ netrographical province,” the paper closes with the statement that although the lavas of the region under discussion are so similar to those of the Andes, nevertheless, the original undifferentiated magmas of the two districts were quite dissimilar. Maryland Granites.—The granite and associated rocks on the east side of the Susquehanna River in Cecil County, Maryland, have been made the subject of study by Grimsley.’ In the northern portion of the area investigated, the granite is but little sheared, while in its southern portion the rock is very gneissic. The two portions of the area are separated from each other by a band of staurolite-schist. Though the rocks of both areas were originally the same in composi- tion, it is thought that the northern granite may be the younger, since it is intruded by dykes of what appears to be a dynamically meta- morphosed gabbro, while, on the other hand, the southern granite in- trudes a basic rock that apparently grades into gabbro. Both granites are biotitic varieties, and both are eruptive in origin. The northern granite is remarkable for the epidotization of its feldspar, which is pre- dominantly plagioclastic, and for the occurrence in it of numerous dark basic segregations. Many rare minerals, such as zircon, magne- tite, tourmaline, cubical garnets and sphene were found in large quan- tities in the soil produced by its decomposition. The northern contact of the northern granite is somewhat abnormal in its characters. The granite appears to become more basic toward the contact, and the basic phases are cut by apophyses of the normal acid rock. An analyses of the granite follows : SiO, TiO, Al,O, Fe,0, Feo MnO CaO SrO BaO MgO 1e 20 Li,O Hio P,O, Total 66.68 .50 14.93 1.58 3.23 .10 4.89 tr. .08 219 tr. 19 = 100.32 Alabama Cherts.—Hovey’ has recently examined a series of cherts sent him from Alabama. Those from the Lower Magnesian series consist almost entirely of chalcedony, with the addition of a little quartz and opal. The rocks are fine-grained mosaics that are mottled by reason of variations in the fineness of their grains. The quartz appears to be secondary, as it fills cavities in the chalcedony. A few scales of limonites and dust particles are present in almost all sections. No well-defined organic remains were detected in any. The cherts from the Lower Carboniferous, on the other hand, contain numerous $ Jour. Cin. Soc, Nat. Hist., Apr.—July, 1894. 7 Amer. Jour. Sci., 1894, xlviii, p. 401. 660 The American Naturalist. (July, remains of calcareous organisms, which are cemented together by chal- cedony exhibiting a tendency to form concretionary granules. In some specimens, genuine spherocrystals of this mineral were detected. Chem- ical analysis of both classes of cherts show the absence of opal. The author regards the rocks as chemical precipitates. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. The Californian Coast.—A. G. Lawson presents the following as the sequence of events which have led to the present topography of the Coast of California north of the Golden Gate: I. A development in Pliocene time of a great coastal peneplain with correlative accumulation of marine sediments. II. The orogenic deformation of parts of this peneplain and folding of the Pliocene strata. III. The reduction of the soft upturned Pliocene strata to base level. IV. The progressive uplift of this peneplain to an-elevation of from 1600 to 2100 feet above sea land, the adjacent mountainous tracts par- ticipating in the same movement. V. The advance in the new geomorphic cycle to a stage of early maturity. VI. A very recent depression of about 100 miles of the coast ad- jacent to the Golden Gate, and the consequent flooding of the stream valleys by the ocean. - This history is in harmony with the disastrophic record of the coast south of the Golden Gate presented by Mr. Lawson in a former paper. (Bull. Univ., Cal., Vol. I., 1894). Disintegration of Granite.—Of the agencies concerned in the disintegration of the granite rocks in the District of Columbia, U. S., Mr. G. P. Merrill considers hydration the most pronounced and uni- versal in its effects. During an examination of material from the region under discussion, both granite and dioritic rocks with smooth even faces taken from depths of a hundred feet or more were examined, and many, which under casual inspection showed no signs of decom- position, were found to disintegrate rapidly into coarse sand after a short exposure to the atmosphere. The author’s explanation of this behavior is that the minerals composing the rocks (with the exception 1895.] . Geology and Paleontology. 661 of the quartz) underwent partial hydration, but, held in the vise-like grip of the surrounding rock, were unable to expand to the full ex- tent of loss of cohesion. When freed from compression, expansion and further hydration took place, the mass became spongy, and, freely ab- sorbing water, fell into sand and gravel. - This idea led to a series of experiments, and from an average of several determinations, Mr. Mer- rill obtained an approximation of 1.88, which represents the degree of expansion which the rock undergoes in passing from its fresh condi- tion into that of undisturbed soil a foot beneath the surface. (Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 6, 1895). Dolomites of the Northwestern States.—The Magnesian series distributed through southern Wisconsin and Minnesota, extend- ing into northwestern Iowa have been studied by C. W. Hall and F. W.Sardeson. From paleotological evidence the authors divide the se- ries into four alternating formations of dolomites and sandstones be- longing to the Upper Cambrian and a fifth of dolomite which may be considered a part of the Ordovician. As to the origin of the dolomites, the authors do not commit them- selves to any theory, but point out that the porous condition of the dolomite and the freedom of the sandstones and arenaceous shales of the series from the several impurities so universal in recent rocks of this character suggest that the original rock mass, which was a lime- stone of the same constitution as those now forming within ocean areas —that is, a carbonate of lime with a percentage of magnesium carbon- ate—has become dolomitic through the removal of the calcium carbon- ate. (Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 6, 1895.) The Silver Mines of Lake Valley, New Mexico.—These mines are situated about six miles from the old Sante Fé trail, and fifteen miles from the Rio Grande. The ore deposits lie close to the surface and are marked by large outcrops of black flint and iron. An interesting account of the working of these mines was read before the Amer. Inst. of Mining Engineers by Mr, Ellis Clark, in which he gives the following theory of the ore-formation: “Tt has been held, almost from the time of their discovery, by those familiar with the deposits of silver-ore at Lake Valley, that the one must have come up in solution from below, that it came along the ‘blanket’ of iron-flint, and that it was in some way dammed up or stopped by the overflow of porphyrite, which may be said, in a general way, to. overlie the outcrop of the ‘blanket.’ On the strength of this 662 The American Naturalist. [July, hypothesis, numerous diamond-drill-holes and shafts have been sunk, and those that were continued to a sufficient distance (seldom more than 150 feet) have encountered the iron-flint blanket, but invariably with its silver-contents lacking. “ A later and more probable hypothesis is that the silver of the mines was originally contained in a great overflow of silver-bearing porphy- rite, perhaps coming from Monument Peak, which covered a square mile or more in the immediate vicinity of the mines. In the erosion of this porphyrite, the silver in it was leached out, the greater portion segregating itself in the Bridal Chamber and the workings connected with it, and the remainder going to the Bunkhouse and the connected Incline and Bella workings. The greatest distance that any large body of ore has been found from the line of the porphyrite is 500 feet, and most of the workings are within 200 feet of that line. “ The writer’s own observations have shown him that a distance of about 250 feet from the porphyrite the ore decreases in grade, and that at a distance of 300 feet there is little that can be profitably shipped. The Bunkhouse workings appear to have been in a cavern, in which the ore was deposited rapidly, and not by the slower process of a dissolution of the limestone and a synchronous substitution of the silver-bearing manganese. In many places in this working the man- ganese is pulverulent and non-adherent to the limestone walls; and when thoroughly cleaned off by brushing, the face of the limestone has precisely the same weathered appearance as that of an outcrop, and looks as though it had been freely acted upon by the atmosphere, pos- sibly assisted by the rays of the sun. Something of the same sort may be studied in the Last Chance workings at a depth of 20 feet from the surface, while the Bunkhouse workings lie at a depth of from 50 to 60 eet. “ The evidences of a previous cavern or cavity in the blue limestone at the Bridal Chamber are not so marked, but the indications are such that in the writer’s opinion a comparatively rapid deposition appears more probable than a gradual substitution, such as was very likely the case in the Incline workings, the Bella Chute, the Thirty Slope and the Twenty-five Cut workings. “In a property of the extent of the Lake Valley mines, which has yielded at least $5,000,000, there always remains the possibility of new finds through the expenditure of small amounts of money. The con- tact between the two limestones is an established fact ; and there are but few places on the southeastern portion of the property where this contact cannot be reached at the moderate depth of 150 feet. Thus 1895.] Geologu and Paleontology. 663 far, the explorations made at a distance from the porphyrite have been barren of commercial results; but from the occurrence of the one in chutes, which, although constituting a part of the ‘blanket,’ vary in width (being generally narrow close to the surface and widening in depth), it is possible that large bodies, somewhat of the nature of the Incline or the Bella Chute, may exist stillin the unexplored portions of the property. “ The occurrence of new bonanzas, such as the Bridal Chamber and the Bunkhouse, is scarcely to be expected, as the conditions under which they appear to have been found, that is, the triple contact of the Blue and Crinoidal limestones and the porphyrite, are not known to exist at any points as yet unexplored, and the overflow of porphyrite, has been so thoroughly prospected as to leave but little unexplored ground of that class. The most promising quarter for further exploitation would seem to be the extension of the Grande chute cut at some point south of the John’s shaft workings, where, as before mentioned, large chutes of iron-flint, too low in silver for profitable working, were cut. Other points which should be prospected are the extension of the Bella Chute beyond the point where it has been cut off by the Columbia fault.” (Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Engineers). Erosion of Submerged Limestones.—The limestones in the bottom of a certain portion of Lake Huron are undergoing a peculiar kind of erosion, which, from want of better terms to describe the process, which may be called honeycombing and pitting. Mr. Robert Bell has made a study of this phenomenon and after considering the physical characteristics of the eroded rocks, their age and the possible origins of the erosions, the author arrives at the following conclusions, The erosion is due to: I. The internal structure of the limestone itself. II. A small quantity of acid in the water acting for a great length of time. III. A considerable depth of water, the hydrostatic pressure seem- ing to promote the dissolving of the rock. IV. Freedom from sediment during the long time required. V. The rock must be exposed to the open or free action of the water. VI. Shifting currents in the water appear to assist the process, (Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 6, 1895). 45 664 The American Naturalist. [July, Irrigation of Western Kansas.—Prof. S. W. Williston be- lieves that the cultivation of the western third of Kansas now known as a semi-arid region can be made possible by the utiligation of the so-called underflow of the uplands of that region. The gathering ground of this water, according to Williston, is an exposure of Ter- tiary sandstone which rests on an impervious marine deposit known as the Colorado Cretaceous. The dip of the chalks and limestones is towards the northeast where erosion in the valleys and along the east- ern border has exposed the contact between the sandstone and lime- stone, springs are found, and pools of water, and even flowing streams, which, however, are soon absorbed through the adjacent soil. The problem then is how to bring the water of this underflow to the surface economically. The limits of this water-bearing area should be determined and the amount of water that can be counted upon esti- mated. (Kansas University Quart., April, 1895). Plistocene Deposits in Switzerland.—At a recent meeting of the Geological Society of London, Dr. ©. S. Du Riche Preller read a paper on fluvio-glacial and inter-glacial deposits in Switzerland. The former consists of conglomerates and the latter are lignite deposits near the lakes of Turish, Constance, Zug and Thun, which together with analagous deposits at the base of the Eastern, Western, and Southern Alps, constitute further evidence of two interglacial periods, and therefore of three general glaciations, the oldest being of Upper Pliocene, and the others Middle and Upper Plistocene age respectively. As regards the origin, age and the time required for the formation of several of the Swiss deposits referred to in the paper, the author ar- rives in several respects at conclusions differing from those recently enunciated by others. The author also argues that the first inter- glacial period was probably of shorter duration than the second; and in confirming his former conclusion that every general glaciation marks a period of filling-up, and every interglacial period marks a period of erosion of valleys, he avers that, if this conclusion be correct, it must needs be destructive of the theory of glacial erosion. (Nature, April, 1895.) Geological News. Pa.xozorc.—In a memoir recently published in the Trans. Roy. Soc., Dublin, Messrs. Lavis and Gregory confirm the conclusions reached by Mr. Mcebius that the phenomenon of Eozoon is due to mechanical and chemical alterations. In the rocks examined by the authors the Eozoon resuted from the alteration of 1895.] Geology and Paleontology. 665 calcareous rocks enclosed in a magma heated to fusion—a true meta- morphism. (Revue Scientifique Fevier, 1895). Mr. Walcott notes the occurrence of Olenellus in the limestone of the Green Pond mountain series of northern New Jersey. He con- siders the discovery a positive addition to the data for working out the stratigraphy of the series. Occurring as it does, in a limestone that merges above and below inte beds of conglomerate that are essentially of the Green Pond mountain type, it proves that the conditions under which this characteristic formation was formed, began in lower Cam- brian time. (Am. Journ. Se., 1894). Mrsozor1c.—It is well known that Triassic rocks have yielded large quantities of good coal in Virginia and North Carolina, but it is only within the last year that coal in paying quantities has been found in Pennsylvania Trias. Early in 1894 a vein of anthracite coal of fine quality, twenty-six inches thick, was discovered at Arcola Station, on the Perkiomen railroad, about twenty-five miles from Philadelphia. The rock in which it occurs is red sandstone of Triassic age. Other instances of the occurrence of coal in Montgomery Co. re- ported by Mr. Oscar Franklin as follows: In the new red sandstone at Norristown ; at Gwynedd in the same formation, and at Lower Provi- dence, Lansdale and Hatboro. A systematic search of the slates ‘un- derlying the sandstone in Montgomery Co. would, perhaps, disclose beds of workable coal in more than one locality. (Journ. Franklin Inst., 1894). In Colorado College Studies for 1894, Mr. F. W. Cragin notes 2 new reptiles and 3 new fishes from the Neocomian of Kansas. They are described under the following names: Plesiosaurus mudgei represented by a femur, humerus and dorsal vertebræ. Plesiochelys belviderensis represented by several costal bones, neural bone and a vertebra. Me- sodon abrasus represented by vomerine teeth. Lamna quinquelateralis and Hybodus clarkensis based respectively on a vertebra and on a fin spine. Figures accompany the descriptions. Crenozoic.—After reviewing the evidence for changes of elevation of the Atlantic coast of North America, Mr. N.S. Shaler states that since the beginning of the Glacial epoch the eastern shore of North America from the Rio Grande to Greenland has, though with many minor oscillations, been prevailingly lowered. The fauna of the Car- ibbean District points to a recent subsidence of that region, including the peninsula of Florida. The flooding of the Amazon and La Plata 666 The American Naturalist. [July> Rivers, together with a number of lesser streams affords similar evidence for the eastern coast of South America. Africa and Australia appear to have been but little, if any, subjected to recent depressions, while Asia and especially Europe afford clear evidence of extensive subsi- dence in recent times. On the whole, it would seem that in the dis- turbances of the relations of land and sea, the tendency is a gradual withdrawal of the coast line towards the center of the continents. (Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 6, 1895). Further evidence in favor of the theory of the igneous origin of the serpentine of the Coast Ranges is found by Prof. Laplache in the study of the Lherzolite-Serpentine racks of the Potrero, San Francisco. The petrographical character of these rocks show undoubtedly their de- rivation from an eruptive rock in this area. (Bull. Dept. Geol. Cal. University, 1894). BOTANY.’ A Protest Against the ‘‘ Rochester Rules.’’—Quite re- cently, a protest, signed by seventy-four American botanists, has been distributed, as a contribution to the literature of the nomenclature question. It protests “ against the recent attempts made in the United States to change botanical nomenclature on theoretical grounds.” This rather vague statement evidently refers to the action of the botanists of the Botanical Club of the American Association for the Advancement of Science taken in Rochester in 1892, and reaffirmed in Madison in 1893. Why the grounds of the action taken at Rochester are considered by the protestants to be theoretical is not made plain; certainly the protestants do not wish to affirm that the men who are prominent in the reform of nomenclature are theorists, nor can they mean that a discussion of nomenclature reform by working botanists is itself theoretical, since a suggestion is made approvingly of an early consideration of the whole POT by a representative international congress. There is much in the protest with which most botanists will agree, but much of what is said does not apply to the Rochester Rules. Thus the proposition that “ one of the most essential features of an efficient 1 Edited by Prof. C. E. Bessey, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. Led 1895.] Botany. 667 botanical nomenclature is a cosmopolitan character,” is not to be ques- tioned, and the Rochester movement was intended to be a step toward such a result. So also the first rule proposed by the protestants, viz. : that “ ordinal names having long-established usage should not be sub- jected to revision upon theoretical grounds,” is one with which few- will disagree, and this again was not referred to in the Rochester Rules. The rule requiring the retention of “ long-established and generally known generic names ” is a curious one. Starting out with the positive statement that they should be retained, we are next told that ‘‘ the scope of this rule is left to the discretion of writers” !! How about those whose discretion results in a more rigid scrutiny of such doubtful names? Under the rule, who shall judge between us when we disagree? Moreover, it is urged upon writers that generic nomen- clature should not depart far from Benthams and Hooker’s Genera Plantarum, Baillon’s Histoire des Plantes, and Engler and Prantl’s Natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien—“ for the present”! No plank relating to a doubtful question in politics could be more ambiguously drawn so as to provide that flexibility necessary to meet individual preferences. After permitting individual discretion, and allowing some departure (less than the vague distance, “a”) from three somewhat different standards, and this only for the present, how much efficiency is left in the rule? ee The third rule is scarcely less curious than the second. It is that “in specific nomenclature the first correct combination is to be pre- ferred.” Of course. Nobody is asked by the Rochester Rules to pre- fer any other than the first correct combination. The form of the rule is absurd. The protestants certainly do not wish us to infer that there may be a second “correct combination”—or possibly more. That would be a peculiar priority rule, indeed! But this is not what the protestants wished to say. They probably meant to say that “the correct specific name of a plant is that which it first bears after it has been referred to the proper genus,” at least this is what the context suggests. The argument for this rule of priority under the genus, as against the third of the Rochester Rules, can not be said to be well sustained. Many of the earlier references of species to genera from which they had subsequently to be removed, can not, in justice, be re- garded as cases of “ description under an incorrect genus.” ` Are we simply to ignore the fact as of little importance that Linné described a plant now known as Steironema ciliatum ninety years earlier than the date of its transfer from Lysimachia to Steironema? It is very diff- cult to see wherein the binomial has any advantage over the specific 668 The American Naturalist. [July, name in point of stability, or in certainty as to its origin. The insta- bility of specific names is greatly exaggerated by the protestants, and it was to cure the evil so much dreaded by them that Rule III of the Rochester Rules was formulated. At the end of the discussion, how- ever, the whole case is surrendered by the protestants in requiring botanists in the present and future “to preserve scrupulously the specific name without alteration in transferring species from one genus to another.” The fourth rule proposed, which insists upon a sharp line of demark- ation between specific and varietal names is not unreasonable to those who hold that species differ radically from varieties. There are still some people who believe in the fixity and original independence of species, and hence of varieties, also, and for whom the facts of develop- ment and evolution have no significance. For such, the rule is a logi- cal necessity. The final pronouncement (5) that the principle “ once a synonym always a synonym” is recommended as “an excellent working rule for present and future use,” is stultified by the adden- dum to the effect that it “ may not be made retroactive.” The framers of these rules appear to have a horror of anything which is retroactive, as if for a rule or law to be retroactive were very bad or very danger- ous. The word is held up as a sort of bug-a-boo to frighten us. What do they mean by recommending the present use of the rule “ once a synonym always a synonym,” but forbidding its retroactive use. What is there so sacred in the work of the years preceding the appearance of this protest that it should be spared the application of a principle which the protestants declare to be “an excellent working rule?” It is necessary to notice but one more of the many curious things in this remarkable document, viz.: the statement that “ these rules are designed to apply only to phenogams [sic] and vascular cryptogams.” What will the algologists do, and the fungologists, and bryologists? Are they to be allowed to wander around in darkness and disorder, when, by a stroke of the pen, their outlying provinces of the botanical kingdom might have had the benefits claimed by the protestants for their rules. If these rules are good, there is no reason for restricting their application so as to exclude any department of descriptive botany. CHARLES E. BESSEY. The Missouri Botanical Garden.—The attention of botanists is called to the facilities afforded for research at the Missouri Botanical Garden at St. Louis. In establishing and endowing the Garden, its founder, Henry Shaw, desired not only to afford the general public 1895.] Botany. 669 pleasure, and information concerning decorative plants and their best use, and to provide for beginners the means of obtaining good training in botany and horticulture, but also to provide facilities for advanced research in botany and cognate sciences. For this purpose, additions are being made constantly to the number of species cultivated in the grounds and plant houses, and to the library and herbarium, and, as rapidly as it can be utilized, it is proposed to secure apparatus for work in vegetable physiology, ete., the policy being to secure a good general equipment in all lines of pure and applied botany, and to make this equipment as complete as possible for any special subject on which original work is undertaken by competent students. A very large number of species, both native and exotic, and of horticulturists’ varieties, are cultivated in the Garden and Arboretum and the adjoining park, and the native flora, easily accessible from St. Louis, is large and varied. The herbarium, which includes nearly 250,000 specimens, is fairly representative of the vegetable life of Europe and the United States, and also contains a great many speci- mens from less accessible regions. It is especially rich in material illustrative of Cuscuta, Quercus, Coniferae, Vitis, Juncus, Agave, Yucca, Sagittaria, Epilobium, Rumex, Rhamnaceae, and other groups monographed by the late Dr. Engelmann or by attachés of the Garden. The herbarium is supplemented by a large collection of woods, includ- ing veneer transparencies and slides for the microscope. The library, containing about 8,000 volumes and 10,000 pamphlets, includes most of the standard periodicals and proceedings of learned bodies, a good collec- tion of morphological and physiological works, nearly 500 carefully selected botanical volumes published before the period of Linnaeus, an unusually large number of monographs of groups of eryptogams and flowering plants, and the entire manuscript notes and sketches repre- senting the painstaking work of Engelmann. The great variety of living plants represented in the Garden, and the large herbarium, including the collections of Bernhardi and Engel- mann, render the Garden facilities exceptionally good for research in systematic botany, in which direction the library also is especially strong. The living collections and library likewise afford unusual opportunity for morphological, anatomical and physiological studies, while the plant house facilities for experimental work are steadily in- creasing. The E. Lewis Sturtevant Prelinnean library, in connection with the opportunity afforded for the cultivation of vegetables and other useful plants, is favorable also for the study of cultivated plants and the modifications they have undergone. 670 The American Naturalist. [July, These facilities are freely placed at the disposal of professors of bot- any and other persons competent to carry on research work of value in botany or horticulture, subject only to such simple restrictions as are necessary to protect the property of the Garden from injury or loss. “ Persons who wish to make use of them are invited to correspond with the undersigned, outlining, with as much detail as possible, the work they desire to do at the Garden, and giving timely notice so that pro- vision may be made for the study of special subjects. Those who have not published the results of original work are requested to state their preparation for the investigation they propose to undertake Under the rules of Washington University, persons entitled to can- didacy in that institution for the Master’s or Doctor’s degree, may elect botanical research work as a principal study for such degrees, if they can devote the requiste time to resident study. WILLIAM TRELEASE, Director. A New Astragalus.—On June 25, 1892, I started out for a col- lecting trip from the village of Long Pine, Brown Co., Nebraska. On the outskirts of the village, I came across a patch of Astragalus loti- florus, and mingled with it were plants of similar form and habit, but separated by their extreme hirsuteness. I collected a few of each, knowing that the latter form was new to me, at least ; but, not having in my possession all the Astragali, even of Nebraska, did not know that it would be new to others. On my next visit, a month later, I found that a flock of sheep had grazed everything to the ground, eating, probably, fruit and all. Many subsequent visits have resulted in determining that the form is very scarce. A few scattered plants have been found along a roadside 100 rods north; none elsewhere, except that a few days’ later in the same year, Mr. J. A. Warren found one plant in Clay County in southeastern Nebraska. This spring I have been able to find but two plants, the species /otiflorus itself being very scarce in the same localities. The new plant is undoubtedly a variety of A. lotiflorus Hook., and is described as follows: Astragalus lotiflorus Hook., var. nebraskensis.,n. var. Biennial, or shortlived perennial; the long, very slender tap-root sparsely or not at all fibrous for several inches above; stems 2 to 5inches long, prostrate- spreading and scarcely ascending, in the larger forms, nearly erect in the smaller, numerous from a crown at or above the surface, stouter than the root ; simple; hirsute throughout with white hairs, the half- grown fruit being scarcely visible ; leaves 3 inches in length, on fur- rowed petioles, one inch long; leaflets 7-13, short-petioled, oblong to 1895.] Vegetable Physiology. 671 oblanceolate, very variable, slightly acute to obtuse, less hirsute on the upper surface; stipules ovate, acuminate, scarious-margined, inclined to be scarious with green veins; flowers like Jotiflorus, very small, yellowish-white to pale lilac, one to three in a raceme almost sessile in the axils of leaves, peduncle lengthening to half an inch in fruit; not like /otiflorus in equalling the leaves; calyx with lanceolate, acumi- nate teeth, persistent; legume right-angled from the peduncle, half- ovate or slightly crescent-shaped, acuminate 1 inch long, 4 lines. deep, sessile tin the calyx, thick chartaceous, one-celled, sometimes cross- wrinkled ; seeds in two rows, short-kidney-shaped, numerous. Specimens have been deposited in the herbaria of the Botanical Sur- vey of Nebraska, University of Minnesota, and Columbia College. —J. M. Bares. Long Pine, Neb., May 20, 1895. VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY.’ The Action of light on Bacteria.—Under the above title Dr. H. Marshall Ward contributes an interesting article to the Philosoph- ical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 185 (1894), pp. 961-986. While his experiments have not been confined to the anthrax bacillus, most of those here detailed were made with this or- ganism. The spores were sown in melted agar which was then poured into Petri dishes in the usual way. Portions of these agar films were then exposed to direct sunlight and to the are light. On the shaded parts of the agar the colonies derived from these spores grew until they completely covered it, while they wholly failed to develop at first, but finally did so in small numbers on the parts exposed to direct sunlight for several hours. After exposure the cultures were placed in an in- cubator at 20-22° C., only being taken out to examine and photo- graph. By 3—4 hours exposure to direct bright sunlight and subse- quent incubation for a few days, figures and stenciled letters were brought out very distinctly on the surface of the inoculated plates. That. this effect is dueto insolation has been’shown by various writers and is now generally accepted, and that the effect is due to the direct 'This department is edited by Erwin F. Smith, Department of AEAT, Washington, D. C. 672 The American Naturalist. [July, action of the light on the organisms and not to any indirect action on the culture medium, has been brought out pretty clearly by Prof. Ward’s labors. That the agar remains unchanged and is still suited to the needs of the organism is shown by the fact that some colonies do always finally appear on the insolated spots. Their appearance is ex- plained by supposing that some spores were covered by others and thus partially protected from the action of the light, which might well be the case, especially when thick sowings were made. The next step was to determine, if possible, whether one part of the spectrum was more effective than another, the conclusions of previous experimenters being very contradictory. First, a fresh culture was covered by a card board in which five circular holes were cut. One of these holes was left uncovered, one was covered by ordinary window glass, one by a dark blue glass, one by a light blue glass, and finally, one by a peculiar brownish-purple glass which absorbed most of the blue and violet rays of the spectrum. This plate was then exposed to sunlight for some hours and afterwards put into the incubator. In 18 hours there were four distinct white spots on the agar corresponding to four of the five holes in the card board, and later on that spot correspond- ing to the uncovered hole became the most distinct. There was also on the agar at first a fainter spot corresponding to the hole covered by the brownish-purple glass, but this spot became more and more in- distinct and disappeared after the fourth day, enough colonies having developed finally to wholly efface it, thus showing that the light strained through this glass simply retarded the development of the spores. The inference was, therefore, quite strong, that the blue-violet rays largely screened out by this glass must be the effective ones. Two-chambered, ebonite cells with side walls of glass were then constructed. Into one of the cells filtered distilled water was put as a standard for compari- son and into the other cell was put solutions of various substances such as aesculin, sulphate of copper, bichromate of potash, quinine, fuchs- in, etc., which cut out certain rays of the spectrum. Infected films of agar were then exposed to the action of sunlight passed through water and these solutions. The light which passed through the layer of water cleared a spot on the plate every time. The result of passing the light through a solution of aesculin, which cuts out most of the blue and violet rays, was similar to that obtained by the use of the brownish-purple glass, i. e. it did not kill the spores but only retarded their germination, the insolated places being nearly obliterated in 111 hours and entirely soa little later. When sunlight was passed through a solution of potassium bichromate the result was still more striking, not 1895.] Vegetable Physiology. 673 a trace of any germicidal influence being visible. From the foregoing it is apparent that the red, orange, yellow, and true green rays of the spec- trum have no bactericidal action. Finaliy, portions of infected plates were submitted to the direct action of portions of the solar spectrum, passed through a grating as narrow as practicable (1 mm.) and through quartz plates instead of glass. These exposures confirmed the pre- ceding and show that the infra-red, red, orange, and yellow rays of the spectrum are absolutely without effect, the spores exposed to these rays germinating as readily as those on the non-exposed parts of the film. So far as could be determined by the methods used, the bactericidal in- fluence begins where the green shades into the blue, reaches its greatest intensity in the blue-violet in the vicinity of Fraunhofer’s line G, and fades out in about the middle of the violet, the more refrangible half of the violet and the ultra violet showing no influence. Subsequently, in conjunction with Prof. Oliver Lodge of Liverpool, many experi- ments were tried with a powerful are light. Even 8-12 hour expos- ures produced only a transient bactericidal effect when its rays had to traverse the glass covers of the Petri dishes, and in course of the ex- periments it was discovered that even the thinnest plate of glass is so obstinate a barrier to the bactericidal rays that it was not possible to use it and quartz had to be substituted. When this was done, 8-12 hour exposures served to kill the spores of Bacillus anthracis, and even 6 hours exposure killed great numbers of them. Exposures of infected films to the spectrum of the arc light gave results in the main confirmatory of those previously obtained. Here again the infra-red, red, orange, yellow, and green rays were without perceptible effect, but the germicidal influence did not begin in the blue-green but just be- yond it in the blue, and its influence was visible into the ultra violet, the maximum effect being reached just beyond the violet. With both sun and arc light there is for a day or two after the colonies begin to appear a curious blurring of the margins of the insolated spots which gradually disappears as the colonies develop and which is attributed to halation. The germicidal etfect of the arc light is so powerful, when not destroyed by glass screens, that Prof. Ward thinks it might be turned to practical account in the disinfection of hospitals, cattle sheds and similar places. In these experiments the distance of the light was two feet. The author is inclined to think that not only the lower forms of life but also all protoplasm is sensitive to these rays of the spectrum and that the higher plants escape injurious effects by having provided themselves with natural color screens. Among other low organisms which he has found sensitive to direct sunlight are a violet 674 The American Naturalist. [July, water bacillus from the Thames, B. fluorescens liquefaciens, a pink bacterium (probably B. prodigiosus), the hay bacillus, the potato bacillus, and various yeasts and other fungi. The role of Calcium and Magnesium.—Bokorny seems to have proved (Bot. Centrb., 62:1) that Ca and Mg are essential to the formation of the necleus and chlorophyll bodies. His experi- ments were with Spirogyra, Zygnema, and Mesocarpus in Aluminum beakers in distilled water to which nutrient salts were added: (1) Ca withheld; (2) Mg withheld; (3) Ca and Mg withheld; (4) Complete. The alge were under observation 6 weeks. In 1 there was a gradual decided shrinkage of the chlorophyll bands although starch continued to form. In 2 the nucleus and pyrenoids also shrank, the former to ł natural size or to complete disappearance. In 3 the nucleus shrank decidedly and the pyrenoids seemed to become smaller. In 4 the cell-organs remained normal and the plants continued bright green.—ERwIn F. SMITH. ; ZOOLOGY. The Faunal Regions of Australia.—At the Adelaide meeting of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, Mr. Hedley gave a brief summary of the views held by leading naturalists in regard to the Faunal Regions of Australia, and also presented his own. The substance of his remarks were as follows : The discrimination of the various provinces into which the Austra- lian fauna and flora group themselves has been frequently attempted. To the earlier naturalists, from a study of scanty material and with little or no personal knowledge of the continent, four divisions of east and west, temperate and tropical, seemed natural and sufficient. Hor- ker’s “ Essay on the Australian Flora ” paved the way for a better un- derstanding of the relations which various localities bore to each other. Owing to fundamental errors of his interpretation of Australian Geol- ogy, Wallace’s treatment of the subject in “ Island Life” is of but slight value. To the writer, the most successful arrangement of the various biological regions yet proposed is that sketched by Prof. Tate, in his address to the first meeting of this Association. The author accepts two main biological divisions—the Autochthonian, developed in west 1895.] Zoology. 675 Australia, and the Euronotian, seated in eastern Australia and Tas- mania ; a subsidary division, less in value and derivable from both of the above, is the Eremian or desert fauna and flora. Taking this disposition as the basis of my remarks, I would observe that eastern Australia contains two distinct biological populations, where Professor Tate has located one, the Euronotien. This title, I propose, should be reserved for that fauna and flora characteristic of Tasmania, Victoria, and southern New South Wales; while the second and very distinct fauna and flora developed on the coasts of Queens- land and northern New South Wales would best be described as Pap- uan. Indeed, so distinct is this latter, that a separation of Australian life into Papuan and non-Papuan seems to the writer to be the prim- ary division to be made of the Australian fauna and flora. The types encountered by a traveler in tropical Queensland, or rather in that narrow belt of tropical Queensland, hemmed in between the Cordillera and the Pacific, all wear a foreign aspect. Among mammals may be instanced the cuscus and tree kangaroo; among rep- tiles, the crocodile, the Rana, or true frog, and the tree snakes; among birds, the cassowary and rifle birds; among butterflies, the Ornithop- tera; among plants, the wild banana, orange and mangosteen, the rho- dodendron, the epiphytic orchids, and the palms; so that, in the heart of a great Queensland “scrub,” a naturalist could scarcely answer, from his surroundings, whether he were in New Guinea or Australia. It may be supposed that late in the Tertiary epoch, Torres Straits, now only a few fathoms deep, was dry land, and that a stream of Papuan life poured into Australia across the bridge so made. Sharply defined from the tropical jungle above mentioned are areas occupied by strictly Australian vegetation, which are left invariably in possession of the poorest tracts of land. From the rich lands, for- merly no doubt possessed by them, everywhere have they been ousted by the invading flora. Regarding the origin of the Furonien fauna and flora, sundry facts collected by Mr. H. O. Forbes, in his paper on the Chatham Islands, would suggest a South American source. Assuming that, in or before the Miocene, continuous land extended from Terra del Fuego to Tas- mania, the derivation of the Australian marsupials appearing in the Pliocene from their South American allies, Prothylacinus and Amphi- proviverra of the Eocene, would be clear. Mr. Forbes adduces strong confirmatory evidence from Professor Parker who, on embryological grounds, does not hesitate to assume as ancestors of certain Australian crows a form allied to the American Dendrocalaptine birds. The dis- 676 The American Naturalist. [July, tribution of the parrots and the cystignathous frogs appears also to sustain the theory. The extinct alligator, Palimnarchus, found in Queensland and New South Wales associated with Diprotodon, strengthens the chain of evidence, as does the occurrence in Tasmania and Australia of Gundlachia, otherwise an exclusively American mollusc. As the name implies, the Autochthonian is the oldest member of the Australian faunas and floras. The date ofits arrival in Australia and the route which it traversed are lost in antiquity. Seeing that many resemblances exist between our vegetation and those of Timor and the southeast Austro-Malayan islands, perhaps these lands afforded the passage to Australia. Summary.—Superimposed, one above another, may be distinguished three divisions of Australian life. The earliest is the Autochthonian. Possibly this arrived from the Austro-Malayan islands, in or before the Cretaceous era, and spread over the whole of Australia. The next is the Euronotian. Probably this reached Tasmania from South America, not later than the Miocene epoch; many of the original in- habitants, particularly on the east coast, probably disappeared before the invaders. Thirdly, a contingent of Papuan forms seized on the Queensland coast, late in the Tertiary, and likewise largely extermi- nated their predecessors. Notes on a Snapping Turtle’s Nest.—On June 16, 1894, I saw a snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina, in the course of two hours, dig a hole and in it lay twenty-two eggs. The hole was dug in gravel and was small at the top, but when an inch below the surface of the ground, it widened, and when finished was three inches in diameter and about four inches deep. The digging was done entirely by the hind feet used alternately. The eggs were crowded in place by the hind feet, as fast as they were laid. Then the hole was filled even with the rest of the ground. The nearest water was a small stream about thirty feet distant.—A. On some new North American Snakes, NATRIX COMPRESSI- CAUDA TENIATA subsp. nov.—Scales in twenty-one rows; four series of longitudinal spots above, those of the median pair forming two lon- gitudinal stripes on the greater part of the length ; the laterals forming stripes on the neck only. Labials ys, oculars 1-3; temporals 1-3. Frontal narrow, not widened anteriorly ; parietals rather wide. First row of scales keeled. 1895.] Zoology. 677 Gastrosteges 131; anal 1-1; urosteges 82. The lateral black spots extend as far as the tail. The dorsal stripes are connected by a trans- verse lighter brown shade for a short distance in advance of the vent. Belly black with a median series of semidiscoid yellow spots; gastros- teges with yellow extremities for the anterior two-thirds of the length of the body. The median neck stripes touch on the nape, and after enclosing a pale space unite on the parietal plates. Muzzle brown, the labials with blackish shades. Lower labials, genials and gulars with yellow spots. Indistinct parietal paired spots. Total length 378 mm. ; of tail 98 mm. Two specimens in my private collection from Volusia, Florida. In this form the striping which appears on the neck of the form com- presstcauda is extended the entire length. It bears thus a partial re- semblance to the Natriz clarkii, which is not far removed in affinity from the N. compressicauda. The form next described (N. fasciata pictiventris) connects the latter with the N. fasciata. The subspecies teniata may be synoptically compared with the typical compressicauda as follows: Scales in 21 rows; four series of longitudinal spots above, those of the median pair forming two longitudinal stripes on the greater part of the length ; the laterals forming stripes on the neck only; N. c. teniata. Scales in 21 rows; numerous dark cross-bands which are resolved into three rows of spots just anterior to the tail, and four longitudinal stripes on the neck ; N. c. compressicauda. NATRIX FASCIATA PICTIVENTRIS Cope.—Brown transverse bands numerous, separated by short intervals and extending to the belly throughout the length. Gastrosteges narrowly margined at the base with brown, the margins turning at or before reaching the ends of the gastrosteges and uniting so as to enclose transverse yellowish spots, which may cover a part only or the whole of the gastrostege, but which are always wider than those seen in N. compressicauda. Sides of head light brown, generally with a black post-ocular band; top of head black. Scales in 25 rows; in one specimen (No. 19,798) in 27 rows. No. 5,473 : 25; 8:125; 45:580 mm.; 120 mm.; (tail injured). No. 19,999 : 25; 8:124; 86:550 mm.; 162mm. In some specimens (No. 13,729) the transverse bands are very distinct as in young individuals; in Nos. 19,798 and 11,444, they are connected by the same color along the median dorsal line. This subspecies is restricted to Florida, and it approaches the J. compressicauda in the coloration of the belly. The following specimens are contained in the U.S. National Museum. 678 The American Naturalist. [July, 5,473 1, Palatka, Fla., T. Glover. Type, 10,449 2, Gainesville, Fla., J. Bell; 10,739 1, Clearwater, Fla., S. T. Walker; 11,444 1, Gaines- ville, Fla., J. Bell; 13833 $2, Georgiana, Fla., G. Wittfield; 13,779 1, Punta Rassa, Fla., C. K. Ward ; 19,798 1, W. Florida, Dr. Henshall ; 19,999 1, Lake Eustis, Fla., Theo. Holm. In my private collections are specimens from Volusia, Lake George, Fla. A specimen now living in the reptile house of the Zoological Garden of Philadelphia exhibits the following colors. The borders of the transverse bars, and the markings on the belly are chestnut red, while the ground-color of the latter is cream colored. SEMINATRIX PYG£US Cope, gen. nov.— Contia pygæa Cope, Tropi- donotus pygeus Boulenger. This species has been referred to the water snakes of the genus Tropidonotous (Natrix) by Boulenger (Catal. Snakes Brit. Mus. Ed. II, V. 1). An examination of the penial structure shows that the reference to the Natricine is correct. The other characters differ, however, from those of the genus Natrix, so that it appears to be necessary to refer it toa new genus. This I propose to call Seminatrix, and give the following definition. Sulcus sperma- ticus and hemipenis undivided; no papilla; scales smooth, without keel or pits; anal plate divided. The only known species S. pygea is found in Florida. According to Dr. Loennberg.’ its habits are aquatic. While the epidermal scales are smooth, the dermal plates are closely wrinkled and reticulated, a character which I have not observed in any other Natricine and which may be an additional generic character. ZAMENIS STEJNEGERIANUS sp. nov.—This species and the one follow- ing belong to a section of the genus not represented in my “ Critical Review ” (p. 622), which must be characterized as follows: Superior labials eight ; scales in seventeen rows; frontal as wide posteriorly as the superciliary at the same point. To this this might be added, loreal much longer than deep. In the present species the profile is gently convex, and the rostral plate is slightly prominent. The frontal plate has straight lateral borders and its anterior angles are well. removed from the preocular plates. The loreal is twice as long as deep, and its superior posterior corner is cut off as a separate plate on both sides, and on one, a third loreal is cut off below. The eight superior labials are regular, and apparently normal. The parietals are truncate posteriorly, and are bounded by three temporals and two small scales externally. Tem- porals 2-2-2. Postgenials shorter than pregenials. Gastrosteges 166; anal 1-1; urosteges 102. Length 782 mm.; of tail, 229 mm. 1 Proceeds. U. S. Natural Museum, 1894 p. 323. 1895.] Zoology. 679 Above and ends of gastrosteges, light brownish-olive ; top of head, lips, and inferior surfaces yellow. Skin between scales, black. No. 17,065 U. S. National Museum, Cameron Co., Tex. Dedicated to my friend Dr. L. Stejneger of the U. S. National Museum. ZAMENIS CONIROSTRIS sp. nov.—The second species of the section of the American species of the genus presents the following characters. Profile of muzzle much decurved ; rostral plate prominent and sub- conic. Frontal plate with concave lateral borders, and expanded front, in contact with preoculars. A single loreal which is nearly twice as long as deep, and is deeper posteriorly than anteriorly. Parietal plates rounded posteriorly, bordered by three temporals and two or three scales. Temporals 2-2-2. Superior labials normal, regular. Postgenials equal in length to pregenials. Gastrosteges 162 ; anal 1-1; urosteges 85. Length 758 mm. length of tail 200 mm. The specimen may have been taken near the period of moult, so that the color is somewhat uncertain. It is now light brown above, and light plumbeous below ; the top of the head not lighter than the other supe- rior surfaces. The muzzle is darker in color than the lips and throat. Skin between scales black. No. 1,763 U. S. National Museum, Mata- moras, Mex. This species and the last are founded on a single specimen each, which were obtained in nearly the same region of country. They re- semble each other considerably in proportions, size and coloration. The differences are, however, so numerous and important that it is im- possible to regard them as belonging to the same species. They differ equally from all others, the nearest approach to the Z. stejnegerianus being made by abnormal individuals of the flaviventris form of Z. con- strictor, which have eight superior labial shields. The very different form of the loreal plate, and its subdivison, in the latter, together with the contrast between the color of the head and the dorsum, will distinguish it. ZAMENIS LATERALIS FULIGINOSUS Cope.—Bascanium laterale Hallow. Cope, Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., 1889, f. 147. Scales in seventeen longitudinal rows; superior labials eight, the fourth and fifth entering the orbit. Muzzle depressed, narrowed and rather prominent. Frontal plate much narrowed posteriorly, its width equal one-half that of a superciliary plate. Seventh and eighth supe- rior labials about equal, of rather wide parallelogrammic form. Tem- porals 2-2-2; the last superior large, subquadrate, their posterior borders continuous with that of the parietals. Gastrosteges strongly angulated ; tail entering 3°58 times in whole length. Scuta, scutella and dimensions : 46 680 The American Naturalist. [July, No. 15,1385; 201; 1-1; ? ; 815 mm.; tail injured. No. 15,136 ; 205; 1-1; 108; 665 mm.; 258 mm. Color above blackish-brown anteriorly, becoming lighter posteriorly to the end of the tail. The dark color extends on each end of the gastrosteges to the angulation throughout the length, and in the younger specimen, appears as a row of spots on each side of the middle part of tne gastrosteges, fading out beyond the middle of the length. Ground color of belly yellow. In the larger specimen the black-brown predom- inates on the inferior surfaces, yielding gradually to the ground color, which predominates on the inferior surface of the tail. A yellow spot on the preocular; and in the younger specimen on the postoculars and labial plates. Gular and genial plates yellow spotted in the younger specimen, nearly uniform dark brown in the older. On the anterior part of the body of the younger specimen the lateral scales to the third and fourth row have brown shades, with an obscure trace of cross- banding. On the same specimen near the middle of the body, there are two pale half-cross-bands near together. In the same, the center of each parietal plate is brown. This subspecies differs widely from the typical form in color char- acters. I add here that specimen which strongly resembles this form was sent to the Philadelphia Zoological Garden from Southern Arizona. The belly is light red. Catal. no. | No. specimens Locality | Whence obtained _ 15,135 1 oe nde eet? | § U, S, Fish Commis- 15,136 1 gana O sion Albatross California —E. D. COPE. Zoological News, VERMES.—Distomes. Dr. H. B. Ward has recently published several papers on these parasites to which attention should be called, since they appear in places where one does not usu- ally look for zoological articles. In the first’ he records a second American example of the fluke, Distomum westermannii, this time from the lungs of a dog, the material being furnished by Prof. D. 5. Keli- cott, and being that upon which the latter author had already re- ported.” The second of these papers’? reviews the literature of this ' Veterinary Magazine, Vol. II, p. 87, 1895. *Trans. Ohio State Medical Society, 1894. 3 Medical News, Mar. 2, 1895. 1895.] Entomology. 681 same parasite and emphasizes the dangerous nature of it when present in man. Inthe East (Japan, Formosa, etc.) it occurs in a large per- centage of the population. A third paper* records the presence of Distomum felinum in the cats sacrificed to science in the University of Nebraska. Inthis paper, Dr. Ward discusses the value of measure- ments and concludes that they are of little value; “the topographical relations alone are fixed and hence are the only points on which spe- cies may be founded.” ProrocHorpaATa.—A species of Enteropneustan has been discov- ered upon the shores of New South Wales. It is described by its finder, J. P. Hill, under the name Ptychodera australiensis (Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, Nov. 28, 1894). ENTOMOLOGY: Distribution of Injurious Insects.—In an interesting paper upon this subject before the Entomological Society of Washington, Mr. L. O. Howard said: “ It is reasonable to suppose that in many cases insects will be unable to follow their food-plants to the limits of their possible range, notwithstanding the fact that the geographical distribu- tion of animals and plants is governed by the same general laws of temperature, humidity, exposure, and geological characteristics. The obvious reason for this is, that purely artificial features are introduced in cultivating plants, varieties are propagated which develop resistant powers lacking in the parent stock ; seeds, in the case of annuals, are carefully collected and selected, the soil is prepared for their reception, and is artificially fertilized ; while with perennials the same general care is taken. It follows, therefore, that the natural range of cultivated species is widely extended in every direction, and in the teeth of the very barriers which naturally would have held them rigidly in check. Plant-feeding insects in general follow the natural distribution of their specific food. Experience has shown that as this natural food becomes a cultivated crop they increase. As the cultivation of the crop is spread along natural lines of distribution, they follow it. When, however, by t Veterinary Magazine, 1895. 1 Edited by Clarence M. Weed, New Hampshire College, Durham, N. H. 682 The American Naturalist. [July, artificial selection, hardy varieties of the crop plant have developed, and the range becomes thus extended along what may be termed un- natural lines, with certain species, at least, and within certain limits with them, their insect enemies will naturally be unable to follow them. The result will be, theoretically, natural selection with the insects try- ing to catch up with the results of artificial selection with the plants.” An All-purpose Net.—There is no doubt but that a special net for each kind of collecting will give the best results, but while the net becomes better suited to one purpose it becomes at the same time less suited to other purposes. A specialist will adopt a special net, but an ordinary collector will want an all-purpose net even if not quite the best for each insect. The net we have found to meet best the requirements of an all-pur- pose net is one consisting of a strong but light brass hoop about a foot in diameter, soldered firmly into the end of a brass or tin ferrule. This ferrule should be about six inches long to serve as a handle when beat- ing, when long handle is removed. The bag of the net should be of strong but light cloth as a good mus- lin or swiss. It should be about two feet deep, and taper gradually from the mouth to the bottom where it should be two or three inches wide. This will enable one to easily remove an insect with the cyan- ide bottle or with the hand, and facilitates the clearing of the net by reversing it.— Entomologists Post- Card. Picobia villosa (Hancock) is Syringophilus bipectinatus (Heller).— In the number of April, 1895 of Tar American Narura.ist (Vol. X XIX, p. 382-384, plate X XII), Mr. Joseph L. Hancock describes and figures as “anew Trombidian” a species of Cheyletine already well known in Europe. His Picobia villosa does not differ from Syringo- philus bipectinatus Heller. Mr. J. L. Hancock is not acquainted with the modern literature on interesting type. In a communication made, in 1884, before the Aca- démie des Seiences de Paris’, I have shown how this form is common on the birds of all orders. It lives in the quill of the feathers of the wings, and comés out but rarely. The Syringophilus bipectinatus and its variety major have been figured by Professor Antonio Berlese, from my preparations, in his great work entitled: Acari, Myriopoda et Scorpiones Italiani (fase. XXXVII, n° g et 10, 2 pl.). * TROUESSART Sur les Acariens qui vivent dans le tuyau des plumes des Oiseaux —(Comptes-Rendus Acad. des Sciences de Paris, XCIX, (1884), p. 1130). 1895.] Entomology. 683 This Acarid has been found in the interior of the quills of the wings (rémiges et couvertures alaires) on the domestic hen ( Gallus domesticus), on the sparrow (Passer domesticus), and on a great number of other birds belonging to the genera:—Syrnium, Eclectus, Poocephalus, Chalcopsitta, Picus, Fringilla, (var. major on F. montifringilla), Em- beriza, Linota, Coccothraustes, Troglodytes, Anthornis, Parus, Orites, Turdus, Hirundo, Caprimulgus, Trogon, Phasianus, Meleagris, Gallin- ago, Aramus, Strepsilas, Vanellus, Totanus, Tringa, Anthropoides, Sterna, Hydrochelidon, Larus, Anas, etc. From this list, we see that the species may be considered as univer- ally dispersed and really cosmopolite. If we compare the types of these various origins, we find no other difference than the size. The form found by Mr. J. L. Hancock upon the flycatcher (Pheno- pepla nitens Fer.), is absolutely the same that the typical Syringophilus bipectinatus from Europe.. It cannot be placed in the genus Picobia (Haller) which possesses for differential characters :—Pedes dissimiles ; primi et secundi paris tarsus cirro longo, bifido, terminatus; tertii et quarti paris tarsus, unguibus binis recurvis et pectine duplici (pulvillo) in- structus. On the contrary, the type figured by Mr. Hancock has the characters of the genus Syringophilus :—Pedes omnes similes, unguibus binis re- curvis et pectine duplici instructi. This type is then connected with this last genus. I must add that, from my observations, the form named “ Syringo- philus” is not adult and represents only the syringobial and partheno- genetic form of a species of Cheyletus described by Doctor S. A. Poppe (from Vegesack) under the name of Cheyletus nörner?, which is found also in the quills of the feathers of the birds enumerated previously, feeding on the Sarcoptids (Analgesine) which live there habitually. I have lately* drawn the attention of naturalists to the habits of these various syringobial forms, and I have shown that the Cheyletus nörneri (Poppe), which devoured the Pterolichi and Syringobie which live in the quill, never touches the Syringophili, doubtless by virtue of the saying: “ les loups ne se mangent pas entre eux.” 1 38, A. Popper, Uber parasitische Milben (Abhandl. Naturw. Ver. Bremen, [1887] X, p. 239, pl. II, fig. 4-5) t E. TROvEsSART, Sur le Mimétisme et (instinct protecteur des Syringobies (Bulle- tin de la Société Entomologique de France, 1894, p. CX XXVI).—id., Sur la Parthénogenise des Sarcoptides plumicoles (Comptes-Rendus de la Sociéte de Biologie, 26 Mai, 1894 :—C.-R. Académie des Sciences, CX VIII, p. 1218). 684 The American Naturalist. [July, It is not possible to find any differential sexual character between the two forms disinguished by Mr. Hancock as male and female. The form figured (plate XXII) is the syringobial nymph, and the other the parthenogenetic female. In the interior of the quill, the Syringophili feed, according to the manner of the Analgesine, on the marrow (or pith) of the feathers. The transformation into adult Cheyletus takes place likely out of the quill, which explains why the syringobial form is found, but rarely, in the plumage, outwardly to the feathers, as in the case observed by Mr. Hancock. 7 | | As to the Syringophilus uncinatus Heller, it is a true Cheyletus. In summary: : 1. Picobia villosa (Hanock)=—Syringophilus bipectinatus (Heller). 2. Syringophilus bipectinatus is a syringobial form of Cheyletus norn- eri (Poppe).—Dr. E. L. TRoverssart, Paris, France. Preparing Orthoptera.—In Special Bulletin No. 2 from the Department of Entomology of the University of Nebraska Prof. Law- rence Bruner gives excellent directions for collecting and preserving Orthoptera. Regarding the process of “ stuffing ” he says :—“‘Within the past few years most of the objections that had so frequently been made to the gathering and preservation of orthopterous insects, have practic- ally been removed by the adoption of different and better methods of — preparing and preserving these creatures. A few of our specialists only seem to have profited from -the discovery that these insects can be handled ‘ taxidermically,’ ʻi. e., be stuffed in a similar manner as we would adopt for birds, reptiles and mammals, and thereby preserved in collections equally well with other forms. The following directions for collecting, cleaning and ‘stuffing’ orthopterous insects may, there- fore, be of much value to those who contemplate making collections of and studing these insects. Instead of throwing the specimens in spirits (alcohol, brandy, whisky, ete.), when captured they should be killed in the ‘cyanide’ bottle from which they should be removed soon after death, and at once opened, cleaned and stuffed ; or they can be trans- ferred to a small tin or other box where they may be kept moist and flexible till arrived at home or in camp. Now take the specimens, one at a time, in the left hand, and with a fine, sharp-pointed scissors open _ the abdomen by cutting across the middle of the two basal segments on the lower side, then reverse and cut the opening a trifle larger by nearly severing the third segment. After this has been done extract all of the insides (intestines, crop, ovaries, etc.), along with the juices, 1895.] Entomology. 685 using a fine pointed forceps for the purpose, wipe out the inside of the insect with a small wad of cotton and it is ready to be ‘stuffed’ or filled up. When this latter is done the insect may be either pinned into a box prepared for the purpose at once, or it can be wrapped in paper and packed away for future use. To ‘stuff’ cut some cotton bat (raw cotton) in short pieces and fill up the insect through the open- ing previously made for cleaning it, using the same ora similar pair of forceps for the purpose, taking care not to fill too full nor to stretch the abdomen beyond its original dimensions, When the filling is com- pleted carefully draw the edges of the several segments together and gently press the sides of abdomen into shape with the fingers. This can all be done, after a little practice, in about four or five minutes time. The advantage in favor of a specimen thus handled are several. It will not decay nor turn dark, the original colors will be retained more nearly perfect, and there is but little danger under ordinarily careful treatment of its being attacked in future by the museum pests mentioned. Specimens when thus prepared by an expert and properly labeled are easily worth three or four timesas much for cabinet spec- imens as those not so cared for. Especially is this true with reference to specimens collected in warm, moist climates where decay is rapid, and where mould is sure to attack specimens that are long in drying.” Recent Literature.—Mr. H. G. Barber of the University of Nebraska publishes an interesting list’ of Nebraska butterflies. One hundred and thirty-seven species are enumerated. Mr. W. A. Snow contributes three dipterological papers to the Kansas University Quarterly for January, 1895. Professor S. W. Williston also contributes a paper on Exotic Tabanidæ to the same issue. Mr. G. C. Davis publishes as Bulletin 116 of the Michigan Agricult- _ ural College Experiment Station a 24 page discussion of Insectsof the Clover Field. Prof. Lawrence Bruner discusses in 75 pages of the Nebraska Horti- cultural Report for 1894 the Insect Enemies of the Apple Trees and its Fruit. In Bulletin 109 of the New Jersey Station Prof. J. B. Smith discusses cut worms, the sinuate pear-borer, the potato stalk borer and the insecticidal value of bisulphide of carbon. In Bulletin 106 the San’ José Scale is treated of. 5 Proc. Nebr. Acad. Sci. IV, pp. 16-22, 1894. 686 , The American Naturalist. [July, Part IV of the valuable Bibliography of America Economic Entomo- logy has been recently issued by the Department of Agriculture. It includes authors from A to K, and shows the same careful compilation by Dr. Samuel Henshaw as the previous issues of the series. An important Report upon the Parasitic Hymentoptera of the Island of St. Vincent by Messrs. Riley, Ashmead and Howard has recently been issued by the Linnzan Society (Journal Zoology, XXV, pp. 55- 254). The material was collected by Mr. H. H. Smith, and contained six new genera and 299 new species. EMBRYOLOGY. Origin of Twins.—Jacques Loeb of the University of Chicago contributes to the fourth part of Roux’s new peroidical—Archiv. für ntwickelungsmechanik der Organismen—an illustrated article in which the results of his experiments upon echinoderm eggs are set forth along with a hypothesis of the mechanical origin of double embryos. He found that when the eggs of the sea-urchin *“ Arbacia” were put into water less salt than normal the membrane might burst as if from osmotic pressure and part of the egg protoplasm ooze out from the rent. In case this extruded part remained in continuity with the rest of the egg farther development might result in the formation of a double larva. Many most interesting double and triple larve so produced are figured with the abnormal skeletal structures seen in them. The author then adopts the ideas of Quincke in an attempt to explain the production of double monster in general and in the higher animals in special. Quincke regarded certain protoplasm movements as similar to those of oil and water when mixing in the presence of soda or of albumen. In such cases more or less violent “extension currents” are produced: currents which Biitschli would assume in the movements of the pseudo- podia of an ameeba on his hypothesis that protoplasm has a vescicular structure. Professor Loeb assumes that mechanical currents are normally pres- ent in the process of cleavage and that in the abnormal process of double formation there is, for various unknown reasons, an exagger- 1895.] Psychology. 687 ated, violent stage of the same phenomena. When the vortex currents become violent, watery liquid accumulates between the cleavage cells so that they are separated and henceforth develop separately to forma twin. It is to be regretted that the excellent observations recorded do not bear more forcibly upon the hypothesis advanced. PSYCHOLOGY.’ Mental Development inthe Child andthe Race: Methods and Processes. By,JAmMEs Mark BALDWIN, M.A., Pa.D., STUART PROFESSOR OF PsyYCHOLOGY IN PRINCETON UNIveERsitTy.’—Prof. Baldwin’s latest book will prove of no less interest to the biologist than to the psychologist. There is a growing feeling that biology, the science of life at large, and psychology, the science of the inner life, since they deal with facts of the same order, must ultimately express these facts in essentially the same conceptions. To biology we must look for the most generalized expression of those conceptions; it will be the duty of the psychologist to apply them in his narrower field and to restate them with such additions and limitations as the facts demand. Yet, just because his field is the narrower, we may expect of him suggestions which will aid the biologist in his work. This is what Prof. Baldwin has undertaken to do. While studying imitation in the infant, he tells us, he was struck by the important part played by it in the development of the individual. This led him to read again “the literature of biological evolution with view to a possible synthesis of the current biological theory of organic adap- tation with the doctrine of the infant’s development,” and this book is the outcome. It is full of original and suggestive material and I think I can do no better than give the readers of the NATURALIST a fairly complete outline of its contents. The arrangement of the book is open to criticism. The first six chapters deal with certain special problems and are intended to develop inductively the fundamental conceptions of dynamogenesis 1 This department is edited by Dr. Wm. Romaine Newbold, University of Penn- sylvania. 2 Macmillan & Co., 1895. Price, 2.60. 688 The American Naturalist. [July, and the circular reaction which underlie the entire book. These chapters, although of considerable intrinsic value, are superfluous so far as the main object of the book is concerned, in that their contributions to it might have been much more clearly put and in briefer compass. It is in the last chapter, on Suggestion, that the principal of dynamogen- esis is most clearly stated: ‘The principle of contractility recognized in biology simply states that stimulations to living matter—the pro- toplasm of the higher vegetable and animal structures—if they take effect at all, tend to bring about movements or contractions in the mass of the organism. This is now also safely established as a phe- nomenon of consciousness—that every sensation or ingoing process tends to bring about action or outgoing process.” (P. 166.) The movements thus produced may simply be repeated, thus forming a habit. But many of them “seem to beget new movements by a kind of adaptation of the organism—movements’ which are an evident improvement upon those which the organism has formerly accom- plished.” How is this done? This introduces us to the main problem of the book—that of Accommodation. The answer is found in the Law of Excess. Of all the stimuli to which the organism is exposed some are advantageous. These heighten vitality and thereby increase the amount of motor reaction. In the case of advantageous stimuli the reaction is expansive, towards the source of stimulation, but the disadvantageous produce contrac- tions, away from the source of stimulation. It is evident that the expansive movements are best fitted to secure the repetition of the stimulus, and the excessive discharge greatly increases this proba- bility. If any one of these movements proves successful, there is a second excess discharge, but the second tends to pass out by the channels of the successful movement. This gives us the nucleus of a habit. The law that advantageous stimuli produce expansive move- ments and disadvantageous contraction is doubtless due to natural selection. (Pp. 199 et seqq.) The admission or denial of the inheri- tance of acquired traits would not affect this theory. And, since it represents selective reaction as part of the original endowment of life, and since this selective reaction is the organic analogue of pleas- ure and pain, we may say “that life began with consciousness, that is, with feelings of pleasure and pain. This position preserves the criterion of mind, making it also the criterion of life, and so assumes an absolute phylogenetic beginning of both life and mind in one.” (P. 213.) From the preceding discussion the relation of Habit and Accomodation comes clearly to view. “ Habit expresses the tendency 1895]. Psychology. 689 of the organism to secure and to retain its vital stimulus,” (P. 216) while by Accommodation the organism “learns new adjustments simply by exercising the movements which it already has, its habits, in a heightened or excessive way.” Prof. Baldwin then undertakes to apply these principles to the expla- tion of the phenomena of life, especially of human life. The first prob- lem attacked is the origin of motor attitudes and expressions, which includes the theory of emotion. In the psychophysics of emotion in general the three factors, Dynamogenesis, Habit and Accommodation are clearly traceable. By the first every element of content must have its motor expression, but as no two contents are ever exactly the same, our reactions are constantly being modified by new motor elements. Habit, it is true, tends to diminish the amount of con- sciousness found in the reaction, but on the other hand, by increas- ing the total motor disturbance, it increases the consciousness of movement, which is a chief element in all emotion. It is, therefore, a factor in the genesis of emotion. By virtue of Accommodation such of the new elements contributed by Dynamogenesis as are useful to the organism get associated with and modify the old, thus increas- ing the total content of the emotional state. To this must be added the pleasures and pains of Attention, itself, as later to be shown, a form of motor accommodation. When we come to examine the special forms of emotion we find that the laws of expression formulated by other writers, such as the principles of antagonism, of direct motor discharge and of analogous feeling stimuli are readily explained as varying expressions of the laws above given. But we must note that in the individual the acquisition of emotional expression depends largely upon imitation. Returning now to the fundamental type of reaction, we find that it. involves: Stimulus—increased vitality—excess discharge ( “ random movements”) towards source of stimulation—accidental securing of the beneficial stimulus by some one of these movements, thereby tend- ing to make the same reaction easier—repetition of the process. This is best described as a circular reaction, since it tends to repeat itself, and as its nearest conscious analogue is found in imitation the whole class may be termed imitative. In the simplest form, as above described, it may be termed organic imitation. An examination of the responses to stimulations found in the lower forms of life, both animal and vegetable, shows that reactions of this type are coextensive with life itself. But in the higher forms, in which consciousness has been developed, the reaction assumes new forms. ‘The stimulus produces 690 The American Naturalist. [July, conscious experience, and its repetition repeats that experience. But the experience may also be repeated in the form of an idea without the occurence of the stimulus, and this idea may take the place of the stimulus and produce the reaction. This is termed conscious imita- tion, and is the germ of voluntary action. Furthermore these ideas, or copies, may be associated with one another, so that any one tends to awaken others and with them their appropriate reactions. Thus all the higher functions originate from and involve the lower. Some- times, by the principle of lapsed links, the true stimulus may dis- appear and the movement be produced, to all appearance, by one of the associative antecedents of the stimulus. ASSIMILATION AND RecoenitTion.—The copy image may be so strong as to assimilate to itself the new experiences, their motor discharges uniting in one—this union in motor discharge is the basis of associa- tion by contiguity ; association by similarity is found “when both of them, by association with a third have come to unite in a common discharge. The energy of the new presentation process finds itself drawn off in the channels of the old one which it resembles; the motor associations, therefore, and with them all the organic and mental elements stirred up by them, come to identify or unite the new content with the old.” (309.) Assimilation then is due to the tendency of a new sensory process to be drawn off into preformed motor reactions. Some of these reactions are directly useful. Others constitute a more special kind of motor reaction upon the mental content. This latter is attention. It consists of three factors. First, the grosser muscular strains in brow, scalp, etc.; second, the more special strains of sense accommodation; third, the still more special strains peculiar to the content in question. When a new experience is repeated, not only is it assimilated to the memory of the original experience, but the third factor in attention is facilitated ; these two constitute what we call recognition. (P. 314.) Upon the first factor of attention depends the peculiar sense of “ warmth ” or “ ownership ; ” it is due to the fact that the attention strains constitute a large part of the sense of self. Recognition is an advanced form of adjustment to environment and has been of great phylogenetic significance. CONCEPTION AND THouGuT.—The principles already developed fur- nish a basis for the evolution of the higher mental processes. Judg- ment, or the demand for identity, is the conscious representative of the irresistible tendency to act in one way upon a variety of experiences. Belief is the conscious representative of the assimila- tion of new to old tendencies to action. Conception and per- 1895.] Psychology. 691 ception arise together when new experiences are brought face to face with old memories to whose motor tendencies their own can be but partially assimilated. In so far as assimilation takes place the concept arises ; in so far as it does not the respective contents are discriminated as particulars, and this discrimination is the function of perception. By the omission of certain motor reactions peculiar to the several occurences of a common sensory content the latter is abstracted. Thus we see that the general or abstract “is not content at all. It is an attitude, an expectation, a motor tendency.” (P.330.) And when we recognize an object as belonging to a class, we mean that this object presents, in addition to the motor reactions peculiar to itself, motor reactions common to it and many other objects. SYMPATHY is primarily due to imitation—At times a new pre- sentation is assimilated to memories of past experiences and thus awakens their emotional reactions—at others the sight of the emotional reaction in others provokes a similar reaction directly. To imitation the consciousness of self is also largely due. Its earliest form is found in a discrimination of persons as moving and especially interesting objects whose conduct at first admits of no exact calculation. This is the projective stage. The second stage is initiated by imitation of these projects; together with other bodily sensations the sense of effort then emerges and with it comes the vague consciousness of self as a subject. In the third stage the subjective elements thus gained are ascribed to the projects and they become ejects or persons like the subject. (Pp. 333 et seqq.) Tue Erxtcar FEELING originated in like manner—The child must accommodate himself to his environment, and especially to that part of his environment which we term the authority of others. But, as we have shown, one element of the self owes its origin to this very factor. Thus the intrinsic or habitual self tends to come in conflict with the self of accommodation and imitation. Later, from this external factor, is formed a “ moral ideal of a possible, perfect, regular will taken over in me in which the personal and social self—my habits and my social calls—are brought completely into harmony ; the sense of obligation in me in each case is a sense of lack of harmony—a sense of actual discrepencies in the various thoughts of self as my actions and tendencies give rise to others.” (P. 345.) The third form of imitation, which we may term plastic imitation, embraces those degenerated forms of reaction, which, having once been conscious, are now become secondarily automatic and subcon- scious. They fall under two classes; those that represent habitual 692 The American Naturalist. (July, — reactions and those that represent the imitative tendency itself become habitual. The first finds its expression in the community in conserva- tism ; the second in liberalism. : VoLirion involves desire, deliberation and effort.—Desire consists of “(1) a pictured object suggesting associated experiences which it is not sufficient to realize, and (2) an incipent motor reaction which the pictured object stimulates but does not discharge.” (P. 368.) Thus the germs of desire are present whenever a nascent movement is inhibited, but it is only when the representative element is added that it becomes typical desire. As desire arises from inhibited reactions, so does deliberation arise from the competition of reactions by the addition of analogous representative elements. Effort arises upon the resolution of a state of deliberation. In persistent imitation we have the earliest form of volition. The “copy” is given and provokes a movement which only partially reproduces it. The apprehension of the movement as actually per- formed now constitutes a momentum prompting its repetition, but the original “ copy ” still persists, prompting a slightly different movement —out of the competition.of these two reactions is formed a third, from these three a fourth, and so on until the movement as performed and the persistent “ copy ” prompt to the same movement—that is until the movement is successful. The sense of effort is due, as above shown, to the co-ordination or two or more such reactive tendencies. Thus we find in volition “the point of meeting of two principles, Habit and Accommodation, and their common function.” In the highest exhibition of reflective volition there is “ no depar- ture in type, however wide a departure it be in meaning and implica- tions for philosophy—from the first organic reactions of organic life. Habit is formed in the face of suggestion through persistent imitation and volition, and Habit, made organic in character, is modified in turn by changed environment, which is reacted to by imitation and volition.” (P. 388.) Prof. Baldwin then proceeds to present a mass of special evidence for the doctrines above outlined from the early life of infants, from some experiments made on students, from the intimate relation of attention to voluntary movement, from the phe- nomena of partial or total aboulia, especially as found in hysteria, idiocy and the various disturbances of speech. This last is of especial interest but is too technical in character to be given in abstract. Then follows a chapter on the Mechanism of Revival and Internal Speech and Song of which the same may be said. It is intended to illustrate the application of the theory to detailed instances. 1895.] i Psychology. 693 “ ATTENTION is the mental function corresponding to the habitual motor coordination of the processes of heightened or excess discharge.” This theory finds a further confirmation in two facts. First, since the excess discharge is the sole means of accommodation in the lower organisms, and attention the only one in consciousness, we must con- nect in theory the function of excess with that of attention. Second, the excess discharge is also the organic analogue of pleasure and pain ; attention, then should be the seat of pleasure and pain. This we find to be the case, especially in the pleasures of emotional and intellectual life. Since attention is a motor phenomenon, and since by the law of Dynamogenesis the more intense sensation has the greater effect, we readily see why an intense sensation tends to attract attention, and why attention tends to increase the intensity of the content attended to. It follows (P. 468) that attention is not a single function—there are as many attentions as there are contents. This fact has escaped notice because in all states of attention there is a certain relatively constant element, viz,: tensions in brow, jaws, skin of head, etc. “ The office of attention is that of fixing the content steadily on the sensory side, and at the same time of releasing the associated discharge movements on the motor side. It is a go-between between the copy imitated and the imitation which copies it and is, therefore, the central and essential fact in all voluntary muscular control.” I have gone somewhat at length into the analysis of this book because it seems to me a most important contribution both to biology and psychology. It may be'described as an attempt to express all forms of conscious experience, from the lowest to the highest, in terms of their motor concomitants. In a sense the attempt is strictly legiti- mate. All mental states have motor concomitants, and since motion is the most essential fact in the life of the organism, and moreover, since movements are often more easily studied and measured than their accompanying mental states, it may well be that from a study of movement we may get those architectonic conceptions which all psychologists seek, but which have not as yet been got from intro- spection. But in the effort one is apt to exaggerate the genetic importance of the motor element, to ignore certain definite laws which introspection reveals, and to rest content with a careless and inade- quate analysis of the psychoses which are to be explained. Against a large part of Prof. Baldwin’s book these charges may be brought, and I think they rob many of his expositions of all practical value. Yet the book is full of acute observation and insight; one feels upon first reading it that he has here a mass of material of very unequal value, care- . 694 The American Naturadist. [July, lessly thrown together, whose exact value will come to view only after careful thought and study. Especially does it seem that the concep- tion of the circular reaction and its genetic importance in the individ- ual will remain a permanent acquisition of psychology. ANTHROPOLOGY.’ Surprising Discovery of Ancient Rope and Netting in Southwestern Florida.—Lieutenant-Colonel C. D. Demford, late of the English army, has found in the recent months, a piece _of well-preserved rope, a mass of string woven into the meshes of a net and several artificially shaped wooden billets, from two to three feet deep, in a deposit of soft, black mud, in one of the tide-water sea lagoons near Punta Rasso. These objects were associated with a necklace of shells and a well-preserved wooden dish, evidently of Indian make, and lay at a spot flooded daily by the salt tide, and encircled by one of the narrow ridges of oyster shells, now familiar to students, made by Indians, who feasted on mol- luses at the spot. Here, as at other places on the west coast, the shells seemed to have been so arranged upon the low margins of the lagoons as to form small canals and water basins, where canoes could easily pass shoreward, and land on hard bottom when the tides were favorable. As far as I know, no such discovery as this of Lieutenant- Colonel Demford’s has come to the notice of students in Florida before, but it remains to be proven, beyond reasonable doubt, that none of the objects, which rested on the shell bottom in the middle of the basin, and completely under the mud, worked their way down in recent times. Nevertheless, experience in digging out the bottom of drained lakes _ in Switzerland has shown us the effect of mud in preserving perishable objects of human make for long periods of time, and there is no reason why submarine deposits may not restore to us lost details of the past here as well as there. This brilliant and original work in Florida, directing investigation into a new channel, leaves us to wonder why no one thought of it before. The discoverer, while carrying many of the objects found to England, has kindly deposited a series of them at the Museum of Archzology of the University of Pennsylvania, to whose ! This department is edited by H. C. Mercer, University of Pennsylvania. 1895.] a Scientific News. 695 authorities he com icated the discovery more than a month ago, thus enabling Dr. William Pepper to send Mr. Frank Hamilton Cush- ing to the spot, and to take immediate measures to follow farther an entirely fresh line of research. H. C. MERCER. SCIENTIFIC NEWS. Indiana Academy of Science.—The Spring meeting of the Indiana Academy of Science was held at the Wyandotte Cavein Craw- ford County, May 15-17. The members and friends spent the greater part of two days exploring this great cave. The party made the three trips usually open to visitors. The total distance traveled in the cave was about twenty miles, and the greatest depth reached about 300 feet. This report must be too brief to enter into an elaborate description of the long and winding avenues, the grotesque shapes of the many beautiful stalactites, stalagmites and pillars, the grottoes, the pillared palaces, the large rooms and massive monuments and the numerous channels some of the diminutive kind that made it pretty difficult for some of the party to pass through. It isa fertile field for the geologist. The cave is made in the St. Louis limestone of the Carboniferous. Much gypsum was found as well as the various forms of the limestone ; also magnesium sulphate and occasional layers of flint. In one part yellow ochre is found. The large white masses of Alabaster is espe- cially. noticeable in one part. A few salamanders were found and several blind crayfish obtained from the guides. Many other animals have been found by previous investigators. It was a most enthusiastic meeting and also a very profitable one.—A. J. BIGNEY, Ass’t. Sec. The fourth session of the Hopkins Seaside Laboratory begins Monday, June 17, 1895. The regular course of instruction continues six weeks, closing July 27. Investigators and students working with- out instruction may continue their work through the summer. The Laboratory provides for three classes of students. 1. Investigators who are prepared to carry on researches in Morphology or Physiology. 2. Students in the departments of Zoology, Physiology, and Botany in the E E who wish to supplement their work under the favor- 696 The American Naturalist. [July, able conditions of such an institution, and to gain a knowledge of the methods of research in Biology. 3. Students and teachers not mem- bers of the University, who desire te pursue biological studies and to become acquainted with the practical methods of laboratory work. For this group of workers regular courses are conducted in Zoology and Botany, accompanied by lectures and by individual instruction at the work table. The corps of instructors embraces the followiug members of the faculty of Leland Stanford University. Dr. Oliver P. Jenkins, Dr. Charles S. Gilbert, George C. Price, Harold Heath, Charles W. Greene, Walter R. Shaw. The following courses have been arranged: A course in Zoology, consisting of the structure, physiology, and life histories of typical mar- ine forms. A course in Botany, consisting mainly of a comparative study of the principal groups of fresh water and marine alg, with collateral work in other groups of plants. Both these courses will include instruction in laboratory methods and in microscopical technique. More advanced courses in Morphology, Physiology, Embryology, Histology and Botany will be arranged for students who are prepared to enter such courses. Those students who have had sufficient training to take up some original investigation will be given an opportunity to do so under the direction of an instructor. : The original building contains three general laboratories, a store-room, and seven private rooms for investigators. A new building contains a general lecture and library room, a general laboratory, ten private rooms for investigators, and a dark room for photographic work. The basement is designed for large aquaria. Both buildings are supplied with running water, both salt and fresh. The library and apparatus of the University are made use of in the Laboratory. Each student will be furnished with a good compound microscope. There is a good supply of reagents and supplies for microscopical work. Apparatus for work in experimental physiology is also provided. The ‘Labora- tory also possesses a fair supply of collecting apparatus, and two boats. Locatton.—Pacific Grove is a seaside resort on the southern shore of Monterey Bay, two miles west of Monterey. It is reached by the Coast Division of the Southern Pacific Railway, and is about four hours distant from San Francisco. The coast line at this point offers every variety of rocky and sandy shores, and the variety and abund- 1895.] Scientific News. 697 ance of marine life is exceptionally great. In the immediate vicinity of the Laboratory are exceptionally fine collecting grounds. ExpeEnseEs.—To investigators prepared to carry on original work the use of the Laboratory and its equipment is tendered free of charge. Students in the Leland Stanford Junior University, will be charged a fee of fifteen dollars. The fee for other students is fixed at twenty-five dollars for the term of six weeks. Pacific Grove, is well supplied with boarding accommodations, with considerable range in price. Cottages and tents, furnished for light housekeeping, can be rented at reasonable rates. For further informa- tion address the Directors: _ : CHARLES H. GILBERT, OLIVER P. JENKIN”. The Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine-Arts of Bel- gium offers prizes for Memoirs on researches concerning the following subjects: 1. Original investigations on the intervention of phagocytosis in the development of invertebrates. 2. Description of mineral phos- phates, sulphates and carbonates found in Belgium, including the locality and formation in which the deposits occur. 3. Original in- vestigations on the peripheral nervous system of Amphioxus, and, espe- cially, the constitution and genesis of the sensory roots. 4. Original investigations on the mechanism of the cicatrization of plants, The next meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science will commence on the 11th of September at Ipswich, under the Presidency of Sir Douglas Galton, F.R.S. The general secretaries are Sir Douglas Galton and A. G. Vernon Harcourt, F. R.S. The Presidents of the Sections are as follows: Section A, Mathematical and Physical Science, Prof. W. M. Hicks, M. A., D.Sc., F. R.S.; Section B, Chemistry, Prof. R. Meldola, F. R. S., For. Sec.C.S.; Section C, Geology, W. Whitaker, B. A., F. R. S., F. G.S. ; Section D, Zoology, Prof. W. A. Herdman, D. Sc.. F. R.S. ; Section E, Geography, H. J. Mackinder, M. A., F. R.G.S.; Section F, Economic Science and Statisties, L. L. Price, M. A., F.S.S.; Section G, Mechanical Science, Prof. L. F. Vernon Harcourt, M. A., M. Inst. C. E. ; Section H, Anthropology, Prof. W. M. Flinders Petrie, D. C. L. ; Section I, Physiology. This Section will not meet at Ipswich; papers on Animal Physiology will be read in Section D; Section K, Botany, W. T. Thiselton-Dyer, C. M. G., C. I. E., F. R.S. 698 The American Naturalist. [July, Ipswich possesses a fine Museum, founded by Professor Henslow, which contains a very complete collection of Crag Fossils. Geological excursions are being arranged to show the Crag Districts and the Cromer Cliffs. Marine dredging excursions will be made down the Orwell from Ipswich to Harwich. Excursions are also being organ- ized to other places of special interest in the district around Ipswich, including Bury St. Edmund’s, Colchester, the Norfolk Broads, Cam- bridge, Brandon, Wenham, Dunwich, etc. The seaside towns of Nor- folk, Suffolk, and Essex are within easy reach. The undersigned is engaged at present in a compilation of a complete directory of living botanists of all countries, inclusive of botanical gar- dens, institutes and societies, as also of their papers and the botanical publications issued by them. The undersigned, taking a lively interest in the accurracy of the directory, and in the exact insertion of your Christian and sur name, with full address, ete., ete., solicits, herewith, the favor of your kindly filling up the query sheet and returning it. The Boards of Botanical Gardens and Institutes are requested to send in a list of all the officials employed by them. Botanical Societies will kindly please to state their full name, year of establishment, and peri- odical publications (papers only partially treating on botanical matters included), and when published (yearly, monthly, etc.). Publishers of periodicals treating of matters relating to botany will greatly oblige the writer by their kindly stating the name, date and subscription price of . -their papers; at the same time the forwarding of proof-copies is re- quested.— J. Dorrier, I. and R. Technical Officier to the Botanical Section of I. R. Court Museum of Natural History, (Vienna) Austria, I. Burgring 7. The collection of Fossil Mammalia made by Prof. E. D. Cope, was recently sold to the American Museum of Natural History of New York. It includes 470 species, of which 402 are types of species first described by Prof. Cope. The species were collected between 1872 and 1895, and were derived from eleven geological horizons. Two of our paleontologists had the misfortune to break their arms during the winter that has just passed. We refer to Profs. Henry F. Osborn and Angelo Heilprin. Both have nearly recovered. ` ADVERTISEMENTS. and its S IASI opy Practical Application to the Study of Refraction by DR. EDWARD JACKSON, A M. M.D., ILLUSTRATED, PRICE wid eae IN CLOTH. Two Addresses by = JOHN B. ROBERTS, A- -M M: D. between us and “p oints of Similar ity Homeopathic Physicians.” “THE PRESENT ATTITUDE OF PHYSICIANS AND MOD- ERN MEDICINE TOWARDS HOMŒOPATHY” Two Lectures in one, 16mo., Cloth, 75 cents. THE EDWARDS & DOCKER CO., 518-520 Minor Street, PHILADELPHIA. Just ISSUED D. G. ELLIOT’S MONOGRAPH of the PITTIDAE OR FAMILY of ANT-THRUSHES. 51 Coloured Plates, with Descrip- Second edition revised and enlarged, tive Letter-press. 5 parts, imperial folio boards, New York and London, 1893-95. *,* A List of D. G. Elliot’s superb works on Ornithology and Mammals may be had on application. _ BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, » LONDON. — THE ENTOMOLOGIST’S RECORD AND JOURNAL OF VARIATION. (MONTHLY.) Edited by J. W. TUTT, F. E. S., London, Engiand. Indispensable to all who are interested in Entomology as a Science. Exchange Column Free. Subscription per annum to countries in the Universal Postal Union, 2 dol- lars (post free) 6 months, $1.00. Advertisements per inch (45 words) $1.25. Sample copy, 10 cents. All subscriptions should be sent direct to PUP, F. J. "3 Raleigh Villa, Westcombe Hill, Blackheath, London, England. Exchanges made with other Natural History Magazines or Transactions of Scientific Societies. 1295 41° ADVERTISEMENTS. Contents of THE MONIST for January, 1895. VOL. 5., No. 2. ET T Death (A Posthumous Essay.) George J. Romanes; To Be Alive. What is Edward Montgomery; Ought ry “United States "Senate t to be Reformed? teehee D. Conway; The Advancement of Ethics. Dr, Francis Ellingwood Abbot; The Natural Storage of Energy. Lester F. Ward; Mind, No Sto orage of nergy. Editor; De Rerum Natura, Editor; Foreign Correspondence ; Criticism and Dis- cussions; Book Reviews Yearly, $2.00. Single Copies, 50 Cents. The Philosophical Portrait Series—Issued Quarterly—Will be sent free on application. The Gospel of Buddha, “ri morom With Table of References and Parallels, Glossary, and complete Index. Gilt T Price, $1.50. Elegantly Bcund AN EXAMINATION OF bet tx tae By GEORGE Macu, Professor of Physics in the University bird oHN Romanes, M.A , LL.D R.S., Honorary rague - Translated from the Second Germ ellow of Gonville and Caius Co owt Cambridge. Edition by THomas J. McCormack. 250 coe With Portrait of Weismann, and a Glossary of 534 pages. Half aaah Gilt Top. Price, $2.50 a a Thoroughly Indexed. ` 236 ener awo AFTER DARW An Papaio + ts Price, $1. he Darwinian see ah Discussion of Pos PRIMER OF “PHILOSOPHY: By a Paur Carus Dar Aar nian Ques as x g a a very complete e Darwinian. Theory. 460 pages. 125 arate 232. Pies, i = Cloth, $2.00. By Geo. Tourn Rom THE. “SCIENCE “OF WECHANICS” A Critical reo “ It is the best modern hand-book of evolution.” storical Exposition of its Principles, by Erns vat Send for catalogue and specimen copies of “The Monist” and * The Open Court” THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING C0., °7* DEARBORN STREET. CICAGO, ILL. The AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN and ORIENTAL JOURNAL. Published at 175 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Il. Edited by STEPHEN D. PERT: Goop Hore, ILL. Bi-Monthly. Price, $4.00 Per Year, The First Magazine Devoted to Archesology and Ethnology established in America. It has now reached its Seventeenth Volume, which promises to be the Best of the Series, e has been no time in all the sixteen years duri hich thi has continued, when a hens promised so well as does the Serene. 1895. by e Contributors, who are all Bs gta gentlemen and specialists will continue as before, Po several new names will be a ollowing may be weaned as a aving contributed to the Volum De D. G. Brinton, Rev. Wm. M. Beau a p. Pr ere h eur. James Deans, G. O. Dorsey, Dr. J. Walter oe H. = Mercer, Mrs. Z elia Nuttall, c. ases Wake, Dr. Wm. Wallace Tooker, Dr. Cyrus Thomas The Magazine during 95 will embrac different i sige and the following anisa will have charge and report all ex lorations and discoveries go : ev. Wm. C. Winslow, D. D., L. L. D., Prof. T "F. Wright, Explorations į in Palesti Henry W. Haynes, Paleolithics and Eu uropean Archaeology. America. n. James Wickersham, The North West Coast and Eastern Asia. A FEW COMPLETE SETS ARE IN THE HANDS OF THE EDITOR AND WILL BE SOLD AT Adler to FHCES 19 LIBRARIES. Price per Vol. $4.00 or with Aisian Naturalist $6.00. The — Antiquarian will be furnished with The American Naturalist for $6.00. ADVERTISEMENTS. iit AMERICAN MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL 14TH YEAR, 1893. PRICE INCREASED TO $2.00. Beautifully Illustrated. ORIGINAL ARTICLES by the best writers. Descriptions of Microscopical Methods, pictures of new apparatus, a department of Medical Microscopy revealing what the instrument is doing to combat disease, Bacteriology or the study of Bacilli, Diatoms or Nature’s Jewels, Biological Notes upon the progress in botany, entomology, agriculture ana the study of all life by the aid of the grandest of instruments, Recreative Microscopy or the entertain- ment of people who exclaim “Oh! My!” when they look through the golden tube, Microscopical News, the Detection of Crime, Societies and their proceedings, Notices of Booksgthe Exchange and sale of Slides, etc. THE MICROSCOPE A Dollar Magazine Devoted Strictly to Elementary Microscopy : Price $1.00. Its QUERY DEPARTMENT alone. conducted vy Dr. S. G. Shanks, of Albany, N. Y., will be found worth the price. Ss SAMPIE COPY FRH Esa per Price for the two, constituting the only microscopical periodicals in Amer- ica, $2.50 per annum. A treatise on elementary microscopy supplied free to every new subscriber. CARPENTER ON THE MICROSCOPE.—Latest and finest edition $5.00. CONSTANT: ON BADD. Beautiful objects mounted in ingenious covers by an English Chemist, and all ready for use. Would cost 50 cents each if made in America. Catalogue of 170 White’s objects, mostly botanical, and a sample for 10 cents; 20 for $1.00. CHAS. W. SMILEY, Wasuineton, D. C. ww ADVERTISEMENTS. “THE SANTARIAN | Is THE BEST Sanitary publica- | tion in America” (Mississippi Valley Medi- | cal Monthly); “ Easily maintains its | superiority over all similar publi- The Edwards & Docker Co., | cations” (atic worin; and “Has accomplished more good than all Printers T 4 of the other Sanitary papers put to- »— A N Di— gether a (Hydraulic and Sanitary Plumber). | “ The Editor, Dr. A. N. BELL, is well e emmi =» publigherş, known to the mercantile community : | for his co-operation with the mer- Nos. 518-520 Minor Street, | chants in quarantine reform, and to Philadelphia, U. S. A. | his profession asa leader in Sanitary HORACE BINDER, | Science ? (New York Journal of Commerce). MANAGER. 96 PAGES TEXT MONTHLY; | TWO VOLUMES YEARLY. | $4.00 a a year, in advance as 35 cts. a Number. Se | gooPies, 20 cts. (t ) | 2" All communications should be addressed to | the Editor, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; i 125 Microscopical Pr axis, DR, ALFRED C. STOKES. PRICE $1.50, POSTPAID., 260 Pages, profusely illustrated from original drawings especially for the work. ty neat and attractive binding. Thoroughly practical, and no one who uses a microscope can afford to be with- out it. It is not cumbered with matter supposed to be ‘‘ of interest to some one else,” but every page is right to the point, valuable information plainly stated, SEND ALL ORDERS TO E. F. BIGELOW, Publisher, PORTLAND, CONN. ADVERTISEMENTS. v The International Journal of Microscopy n4 Natural Science FA gl gah :—ALFRED ALLEN, Bath, Eng. A É A. LATHAM, D: D. S., F. R. M. S. etc., Chicago University, U. S. A. SSOCIAT r STEVENSON BROWN, President, Montreal Micro Soc., Montreal, Canada. EDITORS: ES VICENTINI, M. D., Chieti Contains articles by Specialists in every department of Microscopy, Botany, Geology, Zoology, and Natural Science, Reviews of New Books, etc. Illustrated with Plates, Wood engravings, etc. Portion of the Contents for January, 1895. The Denizens of an Old Cherry Tree with Notes of its Surroundings. (2 Plates.) | C. J. Watkins. The Development of the gem Theory. H, pee, Browne, F. R. C. S. E. Technology of the Diatom J. Temper Predaceous and Parasitic Bania of bils Including a Study of Hyper-Parasites. (2 Plates. . ie From Dust to Dust: A Cycle of Life. (1 Plate.) J. Sydney oe M Rat. 5 k gA p Address to the Members of the Bath nate ORR LT > Socie Rev. E. T. Stubbs ecent Bacteriological Researches on the The orphology and Biology of the Microbes f the Mouth. i Large Colored Pite.) F. Vic Microscopical Technique , Reviews, etc., etc. BAILEY & FAIRCHILD, 29 Park Row, N. Y. M. A. BOOTH, Longmeadow, Mass, Subscription, U. S. A. and CANADA, $2.75. POST FREE. PLASTER CASTS OF THE FOLLOWING MAMMALIA with dentition in good preservation, made under direction of Professor E. D. Cope may be had by application to Jacob Geisman, 2102 Pine St., Philadelphia. Phenacodus primaevus Cope, (Wyoming) $100.00. Ay- vacothertum venticolum Cope, (Wyoming) $50.00. Protohippus micabilis Leidy, skull $7.00. Protohippus pachyops Cope, skulls of adult and young, and P. fossulatus Cope, skull, $5.00 each. Tetrabelodon shepardi Leidy, mandibular ramus and symphysis with two molars, $20.00. Dzdelodon tropicus Cope, do., $15.00; Mastodon precursor Cope, last molar $5.00. The horses and ‘nastodons from the Cenozoic beds of Texas, are uncolored vi ADVERTISEMENT. COMMENCED JANUARY, 1888. TWO VOLUMES PER YEAR. === THES AMERICAN GEOLOGIST, LS. The Oldest Exclusively Geological Magazine Published in America. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS: CHARLES E. Beecuer, Ph. D., F, G, S. A., Yale University, New Haven, C nn. Samvue. Catvin, Ph. D., F. G. S. A; State Geologist, State University, 4 oHN M. CLARKE, M. r Deut, Geol. Gessell. , Soc nme: a New York Geol. ce N.Y. Epwarp W. CLAYPOLE, B. A., D. Se, (London), F . Q. 5S., L., E. and A., Buchtel Niet’ Kiral hio Francis W. Cr B. B0, F.G. 8, A, fe nod of Geology and Palewontology, Colorado College, Colorado ‘Spinal Colo. Texas Geol. S Jonn EYERMAN, Esq., F. Z. S., F., G. S. A., P. A a. S., M. I, M. E., ‘Oakhurst,’ Easton, Pa. ? Persiror Frazer, Doct. es. Sci. Nat., Officier de I’ Distruotion Publique (Fr rance), Correspondant : Reichsanstalt grien) ] F: ek rape Prof. of Chem., Hort airg , Philadelphia, Pa. Epwarp O, Uxrica, M. A., F. ak. ’Palaontologist, Geol. Sur (Mina: , &e., Newport, Ky. WARREN UPHAM e È a.S. ‘A: , Minnesota Geological Beno Bakori ie: M MARsHMAN E. M. Å, Ph. D., F. G.S. A., F. A. G. S., Director ‘of ‘the Michigan Mining School, Houghton, Mich, IsraEL C. Wuite, M. A., ee F. G. S. A., Morgantown, W., Va, Newton H. AEDT M. oe F. G. BA. ‘ais Geologist, Univ. Minn. , Minneapolis, Minn. TERMS. To Subscribers in the United States, — and ETN a E 50 a year To other Subscribers in the Postal Uni à i ‘ . 4.00 a year The AMERICAN GEOLOGIST i is issued —— from ra office of panao at Minneapolis, oo United States of America. Fourteen volumes are nearly com- pleted; the fifteenth begins with the number for heng 1895. The Fen A has received a cordial x Sr on and a generous support from leading geologists everywhere and i ra latest results of geological work. In addition to the | longer pa adr it pra synopses 0 recent geological publications and brief notes on pots geological events IT IS NOT THE ORGAN OF ANY INSTITUTION, NOR OF ANY SECTION OF THE COUNTRY, NOR OF ANY PARTY. The numbers for 1888 will hereafter be sent to new subscribers for $3.50, or bound in cloth gs ed: those for 4889, ae 1801, 1892, 1893, and 1894, for $2.50 each, or bound for $3.50 each. 7 ubseri remit $22 w illr e all back’ numbers and the subscription for 1895. Fifty cen ar postage m at be oe yo ese stun Te subscribers not living in North America. If bound er sell fers ordered, he “ost nd the bebe pha must be paid by the subscriber. There are two volumes in cou year, each volume having over 400 SAMPLE COPIES 20 CENTS. THE GEOLOGICAL PuBIISHING CO., Minneapolis, Minn., U. 8. A., Oct. 1, 1894. European Agent, Mr. HENRY CLAYPOLE, Manager of the London & Co. Bank, SITTINGBOURNE, Kent, ENG. vit ADVERTISEMENTS. ` SWAIM*® PANACEA Created in 1820 by William Swaim. GCOOGOOGD© OODOOOO® TIME IS THE TEST OF MERIT! 1820 - fen DA y JOHN G. MCDONALD, an official in the U. S. Senate, who was afflicted suffering Aa “was “CURED "oy six bottles of SWAIM’s PANACEA. USE SWAIM’S PANACEA PILLS WITH THE PANACEA. THEY ARE PURELY VEGETABLE, BEWARE OF SWAIM "iememse IMITATIONS REMEMBER THE - THE PAST and PRESENT - OF A REMEDY which has existed for 75 years upon the fame of its wonder- ful cures and the recommendations of those who have used it. IT CURES „=mi. ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, CHRONIC ULCERS, and all forms of BLOOD POISON arising from an impur- ity of the Blood. DELIVERED BY EXPRESS, FREE OF CHARGE, AT $2.00 A BOTTLE. Write for Pamphlets containing Treatise on Diseases of the Blood, Address, DURAND JAQUETT MANAGER 113 7th St., Philada., Pa., U. S. A. SWAIM’s PANACEA. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX SM. viil ADVERTISEMENTS. geseuoonesonsesoonsaonneeoees Monarch «sss KING OF BICYCLES LIGHT, STRONG, SPEEDY, HANDSOME FOUR MODELS $85.00 and $100.00 SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle M'g Co., Factory and Main Office, Lake and Halsted Sts. Retail Salesroom, 280 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Eastern Branch: 79 Reade Street, New York, The C. F. GUYON CO., Limited, Managers. OTHER BRANCHES: ) San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Portland, Salt Lake J City, Denver, Memphis, Detroit, Toronto. i “dad ear aar RRRERRERRRREREERRERRERREREERH PLE PRP PRS PHP PPS 4 RE Guido Ferrari Drawing Optical and Mathematical Instruments = need = G “ge | PHEA. 3 Experimental Wor Models for Patent Office. Etc. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS A SPECIALTY. No. 911 VINE STREET, PHILA., PA., U. S. A. Send for Price List—Mention American Naturalist. OF INTEREST TO ALL STUDENTS AND LOVERS OF NATURE. FHE OD S ERVE R All Departments of Nature Studies. OUR MOTTO: ‘ Keep Your Eyes Open” (To observe the wonders and beauties of Nature.) @ Official Organ of the Agassiz Association. Consists of Three Departments: i. The Outdoor World. 2. Agassiz Association. 3. Practical Microscopy. E. F. BIGELOW, Managing Editor and Publisher, Portland, Conn. Frank C. Knig ht : MAKER OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, SCIENTIFIC AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS oF precision | j4 Locust St., Phila., Pa., U. S. A. | $4.00 per Year. $4.60 per Year (Foreign). 35 ots. per Copy. THE AMERICAN NATURALIS A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED-TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE, ANAGING EDIT PROFS. E. D. COPE, Philadelphia, AND J. S. KINGSE k Tuts College, College Hill, Mass. ; ASSOCIATE EDITORS: | j pr. €. 0. WHITMAN, Chicago, DR: C. a BE ee eee: In, Neb., HC MERE ER, ATIA PROF, C. M. WE a Durham, N. H. PROF. S: BAYLEY, -W atervilie, Maine, PROF. E. A. ANDREWS, Baltimore, WH. HOBBS, Madison, wi: Te WM aia NEWROL D, Philadelphia. ERWIN F» SMITH; W aahinatie: D. Vol. XXIX. AUGUST, 1895. CONDENS. PAGE PAGE INVESTIGATIONS. CONCERNING: THE ETIOLOGY OF Vegetable Phystology—Woronin on Selerotinia SARE Pe AR TJ Oo ne cane —Demonstration of Photosyntax by Bacteria THE AFFINITIES OF THE LEPIDOPTEROUS. WING. —Detection of Glukase by = Anna s (Illustrated.) Vernon: L< Kellogg. 709 } Methods. ~~. >: i SG ee D. ON THE PRESENCE Oc FLUORINE AS A TEST FOR THE FOSSILIZATION OF ANIMAL BONES. .{Con- Zootogý—The Chara acters of the Enchytreid Genus Distichopus—New Mollusca from the tinued. ) . Thomas Wilson, 719 | Pacific—Taylor om Box Tortoises—The Genera CONTRIBUTIONS TO CocciporoGcy.—I. of -Xantusiidze—Occurrence of the Siberian T. D.A. Cockerell- 725 | Lemning- Vole ({Lagurus) in the United States RECENT Books AND PAMPHLETS, . 732 | —The Introitus Vagine of Certain Muridee— GENERAL NOTES Zoological News. . 153 Minerilogy—New Edition of Groth’s Physi- Entomology —A new Tettix ostente On cal Crystallography—Tables of the Thirty-two the Early Stages of some Carabidz and Chry- Classes of Crystal Forms... 734 | somelidee -- Cecidomyia atriplicis — Mexican : Peirography—An Example of Rock Different- Jumping Beans (Illustrated)... ko AT a tation- The Serpentines of thè Central Alpe—- Embryolegy—Half Embryos yersus Whole Dynamic Metamorphisin— Miscellaneous 737 Embryos—The Mouse's. Eg 69: i > gpi ` Geology and Paleontology —Dawson on the Os- RG cillations of the: Beliring Ser Begiori—Gréen Psychology—The Problem of Instinct. 17S Pond Conglomerate—Notes on the Osteology Anthropology—Notes taken uponan Explora- of Zeuglodon cetoides. . 741 | tion of the Lehigh and Susquehanna Valleys Botany—Decades of North Egon. Chens for the ingot of Pennsylvania, in the ; —North American species of- Polygonum— Summer of 1 Ti Noton = e ra ee ey ot ee News. 4 17 SCIENTIFIC PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. “THE EDWARDS & DOCKER CO., . 518 ano 520 MINOR STREET. For Sale —— A Complete Set of The WwW American Naturalist @° The Edwards & Docker Co., 518 Minor St., Philadelphia. Keigyosha Natural History Store Supplies Museums and Private Purchasers with Zoological, Botanical, Paleontological and Mineralogical Specimens, native to Japan and surrounding seas, on lowest possible terms. We employ only scientifically trained collectors under the guidance of specialists, and especially recommend the services of Messrs M. Kikuchi and Y. Nawa on our staff. The former, until lately assistant in the Science College, is familiar with the best modern methods of morphological work, and the latter, a well known entomologist, is an expert in his branch as his beautiful exhibits in the late Chicago Fair well attest. For application and information, communicate to M. KIKUCHI, Keigyosha, Urajimbocho, Kanda, Tokyo, Japan. Por oale Vols. 18, 19, 20 and 21 of The x< American Naturalist, in parts, in perfect order. H. F. WEGENER, REDLANDS, CALIFORNIA. PLATE XXIX Bay on Smail- Pox. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST NOL AKIK., August, 1895. 344 INVESTIGATIONS CONCERNING THE ETIOLOGY OF SMALL-POX.' By J. CHRISTIAN BAY. [With plate XXIX.] The etiology of small-pox is one of the most interesting problems in bacteriology, and has been subject of considerable investigation for thirty years and more. A brief historical sketch, illustrating what has hitherto been done in this line should, naturally, precede this preliminary record of my own work the progress of which may be traced in the Iowa Health Bulletin published by the State Board of Health of Iowa under whose authority these investigations were carried out during the past year. Numerous writers have investigated the small-pox and vaccine lymph, and some have recognized specific micro- organisms, both animal and vegetable, as the primary cause of the disease, or of the specific eruptions. One of the micro-organisms, heretofore more or less gener- ally recognized as the effective agent is the Micrococcus vaccine and variole ; Bareggi who, among others, studied these, states? 1 Published in abstracted form in the Medical News, January 26, 1895. Pre- sented to the Iowa State Board of Health, February, 1895, and read before the Des Moines Academy of Sciences. ? Sul microbi specifici del vajuolo, del vaccino e della varicella. Gaz. med. Ital. Lomb. a (8) VI, 480, 506, 519, 529, 545; with plate. 700 The American Naturalist. [August, that the micro-organisms of small-pox and those of vaccine are identical.* In 1868, Chauveau‘ proved that vaccine virus is deprived of its active substance by filtration. Hence, it beeame more than probable that the contagion was a living organism, and no gaseous or diffusible product. “ For when he carefully poured a stratum of water upon a layer of lymph, in tiny tubes, he obtained a diffusion of the dissolved material into the water, but this clear solution could not produce pustules like the in- soluble residue.” In the same year, Hallier’ described micrococci “ of a sin- gular appearance from human small-pox, cow-pox and vaccine eruptions, the diameter of these bacteria being sbs” to tło”; they exhibited motion except when covering the lymph-par- ticles. Previous to this, G. Simon® found, in human small-pox, round particles which were insoluble in acetic acid. Salisbury’ also claimed to have demonstrated a specific small-pox organ- ism which he named Jos variolosa ; it was described as quite polymorphous; its alga-stage was seen in cow-pox eruptions; “ fructification ” was reached in small-pox eruptions. Luginbuehl* discovered, in sections cleared with acetic acid micrococei which formed colonies at certain places in the skin, near the epidermis, in cases of small-pox eruptions. Beale’ found “vast multitude of minute particles of living matter or bioplasm ” in the small-pox vesicles, but he did not attribute to these the name of causa morbi. Cohn” showed the presence of minute cocci in vaccinia and small-pox lymph; when the lymph is fresh, the cocci were moving freely, propagated themselves by division, and, after * Confer Crookshank, Manual, p. 203; Klein, Micro-Organisms and disease, pp. 79-80 * Comptes Rendus LXVI, 289, 317, 1868. * Aerztl. Intelligenzbl. XV, 75; Virchow’s Archivy XLII, 309, 1868. ë Müller’s Archiv, 1846, 185. 1 Schmidt’s Jahrbücher, 1871. * Verhandl. d. phys. med. Ges. in Würzb. IV, 99, 114; 1873, w. pl. ° Disease-germs, their nat. and orig., 1872, 148; pl. XVIII, fig. 64. " Virchow’s Archiv LV, 229-238, 1872. 1895.] The Etiology of Small-Poz. 701 16-32 hours of cultivation, aggregated in masses, afterwards in films the formation of which seemed to be the terminal phase of their life-history." Cohn named this organism Microspheria vaccine which was a specific coccus and no representative of some stage of development of some otherorganism. Thename was later changed into Micrococcus vaccine which Cohn, in his system of bacteriology, described in the following way”: “ Cells ball-shaped, 0.5-0.75 ». in diameter, or united two and two or more in chains and masses, also forming a zoogloea. In fresh lymph from cow-pox and small-pox as well as in the pustules in confluent variola.” Weigert, a short time before Cohn, found™ “ vessel-shaped, irregular, often ramified formations of 0.1-0.2 mm. in diameter with granulated, well-marked contents which was not affected by acetic acid, sodium and glycerin. He interpreted these formations as lymphatics filled with bacteria. They were found in the neighborhood of small-pox pustules, and at their edges, where also haemorrhagical herds, and arteries with the same contents were observed. Cohn declared that Weigert’s granules were identical with his Microspheria. Thus it was beyond doubt that vaccinia, cow-pox and vari- ola were caused by attacks of bacteria. Burdon-Sanderson also confirmed this view. The history of the cases also show that the disease is caused not only by a contagium fixum, but also by a contagium halituosum. Weigert’s observations concerning the lymphatics were repeated and confirmed by Klein.“ Klebs” set forth the statement that the organism (microcci) in vaccinia and variola exhibit peculiar physiological and morphological properties. The cells are placed four and four together and assume, ontogenetically, no other shape than that 1 The same aggregations had been observed by Keber. 12 Beitr. zur Biol. d. Pflanzen, Vol. I, part Il, 161. 13 Ueber Bakterien in der Pockenhaut. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wiss. IX, 606- 611, 1871. Ueber pockenaehnl. Eruptionenininnern Organen, Deutsche Zeits- chrift f. prakt. Med. I, 367-369, 1874. Anatom. Beitr. z. Lehre von den Pocken, part I, 1874. 14 Phil. Trans. Lond., 1874; Micro-Organism and disease, 1886, 69. 13 Arch. f. experiment. Pathol. und Pharm. X, 222, 1879. 702 The American Naturalist. [August, of the coccus. The size of the cell diameter was 0.5 ». This organism received the name Microccus quadrigeminus. The literature on hand does not elucidate whether this bacterium had, by virtue of its characteristics, any diagnostic value." In 1883, C. Quist found that vaccine lymph could be artific- ally propagated in various nutritive media,” but such a dilu- tion of the lymph had nothing to do with the bacteria, so far as these experiments went. It is undisputable that Quist propagated the vaccine virus along with the dilution of the lymph; the preservation of the virus in glycerin and other media, as done by practitioners, is, therefore, in spite of Pfeiffer’s views, no simplification of Quist’s method, in as much as prop- agation and preservation of efficacy (life activity) are not abso- lutely identical. Small-pox is unquestionably a bacterial disease, and we know that bacteria can live without propagat- ing themselves; the ultimum temperature of propogation is ' lower than that of life, in both directions from zero. Pfeiffer? found, in 1885, a sprouting fungus which he named Saccharomyces seu Cryptokokkus vaccine vaccarum. This fun gus is not very much different from the so-called Saccharomyces apiculatus, and is no Saccharomyces", as it belongs to the group Torula in the sense of Pasteur and Hansen. In small-pox lymph, I have occasionally met a Torula which corresponds to Hansen’s fifth species.” Pfeiffer’s fungus did not bear endo- spores, and has no causal relation to small-pox. This Torula as well as the saprophytic bacteria, and the animaleule which Pfeiffer reported from pustules will appear in many other eruptions and ulcerations. It appears that some of Pfeiffer’s 16 Conf. Leeffler, Vorles. ueb. d. gesch. Entwickelung der Lehre von den Bak- terien I, 132, 1887. " Finska läk. sällsk. handlingar XXV, 271, 1883. XXV, 341, 1883. Berl. klin. Wochenschr., 1883, 811-813. Hygiea (Stockholm) XLVI, 194, 203, 1884. See also Medical News. 18 Correspondenzblatt d. allgem. aertzi. Vereins von Thüringen., 1885. No. 3. Sep. 12 pp. ; See my paper in THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, XXVII, 685-696, 1893. ? See Jærgensen, Micro-Organisms and Fermentation, 1893, p. 190, and Bay, Amer. Monthly Microscop. Journal, XV, 42; 1894. 1895.] The Etiology of Small-Pox. 703 drawings” as well as Beale’s “ bioplasts (loc. cit.) indicate serious misinterpretations of the microscopic pictures. L. Voigt described, in 1885,” three different forms of cocci from small-pox pustules. All of them would liquefy gelatine, and one of them was considered the probable carrier of the contagion. No definite results were, however, obtained. There were two cocci, and a diplococcus. Pohl-Pincus also studied the micrococci found in specific eruptions, and showed their passage through the epidermis of a calf after inoculation.” Hlava“, Bowen and Garré have succeeded in isolating a streptococcus (Streptococcus pyogenes). They considered the united attack by these pyogenic cocci the cause of the disease. Koch and Feiler were, however, of the opinion that although some of the saprophytic micro-organisms found in vaccine lymph are pathogenic, they do not carry the contagion. _ Protopopoff* succeeded in finding a streptococcus which corresponds, both macro- and microscopically, to the descrip- tions of the Streptoccocus pyogenes. Samples from pure cultures were injected in rabbits, dogs and cats, but without effect. Although this does not imply that this organism cannot affect man, it seems improbable that it could have any causal rela- tion to variola. Crookshank™ and Copeman” found, in vaccine lymph, great numbers of common saprophytic and of some pathogenic bacteria, but no specific organism. | Rille” observed cocci in the vesicles and blood of persons suffering from varicella, but did not apply himself to bacterio- logical studies of these organisms. 21 Correspondenzblatt d. allg. aerztl. Vereins von Thüringen, 1887, No. 2, Sep. 12 pp. 2 plates. Monatshefte f. prakt. Dermatologie, VI, 1887, No. 10. Sep. 13 pp. 2 pl. Die Protozoen als Krankheitserreger. Jena, 1890. 22 Deutsche med. Wochenschrift, XI, 895-897, 1885. 23 Pohl-Pincus, Untersuch. neb. d. Wirkungsweise der Vaccination, 1882. 4 Sbornik Lékarsky, II, 96-105, 1887. Cblt. f. Bakt. II, 688, 1887. 25 Zeitschrift für Heilkunde XI, part 2, 1890. Sep. 7 pp. *6 Transact. Seventh Internat. Congr. of Hyg. and Dermogr, LI, 326, 1892. 1 Thidem, 319-326. 28 Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, No. 38-39, 1889. 704 The American Naturalist, [ August, Probably Sternberg was right in stating” that the etiology of small-pox is still undetermined. Still, some of the investiga- tions above cited furnish very interesting points which are of value to those who wish to reinvestigate the matter. Micrococci of different shape and characters are, however, not the only bacteria which have been observed in small-pox and vaccinia. A few statements point towards the presence of other bacteria, namely, bacilli. Crookshank (loc. cit.) mentions that he has found Bacillus pyocyaneus, B. subtilis, different Bacterium-forms (one yellow), and a bacillus resembling Bacillus subtilis. Martin® has described a bacillus of vaccine lymph. The ends of this bacillus are round or square, and it may form micrococci (!) which are arranged in chains of five or six cells. The author admits the possibility that both a bacillus and a micrococcus were present. Coze, Feltz and Baudoin have demonstrated the presence of bacilli in the blood of variola; upon injections of this blood into the veins of a rabbit, the typical symptoms of variola were produced. Insheep-pox lymph examined by Zimmermann” three bacilli were found one of which had almost the same appearance as Bacillus amylobacter. A second investigation showed the pres- ence of a short-limbed bacillus; Micrococcus vaccine (or variole) occurred in both series of investigations. All of Plaut’s plates demonstrate bacilli which he was able to cultivate. Toussaint’s studies which also resulted in a discovery of bacilli are mentioned by Plaut (loc. cit.) In April, 1894, vaccine “points” were procured from Dr. Hewitt’s Vaccine Station at Red Wing, Minn. A watery dilu- tion of the lymph adhering to the “point” contained, when examined by 1160 diam. m. (Bausch and Lomb, Oc. C2, Obj. rz Oil imm.) a few amorphous bodies which assume a yellow color with IIKa, a few round bodies and irregular masses (probably nuclei or fragments of cells), dispersed in a clear fluid. I could distinguish no micrococci or other bacteria, and "° Manual of Bacteriology, 1892, 528-529. * Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, CXXIX, 589, 1893. *! Fide Magnin-Sternberg, Bacteria, 1884; 410, 464. * Plaut, Das organisirte Contagium der Schafpocken, 1882; 22. 1895.] The Etiology of Small-Pox. 705 no staining revealed any living organisms. Some of the round bodies observed in ten different examinations may have been spores or micrococci, but their nature was not revealed by the microscope. A series of plate cultures upon “ Pasteur gelatine ”® was then arranged, but there occurred no development. These plates were prepared from 10 parts of gelatine to 90 parts of Pasteur’s fluid. So, test-tube cultures in Pasteur’s fluid alone, and in bouillon (beef; one pound of meat to one liter of water) ren- dered alkaline by Cl Na. were made. The points were grasped with a forceps, passed through a flame, and dropped into the medium which had been, previously, submitted to a very thorough fractional sterilization, as by the usual preparation of medium supplies. Great care was exerted in order that no infection from without should take place. By a temperature of 24°C. the culture fluid would, on the next day after inoculation, become slightly turbid; on the second day the turbidity increased, a thin film being formed on the surface, and on the third day a grayish, highly tenacious film made its appearance. Microscopic investigation showed the presence of bacilli. The latter are colorless; they exhibit no motion, are devoid of cilia; their long diameter measures 0.6-1.0 » and the short diameter .2-.34. During the first and second days, they seem to develop in colonies of 20-200 cells, although, under the cover, many cells appear to be free and isolated. The zooglea (surface-film) has, to a great extent, the same appearance as the film-growth of the yeast-like Mycoderma, being folded, and of a greasy appearance. It is so tenacious that it resists the weight of the column of the culture medium which was observed as one of the cultures chanced to be inverted. Its connection with the culture vessel is quite intimate. On the fourth days, fragments of the zooglea began to descend to the bottom, and the macroscopic appearance of the culture remained, after this, unaltered for three weeks and more. During this period, however, the microscopic appear- ance of the bacillus was gradually much modified. 38 See Salomonsen, Bacteriological Technology, pp. 460 and 464. 706 The American Naturalist. [August, This organism was found, with three exceptions, in 65 cultures from vaccine points hitherto made. Buttersack whose recent investigations will be mentioned in due time ventures the supposition that the specific organism of vaccine was not hitherto detected, because of its index of refraction being identical with that of the medium (lymph). Isee no reason for this supposition, and I am prepared to explain Buttersack’s theory from my own observations. This bacillus has, to a great extent, the same appearance as those found by Plaut* and Zimmermann in sheep-pox. Already at the beginning of the development, while the medium is well stored with nutrition, the bacilli bear spores. This being the most conspicuous feature of the organism, I named it Dispora variole. The systematic side of the descrip- tion is as follows: Genus: DISPORA. Dispora: Kern, 1882. Kern (Botanische Zeitung, 1882, No. 16) founded this genus upon one species which was found in kephir and which was characteristic mainly by having two spores in each cell. The genus belonged to the bacillus-group. Kern’s D. caucasica has not been rediscovered by later students of the kephir-organisms (Beyerinck, M. Ward, Mix), and the genus-name vanished into Bacillus (Crookshank, Manual, 312). ' Dispora variolæ. Syn. The spore stage was described under the following names: Microsphæria vaccinæ Cohn, Micrococcus vaccinæ and variolæ Cohn, Jos variolosa Salisbury. Habitat: In vaccine and small-pox lymph constant. Descer. Bacilli 0.6-1.0 » by 0.2-0.3 =. Two spores in each cell, one at each end. Aërobic. On the sixth days of cultivation, free spores begin to make their appearance, both in the fluid and in the zooglœa. They are globular, highly refractive, and may be mistaken for what appeared to me, by a little over 2000 d. m., as vacuoles. The * Loc. cit. Beilage I-IV b; especially II a. 1895.] The Etiology of Small-Pox. 707 latter are, however, larger, and their shape is oval or rectan- gular. The same organism was found also in the lymph of variola confluens kindly furnished by the small-pox hospital in Chicago. Out of forty bouillon-cultures made from this lymph, only two failed to show the presence of the Dispora. To prove that Dispora variole was not accidentally caught in the cultures from the atmosphere, gelatine-plates (10% gel., 90% beef-bouillon) were exposed to the air at the tables and windows for different periods of time. Among the numerous organisms thus obtained, none presented the characteristics of the above named bacillus When cultures were examined on the eighth day after inoculation, the cells seemed to be crowded together in sepa- rate masses, each cell being surrounded by a rather thick layer of a gelatinous mass, free spores being abundant. As the cultures grew older, the cells gradually became more and more lengthened, forming rows, and on the fourteenth and fifteenth days, the culture presented the appearance shown in fig. 4. The cells were lengthened and formed long, thin threads. Spores were abundant, both in the cells and free. The number of cells was now gradually diminished, and, on the thirtieth day, very few were seen, the number of spores being altogether predominating. When traces of this last stage of development were transferred, with the usual precautions, into new medium, development promptly followed, as above described. The following method of staining gave good results: A small drop of the culture was placed between two covers and slightly pressed between them. The covers being separated in the usual way were placed, moist side upwards, under a bell glass. Wheu some of the fluid had evaporated, the clean side of the covers were placed three times, for a period of about one- second, in the immediate neighborhood of a flame. When completely dried in the temperature of the room, the covers were placed in alcohol for two or three minutes, and again dried; then they were floated, film-side down, upon aniline blue or aniline violet for 24 hours, washed, dred and mounted in the usual way. 708 The American Naturalist. [August, While this organism had the appearance of being a specific bacillus-form, I was not thoroughly convinced thereof until I had made a fractional culture in bouillon which resulted in the development of the one form described. ` The Micrococcus vaccine I have never found in vaccine or small-pox lymph. Regarding the polymorphism of this species I can state that I have observed no such swellings at the middle or ends of the long cells in old cultures as Martin (l. c.) noticed in the bacilli found by him, or as Hansen” described for acetic bacteria. From the figures of Micrococcus vaccine and variol# which I have seen I am inclined to believe that this organism is not specific, but consists of free spores of Dispora variole. I also believe that the facts in regard to the spread of small-pox, as well as the observations stated above point towards the conclu- sion that the spores are the main source through which the disease, itself, as well as vaccinia, are reproduced. The organisms from small-pox and vaccine lymph are mor- phologically identical. The physiological difference consists mainly in the attenuation of the form found in vaccine lymph, so far as has been hitherto ascertained. Buttersack” published, a short time ago, an account of cer- tain bodies which occurred, constantly, i in vaccine lymph, and which may have some relation to vaccinia. He allowed lymph to dry on covers; having fixed the latter to the slides by means of bees-wax, he inspected the film by immersion and observed a net-work of threads wiih small, refractive, round bodies, Landmann” and Dräer” interpreted Buttersack’s discovery as threads of fibrin and other albuminates. I would assume that B. had seen the “ thread-stage ” of the organism found by me. Having not yet seen B’s illustrations, this is a mere supposi- tion. The diagnostic value of my discovery is yet uncertain. I hope to be able to report upon the progress of the work, espe- cially concerning inoculations upon animals and the prepara- % Comp. Rend. Laboratoire de Carlsberg III, 265-327, 1894. % Arbeiten a. d. Kais. Gesundheitsamte IX, 96-110, 1894. 3 Hygienische Rundschau, 1894, 433-34. * Centralblatt f. Bakt. und Parasitenkunde XVI, 561-564, 1894, 1895.] The Affinities of the Lepidopterous. Wing. 709 tion of vaccine in the laboratory, at some future time, when the work now in progress, has reached completion. ‘Bacteriological Laboratory, State Board of Health. Des Moines, Iowa, February, 1895. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXIX. Fig. 1. +¥°. Dispora variolz, two days old growth in Pasteur’s fluid. Fig. 2. “°°. Same; four days old. Specimen from surface film. Fig. 3. ca. “P^, Same; eight days old culture in bouillon. A few spore-bearing cells. Fig. 4. ca. °°. Same; eleven days old culture in bouillon. Spore-bearing cells numerous. Fig. 5. “S°. Same; 25 days old bouillon- culture. Some free spores; chains. Fig. 6. *t°. Same; one month old bouillon-culture. Cells almost disappeared ; free spores in excessive numbers. THE AFFINITIES OF THE LEPIDOPTEROUS WING. By Vernon L. KELLOGG. It has long been recognized that the venation of the wings of the Trichoptera and Lepidoptera is of similar general charac- ter; and recognized, too, although less popularly, that the genera Hepialus and Micropteryx display more clearly than do any other lepidopterous forms this general resemblance to the trichopterous venation. Speyer,’ in 1870, pointed this out in his discussion of the affinities of the Lepidoptera and the Phry- ganide. His too serious consideration of the many mere an- alogies apparent in any comparison of the groups did much 1Speyer, A. Ueber die Genealogie der Schmetterlinge, Stettiner Entomolo- gische Zeitung, pp. 202-223, 1870. 710 The American Naturalist. [August, to discredit the real points of worth brought out in his discus- sion. In the light, however, of the present association of Hep- ialus and Micropteryx as a sub-order, the Jugatx, of the Lepi- doptera, which is recognized as a distinctly more generalized group than the sub-order Frenatx, which includes all other Lepidoptera, this trichopterous character of the jugate vena- tion becomes more conspicuously significant. Fic 1 Wings of Hepialus humuli ; c. v., cross vein; j., jugum. Hepialus? (see Fig. 1) and Micropteryx (see Fig. 2) are distin- guished in point of venation’ from the Frenatz (see Fig. 3) by the fact that the radial area of the hind wings is not reduced, although the anal area is, thus causing a similarity in vena- tion between the fore and hind wings, radius (III) being five- branched in each. This similarity of the venation of both wings is not to be found among the Frenate. The persist- ? The venational nomenclature used is that of Redtenbacher (Vergleichende Studien über das Fliigelgeiider der Insekten, in Annalen der k. k. naturhistor- ischen Hofmuseums, Bd. I, 1886, Wien) adopted, with modifications, by Comstock. * The real value of these taxonomic characters presented by the venation of the Lepidoptera can be fully appreciated after a reading of Prof. Comstock’s essay on Evolution and Taxonomy; in the Wilder Quarter-Century Book, 1893, Ithaca, N. Y, ! 1895.] The Affinities of the Lepidopterous Wing. 711 ence of the stem of media (V) anywhere among the Lepidop-. tera is an indication of a generalized condition, as is the per- sistence of more than two anal veins in the hind wings. At _ the base of the principal descent lines of moths are found gen- eralized forms, their generalization indicated in their venation by the persistence of media (V) and often by the presence of three anal veins in the hind wings. But the specializing ten- ; V3 vil, Vil, vmi Vile xr 1x Fic. 2. Wings of Micropteryx sp. ; Fic. 3. Wings of Chrysophanus j.jugum. (After Comstock). thoe. (After Comstock). dency towards a cephalization of flight, resulting in a change from the racial sub-equality and importance of fore and hind wings to an inequality produced by a reduction of the hind wings has resulted in the loss (coalescence) among all living Lepidoptera, except the, genera Hepialus and Micropteryx, of the branches of radius in the hind wings. As pointed out by Prof. Comstock, the Jugate (Hepialus and Micropteryx) in this respect stand much nearer the racial lepi- dopteron than do any of the Frenatw. The striking resem- blance, then, of the jugate venation, standing, as it does, for the most generalized existing condition of lepidopterous vena- tion, to the trichopterous type of venation is significant. By an inspection of the figures, herewith presented, of the venation of Hepialus (see Fig. 1) and Micropteryx (see Fig. 2) with those of the venation of Newronia sp. (see Fig. 4) and of an undetermined 712 The American Naturalist. [August, caddice-fly collected by me in Colorado (see Fig. 5), the reality of the correspondence is apparent. In the fore wings of all the simple unbranched sub-costa (II), the 5-branched radius (III,- III,), the persisting stem of media (V) coalescing at its base with cubitus (VII), the three branches (four in the Colorado trichopteron) of media (V), and the reduced anal field, are com- mon characters. In the hind wings, the general character of the venational uniformity is only varied by differences which, Sa vita Vila Fic. 4. Wings of Neuronia, sp.; c. v., cross Fic. 5. Wings of undetermined vein; j. jugum. caddice-fly ; j. jugum. in themselves, are additional evidences of a community of plan. One of the caddice-flies differs from the other in those correlated characters which have been pointed out by Prof. Comstock as characteristic of the tendency of specialization in the lepidopterous wing, viz., a tendency towards the coales- cence (or disappearance) of the radial branches and increasing reduction of the anal area manifested by a loss of anal veins. In the hind wings of the Colorado caddice-fly (see Fig. 5) there are but four radial branches (IIL, III,,,, and III, and ITI,), and the anal veins (VIII, IX, XI, XIII), while two more in number than in Micropteryxz or Hepialus, are less in number than in Neuronia. It is beyond the scope of this paper to attempt any discus- sion of the lines of specialization exhibited by the wings of the Trichoptera, but it is an obvious and interesting fact that the 1895.] The Affinities of the Lepidopterous Wing. 713, general characters of these lines are strikingly parallel with those exhibited by the Lepidoptera. A more primitive sub- equality of the wings, shown among the Lepidoptera only by the Jugate, is retained, but there is an obvious tendency towards a narrowing of the wings and consequent loss in num- ber of veins, this loss being first apparent among the anal veins, and radial branches, and the hind wings being the first to be reduced. Setodes and other similar forms constitute an exception to this general tendency, something as do the Sat- urniina among the Lepidoptera, in that a peculiarly expanded anal field is displayed, although the venation of the wing is considerably specialized, the radial branches being largely reduced. The wing and anal area here are not in a primitive condition, but display a peculiar sidewise developed specializa- tion. The tendency towards the disappearance of the base of media (V) is manifest, the stem of the vein in both fore and hind wings of Mystacides punctatus and others being represented by a mere fold. Of interest in the comparison of the trichopterous and jugate wings, is the condition of the cross veins. The primitive neu- ropterous wings are characterized by the wealth of cross veins ; the specialized lepidopter- ous wings are characterized by the almost total absence of these veins. The Juga- tæ show more cross veins than do any of the Frena- te. The usual trichopterous wings possess more cross veins than the jugate wing, but the manifest tendency is towards their fading out and disappear- ance. The wings of Mystacides punctatus, for example, a highly specialized trichopteron, shows fewer cross veins than do the wings of Hepialus or Micropteryz. In the hind wings of Setodes sp. there are no cross veins and but two or three in the fore wings. In the disappearance of the cross veins those midway between base and apex of wing persist longest ; although there is a cross vein between the basal part of subcosta (II) and the costal margin of wing which is very persistent (see c. vu Fic. 6. Fore wing of Panorpa sp. 714 The American Naturalist. [August, v. in Hepialus humuli Fig. 1, and in Neuronia, Fig. 4). I pre- sent a figure of the venation of the fore wing of Panorpa sp. which should be examined in connection with the jugate and trichopterous wings for the noting of this tendency of disap- pearance of the cross veins, and for the persistence of the mid- wing cross veins. It is worth while, in passing, to note also the general agreement in venational character of the mecop- terous wing with the trichopterous and lepidopterous wings. The more generalized character of the Panorpa wing is mani- fest in the point of number of radial and medial branches and in the abundance of cross veins. As I have pointed out else- where, this disappearance of cross veins in these three groups proceeds coincidently with the development of the wing-scales, which serve to strengthen the wing-membrane. Not alone in character of venation but in character of wing- clothing, as pointed out in a previous paper, and in the mode of tying the fore and hind wings of each side together for the sake of sychronity of movement in flight, do the jugate and trichopterous wings show obvious resemblances. The well- known scale-hairs of the Trichoptera are simply the true lepi- dopterous scale in generalized state. Nor are these trichopter- ous scales always of so generalized condition as an examina- tion of a limited number of wings might lead one to believe. There are many instances among the caddice-flies of the pres- ence of well developed scales. In Fig. 7 well-specialized scales from the fore wings of two species of Setodes are shown at c and d. Ihave been specially interested to note in the wing clothing of Mystacides punctatus (see a and b, Fig. 7) in addition to the numerous broad scale hairs, a sprinkling of conspicuous large, flattened, bulbous, white scales, which present exter- nally the peculiar characters of the variously modified scent- scales or androconia of the male butterflies. The essential structural difference between the Jugate and Frenatæ on which the two groups were separated by Prof. Comstock is that displayed by the two methods of uniting the - wings of each side during flight. The jugate moths have fore t Author. The Classification of the Lepidoptera, AMERICAN NATURALIST, V. XXIX, no. 339, pp. 248-257, March, 1895. 1895.] The Affinities of the Lepidopterous Wing. 715 and hind wings united by a membranous lobe, the jugum, borne at the base of the inner margin of the fore wings. When the wings of Hepialus or Micropteryx are extended, “the jugum projects back beneath the costal border of the hind wing, which, being overlapped by the more distal portion of the inner margin of the fore wing, is thus held be- tween the two as in a vise.” The frenate Lepi- doptera have the two wings of each side united _ by the familiarly known frenulum borne at the Fic. 7. Seales from wings of Trichoptera; base of the costal mee a a, portion of fore wing of Mystacides puncta- of the hind wings, or by a renee ag soale hairs and bulbous andreco- substitute for a frenulum, larged; c, d, scales from fore wings of Seto- an expanded humeral area om s of the hind wings, by which a considerable overlapping of the wings is produced. The common occurrence of a jugum among caddice-flies (see j in Figs. 4 and 5), which is essentially the same structure pre- sented by the jugate moths, has already been referred to by Prof. Comstock as of interesting significance. The jugate method is, however, by no means the only mode of wing union among the Trichoptera. The jugum may exist coinci- dently with other uniting structures, or it may be entirely wanting, the tying together of the fore and hind wings being accomplished by the overlapping for a considerable space of the hind margin of the fore wing and the costal margin of the hind wing, or by a row of hooks projecting from the costal margin of the hind wing which fasten to a chitinized ridge running along near the hind margin of the fore wing. There seems even to exist the beginnings of the frenate method of wing tying, as displayed in Hallesus sp. The wings of this trichopteron present a combination of the jugate and row-of- hooks methods of wing tying, and, in addition, there are pres- ent on the base of the costal margin of the hind wing two long strong hairs (see f, Fig. 8), the very counterpart of the generalized 49 : a 716 The American Naturalist. [August, frenulum (i. e., frenulum in which the hairs are not united into one single strong spine) of the lepidopterous wing. This - trichopterous frenulum is, however, much shorter than the lepidopterous frenulum and does not fit into a frenulum hook | on the under surface of the fore wing, but merely rests against the jugum of the fore:wing. The jugum is fairly well devel- oped but can hardly overlap the base of the hind wing much, The series of tying hooks extends along the costal margin from near the base of the wing for about one-third the length of the margin. I have figured the method of wing tying for another species (see Fig. 9) which, however, illus- trates the method and the function- ing structures quite as truly for Hal- lesus sp. In the species figured, the hooks method, combined with the overlapping of the opposed margins of the wings, is the only means of union, the small, jugum-like structure at the base of the fore wing being practically functionless. When the wings are ex- tended a narrow space along the inner margin of the fore wing, roughened on its under surface by many short, strong, sharp-pointed bristles, and with the membrane greatly strength- ened and made less yielding by these bristles, is underlain by the costal margin of the hind wing for a distance of more than half the length of the margin. Along the extreme costal bor- der of this underlying space, which is slightly expanded cos- tal-wards, there is a regular series of strong, hooked hairs or bristles, each of which bears on the concave surface of the curved or hooked portion many fine teeth (see c, Fig. 9). These toothed hooks are applied to and firmly grasp a strong, roughened, chitinous line or ridge running along the under side of the fore wing. ‘This chitinous line is roughened by the presence of fine ridges for the firmer grasping of the hooks. By the overlapping and hooking there is formed an effective tying together of the two wings. Fic. 8. Base of hind wing of Hallesus sp.; f, frenulum hairs. 1895.] The Affinities of the Lepidopterous Wing. 717 This method of tying by hooks is a common one among the caddice-flies. Often there will be no chitinized ridge (chiefly produced by an extra thickening of one or more of the anal veins) for the hooks to grasp, but one of the anal veins will bear a series of stiff hairs or bristles which interlace with the hooked bristles and project in such a direction that they are effectually grasped by them. In connection with the hooks and slight overlapping of the wing margins, there is usually a well-developed jugum, which makes a firm overlapping con- nection between the bases of the wings. There are often, too, small bunches of strong, long hairs, or smaller number of still stronger hairs borne on the base of the costal margin of the fore wing, which project forward under the jugum, suggesting, as shown especially in Hallesus, the beginnings of the lepidop- terous frenulum. Raita itive anita Fic. 9. e Portions of wings of a caddice-fly; a, anal margin and area of fore wing; b, basal half of costal margin and area of hind wing; c, hook (enlarged) from costal margin of hind wing. A most interesting wing tying arrangement is presented by Panorpa (see Fig. 10, a, b, c). We have here an arrangement which is strongly suggestive of what that racial type-structure may have been from which, on the one hand, the successfully functioning unaided jugum, and on the other, the perfected frenate arrangement could have been developed. The pretty 718 The American Naturalist. [August, strongly developed jugum in this mecopterous form bears on its free margin four strong backward projecting bristles, while a basal expansion of the costal margin of the hind wing bears on its free margin four strong backward projecting bristles, while a basal expansion of the costal margin of the hind wing bears two long, strong, slightly diverging bristles, so projecting that one lies above the other. When the wings are expanded the four jugal bristles lie between two bristles of the hind wing (see c, Fig. 10), forming a unique tying arrange- ment. So far as this organ is concerned, and for that matter, so far as concerns the venation and the wing clothing, the trichopterous wing, and the jugate and fre- nate types of the lepi- dopterous wing may Fic. 10. Bases of wings of Panorpa; a, base all have had a general- Mad prei ; aa - of hind wing; c, bases of ized prototype very like the mecopterous wing. In the beginning the wings were independent and obviously the frenate type and the jugate type may have arisen, as sug- gested by Prof. Comstock, as distinct lines from the un-united wing type. But from the known phyletic relations of the Ju- gate and Frenatz, and from the conditions presented by the trichopterous and mecopterous wings, which I have here at- tempted to indicate, the evidence, though as yet most ill-di- gisted, suggests strongly, to my mind, the probability of the 1395.] Fluorine as a Test for the Fossilization of Animal Bones. 719 origin of the frenate type from an earlier type which was es- sentially jugate, but which possessed frenulum-like structures of a character to be easily developed, by selection, into the ex- isting highly specialized frenate condition of the wings of the Noctuide and others. In conclusion, I may add that every attempt I have yet made to study, in a comparative way, the morphology of the three insect groups mentioned in this paper, has afforded in each succeeding instance stronger basis for a belief in the close phyletic relationship of the groups, a belief shared with, of course, and already expressed by many others. Stanford University, Calif. ON THE PRESENCE OF FLUORINE AS A TEST FOR THE FOSSILIZATION OF ANIMAL BONES. By Dr. THomas WItson. (Continued from page 456, Vol. XXIX). Appreciating the importance of the discoveries made in France in regard to the proportion of fluorine in animal bones as a test of their fossilization and antiquity, I determined to make a further attempt in the investigation by analysis of the bones, human and mylodon, found by Dr. Dickeson at Natchez, as heretofore described (page 303). Tothat end, I made appli- cation to Dr, Samuel G. Dixon, Curator of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, for specimens of the two bones to be subjected to analysis with a view to the determina- tion of their respective proportions of fluorine. Dr. Dixon kindly presented my application, and it was allowed. In due course I received the fragments from the two respective bones. Professor R. L. Packard was engaged in the laboratory in the U. S. National Museum making a series of mineral and rock analyses, we had, together, become acquainted with Mons. Car- 720 The American Naturadist. [August, not’s methods of analysis by having read and studied them, and he was heartily enlisted in the investigation, therefore was chosen to make the analyses. His reportfis herewith pre- sented :— Wasuineton, D. C., March 20, 1895. Dr. Thomas Wilson, Curator, Department of Prehistoric Anthro- pology, Smithsonian Institution. : DEAR Str: I send you herewith the results of the chemical analyses of the fragments of bones you gave me for examina- tion. One of the specimens, said to be a portion of the mylodon gave on complete analysis the following composition : Moisture, ; ‘ j : : ; ‘ ; 3.94 Organic matter, i : : his ag XVIII, Bd. München, 1893. From the author RATHBUN, M. J.—Descriptions of a new genus and four new species of Crabs from the Antillean Region. e Crabs of the family Inachidae in the U. S. Natl. Mus. Extrs. Paadi U.S. ead Mus., Vol. XVII. Erom the Smithsonian Institution. Report of the Council of the Geol. Soc. of Amer. at its Seventh Annual Meet- ing, 1894. See.ey, H. G.—Further Evidences of the Skeleton in Deuterosaurus and Rho- palodon from the Permian Rocks of Russia. Extr. Philos. Trans. Koy. Soc., London, Vol. 185, (1894). From the author SPET Annual Report of the Agric. Exper. Station of Cornell University, Albany, 189 ins H.—Weismannism once more. Extr. Contemporary Review, 1894. From the author. : STEJNEGER, L.—Notes on a Japanese species of Reed Warbler. Extr. Pro- ceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII. From the author STEVENSON, C.—Address before the General Meeting of the Civic Club, Phila., Nov., 1894. From the author. 734 The American Naturalist. [August, THURSTON, E.—Note on Tours along the Malabar Coast. Bull. No. 2, Madras Government Museum. From the Museum. ToLmaN, W. H.—History of Higher Education in Rhode Island. Bureau of Education, Cir. of Information No. 1, 1894. From the Bureau of Ed. Traquair, R. H.—Notes on Paleozoic Fishes. Extr. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1894. From the author. WEIR, J.—Domesticity or Matriarchy, Which? Extr. Amer. Practitioner and News, Dec., 1894. From the author. WILLISTON, S. W.—New or Little known Extinct Vertebrates. Extr., Kansas Univ. Quart., Jan., 1895. From the author. WRIGHT, G. F.—Replies to Criticisms. Preface to SecondjEd. of Man and the Glacial Period. New York, 1894. From the author. General Notes. MINERALOGY.’ New Edition of Groth’s Physical Crystallography.—The concluding part of the third edition of this classic work’ has recently appeared, the entire book having been so largely rewritten as to be essentially new. The necessity of this shows what remarkable advances have been made in the science during the past few years. The new work is divided into three parts, treating respectively physical, geometrical, and applied crystallography. Unlike earlier editions, the development of the optics of crystals is not made to depend on Fresnel’s theory of the elasticity of the ether, but the optical characters are derived by the purely geometrical methods of Fletcher. Some features of this treatment have been already referred to in these notes. This treatment of the subject, which is certainly the more logical and may prove to be easier of comprehension by the student, involves a considerable change in the nomenclature of optical directions. The sections treating the electrical properties of crystals and the in- fluence of mechanical forces on crystals, as would be expected, contain a vast amount of new material. In the closing section of this part, ‘Edited by Dr. Wm. H. Hobbs, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. * Physikalische Krystallographie und Einleitung in die krystallographische Kenfitniss der wichtigeren Substanzen von P. Groth. 3d Ed. pp. 783, 3 colored plates. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1894. ` 1895.] Mineralogy. 735 Bravais’s space lattice theory of molecular structure is treated compre- hensively, with addition of some of the modifications which have been made to it by Sohfiche, Federow and Schénflies. Professor Groth states in his preface, that “ the edifice of crystal knowledge is one of the best founded in theory of any in the entire realm of physics.” The second part of the work, that treating the geometrical proper- ties of crystals, bears but slight resemblance to the corresponding por- tion of the former editions. Instead of the primary classification of Naumann into six crystal systems with their partial forms, which is in general use, the differentiation of Gadolin into thirty-two classes of forms which represent all possible kinds of crystal symmetry, is adopted. This classification does away with hemihedral, hemimorphic and tetar- tohedral divisions, which cause so much difficulty in teaching, and is logically and scientifically superior to the classification in use. Profes- sor Groth thinks that the simplification of the nomenclature which this classification makes possible, will make the subject easier for the stu- dent, but it seems to us that the additional conceptions of symmetry (centre of symmetry, and 1, 2, 3,4 and 6 zahlige axes of symmetry) which are used will more than outweigh these advantages in simplicity, except for students who have what the Germans call raiimliche Vor- stellungsgabe highly developed. Of the thirty-two classes of forms, three have now no known representative, but when it is remembered that since 1887 representatives have been discovered for six classes which before lacked examples, the probability is great that examples will soon be found of all classes. The crystal systems are retained as a sub-classification to indicate relationships, and a seventh system—the trigonal system—is added to include those classes which have a 3-zählige axis of symmetry (rhombohedral, pyramidal, trapezohedral, etc., mak- ing in all seven classes). The word cubic is adopted for the isometric system. Another important change lies in the arrangement. The class of least symmetry is considered first, and the others in the order of increasing symmetry. The subject of the calculation and drawing of crystals, which in the former editions of the work was scattered under the different systems in the geometrical portion, is here brought together and expanded to over 60 pages in the beginning of part III. It is followed by a descrip- tion of the methods of crystal measurement, in which is contained what will be to many, new descriptions of recently devised apparatus. Such is a modification by Klein and Fuess of the Federow universal attach- ment to the microscope stage. 736 The American Naturalist. lAs; The appearance of this edition of Professor Groth’s work marks an epoch in the history of crystallography, and there can hardly be a doubt that all the essential features of his treatment will soon be in- troduced at least in all advanced courses in the science. Crystallo- graphers will look forward with anticipation to the appearance of the great work on chemical crystallography on which Professor Groth is now engaged. Tables of the Thirty-two Classes of Crystal Forms.—In 1892 Groth’ issued a table giving the stereographic projection to indicate the most general form of each of Gadolin’s classes of crystal forms, to- gether with the position of the crystallographic axes and the axes and planes of symmetry of the class. These differ from those of his later published text-book only in that the trigonal crystal system is not in- troduced in the secondary classification. This table has the great ad- vantage of bringing all the projections together on a single plate so that mutual relations may be made out. Wiilfing* has very recently issued a series of seven plates with explanatory text which give not alone the stereographic projections to illustrate the kind of symmetry of each class, but also sketches to indicate the character of all the kinds of crystal forms which can possibly occur with that kind of sym- metry. They constitute an introduction to or a synopsis of the subject of geometrical crystallography, much as it is treated by Groth, and will be of service in making the subject clear to a beginner, particu- larly one who cannot easily bring his mind to the condition of pictur- ing geometrical forms. Wiilfing has, however, unfortunately adhered to the old arrangement, and treats the classes of highest symmetry first ; and, moreover, has not utilized the abbreviated nomenclature adopted by Groth. This and the different numeration of the classes which the old arrangement involves, will introduce confusion, and are the serious mistakes of the little book. In his preface Wiilfing recalls an interest- ing passage in Goethe, which brings out so well the difference between the position now held by the science of crystallography and that which it occupied at the time the words were written (they were first printed in 1829) that I am inclined to introduce it here. Goethe wrote refer- ring to the science of crystallography as follows: 3 Uebersichtstabelle der 32 Abtheilungen der Krystallformen mit Erlaiiterung- en, Beispielen, und graphischer Darstellung nach Gadolin zusammengestellt von P. Groth. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1892, 1 Mark. * Tabellarische Uebersicht der einfachen Formen der 32 krystallographischen. Symmetriegruppen zusammengestellt und gezeichnet von Dr. E. A. Wiilfing. Koch, Stuttgart, 1895. 1895.] Petrograp hy. 737 “ Bie ist nicht productiv, sie ist nur sie selbst und hat keine Folgen... pis pepe Da sie earn nirgends afiwendbar ist, so hat sie sich in dem hohen grade in sich selbst ausgebildet. Sie giebt dem Geist eine gewisse beschräñkte Befriedigung und ist in ihren Einzelheiten so man- nigfaltig, dass man sie unerschöpflich nefinen kanñ, deswegen sie auch vorztigliche Meñschen so efitschieden und lafige au sich festhält.—Etwas Ménchisch-Hagestolzenartiges hat die Krystallographie und ist daher sich selbst genug. Von praktischer Lebefiseinwirkung ist sie nicht ; deññ die késtlichsten Erzeugfiisse ihres Gebiets, die krystallinischen Edelsteine, miissen sea oe werden, ehe wir unsere Frauen damit schmücken könn Wülfing remarks “Can it not be doubtful if the sentence of Goethe’s’ ‘crystallography has something of the bachelor monk about it and is hence sufficient unto itself; does not belong to a standpoint of the science already far behind us.” Ww. H. Hoses. PETROGRAPHY.' An Example of Rock Differentiation.—The High wood Mount- ains of Montana have afforded Weed and Pirrson’ an interesting study in rock differentiation. The mountains comprise a group of hills com- posed of cores of massive granular rocks surrounded by acid and basic lava flows and beds of tuff, which are cut by hundreds of dykes radiat- ing from the cores as centers. One of these hills, isolated from the others is known as Square Butte, whose laccolitic origin can be plainly shown. The Butte is composed entirely of igneous rocks. Its center is a core of white syenite, and around this as a concentric envelope is a dark basic rock called by the authors shonkinite. Near the top of the Butte the surrounding envelope has been eroded off exposing the white rock, so that from a distance the latter appears to be capping the former. The black rock consists of biotite in large plates and augite crystals, in the irregular spaces between which are found orthoclase, olivine, a little albite and small quantities of nepheline, cancrinte and the usual accessory minerals. An analysis of the rock gave: 1 Edited by Dr. W. S. Bayley, Colby University, Waterville, Maine. ? Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Vol. 6, p 389. 738 The American Naturalist. [August, SiO, TiO, Al,O, Fe,O, FeO MnO MgO CaO Na,O K,O H,O P,O, CI Total 46.73 78° 10.05 3.53 8.20 28 9.68 13.22 181 3.76 1.24 151 18=100.97 The rock is. thus a granular plutonic rock consisting essentially of augite and orthoclase. It is closely related to augite-syenite, bearing the same relation to it as vogesite does to hornblende-syenite. The white rock associated with the shonkinite is a sodalite-syenite, containing as its bisilicate component only amphibole. Its composition is given as follows: SiO, TiO, Al,O, Fe,O, FeO MnO MgO CaO Na,O K,O H,O P,O, Cl Total 56.45 29 20.08 1:31 439 .09 63 214 5.61 718 1.77 13 .43—=100.45 The basic rock is richer in iron, magnesia and lime than the acid one; since the two rocks pass into each other by a rapid but continuous gradation, they are believed to be of the same age and to be the com- plementary differentiated portions of the same magma. The differen- tiation in this case could not have been due to a process of crystalliza- tion, in which the first crystallized minerals were accumulated in the peripheral portions of the cooling magma, since the other iron-bearing components of the shonkinite and of the syenite are so radically different. The differentiation must have occurred in the magma while still molten. The Serpentines of the Central Alps.—Three years ago Wein- schenck* gave a preliminary account of the serpentines of the East Central Alps and their contact effects, showing that the former were originally pyroxene eruptives. In a recent paper he returns to the subject,‘ and in a well illustrated article gives in detail the reasons for his former conclusions. He finds upon the examination of a large suite of specimens that the original rock was an olivine-antigorite aggre- gate, which he names stubachite, from its most important locality. The antigorite is believed to be an original component and not an alter- ation product of the olivine, as it is found intergrown with perfectly - fresh grains of the latter mineral. The grate structure (“ Gitter- structur”) of many serpentines is ascribed to such intergrowths, and not to the alteration of pyroxene along its cleavage planes. ‘The orig- inal stubachite was a medium grained holoerystalline, allotriomorphic rock of intrusive igneous origin, which has not suffered much altera- tion since its exposure by erosion. * American Naturalist, 1892, p. 767. t Abhand. d. k. bayer. Ak. d. Wis II, Cl. XVIII, Bd. p. 653. a 1895.] Petrography. 739° Becke’ calls attention to the frequency with which a pyroxenic ori- gin has been ascribed to serpentines of the Alps because of the lack in therm of the mesh structure, and questions the safety of this conclusion when based on such scanty premises. He mentions the existence of a serpentine in the stubachthal in the Central Alps, in the freshest por- tions of which olivine and picotite can be seen in large quantities, and in other portions diopside and olivine. In many specimens the olivine has been crushed into a mosaic, the finer grains of which have been altered into serpentine, clinochlor, antigorite and what is probably col- orless pyroxene. The mesh structureis found in the weathered portion of the antigorite-serpentine. It is thought by the author to be due to weathering subsequent to the production of the antigorite. e central mass of the east central Alps consists of granite and gneiss, of which the former is intrusive in the latter, although both have essentially the same mineralogical composition, and the former is schistose on its periphery. The granite contains zoisite, epidote, orthite, chlorite, calcite, ete., all of which are regarded as original, since the other primary components of the rock from which they may be assumed to have come are perfectly fresh. The origin of these minerals is ascribed to the cooling of the magma under the influence of mountain- making processes—a condition of crystallization which the author designates as piezocrystallization. The hydrated components of the rock are supposed to have been formed with the aid of magma moisture under the influence of pressure. This theory is believed to account for the granulation and other pressure phenomena noted in the granite, as well as for its composition. Dynamic Metamorphism.—In connection with his work on the rocks of the Verrucano in the Alps, Milch’ makes a study of dynamic metamorphism and suggests a number of terms to be used in the descriptions of metamorphic rocks. Allothimorphic fragments are those with the composition and forms of the original grains. Authi- morphic fragments have the forms of the grains changed but their com- position unchanged. Allothimorphic pseudomorphs have the original forms but a composition different from that of the original grains, and authimorphic pseudomorphs have both forms and composition changed, but with the latter dependent upon the original composition. Finally eleutheromorphic new products are those entirely independent of the 5 Minn. u. Petrog. Mitth., XIV, 1894, p. 271. 6 Ib., p. 717. 7 Neues Jahrb. f. Min., etc., IX, p. 101. 740 ` The American Naturalist. [ August, original substances both in form and composition. Of the authimorphic fragments two classes are noted, first, the authiclastic, those that have been unable to adapt themselves to the altered conditions and, conse- quently, which have been fractured, and, second, the kamptomorphic, embracing those fragments that have been able to adapt themselves to changed conditions, and so have yielded to these and have bent, or have assumed abnormal optical properties, such as undulous extinct- ions. With these terms the author describes some of the rocks studied and states that in many instances no traces of clastic structure remain in them, although they must be regarded as regionally metamorphosed fragmentals. Regional metamorphism, he declares, may be brought about by pressure alone, or by dislocation—pressure with movement (dynamic metamorphism). The former may act slowly, deforming the minerals in rocks, while the latter acts rapidly, shattering them. The latter process usually forms rocks like the mica-schists, with a fine grain, and the former coarse grained ones like the gneisses. Of course, the action of water, which is the agent of transportation of the new sub- stances added during metamorphism, may come into play in each case. The Verrucano rocks exhibit the effects of both kinds of regional met- amorphism. The article contains a great many suggestions of interest to students of metamorphism. Miscellaneous.—The conglomerates and albite schists of Hoosac Mountain, Mass., referred® to some time ago in these notes, have been described by Wolff?’ in some detail in his report on the geology of Hoosac Mountain. The conglomerates form gneisses which grade up- ward into the albite schists. Amphibolites also are described, whose origin is from a basic intrusive rock. A large number of photographs of hand specimens and thin sections of the rocks described accompany the paper. Van Hise” in the report by Irving and himself on the Penokee iron district, gives a number of descriptions of sedimentary and volcanic rocks, illustrated by a large number of plates of thin sections. The rocks discussed include greenstone conglomerates, crystalline schists, intrusive greenstones, slates, quartzites, limestones, ete. Ries" finds that one of the crystalline schists of the series of foliated rocks forming the greater portion of Westchester Co., N. Y., is a * American Naturalist, 1892, p. 768. ’ Min. XXII, U.S. Geol. Survey, p. 41. 1 Mon. XIX, U.S. Geol. Survey. " Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., Vol. XIV, p. 80. 1895.] Geology and Paleontology. 741 plagioclase-augen-gneiss which the author calls a schistose granite-dio- rite. Its constituents are quartz, plagioclase, biotite, hornblende and orthoclase as its principal components, with garnet, sphene, zircon, apatite, muscovite and microcline as the accessories. The quartz is penetrated by rutile needles. Nearly all the rock’s constituents show evidence of dynamic fracturing. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. Dawson on the Oscillations ofthe Behring Sea Region.— Among the recent contributions to a knowledge of the coasts of Behring Sea are the notes made by G. M. Dawson during an extended cruise in that region. His paper is supplementary to that of Dall’s relating to the American shores and islands of Behring Seas, and gives, generally speaking, the general physographie features of the land to which the attention of the earlier writer was not directed. We quote the follow- ing extracts from his general remarks. “ Behring Sea is a dependency of the North Pacific, marked off from it by a bordering chain of islands like those which outline Okhotsk Sea and the sea of Japan. It differs from these two seas by reason of its connection to the north with the Arctic Ocean, and in the fact that while the whole eastern part of its extent is comparatively shallow, the profounder depths of the north Pacific (in continuation of the Tuscar- ora deep) are continued into its western part. The Aleutian Islands, regarded as a line of demarkation between the main ocean and Behring Sea, are analagous to the Kurile islands with Kamtschatka, and to the islands of Japan. As to the Commander Islands, though these appear to lie in the continuation of the are formed by the Aleutians, they are separated by a wide and, so far as known, very deep stretch of ocean from the last of these islands, and it is wholly probable that they may represent an altogether independent local elevation analogous to that to which Saint Matthew and its adjacent islands are due, “The western part of Behring Sea has as yet been very imperfectly explored with the deep-sea lead, but the following general facts may be gathered from the existing charts: The entire chain of the Aleutian Islands is bordered at no great distance to the south by abyssal depths of the Pacific. The whole western portion of the chain likewise 742 The American Naturalist. [August, slopes rapidly down on the northern side into very deep water, exceed- ing 1,000 fathoms as far to the eastward as Unimak Island: but from the vicinity of Unimak pass (longitude 165° west) the depths to the north of the islands are consistantly less than 100 fathoms. Beginning near the Unimak pass, the edge of the hundred-fathom bank runs northwestward, passing to the west of the Pribilovs and Saint Matthew Island and meeting the Asiatic coast in the vicinity of Cape Navarin, in about north latitude 60°. Thus all parts of Behring Sea to the north and east of this line, together with Behring Straits and much of the Arctic Ocean beyond, must be considered physiographically as belong- ing to the continental plateau region and as distinct from that of the ocean basin proper, and there is every reason to suppose that it has in later geologic times more than once and perhaps during prolonged periods existed as a wide terrestrial plain connecting North America with Asia. “ In all probability this portion of the continental plateau is a feature much more ancient than the mountain range of which the outstanding parts now form the Aleutian Islands. This range, though to some ex- tent due to uplift, as for instance in the case of Attu Island, is chiefly built up of volcanic material. Its eastern part, in the Alaskan peninsula and as far as the Unimak pass, must be regarded as having been built upon the edge of the old continental plateau. Its western part, though certainly the continuation of the same line of volcanism, runs off the edge of the plateau and rises distinctly from the ocean- bed. “ The available evidence goes to show that the submarine plateau of the eastern part of Behring Sea, together with much of the flat land of western Alaska, was covered by a shallow sea during at least the later part of the Miocene period, while the most recent period at which this plateau stood out as land is probably that at which, according to facts previously noted, the Mammoth reached the Pribilof Islands and Unalaska Island across it. “ Evidence has recently been obtained of an important factor in regard to late changes of climate in this region, in the observations of Mr. I. C. Russel, which show that the great mountain range of the Saint Elias Alps must have been entirely formed in Pliocene or post-Pliocene times, The crumpling and upheaval of the beds which now form this range must have relieved a notable and accumulating tangential pressure of the earth’s crust, the result of which it is yet difficult to trace; but that it must have brought about extensive changes of level throughout the region over which this pressure was exerted seems certain, and I 1895.] Geology and Paleontology. 743 am inclined to suppose that it may have had much to do with the great later Pliocene uplift and subsequent depression to which the British Columbian region appears to have been subjected. “One of the most remarkable features connected with the Behring Sea region is the entire absence of any traces of general glaciation. Statements to the effect that Alaska, as a whole, showed no such traces were early made by Dall and concurred in by Whitney. The result of my later investigations in British Columbia and along the adjacent coasts have been to show that such original statements were altogether too wide ; that a great Cordilleran glacier did exist in the western part of the continent, but that it formed no part of any hypothetical polar ice-cap, and that large portions of northwest America lay beyond its borders. “Statements made by Mr. John Muir, in which he not only attrib- uted every physical feature noted by him in Behring Sea to the action of glaciation, but even expressed the opinion that Behring Sea and Strait represented a hollow produced by glaciation, remained alto- gether unsupported. It might be unnecessary even to refer to them but for the fact that they relate to a region for which data on this sub- ject from other sources are so small. No traces have been found of general glaciation by land-ice in the region surrounding Behring Sea, _ while the absence of erratics above the actual sea-line show that it was never submerged for any length of time below ice-encumbered waters. “ The facts, moreover, connect themselves with similar ones relating to the northern parts of Siberia in a manner which will be at once obvious to any student of the glacial period.” (Bull. Geol. Soc. Am. Vol. 5, 1894.) Green Pond Conglomerate.—In Darton’s paper on the outlying series of Paleozoic rocks which occupy a narrow belt extending from the Archean highlands of New Jersey into Orange Co., New York occurs the following description of the Green Pond Conglomerate. “ The greatest development of this formation is in New Jersey, where it is continuous over a wide area, and gives rise to a number of prom- inent ridges. In New York there are three small outlying areas: Pine Hill, northeast of Monroe, and two small ridges west of Cornwall sta- tion. Throughout its course it consists of coarse, red conglomerates below, and buff and reddish quartzites above, and the characteristics of these members are uniform throughout. The conglomerates consist of quartz pebbles from one-half to two inches in diameter in greater part, in a hard, sandy, quartzitic matrix of dull red color. The proportion 744 The American Naturalist. (August, of pebbles to matrix is usually large, but there is local variation in this regard. The pebbles are mainly well rounded, but some subangular ones occur. They are mostly all of quartz, and white or pinkish in color. No quartzite pebbles were observed. In this characteristic the Green Pond Conglomerate differs greatly from the Skunnemunk con- glomerate, but otherwise they are very similar. The thickness of the Green Pond conglomerate varies. In New York there are not over 60 feet, but in New Jersey it will probably be found to average about 150 feet in its greatest development in Green Pond and Copperas Mount- ains. Owing to its extreme hardness and massiveness, it give rise to high, rocky ridges with precipitous slopesin greater part. Green Pond, Copperas, Kanouse and Bowling Green Mountains are the most prom- inent of these, and they occupy an area of considerable size in New Jersey. South of the south end of Green Pond Mountain west of Dover there are outliers of conglomerates and sandstones probably of this age, which are described by book in the ‘ Geology of New Jersey ’ 1868. “ In the vicinity of Cornwall Station the conglomerate lies on Hud- son shales; Pine Hill, on Cambrian limestone, at least in part; in Ka- nouse Mountain, on slates possibly of Hudson age, northward, and on Cambrian limestone southward ; in Green Pond, Copperas and Bowl- ing Green Mountains it lies directly on the crystalline rocks. The con- tact with the crystalline rocks is exposed along the upper part of the eastern slopes of Copperas Mountain, and the surface is a relatively level one. Small enclosed areas of the crystallines are bared by erosion of the conglomerate along the two anticlinals south of Newfoundland, and I find that gneiss extends to within half a mile of the depot in the western flexure. Along the axis of the eastern flexure, gneiss extends to and under Green Pond and down the gorge of the outlet of the pond to the end of Copperas Mountain. Along these anticlinals no actual contacts were found, but from many exposures in its vicinity the rela- tive eveness of the floor was clearly apparent. In the Bowling Green Mountain the conglomerate is wrapped around the northern end of a ridge of gneiss, but its contact relations were not observed. “The age of the Green Pond conglomerate and quartzite is approx- imately the same as Shawangunk grit and Oneida conglomerate, and probably they also represent all or a portion of the Medina. They are, at any rate, the representatives of the great arenaceous sedimentation at the beginning of the UpperSilurian. The evidence of their position is mainly their intimate relation to the Helderberg limestone through- out and the fact that they overlie the Hudson shales in New York and 1895.] Geology and Paleontology. 745 probably also in New Jersey. Throughout their course in New Jersey and in New York the upper quartzites grade into the Longwood red shales, and these into the Helderberg limestone, constituting a series which overlaps the Archean, the Cambrian limestone and the Hudson shales. This stratigraphic relation, as well as precise lithologic similar- ity, served to correlate the Pine Hill and Cornwall Station areas with those of the Green Pond region in New Jersey. The superposition on the Hudson shale is unquestionable in the Cornwall region, where the Green Pond, Longwood, Helderberg and other series present the full sequence. In New Jersey there are shales underlying the conglomerate along the east side of Kanouse Mountain near its northern end, but it is not as yet demonstrated that they are Hudson in age. “ The estimate of the total thickness by Merrill of 600 feet in the Newfoundland region is considerably too great. I find that the 500 foot cliff south of the station, on which his estimate is based, contains nearly 100 feet of crystalline rocks at its base, but probably a consider- able portion of the original thickness of sandstone was removed from its summit. The formation appears to attain its greatest thickness at this locality, for the average amount is considerably less elsewhere. “The name Green Pond Mountain conglomerate or series has been applied to the formation by Cook, Smock and others, and, although originally always used to include the Skunnemunk conglomerate, it is, I believe, an appropriate name, with proper, restriction, for the Upper Silurian member. The “ mountain” may be omitted to advantage, as Green Pond is a typical locality. It is not proposed at present to separate the quartzite under a distinctive name.” (Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Vol. 5, 1894.) Notes on the Osteology of Zeuglodon cetoides.—Last Nov- ember Mr. Charles Schuchert of the U. S. National Museum obtained for that institution portions of the skeletons of two Zeuglodons. These have since been “developed” and the bones thus brought to light promise to add some points of interest to our knowledge of this interest- ing form. : The lower jaw, like that figured by Miiller, contained six molariform teeth, showing that the number of premolars plus molars should be given as five to six, and not limited to five, as in N icholson and Lydek- kers Manual of Paleontology. The jugals, although slender, are much heavier than in the toothed whales, and the hyoid was appar- ently like that of a Sirenian, the basihyal being rather broad and fiat- tened, the ceratohyal, long, curved, expanded at its distal end, and 746 The American Naturalist. [ August, articulating directly with the basihyal and not through the interposition of a long cartilage. The first four cervicals are very curiously inter- locked; the atlas gives off a process from its ventral surface which curves back to almost touch the axis; the spinous process of the axis overlies the atlas in front, and extends backwards until it nearly touches the spinous process of the fourth cervical, that of the third cervical being abortive. The fourth cervical sends down a long parapophysis. The dorsal vertebræ are apparently fourteen in number, and none ap- pear to have been lost. The last three ribs have no tubercle and unite with the middle of the centrum by a large head; the 10th and 11th ribs have a small tubercle although articulating with the body of the vertebra; the fifth rib is remarkable for its great upward curvature ; the second to seventh ribs are much swollen towards the distal extremities. The scapula is thoroughly cetacean in shape, as well as in the length of the acromial and coracoidal processes. The humerus is, as figured by Miiller, heavy at its proximal end and tapering rapidly towards the distal extremity ; the radius and ulna are so articulated with one an- other and with the humerus, as to permit flexion and extension only ; the olecranal process is large, wide and flat; the distal ends of radius and ulna are rough and their epiphyses may have been entirely carti- laginous ; two or three small bones of irregular form are very likely carpals, and if so they too were largely cartilaginous. No traces of hind limbs have as yet come to light. | The regular articular posterior extremity of the first sternal segment has led Professor Cope to suggest that the animal was in the habit of rearing the front part of its body out of water, and this suggestion derives additional weight from the shape of the articular faces of the dorsals; they indicate that not only was there movement in the dorsal region from side to side, but up and down, and show that the inter- vertebral cartilages were very thick. Many of the lumbo-caudals have the faces slightly approximated dorsally, indicating considerable vertical movement in this region. The change from the short centra of the dorsals to the extremely elongate centra of the lumbo-caudals is very abruptand the vertebral column doubtless terminated with equal abrupt- ness, since vertebr a long way from the head are very massive. A curious feature is the prominence of the anterior zygapophyses in the Jumbo-caudal region, since the spinous process are from 8 to 12 inches apart. Above all one is struck with the small size of the head and thorax when compared with the posterior region of the body, and it would seem that the head must have had a busy time in order to capture sufficient food to sustain the huge tail.—F. A. Lucas. 1895.] Botany. 747 BOTANY: Decades of North American Lichens.—Botanists have lately received the 16th, 17th and 18th decades of this interesting distribu- tion by Clara E. Cummings, T. A Williams and A. B. Seymour. An examination of the specimens shows them to be most satisfactory. The species included are the following: 151. Ramalina levigata Fr. (Tex.) ; 152. R. pollinarella Nyl. (So. Dak.); 153. Evernia vulpina (L.) Ach. (Calif); 154. Theloschistes villosa (Ach.) Wainio, (L. Calif.) ; 155. Parmelia borreri Turn. (So. Dak.) ; 156. Umbilicaria hy- perborea Hoffm. (N. H.); 157. U. phæa Tuck. (Calif.) ; 158. Sticta aurata (Sm.) Ach. (So. Car.); 159. S. anthraspis Ach. (Calif.) ; 160. Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Hoffm. (Me.); 161. Pannaria lanuginosa (Ach.) Koerb. (Iowa); 162. Collema pulposum (Bernh.) Nyl. (Iowa); 163. Leptogium pulchellum (Ach.) Nyl. (Iowa); 164. Placodium muro- rum (Hoffm.) DC., (Mass.); 165a. P. cerinum (Hedw.) Naeg. & Hepp. (Ohio); 165b. P. cerinum (Hedw.) Naeg. & Hepp. (Iowa); 166. Le- canora muralis (Schreb) Schaer., a. saxicola Schaer. (Iowa); 167. Le- canora varia (Ehrh.) Nyl. d. symmicta Ach. (Me.) ; 168. Rinodina ore- ina (Ach.) Mass. (So. Dak.); 169. R. sophodes (Ach.) Nyl., e. exigua Fr. (So. Dak.); 170. Pertusaria velata (Turn.) Nyl. (Iowa); 171. Biatora suffusa Fr. (Iowa); 172. Buellia oidalea Tuck. (Calif.) ; 173. Opegrapha varia (Pers.) Fr. (So. Dak.); 174. Graphis afzelii Ach. (La.); 175. G. scripta (L.) Ach., var. serpentaria Ach. (So. Dak.) ; 176. Arthonia dispersa (Schrad.) Nyl. (Nebr.); 177a. A. lecideella Nyl. (Mass.) ; 177b. A. lecideella Nyl. (Iowa); 178. A. radiata (Pers.) Th. Fr. (Iowa); 179. Calicium quercinum Pers. (Ohio); 180. Pyrenula subprostans (Nyl.) Tuck. (No. Car.). CHARLES E. Bessey. North American species of Polyg m.—Mr. John K. Small has done a good work in bringing out his monograph of this interest- ing genus, which is issued as one of the Memoirs from the Department of Botany of Columbia College. All told there are according to this paper, seventy species, and in discussing these, the synonymy is fully and carefully worked out. The descriptions are full, and leave little to be desired. The omission of all reference to type specimens, and specimens examined from different localities and herbaria is to be 1 Edited by Prof. C. E. Bessey, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska. 51 748 The American Naturalist. [August, regretted, especially as this might have been done very easily. This monograph will be of much service to students of these widely dis- tributed plants. - Notes.—Two valuable papers on embryology have recently ap- peared in the Botanical Gazette, viz. “ The embryo-sac of Aster nove- anglie”’ by Charles J. Chamberlain and “ Contributions to the embryo- logy of the Ranunculacez,” by David M. Mottier. Part III of Murray’s “ Phycological Memoirs” appeared in April (London, Dulau & Co.). It contains papers on Pachytheca, calcareous pebbles formed by Algz, Diatoms (list), Macrocystis and Postelsia, and a Comparison of the Arctic and Antarctic Marine Floras. Baillon’s Histoire des Plantes has nearly completed its thirteenth volume, the last part being a monograph of the Palmaceze. The illustrations are, as usual, of high excellence, and the general treatment is quite like thatin preceding parts. Botanists will not be likely, however, to accept his substitution of Rotang L., Fl. Zeyl. (1747) for Calamus L., Sp. Pl. (1753). We notice, also, that the author doubts the validity of Sereno Watson’s genus Erythea, suggesting its identity with either Brahea or Copernica. From a notice of the London Catalogue of British Plants, in the June number of the Journal of Botany, we learn with pleasure that our usually conservative brethren across the water have adopted some of the “ radical ” views of certain American botanists. The editor of the the Journal says “ certain necessary alterations in nomenclature have been made” and then gives without a word of dissent the following: Nuphar Sm., now Nymphea L. Nymphæa L., now Castalia Salisb. Corydalis Ventenat, Choix des Plantes, xix (1803), now Neckera Scopoli, Introd. 313 (1777). Capsella Medic. Pflanzeng. i. 85 (1792), now Bursa Weber, in Wigg. Prim. Fl. Holsat. 47 (1780). Lepigonum Wahlberg, Fl. Gothob. 45 (1820), now Buda Adanson, Fam. des Plantes, ii. 507 (1763). Mertensia Roth, Catalect. i. 34 (1797), now Pneumaria Hill, Veg. Syst. vii. 40 (1764). Calystegia Brown, Prodr. 483 (1810), now Volvulus Medic, in Sta- atsw. Vorles. Churpf. Phys. Oek. Ges. i. 202 (1791). Leersia Solander, ex Swartz, Prod. Ind. Oce. 21 (1788), Homalocen- chrus Mieg, ex Haller, Stirp. Helv. ii. 201 (1768). 1895.] Vegetable Physiology. 749 VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY. Woronin on Sclerotinia.—Dr. Woronin who was formerly asso- ciated with De Bary and whose beautiful studies of the life history of the smut fungus, Tuburcinia trientalis at once placed him among the very foremost investigators in a difficult field, continues to unravel in- teresting life histories of the pleomorphic fungi. Some years ago he published valuable researches on the Sclerotinia diseases of Vaccinium berries, and now distributes an important paper on the Sclerotinia dis- ease of the bird cherry and of mountain ash. This paper (Die Sclero- tinienkrankheit der gemeinen Traubenkirsche und der Eberesche, Selero- tinia padi und Sclerotinia aucupariae) is a quarto of 27 pages illustrated by five superb lithographic plates. It is printed in Mém. de? Acad. imp. de St. Petersbourg, VIII, sé., Class Physico-Mathematique, Vol. II, No. 1. S&S. padi attacks and kills young leaves, fruit and stems of Prunus padus, on which the grayish, pulverulent conidia soon appear. On the host plant these conidia cause a distinct almond-like odor similar to that of the flowers, but no such odor could be detected when the fun- gus was grown on artificial media. Growing on the mountain ash the conidia of S. aweupariae cause an odor resembling that of the flowers of that tree. The apothecia of S. padi appear in the spring on the fallen, mummified fruits. Paraphyses and asci are always borne by distinct hyphae, the ascogeneous hyphae being stronger and thicker. The ascospores have two envelopes, an outer delicate one which is cast off in water and subsequently becomes gelatinous to complete disap- pearance, and an inner, colorless, thick-walled truemembrane. When germinated in pure water the ascospores soon begin to form chains of small round spermatia-like sporidia, and the conidia behave in the same way. Ascospores sown in nutrient media or on the host send out strong germ tubes, but conidia or ascospores taken from nutrient media and put into pure water stop the production of hyphae and begin to form the above mentioned sporidia. In nutrient media an abundant conidial fructification was developed from ascospores in 3—4 days, and this was exactly like that observed in nature. Direct experiment with ascospores showed that the leaves are infected as they emerge from the bud, the stems being browned and killed by a secondary infection, just as peach twigs are destroyed by Monilia fructigena, only in case of the: 1 This department is edited by Erwin F. Smith, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 750 The American Naturalist. [August, peach the stem infection takes place apparently only through the blos- soms or fruits, and here apparently only through the leaves. The striking similarity may be seen by comparing Woronin’s Fig. 23, Table II, with Journal of Mycology, Vol. VII, Plate V, figs. 1, 2 and 3. The germ tubes bore directly through the epidermal cells of the host or penetrate at the junction of two or more cells. In no case were they found entering through stomata, although most of the infections were through the underside of the leaf. On culture media long chains of conidia develop before any septa appear. Finally the ripe conidia are separated by delicate spindle-form or diamond-shaped disjunctors con- sisting of two minute cones of cellulose joined at their bases and having their apices connected with the two adjacent spores. Neighboring ascospores and conidia as well as germ tubes often fuse, and this is very striking in case of the infection of the incipient fruit through the stigma. For this purpose a half dozen conidia may fuse into a sort of colony or association giving rise to a single, very robust hypha which grows down the style after the manner of a pollen tube and finally in- fects the ovary. Fusions of spores and of hyphae are common enough in fungi, but fusion for so manifest and important an end is certainly noteworthy. The elongated penetrating hypha usually remains un- branched until the ovary is reached. In 3—4 days from the time of placing the spores on the stigma the germ tube has reached and entered the micropyle, and a day or two later the nucellus is invaded. No further development of the fungus takes place unless the flower has been fertilized by a pollen tube. In that case there is a movement of nutrient substances into the ovary, and on these the fungus makes a luxuriant growth. First the nucellus is occupied, then the integuments are invaded, and finally the pericarp, following which the young fruit browns externally and shrivels, and, if the air is moist enough, conidia appear on its surface. During early stages of germination 4-10 prob- lematic bodies resembling nuclei appeared pretty constantly in each germ tube and then disappeared. The fungus on mountain ash is smaller than S. padi, but is otherwise very similar. The paper closes with 5 pages on relationships among Sclerotinia ——Erwin F. SMITH. Demonstration of Photosyntax by Bacteria.—In Verhan- delingen d. Koninklijke Akad. van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam (2 Sectie, Deel III, No. 11) Professor Th. W. Engelmann summarizes in a brief paper (Die Erscheinungsweise der Sauerstoff: heidung chro- mophyllhaltiger Zellen im Licht bei Anwendung der Bacterienmethode) what is known on this subject, and illustrates it very satisfactorily by 1895.] Vegetable Physiology. 751 a well executed chromolithographic table. The value of this method rests on the fact that aerobic motile bacteria cease to move as soon as oxygen is withdrawn, and again become motile when a trace of it is added. This method of showing the photosyntax of chlorophyll-bear- ing cells is very delicate and exceedingly simple. A round green algal spore is placed on a slide in the center of a drop of water containing some aerobic actively motile bacterium and imprisoned by an ordinary cover glass cemented to the slide air tight by vaseline. If this prepa- ration is now examined immediately, the bacteria will be found uni- formly distributed through the drop and actively motile. They pay no attention to the green spore because they find sufficient oxygen everywhere. If the slide is now placed in the dark the movement of the bacteria gradually ceases with the exhaustion of the oxygen, and in this condition also the bacteria pay no attention to the algal cell. If, however, such a slide be left exposed to the light, the bacteria begin in a minute or two to swarm around the green spore and continue to do so as long as it is exposed to the light. Under these conditions there is a zone close to the spore and about as wide as the diameter of the latter, crowded with actively motile bacteria, a much wider zone in which there are only a few organisms swimming about, and a remoter zone of uniformly distributed non-motile bacteria. If now the mirror of the microscope be shaded so as to let barely enough light through for seeing, all self motion ceases and the bacteria which have crowded into a narrrow zone around the green spore begin to be distributed through the liquid uniformly by molecular movements. When bright light is flashed in again, active movement begins immediately, center- ing around the spore, and the two zones are reproduced, but if only a moderate amount of light is let in, only a small amount of oxygen is given off, only a few bacteria become motile, and these crowd back the rest forming a narrow clear zone of motile organisms, bounded by a crowded quiet zone, bounded in turn by a clear quiet zone, outside of which the bacteria are evenly divided. If a little more light be let in the number of motile organisms around the green spore increases, the inner clear zone widens, and finally with full light we have immediately the first condition, viz., a dense swarming mass of organisms around the algal cell, next a wide zone having in it only occasional rods, all of which are motile, and farther away a uniform distribution of organ- isms, which are non-motile because they have not felt the influence of the oxygen given off by the green spore. The algal cell of course gets from the bacteria CO, in return for the oxygen. Beautiful results can be obtained with threads of Cladophora, Spirogyra and other alge, and 752 The American Naturalist. [August, Spirogyra with the hay bacillus may be used to show that it is not the colorless protoplasm, nucleus, cell sap, or cell wall, but only the chro- mophyll bodies that give off oxygen. Light thrown on a chlorophyll band of Spirogyra causes the bacteria to swarm to it, while light thrown on any other part of the cell causes no crowding or movement of the bacteria. Light thrown on a chlorophyll band, after being passed through an alcoholic solution of chlorophyll derived from Spirogyra, caused no crowding or movement of the bacteria, while light passed through red glass, although less intense, caused an active swarming of the bacteria around the illuminated part of the band. The same method may be used to show whether red and variously colored cells contain chlorophyll, and whether the chlorophyll-bearing protoplasm of a cell is living or dead. The author obtained some of his results with undetermined bacteria from the surface of slightly foul water, but fresh cultures of Bacillus subtilis also gave good results. Organisms which make only a small demand on free oxygen, such as Vibrio line- ola and Spirillum tenue give somewhat different results. In this case the motile organisms crowd around the algal spore or thread only when it is under the influence of feeble light. When bright light is let in, too much oxygen is given off, and a space is cleared around the green cell which widens or narrows in proportion to the varying of the light. With waning vigor of the chlorophyll the same results are obtained in bright light as with vigorous cells in feeble light, i. e., a crowding of the bacteria close up to the algal cell. The appended bibliography includes 61 titles, beginning with the year 1881, when Engelmann first published on this subject.—Erwin F. SMITH. Detection of Glukase by Auxanographic Methods. Beyer- inck has devised a neat method for showing that the enzym, glukase, first changes cooked starch into dextrine and subsequently into glucose. Over } the bottom of a Petri dish or similar receptacle, which part we will designate A, he pours a nutrient gelatine (10 per cent. gelatine ; $ per cent. soluble starch ; + per cent. asparagin; zs per cent. potas- sium phosphate) infected with Saccharomyces ellipsoideus or any other maltose yeast which is able to take nitrogen from asparagin, but will not react on dextrine. Into the other } of the dish, which we will designate B, he pours a nutrient gelatine infected with the same yeast and of identical composition except that the soluble starch is left out. Of course, no growth occurs in either part, because neither contains any carbohydrate on which this yeast can feed. A small area on A is now strewn with glukase powder and at some distance the same powder is 1895,] Zoology. 753 strewn on a part of B. Wherever the glukase powder falls on A, dex- trine is formed out of the soluble starch, and from this, under the in- fluence of the same enzym, glucose is produced. ‘The latter is food for the yeast and growth begins at once, but as glucose is not diffusible through the gelatine, and as dextrine is not food, the growth of the yeast is sharply limited to the spot covered by the enzym, which is but slightly diffusible and is itself not food for the yeast. On B there is at first no growth even where the glukase falls, but after a time some of the dextrine produced on A escapes from the enzym spot and, being diffusible, passes through the gelatine without influenceing the im- prisoned yeast cells until the glukase spot on B is reached. Here the fresh enzym immediately converts the dextrine into glucose, as shown by the production of an S. ellipsoideus auxanogram, the yeast spot cor- responding in shape not to the area strewn with the enzym, but to so much of it as has been entered by the diffusion curve of the dextrine. This method was employed to determine what seeds contain glukase and to locate it in particular parts. The yeast is much more sensitive to minute quantities of glukase than chemical tests or polarized light. Glukase occurs in ungerminated maize principally in the horny part of the endosperm. It also occurs in abundance in the endosperm of sorghum and millet seeds, and is present in the seeds of about a dozen families of monocotyledons, i. e., in those having a mealy endosperm. Most seeds which are free from endosperm, or in which the endosperm is fleshy or horny, do not contain it. It does not occur in ungermina- ted wheat, rye or barley. Fresh starch grains outside the plant are attacked by glukase just as little as by diastase. Inuline also remains unchanged. The product of the action of glukase on maltose is glucose pure and simple. Dextrine is less readily converted into glucose than is maltose, and soluble starch is still less readily converted. These notes are from the third part of a long paper, Ueber Nachweis und Verbreitung der Glukase, das Enzym der Maltose, in Centrb. f. Bakt. u. Par., Allg., I, 6, 7-8, and 9-10.—Erwin F. SMITE. ZOOLOGY. The Characters of the Enchytreid Genus Distichopus.— In the absence of any information regarding the internal structure of the Distichopus silvestris of Leidy, European students of the Oligo- 754 The American Naturalist. [August, chæta have rightly treated this species cautiously, there being no data to indicate its position in the system. That Beddard, in his recent Monograph has seemed uncertain even of the Enchytreid nature of the form, has led me to make a brief statement of its anatomical char- acters. Setze, as stated by Leidy, are restricted to the ventral series of bun- dies. That these are truly the ventral bundles is shown by the posi- tion of the nepridial openings at the same level, and the relation of the bundles to the lateral line. ‘There appears to be no glandular replace- ments of the dorsal sete. The complete, typical seta bundle consists of two pairs, an outer of larger and an inner of smaller setz, disposed symmetrically. Such bundles were rarely present in the material ex- amined, and were confined to the ante-clitellar region. In some speci- mens they were entirely absent. Behind the clitellum, four, or even three, setæ were seldom found, two being the rule, and on a variable number of the posterior segments only one. Often some of the seg- ments were without sete. This irregularity in distribution, the fre- quent absence of setæ on a somite, and the fact that the posterior pairs were usually the outer or larger sets, indicate a retardation in the suc- cessive production of new pairs of setz, and a consequent tendency toward a reduction of the number in the bundle. In form, the setz are peculiar, being very stout, swollen in the mid- dle, blunt-pointed and slightly curved externally and hooked internally. A cephalic pore is present between the prostomium and peristomial ring; but no dorsal pores were observed, though this is not conclusive evidence of their absence. 7 The inter-segmental septa, from the second to the sixth inclusive, are very thick and’ muscular, and the last three of these, namely, iv-v, v- vi, and vi-vil, bear prominent septal glands on their anterior faces. The bundles of ductules from these glands open as usual on the surface of a prominent dorsal pharyngeal pad, which was the usual structure. The testis papillz are united into a transverse ridge of simple col- umnar cells. The alimentary canal presents no marked enlargements, constrictions or saccular outgrowths. Its musculature is unusually powerful, and the two sets of fibres cross in a trellis-like arrangement, which is complicated at the septa. The pepto-nephridia (salivary glands) are a pair of branched tubu- lar structures in somite v, and are similar to those of several species of Fridericia with which they have been compared. _ The ante-septal portion of the nephridia is small, and consists mainly of the funnel; the post-septal is large, with a prominent dorsal lobe, 1895.] Zoology. 755 and aslender ventral portion, from which the terminal duct arises. The intra-cellular canal is very tortuous, and in part seems to form a plexus such as has been described for other Enchytræidæ by Bolsius. Nuclei are prominent, but cell divisions in the granular protoplasmic mass, not apparent. No spermatheca have been found. The essential sexual organs occupy the usual positions. The funnel of the vas deferens is rather small, with an oblique, ventrally directed mouth. Its duct is slender, closely coiled entirely within the twelfth somite, and about five or six times the length of the funnel. It termi- nates in a copulatory apparatus exactly like that of the Fridericia ex- amined, that is, the duct perforates the muscular sheath of the spheri- cal prostate gland, which is composed of radiating pyramidal cells, and opens immediately dorsal to the mouth of the gland into a tabular in- vagination of the body wall (atrium), which can be everted to serve as a penis. The oviducts have the usual form and position. Peritoneal corpuscles are of two kinds, the smaller ones being about half the diameter of the nuclei of the large ones, elliptical and refrin- gent. The supra-cesophageal ganglion is truncate or slightly concave poste- riorly and varies in relative length. The dorsal blood vessel arises from the sinus in somites xiii and xiv and hence is post-clitellian. There is an internal chain of valve cells, not, however, very greatly developed. The only other peculiarity of the vascular system is in the structure of the endothelium bounding the peri-enteric blood sinus, which requires further study. The above is an abstract of a detailed account which was prepared with appropriate figures last winter, but which has been withheld in the hope that an acquisition of fresh material would permit the eluci- dation of several doubtful points. The material on which this account was based consisted of several rather poorly preserved specimens found among the collections left by the late Dr. Joseph Leidy at the University of Pennsylvania. The several points referred to above about which I am still in doubt are the character of the spermathece, if present, the presence or ab- sence of dorsal pores, the minute structure of the nephridia, and the number of species, there being indications of the existence of two. Furthur studies of the variations and distribution of the setz are also desirable. | Michaelsen, in his synopsis, has placed Distichopus next to Frideri- cia, but apparently without any intention of suggesting relationship. That such a relationship exists, and that Distichopus finds its closest 756 ‘The American Naturalist. [August, ally in Fridericia, is perfectly evident from the above account. The form of the setz is easily derived from the straight, internally hooked type of Friedericia, while their arrangement in the bundles is even more characteristically of the Friderician plan. The post-clitellar ori- gin of the dorsal vessel, the colorless blood, the two kinds peritoneal corpuscles, the large size and branched arrangement (as in some spe- cies of Fridericia) of the salivary glands, the simple alimentary canal, the character of the male ducts and of the nephridia are all characters which these two genera possess in common. On the other hand, Dis- tichopus is clearly separated Fridericia by the abortion of the dorsal sete bundles, and perhaps by the absence of dorsal pores. The absence of dorsal setæ is not to be regarded as allying Disticho- pus with Anachaeta.—J. PERCY Moore. New Mollusca from the Pacific.—While the Albatross was en- gaged in making soundings between the coast of California and the Hawaiian Islands in 1891-92, some dredgings were made on the archi- benthal plateau about the islands in water from 300 to 400 fathoms deep, from which a small collection of molluses and brachiopods was made. This material is now reported upon by Mr. W. H. Dall. It proves to be most interesting, and wholly new, not a single species heretofore described, either from the deep sea or from the Hawaiian Archipelago, being found among the dredgings. A new subgenus of Pleurotomide, the hitherto unknown and very interesting soft parts of a species of Euciroa, regarded as belonging to the Verticordiide, but now necessarily raised to family rank, and several new Brachiopods, are described. To these are added a few new species from the north- west American coast. | The Hawaiian collection is distributed as follows: Gasteropoda 11, Seaphoda 2, Pelecypoda 4. The northwest American species have been described before, but are now figured with a few additional notes, and 13 new species added to the list. (Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus. xvii, 1895.) Taylor on Box Tortoises.—lIn a classification of the Box Tor- toises of the United States, Mr. W. E. Taylor adopts the species rec- ognized by Baur, and adds one new one, Terrapene baurii. The author agrees also with Baur as to the important position in the taxonomy of Terrapene of the modification of the zygomatic arch, and gives seven figures, showing that the quadratojugal is well developed in primitive forms of the genus, rudimentary in intermediant forms, and absent in T. ornata, the most specialized species. 1895.] Zoology. 757 In regard to distribution, the author has compiled the following facts : T. major is a Gulf species, and ranges from the mouth of the Rio Grande to Florida, possibly including southern Georgia. T. baurii belongs to the peninsula of Florida, possibly including southern Georgia. T. car- olina is found in northeastern United States, extending from the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes south to the Carolinas and Tennessee, and west to the Mississippi River in Kentucky and to eastern Illinois. Con- _ cerning T. mexicana the data are insufficient to outline its range. T. triunguis occupies the swampy districts of the Lower Mississippi and bordering territory. T. ornata belongs to the plains and tablelands east of the Rocky Mts. from the Rio Grande north to the Yellowstone River. (Proc. U. S. Natl. Mus. Vol. XVII, 1895). Although these box tortoises are similar in external appearance, they cannot be referred to asingle genus owing to the extraordinary differ- ences in the characters of the zygomatic arch which Baur has shown to be present. They furnish an illustration of a case where the generic characters are more conspicuous than the specific. Using the table furnished by Mr. Taylor, we will have the following : I. Three digits to the hind foot. Zygomatic arch complete, l Pariemys, g. n. Zygomatic arch incomplete, Onychotria Gray. II. Four digits to the hind foot. Zygomatic arch complete, Toxapsis g. n. Zygomatic arch incomplete, Terrapene Merr. The only species of Pariemys is P. baurii Taylor. Of Onychotria there are two species, O. triunguis and O. mexicana. Of Toxaspis but one species is known, viz., T. major; while there are two of Terrapene, viz., T. carolina and T. ornata.—E. D. COPE. The Genera of Xantusiidæ.—The interesting additions to this family of lizards made by Stejneger and Van Denburgh exhibit a large range of variation in scutellation of the head. It appears to me that neither of the species added by these gentlemen can be properly re- ferred to Xantusia, and I would distinguish them as the types of two genera. The genera of Xantusiidæ appear to me to be five, distin- guished as follows : 758 The American Naturalist. [ August, I. One frontal and frontonasal plates. Superciliary scales, none ; pupil round, Lepidophyma Dum. Superciliary scales present ; pupil erect, Xantusia Bd. II. One frontal and two frontonasal plates, pupil erect. An interoccipital plate ; frontoparietals i in contact; superciliaries, Zablepsis Cope. No interoccipital ; frontoparietals widely separated ; superciliaries, Cricosaura Pet. III. Two frontals and one frontonasal; pupil erect. No interoccipital ; frontoparietals in contact; superciliaries, Amebopsis Cope. Each genus includes but one species except Xantusia, which has two. The type of Zablepsis is the Xantusia henshavii Stejneger, and the type of Amcebopsis is X. gilbertii Van Denburgh. The former is from Southern, the latter from Lower California—E. D. Cope. Occurrence of the Siberian Lemning-Vole (Lagurus) in the United States.—In describing a new vole (Arvicola pallidus) from Dakota, in 1888, I referred it to the subgenus Chilotus of Baird, with which it agrees in the number of triangles in the molar teeth. Two years later, when studying a collection of voles from Idaho, I found that pallidus and its near ally pauperrimus, differed from Chilotus in important cranial and external characters, and the teeth, while agreeing in the number of triangles, differed materially in other respects. They were, therefore, removed from Chilotus,’ but a new subgenus was not erected for them because it was believed that they would be found to fit into some of the numerous named groups of Eurasian voles of which no specimens were then avail- able for comparison. Through the courtesy of Mr. Gerrit S. Miller, Jr., I now have before me a skin and skull of the Siberian Lagurus lagurus (Pallas) [== Eremiomys lagurus Auct.*], collected at Gurjew on the north shore of the Caspian Sea, and recently received by him from 1 AMERICAN NATURALIST, August, 1888, 702-705. | : 2N. Am. Fauna, No. 5, August, 1891, 64-65. ° The generic name, Lagurus, of Gloger (1841), antedates Hremiomys Poliokoff (1881) by forty years. For an article on Gloger’s names see Thomas, in Apa and Magazine Nat. Hist., Ser. 6, Vol. XV, 1895, pp. 189-193. 1895.] Zoology. 759 the St. Petersburg Museum. At first glance I was impressed by the strong resemblance of this animal to our members of the pallidus group; and a detailed comparison of the skulls, teeth, and external characters of the two serves only to confirm this view. They agree in the small flattened skull with squarish, depressed braincase and short nasals; the pattern of the molar teeth (not only the number and rela- tions of the triangles, but also the distant spacing of the loops poste- riorly and the appearance of immaturity of the posterior molar in both jaws) ; the structure of the hinder part of the palate; the short wooly hind feet ; the short tail ; and even the softness of the polage and pale coloration. In Mr. Miller’s specimen the audital bulle and occipital region are broken off, but on comparing these parts in the Amercian members of the pallidus group with Buchner’s figures of Eremiomys [—Lagurus] lagurus*, they are found to be essentially identical. The posterior part of the braincase is not only flattened, depressed and very broad, but the audital and mastoid bulle are unusually large and the latter project decidedly behind the plane of the occiput. From the close agreement in the above mentioned essential characters, and the absence of important differences, I unhesitatingly refer the American Microtines described under the names Arvicola curtatus, pauperrimus and pallidus, to the Eurasian Lagurus. The principal differences are that L. lagurus has the tail even shorter than our species, and the ear decidedly smaller. There is also a more or less clearly defined dark streak down the middle of the back that is not present in the American forms. Lagurus is commonly accorded full generic rank, but I am unable to appreciate more than subgeneric weight in the characters that dis- tinguish it from Microtus. Why it has been called a lemning instead of a vole I am not able to understand. It is gratifying to add another group to the Microtines of Circum- polar distribution and at the same time lesson the number restricted to a single continent. Lagurus is a Boreal group, finding its southern limit in the Transition Zone-—C. Harr MERRIAM. The Introitus Vaginz of certain Muridz.—A series of ob- servations made by Mr. G. I. Miller, during the winter and spring months of 1890 and 1891, prove conclusively that in many of the smaller American Muride and also in the European Mus sylvaticus, Evotomys glareolus and Microtus agrestis the vaginal orifice, during pregnancy, lactation and the period of sexual inactivity, is tightly _ 4 Przewalski’s Reise nach Central-Asien, Siiugethiere, liefr. 3, 1889, pl. XIII. 760 The American Naturalist. August, closed by a membrane which resembles a hymen. That this structure is not homologous with the hymen the author has discovered by a his- tological examination. A series of sections shows conclusively that the vaginal orifice is closed, not, as Lataste states, by the mere approxima- tion of the walls, but by a mass of epidermal cells which is absolutely continuous across the vaginal region. This peculiar epithelial growth does not contain the same histological elements, nor does it occupy the same position as the hymen. The use of the structure is to protect the vagina from particles of dust, dirt and sand, and probably originated, according to the author, as the result of the action of foreign substances in the vaginal orifice, since mechanical irritation of epithelial tissue causes cell proliferation. This tendency to cell growth in a definite region once established, the protection afforded by it, although incomplete, might offer sufficient op- portunity for the operation of natural selection, whereby the definite and useful structure now present could be perfected. (Proceeds. Bos- ton Nat. Hist. Soc., XX VI, 1895). Zoological News.—A note published by M. A. T. Rochebrune calls attention to a mollusc with toxic properties. This mollusk is Spondylus americanus, found by M. Diguet in Lower California. It emits an odor of sulphurretted hydrogen, strong enough to disgust even a famished creature, so it is never prayed upon for food. M. de Rochebrune has isolated the toxic principle by the Stass method, and has obtained an unctuous olive-green extract with an acrid odor and bitter taste, which produces a burning sensation, and which burns with a vivid yellow flame. .001 gr. kills a frog in 12 minutes, after first producing paralysis. .003 gr. kills a guinea pig in 25 minutes. Chemical reactions indicate that-in Spondylus americanus there is elab- orated a product allied to ptomaines and leucomaines, very similar to muscarine, the toxic product of the mushroom, Amanita muscaria, and which M. Rochebrune calls Spondylotoxine. (Revue Scientifique, June, 1895). The South American Characinide collected by ©. F. Hart, and pre- sented to Cornell University, comprises 167 species of which seven are new, four of them belonging to the genus Tetragonopterus. The ma- terial has been identified by A. B. Ulrey. (Am.N. Y. Acad. Sci. 1895). A collection of birds made in the Philippine Islands by the Menage Expedition for the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences includes 36 new species. These are described by Messrs. Bourns and Worces- 1895.] Entomology. 761 ter (1804) in the first volume of Occasional Papers issued by that insti- tution. Two hundred and twenty-six species are noted as already de- scribed, but from localities not previously known. Of these 73 were were found in the Calamianes Islands—all of them identical with spe- cies found in Palawan. M. A. Pettit, having had an opportunity of examining the supra- renal capsules of two adult Ornithorhyncus (O. paradoxus) makes the following statements in regard to them. In size and general appear- ance the suprarenal capsules of Ornithorhyncus resemble those of mammals, while their position, within the posterior extremity of the kidney, is an Avian character. (Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, T. XIX, 1894). ENTOMOLOGY.’ A new Tettix.—In a series of specimens of Tettigids received from Mr. J. C. Warren of Palouse, Washington, I find a new form, see Fig. 1, nearly allied to Tettix granulatus but having certain recognizable differences as here described. Tettiz incurvatus sp. nov. Resembling Tettix granulatus nearly but differing as follows: Average length shorter, more robust, pronotum faintly bulging and deeper over the thorax, lateral angles more pro- nounced, median carina of pronotum distinctly elevated reaching the maximal height over the shoulders, a small swollen space here intercept- ing the base leaves the carina just in front sharply compressed, con- vexly sloping to the front, with a depression on each side—this is barely indicated in T., granulatus. Dorsal -front and lateral front margin of pronotum encroaching on the head. Face broader, cheeks more swollen. Surface of pronotum densely granulated interpersed with fewer coarse granulations. Color dark brownish fuscous tending to black. In the male the wings slightly over reach the pronotum from 4 to 1 mm.; in the female this condition varies, the wings slightly over reaching the pronotum in some cases, in other individuals the reverse is true. Specimens of T. granulatus from Indiana, Illinois and 1 Edited by Clarence M. Weed, New Hampshire College, Durham, N. H. 762 The American Naturalist. [August, Massachusetts, in my collection are almost uniformly slender, the pronotum nearly straight toward the front, and the median carina very slightly raised. A series of these examples brought together with the foregoing for comparison are easily separable. MEASUREMENTS IN MM. Length. Pronotum. Hind Femora. @ 14-15 13-134 63-7 $ 11-12 10-104 54-6 This small locust abounds in openings among pines near the Palouse River, sometimes occurring on moss or white clover. Described from 12 males and 16 females from Palouse, Washington, (collected by J. C. Warren), in the authors collection. Explanation of Fig. 1. Side view of Tettix incurvatus Hancock, en- larged, original, the line above shows natual size.—J. L. Hancock. On the Early Stages of some Carabide and Chrysomelide. —-The descriptions of the larve of the species which follow should be com- pared by the student with those of Chlenius laticollis and C. leucoscelis as given by Schaupp' and with Dugés’’ figure and account of Lepti- notarsa lineata. The details of some of the mouth-parts of the larva of Cychrus elevatus are introduced to show the peculiar armature of the mandible. CyYCHRUS ELEVATUS Fabr. Larva found under a log (in cell, ready for pupation) April 23rd. Color above nearly black, beneath almost white, form robust rather re- sembling that of some Silphids. Pupated April 25th,pupa of an ordinary Carabidous form and without special marks though the deeply emarg- inate labrum and expanded tips of the palpi indicated its identity before the beetle was disclosed on the 10th of May. The AN of the mouth 1 Bull. Brooklyn Ento. Soc., III, 17, 26. 2 Amn. Soc. Ent. Belg., XXVIII, 1. 1895.] Entomology. 763 parts of the larva are introduced for comparison with those of other Carabids. The mandibles are long and curved, with a very strong tooth near the base, this tooth being pectinate on the inner margin and provided on the side with many short bristles. Still nearer the base of the mandible than the tooth is a bunch of long slender hairs. The maxillz have only the basal joint left in my preparation—this is heavy and very spiny, bearing near its inner tip a bristle-tipped tubercle. The mentum is broader at tip, the palpi with bristly basal and naked second joint. CHLENIUS SERICEUS Forst. Larva of a greenish-black color with bronzed luster, head reddish, feet testaceous becoming piceous in the vicinity of the claws. Form elongate, slightly convex above, more flattened beneath, taper- ing to both ends but more distinctly posteriorly. The ninth abdom- inal segment bears two processes or filaments about equal in length to the rest of the insect. Head narrowed behind the eyes and slightly constricted into a neck ; anterior to and between the eyes the upper surface is concave and with two very distinct longitudinal impressed lines. Beneath the surface is convex but with a distinct longitudinal groove and a large anterior tri- angular impressed space, the middle of which is slightly elevated. The upper and lower surfaces are both very finely granulate, the former with some distinct rugæ and punctures in addition. Hairs are visible only under a strong lens and are few in number. Ocelli six, about a raised spot back of the antennz. Antenne four-jointed, bristly, the first joint long, the second shorter, third a little longer than the second and bent near the tip. The fourth is scarcely half as long as the third and fusiform in shape. Mandibles long, curved, armed below the middle with a strong tooth which is directed inwards and downwards; still nearer the base is a small bunch of hairs which lie against each other so closely as to simulate a spine and can only be resolved into components by the use of a high-power objective. This little bunch is, without doubt, the homologue of the large brush found in the larva of Cychrus elevatus. Maxillze with long stout basal joint bearing a few long spines and numerous more delicate hairs; inner lobe two-jointed, the basal joint the longer and stouter. Palpus four-jointed, first joint short and thick, second more slender and about twice as long, third about equal in length to the second, but more slender, fourth very small. Besides the palpus and inner lobe, the maxilla bears on its basal joint, just near the base of the lobe, a small bristle-tipped appendix of a single joint. 52 764 : The American Naturalist. [August, Mentum broader than long, quite bristly, the anterior margin pro- duced at middle and emarginate at sides, the process bearing two long bristles which are approximated at tip and give the appearance of a single long stout'spine. Palpi with large basal, shorter second and ex- tremely minute third joint, the basal one alone somewhat feebly spinous. Prothorax narrower anteriorly, about one-fourth broader than long, lateral and basal marginal lines distinct, anterior margin somewhat broadly depressed, angles rounded ; an impressed median line is found, on each side, of which, is a less well-defined slightly oblique channel, deeply punctate at bottom. The whole disk is irregularly punctured, with intervening smooth spaces, the most evident of which are on each side of the above-described lateral grooves. Meso- and metathorax, taken together, shorter than the prothorax, the impressions similar but broader and less well-defined, the discal punctures with a tendency to coalesce and form transverse rug. Abdomen of nine true segments, slowly tapering, the margins of the first eight paler and apparently somewhat membranous in structure, the ninth bearing a long tubular anal segment and two processes which latter about equal the rest of the body in length and are black with a broad sub-basal orange band. These processes are rather thickly finely bristled and under high power the dark portions give a segmented ap- pearance due probably to the surface being roughened by transverse ridges or scales. Legs of an ordinary carabidous form—the figure shows a posterior member. Pupa 10°5 mm. in length, the thorax narrow, with many dorsal bristles, the sides of the abdominal segments somewhat produced as shown in the figure. The larvæ described were taken in July at Bayfield, Wis., under pieces of wood near ponds. They are hard to rear and only a small proportion could be brought to maturity. If the figures given by Schaupp’ are correct, the larva of my species differs greatly from his in the immense length of the caudal setz. DORYPHORA (Mycocoryna) LINEOLATA Stal. Living larve cream-colored, pronotum with a yellowish tinge, head of a very light amber, legs black. The mandibles are dark, the tip of the antennz and a frontal spot in the shape of a broad inverted V are black, as are also the front and hind margins of the pronotum. There isa * Tom. cit. Pl. (I), fig. B. 1895.] Entomology. 765 line of more or less confluent black spots along each side of the body from the base of the pronotum to the penultimate abdominal segment which is dusky over the most of its surface, while the terminal segment is shining and of a deep brown (or occasionally castaneous) color. A black dorsal line extends from near the middle of the metanotum on to the seventh abdominal segment and all the abdominal sutures are edged with black. A more or less interrupted line of brown dots and dashes extends from side to side of each of the first seven abdominal segments and in some cases a similar one occupies the same position on the meso- and metanotum, though they may be reduced to a lateral dot. Form heavy and thick-set much as in the larva of the common D. decem-lineata; the prothorax is broader and higher than the meso- - thorax, the abdomen broadest near the middle. The figure I give is of a specimen in the quiescent state immediately preceding pupation, as all were full grown when mailed to me and changed soon after recep- tion. Length, measured on the chord of the curve7 mm. Labrum transverse, rounded in front and rather deep emarginate, the bottom of the margination round. The surface is bristled as shown in the figure. Ocelli six in number and in two species; the first series, of four, is placed just behind the antenna, the other, of two, immediately beneath that organ. ; Antennæ extremely small, short and thick, joints rapidly reducing in thickness. i Mandibles strong, heavy, curved, much flattened, five-toothed at the extremity. Two views are given to show the appearance under differ- ent aspects. Maxillæ about equal to or a little shorter than the mandibles, the inner lobe short and heavy, beset with many spines around the edge. Pal- pi four-jointed, the first joint very large, the second narrower and shorter, the third again longer, the fourth about equal to the third in length and conical in shape, the tip truncate and beset with very small spines. The bristles on the first, second and third joints are few in number but very stout. 3 Mentum with the anterior angles turned inward and partially em- bracing the ligula which is slightly emarginate in front and bears short two-jointed palpi and several spines as figured. In this figure the men- tum is drawn under pressure and the angles are everted from their ordinary flexed position. Legs stout and rather short with a moderate number of strong spines as shown. 766 The American Naturalist. (August, The pupa is very robust in form and about 7 mm. in length, the disk of the prothorax bears numerous short bristles, while the sides and dorsum of the abdomen are armed in the same way. The terminal segment bears a short, strong horny spine at apex. The eggs were too much damaged when received to admit of careful description, but were yellow in color and deposited in elongate masses, each egg attached by one end to the leaf of the food-plant, Eggs and full-grown larve were sent me by Professor Theo. D. A. Cockerell who collected them at San August- ine Ranch on the east side of the Organ Mountains of New Mexico in August. : State University of Iowa. H. F. WICKHAM. May 27th, 1895. EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1. Cychrus elevatus Fabr. Fig. 2. Chlænius sericeus Forst. Fig. 3. Doryphora (Mycocoryna) lineolata Stil. All the dissections are lettered alike, ant., antennæ, l. leg, 1b., labrum, md., mandible, mt., mentum, mx., maxilla. Cecidomyia atriplicis [Towsend, Am. Nat., Nov., 1893, gall only] n. sp.— 9 about 4 mm. long, general color grey ; abdomen black- ish above, slightly reddish at sides, presenting, especially towards base, scattered silvery hairs, Ovipositor not exserted. Thorax above leaden- grey, with two distinct longitudinal grooves. Legs and antennæ grey. Eyes black, joining above, almost covering head. Halteres with the stem grey and the knob dull white. Base of occiput with the fringe of hairs. Antenne with the whorls of hair obscure, 13-jointed, 3rd joint much longer than 4th, but hardly so long as 4-5, which are equal. Joints 4 to 11 decreasing gradually in length; 12 and 13 very small, looking like one deeply-constricted joint. Wings greyish-white, hardly at all translucent, veins grey, costal vein black, ending abruptly at junction with first longitudinal. Cross nervure slightly oblique, situ- ated almost at base of wing. The anterior fork of the third longitu- dinal is very obscure, and there is a wing-fold stimulating a third lon- gitudinal, so that the wing seems to have four longitudinal veins, all simple. Pupa-shell reddish-brown, with the covering of the wings concolor- ous or rather paler. Hab. Bred, May 9, 1895, from galls on Atriplex canescens collected on College Farm, Las Cruces, N. M. The galls are red on one side. 1895.] Entomology. 767 I am glad to have an opportunity of describing this species, since Prof. Townsend had already named it in connection with the galls.— T. D. A. CocKERELL, N. M. Agr. Exp. Sta. Mexican Jumping Beans.—Occasionally one sees what are known as Mexican Jumping Beans, or Broncho Beans, exposed for sale in curiosity stores, or displayed as objects of interest in drug-stores, or other merchantile establishments. They are usually shown upon some smooth surface, as glass, the face of a mirror, or on the bottom of a smooth box. These beans are able to execute short leaps forward, or even turn over by a side-wise movement. If a dozen are placed in a box, so active are they, that some will be in motion most of the time. They are interesting objects both to grown people and children. Child- ren will watch them by the hourand beamused. They appeal strongly to the sense of the marvelous in older people, who seek a cause for everything, as there is no apparent explanation of these erratic move- ments. All the risk of dispelling the charm that gives attractiveness to the mysterious, the following explanation of the phenomenon is given. a l- These animated curiosities are the product of the plant belonging to the Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceæ) known to botanists as Sebastiania bilocularis. To this same family belongs the Castor Oil Bean. There- fore it would not seem inappropriate to apply the name bean to these saltatorial seeds, though they bear no resemblance in shape to beans belonging to the Pulse Family. The pods of plants belonging to the Spurge family are usually three lobed, as shown in cut C, and when ripe split up into three triangular valves with a roundediback as shown in cuts a, dorsal view, b face view, and e cross section.’ Each valve contains a single seed. It is to this tripartite form of the pod that the name Jumping Bean is applied. The plant they are obtained from has quite a wide geographical range, but the saltatorial seeds are found only in a limited area in Sonora, Mexico. Some of the seeds do not possess jumping powers and the active ones have to be selected. They are gathered by boys and find ready sale to travelers and dealers in curiosities. These diminutive “ Bronchos ” are PLATE XXX. Wickham on Coleoptera. 768 The American Naturalist. [ August,. advertised to continue their antics for about nine months. This is approximately correct. If some of them are put in a box and examined the following season their movements will have ceased. Small holes will be found in the seeds as though something had gnawed out. In the bottom of the box small moths will be found. Ifthe beans are opened while still active in each one will be found a worm or larva. snugly tucked away in the interior. One of these larva is shown in cut ¢ natural size. The worm is pale yellowish with a brown head, which has a triangular darker patch in the middle, and black mouth parts. There are eight true legs, six anterior and a single pair poste- rior and four pairs of false feet, pale pink at the ends. There is a pale brownish stripe down the back. Our specimens were examined Nov- ember Ist. The seed was entirely eaten, the pod only remaining, cut. e shows a cross section of one of the beans, the dotted portion was eaten. The worm was plump and fat, evidently having relished the oily seed, a taste we can hardly appreciate if the oil of these seeds has the some flavor and properties as Castor Oil. If these larve remain active until next summer they will have to live a long time on their accumulated fat, as their food supply was exhausted November Ist. Possibly their restlessness may be the throes of hunger. They probably go into the quiescent or pupa state before winter and remain inactive until time to transform the following summer. The worms do not entirely fill the space that was occupied by the seed and by suddenly changing their position they are able to give movements to the light seed pods they occupy. If the seeds are disturbed the worms become quiet for a time. This is an inborn instinct for self-preservation, like that of feigning death, so common among insects. These worms in due time change to the pupa state and finally emerge as small moths belonging to the order Lepidoptera, Family Tortricide, which embraces the Codling Moth and a host of other small moths many of which are more or less injurious. This species is known to entomologists as Graptolitha sebastiane Riley. We presume the moths lay their eggs in the young growing pods, as their is no evidence in the mature pods of the method of entrance. The eggs hatch and the young worms feed upon the developing seed and finally spend the winter in the cavity thus formed. They finally change to the quiescent stage and in due time transform to moths gnaw out and are ready to lay eggs again, thus completing the cycle of life. That which appears marvelous often becomes common place when viewed by the light of some natural cause. But the life history of this insect. regardlesss of the movements it causes in seeds is interesting, illustrat- 1895.] | Embryology. 769 ing as it does the wonderful provision made by host plants to entertain and preserve the parasites that infest them —F. L. Harvey, Orono, Maine. EMBRYOLOGY. Half Embryos versus Whole Embryos.—In a brief contri- bution to the Anatomische Anzeiger Dr. T. H. Morgan makes an im- portant advance toward the comprehension of the much vexed question as to what may arise from part of an egg, a part or a whole embryo. Roux claimed that when one of the first two cells of a cleaving frog’s egg was killed by a hot needle, the other cell formed oniy half an embryo. Hertwig, however, in repeating these experiments obtained whole embryos of small size. Then Born showed that when a frog’s egg is fixed upside down, the contents rotate and become differently arranged. Finally O. Schultze has shown that if the egg is fixed up- side down in the two-celled stage, it will form two embryos, each of half the normal size. With these facts in mind Morgan repeated the experiments of Roux and Hertwig to see if the contradictory results might not be due to their having overlooked an important factor, namely, the position of the cells. | The results obtained are that when most of the 155 eggs were fixed upside down, six half embryos and two whole embryos were reared, eight in all. Of these, the six half embryos came from the few eggs that were fixed in the normal position, that is, with the black part of the egg uppermost. The two perfect, but half sized embryos, came from the large number of eggs fixed upside down, or with the white side uppermost. In another set of experiments subsequently undertaken, five half embryos were formed from 92 eggs kept in the normal position. In another case from 125 eggs fixed upside down seven whole embryos and three half embryos were obtained. It seems that in all the eggs tried, half embryos resulted when the egg was fixed in the normal position and one of the first two cells killed. On the other hand, in most cases tried, small whole embryos were 1 Edited by E. A. Andrews, Baltimore, Md., to whom abstracts, reviews and preliminary notes may be sent. | 770 The American Naturalist. [August, formed when the egg was fixed upside down and one of the first two cells killed; in some cases, however, half embryos were formed even under these conditions. The advance made lies in recognizing that results obtained are not final till all the conditions of the experiment are considered, and that the state of the egg determines the development of half or whole forms irrespective of theories of post-generation or qualitative-division. The Mouse’s Egg.—Dr. J. Sobotta, of Berlin, contributes to the May number of the Archiv fiir Mikroskopische Anatomie a fully illus- trated account of his researches on the fertilization and cleavage of the mouse’s egg. His work has been extended over five years and has involved the death of 750 mice yielding 1459 eggs, only 57 of which were degener- ate or not fertilized. While still warm the ovaries, oviducts and part of the uterus were killed in mixtures of corrosive sublimate and picrosulphuric acid or, to even better advantage, in osmic acid mixtures. The entire organs were cut into serial sections about 10 microns thick, and fixed and stained by special methods given in detail in the paper, to which the reader is referred for a full account of the technique employed. The author discovered that in the mouse there is besides the period of heat occurring just after parturition, as in many mammals, a second period twenty-one days later. At this time the young are weaned, and by permitting fertilization at this second period only the young aresaved for future experiments, whereas they perish if the mother becomes again pregnant at the first period. The ages of the embryos obtained were most accurately determined by reckoning from this second period of heat, at which time the male was admitted. | Ovulation takes place at the first period whether copulation is effected or not. Between the periods of heat copulation is prevented by the fact that the walls of the vagina are grown together. The process of copulation lasts but one minute and is difficult to observe even in the most tame of the white mice that the author had, as it takes place in the night towards morning, and the animals are then shy. In this process the uterus becomes very greatly distended with sperm containing clusters of sperms and also some isolated sperms, all moving in the liquid. The vagina is distended by a large mass of a homogeneous secretion of the seminal vesicle of the male. | Twenty to thirty hours after copulation the vaginal plug softens and falls out; before this the uterus has become small again and the sperms are dead, as they live but a few hours. 1895.] Embryology. 771 It appears that only a few single sperms enter the oviducts to meet the eggs, since when a sperm was found entering an egg no others could be discovered anywhere near. When the egg bursts out of a Graafian follicle in the ovary, it is accompanied by a large mass of cells of the discus proligerus that may continue to surround it till after fertilization. It is probable that some of the liquid in the capsule enveloping the ovary and mouth of the oviduct passes into the oviduct with the egg, for the egg is found i in a part of the tube distended with liquid. The egg of the mouse is exceedingly small, only 59 microns in ie ter, and is again remarkable amongst Mammalian eggs in having a very thin, flexible zona, only 14 microns thick. The polar bodies are exceptionally large, as much as 16 microns through. One is formed while the egg is still in the ovary, it may divide into two, but this was seldom seen. In fact in nine-tenths of the eggs observed only one polar body was formed. Without any other apparent difference some eggs give rise to two and some to one. Since the size and character of the spindle seen in the formation of the single polar body is the same as that seen in the second one when two are formed, it is inferred that most of the eggs omit the formation of the first polar body. In forming the polar body the egg nucleus changes into an achromatic spindle, of probably only 12 threads, lying tangentially near the surface of the egg and bearing probably 12, at the most 14 or 15 rod-shaped chromosomes. There is no sign of radia- tions in the protoplasm nor of the existence of a centrosome. This spindle then turns into a radial position and the chromosomes divide into two groups of each apparently 12 rounded chromosomes that move toward the ends of the spindle. One group enters the large polar body that is pinched off about it. When there is but one polar body (and is the second if there be two) there are marked thickenings of the achromatic threads to form conspicuous rounded bodies lying in the position of an equatorial plate. When the polar body is formed the remaining nucleus of the egg forms a dense mass of chromatin about the same size as the male pro- nucleus. This is formed from the head of a sperm that enters the egg and becomes a spindle-shaped, dense mass lying tangentially near the surface. A centrosome is now seen lying near the male pronucleus. Both pronuclei enlarge and exhibit remarkably large nucleoli or dense spherules of chromatin; there is but one of these in the male while there may be several in the female. Finally all differences between the two nuclei disappear, they lie side by side and each contains a long, much bent strand of chromatin apparently without a free end. 772 The American Naturalist. [August, The union of the pronuclei is a summation of separate chromatin bodies that pass from each nucleus to the equator of a spindle; the nuclear membranes disappear and the chromatin breaks up finally into V-shaped loops, apparently 12 in each nucleus ; between the nuclei a centrosome is seen surrounded by sharp radiating lines, while there are also radiations in the protoplasm about the nuclei ; two centrosomes are next found at the ends of a small spindle lying between the two sets of chromatin loops ; these loops then collect at the equator of the spindle that enlarges to form the first cleavage spindle ; these chromatin loops are entirely different in size and form from the chromatin bodies seen in the formation of the polar body and appear to be not more than twenty-four in number. s The first cleavage results in the formation of two entirely equal cells. The nucleus of each receives some of the above chromatin loops; the author supposes they split so that each cell receives 24 chromosomes, but this is not evident from his figures and seems rather an inference from a general idea supported by his belief that the adult tissues of the mouse apparently show 24, and the spermocytes as well as the maturing egg 12 chromosomes. The subsequent cleavage taking place as the egg passes toward the uterus is at first unequal in that one of the cells enlarges and divides into two; there are then three cells, one large, a pair of smaller. The larger then divides into two smaller than the first formed pair. The first formed then divide so that there are now six ; then the others divide and the egg is made up of eight all essentially alike. The egg has 16 cells about 72 hours and comes into the uterus about 80 hours after coitus. If the eggs are not fertilized, either from the lack of copulation or from the fact that not enough sperm enters the oviduct to fertilize all the eggs, they degenerate without cleaving. Interesting cases of polyspermy were seen to result from a second copulation ; if when the vaginal plug is fallen out a’ second male be ad- mitted, the usual changes in the uterus take place. In one case when the second copulation occurred 18 hours after the first, a sperm was found in an egg having two normal pronuclei, and in another a small pronucleus in addition to the two normal ones. In another case of copulation 24 to 36 hours after the first, where the eggs had divided into two cells, two sperms were found in one cell of one egg and a large nucleus (apparently a male pronucleus) in a cell of another egg, in addition to the normal nucleus of the cell. 1895]. Psychology. 773 PSYCHOLOGY.’ The Problem of Instinct.—The works of Prof. Lloyd and of Prof. Baldwin, which I have recently reviewed in these pages, deal more at length with this problem, but it seems worth while to add an account.of a very interesting article which Louis Weber published in the January number of the ~“ Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale,” pp. 27-59. The word instinct may be taken in three quite distinct senses. In the first sense it is practically equivalent to animal mind or intelli- gence ; in the second it denotes certain types of conduct, adapted to an end, constant throughout the individuals of a given species or race, and although constant, not dependent upon consciousness for their perform- ance ; in the third it denotes simply unconscious adaptation to an end —the instinctive act may be conscious but in that conscfousness there must be no representation of the end to which it tends. The first is too vague, the second is arbitrary in that it involves the assumption of a precision that does not exist, the third is preferable to either of the others, for it embraces phenomena of widely different character and recognizes instinct as a phenomenon co-extensive with mentality. The facts accumulated by investigators in this field have been of little value to science for lack of approved methods of research and the theories based upon them stand in need of critical revision. The difficulties of getting exact information upon these points are great. Unlike physical phenomena, mental phenomena are not objects of direct perception but must be inferred from external signs. In the process of inference many errors creep in, springing, in part, from theological or philosophical prejudices, and in part from our natural tendency to read our own experiences into the minds of the lower ani- mals. Among the most misleading of the anthropocentric conceptions to which this tendency gives rise, is that of the scale of intelligence, in which the human mind has the first place, every other type of mind having its appropriate niche below it. ‘ Thus, the conceptions of rela- tive value, of degree, and of hierarchy are intruded into the study of phenomena which from their very nature cannot be brought under any scheme of classification based upon the notions of less or more.” 1 This department is edited by Dr. Wm. Romaine Newbold, University of Penn- sylvania. 2 774 The American Naturalist. [August, Their points of difference are essentially qualitative and cannot be es- timated as quantities or magnitudes. One convenient method of avoiding such illegitimate interpretations is found in the careful study of the physiological conditions of con- sciousness. We are justified in assuming that sense organs of the same character mediate sensations of the same kind, and if we find any wide difference in the structure of the organs we must be cautious in our in- terpretations. It is probable, for example, that the conscious states mediated by the composite eye of the insect cannot be translated into any terms drawn from our visual consciousness. It follows, then, that to the bee or the fish, the hive and the water is not at all like that which we understand by those words. And the same is true even of that most general condition of all perception—space. It is probable that few animals have what we know as space, yet all probably have some analogue which bears tò their total consciousness the relation that space bears to ours. Similar inferences may be die with reference to common or bod- ily sensation. As it depends upon bodily structure we can scarcely suppose that the body of an insect yields a sensation-total to its pos- sessor at all like that which our body yields us, and since emotions de- pend upon variations in the composition of this bodily sensation, we cannot assume that the ant, when he attacks or runs away from his enemy, experiences what we call fear or courage. Yet he experiences analogous emotions. A careful description of the phenomena of organization and life from the biological or external point of view must, therefore, precede any at- . tempt at an interpretation of their psychological significance, and, as the former has never been done, the attempts made at the latter are of little value. Especially must we discard the current antithesis between “human” and “animal” psychology. As there is no structure com- mon to all “ animals,” so, too, is there no mind common to all animals: If we are to draw antitheses at all, it would be better to speak of the “insect mind,” the “ vertebrate mind,” since the gulf between the human mind and that of other vertebrates is probably not as great as that between the mind of vertebrates and that of insects. We must, in other words, study morphological types of mind, just as we study simi- lar types of body. While the method above outlined has not been followed, and the nature of the sensibility of the lower animals has, in consequence, never been thoroughly understood, their acts have been very carefully studied. Unfortunately, the inquiry has been prosecuted from the 1895.] Psychology. 775 more complex te the more simple instead of in the reverse direction, and consequently we find the characteristics of the more complex types ascribed to the acts of animals in general. These traits are finality, or conduciveness to an end, uniformity, and automatic fatality. These, therefore, have been grouped together and termed instinctive, in the narrower sense of the word. At this point philosophy stepped in and brought the problem into its present shape. The first of the three traits, conduciveness to an end, seems to show an affinity to intelligence; the other two, uniform- ity and automatic fatality, would put instinct in the same category with mechanisms. And the efforts at explanation proposed show the difficulty of reconciling these conceptions. Thus Hegel terms it an un- conscious activity tending towards an end; Schopenhauer, the uni- versal will not yet become clearly self-conscious; Hartmann, instinct is the Unconscious. Montaigne identifies it with intelligent reason, while Descartes claims that it has no mental existence whatever. The most interesting of these theories, however, are those which not only recognize the existence of mental elements in the instinctive act, but endeavor to determine their character. All agree in interpreting them, after the analogy of our own innate and habitual acts, as involv- ing desires, appetites, a vague sense of discomfort, without clear con- sciousness of the end or volition to realize it, followed, when the end is gained, by subsidence of desire and a sense of comfort, repose, equilib- rium. No detailed criticism of this interpretation is necessary ; it is - enough to say that it rests upon our own experience alone and must not be regarded as more than probably correct. The above theories deal with the nature of instinct. When we turn to its mode of functioning, we find that the explanations proposed largely depend upon the theories formed of its nature. The only one that need engage our attention at present is that which explains in- stinct by the analogy of habit. Its functioning, then, depends upon the existence of certain preformed tendencies to act, ingrained in the nervous system of the animal ; the start is given by appetite, blind im- pulse, the painful feeling that drives an organism to movement in con- junction with the external impressions which fire the mental mechan- ism. Thus, the instinctive act arises as the joint product of nervous organization and environment. It is evident that this theory stands in need of some account of the manner in which the nervous organization has been got. The expla- nations proposed fall under three captions : those that ascribe the ori- gin of instinct to more simple phenomena, explicable upon purely 776 The American Naturalist. [August, mechanical principles; those that admit a mental source; and those that admit both. According to the first, instinct depends upon habit ; according to the second, upon selection ; according to the third, upon both. The common point of departure of all these theories is found in the generalization of habit and memory and their union in the concep- tion of heredity. Habit is not limited to the individual but its results are inherited by descendants. As the type of the mechanical theories, we may take that of Spencer. Instincts are due to complications of reflexes, and this complication is simply an illustration of the most general law of evolution, which in- volves progressive increase in heterogenity and complexity of corre- spondence. But this is merely a statement of a fact and not an expla- nation of it. We wish to know the reason why, and the method in which this complication takes place. The mental theories fall into two classes. The one, represented by that of Lewes, regards the instinct as a degraded form of intelligent act. This doctrine is discredited by the fact that it would require the parallel assumption that the nervous system of the lower animals is de- graded from a more complex form capable of manifesting the higher forms of intelligence. The second class, represented by that of Fouil- lée, merely translates into mental terms Spencer’s mechanical notions. Mind stuff takes the place of Force, but the details are essentially the same, and again the question arises, how and why can combinations of mind stuff bring about the new creations which we see? None of these theories afford any true explanation of the phenomena. - They bring to view the points of resemblance and difference between the instinct, the reflex and the voluntary act, but they do no more. But the most interesting of the questions that arise in connection with instinct is that of its mode of development. For the solution of this problem we are indebted to Darwin, who has shown that it is due to variation and selection. Yet it should be noted that this does not reduce the development of instinct to a purely mechanical process, which was Spencer’s error. The variations are not physical so much as mental, nor are they absolutely predetermined. The conditions that make them possible must be given, such as antecedent and concomi- tant mental states, but this does not determine their occurrence, since they may or may not occur. If they occur, the organism adapts itself to its environment and survives ; if not, it does not adapt itself and be- comes extinct. This introduces the last question to be considered, that is, what is the character of these mental variations that underlie the de- velopment of instinct ? 1895.] Psychology. 777 In the human being we recognize as instinctive the impulsive acts, which fail to present any distinctively voluntary character. Some ap- pear to spring from an unconscious or involuntary tendency, others exist as elements of which the actor has no knowledge, others seem to result from some innate predisposition. To this class a large majority of all our acts belong. When we come to examine it more closely we find that the class contains two groups: the one includes those acts which contain no new element, but are mere repetitions of former acts. These are our habits, innate predispositions, ordinary operations of in- telligence, a priori intuitions of sense, a priori forms of the understand- ing, ete. All such processes have somewhat in common with instinct, and in common speech the word is often used of them. The other group, while closely akin to these, differs from them in that it contains a new element. Yet they have little in common with the clear voli- tions and deliberations with which we associate the notion of a new discovery. Few discoveries have, in fact, been so originated. They have rather been the results of a blind impulse, a feeling after the novel, which we can see throughout the animal world, and which has little in common with deliberate will. “ Thus, when one says that the human mind has been shaped and enriched by discovery (invention), one means that all the modes in which its activity develops are not primary data, of extrinsic origin, but productions of that very activity. Discovery is then neither reason, liberty, religious faith nor conscience ; it is not because we are reasonable, free, religious or moral, that we have so progressed and distanced the lower animals, but because we have dis- covered or created reason, liberty, religion and morality. Why? Wedo not know, and never shall know. How? It is for sociology and psy- chology to give us partial answers. Discovery is not an entity. Its concept resolves itself into that of the possibility of real action and of active mental change, and it simply indicates the point at which be- coming takes the place of repetition.” The power of discovery is not peculiar to the human race. It re- quires no high degree of consciousness or power of reflection. Itisa blind impulse, found in all animals and the new elements gained by it are concreted and amalgamated by habit and memory into what we see and call instincts. Thus far, Weber. The affinity between his thought and that of Baldwin is evident; the two classes into which Weber divides the more vague acts, Aabitudes and invention are clearly equivalent to Baldwin’s Habit and Accommodation. But Weber contents himself with a sim- ple nescio at the very point upon which Baldwin has done the best work, that is, How is Accommodation possible ? 778 The American Naturalist. [August, ANTHROPOLOGY. Notes taken upon an Exploration of the Lehigh and Sus- quehanna Valleys for the University of Pennsylvania, in the Summer of 1892.—A careful examination of the Susquehanna region showed that there were no caves available for exploration on the river side, between Pittston and Harrisburg. Many of the caverns reported as light, dry and spacious, were rifts, not large enough to stand in, or did not exist at all. The rocky ravines of the tributaries of the Lehigh in Monroe County were equally unproductive, and though there, and along the Susquehanna, the sandstone was not adapted to the formation of caverns, there seemed at first no reason why preprecipitous cliffs should not have exposed rock shelters, such as characterize the sandstone region of the upper Ohio. A day was lost at the rock shelter in a steep hillside near Stemlers- ville, Monroe County, Pa., about. 6 ft. long, 8 ft. wide, and 5 ft. high, though tradition said that Indians had made the place and lived in it. Forty years ago, a man, having walled it in, had used it as a sheep pen. Nevertheless, it appeared that beyond a chance night’s lodging for the passing tramp, it had probably never served as a shelter for humanity, and when we had removed a large fragment of rock on its floor and dug down two feet without finding any trace of charcoal be- low the surface, we abandoned the place. It took half a day to find Girty’s Cave in the sandstone cliffs along the Susquehanna, above Klemson’s Island, said to have been the hid- ing place of Simon Girty, the ferocious Indian renegade of the last cen- tury. It was the one and only cave on that river, following the east branch from Wyoming to Harrisburg, after the shelter on the bluff, under the Shekillemy Hotel at Sunbury, had been blasted away by a railroad. Mr. McCalvey, of Girty’s Notch, had to go with us to the cave, and to find it climed up a series of perpendicular ledges, said to be inhabited by rattlesnakes, overhanging the “river road.” Evi- dently he had forgotten the site himself, for it took half an hour’s search to discover it closed by a fallen rock. The evil reputation which Girty’s name had given the place in the last century had been in- creased by events in recent years, and our guide, descending the cliff, told the horrible story of the decomposed body of a murderer long concealed in the hole, and which he had helped to find a few years 1895,] Scientific News. 779 before. The cramped inaccessible rift, only large enough for entrance on hands and knees, could have been no fit shelter for man, and even if animals had chosen it for a den it had no more interest for archæol- ogy than the so-called “Indian Cave,” on a mountain top near Hun- lock’s Creek, on the right bank of the Susquehanna in Luzerne County, Pa. There two spacious caverns were reported, but the man who led us over the bramble-covered rocks, haunted by rattlesnakes, could only find one. This was a damp, drafty fissure between large, loose blocks of sandstone. Perfect specimens of Indian earthenware have been found hidden in the crevices of rifts like this, and we hoped to have found a hidden pot, but the place was too far from water and too difficult of access to have presumably served as a primitive habitation, and we were not surprised to find no underground relic of man’s oc- cupancy when we dug down into the black mold of its floor. A century of weather and original rough usage seems to have played such havoc with the pottery of the Pennsylvania Indians that scarcely anything is left but small sherds. If it had not been for the habit of the white man’s predecessor of placing pots in small caves and rock rifts for safe keeping, we should have few earthern specimens left per- fect enough to show what the old forms were. Scarce as Indian graves are in the east Apalachian region of Pennsylvania those containing perfect pots are still scarcer. As a great rarity, the Wilkesbarre His- torical Society shows an almost complete pot, found by John Kern in an Indian grave on the Susquehanna River at Plymouth, near by, and another unearthed on the neighboring Kingston Flats, by Millard P. Murray ; but one of their best specimens is that found on a ledge in a cave near Tunkhannock, by Asa Dana, in 1858. Mr. A. F. Berlin, of Allentown, informs us that another perfect pot was found recently, as if hidden by an Indian in precolonial times, on the shelf of a sand- stone rift on Indian Mountain, near Kresgyville, Carbon County, Pa., by Alfred Keppler.—H. C. MERCER. SCIENTIFIC NEWS. Professor Thomas Henry Huxley died at Eastbourne near Lon- don, June 30th. Professor Huxley was born in 1825 at Ealing, Mid- diesex, England. He was educated at Ealing School, of which his 53 780 The American Naturalist. [August, father was one of the teachers. At the age of seventeen he entered the Charing Cross Medical School, and after three years of severe study he graduated with the degree of Batchelor of Medicine, taking high hon- ors in physiology. He entered the navy as an assistant surgeon in 1846, and was appointed to H. M.S. Rattlesnake, Captain Stanley, which sailed the same year on an exploring expedition in the South Pacific and Torres Straits. He collected a great number of specimens and wrote several admirable papers, which he sent home, and which were published after his return in 1850 on the Philosophical Transac- tions of the Royal Society. His theories excited much interest among that scientific body, and he was in 1851 elected a fellow, which, when conferred on so young a man, was a tribute to talent and learning. He resigned his navy appointment in 1853, and succeeded Professor Forbes in the chair of natural history in the government School of Mines. Besides this he was connected with other institutions as in- structor and lecturer. From 1863 to 1869 he was Hunterian profes- sor in the Royal College of Surgeons and served twice as Fullerian professor of physiology to the Royal Institution. His time was con- stantly devoted to researches in science, particularly zoology, to ad- vance which he contributed as much as any other contemporaneous investigator. He was a warm friend of Professor Tyndall, and travel- led with him over the Alps in early life. The friendship formed in early life continued until death. The name of Professor Huxley came prominently before the pub- lic in 1870 in connection with the London School Board, to which he was elected in that year. In the deliberations of the Board he was especially prominent as the fierce opponent of denominational education, and was particularly conspicuous by his fiery fulminations against the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. He retired from the Board in 1872. In the same year he was elected Lord Rector of the University of Aberdeen, and was installed in 1874. On the death of Frank Buckland, in January, 1881, he succeeded that indefatigable naturalist as Inspector General of Fisheries, a posttion which he filled with his accustomed energy, ability and zeal. His essays and memoirs were principally contributed to the Journals and Transactions of the Royal, the Geological, the Linnean and the Zoological Societies. He is the author of “ Oceanic Hydrozoa” and “ Man’s Place in Nature,” 1863 ; “ Lectures on Comparative Anatomy,” 1864; “ Lessons in Elementary Physiology,” 1866; “An Introduction to the Classification of Animals,” 1869; “Lay Faraons, Addresses and Reviews,” 1870; “ Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals,”, 1895.] Scientific News. 781 1871, and later of a Manual of the Anatomy of the Invertebrata; and “Critiques and Addresses,” 1873. On the death of Mr. Spottiswoode in 1884, Professor Huxley was elected President of the Royal Society. Professor Huxley was a skillful taxonomist, and on the whole the best that England hasever produced. His conclusions in this direction have in many instances met with general acceptance, and there was never any difficulty in understanding exactly what he intended to pre- sent. His mind was clear, and his method of presentation equally so. He elucidated every subject which he investigated. The same clearness and logic were apparent in his treatment of philosophical questions. He was one of that class whose reflective pow- ers were equal to those of observation. While exposing obscurities and inconsistencies in popular beliefs, he showed his superior self con- trol and intellectual honesty in that he did not make assertions as to matters on which the evidence is insufficient. Hence in theology, while declaring himself a free-thinker, he did not deny the possibility that some popular beliefs might be true. For this attitude of mind he proposed the term “ agnostic,” a word which expresses the ignorance of the honest thinker with regard to questions, which lack of sufficient evidence renders at present insoluble. His care not to overstep the boundaries of knowledge in any direction was admirable, for thus he left the door open to progress in all directions. An authorized edition of the works of Huxley, in nine volumes, is now in course of publication. In this edition his essays are collected under various heads, each of which gives its title toa volume. The fourth volume is entitled “Science and Hebrew Tradition,” and has a preface written for it by the author, in which he gives his statement of what is the object of the essays and what he supposes they estab- lish :— “Tt is becoming, if it has not become, impossible for men of clear intellect and adequate instruction to believe, and it has ceased or is ceasing to be possible for such men honestly to say they believe, that the universe came into being in the fashion described in the first chapter of Genesis; or to accept as a literal truth the story of the making of woman, with the account of the catastrophe which followed hard upon it, in the second chapter; or to admit that the earth was repeopled with terrestrial inhabitants by migration from Armenia or Kurdistan, little more than four thousand years ago, which is implied in the eighth chapter.” A : Dr. Lewis Janes, President of the Ethical Society of Brooklyn, with er fo The American Naturalist. [August, the assistance of Miss Sarah J. Farmer, of Eliot, Maine, called a con- ference of evolutionists to meet at the place mentioned. Eliot, Maine, is situated near the N. bank of the Piscataquay river, and is surround- ed by white pine forest and cultivated land. The following is the pro- gram of exercises. Saturday, July 6, 1895, 3 p. m— Welcome to Greenacre, Miss Sarah J. Farmer ; opening address, Professor Edward D. Cope, Ph. D., of the University of Pennsylvania, “ The Present Problems of Organic Evo- lution”; 8 p. m.—Paper from Herbert Spencer, London, England, “ Social Evolution and Social Duty ;” to be followed by a symposium of letters and brief addresses; Monday, July 8th, 3 p. m.—Mr. Henry Wood, Boston, Mass., “ Industrial Evolution ;” 8 p. m—Mr. Benja- min F. Underwood, Editor Philosophical Journal, Chicago, Ill., “ How Evolution Reconciles Opposing Views of Ethics and Philosophy,” let- ters and brief addresses; Tuesday, July 9th, 3 p. m.—Professor Ed- ward S. Morse, of the Peabody Institute, Salem, Mass., “ Natural Select- ion and Crime;” 8 p. m.—Dr. Martin L. Holbrook, Editor Journal of Hygiene, New York, “Evolution’s Hopeful Promise for Human Health ;” Wednesday, July 10th, 3 p. m—Rev. Edward P. Powell, Clinton, New York, “ Evolution of Individuality ;” 8 p. m.—Miss Mary Proctor, New York, “ Other Worlds than Ours,” (with stereopti- con illustrations); Thursday, July 11th, 3 p. m—Rev. James T. Bixby, Ph. D., Yonkers, N. Y., “ Evolution of the God-Idea;” 8 p. m. —Dr. Lewis G. Janes, President Brooklyn Ethical Association, “ Evo- lution of Morals;” Friday, July 12th, 3 p. m—Mr. Henry Hoyt Moore, of the Outlook, N. Y., “ Utopias; Social Ideals Tested by Evo- lutionary Principles;” 8 p. m—Rev. Jno. C. Kimball, Hartford, Conn., “The World’s coming better Social State;” Saturday, July 13th, 3 p. m—Professor Jno. Fiske, LL. D., Cambridge, Mass., “ The Cosmic Roots of Love and Self Sacrifice ;” 8 p. m.—Professor Jno. Fiske, LL. D., “ The Everlasting reality of Religion.” The Kansas University will have five scientific expeditions in the field this summer. One under the direction of Professor Dyche will go to Greenland to collect natural history specimens. Protessor Wil- liston will have charge of the second to collect Tertiary fossils in Kan- sas and Wyoming. Professor Snow will explore the southwestern States for entomological specimens; while the fifth, under Professor Haworth, will thoroughly overhaul the Cenozoic beds of Kansas. The Third International Congress of Physiologists will be held at Bern, Switzerland, September 9 to 13th, 1895. Titles of com- munications may be sent to Frederic S. Lee, Secretary American Phy- siological Society, Columbia College, New York City. ADVERTISEMENTS. i and its S IASCOPY Practical Application to the Study of Refraction by DR. EDWARD JACKSON, A.M., M. D., ILLUSTRATED, PRICE $1.00, IN CLOTH. Two Addresses by JOHN B. ROBERTS, A. M., M. D., s6 4 imni 4 between us an P oints of Similar ity Hodacbopathi s «THE PRESENT ATTITUDE OF PHYSICIANS AND MOD- ERN MEDICINE TOWARDS HOMŒOPATHY” Two Addresses in one, 16mo., Cloth, 75 cents. THE EDWARDS & DOCKER CO, 518-520 Minor Street, PHILADELPHIA. Just ISSUED D. G. ELLIOT’S MONOGRAPH of the PITTIDAE OR FAMILY of ANT-THRUSHES. Second edition revised and enlarged, 51 Coloured Plates, with Descrip- 5 parts, imperial folio boards, tive Letter-press. New York and London, 1893-95. *,.* A List of D. G. Elliot’s superb works on Ornithology and Mammals may be had on application, BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. THE ENTOMOLOGIST’S RECORD AND JOURNAL OF VARIATION. (MONTHLY.) Edited by J. W. TUTT, F. E. S., London, England. Indispensable to all who are interested in Entomology as a Science. Exchange Column Free. Subscription per annum to countries in the Universal Postal Union, 2 dol- lars (post free) 6 months, $1.00. Advertisements per inch (45 words) $1.25. Sample copy, 10 cents. All subscriptions should be sent direct to TUTI F. Raleigh Villa, Ww eatoombe Hill, Blackheath, London: England. Exchanges made with other Natural History Magazines or Transactions of Scientific Societies. AN 1295 tL ADVERTISEMENTS, Contents of THE MONIST for January, 1890. — and van Dr > eae ey ) Geo Dr. Mo ntgomery; Ou OL. 5., No. 2. e J. Romanes; To Be Alive. What is Bh the “United States "Senate to be Reformed? cs. rancis Ellingwood Abbot ; ester Ward; o e of Energy. De Rerum Natura. Book Reviews itor; Editor; cassions : Foreign Correspondence ; Criticism and’ Dis- Yearly, $2.00. Single Copies, 50 Cents. The Philosophical Portrait Series—Issued Quarterly—Will be sent free on application. The Gospel of Buddha, With Table of References and Parallels, ilt To AN p fom pier OF WEISMANNISM. By Geor rs, M. A, LL.D., F.R.S. T ilonorary ilow ror "Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. hed Portrait of Weismann, and a Peepi of Scientific Ter a` ughly Inde 236 Clot e, $1. eae Ygs PHILOSOPHY. By Dr. L CARUS With a chris p Sese Ta VI, oe Price, $1. THE, ‘SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. A Critical and Historical Exposition of its Principles, by Ern Glossary, and complete Index, T Price, $1.50. ACCORDING TO OLD RECORDS, Told by PAUL CARUS. Elegantly Bound ‘arid; Professor of Physics in the University . be es nse from Ruel Secon oc meas 534 siap ges. DARWIN AND ride DARW the Darwinian Theory Ta winia a Oui stions, o Darwinian zhoon. 460 pages. 125 a au Cloth, $2.00. By Gro. JOHN Rom “Tt is ecu best modern hand-book of evolution.” sao a Discussion of tion. Send for catalogue and specimen copies of “The Monist”’ and “The Open Court.” THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING CO., 324 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. The AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN and ORIENTAL JOURNAL. Published at 175 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Edited by STEPHEN D. PEET, Goon Hore, ILL. Bi-Monthly. Price, $4.00 Per Year. The First Magazine Devoted to Archeology and Ethnology established in America. It has now reached its Seventeenth Volume, which promises to be the Best of the Series. hac continued aa 0 UCU, re has been no time in all the sixteen years during which thi when a larai cee so neo as does the per 1895. The Con ntributors, who are all Scholarly gentlemen and specialists will continue as before, e several new oa will be added. e following ed be mentioned as having contributed to the Volume for ’94. W D Brinton, Rev. Wm. M. Beauchamp, Pro . Chamberlain, Mr. Jame Deans, O. Dorsey, D J. Walter PARE H. C. Mer ercer, Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, c. Staniland Wake, Wm. Wallace Tooker, Dr, Cyrus Thomas. The Magazi e during 95 will embrace different departments, te the following ecotienen will have charge aie report all Coiras and discov e . C. Winslow, D. D., L. L. D., Pine Prof. T. E Wright, paa in zs Henr yee Haynes, Paleolithics and European Archaeology. Dr. A. S. Gatschett, Indian Linguisti Mars Shall H. Mexico and Central Seville, Am Hon. James Wickersham, The North West Chast and Eastern Asia. A FEW COMPLETE SETS ARE IN THE HANDS OF THE EDITOR AND WILL BE SOLD AT SPECIAL PRICES TO LIBRARIES. Price per Vol. $4.00 or with American Naturalist $6.00. The American Antiquarian will be furnished with The American Naturalist for $6.00. ADVERTISEMENTS. iit AMERICAN MONTHLY MICGROSCOPICAL JOURNAL 14TH YEAR, 1893. PRICE INCREASED TO $2.00. Beautifully Ilustrated. —— ma ORIGINAL ARTICLES by the best writers. Descriptions of Microscopical Methods, pictures of new apparatus, a department of Medical Microscopy revealing what, the instrument is doing to combat disease, Bacteriology or the study of Bacilli, Diatoms or Nature’s J ewels, Biological Notes upon the progress in botany, entomology, agriculture ana the study of all life by the aid of the grandest of instruments, Recreative Microscopy or the entertain- ment of people who exclaim “Oh! My!” when they look through the golden tube, Microscopical News, the Detection of Crime, Societies and their proceedings, Notices of Books, the Exchange and sale of Slides, etc. THE MICROSCOPE A Dollar Magazine Devoted Strictly to Elementary Microscopy Price $1.00. Its QUERY DEPARTMENT alone. conducted by Dr. S. G. Shanks, of Albany, N. Y., will be found worth the price. mrSAMPLE COPY FREES g@-Price for the two, constituting the only microscopical periodicals in A mer- ica, $2.50 per annum. A treatise on elementary microscopy supplied free to every new subscriber. CARPENTER ON THE MICROSCOPE.—Latest and finest edition $5.00. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Beautiful objects mounted in ingenious covers by an English Chemist, and all ready for use. Would cost 50 cents each if made in America. Catalogue of 170 White’s objects, mostly botanical, and a sample for 10 cents : 20 for $1.00. CHAS. W. SMILEY, Wasuineton, D. C. ADVERTISEMENTS. “THE SANITARIAN | tion in America” | cad Monthly) 5 | The Edwards & Docker Co., Printers: searre e | se =» publişherş, | Nos. 518-520 Minor Street, Philadelphia, U. S. A. | | HORACE BINDER, MANAGER. —-+ANDi— £ g | | ts THE BEST Sanitary publica- (Mississippi Valley Medi- “ Easily maintains its superiority over all similar publi- cations” (Medical World); and “Has accomplished more good than all | of the other Sanitary papers put to- ether” (Hydraulic and Sanitary Plumier). “ The Editor, Dr. A. N. BELL, is well known to the mercantile community | for his co-operation with the mer- chants in quarantine reform, and to his profession asa leader in Sanitary Science ” (Vew York Journal of Commerce). 96 PAGES TEXT MONTHLY; Two | VOLUMES YEARLY. $4.00 a year, in advances 35: 35 cts. a Number. (te: g Sample copies, 20 cts, ) EST All communications should be addressed te the Editor, Brooklyn, N, Y. READY! = # Microscopical Pr axis, DR, ALFRED C. STOKES. PRICE $1.50, POSTPAID. 260 Pages, profusely ill + a ar A ` Very neat and attractive binding. t P3 4 1 7 10I WCG WOIs. Thoroughly practical, and no one who uses a microscope can afford to be with- out it. It is not cumbered with matter su d to be ‘‘ of interest to some one else,” but every page is right to the point, valuable information plainly stated. SEND ALL ORDERS TO E. F. BIGELOW, Publisher, PORTLAND, CONN. ADVERTISEMENTS. v The International Journal of Microscopy «nu Natural Science EDITOR :—ALFRED ALLEN, Bath, Eng. Associate -~A. LATHAM, D. D.S M. S. etc., Chicago University, U.S. A. aS TEVENSON BROWN à President, oa Micro Soc. ., Montreal, Canada. EDITORS: FILANDRO VICENTINI, M. D., Chieti, Italy. Contains articles by Specialists in every department of Microscopy, Botany, Geology, Zoology, and Natural Science, Reviews of New Books, etc. llustrated with Plates, Wood engravings, etc. Portion of the Contents for January, 1895. The Denizens of an Old Cherry Tree with Notes of its Surroundings. (2 Plates.) C. J. Watkins. The Development of the Germ Theory. = bamsa Browne, F. R. C. S. E. Technology of the Diatomaceæ. J. Tem Predaceous and Parasitic Enemies of poris Including a Study of Hyper-Parasites. (2 Plates. . Vine) From Dust to Dust: A Cycle of Life. (1 Plate.) J. Sydney Turner, M. R. C. Ta PLS sj Address to the Members of the Bath (Eng.) PETEN Society.. Rev. E. T. Stubbs. Recent Bacteriological Researches on the Sputa. a" and Biology of the Microbes e Mouth. (1 Large Colored Piate.) F. Vic Saierbacopical Technique Notes, Reviews, etc., etc. BAILEY & FAIRCHILD, 29 Park Row, N. Y. M. A. BOOTH, Longmeadow, Mass. Sue U. ma A. ne PANADA, $2.75. POST FREE. PLASTER CASTS OF THE FOLLOWING MAMMALIA with dentition in good preservation, made under direction of Professor E: D. Cope may be had by application to Jacob Geisman, 2102 Pine St., Philadelphia. Phenacodus primaevus Cope, (Wyoming) $100.00. Hy- yacotherium venticolum Cope, (Wyoming) $50.00. Protohippus micabilis Leidy, skull $7.00. Protohippus pachyops Cope, skulls of adult and young, and P. fossulatus Cope, skull, $5.00 each. Tetrabelodon shepardit Leidy, mandibular ramus and symphysis with two molars, $20.00. Dibelodon tropicus Cope, do., $15.00; Mastodon precursor Cope, last molar $5.00. The horses and ‘aastodons from the Cenozoic beds of Texas, are uncolored vi | ADVERTISEMENT. COMMENCED JANUARY, 1888. TWO VOLUMES PER YEAR. AMERICAN GEOLOGIST, LSo5. The Oldest Exclusively Geological Magazine Published in America. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS: Cuarues E. Bercuer, Ph. D., F. re y A., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. SAMUEL popie Ph.D., A 6 S. A. State nade State University, Towa City, Ia. Joun M. CLARKE, M. A ut. Geol. Boardi “Soc. I T Min es York Geol. Survey, Albany, N.Y Epwarp W. eevee B pra D. Se. (London), F. G. 5S., L., E. and A., Buchtel College, ince. Ohio FRANCIS w. CRAGIN, B. Sc., F. G, S. A., Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Colorado College, Colorado raar Aa Colo. Texas Geo 1, Sur Jony Fraris , Esq., F. Z. S., F.G. 5. A, F.A Á, @. S., M. I. M. E., ‘Oakhurst,’ Easton, Pa. Persiror FRAZE ER, Doct. es. Sei. Nat., Officier de I’ Instruction Publ lique (France), Correspondant Reichsanstalt Side Fr, G8. re Prof. of Chem., Horticul. Soc., Philadelphia, Epwarp O. ULRICH, me AS F.G. 8. A., Palæontologist, “Geol. rr of Minn., &e. , New Boot Ky. Spay on me M.A... FOG. S: A, nesota Geological caste Somery ville, M MARSHMAN E. WADSWORTH, M. A. Ph. Diy FN ie F. A. G. S., Director ‘of ‘the Michigan ning School, Houghton, Mich, ISRAEL C. Wine. M. A. = Fh. D, F. G. 5. A., Morgantown, Newroļ H. WIxNcHELL, M. A., F.G G, 8. A. State Geologist, ar. Miun., Minneapolis, Minn. TERMS. To Subscribers in the United States, apada and Mexico. To other Subscribers in the Postal Uni E . $3.50 a year 4.00 a year Miiiiispolió, Minnesota, United States of Am Fourteen volumes pleted; the fifteenth begins with the nu eoma for January, 1895. The 1 Fran gue received a cordial welcome and a generous support from leading geologists everywhere and it is now recognized as jhe exponent of the rapid geological progress that is taking place on i i exico. and nowhere else are ined of greater economic and scientific importance. The AMERICAN | GEOLOGIST mi oes its readers from month to month the latest results of geological work addition to the longer papers it a synopses of recent geological publications and brief Sotak on current geological events IT IS NOT THE ORGAN OF ANY INSTITUTION, NOR OF ANY SECTION OF THE COUNTRY, NOR OF ANY PARTY. he numbers for 1888 will hereafter be sent to new subscribers for $3. 50, or bound in cloth ee ers = those k 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, and 1894, for $2.50 each, or bound jip 33. 50 each. New subscribers remit og will receive all back numbers and the subscription for 1895. Fifty cents per yea r postage pain be ese r su added to rates for subscribers not living in North America, If bound vol the cos will be g 5, and the transportation must be paid by the subscriber. There are two volumes in each sheng each volume having over 400 pages. SAMPLE COPIES 20 CENTS. THE GEOLOGICAL PUBLISHING CO., Minneapolis, Minn., U. S. A., Oct. 1, 1894. European Agent, Mr. HENRY CLAYPOLE, Manager of the London & Co. Bank, SITTINGBOURNE, KENT, ENG. ADVERTISEMENTS. vit Frank athe Knight MAKER OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, SCIENTIFIC AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS °F Precision 404 Locust St., Phila., Pa., U. S. A. Write for Catalogue—Mention American Naturalist. ADVERTISEMENTS. eeeaeeoeaeaeaooaene Monarch ee KING OF BICYCLES LIGHT, STRONG, SPEEDY, HANDSOME FOUR MODELS $85.00 and $100.00 SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle M'g Co., Factory and Main Office, Lake and Halsted Sts. Retail Salesroom, 280 Wabash Ave., Chicago. š Eastern Branch: 79 Reade Street, New York, : Se ne Bo Se ee eR RE SS RS SS SS RS SS ES The C. F. GUYON CO., Limited, Managers. $ OTHER BRANCHES: } San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Portiand, Salt Lake $ j} City, Denver, Memphis, Detroit, Toronto $ $ i ; $ : : ; : ; ; : : ; ; ; 3 ; ; ; : ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; 3 : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; nS a Aa ti e ei O ti etn he, A A en tle nO A h A A PL, o oa e tie Ot fe OO OO CO OO OO CO, Oe ett OO O ch, OP ot TANS TODS TOY NY TOYS TODS TS TONY HY THEY TOY HODES EN TES HS TDS HS ES AES ES HS ES ES HS ee eee SRRER RA Be PERETE TETERE Guido Ferrari MAKER OF FINE GRADE > Drawing Optical and Mathematical Instruments LIT Ln. SED KAD ISD ATRL ee RZ “oN Zz BEA aoe sa PTN KE bA S wes “+ ff = ooh Q/ ee Ge Sa xis B ES @ sS Sa F \ mers: XS S i pe \ PON ` \ N $ P a NEBR À SS b hi PN MIN a i Ce, =! NN N NN \ Lf Le Le Eh My re te bi i guum Experimental Work Models for Patent Office, Etc DRAWING INSTRUMENTS A SPECIALTY No. 911 VINE STREET, PHILA., PA., U. S. A Send for Price List—Mention American Naturalist OF INTEREST TO ALL STUDENTS AND LOVERS OF NATURE THE OBSERVER DEVOTED TO All Departments of Nature Studies. OUR MOTTO: “Keep Your Eyes Open (To observe the wonders and beauties of Nature.) or” Official Organ of the Agassiz Association, Consists of Three Departments 2. Agassiz Association. 1. The Outdoor World. 3. Practical Microscopy E. F. BIGELOW, Managing Editor and Publisher, Portland, Conn Walker Prizes in Natural History. By the provisions of the will of the late Dr. William Johnson Walker two prizes are annually offered by the Bosron Socrery on NATURAL History for the best memoirs written in the English langasge on subjects propor by a committee appointed by tbe Council. -~ For the best memoir presented a prize of sixty dollars may be awarded; if, however, the memoir be one of marked merit, the amount may be increased to one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the committee. or the next best memoir, a prize not exceeding fifty dollars may be awarded. ` Prizes will not be awarded unless the memoirs presented are of adequate merit. ; The competition for these prizes is not restricted, but is open to all. . In all cases the memoirs are to be based on a considerable body of orig- inal and unpublished work, accompanied by a general review of the literature of the subject. 2. Anything in the memoir which shall furnish proof of the identity of -the author shall be considered as debarring the essay from competition. 3. Each memoir must be accompanied by a sealed envelope enclosing the author’s name and superscribed with a motto corresponding to one borne by the manuscript, and must be in the hands of the Secretary on or before April Ist of the year for which the prize is offered. Supa ECTS FOR 1896 :— (1) A study of an area of schistose or foliated rocks in thee eastern United States. (2) A study of the development of river valleys in some considerable area of folded or faulted Appalachian structure in Pennsylvania, Virginia, or Ten- < nessee. (3) An experimental study of the effects of close-fertilization in the case of some plant of short cycle. (4) Contributions to our know ledge of the general morphology or the gen- eral physiology of any animal, except man. Pacts FOR 1897 :— (1) A study of glacial, fluviatile, or lacustrine kennite associated with the closing stages of the glacial period. (2) Original inyestigations in regard to the chalazal impregnation, of any North American species of Angiosperme, (3) An experimental investigation in cytology. (4) A contribution to our knowledge of the morphology of the Bacteria. SAMUEL HENSHAW, . Secretary. Boston Society of Natural History, ? Boston, Mass., U. S. A. 3 $4.00 per Year. $4.60 per Year (Foreign). 35 cts. per Copy. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST | A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE. MANAGING EDITORS: Prors. E. D. COPE, Philadelphia, AND J.-S. pt iie EY, Tufts College, College Hill,- Mass; ASSOCIATE iniae Dr. C. O.. WHITMAN, Chicago, Pror. C. M. W ee D, Durham, N. is Back Ww. oF. W. H. HOBBS, apma Wis S. BAYL . BESSEY, Linco EY, a> eria. Maine, . C. MERCER, Philadelpħia. ANDREWS, Baltimore, r. WM. ROMAINE NEWBOLD, Philadelphia. RW IN F. SMITH, EE Ð. C Vol. X XIX. SEPTEMBER, 1895. No. 345 — CONTENTS. PAGE THE PRESENT STANDING OF THF FLORIDA MANA- E, TRICHECHUS Ares (HARLAN) IN THE INDIAN RIVER WAT Oak am: Bangs. A. New CLASSIFICATION THE LEPIDOPT (Continued.) Illustrated.) AS Atg eri 788 “DEVIATION IN DEVELOPMENT DUE TO THE USE O PNRIRE SHEDS, Oe ars, fe Gh Apaku, 804 THE EFFECT OF FEMALE SUFFRAGE ON POSTERITY. f James Weir, Jr. - Epiror’s. Taste—Coéducation—-Execution py : Electricity — The kag TE The Challenger Explorat RECENT LITERATURE—From the Gia to Dar: —The PHN ‘Nightmare ~~ the : Flood. ; 9 Recent Books AND PAMPHLETS. . . =. = + 881 3 GENERAL NOTES. . Mineralogy me bed Stage for the Micros- 5 onnection Between Atomic Weight of Contained Metals ine Morphological’ and _ Optical Properties of Crystals—Boleite and - Nautokite from Broken Hill, N. S. W—New > poer from Chili—Miscellaneous. . z cology. and Paleontology The Protolenus 7 Faunas Form ‘mation of Oolite—The Extinction Geology of Cuba—Form Altitu de of Greenland—Age of the Sandstones of Crowley’s Ridge—Geological: News. . - 839 Botany — itu T Botany Mountains. . Vegetable -Physi Boreh ler on Bact a— The session Gardens of South American See ae ts. in the pias Cair i EREI P epro Pny of-the Edible Crab—The “Odonata of ; Skull in the Mosasauridae. (Illustrated.)— N Xantusia—Bats een Charlotte s of the Islands, British Columbia—Migratio ; Lemming—The Brain of Microcephalie Idiots —Zoological Eok Birds. . REA Entomology —Chordeumi dæ or Craspedoso- EEN matidæ—On the Generic Names Strigami R Linoteenia and Scolioplanes—Picobia Villoca. 362 as Embrvolegy — Conjugation in an esis iar (iit wetted) Psychol; T Shes Baldwi bon Mental Developme ychie Factor”—-The gitar Switch | Tender—Change of Habit in a - 873 Antropolog Another Andei Hamát Jaw gre of the Naulette Type--Sandals in So ai ars Strange Tints for Anthropology. . 876 PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. THE EDWARDS & DOCKER CO., 518 ano 520 MINOR STREET. red at the Philadelphia 3 Post Office as recond-class matter. Ne cate For Sale ——a A Complete Set of The D -American Naturalist 9. The Edwards & Docker Co., 518 Minor St., Philadelphia. Keigyosha Natural History Store Supplies Museums and Private Purchasers with Zoological, Botanical, Paleontological and Mineralogical Specimens, native to Japan and surrounding seas, on lowest possible terms. We employ only scientifically trained collectors under the guidance of specialists, and especially recommend the services of Messrs M. Kikuchi and Y. Nawa on our staff. The former, until lately assistant in the Science College, is familiar with the best modern methods of morphological work, and the latter, a well known entomologist, is an expert in his branch as his beautiful exhibits in the late Chicago Fair well attest. For application and information, communicate to M. KIKUCHI, Keigyosha, Urajimbocho, Kanda, Tokyo, Japan. Vols. 18, 19, 20 and 21 of The 3 American Naturalist, in parts, in perfect order. H. F. WEGENER, REDLANDS, CALIFORNIA. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Vou. XXIX. September, 1895. ,. 345 THE PRESENT STANDING OF THE FLORIDA MANA- TEE, TRICHECHUS LATIROSTRIS. (HARLAN) IN THE INDIAN RIVER WATERS. By Outram BANGS. The last two generations have witnessed such a destruction of animal life in this country that it is appalling to look ahead and see what the future has in store for us. Our larger ani- mals and birds are going with such rapidity, and the wilder parts of the country to which they have been driven are being cleared and settled so fast, that the end of many species, still common in places, is already plainly in sight. Man is, of course, the real cause, in almost every case, of the extermination of a species, although often the end comes by some natural calamity, as, for example, the tragic end of the Great Auk. When a species has become, through the persecution of man, reduced to a mere remnant that persists either from the inaccessible nature of the country to which it has taken refuge. or from the wariness the few surviving individuals have de- veloped, it takes but a small change in its surroundings to wipe it forever from the face of the earth. The winter of 1894-95 has been a most disasterous one and has shown us on how slight a change in temperature the life or death of a whole species depends. Two such winters in 54 784 The American Naturalist. [September, succession would in all probability exterminate the blue-bird, the snow-bird and many others that winter in the Carolinian Zone. These birds went into the winter in their full numbers and strength, and yet this summer they are so rare that I have not seen a single blue-bird in the Plymouth Co. Mass. country, where usually they are one of the common breeding birds. Think what a proportionate reduction in numbers must mean then to a species already on the verge of extinction. The cold in Florida of the last winter was unprecedented and the mortality among the fish in the shallow water was such as I never thought to witness. The birds suffered very much, but as far as I could tell few died as far south as where I was, Oak Lodge on the East Peninsular opposite Micco. Here, at five o’clock, on the morning of February 12th, the thermometer registered 20° Far., and on the next morning at the same hour, only 23°. It was a strange experience to walk over the frozen sand and see every little puddle covered with ice, on a trail overhung by the sub-tropical vegetation of a Florida hammock with a north wind blowing in my face that chilled me to the bones. The cold of these two days and nights was intense. On February 19th, Mr. Walter L. Gibson came across the river to tell me he had found two manatee that had been killed by the “ freeze,’ and the next day I went over to take possession of them. They were both found where they had floated ashore on the bank of the Sebastian River, one about four and the other two miles from its confluence with the In- dian river. I found to my great regret that both were too far gone to hope to save the skins and the only thing to be done was to save the skeletons which we began to macerate out at once. One was an old female of very large size, measuring from the end of the nose to the end of the tail 11 ft., 4 in. The other, a young male, measuring from the end of the nose to the end of the tail 6 ft., 4in? Both skeletons are now in the collection of E. A. and O. Bangs, Boston, Mass. 1 The Florida Manatee grows but little larger than this female. The two largest I ever heard of were two caught in the St. Lucie River, by Mr. August Park of Sebastian, Florida. One in August, 1880, that measured 13 ft., 7 in. long, and one in June of the same year, that measured 12 ft. long and estimated at two thousand pounds weight. 1895. Florida Manatee, In the Indian River Waters. 185 These Manatee were two of the survivors of the herd of eight, which had, for the past year, been living in the St. Lucie and Sebastian Rivers and that part of the Indian River which is between these two. For two years the Manatee has been protected by a State Law and this herd had come to- gether in consequence and probably consisted of most of the Manatee of this region that, freed from persecution, had col- lected into a herd as was their wont in old times when the rivers were theirs. ‘Mr. Gibson told me that often he has stood on the railroad bridge that spans the Sebastian, and seen this herd pass under him and counted them over and over again and knew every individual init. After the first “freeze” of last winter, in December, three of the Manatee were found ashore, dead, in different places and no live ones were seen. Whether any of this herd pulled through both “ freezes ” is impossible to say but five out of the eight are accounted for and it seems likely that more died than were found, as a great part of their range was not covered and their carcasses might easily have escaped detection even in places that were visited. It does not take long for a dead body to disappear in Florida and the Manatee as they lay half under water would soon have been disposed of, the crabs doing the business below the surface and the tur- key buzzards above. The Manatee is extremely sensitive to a change in the temperature of the water. This was noticed by Mr. Conklin to be the case with the one that was kept alive in the Zoologi- cal Park in New York and Mr. C. J. Maynard told me that he knew of three large Manatee that were killed in the “freeze” of 1886 and washed up near Palm Beach. The 1886 “ freeze ” was very mild compared with those of last win- ter. In 1886 the mangroves hardly suffered at all, while last winter, 1894 and 1895, nearly every tree along the whole stretch of the Indian River was killed to the ground. In both “freezes” last winter the cold came without any warning and the -change of temperature was so sudden that the only chance for the Manatee to escape certain death lay in their being able to reach deep water before they were over- come by the cold. 786 The American Naturalist. . [September, The region from the Sebastian to the St. Lucie has, for a number of years, been the only part of the Indian River where the Manatee were seen. Here, besides the herd of eight, now reduced to three at the very outside, there were some solitary scattering individuals, how many it is impossi- ble to say, as the Manatee. has become very shy, but it is safe to assume that the scattering ones fared no better than did the herd, and that the reduction in numbers from the cold of last winter was very great. There are still, however, a few Manatee alive in the Sebas- tian River. - Ina letter I lately received from Mr. Gibson he told me that in the end of March he surprised several Mana- tee lying close together on a mud flat, high up the Sebastian River. As soon as they heard him they made arush for deep water, throwing the mud and water fifteen feet high in the violence of their flight. I made many careful inquiries among the people who live along the river and would be in the way of knowing of the Manatee and its diminution of numbers of late years, but got surprisingly little information of any value except from Mr. Gibson, to whom I have so often referred, and Mr. Fritz Ulrich, a German of more than ordinary intelligence, who has spent the last fifteen years dreaming his life away among the birds and animals of the Indian River. They were all his friends. The panthers knew his voice and answered him from the wilderness, and the owls came from their hiding places and flew about him to his call and the little lizards fed from his hand. But it is all gone now and there only re- mains of the great life of the river a small terrified remnant, and in its stead the railroad train hurries along the west bank and hideous towns and more hideous hotels and cottages have sprung up everywhere among the pines. It is now eight years since Mr. Ulrich saw a living Manatee, but when he first came to the river fifteen years ago they were still com- mon and he often saw them from the door of his little house at The Narrows passing up and down the river and occasionally he saw them at play when they would roll up, one behind the other, like the coils of a great sea serpent. 1895.] Florida Manatee, In the Indian River Waters. 787 The spring and summer of 1894 were so dry that the salt water went nearly to the head of the fresh water streams and killed out the “ Manatee grass,” of which the Manatee are es- pecially fond and the poor brutes had to fall back on the leaves of the mangroves, a food not much to their liking, which they reach by laboriously dragging their huge bodies half out of water. Mr. Gibson spent a great part of that sum- mer up the Sebastian where he was catching paraquets, and on several occasions he saw the herd of eight feeding in this manner. The Manatee is an animal of the highest economic value and one that the Indian River, with its fresh water tributaries, seems able to support in large numbers and it would be more than mere sentiment to regret its disappearance should it be- come a thing of the past. But there is still a chance for it. There are some Manatee alive now in the Sebastian River and these have passed through the cold of a winter such as no liv- ing man in Florida has known before ; they are protected by law, and the netting? has been stopped; and in spite of the small annual increase, the female bringing forth but one calf a year, it should slowly come up again to something like its old numbers. 2 I regret that I am unable to give a more definite name to this plant, never having seen it myself, but it was described to me as a tender ribbon-like grass, the blades of which are about half an inch wide and four or five feet long. It grows with the ends of the blades and the blossoms resting on the water, and is found only ina few of the fresh water streams of southeast Florida, 3 For a full account of this most successful method of destroying the Manatee, see an article in Forest and Stream, XIII, 1880, pp. 1005, 1006, by Mr. J. Francis Le Baron. 788 The American Naturalist. [September, OF A NEW CLASSIFICATION OF THE LEPIDOPTERA. By A. S. PACKARD. (Continued from page 647). Remarks on the Family Hepialidey—This group is assigned by Comstock, from the venation alone, to a position at the bot- tom of the Lepidopterous scale, even below the Micropterygi- de. By Chapman it is more correctly placed above the latter group. He even places it above the Nepticulide, Adelidæ and Tischeria. Since receiving and studying Chapman’s paper, it has be- come very plain to me that Hepialus and its allies are simply colossal Tineoids, and that Speyer was right in 1870 in sug- gesting that the Hepialidæ stand very near to the Tineids.’ These views arrived at independently by these authors are confirmed by the trunk characters, and also by the larval characters, as pointed out by Dyar,’ and which I have been able to confirm by an examination of the freshly hatched larva of Hepialus mustelinus, and fully grown larve of the Aus- tralian Oncopera intricata Walk., as well as Hepialus humuli and H. hectus of Europe. In 1863 I pointed out? the similarity in the head and thorax of Hepialus (Stenopis) argenteomaculatus to those of the neurop- 1Tn his suggestive paper (Ent. Zeit. Stettin, 1870), Speyer refers to the similar- ity of the venation of Hepialide and Cosside and remarks that they resemble the Trichoptera no less than the Micropterygide, though the Hepialide exhibit other close analogies to the Trichoptera. He adds that the middle cell of the wing in the Phryganeide is not fundamentally different from that of the Hepiali- dæ, Cosside, and Micropteryx, also the hind wings of Pychide. On p. 221 he associates the Zygenide with the Cossinæ, Cochliopodide, Heterogynide, Psychide and Hepialidæ, and remarks that all these families are isolated among the Macros; the Cochliopodide and Zygænidæ alike in the pupa state by the delicate integument and the partially loose sheaths, the groups standing nearest to the Tineide with complete maxillary palpi, forming the oldest branch of the lepidopterous stem, and having been developed earlier than the Macros. 2 A classificationof Lepidopterous larvee. Annals N. Y. Acad. Sci. viii, 1894, p. 196. ; 1895.] Of a New Classification of the Lepidoptera. 789 terous Polystæchotes, and mentioned the elongated thorax of Hepialus, especially “ the unnatural length of the metathorax, accompanying which is the enlarged pair of wings, a charac- ter essentially neuropterous.” Reference was also made to the metascutum which is divided into two halves, being separated widely by the very large triangular scutellum. I also drew attention to the transverse venule or spur of the costal vein, and to the great irregularity in the arrangement of the branches of the median nervure, also to the elongated abdo- men, and, finally, I remarked, “ The Hepiali are the lowest subfamily of the Bombyces.” But in those days I did not fully perceive the taxonomic value of these generalized char- acters, which have so well been proved by Chapman from im- aginal and pupal characters, and by Comstock from the vena- tion, to be such as to place the Hepialide at or near the base of the Tineoid series. Chapman, unaware of the existence of mine and of Speyer’s paper, says: “ The metathoracic structure of Hepialus came as a very unexpected confirmation of the idea that of the Tortricoid group, it was the nearest to the lower Adelids, and despite its specialization was near the line by which Tortrix was derived from some Adelid form.” (P. 113.) I will now refer to some characters of the Hepialide which further show that they are colossal Tineoids, and should be placed very near the base, though still presenting in their bor- ing larval habits, and in the reduced maxillary and labial palpi, the entire absence of a haustellum and of mandibles, that the family (at least Hepialus and Stenopis) have under- gone a considerable degree of modification, compared with the Micropterygide. Beginning with the larva, that of the Australian Oncopera intricata, when compared with the larva of the colossal Tineid Maroga unipunctaria of South Australia, is the same in struc- ture, though less specialized in the colors of the tubercles and in the sculpturing of the head, but it has the same shape of the body, the same arrangement of the 1-haired tubercles, though the setze are smaller and shorter; and the same com- plete circles of crochets on all the abdominal legs. 3 On synthetic types in insects, Boston Jour, of Nat. Hist., 1863, pp. 590-603. 790 The American Naturalist. [September, In the freshly hatched larva of Hepialus mustelinus 1.3 mm. in length, the head is no wider than the prothoracie segment, whose dorsal plate is well developed. The mouthparts are quite large, especially the spinneret, while the hairs which are acute at the end, are in this stage as long as the body is broad. The abdominal legs appear to have at this stage only ten -crochets, or at least very few. 1895.] Of a New: Classification of the Lepidoptera. 791 The pupa of Hepialus is said by Chapman to differ from that of Tortrix “in having the third abdominal segment free, but in a peculiar and modified manner,” etc. He does not re- fer to the mouthparts. I have not seen the pupa of Hepialus, but have examined the pupa of the Australian Oncopera intri- cata (Fig. 7), and of the Mexican Phassus triangularis H. Edw., both of which present some remarkable generalized features. In the former genus, the labial palpi are visible, the entire piece is very wide at the base and is divided at the middle into the two pupal cases. Between it and the deeply lobed labrum is a piece, unless the two lobes are the paraclypeal pieces, of the nature of which I am uncertain. It is the homo- logue of the eye-collar, and if so, are the two lateral portions the maxillary palpi? The maxille themselves (mz.) are well developed, but at their base are divided by an im- pressed line, representing a portion which I am unable to name. The three pairs of feet (I, II, III) are easily identified. The outer division of the eye is large; and the cocoon-breaker consisting of two solid thick ridges on the vertex adapted for breaking out of its cell in the tree it inhabits, is marked. Abdominal segments 3-7 are free in ¢, and on 3 to 6 is a row of spines at each end; on segments 7 and 8 there are four transverse rows of stout spines, and on 9 two rows of small spines. There isnocremaster. On the under side of segment 8 isa row of about 15 stout spines. Vestiges of three pairs of abdominal legs are distinct. The pupa is provided on the ab- domen segments with a few long setz. The pupa of Phassus (Fig. 8) is remarkable. The larva bores into a very hard tree, according to the late Mr. Henry Edwards, who kindly gave me a specimen of the pupa. The . head is remarkably adapted for its life in a cell, being broad, obliquely truncated, the small antenne being protected by the flaring sides of the head, which is very solid, with numerous rugosities and small tubercles. The region about the mouth is remarkable. The clypeus and labrum are very narrow, _ the eye transversely elongated, with an impressed line in the middle. The eye-collar (mz. p) is distinctly separated from the maxillee (mz). 792 The American Naturalist, [September The two pieces (l p) at the base of the maxilla may possibly prove to be the labial palpi, if so, is the piece marked / the la- bium? The two paraclypeal pieces or tubercles (p. ) appear to be the homologue of those in the Psychide. The pupe of this family are very extraordinary, but it will be seen that they are Pups incomplete, and prove that the Fre. 9. family should stand much above the Micropterygide, rather than below them, so far as regards pupal characters. Fig. 9 shows the front of the head and maxille of the Cos- sid, Prionoxystus robiniæ, which is more Tortricid than Hepi- alid ; pe, paraclypeal piece; mx. p, maxillary palpi; l, labial palpi; mz, maxille. The very primitive, generalized shape of the thorax of the Hepialide is noteworthy. In Hepialus mustelinus the collar or prothorax is very much reduced; while in H. tacomz it is very long and generalized, as in Sthenopis and the Australian Abantiades argenteus. The mesoscutum is considerably shorter than in H. tacome. In the latter species the metascutum is entirely divided by the large scutellum, while in H. mustelinus it is only partly divided, the apex of the scutellum passing a little beyond the middle of the scutum. It is thus quite evident that Sthenopis is an earlier form than H. tacomex, and that the latter is more generalized, hav- ing undergone less modification than H. mustelinus. 1895.] Of a New Classification of the Lepidoptera. 793 The genus Hepialus occurs in Australia, and that continent appears to be the original home of the family. In Abantiades argenteus the antenne are tripectinate, and the labial palpi are very large; in Hectomanes fusca the antenne are bi-pectinated but the labial palpi are much reduced, being scarcely visible ; while Oncopera intricata isremarkably modified; though the antenne are simple, the eyes are very large, nearly meeting on the front, while the 3-jointed labial palpi are remarkably long and slender, extending upwards, and the hind legs have a remarkable broad, flattened, curved pencil of hairs. It thus appears that in the Australian continent this inter- esting family, which may be a survival of Jurassic times and coeval with the marsupials, has branched out along several lines of specialization, the most degenerate form being Hepi- alus which has survived also in Europe and in North Amer- ica, especially on the Pacific Coast. On the whole, however, SS S Fra. 10. Fie. 10 A. 794 The American Naturalist. [September, as we have seen, it is not so generalized a group as the Microp- terygide, a group common to Europe and North America. Its relations to the Cosside, including the Zeuzerine, remain still to be elaborated ; they are rather close, yet the Tortricoid affinities are very apparent, and need further examination. The pupa of Zeuzera. pyrina is of the same character as in Pri- onoxystus, but the maxillary palpi are larger, the lateral palpi more reduced, while the cell-breaker is very long, being much more developed. Family Taleporide—This group, comprising the genera Sol- enobia and Taleporia, have evidently either directly descended from the case-bearing Tineide or the two families have had a common origin. They form a side branch by themselves and are evidently the immediate ancestors of the Psychide. The imagines have no maxillary palpi, and the tongue is wanting, whilst the females are wingless. They are tineid Bombyces. In the pupal characters (Fig. 10, Talxporia pseudobombycella, pupa, A, head enlarged ; B, end of body) the group very closely resembles the Psychide. Perhaps the slight changes in vena- tion and the much greater breadth of the wings, as well as the pectinated antenne of the Psychide, are the result of adapta- tion to the stationary mode of life of the females (Fig. 11, Sol- enobia walshella, head of pupa; A, end of body). Family Psychidey.—An examination of the pupæ of several genera of this family, convinces me that it belongs among the Tineoids, and that Chapman and also Comstock have rightly removed them from the Bombyces. I should place them in the neighborhood of the Tineoid genera Solenobia and espe- cially Taleeporia, the venation of the latter genus being, as shown by the figures in Spuler’s* paper, almost identical with that of Fumea and Psyche. Without, at this time, referring to the larva of the highly modified wingless female, or to the characters of the adult male, I will simply call attention to some points in the structure of the pupa of different genera of the group, which indicate their very generalized nature. The pupa of Thyridopteryx ephemerexformis has a close resem- blance to that of Oncopera intricata, as will be seen by the pres- ence of a large median piece or area between the base of the 1895.] Of a New Classification of the Lepidoptera. 795 maxillary palpi. In Œceticus abbotii (Fig 12) the maxillary palpi are separated by the second maxillary (labial) palpi ; the former (ma p) is subdivided into an inner and an outer small lobe in another European Psyche; also in Platewceticus gloverii. In the Psychide the paraclypeal pieces or tubercles, as we xs eb FEEL) mata \ Ñ F Fie. 11. Fig. 12. might call them, are always present. They are convex and very rugose. The labium or second maxillary piece in the Australian Humetopa ignobilis is of the same shape and sculp- turing as in Psyche graminella, but the large round rugose pieces on each side, or first maxillary palpi, are single, not divided into two parts, unless the irregularly trapezoidal pieces between the maxillary palpi and the eye-piece be the homologue of the outer portion. 796 The American Naturalist. [September, In the Australian Metura elongata the short reduced labial palpi are much as in Psyche graminella, but are more deeply divided ; the two divisions or lobes I am inclined to consider as the second maxillary (labial) palpi. In this genus the first maxillary palpi are also as in Psyche graminella. It will thus be seen that in the pupa of this family the first and second maxillary palpi vary very much in form, as they probably do in the imagines, being more or less atrophied in the latter, where they need to be carefully examined. On the other hand, the maxille themselves (for in their pupal con- dition in haustellate Lepidoptera they have retained the sep- arated condition of the laciniate Lepidoptera) though short are quite persistent in form. The pupa of Plateceticus gloverii dif- fers from that of Œceticus abbotii in the undivided first maxil- lary palpus (eye-piece), and the elongated second maxille, as well as the narrower clypeal region, and the lack of a cocoon or case-opener. | By an examination of the figures it will be seen that the outer division of the eye-piece varies much in size; this is due to the varying width of the male antennz, which, when wide, as in Pinara (Entometa), Metrua, Thyridopteryx and Psyche, overlap and nearly conceal it, while it is entirely hidden in Plateeceticus. On the other hand in male pupæ of Hepialus and Oncopera, where the antenne are small, narrow and not pectinated, these pieces are large. The end of the body has no cremaster, but what is unique, a hook arising from each vestigial anal leg. Finally it will be readily seen that from an examination of the pup, the views of Speyer, of Chapman, and of Comstock, as to the position of the Psychide is fully confirmed, while I should go a little further and place them still nearer the Hepi- alide. They are, however, still more modified than this last named group, since the females are wingless and limbless. It is very plain that they are an offshoot from the Tineoids, and especially from the Taleporide which have no tongue and whose females are wingless and sackbearers. Remarks on the Cochliopodide.—Chapman removes this group from the Bombyces from a study of their larval and pupal char- 1895,] Of a New Classification of the Lepidoptera. 797 acters. We should, after studying the pup of five or six gen- era, agree with his suggestion that this and the family Megalo- pygide (Lagoide) should be removed from the Bombyces and placed near the Tineoids, from which they have undoubtedly descended. That the line of descent, however, was directly from the Eriocephalide seems to us a matter of doubt. The larve of the Cochliopodids present some notable differences from that of Eriocephala, whose so-called “ eight pairs of ab- dominal legs” appear to be merely spine-bearing tubercles. Although the head of Eriocephala is partially retractile, this adaptation may have no phylogenetic significance. Figure 13 represents the front of the head of Parasa chloris, showing the maxillary palpi and a lateral process connected with it, which I have not seen in any other pup, and may be internal. I have also observed it in the cast pupal skin of Tortricidia testacea. The maxille are either shorter or no longer than the large labial palpi. The paraclypeal tubercles are well developed in this group. > (\\\ Fre. 13. Fra. 14. Remarks on the Megalopygide——The genus Megalopyge (Lagoa) is remarkable for the shape of the pupa, which is some- what as in Cochliopodide, confirming the view that the two families are allied, though still presenting some notable differ- ences in larval characters. Figure 14 represents the pupal features as seen in the front of the head of a Megalopyge from. 798 The American Naturalist, [September, Florida (probably M. crispata or opercularis). The maxille seem to be aborted ; on each side of the 2d maxillary (labial) palpi under the eye, are the 1st maxillary palpi, whose struct- ure needs farther examination. The last division of Lepidoptera (Pupae obtectee of Chapman) mostly comprises the specialized broad-winged modern or macropterous forms, though including many of the specialized Tineina. The next series of families begins with the Tortricidx, from which may have descended the Cosside. As will be seen by comparing the pupa of Tortrix rileyana with that of the Cosside (fig. 9, head and mouth parts of the pupa of Prionoxys- tus robiniæ) Dr. Chapman’s opinion that Cossus has “no char- acters at any stage to distinguish it from Tortrices,” is well sustained. The pupal characters of Zeuzera pyrina also show that it belongs to the same family as Cossus and its allies. In the Cosside there is no separate pupal maxillary palpi, the lateral flap (mz. p.) not being separate. The labium and its palpi are long and narrow, as in Tortrix. The para- clypeal pieces are distinct. The point of departure of Tortridide from the Tineina has still to be worked out; it must have been some generalized genus in the pupa of which the eye-collar (maxillary palpi) and labial palpi were well developed. Here might be placed the two families Thyridide and Ses- slide. After a reconsideration of the transformations of these groups, we agree with Dr. Chapman that as regards the latter “itis a ‘Tineoid’ in spite of some Tortricid characters.” We should, however, not absolutely place the family in the Tineina, but should rather regard it as an immediate descend- ant from some Tineoid genus with a well developed eye-collar and with a well developed labium. Its generalized nature is also shown in the large distinct paraclypeal pieces. The two families have evidently directly descended from some Tineoid, but they have become much modified and specialized, espe- cially in the venation, and form a side branch of the Tineoid series with absolutely no relation to the Sphingide, near which they are usually placed. We have been unable to obtain the pupa of Thyris for examination. 1895.] Of a New Classification of the Lepidoptera. 799 Family Zygænidæ.—A nother group supposed by Spuler*(ven- ation) and also Chapman (pupa) to be closely related to the Tineoids is the Zygeenide, from which I should separate the Syntomide. The pupa of Zygæna is said by Dr. Chapman to possess “ ill-developed eye-collars (maxillary palpi),” and the dehiscence is typically incomplete. I have been unable in the specimen kindly given me by Dr. Chapman to detect the ill- developed eye-collar, but the cast pupa skins examined are not well preserved, and these pieces may be detected in living or alcoholic specimens. Comstock places the Zygeenina high up remote from the Tineina, but at present I am disposed to re- gard the Syntomide as a distinct group with a different origin, and more nearly related to the Arctiide. I fully agree with Chapman that Zygzena is near the Tineina; and I agree with Comstock that Triprocis and Pyromorpha have “ a remarkably generalized condition of wing-structure.” The true Zygenide form a side branch or somewhat paral- lel group. I should regard Ino (Triprocis) as a more general- ized genus than Zygena. Judging by the venation, Harrisina has undergone a little more modification than Ino. Pyromor- pha also seems rather more primitive than Zygeena. I see no reason for regarding Pyromorpha as the type of a distinct family. I have only the pup of Harrisina americana and of Zygena to examine, but judging by this scanty material, that of Harrisina seems to be the more generalized form, that of Zy- geena the more specialized. As Zygeena does not occur in America, but is Eurasian, it is possible that in its generalized Zygenid fauna America, as in other groups of animals, has lagged behind Europe, Zygeena with its numerous species be- ing a more advanced or specialized type brought into exist- ence by more favorable conditions. Origin of the Lithosiidæ.—It seems to me that the group of forms usually referred to the Lithosiidz but which are nearest to the Tineina, is that represented by Enemia (Eustixia, Mieza), Oeta and Tantura (Penthetria) as the imagines of these * Zur hee vi beast des Flügelgeaders der OPE Zeits. wissens. Zoologie, 55 800 The American Naturalist. [September, genera, whether we consider the shape of the head and body, antenne and legs, or the venation and shape of the wings, are the nearest to the Tineidæ and appear to form a family of Tineoid moths. Indeed Enzemia is now referred to the Tineina of the family Hyponomeutide, and possibly the Lithosiide originated from this family or from a group standing between them and the Prodoxide. The pupe have the long narrow head and eyes of Tineina. The eye-collar is wanting, but vestiges of the labial palpi are present, and also vestiges of the paraclypeal pieces. Judging by the venation, Enemia is the more generalized, and Tan- tura the more modified genus. The pupa of Oeta aurea (fig. 15) in the head characters is rather more generalized than that of Tantura, the labial palpi being a little larger and the base of the maxilla more flaring, as if forming rudimentary eye-collars or palpi, but the abdomen and its end ismuch more specialized than in Tantura, as it is long, slender, conical, and ends in a well developed cremaster provided with curved sete adapting it for retaining its hold in its slight cocoon. In general appearance and markings it is like a Geometrid pupa, having black longitudinal stripes. In the pupa of Tantura the shape of the abdomen is more generalized, there being no cre- master, but hooked sete enabling it to retain its hold within its beautiful loose, basket-like cocoon. It is probable that these genera descended from some broad- winged Tineid and possibly from the same stem-form as the Prodoxidie, as the venation is somewhat similar. Hypono- meuta and especially Argyresthia appear to be later, more spe- cialized forms. This group (Enemia, Oeta, and Tantura) almost directly intergrades, judging from the venation, with the Lithosiide, Byssophaga,Cisthene,and Crocota, connecting them with Lithosia; though the larve of the latter are much more specialized and arctiiform. Hence the line of descent from the generalized Tineina to Enemia, Oeta, Tantura, to the Lithosiide, and from them to the Arctiide, is more or less direct. It is interesting to note the gradual widening of the wings, especially the fore-wings, as we pass from Lithosia to Arctia, also to notice the gradual change in the larval and 1895.] Of a New Classifieation af the Lepidoptera. 801 pupal characters, those of the Arctian pupe being slightly less primitive than in the more generalized Lithosiide. It is also interesting to note that in ascending from the Tineoid pre- cursors of the Lithosiide to the members of the latter family, we pass from incomplete to complete pupæ showing that the division into pup incomplete and obtectæ may be at times artificial. Family Nolide.—The structure of the pupa of Nola (N. ovilla), besides its larval and adult characters, convinces me 802 The American Naturadist. [September, that the genus is the type of a distinct family, and forming a line of descent somewhat parallel with and near to the Litho- siide. The pupa has the labial palpi well developed, and the paraclypeal pieces large. The end of the abdomen is rounded and unarmed, in adaptation to its enclosure in a dense cocoon. Family Syntomidex.—The position of the Syntomide is diff- cult to determine. The pupa is obtected, though it has in Scepsis retained the labial palpi. Judging by the larval and pupal characters the family stands much nearer the Arctiide than the Zygeenide, but yet is more generalized than the former. In the venation the group stands near the Arctians, i. e., the venation of the generalized Ctenucha approximates that of Epicallia virginalis, while in Didasys and Syntomis the venation is more aberrant and modified; so also in the long tufted larvee of Syntomis and Cosmosoma, compared with that of Ctenucha, in which the tufts are less developed and special- ized. On the following page is a provisional genealogical tree of the order, based mainly on the pupal and imaginal characters. 1895.] Of a New Classification of the Lepidoptera. 803 _ Nymphalidae Lycaenidae Papilionidae Pieridae } Hesperidae Castniidae Sphingidae Koctuina Geometridae | Agaristidae Hemileucidae | E Saturniidae i | Platypterygidae Ceratocampidae | Endromidae Notodontidae | l Bombycidae | Perophoridae | Hypsidae Lasiocampidae Liparidae | Dioptidae Arctiidae | Syntomidae Nolidae Cyllopodidae l N heer AED Lithosiidae Chalcosiidae Z {a y er ne Sesiidae Pyralidina eo ; Psychidae Spes Megalopygidae | Tineina Thyrididae Alucitidae Talaeporidae (10—15? families) Cochliopodidae l | Cossidae Tineolidae | | j l Prodoxidae Hepialidae Tortricidae | | ; l l l : | 2. Neolepidoptera (Pupæ incompletæ and Pupæ obtectæ). | I. Palaeolepidoptera (Pupae libere. Micropterygide). | Suborder II. Lepidoptera haustellata. | Suborder I. Lepidoptera laciniata (Protolepidoptera. Eriocephalidæ). 804 The American Naturalist. [September, DEVIATION IN DEVELOPMENT DUE TO THE USE OF UNRIPE SEEDS. 5 By J. C. ARTHUR. There is something surprising in the degree of immaturity at which seeds will grow. The usual opinion is, I believe, that seeds not fully ripe will be shrunken and light, and quite worthless for sowing. To some extent there is truth in this, and yet seeds will vegetate when taken from fruit not half grown, and in which the pulp and even the seeds themselves have the color of fresh, green leaves. Plants from such seeds may flourish, bloom and fruit, and with a certain moderate amount of deviation, show all the usual phases of existence in- cident to the particular kind of plant life. This is by no means a recent discovery, but was known to Theophrastus,’ as early as the third century before Christ, who expressed his surprise at the fact, and says that it is wonderful that unripe, imperfect seeds should be able to grow. The fact was established experimentally, however, by several early in- vestigators, notably by Duhamel,’ in 1760, using flowering ash and walnut, by Senebier,‘ in 1800, using peas, and by Lefebure,’ in 1801, using radish. In 1822 a successful trial with green seed was made by Seyffer,’ of Stuttgart, which has attracted much attention. The Japanese Sophora, although growing to be a fine tree in Germany, does not often set fruit, and never ripens any, at least in Wiirtemberg, on account of the cool sum- mers. Despairing of ever securing ripe seed from which to propagate the tree, Seyffer took a branch bearing green fruit, not yet half full size, hung it up until dry, then removed and planted the seed ina cold frame. In this way he obtained 500 1 Read before the section of botany of the A. A. A. S., Madison meeting, Aug- ust, 1893. ? De causis plantarum, lib. iv. , Cap. 4. 3 Duhamel du Monceau, Des semis et plantation des arbres, p. 83. ‘Senebier, Phys. végétale, iii, p. 377 “ Š Lefebure, Expériences sur la germination des plantes, p. 27. / ®Seyffer, Isis, 1838, p. 113. 1895.] Deviation in Development Due to the use of Unripe Seeds. 805 young plants, many of which still were to be seen as handsome trees in the grounds of the forestry school at Hohenheim, and in the vicinity, sixteen years afterward, when the paper from which we quoted was read. The economic importance of such a procedure, and its applicability to numerous contingencies, has brought the incident much well merited attention. It would be possible to cite many other instances’ of the successful germination of green seed, but it is unnecessary, for all doubt regarding the viability of such seed was set at rest long ago in the very exhaustive treatise upon the subject by Ferdinand Cohn, entitled, “ Symbola ad seminis physiologiam,” 1847, in which he not only reviewed the previous serie but 1 Waitz, with a glory Sarpi Meare Nil) Bot Zeit , 1835, p. 5 Kunze, with wheat. Bot. Zeit. » pe! Kurr, with rye (?), ten-weeks- en Bot Zeit., xviii (1835), p. 4. Seyffer, with peas, kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), English beans (Vicia Faba), soja beans, lentils, laburnum, Sophora pig Bot. Zeit., 1836, p. 84; Isis, 1838, p. 5. “‘Treviranus, with turnips and peas. Physiologie der Gewiichse, ii (1838), p. Girt, with rye. Bot. Zeit., v (1847), p. 386. Cohn, with. beans ( Phaseolus CRE lupines, radish ‘Shoke s purse, corn, sorghum, datura, apple, cucumber, canna, evening primrose, princes’ feather (Amarantus caudatus’, morning glory, (Ipomæœa purpurea), Salvia verbascifolia, pinks, squirting cucumber (Momordica Elaterium ), bladder senna : Colutea arbor- escens), marshmallow (Althæa officivalis), castor bean. Symbola ad seminis physiologiam, 1847 ; Flora, xxxii (1849), p. 481. Lucanus, with rye. Landw. Vers.-St., iv (1860), p. 262. Siegert, with wheat. Landw. Vers.-St, vi (1863), — Nowacke, with wheat. Untersuchungen über das Reifen des Getreides, 1869, p. 37. Nobbe, with spruce (Picea vulgaris). Tharander forstl. Jahrbuch, xxiv (1874), p. 203; Landw. Vers.-St.,, xvii (1876), p . 277; ; Handbuch der Samenkunde, 1876; p. 338. Sagot, with wheat (?). Arch. des. Sci, Phys. et Nat , 1876; Just’s Bot. Jahresb , iv, p. 1243. Tautphöus, with rye. Ueber die Keimung der Samen, 1876, p. 23 Wollny, with winter rye. Forsch. Geb. Agrik.-Phys., ix (1886), p. 294. ey ant, with maize. Rep., N. Y. Exper. Sta, ii (1883), p. 39. roff, with tomatoes, peas, turnips, lettuce. Rep. W. Y. Exper. Sta., ii (1883), p. 205; iii (1884), pp. 199, 211, 224, 232 ; iv (1885), pp. 130, 152; v (1886), p. 174, 197. Atwell, with morning glory (Ipomea purpurea). Bot. Gaz., xv (1890), p. 46; Bot. Centr.. xlvi (1891), p. 162. Bailey, with tomato. Bull. Cornell Exper. Station, No. 45. 1892, p. 207. 806 The American Naturalist. [September, also himself grew plants of more than a score of widely diverse species from seed in various stages of immaturity. At the very beginning of the agitation of the subject, a curious misusage in terminology arose, which at one time led to considerable controversy, but which gradually disappeared with the better elucidation of the subject. The confusion was in regard to the application of the terms viability, or power of germination, and maturity, or ripeness. The implied reason- ing of most writers, especially the earlier ones, seems to have been this: The object of maturity is to render the seed capable of becoming an independent plant through germination, there- fore a seed must be mature before it can germinate, per contra, the seed that germinates has already reached maturity. In Gertner’s monumental work on seeds and fruits, pub- lished in 1790, is the statement’ that seeds are ripe as soon as they can germinate, although from their color, weight and size, they may not appear so. Senebier, inthe year 1800, held that seeds must be ripe in order to grow, and yet at the same time says that he has seen green tender peas, taken from equally green pods, germinate. The same confusion of ideas is shown in the defense which Keith made when DeCandolle” pointed out that it was an error to place maturity of the seed as one of the conditions for germination, as Keith" had done in his work on vegetable physiology, published in 1816. Keith” says: “The seed that will germinate is, physiologically speaking, “Semen maturum, ut docet, non ex colore suo saturato, nec ex sua in aqua subsidentia, neque etiam ex duritie sua satis tuto cognoscitur ; sed certior matur- itatis nota ex ipso trahenda est nucleo; quippe que, si ex gelatinosa sensim factus sit solidiusculus, si testze suze cavitatem repleat exactissime, atque si intra se ipsum nullum prorsus contineat spatium vacuum, indubitatissimum prebit seminis ma- turi signum quia ita conformatum, germinando aptum est, queecunque etiam fuerit reliqua ejus conditio.” Gzrtner, De fructibus et seminibus plantarum, ii (1790), I, p. exii. °“ Les graines doivent être mûres pour germer ; pour l'ordinaire elles ne ger- ment pas quand on les a cuillies avant leur maturite; j’ai pourtant vu germer des pois verts and tendres otes de leurs siliques vertes and molles.” Senebier, 1l. c. iii, p. 377. ” Phys. Veg., ii (1832), p 662. " Keith, System of vegetable physiology, ii (1816), p. 3. 1? Phil. Mag., viii (1836), p. 492. 1395.) Deviation in Development Due to the use of Unripe Seeds. 807 ripe; that is, its fluids have been so elaborated in the process of its maturation, and its solids so vitalized in the assimilation of due aliment as to be now fully and profitably susceptible of the action of the combined stimuli of the soil and atmosphere. Hence I contend, notwithstanding the objection of M. DeCan- dolle, that the maturity of the seed is rightly and legitimately placed in the list of the conditions of germination.” Trevi- ranus™ held essentially the same views, and expressed himself quite as strongly in his work on vegetable physiology, about the same time. Even Cohn, in his clear and scholarly paper, did not quite set the matter straight. He came to the conclu- sion,” that although the proper ripening of the seed is depend- ent upon the parent plant, yet when prematurely separated it will still pass through the ripening stage before germinating ; there is thus an after-ripening for green seeds, which fits them for continued growth. Although he seemingly held that seeds cannot germinate until they in some way ripen, yet he asserted (and it is a most important deduction, correctly worded) that viability does not usually coincide with maturity, but precedes it.” Since the time of Cohn the terminology adopted has agreed well with the facts. The present usage is presented in Nobbe’s large and excellent treatise upon séeds. He says: “The continued life of the embryo is not dependent upon the com- pletion of the storing of reserve material in the seed ; the power of germination appears much earlier, even in a stage of devel- opment of the seed undoubtedly to be designated as ‘ unripe.’ 13 « Zum keimen gehort, dass der Same reif sei; das heisst, das der Embryo in dem Grade entwickelt sei, dass er von der Mutterpflanze getrennt, unter Aneig- nung des Vorrathes niihrender Materie im Perisperm oder, in den Samenlappen fiir sich fortleben kann.” Treviranus, l. c., ii, p. 574. lt Quum maturatio seminis propria non afficiatur a planta, sumendum videtur, ut etiam processura sit, semine soluto a planta; vel, ut postmaturari possint sem- ina. Cohn, Le, p. 72. Lb y le 4 ae oo 4 e ae | Tat pa LE E N 1 illa preecedit Cohn, |. c.p 73. 16 Die Lebensfihigkeit des Embryo ist an die Vollendung der Reservestoff-Auf- speicherung in Samen nicht gebunden. Die Keimfihigkeit tritt weit früher, schonin einem unzweifelhaft als “unreif” zu bezeichnenden Entwicklungsstadium des Samen ein. Nobbe, Samenkunde, p. 339. 808 The American Naturalist. [September,. Wiesner” has given a concise definition. “The condition,” he says, “in which a seed loosens itself from the plant in order to continue its development independently, is designated as ma- turity.” We are, therefore, to regard maturity as applying to the seed as a whole, and viability as applying to the embryo, the physiological processes associated therewith being quite distinct. After-ripening, which takes place when partly grown seed is separated from the parent plant, only leads to partial maturity. : It is an inquiry full of interest as to the minimum develop- ment at which a seed will germinate. Goff, in 1884, planted tomato seed in March in boxes in the greenhouse, saved the previous season from fruit still thoroughly green, and obtained only 2 per cent of vegetation. But seed from fruit of full size, and which had begun to lose its green color, although not yet showing any tinge of redness, vegetated 84 per cent, while from fruit with a faint reddish tinge the percentage of vegetation reached 100. In another experiment he found” that peas planted in the usual manner in the open ground in April, that had been gathered when in the condition best suited to table use, gave only 3 per cent of vegetation, while those just past. this stage of edible maturity gave 9 per cent. But inall prob- ability the conditions of growth at the time were not particu- larly favorable, as fully ripe seed in the same experiment gave only 54 per cent. of vegetation. In a very carefully conducted experiment with wheat made by Nowacki, selected seed saved from grain when in the milk gave 92 per cent of vegetation, and from grain when turning yellow, as well as when fully ripe, gave 100 per cent., the seed being sown in the open ground (see table III.) Nobbe” found that seed of Spruce (Picea vulgaris Lk.) gathered on the first and fifteenth of each month from the middle of July to the first of November, and tested in the laboratory in the following January, gave increased “ Der Zustand, in welchem ein Same sich von der Pflanze loslést, um sich selbstiindig weiterzuentwickeln, wird als Reife bezeichnet. Wiesner, Biologie der Pflanzen, 1889, p. 40. "Lc, Hi, p. 224. Bis, ai, p- 232. »L G 1895.] Deviation in Development Due to the use of Unripe Seeds. 809 percentage of germination according to degree of maturity (see table I). In experiments performed by myself in 1889 to- I.—GERMINATION OF SPRUCE SEEDS AT DIFFERENT STAGES OF MATURITY. Experiment conducted ey Nobbe. Spruce seed, gathered July 15, gave O per cent i perhiinations: Spruce seed, gathered Aug. 1, gave 40.8 per cent germinations. Spruce seed, gathered Aug. 15, gave 61.2 per cent germinations. Spruce seed, gathered Sept. 1, gave 75.3 per cent germinations. Spruce seed, gathered Sept. 15, gave 71.6 per cent germinations. Sprnce seed, gathered Oct. 1, gave 84 5 per cent germinations. Spruce seed, gathered Nov. 1, gave 88.2 per cent germinations. mato seed from green and ripe fruit of the previous season, tested in April in the laboratory, gave 60 per cent germination for the immature seed against 100 per cent for the fully ma- ture. Considerable other data are on record, all going to show that seeds are more certain to germinate the nearer they ap- proach to maturity, or conversely, the more immature the seed, the less number of chances for its germination. The internal examination of the seed to determine the actual stage of development, in connection with such studies, has been rarely attempted. Seyffert and Cohn agree, however, that with - such seeds as peas, beans, lentils, canna and evening primrose, the embryo must be sufficiently formed to be detected with a hand lens, in order that the seed should be capable of growth. If the embryo is watery and unformed, according to these ob- servers, the seed will not germinate. Probably most of us would at first think, as Cohn” did, that “it is a curious circumstance in this connection, that while in the ripening of the seed innumerable stages are run through, passing one into the other without interruption, in germina- tion, which is as it were a function of maturity, no transition exists. For evidently a seed can only either germinate or not 21 Es zeigt sich hierbei der eigenthiimliche — dass während bei der Reife der Same unzählige, ohne Unterbrechung in einander übergehende Stufen durchläuft, bei der Keimfihigkeit. die gleichsam Fusion der Reife ist; kein Uebergang existirt. Denn offenbar kann ein Same nur a R, oder nicht; ein drittes giebt es nicht. Cohn, Flora, xxxii (1849), p 810 The American Naturalist. [September, germinate; there can be no third course.” But this is very fallacious reasoning, and is founded upon a misunderstanding of the nature of the seed. In the first place germination is not, even constructively, a function of maturity, as it readily occurs both before and after maturity. From our present standpoint, in whatever way the earlier writers may have viewed the mat- ter, a seed is simply a young plant enclosed in a protective covering derived from the parent plant, and accompanied by surplus nutriment. The resting condition of a seed is purely incidental and designed to aid in distribution and in guarding the plant against injury while very young. From the time of the first cell division in the forming embryo until the new in- dividual becomes established as a free growing plant, there need be no check in the continuous growth, except through untoward conditions, or inherent tendency to provide for such conditions. The germination of seeds inside the fruit of oranges, and gourds, and the ready growth of the mangrove, are familiar instances where the resting period has been prac- tically evaded, and development of the plantlet has been nearly or quite continuous In the growth of green seed we have a case where an attempt is made to give the plantlet the conditions for continued devel- opment without passing through the full protective stage. There is nothing in the nature of things, except the want of- skill, to prevent the plantlet being removed from the parent plant at any point in its early development, even before its organs can be detected, and by supplying it with the neces- sary nutriment, heat and moisture, and protecting it against _ the inroads of destructive organisms (bacteria, molds, etc.), se- curing to it by these artificial means the conditions for unin- terrupted growth, with the entire omission of the usual resting stage. With this view of the subject it is easy to explain why green seed generally gives fewer germinations as a rule than mature seed ; the more exacting conditions for its growth are not well met. And, further, it is evident that Cohn’s aphorism that a seed can only germinate or not germinate is saying that a seed can continue to grow or not continue to grow, and is thus robbed of all its mysticism. 1895.] Deviation in Development Due to the use of Unripe Seeds. 811 To fully understand the problem before us it will be well to inquire into the meaning of maturity. In the course of nor- mal development of the seed the testa becomes more firm and less permeable, the organic constituents of the cells are trans- formed into solids or semi-solids, there is a loss of water, growth finally ceases, the organic connection with the parent plant is severed, and the seed is ripe. It remains in an inactive, dor- mant condition a longer or shorter time and then germinates. Maturity is reached in this metamorphosis when the protect- ing testa, or pericarp, as the case may be, has become suff- ciently solid, and the inner parts sufficiently advanced to per- mit separation from the parent plant without endangering the life of the embryo. A most curious thing in connection herewith is the fact that the seed, and sometimes the associated parts of the fruit, will continue to develop under circumstances which put a stop to all growth in the vegetative parts of the plant. Ifa branch is severed from a tree, all growth in its buds and leaves ceases at once, it wilts, and shortly dies. But the fruits and seeds at- tached to it continue to develop, and will so continue as long as sufficient moisture remains to transport what food material exists, from the leaves and stem into the fruit and seed. This process is known as after-ripening. So far as I know, it has not been intimately investigated, but I am inclined to think that during this process the embryo continues in actual growth, forming new cells, and elaborating its organs, but that little or no growth takes place in the surrounding parts, although great chemical changes and accumulation of substances do oceur. It was observed by Cohn,” who was the first to note such phenomena, that green seeds entirely removed from the fruit and laid in moist earth or sand passed through the various changes of color of normal ripening. If very young, they did not progress far, but if sufficiently grown, although still per- fectly green in color, they underwent the intermediate changes, and finally gave every appearance of full, mature seeds. He experimented with the seeds of apple, pear, beans, lupines, Amarantus caudatus, Polygonum tartaricum, Colutea arbor- 2 Symbola, pp. 67-70; Flora, pp. 508-510. p 812 The American Naturalist. [September, escens, Kcelreuteria paniculata, and Canna orientalis. An ex- periment in after-ripening by Lucanus,” is very instructive (see table II). He gathered rye in five stages of maturity, ranging from very small kernels, not yet milky, up to fully ripe kernels. Each collection was separated into four lots; in the first the kernels were removed from the heads at once, in the second, they were allowed to remain in the heads, but the II—WetienTt oF 1000 Atr-Dry KERNELS or Rye at DIF- FERENT STAGES OF MATURITY. Experiment conducted by Lucanus. { | | i i | | I. Il. III. IV. | NV- = | SUSE ee on TRY re B — a | . A : b0 a] . È | g zi | Ba sie =e =e nq Sg AS = Z Sa 15:e] ea | Be D S5 ce s9 D | a Sd E a jhg ma Rs bees. og r | yT eo k A ee ete | wE a. a | Dag DE Yom os | D> Emre aaar] Se | Sed: | Sas |. 5a 5 & | BES | gana | Sia | see dE oes tO SO a she g am z W | =i = D ~“ o © do) | Ko Kernels removed at once.... 10430 14655 18366 20294 2:230 Left in theseparated heads... 1057 14830 18510 20302 22251) eft on cut plant 1310 Roots in distilled water... 13790 15440 20220 21070 heads were removed from the stalks; in the third they re- mained attached to the plant which was cut near the ground, and in the fourth the plants were pulled, the roots washed, and set in distilled water. A thousand air-dry seeds from each lot were finally weighed. In all cases the grain weighed more when permitted to remain in the head than when removed at once, still more when all the stem and leaves were attached, and very much more when the uprooted plant was supplied with water. After-ripening is thus seen to play a very import- ant part in the handling of immature seed. There is a state of over-maturity of seeds, which has impor- tance in this connection. It is well known that the life of the "L 6. 1395.] Deviation in Development Due to the use of Unripe Seeds. 813 seed is limited; some seeds will not grow after a few weeks or months, although most seeds are good for from one to several years. In all cases the seed gradually loses its vitality, and sooner or later ceases to live, unless in the mean time given the means for germination. In view of these facts we can better appreciate the importance of the discovery made by Cohn” that there is an optimum for most rapid germination which falls, as a rule, just before ob- vious maturity, (or possibly at the end of the resting stage, where this is very pronounced, a point not yet investigated), and before and after this optimum the germination is slower. We are thus led to consider the seed as accumulating energy up to the approximate time of its maturity, and then gradually losing this energy so long as it remains an inactive seed ; and that the measure of this energy is the vigor of its germination. There is a wealth of data to substantiate this theory of the life of a seed, but which would be burdensome to further present at this time. Turning now to a more detailed consideration of the devia- tions from normal development in plants from immature seed, the weakness of the seedlings will be one feature to first attract the attention of the investigator. In a number of trials with green seed of tomatoes, made at various times since 1889, I have found” that the young plants are under size; the stems being shorter and cotyledons smaller. They have less strength, and in consequence many perish in the vain attempt to lift the covering of soil. Some are unable to extricate the cotyledons from the ruptured testa, and often perish from this cause, even after having reached the light. If the seeds are germinated between folds of moist cloth or bibulous paper, such miscarriage will show even more clearly. Similar effects were observed by Cohn, in the use of canna seed. Hesays:* “All plants ob- ** Ich selbst habe bei Canna, Œnothera, Lupinen und anderen ein mittleres Stadium im Reifungsprocesse beobachtet, in dem die Samen sich am schnellsten entwickelten; von da aufwiirts und abwiirts die reifen und die weniger ausgebild- eten schienen mir langsamer zu keimen. Cohn, Flora, xxxii, p. 504, 23 The data are recorded in the manuscript records of the Indiana Experiment Station, and have not yet been published. % Dagegen waren alle aus den jüngsten Samen gezogenen Pfliinchen hinfällig und schwächlich und gediehen kaum über das erste Blatt. Flora, xxxii, p. 501. 814 The American Naturalist. - [Septentoer, tained from the youngest seeds were slender and weak,a nd scarcely progressed beyond the first leaf.” Goff” who has made experiments with immature tomato and other seeds at intervals from 1884 to the present time, early noted this char- acteristic of the seedlings. The rate of germination is in general slower for immature than for mature seeds. This has been observed by Seyffert, Géppert, Cohn, Toutphéus and others, but this depends upon many internal and external conditions affecting the seed, and it is, therefore, not inconsistent with our theory of the process to find that some observers (Duhamel, Senebier) have noted an increased rate of germination for immature seeds. In an experiment by the writer (manuscript record No. 82) in 1890, tomato plants (24) from the seed of ripe fruit planted in a cold frame, came through the soil in an average of 12 days, plants (5) from seed of half-ripe fruit in 12.2 days, and plants (13) from seed of green fruit in 14.2 days. Other trials with tomato» as well as with peas, wheat, and other kinds, made in the lab- oratory, using folded cloth, have also given tardy germina- tions for unripe seeds. Nowacki” removed seeds from the heads of wheat when in the milk stage, when turning yellow, and when fully ripe, and sowed carefully selected kernels in the garden (see table III). The rate of germination, judging by the time of appearance of the plants above ground, was much slower for the immature seed, the number on the eleventh day after sowing, being respectively 12, 19, 25. II.. WHEAT FROM UNRIPE SEEp. Experiment conducted by Nowacki. ae or | | Germinations. | Stalks. gree of ripe- No. seeds. | ness. | “| On bak eck | Ay. No. |Ay.height Product of | | day * iper plant.| in cm. |No.by In the milk ...... | w fn 45 4.6 128 589 pan iig 50 19 50 5.4 125 675 Fully ripe........., 50 | 25 50 5.9 121 714 ” Lie, ili, p, 225; iv, p 182. ot e 1895.] Deviation in Development Due to the use of Unripe Seeds. 815 Owing to their weakened condition the plants from imma- ture seed are less able to withstand unfavorable conditions than those from ripe seed, the difference being more marked the younger the seeds. In my own attempts to grow very green tomato seeds in the green-house, fully eighty-five per cent of the plants that had unfolded the cotyledons, perished before reaching the third leaf. Wollny” observed a great loss of plants from immature seed of winter rye, taking into account the number of plants growing in the fall and in the following spring, while the plants from ripe seed under the same condi- tions experienced no loss whatever (see table IV). IV.—WinteR Rye FROM RIPE AND UnrRIPE SEED. Experiment condueted by Wollny. Degrees of ripeness. planted. spring. per cent. | Number | Growing in-| Growingin | Wintered fall. i | | Very gr 100 | 97 40 41 In the milk 100 | 96 88 91 Pale PAUE a reai 100 100 100 100 ully ripe | 100 100 100 100 | "LG (To be continued.) THE EFFECT OF FEMALE SUFFRAGE ON POSTERITY. By James WEIR, JR. The greatest, best, and highest law of Higher Civilization is that which declares that men should strive to benefit not himself alone, but his posterity. I. THE ORIGIN OF THE MATRIARCHATE. In the very beginning woman was, by function, a mother ; by virtue of her surroundings, a house-wife. Man was then, 56 $16 The American Naturalist. [September, as now, the active, dominant factor in those affairs outside the immediate pale of the fireside. Life was collective; “ com- munal was the habitation, and communal the wives with the children; the men pursued the same prey, and devoured it together after the manner of wolves; all felt, all thought, all acted in concert.” Primitive men were like their Simian ancestors which never paired, and which roamed through the forests in bands and troops. This collectivism is plainly noticeable in certain races of primitive folks which are yet in existence, notably the Autocthons of the Aleutian Islands. Huddled together in their communal Kachims, naked, without thought of immodesty, men, women and children share the same fire and eat from the same pot. They recognize no im- morality in the fact of the father cohabiting with his daughter —one of them naively remarking to Langsdorf, who re- proached him for having committed this crime: “ Why not? the otters doit!” Later in life the men and women mate; but even then there is no sanctity in the marriage tie, for the Aleutian will freely offer his wife to the stranger within his gates, and will consider it an insult if he refuses to enjoy her company. “As with many savages and half-civilized people, the man who would not offer his guest the hospitality of the conjugal couch, or the company of his best-looking daughter, would be considered an ill-bred person.” This laxity in sexual relations was, at first, common to all races of primitive men, but, after a time, there arose certain influences which modified, to a certain extent, this free and indiscriminate intercourse. Frequent wars must have occur- red between hostile tribes of primitive men, during which, some of them (physically or numerically weaker than their opponents) must have been repeatedly vanquished, and many of their females captured, for, in those old days (like those of more recent times, for that matter) the women were the prizes for which the men fought. Under circumstances like these, the few remaining women must have served as wives for all the men of the tribe; and, in this manner polyandry had its inception. Polyandry gives woman certain privileges which monandry denies, and 1895.] The Effect of Female Suffrage on Posterity. 817 she is not slow to seize on these prerogatives and to use them in the furtherance of her own welfare. Polyandry, originating from any cause whatsoever, will always end in the establish- ment of a matriarchate, in which the women are either directly or indirectly at the head of the government. There are several matriarchates still extant in the world, and one of the best known, as well as the most advanced, as far as civilization and culture is concerned, is that of the Nairs, a people of India in- habiting that portion of the country lying between Cape ‘-Comorin and Mangalore, and the Ghats and the Indian Ocean. The Nairs are described as being the handsomest people in the world; the men being tall, sinewy, and extraordinary agile, while the women are slender and graceful with perfectly mod- eled figures. The Nair girl is carefully chaperoned until she arrives at a marriageable age, say, fourteen or fifteen years, at which time some complaisant individual is selected who goes through the marriage ceremony with her. As soon as the groom ties the tali or marriage cord about her neck, he is feasted and is then dismissed ; the wife must never again speak to or even look at her husband. Once safely wedded, the girl becomes emancipated, and can receive the attentions of as many men as she may elect, though, I am informed, that it is not considered fashionable, at present, to have more than seven husbands, one for each day of the week. Of no importance, heretofore, after her farcical marriage, the Nair woman at once becomes a power in the councils of the nation; as a matter of course, the higher her lovers the higher her rank becomes and the greater her influence. Here is female suffrage in its prim- itive form, brought about, it is true, by environment, and not by elective franchise. As far asthe children are concerned, the power of the mother is absolute ; for they know no father, the maternal uncle standing in his stead. Property, both personal and real, is vested in the woman; she is the mistress and the ruler. “The mother reigns and governs; she has her eldest daughter for prime minister in the household, through whom all orders are transmitted to her little world. Formerly, in grand ceremonials, the reigning prince himself yielded pre- cedence to his eldest daughter, and, of course, recognized still 818 The American Naturalist. [September, more humbly the priority of his mother, before whom he did not venture to seat himself until she had given him permission. Such was the rule from the palace to the humblest dwelling of a Nair.” During the past fifty years, these people have made rapid strides toward civilization, monandry and monogamy taking the place of polyandry and polygamy, and fifty or an hundred years hence, this matriarchate will, in all probability, entirely disappear. I have demonstrated, I think, clearly and distinctly, that matriarchy or female government, is neither new nor advanced thought,-but that it is as old, almost, as the human race; that the “ New Woman ” was born many thousands of years ago, and that her autotype, in some respects, is to be found to-day in Mangalore. A return to matriarchy at the present time would be distinctly, and emphatically, and essentially retrograde in every particular. The right to vote carries with it the right to hold office, and, if women are granted the privilege of suffrage, they must be given the right to govern. Now let us see if we can not find a reason for this atavistic desire (matriarchy) in the physical and psychical histories of its foremost advocates. I will discuss this question in Part II of this paper. Il. THE VIRAGINT. There are two kinds of genius; the first is progressive genius, which always enunciates new and original matter of material benefit to the human race and which is consequently healthy ; the second is retrogressive genius, which is imitative and which always enunciates dead and obsolete matter long since abandon- ed and thrown aside as being utterly useless. The doctrines of communism and of nihilism are the products of retrogressive genius and are clearly atavistic, inasmuch as they area reversion to the mental habitudes of our savage ancestors. The doctrines of the matriarchate are likewise degenerate beliefs, and if held by any civilized being of to-day, are in evidence of psychic atavism. Atavism invariably attacks the weak; and individ- uals of a neurasthenic type are more frequentl y its victims than 1895.] The Effect of Female Suffrage on Posterity. 819 are any other class of people. Especially is this true in the case of those who suffer from psychical atavism. The woman of to-day, who believes in and inculcates the doctrines of matriarchy, doctrines which have been, as far as the civilized world is concerned, thrown aside and abandoned these many hundred years, is as much the victim of psychic atavism as was Alice Mitchell who slew Freda Ward in Memphis several - years ago, and who was justly declared a viragint by the court that tried her. Without entering into the truthfulness or falseness of the theory advanced by me some time ago (vide N. Y. Medical Record, September, 1893: “ Effemination and Viraginity”) in regard to the primal cause of psychic herma- phroditism, which I attributed and do still attribute to psychic atavism, I think that I am perfectly safe in asserting that every woman who has been at all prominent in advancing the cause of equal rights in its entirety, has either given evidences of masculo-feminity (viraginity), or has shown, conclusively, that she was the victim of psycho-sexual aberrancy. Moreover, the histories of every viragint of any note in the history of the world, show that they were either physically or psychically degenerate, or both. Jeanne d’Arc was the’ victim of hystero- epilepsy, while Catharine the Great was a dipsomaniac and a creature of unbounded and inordinate sensuality. Massalina, the depraved wife of Claudius, a woman of masculine type whose very form embodied and shadowed forth the regnant idea of her mind—absolute and utter rulership—was a woman of such gross carnality that her lecherous conduct shocked even the depraved courtiers of her lewd and salacious court. The side-lights of history, as Douglas Campbell has so cleverly pointed out in his “Puritan in Holland, England and America,” declares that there is every reason to believe that the Virgin Queen, Elizabeth of England, was not such a pure and unspotted virgin as her admirers make her out to be. Sir Robert Cecil says of her that “she was more man than woman,” while history shows conclusively that she was a pronounced viragint, with a slight tendency toward megalomania. In a recent letter to me, Mr. Geo. H. Yeaman, ex-Minister to Den- mard, writes as follows: “ Whether it be the relation of cause 820 The American Naturalist. [September, and effect, or only what logicians call a “ mere coincidence,” the fact remains that in Rome, Russia, France and England, political corruption, cruelty of government, sexual immorality —nay, downright, impudent, open, boastful indecency—have culminated, for the most part, in the eras of the influence of viragints on government, or over governors.” Viraginity has many phases. We see a mild form of it in the tom-boy who abandons her dolls and female companions for the marbles and masculine sports of her boy acquaintances. In the loud-talking, long-stepping, slang-using young woman we sée another form, while the square-shouldered, stolid, cold, unemotional, unfeminine android (for she has the normal human form, without the normal human psychos) is yet another. The most aggravated form of viraginity is that known as homo-sexuality ; with this form, however, this paper has nothing todo. Another form of viraginity is technically known as gynandry, and may be defined as follows: A victim of gynandry not only has the feelings and desires of a man, but also the skeletal form, features, voice, ete., so that the individ- ual approaches the opposite sex anthropologically, and in more than a psycho-sexual way (Krafft-Ebing). As it is probable that this form of viraginity is sometimes acquired to a certain extent, and that too, very quickly, when a woman is placed among the proper surroundings, I shall give the case of Sarolta, Countess V., one of the most remarkable instances of -gynandry on record. If this woman, when a child, had been treated as a girl, she would, in all probability, have gone through life as a woman, for she was born a female in every sense of the word. Ata very early age, however, her father, who was an exceedingly eccentric nobleman, dressed her in boy’s clothing, called her Sandor, and taught her boyish games and sports. “ Sarolta-Sandor remained under her father’s influence till her twelfth year, and then came under the care of her maternal grandmother, in Dresden, by whom, when the masculine play became too obvious, she was placed in an institute and made to wear female attire. At thirteen, she had a love relation with an English girl, to whom she represented herself as a 1895.] The Effect of Female Suffrage on Posterity. 821 boy, and ran away with her. She was finally returned to her mother, who could do nothing with her, and was forced to allow her to resume the name of Sandor and to put on boy’s clothes. She accompanied her father on long journeys, always as a young gentleman; she became a roué, frequenting brothels and cafés and often becoming intoxicated. All of her sports were masculine; so were her tastes and so were her desires. She had many love affairs with women, always skillfully hid- ing the fact that she herself wasa woman. She even carried her masquerade so far as to enter into matrimony with the daughter of a distinguished official and to live with her for some time before the imposition was discovered. The woman whom Sandor married is described as being “ a girl of incredi- ble simplicity and innocence;” in sooth,she must have been ! Notwithstanding this woman’s passion for those of her own sex, she distinctly states that in her thirteenth year she experi- enced normal sexual desire. Her environments, however, had been those of a male instead of a female, consequently her psychical weakness, occasioned by degeneration inherited from an eccentric father, turned her into the gulph of viraginity, from which she at last emerged, a victim of complete gynandry. I have given this instance more prominence than it really de- serves, simply because I wish to call attention to the fact that environment is one of the great factors in evolutionary devel- opment. Many women of to-day, who are in favor of female suffrage, are influenced by a single idea; they have some great reform in view, such as the establishment of universal temperance, or the elevation of social morals. Suffrage in its entirety, that suffrage which will give them a share in the government, is not desired by them; they do not belong to the class of vira- gints, unsexed individuals, whose main object is the establish- ment of a matriarchate. Woman is a creature of the emotions, of impulses, of sentiment, and of feeling; in her the logical faculty is subordinate. She is influenced by the object im- mediately in view, and does not hesitate to form a judgment which is based on no other grounds save those of intuition. Logical men look beyond the immediate effects of an action 822 The American Naturalist. [September, and predicate its results on posterity. The precepts and recepts which form the concept of equal rights also embody an eject which, though conjectural, is yet capable of clear demonstra- tion, and which declares that the final effect of female suffrage on posterity would be exceedingly harmful. We have shown, in Part II of this paper, that the pro- nounced advocates and chief promoters of equal rights are probably viragints—individuals who plainly show that they are psychically abnormal; furthermore, we have seen that the abnormality is occasioned by degeneration, either acquired or inherent, in the individual. Now let us see, if the right of female suffrage were allowed, what effect it would produce on the present environment of the woman of to-day, and, if any, what effect this changed environment would have on the psy- chical habitudes of the woman of the future. This portion of the subject will be discussed in Part III of this paper. III. THE DECADENCE. It is conceded that man completed his cycle of physical de- velopment many thousands of years ago. Since his evolution from his pithecoid ancestor, the forces of nature have been at work evolving man’s psychical being. Now, man’s psychical being is intimately connected with, and dependent on, his physical being, therefore, it follows that degeneration of his physical organism will, necessarily, engender psychical degen- eration also. Hence, if I can prove that woman, by leading a life in which her present environments are changed, produces physical degeneration, it will naturally follow that psychical degeneration will also accrue; and, as one of the invariable results of degeneration is atavism, both physical and psychical, the phenomenon of a social revolution, in which the present form of government will be overthrown and matriarchy estab- lished in its stead, will be, not a possibility of the future, but a probability. That the leaders of this movement in favor of equal rights look for such a result, I have not the slightest doubt; for, not many days ago, Susan B. Anthony stood beside 1895,] The Effect of Female Suffrage on Posterity. 823 the chair of a circuit judge in one of our court-houses, and, be- fore taking her seat, remarked that there were those in her audience who doubtless thought “that she was guilty of pre- sumption and usurpation,” but that there would come a day when they would no longer think so. Statistics show clearly | and conclusively that there is an alarming increase of suicide and insanity among women, and I attribute this wholly to the already changed environment of our women. As the matter stands, they have already too much liberty. The restraining influences, which formerly made woman peculiarly a house- wife, have been, in a measure, removed, and woman mixes freely with the world. Any new duty added to woman as a member of society would modify her environment to some ex- tent and call for increased activity. When a duty like suffrage is added, the change in her environment must, necessarily, be marked and radical, with great demands for increased activity. The right of suffrage would, unquestionably, very materially change the environment of woman at the present time, and would entail new and additional desires and emotions which would be other and most exhausting draughts on her nervous organism. The effects of degeneration are slow in making their appear- ance, yet they are exceedingly certain. The longer woman lived amid surroundings calling for increased nervous expend- iture, the greater would be the effects of the accruing degener- ation on her posterity. “ Periods of moral decadence in the life of a people are always contemporaneous with times of effeminancy, sensuality and luxury. These conditions can only be conceived as occuring with increased demands on the nervous system, which must meet these requirements. As a result of increase of nervousness, there is increase of sen- suality, and, since this leads to excess among the masses, it undermines the foundations of society—the morality and pur- ity of family life” (Krafft-Ebing). The inherited psychical habitudes handed down through hundreds and thousands of years would prevent the immediate destruction of that ethical purity for which woman is noted, and in the posession of which she stands so far above man. I do not think that this ethical 824 The American Naturalist. [September, purity would be lost in a day or a year, or a hundred years for ` that matter; yet, there would come a time when the morality of to-day would be utterly lost, and society would sink into some such state of existence as we now find en evidence among the Nairs. In support of this proposition I have only to in- stance the doctrines promulgated by some of the most ad- vanced advocates of equal rights. The “free love” of.some advanced women, I take it, is but the free choice doctrine in vogue among the Nairs and kindred races of people. John Noyes, of the Oneida Community, where equal rights were observed, preached the same doctrines. It is true that these people are degenerate individuals, psychical atavists; yet, they faithfully foreshadow in their own persons that which would be common to all men and women at some time in the future, if equal rights were allowed and carried out in their entirety. This is an era of luxury, and it is an universally acknow- ledged fact that luxury is one of the prime factors in the pro- duction of degeneration. We see forms and phases of degener- ation thickly scattered throughout all circles of society, in the plays which we see performed in our theatres, and in the books and papers published daily throughout the land. The greater portion of the clientele of the alienist is made up of women who are suffering with neurotic troubles, generally, of a psychopathic nature. The number of Viragints, gynandrists, androgynes, and other female psycho-sexual aberrants is very large indeed. It is folly to deny the fact that the right of female suffrage will make no change in the environment of woman. The New Woman glories in the fact that the era which she hopes to in- augurate will introduce her into a new world. Not satisfied with the liberty she now enjoys, and which is proving to be exceedingly harmful to her in more ways than one, she longs for more freedom, a broader field of action. If nature provided men and women with inexhaustible supplies of nervous energy, they might set aside physical laws and burn the candle at both ends without any fear of its being burned up. Nature fur- nishes each individual with just so much nervous force and no 1895.] Editor’s Table. 825 more; moreover, she holds every one strictly accountable for every portion of nervous energy which he or she may squan- der, therefore, it behooves us to build our causeway with ex- ceeding care, otherwise we will leave a chasm which will en- gulph posterity. The baneful effects resulting from female suffrage will not be seen to-morrow, or next week, or week after next, or next month, or next year, or a hundred years hence, perhaps. It is not a question of our day and generation; it is a matter of in- volving posterity. The simple right to vote carries with it no immediate danger, the danger comes afterward; probably many years after the establishment of female suffrage, when woman, owing to her increased degeneration, gives free rein to her atavistic tendencies, and hurries ever backward to- ward the savage state of her barbarian ancestors. I see, in the establishment of equal rights, the first step toward that abyss of immoral horrors so repugnant to our cultivated ethical tastes—the matriarchate. Sunk as low as this, civilized man will sink still lower—to the communal Kachims of the Aleutian Islanders. EDITOR'S TABLE, — For reasons not fully set forth, a considerable number of persons at one time adopted the opinion that the coéducation of the sexes possesses advantages over their separate education, and accordingly that system has been introduced into numerous schools of various grades. Consid- eration of certain facts of nature would, it might be supposed, have suggested that there might be some objections, but it is not the habit of a large class of persons to consider natural facts in the matter of sex. Now that the system has been in operation for many years, it is possi- ble to see more clearly than before, whether the suspicions of the opponents of the system were well-founded or not. We make no account of the opposition of persons who think a college or university education unnecessary for women. Among the best educated men, such a position probably has few supporters. 826 The American Naturalist. [September, Experience shows that in classes composed of both sexes, order is more easily maintained ; boys are less disorderly and girls are less silly. The natural instinct for the respect of the other sex works won- ders in this, as in other relations of life. Hence many teachers and professors think highly of ecoéducation. If we consider the interests of the students rather than those of the teachers, however, a different conclusion is indicated, It is well-known that the rate of growth in its later years is widely different in the sexes; the female becoming mature several years earlier than the male. This fact is the simple explana- tion of the natural antagonism which exists between the sexes of iden- tical age during their “teens.” Neither finds its ideal in the other sex of its age, the young woman especially and naturally finding it in older men who are as mature as herself. In mixed classes she will often excel the boys and take the prizes, a consequence not only of her maturity, but also of her greater sensitiveness to the penalties of fail- ure. That women have, of later years,so often taken leading positions in competitive examinations is not necessarily an evidence of a corre- sponding superiority of intellectual endowment, but is often the natural result of the inequality of development between herself and her male competitors. We would, in fact, look for such a result as a necessary consequence of the conditions. The effect of this state of affairs is bad on both sexes. It leads to mistaken conclusions as to the relative capacities of the two, which may lead to disastrous results in after life. It is calculated to produce in a considerable class of boys a distaste for study, and a preference in after years for uneducated women. To this extent it retards rather than aids human progress. It is a fact that, in a number of coéducational schools, the girls largely outnumber the boys, since the latter fail to become interested in their studies, and prefer to leave school and go into business. Whether it induces in girls a contempt for the intel- lectual furniture of the opposite sex we are not in a position to say, but it has done a great deal towards confirming certain doctrinaires in their a priori belief in the intellectual equality of the sexes. It is alleged that there are moral reasons why coéducation is better than separate education, and this opinion is well-founded so far as it relates to the mutual benefits of association. But this association need not necessarily be in classes. A model institution would be one in which the classes should be separate, but association at other times easy. Such association could be obtained at meals and on other stated occasions, so as to represent as nearly as possible the family relation. 1895.] Editor’s Table. 827 In universities, the graduate courses should be open equally to both sexes, since those who seek them are mature and stand on an equal ooting. —EXPERIENCE of the effects of electrical currents on the human body does not sustain the New York method of executing criminals by electric shocks as either effective of humane. We have. so far, failed to find an electrician who can describe the course of an electric current after it enters the human body. Experience has abundantly shown that some men may tolerate currents of much higher voltage than others, so that there is no fixed standard of fatal efficiency. It is not certain that persons apparently killed by such currents are really dead, for there are cases of resuscitation from shocks of a strength which the New York executioners suppose to be fatal. The offer of experts to rescusitate the victims of the electric chair have been declined by the New York authorities. The testimony of some persons who have been resuscitated from apparent death by electricity, is that while all their motor functions were suspended, their consciousness was active. There may then be some truth in the assertion that the real execution under the New York law takes place at the autopsy. We cannot but regard the enterprise of the authors of this law as premature, and as involv- ing a trifling with unknown conditions, which is barbarous. The law should be repealed. As a substitute for this and all other forms of execution, the guillotine has everything in its favor. Our hopes of the benefits to science to be derived from the Field Museum of Chicago have not been realized. Nearly all of the scien- tific men who originally obtained positions there, have left it with ex- pressions of dissatisfaction. This was to have been expected as a con- sequence of the organization which Mr. Field permitted. The most active member of the management was a successful lumber merchant, and the appointee as director was of an equally impossible stamp. Amer- icans sometimes wonder why European Museums of Natural History are so much superior to our own. The answer is that in Europe com- petent scientific men manage them; in America they do not, with the sole exception of a museum which is connected with a university (Har. vard), and one in New York where exceptional sagacity holds the reins. Chicago begins, in this matter, at the bottom of the ladder, and we will live in hopes. Perhaps Mr. Field himself will some day come to the rescue, and insist that the director of the Museum shall be a scientific man of proved ability, and that the only function of the 828 The American Naturalist. [September, trustees shall be to see that the investments are good, and that the ex- penses shall not exceed the income. THE Last volume of the reports of the Challenger Expedition has been published, and English biologists are reviewing the work. late number of our esteemed contemporary “ Natural Science,” con- sists mainly of a symposium on the results obtained, and the editors congratulate their countrymen on the successful conduct and complet- ion of the enterprise. We join in their congratulations; for English- men may well be proud of their work; and Carpenter as its projector, and Moseley and Murray as its managers, will ever be held in esteem by naturalists the world over. By the way our contemporary in another number shows that there is eruptive matter in some of its edi- torial substrata. It comes to the surface in some strong language anent of a short communication by Dr. Patton to the NATURALIST. Perhaps the irate editor is not familiar with all the circumstances of the case. Neither are we. RECENT LITERATURE. From the Greeks to Darwin.’'—In a volume of 260 pages Professor Osborn presents the salient points in the history of the growth of the evolution idea in the European mind. Beginning with the Greek philosophers, the author discusses their conceptions and gives a résumé of the legacy of the Greeks to later evolution. Then follows an account of the contributions of the theologians of the Mid- dle Ages, and of the natural philosophers from Bacon to Schelling. Due credit is given both to the speculative evolutionists, of whom Oken is a type, and to the great naturalists of the eighteenth century who laid the real foundations of the modern evolution idea. Several pages are 1 From the Greeks to Darwin. An Outline of the Development of the Evolu- tion Idea. By Henry Fairfield Osborn. New York, 1894. Macmillan and Co. 1895.] Recent Literature. 829 devoted to tracing the rise and decline of evolutionary thought in . France, from Buffon to Geoffroy St. Hilaire (Isidore), in which at- tention is called to the opposing views of what may be termed the Buffon-Lamarck adherents and those of the Cuvier-Linnaeus school. The closing chapter is an exposition of the views of Darwin and Wal- lace and their precursors in the teaching of natural selection. This review of the history of thought on organic evolution is timely and will interest a large circle of readers. It is judicial in treatment, and although the author is known to have decided opinions on the sub- ject, they do not appear. He reminds us that the early fathers of the Christian church, and conspicuously Augustine, were evolutionists and that Suarez was not, although the contrary has been alleged. He points out the services of Buffon and Erasmus Darwin to thought, and shows the imaginative genius of the former, and the practical sagacity of the latter. In discussing Lamarck, while crediting him with clear- minded sagacity, he shows the superficial character of many of his at- tempted explanations. Nevertheless he says in closing his review, “ We must close by placing Lamarck in the first rank. He was the first naturalist to become profoundly convinced of the great law, and to place it in the form of a system.” He shows that Lamarck was the first author to understand the nature of actual phylogeny, and depict it graphically in true form. Of Darwin, the author says, “The long re- tention of his theory from publication marks the contrast of his caution with the impetuousness of Lamarck.” But it must be remembered that the Recherches sur Organisation des Corps Vivants was not written until 1802, when Lamarck was no longer young, and had spent his life in study. Further, “He” (Darwin) “sought a hundred facts and observations where his predecessors had sought one; his notes filled volumes, and he stands out as the first evolutionist who worked upon true Baconian principles. It was this characteristic which, combined with his originality, won the battle for the evolution idea.” This is an estimate of Darwin which time will confirm. The perusal of this book will give a just view of the history of thought on the doctrine of organic evolution, and will enable the reader to determine the respective parts which the contributors to our knowledge have played. The improved means of reaching conclusions which the additions to the store of facts in later periods placed within the reach of later authors, are referred to, The vast increase in our knowledge of facts since Darwin, have thrown so much light on the subject that it is to be hoped that Professor Osborn will at some future 830 The American Naturalist. ` [September, time favor us with a volume on the advances made during this period also. ; “The Glacial Nightmare and the Flood. ”™—To American geologists, the title of this work is almost a challenge, and might cause it to be ignored, but to every student of superficial geology it is an in- valuable book. It is a well-arranged history of the observations and growth of the science of superficial geology. To many of the fathers of this department of science, it is a tardy justice, and impresses a fair reader with the vast array of facts which were collected at an early date, not in Europe alone, but also in America, leaving for the later observers far less new work than our modern writers usually recognize. Another lesson taught demonstrates that the generalized conclusions of the greatest idols of science are by no means established, and often retard progress. The teachings of each succeeding generation replace, to some extent, those of the preceding, until at last reaction sets in and separ- ates the chaff and shows us how much the early scientific geniuses did for their science, though, perhaps, drawn off into erroneous by-ways. The work fairly sets forth the rise of the doctrine of tloods and its abandonment; of the growth and limitation of the iceberg theory; of the origin and culmination of the glacial theory, with Schimper at the head, and originating the term Ice Age. Thus far the author’s hand is hardly seen in the book. The treatise is of special value in systematic- ally bringing together the facts and views and doing justice to the authors of works, many of which have been overlooked or are not accessible to American geologists. On the subject of the unity of the glacial period the evidence is fairly stated, but the author marshalls an array of data favoring the unity of the Age in its general aspect, a point upon which American glacialists differ. The difficulties in accepting the astronomical causes of the Ice Age are fairly set forth, and these adverse conclusions will be received by most American geologists. The cause of glacier motions, and the mechanical effects of glaciers are discussed from their physical aspects, and appear very satisfactory to most observers. The facts showing the former extension of glaciers are arranged, and show how the ice-cap theory has given place to continental glaciers. But here the work is directed against the extreme views, giving rise to the title of the book, on the ground of lack of evidence, and challenges the right of 1 By Sir Henry H. Howarth, K. C. I. E., M. P., F. G. S., ete. 2 vol. pp. l- 920. Sampson, Low, Marston & Company, London. 1895.] Recent Literature. 831 appealing to transcendental views. Although some American glacial- ists will here dissent, yet the treatment of the evidence is very fair, and from the facts collected the book cannot be overlooked by any scien- tific observer. . The work closes with suggestions to explain some difficulties carefully analyzed, wherein the author appeals to “ waves of translation,” æ. modification of the old doctrine of catastrophies (as does also Prof. Prestwich in some of his recent contributions), It is surprising that the idea of cataclysms in some form, whether glacial or otherwise, has permeated the views of so many writers, often without their apparent. knowledge, who are considered good disciples of uniformitarianism. In spite of the title, the work is just such a volume of condensation of observations, gathered from the whole world, as is needed for a man- ual of references, for these are much more prominent than the views of the author, even in the latter part of the book. It, however, shows that there may be two views of great problems. From the work, one is almost surprised to find how much the early geologists in America had done in surface geology, which has been almost forgotten, yet this formed the foundation of even the modern science of superficial geology- —J. W.S. RECENT BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. Abstract of the Proceeds. Linnean Society of New York for the year ending March 27, 1894. Batpwin, J. M.—Mental Development in the Child and the Race: Methods and Processes. New York, 1895. From the Publishers, Macmillan and Co. BELL, R.—Honeyecombed Limestones in Lake Huron. Extr. Bull. Geol. Soc- Am. Vol. 6, March, 1895. From the Society. Benepict, J. E.—Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Crabs of the family Lithodidae with Notes on the young of L. camischaticus and L. brevipes- Extr. Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII, 1894. BicELow, R. P.—Report upon the Crustacea of the order Stomatopoda col- lected by tbe steamer Albatross between 1885 and 1891, and on other specimens in the U. S. Natl. Mus. Extr. Proceeds. U.S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII, 1894. From the Smithsonian Institution. Biiuines, F. S.—How shall the Rich Escape? Boston, 1894. From the Arena Pub. Co. BouLencer, G. A.—A List of the Reptiles and Batrachians collected by Dr- E. Modigliani in Sereinu (Sipora). Mentawei Islands. Extr. Ann. Mus. Civ. dt 57 832 The American Naturalist. [September, Storia Nat. Genova, Vol. XIV, 1894.—— Descriptions of a new Lizard and a new Fish obtained in Formosa by Mr. Holst. Extr. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 6, Vol. XIV, 1894. From the author. Bull. 30, 1894, Agricultural Experiment Station of the Rhode Island College of Agric. and Mechanie Arts Coupin, H.—L’ Amateur di Papillons. Paris, 1895. B. Balliere et Fils, Edi- rs. CRANE, A.—Evolution of the Brachiopoda. Extr. Geol. Mag., Feb. & March, 1895. From the author DALL, Wo. H. TEOR of the genus Gnathodon, Gray (Rangia, Desmou- lins). o Rais U. S. Natl. Mus. Vol. XVII, 1894. From the author Dawson, WM.—Synopsis of the Air-breathing bias a the APEE in Can- ada, up to 1894. Extr. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Sect. IV, 1894. From the author. De Vis, C. W.—On the Mandible of Zygomaturus. Extr. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, Vol. XI, 1895. From the author Dorey C. S. AnD J. M. CATTELL.—On Reaction Times and the Velocity of the Nervous Impulse. Extr. Psychol. Rev., Vol. I, No. 2, 1894. From C. 8. Dolley. DumMBLE, E. T.—Cenozoic Deposits of Texas. Extr. Journ. Geol., 1894. From the author. Dwicut, T.—The Range and Significance of Variation in the Human Skele- ton. The Shattuck Lecture, Boston, 1894. From the author Eris, R. W.—Notes on Recent Sedimentary Formations on the Bay of Fundy Coast. Extr. Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. Sci., Halifax, Vol. I, 1895.——The Pots- dam and Calciferous Formations of Quebec and Eastern Ontario. Extr. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1894. From the author. Fisu, P. A.—The Central Nervous System of Desmognathus fusca. Extr. Journ. Morph., Vol. X, 1895. From the author. GILL, TH.—The Differential Characters of the Salmonidae and Thymallidae. Extr. Proceeds. U. 8. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII, 1894. From the author. JULIAN, A. A.—Notes of Research on the New York Obelisk. ‘Extr. Bull. Amer. Geog. Soc., 1893. From the author. Locy, W. A.—Metameric Segmentation in the Medullary Folds and Embry- onic Rim. Aus. Anat. Anz. IX Bd. Nr. 13. From the author. Mac osktk, G.—Common Errors as the Relations of Science and Faith. Extr. Presbyterian and Reformed Rev., Jan., 1895. From the author. MARSHALL, A. M.—Biological Lectures and Addresses. Edited by C. F. Mar- shall, London, 1894. From Macmillan and Co., Pub. Mason, O. T.—Similarities in Culture. Extr, Am. Anthropol., Vol. VII, 1895. MINUTES OF A MEETING held in Johns Hopkins University, Commemorative of G. H. Williams, Oct. 14, 1894. From the Tniv. Merriam, C. H.—A new subfamily of Murine Rodents—the Neotominae— with description of a new genus and species and a synopsis of the known species. Extr. Proceeds. Phila. Acad Sci., Sept., 1894. From the author. 1895.] Recent Books and Pamphlets. 833 Montcomery, T. H.—Stichostemma eilhardii, nov. gen. nov. spec. Separat-a b- druck aus. Zeitsch. f. wissenschaftliche Zool., LIX, Bd., I, Heft. Leipzig, 1895. From the author. OSBORN, H. F. AND CHARLES EARLE. -Pa Mammals of the Puerco Beds, Collection of 1892. Extr. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. VII, 1895. Poi the authors. Owen, R.—Life of Richard Owen. Also an Essay on Owen’s Position in Ana- tomical Science, by Right Hon. T. H. Huxley. In two volumes. New York, 1894. From the Publishers, D. Appleton and Co. Paquier, M. V.—Contributions à l’étude du Bajocien de la bordure occidentale de la Chaine de Belledonne. Extr. Ann. del’ Enseignement supérieur de Greno- Powell, E. P.—Gott im Menschen. Berlin, 1894. From the author. Report of the Geological Survey of Michigan, Vol. V, 1881-1893. From the State Geol. Surv. Report of the U. 8. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for the Year ending June 30, 1892. Washington, 1894. From the U. S. Fish Commission. Ripcway, R.—Description of a new Geothlypis from Brownsville, Texas. Extr. Pisces. U.S. Natl. Mus. Vol. XVI. From the author. Sauvace, M. H. E.—Les Reptiles du terrain jurassique supérieur du Boulon- nais. Extr. Comptes Rendus des séances de l’ Acad des Sci. Paris, 1894. From SCHLOSSER, M. De.—Ueber die Plistocanschichten in Franken und ihr Ver- hiltniss zu den Ablagerungen am Schweizerbild bei Schaffhausen. Aus. dem Neuen Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, etc., 1895. From the author Suater, N. S.—Evidences as to Change of Sea level. Extr. ‘Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., Jan., 1895. From the Society. Spencer, J. W.—Reconstruction of the Antillean Continent. Extr. Bull. Geul. Soc. Am., Vol. 6, 1895. From the author. Stearns, R. E. C.—The Shells of the Tres Marias and other localities along the shores of Lower Nese gin "Me the Gulf of California. Extr. Proceeds. U S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII. 1 STEJNEGER, ae ens a a a new species of Blind Snake Sen eve from the Congo Free State. Extr. Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol From the author TROUESSART, E. —Sur les genre Analges (Sarcoptidee) et remarques critiques sur les especes nouvelles recemment décrites par M. Hugo Zimmerman.—— Note sur les Acariens des Fosses nasales des Oiseaux. Extrs. Bull. des Seances Soc. En- tomol. de France, 1894. From the author. True, F. W.—Notes on some Skeletons and Skulls of Porpoises on the genus ORTA collected by Dr. W. L. Abbot in the Indian Ocean. Extr. Proceeds. U. 8. . Mus. Vol. XVII, 1894. From the Smithsonian Institution. Weoubieh; M. M.—The Free Trade Struggle in England. Chicago, 1895. From the Open Court Pub. Co. Very, F. W.--Hail Storms. Extr. Trans. Pittsburgh Acad. Science and Art, 1894. From the author. Warp, L.—-Recent Discoveries of Cycadean Trunks in the Potomac Formation in Maryland. Extr. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, Vol. 21, 1894. From the author. 834 The American Naturalist. [September, WINCHELL, N. H—The Geological and Natural History Survey of Minnesota, Twenty-second Annual Report, for the year 1893. Minneapolis, 1894. ——Annual Report for 1894, Minn. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Minneapolis, 1895. From N. H. Winchell. Woopwarp, A. S.—Notes on Shark’s Teeth from British Cretaceous Forma- tions. Reprint Proceeds. Geol. Ass., Vol. XIII, 1894. From the author. ——On a Second Species of Eurycormus. Extr. Geol. Mag., May, 1894. From the author. — On some Fish remains of the Genera Portheus and ee from the Rolling Downs Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of Queensland. e Affini- ties of the Cretaceous Fish, Protosphyraena.—— Extrs. Ann. Mag. Nat. ries Vol. XIII, 1894. From the author. General Notes. MINERALOGY.’ Universal Stage for the Microscope.—Federow has done a great service to mineralogists and petrographers by introducing instru- ments based on the universal or theodolite principies. His application of these principles to the measurement of crystal angles is the gonio- meter with two graduated circles, which has already been referred to in these notes. Extending his study to the field of crystallographic- optical measurements, he has devised the universal microscope stage,’ which increases the usefulness of the microscope by permitting a quite new class of observations to be made. The microscope stage now in use permits of only such motions as always retain the slide in a plane parallel to the initial one. Federow’s universal stage allows the slide to be moved into any position whatsoever by two rotations about axes normal alike to one another and to the microscopés axis, He has described and figured two different types of stage, one better adapted to ordinary work and also permitting the slide to be immersed in liq- uids if desired, while the other has the advantage of greater simplicity and has a convenient arrangement for orienting the slide in its own plane, so that any line (e. g., a twinning trace) may be brought parallel to the immovable axis of the stage. In answer to some inquiries, 1Edited by Dr. Wm. H. Hobbs, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. _ ? Zeitsch. f. Kryst., xxii, pp. 229-268, pl. 9 (1893). 1895.] Mineralogy. 835 Professor v. Federow has kindly informed the editor of these notes that he has designed a third and simpler type of stage, specially adapted to petrographical work, which will shortly be described. All these forms can be attached to any of the standard types of petrographical micro- scopes by screwing to the mechanical stage. They require, however, a special form of slide, which is circular, with a diameter of about 2 em., and, when in use, this is held in an ebonite holder with circular open- ing, in which the slide can naturally be given any desired orientation. Parallel polarized light is used with this stage, and the presence of an axis of the ellipsoid of elasticity in any section is indicated by first bringing the two principal directions of the section parallel to the two axes of the stage and then rotating the slide about each separately. If either of the principal directions is an axis of elasticity, the slide will evidently remain dark when rotated about the axis normal to it, whereas otherwise it will show interference colors. This affords the following scheme for determining the symmetry of a mineral from ex- amination of random sections in a rock slide: Isometric. Every section is isotropic. Hexagonal and Tetragonal. Every section has one axis of elasticity. Orthorhombic. Sections lying in the zones of the three crystallo- graphic axes contain an axis of elasticity. Monoclinic. Sections belonging to the zone of the axis of symmetry contain an axis of elasticity. Triclinic. Entire lack of such sections. Some of Federow’s applications of this instrument to the Pen of the feldspars will be referred to later. A somewhat different form of stage embodying the same idea, but adapted to the study of the ordinary form of slides, has been since de- vised by Klein and manufactured by Fuess for attachment to his instruments. Klein‘ has also designed a form of this stage (likewise manufactured by Fuess for his large stand) to be used with convergent as well as parallel polarized light, and this can be used to find the position of the optic axes and measure the — angle in crystals as well as in sections. Connection Between Atomic Weight of Contained Met- als and Morphological and Optical Properties of Crystals. —The relations found by Tutton to exist between the atomic weights *Groth, Physikal. Kryst., 3d ed., p. 749, figs. 688 and 689 (1895). ‘Ibiden, p. 750, fig. 691. Cf. also Sitzungsber. d. Akad. d. Wiss., Berlin, 1895, p. 91. 836 The American Naturalist. [September, of the contained metals and the crystal characters of the potassium, rubidium, and cæsium double sulphates of formula R,M(SO,),6H,O,5 have been found by Muthmann' to hold also for the permanganates. Continuing his studies Tutton’ has made an equally exhaustive crys- tallographic study of the normal sulphates of the same alkali metals. The earlier determinations made on these substances seemed to be in conflict with the facts brought out by Tutton in studying the double sulphates, but after most exhaustive and precise observations with specially-devised apparatus, Tutton is able to show that the recorded observations on these salts are incorrect, and that the intermediate position crystallographically of rubidium is established for this series as well as the other. There isshown to be a progression corresponding to the increase of atomic weight of the contained metal as regards the axial ratio, the size of the interfacial angles, and the molecular volume. The differences in the magnitude of the analogous angles, seems, how- ever, to be less, the higher the symmetry, approaching, Tutton suggests the absolute identity requisite to isometric symmetry. The habit of the crystals seems to obey the same law. In a discussion of the rela- tive linear dimensions of the crystal elements of the Bravais-Sohnche space lattice, is communicated a simple method of determining these values which was suggested by Becke. Becke’s formule are: a= fav b= PV o= pev P3 ac a in which a,, b, and c, (X ¥ Z of Muthmann) are the relative dimensions of the crystal element in the direction of the correspondingly named crystal axes; a, b, and ¢ are the unity lengths of the crystal axes ; and V is the molecular volume. Tutton proposes to call the distances a, b, Co (Muthmann’s topische axen) distance ratios of the crystal elements, and, as they are only relative values, to make one equal to unity as in the case of, axial ratios. When these values are determined for the three sulphates, it is found that rubidium occupies the intermediate position, Tutton also finds that these salts follow the Bravais-Sobnche theory in that the planes of cleavage 4 (010) most perfect and (001) less perfect } are the planes in which the elementary parallelograms of the lattice system are respectively smallest and next smallest. The optical study consisted in the determination of the principal indices of refraction in prisms prepared with unusual care by the deli- 5 See these notes. _ *Zeitsch. f. Kryst., xxii, p. 497. T Jour. Chem. Soc. London, 1894, pp. 628-717. 1895.] Mineralogy. 837 cate apparatus described by him before the Royal Society, and also in the measurement of the optical angle (in sections prepared accurately normal to a besectrix by means of the same apparatus) in five different wave lengths of light. Here again the intermediate position of rubid- ium is proven by the values of the indices of refraction along corres- ponding crystallographic axes. Rubidium sulphate is found to be quite a unique substance optically, having an extremely low double refraction (small differences between the indices of refraction), but, in general, a large optical angle (large relative differences between refract- ive indices), with high dispersion of the optic axes due to the fact that differences in the magnitude of 2 V for different wave lengths are large by reason of the extremely small differences between the indices (low double refraction). . Similarly the changes in 2 V caused by rise of tèm- perature are abnormally large. Further, since the index of refraction along crystallographic ¢ increases with rise of temperature faster than those along the other axes, and more in amount than the difference between the indices alonge and 6 at the ordinary temperature, the result is a closing up of the optical angle with a rise of temperature and an opening out in the plane normal to its first position, The following figures, which are the ratios of the optical elasticities along the crystallographical axes, tell this story : ; Co anD At ordinary temperature a : b: e = 0.9991 : 1 : 0.9999 t b a At 180°, d: b: e= 0.9993: 1: 1.0006 Somewhat similar changes have been found to occur in heating potassium sulphate, but only at higher temperatures. The many results of this elegant and thorough study can not be given ina review of these proportions, and the reader is referred to the original paper. Boleite and Nautokite from Broken Hill, N. S. W.—Liver- sidge® describes boleite from Broken Hill, N. S. W., in cubic-crystals as much as seven millimetres on an edge and modified by both the octa- hedron and the dodecahedron. The matrix is hematite and quartz. The mineral has heretofore been found only at Boleo in Lower Cali- fornia. From the same locality the same writer describes nautokite, the lower chloride of copper, in fragments of crystals, and beautiful crystals of cerargyrite and cuprite. New Minerals from Chili.—The late Dr. Dietze, of Tantal, Chili, a few years since studied chemically several new minerals from 8 Read before the Royal Society of New South Wales, June 6th, 1894. (Sep- arate. * Zeitsch. f. Kryst., 19, p. 445 (1891). 3338 The American Naturalist. [September, the salt pampas of that country. Osann” has recently studied three of these minerals crystallographically and optically. Some of his re- sults are summarized below: Darapskite (Na,SO,+H,O, Dietze) from Pampa del Toro near Pampa, where it occurs abundantly with blédite. Monoclinic with axial ratio a: b: ¢ = 1.5258: 1: 0.7514. p = 77°5’. Habit tabular parallel to the orthopinacoid. The observed forms were (100), (001), (010), (110), (101), (201), (101), (302), (011), (111), (111), and (121). Twins are common according to (100), and are sometimes polysyn- thetic. H, 2-3, G, 2.203. Easily soluble in water. Lautarite 4 Ca(1IO,),, Dietze +} from Calcium Chloride Pampas, also Pampa del Pique III and in Pampa Grove. Monoclinic with axial ratio a: 6: e= 0.6331 : 1 : 0.6462. @ =.73°38’.. The prismatic crystals show the following forms: (110), (120), (010), (001), (011), (101) and (101). Cleavage parallel to (011). The crystals vary from colorless to bright wine-yellow, and are difficultly soluble in water. H, 3-4, G, 4.59 (Dietze). Dietzite. This mineral occurs in the Chloride of Calcium Pampas, and was determined by Dietze to have the formula 7 Ca (IO,), 8 Ca Cr O, It has monoclinic symmetry with axial ratio a: b: e = 1.3826 0.9515. 2 = 73°28’. Crystals tabular according to 100, possessing the forms: (100), (010), (001), (110), (210), (101), (221) and (223). H, 3-4, G, 3.698. Soluble in hot, but only slightly soluble in cold, water. The mineral is named by Osann in honor of the finder, Dr. Dietze, who perished in a snow storm while on a scientific expedition in the Andes. Lautarite and Dietzite are interesting as being the first salts of iodic acid that have been found in the mineral world. Miscellaneous.—Rinne" determines the symmetry of crystals of metallic aluminium to be probably isometric from a study of quite per- fect growth forms. Lacroix” describes well crystallized epidote from or near Voheimar, Madagascar, which have developed the base, ortho- pinacoid, the unit positive orthodome, and also (210), (102), (011) and (111). He also makes a correction to his earlier paper on the pyro- morphite of New Calidonia, adding the form (1121) and replacing the described forms (5054) and ( by the forms ( and (9091). Ussing,“ in connection with a mineralogical-petrographical Thidem, 23, pp. 584-589, pl. 7 (1894). ! Neues Jahrbuch f. Min., etc., 1894, IT, pp. 1-2. © Bull. Soc. Franç Min., xvii, pp. 119-120, May, 1894. 'SThidem, pp. 120-12 MMfineralagiekopetsumriliske Undersogelser af Gronlandske Nefelinsyeniter og beslaegtede Bjaergarter, by N. V. Ussing, pp. 220, pls. 7, 1894. 1895.] Mineralogy. 839 investigation of the Greenland nephelene syenites and their associated rocks, describes nepheline altered to cancrinite, sodalite, analcite, hydronephelene, natrolite, and potash mica; also sodalite altered to analcite and natrolite and eudialite altered to katapleite and zircon. Besides numerous varieties of feldspar, augite and hornblende, he de- scribes Ainigmatite and Kélbingite from these rocks. The work is printed in the Danish language. Ww. H. Hosss. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. The Protolenus Fauna.— Rev. et. mag. d. Zool. 2d series, XXI, p. 153 (1869). Mission Scient. au Mexique, Zool. VI, 2, p. 56 (1872). 59 864 The American Naturalist. [September, be grave doubts of the advisability of changing family names whenever more brief or euphonious substitutes are offered. True, the winding polysyllables seem a useless infliction, and doubtless frighten many short-breathed people away from scientific study ; but if there had been no dodging on “ Craspedosomatidae,” it might have stood as a warning which should have saved us such names as Paradoxosomatide, Archi- spirostreptus, and Pseudonannolenide. These are longer than the pre- Linnean descriptions, and may further endanger the popularity of the binomial system, already threatened in other ways. Let us hope that before the nomenclatorial agitation entirely sub- sides, we may have a rule limiting scientific names to reasonable length. Their authors might then have the time and strength to make a service- able description, possibly a plate! If this suggestion is not received favorably by the “ cloth” it will be quite easy to secure enough “lay” votes to pass it by large majority. —O. F. CooK. On the Generic Names Strigamia, Linotænia and Scolio- planes.—The genus Strigamia, was proposed by Gray, in 1842, in the article by T. Rymer Jones, in Todd’s Cyclopeedia, as cited in the pre- ceding note. The description is as follows: “ Gen. H. Strigamia ( Geophilus). Eyes none, antenne 14-jointed, moniliform, rather elongate. Body linear, depressed. Feet, fifty pairs or more.” It is significant that Strigamia stands as the fourth genus of the Sco- lopendridæ, the other three being Lithobius, Scolopendra and Cryp- tops. The most natural inference from the above quotation is that Gray for some reason preferred Strigamia to Geophilus. This seems to have been Latzel’s idea, for he places Strigamia Gray, as a doubtful synonym under Geophilus. Whatever may have been the intention of Gray, however, there would seem to be an insurmountable obstacle to the use of his name, in the fact that he published no species under it, the case not being parallel with that of Fontaria. Neither is there any mention of a species of Strigamia in what purport to be complete lists of the Chilopoda of the British Museum. Indeed, in the list of 1856, in the preparation of which Gray himself assisted, Strigamia appears only as a synonym of Geophilus! It should have rested quietly there, but names were too scarce, and so Strigamia was again brought out by Wood, in 1865, and applied to Geophilus Newport, not Leach, The type of Geophilus Leach, is carpophagus, but this species had been se- questrated by Newport and put into a new genus, Arthronomalus, leav- ing Geophilus as the name of another genus whose type was acuminatus, 1895.] Entomology. 865 Leach. Thus Wood’s proposition was to assign to Strigamia a type species acuminatus, and Latzel is in error in citing Strigamia Wood, as a synonym of Geophilus. If we allow that aborted names and syno- nyms can be thus resuscitated, Strigamia Wood, must have stood as a valid genus had it not been for the fact that ©. L. Koch had in 1847 established the genus Linotænia on Geophilus crassipes. C. L. Koch, a congener of acuminatus, so that Strigamia Wood is a synonym of Lino- tænia C. L. Koc Neglecting the claims of Linotænia, Bergsoe and Meinert, in 1866, described Scolioplanes on Geophilus maritimus Leach, also congeneric with acuminatus and crassipes. The only ground on which Scolioplanes could be considered valid is that Linotænia as described by Koch was not a natural group, but this criticism would destroy a large majority of the older genera. It may be that the establishment of Scolioplanes was wise at the time, for the identities and relationships of even the European Geophilide were uncertain. At present, however, the European authors seem to be agreed that acuminatus, crassipes and mar- itimus are members of one genus, and while this view is held it would seem that the genus must stand as Linotznia C. L. Koch, with Scolio- planes Bergsoe, and Meinert as synonym. Still another complication has been introduced by Sseliwanoff.® He uses Scolioplanes Bergsoe and Meinert, but recognizes Strigamia Gray as distinct, describing it at length and giving figures of Strigamia par- viceps Wood, from California, also placing Strigamia Wood as a syno- nym of Strigamia Gray. To judge by the descriptions and diagrams of Meinert, Latzel and Daday, the European species as represented by crassipes are to be distinguished from parviceps by apparently good gen- eric characters. That the American forms which have been referred to Strigamia, Scolioplanes and Linotenia are all congeneric is improb- able, but Sseliwanoff has assumed the responsibility of separating par- viceps and its allies from Linotænia (Seolioplanes), and his distinctions should not be ignored, even if Strigamia is no longer available as a generic name. Dissections of Strigamia bothriopus Wood, S. chionophila Wood, and S. parviceps Wood, show that the mouth-parts of all three are very much alike, and that they differ from Linotænia in having the labial sternum divided, and the labial palpus two-jointed, the basal joint with a pro- cess, as in Sseliwanoff’s figure of parviceps. Hence it seems probable that the other American species are more likely to be related to a genus ê Geophilidæ museja imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk, p. 12 (1881). T. I, figs. 1-8. i ; 866 The American Naturalist. [September, founded on parviceps than to the European genus Linotznia. It is proposed, then, to end, if possible, the confusion which has long attended the use of these generic names by the following arrangement of synonomy : Genus Geophilus Leach (1814), type carpophagus Leach. Syn. Strigamia Gray (1842), no type. Syn. Arthronomalus Newp. (1844), type longicornis (Leach). Genus Linotænia C. L. Koch (1847), type crassipes (C. L. Koch). Syn. Strigamia Wood (1865), type acuminatus (Leach). Syn. Scolioplanes B. & M. (1866), type maritimus (Leach). Genus Tomotænia nom. nov. Syn. Strigamia Ssel. (1881), type parviceps (Wood). The genus Linotænia is distributed over Europe and Northern Asia. The species are: acuminatus (Leach), crassipes C. L. Koch, maritimus (Leach), pusillus Ssel., sacolinensis (Meinert), sibiricus (Ssel.), sulcatus e. The genus Tomotænia, including species which must be provisionally referred to it, is distributed over temperate North America. The genera of Chilopoda, however, do not appear to be confined by continents, so that a further modification of generic lines and distribution is to be ex- pected. The species which, pending further investigation, should be referred to Tomotenia are: bidens (Wood), bothriopus (Wood), bran- neri (Bollman), chionophila (Wood), exsul (Meinert), fulva (Sager), lævipes (Wood), longicornis (Meinert), maculaticeps (Wood), parviceps (Wood), robustus (Meinert), rubra (Bollman), walheri Wood. —0O. F. Coox. Picobia Villosa (Hancock).—A response to Mr. E. L. Troues- sart. In the April number of Tar American Naturaist, p: 3882- 384, I described and figured“ a new trombidian ” under the above name. In a more recent issue of the same magazine, July, p. 682-684, Dr. E. L. Trouessart, of Paris, takes exception to the species claiming it to be a form of Cheyletin, already well known in Europe, not differing from Syringophilus bipectinatus Heller. This writer has contributed some valuable articles upon the Acarina with which I was perfectly conver- sant at the time, notwithstanding he says I was “ not acquainted with the modern literature on this interesting type.” Thinking it neces- sary to mention only those papers which bore a classical relation to the species described, these were omitted. In adopting the genus Picobia, I was not alone, for there are others who dissent from the classification Mr. Trouessart lays down, notable among these being Newman,’ who ' Treatise on Parasitic Diseases, p. 235, 1892. 1895.] Embryology. 867 maintains, that “ the cheyletinz, parasites of birds, comprise the genus Cheyletus, Harporhynchus, and Picobia; and in regard to Heller’s genus, Syringophilus, the same writer says, p. 236, “ for these Acarina he (A. Heller) created the genus Syringophilus which evidently enters into the genus Picobia, and he has described two species in it which ought to be named Picobia bipectinata and P. uncinata.” The various immature stages and the unsettled condition of this group of Acarina, together with an almost total absence of American literature has made it an unusually difficult field for students taking up this line of work. However this may be, we are thankful for the timely discussion, or I may say criticism, raised by Mr. Trouessart on my species, and the ex- pression of his views upon a subject which he is conceded to be an emi- nent authority. If the form Picobia villosa from the black flycatcher is what he claims namely: The same as the European species above mentioned, we are pleased to have the matter straightened, also the point emphasized of the caution necessary in presenting as new, immature stages of these Acarina, sometimes so very different from the adult, and with shades of individual differences, even from localities as widely separated as Europe aiid America. —Dr. J. L. Hancock. Chicago. EMBRYOLOGY.’ Conjugation in an American Crayfish.—The following obser- vations upon the breeding habits of Cambarus affinis show how much difference there is between the American crayfish and the European form, Astacus, and serve to clear up some important structures of hitherto unknown use. Some specimens brought from Washington, D. C., in November, 1894, immediately united in pairs when put into a shallow vessel of water, The same specimens and also others received in February paired during February, March and April. About a dozen cases were carefully observed with the following results: In captivity the entire process of conjugation lasts from two to ten hours and may be repeated by either animal with some other. 1 Edited by E. A. Andrews, Baltimore, Md., to whom abstracts, reviews and preliminary notes may be sent. 868 The American Naturalist. [September, When a male is put into a vessel with a female he seems ere long to become aware of the presence of the female and does not act as he does when males only are present. The female generally retreats and may even resist the attacks of the male, but generally this is not done with much vigor, and very soon after being seized by the male the female passes into a state of passivity, resembling death. The male advances eagerly to the female and grasps her with his large claws, sometimes gently. When the female struggles to escape, the male holds very firmly by one of his claws that grasps a claw, or an antenna, or any projecting part of the head region of the female, and eventually suc- ceeds in turning her upon her back ; if there is no struggle, the same result is also accomplished more directly and methodically. The male now seizes all the claws of the female in his two large claws, three in each on each side and holds them firmly as seen in Figs. 1 and 2. He Fic. 1. re moves forward over the supine female into the position shown in the figures. This process has lasted ten to twenty minutes. It is followed by a most unexpected move: the male stands up away from the female, holding the claws as before, and deliberately passes one leg across under his body so that it projects from the opposite side. He then settles down again close to the female. The leg that is passed over is one of the fifth, most posterior, pair of walking legs. In the figures it is the left leg; it seems to be absent on the left side, Fig. 1, but projects straight out and backward between the fourth and fifth on the right side, Fig. 2. In many cases the right leg is used: in one case the leg projected between the third and fourth instead of between the fourth and fifth as usual. 1895.] Embryology. 869 This unusual position of the leg secures the proper position and di- rection of the intromittent organs. These are the first and second pairs of pleopodes, or abdominal appendages. They normally lie forward in a horizontal groove beneath the thorax, but now they are depressed at an angle of about 45°, and are held so by the transversely placed leg, as may be seen from Fig. 1, which shows the white tips of the intro- E. 2. mittent organs of the left side. When the organs are thus held they may accomplish their purpose, which is to transfer the sperm to the an- nulus of the female. As seen in Fig. 2 the abdomen of the female is bent up, and that of the male partly surrounds it. At times the male relaxes the abdomen and moves forward upon the female. Ultimately the two are so accu- rately adjusted—and this is a difficult problem in two such irregular, rigid masses with so many appendages—that the tips of the first pair of pleopods are thrust into the annulus. The two are now firmly united and cannot be readily separated, in fact it was found possible to kill and preserve them in this position, and thus obtain the photographs from which the illustrations are taken. When thrown into actively boiling water for a moment, the crayfish are fixed in the normal position with no observed change, and may then be preserved indefinitely. e firm union of the two is accomplished by the use of the hook- like spines that characterize the male of many species of Cambarus. In C. afnis there is one spine on the third segment, ischiopodite, of the third walking leg on each side of the body. When the male applies himself closely to the female, he fastens these two hooks to the base of her fourth walking legs, on each side. 870 The American Naturalist. [September, The hooks depress the soft membrane between the coxopodite and basipodite on the dorsal-lateral aspect and catch firmly against the chitinous ridge formed by the hinge-like union of the chitinous edges of those same segments, coxopodite and basipodite. By this means the two animals are held together against the force necessary to introduce the male pleopods into the resistant annulus. The animals now remain united for several hours, during which time sperm is transferred into the annulus or seminal receptacle of the fe- male. The annulus is a well known descriptive character found in the fe- males of Cambarus, but not in Astacus: hitherto its use has not been known. It varies in shape in different species. In C. affinis its development varies, but in general it isa transversely elongated, ellipsoidal, chitinous elevation on the ventral side of the thorax between the bases of the fifth pair of walking legs. On this raised area are smaller, more prominent rounded elevations, bounding a transverse groove or pit. One of these is a gentle transverse ridge, forming the posterior lips of the groove; the other two are rather prom- inent bosses on the anterior lip of the groove. Between these last is a longitudinal cleft on the middle line, opening posteriorly into the transverse groove, and not straight, but curved as it passes between the two bosses. Sections of this organ show that the longitudinal cleft leads into a small pouch or sac that, when seen from a dorsal view, projects upward into the body as a curved ridge. This sac has firm walls that are of calcified chitin and presents no discov- ered opening except the external slit. It is regarded as simply a pit- ting in of the chitinous exoskeleton. After conjugation has taken place the annulus of the female has pro- jecting from its groove a small plug of whitish substance that may re- main for many weeks, The same material fills the cavity of the sac in the annulus. It isa compact, paste-like substance forming a tubular sheath around a cen- tral axis or mass of granules that on examination prove to be the pe- culiar, radiated sperm-cells of the crayfish. As the crayfish may be roughly handled and removed from one dish to another during the process of conjugation there is no difficulty in observing with a lens the means by which this sperm-plug is made. At this period of sexual excitement the terminal part of the vas deferens of the male is turned outward from the opening at the base of the fifth walking leg of each side and projects horizontally as a short, bent, con- tege Mineralogy. 871 ical nozzle or penis-like organ. This organ fits exactly into the begin- ning of a long groove that extends along the first pleopod. The tip of this appendage is sharp and hard and is seen to actually penetrate into the cavity of the annulus. The sperm that issues from the vas deferens passes along the groove of the first pleopod to its tip and so into the annulus. The second pleopod piays some part in the process of transfer, but this is known only by inference, not by direct observation. It has a peculiar triangular spoon at its end which is held applied to the first pleopod and it also has a terminal filament that fits nicely into the groove at the tip of the first pleopod. It may easily act to shove the sperm masses down along the groove of the first pleopod as well as to protect them from contact with the water and from going astray (which rarely happens.) Apparently both sides of the body are active in this sperm transfer, but this is not certain. The process of sperm transfer continues, with interruptions, for sev- eral hours, and then the male separates from the female. He first moves backward, and rising places the crossed leg back again into its normal position, and then releases the female. During the entire conjugation the male is obviously excited as is shown by the vibrations of the anterior maxillipedes and by the very strong current of water cast out from the gill chamber by the exhalent apparatus. The female, on the contrary, is remarkably inert and shows no sign of any activity even in the respiratory organs. At times there is, however, a slight convulsive twitching of the base of the abdomen, possibly connected with sensations during sperm transfer. The eye-stalks were also seen to move when disturbed by the claws of the male. In two instances the dexterity and skill of the male were well shown after the first stages of grasping the female had been imperfectly ac- complished. In these cases the male mounted upon the dorsal surface of the female and seized her claws with his, having failed to turn her over in proper sequence. In this unusual position the male attempted to adjust his appendages to the female and then became aware of the fact that the conditions were unusual. The male depressed the first an- tennz so that they were firmly applied to the dorsal surface of the thorax of the female and bent forward by the pressure. The sensation so obtained seemed to initiate the almost intelligent action that followed. In one case the exopodites of the third maxillipede were also used in feeling the female. In about ten minutes the male turned the female 872 The American Naturalist. [September, over and assumed the usual attitude seen in the figures and then con- _ tinued the conjugation normally. ai accomplishing this feat the male first removed his left claw from the left claws of the female, and seized her rostram and head region. By this means he turned her to lie on her left side while he was on her right. Next, the right claw let go its grasp of the female’s right claws and seized her left claws. He was now able to turn her on the dorsal surface, and by then changing his left claws from the rostrum to her right claws succeeded in moving forward over her ventral surface as normally takes place. Ten minutes later sperm was passed and conju- gation continued for some hours. While there can be little doubt that the sperm so elaborately trans- ferred to the annulus is subsequently used to fertilize the eggs as they are laid, this is, as yet, not demonstrated. One female deposited eggs in confinement towards the end of March, but these eggs did not develop, and part of the process was no doubt abnormal, This female wasin a peculiarly sensitive state for four or five days prior to laying. During ~ this time any approaching object, though ordinarly causing no reaction, would excite the female to active movements and the raising of the claws in an aggressive attitude. During this period the female most assiduously and diligently cleaned oft the foreign deposits from the ex- oskeleton over the ventral surface of the abdomen and from the pleo- pods so that this region was conspicously white. The fifth walking legs are employed in this function, being bent back under the abdomen and rubbed against the pleopods with an unexpected amount of precision During this period also the female may be found at times lying on the side or on the back, and actively moving the pleopods back and forth in a rhythmic way once in about one second. The endopodites of the third maxillipedes and the chelæ and the first and second walk- ing legs are likewise, slightly, swung back and forth. The actual laying of the eggs took place during a night and a day. At this time a large mass of slimy material extended like a veil from the tip of the bent abdomen to the ventral side of the thorax anterior to the third walking leg. Some of the eggs were enclosed in this mass and some in a similar mass attached to the pleopods. It would seem that the eggs could pass from the oviducts under protection of this se- cretion to their destination on the abdominal appendages. This mass of secreted material disappeared entirely within two days. The eggs then remained attached to the pleopods. 1895.] Psychology. 873 The sperm-plug that was present in the annulus also disappeared a day later than the secretion, As this crayfish was alone, it seems certain | that she removed the sperm-plug. It remained for weeks in cases where. eggs were not laid. The eggs, however, seem not to have been fertilized: they gradually fell off and burst from osmotic changes. . A, ANDREWS. PSYCHOLOGY.’ Professor Baldwin on ‘‘ Mental Development.’’—It gives me pleasure to insert the following note which Professor Baldwin has recently sent me, with reference to the review of his book on “ Mental Development in the Child and the Race,” which was printed in the July number of the NATURALIST: “The very cordial and appreciative review of my book on Mental Development by Dr. Newbold in the July issue of this journal contains one remark which a word from me may serve to throw light upon. Dr. Newbold says that I sometimes ‘rest content with a careless and inadequate analysis of the psychoses which are to be explained.’ This is no doubt just, as far as the actual contents of my book are concerned, and as far as the word ‘inadequate’ goes. But I may say that the in- adequacy is due to the fact that I have already devoted my large Handbook of Pyschology—especially the second volume on Feeling and Will—to the detailed analytic treatment of the same functions which are treated genetically in the present book. I did not feel justified in doing that a second time. And moreover many of the analytic results which my Mental Development assumes are, I venture to think, such common property of psychologists to day that they are largely outside the arena of debate: at least, whenever my developments in this book seemed to me to turn on points in dispute, I tried not to leave the jus- tification of them in an inadequate state. I hope it is not too much to ask of readers that they bring their general psychology with them. It is really not the psychology that I fear the inadequacy of as much as the biology of the book, but however that may be, the omissions are well-considered and not ‘ careless. ”—J. Mark BALDWIN. 1 This department is edited by Dr. Wm. Romaine Newbold, University of Penn- sylvania. 874 The American Naturalist. [September, In light of so explicit a disclaimer I must withdraw the objection- able word and ascribe the omissions in part to fundamental differences .between Professor Baldwin’s thought and my own, and in part to the limitations of space. I need only say that after writing but before printing the review in question I carefully reread those portions of Professor Baldwin’s larger work which dealt with the topics I had in mind and failed to find what I sought. And while most of us, I fancy, bring our general psychology with us when we attempt to master a technical treatise like Professor Baldwin’s, we do not all feel justified in ascribing to an author doctrines which his words, taken in their most obvious sense, would seem to exclude, however important those doctrines seem to the reader, or however widely they are accepted by others.— W. R. N. «'The Psychic Factor.” By CmarLeEs Van Norpen, D.D, LL. D.’—Tbis is a somewhat disappointing book. At the outset it challenges interest. The author finds the justification for its appear- ance “in the unsettled condition of the metaphysical world, in the mar- velous strides of biological and psychological discovery, and the utter demoralization of the old psychology,” and endeavors to cover in 217 pages the whole field of comparative and analytic psychology, with a glance aside at supernormal and pathological phenomena. The book is written in a vigorous and attractive style and the author betrays an enviable command of fact and illustration. Furthermore, it is of in- terest as being one of the earliest attempts to incorporate the tentative results of current psychical research into a textbook on psychology. The earlier chapters sketch in a few words some of the more inter- esting manifestations of consciousness in lower forms of life, and trace the evolution of the nervous system. In the second section on con- sciousness in general, the author endeavors to escape from current psychological conceptions and to deal with attention, with the “en- chaining and grouping function of consciousness ” and with the influ- ence of mental states on organic functions from a point of view more in harmony with the newer psychology. The third section, on subcon- sciousness, endeayors to bring the phenomena of hypnosis, secondary personality, ete.. into line with the phenomena of normal sleep. But telepathy and clairvoyance, although acknowledged, remain patches on the garment of the author’s thought. His treatment of sensation calls for no especial comment, and in his analysis of the “ cognitive powers,” of feeling and of will, Dr. Van Norden frankly relapses into the old psychology which he regards as so utterly demoralized. 2? New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1884. 1895.] Psychology. 875 On the whole, “The Psychic Factor” is written in a candid and scientific spirit, yet occasionally one finds traces of the theologian and instructor of youth which would be more in place elsewhere. We are hardly yet in a position to say that the phenomena of telepathy make divine inspiration “ no longer even an unlikely phenomenon;” but “one of the most feasible and natural of religious processes.” Nor can we point to the still more contested phenomena of “ lucidity ” as estab- lishing on the part of the Hebrew prophets a “ prophetic insight,” or as proving that they “surely saw visions and dreamed dreams,” that “the present and the future appeared to them as a shifting panorama.” The question of possibility is one thing and the question of fact another ; the possibility might be established and the fact remain highly improbable. And when, in the chapter on hallucination, we find the hallucinatory properties of opium used as a pretext for a diatribe upon tobacco, we feel that there is a form of zeal that is not edifying. The Baboon Switch Tender.—Some years ago a statement ap- peared in the newspapers that a baboon had been trained to open and close the switches on a South African railroad. The following extract from a letter from Klerksdorp, S. Africa, of March 31st, 1895, con- firms these accounts : * x * “you can state that until lately, when the nervous public made such a fuss it had to be stopped, a South African monkey, like those I wrote to you about from Mooit Gedaert, was tamed by a switchman just out of Maretsburg, our college town here, to turn switches for passing trains, etc. He would wait until the engine was in sight, then run and open the switch, jump on the cowcatcher, have a short ride, then jump back to turn it off again, but passengers grew so frightfully hysterical, especially the strangers, that it was stopped This is honestly true.’”—Joanus STUBBS. Change of Habit in a Parrot.—A letter addressed to Natural Science by M. S. Evans, Natal, S. Africa, calls attention to a change in the food habit of the parrots (Psittacus sp.) in the valley of the Upper Umkomanzi River. Until last year (1894) the parrots, which are quite common in the bush, had not foraged in the gardens and or- chards, when for the first time since the place had been settled by the Europeans—a matter of twenty-five years—they attacked the fruit. ‘Their somewhat timid nature seemed quite altered, and they flew into the orchards in large numbers. They seemed unable to carry off the fruit alone, so broke the small branches below the joint, and were seen 876 The American Naturalist. [September, flying off with branches with apples attached in their bills. The ex- citement among them seemed intense, the discovery of such an abun- dant and new food-supply apparently much agitating the parrot world. As the change of habit may be permanent, Mr. Evans thought a record of the date of the change worth making. ANTHROPOLOGY. Another Ancient Human Jaw of the Naulette Type.—In the Pyrenean cave of Estelas (department of Ariége, Commune of Caz- aret, near St-Girons), associated with cave bear, horse, an ox, Cervus elaphus, and Ursus arctos, an interesting lower human maxillary has been recently found. This presented to the Academy of Sciences of Paris (see Revue Scientifique, 27th of July, 1895) by M.M. Louis Roule and Felix Regnault should cause considerable comment in view of the re- cent European diseussion for and against the so-called ancient types of human skulls. While late observation in craniology has seemed to undermine the value of cubical measurements of brain contents as tests of age, the peculiar jaw traits of certain old skulls have apparently held their significance. This complete child’s jaw is said to present manifest characters of inferiority, together with a strength and adapta- bility for muscular insertion remarkable for so young an individual. Moreover it has a striking resemblance to the celebrated jaw of Nau- lette and to that of Malarnaud (Ariége). Sandals in Yucatan.—I asked the Bishop of Yucatan the ques- tion propounded by Mr. Otis T. Mason in Science for August 2d, 1895. whether the sandal now in common use among the Mayas, strapped across the instep and fastened further by a single round thong between the first and second toes, was an inheritance from pre-Spanish times. He was unable to answer the question more particularly than to show me from his collection, the foot of an earthen statue from Izamal, moulded with a sandal fastened by two toe thongs instead of one. These passed between the first and second, and third and fourth toes. to reach astrap on the instep. I question whether the existing san- 1895.] Anthropology. . 877 dals have been attentively studied in Central America. Some Indians may wear the double toe strap still, but given the existence of the san- dal with double toe straps in ancient America, we might reasonably suspect that the old Mayas sometimes used the simpler single thong be- tween the first and second toes, now so common.—H. C. MERCER. Strange Hints for Anthropology.—Schiaparelli, who observed in 1877, the markings called canals on Mars, not yet discerned by the Government telescope at Washington, still hesitates to call them trenches dug by intelligent if not human creatures. Since his obser- vations, the existence of the markings has been verified by astronomers at Nice, at Arequipa and at Mr. Percival Lowell’s observatory at Flag- staff, Arizona, where the air medium is good for seeing, and where many more lines have been discerned and named and new phenomena stud- ied. The theories advanced and some of the results of Mr. Lowells’ original observations have been interestingly summed up by him in the Atlantic Monthly for May, June, July and August, 1895. Mr. Lowell states the remarkable probabilities to be as follows: That the long lines, because straight and regular, are artificial; that they are visible because, as Prof. W. H. Pickering first suggested, belts of irrigated vegetation about 30 miles wide fringe them and show dark against the desert face of the planet; that they fade out in the Mar- tian autumn and become visible in the spring because their leaves fall off and reappear ; that they are dug straight because no mountains ex- ist to obstruct them; that, granted an intelligent water drinking in- habitant, they are necessary, because Mars is waterless save for the yearly melting of a polar ice cap; that round, oasis-like areas at their intersections still further indicate methods of artificial fertilization ; that, by our own standards of need, intelligent creatures could exist on Mars because Mars has an atmosphere and that owing to a less hos- tile gravity its inhabitants might perform more work at less pains than we do. Meanwhile the investigation of what appears to be the handiwork of a Martian intelligence must excite wide interest. As yet no explan- ation is offered for the strange fact that sometimes certain canals show double. And there are other doubts. Distant trees on the earth do not always lose color. The Yucatan forest, where I have seen it from hilltops, had a distinct dark blue appearance to the naked eye in Feb- ruary and March, though, to a great extent, leafless, and we are left to wonder what light observations of the ocular effect of patches of 878 The American Naturalist. [September, woodland upon the earth’s surface from mountain heights may throw upon one of the vital points of the theory, namely, that belts of vegeta- tion, when leafless, observed through a telescope against a bare back- ground, would be invisible. H. C. MERCER. ADVERTISEMENTS. t Hills, Valleys and Plains of the U. S. THE IVES ALTITUDE MAP a novel device by the inventor of the “Strata Map” differing from any elevation map previously published, the anges ace ne carefully embossed to represent the River Systems Mountain Prominence uccessive altitudes are emphasized by strongly con- Seabee colors. The Map is D beautifully gotten up, framed in oak a varnished. SIZE 33 X 23 INCHES. PRICE $9.50. Aid in the Study of Geology. THE IVES STRATA MAP graphically exhibits Superposition, denudation, and outcrop of strata, with the phenomena of escarpments, outliers, iniiers, dip, strike, peter oy etc., and the Cards may be bent to show synclinal or anticlinal folds. Size, 30 x 24 inches. Price, $17.50. JAMES T. B. IVES, F. G. §. Is the Inventor of the Method of Construction and the Scientific Data hcg ei derived by him fron anche yes a Source A of infopunation. Diploma and Meda arded of these Maps at the World’s Columbian Exposition. OPINIONS OF EMINENT AUTHORITIES. Pr r E. D. Corr, na a grate oo of ete ania, writes: “Useful to the student of topo been pe geology. map indicating elevations in relief is an important aid to the strati- graphie map—both together resa ‘the structure to the a h na ar student,” President D. C. GILMAN, of Johns Hopkins Unive n reference to the Strata Map: “W yi er American geology is ta e your an n rhe e part of “the apparatus,’ Further particulars and Tes Epp A on application JAMES I. B. IVES, Office of the American Naturalist, 51S Minor Street, Philadelphia, Pa. au ADVERTISEMENTS. Contents of THE MONIST for January, 1895. me and Death 4 peint Ta George a Romanes; To Be Alive. Whati Dr. Edw ery; Ought the United States "Senate to be Reformed? oiire D. Eok ar The Advancement of Ethics. Dr. Francis = incor Abbot; The Natural Storage of Energy. Lester F. Ward; Mind, No Sto rage of Energy. Editor; De Rerum ‘ohare Editor; Foreign Correspondence ; Criticism and Dis- cussions; Book Reviews. Yearly, $2.00. Single Copies, 50 Cents. The Philosophical Portrait Series—Issued Quarterly—Will be sent free on application, ACCORDING TO OLD RECORDS, The Gospel of Buddha, *“ric'ty Pur canus. With Table of References and Parallels, Glossary, and complete Index. Elegantly Bound ; Gilt t Top. -50. Price, AN EXAMINATION OF WEISMANNISM. By Grorce epee Professor of Physics in the University of oHN Romanes, M. A., LL.D., F.R.S., Honorary Prague. Translated from the Second German nda of Gonville oe Caius College, Spates, Edition by THomas J. McCormack. cuts. With Portrait of Weisman este and a Glossary of 534 pages. Half Morocco, Gilt ie Price , $2.50 Scientific Terms, Thoroughly Indexed. Yo36 EE AND AFTER DARWIN. n Exposition T pages. Cloth, Price, he Darw winian Theory and a Piani of Post: raS kaf PHILOSOPHY. By Dr. PauL Carus. Darwini nian Questio nerd tly bound in clot With a very complete The Darwinian “ae i 460 pages. 125 Illustra- ages, VI, 232. Price, $1.00. pig Cloth, $2.00. By Gro. JoHN ROMANES. THE. “SCIENCE OF MECHANICS. A Critical and “ It is the best modern hand-book of evolution. # Historical Exposition of its Principles, by ERNST he Nation. Send for catalogue and specimen copies of **The Monist” and “The Open Court.” 324 DEARBORN STREET, THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING C0., *** “Carcaco, mi. The AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN and ORIENTAL JOURNAL. Published at 175 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, HI. Edited by STEPHEN D. PEET, Goop Hore, ILL. Bi-Monthly. een -a OO Per Year. There has been no time in all the sixteen years during which this magazine has continued, when a volume promised so well as does the meiga 1895. : The Contributors, who are all Fiaa olariy gentlemen and specialists will continue as before, but several new names will be ad he following may be Neer ake > as aae contributed z the Volume for ’94. ; rinton, Rev. Wm. M. Beauchamp, Prof. A. F, Chamberlain, Mr. Jam Deans, G. O. Dorsey, Dr. J.W alter Fewkes, H. ` Mercer, Mrs. Zelia Nuttall, = ‘Staniland Wake, Dr. Wm . Wallace Tooker, Dr. Cyrus Thom The Ma agazine during 95 w mbrac different departments, and the following oeiee will have charge and report all seploratichs and on ths . C. Winslow, D D., L. C D. r Feypt. Peck T g Wright, Explorations i in Pales Henry W. Haynes, Paleolithics and European Archaeology. r. A. S. Gatschett, Indian Linguistics, Marshall H. Seville, Mexico and Gani America. Hon. James Wickersham, The North West Coast and Eastern Asia. A FEW COMPLETE SETS ARE IN THE HANDS OF THE EDITOR AND WILL BE SOLD AT ——- THUS TO LIBRARIES, Price per Vol. $4.00 or with Jadi Naturalist $6.00. The American Antiquarian will be furnished with The American Naturalist for $6.00. ADVERTISEMENTS. iit AMERICAN MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL 14TH YEAR, 1893. PRICE INCREASED TO $2.00. Beautifully Illustrated. ORIGINAL ARTICLES by the best writers. Descriptions of Microscopical Methods, pictures of new apparatus, a department of Medical Microscopy revealing what the instrument is doing to combat disease, Bacteriology or the study of Bacilli, Diatoms or Nature’s Jewels, Biological Notes upon the progress in botany, entomology, agriculture and the study of all life by the aid of the grandest of instruments, Recreative Microscopy or the entertain- ment of people who exclaim “Oh! My!” when they look through the golden tube, Microscopical News, the Detection of Crime, Societies and their proceedings, Notices of Books, the Exchange and sale of Slides, ete. THE MICROSCOPE A Dollar Magazine Devoted Strictly to Elementary Microscopy Price $1.00. Its QUERY DEPARTMENT alone. conducted by Dr. 8. G. Shanks, of Albany, N. Y., will be found worth the price. SAMPLE COPY FREE ea Wa- Price for the two, constituting the only microscopical periodicals in A mer- ica, $2.50 per annum. A treatise on elementary microscopy supplied free to every new subscriber. CARPENTER ON THE MICROSCOPE.—Latest and finest edition $5.00. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Beautiful objects mounted in ingenious covers by an English Chemist, and all ready for use. Would cost 50 cents each if made in America. Catalogue of 170 White’s objects, mostly botanical, and a sample for 10 cents ; 20 for $1.00. CHAS. W. SMILEY, Wasuineton, D. C. w ADVERTISEMENTS. “THE SANITARIAN Is THE BEST Sanitary publica- tion in America ” (Mississippi Valley Medi- | cal Monthly); “ Easily maintains its superiority over all similar publi- The Edwards & Docker Co.,| cations” tsrezicaz World); and “Has | accomplished more good than all printerga a ne | of the other Sanitary papers put to- > ANDi | gether es (Hydraulic and Sanitary Plumber). | “ The Editor, Dr. A.N. BELL, is well eo ocak sox Publigherg, | known to the mercantile community i | for his co-operation with the mer- Nos. 518-520 Minor Street, chants in quarantine reform, and to Philadelphia, U. S, A. | his profession as a leader in Sanitary HORACE BINDER, | Science ” (New York Journal of Commerce). MANAGER. | | 96 PAGES TEXT MONTHLY ; | TWO | VOLUMES YEARLY. i $4.00 a year, in advance; 35 cts. a Number. Sample | copies, 20 Cts. ia two- cent acai stamps), | = All communications should be addressed to | the Editor, Brooklyn, N, F. READY! ° ° Microscopical Pr axis, DR, ALFRED C. STOKES. PRICE $1.50, POSTPAID. 260 Pages, profusely ill 1f original d ings especially for the work, Very neat and attractive binding. Thoroughly practical, and no one who uses a microscope can afford to be with- out it. It is not cumbered with matter supposed to be ‘‘ of interest to some one else,” but every page is right to the point, valuable information plainly stated. 129 SEND ALL ORDERS TO E. F. BIGELOW, Publisher, PORTLAND, CONN. ADVERTISEMENTS. v The International Journal of Microscopy «nq Natural Science gues: .—ALFRED ALLEN, Bath, Eng. As `v. A. LATHAM, D. D. S., F. R. M. S. etc., Chicago University, U. S. A. —— I. ROTEVENSON TOW. Fresidenk, Montreal Micro Soc., Montreal, Daada. Evitors: | FILANDRO VICENTINI, M. D., Chieti, Italy. Contains articles by Specialists in every department of Microscopy, Botany, Geology, Zoology, and Natural Science, Reviews of New Books, etc. Illustrated with Plates, Wood engravings, etc. Portion of the Contents for January, 1895. The Denizens of an Old Cherry Tree with Notes of its Surroundings. (2 Plates. C. J. Watkins. The Development of the ~e ang H. Langley Browne, F. R. C. S. E. Technology of the Diatom i ere. Predaceous and Parasitic Pichi of Acted Including a Study of Hyper- iair re E} A T From Ai to Dust: A Cycle of Life. (1 Plate.) J. Sydney “eon M. a C. $ EL x Addres the Members of the Bath (Eng) eae ge Soci Rev. E. T. St ubbs. Recent ‘Bacteriological Researches on the Sputa. The Morphology and Biology of the Microbes he Mouth. (1 Large Colored Piate. A F. Vic Microscopical Technique. , Reviews, etc., etc. BAILEY & FAIRCHILD, 29 Park Row, N. Y. M. A. BOOTH, Longmeadow, Mass. Subscription, U. S. A. and CANADA, $2.75. POST FREE. PLASTER CASTS OF THE FOLLOWING MAMMALIA with dentition in good preservation, made under direction of Professor E. D. Cope may be had by application to Jacob Geisman, 2102 Pine St., Philadelphia. Phenacodus primaevus Cope, (Wyoming) 9100.00. Hy- yacotherium venticolum Cope, (Wyoming) $50.00. Protohippus micabilis Leidy, skull $7.00. Protohippus pachyops Cope, skulls of adult and young, and 2. fossulatus Cope, skull, $5.00 each. Tetrabelodon shepardii Leidy, mandibular ramus and symphysis with two molars, $20.00. Dibelodon tropicus Cope, do., $15.00 ; Mastodon precursor Cope, last molar $5.00. The horses and ‘nastodons from the Cenozoic beds of Texas, are uncolored. vi ADVERTISEMENT. COMMENCED JANUARY, 1888. TWO VOLUMES PER YEAR. = === THES AMERICAN GEOLOGIST, LSS. The Oldest Exclusively Geological Magazine Published in America. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS: CHARLES E. Beecuer, Ph. D., F. G. S. A., Yale University, New Haven, Conn. SaMvueEL Cavin, Ph. D., F. A S. A., Sta te Pag State Lutyensity, ows City, Ia. . = CLARKE, M. A., Deut. Geol. Gesse , Soc. Im Aa o , New Yor rvey, Alban Epw Ai pande POLE, E A. D. Se. aia, F.G.8 3 b; E. and a“ Bachtel College, Wesel FRANCIS W. CRAGIN, B. Se., F. G. S. A., nee Md Geology and Paleontology, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colo. Texas Geol. Sur F. Z. 8., F. G. S. A. P, Joun EYERMAN, Esq., F. Z. S., A, ry rS S5., M. I. M. E., ‘Oakhurst,’ Easton, Pa. Persiror Frazer, Doct. es. Sci. Nat. , Oficier del’ Instruction Publique (France), orrara didi Reichsanstalt (Wien), sE G. 8.4 rof. of Chem., es Soc., jea adelphia, Pa. Epwarp O. ULRICH, M. A., F. G. S j eee ng Geol. Surv, of Min y ÈC., akti alg Ky. WARREN Upuaw, M. A., F. G. S. A., Sii nnesota ER ros. Boone viia, Mas Marsuman E. WapswortTH, M. A Ph. Di, G.8. A, F. A.G.8., Director of ‘the Michigan Min . IsrAEL C. Wuire, M. A., Ph. 7 F. G. S. A., Morgantow Newton H. WiıxncneLL, M. A., F. G. S. A. , State Geologist, ‘aie Man, Minneapolis, Minn. TERMS. Subscribers in the United Sitan fanaina and —* hes os p 50 a year To other Subscribers in the Postal Uni . ; i . 4.00 a year The AMERICAN GEOLOGIST is issued — from the office of parr pips oe Minneapolis, meso United States of A Fourteen volumes ar arly co pleted; the fifteenth begins with the iero for January, 1895. The Sani A i i a Nowhere pri in the akc oh T ologic phenomena exhibite and nowhere else are results attained of greater economic and scientific importance A i ders from mon latest results of geol ogi cal work. In addition to the longer pre it Ain synopses of IT IS NOT THE ORGAN OF ANY INSTITUTION, NOR OF ANY SECTION OF THE COUNTRY, NOR OF ANY PARTY. The numbers for 1888 will hereafter be sent to new subscribers for $3.50, or bound in cloth for $4.50; those for 1889 , 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, erin wgl for $2.50 each, or bound for $3.50 each. New subscribers who remit $22 will receive all back’ numbers he subscription for 1895. Fifty cents per year postage — at added to these > rates for subscribers ias in North America. If boun dered, the will be $28, and the S trnnaporatios pa be paid by the subscriber. There are two volumes in each vat each volume hating over 400 pages. SAMPLE COPIES 20 CENTS. THE GEOLOGICAL PUBLISHING Co., Minneapolis, Minn., U. S. A., Oct. 1, 1894. European Agent, Mr. HENRY CLAYPOLE, Manager of the London & Co. Bank, SITTINGBOURNE, KENT, ENG. ADVERTISEMENTS. vii ` j and its u S IASG opy ` Practical Application to the Study of Refraction by DR. EDWARD JACKSON, A. M., M. D. ILLUSTRATED, PRICE $1.00, IN CLOTH. Two Addresses by JOHN B: ROBERTS, A. M. M. D., { ini 4 b en a “p oints of Similar ity adic ktne Peele? “THE PRESENT ATTITUDE OF PHYSICIANS AND MOD- ERN MEDICINE TOWARDS HOMŒOPATHY” Two Addresses in one, 16mo., Cloth, 75 cents. THE EDWARDS & DOCKER CO., 518-520 Minor Street, PHILADELPHIA. Just ISSUED D. G. ELLIOT’S MONOGRAPH of the PITTIDAE OR FAMILY of ANT=-THRUSHES. Second edition revised and enlarged, 51 Coloured Plates, with Descrip- 5 parts, imperial folio boards, tive Letter-press. New York and London, 1893-95. *,* A List of D. G. Elliot’s superb works on Ornithology and Mammals may be had on application. _ BERNARD QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, LONDON. The Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation Edited by J. W. TUTT, F. E. NS., London, Engla Subscription 7s. per — (including a Special Index of every name used the volume). Send Post free This is now the acknowindsed leading scientific entomological Magazine in Britain, and contains all the most recent views of writers in Entomological science all over the world. The monthly summaries of work done in different countries make this a ready means for every scientific worker to keep himself au fait with the advance of science. The advance of Philosophical and Biological questions te to insects is made a special feature as is also the causes of their variatio Monthly critiques a the articles in the leading German and American entomological magazines. A monthly summary of the scientific progress made by the Societies. Current Sola. on entomological science from all parts of the world, Practical Hints for collectors, as to breeding, capturing and preserving insects. Subscriptions for the current volume 7p, should be sent by all scientific entomologists and students to TUTI, E. 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Large-demy o. cloth, $7.00: ‘An Artic Adventure.’ | TREVOR- BATTYE,.—Ice-Bound o n Koig ev. y AUBYN TREVOR-BATTYE, F. L zA With numerous Mustrations a Draw wings, and 3Maps. Large 8yo. cloth, gilt top, $7.00. THE RURAL SCIENCE SERIES. Edited by L. H. BAILEY, N King.—The Soil, its Nature Relation and Funda- mental Principles ot Management b F: H. Kine, Professor of Agricultural Physics in the University of Wisconsin. 16mo. cloth, 75 cents, MACMILLAN & CO.. 66 Fifth Ave., New York. LPLEELLEELERE SLES LELELEEE SE Monarch «ss» KING OF BICYCLES LIGHT, STRONG, SPEEDY, HANDSOME F E E E FOUR MODELS $85.00 and $100.00 : SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle M’f’g Co., È Factory and Main Office, Lake and Halsted Sts. 2 Retail Salesroom, 280 Wabash Ave., Chicago. z s fa en ch, e a a fa a a a a ta c a c O O O ee ett en On a a A es a nO a A a es ee Oe a. AA 79 Reade Street, 97 Chambers St., OTHER BRANCHES: | 54" Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, Portland, Salt Lake $ 2 Denver, Memphis, Detroit, Toronto, Castors Bennik: New York, fs fy VESILEVeE Mee Wee fia, xf cf xfs fs a Ss =, RS z5 ois Ss Ye a Oo tet gs Ege Ss Se Se TORS ite ae ES Gy oS ES oS eS Ta Loy Say caus rai Say ay $4.00 per Year. $4.60 per Year (Foreign), 35 cts. per Copy, THE AMERICAN NATURALIS A MONTHLY JOURNAL | DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE. MA PROFS- E. D. COPE, Philadelphia, AND J. yie EDITO . KING Tiag Tufts College, College Hill, Mass. ASBOGMTE EDITORS: Pr. C. = sae aoe Chicago, Dr. ©. E BESSEY, Lincoln, Neb., H.-C. MERCER, Philadelphia. PROF. C. M: WEED, eg We, PROF. S. BAYLEY, W ntervifie, Maine, PROF. E. A: ANDREWS , Baltimore, I. HOBBS, Madison, wi Dr. WM. ROMAINE NEWBOLD, Philadelphia. ERWIN ps SMITH, ‘Washington, D. C. Vol. XXIX. OCTOBER, 1895. No. 346 CGCONLENFES AGE PAGE PA THE First FAUNA oF THE EarTH, (Illustrated). Joseph F James. 880 ORGANIC VARIATION Chas Morris. 888 Root TUBERCLES OF EBOMI Erwin F. Smith. DEVIATION IN DEVELOPMENT DUE TO THE USE OF UNRIPE SEFDS. J-C Arthur. Epitor’s Tarte—The American Association at Springfield—The International Bibliograph- ical Bureau—The date of Publication—Offie- ialism in the Postal Department—Science and the Agricultural Department—The U S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries—How to get Separates of Papers in the Naturalist. RECENT LiTERaTURE—Rambles in Alpine Val- leys—Lead and Zinc Deposits of Missouri— Minot’s Land-Birds and Game-Girds of New England—Birds of Eastern North America —Origin of Inventions—A Pretty Book on Piante and iusects;- o 5 ea ee eS A Recent BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. . . . . 919 7 GENERAL NOTES. Geology and Paleontology—Faunal Migrations ~A new Geomyid from the Upper Eocene— 898 904 © ped co. SCIENTIFIC NEN Cenozoic History of the Baltic Sea—Fossil Elephants of Tilloux—The Latest Connection between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. . .. 922 Botany—Notes on Recent Botanical Publica- tions—Fertilization of the Yellow Adder’s- Tongue—* Aboriginal” Botany—New Species 3 of Physalis—The Mycetozoa. 9° Vegeteble Praiainry~Babvsricital Action “of > Metals. ~ 933. Xi iti Aniane Dall: on ibe Pama branchiata—On the Species of Uma and Xan- tusia—Comiparison of Marriages and Births in the Different European Conuntries—Additions to the Mammal Fauna of British Coelumbia— Zoological News— Mammalia. 36- Entomology—Entomology ee OT S rar of Pieridæ—Sense of Sight in Spi Oe Bin é of Hamatotieg Obi Phe- nomena in the Triton Egg. Psychalogy—Will and Renni in Animate "948 ne ot Evidence of glacial Man in Oh . e » 851 Procizenines oF Scrwrinic ‘Socreres. . 953 . 959 PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. : THE EDWARDS & DOCKER CO., 518 ano 520 MINOR STREET, For Sale —_ A Complete Set of The WW American Naturalist @° The Edwards & Docker Co., : 518 Minor St., Philadelphia. Keigyosha Natural History Store Supplies Museums and Private Purchasers with Zoological, Botanical, Paleontological and Mineralogical Specimens, native to Japan and surrounding seas, on lowest possible terms. We employ only scientifically trained collectors under the guidance of specialists, and especially recommend the services of Messrs M. Kikuchi and Y. Nawa on our staff. The former, until lately assistant in the Science College, is familiar with the best modern methods of morphological work, and the latter, a well known entomologist, is an expert in his branch as his beautiful exhibits in the late Chicago Fair well attest. For application and information, communicate to M. KIKUCHI, Keigyosha, Urajimbocho, Kanda, Tokyo, Japan. For Sale — Vols. 18, 19, 20 and 21 of The 3¢ American Naturalist, in parts, in perfect order. H. F. WEGENER, REDLANDS, CALIFORNIA. THE AMERICAN NATURALIST Von. X XIX. October, 1895. 346 THE FIRST FAUNA OF THE EARTH. By Josera F. James, M. D., M. Sc., F. G. S. A., ere. One of the most interesting questions with which the geolo- gist has to deal is the age of the earth. There is, how- ever, no subject that is wrapped in more profound obscurity, and yet probably none to which more attention has been given. Perhaps it may never be settled positively; but, as years roll on, and more and more facts come to light, specula- tions may be made with a greater amount of certainty. It may be possible, in the future, to say approximately how many centuries have elapsed since the earth assumed its present form, but, of course, it can be on/y approximate. Estimates vary now between one hundred million and five hundred million years, since the first rocks were laid down. While this matter still remains uncertain, there is another which was formerly, and still is, in much the same state. It is the beginning of life upon the earth. Geology is a young science, but her sister, Paleontology, is younger. Both are taking rapid strides forward, and, working hand in hand, they will eventually be able to tell us much of interest about this globe of ours. 60 880 The American Naturalist. [October, The steps required to bring any science from a state of chaos to one at all approaching precision are innumerable. The records of these steps are mostly buried in official reports of governmental surveys, technical periodicals, or in the ponder- ous proceedings of learned societies. It is especially so with geology. To those familiar with these records there is much to excite wonder and surprise. There are romances hidden in them. There are wordy wars and fierce intellectual combats. There are charges and counter-charges. There are victories or defeats, equal in one sense to those of Austerlitz or Waterloo. It needs but the mention of the Darwinian combat to call one of these wars tomind. Another, but more obscure one, relates to the first forms of life upon the earth, and it is the intention here to call attention to this. It is only a little over one hundred years since the first scientific observations upon stratified rocks and fossils were recorded. It was natural that, in the early part of this cen- tury, the crudest ideas should prevail regarding these subjects. The origin and cause of stratification were unknown. The nature of fossils and their value as: indices to pre-existing forms of the animal or vegetable kingdom had not been thought of. Some few of the shrewder heads, Rafinesque among them, had begun to see the value of fossils as early as 1818, but the general opinion was probably that expressed by Amos Eaton in that year in the first edition of his “ Index to the Geology of the Northern States.” Here he announced it as his belief that the land inhabited by the first human beings was supported by two segments of granite, beneath which was an immense sea. The North American Continent, he said, “may now be supported in the same way: and the meeting of the edges of the segments may be near the granitic ridge which extends from Georgia to the Frigid Zone.” He further sup- posed that, during the Deluge, all animals, except those pre- served by Noah, were destroyed, and the petrified remains we now find are some of the species overwhelmed by that catas- trophe. “ Noah,” said he, “ took into the Ark the land animals of the island or continent whereon he resided. This is now 1895.] The First Fauna of the Earth. . covered with the ocean, and we know nothing of the remains to be found there.” He rightly believed it would have been most interesting to have some account of the researches of the patriarch and his family “ among the recent ruins of former grandeur. But we have no account,” he says, “ of any discov- eries nor of any attempts to search out their former inhabi- tants. It was doubtless well known to Noah that not one foot of the ancient continent remained above water.” That Prof. Eaton did not long retain his belief in the-theory advanced, seems evident from the fact that these speculations are omitted from the second edition of the “Index,” published in 1820. They have since faded from the public mind, and have taken their place with the still older ideas that fossils were fallen stars and Belemnites were solidified thunderbolts. The rapid advance in public opinion as to the value of geo- logical studies is shown by the organization of numerous State surveys. The first of these was of North Carolina. Prof. Olm- stead reported on its geology as early as 1823, and this survey was followed by one in Massachusetts, where Hitchcock re- ported in 1831. Between that date and 1838, the States of Maine, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Michigan had published reports. The general government, too, had sent expeditions to the north- west, and had published the results. It is true many of the State surveys ceased after the issuance of a few documents, but their existence, even for a short time, was evidence of the be- lief in their value. Some of the States organized second sur- veys at a later date, and published numerous volumes. Among these are especially to be mentioned New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana. Of all the States mentioned, New York possessed the greatest vitality ; and, while there have been changes in it as in others, the work there has been more nearly continuous than in any other. Remarkable as it may seem, the present honored head of the survey, the veteran Prof, James Hall, was one of the original corps in 1887. Although designed primarily to report upon the general 882 The American Naturalist. [October, economic and mineral resources of the respective States, these surveys necessarily became concerned with other work. It was soon found that in order to intelligently describe the rocky strata, it was essential to give the rocks distinct names. These were, at first, taken from mineralogical characters, and such terms as “ metalliferous” and “ geodiferous limerock ” were the result. Or the name was given from some special physical aspect, and then “cliff limestone” and “ marlite” were ap- plied. Finally, however, the plan of giving the formations the names of localities where the rocks were either best devel- oped or had been first observed was adopted, and then such names as “ Potsdam,” “ Trenton ” and “ Niagara ” were used. Another matter, too, which soon became one of the promi- nent features of the geologists’ work, was the study of the organic contents of the rocks. It was early observed that cer- tain species occurred constantly in certain strata, while above or below them, other and different species were found. When once this fact was established, geologists availed themselves of it to place in one horizon, or to consider as of one age, the beds containing the same species of fossils, even when found in dis- tant parts of the country. The lack of any method of coöperation between the mem- bers of the various State surveys, led to great diversity of nomenclature. In New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Virginia, the formations were known by numbers; in Ohio and Indiana they received names from lithological features, while in New York it early became the plan to give the various formations names of places where they were best exposed. Perhaps it is to be considered fortunate for the science that so many of the State surveys ceased early, else the nomenclature might have been as varied as the different States had rocks. It was the vitality or persistence of the New York Survey that enabled her geologists to establish a system of names for almost the whole North American Continent, so far, at least, as the rocks lying within her borders were capable of doing. Thus the “ New York System” became a standard to which was referred strata of similar character occurring in all parts of the coun- try. 1395.] The First Fauna of the Earth. 883 None of the rocks of New York are of later age than the Devonian. Most of them, indeed, are far older, and so com- plete is the series that there is no formation from the Archean or metamorphic rocks to the latest Devonian lacking. A por- tion of the scheme, as finally adopted, is as follows: Lower Sree gs Onondag Upper Naa Silurian } Clinton Oneida Hudson River er | Trenton Silurian } Chazy Calciferous Potsdam ‘Archean All of the formations lying above the Archean are stratified, and contain a greater or lesser number of fossils. Each forma- tion is generally separated from the one above and below by some unconformity, indicating a time during which deposi- tion was not going on. These time breaks are also character- ized by changes in the organic forms. In other localities than New York, these breaks in sedimentation and life do not always occur. Sometimes the change in physical features is so gradual that it is impossible to say where one group ends and the next one begins. Fossils, too, pass from one into the other with little or no change. In all such cases there is great difficulty in drawing any line of demarkation, but, in general, it can be readily done. In the early years of the existence of the New York Survey, Dr. E. Emmons noted the occurrence of a sandstone in the northern part of the State, lying directly upon the metamor- phic or igneous rocks. From its proximity to the town of Potsdam, he gave it the name of “ Potsdam sandstone.” Its position in relation to metamorphic rocks caused it to be con- sidered the oldest formation in the State, and the organic re- 884 The American Naturalist. [October, mains found in it were regarded as representing the earliest life on the globe. These remains were scanty, consisting chiefly of a species of Lingula as then understood (Fig. 1), and of some tahli 4 mii xy > Ed Ej yi Fig. 1. Lingula antiqua. The species for a long time supposed to be the oldest fossil on the globe, Fig. 2. Scolithus. A worm boring. straight, vertical tubes, at first regarded as seaweeds, but later on as the burrows of marine worms (Fig. 2 Continuing in western Massachusetts the studies begun in northern New York, Dr. Emmons, in 1842, announced his be- lief that the Potsdam sandstone was not the oldest, stratified, fossil-bearing rock in North America, but lying beneath it, and therefore older than it, was a great series of sedimentary rocks for which he proposed the name “ Taconic.” It was not, however, until two years later, in 1844, that he described some fossils from this older series. Among these were two trilobites, and it is probable that more has been written regarding these two fossils than almost any others in the world, and in Figure 3 is shown one of them. These specimens were, of 1895.] The First Fauna of the Earth. 885 course, regarded with great interest, as they carried life on the globe further back in time than had ever before been supposed possible. The evidence adduced by Dr. Emmons as to their great age was not, however, accepted by the geological world. Geologists were loath to believe that so highly organized an animal could have existed at so early a period. Some believed the rocks containing the fossils were younger than the Potsdam, instead of being older, considering that even if they were really lying underneath the Potsdam sand- stone, that it was by reason of a fault or dislocation which had re- versed the original position of the two formations. In fact, the ex- istence of the possibility of a series of sedimentary deposits below the Potsdam was denied, although this has long since been admitted. Fig. 3. Ptychoparia (Atops); trili- Yet long and bitter has been the neata. The first trilobite known from controversy Over this Taconic sys- the Cambrian rocks. tem ; and while it is now known that Emmons included rocks of various ages in his new terrane, no one disputes the fact that he was the first to record evidence of the existence of animal forms in what are, at present, re- garded as the oldest fossil-bearing rocks of the globe. Previous to Emmons’s work in North America, Sed gwick and Murchison had been studying the formations of England and Wales; and in 1835, Sedgwick proposed the name “ Cam- brian” for a series of rocks in Wales, supposed by him to be without life. A little later, about 1837, Murchison proposed the name “Silurian” for another and a higher series, which he thought contained the earliest forms of animal life. A con- flict soon arose between the adherents of the two systems. Murchison extended his Silurian downward as fossils were found at lower and lower horizons, against the vigorous oppo- sition of Sedgwick. It was not until the characters of the 886 The American Naturalist. [October, fossils were studied that a definite understanding was reached as to the lower limit of the Silurian. These studies were made by Barrande in Bohemia. He announced, in 1846, his dis- covery of trilobites with peculiar features. To the fauna, as a- whole, he gave the name of “ Primordial.” He pointed out various differences between it and the English Silurian, call- ing this last the “Second fauna.” Barrande did not know at this time of Emmons’s name “ Taconic,” nor had he heard of the fossils that had been described. Had he known of the work of Emmons, he would doubtless have adopted the name Taconic, instead of proposing Primordial. Continued investigation in North Ameri soon brought new facts to light. Owen, in 1847, reported many fossiliferous beds in the upper Mississippi Valley that he compared with the Potsdam of New York. Roemer found in Texas, in 1848, fossils similar to those of Owen; and when Barrande, in 1853, heard of and saw the fossils from these two localities, he an- nounced that they belonged to his Primordial period. In 1856, Prof. W. B. Rogers called the attention of the Boston Society of Natural History to the discovery of a trilobite in the slates of Braintree, near Boston. He thought it the same species as that described in 1834 by Dr. Green as Paradozides harlani, and noted, at the same time, the resemblance it bore to a species of the genus from Bohemia, called by Barrande, P. spinosus. When he sent a photograph of the new specimen to Barrande, this authority, too, concluded the two specimens were identical. Thus the presence in America of the “ primor- dial” fauna of Barrande was at last firmly established, and the work to come was the filling in of the outlines, closing the gaps and bringing order out of the chaos that had before reigned. One of the most intricate problems to be settled was that re- lating to the age of certain rocks in northern Vermont, occur- ring near the town of Georgia. It was in this region that the fossils described by Emmons had been found. Their age had been variously estimated as Medina, Hudson River and Pots- dam (see table of formations on a previous page), but, without going into the details of the controversy, it must suffice to say 1895.] The First Fauna of the Earth. 887 that it was at last decided that these “ Georgia slates” were older than the Potsdam, but not as old as the Braintree, Mass., beds, in which Paradoxides had been found. Prof. Hall had established the genus Olenellus to include the Vermont trilo- bites, and the idea prevailed that this genus succeeded Para- doxides in time. It was in 1868 that the first reference was made of the Potsdam rocks to the top of the Primordial period, instead of to the base of the Silurian where they had pre- viously been placed. So that at this time the Braintree beds were supposed to contain the oldest fossils on the globe. Meanwhile, geologists had been studying the fauna in rocks occurring about St. John, New Brunswick. Noting the re- semblance the trilobites there bore to those from Braintree, they concluded the two deposits were of the same age. In Canada, Logan, in 1864, taking cognizance of all the discover- ies in New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Brunswick and Newfoundland, published a scheme of classification which, for twenty-four years, perpetuated an error. This scheme in its lower portion is as follows: (3) Upper Potsdam, including the rocks of the upper Missis- sippi Valley, northern New York and adjacent parts of Canada. (2) Lower Potsdam, including the rocks of Georgia, Vermont, and some of Newfoundland. (1) St. John Group, including the rocks at Braintree, Mass., St. John, New Brunswick, and St. John’s, Newfoundland. This view of the succession of the oldest fossil-bearings rocks of North America was held until 1888, except that the three divisions were called respectively, (3) Upper Cambrian, (2) Middle Cambrian, and (1) Lower Cambrian. Of these divi- sions the Upper was also called the Dikellocephalus zone, the Middle the Olenellus zone, and the Lower the Paradozides zone, from the three genera of trilobites confined to the rocks of each terrane. (To be continued.) 888 The American Naturalist. [October, ORGANIC VARIATION. By Cumas. Morris. The recent paper in Tue Naruratist, by Prof. Osborn,’ on variation in organisms, and the seeming presence of certain unknown factors in development which give rise to phenom- ena not included in the accepted theories, suggests the desira- bility of further consideration of this topic. The problem is a most intricate one, the final result being affected by every ex- ternal condition to which the organism is exposed throughout its whole career, and by various internal influences which are far more difficult to trace, yet are, perhaps, the leading forces at work. The effects of environment have been abundantly dealt with and are somewhat fully understood. It is not necessary here to state the principles of Lamarckism and Darwinism. It will suffice to say that they do not embrace the whole problem. Darwinism does not attempt to do so, since it takes the great fact of variation for granted and works from that as a basis. Lamarckism attempts to explain variation, as due to use and to the resulting strain upon the organism. But it evidently does not reach the great class of individual variations which are opposed to heredity, and whose cause lies deep in the organ- ism and must be sought in the conditions of the germinal cell itself. . Of the two great underlying principles involved in organic evolution, heredity and variation, the former seems much the most comprehensible. It is but natural to expect that the germ should unfold.in the manner of that from which it was derived. Such native tendencies as exist in it must be derived from the parents, and bear a resemblance to those that have been active in the parental organisms. As a result, if parthe- nogenesis prevailed, we should naturally expect every offspring to repeat all the peculiarities of its parent—all variation being 1 May, 1895. 1895.) Organie Variation. 889 due to subsequent influences of the environment. In the case of two parents, the offspring might be expected to possess characteristics of each, now being strictly intermediate, now approaching one parent more nearly than the other. In this method of variation, which is nearly all that Weissmann ad- mits, the steady tendency must be to swamp all distinctions, the differences between parents continually diminishing. In short, these differences could never have arisen were heredity the only force at work. Darwinism has a similar tendency, since varying and ill-adapted organisms tend to disappear, and only those with close similarities of adaptation to be pre- served. The changes due to Lamarckian influences must tend also in the direction of uniformity, through a general move- ment of adaptation to fixed conditions. Yet this fixed tendency towards uniformitarianism is not what nature displays. Marked individual variations con- stantly appear, the seeming efforts of nature to produce similar forms being checked at every point by individual peculi- arities of constitution. These variations are in opposition to the influences of heredity, natural and sexual selection, use and effort, all of which tend to uniformity. To what are they due? Can a parent transmit to its offspring characteristics which it does not possess itself? This does not seem possible; the natural conclusion being that the offspring should repeat the peculiarities of the parent or parents existing at the period of its birth. Yet has heredity as overmastering an influence as many ascribe to it? Even if we decline to accept the Weissmann hypothesis, and hold that every portion of the organism, in some way, exerts a direct influence upon the developing germ, it is not impossible that this influence may differ in energy in different organisms, in some cases controlling almost abso- lutely the constitution of the germ, in others permitting foreign influences, external or internal, to operate to some extent, with consequent variations in germinal constitution. Several hypotheses have been advanced in explanation of heredity, none of them based sufficiently on discovered facts to be quite satisfactory, and all of them leaving it possible 890 The American Naturalist. [October, that the germinal cell may not be rigidly controlled in its de- velopment by hereditary influences, but may have a degree of independence and susceptibility to the action of minor and local influences. As variation cannot well be due to influen- ces proceeding from the parental organisms, it certainly seems as if it must arise from conditions existing in the environment of the developing germ and embryo, or to internal molecular forces, left free to produce variations by a degree of weakness in the hereditary influences. Much certainly depends on the inherent conditions of the reproductive cells. These may vary in developmental energy, through excess or deficiency of nutrition. They may also vary, through position or otherwise, in the quantity of nutriment ob- tained during development. In consequence, there is probably an active struggle for existence at this low level of life, the num- bers involved being considerable, while—in the case of the high- er animals—only one ora few can survive. This early competi- tion would seem simply to be one of comparative cell vigor, or of advantage in propinquity to the store of nutriment; but it is, perhaps, not quite so simple. The germinal cell is, to out- ward appearances, a largely homogeneous organism, but the facts of development prove that it is heterogeneous in constitu- tion, its tendencies and powers being not single but multiple. It probably is made up of various groups of molecules differ- ently arranged or organized, each of which is destined, in its development, to produce a special organ or variety of tissue in the mature form. What we can see very poorly indicates what exists. The compound of organs‘into which the cell un- folds indicates that conditions preliminary to those organs existed in it, each perhaps located in some definite region of the cell, which may thus be made up of distinct groups of differently organized molecules. If this, as we have much reason to believe, is the case, the field of competition may be a much more extended one than has been supposed. In addition to competition for nutriment between cells as wholes, there may be an internal competition in each, between its different molecular groups, while differ- ences in original strength may give some of these an advan- 1895.] Organic Variation. 891 tage over others. Such a difference in original power of absorbing nutriment would, perhaps, grow more declared as development proceeded, and the several molecular groups differentiated into embryo organs. If such a competition existed, what would be its natural re- sult? Here we have the principle of survival—or, at least, of precedence—of the fittest active within the germ itself, and pro- ducing an effect on the constitution of the individual. Certain organs of the embryo might be better supplied with nutriment than others, and, in consequence, become larger or more vitally active in the resulting body. And it may be that this differ- ence in nutrition would have some influence upon heredity ; perhaps the weaker, perhaps the stronger, molecular groups being most under control of hereditary influences, and develop- ing accordingly. If the possibility of such a state of affairs as this be admitted, it may aid to explain the peculiarities of variation. Wecould understand, for instance, why, in two brothers—even two twin brothers—one is more vigorous in this, one in that, organic function; one has this weakness, one that. Here the heart may be specially strong or weak; here the lungs may be specially active; here the muscular, here the nervous, tissues may be particularly well-developed; here there may be a powerful bodily frame, there a large brain and superior intel- lect. Similar variations may occur in the digestive and ex- cretory organs, the glandular activity, the deposition of pig- ment, and other organic conditions. Or one brother may have a general advantage in nutrition over the other, becom- ing larger and stronger throughout. Differences in the gen- eral form of the body, in its fat-making proclivities, in its degree of vital energy, might arise from similar differences in powers of assimilation of the molecular groups of the germinal cell. The above is offered as a suggestion of a conceivable cause of organic variations. It, unfortunately, belongs to that wide category of hypotheses which are not open to proof. It is not the only suggestion that presents itself. Another influence at work—perhaps a secondary result of that described—is what 892 The American Naturalist. [October, is known as atavism. As the influence mentioned is a varia- tion in growth force, atavism seems due to a check in develop- ment, the organism not attaining its full unfoldment. Atavism is usually considered as applying to the whole organism, but it may confine its action to certain parts of the organism while the others attain full development, thus producing conditions whose atavistic origin is not evident, and which are accepted as results of ordinary variation. Two conditions are probably concerned in atavism, one being deficiency of nutriment, the other the influence of en- vironment. In truth, there is good reason to believe that two parallel, and, to a certain extent, mutually exclusive, processes are at work in the organism—those of growth and develop- ment. The developmental powers only proceed actively under certain conditions. They differ from growth, which is simply increase of tissue, in being changes of tissue, due to chemical or other influence, and set in train by inherent tendencies in the organism. There are abundant evidences that energetic nutrition acts as a hindrance to development, and yet is preliminarily necessary to it. The two cannot be active at the same time. While nutrition is active, development is latent, and it cannot set in actively without a marked cessation of nutritive energy. Yet it must be preceded by a period of nutritive activity to provide the tissue within which the developmental forces act, and in which a degree of chemical reduction would seem to precede or accompany the re-organization of tissue into new forms. If the preliminary nutrition be wanting, development may be slight and imperfect, or not appear at all, through lack of the quan- tity of tissue necessary to the changes in organization. As regards development, or rearrangement of organic tissue, a question arises as to what influences set it in operation, so that, at fixed intervals, nutrition is checked, growth ceases, and ac- tive organic change sets in. Inherent tendencies to such change seem to exist in the tissues, their molecular constitution being such that a series of successive rearrangements take place, re- producing conditions which successively appeared in the phylogenetic evolution of the form, and were gone through 1895.] Organic Variation. — 893 ontogenetically by the parent. Continuous nutrition, and, apparently, also continuous bodily activity, act to check this process of development, which appears to need cessation of the assimilative process and of physical or nervous activity, all the organic powers being concentrated upon the event about to take place. Nor is this all that may be necessary. Stimulation from without seems often requisite to start the developmental pro- cess. Stimulation from within is perhaps equally necessary, a psychic influence it may be, arising in the inherent instinets of the central ganglion of the nervous system. External stimu- lation may, in some cases, be necessary to set these instincts in action, while in other cases, they may act involuntarily at a certain stage of ganglionic growth or development. It is ap- parently due to such influences of instinct, that nutrition is checked and the inherent tendencies to changes in the tissues are permitted to act, the action of instinct being thus perhaps secondary ; though it may be that a direct stimulation from the ganglion to the tissues is necessary to set the powers of develop- ment in operation. The action of the mental powers may, there- fore, be confined to checking nutrition and activity, but may also concentrate the physical energies upon the region of coming change, and set in train the necessary chemical action. All the further powers and tendencies requisite exist in the tissues themselves. We possess abundant evidence that, in the lower animals, development will not proceed if the surrounding conditions be unfavorable, whatever be the inherent tendencies. The life-his- tory of intestinal parasites furnishes marked examples of this. Such creatures may continue a larval existence for an indefi- nite period in one host, the development to the mature stage being accomplished only after the second host is entered. Possibly, in the first host, nutrition continues active, and is checked on reaching the second host; but the influence of the new environment may have its special stimulating effect. The development of insects present many cases in point. They often continue long in the larval state, in which nutrition is active, growth rapid, and development checked. Then, during 894 The American Naturalist. [October, a period of pupal rest and non-nutrition, a rapid development to the mature stage takes place. Adventitious organs, useful to the larva, often develop, and are discarded in the pupal stage, as having no place in the phylogenetic order of develop- ment. This isstrikingly the case in Echinoderm development, the adventitious organs sometimes forming so large a part of the larval animal that they have the power of swimming and taking food after being discarded, though incapable of digest- ing it. In this case, the developing portion of the animal is confined to the central life organs. In other instances, the adventitious organs are absorbed and utilized in the process of change. ; As an instance of marked retention of the larval conditions, may be mentioned the Aphis, in which no further develop- ment takes place through many generations, nutrition being active, and reproduction going on by gemmation. In the autumn, when nutriment begins to fail, the long repressed in- stincts and developmental powers come into play, and mature insects are produced. The seventeen-year Cicadæ furnish anoth- er striking example,they continuing as larve during a very long period of underground nutrition, and developing to maturity only when unfolding instinct induces them to seek the surface. Numerous examples of a similar kind may be found in the Hydrozoa, in which development is checked at several larval stages, in each of which a different environment or kind of activity exists. The ants and bees, among insects, are of high interest in this inquiry. The bees, for example, seem to have worked out the whole problem for themselves, and can produce workers, queens and drones at will. It seems a simple question of nutrition whether queens or workers shall appear, the worker larvæ being underfed, the queen richly fed and with fuller space for growth. They all pass through stages of pupal de- velopment, in a state of rest and non-nutrition, but the fully- fed larva becomes a mature female, the illy-fed ones become immature females. During the subsequent life of the latter, no opportunity for complete development occurs, activity and nutrition being incessant. In the ants, somewhat similar con- ditions exist. 1895.) Organic Variation. 895 Certain of the Amphibia present marked instances of the influence. of environment as a stimulus to development. A tadpole kept forcibly in the water does not become a frog. The Axolotl, a gilled salamander, seems to have a power of choice in this particular. It continues a water breather while it elects to remain in the water, but loses its gills and develops into the lung-breathing Amblystoma if it leaves the water for a land life. Another interesting instance of this appears in the Leptocephali, peculiar larval fishes, small, pellucid and cartilaginous, which are found floating far out in the ocean. Gunther considers them the offspring of various marine fishes which have been swept away from their normal environment and their development in consequence arrested. This is, per- haps, due to deprivation of the requisite nutriment. Many examples of a check to the full development of the higher animals, through insufficient nutrition, might be given, were it advisable to extend this examination. In the lower animals, so far considered, there would seem to be a competi- tion between two instincts, one the instinct to devour food and move actively, the other the instinct to cease eating and entera state of rest. External conditions are, perhaps, only influen- tial in giving the precedence to one or the other of these in- stincts, though, in most animals, the latter instinct in time seems to gain a controlling influence, and development in consequence proceeds. The instances here given are extreme ones, and are of much’ value from their bearing upon the question at issue. Doubt- less there are many minor steps of development which need no special preparation, and which take place during the ordi- nary activities of life. Such steps might be pointed out in the invertebrates, while vertebrate development is generally of this character, its stages appearing successively without need of marked cessation from food or activity. Yet the examples adduced are probably exaggerated instances of what always’ takes place, a period of nutrition of the organ involved, a tem- porary check to nutrition, a diversion of energy to that organ, and a more or less rapid developmental change. If this change is a considerable one, as in the casting of their shells 61 896 The American Naturalist. [October, by crustaceans, a physical weakening results, and new tissue must be built.up before the new shell can appear. A similar weakening is apt to appear in man during the development of puberty, and various other instances might be given. All this leads back to the question of atavism. The changes indicated may not be solely due to nutrition and stimulation, but may be controlled in a measure by the original germinal conditions, the degree of developmental vigor which exists in each of the molecular groups of the germ cell. If any of these is weakly constituted, or imperfectly organized, its general de- velopment may cease before the ultimate phase is reached, or it may be imperfect, and the resulting animal lack some part, asin the absence of a hand or arm. This may be the ordinary cause of the phenomena of atavism, the original weakness of the germ causing a cessation of development before the final stage is reached. This check seems often to occur at the level of some immediate ancestor, but occasionally acts at a consid- erably more remote stage. Again, weakness in a special region of the germ may check development of some organ at an. ancestral stage, while the remainder gains full development. Such a result, while due to atavism, would yield no evidence of it. To this class of influences may be due many of the vari- ations in offspring which so commonly occur. There is a further possibility to be considered: that of a condition the reverse of atavism. While defects occasionally appear in the mature body, an excess of development also at times appears in certain regions. This may be a duplication, as in the fingers and toes, the development of some limb or organ to a larger size than in the parents, or the appearance of an exerescence which has no paternal counterpart, yet, per- haps, may prove of advantage to the individual. If defects are due, as here suggested, to deficiency of energy of develop- ment, or partial formation in some molecular group of the germ, excess may, perhaps, be due to the opposite influence, a superabundance of energy, or excess of molecules in the group. The molecular groups from which the organs, tissues or mem- bers of the body are supposed to be derived, may possibly vary, as above-said, both in energy and in formative conditions, and 1895.] Organic Variation. 897 minute variations in the germ may yield marked variations in the adult. All this is offered as conjectural. If it be based on fact, some important conclusions follow. To atavism, partial or com- plete whether due to original germinal weakness or subsequent lack of nutrition, degeneration may be due. The imperfect or poorly developed offspring, if it should prove fitted to some other mode of life than that of its race, might survive and yield descendants like itself. Through such a process, long contin- ued, the extreme degeneration occasionally seen might appear. On the other hand, if the molecular groups can possess ex- cess of energy or superfluous material, the result may be seen in some unusually large organ or greatly developed tissue, or a general superiority of the whole body; or, again, in the ap- pearance of some duplicate part or excrescence. Such an excess, if advantageous, might, as in the opposite case of de- generation, induce new habits in the animal, and, in time, lead to marked differences in species. If the excess appeared in the nervous system generally, or the brain particularly, an important psychical advance might result. It is certainly not impossible that the extraordinary intellectual powers which occasionally appear in the offspring of parents of ordinary mental development may be due to this cause, and that the gradual advance in mental ability in the animal kingdom, with the superior powers of attack and defence thence arising, have a similar origin. The problems here dealt with are very obscure ones. In considering them we are, perforce, confined to hypothesis, since facts are beyond our reach, other than such phenomena ~ of organic nature as have been adduced. Certainly the causes of individual variation lie low down in the process of develop- ment, and while, perhaps, due in a measure to environmental ‘forces at work on the embryo or larva, are probably due in a much larger measure to conditions connected with the organi- zation and early development of the germinal cell. 898 The American Naturalist. — [ October, ROOT TUBERCLES OF LEGUMINOSAE. By Erwin F. SMITE. Among those who have contributed to our knowledge of this subject are Beyerinck, Frank, Ward, Hellriegel, Prazmow- ski, Nobbe, Schlossing, Laurent and Windogradski. The ques- tion of the symbiotic relationship of the bacilli, which are cer- tainly present in the tubercles, has received rather more attention from these investigators than have the bacteria themselves. The latter are the subject of an interesting paper, “Die Bakterien in den Wurzelknéllchen der Leguminoseen,” by Mr. Gonnermann in Landw. Jahrb., XXIII (1894), Heft., 4, 5, pp. 649-671. The first part of the work was done at the Agr. Exp. Sta. in Rostock, and the rest in the Hygienic Lab- oratory at Danzig, and the internal evidence of the paper indi- cates a careful, competent man. The one question which the author at first set out to solve by means of purely bacteriologi- cal methods was, What bacterium causes the tubercles? Pure cultures were made from the bacteria occurring inside the tubercles and their behavior first studied on ordinary culture media—gelatine, agar, potato, bouillon, etc. Subsequently, lupine gelatine was used, and proved very suitable, the germs growing in it about equally well, whether slightly acid, slightly alkaline or neutral. The colonies which appeared on this gelatine were then inoculated into various media, from the plates to stick cultures, from these to potato, from the latter to agar, from agar into hanging drops, from these to plates once more, and so on, to insure purity and absolute certainty of the final results. To obtain material for making infections, unin- jured tubercles were washed in ordinary water and the earth rubbed away with a tooth-brush, then washed several times in distilled water, and finally put for several minutes into 1-500 solution mercuric chloride. They were then thoroughly washed 3-4 times with sterile water, placed under a bell-jar on a glass plate previously heated to 150° C., cut open with a 1895.] Root Tubercles of Leguminosae. 899 flamed knife, and crushed out in a little sterile water, which was then used for cover glass preparations and for the inocu- lation of culture media. All staining fluids and all culture media were examined for the presence of germs before they were used, and before commencing this investigation the author made a preliminary one of the air of his laboratory to determine what germs were present and might be expected to appear in some of the cultures. The microscope used was a Leitz, which was provided with apochromatic lenses, giving a very clear, sharp field, up even to 2,250 diameters. The root sections were made in the Pathological-anatomical Institute of Dr. Thierfelder, and mostly by Dr. Thierfelder, himself. Several hundred plants were investigated, including Pisum sativum, Lupinus angustifolius, albus, luteus, Lathyrus tuberosus, Vicia faba, cracca, Phaseolus vulgaris and Trifolium incarnatum, and more than 300 permanent preparations were made. The in- vestigations finally covered the following subjects: (a) Pure cultures; (b) Search for the organisms in the soil; (c) Germi- nation of sterilized seeds in sterile sand and subsequent infec- tion of the plants. Cover-glass preparations, made from great numbers of cleaned, sterilized tubercles of Lupinus albus and angustifolius showed the well-known Y-shaped bodies and gelatine plate cultures gave two sorts of colonies, both bacilli. Cleaned and superficially sterilized roots were then wrapped in freshly sterilized cotton, put in turn into sterile netting, and finally covered by a fine-meshed sterile wire netting, buried in sterile sand and watered with sterile water. After eight days the plants were pulled up. Many of the tubercles were ruptured and the enveloping cotton was stained brown and swarming with pure growths of the bacteria. The sand was also contaminated. From this infected cotton, and also fre- quently from the sand, cultures were made into gelatine, bouillon, etc., and from these, plate cultures. The author can- not agree with Frank that the Y-form consists of broken down mycoplasma, for, upon being placed in hanging drops, these Y’s break up into motile bacilli and their compound nature can also be demonstrated by proper staining. Beyerinck, Prazmowski and Frank speak of one organism designated 900 The American Naturalist. [October, variously as Bacillus radicicola, Bacterium radicicola, and Rhiz- bium leguminosarum. Gonnermann thinks that there are several germs capable of causing these galls. He calls his organisms Bacillus tuberigenus, 1, 2, 3, etc., having isolated no no less than seven varieties, not including two micrococci. All of these are characterized, but not as fully asthe present state of bacteriology requires. Beyerinck’s B. radicicola was not found. Soil examinations were begun at Rostock. Earth was scattered on gelatine plates, and soil from lupine fields was washed with sterile water and cultures made from this. By these methods four of the kinds already isolated from the tubercles made their appearance and were cultivated out and their identity established. The most abundant organism in the Rostock fields was Bacillus fluorescens non liquefaciens, then followed B. tuberigenus, No. 3. This is a motile organism, 0.3 by 0.6, united in 2’s or more, bright red-brown on potato, yellow-brown or brownish and fine granular on gelatine plates, and able to liquify gelatine rapidly. Winter examinations of earth were made for spores. In soil taken from Rostock, in February, not a living bacterium could be found, but there _were numerous spores. This soil was shaken up with sterile water, and the coarsest parts allowed to settle as sediment I. The cloudy fluid was poured off into a sterile test-tube and allowed to settle for a minute to get sediment II. Sediments III and IV were obtained in the same manner, the latter con- sisting of the finest silt. Cover-glass preparations were made from each sediment and stained with gentian violet for the identification of bacteria, while for spores a corresponding series was dry-heated to 150°C., and then exposed for an hour to boiling carbol fuchsin, washed in alcohol, and afterward, in some cases, faintly stained with methyl blue. Finally, plate cultures were made from each sediment. Sediment I contained numerous bacilli, 4-9, by 0.5-0.6z, each bearing 2-6 spores. No bacteria free from spores could be found, but plate cultures gave many colonies. No such large bacilli were found in the earth in summer. In sediment II, spore-bearing bacilli were few, but plate cultures yielded many colonies, thus showing the presence of spores. In sediment III, dead Y-forms first 1895.] Root Tubercles of Leguminosae. 901 appeared. These stained faintly with ordinary reagents, but distinct round bodies appeared in their interior when they were subjected to the spore stain. In sediment IV, no bacilli were found, but there were small stained bodies which might well be spores, and plate cultures gave numerous colonies. The plate cultures from these sediments yielded unquestion- able B. tuberigenus 1, 2,3. The remaining forms appeared to be ordinary soil bacteria, and were not followed further. From the results of these cultures and the examination of a great many cover glass preparations, the author thinks it is established that the tubercle organisms pass the winter in the earth in the form of spores. Sand cultures and infections were made at Rostock and again at Danzig, the following method being employed. The sand was spread out in an oven and heated for five hours at 150° C. It was then put into 3-litre pots, previously washed many times in boiling distilled water, then several times in 1-500 solution of mercuric chloride, and finally in sterile water. The pots were then covered tightly with sterile cotton and set aside. Subsequently they were in- fected with organisms directly from the tubercles and also with pure cultures of the same. In the Rostock experiments the pots were watered with Frank’s salt mixture and in the others they received only sterile water, bacteria being added from time to time to each watering fluid. The seeds planted in these pots were first soaked ten minutes in 1-500 sol. mercuric chloride and then washed thoroughly in sterile water. The plants grew slowly, but on the whole satisfactorily. When they reached a height of 20 cm., one which had been infected directly from a tubercle was pulled and examined. The rest of the plants prospered and no more were pulled until they were in bloom. Close together on the roots of the plant first pulled there were 5 tubercles. On cutting they showed the rose red color, and the Y-forms were clearly visible on micro- =- scopic examination. Similar results had been obtained by previous investigators. More important, therefore, is the result of the infections with cultures known to be pure. Plants grown in pots infected with B. tuberigenus No. 3 from Rostock and others grown in pots infected with B. tuberigenus No. 5 902 The American Naturalist. [October, from near Danzig developed a considerable number of tuber- cles in which it was very easy to demonstrate the Y-shaped bodies, and from which pure cultures of Nos. 3 and 5 were again obtained. Since these two forms behave differently on culture media, the author insists that it is no longer a question of one tubercle bacillus, but thinks that there are at least two and probably more, the form varying with the locality. Water cultures were carried on along with the sand cultures, using peas and lupines, but with negative results. Some of the roots decayed and none developed tubercles. Hellriegel first ad- vanced the hypothesis (1886) that the bacteria in these tuber- cles are capable of taking nitrogen from the air and turning it over to the host plant. This striking hypothesis at once came into favor and was accepted as proved by many writers on agri- cultural topics. Frank, however, in dry material, found no increase whatever of nitrogen when his Rhizobium grew with the plants. His many experiments show that the garden bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) which always bears tubercles under nat- ural conditions never becomes any richer in nitrogen than do beans grown in sterile soil and free from tubercles. This cer- tainly looks more like parasitism than symbiosis. Other ex- periments made by Frank show that lupines and peas can assimilate nitrogen when grown in sterile humus, and free from tubercles and bacteria. Consequently leguminous plants are able to store nitrogen and enrich the soil without the action of bacteria, and it is not settled how the nitrogen is taken up by the plant. _Gonnermann reasoned that if the bacilli really assimilate free nitrogen and turr it over to the host plant, then when they are grown in an artificial medium the latter ought finally to become somewhat richer in nitrogen. Following out this idea, very careful experiments were made with potato broth of a known nitrogen content, but although the bacteria grew luxuriantly for 14 days there was absolutely no increase of nitrogen. The cultures were made in 12 150 ce. flasks and every 24 hours the air was changed, being passed through cot- ton, strong sulphuric acid, and strong potash liquor to free it from dust, microdrganisms, ammonia and carbon dioxide: The analyses were made by Dr. Meyer of the Rostock Agricul- 1895.] Root Tubereles of Leguminosae. 903 tural Experiment Station. Experiments by the author con- firm Hellriegel’s view that the tubercle bacilli are not capable of changing ammonium salts into nitrate, and the evidence is very good that these organisms are not the same as the nitrify- ing ferments of Windogradski. The Y-form occurs sparingly outside of the tubercles in various parts of the plant. The author also isolated B. tuberigenus from tubercles found on the roots of the rape plant. His general conclusions are as fol- lows: (1). The root tubercles of the Leguminosae are not caused _by a single specific bacterium but rather by several, one in one locality, another in another locality. (2). The Y-forms are zoogloea (Gebildkomplexe) which arise in the plant during the symbiotic or parasitic relations, and later when the tubercles rupture, they break up into the indi- vidual bacteria. These pass into the soil, form spores, and in the spring, as bacilli, once more enter the plant to again be- come Y-complexes during its growth. (3). The symbiotic relations are not yet known with certainty, tor of themselves the tubercle bacteria of the Leguminosae are not capable of rendering free nitrogen useful to the plant ; much rather is the plant in condition of its ownself to take up and use elementary nitrogen without fungous symbiosis. The bacteria aid the plant in doing this and may contribute in part toa higher nitrogen content. Finally, it appears to be established that in spite of the presence of the bacteria the plants do not take up any excess of nitrogen. From the many sided experi- ments which have been made, it follows also that not merely symbiotic but also parasitic influences are at work, and that the function of the bacteria as well as the method of assimilation of free nitrogen is not yet known with any certainty. 904 _ The American Naturalist. [ October, DEVIATION IN DEVELOPMENT DUE TO THE USE OF UNRIPE SEEDS. j By J. C. ARTHUR. (Continued from page 815.) Such deviations as have been mentioned are readily seen, and are more or less to be anticipated. But what shall we say about the final recovery of such plants? Even if plants are feeble while young, will they not eventually become firmly es- tablished and outgrow all traces of early weakness? I think we would say a priori, that such would doubtless be the case- It looks reasonable; and yet from both experimental and the- oretical data it can be shown that rarely, and only by accident, does the entire restoration of the vigor of the plant under such circumstances take place. I am aware that the majority of observers and writers have held the contrary view, and pes Cohn in his admirable treatise came to the conelusion that “i general plants raised from unripe seed are not weaker ne those from ripe seed.” It is undoubtedly true, that as the plants grow, the differences, which were at first readily detected by the eye, largely or quite disappear. Eventually it is nec- essary to resort to careful weighing and measuring to bring out the actual facts. This does not mean that the differences are slight and immaterial, but only that the eye cannot detect small variations distributed throughout large objects having irregular surfaces, baton? 3 in the aggregate they may be con- siderable. In the experiment with tomato plants from seed taken from green, half-ripe, and fully ripe fruit, already referred to, (man- uscript record No. 82), no essential difference could be detected between the plants after they came into bearing. But weigh- ing exposed the fact that the ripe fruit of the plants from green seed averaged ten per cent lighter than those from ripe seed (see table V). 1895.] Deviation in Development Due to the use of Unripe Seeds. 905 V.—Tomators FROM RIPE AND UNRIPE SEEDS. Experiment conducted by Arthur. Degree of ripe- | Number of | Number of ee hv ieg gi og serge of ness. plants. ripe fruit. of fruit in singie ruit in gra grams. | | = on Frait green......-+- Ree T 18304 17.5 Fruit half ripe..... 5 439 7858 17.9 Frait fully ripe...|- -24 | 1889 36622 19.4 | | The experiment with wheat, conducted by Nowacki, and already referred to (see table III), shows a larger number of stalks from ripe than from green seed; and although not so tall, the total growth of stalks in length is greater for the plants from ripe than from green seed. Without going into further details, the general principle may be stated, that plants from green seed will, asa rule, attaina smaller development in both vegetative and reproductive parts than those from ripe seed. It is furthermore to be pointed out in this connection, that not only are all parts of the plant smaller and less vigorous, but that the different organs bear a different reciprocal pro- portion. We may classify plant organs roughly as reproduc- tive (fruit, seed, etc.) and vegetative (leaf, stem and root.) The use of immature seed increases the reproductive parts at the expense of the vegetative, and thus it comes about, that there is more fruit formed in proportion to the amount of foliage than normal. In an experiment, or rather a series of experi- ments originated by Goff,” and continued by the originator and the writer, in which the changes due to the use of unripe seed have been made more than ordinarily prominent by the cumulative effect of repetition through several generations, it was found by the writer (see table VI) that a tomato plant, se- lected as representative of the series grown from unripe seed, bore 34 pounds of fruit to one pound of the vine (leaves, stems and roots taken together), while a plant of the same variety % For history of these experiments, see Bot. Gaz., xii (1887), pp. 41-42; Rep. Wis. Exper. Sta., viii (1891), pp. 152-159. i 906 The American Naturalist. [October, grown each year under the same conditions, but always from ripe seed gave only 14 pounds of fruit for each pound of the vine. In this case we have an enormous relative increase of fruitage from unripe seed, which in fact was quite apparent to VI—Tomators FROM RIPE AND UNRIPE SEEDS. Experiment conducted by Arthur. : Weight of | Weight of | Ratio of vine Degree of ripeness. vine. fruit. to fruit. Jb, 02, 1b, OZ. i es series. i 2 10 9 2 1 : 3.475 (34) ature se E id 6... 9.:| 154497, the casual observer npon looking at the plants of the two se- ries as they grew in the garden, although it required the scales to disclose how surprisingly great the difference really was. With this increased fruitfulness i also associated an increase in the number of fruit, although they are individually smaller, as also are theseeds. It is stated that von Mons,” of Belgium, has applied this method of using green seed to the raising of apples, in order to check too vigorous growth and to increase the fruitfulness. In connection with the increase of the number of fruit borne by a plant, there is also a tendency to increased earliness in ripening the fruit. In the cumulative trials with tomatoes by Goff, which have just been referred to, the strain from green seed ripened from ten days to four weeks earlier in different years, than the corresponding series from ripe seed. In an- other experiment with tomatoes by Goff,” seed saved from fruit of the same variety, in different stages of maturity, de- scribed as very green, pale green, tinged red, light red, deeper red, and fully ripe (see table VII), gave an advantage in earli- ness of nearly three weeks for the plants from the very green seed compared with those from the fully ripe seed, and of two * Williams, E., Rural New-Yorker, 1890, p. 798. a L, c., iii (1884), p. 224. 1895.] Deviation in Development Due to the use of Unripe Seeds. 907 weeks compared with those from the half ripe seed; and there was also about two-thirds as much gain in the ripening of the first ten fruits upon the same plants respectively. But such marked difference in earliness, or in fact any difference at all, in favor of plants from immature seed does not always occur; and several observers have noted the reverse results. VII.—Tomators FROM RIPE AND UNRIPE SEEDS. Experiment conducted by Gof. ‘ Number | Vegetated ` First ripe | First ten ripe Degree of ripeness. | 5f seeds. | per cent. fruit. fruit. . VELY BTCC. osrssis sorters 50 2 126 days. 137 days. Pale groei is. ca cui e.. 50 84 143 days. 157 days. Tinged Red .......... 50 100 140 days. 151 days Light red 50 96 141 days 147 days Deeper red 50 88 141 days. 147 days. Fully ripe 50 96 146 days. 152 days. This is not surprising in view of the fact that it is the weaker plants from which the greater earliness in fruiting is expected, and such plants must necessarily be most affected by the con- ditions of weather, soil and cultivation, and so their uniform development be most interfered with. It was noted by Goodale,” in 1885, and since by Goff,* that some early market varieties of vegetables indicate that they may have been originated through the use of green seed. I have now stated the principal deviations from normal de- velopment in plants due to the use of immature seed, which I have myself observed, or for which I find authentic recorded data. They may be grouped and briefly summarized as fol- lows: (1.) There is a loss of vigor, shown in the smaller per- centage of germinations, the weakness of the seedlings, and the greater number of plants which die before maturity; (2) the full vigor of the plants is never recovered, although they may and usually do, produce an abundant harvest, and one accept- able to the cultivator, in case of economic plants; (8) the re- 33 Physiological Botany, 1885, p. 460. 3 Bot. Gazette, xii (1887), p. 41. 908 The American Naturalist. [October, productive parts of the plants are increased in proportion to the vegetative parts, resulting in a greater number of fruits and seeds (although individually smaller) and more rapid ripen- ing of them, than in similar plants from mature seed. In explanation of these changes, and to bring the phenom- ena into proper relation with other phenomena of plant and animal life, I venture to assert that the deviation in development, which comes from the use of unripe seed, does not differ in kind from that resulting from any other method of weakening the organ- ism, and is to be considered as only a special instance of the effect of checking the uniform normal growth of the individual. I have in my possession a large amount of data with which to substantiate this proposition, but it would be tiresome to present it here, and I shall content myself with a bare refer- ence to a few facts, and trust to your being able to further con- vince yourselves of its correctness by recalling facts from your own researches or observations. Imperfect seed of any kind germinates poorly and produces weak plants. This is true of seed shriveled because of injury to the parent plant from insects, fungi, drouth, etc., of seed in- fested with fungus, of seed that is too old, or of seed deprived of part of its nutriment or otherwise seriously mutilated. That weak seedlings from any cause, as a rule, are likely to remain weak and produce a poor crop, I think is a statement that will be generally accepted without elaboration. It is in reference to the third general feature of the deviations due to immature seed that the chief interest rests; an interest that has sprung up very largely in consequence of the numerous experiments by Professor Goff, extending over the last ten years, and now very widely known, more especially his long series of experi- ments with tomatoes, in which notable results have been ob- tained, suggestive of wide economic application, but to which I have been able to make but brief reference in this paper.” % Goff’s work upon unripe tomato seed and resulting strains is recorded as fol- lows: Rep. N. Y. Exper. Sta., iii (1884) pp. 224-226; iv (1885), pp. 182-183; v (1886), p. 174. Bot. Gaz. xii (1887), p. 41-42. Garden and Forest, iii (1890), p. 427; (see aliè: pages 355 and 392). Cited by Hunn, Bull. N. Y. Exper. Sta. No. 30 (1891), p. 478. Rep. Wis. Exper. Sta. viii (1891), pp. 152-159. 1895.] Deviation in Development Due to the use of Unripe Seeds. 909 While the use of immature seed brings about greater activity in reproduction, and a tendency to early maturity, the same is also true of plants from very old seed, as has been recognized for a very long time. It is probably best known in reference to melons,” which are generally believed to give more and bet- ter fruit when the seeds are five to twenty years old,” although the plants will be weak. Observations have not, however, been confined to melons, but are recorded for pears, beans, lentils, ete. The retardation of the germination due to age is well shown by the tests of tomato seeds made by Lovett, in which seeds from 2 to 6 years old showed the first germination in 10 days, 7 years, in 11 days, 8 and9 years in 12 days 10 and 11 years, in 14 days, and 13 years,in 18 days. It will be observed that the effect of over-maturity is the same as results from imma- turity (cf. table III). The similarity of effect is even better shown by a test of red clover seed made by Nobbe® in 1874, in which mature and immature seed of the crop of that year was compared with that of the crop of 1870, the trial being made in December, 1874. The germination of the immature seed was slower than that of the mature seed which had been kept four years, while the total number of germinations for both immature and over-mature seed was much decreased by four years’ keeping (see table VIII). It is evident, therefore, that aging as well as immaturity of seed leads to weakness of the seedlings, and a general lowered vitality. Some of the same characteristics which we have seen in the plants from immature seed may also be observed when plants %6 « Es ist behaupted worden, dass Melonenkerne nach mehrjähriger Aufbewah- rung Pflanzen liefern, welche weit weiniger ¢ Bliithen bringen, als Pflanzen aus frischen Samen ; nach 5 Jahren sollten angeblich gar keine € Bliithen gebildet werden. Verf. siete 1878 Melonensamen von 1876 und von 1870. Von den älteren Samen keimte eine geringere Zahl; die daraus hervorgegangenen Pflanzen waren etwas weniger kräftig.” Baillon (Bull. mens. soc. Linn. de Paris, No. 23, 1878) Justs Bot. Jahresb. vi (1878), p. 328. 31 Fleischer, 1. c., p. 17; Schulz, quoted by Cohn, Symbola, p.,9. 3 Rep. N. Y. Exper. Sta., ii (1883), p- 267. 39 Samenkunde, p. 346. : 910 The American Naturalist. [October, VIII.—Gerrmination or RIPE, UNRIPE, AND OLD SEED OF RED CLOVER. Experiment conducted by Nobbe. Degree of ripeness, Per cent of total ages Total germination. Soon after | 4 yearsafter Soon after | 4 years after gathering. gathering. | gathering. | gathering. pecans! mee Immature seed..........+++ 63 0 48 6 90 | 24 88 58 grown on good and on poor soil are compared. It has been noticed by tomato growers that more seed is obtained on poor than on rich soil,” which accords with the record for imma- ture strains.“ The difference in fertility of soil need not be especially marked to secure the effect, if other conditions are reasonably uniform, even good soil compared with yet richer soil produces the characteristic results. In some experiments on wheat made by Latta,” the yield on good wheat land was one pound of straw to .55 of a pound of grain, but the same land richly fertilized gave one pound of straw to only .48 of a pound of grain (see table IX); that is, the poorer soil brought about a greater development of the reproductive parts of the plants, as compared with the vegetative parts, than did the richer soil, without regard to the mode of fertilization. This phase of the subject might be extended to great length and many statistics given, but it will suffice for illustration to ap- peal to common observation of the remarkable size of the flowers and seed pods of depauperate weeds and other plants, and on the other hand, the tendency of plants in rich soil to produce foliage shoots rather than fruit. It has been recognized by zoologists* that “ checks to nutri- * Allen, Amer. Gard., xi (1890), p. 358. “ Goff, Rep. Wis. Exper. Sta., viii (1891), p. 157. “ Bull. Ind. Exper. Sta., No. 41 (1892), p. 94. “Geddes and Thompson, Evolution of sex, p. 218, 1895.] Deviation in Development Due to the use of Unripe Seeds. 911 TX.—WHEAT ON Poor anp Ricau Sort. Experiment conducted by Latta. Plat unfertilized produced 1 Ib. of straw to .56 lbs. of grain. bone black, Plat with < ammonia, | producea 1 lb. of straw to .45 lbs. of grain. potash, potash, Plat unfertilized produced 1 lb. of straw to .55 Ibs. of grain. Plat with horse manure produced 1 lb. of straw to .49 lbs. of grain. Plat with horse manure produced 1 Jb. of straw to .51 lbs of grain. bone black, Plat with ammonia, } produced 1 lb. of straw to .47 Ibs. of grain. Plat unfertilized produced 1 Ib. of straw to .52 lbs. of grain. Plats unfertilized averaged 1 lb. of straw to .55 Ibs. of grain. Plats fertilized averaged 1 lb. of straw to .48 lbs. of grain.” tion, especially in the form of sudden scarcity, will favor sex- ual reproduction.” I think I may safely enlarge this state- ment, and say that any cause which retards uniform progress in the development of an animal or plant favors reproduction. By this is meant that after such a check occurs the organism will de- velop the reproductive parts of its structure faster and more fully than the other parts, and in the case of crops the yield of seed will be greater proportionately, than of the leaves and stems.“ Enough has doubtless been said to show that the deviations in development, which arise when unripe seeds are used, drop into a general category of changes dependent upon the avail- able energy of the plant and the uniformity of its development. In general, the change is a tendency toward reproduction at the expense of the vegetative parts of the plant. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The following are the chief works treating of the subject of the growth of unripe seed. Additional citations have already “I haye developed this proposition more fully, and shown its application in another direction, in an article entitled: “A new factor in the improvement of crops.’’ Agric. Sci., vii (1893), pp. 340-345. 62 912 The American Naturalist. [October been made to brief or incidental references to interesting in- formation in this connection. Arthur, Earliness with unripe seed. Garden and Forest, iii (1890), p. 392. Arthur, Variations of plants from unripe seed. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., 1885-91, p. 14. Title only. Bailey, Products of mature and immature fruits. Bull. Cor- nell Exper. Sta., No. 45, 1892, p. 207. Cohn, Symbola ad seminis physiologiam. Inaug.-Diss., 1847, pp. 12-72, where many references to the older literature are to be found. Cohn, Beiträge zur Physiologie des Samens. Flora, xxxii (1849), pp. 481-512. DeCandolle, Phys. Vég., ii (1832), p. 662. Detmer, Vergleichende Physiologie des Keimungsprocesses, 1880, pp. 537-538. i Fleischer, Beiträge zur Lehre von dem Keimen der Gewächse, 1851, pp. 1-17. Goff, Report of the horticulturist. Rep. N. Y. Exper. Sta., ii (1883), p. 205 ; iii (1884), pp. 199, 211, 224, 232 ; iv (1885), pp. 130, 182 , v (1886), pp. 174, 197. Goff, Influence of heredity upon vigor. Bot. Gaz., xii (1887), pp. 41-42. Goff, Earliness from .unripe seed. Garden and Forest, iii (1890), p. 427. Goff, A breeding experiment with tomatoes. Rep. Wis. Exper. Sta. viii (1891), pp. 152-159. Goodale, Vitality of seeds. Rep. Mass. Bd. Agric., xxvi (1878), pp. 268-269, 284-285. [Hunn], Tests with green and ripe seed of tomato. Bull. N. Y. Exper. Sta., No. 30 (1891), pp. 478-479. Keith, Of the conditions of germination, in reply to M. De- Candolle. Phil. Mag. viii (1836), pp. 491-495. Kurr, et al., Protocolle der botanischen Section der Versam- lung deutscher Aerzte und Naturforscher. Flora, xviii (1835), pp. 1-5; xix (1836), pp. 83-85. Lucanus, Ueber das Reifen und Nachreifen des Getreides. Landw. Ver.-Sta. iv (1860) pp. 147-166. 1895.] Editor’s Table. 913 Lucanus, Ueber den Einfluss der Reife und der Nachreife auf die Keimungs und Vegetationskraft der Roggenkorner. Landw. Ver.-Sta., iv (1860) pp. 253-263. Nobbe, Ueber die Keimungsreife der Fichtensamen. Landw. Ver.-Sta., xvii (1874), pp. 277-290. Nobbe, Handbuch der Samenkunde, 1876, pp. 331-346. Nowacki, Untersuchungen über das Reifen des Getreides. Inaug.—Diss., 1870, pp. 1-30. pl. 2. Sey ffer, Ueber die Keimfihigkeit unreifer Samen. Isis, 1838, pp. 113-115. Siegert, Ueber die vortheilhafteste Erntezeit und das Nach- reifen der Getreidekérner Landw. Ver—Sta., vi (1863), pp. 134-140. Sturtevant, Unripe seed. Garden and Forest, iii (1890), p 355. Tautphöus, Ueber die Keimung der Samen. Inaug—Diss., 1876, pp. 23-25. Wollny, Forsch. Geb. Agrik.—Phys. ix (1886), p. 294. EDITOR’S TABLE. incl on Se —TuE late meeting of thc American Association for the Advance- ment of Science was an occasion of instruction and pleasure to all con- cerned. The hospitality of the citizens of the beautiful city of Spring- field and the generally delightful weather, contributed much to the comfort of the visitors. The excursions to points less remote than usual, were, on this accoynt, more enjoyable. The leading club of the place gave a unique entertainment, furnished by the talent of the members. The only regrettable feature was the small attendance, less than four hundred members having been present. As the locality was accessible to the most populous region of the country, this absence of many of our best-known cultivators of science excited comment. Such a consider- able number of our best zoologists remained away from the meeting that the section of zoology was reduced to a fragment of what it should had been. A considerable number of the geologists failed to attend most of the sessions of their section. 914: The American Naturalist. [October, There are two principal causes for this falling off in the attendance, which has been characteristic of several recent meetings. One of the principal causes is lack of patriotism and public spirit on the part of a good many of the absentee members. The Association affords to the scientific men of the country the opportunity to present their work to the public, and thus to excite its interest. The Association has a missionary service to which no cultivator of science should be insensi- ble. It is not only a stimulant to education to men of all classes, but it offers matter of thought and occupation to the well-to-do, who are sometimes at a loss for occupation for both time and money. And it should appeal to the selfish interests of the cultivators of science as well, for the Association must influence men of means in suggesting directions for the exercise of their liberality. The other reason for the small attendance of some of the sections is the absorption of interest in special societies which meet immediately before the Association convenes. It is well for the societies to meet at the same time and place as the Association, but they should be careful not to appropriate too much of its vitality. Due consideration of the importance of the Association to science and to the country, should in- fluence them in this matter, and it is to be supposed that the experi- ence of the last few years is all that is necessary to impress this view on the mind of their members with reference to the future. In order to remove some special inducements to absenteeism which were presented by the Springfield meeting, the Association adopted two important resolutions. First, that meetings should begin on Monday, so that they should not be interrupted by a Sunday; and, second, that excursions should not be undertaken until after the close of the meet- ing. These arrangements will have an excellent effect in concentrating both the work and the attendance. —TuHE Zoological Section passed some important resolutions with ref- erence to the proposed bibliographical bureau and its work. It endorsed the plan introduced by Mr. H. H. Field, for the establishment of such a bureau in Switzerland. It is proposed that this bureau shall issue frequent bibliographical records of Zodlogical papers as they appear ; and it is hoped that it will do the same for botanical literature. For its support the Association appropriated the sum of $250.00, to be added to the various sums already subscribed in Europe. Mr. Field offered a resolution that the bureau undertake to fix the date of publication of all printed matter presented to it. This resolu- tion was adopted by the Section. He also proposed that the date of 1895.] ria Editor’s Table. 915 publication be regarded as the date of distribution. The Section did not concur in this view. Consultation with leading publishing zoolo- gists present, as well as with botanists, disclosed an almost unanimous sentiment in favor of regarding the date of completed printing, as the only available date of publication. Resolutions expressing this opinion were framed and passed Section F unanimously, and copies were sent to Mr. Field for presentation before the British Association at Ipswich, and the Zoological Congress at Leyden, Holland. —OFFICIALISM is becoming more conspicuous among American office holders than was formerly the case. Years ago, our officials were conspicuous for their politeness to the public, and general disposi- tion to forward their interests. More recently many of the customs collectors have distinguished themselves for their extreme interpreta- tions of the provisions of the tariff laws, so as to render themselves ob- noxious, and the country absurd. Still more recently the Post-Office Department developed an exaggerated officialism in refusing to trans- mit various articles over its routes. Naturalists have had especial difficulties in the matter of mailing specimens. Both zoologists and botanists have been met with refusals to allow the sending of their specimens, which have only been withdrawn after tedious negotiations. No sooner is this point gained than some new and superserviceable postmaster raises fresh difficulties, and the same process has to be re- peated. The only permanent remedy is the enactment and enforce- ment of compulsory education laws, so that all our citizens may learn that the prosecution of the natural sciences is beneficial to the public, and that their cultivators are an important part of the community. —AmoncG the various acts hostile to science which have rendered the present administration notorious, few will excite deeper regret than the suspension of the journal formerly issued by the Agricultural Department under the name of Insect Life. Asa record of the discovery in the greatest of all zoological fields, it has no equal in the world, as its value was assured by the ability of its editors, first, Mr. C. V. Riley, and more recently Mr. L. O. Howard. The policy of the present adminis- tration, as announced by the present Secretary of Agriculture, to limit the functions of government to those which are most rudimental, war- rants the retort, actually made by one of his scientific experts to him, that the Department itself should then be abolished. The first Secretary, the Hon. Jeremiah Rusk, declared that he was placed at the tail of the administration on order to “ keep the flies off of it.” The present Sec- retary seems inclined to let the “ flies ” remain, not only on the admin- istration, but on the entire country. 916 The American Naturalist. [October, —In the death of the U. S. Commisioner of Fisheries the Hon. ` Marshall MacDonald, the country loses a veryjefficint officer. It is to be expected that an equally competent man shall succed him. —WE must again remind our contributors that the most certain way of getting soparate copies of their papers*lis-to] comunicate with the publishers directly; and the most directZmethod of doing this is to write their wishes on the copy which goes tofthe printer. RECENT LITERATURE. Rambles in Alpine Valleys.'—In this little book Mr. Tutt gives the impressions of a naturalist while} exploring the valleys on the Italian side ofthe Mont Blanc range. Especial attention is given to the insect life, and in describing their habits and habitats, many prob- lems are suggested for discussion. These are touched upon lightly, but never slightingly, the object of the author, as stated in his preface, being to explain simply and clearly, without going deeply into scientific technicalities, the scientific bearings of some of the facts that came under his notice during a holiday spent in that region. The book is very pleasantly written and well repays perusal by the lover of nature and of scenery. Among naturalists it appeals especially to entomologists. Five plates gives some idea of the scenery in the valleys visited. Lead and Zinc Deposits of Missouri.’—This report is pub- lished in two volumes of nearly 400 pages each, the subject being treated under three heads. Part I is a general discussion of the history, compounds, modes of occurrence, distribution and industry of lead and zinc throughout the world. Part II deals with the lead and zine in Missouri. Part III is a systematic and detailed description of the im- portant developments and occurrences of lead and zinc ores in the state of Missouri. Accompanying the report are two papers having a bear- ing upon the subject: A study of the Cherts of Missouri, by E. O. 1 Rambles in Alpine Valleys. By J. W. Tutt. London, Swan., Sonnenschein & Co., 1895. 2? Missouri Geological Survey Vols. VI and VII. Report upon the Lead and Zine Deposits. By Arthur Winslow, assisted by J. D. Robertson. Jefferson City, 1894. 1895.] Recent Literature. 917 Hovey, and Methods of Analysis pursued in the determination of min- ute quantities of metals in crystalline and clastic rocks, by James R. Robertson. A third appendix gives a list of the works referred to in the Report. Forty-one page plates and 250 diagrams, sections, etc. illustrate the text. Minot’s Land-Birds and Game-Birds of New England.’ —For nearly twenty years this remarkable and interesting book has ranked among the authorities on the subject of which it treats, and in editing this second edition, Mr. Brewster has not attempted a revision in the sense of adding fresh material, or of altering the text except where it seemed necessary in order to use it in connection with more modern works. It is practically reprinted nearly in it original form. The biographies which form the feature of the book were written from the author’s personal observation and comprise descriptions of the mature bird, of their nests and eggs, of their habits, and of their notes. Mr. Brewster has placed in foot notes the latest views as to nomen- clature, etc. and in a few instances corrects some of the authors’s views. The illustrations are wood-cuts in outline, drawn by the author from nature. Birds of Eastern North America.‘—In this handy pocket vol- ume Mr. Chapman aims to give the student a work, free from the technicalities that require a glossary for interpretation. He presents the subject in a comprehensive but simple way. Three introductory chapters contain suggestions as to methods of study, and the problems to be investigated by the student of ornithology—how, when and where to find birds—directions for collecting and preserving specimens in- cluding nests and eggs. The remaining pages, some 400 in number, contain the analytical keys, and descriptions of the species. The de- scriptions are very full, comprising the bird’s general range, manner of occurrence, comparative numbers, times of migration at several specific points, its nest and eggs, and finally a brief sketch of its haunts, notes and disposition. The illustrations are varied and include a charming colored frontis- piece, several full-page half-tone plates and upward of one hundred and fifty cuts in the text. 3The Land-Birds and Game-Birds of New England. By H. D. Minot. Second Edition edited by William Brewster, Boston, 1895. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Publishers 1 Hand-Book of Birds of Eastern North America. By Frank M. Chapman, New York, 1895, D. Appleton & Co., Publishers. 918 The American Naturalist. [October, Origins of Inventions.°—This volume is an expansion of the principles laid down by Prof. Mason in a paper on the Birth of Inven- tion written in 1891. Briefly stated, the author’s views are to this effect. Invention is stimulated by human wants. In its broad sense the terms covers not only things, but languages, institutions, æsthetic arts, philoso- phies, creeds and cults. Invention is based on change. This change is in both structure and function, and proceeds from simple to complex, and is also always a change from the natural to the artificial. Prof. Mason finds that these changes follow a definite law of evolution which he states at length. In each culture-area of the earth such styles of invention have been elaborated as to confer upon ihe people thereof their local or tribal traits. The book is one of the Contemporary Science Series and conforms in appearance with the other volumes of that series. A Pretty Book on Plants and Insects.°—Professor Weed has shown, in this little book, that it is possible to write a popular work which does not contain the usual preponderance of error and false statement. One is sometimes tempted to say that whenever a popular and readable book appears on a scientific subject, it will cer- tainly turn out to be bad so far as the science is concerned, and too often in the end one is justified in making this severe statement. Here, however, we have an attractive book which is very readable— in fact, popular—and yet it is not full of error. Let any one read the succeeding chapters on the glaucous willow, mayflower, spring beauty, purple trillium, Jack-in-the-pulpit, showy orchis, pink lady’s-slipper, fringed Polygala, Canada lily and common thistle, and he will have learned much about plant structure and reproduction, as well as much about the habits of insects, especially their manner of visiting flowers in search of honey. In each chapter the plant named is the starting point from which the author leads the reader out on long botanical and entomological rambles, thus very greatly increasing the scope of the book. The beautiful illustrations add much to the value and at- tractiveness of the work. It should, and doubtless will be, widely read. —CHARLES E. Bessey. 5 The Origins of Inventions. A Study of Industry among Primitive Peoples. By Otis T. Mason. London, 1895. Imported by Charles Scribner’s Sons. ê Ten New England Blossoms and their Insect Visitors. By Clarence Moore Weed. Houghton, Mifflin & Company, 1895; 142pp. 1395.] Recent Books and Pamphlets. 919 RECENT BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. Annual Report Phila. Acad. Nat. Sci. for 1894. Annual Report of the State Geologist of New Jersey for 1893. From the State Survey. Bancs, O.—The Geographical Distribution of the Cotton-tail (Lepus sylvaticus Bach.) with a description of a new subspecies, and with Notes on the Distribution of Lepus americanus Erxl. in the East. Extr. Proceeds. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. XXVI, 1895. From the author. BARDELEBEN, K. voN.—Hand und Fuss. Aus dem Verhandl. der Anat. Gesell. Jahrg. 8, 1894. From the author. BEECHER, C. E.—Further Observations on the Ventral Structure of Triarthrus. Extr. Am. Geol., Vol. XV, Feb., 1895. From the author. BOULENGER, G. A.—List of the Freshwater Fishes collected by Mr. A. Everett on Palawan and Balahae. Extr. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XV, 1895.——On the Variations of the Viper ( Vipera berus) in Denmark. Extr. Zoologist, Feb., 1895. From the author. Brooks, W. K.—The Sensory Clubs or Cordyli of Laodice. Extr. Journ. Morph., Vol. X, 1895. From the author. BrussEL, A.—Ueber die grössere Länge der zweiten Zehe bei den alten Grie- chen.— Ueber die grössere Bestialitit des weiblichen Menschengeschlechtes in Anatomischer Hinsicht.——Uber die Unterschiede des Menschlichen Beckens von den übrigen Affenbecken. Separat-abdruck a. d, Correspondenz-Blatt d. Deutsch. anthropol. Gesellsch., 1884, Nr. 10 u 11. From the author. Bulletin No. 29, 1894, Agric. Exper. Station of the Rhode Island College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. CATER, O. C.S.—Anthracite Coal near Phili Creek, Penna. Extr. Journ. Franklin Inst., 1894. From the author. CHITTENDEN, F. H.—Two new species of Beetles of the Tenebrionid genus Echocerus. Extr. Proceeds. U. S. Natl: Mus., Vol. XVIII, 1895. From the author. NN, H. W.—E with Bacillus No. 41.——Cream Ripening with pure ‘cultures of Bacteria. Extr. Bull. Storrs Agric. Experm. Station. No date given. From the Station. Cooke, A. H. ge ate with papers on Recent Brachiopods by A. E. Shipley, and Fossil Brachiopods by F. R. C. Reed. New York and London, 1895. From Macmillan and Co., Publishers. DEINHARD, L.—Psychometrie. (Erschliefhung der inneren Zinne des Mens- chen. Braunschweig, 1891). From the author. Dums.e, E. T.—Notes on the Texas AENEA Extr. Trans. Texas Acad. Sci., 1894. From the author. FAIRBANKS, H. W.—On Analcite Diabase tied San Luis Obispo Co., Califor- nia. Extr. from the Bull. Dept. Geol. Cal. Univ., Jan., 1895. Pilea the author. 920 The American Naturalist. [October, FARQUHAR, H.—A Stable Monetary Standard. Extr. Proceeds. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sci., Vol. XLIII, 1894. From the author FritscH, A.—Fauna der Gaskohle und der Kalksteine der Perm-formation Bohmens. Bd. III, Heft. 3. Palaeoniscidae, I, Prag. No date given. Goong, G. B. AND Bean, T. H.—A Revision of the Order Heteromi, Deep-sea Fishes, with a description of the new generic types Macdonaldia and Lipogenys. ——On Cetominidae and Rondeletiidae, two new Families of Bathybial Fishes from the northwestern Atlantic. —-On Harriotta, a new type of Chimaeroid Fish from the deeper waters of the northwestern Atlantic. Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII, 1894. From the authors Haves, S.—Another Miami Valley Skeleton, including a description of Two Rare Harpoons. Extr. Journ. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., Jan., 1895. From the author Fizanicic C. J.—The Cranial Nerves of Amblystoma punctatum. Extr. Journ. Comp. Neurology, Vol. IV, 1894. From the author Hyatt, A.—Trias ang Jura in the Western States. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., 1894.——Carbonif halopods, Second Paper. Extr. Fourth Annual Rept. Geol. Surv. Texas, 1893. From the author JULIEN, A. A.—Notes of Research on the New York Obelisk. Extr. Bull. Amer. Geog. Soc., 1893. From the author Keyes, C. R. co Sheetal Report of the State Geologist of Missouri, oami by the Bureau of Geology and Mines to the 38th General Assembly. Jefferson City, 1895. From Mr. G. R. Keyes. Kurz, F. Dr.—Die Flora Chileatgebietes im südöstlichen Alaska. Separat- Abdruck aus Engler’s botanischen Jahrbüchern. XIX Bd. 4 Heft., 1894. From the author. LOVELAND, A. E., AND Watson, W. S.—Some observations in the number of Bacteria in Dairy Products. Extr. Bull. Storrs Agric. Exper. Station. No date given. From the Station McCa.tig, 8. W.—A Prefintaiee Report on the Marbles of Georgia. Bull. No. 1, Georgia Geological Survey, 1894. From the Surve Mason, O. T.—Overlaying with Copper by the A neicii; Abasna. Extr. Proceeds, U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII. From the author MERRILL, G. P. A Papaio of the Granitic Rocks of ‘he District of Colum- bia. Extr. Bull. Geol. Soe. Am., Vol. 6, 1895. From the Society. OsBorN, H. F.—Alte und neue Probleme der Phylogenese. Aus Ergebnisse der Anat. und Entwicklungsgeschicte. Bd. III, 1894. From the au thor Prosser, C. S.—The Devonian System of Eastern Pennsylvania and N ew York. Bull. 120, U. S. Geol. Surv. Washington, 1894. From the author. Report of the Geological Survey of Ohio, Vol. VII, Geology. Norwalk, O., 1893. From the Survey. Ripcway, R.—Additional Notes on the Native Trees of the Lower Wabash Valley. Extr. Proceeds, U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII, 1894. From the Smith- sonian Institution. « SALISBURY, R. D.—Report of the Surface Geology of New Jersey for 1894. Extr. Ann. Report, 1894. From the New Jersey Geol. Surv SCUDDER, 8. H.—The Miocene Insect-fauna near Ceskineen Baden. Extr. Geol. Mag., March, 1895. From the author. 1895.] Recent Books and Pamphlets. 921 Sixth Annual Report of the Rhode Island Agric. Exper. Station for 1893. Seventh Annual Report Agric. Exper. Station of the State Agric. College, Fort Collins, Col., for the year 1894. Simpson, ©. T—Distribatiad of the Land and Freshwater Mollusks of the West Indian Region, and their evidence with regard to past changes of land and sea. Extr. Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII, 1894. From the Smithso- nian Institution. Sixteenth Annual Report of the North Carolina Agric. Exper. Station for the year 1893. Raleigh, 1894. Smitu, F.—A Preliminary account of two new Oligochaeta from Illinois. Bull. Ill. State Laboratory, Vol. IV, 1895. From the author STEINDACHER, F. Dr.—Ichthyologische Beiträge (XVII). Aus den Sitzungs- ber. der k, Akad. der Wissensch. Wein, Mathem-naturw. Classe ; Bd. CIII, 1894. From the author. STRONG, O. S.—The Cranial Nerves of the Amphibia. Extr. Journ. Morph., Vol. X, 1895. From the author Tabular Statements of the Mineral Products of the aii States for the cal- endar years 1882, 1883, 1884. From the U. S. Geol. Surv Topp, J. E.—A Preliminary Report on the Geology of South Dakota. South Dakota Geol. Surv., Bull. No.*1. From the author. TORNIER, G.—Das Entstehen der Gelenkformen und ein zoophyletisches Ent- wicklungsgesetz. Aus Verhandl. der Anat. Gesell., Mai, 1894. From the author. TROUESSART, E. Dr.—Note sur les Acariens marins recoltes par M. Henri Gadeau de Kerville sur le littoral départment de la Manche. Extr. Bull Soc. des Amis des Sci. nat. de Rouen, 1894. From the author Warp, L. F.—Recent Discoveries in the Potomac Formation of Maryland. Extr. Bull. Torry Bot. Club, Vol. 21, 1894. From the author Weyssg, A. W.—On the Blastodermic Vescicle of Sus crofa domesticus. Re- print Proceeds. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sciences, Vol. XXX, 1894. From the anthor. aaeeea R.—Zur Geschichte der Anatomie. Freiburg, 1894. From the au pe a Report of the Madras Government Museum for the year 1893- 4. 922 The American Naturalist. [October, General Wotes. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. Faunal Migrations.—An interesting account of the changes in the Mesozoic faunal geography of California is given by James Perrin Smith in a recent number of the Journal of Geology (May and June, 1895). These changes the author attributes to migration and points out that marine currents along continental borders are favorable to migrations. His conclusions, given below, are based on a study of the faunal relations of the various series of sedimentary rocks of California, and the faunal relations which California had with various regions during different periods of geologic history. From the data in hand, Mr. Smith concludes that at the beginning of the Upper Devonian, some widespread disturbance occurred, opening up connection between the American and Eurasian Seas. The lower Carboniferous fauna of California was developed directly out of Devonian fauna predecessors with the addition of some Eurasian elements by migration. The Upper Carboniferous fauna was developed directly out of that of the Lower Carboniferous, but still with intermigration with the Russian and Asiatic regions, so that the California Carboniferous re- sembles the Eurasian even more than it does that of the eastern United States. - The lower Triassic fauna of the West is entirely foreign, having migrated in from unknown regions, but having reached nearly simul- taneously the western part of America, the Salt Range in India, and northern Siberia, but having been cut off from central Europe. The Middle Trias of the West already begins to show relationships to the Mediterranean province of Europe, showing a connection in that direction, while the similarity to the faunas of the Arctic Trias province is disappearing. _ In the Upper Trias the nearest faunal affinities are with the Hima- layan and the Mediterranean provinces. In the Lower and Middle Jura there was no connection with Euro- pean waters through the Pacific region, but rather through the Atlantic or “ Central Mediterranean Sea” of Neumayr, bringing a central Euro- pean fauna, 1895.] Geology and Paleontology. 923 Near the beginning of the Upper Jura this connection with Euro- pean waters was cut off, and one established with those of Siberia and northern Europe, bringing in a Boreal fauna. This same connection was continued through part of the Lower Cretaceous, giving a boreal fauna to the Knoxville. Near the beginning of the Gault, connection with the Boreal sea of Russia was cut off, and communication established with southern India and through that country with central and southern Europe, bringing in a warm-water fauna. This connection existed during the greater part of the Cretaceous, but after this time the faunas are confined much more closely to their present ranges, although even to-day many of our living and Tertiary mollusca are found in Japan. These changes in faunal geography are too widespread and easily correlated over great areas to be charged to mere mountain-making ; they must rather be of the nature of continental uplift and subsidence. A study of these changes will throw light on the problem of the extinc- tion of faunas and explain the great poverty of certain beds, in which the conditions for life seem favorable. The fauna of California has not been a genetic series, but rather a succession of independent faunas, derived by migration from various parts of the earth, complicated 'by the mixture with the products of local development. Therefore, the student that would intelligently study the genesis and history of this fauna, must not neglect the fossil records of any region, since all may have contributed some elements to this complex assemblage of forms. A new Geomyid from the Upper Eocene.—A rodent from the Uinta beds (Upper Eocene) of Utah, representing a new genus, is described by Prof. W. B. Scott in the Proceeds. Phila. Acad. 1895, p. 269 under the name Protoptychus hatcherii. The skull only is known, including the dentition of the upper jaw, but this proves to be of un- ‘usual interest and brings to light some unexpected facts which are thus summarized by the author: (1). Protoptychus, a new rodent from the Uinta Eocene, is an unex- pectedly modernized form, which has already acquired very large mas- toid bullae, a rostrum, incisive foramina and posterior nares greatly resembling those of the jumping-mice, and, as in that family, the arti- culation of the jugal with the lachrymal is retained. The infraorbital foramen is of the murine type. The dentition and the shape and con- struction of the mastoid and surrounding parts of the cranium most re- semble those of the Heteromyidae. 924 The American Naturalist. 3 [October, (2). The genus is probably to be regarded as the ancestral type of the Dipodids and indicates an American origin for this family, being much more ancient than any known representative of the group in the Old World, which it appears to have reached by a comparatively late migration. Paciculus of the John Day ‘beds is a somewhat aberrant number of the same line. (3). It is not improbable that the Heteromyide were derived from some form related to Protoptychus, though not from that genus itself. (4). The Geomyidz are descended from early forms which may best be referred to the Heteromyide and in which the tympanics and the mastoids were already greatly inflated. The assumption of subterra- nean habits of life brought about a reduction in this region of the skull and led to the acquisition of the many peculiarities which characterize the recent pocket-gophers. Pleurolicus and Entoptychus represent stages in this change and are more or less directly ancestral to the modern Geomyide. (Proceeds. Phila. Acad., 1895.) Cenozoic History of the Baltic Sea.—lIn a preliminary report on the Physical Geography of the Litorina Sea’ Mr. H. Munthe gives a summary of the present saltness of the Baltic and a report of the present distribution of the Mollusca that concern the Litorina-sea espe- cially ; he then discusses the question of the distribution of the Mollusca during the saltest part of the Litorina-time. The report includes also the author’s investigations of the diatomaceous flora of the Litorina- sea and its rhizopod- and ostracod-faunas (on which subject but little has been hitherto published) and in this connection he gives briefly the testimony of diatoms in the hydrography of the Litorina-sea. From the facts presented in the communication the late Cenozoic history of the Baltic can be summed up in the following manner: A. YOUNGER GLACIAL Epocna. (1). Time of the younger Baltie glacier. : (2). Late Glacial time. The land-subsidence in Scandinavia now reaches its maximum during the Cenozoic period. The Baltic has the character of an ice-sea with Yoldia arctica Gray, etc., and is in open connection with the Cattegat across the northern part of South Sweden (Lakes Wettern, Wenern, etc.) and possibly also with the White sea across the Ladoga, etc. 1 The author defines Litorina-time as that relatively salt phase of the Baltic Sea’s postglacial history, which was subsequent to the Ancylus time during which the Baltic was shut off from the ocean and had the character of a fresh-water in- land lake. 1895.] Geology and Paleontology. 925 (1). Ancylus-time. Owing to upheaval of land in the South Baltic region and gradually also in adjacent parts towards the north, the Baltic ice-sea got the character of a fresh-water lake. Climate tem- perate. A transgression of the Ancylus-lake takes place at a later phase—due to upheaval of land in the central and subsidence in the southern portions of the Baltic district. At that phase the lake had its outlet within the Danish archipelago. (2). Litorina-time. In consequence the Baltic by degrees came into open connection with the Cattegat through the Belts and the Sound and finally reached the salter and warmer character shown in the paper. Owing to a later upheaval of land—that has been greater the further one goes towards the central parts of Scandinavia—the saltness de- creased more and more and in consequence the more stenohalinic forms retired towards the South Baltic district, and Limneas, etc. immigr- ated ; the Baltic thus entering into the (3). Limnea-time. This time seems to come, however, so near the present or Mya-time that I hesitate whether it is suitable to maintain the Limneea-time as a particular one. (Bull. Geol. Inst. Univ. Upsala Vol. II, 1894). Fossil Elephants of Tilloux.—M. Marcellin Boule calls atten- tion to the discovery recently made in the “ ballastiere” of Tilloux near the station of Gensac‘la-Pallue, of the remains of gigantic elephants, associated with implements of human industry. The most noteworthy among these fossils are two tusks of Elephas meridionalis, whose size surpasses all the tusks belonging to the Museum of the Acad. Sci. Paris. But slightly bent, their line of curvature measures 2 m., 85, while that of the Durfort elephant in the Museum measures 1 m., 70, and the modern elephant in the gallery of Zoologie 1 m., 87. M. Boule an- nounces also, finding in the same deposit two molar teeth belonging to the same individual, and the remains of other Proboscidians, such as Elephas antiquus and E. primigenius, also the molar teeth of Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, Cervus e laphus a Bos, probably the Bison priscus figured in the collections of M. Chauvet. We have here then, says M. Boule “ a deposit similar to those of certain localities in the north of France, characterized by Elephas antiquus, but in which there is found a lingerer (E. meridionalis) and a fore-runner (the Mammoth); an- other proof of the continuity of geological and paleontological phenom- ena,” As to the flint fragments found in the same beds with the animals above mentioned, they are often very fine and reproduce the diverse 926 The American Naturalist. [October, forms of Chelles and of Saint-Acheul. M. Boule states that in addition to the usual almond forms, there are discs, scrapers, small carefully made, and even plates skillfully cut, things one would hardly except to find in a deposit of this sort. It is the first time, adds the author, that indisputable objects of human industry have been found contem- porary with an elephant of which the species has, heretofore, been char- acteristic of the Pliocene age. (Revue Scientifique, Août, 1895). The Latest Connection between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.—Before the Geological Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences assembled in Springfield, Dr. J. W. Spencer presented a short abstract of some investigations of no small interest to biologists, under the title of “ Geological Canals between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.” In extending his researches on the great changes of level of land and sea and the evolution of the present continental reliefs, the author carried his explorations to the Tehuante- pec Isthmus, In that region he found that late in the Pleistocene period there were shallow straits connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, in a region now elevated about 1000 feet above sea level. The deeper parts of these straits evidently formed canals, now elevated 800 feet. These discoveries show for the first time the very late Pleistocene connection between the two oceans, and the occurrence of shallow waters which have permitted considerable intermingling of littoral fishes and invertebrates, while excluding from the Gulf of Mexico all deep sea fishes, and thus explaining in part the distribution of modern marine life in the waters adjacent to Central America. BOTANY. Notes on Recent Botanical Publications.—In the Contribu- tions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University (New Series, No. IX), B. L. Robinson and J. M. Greenman publish papers on (1) The flora of the Galapagos Islands, as shown by the collections of Dr. G. Baur; (2) New and noteworthy plants chiefly from Oaxaca, collec- ted by Messrs. C. G. Pringle, L. C. Smith and E. W. Nelson; (3) A synoptic revision of the genus Lamourouxia; (4) Miscellaneous New Species.—The List of plants obtained on the Peary Auxiliary Expedi- 1895.] ` : Botany. 927 tion of 1894, collected by Dr. H. E. Wetherel has been published in Bulletin No. 5 of the Geographical Club of Philadelphia. It contains 108 species as follows: flowering plants, 77; fernworts, 5; mosses and liverwort, 6; algæ, 2; fungi, 2; lichens, 16. Twenty-two families of flowering plants were represented as follows: Graminew, 12; Caryo- phyllacee,10; Crucifere, 8; Cyperacee, 6; Rosacea, Rube Praprisac, Ericacee, Scrophulariacee, 5 each ; Oonpas, 4; Ranunculacee, Ona- gracee, Polygonacee, Salicacee, 2 each ; Paperari Portulacacee, Dia- pensiacee, Plumbaginaceæ, Boraginacee, Betulacee, Empetacee, Lil- iacee, Juncacee, 1 each.— Recent Contributions from the Herbarium of Columbia College contain papers by Mrs. Elizabeth G. Britton (72) on the Systematic Position of Physcomitrella patens, and a couple of hybrid mosses; by John K. Small (73) some new hybrid oaks from the Southern States (Quercus phellos X digitata, Q. georgiana X nigra, Q, catesbæi X cinerea) ; by George V. Nash (74) notes on some Florida plants (including a number of new species); by N. L. Britton and Anna M. Vail (75) an Enumeration of plants collected by M. E. Pen- ard in Colorado during the summer of 1892; by Albert Schneider (76) the biological status of lichens; by N. L. Britton (77) new or note- worthy North American Phanerogams (including several new species, one being Ranunculus allegheniensis, from the Mountains of Virginia and North Carolina)—From the Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society for 1894, we have two valuable papers, viz.: The Aeration of Organs and Tissues in Mikania and other Phanerogams, by W. W. Rowlee, and the Structure of the fruit in the order Ranunculacee, by K. M. Wiegand. Both are fully illustrated by good plates—Professor V. M. Spalding’s paper on the Traumatropic Curvature of roots (Annuals of Botany, Dec., 1894) familiarizes us with a new word, and gives a somewhat different explana- tion to root motions than that made by Mr. Darwin.—In the contribu- tions from the Subtropical Laboratory of the Division of Vegetable Pathology of the U. S. Department of Agriculture (pub. in Report of Mo. Bob. Garden, Vol. 6) Herbert J. Webber gives the results of his studies on the dissemination and leaf reflexion of Yucca aloifolia and other species. Some interesting adaptations are shown by the author The leaf reflexion is shown to be a protective device against climbing animals which would be tempted by the succulent fruits.—“ American Nomenclature” is the title of a long article by the editor of the Journal of Botany (London) in the July issue. The most remarkable part of the paper is that quoted anonymously from an American letter, in which occur some astonishing statements, e. g. “ Weare now in a very 63 928 The American Naturalist. [October, critical position in this country.” “I do not know what the result will be.” “ You have no conception of the violence of the discussions on nomenclature now going on in this country.” It is not conceivable that any reputable botanist would write thus of his fellow workers, and the editor of the Journal must have been imposed upon by some petty writer.—CHARLES E. Bessey. Fertilization of the Yellow Adder’s-Tongue (Erythronium americanum).—The common Dog-Tooth Violet or Adder’s-Tongue differs remarkably from its nearest ally, the tulip, in its method of fertilization. The blossoms of the latter being deficient in nectar in this country, are visited by small bees for the pollen only. Observa- tions made by me in the spring of 1888 upon the Adder’s-Tongue show that small drops of nectar are secreted at the base of the inner petals of the perianth, and that male bees (Nomada luteola), together with female bees of the genus Halictus, visit the flowers for this nectar, searching the base of the stamens and inner petals to secure it. Patron, Hartford, Conn. « Aboriginal’’ Botany.—Mr. F. V. Coville, the Chief of the Division of Botany, and Honorary Curator of the Department of Botany of the U. S. National Museum has issued directions for collect- ing specimens and information illustrating the aboriginal uses of plants. Information of this kind is so important that it is desirable that more attention should be given to obtaining it by all who have the opportunity. It is suggested that the following points should be kept in mind. (1) Specimens of the plants or parts of plants used for any purpose by the Indians should be secured in such condition as to be readily identified by botanists, and accompanied by notes and memoranda, (2) Specimens of all kinds of manufactures from plants are desired by the National Museum. (3) Great care should always be taken to properly, and fully label every specimen of whatever kind, since much of its value depends upon such data as can be given only by the collector. We would urge all who may be able to contribute to our knowledge in the matter to send to the National Museum for a copy of these directions, New Species of Physalis.—In the July number of the Torrey Bulletin Mr. P. A. Rydberg describes four new species and one new variety of Physalis, a genus of which he is preparing a monograph. The new species are as follows, viz.: Physalis subulata, from Mexico ; P. comata from Nebraska, Kansas and Texas; P. versicolor, from New 1895.] Botany. 929 Mexico, Arizona and Mexico; P. versicolor microphylla from Mexico ; P. macrophysa, from Arkansas, Kansas, Texas, and doubtfully North Carolina and Ohio. The Mycetozoa.—These organisms which have generally been regarded as plants, and which are treated in the ordinary botanical works under the name of Slime Moulds have been recently studied more from a biological standpoint by Arthur Lister, the results of which have been brought out by the trustees of the British Museum in the form of a monograph of the group. The work is of such interest to students of this group that we quote the following selections from the introduction since they contain so much of general information re- garding these curious organisms. “Fries gave the name of Myxogastres in 1833, to the group of organ- isms described in this Monograph, placing it among the Gasteromycet- ous Fungi. In 1836 Wallroth substituted the term Myxomycetes (Schleimpilze) for the older name, and this came to be the generally accepted designation. Later investigations showed that the spores, instead of producing a mycelium, as in the case of fungi, gave birth to swarm-cells, which coalesce to form a plasmodium. In consequence of this discovery, which indicated a relationship with the lower forms of animal life, De Bary in 1858 introduced the name Mycetozoa. Under this head he still retained the term Myromycetes for the section so named by Wallroth, but linked with them the Acrasiee of Van Tieg- hem, a small group inhabiting the excrement of animals; in these the spores are said to produce swarm-cells, as in the Myxomycetes, which multiply by division but do no coalesce to form a plasmodium. At a certain period, when the fruits are about to be formed, they become attached in branching strings which concentrate to a point, where they are massed together in aggregations of more or less definite shape ; the swarm-cells, however, do not lose their individuality. In Dictyos- telium, a genus of the Acrasiee, a stalk is formed by the arrangement of a number of swarm-cells in vertical rows in the centre of the heap; the surrounding ameeboid bodies creep up this stalk and form a globose cluster at the extremity; here each ameboid swarm-cell acquires a spore-wall, and they become a naked aggregation of spores not enclosed by a definite sporangium-wall. Rostafinski followed De Bary in the 1 A Monograph of the Mycetozoa, being a descriptive catalogue of the species in the Herbarium of the British Museum; illustrated with 78 plates and 51 wood- cuts by Arthur Lister, F. L. 8. London, 1894. 224pp. 8vo. 930 The American Naturalist. [October, view that the formation of a plasmodium indicates a wide separa- tion in the natural position of the Myzxomecetes from the fungi, but he suppressed that name entirely, adopting De Bary’s class name in its place; at the same time, he admitted into his Monograph Dictyostelium, a genus of the Acrasiew. The reason for his including this genus may be the fact pointed out by De Bary, that Brefeld in first describing the dense aggregations of swarm-cells into the stalked spore-masses of Dictyostelium, refers to them as being “ plas- modia; that is, products of the coalescence of swarm-cells ;” and it was not until after the publication of Rostafinski’s Monograph that Van Tieghem in 1880 and Brefeld in 1884 corrected this view. Accepting the Mycetozoa as established by Rostafinski, but excluding Dictyostelium on the ground of its not forming a true plasmodium, we have a clearly defined group of organisms separated from all others by the following combination of characters.. A spore provided with a firm wall pro- duces on germination an amceboid swarm-cell which soon acquires a flagellum. The swarm-cells multiply by division and subsequently coalesce to form a plasmodium which exhibits a rhythmic streaming. The plasmodium gives rise to fruits which consist of supporting struct- ures and spores ; in the Endosporee these have the form of sporangia, each having a wall in which the free spores are developed. A capil- litium or system of threads forming a scaffolding among the spores is present in most genera. In the Exosporee the fruits consist of sporo- phores bearing numerous spores on their surface. The affinities of the Mycetozoa have been dealt with by de Bary and Zopf in the works before referred to. It had been suggested that they were allied to the fungi through the Chytridee, which do not always form a mycelium, and in which the entire vegetative body is finally transformed into a many spored sporangium, the vegetative body and spores having the power of amceboid movement for a longer or shorter time. ary, however, -mentions among other points of difference that the Chytridee do not form a plasmodium by the coalescence of swarm-cells, “and there is, therefore, no ground for assuming their direct relationship with the Mycetozoa. The position of the Acrasiee in which the swarm-cells exhibit amceboid movements, but do not produce a flagellum, and aggregate without coalesceing into a true plasmodium, has already been referred to. The view held by De Bary that the Mycetozoa are more closely associated with the Protozoa is supported by a comparison with the pelagic Protomyxa of Heckel, which is stated to develope a plasmodium by the coalescence of swarm-spores, and differs from the Mycetozoa 1895.] Botany. 931 chiefly in the absence of a firm spore membrane; also by comparison with Bursulla, which, according to Sorokin, forms a true plasmodium and minute sporangia on horse dung; the spores do not become invested by a firm membrane, and escape from the swollen apex of the sporangium in the form of swarm-cells, without cilia, but capable of amceboid movement. Zopf extends the Mycetozoa so as to embrace the Monadinee of Cienkowski, but De Bary maintains that, whatever may be the points of agreement between the Monadinew and the Mycetozoa they are not such as to warrant their being classed with the latter division as defined by himself. Lankester accepts the groups as defined by de Bary, and places them in his grade Gymnomyzxa of Pro- tozoa ; he suggests their affinity with the Sporozoa. > The ingestion of bacteria by the swarm-cells appears to strengthen the view that the group is more nearly associated with the lower forms of animal than of vegetable life, and the name of Mycetozoa appears to mark its true position in the borderland between the two kingdoms. Fora more com- plete discussion of this subject I must refer to those who have paid special attention to the allied groups. In preparing this catalogue of the collection of Mycetozoa in the British Museum, the arrangement of orders and genera given by Ros- tafinski in his Monograph has been mainly followed, with such altera- tions as observations made during recent years have rendered necessary. DeBary made the group the subject of minute and thorough investiga- tion ; and Rostafinski, while studying under him at Strassburg, devised asystem of classification which is clear and comprehensive, and is now generally accepted. The division by Rostafinski of the main section Endosporee into two parts, distinguished by the color of the spores, has been objected to as being artificial and wanting in universal application, but the cases in . which species offer difficulty with regard to their position under this scheme are few, and on the whole the organisms range themselves under the separate heads in a remarkably natural manner, while for determin- ing the species the plan is simple and convenient.” Synopsis of the Orders and List of the Genera of the Mycetozoa. Subclass I.—EXOSPOREÆ. Spores developed outside the sporo- phores. Order I.—Ceratiomyxacez. Sporophores membranous, branched; spores white, borne singly on filiform stalks arising from the areolated sporophore. Gen. Ceratiomyzxa. 932 The American Naturalist. [October, Subclass IlA—ENDOSPORE. Spores developed inside the spor- angium. Cohort I—AMAUROSPORALES. Spores violet, or violet-brown, ex- cept in Stemonitis and Comatricha, in a few species of which they are pale ferruginous. Subcohort I.—CALCARINEÆ. Sporangia provided with lime (cal- cium carbonate). Order I.—Physaracee. Lime in minute innate granules. Gen. Badhamia, Physarum, Fuligo, Cienkowskia, Physarella, Craterium, Leocarpus, Chondrioderma, Trichamphora, Diachea. Order II.—Didymiaceæ. Lime in crystals. Gen. Didymium, Spum- aria, Lepidoderma. Subcohort II. —AMAUROCHÆTINE®. Sporangia without lime. Order I.—Stemonitacez. Sporangia simple. Gen. Stemonitis, Com- atricha, Enerthenema, Lamproderma, Clastoderma. Order II.—Amaurochætaceæ. Sporangia combined into an æthal- ium, Gen. Amaurochete, Brefeldia. Cohort II.—LAMPROSPORALES. Spores variously colored, never violet. Subcohort L—Aneminex. Capillitium wanting, or not forming a system of uniform threads. Order I.—Heterodermacee. Sporangium-wall membranous, beset with microscopic round granules, and (except in Lindbladia) forming a net inthe upper part. Gen. Lindbladia, Cribraria, Dictydiwm. Order II.—Liceacee. Sporangium-wall cartilaginous; sporangia solitary. Gen. Licea, Oreadella. Order III.—Tubulinacee. Sporangium-wall membranous, without granular deposits; sporangia tubular, compacted. Gen. Tubulina Siphoptychium, Alwisia. _ Order IV.—Reticulariaceæ. Sporangia combined into an æthalium, the sporangium-wall incomplete, perforated or forming a spurious eapillitium. Gen. Dictydiethalium, Enteridium, Reticularia. Subcohort II.—CALONEMINE®. Capillitium present, a system of uniform threads. Order I.—Trichiacex. Capillitium consisting of free elaters, or combined into an ‘elastic network with thickenings in the form of spirals or complete rings. Gen. Triehia, Oligonema, Hemitrichia, Cornuvia. Order II.—Arcyriaceæ. Capillitium combined into an elastic net- work with thickenings in the form of cogs, half rings, spines, or warts (scanty and often reduced to free threads in Perichena corticalis). Gen. Arcyria, Lachnobolus, Perichena, 1895.) Vegetable Physiology. 933 Order III.—Margaritacee. Capillitium not consisting of free elaters, nor combined into an elastic network. Gen. Margarita, Dianema, Prototrichia. Order IV.—Lycogalacer. Sporangia forming an ethalium, capillit- ium consisting of smooth or wrinkled branching colorless tubes. Gen. Injeogala, VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY. Bactericidal Action of Metals.—Under the title, “ The effects of various metals on the growth of certain Bacteria,” Dr. Meade Bol- ton, formerly Associate in Bacteriology in Johns Hopkins University, and now bacteriologist to the City Board of Health of Philadelphia, contributes an interesting study to the International Medical Magazine for December, 1894. Following up the experiments of Nägeli, Miller and Behring, he has tested the bactericidal effect of various metals The following are some of his conclusions, stated as nearly as possible in his own words. For the most part agar plates were used and bits of metal were put on as soon as the agar was inoculated with the micro-organism and poured. In some cases the metals were absolutely pure, in some cases they were commercial but marked chemically pure, in one set brass foil was used, and a few preliminary experiments were made with impure metals. Copper—lIn all cases there is around the metal a clear zone, in some cases narrower, in others wider, and then a narrow zone where there is increased growth. This intensified zone - does not have as sharply marked borders as with certain other metals. Both the clear zone and the intensified zone vary appreciably in width, even with the same micro-organism. Tests were made with Staphylococ- cus pyogenes aureus and the colon, typhoid, cholera, and anthrax bacilli. Brass.—The zones obtained with the different micro-organ- isms were similar to those obtained with copper. Silver—The results with this metal were somewhat less uniform than with copper and brass. The intensified zone is better marked with silver than with cop- per or brass, but is also narrower. In some cases with anthrax no clear zone was to be seen, in others there was a wide zone of lessened 1 This department is edited by Erwin F. Smith, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C 934 The American Naturalist. [October, growth or a narrow clear zone followed by one in which the colonies were not as thick as on the rest of the plate. Gold.—Purified gold, especially if recently glowed, had no inhibitory effect. In those cases where inhibition was noticed (some plates of anthrax) the gold had not been glowed for several weeks. Miller showed that velvet gold has no antiseptic properties but that certain gold preparations used by dentists, e. g., Pack’s pellets, Quarter Century gold foil, and Abbey’s non-cohesive foil, inhibited the growth for about 5 mm. all around. Magnesium.—Tests were made only on Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus and the cholera bacillus. With both these organisms there was a clear inhibitory zone, followed by a zone of increased growth, sharply marked off from the clear zone and gradually fading out on the out- side. Zine—Many experiments were made with ordinary scrap zinc, cast into a sheet, but no note was kept of these. There was a clear zone, however, in every case, and there was probably not much differ- ence between the action of this and of pure zinc. With the latter, all the organisms tested gave a broader or narrower clear zone, surrounded by an intensified zone. With Staphylococcus p. a. the clear zone aver- aged 7 mm. With the cholera bacillus there is a wide clear zone about 1.5 centimeters, and the effect of the zinc is seen as far as 3 em. away from the metal. With other organisms the clear zone is usually 5 mm., or more, broad, followed by a broad intensified zone that is not sharply marked. Cadmium.—With this metal the reactions obtained differ quite strikingly, as a rule. The most peculiar zone observed in the whole set of experiments is that obtained with the micro-organism of anthrax and the pure metal cadmium. In this case there is a per- fectly clear zone 5 mm. wide, then an intensified zone of 2 mm. breadth, and a second inhibitory zone 1 mm. wide. In some cases this second in- hibitory zone is not entirely free from colonies, but it can always be made out very distinctly. Mereury.—There is considerable difference in the behavior of different micro-organisms towards mercury. With Staphy- lococeus p. a. there is a clear zone, about 7 mm. around the metal, fol- lowed by a slightly intensified zone which in different cases varies in width from 1 to 3 mm. With Bacillus pyocyaneus there is a clear zone 4 mm. broad around the metal and outside an intensified zone, sharply marked toward the clear zone and falling off gradually on the outside. With the cholera bacillus there is a clear zone, 2 mm. around the metal, then a very narrow intensified zone that is well marked. With the bacillus of anthrax there is a broad clear zone, 9 mm. around the metal, surrounded by a very slightly intensified zone that is not sharply marked. With the colon bacillus there 1895.] Vegetable Physiology. 935 is a clear zone often 7 mm. broad, sharply marked on the inside, then an intensified zone gradually shading off on the outside. With the typhoid bacillus the clear zone is much broader, often 1 cm. across, but the peculiarity is the character of the intensified zone. This is about 2 mm. across, more intense on the outside, away from the metal, and in different cases more or less double, i. e., there is a narrow almost clear zone running all around which divides the intensified zone into two zones. Charcoal.—No reaction. Silicon—Do. Aluminum. —Do. Mobium—Do. Antimony.—With Staphylococcus p. a. this metal gives a clear sharp zone about 1 cm. wide, then a zone about 5 mm. wide where there is diminished growth. In one of the plates there was only a very narrow clear zone. With the colon bacillus there is a breadth of 8 mm. where the growth of the colonies is somewhat thin- ner than on the rest of the plate, but no clear zone. The intensified zone is quite distinct and about 1 mm. broad. With the typhoid bacillus there is an almost clear zone of 1 cm., then an intensified zone 2mm. broad. With the anthrax bacillus there is a perfectly clear zone 1.8 cm., then an indistinct intensified zone. With the cholera bacillus there is no sharply marked clear zone, but diminished growth can be made out as far as 1.5 cm. to 2 cm. around the metal. Bis- muth.—Staphylococeus p. a. with this metal gives a clear zone about 2 mm. wide and an indistinct, narrow, intensified zone. With anthrax cultures there isa clear zone 1 mm. wide. Pyocyaneus, cholera, ty- phoid and colon bacilli gave no reaction with bismuth. Jron.—A bright polished wire nail gave a clear zone about 7 to 10 mm. wide with the typhoid bacillus and with the colon bacillus. Other organ- isms were not tested. Behring is said to have obtained negative re- sults with iron. Nickel—Pure nickel failed to give any reaction with most of the micro-organisms tested. Platinum.—Platinum wire and platinum black failed to give any reaction with any of the micro-or- ganisms tested. From the above results it is notable that it is precisely those metals that are resistent toward chemical reagents in general which fail to show any reaction or do so only to a limited extent. On the other hand, metals that are readily attacked by chemical reagents all exhibit a marked inhibitory action on the growth of the bacteria. The effect is, therefore, probably due to a solution of the metal in the medium, and putting bits of metal on the cultures is really equivalent to the addition of a small amount of that salt of the metal formed by the action of the nutrient medium. Traces of the metal may, more- over, be detected by chemical reagents in the nutrient medium sur- rounding the metal. The explantion of the clear zones is thus quite 936 The American Naturalist. [October, evident, but the explanation of the intensified zones and of the second inhibitory zone, sometimes seen, is not very apparent. It is probable, however, that the dissolved oxides or salts of the metals are in too great concentration in the clear zone, and that the trace present in the intensified zone may stimulate growth. This does not explain the sec- ond inhibited zone. The length of time it is necessary to leave the metals in contact with the agar, in order to develop the inhibitory action was tried with brass, copper, cadmium and zinc. Plates of Staphylococcus p. a, were made in the usual way and the metals put on and removed at various intervals. With cadmium there was a clear space where the metal had lain and for 1 mm. around, where the metal had been left on for a minute. Where the metal had been left on for 3 or 4 minutes or more the clear space usually extended over 3 mm, around where the metal had lain. With zinc the results are similar as regards length of time, but the edges of the clear zone are not well de- fined and there is an intensified zone that is not apparent with cad- mium. With brass there was no effect produced by leaving the metal on for 36 minutes; after this there was more and more marked inhibi- tion up to 50 minutes, but no clear space except where the metal was on for a longer time than this. With copper no visible effect was pro- duced in less than 36 minutes. After this time there was more and more marked inhibition, but only where the metal had been allowed to lie on for 50 minutes was there a clear space. The whole paper is very suggestive and is commended to experiment station workers and all who have to deal with problems relating to fungicides and germi- cides. Probably the increased development and prolonged activity of chlorophyll in foliage sprayed with Bordeaux mixture is also attribu- table to the stimulating effect of the minute traces of copper that must pass into the leaves. The paper contains 10 pages and 11 figures, and has been distributed as a reprint—Erwin F. SMITH. ZOOLOGY. Antivenine.—Prof. Fraser has laid before the Royal Society of Edinburg some important results of his admirable experiments on snake poisons and their antidote. His method is to ascertain the min- imum lethal dose for an animal, to begin experimenting upon a similar animal with a smaller dose. After a short interval he increases this 1895.] Zoology. 937 dose until, in time, he can inject fifty times the minimum lethal dose into the animal’s blood without producing any bad effects. This ani- mal is immunized, and its blood serum, injected into another animal of the same size and weight, will prevent the action of snake poison when injected. This immunized blood serum is called, by its discoverer, antivenine. In experimenting with rabbits it was found that the blood serum of one which had received thirty times the minimum lethal dose was as effective in its antitoxic properties as that of one which had received fifty times the minimum lethal dose. The antivenine obtained from a horse was found to be twice as pow- erful as that from the rabbit. In immunizing a horse the same method is adopted as is used for the rabbit, viz.: to begin by injecting a small dose; then to give regularly increasing doses, every few days, until fifteen times the minimum lethal dose is administered. The blood serum from from a horse thus immunized is found to be so powerful an antivenine that a hundredth, and even the thousandth part of a cubic centimeter per kilogramme of animal was sufficient to prevent death from the minimum lethal dose of the venom. For a horse to arrive at this stage of immunism requires four months and a half. The antivenine can be kept for use in two forms, liquid and dry, of which the latter is preferable as less liable to decomposition. In the course of his experiments, Prof. Fraser discovered that dietary has an effect upon venom poisoning. Ifa herbivorous animal be put upon a flesh diet, the effect of venom upon it is lessened. Through another set of experiments Prof. Fraser concludes that the deadly effects of serpents’ venom is due to its action on the blood. Venom is almost inert when introduced into the stomach. Neverthe- less, an animal may be immunized by the administration of poison into its stomach. This fact is due to the absorption of the poison by the blood. This may account for the immunity from snake-bites said to be enjoyed by some of the snake-charmers of India, who eat the poison- glands of the snakes. Snakes themselves have been noticed to be impervious to the effects of the poison. This may probably be due to the absorption of venom shed from poison-glands through the mucous surfaces of the mouth, or by the blood-vessels and lymphatics passing to and from the glands. In some cases it may be secured by serpents devouring other members of their tribe. It is now within the range of certainty that, at no distant date, Dr. Fraser will be able to have sufficient quantities of antivenine from the 938 The American Naturalist. [October, immunized horse to be of practical value to those who are exposed to the bites of venomous snakes. It remains now to discover the chem- ical constituents of the antivenine, so that it may be manufactured in such quantities as to reduce its cost. (Knowledge, Aug., 1895). Dall on the Lamellibranchiata.—In his contributions to the Tertiary Fauna of Florida, Part III, Dr. Dall adopts a new classifica- tion of the Pelecypoda for which he claims the merit that the groups are comparably defined. The general features of the system proposed by the author in 1889 have been revised, and form the basis of the one now offered. As a matter of convenience, the division Pleoconcha made by Neumayer to contain certain synthetic types is retained for a temporary resting place until more 3 known of these undifferentiated ancient forms. For the present, then, the class is divided into the following groups, of which the third represents the most perfected (although not always the most specialized) modern type of Pelecypoda. Order Prionodesmacea containing 34 families grouped under 10 superfamilies. Order Anomalodesmacea, 15 families under 3 super- families. Order Teleodesmacea, 46 families under 18 superfamilies. The Palsoconcha, 11 families. Under each family is an enumeration of the chief generic groups be- lieved to be referable to it. The genus Solemya Lamark, in this new classification, is placed with the Prionodesmacea. (Trans. Wagner Free Institute, ITI, Pt. 3, 1875). On the Species of Uma and Xantusia.—In Tare NATURAL- ist for 1894, p. 434, I gave descriptions of the two species of Uma known to me at that time. An examination of the material in the U.S. National Museum has revealed two additional species, which I describe below. The U. rufopunctata is based on nine specimens, of which seven are from Arizona, where they were obtained by Dr. E. A. Mearns, U.S. A. The U. inornata is represented by a single specimen (No. 16,500), from the Colorado Desert, San Diego Co., Cal., from Mr. C. R. Orcutt. I. Black crescents on the throat, and a black spot on each side of the belly. : Labial scales strongly keeled, six keeled suborbital scales; eight loreal rows; hind-foot shorter, one-third head and body ; femoral pores 40-50; dorsal spots black ; U. scoparia Cope. _ IL. Black spots on side of belly, but no crescents on throat. 1895.] Zoology. 939 _ Labial scales strongly keeled, three or four keeled suborbitals; five or six loreal rows; ten or eleven supraocular rows; hind-foot shorter, one-third head and body; femoral pores 24-28 ; dorsal spots rufous ; U. rufopunctata dpe. Labial scales weakly keeled ; nine loreal rows ; fourteen supraorbital rows ;. hind-foot longer, two-fifths head and body ; femoral pores nine- teen ; U. notata Baird. _ III. No black spots on belly or crescents on throat. ‘Labial scales strongly keeled ; five or six loreal rows; ten or eleven supraocular rows ; hind-foot shorter, one-third head and body ; femoral pores 19 ; U. inornata Cope. In the young the disciform areas are e imperfectly outlined. All the species are from the Sonoran region. ‘In the last number of Tore NATURALIST, p. 859, I described a new Xantusia from California, but neglected to give it a name. I propose that it be called X. picta.—E. D. COPE. Comparisons of Marriages and Births in the Different European Countries.—The following facts were compiled by M. Chervin and presented by him to the Anthropological Society at its recent conference at Broca. The first fact to be noted is that in respect to the number of marriages France falls a little below the number re- corded in the principal countries of Europe, as the following table testifies. Of 1000 people of both sexes, over 15 years of age, the per cent. that marry is as follows: Hungary, 91.6; Germany, 53.0: England and Wales, 52.6; Denmark, 52.0; Austria, 51.3; Italy, 50.1; Finland, 492; Holland, 49.0; France, 45.8; Belginm, 41.9; Greece, 41.6; Scotland, 40.9; Switzerland, 40.8; Ireland, 23.0. ~ But the number of marriages is only one of the factors in the prob- lem of the increase of population. The most important thing is the fecundity of these unions. Statistics in regard to births are given as follows: (1) Legitimate living children born of 1000 married women from 15 to 50 years of age—Germany, 270 ; Scotland, 269; Belgium, 265; Italy, 251; England and Wales, 250; Austria, 250; Sweden, 240; Ireland, 240; Switzerland, 236; France, 163. (2) Illegitimate living children born of 1000 unmarried women from 15 to 60 years of age—Germany, 265; Scotland, 199; Belgium, 198; Italy, 246 ; Eng- land and Wales, 121; Austria, 444; Sweden, 444; Ireland, 41 ; Swit- zerland, 102; France, 167. These lists show that in respect to legitimate births France falls below the other European countries, and even taking into account the 940 The American Naturalist. [October, illegitimate births, she is far behind Germany, Austria and Italy in point of increase of population. (Revue Scientifique, May, 1895). Additions to the Mammal Fauna of British Columbia.— MICROTUS PRINCIPALIS sp. nov. Type, ad. ¢ ; col. of S. N. Rhoads, No. 2346. Col. by A. C. Brooks on the Mt. Baker Range (alt. 6000 ft.), Westminster Dist., B. Columbia, Aug. 16, 1895. Description: Size, largest of the western Microtine, color and pro- portions as in M. pennsylvanicus. Skull broad, rectangular. Incisors strongly produced anteriorly ; molars relatively very weak. Incisive foramina short and compressed, not reaching anterior molars by 3 millimeters. Above, including tail and feet, grayish-brown, not darker along median line. Below, sooty gray, darkest where bases of hairs are ex- posed, distal two-thirds of hairs dull white; sides of lower neck and lips white. Pelage soft and silky. Fourth loop of m. 1 triangular, meeting fifth loop medially, the latter nearly twice as large as former and scroll shaped. The same remarks apply to the last two sections of m.2, Trefoil posterior section of m. 3 one and two-thirds length of anterior section of same tooth, this section being composed of an ante- rior loop and two opposing triangles. The formation of m.1 is as fol- lows: an anterior subcircular loop opening broadly into two angular wings whose lateral points form the anterior pair of a series of five angles on the inner and four on the outer sides of the tooth, including the opposite angles of the posterior loop and the lateral points of two outer and three inner closed triangles. Measurements: Total length 246 millimeters; tail vertebra (tip missing), 78-+- ; hind foot, 29.5. Skull: basilar length, 36; length of nasals, 11.6; interorbital constriction, 5.2; zygomatic expansion, 23.2; crown length of molar series, 8 ; length of mandible, 25; greatest breadth of mandible 12.5. This large Vole need be compared with only one described species, Microtus macropus (Merriam) from the mountains of Idaho. The most decided differences which can be noted from Dr. Merriam’s de- scription and figure are in the molar dentition as particularized above and which can best be understood by a comparison with the diagnosis and plate If in North American Fauna No. 5. Besides the type, Mr. Brooks sent me a two-thirds grown specimen of this Vole which is very similar in color to type, with softer and shorter pelage. Its tail is unicolor, dark and very thinly haired. 1895] -` Zoology. 941 PHENACOMYS ORAMONTIS sp. nov. Type, ad. ¢ ; col. of S. N. Rhoads, No. 2354. Col. by A. C. Brooks on the Mt. Baker Range (alt. 6000 ft.), Westminster Dist., B. Columbia, Aug. 6, 1895. Description: Above uniform blackish-brown, feet grayish, blackish at instep and wrist, nearly white on digits. Upper tail blackish, lower tail gray, tip white. Lower parts soiled white, showing the plumbeous bases of pelage. Ears smaller, but nearly as prominent, as in an Evo- tomys of same size. Measurements: Total length, 154 mm.; tail vertebre, 38; hind foot, 20.5. Skull: basilar length, 23; length of nasals, 7.8; interor- bital constriction, 3.4; zygomatic expansion 15.7 ; length of interpari- etal, 4.1; width of same, 6.9; length of mandible, 16.3; greatest breadth of same, 9.2. This short-tailed Tree Vole is very different from P. longicaudus True, its nearest geographic ally. From P. intermedius of south cen- tral British Columbia it is distinguished by the exceedingly small size of the outer last triangle of m. 3 and that it is distinctly cut off from the posterior loop. In m. 1 there is a broad crescentic loop as in Dr. Merriam’s figure of P. /atimanus but differing therefrom in its being completely cut off from the first outer triangle (loop) with which, in latimanus, it forms a trefoil. From all the four forms first described by Dr. Merriam it differs in having the second loop of m.3 almost completely divided into two sections by the exaggeration of the outer angle of this loop (see fig. of latimanus, pl. IV, N. A. F., No. 2) and the acuteness of the next entrant angle on the same side, forming a small outer median triangle whose inner angle is so nearly closed by the impinging enamel walls that the gap can only be seen by a glass. In this feature it resembles P. orophilus of Idaho, from which it dif- fers in no essential dental characters. In color, however, the two are distinct and oramontis has an interparietal like celatus, which Dr. Mer- riam states to be very different from that of orophilus. There may be other cranial differences, but these are all that can be distinguished from the rather meagre description of orophilus. Only one specimen was sent me by Mr. Brooks. TAMIAS QUADRIVITTATUS FELIX subsp. nov. Type,ad. 9 ; col. of S. N. Rhoads, No. 2355. Col. by A. C. Brooks on the Mt. Baker Range (alt. 7000 ft.), Westminster Dist., B. Columbia, Aug. 13, 1895. Description: Colors and color pattern as in quadrivittatus but much darker than that type. Darker also than T. q. affinis or T. q. luteiven- tris, which latter it most nearly resembles. From /uteiventris of the same season it is distinguished by: (1) greater breadth and depth of 942 The American Naturalist. [October, rusty orange suffusion of sides, cheeks and lower tail; (2) rusty brown of upper head, neck, shoulders and fore-back ; (3) greater breadth and blackness of dark dorsal stripes and ‘corresponding diminution and rustiness of white stripes; (4) absence of hoary appearance of whole upper surface seen in Juteiventris, Measurements: Total length, 245 mm. ; tail vertebræ, 105; hind foot, 32.5. Skull: basilar length, 26.5 ; length of nasals, 10.5; inter- orbital constriction, 7.4; zygomatic expansion, 20; length of mandi- ble, 11; greatest width of mandible, 20. So far as I am able to examine specimens, this is the darkest repre- sentative of the T. quadrivittatus group. It is represented by a male and female, both adults and from the same locality. Their measure- ments show feliz to be as large as, if not larger than, any of its con- specific allies, The above newly described mammals formed part of a small collec- tion recently made and forwarded to me by Mr. Allen C. Brooks, They demonstrate emphatically the wonderful variety which character- izes the Zoology of the mountain regions of the Pacific Slope, even in northern latitudes.—S. N. Raoaps. Zoological News.—Mammarta—At the June meeting of the Linnean Society of N. S. Wales, Mr. Robert Brown read a paper on a new fossil Mammal allied to Hypsiprymnus, but resembling, in some points, the Plagiaulacidae. The remains, described under the names of Burramys parvus, are those of a small marsupial not larger than an ordi- nary mouse. The form is specially interesting in having but three true molars in each jaw, and a very large grooved premolar with serrate edge, very similar to that found in the Eocene genus Neoplagiaulax. Its affinities are dealt with at some length, and an endeavor made to trace its relationship phylogenetically. (Proceeds. Linn. Soc. N.S. W., 1895). ENTOMOLOGY: Entomology at Springfield.—The most important entomological meeting at Springfield in connection with the A. A. A. S. was that of the Association of Economic Entomologists, August 27 and 28, The 1 Edited by Clarence M. Weed, New Hampshire College, Durham, N. H. 1895.] Entomology. 943 President’s address was delivered by Prof. J. B. Smith, after which the following papers were read : J. M. Aldrich, Moscow, Idaho, Spraying without a pump; M. H, Beckwith, Newark, Del., The San José Scale in Delaware; F. H, Chittenden, Washington, D. C., Herbivorous Habits of certain Dermes- tide ; T. D. A. Cockerell, Las Cruces, N. Mex., On the natural condi- tions which affect the distribution and abundance of Coccide; G. C. Davis, Agricultural College, Mich., Insects of the season in M ichigan ; C. H. Fernald, Amherst, Mass., The Gypsy Moth; C. P. Gillette, Fort Collins, Col., How shall we improve our Collections? F. L. Harvey, Orono, Me., Article on Smerinthus cerisyi; A. D. Hopkins, Morgan- town, W. Va., (1) On the Study of Forest-tree Insects. (2) Some notes on observations of the -season; L. O. Howard, Washington, D. C., Some shade-tree insects of Springfield and other New England towns; J. A. Lintner, Albany, New York, A paper; C. L. Marlatt, Washing- ton, D. C., (1)The Elm-leaf Beetle in Washington. (2) Some notes on insecticides; J. B. Smith, New Brunswick, N. J., The uses of insect- lime; E. B. Southwick, New York City, (1) Economic entomological work in the parks of New York City. (2) A city entomologist and insecticides; F, M. Webster, Wooster, O., (1) Some interesting facts regarding the genus Diabrotica. (2) Importation and repression of destructive insects. (3) Insects of the year in Ohio; C. M. Weed, Durham, N. H., An important modification of the kerosene sprayer; H. E. Weed, Agricultural College, Miss. (1) Experiments with the kerosene knapsack sprayer. (2) Bisulphide of Carbon for Crayfish. ` Prof. C. H. Fernald was elected President for the next year and Mr. C. L. Marlatt was re-elected Secretary, Resolutions indorsing the work of the Gypsy Moth Commission, and expressing regret at the dis- continuance of Insect Life were passed. In Section F. perhaps the most interesting entomological papers were those.on the mouth parts of insects by Messrs. J. B. Smith and C. L. Marlatt.—C. M. W. Pigments of Pieridæ.—Mr. F. G. Hopkins publishes’ an abstract of a contribution to the study of excretory substances which function in ornament. The wing scales of the white Pieridæ are shown to con- tain uric acid, which substance bears the same relation to the scale as do the pigments in the colored Pieridæ, so that it practically functions as a white pigment. The yellow pigment found in the majority of the Pieridæ is a derivative of uric acid. The yellow pigment may be arti- 2 Proc, Royal Soc. lvii, 1895, pp. 5 and 6. 64 944 The American Naturalist. [October, ficially induced by heating uric acid with water in sealed tubes at high temperatures, and the identity of the natural and artificial products may be demonstrated by the similarity of their spectrum. Mr. Hop- kins believes that this yellow substance, which may be called lepidotic acid, together with a closely allied red substance, will account for all the chemical pigmentation of the wing scales of the colored Pieride, though modifications may be produced by superadded optical effects. These uric acid derivatives, though universal on the Pieridæ, are ap- parently confined to this group among the Rhopalocera. This fact leads to the interesting observation that where a Pierid mimics an in- sect belonging to anothers family, the pigments in the two cases are chemically quite distinct. The fact that the scale pigments are really the normal excretory products of the animal utilized in ornament is emphasized by the observation that the yellow Pierids on emergence from the chrysalis are apt to void from the rectum a quantity of uric acid, colored by a yellow substance, which exactly resembles the pig- ment of the wing.—Journal Royal Microscopical Society. Sense of Sight in Spiders.—Professor and Mrs. Peckham in continuing their studies of spiders have published? some extremely interesting observations upon the sense of sight. Concerning the range of vision the authors think their experiments “ prove conclusively that Attide see their prey (which consists of small insects) when it is motion- less, up to a distance of five inches; that they see insects in motion at much greater distances ; and that they see each other distinctly up to at least twelve inches. The observations on blinded spiders and the numerous instances in which spiders which were close together, and yet out of sight of each other, showed that they were unconscious of each other’s presence render any other explanation of their action un- satisfactory. Sight guides them, not smell.” he authors also experimented with the color sense of spiders, and reached the opinion “ that all the experiments taken together strongly indicate that spiders have the power of distinguishing colors.” * Trans. Wisconsin Acad. X, pp. 231-261. 1895.] Embryology. 945 EMBRYOLOGY: Eggs of Nematodes.—Hans Spemann contributes to the May number of the Zodlogische Jahrbücher an elaborately illustrated ac- count of the cleavage of the eggs of the Nematode Strongylus para- dozus. In general it is a confirmation of the results obtained by Boveri upon Ascaris megalocep hala. The egg divides into two equal cells, yet one contains all the yolk. Each divides into two'and the four so produced become rearranged in a characteristic way. Tho two cells from the one containing no yolk divide into right and left cells that increase to form the major part of the ectoderm at the period of gastrulation. One of the other two cells gives rise at its first division to entoderm and mesoderm, while the other produces four, of which three add themselves to the ectoderm and one remains as the originator of the sexual cells. The author compares this cleavage to the divisions of an apical cell in a plant; the egg divides off an entoderm cell, a mes-entoderm cell and ectoderm cell, another ectoderm cell and finally remains as the origin of the sexual cells. The sexual cells may be thus readily traced backed to their ancestors amongst the blastomeres. They are sepa- rated as special cells in the fourth generation, starting from the undi- vided egg. In this process of rapid separation of sexual and somatic cells, Boveri found in Ascaris megalocephala a peculiar nuclear differentia- tion. At the first cleavage the nucleus of one cell looses part of its chromatin and its chromosomes undergo a change of shape. The other cell undergoes a like change when divided, and so on till after five divisions all the cells but one have the modified nuclei. This cell with the unchanged nucleus becomes the the beginning of the sexual cells. i This remarkable nucleus has been sought for by Oscar Meyer in the eggs of other nematodes namely, Ascaris lumbricoides, A. rubicunda, A. labiata, A. mystax, A. perspicillum, Strongylus tetracan- thus, S. paradoxus and Oxyuris vermicularis. In the first three he finds essentially the same process as in the species studied by Boveri, 1 Edited by E. A. Andrews, Baltimore, Md., to whom abstracts, reviews and preliminary notes may be sent. : 2 Jenaische Zeitschrift., 29, May 15, 1895. 3: g ‘oe ee 946. ; The American Naturalist. [October, in the other cases the material was not suited to a decision on this point; the author thinks this differentiation between the nuclei of somatic and sexual cells may well be common to all the Ascaride. A second subject taken up by Oscar Meyer in this paper is the ori- gin of the centrosomes in the eggs of Strongylus tetracanthus. By the methods employed no centrosome could be found near the female pro- nucleus. The sperm-head is, on the other hand, accompanied by a very marked system of. radiations surrounding an evident centrosome. As the male pronucleus approaches the female pronucleus two systems of radiations and two centrosomes are formed by the division of the single centrosome that accompanied the male pronucleus. When the pronuclei are united these two centrosomes become the centrosomes of the first cleavage spindle. In some abnormal cases the female pronu- cleus has a centrosome close to it, but this probably migrates from the male pronucleus. It thus seems that i in this egg the centrosomes arise only in connection with the sperm. The third problem taken up by the author is the question as to the nature of the difference between the two kinds of Ascaris megalocephala. Boveri found that some individuals have two chromosomes in each egg or sperm while others have but one. The former have been called the variety bivalens, the latter univalens. Oscar Meyer examined 154 horses and found 19 infected with this parasite, 10 with the variety univalens, 8 with bivalens and 1 with both univalens and bivalens. A careful examination of the external and internal anatomy and histology of both kinds failed to reveal any difference except in the sexual products. The eggs of bivalens measure 78-88 and those of univalens only 65-70 microns. The sperms are larger in bivalens and have a nucleus twice as large as in wnivalens. The two kinds are very closely related and may, it seems, interbreed; at least the occurrence of eggs with three chromosomes as well as the finding of eggs of univalens penetrated by very large sperms points to such a conclusion. Copulation between the two kinds seems estab- lished by the discovery of worms with both sizes of sperms in the same egg-tube. A consideration of the numbers of apparent crosses so formed as compared with the possibilities that result from the presence of both kinds of sperm, leads to the conclusion that the crosses are not as frequent as they might be and that there may be some impediment to interbreeding. In other words the two kinds of Ascaris seem to be somewhat separated as physiological varieties in spite of their very close morphological relationship. 1895.] Embryology. ` 947 Cell Phenomena in the Triton Egg.—Following in the steps of Driiner Dr. H. Braus of Jena, has made a careful study of cell division in the blastula stage of Triton alpestris. By special methods the achromatic spindles and polar radiations of cell division are brought out with great distinctness. In the spindle three kinds of . fibers may be present; delicate fibers that aid in moving the chromo- somes; fibers with a sheath, also pulling the chromosomes ; and stout fibers that connect the two centrosomes and serve as a supporting sys- tem tending to resist the pressure exerted by the other fibers. In the later blastula with several layers of cells just as in the gas- trula and in the adult testis as made out by Driiner, the arrangement of the fibers in the spindle is such that the contracting ones that act upon the chromosomes form the mantle or outer part, while the pres- sure-resisting fibers form the axial part of the spindle. . In the early blastula, however, cell division is different ; the spindle has its contracting fibers in the axial part and the resisting fibers in the outer part or mantle. The author comes to the conclusion that the more primitive form of spindle is that found in the older stages of the ontogeny of the Triton. © In the same way the author thinks that the origin of the spindle within the nucleus in the early stages of the development of the Triton’s egg is a ccenogenetic process, while its origin outside the nucleus, in the protoplasm of the cell, in the later stages and in the adult testis is really the more primitive method of spindle formation. In general the formation of a spindle within the nucleus is to be re- garded as a recent innovation, not as the original method. The very important question as to the reason for form in organisms, the laws of growth of organisms, receives a contribution from the author’s decision that the position of the spindles in the Triton’s blastu- læ (the angle which the axis of the spindle forms in successive cell divisions) does not necessitate the arrangement of the cells to form parts and organs. The author shows that the position of the spindles would not give rise to sets of cells placed as they are in the two-layered blastule if there were no rearrangements of the cells after division. It is change in position of cells after their formation and not forces in the processes of cell division that leads to the growth of form. In this Triton as many as nine sperms may enter one egg. These supernumerary sperms give rise, the author maintains, to certain extra nuclei recognizable even up to the blastula stage, so that the possibility of polyspermy having some lasting effect in the embryo receives some material basis. i ® Jenaische Zeitschrift., May 15, 1895. 948 The American Naturalist. [October, PSYCHOLOGY.’ Will and Reason in Animals.—One of the greatest needs of psychology is a suitable technical terminology. In most of the other sciences, the words used have a constant meaning, and one feels reason- ably sure of understanding what the author wishes to say. In psy- chology there are few terms in use that are not ambiguous. The psy- chologist has adopted the phraseology of current speech, and too often, in endeavoring to free it of its ambiguity, he forgets that that very ambiguity bears witness to a complexity in the matter to be described which should not be arbitrarily simplified. Especially is this found true when we endeavor to interpret the mental processes of the lower animals in terms of our own. We are ourselves “conscious,” we “judge,” “reason,” “ will,” and we ask whether the lower forms of life are “ conscious,” whether they can “judge,” “reason,” “will.” Such questions are vain unless we know precisely what mental processes we designate ourselves when we use the words. Yet, in most current discussions, it is apparently taken for granted that these words have a meaning; that the writer not only understands their meaning himself, but is assured that his readers will take them in the same sense. Even in the few cases where some seri- ous attempt is made to exhibit the exact sense of the terms used, the writer proceeds upon the assumption that they have but one legitimate sense, and that that is the sense in which he uses them. But, in fact, no words in common use have any precise meaning, and if this is true of all, it is doubly true of those which express the results of crude introspection, performed, for the most part, with prac- tical ends in view only. Such are most of our psychological terms. While the processes which are designated by any one always have some inner bond of similarity, that bond may be, from the point of view of the scientific psychologist, s Denai slight importance in view of the variations to be found with Let us, for example, examine some of the words used of conduct, The reflex and instinctive are commonly contrasted with the voluntary, and the impulsive are contrasted with the rational. The reflex, in- stinctive and impulsive are regarded as “ lower types,” since we share them with the lower animals; the voluntary and rational are the 1 This department is edited by Dr. Wm. Romaine Newbold, University of Penn- sylvania. 1895.] Psychology. 949 “ higher types,” and much discussion has been expended on the ques- tion whether these also are found in the lower animals or not. The word “ voluntary ” is used in three quite distinct senses, but all contain a common element. In its broadest sense, any act is voluntary which is performed at the instigation of a thought. In this sense it is contrasted with “forced ” acts, such as those performed under physical compulsion with acts performed under physiological compulsion, such as reflexes, and with acts performed under what we may turn psychi- cal compulsion, as the instinctive. Many impulses, especially those which hurry into action without allowing time for reflection, are felt to be only partly voluntary. Now, at all times, one’s actual thought content comprehends two groups of elements—those originated from within by association and habit and those originated from without by the suggestions of the en- vironment. For the most part, the two blend into a harmonious whole and both find expression in conduct. But, occasionally, the two clash. If then, the environment wins the day and controls conduct, even though it be done through the intervention of thought, we are inclined to deny that the conduct is voluntary. If I surrender my purse at the the point of a pistol, I would not call the act voluntary, yet it is not involuntary in the same sense in which it would have been had the highwayman taken my hand and, by main force, thrust it into my pocket, closed it upon my purse, and withdrawn it. So of other cases. Control by the idea train invariably implies, in some degree, the ability to withstand the solicitations of the environ- ment. The adult feels most of those solicitations so slightly that he is scarcely aware of their presence. But it is different with a child. The child is ever “in mischief,” because his ideation has not developed far enough to offset the tempting invitation “ Eat me,” “ Break me,” “Set me on fire,” by foresight of the latter end. It is in those cases in which the inner control clearly gets the better of the outer that we feel the power of “will” to be manifested. This, then, is a second sense of the word voluntary. It is only through sensation and idea, on the whole, that the environ- ment can enter into a man’s mind and control his acts. The reflexes are exceptions, but they are, for present purposes, negligible. And its entrance is accompanied by a sense of conflict, as if the kingdom were divided against itself. Nowa similar feeling often arises in cases in which the influence of the environment as such is scarcely to be noticed. Every man’s mind is a polity, and its habitual usages and active principles not infrequently conflict. Then we commonly invoke 950 The American Naturalist. [October, our more remote past in some fashion at present incomprehensible, and there emerges that intangible, contentless power which, like the rudder on a ship, avails to hold us steadily to the course already: planned, and makes our present and future symmetrical with our past. Thisis what we term “ will” in the narrowest sense, and it is a nompatatively rare phenomenon in the experience of most of us. If we turn from such an analysis to the problem of volition in the lower animals, we find it much simplified. There can be no doubt that in the higher vertebrates, at least, the idea trains, however rudimen- tary, control conduct to some degree. Yet the part played by the reflexes and instincts is so much greater in them than in us, and idea- tion is so scanty that the sphere of the voluntary is much restricted. Cases of conflict, in which the ideal control overcomes the solicitations of sense, are probably of rare occurrence. I noted, a case not long ago, however, which seems here in point. A friend of mine had a very intel- ligent Irish terrier, who, having been bred to thrifty habits, knew better than to eat a scrap of food which had “ cost money ” until it had been “paid for.” In the agonizing interval I have sci adh! seen him resort to what seemed to be expedients to e temptation He seemed to feel that the bit of meat exerted a ‘specific attractive force upon his organized reflexes, that he could not help snapping at it if he allowed himself to look. He would dance about near it, carefully keeping his head twisted to one side, so as to keep the tempting morsel out of sight; sometimes, if the words “ It’s paid for, Patsy,” were long delayed, he would run to the farthest corner of the room and stay there until he heard them. Then he would dart for the food so hastily that he sometimes fell in turning towards it, showing that he had had it in mind all along. It would seem that this dog, at least, was able to exert some direct ideational control over his reflexes, and was suffi- ciently intelligent to use suitable means to support that control when it was about to fail. For the existence of the highest form of will in the lower animals, we have no direct evidence, and it is difficult to see how we ever can have any. In ourselves it is rare and elusive; it is known by intro- spection only, and can not be inferred in another by any external signs. The very fact that it is so unusual in us, and that it appears to be characteristic of the more highly evolved types of the human mind, raises a strong presumption against its existence in the lower minds. The word “ rational ” has had a history very like that of “ voluntary ”. In its simplest sense it designates conduct controlled by a more distant end; it is thus opposed to the impulsive conduct which seeks the pres- 1895.] Psychology. 951. ent end. It implies, therefore, the presence of complex associative processes. “Irrational” conduct is that which is inconsistent with some accepted end. Foresight of the future and its accompanying apprehension of vari- ous possible ends always involves competition between those ends for the control of conduct. For various reasons into which I cannot now enter, the intrinsic attractiveness of most ends tends to vary from time to time, hence it is always possible that the end which survives com- petition and controls conduct soon loses its power, and the actor falls a rey to regret. This is especially likely to be the ease when there has been little deliberation, or when the end adopted is near at hand. Thus the word “rational” has been transferred from conduct controlled by a distant rather than by a nearer end, to conduct controlled by an ap- proved end, that is, by an end whose attractive power remains constant under all circumstances. In ordinary parlance, that conduct is “ rea- sonable” which most men are inclined to, but a little reflection will con- vince any one that no conduct is reasonable for one, save that whose adoption does not involve the relinquishment of some end of greater or more permanent attractiveness. In the first sense of the word “irrational,” it is probable that some of the lower animals are more rational than others. But, on the whole, brutes are adapted to the coming environment rather by instinct than by reason, i. e., rather by a series of psychical reflexes awakened by present stimuli than by conscions foresight of the future, giving rise to an analogous series of representative ideas. The sphere of ideational control is probably restricted to the immediate future. Hence it is scarcely possible that brutes should be rational in the second sense. Some writers use “ rational ” as equivalent to “ethical,” i. e., of ends enforced by the community upon the individual. The usage rests upon the assumption that those principles which ultimately approve themselves to the individual are essentially in harmony with those enforced by the community. But it is not customary to enquire whether animals are rational in that sense, and I may ignore it for the present. ANTHROPOLOGY.’ New Evidence of glacial Man in Ohio.—In a paper before a joint meeting of the Anthropological and Geological sections of the A. A. A. S. , I presented detailed evidence of the discovery, in the glacial 1 The department is edited by Henry C. Mercer, University of Penna, Phila. 952 The American Naturalist. [October, terrace on the Ohio River at Brilliant near Steubenville, Ohio, of a chert implement one inch and three-quarters long and three-quarters of an inch wide in its widest part, making the third instance in which glacial man is proved by satisfactory specific evidence to have been in Ohio. The discovery was made in the summer of 1893 by Mr. Sam Huston, the county surveyor of Jefferson County. Mr. Huston resides at Steubenville and is well known to many scientific collectors who have availed themselves of his services; while his familiarity with gravel deposits and with the indications of their being disturbed or undis- turbed is unexcelled by any one in the country. For a long time the railroad has been engaged in removing gravel from pits along the extensive glacial terrace below Brilliant Station, on the Cleveland and Pittsburg R. R., about seven miles south of Steuben- ville. While excavations were in progress two years ago, Mr. Huston was engaged in overseeing public work in the immediate vicinity. When operations were suspended for dinner, Mr. Huston went into the pit on one occasion, where his attention was attracted by the flat end of a chipped implement slightly projecting from the perpendicular face of the gravel which was being removed. The material at this im- mediate locality was well-washed sand with very few pebbles. The bedding and cross-bedding were very clearly displayed both above and below the implement, and it was perfectly evident that there had been no disturbance of the strata since their original deposition. The situation in the face of the bank was such that Mr. Huston was barely able to reach it with his hand by standing upon the slight amount of talus that was at the bottom. The implement was about half way up to the top of the bank, making it about eight feet below the surface. Mr. Huston conducted me to the locality, so that the evidence was collected by me upon the spot. The bank was sub- sequently worked off about twenty feet farther and then abandoned, but according to Mr. Huston the stratification was essentially the same as is shown in fresh sections near by. The evidence is so specific that there is no chance to question it in detail, since every item was care- fully noticed and has been clearly retained in Mr. Huston’s memory. The gravel terrace at this point is one of the most extensive in that portion of the Ohio River, and is part of a series of terraces traceable from Pittsburg down to Wheeling, and indeed throughout the whole length of the river as far as Louisville. There is no question among geologists as to its glacial age. - It corresponds precisely, in the Ohio River valley, with those along the Delaware, in New Jersey, and the Tuscarawas and the Little Miami in Ohio, in which relics of glacial 1895.] Anthropology. 953 man have, heretofore, been found. These terraces along the Ohio reg- ularly alternate from one side to the other. At Beaver, Pa., the ter- race is 125 feet above the river. The height, however, diminishes gradually as we get farther away from the glacial boundary and the supply of material contributed by streams coming from the glaciated area. The terrace at Brilliant rises sixty-eight feet above the river, and extends southward for a distance of two miles, being more than a quarter of a mile wide for a considerable portion of the way. The im- plement was found near the lower end of this section of the terrace, and about half way between Riddle’s Run and Salt Run coming in from the west. To any one who inspects the locality it will be seen to be impossible to separate the gravel strata in which this implement was found from the glacial deposit which is here so plain and so character- istic of the region. On being carefully examined by Professor Putnam he remarked that the implement was a knife of very early type, and that under the glass it was clearly seen to be coated with the patina which indicates that it is a relic of great antiquity, and has lain for a long time in some such conditions as that described by Mr. Huston. Professor Putnam regarded it as a very important discovery. Mr. F. H. Cushing, Vice-President of the Anthropological Section said that we have in this case an implement concerning which there can be no doubt that it was completely finished and is not a “ reject.” It had been carefully chipped to an edge all round; and not only so, but it had been used and sharpened ; and what was still more significant it had been sharpened by the older, and not by the later processes, the edge had been chipped in sharpening not by pressing against it with a bone but by blows with another stone. Mr. Cushing also remarked with Professor Putnam upon the antiquity of the type. While continu- ing in use through later times on account of its convenience, it is with- out doubt one of the earliest types of implement and everything about it agrees perfectly with the conditions of its alleged discovery. GEORGE FREDERICK WRIGHT. PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES, The American Microscopical Society held its Eighteenth Annual Meeting at Ithaca, N. Y., Aug. 21-23, 1895. The following were the proceedings: Address of welcome, by the Hon. D. F. Van Vleet; response by the President of the Society, Professor S. H. Gage. 954 The American Naturalist. [October, The following papers were read and discussed during the sessions : Some Notes on Alleged Meteoric Dust, Magnus Pflaum, Pittsburg, Pa. ; Corky Outgrowth of: Roots and their Connection with Respiration, H. Schrenk, Cambridge, Mass.; A Practical Method of Referring Units of Length to the Wave Length of Sodium Light; Professor Wm: A. Rogers, Waterville, Me. ; Some Peculiarities in the Structure of the Mouth Parts and Ovipositor of Cicada septendecim, Professor J. D: Hyatt, New Rochelle, N. Y.; The Lateral Line Systems of Sense Organs in Amphibia, Dr. B. F. Kingsbury, Defiance, O.; The Chloro- phyll Bodies of Chara coronata, Professor W. W. Rowlee, Ithaca, N. Y. ; Secondary Thickenings of the Rootstalks of Spathyema, Mary A. Nichols, Ithaca, N. Y. ; Comparison of the Fleischel, the Gower and the Specific Gravity Method of Determining the Percentage of Hæmo- globin in Blood for Clinical Purposes, F. C. Busch and A. T. Kerr, Jr., Buffalo, N. Y.; The History of the Sex-Cells from the time of Segregation to Sexual Differentation in Cymtogaster, Professor C. H. Eigenmann, Bloomington, Ind.; A Fourth Study of the Blood, Show- ing the Relation of the Colorless Corpuscle to the Strength of the Con- stitution, Dr. M. L. Holbrook, New York City ; Two Cases of Inter- cellular Spaces in Vegetable Embryos, K. M. Wiegand, Ithaca, N. Y.; The Fruits of the Order Umbelliferx, Dr. E. J. Durand, Ithaca, N. Y.; The Action of Strong Currents of Electricity upon Nervous Tissue; Dr. P. A. Fish, Ithaca, N. Y.; The Morphology of the Brain of the Soft-Shelled Turtle and the English Sparrow Compared, Susanna P. Gage, Ithaca, N. Y.; The Flagella of Motile Bacteria, Dr. V. A. Moore, Washington, D. C.; The Primitive Source of Food Supply in the Great Lakes; Some Experiments in Methods of Plankton Measure- ments, Professor Henry B. Ward, Lincoln, Neb.; The Fruits of the Order Composit, Professor W. W. Rowlee and K. M. Wiegand, Ithaca, N. Y.; The Spermatheca and Methods of Fertilization in some American Newts and Salamanders, Dr. B. F. Kingsbury, Defiance, O. ; Cocaine in the Study of Pond-life; Paraffin and Collodion Embedding, Professor H. S. Conser, Sunbury, Pa.; Formalin asa Hardening Agent for Nerve Tissue, Dr. Wm. C. Krauss, Buffalo, N. Y.; The Use of Formalin in Neurology, Dr. P. A. Fish, Ithaca, N. Y.; The Lym- phatics and the Lymph Circulation, with Demonstration of Specimens and Apparatus, Dr. Grant S. Hopkins, Ithaca, N. Y.; New Points in Photo-micrographs and Cameras, W. H. Walmsley, Chicago, Ill. ; The Question of Correct Naming and Use of Micro-reagents, Miss V. A. Latham, M: D., Chicago, Ill.; A New Way of Marking Objectives, Dr. Wm. C. Krauss, Buffalo, N. Y.: Demonstration of Histological Prepar- 1895.] Proceedings of Scientific Societies. 955 ations by the Projection Microscope, Drs. Krauss and Mallonee, Buffalo, N. Y.; Improvements in the Collodion Method, Professor S. H. Gage, Ithaca, N. Y.; The Syracuse Solid Watch-Glass ; A Metal Centering Block; A New Method of Making Cells and of Mounting in Glycer- ine, Dr. A. C. Mercer, Syracuse, N. Y. The afternoon of Wednesday was devoted to an inspection of the Library and other University buildings. Illustrations of methods of marking micrometers upon a ruling engine were shown at Franklin Hall (Physical Building). In the evening, President Gage gave his address: The Processes of Life Revealed by the Microseope—a Plea for Physiological Histology. Thursday afternoon and evening were spent in an excursion on Cayuga Lake. Friday afternoon was the business meeting of the Society, and in the evening there was an exhibition of microscopical objects, especially designed to give people who have not had the opportunity of making extended study with a magnifying glass, the privilege of seeing for themselves some of the interesting and instructive revelations of the microscope. The Society appropriated $25.00 in support of Dr. Field’s Biblio- graphical Bureau, and voted to send their proceedings regularly to it. The forty-fourth meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. met in Springfield, Mass., from August 28th to September 4th inclusive. The officers of the meeting were: President, E. W. Morley, Cleveland, Ohio; Vice-Presidents, A. Mathematics and Astronomy, Edgar Frisby, Washington, D. C.; B. Physics, W. LeConte Stevens, Troy, N. Y.; C. Chemistry, William MeMutrie, Brooklyn, N. Y.; D. Mechanical Science and Engineering, William Kent, Passaic, N. J. ; E. Geology and Geog ed. Hote kiss, Staunton, Va. ; F. Zoölogy, Leland O. Howard, oe D. C.; G. Botany, J. C. Arthur, Lafayette, ine; H. Anthropology, = Cushing, Washington, D. C.; I. Economic Fernow, Washington, D. C.; Permanent Secretary, F. W. Putnam, Sk bridge, Mass; General Secretary, Jas. Lewis Howe, Lexington, Va.; Sec- retary of the Council, Charles R. Barnes, Madison, Wis. ; : Slacretatied of the Sections, A. Mathematics and Astronomy, Asaph Hall, Jr., Ann Arbor, Mich.; B. Physics, E. Merritt, Ithaca, N.Y. ;-C, Chemistry, W. P. Mason, Trop, N. Y.; D. Mechanical Science nad Engineering, H. S. Jacoby, Ithaca, N. Y.: E. Geology and Geography, J. Perrin 956 The American Naturadist. [October, Smith, Palo Alto, Cal.; F. Zodlogy, C. W. Hargett, Syracuse, N. Y.; G. Botany, B. T. Galloway, Washington, D. C.; H. Anthropology, Stewart Culin, Philadelphia, Pa.; I. Economic Science and Statistics, W. R. Lazenby, Columbus, Ohio; Treasurer, R. S. Woodward, New York, N.Y. The papers which were read in Sections E, F, G and H, which in- clude the natural sciences as usually defined, were the following : FRIDAY, Auc., 30TH. Section E, Geology. The Relations of Prim- ary and Secondary Structures in Rocks, by ©. R. Van Hise; The Archæan and Cambrian Rocks of the Green Mountain Range in South- ern Massachusetts, by B. K. Emerson; Gotham’s Cave, or Fractured Rocks in Northern Vermont, by C. H. Hitchcock ; Recent Discovery of the Occurrence of Marine Cretaceous Strata on Long Island, by Arthur Hollick ; Geological Canals between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, by J. W. Spencer; Geological Notes on the Isles of Shoals, by H. C. Hovey; Great Falls of the Mohawk at Cohoes, N. Y., by W. H. C. Pynchon ; Subdivision of the Upper Silurian in Northeast Iowa, by Andrew G. Wilson; Supplementary Notes on the Metamorphic Series of the Shasta Region of California, by J. P. Smith ; Recent Ele- vation of New England, by J. W. Spencer. Section F. The Evolution of the Insect Mouthpiece, by J. B. Smith (Lantern Illustrations) ; The Mouthpiece of Insects with Special Ref- erence to the Diptera and Hemiptera, by C. L. Marlatt; On the Ol- factory Lobes, by Charles S. Minot; Notes on Fleas, Mosquitoes and the Horse-flies, by L. O. Howard; On the Visceral Anatomy of the Lacertilia, by E. D. Cope; Characters which are useful in raising larvae of Sphingidae, by George Dimmock. `- Section G. A Leaf Rot of Cabbage, by H. L. Russell; The South- ern Tomato Blight, by Erwin F. Smith ; Observations on the Develop- ment of Uncinula spiralis, by B. T. Galloway; The effect of sudden changes of turgor and of temperature on Growth, by Rodney H. True; Recording Apparatus for the Study of Transpiration of Plants, by Albert F. Woods; Pressure, Normal Work and Surplus Energy in Growing Plants, by George M. Holferty ; Notes on the Ninth Edition of the London Catalogue of British Plants, by N. L. Britton ; Obolaria virginica L. A Morphological and Anatomical Study, by Theodore Holm ; Botany of Yakutat Bay, Alaska, by Frederick V. Coville. Section H. The Dynasty of the Arrow, by Frank Hamilton Cush- ing; The Origin of Playing Cards, by Stewart Culin ; The Origin of Money in China, by Stewart Culin; Mustach Sticks of the Ainus, by Stewart Culin ; Some Arabic Survivals in the Lauguage and Folk- 1895,] Proceedings of Scientifie Societies. 957 usage of the Rio Grande Valley, by John G. Bourke; The Sacred Pole of the Omaha Tribe, by Alice C. Fletcher; The mystery of the name Pamunkey, by William Wallace Tooker; A Vigil of the Gods, by Washington Matthews. Monpay, Sept. 25TH. Section E. Views of the Ice Age as two epochs, the Glacial and Champlain, by Warren Upham; Glacial Phe- nomena between Lake Champlain and Lake George and the Hudson, by G. F. Wright; Whirpool of Niagara, by G. W. Holley; Distribu- tion of Sharks in the Cretaceous, by C. R. Eastman ; Terminology pro- posed for the description of Pelecypoda, by A. Hyatt ; The Equatorial Counter Currents, by W. M. Davis; Address by Maj. Jed Hotchkiss, the Vice-President of Section E, at 2 o’clock. Section F. Stemmiiulus as an Ordinal Type, by O. F. Cook; Char- acters which are useful in raising larvae of Sphingidae, by George Dimmock ; The Affinities of the Pythonomorph Reptiles, by E. D. Cope; Temperature Variations of cattle observed during extended periods of time, with reference to the Tuberculosis Test, by Julius Nel- son. Sections F and G. Variation after Birth, by L. H. Bailey ; Rejuve- nation and Heredity, by Charles S. Minot ; The Distinction between Animals and Plants, by J. C. Arthur; Fungous Gardens in the nests of an Ant (Atta tardigrada Buckl.) near Washington, by Walter T. Swingle; Poisoning by Broad-leaved Laurel, Kalmia latifolla, by Frederick V. Colville; The Physiology of Isopyum biternatrum L., by D. T. McDougal; The Transmission of Stimuli-effects in Mimosa pudica L., by D. T. McDougal; Personal Nomenclature in the Myxo- mycetes, by O. F. Cook; A New Californian Liverwort, by Douglas H. Campbell; The number of spare Mother Cells in the Sporangia of Ferns, by Willis L. Jepson; The Constancy of the Bacterial Flora of Sour Milk, by H. L. Bolley; The Watermelon Wilt and other Wilt Diseases due to Fusarium, by Erwin F. Smith. Section H. The year of Pleiides of Prehistoric Starlore, by R. G. Haliburton ; An Iroquois Condolence, by W. M. Beauchamp; Mental Measurement in Anthropology, by J. McKeen Cattell; Some Symbolic Carvings from the Ancient Mounds of Ohio, by F. W. Putnam and C. C. Willoughby ; Account of the Discovery of a chipped chert imple- ment in undisturbed Glacial Gravel near Steubenville, O., by F.G. Wright ; Notes on the Bushmen of Transvaal, by George Leith ; pre- sented by F. W. Putnam; Village Life among the Cliff Dwellers, by Stephen D. Peet; An Ojibwa Transformation Tale, by Harlan I. Smith ; Old Mohawk Words, by W. H. Beauchamp; The Different 958 The American Naturalist. [October, Races described by early Discoverers and Explorers, by Stephen D. Peet ; Root Fungus of Maize, by George Macloskie ; Enantiomorphism in Plants, by George Macloskie. TUESDAY, SEPT. 3RD. Section E. Interesting Features in the Sur- face Geology of the Genesee Region, illustrated with lantern slides, by H. L. Fairchild; Japan, Gardner G. Hubbard; Great Falls of the Mohawk at Cohoes, N. Y. ; illustrated with lantern slides, by W. H. C. Pynchon. In the afternoon the Section met with Section H. Section F. On the Girdling of Elm Twigs by the Larvee of Orgygia leucostigma, and its Results, by J. A. Lintner ; Notes upon the Eupa- guridæ, by Charles W. Hargitt; On a Revision of the North Ameri- can Craspedosomatide, by O. F. Cook ; A New Character in the Col- obognatha, with Drawings of Siphonotus, by O. F. Cook; A New Wheel for Color Mixing in Tests for Color Vision, by J. H. Pillsbury; Some Further Results of Investigation of Areas of Color Vision in the Human Retina, by J. H. Pillsbury; A Study of Panorpa and Bittacus, by E. P. Felt. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 47H. Section H. A Study in Anthropo-geog- raphy as a Branch of Sociological Investigation, by William Z. Ripley; The Algonquian Appellatives of the Siouan Tribes of Virginia, by W. M. Wallace Tooker; Indian Songs and Music, by Alice C. Fletcher ; The Spider Goddess and the Demon Snare, by F. H. Cushing ; The Influence of Prehistoric Pigmy Races on Early Calendars and Cults, with Notes on Dwarf Survivals by R. G. Haliburton; Account of the Discovery of a Chipped Chert Implement in Undisturbed Glacial Gravel near Steubenville, Ohio, by G. F. Wright ; Paleothic Culture, its Characteristic Variations and Tokens, by Stephen D. Peet; A Melange of Micmac Notes, by Stansbury Hager; Grammatic Form and the Verb Concept in Iroquoian Speech, by J. W. B. Hewitt; An- thropometrical, Psychoneural and Hypnotic Measurements, by Arthur Mac Donald ; The Education of Blind-deaf Mutes, by John Dutton Wright; A Study in Child Life, by L. O. Talbot; The Indians of Southern California, by Franz Boas; The Cosmogonic Gods of the Iroquois, by J. W. B. Hewitt ; Word Formation in the Kootenay Lan- guage, by Alex. F. Chamberlain; Kootenay Indian Personal Names, by Alex. F. Chamberlain. The following officers were elected for the coming year : President—Edward D. Cope, of Philadelphia; Vice-Presidents—A— Mathematics and Astronomy, William E. Story, of Worcester; B— Physics, Carl Leo Mees, of Terre Haute, Ind.; C—Chemistry, W. A. Noyes, of Terre Haute, Ind. ; D—Mechanical Science and Engineering, Frank O. Marvin, of Lawrence, Kansas; E—Geology and Geography, 1395.] Proceedings of Scientific Societies. 959 Benjamin K. Emerson, of Amherst ; F—Zoology, Theodore N. Gill, of Washington, D. C.; G—Botany, N. L. Britton, of New York City; H—Anthropology, Alice C. Fletcher, of Washington, D. C.; I—Social Science, William R. Lazenby, of Columbus, Ohio; General Secretary —Charles R. Barnes, of Madison, Wis.; Secretary of the Council— Asaph Hall, Jr., of Ann Arbor, Mich. ; Secretaries of the Sections—A —Mathematies and Astronomy, Edwin B. Frost, of Hanover, N. H.; B—Physics, Frank P. Whitman, of Cleveland, Ohio ; C—Chemistry, Frank P. Venable, of Chapel Hill, N. C.; D—Mechanical Science and Engineering, John Galbraith, of Toronto, Can.; E—Geology and Geography, A. C. Gill, of Ithaca, N. Y.; F—Zoology, D. S. Kellicott, of Columbus, Ohio; G—Botany, George F. Atkinson, of Ithaca, N. Y.; H—Anthropology, John G. Bourke, United States Army; I— Social Science, R. T. Colburn, of Elizabeth, N. J.; Treasurer—R. S. Woodward, of New York, N. Y The Annual Report of Secretary Putnam showed that 367 members have been in attendance, all parts of the country being well represen- ted. From Springfied there were 15 and from the rest of Massachusetts 56. The other leading States were as follows: New York 90, District of Columbia 39, Pennsylvania 29, Ohio 18, Connecticut 14, Indiana 12. There were 185 new members elected and 58 made fellows. Four have died during the year. There have been three public lectures and 207 papers, divided as follows among the sections: A 16, B 34, C 42 D 6, E 17, F 16, G 28, H 33, 113. SCIENTIFIC NEWS. Dr. Charles Valentine Riley curator of the department of En- tomology in the U. S. National Museum died Sept. 15th in consequence of being thrown from a bicycle on the previous day. The eminent scientist was born in London in 1843 and he attended schools in France and Germany. For six years he studied on the Con- tinent of Europe. Two passions characterized his boyhood—one for collecting insects, the other for drawing and painting. At the age of 17 he sailed for New York, where, after a seven weeks’ voyage, he arrived with little means. He went West and settled upon a farm in Illinois. Here he remained for four years, and acquired an experience of practical agriculture. About the time of his majority he commenced journalistic work in Chicago, where, in connection with his work on the paper, he gave special attention to botany and entomology. In 1868 he accepted the office of State entomologist of Missouri. In the Spring of 1878 he was tendered the position of entomologist to the 65 . 960 The American Naturalist. [October, Department of Agriculture, which he aceepted, but shortly afterward relinquished, retaining, however, his position at the head of the Entomo- logical Commission, and continuing his work in the service of the Government. In 1881 the Division of Entomology in the Department of Agriculture was formed, and Professor Riley was placed at its head —a position which he continued to occupy until last year, when, on account of impaired health, he tendered his resignation. Professor Riley has given to the National Museum at Washington his private collection of American insects, containing more than 20,000 species, and represented by 115,000 pinned specimens, and much addi- tional material unpinned and in alcohol. In 1889 he received the in- ` signia of Knight of the Legion of Honor. At this time the French Minister of Agriculture wrote him a personal letter acknowledging the distinguished and valuable services which he had rendered to French agriculture. Dr. Riley was a man of great energy as well as persistence of char- acter. In his personality he was of full medium height and of graceful — figure; and his face would have adorned a gallery devoted to poets or the heroes of sentimental fiction. He was of attractive manners, and an amiable disputant. He had ‘retired from the responsibilities of official position to devote himself to study, of which he apparently had many years before him. His sudden death is a blow to science, and a great loss to his friends. Dr. Samuel Henshaw of the Boston Society of Natural History has been spending a few months in Europe. Prof. F. L. Washburn of the zoological department of the Oregon Agricultural College has accepted a position in the Oregon State University. Professor F. Wm. Rane has resigned from the chair of agriculture and horticulture at the University of West Virginia to accept a similar position in the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Prof. G. E. Morrow has accepted the presidency of the Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College at Stillwater. Prof. Edwin W. Doran has accepted the presidency of Ozark College at Greenfield, Missouri. Prof. H. J. Waters of Pennsylvania State College has been elected Director of Missouri Experiment Station. Prof. F. B. Mumford of Mich- igan has been appointed Professor of Agriculture in the Missouri State University. ) ) ) ) AKA ADVERTISEMENTS. Rare U. S. Reptiles and Batrachians in Alcohol. Amphiuma, Alive and Prepared. Live Frogs, Etc., for Class Work. EMBRYOLOGICAL MATERIAL. Mammals, Birds and Fishes, —Skins and Alcoholics. H. H. & C. S. BRIMLEY, RALEIGH, N. C. Websters International ieie res e. Successor of the “ Unabridged.” Di Čti Invaluable in Office, School, and Home. 1 Iona aes Standard of the U.S. Supreme Conrt, of os U. S. Gov't Printing Office, and of nearly all Schoolbooks. Warmly commended by every State Superintendent of Schools. THE BEST FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES ted. Words are given their correct alphabetical places, each one beginning a paragraph. It is easy to ascertain the ee ee ao Fon mes maga is indicated by ordinary diacritically marked letters used in | It is easy to trace the growth of a word. ae ee are full, and the different meanings are given in the order of their evelopm: ” It is easy to learn what a word means G. & C. Merriam Co., Publishers, Springfield, Mass. POP O0-0-00-70-0-00-70-0-0-0-00-0040-0-40-0-00-00-00-00-0- 09 OOOO OOOO ) The definitions are clear, explicit, and full, and eacn 18 contained in a separate paragrap. and its S | ASCOPY Practical Application to the Study of Refraction by DR. EDWARD JACKSON, A.'M., M. D., ILLUSTRATED, PRICE $1.00, INCLOTH. Two Addresses by JOHN B. ROBERTS, A. M, M. ay, ee : $ 144 4 between us and Points of Similari Homeeopathic Physicins.” “THE PRESENT ATTITUDE OF PHYSICIANS AND MOD- ERN MEDICINE TOWARDS HOMŒOPATHY” Two Addresses in one, 16mo., Cloth, 75 cents. THE EDWARDS & DOCKER CO., 518-520 Minor Street, PHILADELPHIA. vost acai gee M! NTS. Hills, Valleys and Plains of the U. S. THE IVES ALTITUDE MAP is a novel device by the inventor of the “Strata Map” differing from any elevation ey previously published, the oS ea being carefully embossed to represent the River System and Mountain Prominenc hilst successive altitudes are emphasized by strongly co trasted colors. The Map i is is beautifully gotten up, framed in oak mg varnished, SIZE 33 X 23 INCHES. PRICE $9.50. Aid in the Study of Geology. THE IVES STRATA MAP penu eae Superposition, denudat and ouéerop of strata, with the phenomena arpments, outliers, inliers, dip, strike, FOF, etc., and the Cards may be bent He vow sate or anecinat folds. Size, 30 x 24 inches! Peida., $17. 50. JAMES T. B. IVES, F. G. S: Is the g Peg of the keieren of Construction and the Scientific Data have pose eyed by ge yee t Sources of ay foe oe Diploma and Medal Aw: f these Maps at the World’s Columbian Exposition. OPIN IONS OF EMINE ENT AUTHORITIES. D. Corr, of the University of Pe ennsylvania, writes: “ Useful to the student of topography ala geology. The map indicating elevations in relief is ve im portant aid to the strati- raphie map—both together slois the meeeg to the eye of the st a President. D. ee GILMAN á we ns Hopkins University, writes in lass to the Strata Map: Bee 8 er American geolo ogy i taught you qim sa mg! en -eri of the apparatus rther partionlars and Testimonials on application JAMES T. B. IVES, Office of the American Naturalist, 518 Minor Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ADVERTISEMENTS. Mt Contents of THE MONIST for January, 1895. OL. 5., No. 2. iia m Desti (A Posthumous wong George J. Romanes; To Be Alive. What Edward hoy u AA Ought the United Baies "Senate to be Reformed ? Noss re D. Conway; The Advancement of Ethics. Dr. Francis Ellingwood Abbot; The yas Storage of Fee Lester F. Ward; Mind, No Storage of Energy. Editor; De Rerum rka ura. Editor; Foira Correspondence ; Criticism and Dıs- h: ; Book Review Yearly, $2.00. . Single Copies, 50 Cents, The Philosophical Portrait Series—Issued Quarterly—Will be sent free on application. The Gospel of Buddha, “2's purai With Table of References and Parallels, Glossary, roby complete Index. Elegantly Bound; Gilt .50. Price, AN tng pt Agi WEISMANNISM. zA sirpa Pra Professor of iy dai in act Pap moll bal R.S., Honorary Prague, Translated from the Ger nile ae a bridge. gna Bcd Tatonas Ey M Q Mn 250 ae. With Daia of W eis amann, a a Glossary of Morocco, Gilt Top. Price, $2.50 Sci uae, Bia "E Thoroughly g eag 236 DARWIN, “AND AFTER ta An Exposition of Price, $1. yee anda Discussion of Pos PRIMER i SE PHILOSOPHY: By Dr. PauL Carus. pint: aieia Cas x bgus T “i ith a very complete 1. The Darwinian me 500 panes: 125 y eea . Price, $1.00. tions. h, $2.00 y GEO N Rom THE. “SCIENCE “OF MECHA NICS. A Critical ma e ends book of Eestacen.”” cal Exposition of its Principles, by ERN —The Nation. Send for catalogue and specimen copies of “The Monist” and “The Open Court.” 324 DEARBORN STREET, THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING CO0., 224 DEARBORN st! The AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN and ORIENTAL JOURNAL. Published at 175 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. Edited by STEPHEN D. PEET, Goop Horeg, ILL. Bi-Monthly. pines $4.00 Per Year. The First Magazine Devoted to Archæology and | Ethnology established in America. It has now reached its Seventeenth Volume, which promises to be the Best of the Series. There has been no time in all the sixteen years during which this magazine has continued, when a value promised so well as does the the teenth, The Co sapere who are all Scholarly gentlemen and specialists will continue as before, bt. several n ames will be een The e following n may be sopane as having contributed to the biagi > ter r. D. G. Brin Rev. M. Beauchamp, Prof: A. F. Cha Mr. Jam Deans, G. O. Da. T J- Walter ptr H. = Mercer, na a Natal, Ç. Staniland Wake, Dr. Wm. Wallace Tooker, Dr. Cyrus Thom The Ma agazine d g 95 will embrace different departments, and the following aca ipen will have charge and ati all explorations and discoveries : Rev. . C. Winslow, D. D., L. » eypt. Prof. T. Y nng, Explorations į 2 Palestine Henry W. Haynes, Paleolithics and Euro opean Archaeology. Dr. A. S, saaren Indian Linguistics. Marsal H. Seville, Mexico and Central Ameri on. James Wickersham, The North West Cote. and Eastern Asia. A FEW COMPLETE SETS ARE IN THE HANDS OF THE EDITOR AND WILL BE SOLD AT SPECIAL PRICES TO LIBRARIES, Price per Vol. $4.00 or with American Naturalist $6.00. The American Antiquarian will be furnished with The American Naturalist for $6.00. iv ADVERTIS"Y } SAIS. AMERICAN MONTHLY MICROSCOPICAL JOURNAL 14TH YEAR, 1893. PRICE INCREASED TO $2.00. Beautifully Ilustrated. ORIGINAL ARTICLES by the best writers. Descriptions of Microscopical Methods, pictures of new apparatus, a department of Medical Microscopy revealing what the instrument is doing to combat disease, Bacteriology or the study of Bacilli, Diatoms or Nature’s Jewels, Biological Notes upon the progress in botany, entomology, agriculture and the study of all life by the aid of the grandest of instruments, Recreative M: icroscopy or the entertain- ment of people who exclaim “Oh! My!” when they look through the golden tube, Microscopical News, the Detection of Crime, Societies and their proceedings, Notices of Books, the Exchange and sale of Slides, etc. THE MICROSCOPE A Dollar Magazine Devoted Strictly to Elementary Microscopy ' Price $1.00. Its QUERY DEPARTMENT Alone. conducted by Dr. S. G. Shanks, of Albany, N. Y., will be found worth the price. SAMPLE COPY FREE ®t ser Price for the two, constituting the only microscopical periodicals in Amer- ica, $2.50 per annum. A treatise on elementary microscopy supplied free to every new subscriber. CARPENTER ON THE MICROSCOPE.—Latest and finest edition $5.00. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Beautiful objects mounted in ingenious covers by an English Chemist, and all ready for use. Would cost 50 cents each if made in America. Catalogue of 170 White’s objects, mostly botanical, and a sample for 10 cents; 20 for $1.00. CHAS. W. SMILEY, Wasuineton, D. C., ADVERTISEMENTS, v “THE SANITARIAN The Edwards & Docker Co., Printerga- ° —+AN Di eE = Publigherş, | | Nos. 518-520 Minor Street, | Philadelphia, U. 5. A. HORACE BINDER, MANAGES, | $4002 year, in | | | gether” Is THE BEST Sanitary publica- tion in America” (Mississippi Valley Medi- cal Monthly); “ Easily maintains its superiority over all similar publi- cations” (Medical World); and “Has accomplished more good than all of the other Sanitary papers put to- (Hydraulic and Sanitary Plumber), “ The Editor, Dr. A. N. BELL, is well known to the mercantile community for his co-operation with the mer- chants in quarantine reform, and to | his profession asa leader in Sanitary | Science ” (New York Journal of Commerce). | 96 PAGES TEXT MONTHLY; TWO | VOLUMES YEARLY. advance; 35c 35 cts. a Number. ae copies, 20 cts, (te G2” All communications Sager be addressed te the Editor, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1) READY! Æ bs Microscopical- Pr axis, DR, ALFRED C. STOKES. PRICE $1.50, POSTPAID. 260 Pages, profusely ppn from original drawings ET for the work, eat and attractive binding. Thoroughly practical, a no one who uses a microscope can afford to be with- out it. It is not cumbered with matter supposed to be “‘ of interest to some one else,” but every page is right to the point, valuable information plainly stated. SEND ALL ORDERS TO E. F. BIGELOW, Publisher, PORTLAND, CONN. ri ADVERTISEMENTS, The International Journal of | Microscopy «nq Natural Science DITOR :—ALFRED ALLEN, Bath, Eng. Pror. V. A. LA EY . D. S., F. R. M. S. etc., Chicago University, U. S. A. ASSOCIATE J. ST TEVENSON B OWN, “Preside nt, —— Micro Pe Montreal, Canada. Evirors: (| FILANDRO VICENTINI M. D., Chieti, It Contains articles by Specialists in every department of Microscopy, Botany, Geology, Zoology, and Natural Science, Reviews of New Books, etc. Illustrated with Plates, Wood engravings, etc. Portion of the Contents for January, 1895. The Denizens of an Old Cherry Tree with Notes of its Surroundings. (2 Plates.) C. J. Watkins. The De reopen of the Germ Theory. ii Langley Browne, F. R. C. S. E. Technology of the Diatomaceæ. J. Tem Predaceous and Parasitic Enemies of aphsdes Including a Study of Hyper- sts ge (2 5 Views From Dust to Dust: A Cycle of Life. (1 Plate.) . J. Sydney a M. EC. s E L. S. Address to the Members of the Bath (Eng.) Microscopical Socie v. E. T. Stu Recent bec agi ogy Researches on the Sputa. The no rphology ree Biology of he ena (1 Large Colored Piate.) F. Vic Microscopical Technique. (] s, Reviews, etc., etc, BAILEY & FAIRCHILD, 29 Park Row, N. Y. M. A. BOOTH, Longmeadow, Mass. Subscription, U. S. A. and CANADA, $2.75. POST FREE. PLASTER CASTS OF THE FOLLOWING MAMMALIA with dentition in good preservation, made under direction of Professor E. D. Cope may be had by application to Jacob Geisman, 2102 Pine St., Philadelphia, Phenacodus primaevus Cope, (Wyoming) $100.00. Zy- vacotherium venticolum Cope, (Wyoming) $50.00. Protohippus micabilis Leidy, skull $7.00. Protohippus pachyops Cope, skulls of adult and young, and P. fossulatus Cope, skull, $5.00 each. Tetrabelodon shepardti Leidy, mandibular ramus and symphysis with two molars, $20.00. Dibelodon tropicus Cope, do., $15.00 ; Mastodon precursor Cope, last molar $5.00. The horses and ‘nastodons from the Cenozoic beds of Texas, are uncolored ADVERTISEMENT. vit COMMENCED JANUARY, 1888. TWO VOLUMES PER YEAR. ee ES AMERICAN GEOLOGIST, LSS. The Oldest Exclusively Geological Magazine Published in America. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS: CHARLES E. Bexcuer, Ph. D., F. G. S. A., Yale University, New Haven, Conn SAMUEL CALVIN, Ph, D., = a. S. A. State Geologist, State habe hey tn Iowa City, Ia. — M CLARKE, M. A., Deut, Geol. Gessell., Soc. y a in., New York Geol, Sur rvey, Albany, N.Y, Epw — CLAYPOLE, B. A. D., Se, (London), E.G a E. and aes Buchtel PAR eck, FRANCIS W. CRAGIN, B, Se., F. G. S. A., Eee of Geology and Palæontology, Colorado College, Colorado Bria Colo. Texas Geol. Sur Jo a AN, Esq., F. Z. 8., F. G. §. A„ F. A s S., M. IL. M. E., ‘Oakhurst,’ Easton PERSIFOR FRAZER, Doct. es. Sei. Nat., Officier de P Instruction Publique a Saia FOAN Reichsanstalt (Wien), F. G. 8. re Prof. of Chem., Horticul. Soc., pail adelphia, Pa. Epwarp 0. ULRICH, M. r F GB A, ’Palæontologist, Geol. Surv, of M an ’ &e., daca ay Ky. WARREN Upnam, M. A., F. G.S. A., Minnesota EEE Survey, Somervi Marsuman E. WADSWORTH, M: X. Ph.D; F.G.8. A; FA G, B, hah of “the Michigan IsracL C. Warre, M. A., Ph. D, F.G ; Morgantown, W. Newton H., WINcHELL, M. A., F. G. S E tn Geologist, Univ hid, Minneapolis, Minn. TERMS. To Subscribers in the United States, — and — geo $3.50 a year To other Subscribers in the Postal Uni ; , A - 4.00 a year Nowhe ere n the "world are io Pe seedi aema exhibited on a more wre e and nowka dic are results attained of greater opeer's and scientific importane The maps GEOLOGIST lays before eaders from month to i i the latest results of geological work. In addition Š ta longer papers it gives synopses of recent prel ay publications and brief notes on current geological events, IT IS NOT THE ORGAN OF ANY INSTITUTION, NOR OF ANY SECTION OF THE COUNTRY, NOR OF ANY PARTY. numbers for 1888 will hereafter be Ae to = > subscribers for $3.50, or Tus ee cloth rt of Sore pn 1889, raae ape 1892, 1893, and 1 for $2.50 each, or bound for $3.50 each. subscribers Hata will rece e all back’ numbers and the subscription f for on ri Fifty cents per ig postage par Fo ~ nated to tes Do or subscribers not living in Pa ag If bound — are ordered, the cost will be ms, ey ‘the Singer perce must be paid by rong Saarin. There are two volumes in each year each volume having over SAMPLE COPIES 20 CENTS. THE GEOLOGICAL PUBLISHING Co., Minneapolis, Minn., U. S. A., Oct. 1, 1894. European Agent, Mr. HENRY CLAYPOLE, Manager of the London & Co. Bank, SITTINGBOURNE, Kent, Ena. ADV ERTISEMENTS. ‘COMEO RT LEWIS UNION SUITS _ Comfortable Because They Fit Comfort The beauty of the r clot the comfortable feeling of the ae gar ave y WwW a a E aei wear talib taaie clothing, comfortably-dressed people wear Union Suits, insuring health, com- ort and & good-fit mop foundation upon which to build the tailor- made man or wo All in one piece, easily adjusted, no wr SOO First ling at the waist (as when the old- ina nts ar» worn), warm and pleasant to the skin. Fitting pargor mag: is no undue strain of Economy Also any par e Lewis Tension Yoke gives — and Lewis Spliced Seat relia fullness where needed There is no tearing—they last longer. Lewis Union Suits Are tailor-made of the finest silk, wool and lisle, ore age | ’ in all sizes and different weights for summer and w Ask your maran to show them. Their use may be an satara oth you, but thousands wear ng other. Our Illustrated Catalogue sent free. . . Lewis Knitting Company, Janesville, Wis. Just ISSUED D. G. 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OUR MOTTO: **Keep Your Eyes Open” (To observe the wonders and beauties of Nature. ) @ Official Organ of the Agassiz Association. Consists of Three Departments: & 1.= The Outdoor World. 2. Agassiz Association. 3. Practical Microscopy. E. F. BIGELOW, Managing Editor and Publisher, Portland, Conn. & ADVERTISEMENTS. “A Weekly Feast to Nourish Hungry Minds.’’—N. Y. Evangelist. ITTELL’S ] IVING AGE d z 9 A Weekly Magazine of FOREIGN PERIODICAL LITERATURE Giving yearly 3300 Double Column Octavo Pages of [Matter (Making Four Large Volumes) Unequalled in Quality and Quantity. THE ABLEST MINDS OF THE AGE Contribute to make this periodical E opsadi in Scope, Character, Completeness, Comprehensiveness. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY READER OF INTELLIGENCE AND LITERARY TASTE. Every intelligent reader will find in THE LIVING AGE Food to Nourish, Stimulate, and Inspire Thought. The ablest and brightest men and women of the world have read and commended it during more than half a century. “ Exhaustive Reviews of recent publications, the latest results of Scientific Research, Biographical Sketches of eminent characters, Travel, Exploration, Literary Criticism, and every phase of Culture and Progress in Europe, Fiction and Choice Poetry—all these make up THE LIVING AGE.” —ELvening Bulletin, Phila. TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION. As a special inducement to any who desire to make a trial subscription, we will send the weekly issues for the last six months of this year (July to Dec. inclusive) for $3.00; or, for $6.00, we will send the numbers for the year 1895. Tue Livine Acer is published Weekly at $8.00 a year, free of postage. Address, LITTELL & CO., 31 Bedford St., Boston. Guido Ferrari Drawing SY Optical and “> Mathematical Instruments Experimental Work Models for Patent Office. Etc. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS A SPECIALTY. No. 911 VINE STREET, PHILA., PA., U. S. A. Send for Price List—Mention American Naturalist. OF INTEREST TO ALL STUDENTS AND LOVERS OF NATURE. THE OBSERVER All Departments of Nature Studies. OUR MOTTO: ‘““ Keep Your Eyes Open” (To observe the wonders and beauties of Nature.) @ Official Organ of the Agassiz Association. we, Consists of Three Depar : 1. The Outdoor World. 2. Agassiz Association. © 3. Practical Microscopy. E. F. BIGELOW, Managing Editor and Publisher, Portland, Conn. By the provisions of the will of the late Dr. William Johnson Walker two prizes are annually offered by the Bosron Soctrry on NATURAL History for the best memoirs written in the English language on subjects proposed by a committee appointed by the Council. For the best memoir presented a prize of sixty dollars may be awarded ; if, however, the memoir be one of marked merit, the amount may be increased to one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the committee. For the next best memoir, a prize not exceeding fifty dollars may be | awarded. -Prizes will not be awarded unless the memoirs presented are of adequate merit. The competition for these prizes is not restricted, but is open to all. 1. In all eases the memoirs are to be based on a considerable body of orig- inal and unpublished work, accompanied by a general review of the literature of the subject. 2. Anything in the memoir which shall furnish proof of the identity of the author shall be considered as debarring the essay from competition. 3. Each memoir must be accompanied by a sealed envelope enclosing the - — author’s name and superscribed with a motto corresponding to one borne by the ie manuscript, and must be in the hands of the Secretary on or before April 1st | of the year for which the prize is offered. | < Supsects ror 1896 :— (1) A study of an area of schistose or foliated rocks in the eastern United ates. 2) A study of the development of river valleys in some considerable area - of folded or faulted Appalachian structure in Pennsylvania, Virginia, or Ten- nessee, 3B) hn: experimental study of the effects of close-fertilization in the case ae of some plant of short cycle. | } (4) Contributions to our baovlaigs of the general morphology or the gen- ~ Bea: eral physiology of any animal, except man. s Snsects FOR 1897: — S 1) A study of glacial, fluviatile, or incision pues dsaociated with 2 the closing stages of the glacial period. (2) Original investigations in regard to the chalazal impregnation of any North American species of Angiosperms. - - (3) An experimental investigation in cytology. Psa A contribution to our knowledge: of the > Feeepholcigy of the Bacteria. SAMUEL HENSHAW, Secr etary. Boston F Hoey of Natural History, | Eee ‘pice ie Weck TR C. 0. WHITMAN, Chicago, M. ‘WEED, eg N. H, Pror, W. S. BA Pror. W. H. HOBBS, Madison, Wis. ERW. $4.60 per Year (Foreii AMERICAN NATURALIST A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE NATURAL SCIENCES IN THEIR WIDEST SENSE. NAGING EDIT Prors. E. D. COPE, Philadelphia, AND J. 8. a paia hahen Tufts College, College Hill, Mass. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Dr. C. E. BESSEY, Lincoln, Neb., YLEY, Waterville, Maine, Dr. WM. IN F. SMITH, wask. D. x -e MERCER, Philadelphia. . E A. ANDREWS, OMAINE EE in rheg dapi , NOVEMBER, 1895. © ; PAGE DISTINCTION BETWEEN ANIMALS AND PLANT: Ci ias. 961 EPRODUCTION OF PLUMULARIAN “Hvorom str rated). C. C. Nutling. T IN PLANTS. ( ale age . Macloskie. 973 ( lustrate J seph F. THE First FAUNA OF THE EARTH. errr Bulletin bat the oa for 1893 Geölogieal ror Michigan, ice TR eology of SR E “i -i z i B Go rals- Miscellaneous —The Rocks of Gouverneur, ites sa hap Me at St. John, N.B. | Volca “elutes! i Eoen = CONTENDS. Zool Stratifi (take Keg ro a and Lefts. anita Bats o i | Netting Ro alike Plants of North America.. Vegetable Phoeidotary— faciajdo —Kroeber’s Tran my Pigs logy—A- aree Sei and Toxi Putrid Fis ‘ Ent Ee: of Eyi amolo | Habits of Sua era oe Notes. of the’! Bra By bryolc Wey = a O wa ee tW aki in Hyp Cebus. and the Matches- Sand Swallo h : Anth ropo Tke Di ise EA and Wood Impler Mud Deposit in Florida. Garta SCIENTIFIC NEws PHILADELPHIA, U. S ree r a REDUCED from $8.00 to $6.00 a year, wIEWS 2 Sy epee aut | TRIBUTE TO MAKE THIS PERIODICAL Encyclopedic in Shove, Character, Completeness, Comprehensiveness Every intelligent reader will find in THE LIVING AGE Food to Nourish, Stimulate, and sags Thought. The ablest and brightest men and omen of the world have read and Somana it during more than half a century. - “Exhaustive Reviews of recent publications, the latest results of Scientific Research, Biographical Sketches of eminent characters, Travel, Exploration, Literary Criticism, and every phase of Culture and Progress in Europe Fiction and Choice Poetry —ali these make up THE LIVING AGE.” — Evening Bulletin, Phila. A Weekly Magazine, it gives more than Three and a Quarter Thousand double column octavo pages of reading-matter yearly, forming four large volumes. Price scription REDUCED irom $8.00 to $6.00 a year. This makes The Living Age absolutely the cheapest magazine published. bscribe Now for 1896 and puny Sa Free the ERREGE m weekly issues of 1895. CLUB wera? For $9.00 Tue LIVING AGE and any one of the American $4.00 monthlies; or for $8.00 id. È LIVING AGE and any one of the $3.00 einean, ill be sent fora ént! post- pa Rates for stubbing THE LIVING AGE with other periodicals will be sent on application. Address, LITTELL & CO., P. O. Box 5206. Boston. “ For $9.00 LITTELL’S LIVING AGE and THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, will be sent, each one year, postpaid.” THE AMERICAN NATURALIST VoL. XXIX. November, 1895. 347 THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN ANIMALS AND PLANTS. By J. C. ARTHUR. The animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom were not sharply distinguished in the days when science was young, some two or three centuries ago, when even learned men be- lieved in the Scythian lamb,’ that grew on the top of a small tree-trunk in place of foliage, and in the wonderful tree of the British Isles,* whose fruit turned to birds when it fell on the ground, and to fishes when it fell into water; and the two kingdoms are not sharply distinguished to-day, when learned men do not agree upon the systematic position of the Myxo- gastres and other low forms, some going so far as to assert that many of the simple organisms are on neutral ground, belong- ing no more to one than to the other kingdom. Dr. Asa Gray* once said that “no absolute distinction whatever is now known between them. It is quite possible that the same organism 1 Read before joint session of Sections F and G of the A. A. A. S., Springfield meeting, Sept. 2, 1895. ? Duret, Histoire admirable des plantes, 1605; Jonston, Dendrographias sive histori naturalis de arboribus, 1662; LaCroix, Connubia florum, ed. 2, 1791. 3 Duret, l. c.; Gerarde, Herball, 1597. ae Monthly, 1860; Darwiniana, p. 124. 962 The American Naturalist. [November, may be both vegetable and animal, or may be first the one and then the other.” So numerous have been the vain attempts to find some character of universal diagnostic value that it seems rash in- deed to make another trial. But, in case of failure, no harm will be done, even if no advance has been made. In all attempts, so far as they have come to my notice, the characters selected to distinguish the two kingdoms have been physiological, and not structural. Yet, in the classification of plants among themselves, or of animals among themselves, the characters of acknowledged value are drawn from structure, and physiological distinctions are only considered when the organisms are very minute or simple, like the bacteria and yeasts, or for some other exceptional reason. It seems, there- fore, highly illogical to accept a purely physiological character as fundamental for separating the two kingdoms. On this ground we would discard Linnzeus’ classification :* Lapides crescunt, vegetabilia crescunt et vivunt, animalia . crescunt, vivunt et sentient; and that of Heckel® who accords the chlorophyll function to plants and not to animals; and that of Sedgwick and Wilson” who find the sole characteristic of animals to be dependence upon proteid food ; and also that of Dangeard® and Minot,’ who distinguish the two kingdoms by the manner in which the food, or food material, is taken into the organism. There are also characters, for which I need cite no authority, that were advocated at different times in the past, which have since been discarded for lack of universality, such as a carbon dioxide respiration in plants and an oxygen respiration in animals, that plants exclusively convert in- organic matter into organic matter, that plants alone produce chlorophyll, or cellulose, or starch, etc. 5 Philosophia botanica, ed. 4, 1 ê Systematische Phyl. genie ve neh te und Pflanzen, 1894; abs, in Science, i, 1895, p 272. 1 Biology, 1886, p. 167. 8 Ann, des sci. nat., 7th ser., Bot. T. V.; Comp. rend., 1887; Le Botaniste, 1895, p. 188. ? Science, i, 1895, p. 311. 1895.] The Distineticn Between Animals and Plants. 963 In attempting to distinguish animals and plants by means of definite characters, there is another point that needs atten- tion. Primary characters are to be drawn from the mature condition of the organism, and not from the reproductive or the immature state. This is such an obvious proposition in the ordinary classification of animals or plants, that it seems strange that in diagnosing the two kingdoms it should have been entirely overlooked. There areremarkable similarities in methods of reproduction among plants and animals, not only in the processes, but in the external means for protection and in the methods of dissemination of the reproductive bodies. Especially is this true of non-sexual reproduction among the lower orders. The reproductive structures are sometimes very elaborate, and the organism in that state often attracts more attention than in the vegetative condition, as in the case of the Myxogastres. It is obvious that the individual is the object that we are studying and classifying, and therefore the most fundamental of characters should apply to the individual—the vegetative organism, and not to the mode by which a suc- cession of individuals is maintained. The following definition of plants and animals is suggested as meeting the requirements of the conditions of classification mentioned above : PLANTS are organisms possessing (in their vegetative state) a cellulose investment. ANIMALS are organisms possessing (in their vegetative state) a proteid investment, either potential or actual. The organism may be a cellular body with the investment extending to each protoplasmic unit, as is usual in plants, or it may be a ccenocytic body with the investment extending only to the compound units, as in most animals and in some plants (e. g., Mucorine, Siphonacex). As a rule, the investment is most prominently developed upon the general outer surface of the organism. By designating the constitution of the walls, it is intended to cover only the original or basic substance of which they are composed, and has no reference to subsequent depositions or infiltrations, of whatever character they may be. Thus in the 964 The American Naturalist. [October, walls of grasses and Equiseti there is often a great amount of silica, in certain seaweeds (Corallina) much lime, in tunicates so much cellulose that it sometimes amounts to one-fourth of the dry weight,” and yet, in the case of the plants named, the original and fundamental substance of the wall is cellulose, and in the animals proteid. A small amount of nitrogen has recently been found by Winterstein"” associated with the cellu- lose of fungi, but in what form has not yet been determined. Other instances of a similar nature might be cited. It may be well to say that by cellulose is meant both pri- mary and compound celluloses and their various modifications, all of which are carbohydrates, and by proteid is meant the nitrogenous, non-protoplasmic substance of walls, no formula for which is known, but which Cross and Bevan” suggest “may prove to be of similar carbon configuration to that of cellulose.” There are some organisms which, in their vegetative state, consist of so-called naked protoplasm, of which the most con- spicuous and well-known examples are the Myxogastres, Many species of these fungus-animals (Pilzthiere), however, are known to possess a distinct proteid envelop about the plas- modium” which, by its chemical reaction, is shown to be non- protoplasmic, and it may be inferred that careful examination will find it present in most of the species, and that it can be considered as potential or undeveloped in the others, They are, therefore, distinctly animal in their fundamental character- istic. Although usually treated in botanical text-books and studied by botanists, they were long since shown by DeBary" to have more points of agreement with animals than with plants, and he believed them to be “outside the limits of the vegetable kingdom.” This separation by DeBary was made Schmidt, Zur vergleichenden Physiologie der wirbellosen Thiere. Ann. d. Chem., liv, 1845, p. 318 ; Schacht, Miiller’s Archiv, 1851, p. 185; Schäfer, Ueber Thiercellulose, Ann. d. Chem., clx, 187 1, p. 312, ^ Ber. d. d. chem. Ges., xxviii, (1895) p. 167. 12 Cellulose, 1895, p. 88. 13 DeBary, Morphology and biology of the fungi, mycetozoa and bacteria, p. 496. 4 Die Mycetozoen, ed. 2, Leipzig, 1864; 1. c., p. 444. 1895.] The Distinction Between Animals and Plants. 965 without any reference to a proteid membrane, which may, however, be considered the crucial diagnostic character. Another set of organisms, with apparently naked proto- plasm during the vegetative stage, are the endophytic parasites belonging to the group of genera represented by Synchytrium, Woronina, Olpidiopsis, Rozella and Reesia. Whether they ever possess any demonstrable proteid envelop has not been ascertained, but it is known that they have no cellulose en- velop; they are, therefore, not plants, and must, in conse- quence, be animals. This disposition of them has already been made by Zopf” on the ground that a “ plasmodial char- acter of the vegetative condition is entirely foreign to the Eumycetes.” The Chytridiacez, which are usually associated - with the Synchytria, have a much reduced but demonstrable mycelium formed of cellulose, and are, therefore, unmistakable plants. Among the lowest forms, as generally classified, the Rhizo- pods, including Amoeba, and the far simpler Monera, show no distinct proteid envelop, but neither do they show any indi- cation of a cellulose envelop, and as the other affinities appear to be with animals rather than with plants, they are doubt- less rightly placed in the animal kingdom. It is reason- able to expect that more careful examination will, in some cases, show a simple or imperfectly formed proteid envelop. It may be well to specifically state for sake of clearness that the nature of the investment of spores or sporophores has no significance in this connection. They are to be regarded as adaptations without primary classificatory value. The crucial diagnostic character, which is here proposed, has in its favor the separation of plants and animals upon a line which accords well with the consensus of opinion of thoughtful students, both botanists and zoologists, an opinion which has been formed from a variety of structural, physio- logical and developmental data. True relationship must necessarily be adduced from a study of the full life-history of organisms, diagnostic characters only forming points of depart- ure. ® Die Pilze, 1890, p. 2. 966 ; The American Naturalist. [November, NOTES ON THE REPRODUCTION OF PLUMULARIAN HYDROIDS. By ©. C. Nurtina. During the past spring and summer, while studying the Plumulariide at Plymouth, England and Naples, Italy, the writer came across certain facts which are deemed to be of such general biological importance as to render an immediate announcement desirable, without waiting for the completion of a work in which a more formal discussion of these facts and their significance will appear. Asexual reproduction of Plumularia pinnata Linn. This species is the most abundant plumularian at Plymouth affording ample material for satisfactory study. The first spec- imens with young gonangia were brought to the laboratory on May 2nd. Ten days before this I noticed that several fresh specimens were peculiar in having a number of the hydrocla- dia greatly produced into thread-like extensions ending in a clavate enlargement. Neither hydranths nor nematophores grew upon these processes, although the usual number were found in their normal position on the unmodified portions of the hydrocladia. These specimens were kept alive in a separate jar, and three days later it was found that the curiously lengthened hydro- cladia had continued their abnormal growth, and that some of the enlarged ends had become forked. A microscopic exami- nation showed that the hydrocladial extensions were almost or entirely destitute of nodes, the whole structure being a sim- ple tube, with perisarc, ectoderm and endoderm enclosing the axial cavity in which the life currents were moving in un- usual activity. The most notable histological feature was the surprising number of nematocysts embedded in the ccenosare. The colony seemed in good condition, the hydranths being fully expanded and active. 1895.] Notes on the Reproduction of Plumularian Hydroids. 967 Under date of April 27th, four days later, I find the follow- ing note: “To-day I noticed some delicate, thread-like lines adhering to the inside of a jar containing living colonies of P. pinnata. Upon moving a piece of stone, I found that these lines were the long, thread-like processes or continuations of hydrocladia noticed several daysago. Uponclose investigation hydranths were seen fully expanded arising from these processes attached to the glass, and one small colony with the primate branching of Plumularia had advanced so far as toshow seven hydranths on branches. The original process from the hydrocladium of the parent colony has become a creeping stolon attached to the glass. It is sending up the new colony on the one hand, and giving forth delicate rootlets on the other. A single hydranth growing on the stolon a little to the right of the in- cipient colony already described, seems to indicate the starting of a second colony. Several other stolons (derived in the same way from greatly elongated hydrocladia) are giving off little colonies. There have been no other plumularians in this jar, and the original colonies were without gonangia.” These new colonies were kept alive for a week longer, by which time their connection with the parent stocks had been destroyed by atrophy of the hydrocladial extensions from which the new colonies arose, and the daughter colonies had attained considerable size and all the characteristic features of P. pinnata. In another jar a colony showing the hydrocladial extensions was purposely placed so that they could reach neither the side of the jar nor any other point of support. This did not inter- fere with the asexual reproduction, however, as the processes became forked at their distal ends, and from these forks arose incipient colonies. After a week had elapsed the parent col- ony died and the main stem became withered and dropped to the bottom of the jar, carrying with it the daughter colonies which were then able to attach themselves and proceed with their development as would any other colony. After a careful search through the literature of the sub- ject, I am unable to find any account of this mode of re- 968 The American Naturalist. [November, production either among hydroids or any other of the metazoa, and I propose for it the name Stoloniferous reproduction on ac- count of the great similarity which it bears to that process among plants.’ Asexual multiplication has long been known to exist among the hydroids, where it usually presents itself in some form of gemmation. Fission has been found to occur in a medusa, Stomobrachium mirabile Köll., but the most remarkable case heretofore recorded is described by Allman in a campanula- rian named by him Schizocladium ramosum? The process is, in brief, as follows: An ordinary ramulus, instead of bearing a hydranth on its distal end, elongates and the ccenosare ruptures the chitinous investment at the tip and protrudes naked into the water. constriction takes place by which this naked ccenosarc is divided off and finally separated from the parent stem. “The detached segment is now the rivof an inch in length, and strikingly resembles a planula in all points except in the total absence of vibratile cilia. It attaches itself by a mucous ex- cretion from its surface to the walls of the vessel, and exhibits slight and very sluggish changes of form. After a time a bud springs from its side, and it is from this bud alone that the first hydranth of the new colony is developed.” Although this process resembles the stoloniferous multipli- cation of Plumularia pinnata in the formation of a new colony from a modified branch termination, it differs greatly in the fact that in Schizocladium the divided portion or “ frustule,” as Allman calls it, becomes entirely separated from the parent stock before the new colony begins to develop, while in P. pin- nato, there is a vital connection by means of the greatly elonga- ted hydrocladium. The stoloniferous multiplication must not be confounded with any of the many modes of branching heretofore found among the hydroids, which do not give rise to separate colo- 1“ Stolons are trailing or reclining branches above ground which strike root where they touch the soil, and then send up a vigorous shoot which has roots of its own, and becomes an independent plant when the connecting part dies, as it does after awhile.” Gray, School and Handbook of Botany, p. 37. ? Report Brit. Association, 1870, and “ Gymnoblastie Hydroids,” p. 151, 152. PLATE XXXII. MMM “< .]B§;&BLBE r ws e — a DS a icy ao FS aeee 5 <] BR r RAMA Tie Plumularia pinnata L. 1895.] Notes on the Reproduction of Plumularian Hydroids. 969 nies having independent hydrorhize ; neither is it equivalent to the multiplication often effected by mutilation. There is no mutilation in this case, unless we may so regard the spon- taneous atrophy of the connection between the old and new colonies. That this stoloniferous multiplication is normal is indicated by the fact that specimens fresh from the sea exhibited the greatly elongated and forked hydrocladia. _ It may be well to note that P. pinnata seems to have repro- ductive powers greater than those of any other Plumularian known to me. At the proper season that part of the stem from which the hydrocladia spring is fairly packed with gonangia which may even be crowded out onto the hydrocladia. In some instances it seemed as if the reproductive potentiality demanded some other outlet, and long processes, exactly like the hydrocladial processes described above, were seen spring- ing from the interior of the gonangia themselves. The possibility of conjugation among the Plumularidae. During the months of June, July and August a small spe- cies of Aglaophenia was brought almost daily to the Naples Zoological Station. It grows on a long ribbon-like alga in shallow water and bears a general resemblance to A. pluma Linn., from which it differs in exhibiting a frequent intercala- tion of intervening internodes on the distal half of the stem, in the more distant hydrocladia, and in having, as a rule, not more than three hydrothece to each internode. In June it was noticed that a large proportion of the colo- nies had the end of the main stem greatly elongated and en- larged, the proximal part of this extension being divided into a great number of short internodes, while the distal portion was abruptly bent over so as to form a nearly closed hook. In many cases the ends of two colonies would be hooked together, clasping each other so tightly that they could not be separated without mutilating the specimens. This state of affairs was so common at this time that one could not regard the attach- ment as accidental or abnormal, and further developments were awaited with great interest. 970 The American Naturalist. [November, In July this attachment was seldom seen, although the en- larged stem terminations were still common. These latter appeared to be shedding their perisarc, which was often seen to be partly peeled off. About the middle of August I observed that these enlarged ends were forking just as did the produced hydrocladia of P. pinnata. Still later, immediately before my departure from Naples, I found some of these enlarged ends attached to the sides of the jar and budding, although the buds had not yet. developed into hydranths. There is practically no doubt that we have here a ease of stoloniferous reproduction in the genus Aglaophenia. Although I was unable to demonstrate the use of the clasp- ing hooks at the ends of the stems, it was impossible to escape the constantly recurring suggestion that they might possibly signify a mode of conjugation such as is found among the Pro- tozoa (e. g., Paramecium) and the Algæ (e. g., Spirogyra). That these hooked ends are for some definite purpose can be confidently assumed, and there are but two explanations which appear plausible. Ist. These terminal hooks may aid directly in the stolonif- erous reproduction by attaching themselves to some adjacent object upon which the new colonies can grow. i 2nd. They may be clasping organs for use in conjugation. As a matter of fact they may serve both purposes. My obser- vations strongly indicate that they are useful as a means of attachment, and the following considerations indicate a strong possibility that conjugation may take place. 1st. They were seen so often in a position favoring conjuga- tion, i. e., with the ends of two colonies clasped in a close em- brace as to indicate a normal function. 2nd. It was after this supposed conjugation that the stolon- iferous multiplication was observed to be under way. 3rd. These enlarged ends of the stems were found to contain a number of amæboid cells which were unusually active, sending out pronounced pseudopodia. I could not decide definitely whether these cells were in the ectoderm or endo- derm, on account of the unfavorable position of the living col- ony under inspection. 1895.] Notes on the Reproduction of Plumularian Hydroids. 971 Stained sections of these hooks failed to throw much addi- tional light on the subject, the only noticeable histological feature being an appearance of great activity in cell multipli- cation, and the presence of an unusual number of nematocysts. These sections were of value, however, in demonstrating that the enlargement of the stem termination was not due to the presence of a parasite, as is sometimes the case among hydroids, e. g., Syncoryne eximia and Coryne mirabilis. The clasping of the hooks is probably effected mechanically by the undulations of the ripples passing along the alga which supports the hydroid colonies. Conjugation is essentially the union of two individuals of a species during which an interchange of protoplasm is effected without the intervention of ova or spermatozoa. So far as I have been able to discover this process has not heretofore been found among the metazoa, and the observations recorded above must be regarded as merely an indicatior. of the possibility of conjugation among hydroids. It is now a wellestablished fact that the sex cells, both male and female, of the Plumulariide originate in the endoderm of the stem ; and any process which would enable the contents of the endodermal cells of one stem to mix with the contents of the endodermal cells of the stem of another colony would ren- der conjugation possible so far as the purely mechanical part of the question is concerned. This would be effected in the case under consideration by the solution of the contiguous walls of the hooks when clasped as already described. While this solution was not actually seen in any of the specimens described by me, it was found that the perisare was usually thinner in the region of contact than elsewhere. It must be remembered, moreover, that in the normal repro- duction of most hydroids a solution of the perisarc of the stem is effected, probably by chemical action, whenever a gonan- gium is formed,‘ and therefore no new principle would have to 3 The permanent union of individuals which results in Diplozoon cannot be termed conjugation in the sense eet used, because in the Diplozoon the interyen- tion of ova and sperma t+“ Die Entstehung der Sexualzellen bei den Hydromedusen.”” Dr. August Weismann, p. 182. 972 The American Naturalist. [November, be invoked to accomplish this end in the case under discus- sion. In passing from below upward in the stem of a plumularian examined just before the appearance of the gonangia, we find that the sex cells intergrade perfectly with the ordinary endodermal cells, many of which are themselves destined to become sex cells. The endodermal cells, then, in the distal part of the stem, contain that which will ultimately become ova or spermatozoa, or they contain what might be called the undifferentiated sex elements. A given colony of Aglaophenia is always unisexual. That is, all the gonangia contain sex cells of one kind, and both ova and spermatozoa are never found in one colony. Now it is evident that the hooking together of a male and a female colony by the upper parts of their stems, accompanied by a dissolving of those portions of the perisare which are in contact, would leave only the thin ectoderm between the endo- dermal cells of the two colonies, and a communication between the undifferentiated sex cells would be an easy matter; for Weis- mann found that the undifferentiated sex cells exhibited pro- nounced amceboid movements’ and such movements would, of course, greatly facilitate conjugation. The ameboid cells observed by me in the clasping hooks may be of significance in this connection. Not only did these cells exhibit activity in sending forth pseudopodia, but they also moved bodily from place to place among the surrounding cells. State University of Iowa, Sept. 26, 1895. EXPLANATION OF PLATE. en . Colony of Plumularia pinnata Linn. showing (a) hydro- cladial extensions; (b) forking of ends of hydrocladia ; (c) new colony still attached to parent stock ; (d) new col- ony separated from parent stock. New colony, magnified, showing polyps and rootlets. Portion of hydrocladium showing terminal extension. Tip of hydrocladial extension showing (a) the budding of a new colony. ` Š This fact was repeatedly observed by the present writer. i & bP 1895,] Antidromy in Plants. 973 5. Colonies of Aglaophenia sp. showing (a) terminal exten- sion of stem; (b) terminal hook ; (c) clasping of hooks; (d) budding of hooks; (e) new colony attached to side of jar and to parent stock. 6. Clasping hooks, magnified. : ANTIDROMY IN PLANTS. By G. MACLOSKIE. In November, 1893, I published observations on Maize, from which it appeared that there are two castes of this plant, the leaves of one reversing the arrangement of those of the other. I also traced this diversity to the arrangement of the minute leaves in the young embryo in the seed; thus in figures 1, 2, the first foliage-leaf has its right margin overlapping its left margin. In other seeds from the same ear the first leaf would have its left margin external. I further found that the grains arising on adjoining rows in the ear of corn are of fe different castes, and produce “ antidromic” Grain of Maize; cross Š f z ; any plants (that is, growing up in opposing curves), and that the same property be- longs to all the Graminee. During the past summer I have ex- tended this law so as to embrace the flowering plants. Every species is repre- Fig. 2. sented by two sets, differing antidromic- Young leaves of Plu- ally as to the structure of the mother- mule of Maize. seed, the stem, leaves and inflorescence. My attention was first attracted to this in the Ladies’ Tresses (Spiranthes preecox Watson), which had, in some plants, dextral, in others sinistral, rows of white flowers; and on examination the dextral and sinistral anthotaxy were found to be accom- panied respectively by dextral and sinistral phyllotaxy. Fig. 3, wart 974 The American Naturalist. [November, representing Spiranthes aestivalis Rich., shows, in a less crowded manner the sinistral anthotaxy! This specimen would doubt- less have sinistrorse phyllotaxy, and there should be other specimens with dextrorse tresses and leaf spirals. Thus it appears that the much-belabored phyllotaxy of the old bot- anists is a special case of a larger subject. The homodromy of phyllotaxy and antho- taxy within a single individual may be ob- served in Ænothera biennis, Verbascum thap- sus, Laportea and Pontederia ; and even in Gladiolus and Tris we may trace a corres- pondence between the order of equitant leaves and the inflorescence, Whilst the produce of propagation by cuttings, buds, and bulbs is always homodromic with the parent stalk, some forms, like Calla-lily, Iris and Rush, when growing from division of a root-stalk, appear to be antidromic as if produced from different seeds. Fig. 4 shows the spathes of two Calla-lilies, from the same root-stalk, d having the dextral margin over- lapping, and s having the sinistral overlap- ping. We may add that the akenes on the spadix of d make a dextrorse spiral, and those on that of s make a sinistrose spiral. ne a: ranthes aestivalis In this connection it is interesting to ob- Bich. he Engler and serve that (so far as I am able to determine Prantl. from leaves of Bryophyllum supplied me by Amherst Agricultural Station) the buds growing on opposite margins of the leaves are relatively antidromic. Secondary changes, due to twining of stems, spreading out of leaves under the light, opposition of leaves, and crowding of flowers, and perfect symmetry of seeds, often disguise the prim- itive character, especially in the Dicotyledones. But, even in these cases, we commonly find some trace remaining, In the great majority of plants, in fruit trees, garden flowers and weeds, the phyllotaxy immediately divides the representatives * Dextral and sinistral in this connection signify in the direction, or against the direction, of the thread of a common screw. 1895.] Antidromy in Plants. 975 of every species into a right-handed and a left-handed caste ; and even when sunlight interferes, we often get help from js A Fig. 4.—Richardia africana Kunth. branches in the shade. Examples of it abound in all the more important orders of plants, and there seems to be no exception, though in opposite-leaved forms the evidence from phyllotaxy is not easily available. I have found no case of heterodromy as between the true foliage leaves of an individual plant; and the only case in which I have failed to observe antidromy between different plants is the Canna, which is mostly propagated by bulbs. (Doubtless there are specimens with a right-handed twist of the young leaves, though I have failed to find any.) In a bed of Lily of the Valley, half of the specimens have the inner leaf diverging 120° to the right, and the rest have simi- lar divergency to the left. (Fig. 5.) In this, as in other Liliaceze, the anthotaxy will be found to vary in harmony with the phyl- lotaxy. Doubtless the anti- dromic phyllotaxy causes a corresponding anti- dromy of the leaf-traces, and of structure of the stem. This has escaped anatomists who expected symmetry; but some of the figures in the books show a trending of leaf- 976 The American Naturalist. [November,. traces to one side, and in all such cases we may be certain that some of the individuals have similar trending to the opposite side. The structure of the embryo, and of the seed as conforming to the embryo, is very closely identical with that of the adult plant, and is of use to us when the other evidence is hidden. Thus fig. 6 shows the flat surface of a coffea-akene; half of the akenes are of this pattern, the other half resemble the image of this in a mirror. Fig. 7 shows a cross-section (r) of fig. 6; Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. and also (/) of the antidrom of fig. 6, under the same orienta- tion, and thus revealing the reverse order of the infolding of the endosperm. Fig. 8 presents the seed and embryo of Nelumbium ; on seeing this I predicted the existence of other seeds with the embryo facing the opposite way, and promptly Mr. Barney and myself fished out of the Lily-ponds of Spring- field, Mass., plenty of seeds which showed, under similar orien- tation, the embryos facing some one way and some the oppo- site way. The petalsof Water-lilies are also diversely enfolded in the bud of different plants. The seeds of Lima-bean were found to have characteristic differences in the mode of enfold- ing upon each other of the first two foliage-leaves ; and all the seeds growing on one valve of the pod were of one character, whilst those growing on the other valve were the antidroms of the former. The germinating pea sends up its plumule with a slight twist to one side or the other. The embryo of Bass- wood, with its large 5-lobed cotyledons, shows antidromic twists as between different seeds; and diversity is seen in the 1895.] Antidromy in Plants. 977 mode of folding of the embryos of the two seeds, produced by one flower, of Maple (A. platanoides L.). In Horse-chestnut the radicles of different seed incurve antidromically (a and c of fig. 9), and the young leaves of the plumule (situated inside the radicle at p of fig. a, enlarged at fig. b) show the leaflets differ- ently arranged at the two sides, indicating the same primitive torsion as in other plants. The torsion of the plumule of ¢ would be antidromic as com- pared with that figured. That the place of origin z of the seeds is ordinarily Fig. 9. the determining cause Of Embryo and Plumule of Horse-chestnut. this character is proved by Corn, Coffee, Bean, Lepidium, and other seeds. In Gymnosperm the bilateral origin of the seeds, and the spiral arrangement of their numerous cotyledons point to the same inference, which is confirmed by the phyllotaxy, and by the primary spirals formed by the scales of their cones, as well as by the lateral bending of their woody tissues. We may ascribe to this cause the habit of splitting of tree-trunks in contrary spirals, and I think that the same tendency sometimes shows itself in the sculpturing of the cortex, so that from the bark of Chestnut and hard-barked Hickory I can infer the direction of the phyllo- taxy without seeing the leaves. ` Direct evidence as to the Convulvulacee is difficult because of secondary distortions. But indirect evidence is available. Morning-glory has an incumbent curvature of the embryo as in many Crucifere, indicating such a diversity between the two seeds in a locule as produces in Crucifere antidromic phyllotaxy. This may also help to explain the twist of the embryo of Lepidium virginicum L. which has puzzled botanists, and if our sufmise is good, we may expect to find the embryos of two seeds of the same fruit antidromically twisted. After writing as above I examined the seeds from the two carpels of a flower of L. virginicum, and found them anti- 67 978 The American Naturalist. [November, dromic. The same explanation applies to the embryo of sisymbrium officinale, and to the spirally-folded embryos of Chenopodiacex. The two forms of the embryo of Salsola kali are figured in Engler and Prantl’s Pflanzenfamilien (III, 1a, p- 84, Y, Z). The pods of mesquit (Prosopis) and of Impatiens have a right or left twist in harmony with the antidromic phyllotaxy of the plant on which they grow. These observations help to solve old problems, recall phyllo- taxy to the science in an improved garb, open up new lines of research, and start curious problems about heredity. If, how- ever, the ovum is able to transmit the secondary characters of a species, there will be small difficulty found in admitting that it can transmit the primitive characteristics that are common to all Phanerogams, and that possibly belong also to the higher Cryptogams. But the curious point is the difference of heredity as between the two sides of a carpellary leaf; and other problems arestarted by such cases as Richardia. I wish to explain that my work has been necessarily done in haste, and whilst, as a whole, I think it is sound, it will doubtless need rectification in details. Postscript.—In the above I have unfortunately overlooked the valuable observations of Prof. W. J. Beal on Phyllotaxis of Cones, published in the AMERICAN NATURALIST of August, 1873 and March, 1877. He found the cones of individual spruce and larch trees to be heterodromic. If this should prove to be general or frequent, it may possibly be accounted for by secondary torsions during growth. My own observa- tions on Tsuga, Pinus, etc., favor the view given above; and I may add that the arrangement of florets in heads of sunflowers and other composite appears to be antidromic and in accord with the phyllotaxy of the respective plants. The cones of coniferze change in opening so as to make the secondary spiral appear the dominant one. I have a cone of Picca excelsa, with ten scales open on one side, where they appear dextrally arranged, whereas the unopened side shows the primary arrangement to be sinistral. Taking the opened and unopened cones of the whole tree, one might conclude that half the cones were antidromic to the others.—G. M. 1895.] The First Fauna of the Earth. 979 THE FIRST FAUNA OF THE EARTH. By Josern F. JAMES. (Continued from page 887). In 1886, there came an announcement from Sweden that was received with incredulity upon this side of the Atlantic. The geologists there had determined that instead of the Olenellus fauna occupying the middle position, it was at the base, and the Paradoxides fauna was in the middle. Continu- ous sections showed the rocks of Lower, Middle and Upper Cambrian age in conformable succession, and the question at once arose, Could there he one sequence upon the eastern and a different one on the western side of the Atlantic? If not, then which was correct? The difficulty on this side was to find a continuous section, and it was not until 1888 that it was found. In that year, Mr. C. D. Walcott, now the Director of the U. S. Geological Survey, found in Newfoundland the de- sired section. Here the Olenellus fauna was at the base, and the Paradoxides fauna was above it. The base of the Cambrian being thus at last defined, it then remained to ascertain the extent and variety of organic life in these old rocks. To Mr. Walcott again the world owes the best exposition of this fauna. In a paper published in 1890, he showed there was a variety and profusion of life that had never before been imagined. In this fauna there were repre- sentatives of all the great classes of invertebrates. Strange to say, the most highly organized class had the greatest number of species, as shown below: Spongie . : : . 4 species. Hydrozoa . ‘ : ; 2 species. Actinozoa : : : è . 9 species. Echinodermata . ; : : 1 species. Annelida (?) . 3 ; ; i . 6 species. Brachiopoda : ; : ; ; 29 species. Lamellibranchiata . ; : . 8 species. 980 The American Naturalist. [November, Gastropoda Pteropoda Crustacea. Trilobita . ‘ i : 13 species. i i : . 15 species. 8 species. 51 species. The astonishing number of 141 American species was there- fore known in 1890 from this very old series of rocks, and this has since been added to until there are now known from the world nearly 200 species, distributed among about 75 genera. The illustrations accompanying this article show some mem- bers of most of the classes above-mentioned. In Figure 4 is Fig. 4. Archeocyathus pro- fundus. shown the cup of a small specimen of Archæocyathus profundus, one of. the Actinozoa. In Figure 5 we have two views of Medusites lindstromii, one of the Hydrozoa, and supposed to represent casts of the gastric cavity of a jelly- fish. In Figure 6 there are shown a number of forms of Brachiopoda, a class which, in times past, was very abund- ant, but which now has only a limited number of representatives. Figure 7 shows some species of Fig. 5. Medusites lindstromit. Gastropods and Figure 8 the three known species of Lamelli- branchiata or bivalve shells which are, to-day, so abundant in the fresh and salt waters of the globe. In Figure 9 there is 1895.] The First Fauna of the Earth. 981 shown one of the species of annelids. The soft bodies of these animals have, of course, decayed, and all that remains to tell of their former existence is a vast variety of trails and bur- rows, which, in some places, cover the rocks in myriads. ‘The problematic character of fossils has caused them to be de- scribed as Algæ, but there seems no reason to doubt that they were really worm casts, burrows or trails. In Figure 10 are shown some species of Hyolithes, a genus of Pteropods now en- tirely extinct, but represented in the Lower Cambrian by eight species and one variety. Figure 11 is a representation of a Fig. 6. Various species of Brachiopoda. ~~ 982 The American Naturalist. [November, crustacean in a nearly per- fect state of preservation,and Figure 12 is a group of trilo- bites of various genera, most of them belonging to the typical genus of the Lower Cambrian, Olenellus. This ge- nus, as pointed out by Wal- cott, is probably genetically related to Paradoxides, the typical genus of trilobites of the Middle Cambrian, and it has its modern, living proto- Fig. 8. Lamellibranchiata. type in the common horse- shoe crab, Limulus, of the Atlantic coast. It would be an interesting fact, and a not altogether improb- able one, to find in Limu- lus a descendant of Olenel- lus of the LowerCambrian. Besides the great varie- ty of forms found in this very ancient fauna of the globe, there is the interest- ing subject of geographical distribution and its con- nection with the study of evolution. As already stated, the three great divisions of the Cambrian, the Lower, Fig. 9. Trails of Annelids (P/anolites). 1895.] The First Fauna of the Earth. 983 Middle and Upper, are each characterized by a special genus of trilobite. Inthe lower zone we have Olenellus, in the middle zone Paradoxides, and in the upper zone Dikellocephalus. These three genera are so closely related that it does not require any stretch of the imagination to regard one as a descendant of the previously existing form. It is true there are no exactly connecting links between the three, and yet there are genera known which have certain intermediate characters. In some localities the three zones present an almost conformable se- quence, with scarcely a break in sedimentation, but in other places there is a very perceptible time interval between them. In the former cases, the intermediate genera are known to occur. a ad 3 2 ae “$ jia rin ‘oe . . tat” +e ’ Ta Pie aa Fig. 10. Pteropoda (//yo/ithes). Fig. 11. Protocaris marshit. We have already seen that the fossils of the Lower Cambrian are found in New York, Vermont, New Brunswick, Newfound- 984 The American Naturalist. [November, land, Sweden, Wales and Bohemia. But they have likewise been collected in Massachusetts, Georgia, Alabama and Tenne- ssee on the Atlantic side of North America, and from British America, Utah, Nevada and California on the Pacific side. They have also been found in France, in Sardinia,and in Russia, while fossils of the immediately succeeding middle and upper zones occur in all these places and in India, China, Australia and South America. It would thus appear that at a very early period in the history of the earth, the faunas then living had an almost world-wide distribution. There is, however, little to be wondered at in this, since it is probable that the conditions of existence at that early day were very uniform. Fig. 12. A group of Lower Cambrian Trilobites (much reduced). 3 What these conditions were in other countries besides -= Europe and North America can not be stated, since the rocks _ in the more remote places have not been studied with the 1895.] Editor’s Table. 985 same care asin America and Europe. From the studies of Mr. C. D. Walcott and others, it seems clear that the continent of North America in Cambrian time had essentially the same outline it now has, although it was considerably less in extent. In brief, it has been ascertained that there was a depression along the margin of what is now the Appalachian chain from Newfoundland to Alabama, protected from the open sea, the primitive Atlantic, by a fringe of islands. Along the western slope of the site of the Rocky Mountain chain the same con- ditions prevailed, and in these two troughs the fauna lived and flourished. During Middle and Upper Cambrian time, condi- tions became modified so as to allow the fauna to exist in other localities, notably in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Texas. Where the faunas originated, and how they spread from place to place, so as to become so widely scattered over the globe, are questions it is not, at present, possible to answer. That we know as much as we do about the life on the earth at so distant a period in its history, is owing to the patient work of a few enthusiastic students, among whom Mr. C. D. Wal- cott must always occupy a prominent position. EDITOR’S TABLE. —TxHE public is acquainted with the results of Peary’s last expedi- tion from which he has just returned. He was not able to discover his principal caches of food, and this, with the treachery of some of his Esquimaux, prevented him from reaching the coast which he discov- ered on his first expedition. He turned back in time to permit his reaching his camp of departure just as his provisions were exhausted. A heavy storm at the end might have ended his career at no great distance from his base of supplies. This season and the last were un- favorable for arctic exploration, and it is quite possible that some one may yet utilize Peary’s supplies and reach higher latitudes in Green- land. It is, however, certain that Greenland does not lie in the most available route to the pole, which is by way of the islands north of Siberia. Science awaits with interest the results of Nansen’s bold 986 The American Naturalist. [November, enterprise by sea, and of Jackson’s Expedition across Franz Joseph land. When once the way is open, science will send its votaries to the field which is awaiting them. Peary’s observations and collections in Ethnology, Meteorology and other departments on Inglefield Gulf will repay the cust of the ex- pedition; and the results of the relief expedition, like those of its predecessors, are of great value. Large collections were made by the latter, which will go to the American Museum of Natural History of New York, and the Museum of the University of Kansas. —Mr. L. O. Howarp, of the Department of Agriculture of Wash- ington, has made a discovery which will probably be of great practical importance. He finds that a thin stratum or film of oil on the surface of the water where they breed, will destroy the larvze of mosquitoes, This will prove welcome news to people living in many localities. How to destroy this pest of many parts of the earth has been a subject of thought for a long time. The late Dr. Robert Lamborn gave two prizes for essays which advocated the propagation of dragon-flies as the most feasible mode of attack, since the mosquito is the natural food of these raptorial insects; but no one has yet undertaken to demonstrate the practicability of the plan. The application of oil to the waters of swamps and lagoons where the Culices breed, is a simple matter, and the expense will be small in comparison with the advantage gained. The use of oil in the valley of the Missouri River, and on many parts of our coast, would increase the value of the land to an untold degree. In fact, the habitable part of the earth in many latitudes must be greatly increased in extent by this discovery. Meanwhile we must be content to let these small creatures render life miserable or impossible, and hide behind “ bars” which do not always protect, or suffocate in stinking smudges, until the use of oil for their destruction becomes general. In waters which are not private property, it will be well for the States to lead the way, and make appropriations for the purpose. RECENT LITERATURE. * Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission for 1893.\—The con- tents of this volume comprise the papers that were read at the congress ? Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission, Vol. XIII, for 1893. Washington, 1894. 1895.] Recent Literature. 987 of persons connected with fishery interests, held in Chicago Oct. 16, 1893. The papers cover a wide range of subjects, and being the views of men qualified by experience and study to speak upon the subjects treated, are of practical worth. A synopsis of the topics discussed in- cludes: 1. Fishery laws and administration of the fisheries. 2. The sciences in relation to fisheries and fish-culture. 3. Methods of capture, utilization and distribution of fishery products. 4. Fish-culture. 5. The world’s fisheries. In addition, an interesting paper is contributed by G. F. Kunz on pearls, and the utilization and application of the shells in which they are found, in the ornamental arts, as shown at the World’s Columbian Exposition. The illustrations of this article are beautiful both in subject and execution. Geological Survey of Michigan, Vol. V.’—The contents of the present volume comprise a report upon the Iron and Copper regions of the Upper Peninsula by Dr. Rominger; and a paper by A. C. Lane, on deep borings in the Lower Peninsula, based on the work done by the late Mr. Wright. Mr. Lane’s paper is prefaced by a brief chapter on the origin of salt, gypsum and petroleum written by the State Geo- logist, Mr. L. L. Hubbard, and is accompanied by 73 plates and a “map. Dr. Rominger’s report covers the work done in the iron region in 1881 and 1882 and includes recent observations made in the Copper- bearing or Keweenan group. Geology of Minnesota.*—The materials for this quarto volume have been accumulating since the Survey began, and it has been found desirable to issue the publication in two parts. Pt. 1, includes 5 chap- ters on the paleontology and systematic geology of the Lower Silurian which is found in the southeastern part of the State, and a historical sketch of investigation of the Lower Silurian in the Upper Mississippi Valley. The paleontological work is distributed as follows: Cretaceous Fossil Plants, Leo Lesquereux ; Cretaceous Microscopical Fauna, A. Woodward and B. W. Thomas; Notes on other Cretaceous fossils, N. H. Winchell; Lower Silurian Sponges, Graptolites, Corals and Brach- iopods, N. H. Winchell and C. Schuchert ; Lower Silurian Bryozoa, E. O. Ulrich. Each chapter is accompanied by page plate illustrations, 34 in all. 2 Geological Survey of Michigan, Vol. V, 1881-1893. Lansing, 1 3 Final Report of the Geology of ee Vol, I Pt. 1, Ste Minneapolis, 1895. 988 The American Naturalist. [ November, RECENT BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS. ALLEN, H.—Morphology in the Study of Disease. Extr. Trans. Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons, 1894. AMEGHINO, F.—Sur les Ongulés fossils de l’ Argentine. Examen critique de l'ouvrage de M. R. Lydekker: A Study of the Extinct Ungulates of Argentine. Extr. Revista del Jardin Zool. de Buenos Ayres, T. IT, 1894. Sur les Oiseaux fossils de Patagonie. Extr. Boletin Inst. Geog. Argen- tino, XV, 1895. From the author. Baur, G.—Bemerkungen iiber die Osteologie des Schlifengegend der héheren Wirbeltiere. Aus. Anat. Anz. x Bd. Nr. 10. From the author. BENEDICT, A. L.—Tabular Review of Organography for the use of Classes in Botany of the Dept. of Pharmacy of Buffalo. Buffalo, 1895. From the author. Birce, E. A.—The Vertical Distribution of the Pelagic Crustacea of Lake Mendota, July, 1894. Extr. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. Arts and Letters, Vol. X, 1895. From the author. BONAPARTE, R.—Les Variations Périodiques des Glaciers Français. Extr. YAnn. du Club Alpin Français, Vol. 17, 1890. ——Les Variations Périodiques des Glaciers Français. Extr. de l’Ann. du Club Alpin Frangais, T. 17, 1891. ——Assemblées démocratiques en Suisse. Extr. Figaro, 1890. —— Democratic Swisse. Extr. L’ Evénement, 1890. From the author. Bourns, F. S. AnD D. C. WorcEsTER.—Preliminary Notes on the Birds and Mammals collected by the Menage Scientific Expedition to the Philippine Islands. Occasional Paper of the Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci., Vol. I, No. 1, 1894. Bulletin No. 44, Agric. Exper. Station University of Wisconsin. Madison, 1895. BURCKHARDT, R.—Das Gebiss der Sauropsiden. Abdruck aus den Morphol. Arbeit. V Bd. Zweites Heft. From the author. CALVERT, P. P.—The Odonata of Baja California, Mexico. Extr. Proceeds. Cal. Acad. Sci., (2) IV. From the author. CLAYPOLE, E. W.—On a new specimen of Cladodus clarkii. Extr. Ann. Geol., XV, 1895. From the author. CULLEN, T. C.—Report in Gynecology, III. Johns Hopkins Hospital Reporta: Vol. IV, No. 7-8, 1895. DALL, W. H.—Report on Mollusca and Brachiopoda dredged in deep water, chiefly near the Hawaiian Islannds, with illustrations of hitherto unfigured spe- cies from Northwest America. Extr. Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., X VII, 1895. From the author. Dana, J. D.—Manual of Geology. 4th ed. New at Cincinnati, Chicago, 1895. From the American Book Co., Pub. KoENIKE, F.—Nordamerikanische Fidinda BópurkilA koik aus Ab- handi. des Naturw. Ver. zu Bremen, XIII, 1895. From the author. LIVERSIDGE, A.—Boleite, Mantokite, Kerargyrite, and Cuprite from Broken Hill, N. S. W. Read before the Roy. Soc. N. S. W., June 6, 1894. From the author. Lucas, F. A.—Additional characters of the Macropterygidae. ‘Extr. The Auk, XII, 1895. From the author. M ARILAUSS, ANTON KERNER VON.—The Natural History of Plants, their forms, 1895.] Recent Books and Pamphlets. 989 growth, reproduction and distribution. Translated by F. W. Oliver. Vol. I, Pts. 1 and 2. Mason, G. E.—Description of a new Earth-Snake from the Bombay Presidency, with remarks on other little-known Uropeltidae. Extr. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888. From the author. Mason, O. T.—The Origins of Invention. London, 1895. Imported by Chas. Seribner’s Sons. From John Wanamaker’s. MATTHEW, G. F.—The Protolenus Fauna. Extr. Trans. New York Acad. Sci. | XIV, 1895. From the author. McGeE, W. J.—Some Remains of Don Francisco Pizarro. Extr. Amer. Anthropol., 1894. —— Principles of Nomenclature. Extr. Amer. Anthropol., 1895. Primitive Trephining. Extr. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bull., 1894. From the author. MERRIAM, J. C.—On some Reptilian remains from the Triassic of northern California. Extr. Am. Journ. Sci., Vol. L, 1895. From the author. Muar, L. C.—The Natural History of Aquatic Insects. London and New York. Macmillan & Co., Pub. From John Wanamakers. Minor, C. S.—The Work of the Naturalist in the World. Extr. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1895. From the author. Moore, H. F.—On the Structure of Bimastus palustris. Extr. Journ. Morph., X, 1895. From the author. * Morris, C.—The Extinction of Species. Extr. Proceeds. Phila. Acad., 1895. From the author. North Carolina Weather During the Year 1894. From the N. C. Agric. Exper. Station. Osborn, H. F.—The Hereditary Mechanism and the Search for the Unknown Factors of Evolution. Reprint, 1895. From the author. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences for 1894. Vol. II. Des Moines, 1895. From the Academy. SCUDDER, S. H.—The Fossil Cockroaches of North America. Extr. Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., Sect. IV, 1894. From the author. _ STEJNEGER, L.—Description of a new Salamander from Arkansas, with notes on Amblystoma annulatum. Extr. Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII. From the Smithsonion Institution. ; | TayLor, W. E.--The Box Tortoises of North America. Extr. Proceeds. U. S. Natl. Mus., Vol. XVII, 1895. From the author. ULREY, A. B.—The South American Characinidae collected by C. F. Hartt. Extr. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sc., VIII, Jan., 1895. From the author. VERMEULE, C. C.—Report on the Water-supply, Water-power, and Flow of Streams and Attendant Phenomena. Vol. III of the Final Report of the State Geologist of New Jersey. Trenton, 1894. Warminc, E.—A Hand-Book of Systematic Botany, with a revision of the Fungi, by Dr. E. Knoblaugh. Translated by M. C. Potter. London and New York, 1895. From Macmillan & Co., Pub. : Weir, J.—The Birth of Psychos. Extr. Charlotte Med. Journ., April, 1895. From the author. Wotcort, A.—Memorial on the State of the National Finances. Mis. Doc., No. 86. Fifty-third Congress, 3d Session. From the author. 990 The American Naturadist. [November, General Notes. MINERALOGY. An Instrument for Preparing Accurately Oriented Sec- tions and Prisms from Crystals.—Mention has been made in these notes of the valuable instruments which Tutton has designed in connection with his recent studies in the field of chemical crystallo- graphy. _One of them’ is an instrument of precision for preparing prisms or sections of the delicate crystals of artificially prepared com- pounds. The methods now in use for making these preparations re- quire a prodigious amount of labor while securing only a rough approximation to the desired orientation. Of his new instrument Tut- ton says: “It is possible by the use of the instrument to grind and polish a truly plane surface in any direction in a crystal so as to be true to that, direction to within ten minutes of are, an amount of possible error which would exercise no measurable influence upon the values of the optical constants. Moreover, this result may be achieved in a small fraction of the time hitherto required, and with only the very slightest risk of fracturing the crystal. An arrangement is also provided by which a second surface may be ground parallel with a like degree of accuracy to the first.” This somewhat elaborate piece of apparatus is constructed like an inverted goniometer with horizontal circle, being provided with grad- uated disc, the usual centering and adjusting device, telescope, colli- mator and lamp. A revolving table mounted in an excentric position under the crystal and driven by a turning table, carries a ground glass plate for grinding and a finer one for polishing. The pressure of the crystal on the glass is delicately regulated by means of counterpoised levers which support any desired portion of the weight of the instru- ment’s axis, the remaining portion bearing directly on the crystal. A larger, stronger, and somewhat modified form of this apparatus’ has been designed for carrying out the same operations on the hard natural crystals. This form is provided with a cutting apparatus, which, when not in use, is rotated out of the way so as not to interfere t Edited by Dr. Wm. H. Hobbs, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wi. * Philosophical Transactions, Vol. 185, (1894), A, pp. 887-912. *Tutton, Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 57, pp. 324-330. 1895.] Mineralogy. 991 with adjusting the crystal or grinding. The grinding table is supplied with nine different laps suited to minerals of different degrees of hard- ness and to artificial crystals. The apparatus may be driven by a small motor, the current from three pint bichromate cells being ample. These instruments are constructed by Messrs. Troughton and Simms, the smaller instrument at a cost of £40, and the larger one, which is adapted for use of mineralogists and chemical crystallographers alike, at a cost of £60. An Instrument for Producing Monochromatic Light of any Wave Length.—The same author has constructed an instru- ment to furnish strong light of any desired wave length, which wave length may be changed at willt The source of light is an oxy-coal gas lime lantern and the dispersive apparatus a specially constructed spectroscope in which the telescope is replaced by a collimator tube and slit exactly like the one on the side of the instrument toward the source of light. The prism has a refracting angle of 60°, is pre- pared from heavy flint glass, and is rotated on a graduated circle so as to allow any desired wave length of the spectrum to pass through the exit slit. This is diffused by a plate of ground glass before it enters the goniometer, total refractometer, or axial angle apparatus, in which it is utilized in determining the index of refraction or the size of the optical angle. It is thus possible to extend indefinitely the measure- ments to show the amount and character of the dispersion of crystals, while greatly facilitating the measurements themselves. By replacing the exit slit by diaphragms having two or more slits at proper distances apart, composite light made up of any desired wave lengths may be employed, which is very useful in studying crystals with crossed axial planes like brookite. Other Mineralogical Apparatus.—Wolff® gives detailed in- structions for making diamond saws suitable for section cutting, also directions for sawing sections so thin that only a small amount of sub- sequent grinding is necessary.—Federow® describes the simplest form of his universal microscope stage, which is specially adapted for rapid petrographical determinations. Atthesame time he advocates length- ening the heretofore circular opening in his ebonite section holder. * Philosophical Transactions, Vol. 185, (1894), A, pp. 913-941. 5 Am, Journ. Sci., XLVII, pp. 355-358, (1894). * Zeitsch. f. Kryst., XXIV, p. 602. 992 The American Naturalist. [November, Determination of Optical Sign in Random Mineral Sec- tions.— Using the universal microscope stage Federow’ shows that it is possible and usually quite easy to determine the optical character of a mineral from random sections. In the case of uniaxial minerals the section is revolved between crossed nicols to extinction. It is then tilted first about one and then about the other axis of its ellipse of elas- ticity. The one of these corresponding to the ordinary ray is distin- guished by the resulting slight change in double refraction (due entirely to increase of thickness of the slide). Having determined this direc- tion (n,) it is only necessary to determine by use of the quartz wedge or mica plate whether this direction corresponds to the greater (posi- tive) or less (negative) elasticity. In the case of biaxial minerals a section is sought having the highest double refraction (nearest plane of optic axes). This is now tilted until it gives the lowest possible double refraction, when the light comes through it most nearly along an optic axis. If the angle which this direction makes with the axis of least elasticity (nearly in the plane of the section) is less than 45° (half the optical angle) the mineral is positive, otherwise negative- This latter method is only approximate, but is accurate enough for minerals having an acute optical angle of 75° or less, and these are the only ones in which determination of the optical sign is of much value for purposes of identification. Pseudochroism and Pseudodichroism.—The same author® furnishes an explanation of certain variations in color which are often observed in minerals having a lamellar structure when observed under the microscope. A bundle of white rays incident on any inclined plane separating two lamelle is in part totally reflected, the reflected portion being obviously made up of more rays from the violet than from the red end of the spectrum. Of the light which is transmitted the red rays are the less refracted, and hence take their direction nearer the axis of the microscope. Asa consequence the color observed near the centre of the field is due to the mixing of the red rays with the | darkness due to partial total reflection, and it is, therefore, brown. Nearer the margin of the field the more refrangible rays produce green. This effect is observed in ordinary (non polarized) light, and v. Fede- row proposes to call it pseudochroism. If the polarizer is used the amount of total reflection will evidently be greatest when the direction of vibration of the incident light is parallel to the surface of incidence, 1 Ibidem, pp. 603-605. *Tscherm. min. u. petrog. Mitth. , XLV, heft 6. 1895.] Mineralogy. 993 hence a variation in the depth of the color, called by v. Federow pseudodichroism, is observed when the stage is revolved. Of use in distinguishing pseudodichroic substances from truly dichroic substances is the fact that the former always show brown shades in the centre of the field. Meteorites in Field Columbian Museum.—Farrington has prepared a “ Handbook and Catalogue of the Meteorite Collection” of the Field Columbian Museum? modeled somewhat after Fletcher’s admirable handbook describing the meteorites in the British Museum collection. The popular introduction is well written, with reference for the purpose of illustration to catalogue numbers of typical speci- mens in the collection. Thisimportant collection includes 180 falls or finds and the aggregate weight of the specimens is over 4700 lbs. With the exception of the Canon Diablo specimens, the largest specimens of the collection, are those from Kiowa Co., (Kan.), (466 and 345 Ibs.) and the Phillips Co., (Kan.), meteorite (11843 lbs.). The list includes 355 numbers which are described with considerable detail. Six excel- lent plates illustrate typical structures. Crystallography of Wisconsin Minerals.—In a Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, Hobbs” has studied the Wisconsin min- erals crystallographically. The specimens are chiefly from the zine and lead region of the southern part of the State, where they occur in the cavities of limestone, the principal species being calcite, smith- sonite, cerussite, galena, sphalerite, azurite, malachite, barite, gypsum, chalcopyrite, marcasite and pyrite. Four generations of calcite are distinguished by different habits as well as by slightly different colors and degrees of translucency. These four types appear in scepter-like par- allel growths. The new form 24R ( has a large development on two of the types. At Mineral Point and Highland galena appears in hopper-shaped octahedral as well as arborescent aggregates, and individual crystals show polysynthetic twin lamellz according to the laws, (a) twinning plane a face of the octahedron and (b) composition plane a face of the dodecahedron. On sphalerite from Galena, (IIli- nois), the new form (775) was observed. The azurite of Mineral Point exhibits the new forms (307), (203), (205) and (9.12.8). The“ angle- site” from Mineral Point is found to be selenite. Some new crystal habits are observed on marcasite and on cerussite. ° Field Columbian Museum. Publication 3, Geol. Ser., Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 64, pls. 6, (1895). 10 Bull. Univ. Wis., Sci. Ser., Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 109-156, pls. 4-8, (1895). 68 994 The American Naturalist. (November, Miscellaneous.—Hillebrand" has made an analysis of a tellurium ore which occurs sparingly in the Cripple Creek district of Colorado, and determined it as calaverite. The corrected analysis (disregarding traces of elements) from the Raven Mine is Fe 57.40, Au 40.83, Ag 1.77, total 100.00. The mineral is very imperfectly crystallized, but as a result of a crystallograpbical examination Penfield thinks it is probably triclinic but near sylvanite in angles and axial ratio. It is interesting by reason of the unusually low percentage of silver, which in the three specimens analyzed ranged from 0.90 to 3.23 per cent.— Emerson” notes several peculiar mineral transformations from Massa- chusetts. The so-called “ quartz pseudomorphs” from Middlefield he finds to be serpentine pseudomorphs after olivine resembling the Snarum forms. Ina boulder at Holyoke was found calcite probably pseudo- morphous after common salt. A large sapphire corundum crystal from Pelham encloses a crystal of allanite which is much puckered for a dis- tance of an inch from the allanite, but elsewhere possesses its usual parting.—v. Federow™ finds that in the rocks of the shores of the White Sea (granites and gneisses) a vicareous relation seems to exist between plagioclase and garnet, the former being developed in large quantity only when the latter is present in small quantity and vice versa. Hobbs“ describes cerussite from Missoula, Mont., showing the forms (110), (100), (130), (010), (001), (832), (111) and (380). The crystals are covered by a paper-thin film of galena, doubtless due to alteration through the action of sulphuretted hydrogen. Crystallized barite from Negaunee and chloritoid from Michigamme are also described. Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. L, pp. 128-131, (1895), Bull. Geol Soc. Am, Vol. 6, pp. 473, 474, (1894). 13 Tscher. min. u petrog. Mitth., XIV. pp. 550-553, (1894). 1t Am. Jour. Sci., L, pp. 121-128, (1895). PETROGRAPHY-.' The Rocks of Gouverneur, N. Y.—An interesting feature of the biotite hornblende gneisses’ of the vicinity of Gouverneur, N. Y.,is ! Edited by Dr. W. S. Bayley, Colby University, Waterville, Me. 3C. H. Smyth, Jr., Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sciences, xii, p. 203. 1895.] Petrography. 995 the abundance in them of microperthitic intergrowths of orthoclase and plagioclase. From the relations of the plagioclase to the orthoclase and to the surrounding minerals there can be no doubt that it is of secondary origin. It fills cracks between quartz and orthoclase, and from these areas it sends long stringers into the orthoclase along its cleavage cracks and into its fracture lines, without suffering the least interruption in its continuity. The gneiss in its structure is sometimes granular and sometimes granulitic, and in the appearance of its con- stituents it shows plainly that it isa dynamo-metamorphosed rock. The dark bands occurring with the predominating light colored ones zon- sist, as a rule, of the same minerals as the latter, but one band noted is composed of monoclinic pyroxene and hornblende in addition to the feldspars. The normal granites of the region differs in composition from the gneiss in the absence from them of hornblende, except in certain basic segregations. The granite, like the gneiss, has suffered the effects of pressure, but to a more limited extent. Among the limestones associated with these rocks are phases containing much colorless py- roxene, tremolite and scapolite. Near the base of the limestone series the pyroxene-scapolite rocks are foliated, and are apparently interstrati- fied with unaltered beds. They consist of feldspar, quartz, pyroxene, mica, sphene, apatite, graphite, pyrrhotite and pyrite, or of these com- ponents, with the feldspars replaced by secondary scapolite. Diorites and Gabbro at St. John, N. B.—Among the in- trusive rocks cutting the Laurentian near St. John. N. B., Matthew’ finds a granite-diorite and a gabbro. The diorite is coarse grained and porphyritic in its larger masses, and fine grained and granular in its smaller bands. Quartz, plagioclase, orthoclase, hornblende, biotite and the usual accessory constituents compose the rock, while epidote and microcline-microperthite are present in it as alteration products of plagioclase and orthoclase. The microperthite is also noted as forming a rim between plagioclase and quartz. As the rock becomes finer grained orthoclase and biotite diminish in quantity. Although the contacts of the diorite with the surrrounding rocks are usually faulted, it can be clearly seen that the latter have been altered by the intrusive. On the contact with a gabbro, this latter rock has been changed to a granular aggregate of hornblende and plagioclase. The diorite, on the other hand, is very fine grained, and is composed of an allotriomorphic mixture of plagioclase, quartz, orthoclase and a few small shreds and grains of hornblende and biotite. Limestone in contact with the 3 Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., xiii, p. 185. 996 The American Naturalist. [ November, eruptive has been marbleized. In it are pyroxenes and garnets, the latter often in large numbers. This diorite has heretofore been re- garded as a metamorphosed sediment, but, from the evidence at hand, the author concludes that it is a true irruptive. The gabbro of the region is confined to two small knobs. In one, the rock grades from an anorthosite into a peridotite. In the latter phase olivine consti- tutes nearly half of its mass. Hypersthene is abundant, while augite, plagioclase, and the usual accessories, spinel and magnetite, are present in small quantities. Reactionary rims always surround the olivines when in contact with plagioclase. These are composed of three zones, an inner one of hypersthene which is continuous with the large hyper- sthene components ; a middle one, composed of fine needles of uralitic amphibole, and an outer zone consisting of uralite and a deep green, highly refracting substance in grains, probably a spinel. The contact rim is supposed to be secondary. The various phases of the rock are usually much altered into actinolitic varieties. South American Volcanics.—The collection of Argentine volcanic rocks belonging to Berlin University has been investigated by Siepert. The collection embraces quartz-porphyries, porphy- rites, diabases, augite-porphyrites, melophyres and an epidiorite- porphyrite. In the quartz-porphyries quartz grains are often sur- rounded by aureoles of the same substance, whose optical orientation coincides with that of the surrounded particles. Many of the grains show undulous extinction, which the author regards as secondary. In some of the specimens the granophyric structure, in others the micro- granitic, and in still others the felsophyric structure predominates. In many instances the granophyric structure is unquestionably secondary. The porphyrites include diorite-porphy rite, eustatite-porphyrite and epidiorite-porphyrite. In one of tha latter a feldspar granule was seen to be surrounded by a feldspar aureole. The other rocks examined present no unusual features. Specimens of the younger voleanic rocks gathered by Sapper in Guatemala were submitted to Bergeat® for study. They comprise trachytes, rhyolites, dacites, andesites and basalts. The trachytes, though of the “ Drachenfels” type, contain about 66 % of silicia, and are thus closely related to the rhyolites. The andesites are the most abundant types. They include pyroxene, hornblendic and mica horn: blende varieties. Some of the pyroxenic andesites contain two pyrox- t Neues Jahrb. f. Min., ete., B. B., ix, p. 393. * Zeits. d. deutsch. geol. Ges. xlvi, I, p. 126. 1895.] Petrography. 997 enes—a hypersthene and an augite, both of which are pleochroic in the same tints parallel to B and C, a difference of color being noticeable only in the direction of A. The author notes that the volcanoes on the principal fissures have eruptive andesites, while the others have yielded basalts. Rock Classification.—A new classification of in organic rocks, based on the nature and past history of their components, is pro- posed by Milch The original rocks are the archaiomorphie, embracing those whose constituents have separated from a molten magma. Through alteration processes these have given rise to the neomorphie rocks, including the three groups: anthi-lytomorphic, allo- thi-stereomorphie and anthi-neomorphice. The first of these groups in- cludes those rocks whose material was originally in some other condi- tion, but whose constituents possess forms independent of outside influences, as, for instance, the chemical precipitates. The second group embraces those whose material has been transported and been laid down with its own form to produce a rock different from the original one, as the mechanical sediments. The third group compre- hends rocks whose material is in its original position, but in a different condition from the original one, as in the case of the residual and metamorphic rocks. Miscellaneous.—Levy and Lacroix! describe a Carboniferous leucite-tephrite from Clermain, that is associated with micaceous porphyrites. The tephrite contains large leucites and pyroxenes in a groundmass composed of biotite, augite, plagioclase and leucite. All of this latter mineral, whether in large or small crystals, is transformed into aggregates of albite. Palache® announces the discovery of riebeckite and aegerine in the 8 Neues Jahrb. f. Min., etc., 1895, I, p. 100. Forellen granulite of the Gloggnitzer Berges, near Wiener-Neustadt in Austria. The rock is a typical granulite, consisting of a quartz-plagio- clase aggregate in which are imbedded acicular crystals and grains of the amphiboloids mentioned. ® Neues Jahrb. f. Min., etc., B. B., ix, p. 129. 7 Bull. Soc. Franc. d. Min., xviii, p. 24. 998 The American Naturalist. [ November, GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. A Batrachian Armadillo.—The significance of certain fragments which I observed several years ago in Permian material from Texas, has been established by a more complete specimen which I have re- ceived from the same locality. This consists of a portion of the skele- ton, which includes ten consecutive vertebrae and their appendages, of the rhachitomous type, similar in general to those of Trimerorhachis. The genus differs from Trimerorhachis in this important respect. The neural spines are elevated, and the apex of each sends a stransverse branch which extends in an arch on each side tothe ribs. These spin- uous branches touch each other, forming a carapace. Above and cor- responding to each of them is a similar dermal osseous element, which extends from side to side without interruption on the median line, forming a dermal layer of transverse bands which correspond to the skeletal carapace beneath it. To this remarkable genus I propose to give the name of Dissorophus. It is a veritable batrachian armadillo. As to species characters, it is to be remarked that the intercentra are longer in proportion to their width thanin the Trimerorhachis insignis. The heads of the ribs have a small free truncate angle below their cap- itulum. The extremities of the spinous roof-processes are free from each other for a short distance, and each has a depressed rounded sharp edge. The dermal bands above them terminate a little proximad of them and in a similar manner, and their extremities are closely ap- pressed to the surface of the band below them, with which they slightly alternate. Their surface is very coarsely rugous, with ridges and fossae, whose long axes agree with those of the segments. This species I pro- pose to call Dissorophus multicinctus. Length of ten vertebrae in place 93 mm. ; width of intercentrum 16; length of do 9; elevation to roof 30; thickness of carapace 8; width of a carapacial band 9 ; length of do on curve 75. The species appeared to have been about the size of the Japanese salamander Megalobatrachus maximus. The genus Dissorophus adds another to the remarkable forms already known from the American Permian. It is remotely approached by the genus Zatachys Cope, where a dermosseous scute is codssified with the apex of the neural spine.—E. D. Copr. Cope on the Temporal Part of the Skull, and on the Systematic position of the Mosasauride—A reply.—In the September Number of this Journal Prof. Cope has published a review 1895.] Geology and Paleontology. 999 of two of my papers (Bemerkungen über die Osteologie der Schlifenge- gend der héheren Wirbelthiere Anat. Anz. x, 1894, pp. 315-330 and: On the Morphology of the Skull in the Mosasauridex, Journ. Morphol. VII, 1892, pp. 1-22, pl. I-II), to which I should like to make some re- marks. 1. The Parocecipital. The bones of the temporal region in question I have termed squam- osal, prosquamosal and quadratojugal. Cope states that I adopted the name prosquamosal (Owen, 1860), because the name supratemporal was used previously for a differentelement peculiar tothe Teleostomous fishes. But this was not the only reason; the principal reason was, that with the name supratemporal, totally different elements were designated in the Stegocephalia and Ichthyosauria and in the Lacertilia (Anat. Anz. x, 1894, p. 320.) Cope has called the three bones, the paroccipital, supratemporal and zygomatic, “after earlier authors” as he says. But the paroccipital is not the squamosal, the name supratemporal is misleading as stated before; and the name zygomatic has been used since the beginning of Anatomy, for the jugal or malar; how can Prof. Cope use this name for the quadrato-jugal? I thought I had shown once for all, that the opinion held by Prof. Cope, that the squamosal of the Squamata is homologuous to the paroccipital (opisthotic) is wrong. But it seems, that he is not convinced. He is, however, the only one among all liv- ing morphologists who has this opinion. He believes that the exoccipital together with the paroccipital pro- cess in the Reptilia in which there is no free paroccipital (Ichthyosauria, Testudinata) represents the exoccipital alone. He states that nobody has ever found the paroccipital process as a separate ossification. But he is wrong about this: The free paroccipital, uniting later with the exoccipital and forming the paroccipital process has been first described, as far back as 1839, by Rathke’; in Tropidonotus natrix and this pass- age has been translated by Huxley in his well known Croonian lecture on the Theory ofthe Vertebrate Skull, delivered the 18st of November, 1858 before the Royal Society. It was also described by Leydig’ in Anguis fragilis, in 1872. 1Rathke, Heinrich Entwicklungsgeschichte der Natter. Königsberg, 1839, pp- 201-202. y 2 Leydig Franz. Diein Deutschland lebenden Arten der Saurier. Tübingen, 1872, p. 26. 1000 The American Naturalist. [November, The paroccipital has been described in Sphenodon by me in 1889° in the following words. “In the old animal supraoccipital, exoccipitals, paroccipital, petrosals are united, but on the young all these elements are free. There is much cartilage between the supraoccipital and the petrosal and paroccipital. The paroccipital is united to the exoccipital by suture, the elements in question of a young Sphenodon resemble those in Chelone and especially in Ichthyosaurus.”’ I may state here, that in a skull of Sphenodon, of 50 mm, in length from anterior end of premaxillary to occipital condyle, the suture between exoccipital and paroccipital is quite distinct, and also the characteristic Y-shaped sutures between the paroccipital, supraoccipital and petrosal. Siebenrock* has independently, not knowing my paper in the Journal of Morphology, found out the same in Sphenodon and has given very good figures of the conditions. He has also shown in an absolutely con- vinecing way,’ that in the Lacertilia the paroccipital process is also homologuous to the paroccipital, and has given excellent figures demon- strating it. These two papers were mentioned by me in the paper published in the Anatomischer Anzeiger, discussed by Prof. Cope, but he certainly did not consult the papers, which are easily accessible. After this demonstration of the free nature of the paroccipital in Sphenodon I think Prof. Cope will have to give up his view on the homology of the paroccipital of the Testudinata with the squamosal of the Lacertilia. I do not understand, how Prof. Cope could fall into such a fundamental error. We know since Hallman and it has since been redemonstrated dozens of times, that in the Reptilia and Birds, the semicircular canals of the ear are placed into 3 bones: 1, the petrosal ; 2, the supraoccipital and 3, the paroccipital. These 3 bones come together and form that exceedingly characteristic Y-shaped suture, first mentioned by Hallman, and fully discussed by Huxley in his lectures on the Elements of Comparative Anatomy, London, 1864. He already stated in his Croonian Lecture: “ when the petrosal, mas- toid (paroccipital) and squamosal are determined in the turtle, they * Baur, G. On the Morphology of the Vertebrate Skull. Journ. Morph., III, 1889, pp. 467—468. *Siebenrock, Friedrich. Zur Osteologie des Hatteria—Kopfes. Sizungsberichte d. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Mathem. naturw. Cl. Bd. CII, Abth. I, Juni, 1893, pp- 7-10. Pl. fig. 3. 5. *Siebenrock, Friedrich; Das Skelet der Lacerta simonyi Steind., und der Lacertiden familie überhaupt ; Sizungsb. d. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Mathem. naturw. Cl. Bd. CIII, Abth. I. April, 1894, pp. 4-9, Fig. Pl. III. 1895.] Geology and Paleontology. 1001 are determined in all the Reptilia. But the Crocodilia, Lacertilia Ophidia, differ from the turtle and Chelonia generally, in that their . mastoid (paroccipital) is, as in the bird, anchylosed with the exoccipital.”’ The matter is so simple and clear, that it can be demonstrated to any student who begins his work in Osteology. - Prof. Cope also states, that he has been hitherto alone in the opinion that the suspensorium of the quadrate of the Ophidia is the squamosum of the Lacertilia, but he forgets that this opinion was held already by Spix® in 1815. who has given excellent figures of these conditions in Lizards and Snakes; by Hallmann, Troschel, Gegenbaur and many others before 1870, when Cope read his paper. Prof. Cope believes that the squamosal (his paroccipital) in the Squamate can not be homologous with the squamosal in the Ichthyos- auria, Colylosauria and Stegecephalia, with which it is identified by me, since it is a brain-case bone, while the latter is a temporal roof- bone, a fundamental difference, as he says. I never knew that the squamosal (paroccipital, Cope) of the Squamata is a brain-case bone, it is certainly not in the many skulls I have examined, but is homologuous to the squamosum of the Stegocephalia and Ichthyosauria is shown by Saphewosaurus which bridges over Sphenodon with Ichthyo- saurus. In regard to the homologies and nomenclature given in my paper in the Anat. Anz. I have not to change a single point. 2. The systematic Position of the Mosasauride. “ Like Owen, Marsh and Dotto, he [Baur] does not perceive that this group (Mosasauridse) is essentially distinct from the Latertilia, and concludes with them that I have erred in alleging it to present affinities to the Ophidia.” Cope, p. 857. In order to determine this matter, Prof. Cope, thinks it necessary to know, what the characters are that distinguish snakes from Lizards. The first character, the descending of the parietal and frontal bones to the basicranial as is in the Ophidia is as he admits himself, not constant, being found also in the Amphisbzenians and Anniella.’ As a second character he mentions, that the prosquamosal (supra- temporal) is present in the Lacertilia, but absent in the Ophidia, stat- Spix J. Baptista, Cephalogenesis, sive capitis ossei structura. gr. fol. Mona- chii, 1815. TI may mention here the interesting fact that in some Amphisbenians, the parietals and frontals are connected by a especial element with the basisphenoid, in other genera they unite with this element. The basisphenoid of snakes is also a composite of this bone and the basisphenoid proper. 1002 The American Naturalist. [ November, ing the Amphisbenians and Anniellide to be exceptions; but the Geckonidz and Uroplatidæ also lack the prosquamosal. Therefore, this character does not hold. A third distinction according to Prof. Cope is that the quadrate bone is supported by the paroccipital [squamosum] in the snakes, and the exoccipital [paroccipital] in the Lizards. In the Mosasauridz the squamosal (paroccipital) is said to be more largely developed than in the Lacertilia, and that it supports the quadrate bone as in the Ophidia. This is by no means correct. It is the squamosal (paroccipital, Cope) which supports the quadrate in most of the Lacertilia; in some forms only, the paroccipital (exoccipital, Cope) takes part (Chameleon). But in many Lizards, the Iguanide for instance, the paroccipital pro- cesses do not support the quadrate at all. This character, therefore , falls to the ground. I can not see any principal difference in the rela- tion of the squamosal (paroccipital, Cope), the paroccipital (exoccipital, Cope) and quadrate in the Mosasaurs and the Iguanide. In the squamosal (paroccipital, Cope) of Platecarpus (fig. 20, 21, Pl. IL) of my paper we can distinguish 3 portions: first, an upper one, which joins the parietal processes; second, an inner one which is suturally united with the paroccipital and petrosal, and a lower one, which supports the quadrate. In a skull of Conolophus (Iguanide) before me, I find very similar conditions, the inner process only is not so much developed, but it reaches the petrosal. The differences enumerated by Prof. Cope be- tween the Lacertilia and Mosasauride do not exist; and I can not dis- cover one trace of a character of the snakes. The phlogenetic conclu- sions of Prof. Cope are not supported by the facts. I believe as firmly as formerly, that the Mosasauridz are true Lacertilia adapted to aquatic life; and that their closest living representatives are the Varanide. The Varanidæ haveretained the terrestrial limbs, and the free nasal bones but have lost the postorbital bar. The Mosasauride have required fins with digits? with numerous phalanges, the nasals have become united with the premaxillaries, but the postorbital arch has been retained. ®In a specimens of Thorosaurus, which I have lately examined through the kindness of my friend, Prof. S. W. Williston, Lawrence Kas. I find in the fore- limb the following number of phalanges. Ist. digit 5 (+3); probably 8, the 5 proximal ones are preserved. 2nd. digit 7 (+2); probably 9, the 7 proximal ones are preserved. 3rd. digit 9 (+1); probably 10, the 9 proximal ones are preserved. 5th. digit 10 (+1); probably 11, the 10 proximal ones are preserved. Sth. digit 11 or 12; all preserved, but some covered up. 1895.] Geology and Paleontology. 1003 Reply to Dr. Baur’s critique on my paper on the Parocci- pital bone of the Scaled Reptiles and the Systematic Posi- tion of the Pythonomorpha.—In the following pages I continue the discussion of the questions raised by Dr. Baur in his papers. I. THe PAROCCIPITAL OF THE SQUAMATA. Dr. Baur in the paper just preceding reiterates the opinion that the parotic process of the exoccipital bone of the scaled reptiles includes the paroccipital element, and that I have fallen into a serious error in supposing that his squamosal isthe true paroccipital. He cites various authorities against me and intimates that I am not familiar with the literature, which he says is accessible. In this last statement he is un- doubtedly correct, as the greater part of it is in my private library. I must call my eritic’s attention at the cutset to the fact that my last paper has reference to the elements which support the quadrate bone, and not to the presence or absence of the opisthotic element of Huxley. It was not necessary, therefore, to enter into an exposition of the evi- dence for the existence of the latter which, as he says, has been proven by Siebenrock and Leydig in the lizards, Rathke in the snakes, and himself and Siebenrock in the Rhynchocephalia. It is the element which supports the quadrate bone for which the name paroccipital (Owen) is appropriate, while the element which includes the posterior semicircular canal is the opisthotic of Huxley. Baur asserts that the so-called parotic process of the exoccipital which supports the quadrate in the Squamata is the same element as that termed opisthotic by Huxley. This I deny, and believe that in this it is Baur and not myself who has fallen into error. Siebenrock instead of asserting this to be the case, denies it in the following lan- guage:° “ It is not the processus paroticus of the pleuroccipital (exoc- cipital) which is homologous with the (paroccipital Owen) opisthotic Huxley, but the portion anterior to the foramen nervi-hypoglossi superius which protects the organ of hearing.” Siebenrock here uses the names of Owen and Huxley as referring to the same element, but he makes the clear distinction, which is the important point, between the parotic process of the exoccipital and the element which contains the posterior semicircular canal. What then is the element which articulates with the quadrate in the different orders of the Reptilia ? In the Testudinata, and, according to Baur, in Sphenodon,” the ®Sitzungsber. Wiener Akademie, 1894, p. 285; On the Skeleton of Lacerta simonyi. 10 Siebenrock, Sitzungsberichte Wiener Akad. Wiss , 1893, p. 254. 1004 The American Naturalist. [November, element which extends externally from the exoccipital to the quadrate is continuous with the opisthotic, but the semicircular canal is included in its proximal part only. Here the structure is entirely different from that which characterizes the Squamata, where the opisthotic does not extend distad of the canal and fuses early with the exoccipital. This character is to be added to those which distinguish the Rhynchocepha- lia from the Squamata. The paper which Dr. Baur criticizes above had reference to the Squamata, and the question at issue is what is the element attached to the end of the parotic process of the exoccipital in this order, which I call paroccipital, and which Dr. Baur calls squam- osal. That it is not the opisthotic is clear enough. The reasons for supposing that the element which I call paroccipital in the Squamata is really such, are as follows. In the orders Testudinata and Rhynchocephalia, where a continuous element extends from the posterior semicircular canal to the quadrate, this so-called par- occipital is not distinct. In the Squamata, where the opisthotic is re- stricted to the region of the canal and does not reach the quadrate, this so-called paroccipital is distinct. It becomes then probable that the paroccipital of the Squamata is represented by the distal, non auditory part of the element whose auditory portion is the opisthotic of the Testudinata and Rhynchocephalia. This hypothesis is confirmed by the structure in the Pythonomorpha, which is intermediate between that of the two types mentioned. The paroccipital extends proximad to the position of the opisthotic and petrosal, which it does not do in the Lacertilia or the Ophidia." Neither Owen nor Huxley distinguished the single element of the Testudinata as composed of two. The name paroccipital is the prior, and I have retained it for the distal or quadrate portion, while Hux- ley’s name of opisthotic belongs to the auditory portion for which he designed it. The direct evidence for such a primitive division of this element in the Testudinata has, however, yet to be produced, and I am entirely willing to give up the view above defended should it turn out on further investigation to be untenable. II. THE AFFINITIES or THE PYTHONOMORPHA. No one who has examined carefully the relations of the parocci- pital to the surrounding proximal elements in this suborder and com- pared them with their relations in the Lacertilia, can fail to see the important difference between the two. My opportunities of studying 4 See Transac. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1892, p- 19, where the structure in Mosasau- rus is represented in fig. 3. 1895.] Geology and Paleontology. 1005 these characters have been good, including the principal collections of European Museums and those of this country. I have at hand crania of all but one or two of the North American genera of Lacertilia, and the principal ones of all other countries, and I maintain that the dif- ference between them and the Pythonomorpha is universal. I main- tain, contrary to Dr. Baur’s statement, that in all Lacertilia the exoc- cipital supports the quadrate, and that in the Pythonomorpha and the Ophidia the exoecipital does not support it or generally touch it. I also maintain that the paroccipital (squamosal Baur) does sup- port the quadrate in the Ophidia, whileit is only in contact with a very small part of it in the Lacertilia. This assertion is true of the Iguani- dae as well as of all other Lacertilia. Of this family I have many crania. These do not include Conolophus, to which Dr, Baur refers, but I have the nearly allied genus Cyclura, which has the character of other Lacertilia in this respect. Steindachner’s figures of Conolophus show that it closely resembles Cyclura in the point in question, and I have no doubt that if Dr. Baur will take to pieces the proximal articulation of the quadrate of Conolophus as I have done in Cyclura, he will find an articular facet on the exoccipital and none on the par- occipital (squamosal). In fact the quadrate extremity of the parocci- pital in Lacertilia is so insignificant, and the proximal end of the quadrate is so considerable, that the support of the latter by the former is a mechanical impossibility. Since the articulation of the quadrate in Pythonomorpha, of which I have seen all the American genera, is exclusively with the paroccipital, it is clear that the distal as well as the proximal relations of that element are different from those of the Lacertilia. On the other hand the relations to the quadrate are the same in the Pythonomorpha as in the snakes, and the proximal articu- lar characters are approached by the Tortricid snakes more nearly than by any lizard. In the distal articulation of the paroccipital with the supratemporal, the Pythonomorpha and lizards agree, as was long since pointed out by authors.—E. D. Cope. Recent Elevation of New England.”—I submitted some con- clusions to the American Association for the Advancement of Science in advance of the preparation of a detailed paper upon this subject. Indeed in a discussion of a paper by Prof. C. H. Hitchcock before the Baltimore meeting of the Geological Society of America (December 1894) the present writer called attention for the first time to certain terrace phenomena which might be used as a yard stick in 12 Read by J. W. Spencer at the Springfield meeting of the Am. Ass. Adv. Sci. 1006 The American Naturalist. [November, measuring recent terrestrial elevations. Since that meeting I have gone over many critical localities and the phenomena confirm the conclusions then announced. The importance of this contribution is not so much in a determination of the magnitude of post-glacial elevation as in finding a means of physical measurement of it and in my consequent challenge of the doctrine of ice dams in the late formation of high-level beaches and terraces. For no apparent reason has the structure of the terraces escaped early observation to such a degree that hitherto it has not been described in such a way as to be used as a meter of recent terrestrial changes of level. The structure may be briefly set forth, The terraces are not those of the sloping rivers, but are the much more horizontal remains of water plains. The platforms do not merge from one step to the next below and thus make the ancient slopes of the rivers as has been often assumed, but they abruptly descend as steps to the lower plains. Thus a small meadow widens out into a broad flat, with the river near the surface of the plain along the upper part of the flat, but further down, it descends to greater depths below the same floor or plain, which on being eroded become a lateral terrace hounding the still lower plains. Thus as meadows, plains and remanie terraces, the same platforms may often be traced for many milesin length, disappearing owing to erosion, and to the distance of the terraces from the source of supply of sands and gravels. The terraces often cross the country and extend from one valley to another. Subject to certain corrections, these meadows, flats, and terraces mark the lowering of the base planes of erosion, or in other words indicate the elevation of the land. That is to say, the land has approximately been elevated as much as the sum of the heights of the terrace-plains one above the other. In some places, these are situated only a few feet apart in elevation, yet in other localities several of the steps are so combined that the great terraces may be from 50 to 250 feet above the river. Occasionally, in the course of a few miles, scores of terraces, may be ascended or descended and counted with certainty. Yet at any one locality, there are seldom more than four or five lateral terraces distinguishable; but these four or five are not identical with the four or five platforms observed several miles away, in the same great valleys. Such distinct terraces are seen to an elevation of 2700 feet at the base of Mount Washington, with terrace material much higher, but without the preservation of the structure upon the steep mountain slopes. The terrace forms described have now been observed under so many 1895.] Botany. 1007 conditions and over such a wide extent of territory that they appear to be the prevailing conditions and not exceptional. Did these accumulations in the great valleys, often two miles or more in width, occur only on the northern and western sides of the high lands the theory of glacial drains might be supported. But they also occur on the southern and eastern sides of so many mountain masses so as to preclude the idea of their formation in glacial lakes. And the author has found the same structure within a few degrees of of the equator. The platforms are commonly cut out of till deposits filling preglacial valleys, and are covered with sands and gravels. From these evidences, the author concludes that the New England Mountain regions have been elevated at least 2700 feet in the post-glacial epoch, or in other words the post-glacial submergence was at least 2700 feet in New Eng- land, but much less farther westward. Although this great continen- tal movement has so recentlv occurred, yet the magnitude of the coastal changes have not yet been fully considered, but it was probably much less.—J. W. SPENCER. BOTANY." Sacaline.—Under this name a species of Polygonum (P. sachalin- ense F. Schmidt, from Saghalin Island) has been freely advertised in this country within the last six months as a forage plant, especially adapted to the conditions which prevail upon the Great Plains. Ex- travagant claims as to its great value were made by dealers who wished to supply the farmers with roots or seeds. It was said that from one hundred to nearly two hundred tons of the plant could be grown upon an acre, and the forage yielded by it was said to nearly or quite equal that of Alfalfa or Red Clover in nutritiousness. For two years the writer has watched carefully a clump of this plant growing upon a favorable spot upon the campus of the Univer- sity of Nebraska. In spite of the fact that the plants have had better care than they would have in an ordinary field, they have made but a moderate growth, at no time exceeding three feet in height. The clump is moderately ornamental, about as much so as a fine growth of dock (Rumex), and less so than rhubarb (Rheum). The foliage is neither dense nor abundant, while the stems and branches are very 1 Edited by Prof. C. E. Bessey, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1008 The American Naturalist. [November, tough and hard; the latter are evidently unfit for forage, while thus far no animals have shown any disposition to eat any part of the plant. While it blossoms freely late in the summer, it has not produced seeds. It is slowly spreading under the ground by its creeping root. stocks —CHARLES E. Bessey. Saccardo’s Sylloge Fungorum.—The eleventh volume of this work has recently appeared. It contains 4220 additional species, scattered through the whole of the fungi. Many of the descriptions are rather badly mutilated, often being reduced to little more than mere measurements. This suggests that the author may have become weary of his work, and that we have in this volume the last of the Sylloge. The total number of species thus far described in the eleven volumes of the Sylloge is 42,383.—Caarurs E. Bessey. North American Fungi.—The thirty-third century of Ellis and Everhart’s “ North American Fungi” appeared not long ago. The former excellence of this standard distribution is fully maintained in the present volume. The more important genera represented are Cer- cospora (5 species), Phyllosticta (8 sp.), Puccinia (3 sp.), Ramularia (4 sp.), Septoria (11 sp.), and Valsa (5 sp.). Hough’s American Woods.—This distribution of wood sections has reached Part VI, bringing the number of species thus far repre- sented up to about one hundred and fifty. The part before us is de- voted to the woods of the Pacific Coast. The species represented are Rhamnus purshiana, Aesculus californica, Cercidium torreyanum, Proso- pis juliflora, Cercocarpus parvifolius, Garrya elliptica, Arbutus menziesii, Arctostaphylos pungens, Chilopsis saligua, Platanus racemosa, Quercus garryana, Quercus agrifolia, Quercus densiflora, Castanopsis chryso- phylla, Salix levigata, Libocedrus decurrens, Sequoia gigantea, Sequoia sempervirens, Taxus brevifolia, Torreya californica, Pinus lambertiana, Pinus ponderosa, Pinus contorta, Picea sitchensis, Pseudotsuga taxifolia. These sections should find a place in the collections of every botanical department of the universities of the country, and for the forestry departments of our agricultural colleges they are indispensible. HARLES E. BEssEY. Seymour’s Grasses and Grass-like Plants of North America.—The second half-century of this useful collection was sent out during the summer. The numbers from 51 to 61, inclusive, in- clude sedges, the remainder being true grasses. The specimens are 1895,] Vegetable Physiology. 1009 large and well dried, and the labels are full and of neat form and size. Occasionally, a specimen is somewhat deficient in roots, a fault which may easily be avoided in subsequent issues.—CHARLEs E. Brssry. VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY. Saccardo’s Color Scale.—The learned author of the Sylloge Fungorum has issued a second improved edition of his color scale (Chromotaxia seu nomenclator colorum polyglottus additis speciminibus coloratis ad usum Botanicorum et Zoologorum. Editio altera. Patavii. Typis Seminarii, 1894) which is very useful and ought to be in the hands of every botanist. The pamphlet contains 22 pages of Latin text and two well executed tables of 25 colors each. The text gives in regular order, from left to right: (1) The Latin name of the type color. (2) Latin synonyms. (3) Latin names of colors approaching the typical color. (4) Italian names. (5) French names. (6) En- glish names. (7) German names. (8) Explanatory remarks. To il- lustrate, we have under the first entry : “ Albus. Candidus, niveus, ermineus, virgineus, calceus, gypseus, Cretaceous, cerussatus, olorinus. Albatus, albicans, albidus, albidulus, albineus, albinus, albulus, eburneus; pallidus, pallens, pallidulus; lacteus, lacticolor, galactites, galochrous; argenteus, argyraceous; candicans, canescens. Bianco, eburneo, pallido, latteo, argenteo, canescente. Blanc, blane d’ivoire, pile, blanc de lait, argentin. White, ivory-white, pallid, milk-white, silver-colored. Weiss, elfenbeinweiss, blass, milchweiss, silberfarben. Typical examples: Lime, gypsum, snow, white lead, ermine. Pallidus is an impure white. Argenteus, argyreus (from argyros, silver) is a metallic, shining white. Lacteus is the color of fresh cow’s milk. Gal- actites, galochrous are from gala, milk. Candicans, canescens is pure or impure white resulting from a tomentum such as on the under side of the leaf of Populus alba or Alnus incana. Olorinus (from Cygnus olor) is a pure shining white (example Clitocybe olorina).” An ex- amination of the color scale cannot fail to deepen the impression that it is futile to attempt to use color terms in natural history without re- ferring them to some particular scale or standard. On first thought, nothing seems less likely to be misunderstood than such terms as flesh- 1 This department is edited by Erwin F. Smith, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. < 69 1010 The American Naturalist. [November, color, bay, or chestnut, and yet these names and many others call up quite different conceptions in different minds, and, where much de- pends on the accurate description of colors, are sure to mislead, unless referred to some exact color scale or well known object or substance of invariable color. In this particular scale, for example, ater does not represent the usual conception of a lusterless coal black, but is a lighter color between plumbeous and slate; Jatericius is not the color of any bricks commonly found in this country, but rather what the writer would designate a light chocolate; badius is scarcely the color of a bay horse; and incarnatus is certainly not the lively color of the lips. These matters, however, are trifles provided the colors of the scale are made from pigments that will be permanent and provided those who use it as a guide remember that it represents in many cases not the universal concept of particular colors but only the author’s, and specify accordingly, e. g., “ violaceus Sacc., No. 47.” Itis to be re- gretted that directions for reproducing these colors are not given. To see how widely color concepts vary, even among distinguished natu- ralists let the reader compare Saccardo’s hazel (7), isabella (8), chest- nut (10), scarlet (15), cream-color (27), emerald green (36) glaucous green (38), violet (47), and lilac (48) with Ridgway’s numbers, IV 12, IIL 28, EV 9, VIL 11, VI 20, X 16, X 17, VIII 10, and VII 19 which bear the same names but are by no means the same colors. Evidently the perfect color scale is yet to be put upon paper, and owing to de- fects in pigments is not likely to appear soon. Meanwhile we may be thankful for those we have, using them as intelligently as possible, and never forgetting to specify, in cases where color is important, the par- ticular scale in which a similar color may be seen. Saccardo’s scale has a special value to mycologists, since it affords the users of that im- mense and indispensable work, the Sylloge Fungorum, a ready means of determining in a thousand and one descriptions exactly what color is meant, provided, of course, the author has used the terminology of this scale consistently throughout.—Erwin F. SMITH. Kroeber’s Transpiration Experiments.—It will be remem- bered that Miiller-Thurgau believed he had demonstrated the amount of transpiration-water to be different in different varieties of vines and orchard trees, and that this fact could be turned to practical use by horticulturalists who, in dry soils or climates; should plant varieties, making small demands on transpiration, and in moist ones those tran- spiring abundantly. Very recently Mr. E. Kréber, assistant in the plant-physiological experiment station of the Kénigliches Lehranstalt 1895.] Vegetable Physiology. 1011 at Geisenheim on the Rhine, has gone over the same ground in a long series of experiments (Ist die Transpirationsgrisse der Pflanzen ein Maassstab fiir ihre Anbaufihigkeit? Landw. Jahrb., Bd. 24, 1895, H. 3, pp. 503-537) which throw doubt on Miiller-Thurgau’s methods and lead to the following opposite conclusions : (1) In determining the amount of transpiration the entire decrease in weight of the plant and apparatus must be taken into account and not simply the decrease of water in the flasks, since under pressure, in short experiments, the error resulting from the forcing into the wood of water which is not transpired is very considerable. (2) The demonstrated transpiration of any branch can never be taken as a measure of the transpiration of the whole tree. (3) The amount of transpiration of different branches of the same tree may be wider apart in many cases than that of branches of different trees or even of different varieties. (4) In par- allel experiments, under exactly the same transpiration conditions, the ratio of the amount of water given off by different branches is by no means constant. (5) The influence and interchange of the different factors governing transpiration is quite different in different individ- uals. (6) The present condition of the individual and the circum- stances under which it previously transpired have a great influence upon transpiration. (7) It follows that the amount of transpiration of a single individual cannot be regarded as a measure of the water requirements of the whole variety. According to the writer, Müller- Thurgau has also left out of account the capacity of individuals and varieties to adapt themselves to changed conditions—-Erwiy F. MITH. ZOOLOGY. A Stratified Lake Fauna.—One of the most interesting results achieved by the naturalists of the Russian Biological Station on the island of Solowetzk in the North Sea, has been the discovery of a re- markable lake on the island of Kildine in the Arctic Ocean. This lake, which is completely separated from the sea by a narrow strip of land, was discovered by the Russian naturalist, M. H. Herzenstein, who was struck by finding in the lake a fish which is exclusively marine in habit, namely, the common cod. Further observations by MM. Faussek and Knipowitsch have elucidated the peculiar features of the fauna of the lake. On the surface the water is fresh, and is in- 1012 The American Naturalist. [November, habited by fresh water animals, such as Daphnids, ete.; this water is brought to the lake by streams from a neighboring marsh. Under the superficial layer of fresh water is found salt water, supporting a Marine fauna—-Sponges, Sea-anemones, Nemertines, Polychetes, marine Molluses, Starfish and Pantopods. There is even a regular lit- toral zone beneath the fresh water, characterized by small Fuci. The bottom of this lake is covered with mud exhaling an odor of sulphurretted hydrogen, and is not inhabited. The water of the lake shows a slight ebb and flow, attaining a vertical height of only a few inches, while the tides in the adjacent sea are considerably greater. This fact would appear to point to the existence of some subterranean communication between the lake and the sea. (Nature, July, 1895.) Sexual Rights and Lefts.—The genus Anableps includes sev- eral species of the most extraordinary of the fishes. With other novel characters, they have the eye divided into a lower section, looking downward, and an upper protruded above the head conveniently for seeing on the surface of the water; the pelvis also is divided; and the young are retained in the ovary until well developed. Our present, interest, however, concerns only their means of fertilization. Ina study of the Cyprinodonts (Monograph published as Vol. XIX, No. 1, of the Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, from which this item is repeated) particular examinations of the anal fin of the males, which is modified into an intromittent organ, disclosed the fact that its structure adapts it for sidewise motion, rather than vertical. Directing attention to the species A. anableps of Linné (A. tetrophthal- mus of others), comparisons of the males showed that this organ differs in individuals, being functionally dextral on about three-fifths, and sinistral on about two-fifths of the specimens. Among the females in the Museum’s collection a similar state of affairs exists, but with the numbers reversed, two-fifths of them being rights and three-fifths lefts. Once possessed of the facts, dextrals and sinistrals are easily recog- nized. Happily Professor Agassiz, on his Brazilian Expedition, had provided a considerable amount of material to compare. Of the accompanying diagrams, figure 1 represents the lower side of the hinder portion of a dextral male, figure 2 that of a sinistral female, figure 3 that of a dextral female, and figure 4 that of a sinistral male. In its posterior half the anal fin of the male ( p ), the sexual organ, is bent to the right on dextrals (1), or to the left on sinistrals (4) ; it has on the convex side of the bend a small fleshy tubercle or gland (ce), while the urogenital tube lies along the concave side. The opening to 1895.] Zoology. 1013 the oviducts of the female, behind the vent, is covered by a larger scale (s), a foricula (a diminutive shutter), which opens to the right on ae rS a Magen ieee ka 4 dextral (3) and to the left on sinistral individuals (2). Evidently copulation is effected by a right male at the left side of a left female, and by a left male at the right side of a right female, the anal (p ) of the male being turned so as to bring its tip under the free edge of the foricula (s) into the mouth of the oviducts. From the specimens examined it would appear, at sight, as if the male sex was eventually to become dextral and the female sinistral, and as if by selecting rights or lefts one might exclusively raise either rights or lefts as he chose; but the proportions of the sexes, and of dextral and of sinistral of each sex, in the progeny are really deter- 1014 The American Naturalist. [November,. mined by tendencies in the ovary, tendencies which may vary from connection with different males, from food, temperature, etc. To bring about a variety in the species, all the males of which might be rights, or all lefts, the females to suit, choice would have to be made of individuals actually producing the required forms, and of particular conditions, in a measure disregarding the right or left of the parents. And this introduces a great many complications into the selection problem. Another question of interest relates to the origin and devel- opment of the unusual features. Some light is thrown upon this by an allied genus in the family, of which the males alone appear to be rights and lefts. Excepting these genera, no other creatures are recalled that are in the particulars under notice similar to these peculiar fishes.. Though less extravagant, the species of Anableps are suggestive of the fanciful birds in the stanza translated by Moore, as he tells us, from the Persian, alluding to the “ Jaftak,” “a sort of bird that is said to have but one wing, on the opposite side to which the male has a hook, and the female a ring, so that when they fly they are fastened together: ” “ How can we live so far apart ? Oh, why not rather heart to heart, United live and die, Like those sweet birds that fly together, With feather always touching feather, Linked by a hook and eye!” —S. GARMAN. The Bats of Cuba.—Of the twenty species of bats observed by Dr. Gundlach in Cuba, nineteen have been recorded by him in his paper entitled “Contribucian á la Mamalogia Cubana.” He places them in two groups, as follows: I. Species with a nose-leaf or with fleshy wrinkles over the nostrils or around the mouth. They hang themselves during the day by the hind legs. They eat insects and fruit. The following genera are included: Macrotus, Monophyllus, Phyllonycteris, Artibeus, Phyllops, Brachyphylla, Mormops, Chilonyc- teris, Noctilio. II. Species without a nose-leaf and with no wrinkles about the mouth. These sleep in crevices and do not hang themselves by the hind feet. They eat only insects. The following genera are included: Molossus, Nyctinomus, Natalus, Vesperus, Nycticejus, Atalapha. (Abstr. Proceeds. Linn. Soc. New York, No. 7, 1895.) Fatigue and Toxicity.—A series of experiments carried on by M. Redon show the toxicity of the blood of cattle that have died of 1895.] Zoology. 1015 fatigue. The arrival at the abattoir (Paris) of a consignment of cattle from South America gave opportunity for the experiments. Five in- dividuals died after a panic stricken race. The autopsy revealed that the animals had suffered from both hunger and thirst during the long journey. Of three rabbits inoculated with the serum of the dead cattle the first, injected with a dose of 12 cubic centimeters, died in five hours; the second, inoculated with 5 cubic centimeters, was seized with a violent diarrhcea, which terminated its life at the end of the fifth day, having lost one-third of its weight; the third, having received one cubic centimeter of serum, died in 30 hours. In the first and third case the liver was very much congested and enlarged. Although the intravenous injections differ from the accustomed mode of ingestion of food, M. Redon thinks it highly probable that the eating of the flesh of animals that have died from fatigue is detrimental to health. Acting on this presumption, the veterinary inspectors promptly quarantined all the animals of the consignment that showed signs of the fever of fatigue. (Revue Scientifique, June, 1895.) Poisons of Putrid Fish.—In a short article, incorporated in the Bull. U.S. Fish Commission recently issued, Dr. J. Lawrence Hamilton points out the connection between foul fish and filth diseases. Begin- ning with cholera, he notes the outbreak of this disease in 1893, in the fishing ports of Grimsby and Hull, and instances cases of deaths which occurred from mussels, cockles and oysters from those infected ports. It is well known that fishing populations, from their slovenly and dirty habits, are more prone to endemic as well as epidemic affections. The author refers to Astrakan, the seat of the sturgeon and caviare industries, as a case in point. Statistics show that the population of this place would become extinct were it not recruited from external sources. During the winter of 1878-79, the plague devasted the place, and the worst and most fatal cases were among the laborers employed in fish salting, who live under very miserable conditions. The price of bread being beyond their reach, they subsist chiefly on the leavings of the inferior parts of the prepared fish. Formerly, Government rules enforced that the unused remains of the prepared fish should be thrown directly into the the water, but now these, collected and ac- cumulated in masses, are left to rot in and about the banks of the rivers under the heat of sometimes an almost tropical sun. The local atmosphere is further vitiated by many fat-boiling, fish-oil, isinglass, etc., works. During the five years preceding the outbreak of plague in 1878, enteric fevers, measles and small-pox were epidemic, whilst scarlet fever raged in 1876-77. Previous to 1878, the town of Astra- 1016 The American Naturalist. [ November, kan, during 22 years, had suffered from nine epidemic attacks of cholera and three of enteric fever. Such skin diseases as elephantiasis, ichthyosis, and beri-beri are sus- pected of being produced by a combination of fish, filth and poverty. Wounds caused by the handling of decomposed fish are often very serious. The author gives a list of such cases. The Norwegian whalers take advantage of this fact by using prepared putrefactive poisoned harpoons. The whales are driven toward shore, surrounded by a net to prevent escape, and then struck with the poisoned harpoons. After twenty-four hours they show signs of exhaustion, probably through septic poisoning, and are readily captured. The harpoons are recovered and carefully preserved, without wiping, for future use. The importance of the question of putrid food cannot be overesti- mated, hence the author’s strong language in urging a better super- vision of the fish-markets. Especially does he condemn the practices of leaving fish ungutted and unbled until sold, and of keeping fish soaked and sodden with water to make the skin look bright. The foul condition of the boats, and of the boxes in which the fish are shipped to market, and the unsanitary condition of Billingsgate Market, are described in disgusting detail, and suggestions are given for, at least, mitigating these evils. The infection of fish by impure preservatives, such as ice made from impure water and dirty salt and also bacterial infection, are referred to. In this connection the author remarks that “ the cleanliness in the United States caviare factories is unknown in southern Russia, the home of astounding dirt and disease, augmented by the most hideous poverty and ignorance.” It has been supposed that prolonged soaking would render diseased animal food innocuous, but it would seem, from the experiments con- ducted by Prof. Pamem and again by Dr. Bremton that the vitality of poisons derived from putrid and other animal matter, though weak- ened, is not destroyed by boiling. Accordingly, to avoid all possible danger of the use of condemned food, the author recommends that it be burnt in properly-constructed local furnaces, and he includes, under this head, particularly “ fish, its offal and refuse.” Another important suggestion as to public welfare is for all fish to be bled, gutted, cleaned, and dry-air-frozen at the place of capture. This would do away with many of the evils complained of, and is, moreover, a feasible business project. The author’s investigations on this point warrant him in stating that “ every day in the year, 2 pounds of bled, gutted, cleaned, dry-air-frozen (imperishable) fresh herring 1895.] Entomology. 1017 (about 6 fish) could be profitably retailed by costermongers for one penny, or 2 pounds of sprats for one halfpenny” A sharp arraignment of the “ Billingsgate Ring,” which Dr. Hamil- ton accuses of diminishing the market supply of fish, in order to keep up the price, by getting the fish destroyed at various places along the coast, and a brief description of the “koshering” process for preserv- ing animal food, closes this interesting paper. The idea embodied in the article is, that foul fish is one of the most unwholesome, disease-producing factors in existence, but the conditions that result in such food being put upon the market are not necessary, but are due to ignorance, carelessness and greed, and can be remedied at no great expense. (Bull. U. S. Fish Commission, Vol. XIII, pp. 311-334). ENTOMOLOGY. The Genera of Lysiopetalidz.—The genus Spirostrephon was founded by Brandt on Tulus lactarius Say, in 1840. Owing to the fact that many subsequent naturalists have not had an equally vivid appre- ciation of generic characters and limits, Spirostrephon has usually appeared as a synonym of Lysiopetalum, the typical species of which is L. feetidissimum (Savi). Through the kindness of Mr. Pocock of the British Museum I have had the opportunity of comparing specimens of fætidissimum with abundant material of /actarium from Pennsylvania, Ohio, and the Dis- trict of Columbia. The form, and ornamentation of the body and the location of the repugnatorial pores render the generic distinctness evident, as Brandt pointed out. Brandt also remarks’ the similarity with Cambala, but holds the genera distinct because the ocelli of Cam- bala are represented as arranged in a single row. ‘There seems to be no ground for Latzei’s inference that Brandt included Cambala under Spirostrephon. Brandt saw but one specimen, which must have been young, as the length and number of segments are less than in mature specimens of /actarium. 1 Edited by Clarence M. Weed, New Hampshire College, Durham, N. H. ? Recueil, p. 90. 3 Myr. Ost. Ung. Mon., II, p. 353. 1018 The American Naturalist. [November, The Lysiopetalide seem to be in need of careful generic revision. The result would probably be the recognition of several new genera from Europe and Western Asia. Recently Dr. C. Verheeff has at- tempted to arrange some of the European species‘, and with his usual disregard for the association of generic names with their typical species has placed Lysiopetalum fetidissimum under a subgenus Silvestria, while other species unknown to Brandt form the basis of the subgenus Lysiopetalum, sensu strictu. The conjecture is offered by Dr. Verhceff that Lysiopetalum carinatum Brandt belongs in the latter subgenus, and if this is really the case there is no need of a new generic or subgeneric name. According to Berlese Callipus rissonius Leach (1826) is a synonym of Lysiopetalum carinatum Brandt, but the earlier designation having priority, Dr. Verhceff’s second subgenus seems to be entitled to a name seventy years old. - The late Mr. C. H. Bollman conjectured from the description of Callipus that it is the same as Lysiopetalum, and proceeded to form the names of the family and superfamily accordingly. Mr. Pocock has adopted this suggestion. However, it seems clear that we must identify a type species for Callipus, or it is a nomen nudum, and may be neglected ; also, if we are to use the name Callipus we must accept Ber- lese’s identification until reasons to the contrary are shown, and the meagre description of Callipus will make these hard to find. I have examined a specimen purporting to be Lysiopetalum carinatum Brandt and agreeing with the original description, as far as that goes. The differences between it and the specimens of fetidissimum are very con- siderable and render it probable that the two genera may be maintained on sufficient characters when a careful study of the European forms has been made. In the meantime we may accept the three genera as distinct, and continue the use of the older name Lysiopetalidz, which would need to be resumed in case it were at any time proven that jetissimum represents a generic type distinct from rissonius, whatever that may be. The genus Eurygyrus C. L. Koch may also prove to be distinct, and the enormous species Platops xanthina Newport evidently represents an independent generic type, if the analogy of other Diplopoda does not fail in the Lysiopetalide. The genus Platops Newport was founded, according to Pocock, on Lysioptalum lactarium Say, and so becomes a synonym of Spirostrephon. Two other genera, Cylindrosoma Gray * Zool. Anzeiger, XVIII, p. 207. * Studi Critici dei Chilognati, etc., Part I, Julidæ, p. 31. 1895.] Entomology. 1019 and Reasia Gray, have been referred to the Lysiopetalide. As no species have been published under them and practically no descrip- tions are given, they may be looked upon as nomina nuda, and not in- cluded in the synonymy of any of the genera. The following, then, are the genera of Lysiopetalide which have not been properly disposed of, and may for the present be assumed to be valid: Genus Callipus Leach (1826) ; type rissonius Leach; locality, Nice. Syn. (Subg.) Lysiopetalum Verheeff; type illyricum Latzel. Genus Lysiopetalum Brandt (1840); type fatidissimum (Savi); locality, Italy. Syn. (Subg.) Sylvestria Verhceff (1895) ; type fetidissimum (Savi). Genus Spirostrephon Brandt (1840) ; type dactarium (Say); locality, North America. Syn. Platops Newport (1844) ; type rugulosa (Gray)=Tlactarium (Say). Genus Eurygyrus C. L. Koch (1847) ; type rufolinatus C. L. Koch: locality, Constantinople. Genus Megastrephon nov.; type xanthinum (Newport); locality, Asia Minor.—O. F. Coox. Habits of Ants.—In an interesting paper on the ants of India® Mr. G. A. J. Rothney reports that the nest of a colony of Myrmicaria fodiens Jerdon, under a banyan tree in the park at Barrackpore which had been constantly under the author’s notice between 1872 and 1886 was still flourishing in January, 1894, showing a continuous residence in one spot of twenty-two years. In Madras he found Monomorium salomonis Lin. used in protecting bales of paper from white ants. The paper merchant scattered sugar around the sides of the bales every day to ensure the attendance of these red ants. Concerning Pheidole rhombinoda Mayr. Mr. Rothney says: “I found some nests in Barrackpore Park, covered over in a perfect circle (taking the centre from the entrance, the circumference would equal about 10 to 12 inches), with the leaflets of some species of mimosa, but no leaflets were found in the nest itself on digging it up, and the even and umbrella-like appearance of the arrangements seems to suggest a protection against heat or rain, as the objects the ants have in view. “Tn Madura, I came across a number of nests of a very curious and, to me, novel form. “ The entrances were surrounded by little mounds arranged in a circle, composed of the dead bodies, or parts of bodies, of Camponotus com- ê Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1895, Part II, pp. 195-211. 1020 The American Naturalist. [November, pressus and C. rufoglaucus, but chiefly the big soldiers of compressus. There were heads alone, heads with the thorax attached, thorax with- out the head, bodies without thorax, with a scattering of legs and antennæ, attached and unattached, in every possible form, but I could not find any of these portions in the nests. Now the question arises, What are these mounds for, and how does Pheidole collect and form them? Are they simply carcases stacked, to be cut up at leisure and carried into the nest in suitable sizes for future provision, or are these bodies arranged as a grim warning to prowling enemies, after the fash- ion of skulls set up at the entrance to the villages of some wild and primitive tribe? and, then, how does Pheidole collect them? It is hardly possible that they are killed and brought in, for Pheidole would have to be in overwhelming force to master a single giant-headed soldier of compressus. Perhaps they act as undertakers, and collect the dead thrown out by Camponotus for some special purpose of their own ; and, then, why should this trait break out in Madura, for certainly I have not met with it in other parts, although compressus and rhom- binoda are practically common everywhere.” Mr. Rothney was unsuccessful in getting ants to stridulate while on the march. He thinks they do so, however and concludes that “ in lay- ing down rules for ant conduct some allowance should always be made for the different little traits of character, the whims and fancies, as it were, which are to be found not only in a given species but in individ- ual ants.” Entomological Notes.—Mr. R. I. Pocock figures and describes’ an interesting stridulating organ in the male of the spider Cambridgea antopodiana (White). He believes it is used as a sexual call, no such organ being found in the female. Professors J. H. Comstock and V. L. Kellogg have prepared an ex- tremely valuable laboratory handbook entitled The Elements of Insect Anatomy. It is published by the Comstock Publishing Co., Ithaca, N. Y. Bulletin 48 of the U. S. National Museum consists of a Revision of the Deltoid Moths by Prof. J. B. Smith. There are 126 pages of letter- press and fourteen plates of figures, “A Preliminary List of the Hemiptera of Colorado” is the title of Bulletin 31 of the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station. In it Messrs. Gillette and Baker have prepared a faunistic paper of unusual value. There are 647 species listed, belonging to 261 genera; five new genera and 111 new species are described, "Annals & Mag. Nat. Hist., XVI, 230. 1895.] Embryology. 1021 In Bulletin 33 of the U.S. Division of Entomology, Mr. L. O. How- ard presents a valuable compilation concerning American Legislation Against Injurious Insects. EMBRYOLOGY." Conjugation of the Brandling.—Of the many kinds of earth- worms common in the Eastern United States one of the best known is the prettily colored but offensive-smelling species often called the striped worm from its conspicuous cross bands of red-brown and yellow, but known to the specialist at present as Allolobophora fetida. It ` abounds in decaying vegetable matter especially in compost and man- ure heaps where it lies a few inches beneath the surface and may be readily captured though quick and active in its movements. In some regions it is regarded by the youthful angler as especially attractive bait for trout and as bait it has been used ever since the days of Isaac Walton who refers to it repeatedly in the Complete Angler by a name too characteristic to be lost from our vocabulary—the brandling. Thus in speaking of bait for the perch he says—“ and of worms the dunghill worm called the brandling I take to be the best, being well scoured in moss or fennel.” It is well known that earthworms, though they are hermaphrodites yet interchange sexual products in a remarkable process of conjuga- tion. Our knowledge of this process, is however, confined to the accounts of two naturalists who studied the large European earthworm Lumbricus terrestris. W. Hoffmeister, whose work on earthworms published in Brunswick in 1845 was the pioneer in a field that was later so diligently tilled by French and of late by English specialists, ob- served the worms as they came out on the surface of the ground in the night-time and obtained a pretty good idea of the main phenomena of conjugation. is account is in the main as follows: “ The old worms leave their holes first, the younger ones only when it is quite dark. They protrude their bodies with great caution and very slowly, after resting a while they feel about with the anterior end of the body till they reach a neighbors’s hole or come upon another worm. They now crawl along 1 Edited by E. A. egin Baltimore, Md., to whom abstracts, reviews and preliminary notes may be se 1022 The American Naturalist. [November, against and carefully examine one another. If the worm that is found is not mature or even if it is smaller than the seeker, greeting does not last long and the worm continues his search in some other direction till he succeeds in finding some other individual like himself He generally finds one waiting or else oe one o from its nile w thrusting his head into it. They undulate against one another; now one now the other drawing back is always followed by his companion. The movements soon become more active; they strike one another with their heads. At length they both lie still with the ventral surfaces near together. The body begins to undulate, especially at the girdle and within a few minutes the sucking action of the girdle comes into play to establish a more firm union of the two animals. The side parts of the girdle that bear the sucking disks are spread out in wing-like expansions while the ventral part is much drawn in. In this way a sort of tube is formed and in this the other individual is enclosed. The mutual adjustment of one to the other becomes more and more close and accurate while the undulations of the transverse muscles and of the girdle constantly increase. Meanwhile mucous flows copiously from the dorsal pores and from the girdle. Usually a Jot of young worms now assemble and greedily suck up the mucous The pair lie motionless for a good half hour before the seminal fluid could be seen flowing out Once I watched for a pair the day after wtopa; in vain, oe the following day I found one of the two in conjugation again. Conjuga- tion seems to be repeated so often that one may imagine a separate fertilization for each egg. n the above account all that refers to the actual transfer of sperm has been omitted as it contains many errors that have been corrected by our only reliable authority on this problem, Ewald Hering,’ who in 1856 as a medical student in Leipzig made so careful a study of the re- productive organs of the earthworm that many years elapsed before his discoveries were rediscovered and introduced into text books in place of the erroneous views long lingering there. His account of the conjugation of earthworms is all the knowledge we have of the process, at present, and is here translated in full to make intelligible the facts that we have to add in regard to conjugation in the brandling. “ When conjugating the worms lie in opposite directions with their ventral sides applied to one another. By drawing in the ventral side 1 Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., VIII, 1856. 1895.] Embryology. 1023 each hollows out the girdle and the neighboring rings into a boat- shaped depression. The other worm lies in this excavation. There is then a copious secretion of mucous that gradually hardens on the sur- face and encloses both worms is a common envelope. The union be- comes closer and closer, especially so in the regions of the girdle and of the male openings. The ventral elevations of the girdle always lie opposite to the 9th, 10th and 11th rings of the other worm while the ventral elevations about the male openings lie opposite to the 26th ring. The elevations of the girdle begin to contract rhythmically. Ante- rior to the girdle the region between the upper and lower setæ on each side swells up as a longitudinal elevation bounded by two longitudinal grooves. As the worms lie on one side this can be seen only on the other, upturned side. This elevation forms gradually from behind for- ward as far as the 15th ring when it terminates in the glandular swell- ing about the male opening. Ina live worm the position of the grooves bounding the above elevation is indicated by two more or less darkly pigmented parallel lines on each side from the 15th ring to the girdle (Hoffmeister erroneously regarded these as canals). When a worm is thrown into spirit it generally forms in its violent contractions both the longitudinal elevations and the boat-like excavation of the girdle. Since the ventral surface is flattened out or even made concave dur- ing conjugation the ridges of both worms lie pretty close together and the lower or less essential furrow is concealed from observation. The upper furrow, however, is evident as a longitudinal groove along which we may see waves of muscular contraction passing from before back- ward. This contraction consists essentially in a change in the furrow and its rims. The rims draw together to form a pit in the 15th ring which then passes back to the girdle, like the trough of a wave. In one minute about fourteen such pits may be seen to form and pass back. The ejection of sperm takes place only after an hour or more from the beginning of conjugation. We see a small drop ooze out of theslit in the elevation of the 15th ring and enter the longitudinal furrow where it looks like a white rod about as long as a ring is wide. This drop of sperm is taken up by the pit above described and led back- ward, Whenit has proceeded abouts its own length from the opening a new drop is poured out and so on. The ejection of sperm thus takes place with rhythmic interruptions and we see passing back in the furrow a row of small white rods separated by intervals equal to their own length. As the rods as well as the intervals between them just equal 1024 The American Naturalist. [November, the length of a ring, every other ring will have a drop of sperm in its furrow at any given moment. The sperm thus flows from the 15th ring to the girdle outside the animals, covered only by a layer of mucous We may calculate the time taken as about 80’”. ; The girdle now becomes especially active. Its muscular elevations on the sides and at each end contract rhythmically about fifty-five times a minute to form shallow depressions which advance in a wave-like manner. The lateral depressions move downward and the end depres- sions toward the middle of the girdle ridge so that the sperm that has been poured out and accumulated between the worms under the girdle is concentrated, more and more, about the openings of the seminal recep- tacles, which lie opposite to the swollen part of the girdle. The same object is accomplished also by a second rhythmic motion that occurs about twice a minute; the lateral part of the girdle alternately presses against and lifts up from the other animal and so drives the sperm to- wards the openings of the seminal receptacles. There is no doubt that the sperm is taken into the seminal receptacles; their openings lie free under the mucous envelope and the sperm may be seen collecting about them. Perhaps the taking in is brought about by some sucking action of the receptacles. Though the ridge on the girdle continues to collect the sperm about the openings it cannot press it in as it does not cover | them. G. Meissner mentioned accessory organs concerned in introduc- ing sperm and eggs into these narrow openings, but as yet I have found ‘none. : ; When the ejection of sperm is finished the longitudinal swelling and furrow slowly disappear in the direction opposite to that in which they appeared. The contractions of the girdle yet continue for some time till the sperm has so far disappeared that only a small drop remains about each opening of the seminal receptacles. When the conjugation has taken a normal course these white drops are found on both worms and on both sides of each. I often examined them microscopically and never found any eggs though they probably would have been present _ if, as Meissner supposed, they are taken into the receptacles along with _ _ the sperm. ee at oe ee | _ At length the worms separate from one another b rful wrench _ for which the tail ends that still remain in the ground serve as points — Of resistance. If we cut off both tails at once the worms often remain _ united for hours. If thrown into spirit they die without separating. ~ The entire act of conjugation lasts two to three hours and may be _ easily observed under the lens since the worms are shy only in the early _ ~ Stages while when an intimate union has taken place we may use a -brilliant light and even lightly touch without disturbing them. PLATE XXXIIL Ps é i ’ = Haat a # z 5 . ° o, G : i rater CAL ay ee yi HEN 02° 2.2 Paea a oa n 4 EG O° 0999050 e! À A f o% o 9, : 7 RYN 7S a T] e ; a UNV HEE AEN > IEAA pi SE : : AR RARA No 2 69 2089s $ COM can eee oe $ : DY) 290 200 Ne ` * pote HE EY i 5 o 008 : PT ea > ae NY . $ ar a s X — : ar 3 Fa = f h e A : s T FRE : 6 10 a 0o00, ô 99070! 20000092, . 98 p 0 90, 5 ma 08 9°90! Say fo 0 N Edon SS ome? Andrews on Allolobophora, SEL Yy N No \ oe Andrews on Allolobophora. 1895.] Embryology. 1025 The formation of the grooves and the ejection of sperm do not always take place simultaneously in both worms. They may also be of consider- ably different dimensions and yet accomplish conjugation since they are so changable in form. As a rule, however, both worms act in every respect alike. As it seems scarcely credible that the sperm should not spread out on the moist surface of the body one might at first suppose that it flowed back in a canal covered only by the transparent epidermis, yet no such canal is to be found nor any opening at the girdle. Moreover the seminal ducts open directly to the exterior and in handling a long worm, I once saw issue a white drop of what proved under the microscope to be sperm. After conjugation a small flat, club-shaped process is found on each side of the worms. This so-called penis is about 1’” long and is gener- ally in the region of the 26th ring, seldom at the girdle. It generally lies in the region of the ventral sete, sometimes on and sometimes between rings. It is sometimes duplicated and sometimes absent upon one or both sides. It gradually becomes harder though at first soft; it is a hyaline mass with a droplet of sperm imbedded in its free end. In my opinion it is made of hardened mucous. Before conjugation it is absent; if we separate conjugating worms before ejaculation it is soft and contains no sperm; it is demonstrably a product of conjugation. When formed in the region of the 26th ring opposite the male opening it receives sperm from the other individual and in the few cases in which it is on the girdle it receives sperm from the worm on which it is found. In the miele cases in which it lies on other regions of the body it contains no sper It seems superfluous to i ddacelie all the varieties of form, number and position of such an unessential structure.” Many features of the above remarkable interchange of sperm may be readily observed in wet nights in the Spring and Autumn in the public parks of Baltimore where this large earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris has been introduced. In the case of the smaller brandling, direct observation is precluded by the fact that the worms do not come to the surface to conjugate but lie closely appressed and bent some inches beneath the surface of the wet dung heaps they abound in. When disturbed they slowly separ- ate. The following facts relative to their conjugation are hence con- fined to observations upon preserved material. At Byrn Mawr, Penn. in May, 1892 and in Baltimore in May, 1895 attempts were made to harden the worm in pairs by the use of Perenyi’s 70 1026 The American Naturalist. [November, liquid, picric acid, chromic acid and Merkel’s liquid but the worms separated in hardening ; it was found, however, that when thrown into hot corrosive sublimate or even into boiling water the animals remain in a very natural position. This is due to the fact they are enveloped, especially in the region of the girdle, by a secretion that is coagulated by heat while the worms themselves are so quickly killed that they do not contract enough to change shape or to tear themselves apart. It is thus possible to obtain preserved pairs such as indicated in figure 11 that very accurately indicate the appearance of the conjugating worms when alive. Even the large Lumbricus may be well preserved in pairs by plung- ing into actively boiling water and then hardening in alcohol. From figure 11 it will be seen that a pair of conjugating brandlings lie in a somewhat S shaped figure with the heads in opposite directions and the ventral sides turned toward one another anteriorly though posteriorly each may have it ventral side in the normal position, downward. Each may twist so that its anterior part lies on the side, the right or left in both worms. Itis noticeable that at two regions the worms appear con- stricted as if threads had been drawn about them but in reality it is only the firm envelope of mucous which binds them together. These two regions are separated by a long expanded region on the side of which may be seen the swelling about the male opening. Each con- stricted region is made up by the light colored girdle on one worm and the small dark colored region near the head of the other, a region of three rings that we will find subsequently are nearly enclosed by the girdle. The most anterior part of each worm may be free and is then immediately followed by the short region so very firmly clasped by and attached to the girdle. This free tip of the body contains seven rings in each worm. The following part that fits into the girdle contain three or four rings. The expanded region between this and the follow- ing girdle contains fifteen or sixteen rings and the girdle itself six or seven. Posterior to the girdle the animals may be nearly or quite free from one another so that the extend of the closely united region when the seven anterior rings are free, may be only twenty-four to twenty- seven rings of the entire one hundred, approximately, that make up the worm. The applied areas do not fit together exactly ring to ring and though they begin and end at the same distance from the head in each worm a fixed point, such as the male openings in the fifteenth ring, is not exactly opposite the same ring in each case. Approximately the male opening on the fifteenth ring of one is opposite the twenty-first ring of the other worm whereas we would expect it to be diagrammetically 1895.] Psychotogy. 1027 opposite the twenty-fifth if the seventh ring of one is opposite the thirty-third of the other. (To be continued.) PSYCHOLOGY." Recent Work in Hypnotism.—With the June number the “ Revue de l’Hypnotisme ” completed its ninth volume and in turning over its pages I find several articles that are of more than merely technical interest. Liébeault of Nancy contributes two articles on the psychology of normal sleep and its relations to hypnotic sleep and waking life. The essential characteristic of waking life is the activity of attention and will; in sleep both faculties become quiescent; in hypnosis we find an anomalous “ polarisation” of attention, it being riveted on the idea of sleep on the one hand, whereby actual sleep is induced, and on the personality of the hypnotizer on the other. Will is quiescent, and thus the patient becomes amenable to suggestion. Violent passions, “ fascination,” aboulia, and all other states in which will power is weakened, are to be regarded as akin to sleep. Prof. Matias-Duval outlines a histological theory of sleep suggested by the Golgi-Cajal doctrines. Admitting that the ultimate nervous elements are functionally. related, not by actual physical continuity, but by mere contiguity, itis natural to suppose that the transmission of nervous activity would be facilitated by approximation of the ter- minal filaments. It is not improbable that they may be capable of amceba-like extension such as has been observed by Wiedersheim in the brain of Leptodora hyalina. It is possible that a paralysis of these terminal filaments may be brought about by the absence of oxygen and excess of carbonic acid; the transmission of nervous activity would thus be impeded and sleep supervene. Dr. Raphael Dubois contributes a paper on the physiological condi- tions of hibernation in the marmot. He has been unable to find traces in the blood of the hibernating animals of toxalbumens, toxines or other somniferous agents, but has found an excess of carbonie acid which he ascribes in part to the depression of circulation, respiration 1 This department is edited by Dr. Wm. Romaine Newbold, University of Penn- sylvania. 1028 The American Naturalist. [November, and temperature, but chiefly to a dehydration of the blood. A portion of this water accumulates in fluid form in the stomach and caecum, and another portion in the peritoneum and other membranes in the form of lymph containing leucocytes. At the same time, owing to a diminu- tion in the portal circulation, glycogen accumulates in the liver. Upon awaking, these fluids are reabsorbed, the leucocytes convert the gly- cogen into sugar and the temperature rises. All these phenomena are under the control of the center for thermic sensibility in the anterior portion of the aqueduct of Silvius; and between this center and the polar plexus, which controls the portal circulation, there is direct anatomical relation. Acetone, which is known to have soporific powers, is also found in the blood of the hibernating marmot and doubtless contrib- utes to the total effect. “The winter sleep of the marmot may there- fore be described as a carbonico-acetonemic autonarcosis.” The doctrine of the subconscious fixed idea has never been as clearly and succinctly stated as by Pierre Janet in the June number of the Revue. He gives first a typical case of a conscious fixed idea. A woman, aged 33, of neurotie ancestry and hysterical antecedents, fell at sight violently in love with a physician called to attend her child, and for some years remained under the control of this fixed idea. Here we have (1) Marks of mental weakness, (2) An irrational passion at- tached to one idea, (3) Its natural consequences in words, acts, ete. Four other cases are then detailed, precisely analogous, save in the ab- sence of the second factor, there being no conscious fixed idea, A hysterical woman, aged 21, has repeated attacks of vertigo and of groundless terror. Another sustained, at 29, three great shocks: her father lost his money, a near friend died of phthisis in her presence, and she saw a man crushed to death. For four years afterwards she fell into an apparently dreamless sleep upon the least shock. A girl aged 16 has nocturnal micturition, but affirms that she never dreams. A woman of neurotic family, a brother being hysterical, a sister insane, father and grandfather drunkards, has monthly attacks of mental and physi- cal distress which end in an uncontrollable desire to drink. After a spree of several days’ duration, she recovers consciousness and has no memory of the attack. While her normal self she is a total abstainer, and has a horror of the liquor which has ruined her family. In all these cases we have no conscious fixed idea. But when hypnotized, it apparently comes to light. Case (1) in hypnosis tells of a horrible i ped from a bridge; this dream When a child, she was frightened by that her terrors are due to seeing snakes about recurring produces the vertigo. a snake, and she claims 1895.] Psychology. 1029 her. Case (2) is told, while hypnotized, that when she falls asleep she is to dream aloud; her dreams are invariably repetitions of her friend’s death-scene. Case (4) confesses to an insane desire to drink, of which her normal self is wholly unconscious, and Janet, upon tracing the history of the case, ascribes this to the fact that in her earlier convul- sive attacks, the suggestion to drink was constantly given her by the presence of her drunken father. Case (3) hypnotized, has no memory of dreams which could cause her annoying trouble, but her hand, in automatic writing, tells of nightmares utterly unknown to her, during which micturition takes place. From these cases Janet draws the in- ference that in all a fixed idea exists subconsciously, producing in the upper consciousness effects analogous to those produced in the first case by a conscious fixed idea. Prof. Pitres reports a case presenting analogous features. L. G., aged 37, became subject to hysterical convulsions in consequence of a runaway accident in which she and her child were thrown from a cart, The recurrence of this experience in the form of a dream or nightmare was the basis of her crisis. By hypnotic suggestion Prof. Pitres abolished its more terrifying features and diminished the violence of her attacks, but was unable to affect her sensory symptoms, pains, etc. While experimenting with another end in view, he made her dream that a certain surgeon performed an operation upon her; next day upon seeing the surgeon she had a, to her, inexplicable feeling of aversion for him, and, at the same time, felt a pain in the part upon ‘which the imaginary operation had been performed. It would seem that the sight of the surgeon awakened into subconscious life the dream and its consequences. Acting on this hint, Prof. Pitres suggested dreams in which sundry doctors cured her pains, and so obtained results which he could not get by direct suggestion. From the medico-legal point of view, the possibility of criminal sug- gestion is discussed by Prof. Delboeuf, of Leyden, and Dr. Liébeault, of Nancy. Prof. Delboeuf recants at length the affirmative view which he has expressed in his earlier works. Laboratory experiments are worthless ; the patient is always more or less influenced by the sugges- tions of the environment as well as by the command of the hypnotizer, and is consequently fully aware that the whole performance is a mere comedy. We are all subject to criminal auto-suggestions in our dreams, and we know how little mischief actually results from them ; the danger from hypnotic suggestions is no greater; it will never be as great as that of evil communications and corrupt example. Yet 1030 The American Naturalist. (November, Prof. Delboeuf admits that signatures to wills, etc., may be secured and attempts on chastity made easier by hypnotic suggestion. Dr. Liébeault’s articles in reply adduce no new arguments and wholly fail to meet the points raised by Delboeuf. He merely empha- sizes the power of suggestion and the helplessness of the subject. The single case which he quotes as conclusive is of no value. Dr. X. and himself successfully suggested theft to a working man; some years later he was convicted of numerous petty thefts and imprisoned. After his release he told Dr. Liébeault, while hypnotized, that his second series of thefts had been committed in obedience to a second suggestion from Dr. X. The total lack of evidence for the man’s previous hon- esty and of confirmation of his story, taken in conjunction with Lié- beault’s obvious predisposition to accept this view of the case, robs it of the interest it would otherwise have had. Two cases of death in the hypnotic state are reported. One was a patient of Bernheim’s; the autopsy showed that death was due to a pulmonary embolism with which the hypnosis could have had nothing to do. The other is the sensational case in Hungary of which a brief account appeared at the time in the American papers. Frl. Elsa Sol- omon, living in the neighborhood of Buda-Pesth, had suffered from hysterical attacks for several years, but had found considerable relief during the last 18 months of her life in hypnotic treatment at the hands of her physician. A man named Neukomm, described as a “ specialist in well-digging,” happened to be visiting at her father’s house and hypnotized her for experimental purposes. She was found to be possessed of clairvoyant powers. On Sept. 17, 1894, Neukomm hypnotized her, much against her will, as she was feeling badly, and told her to visit in spirit his brother, ill at Werschetz, and describe his condition. This she professed todo. He then asked what would be the outcome of the illness. She replied, with difficulty, “ Prepare for the worst,” and immediately fell from her chair with a cry. Her heart was still beating, and an injection of ether was given, but she died in a few seconds. A medico-judicial commission appointed by the Govern- ment reported that her death was due to cerebral anaemia, and refused to inculpate Neukomm. As he continued experimenting, the Hungar- ian Government issued an edict restricting the practice of hypnotism to regular physicians, and requiring that the patient in every case sign an order, before witnesses, asking to be hypnotized. The hypnotization must also be in presence of witnesses. Casimir de Krauz contributes six admirably impartial articles upon the experiments conducted by Dr. Ochorowicz and others with Eusapia 1895.] Psychology. 1031 Palladino in Warsaw. He has given in concise form and a civilized tongue the gist of the discussion which raged about the case in the Polish magazines and newspapers. Lack of space prevents my giving any extended account of these remarkable experiments at present. Dr. Quintard, of Angers, reports the case of a child of six who ap- pears able to read his mother’s thoughts. The case seems to deserve careful investigation. As usual, the Revue abounds with accounts of remarkable cures wrought by suggestion, but the most interesting of the articles from the therapeutic point of view is one on “ The Clinical Indications of Hyp- notism,” based upon Prof. Morselli’s sixteen years’ experience. Prof. Morselli belongs to the school of Braid, Richet, and Bernheim; he has found about one-fifth of his patients hypnotizable, neurasthenics, hysterics and maniacs being the most refractory. He has never ob- served clairvoyance, telepathy, cerebral polarization, ete., and holds a negative attitude with reference to their possibility. He does not believe that hypnosis has dangerous results; is not oversanguine as to its therapeutic value, but has had good results in functional neuroses and in dealing with symptoms of organic disorders. The effects of hypnotic treatment he has found neither constant nor durable, and thinks it must be supplemented by other agencies. The Cebus and the Matches.—A Cebus apella in the Phila- delphia Zoological Garden has become an expert in striking matches. He distinguishes the end with the fulminate, and I have not seen him make an error in this point. He seizes the match at the proper dis- tance from the fulminate and so avoids breakage. He uses for friction the rough side of a kettle which is used for water, and spends no time on the glazed surface. As soon as the match is lit he throws it away, and I have not seen him burn himself. No man could handle the match more appropriately. He does not however always select a a proper surface, as he tried on one occasion to strike a match on my finger, without success.—E. D. Cope. Sand Swallows and Sawdust.—Mr. C. O. Tuursrton writes to the Naturalist, that during a visit at Groton, Conn, he observed sand swallows in great numbers building their nests in a large pile of sawdust instead of their usual resort, a sand bank. 1032 The American Naturalist. [November, ANTHROPOLOGY: The Discovery of Aboriginal Netting Rope and Wood Implements in a Mud Deposit in Western Florida.—I was in Florida, last April, tarpon fishing, and had been drawn down in the course of this pursuit to the neighborhood of the settlement of Marco— a few frame houses on the south-east coast, collected near the pass of the same name through the reef. This pass is an important one, as importance goes in this thinly-peopled region, it being a road to the safe shelter in Marco Bay, and also to the little wooden pier in Collier’s Creek, leading from Mr. Collier’s store and house. And Marco has clearly, for very many years, been thus important. A Spanish settle- ment was remembered by a friend of the “oldest inhabitant,” and, from the more distant past, numerous kitchen middens, formed chiefly of shell-heaps, bring us heavy conch axes or clubs sharpened at the point and bored for handles, smaller conch and other shell implements, bits of black pottery, shell sinkers, and various ornaments, all pre- sumably relics of the mysterious Mound-Builders. Hard cement-like floors of former huts or cottages are reported to be visible in the local- ity—Collier’s is, infact, built on Mound-Builders’ débris, and the rows of these shell-heaps show the extent of their occupation of the place, both in time and numbers. Yet, withal, there has been hitherto a complete absence of wooden articles or of any textile fabrics from the discovered remains. Here and there shell-heaps form the banks of what are locally called “muck ” tracts, former creeks or inlents, now filled with peaty mud, ill-smelling when first disturbed. The drier of these have been for years overgrown with trees and bushes, some of which trees are old and dead. This peat muck is valuable as a fertilizer, and it is this prop- erty that originally brought the special basin, that I shall describe later on, particularly under notice. I had been looking with curious eyes at a somewhat similar forma- tion in the neighborhood of Naples City, a Floridian watering place, of from ten to fifty inhabitants, according to the season of the year, where we had been staying at its comfortable little hotel. At Naples there is an ancient waterway now in various stages of peat muck and stagnant pool—an artificial canal, cut with the clearly deliberate pur- pose of forming a canoe or boat pass from the sea to the lagoon or bay. 1 The department is edited by Henry C. Mercer, University of Penna , Phila. PLATE XXXV. Fro, 1. Aboriginal wooden trencher and perforated shells discovered by Lieutenant Colonel C. D. Durnford in a mud deposit near Marco, South- western Florida, in April, 1895. ‘CEST [Udy ur ‘epuopg miajsoMy Nog ‘oreg vou yisodap pnu B ur ‘paogunq ‘A ‘O PUO yuBuoynary Aq posoaoosip soouvuozindde pur jou ysy odos peurSuoqy BL “OW OOMVYW) varyots 453M Hines jysd WI ONNOJ animes j ( 2 SDNYNVJYAIV «LIN Owisrd SHIdTING ONNOW oom a ee aa bar - A aS moe