pee ae HOOKERS, ICONES PLANTARUM; OR, FIGURES, WITH DESCRIPTIVE CHARACTERS AND REMARKS, — OF NEW AND RARE PLANTS, SELECTED FROM THE ee searre on KEW HERBARIUM. THIRD SERIES. : eo EDITED BY Siz JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER, K.C.S.L, C.B., M.D., F. D.C.L. are LL.D, CANTARk"CEOTT., CORRESP. MEMB. INST. FRANCE : RECTOR OF THE ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS, ier VOL. Iv., & OR VOL. XIV. OF THE ENTIRE WORK. Part I. 1301-1325, April 1880. ParT II. 1326-1350, February 1881. Part III. 1351-1375, October 1881. Part IV. 1376-1400, June 1882. WILLIAMS AND NORGATE, — , HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, | Aen 2, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, I 1880-1882. ae ee Rin’ Ny i ICONES PLANTARUM. Puate 1301. GLOSSOCALYX LONGICUSPIS, Benth. Monimuaceaz, Tribe ATHEROSPERMER. G. longicuspis, Benth. sp. n. ; foliis distinete ee loom basi sequaliter angustatis, perianthii lobo majore tubo longior Has. West pce Africa ; Island of Pads Po, es n. 1428 ; and so del — , Mann, n . 1723. angusto ae denixhas sree sot Bs aaa v. integerrima, basi equaliter angustata, petiolo 3-5 lin. longo fulta, memb pennivenia et tenuiter transverse venulosa. Pedicelli e nodulo axil- lari villosulo per 2-4 fasciculati, filiformes, 4-8 lin. longi. Perianthium oblique campanulatum, 1-1} lin. latum, ore plus minus dilatato valde obliquo et inequaliter dentato, uno latere in acumen sepe fere polli- care producto, fauce annulo carnoso subclausa. _ Discus tubo adnataus, te anthio inclusa, intra discum 2-3-seriata, filamentis brevibus latis sub- connatis ; anthers ad apicem lamenti sessiles, ovate, introrsum 2- locellatze, valvis sursum dehiscentes. _ Carpella floris ? plurima, sin- la | ia ; i liberi vulum Fructus immaturus subglobosus, ahaclatii, carnosus, limbo pera emarcido coronatus, ma VOL, IV. THIRD SERIES. B ys ICONES PLANTARUM. ] allied to the American genus aruna, and has probably the ely fruit, but appears so ee ape in its alternate leaves and very peculiar perianth. mis Plate 1301, Male plan i ig. ts Posi 2. The same seen from above, the long seins of the limb mt away. 3, 4. Sta PLATE 1302. GLOSSOCALYX BREVIPES, Benth. Monrm1acez, Tribe ATHEROSPERMES. G. brevipes, Benth., sp. n. foliis brevissime petiolatis basi Hing subcordatis, perianthii lobo majore tubo duplo v. vix triplo longio Has. Cameroon river, West tropical Africa, Mann, n. 722 and D106. Frutee 10-pedalis. Specimina primo aspectu iis G. longicuspidis Soe sed folia omnia integerrima videntur, paullo Oo minora, ? e breviore et basi rotundato-subcordata plus minus inequalia, pekidio 1 v. vix 2 lin. longo. Flores minores, in fasciculo preesertim masculi numerosiores, pedicello vix 2 lin. longo, perianthii dentibus 2- lobis minus i insequalibus, acumine vix 2 lin. excedente.—G. BrentHam Plate 1302, Female plant. Fig. 1. —— 2. Perianth-tube, longitudinal section, showing the manner in which the carpels are included in the fleshy disk. 3. Perianth seen from above, the long sant cut away. PiaTeE 1303. LORANTHUS MANNII, Oliv. LORANTHACES. L. (§ Heteranthus) Mannii, Oliv., in Journ. Linn. Soe. vii. 101, race subteretibus, cortice glabro punctato, foliis suboppositis ovale incur- lanceolatis apice obtuse subacuminatis glabris petiolatis, floribus i vis 4-meris racemosis, racemis axillaribus folio cing pony ICONES PLANTARUM, 3 patentibus calycem sequantibus, bracteis minutis, petalis lineari-lanceo- latis basi leviter dilatatis, antheris continuis linearibus multilocellatis, Has. Island of St. Thomas, alt. 5,000 ft., G@. Mann! Folia 2-3 poll. longa, 3-1 poll. lata tenuiter coriacea ; Seg 44 poll. longus. Flores 4 poll. longi seepius curvati—D. Oxtv Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Petal and adnate stamen. Puate 1304. LORANTHUS CURVIFLORUS, Benth. LORANTHACER. L. (§ Plicopetalus) curviflorus, Benth., ramulis teretibus, foliis alter- nis lineari- v. spathulato- oblongis obtusis, floribus axill aribus incurvis umbellatis, umbellis breviter pedunculatis 4—7-f oris, calycis limbo sub- Pi toa tubo turbinato, petalis liberis superne attenuatis basi dilatatis intus plicis utrinque 3-5 obliquis sar ol instructis, antheris con- es longe linearibus, stigmate obtuso su to. Has. Het bic Plowden! and, siiicantey the same, Somali Coast, Dr. Kirk ; Folia L 2 poll. longa, $-} poll. lata. Peduneuli 14 poll. longi; pedicelli sequilongi, apice breviter cupulatim. dilatati bractea carnosula - parva lateraliter gibbosi. Flores 14-1? poll. longi, incurvi This species belongs to the section Plicopetalus, Bentham (‘Genera Plantarum,’ iii. 208), which _— also L. wndulatus, E. Mey. of the Cape of Good Hope.—D. Ottvz : Fig. 1. Flower, 2. Petal and adnate stamen. PLATE 1305. EUPHORBIA ZAMBESIANA, Benth. Evrnorpiacea, Tribe EvPpHORBIER. E. (Anisophyllum, § Pleiaden ie) zambesiana, Benth., sp. nov., glabra, rhizomate crasso, caulibus numerosis pumilis ramulosis, i parvis 4, ICONES PLANTARUM, oppositis squamiformibus v. superioribus ovato-oblongis integerrimis, stipulis minimis, involucris pedicellatis terminalibus v. pseudo-axilla- ribus hemisphericis brevissime lobatis, glandulis transverse oblongis, appendice lata alba petaloidea varie lobata involucro ipso sublongiore, capstla brevi Has. East tropical Africa on the Zambesi, Zomba, and east end of Lake Shirwa, Livingstone’s Expedition ; Shire highlands, Buchanan. Caules e rhizomate crasso carnosulo dense ceespitosi, tagee in speci- minibus floridis 1—2-pollicares, adsunt tamen hinc inde ustiorum reliquisee 3-4-pollicares, laxe ramosi. Folia inferiora uae superiora ovata v. 0 longa, acutiuscula, 2-3 lin. longa, v. in specimi- ua a sup mum pedicello 1-3 lin. longo Set nonnulla (ramulo aphyllo) axillaria apparent pedicello semipollicari v. longiore, 1-1} lin, diametro, levia, lobis seepissime 5 minimis triangularibus v. denti- This curious little species is bait unlike my other haa or . Asiatic species, but comes very near to the South Brazilian Z. poten- tilloides and £#. chameerrhodos, Boiss., figured in that author’s splendid ‘Icones Euphorbiarum,’ tt. 24 and. 25, although specifically distinct from both either in the involucre or in the styles. There are several specimens from each of three different localities, but all very similar ‘ to each other.—G. BentHam . 1. Involucre.. 2. The same ia out, reititee Ae os dorsal glands. 3. Male sewed with the bracteoles turned down. 4. Female Puates 1306, 1307. MUSANGA SMITHII, R. Br. Urticaces, Tribe ConocrPHaLen, M. Smithii, R. Br. in Benn. Pl. Jav. Rar. 49, single species. Has. Tropical Africa, on the Congo,. Chr. roel Ss Barter, Mrs. Mair; Fernando Po, Barter, Man - and span sc same species on the Kussnmbo, Monbuttu ‘Land, 6 wit nm, 3205, ICONES PLANTARUM. | Arbor pulcherrima, 40-80-pedalis, coma patente, ramulis crassis. Folia alterna, longe petiolata, ampla, peltata, fere ad basin radiatim divisa, segmentis 11-15 anguste oblongis breviter acuminatis basi longiuscule contractis interdum ultrapedalibus 2-3 poll. latis, glabris puberulisve supra viridibus subtus albidis integerrimis subtus parallele penniveniis, venulis transversis tenuissimis. Stipwle in unam intra- ; : 1 globosis vix 2 lin. diametro. lores in capitulo sessiles ad axillas bractearum stipitatarum apice subpeltato-dilatatarum. Perianthium tubnlosum, apice truncatum. Stamen 1, filamento recto, anthera breviter exserta. Flores 2 im massas ovoideas v. obovato-oblongas 2-pollicares ad axillas geminatim pedunculatas dispositi, in capitulo i i i i. Perianthiwm lineari-clava- tum, vertice foramine minuto pertusum. Ovarium sessile, ovulo unico a basi erecto, stylo filiformi e perianthio breviter exserto. Achenium perianthio parum aucto fibroso-carnoso apice crasso inclusum, pericarpio duro nitido. Semen pericarpio conforme, erectum, testa memb nacea ; albumen tenue; cotyledones oblonge eequales, radicula brevi THAM. Plate 1306, Male plant. Fig. 1. Perianth and bract. 2. Bract. 3. Perianth split open, showing the stamen. Plate 1307, Female plant. Fig. 1. Perianth. 2. Perianth and ovary, longitudinal section. 3. Achene. 4. Seed. 5. Embryo. PLATE 1308. GANOPHYLLUM FALCATUM, Blume. ANACARDIACES. G. faleatum, Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. i. 230. Foliis 9-14-foliolatis glabris nitidis ; foliolis alternis breviter petio- pius iter et obtuse acuminatis integerrimis, paniculis axillaribus folio brevioribus pedunculatis, pedi- cellis calycem equantibus, laciniis calycinis ovatis, staminibns (in fl. exsertis, drupis exsuccis ellipsoideis apicu vii. 24, Has. Indian Archipelago, Blume and others ; Carpentaria, R. Brown (Herb. 5492)! Port Darwin, Schulfz! Port Denison! Rockingham Bay and Torres Straits (F. v. Mueller, 1. c.). 7) ICONES PLANTARUM. Arbor glabra innovationibus eee balsamo obductis. Helen 4-1 ped. longa; foliola 13-3 poll. longa, $-1} poll. lata. Drupa 3 poll. longa utrinque acutata. Cntgletouds incumbentes plicato-incurva> carnose. This interesting addition to the Australian flora has been well and fully described by the Baron von Mueller (/.c.), who points out that fruiting specimens (of which we had then only very imperfect frag- ments) were referred to Huwroschinus faleatus, Hk. f., in Benth. Flora Sousa 1. 490.—D. OLrver . Staminate flower. 2. Rudiment of pistil from same. 3 and 4. Side and front ert of embryo, PLATE 1309. LORANTHUS KIRKII, Oliv. LORANTHACES. » (§ Acrostachys) Kirkii, Oliv. in Jowrn. Linn. Soc. vii. 101, Has. Rovuma Bay and Dar Salam, E. tropical Africa, Dr. Kirk! tami sepe verruculosi. pak 7-2 poll. longa, 2-14 poll. poo petiolus 4-3 poll. longus. Racemi i 46 poll. longi, breviter ag ee a basi floriferi. Pedicelli 3 ¢ poll. longi. Flores *3 poll. Loti. —D. OLiver. Fig. 1. Flower; the bract usually does not ed half th P - and on stamen y exceed half the ovary in length. 2. Petal tt ep seme Se AE ee ee pep ek De I: i eg oe ee ee eee Se ee ee ICONES PLANTARUM, é Piate 1310. FARSETIA BURTONA, Oliv. CrucireRs, Tribe ALYSSINES. i foliosis, foliis sstrente anceo! tis acutis dense pilosis, racemis paucifloris, alabastris lanceolatis acutatis, peta- lis spathulatis, stigmate breviter ’pilobulato, siliqua oblonga compressa stylo persistente fere duplo longiore. Has. North and Central Midian, Captain Burton! Herba basi snffruticosa 6-10-pollicaris, pilis simplicibus mediofixis induta. Folia 1-1? poll. longa integra. Pe a elli flore a iores. Sepala lineari-oblonga apicem versus angusta gues petalorum ar st antia. sea aeeasa edent soi Ovula 6-7 cae uietates "pais 5. poll. longa; +1,—} poll. lat ” With this interesting new Fu: the name of Captain Burton’s most efficient and enthusiastic helpmate may well be associated.— D. OLiver. Fig. 1. Sepal. 2. Petal. 3. Stamens. 4. Pistil. Puate 1311. ASTROSTEMMA SPARTIOIDES, Benth. ASCLEPIADER, Tribe CYNANCHER. Astrostemma, Benth., gen. nov. Calyx parvus, alte 5-fidus, eglandu- losus. Corolle tubus ealyce sublongior, turbinatus ; limbus oan me contorto- mbri- alte 5-fidus, lobis inflexis conniventibus angustissi catis. Corona simplex, tubo stamineo a re ad basin in alee parva . Pollinia in quoque loculo oe pendula. Stigma vertice planum. Polliculi . . . Fratex per anthesin 8 ICONES PLANTARUM. aphyllus, j junior folia perpauca _— furan Ramuli juncei, apice spicam coven ferentes, floribus parvi A. spartioides, Benth., single species. Ha via amen ng, Borneo, common in holes of trees, looking as if it were truly parasitical, but the roots only line the holes, J. Motley ; tae Northera Borneo, Burbidge. Fruticulus epiphyticus, carnosulus, fabite Sarcostemmatis. Folia in planta juniore v. in ramulis nonnullis brevissimis perpauca, a eens ovata, semipollicaria. Rami floridi aphylhi, ramulos emittentes plures annularibus notata ceterum ebracteata. lores org vix 2 lin. diametro, pdf. ag falti. Hructus nobis deest.—G. BentHam. Fig ower, enlarged. 2. Corona, seen from above; the anthers and glands pied ate sr Sebea. 3. A pair of pollen-masses with the connecting gland. Pirate 1312, 13138. QUERCUS JENKINSII, Benth. CuruLirers, Tribe QuERCINEE. Q. (Chlamydobalanus) Jenkinsii, Benth., sp. nov., foliis integerrimis subtus pallidis, spicis erectis, mascnlis paniculato-ramo osis, foemineis uamarum apicibus conicis undique echinatis, nuce incluso nec adnato, pericarpio crasso osseo, cotyledonibus crassis levibus. Has. Upper Assam, Griffith, Jenkins; and bordering provinces of Burmah, on the Mogoung river, Griffith. Arbor glabra v. inflorescentia tenuissime tomentella. Folia coriacea, oblonga, acuminata, 8-12 poll. longa, 3-5 poll. lata, basi acuta, petiolo 3-14 poll. longo, subtus pallida vix tamen incana, venis primariis sim- _ foeminea sae bractea min so ita ria, arcte sculls sub an nthesi 1-14 lin. diametro, squamis numerosis crassis basi connatis, mox aucta globosa undique densissime shin’ Styli 3, breviter exserti, crassi, erecto-patentes, apice stigmatosi. patie uerum fructiferum globosum v. pies ee pow ¥ fe . i ieee Shee ca ti Sh eae NP pete 38 25 v ICONES PLANTARUM. i9 crassum. This species closely connects the sections Chlamydobalanus and Lithocarpus, having the woody pericarp of the latter, but the nut entirely free from the involucre, though enclosed in it, as in Chlamydo- balanus. Griffith’s specimens are males and females in flower an with young fruits; the ripe fruits were received from Jenkins.—G. BENTHAM Plate 1313, Male specimen; Plate 1312, Female specimen. 1. Flower, enlarged. 2. The same, the involucre cut through, showing the perianth and styles. 3. Young fruiting involucres. 4. Ripe fruit. 5. The same, transverse section. Puate 1314. QUERCUS MAINGAYI, Benth. Cuputirers, Tribe QUERCINES. Q. (Lithocarpus) Maingayi, Benth., sp. n., foliis integerrimis subtus pallidis, involucris fructiferis in spica secus rhachin erectam patentibus reflexisve oblongo-turbinatis clausis velutino-tomentellis, lineis paucis vix prominentibus zonatis, vertice depressis demum circumscisse scuti- feris, nuce inclusa fere ad apicem adnata, pericarpio crasso duro. Has. Penang; found abouta mile from the top of the hill, Maingay. rrugineo-tomen- tifer 4—6-pollicaris, erectus. ‘Tnwolucra 3-4, matura subsesquipollicaria poll. diametro, ima basi valde attenuata quasi crasse pedicellata, i parum Evidently allied to the Lithocarpus scutigera of Oudemans, but with a differently shaped fruit, and if that is founded on the Quercus costata of Blume, the foliage is also quite distinct —G. BenTuam. 10 IGONES PLANTARUM, PLATE 1315. QUERCUS BECCARIANA, Benth. CuruLiFERs, Tribe QUERCINES. Q. (Lithocarpus) Beccariana, Benth., sp. n:, foliis integerrimis subtus pallidis subcanescentibus, spicis | erectis, masculis paniculatis, foemineis simplicibus, involucris fcemineis secus rhachin solitariis sessilibus pea v. fructiferis obovoideis lineis parum prominentibus zonatis bris ees clausis, nuce inclusa fere ad apicem adnata, pericarpio ye crasso Has. y eted meets nm. 3310. Specimina nostra i fl " pagine inferioris fo ori glabra. “Folin bldince, breviter acuminata, 3-4 poll. longa, 1-13 poll. lata, basi acuta, petiolo 5-6 lin. longo, coria- inferiore prominulis a trumque | cos piece coma pollicares v. terminales longiores, in panicula terminali 6-8, foominese inferiores simplices, sub fructu 2-3-pollicares. Involuera sub shee 2-3 lin. longa, arcte eile glabra, zonis promin 6-8 annulata Styli 3, breves, crassi, ex apice prominuli, stigmatibus terminalibus In 2-24 on oll etro, vertice non “a aeheomes et prominenter umbonatum, quam in Q. Maingayt nucem arcte includens et ut videtur omnino See Nux jess ad apicem adnata, pericarpio 2 lin. crasso duro.—G. Ben Fig Male flower. 2. Female flower The same, longitudinal section aie the pistil. i: Ripe fruit. 5. The i: ‘longitudinal section. PLatvE 1316. PERSEA NANMJU, Oliv, LAvuRINES, § PERSEACER. P. (Phebe) gt Olio. » 8p. nov., arbor ‘procera ; foliis basi ios) atis oblanceolatis oblo i supra glaberrimis subtus nervo > medin a excepto appresse sericeo-pube- rulis, paniculis sepius in corymbum terminale congestis perianthiisque sericeo-pubescentibus. m folio vix equantem ICONES PLANTARUM, ll Has. Sze-chuen, Father Vincot! and Yunnan, Western China. Ramuli graciles leves cito glaberrimi. Folia 3-6 poll. longa, 1-2 poll. lata, = petiolata. Pedicelli floribus sequi a v. lisdem longiores appresse sericei. Perianthiwm sericeo-pu ubescens, segmentis ubsequilongis, exterioribus oblongo-ellipticis siesta latioribus intus sericeis. Stamina glabra. Ovariwm in stylo attenuatum po Agere 85 of eas nabinet have been transmitted to Kew by Mr. Daven- port, of H.M.’s Consulate at Shanghai, with a view to the identilienton of the species aiiinding the durable and highly valued timber known 1 — as Nanmu. KH. — ord, Hsq., has also contributed additional be Foe, 370), a the fA can scarcely be dei. as ial differs from P. pallida chiefly in stature, in the form of om detail respecting the Nanmu gous see ‘ Report of the Royal oe ine Kew,’ 1877, p. 38.—D. Ot Fig. 1. Unexpanded flower; the outer segments are 5 reqihabtied as relatively too short. 2. Section of flower. 3. Section of pistil. Puate 1317. MODECCA ACULEATA, Oliv. PAssiFLORES, Tribe Mopecces. M. aculeata, Oliv., MSS. in Herb. Kew. aphylla, — —— 5. gono, angulis in nerassatis aculeis brevibus rectis creberrimis 1-se instructis, fl. ¢ secus rhachin inermem elongatam gracilom faccioulatia, perianthio lineari-oblongo, sepalis lineari-oblongis obtusis, petalis xequi- longis angustioribus acutis membranaceis, corona brevi lacera, slandalis globosis, filamentis basi connatis, antheris lineari-oblongis obtusi . o breviores petalis multo minoribus, ovario 3-gono basi ‘a apice constricto, stigmate subsessili crasso umbraculiformi carnoso obtuso. Has. Somali Land in equatorial Eastern Africa, Dr. Kirk. aulis crassitie penne anatine, rigidus, subgenicu ulatim flexuosus, sorditie albidus, faciebus inter angulos obtusos soi we rigidi, pungentes. Cirrhi validi, leves. Folia in exemplaribus nostris omnino desunt. Fi. g rhachis 3—4-pollicaris, ut videtur erecta, ad 12 ICONES PLANTARUM. fasciculos floram in pulvinos intumescens ; bracteole in pulvinis minute, subulate; flores gracile breviter pedicellati. Pericixthsun $ 4-2 poll. longum, are concavis petalisque erectis; 9 magis cam- nulatum, masculo dimidio brevius, sepalis latioribus et petalis abbreviatis, sacnien tis 3 subulatis. Capsule in rhachi brevi aggre- gate, Vi day oo gt poll. diametro, pallidze, leaves, valvis tenuiter coriaceis. Semina parva, orbicularia, valde compressa, testa irregu- lariter impresso-punctata. This is certainly a most remarkable species of Modecca, if, indeed, it should not form a subgenus characterised by the habit and the curious entire large umbraculiform stigma, in which I see no trace of lobing. The female flowers I have not seen in situ, and cannot say whether they are seated on an elongated rhachis like the males ; the Mere which are ters * cor Hes : . Vertical section of ¢ flower. 2. Petal. 3. Stamen. 4. Vertical section of hy Frond —All enlarged. PuaTe 1318. STELLULARIA NIGRICANS, Benth. ScROPHULARINER, Tribe GERARDIEZ (BUCHNERE®). llularia, Benth., gen. nov. Calyx tubulosus, 7-8-nervis, dentatu v. breviter 4-fidus. Corolle tubus tenuis, rectus, limbus ae abens, subequaliter 5-partitus, wise undulatis vix levissime imbricatis (2 pos- ticis interioribus ? na 4, inclusa, didynama, filamentis brevi- bus ; antherz L-loculares, Sores utic (angulata ?), in genie se vix : ee. c a@ opposita. linearia. Flores in spica terminali sessiles, singuli bractea bracteolisque 2 stipati. §. nigrescens, Benth. (single species ?). Has. West tropical Africa, Angola Expedition, Welwitsch, n. 5838. Rey sin erecta, rigidula, ut videtur annua et verisimiliter in radicibus ramealia minora ot an astiors, om integerrima scabro-puberula. Spice supra foliorum par erin ecetie pedunculate, dense, cylin- ICONES PLANTARUM. 13 draces, 14-2-pollicares. Bractee ovate, ad 2 lin. long, 4-fariam im- bricatee, ciliate ; bracteole breviores, anguste. Oalyx bracteam sequans. Corolle ie calyce subduplo longior, limbi lobi stellato-patentes lineam In all douiti characters, this plant appears to be very nearly allied to Buchnera, but in a considerable number of flowers examined T have always found the calyx 4-merous with a 5-merous corolla, and the pecan stellulate limb of the corolla reminds one of a Manulea or of Selaginee. Welwitsch’s n. 5837 is either a variety of the same species or pode ly a second species with very narrow linear leaves, the spike twice as long and not so dense, narrow bracts and rather more me corollas, but here, as in the typical form, there is the — ffere e number of parts of the calyx and corolla.—G. Brant Fig. 1. Flower, with the bract oy braeteoles (the bract Honora) too small). Soils: 3. Calyx. 4. Corolla cut open, showing the sta 5. Stamens 6. Pistils, the ovary cut Siapitndinally, pocarss the ovules. Puiate 1319. LORANTHUS ATKINSONA, Benth. LORANTHACER. L. Atkinsone, Benth., frutex terrestris 2-3-pedalis glaberrimus ; foliis oppositis alternisve oblongo- lanceolatis obtusis basi angustatis, racemis axillaribus folio brevioribus, floribus tribracteatis, petalis liberis th agi 6 patentibus linearibus, ‘fra yo oo , endocarpio lig- noso intra sulcos albuminis longitudinaliter intruso Atkinsonia ligustrina, F. v. Mueller; Benth. Fl. Austral. iti. 388.— Nuytsia pence A. Cunn. Has. Blu | eee New South Wales, Cunningham! F. von Mueller ! and 0 angustata. Br ‘atin bracte eoleeque subsequilo eari-lanceolate ovario sepius breviores, a: minus recurve Petala T poll ] his ae now reduced by Mr. Ben to Loranthus (‘ Gen. Plant.’ 212), section Coindenleonect6 requires a new specific name, ees being Pitti by a well-known Indian species. —D. LIVE oo 1. Expanded flower. : Petal and adnate stamen, and detached anther. 8. Transverse section of fruit. 4. Embryo, with its subequal cotyledons saieeckins of sispuiiall ; 14 _ IGONES PLANTARUM. Puate 1320. LEPTOGONUM DOMINGENSE, Benth. Potygonacesz, Tribe TRIPLARIDER. L. domingense, Benth. in Benth. a Hook. Gen. Pl. iii. 104, single species. Has. Island of Santo gies near Agua, San Juan, on edges of savannahs, Schomburgk, n. 34 and 122. ens v. arbor parva, — novellis ferrugineo-villo- sulis, defoliatis reliquiarum ocrea annulatis. Folia alterna, apices ramulorum conferta, vix patiolate, elliptico-oblonga, 2-3-polli- caria, acutiuscula v. obtusa, an gam v. obscur res inuato-crenata, pilis sericeis ferrugineis vestite. Flores vix 2 lin. longi, sericeo-villosi, secus rhachin spice intra bracteolam brevyem oblique cupulatam soli- tarii v. gemini. Perianthiwm anguste tubulosum, alte 6-fidum, lobis : Thi mrious genus is in many respects allied to ftuprechtia, but the flowers are perfectly hermaphrodite, and Boag suspended from an eect funicle is that of Brunnichia.—G. Bun Fig. hee ra ans erg ea gts of which the three longer lobes protrude, “and subtended by a small bra - Bracteole further sxvaneed. showing the enclosed flowe 3. — x with a pei Wao or imperfect flowe . the bracteole removed. 4, Hewik opene showing the stamens and ovary. 5. Stamens, vary. 7. The same, tonpitodtiat site showing the oe ahd | funicle. Pate 1321. OXYGONUM ALATUM, Burch. PotyGoyacez, Tribe Evponyaones. alatum, Burch. Trav. i. 548, annuum, papilloso-scabrinseulum saiisensn, foliis lanceolatis destaten v. inciso-pinnatifidis, pedicellis 1-3. ICONES PLANTARUM. 1° nis bractea subduplo longior salad Liat fructiferi angulis membra- naceo-alatis v. rarius medio Has. South Africa ; eat on or near the Sand river, a small affluent of the Orange or Gariep river, Burchell, Zeyher ; and on the Orange river, probably in the sas neighbour rhood, Barber Caules basi ramosi, tenues at Feet ascendentes, 3-1 sit ales. Folia majora latiuscule lanceolata, 13-2 pollicaria, irregulari er inciso-pinna- tifida, in ee, pera ben ‘alin multo minora, angusta, ata v. hinc inde integerri Ocrece laxe turbinatee, membranaceo-scariose, truncate, margine Acts nonnullis longiusculis ‘ciliates v. nude. lores inferiores seepe axillares, superiores in racemum longum interruptum aphyllum dispositi, Lapigin intra bracteas ocreiformes dissitas sepius geminis filiformibus 2-23 lin. longis; masc culi in speciminibus nostris pauci, perianthio fide Burchellii 4fido, in floribus examinatis ut in hermaphroditis 5-fido, omnes parvi, perianthii laciniis vix linea longio- 3-4 lin. longus, angulis 3 nunc in alam scariosam 15-2 lin. latam expansus, nunc rarius exalatus, medio v. supra medium dente v. cornu patente instructu Meissner, in De ‘Candolle’ s Prodromus, xiv. 38, 39, distinguished two genera, Oxygonum and Ceratogonum, placed in two different tribes, = ; : represented in the plate, fig. 2, i rare. When the tothe or horn is prominent, it is usually ow the middle, and sometimes it is con- tinued both above and below into a narrow wing.—G, BENTHAM. Hermaphrodite flower. 2. Fruit with toothed angles. 3. Fruit bie aa ‘eicten The eS ited long attached, as in the winged frui eprentittes still attached to the ra Puate 1322. DIMORPHOCHLAMYS MANNII, Hook. f. Cucursitace&, Tribe CccUMERINES. D. , Hook. f. in Benth. et Hook. Gen. Pl. i. 827; Oliv. Fi. Trop. 2. Af ii. "550. Western tropical Africa; Fernando Po, Vogel, Mommy Old Calabar river and Ambas Bay, Mann, Rev. W. C. Thoms 16 ICONES PLANTARUM, Dioica. Caulis gracilis, scandens, 8-15. pedalis, angulatus, firmus. Folia 3-5 poll. longa, petiolata, rigide coriacea, late ovato- v. rotundato- cordata, acuminata, denticulata, utringque scabrida, per reticulatim venosa, sinu basilari aperta; petiolo 4—?-pollicari. Cirrhi simplices v. Q-fidi. Flores dimorphi; ¢ ad axillas fasciculati, pedicello (calycisque tubo) in alam Tetais canetonieln membranaceam reticulatim ven- osam dilatato ; ; bracteole parve, recurve. Calyx 5-lobus, lobis 5 libera, senias connate v. demum liber, una 1-locularis, duo 2-locu- lares, loculis hieaeibes conduplicatis. Fl. 9 solitarii, parvi, pedicellis non alatis. Calycis limbus supra ovarium breviter productus; seg- menta 5, linearia, patentia, persistentia, demum decrescentia et fructum déihovinaitin: oro olla, 5-part ita, segmentis oblongis extus furfuraceis. | m idee duro granulato appressis coronata, pulp eeetiie Sem magna, pollicaria, oblongo-quadrata, crassa, granulata, utrinque abe en- Hinnilates et dentata, faucibus planiusculis sulco intramarginali quadrato gee ate — convexiusculis marginatis; cotyledones crasse.— J. D. Hoo A very ~ganhie genus, allied to Cephalandra, remarkable for the inged pedicel and calyx of the male flewer, and the more singular calyx of the female, which setae greatly after flowering, and is _— sistent in the ripe fruit, a character probably unique in the order Fig. 1. Calyx of g. 2. Stamens. 3. 9 flower, 4. Fruit. 5. Seeds—Figs. 1 and 2 enlarge ed. Puate 1323. ABROPHYLLUM ORNANS, Hook. f. SAXIFRAGEA, Tribe Escantoniea. A. ornans, Hook. a im Benth. et Hook. Gen. Plant. i. 647; Fi. Astrats ii 437. rachynema ornans, F’, Muell. Wijlints, lil. Po. Has. New South pret banks of the Grose river, Brown; Mount Tomah, Blue Mountains, As nd RK. Cunningham ; Rishinona river, near Ballena, C. Moore. Frutez ramulis gracilibus petiolis nervis subtus cymisque pu appresse hirsutulis. Folia 6—12-pollicaria, membranacea, gracile petio- lata, elliptico-lanceolata, acuminata, ‘ted attenuata, remote dentata, dentibus apiculatis, supra et subtus nervis exceptis glaberrima, petiolo So Ris eh eee dite A st aa iy ge ett ea ae ae ee ee ICONES PLANTARUM. 17 1-2-pollicari; stipule 0. Cyme pedunculate, irregulariter ramose. Flores pedicellati, 3 poll. diam. Sepala 4-6, decidua. Petala 4-6, : ; eg es é ntes. 4—5-loculare; stigma sessile, 4—5-lobum; ovula in loculis numerosa Bacca pisiformis. Semina minuta, testa punctata. As stated by Bentham in the ‘ Flora Australiensis,’ I had described this genus under the above name for the ‘Genera Plantarum’ (anc with the specific name of Cunningham) before the sid at Kew of the third volume of Mueller’s ‘ Fragmenta,’ wherein I found it described (all but the fruit) as Brachynema ornans ; abl the aoa Brachynema being preoccupied, I was compelled to ‘adopt my 0 generic name, and my friend Mueller’s specific one. It is siti to find that this curious plant had not escaped Brown vation; specimens of it are contained in his Herbarium, collecte seventy years ago, during half a century of which they, together with the rest of his magnificent collections, were jealously closed to botanists. The fruit, which in Cunningham’s ie sees appears to be oblong, is in Brown's distinctly globose.—J. D. Hoo Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Stamens. 38. Calyx and ovary. 4. Berry. 5. Transverse section of berry.—All but fig. 4 enlarged. Puate 1324. PHACELLARIA RIGIDULA, Benth. SanTaLacea, Tribe OsyYRIDEZ. P. rigidula, sa in Benth, et Hook. Gen. Pl. iii. 229, caulibus tere- tibus rigidulis ramosis Has. East Tia Mergui, Griffith. Fruticulus in Lorantho quodam rebar oe dense fascicu- latis teretibus ramosis rigidulis 3—5-pollicaribus, } lin. v. majoribus vix 1 lin. crassis glabris aphyllis. Squamelle A nodos alternz, minute dentiformes v. vix prominentes. lores ad nodos secus ramos sparsi, solitarii v ; Gidetoclati sessiles, masculi subglobosi 4 lin. diametro, foeminei ovoidel, demum lineam longi. Perianthii tubus in flore mas- culo solidus, in fceminco ovario adnatus, lobi 4 v. 5, usque ad discum soluti, breves, crassi, westivatione valvati. Stamina 4 v. > ee rr rum affixa iisque breviora, filamentis brevissimis, crassis ; minales, loculis distinctis divaricatis longitudinaliter Peconic! Discus subplanus, — — y. inter lobos perianthii — VOL, IV. THIRD SER 18 ICONES PLANTARUM. Ovarium inferum, 1-loculare; stylus brevissimus, crassiusculus, stig- mate integro discoideo ; placenta i in centro loculi brevis, erecta, ovulis 3 ab apice pendulis. Fructus j junior ovoideo-oblongus ; maturus adhuc non visus. This curious parasite, with the habit of some of the leafless Viscu, has nevertheless all the characters of a Santalacea, where sik — affinity appears to be with the Australian Leptomeria. —G. Brn Fig. 1. Male flower, seen from above. 2, One of the lobes with the stamen at i base. 3. Female flower. 4. The same, loiigirndinel section showing the ovary- ‘cell and placenta, with two of the ovules PuatE 1325. ARAGOA LYCOPODIOIDES, Benth. RercetULaiiaee: Tribe DiciTates. A. lycopodioides, Benth. sp. nov. ramulis lanatis, foliis glabris lobu- latis trigonis carinatisve sbutlassatee ineurvo-imbricatis, calycis lobis ovato-ellipticis margine apicem versus lanatis, corolle fa Has. New Granada, Purdie! Ocaiia, Schlim! attri) Frutee pyramidalis, 3-6-pedalis, ramosissimus, ramulis teretibus confertis lanatis. Folia 1-14 lin: longa multifariam oe ta. Flores breviter pedicellati v. subsessiles 4-4 poll. diam. “Calis foliolis conca- vis coriaceis dorso glabris. Corolla rotata, alba, lobis obovate obtusis, margine glabris. sane exserta. sula ovoidea calycem squans v. superans stylo filiformi persistente coronata, Differs from A. nt sigh in the lanate branches, much shorter leaves _and villous throat of corolla; from A. cupressina in the narrow trigo- nous or keeled aviay "which are not closely ers as in that species.—D. OLIVER. Fig. 1. Expanded fi 2, Stamen. te Section of calyx, gona pistil. 4. Calyx and capsule. 5, Portis of ultimate twig. ain apg a nae a scan ead oct tag Ys =. oie aes ICONES PLANTARUM. PLATE 1326, LANESSANIA TURBINATA, Baill. Urticacea, Tribe ArrocarPEe#. L. turbinata, Baill. Adans. xi. 298. Has. North Brasil, in the Capoeiras at Barra do Rio Negro, where it is known under the name of Mururé, Spruce, n. 1825. Arbor 20-pedalis, ramulis petiolis venis pagine rearhied folioram receptaculisque tomento brevi rufescentibus, succo lacteo sordido. Folia alterna, breviter petiolata, elliptico-oblonga, neater et angus Floves $ numerosi, apicem explanatum receptaculi obtegentes, arcte conferti, basi subconnati. Perianthium tubulosum, carnosulum, bre- vissime obtuseque 3-4-fidum. Stamina 2, rarius 9 filamentis inclusis rectis crassis; anthers parva, loculis adnatis. Ovariw rudimentum 0 v. minute subulatum. Flos ¢@ in centro receptaculi unicus. Perian- thium a receptaculo carnoso hand distinctum, canalem centralem efli- ne 8. Ovariwm in fundo receptaculi inferum ; stylus intra canalem liber, apice ern, ramis stigmatosis elon ngatis ; ovulum ex apice loculi pendulum The fruit of this species is unknown, but specimens of what srould 7 from the foliage and inflorescence to be a nearly allied congener OL. IV. THIRD SERIES, “ 20 ICONES PLANTARUM. have small globular succulent fruits, not yet ripe. They were gathered by Spruce in the Managuiry-gapo, at the mouth of the Solimoes, from shrub known to the natives by the name of Caimbé, and distributed with the n. 1635. Being — flower, they cannot be named or pro- perly described.—G. BEN Fig. 1. Fleshy receptacle, vertical section. 2. A male flower, cut open. PLate 1327. SCYPHOSYCE MANNIANA, Baill. Urricacea, Tribe ARTOCARPES. S. Manniana, Baill. Adans. xi. 293. Has. West tropical Africa, Sierra del ae G. Mann, n. 1727. Frutee humilis, caule simplici 6—9-pollicari nto brevi fusco vestito. Folia alterna, breviter petiolata, Sp ean a acuminata, infra medium angusti iora, membranacea v. ¢ obscure denticulata, pennivenia, glabra v. subtus ad venas parce scabro- puberula, 3-5 poll. longa. Stipule liber anguste. Receptacula in axillis superioribus solitaria, pedicello petiolum breviter superante falta, tubuloso-cupulata, 14 lin. longa, basi florifera carnosula, parte superiore v. limbo cupulato membranacea. margine breviter 4—5-loba. Flores @ in fundo receptaculi pluri-seriati, apice exserti. Perianthium anguste tubulosum, obtuse minuteque 2—4-dentatum. Stamen 1, fila- mento recto; anthera oblonga, erecta, exserta. Ovarii ementam 0. Flos 2 in centro rece taculi unicus. Perianthium e segmentis 2 dis- nd faced uno alteruam S eiange to involvente, perianthio masculo seq, Ovarium superum, sessile; stylus subulatus, primum SL Path S denain fere lateralis, ramis stigmatosis exsertis subfilifor- mibus; ovulum apice oblique affixum, junio ovoideo-globosus, nitidus, receptaculi limbo deciduo denudatus , Teliquiis floram masculorum hieyge: ' This interesting plant, allied in some respects to Bosquiea of Thouars, is described on the soliketor’s label as herbaceous, probably from its small stature; for the stem, though simple and often not even six inches high above the rooting base, saree certainly cauocal and woody in the lower portion.—G. Bent Fig. 1. Head of flowers, vertical section, para the fleshy base of the —- and several male flowers with the central female one, the two perianth segmen opened 0 se and partially eut away to show the ovary and style. 2a. Male en 26. 8 ICONES PLANTARUM. ye | PLATE 1328. BRUNNICHIA AFRICANA, Welv. Potyconacea, Tribe CoccoLoses. B. africana, Welwitsch in, (Trans. _ Lin m. Soc. XXVii. 61, scan ndens, Has. peeves ile Angola, Dr. Welwitsch ! Frutex gracilis, ramulis eee late scandens. /olia 24-34 poll. longa, 13-2 poll. lata, membranacea ; petiolus }-} poll. longus. Cirrhi graciles “folio longiores. Racemi “yt ped. longi, fructiferi pedales, glanduloso-puberuli; bractese 2~5-flore. Fructus ovoideus costulatus perianthii lobis persistentibus coronatus; pedicelli fructiferi 2—3 poll. longi; ale 14 lin. lat Fally described ee Dr, Welwitsch (J.c.). Differs from B. cirrhosa in the form of the leaves, and more especially in the long winged pedicel, the wings nearly equal on each side, not confined to one side or nearly so, as in B. cirrhosa.—D. Outver. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Same laid open and enlarged. 3. Stamens. 4. Fruit and alate pedicel. Piate 1829. ROSA ECA, Aitchison. Rosacea, § Rosra. Rosa Ece, an ral in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. xviii. 54, humilis aculeatissima, aculeis homomorpbis rectis rigidis patentibus basi plus minus dilatatis, foliis agioe 5-7(-9)-foliolatis parce glandulosis, floribus aureis solitari ee fructu globoso glabro nitido calycis laciniis sas coro Has. mon and oe shrub from pins Malinictten. ‘forming with Amygdalus oe the eater part of the scrub on the stony ridges of the Hariab distric ex erectus 3-4-pedalis, ramosus; aie gracilibus glabris junioribus ruberrimis; acnleis in ramis floriferis daca re! poll. lon Folia 4-1 oll. onga; foliola obovata v. elliptica serrata gis. ] lio glabrata vy, subtus parce glandaloa ; stipule parve. Flores 3-1 poll. aaa ICONES PLANTARUM. diam. ; pedunculi §-§ 2 poll. —— glabrati; calycis segmenta —— lanceolata indivisa vel apicem versu s denticulata intus plus mi albido-sericea. Fructus 4-4 ail. Harkbios achenia glabrata, vivid socsiabentibdi villosissimis. The characters of this very interesting yellow Rose are chiefly taken from Dr. rimigeeait s paper cited above, with the specimens before me. —D., OLIver. PLATE 1330. PENIANTHUS LONGIFOLIUS, Miers, fil. 2. MENISPERMACER. P. 1 at coagag Miers in Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. iti. xiii. 124; Contrib. Bot. iii. 372, t. 149. Frutex glaber ; foliis obovato-ellipticis obiidisiades cule acuminatis basi sepe plus minus cuneatis longe petiolatis, floribus 4 in glomerulis subglobosis multifloris sessilibus v. breviter peduncu- latis confertis, perianthii segmentis liberis 6 v. 5 obovatis biseriatis, exterioribus paullo habits staminibus liberis 6 vy. 5, flamentis leviter superne dilatatis, antheris bilocularibus hgiadsnaliter de- hiscentibus perianthio dablaeritntiiok Has. —— Mountains, 500 feet. (Fl. 9, Fernando Po), Gustav Man : Folia set coriacea 5-7 poll. longa, 24-34 poll. lata, petiolus ad 2 poll. a ae ee sulcatus supra canaliculatus, apice inorassatua. Glom- eruli floriferi 4+ poll. diam. The female flowers are described by Mr. ae (Contrib. 1.c.), and in ‘Flora of Tropical Africa’ i. 50. The specimens now described, bearing staminate flowers, had been sorted away in Artocarpes, and so were not at hand when I ‘dbattiied the plant in 1868.—D. Ottver. Fig. 1. Detached flower. 2. Stamen and opposed inner perianth-segment. PuaTE 1381. CEPHALANTHUS NATALENSIS, Oliv. _ Rusiacez, Tribe NavcLera, natalensis, Oliver, sp. n., ramosissimus, ramulis ultimis pubernlis, C. foliis ovatis v. itoatiipiiole breviter acuminatis acutis v. obtusins- culis glabratis v. costa subtus petioloque puberulis, capitulis serindihalitii ICONES PLANTARUM. 23 breviter pedunculatis, calycis limbo supra ovarium producto obtuse dentato, corolla tubulosa superne infundibuliforme dilatata. Has. Natal, Gerrard (1495); Transvaal, Dr. Atherstone. ‘Folia #-14 poll. longa, tenuiter coriacea, rete venularum incon- spicuo; petiolus 1 lin. longus. Capitula globosa florifera 1 poll. diam. ; pedunculus +—4 poll. longus, pubescens. Corolla 4 poll. longa, tubo inferne gracili fere glabro, ore sepe leviter obliquo. Anthere vix exserte. lineari-oblongee mucronulate. Stylus longiuscule exsertus, apice clavatus. The fruit-heads are said to become sufficiently succulent to be edible.—D. Ouiver. Fig. 1. Detached flower. 2. Longitudinal section of ovary and calyx-tube, Puate 1332. CARMICHAELIA KIRKII. Lrecuminosz, Tribe GaLEGEa, . ©. Kirkii, Hook. f. n. sp. ; sparse pilosa, ramis gracillimis cylindraceis suleatis, foliis 3—5-foliolatis, foliolis orbiculari-obcordatis, racemis 3-5- floris, floribus 4 poll. longis, longe pedicellatis, legumine ellipsoideo turgido longe rostrato. as. New Zeatanp: Otago, prov., in the Cardrona Valley, T. Kirk ; Otapopo, M. Petrie. ; Laxe ramosa, ramis ramulisque sparsis divaricatis, ramulis petiolis- que tenuiter sericeis v. pilosulis. Folia sparsa, petiolo cum rachi 4-1. spathulatis breviore. Ovariwm glaberrimum, Legumen 3 poll. longum, rostro valido recto pungente.2-spermo, valvis obscure reticulatis, replo crasso lato leevi. This differs from all the described species of Carmichaelia in the very slender habit, cylindric lax spreading almost filiform branches, large flowers and long beaked . It forms the tenth species of a genus indicated by its position, shows the characters of those of 4 New Zealand. I have named it after Mr. Thomas Kirk, E.L.S., 0 24 ICONES PLANTARUM. Wellington, New Zealand, its discoverer, who, with Mr. Cheeseman, of Auckland, have added more to onr knowledge of the New Zealand Flora than any botanists of late years.—J. D. Hooker. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Wing. 3. Ovary. 4. Seed. 5 and 6. Embryo. All enlarged. Puate 1333. ERYTHROSPERMUM POLYANDRUM, Oliv. BIxIneE#. E. polyandrum, Oliver, sp. n., glaberrimum, foliis oblongis v. ovali- oblongis breviter acuminatis asi obtusis s subintegerrimis petiolatis, i ali floribus poly ra u n axillis superioribus approximatis, pedicellis solitariis geminis ternisve basi bracteolatis, stamin cire. 15 uniseriatis, ovario oblongo-ovoideo superne angustato, stigmate 4-fido. Has. Samoa, Rev. T. Powell. Arbor ut videtur glaberrima, ramalis teretibus levibusque. Folia tenuiter coriacea 6-9 poll. longa, 2-33 poll. lata; petioli 1-3 poll. ongi. FRacemi 6 poll. longi pedunculati ; pedi pelli 4-2 poll. “longi. . lati; Flores $ poll. lati; sepala rotundata v. obovat ndata concava imbricata petalis paullo breviora; pe vata inappendiculata Stamina libera 15-1 ra, mar tieaen panic en crassiuseulis, antheris Jongitudinaliter dehiscentibus 0 ongis v. lanceolato-oblongis recurvis bast ot connectivo incrassato. Ovi um glabrum ; ovula indefi- nita, placentze We have young specimens of ey the same plant from Samoa, sent by Rev. Mr. Whitmee.—D. Out Fig. 1. Bud. 2. Flower. 3. Stamens. 4, Pistil, 5. Transverse section of ovary. PuaTE 13384. LANIUM MICROPHYLLUM, Lindl. Orcuipes, Tribe Eripenprex (Stenoglossex). L. microphyllum, Lindl. 7 a — brevibus non incrassatis pias foliis distichis angust: rnosis, racemo gg ege a Lanium) Lee, te ‘Lindl. + nm Hook. Journ. Bot. i ie British Guiana, Schomburgk. Surinam, iceeodie n. 626, piden- opti arenne s anates ICONES PLANTARUM, 25 hizoma v. caudex reptans radicans, vaginis brevibus laxis ser Caules absque inflorescentia 1—2-pollicares, carnosuli at non in pseu udo- bulbas incrassati. Folia 4-8, we disticha, in vagins sessilia, recurvo- pine oan fere 3- -quet nek ppt opie tome brevis, marginibu membranaceis cum labelli basi in tubum conn Labelli lamina saat eequilonga, erecto-patens, late lanceolata, concava, acuta, indivisa, basi secus lineam centralem 2-lamellata. Antherarum loculi septo transverso 2-locellati. Pollinia 4, in locellis anthers segregata, inferiora longiuscule, superiora brevius, acuminata, apicibus Visco ~~ connexis, distinct grou rechideee which Lindley h y intended to establish as a bette, i bat which he fnalle Cndwoed robebl by the union of the base of the labellum with the column) entered as a section or subgenus of Hpidendrum. The pollinary apparatus is, however, as observed by Focke, so totally different from that of posal that it was impossible to retain the two species in that genus without doing violence to its character. It is in fact very nearly allied to that of the Liparidew, but upon the bona eee pane seems best placed in our subtribe Stenoglossem. —G. B Fig. 1. Flower, magnified. 2. Labellum and column (without the anther) seen from above, 3. Anther-case, Een the four locelli. 4, The two pollen-masses of PLATE 1535. LANIUM AVICULA, Lindl. OrcHuipEs, Tribe EpripENDRE (Stenoglossee). L. Avicula, Lindl. MS., caulibus psendobulbosis apice 2-foliatis, foliis in pseudobulbo sessilibus planis ovatis, pani icula ramosa.—LEpidendrum (Laniumy Avicula, Lindl. in Hook Journ. Bot. iii. 85. Has. Brasil, Organ Mountains, growing in dense tufts on the stems and branches of trees, Gardner, n. 625. 7 2 Caules in pseudobulbum ovoideo-globosum semipollicarem foliis coronatum scisenti, basi squamis 1-2 latis brevibus yaginati- 26 ICONES PLANTARUM. Folia sessilia ovata, patentia, tie pollicaria, plana, carnosula. Pedun- culus rater folia terminalis, cum inflorescentia os paucos divisus, pan niculam ee pyeitis atam formans. Flores iis L microphylli similes nisi paullo majores pedicellis sublongioribus; bractesw minime. Perianthii segmenta et labellum omnino J, microphylli. Anthera eadem excepto septo loculos dividente obliqno nec transver sO, et polliniorum acumina minus ee et (saltem in Boribus exami- natis) libera nec visco cennexa.—G. B Fig. 1. Flower, rece aN 2. Anther-case with three of the pollen-masses still init. 3. Two pollen-masse PLate 133 THESPESIA DANIS, Oliv. Matvacea, Tribe Hiziscen, . Danis, Oliver, sp. nov. — Frutex vy. arbuscula, ramulis ultimis retibus parce lepidotis, apical basi cordatis v. late ene parce v. Has. _ Ribe, Nyika country, East t tpt Africa; also in the Galla crea where it is held as ‘sacred,’ and called ‘Danis. ’"—Rev T. Wakefield. Folia 23-34 poll. eas submembranacea; petiolus ri poll. — Bracteole 4-2 poll. longer. Fructus subglobosus 2-1 . ], diam To the same species, I take it, mnst be re by Dr. Kirk and Hildebrandt (No. 1929) from the Zanzibar coast. : a bracteoles, Dr. sa _ from the Somali coast, probably a variety of the same.—D. Ox1 Fig. 1. Calyx and bracteoles. 2. Anthers, 3. Stigma. 4, Transverse section of ovary. pas Re as Renn eg Nt CUM eid eh it eee dale Awe ee ICONES PLANTARUM, 97 PLATE 1337. MICRONYCHIA MADAGASCARIENSIS, Oliv. ANACARDIACEA, Micronyehia, Oliver, gen. nov.—Flores poly ger. ae pa arvus o- — m prope apicem cavitatis eisdulon Fruct. . . ata. v Jrutea mulis ultimis ferrugineo-hirtis, foliis alternis map Beclatin « oxetigulsdiie paniculis multifloris folio longioribus arcte de- flexis ramnlis lateralibus alternis patentibus. Flores pedicellati penduli. M. madagascariensis, Oliv. sp.n. Single species. Has. Tanala, Madagascar, Langley Kitching. mis ovali- v. oblanceolato-oblonga obtusa vy. obtusinseule acumi- nata, coriacea, supra glabra subtus in costa et in venulis primariis pro- pater ic o-m hirtella, 14-4 poll. longa, #-14 poll. lata; petiolus hirtus 4—1 poll. longus. Panieuls: sessiles ferrugineo-hirts, ramulis divaricatis bracteatis, beasts linearibus appressis ; pedicelli dependentes 1-2 lin. longi, bracteolis minutis. Flores 3 poll. longi. Calyz oo" Petala oe rubiginosa) dorso minute pubescentia. —D. Ouiv Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Same, the petals removed. 3. Anthers. 4, Style and stigmas. 5. Vertical pcb of ovary. Puate 1338. GAMBLEA CILIATA, (. B. Clarke. - ArRAuiaces, Tribe HEDERER. Gamblea, ©. B. Clarke in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. Ind. ii. 739. —Flores poly gami, ebracteati. Calycis margo brevissimus. tala 5, valvata. Stamina 5. arium 3-5-loculare ; styli 3-5 se ad di idiam 23 ICONES PLANTARUM- Himataya, alt. 10-12,000 feet, on the ridge dividing Nepaul from Sikkim; from Tonglo to Jongri The flow deka de pb ens 2 this tree which Sir J. D. Hooker col- lected in 1850 were communicated to Professor Decaisne; but he did not take them fet 7 becabe vebeat fruit the place of the tree in the Order could not be determined. Examples in fruit have been lately received from J. S. Ga la: Esq., of the Indian Forest Department, and the genus established thereon has been named after him. The tree is plentiful on Ae ridge dividing Nepaul from Sikkim, in the region of Rhodo on Faleoneri, but has not yet been communicated from any other lodaltey. —C. B. ih Fig. 1. Flower, petals removed. 2. Petal. 3. Fruit. 4. Seed. 5. Vertical sec- tion of same. PLATE 1339. AMPHIDOXA GNAPHALODES, D.C. Compositz, Tribe GnapnaLien. A. gnaphalodes, DC. Prodr. vi. 246; Harvey and Sonder, Flora Capensis, iii Has. Cape Colony, near Uitenhage, Ecklon; Port Elizabeth, Zeyher; Natal, J. M. Wood Herba a ee ‘hiked lanata. Folia anguste lineari- spathulata appresse v. tenuiter lanata 1-nervia, sessilia a subamplexi- oa ad 13 poll. longa. Capitula 13-2 lin. diam. in _cymis parvis ile pedunculatis disposita; involucri sthidinve obtusiusculis v. subacutis flores superantibus ; ‘ee. am alum nudum. Flores ? graciles ore minute 3-dentati; 8% tubulosi superne acters ampliati 5-dentati; pappi sete ad 5 cadu nee apice tantum bar- llate. TCONES PLANTARUM, yasse, Oliver, sp. nov., acaulis, foliis radicalibus oblanceolatis acutiusculis v. obtusis pilosulis supra scabride hirsutis petiolo piloso, scapo monocephalo piloso foliis 2-3-plo lo ongiore, capitulo multifloro, involucri squamis 2—3-seriatis lanceolatis acuminatis pilosis, exteriori- bus pre weamues subulatis laxe appressis, corolle segmentis linearibus patentibus, ovario pilis subappressis hirsuto, pappi setis barbatis ex- pi 8 multo brevioribus. Has. Higher plateau, north of Lake Nyassa, Mi. Thomson, Folia 4-2 poll. longa, 3-5 lin. lata. Scapus 2-3 poll. longus. ee tulum poll. diametro, floribus involucrum superantibus—D, Our Fig. 1. Corolla, detached. 2. Ovary and pappus. PLATE 1350. ACACIA HUNTERI, (liv. Lecuminosa, Suborder Mimosrx. A. Hunteri, Oliver, Sp. nov .—Glabrata, pallida ; aculeis ternis rectis v. curvulis, foliis parvis, pinnis 2-3-jugis ; foliolis latiusenle oblongis int i obli pedunculatis, calyce campan nulato puberulo, petalis mu- itato valvis obtusis steiner trans- rse venulosis pube Han. eighoarhoad of Aden, F. Hunter. Folia 4-4 poll. longa, rhachide ‘grab foliola ad Filoresboae, cum pedunculo 3-3 Beg long 4 poll. lata, ee rma.—D. O11 Fig. Leafl 2. Bud. Petal. 4. Expanded flower and separate anther. 5. _ Lr ind ety with a med funiculate seed remaining : excepting the last, ia 1 lin. longa. a. Legumen 3 —1} poll. longa, ICONES PLANTARUM. PuatTeE 1351. TECOMA NYASSZA, Oliv. BIGNONIACES. . Nyassee, Oliver, sp. nov. Aff. T. capensi, differt: foliolis sepius obtusioribus, ie fests, 2 longiore 5-fido, lobis ovato-lanceolatis acutatis acuminati Has. Lower a North of Lake Nyassa, E. Tropical ified, Mr. Thomson. Ramuli puberuli pene Foliola lateralia 2-3-juga breviter petiolnlate late elliptica v. ovato-elliptica obtusa apicem versu 3-poll. longi medio bibracteolati, bracteolis subulatis. Calyz ta tubuloso- cn sie puberulus ll. longus 5-lobatus, lobis _tubo i ately Stam Sik exserta.— Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Anther, front and back. VOL. IV. THIRD SERIES. F 33 ICONES PLANTARUM. PLATE 1352. BEGONIELLA KALBREYEBRI, Oliv. BEGONIACER. B. Kalbreyeri, Oliver, sp. nov. Papilloso-setigera, perianthio ee exteriore campanulato undulato-4-lobulato interiore genitalia sequa: eampanulato hyalino- Sosa staminibus 4 erectis filaments brevissimis a basi subliberis Has. Antioquia, Mr. faitireger Caulis 6-15 poll. erecti papilloso-hirsuti. Folia oblique ovato- elliptica acuminata plus minus grosse serrata utrinque papilloso- setulosa, breviter petiolata, 2-3 poll. longa; stipulis lineari-lanceolatis their insertion (in B. Whitei distinctly monadelphous, the anthers erging in two pairs). These a compel a little expansion of the generic character.—D. Otive Fig. 1. Staminate flower. 2. Same, wn laid open. 3, Stamens, the corolla laid open. 4. Anther. 5. Pistillate flower. 6. Transverse section of ovary. PuaTe 1353. PHYLL UM SPATHULATUM, Muell. Arg. Brxacea. P. spathulatum, Muell. Arg.; DC. Prod. xv. pt. 2, p: 1232. Sierra del Crystal, G. Mann. Munda, Gaboon, H. Soyauaz (deser. ex. spp. Gaboonensibus). Arbuscula 10-pedalis. Folia — oblanceolata acuminata basi angustata v. seats 1{-1j ped. longa. Flores polygami masculi ICONES PLANTARUM. 39 et apy eres pedicellati, in costa primaria fasciculati: fl. 8, petalis 4 (?), oblongo-obovatis calyce 2-3 plo. longioribus ; ovario libero ovoideo-conico L Tooelars, placentis tribus multiovulatis ; styli 3 liberi divergentes ; fl. g trimeri, staminibus circ. 15-18, filamentis gracilibus, antheris delioideo- ovatis For the specimen figured of this singular plant we are indebted to the courtesy of M. Soyaux and ' r. Ascherson, adding to our previous imperfect imowledge of it as piblished by Mueller, and confirming I cannot, however, regard M. Soyaux’s plant as roms from Co. oe A detached fruit sent me a weeks ago erates ponin dehisced loculicidally in three valves from the apex wnwar e in. i peeeiotet, the pericarp nga A Fig. 1. Male flower. 2. sais flower. 3. Stamen. 4. Transverse Section of ovary. Puate 1354. INDIGOFERA TRACHYPHYLLA, Benth. Leecuminosa, Suborder Parmionacea. ( Huindigofera, § ies Saget trachyphylla, Benth. MS ag ramosa, hirsuta, foliis lineari- lanceolatis _oblongisve apice 2-3-lin. longis, pedunculis axillaribus folio subsequilongis erectis, floribus capitatis pedicellatis, pedicellis bractea subulata brevioribns, calyce strigoso pee 5-fido lobis acuminatis, corolla exserta, ovario 2-ovulato setoso Has, Shiré ees Zambesia, J. Buchanan ! Suffrute ioshie bin hirsutis. Folia 13s poll. pet 4-4 poll. lata. Sac Ovoidea vy. subglobosa capitata. Flores 2-lin - longi ; ; vexillum obovato- rotundatum extus strigulosum; carina utringue calcarata vexillo subequilonga; ale oblanceolato-o longs carina pias ores. Ovarium longe setosum, stylo superne glabro.—D. Oty Fig. 1. — 2. Vexillum, within. 3. Ala. 4. ages — view. 5, Calyx and stamens . Stamens. 7. Anther : Pi: fruit. e, open. 4 : 40 ICONES PLANTARUM. . PuaTE 1355. DIPLORHYNCHUS MOSSAMBICENSIS, Benth. APOCYNACER. D. Mossambicensis, Benth. sp. nov. “Arbor, ramulis ultimis teretibus subsessilibus foliis oe floribus breviter pedicellatis, folliculis lignosis rugosis 4-sperm Has. Shiré Hight Zambesia, J. Buchanan. ecoranas 5—Z poll. longus. lores (alabastro) 4 poll. 1 ongi; vedioall i lobis ovatis ciliolatis. Corolla fere glabra, lobis tubo mquilongis. oe, D3 longi 7-1 re lati; semina = foniculata 2 prope basi b ves are much m a ally: or more cuneately, narrowed into their long siallishaais: mt On Fig. 1, Bud. 2. ate 3. sae laid open. 4. Anthers, back, front and side views. 5. Pistil. 6. Ovary, transverse section. 7. Follicle. 8. Same, open, one valve removed. 9. Seed. . Puate 1356. RANDIA BUCHANANII, Oliv. Rupiacea, Tribe GaRpENIER. ananii, Oliv sp. nov. Gi: abra, ramulis ‘obieapmed _ foliis infundibulari-campanulato basi in tubo cylindrico calyce longiore a ect limbo 5-lobo, ‘obi Ciiggiso: late ovatis, fractu globoso arpio tenui, endocarpio o ie Shiré Highlands, Canhans J. Buchanan. Folia membranacea glabra, 34-4 poll. longa, 14-2 poll. lata; ‘petiolus ICONES PLANTARUM. 41 z poll. longus; stipule broeves late deltoidew persistentes. lores 24— 3 poll. longi; pedunculi } poll. longi, bracteze breves nPredier toes brevior. Corolla limbo 23 et lato. Fructus a us hdd LIVE Fig. 1. Anther, back and front. 2. Fruit. 3. Same, open. Puate 1357. BURMANNIA KALBREYERI, liv. BURMANNIACES. B. Kalbreyeri, Oliver, sp. nov. Perennis, caulibus adscendentibus foliosis basi foliis marcescentibus vestitis, foliis emir linearibus acuminatis nervosis, cymis multifloris a basi umbellatim 3-5- partitis, floribus erectis longe pedicellatis, bracteis majusculis— herbace's ovario triquetro vix v. haud alato, seminibus inappendiculatis Has. §. José, Prov. Antioquia, Mr. Kalbreyer. Herba subpedalis, caulibus basi plus minus decumbentibus. Folia inferiora 4-7 poll. longa 4-3 poll. lata; superna datim minora. Bractece lanceolate aouaiintan 1_3 poll. longe. Flores semipollicares: perianthii lobis exterioribus violaceis ovatis acutis interioribus brevi- oribus lineari-lanceolatis albis. Anthere diametro transver sali quam verticali subduplo majores eo ie B° CB m basi angustatum triquetrum. Sem Ba: oll. longa oblonga v. anguste oe inappendiculata. LIV. : Cu : In facies resembles somewhat B. longifolia, Beccari, (Malesia, i. t. 13, g- 1). Fig. 1. Flower, perianth closed, 2. Part of perianth laid open. 3. Stigma. 4. Transverse section of ovary. , ‘ PLATE 1358. PHYSOTRICHIA BUCHANANI, Benth. UMBELLIFERZ, § SESELINEZ. uchanani, Benth. sp. 5-6 Legere glabra; caule erecto Tra P. Bue tereti striato glaucescente, foliis sepins ad apic morum confertis, petiolo brevi vaginato, bipinnatis, pinnis it was foliolis seepius 1-3- 42 ICONES PLANTARUM, jugis cum impari, lateralibus oblique et late ellipticis mucronulatis, terminalibus obovato-rotundatis sa i crassiusculis. Has. Top of Mount Zomba, Shiré Highlands, J. Buchanan. Folia radicalia non vidi, caulescentes 5-7 poll. longa et lata ; foliolis 1-2 poll. longis #-14 poll. latis, sessilibus v. lateralibus basi oblique angustatis subpetiolulatis. Umbelle composite tomentelle 4-8 poll. giores. Petala obovata apice inflexa. Fructus ellipsoideo-oblongus, 2 lin. longus.—D. Ontver. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Stamens. 3. Pistil. 4. Fruit. 5. Mericarp, transverse section. PuaTe 1359. BRACHYSTEGIA LONGIFOLIA, Benth. Leeuminosa, Casatrinina, Tribe AMHERSTIER. B. longifolia, Benth, sp. nov.; foliis glabris, foliolis 8-12-jugis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusis sessilibus basi oblique subcordatis, racemis latiuscule ‘paniculatis rufo-puberulis, floribus pedicellatis, ovario ipitato. Has. Tropical Africa, Shiré Highlands, Zambesia, J. Buchanan. N’Jombo of the natives. Arbor ligno molli, ramis adultis foliisque glabris, novellis paniculaque pube minuta rufidulis. Folia inferiora i I 6-9 lin edalia; foliola 2~3-pollicaria, . lata, tenuiter coriacea, nitidula venulosa, subtus pallida, tinis brevibus 1-3-foliatis terminales v. in ram annotino laterales, aphyllx, ovato-pyramidate, laxiuscule, 2—4-pollicares, floribunds, ra- mulis patentibus simplicibus v. 2-fidis. Bractee parve, orbiculate, : . Bracteole valvatew, 3-34 lin. longe. Sepala 5, lineari-oblonga, membranacea, ili i Petala d linearia, ICONES PLANTARUM, 43 medio 2 poll. latum, apice basique angustius, sutura seminifera 2- costata. Semina perfecta seepius 2, suborbiculata, plana. I gave a revised generic | character and described three spss of this tropical African genus in the Linnean ‘ Transactions,’ wie t. 42, to these Mr. Buchanan’s collections from the Shiré Highlands have added three more, the above P. longifolia and the two following, all distinguished from the previously aii -tbe ones by the looser spreading panicles B. floribunda, oath. foliis glabris, foliolis 3-jugis late oblongis ovatisve obtusis sessilibus yer com see racemis s latiuscule panicu- r villosissimo,— Ar wap ligno duro. rhachis tenuis, semipedalis ; foliola 3-4 poll. longa, 1-2 poll. lata, ein Paces gehen costa parum v. distincte excentrica, basi latere latiore seepe 2-3 nervia. Panicule in ramis annotinis fasciculate, 2-3- pollicares, a basi ‘ihial floribunda, rafo-pubescentes. racteolarum -paria in alabastro " same i B. globiflora, Benth., foliis pubescentibus, folfolis 5-7-jugis late oblongis obtusis basi valde i ineequalibus, racemis See laxeque panicu- latis, pedicellis brevissimis, ovario sessili villoso.—Arbor procera. Foliorum inferiorum rhachis seepe pedalis, foliolis ‘3-4 poll. longis 13 poll. latis, ramorum floralium folio la _ minora et _angustiora. Panicula terminalis, foliata, ampla, v. in panicule breves ramis valde divaricatis recurvis. Prebloclavant paria in alabastro globosa, fere 2 lin. diametro. Sepala interdum parum breviora, et petala linearia ree in ceeteris ma Acigept evidentiora. Legumen 2- pollicare, 2 poll. latam.—G. Ban lower showing ~ srg bats yee . the ger two of the petals, ti sepal, 3. A pe nrg — Sie the stamens we as leciontion section. Pistil. 5. Ovary, Puate 1361. MICRAIRA SUBULIFOLITA, F. Mueil. -GraMrnea, Tribe ISACHNES. M. subulifolia, F. Muell., Fragm. Phyt. Austral., v. 20°. Has. Queensland, hilly districts, on rocks, — comb covering them in dense masses, Dallacky and other 44, ICONES PLANTARUM. rate ea plurinervis, nervis 2 ceteris evidentioribus. Stamina 3? Styli breves, distincti, stigmatibus plumosis. Caryopsis gluma paleaque inclusa, libera.—G. BENTHAM. Fig. 1. Leaf. 2. Spikelet. 3. Flowering glume and palea. 4, Flowering glume, opened out, 5. Palea, opened out. 6. Pistil. 7. Caryopsis, Puate 1362, ACIACHNE PULVINATA, Benth. 9. Gramines, Tribe AGRosTIDER (Stipee). Aciachne, Benth. gen. nov., Char. gen. Spicule unisexuales, ¢ i Spicula ? 1-flora, in pedunculo terminali unica, erecta, rhachilla brevissima supra glumas inferiores articulata, ultra florem non producta. ume 3, 2 inferiores vacue, late nace subhyaline et rigidule, obtuse, mutice, parum inequales, sub ata ci m™m volut erne in acu ongum teres rigidum producta ; palea brevior, inclusa, hyalina, latiuscula, circa florem con- voluta, tenuiter 2 cule parve. Staminodia 0. Styli distincti, stigmatibus plumosis. rigida subindurata inclusa, libe A. pulvinata, Benth. MS., single species. Has. Andes of South America, most annoying weed to walk through Purdie; New Granada, Goudo marshy ground, forming a dense mass, Jameson, n. 157; Aigapata, in Peru, where it forms large masses, Lechler, n. 3134, also in Hohen- Le P acker’s distribution of Lechler’s lants under the nrimbak 1813, as Caryopsis (immatura) oblonga, glama Te) ee Le eas eae ICONES PLANTARUM. 45 from the summit of the Cordilleras near San Antonio, but as the very false name of Distychia muscoides, Nees, is given, there may be some ' error in the label; La Paz, olivia , at an elevation of 13.996 feet, Pentland; Alpine region, province of Larecaja, Bolivia, at an elevation of 3600 to 4200 metres, Mandon, n. 1287. Gramen perenne, nanum, multicaule, pulvina latissima -densissime cxspitosa formans. Oaules cum foliis NE ne at foliorum vagini imbricatis diu obtecti, basi demum fere denudati. Folia densissime conferta, n i 1 v. reourvis Sanyo tesa eas rigidis tod sir raro semi- rigidus, folia wigher: sistent v. iis brevior. Glwme vacue sistentes, #-1 lin. longs; florens cum acumine dimidio v. ieneiale lon Not uwithstaniling the number of specimens from most of the above localities, I have been unable to detect any but female spikelets, which on some of them are numerous, often past flower, and showing only the persistent outer glumes. e males are probably on distinct nts male of t this or an allied species, may be represented . Lechler’s eng gathered at Gachapata in Peru, a mo oth earlier than the males above referred to, and distributed with the number See i shaae the leaves are longer, a all erect, and very rigid, 1 to 3 in. long. The spikelets are several in a loose, slight] branched, rigid, erect panicle of 1 to 2 inches, the Auinke precisely like those of the ome -but_ enclosing three perfect stamens he ovary reduced to ovoid oo. with two small poin ah, BENTHAM. Fig. eed, 2. Leaf. 3. Spikelet. 4, 5. Lower empty glumes. 6. Ovary and ihe 7 Pe, dials, and ovary, the St do fatty. fallen off. 8. Flowering glume, almost gprcpte the palea. Pa ring brane : from the specimens repres sented by the wae general yess upper general figure represents Specimens from the same localities with much os leaves wk narrower sheaths, Puate 1363 A. ANTHOCHLOA LEPIDA, Nees. Graminea, Tribe Fusrocez. (Melicee). A. lepida, Nees in Pl. Meyen. 164 (lapsu calami Antochloa). Has. Andes of Peru and Bolivia at an elevation of 14,500 to 15,000 feet, Meyen, Mandon, n. 1372. Gramen nanum, dense cxespitosum, caulibus folioram vaginis ob- A6 ICONES PLANTARUM. tectis, 4-2 poll. longis. Folia anguste linearia, plana, 3-1 poll. ae Pan ieuloe _laxe capituliformes (sepius densiores quam in icone de- ; acu majores, a basi brevissime cucullata latissime expanse, fere oe petaloidess 15 lin. diametro, breviter tenuiterque 5-nerves; 1-2 superi- ores minores, vacue, sub-3-nerves. Palea angusta, hyalina, 23: fida vy. lobo medio diviso fere 4-fida. Stamina 3. Styli breves, distincti, stigmatibus plumosis. Caryopsis immatura ovoidea, intra basin glume a palea libera. This curious little grass with its numerous little heads of white spikelets has almost the aspect of some of the dwarf Helichrysa. Our specimens are Bolivian from Mandon, but they agree well with out from his description any really distinctive character.—G. BrenrHam. Fig. 1. Be Hy enlarged and Sgioag mes looser than it is at the time of flowerin ng. 2. Outer empty glum . Flowering glume. 4. Palea. 5. Stamens and pistil. Puate 1363 B. UROCHLZENA PUSILLA, Nees. GramMIneg#, Tribe Festucem (Sesleriew). U. pusilla, Nees, Fl. Afr. Austr. Gram., 488. Has. South Africa, dry sandy hills near oo Clanwilliam district, Drege. Not seen in any other collectio Gramen pumilum, annuum, caulibus tenuibus i studies 3—4.polli- ribus. Folia angusta, pauca, summum sub inflorescentia spiculas superans, a ceteris istans. Spicule parve, pauciflore, in panicula Segetalitormi secunda densissime fasciculatee, floribus hermaphroditis ae nate, acumine in aristam patentem pr Ace ciate: 2 infime vacue, floren- tibus paullo minores; superiores iterum pa atone Palea gluma paullo brevior, hyalina, 2-carinata. Stamina. . . Styli distincti, stigma- my a ee ea er ee aS akg ne Sgr Te mins fOr lg a ae Re ee te SG gs ICONES PLANTARUM, 47 pie laxe plumosis. Caryopsis breviter oblonga, glabra, a palea ibera. manner in which the fruiting inflorescence with its subtending leaf breaks off from the stem or peduncle has not, as far as I am aware, been observed in any other grass. The genus is otherwise, as ob- served by Nees, allied to Sesleria. Drege’s specimens are all past flower, so that the stamens are unknown.—G. BrenTHAM. Fig. 1. Spikelet. 2,3, 4,5. Glumes. 6. Palea. 7. Pistil. 8. Caryopsis. PuatTe 1364. YOANIA JAPONICA, Mazin. Orcuipea, Tribe Nrorriex (Avethusee). Y. japonica, Mawim. in Bull. Acad. Sc. Petersb., xviii. 68; Mel. Biol., viii. 647. B. Japan, in Alpine woods in middle Nippon, whence Maxi- a received three specimens from his collector, Tschonoski, in 864, ‘Caulis crassus, decolor, erectus, spithameus v. pedalis, aphyllus, _ parte subterranea ramosus, sparse squamatus, villosus, parte epigza glaber, basi crebre sursum remote vaginis concavis ovatis mem- medio i ulum breve excavatum, e » pl ; stigma transversum, profunde excavatum, rostello obsoleto; clinandrii Jobus medius triangulari-ovatus, laterales semiovati, in alas columnam marginantes abeuntes. An lobo e medio adnata, persistens, longe rostrata ; loculorum facies a margin solute; pollinia 4, oblonga, pulposa, sectilia, per bina eaudiculis (stipitibus rostelli P) arachnoideo-viscidulis glandulee affixa, que quasi semilunaris margini superiori stigmatis inserta.—(Abridged from Mawimowicz). Of this curious plant, more nearly allied to Epipogon than to any other, I have seen no specimen. The accompanying plate is copied from a drawing obligingly sent to us by Dr. Maximowicz, taken from the above-mentioned specimens. He has also sent a copy of a sketch, 43 ICONES PLANTARUM. of Siebold’s, representing a somewhat distinct variety or species with larger flowers.—G. BenTHam. Fig. 1. Peduncle and flower, side view. 2. Flower, partly laid open, showing the shape of the labellum. 3. Details of the flower: s. sepals, p. petals, 1. labellum, e.column., 4, Column, the anther-lid turned up. 5 and 6. Pollen masses. PLatEe 1365. NORONHIA BROOMEANA, Horie. Ounacea, Tribe OLrinea. N. Broomeana, Horne MSS. Arbor ; foliis anguste v. late ellipticis obovatis v. rotundatis breviter apiculatis basi cuneatis subcoriaceis in illis ve bt axils venarum subtus tomentellis, paniculis lateralibus plurifloris i i0ri i i anceolati icelli 4-fidus, lobis ovato-deltoideis. Corolla glabra, lobis 4 poll. longis 1 lin. latis ructus ; Mr. Horne says this fine tree is known in the island as the ‘ Sandal,’ and that he has only seen it in the locality cited, where it is not un- common.—D. OLiver. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Corolla laid open. 3. Stamen. 4. Calyx and ovary. 5. Longitudinal section of ovary. 6. Fruit. 7. Embryo. Pave 1366. Fig. A. VERONICA CHEESEMANT, Benth. ScROPHULARINE®, Tribe Dicrranen. V. Cheesemani 3, perpusilla, czespitosa, ramosissima, cano-pubescens, ilibus intricatis, foliis petiolatis cuneato-obovatis obtuse dentatis lobulatisve, floribus axillaribus solitariis subsessilibus, calycis segmentis cuneato-spathulatis apices obtusos versus crenatis, Sa >, VEPPL «ay pNP Ee | pee ee se eek” Le ee foot ao ere ab Ske ICONES PLANTARUM. 49 corollx segmentis obovatis retusis, ovario late ovoideo hispidulo.— V. Cheesemani, Benth. MSS. Has. New Zealand; Nelson, on ms Raglan Mountains, Wairau Valley, alt. 5000 ft., 7. F. Oheesema Ceespites 2-3 poll. diametro ; radice oan elongate, vemis perplurimis filiformibus dense intertextis. Folia a patentia, 4—,), poll. longa, in petiolum angustata, utrinque puberula; petiolo laminw squilongo. Flores inconspicui, albi, +1; poll. diametro. Cay ycis segmenta corolla paullo breviora, recurva. Capsula sepalis brevior, shite Resta eros compressa, hispidula, matura ad basin 4-valvis ; semina minuta, plano convexa, fere gery testa granulata. Inst.’ v. ix. pp. 503 to 51 )) had pre evn been discovered in New Segments; its fruit is unknown. The sagas of V. Cheesemani, re- presented at fig. 6, is much narrower Beh less didymous than in Specimens examined by me.—J. D. Hooker. Fig. 1. Leaf. 2. Flower. 3. Calyx. 4. Stamens. 5. Ovary. 6. Capsule, ail enlarged. Puate 1366. Fie. B. PORANTHERA ALPINA, Cheesem. EvupHoRBIAces, Tribe STENOLOBIEZ. P. alpina, herba pusilla, intricatim ramosissima, glaberrima, ram ascendentibus foliosis, foliis parvis subimbricatis otek pelea sessilibus lineari-oblongis obtusis coriaceis marginibus fere ad costam crassam recurvis, floribus ad apices ramul culis foliis brevioribus superne incrassatis, sepalis 5 oblongis obtusis, petalis 0.—P. alpina, Cheesem. MSS. Has. New Zealand; Nelson Province, Port Arthur, alt. 4-500 to 5-800 ft. T. F. Cheeseman. H. Jay. Herba 3—5-uncialis, ramis reareteqae: flexuosis intertextis teretibus, wctieasamn cortice rufo-fusco. Folia & pol longa, opposita et sub- opposita, CHiee sactin, leevia, Superne convexa, enervia ; Stee subtus crassissima ; stipule minute, late, obtuse, castanex, oppre Flores 1. diam. in axillis supremis, flavescentes, pedicello patentee 50 ICONES PLANTARUM. paullo longiore. Sepala patula v. incurva. Stamina sepalis paulle breviora, filamentis gracilibus; antherew 4-lobsx, poris verticalibus. Ovarium subglobosum, alte 3-lobum, stigmatibus brevibus 2-fidis.— . D. Hooxer. Fig. 1, Male flower. 2. Anthers, 3, Female flower. 4. Ovary. 5. Transverse section of do. 6. Vertical section of carpel, all enlarged. Puate 1367. RHANTERIUM EPAPPOSUM, Oliv. Composirz, Tribe InvLorpps. um, Oliver, sp. nov. Suffrutex incanus ramosissimus: 3 :. bf ms vy. hemispherico, bracteis lanceolatis acutis glabratis subsquarrosis, re- ceptaculo paleaceo, floribus 9 anguste ligulatis, ligula marginibus in- curvis apice 3-dentata, ovario glabro epapposo. Has. Coast of Beloochistan, Mr. FE. Pierce. Folia 3-1 poll. longa. Capitula 3-4 poll. lata; bracteis pluriseriatis . coriaceis exterioribus minoribus. Receptaculum paleis coriaceis lanceo- _ latis acuminatis marginibus interdum laciniatis. Acheni vidi. is plant has very much the aspect of F. suaveolens, Desf. (Kralik, 2 Fig. 1. Capitulum. 2. Ray-floret and subtending scale. 3. Disk-floret and seale. 4, Anther (the tails are connate in pairs). 5. Stigma. pecanesnea nme ea Puate 1368. ERAGROSTIS CHLACHYRUM, Benth. Graminex, Tribe Festucen (Lragrostidew), (Plagiostachya) Celach: Benth., annua, hum : ; z oe yrum, ilis, foliis bre- vibus latiusculis, spiculis subdistiche spicatis 3-4-floris glabris, spicis ICONES PLANTARUM, 51 ad apicem pedunculi 3-4 brevibus confertis, glumis obtusis, caryopsi suborbiculata a dorso compressa valde rugosa antice concava. Hleusine brevifolia, Hochst. et Stend. Pl. Schimp. exs. n. 799 non R. Br. Celachyrum brevifolium, Nees in Linnea, xvi. 221. Has. Sandy shores of the Red Sea, near Djedda, Schimper, S. Fischer, n. 133; between Kosseir and Ras-Benass, Schweinfurth, n. 1577. glabrum. Folia ad basin caulis plura, in caule florido 1 y. 2, supra vaginam sessilia, plana, acuta, 4-1 poll. longa, 14-2 lin. lata, ligula. parva nune vix prominente. Pedunculus supra folium summum 1-14 poll. longum. Spicw ad apicem pedunculi arcte approximate, v. in- lin. longe. } obtusissimew, laxe imbricate, tenuiter membranaces, nervis 3 pro- minentibus. Caryopsis gluma paleaque laxe inclusa, libera, late ovata v. orbiculata, a dorso compressa, insigniter rugosa, media facie foveola repens, and place Kunth in Poa (but not the Aluropus levis, Trin.), by Sprengel in Koeleria, and rown in Wallich’s Catalogue in Hleusine. It has, however, all the characters of Eragrostis, and may take the name of J. brevifolia. It is sometimes quite dwarf, Ziluropus. The leaves are quite those of H. Celachyrum, but the spikelets are larger and flatter, with 6 to 12 flowers and hairy glumes, and collected into a dense, 4 in. dia- meter. vluropus is readily distinguished by the many-nerved glumes as well as by habit.—G. BentHam. Fig. 1. Spikelets. 2,3. Lower empty glumes. 4. Flowering glume, side view. 5. The same, open, with the margins turned in. 6. Palea, lodicules, and caryopsis. 7. Stamens and pistil. 8. Caryopsis, back view. 9. The same, front view. PuaTe 1369. NEPHELOCHLOA ORIENTALIS, Boiss. Graminea, Tribe Festuces (Hufestucee). N. orientalis, Boiss. Diagn. Pl. Or. v. 73. Has. Levant, province of Caria near Gheyra, Boissier, and in Phrygia, near Ouchak, Balansa. MISSOURI BOTANICA: or Lo ICONES PLANTARUM, Gramen annuum, erectum, tenue. Folia pauca, anguste linearis, siccitate convoluta, 1-2 poll. longa; ligula fimbriato-lacera. Panicula fere Aire involucrate, Cav., oblonga, laxa, 3-6-pollicaris, ramis numer- osis verticillatis erecto-patentibus ompeMiestis parce ramulosis, verticil- 1 : 3 , co evolute fere 3 lin. longs, in pluribus speciminibus ores, rhachilla labra, floribus Hs lbecimall Glume < nferiores vacuss sub articu- es vix carinate, - us 7-nerves, apice scariose, 2-fide, arista inter lobos teri recta lobis longiore. Palea hyalina, 2- dentat ta, 2-cari- nata. Lodicule inconspicus, Stamina 3. Styli brevissimi, stigmatibus brevibus plumosis. Caryopsis cm immatura a palea libera. gant grass is the only one known of the genus, for the ten specie s added to it by Grisebach by no means agree with 1. Spikelet. 2. Lowest empty glum . Second empty glume. 4. Flower- ing am 5. Palea. 6. Flowering Bie side view. 7. Stamens and ypistil. PLATE 1370. ERAGROSTIS PIERCII, Benth. GRaMINEA, Tribe Frstucesz (Lragrostidee), E. talaga ba Piercii, Benth. sp. nov., caulibus elongatis laxis, spiculis secus ra mues simplices panicule laxze pedicellatis planis ovatis 8-16. Sak, vhachilla oe glumis obtusis v. rarius mucro- natis glabris, caryopsi Has. Coast of Beluchistan, 0. Pierce. Gramen ut videtur perenne, glabrum. Caules basi conferti crassius- . culique, decumbentes vy. laxe ascendentes, eu os 15-pedales longioresque, in parte inferiore foliati interdum mque ramosi. lia llicari n ed alibus, tadbviedes eit Ste longiores interdum etsi rarius mucronate, 2 infime vacue sed florentibus similes = err ee. as 5 — Doig se route oe: _ © — " oe a ee Se Bee poe yy ts ae, (ad, Sidi a Se ae ene apd WA ys eR, OR Ry Te MN a ae oo 2) SA gk Bel a Pre Ey ee en eee ta ee eS ps ht a ‘eer ICONES’ PLANTARUM. 53 post delapsos persistentes, superiores gradatim minores obtuse. Diasipnie oblonga, pane iuscula, levis. —G. BentHaM. Fig. 1. Spikelet. Glumes, side view. Rs Glume laid open. 5. Palea, 6. Stamen, 2%, Pistil sid Iodicules, 8. Caryopsi PuatTe 1371. ERAGROSTIS SCHIMPERI, Benth. GraminE#, Tribe Festucez (Hragrostidee). E. hes, renee Schimperi, Benth., erecta foliis — pies culis, spica v. racemo terminali simplici, spiculis brevissime pedice latis We sec 8-10-floris, glumis dissitis angustis esate caryopsi leevi. Harpachne Schimp-ri, Hochst. in A. Rich. Fl. Abyss. ii. 431 et in Flora 1855, 331. Has. Near Adoa, Abyssinia, Schimper, n. 171, Rohr. Gramen forte annuum, caules tamen dense ceespitosi 3-1- A con Folia angusta, nunc semipedalia nunc multo minora, basin lamine seepius ciliata, pleraque ad basin caulis conferta, secus paaspakg pauca. Pedunculus us su ra fo lium kag emum ds revis v. elongatus. Spica laxa, 1. Spikelet. 2, 3. poi fee 2s deacon 4. Flowering glume. 4. Palea. 6. pe and lodicules. 7. Stam . Caryopsis ’ VOL. IV. THIRD SERIES. ICONES PLANTARUM., es Piate 1372. MUNROA SQUARROSA, Torr. Gramine®, Tribe Festucex (Sesleriex). M. squarrosa, Torr. Bot. Whipple Exped. 102 (158). Has.. North America; Western Texas, New Mexico, Sonora, up to Colorado. Gramen annuum, humile, multicaule, caulibus primariis 2—4. polli- caribus apice fascicu lato-ramosis sepeque fibrilliferis quasi proli- feris rigidulis glabris. Folia ad basin fasciculorum conferta, ae acutissima, rigidula, rarius pollicem excedentia. Spicule inter folioru fasci culos pauc mis —— a ire occulte, sepius 3-flora, floribus rh Jnmas inferiores articulata, sub quoque flore <7 minus sta te ines 2 inferiores vacue, sub articulatione nisi minores. Palea hyalina, compli nata, florem amplectens. Stamina 3. Styli distincti, elongati, a basi laxe bre- viterque pilosi. opsis anguste oblonga, palea multo brevior, libe Ca . This genus, dedicated to the distinguished agrostologist the late General Munro, is now represented by two or three species from extra- tropical South America, differing from the northern one in a few points of structure, but evidently ioe ariel and with the same habits.— G. BenTHam. te 1. Cluster of eae and sikalets ‘ aga 3, 4. Outer empty glumes. 5. Flowering glume. 6. The same opened out. 7. Palea. 8. Pistil, 9. Caryopsis. PLatTe 1373. FINGERHUTHIA AFRICANA, Lehi. Gramines, Tribe Festucex (Sesleriew). F. africana, Lehm. Cat. Sem. Hort. Hamb. 1834. F. ciliata and F. seslerieeformis, Nees, Fl. Afr. Austr. Gram. 136, 138 Has. South Africa, apparently common in the sions from Albany Se districts eastward, and recently found also in Affghanistan y Dr son. Gramen cespitosum, erectum, rigidulum, caule foliis glabris, ICONES PLANTARUM. oe 1-2-pedale. Folia inferiora conferta brevia, —— aye distantia, vagina longa; lamina anguste linearis, plana, acuta v in acumen sub- ulatum producta, 2-5 poll. longa; ligula br revs, "ciliat a. Spica terminalis, longe pedunculata, dense cylindracea e hlet subsimilis, 3-11 poll. longa, 4-5 lin. diametro. Spicule 1- rarius 2-flore, circa rhachin inarticulatam densissime conferte, singule cum pedicello mucronem reducta; terminalis minor, vacua v. paleam solam rarius orem masculum fovens. Palea gluma pa aulo brevior, subhyalina, Q-carinata. Stamina 3. Styli distincti, elongati, stigmatibus fili- formibus pilis brevibus villosis. aryopsis oblonga, levis, gluma eget bo laxe inclusa, a palea libera. 8 grass is interesting as the only exception to the great series of Boies in the articulation of the pedicel below the spikelet, whilst the empty glume or male flower ee rn fertile one removes it from the is also unusual, for it has never been found in any ree eirpenee “ae oes South Africa and Affghanistan.—G. Brent Fig. 1. isgarael 2. Outer ~, glume. 3. oe glume. 4. The same opened out. lea. 6. Pistil. 7. Caryopsis PuateE 1374. DISSANTHELIUM SUPINUM, Trin. Gramine#, Tribe Fustuces£ (Eragrostidee). D. supinum, Trin. in Linnea, x. 305, hu mile, dense cespitosum, Latte brevi dense cre spic culis 2-fi halaridium peru- anum, Nees in Pl. Meyen ; T6E Psesatnelvuh sclerochloides, Fourn. Ca Mexic., 112. of Peru and Bolivia, Lech ler, n. 1832, Mandon, n. 1849, also in Mexico (Fournier er). ules basi vaginis folioram obtecti, cum foliis dense ceespitosis ed gee rarius cum panicula 3- pollicares glabri. Folia angusto- linearia, acuta, ligula membranacea 1-2 lin. longa. Pedunculus vix Has. Andes apparently at considerable elevations ; 56 ICONES PLANTARUM. e foliis exsertus v. demum folia breviter superans. Panicula oblonga, subpollicaris, densa v. basi paullo latior laxiorque. Spicule 2-flore, roducta, floribus hermaphroditis. Glwme 2 inferiores vacue, sub articulatione persistentes, linea — longiores, anguste, carinates, 3-nerves, acute, exaristate, pare: m inequales; florentes multo bre-. viores, latiore S, se carinatee, 3-nerves, nervis lateralibus marginalibus v. interdum “obsenris. Palea gluma paullo brevior, 2-carinata, 2-dentata. Stamina 3. Styli brevissimi, stigmatibus plu- mosis. Caryopsis oblonga, subtriquetra, libera n this genus the proportion of the lower empty glumes to the fol- eset ones is that of the European Schismus, but the venation of the glumes places it in a different subtribe have not seen any Mexican specimens, but Fournier has identified them with Lechler’s, and he describes the spikelets as 2-flowered only, which character distinguishes this species from the Californian one. Mandon’s ee ae n. gg 4.6, are probably the same D. supinwm in a younger state.-—G. B me ig. 1. Spikelet. 2. The same opened out, showing the summit of the rhachilla. 3, 4. Lower empty glumes. 56. wigheess.: glume. 6. Palea 7. Pistil and lodicules. 8. Caryopsis. Puate 1375. DISSANTHELIUM CALIFORNICUM, Benth. Graminea, Tribe Frestuces ( Eragrostidee). D. califo: ornicum, Benth., tenue, erectum, panicula longa ge eater spiculis sepissime 3-floris. — Stenochloa californica, Natt. in ‘ Jour Acad. Philad.’ ser, 2, i. 189. Has. Islands of the coast of Lower California, Santa Catalina, Gambel; Guadelupe Island, FE. Palmer, n. 96. Caules annui, Graciet, erecti, }—1-pedales. longiuscula. Panicula 2-3-pollicaris. Spicule quam in D paullo majores et in ecinins Gambeliano uti in Palmeri rianis semper 3-floras vidi, a a tamen 2-flore dicuntur. Ceetera omnia D. su- pini-—G. Bey Fig. 1 Spikelet. 2,3. Lowe se t _— 4, Flowenny giume. 5. Th e laid open. 6. Palea. 7 Pist 8 tani ryopsis § glume. e sam SESS ay ee ee ICONES PLANTARUM. Puate 1376. CRYPTOCHLORIS SPATHACEA, Benth. Graminea, Tribe CHLORIDEE. hloris, gen. nov., Char. gen. Spicule 2-floree (rarius 1-flore ?) secusrhachin continuum spice ob enone css 2-seriatim conferte. Glume 2 inferiores vacue, persistentes, ti issime lineares, cea cate, glabra, fae ineequales, sitalat subsequantes, acute, muticse florentes membranacex, late ovate, 1-nerves, extus longe ciliate, pi minute 2- porate sub apice dorso arista rigida instructe ; superiores plures vacue obovate v. subglobos, gradatim minores glabrioresque, omnes aristate. Palea gluma florenti paullo minor, 2-dentata, pilosula, mutica. Stamina... Stylus... Caryopsis gluma inclusa, obovoidea, ibera.—Gramen annuum, nanum, spica_ simplici densa bractea spathiformi semi-inclusa. C. spathacea, Benth., single species. Has. Most probably Patagonia, the only specimen known being in a collection made by Capt. Middleton almost entirely in Patagonia, and deposited in Forsyth’s Herbarium, though this particular specimen | had no locality assigned to it. Gramen annuum, vix 2-pollicare, ramosum, caulibus infra yer centiam }-1-pollicaribus, foliis pauci atis, lamina lineari. Bractea spathiformis unica (v. 2°), terminalis, 8-10 lin. lo onga, latius- cula, membranacea, spicam fere omnino includens. Spica intra bracteam sessilis, setis aristisque glumarum florentium quasi Passe VOL. IV. THIRD SERIES. 58 ICONES PLANTARUM. The structure of the 2 geeiied is ey nearly that of Chloris itself, but they are oe: if not tla two perfect flowers, and the habit is very peculiar.—G. BEN Fig. 1 ee after the fall of = de cote 2. Deciduous are” oe = the spikelet tts . Flowering glumes. a, 6. Caryopsis. 7, 8, 9. Uppe empty glume PuatE 1377. CRASPEDORHACHIS AFRICANA, Benth. Graminex, Tribe CHLORIDEA. dorhachis, Benth. gen. nov., Char. gen. Spicule 1-flore, secus rhachin marginatam spicarum unilateralium ct res rachilla brevissima ultra florem non producte, flore hermaphrodito. Glume 3, ener 2 inferiores ®, ii ig carinate, acute, 1-nerves, Phe sia epi breves, distincti, s stigmatibus plamosis, Caryop sis atiusculum, foliis paucis angustis. Spice plures, atin pil sas cohanatank communem sparse, erectiuscule. C. africana, Benth., single species. Has. Tropical Africa, on the Zambesi, opposite Senna, J. Kirk. Caules tenues, rigiduli, 1}-2-pedales. Folia radicalia v. secus caulem pauca, ongiusculis striatis; lamina anguste linearis, superne subulato-teres, Ctr gosiete ligula hyalina pluriseta. Panicula supra vaginam summam breviter a. fere semipedalis, rhachi communi simplici. Spice us rhachin 10-15, inter se = distantes, summsz 2-3 confete, Soe a basi floriferee, 2-3-pollicare rhachi leviter flexuosa ad late te marginata. Spicule meiiiad, arcte appresse, fere 2 lin. lon sce. The genus is in many respects allied in character as well as in habit to the North American Reladonntinds ac figured aaae (1360), but is readily distinguished by the very small a _ glume and palea, almost resembling lodicules.—G. Ben Fig. 1. Portion of a a with 3 spikelets. 2. Outer empty glumes. 3, 4. Flower- ing pes 5. Palea. 6, Stamen. 7. Ovary and styles. seman SS ee & ie re 28 Me vs ICONES PLANTARUM, 59 Puate 1378. SCHAFFNERA GRACILIS, Benth. GRAMINER, Tribe Zoysinx ? chaffnera, gen. nov., Char. gen. Spicule 1-flors, in ter naa anlarine 1-3 subsessiles, articulate, rhachilla brevissima ultra producta, flore herm aphrodito interdum sterili. Chume i een spiculam gequans, oo-nervis, 3—5-aristata, aristis fateralibus basi seepi yalino-appendiculatis, superior florens membranacea, f hyalina, brevissima 2-loba, arista inter mat fere alin, 2 longiuscula breviter plumoso-stigmat osi. Gramen to. nnuum. Pedunculi in vaginis foliorum floralium inclusi, inferiores interdum solitarii, superiores in vagina 3-00 , fasciculati. Ss. eee Benth., single species. Has. Mexico; mountains of San Miguelita, in the valley of San Luis Potosi, J. a. Schaffner Caules dense fasciculati, basi ramosi, ascendentes v. erecti, tenues, 3-6-pollicares, uti tota planta glabri. Folia inferioraad basin ramorum conferta, secus caules plura dissita fere omnia floralia; vagine rigidule. striate, 2-4 lin. single; lamine anguste, oe subulate, 5—}-pol- excedunt. Gluwme ips vix linea longiores; ariste sepe 3- i tenues, rigidule, scabro-denticulate. Caryopsis in speciminibus ab ovario aucta. The affinities of this plant are still very doubtful. Although the —. of the spikelets is technically that of Zoysiew, the inflorescence nearer to that of some Andropogonee, and the 3. or 5-awned empty panera remind one of Pappophoree.—G. BentHam. Fig. 1. Cluster of 3 peduncles, each bearing 2 or 3 spikelets. 2. Peduncle with 3 spikelets. 3. Peduncle sed 2 Bigg as 4. Single spikelet. 5, Empty glume. 6. Flowering glume, 7. Ria 8. Ovary and styles. 60 ICONES PLANTARUM. PuatTe 1379. CLEISTACHNE SORGHOIDES, Benth. GRAMINES, Tribe TRISTEGINER. Cleistachne, Benth. gen. nov., Char. gen. Spicule 1-flore, oblonge, secus panicule ramos capillares inarticulatos dissite, in pedicello articulate, flore hermaphrodito. Glume 4, 2 inferiores vacus, sub- eequales, late, rigide, acutiuscule, mutice, plurinerves, circa florem convolute, clause; tertia subbrevior, vacua, angusta, hyalina v. hyalina in aristam longam rigidam tortam producta. Palea minima C. sorghoides, Benth., single species. Has. Tropical Africa, Shubanga, on the Zambesi, J. Kirk; and perbaps a variety with rather smaller spikelets, East Indian Peninsula, Bababoodun hills, Malabar, Law. longioribus. Spiculw brevissime pedicellatew, oblonge, 2-lin, longs, dorso pilose ; aristee 4-1-pollicares. Fig. 1. Branch of the panicle. 2, 3. Outer empty glumes. 4, Third empty glume. 5. Flowering glume. 6, Palea. 7. Lodicules. 8. Ovary and styles, ee ‘ ICONES PLANTARUM. 6] PLATE 1380. CYPHOSTIGMA PULCHELLUM, Benth. Scrraminez#, Tribe ZINGIBERES. Cyphostigma, Benth. gen. nov., Char. gen. Calyx supra basin elongatam tubulosus, per anthesin spathaceo-fissus. Corolle tubus basi postice gibbo circa foveolam terminalem ciliolato ; ovulain quoque loculo plurima, sub-2-seriata. Fructus ...— izoma horizontale. Foliorum vagine longs convolute caulem simulantes. Scapi florentes aphylli, e rhizomate ad basin foliorum elongati, procumbentes, ramulosi, floribus in ramulis sparsis. C. pulchellum, Benth., single species. Amomum pulchellum, Thwaites, Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 318. Has. Ceylon; forests of the Central Province, up to an elevation of 3,000 feet, Thwaites, C.P., n. 2736. or appendage to the anther, but in the large genus Amumum, so tant in its inflorescence, a dense erect imbricate bracts, the appen 8a) rally to afford one of the best generic characters in the 62 ICONES PLANTARUM. wie taney toy The inflorescence approaches that of the Hlettaria Cardam tice Miss Smith’s drawing is ue up partly from a series of excellent specimens received from Mr. Thwaites, partly fro co Bloated ane taken by him from living specimens. —G. Br fiat, Fig. 1. Anther. 2,3. Stigma. 4. Ovary. 6. The same, transverse section, PLate 1381. ERAGROSTIS WIGHTIANA, Benth. GraMInead, Tribe Fesrucea. panicula eae dense Sree ramulis numerosissimis quaqua- versis confertis, spiculis breviter pectemens 46-floris, glumis erioribus vacuis parvis in aristam v. mucro nem longum desinen- Has. East India, East Bengal, Grifith; Sunderbunds, Wall. Cat. Herb. Ind. n. 3823. Caulis validus, pluripedalis, uti tota planta glaber. Folia longissima, erecta, rigidula, e basi latiuscula longe subulato-acuminata. Panicula ~2-pedalis, cylindracea ; bes xteriores vacue vix lineam ae ‘ed spins in aristam This speci pe difficult to adruit it into the genus; it is, how connected with it through the #, aoe dan chlorideous inflorescence chara mens are affected with a nodes in the panicle.—G. Brn _ Fig. 1. End ofa —— of the Mencrert ing glume. 5. Palea. 6. Young caryop ve. lar an as Sia that ae is at first wever, in some measure It has nothing of the cteristic of Leptochloa. Several speci- ie a forming here and there hard 2,3. Outer empty glumes. 4. Flower- Sh) an Lae oe eae eee IGONES PLANTARUM, 63 Puate 1382. PSEUDOCENTRUM MINUS, Benth. Orcuipes, Tribe Neorrine. P. minus, Benth. sp. n., porianie laxe pilosulo, mento lineari clauso ovario squilongo v. vix lon ngior Has. Jamaica, Portland Gap, at an elevation of 5,400 feet, D. Morris. Fibre radicales in rhizomate brevi fasciculate, carnosule. Caulis v. paullo a altior. Folia 2-3-infe- obtusa, 3—-5-pollicaria, 1-2 superiora m vaginantia. Spica densa, 3-6-pollicaris, floribus quaquaversis ad axillas bractearum lanceolatarum subsessilibus erecto-patentibus, pilis crispulis laxe vestitis. Ovariwm cylindraceum, basi attenuatum, vix alum posticum (infe erum) patens, lato-lanceolatum, lia in mentum seu tubum cylindracenm patens emarginatum brevissime expansa. dimidio breviora angustioraque, patentia. , ad os me lobos 2 breves corse divisum, intra mentum i nd enti lobo inflexo clausam hg 1m membranaceo-2-lobum olla § in loculis gemina, pulvereo-granu minata. igma concavum ad apicem truncatum columnx “pda rostellum breviter lineare, glandula terminatum The habit and essential character are entirely those of the original from New Sopa which, however, has eeiny BenTHA Fig. 1. Flower. Pollen masses. 2. Labellum. 3. Column and anther-case. 4, Anthers. 5. ICONES PLANTARUM, Puate 1383. PHEROSPH/RA FITZGERALDI, F. Muell. ConitFrera”, Tribe Taxna. P. Fitzgeraldi; monoica, foliis ericoideis decurrenti-adnatis erecto- btusi ue is v. P. Fitzgeraldi, F. Muell, MS. Dacrydiwm Fitzgeraldi, F. Muell., Fragm. Phytogr. Austral., xi. p. 102. Has. New South Wales, in dense woods near the Katoomba Falls, R. Fitzgerald, &c Frutex flaccidus, ad 9-pedalis, ramis infimis prostratis radicantibus. Folia laxe imbricata, 7-5 poll. longa, pallide viridia, coriacea, enervia. olumna staminum % poll. longa; anthers 12-16, laxe loculis contiguis hiantibus. Am of the Blue Mountains, _ ane t that it rather tends to suppres Pherosphera, or to establish it on other characters, than to so enlarge i Hooker, ; 2, Anther. 3. Leaves and @ cone. - Vertical section of immature seed. Ail enlarged, Ss t Fig. 1. Leaves and staminal column. Scale and young seed. 5 ICONES PLANTARUM. 65 PLATE 1384. CAMPYLOSIPHON PURPURASCENS, Benth. BuURMANNIACES. : im dip et gen. nov., Char. gen. Perianthii tubus tenuis, incurvus, exalatus lobi 6, ae ‘omnes angusti, parum inwquales, axilibus numerosissima. ta C. purpurascens, Benth., single species. North Brazil and Venezuela, on tree-roots in moist ae at Panuré, on the Rio Uaupés and San Carlos on the Rio Negro, It Truce, 2492; forest behind Manaos on the Amazon, J. W. H. Traill, sd apparently the same species, Polaro river, British Guiana, E. F. im Thu Herba annua (v. erhizomate perenni Ds semipedalis v. paullo altior, i duplicato erecto, epee 8 " erectis piled ‘vaguintdodl instruc subceerulescentes Vv. in h ovario 9-11 lin. longum, tenue, incurvu lobi lineari-lanceo- lati, acuti, ad 3 lin. longi, in es exterioribus paullo angustiores. tia Anthere Burmanme, loculis insigniter prominentibus, valvis de omnino discretis. Styli apex insigniter incrassatus, lobis latis crenatis. BrenTHAM. Fig. 1. Portion of the perianth- -tube and four of the lobe s, opened out showing two of theanthers. 2, 3. Anthers open, showing the two Fc ‘of each cell, 4, Apex All magnified. of the style. 5, Ovary, transverse section. oc ror) ICONES PLANTARUM. PLATE 1385. HELIETTA PARVIFOLIA, Benth. Rotacez, Tribe ToppaLira. . parvifolia, Benth., foliolis oblongis v. anguste obovatis obtusis, terminali 4—14-pollicari, lateralibus multo minoribus, panicula sub- sessili petiolos foliorum terminalium vix excedente, floribus 4-meris. Has. Mexico, State of Nuevo Leon, near Monterey, Berlandier, n. 1404 (144) ; HB. Palmer, n. 142 ; and State of Coahuila, 24 miles N.E. of Monclova, #. Palmer, n. 143, 144 = as = g $ S superans. Pedicelli brevissimi, minute 2-bracteolati. Sepala 4; arva. Petala 4, sepalis 2-3-plo longiora, leviterimbricata. Stamina 4 circa cyathiformem truncatum affixa. arium 4-lobum, 4-loculare. Ovula in quoque loculo 2, collateralia. Stylus tenuiter ; a character of the genus Nat.’ ser. 3, vii. 280. T Grenada, of which we have probably rather imperfect specimens ICONES PLANTARUM, 67 united with Choisya, but, besides the stamens equal in number to and not double those of the parts of the flower, the small flowers in a divaricately trichotomous panicle give ah a Bz! anti aspect, and the ripe fruit of Choisya is as yet unkno . BENTHAM. Fig. 2. Stamens, disk, and pistil. 3. Stamens. 4. Ripe carpel, longitudinal section, with the base of the wing. 5. Embryo. 6, Flower bud. Piate 1386. NIEBUHRIA WOODII, Oliv. CAPPARIDACEA. N. Woodii, Oliv. sp. nov., glabra, foliis 3-5-foliolatis, sige ellip- tico-lanceolatis lanceolatisve acutatis mucronulatis coriac enulis subtus prominentibus, floribus in ramis annotinis ratirmsyr ‘peak Pe iatie, ovario ellipsoideo v. Sides pa longitudinaliter 4-cos- tato, fructu subglo ac Has. Inanda, Natal, J. M. Wood, n. 930. Frutex 5-8 pedalis, ramis virgatis teretibus cortice levi. Folia alterna petiolata ; petiolis subteretibus 2-4 poll. longis; foliolis 4-7 poll. longis 14-24 poll. latis, lateralibus minoribus, basi plus minus angustatis breviter petiolulatis. Flores fasciculati v. in racemis sessilibus umbelliformibus eo ig pedicellis }-2-poll. longis; bracteis ace oy Petala 0. Stamina circ. 13 in toro parum elevato inserta ; filamentis gracilibus glabris, antheris basifixis Ee ame _Dearium longe stipitatum exsertum, stylo brevissimo dein stig- mate hemispherico sar aera ovula 10-12 oe nieces: “fredal subglobosus sublevis, } poll. diam. ; gynophoro fructifero 3-3 poll. longo.— D. OLIvER. Fig. 1. Flower laid open. 2. Calyx, enlarged. 3, 4. Anthers. 5. Ovary and stigma. Transverse section of ovary. 7. Fruit and gynophore. 68 ICONES PLANTARUM. ‘Puate 1387. SIMARUBA MONOPHYLLA, Oliv. Srmarvusace#, Tribe SmmaRuBes. S. monophylla, Oliv. sp. nov. Frutex 1-3 pedalis, payee foliis Hap hs ee ey obtusissimis Has. eteur Seger Potaro river, British Guiana, G. 8. Jenman, sant and Oct. 188 Frutez cortice nigrescente Sepe rimoso glaberrimo in ramulis ultimis nitente. Folia 14-3 poll. longa, §-1} poll. lata, coriacea, costa supra leviter depressa, vonin coguat petiolus brevissimus cras- siusculus corticatus. uil Sater 2eq, on v. breviores Sites parvus 4-fidus, lobis deltoideis longa. Stamina 8, appendicula ather than in Simaba on the ground of the imbricate eidivadion of the corolla. I find, however, in the unifoliolate Simaba obovata, Spruce _(Engler, in Mart. Fl. Bras. xii. par. 2. p. 210), that the sictivation is also imbricate, and I cannot doubt the two plants are congeneric.—D. Oxiver + Bud.* 2, rarest flower. 3,5. Stamens and appendage. 4, 6. Calyx an Nia 7, Ovale —— 4 Pate 1388. APODOLIRION BUCHANANTI, Baker. AMARYLLIDACER, Tribe AMARYLLIDER. A. Buchanani, Baker in Trimen Journ., 1875, 75; foliis hyster- anthiis, perianthii tubo limbo squilongo, Yimbi segme latis acutis, antheris 3 ad tubi faucem insertis filamentis brevissimis, 3 ad segmentorum ungues adnatis filamentis longinitban. y eictio oblanceo- SE tits Vea ee he A ICONES PLANTARUM. 69 Han. Barren plains of Natal, Rev. J. Buchanan. Bulbus globosus 1 poll. diam., tunicis pallidis membranaceis circiter collum 1-2 poll. longum productis. Foliaignota. Peduneulus brevis- simus. Spatha membranacea cylindrica 1 poll. longa apice fissa. Perianthii tubus gracilis cylindricus 15-2-pollicaris: limbi segmenta pallide rubella 18 lin. longa 2-3 lin. late subtiliter multinervata supra medium ad basin sensim attenuata. Anthere albide lanceolate 3 lin. longs, 3 ad tubi faucem subsessiles, 3 supra basin segmentorum inserte, filamentis filiformibus antheris subeequildngis. Stylus fili- formis ex tubi got vaya exsertus, stigmate capitato, obscure trilobato.—J. G. B Fig. 1. Flower cut open, shewing segments and upper half of tube, nat. size. 2. Anthers. 3. Stigma and upper part of style, enlarged. PLATE 1389. LEONTOCHIR OVALLEI, Phil. AMARYLLIDEA, Tribe ALSTREMERIES. L. Ovallei, Philippi, Descr. Nuev. Pl. ii. (1873), 69, single species. Has. Chili, rather common about El Huasco, Carrizal and other parts oi the — of Atacames, where it is known by the name of © Goaeation, poe ies Fibre radicales fasciculate, irregulariter tuberculose. Caulis erectus, subflexuosus, simplex, sub-2-pedalis, undique foliatns, uti tota planta glaber. Folia sparsa, ee at Sopra patentia v. reflexa, oblongo-lanceolata, acuminata, bas in petiolum brevissimum tortum contracta, majora pollicaria, superiora gradatim minora, summa interdum ad squamas breves reducta. Umbella terminalis, fere in capitulum condensata, floribus in recep o crassiusculo ‘ -cellati Cs ckairlas ig ‘ mibus alternis paullo latioribus. Stylus cha acoemmal 3 brevibus patentibus. Ovariwm inferum, 1-loculare, placentis 3 parie- 70 ICONES PLANTARUM. pe Philippi to be fleshy) and especially by the one-celled ovary and capsule.—G. BENTHAM. Fig. 1. Flower. 2. Ovary and style. 3. Ovary, transverse section. 4, Capsule, Ss 5. Seed, 6. Vertical section of the seed, showing the embryo. Piate 1390. COLA NATALENSIS, Oliv. Stercuuiacez, Tribe STERCULIEA. C. Natalensis, Oliv. sp. nov., foliis integris oblongo-oblancevlatis obtuse acuminatis basi angustatis seepe obtusis longe petiolatis, floribus é axillaribus pedicellatis fasciculatis v. solftariis, calyce 5—(6-) partito v. profunde lobato lobis oblongo-ellipticis extus et imtus apicem versus stellato-hirsutis, androphoro glabro calyce breviore, antheris annulatim capitatis locellis parallelis umiseriatis: fl. Q carpellis dense hirsutis, stylis apice recurvis stigmate papilloso antice leviter decurrente ; carpellis fructiferis obovoideis basi breviter angustatis breviter cinnamomeo-tomentosis. Has. Inanda, Natal, J. M. Wood, n. 321. ; Arbor; vamulis teretibus glabris. Folia 34-7 poll. longa 3-2 poll. lata, costa venisque subtus prominulis: petiolus 4-2 poll. longus apice di . leviter incrassatus. Flores 4-2 poll. diametro. Carpella fructifera 4-5, 3-1 poll. longa, §—} poll. lata. to two or t. of t OLIVER. Fig. 1. Staminate flower. 2. Androphore and anthers. 3, Detached anthers. 4, Pistillate flower. 5, Pistil. 6, Three carpels of fruit. IGONES PLANTARUM. 71 PuaTe 1391. PETERMANNIA CIRROSA, F. Muell. DIOscOREACEIS AFFINIS. P, cirrosa, F. Muell. in Benth. Fl. Austral., vi. 462, single species. Has. Australia, Macleay river, New South Wales, C. Moore ; Clarence river, Beckler. ere 6-partitum, segmentis oblongis petaloideis patentibus reflexis sub- gequalibus v. interioribus vix angustioribus ad 2 lin. longis. tamina g m Sydney, since the publication of the sixth volume of ‘Flora Aus- traliensis,’ natural order to which the plant should be referred remains very ovary of Dioscoreacee, and the unilocular ovary with parietal placen- tation is anomalous in both orders.—G. BsytTHam. ig. 1. Flower-bud, 2. Open’ flower. 3, Stamens, 4. Style. 5. Ovary, trans verse section. 72 ICONES PLANTARUM. PuaTe 1392. RAJANIA HASTATA, Linn. DIOScOREACEA. ta, Linn. Spec. Pl. 1461, foliis hastatis v. triangulari-lanceo- latis, floribus masculis subsessilibus, samaris parvulis.—Plum. Descr. Fi l. Amer., i. 98 West Indies, San Domingo, Plumier ; ites Weight n. 1712, and apparently the same, Bahamas, L. Bra Glabra, dioica. Caulis tenuis, alte volubilis. Folia variant, nune e 5-7 a. Racemi ue sexus axillares, tenues, pollicares, ag 3 Vv c osi, solitarii v. 2-3-fasciculati ; mascu. a basi floribundi, floribus subconfertis brevissime pedi- latis v aeeaiibear feeminei longiores floribus distinctius pedi- cellatis 8 : Perianthiwm late campanulatum, expansum 14 li iametro, ad medium 6-fidum. Stamina 6, su equalia, tubo infra lobos affixa lisque multo breviora. Pistilli rndimentum tr floris pulvina : Perianthium supra ovarium masculo minus, 6-partitus, can age enagesis 0 v. minuta. Stylus breviter columnaris, apice stigmata 3 2-fida patentia divisus. Samara cum ala oblique te, 5-7 lin. longa, 2-3 lin. lata, uno latere prope basin carpelloram abortivorum radimentis quasi articulata. Semen vag ts planum, latum ; eneere parvus inter albuminis laminas arcte inclusus, a ie parum remotu Three species of Rajania have been well re. by Plumier as to the general outline, a the details of structure have never been since represen The e flowers are precisely those of the typical forms of Dioscorea, and from male specimens alone two or three Brazilian true Dioscoreas have been published as Rajanias. This Snipe = to be ae limited to the West Indian Islands.—G. Brn . Male flower. 2. The Tayi Gare opened out. 3. Stamens. 4. Female flower. Fig 5. Sele. 6. Fruit (samara). Se . The same, longitudinal Soca, “ibe one lamina of the albumen and the em ye ICONES PLANTARUM, 73 PLATE 1393. SOYAUXIA GABONENSIS, Oliv. PASSIFLORACES. Soyauxia, Oliv. gen. nov. Flores ao heen eam spicati. Calyx tubo brevissimo ovarium arcte cingente, limbo 5-partito press lobis rotundatis obtusis concavis. Petala 5 perigyna obovata calyce paull leviter superans truncata ope ie varium liberum hirsutum truncatum 1-loculare; ovula 6 (3x2) pendula. Styli 3, a basi liberi filiformes divergentes; stigmata minuta. Fructus 0.—Arbor 15-17 ped. Folia alterna oblongo-elliptica acuminata breviter petiolata, stipulata. Spice axillares swpius geminate folio breviores 8-15-flores, ferru- gineo-hirtex. S. gabonensis, Oliv., sp. wnica. | Has. Gaboon, H. Soyaua, n. 48, 1879. Rami subteretes ferrugineo-hirtelli v. pilosuli. Folia 34-51 poll. onga, 14-2 poll. lata, integerrima membranacea supra glabrescens juice pilosala y. pubescens costa venulisque secundariis eg petiolus ee poll. longus: stipule caduce. Spice floriferee 25-3 poll. Flores subsessiles ; bractes caduce ; calyx extus appresse sericeo-hirsutis ; petala dense sericea "Wei I have not seen. This in aay no velty belongs to a group . alm . . ed as Siltiesing these with Samydacee omeria. Mons. Soyanx, now sett led in the Gaboon, well deserves that his D. Ottv Fic. 1. Flower, from above, after removal of petals and stamens. 2. Calyx-tube. na Petal, back of. 4. Anther, back and front. 5. Transverse section of ovary, pis suspended in its cavity. 6. Longitudinal section of ovary ; wi 2 styles remaining. VOL. IV. THIRD SERIES. 74 ICGNES PLANTARUM. PLATE 1394. EPALLAGE DENTATA, DC. Composit2, Tribe HuianTHoIDE®, Sub-tribe VERBESINEA. E. dentata, DC. Prod. vi. 4, herbacea, caule erecto ramoso pubes- cente, foliis alternis petiolatis ovato-deltoideis landealatiis insequa- liter et seepe grosse dentatis acutiuseulis, basi late cuncatis truncatisve, involucri ap ovali-oblongis hirtis acutis interioribus paullo longioribus Has. Madagascar, bord mT a - = Ss F Se ES ry oP g .. Ale Oa ai a > N ae Se % f, Sa mad ( \ wy ik, AM. C, del. Stellularia nigricans, B enth. PI, 1319. Loranthus Atkinsone, Benth. Pl, 20. gnum domingense, Benth. Leptos ~ &3 = ~ ~~ | | | | AMC. del Oxygonum alatum, Burch. Dimorphochlamys Mannu, Hk. f. AMC. del Cy J a vi) ra cs ct fH © = ee, = ea Near 4 O ae x P1324 A.C. del. }) he Phacellaria rigidula, Benth om \ Ny Y, ) Hie WW TAX wa yy J WY 4g Wid PLT73Z26. E Y 7 } i Bic’, ei | \ RN a Oger —. pl AMC, del. a as aa) 3 ra" oe S “4 B= z bi E ” n @ G fa) 4 Scyphosyce Manniana, Baill, PU.1328 AM.C.del. ES ee) = 2 od - “et ‘od pe ‘S : FE ~Q PLIZ29 Be? i ILLS MOCK =e peas” EaAV dls S OS Rosa Ecae, Aitch. £2, 1337, AMC. del. b ph <2 n a) G = oO ne oO ar n 2 G : a A} oe Pu cD) {2 AMC. Carmichdelia Kirkii, Hkf. Lanium microphyllum, Lindl. PU. 7335. ~Lemum. Avicula, Lind]. PLI336. Thespesia Danis, Oliv. Micronychia madagascariensis, Oliv. PL IGE. hata C.B.CL —— 7) ae) Gamble isso nz, —" Apts an PL.1339 odes, De ce te 4: 2.4 doxa gna } + mp hi A PI1340, an <4 Pantzia pinnatli Cat Rica CMRrOICES. ees, AMC. del. Eriospora pilosa Benth. AMC. del landestina, Benth. > ae 8] ea ® < O ie) G pa ES AMC del 7 1 u Bent es ora ruppigid Rhynchosp PU 1548. AMC. del PLIAG. 1 Bier fe } - ry t a HLOrk us: fi ai AM CG del 5 riseb. 4 ; * a, G ongifo ae oreGe AMC. del i Trianoptiles capensis Fenzl hi aAMAATA Lae A. Vernonia ase Oliv. ~&B. Ver noma Nyasse he Acacia Hunter. Oliv. PLAIBSI AM. C.del . oO & "n n cd ee. ing EB O 1) ic) bs > AMC del : Begoniella Kalbreyeri, Oliv. AM.C del Phyllobotryum spathulatum, Muell, Arg. Pl, 1354 ALUN Indigofera trachyphylla, Benth. tis, ? y & 4 I doe tree Ae TS | Sat Woe \ a ER FY A yO Ws = = vee a wy eek @ a Fe ee fas} va} iva io) pe v) a ee O ty in Sa uy (@) a Ay a ose I Buch ananil Oliv. la Rand PL, 1357 Burmannia Kalbreyeri Oliv. PL 1358 M.S. del * ‘ Physotrichia Buchanani, Benth. PLIBSI. Brachystegia longifoha, Benth. oe, . Pl 1360. Schedonnsrdus texanus Steud PLI3Z6I. MS.dsh. Micraira subulifolia F. Muell. PL 1362. 4 y Ty ZN SASS SS WE ie ~ yp \ \ \N =) = SSSah Se sie? “7 LD Gj) a <= AGS ee 27, — —— a Sie — Fi eZ 24 Pee ae i MS.det. Aciachne pulvinata Benth. a é iy IY MS.del A.Anthochloa lepida, Nees. B Urochlaena pusilla, Nees. Ft. 1364. M°S. del. Yoania japonica Max. Pl. 1565. Noronhia Broomeana, Horne. fj a eS Me SRE lt, NE come Y Cie M.S.del a 4 ny A, +, ES AS, ~ af jay We a i aS it. Z Boros Abe, NA 1p. a wer i SUS NY = LP > ie SEALY Y wi Wh Oy OS AN VE. % ai\iy y NV We \ iy Ne Wath; 1A ee A Gp Wan g se j i SS js & Ee ENG NURS se Y, A Veronica Cheesemani, Benth. B. Porauthera alpina Cheesem: M.S. del. Rhanterium epapposum. Oliv. PL 1368 ee Eragrostis Coelaehyrum Benth 2 ze WH i N.S.del Nephelochloa orientalis Boiss. . PLISIO. a a) ay MS.del ierce1 Benth. Fragrostis ie PL 1371. | how = A ofA SS <= hs — 7 MSdal Eragrostis Schimper Benth. MS.del. Munroa squarrosa Torr PLIB73- SS Stele Soe os foie MS del Fingerhuthia african, Lehm ee ae eae Dissantheluim supinum, Trim. ey 3 soon greet gas ENF e 7 sage sit OS RT cre ahr MS.del lium calfornicum, Benth he Dissant ee ee Sia . OF cenmett Wand pet oem Iz : = = = . ry ‘ Cryptochloris spathacea, Benth. Ts < aes - een es VINE ENS 8 = ue sd i { i \ \ WY LA. 7) i aah a : y——— SR St Se yi ie EMBED Aly, y/ | \ eee Pa ith Uf 7. Me Sh GZ GE of (fe yey Mila [Z Ge Mee : A Vag | # Pa ~. ‘SM MS.ael. Cleistachne sorghoi des, Benth. PL.1380. Cyphostigma pulchellum, Benth Pl, 1381. \) = SS 1) 1) zi Si SA \y . ie Yas Ss Wy) yr Wy NAA) hy Wr Ma i \ t i ¢ Te a" == Se c = — .. SS = SS 3S NS ~ ' AS ~ = +) /) / A\\ UV as. Ay = AN Y \\ Sy Y Gp VAY ; A de Sli | WNW WW FF WG PW Va, Ni Sy pA kr (VINA x We yy VN ge VA Wd fle \) \ \ N SY aS \ NW) \ Eragro stis Wightiana, Benth. ie pa TA LY Ye Ss WA “use a. Lye A f ty a des Pos P1.1383 y Nt NS P Vy. ue We We AY; \ NH ey) y) a \ y ti Ri if 4 = SS 2a Ye WZ SSN ¥ \ 2 =r Wy WW : SS . : N NY S| { NAY Sah eI Ma aS Vi WA N \ =a NY Wy | {Ny SN, Yt NN NN \t = Fs BBO \ Ni “ s=SSskh ; SN WN) ZAG DS HH, SW. NI WY, 67> N) QW, F S \ ") ‘Yi WY, Ca eI " SQy \4 7 | \ HZ ’ oe WA ING WY A) my RY a x \ 4 ) Z as Wy AY, j Vz SY » =a VF sy, y, / f ine ~ B EN \ 1 fF Wy EZ Shy, SY N\\ Ge \ y Ww WWEEEE Sh y) . \ ‘ OA Vay bl L£BSELSS “SRY Yi, W WHY WP WEF SQ, ‘YI Wh id WGA Y ‘ig SAW, Qh Wy ay ~ Y oy S\\ Vy | y eZ t Z AY) ha S a7 ) \ Yo as A Nees ASN \s) : SN x \ | PN \ NY wer | ON WY /) a NY | G \. ces we =N Pherosphaera [itzgeraldi F.v. Muell. _PLI384, M S.del, Campylosiphon purpurascens Benth. Helietta parvifoha, Benth, Niebuhria Woodii, Oliv. re of ‘hl M.S. del. Simaruba mon ophylla, Oliv. JG 4 at anan. on Buch ifl A odol : PUL TBES. M. S.del, Leontochir Ovallei, Phil. M.S. del. 1V. ee Cola natalensis M.S. del Petermannia cirrosa, F.M. Rajania hastata, se . ape: eSncnaetnacs ar a eats 2a J r ES AM M.5S.del. Soyauxia gabonensis, Oliv. dis ESA gE _— a nee M.5.del, C ata.D Epallage dent MS.del. vn 5 Ez, WY) = oO - w 3) Y s 2 & fe) OD re} = Rhipogonum Elseyanum, FP Muell. Benth.é , Dioscorea Buchanan1 2 1, Ben Dioscorea Buchanan avi Se ee feet i SF, Pi, 1899, pA 4. ~y, Aft eo a e Same ~ Fre SOS NETS, SR ee irre” oir ihe ele a Oe) Oe fle ae CN ae: oe ve eae arte Te ee ee M.S.del, > S an n Gc ) ee G Y a a GS ee Pl, 1400. M.S.del, Notobuxus natalensis, Oliv, INDEX OF SPECIES AND SYNONYMS. pega ornans, Hook. bah 16 i, Oliv + 61 Augie oxa pitt DC. 28 Anthochloa lepida, Nees . Apodolirion "Bue anani, i oe Z Ara; 'yeopodioi oide es, Benth. 18 Arthrostyles lags la: HBr. 3 88 ae nth. . . 33 Thon th, ‘ Arthrostylis "iliformis, Thw. . 33 Astrostemma spartioides, enth.~ .. « ; Atkinsonia ligustrina, FM, ee ite vek Rape Ng Oliv. . 38 achynen p 1 Mouser pobre n Brachyste ‘egia globiflora, Benth. 43 Bra eis bos. Tongan, ea 42 Brunnichia ot Burmannia paced oh 41 wag see she doce nth, icentnate Kirkii, Hook: ce 23 1 clandestina, ha Cephalanthus ouieae ‘Oliv. 22 Claistachne sorghoides, Benth. 60 Celachyrum brew ifolium, Nees 51 Cola natalensis, Oliv 70 Courtoisia epeaccides Nees . 29 chis Craspedorha africana, Benth . 58 VOL, IV. THIRD SERIES. Page mee 5 2 apes spathacea, . . . . . . 57 Oyathosiets elandestina, Cc atm : " pulchellum, "Bent th. 0 hak Ce dels etek Dacrydium ie egoasiid FM. 64 Dactylis brev scam Roem.. . 51 Dimorphochlamy: ii swe i Pets 5 Dioscorea Buchanani i, Benth. 76 Diplorhyachs mossambice sis, 0 Dissontheliam californieum, - 56 eats oo Motin Wore: « 66 —— supinum, Trin, . . 56 Ecklonia capensis, Stead. . . 34 — — Hochst, & Meiers ea | Byala dent ata, DC.. Eragr revifo lia, Benth. — nays Ben "Bo ace Eup mbesia a, Bent th, a ig 5 fodiink: “Hook. 26 Farsetia Burton, Oliv. Fimbristylis plan iculmis, 32 Fingerhuthia africana, Lehm. 54 ciliata, Nees ‘i pris Hes. b INDEX OF. SPECIES AND Page Pla Gamblea ciliata, C. BB. Cl. . 27 Ganoph 5 yllum faleatum, Bl. Glossoealyx brevipes, Benth.. 2 ——longicuspis, Benth. . . 1 ot omega Schimperi, vega: ee = . rd — etree re olia, Bent - » 66 Indigofera sn Benth. sc Oe Inula shirensis, Oliv. Pa ae bf a turbinata, Baill, . Lindl, ‘ rey 3 | rigidula, Benth. . 17 | Pseudoe | Ptelea parvifolia, A. Gr. SYNONYMS, Pa Phalaridium peruvianum, Nees 55 Pherosphera Fitzgeraldi, 7.M. 64 yllobotryum spathulatum, ‘uell. Arg. 3 Physotrichia " Buehanani, B A . Poranthera a alpina, 1, Cheesem. . 49 entrum minus, Benth, Pteroscleria longifolia, Grise. 33 Quereus Beccariana, Benth, . 10 Jenkinsii, Benth, oe 9 Rajania mare 9 be... Randi nani, Oliv. . Schaffnera gracilis, Benth. . 59 Schedonnardus texanus, St. . 79 Scyphosyce Manniana, Baill, , Simaruin monophylla, Oliv, . 68 Soyaux nensis, Oliv, . 73 Stenoc isha californica, Nutt. . 56 Stellularia nigricans, Benth. . 12 Tecoma eat ot oe Thespesia Dan - 26 Trianoptiles rag »Fench . 34 Trilepis pilosa . 30 Urochlna pusilla, Nees . . 46 Vernonia Nyasse, 01 . 35 —— stenocephala, Oliv, . . 35 e 4 Ooh i, 48 Yoania japonica, Marim. . . 47 Plate 1383