QK | ‘+ 76a 1877-79 i V./3 HOOKER’S ICONES PLANTARUM: OR, FIGURES, WITH DESCRIPTIVE CHARACTERS AND REMARKS, OF NEW AND RARE PLANTS, SELECTED FROM THE KEW HERBARIUM. THIRD SERIES. EDITED BY JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER, M_D., F.RS.LS. & GS, D.C.L. OXON., LL.D. CANTAB., CORRESP. MEMB, INST. FRANCE. VOL. III, OR VOL. XIII. OF THE ENTIRE WORK. : LONDON: WILLIAMS AND NORGATE, 14, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. ~ 1877-1879. LONDON :.PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE PARLIAMENT STREET ICONES PLANTARUM. | Puate 1201. SENECIO CHEESEMANI, Hook. /. Composit2, Tribe SENECIONIDEZ SENECIONES. S. Cheesemani, Hook f. n. sp.; arbuscula ramulis glabratis, fohis petiolatis elliptico-lanceolatis acuminatis irregulariter dentatis supra lucidis subter appresse niveo-lanatis, anicula effusa ramis ramulis- lineari-oblongis membranaceis glabratis, floribus ad 12, ligulis ad 6 latis styli ramis brevioribus, pappi setis scaberulis, acheniis glabratis. lade a Northern Island, at the Thames Gold-fields—Thos. Arbuscula v. frutex 6-15-pedalis, cortice atro, ramulis gracilibus glabratis siccitate atro-purpureis. Folia 3-5-poll . longa, membra- nacea, basi angustata v. cordato-2-loba, lobis seepe inequ ualibus, denti- bus argutis, junioribus apicibus glandulosis, nervis reticulatis ; petiolo gracili 1-14-pollicari. Pani cula pedalis et Pris thyrsoidea, pilis patentibus *glandulosis siccitate a densissime vestita, ultimis preterea albo- ae ; brace J adoceribos foliaceis, supe- rioribus subulatis. Capitula L-poll. aa obconica ; pedicello equi- longo, bracteolis paucis subulatis instructo ; floribus albis, odoris. pla _culum angustum alyeolatum. Fl. radii ligula varia, sepius latior quam longa, integra v. lobata ; styli rami robusti. Fl. dise 7 angusti, as opie ; styli ra mi graciles, truncati. Achenia passe = pube- rula. niveus. VOL. IIE. THIRD SERIES. B 2 : ICONES PLANTARUM. A very distinct species, remarkable for its very large panicles and sweet-scented white flowers. Its position among the New Zealand zr is near S. perdicioides and shacahsias, —J. D. Hooxer 8 and bracteoles. 2. Bracts of ee 3. Flowers of disk. 4, Ditto of ray. 5. Style arm of disk inne All enlarged. certain points of structure, in respect of which I differed from the discoverer of the plant and from the artist whose figure is quoted above. These I am now enabled to clear up by means of specimens in saci kindly communicated by Mr. Cheeseman. ne of these do I find the ligulate process figured, nor anything in i its “finde The base of the lip is produced downwards on each side of the mesial line into a conical hollow obtuse short spur, between which spurs the two lateral sepals, reduced to subulate ascending pro- cesses, are projected as represented in figs. land 2. I find no trace of petals. a of the lip varies much in shape; it a usually as represented mv fig. 1, but sometimes as in mie and in a few cases it is reduced at the apex, having no reflected porti As a species, O. Cheesemani is very clearly allied to the Australian C. — Br., —— chiefly in the spurs of the lip and absence of A specimen of 0. (Nemetoceras) ~~ Hk. f. (FI. N. Zeald. 1. 249, - LVI. ; Handbook, p- 266), se nt by Mr. Cheeseman with the shoes, sh at the port of the lip at its outer margin, one on each side, sine on a level with the lateral sepals, which are placed between the petals, that is to say, nearer to the mesial line of the lip. The lip is twisted from the , 80 that access land Flora.’ The whole genus demands an attentive study from the local observer, in respect both of structure and mode of impregnation. —J. D. Hooxer. i ICONES PLANTARUM. 2 Puate 1202. INGA ACUMINATA, Benth. Lecuminosa, Suborder Mimosea. uminata, Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. iv. 600, glabra v. vix pilosula, fl foliolis 2 5-jugis ovato-lanceolatis v. ovali-oblongis acumina- tis glabris levibus nitidis, glandulis subsessilibus, spicis subglobosis pedunculatis, bracteis persistentibus brevibus, calyce naar 8 insigniter acuminato, corolla sericeo-hirsuta calyce longiore Has. Isle of Trinidad, West Indies, Lockhart. oo Arborea i Foliorum rhachis cum petiolo 14-3-pollicaris, undique — alis cun- eatis inter juga ultima seepe 4 lin. latis inter v. inferiora angus- tioribus ; glandulee inter foliola nace sve P ogi scutellate subsessilis ; oO nitidula. Pedunculi in axillis pepeouthin v. in apicibus ramorum aphyllis 15-2-pollicares. Oapitula primum depresso-globosa, demum interdum fere ovoidea, 6-9-lin. diametro, densiflora. egg linea parum longiores. Calyx angustus, striatus, fere 4 lin. lon Corolla angusta, 5-6 lin. longa, dense sericeo-pilosa. Stamina ultra 90, corolla duplo longiora, sone ber de corollam in tubum connatis. Ovarium glabrum. Legumen ignot The ee _— distinguish this species from all others of the species.—G. Brn Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Corolla cut open, showing the pistil. 3. Bud. Puates 1203-1204. BALFOURODENDRON EBURNEDYM, Mello. Rertaces, Tribe TopDALies. Balfourodendron, Méllo, gen. nov. Flores hermaphroditi. Calyz parvus 4-partitus, lobis avatin. Petala 4, qualia, Agprton ing: basi breviter angustata, patentia, estivatione imbricata. Stamina 4 cum petalis alternantia, inclusa; filamenta brevia Kiscar apiloke’ glabra ; anthers ovato-cordates biloculares longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Discus carnosulus, cupularis, profunde 4-plicatus, basi ovario adnatus. oe Ova- A ICONES PLANTARUM, riwm acts sessile ; ; stylus terminalis, brevis; stigma simplex indi- vul culis gemina, collateralia, pendula. Fructus siccus, coriaceus, i oes, profunde et late verticaliter 4- (rarius 3-)alatus, alis seepe ineequalibus, rotundatis, nervosis. Semina (in spp. nostris embryo cotyledonibus eequalibus plano-convexis ; radicula *(D Méllo).—Arborescens. Folia alterna v. opposita, 3. oliolata, foliolis inte- gris, apes anlage Panicule sepius terminales, multifloree ; flores arvi B. eburneum, C. de Méllo mss. in Herb., sp. unica, ramulis ultimis cum petiolis atque ha sates breviter pubescentibus, foliolis mem- branaceis oblongo-ellipticis vel oblanceolatis, plus minus acuminatis, basi — _ integris, elabrescentibus, intermedio latera- libus sewpius paullo majore, ramis floriferis — olia brevioribus, ramulis pated pedicellis brevibus calyce wquilongis v. eodem ey Reeds ovario puberolo,—Hsenbeckia Pilsdelinases Engler in Mart. 1. Bras. Rut. p. 142 Has. Sieg ey Prov. St. Paulo, South Brazil, Senhor J. C. de Méllo. Riedel. Sello Foliola 3-5 poll. ig ete a a 1-24 poll. = Ses 0-2 poll. . lat longi. Flores 14-2 lin. diam. Fructus 2- “OL. poll This plant was sent to the lat o Mr. Daniel Sabey by Senhor Joaquim Correa de Méllo, and sinbhictatbide by him to the Kew Fig. 1. Flower. a. calyx-lobe, 5. petal. 2. Stamen, with anther, back and fr 3. hn and disk, vertical section. 4. Transverse section of ovary, w Suh account: ing disk ICONES PLANTARUM. 5 Pate 1205. SPHINCTACANTHUS GRIFFITHII, Benth. Acantuacta, Tribe Justiciez. Sphinctacanthus, Benth., in Benth. et Hook. Gen. Pl. ii. 118. 8. Griffithii, Benth. 1.c., species unica. Har. Mishmee in East Bengal, Griffith. Suffrutex elatior, glaber. Folia ovali-elliptica, acuminata, membra- nacea, 3~6 pollicaria, in petiolam longiuscnlum contracta. Panicula terminalis, e a 3 v. 5 laxis simplicibus 3-4-pollicaribus composita. Bractee minute. Flores oppositi v. suboppositi, sessiles v. brevissime pedicellati, ad axillas bractearum solitarii. Calyx alte 5—fidus, linea paullo longior. Corolle tubus ovoideo-inflatus, fere 3 lin. longus, ad faucem constrictus ; limbi labia ad 2 lin. longa, posticum estivatione cum equilongum, ey — ae ne a reflexo-patenti- tignis ; staminodia nulla. Discus oe: Stylus pre sors apice leviter incrassatus, obtusus, integer ; ovula in quoque loculo 2. Capsula ignota. This plant bears the manuscript name ate! Justicia orehioides, jer can only be retained in that genus if it tored to its original ¢ hensive extent, and the specific name appeared scarcely justified by rth aspect of the specimens.—G. Brn Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Corolla cut open. Puate 1206. EXOCARYA SCLERIOIDES, Benth. Crperace®, Tribe HyPoOLyTREZ. Exocarya, Benth. gen. nov. Spicule parvule, umbellato-panicu- late, floribus -2 ia hermaphroditis, 2-3 inferioribus masc asculis. 6 ICONES PLANTARUM. Glume undique imbricate, infime plurime vacue. Flores compressi. Squame hypogyne 2 exteriores (bracteole ?) laterales subopposite complicate carinatw, 2 interiores plane v. concave, glume parallele. Stamina 3. Stylus basi dilatatus, ramis stigmatosis (stigmatibus) 2 filiformibus. Mua e glumis exserta, styli basi dura continua coronata. —Caulis foliatus. Inflorescentia fere Fimbrystylis, bracteis 2~3 exte- rioribus longis foliaceis. E. scleroides, Benth., species wnica.—Cladium scleroides, F', Muell. Fragm. ix. 12. Has. New South Wales, northern districts, and adjoining districts of Queensland, Leichhardt, OC. Moore, Wilcoz. obtuse, inferiores vacuw ad 6, gradatim minores. Flores smpius ad 3, inferiores masculi, 1 v. 2 superiores hermaphroditi, omnes cseterum similes, squamis hypogynis gluma parum brevioribus. Nuz ovoideo- oblonga, obtusissima ad 2 lin. longa, omnino exserta, basi glumis emar- cidis stipata; styli basis incrassata in ovario distincti ima, in nuce matura continua fere obliterata. It was probably on account of the general resemblance of the nut te that of Cladiwm that F. Mueller referred this plant to the latter Mapania (Pandanophyllum) and is, as it were, intermedia that and Hypolytrum, differing from the former in the interior flat hypogynous scales being 2 only, not 4, and from the latter in the pre- sence of those two; but the elegant slender habit, the inflorescen ‘i the minute spikelets and exserted nuts give it a very different aspect from either genus.—G. BentTHam. Fig. 1. Two spikelets, one in front. 2. Hypogynous scales, gynous seale removed so as to show the pistil and stamen section. 5. Fruit, longitudinal section showing the seed. section showing the basal embryo. 3. Flower, one hypo- s. 4. Ovary, longitudinal 6. Albumen, longitudinal ICONES PLANTARUM, v Puate 1207. MIMOSA INVOLUCRATA, Benth, ane: Suborder Mimoszz. Has. South Brazil, Sello. Frutex ut videtur humilis, basi radicans, ramis floridis }-1-pedalibus arum ramulosis. omentum in parte superiore et in pedunculis den- lanate ; exteriores breviores, cano-tomentose, striate, ciliate. Calyx parvus, pilis Miiagtiaasitie: pair ibus ciliatus. Corolla tubulosa, 24 lin. longa, apice sericeo-pilosa, caterum glabra, 4-fida. Stamina 4, brac- teas parum excedentia. Legumen stg atl a Py Med La he ite culiar inflorescence d p all others of The pec this extensive genus.—G. BenTmaM. Fig. 1. An inner bract of the involucre. 2. Flower. 8. Anther, back and front view. 4. Ovary and style, longitudinal section. Puate 1208. . ANCYLANTHUS MONTEIROI, Oliv. Rusiacea, Tribe VANGUERIES. _A. Monteiroi, Oliv., frutex 4-pedalis, ramulis glabratis cinereis, nodis hirsutis, foliis parvis late ellipticis a, chines basi rotundatis 8 ICONES PLANTARUM. . subulata hirta apiculatis Has. Delagoa Bay, J. J. Monteiro. Ramuli ultimi seepe opp ositi patentim divaricati, rigidiusculi, graciles. Folia 3-1 poll. longa 3-3 poll. lata; petiolus 1 lin. longus. Flores 14-15 poll. longi; calyx + - longus; pedunculi 2-3 lin. longi. Antheree ore tubi corolle inserte subsessiles, oblongo-lineares. Ovarium 5-locn- lare; stylus brevitur exsertus; stigma cylindraceo-calyptriforme apice obtusi 5-lobulatum et basi intrusum.—D, Oxiver. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Corolla laid open. 3. Ovary, transverse section. 4, Stigma (which should not be distinctly suleate). : Piate 1209. SCYTANTHUS LAURIFOLIUS, 7. Anders. AcanTHaces, Tribe Justices. . Scytanthus, T. Anders.; Benth. et Hook. Gen. Pl. ii. 1093. S. laurifolius, 7. Anders, l.c., species unica. Has. West tropical Africa, Old Calabar, Gaboon and Cameroons rivers, G. Mann. tivatione intimis. Stamina 4, didynama, infra medinm tubum affixa, ; 2-loculares, loculis parallelis discretis equalibus muticis ; Staminodium ICONES PLANTARUM. 9 posticum parvum, clavatum. Discus nullus. Stylus basi crassiusculus, oleh ovarium ovatum carnosum subarti eye apice integer ; ovula ge loculo ovarii 2. Capsula ovata v. oblonga, crassa, demum seat urata, 4-6 lin. longa, basi obtusa nec in ‘dinliene contracta. Semina immatura ovoidea, valde rugosa The specimen figured haus to the smaller form from the Old Calabar river; the taller shrub from the Cameroons has the leaves less acuminate, more coriaceous, and the ie fh narrower, but all ap- pear to iy to one species.—G. BEN Fig. 1 . Flower. 3. Corolla cut open. 4. Anther, front and back view. 5. Pistil, es sre cut jongitadinal ly. Puate 1210. GASTRANTHUS SCHLECHTENDALD, Moritz. AcANTHACES, Tribe JUSIICIEZ. Gastranthus, Moritz; Benth. et Hook. Gen. Pl. ii. 1107. G. Schlechtendalii, Moritz, Pl. xs. species unica. Has. Venezuela, damp shady places at the eet Camburas, near Las Lajas, between Caraccas and La Victoria, Hrnst; near the raised of Tovar, Moritz, n. 1724, Fendler, n. 813 (in flower) n. 2034 it). (in fru Frutezx élatior (Ernst) ramis tag minute puberulis glabrescen- tibus. Folia ovali-elliptica, acuminata , 6-10- fatten ee meee inque lam longiusculam co ce ss posits, In spica florida breviter epee eee in fi recondite. Flores sessiles v. breviter é subterni, peduneulo communi brevissimo n. lon segmentis 5 linearibus subequalibus, ar longiusculis ergs demum rufescentibus vestitus. Corolla lutea, rubro-vittata, 9 lin. lon labra, t sie supra ovarium constricto, sae ventri- Sr lnio, Cake eek is s brevis, labio postico sestivatione i imis oblongo-lineares, 1-loculares, medio dorso ; Dis me tal ularis, stylus filiformis, apice integer. Capsula oblonga, 10 ICONES PLANTARUM. re longior, basi in stipitem solidum contracta. Semina 4 v. rtu Mince orbiculata, pnd nino, foveolato-rugosa,— G. BEN Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Anther, back and front view. 3. Capsule. Piate 1211. OREACANTHUS MANNII, Benth. AcANTHACEA, Tribe JusTicIua. Oreacanthus, Benth. in Benth. et Hook. Gen. Pl. ii, 1104. 0. Mannii, Benth. 1. c. species wnica. Has. Cameroons —- West Tropical Africa, at an elevation of 7,000 feet, G. Mann ie elata, 8-12-pedalis (Mann), preter paniculam puberula v. glabrescens. olia ovali- v. oblongo-elliptica, acuminata, majora semi- pedabic: iar sat in pig ge ongiusculum contracta. Panicula terminalis, laxe pyramidata, 6—-8-pollicaris, glandulo-pubescens. Bractee primaris parve, sub cymarum ramis lineam longs v. minores. Cyme integrum, erecto-patens ; anticum ieee te 3. fidum, lobis “Sasa, Stamina 2, Gas basin tubi affixa, longe exserta, filamentis filiformibus ; e contracta. Semina 4 v. abortu pauciora, compressa, ges, rugosa,—G. B g. 1. Flower. 2, Anther, back and front view. 3. Capsule. The filaments are aa longer and more slender than represented in the plate, See ICONES PLANTARUM. ll : PLaTE 1212. EVANDRA ARISTATA, 7. Br. Cyprraces, Tribe RuyncHosPuRea. E. aristata, R. Br. Prod. 239, caule foliato, spiculis laxe panicu- lati, glumis aristatis. Has. King George’s Sound and adjoining districts, South-west Australia. Caules e rhizomate crasso 2-3-pedales, obtuse triquetri. Folia secus caulem distantia, elongata, angusta ac plana, margine scabra, vagina lausa nigricante subpollicari ; cadioaline vagina longa aperta. Panicula longa, semipedalis ad pedalis, laxa, secunda, pedunculis filifo : s ic) ° 38 ae 28 3 5 ib HL iq) & = E BS glumas subeequantes, appendies the lineari. Ovarium basi cum filamentis confluens, superne liberum pubescens. Styli rami stigmatosi v. stig- mata 8. Nwe matura ad huc ignota.—G. BenTHAM. ig. 1. Upper hermaphrodite flower and flowering glume. 2. Anther. 3. Pistil, the adnate base of the filaments removed. Puate 1213. EVANDRA PAUCIFLORA, R. Br. Crperacez, Tribe RHYNCHOSPOREZ. E. . R. Br. Prod, 239, foliis ad basin caulis confertis, ctor ad spans caulis 2-3 sessilibus, glumis acutis acuminatisve nec aristatis ¥2 ICONES PLANTARUM. * Has. King George’s Sound, South-west Australia, R. Brown, Drummond. non arcitate, flores 2 v.3 summo solo hermaphrodito. Stamina in spiculis examinatis nune vix 15 nunc ultra 20. Ovariwm glabrum etsi stylus leviter papilloso-pubescens.—G. Benruam. Fig. 1. Spikelet. 2. Flower. 3. Anther. 4. Pistil. 6. Ovary. longitudinal section. © Puate 1214. MADAROSPERMA TRAILLIANUM, Benth. ASCLEPIADES, Tribe Cynancuen, Madarosperma, Benth. in Benth. et Hook. Gen. Pl. ii. 1241. M. Traillanum, Benth. 1. c., species unica. Has. Amazon province, North Brazil, in the gapd on the Rio Negro near Barra, and at San Gabriel da Cachoeira, Spruce, n. 1361, and 2389 ; in the gapod on the Rio Padawiri, Trail. Caulis volubilis, ramosissimus, pubescens, succo lacteo alte scandens. olia opposita, breviter petiolata, ovat berula v. demum supra glabrata, majora sesquipollicaria, ramealia virentes, in cymulas v. fasciculos axillares sessilesque v. brevissime pedunculatos dispositi. Calyx 5-partitus. 5, basi dilatate, tubo stamineo inflexa terminate, auriculis baseos prominulis. Pollinia in quoque — loculo solitaria, oblonga, apicem versus affixa, pendula. Stigma cras- ETO CLs eae hy LN ICONES PLANTARUM, 13 siusculum, vertice subplanum. folliculi oblique suborbiculares, 5-6 lin, longi et lati preter rostrum obliquum 2-3 lin. longum. Semina pauca, obovata, plano-compressa, margine attenuato grosse dentata, coma destituta. The habit and small flower of this plant are nearly those of Meta- stelma ; but besides the form of the corolla the genus is distinguished from ate ed whole order by the seeds absolutely without any coma.—G, BENTHAM Fig. 1. cain: 2. 2. Flower expanded. 3. Corona. 4. Pollen-masses. 5, Fruit. 6. Seed. Puate 1215. CATOPHERIA SPICATA, Benth. Lasrata, Tribe OcIMOIDEa. Catopheria, Benth. in Benth. et Hook. Gen. Pl. ii. 1173. C. spicata, Benth. foliis amplis basi in petiolum angustatis, spica ob- onga v. elongata multiflora, corolla calyee subdimidio, genitalibus plus duplo oo tae —Orthosiphon spicatus, Benth. in DC. Prod. xii. 53 Has. New Grenada, Parroquia de oo Purdie, Convengion in the same province of Ovafia, Schlim. n. 714 Caules herbacei (v. suffruticosi?) erecti, elati, tetragoni, pubescentes v. demum glabrati. Folia Siti i: ovata v. elliptica, acuminata, eroso- subdentata, basi breviter in petiolum decurrentia, pube brevi scabrius- cula, majora 8-10-pollicaria. Spica terminalis, ae 3-6-pollicaris, supra folia summa pedunculata. Folia floralia aig ic colorata, acumine tereti pubescente terminata floribus sepius bre Calyz subinflato- ee ee puberulus (rubescens ?), per aban semi- pollicaris, fructifer deflexus fere pollicaris, dente postico tubo fere zequilongo ovato pe oer marginibus reflexis vix v. non decurre urrentibus, vu confluentibus, demum explanatis. Discus annularis, fere cu minuto-dentatus. Stylus rst subgloboso-capitatus vix emarginatus. ule compressiuscule, | nee E the two species descri shad > DC. Prod. as the section Cato- feria of Orthosiphon, there is a third gathered by Ghissbaeuha: in Ching “ 14 ICONES PLANTARUM. (Mexico), G. chiapensis, A. Gray, with the dense spike of C. spicata, but with shorter broader flowers, and very much longer stamens. The leaves are also more rounded at the base and tomentose-pubescent underneath.—G. Brentuam. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Anther before opening, and back view when open. 3. Calyx. 4. Nutlet. PLATE 1216. CARPHA ALPINA, R. Br. Cyrprrace#, Tribe Ruyncnosporen. C. alpina, R. Br. Prod. 230. ' Has. Mountains of Tasmania, Victoria, and New Zealand, chiefly at an elevation of from 4,000 to 5,000 feet. us vegetioribus l ad basin caulis eo multo breviora, ricidu a, obtusa, 1 concava, 4-14 lata, vagina lata membranacea aperta folii intimi breviter clausa. Inflorescentia breviter corymbosa, nune in capitulum conferta, n i luta, se: uipollicaris, fasciculis un agis evolu inferioribus breviter pedunculatis. Bractee involucrantes 2 exterjiores foliacew, inflorescentiam sepius squantes v. breviter su ractes interiores parve, glumacee. Spicule 1-floree closely allied to it from the extreme south of America, and a New Caledonian one with a large panicle of small spikelets.—G. Brenruam. oor 1. Spikelet. 2. The same, the small outer glumes removed. 3, Pistil. 4. ruit, ; 2! een ee ee Sh a ee Ne eS ICONES PLANTARUM. 15 PLATE 1217. NOTOCHAETE HAMOSA, Benth. Lapiata, Tribe StacHyDEz. Notochete, Benth. et Hook. Gen. Pl. ii. 1215. N. hamosa, Benth. in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. i. 63, species wnica. AB. Nepaul, Wallich; East cag Griffith; Sikkim at an elevation of 4,000 to 8,000 foot, J. D. Hooker t ul cneine brevissim e pubes ce ns. Folia “i tel petiolata, 3 Sepolicnva venoso-rugosa. tomentosa ; floralia conformia. Verticellastri axillares, dense multi-’ ori, fructiferi globosi, calycem aristis bracteolisque similibus corollas superantibus dense ce ae petiolo multo breviores. Calyx ‘ibn dentium in aristas saree ulatas 3 rigid apice uncinatas sect Corolla purpurascens, tubo incluso intus exannulata; limbus aristis calycinis oe 2-labiatus, labio aa erecto concavo galeato, cus equalis. tylus 9 ice 2-fidus, lobis subulatis ae ae Nucule fee tt i et triquetre, apice obtuss subtruncatee. Te vie: 1, Flower. 2. Calyx, cut open, seen from inside. 3, Anther, after the pollen is shed. 4. Summit of the style. Piate 1218. DACRYDIUM WESTLANDICUM, 7. Kirk. Conrrer#, Tribe TAXxINEa. D. westlandicum, 7. Kirk. mss., ramulis ilibus gracillimis pe dulis, foliis 1_pollicaribus laxe imbricatis raha cake bolatis 16 ICONES PLANTARUM. ae Ae Soe ramulis fructiferis strictis foliis brevis- imi: to-trigonis arctissime imbricatis obtusis, nuculis minutis oblongis. New Zealand, Middle Island; in swampy land at “seine West- land, Thos. Kirk (White silver pine). Mr. Kirk says of this pine, ‘In Westland I met with a new Dacry- dium, with the young leaves resembling those of the Kahikatea (Podocarpus dacrydioides), the old those of a very fine state of Dacry- dium Colensoi, Hk. f. Ihave only immature fruit. The timber is different from any other New Zealand kind, and is valued for its dura- bility. It is found in swampy land, and called the Na silver pine; it appears to have been confounded with the Kahikat Th New Zealand tor Son which the specimen I possess of this plant at all soo is t mu (D. cupressinwin, Don), which has similar but m id jokes on the barren branchlets, and very much —— fertile innit, with more or less spreading leaves.— J. D. Hoo 1. Leaves of barren branchlets. 2. Apex of fertile branchlets. 3. Fruit. All enlarged. PuatTe 1219. DACRYDIUM KIRKII, F. Muell. ConiFera, Tribe Taxinen. . Kirkii, 7. Muell. in DC. Prodr. xvi. pars 2, 495. Arborea, loram steriliam foliis rare et ultra linearibus leviter acts subacutis planis patentibus v. erecto-patentibus, ramulis ar cum foliis subcylindraceis foliis brevissimis obtuse carinato-tri rigoni densissime imbricatis, nuculis apices versus ramuloram nxillgnbaa oblongis conte striatis apice rotundatis. d, Great Barrier ree alt. 2,000 ft., 7. Kirk; Manukao harbour, tied “Tatirangi range, T. F. Cheeseman. Arbor dioica, 40-60- pedalis, trunco 2~3 ped. diametro ; cortice rufo- unneo, ligno rufo; rami patentes demum ascendentes. Folia ramis junioribus non floriferis 1-1} poll. longa, disticha vy. Sparsa, in petio- lnm brevissimum cca sbi angustata, coriacea, mutica, nitida, costa supra distincta subtus ter ramuli fructiferi apicem versus soe densissime fastigiati ichovsaas: ramosi, foliis parvis opacis densissime imbricatis et appressis tecti, A a ICONES PLANTARUM. 17 $ alegre os — solitaria, }—} poll. longa, squamis laxe imbri- catis; 9 terminalia, solitaria, }+4 * poll. longa, e squamis fructiferis 3-5- tumidis, Nucule 3—5 compr esse, angulis rotundatis, obscure striate. This tree somewhat resembles Cunninghamia lanceolata, but that its habit and foliage give it a softer appearance. Very old trees on the mountains entirely lose their large leaves, but on the lowlands they are retained sometimes to the height of 40 feet, and occasionally both kinds of leaves and fruit may be seen on the same branch. A small tree, producing male catkins and entirely without its early leaves, was observed near the summit of Munga hills.—J. Kirk. noble species is most nearly allied to D. Oolensoi, but differs so eBoy | in the size of the isn that there can be no difficulty in recognising it.— . Hooker Fig. 1. Sterile branch and leaves, 2. — view of fertile do. 3. Female catkin, 4. Nucules. All but No. 1 enlarged PuaTe 1220. LAMPROTHAMNUS ZANGUEBARICUS, Hiern. Ruprace&, Tribe ALBERTES. Lamprothamnus, Hiern. in Oliv. Fl. Trop. Afr., vol. iii. p. 180 ined. Calyx basi calyculatus tubo urceolato breviter et late lobulato, lobis ewstivatione imbricatis, _ Corolla rotata, tubo ¢ lindrico sursum leviter baat nitentia. Stipule coriacee, “deltoi idece, acu Flores m bdioores, ‘ albi, fragr antes,’ in sonyiibll multifloris densis sahiabeetiacbes dispositi. L. zanguebaricns, Hiern l. c. sp. unica. Has. Dar Salam, Zanzibar, Dr. Kirk, Folia basi rotundata v. plus > ae brevissime petiolata, 2-3}-poll. longa, 1-2 poll. lata. ao entia folia vix superans 13- Sane lata. Corolla tubo }-poll. longo, lobis 3 poll. longis—D. Ourv 1. Expanded flower. 2. Diagram a the contorted sestivation. 3. An thee 4. Ovary and calyx-tube, in vertical sectio: VOL. UI. THIRD SERIES. : 18 ICONES PLANTARUM. Puate 1221. CYCLONEMA SPINESCENS, Oliv. VERBENACER. C. spinescens, Oliv. Frutex? spinescens ; rami pilis brevibus paten- tibus hirto-pube scentes, foliis fos ellipticis vel ovatis v. rotundatis obtusis mucronatis utrinque hirto-vel subvelutino-pubescentibus sub- sessilibus, spinis wifes abirltasibels rectis patentibus folio brevioribus, pedunculis axillaribu acutatis, Linn. Soe Has. Lake ek or region round about, Commander Cameron. Folia 3-14 poll. longa. Flores 1-1} poll. diam; calyx 4-1 poll. longus.—D. OLIVER. Fig. 1. Flower, side and 2. Front view. 3. Anther. 4. Calyx. PuaTe 1222. FICUS NORONHA2!, Oliv. ARTOCARPACES, Tribe Ficez. F. Noronha, Oliv., arborescens, glabra, rami crassi Speagan a petiolatis obovato-ellipticis v. ellipticis obtusis basi obtusis y subcordatis, venis primariis lateralibus utringue 6-7, intogerrimis sessilibus solitariis, bracteis 2-3 basalibus coriaceis late rotundatis, floribus stipitatis sessi- busve, perianthii segmentis concavis obtusis, stigmate ut videtur ceptaculis depresso-globosis glabris levibusque li bifido papilloso. =" Paginas am St. Michael’s Mount iterd Mabe the OPPS ts like those Ha part of rock, reaching 30 ft. in height ; aerial the Bony), Mr. Moseley (Challenger Expedition), Bihiy Geet oS Aaeeeest ai a sae ICONES PLANTARUM. 19 Folia 3-6 poll. longa, souiiter coriacea glaberrima, nervo medio subtus prominente ; petiolus 1-3 poll. longus. Stipule et poll. longee. fieceptacula 4 -8 poll. diam Ouiver. Fig. 1. Receptacle and basal bracts. 2. Flower. 3. Pistil. Puate 1223. LORANTHUS STENOPETALUS, Oliv. LORANTHACEZ. L, stenopetalus, Oliv., ramulis teretibus gracilibus glabris, Se cuminati tenuiter coriaceis ovali- ¥ oblongo-lanceolatis plus minu basi in petiolum eg integris glabris rete ven Snbonnsieils floribus mosis, is axillaribus folio brevioribus, pedicellis ri racemosi emis aaa 2-3-floris 2-5 hhacteulatis calycis puberulis margine libero nuato v. dentato, petalis 6 angustissimis basi equaliter in tubo inflato pore ra fedis per anthesin fame antheris anguste linearibus apice apiculatis.—Journ. Linn. Soc. xv. p. 99. Has. Gorontalo, North Celebes, Riedel. Folia 4-54 poll. longa, oie ne lata; petiolus } poll. vel longior. Flores 3-1 poll. longi—D. O Fig. 1. Pair of flowers with bracteoles and pedicel, enlarged. 2. Anther. Puate 1224. DELPHINIUM GLACIALE, Hook. fil. et Thoms. RANUNCULACES. D. glaciale, Hook. fil. et Thoms., caule simplici vel basi ramoso, foliis reniformib iets se i eatis palmatim multi- mis emten~ pete foliosis dispositis, calcare decurvo sepalo sub i. p. 53 and Flora Brit, India, i. p. 27. 20 ICONES PLANTARUM. Alpine Sikkim, 16-18,000 ft., + Hooker! gathered also by a native collector employed by Mr. Elw Herba 4-8 pollicaris tota pilis laxis ee hirsuta ‘ et gee putridum redolens.’ Folia 2 poll. diam, radicalia petiolo 2-3 poll. longo. oo sie 14-3 poll. longi. Flores inflato-globosi pallide cerulei. Sepala mbranacea nervosa 1-13 poll. longa late elliptica v. rotundato- calbptics, postica obtuse apiculata galeata, calcare 2 poll. longo. Petala lateralia obovato-lanceolata bifida laxe hirta, posteriora longiora lamina oblanceolata apice bidentata. Stamina filamentis a inferne dilatatis, sursum sparse ciliatis. Carpella 5 gla- brata IVER Fig. 1. pak view of flower in front. 2. Lateral, and 3. Posterior petals. PuatTE 1225. BOERHAAVIA SCHOMBURGKIANA, Oliv. NYCTAGINE. hii li panulato v. suburceolato carnosulo margine obtuse denticulato, fructu clavato tetragono 4-canaliculato, canaliculis parce pruinoso-glaucescen- tibus. . Vicinity of Lake Eyre, South Australia, Mr. And - municated by Dr. R. Schomburgk). Sueeastersiois < — 4-1 poll. longa 4-4 poll. lata; mere ll. 1 Pe- dunculi 1-2 lin. longi; pedicelli 4-1’ lin. longr Beton one +1 te, longo. Praise § poll tied: OLIVE Fig. 1. Fascieulus of flowers. 2. Stamen, style, and stigma. 3, Fruit. ICONES PLANTARUM. | 91 PLaTe 1226. OXALIS NORONHA, Oliv. GERANIACEA, Tribe OxaLipEs. 0. Noronhe, Oliv. sp. nov. Caule fruticoso, simplici v. ramoso hirto- pubescenti apice folioso, foliis 3-foliolatis foliolis ovato-ellipticis obtusiuscule acutatis subtus pubescentibus, lateralibus obliquis bre- vissime petiolulatis, pedunculis axillaribus folio seepe lon ngio 8 2 apice nina floriferis, pedicellis calyce sepius brevioribus articulatis, ovulis solitari Has. Island of Fernando Noronha, 0. Darwin, Mr. Moseley (‘ Chal- lenger’ Expeditio on). Caulis 1-2 pedalis, erectus v. interdum tortuosus et era pilis brevibus patentibus pubescens. Folia alterna; foliola 1-2 poll. longa, Stamina basi bre vissime coalita. Ovarium glabrum profunde ae O. insipida, St. Hil., and in hee near Gardner’s Ozalis ic. 3), collected in Piauhy. aD. OLIV Fig 2. Expanded flower. 3. Essential organs after removal of sepals and nite a enlarged). Piate 1227. ANCRUMIA CUSPIDATA, Harvey. Liiacez, Suborder GILLiesiaceZ. riora minutissima squameformia; 6 intermedia minuta squameformia sterilia; interiora 3, 2 perfecta flamentis filiformibus basi doe VOL. III, THIRD SERIES. 22 ICONES PLANTARUM. antheris lineari-oblongis versatilibus; tertinm sterile squameforme — aclboidenin. Ovarium triloculare, stylo subulato capitato. Capsula ignota. —Herba bulbosa habitu Gagee, scapo nudo, foliis 1-2 synanthiis linearibus glabris, umbellis 6-12 floris, spathe valvis lanceolatis membranaceis. A. cuspidata, Harv. MSS., species unica. Has. Coquimbo, Chili, Dr. Harvey. Bulbus ovoidens, 8-9 lin. crassus. Folia linearia subpedalia carnoso- herbacea glabra, medio 3—4 lin. lata, venis immersis. Scapus debilis nudus sesquipedalis vel bipedalis. Umbella ae flora, pedicellis 1-4 poll. longis apice cernuis. Pertanthiwm 10-11 lin. longum, segmentis — Onga- exterioribus 3 lin. latis. Stamina perfecta 2 lin. aah Of this interesting —— we have in the Kew herbarinm, in addi- tion to Dr. Harvey’s specimens, a drawing from the life, of which the plate is a copy, and a detailed description drawn by it senagbh Ore | } up by its John Buchanan, Esq., of Coquimbo. He says that ‘it flowers and August, growing on sandy and stony soil, usually ender pare: bushes and other shrubs, and that it is very common in 1 the neighbour- — hood of Guayacan. *_J, G. Baer. Fig. 1. Flower dpened out. Pate 1228. LANDOLPHIA CAPENSIS, Oliv. Apocynaces, Tribe Cartssra. L, capensis, Oliv. sp. nov. Frutex scandens, ramulis ultimis puberulis a mox glabratis, foliis coriaceis pollicaribus ovato- vel oblongo-ellipticis | obtusis basi plus minus rotundatis puberulis vel supra glabratis, is . Le sessilibus, calyce dense ferrugineo-hirsuto, corolla tubo hirto calyce 3-plo longiore segmentis patentibus stlshtvoletonchloter obtusis. Has. ‘Transvaal, near Pretoria, Mr. McLea ; Macalisberg Mountains, Mr. Burke; also amongst the ‘Diamond Fields’ plants of Mr. W. Tuck. ih 3-12 poll. sete 4-8 Kn. lata, coriacea plana subtus plus i venulis arcte sed seepe inconspicue articulata ; petiolus us pu 1-2 lin. longus, Pedunculi terminales vy. laterales interdum cirrhiformes, 1-2 poll. longi. Flores 3-1 poll. lati odbiate ICONES PLANTARUM. 93 The fruit is described in Mr. — label as of the ‘size of a marble,’ and ‘highly scented.’—D. Ot Fig. 1. Bud. 2. Diagram of estivation. 3. Expanded flower. 4. Stamen (en- pices ~ Puate 1229. CHIRONIA (KANTHOCHIRON) EXIGUA, Oliv. GENTIANACES, Tribe CHIRONIEZ. C. exigua, Oliv. sp sp. nov.; herba annua tenuis glabra simplex v. 1 io positis rarius solitariis, calyce S-fido segmentis lanceolatis acutis, corolle lobis ovato-ellipticis obtusis tubo longioribus. - Has. South oe Africa: Orange Free a and the Dia- mond Fields, Mrs. Barber Herba 3-6 (-10) pollicaris erecta. Folia parva psaetia linea superiora #4 poll. longa, inferiora sepius minuta. li reas floris centralis }-1 poll longi. Flores 6-8 lin. diam. Calyx 5-nervius tempore florifero haud carinatus. Antherw exserte immu a- tate. rium 1-loculare; placentis 2 ss a ste a Sa stigma breviter bifidum lobulis Gthssinseniie. —D. Our More like some of the smaller enna of Sebea than any Chironia, and possibly deserving generic separatio Fig. 1. Bud, the ealyx ill-drawn, but sho owing the xstivation of the corolla. 2. Ex- panded flower. 3. Pistil and 3* transverse section of the ovary. 4. Anther. Puate 1230. MACGREGORIA RACEMOSA, F. Muell. STACKHOUSIACEZ. M. racemosa, F. Muell., — Phytogr. Austral. vii. 161, species unica. D2 24 ICONES PLANTARUM. Has. Central Australia, MacDonnell Range, E. Giles. Herba annua, erecta v. adscendens, multicaulis, glabra, semipedalis v. eee altior. Folia apexes, pens inearia, acutiuscnla, integerrima, umm d Mi Galyots segmenta linearia, lineam eshte basi brevissime carinata. Petala 5, libera, unguibus in tubum calyce longiorem conniventibus, laminis patentibus, oblongis, 2-2 lin. .longis. Stamina 5, unguibus petaloram adnata crassiuscula coronatum. Styli lobi intus stigmatosi 5, sessiles radiato-patentes. Fructus carpella 5 indehiscentia, I-sperma. Semen erectum, albumine carnoso. Hmbryo rectus, radicula brevi infera This pretty plant, evidently allied to Stackhousia, differs, however, essentially in the pentamerous ovary, and the remarkable Sse * or of the style crowning the apex ott the carpels.—G. B Fig. 1. Bud. 2. Flower expanded. 3. Petal. 4. Stamens, back and front view. 5. Pistil. PuaTe 1231. CHORITANIA CAPENSIS, Benth. UmBeELuirera, Tribe Srsetinen. Choritenia, — in Benth. et Hook. Gen. Pl. i. 907; Pappea, Sond. et Harv, Pl. Cap. ii. 502, non Eckl. et Zeyh. C. capensis, Benth. l.c. species unica. Has. South Africa, Nieuwejaaresspruit, ot bal in sandy ere t, M. #. sas where water occasionally lodges, Griqualand Wes cls ~ — annua, arab doe subacaulis v. prostrata er or fr seu radii primarii umbelle inter folia gee Es es (se ssi? ?yph plares (5-10) via inqoaes, plerique1-3-pollicares, Laggeris div: aricati, apice umbellulam densam foliosam sim lice vy. in mentis paucis linearibus bieribas: radicalia sepius petiolo 4-1-pollicari : falta, floralia umbellulas involucrantia similia nisi sessiliora, omnia i Fil, tamen flores superantia. ores Sat numerosi, minimi, prose folia — radicalia ad basin caulinm et ad apices simplicium y, a cationes _ proliferorum dense conferta subsessilia. Calycis dentes lati teenies ” eatin He Dy ee ee Se ICONES PLANTARUM. 25 obsoleti. Petala alba, late ovata, a a apice inflexa, costa dorso impressa intus prominente. ruc adhue vix perfecte The singular arrangement of the eesictel which replace the vitte in this little plant, as well as the peculiar habit and peter: dis- tinguish it as a — from all other Umbellifere.—G. BenrHam. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. A petal, seen from inside. 3. Vertical section of one carpel, pia chs the vesicles and the terminal stylopod. 4. Transverse section of “the two carpels, showing the position of one vesicle in eac PLATE 1232. ONCINOTIS HIRTA, Oliv. Apocynaceg, Tribe EvEcHITIDES. , . hirta, Oliv. sp. nova; ramis teretibus pilis brevibus ramulosis v. subfurfuraceis cinnamoneo-tomentellis, foliis obovato-oblongis ob- tusis brevissime apiculatis basi rotundatis, s subtus stellato-hirtis supra glabratis, nervis lateralibus utrinque 5-7, racemis axillaribus folio pas longioribus simplicibus v. parce ramosis, floribus fasciculatis inter- ruptis Has. Loango, West Tropical Africa, H. Soyaux. Folia pti Saphe 2-44 at _—— 13-23 poll. lata. Bractee Fig. 1, a gr flower. 2. Austivation. 3. Stamens and squame of the faux. 4, Anther. 6. Ovary and lobes of disk. 6. Style and stigma. 26 ICONES PLANTARUN. * PLhatTe 1233. PARINARIUM CAPENSE, Harvey. Rosacea, Tribe CurysopaLaNnen. P. capense, Harv., foliis oblanceolato-oblo Fl. Capensis, ii. 597. Fruticulus depressns : ngis y. ovalibus acutiusculis obtusisve basi angustatis, subtus albido-tomentellis supra glabrescentibus, cymis paniculatis seepius subsessilibus multifloris piloso-tomentosis, bracteis ovatis acutis intus glabris. Cape of Good Pretoria, Transvaal, Mr by Dr. Kirk. Folia 2-3 poll. longa, centia sepius pyramida ta 1- longi vel flores subsessiles. Calyx lobi ad faucem intus dense annulati Hope, Aapjes river, Zeyher and Burke; near - McLea. Collected also at ‘Sesheke’ in 1860 4? poll. lata; pedicelli brevissimi. Inflores- 2 poll. longa et lata; pedicelli 1-2 lin. 8 ovato-lanceolatis acutis tubo atim hirsuto. Petala anguste obovata calycis lobos vix equantia. Stamina antherifera circiter 8. Ovarium um. biloculare dense hirsut ‘The above description applies to the ordinary form of the plant ; but a broad-leaved form, varying in stature from size of a chestnut tree ( The fruit is edible-—D 1. Flower. 2. Flowe the throat of the calyx. 3. matic) section of ovary. a few inches to the according to Dr. Welwitsch), ocenrs in Angola. @uiver. t laid open, the ovary concealed by the dense hairs lining Petal. 4. Anthers. 5, Pistil and transverse (di PuaTe 1234. PEPLONIA AMAZONICA, Benth, ASCLEPIADEX, Tribe Crnancuen. ‘p. ., foliis membranaceis, corona exteriore ex- P. amazonica, sp. planata alte 5-fida, lobis Has. Tabocal, Rio P late cuneatis dentatis. arus, on the Upper Amazon, J. W. H. Trail. ae ee ae mas Oe ICONES PLANTARUM. oe Suffrutex volubilis, alte scandens, lactescens, glaber. Folia oppo- ute acuminata, 2-3-pol- licaria, membranacea, Cymead racemum simplicem r ducte, in una axilla paris folio cide 4—6-floree, ebracteatwe. Pedi- cell 2 poll. emum pollicem longi. Calycis seg gmenta parva, obtusa. Corolla seis 4 poll. diametro, Spo flavescens, alte 5-fida, lobis lato-lanceolatis estivatione valvat Corona exterior ad basin gynos- a brevis affixa, fere 5-partita, lobis late cuneatis truncatis dentatis ra basin corollz horizontaliter expansis eaque 3-6-plo brevioribus ; erect, dorso antherarum plus rane terminali ratum. olliculi perfecti desunt, es post anthesin parum aucti ovoideo-oblongi, breviter acumin The genus Peplonia was established by Decaisne on a single Brazilian species with more ovate thicker leaves, smaller flowers, with the outer corona less spreading and less deeply divided.—G. BrnTHam. . Corolla pe erga 2. Gynostegium, vertical wba bb the Rabe Ae n the staminal tube and two of the lobes of the ou wo spreading lobes of as outer eens and two erect narrow aeuhad be cae * fae backs of the stamens. 4. Puir of pollen mosses. Puate 1235. CRATERISPERMUM LAURINUM, Benth. Rusracez, Tribe VANGUERIEX. um, Benth. in Hook. Fl. Siig 411; cree oe eck vel uniter coriaceis C. laurin obovato-oblongis breviter apiculatis cun venulis altimis subtus prominulis : reticulata stipalis subtranca as sea rere ris connatis, p glabris, Psa pet intus pilosulis, stylo (in spp. nos es): incluso. v4 in Oliv. Fl. Trop. Afr. iii. 160 ; Ooffea laurina, Sm., DC. Prod iv. 499, st Tropical Africa, Sierra ge T. Vogel and others ; eat Test Bagroo River, G. Folia glaberrima 3-8 poll. longa, 1}-23 pol lata 5 petiolus $-$.(-3) supra- on tence poll. longus. Pedwneuli seepius deltoidess brevissimx. Flores 2 poll. longi in oh trichotomis 28 ICONES PLANTARUM. Calyx limbo brevissimo 5-denticulato. Corolla tubo superne dilatato, limbi lobis ovato-lanceolatis. Bacca }-+ poll. diam.—D, Oxtver. Fig. i ee flower. 2. Longitudinal section of ovary and base of corolla. 3. Do. PLATE 1236. LAMPRA VOLCANICA, Benth. CoMMELYNACES. L. voleanica, Benth. Fl. Hartw., 95, species unica. Has. In the crater ae the Volcan de Agua in Central America, at an elevation of 14,000 fee Herba semipedalis, erecta, glabra. Folia inferiora pauca, ad vaginam amplam laxam hyalinam reducta, superiora numerosa, in involu- crum conferta, vaginis ibus laxe imbricatis, laminis 2-3-pol- Boaribas lanceolatis breviter acuminatis basi parum angustatis utrinque glaberrimis, marginibus basi breviter ciliatis nudisve. Flores ad 20, in capitulam intra folia sessile conferti, pedicellis brevissimis crassis. Perianthii segmenta exteriora herbacea, in tubum angustum apice 3-dentatum demum hine fissum 14 ad 1? poll. inapedi seat interiora sin ri a, filamentis liberis e tubo exsertis lamina brevioribus clab S; anthere lineari-lanceolatm, loculis rima longitudinali dehiscentibus. Ovariwm in fundo perianthii sessile, dito 2 lin. longum, 3-locu- lare, styli basi incrassata acumin: ads i aris adscendens. Stylus ori e in discum margine stigmatosum dilatatus Fructus ignotus, ex ovario verisimiliter capsularis. Of this curious plant only a single specimen is known, gathered by Hartweg in the crater of the Volcan de Agua, near Guatemala, in August 1840. My friend Mr. Salvin, on his j said to be very ornamental, on its introduction to our planthouses would be very desirable-—G. Benruam. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Anther. ICONES PLANTARUM. 29 PLATE 1237. TRICHLORA PERUVIANA, Baker. Littacrz, Suborder Giuuimsiacea. Trichlora, Baker. Perianthiwm viride regulare polyphyllum, segmen- tis tribus ies eh —— ee tribus interioribus parvis latis obovato-cuneatis. Stamina 3 perfecta segmentis exterioribus opposita, filamentis iabaciacin: poe vaib ple versatilibus ; 3 segmentis _interioribus opposita minuta squameformia. arium Oo apsula ignota.—Herba bulbosa habitu Gagew, foliis 3-4-linearibus glabris, scapo nudo, umbellis 4-6-floris, spathe valvis lineartbus mem- branaceis. T. peruviana, Baker. Species unica. Has. Lima, Peru (four specimens in Herb. Kew, without collector’s name). Bulbus ovoideus, 5-6 lin. crassus, collo elongato, tunicis membrana- cel is. olia carnoso-herbacea, glabra, s subpedalia, 14-2 lin. lata, venis immersis. Scapus debilis, audus , 6-9-pollicaris. Umbelle 4-6-flore, pedicellis gracillimis 6-1 eee Perianthii segmenta exteriora 7-8 lin riora 1 lin. long _ Genitalia perianthii segmentis inte- rioribus equilonga.—J. G. Bax . A flower opened out. 2. rel ne are stamens, and pistil. 3. a sith: and upper part of a filamen Puate 1238. SIPHOMERIS FG@:TENS, Hiern. Rusiacez, Tribe PHDERIEZ. 30 ICONES PLANTARUM. breviter ramosis congestisve gerentibus, calycis hirti segmentis subu- latis rigidulis apice recurvis corolle tu brevioribus, fructibus com- pressis ovato-ellipticis epicarpio papyraceo parce hirtello, Has. On the Zambesi and its tributary the Shire, Dr. Kirk. Folia 2 poll. longa 13-12 poll. lata; petiolus lamina seepius brevior, stipules ovato-lanceolate. “Pedunculi rectiusculi pubescentes 2-3 poll. Fig. 1. Bud. 2. Expanded flower. 3. Longitudinal section of o ry. 4. Fruit. 5. Outline of same in transverse section. 6. Diagram s owing relation of carpophores and attached pyrenes. 7. Pyrene and carpophore. . PLATE 1239. NEURACHNE MUNROI, F. Mull. Graminea, Tribe ANDROPOGONER, N. Munroi, F. Muell, Fragm. Phyt. Austr. viii, 200, Spica anguste cylindracea breviter sericea, gluma extima acutiuscula subnuda, secunda acuminata margine longe ciliata. Has. Deserts of the Darling, in the interior of New South Wales, Beckler. Caules e basi ramosa sublanata vy. glabrescente erecti, rigiduli, 3-1-pedales. Folia ad basin caulis angusta, in sicco convoluta, caulina pauca, vagina longa non ciliata, nodis villosulj - Spica angusta, cylindracea, 1-2-pollicaris, rhachi pubescente. Spicule anguste, 23-3 | lin. longs, basi fascicu ilorum brevium cincte, Gluma exterior tenuis, 5-7-nervis, glabra v. margine ciliis rarig cincta, acuta at non acuminata, 2a. longior, rigidior, prominule 7-nervis, acute acumi- juxta marginem presertim in parte inferiore longe ciliata, pilis ICONES PLANTARUM 31 tamen in spica multo minus Nate cr quam in N. slopdeutoiboas : 3a. brevior, angustior, multo tenuior 5- ppl by — —— parvam sepius fovens; terminalis florida multo brevior, tenuissima, hyalina. hie pode byalina sed major, basi siMeinee wuoulite, dorso 2-cos- ta.—G. Fig. 1, Spikelet seen from the back of the outer glume. 2. Second glume, back view. Puate 1240. NEURACHNE MITCHELLIANA, F. Muell. GRAMINES, Tribe ANDROPOGONES. - Mitchelliana, Nees in Hook. Lond. Journ. ii. 410, spica anguste cylindracea breviter villosa, glama extima margine ¢ ciliata dorso su pra areolam latam cavam transversim callosa, callo pilis longis patentibus ciliato, secunda scifi medium margine longe ciliata. Has. Interior of New South Wales, deserts from the _— to the Barrier Range, Mitchell, Victorian Expedition, and other. Caules e basi nodosa lanata plures, erecti, subpedales, fere ad apicem foliati, apice sub spica seepe lanati. olia patentia, brevia, psy. rigidula, parce ciliata, ligula dense ciliata. Spica anguste drace 1-13-rarius 2 poll. longa, rhachi pubescente. Spicule ad 2 lin. enews. i i m e tata sed obtusa, margine ciliata, o in parte inferiore areola la ovata cava margine callosa cincta Pe ie intra areolam tenuissime membranacea, supra areolam callo transversali longe piloso aucta ; 2a. prime equilonga, infra medium aa longeque ciliata dorso pubes- cones Ba ico glabriuscula; 3a. brevior, glabra v. vix pubescens nec ciliata, pariter vacna vy, pale am parvam fovens; terminalis seni minor, tenuis, glabra. Palea subsquilonga, — 2-costa G. Benruam. Fig. 1. Spikelets seen from the back of the outer glume. 2. Outer glume seen from the inside, 32 ICONES PLANTARUM. Puate 1241. NEURACHNE ALOPECUROIDEA, R. Br. GRaMINEx, Tribe ANDROPOGONER. Neurachne, 2. Br. Spicule flore unico terminali perfecto in spicam ovoideam v. eylindraceam Seng rte. Glume 4, 2 exteriores majores plurinerves vacue; 8a. minor, tenuior, sub-5-ne ervis, paleam parvam seepius fovens ; tertnitiatia | Sori tenuis, hyalina, tenuiter 3—5-nervis. Palea glume florid squalis vy. major, tenuis, ieee 2-costatu. Styli 2, distineti. Caryoysis libera, glumis inclusa N. alopecuroidea, R. Br. Prod. 196, Spica ovoidea v. breviter oblonga sericea, glumis exterioribus acuminatis, prima dorso secunda margine longe ciliatis. Has. Southern colonies of Australia, from fac western districts of Victoria to aes George’s Sound and Swan R acuminata, nervis paucioribus breviter pubescentibus nec longe ciliatis, paleam y. floris radimentum fovens ; terminalis florida parva, tenuis, ah pio tenuiter 5-nervis. Palen tenuis, glume florida zequilonga v. paullo longior, prominenter 2-costata. The genus Neurachne, gil established for this species, has been generally placed am mongst Panices, but the very reduced and hyaline flowering glume and palea, notwithstanding the wate awn, appear to me to be characteristic of the An other genera of a Soa Fig. 1. Outer em pty glumes of the spikelet seen from the back of the oe 2. — —— seen from inside. The spike drawn was a rather longer and narrow one t ICONES PLANTARUM, 33 PLaTE 1242. PLAGIOSETUM REFRACTUM, Benth. GRAMINE®, Tribe Panices. Plagiosetum, Benth. gen. nov. Spicule 1-flore, ramis sterilibus pedunculi 3-4 setaceo-multifidis involucrate, in involucro solitarie v. exteriores multinerves vacuw, terminalis florida minor demum cum palea indurata, eityGosih includens P. refractum, Benth., species wnica. Pennisetum ae F. Muell. Fragm. viii. 109; Setaria refracta, F. Muell. Fragm. iti. 147. Has. Interior of ge: Cooper’s Creek, Howitt’s Expedition ; Alice Sprin aa Giles dentibus Ratvoduie Folia angusta, plana, ’ subulato-acuminata. Racemi rhachis 3—6-pollicaris Pedesnculs secus rhachin distantes, rigidul, complanati, infra involucru in. longi, primum m erecti demum patentes _v. reflexi, ima bid articulati, cum involucro spiculaque matura decidui, apice 3-4-fidi, ramis in setas longas capillares involucrum constituentes. Spicula intra ramos sessiles, addita rarius altera in uno ramo altius sessili. Gluwme vacue 3, multine erves, 2a. 3a.que subeequales, inferior triente brevior ; gluma florida oe vacuis minor, fructifera cum palex perorreai valde indurata, levis referring this curious grass to 5 Peveeseteai regarding it only as a very distinct section, but General Munro has shown me that that would require too great a modification of the generic character of Pennisetum, which, added to the very great difference in habit, has induced me to adopt it as a distinct genus.—G. BEnTHAM,. Fig. 1. Involucre and ae 2, Empty glume, seen from inside. 3. Flowering glume embracing t the pal 34 ICONES PLANTARUM. Puates 1243, 1244. SPINIFEX PARADOXUS, Benth. Gramnez, Tribe Panicea. 8. paradoxus, Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. ined. Spicis _uni-pauci-spicu- latis age ma rhachibus in aristam brevissimam pro ae marium bracteis capitulo brevioribus foeminearuam. demum acutis cb kiegsi heteromorphis. Newrachne paradowa, R. Br. App. Sturt Exped. 26; Panicum pseudoneurachne, F. Muell. Fragm. viii. 199, Has. Desert interior of extratropical Australia, from the Darling to nai a s Creek and Lake Eyre, Dallachy, Giles, Andrews, and others. Plante juniores et mascule laxe ramose, foliis nonnullis longis planis flaccidis; foeminew fructifere divaricato-v. fasciculato-ramose, rigide, fra iles. aot mascula oe vagina brevi folii floralis sessilia, 3 foventes. Oapitula feeminea masculis latiora, irregularia, bracteis per anthesin lato lanceolatis spiculas equantes stipata. Spicule in capitulo plerseque sessiles. Glume 4, 2 exteriores vacuse herbaces 7—9-nerves, os varie aucte rigidule membranacee patentes 1-1. llicares, a lato-lanceolate v. ovate sequales, alise valde oblique tides texe ter venos# et spe hinc unidentates. Caryopsis gluma terminali pal induratis erie: inclusa. r — cae rown ae — this curious plant might be an anoma- lous Suen he had only seen fragments of female € specimens, which had nothing to indicate that aay might not have been hermaphrodite ICONES PLANTARUM. 35 with the stamens fallen away. F. Mueller, with more perfect specimens, male and female, before him, referred it to Paniewm.on account of the oduce true representatives of the long spines so prominent in the common maritime species of Spinifex. The troublesome prickly Graminew, known to Australian explorers by the name of Spinifex, belong to the very different genus T'riodia. —G. Benruam. _ Prats 1243, male plant.—Fig. 1. Two spikelets on a common pedicel, produced into a very short point. 2. A spikelet with its four glumes and two paleas, the pedicel produced into a short point. Pirate 1244, female plant.—Fig. 1. Spikelet with three outer empty glumes, the rd with a narrow palea, the 4th enveloping the flower. 2. Flowering glume em- bracing the palea, 3. A bract at the time of flowering. 4. Bracts and glumes of the fruiting spikelet. Puate 1245. RUMEX NEGLECTUS, 7. Kirk. PoLYGONACES. date < natt 1-3-pollicaris perennis; foliis rosulatis petio i trunca vik * . campanulato fructu basi incrassato segmentis ejusdem exteriori tubo eequilongis late oblongo- vel quadrato-ovatis obtusis, interioribus paullo longioribus lanceolatis acutiusculis dorso eris deinde utrinque breviter 1~-2-dentatis. : : ? Has. Cook Strait, North Island, 7. Kirk. Mr. Kirk cites shingly 36 ICONES PLANTARUM. beaches, Wellington and Dusky Bay (Mr. Buchanan), in his paper cited above Folia 1-2 poll. longa ; petiolus a subsequilongus. Perianthium fractiferum 2-24 lin. longum.—D. Ourver. Fig. 1. Perianth laid open. 2. Fruiting perianth, 3. Same in section. Puate 1246. IRVINGIA BARTERI, Hook. Jil. SIMARUBEA, I. Barteri, Hook. fil. in Trans. Linn. Soc. xxiii. eae foliis nitentibus ellipticis vy. ‘oblongo-ellipticis apiculatis v. breviter acuminatis basi cuneatis, racemis pauci- v. plurifloris in steht tillers sepius folio brevioribus dispositis, potas lobis ovato-rotundatis, sete late ellipticis obtusis, stylo filiformi, fructu globoso Lage! ws carnoso. sat Fi. oe “if i. 314; ; Mangifera gabonensis, A. Le Comte in Journ. harm Has. West Tropical Africa, Pion s Island, and Rivers Muni and Camaroons, Messrs. Barter and Mon Arbor 30-50 etna glaberrima. Folia tenuiter coriacea, aetlons petiolata, 3-43 poll. longa, 14-23 poll. lata; —— subulato- s caducw. Pedicelli snp e fascionat 1-3 lin. longi Drupa oi 24 si diam., endocarpio A detailed —— of this “ae is given by M. Baillon in Adansonia, viii. 82.—D, Otive F g. 1. Flower, enlarged. 2. Longitudinal section of ovary and disk, ICONES PLANTARUM, 37 Puate 1247, IRVINGIA MALAYANA, Oliv. SIMARUBE. . Malayana, Oliv. in Hook. Fl. Brit. Ind. i. 522; foliis coriaceis oblongo- vel vii dame apice breviter acutatis basi late rotundatis nterdum subcordatis, racemis axillaribus fasciculatis paniculatisve folio brevioribus Has. iia, Dr. Maingay. ._ Folia 4-7 poll. songs 13-3 poll. lata; petiolus 4-7 lin. longus. Pedicelli 1 lin. long Dr. Maingay, in “his MS. notes on this plant, states that the leaves are ‘very minutely but distinctly pellucido-punctate.’ I cannot discern Maingay thought it allied to Glycosmis. His specimens are accom- panied - dried fruits 2-21 ins. = drupaceous, with a rather thick bony putamen, becomin fibrous as it passes into the mesocarp. eter ae within the rather thic testa, a narrow belt of albumen, , M: floras indicated by the singular genera, to each, meres and Anisophyllea, Todes, too, strengthens this elaeaahee —D. Outver. li vf g. 1, Flower, enlarged ; stamens removed. 2. Longitudinal section of ovary and Puate 1248. STENOGYNE ROTUNDIFOLIA, A. Gray. Lapiat#, Tribe PRASIEZ. S. rotundifo: A. Gr Proc. Amer. Acad. v. 347, suffruticosa, — piace tundis er cil a pani truncatis cordatisve, puctiaatiek ris 4-6-floris, pedicellis poet dimidio brevioribus, calyce glabro VOL, III, THIRD SERIES. E 38 ICONES PLANTARUM. breviter Sabet filamentis villosis, corolla elongata intus villosa exannulata Has. Sandwich Islands, Haleakala in nn Mani, at an elevation of 6,000 to 7,000 feet, H. Mann and Brigh Caules rigidi, sere obtuse tetragoni, retrorsum scabro-pul t Folia late ovata v. orbiculata, crenato-serrata, majora pollicaria basi late cordata, hich he minora basi integra, crassiuscula, glabra v. basi ad venas parce hirtella, petiolo 2-3 lin. longo. Flores recurvi, pedicel- lis 1-2 lin. longis hirtellis. Calyx oblique campanulatus, elaber v. junior parce ad venas_hirtellus, 10-nervis, breviter et insqualiter loculi distincti, divaricati, demum reflexi. Nucule crasse, calyce parum breviores, exocarpio carnoso, dorso rotundate, intus angulate. _ THAM. G. Brn Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Pistil. 3. Stamen. 4. Nutlet seen from inside. PuaTeE 1249, ACHYROSPERMUM FRUTICOSUM, Benth. Lapiatas, Tribe StacnypEa, A. fruticosum, Benth. Lab. Gen. et Sp. 643, caule duro, foliis Abia verticillastris 6—10-floris in spicam crassam ‘bas asi subinterruptam con fertis, corolla incurva calyce plus duplo longiore. Has. Interior of Madagascar, province of Emirna, Bojer. Caules in speciminibus ultra-pedales, duri quasi lignosi sed ex schedula Bojeriana herbacei, teretes, puberuli v. glabrati. Folia 2-4-polli s ta intra folia summa su ubsessilis, 3 Spell icaris, Poe undique densa emum basi subinterrupta. Bractew (folia flora ralia pret a fere semipollicares, latee, membranacee, in spica jan re quadrifari im- bricatw. Flores brevissime pedicellati, rosei e albidi vy Calyes membranacei, latiuscule tubulosi, pubescentes, subincurvi, 4 lin. longi, ore parum obli iquo breviter 5-dentato, Coretta 9-10 lin. ‘longa, ext ICONES PLANTARUM. 39 pubescens, tubo incuryo, ad faucem parum dilatato; labium superius + lin. longum, erectum, le um, emarginatum ; inferius paullo longius, patens, late 3-lobum m. Stamina e labio superiore exserta, antheris ovatis loculis parallelis. Ovariwm post anthesin guile auctum hirsu- tum, lobis truncatis supra ore prominentibus quasi crenulatum. Nuculee mature adhuc ignot This very distinct — said to be very ornamental, was placed i in Achyrospermum, from its inflorescen ma and from the minutely scaly apex of the e young nucules, although it is not known what form they assume when ripe. The flowers are very much rie = those of any other known species of Achyrospermwm.—G. BE Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Pistil. PLATE 1250. HETERACHNE GULLIVERI, Benth. GRAMINEA, Tribe Festucaces. Heterachne, — Spicule planw, flore unico hermaphrodito eiae glumis supra florem plurimis vacuis v. paleam parvam foventib rhachi sub flore dotieulate supra florem flexuoso continuo. ume exaristate, carinate, 2 exteriores vacue persistentes, florida superiores- que cum fructu d ecidum, carina alata, lateribus l-nervibus. Palea glume subequalis, dorso 2-alata. Si. yli breves, distincti. Caryopsis palea lumaque inclusa, libera H. Gulliveri, Benth. Fl. Austral. vii. ined., spiculis suborbiculatis fsccuatonpiti fasciculis in spicam interruptam pedunculatam =e. B. Between tetdoses: and Gilbert Rivers, Carpentaria, North Fert Gulliver Herba gracilis, Svat subsemipedalis, glabra. Folia angusta. Spicularum fasciculi subglobosi, 2-3 lin. diametro, in spicam termina- la di te sessiles. Spiculw se ssiles, orbiculate, vix lineam diametro. Rhachis fasciculorum hispidnis, spice glabra. Glwme exteriores vacue florida 40 ICONES PLANTARUM. breviores, extima uninervis, secunda trinervis, carina subalata ; florida superioresque 3-nerves carina alata. Palea gluma paullo brevior, dorso alis 2 latis crassinsculis apice ciliolatis aucta. Rhachis spicule supra florem insigniter flexuosa. The genus has been established for — 2 ee and the Poa bith R. Br. (H. Browniti, Benth.), which i stouter plant wi sessile heads of spikelets and more numerous saint 2 pen It is allied to Hectrosia in the numerous empty glumes above the flower, to Elytrophora in the broadly winged palea.—G. BrentHam oo ae t. 2. Flowering glume. 38. Palea. 4. Diagram of the flower, con- Fig sisting of the glume - its dorsal wing, the palea and its two wings, two lodicules, ree stamens, and o ICONES PLANTARUM. Al PLatTe 12517. TORENIA SCHWEIN FURTHIYI, Oliv. ScCROPHULARIACER, fe) eg 3-partito lobo centrali obovato lobis lateralibus paullo longiore, palato pilis paucis iP BB ornato, staminibus anticis basi appendice brevi capitata au ‘ Has. Bengo land (No. 4009), Dr. Schweinfurth! N upe, Nigritania, arter ! Caulis 11-2 ft, shes eee pauce foliosus. Folia longiora 3-1 poll. longa.—D, Qnty g. 1. Calyx. 2. Flower. 3. One of oa anterior longer stamens with basal inset 4. Capsule enclosed in calyx, and stigma. Piate 1252. MEDUSAGYNE OPPOSITIFOLIA, Baker. TERNSTREMIACES. su ata ilon Has. Bape places in Mahé, Seychelles ; 1,800 ft. above the sea, Mr. J. Horn VOL, TIT. ies SERIES, BP 42, ICONES PLANTARUM. Ramuli teretes nodosi. Folia aap. poll. longa, oR rotundata v. subeuneata, utrinque (in sicco) plus minus reticulat j, petiolas ]-2 lin. longus, Pedivelli 4-3 poll. longi rigidiusculi. Flor esd 4 poll. lati Of this singular plant. we only possess the flowering specimens collected in Mahé by Mr. ei ae a by Mr. Baker in his Flora. e fruit is unknown.—D, O11 1. Expanded flo Before expansion. 3. Longitudinal section of ovary. Fig. The ovules are genuine rome about the middle of the cell, one ascending, the other pendulou PiaTE 1253. VITIS SARCOCEPHALA, Schweinf. AMPELIDER. Schweinfurth MSS. in Herb.—Scandens; ramis V. sarcocephala, striatis parce lanatis deinde lertabcettbGe foliis - re 5~7-folio- latis, a ovali- v. oblanceolato-oblongis acumina phe oaagge Senne v. fer sc anemic Has. Tropical Africa, Djur-land (2042: 2370), Dr. Schweinfurth ! Foliola 3-6 poll. longa, 1-2 poll. lata; petiolus 1-4 poll, longus; petioluli 4 poll. longi. Pedu woals cirrhiferi 2-5 poll, longi. Coptuls ql poll. diametro. Bacce 4 poll. longe 1-2-spermey, Semina com- pressa, facie interiora profunde bisulcata.—D. Ourver. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Same after removal of petals and stamens, 3. Fo bi testa in tranverse section, the upper bisulcate face being toward the axis. rm of bony IGONES PLANTARUM, AS Puate 1254. BRACHYBOTRYS PARIDIFORMIS, Mazim. BoracInes. Brachybotrys, Mazimowicz MSS.— Calyx 5- (v. 6-) partitus, laciniis lanceolatis v. ovato- lanceolatis, in fructu conniventibus, Corolla “6.):hd rotata profunde 5- (v fida, laciniis oblongo-ellipticis obtusis venu- losis basi squamula brevi rotundata instructis tamina 5 tubo inserta, filamentis linearibus, antheri oblongis ertis filamento equilongis varium 4 distinctis brevibus obtusis; stylus filiformis exsertus indivisus persistens, stigmate parvo. uculee 4 tetraquetree faciebus subeequimagnis lacidis Ieevibus subplanis pulosensanles basali horizon- tali, areola punctiformi ad angulum basalem internum insertw. Discus glandulosus circa basin nucularum obsoletus B. paridifo ormis, Maxim. ce tes genus novum, Maxim. Diag. Pl. Nov. xi. p. 543). Southern Mandshuria (in fruit August 1860) Mazimowiez! Clisnahan, North _— ae Kwandien Moanteins (April and June, in flower), Mr. John Ros Herba 14-2-pedalis, catle rhizomate stolonifero repente e basi fois membranaceis linearibus, inferioribus amplexicaulibus, instructo. olia 5-7 patentia subverticillata summo cauli inserta, poll. longa, ate v. | SbOvemIDEllipbiel idinpideernrcatiie basi in petiolum brevissimum attenuata, penninervia, superne scabriuscula subtus adpresse strigosa. Oyma terminalis nuda pedunculata = subfoliis’ ocecultata pendula), pedunculus 14-2 poll. longus. es $ poll. diam. Calyx fructifer 4 lin. lon ule nigrescentes ad- spectu nucularum = paps et Endogonie, sed fere bilineales Specimens of thi interesting plant, aay last year from Mr. John Ross, were identified by M. Maxim with the gS Mandschurian genus ieee by him only 5 in 1 fruit = referr cited above, in his oses.’ icz has m ost courteonaly supplied us with a oe of the fruit a: his hi togethe wings and a detailed anne of a 2 e made use we in Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Two lobes of the corolla with their basal squamz and stamens . Fruit with the calyx-segments turned — ; es uts, anterior and pésterior views. 5. Base of style with scars of the removed n 44, ICONES PLANTARUM. PLATE 1255. EXOCHORDA SERRATIFOLIA, 8S. Moore. Rosacea, Tribe SPrr#zEA. E. serratifolia, Moore sp. nov., foliis manifeste petiolatis ovatis vel sub cuneato- moe tales — ‘Serratis basin versus integris su tus pubes- nulatis, floribus centibus, calycis li subsessilibus, petal: sts onronitensenrnt ied quam in £. grandiflora, Ldl. longioribus et comparate angustiorl Has. In the N. Chinese Province of Chienshan, J. Ross. Caulis aliquot pruinosus. Folia ad 2} unc. long. et 1 une. lat. ; petioli ad 4 unc. long., pubescentes. Petala $ une. long. Abundantly distinct from HE. grandiflora, Ldl. The genus has hitherto been mon otypie, Baillon having referred his E. ? Davidiana to Nuttallia—S. Moor Fig. 1. Ovary with the back of a carpel removed to expose the ovules. PuatTE 1256. HANNOA SCHWEINFURTHII, Oliv. SmMARUBEA. aphetels: tex glaberrimus ; folia subacutis basi attenu uatis, meter te folio brevioribus 1-2- pancifloris erectis sepe elongatis, floribus pedicellatis flavidis, calyce seepius in- sequaliter 3—4-fido lobis integris v. 1—2-dentatis, petalis 6-9 calyce Pe 6p sc oblongis apice recurvis, staminibu s 12-14, carpellis 5 (-6), fructiferis 1-2 drupaceis ellipsoideis ; aT Central Africa, Niam-niam Land (2808 : 2898). Dr. Schwein- w Frutee parvus 2-3 pedalis, ramulis hornotinis teretibus longitudina- liter striatis e caudice brevi lignoso crasso fastigiatim erectis. Folia 4-1 ped. longa, impari foieisains foliolis elongatis, lateralibus 1-3-jugis, Ba eae eee Pe asso ae cheat MBN hae | Fe. a oi: feo *. ee ‘ te ; ICONES PLANTARUM. 45 3-6 poll. longis 3-14 poll. latis, basi sepius longe angustatis. Peduwn- culi axillares v. terminales erecti 1-6 poll. longi, pedicelli 2-1 poll, longi. Fructus 3-2 long. longus, pericarpio osseo lwvi.—D. Ouiver. Fig. 1. Flower, enlarged. 2, Stamens. 3, Pistil. 4. Fruit-carpel. PLATE 1257. SYNCOLOSTEMON DENSIFLORUS, Benth. Lasiata, Tribe OcIMOoIDEz. S. densiflorus, Benth. in E. Mey. Comm. Pil. Afr. 231 and in DC. Prod. xii. 54, foliis srssin acutis integerri ius subdentatis, thyrso denuo spiciformi, calycibus rectis viscoso-villosis, corolla tubo calyce plus duplo longiore. Has. South Africa, Natal district, Drege, Krauss, n. 96, Sutherland, Mrs. Hutton, from the coast up to 1 000 ft. elevation, Frutez sii 2—pedalis v. altior, ramis strictis molliter pubescenti- Folia floralia caulinis conformia nisi minora, s ra parva bracteseformia. Calyz ad 3 lin. longus, lobis 4 pasate beset setaceis, summo latiore breviore ‘ae decurrente. Corolle tubus rectus, superne rrimo concayo. Stamina breviter lateque rat o, inferiore i e r xserta, declinata, filamenta inferiora fere ad apicem connata anthe breviora, libera. m loculi divaricati confinentes. superans. Stylus exsertus lobis stigmatosis brevibus subulatis. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Disk and o r has unfortunately crept into the published generic eg ter of Syncolostemon, the union of t o lower filaments upon which the © was founded being ignored. The So i! of Drege’s Labiate were male a by es er vised them and published them in his Commen- ft de t . ere no error Whether the error now diaorated originated with alterations in copying out here or in Germany, it is impo ssible — Bentuam, 46 ICONES PLANTARUM. PLATE 1258. SAXIFRAGA ROSSII, Oliv. SaxIFRAGEA. 8. (§ Isom omeria), Ro:sii, Oliver, sp. nov., acaulis, foliis a lamina rotundata ae glabra . glabrescen tia, basi cordata sinu rotundato, plus minus profunde 5-7-9484 a, laciniis ovatis v. ovato- lanceolatis acutis insequaliter serratis, scapo folia verosimiliter super- ante, superne pilosulo v. puberulo, inflorescentia paniculata multiflora pubescente, pedicellis flore subsquilongis, calyce campanulato szepius 6-fido, laciniis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusiusculis, petalis aes calyce brevioribus, ovario semi-infero. Has. North China; hills south of the Corean Gate and elsewhere ‘on almost inaccessible and bare rocks, called by some Mandschurian Ivy. Mr. J. Ross! Ithizoma repens crassiusculum squamiferum, Folia 3-5 poll. lon atque ve petiolus 3-4 poll. longa. A Wg thu i Sens seepius eri. Stamin na 6 petalis alterna et eisdem b Judging from cid parc eanen the leaves prubabie as attain a larger size than aotee deove: —D. Otry Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Same in vertical section, enlarged. Puate 1259. MISANTECA AN ACARDIOIDES, Beni, Lavrines, Tribe Perszacen, i Sree 4 Perian thir tubus ¢ 8 is Ohoidelin Vv shoror: deus ; limbi Siwente 6, brevissima Maluie perfecta 3, ordinis tertii, in colu osam circa pistilluam connata, e iepenibio breviter —2 parvis inferioribus cassis ; staminodia ondiiitar primi et secundi brevia v. obsoleta, ordinis quarti d asec Ovarium in stylum brevem contractum, columna staminea inclusum. Fructus (ubi notus) peri- anthii tubo aucto indurato cupulate ‘inate maidens. —Arbores fru- ICONES PLANTARUM. 47 ticesve Americanse. Folia sparsa, coriacea, pennivenia. Panicule ad basin innovationum pedunculate, cymulis capitatis multifloris v. laxis paucifloris, M. anacardioides, Benth., foliis obovato- ee obtusissimis basi in petiolum contractis glabris, panicule cym e paucifloris.—Acro- diclidium anacardiodes, R. Spruce Pl. Exs. n. 2961 ; Meissn. in DC, rod, xy. i, 86. Has. North Brasil, in low woods near San Carlos del Rio Negro, PPR, n. 2961, Arbus ramulis evel mene mox glabratis. — ia api tr wad basin a. non stricte axillares, foliis brevior res, parce ramos, tenues, puberule. Cymule pance, breviter Lies sae floribus in eymula 3-6 icel. latis. Bractes minime, caducissime. Perianthium siggy aig globosum vix 2 lin. diametro, lobis ae ge te latis obtusis nodia ordinis primi et secundi rarius a parva. yr Achar locelli inferiores ad maculas glabras reducti. Fig. 1 er neon the protruding end of the staminal column, minal column. Owing to the Lets neglect of the characters derived ee the stamens of Lau- rine ahs the reliance for generic Sane upon the fruit alone, the four species which we would unite aco sso’s Misanteca, connected by a very remarkable and exceptional stamina are to be found under four different genera in the Prodromus, the fruit ising pcre in three of them pigs eee only guessed at in determining o on their generic names; these four species 1. M. capitata, Cham. et Schl., Meisan. in Prod. xv. ye 1, 96, foliis te iy pci : hee 2. Sta- 8 : breviter acuminatis petiolatis glab subtus p berulisy pani multifloris capitatis ad apice duneuli subsessilibus.—Mexi i bensis, Benth., sigs ovali- elliptic cis eo potiolati glabris vy. subtus puberulis, _Panieulie eymuli eee ovis laxiu cellatis.—. iti hysodaphne Cubensis, A. Rich. se Cub. 111, ; Cuba, Lindon, both cense, as a broad-~leayed variety, and is indeed very ear é eems to connect the two genera, as the thi mens are more or less united at the ” Tt has, however, ne large glands “a = base of the inodia a most Misante fas) or stamens of Acrodiclidium, although nos divides, Be - anacar , Benth, — supra. “a: 4. M. crassiramea, Benth., ramis crassis suberoso nue at Sg a e wok , panicule cymulis pluri ere ey get a glabri wag ig e het xv. 1, 117; Brasil, near howl town of é? crassiramea, Meiss — Oreodaphn H Mae Goyaz, Borohell, nm. 6758, ak estas the same locality, Pohl.—G. 48 ' ICONES PLANTARUM, Pirate 1260. MYRISTICA SAGOTIANA, Benth. MyristTIcEaz. M. (Gymnacranthera?) Sagotiana, Benth. sp. n., foliis nitidulis preeter costam elevatam tenuissime v. obscure penniveniis, Has. Acarouary, French Guiana, Sagot, n. 1195. Rami divaricati. Folia a areca 3-5 poll. longa, 14-2 poll. lata, breviter et obtuse acumina . 0 3-6 lin. longo fulta. Panic alee folio multo breviores, ima basi in ramulos 2-3 divaricatos simplices v. vix ramosos divise. $ Secus ramulos ad nodos dissitos elevatos numerosi, pedicellis ad 1 bis longis. ineam tro fere ad basin divisum, segmentis ovatis. antheris ag ad apicem circa stipitem brevissimum adnatis. Flores Jeminei igno The e arrangement of the anthers distinguishes this from all the pub- lished species, but is very near that of t the old world section Gymna- cranthera and the American section ge Senccai which it is proposed to unite under the former name.—G. BenrHam. - Male perianth. 2. The same open. 3. Mass of stamens from the open on. ‘4, The e same hia a young bud. PLATE 1261. MYRISTICA MICROCEPHALA, Benth. Myristicez, M. (Irya) Microcephala, Benth. sp. n. [Phe subtus crebre penni- aga eer oe ta axillarib i 2 eC ‘ 0 ee eee ee et ak eee eee ICONES PLANTARUM. 49 Has. Island of Fernando Po, Mann, n. 572. Arbor 60-80-pedalis. Folia oblonga, acuminata, basi subsequaliter cordata, sepe pedalia, venis primariis subtus elevatis transversis paral- lelis ad utrumque latus cost in speciminibus nostris 30-50, supra depressis parum conspicuis. Panicule mascule axillares, ramose, 2-4-pollicares. Capitula pisiformia vix 14 lin. diametro, apices versus ramulorum conferta, numerosa, Flores in capitulo numerosi, subses- siles. Perianthium + lin. diametro. Columna staminea primum in- clusa, in flore evoluto perianthio conspicue longicr. Flores feminet ignoti. Candolle, but which might well be included in one section with the M. Irya, ti G. BenTHAM.- Puate 1262. MYRISTICA MANNII, Benth. MyrisTIcez. M. (Irya) Mannii, Benth. sp. n., foliis subtus elevato-penniveniis, paniculis masculis axillaribus, capitulis paucis globosis multifloris, peri- anthio 3-fido in pedicellam brevem contracto, antheris 3-6 brevibus apicem columne elongats clavate adnatis. Has. Old Calabar and Cameroon rivers, Mann, n. 2290 and 752. Arbor 40-50-pedalis. Folia obovali v. anguste oblonga, acute acu- minata basin versus parum inzquilatera, 6-10 poll. longa, 2-3 poll. . m tomentells, e ramulis paucis apice monocep globosa, 6-9 lin. diametro, floribus dense con atis. Perianthii limbus 3~partitus, * 50 ICONES PLANTARUM. taminea tenuis, perianthio conspicue brevior, apice leviter incrassata antheris sepius 3. Flores feeminet ignoti. With the globosé inflorescence of M. Horsfieldii and M. microce- phala, this species is at once distinguished by the very much larger and fewer flower-heads.—G. Brnruam. Fig. 1. Male perianth. 2. The same open. 3. Section of the same, showing the ., staminal column and the thick texture of the perianth. Piate 1263. - PALMERIA SCANDENS, F. Muell. Monrmuacea, Tribe Moning, P. scandens, #’. Muell. Fragm. Phyt. Austral. iv. 152 and v. 2 ; Benth. Fl. Austral. v. 291, staminibus ad 20, disco centrali villogo nudo. Has. Rockingham Bay, Queensland, Dallachy. ; ; pubescenti- : lanatis. Folia o posita, brevissime petiolata, ovata v. late ellipti ce Pp u " e 5 m ic) E 2 > 5 oo) z ch E =) = Z 5 Z Las) = = >So Pd = carpio osseo. Semen pendulum, testa membranacea, hilo longiusculo. Embryo perfectus adhac ignotus.—G. Brenraam. Fig. 1. Male perianth when first full grown. 2. The same as it at length partially opens showing the stamens. 3. Fruiting perianth. 4. Section of the same showing the hollow glabrous scars left by the drupe. 5. Anther. Sea) "yds De lea eae ar te ICONES PLANTARUM. 51 Pate 1264. CHYMOCOCCA EMPETROIDES, Meissn. TuyMeL@aces, Tribe EuTHYMELEA. C. empetroides, Meissn. in DC. Prod. xiv. 665, single species. Has. §S. Africa, about Simon’s and Table Bays, Ecklon, Harvey, Wright. Fruticulus laxe ramosissimus, simillimus Passerine filiform et P. rigide, ramulis cano-tomentosis. Folia opposita, laxiuscula, triquetro- linearia, obtusa, 1— 14 lin. longa, internodio subsqualia v. longiora, crassiuscula, levia v. ru; al a, basi paullo latiora, floralia superiora pe latio tantes v. spicam comosam sparsifloram formantes, folio florali vix duplo intus nuda, cea mina 8, a afin, exserta, longiora tamen vix lobos superantia, Dis us hypo s0. Ovarium ‘subsessile, glabrum, stylus filiformis, iticiiade eae aes Fructus baccatus, perianthii tubo parum aucto inc usus v. perianthio demum deciduo denudatus, longi- tudinaliter striatus, pericarpio crassiusculo carnoso. Semen albumino- sum, testa crassiuscula demum crustacea. Generically separated by Meissner from the true Boge sbtond solely on account of the baccate not nucamentaceous fruit.—G. BenTHAM. Fig Perianth with exserted stamens. 2. Stamen, 3. Pistil, the orary cut temgriendinalty showing the ovule. PLATE 1265. GOODALLIA GUIANENSIS, Benth. TuymeLmaces, Tribe EUTHYMELES. " G. guianensis, Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. iv. 633, single species. Has. British Guiana, Schomburgk, n. 142, Appun. Frutezx arborea ens, divaricato-ramosissimus, preter inflorescentiam glaber v. ramuli novelli tenniter sericeo-pilosi, mox glabri, puncticu- MISSOURI “BOTANICA! GARDEN, DS ICONES PLANTARUM. lati. Folia alterna, breviter petiolata, late ovata obovata v. fere orbi- _ culata, obtusissima v. retusa, integerrima, basi rotundata v. cuneata — pleraque pollicaria, pennivenia et transverse v. oblique reticulato-venu- losa, in ramulis adage rarius Be agen et multo minora. Spice — Ovariwn sessile, dense poe. Stylus demum exsertus, stigmate _ ‘capitato penicillato. Fructus perianthio aucto persistente inclusus, pericarpio vix carnoso, nails testa crustacea, albumen parcum v. 0. _ The peculiar position of the scales of the perianth at the base of the Ss tube distinguishes this plant from all other Thymeleacee except Funi- si which, with a very different habit and inflorescence, oe 4.merous rs and other minor distinctive characters.—G. Bren b. Fig. 1. Female perianth. 2. Section of snes same. 3. Pistil, 4. Section of the ay 4 male perianth showing the stamens. 4. Sta i. Puate 1266, AGASTACHYS ODORATA, R. Br. PROTEACER, Tribe Persoonina, A. odorata, R. Br. in Trans. Linn. Soc. x. 158; Benth. Fl. Austral. ¥..379, single species Has. South and west coasts of Tasmania, Frutez dumosus, 5~9- -pedalis, oo glaber. Folia in ramulis : eer siniforta, alintin, oblongo-lin 1}-3-pollicari ria, crasso-coriacea, nitidala, preter costam avenia, siccl- tate sepe nigricantia. Spicce numerose, ad axillas superiores solitarie, m rmantes, es numerosi, sub bracteis brevibus solitarii, sessiles, : suaveolentes, albi. Perianthiwm 3-33 lin, longum, sezmentis linearibus mox solutis per anthesin recurvis. ‘St tamina infra medium segmenti a, filamentis anthera lineari brevioribus. QOvarium 3-angulare, in ICONES PLANTARUM. 5S stylum brevem contractum, stigmate oblongo laterali. Fructus (adhue immaturus s) 3-queter, angulis 2 lateralibus in alam crassiusculam ex- pansis, tertio antico minus prominente. Ovulwm sub apice lateraliter affixum, pendulum Bib 1. Flower in — axil of a bud. 2. Flower of which three of the four seg- nts are removed showing the pistil, a’so a transverse section of the young fruit. 3. *Pistil, vertical section showing the oyule. e fruit has not been observed, but it i is WA iced indehiscent and not much emake from the enlarged Piates 1267-1268. MANNIOPHYTON AFRICANUM, Muell. Arg. EVPHORBIACES. _ M. africanum, Mueller (Argov.) in DO. Prod. xv. pt. 2, 720, foliis late ovatis cuspidatis integris vel palmatim 3-5-fidis lobis obovato- oblongis vel exterioribus otligih ovato-oblongis breviter acuminatis, supra nervis exceptis demum glabratis, subtus precipue in nervis hirsutis, paniculis axillaribus racemiformibus foliis ob oSaitenaeer na Price hirsutis, corolla fl. $ campanulata stamina subequante ore to. Has. Prince’s Island and Old Calabar, W. Tropi ie aoe, G. Mann! entine land (No. 3191, 3581). Dr. Schweinfurth ! Folia 4-7 poll. longa 4-10 poll. lata; petioli 3-6 poll. longi. Pani- cule pedunculo incluso ( ¢ ) ie: ped. longe bracteze parvee lineares Prate 1267.—Fig. 1. Reduced —. = plat leaf. 2. Staminate flower. 3. Stamens, after removal of calyx and ¢ Prate 1268.—Fig. 1. Pistillate flower, gas ee fall of the petals. 54 “ICONES PLANTARUM. Puate 1269. ENTEROSPERMUM LITTORALE, /iern. Rusiacez, Tribe GARDENIEA. E, littorale, Neate in Oliv. Fl. Trop. Aree iii. 93; foliis obovato- e€0 Has. Prov. of Zanzibar, Dr. Kirk ! Hildebrandt! ex 6-12 ped. pean, glaber ; rpanalia obtuse 4.gonis. Folia 23h ae fougas 1218 poll. Tate petiolis $-4 poll. Corotia lobis tubo A brevioribus oblongis v. ‘elliptioia ‘obtusi "Anthora subsessiles exserte Stylus longiuscule ae in — ss aoe versus leviter clavatus. Fructus 4-4 poll. diam.—D. Our Papi 1. Flower. 2. Vertical section of ovary, showing geminate ovules. Seed . Same in section showing embryo and ruminated albumen, 5. Embryo yet more pare ed, PLaTe 1270. LEPISTEMON AFRICANUM, Oliv. ConvotvuLaces, Tribe CoNVOLVULER. . icanum, Oliver, sp. nov., caule hirto, ay cordiformis repando- vel dentato-lobatis ills br evibus subappressis hirtis, eymis umbelli- formibus sessilibus v. breviter peduncula atis rose! -floris, pedicellis flore seepe eequilongis, iepalie wegen ts Lesher ccen. dorso A Se BON culis laxis hirsutis, squamis ¢ atis. disco continuo ovario fere qu mal pentt tarde iehissocts ovoideis basi setosis apice obtusis, seminibus subglobosis, testa minute reticulata. eee ICONES PLANTARUM. 55 Has. Zambesi-land, Dr. Kirk! Djur-land (No. 1430). Dr. Schiweinfurth ! Folia 2-4 poll. longa et lata, sepius acuta, dentibus acutis obtusisve 1 sepe deltoideis ; petiolus ad 3-poll. longus. Flores petiolo breviores ; pedunculo communi brevissimo, seepe Sepala ovato-elliptica oe sai setae: dorso laxe hirsuta, sub fructu persistentia tum plu Corolla a 5- nabs, lobis ‘late Mais tae Henge AC Fructus 4—poll. diam.—D. Ontver. ona 1: Flower. 2. Stamen and anteposed eet front and side view. 3. Pistil disk. 4, 4istivation of corolla-lobes Puate 1271. DIDYM@A MEXICANA, Hook. f. Rosacea, Tribe GaLiEz. Didymea, Hook. f. in Benth. and Hook. f. Gen. Plant. ii. 100. D. mexicana, Hook. f. l. c., species wnica. Has. Mexico; on the Peak of Orizaba, alt. 10,000 ft. Bates, Lin- den (No. 1403), ’ Galeotti (No. 4405), Pawnee (No. 98 and 3050), F. Mueller (No. 1519), Liebmann (Rub. No. 255). Herba debilis; habitu Rubi, siccitate aterrima v. ‘fusca, — e eal ibus 4-gon Folia parva, 3-1 po opposita, subeoetilin v. petiolata, lan affixee, ee. s: obtuse. Discus de epressms ovarium 2-loculare brevis , ramis 2 ‘eeteions divaricatis, apice et intus papillosis ; 56 ICONES PLANTARUM, ovula in loculis solitaria, septo infra medium affixa, amphitropa. Fructus di sinc lobis is globosis carnosulis, altero sepe minore v. im- perfecto. Sem —J. D. Hooker Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Corolla laid open. 3. Stamen. 4. Vertical section of ovary. PLATE 1272. ACTINOSTROBUS PYRAMIDALIS, Mig. A. pyramidalis, Mig. Pl. Preiss. i. 644; foliis interdum dimorphis inferioribus seepe acicularibus elongatis superioribus vel omnibus parvis basi appressis, antherarum squamis rotundatis, strobilis globularibus Parlat. in DC. Prod. xvi. ii. 444: Benth. Fl. Austr. vi. 239. Callitris actinostrobus, F. Muell. Dus, Exped. 19, Has. Western Australia, Swan River, ae and others ; K. George’s Sound, Bazter; Murchison River, Oldjield Folia acicularia ad } unc. long., erecta vel patentia. Amenta mas- cula nearia, obtusa, ad 24 lin. long. ; hogan Pelee cellulee 2-4. Strobili vix une. long., interdum subsessiles In the single cone submitted to examination some of the carpels (ovules) came away with the scales wp were invariably sterile, while the innermost ones, which remained on the axis, were all precre tri- quetrous and fertile. Is this a sonatas peculiarit y P—S. Moo Fig. 1. Portion of branch with male inflorescence. Front and side view of seed with pigs og seale. 6. ovuliferous scale of same (front view). 7. a $ Phar i anther. 3, 4. g female cone. 6. Outer ne tg PLATE 1273. ARISTOLOCHIA SOMALIENSIS, Oliv. ARISTOLOCHIACER. A. somaliensis, Oliver, sp. Nov. Suffrutescens, repens v. scandens ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis coriaceis apice acutis v. obtusiusculis mucro- natis leviter recurvis subtus valide re etapa i nervosis basi n- a rgine scabriusculis subsessilibus, floribus unculatis solitariis, baaschele ovatis ovario 3-4-plo longi- | | | * ICONES PLANTARUM. 57 “ae “ame utriculo inflato subgloboso, tubo curvulo superne leviter dilatato ore in limbo circulari abrupte ampliato facie pilosulo, ovario 6-loculari, olen stylina in lobos 6 deinde incurvos divi Has. Kismayo, South Somali land, Dr Kirk ! Folia ou poll. longa, basin versus 4-4 poll. lata. Aentinen 3-1 poll. longi. Bractece 3-1 poll. long, 4 E poll. eee Perianthiwm 14-2 poll. longum, limbo circiter 1 poll. lato. —D. Otiv Fig. 1. reas with continuons marginal pene surrounding the stigma do- curved, 2. Same with t ix lobes of stigma from above, surrounded by pie dort sa marginal manne: PuaTE 1274. ORTHOSIPHON LINEARIS, Benth. Lapiata, Tribe OcIMOIDEZ. , Benth. sp. nov., ramis tenuibus ascendentibus v. erectis, foliis me we an lin aribus, corollz tubo calyce plus duplo longiore superne ampliato, Husiecitss anticis plus minus connatis. Has. South Africa, Malabele land, 0. G. Oates. Plante pars Pegg deest, ramuli ascendentes suberecti fere fili- formes, glabri v. pilis brevibus raris con spersi. Folia angustissime linearia, fere wvilet, crassiuscula, supra concava, integerrima, po ice breviora, floralia minuta. Verticil iri in summo ramo pauci dis- tantes, 3-6-flori. Pedicelli tennes calyce breviores. Calyx patens v. demum nutans, per anthesin tubulosus 13 lin. longus, post anthesin ampliatus ovoideus, 3 lin. longus, glaber, L0.nervis, dente postico lato obtuso breviter decurrente, inferioribus breviter setaceo-acumina atis. Corolle tubus rectus, 3 lin. v. paullo longior, basi tenuis, age postice in faucem ampliatus ; limbi labia patentia, posticum bre um late 4.dentatum, anticum longius ovatum integerrimum. as longius- cule oat declinata ; filamenta anticoram breviter y. ultra medium connata, postica libera. Anthere i loculis divaricatis confluenti- bus. Stnlus apice minute incrassa Wik te eect cameters of Orchwpon riage species differs from the rest of the genus in the ve w foliage and in the union of the two lower filaments, showing in the latter sadgiel an approach to the genus olostemon.—G, BenTHaM a VOL. Ill, THIRD SERIES. 58 ICONES PLANTARUM. PLATE 1275. CARDWELLIA SUBLIMIS, F. Mueil. PROTEACEA, Tribe Emporuriez. . sublimis, F. Muelil. oo Phyt. Austral. vy. 24; Benth. Fl. Austral. v. 538, single species Has. Mountains about Rockingham Bay, Queensland, Dallachy. r 80-90-pedalis, ramulis novellis inflorescentiaque minute cano- feshaeee ait folis adultis glabris. Folia alterna pedalia et longiora, abrupte e pinnata, foliolis 4-10 oppositis v. alternis longiuscule petiolu- latis ovatis oblongisve obtusis coriaceis venosis supra viridibus subtus pallide glaucis fulvisve 3-8 poll. longis. paniculati, foliis longiores vy. breviores. Flores herm 4, lobosee. s in discum g. 1. Flower. 2. Apex of style and stigma, front and - w. 3.0 and disk. 4. Oran, lo ngitudinal section. 5. Seed. 6. Embry Nites The genus, with the ane whem and the perianth nearly of S¢ ; very different inflorescence and aspect and differs a sey of Se ses res beoed thick hard fruit, na in the shape of the seeds.— Bore ICONES PLANTARUM, 59 PLaTE 1276. KICKXIA AFRICANA, Benth. Apocynaces, Tribe Ecurripes. K. africana, Benth. sp. n., cymis densis multifloris, pedicellis brevi- bus, glandulis calycinis in sqnamellas subconnatis, antheris dorso non cras Has. West Lie ae Bagroo river and Fernando Po, Mann, n. 817; Bonny, Kalbre ie apiceasard cortice pallide ee Folia belt te petiolata, avis v. oblonga, breviter et obtuse ac Inata, basi rotundata v. an- “25 Se&, per anthesin paten ntes flavescentes. Stamina inclusa, filamentis brevissimis < hai Discus hypogynus in squamellas 5 latas truncatas crenatas part Fructus folliculi 2, 4—6-pollicares, coriacei. J aristam filiformem fere sesquipollicarem longissime retrorsum sor- e comosam, producta. Albumen hand copiosum. Cotyledones contortuplicate. Fig. 1. Dia agram of the estivation of the corolla in bud. 2. Flower expanded. 3. Calyx he Lee ICONES PLANTARUM, 67 Has. Canton Province, South China, Mr. Sampson and Dr. Hance. Caules erecti v.adscendentes 1-1}-ped. glabrisulcati. Foliola 1-1}-poll. longa, 3—j-poll. lata; petiolulus foliol. terminalis 2—5 lin, longus; peti- Petala calyce longiora oblanceolato-spathulata obtusa integra basi angustata. Our aga do not vais seeds sufficiently matured for analysis. —D. OLIVER. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Ovary laid open. PuLaTe 1286. STILBANTHUS SCANDENS, Hook f AMARANTHACEA, Tribe AMARANTHES. Stilbanthus, Hool: f. Gen. nov. Flores hermaphroditi, bracteati et 2-bracteolati. ee basi non. induratum, elongatum, nitidum, foliolis 5 erectis ovat barbatis, exterior ‘bus latioribus. Stanvina 2 " filamentis elongatis ciliolatis basi breviter connatis, ai interjectis worlean Oe 2g lk : a crepicus, radicula ascendente.—Arbo : ‘ ramulis herbaceis dependentibus, tis 4.gonis, ramulis foliisque pubes- centibus. Folia opposita, petiolata, vain: ee came caudato- acuminata, integerrima, nervis arcuatis. Flores pro ordine magni, spicati, albi, splendentes, spicis pedunculatis in paniculas trichotome ramosas terminales ferru rrugineo-pubescentes dispositi ; b bracteo- lisque late ovatis aristato-acuminatis scariosis nitidis. Has. Sag et the Sikkim —* at elevation of 46000 feet ; Herb. Griffith, J.D.H. Fl. August, t, Sep This is the Phat specimen of the iad Order hitherto discovered, f forest trees with its copious = to a great pelos and ia tewes. TE It inert to the subtribe o 68 ICONES PLANTARUM. Achyranthee, and to the division with conspicuous staminodes, and om nay ae era itself in habit, in the elongate scarious perianth which i ae ted at the base, and in the long slender staminodes.—J. D. "Hoo Fig. 1. Flower and bracteoles. 2. Stamens, staminodes and pistil, enlarged. PLATE 1287. UAPACA GUINEENSIS, Mull. Arg. Evrnorsiaces, Tribe PHYLLANTHEA. U. guianensis, Muell. Arg. in DC. Prod. xv. ii. 490; ‘ floribus Iuteis, involueri foliis stieniagitonines mR calyce masculo insqualiter 5-par- tito cum filamentis e pubescentibus, antheris rigidis infuscatis apice hand bilobis, Silensotieo valido incrassato sn ao rudimento ovarii hispido, fructu 2-4-loculari ellipsoideo verruculos . West Tropical Africa, Fernando Po, Vogel; ibs and Nun river, Barter. Arbor 50-pedalis. Folia breviter petiolata, obovata v. ao oe obtusa v. vix brevissime obtuseque acuminata, semipedalia v. usque ad pedalia, coriacea, pennivenia, venis primariis distantibus gubias promi- 8. m: “ hachi lin i conferta, “ts Sng cujusve floris haud facile distinguendis, segmentis parvis lineari oe Pee oe filamentisque pubescentibus. Ovarium floria ? intra involucram (v. calycem?) eanile, glandulis disci sculi breviter lobati, supra ovarium arcte reflexi. Fraiche ellipsoideus v. fere globosus, siccitate sulcato-rugosus v. levis, pollicem diametro, oe a rasso carnoso, endocarpio 3-pyreno. Involuere in bud. 2. — amentum with the involuere open. 3. Male the he calyci ne segments represe ted as too nnmerous, but the flowers are so very pin packed that it is Beas to "distingwiah the calyx of each. 4. Ovary and me, tra: . Two or three of the African species of Uapaca are so very closely allied that our specimens scarcely suffice to ——— uish them accurately. I have therefore copied Mueller’s pocscage i the se ge e figured having been determined by him; the so-called calyx of the fem e flower is so exactly like the male involuere, that ‘it is a“ 5 aoe parte as a one-flowered involucre than a calyx.—G@ ENTHAM. —a Sa ee ee ee ee ee es ase ee eee le Oe eee Oe eee eae ICONES PLANTARUM. 69 PuLaTE 1288. CQ@LODEPAS WALLICHIANUM, Benth. EuprHorBiacez, Tribe Croronea. . Wallichianum, Benth. wen n.; foliis subsessilibus ample oblongo- lanceol atis integerrimis v. vix sinuatis coriaceis, mt is axillaribus inter- ruptis superioribus androgynis Sefesicalitvis revibus Sicha anthe- introrsum pendulis, stylis dilatatis fimbriato-ramo- sissimis. Has. Penang Hills, G. Porter, Wall. Cat. Herb. Ind. n. 9098. Arbor? inflorescentia. excepta glabra, ramulis subangulatis. Folia alterna, Poet tama subacuminata, integerrima y. rE versus obscure sinuato-crenata, basi petiolo brevissimo crasso v. Vix ullo rotun- data v. rire tenuiter coriacea, nitidula, prominenter pennivenia et reticulato-venulosa. Stipule parve, sub Spice superiores 1-1}-pollicares, rhachi cano-tomentella. Flovee superiores masculi minimi, sessiles, per 2-3-glomerati, glomerulis globosis dissitis sessilibus bractea minuta vix conspicua subtensis ; inferiores v. in spicis inferiori- bus omnes (4-6) foeminei, intra bracteas. m minimas solitarii sessiles. Perianthium floris 8 globosum, per anthesin breviter valvatim 3—-4-fidum, stamina et ovarii rudimentum obtegens. tamina y crassis medio dilatatis,-basi uniseriatim connatis ; antherarum loculi a connectivo inflexo introrsum penduli, leviter divecigent ntes. Ovarii rudimentum crassum, apice dilatato-truncatum, stamina et oe peg zquans. Perianthium floris 2 cupulare, ovario arcte appressum, extus tomentosum, lobis brevibus. Ovariwm Argh iso Styli a basi i dilatati et breviter connati, erecto-patentes, late et irregulariter lobati, lobis dentatis et facie superiore dense “aa rena Fig. 1. Male flower. 2. Stamens enclosing the rudimentary ovary. 3. Stamens. 4. F al flower. 5. Ovary, transverse section, This « : ssiela comes nearer to the original C. bantamensis Hassk. than to the @. calycinum 5 figure by Beddom e, but is quite distinct. from both in rg as well as in the flowers. All have the peentied andreecium exceptional in the o 70 ICONES PLANTARUM. Pirate 1289. DICGELIA BECCARIANA, Beith. EupHorsBiaces, Tribe PHYLLANTHER. Dicelia, Benth., gen. nov. Flores posh petaliferi. Discus 0. Ft. $: Calya parvus, 5-fidus. Petala 5, valvata, crassa, extus convexa, intus apice crasso-carnosa, infra medium smatare linea elevata centrali quasi in locellos duo divisa. Stanvina 5, petalis alterna, filamentis —_ ante onienoe 2sljotinc ait distincti v. stigmatono -dilata ’ Ovula in loculis gemi na sub o ore ae Fru vies vy. arbor. Folia alterna, ha integerrim paniavent ” Racemi-in axillis su uperioribus solitarii, floram pene secus Phwehi dissitis placgi androgynis. D. Beccariana, Benth., single species. Has. Borneo, Beccart, n. 1397. Frutex videtur y. arbor, inflorescentia excepta glaber. Folia in petiolo 1—2-pollicari subartionlata, in speciminibus nostris 8-10-poll. longa, 3-4-poll. lata, tenuiter coriacea, nitidula, venis primariis subtus prominentibus dissitis marginem arcuato-approximantibus, venulis vix conspicuis. Stipule parvee caduce. acemi longuisculi at folis eviores, tenuiter cano-puberuli. Bractew parve, secus rhachin dissite. rhachi communi haud evoluto; flores s vix lineam diametro v. foeminei paullo majores. Fructus fie, sed ex ovario post anthesin parum aucto capsula ad normam tricocca videtur, semine juniore non lateraliter dilatato. RR - Male flower before agra 2, The same, expanded. 3. Female flow é : 4. Anthers seen from inside. 5. Ovary, longitudinal section, ice the two ci of one cell. The singular petals of the male flower are only to be met with in Galearia which genus I should have referred this plant, had not the two ovules in each me removed it to a different tribe. The inflorescence is also monecious and axillary, not terminal, and there are some other differences in the flowers, besides that young s — ow no tendency to acquire the peculiar form of those of Galearia GS a II IG EE ea SN ae eT PRS ICONES PLANTARUM. 71 ° Puate 1290. REICHENBACHIA HIRSUTA, NYCTAGINES. ianthium exinvolucratum, tubulosum, ore brevissime obliquo blongum, sie eo stellato-tomentosum ; ne e papillis subterminalibus; ovulum basilare, $-anatropum, funiculo brevi. Utriculus basi perianthi accre- scentis tenuiter coriacei basi subcostati inclusus, pericarpio coriaceo- tomentoso. Semen subglobosum, basi rostellatum, sessile, erectum, plica walistile cotyledonum longitudine, apice acuto rostello testa incluso. Frutex v. arbuscula pilis stellatis griseo-pubescens, rami teretibus. Folia breviter petiolata, alterna, ovata, subacuta, integerrima, basi acuta, apice ears nuda obtusiuscula terminata, n ervis supra obscuris subtus tenuibus uatis. Flores numerosi, som ares, fasciculati, pedicellati, tomentost, pitilis bast minute bracteo R. hirsuta; Spreng. in Bull. Soc. Philom. 1923, p. 54, t. 1. oe — Sprengel; Paraguay, in hedges at Assumption. Balans Arbu coat ramossissima, 2-3-metralis (Balansa). Folia Sag longa, supra luride viridia, subtus grisea v. albesce petiolo gracile i cari. Fl es suberecti v. patentes, pedicello phe rarum loculi equales v. subinequales. Ovariwm stellato-pubescens, apicem versus tomentosum oblique truncatum et sti A very little known plant, of which there is no other description or figure Wax that quoted above. I do not find the tips of the leaves to be produced into the spindle-shaped body figured by ce but to i alate in an obtuse glabrous ed —J. D. Hoo 9. Stamina and ovary viewed from the edge of the ovary. 3 Ki ower. : Stamen and ovary ata: from the flatte rant side of the goo 5. Section of ovary with ovule. 6. Ovule. 7. Seed, transverse sections =e en ad. a2 ICONES PLANTARUM. PuaTE 1291. ACALYPHA SPINESCENS, Benth. EvurnHorsiacEa, Tribe Croronez. - spinescens, Benth., sp. fruti ticosa, divaricato-ramosa, spinis axillaribus armata, foliis atandastt bel ovatis grosse crenatis ins aes grosse Ma en a sublobatis. Has. ea —— Gorontalo in North aia Riedel. sessiles, tenella, lin. ; mi secus rhac ome. i, glomerulis approximatis b conspicua subtensis. Calyx alte St 8. Spice pooaths ad axilla: rum v. inter- dum spine solitarie, rhachi filiformi. Bractea interdum unica, ter- minalis, sed ditur altera supra m rhacheos sessilis, per anthesin 1 lin., a. 3 lin. diametro, crenaturis 7— os intra brac ssilis, teat: 3, minuta. Ovariwm dense team solitarius hirsutum. Styli laciniati ati anther gene Fig. 1. gir of male spike. 2. Male perianth in bud. 3. The n. 4. Panten, . Female flower nd bract. an The habit pt numerous strong spines of this species give it a very different aipect from D9 gs ams mn fe thin extensive genus, the only approach to it being in Austré . eremorum, Muell. Arg., and A. capillipes, oye = of which ne eee sbesdeneie: distinet i in foliage and inflorescence eer PLATES 1292, 1293. MELANOCHYLA TOMENTOSA. ANACARDIACES, Tribe ANACARDIEA, — Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. ii. 38; ramulis petiolis inflorescentia costa foliorum subtus velutincAttmbabiete foliis oblongis v. eTown acuminatis basi rotundatis y. subcordatis nervis subtus prominentibus. ICONES PLANTARUM. 73 Has. Malacca, Maingay. — Ramuli robusti, pilis ferrugineis mollibus dense tomentosi. Folia 6-14 poll. longa, 2-4 poll. lata, dura, supra levia opaca costa tenui, lo lax rhachi villosa, ramulis pubescentibus. Fl. ¢ minuti, "podiceltis ae cymosis brevibus. pu pt me: medium 5-lobus, lobis obtusis. Petala oblonga, obtusa, valde acea, intus villosa, extus pubescentia. Filamenta rigidula, demitii ‘Potala equilonga. Drupa ellipsoidea v. globosa, aurantiaca, ferrngineo-pubescens, sarcocarpio resina atra repleto.—J. D. Hooxer. Prate 1292.—Fig. 1. Male flower. 2. The same cut open vertically—doth enlarged. Prate 1293.—Fig. 1. Transverse section of drupe—of the natural size. PuatE 1294. ELATERIOSPERMUM TAPOS, Blume. Evpnorsiace#, Tribe CRrorones. E. Tapos, “Hein Bijdr. 621 ; Muell. Arg. in DC. Prod. xv. ii, 1131, single species Has. Java, Blume; Malacca, Griffith, Maingay. Arbor pulcherrima, coma densa oblonga, partibus novellis san guineis (Griffith), tota glabra. Folia alterna, ad apicem petioli longiu usculi subarticulata, oblonga, breviter acuminata, integerrima, basi rotundata, 4-8-pollicaria, tenuiter coriacea, pennive venia et inter enas primarias reticulato-venulosa, petiolo apice 2-glanduloso. ccs caducissime, ex Griffithio virides. Peduneuli ad apices ramu- ad basin vis e0, masec globosus, sepalis 4-5 valde imbricatis. Stamina 10-18, receptaculo crassiusculo villoso imposita, filamentis brevibas liberis. Antheree oblonge, erectz, loculis dnatis parallelis. arti radimeni minutum v.0. Fu. 2 : Sepala sepius 6, quam in mare o majora, ima. Discus h s parum m prominulus. Ovariwm villosum, Sasi loculis 1- hypoay apice breviter contractum ; styli brevis- simi, crassi, in stigmata divaricato-biloba fere sem pailenede patentia dilatati. Capsula subglobosa, 14 poll. diametro, leviter 3-sulca, in coccos 2.valvis elastice dissiliens, exocarpio carnoso-coriaceo, endocarpio 74 1CONES PLANTARUM. duro. Semina oblonga, crassa, 1}-poll. longa, medio dorso subcarinata, facie interiore sub apice hilo parvo affixa, testa coriaceo-crustacea nitida. Albwmen preter membranam papyraceam embryonem inclu- dentem. 0. Cotyledones magne, squales, crasso-carnose, radicula inima inter eas retracta Fig. 1. Male flower with the sepals removed, showing the stamens and bud. 2. Female bud. 3. Female flower with one of the sepals turned down, Nrabaa the mich nets transverse nyesene . Styles seen from above. 6. Two-valved ehiscence having expelled ‘the goer 7. Seed osha section. 8. Cospledon (aout o ~— pl L sie the seeds as ‘aebpaipoas-avihe gong in ye! arg says, ith a que atin noua?" The ea show no arillus many Euphorbiacee, ‘ie is called a 2 _- is often the aul external tiger of the baie which disappears when ingay’s neste s, I find a whitish ae nee lining the testa outside = pee hea. which encloses the embr PuLate 1295. PROCRIS LAVIGATA, Blume. Urticaceaz, Tribe Urticea. P. levigata, Blume, Re sak 508, Wedd. an DC. Prod. xvi. i. 192, foliis oblique oblongo- atis acuminatis superne paucidentatis, floribus masculis pier foemineis ad nodos seepius defoliatos fasciculatis, perianthio foomineo minimo cyathiformi subintegerrimo. Has. Widely spread over Tropical Africa and in East India, from Ceylon and the Peninsula to Hastern Bengal and Sikkim, chiefly on the trunks of trees Caules epiphytici, carnosuli, 1-}-pedales, simplices v. parce ramosi. Folia disticha, 3- 6-pollicaria, basi in petiolu branacea subopposito. Flores dioici, pedicelli masculi ad nodos fasciculati, uniflori, 1-2 lin. longi. Perianthium alte 5-fidum. Stamina primum perianthio breviora, antheris supra filamenta inflexis, demum e po a perianthio longiora. Capitula foeminea 14~2-lin. diametro, pednien ey fasciculatis vix linea longioribus, receptaculo carnosulo. Perianthium minimum vix prominulam. Achenia omnino exserta, ovata, oleae y. acutiuscula, vix semilineam longa. Fig. 1. Male perianth opened, showing the stamens with the aig, bent ICONES PLANTARUM. 7) inwards before they spread out napa after which they are longer than the perianth. 2. Female head of fru This species differs much from oa rest of the Laas in rr cata as well as in the fehl perianth. The small abortive lea which i any specimens are oe or nearly — Po ‘the — ones, mon entirely ating in the specimen wn, as in several others.—G. BenrHam PLATE 1296. MASOBOTRYA FLORIBUNDA, Benth. EvuruorsBiacea, Tribe PHYLLANTHES. coriaceo spermo. Frutex (v. arbor?). Folia ie integerrima, pennivenia. ores utriusque sexus ad ax racem M. floribunda, Benth., single species, Has. Tropical Africa, Niamniam and Monbuttu poe’ hi age pub Frutexz videtur elatior, glaber nisi pilis paucis brevibus ad i novationes pubesce Folia alterna, petiolo pay a2 rh falta, lia v. obovali- oblonga, apice rotundata v. breviter obtus useque acumi- o Schweinfarth purpure gthe glands alternating with t lobe turned down —. samens ee mens. 3 os S ale flower. ary and disk, longitudinal tee. : This ng romeo to the ors of genera united by Baillon with Antidesma, but re- I VOL, If. THIRD SERIES. 76 ICONES PLANTARUM. tained as distinct by all other botanists. Amongst them it is nearest allied to the American Hieronyma, but has neither the seurfy indumentum nor the drupaceous fruit of tha u ovary ©: excellent specimens is not qui ut has evidently reached its full size, and oeca- io ern the seed is fully rR eatanaily, but not ripe enough to show its internal stouet ure,—G, Bren : Puate 1297. LEPIDOTURUS LAXIFLORUS, Benth. EvupHorsiace®, Tribe Croronra. L.. laxiflorus, s sp. nov., stipulis linearibus, foliis ovatis membranaceis reviter acuminatis basi i rotundatis, spicis masculis laxis, bracteis ovatis obtusis, ovario Vig ies fructu brevissime hispidulo. a Tropical Africa, Niamniam country, Schweinfurth n. 2956 and 30 Arbuscula a geen partibus novellis subsericeo-hispidulis, de- mum glabratis. Folia alterna, petiolata, 2-3-pollicaria, oa abe crenata, basi non y. Bn cordata, membranacea, pennivenia et bas 3-nervia, tenuiter transversim fetinilate. Stipulee Liab Gninie, 23 lin. longe. Spice mascule in ramis annotinis defoliatis ad nodos solitariz, basi squamis ferragineis. imbricatis stipate, 2—4-pollicares. , parvi, reviter ilenatinmse Bractece sub glomerulis ferruginer, 0 ovate, obtuse. Se, concave, integerrime, 1-2 lin. longer, persistentes, Calyx in alabastro globosus, per sittin im seg- menta 3-4 valvatim fissus. Stamina 8. Spice foomines tennes, in solitarii, floribus paucis dissitis sub bractea minuta sessilibus soli- tarlisque v. ebracteatis. Sepala 2-3, parva, valde ineequ: ee Diseci ypogyni glandule 3-4. Ovarium pilis minimis dens e hispidum, stylis 3 longe subulatis indivisis. Capsulaj nr valde ancta sed in speci- minibus adhuc immatura, globoso-tridyma Fig. 1. Male ~~ open, seen from posi 2, Stamen, seen from the back. 3. Female flower. Ovary, transverse secti The species is eehilly nearer to the Madecuielk L. alnifolius, of which I have seen no good specimens, than to the prope LL. occidentalis, ie differs from both as well inthe shape of the leaves as in the much longer and looser male spikes. An imperfect male specimen from the Niger, fede, may possibly ses to L. laxiflorus. Bel See ee os ge ke a a FO a en SIE ge SOS ee Ce ee Oe Pa Se want ORES sda bia Sa Beh ee a eee ICONES PLANTARUM. 77 PuaTes 1298, 1299. NEOBOUTONIA AFRICANA, Muell. Arg. Evpnorsiaces, Tribe CRoTONEs. . africana, Muell. Arg. in DO. Prod. xv. ii. 892, foliis subtus pube minuta stellulata canescentibus, panicule: masculee ramulis longis laxi- floris. ~ ag Tropical Africa, Angola, Welwitsch; Niamniam Land, Schwein- Frutez elatus vy. arbor 15-20-pedalis, ramis fe oasis et folioram pagina inferiore pilis minutis stellulatis conspersis. /olia alterna, longiuscule petiolata, inferiora late orbiculato-cordata fere pedalia, in axillis summis simpliciter ramos, mascule sepe pedales, foomines rapa Big ores foliis a eddies valde reductis pani- culam m basi foliatam efficiunt. Flores masculi parvi, secus i pa prius leviter imbricatis. Ovariwm globosum, stellato-tomentosum, Styli breves, oe ii 2-partiti. Fructus junior globosus non sulca Prate 1298. Peionsgs specimen. Fig. 1. Bud. 2. Flower expanded. 3. Stamen, or back vi 99, Female specimen. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Styles seen from above. 3, as 5 pbc section, represented as in the specimens laterally compre: ressed, pro- bn in drying. oe ones “ata Schweinfurth’s specimens, with which Welwitsch’s cevetba africent, Mull. Arg. in DC. Prod. xv. ii. 897, from Prince’s Island, i dn which I can discover 2 : except in e hispid. netiole s and principal veins of the leaf underneath, and the shorter Battie of the panicles which, as in N. africana, form a large terminal upon which it was refi ferred to the American us Conceveiba, from whieh? it differs as much in habit as in character.—G. BenTHaM 78 ICONES PLANTARUM. PLATE 1300. RICINODENDRON AFRICANUS, Muwell. Arg. Eupnorsiacesz, Tribe CroTonea. R. africanus, Muell. Arg. in DC. Prod., xv. ii. 1111, species unica. Jatropha Heudelotii, Baill. ; Muell. Arg. lc. 1083. Has. West Tropical Africa, Bagroo river and Fernando Po, Mann, in Senegambia Heudelvt, and in forest districts of Augola, Welwitsch. Arbor 30-pedalis, ramis crassiusculis levibus; innovationes folia novella et aes w pilis minute stellatis tomentose v. fere lepi- dots. Folia alterna, longe petiolata, ampla, digitatim as same v. minora oe note "feliola oblongo-obov ata, acuminata, m — subfasciculate, oti spin debeaeihodey hk pedlabe. Flores mas- culi parvi, subglobosi, cymulosi, cymulis apices versus ramo paniculee luribus breviter pedunculatis. Bractee sub unculis minute, sub pedicellis v. floribus obsolete. Calyx late campanulatus, dense tomen- tosus, alte 5-fidus, lobis latis obtusis imbricatis. Petala in corollam Fig. 1. Male flower at the time of opening. 2. aba? same, the calyx and corolla rem moved, showing the glands, the receptacle, and stam ur specimens fot Mann an m Welwitsch are ‘all males tle as here figured. : d : only, not connate ; but we find them perfectly un nited and a 9 ag without tating, as in Ma nniophyton. In the’female fiower they are said to be free,—G. Bentu ” INDEX OF SPECIES AND SYNONYMS. Acalypha spinescens, Benth. . Achyrospermum ruticosum, en Actinostrobus pyramidalis, Mig. ba “ stachys ae nerumia cuspid . a Fair ianthn coat “Oliv 7 Aristolochia somaliensis, Oliv. . 56 Balfourodendron eburneum, Mills 3 Boerhaavia " Schomburgkiana, : 20 hatte . paridiformis, ODI Seg ge a ee eet actinostrobus, po oe 56 Cardamine paradoxa, . 66 Cardwellia sublimis, F. “Mull . 58 Carpha alpina, Br. v44 ome ae chiapensis,. A. Gr. 14 enth, . 13 Chiro ronia eXi coin . Oliv 23° alas malayanuin Benth. . 62 Choritenia capensis, Benth. . . 24 ymococca empetroides, Meissn. 51 ste scleroides, F. Mue 6 Ceelodepas Wallichianum, Benth. 69 Conceveiba ican a, F, Muell. Corysanthes : Cheesemanni, <— maerantha, Bok: f. ° Craterisperm la aurinum, en . 27 Cyathogyne viridis, Muell. Arg. 60 Cyclonema spinescens, Oliv.. . 18 Dacrydium Kirkii, F. Muell, . 16 —— Westlandicum, Kirk . «15 Page Pai 5 1235 1278 1221 1219 1218 | Page eae — Hook. f. ‘ Th. ear): Diewelia Bee cariana, “Benth. . . 70 Didymea mexicana, Hook. f. . 55 a ecpe pom gerne “gee 60 ospermum Tapos, - 73 Ente seiatinaan a sich "Horm 54 Euphrasia disperma, Hook. as . 65 Evandra aristata, Br. eS * Exocarya sclerioides, Ben Exochorda serratifolia, S. "huis Ficus Noronhe, Oliv. . . . 18 oe Schlechieee Gcodallic guianensis, Benth. . 51 Hannoa Schweinfurthii, Oliv. . panne reat Aves ee | Gullive . 39 Inga acuminata, Benth eis 3 Irvingia Barteri, Hook. fs 36 malayana, Oliv. 37 Jatropha Heudelotii, Baill. . . 78 Kickxia africana, Benth. . . . 59 Lachnostylis pret Turez. . 61 emcsy 7h Muell. A « GI Lampra yoleanica, Benth. | ee Lamprothamnus zanguebarieus, erm. we Landolphia capensis, Oliv. . . 22 Leidesia capensis, Muell. Arg. .. 66 pidot ] xiferes, — 76 Plate 80 Page Maegregoria racemosa, Ff. Muell. ~ Madarosperma Trailliana, Benth. Mees' — iting oa "78 Mangifera g e 36 Manniopyton atidonicie, Mucll Arg. 3 . . 53 te). ocean micrantha, Muell. ‘Arg. . Medus' oppositifolia, Bak. a Melanoohyla tomentosa, Hoo oe Mimosa im: tavolwerate, Benth. . Pa Misanteca anacardioides, Bent 46 capita’ m. et Schlecht, 47 erassiramea, Benth. . . 47 uhensis, Benth. . . . 47 Myristica Mannii, Benth... . . 49 microc la, Benth . 48 Sagotiana, Benth. . 48 woo Sor Muell. Arg. 3 .- ae ssh a2) TI : nth. ee Wiceadhine siopecursden, ‘Br. . 82 —— Mitchelliana, Nees . 31 ee oie Bs Buel BO dora, BE ae ts oe Notochzete hamosa, Benth. . . 16 Oncinotis hirta, Oliv «20 Oreacanthus Mannii, ; Benth sae i Oreodaphne crassir amea, Meissn. 47 Orthosiphon linearis, Ben . 7 — spicatus, Benth. ... .18 Oxalis Noronhe, Oliv. . . . 21 Palmeria scandens, F. Muell. Plate 1230 1214 1296 INDEX OF SPECIES AND SYNONYMS. Page Panicum cs Nadeau F. Muell. ces ise um ca apense 26 nisetum refr ractum, EF Muell. 33 Peplonia amazonica, Ben a pf a setum refraetum, Benth. abortiv : ; ale tevignta, Blum. . . 74 Reichenbachia hirsuta, Spreng. Ricinodendron africanus, Mull rg. Seca ss Rumex neglectus, Kirk . 85 Saxifraga Rossii, Oliv 46 Scytanthus s laurifolius, as ‘And. . 8 Senecio Cheesemani, Hook.f. . 1 — Mue 3 "Behe ©. yaaa a; Simctpaittins Griffithii, Spinifex paradoxus, "Benth. 3. . 34 Stenogyne rotun difoia, ry Gr. Stilbanthus scandens, Hook.f. . Syncolostemon densi iflorus, 37 67 «ao Symphysodaphne cubensis, A. 5 ee ea Tetradenia fruticosa, Benth... . 64 Torenia Schwei infurthii, Oliv. . 41 Trichlora peruviana, Bak, . . 29 Uapaca guineensis, Muell. Arg.. 68 Vitis sarcocephala, Schweinf. . 42 - ‘Senecio Cheesemani, Hkf, is V4 Sie Inga acuminata Bth.. Balfourodendron eburneum, Mello. AMC da Sag es otter ans ee Sn “AMCda Balfourodendron eburneum Mello. —<— SN i eat ‘fithi, Benth. s Grif Sphinctacanthu PLI206. Exocarya scleroides Benth. TPO En Refaeli gh ROL Oe gy BON ae Fa SE a ee eee Re: Od a a ae ee ee OR. Uwe Pe a Ci mete By ata PCS tn bats ope ee ROPE SL = Sah oe were SSS Dae: Mimosa mvolucrata Benth. AMC del Viiv. nm KA Hy 4 Ancylanthus Monteiro! ™ a a a eS I BS Re ie ca al a SS Kat oe . , ‘ ze Scytanthus laurifolius T And. = eee Gastranthus Schlechtendali: Mor. Ag E Ss “A — AR = IN <= Hy b ys ies LESS | 22 2 j 4 Pee . =h: SAV) } X. wieewe f 5 \ ( ‘ AMC. del Oreacanthus Mannu Benth. Evandra aristata R.Br. Evandra pauciflora R Br. Madarosperma Trailliana, Benth . Carpha alpina R,Br. | Y b Z renga oS Notocheste hamosa Benth. a Kirk. Dacrydium Westlandicum T 10? st en a nk emai na ae PUIRTI. Hook f. kn, H Daerydium Kir oe ANA F \ 8 ~ \ Lamprothamnus zanguebaricus Hiern Cyclonema spinescens, Ohv. Ficus Noronhe Oliv. Loranthus stenopetalus Ohwv. Delphinium glaciale Hk. f &T _ Boerhaavia Schomburgkiana. Oliv Baer a nanpeee 5 phen cacao i © ® rid S g ° ai E -) A.M.C. del. Ancrumia cuspidata, Harv Landolphia capensis, Oliv AM. C. del Chironia(Xanthochiron) exigua, Oliv. A.M.C del. Macgregoria racemigera F. Muell. B Choritenia capensis, Benth PU i232. Oncinotis hirta, Oliv 7 \/ A.M. C.del : Parinarium Feplomia amazonica, Benth. Pl. 1235. A.M.C del Craterispermum laurinum, Benth. PL.1236. Lampra volcanica, Benth. Trichlora peruvian PLIZIE. Siphomeris foetens, Hiern (9 ee pte tr rere mrnreneees remaictnmed Nr a EE i FE or Re Sa RE SE ie Ss a es Sa AM.C del. Neurachne Munroi, F Muell. Neurachne Mitchelliana, Nees. A.M.C.del Neurachne alopecuroides, R. Br _ AMC. del. Pennisetum refractum, F Muell. AM C.del Spinifex paradoxus, Benth. ¢ a7) : p ae F Nt aa 8 © : Q, : CH E AM.C.del. Wwe ad) Vf of \ AMC del. Rumex neglectus, T. Kirk. as Irvingia Barteri, Hook f Irvingia malayana, Oliv. nr = ~ Sy == POT Re pemner ate rmeereninars cea AMC dal. Stenogyne rotundifolia A Gray Pl 1249. AM.C. del. ee Achyrospermum fruticosum benth. Heterachne Gulliveri Benth INC Se PU IZ5I. ra aaa sear aha on rm aL es yet Torenia Schweinfurthu Ohv. A.M.C. del iaepcrapaacaacs ! PU ANZ52 _ Medusagyne oppositafolia Baker A.M. C. del. Vitis sarcocephala Schw. .” AM c da Brachybotrys paridiforms Maxm. ~Hannoa Schweinfurthi Oliv Syncolost emon densiflorus Bth.” Saxitr apa Rossii Ohv Misanteca anacardioides, Benth. 7 a, —— ees cteps deen Qe ag REP Lee a wi = AMC. dei Myristica Sagotiana Benth. Myristica Manni Benth. PU.1268. AM C.del. Pl. 1264. y) a y y ier 4 per pe? Sy “hy ‘Ly “Alyy s SQ SSSA Ws ~Qy = RK ee ——— _ ee, io Ne : a a se! Ps al AM.C. del Chymococca empetroides. Meissn. Pl, 7265. AM.C del. Goodallia guianensis Benth PL. 1266. AGG & re. =>, Le SOQ CC a IRQ ae Uf Un Y ‘ > y WG Lg : ; A.M.C. del Agastachys 0 dorata.R Br. Pie aa De igs aA ae teal Oe es Ce : : “i i | PL. 1267 P, : ye CHa (a7 Ad ABH peas tay \"| es ae A Al A Ni A iy \ A \ i — vf } / ae AMC. del. Cardwellia sublimis, F Muell. Kickxia africana Benth. Echiochilon longiflorum Benth AMC del Arg. Cyathogyne viridis Muell eee AM.C. del. Lachnostylis hirta Muell Arg. eS Choriophyllum mal ayanum Benth. AM.C. del, AMC. del. Mareya micrantha Muell. Arg. AMC. del, Tetradenia fruticosa, Benth. AMC.del. pet disperma, Hook.f. MMLC. del. x € | SERVE Muell.Arg. apensis idesia ¢ Le Cardamine paradoxa, Hance. AMGad, Stilbanthus scandens, Hook.f. ee | ! | fr | 3 'S) | < Benth. Goelodepas Wallichianum A.M. C.del. Benth. Dicelha Beccariana Reichenbachia hirsuta, Spreng. ka ~ A.M. C. del. Acalypha spinescens, Benth. AMC.del. Melanochyla tomentosa Hk f¢ AM.C. del. la tomentosa Hkf¢ Melanoehy Elateriospermum Tapos Bl. - AMC.del. Procris leevigata, Bl. AM.C.del a ri ~ 4 a £>} fe Seay CP Ranta Ve LOTID) Qa, Peliul Mesobotr Ya. {LO Pad UL coe tg AMC. del. Lepidoturus laxflorus, Benth. J. . Arg Muell. Ci i) : afri 1a Neobouton en ee AM.C del Neoboutonia africana, Muell. Arg. ?. PU 7300. A.M.C. del. Ricinodendron africanus, Muell, Arg