ee ee SS fis BULLETIN OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB LALIT VOL. 48 FouNDED By WILLIAM HENRY LEGGETT 1870 EDITOR ALEXANDER WILLIAM EVANS ASSOCIATE EDITORS Jean BROADHURST JAMES ARTHUR HARRIS GrorGe T. HASTINGS MARSHALL AVERY HOWE NEW YORK 1921 BLISHED FOR THE CLU ~ My throughout the growing season. Further study of the relation of . this disease to temperature and other seasonal conditions is needed. THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS 3 Duggar and Bailey (10), Clinton (5 p. 267),.and Link and Gard- ner (19) have observed that both celery and celeriac are attacked by Septoria in storage. The first authors noted that over 50 per cent of the stored ids was made unsalable by this fungus in one instance. No extensive observations seem to have been made on the degree of susceptibility of the commercial varieties of celery to the late blight. Salmon (4) tested several varieties and arranged them in the following series, the first being most susceptible: Solid White, Clark’s Early Market, Superb Pink, Giant Red, Standard Bearer, celeriac. Howitt (4) noted that Golden Self Blanching was particularly susceptible. White (42) concluded in general that Golden Self Blanching was very susceptible to disease while Henderson’s Easy Blanching was comparatively free from disease. On wild celery Pethybridge (26) found fewer and smaller spots produced by Septoria, which seemed never to kill the leaf entirely. He states that the fungus occurs on parsley though rarely in the British Isles. Cooke (7) and others have considered the forms on celery and parsley identical, although I have found no record of the transfer of the Septoria from one of these hosts to the others. Some interesting observations were made by Kinney (16) on the relation of cultural practice to blights of celery. He found that the amount of disease was reduced by mulching with seaweed, soil, coarse manure or even blighted leaves. Plants grown in the shade of trees seemed to be less subject to “‘blight.’”’ Unfortu- nately the author did not distinguish between Septoria and Corco- spora blight. Zobel (43) believes that reduction of the amount of manure in the trenches and top dressing the soil with kainit greatly reduced the amount of Septoria in England. Attempts to avoid or control the late blight, while not uni- formly successful, are in practical agreement in the essentials. Rogers (31), Salmon (34), Howitt (14), Coons and Levin (8), and Krout (18) obtained ae control of the disease with Bordeaux mixture. MATERIALS AND METHODS I have attacked the problem of the relation of health, age and other conditions to susceptibility by means of inoculation experi- 4 THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS ments with celery in the greenhouse, where the health of the host was altered by various experimentally controlled conditions. Each set of plants was accompanied by control plants and no attempt has been made to compare in any detail plants inoculated at different dates or plants which for any reason cannot be referred to the same control plants. Some experiments with hosts other than celery were made to show the host range of the Septoria and will be taken up in detail later in the paper. The plants were grown in pots usually in garden oil which was screened and mixed to obtain uniformity. Inoculations were made by atomiz- ing with a suspension of spores taken from infected leaves. The plants of a series were placed in a group, alternating test and con- trol plants, and were atomized from above and from the sides to obtain maximum dosage. The spore suspension was diluted in one case I to 10 and in another 1 to 20 without any marked de- crease in the amount of infection produced. The counts in these cases were not high, however. The inoculation chamber was a rectangular box constructed from window sashes and lined with burlap which was saturated with water at the time of inoculation. The plants were usually kept in the inoculation chamber about forty-eight hours. Since Septoria spreads only slightly in the dry atmosphere of the greenhouse and since celery is little affected by other pests under these conditions, this is a particu- larly convenient form for study. The difficulty of accurately measuring the amount of infection was obvious here as in all infection experiments. However, when only plants of equal age and approximately equal size are compared it seems accurate to count the total number of spots per leaf or per plant. This method is not satisfactory in older plants in variety tests since there is considerable difference in the size of mature plants of different varieties. The methods employed for the computation of leaf area are too unwieldy for use with plants in any considerable numbers. NAME OF THE PARASITE The specific name of the Septoria under consideration is in- volved in one of the more or less hopeless name tangles which serve so frequently to confuse the minds of botanical workers. Chester (4) in making one of the earliest reports (1891) on the THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS 5 fungus in America expresses uncertainty as to the identity of the species but includes a description of the fungus and states that if it is a new species it “might be named Septoria Apii.”” Rostrup (33) in Denmark (1893) published the same name apparently independently. Briosi and Cavara (3) published their variety of Septoria Petroselini in 1890 (appeared 1891). Klebahn (17) reviewed the situation at some length, examined the exsiccati and decided in favor of the name S. Apii Rostr. Quanjer and Slagter ‘in Holland (30) and Coons (8) in this country have treated the fungus under the same name. It will be noted later that the fungus I have studied, so far as it has been tested, does not produce infection on parsley either in the greenhouse or in the field. It has already been pointed out that no report of cross inoculations has been found in the literature, although a number of authors have taken it for granted that the form on parsley and the one on celery are identical. Therefore, whether or not it be granted that the failure to cross infect between these closely related hosts be considered ground for making a specific distinction, I shall continue to use the name S. Apii Rostr., especially since it is already quite widely distributed in the literature. The question of nomenclature may well be left till our knowledge of the life history of the fungus is completed by the discovery of an ascigerous stage. : CHARACTER OF THE SPOT The spots on the celery leaves when mature are rounded, brownish, and usually quite distinct in outline. In severe cases, as the leaves become older and the spots more numerous, the tissue between the spots breaks down and the entire leaf may wither. Pycnidia may, however, appear while the spot is still quite or entirely green. In this respect S. A pii is widely removed from those species in which the pycnidia ripen after the develop- ment of a well-marked discolored area. The mycelium of the fungus is at first intercellular and may spread at least from one to two millimeters through the tissue before the cells of the host break down. This stage is reached after from ten to fifteen days, depending on the temperature, the condition of the host, and perhaps other factors. The collapse of the mesophyll and palisade. cells is quite complete and leaves little more than the epidermal 6 THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS layers with fragments of leaf cells mingled with the mycelium of the fungus making up the spot. Pycnidia begin to form before the tissue breaks down, in fact it is not uncommon, as has been noted, to see, with the hand lens, mature pycnidia with ostioles on tissue which is still green and in which no shrinkage can be detected. The pycnidium originates usually if not always in an intercellular _ space, frequently in the substomatal cavity and as it increases in size the adjacent cells are broken down and successively become replaced by the heavy thick-walled hyphal elements. Occa-. sionally a portion of a cell may remain intact until its lumen is tightly packed with the mycelium. The origin of the pycnidium is not necessarily always subepidermal but may be at any point in the mesophyll or palisade tissue. On the petiole, however, the pycnidia seem to be restricted to the outer layers, none having been observed deeper than the third or fourth cell layer. When the leaf tissue collapses the pycnidia become more conspicuous, projecting above the general level of the spot. From the sharp- ness of the margin, which appears macroscopically between the spot and the surrounding tissue, it might be concluded that the margin of the mycelial growth is coincidént or nearly so with the margin of the spot. In sections, however, the mycelium is found at a distance of several cell diameters in advance of the breaking down of the tissue. It has been noted further that pycnidia are visible with low magnification in the green margin surrounding the spot. As the spot ages, there is a reduction in the green color of the tissue immediately surrounding it. Strangely enough, however, when the leaf yellows from age this partially yellowed region retains its color longer than any other portion of the leaf. Whether or not the green is intensified in this area as it diminishes elsewhere, I am not able to say from my observations. However, it is plain that in some way the fungus has caused the prolongation of the life of the cells in this region beyond that of the cells of the remainder of the leaf. This is further evidenced by the fact that on petioles which are wilted gradually, the loss of both chlorophyll and water is inhibited in the vicinity of infected spots, especially the smaller spots (which do not lose any considerable amount of water through the dead tissue). This condition was especially marked in a plant in the field which had its lower roots cut by mice and was wilting slowly. THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS vf On the seed the fungus does not produce a definite spot. The pycnidium is found imbedded in the pericarp with only a small spreading of the mycelium into adjacent tissue. In the sections studied, the mycelium did not penetrate to the embryo. That this may occur, however, seems reasonably to be expected and it would probably result in most cases in inhibiting germina- tion of the seed. _ CULTURAL CHARACTERS OF THE FUNGUS The fungus grows readily although slowly on a variety of media in pure culture. On starch,* beef peptone, and celery decoction agars the fungus produced somewhat greater radial growth at comparatively low temperatures (13°—19° C.) than at a temperature ranging from 22° to 27° C. On starch agar, which was the most satisfactory medium tested, a colony 15-18 mm. in diameter was produced in four weeks with mature pycnidia and considerable superficial fine white mycelium. As the culture ages the mycelium becomes coarser and darker until finally the surface of the medium is covered with a dense black weft. On the agar prepared from a decoction of celery leaves, the growth is similar to that described above but less vigorous. In marked contrast is the colony produced on ordinary beef peptone agar. The mycelium is dark and coarse from the beginning, radial growth is small and the result is an irregularly pulvinate colony very densely compacted. A-somewhat similar growth was ob- tained on steamed coconut, bean stems, and petioles of celery and beet. When celery leaves were mixed with garden soil and steamed, no growth of the fungus could be obtained. Clean white sand was substituted for the soil and a good vigorous growth followed even’spreading into the sand adjacent to the celery tissue. SPECIALIZATION OF SEPTORIA APII AS TO HOSTS It has been accepted by a number of pathologists in Europe, America and elsewhere that the Septoria of celery is transferable to parsley and vice versa, although I have found no record of inoculations to settle this question definitely. I have attempted to determne to what extent the celery fungus has become special- bi Czapek’s formula, with 10 gm. corn starch substituted for the sugar. 8 THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS ized in its choice of a host by inoculating plants from the following groups: (a) plants of the family Umbelliferae, including varieties of celery; (b) miscellaneous plants, nearly all of which are known to be hosts of Septoria. ‘The varieties of celery were tested both in the greenhouse and in the field. Taste I shows the relative TABLE I RELATIVE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF VARIETIES OF CELERY UNDER GREENHOUSE CONDITIONS* |Average number of spots per plant Vou LONGO toes : mura / | plants First inocu- | Second inocu- lation | lation Pe PANE Pah i ere AG ey ie | 12 5-7 170.5 OM ORE Be Scouse kee oe oe aran: 10 8.4 167.0 pee Sele Binhohing oreo eee 12 15.2 124.1 Giant Pasc ed Soe eget SON SE aba ar N Sean Sela: | 12 4.0 103.0 Inter Queens ns ie hay Oe et 12 2.4 51-4 Golden Half Doni SF AAT (Mr Bere mb ORs CIS ME yarn Sei 1 6.1 43-7 Peleriag i an ork eal aes II 3:2 | 23-0 susceptibility of six of the common varieties of celery and of celeriac under greenhouse conditions. The plants grown in the greenhouse were six to eight inches high at the time of the first inoculation (June 26 and June 30), and were quite uniform in size (except the variety, Giant Pascal, which was somewhat larger). The plants were not in a vigorous growing condition judging from the yellowing of outer leaves and the slow rate of growth. It will be noted that the first inoculation produced comparatively low counts. The plants were inoculated again without repotting on August 27 and August 29 when conditions were more favorable for infection. The data as far as they go suggest that there is some consistent difference in varietal susceptibility, although no variety shows any pronounced resistance. The white varieties, Golden Self Blanching and White Plume, show especial sustep- tibility. In the field the variety test included the varieties Boston Market and Henderson’s Easy Blanching, in addition to the varieties used in the greenhouse. The estimation of damage done by the fungus was much less nia a in the field than in the However, among the lowest counts cilia from the infestation were those of the variety, White Plume, which stands highest in the wil counts. Hence it does not seem that the presence of the nemat odes materially affects the position of the varieties as presented here. THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS 9 greenhouse. The season was favorable for vigorous development of the fungus and as a result the spots soon ran together and caused the collapse of the entire leaf. Consequently the method of counting spots could not be used. The total weight of celery produced would be inaccurate as an index of the severity of the attack, since the varieties differ normally in the weight of the mature plant. However, certain general conclusions can be drawn from the gross appearance of the plants at the end of the season. The plants were inoculated by atomizing a single plant of each variety on August 5. On October 29, at the time of digging, the variety Golden Self Blanching had been so severely damaged that only a few living leaves remained. During the latter part of the season while the plants were blanching, a soft rot was asso- ciated with the late blight on all of the varieties. This was especially severe on the Golden Self Blanching and seemed to follow in areas of dead tissue killed by the Septoria, especially on old leaves. The unusually wet period at that time would have favored the development of the various saprophytes which are present under such conditions. Of the varities other than Golden Self Blanching, there was no easily recognizable difference in susceptibility. Easy Blanching (Henderson’s) seemed to with- stand the blight and subsequent rot slightly better than the other varieties. White Plume, a self blanching form, was not notice- ably poorer than the green varieties. An accurate method of estimating the amount of infection would probably have shown differences which could not be noted with certainty from the general appearance. Infection tests on various Umbelliferae and a considerable number of miscellaneous plants have shown that the species of Septoria under consideration here is very limited in its host range, if not entirely restricted to the single species, Apium graveolens, and its variety rapaceum. Parsley (Petroselinum sativum) has been inoculated repeatedly in the greenhouse under controlled conditions but no sign of infection has been produced. The tests included the plain leaved parsley (two varieties), the curly- leaved type and the Hamburg or turnip-rooted parsley. The plain parsley was grown in the field in a row adjacent to heavily infected celery but infection was never found on any of the 10 THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS plants. Whether there are other strains of the fungus which in- fect both celery and parsley is a question of interest, both theoret- ically and practically, and should receive further attention. The various other hosts tested were grown in pots in the greenhouse and inoculated with celery plants in every case to check on the conditions for infection. The following plants were tested: UMBELLIFERAE Anethum graveolens L., dill Anthriscus cerefolium (L) Hoffm., chervil (beaked parsley) Carum Carvi L., caraway Coriandrum sativum L., coriander Cryptotaenia canadensis (L.) DC., hone wort Daucus Carota L., carrot (both wild and cultivated) Foeniculum officinale All., fennel Osmorhiza sp., sweet cicely Pastinaca sativa L., parsnip Petroselinum sativum Hoftm.., parsley (plain leaf, curly leaf, and Hamburg varieties) Silaus Besseri MISCELLANEOUS Antirrhinum majus L., snapdragon Beia vulgaris L., beet (sugar and garden varieties) Lactuca sativa L., lettuce Lobelia sp. Lycopersicum esculentum Mill., tomato Nicotiana Tabacum L., tobacco Pisum sativum L., pea None of the plants listed here developed any sign of infection. From these data it must be concluded that the Septoria of celery has reached a comparatively high degree of specialization as to its hosts. These results agree essentially with those of Beach (1), working with.a considerable number of other species of the genus Septoria. ‘ EFFECT OF FERTILIZERS UPON INFECTION Realizing that the terms health, vigor, and vitality are vague and difficult of definition in plants as in animals, I have attempted THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS 11 to modify these conditions in celery plants by various methods of feeding and handling to determine the influence of such treatment upon the interaction of host and parasite. The direct effect upon the plants has been visible in some cases in the increase or decrease in growth, the putting out of new leaves or the dropping of old leaves and in the turgidity of the tissues. In other instances the reaction to the treatment was not so directly evidenced. The difficulty in obtaining properly controlled results is obvious, but I have made a number of experiments to test the amount and character of the infection produced by inoculating plants in different conditions of health more or less artificially induced. One of the first striking results noted was that which was produced by treating pot bound plants with sodium nitrate in solution. Five plants in four-inch pots of garden soil received each 1 gram of sodium nitrate in 100 c.c. of water. In this and in the succeeding experiments, the control plants received an amount of water equivalent to that used in the solution with the nutrient. The plants were inoculated at the time the nitrate solution was added. TABLE II INCREASE IN INFECTION PRODUCED BY TREATING POT BOUND PLANTS WITH SODIUM ° NITRATE SOLUTION ire ive | Average No. are ON eS 7 Mester | ia | Sodium nitrate......... / 348 85 177 189 238 10.6. |>° 24.3 Control. 2 ye ee | 234 fe) II 43 38 S°- Fo 10.0 TABLE II shows the very marked increase in infection obtained upon the plants which received the fertilizer. This difference is unusually marked due to the fact that the plants were badly pot bound and growth had been markedly checked. With the garden soil used, the addition of calcium sulfate in the dry form, as it has been used in agricultural practice, pro- duced a small decrease in infection. This series was prepared by mixing about five grams of calcium sulfate with the soil of each pot at the time of repotting. Twenty-four days later these plants were inoculated with controls. After the records were taken these plants were kept upon the greenhouse bench in compara- 12 THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS tively dry atmosphere until the infection had largely been thrown off. They were again inoculated July 10, nine weeks after the first inoculation. The results of both inoculations are shown in TABLE III. The lower counts on the second inoculation may be TABLE III’ DECREASE IN INFECTION UPON PLANTS TREATED WITH CALCIUM SULFATE | = | First inoculation Second inoculation de cnek. Fae, Plant No, eT | Secor eon eee j first inocu- | second ; 2 3 4 | 5 | Oop d a fe gee | 5 6 lation | inoculation | paclnwer, Weitere SNe raea Diner PADRES EAN oy rkee a | j | | | ] ca 6 WEN teri 387/281 266 301 271 505, 87 28} 56) 14) 80} 79| 335.1 | 57.3 Controis: (623) 368 495|350/342 382 94 |T13|172, 99 | 80 | 36 426.6 | 99.0 explained partly by the fact that the plants had by this time be- come pot bound and partly by the influence of seasonal conditions, for during the warm weather of midsummer, no high infection counts were obtained on any plants in the greenhouse regardless of their condition. It will be seen that there is a consistent de- crease in the counts on the treated plants from both inoculations. The plants were not appreciably altered in appearance by this application. TABLE IV INFECTION OF FEEDING WITH VARIOUS FERTILIZERS AND IN ONE CASE TOP DRESSING WITH LIME * EFFECT UPON a” Average Plant No 5 be 3 4 5 6 3 age as °. le : 7 9 | 10 o. leaves. | Spots per leaf Controls REPO; fa 506/412) 778/318! 385 925 L117 592|144/362| 6.5 85.2 Ca(NOsz)2 andKNO; 64 ‘ Complete nutrient Solution 22.3 559\662'1,237/276\r 9\1,242) 543] 403.247.4290 6 95: Sheep manure 494/772) 461/576) 522 5.0 | 113.0 Hydrated lime (CaO oo: 103/259 518/304 430 5:6 | 60.8— With these results in mind further tests were planned to include complete fertilizers as well as their components. A nutrient solution was prepared according to a Pfeffer formula G7): 4: gm. calcium nitrate, 1 gm. potassium nitrate, 1 gm. magnesium sulfate, I gm. potassium acid phosphate, 0.5 gm potassium ‘chlo- _ tide, trace of ferric chloride, were dissolved in 3 liters of water. THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS is Ten plants received each 100 c.c. of this solution. Two other sets of ten plants were treated respectively with nitrates and phosphates equivalent to the amounts fed to the first set in the complete nutrient solution. Five plants received 5 gm. each of hydrated lime on the surface of the soil and the soil of five others was top dressed with sheep manure. All of these plants were inoculated together with controls immediately after the addition of the fertilizers. The infection counts from them are shown in TABLE IV. All of the plants seemed vigorous in their gross appearance except those treated with lime. In this case the roots in the upper inch or so of the soil were discolored and some appeared to be killed outright. The leaves appeared somewhat less turgid and vigorous than those of the other series. The small margin of difference between the controls and treated plants, especially in the case of the phosphate, makes the results appear doubtful. It must be borne in- mind, however, that the concentration of the solutions was that recommended for water cultures and did not result in marked increase of growth in the treated series. When it is considered that each plant in the nitrates series receives only 0.166 gm. of the salt, it will be seen that striking results cannot be expected except with the lime and manure whch were applied in considerable quantity. _How- ever, the results are in accord with those of the other experiments reported here. Whether or not the increase in new growth under field conditions would enable fertilized plants to increase the total yield in spite of increased infection is of course not shown by these experiments. In watching the plants from day to day it seemed that not only was: there an increase in the number of spots on plants treated with fertilizer but there was also a tendency toward the formation of larger spots and more rapid breaking down of the tissue between the spots. In the field, where conditions were more favorable for the growth of the host than could be supplied in pots in the greenhouse, a count of our nineteen hundred spots was obtained from a single leaf (Easy Blanching) and, as will be pointed out later, the older leaves regularly withered entirely from the coalescing of the spots. It is true that the field conditions of the season in question were also more favorable for the develop- 14 THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS ment of the fungus than the greenhouse conditions. However, the fact that a single leaf in the field bears more infections than any count obtained on an entire plant in the greenhouse is note- worthy. To obtain some statistical evidence of the relation of the fertilizer treatments to the size of the spot, two sets of five plants each in three-inch pots were treated respectively with 2 grams of hydrated lime per plant as top dressing, and 1 gram of sodium nitrate per plant in solution. The effect upon both the number and extent of infection areas is shown in TABLE V. The nitrate plants average 284 spots per plant as opposed to 120 spots per plant on the limed plants and, what is perhaps even more significant, the difference in the size of the spots is propor- tional, the spots of the nitrate plants averaging 2.64 mm. in diameter while those of the limed plants average only 1.06 mm. The ratios are as 1: 2.36 and 1: 2.54, respectively. These data indicate that the degree of susceptibility is dependent upon the interchanges between the host cells and fungus hyphae rather than upon the ability or lack of ability of the fungus to penetrate the host. In a further attempt to produce varying conditions of health in the experimental plants, sets of five plants each were watered with 50 c.c. of each of the following solutions: 2 per cent sodium chloride, 1 per cent magnesium chloride, 1 per cent barium chloride, 0.1 per cent ferric chloride, 0.1 per cent zinc chloride. ‘These were inoculated with controls as in the preceding experiments. The results are not sufficiently uniform to be considered significant. The health and growth of the plants were not perceptibly altered and the amount of infection was fluctuating. The plants treated with magnesium, iron and zinc were somewhat lower in total counts than the controls, while the barium series gave the highest counts of all. It is to be remembered that our lack of knowedge in regard to the behavior of these substances in relation to the soil and to the selective absorption phenomena exhibited by the roots of plants would make any but the most striking results extremely difficult of interpretation. Bearing upon the question of the relation of fertilizers to infection is the following experiment, which was begun with other. matters in view. Five five-inch pots were filled about one-third THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS TABLE V COMPARISON OF THE NUMBER AND SI-E OF SPOTS ON PLANTS TREATED WITH SODIUM NITRATE AND HYDRATED LIME. NOTES TAKEN TWENTY DAYS AFTER INOCULATION Treat- ent Plant No. Leaf No. Diameter of spots in millimeters 5 619 No, leaves per plant Hydrated lime WN H 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0/0 0.5 0.5 wabwWNH whe Wh H WN H Sodium nitrate BWNH 459 ne Wh Whe an & WN 0.5} 0.5] 3.0 0.5 1.0 WN 3-5, 4% i 1 0, 1.0| 2.5 1.0, 0.5 oO fc 1.0 3 s' 3-5) 0.5 0.5 3.0! 1.90 2.5| 2.40 is) tN + Leal ° 1.0 0.85 325 16 THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS full with heavily diseased leaves and petioles of celery. Five pots were similarly filled with healthy green leaves. Celery plants were potted in garden soil in the upper part of these pots and twenty days later these plants were inoculated. The result was a very decided increase in infection upon the plants which received the diseased material (TABLE VI). While there was no perceptible © TABLE VI INFECTION ON PLANTS TREATED WITH DISEASED CELERY LEAVES IN THE SOIL | | Average Plant No, pot = eee | 5 | No. spots | | ce leaf Plants with diseased material | Spots per plant..... el es oe 361| I 53| 38.7 Leaves per plant. | | Controls Spots per plant..... Irs9l 217 55|132/187| 19.7 | Leaves per plant.. .| 13) 4 13 ib | ae Oa difference in the appearance of the two series of plants, the most reasonable explanation of these results is that the diseased material with decay already under way would supply, at the time of inocu- ation, a condition similar to that produced by the application of manure made in an earlier experiment. The depth at which the material was buried and the uniformity in time with which the infection appeared preclude the possibility of the action of this material as an additional source of inoculum. INFECTION OF PLANTS INFESTED BY NEMATODES Perhaps the most conclusive data bearing on the relation of health to infection were obtained incidentally in the course of experiments planned for other purposes.. Twelve plants which had received various treatments were given two successive inoculations, which produced at most only a few spots. These were finally thrown out and the roots were found to be heavily infested by nematodes. Again nine plants were set aside from a variety test as possibly resistant individuals. These were also found to be infested. The infection (Septoria) on these plants is compared with that on two non-infested plants of the same experi- ment in TABLE VII. So far as thesg,observations extend, nema- todes do not develop to any markt, degree on any except badly pot-bound plants. However, a number of galls may be produced _ on the roots of plants in fairly good growing condition. A number aR ee aS eee ae eae an Vie pee SEN SS SENG Fae ee rt ee ge ee ee THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS 17 TABLE VII REDUCTION IN NUMBER OF SPOTS PRODUCED BY SEPTORIA ON PLANTS INFESTED BY NEMATODES Infested by nematodes A Sinai Vari | el el ¢ i be ane Se\2ei8slee|eeles|SE| 82/52] ee |2a SS/83)/83\|85\e5 Awe. 38) 39 I osi8s BO }EO SO} FR | Fa, = es|3s On a % =F | | ies] q | INGOL Ie VES | ON oo 5} 4] s | S| 51.5 5| 7 4 4 Spots per plant... ........ be ai 5 56 19 12 T9°| °5 29 sua | abs of these cases were noted in connection with the fertilizer exper- iments previously described, in which no reduction in vigor of the plant or in the amount of infection could be detected. An attempt to produce the infestation by inoculation into the soil was made with ten young plants in good growing condition but at the end of ten weeks, no galls were evident. The history of a single plant which has been followed more closely will throw light on the réle which the nematode plays here. A plant was noted as “highly resistant”’ in the course of an experiment and when reinoc- ulated it had lost its susceptibility completely. The roots were very heavily infested by nematodes. The plant was placed in a larger pot with fresh soil and five weeks later, when considerable growth had been made, it was again inoculated with a control. At the end of twenty-eight days no spot recognizable as due to Septoria could be found on the plant. The control plant bore 219 spots. Seven weeks after this inoculation the ‘“‘nematode”’ plant was treated with 300 c.c. of the nutrient solution described above with the fertilizer experiments. At this time a few small spots could be seen with an occasional pycnidium. The plant was finally inoculated six days after the addition of the fertilizer and thirty days later a count of 478 spots was obtained. These spots were for the most part small and the fructification of the fungus was feeble. According to the accounts of the behavior of nema- todes in the roots of plants, it seéms clear that the foliage is starved both by the disruption of t*e vascular elements and by the with- drawal of food materials to p: uuce the galls. Here is undoubtedly a clear case of the reduction of infection by a fungus parasite running parallel with the reduction in vigor of the host. 18 THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS INFECTION OF ETIOLATED PLANTS The effect of etiolation of the host upon infection has been tested in various ways. The first series of plants were kept in a dark room for nine days just preceding inoculation. Controls were kept on the greenhouse benches. The counts of spots per plant are shown in TaBLE VIII. This prolonged period in the TABLE VIII EFFECT UPON INFECTION PRODUCED BY ETIOLATING PLANTS FOR NINE DAYS IMME- DIATELY PRECEDING INOCULATION | Total No, A No, Plant No, t | 2 | 3 4 es I | oe Sins | Sones oat leaf ee Rete aa | 62 | 172 29| 63] 35!/ 30 50 8.0 Control. ...........-..] 33 | 401 312| 2531 400 hs 72}. 3 04 16.7 total absence of light materially changed the plants in a number of ways. The most noticeable changes were loss of chlorophyll, elongation of the petiole, and reduction in size of the leaflets. The reduction in leaf area, however, was plainly not commensurate with the difference in amount of infection. Neither can the suspension of photosynthesis be held entirely accountable for the less vigorous action of the parasite, in view of the various other changesin the host and in the light of the following further experi- ments. The second series of plants were ege in the dark room for three and one half days immediately following their removal from the inoculation chamber. The plants were not materially changed in appearance and it may be seen at once in TABLE IX that no TABLE 1X: .¢ EFFECT OF ETIOLATION FOR THREE AND ONE-HALF. DAYS FOLLOWING THE REMOVAL OF PLANTS FROM THE INCUBATION CHAMBER Plant No, I 2 3 4 5 6 Total No, No aeats leaves per le af a ees 422 163 313 | 584 403 565 | 48 , §0.9 Controls ys.) | 623 | 368 495 350 | 342 | 382 AT: 54.4 noteworthy variation was produced in the amount of infection as compared with the control plants. It was noted moreover a aS THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS 19 that the time* required for the first appearance of the spots was practically identical for the etiolated and control plants. A third set of plants was kept in thedark room for five days, beginning on the thirteenth day after inoculation, at which time the spots were just beginning to appear. This dark room was provided with a ventilator which caused a continuous circulation: of air from the greenhouse in which the control plants were kept thus providing similar atmospheric conditions for the two sets of plants. This experiment was performed during the warm weather of July, and as a result the plants kept in the dark room lost several of the older leaves. Although the total counts of infections could not be obtained it is scarcely to be expected that the number of spots would be altered by this treatment. TABLE X EFFECT ON SIZE OF SPOT OF ETIOLATION AT DIFFERENT TIMES RELATIVE TO INOCULATION a. Plants kept in dark room nine days preceding inoculation Etiolated plants Control plants Plant No. . Average size spot No. of leaves Average size spot | No. of leaves I 1.62 5 be OF 2 5f 5 1.16 | 9 3 1.37 4 0.91 | 4 4 1.54 3 0.95 8 5 1.45 3 0.94 4 b. Plants kept in the dark room from the fifteenth to the eighteenth day after inoculation I | 2.08 = t.27 2 2 1.87 2 1.51 4 3 1.50 2 1.07 i. 4 1.80 I 1.81 3 5 | ia eo 2 1.45 3 6 | 1.78 3 1.33 3 This seemed to be borne out by counts from the individual leaves. The effect upon the size of the spot produced by etiolation at this time was readily demonstrable. Taste X shows the increase in diameter of spots upon plants etiolated both before and after inoculation. Except for an occasional leaf (nine altogether) +E yemniie found (12) that Puccinia coronifera on oats was almost completely arrested in its progress during the time in which inoculated plants were kept in the dark roo! 20 THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS ten spots per leaf were measured. Thus fora plant of five leaves fifty spots were measured. In the case of the first series kept in the dark room before » inoculation, the most marked increase in the size of the spots was on the youngest leaves, which were put out partly or entirely while the plants were in the dark room. On these the spots at times exceeded in diameter those on the oldest leaves. In the last series of plants the increase in size apppeared to be proportionate for all the spots. It has been noted that when infected plants are placed in the inoculation chamber, for forty-eight hours, a zone of at least one half to one millimeter surrounding each spot is broken down. That the mycelium of Septoria should advance this distance in so short a time does not seem probable. It appears rather that the weakened tissues of the host plant succumb where the fungus is already present. RELATION OF TEMPERATURE TO INFECTION It has been recognized since the late blight disease began to be studied that it is more severe in the early autumn than during mid- summer. I have found this to be true in the greenhouse as well as in the field. Several experiments have been performed to test the relation of this condition to temperature. Plants were inoculated uniformly and divided into two groups which were kept through part or all of the incubation period at temperatures TABLE XI EFFECT OF MAINTAINING INOCULATED PLANTS AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES THROUGHOUT THE INCUBATION PERIOD OF TWENTY-ONE DAYS Number of infections per plant Mean ay, temperature PUNE 2% "ER SEU CRIT reece SEN aR Rarer a a RR Fifa j4 | s| 6 | 7 | 8] 9 | 1 | Average SRN aeahencm ata cam seeuncmmiirer ot ee eee ROTM TY ees esl! ceidiomal ood } Rae Ce ee. 383 | 272 ntl tay 189 377} 98 133 | 209 269 253-7 sa Cup ste ts--} ag! 86 [ taol, $2) 3} alae! ya} teal. 37] 79-4 differing from 7 to 13. degrees Centigrade (mean average). Five sets of from ten to twenty plants each were inoculated. The infection develops more rapidly at higher temperatures but later counts show usually no striking difference and the individual plants vary widely. One set (TABLE XI) showed a marked though not altogether consistent difference in counts. However, THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS 21 a second record five days after the first showed an average increase of fifteen spots per plant on the plants of the lower temperture. One set of plants showed a consideraby higher count on the plants of lower temperature after thirty-six days. The results are too variable to be in any way conclusive. A factor of probably greater importance is the fact that the host plant may be more vigorous and make its greatest growth in cool weather with the autumn rains. Rolfs (32) states that in Florida celery can be grown only as a cool weather crop. Lloyd (20) and Watts (41) point out that celery demands cool weather, at least cool nghts, for satisfactory growth. However, I have not found any specific data to show the optimum temperature for the culture of celery. RELATION OF AGE TISSUE TO INFECTION The absence of any conspicuous sign of infection in the field during the early and middle parts of the growing season led the earlier workers to believe that young plants were affected only slightly or not at all. The more careful observations of later workers have already disproved this. I have observed the fungus on plants in the various stages from the seed bed to maturity. TABLE XII NUMBER OF SPOTS ON LEAVES OF DIFFERENT AGES TWENTY-SEVEN DAYS AFTER INOCULATION Leaf No.* I | 2 = | 4 5 | 6 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 Plant No. t,o. 00 ts ee ee ) | o | 18|209/254| 75| 17| so| | ” 2c oe eee et dae pee ae dat ee 193 | 61 79 | SN Se ee 0/90 5 93 | 185 | 127 44} 41 az Ay oe ee ee 0/0 QO} 40] 95; 136| 26 25|24| 4 ie BOP Poise bee ee |oj}o $2) 426 | 36| 27| 11 Pon es Oe eee ae 0 | 0} 39F104| 42] 67| 31] 9} | OTE A ED oan Men onee peeseee none ae 0 | 0 | 149| 945' 673! 511! 129 | 125| 241 4 In the field a row of young plants was set out on July 17 so that they were about half grown when the infection was becoming severe on the regular crop (late September). Counting the number of spots per leaf is not practicable under field conditions but it was obvious that these young plants were attacked with a severity quite sufficient to throw doubt on the idea of a close * The | bered here from the center of root crown outward, i.e., from youngest to oldest. 22 . THESE SPOTS WERE MEASURED ON THE BASAL LEAFLET PAIR OF EACH LEAF NINETEEN DAYS AFTER INOCULATION. LEAF No. I IS THE OLDEST pa — x Q — = a fy a & sd <3} 94 a] & ° a o = > ia) a sy a 3) re] & fe < no < e 4 i] =] Q = _ nt 2 Z — 4 E z 5 — ee 3 fe So a} N GH THOMAS: INFECTION - ob bO | s % ou © we > Sot = oe 2 eee 2 a) rf BS 3F ae | So BS eee — S30 5° | ego eR A - os A NMA Nato 62 wy o = HOR DN ra tal 2 0 a aH speller Hea s1|o +0 +tt00 o tie te Oa reese | pe N eH Hw O.O°0} SEE AOR ESE ATS led ee ed, PS fee Do i AGS, Se Oy SS s nN ae oro ei. SA Oe oS: a a Ce! Hoe eH! eo |o eS weow a ~ Or Hun | ao |S 89 SMH oT QQ Qe wo S| » |e, eo eon a a Ha” CRrHO!) eg {2 94 86mm a nq Ln oF Oo re ee ee a ee Ht no we Om oO “oe |S 8S wow 4 a an ono Oo Heinlein Niblvinmedininaciaincil cic gan ea El, oe a ee A ee ae) Lalihen] NN HO ane ee SR NAP aN ae eteld ve) pte Mofine spa ae Bye * a nO ot: OO ee ae ” a HH NOn +e Oe Oo Om an = Or mH HRO CLOSET RELA GE EEN Fi pS ee ee ie aa 4 WwW HH HO nH So Spek: eee Beas tal Lal or Ht O'S ot ° setined SS ass ed a HH HHOSO Sedalietiniaeiciphavicedge pee ee dees ° Bs Seas ” i] se NOHS [2 88 “wou ed: al Send HOHSO e }o Shu ~ nN Celie xe OoOO 0 HPS SMe eats A ag ee Ae ae nN Noe OO Se em i yl a SO eo WS sii is.) HoH wwe ol 8S F6nuH ine] Lou | HH O tet pine lanl Fae at acta he ie ae ko) : oy m OF He Om aL ee Cees Nn alias! ee Om BERLE REE SEE RS UNC REIN ecie Me of}? “e eyew il @ eo se OHS SERS Salt ich RAGS a ee er ene ah i Neteeay i Ge noe 2 - Hoe NHHS 2 H am tmHORn } Liz nD pn ie sees OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS relation between the age of the plant and its susceptibility. However, as regards the relative susceptibility of leaves of dif- ferent ages on the same plant, results have been obtained to show that there is a definite and constant relation between the age of the leaf and the number of spots produced by inoculation (TasLe XII). The leaves which show no infection are those which were pushed out after the inoculation was made. It has been deter- mined by tagging the young leaves at the time of inoculation that a leaf is susceptible as soon as it pushes out into view. It does not however unfold the leaflets so as to be exposed to the inoculum on all its surface until it has reached a height of from two to four inches. This ac- counts in part for the smaller count on the very young leaves., No method has been devised to determine whether or not these leaves are as susceptible per unit area as leaves which have com- pletely unfolded. The chief point of interest here is that a very much larger number of infections is established on leaves which are still actively growing than on leaves which are more mature. Another very interesting differ- ence in the behavior of leaves THoMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS ao of different ages in relation to fungus invasion is found in the rate of breaking down of the leaf tissue after infection becomes established. Except in unusual cases in the greenhouse there was little coalescing of spots until some days after the infection was evident on all of the leaves. Thus time was allowed for measurement of the size of spots even on very old leaves while they were still distinct in outline. It was found that for a given distance between spots, the older the leaf the more rapidly the intervening tissue breaks down. TABLE XIII shows the diameter measured to the nearest half millimeter of twenty-five spots on each leaf of a plant nineteen ' days after inoculation. The marked decrease in the size of the spots from the oldest to the youngest leaf is at once apparent. In TABLE XIV the averages are shown for a number of other plants which were similarly studied. It has been pointed out that the margin of the killed area produced by Septoria is not identical with the limit of mycelial spread. Whether or not the fungus colony exceeds the margin of the spot as far in old leaves as in young leaves has not been determined. TABLE XIV AVERAGE SIZE OF SPOTS ON LEAVES OF THE SAME PLANT AT DIFFERENT AGES No. spot: Age of Leaf No. : = 3 + 5 6 7 | 8 9 | cukanrede | jele sti | j i | Plant No. 1....| 2.18] 1.22| 0.94] 0.72] 0.64 | 25.0 19 days fe 2....| 1.32| 0.88] 0.74) 0.74 25.0 1-5 oF 3...-| 1-66] 1.06} 0.86; 0.80} 0.58 25.0 19 2 St 4....| I-30] 1.10] 1.00] 0.55 10.0 ol é 5..-+| 1.45] 0.70) 0.70) 0.70 10.0 ae : 6....| 1.80] 1.40) 1.25, 1.20) 0.80) 0.60 10.0 29 * e oe teged We Gc T fs I.15, 0.70) sige 0.75) -77 | -62 | 10.0 2 os 8....| 2.05] 2.00] 1.20) 1.00] 0.95/ 0.95] .80 | .75 1-75 | 10.0 29 A possible relation between the acidity of plant juices and their susceptibility to fungus attack has been claimed by Comes (6). With this in mind two lots of leaves were collected from a number | of celery plants, the oldest being included in one lot and the youngest in another. These were put througha meat grinder and 15 gram samples of each were extracted for thirty minutes in 200 cc. distilled water. The extracts were filtered and 100 cc. of the filtrate were titrated against approximately twentieth normal * In four leaves less than the number of spots indicated was used. 24 THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS sodium hydrate solution. A very marked increase in acidity was thus shown for the old leaves. The ratio of the readings for young and old leaves was 4.6 : 6.3. Sorauer (36) states that acidity is higher in etiolated plants than in the normal green. It has been pointed out that young leaves developed in the dark room bear spots as large as those produced on very old leaves. This suggests the possibility of a relation between the size of the spot and the acid content of the leaf. Obviously, however, no more thana suggestion can be made from the data at hand. Discussion The relations of host and parasite are apparently as different for the groups of saprophyte, semi-saprophyte, and obligate parasite as are the modes of life of the organisms. It is possible to arrange an intergrading series according to the completeness of adaptation to the host, from a form such as Botrytis (see Blackman and Welsford, 2), which habitually kills the host cells before it reaches them and is probably never in intimate contact with the living cell, to a form such as the seed fungus of Lolium temulentum (see Freeman, 11), which has reached such a high degree of adjustment with the host that it is perpetuated entirely in the mycelial form through the seed of the host and perhaps never kills any of the host cells. As the adaptation to the host becomes more nearly complete, there is an increasing tendency to show some of the features of mutualism and sym- biosis. Fromme (13) has observed with the angular leaf spot of tobacco and Peltier (25) with citrus canker that infection is heavier under conditions which favor the growth of the host. Marchal (21) found that infection of lettuce by Bremia Lactucae was favored by nitrogen and phosphates and retarded by an excess of potash. The experiments described that Sepioria A pii, although it readily ass habit, has become so adapted to its host that the development of infection is favored by increased growth in the host, such as is produced by feeding the plants with nitrates, with a complete nutrient solution, or by top dressing the soil with sheep manure. The acceleration is manifested in both the number of infections in this paper show umes the saprophytic ~ THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS 25 established and the size of the spots produced. On the other hand top dressing the soil of pots with lime decreases the infection. Also the infestation of the roots of celery plants by nematodes partially or entirely inhibits the development of the fungus. The retention of chlorophyll and water in the tissue adjacent to infected spots after these have disappeared from the remainder of the leaf is further evidence of a tendency toward mutualism between the fungus and host. McCue (22) observed that tomato plants treated with phosphatic fertilizers developed less leaf blight (presumably Septoria) than control plants, while those on nitrogen and potash plots were more heavily infected than the controls. At the same time the highest yields (showing greatest vigor of growth), were obtained from the plants which received nitrogen and potash. Norton (24) also noted a decrease in infec- tion by Septoria on tomatoes treated with phosphates. Cereals grown by Spinks (37) in nutrient solution seemed to be susceptible to infection by Erysiphe in proportion as vigorous growth of the host was maintained. Excess of phosphates and potash diminished susceptibility while nitrates increased it. Stakman (38) noted that heavy manuring of rye increased the number of successful inoculations with Puccinia graminis Avenae. Even the seed fungus, however, is surpassed in some mutualistic characters by the mycorrhizas and lichens. The mycorrhizas show grades of interrelation between host and parasite from active parasitism to finely adjusted mutualism. Stout (39) has shown that Sclerotium rhizodes may be parasitic on aerial parts of Calama- grostis canadensis and at the same time assume a mycorrhizal habit on the roots of the same host. Nieuberg (23) found that in the lichens mutualism persists for a long period perhaps even after the fungus finally penetrates the algal cells. This habit is a close approach to that of producing haustoria as in the more specialized parasites. With the exception of the nitrogen fixing bacteria, only the mycorrhizal and lichen fungi have been proven to contribute anything of value to the host. It is important, however, in the development of methods of avoiding disease in plants, as well as for a clearer understanding of the nature of parasitism, that it be recognized that the relation of host and parasite is not of necessity 26 THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEONENS antagonistic throughout but may on the contrary become special- ized in such a way that infection and the development of the typical symptoms of the disease are directly favored by the general vigor of the host plant. In the relation of the age of different tissue on the same celery plant to infection, it seems that there are two entirely separate conditions operating, one which governs the establishment of infection and another which determines the rate of subsequent spread of the mycelium. The first stage seems closely related to the immediate metabolic activity of the host cells especially in view of the marked increase in the number of infections produced by the addition of fertilizers to the plant at the time of inoculation. That starch metabolism has no very direct relation to infection is indicated by the results of inoculating etiolated plants. Pool and McKay (28) state that the infection of Beta vulgaris by Cercospora beticola is closely related to, if not directly controlled by the movement of the stomata. According to their data (pp. 1019, 1031), however, heart leaves which are said not to be infected show an average stomatal pore width of from op to 9u between 10 A.M. and I P.M., only one case in ten falling below 2.5m. Celery leaves can be infected as soon as they come into ‘view but they frequently reach their mature height before the spots are visible. It is not clear whether the incubation period is taken into consideration in this connection by Pool and McKay. They do not show comparative counts on old and young leaves from a single infection. These authors show a close correlation between the maturity of the leaf and the number of stomata per unit area. Ensign (10a) hasshowna very definite relation between the size of the vein-islets and maturity of the leaf in citrus. The relation of infection to age of the host as determined by these criteria deserves further attention. It has been pointed out that the tissue between spots separated by a given distance will break down more rapidly on old leaves than on young ones. It has been noted furthermore that from a single inoculation the spots are visible on the old leaves one to several days before they can be seen on the younger leaves. The Septoria produces a vigorous growth on widely different culture media, as well as on cooked celery, but at the same time THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS 27 is unable to develop on a living host as nearly related to celery as is parsley. The comparatively narrow specialization of the Septoria on celery suggests a promising outlook for experiments in breeding for resistance. More intensive work in this direction is needed. This work was done in the laboratory of Professor R. A. Harper and acknowledgment is herewith made to him for numerous helpful criticisms and suggestions. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY LITERATURE CITED Beach, W. S. Biologic specialization in the genus Septoria. Am. Jour. Bot. 6: 1-33. I919 . Blackman, V. H., & Welsford, E. J. Studies in the physiology of parasitism. II. Infection by Botrytis cinerea. Ann. Bot. 30: 389-398. fl. ro + f. 2, 2. 1916. i I funghi parasitti della piante coltivate ed utili. Fasc. 6: No. 144. 1890. [Original not seen]. 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Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. 196B: 1-27. pl. 1-3. 1903+ 12. Fromme, F. D. The culture of cereal rusts in the Senne: Bull. Torrey Club 40: 501-521. 1913. ° — aS Lal on Le) on Ny on , THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS & Murray, T. J. Angular-leafspot of tobacco, an undescribed bacterial disease. Jour. Agr. Research 16: 219-228. pl. 25-27. 1919. . Howitt, J. E. Experiments to control the late blight of celery. Ann. Rept. Ontario Agr. Coll. and Exp. Farm 39: 45-46. 1914. - Humphrey, J. E. Report of the department of vegetable Physiol- ogy. Mass. Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rept. 1891: 218-248. 1891. . Kinney, L. F. Celery Culture in Rhode Island. Rhode Island Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 44: 17-63. f. I-19. 1807 - Klebahn, H. Krankheiten des Selleries. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkr. 20: 1-40 f. I-14. 19f0: - Krout,W. S. Report on diseases of celery. New Jersey Agr. Exp. Sta. Rept. Dept. Plant Path. 1916: 584-603. 1916. . Link, G. K. K., & Gardner, M. W. Market pathology and market diseases of vegetables. Phytopathology 9: 497-520. 1919. - Lloyd, J.W. Productive vegetable growing. Philadelphia. 1914. - Marchal, E. De l’immunization de la laitue contre le meunier. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 135: 1067-1068. 1902. - McCue, C. A. Tomatoes for the canning factory. Delaware Agr. Exp. Sta. Bulf. ror: 18. 1913. Nieuberg, W. Uber die Beziehungen zwischen den Algen und Hyphen im Flechtenthallus. Zeitschr. Bot. 9: 529-545. I917. - Norton, J. B. S. Internal action of chemicals on resistance of tomatoes to leaf disease. Maryland Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 192: t7-30. 7.2. 1016. . Peltier, G. L. Susceptibility and resistance to citrus-canker of the wild relatives, citrus fruits and hybrids of the genus Citrus. Jour. Agr. Research 14: 337-358. 1918. . Pethybridge, H. G. The possible source of the origin of the leaf spot disease of cultivated celery. Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. 40: 476-480. 1914. . Pfeffer, W. The physiology of plants. Ewart’s edition. Oxford. 1900-1906. - Pool, V. W., & McKay, M. B. Relation of stomatal movement to infection by Cercospora beticola. Jour. Agr. Research 5: 1o11— 1058. pl. 80, 81 + f. 1-6. 6. llieux, E. E., & Delacroix, G. Sur quelques champignons nov- €aux OU peu connus parasites sur les plantes cultivées. Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 10: 161-162. 1894. Quanjer, H. M., & Slagter, N. De roest- of schurftziekte van de selderieknol en énkele opmerkingen over andere selderieziekten. + Fo eae ee Go ‘oO a [~) as = THOMAS: INFECTION OF APIUM GRAVEOLENS 29 - Rogers, S.S. The late blight of celery. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 208: 83-115. f. 1-17. 1911. - Rolfs, P.H. Subtropical vegetable gardening. New York. 1916. - Rostrup, E. Gardners’ Tidende 1893, p. 180. [Original not seen.] . Salmon, E. S. Celery blight or rust (Septoria Petroselini var. Apit) and its prevention. Gard. Chron. 53: 414-416. f. 176- 181;-54: 3-4. f..4. I . Sorauer, P. Die Fleckenkrankheit des Selleries. Zeitschr. Pflan- zenkr. 6: 191-192. 1896. Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. 1: 664, Berlin. 1909. . Spinks, G. T. Factors affecting susceptibility to disease in plants. Part I. Jour. Agr. Sci. 5: 231-247. 1913. . Stakman, E. C. A study in cereal rusts. Physiological races. Part I. Biologic forms. Minnesota Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 138 5-56. pl. 7-9. 1914. . Stout, A. B. A Sclerotium disease of blue joint and other grasses. Wisconsin Agr. Exp. Sta. Research Bull. 18: 207-261. f. 1-8, IQII. . Ward, H. M. Experiments on the effect of mineral starvation on the parasitism of the uredine fungus Puccinia dispersa on species of Bromus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. 71: 138-151. f. I-4. 1902. . Watts, R. L. Vegetable gardening. New York. 1918. . White, T. H. Variety tests of potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage and other vegetables. Maryland Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 204. 246: 247. 1917. . Zobel, H. F. Celery diseases. Gard. Chron. 55:95. 1914. New species of Uredineae—XIII* JosEPH CHARLES ARTHUR The present paper in the author’s series of new species is made up partly of newly discovered species and partly of old species requiring a change of specific or generic names. There is also a substitution of two new generic names and one old one for un- tenable ones. When preparing the classification of the Uredinales, announced by the writer before the Vienna Botanical Congress in 1906, it was necessary to work with much imperfectly studied material. As the classification was based upon life histories, and as the life cycle of the majority of species was then unrecorded and largely unknown, a number of errors were made due to erron- | eous assumptions. These errors are being corrected as knowledge: of the rusts increases, and a number are taken in hand at this time. The genera to which attention is now directed are Lyso- spora, Telospora and Dasyspora, as they were given in the Vienna paper. Puccinia pacifica Blasdale, sp. nov. II. Uredinia amphigenous, more abundant beneath, thickly scattered, irregularly rounded, 0.3-1 mm. across, at first bullate, soon naked, somewhat pulverulent, dark chestnut-brown, rup- tured epidermis very conspicuous; urediniospores ellipsoid or obovate, 22-26 by 26-32 4; wall chestnut-brown, 2-3 u thick, finely echinulate, the pores 2, equatoria III. Telia similar to the uredinia but somewhat darker and less pulverulent; teliospores oblong or obovate-oblong, 20-24 by 38-48 », rounded or obtuse above, obtuse or narrowed below, somewhat constricted at septum; wall chestnut-brown, lighter below, 1-1.5 « thick, thicker above, 3-7 », smooth; pedicel color- less, fragile, once or twice length of spore when unbroken, 7-9 u in diameter. On Plantago maritima L., Montara Point, San Mateo County, California, August 7, 1920, W. C. Blasdale 1108. A specimen of demamlnrone PRES the Botanical Department of Purdue University Agri- cultural Experiment Station. 31 32 ARTHUR: NEW SPECIES OF UREDINEAE this interesting new rust was sent to the writer immediately upon its discovery, with the name and permission to publish. It was found in considerable abundance on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Puccinia irrequisita Jackson, sp. nov. II. Uredinia amphigenous, scattered, round, 0.3-0.5 mm. across, early naked, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown, ruptured epi- dermis conspicuous; urediniospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 20-23 by 23-26 w; wall cinnamon-brown, 1-1.5 » thick, moder- ately and finely echinulate, the pores three, equatorial. III. Telia amphigenous, chiefly epiphyllous, scattered, round, 0.3-0.5 mm. across, tardily naked, pulvinate, blackish brown, or grayish from the overlying epidermis; teliospores irregularly ellip- soid, somewhat angular, 24-29 by 34-40, rounded or obtuse _ above, rounded or truncate below, scarcely constricted at septum; wall chestnut-brown, 3-3.5 u thick, not appreciably thickened above, obscurely and very finely verrucose; pedicel colar short, deciduous. On Centaurea americana Nutt., Austin, Texas, April 6, 1901) Il (Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 1642); same, June 5, 1901, II, III (type) (Barth. N. Am. Ured. 1338). Both collections were made by W. H. Long. This species is similar to Puccinia Centaureae Mart., with which it has been listed. It differs from that species in the more irregular teliospores with their considerably thicker walls, and in the tardily naked telial sori. These differences, taken together with the fact that the host is not an introduced one but native, makes it seem best to consider the species strictly American. The particular study of it has been made by Professor H. S. Jackson, who has supplied the diagnosis. Puccinia additicia Jackson & Holway, nom. nov. Puccinia Coreopsidis Jackson & Holway; Arth. Am. Jour. Bot. 5: 536. 1918. My attention has been called by Professor H. S. Jackson to the publication of Puccinia Coreopsidis Wakefield, from tropical Africa, in the Kew Bulletin for 1918, page 209. The part in which this name, with description and illustration, appears was issued in August, 1918, thus antedating the publication of the Guatemalan name by four months. The two rusts are entirely distinct, thus ARTHUR: NEW SPECIES OF UREDINEAE 33 necessitating a new name for the latter, which has been supplied by Professor Jackson as above. Puccinia opposita (Orton) comb. nov. Allodus opposita Orton, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 6: 185. 10916. This species is still only known from the type collection on Anemone globosa Nutt., from Sulphur Springs, Colorado. Puccinia Erigeniae (Orton) comb. nov. Allodus Erigeniae Orton, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 6: 191. 1916. The type collection on. Erigenia bulbosa (Michx.) Nutt. was made by J. Dearness at London, Canada, in 1892, and distributed in Ellis’s: North American Fungi, No. rogob, under the name of P. Pimpinellae, and showed both aecia and telia. The only other collection known up to the present time was made by F. D. Kelsey at Oberlin, Ohio, April, 1894, showing aecia only. Uromyces coordinatus sp. nov. O. Pycnia hypophyllous, scattered abundantly over surface of leaf, preceding and accompanying the aecia, pale- or honey-yellow, barely noticeable, subepidermal, globoid or flask-shaped, 100-140 u broad; ostiolar filaments 50-75 u long, protruding above surface of leaf. I. Aecia hypophyllous, evenly scattered over surface of leaf, at first bullate and opening by a pore, 0.4—0.7 mm. across; peridia erect, or slightly recurved, erose; peridial cells cuboidal or poly- gonal, 22-24 by 23-29yn, abutted or slightly overlapping, the outer wall 10-12 yu thick, striate, the inner wall 3-5 u thick, notice- ably verrucose; aeciospores globoid or broadly ellipsoid, 15-19 by 19-24 u; wall nearly or quite colorless, 1-2 » thick, finely verru- cose. : III. Telia hypophyllous, at first arising from and evenly filling the aecial cups, afterward independently but similarly grouped, the ruptured epidermis appearing like a peridium, somewhat pulverulent, dark chocolate-brown; teliospores irregularly ellip- soid, oblong or obovoid, 16-22 by 17-31»; wall cinnamon- or chestnut-brown, 1-2 thick, sometimes with a small colorless papilla over the apical pore, closely and noticeably verrucose, inclined at times to be striate; pedicel fragile, colorless, largely deciduous. On Tithymalus Palmeri (Engelm.) Arth. (Euphorbia Palmeri Engelm.), Laguna Mountains, California, July 19, 22, 1920; same, 34 ARTHUR: NEW SPECIES OF UREDINEAE Big Bear Lake, California, July 31, 1920, and August I, 1920 (type); all collected by E. Bethel, and all showing O, I, and III. The first specimen received from Mr. Bethel was sent as an Aecidium, “with Uromyces which appears to belong with it.’’ With the collection of August 1 he inclosed this note: ‘‘From field observations I am confident that this Aecidiwm is followed by the Uromyces.”” The specimens sent by Mr. Bethel show clearly that the telia arise from the same mycelium that bore the aecia, as most of the telial sori are contained in the aecial cups. The aecia are morphologically indistinguishable from those occurring commonly on the same host and similar hosts throughout the Rocky Mountains, and which the writer for a time referred to Aecidium Tithymali Arth. (this name to be restricted to forms. occurring east of the Rockies), but now believes to be the aecial stage of the heteroecious Uromyces occidentalis Sydow. The teliospores of U. coérdinatus are indistinguishable from those of U. occidentalis on species of Lupinus in the same region. Farther east in the Rockies, however, teliospores of this lupine rust are often slightly smaller and paler. The connection of the common Rocky Mountain aecia on Tithymalus, not followed by any other spore forms on the same host, with the Uromyces occi- dentalis on Lupinus was first pointed out by Mr. A. O. Garrett some three years ago in a letter to the writer, and backed by strong circumstantial evidence. Later Mr. E. Bethel supplied data and independently reached the same conclusion. Although this con- nection has not yet been established by cultures, it seems reason- ably certain. The teliospores are also scarcely distinguishable from Uromyces Tranzschelii Sydow, a short cycle form on the same and similar species of Tithymalus. These three species of rusts with different life cycles, form a most interesting group of codrdinated species, which eventually under some other classification may possibly be placed under a single name. Polythelis suffusca (Holway) comb. nov. Puccinia Pulsatillae Rostr. Cat. Pl. Soc. Bot. Copenhague I, - hyponym. 1881; Vesterg. Bot. Notiser 1902: 169. 1902. Not P. Pulsatillae Kalchbr. 1865. * ARTHUR: NEW SPECIES OF UREDINEAE 35 Puccinia suffusca Holway, Jour. Myc. 8: 171. 1902. Polythelis Pulsatillae Arth. Résult. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 341. 1906. : The specific name adopted for this species under the genus Polythelis in the North American Flora was already preoccupied when the genus Polythelis was established, and should not have been taken up. The next older name is now substituted. A history of the name Puccinia Pulsatillae is given by Holway in the Journal of Mycology (8: 171. 1902). Kalchbrenner’s name ap- plies to the very dissimilar species that occurs on some of the same hosts and is usually listed as Puccinia DeBaryana Thiim. Ravenelia havanensis sp. nov. O. Pycnia amphigenous, petiolicolous, and on young, swollen shoots, thickly scattered, prominent, punctiform, hemispheric or subconic, smoky-brown, subcuticular, 130-250 u broad by 65-80 u high; hymenium flat; ostiolar filaments wanting. II. Uredinia of the primary form following the pycnia, scat- tered, of the secondary form epiphyllous and somewhat petiolicol- ous, in small groups or solitary, subcuticular, soon naked, cinnamon-brown, irregularly rounded, 0.3-0.6 mm. across, rup- tured cuticle noticeable; paraphyses wanting; urediniospores obovate-oblong, or linear-oblong, 13-18 by 26-38 w, rounded or acute above; wall pale- or cinnamon-brown, paler below, 1.5-2 u thick, sometimes a little thickened above, 2-44, sparsely and prominently echinulate, the pores 4, equatorial. Ill. Telia epiphyllous, subcuticular, in irregular groups, early naked, chestnut-brown, ruptured cuticle noticeable; teliospore- heads chestnut-brown, 4-6 célls across, oblong-hemispheric, 65-85 by 65-70 uw across, 45-55» high, each spore bearing 4—6, straight, subconical, hyaline tubercles, 2-3 » long; cysts hyaline, globoid, small, not readily bursting in water; pedicel hyaline, very short. On Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Sw.) Griseb., Capdevila, Havana, Cuba, December 5, 1919, Il., J. R. Johnston 1195: same, May 10, 1920, O, Ili, J. R. Johnston 1201: same December I, 1920, Iz on seeding plants, III on old tress, J. R. Johnston (type). There are two species of Ravenelia, both on Enterolobium Timbouva, described by Spegazzini from Argentina and Paraguay, the only ones known on this host genus. No mention is made of uredinia — in the descriptions, and the writer has not seen material. The Cuban species appears to be abuudantly distinct from the South 36 ARTHUR: NEW SPECIES OF UREDINEAE American forms, a view which the difference in host species, geo- graphical location, and habit of the rust favor. From the material submitted by Mr. Johnston it seems that the pycnia appear in May, thickly covering young leaves and shoots and causing more or less hypertrophy, and are soon followed by primary uredinia. The secondary uredinia appear some months later unaccompanied by pycnia, and are mostly confined to the upper surface of the leaves, without producing hypertrophy, and on old plants the telia are similarly formed. Gallowaya pinicola nom. nov. Coleosporium Pini Gall. Jour. Myc. 7: 44.. 18091. Not C. Pint Lagerh. 1889. Gallowaya Pini Arth. Résult. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 336. 1906. It has been known for some time that the specific name selected by Dr. B. T. Galloway for his rust, which was afterward transferred to the genus Gallowaya, had been published some two years earlier by Lagerheim in Mitt. Bad. Bot. Verein, for an entirely different rust. The present occasion is taken to rectify this long-standing mishap by suggesting another specific name. LIPOSPORA gen. nov. ‘Cycle of development includes pycnia, aecia and telia. The characters are essentially those of the genus Tranzschelia with the uredinia omitted, the following species is taken as the type of the genus. Lipospora tucsonensis sp. nov. OQ. Pycnia chiefly epiphyllous, scattered over large areas, preceding or accompanying the aecia, hemispheric or conic, con- spicuous, chocolate-brown, subcuticular, large, 140-160 yp in diam- eter, 40-100 wv high; ostiolar filaments wanting. I. Aecia hypophyllous, thickly scattered over large areas, short-cylindric, large, 0.4-0.6 mm. in diameter; peridium ample, divided into few (often 4) widely spreading recurved lobes, white; peridial cells in face view angularly ellipsoid, 22-30 by 28-34 un, abutted or somewhat overlapping, the outer wall smooth, the ‘inner wall evenly verrucose; aeciospores globoid, 16-20 by 18— 22 u; wall colorless or pale golden-yellow, moderately thin, 1-1.5 yu, closely and minutely verrucose. ARTHUR: NEW SPECIES OF UREDINEAE Bye III. Telia chiefly hypophyllous accompanying the aecia, gre- garious in irregular groups and somewhat confluent or scattered, large and irregular, 1-2 mm. across, dark chocolate-brown, pulverulent, the membranous epidermis soon ruptured but usually partly remaining and conspicuous; teliospores oblong, 18-24 by 32-38 wu, rounded above, rounded or paler and more or less nar- rowed below, considerably constricted but usually not separating at septum, the two cells of same size and shape or the lower one smaller and narrower; wall dark chestnut-brown or paler in lower cell, uniformly thin, 1-2 u thick, closely and evenly verrucose; pedicel colorless, short, rarely longer than lower cell, fragile; mesospores not uncommon. On Anemone stenophylla Poepp., Tucson Hills, Arizona, Febru- ary 29, 1920, H. W. Thurston, communicated by L. N. Goodding 81. This genus is characterized as it was intended to characterize the genus Lysospora, when that genus was founded in 1906 (Résult. Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 340). But the type collection for that genus was Sydow’s Uredineen 216, which consisted of a mixture on the same leaves of aecia of the heteroecious Tranzschelia punctata (Pers.) Arth., and telia of the short cycle Puccinia singu- laris Magn., which were inadvertantly assumed to be genetically related. The genus Lysospora, therefore, becomes a synonym of Tranzschelia, and a new name is supplied for the genus that was in mind in 1906, but for which no representative was known until the present collection came to hand. The species forms one of the series of four correlated species of which (1) Tranzschelia punctata, the plum rust, with a full spored cycle is the heteroecious form; (2) T. cohaesa (Long) Arth., also with a full spored cycle is the autoecious form; (3) L. tucsonensis, another long cycle form like the last but with the uredinia omitted from the cycle; and (4) Polythelis fusca (Pers.) Arth., the short cycle form with only pycnia and telia. The systematic position of these four forms depends upon the views taken of their evolution and the most serviceable method of representing such relationship taxonomically. With slight modi- fication in the description the four species could be combined into one, having four forms of expression. The author, however, while believing that they are closely related, and but cyclic modifications of one original form, has found that convenience of study and a general clarity of comprehension warrants their separation under 38 ARTHUR: NEW SPECIES OF UREDINEAE four genera, in accordance with his well-known scheme of classifica- tion of the Uredinales in general. There is justification in separating these forms into four species aside from their cyclic behavior, for each has small morphological features that show distinctive structural advance in addition to physiological habit. The aeciospores of L. tucsonensis are slightly smaller and thinner walled than in the other species, and the telia | are large and at first blister-like, tending strongly to coalesce, instead of small and evenly scattered as in P. fusca and T. punctata, or somewhat circinating as in T. cohaesa, and have more mesospores than any one of these. The vicinity of Tucson seems to be especially favorable for the appearance of the less usual cyclic development of various forms of rusts. It was within a few hundred yards of the Desert Botan- ical Laboratory that Puccinia Carnegiana and P. tumamocensis, the long and short cycle forms of a divergent rust on Dipterostemon (Brodiaea) were found and somewhat studied. The new rust on the upright euphorbias, recently discovered by Mr: E. Bethel, and described in this article, is evidently a product of similar environmental conditions. In fact the whole arid region of southern Arizona and California offer a remarkable field for the study of the cyclic development of the rusts. Not only the cyclic development but also the cytological features of the rusts, espe- cially those displaying contracted cycles, greatly need investiga- tion, and in no species more than in the one under discussion. TELEUTOSPORA Arthur & Bisby, gen. nov. In his paper on the short cycle Uromyces of the United States G. R. Bisby (Bot. Gaz. 69: 213. 1920) has excluded Uromyces hyalinus Peck from this group, although the species had been made the type of the genus Telospora (Résult. Sci. Congr. Bot. _ Vienne 346. 1906), which was intended to include only short — cycle species. In the Arthur Herbarium the sheets of U. hyalinus, which were studied by Bisby in preparing his paper, bear many notes signed by him. On June 20, 1916, he made a sectional drawing of pycnia from a ones of Seym. & Earle, Econ. Fungi Suppl. Bs5b, with the note: ‘“Pycnia are found associated with -uredinia, sometimes with telia; teliospores often in uredinia.” ARTHUR: NEW SPECIES OF UREDINEAE 39 The same situation was detected on the same day in a collection by C. F. Baker, from Fort Collins, Colorado, collected June 10, 1894, from which he drew the conclusion: ‘‘ Apparently the condi- tion is, that uredinia occur, later being often occupied by telio- spores.” Two days afterward in studying the same specimen he notes, that ‘“‘separate uredinia occur, occupied only by uredinio- spores, found at the tips of the younger leaves.’’ On June 21, 1916, he found pycnia associated with uredinia in a specimen of Ellis & Ev. Fungi Columb. 2187, from Kansas. The association of pycnia with uredinia in other collections has later been verified by persons working upon material in the Arthur Herbarium, especially by H. R. Rosen the year following. From the above showing the short cycle genus of ordinary Uromyces appearance, which was characterized in 1906 under the name Telospora, requires another name, and Teleutospora is there- fore here proposed, with Uromyces Rudbeckiae Arth. & Holw. on Rudbeckia laciniata, as the type. This with two other American species should now be written as follows: Teleutospora Rudbeckiae (Arth. & Holw.) Arth. & Bisby (Uromyces Rudbeckiae Arth. & Holw.; Arth. Bull. Iowa Agr. Coll. 1884: 154. 1885). Teleutospora Solidaginis (Niessl) Arth. & Bisby (Uromyces Solidaginis Niessl, Verh. Natur.-Ver. Briinn 10: 163. 1872) Teleutospora bauhiniicola Arth. & Bisby (Uromyces bauhinticola Arth. Bot. Gaz. 39: 389. 1905). MICROPUCCINIA Rostrup Some months ago Professor H. S. Jackson, while working with material in the Arthur Herbarium, discovered that the type species of the genus Dasyspora, D. foveolata Berk. & Curt., is not a short cycle form, as had been assumed, but possesses uredinia of a very remarkable appearance. This discovery will be duly set forth in a paper to be published by Professor Jackson after a time. Not long afterward he came across the genus Micropuccinia in Rostrup’s excellent treatise on plant diseases, published in 1902, being duly characterized on page 266, with a number of species appended, the first being Micropuccinia Ribis (DC.) Rostr. This genus, if interpreted to include also those short cycle forms that 40 ARTHUR: NEW SPECIES OF UREDINEAE germinate immediately upon maturity, which Rostrup kept sepa- rate in his genus Leptopuccinia on page 268 of the same work, covers the ground intended by the writer for the short cycle genus set forth in his Vienna paper of 1906, and for which he unfortunately selected the untenable name Dasyspora. The fol- lowing species, mentioned in the paper referred to, are here trans- ferred to the genus Micropuccinia, the new combinations to be credited to Arthur and Jackson in each instance. Micropuccinia Actinellae (Webb.) Arthur & Jackson, comb. nov. (Puccinia Actinellae Syd.); M. Adoxae (Hedw.) comb. nov. (P. Adoxae Hedw.); M. Aegopodii (Schum.) comb. nov. (P. Aegopodit Schum.); M. alpina (Fckl.) comb. nov. (P. alpina Fckl.); M. andina (Diet. & Neger) comb. nov. (P. andina Diet. & Neger, P. Ranunculi Seym.); M. Anemones-virginianae (Schw.) comb. nov. (P. Anemones-virginianae Schw.); M. annularis (Str.) comb. nov. (P. annularis Schlecht.); M. Arenariae (Schum.) comb. nov. (P. Arenariae Schrét., P. Spergulae DC.); M. asarina (Kunze) comb. nov. (P. asarina Kunze); M. Asteris (Duby) comb. nov. (P. Asiteris Duby, P. Erigerontis E. & E., P. Helenit Schw.); M. astrantiicola (Bubak) comb. nov. (P. astrantiicola Bubak, P. Astrantiae Kalchbr. not B. & C.); M. Betonicae (A. & S.) comb. nov. (P. Betonicae DC.); M. Buxi (DC.) comb. nov. (P. Buxi DC.); M. canadensis (Arth.) comb. nov. (P. canadensis Arth.); M. Chrysoplenii (Grev.) comb. nov. (P. Chrysoplenti Grev.); M. Circaeae (Pers.) comb. nov. (P. Circaeae Pers.); M. Cnici-oleracei (Pers.) comb. nov. (P. Cnici-oleracei Pers.); M. columbiensis (E. & E.) comb. nov. (P. columbiensis E. & E., P. bicolor E. & E.); M. Comandrae (Peck) comb. nov. (P. Comandrae Peck); M. concrescens (E. & E.) comb. nov. (P. concrescens E. & E., P. compacta Kunze); M. conferta (D. & H.) comb. nov. (P. conferta D. & H.); M. conglomerata (Str.) comb. nov. (P. conglomerata Str.); M. Cruciferarum (Rud.) comb. nov. (P. Cruciferarum Rud.); M. Cupheae (Holw.) comb. nov. (P. Cupheae Holw., P. jaliscensis Holw.); M. Dayi (Clint.) comb. nov. (P. Dayi Clint.); M. distorta (Holw.) comb. nov. (P. distorta Holw.); M. Drabae (Rud.) comb. nov. (P. Drabae Rud.); M. enormis (Fckl.) comb. nov. ( P. enormis Fckl.); M. Epilobii (DC.) comb. nov. (P. Epilobii DC.); M. expansa (Link) comb. nov. ARTHUR: NEW SPECIES OF UREDINEAE 41 (P. expansa Link); M. Fergussoni (Berk. & Br.) comb. nov. (P. Fergussoni Berk. & Br.); M. Glechomatis (DC.) comb. nov. (P. Glechomatis DC.); M. Grindeliae (Peck) comb. nov. (P. Grindeliae Peck); M. grisea (Str.) comb. nov. (P. grisea Wint.); M. Haleniae (A. & H.) comb. nov. (P. Haleniae A. & H.); M. Heterisiae (H. S. Jackson) comb. nov. (P. Heterisiae H. S. Jack- son, P. aspera D. & H.); M. heterospora (B. & C.) comb. nov. (P. heterospora B. & C.); M. Heucherae (Schw.) comb. nov. (P. Heucherae Diet., P. Saxifragae Schl.); M. Holboellii (Hornem.) comb. nov. (P. Holboeleii Rostr., P. palefaciens D. & H.); M. Huteri (Syd.) comb. nov. (P. Huteri Syd.); M. Imperatoriae (Jacky) comb. nov. (P. Imperatoriae Jacky); M. Jueliana (Diet.) comb. nov. (P. Jueliana Diet.); M. Lantanae (Farl.) comb nov. (P. Lantanae Farl.); M. lateritia (B. & C.) comb. nov. if lateritia B. & C.); M. Leveillei (Mont.) comb. nov. (P. Leveillet Mont., P. Geranit-silvatici Karst.); M. Lobeliae (Gerard) comb. nov. (P. Lobeliae Gerard); M. Malvacearum (Bert.) comb. nov. (P. Malvacearum Bert.); M. Mesneriana (Thim.) comb. nov. (P. Mesneriana Thiim.); M. mesomajalis (B. & C.) comb. nov. (P. mesomajalis B. & C.); M. Millefolii (Fckl.) comb. nov. (P. Millefolii Fckl.); M. ornata (A. & H.) comb. nov. (P. ornata A. & H.); M. Parnassiae (Arth.) comb. nov. (P. Parnassiae Arth.); M. Pazschkei (Diet.) comb. nov. (P. Pazschkei Diet.); M. Polemonii (D. & H.) comb. nov. (P. Polemontt D. & H.); M. porphyrogenita (Curt.) comb. nov. (P. porphyrogenita Curt., P. acuminata Peck); M. praemorsa (D. & H.) comb. nov. LP, praemorsa D. & H.); M. Pulsatillae (Kalchbr.) comb. nov. (P. Pulsatillae Kalchbr., P. DeBaryana Thiim.); M. Pyrolae (Cke.) comb. nov. (P. Pyrolae Cke.); M. recedens (Syd.) comb. nov- (P. recedens Cke.); M. rubefaciens (Johans.) comb. nov. (P. rubefaciens Johans.); M. scandica (Johans.) comb. nov. (P. scandica Johans.); M. Seymeriae (Burr.) comb. nov. (P. Sey- meriae Burr.); M. Sherardiana (Kérn.) comb. nov. (P. Sherar- diana Kérn.); M. Silphii (Schw.) comb. nov. (P. Silphii Schw.); M. Solidaginis (Peck) comb. nov. (P. Solidaginis Peck); M. Spegazzinii (DeT.) comb. nov. (P. Spegazzinit DeT., P. australis Speg.); M. Suksdorfii (E. & E.) comb. nov. (P. Suksdorfii E. & E.); M. Synedrellae (Henn.) comb. nov. (P. Synedrellae Henn., 42 ARTHUR: NEW SPECIES OF UREDINEAE P. Emiliae Henn.); M. tuberculans (E. & E.) comb. nov. (P. tuberculans E. & E.); M. turrita (Arth.) comb. nov. (P. turrita Arth.); M. uralensis (Tranz.) comb. nov. (P. uralensis Tranz.); M. variolans (Hark.) comb. nov. (P. variolans Hark.); M. Veronicarum (DC.) comb. nov. (P. Veronicarum DC.); M. verruca (Thiim.) comb. nov. (P. verruca Thiim.); M. Virgaureae (DC.) comb. nov. (P. Virgaureae DC.); M. Vossii (Kérn.) comb. nov. (P. Vossit Kérn.); M. Xanthii (Schw.) comb. nov. (P. Xanthit Schw.); M. Xylorrhizae (Arth.) comb. nov. (P. Xylor- rhizae Arth.). ; There are two names under Dasyspora in the Vienna paper, D. Adenostegiae and D. cinnamomea, that are not transferred, as it has been found in the meantime that these rusts are probably not short cycle species. A number of the names in that paper appear in the above list as synonyms. In addition to this list of names from the Vienna paper the following species, which are entitled to be placed under Micropuccinia and credited to Arthur and Jack- son, are for convenience here transferred. Micropuccinia albulensis (Magn.) comb. nov. (P. albulensis Magn.); M. Crytotaeniae (Peck) comb. nov. (P. Cryptotaeniae — Peck); M. curtipes (Howe) comb. nov. (P. curttipes Howe); M. Hydrophylli (P. & C.) comb. nov. (P. Hydrophylli P. & C.); M. Hyssopi (Schw.) comb. nov. (P. Hyssopi Schw.); M. Ligustici (E. & E.) comb. nov. (P. Ligustici E. & E.); M. Linkii (Klotzsch) comb. nov. (P. Link Klotzsch); M. Lygodes- miae (E. & E.) comb. nov. (P. Lygodesmiae E. & E.); M. macu- losa (Schw.) comb. nov. (P. maculosa Schw.); M. Mertensiae (Peck) comb. nov. (P. Mertensiae Peck); M. obliqua (B. & C.) comb. nov. (P. obliqua B. & C., P. Gonolobi Rav.); M. Physos- tegiae (Peck & Clint.) comb. nov. (P. Physostegiae Peck & Clint.) ; M. Ranunculi (Blytt) comb. nov. (P. Ranunculi Blytt); M. Waldsteiniae (Curt.) comb. nov. (P. Waldsteiniae Curt.). PURDUE UNIVERSITY, LAFAYETTE, INDIANA INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 1910-1920 aim of this Index is to include all current botanical literature written by Americans, published i in America, or based upon American material ; the word Amer- ica being used in the broadest sense. eviews, and papers that relate exclusively to forestry, agriculture, horticulture, manufactured products of vegetable origin, or laboratory methods are not included, and no attempt is made to index the literature of bacteriology. An occasional exception is made in favor of some paper appearing in an American oe which is devoted Some important particular. If users of the Index will call the attention of the editor to errors or omissions, their kindness will be appreciated. This Indexis reprinted monthly on cards, and furnishedin this form to sub- scibers at the rate of two cents for each card. Selection of cardsis not permitted; each subsciber must take all cards published during the term of his subscription. orrespondence relating to the card issue should be addressed to the Treasurer of the Torrey Botanical Club. Anderson, H. W. Diseases of Illinois fruits. Univ. Illinois Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. 241: 3-155. pl. 1-2 +f. 1-60. Ap 1920. Andrews, E. F. Habits and habitats of the North American resurrec- tion fern. Torreya 20: 91-96. 1920. Polypodium polypodioides. Bastin, S.L. Does cold kill plants? Sci. Amer. 123: 427. 23 O 1920- Benoist, R. Descriptions d’espéces nouvelles de Phanérogames. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 1920. 184-188. 1920. Includes Bathysa difformis sp. nov., from French Guiana. Berry, E,W. New specific name. Torreya 20: 101. 1920. Inga culebrana from the Panama Oligocene. Blakeslee, A. F., Belling, J., & Farnham, M.E. Chromosomal duplica- tion and Mendelian phenomena in Datura mutants. Science II. 52: 388-390. 22 O 1920. Bédeker, F. Mamillaria hirsuta Bid. spec. nov. Monatschr. Kak- teenk. 29: 130-132. N 1919 [Illust.]. From Mexico. Bonar, L. Wilt of white clover, due to pele alan Trifolii, Phyto- pathology 10: 435-441. f. 1-3. 25 O01 Includes description of Brachysporium Trifolit eiuenbe sp. nov. Bradshaw, R. V. Ayrshire rose in Washington. Am. Bot. 26: 98. Au 1920. 43 44 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Bradshaw, R. V. Wildflowers of the Oregon coast. Am. Bot. 26: 84-87. Au 1920. Brandes, E. W. Mosaic disease of corn. Jour. Agr. Research 19: 517-521. pl. 95-96. 16 Au 1920 Bresadola, G. Selecta mycologica. Ann. Mycol. 18: 26-70. 1920. Includes 2 new genera and 45 new species from America. Britton, E.G. ‘‘ Disappearing wild flowers.’’ Torreya 20: 101. 1920. Britton, N. L., & Rose, J. N. The Cactaceae. Vol. II. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 2487: 1-239. pl. 1-40 + f. 1-305. 9S 1920. Includes 19 new genera and 48 new species. Brown, E. D. W. Apogamy in Osmunda cinnamomea and O. Clay- tontana. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 339-345. f. 1-10. 5 O 1920. Brown, F. B. H. The silicious skeleton of tracheids and fibers. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 407-424. f. 1-5. 20 O 1920. Brown, J. S. Subcortical formation and abnormal development of stomata in etiolated shoots of Opuntia Blakeana. Bot. Gaz. 70 295-307. pl. 27-30. 4 fds. AS O 1920. Burns, G. P. Tolerance of forest trees and its relation to forest succes- sion. Jour. For. 18: 610-615. O 1920. Carleton, M.B. The soap nut tree. Am. For. 26: 621. O 1920. Cheyney, E. G. Preliminary investigation of Ribes as a controlling factor in the spread of white pine blister rust. Science II. $2: 442- 345. 8 O 1920. Child, C. M., & Bellamy, A. W. Physiological isolation by low tempera- ture in Bryophyllum. Bot. Gaz. 70: 249-267. f. 1-6. 19 O 1920. [Clute, W. N.] Cold deserts and dry deserts. Am. Bot. 26: 97. Au 1920. Clute, W. N. The desert trumpet flower. Am. Bot. 26: 77-79. Au 1920. Cockerell, T. D. A. A new form of Stanleya. 1920. S. glauca latifolia, from Kansas. Torreya 20: I01, 102. Coker, W. C. Azalea atlantica Ashe and its variety luteo-alba n Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 36: 97-99. pi..7, 7. °S t20. Coker, W. C., & Couch, J.N. A new species of Achlya. Jour. Elisha ateng Sci. Soc. 26: 100, 101. S 1920 a Orion, from North Carolina - Var. PST J. E. Early stem anatomy of Todea barbara. Bot. Gaz. 70: 294. pl. 23-26. 19 O 1920 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 45 Earle, F. S. La extirpacién del mosaico de la cafia como medio de represién. Puerto Rico Dept. Agric. y Trab. Bol. 22: I-19. Ja 1920. Farr, W. K. Cell-division of the pollen-mother-cell of Cobaea scandens alba. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 325-328. pl. 14. 5 O 1920. Farwell, O. A. Notes on the Michigan flora II. Michigan Acad. Sci. Rept. 21: 345-371. 1919. Includes many new varieties, combinations and forms. 1919. Figueroa, C. A. El matizado de la cafia de azticar y la produccién de azucar en Puerto Rico. Rev. Agric. Puerto Rico §: 25-31. 30S 1920. Forbes, C. N. Notes on Marsilea villosa Kaulf. Occ. Papers Bishop Mus. 7: 47-49. pl. 13-14. 1920. Forbes, C. N. New Hawaiian Plants. VII. Occ. Papers Bishop Mus. 7: 33-39. pl. 3-11. 1920. 7 new species. Forbes, C. N., & Munro, G. C. A new Cyanea from Lanai, Hawaii. Occ. Papers Bishop Mus. 7: 43. pl. 12. 1920. Gager, C. S. Heredity and evolution in plants. i-xiii + 1-265. Philadelphia. 1920. Gassner, G. Beitrage zur Frage der Uberwinterung und Verbreitung der Getreideroste im subtropischen Klima. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkr. 26: 329-374. 16S 1916. Observations made in Uruguay. Grier, N. M. Notes on ee. regeneration in Elodea and Ceratophyllum. Am. Bot. 26: 8 Harlan, H. V., & Hayes, H. K. Occurrence of the fixed intermediate, _ Hordeum intermedium haxtoni, in crosses between H. vulgare pallidum and JH. distichon palmella. Jour. Agr. Research 19: 575-591. pl. I03-106. 1S 1920. . Harvey, R.B. Some enemies of the potato. Sci. Am. Mo. 2: 120-122. f. 1-9. O 1920. Hastings,G.T. The vegetation of a cinder field. Torreya 20: 96-100. 1920. | Hayes, H.K. The inheritance of the length of internode in the rachis of the barley spike. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 869: 1-26. pl. 1-2. 30 S 1920. _ Hayes, H.K., Parker, J. H., & Kurtzweil, C. Genetics of rust resistance in crosses of varieties of Triticum-vulgare with varieties of T. durum and T. dicoccum. Jour. Agr. Research 19: 523-542. pl. 97-102 1S 1920. 46 INDEX TO AMERICAN: BOTANICAL LITERATURE Hedrick, U. P. Manual of American grape-growing. i-vili + 1-458. New York. I9g19. Hillmann, J. Beitrage zur Systematik der Flechten. Ann. Myc. 18: I-25. 1920. Hitchcock, A. S. Poaceae, in Standley, P. C., Trees and shrubs of Mexico. Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 23: 65-70. 1920. Hohnel, F. Mykologische Fragmenti. Ann. ‘ee 18: 71-97. 1920. Includes Valseutypella gen. nov., from North Ameri Holbert, J. R., & Hoffer, G. N. Control of the root, stalk and ear rot diseases of corn. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Bull. 1176: 3-24. f. I-25. 5S 1920. Hubert, E. E. Observations on Cytospora chrysosperma in the north- west. Phytopathology 10: 442-447. 25 O 1920. Hutchinson, J. Jeffersonia and Plagiorhegma. Kew Bull. Misc. Inform. 1920: 242-245. 1920. Johnson, F. R. Forests in the sand hills. Am. For. 26: 582-584. O 1920. Jones, D. F. Sterility in Shunde and plants. Sci. Am. Mo. 2: 117- 119. O 1920. Judd,C.S. The first foe tree in Hawaii. Am. For. 26: 605, 606. O 1920. Kilmer, F. B., & Smith, R. O. Belladonna cultivation in a practical way. Am. Jour. Pharm. 92: 620-630. S 1920. [Illust.] . Kirby, R.S., & Thomas, H. E. The take-all disease of wheat in New York State. Science II. 52: 368-369. 15 O 1920. Knuth, R. Dioscoreaceae americanae novae. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. re Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 185-222. 28 D 1917. New species in Dioscorea (92) and Rajania (11). Knuth, R. Oxalidaceae americanae novae. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und © Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 289-318. 15 My 1919. New American species in Oxalis (77) and Biophytum (4). Kriinzlin, F. Zwei neue und eine kritische Orchidacee. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 319-322. 15 My 1919. Dikylikostigma, gen. nov., from Venezuela and Vanilla Preussii, sp. nov., from mala. Kranzlin, F. Cyriochilum H. B. K. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 81-101. 15 My 1917. Includes 3 new South American and many new combinations. Krausel, RY Einige Bemerkungen zur Bestimmung fossiler Koniferen- Hélzer. Osterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 67: 127-135. 1918. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 47 Kunkel, L. O. Further data on the orange-rusts of Rubus. Jour. Agr. Research 19: 501-512. pl. D + pl. 92-04. 16 Au 1920. Lakon, G. Abnormes Vorkommen von gefingerten Blattern bei Acer negundo L. Zeitschr. Pflanzenkr. 27: 100-102. f. 1-2. 25 Ap I9I7. Lamson-Scribner, F. Parks and gardens of Buenos Aires. Nat. Hist. 20: 305-311. My-—Je 1920. Langdon, La D. M. Stem anatomy of Dioon spinulosum. Bot. Gaz. 7O: 110-125. pl. 15-17 + f. I-g. 21 Ap 1920. Langdon, S. C., & Gailey, W. R. Carbon monoxide a respiration prod- uct of Nereocystis Luetkeana. Bot. Gaz. 70: 230-239. f. I-3. 15 S 1920. La Rue, C. D. Isolating single spores. Bot. Gaz. 70: 319-320. 19 O 1920. Legrand, J. F. El Paspalum dilatatum. I. Revista Agric. Puerto Rico 5!: 13-17. Jl 1920; II. 5%: 8-13. Au 1920. [Illust.] Legrand, J. F. Plantas titiles de Puerto Rico. Revista Agric. Puerto Rico 4°: 5-10. 31 My 1920. Lehman, S. C. Penicillium spiculisporum, a new ascogenous fungus. Mycologia 12: 268-274. pl. 19. 1920. Levine, M. The behavior of crown gall on the rubber tree (Ficus elastica). Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med. 17: 157, 158. 1920. Lloyd, C. G. Mycological notes. 63: 945-984. My 1920. Loesener, T. Uber eine neue Stromanthe-Art. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 410-411. 15 My 1920. Stromanthe humilis of tropical America. Lumbard, L. H. Cleavers. Am. Bot. 26:95. Au 1920. Mac Caughey, V. Hawaii's tapestry forests. Bot. Gaz. '70: 137-147. f. 1-6. 21 Au 1920. Mac Caughey, V. The Hawaiian olona. Science II 52: 240-241. 10 S$ 1920. Mac Dougal, D.T. Auxographic measurement of swelling of bicolloids and of plants. Bot. Gaz. 70: 126-136. f. 1, 2. 21 Au 1920. MacDougal, D. T., & Spoehr, H. A. Swelling of agar in solutions of amino acids and related compounds. Bot. Gaz. 70: 268-278. f. 1-6. 19 O 1920. Macmillan, H. G. A frost injury of potatoes. Phytopathology 10: 423-424. pl. 13. 1920. Maddox, R.S. A veteran giant of elms. Am. For. 26: 611. O 1920. 48 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Magness, J. R. Composition of gases in intercellular spaces of apples and potatoes. Bot. Gaz. 70: 308-316. f. 1. 19 O 1920. Matz, J. Gumming disease of sugar cane in Porto Rico. Phyto- pathology 10: 429-430. f. 1. 1920. Matz, J. La gomosis de la cafia. Revista Agric. Puerto Rico 5}: 24-26. Jl 1920. [Illust.] Matz, J. La gomosis de la cafia de azticar. Puerto Rico Dept. Agric. y Trab. Circ. 20: 1-7. 1920. [1 plate.] Matz, J. Pudricién de la base de la “‘roselle.’’ Revista Agric. Puerto Rico 5!: 18-20. Jl 1920. [Illust.] Maxon, W. R. Gleicheniaceae and Cyatheaceae, in Standley, P. C., Trees and shrubs of Mexico. Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 23: 36-47. 1920. McCool, M. M., & Millar, C. E. Use of dilatometer in studying soil and plant relationships. Bot. Gaz. 70: 317-319. 19 O 1920. McMurray, N. Color of Aster florets. Am. Bot. 26: 107. Au 1920. Mc Rae, W. A. Some principal fibre-bearing plants of Florida. Florida Agr. Dept. Bull. 30: 7-15. 1 Jl 1920. Mez, C. Novae species Panicearum. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin Dahlem 7: 45-78. 15 My New American species in Olyra (5), ee bs: Pennisetum (1), Setariopsis (1) and Panicum (15). Moreau, F. A propos du nouveau genre Kunkelia Arthur. Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 36: 101-103. 15 Jl 1920. Morita, K., & Livingstone, B. E. Some solution cultures of wheat without potassium. Tokio Bot. Mag. 34: 71-90. f. tr. Je 1920. Moulton, R. H. Do plants need the dark? Gard. Mag. 32: 98-99. O 1920. [Illust.] ; Murphy, P. A., & Wortley, E. J. Relation of climate to the develop- ment and control of leaf roll of potato. Phytopathology 10: 407- 44. J. 7. 1920: Murrill, W. A. A new Amanita. Mycologia 12: 291-292. 1920. Venenarius Wellsii sp. nov. Murrill, W. A. Autobasidiomycetes, in Britton, N. L., The Bahama Flora 637-645. 26 Je 1920. Nelson, A. Flora of the Navajo Reservation. Am. Bot. 26: 87-89. Au 1920. Nelson, J.C. Flower buds two years old. Am. Bot. 26: 99. Au 1920. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 49 Neuwirth, M. Vergleichende Morphologie der Trichome an der Bliitenteilen der cebras Osterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 66: 141-149. pl. 2. 1916. Norton, J. B. S., & Chen, C. C. Another corn seed parasite. Science IT. 52: 250-251. 10S 1920. Nowell, W., & Williams, C. B. Sugar cane blight in Trinidad: a sum- mary of conclusions. Bull. Dept. Agr. Trinidad & Tobago 19: 8-10. 1920. Osburn, R. C. The syrphid fly, Mesogramma marginata, and the flowers of Apocynum. Ohio Jour. Sci. 20: 261-265. pl zr. 15 ji 1920. _ Parker, F. W., & Truog, E. The relation between the calcium and the nitrogen content of plants and the function of calcium. Soil Sci. 10: 49-56. f. rz. Jl 1920. Pearson, W. H. Aplozia Pendletonii Pearson, n. sp. Bryologist 23: 50-62. D1. 2. 17.5.4020. Pemberton, C. G. Living stumps of trees. Am. For. 26: 614-616. O 1920. Pennell, F. W. Sask of Colombia I. Proc. Acad. Nat. sa ee Pe 1920: glass _ O se des Monocardia and Unanuea, gen ,an species in Caconapea (3) Pes ne Monocardia (4), Prete (1), eile: a Waaate (10), Russelia (1). * Pilger, R. Plantae Uleanae novae vel minus cognitae. Notizbl. Bt.o Gard. und Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 6: 485-503. 15 Ja 1917. Includes Piperaceae and Meliaceae by C. de Candolle, here indexed separately. Pittier, H. La evolucién de las ciencias naturales y las exploraciénes botanicas en Venezuela. Cultura Venezolana 14: (Suppl.) 1-28. 1920. Prankerd, T. L. Statocytes of the wheat haulm. Bot. Gaz. 70: 148- 152. f. 1-4. 21 Au 1920. Quehl, L. LEchinocactus Rettigii Quehl spec. nov. Monatschr. Kakteenk. 29: 129. N 1919. rom Peru. Reed, G. M. Varietal resistance and susceptibility of oats to powdery mildew, crown rust and smuts. Missouri Agr. Exp. Sta. Research Bull. 37: 3-41. pl. 1-4. Jl 1920. Reed, H.S. The dynamics of a fluctuating growth rate. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 6: 397-410.. 15 Jl 1920. Ne Growth of apricots studied. - ton, J. The cocoa-nut palm. Am. Forestry 26: $2053 a 1920. [Illust.] i ~~ 50 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Rickett, H.W. Regeneration in Sphaerocarpos Donnellit. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 347-357. f. 7-25. 5 O 1920. Riddle, L. W. Lichens, in Britton, N. L., The Bahama Flora 522-553. 26 Je 1920. Includes 19 new species. Roberts, R. H. Off-year apple bearing and apple spur growth. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Wisconsin Bull. 317: 3-34. f. 1-13. Jl 1920. Robbins, W. J., & Massey, A. B. The effect of certain environmental conditions on the rate of destruction of vanillin by a soil bacterium. Soil. Sci. 10: 237-246. f..7.. S. 1920. Rock, J. F. The leguminous plants of Hawaii. Honolulu, Hawaii. i-x + 1-234. Jl 1920. Rolfe, R. A. Pleurothallis grandis.. Bot. Mag. pl. 8853. S 1920. Rosenbaum, J. A M acrosporium foot-rot of tomato. Phytopathology 10: 415-422. f. I-g. 1920. Rumbold, C. Giving medicine to trees. Sci. Am. Mo. 2: 114-116. O 1920. Rusk, H. M. The effect of zinc sulphate on protoplasmic streaming. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 425-431. f. 1-2. 200 1920. Sando, C. E. The process of ripening in the tomato, considered espe- cially from the commercial standpoint. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 359; 1-35. fk 2~¢q + f. 1-9. 7S 4020. : Saunders, E. R. Multiple allelomorphs and limiting factors in the stock (Matthiola incana). Jour. Gen. 10: 149-178. pl. 7-8 + f. I-3. 20 Au 1920. Schlechter, R. Die Columelliaceae. ‘Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin-Dahlem. 7: 352-358. 15 Ja 1920. Includes 2 new Andine species of Columellia. Schlechter, R. Orchidaceae novae, in caldariis Horti Dahlemensais cultae. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin- paren 7: 268-280. 1 O 1918; II. 7: 323-330. 15 My 1919. Includes American species of Masdevallia (1), Stelis (6), Pleurothallis (7), Octo- meria (3), hei ages a (1), Bulbophyllum (1), Promenaea (2), Capanema (1) and Oncidium Schlechter, -: Uber eine neue Stanhopea-Art. Notizbl. Bot. Gard. und Mus. Berlin- ae 6: 483-484, 15 Ja 1917. Stanhopea minor from B: ey R. ecules einer systematischen Neuordnung der Spiran- _ thinae. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 37: 317-454. 31 Mr 1920. ~ REN 2 eee and I new species from America. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 51 Schneider, C. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der chinesischen Arten der Gattung Berberis ( Euberberis). Osterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 66: 313- 326. 1916; 67: 15-32. 1918; 67: 135-146. 1918; 67: 213-228. Schneider, C. Uber die richtige Benennung einiger Salix-arten. Osterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 66: 112-116. 1916. Schneider, C. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gattung Ulmus. II. Uber die richtige Benennung der europdischen Ulmen-Arten. Osterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 66: 65-82. I916. Seaver, F. J. Fungi, in Britton, N. L., The Bahama Flora 631-645. 26 Je 1920. Includes 5 new species. Shelford, J. E. Our aquatic biological resources. Geog. Rev. 9: 250-263. Ap—Je 1920. Small, J. K. In quest of lost cacti. Cactus hunting in the Carolinas in winter. Jour. New York Bot. Gard. 21: 161-178. pl. 251, 252. S 1920. Smith, A. A lesson on the production of available plant food in the soil. Gard. Chron. 24: 312-314. S 1920. Solereder, H. Uber die Versetzung der Gattung Heteranthia von den Scrophulariaceen zu den Solanaceen. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 337: 113-117. 10 F 1915. Sprague, T. A. Nuphar polysepalum. Bot. Mag. pl. 8852. S 1920. Standley, P. C. Trees and shrubs of Mexico. (Gleicheniaceae- Betulaceae). Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 23: i-xvili + 1-169. 1920. Includes contributions by W. R. Maxon, A. S. Hitchcock and W. Trelease, here indexed separately. 31 new species of Agave are described. _ Stillinger, C. R. Apple black rot (Sphaeropsis malorum Berk.) in Oregon. Phytopathology 10: 453-458. 25 O 1920. Sydow, H. & P. Uber einige Uredineen mit quellbaren Membranen und erhéhter Keimporenzahl. Ann. Myc. 17: 101-107. 1919. Tackholm, G. Zur Antipodenentwicklung der Kompositengattungen Cosmidium. und Cosmos. | Sv. - Bot. Tidskr. 10:. 423-437. f- 1-4. 1916. Tackholm, G., & Séderberg, E. Neue Beispiele der simultanen und sukzessiven Wandbildung in den Pollenmutterzellen. Sv. Bot. Tidskr. 12: 189-201. f. I-9. 1920. Tansley. nye G. The hese ton of vegetation and the concept of Sapstasunat. Jour. Ecol. 8: 118-149. Je 1920. 52" INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL. LITERATURE Taylor, A.M. Ecological succession of mosses. Bot. Gaz. 69: 449-491- f. a2. 17 Je 1920. Taylor, N. A rare palm from Cuba in the conservatories. Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Rec. 9: 101, 102. Jl 1920. Coccothrinax crinita. Taylor, W. R. On the production of new cell‘ formations in plants. Contr. Bot. Lab. Univ. Pennsylvania 4: 271-300. pl. 71-78. 1920. Thiel, A. F., & Weiss, F. The effect of citric acid on the germination of the teliospores of Puccinia graminis Tritict. Phytopathology 10: 448-452. f. r. 25 O 1920. Thompson, C. A., & Barrows, E.L. Soil moisture movement in relation to. growth of alfalfa... New Mexico Coll. A. & M. Arts Bull. 123: I-38. F 1920. Toepffer, A. Nordasiatische und nordamerikanische Weiden (Salix) Gallen. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 37: 279-287. 20 F 1920. Trelease, W. Amaryllidaceae, in Standley, P. C. Trees and shrubs of Mexico. Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 23: 105-142. 1920. Includes 31 new species of A gave. Ulbrich, E. Einige neue Lupinus-Arten aus den Anden von Peru. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 452-454. 16 My 1920. 3 species described. Ulbrich, E. Eine neue Sedum-Art aus dem botanischen Garten in Dahlem. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 111, 112. 15 My 1917. Sedum aoikon, probably from Mexico. Uphof, J. C. T. Physiological anatomy of xerophytic selaginellas. New Phytol. 19: 101-131. f. 1-12. 10 Jl 1920 Vaupel, F. Echinocactus Ottonis Lk. et Otto. Monatschr. Kakteenk. 29: 124. N 1920. [Illust.] eee Vaupel, F. Melocactus hispaniolicus Vpl. spec. nov. Monatschr- Kakteenk. 29: 121. N 1919. From Hispaniola Vischer, W. Sur % Quaraibea Aubl. un genre de Bombacées a ovaire infére. Bull. Soc. Bot. Genéve 11: 199-210. f: 1-§. 15 Jé 1920. Includes Q. Chodati sp. nov. from Costa Rica. Wagner, R. Erlaiiterungen zu_Plumiers Abbildung der Anzchites lappulacea (Lam.) Miers. Osterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 67: 337-345. f. I-3. F918. a INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 53 Wakefield, E.M. On two species of Ovulariopsis from the West Indies. Kew Bull. Misc. Inform. 1920: 235-238. 1920. Two new species. Waldron, R.A. The peanut (Arachis hypogaea)—its history, histology, physiology and utility. Contr. Bot. Lab. Univ. Pennsylvania 4: 301-338. pl. 79, 8c. 1920. Walker, L. B. Developments of Cyathus fascicularis, C. striatus and Crucibulum vulgare. Bot. Gaz. '70: 1-24. pl. 6 + f. I-3. 3 24 Jl 1920. Watson, E. E. ae rostrata. Addisonia 5: 25, 26. DL. 173,230 Je 1920. Weatherwax, P. A cieeneasaee as to the structure of the ear of maize. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 359-362. f. 1-6. 50 1920. Weatherby, C. A. A European ict in New England. Rhodora 22: 143. 23. 5:1920 Primula officinalis in Calaacitun. Weatherby, C. A. More interesting fern localities. Amer. Fern Jour. 10: 57-59. 29 Je 1920. Weatherby, C. A. Varieties of Pityrogramma triangularis.. Rhodora 22: 113-120. 3 Au 1920. Two new varieties. Weidman, R. H. A study of windfall loss of western yellow pine in selection cuttings fifteen to thirty years old. Jour. For. 18: 616-622. 1920. Weingart, W. Cereus Jusbertii Rev. und Cereus Bonplandii Parm. var. brevispinus Gruson.. Monatschr. Kakteenk. 29: 121-124. N I9I19- Weingart, W. Die Grésse von Cereensamen. Monatschr. Kakteenk. 29: 132. N 1979. Weir, J. R. Note on the pathological effects of blazing trees. Phyto- pathology 10: 371-373. 18 Au 1920. Weiss, H. B., & West, E. Fungous insects and their hosts. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 33: I-19. pl. z. 24 Jl 1920. Wells, B. W. Early stages in the development of certain Pachypsylla galls on Celtis. Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 275-285. pl. 18. 6 Au 1920. Wherry, E. T. Observations on the soil acidity of Ericaceae and asso- ciated plants in the Middle Atlantic States. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 72: 84-119. Je 1920. Wherry, E. T. Plant distribution around salt inarshes in. relation to soil acidity. Ecology 1: 42-48. Ja 1920... Wherry, E.T. A fruitless search for Asplenium fontonum in x Pou vania. Am. Fern Jour. 10: 90-91. 1920. 54 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Whipple, O. B. Line-selection work .with potatoes. Jour. Agr. + Research 19: 543-573. 1S 1920. Whiting, A. L., & Hansen, R. Cross-inoculation studies with nodule bacteria of lima beans, navy beans, cowpeas, and others of the cowpea group. Soil Sci. 10: 291-300. O 1920. Willaman, J. J. Pectin relations of Sclerotinia cinerea. Bot. Gaz. 70: 221-229. 15S 1920. Williams, R. S. Grimmia (Guembelia) brevirostris,sp. nov. Bryologist 23: 52; $3: $l. 3: . 17-5 t620. Williams, R. S. Calymperaceae of North America. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 367-396. pl. 15-17. 20 0 1920. Includes 4 new species. Wilson, E. H. A phytogeographical sketch of the ligneous vegetation of the flora of Formosa. Jour. Arnold Arbor. 2: 25-41. 1920. Wilson, I.K. Device for growing large plants in sterile media. Phyto- pathology 10: 425-429. f. 1. 1920. Wilson, O. T. Crown- hae of alfalfa. Bot. Gaz. 70: 51-68. pl. 7-10. 24 Jl 1920. Winslow, C. E. A., Broadhurst, J., & others. The families and genera of the bacteria. Jour. Bacter. 5: 191-229. My 1920. Winslow, E. J. The Dorset fern list again. Am. Fern Jour. 10: 59, 60. 29 Je 1920. Wolf, F. A. A little-known vetch disease. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 36: 72-85. pl. 2-6. S 1920 Caused by Protocoronospora nigricans Atk. & Edg., of the Melanconiaceae. Wright, R. C. Nitrogen economy in the soil as influenced by various _ crops grown under control conditions. Soil Sci. ro: 249-289. fd. 1-96 © 1920, Yates, W. Natural history notes. Jour. and Proc. Hamilton Assoc. Sei. 25, 26: 122-124. 1910. Notes on Onoclea and Sambucus. Youngken, H. W. The comparative morphology, taxonomy and dis- tribution of the Myricaceae of the eastern United States. Contr. Bot. Lab. Univ. Pennsylvania 4: aise stl 81-90. 1920. Includes M. Macfarlanei Youngken, a new hybri Zeller, S. M. Humidity in relation to moisture imbibition by wood and to spore germination on wood. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 7: 53-73 pt. 1. FF to20. Zon, R. Forests and human progress. Geog. Rev. 9: 139-166. S 1920. Zundel, G.L. Some Ustilagineae of the state of Washington. Myco- logia 12: il ad 1920. Vol. 48 No. 2 BULLETIN OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB Contributions to the Mesozoic flora of the Atlantic coastal A plain, XIV.—Tennessee* Epwarp W. BERRY In the eleventh contribution of this series, published in 1916, an account was given of small floras found in the Coffee sand and McNairy sand of the west Tennessee coastal plain. Fourteen species were recorded from the former and twelve from the latter, both florules confessedly too limited to give any idea of their general facies or stratigraphic equivalence. During the summer of 1919 Dr. Bruce Wade of the Tennessee Geological Survey discovered abundant and better preserved material at several localities in the Eutaw and Ripley formations. These collections have now been identified and furnish for the first time the basis for a truer estimate of this youngest known Cretaceous flora of the Mississippi embayment region and an opportunity for com- parisons with the fossil floras of other areas. The time relations of the various members of the Upper Cre- taceous section in this area are shown in the accompanying dia- gram. The Tuscaloosa formation which has furnished an extensive flora recently monographed by the writert comprises essentially continental and largely delta deposits contemporaneous with the basal estuary and marine beds of the Eutaw formation. [The BuLLetin for January (48: 1-54) was issued January 24, 1921.] * The last previous contribution of this series appeared in Bull. Torrey Club 47: 397-406. 1920. + Bull. Torrey Club 43: 283-304. pl. 16. 1916. t U.S. Geol. Surv., Professional Paper 112. I919. 55 56 Berry: MEsSOzOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN The Tombigbee sand member of the Eutaw formation represents transgressive marine deposits without land plants but with a marine fauna. To the southward the Tombigbee is overlain by the Selma chalk—a lithologic and not a chronologic unit. In western Tennessee the time interval corresponding to the lower Selma chalk is represented by the Coffee sand member of the Eutaw formation which at a few localities in Tennessee contains a considerable number of fossil plants. The Coffee sand in Tennes- see is overlain by a calcareous clay representing a thin tongue from the thick mass of Selma chalk to the south. Overlying the Selma in the Tennessee area, the Ripley formation is differentiated into four members to which the names Coon Creek, Ferruginous Sand, McNairy Sand and Owl Creek have been applied. All of these are littoral or marine deposits with in some cases abundant marine faunas. All but thirteen of the 135 species of fossil plants recorded from the Ripley formation in the following pages come from Eocene Ripley formation Owl Creek member oe McNairy Sand member Eine lh Ferruginous Sand member Coon Creek member Selma chalk Tombigbee sand member of the Eutaw formation Basal beds of the Eutaw formation Tuscaloosa formation Paleozoic shallow water lenses of plastic clay in the McNairy sand member. These clay lenses represent accumulations of fine material in estuary or coastal lagoon waters with a well forested shore near at hand. The accompanying diagram shows the stratigraphic units and their general relations in the Mississippi embayment ese Berry: MESOZOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN 57 FLORA OF THE EUTAW FORMATION The Eutaw flora is still incompletely known. The Eutaw sediments, in so far as they might preserve land plants successfully, are either marine clays or littoral, prevailingly sandy, deposits. The former contain only decay-resisting forms, such as Araucaria twigs and coriaceous dicotyledons, and the latter similar forms that successfully withstood the triturating action of troubled waters, since as yet no clay lenses with any extensive represen- tation of plants that grew along the Eutaw shores have been discovered. The Eutaw flora, which has been collected chiefly from the Chattahoochee valley in Georgia, from near Havana in Hale County, Alabama, and from near Beacon in Decatur County and at Coffee Bluff in Tennessee, consists of but forty-six species. It includes no ferns, thirty-four angiosperms and eleven gymnos- perms. Among the latter are the genera Androvettia, Brachyphyl- lum, Cephalotaxospermum, Cupressinoxylon, Sequoia and Tumion, which are unknown in the Ripley, as well as the twigs and scales of Araucaria which, although recorded from the Ripley, come from deposits of the same age as the Eutaw in other regions. These are preserved in the Eutaw because of their resistance to macera- tion but should be present in the Ripley if they had not become . extinct. Similarly among the dicotyledons the prevailing forms found in the Eutaw are coriaceous types, such as Andromeda, Cinnamo- mum, Ficus, Magnolia, Myrcia, Manthotites, Sabalites and the like. Following is a list of the known Eutaw species, those marked with an asterisk being also present in the Ripley. Sixteen of the Eutaw species continue into the Ripley, but the following genera of the Eutaw have not been recognized in the Ripley: Androvettia, Brachyphyllum, Cephalotaxospermum, Cupressinoxylon, Dewalquea, Diospyros, Paliurus, Pterospermites, Sequoia and Tumion. Andromeda cretacea Lesquereux? (Ga. Andromeda novae-caesareae Hollick Andromeda Parlatorit Heer (Ala.) Andromeda Wardiana Lesquereux (Ga., Tenn.) Androvettia elegans Berry (Ga.) Aralia eutawensis Berry (Ga.) Araucaria bladensis Berry (Ga.)* 58 Brerry: MESOZOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN Araucaria Jeffreyi Berry (Ga.)* Bauhinia alabamensis Berry (Ala.) Brachyphyllum macrocarpum formosum Berry (Ga.) Cephalotaxospermum carolinianum Berry (Ala.) Cinnamomum Heerit Lesquereux? (Ga., Tenn.) Cinnamomum Newberryi Berry (Ga.)* Cupressinoxylon sp. Berry (Tenn.) Dewalquea Smithii Berry (Tenn.) Diospyros primaeva Heer (Tenn.) Doryanthites cretacea Berry (Ala.) Ficus crassipes (Heer) Heer (Ga., Tenn.)* Ficus Krausiana Heer (Ga., Tenn.)* Ficus ovatifolia Berry (Ga., Tenn.) Geonomites Schimperi Lesquereux (Tenn.)* Halymenites major Lesquereux (Tenn.)* Juglans arctica Heer (Ga.) Laurophyllum elegans Hollick (Tenn.) Laurus plutonia Heer (Ala.) Magnolia Boulayana Lesquereux (Ala., Ga.) Magnolia Capellinit Heer (Ga.)* Malapoenna horrellensis Berry (Ga., Tenn.)* Manihotites georgiana Berry (Ga., Tenn.)* Menispermites variabilis Berry (Ga.)* Myrcia havanensis Berry (Ala., Tenn.)* Myrtophyllum angusta Velenovsky (Ga.)* Paliurus upatoiensis Berry (Ga.) Phragmites Prattit Berry (Ga., Tenn.) Phyllites asplenioides Berry Pterospermites carolinensis Berry (Tenn.) Sabalites carolinensis Berry (Tenn.) Salix eutawensis Berry (Ga., Tenn.) Salix flecuosa Newberry (Ga.) Salix Lesquereuxiit Berry (Ga.) Sequoia ambigua Heer (Ala.) Sequoia Reichenbachi (Geinitz) Heer (Ala., Ga.) Ternstroemites sp. nov. (Tenn.)* Tumion carolinianum Berry? (Ga.) Lizyphus laurifolius Berry (Ga.)* a ~ BERRY: MESOZOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN 59 Plants which come up into the Ripley from pre-Eutaw horizons and therefore legitimately to be considered as probable unknown members of the Eutaw flora are: Widdringtonites Reichii (Ettings.) Heer Moriconia cyclotoxon Debey & Ettings. Moriconia americana Berry Myrica Brittoniana Berry Leguminosites canavalioides Berry FLORA OF THE RIPLEY FORMATION Determinable fossil plants have been found at thirteen different localities that are referred to the Ripley formation. The localities in Alabama and Georgia which were described recently* furnish but few and on the whole not well-preserved fossil plants. They are separated by some 350 miles of coast line of the Ripley Sea from the southernmost locality for Ripley plants in Tennessee and this in turn is about 100 miles south of the highly fossiliferous localities in Henry and Carroll Counties. The other Tennessee localities are much like those of Alabama and Georgia as regards the character of the remains and their condition of preservation. It is at the Perry Place in Henry County and the Cooper Pit in Carroll County that most of the information regarding the Ripley flora has been collected. _Curiously enough each of these localities has yielded a total of sixty-six different species, and still more interesting is the fact that of this relatively large number there are only fifteen species common to both localities, or slightly under 13 per cent. of the total number of 117 species represented at the two localities. This differences of facies is not only a difference in species but in genera. For example at the Perry Place locality there are present the genera Dioscorites, Geonomites, Protophyllocladus, Juglans, Salix, Liriodendron, Menispermites, Capparis, Acaciaphyllum, Caesalpinites, Dalbergia, Pachystima (?), Rhamnus, Cissites and. Bumelia, that are not found at the Cooper -Pit, and the latter locality has furnished representatives of the genera Selaginella, Asplenium, Monheimia, Widdringtonites, Geinitzia, Potamogeton, Alismaphyllum, Dryophyllum, Fagus, Celtis, Cedrela, Acer, * U.S. Geol. Surv. Professional Paper 112. 1919. 60 Berry: MESOZOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN Dillenites, Cinnamomum, Nectandra, Myrcia, Eugenia (?), Corno- phyllum, Chrysophyllum and Acerates, which have not been found at the Perry Place. Farther than this among the larger genera, Myrica with eleven species has only one common to the two localities, only two of the Leguminosae are common to both locali- ties, of the seven species of Celastrophyllum there is but one species found at both outcrops, of the nine figs none are common to both, of the five species of Apocynophyllum none are common, of the three species of Zizyphus only one is common and that one is rare at one locality and abundant at the other; similarly of the three species of Ternstroemites only one is found at both localities. Since these two horizons have been shown by the mapping to practically coincide these marked differences in apparent facies can be due to but two causes. That is they are to be accounted for solely as the result of accidents of preservation or discovery or as due to local differences in environmental conditions at the time of growth. Possibly a combination of these two is the correct solution. I am inclined, however, to think that in this as in many other cases of fossil floras and faunas, accidents of preservation and discovery are the major factors, and this em- phasizes anew the extreme danger of relying upon negative evidence, since did we not know otherwise we should doubt the contemporaneity of these two florules. All of the remaining localities where Ripley plants have been discovered have yielded too few species to afford satisfactory .evi- dence for close correlation. Those in Tennessee are known to be of approximately identical age as the Perry Place and Cooper Pit from their stratigraphic position. Those in Barbour County, Alabama are undoubtedly Ripley but whether younger or older than the Tennessee floras cannot be determined. The two plant- bearing localities in Georgia wh'ch L. W. Stephenson has referred to the Cusseta sand member or lower Ripley of the Georgia area are of especial interest since they are the same age as the Coffee sand of Tennessee. The localities of Henry and Carroll Counties, Tennessee, are well toward the head of the Cretaceous Mississippi,embayment and over three degrees north of the localities in Barbour County, Alabama or of the Ripley localities in Georgia. Moreover it is BERRY: MESOZOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN 61 becoming increasingly clear that a large body of Upper Cretaceous deposits across Tennessee and Kentucky has disappeared during the formation of the Tennessee valley, so that in Selma and Ripley time the shoreline was some distance to the east of the present outcrop of these deposits and there was a considerable re-entrant or bay extending eastward from the head of the late Cretaceous Mississippi Gulf. : These relatively slight geographical changes are not believed to show any reflection in the facies of the flora, nor is it believed that their position with relation to the Atlantic or their difference in latitude would have an appreciable effect, since the correspond- ing floras extend over many degrees of latitude without appreciable changes as is also true of the contemporaneous marine faunas. The few Ripley plants previously recorded were coriaceous decay- resisting forms that might have been transported for considerable distances, but those from Henry and Carroll Counties present every indication of having lived in the vicinity where they were preserved. Their state of preservation indicates this as well as the abundance of small delicate and long slender forms. There could have been no wave action where these fine-grained clay lenses were deposited so that the clay owes its origin to the settling from suspension of muds either in a sheltered lagoon along the coast or in a quiet estuary or bayou of a slow moving stream. The clay is not black and carbonaceous in so far as it is exposed, but the thickness seen is inconsiderable and immediately below the upper. contact with the sands so that nothing is known of the character of the lower clay. The sands are coarse beach and barrier beach sands and the clay lenses tend to have their long axis approximately parallel to the old coast line. In general character the relations are very similar to those which obtain during the lower Eocene in this same region. This argillaceous horizon is a rather persistent one, consisting of disconnected lenses of greater or less extent which extend in a north and south direction for a distance of at least 50 miles across Henry and Carroll Counties. Farther north in Henry County there is a considerable bed of lignite upwards of 20 inches thick exposed, but none is seen near the plant-bearing outcrops nor is the base of the clay exposed. 62 BrERRY: MESOZOIC -FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN The conditions may be pictured as a series of coastal lagoons stretching along the shore of the Ripley Sea from which they were partially or wholly cut off by barrier beaches. Those less sheltered were filled with the argillaceous sands such as occur west of Camden, Tennessee, and farther south, where most of the plant fragments were broken up, and the more or less carbonaceous clays contain identifiable fragments of only the more resistant types. The lagoons represented by the Perry and: Cooper lo- calities were more sheltered and protected from wave action, at least for long intervals, during which the fine muds were deposited. That there were no considerable streams emptying into the Ripley Sea in the Tennessee region is rendered very probable by the history of the Tennessee River lying to the eastward. The Tennessee appears to have been the master stream at that time, following much the same course that it does at the present time but farther to the eastward, its distributaries having migrated northward during Tuscaloosa time, as. I have indicated in the discussion of Tuscaloosa history in 1919 (op. cit.). The Ripley mainland appears to have been well wooded. There is no evidence of distinctively palustrine conditions at the two principal plant localities, although elsewhere at this time such evidence is present. There are, however, several supposed aquatic plants present in the collection, and the number of coastal types is considerable. The Ripley flora as at present known comprises 135 species, including the doubtfully organic remains named Halymenites. Most of these species are represented by well preserved and ample material and are hence well characterized. Undoubtedly more’ extensive collecting would greatly increase the number of species and this is also to be expected should similar highly fossili- ferous clay lenses be uncovered in the future. Eighty-six of the 135 species, or more than 60 per cent, are new toscience and these include the following genera hitherto unknown in deposits older than the Eocene: Dioscorites, Celtis, Capparis, Cedrela, Dillenites and Chrysophyllum. The total number of genera is seventy-one and these are segregated into forty families representing twenty-eight orders. The supposed alga, Halymenites, and the form referred to the genus Selaginella are of aonketal _poteete affinity. There are ’ BERRY: MESOZOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN 63 represented very fragmentary remains of six different species of ferns. These are all small and of more or less doubtful botanical identity but of importance for purposes of correlation since nearly all are found in other areas, especially in Greenland and Europe. There are nine species of gymnosperms, but several of these are _ of somewhat doubtful age value and traces of plants of this affinity are extremely rare in western Tennessee. The monocotyledons also number nine species, including a fan palm, and a feather palm which is referred to the genus Geonomiles and is a type that is prominent in the lower Eocene of the Raton Mesa region. Several of the monocots appear to represent aquatic or semi-aquatic species. Thus there is a well marked Potamogeton and the mudflat type Alismaphyllum. In addition the forms named Phyllites hydrilloides and Phyllites hydrocharitoides appear to represent aquatics. The former shows great resemblance to Hydrilla of the family Hydrocharitaceae, a genus supposed to be monotypic in the existing flora and widely distributed throughout the Old World. The second appears to represent an Upper Cretaceous type of this same family com- parable in its habit with the existing genus Vallisneria. The dicotyledons of the Ripley flora number one hundred eight of which ninety-seven belong to the more primitive or chori- petalous series and only eleven represent the more specialized Gamopetalae. Among the Choripetalae the anemophilous forms, regarded as primitive by some botanists and reduced by others, number nineteen. The largest alliance is the Rosales with fourteen species, all of which belong to the Leguminosae. Since these represent the three families Mimosaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Papilionaceae no one is more extensive than another or compares in size with some of the other families present at this time. The second largest family is the Lauraceae with twelve species, but my recognition of minute differences in the genera Cinnamo- mum and Laurus tends to overemphasize their relative importance in the Ripley flora. The family Myricaceae is. third in size with eleven species, all of which belong to the genus Myrica, which shows an extraordinary differentiation at this time. The next most abundantly represented family is the Moraceae with ten species, nine of which are referred to Ficus and the tenth to a 64 Berry: Mesozoic FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN striking new form of Artocarpus. None of the species of Ficus are individually abundant in the collections. Then follows the family Celastraceae with seven species. The family Apocynaceae has five species all of which are referred to the genus A pocynophyl- lum. The Euphorbiaceae, Rhamnaceae and Myrtaceae have four species each; and the Juglandaceae, Fagaceae, Ternstroe- maceae and Sapotaceae have three species each. The remaining families have only one or two species. The largest single genera are Myrica with eleven, Ficus with nine, and Celastrophyllum with ‘six species. If the type represented by Celastrophyllum were combined with the forms which I refer to Ternstroemites but which were formerly referred to Celastrophyllum it would constitute the most abundant type in both differentiation and individual abun- dance. Among the one hundred five species of dicotyledons of the Ripley flora sixty-eight have entire margins. This is 64.7 per cent of the known forms. The ratio of entire dicotyledons leaves to the whole flora of woody dicotyledons has been shown by Bailey and Sinnott* to have a fairly constant relation to climatic condi- tions and altitude. According to the figures compiled by these authors subtropical and tropical lowland floras have over 70 per cent of their woody dicotyledons with entire leaves. Their published percentages range from 71 per cent in the flora of Hong Kong to 86 per cent in the flora of the Malay States. In making comparisons with fossil floras one is always confronted with the incompleteness of the record although, on the other hand, the vast majority of fossil forms are arborescent, thus removing one disturbing factor. The Ripley flora is obviously a lowland coastal flora so that the question of altitude is eliminated. It would thus appear that the percentage of entire leaves accords well with the conclusions derived from the general facies of the flora and that the climate was probably warm temperate, rather uniform and with an abundant precipitation. It is interesting to see in this Ripley flora a characteristic local facies and this is especially the case, as might have been expected, among the dicotyledons. Nearly all of the ferns and all of the conifers have an outside distribution as befits their more * Bailey, I. W., & Sinnott, E. W. Science II. 41: 832-833. 1915. BERRY: MESOZOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN 65 ancient lineage and radiation, and only thirty-three, or about 28 per cent, of the angiosperms have been found in other areas. This is still more striking than appears from the bare statement, for if Greenland be excluded as near the probable place of origin of the Upper Cretaceous floras, or at least the ancient home of those of eastern North America, it is seen that only six of the angiosperms are common to distant regions such as Europe. These six are Dryophyllum gracile, Ficus Krausiana, Magnolia Capellini, Euphorbiophyllum antiquum, Cissites crispus and Myrto- phyllum angustum. The Ripley flora shows a marked relationship to that of the antecedent Eutaw formation of this same region, to the Black Creek flora of the Carolinas and to the Magothy flora of New Jersey and Maryland. This is all the more remarkable in the case of the first two when it is realized how small and’ fragmentary are the known floras of the Eutaw and Black Creek. Thus sixteen of the Ripley species are common to the Eutaw, nineteen to the Black Creek and fifteen to the Magothy. The older Tus- caloosa flora of the eastern Gulf area has but six species which continue on into the Ripley and these are all widely distributed types all being common to either Greenland or Europe. It would appear that the Ripley flora consists of some few forms resident in this region since Tuscaloosa times, with many new elements which were added by immigration or evolution in the interval between the Tuscaloosa and Ripley. In so far as the present records permit a conclusion the Ripley flora may be regarded as the culmination of the earlier Cretaceous floras of eastern North America. Certain of its species are only Ripley species because of the somewhat inconsistent usage of the formational name Ripley by geologists. Thus Araucaria bladenen- sis and Araucaria Jeffreyi which are so highly characteristic of the Black Creek and Eutaw formations are recorded from the Ripley formation of Georgia. They have never been found in the true Ripley of Alabama, Mississippi or Tennessee, and as I have shown elsewhere the Ripley Cusseta sand of Georgia is of the same age as the Eutaw Coffee sand of Tennessee. There is a considerable number of forms common to the Patoot beds of Greenland. Thus eight of the Patoot species are found in 66 BeErRRY: MESOZOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN the Ripley and the general facies is more similar than this figure would indicate. There are also eight species common to the Vermejo flora of Colorado and New Mexico, all but one dicoty- ledons, and including several that have been found nowhere else, as the abundant Cissites panduratus Knowlton. This would serve to confirm Knowlton’s contention that the Vermejo is older than Laramie, since the only Ripley species recorded from the ‘Laramie is Myrica Torreyi, which also occurs in post-Laramie deposits in the West. Five Ripley species are found in beds in the West that are referred to the Montana Group, four in the Mesa Verde formation, two in the Fox Hills and five in the Fruit- land formation. As regards comparisons with European Upper Cretaceous floras five species are recorded from beds on that continent classed as Cenomanian, two from beds classed as Turonian, three from beds classed as Emscherian and six from beds which are either Santonian or Campanian -in age. The Ripley flora contains noticeable elements common to that of the sands of Aix-la- Chapelle (Aachen). How many it is not possible to determine since large collections from around Aix-la-Chapelle made by Debey were never studied and only the ferns have received adequate treatment. The plants described from the plastic clays of Baume (St. Vaast) by Coemans and found at La Louviére are probably of the same age. There has been considerable discussion and differences of opinion regarding the age of sands of ‘Aix-la~-Chapelle. These sands contain a sparse shallow water marine fauna with Exogyra, Trigonia, Eriphyla, Inoceramus, etc., and lenses of clay containing fossil plants. The sands are overlain by a highly fossiliferous glauconitic sand—the Actinocamax quadratus zone of the Cam- panian. This relationship would seem to indicate that the under- lying plant bearing beds represented the littoral and continental deposits of the Santonian or at most could not be older than the lower Emscherian Coniacian substage. Despite this Haug refers these sands to the Turonian. 3 They are siliceous and cross-bedded and in part represent coastal dune sands so that they might conceivably be considerably _ older than the overlying strictly marine sediments. The question BERRY: MESOZOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN 67 is important because I regard the Ripley as about the same age, but it cannot perhaps be settled in the present state of our know- ledge. I am disposed, however, to regard them as representing the Santonian substage or upper Emscherian. The present Ripley flora shows no forms that are common to the abundant Wilcox or lower Eocene flora of the Mississippi embayment region—the only forms doubtfully recorded from Eocene in other regions being Geonomites Schimpert and the wholly worthless Halymenttes major. Despite this lack of identical species, which might be expected, the Ripley flora does contain a number of types which become differentiated subsequently and are characteristic elements of the lower Eocene flora in south- eastern North America. These are all angiosperms—the pteri- dophytes and coniferophytes all having become extinct both as to genera and species, or restricted to other regions in the case of some of the coniferophyte genera, before the dawn of the Eocene. Eocene praenuncial characters are seen in the Ripley Geonomiies, Drophyllum, Celtis, Artocarpus, Capparis, Dalbergia, Gleditsio- phyllum, Cedrela, Dillenites, Ternstroemites, Lauraceae, Myrcia, Chrysophyllum, Bumelia, and Apocynophyllum. Many of these are, of course, coastal types that might be expected to persist in a but slightly changed environment but the same is true as regards habitat of the majority of earlier Upper Cretaceous floras of the Atlantic Coastal Plain so that these differences in the Ripley flora as compared with antecedent floras may truly be regarded as of chronologic value. Detailed comparisons with the extensive Wilcox flora shows many striking differences. In the latter the old Mesozoic coni- ferophyte elements are all gone and there are in the Ripley num- erous genera of angiosperms commonly considered as temperate forest types such as Salix, Fagus, Celtis, Liriodendron, Platanus, Acer, Cornophyllum and Andromeda, which are apparently lacking along the Eocene coast of the Mississippi Gulf, although present in the Rocky Mountain and Great Plains region at that time. This would seem to indicate some climatic distinction between Ripley and Wilcox conditions and I am disposed to so consider it, in which event the Ripley would be more distinctly temperate than the Wilcox. 68 BERRY: MESOZOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN That students in general have underestimated the contrast between Upper Cretaceous and Eocene floras is, I think, obvious. It is the fashion to picture the incoming of the angiosperms in Upper Cretaceous times as a sudden and overwhelming event which in Cenomanian times transformed the Mesozoic floras of ferns, cycadophytes and conifers into an essentially Cenozoic flora of broad-leafed modern forests. At the beginning of Lower ‘Cretaceous time the floras, as might be predicated a priori, were essentially Jurassic in type. Only gradually do they become typically Cretaceous and those elements that give them a Creta- ceous facies linger in gradually diminishing numbers to the close of the Upper Cretaceous. -Floras as early as the Albian show a variety of dicotyledons and many still existing genera are recog- nized but the numerical representation of dicotyledons in the rocks tends to be illusory, and a large number of the Cretaceous dicotyledons are more or less synthetic types, if one is justified in drawing such conclusions from the evidence of foliage alone. The lower Eocene introduces us to floras of a decidedly different facies and ones that distinctly show a great Cenozoic moderni- zation, despite the difficulty of reflecting this in the current nomen- clature of paleobotany. Moreover when it comes to details the change is profound. If the Ripley flora be compared with the Wilcox flora of the same general region the two are seen to be almost totally unlike though living under apparently similar environmental conditions. Both are lowland coastal floras, both are warm temperate in type and yet they have no common species. A tyro would immediately recognize the one as Cretaceous and the other as Tertiary. The Cretaceous cycadophytes and conifers have disappeared in the interval between the two. The flowering plants are distinctly better differentiated and more modern. That these Eocene floras as well as the Upper Cretaceous dicoty- ledons had ancestors is no more pertinent than the fact that the Eocene mammals had ancestors, in fact the comparison is not inept since the evolution of the flowering plants was, I believe, the major factor that made possible the evolution of the mammals. It may be noted that of the genera identified in the Ripley flora thirty-five, or 51 per cent, are extinct. Most of these are sale gaat of angiosperms and therefore not as precise as BERRY: MESOzOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN 69 might be wished, although some of these obviously, as in the case of Ternstroemites, represent the stock from which the Ter- tiary and existing genera were differentiated, and it is note- worthy that sixteen of the genera have not been recognized in post Cretaceous deposits. The following are the extinct genera of the Ripley flora: Halymenites, Raphaelia, Dryopterites, Mon- heimia, Taeniopteris, Protophyllocladus, Widdringtonites, Cunning- hamites, Moriconia, Geinitzia, Alismaphyllum, Doryanthites, Dtos- corites, Geonomites, Dryophyllum, Menispermites, Acaciophyllites, Mimosites, Caesalpinites, Gleditsiophyllum, Leguminosites, Eu- phorbiophyllum, Manithotites, Cissites, Grewiopsis, Dtllenites, Ternstroemites, Laurophyllum, Myrtophyllum, Cornophyllum, Ace- rates, Apocynophyllum, Calcites, Carpolithus, Phyllites. There follows a systematic list of the plants that have been identified from the Ripley formation. These will be fully de- scribed and illustrated in a Professional Paper of the U. S. Geologi- cal Survey, the manuscript of which has already been submitted, but which will probably be several years getting into print. THALLOPHYTA ? Halymenites major Lesq. panther ? YCOPODIALES ? ser a ? Selaginella laciniata Lesq. PTERIDOPHYTA ILICALES Asplenium calopteris (D. & E.) Heer Monheimia aquisgranensis D. & E. Raphaelia neuropteroides D. & E. Dryopteris Stephensoni Berry Raphaelia sp. nov. Taeniopteris sp speeder Sata RALES Protophyllocladus lobatus Berry eae bladenensis Berry Widdringtonites Reichit (Ett.) Heer Araucaria Jeffreyi Berry Moriconia cyclotoxon D. & E SRI! elegans (Corda) Endl. Moriconia americana eae mmara acicularis Kn. Geinitzia formosa Heer ANGIOSPERMOPHYTA NAIADALES a Potamogeton sp. nov. Alismaphyllum sp. nov. LILIALES Dioscorites sp. nov. 70 Berry: MESOzOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN Geonomites Schimperi Lesq. Juglans similis Knowlton My i ip. l aA j Berry Myrica Johnstrupi (Heer) Berry Myrica Torreyi Lesq. Salix Gardneri Knowlton Dryophyllum gracile Debey Dryophyllum sp. nov. Celtis sp. nov. Artocarpus sp. nov. Ficus Krausiana Heer Ficus crassipes (Heer) Heer Ficus celtifolius Berry Platanus ripleyensis Berry Liriodendron laramiense Ward Menispermites variabilis Berry Capparis sp. nov. Acaciophyllites sp. nov. _ Caesalpinites 2 spp. nov. — ARECALES Arecaceae Sabalites sp. Dicotyledodae CHORIPETALAE JUGL. Juglandaceae Juglans sp. nov. Myricaceae Myrica Brittoniana Berry Myrica 7 spp. nov. SALICALES Salicaceae Fagus sp. nov. URTICALES Ulmaceae Moraceae Ficus Leet Knowlton Ficus georgiana Berry Ficus 4 spp. nov. PLATANALES ceae Platanus sp. (cf. Credneria) RANALE Magnoliaceae Magnolia Capellini Heer Menispermaceae BERRY: MESOZOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC COASTAL PLAIN Leguminosae (position uncertain) Gleditsiophyllum 3 spp. nov. Leguminosites 2 spp. nov. Leguminosites canavalioides Berry GERANIALES Meliaceae Cedrela sp. nov. Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiophyllum antiquum Sap. & Mar. Euphorbiophyllum 3 spp. nov. SAPINDALES Celastra Celastrophyllum carolinensis Berry aiibsiniba (?) cretacea Berry Celastrophyllum 5 spp. nov. Aceraceae Acer sp. nov. AMNALES Rhamnaceae Rhamnus sp. nov. Zizyphus laurifolius Berry Rhamnus ripleyensis Berry : Zizyphus 2 spp. nov. Vitaceae Cissites crispus Velenovsky Cissites panduratus Knowlton MALVALES Tiliaceae Grewiopsis 2 spp. nov. Sterculiaceae Sterculia Snowii tennesseensis Berry PARIETALES Dilleniaceae Dillenites sp. nov. Ternstroemiaceae Ternstroemites 3 spp. nov. THYMELEALES Lauraceae Cinnamomum Newberryi Berry Laurus atanensis Berry Cinnamomum . si nov. Laurus coloradensis Knowlton Nectandra sp. n Laurus 2 spp. nov. poenna gas Bercy Laurophyllum sp. nov. MYRTALES Myrtaceae Myrcia havanensis Berry Eugenia ? anceps Berry Myrcia sp. nov. Myrtophyllum angustum (Velen.) Berry UMBELLALES e Araliaceae Aralia wellingtoniana n. var. Aralia sp. nov. Cornaceae ? Cornophyllum sp. nov- GAMOPETALAE ERICALES ? Ericaceae ? Andromeda sp. nov. ~ 72. BERRY: MESOZOIC FLORA OF ATLANTIC CO ~ Chrysophyllum sp. nov. Apocynophyllum § spp. nov. EBENALES. t ¢ | | POSITION UNCERTAIN eee - Carpolithus 3 spp. nov. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 1910-1920 The aim of this Index is to include all current botanical literature written by Americans, et in Ppsigiates or based upon American material ; the word Amer. ica being used in the broadest se Review aga papers that oats exclusively to forestry, agriculture, Ba ea products re vegetable origin, or la borato ory methods, are not i ed, an no attempt is made to index the literature of bacteri . An occ aide See is made in favor of some paper appearing in an Am n periodical which is devoted wholly to botany, Reprints are not tasthdad ilar they differ from the original in Some important eanties ular. If users of the Index will call the attention of the editor to errors or omissions, their mb ipesn will be Pe This Indexis reprinted monthly on cards, and furnished in this form to sub- scibers at the rate of 3 cents et each card. Selection of cardsis not permitted; each subsciber must take all cards published during the term of his subscription. Correspondence relating to the card issue should be addressed to the Treasurer of the Torrey Botanical Club. Atanasoff, D. Fusarium-blight (scab) of wheat and other cereals. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 1-32. pl. 1-4. + f. I-2. 1 O 1920. Barker, E. E. La arboleda de las carreteras. Revista Agric. Puerto Rico 5: 41-46. O 1920. Benoist, R. Contribution a l'étude de la flore de la Guyane rea ee Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur. 1920: 351-357. 1920. Includes 2 new species of Casearia. Berry, E. W. The ancestors of the sequoias. Sci. Am. Monthly 2: 207, 208. N 1920. Bisby, G. R., & Tolaas, A. G. Potato diseases in Minnesota. Univ. Minnesota Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 190: 1-44. f. 1-28. Je 1920. Bitting, K.G. The effect of certain agents on the development of some moulds (Penicillium expansum, Alternaria Solani, and Oidium lactis). pp. 1-176. pl. 1-62. Washington. N 1920. Blaringhem, L. Sur les collections de plantes vivantes de I’Arnold Arboretum (Université d’Harvard, prés Boston, Etats-Unis). Bull. Soc. Bot. France 66: 403-405. 7 My 1920. Boyce, J. S. The dry-rot of incense cedar. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 871: 1-58. pl. 1-3 +f. I-3. 10 N 1920. Boynton, K. R. Ceratostigma ati aa Addisonia 5: 45, 46. pl. 183. 3058 1920. 73 74 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Boynton, K. R. Monarda media. Addisonia 5: 39. pl. 180. 30S 1920. Carey, C.L. A method of preparation and some properties of a starch gel. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 455-463. 29 O 1920. Chase, V. H. Francis Eugene M’Donald. Rhodora 22: 145, 146. portrait. 29 O 1920. Chidsey, C. E. Knots and boles on forest trees. Sc. Am. a ros a: 209, 210. N 1920. Clinton, G. P. New or unusual plant injuries and diseases, found in Connecticut, 1916-1919. Connecticut Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 222: 397-482. pl. 33-55. Au 1920. Clute, W. N. How often does a branch bear leaves? Gard. Chron. 24: 375. N 1920. Clute, W. N. Naming flowers. Flower Grower 7: 171. N 1920. Coburn, L. H. Marsilea quadrifolia in Maine. Rhodora 22: 156. 29 O 1920. Couch, J. F., & Giltner, L. T. An experimental study of Echinacea therapy. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 63-84. 1 O 1920. Creswell, M. The American ash. Nature Study Rev. 16: 279-284. O 1920. Doolittle, S. P. The mosaic disease of cucurbits. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 879: 1-69. pl. r-ro. 15 N 1920. Earle, F. S. La extirpacién del mosaico de la cafia como medio de represién. Puerto Rico Dept. Agric, y Trab. Bol. 22: 1-19. Ja 1920. Earle, F.S. Sugar cane root disease. Jour. Dept. Agr. Porto Rico 4: 37>:: Ja 1920. Espino, R. B. Some aspects of the salt requirements of young rice plants. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 16: 455-523. pl. z. My 1920. ‘ Fernald, M. L. Gawltheria procumbens, L., forma suborbiculata, n. f. Rhodora 22: 155, 156. 29 O 1920. Fernald, M. L. Lactuca hirsuta, Muhl., forma calvifolia, n. f. Rho- dora 22: 156. 29 O 1920. Gersdorff, C. E. F. The history of the rose in America. Flower Grower 7: 169, 170. N 1920. Gile, P. L., & Carrero, J. O. Cause of lime-induced chlorosis and availability of iron in the soil. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 33-61- pl. 5-6.. 1 O 1920. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 75 Greaves, J. E. & Carter, E.G. Influence of moisture on the bacterial activities of the soil. Soil Sci. 10: 361-387. f. 1-4. N 1920. Hauman, L. Un viaje botanico al lago Argentino [Patagonia]. An. Soc. Cient. Argent. 89: 179-281. pl. 1-11 + f. I-12. 1920. Hess, H.M. The birches. Nature Study Rev. 16: 307-316. O 1920. Hitchcock, A.S. The North American species of Chaetochloa. Contrib. Nat. Herb. 22: 155-208. f. 36-62. 1920. 4 new combinations. Hitchcock, A. S. The North American species of Echinochloa. Con- trib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 22: 133-153. f. 25-35. 1920. 3 new combinations. Hitchcock, A. S. The North American species of Isachne. Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 22: 115-121. pl. 25-32. 1920. Hitchcock, A. S. The North American species of Oplismenus. Con- trib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 22: 123-132. f. 21-24. 1920. Hutchinson, J. Bocconia and Macleaya. Kew Bull. Misc. Inform. 1920: 275. 1920. Includes 4 new American species of Bocconia. Johansen, H. El! cultivo del toronjo. Revista Agric. 16: 199-202. 31 O 1920. [Illust.] Johnston, E. S. Nutrient requirement of the potato plant ai in sand. Cultures treated with ‘‘Type I”’ solutions. Soil. Sci. 389-408. pl. 1 +f. I-5. 1920. : Kunkel, L. O., & Orton, C. R. The behavior of American potato varieties in the presence of the wart. U.S. Dept. Agr. Circ. 111: 10-17. f. 2-3. O 1920. Kunkel, L. O., & Orton, C.R. A new host for the potato wart disease. U.S. Dept. Agr. Circ. 111: 17-18. f. ¢.. O 1920. Lankester, C. H. Orchids in Costa Rica. Orchid Rev. 28: 129-132. O 1920. Lewis, I. ¥,; & Zirkle, C. Cytology and systematic position of Porphy- ridium cruentum Naegeli. Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 333-339. pl. 20, 21. 5 N 1920. Lyman, G. R. Potato wart in the United States. U.S. Dept. Agr. Circ. 813: 3-10. f. 7. O 1920. Matz, J. A new vascular organism in sugar cane. Jour. Dept. Agr., rots Rico. - Bose f- 7-0. - 1920. ‘asmodiophora vascularum, sp. Nov: i J oe ae of root aes of sugar cane. Jour. Dept. Agr. Porto Rico. 4: 28-40. f. 6. Ja 1920. 76 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Matz, J. El mal del guineo. Puerto Rico Dept. Agric. y Trab. Circ. 25: 1-7. My 1920. Merrill, E. D. On the identity of Aegiphila viburnifolia Jussieu. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 16: 449-451. My 1920. Murrill, W. A. Botanizing at Blacksburg, Virginia. Jour. New York Bot Gard. 53: 191-193. O 1920. Nash,G.V. Clethra barbinervis. Addisonia§: 41. pl. r8r. 30S 1920. Nash, G. V. Crataegus Phaenopyrum. Addisonia 5: 33. pl. 177: 30 S 1920. Nash,G.V. Solidago rugosa. Addisonia §: 43, 44. pl. 182. 30S 1920. Nash, G. V. Stephanandra Tanakae. Addisonia. §: pl. 179. 30 S 1920. Nash, G. V. Viburnum Sieboldii. Addisonia 5: 35-36. pl. 178. 30 S 1920. Nichols, G. E. The vegetation of Connecticut—VIII. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 511-548. f. I-10. 24 N 1920 Phipps, W. H. Effect of pollenation on the life of flowers. Flower Grower 7: 182. N 1920. Record, S. J. Scented woods. Am. For. 26: 665-672. N 1920. Reed, H. S. Slow and rapid growth. Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 327-332. jf. 1-2. 5 N 1920. St. John, H. A teratological specimen of Aralia hispida.. Rhodora 22: 152-153. 29 0 1920. Saunders, E.R. Heredity. Sci. Monthly rr: 435-440. N 1920. Sharp, L.W. Somatic chromosomes in Tradescantia. _Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 341-354. pl. 22, 23. 5 N 1920. J. K. Grossularia curvata. Addisonia 5: 47, 48. pl. 184. 30 S 1920. Smith, A. .A lesson on plant physiology and the plant in relation to its environment. Gard. Chron. Am. 24: 376-379. N 1930. Sprague, T. A. Stellaria or Alsine. Kew Bull. Misc. Inform. 1920: 308-318. 1920. Stakman, L. J. A Helminthosporium disease of wheat and rye. Univ. Minnesota Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 191: 1-18. pl. I-5. JL 1920. Stevens, F. L., Pammel, L. H., & Cook, M.T. Byron David Halsted. Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 305-317. pl. 19. §N 1920. Sturtevant, R. S. Irises from Japan. Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Record 9: ei II5-I1g. 1920. . Vol. 48 No. 3 BULLETIN OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB MARCH, 1921 Neomillspaughia, a new genus of Polygonaceae, with remarks. on related genera S. F. BLAKE (WITH PLATE 1) -The genus Campderia Benth.* of the Polygonaceae was estab- lished in 1844, with the single species C. floribunda{ from Tiger or Tigre Island, Gulf of Fonseca, Honduras, and was distinguished from Coccoloba by the fact that the perigone in fruit was not adherent to the achene. In the Genera Plantarum{ it was main- tained as a genus with two or three species, separated from Coc- coloba by its accrescent calyx lobes and scarcely accrescent tube, all essentially free from the trigonous achene. In Coccoloba the perianth tube alone was said to be accrescent and often adnate to the globose or ovoid achene, In 1890, in his monograph of Coccoloba, Lindau§ referred Campderia to Coccoloba as a section containing thirteen species, distinguished from Eucoccoloba by its not elongating pedicels and by the fact that the limb and not the tube of the calyx is accrescent. There can be little ques- tion of the propriety of this arrangement. In habit and in all major characters except those mentioned Campderia, as exemplified by its type species and by those included in it by Lindau, agrees [The BuLLeTIN for February (48: 55-76) was issued February 18, 1921-] * Bot. Sulph. 159. pl. 52. 18 1844. t Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 3: 102. 1880. § Bot. Jahrb. 13: 111, 121. 1890. 77 78 BLAKE. NEOMILLSPAUGHIA precisely with Coccoloba, and the differences indicated are so comparatively slight and so weakened by intergradient forms that they can not be considered of generic value. Of the five species of Campderia described up to 1890, repre- senting three valid species, all are accounted for by Lindau in his monograph of Coccoloba. A plant of very different characters, rep- resenting an undescribed genus, has more recently been described from Honduras by Donnell Smith* under the name Campderia paniculata, and with it is clearly to be associated another species from Yucatan described by Grossf in 1913 as Podopterus emar- ginatus. Both of these are shrubs or trees with orbicular leaves, cordate at base and strongly emarginate at apex. The inflores- cence is a terminal panicle compounded of numerous slender racemes, the branches minutely scaly-bracted at base. Such an inflorescence is found in only two species of Coccoloba, forming the section Paniculatae of Meisner. It is in the perianth, however, that the chief distinguishing characters of this new genus appear. The tube is very short, and the five segments are in two distinct series; the three outer are distinctly winged from apex to base, and the wings are slightly decurrent on the pedicels. The two inner are flat, wingless, and shorter than the outer. In fruit all are somewhat accrescent, dry, and entirely free from the achene. In Coccoloba, on the other hand, the five perianth-segments are similar or subsimilar, more or less fleshy or coriaceous, in fruit flat or rarely slightly carinate but never winged, and usually adherent to the achene. The affinity of the new genus is clearly with Podopterus rather than with Coccoloba. From the latter it - may be distinguished by its paniculate inflorescence, more nat- rowly winged perianth, and slightly winged scarcely elongated fruiting pedicels. In Podopterus the flowers are borne in dense fascicles at the tips of very short branchlets or in short axillary racemes, and the perianth and the fruiting pedicels are very strongly winged. The exact nature of the inflorescence in the type species of Podopterus, P. mexicanus, not clearly described by previous authors, deserves a word of explanation. The leaves are alternate and —— bear fascicles of two to four similar ones _* Bot. Gaz. 27: 440. + Rep. Nov. Sp. Hae se ms 1913. BLAKE: NEOMILLSPAUGHIA 79 in their axils. After the fall of these leaves, the extremely abbre- viated branchlet on which they were borne bears at its tip a dense fascicle of flowers. It is from the appearance of the old branches denuded of leaves and bearing numerous fascicles of flowers that Bentham’s description of the inflorescence has been drawn. The inflorescence of the new species P. guwatemalensis described below is precisely the same. In P. cordifolius Rose & Standley, however, the flowers are borne in short axillary racemes, 2—3 cm. long, often with a cluster of small leaves at the base, and as they are arranged in several successive axils and do not appear until after the fall of the primary leaves subtending them they simulate a panicle in appearance. There is considerable diversity in the descriptions of the flower of Podopterus by different authors. Humboldt and Bonpland* in their original description ascribe to it six sepals, three outer and three inner, the outer being winged, the inner flattish and scarcely shorter than the outer. The stamens are described and figured as six, with subulate glabrous filaments, and the single ovule is said to be erect. Meisner’s description{ agrees essentially with theirs, with the added point that the ovule is subsessile. Bentham and Hooker’s descriptiont is taken largely from that of Humboldt and Bonpland, owing to their lack of complete material. The filaments are said to be filiform and the ovule subsessile. Baillon§ gives the number of sepals as five or six, the stamens as six to nine, with subulate filaments, and the ovule as stipitate. His figures show five sepals and eight stamens. Dammer,|| in the Pflanzen- familien, gives the sepals as five, three outer and two inner, the stamens as eight, and the ovule as stipitate. In all the specimens I have examined (representing all the known species), with one exception, the sepals are five and the stamens eight, with subulate glabrous filaments; in a single flower of P. cordifolius, however, out of three examined, there were nine stamens. The seed has not yet been described, but fully mature fruits of Podopterus mexicanus collected by Pringle (No. 10181) at Tomellin Canyon, * Pl. Aequin. 2: 89. pl. 107, 1812. § Hist. Pl. 11: 394. 1892. |) Engler & Prantl, Pflanzenfamilien 3°: 32. 1892. 80 BLAKE: NEOMILLSPAUGHIA Oaxaca, May 14, 1906, and of P. guatemalensis, collected by Pope- noe, enable me to give its characters. The seed of Podopterus mexicanus is trigonous, either equal- sided or conforming to the shape of the achene (trigonous, with one side flat and two narrower and sulcate), and acute at apex. The plentiful albumen is farinaceous, slightly ruminate, and gives the starch reaction with iodine. The embryo is subcentral and straight, either flat or bent longitudinally in a boat-shaped fashion, when one half lies parallel to the flat side of the seed and the other enters the central lobe. The cotyledons are flat, or bent as described, and the radicle superior, slender, more than half as long as the thin oval cotyledons, ascending from their slightly cordate base. In young ovaries the ovule is erect and stipitate, as described by Baillon, not subsessile as described by Bentham and Hooker. In P. cordifolius the ovule is pendulous on a basal funicle longer than itself in the young flower. Older flowers of this species have not been examined. In mature achenes of Podopterus guatemalensis the seed is trigonous, rounded on each side or with two sides slightly sulcate. The embryo is subcentral, in cross-section somewhat boat-shaped or bent in an irregular S-form. The oval cotyledons are unequal at base, oblique on one side and on the other cordate and accum- bent to the base of the ascending radicle. In 1901* Rolfe described and figured a new genus Gymopodium from British Honduras, said to be related to Podopterus but to be distinguished by its wingless pedicels and its nine stamens. Comparison with the description and specimens of the genus Mills- paughia described several years Iater by Robinsonf from Yucatan shows that the two genera are identical. The genus is not closely allied to Podopterus, however, as Rolfe considered it, probably on the basis of the tribal grouping in the Genera Plantarum, but is a near relative of Antigonon Endl., with which it was associated by Robinson. Antigonon is ‘placed by Bentham and Hooker in the tribe Coccolobeae, which is separated from the tribe Triplarideae, in which Podopierus is placed, chiefly by its five-parted perianth * Hook. Icon. 27: pl. 2690. 1901. : Pee { Bot. Jahrb. 36 (Beibl. 80): 13. 1905. BLAKE: NEOMILLSPAUGHIA 81 and usually eight stamens, while in the latter tribe the perianth is six-parted and the stamens, three, six, nine or many. As shown above, however, Podopterus is nearly always pentamerous in respect to its perianth and octandrous, the only specimens on record with hexamerous flowers being those from which the original descrip- tion was drawn. Dammer describes the perianth of Antigo- non as penta- or hexamerous, and figures it as hexamerous, but the normal number of perianth parts is certainly five, as given by Bentham and Hooker, and I have seen no specimens with six sepals. In his key to the tribe Coccolobeae, rightly including Podopterus, Dammer keys out Antigonon as having “ Blh. [Bliiten- hiille] ohne Fliigel,”’ as opposed to the genera Brunnichia and Podopterus which have ‘“‘ Blh. mit Fliigeln,’”’ but in his description of the genus he says “die 3 dusseren Bliitenhiillb. bei der Fruchtreife . . . Fliigel bildend.’’ The distinction obviously intended is that in Antigonon the outer perianth segments lack dorsal wings and the tube is wingless, while one or both of these features are present in the two allied genera. The distinguishing characters between the genera considered above, with their close ally Brunnichia—including all the genera of the tribe Coccolobeae as defined by Dammer, with the exception of Coccoloba and Muehlenbeckia—may be expressed in the following key: Perianth tube in fruit strongly accrescent, corky or coriaceous, fouger _ the _— —s _ ee one- or two- winged, t! not winapi Guteecas, climbing ty tenia: perintah seg- then erect; albumen six-sulcate by the intruded testa, other- wise not ruminate; embryo marginal, in one of the lobes, straightish. 1. Brunnichia. Perianth tube scarcely accrescent in fruit, not corky or coria- " eeous, much shorter than the limb, not including the achene, wingless or three-w: Perianth segments without ‘Gants — Perianth segments five, rarely ‘‘six;’’ filaments nor- mally eight, united at base or to ge into a ring; ovule at first pendulous on a basal funicle slightly longer than itself, later erect; achene broadly ovoid, — subterete — logis y three-angled above, gla- brous; tral. flattish, th tyled t cordate at iat: albumen strongly ruminate; plants woody only at base, climbing by tendrils. 2. Antigonon. 82 BLAKE: NEOMILLSPAUGHIA Perianth wears six; filaments normally nine (six ona lanceolate, three-angled throughout, with sulcate sides, pubescent; embryo subcentral, somewhat boat- radicle erect; albumen not ruminate; shrubs or trees, without tendrils, not scandent. 3. Gymnopodium. Outer perianth segments with dorsal wings, the wings more or less decurrent on the pedicels Flowers in panicled racemes; perianth segments nar- rowly winged, the wings scarcely decurrent on the ceri are pubescent; albumen not rumi- 4. Neomillspaughia. F er in axillary fascicles or short axillary racemes; segments broadly winged, the wings broadly decurrent on _ the wnt filaments glabrous; ’ albumen ruminate. 5. Podopterus. 1. BRUNNICHIA Banks With the exception of Muehlenbeckia, which is found in tropical America and in Australia, New Zealand, and the islands of the Pacific, Brunnichia is the only genus of the tribe Coccolobeae not confined to America. The type species, B. cirrhosa Gaertn., occurs in eastern North America, the three other known species coming from the region of the Belgian Congo and Camerun in western Africa. The genus may be divided into two sections, separated by habitat and by definite fruiting characters. In the section Eubrunnichia, sect. nov., including only the type species, B. cirrhosa, the tube of the perianth and the pedicel bear a single broad wing, and the perianth tube is much thickened and corky in fruit. In the African group, which may be called section Dipteropodium, sect. nov., the tube of the perianth and the pedicel bear two broad wings, and the perianth tube in fruit is coriaceous and not obviously thickened. This section includes three species, B. africana Welw. (type), B. erecta Aschers., and B. congoensis Dammer.* Of this group I have examined only a sheet of B. africana var. glabra Dammer, in the U. S. National Herbarium. Brunnichia erecta Aschers. was originally described as an erect * For an account of the African species, see Dammer, Bot. Jahrb. 26: 347-357. BLAKE: NEOMILLSPAUGHIA 83 shrub without tendrils; but Dammer has found what he considers a young and undeveloped tendril in a specimen of this species, and states that all the specimens known are merely pieces from the region of the ‘inflorescence, so that it is probable that this species agrees with the other better known members of the genus in the possession of tendrils. The descriptions of the embryo given by Bentham and Hooker (‘embryo in uno lobo leviter incumbenti-incurvus”’) and by Dam- mer, in the Pflanzenfamilien (‘‘E. incumbent, einwarts gekriimmt Oll’”’), do not entirely agree with what I have found in the dissec- tion of numerous seeds of B. cirrhosa. The albumen is six-sulcate by the intruded testa, otherwise not ruminate; the embryo is marginal in one of the lobes, straightish or very slightly incurved, and the radicle erect and in no way applied to the cotyledons. In all the specimens of the African species so far described the achenes, although in some apparently mature, have been empty of seed and filled with a fungal growth. 2. ANTIGONON Endl. The perianth segments are given as five by Bentham and Hooker and by Baillon. Dammer, in the Pflanzenfamilien, gives them as five or six, and figures a flower of A. leptopus with six segments. I have seen no flower with six perianth parts, and believe this number must be very rare if not abnormal. The embryo, in the seeds examined, was subcentral, flat, and straight. 3. GYMNOPODIUM Rolfe, Hook, Icon. 27: pl. 2699. 1901 Millspaughia Robinson, Bot. Jahrb. 36 (Beibl. 80): 13. 1905. The filaments in this genus are normally nine, as described by Rolfe, the six outer inserted at the outer edge of a short thick- ened somehat knobby disk at the base of the ovary, the three inner borne on this disk opposite the sulcate faces of the ovary. They are free, in which the genus differs from Antigonon, where an annulus of basally united filaments is always developed. The other characters by which Gymnopodium differs from Antigonon have already been indicated above. The ovule in G. antigonoides is erect on a funicle several times its length, not subsessile as described by Rolfe in G. floribundum. The three species now known may be distinguished by the following key: 84 BLAKE: NEOMILLSPAUGHIA Leaves glabrous. 1. G. floribundum. Leaves pubescent at least when young. eaves obovate or oval, obtuse or rounded; outer perianth segments cordate at base. 2. G. antigonoides. Leaves ovate or broadly ovate, acutish; outer perianth seg- ments not cordate at base. 3. G. ovatifolium. I. GYMNOPODIUM FLORIBUNDUM Rolfe, Hook. Icon. 27: pl. 2699. I90I Mullspaughia leiophylla Blake, Contr. Gray Herb. n. ser. 52: 62. 1917. Originally described from specimens collected on pine ridges at Manatee, British Honduras, by E. J. F. Campbell (No. 60). The specimens from which M. leiophylla was described were collected in swampy saline ground at Manatee Lagoon, British Honduras, by M. E. Peck (No. 320). _” 2, Gymnopodium antigonoides (Robinson) Blake, comb. nov. Millspaughia antigonoides Robinson, Bot. Jahrb. 36 (Beibl. 80): 14. 1905. This species has hitherto been known only from Yucatan, but is also represented by specimens in the National Herbarium col- lected at Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, on March 8, 1904, by E. A. Goldman (No. 743). 3. Gymnopodium ovatifolium (Robinson) Blake, comb. nov. Millspaughia ovatifolia Robinson, Bot. Jahrb. 36 (Beibl. 80): 14. 1905. Known only from Yucatan. Not examined by the writer in the present connection. 4. NEOMILLSPAUGHIA Blake, gen. nov. Shrubs or trees; leaves alternate, orbicular, cordate at base, emarginate at apex, short-petioled, with deciduous ocreae; panicles terminal, compounded of racemes; peduncles of the racemes with small scarious bracts at base; ocreolae two- to six- flowered; pedicels filiform, narrowly three-winged toward apex, not lengthened in fruit, jointed much below the middle; perianth _ petaloid in flower, in fruit dry and accrescent, the tube very short, the three outer segments ovate or oval-ovate, winged throughout, BLAKE: NEOMILLSPAUGHIA 85 the wings decurrent on the upper part of the pedicel, more or less erose, the two inner segments oval-ovate or oval, plane, wingless, obtuse, slightly shorter than the outer; stamens eight or nine, the filaments inserted on the base of the perianth, united at base, subulate from a lance-ovate base, pubescent about to middle, the anthers suborbicular, dorsified in the middle, the cells free except at the point of attachment; ovary trigonous, glabrous, the ovule erect, subsessile; styles three, slender, with irregular capitate stigmas; achene trigonous-ovoid, acutish, with flat sides, the more or less persistent ahi slightly exserted between the wings of the perianth; seed trigonous, one side flattish, the others sulcate; albumen not phi embryo subcentral, straight, the superior radicle shorter than the suborbicular somewhat boat-shaped cotyledons. Type species, Campderia paniculata Donn. Sm. As Millspaughia Robinson has proved to be a synonym of Gymnopodium, the present genus may appropriately take the name Neomillspaughia, in honor of Dr. C. F. Millspaugh, botanical curator of the Field Columbian Museum, who has done so much to increase our knowledge of the flora of Yucatan. Leaves 9-16 cm. wide, beneath rather densely sordid-puberulous; fruiting perianth 4.5 mm. sated — 3 mm. long. . N. paniculata. inn hos s9¢ m. wide, b long the costa ins; fruiting perianth 8 mm. long; achene 3.5 mm. long. 2. N. emarginata, 1. Neomillspaughia paniculata (Donn. Sm.) Blake, comb. nov. Campderia paniculata Donn. Sm. Bot. Gaz. 27: 440. 1899. Known only from the type collection by C. Thieme (distr. Donn. Sm. No. 5604), from the Rio Chamelecén, Department Santa Barbara, Honduras, altitude 500 meters, December, 1888. > 2. Neomillspaughia emarginata (H. Gross) Blake, comb. nov. Podopterus emarginatus H. Gross, Rep. Nov. Sp. Fedde 12: 218. 1913. | This species was based on fruiting specimens collected in July in woods near Kabah, Yucatan, by Seler (No. 5600), and on flowering specimens collected near Izamal, Yucatan, July, 1895, by G. F. Gaumer (No. 750). Only the latter collection has been examined. This is “said to be from a tree 15 meters (50 feet) high, common in forests and brush lands near Izamal.* | * Millsp. Field Col. Mus. Bot. 1: 294. 1896, under Podopterus mexicanus. 86 BLAKE: NEOMILLSPAUGHIA 5. PODOPTERUS Humb. & Bonpl. Pl. Aequin. 2: 89. pl. 107. 1812* The characters of this genus have been indicated with sufficient detail in the discussion and key given above. The three species now known may be separated by the following key. Flowers in fascicles; leaves obovate or oval-obova Leaves glabrous beneath or merely ee at base of midrib, acute at base. 1. P. mexicanus. Leaves rather densely pilosulous on the surface as well as e veins beneath, rounded or cordate at base. 2. P. guatemalensis. Flowers in short axillary racemes; leaves oval-ovate or ovate, cordate at base. 3. P. cordifolius. I. PODOPTERUS MEXICANUS Humb. & Bonpl. Pl. Aequin. 2: 89. pl. 107. 1812 The type of this species came from the State of Veracruz, between Veracruz and La Antigua. No material from Veracruz is in the National Herbarium, but the species is represented from Tamaulipas, Yucatan, Oaxaca, and also from Armeria, Colima, on the western coast, where it was collected by Palmer in 1891 (No. 1290). Podopterus mexicanus was originally described and figured as having six perianth segments, six stamens, and leaves slightly hairy at base. In the later description of Kuntht the leaves and petioles were said to be glabrous. I have already discussed the question of the number of floral parts. It may noted that none of the specimens examined has leaves or petioles which can be called glabrous, there being always some pubescence at least on the margin of the petiole, which is sparsest in the two collections from Oaxaca now before me, and usually also at the base of the costa beneath. Dr. H. Lecomte, to whom I sent specimens for * The date given for this name is taken from Sherborn & Woodward’s paper on the dates of Humboldt and Bonpland’s a Jour. Bot. 39: 203. 1901. The page reference, which is the only one I have cited, has been verified for me by Dr. J. arnhart. As the — . Congres copy of this work Podopterus and P. ica bl refe: I have had occasion to look odes a similar ae (p. 132 instead of a. usually cited 139 for dhcsaehrase It is evident that there were two editions of this work, both in folio, a fact which seems to have escaped the notice of bibliographers. H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 2: 181. 1817. BLAKE: NEOMILLSPAUGHIA 87 comparison, informs me that there are now no leaves on the speci- mens in the Paris Herbarium. 2. Podopterus guatemalensis Blake, sp. nov. Shrub or tree; branches somewhat zigzag, with short inter- nodes and spinescent branchlets, gray-barked and densely spread- ing-puberulous, becoming purplish-fuscous and glabrate; leaves in clusters of two to four; petioles densely sordid-pilosulous with loosely spreading hairs, 4-15 mm. long; blades broadly obovate or oval-obovate, 2.2-4.3 cm. long, 1.8-3.2 cm. wide, broadly rounded or obtuse, sometimes slightly emarginate, narrowed to a rounded or cordate base, coriaceous, above dull green or in age somewhat shining, along costa densely pilosulous, on surface essentially glabrous or sparsely spreading-pilosulous and glabrate, beneath dull green, along costa densely spreading-pilosulous, on surface densely, permanently, and sordidly spreading-pilosulous with loose hairs or sparsely so and subglabrate, finely prominulous- reticulate on both sides, the chief lateral veins about six pairs; fascicles many-flowered, on usually leafless branches; pedicels glabrous, 12-17 mm. long, winged for half their length or more, about 4.5 mm. broad at base of calyx; calyx in fruit 8 mm. long, glabrous, the three outer segments with a wing 2 mm. wide, the two inner ovate, obtuse, cucullate, 5 mm. long; stamens eight, the filaments glabrous, subulate; achene trigonous-ellipsoid, obtusish at each end, 5 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide, flat or rounded on one side, sulcate on the others, pale brownish; styles three, spread- ing, I mm. long. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1038152, collected at Barranquillo, Department El Progreso, Guatemala, altitude 550 meters, March 15, 1920, by Wilson Popenoe (No. 973). The following specimens have likewise been examined — GuaTEMALA: El Rancho, Department Jalapa, March 10, 1905, Kellerman 4004. The vernacular name of this species is given by Mr. Popenoe as ‘‘cruzito.” >3. PoDOPTERUS CORDIFOLIUS Rose & Standl. Proc. Biol. Soc. oo Washington 33:66. 1920 Originally described from a collection made by M. E. Jones (No. 103) at Manzanillo, Colima, on June 25, 1892. A specimen collected by C. R. Orcutt (No. 3306) at Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, on April 19, 1910, is also in the U. 5. National Herbarium. By + 2sy/F “Unrecorded” genera of Rafinesque—l. Autikon Botanikon (1840) FRANCIS W. PENNELL Botanists have come to rely so fully on the thoroughness of the vast compliation of plant-names brought together in the Index Kewensis, that it is, to say the least, disconcerting to learn of names not recorded there. The libraries of England and the Continent fortunately, and naturally, contain the original descrip- tions of nearly all species ever published. Yet remarkable as was the diligence with which accessible volumes and journals were searched, it cannot be surprising to discover that some works, and particuliarly those produced elsewhere and but little welcomed in their time, were missed. Such were the works of Constantine Samuel Rafinesque, especially those written during the later lonely fruitful years of his life at Philadelphia. Rafinesque had a varied scientific career, for some years in Sicily, but for most of his working life in the United States, as it was understood between 1802 and 1840, the year of his death. None of the early students of the American flora made more prolific contributions to our taxonomic knowledge, and no other was so vigorously original. The present-day student must appre- ciate the keenness of Rafinesque’s judgments, no matter how much he may deplore the undisciplined enthusiasm with which were presented too slightly weighed conclusions, nor can we fail to do honor to the zeal which led this ‘“‘improver” to the produc- tion at his own expense, or rather at his own continuous loss, of volume after volume giving a sustained presentment of his views on the nomenclature, taxonomy and evolution of plants, American and foreign. Many of Rafinesque’s botanical papers between 1815, the date of his permanent settlement in America, and 1836 are short and published in little-known magazines. His more pretentious works of this period, Florula Ludoviciana, 1817, an ical Flora, 1828-30, are well indexed by the Kew bibliographers. But the papers in the American Monthly Magazine were not all seen by 89 90 PENNELL: ‘“‘ UNRECORDED’’ GENERA OF RAFINESQUE them, and contain descriptions which are still practically unknown. During these years, as claimed by Rafinesque, a number of pam- phlets were ‘“‘published,”” but whether certain at Lexington, Kentucky, if actually issued, have survived in even a single copy is doubtful. It would have been more logical to have commenced a search for the unrecorded genera of Rafinesque with these earlier works, but the difficulty of the task has made me postpone such a paper. In 1836 commenced the great period of Rafinesque’s production. Then in a series of projects, each curtailed in execution, he tried to place before an unresponsive world his views. Many thought him ‘‘crazy,’’ but who to-day can read such expressions as those presented in the letter to Dr. Torrey preserved in the Herbarium Rafinesquianum (p. 11-12) or the expositions in the introductions to the New Flora of America and the Flora Telluriana, and not consider that here was one of the truly striking forerunners of the Evolutionary Movement? His New Flora of North America and Flora Telluriana, his greatest works, are well indexed by the Kew compilers, so that later scientists have little excuse for the neglect with which these are treated. But the work which succeeded these, upon which he was writing at the time of his death, and which, while pretending to be but a catalog of specimens for sale, is actually a study abounding with generic and specific descriptions, the Autikon Botanikon, is never cited in the Kew Index. The total disregard given it by its contemporaries is well illustrated by the fact that in his obituary account of Rafinesque in the American Journal of Science and Arts (40: 221-241. 1841). Professor Asa Gray seems not to have been aware of its existence. Posterity is better able to do justice to Rafinesque than were those of his own time, for now we have the sum of his works before us, and the science of the present day enables us to be certain of the identity of much that was sketchily or partially described therein. By any code of nomenclature his names must be ac- counted for, and until those conversant with our eastern flora patiently analyze the hundreds of descriptions he has left, there will always be the possible threat of changes in our current specific or generic names. The day is over-due for such an analysis and the writer would tell any doubter that, from his own experience PENNELL: “‘ UNRECORDED’’ GENERA OF RAFINESQUE 91 identifying Rafinesque’s species of Scrophulariaceae, if you know your species by other as well as by the traditional criteria, the task is not hopeless. Rafinesque had a sanguine, and sadly not unique, faith that all specimens (and likewise all descriptions) which seemed in any way ‘‘different’’ represented distinct species! Also his confidence in his own ‘‘natural”’ classification so often led him astray with respect to affinities that we are many times left blind. It is a tragedy that Rafinesque’s herbarium has not sur- vived. As a first step toward an appraisal of Rafinesque, I should like to have collected the species unrecorded in the Index Kewensis, but such a list with comments would be too long for presentment in this journal. More importance attaches to the knowledge that unused generic names exist. This paper is the first of several in which I shall attempt to record briefly the unrecorded genera of Rafinesque, upon what they are based, and whether the names are available for use. No responsibility is assumed for the iden- tification of any of these and the describer’s own statement of their affinity is given for the purpose of enabling any worker to know if a certain genus is, or is not, of the group of his own special interest. The Autikon Botanikon doubtless contains the majority of Rafinesque’s unrecorded names, inasmuch as it is his only large work overlooked. In it all the new genera are described so that the validity of their publication must be recognized by all. Con- sequently it is important to have these presented. The following list retains the numbers of Rafinesque’s series, while for those who may cite these genera from my list I include in parentheses the pages of the original. 15. Junta Raf. (p. 6). Type species, J. triflora Raf. ‘Received from Florida, but pete serene ecoaan or African I am not sure.’’ Said to be near Clethra and Cyr dated a Junia Adans., 1763. 33. Ronconia Raf. (p. 9). pe species, R. siete Raf. ‘‘(Ammania auri- culata nonullis). . . . Egypt.” Feb from Amm 60. IonpRA Raf. (p. 11). Type species, Thlaspi arabica “L., "actually (L.) Vahl, Symb. Bot. 2: 76. 1791, based upon Iberis arabica L., Cent. Pl., 1:17. 1755. Tondra arabica (L.) Raf. This is considered to be a species of Aethionema R. Br., $8Is. 63. CaRGILA Raf. (p. 11). Type species, C. dichotoma Raf. ‘South America.” Near Melampodium. Name antedated by Cargilla Adans., 1763. 92 PENNELL: ‘“ UNRECORDED’’ GENERA OF RAFINESQUE 85. TRIMISTA Raf. (p. 12). Type species, T. levigata Raf. ‘‘Central America. . One of the plants blended in Nyctago jalapa.”’ 88. PLETHYRSIS Raf. (p. 13). Type species, P. glauca Raf. ‘‘Unaka or Iron Mts. of eke ina.” Near Hedyotis. LMA Raf. (p. 69). Name substituted for Stelmanis Raf. (p. 13), ailae ee ea ndia glomerata Michx., Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 83. 1803, of Carolina. Not Stelmanis Rat., Fl. Tellur. 2: 47. ony 96. MARZARIA Raf. (p. 14). Type species, Bocconia cordata Wlilld., Sp. Pl. 2: 841. 1799, of China ile Marzaria cordata (Willd.) Raf. This name is antedated by neces KR. Be 8 EVANA hee e 15). Type species, L. uniflora Raf. (= Vestia lycioides tidy snes Specimen Seereved by Rafinesque under names eh aber lycioi- and “ eck a pentandra,” but “‘ certainly not a Blairia!’’ and ‘‘I don’t ow who gorge Vestia.”’ Plant evidently eve ‘cade Willd., Enum. Hort. Berol. 208. 1809, from Chile 120. SHORTIA Raf. (p. 16). Type species, Arabis dentata ‘‘Nutt.,’’ actually (Torr.) T. & G., Fl. N. Am. 1: 80. 1838, of canine Shortia dentata (Torr.) Raf. This name «girth the well-known genus Shortia T. & G., 1842. I21. SEMETUM Raf. (p. 17). Type species, S. ramosum Raf. “Florida. Le 167. ACTARTIFE Raf. (p. 20). Type species, A. — Raf. ‘Florida, found by Baldwin, deemed B[oltonia] asteroides.”’ Ne ear Boltonia 201. EvAcToMA Raf. (p. 23). Type species, Cucubalus stellatus [L., Sp. Pl. 414. 1753, of Virginia]. Evactoma stellata (L.) Raf . XAMILENIS Raf. (p. 24). Type species, Silene acaulis L. [Sp. Pl. ed. II. Hes te of Europe]. 8. PLECONAX Raf. (p. 24). Type species, Silene conica L. [Sp. Pl. 418. 4783; ae Europe]. 209. ALIFIOLA a ht 24). Type species, A. dichotoma Raf. ‘‘In Kentucky, disc. 1818.’ Near ail. A Raf. mm oe Type species, I. tenella Raf. (= ‘Silene 4 es tata L. & ae quadridentata L.,’’ of the Alps, is evidently intended to arene quadrifidus L., Sp. Pl. 415. 1753, later called Silene quadrifida (L.) og Syst. Nat. ed. X. 1032. pee, and Lychnis quadridentata Murr., Syst. Nat. ed. XIII. . 233. . (p. 27). Type species, Lychnis grandiflora Jacq. [Coll. 1: 140. ae eiceks pelt (Jacq.) Raf. 241. EBRAXIS Raf. (p. 29). Type species, Silene antirrhina L. [Sp. Pl. 419. 1753, of Virginia]. 250. eterna sth tg 31). Type species, I. ligustrina Raf. ‘Probably of Ze. eran Raf: 0. a dais apeche® R. reticulata Raf. ‘‘South America.” nt to ‘Justicia for: 275. SER Rat. (p. Pe pee species, Ludwigia decurrens Walt. [FI. Cart. _ see Carolina.] D. ——— — oe Raf. Name antedated 1820. d Dial, ” . PENNELL: ‘“‘ UNRECORDED”’ GENERA OF RAFINESQUE 93 281. ADENOLA Raf. (p. 36). Type species, Jussieua arsine Michx. [FI. Bor. Am. 1: 267. 1803, of Georgia]. Adenola grandiflora (Mich 336. Bazina Raf. (p. 44). Type species, B. nudiflora Raf. of Florida (= Lin- dernia grandiflora Nutt.). 365. MERLETA Raf. (p 49). Type species, M. microphyla Raf., of Cuba. Near Croton. 366. VANDERA ar (p. 49). Type species, V. discolor (Jal.) Raf., of Cuba. “Croton do Jal. m 367. icant ey i 50). Type species, A. glechomoides Raf., of Cuba, ** Jalam- bic’. Near Cro 368. BANALIA Raf. (p. 50). Type species, B. muricata Raf., of Florida. Near Croton. This name antedates Banalia Moq., 1849 369. PLEopApIUM Raf. (p. 50). Type species, P. ciliatum Raf., of South America. Near Croton. 372. ALLOSANDRA Raf. (p. 51). Type species, A. verbenifolia Raf., of Florida. Near Tragia. 388. DrpLeina Raf. (p. 54). Type species, D. umbellata Raf., of Siberia. Near Actaea. 401. REGGERIA Raf. (p. 55). Type species, Ornithogalum bohemicum Wiilld., Sp. Pl. 2: 113. 1799, which is there cited to Zauschner, Act. Bohem. 2: 121.] Reg- geria bohemica (Willd.) Raf. 412. GENLISA Raf. (p. 57). Type species, Scilla bifolia L. [Sp. Pl. 309. 1753, of Europe.] Nam ecco by Genlisia Reichenb., 1828, and Genlisea A. St. Hil., 1833. Genlisa bifolia (L.) Raf. hi Luronium Raf. (p. 63). Type species, . Alisma natans L. (Sp. = 345. (2753, of Europe.] Luronium natans (L.) Raf. This nam antedates the genus-name Elisma eds 1869, upon the same species. . COpOMALE Raf. (p. 67). Type species, C. purpurascens Raf., of Sibiria. ac Pauien 488. TROXILANTHES Raf. (p. 67). Type species, T. angustifolia Raf., of Europe. Near Convallaria. 501. LoMAKE Raf. (p. 73). Type species, L. brachiata Raf., of Cuba. Near Stachytar pheta. ; 507. STREBLINA Raf. (p. 74). Type species, S. denticulata Raf., of Florida. Near Nyssa. ane Tatina Raf. (p. 75). Type species, T. parviflora Raf., of Mississippi. Near Bumelia 538. KonxiKas Raf. (p. 78). Type species, K. acuminatum Raf., of Siberia (?). ' Near Lathyrus and Clitoria. 562. MONOSEMEION Raf. (p. 82). Type species, M. obliquatum Raf., of North America (?). Near Amorpha. 571. FEST. Type species, F. nivea (Collins) Raf., of Africa. **(Rhus do. Coll[ins] herb.)’’ Near Rhus 601. Sattunca Raf. (p. 87). Type species, 5. plantaginea Raf., of Europe. Near Fedia. 94 PENNELL: ‘‘ UNRECORDED’’ GENERA OF RAFINESQUE 610. A (p. 88). Type species, Valeriana rupestris Pallas, Reise 3: 266. Fuisa Sansa (Pallas) Raf. 613. TTERA Raf. (p. 88). Type species, Valeriana calcitrapa [L., Sp. Pl. 31. 1753, of Europe]. Rittera calcitrapa (L.) Raf. Name antedated by Rittera Schreb., 1789. ‘ 613. MonasTEs Raf. (p. 88). Alternative name for Rittera Raf. 664. Kosiosts Raf. (p. 94). Type species, Euphorbia mellifera [Ait., Hort. Kew. 3: 493. Ne of Madeira]. Kobiosis mellifera (Ait.) Raf 81. DEMATRA Raf. (p. 96). Type species, D. sericea Raf., of Palestine (= Eure villosa Sieber, non Waldstein). - BRAxILIA Raf. (p. 102). Type species, B. parvifolia Raf., of Labrador and ss ta Europe (= Pyrola minor L.). This name antedates Erxlebenia Opiz, 1852. 723. ORTHILIA Raf. (p. 103). Type species, O. parvifolia Raf., of Europe (= Pyrola secunda L.) his name antedates Ramischia Opiz, 1852. 726. ODOSTIMA Raf. (p. 104). ype species, Pyrola uniflora L. (Sp. Pl. 397- 1753, of Europe]. Name pies g Moneses Salisb., 1821. 763. PARMENTIERA Raf. (p. 108). Type species, P. edulis Raf., of Peru (= Solanum tuberosum O[mnes]). A pre-Linnean and horticultural name for the potato. Its publication here was antedated by Parmentiera DC., 1838. 763. ARTORHIZA Raf. (p. 138). Alternative name for’ Parmentiera Raf. 765. ANTIMION Raf. (p. 109). Type species, A. tomentosum Raf., of Peru. Near Solanum 766. SCUBULON Raf..(p. 109). Type species, S. incanum Raf., of Peru. Near Solanum. 835. Eunemus Raf. (p. 115). Type species, E. officinalis Raf., from ‘Canada to Louisiana’ (= Lashes vs virginicus L.). 851. ATIRBESIA Raf. (p. 117). Type species, Marrubium peregrinum L. [Sp. Pl. 582. 1753. of Europe]. 887. PERxo Raf. (p. 121). Type species, Ocimum riage “Mur.,” actually L., Mant. 567. 1771, of India. Perxo polystachya (L.) R: 900. FENIXANTH 22). Type species, Salvia splendens ‘‘ Hortis,” aie Ker-Gawl in gihe Reg. a 1823. Fenixanthes splendens (Ker-Gawl) Raf. 916. PeELotris Raf. (p. 125). Type species, Hyacinthus paniculatus [Lam., cr eat 3: 193. 1789, of Europe]. Pelotris paniculatus (Lam.) Raf 946. ANIKETON Raf. (p. 130). Type species, A. coriaceum Raf., of Cuba. Near Smilax. 952. DiLax Raf. (p. 131). Type species, D. muricata Raf., of Florida. Near 996. ATEVALA Raf. (p. 136). Type species, A imbricata Raf., of Africa. Near Aloe. 908. Kumaria Raf. (p. 137). Type species, K. spicata Raf., of Africa (= Aloe retusa L.). Name papa by Kumara Medic., 1786. tooo. Tutista Raf. (p. 137). Type species, Aloe margaritifera (Burm. f., FI. Cap. Prod. 10. 1768, of South Africa]. Tulista margaritifera (Burm. {.) Rat ® PENNELL: ‘‘ UNRECORDED”’’ GENERA OF RAFINESQUE 95 toor. ICMANE Raf. (p. 141). Type species, J. nerifolia Raf., of Australia. Near Hakea. _ 1052. NEMELAIA Raf. (p. 144). Type species, N. laurina Raf., of Europe (?). Probably of Myrsinaceae. 063. TARTONIA Raf. (p. 146). Type species, T. obovata Raf., of Europe (= Daphne Tartonraira L.). 1074. OZANDRA Raf. (p. 148). Type species, Melaleuca ‘‘hyssopifolia Sm.,”’ evidently M. hypericifolia Sm., Trans. Linn. Soc. 3: 279. 1797, of Australia. 1102. NEvROLIS Raf. (p. 150). Type species, N. fuscata Raf., of Borneo or Moluccas (= Celosia virgata ‘* Hortis"’). . LEPIPHAIA Raf. (p. 199). New name for Nevrolis Raf., considered too Giles to Nevrilis Raf., Sylva Tellur., 138. 1838 1158. TuRsITIS Raf. (p. 156). New name for Elatine Moench, 1794, not Elatine L., 1753. Tursitis Elatine (L.) Rat. Name antedated by Kickxia Dumort., 1827 1165. PROBATEA Raf. (p. 157). New name for Asarina Moench. 167. MisopaTEs Raf. (p. 158). Type species, Antirrhinum Orontium L. [Sp. ree 617. 1753, of Europe]. Mian a Orontium (L.) ‘: 1168. TERMONTIS. Raf. (p. 158). Ty pecies, T. racemosa Raf. of Europe (= Antirrhinum majus L.). Not Termontis ce, Chi. Aetn. 5. 1813 I171. BUCRANION Raf. (p. 159). Type species, B. spicatum Raf., of Africa (?). Near Antirrhin . ANTRIZON Raf. (p. 159). Type species, A. tenuifolium Raf., of Sibiria (?). we pene : 1227. DasIPHORA Raf. (p. 167). Type species, D. riparia Raf., of Eurasia ( = Potentilla fruticosa L.). 1269. STREPTILON Raf. (p. 173). Type species, S. odoratum Raf., of Europe (= Geum urbanum L.). 1379. ZELIAUROS Raf. (p. 184). Type species, Z. repens Raf., of ‘‘Spain or Maroco?’’ Near Veronica. : 1400. Iposugs Raf. (p. 186). Type species, I. obovata Raf., of Asia. Near Erica or Menziesia. ‘ 1401. SMIDETIA Raf. (p. 187). New name for Schmidtia Tratt. (‘‘ Schmiedtia — HIZAKENIA Raf. (p. 188).. Type species, R. ovata Raf., from “New ear to ieee ” Near Pilularia, Isoetes, etc. INDEX Actartife, 167 Antrizon, 1172 Cargila, 63 Adenola, 281 Artorhiza, 763 Codomale, 487 Aldinia, 367 Atevala, 996 Dasiphora, 1227 Alifiola, 209 Atirbesia, 851 Dematra, 681 Allosandra, 372 Banalia, 368 2 Aniketon, Bazina, 336 Diplandra, 275 seo Braxilia, 718 Dipleina, 388 96 PENNELL: ‘“‘ UNRECORDED”’ GENERA OF RAFINESQUE Euhemus, 835 Eva Luronium, 454 Rittera, 613 Rodatia, 251 Zeliauros, 1379 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 1917-1921 The aim of this Index is to include all current botanical literature written by Americans, published in Sacchi or based upon American material ; the word Amer- ica being used in the broadest sen Reviews, and papers that sae exclusively to forestry, oo horticulture, pont a products of vegetable origin, or laboratory meth not included, anc no attempt is made to index the literature se bacteriology. An Schad exception is made in favor of some paper appearing in an American periodical which is devoted wholly to botany. Reprints are not mentioned unless they differ from the original in some important particular. If users of the Index will call the attention of the editor to errors or omissions, their gal will be appreciated. This Index is reprinted monthly on cards, and furnished in this form to subscribers at the rate of two cents for each card, Selections of cards are not permitted ; each subscriber must take all cards published during the term of his subscription, Corre- ndence relating to the card issue should be addressed to the Treasurer of the Torrey Botanical Club Acqua, C. The dynamics of plant respiration. Sci. Am. Mo. 3: 28-30. Ja 1921. ; Adams, C. C., Burns, G. P., Hankinson, T. L., Moore, B., & Taylor, N. Plants and animals of Mount Marcy, New York. Ecology 1: 71-94. pl. 2+ f. I-14; 204-233. f. 15-20; 274-288. f. 21, 22. 1920. Adams, J. F. Darluca on Peridermium Peckit. Mycologia 12: 309-315. pl. 21. 27 D 1920. Adams, J. F., & Russell, A. M. Rhizopus infection of corn on the germinator. Phytopathology 10: 535-543. f. 1-6. D 1920. Anthony, R. D. Asexual inheritance in the violet. New York Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 76: 3-55. Mr 1920. Ashe, W. W. Notes on the trees and shrubs of eastern North America. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 581, 582. 28 D 1920. Includes Azalea neglecta, sp. nov., from Carolina. Bailey, I. W. The cambium and its derivative tissues, II. Size variations of cambial initials in gymnosperms and angiosperms. Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 355-367. f. I-3- 7 D 1920. Bailey, I. W. Some relations between ants and fungi. Ecology 1: 174-189. pl. 5-7. Jl 1920. Barbour, W. R. Argentine and Paraguay forest conditions. Jour. Forestry 18: 823-830. D 1920. 97 98 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Bastin, S. L. Giving plants medicine. Sci. Am. Mo. 3:62. Ja192!. Blakeslee, A. F. A dwarf mutation in Portulaca showing vegetative reversions. Genetics 5: 419-433.f. 1. Jl 1920. Brainerd, E., & Peitersen, A. K. Blackberries of New England— their classification. Vermont Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 217: 5-84. pl. 7-36. Je 1920: Includes 2 new hybrids. Britton, N. L. Investigation of the flora of northern South America. Science II. 53: 29, 30. 14 Ja 1921. Brooks, C., Cooley, C.S., & Fisher, D. F. Diseases of apples in storage. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Bull. 1160: 3-24. f. 1-26. S 1920. Brush, W. D. Utilization of sycamore. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 884: 1-24. pl. 1-4 + f. 1-3. 12.0 1920. Burkholder, W. H. The effect of two soil temperatures on the yield and water relations of healthy and diseased bean plants. Ecology 1: 95-112. f. r. Ap 3920. Burns, G. P. Eccentric growth and the formation of redwood in the : main stem of conifers. Vermont Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 219: 3-16. pl. 1-4+f. 1-10. Je 1920. ; Campbell, D.H. Some botanical and environmental aspects of Hawaii. Ecology 1: 257-269. O 1920. Cannon, W. A. Relation of the rate of root growth in seedlings of Prosopis velutina to the temperature of the soil. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 16: 84. 1917. Cannon, W. A. Root-growth of Prosopis velutina and Opuntia verst- color under conditions of a small oxygen-supply in the soil. er Inst. Washington Year Book 16: 82, 83. 1917. Chamberlain, C. J. Grouping and mutation in Botrychium. Bot. Gaz. '70: 387-398. f. 1-1z. 24 N 1920. Chardon, C. E. A list of the pyrenomycetes of Porto Rico collected by H. H. Whetzel and E. W. Olive. Mycologia 12: 316-321. 1920. ; Christensen, C., & Skottsberg, C. The Pteridophyta of the Juan Fernandez Islands. Nat. Hist. of Juan Fernandez and Easter Isl. 2: 1-46. pl. 1-5 + f. 1-7. 1920. ‘Clute, W. N. Plant names and their meanings. Flower Grower 7: 196-202. D 1920. Clute, W. N. The rarest American plant. Am. Bot. 26: 127-129. . N 1920. PEER remota (Greene) Fernald, of Illinois. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 99 Clute, W. N. The toad lily, Tricyrtis hirta. Am. Bot. 26: 138-140. N 1920. Coulter, M. C. Origin of mechanism of heredity. Bot. Gaz. 70: 459-464. 30 D 1920. Coville, F.V. The influence of cold in stimulating the growth of plants. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 151-160. pl. 20-35. 15 O 1920. Cummings, M. B., & Jones, C. H. The aerial fertilization of plants with carbon dioxid. Vermont Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 211: 1-56. pl. 1-8. My 1918. = Dachnowski, A. P. Correlation work in peat-land problems. Bot. Gaz. 70: 453-458. 30 D 1920. Davis, B. M. The problem of the introductory course in botany. Science IT. 52: 597-599. 24 D 1920. Dickson, B. T. Sclerotinia wilt of greenhouse tomatoes. Phytopath- ology. 10: 500, 501. f. 2. 1920. Dickson, B. T. Stem-end rot of greenhouse tomatoes. Phytopath- ology 10: 498-500. f. Ir. 1920. Dixon, H. N. Contributions to Antarctic bryology. Bryologist 23: 65-71. pl. 4. 2 D 1920. Includes 3 new species. Ducke, A. Pajura e oity-coré. Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio Janeiro 22: 63-68. 1919. [Illust.] . Includes Couepia rufa and Lucuma speciosa, spp. nov. Durrell, L. W. A preliminary study of the purple leaf sheath spot of corn. Phytopathology 10: 487-495. f. 1-6. 23 N 1920. Edwards, J. G. Flower and seed of Hedyosmum nutans. Bot. Gaz. 70: 409-424. pl. 34-36. 30 D 1920. Fernald, M. L. Rubus recurvicaulis Blanchard, var. armatus, n. var. Rhodora 22: 168. 7 D 1920. Folsom, D. Potato mosaic. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 292: 157-184. f. 28-30. Au 1920. Forsaith, C.C. Anatomical reduction in some alpine plants. Ecology I: 124-135. pl. 3, 4. Ap 1920. Free, E. E. Imbibition of gelatine and agar gels in solution of sucrose and dextrose. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 16: 66. 1917. Friesner, R. C. Daily rhythms of elongation and cell division in ‘certain roots. Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 380-406. pl. 24, 25. 7 D 1920. Gleason, H. A. The botanical gardens of New York. Sci. Am. Mo. 3: 24-27. Ja 1921. 100° INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Gleason, H. A. The Jris collection at the New York Botanical Garden. Flower Grower 8: 10, 11. Ja 1921. Grant, C. V., & Hansen, A. A. Poison ivy and poison sumac and their eradication. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Bull. 1166: 3-16. f. 1-6. O 1920. : Grier, N. M. Light correlated variations of the sterile stem of Equi- setum sylvaticum. Rhodora 22: 165-167. 7 D 1920. Haining, H. I. Development of embryo of Gnetum. Bot. Gaz. 70: 436-445. pl. 30-47 + f. 1: 30 D 1920. Hansen, A. A. Chicory control and eradication. U. S. Dept. Agr. Carc.. 103: 2-4. f. r. 8 1020: Hansen, A. A. The hawkweeds or paintbrushes. U. S. Dept. Agr. Cire. 3306 s72f. 7°20 -O 1990: Hardy, M. E. Christmas roses. Am. Bot. 26: 125-127. N 1920. Harland, S. C. Inheritance of certain characters in the cowpea- Jour. Genetics 10: 193-205. O 1920. ; Harland, S.C. Inheritance in Dolichos Lablab, L. Part I. Jour. Gene- tics 10: 219-226. O 1920. Harland, S. C. Inheritance in Ricinus communis, L. Part I. Jour. Genetics 10: 207-218. O 1920. Harper, R. M. The limestone prairies of Wilcox County, Alabama. Ecology 1: 198-203. f. 1, 2. Jl 1920. Harper, R. M. Some relations between soil, climate, and civilization in the southern Red Hills of Alabama. So. Atl. Quarterly 19: 201-215. Jl 1920. Henry, J. K. Ribes divaricatum X Ribes Lobbii. Can. Field ‘Natur. 33:94. N 1919. ‘Holm, T. A morphological study of Cicer arietinum. Bot. Gaz. 70: 446-452. pl. 42-44. 30 D 1920. Holm, T. Types of Canadian Carices. Can. Field Natur. 33: 72777: O 1919. Hotson, J. W. Colear-rot of apple trees in the Yakima Valley [Wash- ington]. Phytopathology 10: 465-486. f. 1-15. 23 N 1920. Howe, M. A. Tertiary calcareous algae from the islands of St. Bar- tholomew, Antigua, and Anguilla. Carnegie Inst. Washington, Publ. 291: 9-19. pl. 1-6. 17 O 1919. Includes iptions of four new species, Archaeolithothamnum affine, Litho- thamnium concretum, Lithophyllum homogeneum, and Lithophyllum (?) molare, and BuLL. To RREY CLUB VOLUME 48, PLATE I NEOMILLSPAUGHIA PANICULATA (Donn. Sm.) BLAKE Vol. 48 No. 4 BULLETIN OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB APRIL, 1921 A study of the structure of the stomata of two species of Citrus in relation to citrus canker Forman T. McLEAN (WITH ONE TEXT FIGURE) There have been many conjectures regarding the causes of differences in resistance of different plants to fungous and bacterial diseases. Usually these differences can not be correlated with any easily recognized characters of the plants in such a way that a definite character may be associated with the disease resistance. The stomatal structure, however, appears to yield such a character in certain of the species of Citrus in their relations to citrus canker (Pseudomonas citri Hasse). Marked differences have been observed in the various species and cultivated varieties of Citrus in their resistance to canker. Certain of the mandarin varieties, notably ‘‘Szinkum,” are very resistant, while grapefruit is highly susceptible, as clearly shown by Lee.* It has further been shown by Peltier} and by Leet that all species of Citrus and most of the related genera of Rutaceae can be successfully inoculated with canker by pricking the leaves. This seems to indicate that the resistant sorts that can be thus: * Further data on the Citrus canker affection of Citrus species and varieties at Lamao. Philippine Agr. Rev. 11: 200-2 g18. T+ Suscep sans and resistance to Citens canker of the wild relatives, Citrus fruits and hybrids of the genus Citrus. Jour. Agr. Research 14: 337-357- 1918. t Further data on the susceptibility of rutaceous plants to Citrus canker. Jour. 15: 661-666. 1918. ie BULLETIN for March (48: 77-100. pl. 1) was issued March, 8, 1921.] 101 102 McLEAN: STOMATA OF TWO SPECIES OF CITRUS inoculated have internal tissues susceptible to canker, but into which canker cannot ordinarily penetrate. Their resistance is believed to be due to differences in the structure of the stomata.* The present paper gives a comparison of the stomatal struc- tures of two kinds of Citrus; one resistant to canker in the manner mentioned above and the other susceptible. For this purpose the Szinkum mandarin (Citrus nobilis var. Szinkum) was chosen as a highly resistant sort, and a seedling of the Florida grapefruit (C. grandis) was chosen as an example of a susceptible sort. These sorts belong to closely related species, they differ compara- tively little in leaf morphology, and therefore such differences as are noted in the stomata are the more likely to be directly related to their canker resistance or susceptibility. PROCEDURE Young leaves two thirds of their mature size were gathered from the plantation at the College of Agriculture, University of Philippines, on April 10, 1920, and were preserved in alcohol of about 80 per cent concentration. Only the young leaves were used in this study, because the older leaves are no longer susceptible to canker infection in either species, and the old leaves are exceed- ingly difficult to section for microscopical study. The sectioning and structural study was carried out at the New York Botanical Garden during June, 1920. Thin slices were cut with a razor parallel to the upper and under surfaces of the leaves. Those from the upper surface showed no stomata. The sections from the under surface were mounted, partly with the cuticle uppermost and partly with the cuticle below. Cross sections were also made of the leaves parallel to their margins. Free-hand sections were found to be the most satisfactory. Imbedding in paraffin was also tried, but the waxy portion was apparently removed from the leaves or rendered transparent by this treatment. The stomata of the two species were found to be similar in size, general form and mechanism of opening and closing. They are * The opinion has been expressed that this resistance is due to the epidermis, and evidence in support of this view is given in a paper to be published by Lee and the writer on the resistance of Citrus nobilis to Citrus canker, with a suggestion for the production of resistant varieties. McLEAN: STOMATA OF TWO SPECIES OF CITRUS 103 both similar to the Achellea type described by Copeland.* They differ from this type in having no thickening of the inner half of the ventral wall, and in having no ridge of exit. The general appearance of the stomata of each sort is shown by drawings made under camera lucida (Fic. 1). The stomata were all closed, on account of the treatment with alcohol, except for a few rigid stomata which remained open. The drawings are of closed stomata and therefore represent the minimum widths of aperture. Fic. I A, B and C. Stomata of Szinkum mandarin, X 570: A, surface view; B, median cross section; C, under view. Showing ridge of entrance (r); outer chamber (0); pore (~); and dorsal wall of guard cells D, E and F. Stomata of Florida seedling grapefruit, X 570, showing same parts asin A, Band C. The surface views (Fics. 1, A, and 1, D) show the ridge of entrance, 7, to be extremely narrow in the Szinkum mandarin, and to be broadly oval in the Florida seedling grapefruit. This differ- ence was found to be constant and very striking in all of the material examined. The average dimensions of the opening in the cuticle surrounded by the ridge of entrance in the Szinkum * The mechanism of stomata. Ann. Bot. 16: 342, f. 15-17. 1902. 104 McLEAN: STOMATA OF TWO SPECIES OF CITRUS mandarin were 6 w in length and 0.6 y in width. These dimen- sions were very uniform, the extreme lengths being 5 and 7 un, and the extreme widths 0.5 and 1.5y. Therefore twenty-five measurements were deemed sufficient to give a satisfactory aver- age. Sixty corresponding measurements of Florida seedling grapefruit stomata gave an average length of the opening of 9.8 u, and a width of 6.64. The extreme lengths were 7 u and 15 pn, and the extreme widths 5 wand 1iy. Thus the narrowest opening in the case of Florida seedling grapefruit (5 4) was more than three times as wide as the widest in Szinkum mandarin (1.5 u). By focusing downward, the outlines of the guard cells become visible and are shown at d in both Figs. 1, A, and 1, D. In addition, the outline of the wall of the outer chamber is shown at o in 1, A, and the outline of the pore, p, is shown in 1, D. The parts shown in the median cfoss sections (Fics. 1, B, and 1, EZ) are labelled to correspond to those described above. The positions of the views shown in 1, A and 1, D, are indicated by the horizontal lines AA and DD, and the positions of the Fics. 1, C, ' and 1, F, are shown in a similar manner. The shaded portions of these drawings show the portions of the cell walls which are cutinized. The most prominent differences between the two species is again seen to be the ridge of entrance, 7, which is elon- gated, projecting over the outer chamber in the case of Szinkum mandarin. In the Florida seeding grapefruit the ridge of entrance is so short that its inner walls are nearly perpendicular, even in the closed stoma, and assume a more spread position in the open stoma. Another feature of interest, though common to both, is the extension of the cutinized tissue along the vertical walls of the guard cells down to the pores. The under views (Fics. 1, C, and 1, F) show clearly that the size of the pore, , is approximately the same in the closed stomata of both species. The main differences in the two species are, then, in the size of the opening in the cuticle, and in the shape of the ridge of entrance, which bounds this opening. The opening is much larger in the grapefruit than in the mandarin, and the ridge of entrance has its inner walls more nearly perpendicular to the leaf surface. The bearing of these differences upon the resistance to citrus ae canker will now be considered. , McLEAN: STOMATA OF TWO SPECIES OF CITRUS 105 Canker is caused by a bacterium which is motile in water, but entirely passive in air. It is believed that it cannot attack or even by its own activity traverse dry cutinized or waxy cell walls of Citrus. The outer walls in both of the species studied are cutinized and normally dry, except when moistened by rain or dew. This is true also of the walls of the outer chambers of the stomata, which are likewise cutinized, as shown by the cross sections of both species studied (Fics. 1, B, and 1, E). Granting the above to be true, the bacteria can only penetrate to the un- cutinized cells of the air spaces inside the leaves in continuous filmsof water. In intact Citrus leaves these can only form through the stomatal openings. If a Citrus leaf of either of the sorts studied is immersed in water and studied under the microscope, air bubbles are found in the stomatal openings. In cross sections these bubbles are seen to extend to the ridge of entrance of the stoma. Thus when a water film is formed over a Citrus leaf, this film is held outside of the stomatal openings by the ridges of entrance. With the sway- ing of the leaves in the wind and with changes in temperature of the air inside the leaves, there are variations in the pressure against the water films covering the stomata, such that there will be a tendency for the water covering the outer surface of the leaf to be drawn into the intercellular spaces. It will require less pressure to drive the water film inward through a wide aperture with nearly parallel walls, such as form the sides of the outer portion of the outer chamber of the Florida seedling grapefruit, than will be required to drive a water film past a narrow opening, along receding walls, such as form the outer portion of the outer chamber of the stomata of the Szinkum mandarin. Therefore, assuming that a certain minimum pressure is necessary to drive water into the stomata of grapefruit and thus establish a passageway for the entrance of bacteria, then a much greater pressure will be required to accomplsh the same result in the case of Szinkum mandarin. Once water has passed the widest part of the outer chamber, it will then contract its air-water film as it approaches the pore, and surface tension will then accelerate instead of retard the process. When water has passed through the pore, it is then in contact with moist, un- 106 McLEAN: STOMATA OF TWO SPECIES OF CITRUS cutinized cell-walls, and if the bacteria penetrate by means of con- tinuous water from the surface of the leaf to this point, they appear then to be able to persist and develop in most Citrus species, - as shown by the inoculation experiments of Lee. The differences in stomatal structure observed in the two kinds of Citrus here studied thus are of such a character as to account satisfactorily for the observed difference in their resistance to canker. Field observations and inoculation experiments with Citrus canker show that many of the other Citrus species and varie- ties possess resistance to canker of the same general character as that of the Szinkum mandarin but differing in degree. It may be that these other resistant and partially resistant sorts may show structural characters also resembling the Szinkum mandarin. Further study of stomatal structure and canker resistance among the Rutaceae is therefore desirable. The writer wishes to express his thanks to Dr. N. L. Britton and his associates at the New York. Botanical Garden, partic- ularly Dr. A. B. Stout, for their kindness in furnishing laboratory facilities and valuable suggestions during this study. SUMMARY I. Szinkum mandarin; which is resistant to Citrus canker, and Florida seedling grapefruit, which is susceptible, are compared, and from a review of previous studies, their difference in resistance is believed to be due to a difference in the character of the stomata. 2. Both sorts have stomata of about the same size and type, differing mainly in the ridge of entrance, which is broad in the mandarin variety, overarching the outer chamber and forming a narrow external opening. In the grapefruit variety it is narrow, making the upper part of the walls of the outer chamber nearly parallel and affording a large opening. 3. These differences are such as to practically exclude water from the stomata of the mandarin, whereas it can more readily enter those of the grapefruit. 4. The exclusion of water is sufficient reason to account for the resistance of Citrus varieties to canker, since the canker bacteria are motile when in water but not when dry. UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Taxilejeunea pterogonia and certain allied species* ALEXANDER W. Evans (WITH PLATE 2 AND TWENTY-TWO TEXT FIGURES) The genus Taxilejeunea includes some of the largest and most conspicuous of the Lejeuneae with bifid underleaves. Some of the species abound in tropical regions, especially in mountainous localities, and sometimes form broad mats, with or without ad- mixture, on rocks, banks and other suitable substrata. The color is usually a pale yellowish or whitish green, contrasting with the surrounding vegetation. In spite of their large size the plants give an impression of great delicacy. When dry the leaves. tend to roll themselves about the stem but, when moist, spread out more or less widely. The lobules, when normally formed, are inflated and show a hyaline papilla at the base of the apical tooth, agreeing in this respect with Lejeunea, Rectolejeunea, Pyc- nolejeunea and other genera of the Lejeuneae Schizostipae. Unfortunately the lobule is often reduced to a minute basal tooth and fails to exhibit any distinctive features. The under- leaves are unusually well developed and sometimes approach or even equal the leaves in size; in other cases they are distinctly smaller. One of the most distinctive features of the genus is found in the branches which bear the female inflorescences. In typical cases these are short and have distinctly smaller leaves than the stem. The female inflorescence invariably innovates, commonly on one side but occasionally.on both, and the innovations are usually short and soon brought to an end by another inflorescence. In this way more or less complicated branch-systems of a cymose character are formed. In many cases the branch-system forms a distinct sympodium with the inflorescences ranged along its. upper side. In some of the species which have been referred to Taxilejeunea, the described conditions are not clearly exhibited- * Contribution from the Osborn Botanical Laboratory. . 107 * 108 Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA The female inflorescence, for example, may be borne on a long branch with large leaves, or the innovation of the first inflorescence formed may be sterile. In such cases the systematic position may be one of great uncertainty. The bracts in Taxilejeunea tend to be smaller and narrower than the stem leaves, and the lobules, which are always much smaller than the lobes, are often reduced to vague basal folds, which are scarcely apparent when the bracts are spread out flat. In other cases the apices of the bracts are distinct, and much variation is sometimes found even in a single species. The bifid bracteoles are usually broader than the bracts and often equal them in length. The perianths exhibit great diversity in the different species and considerable variation in a single species is sometimes encountered. The lower part is almost always terete, and this condition may extend throughout the length of the organ, being evident even in the inflated apical portion. In other cases the perianth is five-keeled, the keels extending to below the middle or restricted to the upper part. The keels, in turn, may be smooth or variously toothed and winged. In old and battered perianths the true features are sometimes greatly obscured. The species discussed in the present paper are all typical members of the genus. They all show leaves which are cordate or auriculate at the base, more or less sharp-pointed at the apex, crenulate throughout and often vaguely toothed in the apical portion; and their underleaves are large, cordate or auriculate at the base and shortly bifid. They are all further distinguished by their sharply five-keeled perianths, the keels in the first three being more or less distinctly winged and toothed. In the fourth species, which is clearly a close ally of the others, the keels are smooth or vaguely crenulate. I. TAXILETEUNEA PTEROGONIA (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn. Jungermannia pterogonia Lehm. & Lindenb. in Lehmann, Pug. Plant. 6: 44. 1834. | _Omphalanthus pterogonius Lehm. & Lindenb. in G. L. & N. Syn. _ _Hep. 306. 1845. _ Omphalanthus subalatus Lindenb. & Gottsche in G. L. & N. Syn. - Hep. 747. 1847. Pa EvANS: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 109 Lejeunea (Taxi-Lejeunea) pterogonia Spruce, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 15:216. 1884. Taxilejeunea pterogonia Schiffn. in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflan- zenfam. 1°: 125. 1895. Pale green, often becoming yellowish or brownish with age, growing in loose mats and often mixed with other bryophytes: stems mostly 0.15-0.2 mm. in diameter, irregularly and usually sparingly branched, the branches obliquely to widely spreading, sometimes long and similar to the stem but often short, invariably so if sexual: leaves loosely imbricated, the lobe obliquely spreading, plane to strongly convex, scarcely falcate, ovate, mostly 0.8—1 mm. long and 0.55—0.75 mm. wide when well developed, dorsal margin arching across the stem and conspicuously auriculate at the base, slightly curved in the outer part, ventral margin slightly curved and forming a wide angle with the keel, apex acute or apiculate and often tipped with a row of two cells, margin slightly and minutely crenulate from projecting cells, sometimes with one or two larger and sharper teeth in the vicinity of the apex; lobule when well developed inflated throughout, ovoid, about 0.15 mm. long and 0.1 mm. wide, keel straight to slightly arched, free margin involute to beyond the apex, sinus very short, shallowly lunulate (in spread out lobules), apical tooth an almost straight, scarcely projecting rounded cell; lobule often imperfectly developed but usually evident; cells of lobe about 16 w in width along the margin, 32 x 24 uw in the middle, and 40x 24 » at the base, thin- walled but with distinct (and sometimes confluent) trigones and intermediate thickenings, the latter sometimes two in number in a long lateral wall, cuticle covered over with exceedingly minute, dot- like verruculae: underleaves loosely imbricated, convex (from be- low), the lateral margins often more or less involute, orbicular, mostly 0.6—0.9 mm. long, bifid one fourth to one third with anarrow, usually sharp sinus and broad, subacute, often contiguous or over- lapping divisions, distinctly auriculate at the base, the auricles usually contiguous or overlapping, margin minutely crenulate throughout as in the leaf-lobes: inflorescence autoicous: 9 inflores- cence usually borne on a very short branch but sometimes on a somewhat elongated branch, innovating on one side, the first inno- vation usually at once floriferous, the second smoetimes floriferous but more frequently sterile; bracts slightly spreading, scarcely keeled, the lobe straight (not falcate), ovate, mostly 0.55—0.65 mm. long and 0.25-0.3 mm. wide, acute and usually coarsely and irre- gularly toothed, the teeth sharp or blunt, rarely more than three or four, lobule in some cases distinct, 0.2-0.3 mm. long and 0.07 mm. wide with an acute apex, but usually narrower and sometimes © 110 EvANs: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA very indistinct; bracteole slightly connate with the bracts, obovate or oblong, mostly 0.55-0.65 mm. long and 0.35-0.4 mm. wide, bifid about one third with a narrow acute sinus and erect, acute or subacute divisions, the margins crenulate as in the underleaves and often bearing in addition one or two sharp or blunt teeth on the sides; perianth more or less exserted, sometimes for about half its length, broadly to narrowly obovoid, mostly 0.5-1.2 mm. long and 0.35-0.4 mm. wide, cuneate toward the base and truncate at the apex with a short but distinct beak, sharply five-keeled in the upper half or third, the keels more or less distinctly winged and the wings sharply dentate or spinose, the number of teeth or spines on each wing usually from one to four: o inflorescence occupying a short branch or, rarely, a subfloral innovation, ap- * parently never proliferating; bracts mostly in two to six pairs, imbricated, much smaller than the vegetative leaves, strongly inflated, shortly bifid with blunt lobes and a strongly arched keel; antheridia in pairs; bracteole usually single and very small, ovate, bifid about one half with subacute divisions: mature capsule about 0.25 mm. in diameter. [PLATE 2.] On earth and rocks; widely distributed in the American tropics. The specimens cited include all that the writer has personally examined. Other records for the species are noted in connection with its history. GUATEMALA: near Coban, Alta Verapaz, February, 1886, H. von Tuirckheim 11 (specimens determined by Stephani and distributed by Levier; they are unfortunately sterile and therefore somewhat uncertain). JAMAICA: near Mabess River, April, 1903, W. R. Maxon 1562; vicinity of Moody’s Gap, September, 1908, E. G. Britton 916. VENZEUELA: Paramo de la Culata, province of Merida, J. Linden 574 (Mitten Herbarium). CoLomsiA: Andes of Bogota, W. Weir (Mitten Herbarium). Ecuapor: Canelos, R. Spruce (distributed in Hepaticae Spruceanae); Quito, Jameson (Mitten Herbarium, under the name 7. chimborazensis Spruce); near Quito, 1914, G. Hammond 3 (specimen received from W. Ingham). Peru: San Miguel, July, 1911, H. W. Foote (listed by the writer in Trans. Connecticut Acad. 18: 315. 1914); same locality, June, 1915, Cook & Gilbert 1179, 1180; Torontoy, July,, 1915, Cook & Gilbert 1778. BoLiviA: without collector’s name, date or definite locality Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 111 - (Mitten Herbarium, specimen received from Montagne—labeled ‘“‘Omphalanthus debilis . . . Peruvia””—but presumably collected by D’Orbigny in Bolivia); Yungas, June and July, 1893, P. Jay 2, 23, 16, FTO. This interesting species was based on a specimen from Peru in the Kunze Herbarium, neither the collector’s name nor the definite locality being mentioned in the original description. This specimen was fortunately fertile and Lehmann and Lindenberg describe the perianth as turbinate and five-angled at the apex, the angles growing out into ciliate crests. Other important characters of their Jungermannia pterogonia did not escape them: they call attention to the cordate-ovate leaves, apiculate at the apex and often minutely denticulate in the upper part; to the minute lobules, which they describe as almost obsolete; to the cordate-orbiculate underleaves, acutely and very narrowly “‘emarginate’’ at the apex but otherwise entire; to the very short female branches; to the ‘“‘lanceolate,’’ acute, ‘‘denticulate’’ bracts; and to the bifid, ‘“‘serrate-denticulate’’ bracteoles. In the Synopsis Hepaticarum the arrangement of the perianths in a secund series is emphasized ; otherwise the original description is transcribed, almost word for word. In addition to the original Peruvian specimen, however, the authors cite a Mexican specimen under Omphalanthus plerogonius, although here again neither the collector’s name nor the definite locality is mentioned. The next allusions in the literature to T. pterogonia are ap- parently in the writings of Gottsche. In his ‘‘Mexikanske Levermosser,”’ published in 1863, he refers the Mexican specimens which the Synopsis had included under O. pterogonius to O. subalatus Lindenb. & Gottsche,* a species based on Mexican material from Mirador, collected by F. Liebmann.j In this species the perianth is described as cylindrical-turbinate and pentagonal at the apex, the angles being “‘subalate”’ but smooth. No other differential characters of much significance are brought out. In his chapter on the Hepaticae in Triana and Planchon’s “‘Prodromus Florae Novo-Granatensis,” published the following year, Gottsche cites the true O. pterogonius from Aserradero and * Kong. Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. V. 6: 274. 1863. 7 G. L. & N. Syn. Hep. 747. 1847. 112 Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA Cipacon, two stations in the vicinity of Bogota, Colombia, the collector in both instances being A. Lindig.* Here, for the first time, a monoicous inflorescence is ascribed to the species. Next in order is the full and careful account by Spruce in his ‘“Hepaticae of the Amazon and of the Andes,” which appeared in 1884. He emphasizes particularly the cordate or auriculate features of the leaves and underleaves, describing the auricles of the leaves as ‘“‘rotundo-circinata,” and those of the underleaves as “‘forficato-imbricata.”’ He alludes, moreover, to the small leaves and underleaves of the female branches and states that each innovation bears ‘‘only a single row of them below the flower.” He describes the leaves as “pauciserrulata’’ (with about four teeth) in the vicinity of the apex, and implies that the lobule is always very minute. With regard to the bracts he makes no mention of the lobule but states that the lobe varies from oblong to ovate-lanceolate, the upper portion being more or less serrate. The perianth he describes as five-angled in the upper part with winged angles, the wings being extended as “‘laciniato- ciliatove- cristata” horns. Spruce cites the species from the Pastasa River, Ecuador, R. Spruce; from’ Mount Campana, Peru, R. Spruce; and from Caldas, Brazil, G. A. Lindberg. He notes also its earlier collection in Peru and Mexico, apparently ignoring Gottsche’s statements regarding the Mexican specimens. It will be seen that definite and well-authenticated records for T. pterogonia up to this time are restricted to scarcely half a dozen localities in South America. The researches of Stephani, however, brought a few additions to the list. In his revision of the “Gat- tung Lejewnea im Herbarium Lindenberg.” published in 1890, he quotes the species from Peru (the original Kunze specimens) and also from the following stations: Mirador, Mexico, Liebmann 262, 326; Merida and Tovar, Venezuela, Moritz.t The Mexican specimens represent Omphalanthus subalatus, which, in Stephani’s opinion, is a form of O. pterogonius with entire leaves. He thus differs from Gottsche who found the differential characters in the perianths. Some of the Venezuela specimens are listed in the Synopsis under the name O. debilis y* columbicus; the others * Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. V. 1: 147. 1864. t Hedwigia 29: 12, 13. 1890. Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 113 bear the incorrect name O. apiculatus Gottsche in the Lindenberg Herbarium. Stephani has since cited 7. pterogonia from Chenim de Carillo, Costa Rica, Pittier 6064.* In 1913 he described the habitat of the species as, ‘‘ America tropica, valde communis,’’t but this scarcely seems warranted from the scanty records in the literature. The writer, as already noted, has recently recorded T. ptero- gonia from San Miguel, Peru, but regrets that he has been unable to confirm any of the other published records for the species. The large series of specimens listed above has, however, been available for study and this has included named material from Ecuador in Spruce’ s Exsiccatae (not alluded to in his book) and named material from Colombia in the Mitten Herbarium. This material and the other specimens listed clearly represent the same specific type. In describing a variable species it is always difficult to do justice to its range of variability and at the same time to distinguish it clearly from its allies. This is strikingly the case with T. ptero- gonia and other members of this difficult genus. When fertile and well-developed specimens are examined their specific char- acters seem to be above question, but marked variations are often encountered, even in a single plant, and tend to obscure the specific limitations. These variations affect particularly the size and vigor of the plants, the form and marginal features of the leaf-lobes and underleaves, and the characters derived from the involucral leaves and underleaves. In the case of sterile material a positive determination is always difficult and may be quite impossible. According to Stephani the stems of T. pterogonia sometimes attain a length of 10 cm. In the writer’s experience they rarely surpass 4 cm. in length, although a greater development would not be surprising. Stephani’s measurements of the leaves and underleaves are likewise a little high and must have been drawn from unusually vigorous plants. According to his description the leaves are 1.67 mm. long and 1.33 mm. wide, while the under- leaves measure IX 1.33 mm. Spruce gives I1.1x1I mm. for the * Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 31: 180. 1892. t Spec. Hepat. 5: 476. 1913. 114 Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA leaves and I-1.1xI-1.1 mm. for the underleaves, while the writer’s measurements are even lower. In many instances the stems are simple or very sparingly branched until the short sexual branches are formed, but long branches essentially like the stem are not infrequent and sometimes completely change the aspect of a plant. The earlier writers describe the leaves as semivertical or “‘sub- semivertical,” but Fics. 1-3 show that they spread at an angle of about 45 degrees and that Stephani is correct in describing them as “oblique patula.”” The same figures show the inconstancy of teeth in the apical region; many of the leaves are entire throughout, except for the very vague marginal crenulations (shown in Fic. 5), and none of the leaves figured show more than two teeth. In rare cases the writer has observed three teeth but never a higher number, although Spruce gives the number of teeth as about four. The basal auricle of the lobe, emphasized by both Spruce and Stephani, is clearly shown in Fic. 3. The published descriptions all insist that the lobule is exceedingly minute and rudimentary, and this is probably its usual appearance. Not infrequently, however, distinctly inflated lobules are present and conform to the type distinctive of the genus. Such lobules are shown in Fics. 1 and 2, while Fic. 6 shows the apical portion, with its short rounded tooth and proximal hyaline papilla. The leaf-cells deserve rather more attention than has previously been given them. Spruce describes them as ““leptodermes,”’ without mentioning the trigones, while Stephani states merely that the trigones are small. Fic. 4 shows that both trigones and intermediate thickenings are present and that they often show bulging sides. Sometimes the thickenings are less marked than in the cells figured, and the trigones may even show concave sides; but apparently distinct thickenings form a characteristic feature of the cells. Another feature, which earlier writers seem to have overlooked, is found in the dot-like verruculae scattered over the free walls of the cells. They are exceedingly minute, measuring less than a micromillimeter in diameter and can be made out only by careful observation. The underleaves exhibit in a marked degree the highly arched line of attachment which is characteristic of the more typical Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 115 species of Taxilejeunea. This is brought out in Fics. 1 and 2, which likewise show the striking basal auricles. In most cases these are so large that they closely approach each other or even overlap. The single auricle shown in FIG. 8 indicates the vaguely crenulate margin found in the underleaves as well as in the leaves. The apical incisions, as shown in the figures, are sometimes a little deeper than the published descriptions imply, while the lobes are subacute or even subobtuse rather than invariably acute, but these discrepancies are slight and of but little significance. The branch-system upon which the female inflorescences are borne is less complex and subject to less variability than in many other species. In the majority of cases (see Fic. 1) the branch bears one or two small underleaves, with their corresponding leaves, and then proceeds at once to form an archegonium with its involucral leaves; from the base of the inner bract a subfloral innovation arises and bears a second female inflorescence after producing a single small underleaf and a single leaf. The inno- vation arising from this second flower is usually sterile and may be very short; sometimes, however, it gives rise to a third inflores- cence which in turn gives rise to a sterile innovation. The writer has observed no instance in which more than three inflorescences. of successive orders were present on a branch-system, although it. would not be surprising if more were occasionally developed. When perianths are present, the system presents the appearance of a short branch with two or three closely approximated perianths along its upper side. Deviatons from this condition are of occa- sional occurence; sometimes, for example, the original branch bears several to many leaves before its growth is brought to am end by the development of an archegonium; sometimes (see: Fic. 2) an innovation will bear two (rarely three) underleaves. and three (rarely five) leaves (instead of one of each); sometimes. the first inflorescence gives rise to two innovations, each of which is tipped with an archegonium; sometimes a subfloral innovation develops as a male spike. These deviations are not infrequent and probably others could be detected by careful search, and yet the type first described occurs so often that it may be regarded as distinctive of the species. The bracts and bracteoles represented (Fics. g-18) show a 116 EvaNs: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA considerable range of variation. Fic. 9 illustrates the first involucre of a branch-system taken from a Peruvian specimen and brings out the fact that there is a slight coalescence between the bracteole and the bracts and also between the bracts themselves. In the bract on the left the basal tooth represents the lobule but the next tooth is even larger and more sharply pointed; the other teeth are much smaller, several of them being nothing more than projecting cells. The other bract shows similar teeth, the lobule (the basal tooth) being much like the others; the bracteole is unidentate on each side. Fics. 10-12 illustrate the bracts and bracteole of the second inflorescence of the same branch-system ; Fic. 13, the bracts and bracteole of the first inflorescence of another branch-system from the same material; Fics. 14 and 15, one bract and the bracteole of the second inflorescence of this second branch-system; and Fics. 16-18, the bracts and bracteole of an inflorescence taken from a Jamaican specimen. It is not necessary to describe these in detail, but the unusually large lobule in the left-hand bract of Fic. 13 should be noted and also the approach to an entire condition shown in Fic. 17. There is perhaps a tendency for the first inflorescence of a system to develop more strongly dentate bracts with larger lobules than the succeed- ing inflorescence or inflorescences, but this tendency is too vague to be insisted upon. Bracts which are absolutely toothless and which show scarcely a sign of a lobule occasionally occur (although none are figured); they are commonly associated with the second or third inflorescence of a systen, but even the first maioresornce sometimes shows bracts of this character. The perianth is characterized by the dentate to spinose wings borne on its five sharp keels (Fics. 1, 2 and 19). These wings may be either continuous or once or twice interrupted and rarely exceed ten cells in length or three in width; sometimes a second less well-developed wing may be found on a single keel. The teeth borne on the margin of the wing vary greatly; from one to four teeth are commonly present and these vary from one to four cells in length and from one to three cells in width at the base; they may therefore be slender cilia, broad triangular lobes, or short slightly projecting cells or groups of cells. The beak is short and relatively broad, consisting of two or three superim- ee ot circles of cells. Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 117 2. Taxilejeunea jamaicensis sp. nov. Pale whitish or yellowish green, growing in loose mats and often mixed with other bryophytes; stems mostly 0.15-0.18 mm. in diameter, irregularly but often copiously branched, the branches obliquely to widely spreading, often copiously branched, the branches obliquely to widely spreading, often long and similar to the stem but sometimes with smaller leaves even if not sexual: leaves, loosely imbricated, the lobe obliquely spreading, plane to strongly convex, scarcely falcate, ovate, mostly 0.75-1.2 mm. long and 0.5-0.9 mm. wide when well developed, dorsal margin arching across the stem and usually distinctly auriculate at the base, slightly curved in the outer part, ventral margin slightly curved and forming a wide angle with the keel, apex acute or apiculate and often tipped with a row of two cells, margin slightly and minutely crenulate from projecting cells, sometimes with one or two larger and sharper teeth in the vicinity of the apex; lobule inflated throughout, ovoid, about 0.15 mm. long and 0.1 mm. wide when well developed, keel straight to slightly arched, free margin involute to beyond the apex, sinus very short, shallowly lunulate (in flattened out lobules), apical tooth an almost straight, slightly projecting rounded cell; lobule often imperfectly developed and sometimes scarcely evident; cells of lobe about 19 » wide along the margin, 36x 27 u in the middle and 38x27, at the base, thin-walled but with distinct (and rarely confluent) trigones and intermediate thickenings, the latter very rarely more than one in each wall, cuticle covered over with exceedingly minute, dot-like verruculae: underleaves contiguous to loosely imbricated, convex (from below), the lateral margins often involute, orbicular, mostly 0.6-1 mm. long, bifid one fourth to one third with a narrow, usually sharp sinus and broad bluntly pointed or subacute, often contiguous or slightly overlapping lobes, distinctly auriculate at the base when well developed (but sometimes only cordate or rounded), the auricles often contiguous but rarely overlapping, margin as in the leaf-lobes: inflorescence autoicous: 2 inflorescence sometimes borne on a very short branch but often on a more or less elongated branch, innovating on one side (or very rarely on both sides), the first innovation often floriferous but rarely immediately so, sometimes sterile (and rarely male), the second and one or more of the succeeding innovations not infrequently floriferous also; bracts slightly spreading, keel rounded, the lobe straight, scarcely if at all falcate, ovate to oblong, mostly 0.6-0.9 mm. long and 0.25-0.4 mm. wide, bluntly pointed to acute, sometimes coarsely and irregularly toothed, sometimes merely sinuate, the teeth when present usually blunt, rarely more than three or four, lobule in some cases distinct even in bracts spread out flat, 0.2-0.25 mm. 118 Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA long and 0.06—0.09 mm. wide, the apex often discrete and sharp but sometimes scarcely evident; bracteole free or nearly so from the bracts, obovate or oblong, mostly 0.6-0.65 long and 0.35-0.45 mm. wide, bifid one fourth to one third with a narrow subacute to rounded sinus and erect acute or subacute divisions, the margins crenulate as in the underleaves and often bearing in addition a sharp or blunt tooth on one or both sides; perianth more or less exserted, sometimes for about half its length, obovoid, mostly 0.65-0.9 mm. long and 0.25-0.4 mm. wide, cuneate toward the base and truncate at the apex with a short but distinct beak, five keeled in the upper fourth or third, the keels very variable, some- times rounded and sometimes shiz. 3 in the latter case often winged, the wings sometimes narrow and interrupted, sometimes broader and continuous, entire or bearing one or two sharp or blunt mar- ginal teeth: @ inflorescence occupying a short branch or, rarely, a subfloral innovation, very rarely terminating an elongated branch, apparently never proliferating; bracts, antheridia, and bracteoles as in T. pterogonia. [TExtT-FIGS. I-II On banks and rocks, known with certainty ely fom Jamaica. The following specimens have been examined: JAMAICA: without definite locality, O. Swartz (specimen labeled “ Jungermannia debilis”’ in the Mitten Herbarium, received from the Hooker Herbarium); Cinchona, January, 1903, L. M. Under- wood 241; same locality, October, 1908, E. G. Britton 1062; trail from Cinchona to Morce’s Gap, January and February, 1903, L. M. Underwood 255, 1231; Clyde River Valley, January, 1903, L. M. Underwood 402; same locality, July, 1903, A. W. Evans 3, 8, 9, 13, 18; same locality, August, 1906, A. W. Evans 337, Morce’s Gap and vicinity, February, 1903, L. M. Underwood 1408, 1420; same locality, May, 1906, D. S. Johnson 49; Mount Diabolo, April, 1903, L. M. Underwood 1847; Hardware Gap and vicinity, April, 1903, L. M. Underwood 2250; same locality, July, 1903, A. W. Evans 205 in part; same general locality, March, 1920, Maxon & Killip 1267; St. Catherine’s Peak and vicinity, August, 1906, A. W. Evans 431. No. 13, from Clyde River Valley, collected by the writer, may be designated the type. The most important distinctions between T. jamaicensis and T. pterogonia are apparently those derived from the female branch-systems. In T. pterogonia these usually exhibit but little variation as already brought out, but in T. jamaicensis the range Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 119 of variability is greater and there seems to be no special type which is more or less closely approximated. In the plant figured (Fic. 1) the branch developed three underleaves (one of which has been dissected away) with the corresponding leaves before By 9B Nour ‘on : Uy oO 11 4 ee” TAXILEJEUNEA JAMAICENSIS Evans : rt. Part of ast howing a female b h-system, ventral view, X 25. 2. Apex of lobe, X 90. 3. Apex of underleaf, X 90. 4. Basal auricle of underleaf, X 90. 5—7. Bracts and bracteole from a single inflorescence, X 45. 8-10. Bracts and brac- teola from another inflorescence, X 45. 11. Bracteole from a third inflorescence, X 45. The figures were all drawn from the type speci the first inflorescence; the single innovation of this inflorescence bore three more underleaves with their corresponding leaves and then a second inflorescence with two subfloral innovations; one of the latter was short and sterile, but the other developed a 120 EvaANs: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA third inflorescence with a single sterile innovation after bearing two underleaves with their corresponding leaves. A female branch system on another specimen (Evans 3) bore eight underleaves before the inflorescence, and the latter showed a single long sterile innovation with sixteen distinct underleaves. Another branch- system on the same specimen bore the first inflorescence after only two underleaves; the single innovation gave rise to eleven underleaves and a male branch before bearing a second inflores- cence; and this in turn gave rise to a single long sterile innovation with ten distinct underleaves. These examples, selected more or less at random, will give some idea of the variations encountered and indicate that long branches and long subfloral innovations are of frequent but by no means of constant occurrence. The other distinctions between T. pterogonia and T. jamaicensis are likewise associated with the greater variability of the latter species. The characters derived from the leaves, underleaves and floral parts are similar to those of T. pterogonia but less defi- nitely realized. In the leaves, for example, the auricles at the base, although often as distinct as in T. pterogonia, are sometimes less marked; the thickenings of the leaf-cells tend to be less developed, and the surface-verruculae are often more difficult to demonstrate. The auricles of the underleaves may likewise be very distinct (Fic. 4), but the same specimen (Fic. 1) will often show underleaves which are rounded at the base. In the bracts (FIGs. 5,6, 8 and 9) the teeth are usually much less distinct, and bracts with entire margins are of more frequent occurrence, while the bracteoles (Fics. 7, 10 and 11) show no differences of importance. It is in the perianths, however, that the greatest range of variability is met with. Of the perianths figured (Fic. 1) the one at the left is almost beakless and the wings of the angles are reduced to scattered projecting cells; the perianth at the right shows a distinct beak and interrupted wings two cells wide on the two ventral keels, these wings bearing rounded teeth; the lateral and dorsal keels of this same perianth (not clearly shown in the figure) bear very narrow, indistinct and entire wings. In one perianth on another specimen (Evans 3) the short wings on the ventral keels run out into sharp points, but the dorsal _and lateral keels are scarcely winged at all; in another perianth . Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 121 on the same stem the wings on the two. lateral keels and on one ventral keel run out into points, the dorsal keel and the other ventral keel being almost wingless; in a third perianth on the same stem all five keels bear more or less pointed wings. The perianths described include the most complex wings observed, and it will at once appear that these never exhibit the sharply dentate or ciliate condition so often found in T. pterogonia, although the less complex conditions of that species may be approached. 3. Taxilejeunea densiflora sp. nov. Pale yellowish or whitish green, growing in loose mats, pure or in admixture with other bryophytes: stems mostly 0.2-0.25 mm. in diameter, irregularly branched, the branches mostly shorter and with smaller leaves than the stem, usually bearing sexual organs and sometimes more or less. subdivided: leaves loosely imbricated, the lobe obliquely spreading, plane to some- what convex, scarcely falcate, ovate, mostly 1-1.5 mm. long and 0.8-1.2 mm. wide when well developed, dorsal margin aching across the stem and rounded to cordate at the base, slightly curved, ventral margin slightly curved and forming a wide angle with the keel, apex rarely obtuse, mostly acute or apiculate and occasionally tipped with a row of two cells, margin minutely but —e crenulate from projecting cells especially toward the ex and occasionally with one or two larger blunt or sharp teeth in this vicinity; lobule inflated aris asa narrowly to broadly ovoid, about 0.15 mm. long and 0.06—0.1 mm. wide when well developed, keel straight to slightly kt free margin involute to beyond the apex, sinus and apical tooth as in allied species; lobule usually poorly developed; cells of lobe about 23 u wide along the margin, 44x 32 uw in the middle and 55x 34 u at the base, thin-walled throughout or with minute trigones having concave sides, intermediate thickenings, scarcely or not at all developed, cuticle smooth; underleaves contiguous to loosely imbricated, convex from below, the lateral margins often involute, orbicular, mosthky 0.8-1.2 mm. long, bifid one fourth or less with a narrow, usually sharp sinus and broad, acute to obtuse, con- tiguous or overlapping divisions, cordate to auriculate at base, the auricles sometimes contiguous but rarely if ever overlapping, margin minutely crenulate from projecting cells; inflorescence autoicous: 2 inflorescences borne on a more or less elongated and usually repeatedly floriferous branch-systems, each subtended by one or, rarely, two innovations, the latter often bearing a second flower after a single vegetative leaf and underleaf, complicated 122 Evans. TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA cymose inflorescences being thus formed; bracts slightly spreading, scarcely keeled, the lobe straight (not falcate), ovate, mostly 0.85-1.1 mm. long and 0.35-0.55 mm. wide, acute and usually irregularly toothed, the teeth small, sharp or blunt, rarely more than three or four and often vague or indistinct, lobule usually indistinct, represented by a short and narrow basal fold, the apex rarely distinguishable but sometimes acute; bracteole free or nearly so from the bracts, ovate to obovoate, mostly 0.7—1 mm. long and 0.45—0.6 mm. wide, bifid about one fourth with a narrow acute sinus and erect, acute lobes, the margins as, in the under- leaves, rarely with a median sharp or blunt tooth on one or both sides; perianth more or less exserted, sometimes for about half its length, obovoid and often narrowly so, mostly 0.6—0.75 mm. long and 0.3-0.35 mm. wide, cuneate toward the base and truncate at the apex with a rather long beak, five-keeled in the upper third, the keels sometimes rounded and indistinct but often sharper and more or less distinctly winged, a wing sometimes bearing one or two short and irregular teeth: @ inflorescence occupying a short branch, usually arising in a @ inflorescence branch-system, sometimes in the form of a subfloral inno- vation, apparently never proliferating; bracts mostly in one to five pairs, imbricated, much smaller than the vegetative leaves, strongly inflated, shortly bifid with blunt or subacute lobes and a strongly arched keel; antheridia in pairs; bracteole mostly single, very small, ovate bifid about one third with subacute lobes: mature sporophyte about 0.2 mm. in diameter. [TEXT-FIGs. 12-22.] On wet rocks; range incompletely known. The following specimens have been examined: JAMAICA: near spring and waterfall, vincinity of Moody’s Gap, September, 1908, E. G. Britton 938; on wet rocks, Hardware ap and vicinity, July, 1903, A. W. Evans 204; on wet rocks, Doll Wood, August, 1906, A. W. Evans 485; on Asplenium alatum H. B. K., growing on wet rocks, trail from Morce’s Gap to Vinegar Hill, March, 1920, Maxon & Killip 1318a. CoLomsiA: Cerra de Onaca, August, 1898, H. Wf) Smith ‘‘D.” Mrs. Britton’s specimen from Moody’s Gap, Jamaica, No. 938, may be designated the type. The branch-systems upon which the female inflorescences are borne sometimes attain a high degree of complexity and con- stitute one of the distinctive features of the species. In their simpler states these branch-stysems resemble those of T. jamaicen- Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 123 sis, although usually with fewer leaves. One of those examined bore two underleaves with the corresponding leaves and then a -perianth with its involucral leaves; the subfloral innovation arising at the base of the inner bract bore a single leaf and underleaf and then a second perianth; this process was repeated twice, the subfloral innovation borne below the last inflorescence being simple and very rudimentary. In this way a one-sided cymose inflorescence was formed with four crowded perianths along its upper side. Similar, relatively simple branch-systems are shown in Fics. 12 and 13, both of which were drawn from the same plant; jn FIG. 12, five crowded inflorescences are present; in FIG. 13, three. In contrast to this example a relatively complex branch- system may now be considered. In one of those studied the original branch bore two underleaves and a female inflorescence, just as in the first example, and the subfloral innovation was tipped with a second female inflorescence after bearing a single leaf and underleaf; the first inflorescence, however, bore a second innovation in the form of a short male spike at the base of its outer bract, and the second female inflorescence bore a female branch in the same position, thus lying in a fork between its two innovations. The first of these innovations (that arising at the base of the outer bract) bore two underleaves (with their corres- ponding leaves) and then a perianth with its bracts, innovating on its inner side; the innovation thus formed bore an underleaf, a leaf with a short male spike at its base and then another un- fertilized female flower with two subfloral innovations—one a short male spike and the other a female branch, bearing a third female inflorescence after forming three underleaves with the corresponding leaves. Beyond this third female inflorescence, which remained unfertilized a fourth and fifth, both unfertilized and borne on very short innovations, were developed, the branch- system being brought to a conclusion by a sterile and rudimentary innovation, just as in the case of the first branch-system described. The second innovation of the second female inflorescence was similar to the first bearing in all four female inflorescences and a single male spike, the latter arising as a subfloral innovation. This example, which bore thirteen female inflorescences in all, will give some idea of the complexities encountered, although an even more intricate condition might have been selected for description. 124 Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONTA The perianth of 7. densiflora (Fics. 12 and 13) exhibits a considerable range of variability, this sometimes manifesting OR SRS SD eset geesatses. 6 OY wee 1S So Ne OY AN ex 16 petas Ax 7 [Se e 21 | 14 18 TAXILEJEUNEA DENSIFLORA Evans : 12. Part of a stem showing a female branch-system, ventral view, X 15. 13. Another female branch-system from the same stem, ventral view, X 25. 14, Cells _ from middle of lobe, X 265. 15. Apex of lobe, X90. 16. Apex of underleaf, X 90. 17- Basal auricle of underleaf, X 90. 18-20. Bracts and inflorescence, X 35. 21, 22. Bract and att MRULCS le from a single bracteole from another inflorescence, X 35- vk La itself on a single plant or even on a single inflorescence branch- _ system. It broadens out in all cases from a narrow base and, EvaANs: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 125 as it becomes old, is sometimes (as in so many other Lejeuneae) raised on astalk representing an elongation of that portion of the female branch situated between the involucre and the perianth. In the lower part the perianth is terete but in the upper part five more or less distinct keels are present, the dorsal keel being some- times less developed than the others. These keels may be nothing more than angular or rounded projections, but in most cases one or more of them will show a more or less distinct wing. These wings, in turn, may consist of nothing more than one or two pro- jecting and rounded cells, but in their best development, although still remaining short and narrow they sometimes show from one to three sharp teeth, one or two cells long. Between these two extremes are many transitional conditions. In the upper part the perianth is truncate but the angles are either sharp or blunt according to the nature of the keels; sometimes a perianth will be sharp on one side and rounded on the other. The keel is slender and rather long, being composed (when well developed) _ of four superimposed circles of cells. When the perianths become old and especially after the capsules have been extruded, the upper part becomes stretched out and lacerated, although it never assumes the strikingly companulate form found in 7. sulphurea and its alliés. A comparison of Fics. 12 and 13 with Fic. 1 and also with PLATE I, Fics. 1 and 2, will show how strikingly the vegetative organs of 7. densiflora resemble those of T. pterogonia and T. jamaicensis. The leaves, to be sure, spread at a somewhat greater angle and the auricles of the lobes (not shown in the figures) and of the underleaves tend to be less pronounced than in T. pterogonia, agreeing better with JT. jamaicensis, but Fic. 17 shows that sometimes at least the auricles of the underleaves are _well developed. There is moreover a tendency for the leaves and the divisions of the underleaves to be blunter, and a prolonged search is sometimes necessary before a leaf tipped with two superimposed cells can be demonstrated. The dentations on the leaves, when present, show a similar tendency to be blunt rather than sharp. The sinus of the underleaves/is similar in all ree species and of about the same length. In T. densiflora, however, rounded sinuses are somewhat more frequent and the . 126 EvANS: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA sides of the sinus are usually bounded by only six or seven cells instead of by eight to ten as in 7. pterogonia and T. jamaicensis. It will be seen at once that all these differences are vague and unsatisfactory, being found in very variable organs. A more important distinction is found in the greater size of T. densiflora. This is indicated by comparing FIG. I with FIG. 12, the latter of which is magnified about 40 per cent more. The leaf-cells are also considerably larger (compare Fic. 14 with PLATE —, Fic. 4) and are further distinguished by their very poorly developed thickenings. The trigones in fact are often absent altogether and, even when present, are minute and have concave sides, so that they can be discerned only with difficulty. Inter- _mediate thickenings are absent altogether or very vaguely indi- cated, and there seems to be no trace of the minute verruculae found in the other two species. Perhaps the poorly developed thickenings are associated with the wet conditions under which the species develops. The bracts and bracteoles (Fics. 18-22), except for their larger size and laxer structure, have little to distinguish them from those of T. jamaicensis, and it has already been shown how vague the distinctions are between this latter species and T. pterogonia. In T. densiflora it is rare to find a bract which is wholly without teeth, although these may be very vague, and the lobule is rarely anything more than a basal fold, with or without a distinct apex. The teeth on the sides of the bracteole are somewhat less in evidence than in either of the other two species. 4. TAXILEJEUNEA DEBILIS (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Steph. Jungermannia debilis Lehm. & Lindenb. in Lehmann, Pug. Piant.’4: 51. — 1832. Lejeunea delilis Nees & Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. II. 5: 60. 1836. Omphalanthus debiis Lehm. & Lindenb. in G. L. & N. Syn. Hep. 306. 1845. _ Omphalanthus martinicensis Gottsche, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. V. 1: 149. 1864 (in obs.). Lejeunea (Taxilejeunea) debilis Steph. Hedwigia 29: 141. 1896. Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 127 Taxilejeunea martinicensis Steph. Hedwigia 35: 135. 1896. Taxilejeunea debilis Steph. Sp. Hepat. 5: 451. 1913. Pale yellowish or whitish green growing in loose mats, often pure but sometimes in admixture with other bryophytes: stems mostly 0.15—0.2 mm. in diameter, irregularly and usually sparingly branched, the branches obliquely spreading usually with smaller leaves than the stem: leaves loosely imbricated, the lobe obliquely spreading, plane to strongly convex, scarcely falcate, ovate, mostly 1-1.2 mm. long and 0.9-1 mm. wide, dorsal margin arching across the stem and distinctly auriculate at the base, margins and apex of lobe, features of lobule and leaf-cells much as in T. jamai- censis; underleaves contiguous to loosely imbricated, convex (from below) and often involute, orbicular, mostly 0.06-1 mm. long, the basal auricles and margin much as in T. jamaicensis but the apical sinus often bluntly pointed to lunulate instead of being narrow and acute and the segments usually sharper and sometimes tipped with two cells: inflorescence dioicous: 9 inflorescence sometimes borne on a short branch sometimes on a more elongated branch, innovating on one side, the innovation usually only once floriferous; bracts somewhat spreading, keel rounded, lobe straight not falcate, ovate to oblong, mostly 0.65-0.9 mm. long and 0.3- 0.45 mm. wide, acute, often irregularly toothed, the teeth mostly sharp and sometimes consisting of single projecting cells, usually only three or four, lobule sometimes distinct but often scarcely evident, mostly 0.15—0.2 mm. long and 0.05—0.07 mm. wide; brac- teole free or nearly so from the bracts, obovate to oblong, mostly 0.7-0.9 mm. long and 0.45-0.65 mm. wide, bifid about one third with a narrow sinus and erect acute divisions, margin crenulate and sometimes bearing a sharp tooth on one or both sides; perianth more or less exserted, obovoid, mostly 0.75-0.85 mm. long and 0.45 mm. wide, cuneate toward the base and truncate at the apex with a short beak, five-keeled in the upper part, the keels crenulate from projecting cells but without wings or teeth: 7 inflorescence as in T. pterogonta. On banks and rocks, more rarely on logs; widely distributed in tropical America. The specimens listed have all been personally examined by the writer; several of the determinations have unfortunately been made from sterile material, but this has usually been abundant and in good condition. A few other records for the species will be noted later. Mexico: without definite locality, F. Liebmann (Underwood Herbarium, from Sullivant Herbarium); Orizaba, 1887, C. Mohr ~~ 128 Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA (Underwood Herbarium); Zacuapan, Vera Cruz, 1908, C. A. - Purpus 5540, 5541. GUATEMALA: near the Finca Sepacuité, Alta Verapaz, 1902, Cook & Griggs 75, 443; trail between Sepacuité and Pangos, Alta Verapaz, 1905, Maxon & Hay 3112; trail between Sepacuité and Secanguin, Alta Verapaz, 1905, Maxon & Hay 3117; Cubel- quitz, Alta Verapaz, 1906, H. von Tiirckheim 5104 (Bryotheca E. Levier). NICARAGUA: Volcan Mombacho, Department of Granada, 1903, C. F. Baker 2505 in part (Plants of Pacific Central America). Costa Rica: La Esmeralda, Massif da Barba, 1892, P. Biolley 15628 (herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden). Jamaica: Beaufort Hill, Westmoreland Hills, New Market, 1907, Britton & Harris 598; Dolphin Hill and vicinity, 1908, N. L. Britton 2335. MONTSERRAT: Pond Mountain, 1907, J. A. ‘Shafer 870. GUADELOUPE: without definite locality or date, L’Herminier; Grand-Marron, 1902, Pére Duss 1026 (distributed as T. caripensis Gottsche). MARTINQUE: various localities, 1897-1900, Pére Duss 8, 19, 118, 133, 179, 210, 593, 616 (herbarium of the New York Botan- ical Garden); between St. Pierre and Champflore, 1868 T. Husnot (Pl. des Antilles 243, as Omphalanthus martinicensis Gottsche). St. VINCENT: without definite locality or date, L. Guilding (Mitten Herbarium). Trinipap: Mt. Tocuche, 1920, Britton, Coker & Rowland 1486, 1494 in part, 1498; Maracas Waterfall, 1920, Britton, Hazen & Coker 1678. Peru: San Miguel, 1911, H. W. Foote (listed by the writer in Trans. Connecticut Acad. 18: 315. 1914). In their description of Jungermannia debilis the original authors, Lehmann and Lindenberg, state that the leaves are semivertical, obliquely cordate, acuminate, entire or bidentate at _ the apex, decurrent at the base and shortly complicate, adding that the stems appear filiform on account of the inflexion of the _ leaves. They describe the underleaves as equalling the leaves in EvANs: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 129 size, cordate-oval in form, subpeltate (in allusion to the strongly arched line of attachment), and more deeply emarginate than the leaves, the sinus being narrow and the laciniae acute. This original description was drawn from sterile material collected on the island of St. Vincent, the name of the collector not being mentioned. Although the type has not been examined by the writer, a specimen in the Mitten Herbarium, which ap- parently represents a co-type, has been carefully studied. This specimen was collected on St. Vincent by L. Guilding and came originally from the Hooker Herbarium. It agrees in all essential respects with the original description, except that the leaves are acute or apiculate rather than ‘‘acuminate,” indicating that the latter term was not well chosen. It agrees also with the other specimens listed above, so far as this can be established in the absence of female branches and perianths. Unfortunately most of the important differential characters of the species, as here delimited, are based on these very parts, and the vegetative characters of T. debilis are largely duplicated in T. pterogonia, T. jamaicensis and (to a less extent) T. densiflora. In other words all four species show auricles at the base of the leaves and underleaves; acute for apiculate leaf-lobes, crenulate throughout and often sparingly dentate in the apical portion; and a short apical sinus on the underleaves with more or less sharp- pointed divisions. Both T. pterogonia and T. jamaicensis, moreover, show a cell-structure which is essentially like that of T. debilis, the trigones, intermediate thickenings and superficial verruculae being much the same. Under the circumstances it might at first seem justifiable to give up the name T. debilis altogether, regarding the sterile type as indistinguishable from the allied species. When the underleaves are carefully compared, however, the apical sinus of T. debilis is seen to be frequently rounded or lunulate, whereas this condition is rarely found in T. pterogonia, T. jamaicensis or T. densiflora. On the basis of this vague and not too constant difference the validity of T. debilis may still be maintained and the determination of sterile material may be attempted. In the speicimens here referred to T. debilis underleaves with rounded or lunulate sinuses are associated with five-keeled peri- 130 Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA anths destitute of both wings and teeth.* As the citations show specimens of this type are widely distributed in the Lesser Antilles, whereas (according to our present knowledge) specimens with toothed or winged keels have not yet been found there. It is to be regretted that authors have associated the name TJ. debilis with specimens in which the keels of the perianth are toothed and often winged, thus giving rise to much confusion. As the history of the species will show their conception of its characters was drawn largely from continental material, rather than from material collected in the West Indies. Four years after its original publication Lejeunea debilis was recorded from ‘‘Peru’’ by Nees von Esenbeck and Montagne, neither the definite locality nor the collector’s name being men- tioned. These authors, in their description, make no mention of floral organs, thus implying that their new material was like- wise sterile, but they amend some of the phrases of the original description. They state, for example, that the leaves are nar- rowed at the apex but that they may be obtuse, acute or truncate- subbidentulate, and they state further that the divisions of the underleaves may sometimse be obtuse. Three years later Mon- tagnef gave a fuller account of these same specimens, stating that that they were collected by A. d’Orbigny between Chupé and Yanacaché in the province of Yungas, in Bolivia, thus indicating that they did not come from Peru in the modern sense. Montagne described the female branches and floral organs from the Bolivian material (showing that it was really fertile) and figured various structural details. According to his account the inflorescences are borne on very short branches, one to three being present on a branch; the perianth is obovate-oblong or pyriform, five-angled at the dilated apex, the angles being compressed and dentate; the bracts are irregularly dentate, sometimes bifid at the truncate apex; and the bracteole is repand-dentate and more deeply bifid * A somewhat ambiguous statement by Lehmann and Lindenberg may here be mentioned. To their description of J. pterogonia they add a note in ng they epee SM apECaEN with ene taade we were 4. a o both of which they ap thout keels nall cians —— mokink ‘thie to saa toJ: RES alone, since ae had distinctly stated in their description of J. debilis that the fruit was lacking. _ + D’Orbigny, Voy. l’ Amér. Mérid. 7?: 65. pl. 1, f. 2. 1839. Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 131 at the apex [than the underleaves], the divisions being ‘“‘acuminu- late’’ and connivent. The figures are not altogether successful and fail to show distinct basal auricles in either leaves or under- leaves. : Montagne himself criticises the figure showing a female branch-system, stating that the features of the perianths are not well brought out. The branch-system in the figure shows a rather long branch with five perianths, but it is impossible to learn from it the sequence in which the inflorescences arose. The figure of a single perianth, dissected open, shows distinct teeth in the upper part. In the Mitten Herbarium there is a specimen of ‘‘ Omphalanthus debtlis’’ from ‘‘Peru”’ received from Montagne. In all probability this represents a part of D’Orbigny’s Bolivian material, although no information to this effect is given on the label. The specimen shows short female branch-systems, usually with two inflorescences on each and five-keeled perianths with the keels distinctly toothed. They thus agree with Montagne’s statements. In the writer’s opinion, however, this specimen should be referred to T. pierogonia (where it is already listed), rather than to T. debilis, in spite of the fact that Montagne’s determination has heretofore been accepted without question. The authors of the Synopsis Hepaticarum, in 1845, incorporated Nees von Esenbeck and Montagne’s corrections and additions in their description of Omphalanthus debilis, although they comment adversely on Montagne’s figures. In the supplement to the Synopsis, published two years later (p. 746), they quote in full Montagne’s description of the floral organs, but in their own de- scription they improve his phrase relating to the keels of the perianth by describing them as cristate-dentate. They apparently gained their idea of the floral organs entirely from specimens collected on the mainland, since the only West Indian specimen cited is the sterile type from St. Vincent. The authors clearly accepted the species in a rather broad sense, since they distin- guished and in most cases briefly characterized the following forms: a, originalis (St. Vincent, the original specimens) ; a*, Liebmanianus (Mirador and Zacuapan, Mexico, Liebmann 27, 539a); a** (Amatian, Mexico, Liebmann 309); 8, angustior (Hacienda da Jovo, Mexico, Liebmann 515); y, Orbignianus (‘‘ Peru,” D’Orbigny 132 Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA in Herb. Montagne); and y*, columbicus (Merida and Tovar, ‘Venezuela, Moritz 83). The suspicion is thereby aroused that their O. debitlis may have been an aggregate. Gottsche, in his Mexikanske Levermossor (p. 272), adds further details about O. debilis, and especially about the Mexican specimens. He states that these are somewhat smaller than the St. Vincent specimens and gives measurements of the leaves and underleaves in a* Liebmanianus (539a) and in a** (309), as follows: lobes, 0.8-1 x 0.75-0.85 mm.; lobules, 0.13 x 0.1 mm.; underleaves 0.8-I x 0.75-I mm. He calls attention also to the crenulate margins of the leaves and underleaves. In Stephani’s revision of the Lindenberg specimens he accepts as correctly determined most of those listed in the Synopsis, so far as these are represented. The only exception is the y, colum- bicus, which he regards as a mixture of T. debilis and T. pterogonia, as already noted under the latter species.* He cites T. debilis further from Martiniquet and also from Guadeloupe, thus ascribing to it a wide geographical distribution in both North and South America. In his Species Hepaticarum (p. 463), however, where he assigns a dioicous inflorescence to the species, he restricts its range to the ‘‘Insulae antillanae,’’ but does not state what dis- position he makes of the Mexican, Venezuelan and ‘‘ Peruvian”’ specimens which he had formerly referred to T. debilis. Neither does he indicate in any way which specimens served as the basis for his description of the perianth and involucral leaves. On the whole his account of the perianth does not differ greatly from that of Montagne; he states that it is clavate, three times as long as wide, truncate at the apex and armed with very irregular laciniae, adding that the ventral keels are short, widely divergent and similarly armed, and that the beak is long and slender. His account of the bracts is more at variance; he describes the lobe as narrowly lanceolate, about half as long as the perianth, acute and entire; and the lobule as small, linear, obtuse and not discrete from the lobe. * His statements regarding +, columbicus, have since been confirmed by Schiffner (Bot. Jahrb. 23: 579. 1897). 7 In the Sree a Se sear smmesoiad Gn os rsh Herbarium) is _ listed but, in the sur determination. Lv ig See ae’, sp Se oe hes ee a a L ‘= os EvANS: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 133 Other allusion to T. debilis in the literature add very little to our knowledge of the species. Gottsche* mentions it briefly in connection with his Omphalanthus laevis and O. leioscyphus from Colombia, and Spruce,} in connection with his Lejeunea (Taxi- Lejeunea) chimborazensis from Ecuador. It is listed also, without comment, by Bescherellet from Martinique, by Duss|| from the same island, and by the writer from Peru.$ Several of the speci- mens recorded from the French Antilles have been verified. Although the species is known from so many of the Lesser Antilles it is not listed by Spruce {] in his account of the Hepaticae collected by W. R. Elliott on the islands of Dominica and St. Vincent.. It is rather remarkable that it has not been found on the latter island since the time of Guilding. T. martinicensis, which is here included among the synonyms of T. debilis, was based on material collected by L’Herminier on the island of Martinique. When Stephani published it in 1896 he made no mention of Gottsche as author, but in his Species Hepaticarum (5: 472), seventeen years later, he cited ‘‘Omphalan- thus martinicensis Gottsche ms.”’ asasynonym. Strictly speaking this name is not wholly a manuscript name. It was published in 1864 by Gottsche (as already noted in the synonymy), in connec- tion with his Omphalanthus leioscyphus from Colombia. Although he gave no formal description of his O. martinicensis he distin- guished it from O. debilis (to which he considered it allied) by its smooth perianth and entire bracts, and also pointed out numerous differencés between O. martinicensis and O. leioscyphus. The name O. martinicensis appears also in Husnot’s catalogue of the bryophytes collected in the French Antilles, where the specimens distributed in his ‘‘ Plantes des Antilles’ are enumerated.** These specimens were determined by Gottsche and the one issued under the name O. martinicensis presumably agrees with L’Herminier’s type. Although Gottsche apparently knew his species from * Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. V. 1: jt Trans. Bot. Soc. trys 15: Pa 1884. t Jour. de Bot. 7: 179. 1893. Enum. méth. Muse. Ant. Franc. I. Hépatiques 8. Lons-le-Saunier. 1903. || Trans. Connecticut Acad. 18: 315. 1914. {| Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 30: 331-372. pl. 20-30. 1894. ** Rev. Bryol. 2:3. 1875. 134 Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA Martinique only, Stephani (in his Species Hepaticarum) gives as its habitat, ‘‘ India occidentalis,” adding that it is very common. Stephani’s descriptions of IT. martinicensis are full and clear. He assigns to the species a dioicous inflorescence; contiguous, obliquely spreading, ovate-oblong leaves, acute or apiculate at the apex and sparingly dentate in the apical portion (entire or obliquely truncate-bidentate according to his 1896 description) ; a small ovate lobule, equalling the diameter of the stem and acutely angled at the truncate apex; cells measuring 36 u in the middle of the leaf and 36 x 54 u in the basal portion, with scarcely evident trigones; underleaves surpassing the leaves in size, cordate at the base (the basal auricles rotund and not connivent), and narrowly incised at the apex with an obtuse sinus and “acuminate acute’’ divisions; lanceolate (or ovate-lanceolate), entire and acute bracts, half the length of the leaves and with a short, linear acute or obtuse lobule, not discrete from the lobe; an obovate- obconic bracteole, as long as the bracts but twice as wide, one third incised-bilobed with a ‘‘straight’’ sinus and triangular, acuminate acute divisions (connivent and sometimes sparingly toothed in the 1896 description); and a small obovate-oblong perianth (measuring I x 0.6 mm.), truncate and obsoletely beaked at the apex, five-angled in the upper part, the angles or keels being entire. If Stephani’s descriptions of T. martinicensis are compared with his account of T. debilis it will be seen that the only important differences brought out are those derived from the perianth. In. the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden there is a fine series of T. debilis, collected by Pére Duss on Martinique and determined by Stephani. Some of these specimens are completely sterile or show male inflorescences only; others are female and in some cases show well-developed perianths. So far as the writer has been able to observe these organs are invariably five-angled and destitute of wings and teeth. It is clear therefore that Stephani did not hesitate to refer to T. debilis plants which showed the perianth-characters of T. martinicensis. The study of the specimens of T. martinicensis, distributed by Husnot, shows that obtuse leaves are of occasional occurrence; that the auricles of the underleaves are sometimes so well developed that they almost EvANS: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA 135 touch; that similar auricles (not mentioned by Stephani) are present on the leaves; that the thickenings in the cell-walls are sometimes better developed than he implies; and that surface- verruculae can almost always be demonstrated. Unfortunately this specimen is destitute of female inflorescences, but the evidence of variation which it exhibits serves to break down still further the distinctions between 7. martinicensis and T. debilis, and the writer has no hesitation in considering them synonymous. Another species which is clearly in need of further study is T. dissitifolia Steph.,* based on a specimen collected by Pére Duss on the island of Guadeloupe. This species is known to the writer from description only, and Duss states, in listing it, that his own specimen is lost. So far as the description goes there is nothing to distinguish T. dissitifolia from T. debilis as here de- scribed, and the writer is inclined to regard the two species as synonymous. In the absence of specimens, however, it is im- possible to reach a definite conclusion. The close relationship existing between T. debilis and the three other species treated in the present paper has already been emphasized. Perhaps the closest relative of all is T. jamaicensis, and it was with some hesitation that the writer decided to propose the latter species as new. Aside from the difference in the under- leaves, however, T. debilis is distinguished from T. jamaicensis by its dioicous inflorescence and by the constant absence of wings and teeth on the keels of the perianth. The dioicous in- florescence is of course associated with frequent sterility. Many specimens have been collected in which no trace of sexual organs can be detected and even in female material perianths are often lacking. In the case of T. jamaicensis the presence of perianths can usually be demonstrated by careful examination. SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL, YALE UNIVERSITY *Symb. Antillanae 2: 472. 1900. Not ‘‘Hedw., 1900, p. 472," as cited by ’ Stephani in his Species Hepaticarum (5: 464. 1913). 136 Evans: TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA Explanation of plate 2 TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn. Part of a stem showing two female branch-systems, ventral view, X 25- 2. Part of a stem showing a female branch-system and a male apeatieng ventral view, X 25. 3- Leaf, dorsal view, X 25. 4. Cells from middle of lobe, X 265. | : pex 0! nce, the bracteole at the right, X 45. 10-12. Bracts and bracteole from another fertilized inflorescence (the second) of the same branch-system, X 45. 13. Bracts and bracteole from a fertilized inflorescence of another branch-system, X45. 14,15. Bract and srlepalgu’ Sear an eateries aes biases of the same 6-18. inflorescence, X 45. 19. Perianth, X 45. Fics. 1, 3-15, and 19 were drawn from specimens collected at San Miguel, Peru, by Cook & Gilbert (1780); Fics. 2 and 16-18, from specimens collected in the vicinity of Moody's Gap by E. G. Britton (976) INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 1917-1920 e aim of this Index is to include all current botanical literature written by Americans, published in America, or based upon American material ; the word Amer. ica being used in the broadest se Reviews, and papers. that eo exclusively to forestry, agriculture, horticulture, manufactured products of vegetable origin, or laboratory methods are not included, and no attempt is made to index the literature of ae An occasional exception is made in favor of some paper appearing in an American periodical which is devoted wholly to botany. oe are not mentioned tea hey differ from the original in Some important particular. If users of the Index will call the attention of the editor to errors or omissions, their kindness will be appreciated. This Index is reprinted monthly on cards, and furnished in this form to sub- ‘scibers at the rate of 3 centsforeach card. Selection of cardsis not permitted; each subsciber must take all cards published during the term of his subscription. Correspondence relating to the card issue should be addressed to the Treasurer of the Torrey Botanical Club. Johns, C. O., & Gersdorff, C.E. F. The globulin of the cohune nut, Aitalea Cohune. Jour. Biol. Chem. 45: 57-67. pl. r. D 1920. Knudson, L. The secretion of invertase by plant roots. Am. Jour. HOt. 7. 371-379)... 7. 1920. Kranzlin, F. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gattung Telipogon H. B. K. Ann. Naturh. Hofmus. Wien 33: 9-38. 1919. Includes 9 new species from tropical America. Lee, H. A., & Serrano, F. B. Banana wilt in the Philippines. Phy- topathology 10: 504, 505. 1920. Lloyd, F. E. Colloidal phenomena in the protoplasm of pollen tubes. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 16: 63, 64. 1917. Lobo, B. Ilha da Trindade. Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio Janeiro. 22: 107-158. 1919. [Illust.] Includes a brief discussion of the flora. Long, E. R. Dessication and respiration in succulent plants. Car- negie Inst. Washington Year Book 16: 80-82. 191 Lowe,C.W. The flora of Warrens Landing, Lake pis tee Manitoba. Can. Field Nat. 33: 26-30. f. z, 2. F 1920. Lutman, B. F. Tip burn of the potato and other plants. Vermont Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 214: 4-28. pl. z, 2+ f. 1-9. Je 1919. 137 138 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Mabbott, D.C. Food habits of seven species of American shoal-water ducks. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 862: 1-67. 30 D 1920 Contains accounts of plants eaten by ducks. MacDougal, D. T. The construction of a biocolloid exhibiting some of the water-relations of living plants. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book. 16: 59, 60. 1917. MacDougal, D. T. Growth of wheat (Triticum) and Corn (Zea). Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 16: 85-87. 1917. MacDougal, D. T. Imbibition in biocolloids as affected by acidosis, alkalosis, and neutralization. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 16: 60-62. 1917. MacDougal, D. T. The physical basis of parasitism. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 16: 71-73. 1917. MacDougal, D. T. Rate and course of growth of succulents. Cars negie Inst. Washington Year Book 16: 83-85. 1917. Mackenzie, K. K. Scientific names applicable to our purple-flowered Eupatoriums. Rhodora 22: 157-165. 7 D 1920. Mackie, W. W., & Briggs, F. N. Fungicidal dusts for control of smut. Science I]. 52: 540, 541. 3 D 1920. Magalhaes, B. de. Antonio Luiz Patricio da Silva Manso. Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio Janeiro 22: 79-96. 1919. Marie-Victorin, Fr. Le ‘‘ Micrampelis lobata.’ Nat. Canad. 46: 172-174. F 1920. Marie-Victorin, Fr. La vie sexuelle chez les Hydrocharitacées. Nat. Canad. 45: 130-133. Mr 19109. Maxon, W. R. New selaginellas from the western United States. Smithson. Misc. Coll. 72°: 1-10. pl. 1-6. 22 D 1920. Includes 6 new species. Mayhew, I. P. Winter flowers in Massachusetts. Am. Bot. 26: 140, 141. N 1920. McGee, J. M. Experiments upon the imbibitional swelling of marine algae. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 16: 64, 65. 1917. McLarty, H. R. A suspected mosaic disease of sweet clover. Phy- topathology 10: 501-503. f. 3. 1920. McMurran, S. M., & Demaree, J. B. Diseases of southern pecans. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Bull. 1129: 3-22. f. 1-2 sc S TG20, Merrill, E. D. Notes on Philippine Euphorbiaceae. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 16: 539-579. Je 1920. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 139 Metcalf, Z.P. Some ecological aspects of the tidal zone of the North Carolina Coast. Ecology 1: 193-197. Jl 1920. Mignault, LD. Quelques notes sur une mauvaise herbe. Nat. Canad. 45: 181-183. Je 1919. Euphorbia Helioscopia L. Mignault, L.-D. Une plante interessante. Nat. Canad. 45: I0I-103. Je 1919. Vallisneria spiralis. [Moore, G. T.] Hats from plants. Missouri Bot. Gard. Bull. 8: 113-116. N 1920. Mousley,H. Botrychium oblignum Muhl. and var. dissectum (Spreng.) new to the province of Quebec. Can. Field Nat. 33:97. N 1919. Mousley, H. Further notes on the orchids of Hatley, Stanstead County, Quebec, 1919. Can. Field Nat. 33: 44-47. N 10920. Murrill, W. A. The fungi of Blacksburg, Virginia. Mycologia 12: 322-428: : 27: D..1920. Includes Pluteus praerugosus sp. nov. Murrill, W. A. Plants as an inspiration in the art of early peoples. Gard. Mag. 32: 246-248. Ja 192r. Nelson, J. C.. Under which code? Am. Bot. 26: 129-135. N 1920. Odell, W. S. A rare fungus new to Canada. Can. Field Nat. 34: 10-13. f. I-6. 1920. Osterhout, G. E. Rocky Mountain botany and the Long Expedition of 1820. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 555-562. 28 D 1920. Palmer, E. J. The ligneous flora of the Staked Plains of Texas. Jour. Arnold Arbor. 2: 90-105. 1920. Pammel, L. H. Some economic a of botany. Science II. 53: 4-15. 7 Ja 1921. Parish, S. B. The immigrant plants of Southern California. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 19: 3-30. 1920. Includes Zauschneria orbiculata sp. nov. Pearson, G. A. Factors controlling the distribution of forest types. Ecology 1: 139-159. f. E-8; 289-308. f. 9-11. 1920 Pennell, F. W. Soil preferences of Scrophulariaceae. Torreya 20: 10, 11. 1 Ap. 1920. Reddick, D. A fourth Phytophthora disease of tomato. Phytopath- ology 10: 528-534. D 1920. Rhoads, A. S. Studies on the rate of growth and behavior of the blister rust on white pine in 1918. Phytopathology 10: 513-527. D 1920. 140 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Richards, H. M. Gas interchange in Mesembryanthemum and, other succulents. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 16:79, 80. 1917. Rickett, H. W. A quantitative survey of the flora of Lake Mendota [Wisconsin]. Science II. 52: 641, 642. 31 D 1920. Rusby, H. H. Descriptions of three hundred new species of South American plants. Pp. 1-170. 20 D 1920. New York. Contains also an index to previously published South American species by the same author. [H. H. Rusby]. The Mulford biological exploration of the Amazon basin. Am. Jour. Pharm. 92: 815-820. N 1920. - Sampaio, A. J. de. A seccado de Botanica no primeiro seculo de exis- tencia do Museu Nacional. Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio Janeiro 22: 37-47-1919. Schneider, C. Notes on American willows. X. Jour. Arnold Arbor. 2: 65-90. ; 1920. Includes 1 new variety and 2 new combinations. Seifriz, W. Viscosity values of protoplasm as determined by micro- dissection. Bot. Gaz. 70: 360-386. 24 N 1920. Setchell, W. A. Geographical distribution of the marine spermato- phytes. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 563-579. 28 D 1920. Sherff, E. E. North American species of Taraxacum. Bot. Gaz. 70: 329-359. pl. 31-33. 24 N 1920. Shreve, E. B. The relation between water loss by evaporation and water gain by absorption in colloidal gels. Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington Year Book 16: 68-71. 1917. Shreve, E. B. The transpiring power of plants. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 16: 67, 68. 1917. Sifton, H. B. Some characters of xylem tissue in cycads. Bot. Gaz. 70: 425-434. pl. 37, 38 +f. 1. 30 D 1920. Silveira, A. A. da. Algumas especies novas da flora de Minas Geraes. Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio Janeiro 22: 99-103. pl. oats 1919. Includes new species in Chusquea, Arundinaria and Bom Small, J. K. A botanical excursion to the Big ty Nat. Hist. 20: 488-500. O 1920. [Illust.] Soth, B. H. The alpine spring beauty. Am. Bot. 26: 115. N 1920. Spoehr, H. A. The carbohydrate economy of cacti. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 16: 73-79. 1917. : dley, P. C. A new species of Campnosperma from Panama. Jour. Arnold Arbor. 2: 111, 112. 1920. VOLUME 48, PLATE 2 BuLi. TORREY CLUB TAXILEJEUNEA PTEROGONIA (Lenm. & LINDENB.) SCHIFFN. Vol. 48 No. 5 BULLETIN OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB MAY, 1921 Chondriomes in Chara A. J. RIKER (WITH PLATE 3) Chondriomes and mitachondria have received much attention in recent years. Foremost among the investigators along this line are Guilliermond, who has published a number of short papers, and Mottier (14). Both of these writers agree that chondriomes are distinct organs of the cells, and that they arise only from older chondriomes. These cell organs in Chara have been described as granulations that stain like nucleoli by Kaiser (11) and by Johow (10). Debski (3, 4) found in the plasma of Chara bodies of a nucleolar structure, which probably arose from the nucleolus, and which showed strange enterings on the spindle fibers. Mirande (12), who has given this subject special attention recently, states that in the cells of Chara are found certain corpuscles that take the stains like nucleoli. He concludes that most of these cor- puscles, which continue to multiply in the cytoplasm, are really nuclear in nature and are in part expelled by the nucleus itself. In the same paper he says that the chondriomes close to the nucleus migrate to the periphery of the cells, develop central vacuoles, and become chloroplasts. In due time he finds that they produce grains of starch. For the investigation of the origin of these chondriomes in Chara and the réle they play in the cells, material was collected near Covington, Kentucky, and identified according to Robinson [The BULLETIN for April (48: 101-140. pl. 2) was issued April 4, 1921.] ° 141 142 RIKER: CHONDRIOMES IN CHARA (15) as Chara fragilis. A study was also made of Chara verrucosa, collected at Oberlin, Ohio. METHODS A number of killing agents were employed, including Carnoy’s, Jeffrey’s, Flemming’s, Merkel’s, Benda’s, and dilutions of a 1 per cent chrom-acetic stock solution. The best results were obtained with Flemming’s, Benda’s and Merkel’s solutions, all of which belong to the group recommended by Guilliermond (8) as causing the least change from the living condition. Care must be used while fixing the material because the chondriomes are rather easily destroyed by strong reagents. Flemming’s weaker solution was tried at o° C. and 50° C., but the best results were secured when the killing agent was of the same temperature as the water in which the Chara grew. Sections were cut at 5 and 7 un, and stained with Haidenhain’s iron-alum haematoxylin or Flemming’s triple stain. Such stains as Giemsa’s, Leishman’s, and Wright’s (Mallory and Wright) were also tried. These possess a certain value for this type of work because of the differential qualities and the rapidity of the staining, but they are likely to cause arte- facts due to the precipitation of the stain. The lack of perma- nence of these stains is a further disadvantage. Division figures are not easy to secure. Preliminary tests, in which growing tips were killed at intervals throughout the twenty-four hours, showed that mitotic division was most active at ten o’clock at night, and so for the final results the material was killed at this hour. | RESULTS Since it is during the nuclear division that these chondriomes have their origin, it is necessary to study all the mitotic stages beginning with the resting cell. While the cell is in the resting stage, the nucleolus shows refractive spots or granules. A similar appearance has been reported by Digby (5) and others in a variety of plants. As the spireme is formed, the nucleolus becomes irregular in shape, while it seems that streams of its contents flow out into the spiral thread (Fics. 1 and 2). Mottier (13), while writing about nucleolar observations, says it is reasonable to suppose that the RIKER: CHONDRIOMES IN CHARA 143 nucleolar substance contributes materially to the growth of the chromosomes. On the same subject Andrews (1) says, “it is probably utilized as food in the growth of chromatic masses.”’ Duggar (6) found an interesting connection between the chromatin content and the nucleolus, while Gardner (7) writes that the nucleolus is the important chromatic center, and that during division it becomes transformed into chromosomes. Wager (17) reports that during spireme formation the nucleolus becomes irreg- ular in shape, undergoes ameboid changes of form, and then disap- pears just before the formation of the chromosomes. This describes exactly the changes that were observed in the present study of the growing tips. In the metaphase and following stages the chromosomes remain entirely intact (Fic. 3). There is no sign of disintegration either of the central or outer portions. Hegner (9), working on the paedogenetic larvae of Miastor, finds that when the somatic cells become differentiated the middle portions of the chromosomes , break up into granules which divide and go to the poles, while the swollen ends are cast into the cytoplasm. Boveri (2) has shown in Ascaris that when the cells specialize portions of the chromosomes separate off and disintegrate. But nothing of this kind occurs in Chara. Here the chromosomes migrate to the poles in the usual manner, with the mantle fibers extending from the center of the chromosomes. In the anaphase sixteen chro- mosomes move to each pole, corroborating the count of sixteen to eighteen made by Strasburger (16). In the region of the median plate, after the chromosomes have been drawn away, a varying number (twelve to sixteen in C. fragilis and in C. verrucosa even more) of chromatic granules are found (Fic. 4), which are more or less globular in shape and which take the stains just as the chromosomes do. These granules, which are called prochondriomes hereafter, seem to lie between the spindle fibers and do not make connection with the mantle fibers. In size they vary from 0.6 » to 1.4 u in diameter, and the volume is calculated to be from 0.117 cu. » to1.47 cu. uw. As the chromosomes merge together in the telophase, these prochondriome granules may fuse so as to form eight or ten larger granules (Fic. 5), some of which may be up to 2.54 in diameter, or 4.9 144 RIKER: CHONDRIOMES IN CHARA cu. » in estimated volume. The chromosomes are 0.7 yw in thick- ness and 5-6 win length, which gives a calculated volume of 2.37 cu. uw. It is estimated that the amount of chromatic material left behind in some cases may be equivalent to six or eight chromo- somes, or almost half the amount of chromatin that makes up one of the daughter nuclei. At the poles the chromosomes do not fuse directly into the daughter nucleus, but groups of them form pre-nuclear masses (Fig. 5), each of which contains a deeply stained chromatic spot resembling a nucleolus surrounded by a clear area. Then these pre-nuclear masses rapidly fuse into one large daughter nucleus (FIGs. 5-7). The prochondriomes still persist on the median plate during the formation of the daughter nuclei. They do not disintegrate but soon migrate into the cytoplasm, where they divide repeatedly by fission to form bodies of different sizes. These are the granu- lations or chondriomes described by Mirande. Thus it appears that the greater number, at least, of the bodies staining as chondriomes in Chara may be nuclear in nature, and are, in part, expelled by the nucleus itself. On the other hand, this idea is exactly contrary to that of Guilliermond and Mottier, who say that chondriomes in general arise only from other chondriomes. Meves and Mottier suggest that, because chondriomes are such definite organs of the cell, they may be the bearers of certain hereditary qualities. The leaves of Chara are formed by successive divisions of the tip cell. This tip cell seems to contain more of the chondriomes than any of the other cells. In fact the amount of chondriome material in the tip cells of the young leaves is approximately equal in many cases to the chondriome material in all cells below it. There is thus a progressive accumulation of chondriome material in the tip leaf cell during the successive divisions. It is impossible actually to trace these prochondriomes to their position on the central plate, for they cannot be definitely picked out among the tangle of chromosomes in the metaphase. No more can their exact origin be seen. It would seem that they may be either (a) delayed chromosomes, (6) entire chromosomes which never go to the poles, (c) portions of chromosomes which RIKER: CHONDRIOMES IN CHARA 145 have been cut off, (d) unorganized portions of the spireme, or (e) chromatic material apart from and not included in the spireme. These possibilities are considered in order. (a) If the original granules which first appear in the anaphase were delayed chromosomes, they would be considerably larger in size and greater in volume and would more nearly resemble the characteristic sausage shape of the chromosomes. ‘Then, too, they would join the other chromosomes at the poles before the daughter nuclei were so nearly formed. (b) Should they be chromosomes (in spite of their differences in size, shape and volume) which never go to the poles, there would be a progressive reduction in the number of chromosomes in the younger cells. Such, however, is not the case. Eight counts in different parts of the growing tip all gave sixteen as the constant chromosome number. (c) They are not likely to be cut off portions of chromosomes, because in this event, the chromosomes in the cells which had undergone division a number of times would probably show a progressive diminution in size. According to Boveri (2) and Hegner (9) such diminution occurs in Ascaris and Miastor, where portions of the chromosomes are cut off at the time when somatic and germ cells are differentiated. In these cases the workers have shown that there is nuclear degeneration attendant on the speciali- zation of the cells. However, nothing of this kind occurs in Chara. A careful comparison of the purely vegetative cells and those that might produce gametes, following the morphology according to Goebel, showed that there was no difference in the comparative size or number of the chromosomes or in the number of chondriomes produced. (d) Unorganized portions of the spireme might form a few such prochondriomes. But there could not be so many unorganized portions as there are prochondriomes in the anaphase and still leave enough material for the full number of chromosomes which are formed. ORIGIN OF THE PROCHONDRIOMES (e) There is only one possibility of the origin of these prochon- driomes which is not confronted with very serious objections. Since they probably are not chromosomes or portions of chromo- 146 RIKER: CHONDRIOMES IN CHARA somes, and do not seem to be unorganized portions of the spireme, they must be chromatin material not included in the spireme. The nucleolus is the most likely container of such material. In the resting stage the refractivespots or granules which may be seen in the nucleolus seem a probable source, because they re- semble the prochondriomes in shape and staining reactions. It is possible that, if the nucleolus contains most of the chromatin which goes to make up the chromosomes, it could contain also the amount necessary to make the prochondriomes. Probably some of the granules of the resting nucleolus fail to pass into the spireme, when it is formed from some of the nucleolar material, and are then caught in the tangle of chromosome movement and carried on to the median plate. There they are left because of some difference between them and the granules of the chromosomes. SUMMARY 1. Chromatic granules (prochondriomes) appear on the central plate in the anaphase of Chara; these do not disintegrate but migrate into the cytoplasm and become chondriomes. 2. These prochondriomes have their origin in the nucleolus. 3. Chondriomes are derived by fission from other chondriomes, but they are also produced as nuclear extrusions. 4. No difference in the prochondriome contents has been observed in the actively growing tip between the purely vegetative cells and those which may produce gametes. 5. The extrusion of these prochondriomes is apparently not connected with nuclear degeneration or differentiation of the germ and vegetative cells. In conclusion the author wishes to acknowledge his obligation to Dr. Harris M. Benedict, of the University of Cincinnati, for his kind supervision during the investigation, to Professor F. O. Grover, of Oberlin College, for helpful suggestions, and also to other friends for the encouragement of their interest. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI LITERATURE CITED 1. Andrews, F.M. Karyokinesis in Magnolia and Liriodendron with special reference to the behavior of the chromosomes. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 11: 132-142. 7 pl. 1001. we uw bi sI co a ° lanl = RIKER: ORIGIN OF CHONDRIOMES IN CHARA 147 Boveri, T. Die Entstehung des Gegensatzes zwischen den Ge- schlechtzellen und den somatischen Zellen bei Ascaris megalo- cephala. Sitzungsb. Ges. Morph. Physiol. Miinchen 8: 114-126. f. 1-6. 1892. . Debski, B. Ba hecheinnea iiber Kerntheilung bei Chara fragilis. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 30: 227-248. pl. 9, 10. 1897. Weitere Beobachtungen iiber Chara fragilis. Ibid. 32: 635-670. pl. r1, 12. 1898. Digby, L. The somatic, premeiotic and meiotic nuclear division of Galtonia candicans. Ann. Bot. 24: 727-759. pl. 59-63. I9I10. Duggar, B. M. On the development of the pollen grain and em- bryo-sac in Bignonia venusta. Bull. Torrey Club 26: 89~105. pl. 352-354. 1899. Gardner, B. Studies on growth and cell division in the root of Vicia Faba. Contrib. Bot. Lab. Univ. Pennsylvania 2: 150-182. pl. 18 + f. 1-3. 1904 . Guilliermond, A. Contribution a l'étude de la fixation du cyto- plasme. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 164: 643-645. 1917. . Hegner, R. W. The history of the germ cells in the paedogenetic larva of Miastor. Science II. 36: 124-126. f. 7. 1912. . Johow, F. Die Zellkerne von Chara foetida. Bot. Zeit. 39: 729-743, 745-753- bl. 7. 1881. . Kaiser, O. Uber Kerntheilungen der Characeen. Jbid. 54: 61-79. pl. 2. 1896. Mirande, M. Sur le chondriome, les chloroplasts, et les corpus- cules nucléo-lavies du protoplasme des Chara. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris 168: 283-286. pl. I. 1917. Mottier, D. M. Nuclear and cell division in Dictyota dichotoma. Ann. Bot. 14: 163-193. pl. rr. 1900. Chondriosomes and the primordia of chloroplasts and leucoplasts. Jbid. 32: 91-114. pl. r. 1918. Robinson, C. B. The Chareae of North America. Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 4: 244-308. 1906. Strasburger, E. Einiges iiber Characeen und Amitose. Wiesner- Festschr. 24-47. pl. 1. 1908. . The nucleolus and nuclear division in the root-apex of Phaseolus. Ann. Bot. 18: 30-55. pl. 5. 1904. 148 RIKER: ORIGIN OF CHONDRIOMES IN CHARA Explanation of plate 3 e figures were drawn with a Bausch and Lomb 1.9 objective and ocular 10° tube length 160 mm., with a camera lucida. The slides, from which the figures were drawn, were stained with Flemming’s triple stain. The magnification is about 1300 diameters. IGS.1,2. Prophase. Th leol it to the f ti f the spireme Fic. 3. Metaphase. The chromosomes are intact and show no sign of Mahite Fic. 4. Telophase. Chromatic granules (prochondriomes) are left on the ate. IG. 5. Late telophase. The prochondriomes still persist during the organi- zation of the chromosomes into prenuclear masses. (The total number of pro- chondriomes in the section is shown.) 1Gs. 6, 7. Late telophase. The prochondriomes migrate into the cytoplasm as the new trait is formed. Notes on Viburnum and the assemblage Caprifoliaceae W. L. McATEE (WITH ONE TEXT FIGURE) For some years the writer collected and studied the plants known as Caprifoliaceae, especially those of the genus Viburnum, with a view of revising at least the American forms of the latter. As realization of this project does not seem likely, a few matters of general interest arising during the investigation are here set forth.* Stellate pubescence in Viburnum.—Although used in American botanical manuals the term stellate is not properly applied to the pubescence in our species of the genus Viburnum. True stellate pubescence, present in some exotic species, consists of trichomes having single points of attachment but which higher up are expanded or branched in a radiate manner. The pubescence of the United States species of Viburnum consists of simple hairs or of groups of such hairs, in the latter case each with its own attach- ment to the epidermis. The proper adjective to apply to these grouped hairs is fasciculate, a term which fits them exactly and which, if not employed in such instances, falls into unfortunate disuse. Since the fasciculation may involve any number from two to some twenty hairs, it is not a very good character to use in keys to the species. Still more unsatisfactory are descriptions of the vestiture in which the misleading modifier ‘‘stellate’’ is used for the denser tufts, as it implies a more fundamental differ- ence than really exists between species which intergrade through every degree of fasciculation of the pubescence. Relationship of Viburnum nudum and Viburnum cassinoides.— The characters of these forms intergrade extensively; the length of peduncle relative to that of cyme and the crenulations of the leaf margin, characters usually cited in keys, are fully connected by individual variations. The following with reference to the leaf * The writer is obliged to Messrs. S. F. Blake and P. C. Standley for reading this paper and for making beneficial suggestions. 149 150 McATEE: VIBURNUM AND THE CAPRIFOLIACEAE margins in these species may be of iriterest. In both, the leaf margin is more or less inrolled and the revolute character is most marked in V. nudum, which is described as having chiefly entire leaves. Viburnum cassinoides is described as generally crenulate- denticulate; however, the manuals note that each species occa- sionally has the leaf form of the other. If the revolute margin of the leaf of V. nudum be unrolled, crenulations are visible; thus, while the leaf really possesses the character supposed to be distinc- tive of V. cassinoides, the rolling in of the margin hides it and gives the leaf the appearance of entirety. The crenulations also are visible in many V. nudum leaves without unrolling them, that is, the margin is only folded back and the crenulations lie flat against the lower surface of the leaf. Both types can be found on a single plant as can also both long and short peduncles. The most reliable character for separating V. nudum and V. cassinoides is the shape of the pit of the fruit. The former has a simple, thin, lenticular pit, the latter an elongate, fusiform and sulcate one. Even these differences are more or less obscured by variations in certain specimens, but extreme southeastern V. nudum seems typi- cal and so do northern specimens of V. cassinoides. Despite general inosculation of characters, therefore, the writer is inclined to rank these two forms as species, which hybridize more or less throughout the extensive common portion of their ranges. Whorled leaves in Caprifoliaceae.—The possession of whorled leaves has a number of times been cited as one of a combination of characters distinguishing the Rubiaceae from the Caprifoliaceae. Seeing that this does not hold, the writer has noted, and in most cases collected, specimens showing verticillate leaves in various Caprifoliaceae. Such leaves are found most frequently on strong root-shoots, and according to the theory elaborated by Dr. R. T. Jackson,* indicate the ancestral condition. Species of Viburnum on which whorled leaves have been seen include: V. Opulus, V. acerifolium (whorled branches also), V. dentatum, V. pubescens, V. Lentago, and V. Lantana. Sambucus canadensis with verticillate leaves has been collected also, as well as the following species of Lonicera: L. japonica, L. tatarica, L. fragrantissima, L. hispidula, and L. thibetica. The last species as seen in the Arnold Arbore- : * Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 5: 89-153. pl. 16-25. April, 1899. McATEE: VIBURNUM AND THE CAPRIFOLIACEAE 151 tum frequently, one might almost say usually, has the leaves in whorls (three’s, sometimes four’s). The structure of plants with opposite leaves readily lends itself to the production of verticils, and as instanced here, the two types of foliation are hardly distinct enough to be given much weight in the major phases of classi- fication. Stipules in the Caprifoliaceae——The most persistent efforts to name characters that will distinguish the Caprifoliaceae from the Rubiaceae have been centered on stipules. It being untrue that the assemblage of plants known as Caprifoliaceae entirely lacks stipules, various niceties of language have been used to indicate a difference where practically none exists. ‘‘ Usually exstipulate,”’ lacking ‘‘true stipules,” and stipules if present adnate to the pet- iole are some of the expressions used. The first statement is more or less true but, demanding qualification, fails as a satisfac- tory character for distinguishing families. With respect to the second it must be said that special students of stipules agree in attributing such organs to the Caprifoliaceae.* Relative to the third definition, I may say that I have before me (gathered Maywood, Virginia, today, July 4, 1920) a piece of Sambucus canadensis with well-developed stipules on the petioles of leaves just beneath inflorescence, one of which when its leaf was stripped off remained adnate to the stem. In a specimen of Viburnum Op- ulus collected in the grounds of the United States Department of Agriculture, May 25, 1920, the stipules} are connected by wings which form a stipular cup completely encircling thestem (see Fic.1). In some Rubiaceae the interpetiolar stipules are reduced to a mere stipular line and stipular lines are present in various caprifoils, notably Sambucus; moreover, what essential difference is there between the shallow cups formed by the interpetiolar stipules in some Rubiaceae and the perfoliate leaves of Triosteum and Lonicera? The idea that true stipules can be distinguished * See an excellent paper on The Nature and Origin of Stipules Ae review of the literature), by A. A. Tyler, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 10: 1-49. pl. 1-3. April} 1897. These stipules are unusually large, and bear glands on their ball; thus sug- ea Similar stipules were collected on the same species in the Washington Monument : —. D..C., May 36, 1910, their likeness to leaves being greater, since they tendency to lobing. : 152 McATEE: VIBURNUM AND THE CAPRIFOLIACEAE from the false by their pertaining to the stem rather than to the petiole appears to take little account of the fact that the petiole itself is a product of the stem and that in so plastic a kingdom as plants the appendages of the petiole and those of the stem from which it springs can not be otherwise than connected by every possible gradation. In the most typically stipulate plants, such as Rosa and Trifolium, the stipules are lobes at the base of the pet- ioles, to which they adhere when the leaves are torn off. Even though they are true stipules they certainly are not adnate to the stem. Allin all, it is certain that the stipules of Caprifoliaceae can Fic. 1. Foliate development of stipules in Viburnum Opulus. not be denied and judging from efforts that have been made, it is useless to seek a wording that will distinguish them in all of their phases from those of the Rubiaceae. Stipules are known in four of the genera (Sambucus, Viburnum, Leycesteria, Lonicera) of Caprifoliaceae, and perfoliate leaves in three (Lonicera, Leyces- teria, Triosteum) ; and if we descend to the criterion of stipular line, as is done to evidence the genuineness of some Rubiaceae, we need exclude no caprifoils except those of the genus Alseuosmia which have alternate leaves. Do the Caprifoliaceae merit family rank?—A rigorous yet en- tirely fair test of the validity of a classificatory group is: If McATEE: VIBURNUM AND THE CAPRIFOLIACEAE 153 merged with its nearest relatives, will it remain a unit? Thus the Cichorieae, sometimes considered a family and sometimes ranged with the Compositae, do not in the latter process become scattered through the tribes of the Compositae but retain their integrity as a group. What happens to the Caprifoliaceae when this test is applied? It immediately becomes apparent that they have no character in common that will hold them together; they run to tribes in all parts of the Rubiaceae, some have one-seeded, others more than one-seeded carpels; some have dry fruits, others berries; some have the ovules suspended from the top of the ovaries, others from the septa. The variety of character with regard to verticillation of the leaves and the presence of stipules has been sufficiently set forth in preceding paragraphs. Some of the effects of this diversity upon their relation to the Rubiaceae are stated by Schumann, as follows: ‘‘The Diervillieae, for instance, have a surprising similarity in flower, fruit, and seed structure to the Cinchoneae; in the last analysis they are differentiated only by the lack of stipules in the former. Certain forms of Lonicereae, which are characterized by stipules (Pentapyxis), incline likewise to the tribe of Rubiaceae with numerous seeds, while some species of Viburnum, which are provided with stipules, harmonize with the Guettardeae.’’* It would appear, therefore, that the Caprifoliaceae can not pass a test which should leave any satisfactory plant family intact, and with all due respect to those most erudite botanists, Bentham and Hooker, it would appear that their statement that the Cap- rifoliaceae are ‘‘a very natural order”’{ was made without sufficient consideration. Schumann appears to be more correct when he says ‘‘The Rubiaceae show the closest relationship to the Cap- rifoliaceae; various groups of them are so intimately related that one can raise no important objection to Baillon’s view that the two families blend into one.” An even stronger statement is made by Fritsch relating to the group upon which he specialized: ‘The Caprifoliaceae are so closely allied to the Rubiaceae that it is impossible to give even one positive differential character for the two families.”"~ It would ” * Engler & Prantl, Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien 44:13. 1897- 7 Genera Plantarum 2:1. 1873. t Engler & Prantl, Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien 4!~5: 160. 1897- 154 McATEE: VIBURNUM AND THE CAPRIFOLIACEAE appear, therefore, that the Caprifoliaceae have been treated as a separate family from the Rubiaceae on chiefly hypothetical grounds. Artificiality is hardly called for in this case since the © number of genera concerned, namely ten, is so small in proportion to the 350 of Rubiaceae that separating them does not significantly decrease the complexity of the larger group. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 1917-1921 The aim of this Index is to include all current botanical literature written by Americans, published in America, or based upon American material ; the word Amer- ica being used in the broadest s Reviews, and papers that ais exclusively to forestry, agriculture, arpa manufactured products of vegetable origin, or laboratory methods are not included, and no attempt is made to index the literature of bacteriology. An occasional ee is made in favor of some paper appearing in an American periodical which is devoted wholly to botany. Reprints are not mentioned unless they differ from the original in Some important particular. If users of the Index will call the attention of the editor to errors or omissions, their kindness will be appreciated. This Index is reprinted monthly on cards, and Some in this form to sub- scribers at the rate of three cents for each card. Selection of cards is not permitted; ach subscriber must take all cards published during eh term of his subscription. Correspondence relating to the card issue should be addressed to the Treasurer of the Torrey Botanical Club. Ames, O. Notes on Philippine orchids—VII. {n Ames, Orchidaceae 6: 273-310. pl. 98-101. 18 O 1920. Ames, O. Orchidaceae. fasc. VI. pp. i-xiv + 1-335. pl. 80-101. Boston, 18 O 1920. Includes papers on The orchids of Mount Kinabalu, British North Borneo and Notes on Philippine orchids VII, here indexed separately. Ames, O., & Schweinfurth, C. The orchids of Mount Kinabalu, British North Borneo. In Ames, Orchidaceae 6: 3-233. pl. 80-97. 18 O 1920. Anderson, J. P. Supplemental list of plants from southeastern Alaska. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 26: 327-331. 1919. Arthur, J.C. Aecidiaceae (cont.). N.Am. FI.7: 337-404. 31 D1920. Arthur, J. C. New species of Uredineae— XII. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 465-480. 29 O 1920. 18 new species and several new coanbiaikions Bailey, C. H., & Gurjar, A.M. Respiration of cereal plants and grains. Jour. Biol. Chem. 44: 5-7. f. 2; 9-12. f. 1; 13-15; 17, 18. O 1920. Bakke, A. L., & Plagge, H. H. Studies upon the absorption and germination of wheat treated with formaldehyde. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 26: 365-375. f. 96, 97. 1919. 155 156 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Barnhart, J. H. The so-called generic names of Ehrhart’s Phytophy- lacium. Rhodora 22: 180-182. 14 Jan 1921. Berry, E. W. Contributions to the Mesozoic flora of the Atlantic coastal plain, XIII. North Carolina. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 397-406 f. z, 2. 19 O 1920. Includes 3 new species. Brown, W. H. Wild food plants of the Philippines. Philipp. Bur. For. Bull. 21: 1-165. f. 1-8z. 1920. Burt, E. A. The Thelephoraceae of North America— XII. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 7: 81-248. pl. 2-6 + f. 1-48. 8 D 1920. Includes 10 new species in Stereum. Clute, W. N. Plant names and their meanings. Am. Bot. 26: 2-10; 57-61; 90-94; 116-124. 1920. Conard, H. S., & Thomas, W. A. Measurements of wood fiber. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 26: 333-335. 1919. Cook, M. T. Report of the department of plant paid New Jersey Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rep. 40: 523-535. pl. 1-6. 1920. Contains list of plant dise Cratty, R. I. The genus EA in Iowa. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 26: 239-248. f. 83. 1919. Cratty, R. I. Ranunculus Purshii in Iowa. Rhodora 22: 183. 14 Ja 1921. Curtis, O. F. The upward translocation of foods in woody plants. II. Is there normally an upward transfer of storage foods from the roots or trunk to the growing shoots? Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 286-295. 6 Au 1920. Davis, W. H. Mammoth clover rust. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 26: 249-258. f. 84-90. 1919. Deam, C. C. Plants new to Indiana—VIII. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1918: 144-150. 19109. Detwiler, S. M. Safeguarding the white pine crop. Am. For. 27: J-32.. Ja 192%; Ensign, E. Rosa pratincola Greene. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 26: 303- 310. 1919. Fernald, M. L., & Wiegand, K. M. Studies of some boreal American cerastiums of the section Orthodon. Rhodora 22: 169-179. 14 Ja Includes Ci tium t movae sp. nov. Fitzpatrick, T. J. The | fern flora of Nebraska. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 26: 311-326. 1919. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 15a Gustafson, F. G. Comparative studies on respiration— XI. The effect of hydrogen ion concentration on the respiration of Penzcil- lium chrysogenum. Jour. Gen. Physiol. 2: 617-626. 20 Jl 1920. Gustafson, F. G. Comparative studies on respiration— XII. A com- parison of the production of carbon dioxide by Penicillium and by a solution of dextrose and hydrogen peroxide: Jour. Gen. Physiol. 3: 35-39. f. 152. 20S 1920. Haupt, A.W. Gametophyte and sex organs of Reboulia hemisphaerica. Bot. Gaz. 71: 61-74. f. I-21. 20 Ja 1921. Hervey, E. W. A rare variety of Vitis labrusca. Rhodora 22: 183, 184. 14 Ja 1921. House, H. D. Wild flowers of New York. New York State Museum Mem. 15: 9-362. pl. 1-264 +f. I-35. 1919. Printed in 2 parts. Hoyt, W.D. Marine algae of Beaufort, Nforth] C[arolina], and adjacent regions. Bull. U. S. Bur. Fish. 36: 368-556 + iv. pl. 84-118 +f. I-47. 30 D 1920. Includes new species in Streblonema (1) and Nitophyllum. (x). Jeffrey, E. C., & Torrey, R. E. Physiological and morphological correlations in herbaceous angiosperms. Bot. Gaz. 71: I-3I. pl. 1-7 +f. 1-4. 20 Ja 1921. Kelley, W. P., & Cummins, A. B. Composition of normal and mottled citrus leaves. Jour. Agric. Research 20: 161-191. 1 N 1920. Krianzlin, F. Orchidaceae ssa Americanae. Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk. Naturh. Forening 71: Includes new American species in Prerotai (2), Restrepia (1), Sobralia (1) Macradenia (1), Warmingia (1), Habenar Kudo, R. Studies on ieee Illinois Biol. Monog. 5, No. 3, 4: 1-265. pl. 1-25 +f. 1, 2. 31 D 1920. A synopsis of genera and species of Myxosporidia. Ladbrook, J. A new species of Coupoui. Jour. Bot. 58: 176. 177. Jl 1920 Coupout eis from Guiana. Lamb, G. N. American grown cork. Am. For. 27: 15, 16. Ja 1921. Leachman, J. C. Indian uses of kelp. Sci. Am. Mo. 3: 137-140. F 1921. Lillie, R.S. The place of life in nature. Sci. Am. Mo. 3: 112-117. F 1921. Lloyd, C. G. Mycological notes 64: 985-1029. f. 1748-1859 + 3 portraits. S 1920. Includes translation of article by C. Torrend: The Polyporaceae of Brazil. 158 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE a oe aca aieea laws in regeneration. Jour. Gen. Physiol. 7-307. J. 1-4; 651-657. f., 1-3. 20 Jl 1920. sisha Siocgksiok calycinum Salisb. Mazza, A. Saggio di algologia oceanica. Nuova~ Notarisia 28: 70-110; 176-239. 1917; 20: 1-34; 57-112. 1918. Mazza, A. Aggiunte al saggio di algologia oceanica. Nuova Notarisia 30: I-62. 1919; 31: I-64; 93-160. 1920. Munns, E. R. High ata shania and eucalypts. Jour. For. 19: 25-33. Ja 1921. Nash, G. V. Hardy woody plants in the New York Botanical Garden. Jour. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 21: 74-77; 119-124. 1920. Noriega, J.M. Las plantas Mexicanas (cont.). Bol. Dir. Estud. Biol. 2: 122-161. f. 1837. Ja 1917. Ostenfeld, C. H. A list of arctic Caryophyllaceae. Meddel. Grén- land 37: 223-227. 1920. Includes several new combinations. Pack, D. A. After-ripening and germination of eter seeds. Bot. Gaz. 71: 32-60. f. 1. 20 Ja 1921. Pammel, L. H. The Saebersy in Iowa and adjacent states. Proc. lowa Acad. Sci. 26: 193-237. f. 52-82. 191 Pammel, L. H. The relation of native grasses to Puccinia graminis in the region of Iowa, western Illinois, Wisconsin, southern Minne- sota, and eastern South Dakota. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 26: 163-192. f. 4I-§1. 1919. : Peck, M. E. Study of a section of ian coast flora. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 26: 337-362. 19109. Reinking, O. A. Higher Basidiomycetes from the Philippines and their hosts—III. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 16: 527-537. My 1920. [H. H. Rusby]. New botanical drugs sought. Pharm. Era 53: 321-324. N 1920. Rydberg, P. A. Notes on Rosaceae—XII. Roses of northeastern North America. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 45-66. 10 Mr 1920. Rydberg, P. A. Phytogeographical notes on the Rocky Mountain region—IX. Wooded formations of the Montane Zone of the , Southern Rockies. Bull. Torrey Club 47: 441-454. 200 1920. Sawyer, M. L. Hybridization in Iris. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 26: 363, 364. 1919. Schufeldt, R. W. Tramps through the Southern States—II. Am. For. 26: 540-547. S 1920. [Illust.] VOLUME 48, PLATE 3 BULL. TORREY CLUB CHONDRIOMES IN CHARA . RIKER Vol. 48 No. 6 BULLETIN OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB JUNE, 1921 Notes on Rosaceae—XIII Per AXEL RYDBERG ROSES OF THE COLUMBIA REGION In this region I here include the states of Oregon and Washing- ton, together with British Columbia and northern Idaho. Most important are the roses of the Cascade Mountains. In the north- ern part many of the species of the Rocky Mountains have in- vaded the region, not only on the western slopes of the Rockies but also in the Cascades; in the Siskiyou Mountains of southwest- ern Oregon there are also found some Californian species; and in eastern Oregon some of those belonging to the Great Basin are found. Since my revision in the North American Flora we have received in exchange a collection from British Columbia, from the Geological Survey of Canada; and Professor J. K. Henry of the University at Vancouver has sent in another collection for determination. Also, I have seen collections from southeastern Oregon made by Miss Eastwood and Dr. Rehder for the Arnold Arboretum. Key to the groups of species Styles much exserted, about equaling the stamens; stipules adnate; sepals reflexed, deciduous: styles united; stem climbing, with curved prickles. I, SYNSTYLAE. £ :. i= Styles not exserted, or only slight! & closing the mouth of the S csasicliun: Pistils numerous; styles as well as the upper part of the hypanthium persistent. {The Balletin for May (48: 141-158. pl. 3) was issued May 25, 192t1.] 159 160 RYDBERG: NOTES ON ROSACEAE Stem climbing, with scattered prickles, rarely with intermixed bristles; sepals more or less lobed; foliage glandular-punctate, sweet-scented. II. CANINAE, Stem not climbing, at least the young shoots bristly; prickles infra-stipular or lacking; sepals entire or the outer sometimes with one or two lobes; foliage not very sweet-scented. III. CINNAMOMEAE. Pistils few; styles deciduous with the ond part of the hypanthium, which falls off like a rin: IV. GYMNOCARPAE. I. SYNSTYLAE Stipules pectinately lobed and glandular-ciliate; corymb many-fiowered. 1. R. multifiora. Stipules merely serrate; corymb one- to few-flowered. 2. R. arvensis. I. ROSA MULTIFLORA Thunb. See my notes in the preceding paper of this series.* The species has been reported as a ballast plant at one station in Washington. 2. ROSA ARVENSIS Huds. The following specimens were sent to me by J. C. Nelson, principal of the high school at Salem, Oregon, for determination. In the accompanying letter Mr. Nelson wrote among other things: “He [the collector] reports this form as common in the vicinity of Vancouver [Washington], apparently fully spontaneous. The - flowers were always single, and the petals of a wonderful shade of pearly white.”’” The specimens apparently belong to the so-called Ayrshire Rose, which is by some regarded as a form of R. arvensis, by others as a hybrid of the same. The leaflets are larger and more pointed and the sepals more inclined to be lobed than in the wild English form of that species. WASHINGTON: Vancouver, R. V. Bradshaw 1053. II. CANINAE Leaflets suborbicular or broadly oval , mostly rounded at the | apex; hypanthium in fruit obovoid or broadly ellipsoid, abruptly contracted at the apex; sepals tardily deciduous or persistent. Leaflets ovate or oval, acute or short-acuminat in fruit narrowly ellipsoid, tapering at both. th ends sitet early deciduous; styles glabrous or nearly * Bull. Torrey Club 47: 47. 1920. 3. R. rubiginosa. 4. R. micrantha, RYDBERG: NOTES ON ROSACEAE 161 3. ROSA RUBIGINOSA L. The European sweet brier, often cultivated, has established itself at several places in Oregon and Washington. It is very variable and the naturalized specimens show also much variation. One of these many forms, which is rather more glandular than usual, was mistaken for a native species and published by Dr. E. L. Greene as new, under the name R. Walpoleana. The author placed it in the GYMNOCARPAE, a group to which it has no relation. 4. ROSA MICRANTHA Borrer See Bull. Torrey Club 47: 49. 1920. This species also is naturalized in Oregon and Washington. III. CINNAMOMIAE Infra-stipular prickles not present; branches unarmed or istly, not. prickly. Stem densely bristly even in age; flowers solitar Hypanthium decidedly pear-shaped or ae tenet acute se, with a distinct neck at the top. Sepals rarely more than 1 cm. long; bark yellowish ee 5. R. collaris. green. ine) 2-3 cm. long; bark brown. lets obovate, sparingly hairy beneath. . R. Butleri. ia lets Maer densely pubescent beneath. 7. R. acicularis. Hypanthium subglobose, almost without a neck. 8. R. Bourgeauiana, Stem unarmed or tl n young covered with more or less deciduous bristles; flowers corymbose Fruit ellipsoid; leaflets serrate. 32. R. Pringlei. Fruit subglobose; leaflets crenate. 9. R. anacantha. Infra-stipular prickles present. Flowers mostly solitary; petals usually 2.5 cm. long or (except in No. 11); hypanthium in fruit 12-20 m. thick. pean oe or nearly so. Hypanthium densely stent: 10. R. MacDougalii. OS not prickly or rarely slightly so. ; eaflets more or less double-toothed, more or ular-granuliferous beneath; stip- pirate “= —_ ceena Di bristly but hypan- thium glabrous; leaflets oval, rarely 2 cm. . Yainacensis. 5 3 ® Mo) 5 o 13°) a 5s) a ee. a a ~ wn 7 2 . i=] , 9Q Lon! - fe) Pedicels and calyx not bristly, sometimes slightly shiatuk Weck Leaves very thin, pale and slightly glandular-puberulent, but not muri- culate beneath Leaves thicker, dark green on both sides, conspicuously glandular-muricate be- neath. Leaflets simple-toothed, puberulent beneath, ut not glandular-granuliferous or -muricate; is rarely glandu rac Prickles more or less curved. Prickles shed large, sea pubescent; twigs densely and pubescent. landul: Prickles snd posi $8, not conspicuously flat Pisa not conspicuously glandular, coe ee bro Sepals not pre -hispid; long, not thed leaflets 2-4 cm. conspicuously glandular double- Sepals conspicuously glandular-hispid; leaflets I-2 cm. long. conspicuously glandular double- toothed. Flowers mostly corymbose, if solitary the petals 2 cm. long or less; fruit rarely more than 1 cm. in diameter. Prickles more or less curved. Leaflets softly villous beneath; prickles stout, flattened; hypanthium with a aflets finely puberulent and som at gl lar-pruinose beneath; prickles not flattened; hypanthium without a distinct neck. Leaflets with nA teeth, not copiously glandular-pruinose beneath. Leaflets with a gland-tipped teeth, con- spicuously glandular-puberulent beneath. Prickles straight cr nearly so. Hypanthium normally aia prickly or bristly. H ypanthi globose; neck usually obsolete. Sepals lanceolate, with long, caudate- attenuate or sometimes foliaceous 3 more than Icom, | ies andular-pruinose or muricula h. neath. Leaflets orbicular or rounded oval. _ Leaflets oblong to oval. Stipules, petiole, and rachis not glan- ular or the stipules slightly glan- dular-dentate. RYDBERG: NOTES ON ROSACEAE . Nutkana. . muriculata. . Spaldingii. - Durandii. . columbiana, myriadenia, californica. puberuienta. . delitescens. 14, Ke; ncaprlaeeesgge 22. R. Fendl RYDBERG: NOTES ON ROSACEAE Leaflets glabrous or nearly so. Leaflets broadly oval, 3-5 cm. long. Leaflets obovate or elliptic, rarely 3 cm. long. Leaflets more or less pubescent be- neath. Leaflets villous or as beneath, ounded or broadly oval. oe finely ican be- neath Leaves chovate, more or less le or glaucous beneath; prickics amannier Ser long, ‘short asc Sepals decidedly glandular; i t g g not glandular, or slightly so on the mar- gins; leaflets rather thick. Sepals ovate, less than 1 cm. long, not con- . 1 3 1 41.4 2 1 rs +h j puberulent beneath. Hypanthium elongate with a distinct neck; leaves finely puberulent beneath. , Leaflets light green, coar wih toothed; hy- Leaflets dark green above ly toothed; hypanthium in fruit ‘ilines Plant unarmed or nearly so; zits I mm. broad. Plant with slender prickles; fruit 6-8 mm. broad. Hypanthium densely bristly or prickly; leaflets orbicular in outline Leaflets subsessile. Leaflets with petiolules, 1-4 mm. long. 5. Rosa coLLaris Rydberg at. KR: R. age 163 rivalis. Woodsit, myriantha. . Macounii. pisocarpa. ullramontana. Covillei. pyrifera. . Pringlet. Eastwoodiae. Spithamea, carpa The following specimens are doubtfully referred to this species: WasuHIncTOoN: Fort Colville, 1880, S. Watson 123. 164 RypBERG: NOTES ON ROSACEAE 6. RosA BuTLERI Rydberg This species belongs to the Rocky Mountain region and was originally described from northwestern Montana. The following specimens from British Columbia are referred here: BritTisH COLUMBIA: Camloops, May 24, 1912, A. Thorpe. 7. ROSA ACICULARIS Lindl. See Bull. Torrey Club. 47: 56. 1920. This is a common species throughout the northern Rockies and the Cascade Mo un- tains. 8. RosA BoURGEAUIANA Crépin See notes in Bull. Torrey Club 47:57. 1920. Inthe Columbia region, this species has been found only north of the Canadian boundary. British CoLuMBIA: Okanogan Landing, Golden, Pense; Skeena River, J. K. Henry. 9. RoSA ANACANTHA Greene This species is related to the eastern R. blanda, but differs in the crenate instead of serrate leaflets and the smaller fruit. It is known only from the type locality, in salt marshes near Tacoma, Washington. 10. RosA MacDouGatit Holz. This is regarded by many as a form of R. Nutkana. It differs not only in the hispid fruit but also in the fact that the teeth of the leaflets are seldom double as they are in R. Nutkana and the leaflets are rarely glandular-granuliferous. Neither could it be referred as a form of R. Spaldingii, for in the latter the leaflets are pubescent beneath. The following specimens belong here: Ipano: Landing-Cuprum road 1901, Cusick 2533, 2352; Farmington Landing, 1892, Sandberg, MacDougal & Heller 572, Heller 3256. OREGON: Rye River Valley, Leiberg 4410. WasHINGTON: Pullman, 1896, Elmer 72, 74. 11. ROSA YAINACENSis Greene Until lately this species was known only from the type locality. The habit, long prickles, and large fruit suggest R. Nutkana, but RYDBERG: NOTES ON ROSACEAE 165 it is unique in the group on account of its densely glandular- bristly pedicels. It evidently is a good species unless of hybrid origin. It might have been produced by R. Nutkana and R. gymnocarpa. OREGON: Yainax Indian Reservation, Mrs. Austin. CALIFORNIA: Crescent City, Del Norte County, 1912, Eastwood 2270. 12. RosA NuTKANA Presl Although an easily distinguished species (except from the two next following species), it has been mistaken for R. fraxinifolia (i.e. R. blanda) and R. Woodsii. It has also been named R. caryo- carpa Dougl. and R. Lyalliana Crépin; but these names have not been published, except in synonymy. 13. ROSA MURICULATA Greene This is closely related to R. Nutkana and is perhaps not distinct. It differs in the thicker and smaller leaves, densely glandular- muricate beneath, and in the often corymbose inflorescence. As it is more common on the Vancouver Island than the pre- ceding species, there may be a possibility that it is the original R. Nutkana Presl. In such a case the plant known as that species would be without a published name. 14. Rosa SPALDINGII Crépin This has been confused with R. Nutkana but differs in the simple-toothed leaflets, which are decidedly pubescent but scarcely at all glandular-granuliferous beneath. Dr. Watson merged it in R. Nutkana, and this fact probably influenced Crépin to withdraw his species. The plant had been recognized before: Borrer in Hooker’s Flora included it in R. cinnamomea, which it approaches more than any other American species does, differing principally in the longer and straight prickles; Nuttall recognized it as a species, R. megacarpa, but this name was published only as a synonym in Torrey & Gray’s Flora; in the meantime Rafinesque had published it as R. macrocarpa Nutt. It is common through the northern Rockies as well as the Cascades. 166 RYDBERG: NOTES ON ROSACEAE 15. RosA Duranpii Crépin This was based on EF. Hall 146, which was referred to Rosa kamtschatica by Dr. Gray. Dr. Watson in his monograph reduced it toa synonym of R. Nutkana. Crépin, probably influenced by Watson’s treatment, later retracted his species. In my opinion R. Durandii is perfectly distinct from R. Nutkana. The leaves are thicker, more hairy than in that species, and rarely double- toothed; the prickles are not like those of R. Nutkana, but curved, short, strongly flattened and pubescent. As long as only Hall’s specimens were known, the specimens might have been regarded as freaks, but specimens almost exactly like these have since been collected. OrEGON: E. Hall 146; Brownville, 1895, Canby; near Spring- field, Coville & Applegate 1076. British CoLuMBiA. Queen Charlotte’s Island, Dawson 8144 (?). | Ipano: Lower Priest River, Leiberg 2883. This specimen is very peculiar, nearly unarmed, but with the pubescence of the leaves and twigs of R. Durandit. 16. RosA COLUMBIANA Rydberg This also is related to R. Nutkana but differs in the strongly curved prickles. It is a rather local plant, the following specimens belonging here: IpaHo: Little Potlatch River, 1892, Sandberg, MacDougal & Heller 381; Kooteney County, Sandberg. OREGON: Forest Grove, 1893 and 1894, Lloyd. 17. ROSA MYRIADENIA Greene This species has the habit, toothing, and glandular pubescence of R. muriculata, but the leaflets are smaller and the prickles are decidedly curved; these characters would place it in the key next to R. columbiana. From this it differs in the smaller and more pubescent leaves. It is known only from the type locality, Huckleberry Mountains, Jackson County, Oregon. 18. ROSA CALIFORNICA Cham. & Schlecht. This Californian species has been collected in the extreme southern part of Oregon. RYDBERG: NOTES ON ROSACEAE 167 19. ROSA PUBERULENTA Rydberg This species belongs to the Great Basin and is related to R. arizonica and R. neomexicana. The following specimens are referred here, though somewhat doubtfully : WASHINGTON: Wilson Creek, Sandberg & Leiberg; Rattlesnake Mountains, Cotton 460. OREGON: Antelope Creek, Applegate 23099; Cold Spring, Coville & Applegate 1122; Wallowa, Samson & Pearson 78. 20. ROSA DELITESCENS Greene This is related to R. californica but characterized by the double-serrate leaflets, glandular-pruinose beneath and with gland- tipped teeth, and by the subglobose fruit. It is known only from the type locality in the Siskiyou Mountains, Oregon. 21. Rosa RivALIs Eastwood This species belongs to the Californian flora (see notes, Bull. Torrey Club 44: 74. 1917) but the following specimen has been collected in Oregon: OREGON: Cold Spring, Crook County, 1898, Coville & A pple- gate 131. 22. RosA FENDLERI Crépin 23. Rosa Woopsir Lindl. 24. Rosa Macounri Greene These three species belong to the Rocky Mountain region but extend west into the Cascade Mountains. They will be treated in a subsequent paper. 25. ROSA MYRIANTHA Carr. This is primarily a Californian rose (see notes, Bull. Torrey Club 44: 75, 76. 1917), but the following specimens belong here: OREGON: Barlow Gate, Lloyd; lower Albina, Portland, Sheldon 10659; Wimmer, Hammond IIQ, in part. 26. RosA PISOCARPA A. Gray 27. ROSA ULTRAMONTANA (S. Wats.) Heller These two species have been treated previously, under the Roses of California and Nevada (see Bull. Torrey Club 44: 77, 78. 1917). Though the former has its best development in the 168 RYDBERG: NOTES ON ROSACEAE Columbia region, especially west of the Cascades and the latter in the northern ‘part of the Great Basin, which includes eastern Oregon, both extend north into British Columbia. 28. Rosa CoviLLer Greene This species and R. Bolanderi are characterized among the cinnamon roses by the short ovate, short-acuminate sepals. R. Covillet is known only from the type locality, near Naylor, Klamath County, Oregon. 29. ROSA SPITHAMAEA S. Wats. This species of northern California has been collected at one locality in the Columbia region :— OREGON: Wimmer, Hammond 120. 30. ROSA ADENOCARPA Greene Notwithstanding Dr. Greene’s remark, “despite all its peculiar characteristics, a genuine member of this gymnocarpa group,”’ I am compelled to exclude it. The upper part of the hypanthium and calyx show no sign of being deciduous, the sepals are not those short ones of the R. gymnocarpa allies, and the hypanthium is bristly. These characters and the dwarf herbaceous stems indi- cate that the plant is related to R. spithamaea, where I have placed it. It is known only from the type locality, Mt. Gray- back, southwestern Oregon. 31. ROSA PYRIFERA Rydberg This species is related on one hand to R. Macounii and on the other to R. ultramontana and R. pisicarpa, but differs from them all in the pear-shaped hypanthium, which has a more distinct neck. It is common in the northern Rockies, but the following specimens are from the Columbia region : — WASHINGTON: Clarks Spring, Kraeger 47. OREGON: Powder River Mountains, 1896, Piper; Horse Creek Canyon, Sheldon 8138; Thompson Creek, Brown 86; Ashland, Walpole 375; Tygh Valley, Walpole 336; Cow Creek, Coville 1162; Blue Mountains, Cusick 1697. RYDBERG: NOTES ON ROSACEAE 169 32. RosA PRINGLEI Rydberg See notes, Bull. Torrey Club 44: 79. 1917. The following specimens are from the region: OREGON: Wallowa River, 1897, Sheldon 8687 (?). WASHINGTON: Klickitat County, 1885, Suksdorf. British CoLtumBiA: Armstrong Pass, 1912, E. Wilson; Elgin, Miss Edstrom. 33. Rosa EastwoopiAE Rydberg This is related to R. Pringlei but the plant has smaller leaves, smaller flowers and fruit, and is usually prickly. The fruit is only 6-8 mm. in diameter. To this belong: — CALIFORNIA: Sisson, Siskiyou County, 1912, Eastwood 2100, mainly. OREGON: Waldo, Josephine County, 1912, Eastwood 2168. IV. GYMNOCARPAE Leaves glabrous beneath. Flowers mostly 2-4 together, leafy-bracted; nce stipules san! dilated; leaflets with broadly ovate teeth, in- istinctly reticulate beneath; fruit 6-8 mm. Ne 37. R. dasypoda. lowers usually solitary, not leafy-bracted; stipules nar- ow; leaflets with lanceolate or ovate lanceolate teeth; fruit 6 mm. in diameter or less Leaves not very thin, pale and indistinctly reticulate beneath; sepals 1-1.5 cm. long. 35. R. leucopsis. Leaves very thin, scarcely paler on the lower surface, which is distinctly reticulate wah semi-pellucid veinlets; sepals less t Leaflets 5-7, usually more than 1.5 cm. ines teeth ovate-lanceolate in outline; terminal leaflet . R. gymnocarpa. Ww a usually rounded at the Leaflets 7-9, usually less than 1.5 cm. long, the terminal one usually acute or cuneate at base; teeth lanceolate in outline. . R. prionota. Leaves pubescent beneath. 38. R. Bridgesit. wy an 34. RosA GYMNOCAPRA Nutt. This species is one of the most common roses in the Columbia region (see my notes, Bull. Torrey Club 44: 82. 1917). As stated there Dr. Greene described twelve species belonging to the group and some of these will be discussed here. Rosa glaucodermis Greene. Dr. Greene pays especial attention 170 RYDBERG: NoTEs ON ROSACEAE to the ashy gray bark and the petioluled leaflets, characters which I think are not distinctive. In the typical R. gymnocarpa the bark is often light in color on old stems, and many specimens from the range of the typical R. gymnocarpa have more or less petioluled leaflets, such as Jones 1088 and R. S. Williams 876 from Montana, Sheldon 8521 from Oregon, and Allen 72 from Washing- ton. I therefore regard this as a synonym of R. gymnocarpa. Rosa abietorum Greene, I take as an unusually bristly R. gymnocarpa. I have been unable to find any constant character. Rosa amplifolia Greene. I have not been able to distinguish this from R. gymnocarpa. Dr. Greene’s remarks, ‘‘the leaves are so very large and have so much the color, texture and pattern of R. acicularis, that but for the small solitary flowers this would have passed readily with many for that species,” are at least con- fusing. R. acicularis has rather thick, elliptic leaflets, decidedly pubescent beneath. Dr. Greene must have had an erroneous idea of R. acicularis. 35. RosA LEuUCOPsis Greene This is so close to R. gymnocarpa that I hesitated to admit it as a species. In R. gymnocarpa and R. prionota the leaflets are very thin and reticulate with semi-pellucid veins. In R. leucopsis the leaves are not so thin and the veins are faint and not at all pellucid. Otherwise the three plants are very similar. The species was described from fruiting material; the plant becomes paler in age. ; Rosa Helleri Greene is evidently the same plant in flowers and shows only slight variation from the type of R. leucopsis, The Idaho specimens are mostly like those of the type of R. Helleri, but two numbers of Sandberg, MacDougal & Heller are almost identical with the type of R. leucopsis. 36. Rosa PRIONOTA Greene This has been discussed before (see Bull. Torrey Club 44: 32. 1917). , Rosa piscatoria Greene I regard as an ey strong and bristly plant of R. prionota. Rosa apiculata Greene was so named on account of the form RYDBERG: NOTES ON ROSACEAE 171 of the fruit, ‘‘which is elongated, fully twice as long as broad, ending in a narrow necklike apiculation.” The type sheet bears eight fruits. Of these only four are twice as long as broad, three are ellipsoid, but not as long, and one is nearly globose, slightly pear-shaped; four of them (three of the longer and one of the short-ellipsoid ones) have a conspicuous neck; one of the short- ellipsoid ones has no neck and the other three a short one. Miss Cooley’s specimens from Vancouver Island, which from the locality should belong to this species and which agree with it in all respects except the fruit, has three fruits. One of these is elongated- ellipsoid, one somewhat pear-shaped and one subglobose; all with obsolete neck. They cannot be distinguished from R. prionota. To R. prionota belongs the following specimens from the Columbia region: WASHINGTON: Whiddley Island, Saunders (type of R. apicu- lata). BritisH CoLuMBiA: Nanaino, Miss Cooley. 36. ROSA DASYPODA Greene See notes, Bull. Torrey Club 44: 83. 1918. To this species belong the following specimens: OrEGON: Wallowa County, Sheldon 8815 and several other numbers; Siskiyou Mountains, Applegate 2251; without locality, E. Hall 143; Toledo Canyon, Rusby; Wimmer, Hammond 117. WaAsHINGTON: Chehalis County, Heller 3897. BritisH Cotumsta: Chilliwack Valley, Macoun 79841, 24748; between Kettle and Columbia River, Macoun 64008, 64007; Esquimalt, Macoun 79840. 37. Rosa BripGesit Crépin See Bull. Torrey Club 44: 83. 1917. To this species belong the following: — OREGON: between Union Creek and Whiskey Creek, A pplegate 2622; Huckleberry Mountains, Coville 1434. HYBRIDS The following hybrids have been recorded from this region: — RosA ACICULARIS X FENDLERI BritisH CoLumMBIA: Golden, J. K. Henry. 172 RYDBERG: NOTES ON ROSACEAE RoOsA ACICULARIS X MURICULATA British CoLtumBia: Narramantha, Lake Okanogan, J. K. Henry. Rosa BOURGEAUIANA X MURICATA British CoLumBiA: Hazelton, Skeena River 1915, J. K. Henry. ROSA GYMNOCARPA X NUTKANA British CoLumsi<: Crescent 1915, J. K. Henry. Rosa NUTKANA X PISOCARPA BritisH CoLuMBIA: Savannas, 1892, F. E. Lloyd. ROSA PISOCARPA X SPALDINGII EASTERN OREGON: 1900, Cusick 2418. ROSA GYMNOCARPA X PISOCARPA ~ OREGON: Siskiyou Mountains, 1904, Render. ROSA GYMNOCARPA X MURICULATA British CotumBiA: Cameron Lake, Vancouver Island, 1912, J. K. Henry. ROSA GYMNOCARPA X WoopsiI British CoLumsiA: Skeena River 1915, J. K. Henry. New York BoTanicaL GARDEN On the gross structure of an agar gel CorNELIA LEE CAREY (WITH FOUR TEXT FIGURES) In connection with some other work on the behavior of agar gels a peculiar appearance was noticed in certain dried strips of agar which had been swollen in water. In these cases the swollen gels, when removed from the water, would exude a considerable amount of the adsorbed liquid under slight pressure. This led to an examination under the microscope, where it was found that the gel had a decided lamellated structure. Later it was noticed that these lamellations were visible to the naked eye and could be seen when light was reflected upon the cut surface. It seemed - of interest to investigate some of the causes influencing the formation of this structure, and the relation its appearance might bear to the concentration of the gel. A brief notice of this phenomenon has already been published in D. T. MacDougal’s recent contribution on hydration and growth* from data supplied by the writer. The method of preparing the agar was that used by Mac- Dougal and described by him in this paper, except that silk was used to cast the agar upon instead of filter paper, as the former could be more easily removed from the agar than the latter. Prepared in this way, the gels were at first allowed to stand over night in the room, and then dried at a temperature of about 70° C. It was found, however, that this first slower drying in the room had no effect on the structure, as gels put immediately into the dryer as soon as set had the same appearance. It is, of course, to be understood that the lamellations did not appear until the dried gel had been again swollen in water. In order to ascertain whether the tension due to the drying on the silk had anything to do with the structure of the gel, a 2.5 per cent gel was cast as usual, but instead of being stretched on a frame it was cut. into strips as soon as set. Some of these were * Hydration and growth. Carnegie Inst. Washington Pub. No. 297, 1920. : 173 174 CAREY: GROSS STRUCTURE OF AN AGAR GEL hung up in the drier; others laid horizontally on the trays in the same at temperatures of about 43° C. and 70° C. Both of these showed the characteristic structure on swelling. Similar gels were dried at room temperature, 21-25° C., both stretched on frames and cut into strips. Some of the latter were either sus- pended or laid horizontally across supports. None of these showed any structure at all when soaked in water and sectioned, but were homogeneous throughout. A few of the gels dried at room temperature showed slight lamellations in places on the under side of the gel near the silk, but this was not so in all cases. It is apparent from the above, that the temperature and therefore perhaps the speed of drying may be an important factor in pro- ducing this lamellated structure. Gels of varying per cents of agar content were employed for this work, from 0.5—-10 per cent. They all showed structure when dried at 70° C. A 0.25 per cent gel was tried but was too weak to set at room temperature. The following concentrations of gels, expressed in per cent content of dry powdered agar, were used: 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1-5, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 7-5, 8, and 10 per cent. The 4 per cent gel was used to determine the point at which structure appeared as loss of water proceeded. It seems probable that this structure must form when a certain water concentration is reached in the drying of the gel. In order to ascertain at about what concentration the formation of struc- ture began and was complete, a 4 per cent agar gel was made and, when set, cut into pieces four by two and a half inches. Each piece was placed between a pair of tin frames which were held together by two elastic bands. Each frame had two holes in it one by one and a half inches. The whole apparatus with the agar was then put in the drier, for varying lengths of time, at a temperature of about 90° C. It was turned over at short inter- vals so that loss of water would be equalized on the two sides. The slices did not split during the process and were removed very easily from the frames. A portion of the pieces was cut off and put into distilled water; the other part weighed, put back into the drier and finally dried to constant weight in a calcium chloride desiccator. The part put into the water was sectioned after about twenty-four hours to see if there was any structure present. CAREY: GROSS STRUCTURE OF AN AGAR GEL PER CENT BY WEIGHT OF staal AND AGAR STRU TABLE I UCTURE PRESEN 175 IN A _ PER CENT AGAR GEL WHEN NO Weise of gel when oved trom pe ped in grams Final weight of gelin grams a 1aak 194 PER CENT BY WEIGHT OF Weight of water in piece when re- moved from drier TABLE II UCTURE BE Per cent of water to total weight Per cent of agar to total weight WATER AND AGAR IN A 4 PER CENT AGAR GEL WHEN STR GINS Weight of gel when removed ae drier in gram: Final weight of gel in grams Weight of water fe gel when Sen oved from dri TABLE III Per cent of water to total weight Per cent of agar ‘to total weight PER CENT BY WEIGHT OF WATER AND AGAR IN A 4 PER CENI AGAR GEL WHEN STRUC- E IS COMPLETE Weight of gel when rem from Final weight of — grams gel in grams 0.306 0.235 245 -165 -322 3223 -289 .203 .202 .225 -268 +225 .234 .209 1235 Be -209 .196 +264 -195 -210 .206 -279 -199 +241 .219 sant .201 327 .211 -306 aia +257 77 +357 +219 .210 -206 235 -178 Weight of water in gel when a. moved from dri .071 Per cent of water to total weight Per cent of to total welgnt 176 CAREY: GROSS STRUCTURE OF AN AGAR GEL From the larger piece, which was dried to constant weight, the per cent of water in the gel at the given time was obtained. This gave a fairly accurate estimate of the relation of water content to structure but cannot be regarded as strictly quantitative, as the electric heater did not give a wholly uniform temperature over all the drier so that when the time factor is constant a slight difference in the position of the strips when in the oven might vary the concentrations in them. The tables on page 175 show the per cent by weight of water and agar in the gels: (@) when there was no structure present; (6) when it first began to appear; and (c) when the structure was complete. From comparison of TABLEs I and II it will be seen that the critical point for structure formation lies between about g2 per cent and 92.5 per cent water content. This, however, is not the uniform concentration throughout the piece, since the surface would of course lose water first and the water content in the center of the gel would be higher than that on the edge, as it dries from the outside in and from the edge of the frame toward the center. The structure, as one would suppose, starts from the outside of the block and goes inward. This would necessarily be the way since the surface loses water first. The structure was complete, as shown in TaBLE III, when the gel contained about 21.5 per cent by weight of water. For the purposes of this paper the agar dried to constant weight in the desiccator was assumed to contain no water. The basis of the calculations was as follows: the per cent of water by weight to the total weight of substance was calculated by sub- tracting the final (constant) weight, obtained by drying the pieces of agar in a calcium chloride desiccator, from the first weight, after drying varying lengths of time in the oven. The loss of weight was therefore the per cent of water in the gel when structure became apparent. The pieces gained somewhat in weight while in the desiccator due to the vapor pressure of the calcium chloride. This was not taken into account as it is a _ constant error in all cases. The structure varies in the different gels but is fundamentally the same. It appears as horizontal splitting in the gel, and when very pronounced as it was in most of them, particularly those CAREY: GROSS STRUCTURE OF AN AGAR GEL Wi below 7.5 per cent, has Somewhat the appearance of branching; the cavities being shaped in section like a biconvex lens. In the 10, 8, and 7.5 per cent gels there were fewer large cavities and more fine pores or slits (Fic. 4). In the weaker gels larger slits and fewer finer ones are seen (FIGS. 1-3). The figures show a gradual change from the coarser to the finer structure as the per cent of agar in the gel increases. It seems as though this change probably commenced between the 5 and the 7.5 per cent gels though this has not been defi- . | { | nitely determined. Narrower gels are dried at high tempera: tures, i.e., more rapidly. Strips not dried on the frames showed ‘| h structure, but curled somewhat ; ‘in drying. The 2.5, 3 and 5 per | cent gels after soaking in water could be peeled off in layers. | i \! It seems possible that the : 4 structure of the gels, which when : ( \ ( | — - . . first set must be isotropic, be- " comes anisotropic on drying due to the strains set up within the mass. It would seem to the } writer that the long axis of the | particles, after drying, would be in the horizontal plane of the | gel. This might cause splits in it in the horizontal and not in Fic-1. Ao.5 percent napecoetenl ge the vertical plane, as the water en rer ee is withdrawn, as is the case here. This is, however, only a sug- gestion as the gels were not examined with a polariscope. Ambronn* found that thin layers of agar and gelatine, when frozen and dried on glass plates, gave the appearance under the microscope of a fine network which, he says, looked almost like a * Ber. Verhandl. Kénigl. Sachs. Ges. Wissens. Math. Phys. K1. 1891: 28-31. 178 CAREY: GROSS STRUCTURE OF AN AGAR GEL section of parenchymatic plant cells. He found the walls of the meshes were like those of normal cells, having a decided double refraction, and the smallest axis of the particles lying perpendic- ular to the surface of the partitions caused by freezing. He did not obtain this structure after freezing and drying either egg albu- min or dextrin, as the glass became covered with a uniform coat of the substance. The agar and gelatine retained their structure unless heated to a high temperature. Later Molisch,* in relation to his work on the freezing of plants, also worked on the freezing of gels. Among others he used gelatine and starch. He experimented with a 2 per cent gela- tine which formed a stiff gel at room temperature. Under the microscope, at the moment of freezing, masses of ice appeared at different points which increased in size. When the ice forma- tion had ended, a highly complicated network of gelatine remained between the ice masses. After thawing the network remained for several days as the gelatine could not adsorb the water at relatively low temperatures, and it could be fixed by treating with absolute alcohol. The starch acted in much the same manner. According to Molisch, on freezing a separation of the water and the colloid starts, in which numerous ice crystals are formed, which are enclosed by the network of the colloid. The ice is derived from the water of the gels. Such substances as white of egg, gum arabic, etc., shortly after thawing return to their original condition. Molisch compares this freezing to that of Amoeba and certain plant cells. He says cells may freeze like Amoeba and the stamen hairs of Tradescantia. Here the ice forms within the protoplast, which makes a network around it. Or they may freeze as Spiro- gyra and Cladophora do. In the latter case, the water comes out of the cell and freezes on the outside of the wall and there is a great shrinkage of the cell during the process. When cells freeze, as in the case of the colloidal gels, there is a strong dehydration since ice formation and shrinking of the protoplast go hand in hand. The spaces formed on thawing of the ice in Molisch’s gelatine and starch were more spherical and less flattened than those obtained by the writer on desiccation of agar. This may be due to the shape of the ice crystals themselves, although it is * Untersuchungen iiber das Erfrieren der Pflanzen. Jena. 1897. CAREY: GROSS STRUCTURE OF AN AGAR GEL 179 perhaps unsafe to make a direct comparison, as Molisch did not work with agar. Fic. 2. A 2.5 per cent agar gel after drying at about 43° C. and soaking in water, x 57: There seems to be a similarity between the effect of rapid dehydration due to freezing and rapid drying at higher tempera- tures and the structure of the gel. In both cases the water is 180 CAREY: GROSS STRUCTURE OF AN AGAR GEL withdrawn, but in the case of the freezing it remains as ice or water surrounded by the gel; while in the other, it is immediately removed by the high temperature at which dehydration is carried on. )| Fic. 3. A 5 per cent agar gel dried at about 70° C., after soaking in water, X 57. If it were possible to obtain a structural colloidal gel made of a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates, one might be able to get similar results to those obtained in plant tissues, although it might be dangerous to carry this analogy too far. The separation of colloidal fluid from gels on standing, known as syneresis, is a phenomenon which is more pronounced the CAREY: GROSS STRUCTURE OF AN AGAR GEL 181 more hydrated the gel is. Fischer* accounts for the condition found in the tissues in oedema by means of syneresis, and Mac- Dougal} considers syneresis as a means of vacuole formation after which osmotic pressure plays its part, the earlier stages being due to hydration. Fic. 4. A 7.5 per cent agar gel after drying at about 70° C. and soaking in water, Zsigmondyt states that, if the reaction of dehydrated silicic acid gels toward hydrosols is observed under the microscope, the gel will be seen to break into small pieces. This, he says, is * Oedema and nephritis. 1915. Growth in organisms. Science II. 49: 599-605. 1919. t Chemistry of colloids. English edition. 1917. 182 CAREY: GROSS STRUCTURE OF AN AGAR GEL due to the pressure on the air in the pores of the gel together with surface tension changes. The water enters the gel quickly at first. While this goes on explosions and splittings take place in the gel and air bubbles are formed at little cracks. As the bursting of the gel and the evolution of the air proceeds, the volume of the air spaces becomes smaller and finally disappears. He does not feel that there is any evidence of explosions with water. Zsigmondy was, of course, working with a non-elastic gel which has rather different properties of hydration and dehydration than elastic gels have. Zsigmondy also writes that Biitschli and later work with the ultra-microscope have shown that with silicic acid gels the dehydration does not proceed from the outside of the gel inward, but that holes are formed in the interior of the gel. These holes contain no liquid. This does not seem to be the case with agar gels, when sections of the partly dehydrated gel are viewed under the microscope, as the first slits visible are near the surface of the gel. It appears from this work that the structure of the gels is probably due to the rapidity of the drying, which in this case varied with the temperature used. All the gels showed structure except those dried at room temperature, the majority of which showed none; a few, however, showed one or two slits. The structure is not due to the strain of stretching on silk, as pieces dried suspended or laid on trays in the oven showed the same appearance. This varied somewhat in different gels, those above 5 per cent being finer. Gels of lower concentrations when dried at temperatures of 43° C. and 70° C. did not show any great difference instructure. The percent by weight of water and agar just before and at the beginning of structure formation is not absolutely accurate, as the gel contains a higher water concentra- tion inside than out, owing to the fact that the drying takes place from the outside inward. I wish to express my appreciation and thanks to Dr. Herbert M. Richards for his most helpful advice and interest. CotumBiIA UNIVERSITY INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 1917-1921 The aim of this Index is to include all current botanical literature written by Americans, published in Sh or based upon American material ; the word Amer- ica being used in the broadest sense. Reviews, and papers that amie exclusively to forestry, agriculture, horticulture, manufactured products o: vegetable origin, or laboratory apse are not included, anc no attempt is made to index the literature of bacteriolo, sc occasional exception is made in favor of some paper appearing in an America se tana which is devoted wholly to botany. Reprints are not aio tis unless they differ from the original in some important particular. If users of the Index will call the attention of the editor to errors or omissions, their kindness will be appreciated. This Index is reprinted monthly on cards, and furnished in this form to subscribers at the rate of two cents for each card, Selections of cards are is permitted ; each subscriber must take all cards published during the term of his subscription, Corre. spondence relating to the card issue should be addressed to the hee of the Torrey Botanical Club. Peltier,G.L. Influence of temperature and humidity on the growth of Pseudomonas Citri and its host plants and on infection and develop- ment of the disease. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 447-506. 15 D 1920. Popenoe, W. The Colombian berry or giant blackberry of Colombia. Jour. Hered. 11: 195-202. 20 Ja 1921. [lllust.] Rabiis roseus (? ‘Popenoe, W. The tree dahlia ok Guatemala. Jour. Hered. 11: 265-268. f. 20-22. °§ F 19321. Dahlia maxoni Safford. Praeger, W. E. A collection of Sphagnum from the Douglas Lake region, Cheboygan County, Michigan. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sei. ar: 237, 238. Ji 10920. Reed, H. S. Volney Morgan Spalding. Plant World 22: 14-18. Ja 1919. With portrait. Reyes, L. J. Fiber studies of Philippine dipterocarps. Jour. For. 19: 97-104. F 1921. Roberts, J. W. Clitocybe sudorifica as a poisonous mushroom. Myco- logia 13: 42-44. 3 F 1921. 183 184 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Roberts, J. W. Stockton Mosby McMurran. Phytopathology II: 25,26. Ja 1921, With portrait. Robinson, B. L. The Eupatoriums of Bolivia. Contrib. Gray Herb. Il. 7x: 30-80. 30 D 1920. Further diagnoses and notes on tropical American Eupatorieae. Contrib. Gray Herb. II. 71: 3-30. 19 Includes new species in A geratum (1), Alomia (1), Riablateins (9), and Mikonia ). Rose, J. N. Botanical explorations in Ecuador. Union 1921: 24-34. Ja 1921. Savelli, R. Virescente e proliferazioni in Nicotiana Tabacum e N. sylvestris Speg. Boll. Tecn. Tabacco 17: 247-259. pl. 1. 1920. Bull. Pan-American Schertz, F. M. A chemical and physiological study of mottling of leaves. Bot. Gaz. 71: 81-130. f. 1-6. 15 F 1921. Coleus Blumei studied. Scott, W. R. M., & Petry, E. N. Correlation of variation in resin content of Podophyllum with certain habitats. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 225-231. Jl 1920. Shear, C. L. Cranberry diseases and their control. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Bull. 1081: 1-22. f. 1-12. D 1920. Sherff, E. E. Studies in the genus Bidens—V. Bot. Gaz. 70: 89-109. pl. 11-14. 21 Au 1920. Includes 13 new species from America and the Hawaiian Islands. Shive, J. W. The influence of the moisture content of sand cultures upon the physiological salt balance for plants. New Jersey Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rep. 40: 358-363. 1920. Shive, J. W. The influence of sand of different degrees of fineness upon the concentration and reaction of a nutrient solution. Jersey Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rep. 40: 363-366. 1920. Shunk, I. V., & Wolf, F. A. Further studies on erect blight of soybean. Phytopathology 11: 18-24. f. 1. Ja 1921. New ~ Smith, C. P. Studies in the genus Lupinus—V. The — Bull. Torrey Club if 487-509. f. 53-66. 24 N 1920 Includes 6 new varietie Smith, G. M. Se ae of the inland lakes of Wisconsin—I. Wisconsin Geol. & Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. 57: 1-243. pl. 1-51. 1920. Includes Echinosphaerella gen. nov. and new species in A phanocapsa (1), Rhizo- chrysis (1), Chlamydomonas (2), Volvox (1), Westella (1), Tetraeodon (1), Selenastrum (1), Crucigenia (1). INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 185 Standley, P. C. Ferns of Glacier National Park, Montana. Am. Fern Jour. 10: 97-110. 7 F 1920. Steinberg, R.A. Effect of zinc and iron compared with that of uranium and cobalt in growth of Aspergillus. Bot. Gaz. 70: 465-468. 30 D 1920. Stevens, F. L. New or noteworthy Porto Rican fungi. Bot. Gaz. 70: 399-402. f. 1-4. 24 N 1920. Stevens, N. E. The botany of the New England poets. Sci. Mo. PS AST dO. 2 1031; Stevenson, J. J. Interrelations of the fossil fuels. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 59: 405-511. 20 D 1920. Stewart, G. R., & Martin, J. C. Effect of various crops upon the water extract of a typical silty clay loam soil. Jour. Ag. Research 20: 663-667. f. I-5. 15 Ja 1921. Stomps, T. J. Uber die verschiedenen Zustande der Pangene. Biol. Zentralbl. 37: 161-177. 30 Ap 1917. {Corrected reprint.] Stone, H. Les bois utiles de la Guyane Francaise—II. Ann. Mus. Colon. Marseille 26?: 1-68. 1918. Stone, R. E. Deadly poisonous mushrooms. Can. Field Natur. 34: 74-78. f. 1-4. Ap 1920. Stork, H. E. Biology, morphology, and cytoplasmic structure of Aleurodiscus. Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 445-457. pl. 31-33. 12 Ja 1921. Stout, A.B. A graft-chimera in the apple. Jour. Hered. 11: 233-237. J. 2d. 20 Ja 1921. Stuckey, H. P. Work with Vitis rotundifolia, a species of Muscadine grapes. Georgia Exp. Sta. Bull. 133: 62-74. f. 1-6. 1920. Sturtevant, E. L. Notes on edible plants. New York Agr. Exp. Sta. 1919: 1-686. 1919. Edited by U. P. Hedrick. Forms part of N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. Report 1919 and vol. 2, part 2, of 27th annual report of N. Y. Depart. Agr. Contains a brief biography of Sturtevant. Sturtevant, G. Notes from my hybridization records. Am. Iris Soc. : 20, 30. ‘Ja -ioar Lists fertile and sterile varieties of Iris. Svenson, H. K. A northeastern variety of Panicum. Rhodora 22: 153-155. f. 1-5. 290 1920 Panicum dichotomiflorum var, puritanorum, var. nov. 186 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Swingle, W. T. A new species of Pistacia native to southwestern Texas, P. texana. Jour. Arnold Arbor. 2: 105-110. 1920. Tanaka, T. New Japanese fungi. Notes and _ translations—IX. Mycologia 12: 329-333. 27 D 1920. Taubenhaus, J. J. Wilts of the watermelon and related crops ( Fusar- tum wilts of cucurbits.) Texas Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 260: 3-50. f. 1-16. F 1920. Taylor, A. M. Appearance of mosses in ecological habitats. Bryolo- gist 23: 81-84. 8 F 1921. Taylor, N. Effects of the winter of 1919-1920 on the woody plants in the Garden. Brooklyn Bot. Gard. Record 9: 121-123. 1920. Taylor, R. H. Report of the Assistant to the Chief of Division of Plant Industry. Bull. California Dept. Agr. 9g: 411-415. 1920. Contains notes on the occurrence and spread of various weeds. Teschauer, C. Algumas notas sobre ethnologia e “‘ folklore’ na flora e avifauna do Brasil. Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio Janeiro 22: 221-230. 1919. Thomas, H. E. The relation of the health of the host and other factors to infection of Apium graveolens by Septoria Apii. Bull. Torrey Club 49: 1-29. 24 Ja 1921. Tillotson, C. R. Growing and planting hardwood seedlings on the farm. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Bull. 1123: 1-29. f. 1-15. Ja O21. Tottingham, W. E., Roberts, R. H., & Lepkovsky, S. Hemicellulose of apple wood. Jour. Biol. Chem. 45: 407-414. f. 1. F 1921. Trelease,S.F. The growth of rice as related to proportions of fertilizer salts added to soil cultures. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 16: 603-627. f. 1-5. Je 1920. Tubeuf, C. V. Uberblick iiber die Arten der Gattung Arceuthobium (Razoumowskia) mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Biologie und praktischen Bedeutung. Naturw. Zeitschr. Forst. und Landw. IQIQ: 167-273. 1919. Tuttle, F. M. Flora of Mitchell County [Iowa]. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 26: 269-299. f. 92-05. 1919. Tuttle, G. M. Reserve food materials in vegetative tissues. Bot. Gaz. 71: 145-151. 15 F 1921. Van Alstine, E. The relation of salt proportions to the growth of wheat in sand cultures. New Jersey Agr. Exp. Sta. Ann. Rep. 40: a6G-374. fF. 7, 2. 1690. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 187 Victorin, Fr. Random botanical notes—III. Isle-aux-Coudres, Que- bec. Can. Field Natur. 34: 114-117. D 1919. Viehover, A., Clevenger, J. F., & Ewing, C. O. Studies in mustard seeds and substitutes: I. Chinese colza, Brassica campestris chino- leifera Viehover. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 117-140. pl. ro-z9. 15 O 1920. Visher, S. S. Geography of South Dakota. Univ. South Dakota Bull. 8: 7-189. Contains chapter on biogeography. Ward, H. A. A new station for Gaylussacia brachycera. Rhodora 22° 1607. 1082.7 4) FO20, Waksman, S. A. Studies in the metabolism of Actinomycetes—III. Nitrogen metabolism. Jour. Bact. 5: 1-30. Ja 1920. Waksman, S. A., & Joffe, J.S. Studies in the metabolism of Actinomy- cetes. IV. Changes in reaction as a result of the growth of Actin- omycetes upon culture media. Jour. Bact. 5: 31-48. Ja 1920. Warming, E. Caryophyllaceae. Meddel. Gronland 37: 231-342. f. 2 Warner, M. F. The dates of Rheede’s “Hortus Malabaricus.’’ Jour. Bot. 48: 291, 292. D 1920. Waters, C. E. The Society for the Prevention of the Wild. Am. Fern Jour. 10: 115-119. 7 F 1921. Watson, E. E. On the occurrence of root-hairs on old roots of Helian- thus rigidus. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 235. Jl 1920. Weatherby, C. A. What the Latin names mean—I. Am. Fern Jour. 10: 113-115. 7 F 1921. Welton, F. A. Longevity of seeds. Bull. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. 6: 18-24. 1921. [Illust.] West, A. P., & Brown, W. H. Philippine resins, gums, seed oils, and f essential oils. Philipp. Bur. For. Bull. 20: 1-230. f. 1-73. 1920. West, F. L., & Edlefsen, N. E. Freezing of fruit buds. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 655-662. 15 Ja 1921. Wester, P. J. The cultivation and uses of roselle [ Hibiscus sabadariffa L.]. Philipp. Agr. Rev. 13: 89-99. pl. 8-12. 1920. Wherry, E. T. Asplenium Gravesii in Pennsylvania. Am. Fern Jour. 10: 119-121. 7 F 1921. Wherry, E. T. The soil reactions of certain rock ferns. Am. Fern Jour. 10: 15-22; 45-52. 1920 188 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Whetzel, H. H., & Humphrey, H. B. Frederick Kalpin Ravn. Phyto- pathology 11: 1-5. Ja 1921. Wiegand, K. M. Additional notes on Amelanchier. Rhodora 22: 146-151. 29 O 1920. 2 new species and I new combination. Wieland, G. R. Recedent lake shores of the Cretaceous. Science II. 27.537, 538. 3. D 1920. Wilson, E. H. The romance of our trees—VI. The magnolias; VII. The beeches; VIII. The nut-bearers of the north; IX. Whence came our common fruits? X. The Lombardy poplar and the - Babylon willow. XI. Trees of columnar growth. Gard. Mag. 31:. 48-53; II5-119; 194-198; 259-263; 317-320; 381-384. 1920. Winslow, C.-E. A., and others. The families and genera of the Bac- teria. Jour. Bact. §: 191-229. My 1920. Wister, J. C. Notes on the history of the bearded iris. Jour. New ork Bot. Gard. 21: 181-191. O 1920. Wolden, B. O. The moss and lichen flora of western Emmet County [Iowa]. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 26: 259-267. 1919. Woodcock, E. F. Observations on the potato disease conditions in Michigan for the summer of 1918. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 281-285. Jl 1920 Woodward, R. W. Panicum albemarlense in Connecticut. Rhodora 23: 162, 163. | 14 Ja toa. Wright, R.C. An apparatus for determining small amounts of carbon dioxide. Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 368-370 f. r. 7 D 1920. Wyant, Z. N. The influence of various chemical and physical agencies upon Bacillus botulinus and its spores. Jour. Bact. 5: 553-557. N 1920. ‘Young, L. J. A study in the difference in soil requirements of pine and spruce. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 219-221. Jl 1920. Youngken, H. W., & Slothower, G. A. Rhus venenata DC. Am. Jour. Pharm. 92: 695-701. O 1920. Zeller, S. M. Wood decay in orchard trees in Oregon. Oregon Crop Pest and Hort. Rep. 3: 132-138. f. 35-37. 10 Ja 1921. Zinn, J. Wheat investigations. Pure lines. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 285: 1-48. pl. 1-3. Mr 1920. Zon, R. Forests and human progress. Geog. Rev. 9: 139-166. S 1920. Vol. 48 No. 7 BULLETIN OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB JULY, 1921 A rearrangement of the Bolivian species of Centropogon and Siphocampylus He A: Gleason Of forty species enumerated in the following article, six have been known to science for from fifty to ninety years, while thirty- four bear names not over thirty years old. Modern investigation of the two genera begins with Zahlbruckner, who in 1891* de- scribed three new species from the collections of Mandon. In 1892 Britton published in his enumerationt of the South American plants collected by Rusby a list of fifteen species and two varieties of these genera, of which eight species and both varieties were described asnew. This was followed in 1896 by Rusby’s papert on the Bolivian collections of Miguel Bang, in which four species were mentioned, including three described as new. Zahlbruckner in 1897§ monographed the Lobeliaceae of Bolivia and recognized nine species of Centropogon, of which two were published as new, and twenty species and three varieties of Siphocampylus, of which eight species and the three varieties were regarded as new, making a total of thirty-four. Rusby listed|| several species of both genera and described one as new in 1907, and in 1912 described** * An te K. Naturhist. Holauie. Wien 6: 432-444. 18091. f Bull. Torrey Club 19: 371-374. 1892. ft Mem. Torrey Club 6: 72-74. 1896. §$ Bull. Torrey Club 24: 371-385. : 400- [The BULLETIN for June (48: 159-188) was issued August 1, 1921.] 190 GLEASON: CENTROPOGON AND SIPHOCAMPYLUS three new species of Siphocampylus and one of Centropogon from the collections of Williams. Lauterbach published* a single variety in 1910, and in 1913 Zahlbruckner added three species from the collections of Herzog. Not all of these various species and varieties still stand just as they were published, but it is worthy of note that the studies in which they appeared were so exhaustive of the material at hand and subsequent collections have been so scanty that the present paper adds but one new species, although a second, recog- nized by Zahlbruckner and given a manuscript name by him, is here published. It is nevertheless fair to assume that more extended collection in Bolivia will bring to light probably a score or more new species. Zahlbruckner’s work was based largely on the same material as that used by Britton and Rusby, with additional specimens from certain European herbaria. The types of Britton’s and of Rusby’s species, and either the types or isotypes of most of Zahlbruckner’s species, are in the collections at the New York Botanical Garden. The four cited articles by Britton and Rusby include mere enumerations of the species with detached descriptions of their new species and varieties. Zahlbruckner gives in his monograph somewhat more detailed descriptions of the new species and frequent notes on the supposed affiliation of the others, and pre- faces each genus with a key to the species included. His keys, however, are in general based on minor characters. While obviously related species are in most cases keyed out together, the characters used in distinguishing them are not of fundamental importance, give little idea of the relationship of the species, and can not be successfully used for the species of other South American countries. Centropogon and Siphocampylus present the usual lobeliaceous structure. The leaves are almost always alternate, usually ample in size, and with a wide variation in shape, texture, and pubescence. The inflorescence is in a strict sense a terminal raceme, which by shortening of the internodes and suppression of the bracteal leaves becomes a terminal corymbose or subumbellate cluster, or by * Buchtien, Contr. Flora Bolivia 1: 187. 1910. 1 Med. Rijks Herb. 19: 49-53. 1913. GLEASON: CENTROPOGON AND SIPHOCAMPYLUS 191 elongation of the internodes and better development of the sub- tending leaves is reduced to a series of solitary axillary flowers. The hypanthium, varying from depressed hemispheric to cylindric, bears five sepals, ranging from a size approximating the length of the corolla-tube to almost suppressed. The large corolla is usually brightly colored, with five equal or unequal, long or short, spreading, erect, or depressed lobes. The filaments usually surpass the corolla, and the anther-tube is frequently hirsute; in almost all species the two anterior anthers bear an appendage or tuft of hairs at the apex. The foliage is in some cases glabrous, but in most species is pubescent to tomentose with simple, branched or stellate hairs. The distinctions between Centropogon and Siphocampylus are difficult and in herbarium material frequently obscure or lacking; as a result, sheets of what is obviously one species have been classified by Zahlbruckner himself in both genera. In Centropogon the fruit is a dry or leathery indehiscent berry. This flattens out in pressing and is thin enough to show the impression of the small seeds within. In Siphocampylus the fruit is a stiff, firm-walled capsule, but in many or even most herbarium sheets available mature fruit isnot athand. In the former genus, also, the summit of the ovary is described as truncate, that is, as almost completely adnate to the hypanthium, while in the latter it is stated to be conical, with a free distal portion, and adnate to the hypanthium only at its base. This condition does obtain in the ripened fruit, but can not always be demonstrated in flower. Between the baccate and the capsular species there is extensive parallelism ; so extensive that a doubt may legitimately arise whether the characters of the fruit are really of generic value. Because of this parallelism, the species of the two genera have not been kept separate in this paper but have been keyed out side by side, using the shape of the corolla as the primary distinction between groups. Three such groups have been distinguished, of which one includes only species of Centropogon (in the usual sense), the second only species of Siphocampylus, and the third species of both genera. To obviate the necessity of descriptions, the analytical key has been made more detailed than necessary for the mere separation of the species. 192 GLEASON: CENTROPOGON AND SIPHOCAMPYLUS In both genera, the species show unusually clear lines of demarcation, and are separated by characters of the hypanthium, corolla, anther-tube, inflorescence, foliage, and pubescence. But since these characters show little correlated variation, the delimitation of species-groups and the determination of intragen- eric relations become a matter of some difficulty, which is increased rather than lessened by extending the study to other South American countries. Both genera find their center of distribution with the greatest number of species in the Andean region of northwestern South America from Colombia to Bolivia. Other South American and all North American forms are to be referred to this center for their geographical origin. CONSPECTUS OF THE SPECIES I. Corolla relatively short and broad, but large, the tube equaling or little exceeding the lobes, thick and firm in texture, white, yellowish, ochroleucous, or dull ce corolla-lobes all depressed, the upper somewhat exceeding the lower; sepals ample, equaling or longer than the hypanthium; flowers solitary, on long sets peduncles ypanthium ‘hicbbaate broader than high when pressed, prominently ribbed anther-tube glabrous, or pubescent only on the connectives; corollas white or cinereous, the lobes equaling or exceeding the tube in length; fruit cap- sular, so far as kn 1. Anther-tube iu except ‘isa terminal bru a. Sepals triangular-subulate, 4 mm. long, ae shorter than the hypan- thium. I. SIPHOCAMPYLUS TUNARENSIS et Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 376. 1897. The specimen in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden is fragmentary and does not permit the verification of Zahlbruckner’s detailed description, but is sufficient to demon- strate its close relation to the following three species.. Fruit has not been seen. b. Sepals linear, equaling or exceeding the hypanthium in length. 2. SIPHOCAMPYLUS RusBYANUS Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 19: 372. ; Sepals 10 mm. long by 2 mm. wide; leaf-blades ovate-elliptic, 5-9 cm. long, acute or obtuse, rugose above, reticulate beneath, abruptly narrowed into a petiole 10-15 mm. long. GLEASON: CENTROPOGON AND SIPHOCAMPYLUS 193 3. SIPHOCAMPYLUS VATKEANUsS A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 377- 1897. Sepals little exceeding the hypanthium; leaf-blades oblong- lanceolate, 6-10 cm. long, 2-3 cm. wide, acuminate, tomentose on the oe veins beneath, obtuse or rounded at base, on petioles 1-2 om; 2. Anther-tube white-woolly. 4. SIPHOCAMPYLUS RADIATUS Rusby, Mem. Torrey Club 6: 73. 1896. _ Sepals 20-25 mm. long, 3-4 mm. wide, somewhat dilated below; leaf-blades fadtsalace 15-25 cm. long, acuminate, flat above, not conspicuously reticulate, gradually narrowed below to an indefinite petiole or sessile ss 4a. SIPHOCAMPYLUS RADIATUS MINOR A, Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 376. 1897. Plant smaller in all its parts; pedicels surpassing the leaves. B. Hypanthium short-cylindric, higher than broad when pressed, or depressed- hemispheric; corolla-lobes usually shorter than the sea anther-tube densely woolly; fruit baccate, so far as I. Sepals linear or narrowly lanceolate, four to ten times as abate as ee longer than the short-cylindric hypanthium, equaling or tube, with rounded sinuses nearly or quite as broad as the cia: leaf-blades large, elliptic, 15-25 cm. lon 5. CENTROPOGON INCANUS (Britton) A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 374. 1897. - Siphocampylus incanus Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 19: 373. 1892. Petals and sepals densely floccose with yellowish gray hairs; filaments little exserted, the anther-tube barely surpassing the corolla; leaf-blades 5-10 cm. long, abruptly acuminate, floccose below and somewhat so above. 6. CENTROPOGON BRITTONIANUS A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 373. 1897. Siphocampylus giganteus latifolius Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 405374. 1892. Petals and sepals thinly pubescent; filaments long (2 cm. or more)-exserted; leaf-blades 4-7 cm. broad, gradually acuminate, thinly tomentose on the veins beneath, puberulent above. 194 GLEASON: CENTROPOGON AND SIPHOCAMPYLUS 6a. CENTROPOGON BRITTONIANUS BREVIDENTATUS Zahlb. & Rech- inger, Med. Rijks Herb. 19: 51. 1913. The authors state that the variety differs from the species in sepals only 10-12 mm. long and in much narrower and longer corolla-lobes. 2. Sepals broadly ovate to oblong, less than four times as long as wide, mostly shorter than the corolla-tube and not much exceeding the hypanthium, with narrow acute sinuses; hypanthium depressed-hemispheric or somewhat urceolate. a. Sepals broadly ovate-triangular, herbaceous. 7. Siphocampylus tunicatus A. Zahlb. in herb. Hypanthium and foliage nearly glabrous; leaf-blades broadly elliptic to obovate, 20-25 cm. long, 7-13 cm. wide, thin, abruptly acuminate; additional characters as in the key. TyPE collected April, 1892, in Bolivia, at an altitude of 3000 m., by Otto Kuntze, and deposited in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden. A second sheet from the same collector comes from Santa Rosa, Bolivia, and is possibly a part of the same collection. The fruit is unknown but the floral characters show unmistakably the close relation of the species to the two following, Centropogon Mandonis and C. gloriosus, and it is quite probable that it will eventually be transferred to the genus Centropogon. b. Sepals oblong or oblong-ovate, thick and firm, serrulate. : . 8. CENTROPOGON Manponis A. Zahlb. Ann. K. K. Naturhist. Hofmus. Wien 6: 438. 1801. Corolla-tube about twice as long as the erect, narrowly oblong sepals; filaments much surpassing the corolla; anther-tube hirsute with tawny hairs; leaves acute. 9. CENTROPOGON GLORIOsUs (Britton) A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 373. 1897. Siphocampylus gloriosus Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 19: 373. 1892. Corolla-tube one third to one half longer than the oblong-ovate, frequently spreading or reflexed sepals; filaments about equaling the corolla; anther-tube hirsute with purple hairs; leaves long- acuminate. GLEASON: CENTROPOGON AND SIPHOCAMPYLUS 195 If. Corolla tubular, slender, straight or somewhat curved, usually constricted above its base, little if any wider at the throat than at the base: corolla-lobes linear or linear-deltoid and regularly tapering from base to apex, all erect or slightly th ; ments equaling or barely exceeding the dorsal petals; the two ventral anthers with a terminal brush of separate hairs; fruit capsular, so far as known A. Hypanthium well developed and the ovary consequently mainly inferior. I. Flowers in “a corymbs, leafy racemes, or solitary in the axils of normal fenced leave . An ie oe except for the sds: brush, or with a few attered hairs i. Ye lowers” sith. subtended by normal foliage leaves. * Sepals linear, exceeding the hypanthium; leaves. much longer than wide. { Peduncles well developed, equaling or surpassing the owers, which exceed the subtending leaves. ft Leaves in whorls of three. 10. SIPHOCAMPYLUS. ORBIGNIANUS. A. DC.; DeCandolle, Prodr. © G08. 1B39. ae Siphocampylus volubilis Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 19: 372. 1892. Leaf-blades ovate to ovate-oblong, sharply and irregularly dentate; sepals filiform, much exceeding the hypanthium; corolla scarlet The wealth of hutbathitn material indicates that this is the commonest Bolivian species of the two genera. It is distinguished at once by its verticillate leaves. ¥f{ Leaves alternate, oblong or elliptic to linear. § Corolla. yellow or yellowish; leaf-blades linear to narrowly lanceolate, subentire, undulate, or with minute spinulose teet I. SIPHOCAMPYLUS KUNTZEANUS A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 378. 1897. er-tube surpassing the corolla; leaves neatly linear, crowded, conduplicate. 12. SIPHOCAMPYLUS AUREUS Rusby, Mem. Torrey Club 6: 72. 1896. Siphocampylus aureus latior A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 378. 1897. Anther-tube not exserted; leaves ttenc tinea membra- nous, flat. §§ Corolla red. || Leaf-blades narrowly oblong-linear, narrowed below to an indefinite petiole, thick, remotely denticulate. 196 GLEASON: CENTROPOGON AND SIPHOCAMPYLUS 13. SIPHOCAMPYLUS WILLIAMSII Rusby, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. S: 122: 1912. : || || Leaf-blades lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, petioled, membranous, sharply and irregularly spinulose, 8-12 cm. long. 14. SIPHOCAMPYLUS BOLIVIENSIS A. Zahlb. Ann. K. K. Natur- hist. Hofmus. Wien 6: 443. 1891. Sepals equaling or barely exceeding the subglobose hypanthium; stems stout; leaves firm, brownish and scabrously pubescent be- neath. 15. SIPHOCAMPYLUS DuBIUS A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 385. 1897. Sepals longer than the depressed-hemispheric hypanthium ; stems slender; leaves thin, green and puberulent on the veins beneath. Tt Peduncles short, equaling or shorter than the flowers, which do not surpass the ubtending leaves; hypanthium turbinate; sepals linear, nes) leaf-blades oblong, short-petioled; stems climbin 16. SIPHOCAMPYLUS MEMBRANACEUS Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 19: S72. 1892. Leaves thin, membranous, sharply spinulose-dentate, veiny; peduncles equaling the corolla. 17. SIPHOCAMPYLUS OBLONGIFOLIUS Rusby, Mem. Torrey Club 6:73. 18096 Leaves firm, minutely and remotely spinulose; peduncles shorter than the corolla. ** Sepals narrowly triangular, shorter than the hypanthium. 18. SIPHOCAMPYLUS CORREOIDES A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 382. 1897. Foliage and flowers tomentuloae: leaf-blades “aateo ovate, upculate ane pine aepticulats, 15-25, mm Po or somewhat + urceciat te; sepals about equaling the hy panthium, distant, with rounded sinuses; leaf-blades sharply and saliently serrate, of an ovate type, firm, dull-green. it. 19. SIPHOCAMPYLUS CORYMBIFERUS Pohl. Plant. Brasil. 2: 112. pt..275.: 1831. Lobelia corymbifera Presl, Prodr. Monogr. Lobel. 37. 1836. Siphocampylus gracilis glabris Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 19: 374. 1892. Leaves glabrous. GLEASON: CENTROPOGON AND SIPHOCAMPYLUS 197 20. SIPHOCAMPYLUS GRACILIs Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 19: 374. 1892. Siphocamplyus corymbiferus gracilis A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 384. 1897. Leaves softly pubescent. iii. Flowers in crowded leafy racemes. . SIPHOCAMPYLOS TUPAEFORMIS A. Zahlb. Ann. K. K. Natur- hist. Hofmus. Wien 6: 440. 1891. Hypanthium hemispheric or Pages urceolate, ribless or faintly nerved; flowers 40-45 mm. long, approximately equaling the ascending, straight or gently curved pedicels; leaves softly pubescent beneath. b. Anther-tube conspicuously woolly in five strongly marked lines; leaf-blades lanceo- late or broader, rounded at nest es much longer than the hypanthium, which is strongly ribbed at ma * Leaf-blades long-acuminate, ovate-lanceolate to lance-oblong, sharply and irregularly spinulose-denticulate. 22. SIPHOCAMPYLUS ARGUTUS A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 383. 1897. Leaf-blades thin, glabrous Scocath: not prominently reticulate; petioles straight or curved. 23. SIPHOCAMPYLUS BILABIATUS A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 382. 1897. : Siphocampylus bilabiatus glabratus Lauterbach; Buchtien, Contr. Flora Bolivia 1: 187. 1910. Leaf-blades firm, pubescent beneath, prominently reticulate; petioles sigmoid. - ** Leaf-blades ovate-oblong, 5-8 cm. long, broadly rounded or subcordaté at base, obtuse or rounded at apex, minutely and remotely denticulate. 24. SIPHOCAMPYLUS SUBCORDATUS Rusby, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 121. 1912. 2. Flowers in terminal, leafless, bracted racemes; pedicels flexuous in anthesis, 1 cm long or less; hypanthium turbinate, strongly ribbed or subangulate, somewhat constricted at the throat, equaling or exceeding the relatively short sepals; -sinuses broad. ypanthium glabrous; leaf-blades falcate, conduplicate. - 198 GLEASON: CENTROPOGON AND SIPHOCAMPYLUS 25. SIPHOCAMPYLUS ANGUSTIFLORUS Schlecht.; Lechler, PI. Lechler. Peruv. 2649. Specimens of this species have not been seen: the distinction between it and the following are taken from Zahlbruckner. b. Hypanthium pubescent; leaf-blades flat. 2 26. SIPHOCAMPYLUS FLAGELLIFORMIS A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey’ Club 24: 380. 1897. Siphocampylus angustiflorus Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 19: 372. 1892; not S. angustiflorus Schlecht. Leaf-blades lanceolate or narrowly elliptic-ovate, acuminate, 0-60 mm. long, 15-22 mm. wide, sharply serrulate, glabrous and chicane veiny beneath. 27. Siphocampylus altiscandens sp. nov. Stems puberulent, climbing 40 feet high on trees; leaves rather crowded, the blades flat, firm in texture, ovate-oblong, acute or subacuminate, entire or remotely and minutely serrulate, almost glabrous above, minutely puberulent beneath, the larger ones 60-75 mm. long by 25-35 mm. wide; inflorescence secund, the pedicels 10 mm. long or less; flowers deflexed; hypanthium thinly pubescent, turbinate or obconic, 4 mm. high; sepals triangular, I mm. long, with recurved tips; corolla rose-color, 30-35 mm. long, its lobes linear, erect or spreading; filaments about equaling the petals; anthers glabrous below, all more or less hirsute at the tip. Type, Bang 2553, collected at Uchimachi, Corvico, Bolivia, July 20, 1894, and deposited in the herbarium of Columbia Uni- versity. His field notes state that it grows in damp forests and that only two plants were seen, from which forty specimens were collected. It is sharply distinguished from the preceding species by its leaf characters. B. Hypanthium very small in proportion to the flower and the ovary mainly free; corolla scarlet, 6-7 cm. long; leaf-blades of a lanceolate or ovate type; sepals usually serrulate; stems climbing: anther-tube makers 1. Sepals linear to linear-oblong, prominently refi harply acuminate. 28. SIPHOCAMPYLUS ELEGANS Planch. Flore des Serres 6: 19. 1850. Leaf-blades thick and firm, elongate-lanceolate, rounded or truncate at base. Siphocampylus elegans boliviensis A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 381. 1897. The single specimen examined, Mandon 498, does not agree GLEASON: CENTROPOGON AND SIPHOCAMPYLUS 199 perfectly with Planchon’s figure and may prove specifically distinct 29. SIPHOCAMPYLUS REFLEXUS Rusby, Bull N. Y. Bot. Gard. 4: 403. 1907. “Siphocampylus elegans cordatus A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 381. 1897. Leaf-blades thin, ovate-lanceolate, with a long narrow acumi- nation, distinctly cordate at base. $ ovate-oblong, erect or somewhat spreading; leaves acute to subacumi- 30. SIPHOCAMPYLUS ANDINUS Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 19: 373. 2892. III. Corolla tubular, stout, conspicuously egpciond curved, little cr not at all con- stricted at base, distinctly ampliate toward the throat, corolla-lobes with sca more or less oblique, and phe or directed anteriorly, the two three A. Ventral anthers terminating in a tuft of loose hairs, dorsal anthers sparsely pilose; hypanthium distinctly urceolate; foliage and flowers strongly to- mentulose; petals all about equal, broadly and obliquely triangular, acute; filaments long-exserted; leaves petioled, the blades oblong-lanceolate, acute. 31. CENTROPOGON UNDUAVENSIS (Britton) A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 374. 1897. Siphocampylus unduavensis Britton, Bull Torrey Club 19: 473... 1802. B. Ventral anthers terminating in a stiff scale composed of united hairs; hypan- thium hemispheric to campanulate; foliage and flowers not tomentulose; at least the much smaller lower ee terminating in linear or subulate strongly curved appendages. I. Sepals linear to triangular, with broad flat sinuses; teal blac narrowly to broadly oblong or obovate. * Leaf-blades broadly oblong, almost entire. 32. CENTROPOGON YUNGASENSIS Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 19: a7i. -18G2, si Leaves firm, glabrous; sepals triangular, distinctly shorter than the hypanthium. ** Leaf-blades narrowly oblong denticulate or crenate. 33. Centropogon aggregatus (Rusby) comb. nov. Siphocampylus aggregatus Rusby, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 422.) 1912. : 200 GLEASON: CENTROPOGON AND SIPHOCAMPYLUS Filaments tomentose toward the summit; anther-tube pubes- cent in lines; sepals equaling the hypanthium or a little shorter; leaves crenate. 34. CENTROPOGON SURINAMENSIS (L.) Presl, Prodr. Monogr. Lobel. 48. 1836. Lobelia surinamensis L. Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 1320. 1763. Filaments glabrous or with scattered hairs; anther-tube sparsely hirsute or glabrous; sepals serrate, distinctly exceeding the hypanthium: leaves denticulate. 2. Sepals linear-triangular to ovate, with narrow acute sinuses; leaf-blades oblong- lanceolate to lanceolate, usually sharply denticulate; flowers in terminal corym- bose clusters. * pals narrowly linear-triangular, entire, much longer than the hypanthium. 35. CENTROPOGON AMPLIFOLIUS Vatke, Linnaea 38: 716. 1874. ** Sepals triangular-ovate to broadly ovate. 36. CENTROPOGON Banco A. Zahlb. Bull. Torrey Club 24: 372. 1897 : Sepals triangular-ovate, entire, shorter than the hypanthium. 37. CENTROPOGON ROSEUS Rusby, Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 8: 7123. 20tg. Sepals broadly ovate, foliaceous, denticulate. IV. Species of uncertain position, specimens of which have not been seen. 38. CENTROPOGON MAGNIFICUS Zahlb. & Rechinger, Med. Rijks ay PAOLO 3G? 50. 9913. Evidently a member of the first group of this conspectus; compared by the authors with C. Mandonis Zahlb., from which it differs in its fewer flowers on longer pedicels, straight-edged sepals, denser pubescence on the corolla, obviously lignified twigs, and stiffer rough leaves. 39. CENTROPOGON HeErRzoc1 Zahlb. & Rechinger, Med. Rijks Herb. 19: 49. 1913.’ Evidently a member of the second section of this conspectus, as indicated by the description of the corolla; flowers axillary, hypanthium globose or subglobose, sepals short, acute, broadly triangular, anther-tube glabrous, except the terminal tuft. GLEASON: CENTROPOGON AND SIPHOCAMPYLUS— 201 40. CENTROPOGON CARDINALIS Zahlb. & Rechinger, Med. Rijks, Herb. 19: 51. 1913. Evidently a member of the third group of this conspectus, possibly related to C. Bangii Zahlb.; inflorescence a short terminal raceme, hypanthium globose, sepals short, triangular, entire, anther-tube glabrous, except the terminal appendage, leaves obovate-elliptic. NEw YorK BOTANICAL GARDEN Vegetative reproduction and aposporous growths from the young sporophyte of Polypodium irioides W. N. STEIL (WITH THREE TEXT FIGURES) From an old culture of the prothallia of Polypodium irioides Poir. made March 21, 1916, the largest gametophytes, including a number bearing sporophytes, were on several occasions removed for class use. In the autumn of 1918, when regeneration from the sporophyte was first observed, only three sporophytes remained in the culture. The largest and most vigorous bore six leaves and by March 4, 1919, had produced nine leaves. The largest leaf of this sporophyte was about 5 cm. in length and 5 mm. in width. From one of the smaller leaves of the sporophyte regeneration occurred. This leaf was only 1 cm. in length and 3 mm. in width. There was a well-developed vein in the leaf and the epidermal cells, including the guard cells, were of the usual type. It was impossible to determine whether the leaf was the primary one, since the juvenile leaves of this fern resemble closely one another and also the leaves of the mature sporophyte. Three of the sporophytic growths produced by the leaf originated along the margin (Fic. 1, b,c, and f), one from the lower surface (d), and one from the upper surface (c). From two portions of the leaf were oe. K Galea oouag developed complete sporophytes, that is, sporophyte of Polypodium sporophytes with both leaves and roots iris Sagem eee (Fic.1,bandc). Theother outgrowths —o. ae sem r ree . consisted of one or more leaves, and one bore in addition to two leaves numerous rhizoid-like hairs from the point of origin of the leaves (s). These were extremely long, 203 204 STEIL: VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION IN POLYPODIUM IRIOIDES and in respect to length resembled root hairs. None of the sporophytic outgrowths were connected with the vein of the leaf of the sporophyte. By March 4, 1919, the parent leaf had increased little in size. At this time it was observed that a leaf (m) of one of the complete sporophytes (>) had regenerated and produced in turn three out- growths (Fic. 1, 0, , and p), which later developed into leaves. The two complete sporophytes were detached and planted on Sphagnum. From qne of the sporophytes (b) a leaf (nm) was removed and was likewise planted on Sphagnum. The two sporo- phytes lived only a short time. From the detached leaf () it was discovered, May 12, 1919, that four outgrowths had been produced. Three of these were gametophytic, and the other sporo- phytic. A portion of the leaf and two of the young prothallia (m and n) are represented in Fic.2. One of the outgrowths produced a large cell (a), probably apical in nature: The three gametophytic or pro- thallial growths developed from the leaf of the sporophyte are apo- G Aposporously produced prothallia from a leaf of Polypodium n i SE rounding the gametophytic devel- opments are somewhat intermedi- ate between the two generations. The parent leaf soon showed signs of exhaustion and June 15, 1919, was partially dead. Later all of the outgrowths of the leaf died. Another sporophyte in the culture produced from each of the leaves a normal leaf. Roots were not developed. Since the sporophyte bore three leaves, one of the regenerating leaves was a secondary one. The remaining sporophyte bore four leaves, each of which developed one or more outgrowths. In one instance a leaf pro- duced a cylindrical structure distinctly gametophytic in its cellular nature. It produced numerous rhizoids at its point of origin. This gametophytic outgrowth was also of aposporous origin. A normal leaf was formed by another of the four leaves. At the sporous. The cells of the leaf sur- + a STEIL: VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION IN POLYPODIUM IRIOIDES 205 base of the third leaf two small cellular masses appeared, probably sporophytic in nature. The fourth leaf produced a similar cellular mass, represented in section by : FR Fic. 3. In no case were these cellular masses connected with the vascular system of the leaf. It is of interest to note in this case that all of the leaves of the sporophyte produced out- growths. | The cultural conditions under which regeneration from the sporophyte and apospory occur in Polypodium trioides are not known to the writer. The phenomena appeared in an old culture in which the conditions may have been unfavorable for the normal development of the sporophyte. It may be added, however, that a fresh supply of a nutrient solution was on several occasions applied to the culture. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Fic. 3. Asection through a cellular mass produced from the leaf of Polypo- dium irioides, x 200. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 1917-1921 The aim of this Index is to include all current botanical literature written by Americans, published in America, or based upon American material ; the word Amer- ica being used in the broadest s Reviews, and papers that pase exclusively to forestry, agriculture, a oe soaiapucense products of vegetable origin, or laboratory methods are not i ed, an no attempt is made to index the literature of bacteriology. An sia: insti is made in favor of some paper appearing in an American periodical which is devoted wholly to botany. Reprints are not mentioned unless they differ from the original in Some important particular. If users of the Index will call the attention of the editor to errors or omissions, their kindness will be appreciated. s Index is reprinted monthly on cards, and furnished in this form to sub- am at the rate of three cents for each card. Selection of cards is not permitted: each subscriber must take all cards published during the term of his subscription. Correspondence relating to the card issue should be addressed to the Treasurer of the Torrey Botanical Club. Adams, J. F. Gametophytic development of blister rusts. Bot. Gaz. 71: 131-137. f. 1-4. .15 F 1921. Adams, J. F. Observations on the infection of Crataegus by Gym- nosporangium. Mycologia 13: 45-49. f. I-4. 3 F 1921. Allen, M. E. The supposed generic character of Naumburgia. Rho- dora 22: 193, 194. 15 F 1921. [Illust.] Arthur, J. C. Aecidiaceae (cont.). N.Am. Fl.'7: 405-480. 8 F 1gat. Includes collaboration by H. S. Jackson on Dicaeoma on Carduaceae and by s. Arthur, J. C. Nineteen years of culture work. Mycologia 13: 12-23. 3 F 1921. Artschwager, E. F. Pathological anatomy of potato blackleg. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 325-330. pl. 57,58 +f. 2. 15 N 1920. Babcock, E. B., & Collins, J. L. Interspecific hybrids in Crepis. I. Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr. x C. tectorum L. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 6: 670-673. 15 N 1920. Bailey, I. W. The cambium and its derivative tissues. III. A recon- naissance of cytological phenomena in the cambium. Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 417-434. pl. 26-29. 12 Ja 1921. J. H. Aetopteron as a generic name. Am. Fern Jour. ro: 7 F £y%, 482. 7 F 1920: 207 208 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Barss, H. P. Bean blight and bean mosaic. Oregon Crop Pest & _ Hort. Rep. 3: 192-196. f. 56-59. 10 Ja 1921. Barss, H. P. Cylindrosporium leaf-spot of prune and cherry. Oregon Crop Pest and Hort. Rep. 3: 156-158. f. 42, 43. 10 Ja 1921. Barss, H. P. Physiological disorders of developing fruits. Oregon Crop Pest & Hort. Rep. 3: 159-166. f. 44-47. 10 Ja 1921. Bartlett, H. H. The manufacture of sugar from Arenga saccharifera in Asahan, on the east coast of Sumatra. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 155-165. pl. 3-6. Jl 1920. Bessey, E.A. Guide to the literature for the identification of fungi—a 2 preliminary outline for students and others. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 287-316. Jl 1920. Bessey, E. A. The effect of parasitism upon the parasite—a study in phylogeny. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 317-320. Jl 1920. Blake, S.F. Five new species of Cedrela. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 33: 107-111. 30 D. 1920. Blake, S. F. Revision of Ichthyomethia, a genus of: plants used for poisoning fish. Jour. Washington Acad. Sci. 9: 241-252. 4 My 1919. Includes 2 new species from Tropical America. " Blake, S. F. New trees and shrubs from Mexico and Guatemala. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 33: 117-120. 30 D 1920. Species of Capparis (1), Jatropha (1), Guarea (1), and Russelia (2). Blake, S. F. Two new salvias from Guatemala. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 33: 113-115. 30 D 1920. Blakeslee, A. F. Mutation in mucors. Jour. Hered. 11: 278-284. js 20-28. & F igat. Bouyoucos, G. J., & McCool, M. M. Measurement of the amount of water that seeds cause to become unfree and their water-soluble material. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 587-593. 3 Ja 1921. Bradshaw, R. V. A new Oregon Eucephalus. Torreya 20: 122, 123. 5 F 1921. Eucephalus vialis sp. nov. Brandegee, T. S. Plantae Mexicanae. Purpusianae, “X. Univ. Cali- _ fornia Publ. Bot. 7: 325-331. 29 D 1920. Includes Pachystelma gen.nov., and new species in 17 other genera. Breazeale, J. F.,. & Briggs, L. J. Concentration of potassium in ortho- clase solutions not a measure of its availability to wheat seedlings. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 615-621. 15 Ja 1921. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 209 Britton, N. L. William Harris. Jour. New York Bot. Gard. 22: 13, 14. Ja 1921. Brotherton, W. The heredity of ‘‘rogue’’ types in garden peas ( Pisum sativum). Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 263-279. pl. 7-13 + 773s < JhiIGe. ’ Brush, W. D. Utilization of black walnut. U.S. ‘Dept. Agr. Bull. 909: ¥-89. pl..r-1g 4 f. 1-7. 17 Ja 1941. Burnham, S. H. Camptothecium nitens var. falcifolium Ren. Bryolo- gist 23: 92. 8 F 1921. Burnham, S. H. The mosses of the Lake George flora. Bryologist 23: 38-45; 54-60. 1920. Catoni, L. A. El cultivo de la vainilla en Puerto Rico. Revista Agric. Puerto Rico. 5°: 11-23. 30 D 1920. Chiovenda, E. L’ Eragrostis caroliniana (Spreng.) Scribner. Boll. Soc. Bot. Italiana 1920: 11-16. 20. Chodat, R., & Vischer, W. La végétation du Paraguay. VIII-X. Pp. 291-379. f. 228-280. Geneva. 1920. Reprint, with altered pagination, from Bull. Soc. Bot. Genéve II. 11: 211-299. IQIQ. Clarke, J. M. The oldest of theforests. Sci. Mo.12: 83-91. Ja 1921. [Illust.] : Clarkson, E. H. The story of a fern garden—I. Am. Fern Jour. 10: Ra-57* S2-G7.° 1920. Clute, W. N. The power of movement in plants. Gard. Chron. Am. 25: 426. Ja 1921. Clute, W. N. Plant travelers. Gard. Chron. Am. 25: 467, 468. F roar. Conzatti, C. El estado de Oaxaca Ab sus recursos naturales. Pp. 1-83. Oaxaca, Mexico. 1920. Coons, G. H. The Michigan plant disease survey for 1918. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 331-343. pl. 15. Jl 1920. Darlington, H. T. Distribution of the Orchidaceae in Michigan. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 239-261. Jl 1920. [Illust.] | Contains keys to species and lists of specimens seen. Davis, A. R. The variability of plants grown in water cultures. © Soil Sci. 13: 1-32. Ja 1921. Davis, C. B. Revelations in hairs. Guide Nat. 13: 117-123. f. 1-7. Ja 1921. 210 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Dawe, M. T. Account of a journey through the western portion of Colombia, showing the possibilities of the economic development of the districts visited. Pp. 1-27. f. 1-18 + map. London. 1919. Contains many notes of plants seen. : Detjen, L. R. The Herald—new type of prune. Jour. Hered. 11 253-258. J. Pi-rs.' § F vost, Detjen, L.R. Peloriain Viola primulaefolia Linn. Torreya 20: 107- £16: f-:2-10.; 5 F192. Diehl, W. W. The fungi of the W arr Expedition. Mycologia 13: < 36-45. 3. FE: 192. Contains list of 31 species, with localities. Earle, F.S. El mosaico de la cafia o matizado. FI estado actual de la epidermia. Puerto Rico Dept. Agric. y Trab. Circ. 22: 1-9. Ap 1920. Earle, F. S. Seleccion de la semilla de cafia para siembra de gran cultura. Revista Agric. Puerto Rico 5°: 7-10. 30 D 1620. Edson, H. A. Vascular discoloration of Irish potato tubers. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 277-294. 15 N 1920. Ellen, Sister M. The germination of the spores of Conocephalum conicum. Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 458-464. pl. 24,45. .112. Ja-102%: ; Farwell, O. A. Notes on the Michigan flora—II. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 345-371. Jl 1920. Contains new varieties, forms and combinations in many genera. Fenno, F. E. Plants of the Susquehanna Valley and adjacent hills of Tioga County [New York], II. Supplementary list. New York State Mus. Bull. 219, 220: 247-250. 1920. Fernald, M. L. Brainerd & Peitersen’s blackberries of New aire Rhodora 22: 185-191. 15 F 1921. Review, but containing much original matter. Fleming, C. E., & Peterson, N- F. The jarrow-leaved milkweed (Asclepias mexicana) and the broad- leaved, or showy milkweed (Asclepias speciosa). Univ. Nevada Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 99: 1-32. fede EP 1980, Plants poisonous to live stock in Nevada. Friesner, R. C. Periodicity of elongation and cell division. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 233, 234. Jl 1920. Prelimi note Gerry, E. American storax production: results of different methods of tapping red gum trees. Jour. For. 19: 15-24. f. 1-4. Ja 1921. Discusses supply from Liquidambar Styraciflua L INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 211 Gorman, M. V. Flora of Hamilton Mountain, Washington. Mazama 6: 62-77. D 1920. Hahn, G. G., Hartley, C., & Rhoades, A. S. Hypertrophied lenticels on the roots of conifers and their relation to moisture and aeration. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 253-265. pl. 44-46. 15 N 1920. Hansen, A. A. Dodder. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Bull. 1161: 1-21. f. I-10. Ja 1921. Harper, R. M. Water and mineral content of an epiphytic fern. Am. Fern Jour. 9: 99-103. 24 Ja 1920. Harris, J. A., & Scofield, C.S. Permanences in the plots of an experi- mental field. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 335-356. 1 D 1920. Harvey, L. H. Some phytogeographical observations in Lake County, Michigan. Am. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 213-217. Jl 1920. Hawkins, L. A., & Magness, J. R. Some changes in Florida grapefruit in storage. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 357-373. 1 D 1920. Hibbard, R. P., & Gershberg, S. The biological method of deter- mining the fertilizer requirement of a particular soil or crop. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 223, 224. Jl 1920. Higgins, B. B.. Morphology and life history of some Ascomycetes with special reference to the presence and function of spermatia. Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 435-444. pl. 30 +f. 1, 2. 12 Ja 1921. Holzinger, J. M. On our American form of Timmuia megapolitana Hedw. vont 23: 86-88. f. 1-5. 8 F 1921. With drawing by E. B. Chamberlain. Homans, G. M. Forest distribution in California. Rep. State Forester California 7: 58-85. 1919. {Ilust.] House, H. D. Notes on fungi, VI. New York State Mus. Bull. 219, 220: 233-246. f. I-3. 1920. Includes Mycena Atkinsoni sp. nov. Howard, W. L., & Horne, W. T. Brown rot of apricots. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 326: 73-88. f. 1-5. Ja 1921 Hurd, A. M. Injury to seed wheat resulting from drying after disin- fection with formaldehyde. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 209-244. pl. 36-41. 1 N 1920. Illick, J. S. Replacement of the chestnut. Jour. For. 19: 105-114. F 1921. Jagger, I. C. Sclerotinia minor n. sp., the cause of a decay of lettuce, celery, and other crops. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 331-333. pl.59 +f. 1. 15 N 1920. 212 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Jenkins, E. W. Cotton and some of its diseases and insects. Univ. Florida Agr. Extens. Bull. 15: 1-19. f. 1-7. F 1919. [Corrected reprint. Jennings, O. E. Fossil plants from the beds of volcanic ash near Missoula, western Montana. Mem. Carnegie. Mus. 8: 385-450. pl. 22-33 + fi-7. S 1920. Includes new species in Equisetum (1), Sequoia (1), Juglans (1), Betula (1), Alnus (2), Quercus (1), Ficus (1), Ilex (1), Celastrus (1), Aralia (1), and Vaccinium (1). Johnson, J. Fusarium-wilt of tobacco. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 515-530. pl. 63-67. 3 Ja 1921. Jones, F. R., & Drechsler, C. Crownwart of alfalfa caused by Uro- phlyctis Alfalfae. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 295-323. pl. 47-56. 15 N 1920. Jones, L. H., & Shive, J. W. The influence of iron in the forms of ferric phosphate and ferrous sulfate upon the growth of wheat in a nutrient solution. Soil Sci. 11: 93-98. pl. z. F 1921. Jones, L. R., Walker, J. C., & Tisdale, W. B. Fusarium resistant cabbage. Agr. Exp. Sta. Univ. Wisconsin Research Bull. 48: I-34. J. 1-70. ° Nixo36, Judd, C. S. Algaroba seed germination tests. Hawaiian For. & ic. 17: 342-344. D 1920. : Prosopis juliflora. : Jurica, H. S. Development of head and flower of Dipsacus sylvestris. Bot. Gaz. 71: 138-145. f. I-1g. 15 F 1921. Kaiser, G. B. Little journeys into mossland—I. Early bryological experiences. Bryologist 23: 88-90. 8 F 1921 Keitt, T. E., & Murray,A.W. The influence of certain factors on the time of opening of cotton. Georgia Exp. Sta. Bull. 130: 21-34. f. I-3. 1920. Kelley, W. P., & Cummins, A. B. Composition of normal and mottled Citrus leaves. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 161-198. tN 1920. Kimball, W. Reminiscences of Alvan Wentworth Chapman. Jour. New York Bot. Gard. 22: 1-11. Ja 1921 Knowlton, C. H., & Deane, W. Reports on the flora of the Boston district, X X XIII. Rhodora 22: 123-127. 3 Au 1920. Koser, S. A. A bacteriological study of canned ripe olives. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 375370. 1.0 1980. Kraemer, H. Michigan—an important source of raw _ vegetable products. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 167-199. jl 1920. Wit h especial account of medicinal properties of native plants. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 213 Kraus, E. J. The modification of vegetative and reproductive func- : tions under some varying conditions of metabolism: Am. Jour. Bot. 7: 409-416. Ja 1921. Krelage, E. H. The development of the tall bearded irises in the 19th century. Am. Iris Soc. No. 2: 3-14. Ja 1921. Lee, H. A., & Serrano, F.B. Banana wilt in the Philippines. Philipp. Agr. Rev. 13: 128, 129. 1920. j Caused by Fusarium. Lee, H. A., & Yates,H.S. The distribution of pink disease. Philipp. Agr. Rev. 13: 115, 116. 1920. : : Caused by Corticium salmonicolor B. & Br. on Citrus. Legrand, J. F. Plantas utiles de Puerto Rico. Revista Agric. Puerto Rico. §*: 1-3; §*: 1-3;'S*: 1-f1; §*: Fy. roao. _[Tluat. Lemoine, Mme. Paul (Lemoine, Marie). Contribution a l’étude des Corallinacées fossiles. Bull. Soc. Géol. France IV. 17: 233-277. “20 O 1918” [D 1918 Lemoine, Mme. Paul (Lemoine, Marie). Les Mélobésiées des Antilles danoises récoltées par M. Boergesen. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1917: 133-136. Includes descriptions: of new species in Lithothamnium (4), Lithophyllum (6). Amphiroa (1), Corallina (1), and Arthrocardia (1) from Martinique. Levine, M. Studies on plant cancers—II. The behavior of crown gall on the rubber plant (Ficus elastica). Mycologia 13: 1-11. pl. 2, 2. 3 F 1921. Lindstrom, E. W. Chlorophyll factors of maize. Jour. Hered. 11: 269-277. f. 23-25. 5 F 1921. “‘Their distribution on the chromosomes and relation to the problem of inbreed- ing.” Lohnis, F., & Hansen, R. Nodule bacteria of leguminous plants. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 543-556. pl. 68, 69. 3 Ja 1921. Long, B. A further note on Crepis biennis. Rhodora 22: 192, 193. 15 F 1921. M[acoun], W. T. John Macoun, 1831-1920. Can. Field Nat. 34: 110-114. 26 Ja 1921. : Marsh, C. D., & Clawson, A.B. Daubentonia longifolia (Coffee bean), a poisonous plant. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 507-513. pl. 62. 15 D 1920. Martin, W. H. _ A comparison of inoculated and uninoculated sulfur for the control of potato scab. Soil Sci. 11: 75-84. pl. 1 Ja 1921. 214 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Matz, J. Observaciones ‘hechas en la region cerca de Maricao con respecto a las enfermedades del cafe y el guinéo. Revista Agric. Puerto Rico 5°: 15-18. 30 N 1920. _ [Illust.] Mazza, A. Aggiunte al saggio di algologia oceanica.. Nuova Notar. 32: 1-48. 1921. McAtee, W. L., & Metcalf, F.P. Notes on cockleburs (Ambrosiaceae, Xanthium) of the District of Columbia and vicinity. Proc. Biol, Soc. Washington 35: 177-179. pl. 4. 30 D 1920. McKay, M. B. Blossom-end rot of tomatoes. “Oregon Crop Pest & Hort. Rep. 3: 185, 186. 10 Ja 1921. McKay, M. B. Mosaic disease of tomato. Oregon Crop Pest & Hort. Rep. 3: 179-184. pl. 14 +f. 51,52. 10 Ja 1921. McKay, M. B. Western yellow tomato blight. Oregon Crop Pest & Hort. Rep. 3: 174-178. f. 50. 10 Ja 1921. Melhus, I. E., & Gilman, J. C. Measuring certain variable factors in potato seed treatment experiments. Phytopathology 11: 6-17. f. 1-5. -Ja ioar. Mendiola, N. B. On the evolution of the corn ear. Philipp. Agr. ev. 13: 112-114. pl. 19-22. .1920. Mestre, A. Las leyes de la herencia y Ja biologia aplicada. Revista Fac. Letr. & Cienc. 27: 163-193. f. I-14. 1918. Mestre, A. La vida d la “Sociedad Poey” de 1918 a 1919. | Revista Fac. Letr. y Cienc. 29: 153-171. 1919. Mitra, S. K. Seasonal changes and translocation of car batiytictts materials in fruit spurs and two-year-old satencpiacie of apple. Ohio Jour. Sci. 21: 89-103. f. 1-7. Ja 1921. Mousley, H. The ferns of Hatley, Stanstead County, Quebec, 1920. Can. Field-Nat. 34: 137-140. 9 F 192I. Munns, E. N. High temperatures and eucalypts. Jour. For. 1 25-33. ja 1921. Murrill, W. A. A new bolete from Porto Rico, Gyroporus Earlei sp. nov. Mycologia 13: 60, 61. 3 F 1921 Murrill, W. A: The fruit- disease survey. Wee x3: 50-53. pl. 3. 3 F tot. Murrill, W. A. An excursion to Mountain Lake, Virginia. Torreya 20: 116-119. 5 F 19: Nelson, J.C. Crepis setosa in Oregon. Rhodora 22: 701, 192. . 13 F. 1921. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 215 Nelson, J. C. Does saximontanus mean “Rocky Mountain’? Rho- dora 22: 194, 195. 15 F 1921. Nelson, J.C. Notes on Scleropoa. Torreya 20: 119-122. 5 F 1921. Nutting, C. C. Is Darwin shorn? Sci. Mo. 12: 127-136. F 1920. Osler, H. S. Origin and development of pedigreed varieties of grain. Ann. Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 21: 139-143. Jl 1920. Overholts, L. O. Some New Hampshire fungi. Mycologia 13: 24-37. 3 F 1921. Contains a list of 195 species. Palmer, E. L. A talk on winter weeds. Cornell Rural School Leafl. 14:'165-220. Ja 1921. [Illust.] Pearson, W. H. Aplozia Pendletonii Pearson. Bryologist 23: 84, 85. 1-3. 8F 1921. Pennuia: W. H. Porella rivularis fons | Lindb. Bryologist 23: Ba80. ix o P1021, Pease, V. A. Taxonomy and morphology of the ligulate species of the genus Desmarestia. Publ. Puget Sound Biol. Sta. 2: 313-367. pl. 54-63. 30D 1920 Pegram, W. H., Wilson, R. U., & Patterson, A.H. James Jacob Wolfe. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 36: 110-114. 1921. [With portrait.] Pfeiffer, H. Cariceae Brasilienses maxime e civitate Parana a P. Dusén reportatae. Repert. Sp. Nov. Regn. Veg. 17: 28-32. I Ja 1921 ‘ Includes 2 new species. Piper, C. V. Plants and plant culture. Science II. 53: 269-279. 25 Mr 1921. Porsild, M. P. The structure and biology of Arctic flowering plants. 14. Liliales. Meddel. Grénland 37: 343-358. f. 1-8. 1920. Purpus, J. A. Echinopsis caespitosa J. A. Purpus spec. nov. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 27: 120. Au19t7. [Illust.] Species from Bolivia. Quehl, L. Kultur und Kulturgebnisse. -Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 26: 105-109; 125-127. 1916. Describes flowers and fruits of various Cactaceae. Quehl, L. Echinocactus grandis Bone Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 27: 86. Je 1917. Quehl, L. Mamillaria bombycina Quehl. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 26: 50. Ap FG16. Quehl, L. Mamillaria Buchheimiana Quehl spec. nov. . Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 27: 97-99. Jl 1917. 216 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Quehl, L. Mamillaria cornuta Hildm. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 27: 126,127... Awd 1917. Quehl, L. Mamiullaria Painteri Rose spec. nov. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 27: 22. F 1917. [Illust.] A Mexican species. Rehfous, L. De l’action de conditions extrémes sur la structure du stomate du “Zea Mays.’ Bull. Soc. Bot. Genéve II. 12: 110-121. J. T=10. “31 Ja igat. . Rehfous, L. Recherches experimentales sur la morphogénése des stomates. Bull. Soc. Bot. Genéve II. 12: 93-109. f. 1-24. 31 Ja 921 Studied Zea Mays L. Reinking, O. A. Higher Bemis arocees from the Philippines and their hosts. IV. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 17: 363-374. O 1920. Riddell, W. R. The pharmacopoeia of another botanical physician. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 28: 1-23. 1920. Discussion of ‘The Vegetable Physician’ by Samuel B. Emmons, Boston, 1836. Riede, W. Untersuchungen iiber Wasserpflanzen. Flora 114: 1-118. 1920. Among plants studied is Elodea densa from South America. - Rolfe, R. A. Odontoglossum Humeanum. Bot. Mag. pl. 8873. 1920. Of South Mexico. Romell, L.-G. Physionomistique et écologie raisonnée. Svensk. Bot. Tidsks. 14: 136-146. 1920. Rosen, H.R. The behavior of telia of Puccinia graminis in the south. Mycologia 13: 111-113. 26 Mr 1921. Rowley, S. M. The cottonwoods of the dunes. Nat. Stud. Rev. 17: 53-55. F 1921. [Illust.] Rudolph, B. A., & Franklin, H. J. Studies of cranberries during storage. Fungi studies. Massachusetts Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 198: $892. f. 2, 2. ; S 1920. St. John, H. A freak sweet clover. Rhodora 23: 25, 26. 8 Mr 1921. St. John, H. Sable Island, with a catalogue of its vascular plants. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 36: 1-104. pl. r, 2. 1921. Includes Rubus arcuans Fernald & St. John, sp. nov., and 7 new varieties in various gene: Salisbury, T., The ienifcawce of the calcicolous habit. Jour. _ Ecol. 8: 202-215. 9 F 1921 Schaffner, J. H. Influence of environment on sexual expression in hemp. Bot. Gaz. 71: 197-219. pl. rr +f. 1. 17 Mr'1g21. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 217 Schlechter, R. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Orchidaceenflora von Parana (cont.). Repert. Sp. Nov. Regn. Veg. 16: 316-334. 30 Ap 1920. Includes 17 new species. Schlechter, R. Orchidaceae novae et criticae.—Decas LXV. Repert. Sp. Nov. Regn. Veg. 16: 353-358. 30 Ap 1920. New American species in Habenaria, Prescottia, and Aa. Schuchert, C. The evolution of primitive plants from the geologist’s viewpoint. .New Phytol. 19: 272-275. 31 Ja 1921. Schwappach, A. F. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Wachtumsleistungen von Pseudotsuga Douglasii. Mitt. Deutsch. Dend. Ges. 1920: 262-269. 1920. Schwerin, F. von. Die Formen der Picea pungens. Mitt. Deutsch. Dend. Ges. 1920: 231-235. 1920. Includes several new American forms. Schwerin, F. von. Revisio generis Sambucus. Mitt. Deutsch. Dend. Ges. 1920: 194-231. 1920. [Illust.] Includes Sambucus Rehderana, sp. nov., from Texas, and several new Anierican’ varieties and Sears, P. ae Variationin Taraxacum. Science II. 53:189. 25 F 1921. Setchell, W. A. Marine algae and terrestrial plants of Tutuila, Samoa. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 198, 199. . 3 F 1921. Shaw, R. H., & Wright, P.A. A comparative study of the composition of the sunflower and corn plants at different stages of growth. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 787-793. 15 F 1921. Shreve, E. B. Causes of the seasonal changes in the transpiration n of Encelia farinosa. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 73-75. 3 F 1921. ' Shreve, F. Ecology of the Santa Lucia Mountains [California]. ‘Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 78, 79. 3 F 1921. Shreve, F. The vegetation of a desert valley [near Tucson, Arizona]. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 77, 7 3 F 1921. Shunk, I. V. Notes on the flagellation of the nodule bacteria of Leguminosae. Jour. Bact. 6: 239-246. pl. 1. 1921. Skottsberg,C. Remarks on Splachnidium rugosum (L.) Grev. Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 14: 271-278. f. I-5.. 1920. Speare, A. T. Massospora cicadina Peck. Mycologia 13: 72-82. $l. 5, 6. . 26 Mr 1021. A fungous parasite of the periodical cicada. 218 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Spoehr, “H. A. Interrelation of photosynthesis and_ respiration. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 64. 3 F 1921. Spoehr, H. A. & McGee, J.M. Rate of respiration of leaves in relation to amino-acid and carbohydrate content. Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington Year Book 19: 63, 64. 3 F 1921. Sprenger, C. Beobachtungen aneinigen Yucca-Arten. Mitt. Deutsch- Dend. Ges. 1920: 138-149. 1920. Sprenger, C. Mitteilungen iiber meine Yucca-Hibriden und -Formen. Mitt. Deutsch. Dend. Ges. 1920: 96-138. pl. 21, 22. 1920. Stahel, G. De Zeefvatenziekte (Phloéemnecrose) van de Liberiakofhe in Suriname. Dept. Landb. Suriname Bull. 40: 1-26. Mr 1920. [Illust.] Standley, P. C.* Some interesting plants in Glacier Park, Montana. Gard. Chron. III. 78: 275. 4h 1920. Stevenson, J. A. Enfermedades del citro en Puerto Rico. Rev. Agric. Puerto Rico 4, no. 3: 34-46; no. 4: 25-36; no. 5:22-27. 1920. Taylor, A.M. Occurrence of Funaria ma EI (L.) Sibth. Bryolo- gist 24: 9; 5.32 Mr 1921. Teuscher, i. Die Unterscheidungsmerkmale der haufigsten Larix- Arten. Mitt. Deutsch. Dend. Ges. 1920: 69-72. 1920. Thielmann, —. Ein riesiges Taxodium mexicanum. Mitt. Deutsch. Dend. Ges. 1920: 326. pl. 30. 1920. Thom, C., & Church, M. B. Aspergillus flavus, A. Oryzae, and asso- ciated species. Am. Jour. Bot. 8: 103-126. f. 7. 19 Mr. 1921. Torrey, R. : Telephragmoxylon and the Heo of. wood parenchyma. 35: 73-77- pl. 3 +f. 1-3. Ja 192 EAR gen. nov., from the Comanchean — of Texas. Vaupel, F. Echinocereus subinermis S.-D. Monatsschr. Kakteenk 26:98. Jl 1916. [Illust.] Vaupel, F. Neue siidamerikanische Kakteen. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 26: 120-125. 15 Au 1916 Species of Cereus (4) and Echinocactus (1). Wann, F. B. The fixation of free nitrogen by green plants. Am. Jour. Bot. 8: 1-29. pl. r. 9 Mr 1921. Species of Chlorophyceae studied experimentally. Waters, C. E. More about early days of the American Fern Society. Am. Fern Jour. 11: 16-19. Mr 1921. Waters, C. E. The ferns of Baltimore [Maryland] and vicinity. Am. Fern Jour. 11: 19-25. Mr 1921. Vol. 48 No. g BULLETIN TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB Studies in the genus Lupinus—VI. The Stiversiani, Concinni and Subcarnosi CHARLES PIPER SMITH (WITH EIGHT TEXT FIGURES) INTRODUCTION The three groups treated in this paper have little in common except that they are annuals or biennials with non-verticillate flowers. Each group is monospecific, as I see it, but botanists have seen as many as six species in the variable L. concinnus and four species in the likewise variable L. subcarnosus. These groups may be contrasted as follows: Racemes shorter than their peduncles; keel petals densely ciliate near he claw, on both upper and lower edges. STIVERSIANI. Racemes longer than their peduncles; keel petals naked on both upper and lower edges. Leaflets 2-5 mm. wide; pods 10-15 mm. long; seeds 1.5—3 mm. long. CONCINNI. * Leaflets 6-12 mm. wide; pods 30-50 mm. long; seeds 4-6 mm. ong. : SUBCARNOSI. STIVERSIANI . Lupinus StTIverst Kellogg, Proc. Cal. Acad. I. 2: 192. 1892. [Fic. 67. Erect, the few to several branches ascending, 15-45 cm. tall, canescent; leaves scattered, appressed-pubescent on both sides, petioles 3-8 cm. long, leaflets six to seven, obovate to cuneate, obtuse at apex, 12-40 mm. long, 4-8 mm. wide; peduncles 3-8 cm. long, racemes 1-3 cm. long, few-flowered; flowers about 15 mm. one, pedicels about 2 mm. long, appressed-pubescent; calyx with without bractlets, upper lip 4-6 mm. long, bifid, lower lip [The BULLETIN for July (48: 189-216) was issued September 26, 1921.] 219 ~ 220 SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS entire or minutely three-toothed, 5-8 mm. long; banner 13-15 rose-pink or purple, sometimes ciliate on the basal tooth, keel whitish, strongly ciliate toward the base both above and below, the lower fringe running out along the claw; pods about 20 mm. long, ovules five to seven; seeds about 2.5 x 2 mm., flat, angled, dark-spotted on a pale ground. This very unique and handsome species belongs primarily to the western slopes of the Sierras, from Butte County to Kern County, but also occurs locally in the San Bernardino Mountains and in the Santa Lucia Mountains of Monterey County. “AG am aS Fic. 67. ne ah Strversi Kellogg. 1. J. W. Congdon (US 466506); 2. G. Hansen 18 (US); . D. E. Elmer 3271 (US). osc. Amador County: New York Falls, April, 1891, G. Hansen (DS); same locality, April, 1893, G. Hansen 18 (UC); same locality, May, 1895 (US). Butte County: Brush Creek, 1907, Kate Conger (UC); Nimshew, May, 1918, Alethea Beagles & G. P. Van Eseltine (CPS). El Dorado County: Pyramid Peak, 1900, W. L. Atkinson (DS); Tahoe road, fifteen miles above Placerville, May, 1907, K. Brandegee (UC); same locality, May, 1903, C. A. Gross 95 (DS). Fresno County: between Sauger and Sequoia Mills, May, 1894, A. Eastwood (G); Pine Ridge, June, 1900, Hall & Chandler 205 (DS, NY, UC, US). Kern County: Green Horn Mountains, June, 1888, E. Palmer 115 (T); Kernville, T. S. Brandegee (G). Madera County: North Fork and vicinity, May-June, 1903, D. Griffith 4457 (US); Shuteye Mountain, July, 1907, J. Murdock, Jr. 2514 (G). Mariposa County: Clarks, on branch of Merced River, 1872, A. Gray (G); same locality, June, SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS 221 1881, C. C. Parry 39 (G); Culip, March, 1883, J. W. Congdon (NY); Mariposa, March, 1883, J. W. Congdon (US); same locality, May, 1903, J. W. Congdon (B); Morman Bar, May, 1892, J. W. Congdon (DS); Pea Ridge road, April, 1901, J. W. Congdon (US); same locality, May, 1902, and April, 1903, (B); Toll House road, May, 1903, J. W. Congdon (G); Wawona flats, July, 1919, S. S. Towne & E. P. Chace (CPS); Yosemite, 1884, M. K. Curran (US); same locality, July, 1907, M. Alice King (UC); same locality, K. Brandegee (DS); same locality, near Hog Ranch, July, 1902, Hall & Babcock 3306 (G, RM, UC, US); Yosemite Valley, 1868, J. Torrey (G, NY, T); same locality, June, 1911, L. R. Abrams 4474 (DS, G) and H. M. Hall 8870 (DS, G, UC, US); same locality, Royal Arches, June, 1912, EZ. A. Babcock 1074 (RM, UC). Monterey County: Little Sur, May—June, 1901, J. B. Davy 7393 (UC); San Antonio school house, May, 1895, W. R. Dudley (DS); Tassajara Hot Springs, June, 1901, A. E. D. Elmer 3271 (DS, US). Placer County: Auburn, April, 1919, G. Bankey (DS); Bear Valley, 1872, Bolander & Keller (T); same locality, near Fowler, June, 1894, Martha Brier (UC); , 1893, Mrs. M. M. Hardy (T, UC). San Bernardino County: San Bernardino Mountains, Grass Valley, June, 1894, S. B. Parish 3111 (G, NY,T, UC). Tulare County: North Fork Kern River, June, 1888, E. Palmer 115 (US); Bear Creek, May, 1896, C. A. Purpus 1725 (UC); Grape Vine Spring, east of Visalia, March, 1898, P. S. Woolsey (UC); Sequoia National Park, July, 1914, Myrtle Lathrop (CPS). Tuolumne County: near Cherry River, June, 1889, Chesnut & Drew (UC); near Big Oak Flat, May, 1895, W. C. Blasdale (UC); Five Mile Creek, May, 1916, A. L. Grant (DS); above Rawhide, April, 1919, R. S. Ferris 1480 (DS). CoNCINNI This group is based upon two closely related forms collected by Douglas in California and described by Agardh from specimens in Lindley’s herbarium. A review of this group necessitates accounting for the following names: L. concinnus Agardh, Syn. Gen. as 6. pl. 7,f. 2. 1836. L. gracilis Agardh, ibid. 15. pl. 1,f. 2. 1835. L. Orcuttii Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 20: + 350- 1885. 222 SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS L. pallidus Brandegee, Zoe 4: 203. 1893. L. micensis Jones, Proc. Cal. Acad. I. 5:630. 1895. L. desertorum Heller, Muhlenbergia 2: at 7005... L. Agardhianus Heller, ibid. 7: 13. Heller has shown that Nuttall’s L. gracilis, of the Gulf States, has priority over L. gracilis Agardh, hence the second name of the above list is properly replaced by the last one given. Agardh very obligingly contrasts his two species on one and the same plate, and careful comparison of his two descriptions discovers no marked differences other than those shown by his drawings. The odd fact is, that he classifies L. concinnus in his group ‘‘B”’ (Pilosi) and his L. gracilis in his group ‘“‘E” (unlettered and unnamed, but plainly provided for in his arrangement). This group is primarily Californian, ranging from Monterey County to northern Lower California, just two forms having an extensive range into the Mexican Plateau region, as far north as southern Utah, east to southern New Mexico, and south into Sonora. The pubescence varies from long-villous to subappressed, and the habit from erect and simple to much branched with the lower branches widely spreading. Some of the axillary branches are occasionally reduced to mere racemes, and even more often to one or two axillary flowers, which develop normal pods and seeds: hence the character, ‘‘racemes . . . sessile in the axils,’ ascribed by Watson to his L. Orcuttii. The flowers are usually small 7-9 mm. long, but conspicuously larger in a form of the San — Bernardino and the San Jacinto Mountains. The petals vary from white and yellowish to a bright blue or a rich reddish purple, variously designated by authors. Few other characters seem to be marked enough to justify their use in diagnoses, and I must admit that the six forms which I am able to recognize are so closely related to each other that their relationship seems to me to be best expressed by classifying them all as varieties of one species. I cannot appreciate color alone as of sufficient value to warrant specific distinctions, and the variable pubescence here, as in L. densiflorus, L. sparsiflorus, etc., seems to prohibit positive lines of separation. SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS 223 Key to the varieties of Lupinus concinnus Densely villous with hairs 1-2.5 mm. long; petals more or less reddish purple; banner 6-10 mm. long, 3-9 mm. wide, mostly with rounded or emarginate apex. Flowers 6-7 mm. long; banner about 6 mm. long and 3 mm. wide. 2b. var. Orcuttit. Flowers 7-12 mm. long; banner 4-9 mm. wide. Flowers 7-9 mm. long; banner 7-8 mm. long and 4-5 mm. wide. Flowers 10-12 mm. long; banner 9-10 mm. long and 7-9 mm. wide Loosely villous or mostly appressed-pubescent; banner fae - long, 3-4 mm. wide, mostly with angled a patemeas cbeidaay spreading; petals reddish ae or blue-edged. Pubescence mainly appressed; petals white or yellowish. Leaflets 5-6, spatulate, obtuse at apex 2e. var. pallidus. Leaflets 6-9, oblong-lanceolate, angled at apex. 2f. var. desertorum. 2a. L. concinnus. 2c. var. optatus. 2d. var. Agardhianus. 2a. LUPINUS CoNcINNUS Agardh, Syn. Gen. Lup. 6. pl. 1, f. 1. 1835. [Fic. 68. Simple or much branched from the base, 6-20 cm. tall, densely villous, the spreading hairs 1-3 mm. long: leaves numerous, very villous, the petioles two to four times as long as their longest leaflets, which are five to eight, oblanceolate with obtuse apex, 10-20 mm. long, 2-5 mm. wide; racemes nearly sessile, 3-6 cm, A | oy J cm. ve Rae os Se Fic. 68. Lupinus CONCINNUS Agardh. D. E. Elmer 3279 (US); 2. L. R. Abrams 3564 (US); 3. E. O. Wooton (US case: 4. COR. Orewt CUS 21071); 5 T. S. Brandegee (US 735428). long, surpassed by the leaves; flowers 7-9 mm. long, usually well scattered, pedicels about 1 mm. long, stout, densely villous; calyx also densely hairy, upper lip bifid, about 4 mm. long, lower lip three-toothed, somewhat longer; petals edged with rich reddish purple, banner 7-9 mm. long, 4-5 mm. wide, rounded or | emarginate at apex, wings 7-8 mm. long, about 3 mm. wide, keel 224 SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS usually straight, 6~7 mm. long, about 2 mm. wide, naked: pods oblong, 10-15 mm. long, ovules two to four; seeds 2-3 mm. long, angled, nearly square, mostly dull-spotted on a pale ground. ALIFORNIA. Imperial County: Coyote Wells to Cement Bridge, April, 1917, E. A. McGregor 841 (DS); Live Oak Springs, June, 1917, EZ. A. McGregor 907 (DS). Kern County: Bakersfield, April-May, 1896, J. B. Davy 1800 (UC); Kernville, May, 1911, K. Brandegee (UC); Tehachapi, no date, K. Brandegee (DS). Los Angeles County: Antelope Valley, May, 1896, J. B. Davy 2321 (UC); same locality, Richardson’s Canyon, May, 1896, J. B. Davy 2495 (G, UC); Catalina Island, September, 1893,°A. J. McClatchie (NY); Liebre Mountains, June, 1908, Abrams & McGregor 374 (DS); Mount Wilson, May, 1896, A. J. McClatchie (NY). Monterey County: Los Burros Mines, April, 1898, R. A. Plaskett (G, RM); San Antonio Creek, May, 1895, W. R. Dudley (DS); San Antonio River, March, 1920, C. D. Duncan 52 (DS); Tassajara Hot Springs, June, 1901, A. D. E. Elmer 3279 (DS, US). Riverside County: Cottonwood Mountains, May, 1905, H. M. Hall 6022 (B, UC); San Jacinto River, March, 1896, A. J. McClatchie 1136 (NY); May, 1904, H. M. Hall 4945 (DS). San Bernardino County: Cajon Pass, April, 1902, H. M. Hall 3006 (UC); Colton, April, 1882, M. E. Jones 3106 (G, NY, US); Ord Mountains, toward Kane Spring, May, 1906, Hall & Chandler 6792 (B); San Bernardino, 1880, W. G. Wright 9, (G); Santa Ana Canyon, April, 1898, G. Robertson (UC); Skyland, June, 1913, H. P. Chandler 2 (UC). San Diego County: Campo, May, 1903, L. R. Abrams 3564 (DS, G, NY, US); Coyote Canyon, April, 1902, H. M. Hall 2820 (UC); Jacumba Hot Springs, May, 1894, L. Shoemfeldt, Int. Bound. Comm. 3268 (US); Jacumba, April, 1905, 1’. S. Brandegee (US); San Felipe, 1899, K. Brandegee (UC); San Jacinto Mountains, June, 1897, G. F. Reinhardt (UC); same locality, May, 1897 and 1899, and June, 1901, H. M. Hall 547 (US), 1728 (NY), and 2067 (DS); Stonewall, June, 1894, T. 5S. Brandegee (UC); Tia Juana Wash, April, 1903, H. M. Hall 3970 (G, UC); 1889, C. R. Orcutt (US 40871). Santa Barbara County: near Santa Barbara, 1894, F. Franceschi (UC); San Rafael Mountains, 1889, H. C. Ford (G.) County not determined: Burnett Creek, April, ro01, W. R. Dudley (DS); Erskin Creek, SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS 225 hillsides, 1897, C. A. Purpus 5363 (G, UC, US); no locality or date, D. Douglas (T). LOWER CALIFoRNIA. Cantillas Mountains, July, 1884, C. R. Orcutt (US); north of Hansen’s ranch, April, 1885, C. R. Orcutt 1262 (G). Arizona. Mohave County: Peach Spring, April, 1893, N. C. Wilson (UC). Pima County: Santa Catalina Mountains, April, 1895, J. W. Toumey (NY, UC); Santa Rita Forest, March-April, 1903, D. Griffiths 4210 (US). County not determined: Copper Basin, June, 1892, J. W. Toumey 574 (US); Lynx Creek, May, 1893, H. H. Rusby (US, T); Saginaw Mine Trip, March, 1g9o1, D. Griffiths 2492 (NY). New Mexico. Dona Aus County: Organ Mountains, May, 1892, 1893 and 1900, E. O. Wooton (US). Grant County: Mangas Springs, May, 1903, O. B. Metcalfe 69 (G, NY, RM, UC, US). 2b. Lupinus concinnus Orcutti (Wats.) comb. nov. [FIc. 69.] Lupinus Orcuttit Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 20: 359. 1885. Lupinus micensis Jones, Proc. Cal. Acad. II. 5: 630. 1895. Se), Certs G. 69. LuPINUS CONCINNUS O ) C.-P. Smith. 1. M. E. Jones hag (US); 2. Rose, Standley & aval iag I ake ae 3. EB. A. Mearns, 1.5.C. 3482 (US Differs from typical L. concinnus only in being commonly more congested and with smaller flowers, 6-7 mm. long, banner nar- rower, about 3 mm. wide. My determination of Watson’s species is based upon the Gray Herbarium sheet of the only collection cited by him, while I have judged Jones’s species from his several specimens in the United States National Herbarium. I see no substantial differences between the specimens concerned, and Watson’s assignment of his species to the subgenus Platycarpos I cannot accept. 226 SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS CALIFORNIA. Inyo County: Pleasant Canyon, Panamint Mountains, May, 1906, Hall & Chandler 6955 (UC). Kern County: Caliente, no date, K. Brandegee (UC). Monterey County: Santa Lucia Mountains, Burro Trail, June, 1909, K. Brandegee (UC). San Bernardino County: Bagdad, May, 1902, T. S. Brandegee (UC): Barnwell, May, 1911, K. Brandegee (UC); Daggart, no date, K. Brandegee (UC); Goffs, March, 1915, S. B. Parish 9657 (UC); Morongo, Colerado Desert, March, 1882, S. B. Parish 1270* (NY); San’Bernardino, March, 1915, S. B. Parish (UC); Warren’s Well, May, T. S. Brandegee (UC). San Diego County: Colorado Desert, C. R. Orcutt (G); San Felipe, April, 1894, T. S. Brandegee (UC). Santa Barbara County:’ Cuyama, May, 1896, A. Eastwood (G); Santa Cruz Island, April, 1888, T. S. Brandegee (UC). Tulare County: North Fork Kern River, 1898, C. A. Purpus (UC). Ventura County: Ojai, Matilija Canyon, April, 1866, S. F. Peckham (US). County not deter- mined: April, 1901, G. B. Grant 3793 (US). LOWER CALIFORNIA. Japa, July, 1884, C. R. Orcutt 1133 (G, NY); Nachoguero Valley, June, 1894, E. A. Mearns, Int. Bound. Comm. 3482 (US). -Sonora. Magdalena, April, 1910, Rose, Standley, & Russell 15089 (US); Santa Cruz River Valley, May, E. K. Smith (T). Arizona. Cochise County: Benson, April, 1905, T. E. Wilcox (US); Fort Huachuca, April, 1892, T. E. Wilcox (T, UC); same locality, 1894, T. E. Wilcox 37 (US). Maricopa County: Camp Lowell, April, 1881, C. G. Pringle (NY, T); same locality, May, 1883, C. G. Pringle (UC). Mohave County: Yucca, May, 1884, M. E. Jones 3898 (NY, RM, US). Pima County: Loasa to Lavare via Baboquivari, March-April, 1903, D. Griffiths 3616 (US); Sabina Canyon, April, 1892, J. W. Toumey (DS, UC); Santa Rita Forest, March-April, 1903, D. Griffiths 3849 (US); Tucson, March, 1877, E. L. Greene 1066 (G); same locality, March-April, 1903, D. Griffiths 3533 (US); Tucson Range Reserve, March, 1901, D. Griffiths 2387 and 2554 (NY). Santa Cruz County: Crittenden, May, 1892, T. S. Brandegee (UC); Nogales to Calabasas, April, 1908, I. Tidestrom 799 (US); Nogales, hills * Two specimens of L. Shockleyi and one specimen each of L. odoratus and L. cal Leuba igi SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS 227 east, March, 1908, I. Tidestrom 720 (US). Yavapai County: Prescott, April, 1876, E. Palmer (G). County not determined: Agua Verda Creek, March, 1914, J. A. Harris C1489 (US); Oracle to Redington, March-April, 1903, D. Griffith 3731 (US); Pagumpa, April, 1894, M. E. Jones 50956 (US); 1869, E. Palmer (US 20944, lower specimen only); 1876, E. Palmer 83 (US 21025). New Mexico. Luna County: Florida Mountains, March, 1897, C. L. Herrick 323 (US). Uran. Washington County: Silver Reef, May, 1894, M. E. Jones 5149h, 5163g, 5176] (US); St. George, 1877, E. Palmer 87 (G, T, US); same locality, 1919, I. Tidestrom 9260 (US, CPS). NevapA. Clark County: Mica Spring, April, 1894, M. E. ‘Jones 5045f and 5072b (US). Nye County: Rhyolite, May, 1909. A. A. Heller 9681 (B). 2c. Lupinus concinnus optatus var. nov. [Fic. 70.] A L. concinni differt altitudine 20-30 cm.; floribus 10-12 m longis, vexillo 9-10 mm. longo, 7-9 mm. lato, apice cabecinate: alis 10 x6 mm., carina 9 mm. longa. CS ha > Sy { cm. Fic. 70. LupINUS CONCINNUS opTATUS C. P. Smith. S. B. Parish 3055 (US). Differs from the typical plant in being taller and more robust throughout; flowers 10-12 mm. long, banner 9-10 mm. long, 7-9 mm. wide, heen emarginate at apex, wings 10 x 6 mm. and keel 9 mm. lon ia tay a mountain-valley form inhabiting areas of iota rainfall or abundant seepage. CaLiFoRNIA. Monterey County: Santa Lucia Mountains, Plaskett Trail, May, 1897, A. Eastwood (G, G). Riverside County: Banning, M. F. Gilman 5 (UC); Fairmount Park, May, 228 SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS 1904, H. M. Hall 4045 (B, UC); same locality, May, 1907, F. M. Reed 1332 (B); San Jacinto, 1890, Mrs. Gregory (UC). San Bernardino County: Colorado Desert, April, 1889, C. R: Orcutt (US); San Bernardino, June, 1876, J. G. Lemmon (DS); San Bernardino Mountains, May, Clara E. Cummings (G); same locality, May, 1880, G. R. Vasey 95 (US);. same locality, June, 1888, S. B. Parish (UC); same locality, Fredalba, July, 1908, H. M. Hall 8942 (NY, US); same locality, Grass Valley, June, 1894, S. B. Parish 3055 (Type, US 214651); same locality, Hunsacker Flat, June, 1916, H. P. Chandler 9 (UC); same locality, south slope, March, 1906, S. B. Parish 5761 (B, RM); Mojave River headwaters, May, 1881, S. B. & W. F. Parish 94 (T); Victorville, April, 1919, P. A. Munz 2590 (DS). San Diego County: Cuyamaca, July, 1906, K. Brandegee (UC); Descanso, May, 1906, 7. S. Brandegee (NY, UC); Jacumba, April, 1905, T. S. Brandegee (UC); Santa Ysabel, April, 1893, H. W. Henshaw 1go (US); Warner’s ranch, May, 1899, H. M. Hall 1373 (UC); Witch Creek, May, 1894, R. D. Alderson (UC). County not determined: San Emigdio Canyon, May, 1896, J. B. Davy 2061 (UC); 1876, Parry & Lemmon 64 (G, T); Dr. Coulter (T); H. P. Chandler 1498 (UC); S. B. Parish (US 136782); 1889, C. R- Orcutt (US 40870, left-hand specimen only). 2d. Lupinus concinnus Agardhianus (Heller) comb. nov. [Fic. 71.-] Lupinus gracilis Agardh, Syn. Gen. Lup. 15. pl. 1, f. 2. 1835. Lupinus Agardhianus Heller, Muhlenbergia 7: 13. I Differs from the Rae L. concinnus in being usually more slender, less branched, and of open habit; petals edged with rose-pur- ple or sometimes bright blue; pub- escence spreading, but much less dense; banner usually acute at apex. Agardh’s plate and description Fic. 71. concinnus Seem to abundantly warrant the AGARDHTANUS Gietier) *o. P. — 1H. M, Hall 3862 (US): 2 C.R usual determinations here accepted Orcutt ge 40870, gnee hand specimen) by me. SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS 229 CALIFORNIA. Kern County: Fort Tejon and vicinity, 1857- 58, L. J. Xantus de Vesey (G). Los Angeles County: Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, May, 1897, B. Trask (US); Manzana, Antelope Valley, May, 1896, J. B. Davy 2499 (UC); San Fernando Mountains near Chatsworth Peak, April, 1901, L. R. Abrams 1365 (DS, G, NY). Monterey County: near Monterey, 1850, Rev. S. H. Willey (G); Carmel-by-the-Sea, April, 1910, A. D. Randall (DS). San Bernardino County: Cajon Pass, April, 1881, C. G. Pringle 36 (G); same locality, April, 1902, H. M. Hall 3005 (B, G, UC); May, 1903, M. E. Jones (UC); Mojave Desert, near Cajon Pass, May, 1914, S. B. Parish 9255 (NY); San Bernardino, May, 1880, G. R. Vasey (US). San Diego County: Banner, April, 1899, K. Brandegee (UC); Campo, May, 1903, L. R. Abrams 3566 (DS, G, NY, UC, US); Carriso Creek, April, 1893; T. S. Brandegee (UC); Coyote Canyon, April, 1902, H. M. Hall 2821 (UC); Dulzura, 1903, Mr. Valentine (UC); La Jolla, March, 1914, F. E. & E. S. Clements 150 (G); Point Loma, March, 1895, T. S. Brandegee (UC); Poway, April, 1903, H. M. Hall 3862 (B, G, US); San Diego, April, 1902, G. B. Grant 1404 (UC, US); same locality, April, 1906, K. Brandegee (B, UC); same, May, 1906, T. S. Brandegee (B, NY); southwestern Colorado Desert, April, 1889, C. R. Orcutt (G, US 40870, right-hand specimen only); Witch Creek, April, 1894, R. D. Alderson (UC). San Luis Obispo -.County: Estrella (received Feb. 22, 1897), L. Jared (UC); San Luis Obispo district, June, 1876, E. Palmer 95 (UC). Santa Barbara County: Aloma Creek, C. Cox (UC); Santa Barbara, S. F. Peckham (NY). Ventura County: Ojai Valley, April, 1896, F. W. Hubby 38 (UC). Lower CALIFORNIA. San Quentin Bay, Feb., 1889, E. Palmer 708 (US). 2e. Lupinus concinnus pallidus (Brandegee) comb. nov. [Fic. 72.] Lupinus pallidus Brandegee, Zoe 4: 203. 1893. Differs from var. A gardhianus in having the pubescence mainly appressed, though with some spreading hairs; petals usually white or pale bluish; leaflets five or six, spatulate, rounded at apex: seeds “white marbled with black’’ or light tan spotted with darker tan. 230 SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS CALIFORNIA. San Diego County: Mountain Springs, April, 1889,C. R. Orcutt (US) ; same 2, Met locality, May, 1894, L. Schoem- a feldt, Int. Bound. Comm. 3065 (US); San Diego, May, 1906, 5 T. S. Brandegee (B); San SS; Wy ae Filipe, April, 1895, 7. S. a, Brandegee (UC); Sea Beach, << : a) April, 1882, C. G. Pringle { . ' (T,US) ;Tia Juana, May,1903, se ox ‘ L. R. Abrams 3487 (DS, NY). : LowWER CALIFORNIA. San : iicm. ROY Vincente, June, 1893, 7. S. a Brandegee (US); northern ; (Brandegee) - PF Sm 326 (US); Cc mer “Or (US Lower California, April, 1886, : cas 21035); ee Se hoemfelds, I.B.C. 3065 (US) si C. R. Orcutt 1326 ey US). 72. LUPINUS are eve PALLIDUS Be SEAS oh ~£ 2f. Lupinus concinnus desertorum (Heller) comb. nov. [Fic. 73. Lupinus desertorum Heller, Muhlen- bergia 2:72. 1905. Differs from var. pallidus in the number and shape of the leaflets which are six to nine, oblong-lanceolate, angled at apex. CALIFORNIA. Kern County: Ran- _ dsburg, April, 1905, A. A. Heller 76709 (B; DS, UC, US). San Bernardino County: Ord Mountains, May, 1906, Se Hall & Chandler 6792 in part* (B, UC). . 73. Lupinus CON- he ee ry ler) Cc. P. Sm SUBCARNOSI Heller 3. Lupinus suspcarNosus Hook. Bot. Mag. 10: pl. 34067. 1836. [Fic. 74.] Lupinus texensis Hook. Ibid. to: pl. 3492. 1836. Lupinus bimaculatus Hook.; Don, Sweet’s Brit. Fl. Gard. II. 4: pl. 314. 1838. t * The other specimen on this sheet is cited as typical L. concinnus. SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS 231 Lupinus subramosus Hort.; Vilm. Fl. Pl. Terre 1: 479. 1865. Lupinus leonensis Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 17: 338. 1882. Annual, biennial, or perhaps sometimes perennial, mostly branched at the base, the branches more or less decumbent, the whole plant 1.5-4 dm. tall, subappressed-silky pubescent, often with some spreading hairs; leaves several, very silky below and on the margins, glabrous or nearly so above, petioles fully twice as long as their longest leaflets, leaflets usually five only, oblanceolate, apex acute or obtuse, the lower leaves sometimes with more fleshy obovate leaflets, 12-25 mm. long, 6-12 mm. wide; peduncles 3-8 cm. long, racemes 6-12 cm. long, several-flowered; bracts 5-6 mm. long, lanceolate, deciduous; flowers 10-13 mm. long, spreading, approximate, non-verticillate, pedicels 3-6 mm. long; calyx bracteolate, the bractlets often over 2 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, upper lid bifid, 4-5 mm. long, lower lip entire or acutely three- toothed, about 6 mm. long; petals broad, bright blue, the banner with a white center which may turn purplish with age, suborbicu- OS eo CAO: { RO Sie Fic. 74. Lupinus SUBCARNOSUS Hook. 1. F. L. Lewton 75 (US); 2. A. Ruth 344 (US); 3. E. Palmer 108 (G); 4. C. G. Pringle 8297 (US). lar, 11-13 mm. long, 9-13 mm. wide, wings Io-II mm. long, 6-7 mm. wide, keel non-ciliate, the usually slender point sharply upturned; pods silky, 25-35 mm. long, 6-8 mm. broad, stout and somewhat constricted between the large seeds, ovules four or five; seeds gray or tawny, unmarked or obscurely spotted, about 5 mm. long by 4 mm. wide, the hilum deeply sunken in a conspicu- ously projecting ring. This is another variable species, the extremes examined by Hooker appealing to him as distinct forms, although he must aan SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS have hesitated about publishing his third name. It was my earlier intention to account for these forms and maintain their names in a varietal classification; but when I carefully considered the array of specimens listed below, I was forced to the conclusion that the distinctions emphasized are not constant enough to permit such a treatment. L. bimaculatus, although said to be a perennial, and L. subramosus, although credited with leaflets oval and seven to nine in number, need to be checked up carefully before being recognized as good varieties; while the Gray Herbarium specimen of the type collection of L. leonensis does not permit me to separate same from the common L. texensis extreme. Extracts from the five descriptions follow: L. subcarnosus. Herbaceus aeons caule pubes scenti-sericeo, foliolis quinis Shisieitn hoiaotaee subcarnosis laberrimis subtus (margineque praecipue) sericeis, suipalis clongato-subulatis, x ra et eee pedicellis alternis longitudine orum iatis, labio superiore breviore bifido inferiore lanceo- lato apice tridentato pa fastin a a vexillo orbiculari intense caeruleo medio macula alba plica longitudinali div A. ry distinct species . . cimens my Herbarium . . were collected. at Bejar in ahhig s, by M. B siecties t in ows It has been again gathered Drum hs een Brazoria and San Felipe . . . Seeds arrived in England pet the fad mentioned Naturalist, and have t dsome flowers in Hoag of the present year, I ee ite, much mpi ange purple- black at the tip. gumes, in my native dnecianin: an inch and a half in length. faeseatiens compressed. ds silky. Hooker’s second species is deserted with almost exactly the same words as the first; hence only the differences indicated are quoted here: LL. texensis. . iolis - lanceolatis acutiusculis ... stipulis subulatis se Pe Guues. utringue bractea parva . inferiore acuminato integerri Much. and ‘cloacly as this plant resembles the Lupinus subcarnosus . . . it never- theless appears to me to be really distinct. The oi t is stouter, the leave s are by no means pvr nor are their leaflets retuse, bu > Seb lip of the calyx I find to be always e ntire . . the former Uh “beara s] is found near the coast, the Laxey at San Felipe in the Interior. “ e chief oo Nae re is, however, rtainl looked for in the fol mus bimaculatus. owe a ar ennial. Ste ith ad- pressed silky hairs. - Leaves Y taatiets cblong-spathulate pes silky beneath, » glabrous and pale e green eoun I 6 inches long . Calyx silky, + ++ appendiculate; upper-lip ower ... Ova OE olate acute, entire, keele . ioe: ex. orbicular, pote émarpinate; bear sched | in fog centre with a large pale, yellow spot whic’ changes to a dull red. white, with a dark blue cheese pointed incurved apex. Pod « Bishareteiry ccolawee silky, about an i ong i seeds. A very pretty oo Lupine from Texas, a province of the Mexican republic, where it was discovered by the late Mr. Thos. Drummond, and introduced to our rs oom eed... mosus. Texas. Annuel. Plante couverte de poils soyeux, mous et ok Tiges rameuses , dressées, hautes de 4o cent. environ. . . . folioles ovales SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS 233 —9, obscurement mucronulées . . . étendard d un beau bleu, marqué d une tache purpurine au centre ailes également bleues; caréne blanche, a sommet bleu foncé. Dans les j Ls gee eurs, la tache de = caréne est jaune paille Graine ) etite, 4 peu pris carrée, A angles arrondis, 4 ombilic saillant sur l'un des Coins. ys L. leonensis. Biennial (?), branching at the base and the leafy stems decumbent (6 to 12 inches high), coarsely villous throughout, the hairs appressed or somewhat i leaflet sprea ate, acute, very silk I don margins, glabrous or nearly so above, 6 to ro lines long or less . flowers blue, 5 lines long scattered . . . calyx tube turbinate . . . pods linear, 4—6-seeded, 12-15 lines long 3 bro At Guajuco, Nuevo Leon (198). [E. Palmer.] The above quotations will probably convince any student that the five names concerned belong to very closely related forms. Watson (Bib. Index 241. 1878) recognized the identity of Hooker's three species but seems to have forgotten these variations when he came to treat Palmer’s collections from Northern Mexico. Hemsley (Biol. Cent. Amer. 1: 229. 1880) records L. bimaculatus from ‘‘Toluca, in alpine meadows, 12000 feet.’”’ As this is in the State of Mexico, it might well be expected that this will prove to be a distinct variety if not a separate species. Texas. Austin County: Industry, 1893, H. Wurslow 18 (US), Bexar County: San Antonio, April, 1853, G. Thurber (G); same locality, March, 1881, V. Havard 176 (G); same locality, G. Jermy (US); same locality, Alamo Heights, May, 1900, R. N. Larrabee (US). Blanco County: Cypress, 1905, Mrs. M. Snyder (UC). Comal County: Bracken, July, 1903, B. H. A. Groth 219 (G). Comanche County: Commanche Spring, New Braunfels, etc., March, 1850, F. Lindheimer 771 (G, NY, UC, US). Dallas County: Dallas, May, 1879, and April, 1880, J. Reverchon (G, UC. US): same locality, April, 1900, B. F. Bush 585 (G, US). Dewitt County: Cuero, March, 1907, A. H. Howell 300 (US). Gilespie County: Crab Apple, G. Jermy 257 (US); Otto Mountain, G. Jermy 256 (US). Harris County: Harrisburg, May, 1876, J. F. Joor 58 (US). Kinney County: Fort Clark, March, 1893, £. A. Mearns, Int. Bound. Comm. 1301 (DS, G, UC, US). Lavaca. County: Hallettsville, April, 1913, J. Davis (US); same, A. E, Townsend (US). Nueces County: Corpus Cristi Bay, March, 1894, A. A. Heller 1466 (G, RM, UC, US); Corpus Cristi, April, 1905, S. M. Tracy 9080 (G, NY, US); Nuecestown, April, 1896 C. L. Marlatt (US). Tom Green County: Dove Creek, May, 1880, 234 SMITH: STUDIES IN THE GENUS LUPINUS F. Tweedy 59 (US). Torrent County: Polytechnic, A. Ruth 344 (US). Travis County: Austin, March, 1890, J. E. Bodin.go (US). Victoria County: Victoria, March, 1905, F. L. Lewton 75 (US); same, April, 1907, A. H. Howell 348 (US). Waller County: Hempstead, April, 1872, E. Hall 159 (NY, US). County not determined: Rio Grande Prairies, 1844, E. Meyer (T); 1847-1848, F, Lindheimer 600 (G, US); C. Wright (G, G); 1879, J. Reverchon (G); sheets 375 and 1555 from Berlander’s herbarium (G); A. M. Hildebrand (US); T. Drummond (T, T); 1856, Dr. Swift (US). NuEvo Leon. Guajuco, twenty-five miles southeast of Mon- terey, March, 1880, E. Palmer 198 (G); Monterey foothills, ' March-April, 1906, C. G. Pringle 10163 (G, NY, US); Monterey fields, March, 1891, C. K. Dodge 43 (US). CoanuiLa. Diaz, April, 1900, C. G. Pringle 8297 (G, RM, UC; US); The abbreviations herein used in the citation of specimens may be identified by reference to the following list: B, Brooklyn Botanic Garden; CPS, private herbarium of the writer; DS, Dudley Herbarium of Stanford University; G, Gray Herbarium of Harvard University; NY, New York Botanical Garden: RM, Rocky Mountain Herbarium, University of Wyoming; T, Torrey Herbarium (at New York Botanical Garden); UC, University of California; US, United States National Herbarium. My thanks are most cordially extended to the various friends who have so kindly assisted in this work by making it possible for me to examine the many specimens cited in the present paper and also those cited in the fourth and fifth papers of this series. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 1916-1921 The aim of this Index is to include all current botanical literature written by Americans, published in aaah or based upon American material ; the word Amer- ica being used in the broadest s : Reviews, and papers that he exclusively to forestry, agriculture, horticulture, manufitered products of vegetable origin, or laboratory methods are not included, an o attempt is made to index the literature af ee An occasional exception is ade in favor of some paper appearing in an Am odical which is devoted wholly to botany. Reprints are not secathoniad a ey differ from the original in some important particular. If users of the Index will call the attention of the editor to errors or omissions, their kindness will be aetiale is Index is reprinted monthly on cards, and furnished in this form to sub- scribers at the rate of three cents for each card. Selection of cards is not permitted: each subscriber must take all cards published during the term of his subscription. Correspondence relating to the card issue should be addressed to the Treasurer of the Torrey Botanical Club. Adams, J. F. Notes on plant diseases in Pennsylvania for 1916. Ann. Rep. Pennsylvania State Coll. 1916-17: 329-336. f. 2-12. I9I9Q. André, H. Uber die Ursachen des periodischen Dickenwachstums des Stammes. Zeitschr. Bot. 12: 177-218. pl. 3,4 +f. 1. 1920. Among plants studied are species of Nicotiana and Lantana. Arthur, J. C. New combinations for phanerogamic names. Torreya Ps Ba GR or Raage se eek 9 combinations in various genera. Arthur, J.C. Origin of potato rust. Science II. 53: 228, 229. 11 Mr 1921. Sosiivec’ G. Un nouveau Mitracarpus de l'Uruguay. . Bull. Soc. Bot. Genéve II. 12: 14, 15. 31 Ja 1921. Bequaert, J. On the dispersal by flies of the spores of certain mosses of the family Splachnaceae. Bryologist 24: 1-4. 22 Mr 1921. Bergman, H. F. The effect of cloudiness on the oxygen content of water and its significance in cranberry culture. Am. Jour. Bot. 8: 50-58. f. 1-3. 9 Mr 1921. 235 236 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Bibb, L. B. Summation of dissimilar stimuli applied to leaflets of sensitive brier (Schrankia). Jour. Gen. Physiol. 3: 523-526. f. 1-3. 20 Mr 1ig2t. Blake, S. F. Neomillspaughia, a new genus of Polygonaceae, with remarks on related genera. Bull. Torrey Club 48: 77-88. i. r. 8 Mr 1921. [Blakeslee, A. F.] Inheritance of germinal peculiarities.— Portulaca, Datura. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 130-132. 3 F 1921. Boédeker, F. Die Bliite der Mamillaria De Laetiana Quehl. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 27: 21. Ja 1917. Bédeker, F. Weitere Beobachtungen, Erfahrungen und Ansichten. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 26: 145-150. O 1916. Discussion of the identity of various Cactaceae. Bédeker, F. Nochmals weitere Beobachtungen, Erfahrungen und Ansichten. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 27: 1-6. Ja 1917. [Illust.] Further discussion of various species of Cactaceae. Britten, J. Thomas Walter (1740-88) and his grass. Jour. Bot. 59: 9-75. Mr 1921. : Britton, E.G. The preservation of our native plants. Jour. New York Bot. Gard. 22: 40-44. F 1921 Brooks, M. M. Comparative studies on respiration, XV. The effect of bile salts and of saponin upon respiration. Jour. Gen. Physiol. 3: 827-532. 3. 37-3. 20 Mr i021. Brown, J. P. Catalpa speciosa in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord- amerika. Mitt. Deutsch. Dend. Ges. 1920: 80-95. pl. 17-20. 1920. Compiled and brought together by A. Steffer. simconner: ge Uber die Wasserleitungsbahnen in den interkalaren Soares Flora 114: 119-186. 1920. Among plants studied is *Fredestantia virgini Cannon, W. A. Effect of a diminished oxygen supply in the soil on the rate of the growth of roots. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 59-61. 3 F 1921. Cannon, W. A. Some structural features of the chlorophyll-bearing organs of perennials of South Australia. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 80, 81. 3 F 1921. Cannon, W. A., & Free, E. E. Anaerobic experiments with helium. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 61, 62: 3 F 1921. Cannon, W.A., & Free, E.E. Root adaptation to deficient soil aeration. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 62. 3 F 1921. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 237 Chambers, W. H. Studies in the physiology of the fungi.—XI. Bacterial inhibition by metabolic products. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 7: 249-289. f. 1-11. N 1920. Chancerel, L. Flore forestiere du globe. Pp. 1-738. Paris. 1920. Chase, A. The Linnaean concept of pearl millet. Am. Jour. Bot. 8: 41-49. 9 Mr 1921. Chase, A. The North American species of Pennisetum. Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 22: 209-234. f. 63- Hs 1921. Includes P. prolificum, sp. nov., from Mexi Chodat, R. Sur un nouveau aula le Cneorum trimerum (Urb.) Chod. Bull. Soc. Bot. Genéve II. 12: 23, 24. 31 Ja 1921. Based upon Cubincola trimera Urb., of Cuba. Christensen, C., & Skottsberg, C. The ferns of Easter Island. Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez & Easter Isl. 2: 47-53. f. I-3. 1920. Includes Doodia paschalis, sp. nov. Christensen, C., & Skottsberg, C. The Pteridophyta of the Juan Fernandez Islands. Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez & Easter Isl. 2: 1-46, pl. 1-5. +f. 1-7. 1920. Includes new species in Trichomanes (1), Hymenophyllum (1), and Ophioglos- sum (1). Church, A. H. The somatic organization of the Phaeophyceae. Mem. Oxford 10: I-I10. Clements, F.E. Adaptation and mutation asa result of fire. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 348, 349. 3 F 1921. Clements, F. E. Biotic succession in Bad Lands. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 362, 363. 3 F 1921. Climax formations. Carnegie Inst. Washington Bot. Clements, F. E. Year Book 19: 350. 3 F 1921. Clements, F. E. Indicator plants. Book 19: 363, 364. 3 F 1921. Clements, F. E. & E. S. Changes in vegetation. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 351-353. 3 F 1921. Clements, F. E., E. S., & Loftfield, G. V. Periodicity of vegetation. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 354, 355- 3 F 1921. Clements, F. E., E. S., & Loftfield, G. V. Permanent quadrats. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 359, 360. 3 F 192t. Clements, F. E., & Douglass, A. E. Climatic cycles. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 358, 359-3 F 1921. Study of Sequoia Carnegie Inst. Washington Year 238 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Clements, F. E., & Hall, H. M. Experimental taxonomy. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 345, 346. 3 F 1921. Observations of transplanted species. Clements, F. E., & Hall, H. M. Taxonomic monographs.. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 346, 347. 3 F 1921 Reports very briefly studies on Artemisia, Chrysothamnus, Haplopappus and Atriplex. Clements, F. E., & Long, F. Experimental pollination. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 349. 3 F 1921 Clements, F. E., & Long, F. Photosynthetic efficiency. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 344, 345. 3 F 1921. Clements, F. E., & Weaver, J. E. Transplant quadrats and areas. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 355-357. 3 F 1921. Clute, W. N. Botanizing in the Painted Desert [Arizona]. Am. Bot. 27: 1-8. F 1921. [Illust.] Clute, W. N. Plant partnerships. Gard. Chron. Am. 25: 502, 503. Mr 1921. : Coker, W.C. Notes on the Thelephoraceae of North Carolina. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 36: 146-196. pl. 14-35. F 1921. Includes 1 new species in Aleurodiscus. Collins, J. F. Three plants new to Rhode Island. Rhodora 23: 27. 8 Mr rg2t. Cooper, W. S. Ecology of the strand vegetation of the Pacific Coast of North America. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 79, 00; 34°F roat: Cunningham, B. A pure culture method for diatoms. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 36: 123-126. pl. 9. F 1921. Cunningham, B. The occurrence of unlike ends of the cells of a single filament of Spirogyra. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 36: 127, 128. 2, 10. ¥ t9at. Dahlgren, K. V. Zur Embryologie der Kompositen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Endospermbildung. spsq Bot. ¥3; 461- 516. f. I-56. 1920 Studied many Old World and American species. , B. M. Salt requirements of seed plants. Carnegie Inst. Washes Year Book 19: 66-68. 3 F 1921. Duggar, B. M. The nutritive value of the food reserve in cotyledons. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 7: 291-298. pl. 7 +f. 1. N 1920. Duggar, B. M. The use of ‘“‘insoluble’’ salts in balanced solutions for _ teed plants. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 7: 307-327. f. 1-4. N 1920. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 239 Dutton, D. L. © Buxbaumia indusiata Brid., from Brandon, Vermont. Bryologist 24: 8. 22 Mr 1921. East, E. M., & Jones, D. F. Genetic studies on the protein content of maize. Genetics 5: 543-610. f. 1-8. N 1920. Edgerton, C. W., & Moreland, C. C. Eggplant blight. Louisiana Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 178: 1-44. f. 1-18, Ja 1921. Fernald, M. L. The North American representatives of Scirpus cespitosus. Rhodora 23: 22-25. 8 Mr 1921. Includes Scirpus cespitosus var. delicatulus var. nov. from Newfoundland and Fischer, J. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte und Morphologie der Veron- icabliite. Zeitschr. Bot. 12: 113-161. f. I-23. 1920. Fries, R. E. Die Myxomyceten der Juan Fernandez Inseln. Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez & Easter Isl. 2: 55-58. 1920. Frye, T. C. Plant migration along a partly drained lake. Publ. Puget Sound Biol. Sta. 2: 393-397. 30 D 1920. Gericke, W. F. Influence of temperature on the relations between nutrient salt proportions and the early growth of wheat. Am. Jour. Bot. 8: 59-62. 19 Mr 1921. Grier, N. M. Notes on Hemerocallis, 11. Torreya 21: 12, 13. F 1921. Gundersen, A. Plant families: a plea for an international sequence. New Phytol. 19: 264-271. 31 Ja 1921. Haan, H. R. M. de. Contribution to the knowledge of the morpho- logical value and the phylogeny of the ovule and its integuments. Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerlandais 17: 219-324. 1920. Hall, H. M. Statistical studies. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 348. 1921 ‘ Studied Artemisia and Chrysothamnus. _ Hall, H. M. Taxonomy of the Madieae. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 347. 3 F 1921. Notes progress of work. ' Hall, H. M., & Long, F. Rubber plants. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 365, 366. 3 F 1921. Hansen, A.A. Our disappearing wild plants. Science IT. 53: 178-180. 25 F 1921. Discusses flora of District of Columbia. - Hansen, A.A. Recent Pennsylvania weeds. Ann. Rep. Pennsylvania State Coll. 1916-17: 317-328. 1919. [Illust.] 240 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Harms, H. Uber einige brasilianische Lupinus-Arten mit einfachen Blattern. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regn. Veg. 17: 4, 5. I Ja 1921. Includes L. Sellowianus, sp. nov. Harris, J. A. Studies on the physico-chemical properties of vegetable ‘saps. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 142, 143. 3 Harris, J. A., Sinnott, E. W., Pennypacker, J. Y., & Durham, G. B. The vascular anatomy of dimerous and trimerous seedlings of Phaseolus vulgaris. Am. Jour. Bot. 8: 63-102. f. 1-23. 19 Mr 1921. Harter, L.L. Amylase of Rhizopus Tritici, with a consideration of its secretion and action. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 761-786. 15 F 192I. Heimerl, A. Nyctaginaceae novae. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regn. Veg. 17: 1-3. 1 Ja 1921. Includes Pisonia Broadwayana, sp. nov., from Tobago. Herzog, T. Die Bryophyten meiner zweiten Reise durch Bolivia. Nachtrag. Bibl. Bot. 88: 1-31. f. r-19. 1921. Includes 26 new species. Inman, O. L. Comparative studies on respiration—XVI. Effects of hypotonic and hypertonic solutions upon respiration. Jour. Gen. Physiol. 3: 533-537-f. 1, 2. 20 Mr 1921. - Jagger, I. C. A transmissible mosaic disease of lettuce. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 737-740. pl. 87. 15 F 1921. Kempton, J. H. A brachytic variation in maize. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Bull. 925: 1-28. pl. 1-19 + f. 1-8. 18 F 1921. Kidder, N. T. Additions to the flora of Isle au Haut [Maine]. Rho- dora 23: 26. 8 Mr 1921. Kranzlin, F. Bignoniaceae novae. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regn. Veg: ¥7: 15-22... 1 Ja 19et. Includes 4 new American species of Arrabiduaea. Lee, H. A., & Scott, L. B. Are Valencia oranges from China? Jour. Hered. 11: 329-333. f. 20-22. 23 Mr 1921. Lemoine, [Mme. Paul]. Botanische Ergebnisse der schwedischen Expedition nach Patagonien und dem Feuerlande 1907-1909. VII. Les Melobésiées. Kungl. Svenska Vetensk. Handl. 6', no. 4: I-17- pl. i +f, 1, 2 162. Includes new species in Lithothamnium (2) and Lithophyllum (4). Lendner, A. Un champignon parasite sur une Lauracée du genre Ocotea. Bull. Soc. Bot. Genéve II. 12: 122-128. f. 1, 2. 31 Ja 1921. Cryptobasidium, gen. nov., from Costa Rica. Vol. 48 No. 9 BULLETIN OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB The air chambers of Reboulia hemisphaerica (WITH TWENTY-TWO TEXT FIGURES) A. W. DUPLER INTRODUCTION The air chambers of the Marchantiales may be grouped under the three categories outlined by Leitgeb (12, 13, 14). These categories, named after characteristic genera, were defined by him essentially as follows: 1, the Riccia type, with simple air chambers, the chlorophyll being in the wall cells; 2, the Marchantia type, in which the simple chambers contain filaments of chlorophyllose cells; and 3, the Reboulia type, in which the primary chambers are more or less divided into secondary chambers by plates of cells arising from the sides, floor and even roof of the primary chambers. While the Reboulia type of chamber has been studied in other genera, Reboulia itself has received very little attention. . HISTORICAL In the literature dealing with the air chambers of the Marchan- tiales two general problems have arisen, so far as the Reboulia type is concerned. The first of these has to do with the question whether the subdivisions of the primary chambers are due to ingrowths into the primary chamber or arise as a result of schizo- - genous splitting of the thallus tissue. The second and more funda- mental problem has to do with the origin and early development [The BULLETIN for August (48: 219-240) was issued October 21, 1921.] 241 242 DupLeR: AIR CHAMBERS OF REBOULIA of the air chambers. In this connection two points of view have been emphasized, viz., that of Leitgeb (12, 13, 14), who regarded them as formed by a dorsal upgrowth arising from superficial cells, and that of Barnes and Land (1), who pointed out the internal schizogenous origin of the airchambers. A summary of the earlier literature dealing with this problem, dating back to Hofmeister (11), is to be found in the paper by Barnes and Land; while the later literature has been reviewed by Evans (7). In the present paper reference is made to the recent literature only when it bears somewhat directly on Reboulia itself or its close allies. Leitgeb’s interpretation of the structure and partitioning of the air chambers of Reboulia, as noted above, has been generally accepted by such writers as Cavers (4, 5), Campbell (3), and Goebel (8). Cavers notes that near the apex there is but a single layer of chambers, each with a simple pore, but that the chambers become partitioned as they develop. Campbell holds for Reboulia and Fimbriaria (F. californica is especially described) that there is a more or less complete division of the primary chambers by the formation of diaphragms. Barnes and Land (1) state that in Plagiochasma it appears probable that the partitioning of the chambers occurs as described by Leitgeb but that “the formation of the aerating tissue is mainly due to splitting and growth.” From her study of Plagiochasma (Aytonia) Miss Starr (16) claims that Leitgeb’s partitioning plates are not outgrowths but arise by “stretching and tearing of tissues between neighboring chambers . . . the tearing being due to the differences in tension between the upper and lower parts of the thallus. This leaves pro- jecting plates of cells, appearing as filaments in section, which Leit- geb and Campbell interpreted as new growth dividing the original chambers. Perhaps these plates add to their length by further growth.” Evans (7) has made a very careful study of the air chambers in Grimaldia fragrans, and his results are of importance in a comparison with Reboulia. He finds that the primary cham- bers of the dorsal region “are subdivided by an irregular system of more or less vertical, united cell plates, enclosing narrow spaces, so that the boundaries of the chambers are difficult to distinguish.”’ He finds that these plates may end freely below the epidermis or extend to the epidermis but that “it isdoubtful . . . if the connec- DuPLER: AIR CHAMBERS OF REBOULIA 243 tion is anything more than a close contact.” He adds further, ‘‘no instance has been observed where an outgrowth extends downward from the epidermis and ends freely in a chamber, and there is no adequate evidence that the epidermal cells themselves ever give rise to outgrowths.”’ He finds the ‘more deeply situated’’ chambers simple and usually without any partitioning cell plates. The secondary partitions apparently arise as outgrowths from the floor, as one would interpret the statement, ‘‘as the writer conceives the process, the growth of the partitions is both hori- zontal and vertical, the growth in the latter direction being often equalled by the upward growth (accompanied by cell division) of the cells forming the floors of the chambers; these in turn remain more or less united with one another and with the cells of the partitions and in this way form the system of united cell-plates in the dorsal chambers.”’ In astudy of the chambers of the female receptacle surface outgrowths from the partitions themselves are found, but ‘‘in the vegetative thallus such outgrowths evidently play a very minor part in the development of the green tissue.” Evans concludes further that the increase in size of the chambers is due largely to the growth of the bounding cells, differing in this respect from Miss Starr in her interpretation of the situation in Plagiochasma. Haupt (9) describes the air chambers of Reboulia but does not consider the problem of the origin and development of the internal partitions. With regard to the problem of the origin of the air chambers Leitgeb based his theory of the superficial origin by upgrowth on a study of the Ricciaceae (12) but later (13, 14) applied it to the Marchantiaceae as well. His theory remained unquestioned for some time, even in view of his own admission that at least a part of the air chambers seemed to arise schizogenously in Reboulia and Plagiochasma. Barnes and Land (1) controverted Leitgeb’s idea, replacing it by one which accounts for the origin of the air chambers in the Marchantiales as “arising invariably by the splitting of internal cell walls, usually at the junction of the outermost and first internal layer of cells.” Of the forms with the Reboulia type of chamber they studied Fimbriaria (probably F. echinella Gottsche) and Plagiochasma sp., finding in the former that “the primary splitting usually begins between the cells 244 DuPLerR: AIR CHAMBERS OF REBOULIA arising from successive segments. . . . Later, and often deep in the tissue, secondary splitting gives rise to intercellular spaces which may reach the surface or may break into a primary space. In Plagiochasma the situation is similar only the secondary splitting occurs more quickly and becomes quite extensive. The passages are not wide and shallow, but always deep and narrow open almost or quite uninterruptedly until the pore margin is well begun.” he problem thus opened up anew was attacked by different writers, dealing largely with the Ricciaceae and Targionia. Miss Hirsch (10) and Miss Black (2) both support the Leitgeb view for Riccia Frost. Campbell (3) regards their work, as well as that of Miss O’Keefe (15), as showing that Leitgeb’s account of the formation of air spaces in Riccia glauca and other allied species is entirely correct. Both Deutsch (6) and Miss O’Keefe (15), in their studies of Targionia hypophylla, agree that the chambers arise by splitting, but that the splitting begins superficially and proceeds inward, instead of arising internally and proceeding outward. Miss Starr’s study of Plagiochasma (16) leads her to conclude that there is no doubt as to the internal schizogenous origin of the air chambers of both thallus and receptacle. The development of the barrel-shaped air-pore on the receptacle is described in detail. Evans (7) reviews the recent work on the problem pointing out that in all cases, even including the work of Miss Hirsch and Miss Black, the origin of the air chambers is probably due to splitting of the cell walls, although it may begin superficially in some cases. From his study of Grimaldia fragrans he concludes that “the chambers all owe their origin to a splitting of cell walls in closely united tissue. In the case of the dorsal chambers the split sometimes begins below the surface and extends outward, sometimes at the surface and extends inward.” Further, ‘that there still seems to be no conclusive evidence that Leitgeb’s explanation ever applies.” Haupt (9) in his recent study of Reboulia hemisphaerica states that ‘the air chambers of Reboulia arise immediately behind the apical cell of the thallus by inter- cellular splittings which start at the surface of the thallus and progress inward, reaching the line of differentiation between the dorsal and ventral regions. Secondary splittings occur deep within the dorsal region and do not reach the surface.” No DupLER: AIR CHAMBERS OF REBOULIA 245 account of the development of the chambers of the receptacle is given by either Evans or Haupt for the two forms which. they studied. AIR CHAMBERS OF THE THALLUS Mature features—In such forms as Marchantia and Cono- cephalum surface markings indicate the internal chambers, but Reboulia and its allies have no such external markings, the upper Fic. 1. Transverse section of a mature thallus, in the midrib region, x 40. et 2. _ Teapeyere wegen: of a oe seneitec resiaied cages — hen 1G. showing the pits series of chambers, overlapping shingle-like and seid from the surface to the compact tissue, x 40. FIG. 4 Transverse section through the dorsal portion of the air-chamber tissue, x 82. Fic. 5. Section through a small air chamber cut parallel with the surface, x 82. surface being uniform in color and smooth except for the very slight conical projections with air-pores in the center. Whole mounts of the thallus, stained in toto, show that the very elongated air chambers extend lengthwise along the midrib and from this 246 DuPpLEeR: AIR CHAMBERS OF REBOULIA radiate pinnately toward the margin. The secondary partitions are for the most part parallel with or slightly oblique to the primary walls, and give a very areolated structure to the thallus, only the number and distribution of the air pores giving any indication as to the primary chambers. A cross section of the thallus in the midrib region shows several layers of superimposed chambers in this region (Fic. 1), the chambers being gradually reduced to a single layer along the margin (Fic. 2). The compact ventral tissue also gradually becomes narrower until at the margin of the thallus it is usually only a single layer of cells in thickness. Longi- tudinal sections (F1G. 3) show that this appearance of superimposed chambers is due largely, if indeed not altogether, to an extensive shingle-like overlapping of the primary chambers, greatly com- plicated by the formation of partial secondary chambers by parti- tions which form in the chambers. These primary chambers extend from the surface to the compact ventral tissue. Of course, “deeper” chambers appear in sections cut in almost any direction, but a careful study of these chambers through a complete series of sections shows them to be largely the more deeply situated portions of the primary chambers. Where the tissue is more compact, as in Plagiochasma and Grimaldia fragrans, the deep secondary chambers may be more probable. An examination of a few preparations of Neesiella rupestris indicates that the inter- pretation here applied to Reboulia also applies to that form, which has a-more simply organized tissue than Reboulia. Cross sections give an appearance similar to that described for Grimaldia by Evans (7), the dorsal chambers being partially subdivided by plate-like outgrowths arising from the sides and floor of the chambers. Sections parallel to the surface are helpful in the interpretation of the structure (Fic. 5). It is very doubtful whether any plates arise from the roof of the chamber and project downwards into the chambers, the appearance of this in sections being due to the oblique inclination of the plates. Many of these secondary plates come in contact with the roof of the chambers. The primary partitions, the secondary plates and the roof of the chamber are all but a single layer of cells in thickness. Occa- sionally the cone formed by the air-pore projects inward into the chamber, this condition being associated with the portion of the thallus immediately posterior to the male receptacle. DuPpLER: AIR CHAMBERS OF REBOULIA 247 Origin and development.—The young chambers evidently arise schizogenously, the splitting beginning as close to the apical cell as between the third and fourth segments (Fics. 6, 8). The splitting probably begins internally (Fic. 7), although a superficial splitting is also initiated very soon, and the process apparently proceeds simultaneously from both these points, the two splits meeting about midway (FIGs. 6, 8). The turgor conditions which effect splitting can reasonably bring about external as well as internal separation. As the thallus thickens back of the apex the splitting may continue to deeper levels, although the increased s Sto) Fic. 6. Longitudinal section through a growing point, showing the apical cell and the beginning of an air chamber, with both internal and superficial splitting, X 433. Fic. 7. Similar section, showing air chamber with internal origin, x 433- G imi ti ith slightly older air chamber, x 433 IG.9. -Longitudinal Titiadt SCCL LWitil siigs yY O1GCT ait 43. section of young air chambers, showing beginning of secondary partitioning and intercalary division in the primary partition, x 433. Fic. 10. Air chamber a little older than that of Fic. 9, x 433. Fic. 11. Epidermis of a nearly mature chamber, X 433. depth of the chambers is due in large part to intercalary growth of the partitions themselves (Fic. 14). The earliest chambers are horizontal but with the growth of the thallus become obliquely inclined. Early in the development of the chambers the secondary plates have their origin as lateral outgrowths from the primary - partitions (Fics. 9, 10). These are so situated in the narrow » 248 Dup_LeR: AIR CHAMBERS OF REBOULIA chambers as to give the appearance in section (FIG. 10) of narrow passage ways between “‘dorsal’’ and ‘‘more deeply situated”’ chambers, though in fact but lateral outgrowths of the primary chambers. They arise at different levels and contribute to the complex network of the mature thallus. I find no indication of secondary splitting in the compact tissue. Chambers appearing as such are easily found, but when traced always show connections with the surface chambers. A section of Fic. 10 along the line aa would show a few large chambers. One at the level bb would show smaller but more numerous spaces between the cells, an appearance similar to that shown by Evans (7, f. zz, 12) for Grimaldia. His f. 13 of a longitudinal section of the same stage is essentially like that of Fic. 10 and would lend itself to the same interpretation as is here made for Reboulia. The single superficial cell of the partition (F1G. 7) soon divides into segments, and a circle of triangular cells around the young pore is thus formed. These divide by oblique tangential walls (Fic. 9), forming the first circle of the actual air-pore cells. Con- tinued divisions (Fics. 10, 11) build up the series of concentric circles surrounding the simple pore. THE FEMALE RECEPTACLE At first the young female receptacle consists of a very compact tissue, air chambers not appearing until after the archegonia have started their development (Fics. 12,13). The first air chanibers are formed at the crest of the young receptacle (Fic. 13) but with the growth of the latter appear nearer the archegonia (FIGs. 14, 15). The young chambers arise by internal splitting, but super- ficial splitting also begins very soon and the two proceed simul- taneously just as in the thallus (Fics. 13, 14). The internal split extends to a depth of but a few layers of cells (F1G. 16), increase in depth and diameter being due to intercalary growth of the parti- tions, which remain but one cell layer thick. The chambers become obliquely pyramidal (Fics. 19, 21), with the apex pointing toward the center of the receptacle, and overlap one another at maturity, as in the case of the thallus only to a less extent. I found no indication of secondary deep splitting on the young receptacle and see no necessity for interpreting the mature struc- DupLER: AIR CHAMBERS OF REBOULIA 249. ture as due to the occurrence of such splitting. Projecting into the primary chambers are cell plates, beginning while the chambers are yet quite small (Fic. 21) and becoming quite pronounced by the time of maturity. A surface view of the young receptacles (Fic. 17) shows that young air chambers arise at most of the intersection points of the cells dorsal to the archegonia, the young pores being bounded originally by four or five cells which in vertical section appear papillate (Fic. 13). The primary bounding cells then divide by walls extending from pore to pore, forming a circle of wedge-shaped Fic. 12. ‘Section through a young female receptacle, showing the apical cell and archegonium initial. At this stage there is no indication of air chamber forma- tion, x 433. Fic. 13. Young receptacle showing oldest air chambers at the crest. The tissue near the archegonium is yet compact, x 433. Fic. 14. Air chamber: more advanced than in Fic. 13, x 433. Fic. 15. Young air chamber immediately dorsal to the archegonium, x 433. Fic. 16. Air chambers nearer the crest of same Surface view of young receptacle, showing receptacle as F1G. 15, x 433- iG. 17. beginning of air chambers, same stage as Fic. 13, x 433- Fic. 18. Surface view of Fic. 20. Beginning of the barrel-pore of the female receptacle, x 433. 250 DUuPLER: AIR CHAMBERS OF REBOULIA cells around the pore (Fic. 17). Divisions tangential to the pore begin the formation of the roof of the chamber, forming a circle of small wedge-shaped cells (Fic. 18). As development proceeds the chambers become wider (Fics. 19-21), the growth of the roof keeping pace. At first the roof consists of but a single layer of cells, but very early in development periclin- al divisions occur, usually beginning at the margins of the chamber (Fic. 19) and proceeding until the roof be- comes, asa rule, two cells in thickness (Fic. 21). Very short outgrowths may project from the roof into the cham- ber. In sharp contrast to the simple pores of the thallus acle. Usually the young pore is open from the start, differ- ing in this respect from the young pores of Plagiochasma asshown by Miss Starr (16). The ‘‘barrel”’ is formed by periclinal divisions of the cir- cle of cells forming the margin of the young pore. The first Fic. 21. Vertical section of a young division results inan inner and chamber, showing the nearly complete an outer tier of cells (FIG. 20)- barrel-pore and a secondary plate project- The inner tier by a series of di- ing into the chamber, x iG, 22. — : Mature pore on female receptacle, x 433. visions forms the portion pro- jecting into the chamber; the outer tier by a series of similar but later divisions gives rise to the outer portion of the pore (Fic. 21). The inner projection of the pore consists of five or six tiers of cells, the outer of three or four, the circle next the pore becoming cutinized at maturity (FIG. 22). DupLeR: AIR CHAMBERS OF REBOULIA 251 THE MALE RECEPTACLE The tissue of the male receptacle is compact, aside from the antheridial chambers and very few air chambers appear on the disc. These are situated along the margins and are relatively simple in structure, containing only simple pores. In this respect the writer’s observations agree with those of Haupt (9) but differ from those of Cavers (4, 5), who described and figured small barrel-shaped pores in the male receptacle of Reboulia hemi- sphaerica. SUMMARY The very elongated air chambers of the thallus extend length- wise along the midrib region and from this radiate pinnately toward the margins of the thallus. . The air chamber tissue consists essentially of a single series of oblique chambers extending from the surface to the compact tissue, overlapping one another shingle-like and thus giving the appearance in section of several series of superimposed chambers. The primary chambers are extensively subdivided into partial secondary chambers by plates of cells arising as lateral outgrowths of the primary walls. The air chambers of both thallus and receptacles originate by splitting of cell membranes, the splits arising both internally and superficially, and generally proceeding from both points of origin simultaneously. . The later development of the chambers and the secondary partitioning is due largely to growth of the tissues, further splitting apparently playing but a small réle in the process. JuNIATA COLLEGE, HUNTINGDON, PENNSYLVANIA LITERATURE CITED 1. Barnes, C. R., & Land, W. J. G. Bryological papers. I. The origin of air chambers.» Bot. Gaz. 44: 197-213. f. I-22. 1907. 2. Black, C. A. The morphology of Riccia Frostit, Aust. Ann. Bot. 27: 511-532. pl. 37, 38. 1913. 3. Campbell, D. H. Mosses and Ferns. 3d ed. New York. 1918. 4. Cavers, F. Contributions to the biology of the Hepaticae. Part I. Targionia, Reboulia, Preissia, Monoclea. Leeds and London. 1904. 252 DuPLER: AIR CHAMBERS OF REBOULIA on) a Ko) Notes on Yorkshire Bryophytes. III. Reboulia hemi- sphaerica (L.) Raddi. Naturalist 1904: [1-15]. pl. 8 +f. 2-6. 1904. . Deutsch, H. A study of Targionia hypophylla. Bot. Gaz. 53: 492-503. f.. I-13. 1912. Evans, A. W. The air chambers of Grimaldia fragrans. Bull. Torrey Club 45: 235-251. f. 1-14. 1918. oebel, K. Organographie der Pflanzen. II. Spezielle Organo- graphie. 2ded. 1. Bryophyten. Jena. 1915. . Haupt, A. W. The gametophyte and sex organs of -Reboulia hemisphaerica. Bot. Gaz. 71: 61-74. f. I-21. 1921. . Hirsh, P. The development of the air chambers in the Ricciaceae. Bull. Torrey Club. 37: 73-77. f. 1-6. 1910. . Hofmeister,W. Higher Cryptogamia. Eng.ed. London. 1862. . Leitgeb, H. Untersuchungen iiber die Lebermoose. 4. Die Ricceen. Graz. 79- . — Die Atheméffnungen der Marchantiaceen. Sitzb. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien 81: 40-54. pl. r. 1880. Untersuchungen iiber die Lebermoose. 6. Die Marchan- tieen und allgemeine Bemerkungen iiber Lebermoose. Graz. 881. I . O’Keefe, L. Structure and development of Targionia hypophylla. New Phytol. 14: 105-116. f. 2, 2.. 1915. . Starr, A.M. A Mexican Aytonia. Bot. Gaz. 61: 48-58. pl. I-4 + f. 30-33. 1916. Anomalies in maize and its relatives—I PAUL WEATHERWAX (wITH FIVE TEXT FIGURES) A series of investigations on the grasses included in the tribe Maydeae (Tripsaceae in the recent literature) have incidentally brought under observation a number of characteristics sufficiently infrequent in occurrence to be termed anomalies. Some of these are unmistakably peculiarities of development determined by disease, mechanical injury, or other environmental influence; for others no definite cause can readily be assigned. Some are non- inherited fluctuations in which highly specialized structures revert in development to a more primitive condition; but others cannot be explained in terms of past history. While none of these teratological occurrences have any econ- omic significance, and few of them make any definite contribution to matters of purely botanical interest, yet they should be recorded in the literature of science for whatever they may be worth in our efforts to understand the maize plant and its relatives. Accord- ingly, the present is the first of a series of such contributions, which the writer purposes to make from time to time. FALSE POLYEMBRYONY In Maize.—On two occasions there have been found seeds of maize, each of which apparently contained two embryos. The first was a grain of Black Mexican sweet corn, which, due to wet weather at the time of maturity, had germinated while still inside the husk. Two plumules and two primary roots had emerged from the pericarp (Fic. 5). The second was in a lot of seedlings being grown for study. One grain was found bearing two stalks and two well-developed root systems (FIG. I). But dissection showed in each éase that, although the coleoptile and coleorhiza were also duplicated, there was only one cotyledon. The anomalous embryo had doubtless arisen from a single fecundated egg, and had been influenced in development by some unexplained disturbance of polarity at the time of the differentia- tion of the embryonal axis in on Eigen primordium. But in 254 WErEATHERWAX: ANOMALIES IN MAIZE AND ITS RELATIVES none of the hundreds of embryos that have been sectioned in a study of this phase of development has there been observed any- thing to account for this division of the growing points. Three or four other in- stances of apparently the same anomaly have been brought to the writer’s attention at different times, but opportu- nity for satisfactory examin- ation has in each case been lacking. In one of these, the grain bore three stalks. Oth- were essentially different from , those described. If we except the “‘fasci- ated”’ grains that have been reported,* which, being the results of fusion of grains, are really out of the realm of our present consideration, there seems to be no case on oF 7 is ego pais dae are pe record of the occurrence of Fic. 2. Fruit of Coix with two radicles two separate embryos in any included in that shown in FiG. 2. Fic. 4. one seed of maize. The limit- Caryopsis from the fruit shown in Fic. 2. ed number of these anomalies that have been examined, however, leaves ample room for the future discovery of true polyembryony in maize. In Coix.—The emergence of two plumules and two wctinaks roots from one fruit of Job’s Tears (Coix lachryma-Jobi L.) led to an examination to determine: whether or not the enclosed seed had two embryos. Removal of the hard outer shell (Fic. 2) disclosed, in addi- tion to the expected caryopsis (Fic. 4) with its quota of bracts, * Wolfe, T. K. Fasciation in maize kernels. Amer. Nat. 50: 306-309. f. I-3- 1916, WEATHERWAX: ANOMALIES IN MAIZE AND ITS RELATIVES 255 another entire fruit (Fic. 3). The shell of the latter was thinner and softer than in the ordinary fruit. ; The structure of the anomaly is readily explained, but the data at hand afford no explanation of the cause. The inflorescence of Coix consists of a single axis bearing on its terminal portion ten to fifty or more staminate spikelets, and at its base one to three pistillate spikelets. Each of the latter is surrounded by a modified leaf sheath which matures into the stony shell of the fruit. Through failure of the axis to elongate sufficiently in development, the upper spikelet and its sheath had been included in the spathe of the lower. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, ATHENS, GEORGIA INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 1911-1921 The aim of this Index is to include all current botanical literature written by TNR published in aan or based upon American material ; the word Amer- ica being used in the broadest se hate s, and papers that -dlias exclusively to forestry, agriculture, horticulture, manuiacred products of vegetable origin, or laboratory methods are not included, and empt is made to index the literature of bacteriology. An occasional exception is ma a in favor of some paper appearing in an American periodical which is devoted wholly to botany. Reprints are not mentioned unless they differ from the original in some important particular. If users of the Index will call the attention of the editor to errors or omissions, their kindness will be appreciated. This Index is reprinted monthly on cards, and furnished in this form to subscri at the rate of three cents for each card. Selections of cards are not permitted; each _ subscriber must take all cards published during the term of his subscription, Corre. spondence relating to the card issue should be addressed to the Treasurer of the Torrey Botanical Club. Craib, W. G. Leguminosae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 87-119.. 24 Mr 1914. Dunn, S. T. Millettia. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2° 101, 102. 24 Mr 1921. Focke, W. O., Rubus. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 48-56. 31 Jl 1911. Gagnepain, F. Vitaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 99-105. 31 Jl 191t. Gamble, J. S. Lauraceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 66-86. 24 Mr 1914. Harms, H., & Rehder, A. Araliaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 555-568. 30 Mr 1916 Hutchinson, J. Euphorbiaceae. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 516-529. 30 Mr 1916. Hutchinson, J. Rubiaceae. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 390-417. 31 Au 1916. Janczewski, E. Ribes. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 44-46. 31 Jl 1911. Koehne,E. Prunus. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 59-75. 31 Jl 1911; 1: 196-282. 30 Ap 1912. 257 258 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Koehne, E. Maddenia. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae I: 56-59. 31 Jl 1911. Koehne, E. Philadelphus. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 4-6. 31 Jl 1911; 1: 145. 30 Ap 1912. Koehne, E. Sorbus. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae I: 457- 484. 15 My 1913. Lecomte, H. Loranthaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 315-319. 31 Au 1916. ; Levin, I., & Levine, M. Malignancy of the crown-gall and its analogy to animal cancer. Jour. Cancer Research 5: 243-260. f. I-15. 1920. Lingelsheim, A. Fraxinus. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 258-262. 24 Mr 1914. Lintl,H. Echinopsis multiplex. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 27: 123, 124. Au 1917. Loesener, T. Aquifoliaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae ™ Br 7h-Ba.° ar JL ror: Loesener, T., & Rehder, A. Celastraceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 485-487. 15 My 1913. Loftfield, G. V. Behavior of stomata. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 343, 344. 3 F 1921. Lutz, F. E. Geographic average, a suggested method for the study of distribution. Am. Mus. Novit. 5: 1-7. 14 Mr 1921. MacDougal, D. T. Biological and physical factors affecting plants in new habitats. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 69-71. 3 F 1921. MacDougal, D. T. Course of growth in trees as measured by the dendrograph. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 49, 50. 3 F 1921. MacDougal, D. T. Growth and the accumulation of reserve material as measured in the potato. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 10: Si, 3 F 1641: MacDougal, D. T. Measurement of a season’s growth of trees by the newly designed dendrometer. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 50. 3 F 1921. MacDougal, D. T., & Spoehr, H. A. Components and colloidal be- havior of plant protoplasm. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 53-57. 3 F 1921. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 259 Mann, A. Continuation of investigations and preparations for publica- tion of results of work on Diatomaceae. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 326-329. 3F 1921. Marshall, L. Contributions of the plant breeder to. the vegetable garden. Am. Bot. 27: 8-17. F 1921. Merrill, E. D. Comments on Cook’s theory as to the American origin and prehistoric Polynesian distribution of certain economic plants, especially Hibiscus tiliaceus Linnaeus. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 17: 377- 384. O 1920. Merrill, E. D. Myrmeconauclea, a new genus of rubiaceous plants from Palawan and Borneo. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 17: 375, 376. O 1920. Meyer, R. Verschiedenes iiber die Arten der Untergattung Ancistro- carpus. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 27: 72-80, 99-103. 1917. Murrill, W. A. The papaya, or tree melon. Sci. Am. 124: 191. 5 Mr 1921. Murrill, W. A. The genus Tinctoporia. Mycologia 13: 122, 123. 26 Mr 1921. Includes 3 new combinations. Meyer, R. Uber einen originellen Echinocactus capricornus Dietr. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 26: 97, 98.. Jl 1916. Meyer, R. Echinocactus centeterius Lem. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 27: 60, 61. Ap 1917. [Illust.] Meyer, R. Echinocactus hexaédrophorus Lem. var. Droegeanus Hildm. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 27: 40-44. Mr 1917. [Illust.] Meyer, R. Echinocactus Jussieui Monv. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 27: 52, 53- Apio917._ [Illust.] Meyer, R. Uber Echinocactus multiflorus Hook. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 26: 66, 67. My 1916. [Illust.] Meyer, R. Uber Echinocactus senilis R. A. Phil. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 26: 157, 158. O 1916. Meyer, R. Einiges iiber Echinocactus tabularis Cels. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 26: 56. Ap 1916. [Illust.] Meyer, R. Echinocereus pulchellus K. Sch. Monatsschr. Raktcenk. 26: 177,178. D1916. [Illust.] Meyer, R. Uber das System der Gattung LEchinopsis Zucc. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 26: 72-76. My 1916. 260 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Meyer, R. Die Unterscheidungsmerkmale der Arten in der Unter- gattung Malacocarpus K. Sch. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 27: 49-52. Ap 1917. Meyer, R. Uber Melocactus communis Lk. et Otto. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 26: 114-120. Au 1g16._ [lIllust.] Mez, C. Additamenta monographica 1919. II. Lauraceae. III. Myrsinaceae. Repert. Sp. Nov. Regn. Veg. 16: 305-312. 30 Ap I Sot American species in Ajouea, Acrodiclidium, Silvia, Endlicheria, Ocotea, Nectandra, and Ardisia. Miles, L. E. Leaf spots of the elm. Bot. Gaz. 71: 161-196. pl. 8-ro. 17 Mr 1921. Includes 2 new species of Gloeosporium. Moulton, R. H. A remarkable twin tree. Gard. Mag. 33: 50. Mr 1921. [Illust.] Close association of oak and elm. Murrill, W. A. A double mushroom. Mycologia 13: 119-122. f. 1-3. 26 Mr 1921. Agaricus campester. Murrill, W. A. Two species of Fuscoporia. Mycologia 13: 119. 26 Mr 1921 2 new combinations. Noack, K. L. Untersuchungen iiber die Individualitat der. Plastiden bei Phanerogamen. Zeitschr. Bot. 13: 1-35. pl. 1, 2+/f. I-3. 1921. : Among species studied is Elodea canadensis. Nordhagen, R. Om nomenklatur og begrepsdannelse i plantesocio- logien. Nyt Mag. Naturvid. 57: 17-128. 11 F 1920. Norton, J. B. Liliaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 1-13. 8 My 1916. Rehder, A. Aceraceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 83-98. 31 Jl 1911. Rehder, A. Alangiaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 552-554. 30 Mr 1916. Rehder, A. Bignoniaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 303-305. 30 Ap 1912. Rehder, A. Caprifoliaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 106-144. 31 Jl 1911; 1: 306-312. 40 Ap 1912; 2: 617-619. 30 Mr 1916. Rehder, A. Cardiandra. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 24. 3% JI 4911. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 261 Rehder, A. Chloranthaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3:15. -8 My 1916. Rehder, A. Cornaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 569-579. 30 Mr 1916. Rehder, A. Decumaria. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 152. 30 Ap IgI2. Rehder, A. Deutzia. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 6-24. 31 Jl 1911; 1: 146-150. 30 Ap 1912. Rehder, A. Dichroa. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 43, 44. 31 Jl 1921, ; Rehder, A. Dilleniaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 378-389. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A. Dioscoreaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 14. 8 My 1916. Rehder, A. Elaeagnaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 409-417. 28 D 1915. : Rehder, A. Exochorda. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 456, 457. 15 My 1913. Rehder, A. Forsythia. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 302. 30 Ap 1912. Rehder, A. Gesneraceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 387-389. 31 Au 1916. Rehder, A. Hypericum. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 402-405. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A. Hippocastanaceae. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 488-500. 15 My I913. Rehder, A. Hydrangea. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 25-41. 31 Jl 1911; 1: 150, 151. 30 Ap 1912. Rehder, A. Jtea. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 44. 31 fl rg1r. Rehder, A. Labiatae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 380-384. 31 Au 1916. Weaver, J.E. Plant production quadrats. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 357, 358- 3 F 1921. Weaver, J. E. Root development and absorption. Carnegie Inst. Washington Year Book 19: 358. 3 F 1921. Weidlich, E. Echinopsis Pentlandii var. albiflora Weidlich var. nov. Gartenflora 69: 143, 144. f. 77. 15 N 1920. 262 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Weingart, W. Cereus Napoleonis Grah. und Cereus Napoleonis Hort. Grus. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 26: 76-79. My 10916. Weingart, W. Extranuptiale Nectarien. Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 26: 1oI-105. Jl 1916. Wernham, H. F. Tropical American Rubiaceae—XIII. Jour Bot. 58: 105-108. Mr 1920. Includes Coupoui brasiliensis sp. nov., from Brazil. Wherry, E. T. The soil reactions of the ferns of woods and swamps. Am. Fern Jour. 11: 5-16. Mr 1921. Whitaker, E.S. Experimental investigations on birch and oak. Bot. Gaz. 71: 220-235. pl. 12-15 +f. 1-4. 17 Mr 1921: Wiggans, R. G. . Variations in the osmotic concentration of the guard cells during the opening and closing of stomata. Am. Jour. Bot. 8: 0-40. f. 1-7. 9 Mr 1921. Studied experimentally Zebrina, Cyclamen, Iresine and Beta. Williams, R. S. Mosses of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18" Rep. Canad. Arct. Exped. 1913-18. 4°: 1-15. f. 1-18. 8 F 1921. Includes Barbula Johansenii and Chrysohypnum arcticum, spp. nov. Wilson, E.H. Amelanchier. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 195, 196. 30 Ap 1912. Wilson, E. H. Boraginaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 363-365. 31 Au 1916. Wilson, E. H. Eucommiaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilson- ianae I: 433. 15 My 1913. Wilson, E. H. Flacourtiaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilson- ianae 1: 283-286. 30 Ap 1912. Wilson, E. H. Myricaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 189. 31 Au 1916. Wilson, E. H. Nyssaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 254-257. 24 Mr 1914. Wilson, E. H. Osteomeles. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae I: Wilson, E.H. Plumbaginaceae. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 586. 30 Mr 1916. Wilson, E.H. Pyracantha. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 177, 178. 30 Ap 1912. J.R. Tear-stain of Citrus fruits. U.S. Dept. Agr. Farmers’ Bull. 924: 1-12. pl. 2, 2. 26 Ja 1921. : Woodruff, L.L. History of biology. Sci. Mo. 12: 253-281. Mr 1921. Youngken, H. W. Studies on the Cassaba and Honey Dew melons. Am. Jour. Pharm. 93: 104-115. f. r-r2. F 1921. Vol. 48 No. 10 BULLETIN TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB OCTOBER, 1921 a, Distribution of Berberis vulgaris in Pennsylvania* FRANK D. KERN During the war extensive campaigns of barberry eradication were inaugurated in the North Middle States because of the part it was believed the barberry played there in the spread of black stem rust of cereals. Later more or less systematic attempts were made to gather facts regarding the barberry and the spread of rust in other parts of the United States. In this work the Office of Cereal Investigations, U. S. Department of Agriculture, co- operated with pathologists and botanists in various states. In Pennsylvania, where the writer assisted in an investigation of the situation, aid was furnished by the Office of Cereal Investigations during the summer of 1919 in the form of expenses for travel, and in the assignment of Mr. Creighton F. Murphy, a special appointee of that office, for work in this state. To the organizing ability and untiring activity of Mr. Murphy is due a large part of any success attained. One of the first things necessary was to obtain information regarding the prevalence of the barberry in the region. The arberry, Berberis vulgaris, is not a native of America but was introduced, doubtless from Europe, cultured either as an orna- mental shrub for its fruit, which has been more or less prized for culinary purposes, or as a medicinal plant. It has escaped from cultivation and in some localities in the United States is * Contribution from the Department of Botany, The Pennsylvania State College, No. 32. Read at the Chicago meeting of the Botanical Society of America, before the Systematic Section, December 29, 1920. [THe BULLETIN for September (48: 241-262) was issued December 13, 1921-] 264 KERN: BERBERIS VULGARIS IN PENNSYLVANIA known to be thoroughly established. In any investigation of the distribution of this plant cognizance must be taken of the fact that it is still largely cultivated and that it exists also as an escape. I wish to deal chiefly with the latter phase in the present paper. No attempt is made here to present any conclusions regarding the connection of the barberry to the rust situation. By turning to the manuals or floras of the northeastern states it was not possible to form a very definite conception of the probable distribution of Berberis vulgaris as a wild plant of Penn- sylvania. Gray’s Manual states that it is to be found in ‘thickets and waste grounds in eastern and southern New England, where it has become thoroughly wild; elsewhere occasionally sponta- neous.” This did not indicate that it would likely be found at all common or thoroughly wild in Pennsylvania although our results have shown this to be the case. Britton & Brown’s “Illustrated Flora’’ gives the distribution as “‘ thickets, naturalized from Europe in the Eastern and Middle States, adventive in Canada and the west.”’ Among the more local publications one would turn first to Porter's Flora of Pennsylvania. Here distribution, as it was known to the author, is outlined by counties. Northampton, Franklin, and Susquehanna are listed under Berberis vulgaris. This was a definite beginning. Here were three counties in which this plant was known as an escape to Porter, some time during his botanical career, 1836-1901. Other local publications in the form of regional and county floras soon added additional localities, Dudley & Thurston’s Flora of the Lackawanna and Wyoming Valleys (1892) records one bush, west of Archbald, Lackawanna County, and one in a swamp near Kingston, Luzerne County. Twining’s Flora of Northeastern Pennsylvania (1917) reports B. vulgaris as ‘‘local; a pest near Waverly and Wallsville’”’ both in Lackawanna County. Fretz, in a Flora of Bucks County (1905). gives three stations, Bensalem, near Jericho Hill, and Doylestown. From the foregoing account it will be seen that, without an undue search of the coma definite information was obtained that the bar berry had been known as an escape in six Pennsylvania counties. Most of these reports were founded on observations made several years before and in order to know the present day KERN: BERBERIS VULGARIS IN PENNSYLVANIA 265 situation it was evident that further investigations were necessary. As an example of the way in which the literature may fail to be of assistance the case of Lancaster County may be cited. Small & Carter’s Flora of Lancaster County (1913) makes no mention of the barberry although our work shows that the plant has been established there in several places for a considerable time, most certainly prior to 1913. Next to the literature, and more important in some ways in a matter of this sort, are herbaria. Specimens in a herbarium are usually accompanied with definite information as to place and date of collection, two extremely important points in tracing distribution. The two leading herbaria in the state, the one at the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and the other at Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, were consulted and both yielded valuable information. More than a dozen other institutional or private collections were examined. (Contrary to our expectations the Porter specimens were seen at the Academy of Sciences, Philadelphia, and not at Lafayette College, Easton. A number of years ago, in 1896 or thereabout, fire damaged the herbarium of Dr. T. C. Porter, upon which the Flora of Pennsylvania was founded, and most of the herbarium was transferred to the Philadelphia Academy. The most direct aid in checking up localities where barberries previously existed, or in going to new localities, came from the enthusiastic cooperation of persons in all parts of the state, who were interested in plants and had special knowledge concerning particular regions. The finding of so large a number of persons interested in plants and botanical matters was most gratifying, and the contact with them was a most delightful experience as well as being our most valuable asset in this piece of work. Alto- gether a list of more than 200 names was brought together and more than half of these, approximately 116, were consulted either by personal interview or through correspondence. Starting with the names of those appearing on herbarium specimens and enlarg- ing this to include botany and science teachers in various institu- tions a sizeable nucleus of botanical enthusiasts was obtained. A person interested in the wild and native plants frequently knew someone in his own or a neighboring county who was also 266 KERN: BERBERIS VULGARIS IN PENNSYLVANIA interested. County agricultural agents often knew the persons in their counties who made botanical collections or observations. Curators of museums, custodians of historical societies, foresters and fire wardens were usually interested themselves or had knowl- edge of the persons who were. Thus our list grew. The following lists present in detail the localities where Berberis vulgaris has been found growing wild. Altogether the literature and herbarium specimens mention nineteen localities in fourteen different counties. In our work we were able to verify the existence of barberry in 1919 in only two of these stations. Not all of the nineteen were investigated. In spite of specific directions and suggestions we found it impossible to relocate some of the stations. In other cases it is entirely probable that a single bush or two may have formed the basis of the original report and that they had disappeared prior to our investigation. Fourteen new localities are here reported, involving ten counties. LOCALITIES MENTIONED IN THE LITERATURE Bucks County: Bensalem, J. C. Martindale; near Jericho Hill, Dr. E. Newlin Williams; Doylestown, Professor A. S. Martin (Fretz, Flora of Bucks County [Appendix to a county history ?], 1905). FRANKLIN County: locality not given (Porter, Flora of Penn- sylvania, 1903). LACKAWANNA County: west of Archbald (Dudley & Thurston, Flora of Lackawanna and Wyoming Valleys, 1892); near Waverly and Wallsville (Twining, Flora of Northeastern Pennsylvania, 1917). LUZERNE COUNTY: swamp, near Kingston (Dudley & Thurs- ton, /.c.). NORTHAMPTON County: locality not given (Porter, /.c.). ‘PHILADELPHIA County: Germantown, E. C. Jellett (Handbook of the Flora of Philadelphia and vicinity). SUSQUEHANNA County: locality not given (Porter, 1.c.) LOCALITIES MENTIONED. ON HERBARIUM SPECIMENS* Berks County: half mile south of Fleetwood, August 27, 1915, W. H. Leibelsperger (Acad.). _* The following abbreviations are used in this list: Acad., for Philadelphia Academy of Sciences; C. M., for Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh; U. of P., for Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. KERN: BERBERIS VULGARIS IN PENNSYLVANIA 267 Bucks County: near Doylestown, May~—August, 1880, ex. herb. C. D. Fretz (Acad.). CAMERON County: Driftwood, across the Sinnemahoning, September, 1898, John A. Shaffer (C.M. 498). CHESTER County: ina thicket one mile southwest of Kennett Square, June 8, 1875, A. Common (Acad.). DELAWARE County: near Cooperstown, on road from Darby Creek, November 15, 1903; September 18, 1904, B. W. Griffiths (Acad.); Darby Creek, May 15, 1919, Dr. M. W. Henderson (BGG We edt Erte County: Happy Valley, roadsides, May 1893, John Miller (Historical Society); near woolen mill, October 1, 1893, John Miller (Historical Society). FRANKLIN County: Mercersburg, 1846, Porter Herbarium (Acad.). LANCASTER CouNTY: Rawlinsville, May—June, 1885, ex. herb. James Galen ot (C. M. 1697). LUZERNE County: Myers Swamp, Kingston, 1891, C. O. Thurston (Wyoming Seminary). © MonTGoMERY County:* Shannonville (now Audubon) along Perkiomen, July 15, 1892, Herb. Jas. Crawford (Acad.); banks of Perkiomen, locustwoods, May 5, 1891, J. Crawford (Herb. J. B. Brinton 1443, U. of P.). NORTHAMPTON COUNTY: vicinity of Easton, May, 1867, A. P. Garber 1396 (F. & M.); escaped into copses and woods, Easton; May 25, 1887, Thos. C. Porter (Acad.); Easton, May 29, 1896, July 15, 1897; May 25, 1899, Thos. C. Porter (Acad.); roadside, College Hill, Easton, September 8, 1898, Thos. C. Porter (C. M.); Easton, May 17, 1889, Thos. C. Porter (C. M. 2116). SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY: vicinity of Ararat, elevation 2000- 2700 ft., July 8-20, 1900, C. F. Saunders (Acad.). VERIFICATION OF CITATIONS OR COLLECTIONS Berks County: vicinity of Fleetwood, numerous mature bushes. Specimens: half mile south of Fleetwood, Ruscomb Manor Township, July 25, 1919, Leibelsperger, Kern, & Murphy. LACKAWANNA County: near Waverly, exceedingly numerous large bushes. 268 KERN: BERBERIS VULGARIS IN PENNSYLVANIA ™ NEW LOCALITIES CENTER County: near Pennsylvania Furnace, twelve miles southwest of State College, numerous large bushes; woodlot on College farm, Pennsylvania State College, observed by C. R. Orton, 1920. CUMBERLAND County: near Shippensburg, which is on the line between Cumberland and Franklin Counties. Ere County: in a ravine in city of Erie, a few bushes. Specimens: near Rolling Mill site in a ravine, Erie, August 29, 1919, Miss Cora Smith & F. D. Kern. FRANKLIN County: vicinity of Shippensburg, exceedingly - numerous large bushes. Specimens: Shippensburg, June 30, 1919, F. D. Kern. LACKAWANNA County: Frequent in the vicinity of Dalton and Glenburn. Specimens: John Woodbridge farm, Dalton, July 31, 1919, Kern & Murphy; woodlot of Mrs. Edw. Northrup, Glenburn, July 4, 1919, C. F. Murphy. LANCASTER County: several localities, thoroughly established. Specimens: in thickets along stream, near an old hedge, near Ronk, Strasburg Township, June 26, 1919, F. D. Kern; Jacob King Farm, Strasburg Township, June 7, C. F. Murphy; near Mt. Nebo Presbyterian Church, Martic Township, July 24, 1919, Kern & Murphy. LEBANON County: near South Lebanon, origin in seed planted thirty-five years ago, now being dug out. LenicH County: vicinity of Schoenersville, only two plants seen. Specimens: roadside, mile and a half west by southwest of Schoenersville, September 26, 1920, H. W. Pretz 10535. SUSQUEHANNA County: Brooklyn Township, exceedingly numerous on hillsides and in open woods. Specimens: along Scranton-Montrose trolley, between Dimock road and Smith crossing, Brooklyn Township, August 1, 1919, Kern & Murphy; Geo. Burgiss farm, Brooklyn Township, July 7, 1919, C. F. Mur- phy. 7 Wyominc County: vicinity of Russell Hill, thousands of bushes, forming thickets in pastures. Judging from its present distribution in Pennsylvania the _barberry bush is able to establish itself under varied natural KERN: BERBERIS VULGARIS IN PENNSYLVANIA 269 conditions. Residual soils, whether formed from sandstone and shale, limestone, or igneous and metamorphic rocks, seem to be favorable. Glacial soil seems to be equally favorable although its drainage is poor compared with the residual soils. In thickets along streams, along roadsides, in open pastures, or half-wooded hillsides this plant seems to be at home. The seeds germinate readily and the seedlings are vigorous. Birds and browsing cattle are agents of seed dispersal. Observations on the dissemination of the barberry have been embodied in a separate paper (Ecology, July, 1921). The fact must be kept in mind that in North America Berberis vulgaris was first a cultivated plant which has escaped. It is without doubt now more widely distributed than it is generally supposed to be. It is a fateful plant on account of its connection with the black stem rust of cereals and grasses and information concerning its presence as a part of our wild flora is of value. _DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY, THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE The development of prothallia and antheridia from the sex organs of Polypodium irioides W. N. STEIL (WITH PLATE 4 AND FOUR TEXT FIGURES) INTRODUCTION The spores of Polypodium irioides Poir., from the culture of which were obtained the prothallia with the sex-organs to be described, were sown March 21, 1916. When the first prothallia had grown to maturity and a number had already produced sporo- phytes, the majority were removed for class use. Antheridia and archegonia were formed on the prothallia in large numbers. The - archegonia, as is usual in most ferns, were produced on the cushion back of the apical notch, and the antheridia in the majority of cases on the posterior portion among the rhizoids. They were also frequently formed along the margins of the prothallia. In a few instances antheridia were observed among the archegonia. On several occasions prothallia were examined with the micro- scope, but no abnormalities were observed in the development of the sex-organs. The smaller prothallia, as well as the larger ones, produced secondary prothallia in profusion. A modified Beyerinck’s solution* was several times applied to the Sphagnum on which the prothallia were grown. The illumination and the carbon dioxide and oxygen supply were sufficient for normal de- velopment of prothallia. The vigorous growth and the large size of the prothallia suggest that favorable conditions prevailed in the culture at least during its early history. The majority of the remaining prothallia were removed in October, 1918. Three sporophytes remained in the culture at this time and from these sporophytes sporophytic and aposporous * Moore, G. T. Methods for growing pure cultures of Algae. Jour. Appl. Microscopy 6: 2309-2314. 1903- 271 272 STEIL: POLYPODIUM IRIOIDES growths were later produced. For a description of these the reader is referred to another paper.* The figures made as a result of this investigation were drawn with the aid of a camera lucida from living’ material. Some of the prothallia with the abnormal archegonia were fixed in Flem- ming’s medium fluid, imbedded in paraffin, sectioned and finally stained with safranin and light green. ANTHERIDIA In the autumn of 1918, when the first sporophytes were ob- - served to produce secondary sporophytes, the antheridia and | archegonia to be described were discovered. The majority of the antheridia appeared normal at this time, producing actively motile antherozoids. When these sex-organs were mature, the sterile cells contained only a few chloroplasts. A large number of abnormal antheridia developed among the normal ones. The lid cell and the two ring cells of the abnormal type of antheri- dium contained usually a large number of chloroplasts. Such antheridia were prim- arily vegetative in character and only occasionally produced mature antherozoids. These antheridia were not confined to the older prothallia, but were most frequently found on the younger filaments or second- - A portion of a ary prothallia, which (as has already been P rothallium of Polypodium tated) were commonly developed in the ment was produced. An Culture after some of the larger prothallia antheridium at the end of were removed. the filament developed a prothallium. X 20 From the sterile cells of these antheri- dia prothallial filaments or secondary an- theridia were frequently produced. The most common cases of regeneration were observed in connection with the lid cell. Such filaments always consisted of a single row of cells. Early stages in the development of the filaments are represented in Fics. 1 and 2 of PLaTE 4. These filaments were observed to *Steil,W.N. Vegetativ pr growths from the young sporophyte of Polypodium trinddas, Bull. .. “Club 48: 203-205. f. 1-3. 1921- STEIL: POLYPODIUM IRIOIDES 273 broaden out in some instances and form heart-shaped prothallia with rhizoids and antheridia. (TExT Fic. 1.) The anthero- zoids produced in the antheridia were seldom discharged in these instances and undoubtedly, disintegrated. One of the ring cells of the antheridium represented by Fic. 2 developed a secondary antheridium from which the. antherozoids had already escaped. In many instances, the sterile cells of an antheridium pro- duced secondary antheridia. Sometimes several of these were developed from the lid cell. Fic. 3 represents a lid cell (a) from which an antheridium (6) was produced. From the lid cell (d) of the larger secondary antheridium (c) a normal one (e) was de- veloped. Occasionally a ring cell produced one or more antheridia (FIGs. 4-6). The spermatogenous cells in antheridia whose sterile cells con- tained many chloroplasts, in several instances were observed to have disintegrated. Such antheridia were sometimes transformed into prothallia (Fics. 7-9). The cells of such antheridia usually increased in size and often divided into a number of cells (FG. 10). The great difference between normal and such abnormal antheridia is shown by Fic. 9. Many-celled prothallia produced from this kind of antheridium were found in the culture. Antheridia were also transformed into prothallia during their early course of development. It was obviously difficult to follow the development of these prothallia. An early stage in the transformation of an antheridium is shown by Fic. 11. The ring cells, in this instance, had divided to produce several cells. In some cases plastids were present in the central portion of the antheridium. These were, however, almost colorless, containing little chlorophyl. In this respect the young prothallia of this type differed from the ordinary secondary prothallia. The de- velopment of these prothallia could be followed only during their early stages, since at later stages of development they became similar in all respects to secondary prothallia produced in the culture. A most convincing instance of the transformation of an antheridium is represented by Fic. 12. The antherozoid cells can still be distinguished. The sterile cells by a number of di- 274 STEIL: POLYPODIUM IRIOIDES visions have produced a small prothallium which has already formed a rhizoid. A number of antheridia were observed in which there was an unusual number of cells as is represented by Fic. 13. The lower portion (a) of this antheridium is peculiar since there was present an additional ring cell. ARCHEGONIA The frequent occurrence of secondary prothallia among the archegonia suggested that some of them may have originated from these sex-organs. By a careful examination of the prothallia, this idea was confirmed. Frequently pro- thallial filaments were produced from the neck and the venter cells, especially from the jatter. Fic. 14 represents a filament of a number of cells which has arisen from a sin- gle neck cell. -An early stage in the develop- ment*of a prothallium from a venter cell is a represented by TExT FIG. 2. The archegon- a young prothallium of ium which had opened in this instance bore Polypodium irioides pro- an egg (e) which had disintegrated. The ayn apteps oA filaments produced from the archegonia often grew to a considerable length and invariably developed numerous antheridia (TExT Fic. 3). Frequently FIG. 3. Regeneration from the venter of anarchegonium of Polypodium irio- ide. Numerous antheridia have been produced by the prothallial filaments. X 100 plates of cells instead of prothallial filaments were developed from the archegonia (Fics. 15 and 17). STEIL: POLYPODIUM IRIOIDES 275 From the neck cells of these abnormal archegonia antheridia were also produced. Such antheridia were normal in development (Fics. 15 and 16). The antheridia thus produced also developed secondary ones (FIG. 16, 0). The archegonia at no time were found to de- velop secondary archegonia. The transformation of archegonia into prothallia was never observed. In these two respects the archegonia differed in be- havior from the antheridia. The archegonia with the behavior just de- scribed were like the antheridia, vegetative in yyg 4 Anar- nature, numerous chloroplasts being present in chegonium of Po- the sterile cells. The axial row of cells of the /»Podium irioides archegonia from which regeneration occurred fre- | oe cells has quently disintegrated before the archegonia disintegrated. Di- opened. Such a stage is represented by TExT viding cells at a FIG. 4. It will be observed that some of the ah neck cells in this case have already divided (a, c). CULTURAL CONDITIONS It is impossible to state under what cultural conditions the sex-organs of Polypodium irioides regenerated in the manner described. Since no abnormalities appeared in the early history of the culture, it is probable that the peculiar behavior of the antheridia and the archegonia was the result of unfavorable con- ditions which appeared in the old culture. DIscuUSSION No case of regeneration from the sex-organs of a pteridophyte has been previously reported. In the mosses Correns* and C ollinst (1919) described the formation of protonemata from the antheridia of Funaria hygrometrica (L.) Schreb. Miss Brown{ found in the same species that protonemata could be induced to form also from the archegonia. In no instance, however, has the formation of antheridia been observed from either sex-organ of any bryophyte. * Correns, Carl. Untersuchungen iiber die Vermehrung der Laubmoose durch Brutorgane und Stecklinge. Jena. 1899. { Collins, E. J. Sex segregation in the Bryophyta. Jour. Genetics 8: 139-146. IQIQ. t Brown, Mabel Mary. Unpublished paper. 276 STEIL: POLYPODIUM IRIOIDES SUMMARY {In an old culture of prothallia of Polypodium irioides, the sterile cells of a large number of antheridia and archegonia be- came vegetative like ordinary prothallial cells. The lid and the ring cells of the antheridia produced prothallial filaments and secondary antheridia. The archegonia produced similarly from the neck and the venter cells filaments and antheridia, but in no case secondary archegonia. At some time during their course of development, antheridia were transformed into prothallia. No such transformations were observed to occur among the archegonia. The prothallia produced from the sex-organs resembled those formed from the germination of a spore. Secondary antheridia arising from antheridia and archegonia developed actively motile antherozoids. Unusual cultural conditions probably diverted the sex-organs of Polypodium irioides from their normal course of development. No similar case of regeneration has been previously reported in a pteridophyte. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, MADISON, WISCONSIN Explanation of plate 4 Fic. 1. Antheridia of Polypodium irioides Poir. ; the lower one with a vegetative ring cell, the ee one with a prothallial filament of two cells produced by a ring cell.” X 2 IG, 2. a antheridium from the lid cell of which has been produced a filament of four cells. The upper ring cell with a secondary antheridium from which the antherozoids have escaped. Fic. 3. The lid cell (a) of an » antheridium ose vei oy. oe (b and ¢) from the lid cell of the latter of wt X 230 G. 4. Two secondary antheridia produced from a single ring ie of an anther- aa ™M 230 IG. 5. A theridi lik 4 +f roe n Fic he upper ring cell has divided and from one oh the cells another an- therict iene ssl been posi ge t if leh diaint eee 6 is toril lle Fig. 7. contain numerous chloroplasts. X 200. IG An antheridium similar to the above. 93 4. Fic. 9. A normal (a) and an abnormal (b) eek mia The upper portion of the latter is disintegrating. x 303% PG 10. A stage in the transformation of an antheridium into a prothallium. 200. STEIL: POLYPODIUM IRIOIDES 277 A young prothallium produced by the transformation of an anther- 00. G. 12. A small prothallium similar to above. sateen present. XX 200. Fic. 13. a ania aac with eee ting aan Fic. 14. k h ox 230. Fic. 15 Neca and a small prothallium produced fron the neck of an archegonium. 200. Fic. 16. Aa gathers (a) devel df tl k of From this pipe a secondary éntheridifuns (b) has been formed. XX 200, ate of cells produced from the n of an eat Two 17. A Hy Gatto have been formed from the mn Hae plate. xX INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE I91l-1921 aim of this Index is to include all current botanical literature written by Americans, published in America, or b: upon American material; the word Amer- ica being used in the broadest s Reviews, and papers that nik exclusively to forestry, agriculture, horticulture, manufactured products of vegetable origin, or laboratory methods are not i nd no attempt is made to index the literature of bacteriology. An occasional exception is some Satetine calieatas. If users of the Index will call the attention of the editor to errors or omissions, their kindness will be appreciated. his Index is reprinted carn on cards, and furnished in this form to sub- scribers at the rate of three cents for each card. Selection of cards is not permitted: each subscriber must take all cards scree during the term of his subscription. -Correspondence relating to the card issue should be addressed to the Treasurer of the Torrey Botanical Club. Rehder, A. Myrsinaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 580-585. 30 Mr 1916. Rehder, A. WNeillia. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 434- 437. 15 My 1913. Rehder, A. Oleaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 600-616. 30 Mr 1916. Rehder, A. Pilostegia. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae I: 151. - 30 Ap 1912. Rehder, A. Ribes. In Sargent, C.5., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 152, 153. 30 Ap 1912. Rehder, A. Rosaceae, Subfam. Pomoideae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 263-300. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A. Rosaceae, Subfam. Prunoideae. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 344, 345. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A. Schizophragma. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 41-43. 31 Jl 1911. Rehder, A. Scrophulariaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 573-578. 15 My 1913. 279 280 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Rehder, A. Sibiraea. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae I: 455, 456. 15 My 1o9r3. ; Rehder, A. Sorbaria. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 47, a5. 40 PGi. Rehder, A. Spiraea. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 438- 455. 15 My 1913. Rehder, A. Stachyuraceae. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 287, 288. 30 Ap r1giz2. Rehder, A. Stephanandra. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 437- 15 My 1913. Rehder, A. Styracaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 289-296. 30 Ap 1912. Rehder, A. Symplocaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 593-599. 30 Mr 1916. Rehder, A. Tamaricaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 406, 407. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A. Thymelaeaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 530-551. 30 Mr 1916. Rehder, A. Verbenaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 366-379. 31 Au 1916. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Anacardiaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 172-184. 24 Mr 1914. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Aristolochiaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 323, 324. 31 Au 1916. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E.H. Burseraceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 155. 24 Mr 1914. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Buxaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 163-169. 24 Mr 1914. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Calycanthaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 419, 420. 15 My 1913. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Celastraceae. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 346-359. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Cercidiphyllaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 316,317. 15 My 1913. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E.H. Clethraceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 501, 502. 15 My 1913. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E.H. Coriariaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 170, 171. 24 Mr rgrq. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 281] Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Cotoneaster. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 154-177. 30 Ap 1912. Rehder, A., & Wilson, EH. Ebenaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 587-592. 30 Mr 10916. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Elaeocarpaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 360-362. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Ericaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 503-562. 15 My 10913. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Eriobotrya. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 193-195. 30 Ap 1912. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Fagaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 190-237. 31 Au 1916. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Ginkgoaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 1, 2. 24 Mr 1914. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Hamamelidaceae. In ‘Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 421-432. 15 My 1913. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E.H. Icacinaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 190. 24 Mr 1914. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E.H. Juglandaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 180-188. 8 My 1916. 3 : Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Lardizabalaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 344-352. 15 My 109013. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E.H. Loganiaceae. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 563-572. 15 My 1913. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Lythraceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 418. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E.H. Magnoliaceae. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 391-418. 15 My 1913. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Malvaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 373-375. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Melastomataceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 421, 422. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Meliaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 156-159. 24 Mr 1914. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Menispermaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 387-390. 15 My 1913. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E.H. Myrtaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 420. 28 D 1915. 282 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Rehder, A., & Wilson, E.H. Passifloraceae. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 408. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Photinia. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 184-192. 30 Ap 1912. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Pinaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 10-62. 24 Mr 1914. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Pittosporaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 326-330. 31 Au 1916. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E.H. Polygalaceae. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 160-162. 24 Mr 1914. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E.H. Punicaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 419. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Ranunculaceae. In Satgent,:(C: SS; Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 318-343. 15 My 1913. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Rosaceae, Subfam. Rosoideae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 300-344. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Rutaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 121-151. 24 My 1914. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Sabiaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 195-208. 24 Mr 1914. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E.H. Sapindaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 191-194. 24 Mr 1914. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Simarubaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 152-154: 24 Mr 1914. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Staphyleaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 185-189. 24 Mr 1914. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Sterculiaceae. In Sargent,. ©. -S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 376, 377. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Stranvaesia. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 192, 193. 30 Ap 1912. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Taxaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 3-9. 24 Mr ro14. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Theaceae, In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 390-401. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Tilliaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 363-372. 28 D 1915. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Trochodendraceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 313-315. 15 My 1913. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 283 Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Wistaria. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 509-515. 30 Mr 1916. Rehder, A., & Wilson, E. H. Zygophyllaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 120. 24 Mr 1914. Rendle, A.B. Gramineae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 63-65. 24 Mr 1914. Sargent, C. S. Carya. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 187, 188. 8 My 1916. Sargent, C.S. Crataegus. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 178-183. 30 Ap 1g12. Sargent, C.S. Phellodendron. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 136,137. 24 Mr 1914. Schindler, A. K. Campylotropis. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilson- ianae 2: 113-115. 24 Mr 1914. Schindler, A.K. Lespedezsa. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 105-112. 24 Mr 1914. Schneider, C. Apocynaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 331-342. 31 Au 1916. Schneider, C. Asclepiadaceae. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 343-354. 31 Au 1916. Schneider, C. Berberidaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae IT: 353-386. 15 My 1913. Schneider, C. Betulaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 423-508. 30 Mr 1916. Schneider, C. Compositae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 418, 419. 31 Au 1916. Schneider, C. Convolvulaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilson- ianae 3: 355-362. 31 Au 1916. Schneider, C. Moraceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 292-311. 31 Au 1916. Schneider, C. Olacaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae a: 321, 322. 31 Au 1916. Schneider, C. Polygonaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 325. 31 Au 1916. Schneider, C. Rhamnaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 209-253. 24 Mr 1914. Schneider, C. Salicaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 16-179. 8 My 1916. 284 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Schneider,.C. Santalaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 320. 31 Au 1916. Schneider, C. Solanaceae. In Sargent, C.S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 385, 386. 31 Au 1916. pcbeeaes; C. Syringa. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: 297-301. 30 Ap 1912. Schneider, C. Ulmaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 238-291. 31 Au 1916. Schneider, C. Urticaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 312-314. 31 Au 1916. Shaw, G. R. Pinaceae. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 1: I-3. 31 Jl 1911; 2: 10-18. 24 Mr 1914. Swingle, W. T. Citrus. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 141-149. 24 Mr 1914. Swingle, W. T. Poncirus. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 149-151. 24 Mr 1914. Takeda, H. Cladrastis. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 97,98. 24 Mr 1914. Takeda, H. Maackia. In Sargent, C. S., Plantae Wilsonianae 2: 98, 99. 24 Mr 1921. Wilson, E. H. The “Indian Azaleas” at Magnolia Gardens [South Carolina]. Jour. Arnold Arbor. 2: 159, 160. 1921. Wilson, E. H., & Rehder, A: A monograph of Azaleas. [ Rhododendron subgenus Anthodendron.| Publ. Arnold Arb. 9: 1-219. 15 Ap 1921. atl Rhododendron alabamense sp. nov. from Alabama. Youngken, H. W. Hybridization in plants. Am. Jour. Phar. 93: 249-254. Ap ig2!. Yuncker, T. G. Revision of the North American and West Indian species of Cuscuta. Illinois Biol. Monogr. 6: n. 2, a Hi Ue pi. 1-12, 1 Mr 1921. Zillig, H. Unsere heutigen Kenntnisse von der Verbreitung des Antherenbrandes ( Ustilago violacea (Pers). Fuck.). Ann. Mycol. 18: 136-153. Ap 1921. Zinn, J. Normal and abnormal germination of grass-fruits. Bull. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. 294: 197-216. f. 35-43. D 1920 Abstract from a German paper by the author in Mittéil. Landw. Lichek: Hochsch. Bodenkultur 2: 675-712. 1014. ButL. TorREY CLUB VOLUME 48, PLATE 4 STEIL : POLYPODIUM IRIOIDES . Vol. 47 No. 11 BULLETIN OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB NOVEMBER, 1921 Philippine Basidiomycetes—IV PauL W. GRAFF The following pages are presented in continuation of papers already published* on the basidiomycetous flora of the Philippine Archipelago. The fungous flora of -the tropics is proving to be much more extensive than had previously been imagined, and the range of many species found to be much wider than formerly sup- posed. In a few instances species already reported from the Islands have been included for the sake of correction in name, ex- tension of synonymy, and distribution. The value of range- notes is becoming more and more evident when the extension rather than the diminishing area of habitats is noticed. No new species will be found described in this paper, a fact which will doubtless be interpreted by some as a loss of golden opportunity. The identification of species already described and but imperfectly known seems to the writer more important than searching for minor differences as an excuse for creating new plant names and more confusion. POLY POREAE Potyporus Micheli Potyporus Gitvus (Schwein.) Fr. Elench. Fung. 104. 1828. Boletus gilvuus Schwein. Syn. Fung. Carol. 897. 1822. Boletus impuber Sowerb. Engl. Fungi. pl. 195. 1799. * Additions to the basidiomycetous flora of the Philippines. Philip. Jour. Sci. 8: (Bot.) 299~309. pl. 8-ro. 10913; Philippine Basidiomycetes—II. Philip. Jour. Sci. 9: (Bot.) 235~255. pl. 2. a Philippine BasidiomycetesIII. Bull. Torrey Club _ 45: 451-460. pl. 15. [The i ae ert oe October (48: 263-284. pl. 4) was issued December 31, 1921-] 285 286 GRAFF: PHILIPPINE BASIDIOMYCETES Luzon: Province of Laguna, San Pablo, March, 1913, P. W. Graff, Bur. Sci. 21052, on decaying log. A fungus of rather general tropical, and warm north temperate distribution. POLYPORUS MARIANNUS Pers.; Gaudichaud, Bot. Voy. Uranie 173. 1826. Polyporus anebus Berk. Jour. Bot. 6: 504. 1847 Luzon: Province of Laguna, Los Bafios, October, 1912, Baker 297, growing on decaying wood in the forest. This species was first described by Persoon from material collected by Gaudichaud-Beaupré, of the Freycinet Expedition, on his visit to Guam in the Marianne Islands during the month of March, 1819. It has been considered by Schumann and Lauter- bach* as a synonym of Polyporus Kamphoveneri, and by Murrillt as identical with P. corrugatus, originally described by Persoon from material collected at the same locality and time. It seems, however, that the material preserved in the Paris Museum tallies more closely with Berkeley’s species, P. anebus, from Ceylon than with either of these two. As far as at present known the species range includes Africa, Ceylon, Japan and numerous islands of the Pacific. POLYPORUS OSTREIFORMIS Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 16: 46. 1878. Luzon: vicinity of Manila, October, 1912, P. W. Graff, Bur. Sci. 16795, growing from a wound on Enterolobium Saman (Pithecolobium). This collection is of interest as being the first made since the type material was gathered by the “Challenger Expedition” in February, 1875. The color of both upper and lower surface is a grey-white and the fungus has a slightly foetid odor when fresh. The species has been collected only in the Philippines. POLYPORUS RHODOPHOEUS Lév. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. III. 2: 190. 1844. . Polyporus cinereo-fuscus Curr. Ind. Fung. 142. 1874. Polyporus zonalis Berk. var. semilaccatus Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 16:46. 1878. * Die Flora der Deutschen Schutzgebiet in der Siidsee, ens: pl. I-22. 1901. } Bull. Torrey Club 34: 468. 1907. GRAFF: PHILIPPINE BASIDIOMYCETES 287 Fomes semilaccatus Berk. Grevillea 15:22. 1886. Coriolopsis semilaccata Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 466. 1907. Luzon: Province of Laguna, Mount Maquiling, February, 1912, P. W. Graff, Bur. Sci. 15936, on decaying tree branches. A fungus of very general tropical distribution. It is found both in the American and Asiatic tropics and on the islands of the Pacific. POLyPoRuUs RUBIDUs Berk. Jour. Bot. 6: 500. 1847. Luzon: Province of Laguna, Mount Maquiling, February, 1912, P. W. Graff, Bur. Sci. 16024, on fallen and decaying timber, This species is closely related to Fomes roseus (Alb. & Schw.) Cooke, which appears to be of a much broader tropical distribu- tion. It may be that the latter is but a perennial form of the present species, a condition induced by certain tropical environ- mental factors and occurring in a number of other tropical forms. Collected previously on the island of Ceylon. POLYPoRUS ZONALIs (Konig) Berk. Jour. Bot. 6: 504. 1847. - Boletus zonalis Konig, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 10: 375. pl. Io, f.5- 1846. Polyporus plumbeus Lév. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. III]. 5:136. 1846. Polyporus rufo-pictus Berk. & Curt. Grevillea 15: 23. 1886. UZON: vicinity of Manila, August, 1913, Sanchez 20. Reported as having been collected in Cuba, Guiana, Java, and Ceylon. : GANODERMA Karsten GANODERMA AMBOINENSE (Lam.) Pat. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 5: 70. 1889. Fungus digitatus Rumph. Herb. Amb. 6: 128. pl. 57, f. 2,3. 1755. Fungus elatus-coclearis Rumph. Herb. Amb. 6: 128. pl. 57; Pde 1955: Agaricus amboinensis Lam. Enc. Méth. Bot. 1: 49. 1783. Polyporus japonicus Thunb. Flor. japon. 348. 1784. Not Fries. Polyporus amboinensis Fr. Syst. Myc. 1: 354. 1821. Polyporus fornicatus Fr. Epicr. Myc. 443. 1836. Polyporus lingua Nees, Nov. Act. Acad. Nat. Gury 33: £5 pl. 3.. 1837. 288 GRAFF: PHILIPPINE BASIDIOMYCETES Polyporus gibbosus Nees, Nov. Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. 13: 19. pl. 5. 1837. Polyporus coclear Nees, Nov. Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. 13: 20. Phe Os 3837. Fomes lingua Sacc. Syll. Fung. 6: 156. 1888. Ganoderma amboinense forma lingua Pat. Philip. Jour. Sci. 10: (Bot.) 96. 1915. Luzon: Province of Laguna, Mount Maquiling, April, 1913, P. W. Graff, Bur. Sci. 21014, on decaying log at 500 m. elevation. PoLILLo: Province of Tayabas, Mount Malulud, August, 1909, ' C. B. Robinson, Bur. Sci. g1o1, at an elevation of 300 m.; same locality, October-November, 1909, R. C. McGregor, Bur. Sct- 10534. This fungus is so variable in the shapes it may assume that it is not surprising the earlier workers described it under a number of names. The writer has seen it growing in a great variety of forms, varying from those having a pileus of considerable size and almost lacking a stipe to forms growing from cracks and holes of decaying logs which had a long slender stipe and a very small fruiting end of no greater diameter than the stipe itself. Branching forms also are occasionally found. An interesting example of one of these branched specimens was found in a Negrito village by one of the Jesuit Fathers, and brought by him to Manila. The specimen had developed five branches and the similarity in shape to a hand was very striking. At the point of branching the fungus had spread in such a manner as to resemble the palm, while the five branches were each tipped with fruiting surfaces, which being lighter in color thus formed the finger nails. The natives of the village had found this specimen in the forest and brought it in on their return. Such a remarkable thing as a hand reaching out of a tree was to them anting-anting or supernatural, and the object was being worshiped by these superstitious people. Such specific names as have been given to this plant at various times, as digitatus, elatus-coclearis, coclear, and lingua, give some suggestion of the shapes the plant may assume. It is no wonder that, without available material for comparison, botanists of different countries should each have described this under his own name. GRAFF: PHILIPPINE BASIDIOMYCETES 289 This species has been found in the tropics of South America, the Pacific islands, and Japan. GANODERMA ELMERIANUM (Murr.) Sacc. & Trott.; Saccardo, aye Fung. 21: 305. 1912. Amauroderma Elmerianum Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 475. 1907. Luzon: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, November, 1904, Elmer 6906. LEYTE: Palo, January, 1906, Elmer 7210, on dead and decaying tree stumps. As yet only reported from the Philippines. Ganoderma leptopum (Pers.) comb. nov. Polyporus leptopus Pers.; Gaudichaud, Bot. Voy. Uranie 169. pt.2,f. 2. 1826. : Polyporus umbraculum Fr. Elench. Fung. 74. 1828. Not Thiim. Fomes umbraculum Sacc. Syll. Fung. 6: 159. 1888. Ganoderma umbraculum Pat. Bull. Soc. Myc. France 5: 75: 1889. Ganoderma subrugosum Bres. & Pat. Bull. Soc. Myc. France 5277. Phe tO, 7.7. tees: Ganoderma Curranii Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 35: 411. 1908. This species was first collected in the Philippines by Dr. H. M. Curran in the forest on Mount Mariveles, Bataan Province, Luzon, and described as a new species, Ganoderma Curranii, by Murrill. The fungus was originally described by Persoon from material collected by Gaudichaud-Beaupré on the island of Rawak, and shortly after redescribed by Fries from material collected by Afzelius in Sierra Leone. Later Bresadola and Patouillard de- scribed and figured the species from Samoan material and sug- gested its possible identity with Polyporus rugosus var. guineensis Fr. The plates of both Persoon and Patouillard give an excellent idea of the fungus, which belongs to the Amauroderma section of the genus Ganoderma. _ GANODERMA TORNATUM (Pers.) Bres. Hedwigia 53:55. 1912. Polyporus tornatus Pers.; Gaudichaud, Bot. Voy. Uranie 173. 1826. Polyporus australis Fr. Elench. Fung. 108. 1828. Fomes australis Cooke, Grevillea 14:18. 1885. 290 GRAFF: PHILIPPINE BASIDIOMYCETES Ganoderma australe Pat. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 5:71. 1889. Elfvingia tornata Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 30: 301. 1903. Luzon: Province of Nueva Vizcaya, vicinity of Dupax, March-April, 1912, R. C. McGregor, Bur. Sci. 14376, on decaying timber; Province of Laguna, Mount Maquiling, February, 1912, W. H. Brown, Bur. Sci. 16033, 16039. This species is of general tropical distribution, being found in both the American and Asiatic tropics. Ganoderma tornatum var. subtornatum (Murr.) comb. nov. Ganoderma subtornatum Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 477. 1907. Luzon: Province of Laguna, Mount Maquiling, February, 1912, P. W. Graff, Bur. Sci. 16025. As yet this variety has been reported only from the Philippines, and has been collected there only on the islands of Luzon and Leyte. The type was found on the Lamao River, Province of Bataan, by R. S. Williams in 1903. The variety differs from the species in the greater amount of resinous material in its compo- sition, hardly a specific distinction though causing a slight dif- ference in the appearance of its texture. FomEs Fries FoMEs EXxoToPHRUS Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 16: 49. 1878. Luzon: Province of Laguna, Mount Maquiling, February, 1912, P. W. Graff, Bur. Sci. 16009, also April 12, 1913, P. W Graff, Bur. Sci. 21031, on fallen tree branches at 150 m. elevation. This species was described from material collected in the Admiralty Islands by the Challenger Expedition and is still known only from those islands and the Philippines. FOMES ENDOTHEIUS (Berk.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 6: 187. 1888. Polyporus endothejus Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 16: 47. 1878. Pyropolyporus endotheius Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 478. 1907. CuLion: December, 1902, Merrill 3575. Originally described by Berkeley from Philippine dectertad collected by the Challenger Expedition in 1875, and as yet not found outside these islands. GRAFF: PHILIPPINE BASIDIOMYCETES 291 FOMEs LAMAENSIS (Murr.) Sacc. & Trott; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. at:287.. 19%2..¢ Pyropolyporus lamaensis Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 479. 1907. Pyropolyporus Williamsii Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 479. 1907. Fomes Williamsii Sacc. & Trott.; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 21: 289. I9QI2. Phellinus Williamsii Pat. Leafl. Philip. Bot. 6: 2249. 1914. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Kabibihan, March, to11, F. W. Foxworthy, Bur. Sci. 13155, on a decaying log. Of general distribution in the Philippine Islands but, as yet, not reported from elsewhere. FOMES LINEATUs (Pers.) Graff, Mycologia 9: 10. 1917. Polyporus lineatus Pers.; Gaudichaud, Bot. Voy. Uranie 174. 1826. Polyporus fastuosus Léyv.; Gaudichaud, Bot. Voy. Bonite 1: 180. 1846. Fomes fastuosus Cooke, Grevillea 14:18. 1886. ° Luzon: Province of Nueva Vizcaya, vicinity of Dupax, March— April, 1912, R. C. McGregor, Bur. Sci. 14364; Province of Bataan, Lamao, November, 1908, H. M. Curran, For. Bur. 15568. MIN- DANAO: Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, June-July, 1907, Mary S. Clemens. The name Pyropolyporus fastuosus as published by Murrill* from Philippine material was applied to Fomes spadiceus (Berk.) Cooke instead of to F. fastuosus (Lév.) Cooke, as is shown by the duplicate material in the herbarium of the Bureau of Science, Manila. Because of this Pyropolyporus fastuosus becomes a synonym of Fomes spadiceus rather than of Fomes lineatus. Both species of fungus are very common in the Philippines. Collected in the Philippines, the Moluccas, the Federated Malay States, and the island of Guam. Fomes Merrittii (Murr.) comb. nov. Tyromyces Merrittii Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 35: 406. 1908. Polyporus Merrittii Sacc. & Trott.; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 21: 278... 1012; * Bull. Torrey Club 34: 479. 1907. 292 ~ GRAFF: PHILIPPINE BASIDIOMYCETES Luzon: Province of Laguna, Mount Maquiling, November, 1907, H. M. Curran & M. L. Merritt, For. Bur. 8939, on dead wood, host species undetermined. This species belongs to the genus Fomes rather than to Poly- porus, as considered by Saccardo and Trotter. As yet reported only from the Philippine Islands. FoMEs PECTINATUS (Klotz.) Gillet, Champ. France 1: 686. 1878. Polyporus pectinatus Klotz. Linnaea 8: 485. 1833. Polyporus Haskarlii Lév. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. III. 2:1 90. 1844. Polyporus pullus Mont. & Berk. Jour. Bot. 5: 342". 284d, Fomes pullus Cooke, Grevillea 14: 19. 1885. Pyropolyporus pectinatus Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 479. 1907. Luzon: Province of Laguna, Mount Maquiling, February, 1912, P. W. Graff, Bur. Sci. 15931, 16011; Province of Bataan, Lamao, September, 1907, H. M. Curran, For. Bur. 7520. Collected in North America, Australia, and the East Indies. FOMES ROSEO-ALBUS (Jungh.) Bres. Ann. Myc. 8: 587. IgIo. Porta roseo-alba Jungh. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. III. 2: 194. 1844. Polyporus roseo-albus Jungh. Plant. Java Crypt. 43. 1845. Fomes mortuosus Fr. Nov. Symb. Myc. 64. 1851. Polyporus endapalus Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 13: 163. 1873. Polyporus caliginosus Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 16: 46. 1878 Pyropolyporus caliginosus Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 478. 1907. Coriolopsis Copelandii Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 35: 392. 1908. Polystictus Copelandii Sacc. & Trott.; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. al: 422. 1942, Mindanao: District of Davao, Davao, March, 1904, Copeland 714 (type of Coriolopsis Copelandii) ; Todaya, April, 1904, Copeland 1214. Of general distribution through the Asiatic tropics and the Pacific islands. Originally described from Javan material. GRAFF: PHILIPPINE BASIDIOMYCETES 293 POLYSTICTUS Fries PoLysTICTUS AFFINIS (Nees) Fr. Nov. Act. Reg. Soc. Sci. Ups. Ee 3: 75. 188s. Polyporus affinis Nees, Nov. Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. 131: 18. Ol. 4, f. 1. 1826. Polyporus lateralis Pers.; Gaudichaud, Bot. Voy. Uranie. Sec. M. 1826. Luzon: Province of Laguna, Mount Maquiling, February, 1912, P. W. Graff, Bur. Sci. 15954, on fallen dead branches; Province of Nueva Vizcaya, vicinity of Dupax, March-April, 1912, R. C. McGregor, Bur. Sct. 14367, on decaying logs. This species belongs to the ‘‘Polystictus perula group”’ and, with P. xanthopus, P. luteus, P. macroloma, P. flabelliformis and several others, goes to make up a series whieh is much confused in the literature of tropical fungi. Fortunately, however, while this confusion exists in the identification of these species, none of them are overburdened with synonyms- Of very common distribution throughout the Asiatic tropics and the East Indies. PoLysTICTUS BATAANENSIS (Murr.) Sacc. & Trott.; Saccardo, _ Syll. Fung. 21: 322. 1912. Coriolopsis. bataanensis Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 35: 393. 1908. Luzon: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, January, 1904, Copeland 143, on dead tree branches at 230 m. elevation. Reported, as yet, only from the Philippines. PoLysTICTUS CALLIMORPHUS (Lév.) Sacc. Syll. Fung. 6:277. 1888. edad callimorphus Lév. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. IIT. 5: 133. oe ccc of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, November, 1912, P. W. Graff, Bur. Sct. 19105, on a ices log at the eleva- tion of 350 m. Previously collected in Madagascar. Polystictus caperatus (Berk.) comb. nov. Polyporus caperatus Berk. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3: 391. 1839. Trametes dibapha Berk. Vidensk. Meddel. 32. 1879. 294 GRAFF: PHILIPPINE BASIDIOMYCETES Coriolopsis caperata Murr. N. Am. Flora 9:77. 1908. MinpaAnao: District of Davao, Mount Apo, April, 1904, Copeland 1178. Of very general tropical distribution. Reported from the West Indies, Central America, South America and tropical Asia and Africa. Polystictus Elmerianus (Murr.) comb. nov. Inonotus Elmerianus Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 34: 471. 1907. Polyporus Elmerianus Sacc. & Trott.; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. SE) 294. (1612. Luzon: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, November, 1904, Elmer 6942, on dead and decaying logs. Thus far reported only from the Philippines. POLYSTICTUS FLABELLIFORMIS (Klotz.) Cooke, Grevillea 14: 78. 1886. Polyporus flabelliformis Klotz. Linnaea 8: 483. 1833. Luzon: Province of Laguna, Mount Maqgquiling, February, 1912, P. W. Graff, Bur. Sci. 15933, on fallen and decaying timber. This is the second collection reported from the Philippines. The first was made by Warburg, on the island of Mindanao, in 1888. This species has also been collected in Ceylon and the East Indies. Polystictus nigromarginatus (Schwein.) comb. nov. Boletus hirsutus Wulf.; Jacquin, Collect. 2: 149. 1788. Not Scop. Boletus nigromarginatus Schwein. Syn. Fung. Carol. 72. 1818. Polyporus hirsutus Fr. Syst. Myc. 1: 367. 1821. Coriolus nigromarginatus Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 649. 1906 Luzon: Province of Rizal, Antipolo, H. M. Curran, For. Bur. 7042. Mindanao, District of Davao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, June—July, 1907, Mary S. Clemens. Wulfen’s name being preoccupied by that of Scopoli, Schwein- itz’s name must be used for this species. A species of very general distribution. GRAFF: PHILIPPINE BASIDIOMYCETES 295 POLYSTICTUS OCCIDENTALIS (Klotz.) Fr. Nov. Symb. Myc. 90. 1851. Polyporus occidentalis Klotz. Linnaea 8: 486. 1833. Trametes lanata Fr. Epicr. Myc. 490. 1838. Trametes occidentalis Fr. Epicr. Myc. 491. 1838. Trametes Wahlbergit Fr. Fungi Natal. 11. 1848. Trametes scalaris Fr. Fungi Natal. 12. 1848. Polyporus scorteus Fr. Nov. Symb. Myc. 89. 1851. Trametes devexa Berk. Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 13: 165. 1873. Polyporus illotus Kalchbr. Grevillea 10: 102. 1882. Coriolopsis occidentalis Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 32: 358. 1905. Luzon: vicinity of Manila, August, 1912, Sanchez 28. That this fungus is of very general tropical distribution is shown by the fact that it has been so variously described from such widely separated localities as Brazil, Guiana, St. Vincent, Natal, British India, Ceylon, and the East Indies. Polystictus Ramosii (Murr.) comb. nov. Hapalopilus Ramosit Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 35: 400. 1908. Polyporus Ramosii Sacc. & Trott.; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 21: 276. 1032; Luzon: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, July, 1908, M. Ramos, Bur. Sci. 1198, on dead Calophyllum inophyllum. This fungus seems to have the characters of the genus Polystic- tus rather than of Polyporus. Collected only in the Philippines. Potysticrus suscrocatus (Murr.) Sacc. & Trott.; Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 21: 224. 1912. Coriolopsis subcrocata Murr. Bull. Torrey Club 35: 394. 1908. Luzon: Province of Rizal, July, 1907, M. Ramos, Bur. Sci. 1859, 1864. As yet collected only in the Philippine Islands. UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA, MissouLa, MONTANA Boxwoods of commerce* SAMUEL J. REcoRD (WITH ONE TEXT FIGURE) TURKISH BOXWOOD The original boxwood of commerce, commonly called Turkish boxwood, is supplied by Buxus sempervirens L. (Euphorbiaceae). This species (including closely related forms) has an extensive range throughout central and southern Europe, northern and western Asia, and northern Africa. It is a small tree at best and in parts of its range is reduced to a low shrub valued chiefly for ornamental purposes. The commercial range corresponds roughly to that of the Circassian or Persian walnut and the principal port of origin for wood shipments is Batum. The wood has been used and prized for many centuries. Its very fine and uniform texture, its light and yellowish color, the ease with which it can be shaped or carved in spite of its horn-like density and irregular grain,t together with its freedom from warping and splitting when finished, have combined to give to this wood a unique place in a specialized field. For the more exacting uses, such as fine engravings, there is no satisfactory substitute. The wood is not all of the same degree of excellence. The Abassian is considered the best on the American market, followed by the Anatolian and Persian in the order named. Most of the wood used by the Japanese is said to come from Siam and Burma. It is not so highly prized as the native wood (Buxus japonica Muell.), is considerably lighter in color, and the bitter taste is much less pronounced. The war stopped shipments of Turkish boxwood and they have not yet (1921) been resumed. SoutH AFRICAN BOXWOODS The growing scarcity of Turkish boxwood stimulated search for substitutes, and in 1885 the East London or Cape boxwood -—* Contribution from the Yale School of Forestry, No. 14. 1 RS 3 is no . . . box so knotty that dipped in oil cannot be carved." John Lyly: hoe me his ike’ p. 368. 297 298 RECORD: BOXWOODS’ OF COMMERCE was introduced into the trade from eastern Cape Colony, South Africa. This is a true boxwood, Buxus Macowani Oliv., and is suitable for engraving, though less highly esteemed than the Turkish for this purpose. The preference for the latter is shown by the fact that block-makers are salvaging used blocks, cutting them into thin layers and gluing these to hard maple backs to get the proper height. Another wood out of Cape Colony is the Kamassi or Knysna boxwood, also known as East London and Cape boxwood. This is produced by Gonioma Kamassi E. Mey. of the family Apocy- naceae, which contains many fine-textured woods. The Dutch name is ‘‘kamassi’’ or ‘‘kamassihout.’’ Although the wood has a fine and uniform texture it is not adapted for engraving and has found its principal use in the weaver’s trade for shuttles and bobbins. It has practically disappeared from the New York market. TRopicAL AMERICAN BOXWOODS Much of the boxwood of commerce is now supplied by the forests of the American tropics under the general name of ‘‘ West Indian boxwood.’’ There has been much confusion regarding the identity of the species producing this material. In most works of reference it is erroneously referred to Tecoma pentaphylla Juss. (= Tabebuia pentaphylla Hemsl.) of the family Bignoniaceae. This mistake arose about 1884, apparently as the result of the incorrect labeling of a wood specimen in the museum at Kew, England. The wood actually produced by this tree has none of the properties of boxwood and is locally known as ‘‘roble’’ (oak), name giving some idea of its appearance. - In 1880, A. Ernst published a note in the Botanisches Central- blatt to the effect that the tree supplying the boxwood of Venezuela was Aspidosperma Vargasii DC. (Apocynaceae). He gave the local name as ‘‘amarilla yema de huevo,” referring to the resem- blance of the color of the wood to that of the yolk of an egg. In 1914, Sprague and Boodle contributed a paper to the Kew Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information in which they established the identity of certain specimens of West Indian or Venezuelan boxwood as Casearia praecox Griseb. (Samydaceae or Flacour- tiaceae). They expressed the opinion that the wood referred to RECORD: BOXWOODS OF COMMERCE 299 by Ernst as Aspidosperma Vargasii and by others as Tabebuia pentaphylla was in reality Casearia praecox or some closely related species of this genus. “ZAPATERO”” AND ‘‘ AMARILLO”’ OF VENEZUELA The present writer finds that instead of one there are at least three so-called West Indian boxwoods-on the market. The principal one is, as Sprague and Boodle state, Casearia praecox. This is the “‘zapatero”’ of Venezuela. Whether or not Ernst was right in referring the particular specimen he described to Aspido- sperma Vargasii (his description indicating Casearia), it seems definitely established that this species has produced considerable quantities of boxwood, though it is now almost if not entirely out of the American market. There is evidence available that there is at least one other species of Aspidosperma in Venezuela producing ‘‘amarillo,”’ as the wood of that genus is locally known. There are still other species in Brazil which are in the boxwood class, particularly A. eburneum All., the ‘‘piquia marfim.” sen- beckia Atata Pittier (Rutaceae) has many properties in common with the zapatero and the amarillo but, so far as known to the writer, this wood is not on the market. “BarTtoa”’ OR SAN DOMINGAN BOXWOOD The third West Indian boxwood is from Santo Domingo. This first came to the writer’s attention in 1918 in the form of a battery commander’s ruler. The wood proved to have the same structure as the ‘‘palo lanza”’ or “‘guayabi amarillo”’ of northern Argentina. Through the courtesy of the Director of the New York Botanical Garden the writer was able to establish the identity of these woods as Phyllostylon brasiliensis Capanema (= Phyl- lostylon rhamnoides Taubert = Samaroceltis rhamnoides Poisson) of the family Ulmaceae. This identification has since been confirmed by Mr. C. D. Mell, who at the writer’s suggestion made some observations on the species while on a trip to Haiti. This tree, of which there is supposed to be only a single species, is known to occur in Argentina, Brazil, eastern Cuba, Santo Domingo and Haiti. See Fic. 1. _ The wood reaches the New York market in considerable quan- 300 RECORD: Boxwoops OF COMMERCE tity from Santo Domingo, where it is known as “‘baitoa sometimes as “ bois blanc.”’ able regarding its distribution, but it is known to occur in the val- ‘ ‘ { ee oo 4) oe = Al) y “< os ee - : ae Te So ae AEP a , i pgs e. ee D sat y a i v } 4 / \ \ = ss 3 } hi, us, \ 2 A B PHYLLOSTYLON BRASILIENSIS Capanema. A. cane size Twig and leaves from oe -Cinasties leaf from Oriente, Cuba. C. Fruit from ne All natural leys of the Yaque del Norte and Yaque del Sur, where it is a com- mon tree in small pure stands or in mixture with other trees. It reaches there a diameter of 20 inches and is from 50 to 70 feet There is not much information avail- REcoRD: BoxwooDps OF COMMERCE 301 high. Mr. Mell found it quite abundant in parts of Haiti, where it reaches the same dimensions and has the same habits as above mentioned. A common characteristic noted is the fluted trunk and the presence of abundant epiphytes on the branches. The wood is little used locally. The following is from his notes: the mountains around Puerto Plata in Santo Domingo. Only rarely is it found on the upper slopes and tops of the mountains. It appears to prefer the flat lands that are dry and rocky where it is often found growing thickly in pure forest. The crowns of the trees are so open that in the pure stands the sunlight reaches the ground and the trees are accordingly rather short boled. In mixture with other trees casting a denser shade the height is greater and occasional specimens may be seen that are 30 feet to the first large limb and as much as 18 inches in diameter breast high. Usually the trun! irreg itable for lumber. The leaves are small and not very numerous. Every tree, regardless of its site or associates, seems to be full of epiphytic plants which appear to interfere with its development ood is not esteemed very highly by the natives except for making fence posts and square timbers for buildings of all kinds. y the smaller sizes are used and the large trees do not seem to be cut for any purpose. The San Domingan boxwood is inferior to both of the woods from Venezuela. It is not suitable for engraving but makes satisfactory shuttles (its principal use at present) and a fair grade of rulers. It varies in color from very light to canary yellow or light brown. An interesting feature of its structure is the presence of calcium carbonate in a large proportion of the vessels, readily visible with the lens and sometimes without it. The effervescence resulting from the application of a drop of hydrochloric acid to the end of a specimen affords a very simple and reliable means of separating this wood from the others of the group. a Af. ¢ @iiu4 iCwW UL SoME OTHER WOODS CALLED BOXWOOD The flowering dogwood, Cornus florida L. (Cornaceae), is sometimes called American boxwood, presumably because of its use in the place of the true boxwood for shuttles. Since the color is reddish or greenish instead of yellowish and the rays are pro- nounced there is no occasion to confuse it with the other woods of the group. Schaefferia frutescens Jacq. (Celastraceae), a small tree of southern Florida and the West Indies, is sometimes known as boxwood but it does not enter the market. 302 ReEcorD: BOoxwoops OF COMMERCE In Australia the name box is applied to various species of Eucalyptus and to Tristania conferta R. Br. (Myrtaceae). The structure of these woods is distinct from the boxwoods of com- merce. The writer is as yet unable either to verify or disprove the statement often met with that the boxwood of the Bahamas is Vitex umbrosa Sw. (Verbenaceae). Apparently there is no such wood on the market. UsES OF BOXWOOD The principal uses of boxwood are for engraving, manufacture of mathematical instruments, shuttles, turnery, musical instru- ments, and in the form of veneer for inlay and marquetry. The Japanese use it for making combs. Jewelers use wheels of it for burnishing and the sawdust for polishing. There was formerly considerable demand for it by makers of roller skates. The manufacture of boxwood spools for wires in telephone boxes made use of considerable small Turkish boxwood sticks but composition spools have replaced the wooden ones. The use of wood engravings persists in spite of the advance of other methods. The number of engravers in the United States is said to be about 200 of whom 150 are located in Chicago. The blocks are cut edge-grain and are seven eighths inch high. The best blocks measure 2 x 2 inches free of the pith and can only be procured from logs measuring not less than 44 inches in diameter. Cuttings from these blocks are built up into blocks of any desired size. Small defects may be bored out and plugged. APPEARANCE OF BOXWOOD LOGS The boxwoods are imported in the form of logs or small sticks. The Turkish, East London, and Knysna varieties look like cord- wood in the round and are usually very knotty and crooked. The material is usually sorted as to sizes in the yards of the dealers, and Turkish boxwood sticks as small as one inch in diameter are mer- chantable. The logs of Venezuelan boxwoods are 8 to 12 feet long, mostly straight, smooth and round, and vary in diameter from 6 to 20 inches, mostly 6 to 10 inches. The larger logs are commonly sawed in half lengthwise and stored in dry sheds to prevent splitting. REcorRD: BOXWOODS OF COMMERCE 3038 The ‘“‘baitoa’’ logs from Santo Domingo are from 8 to 20 inches in diameter and 10 or 12 feet in length. They are irregular, and may be more or less fluted. The more prominent irregu- larities are usually hewn off. A pile of this material resembles a lot of sugar maple logs. Boxwood logs are measured at the small end, usually outside the bark. Owing to the tendency of the West Indian boxwoods to discolor in a humid atmosphere it is necessary to store the logs in a dry shed. BARK CHARACTERS OF THE BOXWOODS The bark characters of the different woods are distinctive. In Buxus sempervirens the bark is extremely thin, usually not more than }; inch, is gray in color, and clings tightly to the wood. In B. Macowani it is rather thick, } to } inch, composed of an inner dark layer and an outer lighter corky layer in narrow longitudinal ridges suggesting white ash. In Gonioma Kamassi the bark is about } inch thick, shows two distinct layers the outer of which is yellow on cross-section but grayish on the surface, irregularly fissured and somewhat flaky. Aspidosperma Vargasii has a bark about { inch thick, with a thick deep-yellow inner layer and a thin outer layer composed of laminations alternating light and dark. There are no concentric lines in the inner bark and the phloem rays are scarcely distinct with a lens. . The outer surface shows large splotches of gray, has short horizontal fissures and very irregular shallow vertical ones. In Casearia praecox the bark is from 2 to 3; inch thick, indis- tinctly two-layered, the outer being thin, smoothish, brown or mottled, and with fine vertical wrinkles in the smaller sizes and flaking off irregularly to a light gray without furrows in the larger. Inner bark has distinct wedge-shaped rays and concentric zones, and, when fresh, exudes a resin which stains the edge of the wood. In Phyllostylon brasiliensis the bark is from }; to 7 inch thick, without distinct layers. The outer surface in young specimens is greenish-gray, somewhat wrinkled, and with prominent lenticels which may be elongated horizontally; in large logs the color is ashy gray, smoothish-granular or with irregular corky ridges. The inner bark shows numerous fine wavy rays and very fine 304 REcorD: BOXWOODS OF COMMERCE concentric lines, and with irregular wedge-shaped patches here and there extending from the outer surface to varying depths. The inner surface shows a storied structure more or less distinctly under the lens. The number of ripple marks per inch of length is about 140.* Descriptive key to the boxwoods of commerce (Microscopic features) A. Vessel perforations scalariform (mostly 5-10 bars). Wood parenchyma diffuse short tangential rows; no concentric lines. Rays heterogeneous; large cells thick-walled; pits into vessels small, half-bordered. ibers without gelatinous layer; often arranged in fairly definite radial rows, and somewhat flattened at termination of growth rings. Pores open, nae distributed, single, rounded, mostly under 0.03 mm. (tang. diam.). Vessel pits small, border circular, aperture very small, dot-like. Growth rings defined by narrow pore- less zones. a. Wood fibers with inconspicuous, indistinctly bordered pits. Rays I-3, mostly I or 2, cells wide; 1-15, in some specimens hy cells high; max. 0.02 mm. X 0.25 —0.40 mm. TuRKISH Boxwoop; Buxus sempervirens L. * b. Wood fibers with distinctly bordered pits; sometimes very saccime Rays I-3, mostly 2, cells nea) I-20, mostly 8—10, cells high; max.0.02 mm. X 0.17 mm. EastL r CAPE Boxwoop; Buxus Macowani Gite: B. Vessel perforations Sa Wi hyma absent or very rare. Rays narrow, 1-3 cells wide; crowded; few to 75 cells high; max. 0.03 mm. X 1.5 mm.; heterogeneous; crys- tals very common; pits into rays very small, half-bordered, with latt tice-tike ibers with rows due to crowding of rays; sometimes falsely septate with resin-plates; aah? simple but often conspicuous. Middle lamella often very thick at corners a deep yellow color. ores open, arranged mostly in radial rows of ce usually 2-4; commonly not flattened; mostly under 0.04 mm. (tang. diam.). Vessel pits very small with slit-like vate which may extend beyond borders and appear to coalesce into spi Growth rings present but more distinct under simple lens than aes compound microscope. ZAPATERO, or (COMMON) WEsT INDIAN or VENEZUELAN Boxwoop; Casearia cox Griseb. b. Wood parenchyma present and distinct. Rays rarely 40 cells high. a', Rays homogeneous or nearly so; mostly uniseriate; 1-20 cells high; f borde: chyma diffuse; rarely in tangential lines except at margins of growth rings. Fibers without gelatinous layer; some tendency to radial arrange- ment; pits distinctly bordered. Pores single; ; larger pores 0.06-0.07 mm. (tang. diam.); open. Vessel pits comparatively _ large with apertures extending beyond borders. Growth rings de fined by narrow pore-less zones. AMARILLO, or VENEZUELAN Boxwoop; Aspido- mas sperma Vargasii DC. _* The only other member of this family (Ulmacee) in which ripple marks are known to occur is Holoptelea oloptelea integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch, RECORD: BOXWOODS OF COMMERCE 305 51. Rays heterogeneous; 1-4, mostly 2-3, cells wide; 1~30 or 1—40 cells high. Parenchyma in tangential lines. a’, Wood fibers with thick gelatinous layer and yellowish granular con- tents; no radial arrangement; pits small, indistinct, simple. Pores in part filled with calcium car pit sometimes with tyloses; arranged singly or in radially compressed rows of 2-5; arger pores 0.04-0.05 mm (tang. diam.). Vessel pits comparative large with elongated aper- tures; segments in horizontal iation ie sata section) with parenchyma strands (mostly a per strand), and with low rays. High rays usually constricted aac at ee. of tiers ng to 5 per ray); oh 0.025~0.04 mm., heights in multiples of about 0.17 or 0.18 mm. up to five; pits into vessels large, simple to Juabaeiiy bordered; crystals common. Growth rings limited by line of wood parench ee slight Meas in density. Barroa, or SAN Domincan Boxwoop Phyllostylon brasiliensis Cap. Wood fibers without gelatinous layer and without contents; eg to radial arrangement; pits distinctly bordered. Pores open or with yellowish gum contents; arranged singly or occasionally ie poe larger pores about 0.04 mm. (tang. di ate Vessel pits very small; seg- ments not in horizontal itn Rays 1-30 cells high; max. 0.03-— 0.04mm. X 0.6 mm.; pits into eels aa half bordered, lattice-like Is ob d. oOo Pld appearance; many cells with yellow contents; no crystals observe Growth rings due to narrow pore-less zones. KNYSNA or KAMASSI Boxwoop; Gonioma Kamassi E. Mey CHECK LIST OF THE COMMON NAMES OF THE BOXWOODS Buxus sempervirens: Box, boxwood, Turkish boxwood (gen- eral); Abassian, Anatolian, Circassian, Corsican, English, Par- thenian, Persian, and Turkish boxwoods (trade); buis, buis commun, buis beni (French); gemeine Buchsbaum, Buchsbaum- holz, Buchsholz (German); buxo, madeira de buxo (Portuguese) ; boj, madera de boj (Spanish); bosso, bosso comun, bossolo (Italian); boksboom, boksboomhout, busboom (Dutch); buxbom, buxbomstra (Swedish); boksboom buksbom (Danish); tsuge, hon- tsuge, asama-tsuge, benten-tsuge, kara-tsuge, detchiki (Japan); wong-yong, huan-yang (China); fang-guyan-gmok (Korea); shanda laghtine (Afghanistan); chikri (Kashmir); papri, papar, paprang, shamshad, shumaj (Punjab); shibsashin (Byans); box (Anglo Saxon); buxus (Latin); teasshur (Hebrew). Buxus Macowani: Cape boxwood, East London boxwood, African boxwood (Trade). Gonioma Kamassi: Kamassi boxwood, Knysna boxwood, East London boxwood, Cape boxwood (trade); kamassi, kamas- sihout (Dutch). 306 RECORD: BOXWOODS OF COMMERCE Casearia praecox: West Indian boxwood, Venezuelan boxwood, Maracaibo boxwood (trade); India boxwood (European trade); zapatero, sapatero, naranjillo (?), limoncillo (?) (Venezuelan); raspalenga (?), zapatero (Cuba); buis d’Amérique (French). Aspidosperma Vargasii: West Indian boxwood, Venezuelan boxwood (trade); amarillo, amarilla yema de heuvo (Vene- zuelan). Phyllostylon brasiliensis: San Domingan boxwood (trade); baitoa, bois blanc (Santo Domingo); bois blanc (Haiti); pao branco (Brazil); ibira-katu, ibira-cati, palo lanza, palo lanza negro, yaé-si-guazu, tala grande, palo amarillo (Argentina). INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 1911-1921 The aim of this Index is to include all current botanical literature written by Americans, published in aie or based upon American material ; the word Amer- ica being used in the broadest Reviews, and pa pee ris Tals exclusively to forestry, agriculture, horticulture, saladercd products of vegetable origin, or laboratory methods are not included, and no attempt is made to index the literature of bacteriology. An occasional exception is ade in favor of some paper appearing in an American periodical which is devoted wholly to botany. ee ae are not mentioned unless they differ from the original in some important particular. If users of the Index will call the attention of the editor to errors or omissions, their kindness will be appreciated. This Index is reprinted monthly on cards, and furnihed in this form to subscribers at the rate of three cents for each card. Selections of cards are not permitted; each subscriber must take all cards “pabliatet iad the term of his subscription, Corre. spondence relating to the card issue should be addressed to the Treasurer of the Torrey Botanical Club. [Abbott, W. L., & Leonard, E. C.] Biological exploration in Haiti [1920]. Smithson. Misc. Coll. 72°: 43-47. f. 56-59. Adams, J. F. Observations on wheat scab in Pennsylvania and its pathological histology. Phytopathology 11: 115-124. pl. 2, 3 + f. I. r 1921. Almquist, S. Rosae musei regni suecici in methodum naturalem re- dactae. Arkiv Bot. 16°: 1-51. f. 1-6 + tab. 1-8. 16 Je 1920. Appleman, C. O. Evaluation of climatic temperature efficiency for the ripening processes in sweet corn. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 795- 805. f. 7 1 Mr 1g2t. Babcock, E. B. Bud selection and the frequency of mutations. Bull. Dept. Agr. California 10: 137-140. Ap 1921. Baez, J. R. Somera relacion de la vegetacion suburbana de Parana [Argentina]. Anal. Assoc. Estud. Mus. Popul. Parana 1920: 35- 41. f. I-g. . 1920. Baker, F. C. The life of the Pleistocene or Glacial Period. Univ. Illinois Bull. 17, n. 41: 1-476. pl. 1-57 +f. 1-3. 7 Je 1920. Baker, F.S. Two races of aspen. Jour. For. 19: 412, 413. Ap 1921. Populus tremuloides in Uta 307 308 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Baker, F. S. Black walnut, its growth and management. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 993: 1-43. pl. 1-7 + f. 1-4. 8 Mr 1921. Barker, E. E. E] mejoramiento de nuestras siembras por la seleccion. Puerto Rico Dept. Agric. y Trab. Circ. 30: 3-23. Jl 1920. Barrett, J. T. Apricot fruit spots. Univ. California Jour. Agr. 3: 346-349. My 1916. [Illust.] _ Barss, H. P. Apple tree anthracnose. Rep. Board Hort. Oregon 16: 329-130. 1921. [Illust.] Benoist, R. Contribution a l'étude de la flore de la Guyane frangaise. Bull. Mus. Hist. Natur. 1920: 351-357. 1920. Includes 2 new species in Casearia. Benoist, R. Plantas recoltées par M. Wachenheim en Guyane fran- ¢aise. Bull. Mus. Hist. Natur. 1920: 555-560. 1920. Includes Duroia plicata sp. n Berbert-Hammond, B. The tellin arbutus. Fl. Grow. 8:63. 1 Ap 1921. Blake, S. F.. New trees and shrubs from Yucatan. Proc. Biol. Soc. W. ashington 34: 43-46. 31 Mr 1g21. New species in Acacia (2), Diospyros (1), Citharexylum (1), Randia (1) ‘and Notoptera (1). Blakeslee, A. F. A graft-infectious disease of Datura resembling a vegetative mutation. Jour. Genet. 11: 17-36. pl. 2-6. 21 Ap 1921. “ Bliss, M. C. The vessel in seed plants. Bot. Gaz. 71: 314-326. pl. r6-20. 15 Ap 1921. Borgesen, F. The marine algae of the Danish West Indies. Ill. Dansk Bot. Ark. 3: 369-504. f. 361-435. 1920. Includes Coelothrix and Hypneocolax gen. nov., and new species in Gracilaria (1), Rhodymenia (1), Endoderma (2), Ascocyclus (1), Myriotrichia (1), Acrochaetium (1)- Bowman, H. H. M.. Deterioration in some horticultural varieties cleebiaas et artificial selection. Jour. Hered. rr: 380-383- 19 Ap 19 Studied EES Zinnia, Tagetes, Matthiola and Centaurea. Brannon, J. M. A simple method for growing plants. Am. Jour. Bot. 8: 176-178. f. r: 3 Ap 1921. Britton, N. L. The leafy spurge becoming a pest. Jour. New York Bot. Gard. 22: 73-75. f. 1. Ap 1g2t. Brotherus, V. F. Contribution A la flore bryologique de 1’Ecuador. Rev. Bryol. 47: 1-16, 35-46. 1920. Includes 36 new species. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 309 Bruner, S. C. Lista preliminar de las enfermedades de las plantas de importancia economica para Cuba. In Calvino, N., Informe de las anos 1918-1919 y 1919-1920 de la Estacion Experimental Agrono- mica, 723-763. 1920. [Illust.] Bryan, M.K. A bacterial budrot of cannas. Jour. Agr. Research 21: 143-152. pl. 31-38. 2 My 1921. ; Caused by Bacterium Cannae sp. nov. Buckner, G. D. Comparative utilization of the mineral constituents in the cotyledons of bean seedlings grown in soil and in distilled water. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 875-880. 1 Mr 1921. Burgeff, H. Sexualitat und Parasitismus bei Mucorineen. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 38: 318-327. f. 1. 12 Ja 1921. Burger, O. F. Variations in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Jour. Agr. Research 20: 723-736. pl. 86 +f, 2, 2. 4 F 1921. Burger, O. F., & Swain, A. F. Observations on a fungus enemy of the walnut aphis in southern California. Jour. Econ. Entom. 11: 278- 288. pl. 9. 1918. Burkholder, W. H. The bacterial blight of the bean: a systematic disease. Phytopathology 11: 61-69. F 1921. Burnham, S. H., & Latham, R. A. The flora of the town of Southold, Long Island, and Gardiner’s Island. Torreya 21: I-11, 28-33. 1921. Includes a new variety of Nabalus trifoliolatus. Bush, B. F. Some species of Podostemum. Am. Mid. Nat. 7: 29-41. Mr i021. Calvino, M. Informe de los afios 1918-1919 y 1919-1920 de la Estacion Experimental Agronomica (Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba). Pp. 1-786. Habana, 1920. [Illust.] Contains much information concerning economic plants. Campbell, D. H. The Eusporangiatae. The comparative morphology of the Ophioglossaceae and Marattiaceae. Carnegie Instit. Wash- ington Publ. 140: 1-229. pl. 1-13 +f. 1-192. 29 Au Igor. Cannon, W. A. Botanical features of the Algerian Sahara. Carnegie . Instit. Washington Publ. 178: 1-81. I. 1-36. 6 Au 1913. Cannon, W. A. The root habits of desert plants. Carnegie Instit. Washington Publ. 131: 1-96. pl. 1-23 + f. I-I7- 28 Mr rgtt. Cannon, W.A. The topography of the chlorophyll apparatus in desert plants. Carnegie Instit. Washington Publ. 98: 1-42. pl. 1-5 +f. I- I5. 1908. 310 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Chardon Palacios, C. E. Un nuevo “‘smut’’ de Puerto Rico. Revista Agric. Puerto Rico 64: 21-23. 30 Ap 1921. [Illust.] Thecaphora pustulata Clinton, sp. nov. Cobb, F. A case of Mendelian inheritance complicated by heteroga- metism and mutation in Oenothera pratincola. Genetics 6: I-42. Ja 1921. Collins, F. S. Les algues marines de l’tle de Vancouver. Canad. Geol. Surv., Bull. Mus. Commem. Victoria 1: 117-158. 1913. A French transcript of a paper published in Bull. Victoria Mem. Mus. 1: 99-137. 23 O 1913. Collins, G. N., & Kempton, J. H. Heritable characters of maize. I. Lineate leaves. Jour. Heredity 11: 3-6. 10 F 1920. [Illust.] Deam, C. C. Trees of Indiana (First revised edition). Publ. Dept. Conserv. Indiana 13: 1-317. pl. 1-137. Ap 1921. Dickson, J. G. The relation of certain nutritive elements to the com- position of the oat plant. Am. Jour. Bot.8: 256-272. f. 1, 2. 24 My 1921. Dode, L. A. Notes dendrologiques. Bull. Soc. Dendr. France 38: 19-35. 15 F 1921. Notes on various species of Populus, including P. manitobensis sp. nov. from Canada. : Douglass, A. E. Climatic cycles and tree growth. A study of the annual rings of trees in relation to climate and solar activity. Carnegie Instit. Washington Publ. 289: 1-127. pl. 1-2 + f. I-40. 1919. Douglass, A. E. A method of estimating rainfall by the growth of trees. In Huntington, E., The climatic factor as illustrated in arid America. Carnegie Instit. les dea Publ. 192: 101-121. pl. 4+ f. 9-25. 15 My 1914. Dunn, G. A. A comparative study of the two races of Rhizopus nigricans. Physiol. Researches 2: 301-339. f. z- Ap 1921. , G. A. Note on the histology of grain roots. Am. Jour. Bot. 8: 207-211. f. 1-4. 30 Ap 1921. Duursma, G. D. Cereus flagelliformis. Succulenta 3: 15, 16. 9 Mr 1921. Earle, F. S. The year’s experience with sugar-cane mosaic or yellow stripe disease. Jour. Dept. Agr. Porto Rico 3‘: 3-33. O 1919- Eaton, E.C. A large apple tree. Tree Talk 4:25. 1916. Eddelbiittel, H. Fossile Pflanzen als Klimazeugen. Verh. Naturw. Vereins Hamburg III. 22: LI-LIII. 1915 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 311 Elliott, J. A. A mosaic of sweet and red clovers. Phytopathology 11: 146-148. f. r. Mr 1921. Emerson, R. A. Heritable charactersof maize. II. Pistillate flowered maize plants. Jour. Heredity 11: 65-76. f. 9-16. 26 Mr 1920. Enlows, E.M.A., & Rand, F. V. A lotus leaf-spot caused by Alternaria Nelumbii sp. nov. Phytopathology 11: 135-140. pl. 4 +f. TI. Mr 1921. Etter, B.E. Field-cultures of wood-rotting fungi in agars. Phytopa- thology 11: 151-154. Mr 1921. Evans, A.W. Tavxilejeunea pterogonia and certain allied species. Bull. Torrey Club 48: 107-135. pl. 2 +f. 1-22. 4 Ap 1921. Includes 2 new species from Jamaica. Eyster, W. H. Heritable characters of maize. VI. Zigzag culms. Jour. Heredity 11: 349-357. f. 8-16. 19 Ap 1921. Farwell, O. A. Corrections in nomenclature. Rhodora 23: 86, 87. 28 Ap 1921. New combinations in Carex. 4 Farwell, O. A. Mondo, Adans. Am. Midl. Nat. 7: 41-43. Mr 1921. Fassett, N. C. An estuarian variety of Scirpus Smithit. Rhodora 23: 41-43. 5 Ap 1921. Fassett, N. C. Sium suave: a new and an old form. Rhodora 23: Tit-113. f. 7, 2: 19 My 192f- Includes 2 new names. Faweett, H. S. Citrus diseases of Florida and Cuba compared with those of California. California Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 262: 153-210. jf. I-24. I915. Fawcett, H. S. Fighting a fungus, Pythiacystis citrophthora, in the citrus orchards. Univ. California Jour. Agr. 3: 339-343, 356- f. 1-3. My 1916. Fernald, M. L. Scutellaria epilobiifolia. Rhodora 23: 85, 86. 28 Ap 1921. ; . Fernald, M. L., & St. John, H. The American variations of Silene acaulis. Rhodora 23: 119, 120. 19 My 1921. Fernald, M. L., & Weatherby, C. A. Equisetum fluviatile or E. limosum? Rhodora 23: 43-47- 5 Ap 1921. Fink, B. Notes on the powdery mildews of Ohio. Ohio Jour. Sci. 21: 211-216. Ap 192!. Florin, R. Uber Cuticularstrukturen der Blatter bei einigen rezenten und. fossilea Coniferen: Arkiv Bot; 16% 1-32. plea + f- 1-9. 2 Mr 1920. 312 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Forsaith, C. C. The morphology of wood in relation to brashness. Jour. For. 19: 237-249. Mr 1921. [IIlust.] Fred, E. B., Peterson, W. H., & Anderson, J.A. The relation of lactic acid bacteria to corn silage. Jour. Biol. Chem. 46: 319-327. Ap 1921. Fries, R. E. Revision der von Glaziou in Brasilien gesammelten Amarantaceen. Arkiv Bot. 16%: 1-21. pl. 1 +f. I-5. 21 Yactade hort and Pseudogomphrena, gen. nov., and new species in Altern- anthera (2), Gomphrena (1), Pseudogomphrena (1). Fries, R. E. ats: Kenntnis der siid- und zentralamerikanischen Amaran- taceen-flora. Arkiv Bot. 16'8: 1-43. pl. 1-4+/f. 1-11... 18 Je 1920. Includes new species in Pfaffia (3), Alternanthera (3), Gomphrena (7), Iresine (1). Funck, N. Venezolanische Reiseerinnerungen. Bull. Mens. Soc. Natur. Luxembourg. 30: 120-122; 139-140. 1920. Gardner, M. W., & Kendrick, J. B. Bacterial spot of tomato. Jour. Agr. Research 21: 123-156. pl. 24-28. 15 Ap 1921 Gardner, M. W., & Kendrick, J. B. Tomato bacterial spot and seed disinfection. Bull. Purdue Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. 251: 1-15. f. I-10: F 1921. Gardner, W. A. Effect of light on germination of light-sensitive seeds. Bot. Gaz. 71: 249-288. 15 Ap 1921. Gilbert, W. W. Cotton diseases and their control. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 1187: 3-32. f. 1-18. Mr 1921 Gilg, E. Eine neue prachtvoll bliihende Gentiana-Art (Gentiana regina) aus Peru. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 509-511. 1 Mr 1921. Godfrey, G. H., & Harvey, R. B. Motion pictures of zoospore pro- duction in Phytophthora. Phytopathology 11: 145, 146. pl. 6. Mr I92r. Haenseler, C. M. The effect of salt proportions and concentration on the growth of Aspergillus niger. Am. Jour. Bot. 8: 147-163. f. I-O, 3 Ap 1921. Hansen, A.-A. Lawn pennywort: a new weed. U.S. Dept. Agr. Circ. 165: 1-6. f. 7-3. Ap 1921. Hanson, H.C. Distribution of the Malvaceae in southern and western Texas. Am. Jour. Bot. 8: 192-206. f. 1. 30 Ap 1921. Harlan, H. V., & Anthony, S. Effect of time of irrigation on kernel development of barley. Jour. Agr. Research 21: 29-45. f. 1-20. 1 Ap 1921 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 313 Harms, H. Eine neue Cucurbitacee aus Peru. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 502. 1 Mr 1921. Gurania Weberbaueri sp. nov. Harms, H. Eine neue Gattung des Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae aus Argentina. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 500, 501. 1 Mr 1921. Stenodrepanum gen. nov. Harms, H. Einige neue Phaseolus-Arten. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 503-508. 1 Mr 1921. New species from Peru (4), Brazil (2), and Mexico (2). Harper, R. M. Geography of central Florida. Ann. Rep. Florida Geol. Surv. 13: 71-307. f. 1-43. Ap 1921. Harris, J. A., & Sinnott, E. W. The vascular anatomy of normal and variant seedlings of Phaseolus vulgaris. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 7:35-41. Diagr: 1-4. 15 Ja 1921. Harshberger, J. W. The artistic anatomy of trees. Public Lect. Univ. Pennsylvania Faculty 7: 419-441. 1920. Harshberger, J. W. Slope exposure and the distribution of plants in eastern Pennsylvania. Bull. Geogr. Soc. Philadelphia 17: 17-25. f. 1-4. Ap 1921. Hastings, G. T. Succession of algae in the Grassy Sprain Reservoir [Yonkers, N. Y.]. Jour. New York Bot. Gard. 22: 64-66. Mr 1921. Hildebrandt, F. M. A physiological study of the climatic conditions of Maryland, as measured by plant growth. Physiol. Researches 2: 341-405. f. 1-8 My 1921. Hill, J.B. The rate of development of the cones of the Norway Spruce. Am. For. 27: 256. Ap 1921. [Hitchcock, A. S]. Botanical exploration in British Guiana [1919, 1920]. Smithson. Misc. Coll. 72°: 54-58. f. 67-71. 1921. Hitchcock, A. S. Report of the committee on nomenclature of the Botanical Society of America. Science II. 53: 312-314. I Ap 1921. Hitchcock, A. S. The type concept in systematic botany. Am. Jour. Bot. 8: 251-255. 24 My 192!. Hoehne, F. C. Monographia das Asclepiadaceas Brasileiras. Oxy- petalum, R. Br. Comm. Linhas Teleg. Estrat. de Matto-Grosso ao Amazonas Publ. 38!: 1-131. pl. 1-59. Au 1916; Addenda I: 1-13. pl. 60, 6r. Au 1916. Includes 2 new species. 314 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Hoehne, F. C. Monographia das Asclepiadaceas Brasileiras. Calo- stigma, Dene. Comm. Linhas Telegr. Estrat. de Matto-Grosso ao Amazonas Publ. 382: 1-29. pl. 1-12. Au 1916. : Includes C. Dusenii sp. nov. [Hoehne, F. C]. Seccao de botanica, in Mariano da Silva Rondon, C., Relatorio 3: 38-41. 1915. Commissao de linhas telegraphicas estrategicas de Matto-Grosso ao Amazonas [Brazil]. House, H. D. The wild flower preservation idea is one of practical value. Torreya 21: 17-21. Ap 1921. Hungerford, C. W. A modification of the concentrated formaldehyde method of seed treatment. Phytopathology 11:149,150. Mr 1921. Hunnewell, F. W. An extended range for Amelanchier amabilts. Rhodora 23: 71, 72. 1921. Huntington, E. The climatic factor as illustrated in arid America. Carnegie Instit. Washington Publ. 192: 1-341. pl. 1-12 + f. 1-89. 15 My 1914. Hurd, A. M. Seed-coat injury and viability of seeds of wheat and barley as factors in susceptibility to molds and fungicides. Jour. Agr. Research 21: 99-122. pl. 13-23. 15 Ap 1921. Illick, J. S. Big trees in Pennsylvania. For. Leaves 18: 24, 25. Ap 1921. [Illust.] Inman, O. L. Comparative studies on respiration. XVII. De- creased respiration and recovery. Jour. Gen. Physiol. 3: 663- 666. f. 1-3. 20 My 1921. Irmscher, E. Neue Fissidens-Arten aus Brasilien und _Bolivien. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. und Mus. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 533-537- 1 Mr 1921. New species from Brazil (4), and Bolivia (2). Jagger, 1. C. Bacterial leafspot disease of celery. Jour. Agr. Re- search 21: 185-188. pl. 46, 47. 2 My 1921. Caused by Pseudomonas A pii sp. nov. Johnson, D.S. William Harris. Bot. Gaz. 71: 331-333. 15 Ap 1921. Johnson, D. S., & York, H. H. The relation of plants to tide-levels. A study of factors affecting the distribution of marine plants. Carnegie Instit. Washington Publ. 206: 1-162. pl. 1-24 + f. I-5- 31 D tors. : Jones, D. F. Heritable characters of maize. IV. A lethal factor— defective seeds. Jour. Heredity 11: 161-167. f. 9-15. 6 Je 1920. Kauffman, C.H. J/soachyla, a new genus of the Saprolegniaceae. Am. Jour. Bot. 8: 231-237. pl. 13, 14. 24 My 1921. Includes I. toruloides sp. nov., from Michigan. Vol. 48 No. 12 BULLETIN OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL CLUB DECEMBER, 1921 Phytogeographical notes on the Rocky Mountain region X, Grasslands and other open formations of the Montane Zone of the Southern Rockies PER AXEL RYDBERG In a previous article* I have discussed the wooded formations of the Montane Zone. In this article the remaining formations are taken up. In these, the plants of the plains and foothills make up a larger proportion of the vegetation than in the wooded formations. The river valleys, meadows, and hog backs have a flora much more like that of similar habitats in the foothill region and even on the plains. The transcontinental elements and those from the prairie region are much more numerous. The formations have been arranged so that the hydrophytic are first taken up and then the mesophytic, the most xerophytic being left until the last. The species followed by a dagger, ‘7’, are confined to the Southern Rockies. A. AQUATIC FORMATIONS Lakes are not very common in the Montane Zone of the Southern Rockies. In the higher parts they are mostly glacial, fed by the snow fields, and contain little vegetation. The brooks are swift and rarely form lakes or ponds in the higher regions. Most of the lakes are found in the lower river valleys and ‘‘ Parks’ * Bull. Torrey Club 47: 441-454. 1920 [The BuLietIN for November (48: secaca was issued January 19, 1922.] 316 RYDBERG: PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL NOTES of Colorado, and here we find most of the aquatic vegetation. The majority of the phaneorgamic plants are found also in the plains and prairie regions. To these belong a score of species of Potamogeton which here are omitted. Besides these the following species are found: I. TRANSCONTINENTAL AND EASTERN Sparganium angustifolium Persicaria coccinea Sparganium minimum Batrachium trichophyllum Triglochin palustris Batrachium flaccidum Triglochin maritima Batrachium Drouetii Alisma brevipes Ranunculus Purshii Sagittaria latifolia Sisymbrium Nasturtium- Phragmites Phragmites aquaticum Catabrosa aquatica Callitriche palustris Panicularia grandis Callitriche autumnalis Panicularia borealis Hippuris vulgaris Panicularia septentrionalis Sium cicutifolium Eleocharis palustris Menyanthes trifoliata Scirpus validus Veronica americana Lemna trisulca Utricularia vulgaris Lemna gibba Utricularia minor Lemna minor 2. WESTERN Crunocallis Chamissonis Nymphaea polysepala 3. ENDEMIC Panicularia pauciflora Cardamine infaustat Agrostis depressat Ranunculus intertextust Cardamine cordifoliat B. SEDGE BOGS The sedge bogs are found where the drainage is poor or in low places around lakes, ponds, and streams. In most cases the most numerous plants are species of Carex, but many grasses also are intermixed, and in some places they are predominant. Of these Alopecurus aristulatus and Agrostis alba are the most frequent and, in the lower part of the zone, species of Calamagrostis. The com- position of the bog vegetation consists of the following plants:— RYDBERG: PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL NOTES 317 1. CONTINENTAL AND EASTERN Deschampsia coespitosa Phalaris arundinacea Calamagrostis elongata Calamagrostis canadensis Calamagrostis hyperborea Beckmannia erucaeformis Panicularia nervata~ Alopecurus aristulatus Eriophorum angustifolium Eriophorum gracile Carex gynocrates Carex diandra Carex disperma Carex canescens Carex brunnescens Carex leptalea Carex aurea Carex paupercula Carex Buxbaumit Carex aquatilis Carex lanuginosa Carex viridula Carex rostrata Carex retrorsa Rumex occidentalis Rumex mexicanus Ranunculus sceleratus Cardamine pennsylvanica Parnassia parviflora Argentina Anserina Geum rivale Viola palustris Veronica Wormskjoldit Elephantella groenlandica Gnaphalium uliginosum Senecio pauciflorus Lycopodium annotinum Equisetum arvense Equisetum pratense Equisetum variegatum ‘2. WESTERN Poa interior Carex athrostachya Carex tenutrostris Carex Raynoldsii Carex Kelloggt Juncus Mertensianus Iris missouriensis Limnorchis viridiflora Limnorchis borealis Alsine obtusa Alsine calycantha Ranunculus alismaefolius Ranunculus Eschscholtzir Argentina argentea Epilobium brevistylum Epilobium occidentale Dodecatheon pauciflorum Castilleja exilis Mimulus Lewisit Galium subtriflorum Aster occidentalis Aster Burket Erigeron salsuginosus Gnaphalium sulphurescens Arnica longifolia 318 RYDBERG: PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL NOTES 3. ENDEMIC Alopecurus occidentalis Epilobium stramineum Graphephorum Sheariit Epilobium Drummond Panicularia pauciflora Epilobium wyomingense Agrostis Rossae Angelica pinnata Agrostis melaleuca Primula incana Agrostis Bakerit Dodecatheon philosciat Carex pseudoscirpoidea | Dodecatheon radicatumt Carex ebeneat Anthopogon thermalis Juncus truncatus Swertia scopulina Juncus Hallit Myosotis alpestris Sisyrinchium alpestreyt Castilleja sulphurea Rumex praecoxt Castilleja wyomingensis Rumex subalpinus} Orthocarpus purpureo-albus Rumex densiflorust Erigeron minor Ranunculus inamoenus Erigeron lonchophyllus Ranunculus acriforme Arnica rhizomata : Ranunculus micropetalust Arnica foliosa 3 Caltha rotundifoliat Senecio cymbalarioides Aconitum porrectum} Senecio nephrophyllus Aconitum columbianum — Senecio crassulus Clementsia rhodantha Senecio semiamplexicaulis Vicia dissitifoliat Senecio rapifolius Epilobium ovatifoliumt Senecio dispar Epilobium americanum Senecio perplexans Ci -SERINGY “PLACES The springs and the wet places in their vicinity usually have a flora of their own. This consists of hydrophytes, growing either in the water itself or on the muddy shores. As a rule the plants are small in size. I. EASTERN AND TRANSCONTINENTAL Eleocharis acicularis Parnassia parviflora Lemna trisulca Tillaeastrum aquaticum Lemna minor Callitriche palustris Lemna gibba Callitriche autumnalis _ Sisymbrium Nasturtium- Epilobium adenocaulon aquaticum | Myosotis alpestris * RYDBERG: PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL NOTE 319 Muhlenbergia filiformis Juncus Mertensianus Crunocallis Chamissonis Parnassia fimbriata Agrostis depressat Cardamine cordifolia Cardamine infaustat Radicula alpina Micranthes rhomboidea WESTERN Micranthes arguta Androsace filiformis Mimulus Langsdorfi 3. ENDEMIC Micranthes arnoglossa Oxypolis Fendlerit Primula incana Pleurogyne fontana — Mimulus puberulus D. SANDY RIVER BANKS The flora of the sandy river banks and sand-flats along the water courses is very meager. Besides some of the species which are enumerated below, under the heading ‘‘Sand-draws,”’ there are found the following which require more moisture :— Tillaeastrum aquaticum* Gilia calcareayt Androsace filiformis Androsace diffusat Androsace subuliferat Mimulus moschatus Mimulus puberulus Limosella aquatica* Erigeron minor Eleocharis acicularis Scirpus pauciflorus Muhlenbergia Wolfitt Sagina saginoides Alsinopsis macranthat Myosurus aristulatus Ranunculus reptans Halerpestes Cymbalaria Radicula alpina Subularia aquatica* E. ALLUVIAL RIVER BANKS The formations on the alluvial river banks and river flats are of three kinds. Along the smaller brooks, especially in the upper portion of the zone, they resemble much those of the Subalpine Zone, the most important plants being species of Mertensia, Epilobium and Juncoides. In the lower part of the zone Urtica gracilis and various composites constitute the greater part of the vegetation. At middle altitudes species of Delphinitum and Aco- nitum often take their places. Very few of the plants are trans- continental or eastern. * Growing mostly in shallow water with sandy bottom. 320 RYDBERG PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL NOTES 1. TRANSCONTINENTAL Juncoides parviflorum Epilobium adenocaulon Juncoides intermedium Veronica Wormskjoldit Juncoides spicatum Artemisia biennts Urtica gracilis 2. WESTERN Amaranthus Powell Rudbeckia occidentalis Delphinium multiflorum Senecio triangularis Epilobium occidentale 3. . ENDEMIC Delphinium occidentale Mertensia brevistylat Delphinium reticulatum Scrophularia occidentalis Delphinium robustumy . Rudbeckia ampla Delphinium elongatumy Rudbeckia montanat Delphinium ramosum+ Helianthella quinquenervis Delphinium cucullatumyt "Cirsium Parryit Aconitum insigne Cirsium scopulorumy Aconitum lutescens Cirsium Centaureaet Aconitum Bakerit Cirsium Eatonii Epilobium Palmerit Cirsium coloradenset Epilobium rubescenst Cirsium oreophilumy Epilobium stramineum> Cirsium foliosum Mertensia ciliata Cirsium griseumt Mertensia Leonard1} F. MEADOWS By meadows I mean here the more moist meadows of the richer bottom lands. There are also grasslands which bear hay-making grasses in the dryer portions of the valleys, which I have included in the Dry Valley Formation. The grasses of the wet meadows consist mostly of species of the tribes Agrostideae and Festuceae. Those of the latter are mostly of the tribe Hordeae and are found on the plains also. The list of grasses is given in an earlier article* and is here omitted. * Bull. Torrey Club 43: 635-636. 1915. RYDBERG: PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL NOTES 321 I. EASTERN AND TRANSCONTINENTAL Carex stenophylla Carex lanuginosa Carex interior Juncus Vaseyi Juncus bufonius Polygonum ramosissimum Capnodes aureum Juncus longistylis Juncus confusus Juncodes comosum Anticlea elegans Polygonum sawatchense Polygonum Watsonii Potentilla Bakeri Potentilla Nuttallit Potentilla diversifolia Drymocallis glandulosa Lupinus argenteus Astragalus striatus Juncus Jonesti ' Carex pseudoscirpoidea Veratrum tenuipetalumt Calochortus Gunnisoni Calochortus Nuttallii Calochortus acuminatus Polygonum Engelmannii Claytonia rosea Thalictrum venulosum Thalictrum megacarpum Arabis rhodantha Potentilla filipes Potentilla juncunda Potentilla pulcherrima Potentilla plattensis Potentilla propinqua Arabis ovata Draba nemorosa Vicia trifida Viola nephrophylla Viola septentrionalis Viola pedatifida Artemisia biennis WESTERN Astragalus goniatus Viola venosa Viola vallicola Oenothera Hookeri Lavauxia flava Collomia linearis Orthocarpus luteus Antennaria corymbosa Arnica Rydbergit Arnica fulgens A goseris laciniata ENDEMIC Potentilla Nelsoniana Fragaria paucifiora Drymocallis convallaria Trifolium Rydbergit Trifolium Kingitt Astragalus sulphurescens Aragallus albiflorus Lathyrus brachycalyxt Viola bellidifolia Primula incana Anthopogon thermalis Castilleja brunnescenst Plantago Tweedyi Campanula Parryi Erigeron consobrinust Gnaphalium exilifoliumt aes RYDBERG: PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL NOTES Gnaphalium Grayit Agoseris attenuatat Senecio pudicust Agoseris arachnoideat Senecio anacletust Agoseris maculata} Senecio atratust Agoseris leptocarpat Agoseris purpureat Ptilocalais tenutfoliat A goseris arizonicat Leontodon mexicanust G. SALT AND ALKALI MEADOWS Where the soil contains salt or alkali, the meadow is more or less modified. While the salt and alkali meadows are very common in the Submontane Zone, in the Montane Zone they are uncommon, as the drainage as a rule is much better. In the South Park of Colorado, however, there are salt or alkali meadows of great ex- tent. This may also be the case in the other two large parks. They are common in the St. Louis Valley, but this is mostly below the Montane Zone. The vegetation contains among others the following species :— Triglochin palustris Dondia erecta . Triglochin maritima Sarcobatus vermiculatus Alisma brevipes Monolepis Nuttalliana Puccinellia Nuttallir Ranunculus sceleratus Spartina gracilis Halerpestes Cymbalaria Distichlis stricta Plantago eriopoda Agropyron Smithii Arnica foliosa Agropyron molle Tetradymia inermis Elymus simplex H. DRY VALLEYS AND BENCHLANDS The general description of this formation and a list of the grasses it contains are given in a previous paper.* The list of grasses will here be omitted. The other plants making up the flora are as follows: I. EASTERN OR TRANSCONTINENTAL Carex siccata Plantago eriopoda Polygonum buxiforme Laciniaria punctata Lepidium densiflorum Chrysopsis villosa Anogra latifolia - Rudbeckia hirta Anogra coronopifolia Solidago glaberrima Plantago Purshit * See Bull. Torrey Club 42: 637-638. 1915. RYDBERG: PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL NOTES 323 ; 2. WESTERN Carex Douglasti Lupinus caespitosus Carex Hoodii Lupinus argenteus Carex phaeocephala Gilia aggregata Carex obtusata Castilleja linearifolia Eriogonum stellatum Aster campestris Eriogonum umbellatum Antennaria rosea Arenaria congesta Antennaria flavescens Arenaria Burkei Antennaria concinna Anemone globosa Antennaria oblanceolata Thlaspi Nuttallit Gymnolomia multiflora Arabis retrofracta Helianthus petiolaris Peritoma serrulatum Madia glomerata 3. ENDEMIC Eriogonum (8 species) t Gilia scariosat Polygonum Engelmannii Gilia candidat Wahlbergella Drummondii Phacelia glandulosa Wahlbergella comosa Oreocarya thyrsiflorayt Arenaria (3 species) Oreocarya virgatat Lepidium (3 species)t Lithospermum multiflorumy Physaria (3 species)t Campanula Parryit Lesquerella montana} Chrysopsis resinolens Cheirinia Wheelerit Chrysopsis caudatat Arabis (5 species) fT Grindelia erecta Arabis Drummondii Pyrrocoma (3 species) Arabis connexa Solidago (3 species) Potentilla effusa Townsendia grandiflora Potentilla Hippiana Machaeranthera (7 species) Chamaerhodos Nuttall Erigeron flagellaris Lupinus aduncus Antennaria (5 species) Aragallus albiflorus Hymenoxis helenioidest Geranium (3 species) Tt Senecio (8 species) T Cynomarathrum Nuttallitt Crepis (4 species) I. GRASSY HILLSIDES In richer soil the principal grass is Festuca ingrata, whose place is taken on the southern slopes of the Southern Rockies by F. arizonica and in less degree by F. T’ hurberi. The composition of the flora consists of the following species. 324 RYDBERG: PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL NOTES 1. EASTERN AND TRANSCONTINENTAL Calamagrostis purpurascens Poa crocata Festuca rubra Carex concinna Carex Rossit Ibidium porrifolium Allium Geyert Eriogonum ovalifolium Polygonum sawatchense Eurotia lanata Cerastium strictum Draba nitida Collomia linearis Muhlenbergia (3 species)+ Poa (8 species)t Festuca ingrata Festuca saximontana Festuca (3 other species){ Allium Brandegei Allium recurvatum Erythronium parviflorumt Erythronium utahense Cerastium (4 species) Draba (3 species) Lesquerella curvipes} Lithophragma australis} Potentilla (5 species) Pachylophus macroglottis Pachylophus hirsutus Carex Halleri Ibidium strictum Draba nemorosa WESTERN Phacelia sericea Lappula floribunda Campanula petiolata Aster apricus Macronema suffruticosum Antennaria pulcherrima Antennaria anaphaloides Balsamorrhiza sagittata Wvyethia amplexicaulis Arnica Parryt Arnica mollis 3. ENDEMIC Amarella scopulorum Dasystephana affinis Dasystephana Forwoodu Tessaranthium (5 species) + Phlox Kelseyi Mertensia (7 species)t Valeriana (4 species)} Solidago (3 species) A ster andinus Erigeron viscidust Townsendia strigosat Helianthella uniflora Tetraneuris leptoclada Tetraneuris lanigera Senecio Fendleri RYDBERG: PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL NOTES 325 K. HOG-BACKS AND DRY RIDGES The flora of the hog backs in the Montane Zone, especially in its upper part, resembles that of the Subalpine Zone; in the lower regions there are many of the species of the dry plains added. Be- sides these there are a few restricted to the Montane Zone; nearly all of these are endemics. The flora consist of the following: I. EASTERN OR TRANSCONTINENTAL Juniperus sibirica Bouteloua gracilis Carex praticola Koeleria gracilis Carex stenophylla Poa crocata Calamagrostis purpurascens 2. WESTERN Lewisia rediviva Sedum stenosepalum Oreobroma pygmaea Petrophytum caespitosum Oreobroma nevadensis Leptodactylon purgens Draba lutea 3. ENDEMIC Lesquerella alpina Chrysopsis pumila Eriogonum (6 species) f Townsendia strigosat Physaria vitulifera _ Townsendia montanat Physaria acutifolia Erigeron ursinus Trifolium nanum Antennaria rosulatat Trifolium dasyphyllumt Tetraneuris lanigerat Kentrophyta aculeata Tetraneuris brevifolia Kentrophyta Wolfiit Senecio Purshianus Aragallus minor Senecio Fendlertt Phlox depressa Senecio werneriaefoliust Phlox Kelseyi SAND HILLS AND SAND-HILL DRAWS While the best developed sand and sand-hill draws are found in the region of the Great Plains east of the Rockies, and in the desert plains of the Great Basin west of the same; they are found also in the Submontane and Montane Zones. In the latter the sand-draws are found mostly in the bottoms of the canyons and the 326 RYDBERG: PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL NOTES sandhills in the so-called ‘‘ Parks” of Colorado and in some of the broader river valleys. Most of the species characteristic of both are also found on the Great Plains and are such as have migrated along the rivers to higher altitudes. The following species are components of the flora. None of these are transcontinental or common to the Rockies and the Canadian Zone. A few are common to the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada Region, but most of them are endemics, either of the Great Plains or the Great Basin, or both. Eriocoma hymenoides Gayophytum intermedium Muhlenbergia pungens Gayophytum ramosissimum Stipa speciosa Gayophytum racemosum - Oryzopsis Webberi Nuttalha multiflora Sitanion elymoides — Nuttallia densa Arenaria confusa Nuttallia speciosa Arenaria polycaulos Cryptantha Torreyana Peritoma serrulatum Lithospermum multiflorum Epilobium paniculatum Helianthus petiolaris M. ROCK SLIDES The rock slide flora of the upper Montane Zone resembles that of the Subalpine, which has already been described.* In lower altitudes the following species appear, all of which are endemic to the Southern Rockies except Viola biflora, which is found also in Europe. Elymus ambiguust Polemonium confertumt Aquilegia saximonanat Polemonium mellitum}t Aragallus Halliit Polemonium Brandegeit Limnobotrya montigenat Pentstemon stenosepalust Viola biflorat Senecio Fendlerit Pseudopteryxia anisatat Senecio amplectenst Pseudopteryxia aletifoliat Senecio canovirenst NEW York BOTANICAL GARDEN. * Bull. Torrey Club 44: 453. 1917. Studies of West Indian plants—X NATHANIEL LorD BRITTON 60. UNDESCRIBED SPECIES FROM TRINIDAD Eleocharis savannarum sp. nov. Rootstocks very slender, elongated; culms filiform, weak, smooth, 6-15 cm. long, the upper sheath membranous, its mouth oblique; spikelet ovoid, 3-4 mm. long; scales oblong or ovate- oblong, about*2 mm. long, obtuse, nearly white with a greenish midvein; achene trigonous, obovoid, about 0.5 mm. long, truncate; tubercle low, nearly flat, apiculate; bristles none. Moist hole on the O’Meara Savanna, Trinidad (Britton 2491). Eleocharis oropuchensis sp. nov. Roots fibrous, finely filiform; culms finely filiform, densely tufted, weak, 5 cm. long or less, the upper sheath membranous, oblique at the summit. Spikelets terminating culms, and sessile at the base of the plant; compressed, 2-3 mm. long, ovate, about 6- flowered; their scales ovate-oblong, pale or brown with pale mar- gins and keel, subdistichous, blunt, 1.5 mm. long; style 3-cleft; achene trigonous, smooth, pale, about 0.5 mm. long, about as long as the 3 or 4 bristles; tubercle conic, one fourth as long as the achene. In mud in sunny, grassy situations, Trinidad; type from Oro- puche Lagoon (Britton, Hazen and Freeman 1155, March 29, 1920). I am indebted to Mr. N. E. Brown for comparing this little plant with West Indian and South American species in the Kew Herbarium, where he was unable to match it. He remarks upon its unusual character of having both terminal and basal spikelets, and compares it with Chaetocyperus Jamesoni Steud. from Guaya- quil, Ecuador (Jameson 369), pointing out important differences, however. Rynchospora aripoensis sp. nov. Perennial by short horizontal rootstocks; culms filiform, tufted, smooth, erect, 2-4 dm. high, longer than the filiform leaves. Spikelets few, 2mm. long, ovoid, acute, 1-fruited, sessile in I or 2 small clusters subtended by a filiform bract 1-3 cm. long; scales 327 328 BRITTON: STUDIES OF WEST INDIAN PLANTS ovate, brown, acute; bristles none; achene obovate-elliptic, I mm. long, smooth, light brown; tubercle compressed-conic, acute, one third to one half as long as the achene. Grassy plain, Aripo Savanna, Trinidad (Britton 2934). Per- haps most nearly related to R. Chapmani M. A. Curtis of the eastern United States. Bromelia aurea sp. nov. Leaves numerous, rigid, linear, long-attenuate, 6-8 dm. long, about 3 cm. wide, armed with distant curved prickles 4-5 mm. long. Scape rather slender, shorter than the basal leaves, bearing several prickle-armed small leaves; inflorescence brownish-floccose, about 3 dm. long; bracts lanceolate, membranous, acuminate, 2-4 cm. long; bractlets ovate, membranous, strongly nerved, mucronate, oe I cm. long; flowers 2 to several together, the clusters 2-3 cm. ap t; sepals sinilar to the bractlets, about 1 cm. long; petals tinea shrek, yellow, about 3 cm. long and 2 mm. wide. Wooded hillside, near western end of Monos Island, Trinidad (Britton, Britton and Brown 2736). In flower Apiil 4, 1921. Related to B. chrysantha Jacq. of Venezuela. Aechmea porteoides sp. nov. Leaves firm in texture, linear with a somewhat broadened base, about 8 dm. long, 4-7 cm. wide, sharply acute, the margins armed with very numerous, approximate, nearly black, slightly curved spinules 4 mm. long or less; inflorescence paniculate, as long as the leaves or longer, its ultimate branches spreading, about 6 ong, stellate-pubescent, slender, few-flowered; bracteoles subulate-acicular, 4-6 mm. long; flowers blue, about 20 mm. long; sepals striate, about 1 cm. long, with a terminal spinule 2-3 mm. long: ia about 1 cm. long, oblong. On the ground in mountain forests, Trinidad. Type from Mount Tocuche (Britton, Hazen and Mendelson 1 342). In flower April 5, 1920. Related to A. Fendleri of Venezuela. Tillandsia viscidula sp. nov. Basal leaves tufted, linear, 2.5-3.5 dm. long, flat, gradually narrowed upward, abruptly contracted at the apex and short- acuminate, the base ‘expanded and dark-blotched. Stem 3-5 dm. high, erect, bearing leaves similar to the basal ones, but smaller, the upper ones 7 cm. long or less; panicle 3-5 dm. long, few- to several-branched, viscid; flowers yellow, distant, sessile, about 2 BRITTON: STUDIES OF WEsT INDIAN PLANTS 329 cm. long, at first appressed, later spreading, about as long as the racts. On trees, Trinidad. Type from Moruga (Britton and Bioad- way 2430). Related to T. aloitolia Hook. Alpinia silvicola sp. nov. Rootstocks rather stout, scaly. Sterile stem 2-3 m. high; leafy; leaves oblong, thin, glabrous, closely many-veined, 3-5 dm. long, 6-10 cm. wide, the apex acuminate, the base narrowed, the petioles 1-2.5 cm. long, the sheaths striate; lower leaves reduced to thin sheathing scales. Fertile stems about 3 dm. high, pubes- cent above, with a few, narrow scales 3-4 cm. long; spike dense, several- to many-flowered, 7-10 cm. long; bracts 1- flowered, shorter than the flowers; calyx about 1.5 mm. long, pubescent, its lobes broad; corolla yellow, about 2 cm. long; fruit oblong, about 3 cm. long, its juice blue-black. Forests of the northern mountain range, Trinidad. Type from Mount Tocuche (Britton, Hazen and Mendelson 1301). Calathea trinitensis sp. nov. Leaves erect, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, glabrous, the blade up to I m. long and 3 dm. wide, rather shorter than the slender petiole, rather abruptly narrowed at the base, the apex abruptly tipped, the midvein prominent, the innumerable lateral veins close together. Scape glabrous, about 7 dm. high; spike dense, about 2 dm. long; bracts oblique, many-veined, 3-4 cm. long, their spreading tips acute; flowers yellow, about 3 cm. long, the seg- ments linear, parallel-veined, acute. Forest, heights of Aripo, Trinidad (Britton and Freeman 2360). In flower March 16, 1921. Ficus ierensis sp. nov. A tree up to 10 m. high or higher, glabrous. Leaves broadly elliptic or elliptic-orbicular, subcoriaceous, pinnately 5- to 9-veined on each side of the rather prominent midvein, rounded at the apex, cordate at the base, 10-20 cm. long, the stout petiole one fourth to one third as long as the blade; fruiting peduncles slender, about 1 cm. long; fruit globose, 12-18 mm. in diameter; bracts 2 or 3, broad, rounded, nearly as long as the fruit; ostiolum sunken, about 2 mm. in diameter. Hillsides in relatively dry districts, Trinidad. Type fae North Post Road (Britton, Hazen and Mendelson 774). Similar 330 BRITTON: STUDIES OF WeEsT INDIAN PLANTS to F. crassinervia of Hispaniola, to which species it has been referred, and also related to F. Urbaniana Warburg, of the Lesser Antilles. Ficus arimensis sp. nov. Twigs stout. Leaf-blades firm in texture, obovate, about 2 dm. long and twice as long as wide, distantly pinnately veined, the base subcuneate, the apex rounded and short-cuspidate; fruit subglobose, sessile, about 8 mm. in diameter (immature). Arima, Trinidad (J. Dannouse). Collected in 1905. Ficus Mendelsonii sp. nov. A tree up to 16 m. high. Leaves elliptic to obovate-elliptic, the blade thin, smooth, 10-15 cm. long, about twice as long as wide, distantly pinnately veined, triple-veined just above the base, the base rounded or obtuse, the apex abruptly short-acuminate; petioles slender, 2-6 cm. long; peduncles slender, 1-2 cm. long; fruit globose, pale, 10-15 mm. in diameter, the ostiolum deeply concave; basal bracts 2, triangular-ovate, about 2 mm. long. Forests in moist or wet districts, Trinidad. Type from the northern hills between North Post and Maqueripe (Britton, Hazen and Mendelson 879). Phoradendron chaguaramasanum Trelease sp. nov. Scarcely forked, the moderate branches with basal cataphyls only, androgynous?. Internodes short (2 KX 10-30 mm.), at papillately roughened, quadrangular and somewhat 4-winged, little flattened. Cataphyls a single pair, nearly basal, deeply notched. Leaves spatulate-oblong, obtuse to subtruncate, scarcely I X 2.5 cm., cuneately subpetioled for 5 mm., fleshy, drying yellow, I- or obscurely 3-nerved from the base. Spikes solitary, very short (about 5 mm.), with 2 or 3 very short characteristically 4-flowered joints; peduncle about 1 mm. long; scales ciliolate. Immature fruit subglobose, scarcely 2 mm. in diameter, reddish, verrucose; sepals yellow, erect, not meeting. Chaguaramas, Trinidad (Britton 2718, the type, April 4, 1921). Phoradendron caerulescens Trelease sp. nov. Pseudodichotomous, the moderate branches with basal cata- phyls only, androgynous?. Internodes short (2-3 X 10-20 mm.), smooth, glossy, quadrate, the upper ancipitally dilated to a width of 4 mm. below the nodes. Cataphyls a single pair, basal, glossy brown, tubular-bifid. Leaves round-elliptical, submucronately BRITTON: STUDIES OF WEsT INDIAN PLANTS 331 acuminate, 1.5 X 2-2.5 cm., cuneately subpetioled for about 5 mm., cartilaginous-margined, about 5-nerved, at first delicately blue-glaucous. Spikes solitary, short (scarcely 15 mm.) with 3 or 4 short 4-flowered joints; peduncle 1 mm. long; scales slightly ciliolate. Fruit (immature) small, globose, deeply immersed, ver- rucose: sepals inflexed. Chacachacare Island, Trinidad (Britton and Hazen 1726, April 13, 1920), the type; also from the same locality, on Capparis (Britton, Freeman and Watts 2701, 2708, 1921). Of the Emarginatae, but with inflexed sepals, and in this, as well as in its flattened twigs, related to P. Ottonis Eichler of Vene- zuela. Seguiera ierensis sp. nov. A climber with slender twigs and branches, the prickles 2-25 mm. long. Leaves oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 6-16 cm. long, acute or acuminate at the apex, narrowed or obtuse at the base, or the upper ones smaller and obtuse, the petioles 2-7 mm. long; panicles many-flowered, 5-9 cm. long, puberulent; pedicels 2-3 mm. long; perianth-segments unequal, elliptic to obovate, 3-3.6 mm. long, rounded, concave; stamens about 20 with filiform filaments and linear anthers. McBean Estate, Carapachaima, Trinidad, April 30, 1918 (type). Forest, Ortoire River, Guayaguayare Road (Britton, Freeman and Nowell 2527, barren). Seguiera cordata sp. nov. Twigs slender; prickles stiff, nearly straight, about 8 mm. long. Leaves broadly ovate, subcoriaceous, glabrous, 14 cm. long or less, cordate or subcordate at the base, acute at the apex, or small ones obtuse at both ends, the venation prominent beneath, impressed above, the stout petioles 6-8 mm. long; panicles many- flowered, about 6 cm. long; bractlets ovate, 1 mm. long, about as long as the pedicels or a little shorter; sepals I-1.5 mm. long. Lobajos near Erin, Trinidad (Trinidad Herbarium 9122, W. E. Broadway, May 14, 1920). Chrysobalanus savannarum sp. nov. An irregularly branching shrub 0.5-4 m. high, the glabrous twigs slender. Leaves obovate to elliptic-obovate, 1.5-3-5 cm. long, strongly reticulate-veined above, faintly veined beneath, obtuse or acutish at the apex, narrowed at the base, the petioles 1.5-2 oe BRITTON: STUDIES OF WEST INDIAN PLANTS mm. long; flowers few, in small axillary clusters not longer than the leaves, or these terminating short leafy twigs; pedicels short, puberulent; calyx silky-pubescent, its lobes short, broad, obtuse; petals cuneate-spatulate, rounded at the apex, 3-3.5 mm. long; drupe oblong or narrowly oblong-obovoid, obtuse, about 8 mm. long and 4 mm. in diameter. Grassy plain, Aripo Savanna, Trinidad (Britton, Hazen and Freeman 2005, April 21, 1920). Acacia quadricostata sp. nov. woody vine, up to 8 m. long, the old stems 4-ribbed or 4- flanged, about 8 cm. thick near the base, the twigs 4-angled, armed with recurved prickles about 3 mm. long. Leaves 2-pinnate, 6-17 cm. long; stipules wanting; petiole slender, bearing a sessile, circular gland; rachis glabrous, sometimes bearing a few minute prickles; rachilla very slender, angular; leaflets 35 pairs or fewer, sessile, linear-lanceolate, acutish, 6-8 mm. long, about I mm. wide, truncately inequilateral at the base, the midvein somewhat eccentric, the lateral veins few, glabrous, except for a characteristic line of yellowish hairs on the underside of the midvein near the base; legume linear-oblong, flat, densely puberulent, 5-9 cm. long, nearly 2 cm. wide, narrowed at the base with a short stipe, acute and short-tipped; seeds orbicular, dark brown, about 7 mm. in diameter. Hillside, Chacachacare Island, Trinidad (Britton, Freeman and Watts 2685), in fruit April 3, 1921. The prickles are persistent upon the old stems and branches. Erythrina pallida Britton and Rose sp. nov. A small tree, 4 meters high; young growth puberulent; second year growth glabrate with shining gray bark; spines at base of leaves stout, reflexed, 6-8 mm. long; leaves large; rachis 2 cm. long or more, glabrous; leaflets 3, broadly ovate, sometimes obliquely so, acuminate, 12-15 cm. long, green above, very pale beneath, glabrous on both sides at least when mature; inflores- cence subsessile, paniculate, 1-2 dm. long; pedicels stout, about 1 cm. long; calyx 1.5 cm. long, nearly truncate, except a small protuberance on the lower side; corolla salmon-colored, narrow, 7 cm. long; fruit with a long slender stipe 3 cm. long; tipped with a rigid persistent style, 2 cm. long, moniliform, 8-10-seeded; seed 8 mm. long, 6 mm. broad. Hillsides and roadsides, Trinidad. Type from roadside near Carenage (Britton 2656), April 4, 1921. Commonly planted as a fence tree in Trinidad. BRITTON: STUDIES OF WEST INDIAN PLANTS 5 5 54 Elaphrium trinitensis Rose sp. nov. A gnarled tree, 5 meters high, fragrant; branches glabrous, often short and spur-like, with brownish bark; leaves simple, borne at the end of stubby branches, the petiole not winged, 12 mm. long or less, the blade broadly ovate, 2.5 cm. long or less, entire, glabrous; flowers solitary or in small panicles sometimes only 3-or 4-flowered; pedicels 3 to 5 mm. long, glabrous; fruit 3-angled, glabrous, 8 to 10 mm. long; nutlet white, 3-angled. Western end of Monos Island, Trinidad (Britton, Britton and Brown 2739), April 4, 1921. Phyllanthus graminicola sp. nov. Annual, with fibrous roots, glabrous; stem slender, erect, becoming much branched, 1-3 dm. high, the branches almost filiform. Leaves oblong-elliptic, thin, faintly pinnately veined, 4-10 mm. long, the apex obtuse, the base more or less narrowed, the petiole about I mm. long; stipules minute; flowers nearly ses- sile; calyx of the pistillate flowers deeply 6-parted, the linear segments at length about 1 mm. long; fruit depressed, 1.5 mm. in diameter; seeds about 0.6 mm. long. Moist grassy situations at low elevations, Trinidad. Type from grassy roadside, Carenage (Britton and Hazen 12). ‘In fruit February 25,1920. Related to P. carolinensis Walt. of the eastern United States, which has larger fruit and seeds and broader pistillate calyx-segments. Clusia tocuchensis sp. nov. A tree about 18 m. high, the twigs rather stout. Leaves borne at the ends of the twigs, obovate, coriaceous, glabrous, about 10 cm. long, 4-5 cm. wide, rounded at the apex, cuneate at the base, rather finely pinnately veined, the short stout petiole only about 5 mm. long; fruit globose, 10-15 mm. in diameter; carpels about 7; styles stout, 3-4 mm. long; stigmas flat, obliquely oblong, the center depressed. Forest, Mount Tocuche, Trinidad (Britton, Hazen and Mendel- son 1247). In fruit April 3-5, 1920. Terminalia nyssaefolia sp. nov. A tree up to 20 m. high, the slender twigs saab Leaves chartaceous, obovate, 7-12 cm. long, 4-6 c wide, entire, abruptly short-acuminate at the apex, cuneate at te base, strongly 304 BrTtTON: STUDIES OF WEsT INDIAN PLANTS reticulate-veined, glabrous and bright green above, pale green, | dull and strigose-pubescent on the veins beneath, the strigose and ciliate petioles 5-10 mm. long; fruit compressed, 2-winged, broader than long, 2—3.5 cm. broad, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, notched at the apex, at base abruptly contracted into a stalk about 2 mm. long, the thin striate wings about one half as wide as the seed-bearing part. Coastal woods, Manzanilla, Trinidad (Britton 2177). In fruit (fruit fallen) March 9, 1921. Combretum trinitense sp. nov. Vine-like, woody, the stems up to 6 m. long, the branches long and slender, the twigs glandular. Leaves elliptic or elliptic- lanceolate, chartaceous, 8-12 cm. long, 5 cm. wide or less, the midvein prominent beneath, impressed above, the lateral veins about 7 on each side of the midvein, slender, curved upwardly, the upper surface glabrous, reticulate-veined, the under surface impressed-glandular, the glandular petioles 6~7 mm. long; fruiting racemes 6-10 cm. long; fruit oblong, 10-15 mm. long, the four thin wings glandular, the pedicels about 2 mm. long. Hillside thicket, Chacachacare Island, Trinidad (Britton, Freeman and Watts 2699). In fruit April 3, 1921. Myrcia arimensis sp. nov. A small tree, the slender young twigs rather densely strigose. Leaves elliptic to elliptic-ovate, chartaceous, 4-6 cm. long, reticu- late-veined, punctate, dark green and shining above, pale green beneath, the apex acute, the base narrowed, the strigose or glabrate petioles 3-5 mm. long; panicles several- to many-flowered, 5-7 cm. long, their slender branches spreading; flowers nearly or quite sessile; calyx-lobes rounded; immature fruit globose, about 5 mm. in diameter. Arima, Trinidad (J. Dannouse, Feb. 10, 1905). Eugenia Baileyi sp. nov. A tree up to 12 m. high or higher, the twigs terete, rather slender. Leaves coriaceous, glabrous, broadly elliptic, 12-16 cm. long, 9-12 cm. wide, rounded at the apex, obtuse at the base, Strongly pinnately veined, abundantly punctate, the stout petioles I~I.5 cm. long; fruit lateral, oblong or ovoid-oblong, about 2 cm. long and 1 cm. thick, pale, puberulent, nearly sessile. Forest, Morne Bleu, Trinidad (Britton, Freeman and Bailey 2246). In fruit March 13, 1921. BRITTON: STUDIES OF WeEsT INDIAN PLANTS 300 Hydrocotyle Hazenii Rose sp. nov. A delicate creeping plant, rooting at the nodes; petioles slender, 2 to 5 cm. long, pubescent and more pronounced just below the _ blade; blade nearly orbicular, 2.5 cm. in diameter or less, glabrous and paler beneath, somewhat hairy or glabrate above, the sinus usually narrow, the margins doubly crenate, the crenations low and broad; peduncle slender, hairy above, longer than the petiole; flowers in a small compact umbel; pedicels 1 to 2 mm. long. Among wet rocks, Maracas Waterfall, Trinidad (Britton, Hazen and Mendelson 1660, April 10, 1920). Psammisia recurvata sp. nov. Stems branched, about 5 m.long. Leaves coriaceous, glabrous, elliptic-ovate, 10-20 cm. long, 7-10 cm. wide, pinnately 7-veined from near the base, with numerous curved transverse veinlets, the venation impressed above, prominent beneath, the apex acute, the base narrowed, the stout petiole 1-2 cm. long; flowers several in short axillary racemes; bractlets ovate, acute, about 2 mm. long; pedicels stout, recurved, glabrous, 2—3 cm. long; ovary subglobose, glabrous; calyx subcampanulate, persistent, about 6 mm. long in fruit, its lobes rounded, apiculate, their margins thickened; corolla- tube about 4 cm. long, red, the short limb white; fruit globose, about 1 cm. in diameter, many-seeded. Forest bank, near summit of Mount Tocuche, Trinidad (Britton, Hazen and Mendelson 1294). Specimens of this plant were mixed by Grisebach with those of another and the complex described by him (FI. Br. W. I. 143) as Thibaudia latifolia Griseb., subsequently referred by Bentham and Hooker to Vaccinium; it would appear that the name /atifolia should go with this other species, which, however, is not a good Vaccinium. Sophoclesia trinitensis sp. nov. Pendent from forest trees; stem slender, sparingly branched, short-villous when young, 1-4 m. long. Leaves subcoriaceous, glabrous or nearly so, ovate or some of them ovate-lanceolate, 1.5- 3-5 cm. long, from about one half to two thirds as wide as long, triplinerved with a pair of delicate veins at the base, this venation rather distinct beneath, obscure above, the apex bluntly pointed, the base rounded or subtruncate, the villous petiole about 2 mm. long; peduncles filiform, glabrous, somewhat shorter than the _ leaves; ovary globose, glabrous or with a few hairs; corolla white, 336 BRITTON: STUDIES OF WEsT INDIAN PLANTS glabrous, about 5 mm. long; fruit blue or mauve, glabrous, about 5 mm. in diameter. Forests, in wet districts, Trinidad. Type from Mount Tocuche (Britton, Hazen and Mendelson 1316). In flower and fruit April 3, 1920. Sophoclesia major (Griseb.) Benth. & Hook., also of Trinidad, differs in its ovate-orbicular rounded, subcordate leaves and densely pilose ovary. Cavendishia Urichiana sp. nov. A much-branched, woody vine, up to 6 m. long, glabrous throughout, the branches slender. Leaves oblong-lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, somewhat fleshy, dark green above, bright green beneath, chartaceous in drying, triple-nerved, 10-15 cm. long, 3-5 cm. wide, the nerves rather prominent beneath, slightly impressed above, the apex acuminate, the base narrowed, the petiole 8-10 mm. long, rather stout; flowers fascicled on the twigs or in the leaf-axils, bracteolate, the bractlets ovate, acute, 2-3 mm. long; pedicels slender, 8-20 mm. long; calyx-limb with 5 short acute teeth, expanded above the ovary; corolla-tube sub- cylindric, about 2 cm. long, scarlet, the limb 4 mm. long, white, with 5 ovate-lanceolate teeth; stamens shorter than the corolla; style slender, exserted; immature fruit subglobose, crowned by the calyx-lim Climbing © on forest trees, Heights of Aripo, Trinidad (Britton and Freeman 2364, March 16, 1921). Specimens were brought from the same place a few days earlier by Mr. F. W. Urich, Ento- mologist of the Trinidad Department of Agriculture, and he guided us to it. The plant from which the type specimens were taken is wonderfully elegant when in bloom, displaying long wands of the scarlet, white-tipped flowers, and is locally called *‘clove-plant.” Diospyros ierensis sp. nov. A tree, 12 m. high or higher, the twigs and leaves glabrous. Leaves chartaceous, oblong to elliptic, 10-15 cm. long, 7 cm. wide or less, bluntly short-acuminate at the apex, narrowed or obtuse at the base, reticulate-veined, the venation prominent beneath, the stout petiole 10-14 mm. long; fruiting calyx 2-2.5 cm. broad, nearly flat, wrinkled, 4-lobed, the lobes broad and short; fruit ee about 4 cm. in diameter (not quite mature); seeds about 8. BRITTON: STUDIES OF WEsT INDIAN PLANTS 337 Forest near the summit of Mount Tocuche, Trinidad (Britton, Hazen and Mendelson 1243). In fruit April 5, 1920. Specimens collected by J. Dannouse at Guanapo, Trinidad, showing imperfect flowers about 1 cm. wide (Trinidad Herb. 6415) are probably referable to this species. Chrysophyllum (?) minutiflorum sp. nov. A tree about 15 m. high, the young leaf-buds puberulent, otherwise glabrous. Leaves thin-chartaceous, oblong-lanceolate, 13 cm. long or less, 2.5—5 cm. wide, long-acuminate at the apex, narrowed at the base, delicately pinnately and reticulate-veined, the rather slender petioles 10-15 mm. long; flowers green, several to many in sessile axillary fascicles; bractlets minute; pedicels very slender, thickened upward, 5-8 mm. long; calyx about 1.5 mm. long, its 3 or 4 lobes rounded; corolla-segments 3 or 4, minute; stamens 3 or 4. Forest, Arima, Trinidad (Britton, Britton and Brown 2403). In young flower March 18, 1921. The flowers are too young to enable the generic status of this tree to be certainly determined. Mr. N. E. Brown has identified specimens as the same as Crueger’s mo. 247 in the Kew Herbarium, from Trinidad, which is a leafy branch and a detached fruit. The leaves are also the same as those of Trinidad Herbarium no. 1454, also leafy shoots with the remains of a fruit which was, apparently, about 2 cm. long, attached, and with some flowers even younger than those of our 2403. “ Evolvulus bocasanus sp. nov. Perennial, shrubby, branched, 3-4 dm. high, the branches nearly erect or ascending, strigose. Leaves lanceolate to. oblong, 2~5 cm. long, 5-15 mm. wide, strigose on both sides, acute or obtuse at apex, obtuse at base, pinnately few-veined, the veins nearly parallel, the petiole 1-2 mm. long; peduncles filiform, axillary, 3 cm. long or less, 1-few-flowered; bracts lanceolate, acuminate, 2-3 mm. long; pedicels 2-10 mm. long; calyx strigose, 3-4 mm. long, 5-lobed to about the middle, the lobes lanceolate, acute: corolla rotate, bright blue, 8-15 mm. broad. Hillsides, Bocas Islands, Trinidad; type from Chacachacare (Britton, Freeman and Watts 2674). In flower April 3, 1921. This is the species recorded from Trinidad by Grisebach as Evol- vulus alsinoides L., at least in part. 338 BRITTON: STUDIES OF WEsT INDIAN PLANTS Solanum ierense sp. nov. A shrub about 2 m. high, the slender unarmed branches diver- gent, glabrous, the young twigs stellate-pubescent. Leaves thin, ovate or elliptic-ovate, 5 cm. long or less, delicately pinnately few-veined, sparingly stellate-pubescent above, densely stellate- pubescent beneath, the apex acute or obtuse, the base obtuse or narrowed, the slender petioles 4-10 mm. long; flowers solitary or geminate (rarely 3) in the axils on nearly filiform pubescent peduncles 2.5 cm. long or less; calyx stellate-pubescent, 5—7-cleft, the lobes linear-lanceolate, acuminate; corolla white, 5—6-cleft, its lobes linear-lanceolate, acuminate, 10 mm. long; stamens 5 or 6, all alike, the anthers somewhat attenuate, 8 mm. long, the fila- ments I-2 mm. long; immature berry globose, about 7 mm. in diameter. Hillside, Chacachacare, Trinidad (Britton, Freeman and Watts 2706). In flower and young fruit April 3, 1921. Solanum Hazenii sp. nov. A tree up to about 5 m. high with a woody trunk about 1.5 dm. in diameter. Leaves broadly elliptic, rather thin and flaccid, 10-20 cm. long, 8-15 cm. wide, strongly pinnately veined on the under side, the apex short-acuminate, the base obtuse, the upper surface finely stellate when young, glabrous when old, the under surface persistently stellate-tomentulose, the stout, stellate-tomer- tulose petioles 3 or 4 cm. long; inflorescence stalked, about equalling the leaves, many-flowered, tomentulose; pedicels short; flower-buds subglobose, rounded, tomentulose; calyx tomentulose, deeply lobed, 5 mm. long, the lobes obtuse; corolla white, 20 mm. broad, 5-lobed to below the middle, the lobes broadly ovate, acute; stamens all alike, the anthers 3 mm. long, about twice as long as the filaments; berry globose, black, about 8 mm. in diam- Cter.. Hillsides, northwestern parts of Trinidad mainland and on the adjacent Bocas Islands. Type from Saddle Road (Britton and Hazen 156). Solanum capillipes sp. nov A shrub, about 2 m. high, the slender young branches pilose, ‘the older branches glabrous. Leaves oblong-elliptic to elliptic- lanceolate, membranous, all alike, pinnately veined, glabrous, somewhat darker green above than beneath, 10-15 cm. long, 3-6 cm. wide, ‘ besa appa the slightly inequilateral base narrowed, the petio tioles about I cm. long; racemes lateral, fox Bowered, BRITTON: STUDIES OF West INDIAN PLANTS 339 glabrous; peduncles very slender, 2.5 cm. long or less; pedicels filiform, spreading, 1-3 cm. long; calyx obconic, about 5 mm. long; corolla white, deeply lobed, 5-6 mm. broad; stamens all alike, the oblong anthers obtuse, I.5 mm. long, nearly sessile; fruit globose, 6-7 mm. in diameter. Forests in wet districts, southern Trinidad. Type from forest, Ortoire River, Guayaguayare Road (Britton, Freeman & Nowell 2521). Codonanthe (?) triplinervia sp. nov. A somewhat fleshy, epiphytic woody vine, 1-2 m. long, the young twigs sparingly pubescent. Leaves ovate or ovate-lanceo- late, 8 cm. long or less, 2-3.5 cm. wide, glabrous, rather thin, triplinerved, the apex acuminate, the base narrowed or obtuse, the slender, sparingly pubescent petioles 6-12 mm. long; flowers solitary or 2-4 together at the nodes; bractlets linear, pubescent, acute, 6 mm. long or less; pedicels slender, pubescent, about as long as the bractlets; calyx 10-12 mm. long, sparingly pubescent below, deeply cleft, its segments linear-oblong, acute; corolla 3-3-5 cm. long, white, the throat yellow within, its tube slightly bent just above the gibbous base, about 1 cm. long, the subcam- panulate throat about 1.5 cm. long, the somewhat spreading limb with rounded, translucent lobes. On forest trees, Trinidad; type from Ortoire River, Guaya- guayare Road (Britton, Freeman and Nowell 2543). In flower March 25, 1921. . Sabicea trinitensis Standl. sp. nov. Vine, the stems about 2 m. long, pubescent with dense short ascending rufescent hairs; stipules 5-6 mm. long, rounded- ovate, obtuse or subacute, finely ciliolate but otherwise glabrous; petioles 8-14 mm. long, densely hirtellous with ascending hairs; leaf-blades elliptic or oblong-elliptic, g-10.5 cm. long, 4-5-6 cm. wide, acute or subacute, abruptly contracted at base, hispidulous above along the costa, elsewhere scaberulous, appressed-pilose be- neath along the veins, glabrate elsewhere; flowers few, sessile in _the leaf-axils, subtended by two green bracts similar to the stip- ules; hypanthium about 3 mm. long; glabrous or with a few ap- pressed white hairs; calyx-lobes linear, 2-3 mm. long, green, plane, obscurely ciliolate; corolla appressed-hirsute, the tube 6-7 mm. long, the lobes lanceolate, acuminate, 3 mm. long. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1,059,334, col- lected in a thicket of the O’Meara Savanna, Trinidad, March 22, 1921 (Britton 2489). 340 BRITTON: STUDIES OF WEsT INDIAN PLANTS The proposed species is most nearly related to S. hirsuta ad- pressa Wernham, which has been reported from Trinidad. It differs essentially, however, in the short narrow calyx-lobes and in the short scant pubescence of the upper leaf-surface. 61. UNDESCRIBED SPECIES FROM JAMAICA Pilea Maxoni sp. nov. Stem trailing, freely rooting at the nodes,.3-6 dm. long or longer, rather densely pubescent, the pubescent branches erect, 6-12 cm. high or higher. Stipules ovate-orbicular, rounded, sub- membranous, 3-6 mm. long, sometimes broader than long; leaf- pairs nearly equal; leaves ovate, regularly crenate, I—3 cm. long, acute, acuminate, or some of the smaller ones obtuse at the apex, obliquely obtuse or rounded at the base, 3-nerved from above the base, sparingly pubescent and reticulate-veined beneath, the upper surface nearly veinless, with long, flat scattered hairs and some short ones, the linear glochides largely marginal only; petioles slender, pubescent, as long as the blades or shorter; pistillate inflorescence paniculate, slender-peduncled, about 6 cm. long, the staminate shorter; sepals lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate. Rocky woods in the Cockpit Country, Jamaica. Type, Maxon & Killip 1555, from near Mocho, above Catadupa, April 3, 1920; previously collected near Troy, June 28, 1904 (Maxon 2834), our specimen of this number barren. Zanthoxylum Harrisii P. Wilson sp. nov. , An unarmed tree 15-18 m. high, with grayish-brown branches. Leaves equally pinnate, 2—3.5 dm. long, the petioles and rachis terete, glabrous or nearly so; leaflets 8-12, alternate or sometimes opposite, short- petioluled, elliptic-lanceolate to elliptic, 7-15 cm. long, 4-5 cm. broad, coriaceous, acuminaté at the apex, inequi- lateral at the base, entire, lustrous above, the midvein impressed, paler beneath, the midvein prominent; inflorescence terminal or lateral in the axils of the upper leaves, the branches densely puberulent; staminate flowers: calyx lobes 5, triangular-ovate; petals 5, lanceolate, 3 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad, stamens 5, exserted. St. George’s, Portland, Jamaica, March 30, 1918 (Harris F2G76): +. Salvia clarendonensis sp. nov. A spreading shrub with weak stems and branches 2—3 m. long, the twigs, eens and inflorescence puberulent. Leaves slender- BRITTON: STUDIES OF WEsT INDIAN PLANTS 341 petioled, membranous, oblong-lanceolate, serrulate, glabrous above, puberulent beneath, acuminate at the apex, narrowed or obtuse at the base, 5-15 cm. long; racemes slender, 7-10 cm. long; bracts linear-lanceolate, the lower ones sometimes I cm. long; pedicels very short; calyx about 5 mm. long, its ovate cuspidate teeth shorter than the tube; corolla rose-purple, 1-1.2 cm. long. Peckham woods, Upper Clarendon, Jamaica (Harris 12787). Gesneria jamaicensis sp. nov. A glabrous shrub, up to 3.3 m. high, the young twigs and leaves resiniferous, the branches terete. Leaves oblong to elliptic, subcoriaceous, 7-12 cm. long, 2.5—5 cm. wide, acute or acuminate at the apex, closely serrate except near the entire, acute or acutish base, pinnately veined, the rather stout petioles 5-10 mm. long; peduncles axillary, slender, 1-flowered, about as long as the leaves; calyx-tube obconic or turbinate, 6-8 mm. long; calyx- lobes linear-lanceolate, bluntish, 8-10 mm. long, I mm. wide; corolla crimson or rose-pink, its tube subcylindric, 8-10 mm. long, its spreading lobes orbicular, strongly veined, erose, about 4 mm. broad; stamens included; filaments distinct, about 8 mm. long; anthers nodding; staminodium a little shorter than the filaments; style glabrous, 2-lobed; capsule broadly turbinate, about 8 mm. Ipswich, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica (Harris 12500, type); Mul- — grave, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica (Harris 12374). Nearest related to G. Harrisii Urban, which has a sulphur- yellow corolla with oval lobes, the calyx-lobes filiform, the leaves crenate-dentate. 62. UNDESCRIBED SPECIES FROM CUBA Scleria motemboensis sp. nov. Annual with fibrous roots; culms solitary or few together slender, erect, villous, about 3 dm. high. Leaves narrowly linear, villous, 1-1.5 mm. wide; inflorescence glomerate-spicate; glom- ene ~ 2 or 3 sessile spikelets; bracts linear, long-ciliate, 3-4 . long; achene white, shining, 1.5 mm. in diameter, apiculate, faintly etiadtially striate, with 4 pores at-each side of the sub- trigonous base. Small lagoon, Sabana de Motembo, Santa Clara, Cuba (Léon ' and Loustalot 9405). Nearest to S. Lindleyana Clarke of South America, . 342 BRITTON: STUDIES OF WEST INDIAN PLANTS Ouratea savannarum Britton & Wilson sp. nov. A glabrous shrub 5 m. high, the slender twigs grayish-brown, often somewhat flexuose. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic-lanceolate to elliptic-ovate, 4-8 cm. long, 2—-3.8 cm. broad, acuminate at the apex, rounded at the base, faintly pinnately nerved, the margin spinose-serrate; petioles short, stout, 3-4 mm. long; inflorescence terminal, 6-11 cm. long; pedicels slender, 1-1.5 cm. long; buds ovoid; sepals oblong-lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, 7-7.5 mm. long, 3.2-3.5 mm. broad, obtuse at the apex; petals obovate, 9 mm. long, 7 mm. broad, crenulate; anthers oblong-lanceolate or oblong, 2.5 mm. long, subsessile; style 6-7 mm. long; fruit unknown. Sabana de San Marcos, Santa Clara, Cuba (Léon 9205). Banara Brittonii Roig sp. nov. A slender shrub about 4 m. high, the young twigs densely pubescent. Leaves oblong to oblong-lanceolate or ovate-lanceo- late, 4-7 cm. long, 1.5—3 cm. wide, acute at the apex, more or less inequilateral and rounded at the base, glabrous and shining above, reticulate-veined and densely pubescent beneath with short, whitish, mostly appressed hairs, the margin revolute, serrulate; petioles 5-8 mm. long, slender, with one or two orbicular glands at the summit; inflorescence terminal, inclined or pendulous, 5-7 cm. long, the branches puberulent, pedicels slender, 3-5 mm. long; ' sepals oblong-elliptic to oblong-ovate, 2.5 mm. long, obtuse at the apex, the margin ciliate; petals oval to suborbicular, about as long as the sepals, yellow; stamens indefinite; anthers rounded ; style 1.5 mm. long; fruit aici (immature?), 4 mm. in diameter, becoming black in drying Rocky limestone sail’ Cayo Mono, inside the swamp near San Pedro, Isle of Pines (M. Cremata, May 17, 1920). Psidium Loustalotii Britton & Wilson sp. nov. A small shrub, with short, grayish, often spine-like twigs. Leaves elliptic to oval, 2-4 mm. long, 1.5-3 mm. broad, rounded at both ends, dark green and more or less minutely hispidulous above, paler and strigillose beneath, coriaceous, the short petiole 0.5 mm. long or less; pedicels axilla ary, solitary, 2 mm. long; young fruit ellipsoid, 5 mm. long, 4 mm. in diameter, black. Sabana de Motembo, Santa Clara, Cuba (Léon & Loustalot 9394). Jacquinia Roigii P. Wilson sp. nov. PD ensiap or tree?; twigs and branches glabrous. Leaves obovate, 4-8 cm. long, 1.4—2.7 cm. broad, ae spine-tipped at the apex, 4 BRITTON: STUDIES OF West INDIAN PLANTS 343 cuneate at the base, 3-nerved, in whorls of 4 or more with distinct internodes between the whorls; pedicels 3.5 cm. long; sepals long-ciliate; fruit ellipsoid, 1.7 cm. long, 1.1 cm. broad. Cafiete, Oriente, Cuba (J. T. Roig 69). Tabebuia saxicola sp, nov. A much-branched shrub, about 3 m. high, the short, stiff twigs white-lepidote. Leaves simple, entire, oblong or oblong- lanceolate, 2-4 cm. long, 5—11 mm. wide, acute at the apex, nar- rowed at the base, the upper surface pale green, loosely lepidote and with very obscure venation, the under-surface reticulate- veined and densely white-lepidote, the petioles 1-3 mm. long; flowers solitary or 2 together at the ends of short twigs; peduncles I cm. long or less; calyx narrowly campanulate, lepidote, persis- tent, about 7 mm. long, irregularly toothed; corolla 2-2.5 cm. long; capsule 4-5 cm. long, about 8 mm. thick. Rocky top of highest mogote near Sagua la Grande, Santa Clara, Cuba (Léon and Loustalot 9477). In both flower and fruit August 12, 1920. 63. A NEW TOURNEFORTIA Tournefortia barbadensis N. E. Brown Stem probably scrambling, with the young parts minutely ad- pressed-puberulous. Leaves very spreading; petiole about 3 lines long; blade 134-234 in. long and 6-10 lines broad, lanceo- late, gradually tapering from about the middle to an acute apex, subacute or slightly rounded at the base, glabrous above, thinly and microscopically puberulous beneath. Cymes lateral below the ends of the branches, 2-3% in. in diameter, on peduncles 3-5 lines long, lax, with the primary and sometimes the secondary forkings subhorizontally diverging, then branching in a zigzag manner, minutely adpressed-puberulous; branches about 3 lines apart and 1¢ in. long, very slender, variously curved, with the small slender flowers about 1 line apart. Pedicels 4—% line long. Calyx very small, about % line long, lobed almost to the base; lobes subulate or deltoid-subulate. Corolla minutely pu- berulous outside, with a rather slender tube about 1134 line long, swollen at the upper part, and filiform lobes 1 line long. Ovary and style glabrous. : Barbados: Middle School, Christ Church, Bovell & Freeman 404, and without precise locality, Lane 428 (in Herb. Kew), type INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 1907-1921 The aim of this Index is to include all current botanical literature written by Americans, published in raglan or based upon American material ; the word Amer- ica being used in the broadest se eviews, and papers that solits exclusively to forestry, agriculture, oC mansicred products of vegetable origin, or laboratory methods are not included, an © attempt is made to index the literature of bacteriology. An occasional autos is sata in favor of some paper appearing in an American periodical which is devoted wholly to botany. Reprints are not mentioned unless they differ from the original in Some important particular. If users of the Index will call the attention of the editor to omissions, their kindness will be appreciated. This Index is reprinted monthly on cards, and furnished in this form to sub- scribers at the rate of three cents for each card. Selection of cards is not permitted: each subscriber must take all cards published during the term of his subscription. Correspondence relating to the card issue should be addressed to the Treasurer of the Torrey Botanical Club. Adams, J. F. Rusts of conifers in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State Coll. Bull. 160: 3-30. f. z-ro. D 1919. Adams, J. F. Sexual fusions and development of the sexual organs in the peridermiums. Pennsylvania State Coll. Bull. 160: 31-76. pl. 1-5 +f. 1-8 D 1919. Alexander, W.P. What spring means to the lover of flowers. Hobbies 2?: 3-9. Je 1921. [Illust.] Discusses wild flowers near Buffalo, New York. Allen, R. F. Resistance to stem rust in Kanred wheat. Science II. 53: 575, 576. 24 Je 1921. Ashe, W. W. Suggestions for a national arboretum. Jour. For. 19: 562-564. My 1921. In a footnote are made many new combinations of Tsutsusi (Azalea). Ball, C. R. Undescribed willows of the section Cordatae. Bot. Gaz. 7%: 426-437. f. 1. 17 Je 1921. Includes Salix monochroma sp. nov. from Wyoming. Barrus, M. F. Physiological diseases of potatoes. Rep. Quebec Soc. Protect. Plants 9: 45-53. 1917 [IIlust.] 345 346 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Baxter, S. N. The sassafras. Flor. Exch. 51: 1469. 25 Je 1921. [Illust.] A trio of mammoth trees [near Philadelphia] and shoulder formation seldom seen. Beccari, O. Le palme americane della tribi delle Corypheae. Webbia 2: 1-343. D 1907. Includes new species in Sabal (5), Brahea (2), Erythea (1), Copernicia (4), Thrinax (3), Coccothrinax (3). Becerra, M. E. La “Papaya Orejona”’ (Pileus pentaphyllus). Mem. Soc. Cient. Antonio Alzate 37: 357-361. pl. 36. Ap 1921. A new species from Mexico. Benoist, R. Contribution a l'étude de la flore des Guyanes. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 66: 261-266, 317-328. 4 F 1920; 357-370, 381- 398. 7 My 1920. Includes new species in Protium (1), Sclerolobium (2); ye (x); Blake, S. F. The anay, a new edible-fruited relative of the avocado. Jour. Washington Acad. Sci. 9: 457-462. f. 1. 4 O 1919. Describes 2 new species of Hufelandia from Central America. Blake, S. F. A preliminary revision of the North American and West Indian avocados. Jour. Washington Acad. Sci. 10: 9-21. f. I, 2. 4 Ja 1920. Includes 2 new species of Persea. Blake, S. F. Revision of Ichihyomethia, a genus of plants used for poisoning fish. Jour. Washington Acad. Sci.9: 241-252. 4 My 1919. ncludes 2 new species. Blake, S. F. The American species of Maximilianea (Cochlospermum). Jour. Washington Acad. Sci. 11: 125-132. f. 1. 19 Mr 1921. Includes M. triphylla sp. nov. from Venezuela. Blakeslee, A. F. The Globe mutant in the Jimson Weed (Datura Stramonium). Genetics 6: 241-264. f. 1. My 1921 Boynton, K. R. Physalis Franchetii. Addisonia §: 57, 58. pl. 180. 18 Je 1921. Boynton, K. R. Rudbeckia laciniata. Addisonia 5: 51, 52. pl. 186. 18 Je 1921. Bradley, C. B. The phyllotaxy of Phoenix canariensis. Torreya 21: 37-44. pl. 2,2. Je 1921: Brainerd, E. Violets collected at Tyson [Vermont]. Vermont Bot. and Bird Clubs Joint Bull. 7: 18, 19. Ap 1921. Britton, N. L., & Rose, J. N. Neoabbottia, a new cactus genus from Hispaniola. Smithson. Misc. Coll. 72°: 1-6. pl. 1-4 +/f.1, 2. 15 Je 1921. , INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 347 Bryce, P. I. A fungus club attacking the oak scale. Rep. Quebec Soc. Protect. Plants 9: 110, I1I. 1917. Bryce, P. I. Can we improve potato storage methods? Rep. Quebec Soc. Protect. Plants 11: 53-58. pl. 8. 19109. Burlingham, G. S. Some new species of Russula. Mycologia 13: 129-134. pl. 7 +f. 1-6. 25 Je 1921. Six new species from New England. Campbell, D. H. The gametophyte and embryo of Botrychium obli- gquum, Mihl. Ann. Bot. 35: 141-158. pl. 8 +f. 1-11. Ap 192I. Camus, J. S. Rice in the Philippines. Philipp. Bur. Agr. Bull. 37; 1-90. pl. 1-47. 1921. Carpenter, D. S. Botanizing in Essex County [Vermont]. Vermont Bot. and Bird Clubs Joint Bull. 7: 15-18. Ap 1921. Choate, H. A. Chemical changes in wheat during germination. Bot. Gaz. 71: 409-425. pl. 28 +f. 1, 2. 17 Je 1921. Coons, G. H. Cherry leaf spot or yellow leaf. Michigan Agr. Coll. Quart. Bull. 3: 93-96. F 1921. [Illust.] DeToni, G. B., Forti, A.. & Howe, M. A. A new species of Laurencia from Chile . .. : Laurencia chilensis sp. nov. Nuov. Notar. 32: 150-153. f. I-3- 1921. Dickson, B. T. Some plant diseases in the greenhouse. Rep. Quebec Soc. Protect. Plants 11: 46-48. pl. 3, 4. 1919. DuPorte, E. M. Insect carriers of plant diseases. Rep. Quebec Soc. Protect. Plants 11: 59-65. 1919. Durand, E. J. New or noteworthy Geoglossaceae. Mycologia 13: 184-187. 25 Je Includes 2 new species of Trichoglossum. Durham, G. B. Growing tomatoes by tip cuttings. Jour. Hered. 12: 40,41. 6 Je 1921. Dutton, D. L. Aspidium fragrans on Mount Horrid [Vermont]. Ver- mont Bot. and Bird Clubs Joint Bull. 7: 27. Ap 1921. Eastman, H. & Smith, W. P. Rare plants of Wells River [Vermont] and vicinity. Vermont Bot. and Bird Clubs Joint Bull. 7: 23. Ap 1921. Engler, A. Araceae-Aroideae und Araceae-Pistioideae. Pflanzen- reich IV. 23 F: 1-274. f. 1-63. 6 Jl 1920. Engler, A. Araceae. Pars generalis et index familiae generalis. Pflan- zenreich IV. 23 A: 1-71. 9 Jl 1920. 348 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Eyster, W. H. The linkage relations between the factors for tunicate ear and starchy sugary endosperm in maize. Genetics 6: 209-240. My 1921. Fawcett, H.S. Some relations of temperature to growth and infection in the Citrus scab fungus Cladosporium Citri. Jour.-Agr. Research 21: 243-253. 16 My 1921. Fawcett, H. S. The temperature relations of growth in certain para- sitic fungi. Univ. California Publ. Agric. Sci. 4: 183-232. f. I-11. 20 My 1921. Flynn, N. F. Field Meeting of 1920. Vermont Bot. and Bird Clubs Joint Bull. 7: sia Ap 1921. Mentions plants see Flynn, N. F. New a for state [Vermont]. Vermont Bot. and Bird Clubs Joint Bull. 7: 19. Ap 1921. Fontanel, G. Facts about weeds and insects. Rep. Quebec Soc. Protect. Plants 9: 112-117. I917. Fontanel, [G.]. La taxonomie et la multiplication des espéces en botanique. Natur. Can. 47: 174-182; 195-204; 224-234; 244-254. 1921. Gandoger, M. Sertum plantarum novarum—II. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 66: 216-233. 11S 1919; 286-307. 4F 1920. Includes new American species in many genera. Garman, P. The relation of certain greenhouse pests to the trans- mission of a Geranium leaf spot. Univ. Maryland Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 239: 57-80. f. 1-8. O 1920. Harms, H. Neue Arten der Gattungen Calliandra und Pithecolobium. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regn. Veg. 17: 87-93. 1 Ap 1g2I Includes new American species in Calliandra (10) and Pithecolobium (3). Harter, L. L., & Weimer, J. L. Respiration of sweet potato fungi when grown on a nutrient solution. Jour. Agr. Research 21: 211-226. ft. 4. 10 My 102%. Hartley, C. Damping-off in forest nurseries. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 934: 1-99. pl. 1 +f. I-20. 16 Je r9g2I. Hauman, L. Orchidées Argentines. II. Anal. Soc. Cient. Ar- gentina 90: 95-154. f. I-15. 1920 Includes new species in Chloraea (4), Asarca (1), Stenorrhynchus (2), Stenoptera (1), Pleurothallis (1). Haupt,A.W. Embryogeny and sporogenesis in Reboulia hemisphaerica. Bot. Gaz. 71: 446-453. pl. 33 +f. 1-8. 17 Je 1921. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE 349 Hoehne, F. C. Leguminosas forrageiras do Brasil. I. Meibomia Moehr. (Desmodium’ Desv.) Anex. Mem. Instit. Butantan Bot. r!; 1-54. dl. I-27. 1921. Holzinger, J. M., & Frye, T. C. Mosses of the Bureau of Soils Kelp Expedition to Alaska. Publ. Puget Sound Biol. Sta. 3: 23-64. pl. 5-8. 20 My 1921. : Howe, I. A. My botanical work in 1920. Vermont Bot. and Bird Clubs Joint Bull. 7: 11, 12. Ap 1921. Huard, V. A. Some problems in botany and entomology. Rep. Quebec Soc. Protect. Plants 11: 33, 34. 1919. Janowski, M., & Mez, C. Arundinelleae, in Mez, C., Gramineae novae vel minus cognitae. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regn. Veg. 17: 84-86. 1 Ap 1g2!. : Includes Arundinella glauca sp. nov., from Mexico. Jeffrey, E. C. The geographical distribution of species. Science II. 53: 556. 17 Je 1921. Jeffrey, E. C., & Torrey, R. E. Transitional herbaceous Dicotyledons. Ann. Bot. 35: 227-249. pl. 11-13 +f. 1-5. Ap 1921. Kearney, T. H. Heritable variations in an apparently uniform variety of cotton. Jour. Agr. Research 21: 227-242. pl. 48-54 +f. 1. 16 My 1921. Kittredge, E. M. Collections in Woodstock [Vermont] in 1920. Ver- mont Bot. and Bird Clubs Joint Bull. 7: 24, 25. Ap 1921. Kittredge, E. M. New plants and new stations. Vermont Bot. and Bird Clubs Joint Bull. 7: 14. Ap 1921. Kniep, H. Uber Urocystis Anemones (Pers.) Winter. Zeitschr. Bot. 13: 289-311. pl. 3. 1921. Korstian, C. F. Diameter growth in box elder and blue spruce. Bot. Gaz. 71: 454-461. f. 1-3. 17 Je 1921. Krieger, L. C. C. Common mushrooms of the United States. Nat. . Geog. Mag. 37: 387-439. pl. 1-16 + 38 figures. My 1920. Krout, W. S. Treatment of celery seed for the control of Septoria blight. Jour. Agr. Résearch 21: 369-372. 1 Je 1921. Lee, H. A. Black spot of citrus fruits caused by Phoma citricarpa McAlpine. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 17: 635-641. pl. 1-4. 20 Ap 1921. MacDuffie, R. C. Vessels of the gnetalean type in Angiosperms. Bot. Gaz. 71: 438-445. pl. 29-32. 17 Je 1921. Matz, J. La enfermedad de la raiz en el café. Puerto Rico Dept. Agric. y Trab. Circ. 32: 1-10. O 1920. [Illust.] 350 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Matz, J. Ultimos desarrollos en la patologia de la cafia de azucar- Puerto Rico Dept. Agric. y Trab. Circ. 33: 32-36. D 1920. Mazza, A. Aggiunte al saggio di algologia oceanica (Florideae). Nuov. Notar. 32: 73-132. 1921. Includes Fauchea Fryeana sp. nov., from Washington. Merrill, E. D. A new genus of Myrsinaceae from the Philippines. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 17: 605, 606. 20 Ap 1921. A poia gen. nov. Merrill, E. D. Studies on Philippine Rubiaceae, IV. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 17: 425-485. N 1920. Murill, W. A. Cacti and their uses. Sci. Am. 124: 492, 499, 500. 18 Je 1921 [Illust.]. Nash, G. V. Koelreuteria paniculata. Addisonia 5: 61, 62. pl. Igr. 18 Je 1921. Nash, G. V. Pinus Thunbergii. Addisonia §: 55, 56. pl. 188. 18 Je 1921. , Nash, G. V. Pierostyrax hispida. Addisonia 5: 59, 60. pl. 190. 18 Je 1921. Nash, G. V. Rosa ‘Edith Cavell.’ Addisonia 5: 49. pl. 185. 18 Je 1921. Orla-Jensen,S. The main lines of the natural bacterial system. Jour. Bact. 6: 263-273. My 1921. Pammel, L. H. The native white pine of lowa. Ames For. 9: 30-32. 192!I. Pennell, F. W. Penstemon secundiflorus. Addisonia 5: 53, 54. Pl. 187.. 18 Je 1921. Plate is of P. unilateralis Rydb., although the text describes P. secundiflorus Benth, Piper, C. V. Some new plants from the Pacific Northwest. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 33: 103-106. 30 D 1920. Includes new species in Erysimum (1), Arabis (1), Castilleja (2), Aster (1). Achillea (1), and Arnica (3). Priore, G. L. Il verderame dei tabacchi occidentali. Boll. Tecn. R. Istit. Sci. Sperim. Tabacco 18: 3-11. Rand, F. V., & Cash, L. C. Stewart’s disease of corn. Jour. Agr. Research 21: 263, 264. 16 My 1921. Ridlon, H. C. A season’s botanizing in Bennington [Vermont]. Ver- mont Bot. and Bird Clubs Joint Bull. 7: 19-21. Ap 1921. Rose, J. N. Epiphyllum Hookeri. Addisonia §: 63, 64. pl. 192. 18 Je 1921. INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE sol Rusby, H.H. A strange fruit. Torreya 21: 47-50. Je1g2t. [Illust.] Jarilla Sesseana (Ramirez) Rusby, of Mexico. Schlechter, R. Basiphyliaea Schlitr., eine verkannte westindische Orchidacee. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regn. Veg. 17: 76-78. 1 Ap 1921. Basiphyllaea gen. nov., from Cuba Schlechter, R., & Hoehne, F. C. Contribuicdes ao conhecimento des Orquidaceas do Brasil, I. Anex. Mem. Instit. Butantan Bot. 1°: se “is I-Il. aoe ncludes new species in Habenaria (6), Stelis (2), Pleurothallis (1), Epidendrum (1), Swine (2), Maxiltar a (1). Seifriz, W. Observations on some physical properties of protoplasm by aid of microdissection. Ann. Bot. 35: 269-296. 1 fig. Ap 1921. Setchell, W. A., Goodspeed, T. H., & Clausen, R. E. A preliminary note on the results of crossing certain varieties of Nicotiana Taba- cum. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 7: 50-56. 15 F 1921. Shamel, A. D. Origin of the striped pirate: sc Hered. 12: 42-45. f. 29-31. 6 Je 1921. Shear, C. L., & thin B. 0, The life history and identity of ‘‘ Patel- lina Fragariae,”’ ‘‘ Leptothyrium macrothecium,” and “ Peziza Oenotherae.’’ Mycologia 13: 135-170. pl. 8-10 + f. I-5. 25 Je 1921. Pezizella Lythri (Desm.) comb. nov. Smith, E. F., & Godfrey, G. H. Bacterial wilt of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.). Jour. Agr. Research 21: 255-262. pl. 55-67 +f. 1. 16 My 1921. Smith, E. F., & McKenney, R.E.B. The present status of the tobacco . blue-mold (Peronospora) disease in the Georgia-Florida district. U, S. Dept. Agr. Circ. 181: 1-4., 7 Je 19ar- Spegazzini, C. Algunas observaciones relativas a las hojas de Coca (Erythroxylon Coca Lam.). Anal. Soc. Cient. Argentina 90: 23-32. 1920. Includes new species in Sphaerella (1), Ravenelula (1), Protomyces (1). Spegazzini, C. Sobre oe enfermedades y hongos que afectan las plantas de ‘‘agrios’”’ en el Paraguay. Anal. Soc. Cient. Argentina 90: 155-188. 1920. al t.] Includes Amylirosa, Ephelidium, Pseudohaplosporella, Pseudodiplodia g and new species in Odontia (1), Eutypella (1), Eutypa (1), Cryptosporella (1), pO ‘ 1), Didymella (1), Melanomma (2), Lophidiopsis (1), Amylirosa (1). Suessenguth, K. Beitriige zur Frage des systematischen Anschlusses ' der Monokotylen. Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 38: 1-79. f. r-18. 15 1921. 352 INDEX TO AMERICAN BOTANICAL LITERATURE Sydow, H. & P. Notizen iiber einige interessante oder wenig bekannte Pilze. Ann. si hl 18: 178-187. Ap 1921. Includes Rhizogene gen Taylor, M. A. The sits [Scrophulariaceae] of Ohio. Ohio Jour. Sci. 21: 217-239. My 1921. Tisdale, W. H., & Griffiths, M.A. Flag smut of wheat and its control. U. S. Dept. Agr. Farm. Bull. 1213: 1-6. f. 1, 2. My 1921. Trelease, S. F. The relation of salt proportions and concentrations to the growth of young wheat plants in nutrient solutions containing chloride. Philipp. Jour. Sci. 17: 527-603. f. 1-12. 20 Ap 1921. Ule, E. Die Vegetation des Amazonasgebietes. Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenburg 57: 56-75. f. I-4. 20 Je 1915. Urban, I. Sertum antillanum, X. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regn. Veg. : : Ja 1921. Includes Penelopeia gen. nov., and new species in Exostema (1), Guettarda (1) Uragoga (1), and Eupatorium (5). Urban, I. Sertum pein XI. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regn. Veg. 17: 49-54. 1 Ap 19: Includes new species in paren (7), Aster (1), Erigeron (1), and Pectis (2). Weimer, J. T., & Harter, L. L. Glucose as a source of carbon for certain sweet potato storage-rot fungi. Jour. Agr. Research 21: 189-210. 16 My Ig2t. Weiss, H. B. Diptera and fungi. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 34: 85-88. 30 Je 1921 Wells, B. W. A method of teaching the evolution of the land plants. Torreya 21: 45-47. [with diagram]. Je 1921 Weston, W. H. The occurrence of wheat downy mildew in the United States. U.S. Dept. Agr. Dept. Circ. 186: 1-6. Je 1921. Wetmore, A. Wild ducks and duck foods_of the Bear River marshes, Utah. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bull. 936: 1-20. pl. 1-4. 31 My 192I. Section on ‘‘ vegetable foods’’ gives the abundance of each species. Winslow, C.-E. A. William Thompson seek Jour. Bact. 6: 255-262. My 1921. [With portrait.] In his earlier years Professor Sedgwick published some botanical papers Young, M. S. The seed plants, ferns, and fern allies of the ‘Aisin [Texas] region. Univ. Texas. Bull. 2065: 1-98. 20 N 1920. Zahn, K. H. ae Ama Hieracium [pars]. Pflanzenreich IV. 280: 1-288. f. 1-27. 4F 1 Zundel, G. L. Smuts sey rusts of northern Utah and southern Idaho. Mycologia 13: 179-183. 25 Je 1921. \ INDEX TO VOLUME 48 New names and the final members of new combinations are in bold face type. Acacia quadricostata, 332 Amorph : Acaciophyllites, 69, 70 Andromeda, a 713; cretacea, 57; Acaciophyllum, 59 eleg ovae- a eee Acer, 59, 67, 71 Patent ye Wa rdiana, 5 Acerates, 60, 69, 72 Androsace —_ 319; filiformis, 310+ Achillea, 102 subulifer Aconitum, 319; Bakeri, 320; columbi- | Androvettia um, 318; insigne, 320; lutescens, ge ibs aia: 33, 3233; stenophylla, 320; porrectum, 31 ctaea, ‘kee graveolens, 10 Actartife, 92; tr i 92 An heat pinnata, 31 Actinocamax eine ion Aniket 94; chriaceum; 04 Adenola, 93; grandi iflot Aniste He g2 Aechmea Fendleri, 328; coartinliel 328 | Anogra coronopifolia, 322; latifolia, 322 Aecidium, 34; Tithymali, 34 nomalies in maize and its relatives— Aethionema, 91 ‘ Agar gel, On the gross structure of an, | Antennaria, aa ; anaphaloides, 324; 73 concinna, corymbosa, 321; oa ambionensis, 28 flavescens, ay oblanceolata, 323; " Agoseris arachnoidea, 322; arizonica, pap si 324; rosea, 323; rosu- 322; attenuata, 422; laciniata, 321; leptocarpa, 322; maculata, 322; pur-| An ik thermalis, i 321 ium urea, 322 \nthriscus cerefoli Agropyron molle, 322; Smithii, 322 Anticlea elegans, 3 Agrostis alba, 316; asper erifolic, 317; | Antigonon, 80, 81, Ba: leptopus, 83 Bakeri, pas depress. 316, 319; Antimion, 94; tomentosum, grandis, 317; humilis, 317; idahoen-| Antirrhinum, 95; majus, 10, 95; Oron- sis, 317; melaleuca, 318; Rossae, 31 ium, Air chambers of Reboulia hemisphaer- | Antrizon, 95; a oe 95 con i 241 pium graveolens, 2, 9; graveolens Aldinia, 93; gle instant 03 Ta ‘ Alifli, 92; dichotoma, Apium graveo olens by Septoria Apii, a brevipes, ne je natans, 93 The relation of the health of the ace 59, 63, 6 rsp and other factors to infection Allium Brandegei, seat Geyeri, 324; of, ‘-recurvatum, 32 Pinte nophyllum, 60, - ee 69, 72 Allodus or 333 Opposita, 33 Kantian saximontan Allosandra erbenifolia, 93 Arabis, ae context, 323; Spare ts, e. 04; shal 94; retusa, 94 is fi i ou gate Alopecurs. aristulatus, 316, 317; occi- hodan ting a, gies dentalis, 318 )Ar aga. “abitors, 421,323; Halli, Peale sivicol, 329 326; sm — ss : gate 57; wellington- euo 152 hie macrantha, 319 ana Alsine calycantha, 317; obtusa, 317; abe 57; bladensis, 57, 65, 69; strictiflora, 317 Jeffreyi, 58, 65, : Amaranthus: Powel, 320 Arenaria, 323; Burkei, 323; confusa Amarella , 432 326; congesta, 323; polycaulos, 326 Ammauroderms, gre Eimerianom, 289 |Argentina Anserina, 317; rok pei 317 Ammania, 91; auriculata Arnica foliosa, pers 322: fulgen 353 354 longifolia, 317; mollis, 324; Parryi, | 324; rhizomata, 318; ae ergii, 321 Artemisia biennis, 320, THURS Jisk., so acess of Ure- sigty nea Se ae a Artocarpus, 64, Pe 70 Artorhiza, 94 Asarina, 9 Aspidosperma, 299; eburneum, Vargasii, agh 299, 303, 304, Asplenium, 59; alatum, 122; calopteris, 6 Aster andinus, 324; apricus, 324; Burkei, 317; campestris, 323; occi- denta lis MER iE Astragalus biensaece 3213; striatus, 321; sulphurescens, 32 Sie, 943 reed pO 94 Atirbesia, 94 Ailaviie: ‘coastal plain, XIV.—tTe Contr = tions to the eanese see, flora of t 55 Auticon Hatem ike (1840), “ Unre- corded” genera of Rafinesque, I—, 8 Aytonia, 242 Balsamorrhiza sagittata, 324 Banalia, 93; ta, 93 Banara Britto Basidiomycetes—IV, Philippine, 285 Batrachium Drouetii, 316; flac cidum, 316; trichophyllum, 3 16 re alabamensis, "ees ripleyensis, Baz ene 93; nudiflora, 93 ulgaris in Pennsylvania, Die: dmg Ete 26. Berry, .. Contributions to Pe zoic ho of the Atlantic roabtal aig XIV.—Tennessee, 55 Beta vulgaris, 10, 26 Blairia, 92; pentandr. Buiake, S Neom Hose ughia, a new genus o Polygonactac. with remarks 77 Boletus — 285 ; hirsutus, 294; 1 puber, 285; nigromarginatus, a zonalis, 287 Bolivian | species of Centropogon and iphocam pylus, A rearrangement of the, 1 Bol a 92; asteroides, 92 » 24 INDEX er ae 57; macrocarpum for- ‘Se. axili: ia, ‘04; parvifolia, 94 Bremia Lactucae, 24 TTON, NatHania Lorp, oc of _ West sip sy plants—X, 3 Br dia | ecmclia ee re eaalonge aa: 328 hia, 81 | Brunnichia, 81, 82; afri cana glabra, $3: prime ee eas congoensis, 82; erecta, 82 Bucranion,. 95 ;- spicatum, 95 Bumelia, 5 fae eae Buxus japonica, 297; Macowani, 298, 303-305; Sempervirens, 297, 303-305 Caesalpinites, 59, 69, 70 Calamagrostis, 516° canadensis, 25, 317; elongata, 317; hypecbared, aie: urpurascens, 324, 3 = Calathea triniten tensis allitriche autumnalis, ee 318; palus- 16, 318 tris Ca Hochortus acuminatus, 321; Gunni- ni, 321; Nuttallii, 3 mes phyllum in ae 295 Caltha gone: Catyites, 72 nula Pal 321, 323; petiolata, ay pderia, 77, 78; floribunda, 77; paniculata, 78, 85 apnodes aureum, psebdie 59, 62, 67, i. i fausta, 316, 319; Oe ini el Carex, 316; aquatilis, 317; athro- stachya, 317; aurea, 317; brunnes cens, 317; Buxbaumii can cula, 317; p hala, 323; prati- cola, 325; pseudoscirpoid 318, 21; Raynoldsii, 317; retrorsa, 317; ~Rossii, 324; rostrata,. 317; siccata, ; simul : te) peat. | Cargila, ov “ dichotoma, 9 Cargilla Carpoliths, gs re arum Cary INDEX Casearia praecox, 298, 299, pe 304, 306 | Castilleja brunnescens, 321; xilis, 317; linearifolia, 323; fad Oia 318; omi aioe se 18 Catabrosa aquat 316 Cavendishia Urichiana 336 Cedrela, 59, 62, vat ag haa ee pee Patou virgata, 95 Celtis, 59, 62, 67, 70 r Centaurea american Nese pa and Sr vauceshen A re- ment of the Bolivian species I 39 ican. 189-19 194; aggre- gatus, 199; snwiitolia us, 200; Bangii, i @O13 ittonianus, 193; Brit- tonianus brevidentatus, 194; car dinalis, 201; gloriosus, 194; Herzogi, 200; inc ) 1Os% ficus, 200; andoni 118, ° 20 M 194, 20 ose surinamensis, 200; kaeoaale 160: 199 Cephalotaxospermam, 573 carolinianum, orhitirs, 324; strictum, 324 3 142, 143; errucosa, 142, 143 Chats. Chondriomes in, 141 Cheirinia — eleri Chondriom a Chara, 141 I Chrysoba maa Corysoam “he ome ang es perarent chevadaaie’ Suh. 4235 pumila, 325: —— a253 sepnt 322 Cinnam ea By; GO; 63 | *Heerii, 5S; Newber i Goy7t Cirsium Colt 320; vas ryt 320; Eatonii, 320; folio 320; griseum, : coh ia 320; Parryi, 320; scopulorum, 320 Cissites, 59, 69; crispus, . 71; pan- duratus, Citrus canker, A stu of the struc- te of th se of = o species of Citrus ae re pause to, —— 101, 2, 105, ae grandis, “_ Sohelia.. 102; wobilis Szinkum, Cladophors, 178 carolinensis, | | Co clethra, 91 Clitoria, 93 4 308 Clusia tocuchensis, ey | Coccoloba, 77, 78, Codomale, 93; purpuraacens, 93 Co eR heen » 339 254, lach ryma-Jobi, 254 ae i Dj j llomia linearis, 321, 324 Combretum trinitense, 334 ocephalu Contributions to the Mesozoic flora of e Atlantic coastal plain, XIV.— ennessee, 55 Convyallaria, “ Coriandrum sa 10 Coriolopsis fataanens 2935 caperata, 204; Copelandii, 292; occidentalis, hi rea 287; subcrocata, oto Cran oie Chamissonis, 316, 319 Crypt antha Torr gg - Cryptotaenia canaden 10 Cucubalus cuadrifdes, pee — 92 Cunninghami oo Capressinoxslon, Cyn athrum a Cyrilla, ee 323 Dalbergia, 59, 67, Dammara geiwetaris. 6 a 42; Adenoste- iae, 42; cinnamomea, 42; foveolata, 9 — affinis, 324; Forwoodii, . Saas Carota, ro Delphinium, 319; cucullatum, 320; elongatum, 320; aultifiorum, 3205 occidentale, 320 famosum, 320; reticulatum, 320; ae 320 Dematra, 94; sericea, ag Descha ampeih caespitosa Development of ceathaliie and an- theri the sex organs of Poly- 271 Dewalquea, 57; Smithii, 58 Dilax, 94; muricata, 94 jllenites, 60, 62, 67, 69, 71 ioscorites, 2, 69 Diospyro ierensis, 336; pri- maeva, ipl ; decurrens, 92 Diplandra, Dipleina, es aasetiites 93 356 INDEX Dipteropodium, 82 | Eubrunnichia, 82 Dipterostemon a | Eucalyptus, -. Distichlis stri ict a; Eucoccoloba, spent st Berbers vulgaris in oy orien’ ah Baileyi, 334 Penn Euhem officinalis, 9 Dodecathcon po a Roe 317; philos- Euphorbia Sate 943 Puen: 43; , 318; radic my m, 318 omer fet ve Eaphorbiopyam, 69; antiquum, 65, sophia es, 695 cretacea, 58, 72 ela 324; lutea, 325; nemorosa, 321, Rirotia lanata, 324 324; nitida, Evactoma, 92; ona 92 arcane suevaltacis: 321; glandu-! Evans, ALEXAN W., Taxilejeunea los pterogonia ee aera allied species, Dryonbyllum, 59, 67, 69, 70; gracile, volvulus alsinoides, 337; bocasanus, Sh A ne aca 69 Dryo — Exemix, 92; grandiflora, 92 DuPLE e air erin of | Exogyra, 66 A ing Th Reboutia hemisobacrica, 2 oe Fagus, 59, 67, 70 Elaphe {ideens, 333 Fedia, 9 Flat Fenixanthes, 94; splendens, 94 ; Festania, 93; nivea, 93 Ble hantllagroenlandica, - oropu- Festuca, 324; arizonica,. 323; ingrata, 7 23, 324; rubra, 324; saximontana, chensis, 327; palustris, 316; savan- oy rae ie 4 ENvitgia tornita:' 400 Ficus, 57, 63, 64; arimen: nsis, 330; cel- Bisnis bs 4 tifolius, 70; crassinervia, 330; cras- : sipes, 58, 70; georgiana, 70; ierensis, deine ambiguus, 326; simplex, 322 329; Krausiana, 58, 65, 70; Leei, 70; ntero ohium eye eylocars m, 35; Saman, Mendelsonii, 330; peatieolia 58; 286; Ti : s Urbaniana, Epilobiut, 319; ia lnk: 318, 320 imbriaria, 24, a californica. 243; americanum, 318; brevistylum, 3 y echinetta! Drummondii, 318; occidentale, 317, Hieatentan Pe a ‘foliurr a icchaaaie ‘ebaionio’y 32°; | Fomes S, 202 5 pharaohs fe endotheius, ceomaaesy, 318, 320; wyomingense, epwaeeien pot tne a oe Gentes atvense, 317; pratense 288; Merri net * mortuosts, sits 317; variegatum, 3 ite "| pectinatus, 292; pullus, 292; roseo- Rtica, # . an albus, 292; roseus, 287; semilaccatus, Erigenia albines 287; spadiceus, 291; umbraculum Eri 33 289; Williamsii, 291 rigeron consobrinus, 4213 Asarewhs Fragatia oudcifiota. 4a: 4235 ughechsiia 318; mino F ret mere es 318, 3195 eg Isuginosus, 317 ; ursinus, Wanasia hygrometrica, 275 325; viscidus, 324 | Teiocenia Sree cts 506 peri digitatus, 287: elatus-coclearis, ogonu 325; ovalifolium, 324; Pa el "saa? um binete gia 323 Eri riophorum angustifolium, 317; gra-; Galium ee 317 cile, 317 Gallowaya, 36; Pini, 36; pinicola, 36 Eriphyla, 66 ' ance 289; amboinense, 287; am- Erxlebenia, 94 : boinense lingua, 288; australe, 290; siphe, urranii, 289; Elmerianum, 289; tina pallida, 3 leptopum, 289; subrugosum, 289; Beythroniam ee ey 324; uta-| subtornatum, 290; tornatum, 289; - tornatum subtornatum, 290; umbra- echaln | Aas 299 culum, INDEX 357 Gayophytum intermedium, 326; race-| Jacquinia Roigii, 342 os 326; ramosissimum, 326 uglans, 0 arctica, 58; similis, ze Geinitzia, 59, ; oe Juncoides, 319; inte medium, 320; par- Genlisa, 93; bifolia, viflorum, 8h spicatum, 320 Genlisea, 93 Juncus bufonius, 321; comosum, 321; Genlisia, 08 confusus, 32 ap Hallii, 318; Jonesi Geon oimites, §0, 0.03, 67, 605° Schim- 321; longistylis, 321; Mertensianus peri, 58, bi 70 319; truncatus, 318; Vaseyi, 321 Geranium, ungermannia debilis, 118, 126, : Gesneria Harrisii, 341; Jjamaicensis, 130; isocalycina, 130; pterogonia, 10 13 pik rivale, 317; urbanum, 95 Gilia aggregata, 323; sare Ce ea i | , 91; triflora, 91 candida, 323; scariosa uniperus sibirica, 325 Spr ase rrangement ussieua grandiflora, 9 A of e: Bativian esiés et Centropogon age Qe = bs 7% 321; 9; naphalium sxilsotiam, Grayi, ae uliginos 17 lg nn. pe FF, ee UL ieee Phi Ata “Basidio- —IV, Graphephoram Shear 318 Grewiops Grimaldia, meg a fragrans, 242, 244, Grindelia erecta, Gymnolomia aamidewk: 323 Gymnopodium, 80, 82, 8 anti- gonoides, 83, 84; flaribeidum: $3; 84; ovatifolium, 84 Hakea Sepmajct oe 319, 3 Halymenites, 62, 69; major, “a; 67, 69 Hapa ht oo s Hsnnetet 205 uni- edyo Helianthela quinquenervis, 320; 324 - Helianthus petiolaris, 323, 326 Hyacinthus paniculatus, 94 Hydrilla, 6 Hydrocotyle Hazenii, 335 Hymenoxis helenialten 323 Iberis arabica, Ibidium- porrifalium, 324; strictum, 324 , 95; nerifolia, 95 ; ligustrina 92 spice ris mi sepcsesioee Tsoetes, Ixoca Bens 92 J Justicia, 92; formosa, 92 ote aculeata, 325; Wolfii, 325 Kern, Frank D., Distribution of Ber- Phineas valsaris in Pennsylvania, 263 ickxi SSO ea mellifera, 94 oeleria gracilis, 325 tas ikas, 93; acuminatum, 93 mara, 94 aan 94; spicata, 94 Laciniaria punctata, 322 Lactuca sativa, Lappula floribunda, Lathyrus, 93; brachycalyx, 321 urophyllum, 69, 71; elegans, Laurus, 63, 71; atanensis, 71; colora- densis, 71; ae 58 Lavauxia flava, 321 : Legumes, 69, 71; canavalioides, » 71 cca 107, 112; chimborazensis, 133: debilis, 126, 130; pterogonia, I Lemna gibba, 316; minor, 316, 318, trisulea, 316, 318 Leontodon mexicanu ee An mek daa aos. 322 Lepipha Leptoda etylon oe aa aac Leptopuccinia — spina, 325: curvipes, 324, bee niflora, 92 gee es la. 325 Leycesteria, 152 Limnobotrya montigena, 326 Limnorchis borealis, 375 viridiflora, Ligenectin aquatica, 319 Lindernia pre ce Lipospora, » 3 pein Geb ics 539, 67; laramiense, 70 308 Lithophragma australis, 324 Lithospermum multiflorum, 423.426 ge set 10; corymbifera, 196; surina- Lolium ‘arcleahon : & hispidula, 150; japonica, 150; rica, ; thibetica, udwigia decurrens pe ba duncus, 323; Agardhi- >; argenteus, 321, 323; Sieceuat a.” 230, tN ; caespi- tosis, 323; concinnus, 221-223, 225, 227,228, 230; saeetuack Agardh- jianus, 223, 22 concinnus 2290; desertorum, 243, 230; concinnus Op- tatus, 223, 227; concinnus Orcuttii, pallidus 223, pais concinnus llidus, 223, 229, 230; densiflorus, 222; desert- orum, 222, 230; gracilis, 221, 222, 228; leonensis, 231-23 micensis, 222, 225; microcarpus ruber, 2 odoratus, 226; uttii, 221, 225; pallidus, 222, 229; Shockleyi, 226; sparsiflorus, 222; Stiversi, 219, 220; subcarnosus, 219 232; sub ramos 231 exensis, 230, 232 Lupinus—VI. The Stiversiani, Con- cinni and Subcarnosi, Studies in the ae is ; natans Lychnis gees analy ae . atae PEC ? | ycopersicum esculentum, 10 odi piano 31, 37; tucsonensis, 37, 38 Machaeranthera, 323 Macleaya, 92 Macronema emblems, 324 Madia glomerata, Magnolia, 57 linii, 58, Bilavacs. 58; Capel- 5» ne aize and its relatives—I, Anomalie’ 253 Mal lappenna horrellensis, 58, 71 oe 57, 69; georgiana, 58 “so ntia, 241, 245 ress peregrinum, 94 : Marzaria, 925 cordata, 92 McA - L., Notes on Vi iburnum and the assemblage Caprifoliaceae, I McLean, ForMAn T., A structure of the _ stomata of ecies of Citrus relation to cit- trus canker, I0T | Melaleuca hypericifolia, 95 Mela M NMisieusis 319, study of the two INDEX 95; hyssopi- folia, mpodiu enispermites Ss variabilis, 58, 70 6 M pba pear ic ey 31 nt ae toia 93; microphyla, 324; brevis, 320; Leonar ciliata ‘fae Mesozoic flora of the Fe teats coastal plain, XIV.—Tennessee, Contribu- tions to the, 55 mab hg arguta, 319; arnoglossa, rhomboidea, 319 Miropyesinia 39, 40, Priest 40; Adoxae, 4o; hea aie odii, al- bulensis, ‘2 alpina, re andina, — Anemones- a ha laris, 40; ye e, BH wre ; Asteris, 40; astrantiicola, oy “Beton- 40; 9 49; hrysoplenii, 40; Circaeae, 40; Cnici-oleracei, 40; columbiensis, 40; Comandrae, 40 ncrescens, 403 conglomerata, 40 Cruciferarum, Crypt otaeniae, 0 Grindeliae, 41; 1; Hal ; 41; Heterisiae, 41; heterospora, 41; Heucherae, 41; Holboelii, 41; Hu- teri, 41; Hydrophylli, 42; Hyssopi, 2; Imperatoriae, 41; Jueliana, 41; Lantanae, 41; lateritia, 41; Leveil- lei, 41; Li at li, 42; Lobeliae, 41; ygodes See ap maculosa, 42; Malvacearum, 41: Mertensiae,’ 42; Mesneriana, 41; @, 42; oo ; : i, 42 i 2: sg Hose aay 42; verruca, 42; Vir ureae, 42; Vossii, 42; Waldsteiniae, 42; Kanthii, 42; Xylorrhizae, ~age ge epmery 80, 83, 85; antigonoides, 84; leiophylla, ve ovatifolia, 84 . Mims Tangsdors i, 319; Lewisii, 317; » 319; puberulus, 319 INDEX. Minosites, 69, 70 ae gs: haces 95 Mona 94 obl m, 93 eg snerean, ser 69; cy- iahikeie, Pat Muhlenbergia, at cit: 317; fili- ate mis, 319; pungens, 326; Wolfii, Poke 57> 60, “ag! Py ; arimensis, 334; Johnstrupi, tae vipleyensis, 70; Tor- reyi, ase Myosot alpes heed! tee 319 Myrtophyllum, 69; angustum, 58, 65, 71 Nectandra, 60, 71 seit rupestris, 246 Nem , 95; laurina, 95 84, 85; ematr- ie ctissee ughia, 82, ginata, 85; paniculata, 85, 38 Neomillopang hia, A new genus of Poly- ceae, with remarks on related Nevroli ix: 95; fuscata, 9 New species of Uredineae—XIII, 31 Nicotiana Tabacum, 10 otes on peed 15 Notes and the assem- Viburnum blage oak tia bad, I Nuttallia Sap 326; multiflora, 326; speciosa, 32 . ee ne alap Nym ae alk aE 316 Nyssa, Ocimum Rigel cok. 94 Odostim Oen Eiker, ookeri, 32 coven ei Ah ers ch 92 poo aaa See TPS 113; debilis, TTT, 226, debilis columbi- cus; 112? Gave 1333 ; leioseyphus 133; maftinicensis, 12 128, pterogonius, 108, 111, $a cobilas 108, III, 112 On the gross structure of an agar gel, if Oreobroma nevadensis, 325; pygmaea, Oreocarya thyrsiflora, 323; virgata, 324 359 Orthilia, 94; parvifolia, 94 Ornithogalum bohemicum m1, Or Moe luteus, 321; purpureo- albus Sieacaeine Webberi, 326 smorhiza, 10 Ouratea savannarum, 342 Oxypolis Fendleri, 319 Ozandra, 95 Pachylophus hirsutus, 324; macroglot- 1S, 324 eR Paliuru 7; upatoiensis, 58 Panicu tie ipa alis, 316; grandis, 316; nervata, panciflora: 36/3185 pcenate. 310 Pa a 943 ee lis, 94 Parnassia fimbriata, 319; parviflora, ae, 31 Pastinaca sativ Pelotris, 94; paniculatus, 9 94 PEN * Unrecorded ” NNELL, Francis W., genera of Rafinese, I.—Autikon Botanikon (1840 Pennsyvania, Distribution of Berberis vulgaris 263 Peauiesis: oF Pentstemon Schack 326 Peritoma serrulatum, 323, 326 ersicafia coccinea, 316 Perxo, 94; polystachya, 94 Petrophytum caespitosu i 545 Petroselinum sativum, 9, 1 Phac lia glandulosa, "323: sericea, 324 Phal arundinacea, 317 Ph cieaws Williamsii, 201 Philippine nage mycetes—IV, 285 Lomi depr 325; Kelseyi, 324, 325 Pheoradendre ron 5 peacalenen, 330; cha- Tamasan 3 — Phraswites, 316;. Pratti, Pillans carolinensis, Phellites 72; asplenioides, hoor bs s, 63; hydrocharitoides, a oe a sini 300, 303, 305, rhamnoid Phar aad: ; sie ie a 325; vituli- fera, 333; gram- Phytoscographica! — on the Roc —— G h the Southern Pisum sativum, 1o 360 Pithecolobium, 286 Plagiochasma, 242-244, 246, 250 Plantago eriopoda, 322; maritima, 31; Purshii, 322; Tweedyi, 321 Platanus, i. eeewak 70 Platyearpos, 225 cona 2 e oa Pleopadium tae eae 93 Plathyrais, < lau 324568 AR ba 325; interior, Podopteras, beth, 86; cordifolius, 79, 8 0, ae) arginatus, 78, 85; beienroila. 79, 8 , 873 mex- lcanus, 7 8s, ee Brandegei, 326; confer- 326; me 32 Polygonacede, with remarks on sige nera, Neomillspaughia, a ne 8 0f, °F Polygon peamnatnebsngt mannii, 321 4 421% sawatchense, 322; Engel- ramosissimum, Wat- ‘321, 324; sonii, 321 Polypodium irioides, 203-205, 271, 272 274-27 Polypodium irioides, of prothal cs and the sex organs of, boy Statas ioides, Veatie. repro- and - osporous rpsakys ithe g ptbtiy| sporophy te of, The development antheridia from ; tornatus, 289; umbraeulum, fg zonalis, 286, 287; stictus, 295; is, 293; bataan- sis, imo 203; Caper- i INDEX luteus, 293; macroloma, 293; nigro- marginatus, 294; see beam, 295; — = ; Ramosii sub- gy x Soest i 29 Polythelis, Bing fusca, 37, 38; Pulsatil- » 34 9 Potamogeton, 59, 63, 6 Potentitia, 3243 ye diy divers:- folia, 321; Steen, 3233 filipes, 321; fruticosa, jun- Nut- ppd Primula i inc $10; 419.521 robat poco ake, 59, 69; lobatus, 69 sammisia recurva Pseudomonas citri, 64 ares cael aletifolia, 326; anisata, oe Psidium aS eg 342 Pterospermites, 57; carolinensis, 58 Ptilocalais tenuifelis B, 322 uccinellia Nuttallii, 322 Puccinia ‘Sabaneta 40; aaron et ; additicia, 32; Adox podii, So: reer ge a2; 8 ae ment andin : emo: s-virginianae, : Gan , 41; gussoni, 41; eranii-silvatici, Glechomatis, 41 ; Gonolobi, 4 inis Aveiae, 25; Grindeliae, reg 41; Haleniae, 41; Heieriain ae, 4b: “heterospor, at: Heke rae, 41; Holboellii, Hu- teri, — : Died dro phylli, a Hyssop 2; Imperatoriae, 41; irr 32; jalscensis, 40; Juelian 4h) Lan- 41 _ late ia, Lev ies, o- rphus, Copelandii, 292; Elmer- 204; flabelliformis, 293, 204; esm ; Malvacearum, 41 INDEX e, 42; Mesneriana majalis, 41; Millefolii, ul zzinii, ar: 2% 42; steiniae, 42; Zanthii, 4a: Xylorrhizae, Pycnolejennca, 107 Pyrola minor, 94; secunda, 94; um- “Rae ale rreditiatea See endo theius, 290; uosus, ; lamaen- Sig. 207; ea eaione, 202; Williamsii, 291 Pyrrocoma, 323 peek as ee Rafine: I—. Botanikon ( pee “ Siitepe ss dene at 89 Ramischia, 94 Ra Henchlus acriforme, 318; alismae- folius, 317; Eschecholzi, 317; Ima- oenus, 318; ; 3163 mE cropetal ees ae 316; rep- tans, 319; sceleratus, 317, 32 eS he Boli ivian specie of Cen scott fe Siphoc capstan A, ee Reboulia, 241-246, 248; hemisphaer- ea, 244, 251 Reboulia hemisphaerica, The air cham- bers of, 241 , ne a SAMUEL J., Boxwoods of com- 207 Rectolejeunea, 107 ; bohem sale i the sere “a he host and other factors to infection of Apium graveolens ja Apii I amnus, 59, 71; Sailers ta Rhaptostylum, Rhizakenia, 95; ovata, 95 Rhus, 93 41; meso- | Riccia, 241; 41; obliqua, | Raxen, a. Par : Physostesiac, | Rodati 361 Frostii, 244; glauca, 244 J., Chondriomes in Chara, | Rit et: Be calcitrapa, 94 2; reticulata, 92 ie 91; triflora, o1 , 152; abietorum, 170; acicularis, en ensis, da, 16 168; Bourgeauiana, Bride Si 160; .r7ee californica, 1733 161, 6, r67< caryocarna 165; collari Myria- 166; myriantha, 163,167 ; neomexicana, 16 Nutkana, 164-166, i N LS) I 163, 160; ye apg 168; 163, 165, 167, IIT, Notes on, 159 Rudbeckia ampla, 320; hirta, 322; fa- rege big mo fg 320; occiden- ti Rumex ok cui. 318; hymenose- palus, 317; mexicanus, 317; pemiden: — 317; praecox, 318; subalpinus, Rvonee PER Sea Notes on Rosa- eA oetaeee polis ial ibe econ notes the ee ocky Moun re- gio se ag Grasslands and other open formations of the Montane Zee of the Southern Rockies, 315 aripoensis, Seana 327; Chap- 328 362 — 57, 70; carolinensis, 58 ea hirsuta adpressa 340; a, 316 plantaginea, axe 59, 67; eutawensis, % flexuosa, neri, 70;. Lesquereuxii, 58 Salvia clarendonensis, 340; splendens, n re) ad | peu apie mae 29 Sar ena 152; issues. 150, di ohate vermiculatus, “Gt renee frutescens, 30 = pe idti 95 iedti » 95 Scilla bifola 9; validus, 316 motemboen- | haga 19 Selva: Lindleyan na, 341; sclera tium rhizo u a, 331; oe 331 teal ella, 59, 62; laciniat ars Semetum, 9 ¢ Beg fogen, : we liu is, 318; triangaris 320; wdelere Bade 2-4, 7-10, 16, 17, 25- 27; Apii, 2, 5, 24; Apii graveolentis, 2; Petroselini, 5 Septoria Apii, The relation of th health of the host and anaes factors ns by, 1 Rei chen- to a = Apium graveol Sequoia, 57; ambigua, 58; bach a, 92; dentata Si ios ciliata, 324; hed, 324 Silaus Besseri, 10 Silene, 92; acaulis, 92; antirrhina, 92; Seria 92; quadridentata, 92; quad- sagt (es ig t boliviensis. 3 196 ; corym s, 196; Garebiletaa gra- cilis, 197; elegans, 198; elegans aggregatt us, oliviensis, 198; clegans flagelliformis, » 1933 & rio cordatus, pe 194; fad — naceus, Orbignia anus, nant ws 195; radiatus, 193; unduavensis, 199; Vatkeanus, 103% volubilis 195; Wil- 6 boat A rearrangement of yian species of Centropogon and, a reuse Nasturtium-aquaticum, 316, Si se yincbias alpestre, 318 Sitanion elymoides, 326 Si if 316 Smidetia, Smilax Situ, Piskiias Piper, Studies in the ge inus—VI Stiversi- Solidago, 323, 324; glaberrima, 322 Sophocles major, 326; trinitensis, Pannier angustifolium, 316; mini- mum, 31 Spartina gracilis, 322. Sphagnum, 204, 271 Spirogyra, 178 Stachytarpheta, 9 StTerL, W. - development of sat ire altia and Ba ats rom the organs of Polyp STEIL, ; tots bie wth he young pinnae of Pclygadinss iri- oides, 203 Stelasante a terculia — tennesseensis, 71 Stipa speci Stomata’ igs — species of Citrus in lation to rg a A beady of the structure of the, Ktrehina: 93; dene, es Streptilon, 95; odoratum Studies the genus Tapia us—VI, The Steemiaei” Concinni and Sub- carnosi, 21 Studies of West Indian plants—X, 327 Study of the Sah of the stomata of two species of ae in relation to citrus canker, A, iSubularia aquatica, 31 9. cae es . TeresuGeene es, INDEX Swertia scopulina, 318 Tabebuia pentaphylla, 298, 299; Saxi- co Taenio Stee 69 Comionte. 2443 hypophylla, 244 Taxilejeunea, 107, 108, 115; caripen- is, 128; chimborazensis, 110; poise 129-131, 133-135; densi 26, 129; issitifota, 135; ; jamaicensis, Ti9--i2 2, fay aay A555 ctuhicl nda igf 133-135; pterogonia, 107-109, 111— 113, 118, 21, 325-'27, 320, 131, 132, 136; sulphurea, 12 Taxiejeunea sepa dai and certain allied s es, 107 Tecoma penta, 298 Teleutospora 39; bauhiniico 9; Ru udbeckiae, 39; Solidaginis, 39 Telospora, 31, 38, Terminalia po isaadalia: en ontis, 95; racemosa, 9 58, 60, oe 67, 69, 71 eae 24 Tetradymia in 363 Triosteum, LSt, Tulista, 94; basi ioikes oo ; 9 Tyromyces Merrittii, 291 “Unrecorded” genera of Rafinesque, I—Autikon Botanikon (1840), 89 reas pctbdepsatia, ve ae dbeckiae, 39; Solidaginis, 39; Tranzschelii, 34 Urtica gracilis, 319, 32 Utricularia minor, 316; vulgaris, 316 Vaccinium, 335 Valeriana, 324; calcitrapa, 94; rupes- tris, Vallisneri Vandera, ae Bice 93 i reproduction and apospo- rous growths from the young sporo- sists of Pol Pecdiions Sars 203 Veratrum tenuipetalum Veronica, bof dineticana. Aa Worms- kjoldii, 320 sinhie Tetraneuris het. ee lanigera, 3 £ the “bom and other factors to infection “ie Apium graveolens by Septoria Api Withacaateu is ote 318, 319 rae 1533; aceri- liu 150; cassinoides, 149, 150; dentatum, Lantana, 150; Len- tago, 150; nudum, ig co Op lus, 150-152; pube scen Viburnum and the “assemblage Capri- foliaceae, Notes o ite fs estan 3185 —— 4173 ge ndsia_ aloifolia, 329; viscidula, Tithy malus, 34; Palmeri, 33 Toumefortia barbadensis, 343 Townsendia agp os 2 323; montana, 325; strigosa, 324, 325 a Tragia, TPiuitia devexa, 295; dibapha, 293; lanata, 295; en a 295; sca- laris, 295; osmiegh cad Transschelia, 36, pe wat 37. 38; punctata, 37, ad Tri folium, 152; dasyphyllum, 325: se - 321; nanum, 325; Rydbergii, Triglochin Sere 316, 322; palus- tris, e 16, 422 Trig tanae 92; levigata, 92 a; Viole “lio phy : nephro phylla, tris, 317; pedatifida, 321; Setentionali aor Vvaltiola ne ven Vitex pen insiey 302 Wahlbergella comosa, 323; Drum- ondii, baci asain See in L, ze and its oie ae Wes et Indian plants—X. Sats of, Wikdinetonten 59, 69; Reichii, 59, 69 Wyethia amplexicaulis, 324 Xamilenis, 92 Zanthoxylum pestle = Zeliauros, 95 ; Zizyphus, 60; aasdeias, 58, 71