THE PHILIPPINE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDITED BY PAUL C. FREER, M. D., Ph. D. WITH THE COOPERATION OF E. D. MERRILL, M. S.; F. W. FOXWORTHY, Ph. D. C. B. ROBINSON Ph. D.; H. N. WHITFORD, Ph. D. PUBLISHED BY THE BUREAU OF SCIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS C. Botany Volume IV 1909 With 39 Plates, and 26 Text Figures MANILA BUREAU OF PRINTING 91262 1909 607. GAR DEM 1910 DATES OF ISSUE. No. 1, pages 1 to 105, May 20, 1909. No. 2, pages 106 to 200, June 26, 1909. No. 3, pages 201 to 408, August 26, 1909. No. 4, pages 409 to 592, December 6, 1909. No. 5, pages 593 to 662, December 3, 1909. No. 6, pages 663 to 747, January 10, 1910. TT CONTENTS. No. 1, April (May), 1909. I. Copeland, Edwin Bingham. The Ferns of the Malay- Asiatic Region, Part I II. Ostenfeld, C. H. On Halophila ovata Gaudichaud, a neglected species.. III. Robinson, C. B. Philippine Chloranthaceae IV. Robinson, C. B. Philippine Phyllanthinae No. 2, June, 1909. I. Brand, A. Additional Philippine Symplocaceae, I II. Copeland, Edwin Bingham. New or Interesting Philippine Ferns, 1\ .... III. Merrill, E. D. A Revision of Philippine Connaraceae IV. Merrill, E. D. A Revision of Philippine Lorantliaceae V. Ridley, H. N. The Scitamineae of the Philippine Islands No. 3. August, 1909. I. Leavitt, Robert Greenleaf. The Genus Eria in the Philippine Islands.— II. Merrill, E. D. New or Noteworthy Philippine Plants, VII III. Robinson, C. B. A Preliminary Revision of Philippine Myrtaceae No. 4, October (December), 1909. I. Foxworthy, Fred W. Indo-Malayan Woods No. 5, November (December), 1909. I. Ames, Oakes. Notes on Philippine Orchids with Descriptions of New Species, I - II. Beccari, O. Notes on Philippine Palms, II III. Merrill, E. D. A Preliminary Revision of Philippine Oombretaceae IV. Wainio, E. A. Lichenes insularum Philippinarum, I No. 6, December, 1909. I. Ames, Oakes. Notes on Philippine Orchids with Descriptions of New Species, II II. Merrill, E. D. Index to Philippine Botanical Literature, V III. Robinson, C. B. Philippine Boraginaceae ----- IV. Whitford, H. N. Studies in the Vegetation of the Philippines. I. The Composition and Volume of the Dipterocarp Forests of the Philip- pines in Page. 1 67 69 71 107 111 117 129 155 201 247 331 409 593 601 641 651 663 677 687 699 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. [Prices in United States currency.] Bureau of Government Laboratories (now Bureau of Science) Bulletins 1 to 36. Manual oK Philippine Birds, by R. C. McGregor, (two parts) ; $4, order No. 103. Mining Bureau (now Division of Mines, Bureau of Science) ; bulletins 1 to 5. Mineral Resources ok the Philippine Islands for 1907 ; free; order No. 301. Mineral Resources ok the Philippine Islands for 1908; free; order No. 302. The Bontoc Igorot, by A. E. Jenks; 265 pages; illustrated by 165 photographic reproductions; price $1; order No. 401. The Negritos ok Zambales, by W. A. Reed; $0.25; order No. 402. The Nabaloi Dialect, by Otto Scheerer, and The Bataks of Palawan, by E. \ . Miller; price $0.25; 100 pages; 35 photographic illustrations; order No. 403. Studies in Moro History, Law, and Religion by N. M. Saleeby; price $0.25; order No. 405. History of Sulu, by N. M. Saleeby; price $0.75; order No. 406. The Batan Dialect as a Member of the Philippine Group of Languages, by O. Scheerer, and “F” and “V” in Philippine Languages, by C. E. Conant ; price $0.80; order No. 407. A Vocabulary ok the Igorot Language as Spoken by the Bontok Igorots, by W. C. Clapp; price $0.75; order No. 408. IN PRESS. A Check-List of Philippine Fishes, by David Starr Jordan and Robert Earl Richardson. The Subanuns of Sindangan Bay, by E. B. Christie. Any of the above-announced publications may. be ordered from the Business Manager, Philippine Journal of Science, Manila, P. I., or from any of the agents listed on the cover of this Journal. Please give order number. APRIL, 1909 THE PHILIPPINE ’ 7 1 No. 1 JOURNAL OP SCIENCE EDITED BY PAUL C. FREER, M. D., Ph. D. CO-EDITOR RICHARD P. STRONG, Ph. B., M. D.' WITH THE COOPERATION OF E. D. MERRILL, M. S.; F. W. FOXWORTHY, Ph. D. C. B. ROBINSON, Ph. D.; H. N. WHITFORD, Ph. D. PUBLISHED BY THE BUREAU OF SCIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS C. BOTANY MANILA BUREAU OF PRINTING 1909 PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONS. Bureau of Government Laboratories. * No. 1, 1902 , to No. 11,, 1901,. 15. No. 15, 1901,, Biological and Serum Laboratories. — Report on Bacillus Violaceous Ma- nilse : A Pathogenic Micro-Organism. By Paul G. Woolley, M. D. * No. 16, 1901,, Biological Laboratory. — Protective Inoculation against Asiatic Cholera : An Experimental Study. By Richard P. Strong, M. D. 17. No. 17, 1901,. — New or Noteworthy Philippine Plants, II. By Elmer D. Merrill, * Biological Laboratory. — I. Amebas : Their Cultivation and Etiologic Significance. By W. E. Musgrave, M. D., and Moses T. Clegg. II. The Treatment of Intestinal Amcebiasis (Amoebic Dysentery) in the Tropics. By W. E. Mus- graVe J) 19. No. 19 ’ 1901,, Biological Laboratory. — Some Observations on the Biology of the Chol- era Spirillum. By W. B. Wherry, M. D. _ . ™ + 20. No. 20, 1901,. — Biological Laboratory: I. Does Latent or Dormant Plague Exist Where the Disease is Endemic? By Maximilian Herzog, M. D., and Charles B. Hare. Serum Laboratory : II. Broncho-Pneumonia of Cattle : Its Association with B. Bovisepticus. By Paul G. Woolley, M. D., and Walter Sorrell, D V. S- HI. Pinto (Pano Blanco). By Paul G. Woolley, M. D. Chemical Laboratory . IV. Notes on Analysis of the Water from the Manila Water Supply. By Charles L. Bliss M S. Scrum Laboratory: V. Frambcesia : Its Occurrence in Natives in the Philippine Islands. By Paul G. Woolley, M. D. 21. No 21, 1904, Biological Laboratory. — Some Questions Relating to the Virulence ot Micro-Organisms with Particular Reference to Their Immunizing Powers. By 22. NO^C^2T^190 if, ^Bureau of Government Laboratories. — I. A Description of the New Buildings of the Bureau of Government Laboratories. By Paul C. Freer, M. D-, Ph. D. II. A Catalogue of the Library of the Bureau of Government Laboratories. * No. ^23, ^1904, ’Biological Laboratory. — Plague: Bacteriology, Morbid Anatomy, and Histopathology (Including a Consideration of Insects as Plague Carriers). By Maximilian Herzog, M. D. _ 24. No. 24, 1904, Biological Laboratory. — Glanders: Its Diagnosis and Prevention (To- gether with a Report on Two Cases of Human Glanders Occurring in Manila and Some Notes on the Bacteriology and Polymorphism of Bacterium Mallei). By 25 ATo^ ' 2 L 90 4 .— B i r d s from the Islands of Romblon, Sihuyan, and Cresta de' Gallo. By Richard C. McGregor. ( For first four bulletins of the ornithological series, see Philippine Museum below.) _ .. , . , „. ._ „„„ . 26 No 26 1904, Biological Laboratory. — The Clinical and Pathological Significance of Balantidium Coli. By Richard P. Strong, M. D. 27. No. 27 1901,.— -A Review of the Identification of the Species Described in Blanco s Flora de Filipinas. By Elmer D. Merrill, Botanist. ~ 28. No. 28, 1904- — I. The Polypodiacese of the Philippine Islands. II. Edible Philip pine Fungi. By Edwin B. Copeland, Ph. D. , „ . 29. No. 29, 1904 ■ — I. New or Noteworthy Philippine Plants, III. II. The Source of Manila Elemi. By Elmer D. Merrill, Botanist. ... . _ . _ 30. No 30, 1905, Chemical Laboratory. — I. Autocatalytic Decomposition of Silver Oxide. II. Hydration in Solution. By Gilbert N. Lewis, Ph. D. 31. No. 31, 1905, Biological Laboratory. — I. Notes on a Case of Haematochyluria f To- gether with Some Observations on the Morphology of the Embryo > Nematode Filaria Nocturna) By William B. Wherry, M. D., and John R. McDill, M. D., Manila, P I. II. A Search into the Nitrate and Nitrite Content of Wittes Peptone, with Special Reference to Its Influence on the Demonstration of the Indol and Cholera- Rpd Reactions. Bv William B. Wherry M. D. „ , , „ 32. No 32, 1905. — Biological Laboratory: I. Intestinal Haemorrhage as a Fatal Com- plication in Amoebic Dysentery and Its Association with Liver Abscess. By Richard P Strong M. D. II. The Action of Various Chemical Substances upon Cultures of Amoebae. By J. B. Thomas, M. D., Baguio, Benguet. Biological and_ Serum Laboratories: III. The Pathology of Intestinal Amcebiasis. By Paul G. Woolley, 33 NO ' S3 ! 19 OsTBiological Laboratory. — Further Observations on Fibrin Thrombosis in the Glomerular and in Other Renal Vessels in Bubonic Plague. By Maximilian * NoJ^sf ', 1905.- — I. Birds from Mindoro and Small Adjacent Islands. II. Notes on Three Rare Luzon Birds. By Richard C. McGregor. • „ „ „ , ^ . , 35 No 35 1905. — I. New or Noteworthy Philippine Plants, IV. II. Notes on Cuming s Philippine Plants in the Herbarium of the Bureau of Government Laboratories. III. Hackel, “Notes on Philippine Grasses. IV. Ridley, Scitiminese Philippinen- sis. V. Clarke, “Philippine Acanthacem.’ By Elmer D. Merrill, Botanist. 36. No. 36, 1905. — A Hand-List of the Birds of the Philippine Islands. By Richard C. * ReportSof *the ^uTeHntenden^of’ Government Laboratories for the Year Ending August 31, 1902. (Appendix M of Third Annual Report of the Philippine * Report ^ Sof °the Superintendent of Government Laboratories in the Philippine Islands forthe Year Ending September 1, 1903. (Appendix G of the Fourth Annual Report 39. ThifrdhAnnSal1PRiport of the ' Superintendent of the Bureau of Government Laboratories 40 Fourth* Anrnfal Report of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Government Laboratories ' for the Year Ending August 31, 1905. Bureau of Science — Publications. 101. Price and Exchange List of Philippine Bird Skins in the Collection of the Bureau of 102. ATo.C!f,ni9'o^— A ^h^ck^-List^i^Ph^'Bpphi^Flshes. 1 By 'David Starr Jordan and Robert 103 No&T2 RSr— An'Ma7nuaFof' Philippine Birds. By Richard C. McGregon Parts I and II. A systematic index to the orders, families, and genera. Paper, f*8 for the two parts. • Out of print. (Concluded on third page of cover.) THE PHILIPPINE Journal of Science C. Botany Vol. IV APRIL, 1909 No. 1 THE FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASI ATIC REGION. PART I. By Edwin Bingham Copeland. (From the Bureau of Education. Manila, P. I.) The fern flora of the Malay Archipelago is the richest in the world, in species, in genera, and in families. In recent geological times this region has evidently been a center for the diffusion of species, in every direction in which no impassable barriers prevent it. The study of this flora has therefore a very special bionomic interest; but a thorough floristic study is an indispensable prerequisite to any valuable bionomic work. I have devoted a number of years to this field, and am presenting this “flora” in the expectation that it will make this work easier for others. In this Part I, including all familes except Hymenophyllaceac and Pohj- podiaceae, the genera are almost all so striking in appearance that tbe photograph of one species in each will permit their immediate recogni- tion by a beginner. However, the subjects for tbe photographs have been chosen from species the illustration of which will be useful to special- ists in pteridology. The greater part of the material used in this work is in the herbarium of tbe writer and in that of the Bureau of Science, in Manila. The plants in these families in the Hongkong herbarium were kindly loaned by tbe Director of that institution, Mr. S. T. Dunn; and the veteran missionary and botanist, Urbain Faurie, of Aomori, Japan, has helped me with his complete material in the same families. Grateful acknowl- edgment is made to these gentlemen. While this part is in press, the large volume “Malayan Ferns” by Captain C. It. W. K. van Alderwerelt van Roseburg came to hand. I am fortunately still able to make such corrections in this paper as do not break into paragraphs, and can therefore use van Alderwerelt’s previously unpublished information as to tbe range of various species. 80915 2 COPELAND. KEY TO THE FAMILIES OF F1LICALES. Sporangium derived from a group of cells, wall more than 1 cell thick (Euspor- ANOIATAE) . Sporangia solitary, marginal on reduced segments 1. Ophioglossaceae Sporangia in sori, dorsal, on normal fronds 2. Marattiaceae Sporangium derived from a single cell; wall 1 cell thick (Leptosporangiatae) . Spores of two kinds; aquatic plants ( Hydropteridineae ) . Leaves cruciform 3. M arsileaceac Leaves not cruciform, plants floating 4. Salviniaceae Spores of one kind, mostly terrestrial (Eufilicineae) . Leaves with the usual leaf tissues. Sporangium opening by a longitudinal slit. Annulus rudimentary 5. Osmundaceae Annulus subapical 6. Schizaeaceae Annulus medial 7. Gleicheniaceae Sporangium opening by a more or less transverse slit. Annulus oblique. Aquatic 8. Parkeriaceac Not aquatic, rhizome creeping 0. Matoniaceae Not aquatic, caudex erect, mostly tree ferns 10. Cyathcaccac Annulus longitudinal, incomplete 12. Polypodiaceae Leaves without stomata, usually without parenchyma.. 11. HymenophyUaccae artificial key. Aquatic, leaves cruciform Marsilea, p. 12 Aquatic, leaves simple, floating plants. Midrib present, hut no veinlets Azolla, p. 14 Yeinlets present Salvinia, p. 14 Aquatic, leaves pinnately compound Ceratopteris, p. 20 Terrestrial, stipules present Marattiaceae, p. 8 Terrestrial, stipules wanting. Frond forked into a sterile segment and a fertile one arising from it or below it. Ophioglossace.e, p. 3 Frond not forked into a sterile and a fertile segment. Leaves mostly very thin, sori terminal, inclosed by two equal thin valves ( Hymenophyllace.e ) . Leaves mostly thicker, sori not inclosed by two equal thin valves. Rachis scandent, monopodial (dichotomous) Lygodium, p. 17 Frond grass- or rush-like, digitate or dichotomous at top Schizaea, p. 20 Fronds monopodial, pendent . Phanerosorus, p. 28 Fronds not monopodial, nor grass-like with digitate or dichotomous apex. Frond fan-shaped, with pinnate divisions Matonia, p. 27 Frond not fan-shapped with pinnate divisions. Ultimate diyisions pinnate, frond equally dichotomous below these. Gleichenia, p. 22 Frond not dichotomous and then pinnate. Sporangia large, opening by a slit across the apex Osmunda, p. 15 Sporangia not opening by a slit across the apex. Tree-ferns with oblique annulus Cyatiieace.e, p. 28 Not tree-ferns with oblique annulus. Annulus oblique, frond at least tripinnate Balantium, p. G1 Annuls not oblique, or frond but once pinnate ( Polypoihace.e ) . FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 3 1. OPHIOGLOSSACEiE. Rhizome usually underground, small, usually erect, of very slow growth, producing one or two leaves annually; fronds small or of moderate size, without stipules, straight or folded in vernation (not circinate) ; fertile segment very contracted, springing from the ventral face of the sterile frond or of its stipe; sporangia large, formed each from a group of superficial cells and having a wall several layers of cells thick, without any annulus. A small family of three genera. These are perhaps the most primitive living Pteridophyta. The origin of the sporangium, the vernation, and the structure of the stomata recall Anthoceros ; and these characters and the occurrence of collateral bundles with secondary thickening indicate a close affinity to what must have been the ancestors of the flowering plants. Veins reticulate !• Ophioglossum Veins free: Sterile segment pinnate in plan 2. Botrychium Sterile segment trifid, its divisions sparingly pinnate 3. Helminthostachys 1. OPHIOGLOSSUM Linnaeus. Sterile segment entire or sparingly forked, with anastomosing veins; fertile segment likewise simple or rarely forked, fleshy, linear; sporangia immersed in the sides of the segment and opening by a slit transverse to it. A genus of at most 43 known species, chiefly tropical. Fertile and sterile segments separating at or below the base of sterile blade. Sterile blade with an apparently stout midrib 1. O.fibrosum Without apparently stout midrib. Sterile blade linear or lanceolate. Segments separating well above ground 2. 0. gramineum Common stipe hardly reaching above ground. Fertile segment rising from base of sterile 3. 0. japonicum Sterile segment stalked 4. 0. braunii Sterile blade ovate or elliptic. Base cuneate or truncate 5- 0. pcdunculosum Base cordate - fi- t). reticulatum Sterile blade obovate 7. 0. obovatum Fertile segment rising from sterile blade. Terrestrial 0. intermedium Epiphytic 9- 0. pendulum Sterile blade practically none 19- 0. simplex 1. Ophioglossum fibrosum Sebum. Rhizome large and globose with numerous fibrous roots ; common stipe very short; sterile segment 4 to 5 cm long, lanceolate or oblong, acute or obtuse, thick and opaque; venation very dense next the costa, giving the appearance of a broad midrib ; fertile segment 3 to 5 cm long, on a stipe of 10 to 12 cm ; sporangia up to 50 on a side. Southern India, Sumatra, tropical Africa. 4 COPELAND. 2. Ophioglossum gramineum Willd. Common stipe rising well above the ground; sterile lamina 10 to 15 mm long; 1 to 2 mm broad, fertile segment arising from base of sterile, the spike up to 9 mm long, with 4 to 9 sporangia on a side ; whole plant not over 4.5 cm high. Lidia, New Guinea, western Africa. .3. Ophioglossum japonicum Prantl. Rhizome cylindrical; common stipe hardly reaching above the ground ; sterile lamina about 4.5 cm long, lanceolate, somewhat fleshy; fertile seg- ment rising from the base of the sterile, and 3 to 4 times as high, sporan- gia up to 50 on a side. Japan. 4. Ophioglossum braunii Prantl. Common stipe not reaching above the ground; sterile blade lanceolate, typically thin but in the only reported collection from this part of the world said to be thicker, free veinlets few, and the midvein not branched ; fertile segment arising below the base of the sterile. Yunnan (?) ; Cape Verde Islands. 5. Ophioglossum pedunculosum Desv. (Plate I, B. C.) Rhizome cylindrical or globose, with copious fleshy roots; common stipe arising 1 to 5 cm or more above the ground; sterile blade ovate, usually acute, subentire, narrowed abruptly to a c-uneate base, com- monly 3 to 4 cm long, the extremes in the Philippines being 1 cm and 7 cm; fertile segment arising from the base of the sterile or just below it; stipe of fertile segment 1 to 4 times exceeding the sterile one. A common and exceedingly variable species, which has therefore received many names. 1 am unable to distinguish 0. timorense Miq. Two plants described as varieties of this species by Raciborski are raised to specific rank by van Alderwerelt (p. 774) : O. inconspicuum of Java and New Guinea, and O. pumilum of Java. Japan to India and New Zealand. 0. Ophioglossum reticulatum L. Similar to 0. pedunculosum, but the sterile blade cordate above the short cuneate base; a less variable species here, without very small forms. Luzon, Mount Mariveles; in the tropics from the Carolines eastward to the Mascarenes. 7. Ophioglossum obovatum Miq. Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat, 4 (1868) 93. Sterile segment 5 cm long, 12 mm broad, with a stipe one-third as long, oblong-obovate or more rarely broadly obovate, apex broadly rounded, FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIG REGION. O base gradually narrowed to a broad petiole, subcoriaceous, green, margin crisped when dried, areolae with a secondary interior network; stipe of fertile segment far exceeding the sterile, commonly 10 cm high, “spike" narrow, 2.5 cm long, mucronate, sporangia 40 on a side. Timor. The preceding 7 species constitute with us the subgenus Eu-ophioglossum; there is no general agreement as to the limitations of the species in this group. Besides those here enumerated, Christensen cites 0. parvifolium Grew & Hook., from Malacca and India ; it is not improbably a form of 0. pedunculosum , as stated by Matsumura and Hayata. There seems to be another species in Minda- nao, but my material does not justify describing it. 0. macrorhizum Kze., a South American plant, has been ascribed doubtfully to the Philippines. 8. Ophioglossum intermedium Hooker. (Plate I, A.) Ehizome terrestrial and on rotten logs; stipe erect, about 10 cm high, merging into the blade; sterile blade about 10 cm high, oblanceolate, entire or lobed near the apex, obtuse, veins reticulate without free in- cluded veinlets; fertile segment arising from the sterile and equaling or somewhat overtopping it. Borneo, Java, Mindoro, New Guinea. 9. Ophioglossum pendulum L. Rhizome epiphytic, giving rise to a number of pendent fronds; stipe up to 10 cm long, merging into the blade; sterile blade 20 to 100 or even 150 cm long, 2 to G cm broad, simple or more often forked, usually sinuate, fleshy-coriaceous but drying thin, veins reticulate with large areoles and no included veinlets; fertile segments one or often a pair, springing from below the middle of the sterile blade, short-stalked, with a fleshy spike 3 to 10 cm or more long. Mauritius to India, Formosa, Yakusliima, New South Wales, and Hawaii. 10. Ophioglossum simplex Ridley. Terrestrial, rhizome short and tuberous, with few roots; fertile fronds solitary, or two together, slender, flattened, with a blunt apex, 10 to 20 cm long, 3 mm wide, dark green; sterile division represented by a very small lateral process, or quite absent; fertile portion of frond about 3 cm long, with a stipe of less than this length above the sterile rudiment. Sumatra, Siak, wet forests on the Ivelantan River. 2. BOTRYCH I U M Swartz. Frond pinnate in plan, in most species several times pinnate and deltoid, the fertile segment as much branched as the sterile, or more so; sporangia globose, not immersed, opening by a transverse slit. A genus 6 COPELAND. of at most 34 known species, cosmopolitan, but with a boreal center of distribution. Pinnae flabellate rather than pinnate. Sterile and fertile segments separating just below sterile blade 1. B. lunar ia Common stalk very short 2. B. simplex Fronds at least tripinnatifid. Fertile segment arising below the base of the sterile. Sterile frond fleshy, typically with a hyaline margin. Segments widened on both sides above base 3. B. matricariac Segments not widened on both sides 4. B. nbliquum Sterile frond without hyaline margin. Frond fleshy 3. B. ternatum Frond thin, herbaceous. Fertile segment arising above middle of the petiole G. B. dauci folium Fertile segment arising lower down 7. B. japonicum Fertile segment arising from base of sterile 8. B. virginianum Fertile segment arising from raeliis of sterile — !). B. lanuginosum 1. Botrychium lunaria (L.) Swtz. Stipe stout, fleshy, 3 to 10 cm high; sterile segment 2 to 6 cm long, about 2 cm broad, pinnate, raeliis flattened rather than winged; pinnae usually equal, broader than long, sessile or nearly so, subcuneate, entire or variously incised on the outer side, fleshy, glabrous, the lowest pair sometimes enlarged and doubly incised; fertile segment arising from (or just below) the base of the sterile, its stalk 3 to 7 cm long, the blade (panicle) lanceolate deltoid, pinnae stalked, the lowest pair pinnate. Himalayas to Europe and Siberia; North America, Patagonia, New Zealand, southern Australia. 2. Botrychium simplex llitchc. Like B. Lunaria. but decidedly smaller and more simple, and the stalks of the two segments separating well below the base of the sterile one. Japan, North America, northern Europe. 3. Botrychium matricariae (Schrank) Spr. Stipe separating less than halfway up to the base of the sterile segment; young frond hairy; sterile blade deltoid, in Chinese specimens 5 cm long, 4 cm broad, tripinnate, the lobes small, oval, widening abruptly on both sides above the base, or even cordate, margin hyaline because of thick epidermis; veins spreading above the base; stipe of the ample fertile segment 10 cm long. The plant grows larger elsewhere. Central China, northern Asia. Europe and America. 4. Botrychium obliquum Miihl. Like the preceding, but the common stipe very short — only 1 cm long in Chinese specimens — the sterile segments broader than long, its ulti- mate divisions more ample (i. e., less cut), and oblique, usually not much widened above the base on the upper side, and the veins less spreading. Su-Cliuen ; eastern North America. FERNS OF THE M A LAY- ASIATIC REGION. / 5. Botrychium ternatum (Thunb.) Swartz. Similar to the two preceding species but thinner in texture, without a hyaline border, and with the margin linely toothed ; fronds about 10 cm broad, nearly as long, usually quinquepinnatifid : total height of fertile segment 30 cm. Japan to the Himalayas. 6. Botrychium daucifolium Wall. Axes permanently more or less hairy; common stipe 10 to 17 cm high, fleshy, special stipe of sterile segment 2 to 5 cm long, blade 10 to 30 cm each way, deltoid, tripinnatifid, or sometimes tripinnate; segments lan- ceolate-oblong, 7 mm more or less broad, sharply irregularly toothed, herbaceous; fertile segments equaling or exceeding the sterile. India to Java, Mindanao, and Negros. 7. Botrychium japonicum (Prantl) Und. (Plate J 1 . ) Very like B. daucifolium , the stipe forking about halfway from the base of the sterile blade to the stem, the sterile margin more finely and regularly toothed, and the fertile segment far overtopping the sterile. Japan. 8. Botrychium virginianum (L.) Swartz. Mature frond practically glabrous, stipe about 20 cm high; sterile segment deltoid, 15-30 cm each way, usually quadripinnatifid and the larger lobes then incised at the apex, with sharp uniform teeth about 0.7 mm broad, herbaceous or membranaceous ; fertile segment ample, arising from the base of the sterile, and its stipe usually surpassing the latter. Yunnan and the Himalayas, Japan, Europe, America south to Brazil. Botrychium strictum Underw. is a Japanese plant with very strict fertile segment, otherwise essentially like B. virginianum. 9. Botrychium lanuginosum Wall. Similar to B. virginianum, but the main axes permanently pubescent, the texture not so thin, the secondary or tertiary pinnules more flabellate, and the fertile segment arising from the rachis of the sterile and the whole fertile segment usually not equaling the sterile. Following most recent authors, I have split the species in this genus more finely than I am at all sure is justified; but the last two are certainly distinct. India, Ceylon, Luzon. ,3. HELM I NT HOST AC HYS Kaulfuss. Sterile segment trifid, the three divisions pinnatifid into a few large lobes, veins curved, free; fertile segment erect from the base of the sterile, stalked, very compact, with very short, close branches ; sporangium opening by a longitudinal slit. A single species. 8 COPELAND. Helminthostachys zeylanica (L.) Hooker. (Plate 111.) Rhizome stout, creeping underground; stipes 20 to 35 cm high; sterile segment 18 to 35 cm each way, cut to the base into 3 parts each of which is pinnatifid or pinnate with 1 to 5 pinnae, which are lanceolate, 2 to 3 cm broad, herbaceous, entire or irregularly sinuate-toothed; stipe of fertile segment about ID cm high, the spike-like panicle rather shorter. India to New Caledonia and northern Australia, northward to Formosa. 2. MAKATTIACEzE. Stem usually large and globose, rarely creeping; fronds circinate in vernation, provided with persistent, more or less fleshy stipules; sori borne on the backs of veins; sporangia large, formed from a group of cells, with a wall more than one cell thick, opening by a longitudinal slit (which rarely shortens to a pore). A small and isolated family of ferns of striking aspect, including only Danaca, of tropical America, and the following five genera: Sporangia of each sorus not fused together ( Angiopteridcae ) Fronds at least bipinnate p Angiopteris Fronds simply pinnate. Sori on the specialized border of the pinna 2. Macroglossum Sori midway between costa and margin 3. Archangiopteris Sporangia in each sorus fused together. Sori elongate, veins free 4. Marattia Sori round, veins anastomosing 5. Ohristensenia ANGIOPTERIS Hoffmann. \ cry large ferns with thick, globose, or rarely trunk-like stems, covered with leaf-scars and large, fleshy stipules; stipe stout, with an enlarged pulvinus at the base; frond usually bipinnate, rarely more divided, pinnae attached to rachis by pulvini; sori marginal or submarginal; sporangia usually 6 to 14, at most about 20, in contact but not fused into a synangium. A genus of majestic ferns, most abundant in the Malay region, extending to 1 oh nesia, the Himalaya, and tropical Africa. Hooker and Baker, and most other recent writers reduce all to a single species; at the other extreme is the monograph of De Vriese & Hartig, describing GO species. The number of tenable species is certainly large, but the task of determining which of De Vriese & Hartig’s species are such, and of describing not a few others, must be left for another monographer. 1 give separate mention here only to the Philippine species recently distin- guished by Christ. Angiopteris evecta (Forst.) Hoffm. . . . Pinnae opposite, oblong, with linear-acuminate apex, serrate, sori in a continuous submarginal series. Between the real veinlets are hyaline pseudo-veins of sclerenchyma, recurrent from the margin almost to the costa ; up to 20 sporangia in a sorus. rah i t i ; and commonly treated as covering the whole range of the genus, and including all the forms. V FERNS OF THE MALAY- ASIATIC REGION. 9 Angiopteris august ifolia Presl is the commonest Philippine species. Fronds up to .3 m long, the pinnules green on both surfaces, typically about 13 cm long, less than 1 cm broad, apex finely serrate; recurrent veinlets evident; sori of .3 or 6 sporangia. A. caudata de Vr., does not seem to be more than a form of this, with especially pubescent axes. Angiopteris pruinosa Kze. (as construed by Christ) is a beautiful plant with fronds dark green above and bluish-white beneath, sori of about 8 sporangia close to the margin, and the fine apex obscurely toothed, t lie base not cordate. It is found in the Visayas and north to central Luzon; -it does not seem to me identical with the Javan plant of Ixunze. Angiopteris similis Presl, described from Java and recently found in Minda- nao, has pinnules up to 18 cm long and 21 mm broad, serrate only on the sterile tip, pale green beneath, with very fine recurrent veinlets and dark brown sori. Angiopteris cart ilagidens Christ (Plate IV) is a Benguet plant, with the pinnules everywhere prominently and usually very sharply toothed, recurrent veinlets conspicuous but short, and sori of 8 to 12 sporangia well inside the margin. A. crassipes Wall, is an example of the species without recurrent veinlets. It extends from Nepal and Burma to Japan. 2. MACROGLOSSUM Copeland. Caudex globose; fronds very large, simply pinnate; recurrent veinlets none; sori about 40; sporangia borne on the specialized, convex margin of the pinnae. A single species. Macroglossum alidae Copel. Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 3 (1908) 343. (Plate V.) Fronds suberect, about 3 m high; pinnae attached to rachis by a pul- vinus, up to 50 cm long, 6 cm wide, abruptly narrowed to the caudate tip, base rounded, coriaceous, glabrous. Borneo ( Sarawak, Bidi ) . 3. ARCHANGIOPTERIS Christ et Gies. Frond simply pinnate, pinnae with swollen pulvini, few ; veins free : sori long, midway between costa and margin ; sporangia very small (for this family) and numerous; scales of the indusium persisting as a white line along the middle of each sorus. A single species. Archang iopter is henryi Christ et Gies. (Plate \ I.) Stipe and stalks of pinnae finely scaly; pinnae 5 to 12, stalked above the pulvini, about 20 cm long by 4 cm broad, acuminate, serrate toward the apex, glabrous, herbaceous; sori on most veins except at base and apex of pinna; sporangia up to 160 in a sorus. Yunnan, in forest, alt. 1,500 m. 10 COPELAND. 4. MARATTIA Swartz. Fronds large, at least bipinnate; pinnae attached by pulvini; sori below the apices of the free veins, in a row parallel to each margin, the sporangia of each sorus fused together forming a synangium. Christensen recog- nizes 28 species, in the tropics of both hemispheres and south to the Cape of Good Hope. Our species are too near together. Synangia usually of 8 or less pairs of sporangia. Main rachis smooth. Pinnules broadly lanceolate, acuminate 1. M.fraxinca Pinnules narrowly lanceolate, caudate 2. M. pellucida Main rachis rough 3. M. sambucin a Synangia usually of 10 or more pairs of sporangia. Coarsely serrate 4. M.silvatica Obscurely serrate, except at apex 5. If. term ten 1. Marattia fraxinea Smith. The original plant, from Bourbon, has bipinnate fronds, naked axes, almost sessile pinnules 5 to 8 cm long, serrate, lanceolate, acuminate: sori submarginal, sporangia about 6 on each side. Various modern writers have included under this name all the related forms, of Malaya, Asia, Africa, and tropical Australia. I mention here those regarded as distinct by Diels, Christ or Christensen. 2. Marattia pellucida Presl. Similar to M. fraxinea , but the pinnules narrower and longer (10 cm long), decidedly caudate, pale beneath, the sori shorter (usually about 1 mm long). The two species should probably be united; M. vcstita Christ is probably identical with M. 'pellucida. Philippines; New Caledonia. 3. Marattia sambucina Bl. Main rachis rough, rachises of pinnae winged; pinnules sessile, hardly 0 cm long, oblong-lanceolate, sharply serrate with appressed teeth; vein- lets simple ; sori two-fifths of the way from the margin to the costa ; sporangia 8, more or less, on a side. Java, Celebes; Luzon, teste Christ. 4. Marattia silvatica Blume. Described as differing from M. sambucina in being coarsely serrate and tripinnate. The Luzon plant referred here is very coarsely serrate, sometimes tripinnate but not normally so, has pinnules up to 9 cm long, usually stalked, and large synangia of 12 or more pairs of synangia. Java, New Guinea; Luzon. ferns of the malay-asiatic region. 11 5. Marattia ternatea de Vriese. (Plate VII.) Pinnules 10 to 20 cm long, 1.5 to 2.5 cm wide, abruptly narrowed at the base, margin obscurely serrate and usually detlexed, more sharply serrate at the apex, texture coriaceous; sori remote from the margin, 3 mm long; sporangia about 15 pairs. Moluccas, Luzon. 5. CHRISTENSENIA Maxon. (Kaulfussia Bl.) Ehizome creeping, fleshy; fronds simple or palmate; veinlets anas- tomosing but without free included veinlets; sori irregularly scattered, round, the sporangia fused into synangia. Usually treated as a single species. Christensen ia aesculifolia (Bl.) Maxon. Stipe 20 to 45 cm high; leaflets 3 to 5, stalked or the lateral ones ses- sile, middle one the largest, 22 to 40 cm long. Eight to 12 cm broad; synangia of 10 to 15 sporangia. Malaya to northern India. Christensen ia cumingiana Christ Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 2 (1907) 186. (Plate VIII.) Stipe up to 11 cm high; frond most often simple, and up to 16 cm long and 10 cm wide, cordate, obtuse; sometimes with three leaflets, the middle one not over 15 cm long, sometimes whitish beneath. Soii of < to 15 sporangia. Hardly distinct from C. aesculifolia, Mindanao, Negros, Luzon. HYDKOPTERIDINEiE. Spores of two kinds in distinct sporangia : macrosporangia, each con- taining 1 macrospore in which the female prothallium develops, and microsporangia, each containing numerous microspores which develop the male prothallia ; sporangia borne in inclosed sori, close to the stem, on very reduced leaves or parts of leaves. Aquatic plants, very distinct in appearance from other ferns. 3. MARSILEACEJS. Aquatics with stems creeping on the bottom and leaves which are without blade, or with blades floating on the surface or rising above it, circinate in vernation (like the true ferns) ; macrospores and micio- spores borne in the same sori. Three genera — Pilularia, whose leaves are destitute of lamina, wanting in this part of the world; Regnellidium, with one Brazilian species; and the following: 12 COPELAND. M A RSI LEA Linnaeus. Normal leaves long-stalked, the blade cruciform. Fifty-six recognized species, in tropical, subtropical and temperate countries. The species vary exceedingly with the habitat and those listed here are probably not all distinct. Pedicels branched or clustered. Pedicel adnate to base of stipe 1. M . quadri folia Pedicel not adnate to base of stipe. Pedicel longer than the fruit. Three fruits at the base of each leaf o. .1/. minuta Two fruits at the base of each leaf. Fruit longer than broad, 3 mm long •}. ,1/. crcnata Fruit as broad as long, very small 4. M. brachycarpa Pedicel shorter than the fruit 5. j/. brachypus Pedicels not branched, one at base of each leaf. Leaves without pellucid streaks. Sporocarps nearly round, densely silky . Indusium evident 36. C. strigom 5. Pubescence partly or wholly reddish. 6. Larger scales sparse. 7. Indusium symmetrical. 8. Prominent “aerophores” on racliis at bases of pinna*. 37. C. zollingeriam 8. \\ ithout prominent aerophores 38. V. rufo-pannosa 7. Indusium false or one-sided. 8. Pinnules 11 entire , 39. C. heterochlamydea 8. Pinnules I[ crenate or lobed 40. C. mitral a (i. Larger scales copious. 7. Indusium evident 41. C. loheri 7. Indusium wanting or inconspicuous 42. C. fuliginosa 3. Racliis unarmed or merely bristly. 4. Indusium present. 5. Pubescence. of two kinds of scales 43. C. inquimms 5. Pubescence of hairs and scales. 6. Segments crenate into bullate lobes 44. C. oinops 6. Segments entire or crenulate at apex. 7. Frond tripinnatifid 45. C. javanica 7. Frond tripinnate. 8. Rachis densely pubescent, scales large 46. C. schizochlamys 8. Rachis sparsely pubescent, scales small 47. C. sumatrana 4. Indusium rudimentary, rachis aliove hirsute, without palea*. 48. C. raciborskii 4. Indusium wanting, palea* on rachis above 49. C. lurida Rachises of frond or pinnae pubescent, but not with two kinds of pubescence mixed. 3. Pinnae 8-15 cm long. 4. Indusium none, sori medial. 5. Frond about 1 m long 59. ('. batjancnsis 5. Frond about 45 cm long 23. C. hancockii 4. Indusium persistent, sori costular 51. C.havilandii 3. Pinnae much longer. 4. Costae scaly beneath or glabrous. 5. Segments glandular-ciliate 52. (’. subglandulona 5. Segments not glandular-ciliate. 6. Pinnules nowhere cut to the costa. 7. Sori costular. 8. Indusium breaking irregularly. 9. Sides of segments crenate 53. C. crenulata 9. Segments serrulate throughout. 10. Pinnae and pinnules sessile. 54. C.foxworthyi 10. Pinnae and pinnules stalked 63. C.ferruginea 9. Segments nearly or quite entire. 10. Scales on costae dark. 11. Long hairs beneath costae none 55. C.lanatnsis FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 31 11. Sparse long hairs on cost* beneath 56. G.korthalsii 10. Scales on cost* light 57. G. hymenodes 8. Indusium opening to form a cnp with entire rim. 58. G. orient alis 8. Indusium forming a low cup from the start 50. G. loalkerae 8. Indusium wanting. 0. Rachis unarmed. 60. G. modesta 9. Rachis asperulous. 10. Lamina glabrous 61. G.melanopus 10. Lamina ciliate beneath 62. (7. wallacei 7. Sori medial. 8. Segments not coarsely toothed 63. C. ferruginea 8. Segments coarsely toothed 64. G. assimilis 6. Lowest segments free but adnate. 7. Pale* on costae fairly copious. 8. Costal pale* pale, bullate 65. G. negrosiana 8. Costal pale* fulvous or rufous. 0. Pinnules 5-7 cm long 66. C. christii 9. Pinnules 8-12 cm long 67. G. alderwereltii 7. Pale* on cost* very sparse or none. 8. Indusium a low cup 59. G. walkerac 8. Indusium evident and at first complete. 9. Segments crowded 68. G. callosa 9. Segments not at all crowded 69. G. halconensis 6. Lowest segments free and contracted at base. 7. Lamina lacerate-scaly beneath 70. G.celebica 7. Lamina minutely paleaceous or glabrescent; indusium evanescent. 71. G. teysamnnii 7. Lamina glabrous; indusium persistent 40. G.mitrata 7. Lamina glabrous or sparsely hairy; indusium wanting or incon- spicuous. 8. Lowest pinnules deflexed 72. G. pustulosa 8. Pinn* short-stalked, pinnules not deflexed. 9. Costa without setiferous scales. 10. Secondary rachises visibly spiny. 11. Base of stipe without whitish pale*. 12. Cost* scaly beneath 73. G. lalebrosa 12. Cost* glabrous beneath 74. G. curranii 11. Base of stipe with broad white and narrow brown pale*. 75. G. calocoma 10. Secondary rachises not visibly rough 76. G. caudata 9. Costa With setiferous as well as bullate scales.... 77. G. elmeri 4. Costa hairy beneath. 5. Indusium persistent and glandular 78. G. adenochlamys 5. Indusium thin, not glandular. 6. Pinnules cut to the costa 79. G. leucotricha 6. Pinnules cut to a narrow wing 80. G. burbidgei 5. Indusium evanescent or none. 7. Secondary rachises very scaly. 81. G. albosetacea 7. Secondary rachises not very scaly. 8. Lamina glabrous, sori costular 82. G. chinensis 8. Lamina hairy, sori medial 83. G. trichodesma 32 COPELAND. 2. Rachis glabrous beneath. 3. Cost* strigose beneath. 4. Segments 2 to 3 mm apart 84. G. cyclodonta 4. Segments close 85. C. andersoni 3. Cost* very scaly beneath 86. C. kingii 3. Cost* glabrous beneath or slightly scaly. 4. Tndusium at first evident and complete. 5. Cost* subscaly beneath, sori costular. 6. Segments entire, lamina somewhat glaucous beneath. ' 87. G. brunoniana G. Segments serrate. 7. Rachis spiny. 8. Tndusium promptly evanescent 88. C. decipiens 8. Indusium more persistent 89. G.spinvlosa 7. Rachises not spiny 90. G. mearnsii 5. Cost* glabrous beneath, sori medial. 6. Dried fronds dark-green above. 7. Pinnules pinnate 91. C.saccata 7. Pinnules pinnatifid 92. O.runensis 6. Dried fronds whitish above 93. G. leucophaes 4. Indusium a ring around base of sorus 94. G. junghuhniana 4. Indusium wanting. 5. Cost* glabrous above 95. C. mertensiana 5. Cost* more or less hairy above. 6. Rachises unarmed 96. C.ornata 6. Rachises pustulose or spiny. 7- Pinnules not more than 9 cm long. 8. Dried frond brown above 97. G. dementis 8. Dried frond dark-green above. 9. Cost* glabrous beneath 98. G. fauriei 9. Cost* sparsely scaly beneath 99. C. confucii 7. Pinnules 10 cm or more long. 8. Pale* at base of stipe white 100. G. contaminans 8. Pale* at base of stipe brown 101. C.fenicis 1. Cyathea sinuata Hook. & Grev. Caudex 1 m high; fronds undivided, 60 to 90 cm long, 3 to 6 cm broad, sinuate, short-stipitate. Ceylon, known in a single forest. 2. Cyathea moluccana R. Br. (C. lirunonis Wall., Hook.). Trunk short; stipe 30 to 60 cm or more long; fronds 60 cm long, or sometimes much larger; pinna? entire or nearly so, 15 to 35 cm long, caudate-acuminate, oblique at base and short-stalked. Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, at low altitudes; unknown in the Philippines. 3. Cyathea hookeri Thwaites. Small but arborescent, trunk 3 to 4 cm thick ; stipe short, black, murieate at base and subpaleaceous ; frond 60 to 90 cm long, 10 to 13 cm broad, pinnate; pinnae with broad base auricled on both sides, nar- FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 33 rowly lanceolate, acuminate, subsessile, coarsely dentate-pinnatifid, more or less entire toward the apex; veinlets pinnate; sori dorsal on the veins or in the lower axils ; indusium breaking into irregular lobes. Ceylon, with C. sinuata. 4. Cyathea dulitensis Baker. Trunk short, 30 cm high ; stipe 45 cm long, brown, clothed at the base with large linear-subulate, membranaceous, brown scales, naked upward; frond 30 cm long, 12 to 15 cm broad, thick-coriaceous, green and glabrous on both sides, bipinnate ; pinna; 24 mm wide, lowest reduced and deflexed, the lower ones stalked ; pinnules 4 mm wide ; linear-oblong, subentire, margin deflexed, the lowest free but adnate; veinlets forked, immeised, sori medial, indusia campanulate, glabrous, persistent, breaking irregularly. Borneo (Sarawak, Mount Dulit, alt. 1,200 m.) 5. Cyathea alternans (Wall.) Presl. Trunk 3 to 4 m high; frond bipinnate at base; pinnae up to 45 cm long, 15 cm broad, sometimes much smaller, stalked; pinnules entire or serrate, acuminate; rachis smooth and glabrous, tawny-brown; veinlets once or twice forked; sori more or less biseriate; indusium thin and fragile. Penang, Borneo. 6. Cyathea podophylla (Hooker) Copel. (Alsophila podophylla Hooker in Journ. Bot. 9 (1857) 334). Frond typically simply pinnate, but sometimes bipinnate with almost entire lobes, or even tripinnate ; rachises hairy above, dark purplish ; sori minute, globose, in one to several rows parallel to the costa, those nearest the costa medial on their veinlets, but those nearest the apex almost cos- tular ; indusium none. This is a variable fern, and not always distinct from C. glabra. Hongkong, Chusan, ( ? ) Liu Iviu. Alsophila dubia Beddome in Journ. Bot. 2G (1888) 1, is intermediate between C. glabra and C. podophylla, but said to be nearer the latter. It is described as follows: Rachises purple-brown, slightly furfuraceous above, glabrous beneath; frond subcoriaceo-membranaceous ; pinna1 40 to 50 cm long, pinnate, apex pinnatifid; pinnules 10 cm long, 15 mm bioad, on petioles 2 to 3 mm long, very acuminate, more or less truncate at base, pinnatifid only about one-sixth of the way to the costa, lobes rather truncate; costa? scaly beneath or at length glabrous, furfuraceous above; veinlets simple; sori large, usually on the lowest 1 or 2 veinlets, some- times on 3 or 4 veinlets, then costular and not forming an inverted Y as in C. glabra. Perak, alt. 1,200 m, Borneo, Java. 80915 3 34 COPELAND. 7. Cyathea rheosora (Baker) Copel. ( Alsophila rheosora Baker in Journ. Bot. 28 (1890) 262). Trunk 1 m high; frond ample, deltoid, bipinnate, moderately firm in texture, green and glabrous on both surfaces; rachises brown, without scales or prickles; pinnas oblong-lanceolate 45 to 60 by 17 to 20 cm; pinnules lanceolate, deeply crenate, 15 to 18 mm broad, truncate at base, the lower distinctly stalked; main veins 3 mm apart; veinlets 4 or 5 on a side, simple; sori costular, crowded, exindusiate. Related to C. glabra and C. podophylla. Tonkin. 8. Cyathea dimorpha (Christ) Copel. ( Alsophila dimorpha Christ in Ann. Jard. Bot. Buiten. II 4 (1904) 41). Trunk 4 m high; Stipe and rachis chestnut, unarmed but rough, clothed with obscure furfuraceous scales; pinnae dimorphous, the fertile occupying the middle of the frond; sterile pinnules shallowly lobed with crenulate lobes, fertile pinnules deeply pinnatifid; veinlets simple, about 3 on a side; sori large, exindusiate. Celebes. 9. Cyathea fructuosa Copel. in Elmer’s Leaflets, 2 (1908) 419. Trunk 3 to 5 m high, 10 cm thick; frond almost sessile, 2 m long, 60 to 90 cm broad, tripinnate; rachis setose-paleaceous above, furfuraceous beneath, rough, rachises of pinnae clothed beneath with minute fur- furaceous squamules and large rufo-stramineous scales 5 mm long; costae clothed beneath with smaller paleae of the same color; secondary pin- nules distinct and separate, 12 mm long, 2 to 2.5 mm broad, dimorphous, the sterile entire or nearly so, the fertile deeply crenate; sori round, crowded; indusium rust-color. Negros Island, on Horn of Negros Mountain. 10. Cyathea mindanaensis (Christ) Copel. (Alsophila mindanaensis Christ in Monsunia 1 (1900) 90). Trond hard-coriaceous; pinnae 40 cm long, ovate, dimorphous; sterile parts apparently tripinnatifid, the fertile tripinnate; rachis clothed with long, wooly, rufous fibrils, not spiny; veinlets forked; sori minute, cos- tular, exindusiate. Mindanao, district of Davao. 11. Cyathea philippinensis Baker. Trunk short, slender; frond 1 m long, 30 cm broad; stipe short, very scaly; rachises all densely paleaceous with gray and brown scales, unarmed; larger medial pinnae bipinnate at the base; pinnules sessile, acute, costae sparsely hairy above, scaly beneath; segments 4 mm long, 3 mm broad, entire or crenulate, obtuse, lamina glabrous, coriaceous; FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 35 veinlets about 3 on a side, simple or forked; sori medial, indusium per- sistent in large fragments. Described from a Philippine plant in cultivation at Kew, and since collected on Mount Banajao, Luzon. 12. Cyathea polypoda Baker. Frond ample, green on both, sides, glabrous except for copious whitish, convex, ovate scales, especially on the veinlets beneath; rachis glabrous, unarmed; pinnae oblong or lanceolate, 45 cm long, 10 to 12 cm wide; pinnules lanceolate, mostly petiolate, lowest 6 cm long, 12 mm broad, cut almost to the costa; segments oblong, obtuse, entire, 3 to 4 mm broad; veinlets 7 or 8 on a side, forked; sori medial, indusium cup-shaped, small, glabrous. Near C. Integra. Borneo (Mount Kinabalu, alt. 2,100 m). 13. Cyathea integra J. Sm. Trunk 2.5 to 7 m high; fronds 2 m long; rachises brown, beset with sharp spines and sparsely scurfy with minute scales, a few of which are also on the under side of the costae and costules, costa hairy above; pin- nae 45 cm long, the lower ones somewhat reduced; pinnules 13 cm long or less, 24 mm wide, the lower ones reduced, stalked, cut two-third of the way to the costa into broad, subfalcate, subacute or obtuse, usually entire, thinly coriaceous segments; sori medial, indusium brown, very persistent. Luzon to Mindanao, Amboy na. 14. Cyathea suluensis Baker. Like C. integra, but the rachises less spiny and more scaly, the scales larger and more entire, and more or less bullate, and the frond greener. Jolo and Mindanao, alt. about 600 m. 15. Cyathea formosana (Baker) Copel. (Alsophila formosana Baker in Ann. Bot. 5 (1891) 190). “Frond ample, tripinnatifid, moderately firm, glabrous, green on both surfaces, rachis of pinnae naked, castaneous. Pinnae oblong-lanceolate, 30 to 45 cm long, 12 to 15 cm broad. Pinnules sessile, lanceolate, nearly 24 mm broad, cut down to a broad wing into oblong lobes 4 mm broad : Veins 6- to 8-jugate. Sori medial.” A very variable plant, which is probably not distinct from C. glabra. Formosa. 16. Cyathea glabra (Bluine) Copel. (Gymnosphaera glabra Blume, Enumer- ate (1828) 242). Trunk 1 to 2 m high, slender ; stipe rough, scaly at the base, upward, like the rachises, glabrescent, shining, dark purple; pinnae usually 45 to 60 cm long, stalked; pinnules 5 to 9 cm long, 8 to 15 mm broad, mostly stalked and truncate at the base, acuminate, cut one-fourth to one-half of the way to the rachis, rarely deeper, the lobes triangular, rounded or 36 COPELAND. ovate, serrate; veinlets simple; sori medial or above the middle of the lowest veinlets, but the upper ones close to the costa, indusium wanting. Nearly related to this species are C. formosana, A. dubia, C. at ro purpurea, G. ramispina, C. podophylla, C. recommutada , and C. Hancochii. The Celebes plant is larger than that found elsewhere in Malaya, but even it is smaller than most tree ferns; a confusion of species is probably respon- sible for the report of trunks 18 m high in India. Malaya, India, China, Formosa. 17. Cyathea atropurpurea Copel. in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 3 (1908) 354. (Plate XVIII.) Trunk 2 m high, 4 cm in diameter; frond 150 cm long, 60 cm wide; stipe and rachis purple, unarmed, the base of the stipe clothed with long, rigid, appressed palese with pale margins, and bearing some very reduced pinnae almost without lamina, but not spine-like; rachises bearing purple hairs above and very sparse squamulae beneath ; pinnules 7 cm long, cau- date, at the base cut to the rachis and the secondary pinnules contracted at the base, margins serrate, costae hairy above, beneath bearing bullate scales, as do also the costules, lamina smooth, purplish-green; veinlets simple, about 5 on a side; sori costular, indusium wanting. Mount Halcon, Mindoro, alt. 750 to 1,050 m, common on ridges. 18. Cyathea ramispina (Hooker) Copel. (Alsophila ramispina Hooker, Syn. Fil. (1866) 42). Frond dark-green above, paler beneath; stipe subasperous, ebeneous, as are also the rachises and costae, scaly at base and bearing 3 to 5 branched, black spines 4 cm long; pinnules 6 cm long, 12 mm wide, cut two-thirds to the costa, costa beneath bearing minute, brown, bullate scales; lobes oval-oblong, obtuse, serrate toward the apex; veinlets mostly simple; sori small, costular, exindusiate. Borneo (Sarawak, alt. 900 m). 19. Cyathea ridleyi (Baker) Copel. (Alsophila ridleyi Baker in Ann. Bot. 8 (1894) 122). Fronds ample, deltoid, tripinnatifid, somewhat rigid, green and glab- rous on both sides; rachis naked, dark-chestnut, unarmed; pinnae 30 cm long, oblong-lanceolate; pinnules 3 to 5 cm long, 8 to 12 mm wide, sessile, linear, subobtuse, base truncate, the lower ones cut halfway to the costa; segments oblong, entire; veinlets 4 to G on a side, evident, curved, simple or the lowest forked; sori medial, exindusiate. Related to C. recommutata and C. squamulata, Singapore. 20. Cyathea recommutata Copel. nomen novum (Alsophila .commutata Mett. 1863, not C. commutata Spr. ). Frond hard-coriaceous, brown when dry ; stipe scaly, rough at base, and, like the rachises, dark-purple, subulate-squamulose ; pinnae stalked, 40 cm long; pinnules about 8 cm long, broadest above the middle, stipi- FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 37 tate, pinnatifid less than halfway to the costa, serrate, the fertile, at least sometimes, reduced ; veinlets about 5 on a side, simple ; sori costular, exindusiate. Malacca; Batjan (fide Christ in Monsunia 90). 21. Cyathea sangirensis (Christ) Copel. ( Alsophila sangirensis Christ in Monsunia 1 (1900) 90). Frond 70 cm long, broadly ovate-deltoid; stipe stramineous, unarmed, but like the racliis rough with black pustules and hair-like scales; pinnae 10 to 15 on a side, ovate, their rachises strigose-pilose ; pinnules 4 cm long, 1 cm wide, cut to a narrow wing; lobes ovate, obtuse, crenulate, separated by rounded sinuses; veinlets simple; sori 4 on each side, crowded, exindusiate. Sanguir. 22. Cyathea obscura (Scort.) Copel. ( Alsophila obscuva Scoit.; Bcdd. in Journ. Bot. 25 (1887) 321, pi. 27 8, f. 2). Caudex 2 m high; stipes 30-60 cm long, densely clothed toward the base with long lanceolate, sharply serrate scales; fronds 120 to 150 cm long, 60 cm broad, bipinnate; rachis scaly above, naked beneath; pinnae, middle ones 30 to 45 cm long, 8 to 15 cm broad, smaller toward ends of frond, their rachises hairy above, naked beneath ; pinnules 4 to 7 cm long, 12 mm broad, truncate at base, apex obtuse, subcoriaceous, glabrous except for hairs on costa and bullate scales on costules beneath, cut halfway to the costa into broad, obtuse segments ; veinlets 4 or 5 on a side, simple or more often forked ; sori medial on the lower veinlets, mixed with hyaline, moniliform hairs. Perak. 23. Cyathea hancockii Copel. (Alsophila denticulata Baker in Journ. Bot. 23 (1885) 102, not Cyathea, Goldm.). Trunk short; stipe 30 cm long, brown, the base clothed with light- brown lanceolate palese 1 cm long, the rachis brown, sparsely scaly, glabres- cent; frond 45 cm long, moderately green on both surfaces, hairy on the ribs above, the lamina glabrous, but the costules beneath bearing minute, ovate, bullate scales, tripinnatifid but fertile in bipinnate and bipinnatifid forms as well; lower pinnae largest, lanceolate-deltoid, 10 to 15 cm long, 3 to 5 cm broad, stalked; lower pinnules distinct, sessile, lanceolate, pin- natifid; segments oblong, 2 to 2.5 mm broad, inciso-crenate ; veinlets simple or forked ; sori medial, superficial, brown, receptacle low, indusium none. Named for its first collector. Formosa, south China. 24. Cyathea squamulata (Blume) Copel. ( Gymnosphaera squamulata Blume Enumeratio 243). Trunk 2 m high, 8 cm thick; stipe 30 cm long, unarmed or slightly muricate, bearing broad paleae 2.5 cm long, bright-brown with darker margins; rachises hirsute above, hairy or slightly scaly beneath; frond 38 COPELAND. 1 to 2 m long, half as wide, narrowed below, herbaceous; pinnae short- stalked, the middle ones up to 17 cm broad; pinnules short-stalked, close or imbricate, 13 to 16 mm wide, acuminate, cut to a broad wing, costa scaly at' base with fuscous, lanceolate ciliate, deciduous scales ; seg- ments 4 mm broad, obtuse or truncate, subfalcate, entire or crenulate, costules beneath bearing a few minute lacerate squamules; veinlets 6 or 7 on a side, forked or simple; sori medial, exindusiate. Malaya (at least, in Java). 25. Cyathea margarethae (Schroter) Copel. (Alsophila margarethae Schr. ex Christ in Ann. Jard. Bot. Buit. II 5 (1905) 136). Frond ample, bipinnate; pinnae 40 cm long, 15 cm wide; pinnules 7 cm long, lanceolate, cut two-thirds to the costa; segments almost im- . bricate, 4 mm long, 3 mm wide, truncate, entire, the under surface and margin bearing long white hairs and a few minute scales, herbaceous; rachis tawny-brown, unarmed, bearing short chestnut hairs, and pale subulate paleae 1 cm long; veinlets 5 to 8 on a side, the upper ones forked; sori medial, brown, hardly 1 mm in diameter, mixed with hairs, exin- dusiate. Conspicuous among Malayan species for its hairyness. Borneo. 26. Cyathea boninsimensis (Christ) Copel. ( Alsophila boninsimensis Christ in Monsunia 1 (1900) 90; Hemitelia, Diels). Stipe fulvo-stramineous, glabrous, asperulous; rachis minutely rough, glabrous; pinnae 1 m long, 10 cm wide; pinnules 5 cm long, 15 mm wide, lanceolate, acuminate, cut so as to have exactly the appearance of Dryop- teris filix-mas par allelo gramma, costae pubescent above; veinlets 7 or 8 on a side, all forked, conspicuous; sori minute, 0.25 mm wide, costular, surrounded by scales but without evident indusium. Bonin Islands. 27. Cyathea henryi (Baker) Copel. ( Alsophila henryi Baker in Kew Bull. (1898) 229). Trunk 2 to 6 m high; frond ample, tripinnatifid, fairly firm, green on both sides but paler beneath, glabrous; rachis purplish, scurfy with minute, irregular, stellate scales, unarmed; pinnae 60 to 75 cm long, 22 to 25 cm broad, their rachises chestnut, shining, hairy above; larger pin- nules 13. cm long, 26 mm broad, cut to a broad wing; segments 10 mm long, 4 mm broad, obtuse, subfalcate, serrulate toward the apex with rounded teeth, sinuses narrow; veinlets about 9 on a side, some forked, but the fertile ones simple; sori nearer the margin than to the costule, marked by slight depressions on the upper surface, indusium none. Yunnan, alt. 1,200 m. 28. Cyathea melanorachis Copel. ( Alsophila melanorachis Copel. in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 2 (1907) 146). Trunk 2 to 3 m high, 5 cm thick, its apex and the bases of the stipes clothed with rigid, chestnut scales 1 cm long, with pale margins; stipe FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 39 60 cm long, like the rachises, black, somewhat rough, and sparsely clothed with tawny, crinite scales; frond 150 cm long, tripinnate; pinnae about 12 on a side, the longest ones 50 cm long, 13 cm broad, short-stalked; distinct pinnules about 30 on a side, not quite sessile, 7 cm long, 1 cm broad, acuminate, the lower part cut to the costa, costa velvety above, beneath densely covered with scales of two kinds ; secondary pinnules narrowly obovate, obtuse, adnate, crenate-serrate, thinly coriaceous, glab- rous except for ciliate, bullate scales on the costule beneath, almost black above, the nether surface dark-olive; lower veinlets usually forked, but the fertile ones simple ; sori costular, covering the surface of the somewhat contracted fertile pinnules, exindusiate. Mindoro (Mount Halcon), in mossy woods, alt. 1,800 m. 29. Cyathea truncata (Brack.) Copel. (Alsophila truncata Brack, in Wilkes U. S. Expl. Exp. 16 (1854) 289). Rachises dark-purple, shining, sharply muricate, deciduously furfu- raceous-tomentose, as are also the costae, and the costules beneath , pin- nse 25 to 40 cm long, 10 to 12 cm broad, acuminate; pinnules 5 to 7 cm long, 6 to 12 mm broad, sessile, pinnate except at the apex; secondary pinnules very small, the lower ones stalked, linear-oblong, acute, the margin recurved, sinuate-lobate ; veinlets forked near the base; sori cos- tular, small, dark-orange, exindusiate. Celebes to Samoa; Japan (?). 30. Cyathea aneitensis Hooker. Rachises unarmed, ebeneous, purple-black, smooth; pinnae 30 to 45 cm 'long, 10 to 12 cm broad, sessile or nearly so, shortly acuminate ; pinnules cut almost to the costae, which are clothed with narrow, bul- late, pale scales; segments rather distant, oblong, acute, subserrate, cori- aceous-membranaceous ; veinlets forked ; sori copious, medial ; indusium thin, usually splitting first down one side. Aneitium, Ternate. 31. Cyathea arachnoidea Hooker. Frond tripinnate, firm-coriaceous, glabrous above, cobwebby beneath; axes dark, muricate with short, black, sharp spines, clothed with a rusty tomentum ; pinnules 5 to 10 cm long, 12 mm broad, pinnate almost throughout; secondary pinnules 6 mm long, linear, acute, subf alcate ; veinlets inconspicuous; sori medial, indusium thin, white, and delicate, breaking into irregular, laciniate segments. Ternate, Queensland; Java? 32. Cyathea tripinnata Copel. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 Suppl. (1906) 251. Trunk 2 to 3.5 m high, 10 cm thick, its apex and the bases of the stipes buried in whitish scales 3 to 5 cm long and 1 mm wide , stipe 60 cm long, like the rachis, dull-purplish-black, scurfy with fine tawny squamules, sparsely beset with sharp spines 1 mm long; frond 2 m long, 40 COPELAND. 1.5 in broad, tripinnate; middle pinna? the largest, 80 cm long; pinnules 12 cm long, 20 to 25 mm broad, abruptly acuminate; secondary pinnules 12 mm long, 3 mm broad, sessile, cordate or the upper ones adnate, subacute, serrulate, herbaceous, glabrous except for straw-colored scales on the costae and sometimes on the veins; veinlets forked at the base; sori costular, 1.5 mm wide; indusium almost white, very thin, breaking early into persistent, silky fragments. Luzon, Mindoro, Negros. 33. Cyathea tomentosa (Bl.) Zoll. & Moritz. Trunk 8 m high, 20 cm in diameter, densely clothed at the top with light-brown scales 2 to 5 cm long, as are also the bases of the stipes ; fronds up to 2.5 m long, 1.4 m broad, tripinnate; pinnae subsessile, up to 25 cm broad; rachis of pinna densely hairy above, beneath spinulose, densely clothed with minute lacerate squamules, and bearing copious linear, sparsely ciliate, rufous-fulvous scales almost 2 cm long; pinnules sessile, broadest (15 mm) at the base, gradually acuminate, costae hairy above, densely clothed beneath with very hairy tawny scales; secondary pinnules adnate, only the lowest ones free, subentire, obtuse, falcate, coriaceous, convex, glabrous above, eostule scaly and hairy beneath and the veinlets sparsely hairy; veinlets 8 to 12 on a side, mostly forked; sori costular, covered by scales, exindusiate. Java. 34. Cyathea lepifera (J. Sm.) Copel. ( Alsophila lepifera J. Sm. in Hook. Journ. Bot. 3 (1841) 419). This fern has been collected only by Cuming, and has been reduced to C. tomentosa, from which it is very distinct. It is much nearer to the next species, C. crinita, but has narrower pinnules, cut almost throughout to the costa, the costa less scaly, the secondary pinnules somewhat glau- cous beneath, and the long scales on the rachises with few pale marginal setae. Luzon (Camarines Sur). 35. Cyathea crinita (Hook.) Copel. (Alsophila crinita Hooker, leones (1844) pi. 671). A tall tree; stipe and flexuose main rachis stramineous, rough with minute points and with many black-tipped small spines; rachises pilose above, clothed beneath with lacerate squamulae and rather deciduous, tawny, acicular scales 1 mm long, more or less, with dark marginal setae ; pinnae 60 cm long, 25 cm broad ; pinnules sessile, 25 mm broad at the base, acuminate, cut to the costa at the very base, elsewhere to a narrow wing; costa and costules hairy above, densely clothed beneath with lacerate scales larger than the small ones on the rachis; segments obtuse, falcate, the lowest crenate-lobed, becoming entire upward, coriaceous; FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 41 veinlets forked, sparsely hairy beneath; sori inframedial, exindusiate. Beddome calls this “By far the most beautiful of all tree ferns." India, Ceylon, Java. 36. Cyathea strigosa Christ. Stipe 45 cm long; frond 65 cm long, 40 cm broad, coriaceous; axes aculeate, orange-red, hairy and bearing pale, bullate scales; pinnae 10 to 12, 20 cm long, the lowest not reduced, sessile ; pinnules sessile, acute but not caudate, cut almost to the costa; segments long-triangular, falcate, entire, the margin involute, usually glabrous above ; veinlets densely scaly and hairy beneath, forked ; sori small, costular, indusium white-scarious. Decidedly alpine in aspect. Celebes (Wawa Karaeng, from 2,000 in alt. to the summit). 37. Cyathea zoll ingeriana Mett. Frond coriaceous, dark-green above, pale beneath ; rachises above ferru- gineous-liirsute and paleaceous; the secondary rachises and costae beset beneath with fugacious, lanceolate, acuminate scales and persistent, smaller, ovate, denticulate ones; stipe and rachis dark-purple, nodulose beneath, rachis above the base of each pinna bearing a prominent “aerophore;" pinnules 6 cm long, 14 mm wide; segments close, connected by a narrow wing, elongate-oblong, serrate throughout, obtuse, subfalcate, with forked veinlets, and one costular sorus on each side at the base; indusium rigid-membranaceous, ferrugineous-fuscous, at first opening by a small pore, then irregularly torn. Java. 38. Cyathea rufo-pannosa Christ. Trunk 2 m high, 4 cm in diameter, the upper part covered by a matting of roots, leaf-scars about 13 mm wide and 15 to 22 mm long; bases of stipes and crown of trunk clothed with appressed, narrow, scarious, opaque, chestnut scales, 13 to 14 mm long; stipe up to 55 cm long, red-brown, bearing fine, sharp, black prickles, and covered with a fine rufous scurf, as is the rachis; frond very variable in size, up to 150 cm long and 60 cm or more broad, the lowest pinnae reduced and deflexed ; middle pinnae up to 37 cm long, 11 cm broad, sessile, the rachis very hairy above, beneath densely clothed with fine, pale, squarrose scales like those on the main axis, and sparse, entire, linear-lanceolate, chestnut ones 4 mm long ; pinnules sessile, 55 mm long, 13 mm wide at the base, acute, cut to the costae for half their length; costae clothed above with brown hairs, and beneath with copious pale-brown, lanceolate scales 1.5 to 2 mm long; seg- ments (or secondary pinnules) hardly 2 mm wide, 5 mm long, obtuse, adnate (except usually the lowest), serrulate toward the apex, glabrous above with salient, wavy costule, beneath bearing pale, bullate scales, and sometimes such as clothe the costa; veinlets about 8 on a side, forked; 42 COPELAND. sori small ; costular ; indusium dark, fragile, soon disappearing unless for an irregular base. Fronds whose largest pinnules are less than 3 cm long are sometimes fertile. Mindanao (Mount Balabac, alt. 1,200 m). 39. Cyathea heterochlamydea Copel. in Elmer’s Leaflets 2 (1908) 418. Trunk 3 to 5 m high, 5 to 7.5 cm thick; frond sessile, 1.5 m long, rachis clear-brown, almost glabrous, rough with small pustules; largest pinnse 30 to 35 cm long, abruptly narrowed below the acuminate apex, rachises chestnut, mottled, asperulous, clothed with minute bullate scales and lanceolate, chestnut ones 2.5 mm long, with dilated bases, both kinds rather deciduous; pinnules subsessile, 7 cm long, 15 mm wide at the base, acuminate, pinnate, costa bearing a few hairs above, and sparse, broadly lanceolate scales 1.5 mm long beneath; segments coriaceous, acute, sub- falcate, serrulate toward the apex, 2 to 3 mm wide, separated by sharp sinuses, the lowest segments free and contracted at the base, and a few succeeding ones free but adnate; lamina dark-green above, pale beneath, glabrous; veinlets up to 9 on a side, the lower ones forked, black beneath, pale above; sori costular, on the lower half or two-thirds of the segment, indusium consisting of a single large scale fastened beneath the sorus, and inclosing on the costular side half or more of the sorus. Probably related to C. Christii and C. negrosiana. Negros (Horn of Negros, alt. 1,800 m). 40. Cyathea mitrata Copel. in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 3 (1908) 354. Known only from a pinna and part of the rachis. Kachis brown, almost glabrous, minutely scabrous, bearing scar-like aerophores at the bases of the pinnae and along the angles of the rachis; pinnae 40 cm long, 15 cm wide, sessile, their rachises sparsely clothed beneath with a scurf of minute scales, and a very few lanceolate ones 2 mm long; pinnules 7 cm long, 15 mm wide, acuminate, cut almost throughout into distinct secondary pinnules; costae hairy above, bearing two kinds of scales beneath; secondary pinnules linear-oblong, obtuse, the lower ones stalked and deeply lobed, the upper ones crenate, coriaceous, lamina glabrous, black above, brownish-green beneath, margin deflexed; veinlets forked; sori costular, indusium very large and globose, then split like a mitre, or to the base, and very persistent, covering the nether surface. Mindanao (Mount Malindang, alt. 2,800 m). 41. Cyathea loheri Christ in Bull. Herb. Boiss. II 6 (1906) 1007. Trunk 5 m high; frond 1 m long, 40 cm broad, with pinnse down to the base of the stipe; middle pinnse 30 cm long, the lowest reduced to hardly 6 cm; stipe chestnut, rough with minute pustules; rachises and costse rufous-hairy above, densely scaly beneath, with large, whitish, fim- briate scales and minute, bullate, rufous ones; pinnules 7 cm long, 13 mm FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 43 wide, cut to the costa, secondary pinnules rarely contracted at base; 20 pairs of segments and secondary pinnules, 5 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, entire or crenulate; veinlets about 8 pairs, forked at the base; sori large, covering the whole surface, indusium thin. Luzon (Mounts Banajao and Maquiling). 42. Cyathea fuliginosa (Christ) Copel. ( Alsophila fuliginosa Christ in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 6 (1898) 138. C. loheri tonglonensis Christ in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 2 (1907) 180). Trunk 2 to 5 m high, stout; frond 1 m, more or less, long, about half as wide, varying greatly in size according to exposure; pinnae sessile, the lower normal ones reduced, and beside these several pairs 4 to 6 cm long near the base of the “stipe;” “stipe” brownish-purple, verrucose, clothed with fine furfuraceous squamules and with dense, harsh, shining, dark-brownish-purple scales, 1.5 to 3 cm long, 1 mm wide at the base, twisted above the middle; rachis brown, beneath verrucose and clothed with a fine scurf and with crinite brown paleae, above scurfy and bearing lanceolate palae 1 cm or less long, which are sometimes a uniform brown, sometimes pale-brown with a dark-brown border, sometimes almost white with a brown border; rachises of pinnaa more densely scaly, with (1) minute, bullate scales, (2) larger, usually pale, broadly lanceolate ones, and (3) at least near the base with still larger ones which are dark or have dark borders; pinnules sessile, the largest on a plant varying in length (with the size of the frond) from less than 5 cm' to 8 cm, broadest at the base, acuminate, pinnate at least at the base ; costae hairy above, with purplish or whitish hairs, clothed beneath with scales with bullate bases but otherwise variable in form; segments falcate, usually obtuse, varying from entire to crenate-lobed, dark-green above, pale beneath, coriaceous, glabrous except on the costules beneath; veinlets usually about 9 on a side in the largest segments, mostly forked; sori subcostular, small, crowded, but leaving the apices of the segments free; indusium questionable. The two plants, as recognized by Christ, which are united here, are distinguished by such characters as among tree ferns in general are quite sufficient; but in this case I am satisfied that they are forms of one very plastic species. Luzon (mountains of Benguet, alt. 1,400 to 2,000 m). 43. Cyathea inquinans Christ. Frond deltoid, very coriaceous, rust-colored; axes unarmed, bearing rust-brown scales of two kinds : — minute, furfuraceous, stellate ones, which extend to the costules, and linear-lanceolate ones 15 mm long, which, reduced in size, extend to the bases of the pinnules ; pinnules 6 cm long, cut to the costa, segments serrate; veinlets forked at the base; sori large, rust-red; indusium yellowish, lax, transient. Alpine in aspect. Celebes ( Lompo-Battang, alt. 2,000 m and upward). 44 COPELAND. 44. Cyathea oinops Hassk. Trunk reaching a height of 12 m, 12 to 15 cm thick; stipe 50 cm long, rough, scaly at the base, elsewhere like the rachis, chestnut, clothed with a dense, stellate, wine-colored tom en turn, the secondary rachises and costae bearing this tomentum and also shining, rust-colored scales; frond 140 cm long, 70 cm broad, acute at both ends, tripinnate; pinnae oblong, acute; pinnules linear-oblong, very acuminate; secondary pinnules linear-oblong, acute, deeply crenate-serrate, bullate, rigid ; veinlets forked, sometimes twice; sori in the forks, 12 to 16 to a segment, rust-brown, large, finally confluent and covering all but the apex of the segment; indusium very thin, soon bifid, then lacerate and vanishing. Java, at altitudes above 2,300 m. 45. Cyathea javanica Blume. Trunk 10 m high; frond 190 cm long, 120 cm broad ; rachises rufescent, glabrous or tomentose above, unarmed but the primary rachis rough with minute bristles, secondary rachises paleaceous-tomentose beneath; pinnae stalked; pinnules lanceolate, acuminate, deeply pinnatifid, costae bullate- scaly beneath at base; segments linear-subfalcate, obtusely crenulate or entire; veinlets about 8 on a side, mostly forked; sori few, the lowest medial, the upper ones costular; indusium thin, evanescent except for a saucer-shaped base. Java, Sumatra, commonest below 1,500 m. 46. Cyathea schizochlamys Baker. Fronds ample, tripinnate, firm and subrigid, green on both sides ; rachis unarmed, thinly tomentose and clothed with small, linear, acuminate scales; pinnae 45 cm long, 12 to 15 cm broad, oblong-lanceolate, their rachises densely clothed with small, ovate-lanceolate, cuspidate scales which extend to the costae and costules beneath; pinnules lanceolate, sessile, 15 to 18 mm broad, narrowed from the middle to the apex, cut to the costa into linear, entire or rarely crenulate secondary pinnules about 2 mm broad, with a distinct space between them; veinlets 9 or 10 on a side, forked at the base ; sori costular ; indusium membranous, fragile, soon splitting to the base. Sumatra (Mount Singal an ) . 47. Cyathea sumatrana Baker. Frond tripinnate; rachises not spiny, but densely clothed with fer- ruginous tomentum and large, linear, acuminate, red-brown, membrana- ceous scales; pinnae 45 to 60 cm long, 12 to 15 cm broad, texture firm, both surfaces green; pinnules lanceolate, sessile, 16 to 18 mm broad, cut to the costa into ligulate, obtuse secondary pinnules 3 mm broad; veinlets 8 to 10 on a side, all but the uppermost once or twice forked ; sori crowded; FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 45 almost covering the basal part of the secondary pinnules; indusium large, very fragile, breaking up irregularly. Sumatra (Mount Singalan, above 1,700 m alt.), Java. 48. Cyathea raciborskii Copel. nom. nov. (Hemitelia crenulata Mett., non Cyathea, Blume). Trunk up to 3 m high, 5 cm thick; frond 140 cm long, 70 cm broad, axes unarmed ; pinnae up to 45 cm long, lanceolate, the lower ones reduced (beside some very reduced ones at the base of the stipe), the rachises straw-yellow or subfuscous, densely hirsute above, beneath beset with fine hairs and sparse, minute, fuscous, subulate paleae; pinnules cut to the costa, 6 to 10 cm long, the costae hairy above, beneath bearing minute, bullate scales; segments or secondary pinnules close, oblong or elongate- oblong, subfalcate, obtuse, crenulate or entire, thin, bright green, paler beneath; veinlets evident, 0 to 9 on a side, the lower forked, the upper simple; sori 2 to 4 on a side, costular. Java, common at middle altitudes about Buitenzorg; ascribed also to Sumatra and the Philippines. 49. Cyathea lurida (Blume) Copel. (Chnoophora lurida Blume Enumeratio (1828) 244). Stipe and rachis unarmed hut roughish, purplish, densely tomentose above and scaly with thin, ciliate, subulate paleae, beneath bearing sparse, crisped, lanceolate scales, brown with light margins; pinnae 30 cm long, short-stalked; pinnules 5 cm long, 10 mm wide, cut almost or quite to the costa into numerous linear-oblong, almost entire, coriaceous segments, costa hairy above, beset beneath with dentate, ovate-lanceolate, imbricate, dull-ferruginous scales, which become shorter and more bullate toward the apices and on the costules; veinlets 5 or 6 on a side, simple or the lowest forked, mostly fertile; sori subcostular, cinnamon-red, indusium none. Java, Celebes. 50. Cyathea batjanensis (Christ) Copel. ( Alsophila batjanensis Christ in Monsunia 1 (1900) 90). Trunk 3 m high; frond 1 m or more long; stipe strongly aculeate, glabrous ; rachis rough with minute scales, fusco-stramineous ; pinnae 8 to 10 on a side, remote, stalked, 8 to 10 cm long, 6 cm wide, short-acuminate; pinnules remote, cut deeply but not to the costa; segments G to 8 mm long, 3 mm wide, serrate, obtuse, coriaceous ; veinlets simple, conspicuous ; sori small, medial, separate, indusium none. Batjan (Mount Sibella, up to 750 m alt.). 51. Cyathea havilandi Baker. Stipe stout, bearing copious crisped, brown scales; frond 60 cm long, 22 to 30 cm broad, oblong-lanceolate, tripinnatifid, the lamina sub- coriaceous, glabrous; rachis stout, scaly; pinnae sessile, the lowest not 46 COPELAND. reduced, 12 to 15 cm long, 5 cm wide; pinnules crowded, lanceolate, sessile, the lowest ones deeply pinnatifid, costules densely scaly beneath; segments linear-oblong, erecto-patent ; veinlets 4 or 5 on a side, simple; sori costular, indusium firm, persistent, smooth, with truncate mouth. Borneo (Mount Kinabalu, alt. 3,200 m). 52. Cyathea subglandulosa (Hance) Copel. (Alsophila subglandulosa Hance in Ann. Sci. Nat. V 5 (1866) 253). Frond ample, herbaceous, tripinnate; base of stipe buried in long, flaccid, linear, light-brown scales, the rachises densely clothed with small, linear, dark-colored scales; lower pinnae 30 cm long; pinnules lanceolate, pinnatifid, the lower secondary pinnules cut nearly to the costule, ciliate with glandular hairs; veinlets forked; sori copious, indusium none. Formosa. 53. Cyathea crenulata Blume. Stipe not spiny; frond tripinnatifid or tripinnate, coriaceous; rachis slightly nodulose beneath and bearing a deciduous, yellowish, furfuraceous tomentum; pinnae almost sessile, up to 50 cm long, 18 cm wide; pinnules mostly 5 to 7 cm long, lanceolate, acuminate, deeply pinnatifid, costae minutely chaffy ; segments linear-falcate, crenulate or subentire, apex obtuse and entire; sori costular, subconfluent, indusium membranaceous, brown, breaking very irregularly. Java. 54. Cyathea foxworthyi Copel. in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 3 (1908) 355. Trunk 2 m high; frond 150 cm long, bearing reduced pinnae almost down to the trunk; stipe and lower end of the rachis beset on the under side with close, short, sharp spines, and finely scurfy, on the upper side with very narrow, dark paleae 0.15 mm long, and bearing scar-like linear- oblong aerophores along the two ridges ; rachises of the upper part of the frond and the pinnae light-brown, beneath almost glabrous and bearing sparse, minute tubercles, above dark- velvety ; middle pinnae 45 cm long, sessile, abruptly narrowed to a pinnatifid apex; pinnules sessile, about 10 cm long, 16 mm broad, narrowed gradually from a base 16 mm wide to the caudate tip, cut almost to the costa; costa hairy above, beneath dark-purple and bearing a few small scales ; segments 3 mm wide, linear- oblong, obtuse, the margin everywhere minutely but sharply serrulate; lamina subcoriaceous, glabrous, dark-green above, pale beneath; veinlets about 11 on a side, forked; sori costular, about 0.8 mm in diameter; indusium dark-straw-color, at first complete, then with a small irregular mouth, finally all breaking away. Luzon (Mount Banajao, alt. 1,200 m). FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 47 55. Cyathea lanaensis Christ in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 3 (1908) 271. Frond 65 cm long, 45 cm broad, tripinnatifid, stipe rough with minute tubercles; rachis glabrescent, reddish-brown; middle pinnae 30 cm long, 8 cm wide, sessile, the lower ones reduced and deflexed ; pinnules 6 cm long, 12 mm wide, about 20 on a side, crowded, sessile, cut to a narrow wing, sinuses acute, costae beneath bearing red-brown, bullate squamules; segments close, about 15 on a side, entire, acute, glabrous, papyraceous, green, paler beneath; veinlets 6 on a side, forked at the base; sori costular, indusium breaking down early to an irregular, spread-out base, receptacle large, globose. Mindanao ( Lake Lanao ) . 56. Cyathea korthalsii Mett. Pinna 45 cm or less long ; primary rachis yellow-reddish beneath, with short, ferruginous tomentum above, secondary rachises bearing a few long, flaccid paleae beneath; pinnules sessile, 5 to 6 cm long, 12 mm wide, oblong, acuminate, costae beneath bearing sparse, bullate, fuscous scales; segments narrowly oblong, obtuse, subfalcate, scarcely serrate, connected by a narrow wing; sori costular, indusium firmly membranaceous, break- ing at the top first, then irregularly. Sumatra, Java, Mindanao, Celebes. 57. Cyathea hymenodes Mett. Frond broadly lanceolate, membranaceous; stipe 17 cm long, densely beset with short spines; rachis subasperous, dark-purple-brown, tomen- tellous above; middle pinnae up to 60 cm long; pinnules about 7.5 cm long, oblong, acuminate, sessile, costae minutely scaly beneath, densely tomentellous above ; segments close, oblong-falcate, obtuse, obscurely serrate, 10 mm long, 3.5 mm wide, confluent; veinlets about 9 on a side, mostly forked ; sori costular, indusium thin and all but the base transient. Sumatra. 58. Cyathea oriental is Moore. Trunk 7 m more or less high, 13 cm thick; fronds up to 2.5 m long and 1.3 m broad; stipe short-muricate, bearing long scales at the base; pinnae on stalks 2 to 4 cm long; pinnules sessile or nearly so, 8 to 10 cm long, 13 mm broad, abruptly caudate-acuminate, pinnatifid almost to the costa, clothed beneath with ferruginous scales; segments linear-oblong, subfalcate, serrate; veinlets 8 to 12 on a side, mostly forked; sori costular, copious; indusium at first globose, after opening cup-shaped, slightly contracted at the top, with an even rim, chestnut-brown. Java, Celebes. 59. Cyathea walkerae (Presl) Hooker. Stipe unarmed or slightly muricate; frond ample, bi- or tripinnate, thick, very coriaceous ; rachises and costae hairy above, scaly or glabrescent 48 COPELAND. beneath; pinnae 45 cm long; pinnules rather remote, 8 to 10 cm long, acuminate, cut nearly or quite to the costa ; segments oblong, obtuse, entire or crenulate or slightly lobed; veinlets forked; sori costular, indusium cup-shaped with irregular margin. Ceylon (center of the island, at the higher altitudes). 60. Cyathea modesta (Baker) Copel. (Alsophila modesta Baker in Journ. Bot. 18 (1880) 210). Stipe less than 30 cm long, bearing dark-brown, linear scales 12 mm long; frond 75 to 90 cm long, tripinnate, moderately firm, green and nearly glabrous on both surfaces, except for a few lanceolate scales on the costae beneath; rachises pubescent but without prickles or scales; pinnae oblong-lanceolate, the middle ones the largest, 22 to 30 cm long, 5 to 7.5 cm broad, short-stalked, the lowest reduced and longer-stalked; pinnules lanceolate, sessile, 9 to 12 mm broad, cut in the lower part to the costa, above to a narrow wing, into close, ligulate, entire, obtuse segments less than 2 mm broad; veinlets G to 9 on a side, simple or forked; sori costular, not reaching the margin, indusium wanting. Sumatra (Mount Singalan, alt. 1,800 m). 61. Cyathea melanopus (Hasskarl) Copel. ( Alsophila melanopus Hassk. in Hook. Journ. Bot. 7 (1855) 325). Trunk 2 to 5 m high, its apex and the bases of the stipes bearing large, copious but deciduous, dark-colored paleae; stipes strongly aculeate at the base, above, like the rachis, slightly rough ; frond tripinnatifid, ovate- oblong, acute, membranaceous, slightly glaucous beneath, rachis sub- glabrous ; pinnffi elongate-oblong and acute or oblong-lanceolate and acuminate; pinnules linear-oblong, acuminate, deeply pinnatifid ; seg- ments linear-oblong, obtuse or subacute, subfalcate, obscurely crenate- serrate; sori costular in the forks of the veinlets, covering one-half to three-fourths of each segment, finally confluent. Java (Gedeli, alt. 1,200 to 2,400 m). 62. Cyathea wallacei (Mett.) Copel. ( Alsophila wallacei Mett. ex Kuhn in Linnaea 36 (1869) 153). Frond ample, tripinnatifid, subcoriaceous, green on both sides ; rachises stramineous, densely pubescent; pinnae oblong-lanceolate, 30 to 3G cm long; pinnules stalked, ligulate, 4 to 5 cm long, 9 mm broad, cut to a narrow wing; segments close, ligulate, obtuse, 2 mm broad, obscurely toothed, densely pilose beneath and with a few bullate scales on the ribs ; veinlets 4 or 5 on a side, simple; sori costular, indusia none. Borneo. 63. Cyathea ferruginea Christ in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 2 (1907) 181. Trunk obsolete or up to 2.5 m high, 6 cm in diameter ; stipe in acaulescent plants 150 cm long, with a few scales at the base, sparsely spinulose, decidedly spiny in arborescent specimens, upward glabrescent, FERNS OF THE MALAY- ASIATIC REGION. 49 shining, chestnut, like the main rachis; fronds of adult (arboreous) plants almost 2 m long, narrowly deltoid ; pinnae 40 cm long, stalks 2 to 3 cm long, remote, acuminate, not reduced at the base, their rachises paleaceous beneath, with not very persistent, rather polymorphous, tawny scales up to 15 mm long, above hairy; pinnules remote, stalked, up to 7 to 10 cm long, and 20 mm wide at the base, long-acuminate with serrate tips, cut to a narrow wing, or in most ample specimens the single lowest segments free and adnate, costae hairy above, beneath bearing copious, more or less persistent, pale-tawny, ovate scales 1.5 mm long; segments falcate, linear-oblong or oblong, usually obtuse, serrulate, thinly her- baceous, glabrous except on the costule beneath, where the scales are smaller, darker, and more bullate than on the costae; veinlets 6 to 9 on a side mostly forked; sori inframedial or almost costular, hardly 1 mm wide; indusium brown or purplish-brown, soon breaking into large, irregular, persistent fragments. Palawan (Paragua), alt. 600 to 1,300 m. 64. Cyathea assimilis Hooker. Trunk 6 m high; stipe bright-chestnut, slightly muricate; rachises scaly above, costae so beneath ; frond ample, coriaceous-membranaceous ; pinnae 30 cm long, 10 to 13 cm broad, acuminate, stalked ; pinnules cut almost to the rachis; segments 8 to 10 mm long, oblong, obtuse, sub- falcate, coarsely toothed ; veinlets usually forked ; sori medial ; indusium complete, very thin, breaking irregularly. Borneo, alt. 600 m, Celebes. 65. Cyathea negrosiana Christ in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 2 (1907) 181. Trunk 2 to 4 m high; stipe up to 40 cm long, almost black at the base and bearing a few linear-setaceous, brown paleae 2 cm long, spiny ; rachis brown, glabrous or nearly so, rough with sparse, sharp, fine prickles; frond over 1 in long, 50 cm wide; lowest pinnae reduced, sub- medial ones largest, more than 30 cm long, remote, sessile, rachises minutely rough, and scurfy or glabrescent beneath ; pinnules sessile, remote, acuminate, 7 cm long, 15 mm wide, cut to a narrow wing and at the base to the costa, the secondary pinnules adnate, costae hairy above, clothed beneath with minute, pale, ovate scales, the costules bearing still smaller ones; segments 2.5 mm wide, 7 mm long, subfalcate or straight, subacute, obscurely crenulate, herbaceous, glabrous, dark-green above, pale beneath; veinlets 8 to 12 on a side, mostly forked near the base; sori costular, small, indusium transient except for basal fragments. Negros (Mount Silay, alt. 1,000 m to summit). 66. Cyathea christii Copel. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 Suppl. (1906) 144. Trunk 3 to 4 m high, 7 cm thick, its apex and the bases of the stipes clothed with dense, harsh, setaceous, dirty-brown scales 15 mm long; stipes bearing a fine deciduous scurf, and sparse prickles 1 to 2 mm long; 80915 4 mu. BOT. GARDEN 1910 50 COPELAND. rachis roughish and glabrescent beneath; frond 1.5 to 2 m long, barely tripinnate ; lowest pinna} reduced and deflexed, sometimes running down almost to the trunk, the middle ones the largest, 50 cm long, 12 to 14 cm wide, acuminate, horizontal, subsessile, their raehises very felty above, beneath scurfy with minute, pale, bullate, rather deciduous squamules; pinnules subsessile, lanceolate, acuminate, 7 cm long, cut mostly to a narrow wing, but at the base to the costa, the secondary pinnules adnate, costae clothed above with dark hairs, beneath with partly deciduous, minute, pale, bullate squamules, which extend to the costules; segments more or less remote but never very close, linear-oblong, subfalcate, denticulate, mostly obtuse, the lamina subcoriaceous, glabrous, dark- green above, paler beneath ; veinlets 7 to 9 on a side, mostly forked ; sori costular, crowded ; indusium breaking at first into large pieces, finally breaking down to a saucer-shaped remnant. Mindanao, alt. 1,000 to 1,800 m. 67. Cyathea alderwereltii Copel. nomen novum (Hemitelia sumatrana v.A.v.R. in Bull. Dept. Agr. Ind. Neerl. 18 (1908) 2, not G. sumatrana Baker). Frond subtripinnate, chartaceous; rachis muricate with short, acute warts black at the apex; pinnae 55 cm more or less long, stalked; pinnules 8 to 12 cm long, about 2 cm wide, linear-oblong short-acuminate, cut at the base to the costa; costae hairy above, beneath densely scaly, as are the costules, scales ferrugineous ; segments linear-oblong, subacute, crenate-dentate ; veinlets once or twice forked ; sori 1 to 4 on a side, sub- costular, indusium brown, incomplete. Sumatra. 68. Cyathea callosa Christ (Alsophila extensa J. Sm. in Hook. Journ. Bot. 3 (1841) 419, non Desv. nec Blume). Trunk 1 m high, 8 cm in diameter; stipe stout, dark purple, densely spiny, furfuraceous like the lower part of the rachis, and bearing harsh, shining, dark, narrow paleae 15 to 20 cm long, the stipe very short because of numerous very reduced pinnaa running down almost to the trunk; rachis glabrescent upward, brown, the spines becoming small and sparse but not quite disappearing; pinnae up to 50 or 60 cm long, and 20 cm wide, short-stalked, with a small aerophore subtending the attach- ment of each to the main rachis, raehises beneath like the main rachis, above hairy, as are the slender costae; pinnules up to 11 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, acuminate or caudate, sessile or subsessile, cut at the base to the costa, the free segments more or less adnate, costa typically with a few small scales beneath, sometimes naked; segments crowded, falcate or subfalcate, linear-oblong, obtuse, serrulate toward the apex, costules usually with a few scales beneath, naked above, lamina glabrous, coriaceous, dark above, pale beneath; veinlets about 11 on a side, forked; sori strictly costular, 1 mm wide, indusium persistent. I have identified this plant from an authentic specimen, rather than by description : it FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIG REGION. 51 is perhaps too near to C. caudata, the rachis being rougher, the costae more glabrous, and the indusium constant and persistent. Luzon (Province of La Laguna, alt. 700 to 1,000 m). 69. Cyathea halconensis Christ in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 3 (1908) 270. Trunk 3 m high ; stipe short or almost none because of reduced pinnae at the base, chestnut, spiny, scurfy, and scaly with dark, harsh, narrow paleae 1 cm long; rachis shading upward to a rather light reddish-brown, there almost glabrous and the spines reduced to sparse, minute prickles ; frond 1 m or more long, hardly half as wide; pinnae 30 cm long, 13 cm wide, sessile, acuminate, rachises smooth and almost glabrous, light- brown; pinnules up to 7 cm long and 22 mm wide, sessile or subsessile, cut near the base to the costa and the lowest secondary pinnules sessile but usually not adnate, costa hairy above, beneath, like the costules and veinlets, black and glabrous except for a very few lanceolate scales; seg- ments 3 mm wide, obtuse or subacute, serrulate, glabrous, membranaceous, very dark above, pale and almost glaucous beneath; veinlets 7 to 10 on a side, forked near the base ; sori in the forks, 1 mm wide, indusium thin, shining-brown, splitting irregularly into large pieces, persistent. Mindoro, alt. 1,600 to 2,000 m. 70. Cyathea celebica Blume. Frond silky-glaucous beneath, membranaceous; rachis purplish, muri- cate, furf uraceous ; pinnae more than 30 cm long; pinnules linear- lanceolate, acuminate ; secondary pinnules linear-subfalcate, obtuse, crenulate at the apex, truncate and sessile at base; veinlets 10 on a side, forked at the base. Celebes, Ternate, Batjan. 71. Cyathea teysmannii Copel nomen novum (Cyathea celebica v.A.v.R. in Bull. Dept. Agr. Ind. N€er. 18 (1908) 2). Rachis beset with acute spines, furf uraceous ; frond ample, tripinnate, subcoriaceous, glabrous, or minutely paleaceous beneath; pinnae stalked, 50 to 60 cm long, about 20 cm wide; pinnules sessile or the lowest stalked, about 2 cm wide, cut at the base to the costa ; secondary pinnules subfalcate, obtuse, crenate, the lowest ones stalked and lobed toward the base, the lobes small, the lowest ones free; lowest veinlets two or three times forked and sterile, middle ones once forked and fertile, upper ones simple and sterile; sori many, covering the segments except at base and apex, indusium thin and evanescent. Celebes. 72. Cyathea pustulosa (Christ) Copel. (Alsophila pustulosa Christ in Bull. Herb. Boiss. II 1 (1901) 1019). Trunk 3 to 4 m high; stipe stout, yellowish, clothed at the base with thin, whitish, subulate scales 1.5 cm long, and, like the rachis, rough with dense, minute prickles; frond 150 cm long, tripinnate; pinnas up 52 COPELAND. to 40 cm long, 16 cm wide, long-stalked, their rachises asperous and bearing sparse, minute, lacerate squamules; pinnules crowded, sessile, acuminate, 10 cm long, 12 mm wide, pinnate almost throughout, costa? beneath bearing a few minute, lacerate, whitish scales, glabrous or nearly so above; secondary pinnules 6 mm long, 2 mm wide, separate, mostly adnate, obtuse, subfalcate, crenulate, often with involute margin, sub- coriaceous, dull-green, darker above, glabrous above, costule beneath bear- ing rather large whitish scales; veinlets about 10 on a side, mostly forked; sori infra-medial, on most of the veinlets, covering the lamina, no indusium seen. Liu Kiu. 73. Cyathea latebrosa (Wall.) Copel. (Alsophila latebrosa Wall, in Hooker, Sp. Fil. 1 (1844) 37). A lofty tree; stipes dark-brown, very spiny, scurfy, and bearing at the base a few linear, harsh, brown scales about 3 cm long; frond very large, lowest pinnae somewhat reduced and deflexed ; rachis maroon, muricate, scurfy with deciduous and very minute squamules; pi nine up to 60 cm or more long, sessile or nearly so, acuminate, rachises from brownish-yellow to almost maroon, glabrous or minutely scaly, rough with sparse, fine prickles; pinnules sessile, up to 10 cm long, very acuminate, cut to a narrow wing throughout or the lowest segments free, and adnate or not so, costa? sparsely hairy above, bearing small, more or less bullate, some- times irregular scales beneath; segments subfalcate, obtuse or acute, serrulate or subentire, glabrous except for scales beneath on the costules, subcoriaceous, bright-green above, somewhat paler beneath ; veinlets about 11 on a side, forked; sori infra-medial, distinct or finally confluent, each subtended by a brown scale. This is a species originally inadequately described from a Penang fern; Beddome’s figure (F. S. I., pi. 58) does not agree completely with the description ; and my only Penang specimen under this name seems to be C. contaminans. India to Formosa and Celebes. C. latebrosa var. major Christ in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 2 (1907) 183, has a straw-vellow rachis, and the type collection had the trunk 120 cm high. 74. Cyathea curran ii Copel. in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 3 (1908) 356. Trunk 3 m high, 20 cm thick, the leaf-scars 5 by 3 cm ; stipe about 35 cm long, maroon, tuberculate, bearing thin, soft, tawny scales which are up to 63 mm long, entire unless at the tip, long-attenuate, 4 mm wide at the base, cordate, or rounded and peltate ; frond about 1 m long, half as wide; rachis bearing sparse, small, deciduous, lanceolate paleae, rough with small but numerous, usually very blunt tubercles, brown, dorsal surface hairy, secondary rachises similar but less tuberculate, and dark-maroon in color; lowest pinnae long-stalked, reduced and deflexed; median ones 35 cm long, 17 cm wide, short-stalked; pinnules sessile, 9 cm long, 1 cm wide, long-attenuate, pinnate, costa naked on both sides, almost FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 53 black; lowest secondary pinnules deflexed over the rachis and not adnate, the others adnate, crowded, narrowly oblong, obtuse, entire or nearly so, bullate, coriaceous, glabrous and brownish-green above, apparently glaucous beneath, with occasionally a scale on a costule and very minute whitish hairs on the veinlets; veinlets about 10 on a side, simple or forked near the costules; sori subcostular, soon confluent and covering the whole surface, without indusium or subtending scale. Luzon (Mount Banajao, alt. 2,000 m). 75. Cyathea calocoma (Christ) Copel. (Alsophila calocoma Christ in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 2 (1907) 182). Trunk 6 m high; frond 4 m long; stipe densely clothed at the base with straw-white scales up to 4 cm long and 6 mm wide, which are brown at the tip, with ciliate, acicular, brown palese about 1 cm long, and with every intermediate form, white with brown borders; rachis stout, dark- or light-brown, spiny beneath, scurfy, especially above; pinnae 75 cm long, short-stalked, abruptly acuminate, rachises like the main rachis but with a distinct hairy line above; pinnules crowded, sessile or the lower ones stalked, long-acuminate, up to 15 cm long, 15 to 25 mm wide, pinnate in the lower part, and the lowest secondary pinnules short-stalked, costae with a narrow hairy line above, dark beneath and bearing very few fine, pale scales; segments 2 to 3 mm wide, falcate, rather obtuse, usually entire, glabrous except for a few white squamules and rather long hairs on the nether side of the costules, herbaceous, deep-green above, sub- glaucous beneath; veinlets about 12 on a side, forked; sori medial, 1 mm wide, not reaching the apex, indusium none. Luzon, Mindoro. 0\ calocoma var. congcsta Christ ibidem, has a more densely and finely spiny rachis, and more coriaceous and very crowded pinnules and segments. Luzon. 76. Cyathea caudata (J. Sm.) Copel. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 Suppl. (1906) 144. Trunk 2 to 3 m high, 4 to 7 cm in diameter; stipe very short because of reduced pinnae coming down almost to the trunk, almost black, minutely scurfy and bearing harsh, acicular, dark scales, such as extend some 30 cm up the upper face of the rachis, densely spiny; rachis spiny only near the base, very minutely and sparsely roughened above, brown, bearing a deciduous scurf beneath; frond 1.5 m long; middle pinnae about 35 cm long, subsessile, abruptly acuminate, rachises like the main rachis, but the furfuraceous squamules more persistent; pinnules 7 to 11 cm long, about 2 cm wide, sessile, acuminate or caudate, cut at the base to the costa, elsewhere to a narrow wing, costa dark-hairy above, purplish beneath and minutely and deciduously scaly; lowest secondary pinnules sessile but not adnate; segments serrulate and subfalcate at apex, obtuse, about 3 mm Avide, costules naked above, scaly beneath, lamina coriaceous, 54 COPELAND. glabrous, very dark above, pale beneath; veinlets up to 13 on a side, nearly all forked ; sori strictly costular, small, indusium usually represented by a scale, as in C. latebrosa. Luzon, alt. 700 to 1,300 m. 77. Cyathea elmeri Copel. ( Alsophila elmeri Copel. in Elmer’s Leaflets 2 (1908) 419). Trunk 5 to 10 m high, 10 to 15 cm thick; stipe short, densely covered with dark-brown, minutely ciliate-serrate, seta-like scales 25 to 30 mm long and 0.5 mm wide, which also persist on the trunk around the leaf- scars ; frond, including stipe, 2 to 3 m long ; rachis stramineous beneath, beset with small, sharp spines with black, mammiform bases, scurfy with minute, rather deciduous squamules; pinna 60 cm long, 25 cm wide, subsessile, acuminate, rachises tawny beneath, finely prickly and deciduously squamulose; pinnules 13 cm long, 25 mm wide, acuminate, sessile, close, pinnate near the base and the lowest secondary pinnules not adnate, costae bearing pale hairs above, and beneath two kinds of stram- ineous scales : minute, bullate ones, ciliate or subentire, and larger, lanceolate ones, strongly lacerate into brown setae (the latter scales very characteristic) ; segments subfalcate, obtuse, 3.5 mm wide, serrulate, separated by narrow sinuses, costules beneath bearing sparse, pale, bullate squamules and hairs, lamina glabrous, herbaceous-coriaceous, green on both sides; veinlets 10 to 12 on a side, mostly forked below the middle, with the sori in the 'forks; sori two-thirds to 1 mm wide, exindusiate. Very like C. latebrosa except for the lacerate scales. Negros (Horn of Negros Mountain, alt. 1,200 m). 78. Cyathea adenochlamys Christ in Bull. Herb. Boiss. II 6 (1906) 1008. Frond coriaceous, pale beneath, 100 cm long by 60 cm wide, or larger ; pinnae subpetiolate, articulate to main rachis, 40 cm long; pinnules 7 cm long, 14 mm wide, cut to the costa, segments about 17 on a side, obtuse or subacute ; rachis unarmed, rufous- or fulvous-stramineous, covered with a short pubescence; costae reddish -pubescent on both sides; veinlets 10 to 12 on a side, black, the lower ones forked, the others simple; sori 5 or 6 on a side, 1 mm wide, costular; indusium pale-green, persistent, densely covered with pale, sessile glands. Luzon (Rizal Province, Angilog). 79. Cyathea leucotricha Christ. Eachis glabrous, brownish-rufescent, secondary ones beneath bearing long, white hairs; pinna crowded, sessile or subsessile, 50 cm long, 18 cm wide, acuminate; pinnules 9 cm long, 18 mm wide, acuminate, cut to the costa, sinuses narrow and acute; segments 10 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, pectinate, falcate, entire or crenulate at the apex, acute, coriaceous, pale beneath but not glaucous; costa and costules rough with minute, appressed hairs ; veinlets forked midway or below ; sori in the forks, 1 mm FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 55 wide, indusium thinly membranaceous. Near C. contaminans in ap- pearance. Borneo. 80. Cyathea burbidgei (Baker) Copel. ( Alsophila burbidgei Baker in Journ. Bot. 17 (1879) 38). Rachises smooth and without scales, but those of the pinnae hairy ; pinnules cut to a narrow wing, into ligulate, subentire, obtuse segments 2 mm wide, costae strongly ciliate beneath ; veinlets 4 or 5 on a side, simple or forked; sori medial, indusium wanting. Allied to G. latebrosa, C. Oldhami and G. Wallacei. North Borneo. 81. Cyathea albosetacea (Bedd.) Copel. ( Alsophila, albosetacea Beddoine, Suppl. (1876) 2). Main rachis purplish, muricate, and (in age) only slightly scaly; pinnae long-petioled, their rachises very scaly ; pinnules with the one or two lowest segments free, elsewhere cut nearly to the costa; segments oblong, subfalcate, slightly crenate; costae sparingly clothed beneath with long, white, setaceous hairs, which are also present in a less degree on the costa and costules above, costules beneath furnished with deciduous, bullate scales which often have a hyaline, setaceous point at the apex (resembling the indusium of Cystopteris fragilis ) ; veinlets all forked near the base, one branch often and both very rarely again forked ; sori copious, indusium wanting. The position of this plant is uncertain because of incomplete diagnosis; it is reduced by Diels to C. latebrosa. Nicobar Islands. 82. Cyathea chinensis Copel. in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 3 (1908) 355. Trunk 6 m high; rachis almost glabrous, not prickly; pinna of type specimen 42 cm long, 13 cm wide, sessile, acuminate, its rachis stram- ineous, clothed above with purplish-brown hairs and beneath with sparse hyaline hairs; costae similarly pubescent, but more densely beneath, and toward the tip with a few irregular squamules; pinnules sessile, 7 cm long, 14 mm wide, caudate with the apex serrate, cut almost to the costa ; segments obtuse, subfalcate, 3 mm wide, serrulate, herbaceous, green on both sides, but somewhat paler beneath, the lamina glabrous but the costule bearing some hairs and squamules beneath; veinlets 7 to 9 on a side, mostly forked, inconspicuous; sori costular at the bases of the segments, small, each subtended by one or two brown scales. China (Yunnan, in the Szemao forest, alt. 1,800 m). 83. Cyathea trichodesma (Scort.) Copel. ( Alsophila trichodesma Schort. ex Bedd. in Journ. Bot. 25 (1887) 321). Trunk of moderate size, slender; stipes scaly at the base; frond 120 to 180 cm long, bipinnate; rachis rough above, clothed with appressed, spreading, semi-viscous, copious, jointed hairs; pinnae lanceolate, 60 to 75 56 COPELAND. cm long, 35 to 20 cm broad, their rachises stramineous, clothed like the main rachis; pinnules 8 cm long, 18 mm wide, thinly herbaceous, the lamina, costa and veinlets clothed on both sides with the same hairs as the rachis, cut nearly to the costa into linear, obtuse, crenulate, rather distant segments; veinlets 7 or 8 on a side, forked; son 5 or 6 on a side, medial, indusium none. Near C. Andersoni, of Sikkim. Perak. 84. Cyathea cyclodonta (Christ) v. A. v. R. in Bull. Dept. Agr. Inch N4erl. 18 (1908) 1. liachis naked, brownish-green, shiny; primary pinnules 10 cm long, 25 mm wide, about 35 pairs, cut to the costa, costa finely puberulous above, strigose beneath ; secondary pinnules 2 to 3 nun apart, decurrent or subauriculate on both sides, linear, 12 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, coarsely crenate with about 12 lobes on a side, coriaceous, glabrous, dark -green on both sides; veinlets forked at the base; sori in the forks, about 8 on each side, over 1 mm wide; indusium membranaceous, breaking down to an irregular brown cup. Borneo. 85. Cyathea andersoni (Scott) C'opel. ( Alsophila andersoni Scott: Bedd. Ferns. Brit. Ind. (1869) 310). .Stipe ebeneous, muricate, clothed especially near the base with lanceo- late, deciduous scales ; rachises dark-chestnut, naked beneath and rouuh with raised points, tawny-villous above ; pinna? oblong-lanceolate, 45 to 60 cm long; pinnules lanceolate-ligulate, 10 to 15 cm long, about 2 cm wide, subsessile, cut nearly or quite to the costa, costa bristly, especially beneath, not scaly ; segments close, 3 to 4 mm wide, lanceolate, bluntish, toothed, green on both sides, texture thin but firm; veinlets 9 to 12 on a side, forked ; sori infra-medial, minute, exindusiate. Sikkim, alt. 300 to 650 m. 86. Cyathea kingii (Clarke) Copel. (Alsophila kingii Clarke in Bedd. Hand- book, Addenda ) . 1 runk 3 m high ; main rachis purplish, shining, glabrous, rachises of pinnte purplish, glabrous, and somewhat glaucous; pinna? 45 to 60 cm long; pinnules about 7 cm long, 12 mm wide, coriaceous, of a bluish- glaucous tint, the costa very scaly beneath and hairy above, pinnules cut nearly to the costa into oblong, crenate segments; costules much raised and very prominent (particularly in the fertile pinnules) and scaly; veinlets once forked a little above the base, or more rarely simple ; receptacle very prominent, indusium wanting. Baker puts this species near C. latebrosa, and says .4. Bakeri Zeiller is probably a synonym. Perak (Larut), alt. 1,500 m. FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 57 87. Cyathea brunoniana (Wall.) Clarke & Baker. A large tree; main racliis prickly; secondary racliises slightly prickly or smooth and glabrous ; costa sparsely and deciduously crisped-pubescent beneath, naked or nearly so above; segments minutely hairy on the veinlets, the fertile ones not contracted, 15 to 18 mm long, 3 mm wide, entire, obtuse, coriaceous, glabrous, somewhat glaucous beneath; veinlets about 13 on a side, forked, nearly all fertile; sori costular; indusium at first globose and complete, soon breaking down to an irregular cup. Northern India. 88. Cyathea decipiens (Scott) Clarke & Baker. Trunk 15 m high; stipes spiny, mahogan3'-brown and scaly at the base, pale-brown and furfuraceous upward ; racliises very prickly ; pinnae sessile, ample, acuminate; pinnules 10 to 12.5 cm long, 2 cm wide, sessile, acuminate, cut nearly or quite to the costa, costae and costules bearing bullate scales ; segments not close, 2 mm wide, acute, subfalcate, serrate, subcoriaceous, dark-green above, gray-green beneath but not glaucous; veinlets 10 to 12 on a side, two to four times forked; sori qostular, small; indusium at first complete and spherical, fragile. Specimens in cultiva- tion have been mistaken for C. spinulosa, and Beddome implies that he can distinguish them only by the indusium. Northern India, alt. 600 m. 89. Cyathea spinulosa Wall. A tall tree-fern; stipe and rachis purple, very spiny beneath, rachises rusty above; frond 3 m long; pinnae stalked, abruptly acuminate; pinnules subsessile, 8 cm long, acuminate, cut almost to the costa; costa hairy above, beneath bearing small bullate scales, as do the costules, which are glabrous above ; segments close, acute, subfalcate, serrulate, the lamina glabrous, thin; veinlets 8 to 10 on a side, forked; sori costular, small, numerous, but not reaching the ends of the segments; indusia at first complete, breaking into large pieces, finally disappearing. India (altitude up to 1,000 m), to Malaya and Japan. 90. Cyathea mearnsii Copel. in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 3 (1908) 356. Trunk 5 cm thick, thinly clothed at the top with black roots; bases of stipes bearing thin, gray-brown, narrow scales 15 mm long; rachis 1 cm thick, tawny, everywhere glabrous, unarmed; pinnae up to 60 cm long, 25 cm wide, sessile, their rachises smooth beneath, above clothed, like the costae, with a dark, close pubescence; pinnules sessile, very acuminate, horizontal, up to 29 mm wide at the base, cut at the base to the costa, else- where to a narrow wing, costa reddish beneath, bearing some fine furfura- ceous scales; segments falcate-acute, serrate, 3 to 4 mm wide, glabrous except for occasional squamules on the costules beneath pale beneath and 58 COPELAND. not very dark above, coriaceous, lowest secondary pinnule often dilated and pinnatifid; veinlets about 13 on a side, forked; sori costular, crowded but not reaching the apices of the segments, 1 mm or less wide, indusium splitting into large pieces and only the lower part persistent. Luzon (in the mountains of Benguet). 91. Cyathea saccata Christ. An alpine dwarf; frond 115 cm long, 80 cm wide, stipe 25 cm long; stipe and rachis minutely verrucous, glabrous, rufous-stramineous, shin- ing; pinnae remote, stalked, 30 to 40 cm long, 12 cm wide, caudate, narrowed at base; pinnules remote, 6 cm long, 15 mm wide, lanceolate, pinnate, costae black, beset above with minute brown scales; secondary pinnules 13 or 14 on a side, separate, 2.5 mm wide, dentate; veinlets 9 to 12 on a side, forked, conspicuous ; sori medial, indusium pellucid. Celebes (Mount Topapu, alt. 1,300 to 1,700 m). 92. Cyathea runensis v.A.v.R. in Bull. Dept. Agr. Ind. N6erl. 18 (1908) 1. Bachis unarmed, setaceous above; pinnae about 55 cm long, 22 to 25 cm broad; pinnules sessile, acuminate, 2 to 2.5 cm wide at the base, pinnatifid; segments oblong, subfalcate, subobtuse, crenate, margin slightly decurved ; veinlets about 8 on a side, the lower ones forked ; sori medial, numerous, indusium breaking into irregular fragments; frond ample, coriaceous, glabrous. The proper place of this species is un- certain because of incomplete description. Pulo Run. 93. Cyathea leucophaes Hassk. Trunk 3 to 5 m high; stipe and rachis spiny; frond tripinnatifid, coriaceous, glabrous, becoming whitish above as it dries; pinnae oblong- lanceolate, acuminate, mostly stalked; pinnules linear-oblong, acuminate, unequally truncate at the base, deeply pinnatifid ; segments linear-oblong, acute, serrate-crenate at the apex and the margin reflexed ; veinlets forked, with the globose sori in the forks; indusium membranaceous, hyaline, globose, soon irregularly torn, and finally vanishing. Java. 94. Cyathea junghuhniana (Kze.) Copel. (Alsophila junghuhniana Kze. in Bot. Zeit. 6 (1848) 284). Frond bright-green above, pale beneath, axes unarmed ; rachises stramineous or fuscous, hirsute above as are also the costae, beneath smooth or minutely nodulose; pinnules 11 cm long, 16 to 20 mm wide; segments close, connected by a narrow wing, linear-oblong, subfalcate, obtuse, repand or serrulate; costae beneath bearing sparse, minute, ovate, ap- pressed, pale-ferruginous scales, glabrescent; veinlets evident, lax, 6 to 9 FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 59 on a side, forked at the base ; sori costular ; indusium scale-like, minute. Hemitelia manilensis Presl is described as a species resembling this, found in Luzon. Java, Sumatra. 95. Cyathea mertensiana (Kze.) Copel. (Alsophila mertensiana Kze. in Bot. Zeit. 6 (1848) 586). Eachis glabrescent, verrucous with shining, brown warts; pinnaa long- stalked; pinnules approximate, short-stalked, oblong-lanceolate, acumi- nate, deeply pinnatifid, costas glabrous above, at base beneath bearing sparse, white, bullate scales; segments falcate, rather obtuse, margin reflexed and obscurely serrulate, the fertile segments contracted and the lowest free but adnate; veinlets forked, usually twice, white-hairy; sori minute, crowded, occupying the entire segments; indusium a cup-shaped basal scale. Bonin. 96. Cyathea ornata (Scott) Copel. ( Alsophila ornata Scott in Bedd. Ferns Brit. Ind. (1870) 342). Frond ample, tripinnate, moderately firm in texture; racliises castane- ous, smooth, naked beneath; pinnae stalked, oblong-lanceolate, 45 to 60 cm long; pinnules sessile, lanceolate, 8 to 10 cm long, 18 to 24 mm wide, costae scaly, especially beneath; segments close, ligulate, obtuse, denticu- late, 2 mm wide, green on both sides, without scales or hairs; veinlets 8 to 13 on a side, forked; sori minute, subcostular, exindusiate. Alsophila Oldhami Bedd. is usually regarded as this species; but as figured by Beddome it differs in having long-stalked pinnae and the costules scaly beneath. Sikkim, alt. 750 m. 97. Cyathea dementis Copel. (Alsophila dementis Copel. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 Suppl. (1906) 143). Trunk 9 m high, stout ; stipe brown at the base, shading to stramineous in the rachis, clothed at the base with linear, whitish scales 5 to 15 mm long, exceedingly rough with blackish, stout, sharp spines 4 to 5 mm long; rachis glabrous, beset with smaller spines; frond 100 to 150 cm long, ovate; middle pinnae 30 to 40 cm long, their rachises rough; pinnules 6 to 8 cm long, 15 mm wide cut at the base to the costa, elsewhere to a narrow wing, cost® above bearing dirty-white hairs or nearly naked, beneath naked or sparsely f urfuraceous-squamulose ; segments subfalcate, entire, obtuse, coriaceous, glabrous, greenish-brown above, paler beneath but not glaucous; veinlets forked, about 10 on a side; sori infra-medial, naked, receptacles evidently paraphysate. Mindanao ( Lanao ) . 60 COPELAND. 98. Cyathea fauriei (Christ) Copel. (Alsophila fauriei Christ in Bull. Herb. Boiss. II 1 (1901) 1019). Bachises bearing short, sharp pustules, main rachis pale-brown, plant smooth; pinnae sessile (at least the upper ones), 40 cm long, 16 cm wide, ovate-oblong, acuminate; pinnules sessile, about 18 below the pinnatifkl apex, acuminate, 9 cm long, 2 cm wide, not cut to the costa; segments subfalcate, broadly linear, obtuse or apiculate, almost in contact, 2.5 to 3 mm wide, evidently serrate, dark-green above, olive beneath, herbaceous; veinlets conspicuous, 12 or more on a side, black, two or three times forked ; sori costular at bases of segments, large and few, brown, naked, receptacle small and naked. Liu Kiu (Oshima, common at foot of mountain). 99. Cyathea confucii (Christ) Copel. (Alsophila confucii Christ in Ac. Geog. Bot. 15 (1906) 102). Trunk hardly 2 m high; frond 150 cm long, half as wide; rachises glabrous, beneath prickly, light-brown; pinnae sessile, 45 cm long, 15 cm wide, acuminate, hardly narrowed at the base; pinnules sessile, caudate with serrate tip, 8 cm long, 17 mm wide, cut almost to the costa, costa bearing dark, appressed hairs above, and very sparse hyaline squamules beneath, the latter being also on the costules; segments acute, falcate at the tip, serrulate, 3 mm wide, dark-green above, pale beneath, herbaceous, the lamina glabrous; veinlets 8 to 12 on a side, mostly forked; sori costular, subtended by a minute, whitish, scale-like membrane. China (Sze Chuen, Mount Omi, alt. 2,000 m). 100. Cyathea contaminans (Wall.) Copel. ( Alsophila contaminans Wall. Cat. (1829) no. 320; Chnoophora glanca Bl. 1828, not Cyathea glauca Bory). Trunk up to 15 m high, 15 cm in diameter; fronds up to 3 m long or even longer, 150 cm wide; stipe 50 to 100 cm long, at the base scurfy and densely clothed with shiny-white, linear scales 2 to 3 cm long, which diminish upward and soon disappear, stipe reddish, shading upward to tawny or almost stramineous on the rachises, like which it is spiny and glabrous ; pinnae up to 85 cm long, stalked, abruptly acuminate ; pinnules sessile, usually 11 to 13 cm long, gradually long-acuminate, cut at the base to the costa (and the secondary pinnules contracted at base), elsewhere to a narrow wing, costa glabrous beneath, above bearing whitish hairs, at least near the base ; segments linear-oblong, subfalcate, subacute, entire or nearly so, herbaceous, glabrous, more or less glaucous beneath; veinlets 9 to 12 on a side, forked; sori medial or infra-medial, not reaching the apices of the segments, indusium none. India and Malaya. The commonest and largest tree-fern in this part of the world. FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 61 101. Cyathea fenicis Copel. Philip, Journ. Sci. Bot. 3 (1908) 354. Trunk 9 cm thicks said to be but 1 m high; stipe 60 cm long, dark- brown, prickly with short, sharp spines, bearing two small, simply pinnate pinnse just above the base, and clothed at the base with a few narrow, brown scales 15 mm long, otherwise glabrous, as are the slightly roughish racliises; largest pinnae 35 to 40 cm long, 20 cm wide, abruptly narrowed to a pinnatifid apex; pinnules about 10 cm long, hardly 2 cm broad, sessile, cut at the base to the costa, elsewhere to a wing, costa hairy above, mostly glabrous beneath ; segments 4 mm broad, obtuse, obscurely serru- late, costules bearing a few small scales beneath, lamina glabrous, thin, dark-green above, olive beneath; veinlets forked; sori globose, less than 1 mm wide, pale, costular, exindusiate. Batanes Islands (Santo Domingo de Basco). DOUBTFUL SPECIES. Alsophila saparuensis v.A.v.R. in Bull. Dept. Agr. Ind. N6erl. 18 (1908) 2. Fronds ample, tripinnatifid, firm but not rigid; stipe prickly, clothed with deciduous yellow or brown indument; rachis rough beneath, fibrillose above; middle pinnae the largest, about 45 cm long, 12 to 16 cm wide, lanceolate, acuminate; pinnules sessile, the lowest ones horizontal, the middle ones the largest, about' 15 mm wide; segments crowded, obtuse, crenate or dentate at the apex; sori medial; indusia false, of minute, round, flat scales. Saparua. Alsophila bongardiana Mett. Ditfers from C. extensa in having the “segments broader, entire, rather glaucous below, with copious scattered scales, veins more distant and obscure.” It has the aspect of C. contaminans. Bonin. Alsophila khasyana Moore. Khasya. Alsophila xantholepis Christ. Batjan. Hemitelia capensis R. Br. Reported in Java by Blume, Enumeratio 247, probably by mistake. 2. BALANTIUM Kaulfuss. Caudex erect, but usually not rising much above the ground ; fronds 3 or 4 times pinnate, deltoid, the ultimate pinnules oblique, more developed at the base on the acroscopic side; fertile and sterile pinnules alike, the fertile teeth not coriaceous; annulus usually oblique and uninterrupted. A small genus with one species in Polynesia, one in Australia, two in this 62 COPELAND. region, one in the Azores, etc., and one in tropical America. It is very nearly related to Dennstaedtia and Dick sonia — so nearly that they would all as well be included in Polypodiacece. The discontinuous distribution and its intermediate position between two families mark it as a very old genus. Sori in the sinuses 1. B. javanicum Sori on the teeth 2. B. copeland i 1. Balantium javanicum (Bl.) Copel. (Dicksonia javanica Bl. Enum. 240). Caudex arborescent (teste Eaeiborski) ; frond quadripinnate, up to 1.5 m long and 60 cm wide, axes densely appressed-pubescent, pinnae and pinnules ovate-oblong, very acuminate ; secondary pinnules short-stalked ; tertiary pinnules sessile with cuneate base, up to 1 cm long and half as wide, deeply cut into segments 1 to 2 mm wide, hairy beneath with white hairs, sparsely hairy above; sori small, in the sinuses, submarginal. Van Alderverelt states that the annules is vertical; which is not an unknown condition elsewhere in Balantium. Java, at middle elevations. Dennstaedtia Formosae Christ is similar to B. javanicum, but the stem of the plant is unknown. 2. Balantium copelandi Christ in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 3 (1908) 301. (Plate XIX.) Similar to the preceding species, but the sori placed on minor teeth, and marginal, and the tertiary pinnules usually narrower. The caudex usually does not rise above the ground, but may reach at height of 60 cm the fronds, exclusive of stipe, are 50 cm to 3 m long. Luzon, Negros. 3. DICKSONIA L’Hgritier. Tree-ferns, with 2 or 3 times pinnate fronds ; pinnules equal-sided, the sterile ones in our species decidedly reduced ; indusium and corresponding leaf-margin more or less coriaceous. A genus of 17 recognized species, chiefly in the southern hemisphere. Dicksonia is properly the name of the preceding genus. I should have used it in that way except that this genus has no tenable name. Dicksonia blumei (Kze.) Moore. (Plate XX.) Trunk up to 6 m high and 20 cm in diameter; its crown and the bases of the stipes densely clothed with golden acicular scales, becoming brown on the stipes; stipes up to 80 cm long; fronds up to 3 m long, usually less, tripinnate; rachises densely pubescent; pinnae up to 80 cm long; pinnules up to 12 cm long, about 2 cm wide almost horizontal; secondary pinnae adnate, narrowly oblong, obtuse, coriaceous, the sterile ones toothed, dark green and shining above, paler beneath, and hairy on the costa; FERNS OF THE MALAY-ASIATIC REGION. 63 fertile pinnae lobed almost to the costa ; lobes about four on a side/ each almost entirely occupied by a large sorus. Java, Celebes, Mindanao, Negros, Mindoro, at middle elevations (1,000 to 2,000 m). 4. CIBOTIUM Ivaulfuss. Caudex stout and erect, sometimes arborescent, the apex densely imbedded in brown or golden chaff; fronds large, tripinnatifid or tripin- nate; sori marginal on the lower part of the segments, at the apices of veins, the fertile tooth like the indusium, brown and coriaceous, the two inclosing the young sorus; annulus complete, but with a stomium of distinct cells. About 12 recognized species, in and near Central America, in the Hawaiian Islands, and here. I follow Dr. Christ in the treatment of our species. Sori 2 or more on each side of the segments. Pinnules 2 cm or more wide. Sori 2 to 4 on a side, not prominent 1. C. baranetz Sori 5 or 6 on a side, prominent 2. C. assamicum Pinnules 8 mm wide 3. C. sumatranum Sori 1 on each side of the segments 4. C. cumingii 1. Cibotium baranetz (L.) J. Sm. Larger pinnules 2 cm wide; stalked, narrowly lanceolate, long-acu- minate at the base cut very nearly or quite to the costa, costa more or less hairy; segments lanceolate, falcate, acute, about 1 cm long, subentire or somewhat serrate, decidedly glaucous beneath, separated by narrow sinuses ; veinlets mostly simple ; sori usually 2, sometimes 3 or 4 on each side, not prominent, 1 mm wide, the lowest oblique, the others parallel to the segment, the outer valve of the indusium the larger and more convex. The caudex is erect and stout but usually not arborescent. Liu Kiu across China to Malacca and northeastern India; Java ( ?). 2. Cibotium assamicum Hook. Pinnules up to 25 mm wide; larger segments 15 mm long, evidently serrate; sori prominent, borne on teeth, up to 6 on a side; valves more unequal, and texture of whole plant rather thinner than in C. Baranetz, which it resembles except as just noted. A plant in cultivation at Buiten- zorg agrees perfectly with this species as described, except in not being glaucous beneath. Assam, Tonkin. 3. Cibotium sumatranum Christ in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 2 (1907) 118. Fertile pinnules only 8 mm wide, cut to a wing 1 mm wide; segments 3 mm long, obtuse, denticulate, separated by obtuse sinuses; sori 2 or rarely 3 on a side, 0.5 to 0.7 mm wide, not prominent, valves subequal; plant glabrous or nearly so. 64 COPELAND. C., Baranetz var. setosum v.A.v.K. lias the axes densely clothed with spreading bristles which in falling off, leave them roughish; sori 1 or 2 on a side; indusium fulvous. Sumatra (Linggalang volcano). 4. Cibotium cumingii Kunze. (Plate XXI.) Like C. Baranetz, but the pinnae usually narrower, the segments shorter and proportionally broader, the veinlets forked, with but one sorus on each side. From Formosa and Fokien I have intermediate forms. C. Baranetz var. lampongense v.A.v.K., of Sumatra, seems to be like some of the Philippine specimens. Luzon, Mindoro. ILLUSTRATIONS. [Photographs by E. Cortes.] Plate I. A, Ophioglossum intermedium Hook. B, C, Ophioglossuni pedunculosum Desf. II. Botrychium japonicum (Prantl) Underw. III. Helminthostachys zeylanica (L.) Hook. IV. Angiopteris cartilagidens Christ. V. Macroglossum alidae Copel. VI. Archangiopteris henryi Christ. VII. Marattia ternatea deVriese. VIII. Christensenia cumingiana Christ. IX. Marsilea crenata Presl. X. A, Salvinia natans (L.) All. B, Azolla africana Desv. XI. Osmunda regalis L., var. japonica (Thunb.). XII. Lygodium merrillii Copel. XIII. A, Schizaea dichotoma (L.) Smith. B, Schizaea digitata (L.) Sw. XIV. Gleichenia laevissima Christ. XV. Ceratopteris thalictroides (L. ) Brongn. XVI. Matonia foxioorthyi Copel. XVII. Phanerosorus sarmentosus (Baker) Copel. XVIII. Cyathea atropurpurea Copel. XIX. Balantium copelandi Christ. XX. Dicksonia blumei (Kze.) Moore. XXI. Cibotium cumingii Kze. 80915 5 65 Copeland: Ferns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate I. A, OPHIOGLOSSUM INTERMEDIUM Hook. B, C, OPHIOGLOSSUM PEDUNCULOSUM Desf. ■LU T> CZ [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Copeland : Ferns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] . BOTRYCHIUM JAPONICUM (Prantl.) Unoerw. Plate II Copeland: Ferns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate III. HELMINTHOSTACHYS ZEYLANICA (L.) Hooker. Copeland : Ferns op the Malay-Asiatic Region.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1 Plate IV. ANGIOPTERIS CARTILAGIDENS Christ. Copeland: Ferns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] LPhil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate V. MACROGLOSSUM ALIDAE Copel. Copeland : Ferns of the Malay-Asiatic Region. | [Pair.. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate VI. ARCHANGIOPTERIS HENRYI Christ. CopeXjAnd : Ferns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate VII. MARATTIA TERNATEA de Vriese. Copeland : Perns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] [Phil. .Tourn. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate VIII. CHRISTENSENIA CUMINGIANA Christ. Copeland: Ferns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] [Phil. .Ioern. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate IX. MARSILEA CRENATA Presl. Copeland: Ferns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] [Phil. Joitrn. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate X. A, SALVINIA NATANS (L.) All. B, AZOLLA AFRICANA Desv. Copeland: Ferns of the Malay-Asiatic Region. 1 [Phil. Jol’rn. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate XI. OSMUNDA REGALIS L., var. JAPONICA (Thunb.). Copeland : Ferns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate XII. LYGODIUM MERRILLII Copel. Copeland: Perns of the Malay- Asiatic Region.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate XIII. A, SCHI2AE A DICHOTOMA (L.) Smith. B, SCHIZAEA DIGITATA (L.) Sw. 10 cm. v Copeland : Perns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate XIV. GLEICHENIA LAEVISSIMA Christ. Copeland: Ferns of the Malay-Asiatxc Region.] LPhil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate XV. CERATOPTE.RIS THALICTROIDES (L.) Brongn. Copeland: Perns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. Plate XVI. MATONIA FOXWORTHYI Copel. Copeland: Perns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate XVII. PHANEROSORUS SARMENTOSUS (Baker) Copel. Copeland : Ferns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate XVIII. CYATHEA ATRUPURPUREA Copel. Copeland : Ferns of the Malay- Asiatic Region.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate XIX. BALANTIUM COPELANDI Christ. Copeland: Ferns of the Malay-Akiatic Region.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate XX. DICKSONIA BLUM El (Kze.) Moore. Copeland : Ferns of the Malay-Asiatic Region.] [Phil. Joiirn. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 1. Plate XXI. CIBOTIUM CUMINGII Kze. ON HALOPHILA OVATA GAUDICHAUD, A NEGLECTED SPECIES. By C. H. OSTENFELD. (Copenhagen, Denmark.) In 1906, while studying the genus Halophila and other marine phanerogams in the Kew Herbarium, I observed a specimen from the Philippine Islands which was labeled “ Halophila ovalis Herb. Philip- pinense, 1595, Luzon (5-’92) leg. A. Loher.” Although it seemed to be closely allied to Halophila ovalis (R. Br.) Hook, f., I felt sure that it was a distinct species and noted on the label “nov. sp.,” but published nothing regarding it. My note was later seen by Mr. Merrill, while he was work- ing at Kew in 1907, and on his return to Manila, he sent me a Halophila collected by himself in Manila Bay in April, 1905, with flowers and fruits, which he supposed to be the same as Loher’s plant. This specimen is undoubtedly the same species as that collected by Mr. Loher, and is distinct from Halophila ovalis (R. Br.) Hook. f. At first I considered it undescribed, but on closer examination of the material and literature at my disposal and my notes on the species of the genus made in various European herbaria, I found that it is the species described by Gaudichaud in Freycinet’s “Voyage autour du monde” as Halophila ovata, the type of which was collected in the Marianne Islands, and now in the herbarium of the Museum d’ Histoire Naturelle in Paris. Some years ago I examined Gaudichaud’s plant, and noted that it differed considerably from H. ovalis , with which it has been identified by all later botanists working on the genus. Gaudichaud himself quotes Caulinia ovalis R. Br., as a synonym of his II. ovata , and was undoubtedly of the opinion that the two were identical. It seems to have been a mere chance that he altered the name “ovalis” to “ovata” when transferring the species from Caulinia to Halophila. I think, however, that it is correct to maintain Gaudichaud’s name, and accordingly for the two species we have Halophila ovalis (R. Br.) Hook, f., and H. ovata Gaudichaud (not of later authors). Halophila ovalis is a species of wide distribution in the Indian and Pacific oceans, while H. ovata is at present known from but two regions — the Mariannes and the Philippines. Gaudichaud’s description is wrong in many points with regard to the more minute characters of the flowers, 67 68 OSTENFELD. and to the morphology of the plant, but apart from these errors, which are but natural in such early botanical work, there is no doubt as to the identity of the Philippine plant with Gaudichaud’s type; moreover Gaudichaud’s figure is excellent. Below is given a diagnosis of the species, as far as the material allows, the male flowers being unknown to me. Halophila ovata Gaudichaud in Freycinet’s Voy. Bot. (1826) 430, pi. 40, f. 1., non H. ovata auctt., nec H. ovalis (R. Br.) Hook. f. a ovata J. B. Balfour in Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 13 (1878) 335. Gracilis; caulis horizontaliter repens; internodia gracilia, 1-3 cm longa; rami erecti nulli ; nodi foliis duobus, squamis duabus radiceque una instructi; foliorum lamina late ovato-elliptica, obtusa, circiter 9-10 mm longa et 4—5 mm lata, glabra, integerrima, trinervia; nervi secundarii 3-7 inter nervum medium et nervos submarginales suspensi; foliorum petioli laminis equilongi vel paullo longiores. Plores dioeci ( ?), solitarii, spatha diphylla membranacea suffulti; masculus (sec. Gaudichaud) pedunculatus ; stamina 3, unilocularia ( ?) ; femineus sessilis, perianthium minimum, triphyllum ; ovarium ovoideum, longe rostratum, circiter 2 mm longum ; styli 3, filiformes, circiter G mm longi ; fructus maturus mem- branaceus, globosus, 2-2.5 mm diametro; semina subglobosa, pallida, 0.5 mm. Species II. ovali affinis, praecipue differt omnibus partibus multo minor graciliorque, nervis secundariis 3-7, nec pluribus (in H. ovali 12-25), staminibus unilocularibus (?). Besides its small size, the above species is most easily distinguished by the arrangement of the secondary nerves. In H. ovalis the number varies from 12 to 25, being most often 17 or 18, forming a very acute angle with the median nerve, and the area limited by two secondary nerves is much longer than broad. In H. ovata the number of secondary nerves varies from 3 to 7, the most common numbers being from 4 to 6, and they form nearly a right angle with the median nerve, while the area between two secondary nerves is nearly as long as broad, that is, rhomboidal. In Gaudichaud’s figure the leaves are drawn with emarginate tips, but this is incorrect, as I have found upon examination of the type material. In other respects his figure gives an excellent idea of the habit of the plant. In habit it is quite different from H. ovalis, and much more like H. baillonii Aschers. and H. dccipiens Ostf., but nevertheless the other characters point to H. ovalis as the most closely allied species. As mentioned above, I have not found any male flowers in the material at hand, and it would be very interesting to have them, as Gaudichaud’s description of them seems to be incorrect in some important points. H. ovata Gaudich., has been found only in the following places: Marianne Islands, Gaudichaud, specimens in Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris; and the Philippines, Luzon, Loher 1595, May, 1892, in Herb. Kew. ; Manila Bay, Merrill J{112, April, 1905. According to Mr. Merrill the species is very abundant in shallow water along the shore near Manila in April and May, but disappears later in the season. PHILIPPINE CHLORANTHACE/E. By C. B. Robinson. ( From the Botanical Section of the Biological Laboratory, Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I.) The main purpose of this article is to call attention to the presence in the Philippines of the genus Ascarina, though still known here from only one collection. It has hitherto been reported from New Caledonia, Polynesia, and New Zealand, but from none of the regions the flora of which is closely allied to that of the Philippines. The one remaining genus of the family is exclusively American. KEY TO THE PHILIPPINE GENERA OF CHLORANTHACE/E. Undershrubs with hermaphrodite flowers 1. Chloranthus Small tree with dioecious flowers 2. Ascarina 1. CHLORANTHUS Sw. KEY TO THE PHILIPPINE SPECIES OF CHLORANTHUS. Stamens 3, fruit white, leaf-serrations short 1. C. officinalis Stamen 1, fruit red, leaf-serrations long 2. C. brachystachys 1. Chloranthus officinalis Blume Enum. PI. Jav. (1827) 79. (7. salicifolius Presl Epim. Bot. (1851) 231. C. inconspicuus Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 54; non Sw. in Phil. Trans. 78 (1787) 359. Luzon, Province of Pampanga, Mount Abu, Bur. Sci. 1995 Foxworthy : Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Williams 1,13, Elmer 6885, Leiberg 6129, 6136, For. Bur. 1769 Borden; Limay, Bur. Sci. 6185 Robinson: Province of Laguna, Calauan, Cuming 521,: Province of Tayabas, Mount Banajao, Whitford 972: Province of Albay, Mount Mayon, Bur. Sci. 61,70 Robinson. Mindoro, Baco, Merrill 121/1, 1/036; Mount Iialcon, Merrill 5571/; Banos, For. Bur. 6207 Merritt. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 68, 197 : District of Zam- boanga, Sax River, Williams 2191,, 21/11/. Basilan, Hallier s. n. 2. Chloranthus brachystachys Blume FI. Jav. Chloranth. (1828) 13, pi. 2. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Sur, For. Bur. 561,5 Klemme: Province of Benguet, Pauai, Bur. Sci. 1,371,, 1,381, M earns; Pauai to Baguio, Merrill 1,785; Baguio, Elmer 5853, Williams 1362; Mount Tonglon, Bur. Sci. 51,22 Ramos, For. Bur. 5001, Curran; without further locality, Bur. Sci. 2800, 2809, 31,91 M earns: Province of Nueva Ecija, Cuming 1392 : Province of Pampanga, Mount Arayat, Merrill 3828: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Merrill 2511,, 69 70 ROBINSON. 3254, Whit ford 103, Williams 4-i@, 715, Elmer 6640, For. Bur. 12,14 Borden, For. Bur. 2215 Meyer, Leiberg 6050, Merrill Dec. Philip. For. FI. 188 Borden. Mindoro, Mount Halcon, Merrill 5644, For. Bur. 4380, 4416 Merritt ; Mount Poloug, For. Bur. 9963 Merritt; without further locality, For. Bur. 12122 Merritt. Negros, Mount Silay, Whitford 1553. Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. 4551, 4682 M earns & Hutchinson; District of Davao, Mount Apo,, Copeland 1064, s • n-: Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens s. n. Basiean, Santa Isabela to Tipu, For. Bur. 3996 Hutchinson. It is extremely doubtful if the specific names here used are really the oldest, although generally accepted, but the earlier names are at least in some cases of doubtful identity and it is not possible here to form any opinion upon them. There might also be difficulty over the generic name. Chlorantlius, as such, dates from 1787. Nigrina of Thunberg is at least in part cogeneric with it, but con- siderable doubt exists regarding his original species, the only one published before 1787. There is an older genus Nigrina of Linnaeus, published in 1767, but usually reduced to Melasma of Bergius, published in the same year, and the name would therefore be available under the Vienna code, though not under the American, for use instead of Chlorantlius, if Thunberg’s genus is really identical with the latter. 2. ASC ARINA Forst. Ascarina ph ilippinensis sp. nov. Inflorescentioe spicatae in paniculis fasciculatis dispositse, bracteatae, foliis multo breviores; floribus femineis in rhachide admodum immersis, ovario sessili subgloboso uniloculari, semen unicum pendulum continente; foliis oppositis, basi acutis decurrentibusque apice breviter acuminatis, margine basi excepta serratis, petiolis caulem vaginantibus, caule nodoso. Flowers sessile, borne in fascicled panicles, bracts at the nodes of the inflorescence unequal, the uppermost usually much the longest, even folia- ceous; female flowers alone found, with no true perianth, but encircled at the base by a shallow enlargement of the rachis, ovary sessile, globose, 2.5 mm in diameter, stigma subterminal, sessile, surrounded by a flattened triangular expansion, 0.6 mm wide ; ovary 1-celled, with one subterminal pendulous ovule. A small tree 6 m high, with a nodose stem 12 cm in diameter, the young branches terete or somewhat quadrangular, their bark gray or reddish, striate; leaves papyraceous, elliptic or oblong, 6.5-9 cm long, 3-3.8 cm wide, borne on stipulate petioles 4—9 mm long, which are connate at the base and sheath the stem, acute and somewhat decurrent at the base, at the apex somewhat abruptly contracted into a rounded or retuse mucronate acumen, the margins more or less revolute, glandular-serrate except along the basal fourth, dull-bluish-green on the upper surface, beneath densely brown-lepidote. Type collected at an elevation of 1950 m on Mount Apo, District of Davao, Mindanao, by R. S. Williams, no. 2541, March 31, 1905. N. v., (Bogobo) maidong. Through the courtesy of Lieut.-Col. D. Prain, director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, a portion of this collection was compared with the material there, and confirmed as “a species of Ascarina quite distinct from any at Kew, but neaiest to A. polystachya Forst., differing by the much shorter spikes and less tapering base of the leaf.” PHILIPPINE PHYLLANTHINyE. By C. B. Robinson. ( From the Botanical Section of the Biological Laboratory, Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I.) There are herein enumerated as Philippine some 55 species, belonging to 7 genera, as compared with 35 species in 4 genera credited to the Archipelago by Fernandez-Villar. The increase in genera is due to the separation from Phyllantlius of Glochidion and Cicca ; the former now so generally recognized as distinct that it is not here discussed, the reasons for segregating the latter are explained at length under that genus; Securinega, with the limits now accepted, is a real addition. The dis- position of the species is quite different from that of Villar. It has been possible to identify nearly all of the material in this her- barium, leaving probably three species of Glochidion and two of Phyllantlius represented by insufficiently complete specimens to justify description. Cuming’s collections are represented here, at least by frag- ments, but those of Vidal and Loher are wanting, except in a few un- important instances. The recorded distribution in related regions of the species of this sec- tion of the Euphorhiacece is as follows. India, Cey- lon, and Malay Peninsula.* Malay Peninsula, Archipel- ago and New Guinea. b China, with Formosa. c Japan, with Formosa. d Philippine Islands. 1 1 1 Breynia __ 0 12 3 4 3 Fluggea 2 2 2 1 2 Glochidion 59 62 12 6 27 Phyllanthus including- Cicca 56 31 11 8 20 15 7 2 2 Securinega 2 1 1 Total . _ ______ 139 115 33 20 55 “Hook. f. Fl. Br. Ind. 5 (1887 ) 285-336. bBoerl. Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 3 (1900 ) 272-277. c Forbes & Hemsley in Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 36 (1894 ) 420-428 & SuppL 11 Hayata in Jour. Coll. Sci. Tokyo 20:1 (1904 ) 3-24. 71 72 ROBINSON. Considering the extent of the two first of these areas it becomes evident that the Philippines have a rich representation of the species of this group. The most recent collections have so added to our list of species, that it is probable that it may still have to be considerably enlarged. A nomenclatural difficulty has arisen through the publication since the beginning of 1908 of several Philippine species without an accompanying Latin diagnosis. To avoid misunderstanding, it may be said that they are here accepted as published, though to add certainty, such a diagnosis has been added where the species has been accepted as valid, and that when the limits here assigned to such species differ from those of the original author, that his type is in all cases to be considered as that of the species. KEY TO THE PHILIPPINE GENERA OF PHYLLANTHINH:. Calyx greatly thickened at base by union with disk 1. Sauropus Calyx not so thickened. Rudiment of ovary present in male flower. Fruit a capsule, seed-coat not hollow on back 2. Securinega Fruit a berry, seed-coat hollow on back 3. Fluggea Rudiment of ovary not present in male flower, or in a few species of Phyllanthus very minute. Disk present. Fruit a capsule, rarely a berry 4. Phyllanthus Fruit a drupe 5. Cicca Disk entirely wanting. Fruit a capsule 6. Olochidion Fruit a berry 7. Breynia 1. SAUROPUS Blume. Styles terminal 1. 8. androgynus Styles from the margin of the ovary 2. S. scandens 1. Sauropus androgynus Merr. in For. Bur. Bull. (Philip.) 1 (1903) 30. Cluytia androgyna Linn. Mant. (1767) 128. 8. albicans Blume Bijdr. (1825) 596. S. macranthus F.-Villar Noviss. App. (1883) 187, non Hassk. Retzia 1 (1855) 165. Luzon, Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 288. Mindoro, Puerto Gal era, Merrill 3329. The former collection seems clearly of this species, the latter is identical vegetatively, but the calyx of the male flowers varies in length from 1 to 8 mm, presumably with age, and the lobes are not emarginate. This genus being usually divided by the size of the calyx, the second specimen would appear distinct, but it is thought best not to separate it, at least until more complete material can be secured. India, China, and Java. 2. Sauropus scandens sp. nov. Andrachne sp. ( ?) Merr. in Philip. Jour. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 74. Scandens: floribus monoicis, solitariis vel subsolitariis, pedicellatis : periantliio masculino subrotato, breviter 6-lobato, 2.5-3 mm diametro, PHILIPPINE PHYLLANTHINiE. 73 glandulis conspicuis vel periantliio coalitis, filamentis connatis, antheris 3, horizontalibus ; perianthio femineo 6-partito, 4-5 mm longo, ovario valde depresso, apice truncato, stylis 3, marginalibus, cito bilobatis : ramulis levissime angulatis ; foliis breviter petiolatis, lanceolatis, oblongo- lanceolatis vel ellipticis, apice brevissime acuminatis. Flowers axillary, solitary or perhaps sometimes paired, scattered along the branchlets, those of both sexes borne on pedicels 8—10 mm long and slightly dilated upward : male perianth subrotate, 2.5-3 mm long, the margin forming lobes for a depth of about 0.5 mm only, the lobes broad, rounded, truncate, or usually somewhat retuse ; disk-glands 6, opposite the perianth-lobes, oblong-orbicular, about 1 mm in diameter, very con- spicuous or more or less coalesced with the perianth ; filaments united, 0.3 mm long, anthers 3, horizontal, extrorse, 0.5 mm long: female perianth cut almost to the extreme base into 6 oblanceolate segments, 4-5 mm long, rounded at the apex, contracted at the base; no glands seen; ovary very shortly stalked, 1 mm in diameter, in cross-section rounded-triangular, strongly depressed, the apex truncate and disk-like, styles 3, projecting from the margins of the ovary, at once divided into 2 fleshy lobes, the latter widely spreading and more or less outwardly recurved, about 0.7 mm long, the apices entire or rarely slightly 3-lobed: fruiting perianth hardly increased, fruit succulent, red, about 1 cm in diameter. Described by the collector as a vine, and appearing to be so : branches and branchlets yellowish, the latter slender and slightly angled: leaves borne on petioles about 2 mm long, the lamina membranaceous, lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate, or elliptic, 2-3.5 cm long, 1-1.7 cm wide, the base rounded or acute, the apex forming a very short acumen, which is obtuse or sometimes mucronate, described as very dark in color, apparently glaucous on the under surface ; stipules persistent, lanceolate, about 1 mm long. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, For. Bur. 1931f Borden, growing as a vine upon Pithecolobium scutiferum (Blanco) Benth., at an elevation of 300 m, and apparently rare. Very similar in many ways to 8. brevipes Muell-Arg., but that species has racemed flowers. Apparently very distinct in its habit. 2. SECURINEGA Commerson. 1. Securinega acum inatissima comb. nov. Phyllanthus acuminatissimus C. B. Robinson in Philip. Jour. Sci. 3 (1908) Bot. 200. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Atimonan, Whitford 676: Province of Camarines, Ragay, For. Bur. 10788 Curran ; Pasacao, Ahern 280. Cebu, Toledo, Bur. Sci. 1739 McGregor. Mindanao, Province of Surigao, Surigao, Ahern 351; Gibon River, north of Las Navas, For. Bur. 7569 Hutchinson: Rio Grande Valley, Sabacon, For. Bur. 65 W Hutchinson: District of Davao, Santa Cruz, Williams 2706, 2807. This species is not a Phyllanthus, as shown by the original description of the 74 ROBINSON. male flowers, which is therein correct, with the addition of the fact that the rudiment of the ovary is sometimes 3-parted. It is less certain that it is not a Fluggea, as the fruit is not truly capsular, but slightly fleshy, and it is doubtful whether or not it is dehiscent. The embryo is straight, the testa is not lacunose and much thinner than in Fluggea virosa, and the disk of the female flower is not lobed. The style-arms are recumbent upon the ovary, spreading or somewhat ascending. In some parts of Mindanao, this species is of economic importance, being according to Hutchinson, the species in most common use for posts. N. v. Anislag, Vis., Manobo, Surigao; Tras, Moro, Rio Grande. 3. FLUGGEA Willd. Branchlets terete, leaves distinctly acuminate 1. F. flexuosa Branchlets 4-angled, leaves not or very shortly acuminate 2. F. virosa 1. Fluggea flexuosa Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 34 (1865) 76. Securinega flexuosa Muell.-Arg. in DC. Prodr. 15 2 (1866) 450. Boiiol (probably), Cuming 1855. If this is the correct locality, it lessens the surprise that we have no further collections of this species, as this island is as yet little explored botanically. The solitary leaf, which represents Cuming’s type in this herbarium, is often perfectly matched by leaves of other species, especially Glochidion rubrum. Endemic. 2. Fluggea virosa Baill. £tud. Gen. Euph. (1858) 593. Phyllanthus virosus Roxb. ex Willd. Sp. PI. 4 (1805) 578. Xylophylla obovata Willd. Enum. PI. Hort. Berol. (1809) 329. Fluggea obovata (Ham. in) Wall, ex F.-Vill. Noviss. App. (1883) 189. Fluggea microcar pa Blume Bijdr. (1825) 580. Securinega microcarpa Muell.-Arg. in DC. Prodr. 15 2 (1866) 434. Securinega obovata Muell.-Arg. in DC. Prodr. 15 2 (1866) 449. Cicca pentandra Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 701. Fluggea Icucopyrus F.-Vill. Noviss. App. (1883) 189, non Willd. Sp. PI. 4 (1805) 757. Securinega ovata Vidal Cat. PI. Prov. Manila (1880) 44, nomen. Babuyanes Islands, Camiguin Island, Bur. Sci. 4011 Fenix. Luzon, Province of llocos Norte, Cape Bojeador, For. Bur. 13826 Merritt £ Darling ; Bangui, For. Bur. 13882, 13896 Merritt £ Darling: Province of llocos Sur, Cuming 1169; Santiago, For. Bur. 14067, 15658 Merritt £ Darling: Province of Benguet, Sugpon, For. Bur. 14120, 14117 Merritt £ Darling ; Twin Peaks, Elmer 6404; Baguio, For. Bur. 10817 Curran: Province of Nueva Vizcaya, Bambang, For. Bur. 15815, 15821 Curran £ Merritt: Province of Pampanga, Mount Arayat, Bolster 52: Province of Bulacan, Norzagaray, For. Bur. 7205, 7210 Curran: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Whitford 390, 534, s. n., For. Bur. 775 Borden, Leiberg 6025; Moron, Bur. Sci. 91/9 Mangubat : Province of Rizal, San Mateo, For. Bur. 1123 Ahern's collector; Bosoboso, Merrill 2648; Antipolo, Merrill 1714; Malapad- nabato, Merrill 2732, 27 43; Tanay, Bur. Sci. 3341 Ramos: Province of Laguna, Los Banos, Elmer s. n.: Province of Tayabas, Gumaca, Whitford 863: Province of Camarines, Maagnas, Bur. Sci. 6319 Robinson. Masbate, Merrill 3056. Min- danao, Lake Lanao, Camp Iveithley, Mrs. Clemens s. n. This species is referred to in the Pflanzenfamilien as F. obovata (L. ) Wall. Repeated search has not enabled me to find any Linnaean species referable here, and the citation is probably a mere slip. The combination Fluggea obovata was PHILIPPINE PHYLLANTHIK®. 75 first made by Hamilton in Wallich’s catalogue, but does not seem to have been published till 1883. Failure to find any older name has compelled the use of Willdenow’s Phyllanthus virosus, although it was he who also originated the other specific name as Xylophylla obovata. Cicca pentandra Blanco has been reduced here by Mueller, Merrill, and Villar, and there can be no doubt that they were correct, although the description is not exact in some details. It will be noted that this species has been recently collected at what is practically Blanco’s type locality. The reduction of F. leucopyrus F.- Villar is pure guesswork, based on the fact that it has not appeared in any recent collection. Securinega ovata Muell. is merely listed by Yidal; there is no such species, but he elsewhere cites S. obovata as a synonym of F. obovata, which is correct, and it is probable that the earlier name is only a misprint. N. v. Botolan, Tag., Baiset, Tag., Bataan: Granatang gubat, Tag., Rizal; Tulitangalung, Masbate. India, China, Malaysia, Australia, and Tropical Africa. 4. PHYLLANTHUS Linn. Styles simple or very slightly 2-lobed. Stamens 3, dehiscing vertically 1. P. cordatulus Stamens 2, dehiscing horizontally. Leaves 3 mm or more in width 2. P. lamprophyllus Leaves not exceeding 2 mm in width 3. P. curranii Styles 2-lobed or 2-parted. Stamens 5, fruit fleshy 4. P. reticulatus Stamens 4-2. Male calyx 6-parted. Anthers dehiscing vertically. Capsules smooth. Testa with anastomosing ridges 5. P. benguetensis Testa nearly smooth 6. P. tenuipes Capsules muricate, testa with free ridges 7. P. urinaria Anthers dehiscing horizontally. Filaments free or nearly so. Branchlets not winged. Stipules hastate 8. P. samarensis Stipules not hastate 9. P. dumosus Branchlets narrowly winged. Leaves 6-9 mm wide 10. P. everettii Leaves 2-5 mm wide 11. P. simplex Filaments united 12. P. niruri Male calyx 4-parted ; ovary 3-celled. Perianth-segments with entire margins. Leaves strongly 3-nerved 13. P. triphlebius Leaves pinnately veined only 14. P. stipularis Perianth-segments lacerate-dentate 15. P. mindorensis Perianth-segments fimbriate. Perianth-segments linear- lanceolate 16. P. blancoanus Perianth-segments ovate. Leaves broadest near base 17. P. laciniatus Leaves broadest beyond middle 18. P. leytensis Stigmas, sessile; ovary more than 3-celled 19. P. buxifolius 76 ROBINSON. 1. Phyllanthus cordatulus sp. nov. § Gomphidium. Arbuscula monoica : floribus fasciculatis, mediocriter pedicellatis, mas- culini perianthii segmentis 6, biseriatis, exterioribus paullo longioribus angustioribusque, disci glandulis 6, liberis, patellif onnibus ; perianthio femineo 6-partito, biseriato, segmentis interioribus longioribus latiori- busque, disco piano, ovario pedicellato, 3-lobato, 3-loculari, stylis 3, usque ad medium coalitis, supra patentibus, non lobatis: foliis subcoriaceis, ellipticis vel ovalibus, basi cordatulis, inaequilateralibus, breviter petio- latis ; stipulis parvis, lanceolatis. Flowers monoecious; the male and female on pedicels of about the same length, 6-11 mm, usually 3 in a fascicle: male flowers with the 6 perianth-segments in two rows, lanceolate to ovate, 1.2-1. 5 mm long, 0.5-0. 8 mm wide, the 3 of the outer row slightly longer and narrower than those of the inner; disk-glands 6, patelliform, separate, 0.3-0.4 mm in diameter; filaments 3, free, 0.2-0. 3 mm long, comparatively stout; anthers slightly longer than the filaments, dehiscing vertically: female flowers also with a biseriate perianth, the outer 3 sepals 2.7 mm long, 1.6-1. 7 mm wide, the inner 3 slightly exceeding 3 mm in length and usually 2 mm in width, somewhat foliose; disk flattened, occupying the base of the calyx; ovary short-stalked, at anthesis 0.7 mm in diameter, 3-grooved, 3-celled; styles 3, united for 1.3 mm, and then for about the same distance spreading and at the apices reflexed, entire or very obscurely 2-lobed : capsules depressed-globose, 3.5 mm in dhimeter, at least when dry brownish, 3-grooved, with an intei mediate line, 3-celled; the seeds (im- mature) oval, 1.5 mm long, the testa inconspicuously minutely punctate. A bush 1 m high, its stems purplish-brown, lenticellate, glabrous in all its parts : leaves borne on petioles not exceeding 1 mm in length, alternate, subcoriaceous, the lamina elliptic or oval, 15-24 mm long, 9-13 mm wide, or some leaves smaller, the margins entire, revolute, the base inequilateral, shallowly cordate or obtuse on at least one side, the apex rounded, often slightly mucronate or emarginate; lateral veins on each side of the midrib 4-8, arched-anastomosing, secondary reticulations few near the midvein but conspicuous near the margin; stipules lanceolate, 1 mm long. Luzon, Province of Zambales, Bur. Sci. 5106 Ramos, with flowers and fruit, December 14, 1907. 2. Phyllanthus lamprophyllus Muell.-Arg. in DC. Prodr. 1 5 2 (1866) 324. Palawan, Iwahig River, For. Bur. 1/156 Curran. The Philippine specimen referred here agrees in almost every respect with the original description, except that the leaves are slightly longer but proportionally of equal width, sharply acuminate at the apex. Flowers of both sexes are present, and certainly place the specimen in the section Emblicastrum. Previously reported by F.-Villar from the Philippines, otherwise only known from Java. PHILIPPINE PHYLLANTHINiE. 77 3. Phyllanthus curranii sp. nov. § Emblicastrum . Floribus solitariis., breviter pedicellatis ; perianthii masoulini segmentis 4, exterioribus majoribus, disci glandulis liberis, minutis; filamentis coalitis, antheris 2, transverse deliiscentibus : perianthii feminei segmentis 4 vel 5, disco angusto, annulari, ovario globoso, stylis 3 integris, apice liberis: foliis subsessilibus, lineari-rhomboideis, parvis; stipulis lineari- lanceolatis, acutis, deciduis. Flowers glabrous, solitary, borne on pedicels 0.5-1 mm long, the male with 4 perianth-segments arranged in two rows, the outer 1-1.2 mm long, nearly orbicular, the inner lanceolate; disk glands free, minute, situated at the sinuses of the perianth-segments; staminal column in all 0.5 mm long, the filaments united, anthers 2, . dehiscing transversely : perianth- segments of female flowers 4 or 5, oblong-ovate, slightly exceeding 1 mm in length, their apices rounded; disk very narrow, annular with a lobed margin; ovary globose, 0.6 mm in diameter, 3-celled; styles 3, free at the rounded and undivided pale-colored apex, nearly as long as the ovary : capsules 3 mm in diameter, 3-celled, the testa of the young seeds smooth. A small tree or shrub 3 m high, its grayish stems 3 cm in diameter, the grayish or reddish branches terete or the upper conspicuously angled: leaves subsessile, linear-rhomboid, 3.5-7 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, the base usually inequilateral and at least on one side rounded, the margins re volute, below the thickened apex rounded, the upper surface shining, the under paler; lateral veins slender, 10-12 on each side of the midrib; stipules linear-lanceolate, acutely-aeuminate, 1-1.5 mm long, deciduous. Luzon, Province of Nueva Vizcaya, Santa F€, For. Bur. 10889 Curran (type), For. Bur. 18027 Merritt: Province of Pampanga, Mount Arayat, Loher 1/77 0, our specimen sterile, but doubtless tbe same species. 4. Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir. Encycl. M6th. 5 (1804) 298. P. chamissonis Klotzsch in Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. 19 (1843) Suppl. 1 : 420. Cicca decandra Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 701. P. microcarpus Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 3 2 (1863) 51. Babuyanes Islands, Camiguin Island, Bur. Sci. 3967 Fdnix. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, Bangui, For. Bur. 13897, 15535 Merritt & Darling: Province of Ilocos Sur, Santiago, For. Bur. 15659 Merritt & Darling: Province of Union, Bauang, Elmer 561/7, 5717 : Province of Benguet, Sugpon, For. Bur. U/120a Merritt & Darling ; Itogon to Dilopirip, For. Bur. 15880 Bacani; Mount Pulog, For. Bur. 18181 Merritt: Province of Tarlac, O’Donnell, For. Bur. 5151/ Curran: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, For. Bur. 2715 Borden, For. Bur. 631/8 Curran, Williams 521, Elmer 6702: Province of Rizal, Manila, Merrill 372; near Mariquina, Bur. Sci. 6521/ Robinson: Province of Laguna, Los Banos, Hallier s. n. Cebu, Cebu, Hallier s. n. Mindoro, Calapan, Merrill 905. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Sax River, Williams 2351/: Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens s. n. The specimens cited above include representatives of both of the varieties into which the species was divided by Mueller. N. v. Bagbagutot, II., Camiguin; Tinatinan, Tag., Manila; Tintatintahan, Malatinta, Tag. Malaysia, tropical Asia and Africa, reported doubtfully from Australia. 78 ROBINSON. 5. Phyllanthus benguetensis sp. nov. § Paraphyllanthus. Floribus monoids, solitariis, glabris, brevissime pedicellatis, perianthii segmentis 6, obtusis, masculinis lanceolatis, femineis oblongis ; staminibus 3, filamentis usque ad medium connatis, antheris longitudinaliter dehis- centibus; ovario glabro, 6-sulcato, 3-loculari, stylis 3, basi liberis, supra medium bifurcatis ; disco femineo cupulari, masculino 6 glandulas patelli- formes efformantibus : foliis distichis, oblongis, ellipticis, vel oblongo- obovatis, basi subsequalibus, apice brevissime acute acuminatis; stipulis lanceolatis, acutissimis. Flowers solitary or very rarely paired, glabrous, those of both sexes on very short pedicels; perianth-segments of the male flowers 6, slightly exceeding 1 mm in length, lanceolate, obtuse at the apex; disk-glands 6, separate, patelliform, about 0.2 mm in diameter; filaments 3, connate to about the middle, 0.3 mm long, anthers 0.2 mm long, dehiscing verti- cally: female flowers with a similar perianth, but the segments oblong; disk cupular, the upper margin nearly entire but showing 6 slight rounded elevations alternating with the perianth-segments; ovary 0.6 mm in diameter, 6-lobed ; styles 3, free and for 0.2— 0.3 mm entire, with a median groove, then forking for a somewhat shorter distance into 2 slender widely spreading lobes : capsules depressed-globose, 2.5 mm in diameter, 3-celled; the seeds 1.2 mm long, the testa yellowish, on the back strongly marked by reticulate ridges, giving somewhat of a honeycomb effect, the markings showing also near the margins on the sides. A branching undershrub, 30—50 cm high, the stems woody, purplish below, passing into grayish above, terete, lightly striate, glabrous through- out or the youngest parts puberulent ; leaves distichous, borne on petioles 0.5 mm long, the lamina membranaceous, oblong, elliptic, or oblong- obovate, 9-13 mm long, 5-8.5 mm wide, the base equilateral or some- what inequilateral, subcuneate or rounded, the apex rounded and abruptly contracted into a very short but conspicuous acute acumen ; lateral veins on each side of the midrib 5-7, or with some of the intervening ones nearly as prominent; stipules 1.5 mm long, lanceolate, at the apex very acute. Luzon, Province of Benguet, B&guio, Williams 966 (type), 1081, Elmer 6632 in part; Rio Trinidad, Bur. Sci. 5520 Ramos. Closely related to P. urinaria Linn., but distinguished at once by its seeds and capsules, its broader leaves not pubescent on the margins, and its woody stem. 6. Phyllanthus tenuipes sp. nov. § Paraphyllanthus. Floribus monoicis, longiter pedicellatis, solitariis, perianthio 6-partito; florum masculinorum glandulis 6, liberis, patelliformibus, staminibus 3, filamentis liberis, antheris longitudinaliter dehiscentibus ; florum fem- ineorum glandulis fere liberis, ovario glabro, pedicellato, stylis 3, con- natis dein liberis bifurcatis: foliis ovalibus vel ellipticis, basi saspius angustatis ibique truncatis. PHILIPPIN B PH YLLA N TIIINiE . 79 Male flowers borne on very slender pedicels attaining 14 mm in length, solitary; perianth-segments 6, varying in outline from lanceolate to obovate, slightly exceeding 1 mm in length, acuminate at the apex ; discal glands 6, patelliform; filaments 3, free, comparatively stout, 0.2 mm long; anthers still shorter, dehiscing vertically or somewhat obliquely: female flowers on slightly stouter pedicels attaining a length of 3 cm; perianth-segments 6, oblanceolate or obovate, 2 mm long, the apex rounded or very shortly acuminate ; glands nearly separate, forming an undulating ring, curving inward opposite the perianth-segments and outward alter- nately with them, about 4 glands to each segment ; ovary raised on a short stout pedicel, depressed-globose, 0.4 mm in diameter, glabrous; styles united for about 0.6 mm and then forming 3 lobes, wrhich almost im- mediately bifurcate, the lobes in all only 0.1 mm long, stellately arranged : capsules depressed-globose, glabrous, 3 mm in diameter; young seeds 1.3 mm long, the testa yellowish, inconspicuously minutely tuberculate. An undershrub about 30 cm high, branching near the base, and spar- ingly above, the stems purplish, terete or slightly angled, finely striate, puberulent or glabrescent: leaves distichous, borne on petioles less than 1 mm in length, the lamina chartaceous, elliptic, oblong, oval or rarely ovate, variable in size, the larger 10-15 mm long, 6.5—11 mm wide, rounded or mucronate at the apex, usually contracted near the base and there truncate or very slightly cordate, the margins revolute ; lateral veins on each side of the midrib 4—6 ; upper surface of the lamina olivaceous, under surface glaucous. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Daklan to Kabayan, Merrill 4419 (type) ; Itogon, Bur. Sci. 5158 Kamos; Itogon to Dilopirip, For. Bur. 15879 Bacani. In general appearance resembling P. cordatulus, but separated at once by the very different styles. 7. Phyllanthus urinaria Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 982. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Baguio, Elmer 6632 pte. : Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Merrill 3157, Williams 97: Province of Rizal, San Francisco del Monte, Loher 47 61. Mindoro, Calapan, Bur. Sci. 944 Mangubat. Cebu, Cebu, Barrow 17. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 7. Basilan, Santa Isabela, DeVore & Hoover 11. N.v. Minuh-minuh, Moro, Basilan. Cosmopolitan in the Tropics. 8. Phyllanthus samarensis Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 34 (1865) 73. Samar, Jagor s. n. This species is still unknown except from the original specimens, which bore neither female flowers nor capsules. 9. Phyllanthus dumosus sp. nov. § Euphyllanthus. Frutex dumosus, floribus axillaribus, solitariis vel subsolitariis, medio- criter pedicellatis, perianthio 6-partito; utriusque sexus disci glandulis liberis ; floribus masculinis staminibus 3, filamentis brevibus, liberis ; floribus femineis ovario 6-lobato, 3-loculari : foliis parvis, ellipticis, ovatis, 80 ROBINSON. ovalibus, vel subrotundis, apice leviter cordatis, margine revolutis, apice apiculatis ; stipulis parvis, lanceolatis, apice acumine deciduo instructis. Flowers axillary, solitary or rarely in pairs, the male borne on pedicels 5- 7 mm long, their perianth-segments 6, somewhat exceeding 1 mm in length, varying in outline in the same flower from lanceolate to oval, obtuse or rounded at the apex; disk-glands 6, free, about 0.2 mm long; stamens 3, the filaments free, about 0.3 mm long, the anthers equally long, their cells oval, dehiscing horizontally: female flowers often on shorter pedicels than the male, but these in fruit attaining 15 mm, perianth-segments 6, oblanceolate to obovate, 1 mm long, their apices acute or somewhat acuminate; disk-glands 6, free, small; ovary glabrous, 6- lobed, 3-celled; styles 3, forked almost to the base, the arms about 0.4 mm long, nearly flat upon the ovary : capsules 3 mm in diameter, G-grooved, 3-celled, the seeds about 1.7 mm long, the testa densely verru- cose-tuberculate along longitudinal lines. A shrub 1 m high, usually much branched, the branches and terete branchlets covered with gray bark, the latter more or less pubescent especially on the youngest shoots : leaves deciduous when dried, borne on petioles 0.5 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, elliptic, oval, ovate, or nearly orbicular, 2-7 mm long, 1.7-4. 5 mm wide, the base equilateral* or inequilateral, slightly cordate, the margins revolute, the apex rounded or slightly refuse, apiculate, the upper surface shining; veins on each side of the midrib 4-7; stipules lanceolate, not hastate, with an acute acumen at the apex, but this deciduous, older stipules appearing ovate, those on either side of the petiole often contiguous beneath it. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, Mount Piao, at 1,100 ni elevation, For. Bur. 1397 (type), 13978 Merritt <£- Darling. 10. Phyllanthus everettii sp. nov. § Euphyllanthus. Frutex vel arbuscula : floribus masculinis fasciculatis, mediocriter pedi- cellatis, perianthii segmentis 6, ovatis vel lanceolatis, disci glandulis subor- bicularibus, staminibus 3, liberis, antheris transverse dehiscentibus ; flori- bus femineis longius pedicellatis, solitariis; capsulis parvis, 3-locularibus; seminum testa brunnea, minutissimis papillis lineatim dispositis obtecta: ramulis anguste bialatis, intra alas minute sed dense pubescentibus ; foliis distichis, lanceolatis vel rarius ellipticis, apice rotundatis; stipulis hastatis, apice acuminatissimis, basi productis. Monoecious, the female flowers apparently much fewer and opening earlier: male flowers in fascicles usually of 3, borne on slender pedicels 2-12 mm long; perianth-segments 6, white, ovate or lanceolate, 1-1.2 mm long, 0. 6-0.7 mm wide, obtuse and sometimes very shortly mucronate at the apex, with a conspicuous mid-vein; disk composed of 6 nearly orbi- cular minutely papillose free glands 0.4 mm in diameter and alternate with the perianth-segments; filaments 3, free, 0.7-0. 8 mm long; anthers less than 0.3 mm long, dehiscing transversely: female flowers solitary, borne on pedicels 12-22 long, perianth as in the male; disk annular, its . 1 PHILIPPINE PHYLLANTHINiE. 81 upper margin with 6 lobes alternating with the perianth-segments, in all 1.5 mm in diameter ; styles 3, 2-forked almost to the base, the arms slender, over 1 mm long: capsule brown, depressed-globose, 3 mm in diameter, 3- or less evidently 6-grooved, 3-celled, with 2 seeds in each cell, testa brown, covered with minute papillae disposed in longitudinal lines. A small shrub 3 m high, the branchlets narrowly 2-winged and the smaller ones slightly compressed, between the wings densely but minutely pubescent: leaves alternate, distichous, borne on minutely pubescent petioles less than 1 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, glabrous, lanceolate or elliptic, 2—3.5 cm long, 6-9 mm wide, the margins revolute, the apex obtuse, usually mucronulate, toward the base narrowed, at the extreme base rounded and often slightly inequilateral ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 9-11 ; stipules membranaceous, 2 mm long, hastate and produced below the base of the petiole, the apices very acute. Luzon, Province of Nueva Viscaya, Cordon, Merrill 164: Province of Tayabas, Lucena, Merrill 2885. Negros, Gimagaan River, For. Bur. 4301 Everett (type). Allied to P. simplex Retz. Male flowers of this species greatly resemble those of P. satnarensis Muell.-Arg., of which a portion of the original collection is in this herbarium, but it seems to be distinguishable not only by its winged stems but also by the wider stipules (1 mm at the fork), which are also more strongly produced downward; the leaves are larger and somewhat different in shape, though similar at the base. It is also close to P. myrtifolius Wight, but differs in the same characters as just noted. N. v. Miagos, Vis., Negros. 11. Phyllanthus simplex Retz. Obs. Bot. 5 (1789) 29. Luzon, Province of Pangasinan, Bur. Sci. 4831 Ramos: Province of Bulacan, Norzagaray, Yoder 195: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 1182 Ramos; Manila, Merrill 3433, Philip. Normal School 68 Arcehal, Hallier s. n.; Diliman, Marave 100. Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Merrill 3343. Mindanao, District of Davao, Davao, Copeland 605 ; Darong, Williams 2611 A. Manchuria to India and Polynesia. 12. Phyllanthus niruri Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 981. P. carolinianus Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 691. P. kirganelia Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 480, non Willd. Sp. PL 4 (1805) Bataxes Islands, Batan Island, Santo Domingo de Basco, Bur. Sci. 3722 Fenix. Luzon, Province of Pampanga, Bacolor, Parker 18: Province of Bulacan, Mey- cauayan, Marave 48: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 1048 Ramos; Manila, Merrill 12, 356, 3419, Philip. Normal School 121 Pineda: Province of Cavite, Cavite, Bur. Sci. 153 Foxworthy : Province of Laguna, Calauan, Cuming 111: Province of Tayabas, Atimonan, Gregory 30. Panay, Iloilo, Copeland s. n. Palawan, Puerto Princesa, For. Bur. 4118 Curran. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens s. n. : District of Davao, Davao, Copeland 511; Santa Cruz, Williams 2154- Blanco’s species, the specific name changed in the second edition, has been generally reduced to P. niruri. The description does not entirely fit, but is nearer to that of this species than of any other. N.v. Sampasampalucan, Tag., Manila, Rizal: Iba-iba-an, Tag., Bulacan. Cosmopolitan in the Tropics, except of Australia. 80915 6 587. 82 ROBINSON. 13. Phyllanthus triphlebius sp. nov, § Eriococcus. Floribus solitariis vel rarius geminatis, brevissime pedicellatis; mascu- linis perianthio biseriato, 4-partito, disci glandulis minimis, liberis, fila- mentis 2, connatis, antheris transverse dehiscentibus; femineis perianthio 6-partito, disco cupulari, continuo, ovario glabro, stylis 3, supra medium bifurcatis: foliis distichis, oblique oblongo-lanceolatis, parvis, valde trinerviis ; -stipulis lanceolatis, apice acutissimis. Monoecious : the flowers solitary or paired, the male borne on pedicels slightly more than 1 mm long, their perianth-segments 4, 1.5 nun long, obtuse at the apex, the margins entire, the outer lanceolate, the inner linear-oblong; glands 4, minute, separate; staminal column in all 0.5 mm long, the filaments united throughout their length, anthers 2, dehiscing horizontally: female flowers on comparatively thick pedicels 0.5 mm long, their perianth-segments 6, about 1 mm long, obovate, the margins entire, the apex rounded or very shortly acuminate; disk con- tinuous, somewhat G-lobed; ovary glabrous, hemispherical, 0.3 mm in diameter ; styles 3, free almost from the base and entire for about 0.4 mm, then forming two slightly shorter slender lobes with outwardly curved tips: capsules red, glabrous, depressed-globose, 2 mm in diameter, 6- grooved, 3-celled, each cell containing 2 seeds with a yellowish-brown testa marked dorsally by comparatively coarse longitudinal bands. An undershrub 10-40 cm high, its woody stems branching at the base, in older plants not again till the middle or near the apex, striate, some- what angled, minutely pubescent or glabrescent : leaves subsessile, the lamina glaucous on the under surface, oblong-lanceolate, 5.5-8 mm long, 1.5—2 mm wide, at the inequilateral base rounded or the lower margin nearly straight, at the apex acute, mucronate; the margins revolute, from the base strongly 3-nerved, lateral veins inconspicuous, 5 or G; stipules 1.5—2 mm long, lanceolate, their bases truncate or subhastate, their apices very slenderly acute. Luzon, Province of Nueva Viscaya, Bagabag, Merrill 110: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 1001 Ramos: Province of Laguna, Pagsanjan, Topping 510 (type). 14. Phyllanthus stipularis Merr. Philip. Jour. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 75. § Eriococcus. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Whitford 282, 1102, Williams 608, Copeland s. «., Elmer 680 If, For. Bur. 2081 Borden, For. Bur. 281fl Meyer, For. Bur. 6280 Curran. 15. Phyllanthus mindorensis sp. nov. § Eriococcus. Floribus masculinis fasciculatis, mediocriter pedicellatis, perianthii segmentis 4, lanceolatis, lacero-dentatis vel rarius fimbriato-laciniatis ; glandulis 4, liberis; filamentis connatis, brevissimis, antheris 2, horizon- taliter dehiscentibus : floribus femineis saepius solitariis, longiter pedicel- latis; perianthii segmentis 6, lanceolatis vel ovatis, lacero-dentatis; disco PHILIPPINE PHYLLANTHINiE. 83 annulari, 6-lobato; ovario sparse pubescente, 3-loculari: f oliis brevissime petiolatis, rhomboideo-oblongis, basi inaequilateralibus, acutis. Male flowers few in a fascicle, borne on pedicels 2-10 mm long; perianth-segments 4, broadly lanceolate, the margins merely lacerate- dentate or somewhat fimbriate; glands 4, slightly shorter than wide, 0.5 mm long, obscurely tuberculate but not near the margin ; staminal column very short, bearing on its apical margin 4 horizontally dehiscing anther- cells surrounding a small but definite rudiment of the ovary: female flowers usually solitary, sometimes in the same fascicles with the male, borne on pedicels 2-3 cm long, slender at the base but conspicuously thickened near the flower; perianth-segments 6 or rarely 5, lanceolate- ovate, 2-3 mm long including the long slender acumen, lacerate-dentate ; disk shallowly annular, its upper margin forming as many oblong lobes as the perianth has segments, the lobes usually notched and glandular at the apex; ovary with scattered hairs, subglobose, 2 mm in diameter (flower rather old), styles 3, bifid, with short slender lobes, at the base more or' less united: capsules subglobose, 4 mm in diameter, glabrous; no mature seeds found. A woody bush 1 m high, its numerous branches crowded near the apex, the older parts of the stem covered with gray bark, the branches more or less densely pubescent: leaves distichous, borne on petioles less than 0.5 mm long, the lamina membranaceous, rhomboid-oblong, 17-22 mm long, 7. 5-8. 5 mm wide, the base strongly inequilateral, acute or nearly so on both margins, the apex rounded, mucronate; the upper surface green, glabrous, the under glaucous and minutely pubescent ; lateral veins on each side of the midrib 4-7, obscure; stipules linear-lanceolate, 2.5 mm long, pubescent. Mindoro, Pinamalayan, For. Bur. 5370 Merritt (type); Calausan, For. Bur. 8789 Merritt; without further locality, For. Bur. 8606 Merritt. 16. Phyllanthus blancoanus Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 32 (1863) 49, prob.; Merr. in Philip. Jour. Sei. 1 (1906) Suppl. 74, certe. P. niruri Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 690; non Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 981. P. tetrander Blanco 1. c. ed. 2 (1845) 480; non P. tetrandrus Roxb. FI. Ind. 3 (1832) 674. Luzon, Province of Pampanga, Mount Arayat, Merrill 3830, Bolster 98: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 2698 Ahern’s collector: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Merrill 3179, 3751, Whitford 237, Williams 1/23. Phyllanthus tetrander Blanco is merely his own correction of his identification of P. niruri in the first edition, the description being unchanged. Mueller, con- sidering that this also was wrong, renamed the species, basing P. blancoanus entirely upon Blanco’s descriptions, with some suggested corrections. He placed the species in the section Eriococcus, where the present plants belong. Unless perhaps by F.-Villar, the species was first identified with herbarium material by Merrill in the “Lamao Flora,” and it is the species so identified by him that is here accepted, after careful reexamination of the material. There is one important difficulty: Blanco describes the leaves, called by him leaflets, as linear, which 84 ROBINSON. does not at all agree with those of this species. An explanation may be that Blanco, having decided that his plant was P. niruri, described the leaves as they are in the latter, a procedure which he sometimes adopted: conversely, it would be difficult to see how he could have called this species P. niruri when the leaves were so different, had he not subsequently changed the name to P. tetrander, presumably believing that he had Roxburgh’s species, whose leaves are described as “broad-lanceolar, 2 to 4 inches long.” In every other respect, the species markedly agrees with Blanco’s description, as interpreted by Mueller; and the other Philippine species closely approaching it, to which the description might almost equally well apply, are ones which Blanco can hardly have seen. In one respect Mueller wrongly described this species, in saying that the ovary is glabrous, a pure assumption on his part, as Blanco makes no reference to the point. It is accordingly thought desirable to append a partial description, especially of the flowers and leaves. Male flowers toward the base of the brandies, borne on pedicels 2-4 mm long; perianth-segments 4, lanceolate or sagittate, fimbriate, about 2 mm long; disk-glands 4, separate, shallow, discoid; filaments short, united, anther-cells (not anthers) 4, dehiscing transversely; rudiment of the ovary present but minute : female flowers in fascicles of 2 or 3, not seen near the bases of the branchlets, the pedicels about 1 cm long, conspicuously thickened near the apex; perianth-segments 6, united, at the extreme base with a rounded sinus, linear-lanceolate, 3.5 mm long, the margins dentate- fimbriat’e except toward the somewhat narrowed base ; disk thin, annular, but with G projections alternating with the perianth-segments, these projections shortly but widely stalked, suborbicular or notched, thickened at the apex; ovary villose, globose, 1—1.5 mm in diameter, 3- and less conspicuously 6-grooved, 3-celled, each cell containing 2 ovules, which are nearly oval in outline, about O.G mm long, with a brown testa; styles 3, bifid nearly to the base, the style-arms linear, about 0.5 mm long: leaves rhombic-oblong, usually broadest opposite the base, strongly inequilateral, those near the base of the branches the smaller, the rest 13—21 mm long, 4. 5-8. 5 mm wide, the lower margin nearly straight or at the extreme base slightly convex, the upper margin forming nearly a right angle witli it, the apex of the leaf rounded, apiculate. 17. Phyllanthus laciniatus sp. nov. § Eriococcus. Floribus masculinis mediocriter pedicellatis, fasciculatis ; perianthii segmentis 4, laciniato-fimbriatis ; filamentis brevissimis, connatis, antlieris 2, horizontaliter dehiscentibus : floribus femineis solitariis vel geminatis, longiter pedicellatis; perianthii segmentis 6, masculinis similibus; gland- ulis 6, subliberis; ovario obscure pubescente, 3-loculari: foliis breviter petiolatis, rliombeo-ovoideis vel ellipticis, basi acutis vel rotundatis, apice mucronatis. Male flowers in fascicles of 4—8, borne on slender glabrous pedicels 4—7 mm long; perianth-segments 4, ovate, 2 mm long, the margins laciniate- fimbriate; glands 4, free, flattened, 1 mm wide at the outer margin, PHILIPPINE PHYLLANTHINJE . 85 minutely tuberculate; staminal column extremely short, the filaments united, the 4 anther-cells forming a broken ring around the apex and dehiscing horizontally, surrounding a minute rudiment of the ovary : female flowers solitary or paired, borne on pedicels 12-28 mm long; perianth-segments G, similar to those of the male, 3 mm long; glands 6, oblong or oblanceolate, 1 mm long, almost free but united at the base to a very shallow ring which completely surrounds the ovary ; ovary globose, very obscurely pubescent, 1 mm in diameter, 6-lobed, 3-celled; styles 3, free, forking into 2 slender lobes about 0.5 mm long almost immediately above the ovary : capsule white, depressed-globose, 8 mm in diameter, glabrous, horny in texture, 6-lobed, 3-celled; seeds 4 mm long, outer wall of the testa composed of horizontal fibres, easily ruptured and giving the appearance of brownish pubescence or minute tubercles. A shrub 1-3 m high, the branches grayish or brownish, terete, some- what striate, more or less pubescent : leaves borne on pubescent petioles less than 1 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, rhombic-ovate to elliptic, 2.5-4 cm long, 1.3-1. 8 cm wide, or some of the leaves smaller, equilateral or strongly inequilateral and acute or rounded at the base, the margins slightly recurved and ciliate, the apex mucronate, the upper surface green, glabrous, the under glaucous, pubescent especially on the veins; lateral veins on each side of the midrib 4—6, anastomosing well within the margins; stipules lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 2 mm long, acumi- nate, pubescent. Luzon, Province of Albay, Batan Island, Batan, Bur. Sci. 6230 Robinson. This species forms with P. blancoanus, P. stipularis, P. mindorensis and P. leytensis, a very natural group, all showing the same arrangement of stamens and styles, and having a minute rudiment of the ovary at the apex of the column formed by the short united filaments. 18. Phyllanthus leytensis Elmer Lead. 1 (1908) 307. Monoicus : fioribus masculinis pedicellis gracilibus 4—6 mm longis suffultis, perianthii segmentis 4, triangulari-ovatis, fimbriatis; disci lobis 4; filamentis tota longitudine connatis; antheris 2 (loculis 4), transver- saliter dehiscentibus : fioribus femineis in pedicellis gracilibus apice in- crassatis circiter 2-3 cm longis suffultis; perianthii segmentis 6, ovatis, fimbriatis; disco annulari, superiori margine 6-lobato; ovario minute papilloso-pubescenti, 3-loculari : foliis brevissime petiolatis, rhomboideo- oblongis, apicem versus latioribus, valde inaequilateralibus, margine in- feriori incurvatis, apice rotundatis apieulatisque, circiter 2 cm longis, 7-12.5 mm latis, inferioribus minoribus. Leyte, Palo, Elmer 7267. 19. Phyllanthus buxifolius Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 32 (1863) 50. Scepasma buxifolia Blume Bijdr. (1825) 583. Luzon, Province of Zambales, Subig, Hallier s. n. : Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Merrill 2532, Whitford ,)5, Williams J)3, Bur. Sci. 16)9 86 ROBINSON. Foxworthy, For. Bur. 1501 Ahern’s collector, For. Bur. 2932 Borden, For. Bur. 3010 Meyer: Province of Rizal, Bur. Bci. 2077 Ramos: Province of Tayabas, (Infanta) Tinuan River, Whitford 765; Pagbilao, Merrill 1912. Cebu, Toledo, Bur. Sci. 1721 McGregor. N. v. Cahoy cahoyan, Tag., Bataan; Agaooyoy, Tag., Tayabas. Java. SPECIES VALDE DUBI^E. Phyllanthus nigrescens Muell.-Arg. in DC. Prodr. 1 5 2 (1866) 348. Kirganelia nigrescens Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 712. Nothing nearly answering the description of this species can be found, even if the points on which errors might easily be made are treated very loosely. The two most likely identifications seem to be with Breynia cernua and Glochidion urophylloidcs, neither quite impossible. Assuming what is probable, that the species is represented in our collections, the former is perhaps the species in which a writer could be most easily forgiven for counting the 6 perianth-segments as 4, his 6-cell ed berry with one seed in each cell may be the 3-celled berry with 2 seeds in each, the anthers are 3 not 5, the fruit is black in the herbarium, though red in nature, and his specimen might have been dry. G. urophylloides answers the description better, but not nearly, and he is unlikely to have had it. Fernandez-Villar reduced it to Glochidion molle Bl., which is certainly wrong, and would in any case lose much of its value as there is great reason to believe that Villar misinterpreted the latter species. Phyllanthus pumilus Muell.-Arg. in DC. Prodr. 15 2 (1866) 349. Kirganelia pumila Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 713. Previous suggestions for the reduction of this species have been P. urinaria, P. simplex, and P. niruri, these well fitting the specific name, but not the descrip- tion. If it be a Phyllanthus at all, these have probability in the order given: Blanco is believed to have described the last under another name. He apparently considered the present species to be a Glochidion, but the difficulties in this genus are ever greater. It may belong altogether outside of this group. Mueller’s names for this and the preceding were merely transfers of Blanco’s, and by him both were considered very doubtful. SPECIES EXCLUDENDJE. Phyllanthus phillyreaefolius Poir. Encycl. 5 (1804) 299. According to Mueller, erroneously credited to the Philippines on some sheets of Perrottet’s collections, and actually known only from the Mascarenes. The following, the majority belonging to Glochidion, were enumerated among Philippine species by Fernandez-Villar,1 but have not been found by other collect- ors, and were probably wrongly interpreted. P. compressicaulis Muell.-Arg. in Flora 48 (1865) 376. P. ebiocarpus Muell.-Arg. in Flora 48 (1865) 387.- P. G audich audii mari anus Muell.-Arg. in Flora 48 (1865) 379. P. insulanus Muell.-Arg. in Flora 48 (1865) 387. P. leucogynus Muell.-Arg. in Flora 48 (1865) 75. P. marianus Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 32 (1863) 17. P. multilocularis Muell.-Arg. in Flora 48 (1865) 370. P. pulcher Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 32 (1863) 49. Noviss. App. (1883) 187-189. PHILIPPINE PHYLLANTHINJE. 87 5. Cl CCA Linn. Cicca disticha Linn. Mant. (1767) 124. Phyllanthus distichus Muell.-Arg. in DC. Prodr. 15 2 (1866) 413. Cicca acidissima Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 700. Phyllanthus acidissimus Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 32 (1863) 50, non Noronh. in Verh. Batav. Gen. 5* (1790) 22. Phyllanthus acidus Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 8 (1903) 41, sphalm. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, Bur. Sci. 2281 Hearns: Province of Union, Bauang, Elmer 5641: Province of Kizal, Manila, Loher ^753, Ahern 109, Merrill 3804, For. Bur. 12464 Curran: Province of Tayabas, Pagbilao, Merrill 1909. Mindoro, Mamburao, For. Bur. 8612 Merritt ; without further locality, For. Bur. 8558 Merritt. The fruits of this species are fleshy externally, containing a 6- or 8-grooved bony endocarp, firmly united, and not separable by pressure, showing however by traces of the original carpellary walls on its exterior that it represents either 3 or 4 carpels, and containing 3 or 4 cells each with one seed. It is well repre- sented by the figure of Lamarck,2 and less distinctly by that of Vidal.3 Further, Blanco’s description of Cicca acidissima is unusually good. Although this species, along with others later described as cogeneric with it, was placed by Mueller in Phyllanthus, it seems clearly separable from that genus, by the structure of its fruit. Blanco described it as dioecious, and that is the testimony of all recent Philippine collections. From Mueller’s description it would seem that he had male flowers, with which female flowers were occasionally found, for he implies that the latter are very few, and only found at the bases of the branches. In our material, they are exceedingly numerous. Hooker 4 * says that he had not seen the fruit; the statements of Roxburgh and Kurz, cited by him, agree well with the views here maintained. Kurz 8 has already revived this Linnaean genus, but with wider limits than here, where it is restricted to such species ordinarily placed in Phyllanthus as have drupaceous fruit, and of these there is but one known in the Philippines. His other species of Cicca are here either in Fluggea or Phyllanthus (P. reticulatus ) . N.v. Iba, Tag., Pamp.; Banquilin, Tag.; Carmay, Tag., Mindoro; Poras, Layo- han, Caguindi, Vis. India, Malaysia, and Madagascar. 6. GLOCH I DION Forst. This genus is a very unsatisfactory one, nearly every species showing wide variation, and at the same closely paralleling others, so that it is necessary to place together collections which markedly differ in characters considered to be nonessential in Glochidion, though often highly signifi- cant elsewhere, while others nearly identical with them in these respects are treated as widely separated. In Philippine material this is especially the case with the series of forms here placed as G. album and G. trichogy- num, but in less degree the same is true of many others. The division 2 Lam. Encycl. M6th. pi. 151. 3 Vidal Synopsis Atlas pi. LXXX1I, f. D. 4 Hooker f. FI. Br. Ind. 5 (1887) 305. 3 For. FI. Br. Burma 2 (1877) 351. 88 ROBINSON. into sections, although based upon so variable a character as stamens 2—4, and stamens 4— (i, seems to hold good. As elsewhere stated, no plant has been found with both 3-anthered and 5-anthered flowers, and no flowers have been found with 4 anthers except on plants which had also flowers with either 3 or 5. Further division is a matter of great difficulty, and is based upon the styles, the most natural character available. In use, its drawbacks are that by the growth of the ovary, the stylar column re- maining nearly unchanged or withering, the proportions become greatly changed ; further, that very slight differences at the apex make it subconic, cylindric, or clavate, changes not unlikely to be produced by pressure in drying or otherwise. It is difficult to resist the conviction that such species as G. album , G. trichogynum, and G. latistylum , which have nearly as great a stylar variation as that of the genus, have nevertheless had a comparatively recent common ancestry. The entire series seems to show that it is emerging from a state of great instability, the species tending to differentiation by means of the styles, and from that standpoint the present attempt at classification has been made. KEY TO THE PHILIPPINE SPECIES OF GLOCHIDION.0 Anthers 4-0, usually 5, never 3. (§ Euglochidion.) Styles free, longer than the ovary 1. G. quinquestylum Styles often becoming free, shorter than the glabrous ovary.. 2. 0. urophylloides Styles forming a definite column. Stylar column thicker above, ovary glabrous 3. G. lancifolium Stylar column not thicker above, ovary pubescent. Ovary 4- or 5-celled 4. G. angulatum Ovary 10-12-celled 5. G. littorale Anthers 2-4, usually 3, never 5. (§ Hemiglochidion. ) Styles free. Styles narrowed upward 6. G. triandrum Styles slightly dilated upward 7. G. psidioides Styles forming a lobed or almost entire column. Stylar column as broad as ovary, strongly constricted at base. Leaf-bases shallowly cordate 8. G. latistylum Leaf-bases acute 9. G. coronulatum Stylar column at base as broad as ovary, not or only slightly constricted. (See also Nos. 19 and 26, if the flowers are very young.) Stylar column nearly same length as ovary. Stylar column wider at apex, deeply lobed. Ovary glabrous 10. G. llanosii Ovary densely pubescent 11. G. molle Stylar column narrowed above. Capsule greatly depressed, the styles forming an apical disk. 12. G. williamsii Capsule slightly depressed, the styles forming an apical point. 13. G. breynioides 8 G. reticulatum is not here included, as its female flowers and capsules are unknown. PHILIPPINE PHYLLANTHINJ3. 89 Stylar column much longer than ovary. Stylar column deeply lobed 14. G. longistylum Stylar column inconspicuously lobed 15. G. trichogynum Stylar column at base narrower than ovary. Stylar column wider at apex. Stylar column at least twice as long as ovary. Capsules less than 1 cm in diameter 16. G. benguetense Capsules 2 cm or more in diameter 17. G. subfalcatum Stylar column about same length as ovary. Capsules small, 4-celled 18. G. mindorense Capsules large, at least 8-celled 19. G. album Stylar column not wider at apex. Stylar column 3 times length of ovary 20. G. luzonense Stylar column little or not longer than ovary. Ovary glabrous. Ovary 5-celled 21. G. camiguinense Ovary 7- or 8-celled 22. G. merrillii Ovary pubescent. Capsules about 6-sulcate. Ovary 3-5-cel led. Female perianth-lobes not exceeding 2.5 mm 23. G. rubrum Female perianth-lobes 3.5—4 mm 24. G. malindangense Ovary 6-celled 25. G. curranii Capsules 10 or more sulcate 26. G. philippicum 1. Glochidion qu inquestylum Elmer Leall. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 303. Arbor: floribus breviter pedicellatis, fasciculatis ; perianthii masculini segmentis 6, antlieris 5 ; perianthii feminei segmentis niagis coalitis, ovario glabro vel apice minute pubescente, stylis 5 vel rarius 3, 2 mm longis, fere liberis vel liberis, conicis : capsulis depresso-globosis, 8 mm diametro, 5-locularibus ; seminibus 3 mm longis: foliis subdistichis, breviter petiolatis, anguste ellipticis vel anguste oblongis, saepius 7 cm longis, 2.5 cm latis, basi valde inaequilateralibus, altero margine recto, altero incurvato, apice acutis vel obtusis; stipulis crassis, persistentibus, acute acuminatis, 2 mm longis. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Baguio, Elmer 8916. This species presents a most puzzling problem, as it is an almost perfect match for G. triandrum, both in its vegetative and floral aspects, except that it has 5 stamens. It was originally so described, and the single male flower upon the specimen in this herbarium confirms the statement. In an examination of a very large number of flowers of this genus, belonging to many species, plants have been found with either 3 or 4 stamens in different flowers, others with either 4 or 5, the former set sometimes also with 2, the latter with 6, but in no single instance have 3-anthered and 5-anthered flowers been found on the same plant. This is the basis for the separation of the sections Euglochidion and Hemiglochidion, and the distinction elsewhere holds well for Philippine material. As between G. quinquestylum and G. triandrum, I can not find a single other character, unless that of the pubescence of the ovary and branchlets; in size, shape, texture, pubescence, petioles, and venation of the leaves, perianth, styles, capsules, seeds, no difference can be detected. The ovary is described as glabrous, all those on the specimen here have passed the early stages and the youngest of them are slightly pubescent, as are 90 ROBINSON. often those of G. triandrum at a similar stage; the stipules in G. triandrum are variable in prominence, and those of G. quinquestylum come well within the limits of their variation, the branchlets of G. quinquestylum are less pubescent than is usual in G. triandrum, but come within the limits of variation in 3-anthered plants. A majority of the collections cited under the latter have male flowers; the others, all fertile, might just as well be placed here, except on grounds of probability. N. v. Shimey, Ig., Benguet. 2. Glochidion urophylloides Elmer Leafl. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 300. G. fenicis Merr. Philip. Jour. Sci. 3 (1908) Bot. 414. Batanes Islands, Batan Island, Santo Domingo de Basco, Bur. Sci. 3696 F6nix. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Aparri, For Bur. 11278 Klemme: Province of Isabela, Casiguran, Bur. Sci. 3113 Mearns: Province of Benguet, Baguio, Elmer 8677, 8758/ Province of Rizal, Montalban, For. Bur. 3^08 Ahern's collector. The type of G. urophylloides is represented in this herbarium by a leaf-bearing branch with a single female flower, but agrees well with the other Benguet specimen, originally distributed under a different name. The species had been already placed by me in the section Euglochidion, on account of the peduncled inflorescence of the latter specimen, which is indicated rather than present in the type, before their identity was suspected with the other specimens here cited, each of which has flowers with 4 or 5 anthers. At this time G. fenicis was held distinct, and of our specimens it has the largest leaves, but it was subsequently agreed that it was cospecific, though the description had gone too far in type to be withheld. If presence of a Latin diagnosis be insisted upon, it takes precedence of the older name. The identity of this species with G. lanceolatum Hayata being suspected, material of the numbers which seemed to me to approach most nearly the descrip- tion of the latter was sent to Dr. Hayata, who has courteously compared it with the type, and believes that in spite of the similarity the species are distinct, the Formosan plant having larger capsules, less clustered flowers and much smaller leaves. The leaf variation of the species as here interpreted is considerable, the length varying from 5 to 16 cm, and the width from 2 to 6 cm. N. v. Annam, Batanes Islands; Cangil, Neg., Cagayan. 3. Glochidion lancifolium sp. nov. § Euglochidion. Floribus pedunculatis, pedicellatis, perianthii segmentis 6, biseriatis: florum masculinorum antheris 4-6 ; floram femineorum ovariis 5-loculari- bus, columnis stylaribus basi angustatis apice incrassatis ovaria juniora aequantibus, mox eis conspicue angustioribus ; arbor parva, glabra, foliis oblongis vel lanceolatis, apice breviter acuminatis. Flowers of both sexes in the same or different fascicles, borne on short thickened peduncles usually arising 2-10 mm above the axils, the pedicels of the male flowers about 1 cm long, those of the female flowers 3-5 mm long: perianth of the male flowers 6-parted, the segments of the outer row slightly larger than those of the inner, 2.3 mm long, ovate, rounded at the apex; anthers 5, more rarely 4 or 6, 0.6 mm long, the connective produced about 0.2 mm: perianth-segments of the female flowers 6, biseriate, lanceolate to ovate, 1.3-1. 5 mm long, rounded and often apicu- late at the apex, ovary glabrous, strongly 10-grooved, in the youngest PHILIPPINE PHYLLANTHINjE. 91 flowers subglobose, 1 mm in diameter, the stylar column then almost equal to it, crown-shaped, soon by the widening of the ovary much narrower than it and often subhemispherical, 0.8 mm long, 5-grooved: capsules depressed-globose, 4 mm long, 8 mm in diameter, 10-grooved, 5-celled, the seeds 3 mm long. A tree attaining a height of 8 m with a trunk 20 cm in diameter, glabrous throughout, the ultimate branchlets purplish or blackish, angled or very narrowly winged : leaves borne on petioles 4—5 mm long, the lamina subcoriaceous, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, 8.5-12.5 cm long, 3.5-5 cm wide, at the apex abruptly contracted into a narrow acumen 1 cm long or less, at the equilateral or slightly inequilateral base acute, truncate, or slightly cordate, and when viewed from the upper surface seen to wing the petiole very narrowly, usually to its insertion, the upper surface bluish-green, the under surface usually more or less brownish when dry; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 7—10. Luzon, Province of IIocos Norte, For. Bur. 13831 Merritt <6 Darling: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, For. Bur. 2716 Borden: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 2006 Ahern’s collector ; Bosoboso-Tanay trail, For. Bur. 100Jtl Curran: Province of Tayabas, Pagbilao, Merrill 1973: Province of Cama- nnes, Nueva Caceres, For. Bur. 101/27 Curran; Pasacao, Ahern 202. Guimaras, Nagaba, For. Bur. 297 Gammill (type). Mindoro, Iriron, For. Bur. 8852 Merritt. Closely allied to G. zeylanicum (Gaertn.) A. Juss., of which I have no material for comparison. To W. W. Smith, Esq., of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Calcutta, I am greatly indebted for the following note. “For. Bur. 297 Gammill does not agree with our (3) types of this (S. India, Perrottet’s collection), it has quite a different facies and all ours are besides very pubescent. G. nitidum Dalz. & Gibs., (considered a glabrous state of G. zeylanicum by Hooker but not by King), is still more distinct.” N.v. Dampul, Tag., Tayabas; Cacana, Tag., Rizal; Mamhulao or Sibulao, Y is., Guimaras. 4. Glochidion angulatum sp. nov. § Euglochidion. Arbor parva vel frutex pubescens: floribus numerosis, pedicellatis, pedunculis extra-axillaribus suffultis ; masculinis pedicellis 8-10 mm longis suffultis, antheris 4 vel 5 ; femineis pedicellis brevioribus cras- sioribus suffultis, ovario depresso-globoso, pubescente, 4- vel 5-loculari, columna stylari subovoidea : foliis lanceolatis vel ellipticis, basi rotundatis vel acutis, apice breviter acuminatis. Flowers in subumbellate fascicles, borne on peduncles 5—7.5 mm long, inserted above the leaf-axils, a few fascicled male flowers rarely interven- ing, both sexes often in the same fascicle : male flowers borne on slender pedicels 8-10 mm long, perianth-segments 6, in two rows, ovate or elliptic, the apex rounded or acuminate, those of the outer 2—2.5 mm long, the inner somewhat smaller; anthers 4 or 5, 1 mm long, the connectives shortly produced : female flowers on stouter pedicels 2.5—3 mm long, perianth-segments 6, in two rows, similar to those of the male; ovary depressed-globose, 1.5-2 mm in diameter, pubescent, 4- or 5-celled; stylar 92 ROBINSON. column broadly ovate in outline, 0.5-1 mm long, 1 mm in diameter at the base, obscurely lobed : capsules thick-walled, depressed-globose, slightly grooved, 4 mm long, attaining a diameter of 7.5 mm, 4- or 5-celled, pubescent. A shrub or small tree, more or less densely covered with short pub- escence in all its parts, its branchlets angled; leaves borne on petioles 4-7 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, lanceolate or elliptic, 10-14 cm long, 3. 5-6. 5 cm wide, the nearly equilateral base acute or rounded, the apex obtusely acuminate, the under surface nearly glabrous except on the principal veins; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 6-9; stipules thick, lanceolate, falcate, 2 mm long. Leyte, Palo, Elmer 7279. Mindanao, District of Davao, Davao, De Vore Hoover 213: Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens, s. n.: District of Zam- boanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 9^87 Whitford d Hutchinson (type). Basilan, Santa Isabela, DeVore d Hoover 21. Probably most closely allied to G. hirsutum Muell.-Arg. 5. Glochidion littorale Blume Bijdr. (1825) 585. Phyllanthus littoralis Muell.-Arg. in Flora 48 (1865) 370. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Lucena, Whitford 596 ; Gumaca, Whitford 895. Mindoro, Baco, Merrill 1230 ; Pola, Merrill 2391; Bongabong River, For. Bur. 4115 Merritt ; Selonay River, For. Bur. 5319 Merritt. Panay, Capiz, Copeland 127. Mindanao, Province of Surigao, Surigao, Ahern 502, 526 ; Placer, Ahern 402. The Philippine specimens agree well one with another, and almost as well with the descriptions of Blume and Mueller. The anthers on different plants run 4 or 5, 5, 5 or 6, 6. N.v. Sagasa, Bugnay, Cayongcong, Vis., Surigao. India and Malaysia. 6. Glochidion triandrum comb. nov. Kirganelia triandra Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 711. Phyllanthus triandrus Muell.-Arg. in Flora 48 (1865) 379. Glochidion eleutherostylum Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 32 (1863) 69. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, For. Bur. 1^27 Ahern’s collector, Leiberg 6106: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Merrill 1882: Province of Laguna, Calauan, Cuming 509 : Province of Tayabas, Gumaca, Whitford 885; Malicboi, For. Bur. 10751 Curran, Ritchie 8 M; Guinayangan, Merrill 2058: Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 161: Province of Albay, Batan Island, Batan, Bur. Sci. 6229 Robinson. Guimabas, Nagaba, For. Bur. 318 Gammill. Negros, Namunbon, For. Bur. 11232 Everett. Mindoro, Mount Teluto, For. Bur. UJ/Sl Merritt. N.v. Bagna, Tag., Bataan, Rizal; Alipote, Dampol, Tag., Tayabas. 7. Glochidion psidioides sp. nov. § Hemiglochidion. Frutex, ramulis dense pubescentibus ; floribus axillaribus, dense con- gests; floribus masculinis pedicellis hirsutis 3-4 mm longis suffultis, perianthii lobis elliptico-lanceolatis, 2 mm longis, antheris 3 ; floribus femineis subsessilibus, perianthii lobis 6, valde imbricatis, oblanceolatis vel lineari-oblanceolatis, 2 mm longis, ovario 0.5 mm longo, apice excepto glabro, stylis 5, liberis, basi ovarium latitudine aequantibus, supra paullo 1*111 LIPPIN E PH YLLANTH I >LE. 93 latioribus, 1 mm longis; foliis ellipticis, elliptico-lanceolatis vel ovatis, 2-5 cm longis, 15—22 mm latis. Flowers of both sexes somewhat crowded in the leaf-axils : male flowers borne on comparatively stout hirsute pedicels 3-4 mm long; perianth- segments 6, elliptic-lanceolate, 2 mm long, hirsute on the outer surface, obtuse or shortly acuminate at the apex; anthers 3, 1 mm long: female flowers subsessile, perianth-segments 6, strongly imbricate, oblanceolate or linear-oblanceolate, 2 mm long, hirsute on both surfaces but only slightly on the inner; ovary glabrous except at the apex, 0.5 mm long, 10-sulcate; styles 5, free but close together, leaving an opening at the somewhat thickened apex, together equaling the ovary in width, 1 mm long, densely hirsute. A shrub 2 m high, its branchlets somewhat flexuose, densely fer- ruginous-pubescent; leaves resembling those of Psidium guajava, borne on short petioles, the lamina coriaceous, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, rarely ovate, 2-5 cm long, 15-22 mm wide, usually inequilateral, at both ex- tremes acute or obtuse, both surfaces more or less pubescent; stipules lanceolate, subacute, nearly 2 mm long. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Baguio, For. Bur. J/856 Curran. A very distinct species, allied to Gr. malabaricum Bedd. N.v. Anam, Ig., Benguet. 8. Glochidion latistylum sp. nov. § Hemiglochidion. Floribus axillaribus, fasciculatis, masculinis pedicellis usque ad 2.5 cm longis suffultis; perianthii segmentis 6, 2 mm longis, oblanceolatis rarius ellipticis, antheris 3; floribus femineis pedicellis 6 mm longis suffultis, perianthii segmentis G, anguste lanceolatis vel oblanceolatis, ovario depresso-globoso, 1.3 mm diametro, columa stylari basi valde constricta, ovario aequilata sed dimidio longiore, apice sulcata, umbilicata; capsulis magnis, umbilicatis, 7-11-locularibus : foliis oblongo-lanceolatis, magnis. Male flowers borne on slender pedicels which attain a length of 2.5 cm and are pubescent except near their base; perianth-segments G, thick, somewhat exceeding 2 mm in length, oblanceolate or rarely elliptic, the base acuminate, the apex cuspidate, pubescent on tbe outer surafce; anthers 3, 1 mm long, not including the produced connectives: female flowers on stouter pubescent pedicels attaining 6 mm in length, the perianth-segments 6, narrowly lanceolate or oblanceolate, 2.5-3 mm long, pubescent on both surfaces; ovary densety but inconspicuously pubescent, 0.8 mm long, 1.3 mm in diameter, stylar column as wide as the ovary but one-and-a-half times as long, strongly constricted at the base, globose- ovate in outline, pubescent except at the glabrous truncate umbilicate obscurely many-notched apex: capsules densely short-pubescent, 1.5 cm long, exceeding 2 cm in diameter, 7-11-angled with corresponding inter- vening grooves, 7-11-celled, umbilicate at the apex; seeds 7 mm long, the testa dark- red, minutely granular. 94 ROBINSON. Probably a shrub, the branchlets more or less angled, striate, fer- ruginous-pubescent: leaves borne on petioles 3-4 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, oblong-elliptic, attaining a length of at least 17 cm, 6-8 cm wide, the more or less inequilateral base shallowly cordate, the upper surface glabrous except on the midrib, the under surface pubescent; lateral veins about 10; stipules obliquely linear-lanceolate, 6 mm long, pubescent. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 31^0. In general appearance similar to G. album and G. trichogynum, but distin- guished by the very striking character of the stylar column. 9. Glochidion coronulatum sp. nov. § Hemiglochidion. Floribus breviter pedicellatis, perianthii segmentis 6, staminibus 3, ovario depresso-globoso, minute puberulo, columna stylari ovario simili, 6-lobata : foliis ellipticis vel ovalibus, basi acutis, apice breviter obtuseque acuminatis. Flowers few in a fascicle, borne on pedicels about 1 mm long : perianth- segments of the male flowers 6, in two rows, ovate or broadly ovate, the apex very shortly obtusely acuminate, the largest about 1 mm long; stamens 3, with the produced connective 0.8 mm long: perianth-segments of the female flowers also 6, in two rows, ovate, the apex obtusely acum- inate, attaining 2 mm in length; ovary depressed-globose, at anthesis about 1 mm in diameter, stylar column similar to the ovary in size and outline or very slightly longer, constricted at the junction, separable for a variable distance from the apex into usually 6 slightly notched lobes, umbilicate, its base and the ovary minutely pubescent: capsules red, minutely pubescent or glabrescent, deeply 5-7-lobed, 5-7-celled, the style persisting in the umbilicate apex ; seeds 4 mm long. A shrub or tree, 3 m high, its terete or somewhat angled branches covered with grayish-brown or brown bark, more or less striate and lenti- cellate, the vegetative parts glabrous at least when mature: leaves borne on petioles 2-4 mm long, the lamina subcoriaceous, elliptic or oval, 4-8 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, the base acute, the apex shortly and obtusely acuminate ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 6-8 ; stipules lanceolate, obtusely acuminate, 1 mm long. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, Vintar, For. Bur. 13937 (type), 12^98 Merritt & Darling: Province of Benguet, Sablan River, Baguio, Bur. Sci. 5830 Ramos. Similar in general appearance to G. rubrum and G. merrillii, but distinguished by the stylar colum. 10. Glochidion llanosii Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 32 (1863) 68. Phyllanthus llanosii Muell.-Arg. in Flora 48 (1865) 387. Kirganelia villosa Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 712, nec Glochidion villosum Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. V (1859) 376, nec Phyllanthus villosus Poir. Encycl. 5 (1804) 297. Phyllanthus pubescens Ivlotzsch in Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. 19 Suppl. 1 (1843) 420, non Moon Cat. PI. Ceyl. (1824) 65. Glochidion molle Merr. For. Bur. Bull. (Philip.) 1 (1903) 29, non Blume Bijdr. (1825) 586. PHILIPPINE PHYLLANTHINJE. 95 Phyllanthus mollis F.-Vill. Noviss. App. FI. Philip. (1883) 188, quoad syn- onyma saltern, non Muell.-Arg. in Flora 48 (1865) 387. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, Nagpartian, For. Bur. 15523 Merritt cC- Darling : Province of Zambales, Subig, Hallier s. n .: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Merrill 3131, Elmer 6860, For. Bur. 1174 Borden, For. Bur. 2289 Meyer: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 3349 Ahern’s collector, Bur. Sci. 1014 Ramos: Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 13 (not 113). Bohol, Guindulman, Bur. Sci. 1236 McGregor. Very closely allied to G. molle Blume, distinguished not only by the glabrous ovary, but by the shorter, less deeply cut, and wider perianth-segments. N. v. Camias camiasan, Tag., Rizal; Banitan, Talicud, Tag., Bataan. 11. Glochidion molle Blume Bijdr. (1825) 586. Phyllanthus mollis Muell.-Arg. in Flora 48 (1865) 387. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 9161 Whitford & Hutchinson. Basilan, Santa Isabela, DeVore & Hoover 63, Hallier s. n. Mala- maui, Moseley (Challenger Expedition) s. n. N. v. Bugna, Moro, Basilan. Java, Celebes. 12. Glochidion williamsii C. B. Robinson in Philip. Jour. Sci. 3 (1908) Bot. 199. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Baguio, Williams 953, For. Bur. 4921 Curran: Province of Zambales, Mount Tapulao, Bur. Sci. 5091 Ramos: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Whitford 1172, 1321, s. n. The stylar column forms a continuation of the ovary, the styles curving inward and usually downward at the apex, leaving a central depression; the capsules are strongly depressed, 8—9 mm in diameter, 4-6-celled, 8— 12-lobed, at the apex with a circular disk, concave at least near its margins, formed from the stylar column. It has been a matter of doubt whether this was really a normal state, but the capsules mature, and the same structure has been found in different localities. The original description of the capsules does not apply, having been taken from a plant now referred to a different species. N. v. Sangk, Ig., Benguet. 13. Glochidion breynioides sp. nov. § Hemiglochidion. Floribus fasciculatis, axillaribus, pedicellis superne dilatatis suffultis, perianthii segmentis utriusque sexus lanceolatis vel oblongo-lanceolatis, antheris 3 ; ovario glabro, columna stylari ei subsequilata, ovoidea ; foliis lanceolatis vel ellipticis, basi insequilateralibus, obtusis vel acutis, apice acuminatis. Flowers usually few in a fascicle, those of both sexes borne on pedicels 3-4.5 mm long, those of the female conspicuously thicker above, usually on very short axillary peduncles ; perianth-segments of the male flowers 6, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 1.2-1. 5 mm long, obtuse at the apex; anthers 3, 1 mm long including the connectives : female flowers with perianth like the males; ovary glabrous, depressed-globose, stylar column at the base slightly wider or slightly narrower than the ovary, nearly ovate in outline, truncate above, about the same length as the ovary, 5- or 6-grooved, with as many inconspicuous intervening grooves: capsules depressed-globose, glabrous, 7 mm in diameter, 5- or 6-celled, the outer walls thin. 96 ROBINSON. A tree attaining a height of 15 m and a trunk diameter of 25 cm, its branchlets covered with yellowish-brown bark, terete, only slightly striale : leaves borne on petioles 3-5 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, lanceolate or elliptic, often oblique, 3. 5-7. 5 cm long, 1.5-3. 5 cm wide, the base in- equilateral, usually strongly, rounded on one or both sides, the apex acum- inate, the under surface paler than the upper, often glaucous; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 6 or 7. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Sur, Balitny River, For. Bur. UiOJ/2 Merritt cC- Darling: Province of Pangasinan, Eguia, For. Bur. 82!)0 Curran tfc Merritt: Province of Rizal, Mount Santander, Bur. Sci. 3285 Ramos: Province of Bataan, For. Bur. 2772 Meyer: Province of Sorsogon, For. Bur. 10528 Curran. Mindoro, Mountain southeast of Abra de Hog, For. Bur. 8781 Merritt (type) ; near Naujan, For. Bur. 8781 Rosenbluth. Very similar in general appearance to G. triandrum, but at once distinguished by the styles; much more closely allied to G. mindorense, which seems to differ by having larger very nearly equilateral leaves borne on thicker petioles, by having a slightly pubescent ovary, styles thicker at the apex than at the base, and pedicels of equal diameter throughout; it is sufficiently separated from G. camiguinense by its capsules. N. v. Baguiroro, Bic., Sorsogon. 14. Gloch idion long istyl urn sp. nov. § Hemiglochidion. Frutex, ramulis substrigosis : floribus breviter pedicellatis ; perianthii masculini segmentis 6, lanceolatis vel ovatis, 1.5 mm longis, antheris 3; perianthii feminei lobis 6, lanceolatis, 2.5 mm longis, ovario parvo, sub- globoso, glabro, 4-loculari, in columnam stylarem 4 mm longam, 4-fklam vix angustato: foliis elliptico-lanceolatis, 7-10 cm longis, 3 cm latis, venis utrjnque 7 vel 8; stipulis lineari-lanceolatis, 4 mm longis. Flowers axillary, fascicled, the male borne on pedicels not exceeding 1.5 mm in length, the female subsessile: perianth-segments of the male flowers 6, ovate to lanceolate, 1.5 mm long, obtuse at the apex; anthers 3 : perianth-segments of the female flowers 6, 2.5 mm long, lanceolate, obtuse or subacute at the apex, their outer surface hirsute especially on or near the midvein, and the outer often ciliate on the margins; ovary subglobose, 0.6 mm in diameter, 8-grooved, 4-celled, passing with hardly any constric- tion into a stylar column of almost equal diameter, 4 mm long, its lower half or more entire, then forming 4 lobes, all or some of which are again 2-lobed for nearly 0.5 mm at the apex, the ovary glabrous but the basal third of the stylar column tomentellose. A shrub 3 m high, its branchlets dark-gray, striate, the younger sub- strigose, the older subglabrous: leaves borne on rather stout petioles 3—4 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, elliptic-lanceolate, 7-10 cm long, about 3 cm wide, the base subacute and slightly decurrent, the margins often revolute and when dry wavy, at the apex narrowed into an acute acumen about 1 cm long, the upper surface plumbeous, the under when dry brown, both surfaces glabrescent or with scattered hairs; primary lateral veins PHILIPPINE PHYLLANTHINJE. 97 on each side of the midrib 7 or 8, those in the middle of the leaf about 1.5 cm apart, forming a definite lateral vein about 3 mm from the margin; stipules acicular-lanceolate, 4 mm long, substrigose. Luzon; Province of Zambales, Balimbraya, Bur. Sci. 5057 Ramos. Allied to G. triandrum, but differing in the stylar column, the pedicels, the shape, texture and venation of the leaves. 15. Glochidion trichogynum Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 32 (1863) 66. Phyllanthus trichogynus Muell.-Arg. in Flora 48 (1865) 380. Mindoro, Baco, Merrill 1235, McGregor 134, 208 ; Pola, Merrill 2204; Bonga- hong River, For. Bur. 3621, 3624, 3645, 3744 Merritt. Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Cuming 1610: Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 302, s. n . : District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 90.09 Whitford , laneeolatis, 1.5 mm longis, antheris 3; floribus femineis brevissiine pedi- cellatis, pubescentibus, perianthii segmentis 6, lineari-lanceolatis, 4 mm longis, ovario dense hirsuto, 4- vel 5-loculari, columna stylari su bey I in- 102 ROBINSON. ft dracea, ovarium longitudine aequante seel angustiore, apice 8- vel lO-lo- bata; capsulis circiter 1 cm diametro: foliis lanceolatis vel ellipticis, apice gradatim acuminatis. Inllorescence nearly always borne on short pubescent peduncles, the male flowers on pedicels 4—7 mm long, the female nearly sessile, rarely the male flowers racemed on the lower part of the peduncle and the female forming glomerules above: perianth-segments of the male flowers 6, lanceolate, 1.5 mm long, hirsute without, obtuse; anthers 3, the connective produced : perianth-segments of the female flowers conspicuously longer than those of the male, usually 4 mm, hirsute on both surfaces, lanceolate, subacute; ovary densely pubescent, 1-2 mm in diameter, 4- or 5-sulcate; stylar column about as long as the ovary, but narrower, short cylindric, the basal half hirsute, the upper glabrous and therefore appearing narrower, 8- or 10-lobed : capsules about 1 cm in diameter, depressed- globose and at the apex somewhat umbilicate, slightly pubescent, 4- or 5-cellcd, only one ovule usually maturing, the seeds 3.5 mm long. A shrub 2 m high, its branch lets terete or slightly angled, densely pubescent or the older glabrescent ; leaves borne on petioles 2 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, lanceolate or elliptic, 2.5-8 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide, at the acute or obtuse base somewhat inequilateral, the apex gradually acuminate, mucronate, the upper surface more or less puberu- lent, the lower lepidote, and on the veins hirsute; stipules 2 mm long, .lanceolate, acute, pubescent. Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Libo near Mount Malindang, at an elevation of 1,650 m, For. Bur. J/696 Mearns d Hutchinson. 25. Glochidion curranii sp. nov. § Hemiglochidion. Arbor vel arbuscula, floribus axillaribus, pedicellatis, femineis brevis- sime: floribus masculinis perianthio 6-partito, segmentis ovalibus, ex- terioribus 3 mm longis, interioribus 1.5 mm longis; antheris 3: floribus femineis perianthio 6-partito; ovario depresso-globoso, dense pubescente, columna stylari cylindracea, 0.5-0. 8 mm longa, capsulis depresso-globosis, minute pubescentibus, 12-14 mm diametro: foliis petiolis 4-5 mm longis suffultis, laminis coriaceis, glabris, ellipticis, ovalibus, ovatis, vel sub- rotundis, basi decurrentibus, apice obtuse acuminatis. Flowers of both sexes in axillary fascicles: male flowers borne on pedicels attaining 7 mm in length ; the perianth 6-parted, in 2 series, the segments oval, those of the outer series 3 mm long, those of the inner 1.5 mm long, the latter hooded when young; anthers 3, 1 mm long, the con- nective distinctly produced: pedicels of female flowers very short but stout, perianth 6-parted but not as deeply as in the male, 2-3 mm long, the inner segments somewhat shorter than those of the outer row, broadly ovate, at the apex obtusely acuminate; ovary depressed-globose, densely pubescent, 1 mm long, 1.5 mm in diameter; the stylar column 0.5-0. 8 mm long, cylindric, 6-lobed, the lobes emarginatc: capsules depressed- PH ILIPPINK PHYLLANTHINA3. 103 globose, light-brown, 5 mm long, 12-14 mm in diameter, minutely pubes- cent, 12-grooved, 6-celled; seeds 4—5 mm long. A tree or bush attaining 10 m in height, the branchlets covered with grayish or brownish, striate, lenticellate bark, the ultimate branchlets usually strongly angled; glabrous or nearly so except the pedicels, perianth, and ovary: leaves borne on petioles 4-5 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, oval, elliptic, ovate, or nearly round, 6-12 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, the base acuminate and narrowly winging tbc petioles sometimes to their insertions, the apices obtusely acuminate; pairs of lateral veins on each side of the midrib 6-9. Similar in general appearance to G. rubrum, most easily distinguished by the larger flowers. Palawan, Puerto Princesa and vicinity, For. Bur. 3502 (type) Curran, 3} 7} Curran, Bur. Sci. 235 Mangubat ; Iwahig River, Merrill 696, Bur. Sci. 7 83 Foxworthy ; Malatgao River, Bur. Sci. 906 Foxworthy. 26. Glochidion philippicum Bentli. FI. Hongkong. (1861) 314. (G. philip- pinense. ) Bradleia philippica Cav. Ic. 4 (1797) 48, pi. 371. Bradleja philippensis Willd. Sp. PI. 4 (1805) 592. Gyrostemon blancoi Llanos Frag. Alg. PI. Filip. (1851) 74. Phyllanthus philippinensis Muell.-Arg. in Flora 48 (1865) 376. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, Bangui, For. Bur. 13919 Merritt cC- Darling: Province of Benguet, Twin Peaks, Elmer 6366 ; Sugpon, For. Bur. 11(115 Merritt & Darling: Province of Nueva Vizcaya, Bambang, For. Bur. 10885 Curran: Province of Pangasinan, Villasis, Alberto 1(2: Province of Zambales, Aglao, For. Bur. 6087 Aguilar; Olangapo trail, For. Bur. 5806 Curran; between Castellejos and Aglao, For. Bur. 584 7 Curran: Province of Bulacan, Angat, For. Bur. 11192 Aguilar ; Norzagaray, Yoder 66: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 10027 Curran ; Antipolo, For. Bur. 405 Ahern’s collector ; Montalban, Bur. Sci. 5201 Ramos: Province of Laguna, Calauan, Cuming 459; Los Banos, Elmer s. n.: Province of Tayabas, Atimonan, Whitford 661 : Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 160, 27 4- Masbate, Masbate, Merrill 3069. Negros, Province of Negros Occidental, Gimagaan River, For. Bur. 1(314 Everett ; Paglamgan River, For. Bur. 4315 Everett. Mindoro, Mompong, For. Bur. 9691 Merritt; Baco, Merrill 1236; Calapan, Merrill 907 ; Pola, Merrill 221(6 ; Bongabong River, For. Bur. 1(076 Merritt, Whitford 1393 ; Mansalay, Merrill 910. Mindanao, Province of Surigao, Surigao, Ahern 31(2: District of Davao, Santa Cruz, Williams 2707: Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 470, 600, s. n.: District of Cotabato, Malabang, Mrs. Clemens s. n.: District of Zamboanga, Sax River, Williams 2348. Basilan, Hallier s. n. In spite of its formation, it seems desirable to restore the original spelling of the specific name of this species, and it may fairly be credited to Bentham, who first made the necessary transfer, though with a changed ending. The reduction of Llanos’ species is made on his own authority, and his descrip- tion makes it plausible. Zarcoa philippensis Llanos, reduced to this species by F.-Villar, certainly belongs elsewhere. Blanco appears not to have described it. N. v. Bagna, Tag., Rizal; Bugna, Vis., Surigao; Malaysa, Baringcocoron, Zam- bales; Matang hipon, Tag., Rizal; Calian, Antobanag, Tag., Mindoro; Yamog- yamog, Taquinis, Vis., Negros. Hongkong, Sumatra. 104 ROBINSON. 27. Glochidion reticulatum Elmer Leafl. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 302. Frutex, ramulis teneris, striatis, plus minusve pubescentibus; floribus masculinis solitariis vel rarius binis, pedicellis circiter 1 cm longis graci- libus sparse pubescentibus suffultis; perianthii lobis G, lanceolatis, breviter obtuse acuminatis, extus sparse hirsutis, margine membranaceis ; antheris 3, 1 mm longis, connectivo conspicue protracto; floribus femineis ct cap- sulis ignotis; foliis petiolis 1-2 mm longis suffultis, laminis ovatis vel ellipticis, 3-8.5 cm longis, 2-4 cm latis, aequilateralibus vel subaequi- lateralibus, basi rotundatis vel breviter acuminatis, apice plus minusve abrupte acuminatis; venis utrinque 6-8, subtus conspicuis; stipulis lanceo- latis plus quam 1 mm longis. Luzon, Province of Laguna, Los Banos, Elmer 81X8, Alberto s. n. 7. BREYNIA Forst. Calyx not or very slightly increasing in fruit. Leaves elliptic or oval, rounded at the apex, 4- or 5-veined 1. 11. rhamnoides Leaves ovate, acuminate, 6- or 7-veined 2. li. acuminata Calyx distinctly increasing in fruit - 3. B. cernua 1. Breynia rhamnoides Muell.-Arg. in DC. l’rodr. 15 2 (18(50) 440. Phyllanthus rhamnoides Retz. Ohs. Bot. 5 (1791) 30. Luzon, Province of Bulacan, Malinta, Bur. Sci. 6114 Robinson tC- Merritt: Province of Rizal, Manila, Loher J/T37: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Williams 187, For. Bur. 1600 Borden: Province of Batangas, Ma- sambong, Mara re DO. Apo Island, Mindoro Strait, Merrill 430. Negros, Prov- ince of Occidental Negros, Gimagaan River, For. Bur. 4188 Everett. Cebu, Toledo, Bur. Sci. 1707 McGregor. Mindanao, District of Davao, Davao, Copeland 412, DeVore tf Hoover 107. Basilan, Santa Isabela, DeYore t€ Hoover 62. N. v. Tulugtulug, Vis., Negros; Sauting, Moro, Basilan. Tropical India, China, and Malaysia. 2. Breynia acuminata Muell.-Arg. in DC. Prodr. 1 5 2 ( 18(5(5) 442. Melanthesa acuminata Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 32 (1863) 74. Luzon, Province of 1 locos Norte, Laoag, For. Bur. 13803 Merritt cC Darling ; Badoc, For. Bur. 13033 Merritt c£ Darling: Province of lloeos Sur, Mount Bula- gao. For. Bur. 14062 Merritt <£ Darling; Santiago, For. Bur. 1)068, 15631 Merritt d- Darling: Province of Benguet, Twin Peaks, Elmer 6)22, 63)3: Province of Zambales, Mount Iba, Bur. Sci. )707 Ramos; Subig, Hallier s. n. : Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Elmer 6753, Williams 77, B hitford 300, For. Bur. 1485 Ahern's collector, For. Bur. 2180, 3000 Mcger, For. Bur. 10707 Curran, Leibcrg 6107; Cabcaben, For. Bur. 5301 Curran; Dinalupijan, Merrill 1520. Mindoro, Cuming 15)3 (type collection) ; Malatero, For. Bur. 8550 Merritt : Mount Teluto, For. Bur. 11)32 Merritt. N. v. Malabatimbing, Lanuti, Tag., Bataan; Botonbotones, Mindoro. Endemic. PHILIPPINE PHYLLANTHINiE. 105 3. Breynia cernua Muell.-Arg. in DC. Prodr. 15 2 (1866) 439. ? Phyllanthus cernuus Poir. Encycl. 5 (1804) 298. Melanthesa cernua Decne. in Nouv. Ann. Mus. 3 (1834) 483. B. cernua acutifolia Muell.-Arg. loc. cit. Melanthesa cernua acutifolia Muell.-Arg. in Linnaea 3 2 (1863) 74. Phyllanthus reticulatus Merr. in For. Bur. Bull. (Philip.) 1 (1903) 29, non Poir. Encycl. 5 (1804) 298. Babuyanes Islands, Camiguin Island, Bur. Sci. 399 7 F6nix. Batanes Is- lands, Batan Island, Santo Domingo de Basco, Bur. Sci. 3718 F4nix. Luzon, Province of Union, Bauang, Elmer 5587: Province of Benguet, Pauai, Bur. Sci. 4421 Mearns; Baguio, Elmer 5957, Williams 1058 ; Cayapa, For. Bur. 10886 Curran; Loakan, For. Bur. 932 Barnes; Itogon, Bur. Sci. 5756 Ramos: Province of Zambales, Botolan, Merrill 2918; Subig, Hallier s. n.: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Whitford 391, For. Bur. 1357 Borden, Topping 534; Olangapo trail, For. Bur. 5809 Curran: Province of Isabela, Merrill 1114: Province of Laguna, Calauan, Cuming 540; Los BaBos, Elmer s. n.: Province of Tayabas, Sariaya, Whitford 565; Lucena, Merrill 2886, Bur. Sci. 2365 Mearns; Atimonan, Gregory 124; San Isidro, For. Bur. 6595 Kobbt; Malicboi, Ritchie 36n: Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 197, 803 bis: Province of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, For. Bur. 10529 Curran: without definite locality, Cuming 1103. Mindoro, Baco River, McGregor 262, Merrill 1198; Balete, For. Bur. 5398 Merritt ; Bongabong River, For. Bur. 3633 Merritt. Pan ay, Iloilo, Copeland 126. Negros, Province of Occidental Negros, Gimagaan River, Whitford 1631. Culion, Halsey Harbor, Merrill 511. Palawan, Puerto Princesa, Bur. Sci. 237 Bermejos ; Iwahig, Bur. Sci. 811 Foxworthy. Mindanao, District of Davao, Santa Cruz, Williams 2688: Lake Lanao. Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 181, 410 bis, s. n.: District of Zamboanga, Sax River, Williams 2149 ; Tetuan, Ahern 560. Basilan, Hallier s. n. This species is with difficulty distinguished from B. rhamnoides except by the calyx, and specimens without mature fruit are best told by the leaves, which are nearly always ovate in the present species, but elliptic, oblong, or oval in B. rhamnoides. Timor to northern Australia. 80915 8 PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONS — Continued. Order Bureau of Science — Annual Reports. No. 201. Fifth Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of Science for the Year Ending August 1, 1906. 202. Sixth Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of Science for the Year Ending August 1, 1907. 203. Seventh Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of Science for the Year Ending August 1, 1908. Philippine Museum. (Now Section of Ornithology.) * No. 1, 1903. — On Birds from Luzon, Mindoro, Masbate, Ticao, Cuyo, Culion, Caga- yan Sulu and Palawan. By Richard C. McGregor. * No. 2, 1903. — List of Bird Skins Offered in Exchange. 43. No. 3, 1901f. — Birds from Benguet Province, Luzon, and from the Islands of Lubang, Mindoro, Cuyo, and Cagayancillo. By Richard C. McGregor. * No. If, 1904. — The Birds of Calayan and Fuga, Babuyan Group. By Richard C. McGregor. Mining Bureau. (Now Division of Mines.) 45. 1890. — Descripcidn ffsica, geoldgica y minera en bosquejo de la Isla de Panay por D. Enrique Abella y Casariego, Inspector General de Minas del Archipiglago. * 1890. — Memoria descriptiva de los manantiales minero-medicinales de la Isla de Luzfin, estudiados por la comisidn compuesta de los Senores D. Jos6 Centeno, Inge- niero de Minas y Vocal Presidente, D. Anacleto del Rosario y Sales, Vocal Far- maceutico, y D. Jose de Vera y G6mez, Vocal Medico. 47. 1893. — Estudio descriptivo de algunos manantiales minerales de Filipinas ejecutado por la comisidn formada por D. Enrique Abella y Casariego, Inspector General de Minas, D. Jose de Vera y Gdmez, Medico, y D. Anacleto del Rosario y Sales, Far- maceutico ; precedido de un prdlogo escrito por el Excmo. Sr. D. Angel de Aviles, Director General de Administracidn Civil. 48. 1893. — Terremotos experimentados en ia Isla de Luzdn durante los meses de Marzo y Abril de 1892, especialmente desastrosos en Pangasin&n, Unidn y Benguet. Estudio ejecutado por D. Enrique Abella y Casariego, Inspector General de Minas del Archipielago. 49. 1901. — The Coal Measures of the Philippines. Charles H. Burritt. 50. 1902. — Abstract of the Mining Laws (in force in the Philippines, 1902). Charles H. Burritt. 51. 1902., Bulletin No. 1. — Platinum and Associated Rare Metals in Placer Formations, H. D. McCaskey, B. S. 52. 1903. — Report of the Chief of the Mining Bureau of the Philippine Islands. Charles H. Burritt. 53. 1903, Bulletin No. 2. — Complete List of Spanish Mining Claims Recorded in the Mining Bureau. Charles H. Burritt. 54. 1903, Bulletin No. 3. — Report on a Geological Reconnoissance of the Iron Region of Angat, Bulacan. H. D. McCaskey, B. S. 55. 1904- — Fifth Annual Report of the Mining Bureau. H. D. McCaskey. 56. 1905. — Sixth Annual Report of the Chief of the Mining Bureau. H. D. McCaskey. 57. 1905, Bulletin No. 4. — A Preliminary Reconnoissance of the Mancayan-Suyoc Mineral Region, Lepanto, P. I. A. J. Eveland, Geologist. 58. 1905, Bulletin No. 5.— The Coal Deposits of Batan Island. Warren D. Smith, B. S., M. A., Geologist. Division of Mines. 301. 1908. — The Mineral Resources of the Philippine Islands, with a Statement of the Production of Commercial Mineral Products during the year 1907, Issued by Warren D» Smith, Chief of the Division of Mines. Ethnological Survey. (Now Division of Ethnology.) 401. Vol. I, 1905. — The Bontoc Igorot, by Albert Ernest Jenks. Paper, 1*2 ; half morocco, P3. 402. Vol. II, Part 1, 1904 . — Negritos of Zambales, by William Allen Reed. Paper, 1*0.50 ; half morocco, 1*1.50. 403. Vol. II, Part 2 and Part 3, 1905. — The Nabaloi Dialect, by Otto Scheerer, The Bataks of Palawan, by Edward Y. Miller. (Bound also in one volume with Part 1, Negritos of Zambales.) Paper, 1*0.50 ; half morocco, PI. 50. Combined, half morocco, P3. 404. Vol. Ill, 1904- — Relaciones Agustinianas de las razas del Norte de Luzon, by Perez. Paper, P0.75 ; half morocco, P2. 405. Vol. IV, Part 1, 1905- — Studies in Moro History, Law, and Religion, by Najeeb M. Saleeby. Paper, P0.50 ; half morocco, PI. 50. Division of Ethnology. 406. Vol. TV, Part 2, 1908. — History of Sulu, by Najeeb M. Saleeby. Paper, PI. 50. 407. Vol. V, Part 1 and Part 2, 1908. — The Batin Dialect as a Member of the Philippine Group of Languages, by Otto Scheerer. “F” and “V” in Philippine Languages, by C. E. Conant. Paper, PI. 60. 408. Vol. V, Part 3. — A Vocabulary of the Igorot Language as spoken by the Bontok Igorots, by the Rev. Walter Clayton Clapp. Igorot- English, English-Igorot. Paper, PI. 50. 409. Directions for Ethnographic Observations and Collections, 1908. For free dis- tribution. NOTE. Those of the above-listed publications which are for sale may be obtained from the Director of Printing, Manila, P. I. Publications for free distribution, listed above, may be had by writing to the Business Manager, Philippine Journal of Science, Manila, P. I. Please give order number. CONTENTS. Page. COPELAND, EDWIN BINGHAM. The Ferns of the Malay-Asiatic Region, Part I i OSTENFELD, C. H. On Halophila ovata Gaudichaud, a neglected Species 67 ROBINSON, C. B. Philippine Chloranthaceae 69 ROBINSON, C. B. Philippine Phyllanthinae 71 The “Philippine Journal of SoieUce” is issued as follows: Section A. General Science, $2, United States currency, per year. Section B. Medical Sciences, $3, United States currenoy, per year. Section C. Botany, $2, United States currenoy, per year. The entire “Journal” $5, United States currency, per year. Single numbers, 50 cents, United States currency. Authors receive 100 copies of their papers free. The numbers of each section will appear as rapidly as material is available. Each sec- tion will be separately paged and indexed. Subscriptions may be sent to the DIRECTOR OF PRINTING, Manila, P. I. Correspond enoe should be addressed to the Business Manager, Philippine Journal of Science, Manila, P. I. FOREIGN AGENTS. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 64-66 Fifth Avenue, New York. Messrs. WM. WESLEY & SON, 28 Essex Street, Strand, London, W. C. MARTINUS NIJHOFF, Nobelstraat 18, ’s Gravenhage, Holland. Messrs. MAYER & MULLER, Prinz Louis Ferdinandstrasse 2, Berlin, N. W. Messrs. KELLY & WALSH, LIMITED, 32 Raffles Place, Singapore, S. S. Messrs. A. M. & J. FERGUSON, 19 Baillie Street, Colombo, Ceylon. ( Entored ftt tli© post-office at Manila, P, I., as second-class matter.) A limited number of unbound copies of previous volumes are available which may be secured from the Director of Printing at the following rates: Volume I, 1906 (not divided into sections), $5, United States currency; Supplement to Vol- ume I, $2.50, United States currency; Volume I (without supplement), $3, United States currency; all later volumes at current subscription prices. 83264— ONE. Vol. IV JUNE, 1909 No. 2 THE PHILIPPINE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDITED BY PAUL C. FREER, M. D., Ph. D. CO-EDITOR RICHARD P. STRONG, Ph. B., M. D. WITH THE COOPERATION OF E. D. MERRILL, M. S.; F. W. FOXWORTHY, Ph. D. C. B. ROBINSON, Ph. D.; H. N. WHITFORD, Ph. D. PUBLISHED BY THE BUREAU OF SCIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS C. BOTANY MANILA BUREAU OF PRINTING 1909 ^ PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONS. Order * No. Bureau of Government Laboratories. * No. 1, 1902, to No. 11,, 1901,. 15. No. 15, 1901,, Biological and Serum Laboratories. — Report on Bacillus Violacevus Ma- mlae : A Pathogenic Micro-Organism. By Paul G. Woolley, M. D. No. 16, 1901,, Biological Laboratory. — Protective Inoculation against Asiatic Cholera : An Experimental Study. By Richard P. Strong, M. D. 17 • No. P>. — New or Noteworthy Philippine Plants, II. By Elmer D. Merrill, Botanist. *No. 18, 1901,, Biological Laboratory. — I. Amebas: Their Cultivation and Etiologic Significance. By W E. Musgrave, M. D., and Moses T. Clegg. II. The Treatment of Intestinal Amoeblasis (Amoebic Dysentery) in the Tropics. By W. E. Mus- grave, M. D. 19. No. 19, 1901,, Biological Laboratory.— Some Observations on the Biology of the Chol- era Spirillum. By W. B. Wherry, M. D. 20- No. 20, 1901,. — Biological Laboratory: I. Does Latent or Dormant Plague Exist Where the Disease is Endemic? By Maximilian Herzog, M. D., and Charles B. Hare. Serum Laboratory: II. Broncho-Pneumonia of Cattle: Its Association with B. Bovisepticus. By Paul G. Woolley, M. D., and Walter Sorrell; D. V. S. III. .^a®° Blanco). By Paul G. Woolley, M. D. Chemical Laboratory: Jv 'Notes on Analysis of the Water from the Manila Water Supply. By Charles ft M/ sv Scrum Laboratory: V. Frambcesia : Its Occurrence In Natives in the Philippine Islands. By Paul G. Woolley, M. D. 21. No . 21, 1901,, Biological Laboratory. — Some Questions Relating to the Virulence of Micro-Organisms with Particular Reference to Their Immunizing Powers. Bv Richard P. Strong, M. D. 22. No. 22, 1901,, Bureau of Government Laboratories. — I. A Description of the New Buildings of the Bureau of Government Laboratories. By Paul C. Freer M D Ph. D. IL A Catalogue of the Library of the Bureau of Government Laboratories.’ By Mary Polk, Librarian. * ,23’ biological Laboratory. — Plague : Bacteriology, Morbid Anatomy, and Histopathology (Including a Consideration of Insects as Plague Carriers). By Maximilian Herzog, M. D. 24. No. 21,, 1901,, Biological Laboratory. — Glanders : Its Diagnosis and Prevention (To- gether with a Report on Two Cases of Human Glanders Occurring in Manila and Some Notes on the Bacteriology and Polymorphism of Bacterium Mallei). By William B. Wherry, M. D. 25. No. 25, 1901,. — Birds from the Islands of Romblon, Sibuyan, and Cresta de Gallo. v icbard C. McGregor. ( For first four bulletins of the ornithological series, see Philippine Museum below.) 26. No. 26, 1901,, Biological Laboratory. — The Clinical and Pathological Significance of Balantidium Coli. By Richard P. Strong, M. D. 27. No. 27, 1901,. — A Review of the Identification of the Species Described in Blanco’s Flora de Filipinas. By Elmer D. Merrill, Botanist. 28. No. 28, 1901,. — I. The Polypodiaceae of the Philippine Islands. II. Edible Philip- pine Fungi. By Edwin B. Copeland, Ph. D. 29. No. 29, 1901,. — I. New or Noteworthy Philippine Plants, III. II. The Source of Manila Elemi. By Elmer D. Merrill, Botanist. 30. No. 80, 1905, Chemical Laboratory. — I. Autocatalytic Decomposition of Silver Oxide II. Hydration in Solution. By Gilbert N. Lewis, Ph. D. 31. No. 31, 1905, Biological Laboratory. — I. Notes on a Case of Haematochyluria (To- gether with Some Observations on the Morphology of the Embryo Nematode, Filaria Nocturnal. By William B. Wherry, M. D., and John R. McDill, M. D., Manila, P I II. A Search Into the Nitrate and Nitrite Content of Witte’s "Peptone,” with Special Reference to Its Influence on the Demonstration of the Indol and Cholera- Red Reactions. By William B. Wherry M. D. 32. No 32, 1905.— Biological Laboratory: I. Intestinal Haemorrhage as a Fatal Com- plication in Amoebic Dysentery and Its Association with Liver Abscess. By Richard P. Strong, M. D. II. The Action of Various Chemical Substances upon Cultures of Amoebae. By J. B. Thomas, M. D„ Baguio, Benguet. Biological and Serum Laboratories: III. The Pathology of Intestinal Amoeblasis. By Paul G. Woolley. M. D., and W. E. Musgrave, M. D. 33. No. 88, 1905, Biological Laboratory. — Further Observations on Fibrin Thrombosis in the Glomerular and in Other Renal Vessels in Bubonic Plague. By Maximilian Herzog, M. D. •No. 31,, 1905. — I. Birds from Mindoro and Small Adjacent Islands. II. Notes on Three Rare Luzon Birds. By Richard C. McGregor. 35. No. 85, 1905. — I. New or Noteworthy Philippine Plants, IV. II. Notes on Cuming’s Philippine Plants in the Herbarium of the Bureau of Government Laboratories III. Hackel, "Notes on Philippine Grasses.” IV. Ridley, "Scitaminese Philippinen- ses. V. Clarke, “Philippine Acanthaceae.” By Elmer D. Merrill, Botanist. 36. No. 36, 1905. — A Hand-List of the Birds of the Philippine Islands. By Richard C. McGregor and Dean C. Worcester. •Report of the Superintendent of Government Laboratories for the Year Ending August 31, 1902. (Appendix M of Third Annual Report of the Philippine Commission.) • Report of the Superintendent of Government Laboratories In the Philippine Islands for the Year Ending September 1, 1903. (Appendix G of the Fourth Annual Report of the Philippine Commission.) 39. Third Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Government Laboratories for the Year Ending August 31, 1904. 40. Fourth Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Government Laboratories for the Year Ending August 31, 1905. Bureau of Science — Publications. 101. Price and Exchange List of Philippine Bird Skins in the Collection of the Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I. (Effective January 1, 1908.) 102. No. 1, 1909. — A Check-List of Philippine Fishes. By David Starr Jordan and Robert Earl Richardson. In press. 103. No. 2. 1909 ■ — A Manual of Philippine Birds. By Richard C. McGregor, Parts I and II. A systematic index to the orders, families, and genera. Paper, f*8 for the two parts. • Out of print. (Concluded on third page of cover.) THE PHILIPPINE Journal of Science C. Botany Vol. IV JUNE, 1909 No. 2 ADDITIONAL PHILIPPINE SYMPLOCACE^E, I. By A. Brand. ( Frankfurt a. d. Oder, Germany.) Among the Symplocos material collected in the Philippines during the years 1907 and 1908, submitted to me by Mr. E. D. Merrill for identification, I have found no less than five new species and one new variety, so that the number of Philippine species of the genus known to me has now been increased to twenty-one.1 Two of the species previously described, S. floridissima and S. Cumingiana , have been rediscovered for the first time by the American botanists. The new species all belong to the section Bobua , and accordingly the key to the species given in my previous paper 2 must be changed as follows : 1. Inflorescentiae compositae. • 2. Folia ramis adpressa, imbricata 3. 8. imbricata 2. Folia patentia, baud imbricata. 3. Corolla extus sericea. 4. Stamina ca. 100; folia basi valde angustata 4. 8. patens 4. Stamina ca. 60; folia basi plerumque rotundata 5. 8. floridissima 3. Corolla extus glabra. 4. Stamina ca. 100 6. 8. polyandra 4. Stamina 25-50. 5. Inflorescentiae glabrae 7. 8. Eutchinsonii 5. Inflorescentiae pilosae. 6. Fructus globosus. 7. Inflorescentiae axillares 8. 8. ferruginea 7. Inflorescentiae terminales 9. 8. Ahernii 6. Fructus ellipsoideus 10. 8. adenophylla 1 Three species, Symplocos fragrans, 8. curtiflora, and 8. angularis, recently described by Mr. Elmer in bis Leaflets of Philippine Botany, 2 (1908) 508—510, are at present known to me only by description. 2 This Journal, 3 (1908) Botany 4. 83264 107 108 BRAND. 1. Inflorescentiae simplices. 2. Flores sub foliis prominentes 11. 8. oblongifolia 2. Flores in axillis foliorum. 3. Inflorescentiae terminates 12. S. imperialis 3. Inflorescentiae axi Hares. 4. Ramuli glabri. 5. Folia chartacea 13. 8. betula 5. Folia coriacea. 6. Flores racemosi ' 14. 8. peninsularis 6. Flores spicati. 7. Folia 6-11 cm longa 15. 8. Cumingiana 7. Folia 3-5.5 cm longa 16. 8. Whitfordii 4. Ramuli ferruginei vel pilosi. 5. Fructus inconspicuus, vix 2.5 mm in diametro 17. 8. inconspicua 5. Fructus 4-5 mm longus. 6. Folia pleraque plus quam 4 cm longa. 7. Folia coriacea 18. 8. luzoniensis 7. Folia chartacea 19. 8 . M crrilliana 6. Folia pleraque minus quam 4 cm longa. 7. Folia utrinque glaberrima 20. S. palawanensis 7. Folia plus minus pilosa 21. 8. depauperata 3. S. imbricata Brand sp. nov. Arbor ramulis purpureis vel atro-purpureis, glabris. Folia crasse coriacea, ramulis adpressa et imbricata, 5-6 cm longa, 2.5-4 cm lata, ovata vel late ovata, serrato-dentata, utrinque glaberrima, in apicem brevem subito producta, basi leviter cuneata vel truncata, costa supra impressa; petiolus 5-10 mm longus. Spicae terminales et subterminales, compositae, glabriusculae, laxiflorae, petiolo multo longiores, fructiferae incrassatae et elongatae; bracteae 3, ovato-rotundatae, sericeae, calycem occultantes; calycis tubus brevissimus, glaber, lobi rotundati, obtusi, sericei, tubo multo longiores, post deflorationem supra ovarium glabrum convergentes ; stylus glaber, calyce duplo longior ; corolla mihi non visa. Fructus niger, ovato-ampulliformis, 10-12 mm longus, valde rugosus, glaber, trilocularis, sed loculis binis plus minus abortientibus ; lobi calycini discum comose superantes. Luzon, Province of Zambales, Mount Tapulao, Bur. Sci. JflOl Ramos, December, 1907: Province of Benguet, Pauai, Bur. Sci. J/Jf76 Mearns, August, 1907, with mature fruit, altitude 2,200 m. 5. S. floridissima Brand in Pflanzenreich 6 (1901) 35, var. serrata var. nov. Arbor ramulis atro-purpureis glabris. Folia tenuiter coriacea, 10-13 cm longa, 4-7 cm lata, ovalia vel elliptica, grosse serrata, utrinque glabra, in apicem brevem subito producta, basi nunc rotundata, nunc cuneata; petiolus ca. 2 cm longus. Paniculae puberulae, petiolo 4— 6-plo longiores, pedicellis calycem aequantibus vel superantibus; bracteae mini- mae; calyx dense ferrugineus, lobis rotundato-triangularibus tubum aequantibus ; corolla calyce duplo longior, 5-partita, extus sericea ; stamina 109 ADDITIONAL PHILIPPINE SYMPLOCACEiE, I. ca. 60; stylus glaber, calyce triplo longior; ovarium dense sericeum. Fructus mihi non visus. Luzon, Province of Bulacan, Angat, For. Bur. 1111ft Aguilar, March, April, 1908. This variety is an intermediate form connecting Symplocos patens and 8. floridissima. 6. S. polyandra Brand in Pflanzenreich 6 (1901) 36. Additional material : Luzon, Province of Rizal, Bur. Sci. 2181 Kamos, March, 1907. 7. Symplocos Hutchinsonii Brand sp. nov. Arbor 6 m alta, ramulis glabris, atro-purpureis, rugoso-striatis, niten- tibus. Folia chartacea, 7—9 cm longa, 3—4 cm lata, elliptica, repando- serrata, utrinque glaberrima et opaea, supra (in sicco) atrato-, subtus incano-viridia, breviter et obtuse apiculata, basi cuneata, costa supra impressa; petiolus 10-14 mm longus, saepe curvatus. Faniculae glabrae, divaricatae, petiolo ca. 6-plo longiores, terminales et subterminales, pedicellis calycem subaequantibus ; calyx glaber, lobis ovalibus, flavescen- tibus, tubo duplo longioribus ; corolla glabra, 5-partita, calyce duplo longior ; stamina ca. 50 ; stylus glaber, calyce subduplo longior ; ovarium glabrum. Fructus mihi non visus. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, For. Bur. 6551 Hutchinson, March, 1907, altitude about 5 m above sea level. 8. S. ferruginea Roxb. var. philippinensis Brand in Philip. Journ. Sci. 3 (1908) Bot. 6. Additional material : Luzon, Province of Laguna, For. Bur. 10167 Curran, March, 1908. 9. S. Ahernii Brand 1. c. Additional material : Luzon, Province of Benguet, Bur. Sci. 31/1(2 Mearns, July, 1907. Mindoro, Mount Malasumbu, For. Bur. 8590 Merritt, January, 1908. 11. S. oblongifolia (C. Presl) Rolfe in Journ. Bot. 23 (1885) 214. Additional material : Luzon, Province of Pangasinan, For. Bur. 831/0 Curran <£ Merritt, December, 1907. 12. Symplocos imperial is Brand sp. nov. Arbor, ramulis glabris, purpureo-brunneis, rugoso-striatis. Folia ad apices ramulorum comose congesta, tenuiter coriacea, 5-7 cm longa, 2-3 cm lata, oblongo-elliptica, leviter serrulato-undulata, utrinque glaberrima et (in sicco) viridia, in apicem longiusculum subito producta, basi cuneata, costa supra leviter impressa; petiolus recurvatus, 15-20 mm longus, colore ramulorum. Flores mihi non visi. Inflorescentiae fruc- tiferae terminales, congestae, glabrae, petiolo 3— 1-plo longiores, pedicellis fructu brevioribus. Fructus laete brunneus, ovoideus, glaber, ca. 7 mm longus, trilocularis, lobis calycinis brevibus, rotundato-triangularibus, parce sericeis coronatus. Babuyanes Islands, Camiguin, Bur. Sci. 1/133 Ftnix, June-July, 1907. 110 BRAND. 14. Symplocos pen insular is Brand sp. nov. Arbor, ramulis .glabris, purpureo-brunneis, angulatis, striatis. Folia juniora chartacea, vetustiora coriacea, 6-7 cm longa, 3-4 cm lata, obovata, crenato-serrata, utrinque glaberrima, supra in sicco atro-viridia et (vetus- tiora) nitentia, subtus viridia vel albida, opaca, breviter apiculata, subito in petiolum contracta; costa supra impressa; petiolus subalatus, 6-10 mm longus, colore ferrugineo. Flores mihi non. visi. Inflorescentiae fructiferae axillares, petiolo 2-3-plo longiores, fructus paucos gerentes; pedicelli fructibus longiores. Fructus dilute brunneus, ovoideo-globosus, glaber, ca. 7 mm longus, trilocularis, lobis calycinis rotundatis glabris comose coronatus. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, For. Bur. 9188 Whitford & Hutchinson, January, 1908, in dipterocarp forests at 50 m above sea level. 15. S. Cumingiana Brand in Pilanzenreich 6 (1901) 58. A tree 5 m high and not uncommon in Luzon, now rediscovered by the American botanists for the first time on Mount Tapulao, Province of Zambales, Luzon, For. Bur. 8251f Curran & Merritt, December, 1907, altitude 1,500 m. 16. S. Whitfordii Brand in Philip. Journ. Sci. 3 (1908) Bot. 8. Additional material: Luzon, Province of Laguna, Mount Banajao, Bur. Sci. 6067 Robinson, March, 1908; For. Bur. 7 890 Curran d) Merritt, November, 1907, altitude 2,250 m. 17. Symplocos inconspicua Brand sp. nov. Frutex 4 m alta, ramis atratis, glabris, ramulis ad basin sordide-, ad apicem ferrugineo-hirsutis. Folia chartacea (vetustissima tenuiter coria- cea), 5-7 cm longa, 1.5-2. 5 cm lata, oblongo-elliptica, serrato-dentata, supra glabra, subtus ad costam pilosa, utrinque (in sicco) viridia, in apicem mucronatum sensim producta, basi subrotundata vel leviter cuneata; costa supra impressa; petiolus 2—3 mm longus, ferrugineo-hirsu- tus. Spicae axillares, breves, simplices, petiolo ca. 5-plo longiores, aureo- sericae, ca. 7-florae; bracteae rotundato-acutae, sericeae; calyx glaber, lobis rotundatis, glabris, flavidis, tubum aequantibus ; corolla glabra, calyce plus duplo longior, 5-partita; stamina 20 (ex unico flore), corollam aequantia vel vix superantia ; ovarium circum styli basin sericeum, stylus interne parce sericeus, superne glaber, calyce plus duplo longior. Fruc- tus inconspicuus, vix 2.5 mm in diametro, globosus, glaber, viridi-brun- neus, abortu unilocularis, monospermus, bracteis persistentibus suffultus, lobis calycinis pro fructu magnis comose coronatus. Luzon, Province of Zambales, Mount Tapulao, Bur. Sci. 5022 Ramos, December, 1907 (type) ; same locality, For. Bur. 8093 Curran cG Merritt, December, 1907, altitude 1,400 to 1,700 m. 19. S. Merrill iana Brand in Philip. Journ. Sci. 3 (1908) Bot. 9. Additional material : Luzon, Province of Laguna, Mount Banajao, Bur. Sci. 6081 Robinson, March, 1908; For. Bur. 7867 Curran d Merritt, November, 1907. The color of the ripe fruit in the latter specimen is black, not “brunneo-flaves- cens;” the black exocarp is so deciduous that it is rarely preserved in dried specimens. NEW OR INTERESTING PHILIPPINE FERNS, IV. By Edwin Bingham Copeland. ( From the Bureau of Education, Manila, P. I.) CYATHEA Smith. Cyathea philippinensis Baker, var. nuda var. nov. Costis plerisque glaberrimis, aliis rhachin versus paleis spares vestitis, rhachibus omnibus infra mox glabrescentibus. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Mount Atip, For. Bur. 10859 Curran, For. Bur. 18011 Merritt, altitude 1,400 m. PERANEMA Don. Peranema luzonica sp. nov. Stipite circiter 30 cm alto, ubique sat dense pedem versus densissime paleaceo, paleis brunneis diversis, majoribus lanceolato-ovatis valde api- culatis, 3 mm latis ; fronde usque ad 60 cm alta, anguste deltoidea, quadri- pinnatifida, rhachibus omnibus paleaceis ; pinnulis 1 stipitatis, oblongo- lanceolatis, obtusis, usque ad 7 cm longis; pinnulis 11 majoribus brevistipi- tatis 13 mm longis, obtusis, oblongis, fere ad costam pinnatifidis, coriaceis, pubescentibus ; soris brevipedicellatis, 1.2— 1.5 mm latis, saepius oblatis, indusiis glaucis, irregulariter fissis; cellulis annuli 16-19; sporis tuber- culatis. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Mount Pulog, For. Bur. 16280 Curran, Merritt, tf- Zschoklce, from an altitude of 2,500 m to the summit, Copeland. Very near the Indian species, P. cyatheoides Don, but differing from that as described and figured, in the broader paleae, more dissected frond, and nowhere glabrous pinnules, and the sori much larger in proportion to the fertile pinnae. Specimens from western China, leg. Wilson 53Uf are referable to the Indian species. DR YOPTERIS Adanson. Dryopteris tenerrima sp. nov. Ithizomate erecto, circiter 7 mm crasso; stipitibus circiter 20 cm altis, confertis, ad baseos in vivo incrassatis, succulentibus, siccis gracilibus, nigricantibus, apud baseos squamulis parvis laete brunneis ciliatis ornatis, tota planta aliter glabra; fronde usque ad 25 cm alta, 15 cm lata, subdel- toidea, tripinnatifida ; pinnis inf erioribus brevissime stipitatis, acuminatis ; pinnulis sessilibus, plerisque obtusis, pinnae infimae basiscopicis majoribus, 111 112 COPELAND. ad alam angustam pinnatifidis ; segmentis oblongis, inciso-serratis, obtusis, tenuiter membranaceis, atroviridibus (siccis) ; venulis simplicibus; soris medialibus, parvis, nudis, subglobosis; cellulis annuli 10—12. Luzon, Province of Laguna, Mount Banajao, Copeland 21^2, in a very damp gorge at an altitude of 1,600 m. A species of unknown affinity. It has rather the aspect of Atliyrium; but I do not know any species of that genus to which it seems to he very near, and so have been constrained by the form of the sori to describe it as Dryopteris. It suggests Monachosorum in the small sori, blackish dried fronds, and swollen succulent bases of the stipes. It is more primitive and generalized than any other fern, known to me, with naked sori. ATHYRIUM Roth. Athyrium macrocarpum (Bl.) Bedd. Ferns South. Ind. (1863) t. 152, 153. A. halconense Christ in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 3 (1908) 273. Luzon, Province of Laguna, Mount Banajao, Copeland 2120, altitude 2,200 m. The plaut called Athyrium halconense is a form with exceptionally uniform and entire pinnae. Although recognizing its affinity1 I did not doubt its distinct- ness until I collected on Mount Banajao specimens bearing on the same stem fronds of typical A. macrocarpum, and less adult, but fertile ones, referable to A. halconense, and found with these, less adult plants altogether identical with typical A. halconense. Typical A. macrocarpum has also come in from Mount Pulog, Province of Benguet, Luzon, For. Bur. 16276 Curran, Merritt, it Zschokke. Athyrium anisoptcron Christ is very near this, but is, up to the present time, recognizable by its crowded sori. CURRAN I A genus novum. Rhizomate late repente, palearum cellularum lumine fusco; stipitibus non articulatis; fronde deltoidea, pinnatifida, glabra; venulae inflmae acroscopicae ramis saepe anastomosantibus ; soris dorsalibus elongatis, nudis, paraphysibus carentibus. Currania gracilipes sp. nov. Rhizomate 1 mm crasso, versus apicem paleis sordidis 1.5 mm longis lanceolato-ovatis vestito; stipitibus viridibus stramineisque, filiformibus, usque ad 20 cm altis, glabris; fronde 5-9 cm alta, 3-5.5 cm lata, cordata, ad alam 4 mm latam pinnatifida ; segmentis late oblongis, infimis falcatis, aliis rectis, obtusis, serratis, siccis papyraceis, utrinque viridibus; venulis furcatis, ramo inferiore saepius iterum furcato, liberis vel ramis 2 venulae inflmae acroscopicae sursum coadunatis; soris utroque latere uni- vel bi- seriatis, oblongis vel linearibus, 1-3 mm longis. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Mount Pulog, For. Bur. 16302 Curran, Merritt, d Zschokke, in rock-crevices of open grass land, altitude 2,900 m, Copeland P. P. E. 112 ; Pauai, alt. 2,300 m, Copeland. This fern is in all probability derived from Athyrium. The paleae have reasonably thin cell-walls and dark contents. The epidermal cells of the frond 1 This Journal, Botany 3 (1908) 291. PHILIPPINE FERNS, IV. 113 are very sinuous in outline, as in “Diplazium.” In outline of frond Athyrium crenato-serratum suggests Currania, but no near relative of the former has simple fronds. I have included in Athyrium several species with naked sori, but in these cases the intermediate relationships were quite clear. Currania, beside having no indusia, is so distinct in aspect and in various characters from any group in Athyrium that its generic separation seems necessary. Fresh fronds have a fine odor of cumarin. ASPLENIUM Linn. Asplenium epiphyticum Copel. Luzon, Province of Laguna, Mount Maquiling, Copeland, altitude 500 m. Hitherto known only from Mindanao. The spores are beset with long spine- or horn-like projections, usually curved, making them look like miniature burrs. The spores of A. scolopendroides J. Sm., and A. trifoliatum Copel., of Borneo, are similar. I have examined the spores of various species of Stenochlaena, to which genus Christ 2 would reduce A. epiphyticum, and have found nothing at all similar, although several species- have rough spores. I also believe this fern and Stenochlaena to be related, and nearly so; but this is none the less an Asplenium for that reason. Asplenium tenuifolium Don Prodr. FI. Nepal. (1825) 8. Luzon, Province of Benguet, exact locality not stated, For. Bur. 15729 Merritt & Curran, exactly like small specimens from Sikkim; Mt. Pulog, 2,300 m. alt., Copeland. Hitherto known only from British India, including Burma. Asplenium gracilifol ium sp. nov. Rhizomate breve, 1.5-2 mm crasso, paleis castaneis 2 mm longis angustis tenuissimis vestito; stipitibus confertis usque ad 10 cm longis, 0.8 mm crassis, castaneis, nitidis, primo paleis conformibus vestitis, glabrescen- tibus; fronde 15-25 cm alta, 2. 5-3.5 cm lata, acuminata, bipinnata, rhachi deorsum castanea sursum alata et viridescente, interdum in alis pinnarum prolifera; pinnis stipitatis, ovatis, obtusis, glabris, herbaceis; pinnulis pinnarum maximarum acroscopicis 1—2, basiscopicis 1, flabellato-cuneatis, usque ad 8 mm longis et 6 mm latis, apice rotundatis, leviter inciso- crenatis, lobis obtusis; venatione laxa; soris brevibus, margine haud approximatis, indusiis latis, pallidis. Luzon, Province of Laguna, Mount Banajao, Copeland 2123, epiphytic on mossy trunks, 1,700 to 2,250 m altitude. This seems to be most nearly related to Asplenium laserpitiifolium, from which, and from the other allied species of the same difficult group, it differs in the very narrow fronds. Asplenium Elmeri is more finely cut, and has the ultimate divisions much narrower, with longer sori. A. gracile F6e, judging from a specimen of Cuming’s, may be this species, although F6e’s figure, of a presumably juvenile form, represents the sori as longer and the teeth as sharp; at any rate Fee’s name is invalid. I have seen this fern only from Mount Banajao, but from this locality have twelve sheets of very uniform specimens. 2 Biologishe und systematische Bedeutung des Dimorphisus und der Missbild- ung bei epiphytischen Farkrautern, besonders Stenochlaena. Verhandl. Schw. Naturforsch. Oesellschaft (1907). 114 COPELAND. PLAGIOGYRIA Mettenius. Plagiogyria nana sp. nov. Plagiogyria gregis P. glaucae Mett. qua statura reducta, pinnis rigidis confertis obtusis conspicue differ! Stipite frondis sterilis 3-5 cm alto, frondis fertilis circiter 15 cm, aerophoris paucis; fronde sterile 10-13 cm alta, 5-6 cm lata; pinnis approximatis vel infimis paullo remotis, fere omnibus liberis, sessilibus, circiter 6 mm latis, obtusis, minute serrulatis, rigide coriaceis, infra glaucis; fronde fertile circiter 10 cm alta, sat con- densata, pinnis 25-35 mm longis, linearibus, falcatis. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Mount Pulog, For. Bur. 16306 Curran, Merritt, d Zschokke, common in grass lands, altitude 2,850 m, Copeland P. P. F. 113. This is conceivably a form of P. glauca, due to the very unusual environment, but is distinct in various respects beside the stature. Specimens growing in brush are of course decidedly les9 dwarfed, but they are still far from typical P. glauca. POLYPODIUM Linn. Polypodium subpi nnatifidum Blume Enum. (1828) 129. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Mount Pulog, For. Bur. 16293 Curran, Merritt, 132 Whit ford cC- Hutchinson, January, 1 !)08. A species well characterized by its broadly ovate or broadly elliptic leaves which are rounded at both ends, and its simple spikes. 3. Notothixos philippinensis Elmer Lead. Philip. Bot. 2 (1908) 471 (phil- ippinense) . Ramulis foliisque j unioribus inflorescentiisque densissime aureo- glanduloso-puberulis ; folds oppositis, petiolatis, subcoriaceis, supra gla- bris, subtus dense aureo- vel griseo-glanduloso-puberulis, ovatis, ovato- lanceolatis vel snbellipticis, basi acutis vel obtusis, supra angustatis, apice acutis vel acuminatis, 4 ad 6 cm longis, cireiter 2.5 cm latis, trinerviis; infloreseentiis axillaribus terminalibusque, cymosis, 2 ad 5 cm longis; floribus 4-meris, ad apices ramulorum subcapitato-congestis. Negros, Cuernos Mountains, near Dumaguete, Elmer 1011^, May, 1908, para- sitic on Canarium at an altitude of about 300 m. Readily distinguished among the Philippine species by its cymose inflorescence. The genus has three species in Australia, one in Ceylon, one in Penang, and the above three in the Philippines. 6. GIN ALLOA North. 1. Ginalloa cumingiana (Presl) F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1883) 185; Vid. Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 141, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 232. Viscum cumingianum Presl Epim. (1851) 255; Walp. Ann. 2: 729. Philippines, without locality, Cuming 1968, type number. Endemic. Var. angustifolia var. nov. Differt a typo foliis multo minoribus angustioribusque, 2 ad 4 cm longis, 2 ad 4 mm latis. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Mount Pulog, For. Bur. 1621(2 Curran, Merritt, & Zscholcke. Negros, Canlaon Volcano, Bur. Sci. 1139 Banks, June, 1906. THE SC1T AMINE/E OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. By H. N. Ridley. ( Director , Botanic Garden , Singapore, Straits Settlements.) This account of the Scitaminece of the Philippine Islands is based on the whole series of specimens in the herbarium of the Bureau of Science, Manila, kindly placed in my hands by Mr. Elmer D. Merrill, which contains a very fine series of specimens of this group collected by many botanists in different islands of the Archipelago, and also collections made by Mr. A. D. E. Elmer. Among the earlier collectors in the Philippines were Haenke, Cuming, and Blanco. The first of these collected a good number of species which were described and figured by Presl in “Reliquiae Haenkeanae.” The types of Presl’s species I have not seen; nearly all have been re-collected, but one or two do not seem to have been met with again. Cuming seems to have obtained comparatively few species of the order. Blanco described a small number, chiefly cultivated species, in the first and second edition of his “Flora de Filipinas,” some of which are figured by Naves in the third edition. Warburg also made extensive collections in the Archi- pelago, and several of the species described by Iv. Schumann in the “Pflanzenreich,” based on material collected by the former, I have not been able to identify with any of the plants collected by the American botanists, and to complete this account I have had to copy Schumann’s descriptions. The area does not seem to be so rich in this group of plants as are the Malay Islands farther west, or the Malay Peninsula. The number of genera, twenty-one, is not quite so large and the number of species is much smaller than in the Malay Peninsula. Of the indigenous genera we have Globba , Hedychium, Gastrochilus , Zingiber, Hornstedtia, Amo- mum, Plagiostachys, Alpinia, and Costus in Zingiberacece, and Phrynium, Phacelophrynium , and Donax in Marantacece, with the endemic genera Kolowratia , Leptosolena and Adelmeria (Z ingib eraceas) , and Mono- phrynium (Marantacece) . Of the genera found in the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, not yet met with in the Philippines, are Odontychium, Camptandra, Haplochorema, Conamomum, FAettanopsis, Geostachys, 83264 — —4 155 156 RIDLEY. Geocharis and Lowia, and, except a,s introduced plants. Curcuma, Kaemp- feria and Phaeomeria. Some notes on the distribution of the sections of the genera represented may he of interest. It is noticeable that in the genus Globba nearly all the species are white-flowered with but few yellow, while in India and the Malay Peninsula yellow-flowered ones predominate. In Borneo yellow ones become rare and white preponderate, and this is further accentuated in the Philippines. Ilcdychium is a genus of two groups, the terrestrial ones whose headquarters is in India, and the epiphytic ones of the tropical forests from Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula to the Philip- pines. I[. coroharium , the only terrestrial species in the Philippines, is widely distributed throughout the eastern islands, but perhaps only in- troduced from the west. Zingiber is one of the genera of which her- barium specimens, unless specially carefully prepared and selected, are generally unidentifiable. It is usually necessary to take the flowers from the water-saturated spike and dry them separately in the field, as they perish or become unrecognizable often before one reaches camp. It is therefore often difficult to get a clear idea of the number of species and their relationships when one has to deal with material dried roughly and without special preparation, such as is found in ordinary collections. Hornstedtia is abundant in the Malay Peninsula, and in Sumatra, Borneo and Java; it thins out towards New Guinea, and as yet but two species have been found in the Philippines. A mo m um does not appear to be strongly represented, but as these plants are often not very free-flowered we shall probably get more species later as collecting goes on. Two of the species described by Schumann under the section Bintalua appear from the descriptions to be species of Plagiosiachys. Plagiostachys, a genus of but few known species, seems to be better represented here than elsewhere, as there appear to be three Philippine species. It ranges from the Malay Peninsula eastwards. Costus, typically an American genus, is represented by a few species in the East Indies, and in the Philippines by two, one widely distributed throughout the East, another endemic and allied to a Malayan species. Alpinia is the most strongly represented genns in the Philippines; it is a typical eastern Asiatic one, ranging to Japan and Polynesia, beyond the region of most of the tropical Asiatic genera. The Marantacece all belong to Malayan genera and are all allied to species of the Malay Peninsula except the endemic genus Monoplirynium. The Cannacece are represented only by introduced species. Lowiacea ? are absent. The M usacece are represented by the introduced Ravenala madagascariensis, some distinct species of Musa, and many forms of Musa sapienium Linn, and M. paradisiaca Linn. Material in this group has not as yet been collected by the American botanists, and there are no specimens in the collection sent to me. THE SCITAMINEiE OF THE PHILIPPINES. 157 Synopsis of the genera. Genus. Species of the Malay Peninsula. Species of the Philip- pines. Endemic in the Phil- ippines. Introduced into the Philip- pines. Philippine j species extending to other islands. i Globba 16 10 7 0 3 Hedychium - 4 2 i 1 0 Kaempferia 2 1 0 1 0 Gastrochilus . 18 1 1 0 0 Curcuma . . - _ 4 2 0 2 0 i Costus . . 4 2 1 0 1 1 Zingiber _ 11 5 4 0 1 Amomum . --- 11 8 8 0 0 Hornstedtia 13 4 4 0 0 i Phaeomeria . - . 4 1 0 1 0 Adelmeria »_ .. - 0 2 2 0 0 I Plagiostachys 2 3 3 0 0 Alpinia _ _ . 18 16 15 0 1 Kolowratia » .. . .. 0 2 2 0 0 i Leptosolena • - - _ 0 2 2 0 0 Donax . ... - - 3 1 0 0 1 Phryniam _ 3 1 1 0 0 I Phacclophrynium - . 1 2 2 0 0 Monophrynium » . __ 0 3 3 0 0 Total 114 68 56 5 7 a Genera endemic in the Philippines. SCITAMINEjE. | 1. Zingiberace/E. Aromatic plants. Fertile stamen one, 2-celled. Staminodes 2, broad and petaloid. Spike or panicle terminal on a leafy stem. Filament long, slender, exceeding the corolla. Lip adnate to the filament above the corolla 1. Globba Lip free 2. Hedychium Filament shorter than the corolla, broad. Anther-cells on a broad thin connective 3. Kaempferia Anther-cells .thick, fleshy 4. Gastrochilus Spike radical, cone-like 5. Curcuma Staminodes small or absent. Leafy stems not spiral; ligule oblong. Spikes radical. Anther with a long, curved beak 0. Zingiber Anther with two curved arms; lip broad 7. Amomum Anther crestless; lip narrow. Spike obconic or cylindric 8. Hornstedtia Spike on a tall peduncle, hemispheric 9. Phaeomeria Spikes lateral from a leafy stem 10. Plagiostachys Inflorescence terminal on the leafy stem. Inflorescence dense, subglobose, with large bracts 11. Adelmeria Inflorescence lax, or of several spikes. Corolla-tube long, slender 12. Leptosolena 158 RIDLEY. Corolla-tube short, thick. Panicle-branches spicatc, with close-set bracts 13. Koloioratia Panicle-branches lax, the bracts small, caducous 14. Alpinio Leafy stem spiral; ligule annular; spike terminal or radical 15. Costus § 2. Marantace.e. Non-aromatic. Fertile stamen one, with a single cell on the edge, the three others petaloid, irregular. Stems erect, shrubby, branched 1C. Donax Stemless plants. Inflorescence panicled, from the side of a petiole, spikes elongate. 17. Phacelophrynium Spikes in a dense lateral head 18. Phrynium Spikes in small heads; flowers solitary in the bracts 19. Monophrynium §3. Cannace.e. Non-aromatic. Panicle terminal. Stamens regular, petaloid, one with a lateral anther-cell 20. Canna §4. Musace^. Stamens five, non-petaloid ; petals and sepals each connate into one organ 21. Musa 1. GLOBBA L. Slender herbs with a short rhizome. Leaves ovate or lanceolate, thin, sheathing, with a small ligule. Inflorescence terminal, panicled, lax. Flowers small, yellow, white, or violet. Calyx tubular, 3-toothed, regular or irregular. Corolla-tube longer, 3-lobed, lobes boat-shaped, deflexed. Staminodes similar. Lip-base adnate by its edges to the stamen, forming a tube, the limb narrow, deflexed, usually bilobed, rarely entire, the fila- ment much longer, erect, slender. Anther small; connective prolonged laterally into a simple margin, or with two to four triangular spurs. Style longer, slender; stigma very small, cup-shaped. Ovary 1-celled, the placentas 3, parietal. Capsule globose, smooth or warted, succulent, dehiscing irregularly. Seeds small, with a white aril. Species about 80, extending from India to Siam, southern China, and the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. § Ceratanthera. Anther-spurs one on each side. Flowers yellow. A tall stout plant, the panicle pyramidal 1. Q. pyramidata A weak small plant, the panicle slender 2. G. parviflora Flowers white. Leaves glabrous. Anther-spurs linear, acuminate 3. G. campsophylla Anther-spurs triangular. Calyx turbinate 4. G. brevifolia Calyx cylindrical 5. G. Merrillii Leaves pubescent beneath. Sheaths pubescent. Staminodes lanceolate, acute G. G. gracilis Staminodes oblong, blunt 7. G. latifolia Sheaths glabrous 8. G. leucocarpa § Marantelea. Antber-spurs two on each side. Flowers yellow 9. G. marantina Flowers black or violet 10. G. ustulata 1. G. pyramidata Gagnepain in Bull. Soc. Bot. France IV 1 (1901) 204„ pi. f. 7-10; K. Schum. in Pflanzenreicli 20 (1904) 146. THE SCITAMINEiE OF THE PHILIPPINES. 159 A tall plant 70 to 90 cm tall, glabrous. Lower sheaths narrow, obtuse, apiculate. Leaves linear-lanceolate or lanceolate, attenuate-acuminate, with a long tail, the base acute, glabrous except for the tip, sometimes ciliolate and hairy, 10 to 25 cm long, 1.5 to 3.5 cm wide; ligule 2 mm long, truncate, glabrous. Panicle pyramidal, somewhat nodding, 8 to 10 cm long. Flowers yellow, sessile and on peduncles 2 to 3 cm long. Calyx shortly toothed, 4 mm long, turbinate. Corolla-tube 1.2 to 1.3 cm long. Staminodes lanceolate, acute. Lip short, broad, shortly bilobed. Anther with two short lunulate wings. Bunuan Island, near Mindanao (Montayio 203 1), in Herb. Mus. Paris. Also found in Cambodia. The figure resembles G. Merrillii, but that species has white, not yellow flowers. 2. G. parviflora Presl Rel. Haenk. 1 (1827) 115; K. Schum. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 27 (1899) 330; Pflanzenreich 1. c. 146. Stem slender, about 40 cm tall. Leaves linear-lanceolate, acuminate, attenuate, the base acute or rounded, glabrous, 30 cm long, 2 to 3 cm wide. Panicle weak and lax, 8 to 9 cm long, the branches few, slender, the lower ones 3 cm long. Bracts linear-oblong, obtuse, 1 to 3 mm long, persistent. Calyx funnel-shaped, 3-toothed, one tooth blunt, the other two mucronate. Corolla-tube slender, thrice as long, the lobes oblong, 4 mm long, concave, yellow. Staminodes widely linear-lanceolate, acuminate, a little longer. Lip subcuneate, bilobed, 5 mm long. Anther- spurs rising from a little above the base, subulate, curved. Luzon, Province of Sorsogon, (Haenke) : Province of Albay, Mount Mayon, Bur. Sci. 2910 M earns: Province of Tayabas, Sampaloc, (Warburg) : Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Merrill 21 82, 2183. A small weak plant remarkable for its yellow flowers. It has a tendency to have all the flowers secund, that is, turned upwards on one side. Endemic. 3. G. campsophylla K. Schum. in Pflanzenreich 1. c. 145. G. parviflora Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 152; K. Schum. in Engl. Bot. jahrb. 27 (1899) 330, non Presl. A slender plant about 50 to 60 cm tall. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, with a long point, glabrous, narrowed a little abruptly at the base and shortly petioled, 9 to 15 cm long, 1 to 2 cm wide ; petiole about 3 mm long; ligule very short, rounded, truncate, quite glabrous. Panicle 9 cm long, lax, with slender branches 3 cm long. Bracts linear-oblong, rounded, glandular-dotted, 2 mm long. Flowers white, on short articula- tions. Calyx funnel-shaped, with three, equal, ovate lobes, keefed and shortly mucronate, glandular-dotted. Corolla-tube slender, three times as long as the calyx, the lobes oblong, the upper one hooded, all glandular- dotted. Staminodes linear, longer, obtuse, glandular-dotted and pubes- cent. Lip rather deeply bilobed, the lobes linear, obtuse, glandular- dotted. Anther strongly glandular-dotted on the back, the spurs linear, acuminate, curved, much longer than the anther. Fruit rather large, 1 Specimens cited in parenthesis not seen. 160 RIDLEY. globose or oblong, about 1 cm long, glandular-dotted. Seeds numerous, covered with a white silky pubescence, and with a finely cut aril at the base. Luzon, Province of Nueva Ecija, Cuming 1390: Province of Cavite, Maragon- dong, Merrill J/177 : Province of Bataan, Lamao River, For. Bur. 1461 Ahern’s collector: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 1110 Ramos: Province of Bulacan, For. Bur. 7208 Curran. Samar, Catubig River, Merrill 5207. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 417: Province of Surigao, Bolster 338: District of Zamboanga, Copeland s. n.: District of Davao, Malita, Copeland 662. Endemic. 4. G. brevifolia K. Sebum, in Pflanzenreich 1. c. 145. 0. par vi folia Presl var. brevifolia K. Schum. in Engl. Bot. Jalirb. 27 (1899) 330. A slender plant with stems 10 to 20 cm long. Leaves four or five only, sessile or very shortly petioled, lanceolate or suboblong-lanceolate, rather long attenuate-acuminate, hardly caudate, the base rounded, sometimes subcordate, quite glabrous except for a few scattered hairs especially at the tip, 5 to 6 cm long, 1.3 to 2 cm wide; ligule very short, scarcely 0.5 mm long, ciliolate as is also the sheath. Panicle 4 to 6 cm long, lax. Lower bracts minute, scarcely 1 mm long, suborbicular, rounded at the tip, the upper ones twice as long, ovate or acuminate, persistent. Branches capillary, 1 to 2 cm long, glabrous. Flowers long-pedicelled. Bracteoles resembling the bracts, persistent. Ovary ellipsoid, 2 mm long, glabrous, smooth. Calyx turbinate, with three obtuse lobes. Corolla not described. Anther with a triangular wing on each side. Luzon, Province of Zambales, near Palauig, ( Warburg 11,066), in Herb. Berol. Endemic. 5. G. Merrillii Ridl. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (1905) 83. A rather stout plant with long woolly tufted roots, the stem 60 to 90 cm tall. Leaves broadly lanceolate, long and very gradually acuminate, 12 to 20 cm long, 3 to 6 cm wide, the base rounded, inequilateral; petiole 2 to 3 mm long; ligule very short, truncate; all glabrous, except occa- sionally the lower leaves which are pubescent at the base. Panicle lax, 15 cm long, with remote 2 cm long branches. Bracts lanceolate, acute, caducous. Flowers white. Calyx-tube cylindric, very shortly and equally toothed. Corolla-tube slender, more than twice as long as the calyx, the lobes oblong-obovate, glandular-dotted. Staminodes smaller. Lip linear- oblong, entire, rounded at the tip, spoon-shaped, short. Filament short and broad. Anther elliptic, the spurs elongate, triangular, longer than the anther. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Merrill 3869, Whitford 481, Leiberg 6158, For. Bur. 1598 Borden. Endemic. THE SCITAMINE.H OF THE PHILIPPINES. 161 6. G. gracilis K. Sebum, in Pflanzenreich 1. c. 145. Slender, stems 25 to 35 cm tall, the five lowest sheaths narrow, acute, pilose and ciliate. Leaves 7 or 8, sessile or very shortly (2 mm) petioled, lanceolate or suboblong-lanceolate, acuminate, not distinctly caudate, the upper surface papillose rather than pilose, beneath pilose, 3.5 to 9 cm long, 1.2 to 2.5 cm wide; ligule scarcely 1 mm long, truncate, pilose. Panicle 4.5 to 6.5 cm long, minutely pilose, the lower branches 3.5 cm long, with 4 or 5, rarely 6, flowers. Bracts very caducous. Brac- teoles minute, 1 to 1.5 mm long, oblong-ovate, obtuse, caducous. Ovary glabrous, scarcely 1 mm long. Calyx 3 mm long, very shortly toothed. Corolla-tube very slender, 1.7 cm long, the lobes 3 mm long. Staminodes lanceolate, acute, 4 mm long. Lip 5 mm long, bilobed. Anther oblong, the spurs curved upwards, acuminate. Mindanao, District of Davao, Mount Dagatpan, (Warburg 15480), in forests, 300 to 1,000 m altitude: Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. 4572 M earns & Hutchinson. Negros, Elmer 10033. Endemic. 7. Globba latifolia sp. nov. Stem about 90 cm tall, the lower 30 cm covered with sheaths only, which are oblong, rounded at the tip, mucronate, pubescent. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, attenuate, acuminate, acute, not caudate, the base cuneate, the upper surface glabrous, the lower pubescent, 20 to 24 cm long, 3 to 4 cm wide; petiole very short; ligule short, rounded, ciliate; sheath strongly ribbed, the margins pubescent. Panicles 15 cm long, the branches spreading, remote, 3 to 4 cm long. Flowers sessile, white. Bracts caducous. Bracteoles ovate, acute, pallid, glandular-dotted. Calyx cylindric, slightly dilated upwards, the lobes equal, one-third the length of the calyx, oblong, obtuse, glandular-dotted. Corolla-tube twice as long as the calyx, rather thick, the lobes one-half as long as the tube, oblong, blunt. Staminodes very similar, obtuse, linear-oblong. Lip short, bifid to the base and with two elliptic-ovate rounded lobes, the adnate portion of the lip deeply grooved and with two very distinct processes at the upper angle. Filament slender, 1 cm long. Anther oblong, with a pair of falcate, acuminate, appendages rising from the center of the side and longer than the anther. Fruit elliptic, 1 cm long, smooth. Seeds numerous. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, San Ramon, Copeland s. n., Sax River, Williams 2324. Mindoro, Baco River, Merrill 4064- Very distinct among the Philippine species on account of its broad leaves, short flowers and short, deeply lobed lip. 8. G. leucocarpa sp. nov. Whole plant 1 m tall, the sheaths glabrous. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate or lanceolate, acuminate, hardly caudate, the base rounded or shortly 162 RIDLEY. narrowed, the upper surface glabrous, the lower thickly and minutely pubescent, more hairy along the midrib, 13 cm long, 2 to 3 cm wide; petiole very short; ligule short, glabrous. Panicle lax, 11 cm long, with numerous, remote, slender, spreading, 4 cm long branches. Bracts cadu- cous, linear-oblong, obtuse, 3 mm long. Flowers white, nearly sessile, on short articulations. Bracteoles lanceolate, obtuse. Calyx infundi- buliform, with three, unequal, ovate lobes which are keeled and mucro- nate, glandular-dotted. Corolla-tube twice as long as the calyx, slender, the lobes reflexed, boat-shaped, the upper one hooded, mucronulate. Staminodes longer, linear, obtuse, thinner. Lip narrow, deeply bifid and with narrow blunt linear lobes. Anther-cells rather narrow, linear, the spurs lanceolate, acuminate, rather narrow, curved. Fruit white. Luzon, I tovince of Benguet, Twin Peaks, Elmer 6^65, on cliffs and stream banks. Mindoro, Baco River, Merrill 1789, J,061,a ; McGregor 201, in humid forests. Leyte, Palo, Elmer 7298. This species is distinguished by its quite glabrous sheaths and ligules, while the lower surface of the leaves is pubescent. It differs from G. gracilis K. Sebum., not only in its glabrous sheaths, but also in its linear obtuse staminodes. 9. G. marantina Linn. Mant. 2 (1771) 170; Rose, in Trans. Linn. Soc. 8 (1807) 356; Monan. PI. (1828) t. Ill ; Smith. Exot. Bot. 2 (1804) 85, t. 103; Roxb. FI. Ind. 1 (1820) 77; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 3 (1857) 561; Baker in Hook, f. FI. Brit. Ind. 6 (1890) 206; Presl Rel. Haenk. 1 (1827) 115; K. Schum. in Pflanzenreich 1. c. 156. G. ectobolus K. Schum. in Pflanzenreich 1. c. 156. G. llarthci Gagnepain in Bull. Soc. Bot. France IV 1 (1901) 208; K Schum 1. c. 169. Q. heterobractea K. Schum. 1. c. 159. A stout or slender plant 30 to 45 cm tall, the basal sheaths more or less hairy, always ciliate on the edge. Leaves lanceolate to ovate or elliptic-ovate, acuminate, 15 cm long, G cm wide, the base cuneate, the upper surface glabrous, the lower hairy; petiole very short and hardly distinct; ligule very short, rounded, hairy, ciliate on the edge. Panicle dense, very shortly peduncled, 4 cm long, at first fusiform, later dilated and almost oblong, the rachis hairy. Bracts persistent, ovate, rounded, glandular-dotted, ciliate on the edge and often pubescent all over, the lowest ones 1 cm long and containing bulbils, frequently all the bracts bulbiferous and flowerless. Bulbils conic, acuminate, green, warty when dry? frequently produced also in the axils of the leaves. Flowers yellow, on short branches, unilateral. Floral bracts oblong, cuspidate, glandular- dotted. Ovary warted, glabrous. Calyx tubular, hardly dilated upward, 3-toothed, two teeth mucronulate, one shorter, lanceolate, not mucronu- late, all glandular-dotted. Corolla-tube three times as long, glandular and subpubescent, the lobes ovate, minutely pubescent, glandular-dotted. THE SCITAMINE.E OF THE PHILIPPINES. 163 Staminodes similar but more elliptic. Lip short, oblong, cuneate, widely retuse, the terminal points obtuse. Filament fairly stout. Anther-spurs 4, triangular, acuminate, equal. Luzon, Province of Cavite, Mendez Nunez, Bur. Sci, 1455 Mangubat; Mara- gondong, Merrill 4168: Province of Rizal, San Mateo, For. Bur. 1846, 8259 Ahern's collector ; Bosoboso, Merrill 2844 : Province of Pampanga, Mount Arayat, (Warburg 14069, fide Schumann sub G. heterobractea) , Merrill 4232: Province of Laguna, Jalajala, ( Meyen , fide Schumann sub G. ectobolus) : near Manila, (Barthc, fide Gagnepain sub G. Barthei) : Province of Pangasinan, Merrill 2874 • Panay, San Jose, Yoder 14 . Amboina, Celebes, Batchian, New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago; also as a weed of cultivation in Penang, Singapore and Java. It is quite impossible to break up this species into the various “species” founded by Schumann and Gagnepain. I can not find a reliable character in any of the Philippine plants that I have seen, which justifies separating specifically any of the forms. G. ectobolus Schum. has for its chief character the production of bulbils in the axils of the stem leaves, a character which I have also seen in typical G. marantina introduced by Javanese from Java into Penang. G. Barthei Gagnepain, which I take to be the typical Philippine form, has broader leaves and a stouter stem than has the form that occurs occasionally as a weed in the Straits Settlements. There is a considerable degree of variability in the pubescence of the various parts of the specimens. In some, at least, short processes arise on the corolla - tube and lobes, hardly long enough to be called pubescence. I have long ago pointed out the valueless character of the production or nonproduction of bulbils, for I have hardly met with any Globba in any abundance which does not oc- casionally produce them. G. marantina, which was for many years a weed in the Botanic Gardens in Singapore, and of which Schumann says that he had never seen flowers, eventually produced a few flowers, although almost every plant produced bulbils only for a number of years. Probably G. strobilifera Zoll. (G. Zollingeri Gagnep.) of Java is the same species. 10. G. ustulata Gagnepain in Bull. Soc. Bot. France IV 1 (1901) 208, pi. 7, f. 5-7 ; K. Schum. in Pflanzenreich 1. c. 158. An herb 40 cm tall, with ciliate sheaths. Leaves lanceolate, acumi- nate, petioled, slightly pilose, velvety beneath, ciliolate, 15 cm long, 4 cm wide; ligule 1.5 to 2 mm long, the margins villous. Panicle sessile, dense, 5 cm long. Bracts orbicular or elliptic, 1.2 cm long, black at the tips, bulbiliferous. Flowers two or three together on a short peduncle, black or purple. Ovary smooth, glabrous. Calyx 7 mm long, 3-toothed, the teeth mucronate. Corolla-tube 1.2 to 1.4 cm long, upper lobe with a long mucro 1 mm long. Anther 4-spurred, spurs acuminate. Busuanga, Calamianes Islands, (Marche 227 B), in Herb. Mus. Paris. Indo-China. I should reduce this species also to G. marantina L. from the description, for I have seen no specimens, were it not for the statement that the flowers are black or purple, a most unusual, if not unique character in the genus, and for the mucronate upper petal. 164 RIDLEY. 2. HEDYCHIUM Koenig. Terrestrial or epiphytic herbs. Steins elongate, leafy. Leaves oblong or lanceolate. Inflorescence a terminal spike. Bracts oblong or lanceo- late, subcoriaceous. Flowers one or more to each bract, showy. Calyx tubular, 3-toothed. Corolla-tube long, slender, the lobes linear, spread- ing or reflexed. Staminodes linear. Filament long, slender; connec- tive not prolonged. Lip large, bifid. Ovary 3-celled, many-ovuled. Style long, filiform; stigma small. Capsule globose or oblong, 3-valved. Seeds many, small, with a colored aril. Species about 40, Indo-Malayan. Terrestrial; flowers large, white 1. H. coronarium Epiphytic; flowers red 2. H. philippinense 1. H. coronarium Koen. in Retz. Ohs. 3 (1783) 73; Rose, in Trans. Linn. Soc. 8 (1807) 343, 1. 20, f. 6; Monan'dr. PI. (1828) t. 51; Sims in Bot. Mag. t. 708; Smith Exot. Bot. 2 (1805) t. 107; Wight Icon. t. 2010 ; Horan. Monogr. (1862) 24; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 6 (1892) 225; K. Sebum, in Pflanzenreich 20 (1904) 44. H. gandasulium, II. prophetae & II. album Ham. ex Wall, in Hook. Kew Journ. Bot. 5 (1853) 325. H. lingulatum Hassk. PI. Jav. Rar. (1848) 135; Horan. Monogr. (1862) 25. Stems 1 to 2 m tall. Leaves oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate, acumi- nate, base acute, the upper surface glabrous, the lower pubescent or glabrous, 8 to 60 cm long, 3 to 11 cm wide; ligule 2 to 3 cm long, membranous, obtuse. Spike ellipsoid, 5 to 12 cm long, 4 to 8 cm thick. Bracts ovate, obtuse, green with a pale margin, 2- or 3-fiowered, 4 to 5.5 cm long, 2 to 3 cm wide. Ovary silky, 5 mm long. Calyx tubular, cleft on one side, 4 cm long. Corolla white, the tube cylindric, 8 cm long, the lobes narrow, lanceolate. Lip obcordate or obovate, more or less deeply bilobed, white with a yellow median line. Staminodes broad, oblong-lanceolate, blunt, 4 cm long. Stamen shorter than or equaling the lip, 3.5 cm long, white; anther 12 mm long. Capsule oblong. Seed angled, with a lacerate aril. Samar, Catubig, Merrill 5226. Mindanao, Like Lanao, Camp Keitbley, Mrs. Clemens 77. Probably a native of the Himalayan region but now spread as an alien or garden escape over most of the tropics. 2. H. philippinense K. Schum. in Pflanzenreich 1. c. 47. An epiphytic herb 0.5 to 1 m tall. Stems solitary or two or three in a cluster. Leaves lanceolate, petiolate, 23 to 45 cm long, 7 to 8 cm wide, glabrous, the apex acute, the base narrowed to the petiole, pale beneath; petiole about 2 cm long; ligule large, membranous, acute. Spike subterminal, cylindric, nearly sessile, 9 cm long, 2 cm thick. Bracts elliptic or lanceolate, subacute or obtuse, coriaceous, punctate, ribbed, closely imbricate, 1 to 1.5 cm wide, pubescent at the apex, the margins scarious. Bracteoles tubular, split on one side, pubescent. Flow- ers in threes, yellow. Ovary glabrous. Calyx tubular, slender, 4 to 6 THE SCITAMINEHS OF THE PHILIPPINES. 165 cm long, pubescent, split on one side. Corolla-tube slender, twice as long as the calyx, the lobes linear, 3 cm long. Staminodes wider, linear- oblanceolate. Lip obovate, bilobed, 2 cm long, glandular-dotted, the margins crisped. Stamen as long as the lip. Capsule triquetrous, 3 cm long, orange-yellow. Seeds dark-red, elliptic, 5 mm long, ribbed, the aril fibrillose, red. Sulu Archipelago, (Vidal 3924). Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 7.'/ 7. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Lucban, Elmer 7 909. Allied to H. borneense Ridl. Endemic. 3. KAEM PFERI A Linn. Small herbs with tuberous aromatic rhizomes, the stems short. Leaves ovate or lanceolate. Inflorescence spicate, very shortly peduncled, with a few lanceolate bracts. Flowers fugacious, thin-textured, produced singly, white or violet. Calyx short, cylindric. Corolla-tube slender, the lobes narrow, linear. Staminodes very large, rounded, clawed, spread- ing. Lip similar, bilobed. Stamen thin, flat, not exserted; anther narrow, crested. Capsule oblong, thin-walled. Species about 20, Indian and Siamese, one or two Malayan. 1. K. galanga Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 2; Hort. Cliff. 2 (1837) t. 3; Blume Enum. PI. Jav. (1827) 47; Rose. Monandr. PI. (1828) t. 92; Roxb. As. Research. 11 (1810) 327; FI. Ind. 1 (1820) 15; Wight. Icon. (1844) t. 899; Horan. Monog. (1862) 2; Baker in Hook. f. Brit. Ind. 6 (1890) 219; K. Schum. in Pflanzenreich 20 (1904) 77. K. sessilis Koenig in Retz. Obs. 3 (1783) 67. K. humilis Salisb. Prodr. (1796) 6. K. plantaginifolia Salisb. in Trans. Hort. Soc. 1 (1812) 286. Stemless, with a tuberous rhizome. Leaves two, horizontal, orbicular, subacute, the base rounded, 7 to 13 cm long, 4 to 9 cm wide. Flowers 6 to 12, fragrant, white. Bracts short, lanceolate, green. Calyx short. Corolla-tube 2.5 cm long, the lobes lanceolate. Staminodes cuneate, obovate, 1.2 cm long. Lip 2.5 cm long and nearly as wide, bilobed, the base spotted, violet, the rest white. Stamen thin, the crest quadrate, bilobed. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 1181, 1560 Ramos: Province of Cagayan, (Cuming 1331) : Province of Tayabas, near Lucban, Elmer 7408. Native names, Cusol, Guisol, Dusol, Dusog. A commonly cultivated plant of Indian origin, occurring all over the East as a garden escape. 4. GASTROCHILUS Wallich. Low herbs with a creeping aromatic rhizome, the stems short or none. Leaves lanceolate or ovate, petioled, solitary or in tufts of from two to four. Spike axillary, central, or from the rhizome. Bracts large or of moderate size, thin. Flowers thin, opening singly, white, yellow, or red. Calyx tubular, spathaceous. Corolla-tube long, slender, the lobes oblong or lanceolate. Staminodes similar, petaloid. Lip oblong or obovate, saccate or convolute, entire or more or less lobed at the apex. 166 RIDLEY. Stamen-filament thick, fleshy. Anther oblong, crest small, sometimes absent. Species about 30, Indo-Malayan or Siamese. G. longipetiolata sp. nov. Khizome not seen. Leaves two, elongate, linear-lanceolate, obtuse, thin, glabrous on the upper surface, beneath sparingly pubescent, 14 cm long, 2 cm wide, the keel elevated at the rounded base ; petiole 5 to 9 cm long. Spike central, 4 cm long, subcylindric. Bracts lanceolate, acumi- nate, pubescent especially on the edges. Calyx spathaceous, short. Corolla-tube slender, 4 cm long, the lobes lanceolate, acute, 8 mm long. Lip a little longer, obovate, the margins crisped. Stamen half as long; anther linear, the crest long, oblong, apex rounded, ovate. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 9110 Whitford & Hutchinson. The first representative of the genus recorded from the Philippines, only one specimen with a single flower seen. It belongs to the section Mesantha, and is allied to G. longipes King & Prain. Species of this genus are comparatively seldom met with in flower in forests owing to the fugacity of their flowers, and these plants are seldom obtained by collectors of herbarium specimens. There are probably more species in the Philippines, but the only way to obtain satisfactory material is to bring in the living plants and cultivate them. 5. CURCUMA Linn. Herbs with aromatic rhizomes and tuberous or fibrous roots. Leaves oblong or obovate, usually tufted, rarely solitary. Spikes peduncled, from the rhizome, with the leaves or not. Bracts persistent, forming a cone, usually brightly colored, the uppermost ones often empty, longer and of a different color. Flowers several in each bract, with several bracteoles, short-lived. Calyx short, cylindric, toothed. Corolla-tube broad, funnel-shaped, the lobes ovate or oblong. Stamen oblong, peta- loid. Lip orbicular or obovate. Filament of stamen short, broad. Anther-cells parallel, sometimes spurred at the base, crested or not. Style filiform. Ovary 3-celled, many-ovuled. Capsule membranous, globose, 3-valved. Seeds arillate, ovoid or oblong. Species about 35, India to Siam, Malaya, and Australia. The greater part of the genus is Indian and Burmese, and of these species several have been widely distributed in the East in cultivation, and have there occasionally established themselves in and near villages, or persisted long after the villages have disappeared. Such are the species occurring in the Philippines. 1. C. Zedoaria Rose. Monandr. PI. (1828) t. 109; Horan. Monog. (1802) 23; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 6 (1890) 210; K. Schum. Pflanzenreich 20 (1904) 110; Ridl. Mater. FI. Malay. Penin. 2 (1907) 21. C. Zcrumbet Roxb. PI. Coromandel 2 (1798) t. 101; As. Research. 11 (1810) 333; FI. Ind. 1 (1820) 23. C. longiflora Salisb. in Trans. Hort. Soc. 1 (1812) 285. C. speciosa Link Enum. 1 (1821) 3. Amomum Zerumbeth Koenig in Retz. Obs. 2 (1783) 55. A. latifolium Lam. Encycl. 1 (1783) 134. THE SCITAMINEJS OP THE PHILIPPINES. 167 Rhizome large, fleshy, with oblong rounded tubers, orange-colored inside. Leaves in pairs, lanceolate, cuspidate, glabrous, thin, bright green, with usually a central purple-brown bar, 25 to 60 cm long, 8 to 15 cm wide. Scape from the rhizome, not from the leaf-tuft, often appearing without the leaves, the peduncle 15 cm long, the spike as long as the peduncle, of about 20 bracts, the lower ones green, more or less tipped with pink, the upper ones lanceolate, deep-crimson. Flowers four to each bract. Bracteoles thin, transparent, 2 cm long, lanceolate. Calyx small, bifid, hairy. Corolla-tube 2 cm long, funnel-shaped, yellow- ish-white, the lobes 1 cm long. Staminodes oblong, obtuse, erect. Lip oblong-obovate, bilobed, yellowish. Stamen-filament adnate to the stami- nodes, short, broad. Anther spurred. Capsule ovoid, trigonous, straw- colored, dehiscing irregularly. Seeds ellipsoid, the aril white, lacerate. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Antipolo, For. Bur. 7046 Curran ; Malapadnabato, Merrill 2113: Province of Bataan, Lamao River, Whitford 1267, Leiberg 611$: Province of Benguet, Sablan, Elmer 6110: Province of Zambales, For. Bur. 6924 Curran: Province of Pampanga, Bolster 26. Negros, For. Bur. 11235 Everett. Guimaras, Ritchie 26. Mindoro, Pola, Merrill 2404; Man sal ay, Merrill 908. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Mrs. Clemens 425. The zedoary is said to be wild in the eastern Himalayas, and is now spread all over the tropics of the East, being cultivated for curry stuff and as medicine. It readily establishes itself and remains long after the disappearance of the garden in which it was formerly cultivated. Mr. Ritchie gives the native name Lampoyang for it. This word is the Malay one for Zingiber Cassumunar and is wrongly affixed to the zedoary. 2. C. longa Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 2; Koenig in Retz. Obs. 3 (1783) 71; Roxb. As. Research. 11 (1810) 340; FI. Ind. 1 (1820) 32; Horan. Monog. (1802) 23; Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 88b; Bentley & Trimen Med. PI. t. 269; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 6 (1890) 214; K. Schum. in Pflanzenreich 1. c. 108. C. domestica Lour. FI. Cochinch. (1790) 10. Amomum curcuma Jacq. Hort. Vindob. 3 (1776) t. 4- Rhizome large, with elliptic or cylindric tubers, the interior deep- orange-red. Leaves 5 or 6, thin, lanceolate or oblong-elliptic, acuminate, cuspidate, glabrous, pale-green, 45 cm long, 12 to 18 cm wide; petiole channeled, 20 cm long. Spike 10 to 20 cm long, on a peduncle of about the same length. Bracts oblong to lanceolate, 2 to 3 cm long, spreading, recurved, pale-green, the terminal ones sometimes rosy. Calyx tubular, with three short points. Corolla-tube longer, the lobes oblong, obtuse, creamy-white. Lip oblong, the sides curved upward and the tip deflexed, apex truncate, white with a deep-yellow central bar. Stami- nodes as long as the petals. Stamen- filament broad ; anther small, ovate, with two rather long decurved horn-like processes, the connective not prolonged. Palawan, For. Bur. 7457 Curran, near the seashore. The turmeric is a native of India, and here is obviously an escape from cultivation. 168 ItIDLEY. G. ZINGIBER Adans. Herbs with short, thick, more or less aromatic rhizomes. Stems leafy, the leaves lanceolate or elliptic. Spike from the rhizome, rarely on the leafy stem, sessile or usually peduncled, cylindric, conic, or fusiform, with large, dense, yellow, red, or green bracts inclosing one or more flowers. Calyx tubular, three-lobed,* short. Corolla-tube rather longer than the bract, with oblong or lanceolate lobes, usually white, or creamy, sometimes marbled black. Staminodes wanting. Lip 3-lobed, median lobe longer. Stamen-filament linear ; anther-cells linear, the connective prolonged into a long curved beak. Style as long. Capsule thin-walled, splitting into three valves. Seed black, angled, arillate. Species about 30, Indo-Malaya to northern Australia. There are two or three species, perhaps more, in the material submitted, too incomplete to describe. These plants have the spikes so full of water that they require the flowers to be separately dried, or they quickly rot. Spikes terminal on the leafy stem; bracts narrow, oblong 1. Z. mollis Spikes radical. Spikes glabrous, cylindric, blunt 2. Z. Zerumbet Spikes pubescent, acute 3. Z. pubisquama, 1. Z. mollis sp. now Stems solitary, slender, about GO cm tall, the rhizome short. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, 12 to 15 cm long, 2 cm wide, acuminate, caudate, narrowed at the base, not petioled, the upper surface glabrous, beneath sprinkled with white hairs; ligule papery, rounded, entire, glabrous; sbeath sparingly hairy. Spike terminal, cylindric, 6 cm long. Bracts yellow, narrowly oblong, apex rounded, 2 cm long and nearly 1 cm wide at the base. Bracteoles narrower, oblong, glandular-dotted on the edge. Ovary glabrous. Calyx thinly spathaceous, tubular, bifid into two lan- ceolate lobes, 2 cm long. Corolla-tube cylindric, 2.5 cm long, the lobes lanceolate, acuminate, acute, 1.5 cm long. Lip trilobed, rather large, the lateral lobes nearly as long as the middle one, which is entire and blunt. Stamen-connective beak-like, slender, curved. Capsule oblong, red, dehiscing, yellow7 inside. Seeds black. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Baguio, For. Bur. .’/8S6, 491-i Curran ; Mount Tonglon, Merrill 1/843: Province of Pampanga, Mount Abu, Bur. Sci. 1985 Fox- worthy, altitude 1,330 m. Xf.gros, Elmer 981/3. var. /?. Leaves more elliptic in outline; ligule and sheath densely pubescent. Spike on a leafless peduncle from the rhizome. Peduncle 10 to 15 cm long, with distant tubular sheaths. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Mount Banajao, Elmer 8133: Province of Pam- panga, Mount Abu, Bur. Sci. 1991 Foxworthy. One of the rarest gingers in this locality, growing in loose soil in shaded ravines at 700 meters, inflorescence red (Elmer) ; forested slopes in ravines at 1,3G0 meters (Foxworthv). This ginger seems to be allied to Z. officinale as much as to any other species, and like it has the spike sometimes borne on the top of the leafy stem and also on the rhizome like the majority of the species of the genus. THE SCITAMINEiE OF THE PHILIPPINES. 169 2. Z. Zerumbet Sm. Exot. Bot. 2 (1804) 103, t. 112; Roscoe in Trans. Linn. Soc. 6 (1807) 348; Monandr. PI. (1828) t. 8 1; Horan. Monogr. (1862) 27; Bot. Mag. t. 2000; Wight Icon. (1853) t. 2002; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 6 (1890) 247; Ridl. Mater. FI. Malay. Benin. 2 (1907) 27; K. Schum. in Pflanzen- reich 20 (1904) 172. Z. Blancoi Hassk. in Flora 47 (1864) 20. Z. amaricans Blume Enum. PI. Jav. 1 (1827) 43. Z. spurium Ivoen. in Retz. Obs. 3 (1783) 60. Z. ovoideum Blume 1. c. 43. Z. truncatum Stokes Bot. Mat. Med. 1 (1848) 68e. Amomum Zerumbet Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 1; Jacq. Hort. Yindob. 3 (1776) t. 51. A. spurium Gmel. Syst. 2 (1792) 6. A. sylvestre Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Suppl. 5 (1817) 548. Zerumbet zingiber Lestib. Ann. Sci. Nat. II 15 (1891) 329. Amomum zingiber Naves in Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 3, pi. 131, non Linn. Rhizome thick, yellow, becoming white inside. Stems fairly stout, 30 to 45 cm tall. Leaves lanceolate, broad, glabrous except along the midrib which is hairy, 12 to 15 cm long, 5 to 7 cm wide; ligule papery, brown, 1 cm long. Spikes globose at first, becoming cylindric, blunt, as long or longer than the peduncle. Bracts broad, rounded, green turning red, the edges paler, hairy. Calyx spathaceous, 1 cm long, white. Corolla-tube twice as long, the lobes lanceolate, acute, white. Lip broad and short, the lateral lobes rounded, the middle one orbicular to ovate, retuse, pale-yellow and with an orange bar or faintly mottled with pink. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Lamao River, Whitford 1361, Lciberg 6089, Elmer 7 028: Province of Cavite, Bur. Sci. 1151 Mangubat: Manila, Merrill 3110. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens. Native names Lumbong usa; Layang usa ; Lampuyang. This is a widely distributed village plant all over the eastern islands; its original home seems to be unknown. 3. Z. pubisquama sp. nov. Leafy stem tall and stout, 1 cm thick. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, acute, the upper surface glabrous, finely ribbed, the back glabrous except the ribbed keel which is covered with pale hairs, 22 cm long, 3 to 4 cm wide ; ligule very short, oblong, the edges ciliate ; sheaths nearly glabrous. Inflorescence elongate, cylindric, acute, 14 to 15 cm long, 4 cm thick, on a stout peduncle 16 cm long, covered laxly with oblong sheaths 5 cm long, hairy, apex truncate. Bracts narrowly oblong, blunt, 3 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, closely appressed, hairy ; inner bract linear-oblong, tip rounded, hairy, 3 cm long, 1 cm wide; floral bract thin, papery. Calyx thin, tubular, apex 3-lobed, 1.5 cm long. Corolla-tube slender, 3 cm long, glabrous, the lobes oblong, acute, hooded at the tip, 1 cm long, 3 mm wide. Lip broad, more fleshy. Anther narrowly oblong, the connective-beak 6 mm long. Style a little longer, cup-shaped. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 1163a. Allied to Z. Cassumunar Roxb. 170 RIDLEY. INCOMPLETE SPECIES. 4. Z. sp. Leaves not seen. Spike stout, 30 cm long, 6 cm wide, cylindric, obtuse, the peduncle 7 cm long, covered with lax sheaths. Bracts large, oblong, narrowed a little at the base, the upper margin truncate, rounded, involute, 4 cm long, 2 cm wide, finely ribbed, glabrous. Bracteole tubular, spathaceous, the limb lanceolate, hairy, 4 cm long. Calyx thin, glabrous, tubular, apex rounded. Corolla-tube 2 cm long, the lobes as long, lanceolate, acute. Connective of the anther 1 cm long, grooved. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens. A fine species, allied to Z. spectabile Griff. Unfortunately no leaves were collected, nor was any description given of the habit or color, and I had only one poorly preserved flower to examine. The specimen is therefore insufficient for a proper description. 5. Z. sp. Stem 2.4 in tall. Leaves lanceolate, petioled, the base narrowed grad- ually to the petiole, apex acute, 38 cm long, 7 cm wide, the petiole 2 cm long, glabrous; ligule large, 1 cm long, rounded. Spike subterminal on the leafy stem, deilexed, cylindric, 8 cm long, 3 cm thick. Bracts obovate, rounded, white, 1 cm wide, glabrous except for a few hairs on the edges, strongly ribbed. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Sablan, Elmer 6255, very rare, on precipitous slopes in deeply shaded ravines. There are no flowers on the specimen, which is therefore unidentifiable, but it is very distinct from any other Philippine species. 7. AMOMUM L. lfhizome usually long. Leafy stems tall. Leaves lanceolate, oblong, or linear. Inflorescence obconic, or elongate, on a short peduncle from the rhizome. Bracts lanceolate or ovate, containing one or more flowers inclosed in thin bracteoles. Calyx as long as the corolla-tube. Corolla- lobes oblong or lanceolate. Staminodes absent or small. Lip large often convolute. Stamen broad, crest rounded, entire, or usually 3-lobed. Style shorter. Capsule globose or oblong, sometimes covered with short processes. Seeds numerous. Species numerous, African and Indo-Malayan. Anthers crested. Inflorescence elongate, slender 1. A. fusiforme Inflorescence obconic, thick. Anther-crest entire 2. A. Warburgii Anther-crest 3-lobed. Staminodes absent 3. A. Loheri Staminodes present. Lip entire. Leaves broad 4. A. propinquum Leaves narrow 5. A. elegans Lip 3-lobed. Middle lobe entire (3. A. deuteramomum Middle lobe bifid 7. A. trilobum Anthers crestless 8. A. lepicarpum THE SC IT AM I N EJE OF THE PHILIPPINES. 171 1. A. fusiforme sp. nov. Stem 1.5 in tall. Leaves narrowly elliptic, acuminate, cuspidate, the upper surface glabrous, beneath minutely velvety-pubescent, pale, glaucous on the lower surface, 30 cm long, 9 cm wide ; petiole 1 cm long ; ligule oblong, truncate, pubescent; sheath glabrous, ribbed. Spike basal, prostrate, slender, 15 to 45 cm long, the base with short ovate bracts. Flowers in pairs, in distant bracts which are hardly imbricate. Bracts linear-oblong, 5 cm long, ribbed and dotted between the ribs, obtuse. Bracteole spathaceous, 3 cm long, split on one side, and with two ciliate points. Calyx tubular, hairy, 3 cm long ; lobes lanceolate. Corolla- tube short, lobes long, lanceolate, hooded at the tip. Lip bifid, with linear obtuse lobes, elongate but shorter than the stamen and adnate to the side of the filament. Filament short, thick, strongly winged. Anther 6 mm long, linear, hairy. Crest long, oblong, shortly trilobed at the base. Style as long as the anther-cells. Stigma triangular, hairy. Ovary elongate. Fruit fusiform, glabrous, ribbed, 4 cm long, d mm thick, terminated by the hairy 1 cm long style. Mindanao, Surigao, Biga Creek, Bolster 331, 2 2-i, in forests 150 to 350 ft. alt., flower yellow, or yellowish-white, native name “ Loya-loya Negros, Elmer 9509. Apparently allied to the genus Geocharis, but I am not sure about the lip for what I take to be the lip looks more like staminodes. Altogether a very curious plant which may prove to be the type of a new genus, here provisionally placed under Amomum. 2. A. Warburgii K. Schum. Pflanzenreich 20 (1904) 257. Costus Warburgii K. Schum. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 27 (1899) 240. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, attenuate-acuminate, the base narrowed but rounded and suboblique, glabrous on the upper surface except at the extreme base, subtomentose beneath, the midrib pilose, coriaceous, 20 to 25 cm long, 5 to 7 cm wide; ligule short, truncate, hardly 1 mm long; petiole subtomentose, about 1 mm long. Spike dense, short-ped uncled. Bracts lanceolate, acute, subsilky, 1 to 8 cm long. Bracteoles tubular, silky, 2-toothed. Ovary silky. Calyx 4 cm long, deeply cleft on one side and with three subulate lobes. Corolla-tube one-third shorter than the calyx, the lobes spathulate, obtuse, 2 cm long. Lip obovate, 1.6 cm long. Filament oblong. Connective-crest truncate, a little wider than the anther, tomentose. Southern Mindanao, ( Warburg) . Endemic. 3. A. Loheri K. Schum. 1. c. 247. A fairly tall plant. Stems 5 mm in diameter. Leaves linear-lanceo- late, attenuate-acuminate, the base narrowed, glabrous, 30 to 35 cm long, 3 to 4 cm wide; petiole 1 to 3 mm long; ligule 5 mm long, truncate, coriaceous. Spike ellipsoid, 3 to 5 cm long, the peduncle as long as the spike, white-pubescent, with a few ovate, glabrous, 0.8 to 1.2 cm long bracts, the outer ones soon disappearing. Bracteoles tubular, 2-lobed, 83264 5 172 RIDLEY. pilose. Flowers pedicelled, the pedicel 2 mm long. Ovary silky. Calyx tubular, 2-lobed, one lobe 2-toothed, minutely pubescent, 2 cm long. Corolla-tube hardly longer than the calyx, the lobes 2 cm long. Lip obovate, entire, 3 cm long. Staminodes none. Filament linear. Anther- cells pubescent. Connective-crest three-lobed. Luzon, (Lohcr 675). This endemic species, in habit and in many other characters, resembles A. trilobum, but differs, according to the description, by its entire lip and the absence of staminodes. 4. A. propinquum Ridl. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (1905) 84. Stems stout, about 2 m tall. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, cuspidate, 32 cm long, 8 cm wide, glabrous, drying dark, paler beneath, the petiole very short; ligule oblong, truncate, 5 mm long. Capitulum obconic, on a 7 cm long peduncle. Floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, pubes- cent. Bracteole tubular, 1 cm long, pubescent, trifid, two lobes connate nearly to the tip. Calyx-tube 1 cm long, glabrous, trifid, the lobes mucronate, keeled, setulose. Corolla-tube trumpet-shaped, pubescent, the lobes oblong, obtuse, rounded, 1 cm long, yellow marked with red. Lip obovate, 2 cm wide, the central bar elevate-papillose. Anther oblong, the edges setose, the crest 3-lobed, upper lobe rounded, the lateral ones large, recurved, broadly oblong, obtuse. Filament thin, broadly linear. Staminodes very short, subulate. Fruit subglobose or elliptic, red, covered with short simple or forked processes. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Baguio, Elmer 628!,, For. Bur. 5098 Curran; Bugias, Merrill 1,656: Province of Cavite, For. Bur. 7682 Curran: Province of Laguna, Mount Banajao, For. Bur. 8030 Curran & Merritt: Province of Tayabas, For. Bur. 7828 Curran & Merritt. Mindanao, District of Davao, Todaya, Copeland 1293. Masbate, For. Bur. 1701, Clark. Native name Tugis, the fruit eaten. Endemic. This species is allied to Amomum. flavum Ridl. of the Malay Peninsula. Nearly all the specimens cited above have no leaf specimens with them, but on two or three distribution numbers fragments of Hornstedtia philippinensis were mixed with the Amomum, so much so that, abnormal as it appeared, I referred the fruit of the Amomum to the Hornstedtia. A better series of specimens showed that this was an error. 5. A. elegans Ridl. 1. c. 84. Ehizome long, slender, covered with brown papery sheaths 1 cm long. Stems slender, distant, CO cm tall. Leaves narrowly linear-lanceolate, cuspidate, 15 to 20 cm long, 1 to 1.5 cm wide, the upper surface glabrous, beneath silky-hairy, shortly petioled; ligule small, truncate, the petiole, sheath and ligule hairy. Inflorescence obconic, 1 cm long, nearly sessile or distinctly stalked, on long stolons, covered with oblong- ovate, truncate sheaths. Bracts oblong, obtuse, pubescent, with about 10 elevated nerves. Bracteole tubular, silky-hairy. Calyx tubular, silky- hairv, 1 cm long, 2-lobed, the lobes lanceolate, acuminate, silky, as long THE SCITAMINE^E OF THE PHILIPPINES. 173 as the tube. Corolla yellow or white, the tube as long as the calyx, pubescent, the lobes linear-oblong, obtuse, glabrous, 1.5 cm long. Stami- nodes subulate. Lip 2 cm long, the base narrowed, the limb broad, obovate, rounded, entire. Stamen-filament slender. Anther narrowly oblong, the crest trifid, central lobe small, oblong, the lateral ones from the upper angle of the anther, longer, linear, curved. Ovary silky-hairy. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, For. Bur. 3303 Borden, Whitford 207, 300. 6. A. deuteramomum K. Schum. in Engl. Bot. Jalirb. 27 (1899) 313; Pflan- zenreicli 1. c. 237. Leaves shortly petioled, linear-lanceolate, attenuate-acuminate, nar- rowed at the base, quite glabrous, 30 cm long, 3.5 cm wide; ligule hardly 5 mm long, obtuse, glabrous. Flowering stem 12 cm long. Spike ellipsoid, 8 cm long, the peduncle covered with ovate, obtuse, glabrous sheaths. Outer bracts ovate, acute, glabrous, pale straw-colored, 3 cm long. Bracteoles 1.5 cm long, tubular, glabrous, 3-toothed. Ovary pilose at the top. Calyx 1.3 cm long, tubular, 3-toothed, glabrous. Corolla-tube 10 mm long, the lobes obtuse, 8 mm long. Lip subovate, clawed, the apex 3-lobed, 10 mm long, the median portion callose and puberulous. Filament concave, 5 mm long. Anther shorter. Crest 3-lobed, 3 mm long. Stylodes 2, subulate. Mindanao, in forests near Bujong, (Warburg 15735). Endemic. Allied to A. cardamon Linn. 7. A. trilobum Ridl. 1. c. 85. Ehizome slender, long, covered with loose sheaths. Stems fairly stout, 1 to 2.5 m tall. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, caudate-acuminate, the base narrowed to the petiole, 20 cm long, 3 cm wide, glabrous ; petiole 5 mm long; sheaths narrow, the edge and the short, bifid ligule silky- pubescent. Inflorescence on long creeping stolons, covered with sheaths, obconic, 2 cm long, on a 1 cm long peduncle. Bracts ovate, obtuse, ribbed, glabrous. Calyx tubular, pubescent, the lobes 3, oblong, rounded. Corolla-tube as long as the calyx-tube, 1 cm long, the lobes oblong-linear, obtuse. Staminodes linear, obtuse, fleshy. Lip obovate, rounded, 1 cm long, white with a central yellow bar, the tip undulate, 3-lobed, the lateral lobes rounded, the middle one bifid, narrowed. Stamen-filament linear, fleshy, grooved. Anther linear, glabrous. Crest 3-lobed, the middle one flat, quadrate, oblong, refuse, the two side arms linear, subacute, curved. Luzon, Province of Pampanga, Mount Arayat, Bolster 67: Province of Bula- can, For. Bur. 7218 Curran: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 1/655 Ramos. On shaded slopes; flowers fragrant. Endemic. 174 RIDLEY. 8. A. lepicarpum Ridl. in Elm. Leaf!. Philip. Bot. 2 (1909) 604. Stems 3 to 5 m tall, 3 cm in diameter at the bulbous base. Leaves about 12 to 14 cm apart, coriaceous, dark-olive-green, polished above, paler beneath, linear-oblong, base rounded, apex acute, 60 cm long, 10 cm wide, quite glabrous; petiole 2 cm long, channeled above, the back rounded; ligule 1 cm long, oblong, truncate. Inflorescence radical, on a 9 cm long peduncle, with rather distant, lanceolate, bracts. Bracts narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, ribbed, glabrous. Bracteoles narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, ribbed, 2.5 cm long, 4 mm wide, inner bracteole shorter, strongly ribbed, pungent-mucronate, all glabrous. Ovary spar- ingly pubescent. Calyx tubular, with three, lanceolate, mucronate- pungent lobes, the tube pubescent, 2 cm long. Corolla-tube a little longer, hairy, lobes linear-oblong, obtuse, 7 mm long. Lip entire, horizontal, linear, gradually dilated at the tip into a rounded, emarginate limb, 1 cm long, 5 mm wide. Anther linear-oblong, apex retuse, crestless. Inflorescence ovoid or subglobose, 8 cm long and about 6 cm thick. Fruit globose, reddish, 1.5 cm long, ferruginous-tomentose, with short, erect, scattered, warty processes at the tip, the calyx-tube long-persistent. Negros, Cuernos Mountains, near Dumaguete, Elmer lOOlflf, in wooded ravines on the edge of the river at an altitude of about 830 m. The form of the flowers is like that of a Ilornsteiltia, but the inflorescence, fruit, and bracts that of an Amomum. Endemic. A. lepicarpum var. pubescens Ridl. 1. c. 605. Leaves larger and more narrowed to the base, their margins distinctly undulate; sheaths and petioles pubescent. Bracts wider. Fruit more rufous-tomentose. Negros, Cuernos Mountains, near Dumaguete, Elmer 1038J/, in moist fertile soil of dense shrubberies at an altitude of about 1,050 m; it may be a distinct species, but is very closely allied to the type. The flowers are in a bad state for dissection. 8. HORNSTEDTIA Retz. Tall plants with a stout rhizome. Leaves oblong. Spikes peduncled, from the rhizome, subcylindric or obconic. Outer bracts large, usually red, ovate to oblong, forming a cup. Bracteoles thin, tubular. Flowers numerous, sessile, red. Calyx spathaceous, thin. Corolla-tube long, the lobes narrow, connivent. Lip narrow, linear-oblong, often much longer, sides at the base erect, curved over the stamen. Starninodes none. Stamen thick, short. Anther thick, bent at an angle with the filament, crest small or none. Capsule oblong, with thin cartilaginous walls. Seeds numerous, black. About 40 known species ranging from India through the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago to northern Australia, headquarters in the Malay Peninsula and Borneo. I here separate from this genus as laid down in my Materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula 2 (1907) 34, the genus Nicolaia or Phaeomeria, as Schumann does. THE SCITAMINEJE OF THE PHILIPPINES. 175 1. H. philippinensis Ridl. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (1905) 86. Stems 2 m tall and fairly thick. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, caudate, glabrous, narrowed at the base, pale beneath, 45 cm long, 3 to 6 cm wide ; petiole 1 to 2 cm long; ligule bilobed, oblong, obtuse, 1 cm long. Inflorescence borne on a long rhizome-branch 15 cm long, covered with lanceolate acute sheaths. Spikes 4 to 6 cm long on peduncles covered with sheaths 2 to 8 cm long. Bracts thin, lanceolate, ribbed, hairy at the tip, the largest about 2 cm long. Flowers scarlet. Bracteole oblong- lanceolate, strongly nerved, the margins ciliate. Calyx tubular, with three acute lobes 3 cm long. Corolla- tube 4 cm long, slender, the lobes narrow, linear-oblong, obtuse, 1 cm long. Lip 4 cm long, fleshy, linear- oblong, the apex dilated, rounded, entire. Stamen crestless, 1 cm long, the apex retuse. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, For. Bur. 11109 Curran. Mindoro, Bongabong River, For. Bur. 3737 Merritt. Palawan, Bur. Sci. 801, Foxworthy. Negros, For. Bur. 11203 Everett, Elmer 10270. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Mrs. Clemens 76: District of Davao, Copeland 1,16, DeVore & Hoover 111, Williams 2888 : Province of Surigao, Bolster 221. By some mistake in several of the sheets, the fruits of Amomum propinquum were distributed as the fruit of this plant, hence my error in describing the fruit in the original description. The fruit of this species has not yet been collected. It belongs to the group to which Griffith gave the generic name Achasma, being allied to H. megalocheila Ridl. Endemic. 2. H. conoidea Ridl. in Elm. Lead. Philip. Bot. 2 (1909) 605. Stems clustered, 3 m high, 3 cm in diameter at the swollen base. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, shortly cuspidate, base very shortly rounded, narrowed, 45 to 55 cm long, 8 to 14 cm wide, glabrous on the upper surface, beneath sprinkled with silky hairs which are more abundant on the midrib and margins; petiole very short (1 cm on some parts of the stem), pubescent; ligule truncate, densely hairy; sheath reticulate, sparingly hairy above. Spike subsessile, red, ovoid-conic, 7 to 8 cm long. Bracts ovate to ovate-lanceolate, acute, rather softly coriaceous, red, finely ribbed, and white-silky at the base, 4 cm long, 1.5 cm wide. Flowers 7.5 cm long. Calyx red, tubular, silky-hairy at the base, becoming glabrous upward, 5 .cm long, split on one side, the lobes acute, tipped with hairs. Corolla red, tube 7 cm long, slender, the lobes oblong, obtuse, 1.5 cm long, rather narrow, the lip entire, fleshy, 2 cm long, blunt, margins white, upcurved. Anther hairy, with a thin, rounded, short crest. Negros, Cuernos Mountains, near Dumaguete, Elmer 1021,6, in fertile soil in damp ravines at an altitude of about 600 m. Native name Tagbac. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Mrs. Clemens, July, 1906. Closely allied to Hornstedtia conica Ridl., of the Malay Peninsula, differing in its pubescent ligule and petiole. Endemic. 170 IlIDLEY. 3. H. microcheila Ridl. 1. c. 60G. Stems from 1 to 3 m tall, several in a somewhat scattered cluster, recurved or drooping, yellowish-green, rigid, less than 1.5 cm thick, except the reddish, very much enlarged bulbous bases. Leaves subcoria- ceous, linear-oblong, cuspidate, 20 to 24 cm long, 5 cm tvide, glabrous on the upper surface, the midrib pubescent beneath, margins glabrous, reddish-brown; petiole 1 cm long, puberulous; ligule oblong, rounded, half as long as the petiole; sheath pubescent above, reticulate. In- florescence small, ovoid, 4 cm long, on a peduncle about as long, which is covered with ovate, ribbed, pubescent bracts. Inflorescence-bracts few, ovate, the largest 3 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, coriaceous, ribbed, pubescent, red, mucronulate, the margins thinner, ciliate. Ovary glabrous, with a tuft of silky hairs at the top. Calyx tubular, 4 cm long, with a few silky hairs at the base, glabrous above except for the two acuminate lobes which bear tufts of hairs. Corolla pink, the tube 5 cm long, the upper lobe ovate-oblong, obtuse, 7 mm long, the lower ones narrower, linear-oblong. Lip creamy-white, 1 cm long, with two short narrow lobes, as long as the anther, base narrow, the sides upcurved and terminated by a rounded crisped limb; disk at base sparingly silky-hairy. Anther very short, glabrous, retuse at the tip. Stigma large, club-shaped. Negros, Cuernos Mountains, near Dumaguete, Elmer .10279, near the river at an altitude of about 900 m. The smallest-flowered species of the section, and remarkable for its white lip, which is unusual in the genus. Endemic. 4. H. lophophora Ridl. 1. c. 007. Stems 6 m tall, 3 cm thick, the bulbous base 12 cm in diameter. Leaves lanceolate, oblong, slightly narrowed at the broad base, 69 cm long, 15 cm wide, glabrous on the upper surface, beneath silky- velvety, the midrib prominent, silky; petiole 2 cm long, but the blade decurrent to the base; ligule 1 cm long, covered with tufts of silky hairs, arranged in transverse lines. Sheath striate, with small, round or linear pustules, each bearing a tuft of silky hairs. Inflorescence clustered, scarlet, on peduncles 1 cm thick, co.vered with silky hairs. Spike 4 to 5 cm long, ovoid. Bracts ovate, acute, pungent, glabrous, red, longitudinally striate with rather high narrow ridges, with a line of pustules or transverse bars between each rib, the inner bracts lanceolate. Flowers not seen. Fruits glabrous, 2 cm long, flattened, elliptic, beaked, bearing the remains of the calyx, finely ribbed, thin-walled, with numerous oblong to pyriform seeds which are irregular in form, but usually truncate, 2 mm long. Negros, Cuernos Mountains, near Dumaguete, Elmer 10365, in fertile glens at an altitude of about 1200 m. As a rule it is not advisable to describe a Eornstedtia as new, without seeing the flowers, but an exception may be made in the case of this curious species. The peculiar sheath and ligule, as well as the small flattened fruit, is quite unique in the genus. In some of the islands of the Eastern Archipelago, species are found in which the leaf-sheaths are not only ribbed longitudinally, but also THE SCITAMINEiE OF THE PHILIPPINES. 177 have transverse bars at intervals, giving them a reticulated appearance. In the above species the transverse bars are sometimes reduced to round pustules bearing tufts of silky hairs, so that the sheaths appear spotted with white tufts ; these tufts run into transverse lines on the ligule. Endemic. 9. PHAEOM ERI A Lindl. Tall herbs with lanceolate leaves. Capitula obconic or globose on tall peduncles from the rhizome. Outer bracts large, usually spreading, involucral. Floral bracts linear-oblong, colored. Bracteoles tubular, spathaceous. Calyx bifid. Corolla erect, lobes lorate. Lip narrow, short. Stamen- filament linear. Anther oblong, crestless. Fruits ob- conic, the top rounded or flat, half-woody. Seeds numerous. Species about 10, Indo-Malayan. 1. P. imperial is Lindl. Introd. Nat. Hist. ed. 2 (1836) 446. Alpinia magnified Rose. Monandr. PI. (1828) t. 15. Nicolaia imperialis Horan. Monogr. (1862) 32, t. 1. Hornstedtia imperialis Ridl. in Journ. Roy. As. Soc. Str. Branch 32 (1899) 148; Mat. FI. Malay Penin. 1 (1907) 40. Rhizome short and stout. Stems 4 m tall, 3 cm thick. Leaves oblong, acute, glabrous, 66 cm long, 18 cm wide ; ligule ovate, blunt, nearly 3 cm long. Peduncle 1 m tall. Spikes cone-shaped, 12 cm long. Outer bracts ovate-oblong, spreading, 12 cm long, pink. Floral bracts pink- edged, white, linear-oblong. Calyx 1 cm long, deeply bifid. Corolla- tube 3 cm long, the lobes lorate, thin, obtuse, pink. Lip longer, oblong, obtuse, the sides convolute, pink-edged, white. Filament pubescent. Anther emarginate. Fruits obconic, green, hairy. Mindanao, District of Davao, Williams 291f3. Malay region; often cultivated and probably only so in the Philippines. 10. PLAGIOSTACHYS Ridl. Stems tall, with lanceolate leaves. Spike or panicle from the side of the leafy stalk, on a short peduncle with sheathing leaves. Flowers small, very densely crowded, with oblong-ovate, laciniate bracts. Calyx spathaceous, short. Corolla-tube short and thick, the lobes oblong, fleshy. Lip flat, oblong. Staminodes two, short, subulate processes. Stamen short and thick. Anther oblong, emarginate, crestless or crested. Capsule ovoid or oblong, crustaceous, 3-celled. Seeds 3 or 4 in each cell. Species 5, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. 1. P. philippinensis Ridl. in Elm. Lead. Philip. Bot. 2 (1909) 572. Stems 1 to 2 m tall. Leaves lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed at the base, 20 cm long, 8 cm wide, glabrous on the upper surface, more or less pubescent beneath; ligule truncate; sheath hairy; petiole winged in adult leaves. Inflorescence lateral, near the base, simple, or 3-branched, cone-shaped, 6 cm long, the branches 4 to 6 cm long, the peduncle stout, covered with ovate sheaths, the rachis and bracts felted-pubescent. Bracts lanceolate, acuminate, woolly. Flowers pale-red. Calyx tubular, bilobed 178 RIDLEY. at the tip, woolly, 1 cm long. Corolla-tube a little longer, the lobes linear-oblong, hooded, all hairy, white with red streaks. Lip obovate, glabrous, with a narrow, bifid, terminal portion, the central bar elevated, fleshy and warty, ending in two short warty elevated arms at the base of the terminal lobe. Staminodes flat, spathulate, as long as the short filament. Anther thick, the crest rounded, distinct. Ovary silky. Capsule obconic, the tip broad, rounded, 1 cm. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Lucban, Elmer 7915: Province of Laguna, For. liar. 9567 bis Curran. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keitblev, Mrs. Clemens 855: Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. liar. Jt57’f Mearns & Hutchinson: District of Davao, Mount Apo, Copeland 1202. Both Mrs. Clemens and Mr. Elmer state that the species is common. It is rather remarkable for the wooliness of its inflorescence and for the distinct pro- longation of the anther-connective which extends beyond the anther-cells, and also for the shape of the lip. Endemic. 2. P. elegans sp. nov. Stems 40 cm tall, glabrous. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, caudate, the base acuminate, epetiolate, glabrous, 23 cm long, 2 cm wide; sheath ribbed, glabrous; ligule short, truncate, bifid. Spike less than half-way, protruding from the stem, 2 cm long and thick, simple, obovoid, dense. Bracts broad, wrapping the base of the flower, oblong- ovate, cuspidate, pubescent. Calyx urceolate, ampliate, 5 mm longer than the corolla-tube, the lobes 3, ovate, rather large, all hairy. Corolla- tube short and thick, the lobes lanceolate, the upper one hooded, with a conic mucro, the others blunt. Lip short, broad, quadrate, oblong, bilobed at the apex, base pubescent. Staminodes .subulate. Anther oblong, pubescent along the cells which are divaricate at the apex, the connective truncate, not projecting beyond the cells. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens. July, 1907. A very distinct species, the smallest known one in the genus. 3. P. ? parviflora comb. nov. Amomum parviflorum Presl Rel. Haenk. 1 (1827) 112, 1. 19. Alpinia parviflora Rolfe; Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 152, partim; K. Schum. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 27 (1899) 299; Pflanzenreich 20 (1904) 308. A slender herb from a horizontal tuberous rhizome. Stems 50 cm tall. Leaves lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, attenuate-acuminate and cuspidate, narrowed at the base, quite glabrous, 30 cm long, 2 cm wide; petiole distinct, 2 cm long; ligule very short, truncate, glabrous. Spike emerging from a leaf-axil shortly above the rhizome, erect, short- peduncled, dense or very dense, looser below, cylindric, obtuse, 5 cm long, 2.5 cm thick. Bracts ovate, acuminate, membranaceous, densely silky-tomentose, 10 mm long. Bracteoles tubular-campanulate, trilo- bulate, white, glabrous. Ovary glabrous. Calyx 3-lobed, the lobes 5 mm long, triangular, acute, glabrous. Corolla-tube 1 cm long, glabrous. Upper lobe cucullate, 3 mm long, lateral lobe shorter and wider. Lip THE SCITAMINEiE OF THE PHILIPPINES. 179 oblong, subpanduriform, above and at the lip warty-crested. Stami- nodes subglobose. Stamen-filament linear, the connective prolonged, tridentate. Anther 2 mm long. Luzon, (Haenlce ) . I have seen nothing corresponding to this description, nor have I seen Presl’s figure quoted above. Schumann makes it to be an Alpinia of the section Bintalua, which includes this and the next species and a Bornean plant (from Bintulan, whence the name) . It is pretty clear from the description that the two Philippine plants are not Alpinias, but are probably Plagiostachys. 4. P.? Rolfei comb. nov. Alpinia parviflora Rolfe in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 21 (1884) 316, partim, nomen nudum. A. Rolfei K. Schum. in Pflanzenreicli 20 (1904) 368. Stem fairly stout. Leaves linear-lanceolate, acuminate, caudate, narrowed at the base, glabrous on both sides, 45 cm long, 8 cm wide; petiole 4 cm long; ligule short, glabrous. Spike projected from a leaf- sheath above the rhizome, cylindric, very dense, the base laxer, obtuse. Bracts at the apex subcomose, 10 cm long, the peduncle with rather large ovate bracts. Bracts clavate, apiculate, 12 mm long, obliquely truncate, the apex only minutely pilose. Ovary glabrous. Calyx cylindric, 12 mm long, 3-toothed, glabrous. Corolla-tube 10 mm long, the upper lobe cucullate, 6 mm long. Filament linear, 3 mm long, crestless. Lip obovate, bilobed, 5 mm long. Luzon, (Cuming 132 7, Albay Province, fide Rolfe; Cagayan Province fide Cuming’s own list of localities ) . I have seen no specimens answering to this description, which is translated from Schumann. It can not be an Alpinia, and I think it is probably a Plagiostachys. 11. ADELMERIA Ridl. in Elm. Leaf!. Philip. Bot. 2 (1909) 603. (Elmeria Ridl. 1. c. 569, non Elmera Rydb. 1905.) Herbs with few or solitary stems of moderate height. Leaves lan- ceolate or elliptic. Inflorescence a terminal capitulum. Bracts large, ovate, persistent. Bracteoles utricular, with three acute lobes, ciliate at the tip, the nerves of the bracts and bracteoles anastomosing. Calyx tubular, trifid. Corolla-tube longer, fleshy, the lobes thin, rounded. Lip fleshy, adnate to the stamen. Anther quite entire or bifid, short. Sta- minodes none. Stamen-filament broad, linear. Anther-cells linear, pubescent, the crest small or none. Style short, slender, filiform. Cap- sule subglobose, terminated by the calyx-tube, few-seeded. Philippines; endemic. Lip bifid L A. bifida Lip entire 2. A. pinetorum 1. A. bifida Ridl. 1. c. Hornstedtia paradoxa Ridl. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (1905) 85. Elmeria bifida Ridl. in Elmer’s Leafl. Philip. Bot. 2 (1909) 568. Stems solitary, erect or drooping, 1 to 3 m tall, slender. Leaves lanceolate, acuminate, caudate, glabrous, 30 to 45 cm long, 2 to 7 cm 180 RIDLEY. wide, narrowed at the base to a short petiole; ligule oblong, truncate, bilobed, glabrous or nearly so; sheath-margins pubescent. Capitulum ovoid, rounded, nodding, 7 cm long, yellowish-red. Outer bracts ovate, rounded, margins sparingly ciliate, the nerves elevated, anastomosing. Bracteole utricular, inclosing two flowers, tip 3-pointed, ciliate. Calyx tubular, 3-lobed, the lobes acute, ciliate at the tip. Corolla fleshy, tube moderately long, the lobes oblong, the upper one oblong-ovate. Lip adnate at the base to the corolla-tube and stamen, thick, fleshy, deeply bilobed into two linear excurved lobes, convolute when dry. Stamen- fllament broad. Anther cells linear, pubescent, appendage small, ovate. Capsule glabrous, subglobose, with few seeds. Luzon, Mount Banajao, Province of Tayabas, Elmer 7396; Lucban, Elmer 7706: Province of Benguet, Mount Santo Tomas, Elmer 6629 ; Pauai to Baguio, Merrill 4786. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 1210. Endemic, in dense woods at 1,000 to 2,100 m altitude. Margins of the sheaths purplish-red. Cone dark-red. Bracts reddish, with green margins. Flowers yellowish. Complete specimens show that this plant is no Hornstedtia or rather Nicolaia, but a distinct genus. 2. A. pinetorum comb. nov. Elmeria pinetorum Ridl. 1. e. 569. Plant 2 m tall, all the stems much reclining or recurved. Leaves elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, except on the midrib, beneath pubescent and above shortly hairy, the margins ciliate-hairy, 15 cm long, 4 cm wide, base subcuneate, dark-green; petiole very short; ligule 2 mm long, thickly white-ciliate; sheath 7 cm long, edged with stifl white hairs. Capitulum terminal, nodding, globose, 6 cm long, the outer bracts ovate, rounded at the tip, finely striate, glabrous except the white-ciliate edge, dull-red. Bracteole utricular, with three acute lobes, white-hairy at the tip, inclosing two flowers. Calyx tubular, a little longer, with three acute points with tufts of hair at the tips. Corolla-tube cylindric, glabrous, 2 cm long, dilated above, the lobes short, oblong, yellow. Lip fleshy, entire, base saccate, oblong, limb triangular, acute. Stamen shorter, the anther broad, apex deeply excavate. Style slender, shorter. Stigma small, red. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Baguio, Elmer 8548, in small tufts on limestone formation in the pine region at 5,000 ft. altitude, rare, native (Igorot) name Barapat. 12. LEPTOSOLENA Presl. Tall herbs with linear or lanceolate leaves. Inflorescence terminal, paniculate. Flowers sessile or pedicelled, large. Calyx tubular, 3-lobed, split on one side. Corolla-tube longer, lobes linear or lanceolate. Lip entire, oblong, convolute. Staminodes linear-oblong. Stamen short; anther oblong, crested or not. Referred by Schumann to Alpinia, but certainly quite distinct and perhaps allied to Hedychium. Species two, endemic. Flowers pedicelled, 7 cm long 1. L. Ilaenkei Flowers sessile, 12 cm long 2. L. insignis THE SCITAMINE2E OF THE PHILIPPINES. 181 1. L. Haenkei Presl Rel. Haenk. 1 (1827) 111, t. 18. Alpinia leptosolenia K. Schum. in Pflanzenreich 20 (1904) 312. Stem fairly tall. Leaves sessile, lanceolate, attenuate-acuminate, caudate, base acute, glabrous, 30 cm long, 2.2 cm wide; ligule 2 mm long, retuse, glabrous. Panicle erect, 7 cm long, ovate, many-flowered, rachis glabrous, with usually four bracts at the base. Flowers pedicelled, the pedicels 2.5 cm long. Ovary glabrous. Calyx tubular, 1.5 cm long, tip shortly 2-lobed. Corolla-tube 7 cm long, narrowly tubular, glabrous, the lobes 1.2 cm long, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse. Lip twice as long, oblong, obtuse, recurved. Stamen-filament very short. Anther 5 mm long, connective not prolonged. Luzon, ( Haenke ) . 2. L. insignis Ridl. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (1905) 84. Stem 1 to 2 m tall. Leaves linear, acuminate, glabrous, narrowed to the base, tip caudate, 25 cm long, 1 cm wide, midrib stout; sheaths 15 cm long, with the ligule as an erect pair of auricles oblong and rounded at the tip. Bracts at the base of the inflorescence 3, papery, lanceolate, caudate, 15 cm long, 2 cm wide. Panicle 7 cm long, with distant, 2 cm long branches, each bearing two or three flowers. Flowers sessile, white. Calyx tubular, 6 cm long, bilobed, the lobes short, ovate, the tube split down one side. Corolla-tube slender, 12 cm long, the lobes linear-oblong, obtuse, 2 cm long. Staminodes linear-oblong, shorter and narrower. Lip fleshy, elongate, 2 cm long, rolled up when withered. Stamen short. Anther oblong, the crest -broader, large, rounded, entire. Style longer. Stigma cup-shaped, hairy. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Twin Peaks, Elmer 61/28, on gravelly land-slides in the pine region. 13. KOLOWRATIA Presl. Tall herbs. Leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, petioled, the ligule entire. Inflorescence terminal, branched, rachis flexuous. Spikes alter- nate, distant, with linear-oblong bracts, densely arranged. Calyx spatha- ceous, cleft on one side, apex trifid. Corolla-tube short, the lobes broad, hooded. Staminodes subulate. Lip small, obovate, with trilobed apex. Stamen-filament broad, fleshjr, adnate to the corolla-tube. Anther linear, elongate, with a short prolongation of the connective. Capsule woody. Species two, endemic. 1. K. elegans Presl Rel. Haenk. 1 (1827) 113, t. 20. Renealmia gracilis Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 1. Renealmia exaltata Blanco 1. c. ed. 2 (1845) 1. Alpinia gracilis Rolfe in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 21 (1884) 316. Alpinia gigantea F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1883) 225. Alpinia elegans K. Sclium. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 27 (1899) 288; Pflanzenreich 20 (1904) 352. 182 RIDLEY. A tall stout herb 2 to 4 m tall, with a stout rhizome, the bases of the stems swollen. Leaves coriaceous, usually reflexed, glabrous, oblong- lanceolate, the apex acute, cuspidate, base rounded, nearly or quite sessile, 30 cm long, 8 cm wide; ligule rounded, entire, reticulate, hairy, 8 mm long; sheath ribbed, hairy above. Inflorescence terminal, 30 cm long, the base of the peduncle covered with a long, papery, linear- lanceolate bract 15 cm long, the rachis above flexuous. Flower-spikes about 8, distant, alternate, sessile, 5 cm long. Bracts linear-oblong, as long as the spike, 1 cm wide, pubescent, the margins ciliate. Flowers 5 or 6 on stout peduncles. Inner bracts keeled. Calyx spathaceous, stiff, 5 cm long, reddish, split to the base on one side, apex with three short, silky points, pubescent. Corolla creamy, as long as the calyx, the tube cylindric, hairy, dilate at the apex, 3 cm long, the upper lobe hooded, lanceolate, mucronulate, 3 cm long, the lateral ones oblong, obtuse, keeled at the tips, mucronate. Lip shorter, obovate, subtrilobed at the apex, blunt. Stamen nearly as long as the upper sepal. Anther linear, curved, 2 cm long, the connective shortly prolonged above the anther-cells, rounded, entire. Style slender, filiform. Capsule woody, ovoid, dehiscing into three segments, 4 cm long; each segment 2 cm wide, yellow, glabrous. ’ Luzon, Province of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, (Haenke) : Province of Bataan, Laraao River, Mount Mariveles, Whit ford 73, Williams 309: Province of Bulacan, For. Bur. 7217 Curran : Province of Rizal, Bur. Sci. 35 Foxworthy, Merrill 1695: Province of Nueva Ecija, Carranglang, Merrill 239: Province of Pampanga, Mount Arayat, Merrill U{13, Bolster 18: Province of Tayabas, Atimonan, Gregory 1 j: Province of Benguet, Baguio, Elmer 8610. Mindoro, Baco, Merrill 1271. Leyte, Palo, Elmer 7 258, 7287. Endemic; very common in thickets along streams in ravines etc. In some specimens the leaves are very much larger, oblong, and distinctly petioled, CO cm long, 15 cm wide, with a terminal filiform point 10 cm long, and a petiole nearly 2 cm long, probably the lower or middle leaves on the stem, or perhaps a large form. The leaves on the growing plant are reflexed. Schumann puts this striking plant under the genus Alpinia, which I can not indorse. The genus, however, as he limits it is so wide that it contains many other plants at least as distinct as are most of the genera of Scitamineae. 2. K. erucaeformis sp. nov. Stem 3 m tall, reed-like, with distichous, rather coriaceous leaves, which are linear, acuminate, glabrous, 34 cm long, 4 cm wide, the base broad; petiole none; ligule very short, rounded, glabrous. Panicle ter- minal, 10 cm long, with (5 branches. Branches cylindric, over 5 mm thick, covered with ovate, acute, keeled, ribbed, gray sheaths, pubescent when young. Pedicels short. Calyx spathaceous, with three small points, glabrous, 2 cm long. Corolla-tube shorter, the upper lobe ovate, 2 cm long, the lower ones connate, oblong, ovate, rounded, thinner. Lip shorter, obovate, trilobed, lobes rounded, terminal one entire, thin-tex- THE SCITAMINEiE OF THE PHILIPPINES. 183 lured, the central bar thickened. Staminodes connate, forming an excavate, rather fleshy, pubescent organ with two thick subulate points at the tip, and one on each side below. Stamen-filament extremely short. Anther long, oblong, pubescent, the crest oblong, truncate, obscurely 3-lobed, with four nerves. Stigma very large, triangular, excavate in front, hairy. Fruit subglobose, glabrous. Bucas Island, (northeast coast of Mindanao), Merrill 5258, dry slopes at 15 in altitude along the borders of forests. Calyx red, corolla white, fruit reddish- yellow. A very curious plant, remarkable for the completely connate lower petals, and connate staminodes. 14. ALP1NIA Linn. (Rhizome short or fairly long, aromatic. Stems tall, leafy. Leaves lanceolate, shortly petiolate; ligule short. Panicles terminal, the flowers numerous, often showy. Bracts caducous, often petaloid. Calyx-tube short, tubular. Corolla-tube thick, little longer, the lobes linear or oblong. Lip large, convolute, or small, narrow, lobed or entire. Staminodes broad and spathulate or reduced to narrow subulate processes or absent. Stamen-filament thick. Anther broad, the crest usually absent. Fruit globose or cylindric, yellow to black. Seeds numerous, angled, black, inclosed in a sweet aril. Species about 60, Indo-Malayan, Siamese, Chinese and Australian. § Catimbium. Flowers large, the lip entire or subentire, convolute. Leaves slightly pubescent; staminodes short, oblong 1. A. Haenkei Leaves densely velvety beneath; staminodes linear, glabrous.... 2. A. Copelandii Leaves tomentose on both sides; staminodes hairy 3. A. trachyascus Leaves thickly pubescent beneath; staminodes ovate, hairy 4. A.illustris Leaves glabrous. Plant 1 to 2 m tall; staminodes two low crests, silky-hairy at the base. 5. A. glabrescens Plant 6 m tall; staminodes linear-oblong, glabrous 6. A. musaefolia § Hellenia. Flowers small, lip clawed, usually bifid, often 4-fid, not convolute; panicle lax. Panicle large, spreading. Corolla pubescent 7. A. pyramidata Corolla glabrous 8. A. Cumingii Panicle long, dense, pendulous 9. A. penduliflora Panicle slender, branches 2 or 3, or short. Inflorescence pubescent 10. A. pubiflora Inflorescence glabrous. Lip fan-shaped, not lobed 11. A. flabellata Lip doubly bifid. Staminodes bifid 12. A. pulchella Staminodes entire. Leaves very narrow 13. A. graminea Leaves lanceolate. Stamen crested - 14. A. Foxworthyi Stamen not crested 15. A. brevilabris § Oligocincinnus. Panicle-branches spiciform 15. A. rufa 184 RIDLEY. § Catimbium. 1. A. Haenkei Presl Svmb. Bot. (1832) 66, t. 1/3; K. Schum. in Pflanzonreich 20 (1904) 341. A. malacccnsis Presl Bel. Haenk. 1 (1827) 110, non Roscoe. A. philippinensis Ridl. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (1905) 86. Stem 1 to 2 m tall. Leaves oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, acuminate, base rounded or acuminate, 33 to 55 cm long, 5 to 9 cm wide, hairy on both surfaces or glabrescent above, the edges thickly ciliate-hairy ; petiole 3 cm long; ligule bifid, the lobes rounded at the tip, hairy, especially at the tip; sheath hairy. Inflorescence simple or shortly paniculate, 15 to 30 cm long, rachis, branches and pedicels closely silky-hairy. Bracts ovate-oblong or elliptic, 1.5 to 2 cm long, usually hairy, especially at the tip. Calyx short, broadly campanulate, 3-lobed, lobes ovate, acute, hairy. 1 cm long. Corolla-tube shorter, hairy, the lobes white or pink, oblong, obtuse, hairy, 2 cm long, the upper one hooded. Lip broadly ovate, the lateral lobes hardly distinct, 1 cm. long, apex oblong, truncate, narrower, crisped and more or less bifid, all glabrous, orange-yellow with red spots and streaks, except in the mouth of the tube, where there is on either side a line of silky hairs leading from the curved, short, oblong staminodes. Filament linear, hairy. Anther rather short, broad, glabrous. Ovary silky. Capsule globose, 2 cm long, sprinkled with hairs or more hairy when young, red. Luzon, Province of Bataan, For. Bur. 1203, 1777, 21/77, 2729 Borden, For. Bur. 1U Barnes, For. Bur. 21/96 Meyer, Whitford 1058: Province of Pampanga, Mount Abu, Bur. Sci. 191/2 Foxworthy : Province of Benguet, Sablan, Elmer 6089: Prov- ince of Zambales, For. Bur. 6008 Curran: Province of Laguna, For. Bur. 8901/ Curran. Mindoro, Baco River, Merrill 1/01/7, McGregor 158. Negros, Canlaon Volcano, Bur. Sci. 111/3 Banks • Gimagaan River, Whitford 1570. Leyte, Palo, Elmer 7290. Negros, Elmer 1021/1/. Palawan, San Antonio Bay, Merrill 858. Balabac, Bur. Sci. 1/08 Manguhat. In shady damp forests near watercourses, endemic. Alpinia Haenkei is certainly closely allied to A. malaccensis Roxb. chiefly differing in its smaller size in all parts. A. malacccnsis Roxb. is a native of Chittagong, and does not occur, except as a garden plant, in the Malay region. A. malaccensis Roscoe, the original species of that name, is based on a figure and description of Rumphius in Herbarium Amboinense, and is indeterminable. The fine series of specimens cited above, leaves me with very little doubt that ray A. philippinensis is only a form of A. Haenkei, which is widely distributed in the Philippines. 2. A. Copelandii sp. nov. Stem 2 m tall. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, long-cuspidate, the base unequal, cuneate, the upper surface glabrous, except the hairy channeled midrib and edge, the lower surface velvety silky-pubescent, 5G cm long, 10 cm wide; petiole stout, 7 mm long, hairy; ligule 1 cm, bilobed, the lobes subacute, velvety; sheaths pubescent. Baceme stout, peduncle stout, 10 cm long, densely yellow-hairy, the inflorescence 15 cm long, crowded, the pedicels short, yellow-hairy. Bracts oblong, 2 cm long, sparsely pubescent. Calyx broad, 1 cm longer than the corolla-tube, THE SCITAMINEiE OF THE PHILIPPINES. 185 bilobed. Corolla-tube short, the lobes oblong, truncate, 2 cm long, silky- hairy. Lip broadly rhomboidal, 4 cm wide, 3.5 cm long, lateral lobes very large, the apex (terminal lobe) quadrate, shortly bilobed, the disk at the base of the middle lobe regularly pustular. Staminodes linear, 1- veined, glabrous. Stamen-filament glabrous. Anther short. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Copeland, February, 1905. 3. A. trachyascus K. Sclium. in Pflanzenreich 20 (1904) 336. Moderately tall. Leaves lanceolate, attenuate-acuminate and caudate. the base acute, both surfaces subtomentose, especially the lower one, the edges shortly and densely subgolden-ciliolate, 60 to 65 cm long, 6 to 7 cm wide; sheaths striate, tip and upper edge golden-tomentose ; petiole 8 cm long; ligule acute, nearly 1 cm long, coriaceous, subtomentose. Raceme-rachis glabrous. Pedicels 6 to 7 cm long, golden-tomentose. Bracts fusiform before opening, 3 to 3.2 cm long, scabrid with dense, rigid, very short hairs. Ovary silky. Calyx before flowering 2.2 cm long, tridentate, the two posterior teeth longer. Corolla silky outside. Staminodes golden-hairy. Mindanao, District of Davao, Sibulan, in forests, ( Warburg 14581/), in Herb. Berol. Endemic. The lip is not described, but the distinctive characters of the plant are given as the rough bracts and the rather lax raceme which is also said to be glabrous. 4. A. illustris sp. nov. Stem 3 m tall. Leaves large, 65 cm long or more, 6 to 9 cm wide, oblong, petioled, cuspidate, the lamina sparingly pubescent on the upper surface, thickly pubescent beneath ; petiole 4 cm long, densely pubescent ; ligule short, densely hairy; sheath very sparsely pubescent. Panicle dense and large, over 30 cm long, the rachis thick hairy. Branches short, 2- or 1-flowered, densely hairy. Bract large, oblong, hairy, 3 cm long. Corolla-tube short. Petals oblong, obtuse, the upper one hooded, 2 cm long, 5 mm wide, hairy. Lip 4 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, rhomboid when spread out, the lateral lobes subacute and narrow, apex crisped, denticulate. Staminodes a pair of ovate, rounded lobes, densely hairy at the base, rather large, attached to the lip. The lip has a central channel with two side ribs and is bullate along the outside of the ribs. Stamen-filament densely hairy, 1.5 cm long, the anther nearly as long. Palawan, Bur. Sci. 51 4 Foxworthy. Allied to A. nobilis Ridl. but the flowei’s are smaller and the lip narrower and more distinctly lobed. 5. A. glabrescens sp. nov. Stems 1 to 2 m tall. Leaves almost completely glabrous, subcoriaceous, oblong, acuminate with a long cusp, 30 cm long, 10 cm wide, the cusp 4 cm long, the base narrowed to a short, 1 cm long, stout, glabrous petiole ; ligule longer, entire, hairy on the back; sheath strongly ribbed, glabrous. Panicle over 15 cm long, on a peduncle equally long covered with close. 186 RIDLEY. stiff, short, rusty hairs. Branches of the inflorescence usually 2-flowered. Bracts oblong, cuspidate, 2 cm long, glabrous except the pubescent tip and cusp. Ovary globose, scabrid. Calyx campanulate, 1.5 cm long, 3-lobed, the lobes acute, deeply split on one side, scabrid-pubescent. Corolla-tube shorter, glabrous, the lobes broadly oblong, truncate, the upper one 2 cm long, 1 cm wide. Lip 3 cm long, ovate, acuminate, the apex rounded, crisped, retuse, a central keel near the base, apparently yellow, blotched with red. Staminodes two low rounded crests covered at the base with silky hairs, the mouth of the corolla-tube also silky- hairy. Filament long, glabrous. Anther short. Capsule 2 cm long, nearly glabrous, a few hairs at the base, strongly ribbed. Batanes Islands, Santo Domingo de Basco, Bur, Sci. 3679 Fenix, Bur. Sci. SV/l Mearns. Hillsides; flowers yellow. 6. A. musaefolia Ridl. in Elm. Leafl. Philip. Bot. 2 (1909) 004. Stems two or three together, about 6 m tall, 14 cm in diameter at the base. Leaves three to five on a stem, 14 to 20 cm apart, oblong, glabrous, subherbaceous, 1.2 to 2.1 m long, 24 cm wide, midrib stout, dark green above, paler beneath; petiole 10 cm long. Inflorescence terminal, glabrous, spicate, the peduncle 30 cm long, 2 cm thick, the rachis about 60 cm long. Flowers subsessile, pedicels thick, 3 mm long. Calyx campanulate, broad, 1 cm long, the lobes short, rounded, glabrous, green. Corolla-tube as long as the calyx, thick, the lobes broad, oblong, thick-textured, succulent, the upper one hooded, 1 cm long, white, the lip a little longer and with thinner edges, lanceolate, boat-shaped, entire, the apex blunt, entire. Staminodes rather large, linear-oblong, fleshy, glabrous, obtuse. Anther linear-oblong, the connective slightly prolonged and emarginate. Fruit obovoid, glabrous, smooth. Negros, Cuernos Mountains, near Dumaguete, Elmer 9539, at an altitude of about 1200 m. A remarkable plant on account of its banana like size and habit, and absolutely glabrous in all parts. Its nearest affinity is with A. gla- brescens Ridl. Endemic. § IIellenia. 7. A. pyramidata Blume Enum. PI. Jav. 1 (1827) 58. A. galanga Sw. var. pyramidata (Blume) K. Sebum.; Pflanzenreich 20 (1904) 316. Stem tall and stout. Leaves lanceolate, acute, the base acuminate, 45 cm long, 8 cm wide, the upper surface glabrous, beneath hairy; petiole hardly distinct, 1 cm long ; ligule nearly as long. Panicle dense, many- flowered, 35 cm long, the rachis below very stout, densely pubescent, branches 2 cm long. Bracts lanceolate, deflexed, 5 mm long. Flowers 3 cm long, the pedicel 8 mm. Calyx short, tubular, equally 3-lobed, the lobes triangular, acute, pubescent, 1 cm long. Corolla-tube a little longer, thick, the lobes linear-oblong, the upper one hooded, all pubescent. Lip spathulate, the claw straight, the limb triangular, base cuneate, apex THE SCITAMINEJE OF THE PHILIPPINES. 187 deeply bifid, the lobes again retuse, almost bilobed, margins toothed. Staminodes rather large, fleshy, subulate. Stamen-filament linear, chan- neled. Anther linear-oblong, the connective much broader than the narrow cells. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 612. Negros, Elmer lOSllt. Java and Borneo. Schumann makes this only a variety of the commonly cultivated A. galanga Sw. but apart from its hairiness the lip and staminodes are very different. 8. A. cumingii K. Schum. in Pflanzenreich 20 (1904) 315. Not a stout plant in proportion to its inflorescence. Leaves subsessile, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, attenuate, subfiliform-caudate, glabrous except for the puberulous edge and tip, 45 cm long, 5.5 cm wide; petiole 5 mm long; ligule coriaceous, 5 mm long, the edge ciliate. Panicle long, narrowly eylindric, 40 cm long; branches 6-flowered, crowded, the rachis pilose. Bracts small, oblong, 2 mm long, caducous. Pedicels 2 cm long. Ovary glabrous, 2.5 mm long, elliptic. Calyx tubular, 1 cm long, puberulous, shoitly 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, hairy on the edges. Corolla-tube distinctly longer, glabrous, the lobes linear- oblong, hooded. Lip shorter, deeply bifid, the lobes again shortly divided, the outer lobule ovate, the inner linear, eylindric, blunt. Staminodes linear-subulate, shorter than the claw of the limb. Stamen-filament a little longer than the lip ; anther nearly as long, glabrous, crestless. Luzon, Province of Albay, (Cuming 859). Endemic. 9. A. penduliflora Ridl. in Elm. Leaf!. Philip. Bot. 2 (1909) 571. A tufted plant 3 to 4 m tall. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, acute, acumi- nate, base rounded, glabrous, 35 cm long, 1G cm wide, the midrib stout, the petiole very short ; ligule as long as the petiole, truncate, entire ; sheath broad, glabrous. Inflorescence 45 cm to 1 m long, terminal, pendulous; peduncle short, the rachis stout; branches very numerous, puberulous, 2 cm long, clustered, with short, lateral, erect branchlets. Bracts small, ovate, puberulous. Calyx tubular, about 1 cm long, trifid, with three pubescent, subacute, lanceolate lobes. Corolla-tube barely as long, the lobes white, the upper one linear-oblong, obtuse, the lateral ones broader, oblong, rounded. Lip broadly obcuneate, bilobed, lobes crisped and rounded.. Stamen- filament rather short and thick; anther-cells large, the crest ovate, rounded. Capsule globose, about 1 cm long, glabrous, ribbed, many-seeded. Leyte, Palo, Elmer 7288. Perhaps most closely allied to A. galanga Sw. An allied plant with similar foliage and fruit, but with a very dense raceme, with shorter, very crowded, silky branches, is represented by For. Bur. 9't 7 Barnes, from Mount Santo Tomas, Province of Benguet, Luzon, but there are no flowers on the specimen. Endemic. 83264 6 188 RIDLEY. 10. A. pubiflora K. Schum. in Pflanzenreich 20 (1904) 313. Hellenia pubiflora Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 2 (1843) 235. Stem 1 to 2 m tall, slender. Leaves narrow, linear-lanceolate, atten- uate, very acuminate, glabrous, 30 cm long, 3 cm wide, narrowed to the base, hardly petioled ; ligule 5 mm long, ovate, edge white-ciliate. Pani- cle 20 cm long, the peduncle about 10 cm long, inclosed in the upper leaf-sheaths, the two lower branches distant, 5 to 10 cm long, the upper part fairly dense, with short branchlets each carrying 3 or 4 flowers, the rachis and branches pubescent. Bracts caducous. Flowers white, nearly 2 cm long. Calyx tubular, gradually dilated upward, 3-lobed, the lobes obtuse, ovate, all pubescent. Corolla-tube hardly longer, the lobes oblong, rounded at the tip, glabrous. Lip fleshy, base narrowed, channeled, limb bifid into two unequal, linear-oblong lobes much shorter then the petals. Stamen glabrous; filament nearly twice as long as the lobes; anther half as long as the filament, crestless. Staminodes short, tooth-like, from the tube of the lip. Fruit globose, glabrous, 1 cm long, 4-seedcd. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Elmer 6268. Guimaras, Ritchie 34- Mindanao, Taumo, (Warburg 11/586): District of Davao, Copeland 319: District of Zam- boanga, For. Bur. 9100 Whit ford & Hutchinson: Province of Surigao, Bolster 213. Endemic. 41. A. flabellata sp. nov. Stem slender, about 1 m tall. Leaves narrow, lanceolate, acuminate, with a long point, glabrous, margins denticulate at the tip, 30 cm long, 2 cm wide; petiole short, or sometimes 1 cm long; ligule ovate, entire, the margins minutely white-pubescent. Panicle rather strict, with two or three densely flowered ascending branches, glabrous, the peduncle 15 cm long, the panicle as long. Bracts minute. Calyx cylindric, tubular, the lobes 3, short, ovate, obtuse, ribbed, all glabrous, 8 mm long. Corolla- tube a little longer, the upper lobe oblong, hooded, mucronulate, the lower lobes obovate-oblong, rounded. Lip nearly as long, fan-shaped, not bifid, with a short claw, then expanding abruptly into a subreniform 4-lobed limb, the lobes subequal, the lower ones broadest, all rounded and strongly veined. Staminodes nearly as long as the claw of the lip, linear from a broad base. Stamen-filament short, linear, glabrous. Anther oblong, shorter, crestless. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Bur. Sci. 2718, 2871 Meants: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Merrill 1878. Mindoro, Pola, Merrill 2226. Yar. major var. nov. A stout plant 6 m tall. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, 16 to 30 cm long, 5 to 7.5 cm wide, the base broad; petiole short or none; THE SCITAMINEl® OF THE PHILIPPINES. 189 ligule 1 cm long or less. Panicle 15 to 35 cm long. Corolla-tube hardly longer than the calyx. Flowers yellow, otherwise as in the species. Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. 457Sf Mearns & Hutchinson. Mindoro, Mount Halcon, For. Bur. I//f58 Merritt. Camiguin, Babu- yanes Islands, Bur. Sci. Jf086 Fenix. 12. A. pulchella K. Schum. in Engl. Bot. Jalirb. 27 (1899) 276, t. 2, f. E; Pflanzenreich 1. c. 315. Globba 'pulchella K. Schum. FI. Kais.-Wilhelmsl. (1889) 26. Stem slender, 2 m tall. Leaves lanceolate, attenuate-acuminate at both ends, glabrous, 32 cm long, 6 cm wide; petiole 2.5 cm long; ligule truncate, 1 cm long. Panicle elongate, 25 cm long, with one or rarely two primary branches, glabrous. Flowers pedicelled, the pedicels 2 mm long. Bracts minute. Ovary glabrous. Calyx 5 to 6 mm long, shortly toothed. Corolla red, the tube 7 mm long, the lobes 5 mm long, blunt. Lip bilobed, the lobes bifid, white, rosy-streaked, 5 mm long. Stamen 6 mm long, crestless. Staminodes short, bifid. Capsule red, 1.2 cm in diameter, 2- or 3-seeded, the seeds 7 mm thick. Mindanao, near Taumo, (Warburg) , in Herb. Berol. New Guinea. This species differs from Alpinia brevilabris in its much larger capsule, and in its “staminodia bicruria”. I have seen no species of Alpinia with lobed stami- nodes, and I do not understand Schumann’s figure in the Pflanzenreich. 13. A. graminea sp. nov. Stem 1.5 m tall, slender. Leaves very long and narrow, linear, acumi- nate, 30 cm long, 5 to 10 mm wide, glabrous, sessile; ligule lanceolate, adnate to the base of the leaf by its back, margins sparingly ciliate. Inflorescence very slender, 15 cm long. Flowers pink, in pairs or threes on very short, 2 mm long branchlets, glabrous, 2 cm long. Calyx long, tubular, above a little dilated, the lobes broad, ovate, rounded, mucro- nulate, minutely ciliate, one narrower than the others. Corolla-tube barely longer, lobes thin, oblong, obtuse, hooded. Lip deeply bifid, shorter than the corolla-lobes, fleshy, the lobes bifid, inner lobule linear, truncate, the outer rounded, ovate-oblong. Staminodes as long as the claw of the lip, fleshy, terete, subulate. Stamen-filament as long as the lip. Anther nearly as long, crestless. Negros, Mount Silay, at 600 in altitude, For. Bur. 7267 Everett. The flowers resemble those of Alpinia alba Teysm. and still more those of A. Cumingii, from which this differs in its narrow leaves and glabrous calyx. 14. A. Foxworthyi sp. nov. Stem 1 m tall, slender. Leaves narrowly linear-lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed at the base to a very short petiole, 13 cm long, 1 cm wide, glabrous, margins at the apex armed with small brown thorns, the petiole 5 mm long; ligule small, entire, ovate, glabrous. Peduncle slender, 15 190 RIDLEY. cm long or more. Panicle dense, 7 to 10 cm long, with short, 2-flowered branches. Bracts very small, caducous. Calyx short, ampliate, urceolar, 5 mm long, glabrous, the lobes very short and broadly ovate. Corolla-tube a little longer, the upper lobe oblong, hooded, the lateral ones oblong, blunt. Lip flabellate, 4-lobed, the claw thick, rather short, the two lateral lobes of the limb broad, rounded, the middle one bifid, the lobules narrow, triangular-lanceolate, limb strongly nerved. Staminodes short, subulate. Anther very short, crested, the crest large, oblong, truncate; filament short. Palawan, near Iwahig, Bur. Sci. 772 Foxworthy. Flowers white. Allied to A. conchigera and to A. rosella Ridl. 15. A. brevilabris Presl Rel. Haenk. 1 (1827) 110, t. 17; Schura. in Pflanzen- reich 1 c. 314. Stem 2 to 3 m tall. Leaves lanceolate, acuminate, 18 to 30 cm long, 3 to 8 cm wide, glabrous, denticulate on the edge near the tip; petiole 5 mm long; ligule ovate, rounded, entire, minutely white-ciliate at the tip; sheath glabrous, striate. Panicle 25 cm long, the peduncle nearly the same length, glabrous, branches two, 8 cm long, the terminal portion with short branchlets, each with 3 or 4 flowers. Bracts caducous. Calyx tubular, 1 cm long, 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, short, glabrous. Corolla- tube one-fourth longer than the calyx, the lobes short, broad, oblong- ovate, blunt, rounded at the tip. Lip short, broadly and shortly bilobed, the lobes bilobed, the lobules oblong, truncate, divaricate. Staminodes simple, linear, fleshy, half as long as the filament, which is hardly longer than the 1 cm long crestless anther. Fruit globose, glabrous, bright-red, 5 mm in diameter. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Whitford 58, For. Bur. 6520 Curran, For. Bur. 2203 Meyer, Elmer 6859, 6853, For. Bur. 1202, 2931 Borden, Merrill 5193: Province of Benguet, Elmer 6268: Province of Zambales, Merrill 2073: Province of Tayabas, Whitford 655, Gregory 55. Batan, Batanes Islands, Santo Domingo de Basco, Bur. Sci. 3580 F6nix. Mindoro, Baco River, McGregor 162, 181/, For. Bur. 5253, 51/89 Merritt. Masbate, For. Bur. 1703 Clark. Basilan, For. Bur. 3999 Hut- chinson. Negros, Elmer 9501, 9531. Alpinia brevilabris seems to be a rather abundant species, as well as widely distributed in the Philippines. Most of the collectors give the color of the flowers as white with pink veining. § Oligocincinnus. 16. A. rufa K. Schum. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 27 (1899) 293; Pflanzenreich 1. c. 361. Hellenia rufa Presl Rel. Haenk. 1 (1827) 114, t. 21. Stems 1.5 m tall, rather slender. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate or lanceo- late, rather abruptly cuspidate, sessile, 25 to 30 cm long, 4 to 6 cm wide, hairy all over with long appressed hairs; ligule oblong, obtuse, densely THE SCITAMINEiE OF THE PHILIPPINES. 191 villous-hairy; sheath villous especially on the keel and edges. Panicle 5 to 8 cm long, with a short villous rachis and 5 to 8 branches from 3 to 7 cm long, covered with short, ovate, ribbed, persistent bracts. Basal bracts linear-lanceolate, 1 cm long, villous. Flowers shortly pedicelled, 14 mm long. Calyx cylindric, 3-toothed, villous. Corolla-tube exceed- ing the calyx, 14 mm long, the lobes linear-oblong, the upper one largest, hooded, the other two with a kind of terminal boss, all hairy, the two lateral ones only near the tip. Lip short, bifid to the mouth of the tube, the lobes linear-oblong, truncate, glabrous, adnate to the linear, acute staminodes which are nearly as long, and to the stamen-filament which is linear, glabrous and rather short. Anther oblong, with a small semi- ovate crest. Capsule globose, 1.2 cm in diameter, red, sprinkled with scattered hairs. Seeds 5 mm long, subtrigonous, smooth. Luzon, Province of Sorsogon, (Haenke) : Province of Tayabas, (Warburg), Elmer 9078. Negros, Gimagaan River, Copeland, Whitford 16//9 ; Talaban River, For. Bur. 5590 Everett; Cuernos Mountains, Elmer 9578. Mindanao, Dagatpan, (Warburg) . Bucas, Merrill 5273. DOUBTFUL SPECIES. A. mollis Presl Rel. Haenk 1 (1827) 110; K. Sebum. 1. c. 309. A slender herb, the stems 30 cm long. Sheaths glabrous, striate.' Leaves shortly petiolate, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed into a petiole, the uper surface glabrous, beneath silky-tomentose, soft, 13 to 16 cm long, 2.3 cm wide; ligule 4 mm long, obtuse, villous. Panicle erect, terminal, with sometimes a longer branch at the base. Rachis velvety. Flowers very shortly pedicelled, unknown. Capsule globose, 6 to 10 mm in diameter, yellowish, subtomentose, few-seeded. Luzon, (Haenke). Schumann was unable to find the type of this species, and the description is too imperfect to identify it. 15. COSTUS Linn. Tall herbs, the stems often spiral, sometimes branched. Leaves lan- ceolate, shortly petioled, the ligule forming a complete ring. Flower- spike terminal or basal. Bracts stiff, often spiny. Calyx tubular, 3- lobed. Corolla-tube broad-funnel-shaped, as long as the calyx-tube, the lobes large, lanceolate or oblong. Lip large, obovate, usually entire, broadly trumpet-shaped. Staminodes absent. Stamen very broad and thin, the connective large, acute or curved upward. Anther-cells linear. Fruit a woody capsule splitting on one side. Seeds numerous, angled. Species about 40, chiefly South American and African ; a few Indo-Malayan. Spike terminal on the leafy stem 1. C. speciosus Spike radical 2. C. clemensae 192 RIDLEY. 1. C. speciosus Sm. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 1 (1800) 249; Roxb. FI. Ind. 1 (1820) 58; Blume Enum. PI. Jav. 1 (1827) 61; Wight Icon. t. 2014;. Horan. Monogr. (1862) 37; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 6 (1892) 249; K. Schum. in Pfianzenreich 20 (1904) 398; Ridl. Mater. FI. Malay Penin. 2 (1907) 24. C. arabicus Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 2, in part. C. crispiflorus Stokes Mat. Med. 1 (1812) 75. C. glabratus Reichb. f. in Moessl. Handb. ed. 2, 1 : 8, non Sw. C. vaginalis Salisb. in Trans. Ilort. Soc. 1 (1812) 277. G. Loureiri Horan. Monog. ( 1862) 39. C. foeniculaceus Noronha in Verh. Bataav. Genootseh. 5 (1795) 12. C. nipalensis Rose. Monandr. PI. (1828) t. 80; Horan. Monog. (1862) 37 ; Regel Gartenfl. 4 (1855) 341, t. 139. Banksia speciosa Koen. in Retz. Obs. 3 (1783) 75. Amomum hirsutum Lam. 111. Gen. 1 (1791) t. 3. A. arboreum Lour. FI. Cochinch. 1 (1790) 9. Hellenia grandi flora Retz. Obs. 5 (1786) 18. Stems 2 to 3 m tall, 1 to 2.5 cm thick, covered with dull-brown sheaths, often branched above and spiral. Leaves oblong or lanceolate, acuminate, 15 to 20 cm long, 6 to 7 cm wide, the upper surface glabrous, dark-green, beneath more or less pubescent; petiole 3 to G mm long; ligule short, annular, reddish. Spike terminal, ovate or oblong, 7 to 13 cm long. Bracts ovate, mucronate, not pungent, red, 2 cm long, glabrous or pubescent. Bracteole shorter, lanceolate, acute. Calyx short, cartila- ginous, red, the lobes very short. Corolla-tube short, the lobes equal, mucronate, white, often rose-tinted. Lip very large, obovate, convolute, 9 cm long and wide, white with usually a longitudinal central yellow bar. Stamen 4.5 cm long, the filament broad, hairy on the back, the crest oblong, acuminate, orange beneath. Capsule 1.3 cm long, woody, red. Seeds small, black, with a white aril, 4 or 5 in each cell. Luzon, Province of Cavite-Batangas, For. Bur. 7 61/6 Merritt; Province of Bataan, For. Bur. 196 Barnes, Elmer 6707, For. Bur. 2771 Meyer, Williams 312, For. Bur. 21/60 Borden: Province of Rizal, For. Bur. 31/26 Ahern’s collector: Province of Tayabas, Gregory 80, Whitford 830: Province of Batangas, Cuzner 21. Leyte. Elmer 7363. Masbate, Merrill 3393, For. Bur. 1696 Clark. Cebu, Bur. Sci. 1727 McGregor. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Mrs. Clemens. Basilan, llallier s. n. Var. argyrophyllus Wall. Cat. 6555; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 6 (1890) 250; Ridley Mater. FI. Malay Penin. 2 (1907) 24. Costus sericeus Blume Enum. PI. Jav. 1 (1827) 62. A more slender woodland form, with more branched stems, the leaves more pubescent, often silky on the back. Bracts and calyx less brightly colored. Flower-spikes and flowers smaller. Lip without the yellow central bar. AVhole flower usually more distinctly pink-tinted. Mindanao, District of Davao, Copeland 1/1/8. Basilan, DeVore & Hoover 27. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Bur. Sci. 1588 Foxworthy. Negbos, For. Bur. 5592 Everett. India to Ceylon, Pegu, Tonkin, Formosa, the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago to New Guinea. Considering the wide distribution of this conspicuous plant, it seems to vary but little, though Schumann describes six varieties, of which the woodland form of THE SCIT AM I N OF THE PHILIPPINES. 193 the plant, var. argyrophyllus, is the only at all distinct one, and there are interme- diate forms between the large typical form and that. The chief variations in the plant lie in the amount of pubescence, the size of the flowers and of the spike, the amount of rose-tinting of the corolla, and the amount of yellow in the lip. 2. C. Clemensae sp. nov. Khizome woody. Stem 1 ni or more tall, thick. Leaves oblanceolate, acuminate, narrowed at the base, 12 cm long, 4 cm wide, the upper sur- face glabrous except the midrib, the lower surface covered with appressed, silky hairs; sheath 2 to 4 cm long, ribbed, thickly hairy; ligule ciliate; petiole densely hairy. Inflorescence from the rhizome, the peduncle thick, about 3 cm long, covered with sheathing bracts, hairy. Spike 8 to 10 cm long, 7 cm thick, red. Bracts lanceolate, closely ribbed, silky-hairy, 3 cm long, 1 cm wide, with a stout thorn-like mucro 5 mm long. Inner bract similar but narrower, 2.5 cm long, 4 mm wide. Calyx tubular, with three short, ovate, mucronate, pungent lobes, densely hairy, 3 cm long, 1 cm thick. Corolla white, the tube shorter than the calyx, hairy, the lobes linear-oblong, acuminate, acute, densely hairy outside, glabrous within, 2 cm long, nearly 1 cm wide. Lip 3 cm long, the center fleshy- papillose, the margin undulate, crisped, glabrous. Stamen shorter, the anther linear-oblong, the connective linear-oblong, the apex subacute, 1 cm long. Stigma very large, flabellate, reniform, the margins ciliate. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 1113. A very striking plant with the habit of Costus globosus Blume, but distinct in its pubescent white corolla, very long connective-crest, and large reniform stigma. MARANTACEiE. 16. DONAX Lour. Stems tall, shjubby, much branched. Leaves ovate or oblong, the petiole short; ligule none; sheaths long. Panicles erect or pendulous, lax. Bracts narrow-lanceolate. Flowers small, white. Corolla-tube usually long. Staminodes obovate, unequal. Ovary 3-celled, the cells 1-ovuled. Style stout, incurved. Fruit usually indehiscent, 1- to 3- seeded, globose or trigonous. Seeds globose or hemispheric. Species 5, Indo-Malayan. 1. Donax cannaeformis Rolfe in Journ. Bot. 45 (1907) 243. Thalia cannaeformis Forst, f. FI. Ins. Austr. Prodr. (1790) 1. llythuria cannaeformis Raf. FI. Tellur. 4 (1836) 51. Actoplanes cannaeformis K. Sclium. in Pflanzenreich 11 (1902) 34. Donax arundastrum K. Sclium. in Pflanzenreich 1 1 (1902) 33, quoad philip- pinense, non Lour. Stems 2 to 3 m tall. Leaves ovate, thin, glabrous, 15 to 18 cm long, 9 cm wide; petiole 1 cm long. Panicles 15 cm long or less, few-branched, the nodes hairy. Bracts papery, lanceolate, acute, 3 cm long. Flowers white, 3 cm long. Calyx-tube 1 cm long, the lobes lanceolate, acute, ribbed. Corolla-lobes linear-oblong, longer than the tube. Staminodes 194 RIDLEY. obovate, large. Lip smaller, entire, obovate, clawed. Anther linear, the filament and lobe linear, the lobe long, linear, obtuse. Ovary silky. Fruit sparingly hairy, globose, 1 cm thick, 1-seeded. Seed oblong, rather strongly wrinkled. Luzon, Province of Laguna, Cuming )65 : Province of Isabela, Casiguran, Bur Sci. 2988 Mcarns: Province of Cavite, For. Bur. 7 619 Rosenbluth: Province of Laguna, Bur. Sci. 6022 Robinson: Province of Benguet, Sablan, Elmer 610): Province of Pampanga, Arayat, Merrill 1)12: Province of Bataan, Merrill 15)6, AVhit ford 59, Williams ) : Province of Nueva Viscaya, Merrill 280: Province of Tayabas, Gregory 100. Mindoro, For. Bur. 3690 Merritt; Paluan, Merrill 91/5; Pola, Merrill 2)53. Culion, Merrill 660. Palawan, Bur. Sci. 7 63 Foxworthy, Bur. Sci. 303 Bermejos. Balabac, Bur. Sci. )5) Mangubat. Camiguin, Babu- yanes Islands, Bur. Sci. 3983 Fcnix. Mindanao, Davao, Copeland ))5, De Yore tt Hoover 198, 2)0: District of Zamboanga, Copeland s. n. : Province of Misamis, For. Bur. )!)) M earns & Hutchinson : Lake Lanao, Mrs. Clemens 90. Java and Celebes to New Guinea. D. cannaeformis Rolfe most closely resembles D. grandis Ridl. in its size and fruit, but is easily distinguished by its larger flowers, its stamen with a long- linear lateral lobe, its silky-pubescent ovary, and its fruit covered thinly with hairs. The seed is more oblong and wrinkled. K. Schumann in Pflanzenreich 11 has made a sad mixup in this simple genus. At present only four species are known, as follows: D. arundastrum Lour., a dwarf plant with larger flowers than the others, and a turbinate 3-seeded fruit. It is abundant on river banks from Siam, Cochinchina and India to the Malay Peninsula. D. parviflora Ridl., a native of the Malay Peninsula. D. grandis Ridl., a very large plant, with globose, glabrous, 1-seeded fruits and smaller flowers, ranging from Siam to Singapore. I). cannaeformis Rolfe, ranging from Java to New Guinea and the Eastern Archipelago, an often tall plant with larger flowers than D. grandis, and 1-seeded hairy fruit. 17. PH ACELOPH RYN I U M K. Schumann. Tufted herbs with long-petioled leaves. Inflorescence a dense or interrupted panicle of spikes, with distichous bracts, from a leaf-petiole. Flowers in pairs or threes, pedicellate. Bracteoles two to each flower. Sepals linear or subovate. Corolla-tube short or very short, the lobes oblong. Lip with an oblique villous ridge. Petaloid stamen spathu- late or ovate, cucullate, short. Ovary 3-celled. Capsule 3-angled, 3-, rarely 2-seeded. Seed 3-angled. Species 7, Nicobar Islands, the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. 1. P. interruptum K. Schum. in Pflanzenreich 11 (1902) 121. Stems 2 to 3 m tall. Leaves lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, 30 cm long, 9 to 11 cm wide, glabrous; petiole 3 to 5 cm long; sheath glabrous. Inflorescences usually three, interruptedly panicled, 12 to 20 cm long, the internodes about 8 cm long, the racemes fascicled, fairly dense, four together, 5 cm long. Primary bracts oblong-lanceolate or ovate, 4 cm long or less. Floral bracts about 8, oblong, obtuse, fleshy, 1 cm long. Flowers yellow, in pairs on pedicels 5 mm long. Ovary triquet- THE SCITAMINE^E OF THE PHILIPPINES. 195 rous, pear-shaped, glabrous, trilocnlar. Sepals ovate-oblong, acuminate, 4 mm long. Corolla-tube hardly 2 mm long, the lobes oblong. Outer staminode 3 mm long. Lip with a villous callus. Capsule trigonous, faintly wrinkled, 3-seeded, apex depressed. Seeds chestnut, transversely furrowed, with a short bilobed aril. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Enrile, (Warburg 12160) : Province of Laguna. Hallier: Province of Rizal, Santander, Bur. Sci. 3282 Ramos ; Montalban, Merrill 5058; (Warburg 121/95) ; Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 101/1 Ramos ; Tanay, Merrill 2263: Province of Tayabas, Merrill 1/014: Province of Benguet, Elmer 8955: Province of Sorsogon, Elmer 7310. Negros, Copeland. Samar, Merrill 5231. Leyte, Elmer 7297. Mindanao, District of Davao, (Warburg 11/585), Copeland 1/69. Endemic. 2. P. bracteosum K. Schum. 1. c. 123. A small loosely tufted plant 1 m tall. Leaves glabrous, long-pet- ioled, the petiole 40 cm long, the knee 4 cm long, the lamina ovate or elliptic, subacute, 30 cm long, 15 cm wide. Peduncle 30 to 45 cm long. Spikes three or four, oblong, 5 cm long or more, about 3 cm apart. Bracts linear-oblong, 3 to 4 cm long, pale. Flowers in pairs, shortly pedicelled. Bracteoles keeled and hairy. Ovary trilocular, thickly hairy. Sepals very narrow, linear-lanceolate, acute, 10 mm lqng. Corolla-tube rather thick, '1.5 cm long, hairy, the lobes short, rounded. Capsule 1- to 3-seeded, obliquely ellipsoid or rounded, 3-angled, ap- pressed-villous. Seeds 7 mm long, smooth, yellow, the aril bilobed. Luzon, Province of Camarines, (Cuming 11/66) : Province of Albay, (Vidal 3976). Mindanao, District of Davao, (Warburg 11/615): Lake Lanao, Mrs. Clemens 1/23. Samar, Merrill 5206, 5232. Leyte, Elmer 7291/; (Cuming 1756). Endemic. 18. PHRYNIUM Willd. Tufted herbs with long-petioled ovate or oblong leaves. Inflorescence capitate, produced from the side of the petiole, with a few large outer bracts and containing numerous flowers, solitary or in pairs or threes on short peduncles. Sepals linear or oblong. Corolla-tube a little longer, the lobes oblong or ovate. Lip usually shorter, with a transverse callus, cucullate, short. Ovary trilocular. Seeds 1 to 3, ellipsoid, triangular, with a thin dry aril. Species 12, Indo-Malayan. 1. P. philippinense Ridl. in Elm. Lead. Philip. Bot. 2 (1909) 570. Whole plant about 1 m tall, the rhizome thick, with stout roots emitting many fibrils. Base of sheaths silky, the leaf-stalk to the flower head up to 50 cm long, stout, hairy, above the inflorescence 20 cm long, the lamina 30 to 40 cm long, 15 cm wide, glabrous, oblong-elliptic. Capit- ulum large, 3 cm thick in flower, 5 cm in fruit. Bracts oblong, ribbed, soon breaking into fibrils at the tip. Bracteoles similar. Flowers white and pink, in pairs, shortly (1 mm) stalked. Ovary silky. Sepals linear, acute, closely ribbed, hairy only at the tip, longer than the corolla-tube. 196 RIDLEY. Corolla-tube dilated upward, the lobes obovate, spathulate, hairy at the tip. Staminodes thin, rounded, obtuse. Cucullus small, side-lobe linear- oblong. Anther very short, the connective wing large, subtriangular. Lip small, oblong, truncate, almost quadrate, the crest large, semiovate, the longitudinal ridge silky. Capsule oblong, red, 1 cm long, hairy. Seeds nearly 1 cm long, obscurely rugose-tubercled. Leyte, Palo, Elmer 7 289. Negros, Gimagaan River, Whitford 1658. Min- danao, District of Davao, Todaya, Copeland 121f8. Mindoro, Alag River, Merrill 6132; Baco River, McGregor Silt, For. Bur. 6780, 12103 Merritt. Batan, Bur. Sci. 6260 Robinson. Luzon, Province of Isabela, Casiguran, Bur. Sci. 3100 M earns: Province of Tayabas, Whitford 631f. Camiquin, Babuyanes Islands, Bur. Sci. 3936 F6nix. This species is most nearly allied to P. malaccense Ridl. of the Malay Peninsula, differing in its more glabrous leaves, nearly glabrous sepals, and in the form of the lip. It has been confused with P. capitatum Willd., a Chittagong plant which has purple, sessile flowers. Endemic. 19. MONOPHRYNIUM K. Schum. Tall herbs, the leaves long-petioled. Panicles numerous, from a leaf- sheath, peduncled. Spikes narrow, fascicled, densely imbricate. Bracts small. Flowers solitary in each bract, with a two-keeled prophyll and mesophyll. Sepals small, lanceolate. Corolla-tube as long, the lobes lanceolate. Outer staminodes 2, obovate, a little longer than the corolla- lobes. Cucullus much shorter, with a subauricled appendage. Ovary 3-locular, with ovules in all the loculi. Species 3, endemic. 1. M. fasciculatum K. Schum. in Pflanzenreich 1 1 (1902) 68. Calathea fasciculata Presl Rel. Haenk. 1 (1827) 108, t. 16, f. 1. Phrynium fasciculatum Horan. Monogr. (1862) 11. Two meters tall. Leaves oblong or subovate-lanceolate, attenuate- acuminate, base rounded, glabrous on both sides, 30 cm long, 8 cm wide ; petiole 20 cm long, the upper part 4 cm long, flattened, glabrous. Panicles 3 or 4, subsessile, or with an 8 cm long peduncle, the racemes narrow, 6 cm long. Bracts 10, ovate-oblong, obtuse, 9 mm long, gla- brous. Ovary silky. Sepals lanceolate, 4 mm long. Corolla-tube 3.5 mm long, the lobes 5 mm long. Luzon, (Haenke) ; (Warburg 1^068) : Province of Tayabas, (Warburg 12921) , Elmer 911f8. Halmalieira. 2. M. simplex Elmer Leaf!. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 276. A tufted plant 1 to 1.5 m tall, glabrous. Leaves thin, elliptic, cuspidate, 18 to 20 cm long, 7 cm wide, base cuneate, the upper surface glabrous, beneath strigose on the nerves, knee 1 cm long, the petiole 50 THE SCITAMINE^E OF THE PHILIPPINES. 197 cm long, rather slender above. Inflorescence of two or three 9 to 12 cm long branches on a peduncle about 15 cm long, yellowish- or grayish- hairy when young, becoming subglabrous. Bracts 1 to 2 cm long, lan- ceolate, obtuse. Flower spikes remote, 4 to 6 on a branch, the outer bracts lanceolate, 1 cm long, glabrous. Peduncle short, at first erect, afterwards decurved, pubescent. Calyx 3-lobed, lanceolate, acuminate, tip blunt, pubescent. Corolla white, longer, segments ligulate. Stam- inodes obovate, petaloid, obliquely truncate, a little longer, spotted. Cucullus short, rigid. Capsule 8 mm, roundly triangular, apex truncate, 3-celled, 3-seeded, the seeds angled, truncate, with a thin aril. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Lucban, Elmer 91^7, 7 611. 3. M. congestion sp. nov. About 1 m tall, tufted. Leaves thin, lanceolate, acuminate, cuspidate, base cuneate, glabrous on the upper surface, hairy beneath, 30 cm long, 6 cm wide; petiole slender above, 55 cm long including the sheathing portion, pubescent. Inflorescence extruded at two-thirds the distance from the base, a dense head of small spikes about 2 cm in diameter. Peduncles 1 cm long, slender, angled. Bracts lanceolate, hairy, with a tuft of long hairs at the tip. Inner bracts short, oblong, obtuse. Sepals oblong-lanceolate, blunt, ciliate at the tip, half as long as the corolla-tube. Corolla- tube cylindric, the .lobes as long, linear-oblong, obtuse. Lip obovate, clawed, the limb oblong-obovate, rounded, entire, with a rather large, semiovate, transverse ridge. Cucullus subspathulate, side lobe decurved, blunt, spotted. Stamen spathulate, the apex dilated into two wings. Style thick, the apex bent an angle and with a thick process at the bend. Luzon, Provinces of Laguna-Tayabas, from Paete to Piapi, For. Bur. 95Jf8 Curran. Easily distinguished by its inflorescence, and allied to a Bornean species. MARANTA Linn. Maranta arundinacea Linn., the arrow-root, is cultivated in the Philippines, being locally known as Arourou. CANNACEiE. 20. CANNA Linn. Rhizome perennial. Stems simple, leafy. Leaves large, ovate or lanceolate, acute. Raceme terminal, simple or branched. Bracts small, ovate. Flowers in pairs. Sepals three, lanceolate to oblong. Corolla- tube cylindric, short, the lobes 3, equal, lanceolate. Staminal-tube cylindric, short, the segments petaloid, unequal, a one-celled anther attached to one lobe. Ovary 3-celled, many-ovuled. Style adnate at the 198 ItlDLEY. base to the staminal tube, free above, linear-oblong. Capsule oblong or globose, echinate. Seeds large, globose, exarillate. Species 20 or 30, tropical American, a few species now widely dispersed in the tropics of the World in a half-wild condition. I doubt if any of the species of the genus are indigenous to the Old World. Canna indica Linn, occurs all over the tropics near villages, and similarly met with, but less abundant, are Canna edulis, C. glauca, and C. Warszewiezii. 1. C. indica Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 1, in part: Roxb. As. Research. 9: 322; FI. Ind. 1 (1820) 1. C. orientalis Rose. Monandr. PI. (1828) t. 12. Stems 1 to 2 m tall. Leaves ovate or lanceolate, broad, acute or acuminate. Racemes 15 to 25 cm long, the flowers red, in pairs, the pedicels short. Bract thin, oblong, white, truncate, 1 cm long. Brac- teoles two, smaller, ovate, acute, thin, white. Calyx lobes three, lan- ceolate, acute, greenish. Corolla-tube as long. Petals lanceolate, acute, red, about 4 cm long. Staminodes spathulate, unequal, bright-red, 5 cm long, nearly 1 cm wide. Lip recurved, linear-oblong, emarginate or not, 3.5 cm long, red, or with a central yellow band with red streaks. Stamen linear, shorter, about 2 cm long. Style linear, oblong. Capsule oblong. Luzon, Province of Pampanga, Bolster IfG : Province of Tayabas, Whitford 551: Province of Bataan, For. Bur. 2012 Borden: Manila, Merrill 60. Batanes Islands, Bur. Sci. 3115 Fenix. Negros, For. Bur. 5231 Everett. Palawan, Bur. Sci. .231 Bermejos. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Mrs. Clemens 188. 2. C. glauca Rose. Monandr. PI. (1828) t. 13. Stem 1.5 to 2 m tall. Leaves lanceolate, acuminate, margined with white. Inflorescence branched, with long glaucous sheaths on the branches. Bracts glaucous, broadly ovate, thin. Calyx-lobes oblong, rounded, 1 cm long. Corolla-tube as long, the lobes linear, acute, nearly 5 cm long, yellow. Staminodes oblong, dilated a little upward. Lip oblong, cuneate, retuse, G cm long, 1 cm wide, yellow, with faint reddish splashes. Stamen linear, nearly 3 cm long. Style linear, equally long. All yellow. Manila, Merrill s. n., with C. indica, but rarer. MUSACE.E. 21. MUSA Linn. 'Pall herbs with broad, oblong leaves of great size; sheaths very large, enwrapping each other. Inflorescence terminal, racemose, with large, ovate bracts. Flowers unisexual, the females at the base, the males at the apex, in short half-circles on a stout rachis. Calyx tubular, 3- to 5-toothed, split down one side. Corolla as long, tubular. Stamens 5, perfect, the sixth rudimentary or absent. Filaments filiform. Anthers THE SCITAMINE^E OF THE PHILIPPINES. 199 erect, linear, 2-celled. Style filiform. Stigma capitate, 6-lobed. Fruit an oblong, fleshy, trigonous or cylindrical many seeded berry. Species 35, tropics of the world. There are no specimens of any species in the collection I have received, although many forms of Musa sapientum Linn, and M. paradisiaca Linn., occur in the Phil- ippines in cultivation, and doubtless some endemic species other than the follow- ing, the well-known Manila Hemp plant, Musa textilis, which I here describe from plants cultivated under that name in the Botanic Gardens at Singapore. M. textilis N6e Ann. Cienc. Nat. 4 (1801) 123; K. Sebum. Pflanzenreich 1 (1900) 19. M. mindanensis Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 3 (1855) 588. M. sylvestris Colla M6m. Gen. Musa (1820) 58. M. troglodytarum var. textoria Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 247. M. abaca Perr. M6m. Soc. Linn. Par. 3 (1824) 130. Stems tufted, cylindric, about 6 m tall, and 19 cm in girth. Leaves narrowly linear-oblong, cuspidate, 3 m long, 30 cm wide, nerves con- spicuous, parallel, light green on both sides; petiole long. Spike pen- dulous. Bracts lanceolate, obtuse, 20 cm long, 8 cm wide at the base, coriaceous, dull-brownish-red. Bud acute. Female flowers in three or four half-whorls, two rows in each whorl. Male flowers very numerous, in double whorls, 6 flowers in one series, 3 in the other, white; outer perianth-lobe 3 cm long, stiff, yellowish-white, base yellow, with three cuspidate teeth, recurved ; inner thinner, saccate, pure white, 2 cm long, apex truncate, with two denticulate lobes at the corners. Stamen- filaments linear, white, 2 cm long. Anther a little shorter, linear, cells brownish. Fruit subcylindric, narrowed at both ends. Seeds globose, flattened, small. Philippines. Musa cocci nea Andr. is cultivated as an ornamental plant the entire inflo- rescence cardinal-red, (Negros, Dumaguete, Elmer 7 836), a native of southern China and Coehincliina. Ravenala madagascariensis J. F. Gmel. the “traveller’s palm” is cultivated for ornamental purposes in Manila. 1 PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONS— Continued. Order Bureau of Science — Annual Reports. 201. Fifth Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of Science for the Year Ending August 1, 1906. 202. Sixth Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of Science for the Year Ending August 1, 1907. 203. Seventh Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of Science for the Year Ending August 1, 1908. Philippine Museum. (Now Section of Ornithology.) * No. 1, 1903.- — On Birds from Luzon, Mindoro, Masbate, Ticao, Cuyo, Culion, Caga- yan Sulu and Palawan. By Richard C. McGregor. * No. 2, 1903. — List of Bird Skins Offered in Exchange. 43. No. 3 , 1901f. — Birds from Benguet Province, Luzon, and from the Islands of Lubang, Mindoro, Cuyo, and Cagayancillo. By Richard C. McGregor. * No. It, 190Jf.— The Birds of Calayan and Fuga, Babuyan Group. By Richard C. McGregor. Mining Bureau. (Now Division of Mines.) 45. 1890. — Descripcidn ffsica, geoldgica y minera en bosquejo de la Isla de Panay por D. Enrique Abella y Casariego, Inspector General de Minas del Archipiglago. * 1890. — Memoria descriptiva de los manantiales minero-medicinales de la Isla de Luzdn, estudiados por la comision compuesta de los Senores D. Jose Centeno, Inge- niero de Minas y Vocal Presidente, D. Anacleto del Rosario y Sales, Vocal Far- maceutico, y D. Josd de Vera y G6mez, Vocal Medico. 47. 1893.-~ Estudio descriptivo de algunos manantiales minerales de Filiplnas ejecutado por la comisidn formada por D. Enrique Abella y Casariego, Inspector General de Minas, D. Jose de Vera y G6mez, Medico, y D. Anacleto del Rosario y Sales, Far- maceutico ; precedido de un pr61ogo escrito por el Excmo. Sr. D. Angel de Avil6s, Director General de Administracidn Civil. 48. 1893. — Terremotos experimentados en la Isla de Luz6n durante los meses de Marzo y Abril de 1892, especialmente desastrosos en Pangasinfin, Uni6n y Benguet. Estudio ejecutado por D. Enrique Abella y Casariego, Inspector General de Minas del Archipielago. 49. 1901. — The Coal Measures of the Philippines. Charles H. Burritt. 50. 1902. — Abstract of the Mining Laws (in force in the Philippines, 1902). Charles H. Burritt. 51. 1902., Bulletin No. 1. — Platinum and Associated Rare Metals in Placer Formations, H. D. McCaskey, B. S. 52. 1903. — Report of the Chief of the Mining Bureau of the Philippine Islands. Charles H. Burritt. 53. 1903, Bulletin No. 2. — Complete List of Spanish Mining Claims Recorded in the Mining Bureau. Charles H. Burritt. 54. 1903, Bulletin No. 3. — Report on a Geological Reconnoissance of the Iron Region of Angat, Bulacan. H. D. McCaskey, B. S. 55. 190 Jf. — Fifth Annual Report of the Mining Bureau. H. D. McCaskey. 56. 1905. — Sixth Annual Report of the Chief of the Mining Bureau. H. D. McCaskey. 57. 1905, Bulletin No. If. — A Preliminary Reconnoissance of the Mancayan-Suyoc Mineral Region, Lepanto, P. I. A. J. Eveland, Geologist. 58. 1905, Bulletin No. 5.— The Coal Deposits of Batan Island. Warren D. Smith, B. S., M. A., Geologist. Division of Mines. 301. 1908. — The Mineral Resources of the Philippine Islands, with a Statement of the Production of Commercial Mineral Products during the year 1907, issued by Warren D. Smith, Chief of the Division of Mines. Ethnological Survey. (Now Division of Ethnology.) 401. Vol. 1, 1905. — The Bontoc Igorot, by Albert Ernest Jenks. Paper, P2 ; half morocco, P3. 402. Vol. II, Part 1, 1901f. — Negritos of Zambales, by William Allen Reed. Paper, P0.50 : half morocco, PI. 50. 403. Vol, II, Part 2 and Part 3, 1905. — The Nabaloi Dialect, by Otto Scheerer. The Bataks of Palawan, by Edward Y. Miller. (Bound also in one volume with Part 1 Negritos of Zambales.) Paper, P0.50 ; half morocco, PI. 50. Combined, half morocco, P3. 404. Vol. Ill, 190If. — Relaciones Agustinianas de las razas del Norte de Luzon, by Perez. Paper, P0.75 ; half morocco, P2. 405. Vol. IV, Part 1, 1905. — Studies in Moro History, Law, and Religion, by Najeeb M. Saleeby. Paper, P0.50 ; half morocco, PI. 50. Division of Ethnology. 406. 407. 408. 409. Vol. IV, Part 2, 1908.- — History of Sulu, by Najeeb M. Saleeby. Paper, PI, 50. VoZ. V, Part 1 and Part 2, 1908 . — The Batdn Dialect as a Member of the Philippine Group of Languages, by Otto Scheerer. “F” and “V” in Philippine Languages bv C. E. Conant. Paper, PI. 60. e B ’ y VoZ. V, Part 3. — A Vocabulary of the Igorot Language as spoken by the Bontok Igorots, by the Rev. Whiter Clayton Clapp. Igorot- English, English-Igorot. Paper, P1.50. Directions for Ethnographic Observations and Collections, 1908. For free dis- tribution. NOTE. Those of the above-listed publications which are for sale may be obtained from the Director of Printing, Manila, P. I. Publications for free distribution, listed above may be had by writing to the Business Manager, Philippine Journal of Science, Manila ’ P I Please give order number. * Out of print. CONTENTS Page. BRAND, A. Additional Philippine Symplocaceae, I 107 COPELAND, EDWIN BINGHAM. New or Interest- ing Philippine Ferns, IV m MERRILL, E. D. A Revision of Philippine Connaraceae_ 117 MERRILL, E. D. A Revision of Philippine Loranth- aceae 129 RIDLEY, H. N. The Scitamineae of the Philippine Islands icc The “Philippine Journal of Science” is issued as follows: Seotion A. General Soience, $2, United States currency, per year. Section B. Medioal Sciences, $3, United States currency, per year. Section C. Botany, $2, United States ourrency, per year. The entire “Journal” $5, United States eurrenoy, per year. Single numbers, 50 oents, United States ourrency. Authors receive 100 copies of their papers free. The numbers of each section will appear as rapidly as material is available. Each sec- tion will be separately paged and indexed. Subscriptions may be sent to the DIRECTOR OF PRINTING, Manila, P. I. Correspond- ence should be addressed to the Business Manager, Philippine Journal of Science, Manila, P. I. FOREIGN AGENTS. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 64-66 Fifth Avenue, New York. Messrs. WM. WESLEY & SON, 28 Essex Street, Strand, London, W. C. MARTINUS NIJHOFF, Nobelstraat 18, ’s Gravenhage, Holland. Messrs. MAYER & MULLER, Prinz Louis Ferdinandstrasse 2, Berlin, N. W. Messrs. KELLY & WALSH, LIMITED, 32 Raffles Place, Singapore, S. S. Messrs. A. M. & J. FERGUSON, 19 Baillie Street, Colombo, Ceylon. (Entered at the post-office at Manila, P. I., as second-class matter.) A limited number of unbound copies of previous volumes ar® available which may be secured from the Director of Printing at the following rates: Volume I, 1906 (not divided into sections), $5, United States currency; Supplement to Vol- ume I, $2.50, United States currency; Volume I (without supplement), $3, United States currency; all later volumes at current subscription prices. Vol. IV AUGUST, 1909 THE PHILIPPINE No. 3 1 JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDITED BY PAUL C. FREER, M. D., Ph. D. CO-EDITOR RICHARD P. STRONG, Ph. B., M. D. WITH THE COOPERATION OF E. D. MERRILL, M. S.; F. W. FOXWORTHY, Ph. D. C. B. ROBINSON, Ph. D.; H. N. WHITFORD, Ph. D. PUBLISHED BY THE BUREAU OF SCIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS C. Botany MANILA BUREAU OF PRINTING 1909 PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONS. °RDEB Bureau of Government Laboratories. No. 15 No°15’ 190 k! Biological’ and Scrum Laboratories. — Report on Bacillus Violacevus Ma- n'll® : A Pathogenic Micro-Organism. By Paul G. Woolley. M. D. . . * No 16 1901f, Biological Laboratory. — Protective Inoculation against Asiatic Cholera . An Experimental Study. By Richard P. Strong, M. D. _ M„_nl 17. No. 17, 190k- — New or Noteworthy Philippine Plants, II. By Elmer D. Merril , * No^lS^'lSOk, Biological Laboratory.— I. Amebas : Their Cultivation and Etiologic Significance By W. E. Musgrave, M. D., and Moses T. Clegg. II. The Treatment of Intestinal Amcebiasis (Amoebic Dysentery) in the Tropics. By W. E. Mus- 19. No™™,’ 190k! Biological Laboratory. — Some Observations on the Biology of the Chol- 20 nI^zT'iOO™— Mimical ZSZZ’ory: ff. Does Latent or Dormant Plague . Exist Where the Disease is Endemic? By Maximilian Herzog, M. D., and Charles B. Hare. Serum Laboratory: II. Broncho-Pneumonia o4^pVesnr^llASn0CV Sn iff ■r Rr»vi?TBufcau of Government Laboratories— I. A Description of the New Buildings of the Bureau of Government Laboratories. By Paul C. ^re^, M. D., Ph. D. II. A Catalogue of the Library of the Bureau of Government Laboratories. * No. ^23^1 9^4 ^ Biological Laboratory. — Plague: Bacteriology, Morbid Anatomy, and Histopathology (Including a Consideration of Insects as Plague Carriers). By 24. No1 a| I™ 1 90?/ , 1 ^Biologica l Laboratory. — Glanders: Its Diagnosis and a ( aether with a Report on Two Cases of Human Glanders Occurring in Manila a lome Notes on the Bacteriology and Polymorphism of Bacterium Mallei). By 25 ' 2 "l 90k .— -B i r d^s’ from the Islands of Romblon, Sibuyan, and Cresta de Gallo. By Richard C. McGregor. ( For first four bulletins of the ornithological series , see 26 "KSiSTisorolor!,.— ^ The Clinical and Pathological Significance ot 27 !i the Species Described in Blanco’s 28 »«*• PW1"" 29 5Tew“?to Pwilppine Plants. III. II. The Source ot a,! «' II. Hydration in Solution. By Gilbert N. Lewis, Ph. D. fTn- oi TCn 1007 Biological Laboratory. — I. Notes on a Case of H®mdtochyluria ( gether with'some Observations on the Morphology of pF f Kiirna By William B. Wherry, M. D., and John R. McDlll, M. D Manila, P I. TT A starch into the Nitrate and Nitrite Content of Witte's ‘‘Peptone, with Special Reference to Its Influence on the Demonstration of the Indol and Cholera- 82 SaZTT. Intestinal Hmmorrh.g. as a Fatal Com- Nation In Amffib ic Dysentery and Its Association with Liver Abscess. By Richard P itrong M D II. The Action of Various Chemical Substances upon Cultures sSw BBS* ^SSSr-JOBL W «-wK * Norsk’ 190?— I. Birds from Mindoro and Small Adjacent Islands. II. Notes on 95 n- N'>lfl?V°rU.Sr“,I.S 35. in the Herbarium of the Bureau of Government Laboratories. Tn ffiSfel “Notes on ^ Philippine Grasses.*’ IV. Ridley, ‘‘Scitamine® Phillppinen- 36 nFsB Y190lk-A H SW^SSSrii t£ Elands. Schard C. 39. Th’rd^Annual^cporfof'S^ Superintendent of th. Bnrc.u ot Government Laboratory 40 Fo'^rtt Annl" »S« oMh^e'rWttndent of the Bureau of Government Laboratory for the Year Ending August 31, 1905. Bureau of Science — Publications. 101. Price and Exchange List of Philippine Bird Skins In the Collection of the Bureau of 102. No.C*fni90^— A ^hBcff List^ephiVHpphieUFMshes. By David Starr Jordan and Robert 103 Noa2 *1909*— T ulnniril Philippine Birds. By Richard C. McGregor, Parts I 103' and II A systematic^ Index to the orders, families, and genera. Paper. PS for the two parts. — • Out of print. (Concluded on third page of cover.) THE PHILIPPINE Journal of Science C. Botany Yol. IV AUGUST, 1909 No. 3. THE GENUS ERIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.* By Robert Greexleaf Leavitt. (From the Ames Botanical Laboratory, North Easton, Mass., U. 8. -1.) Forty species of Eria , all but six of which are thought to be endemic, have thus far been discovered in the Philippine Islands and are described below. They are distributed in seven sections, § Urostachya being most fully represented, with § Hymeneria second in number of species. Only thirteen of these Erias were known to science when, within a decade or so, the present botanical activity began, the remaining twenty- seven being, therefore, all recent or new. Thirteen species are described for the first time in the present account. These facts arouse the expecta- tion that in the immediate future a large number of new species will be brought to light in the extensive districts which, botanically, are as yet virgin territory. Many exotic kinds will also doubtless be found. With the increase of material and the more enlightened study which it will permit, groups now thought to be integral species will reveal a definite multiplicity. As a result of these several modifying causes, the genus of only a few years hence will doubtless wear a quite different aspect from that of the Philippine Etna of to-day ; and the present summary will very shortly appear fragmentary and out of date. Without doubt it embodies mistakes incidental to a paucity of materials. It is attempted with the purpose of promoting the study of the group by collectors, and is prepared in view of the fact that, at the moment of writing, there is in existence no general treatment of the genus Eria. I have hoped to lighten the * Contributions from the Ames Botanical Laboratory, No. 10. 85754 201 202 LEAVITT. labor of identifying new collections in a group of some hundreds of species, whose descriptions are widely scattered in literature, in which identification has ordinarily been very difficult or even, except under favorable conditions as regards library and herbarium, impossible. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES, DIAGNOSES OF NEW SPECIES, ETC. Before undertaking the consecutive description of the species, I may enter certain notes which have been made in my study of the genus; here, also, I have placed the required Latin characterizations of new species, citations of specimens, original descriptions, the bibliography of old species, etc. Measurements in diagnoses of new species are taken from dried specimens. When single measurements are given they are maxima rather than averages. Leaf-lengths do not include sheathing bases. Lengths of racemes are exclusive of the peduncle. The height of the column is generally taken without the anther- cap. Drawings are invariably from the camera lucida. ERIA Lindley. “Perianthiurn lanatum, connivens. Labellum trilobum, articulatum cum processu unguiformi columnae cujus lateribus sepala antica adnas- cuntur. Pollinia octo.” Lindley Bot. Keg. (1825) t. 904. Sepala, subaequalia, posticum liberum v. basi breviter rarius alte cum caeteris connatum, lateralia saepius latiora basi pedi columnae adnata, mentum breve v. rarius calcariforme formantia, superne libera v. rarius altius connata. Petala sepalo postico subconformia. Labellum ad api- cem pedis columnae basi contractual, rarius articulatum, incumbens, superne patens, integrum v. utrinque lobo laterali auctum. Columna bievis, lata, antice cava saepeque anguste 2-alata, basi in pedem producta; clinandrium margine integrum v. vix antice 2-angulatum et postice 1- dentatum. Anthera terminalis, opercularis, incumbens, interdum valde convexa v. obtuse conica, loculis 2 distinctis imperfecte 4-locellatis ; pollinia 8, cerea, in quoque loculo 4, pyriformia v. late ovoidea, parum compressa, acutiuseula v. acuminata, in fasciculos 2 visco parco cohaer- entia. ( apsula oblonga v. linearis, erostris. — Jlerbae epiphyticae v. rarius terrestres, caulibus seeus rhizoma saepius confertis pseudobulbosis, v. longiusculis saepe carnosis 2-oo-foliatis, v. rarius 1-foliatis. Pedun- cuh v. scapi pseudoterminales v. laterales, nec directe rhizomati affixi, simplices, racemiferi v. interdum 1-flori. Flores parvi mediocres v. rarius majusculi, secus rhachin racemi sparsi v. rarissime distichi. Brac- teae parvae v. angustae.” Bentham & Hooker Gen. PI. 3 (1883) 509. S UROSTACHYA Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) GO; Bentham I- c. 18 (1881) 303; Bentham & Hooker Gen. PI. 3: 510; Pfitzer in Engler & Prantl Nat. Pflanzenfam. 26 (1889) 175; J. J. Smith Orch. Java 398. 4 he caulescent species with numerous leaves, and long racemes or panicles of flowers, without the woolly lip-appendages of § Eriura, form THE GENUS ERIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 203 a natural group which may be conveniently placed apart from others. The flowers, with the exception of E. bambusi folia, are very small and densely arranged.” Lindley, l. c. This section is perhaps not strictly separable from § Hymeneria, to which, indeed, Hooker f., for the Indian flora, joins it; but in the Philippines the division is a convenient one, since it quickly indicates the general nature of the species embraced, which in these Islands are relatively numerous. E. polyura Lindley Pot. Peg. (1841) Misc. 55; Ames Orchidaceae 1 (1905) 95; 2 (1908) 196. “Caule elongato folioso, foliis lanceolatis acutis patentibus striatis, spiels oppositifoliis multifloris nutantibus foliis aequalibus v. brevioribus, bracteis ovario duplo brevioribus adpressis, sepalis petalisque ovatis acutis erectis laevibus, labello cordato ovato acuto basi bicarinato.” Lindley, 1. c. The type in Lindley’s herbarium is labeled “Loddiges June 1841.” It was originally from the Philippines. It consists of two racemes merely. The accom- panying camera lucida drawing (fig. 2, below) represents a rather poor, but sufficiently serviceable flower from one of these racemes. The dotted lines restore the true outline of shriveled or defective parts. On the same sheet with the type is- a Cuming specimen (for which Mr. Polfe suggests the number 2128, the type number of E. ringens Reichb. f.) from the Philippines, marked “E. polyura” in Lindley’s hand, which in reality is a very different plant indeed. The flowers have no resemblance to those of E. polyura — the lip is trilobed, the perianth- segments very narrow and acuminate— nor do the stem and its sheaths partic- ularly recall those of this species. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Mount Banajao, Elmer 7393, May, 1906, epiphytic, in open ravines at 600 m altitude: Province of Cagayan, For. Bur. 11320 Klemme, April, 1908. E. Copelandii sp. nov. E. II ut chins onianae affinis. Sympodium productum. Caulis in sicco 2—4 mm in diametro, vaginis laxis instructus. Folia prope apices caulium conferta, in caule florigero 5, lanceolata, acuta, 9-13 cm longa, 7-12 mm lata. Infiorcscentiae 2, plus minus 7 cm longae, pedunculo plus minus 1 cm longo, racemo dense plurifloro, plus minus 1 cm in diametro, bracteis ovatis vix 2 mm longis. Flores parvi, sessiles. Ovarium, pubescens, 1—2 mm longum. Sepala 3—1 mm longa; dorsale ellipticum, concavum; lateralia impariter ovata obtusa, 2.5 mm lata. Fetala oblonga vel ovata, obtusa, eoncava, plus minus 3 mm longa. Labellum integrum, saccatum, explanation semiorbiculare, vix 3 mm longum. Columna crassa, 1 mm alta; pes aequilongus. (Fig. 3.) The small globose flowers with entire saccate or scoop-like smooth-margined lip are distinctive. Mindanao, District of Davao, Mount Apo, Copeland 11,23 (type, part in Manila, part in herb. Ames), epiphytic, flowers rose-colored, with faint odor. For. Bur. 1,600 M earns d Hutchinson, collected at an altitude of 2,800 m on Mount Malindang, Province of Misamis, Mindanao, May, 1906, has leaves and inflorescence shorter than in the type, but the floral structure is the same; For. Bur. 1,596 from the same locality, the “flowers yellow,” specimens in fruit, may be the same. 204 LEAVITT. I may or may not be right in combining with the several specimens cited above the following which is of an aberrant habit, yet has the flowers of the species. Its most noticeable peculiarity is the pseudobulbous thickening of the stem, that is of the extremity of each member of the sympodium. Var. fusiform is var. nov. Apices caulium per internodia plurima incrassati, pseudobulbos form- antes fusiformes, 3—4 cm longos, plus minus 1 cm crassos, vaginis imbric- atis acuminatis vestitos, florigeros, et ad apicem foliosos ; racemi densiores. Luzox, Province of Benguet, Mount Tonglon, For. Bur. 5061 Curran, (type), August 8, 1906, epiphytic in top of tree, flowers white with pink center. Merrill .1/590, from an altitude of 2,100 m on Mount Data, District of Lepanto, Luzon, November, 1905, is somewhat peculiar, but at present is to be placed here. E. H utch inson iana Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 330. ‘‘Allied to E. tenuifolia Ridl. Rhizomes woody, about 5 mm in diameter. Pseudobulbs 5 cm-1 dm apart, abbreviated, 1.5—3 cm long, clothed with scarious sheaths, leafy at the summit. Leaves linear- lanceolate, about 1 dm long, about 8 mm wide, acute, tapering gradually toward both ends. Inflorescence few-flowered, about 6 cm long, near the summit of the pseudobulbs. Flowers white and purple. Peduncle , pedicels, and ovaries covered with rufous or dark yellowish hairs. Bracts lanceolate, acute, about 4 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide. Lateral sepals triangular-lanceolate, acute, slightly protuberant anteriorly at base near the apex of the column foot,’ about 8 mm long, 2.5 mm wide near the middle, broader below. Upper sepal lanceolate, acute, about 9 mm long, narrower than the laterals. Petals linear-lanceolate or linear-oblong, subobtuse, 3-nerved, about 8 mm long, 2 mm wide near the middle. Labellum ecallose, smooth, 5 mm long, basal half with the sides erect (conduplicate when dry), apical half oblong, rounded at the apex, 2 mm wide.” E. phil ippinensis Ames Orchidaceae 1 (1905) 94. “Rliizoma repens. Pseudobulbi remoti, foliati. Folia lineari-oblonga s. lineari-lanceolata, acuta, 12 cm longa, approximate. Raccmus nutans. Rhachis puberulus. Sepala lateralia oblonga, acuta. Sepalum dorsale oblongum. Pctala oblonga sub-acuta. Ijabellum integer, ovatum, ob- tusum, ecallosum. Ovarium tomentosum. Flores glabri. “Rhizome woody, stout, creeping, bracteate. Bracts tubular, loosely imbricating, obtuse. Leaves about 5, linear-oblong or linear-lanceolate, acute, about 12 cm long, 11 mm wide, approximate upon remote, declined, pseudobulbous, contracted, thickened stems ; each pseudobulbous stem subtended by a leaf. Racemes several from the summit of the short stems, about 1 dm long, loosely many-flowered, tomentose. Bracts longer than the tomentose pedicels, smooth. Flowers exceeding 1 cm in length, smooth. Lateral sepals oblong, acute, about 1.5 cm long, 4 mm wide. Upper sepal narrower than the laterals, about 1.5 cm long. Petals oblong, THE GENUS ERIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 205 sub-acute, 1.4 mm long, 4 mm wide. Lip entire, ovate, obtuse, ecallose, 7 mm long. Column 2.5 mm high. Ovary tomentose hairy.' Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, For. Bur. 2206 Meyer, Novem- ber 22, 1904, terrestrial, flowers odorless, petals cream-color, lip dark-red, common, altitude 760 m; For. Bur. 2322 Borden, December, 1904: District of Lepanto, Mount Data, Merrill Jt859, October 29, 1905, epiphytic in the mossy forest, altitude 2,125 m, flowers pale-dull-purple; trail to Balbalasan, For. Bur. 5129 Klemme, November 19, 1906, flowers pink; same place and date, flowers white, For. Bur. 5132 Klemme: Province of Benguet, Pauai, Bur. Sci. JfSlS Mearns, July, 1907, altitude 2,100 m. E. Woodiana Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 332. “Allied to E. ovata Lindl. Stems about 18 cm long, leafy at the summit, closely sheathed. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, up to 3 dm long, 3-4.5 cm wide, acute. Inflorescence racemose, much shorter than the leaves. Flowers pale yellow. Peduncles about 1 dm long, floriferous nearly to the base, breaking forth from the leafy summit of the pseudo- bulbs. Bracts ligulate, acute, about 5 mm long. Lateral sepals oblong- lanceolate, acute, 6 mm long, 2 mm wide. Upper sepal narrowly lance- olate, 6.5 mm long. Petals narrowly lanceolate, subacute, 5.5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide. Labellum 3-nerved, about 4 mm long, orbicular at base, contracted at about the middle into the oblong, obtuse, apical half, mono- callose at base in front of the claw.” E. longicruris sp. nov. Caules cylindracei, vaginis tubularibus vestiti, ad 30 cm alti, in sicco 2 mm in diametro, ad summum per distantiam 3-5 cm foliosi. Folia lanceolata, acuminata, acuta, lamina ad 15 cm longa, 1-1.5 cm (rarissime 2 cm) lata. Inflorescentiae 2 vel 3, oppositifoliae, lax i florae, 5-9 cm longae; pedunculus brevis, cum rhachide glabro pergracilis. Bracteae acuminatae, acutae, plus minus 6 mm longae. Flores plus minus 15, glabri. Ovarium cum pedicello pergracile, ad 15 mm longum. Sepalum dorsale a basi regulariter fastigatum, vel aliquantum lanceolatum, acutum, 11-13 mm longum, 2-3 mm latum ad basim. Sepala lateralia similia, parum falcata, intermedio aequilonga. Petala ligulato-lanceolata, acuta, sepalis aliquanto breviora et angustiora. Labellum brevissime unguicu- latum, 3-lobatum, plus minus 6 mm longum; pars basilaris rotundata, plus minus 4 mm lata, carinis tribus, medio crasso, canaliculato ; lobi laterales incurvati, breves, obtusi; lobus medius oblongo-obovatus, plus minus 3 mm longus, 1.5-2 mm latus. Columna gracilis, ferme 3 mm alta; pes 2 mm longus. (Fig. 6.) Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. Jf609 Mearns t£ Hutchinson, June 4, 1906, part in Manila, part in herb. Ames. Altitude 2,800 m. Flowers yellow-white. E. graciliscapa Rolfe ex Ames Orchidaceae 1 (1905) 93; 2 (1908) 193; 3 (1908) 88, t. 57. “Pseudobulbs terete, slender, 5-6 inches long. Leaves 3 or 4, terminal, lanceolate-oblong, subcoriaceous, 2|-3^ inches long, 6-8 lines broad. 206 LEAVITT. Scapes axillary near the summit of the steins, slender, arcuate, many- flowered, 2|-3 inches long. Bracts oblong-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, 1-1^ lin. long. Sepals oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, lin. long. Petals lanceolate-linear, acuminate, 1^ lin. long. Lip entire, ovate-lanceolate, acute, strongly 3-nerved, 1 lin. long. Column rather stout, about f lin. long. Mentum very short.” Rolfe l. c. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Mount Banajao, Elmer 77/05, May, 1906, a tufted epiphyte, flowers yellowish, altitude 600 m. The following species is described from a single plant, originally confused with E. longicruris on one of the sheets above cited : E. racemosa sp. nov. Caulis cylindraceus, in sicco plus minus 5 mm in diametro, vaginis papyraceis laxis tubularihus aliquid oblique truncatis 5 cm longis vestitus. Folia 7, ad summum caulem conferta, laminis lanceolatis, ad 12 cm longis et 1.7 cm latis, obtusiusculis. Inflorcscentiae 4, oppositifoliae, ad 14 cm longae, pedunculo breve, validiusculo, racemo laxe plurifloro, plus minus 2 cm in diametro, bracteis 5 mm longis. Ovarium cum pedicello per- gracile, pubcscens pilis rufis, plus minus 7 mm longum. Mentum breve. Sepala ligulata, obtusa, 8-9 mm longa, dorsale aliquid lanceolatum, 2 mm latum, lateralia falcata, 2.5 mm lata. Petala ligulata, obtusa, 7—8 mm longa, 1.5 mm lata. Labellum ovato-oblongum, plus minus 4 mm longum, 2 mm latum ad basim rotundatum; calli 3, carinati, duo prom- inentes 1 mm a basi labelli, inter eos unus humilis super venam mediam. Columna gracilis, 1.5 mm alta, pedi aequilonga. Type specimen found upon sheet with Eria longicruris, collected by Mearns & Hutchinson on Mount Malindang, Province of Misamis, Mindanao, May, 1906, For. Bur. 4609. Cuming’s collections in the Philippines gave in the hands of Reichenbach f. and of Lindley two or perhaps three species in this section. The descriptions are highly inadequate. What Reichenbach’s Eria ringens is, can not certainly be known until his type can be seen, if it is still in existence when his herbarium is opened. Cuming’s no. 2128 is to be found in several herbaria, but it may possibly have been originally a mixture, since confusion is easy in a group like this. Reichenbach says1 that his species is repeated in Lindley’s Eria retroflexa. E. retroflexa Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) 60; Ames Orchidaceae 2 (1908) 197. “Foliis anguste oblongis spicis tenuibus duplo longioribus, bracteis oblongis glabris retroflexis, flonbus glabris, sepalis petalis labelloque subaequalibus ovatis acutis.” Lindley l. c. Fortunately the type of this species is accessible in the Lindley herbarium. I have taken a careful camera lucida drawing from a flower, which is reproduced below (fig. 7). The floral structure disagrees very essentially with Lindley’s drawing on the sheet, and with the original description, which was written, I suspect, at second hand, that is from the erroneous drawing rather than from the flowers of the plant itself. Such a labellum as Lindley ascribes to Eria 1 Linnaea 41:87. 207 THE GENUS EKIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. rctroftera (scarcely distinguishable from the other perianth-segments ) would be wholly anomalous in the alliance. In reality, the lip, compared with the other segments, is very small. The following are approximately the dimensions of the parts of the flower examined by me: sepals 8-8.6 mm long, 2 mm broad; petals . mm long, 1.7 mm broad; lip 3.4 mm long, 2 mm broad. The lip is thick and apparent y callose on the sides near the base. The specimen, accompanied by the usual Cuming label but without number, consists of a single stem (about 1 cm in diameter near the top, in the dry state) bearing up and down its sides 5 inflorescences, the longest about 9 cm long and near the summit two leaves the largest about 17 cm long, and 1.8 cm wide. °f Tayaba8' Wki,f0rd SeP‘emb«- H. >904, epiphytic, o Eua/in9?nS ReiChb‘ ^ in BonPIandia 3 (1855) 222; Lindley in Journ. Linn. 8 L Hook f pi B Rrfb' f' 111 Walp- Ann- 6:275 and in Linnaea 41 (1876) , ook. f. I 1. But. Ind. 5:793; Grant Orch. Burma 148. “Ail Eriae pubescenti Wight, glabra, bracteis ovatis acutis, labelli ungue brevissimo, lamina oblonga acuminata basi rotundata, gynostemii androclimo utrmque semiovato brachiato, angulis anticis medio omnino muticis. Vaults carnosus bulbosus (cylindraceus ? planus ?), siccus lmidium pollicem Jatus. Folia oblongoligulata basi cuneata, apice in- aequah acuta, tres quatuorve pollices longa, unum pollicem lata. Spicae oppositifoliae duos tresve pollices longae, pluriflorae. Bracteae duas resve lmeas longae apiculatae reflexae ovariis pedicellatis subaequales Pengoma longiuscula (tres lineas longa) ; glaberrima. Mentum ob- tusum. bepala et tepala lancea acuta ! 2128. Cuming. Phil.” Eeichb f. in Bonplandia l. c. E. merrittii Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 331. “Pseudobulbs rather stout, cylindrical from a stout rhizome, 7-10 cm long, about 5 mm thick, 2-3-leaved at the summit. Leaves linear- lanceolate about 12 cm long, about 1.5 cm wide, acuminate, acute. Peduncle short, about 4 cm long, breaking forth from the upper part of the pseudobulbs. Bracts lanceolate, acute. Flowers white. Lateral sepals linear-lanceolate, acute, about 6-7 mm long, 1.5 mm wide at base. Upper sepal lmear-lanceolate, about equal to the laterals. Petals narrowly lanceolate, acute, about 6.5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, 3-nerved, acute. Labellum lanceolate, ecallose, smooth, 4 mm long, 1.5 mm wide at base.” This species very much resembles Eria retroflcxa Lindl. 140E' Li™Ie^' BOt‘ Reg’ (1844)’ 9ub 29 ’ Vidal P^n. Cuming. Philip. . D ev‘ ’ ^ asc- lilip. 268; Ames Orchidaceae 2 (1908) 195 (excl specimen cited which belongs to E. Elmeri, I think.). "Folns oblongis obtusis basi angustatis, racemis pubescentibus multi- Horis, bracteis parvis ovalibus reflexis, sepalis petalisqne acuminatis, labelto ovato-oblongo mdiviso basi bicalloso.” Lindley l. c. The type in Lindley s herbarium at Kew is an unnumbered Cuming specimen from the Philippines, consisting of three leaves and one inflorescence. There is a drawing of the lip by Lindley showing the two short carinate calli very near 208 LEAVITT. the base which my camera drawing from the type, reproduced below (fig- 8), Tes not show. The longest leaf is 9 cm long by 2 cm broad, and the raceme L 14 cm long. The sepals are 1 cm long by 4-4.5 mm broadband the petals are of the same dimensions; the Up is 6 mm long, 3.5 mm broad; the column excluding the anther is 2 mm high, its foot 2.3 mm long, and the ovary and pedicel cm Iona- ■ the floral bracts are broadly lanceolate, acute, the lower about 5 mm long. Mv* notes say that all parts of the lip are thin and veiny. The ovary is rather densely pubescent with short brownish or tawny hairs. My camera drawing is from Lindlev’s type. E. Elmeri Ames Orchidaceae 1 (1905) 93; 2 (1908) 190. “Caulcs elongati, 2 dm longi. Folia coriacea, elliptico-oblonga, obtusa, 5-8 cm longa. Racemus nutans, rhachis puberulus. Sepala smnlia, oblonga, obtusa, trinervia. Petala oblonga, obtusa. Labellum ovato- lanceolatum, sub-acutum s. obtusum, ad basim bicallosum. Flores gla ri. “Plants about 2 dm high ? Stems rather stout, leafy above, 5-7 mm thick. Roots branching, villose-pubescent. Leaves about 7 m number, approximate near the summit of the stem, coriaceous, elliptic- oblong, obtuse, 5-8 cm long, up to 3 cm wide, many-nerved, shortly petiolate Racemes several, slender, flexuous, about 1 dm long, from the summi o the stems many-flowered. Rhachis sparsely pubescent. Floral bracts conspicuous, oblong, sub-acute, about 6 mm long. Pedicels about 5 mm Ion0-, slender. Sepals similar, oblong, obtuse, 6 mm long, 3-nerve . Petals shorter than the sepals, oblong, obtuse. Lip 3-nerved, articulated with the foot of the column by a short oblong claw, purplish, narrow \ ovate, subacute or obtuse, 3 mm long, 1.5 mm wide just above the claw, with two short, keel-like intramarginal calli, one on each side near the base of the expanded limb. Column 1.5 mm long, produced into a dis- tinct foot. Pollinia 8. Flowers yellowish or whitish with a purple- stained lip.” Ames Orchidaceae 1 (1905) 93. Luzon* Province of Bataan, Lamao River, Mount Mariveles, Whitford 161, 1111, May, 1904, March 3, 1905. Epiphyte, flowers yellow, common on ridges, altitude 1,000-1,500 m. E. compacta Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 329. “Roots elongated, much branched. Pseudobulbs approximate, elong- ated-pyriform, about 5 cm long, about 1 cm in diameter at ba, c, bifoliate. Leaves rigid, coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, 4.5 5.5 cm ona, mm wide. Inflorescence about 3 cm long. Bracts ovate-lanceolate, 5 mm long, about 2 mm wide, acute, equaling or exceeding the pedicels cr the flowers. Lateral sepals triangular-lanceolate, acute, 6 mm long, 2.5 mm wide at base. Upper sepal lanceolate, slightly broader than the laterals. Petals lanceolate, acute or subacute, about 6 mm long, 2 mm wide, 3-nerved. Labellum ovate-lanceolate, subobtuse, cordate at base, 4 mm long, 1.75 mm wide near the base.” The verv broad column is distinctive. THE GENUS ERIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 209 E. floribunda Lindley in Wall. Cat. (1832) no. 7408; Bot. Reg. (1843) Misc. 43; (1844) t. 20; Paxton’s Mag. Bot. 1 1 (1844) 91; Journ. Hort. Soc. 3 (1848) 15; Josst Besclir. u. Cult. Orch. 91; Paxton’s FI. Gard. 3:116, fig. 288 (var. leucostachya) ; Beer Orchideen 247; Miquel FI. Ind. Bat. 3:661; Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) 60; Walp. Ann. 6:276; Gard. Chron. N. S. 18 (1882) -468; Hooker f. FI. Brit. Ind. 5: 792; Ridley in Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. II 3 (1893) 366; Grant Orch. Burma 140; Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 31 (1896) 281, 282 and 32 (1896) 290; Bull. Herb. Boiss. II 4 (1904) 368; J. J. Smith Orch. Java 400. Pinalia floribunda 0. Kuntze Rev. Gen. PI. 2 (1891) 678. “Caulibus carnosis subllexuosis teretibus, foliis lanceolatis acuminatis, racemis oppositifoliis patulis multifloris pubescentibus foliis brevioribus, bracteis defloratis ovatis concavis retrorsis, sepalis petalis 3-plo latioribus, labello angnsto rmdo basi saccato: laciniis lateralibus ascendentibtis ab- breviatis intermedia cuneata tridentata. “A caulescent species, with lanceolate leaves seven or eight inches long. The flowers are small, pink, smooth in close spreading racemes much shorter than the leaves. The column is dark purple at the top.'’ Lindley Bot. Reg. (1843) Misc. 43. Palawan, Balsajan River, Mount Pulgar, Bur. Sci. 550 Foxworthy, March 1, 1906, plant 8 dm high, flowers white, on trees on river hank; Mount Victoria, Bur. Sci. 633 Foxworthy, April, 1906, epiphyte, flowers white, altitude exceeding 1,000 m above the sea. § HYMENERIA Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) 52; Bentliam l. c. 18 (1881) 303; Bentham & Hooker f. Gen. PI. 3:510; Hooker f. FI. Brit. Ind. 5:785; Pfltzer in Engler & Prantl Nat. Pflzenfam. 2° (1889) 175; J. J. Smith Orch. Java 406. ‘‘This name is proposed for all those species which, to a fleshy some- what shapeless stem with few thin leaves, add a many-flowered inflores- cence that is smooth or nearly so. Possibly it might be subdivided into those with a dense inflorescence like E. convallanoides and pumila, and such as have the thin racemes of E. bractescens.” Lindley l. c. E. bractescens Lindley Bot. Reg. (1841) Misc. 18; (1844) t. 29; Paxton’s Mag. Bot. 8 (1841) 118; 11 (1844) 116; Gard. Chron. (1841) 231 and N. S. 18 (1882) 468; Walp. Ann. 6:277; Ridley in Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. II 3 (1893) 366; Grant Orch. Burma 135; Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 32 (1896) 293; King & Pantling Orch. Sik. -Himalaya 120, t. 166; Williams in Bull. Herb. Boiss II 4 (1904) 368; J. J. Smith Orch. Amboin. 74; Ames Orchidaceae 2 (1908) 189. E. Dillwynii Hooker bot. Mag. (1845) t. !,163 ; Bot. Reg. (1845) Misc. 63; Paxton’s Mag. Bot. 12 (1846) 140; Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) 55. "Pseudobulbis brevibus ovatis apice subdiphyllis, foliis oblongis un- dulatis racemis subaequalibus, bracteis margine revolutis superioribus linearibus reflexis, racemis erectis, labelli trilobi lamellis duabus abbre- viate intermedia producta lobo medio truncato rugoso obtuse apiculato.” Lindley l. c. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Whitford 1082, February 13, 1905, epiphyte, flowers creamy-white, odorless, altitude 900 meters. Mindanao, 210 LEAVITT. Province of Zamboanga, For. Bur. 5172 Hutchinson , February 20, 1900, epiphyte, near the sea coast, flowers yellowish-white. Var. latipetala var. nov. Petala illis speciei latiora, rubro- vel purpureo-tincta. Lobi laterales labelli lobo medio majores, rotundati, truncati. (Fig- 12.) Luzon, Province of Rizal, Mountains back of Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 3000 Ramos, flowering in orchid house at Manila, April 9, 1907. E. longilabris Lindley Bot. Reg. (1841) Misc. 38; (1842) t. 29, f. 3. “Eriae bradescentis facie sed scpalis petalisque magis acuminatis, labelli trilobi lamellis tribus ad apicem fere productis aequalibus latera- libus abbreviatis lobo medio ovato acuminato. “A native of Panay in the Philippines, whence it was sent to Messrs. Loddiges by Mr. Cuming. It is very like Eria bractescens, but is a liner species, and bears more flowers ; and is distinguished at once by its lip, which is not truncate, and has three equal wavy ridges prolonged almost as far as the tip of the middle lobe, which is long and acuminated.” Lindley Bot. Beg. (1841), Misc. 38. In view of the variability of Eria bractescens it is doubtful whether E. longi- labris can be considered to be more than a variety of the former species. E. Curran ii sp. nov. Affinis E. bradesccnti sed minor. Pseudobulbus cauliformis, cylindra- ceus, 6 cm longus, in sicco 1 cm crassus. Folia 2, lanceolato-oblonga, ■ obtusa, 10 cm longa, 2 cm lata. Inflorescentia foliis longior, plus minus 15 cm longa. Pedunculus brevis, gracilis. Racemus laxiflorus, rhachide sparse pubescente. Bractcae plus minus G mm longae, amplae. Pedicel- lus cum ovario 1 cm longus, sparse pubescens, pergracilis. Mentum conspicuum, oblongum vel conicum, angulum acutum cum ovario for- mans. Sepalum dorsale ovatum plus minus 5 mm longum, plus minus 2.5 mm latum. Sepala lateralia triangulari-falcata, acuta, plus minus 5 mm longa, 4 mm lata ad basim. Petala oblonga, acuta vel obtusa, 4—5 mm longa, 1.7 mm lata. Labellum unguiculatum (ungue curvato), cuneato-obcordatum, lobo medio obcordato, 3 mm lato; lobi laterales rotundati ; totum labellum plus minus 6 mm longum, 4.5 mm ad apices loborum lateralium, fere 4 mm latum, carinis duabus majusculis in disco, media minore. Columna 2 mm alta, pes 4 mm longus. (Fig. 13.) Palawan, For. Bur. 3901/ Curran, March, 1906. E. profusa Lindley Bot. Reg. (1842) Misc. 2. “Pseudobulbis ovalibus apice diphyllis, foliis oblongis striatis raccmis pubescentibus multifloris brevioribus, bradeis squamaeformibus pedicellis brevioribus, sepalis tomentosis, petalis lineari-oblongis obtusis, labello trilobo laciniis lateralibus erectis laevibus intermedia subrotunda rugosa apice tuberculato solitario oblongo cristata.” Lindley l. c. Lindley attributed this species at first to Ceylon. In Paxton’s Magazine 12:46, THE GENUS EKIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 211 however, the plant is said to be a “product of Manila.” The type in Lindley’s herbarium consists of a bulb, three leaves, and two inflorescences, and is accom- panied by Lindley’s drawing of the lip and column. A note remarks that the tubercle of the lip does not seem to be present in all cases. I find no record of this plant since the reference in Paxton’s Magazine. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Bur. Sci. 3019 Ramos, flowering in orchid house, Manila, February, 1908, flowers pale, with markings of purple and yellow: without locality, Lyon, flowers yellow, common at 300-600 m alt. Negros, For. Bur. 11237 Everett , April, 1908. E. cyl indrostachya Ames Orchidaceae 2 (1908) 190. “Pseudobulbi 3-7 cm longi, ovoidei, di- vel. triphylli ad apicem. Folia cum petiolis gracilibus sulcatis 20-36 cm longa, 1-2 cm lata., lineari- lanceolata. Pedunculus cum rhachide 9-20 cm longus, aliquid crassus, sparse pubescens, prope apicem pseudobulbi ortus. Racemus spicatus, cylindraceus, usque ad 17 cm longus. Bracteae ovatae vel ovato-lanee- olatae, pedicdlo ovarioque breviores. Ovarium tomentosum tomento rufo. Sepala lateralia 7 mm longa, 5 mm lata, late ovata, acuta, pubescentia, mentum obtusum formantia. Sepalum dorsale 6 mm longum, 3.5 mm latum, elliptico-oblongum, obtusum. Pctala 5-6 cm longa, supra medium 3 mm lata, obovata, cuneata. Labellum 5-7 mm longum, 3-lobatum ultra medium, ungui 4.5 mm longo, cuneato-oblongo, bicalloso prope basim; lobi laterales parvi, quadrati, obtusi, 1.5 mm longi a basi lobi medii; lobus medius rotundus, 2 mm longus, 3 mm latus, ad basim bituberculatus, ad apicem incrassatus et rugoso-nervius.” Mindanao, District of Davao, Mount Apo, Copeland 1421/, October 23, 1904, epiphyte, flowers yellowish-white: Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. 4612 Mearns d Hutchinson, May, 1906. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Merrill (herb. Ames no. 81/78). E. ventricosa sp. nov. Pseudobulbi fere cylindracei, infra aliquanto incrassati, circiter 3 cm longi, vaginis ovatis equitantibus ad 3 cm longis vestiti. Folia 2, lanceo- lata, oblanceolata, vel elliptico-lanceolata, brevipetiolata, ad 14 cm longa, circiter 1.5 cm lata. Inflorescentiue 1 vel 2, 5.5 cm longae, pubescentes; pedunculus plus minus 2 cm longus, pergracilis, bracteis 2 vel 3 latis amplectantibus instructus, sparse albido-pubescens. Flores circiter 12, in axillis bractearum ovatarum, acutarum, eucullatarum, ciliaio-margina- tarum, ovario aequalium. Pedicellus subnullus. Ovarium albido-pubes- cens, circiter 3 mm longum. Mentum in sicco oblongum, circiter 4 mm longum. Sepalum dorsale obovatum, cucullatum, extus sparse pubescens, 5 mm longum, 2.5-3 mm latum. Sepala lateralia extus pubescentia, inflata, triangulari-oblonga, margine anteriore et nervis sigmoideis, 4 mm longa, 6 mm lata. Petala obovata-oblonga, acuta vel obtusa, aliquid falcata, plus minus 4 mm longa, 1.5-2 mm lata. Labellum 5 mm longum, prope basim ventricosum (pars ventricosa 2 mm longa), limbo flabellato- trilobo, 4 mm lato; lobi laterales erecti, triangulari-oblongi, ad apicem 212 LEAVITT. rotundati; lobus medius reflexus, late triangulari-semiovatus. Pes col- umnae cireiter 4 nun longus, rectus, ferine linearis, apice dilatato cum labello ubi conjugit. Columna vix 2 mm alta. (Fig. 16.) Type specimen collected by T. E. Borden, For. Bur. 7 98, May, 1904, L&mao River, Province of Bataan, Luzon, part in Manila, part in herb. Ames, flowers very delicate, cream-white; same locality, Whitford 388, 133 1/, May, 1904, May, 1905, flowers white, leaves 26 cm long. Mindoro, Mount Halcon (living plant, flowered at North Easton, herb. Ames 10608). Two or three other collections show deviations from the above-described con- dition. While there is not an absolute separation of characters, of such a nature as to allow of specific distinction, a varietal difference should be pointed out. Var. benguetensis var. nov. Flores majores, bracteis longioribus, petalis angustioribus. Luzon, District of Lepanto, Bagnen, Merrill 1/81/9 (type), November 4, 1905, terrestrial in mossy forest, flowers white: Province of Benguet, Suyoc to Pauai, Merrill 1/853, November 7, 1905, epiphytic in mossy forest, flowers white, altitude 1,950 m; Mount Tonglon, For. Bur. 1/986 Curran, August 8, 1906, flowers white. Mr. W. S. Lyon, a horticulturist in Manila, has recently brought to light a new species in this section, for whom the following is named: E. Lyonii sp. nov. Rhizoma in sicco 5 mm crassum. Pseudobulbi 2-5 cm distantes, plus minus 2.5 cm longi, plus minus 1.5 cm in diametro in sicco, ovoidei. Folia 2, lanceolata vel oblanceolata, acuminata, ad 24 cm longa, 2.5 cm lata. Infloresceniia erecta, ex axilla folii prope apicem pseudobulbi orta, omnino plus quam 10 cm longa; pedunculus pubescens, aliquid crassus; rhachis angulatus. Flores (probabiliter ±15) baud conferti, mediocres, extus pubeseentes, sessiles, habete flavidi, limitibus rubidis, labello albo, basi pure flava. Ovarium plus minus 5 mm longum, breviter tomcntosum, pilis rufescentibus. Sepalum dorsale lanceolato-ligulatum, acutum, 1 cm longum, 3.5 mm latum. Sepala lateralia triangulari-falcata, acuta, 1 cm longa, ad basim 5 mm lata, mentum conicum fere 3 mm longum aliquanto acutum formantia. Pctala lanceolato-ovata, acuta, ± 1 cm longa, plus minus 4 mm lata, aliquid falcata. Labellum ovatum, trilobatum, ± 8 mm longum, plus minus 4 mm latum; lobi laterales ad medium labelli, rotundati ; lobus medius obovato-oblongus, aeutus, plus minus 4 mm longus ; in disco linea tria elevata, ad basim lobi medii extendentia, duo lateralia furcata. Columna crassa, plus minus 2 mm alta. Pes columnae latus excavatus. (Fig. 17.) “Probably terrestrial, odor faint cinnamon, flowers dull-yellow clearly lined with red, lip white, unmarked, with yellow base, sea level, Province of Tarlac, Luzon, September, 1907,” Lyon. E. rugosa Lindley Orcli. PI. (1830) 66; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 3:661; Gard. Chron. N. S. 18 (1882) 500; J. J. Smith Orch. Java 378, Orcli. Amboin. 73; Ames Orchidaceae 2 (1908) 193, sub E. javanica. Dendrolirium rugosum Bl. Bijdr. (July, 1825) 345. Eria stellata Lindley Bot. Reg. (August, 1825) t. 901/, and Orch. PI. 67; Paxton’s Mag. Bot. 2 (1836) 137, 4 (1838) 234; Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3605; THE GENUS ERIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 213 Miquel FI. Ind. Bat. 3:661; Reichb. f. in Walp. Ann. 6:269; Naves in Nov. App. FI. Filip. (1883) 236; Ridley in Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. II 3 (1893) 366, Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 31 (1896) 285, 32 (1896) 304; Kranzlin in Schumann & Lauter- baeh FI. Deutsch. Schutzg. Siidsee 248. Octomeria stellata Spreng. Syst. Veg. 4 Cur. Post. (1827) 310. “Bulbis oblongis triquetris apice 1-2-phyllis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis nervosis, spicis erectis sepalisque exterioribus tenuiter fusco-tomentosis, bracteis membranaceis, labello intus membranaceo-crispato, limbo lobo medio ovato acuto.” Blume l. c. Luzon, Province of Albay, Loher 6003, flowering in Manila June 6, 1905: Province of Rizal, Bur. Sci. 3036 Ramos, July 31, 1907, flowers reddish-purple with markings of pure yellow. E. Merrillii Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 331. “Pseudobulbs about 1 dm long, very stout, compressed, 3 cm or more in diameter; diphyllous (sometimes bearing more than 2 leaves). Leaves oblong-lanceolate, about 3 dm long (up to 6 dm), 4-7 cm wide. Peduncle comparatively stout, arising from near the summit of a pseu- dobulb (erect? or drooping?) bearing numerous very large, nearly white, somewhat purple-tinged flowers in a dense, elongated raceme. Raceme about 3 dm long. Bracts triangular-lanceolate, acute, 1.5-2 cm long, about 4 mm wide at base. Ovary very strongly winged, distantly re- sembling an auger on account of the spiral turnings of the wings. Lateral sepals 1.5 cm long, linear-falcate, tapering to an acute apex from a 6 mm broad base. Upper sepal linear, 1.9 cm long, 3 mm wide, tapering gradually to an obtuse tip. Petals similar to the lateral sepals, 1.6 cm long, about 4 mm wide at base. Labellum 11-11.5 mm long, 3-lobed; lateral lobes comparatively small, curved, about 1 mm long, 1 nrm wide, obtuse, 5.5 mm from the base of the labellum; middle lobe 7 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, oblong, acute. Through the disc of the labellum extend 5 prominent nerves or carinae.” § Aeridostachya Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 5 (1890) 786 (§ Aeridostachya Hook, f., 1. c., apparently by adoption of Bentham’s typographical error, Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 18:303) ; J. J. Smith Orch. Java 402. “Pseudobulb very short, 1-leafed, sheathed as in Xiphosium. Scape from the base of the pseudobulb, stout, erect. Flowers minute, in dense rusty-tomentose spikes; sepals very short; mentum long, spur-like.” Hooker f. 1. c. E. Aeridostachya Reichb. f. ex Lindl.i and its allies. Lindley applied the name Eria Aeridostachya Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) 48, as of Reichenbach’s creation (“Reichb. f. in litt.”), to a garden specimen of Loddiges, originally derived from Batavia. The description is short and from the present standpoint inadequate, though in Lindley’s time it may have amply specified the plant for which it was drawn. Nine years later (1868) Reichenbach described one of Seemann’s Fiji plants (Seem. FI. Vit. 301) as answering to this name, which he had first given to a Javan plant of Zollinger and had then communicated to Lindley. Reichenbach’s description is fuller, yet does not serve 214 LEAVITT. to distinguish between several closely related species which now present them- selves in Java and the Philippines. J. J. Smith (Orch. Java 402) therefore discards the species, provisionally, with the remark: “Was E. aeridostachya anbelangt, welche auch in diese Section gehdrt, so is die Bieschreibung so oberflachlich, das sie fast alle Arten der Section passt.” He distinguishes three Javan species, one of which he surmises is the same as the original E. Aeri- dostachya of Lindley. The type of the species, if in existence and well preserved, should identify this species even in default of verbal description. Lindley’s Loddiges plant is the type. This specimen is in the Lindley herbarium at Kew and is perfectly serviceable. Through the kindness of the curator I was permitted to hoil out a flower and to make camera lucida drawings, which are reproduced herewith. (Fig. 1.) The following notes and measure- ments may help to improve the definition of the species: Type in the Lindley herbarium at Kew, marked “Batavia, Loddiges,” consisting of a single leaf and a not fully developed inflores- cence. A drawing of the lip, evidently from the living flower, by Lindley, is attached to the sheet. Length of oblanceolate leaf (not entire) 27 cm, width 2.7 cm. Inflorescence with peduncle 20.5 cm long. Raceme (not fully expanded) 12 cm long, up to 2.7 cm in diameter. Peduncle 3 mm thick. The whole inflorescence short-woolly pubescent, or tomen- tose. Pedicel and ovary , from rhachis to base of mentum, 9 mm in fully developed flowers. Mentum making a large angle (up to 90°) with ovary, 4 mm long. Dorsal sepal concave, ovate, nearly 4 mm long, 2.5 mm broad when spread out. Lateral sepals 3 mm long measured perpendicularly from column foot to blunt apex. Petals Hgulate, curved, round at apex, 3.5 mm long, 1.25 nun wide. Lip oblong when spread, scarcely acute, 5 mm long, 2 mm wide. Column-foot 5.5 mm long, nearly straight, lanceolate, the upper half concave, with raised edges which meet below and above run up on sides of column. Column scarcely 1 mm high, at right-angles with foot. Inasmuch as the appellative Aeridostachya is attributed by Lindley to Reichen- bach, it is of interest to know what this author meant by the designation. In the Gray Herbarium at Cambridge, Massachusetts, there is a Seemann specimen of the number cited in the Flora Vitiensis, and labeled E. Aeridostachya in Reichenbach’s hand. The flowers are rather old, but the specimen throughout agrees very well with Lindley’s: and thus again we escape ambiguity. There would now seem to be no reason for discarding E. Aeridostachya. The species of this section are often very close together. Indeed, several of the species, though doubtless very distinct in life, are separated by differences of such a nature that the published descriptions suffice to distinguish them, in the dried state, only with difficulty. The description of E. falcata J. J. Smith (Orch. Java 404) fits almost perfectly the representations which I have of E. Aeri- dostachya, and Smith is very likely right in thinking that E. falcata is the species Fin. 1. — Erin Aeridostachya, from Lindley’s type. THE GENUS ERIA IN TIIE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 215 which Lindley had. Yet the description of E. Junghuhnii J. J. Smith (op. cit. 405) almost equally fits E. Aeridostachya, as far as the material of the latter goes. In the Leiden herbarium I was puzzled to find any satisfactory difference between the type of E. Junghuhnii and my camera drawings from the type of E. Aeridostachya. Reproductions of a flower from the type of the former species show the lip to be of somewhat different proportions from that of the latter species. The photograph of E. Junghuhnii shows some slight differences also. There is no reason to doubt that Smith, who has cultivated the three Javan species, is right in his distinctions. I wish to point the truth, that while the closely similar species are probably distinct, descriptions and even drawings are barely if at all sufficient to separate the plants in their dried state. It will be necessary for the successful monographer of the genus to compare type speci- mens and perhaps living plants. In characterizing a Philippine species which I regard as distinct from E. Aeridostachya and from the Javan species, I encountered the above noted descrip- tive difficulty. Placed side by side with flowers of E. Aeridostachya at Kew,» the flowers of this Philippine Eria were seen to depart from the type, yet in such manner that specification was difficult. The deviations pertained to pubescence, texture, color of the dried specimen, heaviness of veining and to little differences of proportion throughout. I propose, as a new species E. Whitfordii sp. nov. Ilerba robusta, epiphytic-a, E. A'endostacliyae similis. Pseudobulbi usque ad 10 cm longi, omnino tecti vaginis magnis laxisque, in sicco divaricatis, imis 2-3 cm longis, supremis usque ad 12 cm longis; pseudo- bulbus cum vaginis in sicco 5-7 cm latus. Folia oblanceolata, 37 cm longa, 3-5 cm lata. Pedunculus circiter 17 cm longus, 2 mm in diametro, breviter pubescens. Rhachis inflorescentiae plus minus 14 cm longus, dense pubescens tomento brunneo perbrevi, etiam, oculo nudo ut videtur, fere pulvereo. Racemus dense multiflorus, cylindraceus, arcuatus, vix 2 cm in diametro. Bracteae flores subtendentes late ovatae, cucullatae, circiter 1 mm longae. Flores extus dense pubescentes tomento perbrevi, brunneo seu ferrugineo. Ovarium cum pedicello comparate crassum, 5-6 mm longum ad basim menti. Mentum 3 mm longum, 2.7 mm in diametro, ad apicem rotundatum, cum ovario angulum acutum formans. Sepalum dorsale ovato-oblongum, cucullatum, 3-nervium, 4.5 mm longum, 2.6 mm latum. Sepala lateralia lata, obtusa, falcata, infra multo pro- ducta secundum pedem columnae, valde 3-nervia (vel nervi 5), 11.8 mm in diametro maximo. Petala ligulata, curvata, apicibus rotundatis, 3- nervja, 3.8 mm longa, 1.6 mm lata. Labellum integrum aliquid ineras- satum, explanation oblongo-ovatum margine c-rispata, 3-5-nervium, ad basim paulo angustatum, 6 mm longum, usque ad 4 mm latum, infra ad apicem cuspide minuto munitum, margine c-rispata. Columna sine oper- culo antherae 1.5 mm alta. Pes columnae sigmoideus, clavatus, antice sulcatus, 5 mm longus. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, I Vhitford 1119 (type), March, 1905, spikes of tan and yellow, Merrill (hh. Ames. tio. 7225). E. 11 hitfordii differs from E. Aeridostachya in its slenderer raceme, shorter and 216 LEAVITT. browner pubescence on the inflorescence, shorter ovary and pedicel, shorter men- turn and narrower angle between inentum and ovary, more fleshy consistence of the flower, heavier veining of the! perianth (the veins especially deeply stained in the lateral sepals), somewhat wider petals, and larger lip. Dried, the interior of the sepals and petals appears very dark. A third specimen from Mount Mariveles (Lamao River, March, 1905, For. Bur. 2752 Borden ) perhaps belongs to the above species, though the peduncle is very slender, the consistence of the floral parts is much less firm than in typical E. Whitfordii, the petals are shorter, the lip much smaller and propor- tionally broader distally, tapering toward the base, and the column smaller and straighter with the foot. The floral parts are described by the collector as yellow with purple center. It remains to be seen whether this is a distinct species, or whether all the specimens cited (with Whitford 330, from the same region, the flowers too old for determination, but the lip apparently acuminate) belong to a single fluctuating species. In Mindanao, Major E. A. Mearns and Mr. W. I. Hutchinson collected seven specimens of an Erin belonging to this section, which I have no hesitation in describing as a new species. E. Mearnsii sp. nov. Jlerba epiphytica, habitu E. A'eridostachyae, sed in membris omnibus minor. Pseudobulbi usque ad 7 cm longi, vaginis strictis vestiti, infra comparate parvis, supra usque ad 8 cm longis; pseudobulbus cum bracteis in sicco plus minus 2 cm latus. Folia 2, oblanceolata, 18-25 cm longa, 2. 5-3. 5 cm lata. Inflorcscentiae 2, usque ad 21 cm longae, pedunculus ad 13 cm longus. Pedunculus , rhachis, et flores dense pubescentes, pilis perbrevibus, fulvis vel brunneo-fulvis. Racemus dense multiflorus, 1.6 cm in diametro, in anthesi recurvatus. Flores reclinati. Pedicellus ovariumque graciles, 4-5 mm longi. Mentum angulum acutum cum ovario formans, aliquid scrotiforme, 3 mm longum. Sepalum dorsals cucullatum ovatum, obtusum, 3-nervium, 3.7 mm longum, 2 mm latum. Sepala latcralia ut in specie praecedente, sed minoria, 10 mm in diametro maximo. Petala valde curvata, ad basim aliquid latiora (et colorata?), 3-nervia, 3 mm longa, prope basim circiter 1.6 mm lata, 4.5 mm longa. Labelhim 3-lobatum, euneato-obovatum, vel obovatum, 4.5 mm longum, circiter 3 mm latum, basi excavata; lobi laterales baud conspicui, denti- formes, obtusi; lobus medius magnus, late ovatus sive semiorbicularis, margine crispato, apice acuto. Pes columnae sigmoideus, apud columnam latissimus, ad apicem fastigatus, antice sulcatus, 3 mm longus. Columna cum ovario c-ontinua (i. e. erecta), parva et humilis, vix 1 mm alta. Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. J/729 (type), 60Jf M earns 4 Hutchinson, May 26, 1906, altitude 1,700 m, flowers reddish. § DENDROLIRIUM Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. Pot. 3 (1859) 48; Bentham 1. c. 18 (1881) 303; Bentham & Hook. f. Gen. PI. 3:510; Hooker f. FI. Brit. Ind. 5:786; Pfitzer in Engl. & Prantl. Nat. Pflanzenfani. 2": 176; ,T. J. Smith Oreh. Java 380. f>If we collect into one group all the large-flowered woolly species with pseudobulbs only, an assemblage will be formed both natural and obvious, THE GENUS ERIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 217 to which Blnme’s happy name of Dendrolirium may he applied. Some terete-leaved plants can hardly indeed be said to form pseudobulbs; but their leaves fall eventually from the summit of very short stems altogether analogous to pseudobulbs, although unlike in form. Two divisions are affected hv taking into account the form of the leaves.” Lindley l. c. E. ornata Lindley Orcli. PI. (1830) 66; de Vriese 111. Orch. t. 13; Iieicdib. f. in Bon pi. 5 (1857) 54; Miquel FI. Ind. Bat. 3:660; Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 78, 149, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 268; Ridley in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 32 (1896) 302; Schlechter in Perk. Frag. FI. Philip. 43; J. J. Smith Orch. Java 380; Ames Orchidaceae 1 (1905) 94, 2 (1908) 195. Dendrolirium ornatum Blume Bijdr. (1825) 345. Erin armeniaca Lindley Bot. Reg. (1841) Misc. 38, and t. }2. “Bulbis ovalibus compressiusculis sub-3 phyllis, joins oblongo-lanceo- latis rigidis nervosis, spica radical! vaginata sepalisque exterioribus t'usco- tomentosis, bracteis coriaceis margine recurvis, labello intus crispato- cristato, limbi lobo medio acuminato. (Bracteae rubrae, denium auran- tiacae. Species pulcherrima.) Blume /. c. Having seen E. armeniaca Lindl. at Kew and E. ornata Lindl. at Leiden, that is, Dendrolirium ornatum Bl., the type, with both of which the Philippine material has been compared, I agree with J. J. Smith in combining them under the older name. If there is any difference between the Javan and the Philippine plants, this difference is lost in the dried state, and is too small to be considered specific. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Tanay, Merrill 2361, May 20. 1903: Province of Ben- guet, Sablan, Elmer 6236, April 11, 1904: Province of Zambales, For. Bur. 1390 Curran, May 13, 1907, epiphytic, flowers dull-purple. Negros, For. Bur. 1120J( Everett, April, 1908. § MYCARANTHES Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 5 (1857) 55; Blume ex J. J. Smith Orch. Java 391. 8 Eriura Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) 55; Benthain I. c. 18 (1881) 303; Bentham & Hook. f. Gen. PI. 3: 510; Hooker f. FI. Brit. Ind. 5: 785; Pfitzer in Engl. & Prantl Nat. Pflanzenfam. 2°: 175. Not § Mycaranthes Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) 51, Hook. f. 1. c., Pfitzer l. c., not § Mycaranthus Blume ex Benth. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 18 (1881) 303; Benth. & Hook. f. Gen. PI. 3: 510. Blume merely suggested the addition of his genus to Eria (Mus. Bot. Lugd.- Bat. 2: 182) ; but in the absence of definite decision his “si levior videatur vegeta- tionis character,” can hardly be regarded as effecting the union. On the other hand Reichenbach uses the name definitely as a sectional designation and his transference of all Blume’s Mycaranthes species severally, with proper credit, to Eria under this section, is satisfactory reference to the origin and sufficient indication of the limits of the section. Lindley mistook the original genus, and applied the name to Erias of quite another kind, making a new section (§ Eriura) for species properly belonging to Reichenbach’s section Mycaranthes ; in which error he has been followed by several authors. The small group of species with woolly flowers in secund spikes ( Eria stricta Lindl., etc.) characterized by Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3: 51, and further defined by Hooker f. in FI. Brit. Ind. 5: 785, by both authors under the appellation § Mycaranthes, is therefore without a name. I propose the designation § Secundae, nom. nov. The section Mycaranthes embraces thus far in the Philippines five species. E. gigantea Ames is much like E. bidens Ridley, E. iridifolia Hook, f., and E. 85754 2 218 LEAVITT. tricuspidata Kolfe. Flowers placed beside those of these three species at Kew, by myself, were seen to be very similar; though the lip of E. gigantea does not agree at all well with Hooker’s figure for E. iridifolia (Ic. PI. t. 2067), nor with Ridley’s published description of E. bidens (Journ. Linn. Soc. Rot. 32: 289). Mr. Rolfe’s E. tricuspidata is a much weaker plant than the others. E. gigantea is at times extremely robust. According to the Kew and our own specimens, which indeed are typical, the four species form a very close group within this section. E. gigantea Ames Orchidaceae 2 (1908) 192. “Caulis circa 6 dm altus, ad basim circa 3 cm crassitudine. Folia disticha, approximate, oblonga vel lineari-oblonga, acuta, circa 2 dm longa, circa 2 cm lata. Bracteae pedunculos 3-4, fasciculatos subtenden- tes, 5 cm longae, conduplicatae. Pedunculus rhachisqm sericeo-pubes- cens. Racemus densiflorus, circa 15 cm longus, ad 2.5 cm in diametro. Bracieae 3 mm longae, pallide flavae, crassae, rigidae, ovatae, obtusae, pedicellis breviores. Flores flavi, caduci, sparsim maculati purpura ru- bida opacaque, emittentes odorem olei Iticini. Pedicellus et ovarium pubescentia. Sepala patentia, externe pubescentia. Sepala lateralia 6 mm longa, ovato-lanceolata, obtusa vel subacuta. Sepalum dorsale 5 mm longum, oblongum, subacutum. Petala 4 mm longa, lineari-oblonga, obtusa. Labellum (3 mm longum, 3-lobatum; lobi Morales 2 mm lati, ovato-oblongi, falcati, obtusi ; lobus medius 2 mm longus, suborbicularis, deflexus, margine irregulari dentato; ad basim labelli 3 tubercula, quorum medium longius; prope apicem labelli tuberculum permagnum, subpyra- midale, post quod papilla multo minor, vel callus; utroque in disco callus carinatus lobis lateralibus parallelus; tubercula basis et apicis et linea media disci copiose cerosa.” Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Merrill JfllO, May 25, 1905, altitude 600 in, flowers yellow with small dark-purple dots: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 3J,30 Ramos, May, 1907. Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. Jf606 Mearns t£ Hutchinson, June 4, 1906, flowers yellow, altitude 1,200 m: Lake Lanao, Camp Keithlev, Mrs. Clemens Jf3 7, March, 1906, like corn-stalk in height. A second Philippine species agrees well with the representations and descrip- tions of E. major Ridley (E. Kingii Hook. f. Ic. PI. t. 2066), although my material has not been compared directly with the type. E. major Ridley ex Stapf in Trans. Linn. Soc. Bot. II 4 (1894) 237, in synonymy. E. Scortechinii Stapf 1. c., not Hook. f. E. Kingii Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 5 (1890) 790; Ic. PI. t. 2066, not E. Kingii F. Muell. Stem stout, leaves 4—7 in. linear-lanceolate unilaterally acuminate much, shorter than the 1-3 scapes , bracts minute reflexed, pedicels slender, lip suborbicular, side lobes falcately oblong with a tooth at the sinus, mid-lobe subrenitorm, axis with a thick woolly ridge leading from 1 or 2 small papillae at the base to a woolly knob on the midlobe. THE GENUS ElilA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 219 “ Stems 2-3 ft., as thick as a swan-quill. Leaves coriaceous, nerved. Racemes 8—12 in.; bracts in.; flowers blue within; mentum cylindric; petals oblanceolate, 3-nerved. Capsule | in., linear.” Hooker f. FI. Brit. Ind. 1. c. Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. ltur. Jf595 Mearns & Hutchinson, May, 1906, altitude 1,750 m, flowers with a purplish tinge. The three remaining species appear to be undescribed, and I will characterize them here. Between two of them the floral differences in the dried state are not great, but the vegetative differences are more pronounced. In both the floral conformation is very like that of E. major Ridl. The third is easily separated from any of the heretofore described species. E. longibracteata sp. nov. Caules foliosi, graciles, vaginis foliorum tecti, in sicco 4 mm diametro, ad 45 cm longi ; internodii circiter 4 cm longi. Folia anguste lanceolata vel etiam graminea, longe attenuata, acutissima; laminae disarticulatae nunc 14 cm longae, 1 cm latae, nunc 21 cm longae, 6 mm latae, vel saepius breviores; vaginae cylindraceae, circiter 5 cm longae. Racemi 2-4, ad summum caulem orti, pedunculati; inflorescentia omnis ad 23 cm longa; pedunculus ad 6-7 cm longus, lanugine alba, vix densa, bracteas conspicuas (interdum foliaceas) lanceolatas vel lineatas 1.5-6 cm longas et 4 mm latas gerens; rhachis lanuginosus; bracteae flores subtcndentes lanceolatae, acuminatae, acutissimae, 4-20 mm longae. Pedicellus cum ovario 5 mm longus, vel longior, lanuginosus, ovario celeriter crescente, post anthesim longitudinem 28 mm attingente. Flores extus lanugine albida vestiti. Sepala 3.6 mm longa; dorsale cymbiformi-ovatum, ex- planatum vix 2 mm latum; lateralia triangularia, aliquid falcata, acuta, extus apicem versus carinata, circiter 3 mm lata ad basim. Petala fere elliptica, aliquid asymmetrica, ad apicem rotundata, 3-3.5 mm longa, 1.5-1. 9 mm lata. Labellum 3—4 mm longum, 3-3.5 mm latum, triloba- tum, obovatum, basi breviter unguiculato, aliquid cuneato; lobi laterales ferme semiovati, interdum apicibus recurvatis; lobus medius bilobulatus, 0.8 mm longus, 2 mm latus, ad apicem dente marginale obtuso ; ad basim labelli tuberculum bifurcatum, erectum, farinosum, atque tubercula duo minuta; in disco utrinque callus carinatus, dentiformis, a sinubus latera- libus remotus; e medio lobi terminalis tuberculum permagnum, erectum, conicum, farinosum. Pes columnae angulum rectum cum ovario f ormans, 2 mm longus. Columna brevissima. (Fig. 19.) Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. Jp28 Mearns & Hutchinson, May 25, 1906, altitude 1,700 m, flowers purplish. E. an ceps sp. nov. Caules ad 30 cm alti; internodia ad 4-5 cm longa. Folia lanceolata vel ligulato-lanceolata, lamina ad 20 cm longa et 3 cm lata, acuta, vagina ad 5 cm longa, aliquid ut videtur complanata, tergo subcarinato. Racemi 2 vel 3, sparse lanuginosi, ad 17 cm longi, pedunculo circiter 3 cm longo. 220 LEAVITT. Bracteae lanceolatae, acuminatissimae, retroflexae, 2-3 mm longae. Pedi- cellus cum ovario 7-9 mm longus. Ovarium lanugine brevi densa albida vestitum. Sepala extus sparse pubescentia; dorsale cymbiformi-ovatum vel -oblongum, 3.5 mm longum, explanatum 2.5 mm latum; lateralia late ovata, asymmetrical obtusa, 4-5 mm longa, 4 mm lata ad basim. Petala obtusa, obovato-spathulata, interdum obovata, 3.5-4 mm longa, 1. 5-1.8 mm lata. Labellum perlate obovatum, trilobatum, vix unguicu- latum plus minus 4 mm longum, 5 mm latum; lobi laterales oblongi, apicibus rotundatis; lobus medius subquadratus vel reniformis, margine crenulato; tubercula (calli) 7, 3 ad basim labelli (quorum 2 lateralia minuta), unum lineare prope sinum utrimque, 2 in lobo medio, quorum maximum a centro ortum subulatum vel clavatum, fere 2 mm altum, copiose farinosum. Pes columnae 3 mm longus, angulum cum ovario obliquuni formans. Columna subnulla. (Fig. 18.) Palawan, Mount Victoria, Bur. Sci. 656 Foxworthy, March-April, 1906, alti- tude 250 in, epiphytic, flowers yellow (type, part in herb. Manila, part in herb. Ames). Whitford 1601 (flowers white) from the Gimagaan River, and For. Bur. 7275 Everett, Occidental Negros (flowers yellow), are very similar to E. anceps and may be the same, but the material is too scanty. E. Clemensiae sp. nov. Caules foliosi ad 45 cm alti, validi, internodiis ad 5 cm longis. Vagi- nae foliorum cylimlraceae, ad 5 cm longae, circiter 8 mm in diametro; laminae ligulato-lanceolatae, acuminatae, acutae, ad 22 cm longae, 1.8-4 cm latae. Racemi 3 vel 4; pedunculi plus minus 15 cm longi, sparse albido-lanuginosi, bracteis distantibus, ovatis, acutis, subglabris; racemi ad 37 cm longi, rhachtdi pubescente, floribus reflexis, bracteis ovatis vel ovato-lanceolatis, acuminatis, 3-5 mm longis. Ovarium lanugine albida dense vestitum. Sepala extus sparse stellato-pubescentia ; dorsale cuculla- tum, oblongum, 4—5 mm longum, circiter 2 mm latum; lateralia oblonga, falcata, obtusa, obliqua, ab extremitate pedis columnae ad apicem sepali 6-7 mm longa, circiter 5 mm lata, secundum columnae pedem 2.5-3 mm longum. Mentum comparate angustum, conicum, cum ovario angulum valde acutum formans. Petala lineari-oblanceolata, acuta, 5 mm longa, 1-1.5 mm lata. Labellum trilobum; lobi laterales a basi labelli divaricati ligulati, ad apicem rotundati, 5 mm longi, ad basim 2 mm lati ; lobus medius unguiculatus, flabellatus vel obscure 2-lobulatus, margine ante- riore irregulariter dentato, 2 mm longus, 4 mm latus; calli 4, unus ad basim labelli farinosus, duo subulati prope sinus loborum, unus magnus rostriformis copiose farinosus in lobo medio, limbum lobi medii excedens, carinae crassae farinosae per medium labellum currenti-conjunctus. Pes columnae 3.5 mm longus. (Fig. 20.) Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 602, June, 1906 (part in herb. Manila, part in herb. Ames). THE GENUS ERIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 221 § CYLINDROLOBUS Blume Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1850) 182; Lindlev in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) 58; Bentham l. c. 18 (1881) 303; Bentham & Hook. f. Gen. PI. 3:510; Ptitzer in Engl. & Prantl Nat. Pflanzenfam. 28:175; J. J. Smith Oreh. Java 389. “I. Subgen. Cylindrolobus. Labellum gynostemii pedi ima in cristulam v. tuberculum protuberanti elastice affixiim, limbo subfornicato. Gynos- temium androclinio obtuse-biauriculato. Pollinia inaequalia. — Herbae caulescentes, glabrae; caulibus in caudice superficiali subfasciculatis, sim- plicibus; foliis sessilibus, distichis, coriaceis; racetnis oppositifoliis latera- libusve, solitariis, paucifloris; capsulis elongatis, siliquaeformibus.” Blume, l. c. This section, first described as a genus, was by its author subsequently joined to Eria as a subgenus. Since by this categorical term Blume meant to designate one of several coordinate divisions of the genus, and meant precisely what present writers intend by the word section , the section Cylindrolobus is properly ascribed to Blume, neither the group of plants designated nor the relative categorical rank of the name being thereby altered. This is a matter of interpretation rather than of technicality. E. fastigatifolia Ames Orchidaceae 2 (1908) 191. “Habitu E. brachystacheae Reichb. f. hand dissimilis. Cauhs ± 5 dm longus, 0.5-1 cm crassus, foliosus. Folia acuta, acuminata, sublinearia vel a basi lato, vaginante, persistente, in sicco amplo ad apicem paulatim fastigata, 10-15 cm longa, ad basim ± 0 mm lata. Antliemia oppositi- folia cum pedunculo 2-3 cm longa, circa 10-flora. Bracteae inflorescen- tiae oblongae, circa 6 mm latae. Pedicellus 2 mm longus, ovario brevior. Sepala lateralia oblonga, subacuta vel obtusa, subfalcata, 5.5 mm longa, 3 mm lata, 5-nervia. Scpalum dorsale simile, 5 mm longum, obtusum. Petala lineari-spathulata, 1 mm longa, supra medium 1.25 mm lata. Labellum 4.5-5 mm longum, bilobatum ad apicem, ad basim cuneatum, prope apicem nervis incrassatis.’’ E. brachystachya Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 3 (1855) 223; Ames Orchidaceae 2 (1908) 188. “Caule ac foliis prope Eriae paniculatae Lindl., spicis oppositifoliis plurimis abbreviatis, bracteis lanceolatis acutis ovaria glabra aequantibus superantibusve, labello cuneato, flabellato, antice trilobo, lobo medio semi- ovato acutiusculo, lobis lateralibus obtusangulis, carinulis geminis curvato divergentibus a basi in medium, carina per discum lobi medii tomentosi. — Caulis adest spithamaeus. Folia linearilanceolata acuminata, subcoriacea a])ice inaequaliter bilobula, quatuor sive quinque pollices longa, quatuor lineae lata. Pedunculi semipoll icares tenues, quadri-quinqueflori. Brac- teae pergameneae. Flores illis Eriae profusae duplo majores, glabrae. Mentum modicum obtusum. Sepala ovato lanceolata. Tepala duplo an- gustiora. Labellum sepalis brevius. Gynosternium brevissimum apice antice trilobum. 2063 Cuming. Phil.” Reichb. f., 1. c. Camiouin, Babuyanes Islands, Bur. Sri. J/136 Fenix, July 16, 1907, epiphyte, summit of the highest mountain. Mindanao, Lyon “H”, December, 1907. 222 LEAVITT. § TRICHOTOSIA Blurae Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1856) 183; Reichb. f. in Bon- plandia 5 (1857) 55; Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) 56; Benth. 1. c. 18 (1881) 303; Benth. & Hook. f. Gen. PI. 3:510; Pfitzer in Engl. & Prantl Nat. Pflanzenfam. 2°: 175; J. J. Smith Orch. Java 383. “II- Subgen. Trichotosia. Labellum subunguiculatum, limbo erecto v. patente. Gynostemium obtusum. Pollinia aequalia v. inaequalia. — Her- bae caulesccntes, pilosiusculae ; caulibus simplicibus rarius ramosis, ple- r unique fasciculatis ; foliis sessilibus rarissime brevissime petiolatis, distichis, carnosis s. coriaceis, apice saepe inaequalibus ; spicis oppositi- foliis, solitariis, pauci- v. multifloris ; bracteatis.” Blume, l. c. The commonest representative of this well-marked section in the Philippines seems to be E. vulpina Reichb. f. This and E. fnsca Bl. were the only Tricho- tosias credibly reported from the Islands before the American occupation. Recent collections have added four species before unknown, two of them herein described for the first time. In proposing fresh additions to the section, it must he con- fessed that the elimination of such older species as have never been pictured, or of which some representation other than verbal has not been available, has often been difficult. The descriptions of the earlier botanists are now inadequate; more- over, even the very detailed diagnoses of present writers have sometimes proved ambiguous, owing no doubt to the comparative characterlessness of the species of this section. It is imperative that authors of new species of § Trichotosia publish figures exhibiting distinctive characters. E. vulpina Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 3 (1855) 222; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 3:660; Lindley Bot. Reg. (1845) t. 2, in part; Naves Nov. App. 236; Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 149, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 268; Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 332, Orchidaceae 2 (1908) 198. “Aff. E. vestitae Lindl., labelli ungue lineari lamina longiori, lamina obtuse quadrata basi utrimque unidentata, tuberculo in basi ante unguem. Caulis calamum anatinum crassus. Vaginae uti folia. Bracteae, pedun- culus, ovarium , sepala rufo pilosa. Folium oblongum acutatum nervosum quinque pollices longum, duos latum. Pedunculus ultra bipollicaris. Bracteae oblongae acutiusculae (cymbiflores ?), ovariis tertia breviores. Sepala in saccum obtusum elongata. Tepala lineari falcata. Labelli unguis supra apicem pedis gynostemii brevissimi adnatus. 2071. Cuming. Phil.” Reichb. f., 1. c. Luzox, Province of Rizal, Mount Bantay, Loher 601/,: Province of Pampanga, Mount Arayat, Merrill 3823, May, 1904: Province of Tayabas, Mount Banajao, Elmer 739/,, May, 1906. Negros, Canlaon Volcano, Bur. Sci. 1161 Banks, June, 1906. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, San Ramon, Copeland 1570, February, 1905. ? E. fusca Blume MuJ. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1856) 183; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 3:658; Vid. Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 149, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 268; Rolfe in Journ. Bot. 23 (1885) 215; J. J. Smith Orch. Java 388. u Caulibus f uscescenti-tomentosis ; foliis carnosis lanceolatis acuminatis supra glabriusculis subtus tomentosis; spicis brevibus densifloris; labello spathulato intus lineis tribus, lateralibus subnudis, intermedia papillosa apice interrupta, limbi breviter trilobi lobo medio erecto emarginato undid ato.” Blume, l. c. THE GENUS ERIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 223 Negros, For. Bur. 5582 Everett, epiphytic, flowers reddish, altitude 50 m, October 31, 1906; Gimagaan River, Copeland 138, January 5, 1904, on fallen branches in forests. E. fusca may include the following species, which nevertheless for the present may be left standing. The inflorescence here is more open, the bracts being relatively slenderer and further apart. In E. binabayensis the bracts on the type are very round and crowded, and are not so hairy. E. binabayensis Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 329. “Allied to E. oligantha Hook. f. Plants rather stout, 4-5 dm tall. Stems about 5 mm in diameter. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, tapering grad- ually toward the point, about 1 dm long, 1-2 cm wide, rigid, coriaceous, pubescent. Inflorescence leaf-opposed, clothed with dense, cinnabar-red tomentum. Bracts about 1 cm long. Raceme short, 3 cm long, probably becoming longer as the bowers develop. Lateral sepals triangular-lance- olate, densely tomentose externally, 1 cm long, about 8 mm wide at base. Upper sepal oblong, narrower than the laterals. Petals linear-spathulate, subobtuse, 7-8.5 mm long, 2 mm wide above the middle. Labellum 1 cm long, narrowly cuneate at base, then gradually dilated to within 2 mm of the tip, where it is constricted and about 4 mm wide ; above the constric- tion it is again dilated into a transversely oblong, 6-7 mm wide plate; disc bicarinate.” E. odorifera sp. nov. Herba epiphytica, aspectu E. annulatae Bl., atque, ut videtur, affinis E. phaeotrichae Schlechter. Caulis plus quam 25 cm longus, aliquid gracilis, internodiis 2.5-3 cm longis, circiter 4 mm diametro. Foliorum vaginae artae, cylindraceae, supra paulo dilatatae, internodiis aequilongae, hirsutae, pilis sparsis rubs; laminae lanceolatae (interdum oblanceolatae), vel ligulato-lanceolatae, longe acuminatae, aeutae, sparse hirsutae pilis rufis vel brunneis, ad 14 cm longae et 1.5 cm latae. Inflorescentiae breves, paucidorae, pilis xanthieis vestitae, circiter 2 cm longae, bracteis plus minus 6, suborbicularibus, acuminatis, circiter 8 mm longis. Sepalum dorsale hirsutum, oblongum, acutum, extus apud apicem carinatum, 8 mm longum, 3 mm latum. Sepala lateralia ovario parallela, ferme oblonga, paulo falcata, extus hirsuta et ad apicem carinata, acuta, mentum ovario aequale oblongum plus minus 5 mm longum formantia, ±12 mm longa ab apice menti ad apicem sepali, limbo libero 4 mm lato. Petala linearia, paulo spathulata, obtusa, aliquid falcata, sepalo dorsal i ferme aequilonga, 1.5-2 mm lata. Labellum extus intusque pubescens, unguiculato-cunea- tum, prope apicem 3-lobatum; lobi laterales recti, parvi, oblongi, rotun- dati; lob us medius 2-lobulatus, lobulis ovatis seu orbicularibus ; sinus inter lobos laterales et lobum medium inclusi triangulares; labellum totum 12 mm longum (10 mm ad apices loborum lateralium), 5 mm latum. Columna cum operculo et pede ± 1 cm longa.'’ (Big. 24.) Mindanao, District of Davao, trail to Mount Apo, altitude 1,500 m, Copeland 1182, April 24, 1904, an epiphyte with peculiar odor. 224 LEAVITT. E. halconensis Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 330; Orcliidaceae 3 (1908) 85, t. 56. '‘Plant comparatively slender, about 5 dm tall. Stems about 7 mm in diameter near the base, tapering gradually upwards. Leaves linear- lanceolate, acuminate, acute, pubescent, about 1 dm long, 7-11 mm wide. Racemes leaf -opposed, shorter than the leaves, about 5 cm long, somewhat flexuosc, densely covered with reddish yellow hairs. Bracts broadly ovate or suborbicular, 4-6 mm long, hairy, abruptly acuminate. Lateral sepals triangular, externally hairy, subacute, 7 mm long, about 4 mm wide at base. I'pper sepal oblong, externally hairy. Petals linear, subspathu- late, tapering to a subacute or subobtuse apex, 6 mm long, 1.5 mm wide. Label! am 7 mm long, linear-cuncate at the base, dilated above, then constricted within 2 mm of the tip, 3-lobed; lateral lobes minute, obtuse, formed by the constriction; middle lobe subquadrate, apiculate, 3-4 mm wide, disc with a prominent mid-nerve. Mentum about 3 mm long.” Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. Bot. 1. c. Eria Ramosii sp. nov. Plant ala habitu E. microphyllae Bl., dense hirsuta, pilis flavis! Syni- podium longe repens. Membra florigera sympodii ad 5 cm alta, erecta ( ■ ^ aulis pergracilis, in sicco circiter 0.7 mm in diametro, internodiis ad 7 mm longis. Bases persistentes foliorum aliquid infundibuli formes internodiis aequilongi, vel saepe longiores, in sicco 1-2 mm diametro; laminae ellipticae, oblongae, vel late lanceolatae, acuminatae, circiter 8 mm longae, circiter 3 mm latae. Flos solitarius, prope apicem caulis ortus, hirsutus. Sepalum dorsalc oblongum, acuminatum, plus minus 5 mm longum, plus minus 2 mm latum. Sepala lateralia triangula, acuta, circiter 7 mm longa, ad basim circiter 6 mm lata. Petala extus pilosa. oblonga, acuminata, acuta, 4-5 mm longa, vix 2 mm lata. Labellum integrum, ovatum, extus pilosum, 6 mm longum, 3.5 mm latum, tergo aliquid carinato, carina in apiculum producta. Columna (sine opercu- lo), circiter 2 mm alta, crassa, pilosa. Pollinia 4, rotundata, subangulata. (Fig. 25.) Luzon, Province of Rizal, Bur. Sci. 1775 Ramos , January, 1907, epiphyte, flowers purplish. This is a curious little species on the borders of the section, named for the assiduous collector, Maximo Ramos. The following species can not he legitimately assigned to an established section. In habit it faintly suggests § Alycaranthes, but the flower is quite different from that of this section. E. cymbiformis .1. ,T. Smith Rec. Trav. Bot. Neerl. 1 (1904) 152; Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 330. Pseudobulbi breves, circ. 4foliati. Folia el on gata, linearia, inaequal- iter acuta, basi conduplicata, nervis 7 subtus prominentibus, circ. 54 cm ionga, 2.20 cm lata; vaginae erectae, conduplicatae, equitantes, nitidae, circ. 11 cm longae. Inftorescentiae vaginas ad basim perforates, foliis breviores, multiflorae, paulum lanuginosae, basi vaginis paucis, circ. 30 THE GENUS ERIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 225 cm longae. Pedunculus circ. 18 cm longus, bracteis paucis adpressis. Bract eae reflexae, lineari-lanceolatae, acutae, circ. 0.40 cm longae. Flores patentes, circ. 0.80 cm longi. Sepalum dor sale ■ oblongum, obtusum, valde eoncavum, 5nervium, circ. 0.45 cm longum, 0.25 cm latum, extus disperse pilosuin. Sepala lateralia ad pedem gynostemii decurrentia, mentum magnum, latum, saccatum, obtusum formantia, late oblique ovato-2angularia, obtusa, 5 nervia, circ. 0.40 cm longa, 0.50 cm lata, extus disperse pilosa. Petala oblonga, obtusa, Snervia, circ. 0.46 cm longa, 0.23 cm lata. Labellum erectum, concavo-cymbiforme, basi fere saccatum, apice breviter fere aequaliter 31obatum, intus costis 3 alaeform- ibus, media duplici apicem versus evanescenti, lateralibus ad basim lobi medii in lobulum brevem, obtusum, liberum terminantibus, expansum fere quadrangulum, circ. 0.47 cm longum, 0.425 cm latum; lobi laterales anguli, obtusi, convexi, vix 1.10 cm longi; lob as medius paulo brevior, late 3angulus, obtusus, concavus, marginibus reflexis. Gynostemium breve. Stigma magnum, profundum, rotundum. Pcs gynostemii cum ovario angulum acutum, fere rectum formans, rectum, circ. 0.30 cm longum. Ovarium pedicellatum circ. 0.60 cm longum.” Smith, /. c. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Merrill 3731, January 1, 1904. Mindoro, Mount Halcon, Merrill 5847, November 20, 1906, epiphytic in ravine forest, altitude 1,200 m. SYNOPSIS OP SPECIES. In a large genus the forming of distinct sections is often difficult. Yet with a local treatment, the number of species being limited and the confusing species absent, the matter is arranged much more readily. This is but saying that the rule for comprehensive treatises may be different from the rule for provincial floras. It is permitted to draw lines rather more sharply in the latter than in the former. And in fact it is necessary, if one is to be guided by practical rather than theoretical considerations, to draw them somewhat differently in the local case. With the definitions of sections in the present conspectus I have had regard to the Philippine species alone, feeling free to modify, for the convenience of the student of the Philippine flora in especial, the form given the groups by their authors. As to the arrangement of the sections, it is obvious that no linear arrangement will represent the natural affinities. Hymeneria (in a restricted sense) seems to me to be the most generalized, or central form, introduced perhaps by Urostachya — with which it merges — and giving off directly or indirectly Aeridostachya and Dendrolirium. Mycaranthes, Cylindrolobus , and Trichotosia are evidently allied, but the exact con- nection with the rest of the genus is not clear. Measurements in the following descriptions are taken from dried specimens, and when single measurements are given they are the maxima rather than the averages. Lengths of leaves are taken from the disarticulation and do not include sheathing bases. Length of racemes are exclusive of the peduncle. The height 226 LEAVITT. of the column is taken with the operculum removed. Drawings are invariably from the camera lucida. § UROSTACHYS Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) 60. Stems long and cylindric, not bulbous, though sometimes more or less thickened at base or summit, the sympodium sometimes rliizomatose, clothed with several or numerous papery or scarious and sometimes evanescent sheaths below the leaves; leaves near the summit, glabrous, usually about 6 or 7 ; racemes several, long, many-flowered ; flowers and rachis often glabrous, never extensively woolly-pubescent; labellum usually entire. A. Sympodium widely creeping, new shoots arising high on the shoots next preceding, near the leafy crown (at least not near the foot). Cauline sheaths conspicuous, spreading and papery. Leaf-blades tapering evenly from about the middle totvard both ends. Lip entire. 1. E. polyura Lindley Bot. Reg. (1841) Misc. 55; supra 203. Fig. 2 ,—Eria polyura, from Lindley’s type. Flowers reddish. Luzon, Mindoro. Stems stout, 1 cm and, upward in dia- meter. Members of the sympodium up to 29 cm long, sometimes clavate by thickening toward the apex; new growth arising 15-18 cm beloiv the end of the old. Leaves 18 cm long, 3.5 cm wide. Inflorescences 10-25 cm long, pubescent the scattered tomentum whitish. Floral bracts reflexed, ovate, 4 mm long. Ovary 2-3 mm long. Perianth 5 mm long. Dorsal sepal and petals ovate-lanceolate. Lateral sepals strongly falcate. Lip cor- date-ovate to nearly orbicular, scarcely 3 mm long, with 3 calli. Column-foot about equaling the column. (Fig. 2.) 2. E. Copeland ii Leavitt supra 203. Fig. 3 ,—Eria Copelandii, from the type. Stem slender, 1+ mm in diameter when dry. Members of the sympodium 10-14 cm long, new growth arising 4 cm below the tip of the old. Leaves 13 cm long, 1.2 cm wide. Inflorescence many-flowered, 7 cm long, the scattered tomentum reddish. Floral bracts 2 mm long. Flowers small, globose. Ovary 1-2 mm long. Perianth 4 mm long. Lip concave and scoop-like, semiorbicular when spread out, scarcely 3 mm long. Column and foot about equal. (Fig. 3.) Flowers rose-colored. Mindanao. THE GENUS ERIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 227 Var. fusiform is Leavitt supra 204. Apical portions of the stem thickened through several internodes, forming fusiform pseudobulbs 3-4 cm long, clothed with imbricating acuminate sheaths; racemes denser. Flowers white with pink center. Luzon. 3. E. H utch inson iana Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 330; supra 204. Very like the last. Inflorescence few-flowered. Floral segments nar- rower in proportion to their length. Dorsal sepal 1 cm long, 2.5 mm wide. Lateral sepals triangular fal- cate, somewhat acuminate, acutish, 3.5 mm wide at the base, 8 mm long. Petals lance-oblong, 8 mm long, 2.5 mm wide. Lip in general outline ovate, the base rounded and somewhat dilated, the forward por- tion oblong, obtuse, total length 5 mm, width 3 mm. (Fig 4-) Flowers white, purple at the base inside. Mindoro. Fig. 4. — Erin Hutchinsoniana, from the type. 4. E. ph il ippi nensis Ames Orchidaceae 1 (1905) 94; supra 204. Stem not bulbous, 5 mm in diameter when dry. Members of the sympodium 12-15 cm long, new growth arising 2-3 cm below the extremity of the old. Leaves 9 cm long, 1.4 cm wide. Inflorescences 13 cm long. Floral bracts lanceolate, 1—1.5 cm long. Ovary reddish-tomentose, 1 cm long. Pe- rianth l.lf cm or more long. Sepals and petals oblong, reddish when dry. Lip broadly ovate, scarcely 5 mm long. Foot as long as, or longer than, the column. (Fig. 5.) Flowers white or pale-tinted, the lip red. Luzon. Fig. S.—Eria phiiippinensis, from the type. 228 LEAVITT. B. Sympodium not tony-creeping, slender or somewhat stout, cylindric, leaf- hearing stems relatively near together, new shoots arising near the bases of the old, and clothed by elongated , tubular sheaths (sometimes evanescent ) . * Inflorescences near the summit, opposite the leaves .* f Leaves up to 30 cm long. 5. E. Woodiana Ames in Philip. Journ. Sei. 2 (1897) Bot. 332; supra 205. Stems 25 cm tall, stout, clothed with long loose thin acuminate sheaths. Leaves oblanceolate, acuminate, acute, J+ cm wide. Inflorescences and leaves ±5, the former up to 15 cm long. Bracts narrow, acute, 5-8 mm long. Ovary very slender, 5-7 mm long. Dorsal sepal narrowly lan- ceolate, 6.5 mm long. Laterals oblong-lanceolate, acute, G mm long, 2 mm wide. Petals narrowly lanceolate, 5.5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide. Lip ±4 mm long , orbicular at base, contracted at about the middle, apical half oblong, obtuse. Flowers pale-yellow. Mindoro. tt Leaves up to 15 cm long, lip 3-lobed, flowers glabrous. d. E. longicruris Leavitt supra 205. Stems 30 cm tall, 2—3 mm in diameter when dry, clothed by about G long thin sheaths below the leaves. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, 15 cm long, 1.5 cm wide. Inflorescences 9 cm long. Bracts lanceolate or ligulate, G mm long. Ovary very slender, 15 mm long. Perianth 13 mm long, the segments slender. Lip 3-lobed. 6 mm long, the basal part rotundate, 4 mm broad, with 3 elevated ridges , the middle one thick and canaliculate; lateral lobes short, incurved, obtuse. Column 3 mm, foot 2 mm long. (Fig. 6.) Flowers v Mindanao. ellowish-wliite. Fig. 6. — Eria longicruris, lip and petal from type. f ff Leaves up to 9 cm long, lip entire, flowers glabrous. 7. E. graciliscapa ltolfe in Ames Orchidaceae 1 (1905) 93; supra 205. Stems clustered, slender, 21 cm tall, 2-3 mm in diameter when dry. Sheaths evanescent. Jjcaves broadly lanceolate, acuminate from near the middle, 9 cm long, 2 cm wide. Inflorescences 9 cm long, the rachis very slender. Bracts narrow, 3 mm long. Ovary very slender , 5 mm long. Perianth 4 mm long. Lateral sepals nearly ligulate, scarcely 1 * This division may be found to break down when more specimens are studied. It holds for those in hand; but too much reliance should not be placed upon it. THE GENUS ERIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 229 mm wide. Petals ligulate-lanceolate. Lip entire, ovate-lanceolate, 2 mm long. Column much longer than foot, which is very short. Flowers yellowish. Luzon. tttt Leaves not above 15 cm long, lip entire, flowers (especially the ovary) pubescent. 8. E. racemosa Leavitt supra 200. In habit very similar to the preceding. Stem somewhat stouter. Sheaths of the stern firmer, papery. Leaves lanceolate to lance-ligulate, 12 cm long, 1.7 cm wide. Inflorescences 14 cm long, the rhachis com- paratively stout. Bracts 5 mm long. Ovary 7 mm long, pubescent with reddish hairs. Sepals ligulate, obtuse, 9 mm long, the lateral falcate. Lip ovate-oblong, 4 mm long, 2 mm wide at the rounded base, with 3 carinate calli, the middle one lowest. Column and foot equal. Mindanao. ** Inflorescences below the leaves as well as with them. 9. E. retroflexa Lindley Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) 60; supra 206. Stems stout. Leaves ligulate or oblong, acutish, but not long-tapering, up to 17 cm long and 1.8 cm wide. Inflorescences about 10 cm long, with many reflexed broadly lanceolate acu- minate bracts. Sepals 8.G mm long, 2 mm broad, the dorsal lanceolate, acute, the laterals triangular-falcate, acute. Petals lanceolate, acute, G.4 mm long, 1.7 mm broad. Lip ovate, acuminate, acute, 3.4 mm long, 2 mm broad, thick and apparently eallose on the sides near the base. This and E. Mernttii are very much alike. (Fig. 7.) Flowers white. Luzon. E. r ingens Reichb. f. Bonplandia 3 (1855) 222. Described by Reichbenbacli as follows: Stem fleshy, bulbous (cylindraceous? flattened?), when dry a half inch broad. Leaves oblong- ligulate from a cuneate base, at apex unsymmetrical. acute, three or four inches long, one inch wide. Spikes many-flowered, two or three inches long, the bracts two or three lines long, apiculate, reflexed, almost equaling the pedicellate ovary, ovate. Perianth three lines long, smooth. Sepals and petals lanceolate, acute. Lip very shortly clawed, the blade oblong, acuminate, rounded at base. Mentum obtuse. The identity of this species is doubtful. 230 LEAVITT. JO. E. Merrittii Ames in Pliilip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 331; supra 207. Stems 13 cm tall. Leaves about 4, close to the summit, lanceolate, strongly tapering, up to 14 cm long, 1.5 cm wide. Lateral sepals ligulate, acute, 7 mm long, 1.5 mm wide. Upper sepal similar. Petals lanceolate, acuminate, 6.5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide near the middle. Lip lanceolate, dilated and broadest at one-third the length from the base, acuminate, acute, nearly 4 mm long, 1.3 mm wide. Column and foot about equal. Flowers white. Mindoro. 11. E. ovata Bindley Bot. Reg. (1844) sub t. 29; supra 207. Fig. 8. — Erin ovata, from the type. Leaves oblong to slightly lanceolate, obtuse, 9 cm long, 2 cm wide. Inflores- cences 14 cm long. Floral bracts broadly lanceolate, the lower about 5 mm long. Ovary and pedicel 1 cm long, ovary rather densely tomentose, tomen- tum brownish or tawny. Perianth-segments ovate. Sepals 1 cm long, 4-4.5 mm wide. Petals equal to sepals. Lip ovate, 6 mni long, 3.5 mm wide. (Fig. 8.) 12. E. Elmer i Ames Orcliidaceae 1 (1905) 93; supra 208. Stems 18 cm tall, rather stout, the sheaths evanescent. Leaves very near the summit, elliptic or oblong, up to 8 cm long and 3 cm wide. Inflorescences several, 10 cm long. Bracts oblong, acute 6 mm long. Ovary and pedicel 5 mm long, slender. Dorsal sepal oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, 6 mm long. Laterals oblong, slightly falcate. Petals shorter, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse. Lip narrowly ovate, 3 mm long, 1.5 mm wide with two calli. Col- umn and foot about equal, the former enlarged above. Flow- ers often larger than as stated above. (Fig. 9.) Flowers yellowish or white with n purple-stained lip. Luzon. THE GENUS ERIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 231 t 13. E. com pacta Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 329; supra 208. Stems close together, thickened at base, 5 cm high. Leaves at summit, 3, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse, 5.5 cm long, 1.5 cm wide. Bracts ovate, 4-5 mm long, half as broad. Ovary sparsely pubescent when young, 4 mm long. Perianth 6 mm long. Lateral sepals triangular- acute, concav^ and 2.5 mm wide at base. Petals broadly lanceolate, acute, nearly equaling sepals, 2 mm wide. Lip ovate, inclining to cordate at base, 4 mm long, nearly 2 mm wide at base. Column distinctive ; ivide throughout , concave, 2 mm high and nearly as broad, plainly exceeding the upturned foot. Mentum rounded. Like E. Elmeri but smaller, the floral parts slightly, and the column quite different. Mindoro. 14. E. floribunda Lindley Bot. Reg. (1843) Misc. 43; (1844) t. 20; supra 209. A robust plant, the stems stout and 30 cm or more high. Leaves about 7, lanceolate, evenly tapering to base and apex from near the middle, acute, up to 22 cm long and 3 cm wide. Inflorescences about 3, pubes- cent, about 6 cm long, densely flowered. Bracts broad, concave, blunt, about 2 mm long. Ovary pubescent, 2 mm long. Flowers not exceeding 4 mm in greatest diameter, roundish with a pronounced chin. Sepals rounded, the dorsal strongly cucullate, 3 mm long and as broad, the laterals broadly and unsymmetrically ovate, blunt, 4 mm long and nearly as broad at base. Petals oblong-falcate, acutish, about 3 mm long. Lip peculiar, concave at base, by the elevation of the sides, which are produced forward into angles or short horns, connected by a cross-wall ; the basal portion of the lip thus forming a sort of scoop with 2 forward-projecting corners ; in front, as from the floor of this concave basal portion, the lip is continued by a narrow, somewhat thickned isthmus shortly expanding into a flabellate limb. Lip about 4 mm long. The limb above 2 mm wide. Column short, thick, much exceeded by the foot. (Fig. 10.) Flowers white. Palawan: Malay Archipelago to India. Fig. 10 ,—Eria flori- bunda, lip. § HYMENERIA Lindley in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) 52. Not strictly separable from § Urostachya, but stems typically stout and pseudobulbous, clustered, with few leaves ; inflorescences 1 or 2, stout, produced from the pseudobulbs; flowers often larger and fewer than in § Urostachya, not densely and extremely woolly as in § Dendrolirium; lip generally 3-lobed. 15. E. bractescens Lindley Bot. Reg. (1841) Misc. 18, and (1844) t. 29; Ames Orchidaceae 2 (1908) 189; supra 209. Pseudobulbs various, short and bulbous or up to 18 cm long and stem- like. Leaves about 3 at the summit, broadly oblanceolate, up to 25 cm 23 ‘2 LEAVITT. long and 4 cm wide. Inflorescence mostly 1, up to 20 cm long, conspicuous for the oblong bracts (sometimes broadened toward the apex), which are up to 2.5 cm long and Jf-8 mm wide. Ovary and pedicel thin, up to 2.5 cm long. Dorsal sepal 1 cm long, 2.5 mm wide, lance-ligulate. Laterals strongly falcate, taper- ing from the base, or nearly oblong, about 1 cm long, 3 mm wide. Petals nearly equal to sepals, lance- ligulate, slightly falcate, obtuse, 2.5 mm wide. Lip 3-lobed, 9 mm long, (5 mm wide, ovate to cuneate- obovate in general outline; carina? 3, the middle ex- tending into the middle lobe, the laterals ending below m<;. li— Ena bractexeens, f]ie 8inuses, or extended to the middle lobe; papilla? scattered and in lines on the middle lobe; lateral lobes obtuse, slightly incurved, oblong or ovate; middle lobe much larger, oblong to obovate, rounded or truncate at the extremity. Column and foot nearly equal. (Fig. 11.) Flowers creamy white. * Luzon, Mindanao, Basilan. Var. latipetala Leavitt supra 210. The petals somewhat broader than in the species, deeply stained with red or purple, visibly shorter than the dorsal sepal; the lip approaching orbicular in general outline, 8 mm long, 7 mm wide, shortly clawed, the lateral lobes larger than the middle, rounded, truncate, tinged with red. (Fig. 13.) Pseudobulbs short and stout. Flowers white, the petals deeply stained with red or purple. Fio. 12. — Eria bractencen j uzon var. latipetala, lip from the type. 10. E. longilabris Lindlev Bot. Reg. (1841) Misc. 38, and (1844) t. 2.9, f. 3; supra 210. With the appearance of E. bractescens, but with petals and sepals more acuminate, and the mid-lobe of the lip longer, acuminate, the lateral lamellae produced nearly to the apex. Panay. THE GENUS ERIA IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 233 17. E. Curranii Leavitt supra 210. Pseudobulbs cylindraceous, 6 cm high. Leaves 2, lance-oblong, obtuse, 10 cm long, 2 cm broad. Inflorescence 15 cm long. Raceme loosely flowered, the rhachis sparsely pubescent. Bracts broad, G mm long. Ovary and -pedicel very slender, 1 cm long, pubescent. Mentum conspicuous, conical or oblong, making an acute angle with the ovary. Dorsal sepal ovate, 5 mm long, 2.5 mm wide. Laterals triangular- falcate, acute, 5 mm long, 4 mm wide at base. Petals oblong, 5 mm long, 1.7 mm broad. Lip unguiculate, the claw curved, cuneate-obcordate ; mid-lobe obcordate, 3 mm broad ; lateral lobes rounded ; entire lip 6 mm long, nearly 4 mm broad; earinae on disc 3, the middle one least. Column 2 mm high, foot 4 mm long. '(Fig. 13.) Palawan. 18. E. profusa Lindley Bot. Reg. (1842) Misc. 2; supra 210. Pseudobulbs clustered, spindle-ovate, up to 7 cm long and 3 cm in diameter (dry), of a few internodes, imperfectly clothed with broad papery or scarious sheaths, the uppermost foliaceous. Leaves 4, oblong-lanceolate, acutish, up to 20 cm long, 3 cm wide. In- florescences 2 or 3, erect, with soft downy brown pubescence throughout, up to 30 cm tall, exceeding the leaves, the rather stout peduncle about two-fifths the length of the whole, bearing a few small ovate bracts; raceme not extremely dense, about 2.5 cm in diameter. Ovary with pedicel 7 mm long. Dorsal sepal 5 mm long, elliptic-oblong, ob- tuse, 3 mm wide. Laterals unsymmetrically ovate, obtuse, 5 mm long, 5 mm broad along the foot. Petals oblong, obtuse, 5 mm long, , _ T. , ... Fig. 14. — Ena pro/usa. not 2 mm wide. Lip in general outline cune- ate-obovate, strongly three-lobed, 6 mm long, 4 mm wide across the lateral lobes; lateral lobes erect, oblong, slightly curved; middle lobe recurved, semiorbicular to reniform, with a large tubercle near the apex. (Fig. 14.) Flowers pale, with markings of yellow and purple. Luzon, Negros Oriental. 85754 3 Fig. 13.— Eria Cur- ranii, lip from the type. 234 LEAVITT. 19. E. cylindrostachya Ames Orchidaceae 2 ( ] !MLS ) 100; supra 211. Fig. 15. — Eria cylindrostachya, lip Hnd petal from the type. Very much like the last. Inflorescence shorter than the leaves, the down not so long nor so dense, the raceme much denser-flowered and shorter-ped uncled. Leaves longer-petioled and proportionately narrower than in the last, up to 37 cm long and 2 cm wide. Petals wider, obovate. Lip narrower (hut variable). (Fig. 15.) Flowers yellowish- white. Mindanao. 20. E. ventricosa Leavitt supra 211. Pseudobulbs nearly cvlindrie, somewhat thickened below, about 3 cm long; sheaths several, ovate, 3 cm long, entirely concealing the stem. Leaves 2, lanceolate to oblanceolate, short-petioled, up to 14 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. Inflorescences 1 or 2, 5.5 cm long, pubescent; peduncle 2 cm long, very slender, with 2 or 3 amplexicaul sheaths, sparsely white- tomentose. Flowers about 12, subtended by ovate, concave, ciliate-margined bracts, as long as the ovary and pedicel, which is white-tomentose, about 3 mm long. Dorsal sepal obovate, sparsely fig.16. Eria ventricosa, lip pubescent, 5 mm long, about 3 mm wide. and petal from the type. i Laterals pubescent, inflated, triangular-oblong, 4 mm long, 2 mm broad, the anterior margin sigmoid. Petals oblong- obovate, somewhat falcate, 4 mm long by 2 mm wide. Lip 5 mm long, ventricose at base (2 mm), the limb flabellate-trilobed, 4 mm broad; lateral lobes erect, triangular-oblong, apex rounded ; mid-lobe reflexed, broadly triangular-semiovate. Foot of column straight, nearly linear, expanded where it joins the lip, 4 mm long, the column scarcely 2 mm long. For variations see discussion of this species above. (Fig. lfi.) Flowers cream-white. Luzon, Negros Occidental. Yar. benguetensis Leavitt supra 212. Differs from the type in its larger flowers, longer bracts, and narrower petals. Luzon. 21. E. Lyonii Leavitt supra 212. Phizomatose portions of the sympodium stout and woody, when dry 5 mm in diameter. Pseudobulbs 2-5 cm distant, ovoid, 2.5 cm high, THE GENUS EH I A IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 235 1.5 cm in diameter when drv. Leaves 2, lanceolate to oblanceolate, acuminate, 24 cm long, 2.5 cm broad. Inflorescence arising near summit of pseudobulb, erect, more than 10 cm long, the peduncle stout, the rhachis angled. Flowers 15 (?), sessile, not crowded, pubescent. Ovary 5 mm long, covered with short rufous to- mentum. Dorsal sepal lance-ligu- late, acute. 1 cm long, 3.5 mm broad. Laterals triangular-falcate, acute, 1 cm long, 3.5 mm broad. Mentum conical, somewhat acute, nearly 3 mm long. Petals lance-ovate, some- what falcate, acute, 1 cm long, 4 mm broad. Lip ovate, 3-lobed, ,8 mm long, 4 mm broad ; mid-lobe obovate- oblong, acute, 4 mm long ; side lobes at about the middle, rounded ; on the disc 3 raised carinae Column stout, 2 mm high, the foot long, broad and Fig. n.—Eria Ly. E. binabayensis Ames in Phi Ip. Journ. Sci. 2 ( 1 1)07 ) hot. 329; supra 223. Plants up to 5 dm tall. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, 1 dm long, 2 cm wide. Inflorescence 3 cm or more long, the bracts about 1 cm long. Dorsal sepal oblong. Lateral sepals triangular-lanceolate, 1 cm long, 8 mm wide at base. Petals linear-spathulate, obtusish, 8.5 mm long, 2 mm wide about the middle. Lip 10 mm long, narrowly cuneate at base, then dilated to within 2 mm of the tip where it is about 4 mm wide and constricted. Beyond the constriction it is again dilated into a transversely oblong limb 7 mm wide. Disc bicarinate. Flowers flesh -colored, the petals white, the lip with “yellow- purple” spots. Mindoro. 37. E. odorifera Leavitt supra 223. Aspect of E. annul aia Bl. Internodes of the stem 2.5 to 3 cm long, 0.4 cm in diameter. Sheathing bases of the leaves rather sparsely hairy, the hairs long, red and divaricate. Leaf-blades sparingly hairy, lance- somewhat falcate, nearly equaling the dorsal sepal, 1.5-2 mm wide. Lip pubescent externally and internally, unguiculate, cuneate, 3-lobed near the apex; lateral lobes small, straight, oblong, rounded; middle lobe bilolmlate, the lobules ovate or orbicular; sinus between the lateral lobes and the middle lobe triangular; entire lip 12 mm long (10 mm to the apices of the lateral lobes), 5 mm wide, (’olumn including anther-cap and foot 1 cm long. (Fig. 24.) Mindanao. 38. E. halconensis Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Lot. 330; supra 224. Plant up to S) dm tall. Leaves linear-lanceolate, acuminate, acute, 1 dm long, up to 1 cm wide. Inflorescence 5 cm long, the bracts broadly ovate to suborbicular, (i mm long, acuminate. Dorsal sepal oblong. Laterals triangular, aeutish, 7 mm long, 4 mm wide at base. Petals linear to spathulate, tapering to tin* apex, (i mm long, 1.5. mm wide. Lip Fig. 2-4. — Eria oilorifcra, from the type. date to oblanceolate, long acuminate, acute, up to 14 cm long and 1.5 wide. Inflores- cence 2 cm long, few-flowered, the bracts about G, suborbi- cular, acuminate, 8 mm long. Dorsal sepal oblong, acute, somewhat carinate, 8 mm long, 3 mm wide. Lateral sepals almost oblong, their greatest diameter parallel to the ovary, slightly falcate, somewhat car- inate, acute, 12 mm long from the apex of the mentum to the tip of the sepal, the free limb 4 mm wide. Petals linear, slightly spathulate, obtuse, THE GENUS EH I A IX THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. 243 7 mm long, linear-cnneate at base, dilated above, constricted within 2 mm of the tip, 3-lobed; lateral lobes minute, obtuse; mid-lobe sub- quadrate, apiculate, 4 mm wide; disc with a prominent mid-nerve. Mentum about 3 mm long. Flowers pink-purple. Mindoro. 39. E. Ramosii Leavitt supra 224. .4 dwarf creeping species, densely hirsute with yellow hairs. X ew members of the sympodium arising 3 to 4 cm from the bases of the old, the erect leafy por- tions up to 4 cm long. Stem when dry less than 1 in in in diameter; internodes 7 mm Jong. Persistent bases of the leaves somewhat funnel- form ; lamina elliptic, oblong, or broadly lance- olate, acuminate, 8 mm long, 3 mm wide. Flower solitary, sessile near the end of the stem. Dorsal sepal oblong, acuminate, 5 mm long, 2 mm wide. Laterals triangular, acute, 7 mm long, 6 mm wide at base. Petals ex- ternally pilose, oblong, acuminate, acute, 4-5 mm long, scarcely 2 mm wide. Lip entire, ' ovate, externally pilose, carinate on the back and apiculate, (5 mm long, 3.5 mm broad. Column thick and pilose. Pollinia 4. (Fig. 25.) Flower purplish. Luzon. mm O'/i {Phi j Of Fig. 25. — Kria Samosii, from the type. 40. 224. E. cymbiformis .T. J. Smith Itec. Trav. Bot. Neerl. 1 (1904) 152; supra Stems up to 12 cm long, wholly concealed by the closely imbricated bases of the crowded leaves. Leaves 10 or more, ensiform from a broad, sheathing base, up to 70 cm long and 2 cm wide. Inflorescence 25 cm or more long, erect, with scattered short white tomentum ; bracts nar- row, 2 mm long; raceme cylindric, 2 cm in diameter. Ovary with pedicel 5 mm long, pubescent. Dorsal sepal obovate, 5 mm long, 3 mm broad, obtuse; laterals broadly and unsymmetrieally ovate, 5 mm long, 7 mm broad, obtuse. Petals rhombic-obovate, 4 mm long, 3 mm wide, obtuse. Lip saccate, truncate, acute-angled on the sides in front. (Fig. 26.) Flowers white. Luzon, Mindoro: Sumatra. Fig. 2ti. — Kria cymbiformis 244 LEAVITT. LIST OF NEW SPECIES AND VARIETIES PROPOSED IN THIS PAPER. Eria Copelandii Leavitt, 203; var. fusiformis Leavitt 204; E. longi- cruris Leavitt, 205; E. racemosa Leavitt, 206; E. bractescens, var. latipc- tala Leavitt, 210; E. Curranii Leavitt, 210; E. ventricosa Leavitt, 211; var. benguetensis Leavitt, 212; E. Whitfordii Leavitt, 215; E. Mearnsii Leavitt, 216; E. anceps Leavitt, 219; E. longibracteata Leavitt, 219; E. Clemensiae Leavitt, 220 ; E. odorifera Leavitt, 223 ; E. Ramosii Leavitt, 224. The section of Eria heretofore often known as § Mycaranthes has above (217) been given the designation § Secundae. ILLUSTRATIONS, [All text figures.] Fig. 1. Eria Aeridostachya Lindl., from Lindley’s type. 2. E. polyura Lindl., from Lindley’s type. 3. E. Copelandii Leavitt, from the type. 4. E. Hutchinsoniana Ames, from the type. 5. E. philippinensis Ames, from the type. 6. E. longicruris Leavitt, from the type. 7. E. retroflexa Lindley, from Lindley’s type. 8. E. ovata Lindley, from Lindley’s type. 9. E. Elmeri Ames, from the type. 10. E. floribunda Lindley, lip, from Lindley’s type. 11. E. bractescens Lindley, lip, from Lindley’s type. 12. E. bractescens var. latipetada Leavitt, lip, from the type. 13. E. Curranii Leavitt, lip, from the type. 14. E. profusa Lindl. 15. E. cylindrostachya Ames, lip and petal from the type. 16. E. ventricosa Leavitt, lip and petal from the type. 17. E. Lyonii Leavitt, from the type. 18. E. anceps Leavitt, from the type. 19. E. longibracteata Leavitt, from the type. 20. E. Clemensiae Leavitt, lip and petal from the type. 21. E. gigantea Ames, from the type, drawing by Ames. 22. E. fastigatifolia Ames, from the type, after Ames. 23. E. vulpina Reichb. f., lip. 24. E. odorifera Leavitt, from the type. 25. E. Ramosii Leavitt, from the type. 26. E. cymbiformis J. J. Smith. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VIL By E. D. Merrill. ( From the Botanical Section of the Biological Laboratory, Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I.) The present contribution is, like the preceding papers of the series, composed of miscellaneous diagnoses of apparently previously undescribed species in various families, and records of various species previously described and now found for the first time in the Philippines. A number of nomenelatural changes are included, in accordance with the rules of priority, and notes are added on some previously obscure or little-known species. Four genera, Embolanthera , Everettiodendron, Greeniopsis, and Aliernia are proposed as new, while the representatives of no less than twenty-one genera, previously unrecorded from the Philippines are enu- merated, Boottia, Anacolosa, Illicium, Erythrophloeum, Kingiodendron , Azadiraclita, Heynea, Blaehia, Galearia, Microdesmis, Ostodes, Stro- phioblachia , Pleiogynium, Lepionycliia, Trichadenia, Ochrosia, Willough- bya, Coptosapelta, Damnacanthus, Greened, and Litosanthes. Twenty- five species previously described bv various authors from extra-Philippine material are here recorded from the Archipelago for the first time, while eightv-five species are described as new. On account of the rule adopted by the Vienna Botanical Congress, requiring Latin diagnoses of all species proposed after January 1, 1908, short diagnoses have been added, and in cases where it has been necessary to consider species proposed since that date, but which were without the required diagnosis, this has been added. A LI SM ACE LE. BOOTTIA Wallicli. Boottia renifolia sp. nov. Planta aquatica, glabra; foliis reniformibus, longe petiolatis, apice late rotundatis, basi cordatis, circiter 8 cm latis, nervis 7 ad 9 ; spathis unisexualibus, tubulosis; floribus masculinis vulgo binis, exsertis, antheris 9, pistilli rudimentiis pulviformibus ; floribus femineis circiter 2.5 cm diametro, solitariis, pedicellatis ; stvlis 6, bifidis; staminodiis 9 quorum 0 linearibus, 3 capitatis. 247 248 MERRILL. An aquatic glabrous plant. Leaves tufted, their petioles 10 to 25 cm long, the blades reniform, 4.5 to G cm long, about 8 cm wide, papyraceous, the apex broadly rounded, the base cordate; primary nerves 7 to 9, the cross reticulations lax, indistinct. Male flowers one, or commonly two, from tubular, linear spathes which are very slightly cleft at the apex and not keeled or ribbed, exserted in anthesis, the pedicels very slender; sepals and petals as in the pistillate flowers ; stamens 9, the filaments flattened, 1.5 to 2 mm long; anthers basifixed, oblong, 1.5 mm long; rudimentary pistil represented by a sessile, 1.5 mm long, cushion-like body, the styles none. Pistillate flowers white, solitary, their pedicels 5 cm long or less; sepals 3, elliptic-oblong, about 7 mm long, 3.5 to 4 mm wide, about 12-nerved; petals obovate, 12 mm long; styles 6, cleft two-thirds to the base, the arms glandular-hairy; staminodes of two kinds, 6 linear, 2.5 to 3 mm long, and 3 subsessile, capitate, 1 mm in diameter. Ovary several-celled, cylindric, smooth. Fruit unknown. Luzon, Province of Camarines, Bicol River, Bula, For. Bur. 12274 Outran, June 5, 1908. An interesting addition to our knowledge of the Philippine flora, the first representative of the genus to be found in the Philippines. It is allied to Boottia cordata Wall., of British India, but differs in many characters, notably in its reniform leaves, linear, tubular spathes which contain but one or two flowers, the staminate flowers without rudimentary styles, and the pistillate flowers with two kinds of staminodes, six; linear and three capitate. The genus contains about 15 species, in tropical Africa and Asia. GEAMINE^E. PANICUM Linn. Panicum malabaricum (Linn.) comb. nov. Boa malabarica Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 69. Panicum arnottianum Nees in Steud. Syn. PI. Gram. (1854) 59. Panicum nodosum Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 7 (1897) 43, excl. syn., non Kunth. Hooker f.1 referred Poa malabarica Linn, to Centotheca lappacea (Linn.) Desv., but gave no reason for this. Considering that he was correct I transferred the name to Centotheca as C. malabarica (Linn.) Merr. It seems, however, that Hooker f. was in error in citing Poa malabarica Linn, as a synonym of Cento- theca lappacea. Munro in his paper on the grasses of the Linnean herbarium states regarding Poa malabarica “P{oa) malabarica is Panicum arnottianum Nees. The reference to Rheede is correct; it is a very fair drawing.” 2 Linnaeus’ species is manifestly based on Tsjama-pullu of Rheede, Hortus Malabaricus 12:83, t. 4^. Through the kindness of Mrs. Agnes Chase of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture, I have received a tracing of the above plate, and although the plate is crude, it seems to be well matched by several specimens in our her- barium determined as Panicum nodosum Kunth. Three specimens from Singa- pore, collected by Ridley resemble it very closely. 'FI. Brit. Ind. 7 (1897) 332. 2Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 6 (1862) 43. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 249 Panicum nodosum Kunth, which is closely allied, differs mainly in being much smaller, with shorter, narrower leaves, and much smaller panicles. The type of Kunth’s species was from the Philippines, P. nodosum being based on P. multinode Presl, non Lam. Balansa, apparently assuming the Indian form to be typical Panicum nodosum Kunth, has distinguished the smaller form, apparently typical P. nodosum Kunth, as P. ouonbiense. I am disposed to refer to Panicum malabaricum (Linn.) Merr., two specimens from the Philippines, Palmas Island, Merrill 5367, and For. Bur. 5349 Merritt, from Mindoro. The former was previously referred by me to P. nodosum Kunth. In a broad sense Panicum malabaricum might include P. nodosum Kunth, but I am disposed to consider the small form described by Kunth as worthy of specific rank. Panicum cordatum Biise in Miq. PI. Jungh. (1854) 376. P. luxurious Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 359, cum syn., non Willd. Luzon, Province of Union, Bauang, Elmer 5595: Province of Bataan, Lamao River, Williams 134, Elmer 6735: Province of Bulacan, Norzagaray, Yoder 1, 163. Culion, Merrill 554- This species was previously determined by me as Panicum luxurious Willd., but is apparently not that species. I have examined the material in the Will- denow Herbarium so named, there being two specimens, one marked “Klein Ind. 1799” which is apparently a form of Panicum prostratum Lam.=P. reptans Linn., the other from St. Vincent, collected by Bory, which may be the same as P. caespitosum Sw. Willdenow, Enum. 1 (1833) 109, gives as the only locality for the species “Luzonia,” an apparent error on his part. The specimens cited above closely resemble Panicum montanum Roxb., but can be readily distinguished from that species by the first glume being as long as the spikelet. The Philippine material differs from Javan cordatum in its relatively narrower and less prominently cordate leaves, but does not seem to be specifically distinct from that species. Panicum reptans Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 2 (1759) 871; Hitchc. in Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12 (1908) 119. Panicum prostratum Lam., 111. 1 (1791) 171; Kunth Enum. 1 (1833) 89; Steud. Syn. 1 (1854) 61; Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 7 (1897) 33; Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 355. The oldest name for this common and widely distributed species is Panicum reptans Linn., as shown by A. S. Hitchcock 1. c., who has examined the type in the Linnean herbarium. Panicum paludosum Roxb. Hort. Beng. (1814) 6, nomen ; FI. Ind. 1 (1820) 307. Panicum proliferum Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 7 (1897) 50; Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 359, non Lam. Mr. A. S. Hitchcock has examined the type of Lamarck’s Panicum proliferum in the Paris Herbarium, and finds it to be identical with Panicum miliare Lam.,3 and has accepted P. dichotomiflorum Michx. as the earliest valid name for the species, commonly identified by American authors as P. prostratum Lam. I am now of the opinion that the species of tropical Asia and Malaya is distinct from the American form, and have here adopted Roxburgh’s specific name for the oriental form, as it seems to be the earliest valid one. 3 Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 12 (1908) 147. 85754 4 MERRILL. 250 NEYRAUDIA Hook. f. Neyraudia madagascarensis (Kunth) Hook. f. ; Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1000) Suppl. 381. This species was admitted on the strength of identifications made by Vidal, and Ceron, based on Cuming 623, and Vidal 4017. I have examined both in the Kew Herbarium, and find them to be referable to Phragmites karka (Retz. ) Trim Neyraudia madagascarensis must therefore be excluded from the Philippine flora. ANDROPOGON I finn. Andropogon leptos Steud. Syn. 1 (1855) 397; Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1900) Suppl. 337. Gamotiella philippinensis Stapf in Hook. 1c. PI. IV 5 (1890) pi. 2494; Merr. 1. c. 374. Here enumerated to all attention to the reduction of the monotypic genus Gamotiella. The type of Gamotiella philippinensis in the Kew Herbarium, is identical with Andropogon leptos, and is a true Andropogon. Ur. Stapf, to whose attention 1 called the matter, concurs in this reduction. To be sure of the identity of the Philippine plant with Andropogon leptos Steud., 1 later examined the type of Steudel’s species in the Berlin Herbarium, and found the determination to be correct. OYPERACEiE. FI M BRISTYLIS Vahl. Fimbristylis cymosa R. Br. ; Clarke in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 97. This species must be excluded from the Philippine flora, as the specimen in the Kew Herbarium, on which the record was based, bears a printed label with the date 1831, and is from Cuming’s first collection from the southern Pacific, and not from the Philippines. Cuming’s Philippine plants were distributed ten years later. BURMANNIACEyE. BURMANNIA L inn. B. coelestis D. Don Prodr. FI. Nepal. (1802-03) 44; Ridley Materials FI. Malay. Penin. 2 (1907) 71. B. azurea Griff. Notul. 3 (1851) 236; Ic. PI. As. 1. 272, f. 1; Becc. Malesia 2 (1878) 242, t. 15, f. 1-3. Luzon, Province of Pangasinan, Infanta, Bur. Sci. 4913 Ramos, December, 1907. The fourth species of the genus to be found in the Philippines. Widely distributed from India to the Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Labuan and the Caroline Islands. FAGACEyE. QUERCUS Linn. Quercus obi iqu inervia sp. nov. § Cyclobalanus. Arbor 20 m alta, cupulis exceptis glabra; ramis ramulisque griseis; foliis oblongo-lanoeolatis vel late lanceolatis, integris, crasse coriaceis, usque ad 11 cm longis, valde acuminatis, nervis utrinque 8, valde obliquis, reticulis obscuris ; cupulis 2 cm diametro, intus glabris, extus pubescen- NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 251 tibus; glandibus oblongo-ovoideis, 2.3 cm longis apice rotundatis, breviter apiculatis. A tree about 20 m high, glabrous throughout, except the cups (in- florescence unknown), branches terete, lenticellate, light-gray. Leaves thickly coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, 7 to 11 cm long, 2.5 to 4 cm wide, entire, the apex strongly acuminate, acumen blunt, often slightly falcate, base decnrrent-acuminate, both surfaces shin- ing, the lower slightly paler than the upper; nerves 8 on each side of the midrib, oblique, rather distinct beneath, nearly straight, more or less curved near the margins, not anastomosing, the reticulations fine, indistinct; petioles 1.5 to 2 cm long. Flowers unknown. Cup including the stout stipe 1.5 cm high, inclosing only about the lower one-fourth of the glans, 2 cm in diameter, glabrous and shining inside, outside cinereous-pubescent, lamellae about 5 the low'er ones distant, the upper close, denticulate. Gians oblong-ovoid, 2.3 cm long, about 1.8 cm in diameter, glabrous, apex rounded, apiculate. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Pauai, For. Bur. 18380 Alvarez, January, 1909: Province of Abra, For. Bur. 14605 Darling, February, 1909, altitude 1,400 to 2,000 m. in forests; known in Benguet as Ticlick, and in Abra as Bultioc. A species well characterized by its very obliquely nerved leaves, probably most closely allied to Quercus merrittii Merr., among the Philippine forms, but very different from that. ULMACEAd. GIRONNIERA Gaudich. Gironniera curranii sp. nov. Arbor circiter 15 m alta, glabra; foliis ovato-lanceolatis vel elliptico- lanceolatis, glabris, nitidis, 8 ad 12 cm longis, basi rotundatis, apice caudato-acuminatis, margine integris vel supeme pauce irregulariter serratis; nervis utrinque 13 ad 15, prominentibus ; floribus femineis axillaribus, solitariis, longe pedicellatis, 5-meris. A tree about 15 m high, glabrous throughout. Branches slender, terete, gray or brownish, the branchlets somewhat angled, sometimes with very few appressed hairs. Leaves ovate-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, subcoriaceous, shining, 8 to 12 cm long, 3.5 to 5 cm wide, paler beneath, the base rounded, the apex caudate-acuminate, the acumen 2 cm long or less, 3 to 4 mm wide, abruptly acute or apiculate, margins entire, or with few prominent, irregular teeth at the apex just below the acumen; nerves 13 to 15 on each side of the midrib, prominent, curved-ascending; petioles 6 to 8 mm long. Pistillate flowers axillary, solitary, the calyx lobes (in fruit) 5, ovate, acute or obtuse, about 2 mm long, the margins somewhat ciliate, the fruit (immature) ovoid or elliptic-ovoid, 1.3 cm long, 3 mm thick, glabrous, shining; style arms 2, stout, about 3 mm long; pedicels about 1.5 cm long, slender. 252 MKRRILL. Luzon, Province of C'amarines, Mount Isarog, For. Bur. 10498 Curran, May 25, 1908, in forests on the lower slopes at an altitude of about 100 m. A species well characterized by being glabrous throughout, and its smooth shining leaves which are entire or with but few irregular teeth at the apex only. MORACE^E. FICUS Linn. Ficus merrittii sp. nov. § Covellia. Arbor usque ad 12 in alta, ramulis petiolis, foliis subtus et inflores- centiis plus minus ferrugineo-liirsutis ; foliis obovato-oblongis vol obovatis, cliartaceis, 18 ad 25 cm longis, integris vel obscure dentatis, apice breviter acuminatis, basi inaequilateraliter cordatis; nervis utrinque 8 ad 10, prominentibus ; stipulis caducis, lanceolatis, acuminatis, brunneis, 2.5 ad 3 cm longis; inflorescentiis caulinis, 10 ad 25 cm longis, ramosis, plus minus ferrugineo-liirsutis ; receptaculis obovoideis, 1.5 ad 2 cm longis, plus minus ferrugineo-liirsutis, basi 3-bracteolatis ; pedunculis hirsutis, usque ad 2 cm longis; ovario oblongo-ovoideo ; perigonibus nullis. . A tree 12 m high or less. Branches reddish-brown, terete, more or less ferruginous-hirsute. Leaves opposite, obovate to oblong-obovate, 18 to 25 cm long, 9 to 13 cm wide, chartaceous, somewhat shining, the midrib and nerves on both surfaces with few or many, long, pale or ferruginous hairs, the upper surface ultimately glabrous, margins entire or obscurely dentate, the apex shortly and abruptly acuminate, somewhat narrowed below to the slightly inequilateral and cordate base; the lower surface minutely punctate; nerves 8 to 10 on each side of the midrib, prominent, anastomosing, the reticulations lax, distinct; petioles ferru- ginous-hirsute, G cm long or less ; stipules caducous, lanceolate, acuminate, brown, ferruginous-hirsute at the base only, otherwise glabrous, 2.5 to 3 cm long. Inflorescence from the trunk, few or many branched, 10 to 25 cm long, reddish-brown, more or less ferrugineous-hirsute at the nodes and on the bracts and bracteoles, the bracts ovate, acuminate, 8 mm long or less, deciduous. Receptacles usually at the ends of the branchlets, few or many, obovoid, 1.5 to 2 cm long, brown, purplish or greenish, with few or many pale or ferruginous hairs, the base with three small narrowly-ovate bracteoles 2 to 3 mm long; peduncles more or less ferruginous-hirsute, 2 cm long or less. Staminate flowers not seen. Fertile female flowers pedicellate, glabrous, the ovaries ovoid to oblong- ovoid, about 1.5 mm long; styles slender, about 2 mm long. Perianth none, or present in very young flowers as minute scales. Mindoro, For. Bur. 11 466 Merritt, May, 1908 (type). Also represented by the two following specimens from the same Island For. Bur. 6852, 11477 Merritt, April, 1907 and May, 1908. N.‘ v., Tibig. A species closely allied to Ficus nota (Blanco) Merr., differing especially in the long ferruginous hairs on the leaves, petioles, inflorescence and receptacles. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 253 SAN TALACEiE. EXOCARPUS Lab. Exocarpus rolfeanus (O. Kuntze) comb. nov. Xylophyllos rolfeana O. Kuntze Rev. Gen. PI. 1 (1891) 589, (rolfsiana) . Palawan, Vidal 361/1, type in Herb. Kew.; Victoria Peak, For. Bur. 3852 Curran, March, 1906, altitude 300 m. A curious endemic species, known only from the above two collections. Curran’s specimen is sterile, and is described by him as a 3 m high shrub. OLACACEJE. ANACOLOSA Blume. Anacolosa luzoniensis sp. nov. Arbor glabra, inflorescentiis exceptis, usque ad 15 m alta; foliis chartaceis vel subcoriaceis, ovato-oblongis, elliptico-oblongis, vel oblongis, 8 ad 12 cm longis, basi acutis, apice obtusis vel obscure acuminatis, nervis utrinque cireiter 5; floribus axillaribus, congestis, griseo-puberulis, stipitatis, G-meris; petalis intus in partibus inferioribus glabris, carinatis, supra crassis, subtrigonis, dense pubescentibus ; filamentis latis, glabris, connective indumento denso coronato; ovario 2-loculare; fructibus ellip- soideis, 2 cm longis, disco accrescenti. A tree reaching a height of 15 m, glabrous except the inflorescence. Branches slender, terete, reddish-brown. Leaves alternate, oblong, ovate- oblong, or elliptic-oblong, 8 to 12 cm long, 3 to 5 cm wide, chartaceous to subcoriaeeous, dark or pale when dry, sligtly shining, the base acute, the apex obtuse, rarely obscurely and broadly acuminate; nerves about 5 on each side of the midrib, anastomosing, the reticulations lax; petioles 5 to 8 mm long. Flowers pale-green, gray-pubcrulent, densely congested, axillary, the stipes 2 to 3 mm long. Calyx 3 mm in diameter, sub- truncate and with G minute teeth. Petals G, valvate, pubescent, lanceo- late or oblong-lanceolate, 4 mm long, 1.8 mm wide, acute or somewhat acuminate, the lower half, inside, glabrous and keeled, the upper portion thickened, 3-sided, and densely pubescent in the central portion. Stamens 6, opposite the petals; filaments broad, about 1 mm long and broad, flattened, glabrous, the antheriferous portion as broad as the filament and crowned with copious hairs. Ovary superior, 2-celled, each cell with a single pendulous ovule; style narrowly conical, 1 to 1.5 mm long. Fruit fleshy, ellipsoid, about 2 cm long, 1 -celled, entirely inclosed in the accrescent disk. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, For. Bur. 2830 Meyer, March, 1905 (type), For. Bur. 1190 Borden, June, 1904, For. Bur. 1222 Curran, June, 1907, Bur. Sci. 5165 Ramos, February, 1908. Mindoko, For. Bur. 8650, 11363 Merritt, January, April, 1908. Masbatk, For. Bur. 12601 Rosenbluth, January, 1909. MERRILL. 254 The first representative of the genus to be found in the Philippines and ap- parently distinct from the few other species of the genus. On Mount Mariveles it is found at altitudes of from 700 to 850 m, but in Mindoro it occurs at lower elevations. MAGN OLIACE2E. ILLICIUM Linn. Illicium phil ippinense sp. nov. Arbor parva vel arbuscula, glabra; foliis congestis, alternis vel sub- verticillatis, coriaeeis, integris, acuminatis, oblongo-ellipticis vel elliptico- lanceolatis, 5 ad 8 cm longis, nervis lateralibus obsoletis; floribus axilla- ribus, solitariis, albis; staminibus circiter 15; carpellis circiter 8, 3 mm longis. A small tree or a shrub 4 in high or less, glabrous. Branches rather stout, dark-colored, wrinkled when dry, the branchlets somewhat oliva- ceous. Leaves crowded near the tips of the branchlets, alternate, sub- verticillate, coriaceous, oblong-elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 5 to 8 cm long, 1.5 to 3.5 cm wide, coriaceous, the upper surface shining, the lower dull, acuminate at both ends; lateral nerves obsolete, the midrib prominent ; petioles 5 to 10 mm long. Flowers solitary, axillary, white, fragrant, about 1 cm long. Sepals four or five, elliptic-oblong, 10 mm long, 5.5 mm wide, obtuse, nerved. Petals 2-seriate, the inner ones narrower than the outer, as long as the sepals but much narrower, narrowly oblong, obtuse, 2.5 to 3 mm wide. Stamens about 15; filaments stout, swollen, 2 mm long; anthers about 1 mm long. Carpels about 8, glabrous, 3 mm long including the recurved style. Mature fruit about 2 cm in diameter, consisting of from 5 to 8 carpels which are narrowly ovate, rostrate, wrinkled when dry. Seed pale, shining. Luzon, Province of Zambales, Mount Tapulao, For. Bur. 9515 Curran & Merritt (type); Bur. Sci. 5078 Ramos, December, 1907, on exposed mountain top in the elfinwood, altitude about 2,100 m. Mindoro, Mount Halcon, For. Bur. J^tl Merritt, June, 1906. The only representative of the genus known from the Philippines, apparently well characterized by its small leaves which are without evident lateral nerves. It has previously been recorded by me from Mindoro as Illicium sp.4 It is probably most closely allied to I. evenium King, of the Malay Peninsula. LAURACEiE. CRYPTOCARYA R. Br. Cryptocarya lauriflora (Blanco) comb. nov. Salyada lauriflora Blanco Fl. Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 221, ed. 3, 2:50; Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 27 (1905) 73. Eusideroxylon borneense F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1883) 179, non T. & B. Cryptocarya luzoniensis Vidal Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 222; Ceron Cat. PI. Herb. (Manila) (1892) 141; Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 58. 4 Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 272. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 255 Luzon, Province of Rizal, Cardona, Vidal 1680 (type, of C. luzoniensis, in Herb. Kew.) ; Antipolo and Bosoboso, For. Bur. IfOl, 2663 Ahern’s collector, Feb- ruary, 1904, and January, 1905: Province of Pampanga, Mount Arayat, Vidal 1686, in Herb. Kew.: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles Whitford 1050, 101$, January, 1905, December, 1904, For. Bur. 626 If, 627 Jh 7372 Curran, February and July, 1907: Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 32, 183, January, February, 1902. Mindoro, For. Bur. 8609 Merritt, January, 1908. Blanco’s monotypic genus Salgada, lias not previously been satisfactorily identified, although it was referred by Fernandez-Villar 5 without question and without discussion, to the Bornean genus Eusideroxylon Teysm. & Binn., but a cursory examination of Blanco’s description shows at once that his species can not be referred to Eusideroxylon. It does, however, apply closely to Cryptocarya, and morover his specific description applies to Cryptocarya luzoniensis \ idal. I have accordingly here reduced Salgada to Cryptocarya, and in making this reduction, have adopted the earliest specific name for the species, reducing Vidal’s Cryptocarya luzoniensis. Blanco’s description very clearly states that his genus has nine fertile stamens, of which the outer six have introrse anthers, and the inner three have extrorse ones; moreover he describes the anthers as 1-celled, his expression “cuerpecillos laterales” certainly applying to the valves of the anther- cells. Blanco describes the ovary as inferior, probably because it is immersed in the calyx-tube, and later states that the fruit is inferior, the latter being ap- parently an error in his description, or due to a mixture of material. There seems to be absolutely no doubt as to the identity of Salgada with Cryptocarya, in spite of the above discrepancies in Blanco’s description. Cryptocarya bicolor sp. nov. Arbor circiter 25 m alta; foliis alternis, elliptico-oblongis vel late oblongo-lanceolatis, subcoriaceis, supra glabris, nitidis, subtus albo-glau- ceseentibus, 10 ad 20 cm longis, usque ad 7 cm latis, apice breviter obtuseque acuminatis, basi acutis; nervis utrinque circiter 10, subtus prominentibus, ferrugineo-pubescentibus, tenuiter anastomosantibus, reticulis densis, obscuris; paniculis pubescentibus, axillaribus terminali- busque, quam folia brevioribus ; floribus sessilibus vel breviter pedicellatis, circiter 3 mm longis. A tree about 25 m high, more or less pubescent. Branches slender, brown, terete, somewhat pubescent, the young branchlets rather densely pubescent. Leaves alternate, elliptic-oblong or broadly oblong-lance- olate, 10 to 20 cm long, 4 to 7 cm wide, subcoriaceous, the apex shortly acuminate, the acumen obtuse, the base acute, the upper surface glabrous, shining, somewhat olivaceous, the midrib sometimes pubescent, the lower surface very pale, glaucous, nearly white, sparingly pubescent, the midrib and lateral nerves ferruginous; nerves about 10 on each side of the midrib, obscure on the upper surface, very distinct on the lower, slightly curved, spreading-ascending, attenuate and obscurely anastomosing near the margins, the reticulations rather dense, not distinct; petioles pubescent, about 8 mm long. Panicles axillary and terminal, 10 cm long or less, pubescent, many-flowered, somewhat diffuse. Flowers yellow, fragrant, 5 Nov. App. (1880) 179. MERRILL, 256 about 3 mm long, sessile or short pedicellate, the bracteoles small. Calyx- tube about 1.5 mm long, pubescent, cylindric; perianth-lobes pubescent on the outside, subequal, oblong, about 2 mm long, acute or blunt. Stamens as in other species of the genus, the filaments short, glabrous. Staminodes 1.5 mm long, stipitate, acuminate. Fruit unknown. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga ( ?), For. liitr. 65.^8 Hutchinson, March, 1907. N. v., Ducatan, Masagcunadug. A species well characterized by its leaves which are shining and glabrous above, and nearly white beneath, the midrib and lateral veins ferruginous, the reticula- tions not distinct, and its panicles which are about one-half as long as the leaves. The timber is used for house-posts. Cryptocarya palawanensis sp. nov. Aibuscula circiter 3 m alta; foliis chartaceis, oblongis, usque ad 35 cm longis, 10 cm latis, apice acuminatis, basi acutis, utrinque glabris, costa nervisque exceptis; nervis utrinque circiter 15; paniculis axillaribus, fohis multo brevioribus, pubescentibus ; perianthiis segmentis subaequali- bus, pubescentibus, 2.5 mm longis; fructibus ovoideis, 1.5 cm longis, nigris, nitidis, glabris. A shrub about 3 m high. Branchlete ferruginous-pubescent. Leaves chartaceous, oblong, up to 35 cm long, 10 cm wide, the apex rather strongly acuminate, the base acute, somewhat shining and glabrous on both surfaces except the midrib and lateral nerves which are somewhat pubescent, the upper surface olivaceous, the lower brownish; nerves about 15 on each side ol the midrib, beneath very distinct, obscurely anastomos- ing, the primary reticulations lax, the ultimate ones dense; petioles pubescent, about 1 cm long. Panicles axillary, pubescent, 8 to 10 cm long, the branches 3 cm long or less. Flowers pedicellate or sessile, pubescent, the tube cylindric, quickly inflated, somewhat longitudinally striate, the perianth-lobes 6, subequal, pubescent, 2.5 mm long. Fruit ovoid, black, shining, glabrous, 1.3 cm long. Palawan, near the Iwahig Penal Settlement, For. Bur. Curran, April, 1906, along the banks of tidal streams. A species characterized by its rather large leaves and comparatively short panicles. Cryptocarya pallida sp. nov. Arbor vel arbuscula; ramis teretibus nigricantibus, glabris, ramulis plus minus pubescentibus; foliis ovatis vel elliptico-ovatis, chartaceis, 8 ad 11 cm longis, 3 ad 5 cm latis, apice acuminatis, basi acutis vel rotundatis, supra olivaceis, glabris, nitidis, subtus subalbidis, parce pubescentibus, costa nervis reticulisque brunneis ; paniculis axillaribus, plus minus pubes- centibus; fructibus ellipsoideis, 2.5 cm longis, 1.5 cm diametro, glabris, nitidis, utrinque apiculatis. A shrub or tree, nearly glabrous. Branches terete, dark-colored, glab- rous, the branchlets somewhat pubescent. Leaves alternate, chartaceous, ovate to elliptic-ovate, 8 to 11 cm long, 3 to 5 cm wide, the apex rather NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 257 sharply acuminate, the base acute or rounded, the upper surface oliva- ceous, glabrous, shining, the lower surface nearly white, slightly pubescent, the midrib nerves and primary reticulations brown ; nerves 5 on each side of the midrib, distinct beneath, anastomosing, the reticulations lax; petioles about 5 mm long, slightly pubescent. Panicles axillary, in fruit 10 cm long or less, slightly pubescent. Flowers unknown. Fruits ellip- soid about 1.5 cm in diameter, 2.5 cm long, dark-colored, glabrous, shining, apiculate at both ends, obscurely longitudinally striate. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Tetuan, Ahern 594, 566, February to June, 1901, N. v., Ponit. Characterized by its relatively large fruits which are apiculate at both ends, and by its leaves which are nearly white beneath. Cryptocarya everettii sp. nov. Arbor, 10 ad 18 m alta ; foliis alternis, oblongo-ellipticis, elliptieis, vel oblongo-lanceolatis, subcoriaceis, 10 ad 20 cm longis, acuminatis, supra nitidis, glabris, brunneis, subtus glaucescentibus, valde pulcher- rime reticulato-venosis ; paniculis pubescentibus, 8 ad 10 cm longis, axillaribus terminalibusque; floribus albis, circiter 4 mm longis, pedicel- latis vel subsessilibus ; fructibus oblongis, glabris, circiter 3 cm longis. A tree 10 to 18 m high, nearly glabrous throughout except the in- florescence. Branches slender, light-gray, glabrous, the young branchlets somewhat pubescent. Leaves alternate, oblong-elliptic, elliptic or oblong- lanceolate, 10 to 20 cm long, 4 to 7 cm, rarely 9 cm wide, subcoriaceous, the upper surface glabrous, or sometimes slightly pubescent along the midrib, shining, brown, ^ the lower surface glaucous, the nerves and reticulations prominent, brown, slightly pubescent, the apex abruptly and sharply acuminate, the base acute; nerves about 10 on each side of the midrib, beneath very prominent, anastomosing, the reticulations rather lax, very distinct, the brown midrib, nerves and reticulations in strong contrast to the glaucous under surface of the leaf; petioles 5 to 10 mm long, somewhat pubescent. Panicles axillary and terminal, 8 to 10 cm long, pubescent, the flowers white, pedicellate or subsessile, about 4 mm long, the bracteoles deciduous, about 2.5 mm long. Calyx-tube densely pubescent, 2 mm long, the perianth segments subequal, 2.5 mm long, elliptic-ovate, obtuse, pubescent. Fertile stamens 9, the filaments somewhat pubescent, the anthers of the outer two series introrse, those of the inner series extrorse; staminodes ovate, short-stipitate, somewhat pubescent, acute. Ovary narrowly oblong, glabrous; style 1.5 mm long. Fruit black when dry, glabrous, smooth, oblong or narrowly oblong, about 3 cm long, 1 cm thick, narrowed upwards, not striate. Negros, For. Bur. J/236, J{311, 7288 , 7311 Everett, April-June, 1900-07, For. Bur. 71f09 Danao, June, 1907, Whitford 1614, May, 1900. A species common in the dipterocarp forests in northern Negros, well charac- terized by its leaves being glaucous beneath, and strongly reticulate, the midrib, nerves, and reticulations on the lower surface of the leaf being brown, in sharp contrast to the glacous surface. V., Balit, Putian. 258 MERRILL. Cryptocarya ampla sp. nov. Arbor alta, inflorescentiis exceptis glabra; foliis oblongis, coriaceis, nitidis, IS ad 25 cm longis, 5 ad 9 cm latis, apice late acuminatis, basi cuiieatis vel rotunda t is, concoloribus vel subtus brtinneis; nervis utrinque 8 ad 10, proininentibus, obscure anastomosantibus, reticulis validis, densis; paniculis axillaribus terminalibusque, foliis subaequalibus, pubescentibus; floribus numerosis, pedicellatis, 4 mm longis; fructibus ellipsoideis vel obovoideis, parce pubescentibus, longitudinaliter striatis, circiter 12 mm longis. A tall tree, glabrous throughout except the infloresence. Branches terete, lenticellate, brownish. Leaves alternate, oblong, 18 to 25 cm long, 5 to 9 cm wide, coriaceous, shining, the apex rather broadly acuminate, the base acute or rounded, about the same color on both surfaces; nerves 8 to 10 on each side of the midrib, rather prominent, curved-ascending, obscurely anastomosing, the reticulations beneath dense, distinct; petioles 1 to 1.5 cm long. Panicles axillary and terminal, about as long as the leaves, many flowered, the rachis and branches somewhat pubescent. Flowers white, 4 mm long, pedicellate, the pedicels pubescent, 1 to 2 mm long, with three small bracteoles at the apex. Calyx-tube cylindric, sulcate, pubescent, 1.5 to 2 mm long, the perianth- lobes 6, subequal, pubescent, oblong-obovate, acute or obtuse, 2 mm long. Fertile stamens 9 ; anthers all 2-celled, those of the two outer series introrse, those of the inner series extrorse, the filaments short ; staminodes acuminate, about 1 mm long. Style 1 mm long. Fruit ellipsoid or obovoid, obtuse, somewhat narrowed at both ends, slightly pubescent, longitudinally striate, about 12 mm long. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Antipolo and Montalban, For Bur. ^63, 3!)7, 2^38 Ahern's collector, February and April, 1904, and January, 1905. T., Bagarilao. A species well characterized by its large leaves and panicles. Cryptocarya glauca sp. nov. Arbor; foliis alternis, coriaceis, oblongo-ovatis vel elliptico-lanceolatis, usque ad 13 cm longis, 5 cm latis, supra brunneis, glabris, nitidis, subtus plus minus pubescentibus, glaucis; nervis subtus proininentibus, brunneis, circiter 8 utrinque; paniculis axillaribus terminalibusque, ferrugineo- pubescentibus, foliis aequalibus vel longioribus vel interdum brevioribus. A tree, more or less pubescent. Branches terete, reddish-brown glabrous, lenticellate, the branchlets ferruginous-pubescent. Leaves alternate, coriaceous, oblong-ovate or elliptic-lanceolate, the apex shortly and obtusely acuminate, the base acute, 7 to 13 cm long, 2 to 5 cm wide, the upper surface dark- or pale-brown, glabrous, shining, the lower surface glaucous, somewhat ferruginous-pubescent, ultimately glabrous or nearly so; nerves prominent on the lower surface, brown, about 8 on each side of the midrib, obscurely anastomosing, the reticulations not very distinct, rather lax; petioles pubescent, 1 to 1.5 cm long. Panicles axillary and NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 259 terminal, ferruginous-pubescent, about as long as the leaves, sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. Flowers subsessile or shortly pedicellate, pubescent, 3 to 3.5 mm long, the bracteoles small, pubescent. Calyx-tube cylindric, 1.5 mm long. Perianth-lobes 6, equal, pubescent outside, elliptic-ovate, obtuse or acute, 2 to 2.5 mm long, 1 to 1.3 mm wide. Stamens as in other species of the genus. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 2981 Ahern’s collector, April, 1905 (type). Apparently the same species, but with small panicles, is repre- sented by Merrill 2337, from Tanay, the same Province. Allied to Cryptocarya lauri flora (Blanco) Merr., but differing in many char- acters, notably in its leaves being very glacous beneath. LITSEA Lam. Litsea bicolor sp. nov. Arbor circiter 8 m alta; ramis griseis, teretibus, glabris, ramulis junior- ibus dense ferrugineo-pubescentibus ; foliis verticillatis, elliptico-obovatis, usque ad 35 cm longis, coriaceis, supra glabris, brunneis, nitidis, subtus albo-glaucescentibus, costa nervisque ferrugineis, plus minus tomentosis, apice breviter abrupteque acuminatis, basi acutis ; fructibus f asciculatis, ellipsoideis, nigris, nitidis, circiter 2 cm longis, obtusis; calycibus auctis, disciformibus, circiter 1 cm diametro. A tree about 8 m high. Branches terete, gray, glabrous, the young branchlets densely ferruginous-pubescent. Leaves verticillate, usually 5 in each whorl, elliptic-obovate, 25 to 35 cm long, 12 to 17 cm wide, the apex shortly and abruptly acuminate, the base acute, coriaceous, the upper surface glabrous, shining, dark-brown when dry, the lower surface pale, glaucous, nearly white, somewhat deciduous-tomentose, the nerves and midrib ferruginous-pubescent; nerves about 10 on each side of the midrib, very prominent beneath, curved-ascending, obscurely or not anastomos- ing, the reticulations lax; petioles ferruginous-pubescent, 3.5 cm long, stout. Flowers unknown. Fruit fascicled on the branches below the leaves, the pedicels stout, short, the calyx accrescent, disciform, about 1 cm in diameter, glabrous, the fruit ellipsoid, black, shining, glabrous, obtuse, about 2 cm long. Mindanao, Province of Surigao, Surigao, Bolster 318, April, 1906. N. v., Hindang. A species will characterized by its large, verticillate leaves, which are very pale beneath. Litsea hutchinsonii sp. nov. Arbor circiter 10 m alta; ramis teretibus, glabris, ramulis junioribus dense ferrugineo-tomentosis ; foliis oppositis vel suboppositis, oblongis, coriaceis, 10 ad 20 cm longis, 5 ad 8 cm latis, concoloribus vel subtus brunneis, supra glabris, nitidis, subtus parce pubescentibus, nervis utrin- que circiter 12; inflorescentiis axillaribus, f asciculatis vel glomeratis, floribus umbellulatis, involucro biseriali, 4-phyllo; staminibus fertilibus 9, antheris omnibus introrsis, 4-locellatis. 260 MERRILL. A tree about 10 m high, nearly glabrous except the young branchlets and inflorescence. Branches terete, reddish-brown, glabrous, the young branchlets rather densely ferruginous-tomentose. Leaves opposite or sub- opposite, oblong, 10 to 20 cm long, 5 to 8 cm wide, coriaceous, of the same color on both surfaces, or the lower surface brownish, the upper surface glabrous, shining, the lower very sparingly pubescent, the apex acute, obtuse, or very obscurely acuminate, the base acute; nerves about 12 on each side of the midrib, beneath very prominent, obscurely anasto- mosing; petioles subglabrous, about 1 cm long. Flowers umbellate, the umbels involucrate, crowded in the leaf-axils, sessile or short-pedunculate, the involucral scales 4, concave, orbicular or obovoid, 4 to 5 mm long, outside ferruginous-pubescent. Staminate flowers 3 in each umbel, sessile or subsessile, the tube very short, ferruginous-pubescent outside, the segments 6, oblong, obtuse, subequal, 3 to 3.5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, glabrous or nearly so. Fertile stamens 3, the longer filaments 2.5 mm long, glabrous or nearly so; anthers all introrse, all 4-locellate. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 91J/8 Whitford <0 Hutchinson, January, 1908. A species apparently allied to Litsea luzonica (Bl.) F.-Vill., but with much larger, differently shaped leaves. As the genera in this group are defined in the Nat. Pflanzenfamilien, this species, having 9 fertile stamens, might be referred to Actinodaphne. Litsea philippinensis sp. nov. Arbor usque ad 20 m alta; foliis alternis, coriaceis, nitidis, glabris vel subglabris, oblongo-ellipticis, 10 ad 20 cm longis, apice rotundatis vel acutis, basi acutis; nervis utrinque 12 ad 15, prominentibus, reticulis validis subparallelis ; petiolis 1 ad 2.5 cm longis; floribus capitulatis, capitulis globosis, fasciculatis vel in raeemis brevibus axillaribus disposi- tis; calycis lobis 6, pubescentibus ; staminibus fertilibus 12, filamentis villosis; fructibus oblongo-ovoideis, glabris, obtusis, circiter 3.5 cm longis, tubis auctis, cupulatis, circiter 2 cm diametro. A tree 15 to 20 m high. Branches terete, stout, brown, glabrous, the branchlets somewdiat ferruginous-pubescent. Leaves alternate, elliptic- oblong, 10 to 20 cm long, 5 to 10 cm wide, coriaceous, somewhat shining, usually brownish when dry, at least the nerves, not at all glaucous, the upper surface glabrous, or the midrib sometimes pubescent, the lowrer surface glabrous or the midrib and nerves usually more or less pubescent, the apex rounded or acute, the base usually acute; nerves 12 to 15 on each side of the midrib, very prominent, parallel, obscurely anastomosing near the margin of the leaf, the reticulations very distinct, subparallel ; petioles pubescent, 1 to 2.5 cm long. Flowers in heads, axillary, fascicled or in short racemes, mostly from the branches below the leaves, in the axils of fallen leaves, the rachis, when present, stout, not exceeding 1 NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 261 cm in length. Involucral bracts 4 or 5, pubescent, concave, orbicular or obovoid, the inner ones thinner, their margins ciliate, strongly imbricate, 6 to 8 flowers in each head. Calyx-tube slender, tubular, 2 mm long, cylindric, the lobes 6, 3 mm long, pubescent. Fertile stamens 12, their filaments slender, 3 mm long, clothed with long weak hairs. F ruit oblong- ovoid, glabrous, obtuse, about 3.5 mm long, the calyx- tube accrescent, persistent, cup-shaped, about 2 cm in diameter. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Lamao River, For. Bur. 7 503 Curran, September, 1907 (type), For. Bur. 1363, 1794 Borden, July, September, 1904, Whit ford 4~%> July, 1904, Williams 619, February, 1904: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 3171 Ahern’s collector, July, 1905. Mindoro, Bongabong River, Whitford Vt13, April, 1906; Balete, For. Bur. 6161 Merritt, January, 1907. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 298, February, 1906. This species is well represented in our herbarium, especially in material from the Mount Mariveles region, but the specimen collected by Curran in September, 1907, is the first one secured with mature flowers, thus allowing accurate generic identification. The specimen from Mindanao, Clemens 298, is immature, being much more pubescent than the type, and may possibly represent a different species. It is well characterized by its oblong-elliptic, usually obtuse, strongly nerved leaves. Apparently allied to Litsea grandis Hook. f. N EOLITSE A (Benth.) Merr. Neolitsea villosa (Blume) comb. nov. Litsea villosa Blume Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. 1 (1851) 349; Vidal Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 226; Ceron Cat. PI. Herb. (Manila) (1892) 143; Rendle in Journ. Bot. 34 (1896) 355. Meissn. in DC. Prodr. 15 (1864) 221. Neolitsea zeylanica Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 57; non Litsea zeylanica C. & Fr. Nees. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Mount Santo Tomas, Williams 1986, November, 1904; Loher 4521; Suyoc to Panai, Merrill 47 61, November, 1905: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 2674 Ahern’s collector, January, 1905: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Whitford 119, 458, May, July, 1904, Elmer 6806 November, 1904, Merrill 3204, October, 1903, For. Bur. 1337, 1586 Borden, 1503 Ahern’s collector, 2617 Meyer, 6262 Curran: Province of Pampanga, Mount Abu. Bur. Sci. 1958, 1959 Foxworthy, December, 1906: Province of Zambales, Mount Tapulao, For. Bur. 8073 Curran; Candelaria, For. Bur. 8250 Curran d' Merritt, December, 1907. Mindoro, Mount Halcon, For. Bur. 4969 Merritt, Merrill 5666; Mount Malasumbu, For. Bur. 87)7 Merritt. Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. 4681, 4695 M earns d- Hutchinson, May, 1906. This species is widely distributed in the Philippines, but is never found at low altitudes. It was previously confused by me with Litsea zeylanica C. & Fr. Nees, but appears not to be that species, but rather Blmne’s L. villosa, as identified by Vidal and Rendle. The specimens cited above show considerable variation, some of them having the leaves decidedly ferruginous-pilose beneath, but this indument is deciduous; pubescent and glabrous leaves can frequently be found on the same specimen. This densely villous form has been identified by Vidal as Litsea cinnamomea Blume, but whether correctly so or not, the Luzon form so named appears to me to be the same as L. villosa=N eolitsea villosa. This is doubtless the form approximately identified by Stepf, in his paper on the flora of Mount Kinabalu, as Litsea zeylanica, so far as his Philippine reference goes. 262 MERRILL. MACHILUS Nees. Machilus nervosa sp. nov. Arbor glabra circiter G m alta; foliis ovato-ellipticis, usque ad 12 cm longis, eoriaceis, nitidis, subtus subglaucescentibus, grosse et pulcherrime reticulatis, nervis urtinque G vel 7, prominentibus, elevatis, anastomo- santfbus; paniculis axillaribus terminalibusque, circiter 7 cm longis; fructibus obovoideis, in sicco nigris, lev iter angulatis, circiter 12 mm longis, perianthii lobis late ovatis, acutis, persistentibus, patulis. A glabrous tree about 6 m high. Branches terete, lenticellate, grayish- or reddish-brown. Leaves ovate-elliptic, coriaceous, 7 to 12 cm long, 2.5 to 5 cm wide, base and apex acute, the upper surface shining, the lower, at. least when young, subglaucous, nerves G or 7 on each side of the midrib, beneath very prominent, elevated, darker- colored than the surface of the leaf, curved-ascending, anastomosing, the primary reticulations lax, distinct; petioles 2 to 3 cm long. Panicles axillary and glabrous in fruit, about 7 cm long. Flowers unknown. Fruit obovoid, red when fresh, black and shining when dry, about 12 mm long, somewhat keeled or angled and obscurely reticulate, the persistent perianth-lobes broadly ovate, acute, 1.5 mm long, glabrous or their margins slightly pubescent, spreading. Luzox, Province of Benguet Mount Ugo, For. Bur. 108J/6 Curran, For. Bur. 18009 Merritt, December, 1908, in hardwood forests in ravines at an altitude of about 2,000 m. PHOEBE Nees. Phoebe sterculioides (Elmer) comb. nov. § Euphoebe. Persca sterculioides Elmer Lead. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 295. Arbor 7 ad 18 m alta ; foliis subcoriaceis, obovatis vel oblanceolatis, circiter 18 cm longis, 8 cm latis, integris, apice breviter acuminatis, rariter acutis, basi sensim angustatis, supra glabris, subtus plus minus glaucescentibus, ferrugineo-pubescentibus ; nervis utrinque 9 ad 11; pani- culis axillaribus, ferrugineo-pubescentibus, angustis, usque ad 20 cm longis; c-alvcis lobis 6, subaequalibus vel exterioribus admodum minoribus, pubescentibus, plus minus accrescentibus, persistentibus, erectis; stami- nibus fertilibus 9, 3-seriatis, antheris 4-locellatis, ordinis primi et secundi introrsis, ordinis tertii extrorsis. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Lucban, Elmer 9121 (cotype), May 1907. Min- doro, near Lake Naujan, For. Bur. 6793a, 682J,, 6859 Merritt, March-April, 1907. Negros, 7273, 72S7, 7327 Everett, May, 1907. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley Mrs. Clemens 518, April-May, 1906, and six sheets without numbers. This species appears to be not uncommon in the Philippines, and extends from central Luzon to Mindanao. Tn Mindoro it is know as Baticulin, a name applied to many different species of Lauraceae, in various genera. Specimens of this plant with young fruit show accrescent, persistent, and appressed calyx segments, which throws the species into Phoebe, as defined by Pax in Engler & Prantl’s NEW OB NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 263 Natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien, although Bentham & Hooker reduce Phoebe to Persea. In the original description of the species the outer series of stamens are described as having extrorse anthers, and the other series to have introrse anthers. 1 have reexamined the type number and the reverse seems to be the case,, the outer two series having introrse anthers, and the inner series having extrorse anthers. Apparently allied to the Malayan Phoebe opaca Blume. DRO SE RACE2E. DROSERA Linn. Drosera burmanni Valil Svmb. 3 ( 1704) 50; Clarke in Hook. f. hi. Biit. 1ml. 2 (1878) 424; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 78, Diels in Pflanzenreirh 26 (1006) 75. Luzox, District of Hontoc, For. Bur. 10095 Curran, January, 1900, altitude about 700 m. The fourth species of the genus for the Philippines, previously recorded from Panay by F.-Villar, but his record as to its occurring in the Archipelago not before verified. India and Ceylon to southern Japan, south to Malaya and northern Australia. HAMAMELIDACE2E. EMBOLANTHERA gen. nov. Calycis tubus ovario adnatus, limbus irregulariter 2- vel 3-fidus, demum circumscisso-deciduus. Petala 5. lineari-e'ongata, basi utrinque valde auriculata vel alata. Stamina 5, petalis alternantia, filamentis brevis- simis; antherae basifixae, loculis in valvis 2 verticaliter dehiscentibus, connectivo longe producto. Ovarium inferum, 2-loculare; styli 2, sub- ulati, stigmatibus simplicibus ; ovula in loculis solitaria, pendula. Arbor. Folia alterna, integra vel subintegra, persistentia, ovata vel oblonga, acuminata. Stipulae lanceolatae, membranaceae, deciduae, pectintae. Flores in spicas terminales densissime dispositi, calyce stellato-pubescente. Embolanthera spicata sp. nov. Arbor circiter 10 m alta, glabra, inflorescentiis exceptis. Ramis ramulisque tenuibus, griseis vel brunneis ; foliis alternis firmiter clrar- taceis, ovatis vel oblongis, usque ad 10 cm longis, apice breviter acuminatis, basi rotundatis, acutis vel acuminatis, leviter inaequilateralibus, nitidis. Spicis foliis aequantibns vel subaequantibus, densis; floribus albis, 5-meris ; petalis circiter 2 cm longis, 2 mm latis, basi utrinque valde auriculatis vel alatis; staminibus 5, connectivo longe producto. A tree about 10 m high, glabrous or nearly so except the infloresence. Branches and branchlets terete, slender, gray or brown, slightly lenti- cellate. Leaves alternate, ovate to oblong, firmly chartaceous, shining, 7 to 10 cm long, 2 to 5 cm wide, gradually narrowed upward to the short-acuminate apex, the base rounded, acute, or slightly acuminate, usually somewhat inequilateral, the margins entire, recurved, some- times slightly aculeate-denticulate near the apex ; nerves » or 8 on 264 MERRILL. each side of the midrib, prominent beneath, anastomosing, the retic- ulations lax; petioles 5 to 10 mm long. Stipules deciduous, mem- branaceous, usually lanceolate, acuminate, 5 mm long or less, somewhat appressed-pubescent on the back, the margins below prominently pectinate, the tips of the teeth glandular. Spikes as long as the leaves or some- times shorter, about 2.5 cm in diameter, densely in any- flowered, the rachis somewhat pubescent, the bracteoles linear, pubescent, 1.5 mm long. Flowers white, sessile. Calyx-tube short, adnate to the ovary, pale- stellate-pubescent outside, the limb splitting irregularly into two or three ovate, acute or acuminate lobes, 4 to 5 mm long, membranaceous, somewhat reticulate-veined, stellate-pubescent outside, finally circumscis- sile and deciduous. Petals 5, about 2 cm long, 1.8 to 2 mm wide, the basal <1 mm strongly auricled, including the auricles 3 mm wide, narrowed above the auricles to 1 mm, incurved, and then linear-elongate, mem- branous, nerved, about 2 mm wide, acuminate. Staminodes none, unless represented by the auricles to the petals. Stamens 5, alternate with the petals, and inserted with them; filaments adnate to the corolla and falling with it, stout, about 1 mm long; anthers ovoid, about 1 mm long, the cells opening laterally each by two valves, the connective produced as a straight, 2 mm long, awn. Ovary inferior, 2-celled, each cell with a single pendulous ovule, the top of the ovary pubescent; styles 2, less than 1 mm long, slender; stigmas minute. Fruit unknown. Palawan, Victoria Peak, Bur. Sci. 739 Foxworthy, March 24, 1906. A spread- ing tree about 10 m high, with a trunk 15 to 20 cm in diameter growing on the river bank at an altitude of about 250 m above the Sea. The genus above proposed is allied to Maingaya Oliver, of Penang and Perak, and to Loropetalum R. Br., of India and China, differing from both in its spicate infloresence, and in the strongly auriculate bases of the petals, from the former also in its different calyx and absence of staminodes, and from the latter also in its 4-merous flowers. It is apparently more closely allied to Maingaya than to Loropetalum, but seems to be distinct from both, and from all other hitherto desciibed genera. But one genus of the family, M lycopsis, was previously known from the Philippines. ROSACEA. PARINARIUM Aubl. Parinarium curranii nom. nov. Parinarium racemosum Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1904) 19; non Vidal Cat. PI. Prov. Manila (1880) 29. Masbatk, Merrill 2blJf, May, 1903 (type). Luzon, Province of Albay, For. Bur. 10575 Curran, June, 1908. the original name of this species is invalidated by Parinarium racemosum \ idal, and accordingly the above new name is proposed for it. Vidal’s species is not enumerated in Index Kewensis. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 265 LEGUMINOSiE. ALBIZZIA Durazz. Albizzia scandens sp. nov. Frutex scandens, subglabra, usque ad 10 m alta; foliis bipinnatis, circiter 20 cm longis 4- vel 5-jugatis; foliolis oblongis vel elliptico- oblongis, 1 ad 2 cm longis, acutis vel apiculatis, lev iter inequilateralibus ; paniculis circiter 20 cm longis, parce pubescentilms ; floribus sessilibus, capitulatis, extus parce pubescentibus ; staminibus circiter 20, filamentis liberis. A scandent shrub about 10 m high, subglabrous. Branches dark- colored when dry, terete, lenticellate. Leaves alternate, about 20 cm long, evenly 4- or 5- jugate, the common rachis slightly pubescent, 12 to 15 cm long, with a single large gland on the upper surface near the base, the stipules, if any, caducous, the base of the petiole subtended by a stout, somewhat recurved, thickened puvinus about 4 mm long; leaflets 8 to 12 pairs, crowded, oblong or elliptic-oblong, 1 to 2 cm long, 5 to 7 mm wide, chartaceous, somewhat inequilateral, the base broad, acute, the apex acute or apiculate, the lower surface paler than the upper, slightly pubes- cent. Panicles axillary and terminal, 20 cm long or less, slightly pubes- cent. Flowers white, sessile, in small capitate heads at the ends of the ultimate branchlets. Calyx about 1.5 mm long, slightly cinereous-pubes- cent outside, obscurely 5-toothed. Corolla slightly cinereous-pubescent outside, 4.5 mm long, the tube very slender below, widened above, the lobes oblong-ovate, acute, about 1.5 mm long, 1.2 mm wide. Stamens 20 or more; filaments about 12 mm long, free; anthers 0.2 mm long. Palawan, Iwahig, Bur, Sci. 829 Foxworthy, May, 1906. A species growing near the sea, climbing over Xylocarpus, allied to Albizzia myriophylla Roxb., of the Malay Peninsula, but with much fewer jugate leaves, less numerous and differently shaped leaflets, and free filaments. BAUHINIA 1 Ann. Bauhinia monandra Ivurz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 42- (1873) 73; Forest FI. Brit. Burma 1 (1877) 395. Bauhinia richardiana Wall, in Voigt. Hort. Suburb. Calcutt. (1845) 255, non DC. fide Prain. Phanera maculata Rich, ex Teysm. & Binn. Cat. Hort. Bog. (18(>(i) 268, non Bauhinia maculata Tenore. Bauhinia krugii Urban in Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 3 (1885) 83. Bauhinia kappleri Sagot in Ann. Sci. Nat. VI 1 3 (1882) 317; Urban Symb. Antill. 1 (1899) 83; Perk. Frag. FI. Philip. (1904) 13; Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 29 (1905) 17. Luzon, Manila, Merrill a. n. November, 1903: Province of Pampanga, Arayat, Warburg, in Herb. Berol., Merrill 393 Jj, October, 1904, Bolster 51, May, 1905: 85754 5 266 MERRILL. Province of Rizal, For. Bur. 32^8 Ahern's collector, August, 1905: Province of Bataan, Laniao, For. Bur. 7 350 Curran, June, 1907. Bohol, Bur. Sci. 1230 Mc- Gregor, May, 1906. There is no doubt but that Bauhinia monandra Ivurz is the oldest valid name for this widely distributed species, and it is accordingly here adopted. Material supplied me by Mr. Craib of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, as representing Kurz’s species is unquestionably the same as our Philippine specimens. In order to verify this I wrote to Dr. Prain, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, who has kindly examined all the material in the Kew herbarium, and who informs me that Bauhinia krugii, and B. kappleri are unquestionably iden- tical with B. monandra of Kurz, the reductions being also verified by Mr. W. B. Hemsley, and Mr. N. E. Brown. My reduction of Phanera maculata Rich., is based on a specimen so named received from Buitenzorg, taken from a tree in the botanic garden so labelled, and said to have been received from Bourbon under that name. I suspected that it might be the same as B. maculata Tenore, but this is not the case, as Tenore’s description does not at all apply to the present species, although Dr. R. Pampanini of Florence, who kindly supplied me with a copy of the original description, informs me that Tenore’s type does not appear to be extant. The species is now widely distributed in the tropics of the World, and is probably a native of tropical America; it is certainly an introduced species in the Philippines. CYNOMETRA Linn. Cynometra luzoniensis sp. nov. Arbor glabra, circiter 15 m alta; foliis unifoliolatis, foliolis coriaceis vel subcoriaceis, in sicco brnnneis, nitidis, oblongis, usque ad 13 cm longis, reticulatis, apice acute acuminatis, basi late rotundatis vel subcordatis; fructibus axillaribus, racemosis, compressis, brunneis, circiter 3 cm longis, verrucoso-lenticellatis, obtusis. A glabrous tree about 15 m high. Branches light-brown, terete, lenti- cellate. Leaves alternate, unifoliolate, the petiole stout, rugose, 3 to 4 mm long, the single leaflet sessile, oblong, coriaceous or subcoriaceous, brown and shining when dry, 5 to 13 cm long, 3 to 4.5 cm wide, the apex sharply acuminate, the base rather broad, rounded or slightly cordate; primary nerves about 8 on each side of the midrib, anastomosing, the secondary ones and reticulations nearly as distinct, the latter netted, rather close, distinct on both surfaces. Flowers unknown. Infrutesceuce of axillary, solitary racemes, the rachis about 1 cm long, marked by numerous pedicel-scars, the pedicels about 8 mm in length. Fruits (immature) compressed, inequilateral, the dorsal suture nearly straight, the ventral semicircular, about 3 cm long, 11 to 13 mm wide, brown, lenticellate-verrucose, apex and base rounded. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Laguimanoc, Merrill 2128, April, 1903. A species closely allied to Cynometra simplicifolia Harms, but with larger much more sharply acuminate leaves which are broad and rounded or subcordate at the base and with quite different, much more prominent venation and retic- ulation. The inflorescence of C. simplicifolia is fasciculate and the fruits are usually somewhat falcate, the dorsal suture being frequently incurved. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. FLEMINGIA Roxb. 207 Flemingia lineata (Linn.) Roxb. Hort. Beng. (1814) 56; FI. Ind. 3:341; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 2 (1876) 228; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 67. Hedysarum Uneatum Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 1054. Flemingia blancoana Llanos Fragm. (1851) 80; Blanco FL Filip, ed. 3, 41:62. Luzon, Province of Bulacan, near Malolos, Mrs. Templeton, February, 1909. A species previously known from the Philippines only by F.-Villar’s record, and to which he reduced, and apparently correctly so, Flemingia blancoana Llanos. India to Siam, the Malay Archipelago and northern Australia. DESMODIUM Desv. Desmodium retroflexum (Linn.) DC. Prodr. 2 (1825) 336; Baker in Hook, f. FI. Brit. Ind. 2 (1876) 170; Forbes & Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 23 (1887) 176. Luzon, Province of Nueva Ecija, Cabanatuan, Bur. Sci. 5278 McGregor, Sep- tember, 1908. Himalayan region to Tenasserim and southern China; new to the Philippines. ERYTHROPHLOEUM Afzel. Erythrophloeum densiflorum (Elm.) comb. nov. y Cynometra densiflora Elm. Leafl. Philip. Bot. 1 (1907) 222. Arbor glabra, infloreseentiis exceptis, usque ad 25 m alta; foliis alternis abrupte bipinnatis, pinnis 1- vel 2-jugatis; foliolis oppositis, abrupte pinnatis, 3- ad 5-jugatis, subcoriaceis, nitidis, in sicco brunneis vel pallidis, usque ad 15 cm longis, valde acuminatis, basi rotundatis vel acutis, leviter inaequalibus ; floribus parvis, spicatis, spicis pubescentibus, in paniculis terminalibus vel subterminalibus dispositis; petalis 5, im- bricatis, circiter 4 mm longis; ovarium stipitatum, 4-ovulatum; legumi- nibus ligneis, oblongis vel anguste oblongo-obovatis, obtusis, compressis, basi angustatis, longitudinaliter laxe reticulato-striatis, rectis vel leviter falcatis, dehiscentibus, usque ad 18 cm longis, 4.5 cm latis; seminibus 1 ad 4, compressis, orbicularibus, circiter 3 cm diametro. The type of this species was collected by Mr. Elmer No. 0013, near Lucban, Province of Tayabas, Luzon, in flower, and described by him as Cynometra, densi- flora. It is represented by the following additional material; Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Bulin, For. Bur. 10272 Curran, with nearly mature fruit; Guinayangan, For. Bur. 12507 Rosenbluth ; Dugatan, For. Bur. 10215 Curran ; Apad, For. Bur. 11513 Whitford. A sterile specimen from Mindanao, For. Bur. 9163 Whitford t£- Hutchinson, may be referable here. Locally known to the Tagalogs as Camatog or Calamantao. A most interesting addition to our knowledge of the Philippine flora, the genus, up to the present time consisting of about six species, mostly in Africa and Madagascar, one in Australia and one in China. KINGIODENDRON Harms. K ingiodendron alternifolium * (Elmer) Merrill & Rolfe, comb. nov. Cynometra alternifolia Elmer Leafl. Philip. Bot. 1 (1907) 223. Hardwickia alternifolia Elmer 1. c. (1908) 362. Arbor magna, glabra; foliis imparipinnatis, alternis, rariter oppositis, 268 MERRILL. foliolis 3 ad 5, coriaceis, elliptico-ovatis vel oblongo-ellipticis, alternis, valde glanduloso-punetatis, plus minus inaequilateralibus, apice acu- minatis, basi acutis vel obtusis; paniculis axillaribus; calvcibus 5- vel 4-meris, lobis valde imbricatis, glanduloso-punctatis ; ovario sessile, dense villoso; fructibus suborbieularibus, elliptieis vel obovoideis, crassis, leviter eompressis, brunneis, ligneis, 3 ad 1 era longis, circiter 3 cm latis, 2.5 cm crassis, indeliiscentibus; semimbus solitariis, albumine ruminato. The type of this species is Elmer 7366 from Leyte, the specimens with im- mature fruits and without flowers, which perhaps accounts for its originally being described as Cynometra. Later Mr. Elmer transferred it to Hardwickia, follow- ing the conception of that genus as defined by Bentham and Hooker. Harms has however proposed the new genus Kingiodendron, based on Hardwickia pinnata Roxb., to which the present species is allied. As we consider Kingiodendron to be a valid genus, the Philippine species is here transferred as the second species of the genus. In addition to the type, cited above, the species is represented by the following specimens: Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Guinayangan, Hath s. n., May, 1904 (fruit), Mulanaw and San Narciso, For. Bur. 16327, 10354 Curran, April. 1908 (fruit): Province of ('amarines, For. Bur. 16671 Curran (sterile): Province of Sorsogon, For. Bur. .16624 Curran (sterile). Masbate, Merrill 27 61, June, 1903 (fruit), Whitford 1679, October, 1900 (sterile). Ticao, For. Bur. 1084 Clark, May, 1904 (fruit). Panay, Miagao, Vidal 2J/68 in Herb. Kew. Mindanao, Dis- trict of Zamboanga, For. Bur. 6567 Hutchinson, March, 1907 (immature fruit) ; Port Banga, For. Bur. 9301, 9667, 11036 Whitford d Hutchinson (in flower). The present species is a timber tree of considerable importance, being com- mercially known as liatete. The wood structure has been considered by Fox- worthy 8 who states that it is much like that of Sindora supa Merr., in structure, but is darker and with a greater amount of oil. It is widely distributed in the central and southern Philippines, and is known hv the following native names V., Batete; T., Dangay; B., 8a I a lan gin; in Zamboanga as Palo ' Maria and Bitanhol, but these two names belong properly to Calophyllum. MEZONEURUM Desf. Mezoneurum latisiliquum (Cav.) comb, now Bauhinia ? latisliqua Cav. Icon. 5 (1799) 5, t. 408, in part, excluding descrip- tion and figure of leaves. Mezoneurum glabrum Desf. in M4m. Mus. Paris 4 (1818) 245, t. 10; DC. Prodr. 2 (1825) 484; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 2 (1878) 258; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 70; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. I1 (1855) 103; Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 110, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (188(5) 114; Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 64. Caesalpinia torquata Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 336. Mezoneurum procumbcns Blanco 1. c. ed. 2 (1845) 235, ed. 3, 2:73. Luzon, Province of Pampanga, Arayat, Merrill 1438: Province of Rizal, Merrill 1711: Province of Bataan, For. Bur. 5958 Curran; Whitford s. n.; Wil- liams 701: Province of Laguna, Los Banos, Elmer ; Bur. Sci. 6095 Robinson. Mindoro, Palnan. Merrill 956; For. Bur. 9748 Merritt. Negros, For. Bur. 7 315 Everett. Basilan, For. Bur. 3978 Hutchinson; Hallier. Mindanao, Province of 8 This Journal, 2 (1907) Botany 376. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 269 Surigao, Bolster 366; Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 262; District of Davao, Copeland J/.70. A common and widely distributed species in the Philippines, for which the earliest specific name is here adopted. Cavanilles’ Bauhinia ? latisiliqua is a mixture, the leaves being those of a true Bauhinia, but the fruit manifestly a Mezoneurum. It was based on material collected in the Philippines by Nde, the fruit, at least, coming from the town of Cavinti in Laguna Province, Luzon. As the specific name was taken from fruit characters, and as the fruit as figured and described is manifestly Mezoneurum, 1 consider that Bauhinia f latisiliqua is typified by the fruit, and that it should be considered as Mezoneurum. Local names, T., Gamut pusa, Gamut cabag, Cabit cabag, Sagnit, Sapnit; V., Tugabang, Ugabang, Bampinit ; in Basilan Bo kit, Timor, and according to Baker, in Tenasserim. SESBANIA Pers. Sesbania roxburghii nom. nov. Aeschynomene paludosa Roxb. Hort. Beng. (1814) 5(5, nomen, FI. lnd. 3 (1832) 333. Sesbania paludosa Plain in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 6- (1897) 82, non Jacq., 1825. Sesbania grandiflora Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. I1 (1855) 333, non Pers. Sesbania cochinchinensis Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 452 (1876) 271, non DC. Sesbania aculeata var. paludosa Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. lnd. 2 (1876) 115, in part, and excluding the synonym Aeschynomene uliginosa. Luzon, Province of Laguna, Siniloan, Bur. Sci. 6530 Robinson; Santa Maria Mavitac, For. Bur. 10098 Curran, in shallow water in Lake Bay, T., Balakla. Bengal to Burma, southern China and Java. As there appears to be no valid specific name for this species, the above is here proposed. RUTACEiE. EVODIA Foist. Evodia monophylla sp. nov. Arbuscula glabra circiter 3 m alta; foliis oppositis, unifoliolatis, foliolis 6 ad 13 cm longis, elliptieo-lanceolatis, firm iter chartaceis, utrinque pallidis nitidisque, apice acuminatis, basi acuti's; cymis pedun- culatis, circiter 1 cm longis ; floribus 4-meris, ovario obtuse 4-angulato. A glabrous shrub about 3 m high. Branches terete, slender, grayish or grayish-brown, shining, striate when dry. Leaves opposite, unifolio- late, the petiole 0.8 to 3 cm long, the petiolule short; leaflet firmly chartaceous, elliptic-lanceolate, pale and shining on both surfaces, G to 13 cm long, 2 to 4.5 cm wide, entire, glabrous, the apex acuminate, acumen blunt, the base acute; primary nerves 10 to 13 on each side of the midrib, rather distant, anastomosing, the secondary nerves and rather lax reticulations almost as prominent. Cymes axillary, solitary, ped- uncled, about 1 cm long, when young slightly puberulent. Pedicels about 2 mm long. Calyx-lobes 4, ovate, 1 mm long. Petals 4, oblong- elliptic, acute, punctate, 2.5 mm long, 1.3 mm wide. Stamens 4, al- ternating witli the petals; filaments 1.7 mm long; anthers 0.8 mm long. 270 MERRILL. Disk prominent, obtusely 4-angled, somewhat undulate. Ovary with four obtuse lobes, sunk in the disk; style very short, simple. Immature carples glabrous. Mindoro, Mount Halcon, Merrill 6169, November 9, 1906, in forests at about 750 m altitude; flowers pink. A species readily recognizable by its unifoliolate leaves, pale, shining, elliptic- lanceolate, acuminate leaflets, and very short axillary cymes. MELIACE2E. AGLAIA Lour. Aglaia badia sp. nov. § Euaglaia. Arbor 20 ad 25 m alta, ramulis paniculisque densissime badio-lepidotis, subnitentibus ; foliis alternis, imparipinnatis, 4- vel 5-jugatis, 20 ad 25 cm longis; foliolis oppositis, in sicco brunneis, utrinque decidue brunneo- lepidotis; paniculis axillaribus, folia subaequantibus, pedunculatis ; flor- ibus racemoso-dispositis, minutis, 5-meris. A tree 20 to 25 m high the branches, petioles and infioresence somewhat shining, minutely and very densely brown-lepidote. Leaves alternate, odd-pinnate, 4- or 5-jugate, 20 to 25 cm long, the rachis and petiolules minutely and densely lepidote; leaflets opposite, brown when dry, chartaceous, oblong to elliptic-oblong, somewhat shining, deciduously lepidote on both surfaces, 5 to 10 cm long, 2.5 to 4.5 cm wide, the terminal one sometimes larger, equilateral, the lateral ones somewhat inequilateral ; nerves 10 to 12 on each side of the midrib, not prominent, the reticulations fine, rather lax; petiolules 8 mm long or less. Panicles axillary, peduncled, nearly as long as the leaves, branched in the upper two-thirds, the rachis, branches, branchlets and calyces minutely and densely brown-lepidote, shining, the lower primary branches 7 cm long, the upper ones shorter. Flowers minute, racemosety arranged on the ultimate branchlets, their pedicels 1 to 2 mm long. Calyx about 1 mm long, densely lepidote, its teeth broad, rounded. Petals about 1 mm long, glabrous. Staminal tube 0.5 mm long, truncate or obscurely toothed free, glabrous ; anthers 5, borne on the upper part of the tube, included. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, San Vicente, For. Bur. 7082, 11305 Klemme, May, 1907, April, 1908, in dense flat- and hill-forests, altitude 5 to 30 m. Cag., Salotoij Neg., Masaleng. A species in the group with Aglaia hexandra Turcz., but not closely allied to it, well characterized by its brownish color and densely disposed, minute, some- what shining, lepidote scales. Aglaia bicolor sp. nov. § Euaglaia. Arbor 15 ad 25 m alta, ramulis foliolis subtus inflorescentiisque den- sissime cupreo-lepidotis, nitidis; foliis alternis, imparipinnatis, 30 ad 45 cm longis, foliolis 9 ad 11, alternis firmiter chartaceis vel subcoriaceis, elliptico-oblongis vel oblongo-lanceolatis, utrinque acuminatis, base valde NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 271 inaequaliteralibus, supra glabris; paniculis folia subaequantibus, multi- floris; floribus minutis, 5-meris, pedicellatis, in ramulis ultimis racemoso- dispositis; fructibus ellipsoideis vel anguste obovoideis, circiter 1.5 cm longis, 1-locellatis. A tree 15 to 25 m high, the branchlets, inflorescence, rachis of the leaves, petiolules and under surfaces of the leaflets very densely cupreous- lepidote, shining. Branches rather stout, lepidote, brownish, striate, glabrous. Leaves alternate, odd-pinnate, 30 to 45 cm long, the petiole and rachis cupreous-lepidote, terete; leaflets 9 to 11, alternate, petiolate, firmly chartaceous or subcoriaceous, elliptic-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 8 to 15 cm long, 3 to 6 cm wide, the apex rather abruptly acuminate, the base very strongly inequilateral, acuminate, the upper surface glabrous, rarely with very few scattered scales, shining, grayish-green when dry, the lower very densely cupreous-lepidote, also shining ; nerves 10 to 12 on each side of the midrib, straight, rather distinct, obscurely anastomos- ing, the reticulations obsolete; petiolules 1 to 1.5 cm long. Panicles axillary, about as long as the leaves in anthesis, shorter in bud, all parts very densely cupreous-lepidote, shining, many-flowered, the lower primary branches often 20 cm in length. Flowers minute, pedicellate, race- moselv disposed on the idtimate branchlets, their pedicels 1 mm long or less. Calyx obscurely toothed, densely lepidote. Petals 5, orbicular, glabrous, 0.6 mm in diameter or less. Staminal tube obovoid, 0.7 mm long, glabrous, free from the petals, slightly toothed. Anthers 5, in- serted near the apex of the tube, sessile, inflexed, 0.2 mm long. Fruits ellipsoid or narrowly obovoid, 1.5 cm long, densely cupreous-lepidote, shining, 1— celled, 1— seeded. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, San Vicente, For. Bur. 4%88 Klemme, June, 1906, (type) : Province of Ilocos Sur, San Quintin, For. Bur. 7117 Klemme, April, 1907: Province of Rizal, Antipolo, Merrill 1659, March, 1903, For. Bur. 413 Ahern’s collector, February, 1904. A species manifestly allied to Aglaia denticulata Turcz., but distinguished by its more numerous leaflets, which are very much more densely lepidote beneath, longer panicles and much smaller flowers. Tagalog (Rizal) Salamongay ; Ne- grito (Cagayan) Matanaota ; Ilocano, Sal-lapugud. Aglaia everettii sp. nov. § Hearnia. Arbor 10 ad 20 m alta; foliis alternis, circiter 30 cm longis, im- paripinnatis, 2-jugatis, glabris ; foliolis oppositis, ehartaceis vel sub- membranaceis, in sicco pallidis, nitidis, late ellipticis vel elliptico-obovatis, usque ad 20 cm longis, apice breviter acuminatis, basi rotundatis vel acutis, nervis utrinque 10 ad 14 ; paniculis axillaribus, foliis longioribus, multifloris, plus minus ferrugineo-lepidotis, pubescentibus ; floribus 5- meris, pedicellatis, in ramulis ultimis dense racemose dispositis. A tree 10 to 20 m high, glabrous except the inflorescence. Branches terete, light-grav, shining, lenticellate. Leaves alternate, about 30 cm 272 MERRILL. long, odd-pinnate, --jugate ; leaflets opposite, chartaceous to submembra- naceous, when dry pale and shining, glabrous, broadly elli})tic to elliptic- obovate, 12 to 20 cm long, 7 to 10 cm wide; nerves 10 to 14 on each side oi the midrib, distinct, anastomosing near the margin, the reticula- tions fine, distinct; petiolules stout, 1 to 1.4 cm long. Panicles axillary, equaling or longer than the leaves, 50 cm long or less, ferruginous-lepidote and somewhat ciliate-pubescent, the lower branches frequently 20 cm in length. Flowers rather densely racemosely arranged on the ultimate branch] ets, the pedicels about 1 mm long. Sepals 5, free or nearly so, orbicular-ovate, obtuse, 1 mm long, their margins ci 1 i ate. Petals o, ovate or orbicular-ovate, glabrous, obtuse, 2 mm long. Staniinal tube depressed-globose, glabrous, free from the petals, truncate. Stamens 5, inserted on the edge of the tube, indexed. Fruit narrowly ellipsoid, rounded at the apex, brown, 3 to 4 cm long, 1- or 2-celled, each cell with a single seed. Negros, Province of Negros Occidental, Painguion River, For. Bur. 7319 Everett, March, 1907 (type) ; Cadiz, For. Bur. 1,1035 Danao, March, 1908. Cebu, Mount Licos, For. Bur. 0)52 Everett, February, 1907. Visayan Bubua, Bunguas. AZADIRACHTA A. Juss. Azadirachta integrifoliola sp. nov. Arbor glabra, circiter 30 m alta; foliolis 12 ad 16, inferioribus alternis, superioribus suboppositis, ovato-lanceolatis, integris, membranaceis, acu- minatis vel acutis, basi inaequilateralibus, rotundatis; paniculis foliis longioribus, anguste pyramidatis, circiter 45 cm longis; floribus pedicel- latis, circiter 7 mm longis; ovario glabro, 3-loculari. A tree about 30 m high, glabrous. Leaves equally pinnate, about 30 cm long, glabrous: leaflets 12 to 16, ovate-lanceolate, the lower ones alternate, the upper opposite or subopposite, membranaceous, glabrous, shining above, 6 to 9 cm long, 2.5 to 3.5 cm wide, entire, the apex acute or somewhat acuminate, the base rather strongly inequilateral, broad and rounded on one side of the midrib, narrower and usually acute on the other; nerves 6 to 8 on each side of the midrib, distinct beneath, ob- scurely anastomosing, the reticulations lax, obscure; petiolules very short, the leaflets almost sessile. Panicles longer than the leaves, about 45 cm long, glabrous, narrowly pyramidal, many flowered. Sepals ovate, acuminate, about 1 mm long, the margins slightly ciliate. Petals free, oblong-lanceolate, acute or obtuse, about 7 mm long, 1.8 to 2 mm wide, recurved, nearly glabrous outside, inside puberulent, the margins slightly puberulent-ciliate. Staniinal tube cylindric, 6 mm long, glabrous out- side, slightly narrowed in the middle, somewhat hairy in the upper half inside, the apex with 10 small teeth. Stamens 10, inserted opposite the teeth, the anthers sessile, 0.8 mm long, their apices slightly exserted. Disk none. Ovary ovoid, glabrous, 3-celled, each cell with two collateral ovules; style 4 mm long; stigma slightly 3-lobed. NEW Oil NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 273 Palawan, Malcampo, For. Bur. 1121/8 Manalo, March, 1908, said by the col- lector to be common in old clearings, and locally known as Marango. The height is given as 30 m and the diameter of the trunk as 90 cm, while the timber is said to be used for construction purposes. Azadirachta A. Juss. has previously been a monotypic genus, consisting of the one species A. indica A. Juss. extending from India to Java. The species above described can at once be distinguished by its entire leaflets, its panicles much longer than the leaves, not shorter as in A. indica, and its longer flowers. HEYNEA Iloxb. Heynea sumatrana Miq. Ann. Mus. Hot. 4 (1808) 60; C. DC. Monog. Phan. 1 (1878) 714. Scutinanthe engleri Elm. Lead. Philip. Hot. 1 (1908) 298. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Lucban, Elmer 9179; Atimonan, For. Bur. 6702 Kobbe. Basilan, Hallier s. n. The first representative of the genus to be found in the Philippines, for Trichilia rimosa Blanco, although reduced to Heynea trijuga Roxb., by C. De- Candole, is, I feel certain, not a Heynea. The type of Scutinanthe engleri Elm., is a specimen with very young fruits, mature fruits or flowers not present, and is manifestly referable to Heynea and not a Burseraceous plant, where it was placed by Mr. Elmer. The Philippine specimens agree closely with those of H. sumatrana Miq., taken from cultivated trees in the Buitenzorg Botanical Garden, and there seems to be little doubt as to their specific identity. Miquel’s species has, however, been reduced by King to Heynea trijuga var. multi juga C. DC., but a specimen of Wallich 1259 from Penang, the type number of this variety, is in our herbarium and does not agree with our material of H. sumatrana, nor with Miquel’s description, and it seems that while Heynea sumatrana Miq., is not the same as H. trijuga var. multijuga, still it may not be specifically distinct from H. trijuga Roxb. Sumatra. DYSOXYLUM Blume. Dysoxylum klemmei sp. nov. § Eudysoxylum. Arbor subglabra, circiter 1G m alta; foliis alternis, imparipinnatis, 40 ad 45 cm longis, rhachidibus densissime ferrugineo-puberulis ; foliolis circiter 15 cm longis, alternis vel suboppositis, circiter 17, glabris, nitidis, brunneis, apice acuminatis, basi acutis, valde inaequilateralibus, leticul is obsoletis; paniculis axillaribus folia subaequantibus, densissime ferrugi- neo-puberulis ; floribus 4-meris, circiter 5 mm longis. A tree, nearly glabrous except the petioles, young branches and in- floresence. Leaves alternate, 40 to 50 cm long, odd-pinnate, the leaflets about 17, the rachis densely ferruginous-puberulent ; leaflets alternate or subopposite, oblong, about 15 cm long, 4 to 5 cm wide, subcoriaceous, shining, dark-brown when dry, glabrous, the apex acuminate, the base very strongly inequilateral, one side much narrower than the other and always acute or acuminate, the other side often rounded, sometimes acute and extending farther down the midrib; nerves 8 to 13 on each side of the midrib, not prominent, the reticulations obsolete; petiolules about 1 cm long, glabrous or somewhat puberulent. Panicles axillary, about as 274 MERRILL. long as the leaves, densely ferruginous-puberulent, peduncled, the lower branches about 7 cm long, the upper ones shorter. Flowers pedicelled, glabrous. Calyx about 2.5 mm in diameter, short, obscurely 4-toothed. Petals 4, oblong, 4 to 5 mm long, about 1.4 mm wide, glabrous. Staminal tube cyclindric, 3 mm long, irregularly toothed at the apex; anthers 8, oblong, 1 mm long, borne at the top of the tube, included. Disk cylindric, 1 mm long, free, the apex densely ferragi nous-hirsute. Ovary somewhat ferruginous-hirsute; style 2.5 mm long, glabrous. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, San Vicente, For. Bur. 7079 Klemme, May, 1907, in dense hill-forests at an altitude of about 30 ra. Neg., Tibungao, A species in the group with Dysoxylum thyrsoideum Hiern., but very different from that species and apparently also from all other allied forms. EUPHORBIACE^E. AG ROST I ST ACH YS Dalz. Agrostistachys pubescens sp. nov. Arbor parva, ramulis, subtus foliis, inflorescentiisque plus minus pubes- centibus ; foliis oblongo-obovatis, membranaceis vel chartaceis, circiter 22 cm longis, apice acuminatis, basi angustatis, cuneatis, minute irre- gulariter glanduloso-serratis vel subintegris, supra glabris, subtus ad costain nervosque plus minus villosis; inflorescentiis foliis longioribus; fructibus dense pubescentibus. A small tree, the branchlets, inflorescence and the under surface of the leaves more or less pubescent. Branches terete, grayish-brown, pubescent, sparingly lenticellate. Leaves membranaceous or chartaceous, 18 to 25 cm long, 9 to 11 cm wide, oblong-obovate, the apex rather abruptly acuminate, gradually narrowed from just below the middle to the cuneate base, subentire or slightly and distantly irregularly glandular-serrate, the upper surface glabrous, shining, the lower more or less villous on the midrib and lateral nerves; nerves prominent, parallel, 25 to 30 on each side of the midrib, the reticulations distinct, parallel; petioles stout, pubescent, less than 5 mm long. Inflorescence axillary, solitary, exceed- ing the leaves, incipient spikes very short, composed of numerous imbri- cate, ovate, acuminate, more or less pubescent bracts mostly less than 1 mm in length, not distichous; mature inflorescence slightly pubescent, the rachis 40 to 60 cm long. Flowers unknown. Fruits dry, subglobose, dehiscent, 3-celled, about 8 or 9 mm in diameter, outside densely oliva- ceous- or yellowish-pubescent; seeds subglobose, about 5 mm in diameter, shining. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mabayo, For. Bur. 59^0 Curran, January, 1907, in bamboo thickets along streams. A species readily recognizable in the genus by its pubescence, the second one to be found in the Philippines. NEW Oil NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 275 ANTIDESMA Burm. Antidesma cordato-stipulaceum sp. nov. Arbuscula glabra 2 ad 3 m alta; foliis oblongis, chartaceis vel sub- coriaceis, nitidis, prominente acuminatis, apiculatis, usque ad 20 cm longis, nervis utrinque 12 ad 14; stipulis persistentibus, foliaceis, late ovatis vel suborbicularibus, basi cordatis, 1 ad 2.5 cm longis; floribus masculinis spicatis, 4- vel 3-meris, calycibus subtruncatis ; staminibus 3, rariter 4 ; floribus femineis racemosis, calycibus breviter obscureque 5-dentatis, stigmatibus subterminalibus ; fructibus in sicco compressis, 1 cm longis, basi rotundatis, apice obscure acuminatis. A glabrous shrub 2 to 3 m high. Branches slender, terete, glabrous, light-gray. Leaves oblong, chartaceous or subcoriaceous, shining, 12 to 20 cm long, 4 to 8 cm wide, entire, the apex rather prominently acuminate, the acumen blunt, apiculate, base rounded or acute; nerves 12 to 14 on each side of the midrib, prominent beneath, curved-spreading, anas- tomosing; petioles about 1 cm long; stipules foliaceous, broadly ovate to suborbicular, 1 to 2.5 cm long, 1.5 cm wide or less, apex acute, rounded, or sometimes somewhat acuminate, base broad, cordate, usually clasping the stem. Staminate inflorescence very slender, of 5 to 10 cm long more or less fascicled spikes from the leaf axils, or from axils below the leaves ; flowers minute, about 1.2 mm in diameter, glabrous, sessile, solitary, more or less scattered, the calyx somewhat saucer-shaped, subtruncate or very obscurely toothed; stamens usually 3, rarely 4, their filaments 0.5 mm long. Pistillate inflorescence of slender, axillary, solitary racemes, 15 cm long or less; flowers more or less scattered in the lower portion, somewhat crowded above, their pedicels 1 mm long or less, each subtended by a minute, oblong, 0.5 mm long bracteole; calyx somewhat cupshaped, obscurely 5-toothed, the margins minutely pubescent; ovary glabrous, ovoid; styles terminal or subterminal. Fruit, when dry, compressed, narrowly ovate, somewhat inequilateral, base rounded, apex somewhat acuminate, 1 cm long, reticulate, reddish, crowned by the somewhat falcate styles. x Mindoro, Baco River, Merrill 1807, 4043, the former with pistillate flowers, the latter with staminate ones, McQregor 179, 311, the former with pistillate flowers, the latter with fruits; Subaan, For. Bur. 679 4 Merritt, with staminate flowers. A very characteristic species, readily recognized by its comparatively large, persistent, ovate, cordate, foliaceous stipules, as well as by its very slender inflorescence, the staminate being spicate, and the pistillate racemose. Antidesma subcordatum sp. nov. Arbor 10 ad 15 m alta, ramulis, inflorescentiis, foliisque plus minus pubescentibus ; foliis oblongis vel ovato-oblongis, usque ad 12 cm longis, membranaceis vel chartaceis, plus minus nitidis, utrinque dense molli- terque pubescentibus, apice acuminatis, basi cordatis, subcordatis vel MERRILL. 276 rariter rotundatis, norvis utrinque circiter 8; inflorescentiis masculinis spicatis, spicis densis, densissime pubescentibus, solitariis vel fasciculatis, terminalibus, 3 ad 7 cm longis, circiter 3 mm diametro, floribus 5- rariter 6-ineris, calycis lobis brevibus, densissime pubescentibus; inflorescentiis femineis spicatis, spicis terminalibus, solitariis; stigmatibus terminalibus. A tree more or less pubescent in all parts, 10 to 15 m high. Branches terete, reddish- or grayish-brown, nearly glabrous, lenticellate, the younger branchlets densely and softly pubescent. Leaves oblong to ovate-oblong, 6 to 12 cm long, 3 to 6 cm wide, membranaceous or subehartaceous, more or less shining, in the typical form densely and softly pubescent on both surfaces, entire, the apex rather abruptly and somewhat broadly acu- minate, the acumen apiculate, base rather broad, cordate or subcordate, sometimes rounded; nerves about 8 on each side of the midrib, distinct, somewhat ascending, laxly anastomosing; petioles softly pubescent, 5 to 10 mm long. Staminate inflorescence spicate, spikes solitary or fascicled, usually terminating tbe short lateral branchlets, very dense, cylindric, very densely pubescent, 3 to 7 cm long, about 3 mm in diameter; calyx lobes 5, short, narrowly ovate, acute or obtuse, about 0.G mm long, very densely pubescent. Stamens 4 to 6; filaments glabrous, 1.5 to 2 mm long. Budimentary ovary densely lanate. Pistillate inflorescence race- mose, the racemes terminating the short lateral branches, solitary, 4 to 6 cm long, the rachis, calyces and bracteoles densely pubescent, the pedicels nearly glabrous; bracteoles narrowly ovate, more or less acuminate, 1 mm long; pedicels glabrous or nearly so, 1 to 1.5 mm long. Calyx cylindric- cupshaped, 1 mm in diameter, pubescent, obscurely 5-toothed. Ovary narrowly elliptic, equilateral, with few scattered hairs; styles terminal, each cleft, and the arms also cleft. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. Ill}, }56} Ramos, the former with staminate, the latter with pistillate flowers; from the same province also Merrill 2813, and For. Bur. 3160 Ahern's collector. A species well characterized by its very dense cylindric staminate spikes which are very densely pubescent, its more lax racemose pistillate spikes, and its softly pubescent leaves which are acuminate, the base cordate or subcordate and usually oblong or ovate-oblong. Probably as closely allied to A. ghaesembilla Gaertn., as to any other species, but very different in vegetative characters. ACTEPHILA B.l ume. Actephila dispersa (Elmer) comb. nov. Pimelodendron dispersum Elmer Lead. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 308. Arbuscula glabra, circiter 3 m alta; foliis submembranaceis, oblongis vel obovatis, integris, nitidis, 15 ad 30 cm longis, apice acntis, vel obscure acuminatis, vel obtusis, basi subacutis vel abrupte obtusis, nervis utrinque 9 ad 13; peti-olo 2 ad 4 cm longo; floribus ignotis; fructibus axillaribus, longe pedunculatis, pendulis, depresso-globosis, circiter 2 cm diametro, obscure trigonis, trilocularibus, loculidiee dehiscentibus ; seminibus in loculis 2. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 277 Leyte, Palo, Elmer 72^5, January, 1906, type number. This species was originally described by Mr. Elmer as a Pimelodendron, but the presence of two seeds in each cell of the mature fruit excludes it at once iioni that genus and all allied ones. It seems, however, to be referable to Actephila, and to be closely allied to Actephila gigantifolia Koorders of Celebes, but the latter species is described as having the leaves abruptly long-acuminate. The five small calyx-segments described by Mr. Elmer are the squamiform petals, the sepals and petals persisting on the mature fruit. BACCAUREA Lour. B. lanceolata (Miq.) Muell. Arg. in DC. Prodr. 1 52 (1862) 457. Hedycarpus lanceolatus Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 1" (1859) 359. Palawan, San Antonio Bay, Merrill 873, February, 1903. Java and Borneo. * The above specimen has somewhat larger leaves than the plants described by Muller- Arg., but seems to be the same species. New to the Philippines. BLACHIA Baill. Blachia philippinensis sp. now Arbor glabra, monoica, cireiter 5 m alta ; foliis alternis, chartaceis vel submembranaceis, oblongo-ovatis, usque ad 13 ent loitgis, acuminatis, basi acutis vel obtusis, nervis utrinque cireiter 6; floribus umbellatis, umbellis axillaribus terminalibusque ; petalis obovatis, hyalinis et glandulis aequi- longis; staminibus 20, liberis; stylis revolutis. A glabrous monoecious tree about 5 m high. Branches slender, terete, brownish, the branchlets reddish-brown. Leaves alternate, chartaceous or submembranaceous, oblong-ovate, 7 to 13 cm long, 2.5 to 4.5 cm wide, brown or greenish when dry, shining, the apex rather prominently acuminate, the base acute or obtuse ; nerves about 6 on each side ol the midrib, the reticulations lax; petioles 5 mm long or less. Inflorescence axillary and terminal, the staminate umbels long-ped uncled, the peduncles slender, 2 to 3 cm long, each bearing about 12 flowers, the pedicels about 8 mm long. Sepals 5, obovate to elliptic-obovate, 2 mm long, thin, obtuse, imbricate. Petals 5, hyaline, obovate, 1 mm long, broadly rounded at • the apex or slightly retuse, not longer than the disk-glands. Stamens 20; filaments 2 mm long, slender; anthers obovoid, 0.3 mm long. Disk- glands quadrangular, truncate. Pistillate flowers in subsessile umbels at the base of the staminate inflorescence. Sepals 5, free, lanceolate, some- what acuminate, 2 mm long, more or less accrescent. Ovary narrow, subglabrous, 3-celled, each cell 1-ovuled ; styles three, elongated, cleft, the style-arms revolute. Palawan, near Puerto Princesa, For. Bur. J/128 Curran, April, 1906. Luzon, Province of Pangasinan, For. Bur. 8369 Curran 07, with stami- nate flowers, in dense forests at 60 m altitude; same locality, For. Bur. 7316 Everett, March, 1907, sterile. Luzon, Province of Pangasinan, Salasa, For. Bur. !)6S3 / schokke , December, 1907, in forested stream-depressions, sterile: Province Zambales, Bolet River, near Santa Cruz, For. Bur. 8230 Curran t£ Merritt, December 4, 1907, with immature fruits, on forested slopes at an altitude of 270 m: Province of Cagayan, Calainaniugan, For. Bur. 11311 Klemme, November 14, 1907, with nearly mature fruits, in forests at 15 m altitude. Local names, Pangasinan Ebnel ; Cagayan Maraculilem. Mr. Zschokke notes that the tree is cut for lumber; Messrs. Curran & Merritt that the tree has a very thin brick-red bark which is red inside, and that the tree is subject to heart-decay, while the native ranger accompanying Mr. Klemme states that the fruit is used as a condiment in the preparation of food. The affinities of this new genus are not clear to me, although following Bentham and Hooker, and Pax in Engler and Prantl, it apparently falls in the Phyllantheae of the former, and in the Platylobeae-Phyllanthoideae-Brideliae of the latter, except in the latter case the petals are wanting, and moreover the present genus does not resemble any of those placed here by Pax. The sepals aie not in the least imbricate, so far as I can determine, but assuming that they are slightly so, or that the above form is anomalous in this respect, it would then fall into the Platylobeae-Phyllanthoideae-Phyllanthineae, and under this into the Drypetinae, near Putranjiva Wall., and Petalostigma F. Mtill.; it is however very different from both these genera, although its affinity may be liere. I here is a possibility that it does not really belong in the Euphorbiaceae, but I have been unable to place it elsewhere. The above new genus is dedicated to Mr. H. D. Everett, one of the collectors, and formerly a forester in the Philippine Forestry Bureau, who lost his life at the hands of members of the wild tribe inhabiting the interior of southern Negros, while prosecuting field work there in May, 1908. GALEARIA Zoll. & Mor. Galearia filiformis (Blume) Boerl. Handl. FI. Nederl. Ind. 3' (1899) 282. Antidesma filiforme Blume Bijdr. (182G) 1124. Bennett ia filiformis Muell. Arg. in DC. Prodr. 15= (1862) 1038. Bennettia javanica R. Br. PI. Jav. Rar. (1852) 249, pi. 50. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Mies. Clemens s. n. May, June, 1906-7. NEW OU NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 281 The Mindanao specimens do not agree perfectly with Galearia filiformis as described by Robert Brown and Mueller-Arg., but in the absence of authentic material for comparison, I can do no better, at the present time, than refer them here. The chief point of difference seems to be that the petals of the Philippine specimens are not strongly cucullate. Hooker f.7 states that the sections founded by Mueller-Arg. on the hooded petals are not tenable. The genus is new to the Philippines. Java. GELONIUM Roxb. Gelonium racemulosum sp. nov. Arbuscula glabra circiter 1 m alta; foliis oblongis vel lanceolatc- oblongis, pallidis, nitidis, glanduloso-punctatis, usque ad 20 cm longis, versus apicem grosse irregulariter repando-dentatis, basi acutis vel acu- minatis; inflorescentiis masculinis oppositifoliis, racemulis binis, pauci- floris, brevibus, petiolo vix longioribus; sepalis obtusis, plus minus cucullatis; staminibus circiter 16; fructibus depresso-globosis, circiter 1 cm diametro, plus minus trigonis, loculicide dehiscentibus. A shrub or undershrub about 1 m high, glabrous throughout. Branches grayish, slender, the ultimate ones slightly angled. Leaves alternate, glabrous, pale when dry, glandular-punctate, shining, oblong to lanceo- late-oblong, 9 to 20 cm long, 2.5 to 4 cm wide, cliartaceous, the apex acuminate, the apical portion very coarsely and irregularly repand- dentate, otherwise entire, the base acute or slightly acuminate ; nerves about 12 on each side of the midrib, anastomosing, the reticulations distinct; petioles stout, 3 to 4 mm long. Staminate flowers racemose, leaf-opposed, the racemes in pairs, scarcely as long as the petioles, few- flowered, flowering from the base to the apex, the lowrer flowers opening first and falling, so that there is usually but two or three flowers on a raceme, the rachis slender, the pedicel-scars prominent. Sepals elliptic or elliptic-ovate, obtuse, 3 mm long, 2 mm wide, more or less cucullate, imbricate. Stamens about 16 ; filaments free, 2 mm long ; anthers oblong, 0.8 mm long. Disk-glands small. Rudimentary ovary none. Pistillate flowers unknown, but the calyx, from the fruit, as in the staminate ones. Fruit depressed-globose, glabrous, about 1 cm in diameter, obtusely trigonous, 3-celled, loculicidallv 3-valved, each cell 1-seeded ; styles per- sistent, free, each shortly cleft, the arms very short, recurved. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 9260, 9349 B hitford & Hutchinson, January, 1908, in dipterocarp forests 20 to 30 m above sea level. A species well characterized by its leaves being coarsely repand in the apical portion, and especially by its paired, short racemes, the staminate flowers of most species of the genus being glomerate. 7 El. Brit. Ind. 5 (1887) 377. 85754 6 282 MERRILL. HOMALANTHUS A. Juss. Homalanthus bicolor sp. nov. Arbuscula glabra, circiter 2 m afta ; foliis longissime petiolatis, cordato- ovatis, breviter acuminatis, basi latis, leviter cordatis, interduin leviter peltatis, glabris, chartaceis, supra olivaceis, subtus glauco-pallidis, nervis utrinque 31 ad 15, petiolo 8 ad 20 cm longo; floribus ignotis; fructibus in racemis congestis, obovoideis vel obovoideo-orbicularibus, compressis, griseo-brunneis, loculicide 2-valvatis. A glabrous shrub about 2 m high. Young brandies dark-brown, glabrous. Leaves alternate, very long-petioled, cordate-ovate or subor- bicular-ovate, the base broad, cordate, the apex shortly acuminate, entire, ? to 13 cm long and nearly as wide, chartaceous, glabrous, the upper surface olivaceous, the lower very pale, subglaucescent ; petiole 8 to 20 cm long, glabrous, with two more or less prominent glands at the apex, sometimes peltately inserted about 5 mm from the margin of the leaf, more often marginally inserted; stipules caducous, thin, brown, lanceo- late, sharply acuminate, about 7 cm long. Flowers unknown. Fruit crowded, racemose, the racemes about 4 cm long; pedicels spreading or somewhat reflexed, about 8 mm long; fruit obovoid or orbicular-obovoid. compressed, about 8 mm long, grayish-brown, 2-cel led compressed at right angles to the dehiscence, loculicidally 2-valved, crowned by the style which is nearly as long, and which is cleft nearly to the base. Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. 22 Mearns d Hutchinson, altitude about 350 m. Moro Topi. A species allied to Homalanthus populneus Pax, and to H. fastuosus F.-Vil., and somewhat intermediate between the two, distinguishable from the former by its much larger leaves and larger fruits, and from the latter by its non- or but slightly peltate leaves. MACARANGA Thouars. Macaranga congestiflora sp. nov. § Pachystcmon. Arbor parva circiter 4 m alta; foliis suborbicularibus, subintegris vel leviter trilobatis, apice breviter acuminatis, basi late peltatis, supra nitidis, subtus parce hirsutis, glandulosis, radiato 8-nerviis; petiolo 30 ad 15 cm longo; inflorescentiis axillaribus caulinisquc, 1 ad 3 cm longis, femineis racemosis, masculinis breviter racemoso-paniculatis, congestis, bracteis pectinato-laciniatis, ceraceo-glandulosis, pubescentibus ; ovario 2-4-loc- ulare. A small tree about 4 m high. Branches dark-brown, glabrous or more or less pubescent, the young branchlets slightly brownish-pubescent. Leaves alternate, long-petiolate, broadly peltate, suborbicular, subentire or slightly and broadly 3-lobed, the apex slightly acuminate, base rounded, 10 to 20 cm in diameter, subcoriaceous, rather pale when dry, the upper surface glabrous, shining, the lower somewhat hirsute, especially on the nerves, and with numerous scattered waxy glands; nerves radiate, the 283 NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. basal ones 8, prominent; nerves leaving the midrib above the base about G on each side, the reticulations distinct; petioles 10 to 15 cm long, terete, pubescent. Inflorescence axillary and from the stems below the leaves, the staminate fasciculate, dense, of very short racemose panicles 2 cm long or less, their branches 1 cm long or less, gray-pubescent; bracteoles cuneate, pubescent, yellow-glandular, about 5 mm long, lacerate- pectinate ; stamens few : pistillate inflorescence axillary and from the axils below the leaves, racemose, usually solitary 3 cm long or less, pubescent, each raceme few-flowered ; pedicels stout, pubescent, 2 mm long; calyx pubescent, cup-shaped, truncate; about 2.5 mm long; ovary globose, densely yellowish waxy-glandular, 2- to 4-celled; styles recurved, more or less pectinate ; bracts ovate or ovate-lanceolate, lacerate-pectinate, more or less pubescent, 6 to 8 mm long. Palawan, near Puerto Princesa, For. Bur. 3590, 3591 Curran, January, 1906, in old clearings at about 20 m above sea level, the former with staminate flowers, the latter with pistillate ones. This species probably belongs in the section Pachystemon, although 2-, 3-, and 4-celled ovaries were found on the same plant. It is well characterized by its suborbieular, nearly entire or slightly 3-lobed leaves, and especially by its short, congested, axillary and cauline inflorescences, the staminate being paniculate, and the pistillate racemose. M ALLOT US Lour. Mallotus korthalsii Muell. Arg. in DC. Prodr. 1 53 (1862) 976. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Aparri, For. Bur. 17072 Curran, February, 1909. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 9017 Whitford <£• Hutchinson, November, 1907. New to the Philippines; previously known only from Borneo and Celebes. MICRODESMIS Planch. Microdesmis caseariaefolia Planch, in Hook. Ic. PI. (1844) sub. t. 7 58; Muell. Arg. in DC. Prodr. 1 52 (1862) 1041. Palawan, near Puerto Princesa, Bur. Sci. 2^9 Bermejos, December, 1905; Mount Victoria, For. Bur. Ifl38 Curran, Bur. Sci. 7 32 Foxworthy, March, 1906. Balabac, Merrill 5380, Qctober, 1906. Burma to southern China, the Malay Peninsula, and Borneo. The genus is new to the Philippines except for a single specimen collected in Palawan by Vidal and reported without specific name by Ceron;8 Vidal’s specimen in the Kew herbarium, is apparently identical with the material here referred to Planchon’s species. OSTODES Blume. Ostodes serrato-crenata sp. nov. Arbor subglabra 8 ad 12 m alta ; foliis chartaceis vel subcoriaceis, in sicco brunneis, nitidis, oblongis vel elliptico-oblongis, usque ad 30 cm longis, basi acutis vel acuminatis, apice breviter acuminatis, margine gross irregulariter crenato-serratis, dentibus glanduliferis ; nervis utrinque 8 Cat. PI. Herb. (Manila) (1892) 151. ‘284 MERRILL. circiter 17, prominentibus ; inflorescentiis masculinis axillaribus vel pseud- oterminal ibus, elongatis, fioribus in glomerulis congestis, plus minus stellato-ferrugineo-pubescentibus ; staminibus circiter 12. A subglabrous tree 8 to 12 m high. Branches light-gray or brownish- gray, glabrous, striate, lenticellate, the young branchlets ferruginous- stellate-pubescent. Leaves alternate, oblong or elliptic-oblong, 15 to 30 cm long, G to 13 cm wide, brownish and shining when dry, glabrous or with very few scattered stellate hairs beneath, the base acute or some- what acuminate, the apex short-acuminate, margins coarsely and irreg- ularly crenate-serrate, the teeth bearing glands at their apices; nerves about 17 on each side of the midrib, prominent, the primary reticulations rather distinct, the ultimate ones faint; petioles 4 to 7 cm long, glabrous or with few, scattered, stellate hairs, frequently slightly geniculate at the apex. Staminate inflorescence axillary and pseudoterminal, slender, elongated, 20 to 40 cm long, the branches few, short, the flowers densely crowded in reduced, scattered cymes, glomerate, the rachis and branches ultimately glabrous or nearly so, the younger parts more or less stellate- or furfuraceous-pubescent. Buds more or less trigonous; sepals (in bud) orbicular-ovate, obtuse, 3 mm long, strongly imbricate, the exposed por- tions densely stellate-pubescent. Petals similar but glabrous, and in bud somewhat smaller. Stamens about 12. Pistillate flowers and fruit unknown. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Aparri, For. Bur. 11211, April 1908; San Vicente, For. Bur. 7018 Klemme, May, 1907. In dense forests 20 to 05 m above sea-level, known to the Negritos as Tagalipa and Aguindulong. The genus is new to the Philippines. STROPHIOBLACHI A Boerl. Strophioblachia fimbricalyx Boerl. Handl. FI. Nederl. Ind. 31 (1900) 230. Palawan, For. Bur. IfSOlf, 11(58 Curran, June, 1905, 1900, Bur. Sci. 21(1 Bcr- mejos, near the seashore. Mindanao, district of Zamboanga, Mearns 111/, Jan- uary, 1904. An interesting addition to the Philippine flora, and especially to the long list of species known only from the Philippines and Celebes. A monotypic genus known previously only from Celebes. AN ACA RD I ACE JE. PLEIOGYNIUM Engl. P. solanderi (Benth.) Engl, in DC. Monog. Phan. 4 (1883) 255. Spomdias solanderi Benth. FI. Austral. 1 (1803) 492. Spondias pleiogyna F. Muell. Fragm. 4:78. Luzon, Province of Rizal, For. Bur. 2168, 3162 Ahern’s collector, December, 1904, and June, 1905, the former, with mature fruits, from Tanay, the latter, with staminate flowers from Antipolo. A monotypic genus, previously known only from northern Australia, and its NEW Oil NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 285 discovery in Luzon is a striking addition to the list of Australian types in the Philippine flora. The Philippine form was at first considered hy me to be an undescribed species, but after a careful examination of the description, and comparison with material from the Port Jackson District, Australia, coll. J. II. Camfield, December, 1907, I am at loss to discover any character by which the Philippine plant can be distinguished from the Australian except the unscientific one of geographical distribution. It is possible that a revision of the genus will lead to the characterization of more than one species, for Bentham, in the original description, states that it is quite glabrous in all of its parts, while Engler describes the young branches and leaves as densely pilose, the Philippine specimens and the one Australian specimen before me agreeing with the latter. ACE RACEME. ACER Linn. Acer curranii spv nov. § Integrifolia. Arbor glabra usque ad 25 m alta ; foliis concoloribus, nitidis, glabris, integris, coriaceis, reticulatis, ovatis vel elliptico-ovatis, breviter obtuse acuminatis, basi rotundatis vel obtusis, 3- vel 5-nerviis, usque ad 13 cm longis; floribus masculinis corymbosis, corymbis axillaribus, brevibus, glabris; fructibus 4 cm longis, alis angulo acuto divergentibus, paullo introssum falcatis. A glabrous tree 25 m high or less, the trunk reaching a diameter of 110 cm. Branches terete, smooth, glabrous, reddish-brown, with few scattered lenticels. Leaves ovate to elliptic-ovate, coriaceous or sub- coriaceous, shining, glabrous, of the same color on both surfaces, distinctly reticulate, 9 to 13 cm long, 5 to 6.5 cm wide, entire, the apex shortly and obtusely acuminate, the base usually broad and rounded, sometimes blunt, rarely acute; basal nerves one or two pairs, the outer pair, when present, short, the lateral nerves above the basal ones usually 4 on each side of the midrib, distant, very prominent, the primary reticulations very prominent, rather lax, the ultimate ones fine ; petioles 2 to 5 cm long. Male inflorescence axillary, corymbose, about 2 cm long, glabrous, the branches few, short; pedicels 2 to 5 mm long. Sepals 4, free, oblong- ovate, 2 to 3.5 mm long, about 2 mm wide. Petals 4, similar to the sepals but narrower. Stamens 4 or 5, inserted in the disk on its outer side; filaments 2 to 3 mm long; anthers about 1 mm in length. Disk lobed, fleshy, glabrous, very thick; bracts subtending the inflorescence numerous, ovate, coriaceous, closely imbricated, 3 mm long, their upper margins pubescent, deciduous, leaving a thickened, rough base to the inflorescence 2 to 3 mm long and 2 thick, strongly and densely marked by the bract-scars. Pistillate flowers unkown. Infrutescence corymbose, 10 cm long or less, glabrous, with few branches, the fruit, including the wing, 4 cm long, the wings diverging at an acute angle, slightly falcate, 10 to 13 mm wide. 286 MERRILL. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, For. Bur. 6254 Curran, Feb- ruary, 1907, with nearly mature fruit, in forests at an altitude of about 550 m (type) : Province of Benguet, Mount Ugo, Bur. 8ci. 5708 Ramos, December, 1908, staminate flowers: Province of Abra, Tue, For. Bur. 14582 Darling, February, 1909, sterile, altitude 1,000 m. Known to the Igorots in Abra as Baleag. A species manifestly allied to the Asiatic Acer laevigatum Wall., but with different leaves which are usually broad and rounded at the base, and with 4- merous staminate flowers. It is quite different from the only other species of the genus known from the Philippines, A. philippinum Merr., that species having the leaves very glaucous beneath, and the staminate inflorescence racemose. The latter species is a shrub or small tree, while the present one is a large tree. A third species is possibly represented by sterile material, For. Bur. 10948 Curran, Mount Data, District of Lepanto, Luzon, the young leaves being densely tomentose beneath. SABIACE2E. MELIOSMA Blume. Meliosma monophylla sp. nov. Arbor parva; foliis simplicibus, alternis, oblanceolatis, integris, brun- neis, nitidis, usque ad 35 cm longis, 7 cm latis, apicc acuminatis, basi sensim decurrento-acuminatis ; nervis utrinque circiter 20, prominentibus, ascendentibus, anastomosantibus ; paniculis terminalibus axillaribusquc, dense ferrugineo-pubescentibus, 15 ad 20 cm longis; floribus numcrosis, minutis, ad apices ramulorum congestis. A small tree, more or less ferruginous-pubescent. Branches terete, lenticellate, somewhat ferrugineous-pubescent. Leaves simple, oblanceo- late, 20 to 35 m long, 5 to 7 cm wide, subcoriaceous, brownish when dry, shining, entire or with few irregular and obscure teeth above, the apex acuminate, the base long and slenderly decurrent-acuminate, glabrous on the upper surface, except on the somewhat pubescent midrib, beneath with scattered hairs especially on the midrib and lateral nerves; nerves about 20, prominent, ascending, anastomosing, the reticulations distinct; petioles pubescent, 2 to 2.5 cm long. Panicles terminal and in the upper axils, 15 to 20 cm long, densely ferruginous-pubescent, the lower branches spreading. Flowers small, crowded on the ultimate branchlets, sessile, the bracts more or less pubescent. Outer three petals orbicular, 1.5 to 1.8 mm long, the inner two linear, cleft, about 1 mm long. Stamens 2, about 1 mm long. Ovary compressed, glabrous, 2-celled, the style short, simple. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Tanay, Merrill 2339, May, 1903; Antipolo, For. Bur. 431 Ahern’s collector, February, 1904; Montalban, For. Bur. 3406 Ahern’s col- lector, November, 1905, distributed as Semecarpus perrottetii March, which they remotely resemble. T., Malaligas. The first simple leaved form to be found in the Philippines, manifestly allied to Meliosma lancifolia Hook, f., of the Malay Peninsula, but apparently sufficiently distinct. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 287 KHAMNACB^E. VENTILAGO Gaertn. Ventilago dichotoma (Blanco) Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 27 (1905) 32, excl. syn. V. luzoniensis Vid. Enrila dichotoma Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 709. Ventilago monoica Blanco 1. c. ed. 2 (1845) 124; ed. 3, 1:223. Ventilago maderaspatana F.-Vill. Nov. App. '(1880) 48, ex syn. Blanco, non Gaertn. Kurrimia gracilis Vid. Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 89. Ventilago gracilis Merr. & Rolfe in Philip. Journ. Sci. 3 (1908) Bot. 110. Luzon, Province of Rizal, San Mateo, Vidal 1122 in Herb. Kew., type of Kurrimia gracilis Vid.; Bosoboso, For. Bur. 3073 Ahern’s collector, May, 1905, in flower; Pilea, Bur. Sci. 3303 Ramos, June, 1907, in fruit; Montalban, Lohcr 'lf685, lt686, in Herb. Kew. sub Galeairia. Endemic. The type of Blanco’s new genus and species, Enrila dichotoma, was from San Mateo, Province of Rizal, Luzon, and all the above specimens are from the same province, and agree with his description. The genus Enrila was placed by Bentham in the Anacardiaceae, as a doubtful one, but Blanco properly localized it, in the second edition of his Flora de Filipinas, although in reducing Enrila to Ventilago, he changed the specific name. It was reduced by F.-Villar to Ven- tilago maderaspatana Gaertn., which is certainly an error. Having only flowering specimens, Vidal redescribed the species as Kurrimia gracilis, of the Celastraceae, but failed to connect Blanco’s species with it, and later in looking over Vidal’s specimens in the Kew Herbarium, Mr. Rolfe and myself found Vidal’s type to be a Ventilago, rather than a Kurrimia, and accordingly transferred the species to the former genus. In making the original transfer of Ventilago dichotoma, I cited as a synonym, Ventilago luzoniensis Vid., but this is an error, as an exami- nation of Vidal’s type shows that this species is quite distinct from the one here considered, and one to which Blanco’s description does not apply. Ventilago oblongifolia Blume Bijdr. (1826) 1144; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. I1 (1855) 640. Palawan, Puerto Princesa, Bur. Sci. 264 Bermejos, December, 1905. Luzon, Province of Bulacan, near Norzagaray, Yoder 105, December, 1906. New to the Philippines; previously reported only from Java. Ventilago luzoniensis Vid. Rev. PL Vase. Filip. (1886) 90. V. maderaspatana Vid. Sinopsis Atlas (1883) t. 32, f. D., non Gaertn. Luzon, Province of Tarlac, La Paz, Vidal 198, in Herb. Kew. This endemic species somewhat resembles the preceding one, but is distinguish- able by its much smaller leaves. Ventilago lucens Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. Suppl. (1860) 330. Luzon, Province of Tayabas (Principe), Baler, Merrill 1105, August, 1902. This species has previously not been reported from the Philippines, but so far as I can determine at present the specimens well represent Miquel’s species, although I have not seen the type. King9 states that Ventilago lucens Miq. must be very near, if not identical with V. leiocarpa Benth., but the specimen above referred to V. lucens Miq., is quite distinct from material in our herbarium from Hongkong and from Singapore, supposedly representing Bentham’s species. Sumatra. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 652 (1896) 380. 288 MERRILL. ZIZYPHUS Juss. Zizyphus hutchinsonii sp. nov. Arbor glabra vel subglabra, inermis; foliis coriaeeis vel subcoriaceis, ovatis vel oblongo-ovatis, acuminatis, minute crenulatis, basi valde ina- equilateralibus, supra nitidis, subtus plus minus glaucis, trinerviis, reti- culis tenuibus, obscuris; fructibus globosis, circiter 1.5 cm diametro, earnosis, glabris, in sicco nigris. A tree 15 to 25 m high, glabrous or nearly so throughout, spineless. Branches terete, slender, minutely lenticellate, black or nearly so when dry, glabrous, the growing parts sometimes slightly pubescent. Leaves ovate to oblong-ovate, coriaceous or subcoriaceous, 7 to 11 cm long, 3 to 5 cm wide, glabrous, the upper surface greenish or brownish when dry, shining, the lower surface more or less glaucous, the margins minutely crenulate, the apex slightly acuminate, acumen obtuse or acute, the base strongly inequilateral, rounded on both sides of the midrib, or rounded on one side and acute on the other; nerves three, prominent, the nervules and reticulations very fine, obscure, more prominent on the upper surface than on the lower; petioles 6 to 8 mm long, sometimes slightly pubescent. Mowers unknown. Fruits globose, glabrous, black and shining when dry, about 1.5 cm in diameter, the pericarp fleshy, the stone bony, two- or three-celled ; seeds brown, shining, compressed, 5 mm long. Basilan, Matangal Point, For. Bur. 8444 Hutchinson, December, 1905, in forests at about 10 m altitude, said to be abundant locally and known to the Yacans as Toncud langit. It is also represented by For. Bur. 9265 Whitford tC- Hutchinson, from Port Banga, District of Zamboanga, Mindanao, January, 1908. ELAEOCAIiPACEvE. ELAEOCARPUS Linn. Elaeocarpus curranii sp. nov. § Dicera. Arbor 15 ad 30 m alta, ramulis inflorescentiisque exceptis, glabra; foliis anguste obovatis vel oblongo-obovatis, usque ad 10 cm longis, apice obtuse acuminatis apiculatisque, basi cuneatis, margine valde crenato- serratis; racemis numerosis e axillis defoliatis, folia subaequantibus vel brevioribus; petalis laceratis, basi agustatis, subglabris; staminibus cir- citer 12, cellulis antherae aequalibus obtusis; ovario glabro; fructibus ellipsoideis, circiter 2 cm longis, 1-locellatis. A tree 15 to 30 m high glabrous or nearly so except the young branch- lets and inflorescence. Branches terete, gray or brown, lenticellate, the young branchlets, as well as the petioles and sometimes the young leaves appressed-pubescent, obovate, rarely oblanceolate, 5 to 10 cm long, 1.5 to 4 cm wide, firmly ehartaceous to subcoriaceous, usually brownish and somewhat shining when dry, the apex acuminate, acumen usually short, blunt, apiculate, sometimes minutely retuse, the base narrowed, cuneate, the margins strongly crenate-serrate, when young sometimes slightly NEW Oil NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 289 hairy, ultimately glabrous ; nerves 6 on each side of the midrib, distinct, spreading-ascending, slightly curved, their axils not glandular, the re- ticulations indistinct; petioles 1 to 2 cm long, when young pubescent, ultimately glabrous. Bacemes numerous, 5 to 7 cm long, on the branches below the leaves, the rachis and pedicels more or less pubescent, in fruit becoming quite glabrous; pedicels about 5 mm long. Sepals lanceolate, acuminate, 5 mm long, 1.2 mm wide, with very few scattered hairs on the back or glabrous, the margins densely pubescent. Petals as long as the sepals, the upper one-third or one-half lacerate, base narrowed, glabrous or with few scattered hairs on the back and especially at the base. Stamens about 12; anthers 1.8 mm long, cells equal, blunt, not apiculate or ciliate. Ovary ovoid, glabrous, 3-celled; style 2 mm long, glabrous. Disk pubescent. Fruit ellipsoid about 2 cm long, 1-celled, the endocarp osseous, rugose. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Aparri, For. Bur. 1131 If Klernme , in flower, April, 1908; Province of Zambales, Subic, For. Bur. Sli-7,918 Maule, April, June, 1904, in fruit: Province of Bataan, Lamao, For. Bur. 1506 Curran, September, 1907, in flower: Province of Tayabas, Lagumanoc, For. Bur. Ware, in flower, September, 1903, (type) : Province of Camarines, Sipocot, For. Bur. 705 Van Wickle, May, 1904, in fruit. Local names, Cagayan Cumao; Zambales Tagatoy, Malacadios ; Tayabas Camay saltan ; Camarines Maloc-maloc. A species allied to Elaeocarpus cumingii Turzc. but readily distinguished by its glabrous ovaries and vegetative characters. Elaeocarpus luzonicus sp. nov. § Monocera. Arbor circiter 15 m alta, glabra, racemis exceptis; foliis subeoriaceis, oblongo-lanceolatis, usque ad 7 cm longis, nitidis, apice acuminatis, basi cuneatis, margine crenatis, subtus in axillis glandulosis; racemis axil- laribus, pubescentibus, folia aequantibus vel longioribus; petalis oblongo- obovatis, supra simpliciter fimbriatis, extus leviter argenteo-pubescentibus ; staminibus circiter 24, cellulis antherae inaequalibus, posticis apiculatis, vix ciliatis; ovarium 2-loculare. A tree about 15 m high, glabrous throughout except the inflorescence. Branches terete, brown or grayish, not or but obscurely lenticellate. Leaves subcoriaceous oblong-lanceolate, or sometimes elliptic-lanceolate. 5 to 7 cm long, 1.5 to 3 cm wide, shining, beneath sometimes subglaucous, the apex shortly, or sometimes rather long-acuminate, acumen obtuse, base cuneate, margins crenate; nerves about 6 on each side of the midrib, distinct, the axils beneath mostly prominently glandular; petioles 1 to 1.4 cm long. Bacemes axillary, solitary, 6 to 8 cm long, the rachis and pedicels appressed-pubescent with pale, often shining hairs, the pedicels 5 to 6 mm long. Sepals lanceolate, 5 to 6 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, thin, sparingly appressed-silvery-pubescent outside, the keel within, and the margins white-villous. Petals thin, oblong-obovate the upper one-third simply fimbriate, 6 to 7 mm long, the back appressed-silvery-pubescent, the margins and lower part of the inner surface white-villous. Stamens about 24; anthers scabrid, 2 to 2.5 mm long, one cell slightly longer than MERRILL. ‘290 the other, apiculate, not ciliate. Ovary pubescent, ovoid, 2-celled; style glabrous, about 5 mm long. Disk pubescent. Luzon, Province of Camarmes, Mount Isarog, For. Bur. 10488 Curran, May, 1908, in forests at about 1,000 m altitude. A specimen collected by Rosenbluth, For. Bur. 12220, from either Mindoro or Lubang is possibly referable here, but it lias more strongly acuminate leaves, and no axillary glands. Probably most closely allied to Elacocarpus multiflorus (Turcz. ) F.-Vill., but quite distinct from that species. Elaeocarpus subglobosus sp. nov. § Ganitrus. Arbor 10 ad 20 m alta glabra, partibus junioribus inflorescentiisque exceptis; foliis oblongis, firmiter chartaceis, usque ad 12 cm longis, apice breviter obtuseque acuminatis, basi acutis, margine leviter crenatis, nervis utrinque 10 ad 12; racemis axillaribus, pubescentibus, foliis multo brevioribus ; floribus 5-meris, petalis laciniatis; staminibus circiter 25; ovario 5-loeulare; fructibus subglobosis 5- vel 4-locellatis, circiter 12 mm diametro. A tree 10 to 20 m high. Branches terete, dark-grayish-brown, gla- brous, the younger branchlets, petioles and young leaves rather densely pubescent with appressed, pale, often shining hairs. Leaves oblong, firmly chartaceous, 7 to 12 cm long, 3 to 4.5 cm wide, not or but slightly shining, glabrous except the very youngest ones, apex shortly and obtusely acuminate, base acute, margins slightly crenate; nerves, 10 to 12 on each side of the midrib, distinct, forked, obscurely anastomosing, the axils of the primary nerves and of the larger reticulations glandular; petioles 1 to 2 cm long, at first appressed-pubescent, ultimately, glabrous. Kacemes axillary, solitary, 2 to 4 cm long, appressed-pubescent, the pedicels about 5 mm. long. Sepals 5, lanceolate, acuminate, 6 mm. long, 1.5 mm wide, pubescent outside, keeled within. Petals as long as the sepals, lacinate • to the middle, slightly hairy on the margins below. Stamens about 25 ; anthers linear, scabrid, one cell slightly longer than the other and ciliate at its apex. Ovary ovoid, pubescent, 5-celled; style 5 mm long, glabrous. Fruits purple, globose to obscurely globose-ellip- soid, about 12 mm in diameter, 5-rarely 4-celled, the endocarp bony. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Baguio, For. Bur. 18317 Alvarez, December, 1908; Williams 1036, October, 1904. Allied to Elacocarpus sphaericus (Gaertn.) K. Sch., but quite distinct. MALVACEAE. KOSTELETZKYA Presl. Kosteletzkya batacensis (Blanco) F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 24. Hibiscus batacensis Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 544, ed. 2 (1845) 380, ed. 3, 2:334. Luzon, Province of IIocos Norte, Bur. Sci. 3315 Mearns, January, 1907 : Prov- ince of Rizal, Pasay, F. de la Liana, February, 1908, Normal School distribu- tion 327. The rediscovery of Hibiscus batacensis is considered worthy of record, as the species has not otherwise been collected since Blanco’s time. F.-Villar gives a NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 291 description in Latin, taken entirely from Blanco’s original description, and states that he had seen no specimens. An examination of Blanco's description shows that it applies unmistakably to Kosteletzkya, and F.-Villar was quite correct in making the transfer to the latter genus. On studying the above specimens, I found that they agreed with none of the descriptions of the various species of Kosteletzkya, other than Blanco’s but thinking that the species might be an introduced one here, I sent specimens to Kew for comparison, and received the following communication: “The specimen of Kosteletzkya batacensis does not match any of the species in the Kew Herbarium, from America or elsewhere, and in view of the wide distribution of the genus, America, Mediterranean region, Tropical Africa and Madagascar, the existence of an endemic Philippine species is not theoretically improbable.” Blanco’s type was from the town of Batac, Prov- ince of Ilocos Norte, Luzon, and the species is probably endemic in the Philip- pines. STERCULIACE2E. LEPTONYCHIA Turcz. Leptonychia banahaensis (Elmer) comb. nov. Grewia banahaensis Elmer Lead. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 319. Arbuscula glabra vel subglabra, circiter 3 m alta; foliis alternis, glabris vel subglabris, lanceolatis vel oblongo-lanceolatis, 7 ad 13 cm longis, nitidis, membranaceis vel submembranaceis, apice caudato-acu- minatis, ■ basi obtusis vel subrotundatis, minute glanduloso-punctatis, subtus in axillis glandulosis ; nervis utrinque 5, ascendentibus, prominen- tibus; floribus axillaribus, solitariis, pedicellatis ; petalis orbicularibus vel ovato-orbicularibus, pubescentibus, circiter 2 mm longis, liberis; staminibus 10, 5-adelpbis, basi in annulo connatis; staminoideis ex- terioribus nullis, interioribus 5, brevibus, phalangibus alternantibus ; ovario 3-loculare; fructibus ovoideis vel obovoideis, glabris, rugosis, 3- vel abortu 2- vel 1-locularibus, loculicide debiscentibus, loculis 1-spermis; seminibus ovoideis, glabris, leviter compressis, nitidis, circiter 1.3 cm longis, arillatis. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Lucban, Elmer 7569, May, 1906, type number: Province of Laguna, Santa Maria Mavitac, For. Bur. 10069 Curran, February, 1908; Mabalucbaluc Pass, Bur. Sci. 601/Jf Robinson, March, 1908. The first representative of the genus to be found in the Philippines, and erroneously described by Mr. Elmer as a Grewia, of the Tilaceae. The species strongly resembles the Malayan Leptonychia heteroclita (Roxb.) Kurz., but differs in the total absence of the external row of staminodes. GUTTIFEEJE. CALOPHYLLUM Linn. Calophyllum auriculatum sp. nov. § Apetalum. Arbor circiter 20 m alta, glabra, gemmis ferrugineo-puberulis exceptis, ramis teretibus, griseis, ramulis crassiusculis, in sicco valde angulatis sul- catisque; foliis subsessilibus vel breviter petiolatis, coriaceis, nitidis, oblongo-ellipticis vel oblongo-obovatis, apice obtusis vel rotundatis, rariter subacutis, basi distincte auriculatis. Inflorescentiis axillaribus, solitariis 292 MERRILL. vel binis, glabris, folia multo brevioribus, floribus paucis, umbellato- raeemosis, longe pedicellatis; fructibus ellipsoideis vel ovoideis, circiter 2 cm longis, in sicco rugosis. A tree about 20 m high, glabrous throughout except the terminal buds which are densely femiginous-puberulent. Branches terete, light-gray, the branchlets stout, gray or yellowish, strongly angled and sulcate. Leaves subsessile or very shortly petioled, coriaceous, shining, oblong- elliptic to oblong-obovate, 14 to 18 cm long, 4 to 7 cm wide, the apex obtuse, rounded, or rarely subacute, the base distinctly auricled, the lower surface paler than the upper, the midrib impressed on the upper surface, very prominent beneath, the lateral nerves very numerous, more distinct on the upper surface than on the lower; petioles none, or very stout and less than 3 mm long. Inflorescence axillary, solitary or in pairs, rarely more than 3-flowered, the flowers umbellately disposed at the apex of the peduncle which is 1 to 1.5 cm long or less, the pedicels slender, 1 to 2 cm long, elongated in fruit. Buds globose. Sepals 4. Petals none. Stamens indefinite. Fruit ovoid or ellipsoid, about 2 cm long, rugose when dry, the pedicels in fruit frequently 4 cm in length. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Sax River, Williams 2339 (type), February 20, 1905, Copeland 161 7, February, 1905: Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 1019, May, 1907. Basilan, For. Bur. 6126 Hutchinson, July, 1906. A species much resembling Calophyllum venulosum Zoll. of Java, differing especially in its shorter petioles, the auriculate bases of the leaves, and the terminal buds only puberulent, not sericeous. CRATOXYLON Blume. 1. Petals inappendiculate § Ancistrolobus. 2. Flowers in axillary, short, few-flowered cymes 1. C. chinense 2. Flowers in terminal, often leafy panicles. 3. Leaves distinctly petioled, lanceolate or rarely oblong-lanceolate, gradually narrowed at both ends ; panicles ample 2. C. celebicum 3. Leaves shortly petioled or subsessile; oval to elliptic, or oblong-ovate, base usually broad, rounded, often subcordate; panicles usually small. 3. C. blancoi 1. Petals with a basal squamule; flowers in few-flowered, axillary cymes. § Tui- desmis 4. C. formosum , 1. Cratoxylon chinense (Retz.) comb. nov. Hypericum chinense Retz. Obs. 5 (1789) 27. Hypericum cochinchinensc Lour. FI. Cochinch. (1790) 472. Hypericum biflorum Lam. Encycl. 4 (1797) 170. Ancistrolobus liyistrinus Spach Suit. Buff. 5 (1836) 358. Cratoxylon polyanthum Korth. Verhandl. Nat. Geschied. Bot. (1839-42) 175, t. 36; Dyer in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 1 (1874) 257; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 1- (1859) 516; Forbes & Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 23 (1886) 74. Cratoxylon Jiyustrinum Blume Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 16. Cratoxylon biflorum Turcz. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 361 (1863) 580. Culion, Merrill Jj54. Southern China to Burma, the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. NEW OK NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 293 This species is rather variable, and is apparently rare in the Philippines, although it has previously been reported from the Archipelago by both A idal and F.-Villar. What is apparently the earliest valid name is here adopted, as Britten 10 shows that the part of the volume of Lamack’s work containing the description of Hypericum biflorum really appeared in the year 1797, and not in 1789, the date given on the title page. 2. Cratoxylon celebicum Blume Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 16; Merr. in For. Bur. (Philip.) Bull. 1 (1903) 39. Ancistrolobus floribundus Turcz. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 3 11 (1858) 382. Cratoxylon floribundum F.-A ill. Nov. App. (1880) 10; V id. Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 95, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 92; Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1900) Suppl. 96. Cratoxylon polyanthum F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 15, non North. Cratoxylon sumatranum Naves in Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 3, pi. 308, non Blume. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, For. Bur. 521,6, .11316, 11312, 12210 Klemme: Province of Ilocos Norte, Cuming 1221, type number of Ancistrolobus floribundus Turcz.: Province of Benguet, Elmer 6061: Province of Pangasinan, Cuming 965, Merrill s. n. : Province of Nueva Ecija, For. Bur. 81/34 Curran: Province of Zam- bales, Merrill 2111, 2928, Bur. Sci. 2593 Foxworthy, For. Bur. 6922 Curran, For. Bur. 857 Maule: Province of Laguna, Hallier, Elmer: Province of llizal, For. Bur. 1157 Ahern’s collector, Merrill 1689, 2823: Province of Bataan, For. Bur. 6292 Curran, For. Bur. 1601, 2713, 3035 Borden, Whitford 27, Merrill 3152, Williams 102: Province of Bulacan, For. Bur. 7183 Curran, Yoder 209, For. Bur. 11173 Aguilar: Manila, Ahern 728: Province of Tayabas, For. Bur. 6039 Kobbe, Merrill 2609, For. Bur. 107 1,1, Curran: Province of Albay, For. Bur. 1056S Curran. Mindoro, For. Bur. 1,071, 11390 Merritt. Mindanao, District of Davao, Williams 2790, DeVore d Hoover 165, 169, Copeland 883: Province of Surigao, Ahern 358: Agusan Valley, For. Bur. 7591, Hutchinson. A species widely distributed in the Philippines, and somewhat variable, in some forms approaching Cratoxylon blancoi Blume, but usually readily distin- guished from that species by its much narrower, ditferently shaped leaves, and larger panicles. It is well represented by Naves’ plate, cited above. Cratoxylon floribundum (Turcz.) F.-Vill., appears to be in all respects identical with G. celebicum Blume, and is accordingly here reduced. The wood is considerably utilized in the manufacture of charcoal, the common name for charcoal, uling, appearing in most of the native names. Common names: T., Guyong-guyong ; Cag., Uttu; Zamb., Panagulingon ; V. (Surigao), Ulingon; Manobo (Agusan Valley), TJlingun. Celebes. 3. Cratoxylon blancoi Blume Mus. Bat. Ludg.-Bat. 2 (1852) 17; \ id. Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 95, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 51; Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 96. Hypericum olympicum Blanco FI. Filip. (1837 ) 613; ed. 2 (1845) 429, ed. 3, 2:416, non Linn. Ancistrolobus micradenius Turcz. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 3 11 (1858) 382. Cratoxylon micradenium F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 16. Cratoxylon arborescens Vid. Cat. PI. Prov. Manila (1880) 17, Sinopsis Atlas (1883) t. 10, f. A.; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 16, non Blume. Cratoxylon sumatranum F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 16, non Blume. Cratoxylon hornschuchii Naves in Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 3, pi. 251,, non North. I# Journ. Bot. 44 (1906) 319. 294 MERRILL. Luzox, Province of Ilocos Sur, For. Bur. 7107 Klemmc : Province of Benguet, Elmer 61,55: Province of Pangasinan, Merrill 2866, small form: Province of Bu- lacan, For. Bur. 7165 Curran : Province of Rizal, For. Bur. 5192 Curran: Prov- ince of Bataan, For. Bur. 11,78 Ahern’s collector: Province of Tayabas, Cuming 700: Province of Camarines, Ahern 31, 828, For. Bur. 101,22: Province of Albay, For. Bur. 10582 Curran. Bohol, Cuming 1822, type number of Ancistrolobus micradcnius Turcz. Masrate, For. Bur. 991 Clark. Negros, For. Bur. 12339 Everett. -Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Ahern 655; Lake Lanao, Mrs. Clem- ens 1,61,. Basilan, Hallier s. n. Like the preceding species widely distributed in the Philippines, and even more variable than that, approaching it in some forms. The extreme form can, however, be readily distinguished by its broader, differently shaped leaves, which are broad, rounded, and biauriculate at the base, and very short petioled. It is unquestionably the form described by Blanco as Hypericum olympicum , on which Blume based his Cratoxylon blancoi, although it is probable that Blanco included both this, and the more common C. celcbicum in his species. Cratoxylon blancoi Blume is undoubtedly very closely allied to C. hornschuchii Blume. Common names: T., Guyong-guyong, Cansilay; II., Pang., Baringcocoron ; B., Saling-gogon; V., Oringon, Pagalingan. Endemic. Aar. apiculatum var. nov. Differt a typo foliis minoribus, 4 ad G cm longis, anguste obovatis, basi angustatis, apice latis, abrupte breviter apiculato-acuminatis. Guimaras, Buena Vista, For. Bur. 31 Gammill, August, 1903, V., Cansilay. 4. Cratoxylon formosum (Jack) Dyer in Ilook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 1 (1874) 258; Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 95, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 52, Sinopsis Atlas (1883) t. 10, f. B; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 16. Elodea formosa Jack in Hook. Journ. Bot. 1 (1834) 374. Tridesmis ochnoides Spach Suit. Buff. 5 (1836) 358. Hypericum aegyptium Blanco Fl. Filip. (1837) 615; ed. 2 (1845) 430; ed. 3, 2:418, non Linn. Luzon, Province of Zambales, For. Bur. 6959 Curran, Merrill 2115, 2950: Province of Bulacan, For. Bur. 11169 Aguilar: Province of Laguna, Bur. Sci. 2385 Foxworthy: Province of Rizal, For. Bur. 1,81, 2879 Ahern’s collector, Merrill 1710, 2638: Province of Tayabas, Elmer 9109, For. Bur. 10276 Curran, Me> till 399). Culion, Merrill 581,. Guimaras, For. Bur. 283 Gammill. Leyte, Cuming 1751,. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, For. Bur. 9339 Whitford to 10 cm long, 2.5 to 5.5 cm wide, entire, the apex shortly and obtusely acuminate, the base acute, margins slightly recurved, shining on both sui laces, nerves 5 or (> on each side ot the midrib, slender, not prominent, ascending, anastomosing, the reticulations lax; petioles 4 to (5 mm long. Racemes axillary, solitary or in pairs, 3 to 5 cm long, the pedicels about 1.5 cm long, articulated with the calyx. Calyx-tube short, the lobes broadly ovate, obtuse, 1.5 to 2 mm long, each lobe gland-tipped. Corolla pink, cylindric, 10 to 11 mm long, about 5 mm. in diameter, slightly inflated in the midle, the lobes erect, ovate, obtuse, 1.5 to 2 mm long. Stamens 10; filaments 4 to 5 mm long, white-villous; anthers 3 mm long, scaberulous, not awned, the apex produced into two short, broad, funnel- shaped divergent tubes, opening by terminal, orbicular pores. Disk prominent eremite-undulate ; style 1 cm long. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Dali say River, For. Bur. 18466 Alvarez, March. 1909, in forests, altitude about 650 in. Probably most closely allied to Vaccinium barandanum Vid, and V. benguetense Vid., but quite distinct from both. NEW Oil NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 305 DIOSPYROS Linn. Diospyros ahernii sp. nov. Arbor glabra inflorescentiis fructibusque exceptis; ramis pallidis, griseis vol brunneis; foliis subcoriaceis, oblongis, 1(5 ad 20 cm longis, a])ice acuminatis, basi aeutis vel leviter acuminatis, in sicco brunneis, utrinque nitidis, nervis utrinque circiter 8, prominentibus, anastomosan- tilms, nervis reticulisque densis, validis; inflorescentiis femineis axilla- ribus, racemosis, pubescentibus ; fructibus ut videtur globosis, circiter 5 cm diametro, obtusis vel apiculatis, extus densissime ferrugineo-velutinis vel pubescentibus, calycis lobis 4, accrescentibus, plus minus connatis, dense ferrugineo-pubescentibus, patulis vel reflexis, vix imbricatis, acuminatis, 1 ad 1.5 cm longis. A tree, glabrous except the infloresence. Branches usually pale, light- gray or brownish, glabrous, the ultimate branchlets sometimes somewhat ferruginous-pubescent. Leaves subcoriaceous, oblong, 1C> to 20 cm long, 4.5 to 7 cm wide, glabrous and shining on both surfaces, usually brown when dry, the apex distinctly acuminate, base acute or somewhat acu- minate; nerves about 8 on each side of the midrib, distinct, anastomosing, the secondary nerves and reticulations distinct, close. Flowers unknown, but the pistillate inflorescence axillary, racemose, densely pubescent, the racemes in fruit 1.5 to 3 cm long, usually bearing but one or two fruits, the pedicels stout, about 5 mm long. Fruit apparently globose, about 5 cm in diameter, rounded or apiculate, outside densely ferruginous- velvety when young, pubescent when old, about 5-cel led. Calyx per- sistent, accrescent, spreading in young fruits, reflexed in mature ones, 3 to 4 cm in diameter, 4-lobed, the lobes united for the lower third, ovate, coriaceous, acuminate, 1 to 1.5 cm long, densely ferruginous-pubescent. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 3071 Ahern's collector. May, 1905; Pilea, Bur. Bci. 3208 Ramos, June, 1907, both with immature fruits: Province of Tayabas, Lucban, Elmer 0110, May, 1907, distributed as Diospyros discolor Willd. A very distinct species, possibly allied to D. discolor Willd., but at once distin- guished by its glabrous leaves and its connate acuminate calyx-lobes which are not at all imbricate but spreading or reflexed, while its geneial appearance is quite different from Wildenow’s species. The specimen collected by Elmer prob- ably had nearly mature fruits, but the sheet before me has only some fragments of the fruit, so that it is impossible to give a full description at the present time. It is known in Rizal Province as Talon g-guhat. Diospyros buxifolia (Blume) Hiern Monog. Eben. (1873) 218. Leucoxylum buxifolium • Blume Bijdr. (1826) 1169; Choisy Mem. Ternstr. (1855) 43, t. 2; Miq. FI. Tnd. Bat. 2 (1858) 1050. Diospyros microphylla Bedd. Ic. PI. Ind. Or. (1871) 27, t. 133; Clarke in Hook, f. FI. Brit. Ind. 3 (1882) 559; King & Gamble in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 74-’ (1905) 210. 306 MERRILL. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 9435 Whitford tC- Hutchinson, February, 1908. The specimen is sterile but agrees closely with the description, with material from Java, and fairly well with specimens from Singapore. New to the Philip- pines. Southern India to the Malay Peninsula, Andaman Islands, Sumatra, Java, and Borneo. Diospyros curran ii nom. nov. § Paralea. Diospyros reticulata Elm. Lead. Philip. Bot. 2 (1908) 506, non Willd. nec. Sieber, nec Wall. Arbor glabra vel subglabra, 7 ad 20 m alta; ramis teretibus, griseis vel brunneis, glabris, vel junioribus plus minus pubescentibus; foliis glabris, lanceolatis, elliptico-lanceolatis vel oblongo-lanceolatis, 10 ad 18 cm longis, 2.5 ad 5 cm latis, basi acutis vel acuminatis, apice acuminatis, subcoriaceis, nervis utrinque 9 ad 15, anastomosantibus, nervulis reticulis- que prominentibus; floribus masculinis 4- rariter 5-meris, in cymulis brevibus axillaribus dispositis, staminibus circiter 18; floribus femineis axillaribus, solitariis vel fasciculatis, 4- meris, pubescentibus, calycis lobis ovatis, reflexis, accrescentibus ; ovario 3- vel 4-loculare; fructibus ovoideis, 1.5 cm longis. A tree 7 to 20 m high, glabrous or nearly so. Branches glabrous, terete, brownish or grayish, the branchlets sometimes somewhat ferrugi- nous-pubescent. Leaves lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate or oblong-lance- olate, 10 to 18 cm long, 2.5 to 5 cm wide, chartaceous to subcoriaceous, shining, pale, greenish or yellowish when dry, entire, the base acute or somewhat acuminate, eglandular, the apex acuminate; nerves 9 to 15 on each side of the midrib, anastomosing, rather distinct but scarcely more prominent than are the secondary nerves and rather dense reticula- tions; petioles 1.5 cm long or less, sometimes as short as 0.5 cm. Stami- nate flowers in short, axillary, solitary or fascicled, 1 to 2 cm long cymes, which are slightly pubescent. Calyx lobes 4, rarely 5, ovate to broadly ovate, acute or acuminate, about 1.5 mm long, with short, appressed, scattered, black hairs; stamens about 18, 2-seriate, inserted on the base of the corolla; filaments 1 to 1.5 mm long; anthers lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, nearly 2 mm long; corolla (immature) 5 mm long, the outside with black appressed hairs. Pistillate flowers axillary, solitary or fasci- cled, shortly pedicellate, the pedicels and calyx somewhat ferruginous- pubescent : calyx-lobes 4, nearly free, ovate, about 7 mm long, 5 mm wide, obtuse, subfoliaceous, the margins reflexed, the base subcordate, somewhat accrescent and persistent in fruit; corolla about 6 m long, the lobes ovate, 3 mm wide, slightly united below; staminodes about 10; ovary narrowly ovoid, ferruginous-pubescent; style short, 2-cleft. Fruit ovoid, 1.5 cm long, when young more or less ferruginous-pubescent, ultimately glabrous, the calyx-lobes somewhat accrescent, their margins reflexed. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 10034 Curran, February, 1908; Antipolo, Merrill 1654, 2675 March, June, 1903, For. Bur. 443 Ahern’s collector, NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 307 April, 1904, Bur. Sci. 2192 Ramos, March, 1907: Province of Tayabas, Guina- yangan, Merrill 2029 ; Lucban, Elmer 92^1 (type) ; Atimonan, For. Bur. 6623 Reyes, For. Bur. 1029 4, 10662 Curran: Province of Camarines, Mount Isarog, For. Bur. 101f52 Curran: Province of Sorsogon, For. Bur. 5165 Bridges. Marin- duque, For. Bur. 12182 Rosenbluth. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens, June, 1906: District of Davao, Santa Cruz, Williams 2861. In the above description the chief additions to that given by Mr. Elmer are of the staminate and pistillate flowers, as the type of the species, Elmer 92^1, was with fruit only, although nearly all the above specimens have long been available for description. Many of the specimens cited above have abnormal, much-branched, often leafy inflorescences, probably due to the work of some insect : these abnormal inflorescences apparently never bear normal flowers. Similar ones are found in Canarium , the form of G. villosum described by Engler as C. luxurians var. monstrosum, and in some species of Eugenia. Local names given for this species are Malagaitmon, Alinao, Anang, Bolongeta, Panigilman, and Bagnito, many of which are also applied to other species of the genus, although of the above, Malagaitmon seems to be rather consistently applied to the present species. Diospyros everettii sp. nov. Arbor glabra vel subglabra; foliis oblongis vel oblongo-lanceolatis, sub- coriaceis, in sicco brunneis, usque ad 15 cm longis, apice acuminatis, basi late rotundatis subcordatisque, nervis utrinque cireiter 10, ascendentibus, anastomosantibus, reticulis laxis ; floribus femineis fasciculatis, axillari- bus, sessilibus, 4-meris, cireiter 22 mm longis, calycis lobis lanceolatis; staminodeis glabris, 4; ovario dense hirsuto. A tree glabrous or subglabrous. Branches dark-colored, glabrous. Leaves alternate, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, subcoriaceous, brownish when dry especially beneath, the upper surface dull, the lower slightly shining, glabrous, the apex acuminate, the base rather broad, rounded and subcordate, 8 to 15 cm long, 2.5 to 4.5 cm wide; nerves about 10 on each side of the midrib, ascending, attenuate-anastomosing, the reticula- tions lax; petioles stout, about 3 mm long. Pistillate flowers axillary, sessile, fascicled, just before opening 22 mm long. Calyx cleft nearly to the base into four, lanceolate, spreading, acute or acuminate lobes 7 to 8 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, their margins slightly ciliate. Corolla salver- shaped, the tube cylindric, 9 mm long, 4 mm thick below and slightly contracted above, inside glabrous, outside with very few long hairs ; lobes 4, spreading, elliptic-oblong, 12 mm long, 6 mm wide. Staminodes 4, their filaments 2.5 mm long, the anther-like portion 1.5 mm long, glabrous. Ovary densely covered with very stiff, 2 to 3 mm long, brown- ish hairs; style stout, cylindric, 6 mm long, pubescent, 4-cleft at the apex. The ovary is apparently 8- or 10-celled. Negros, Mount Silay, For. Bur. 7 261 Everett, May 9, 1907, in ridge forests at an altitude of about 650 m. A species apparently belonging to the section Ermellinus, and is well charac- terized by its leaves being rounded and subcordate at the base, and by its comparatively large, axillary, fascicled, 4-merous flowers, and the very numerous, stiff, brown hairs that entirely cover the ovary. MERRILL. 308 Diospyros foveo-reticulata sp. nov. Arbor inflorescentiis fructibusque exceptis glabra, circiter 20 m alta; loliis subcoriaceis vel coriaceis, oblongis, elliptico-oblongis vel oblongo- lanceolatis, usque ad 30 cm longis, utrinque nitidis, dense foveo-reticu- latis, subtus pallidioribus, basi 2-glandulosis, acuminatis, basi acutis, rariter rotundatis; fructibus axillaribus, solitariis, pedunculatis, ovoideis vol subglobosis, 8- vel 10-locellatis junioribus 2 ad 2.5 cm diametro, palli- dis, ferrugineo-pubescentibus, pericarpio coriaceo; calycis lobis 4, reflexis, ovatis, crasBis, acutis vel obtusis, utrinque ferrugineo-pubescentibus, circiter 8 mm longis. A glabrous tree, except the inflorescence and fruits, about 20 m high. Branches dark-colored, terete, the branchlets paler, sometimes yellowish, glabrous or minutely puberulent. Leaves alternate, subcoriaceous or coriaceous, oblong, elliptic-oblong, or oblong-lanceolate, rather pale when dry, frequently yellowish, 15 to 30 cm long, 4 to 9 cm wide, glabrous, shining on both surfaces and densely foveolate-reticulate, file apex short- acuminate, the base acute, sometimes rounded, the lower surface near, the base with a rather prominent gland on each side of the midrib; primary lateral nerves 1(> to 12 on each side of the midrib, indistinct, faintly anastomosing; petioles 1 to 1.5 cm long. Fruit (immature) axillary, solitary, ovoid or subglobose, 2 to 2.5 cm in diameter, pale, the pericarp crustaceous, thin, deciduouslv ferruginous-pubescent, 8- or 10- celled, the calyx persistent, accrescent, 4-lobed, the tube very short, the lobes ver\ thick, crustaceo-coriaceous, ovate, reflexed, about 8 mm long and nearly as wide, acute or obtuse, densely ferruginous-pubescent on both sides. Luzon, Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 29, 278 (type), 790, January to .Line, 1 1)02, the last two with immature fruits; Lupi, For. Bur. 107X0 Curran, July, i908, sterile. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 90(12 Whit ford 4 Hutchinson. December, 1907; San Ramon, Hallier s. n., Feb- ruary, 1904, with immature fruits. this species is well characterized by its densely foveolate-reticulate leaves which are prominently 2-gIandular on the lower surface near the base, and by its thickned, ovate, reflexed, 4-lobed calyx which is densely ferruginous-pubescent, as are the young fruits. The plants under Ahern’s name, cited above, were erroneously distributed as Diospyros discolor, to which the present species is not closely allied. It is known in the Camarines as Alahan, and at Port Banga as Palo negro. The section is undeterminable from the material available. Diospyros inclusa sp. nov. Arbor glabra, circiter 15 m alta; foliis coriaceis vel subcoriaceis, oblongis vel elliptico-oblongis, glabris, nitidis, apice breviter obtuse acumi- natis, basi acutis, circiter 9 cm longis, eglandulosis, nervis utrinque circiter 7, vix distinctis, reticulato-anastomosantibus; fructibus axillari- bus, solitariis, pedunculatis, depresso-globosis, nigris, apiculatis, glabris vel parce adpresso-hirsutis, 1 cm diametro, circiter 8-locellatis, ealyce accrescente, ellipsoideo, crasso, lenticellato, nigro, glabro, breviter 4- vel 5-lobato inclusis. NEW Oil NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 309 A glabrous tree about 15 m high. Branches terete, light-gray, glab- rous, shining, somewhat striate when dry, the hranchlets dark-colored, their tips slightly pubescent. Leaves coriaceous or subcoriaceous, oblong or elliptic-oblong, glabrous, shining on both surfaces, 7 to 1<> cm long, 3 to 4.5 cm wide, the apex shortly and obtusely acuminate, the base acute, eglandular; primary lateral nerves about 7 on each side of the midrib, not very distinct, irregular, anastomosing, tbe secondary ones and reticula- tions nearly as prominent; petioles black, glabrous, about 6 mm long. Flowers unknown. Fruits axillary, solitary, on stout, 3 to 4 mm long peduncles which are usually spreading, sometimes recurved, quite inclosed by the accrescent calyx, including the calyx ellipsoid or ovoid, 1.5 to 2 cm long. Calyx black, glabrous, shining, lenticellate, thickly crustaceous, inside pubescent, the apex shortly and obscurely 4- or 5-lobed, the opening at the top about 6 mm in diameter. Fruit free from the calyx except at the base, depressed-globose, black, shining, glabrous or with few appressed hairs, -about 1 cm in diameter, apex apiculate, usually 8-celled. Masbate, Aroroy, Whitford 1682, October, 1900, on hillsides at an altitude of about 240 m. Locally known as Bantolinao. A most characteristic species, recognizable by its accrescent, ellipsoid or ovoid, crustaceous, lenticellate calyx which entirely incloses the fruit, except for the small opening at the apex. The section is uncertain, as flowers are necessary to determine it. Diospyros mindanaensis sp. nov. § Melonia. Arbor glabra 15 ad 25 m alta ; foliis oblongis vel oblongo-laneeolatis, coriaceis vel subcoriaceis, glabris, nitidis, apice acuminatis, basi rotun- datis, acutis vel leviter acuminatis, usque ad 25 cm longis; floribus femineis racemosis, racemis axillaribus, paucifloris, calycibus breviter 4-dentatis; fructibus globosis, vel depresso-globosis, eireiter 4 cm diametro, 4-locellatis, glabris, nitidis, calycibus accrescent i bus persistentibus, crasse coriaceis, reflexis, tubo acuminate 4-angulato, breviter 4-dentato ; semini- bus osseis, albumine ruminato. A glabrous or subglabrous tree, 15 to 25 m high. Branches terete, glabrous, dark-gray. Leaves alternate, coriaceous or subcoriaceous, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 10 to 25 cm long, 4 to 8 cm wide, glabrous, the upper surface shining, the lower somewhat paler, dull, apex acuminate, base rounded, acute or sometimes slightly acuminate, eglandular; nerves 10 to 13 on each side of the midrib, rather distinct beneath, somewhat arched-ascending, anastomosing, the secondary nerves distinct, the re- ticulations fairly dense; petioles stout, 1 to 1.5 cm long. Pistillate flowers 4-merous, in axillary, solitary, few-flowered racemes, the racemes (when young), about 2 cm long, glabrous or with few, scattered, appressed hairs. Calyx cup-shaped, shortly 4-toothed. Fruit globose or depressed- globose, 3 to 4.5 cm in diameter, glabrous, shining, yellowish wdten mature, the pericarp crustaceous, thick, 8-celled, 8-seeded, the seeds ellipsoid, somewhat compressed, 2 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, brown outside, 310 MERRILL. the albumen bony, ruminate. The persistent calyx is accrescent, thickly coriaceous, glabrous, reflexed, forming an acuminately 4-angled tube 1 to 1.5 cm long, and diagonally 2 to 2.5 cm in diameter, with four short, acute or acuminate teeth, one at each corner. The side-walls of the calyx-tube are concave, so that the apex of the reflexed calyx-tube is formed of four lobes radiating from the center to the corners of the tube. The peduncle is about 2 cm long in mature fruits. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 91,53 (type), 9115 Whitford d Hutchinson, January, February, 1908, with mature fruits. Basilan, San Rafael, For. Bur. 6098 Hutchinson, January, 1907, with mature fruits. Ne- gros, Gimagaan River, For. Bur. 1,21,3, 1,269 Everett, April, May, 1906, the former with abnormal inflorescence, the latter with immature flowers; Cadiz, For. Bur. 1,309 Everett, For. Bur. 11,01 Danao, June 1906, 1907, the former with abnormal inflorescence, the latter sterile. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Guina- yangan, Merrill 2001 March, 1903, with immature fruits. This species is well characterized by its comparatively large, 8-celled, 8-seeded fruits, its ruminated albumen, and especially by its persistent calyx which forms an acuminately 4-angled, reflexed tube. It is apparently allied to the Bornean Diospyros korthalsiana Hiern, but lias much larger leaves, and a quite different calyx-tube. In some respects it resembles D. subrigida Hochr., but is quite distinct from that species. Like D. curranii Merr. this species frequently has an abnormal, densely much branched inflorescence, apparently due to the work of insects. It is known in Negros as Ata-ata, in Tayabas as Anang, and in Basilan as Bolongita. Diospyros montana Roxb. PI. Coromend. 1 (1795) 37, t. 1,8 ; Hiern Monog. Eben. (1873) 220. Luzon, Province of Nueva Ecija, near Cabanatuan, Bur. Sci. 5266 McGregor, September, 1908. A species not previously found in the Philippines, the above specimen agreeing rather closely with the form considered by Hiern as the variety cordifolia, except that the leaves are not cordate. India to the Moluccas and northern Australia. Var. parva var. nov. Differt a typo foliis multo minor i bus, 1 ad 2.5 cm longis, subtus dense molliter pubescentibus ; fructibus globosis, junioribus 8 mm diametro, glabris, nigris, apiculatis, 8-locellatis ; calycis lobis accrescentibus, re- trorsis. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, Badoc, For. Bur. 13953 Merritt d Darling, November, 1908, on rocky hillsides at an altitude of about 65 m. II., Antinagam. Well characterized by its small densely pubescent leaves; additional material may show it to be worthy of specific rank. Diospyros phanerophlebia sp. nov. Arbor 5 ad 10 m alta, glabra, inflorescentiis exceptiis ; foliis crasse coriaceis, oblongis vel oblongo-lanceolatis, nitidis, basi acutis, subtus 2-glandulosis, apice obtusis vel leviter obtuso-acuminatis, usque ad 20 cm longis; nervis utrinque 8 ad 10, subtus prominentibus, elevatis. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 311 curvato-ascendentibus, anastomosantibus, reticulis laxis, prominentibus, elevatis; petiolo crasso, 1 ad 1.5 cm longo ; fructibus ovoideis vel depresso- globosis, solitariis vel binis in axillis defoliatis, in sicco nigris, glabris, nitidis, 1.5 ad 1.8 cm diametro, 8-locellatis, locellis monospermis. A tree 5 to 10 m high, glabrous except the inflorescence. Branches terete, grayish, the younger ones slender, black, dark-brown, or oliva- ceous, smooth. Leaves thickly coriaceous, oblong, oblong-lanceolate, rarely lanceolate, 15 to 20 cm long, 4 to 8 cm wide, of about the same color on both surfaces or the lower slightly paler, the upper shining, the apex obtuse or slightly and obtusely acuminate, the base acute, margins often slightly revolute, the lower surface with a distinct gland at the base on each side of the petiole; primary nerves 8 to 10 on each side of the midrib, very prominent on the lower surface, elevated, curved- ascending, anastomosing, the primary reticulations lax, nearly as prom- inent as the nerves, the ultimate reticulations less distinct; petioles stout, black when dry, 1 to 1.5 cm long. Flowers unknown. Fruit solitary or in pairs in the axils of fallen leaves, subsessile, numerous, ovoid or depressed-globose, 1.5 to 1.8 cm in diameter, black and shining when dry, glabrous, the apex slightly apiculate, 8-celled, each cell with a single seed. Calyx accrescent, closely appressed to the base of the fruit, more or less pubescent outside, densely so within, nearly square and subtruncate, or with four short, broad teeth, 1.2 to 1.5 cm wide at the top. Seeds about 8 mm long, 5 mm wide, compressed, brown, shining, smooth, the albumen not ruminate. Type specimen collected by II. M. Curran, For. Bur. 10993, District of Bon toe, Luzon, January, 1909, locally known as Aliuac. I am disposed to refer to it also the following specimens, all from Luzon: Province of Bulacan, For. Bur. 7172 Curran, June, 1907 : Province of Bizal, San Mateo, For. Bur. 181/7 Ahern’s col- lector; Merrill 236, Decades Philippine Forest Flora: Province of Laguna, Santa Maria Mavitac, For. Bur. 10052 Curran, locally known in the last three provinces as Canomoi. A species well characterized by its very prominent veins and reticulations, manifestly allied to Diospyros maritima Blume, and to D. canomoi A. DC., differing especially from the former in its much thicker leaves and very prominent nerves, and from the latter in being nearly glabrous throughout. Diospyros whitfordii sp. nov. Arbor circiter 18 m alta; ramulis junioribus densissime ferrugineo- pubescentibus ; foliis coriaceis vel subcoriaceis, oblongis vel elliptico- oblongis, 8 ad 18 cm longis, breviter acuminatis, basi rotundatis vel obtusis, utrinque nitidis, supra glabris, subtus glabris vel ad costa pubes- centibus; fructibus globoso-ovoideis, 5 cm diametro, extus nigris, plus minus pruinosis, glabris, in sicco plus minus reticulato-rugosis, pericarpio osseo vel ligneo; calycibus persistentibus, accrescentibus, 5-lobatis, 4.5 ad 5 cm diametro, crasse coriaceis, lobis triangulari-ovatis, acutis, vix reflexis, utrinque densissime ferrugineo-pubescentibus. MERRILL. 312 A tree about 1-8 m high. Branches glabrous, grayish-brown, some- times pruinose, the younger branehlets densely ferruginous-pubeseent. Leaves coriaceous or subcoriaceous, oblong or elliptic-oblong, 8 to 18 cm long, 3 to (> cm wide, the apex shortly acuminate, the base rounded or obtuse, both surfaces shining, the upper one glabrous, the lower glabrous or more or less pubescent on the midrib; nerves 6 to 8 on each side of the midrib, not very prominent, anastomosing, the secondary ones and the reticulations distinct on the lower surface, rather close; petioles S to 10 cm long, more or less pubescent. Fruit ovoid-globose, about 5 cm in diameter, the pericarp bony or woody, outside black, more or less pruinose, reticulate-rugose when drv, glabrous, the persistent, 5-lobed calyx appreseed to the base of the fruit, 4.5 to 5 cm in diameter, the lobes united for half their length, triangular-ovate, spreading, acute, thickly coriaceous or almost woody, both sides densely ferruginous- pubescent. The central portion of the calyx is depressed, the depression extending along the median portions of the lobes, while there are five prominent protuberances at the juncture of the lobes. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. liur. !)01!) Whitford, November, 1907, in fruit; Avala. For. liur. J,H1t Hutchinson, July, 1906, sterile. On forested ridges at an altitude of about 30 m, locally known as Camagon. The fruit is immature and is described by Whitford as green. OLACACE^E. LI NOCI ERA Swartz. Linociera acuminatissima sp. nov. Arbor glabra, circiter 9 m alta, ramis ramulisque teretibus, pallidis ; foliis coriaceis, nitidis, oblongo-ellipticis, basi acuminatis, apice valde caudato-acuminatis, margine plus minus recurvatis; inflorescentiis raee- mosis, axillaribus, racemis solitariis, paucifloris, 2 ad 3 cm longis; floribus circiter 4 mm longis. A tree, glabrous throughout, about 9 m high. Branches and branehlets slender, terete, pale-gray, sparingly lenticellate. Leaves opposite, coria- ceous, somewhat shining, oblong-elliptic, 8 to 12 cni long, 2.5 to 4 cm wide, olivaceous above when dry, brownish and paler beneath, the base somewhat acuminate, the apex rather strongly caudate-acuminate, the acumen 1.5 to 2 cm long, slender, narrowed upward, blunt, the margins somewhat recurved ; nerves about 7 on each side of the midrib, indistinct, distant, obscurely anastomosing, the reticulations obsolete; petioles 1 to 1.5 cm long. Kacemes axillary, solitary, 2 to 3 cm long, few-flowered, the pedicels stout, 1 to 4 mm long, the bracteoles narrowly oblong or lanceolate, obtuse or rarely acuminate, about 2 mm long. Calyx-lobes broadly ovate, acute, 1 mm long. Corolla-lobes lanceolate, obtuse, 4 mm long, somewhat connate below. Stamens 2, the filaments broad, short ; anthers elliptic, l mm long. Palawan, Ma lam pay a Bay, For. Bur. } 506, 7 Curran. June 21, 190G. Well characterized by its caudate-acuminate leaves. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 313 Linociera philippinensis nom. nov. Mayepea pallida Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (1906) 58. Linociera pallida Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 116, non K. Sell. Olea sp. Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 125; Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 181. The above change of name is necessitated because of the previous use of the name pallida for a different species of the same genus, by K. Schumann. I also include under this species the specimens referred by Vidal to Olea sp. in Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 125; Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 181, as the specimens cited appear to me to be Linociera and not Olea. Linociera philippinensis is represented by the following specimens: Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, For. Bur. 2792 Meyer, For. Bur. 2939 Borden, Whitford 11)2, Williams 569: Province of Rizal, Merrill 1835, 2670, For. Bur. 287 Jf Ahern’s collector, Bur. Sci. 1)57, 3356 Ramos: Province of Camarines Sur, Pasacao, Ahern U- Province of Zambales, For. Bur. 69 1/2 Curran. Mindoro, Pola, Merrill 2255. Guimaras, For. Bur. 26i, 280, 309 Gammill. Native names, T., Anatao, Malabocboc, Pul at ; V., Magubay, Cabating. APOCYNACE2E. A LI XI A Banks. Alyxia luzoniensis sp. nov. Frutex scandens, glabra; foliis oppositis, ternis, vel rariter quarternis, oblongis, ovato-oblongis, vel elliptico-oblongis, coriaceis, nitidis, usque ad 5 cm longis, apice breviter obtuse ac-uminatis, basi acutis, nervis laterali- bus subobsoletis ; cymis axillaribus, paucifloris, pedunculatis ; fructibus ellipsoideis, obtusis vel apiculatis, 1 ad 1.4 cm longis. A scandent shrub, glabrous throughout. Branches terete or slightly angled, brownish, rather slender. Leaves opposite, mostly ternate, or rarely quaternate, oblong, ovate-oblong, or elliptic-oblong, coriaceous, shin- ing, 2 to 5 cm long, 1 to 2 cm wide, the apex shortly and obscurely blunt- acuminate, the base acute, margins slightly recurved ; midrib prominent, the lateral nerves nearly obsolete, very slender ; petioles 1 to 2 mm long. Cymes axillary, solitary, few-flowered, the peduncles 1 to 1.5 cm long, the buds congested, calyx-segments about 1 mm long. Flowers unknown. Fruits ellipsoid, glabrous, obtuse or apiculate, 1 to 1.4 cm long, about 8 mm thick, very rarely the carpel is constricted in a moniliform manner, bearing above the constriction a second seed-bearing portion. Luzon, Province of llocos Norte, Mount Piao, For. Bur. 139 17, 13988 Merritt d Darling, altitude 1,000 m; Vintar, For. Bur. 139^5 Merritt & Darling: District of Bontoc, Bur. Sci. 7007 Ramos (type) : Province of Zambales, Mount Tapulao, For. Bur. 8069 Curran & Merritt, Bur. Sci. 5107 Ramos, altitude 2,000 m. This species is apparently most closely allied to Alyxia sinensis ( hamp., of southern China, but seems to be quite distinct from that, as well as from the previously described Philippine forms. It is apparently also closely allied to Alyxia parvifolia ( Gynopogon parvifolia Merr.), but has much larger and differently shaped leaves. It is at once distinguishable from A. monilifera Vidal by its very different fruit, and practically nerveless leaves. Like the other Philippine species of the genus dried specimens have a strong odor of cumarin. 85754 8 314 MERRILL. CHONEMORPHA G. Don. Chonemorpha elastica sp. nov. Frutex alte scandens, ramis ramulisque rubro-brunneis, glabris; fol i is membranaceis vel submembranaceis ovato-ellipticis vel obovato-ellipticis, 15 ad 20 cm longis, breviter acuminatis, basi rotundatis, subtus plus minus pilosis ; floribus albis, 2.5 ad 3 cm diametro; calycibus 5-partitis. A scandent shrub of large size. Branches and branchlets reddish- brown, glabrous, usually shining. Leaves opposite, membranaceous or submembranaceous, ovate-elliptic or obovate-elliptic, 15 to 20 cm long, 8 to 15 cm wide, entire, the base rather broad, rounded, the apex shortly acuminate, the upper surface glabrous, slightly shining, the lower surface slightly paler and somewhat pilose; petioles rather slender, 2.5 to 4 cm long; nerves about 10 on each side of the midrib, distinct on both surfaces, the reticulations very distinct beneath. Cymes terminal, few-flowered, about 6 cm long, glabrous or nearly so, the bracteoles more or less pubes- cent, about 3 mm long. Flowers white, fragrant, their pedicels slender, 1 cm long or less. Calyx 5-partite, the lobes oblong, somewhat acuminate, the margins above somewhat ciliate, about 5 mm long, 2 mm wide, united below. Corolla-tube 9 to 10 mm long, swollen and about 3 mm in diam- eter in the lower third, contracted above, glabrous outside, inside with reflexed hairs below the insertion of the stamens; lobes 5, obliquely obovate, spreading, about 15 cm long, 12 mm wide. Stamens 5, the fila- ments short, inserted at about the lower one-fourth of the tube; anthers narrowly-lanceolate, acuminate, 4 mm long, sagittate at the base. Disk entire, truncate, 1 mm high. Ovaries and style 4 mm long, the ovaries two, free, united by the style ; ovules many. Fruit unknown. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Dumanquilas Bay, Tigbalubu, For. liur. 12851 Hutchinson, May, 1908, in forests at an altitude of about 40 m: District of Davao, H. 8. Peabody , July, 1900, leaves only. Basilan, P. L. Sherman, July, 1903, leaves only; also reported from Mindanao and from Tawi-Tawi by Sherman. So far as is known at present this is the most important rubber producing vine in the Philippines. It is one of the two species considered by P. L. Sherman in his paper on “Gutta-Percha and Rubber in the Philippine Islands,” 12 and an illustration is given by him, 1. c. fig. 88, of leaf specimens collected on Basilan Island, this specimen, as well as the one collected by Mr. Peabody, cited above, were previously provisionally identified as Chonemorpha, but the determination could not be verified until flowering specimens were received. Mr. Sherman reports this vine from Mindanao, Basilan, and Tawi-Tawi, but states that only the natives of Tawi-Tawi understand the commercial value of the product, and that they gather the latex and mix it with gutta-percha. No information is at hand as to the amount exported, but it is probably very small. According to Mr. Sherman’s notes, the vine attains a length of from 150 to 200 feet, and a diameter of from 6 to 8 inches. Apparently allied to Chonemorpha griffithii Hook, f., of British India, especially in its deeply cleft calyx, but the branches not hispid. Without comparison with the type of Hooker’s species, it is impossible to give other differential characters, as Hooker’s description is too short and imperfect. 12 Publications of the Bureau of Government Laboratories, 7 (1903), 36-39. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 315 KICKXIA Blume. Kickxia merrittii sp. nov. Arbor glabra, 18 ad 20 m alta; foliis oppositis, subcoriaceis, oblongo- vel elliptico-lanceolatis, utrinque acuminatis, 7 ad 12 cm longis, usque ad 3.5 cm latis; floribus albis, axillaribus, solitariis vel binis, pedicellatis, 7 cm longis, corollae tubo 2.5 cm longo. A tree 18 to 20 m high, glabrous throughout. Branches terete, lenti- cellate, dark-reddish-brown, the branchlets slightly compressed. Leaves opposite, subc-oriaceous, oblong-lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, 7 to 12 cm long, 2 to 3.5 cm wide, entire, shining, the apex acuminate, acumen blunt, the base acuminate; nerves about 7 on each side of the midrib, beneath rather distinct and often reddish-brown; petioles 1 cm long or less. Flowers axillary, solitary or in pairs, white, about 7 cm long, the pedicels 2 cm long or less. Calyx-lobes oblong-ovate, acuminate, keeled, 5 mm long, 3 mm wide. Corolla-tube 2.5 cm long, narrow below, some- what inflated above, the lobes 5, about 4 cm long, 1.3 cm wide. Anthers about 7 mm long. Disk 2 mm long, truncate. Ovaries elongated, united by the style, the latter 8 mm long. Follicles (immature) cylindric, 8 cm long, about 2 cm thick, seeds spindle-shaped, long acuminate, about 4 cm long, the hairs brownish, 4 cm long. Mindoro, Ibalo River, For. Bur. IU188 Merritt, May 9, 1908, in mountain forests at 600 m altitude. Mang., Ayete. The second species of the genus to be found in the Philippines, distinguished from Kickxia blancoi Rolfe by its elongated corolla tube, and more acuminate leaves. OCHROSI A Juss. Ochrosia littoralis sp. nov. Arbor circiter 10 m alta, glabra; foliis ternis vel quaternis, membrana- ceis, late oblanceolatis, breviter obtuseque acuminatis, basi cuneatis, usque ad 8 cm longis; cymis axillaribus terminalibusque, 2 ad 3 cm longis; floribus circiter 1 cm longis; drupis 2.5 ad 4 cm longis, divergentibus, acuminatis, subcylindraceis, basi connatis. A tree about 10 m high, glabrous throughout. Branches slender, terete, reddish-brown. Leaves usually ternate, rarely quaternate, mem- branaceous, broadly oblanceolate, 6 to 8 cm long, 2 to 2.5 cm wide, shining, the apex shortly and obtusely acuminate, the base cuneate; nerves very numerous, parallel, not prominent; petioles 4 to 5 mm long, sometimes shorter. Cymes axillary and terminal, 2 to 3 cm long, the bracts and bracteoles ovate, 1 to 1.5 mm long. Flowers mostly at the apices of the branchlets, usually crowded. Calyx-lobes ovate to oblong- ovate, obtuse or acute, imbricate, about 2 mm long. Corolla-tube cylin- dric, slender, about 6 mm long, 1.5 mm in diameter, glabrous throughout, the lobes 5, narrow, about 4 mm long, overlapping to the right. Stamens inserted just above the middle of the tube; anthers lanceolate, acuminate, 1.3 mm long. Ovaries two, united at the base, and at the apex by the 2 316 MERRILL. mm long style; ovules 6 to 8 in each. Drupes united at the base, divari- cate, the pericarp bony, the mesocarp corky, subcylindric, 2.5 to 4 cm long, 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter, somewhat acuminate; seeds 6 to 8 in each drupe, 3 or 4 on each side of the placenta, compressed, orbicular, 4 to 6 mm in diameter. Luzon, Province of Batangas, Malabrigo, For. Bur. 775) Curran if- Merritt, November, 1907, along the seashore. A species well characterized by its ternate leaves, short cymes, and subcylindric, somewhat acuminate drupes, which are not flattened on the inner surface, and by its unusually large number of seeds. The first species of the genus to be found in the Philippines. RAU WOLFIA Linn. Rauwolfia samarensis sp. nov. Arbor glabra, circiter 8 m alta; foliis quarternis, oblougo-ellipticis, breviter acuteque acuminatis vel acutis, chartaceis, circiter 20 cm longis, 6 cm latis, nervis utrinque 30 ad 35; pedunculis e axillis terminalibus, superne umbellatis; baccis ellipsoideis, atropurpureis, circiter 1.5 cm longis, pericarpio carnoso. A tree about 8 m high, glabrous throughout. Branches light-gray, stout, the leaf-scars very prominent. Leaves in whorls of four, oblong- elliptic, 13 to 20 cm long, 4 to 7 cm wide, the apex shortly and sharply acuminate or acute, the base acute or slightly decurrcnt-acuminate, char- taceous, shining, the lower surface paler than the upper; primary nerves 30 to 35 on each side of the midrib, distinct, the intermediate secondary ones evident; petioles 1.5 to 3 cm long. Inflorescence from the terminal axils, the peduncles in anthesis about 5 cm long, in fruit elongated and the panicle ultimately about as long as the leaves, the branches umbellately arranged at the apex of the peduncle. Flowers white, umbellately dis- posed, the pedicles 1 to 2 mm long. Calyx 3 mm long, the lobes obtuse. Corolla 5 min long, cylindric, the lobes orbicular-ovate, 2 mm long, the throat hirsute. Anthers lanceolate, 1.3 mm long. Style about 1.5 mm long. Fruit ellipsoid, dark-purple when mature, the pericarp fleshy. Samar, Laming, Merrill 5233, October 3, 1906, in thickets on bluff's along the seashore at an altitude of about 10 m. A species allied to Rauwolfia spectabilis (Miq.) Boerl., R. javanica Koord. & Valet., and to R. sumatrana Jack., of Malaya, but .apparently distinct from all. Well characterized by its many-nerved leaves and rather fleshy fruits. TABERNAEMONTANA Linn. Tabernaemontana caudata sp. nov. Arbuscula circiter 2 m alta, glabra ; ramis rainulisque gracilibus, pallidis; foliis ovato-lanceolatis vel elliptico-ovatis, usque ad 4 cm longis, basi acutis vel acuminatis, apice valde caudato-acuminatis; floribus paucis axillaribus, cymosis, albis, circiter 12 mm longis, calycis lobis ovatis, 0.5 mm longis. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 317 A shrub about 2 m high, glabrous throughout. Branches and branchlets slender, terete, pale-gray, somewhat shining. Leaves ovate- lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, 2.5 to 4 cm long, 1 to 1.5 cm wide, chartaceous or submembranaceous, shining, the base acute or acuminate, sometimes slightly inequilateral, the apex strongly caudate-acuminate, the acumen about one-third as long as the blade, blunt; nerves 6 to 8 on each side of the midrib, faint, spreading, anastomosing, the reticula- tions very obscure ; petioles very slender, about 5 mm long. Flowers in few-flowered, axillary, solitary cymes, but two or three flowers in a cyme, the peduncles very short, the pedicels slender, 1 cm long. Calyx- teeth ovate, blunt, 0.5 mm long. Corolla-tube 12 mm long, slender, the lobes narrowly oblong, 1 mm long, 3 mm wide. Anthers 2 mm long. Carpels narrow, about 2 mm long; styles 10 mm in length. Fruit unknown. Luzon, Province of llocos Sur, Mount Bulangao, For . Bur. lJf025 Merritt d Darling, November, 1908, in forests at an altitude of about 1,150 m. A species well characterized by its small, very strongly caudate-acuminate leaves, which do not exceed 4 cm in length, and its few-flowered cymes. Tabernaemontana linearifolia sp. nov. Arbuscula glabra, circiter 4 m alta; foliis chartaceis, linearibus vel anguste lanceolato-linearibus, utrinque angustatis, apice gradatim acum- inatis, usque ad 7 cm longis, 5 ad 8 mm latis ; floribus axillaribus, solitariis, longe pedicellatis ; folliculis oblongis, utrinque angustatis acum- inatisque, circiter 2.5 cm longis. A glabrous shrub about 4 m high. Branches and branchlets slender, terete, gray, shining. Leaves linear or narrowly lanceolate-linear, 3 to 7 cm long, 5 to 8 mm wide, chartaceous, somewhat shining, olivaceous above when dry, the lower surface paler and somewhat brownish, nar- rowed at both ends, the apex gradually acuminate, the base acute ; lateral nerves distant, indistinct, spreading, the reticulations obsolete; petioles 2 to 4 mm long. Flowers axillary, solitary, white, their peduncles often 3 cm long, frequently much shorter. Calyx-teeth ovate, acute or obtuse, 1.5 mm long. Corolla-tube 13 mm long, slender, the lobes oblique, acute, about 7 mm long, 3 mm wide. Carpels lanceolate, narrowed above, 3 mm long; styles 6 to 7 mm long. Follicle oblong, orange-yellow, nearly 2.5 cm long, 8 mm in diameter in the middle, acuminately narrowed at both ends, with three faint ridges extending the whole length, the apical portion with five faint ridges ; seed solitary, narrowly ellipsoid, 8 mm long, the groove not prominent. Luzon, District of Lepanto, Mancayan, For. Bur. 109S/5 Curran, January, 1909, in open grass-lands in thin pine forests, altitude 1,600 111 ■ A species well characterized by its very arrow, elongated, lineal or lineal - lanceolate leaves, its solitary, frequently long-pediceled flowers, and its one- seeded follicles which are acuminately narrowed at both ends. 318 ME HR ILL. Tabernaemontana megacarpa sp. nov. Arbor circiter 10 m alta, glabra; foliis ellipticis, oblongo-ellipticis, vel obovato-elliptici s, apice rotund atis, basi acutis vel obtusis, 15 ad 35 cm longis, nervis utrinque 20 ad 24, prominentibus ; paniculis termina- libus, circiter 20 cm longis; fioribus circiter 3.5 cm diametro; fructibus carnosis, laevibus, rubris, in sicco rugosis, griseis, circiter 8 cm longis, 4 cm latis, vix costatis. A tree about 10 m high, glabrous throughout. Branches and branch- lets light-gray, glabrous, stout. Leaves opposite, firmly chartaceous to subcoriaceous, somewhat shining above, dull beneath, elliptic, oblong- elliptic or obovate-elliptic, 15 to 30 cm long, 9 to 15 cm wide, the apex broad, rounded, the base acute or obtuse; nerves 20 to 24 on each side of the midrib, very prominent, the reticulations obsolete or nearly so; petioles about 2 cm long,, the base inflated and somewhat clasping the branches. Panicles terminal, about 20 cm long. Calyx-lobes broadly ovate, about 5 mm long. Corolla-tube 2 cm long, the limb spreading, 3 to 3.5 cm in diameter. Follicles smooth and red when fresh, fleshy, when dry strongly wrinkled, gray or brownish, somewhat curved, not costate, about 8 cm long, 4 to 5 cm wide and 3 cm thick. Seeds nu- merous, 10 to 12 mm long. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens s. n., June, April, and September, 1906: Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. // 781 M earns iC- Hutchinson, May, 1906: District of Zamboanga, Copeland s. n., April, 1905; Sax River, Williams 2179, February, 1905. Basilan, For. Bur. 396// Hutchinson, January, 1906; Hullier s. n., January, 1904. This species is allied to Vocanga plumeriaefolia Elmer Leafl. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 33.3, but has relatively broader leaves, and more numerous nerves. The type of Voacanga plumeriaefolia Elm., is a fruiting specimen, anti so far as I can determine from the material before me, is a Tabernaemontana, but flowers are necessary to determine exactly to which genus it really belongs. Tabernaemontana mucronata sp. nov. Arbor parva, circiter 6 m alta, glabra; ramis griseis, teretibus, ramulis plus minus angulatis; foliis membra naceis, oblongo-ellipticis, apice acuminatis, acuminibus apieulatis, 6 ad 10 cm longis, 2 ad 4 cm latis, nervis utrinque 9 vel 10; cymes axillaribus, brevibus, solitariis vel fas- ciculate, circiter 2 cm longis; fioribus gracilibus, circiter 12 mm longis. A small tree about G m high, glabrous thioughout. Branches terete, gray, the branchlets somewhat angled. Leaves membranaceous, oblong- elliptic, 6 to 10 cm long, 2 to 4 cm wide, the apex rather prominently acuminate, the acumen apiculate, the base somewhat decurrent-acuminate, ihe upper surface brownish when dry, dull, the lower slightly paler; nerves 9 or 10 on each side of the midrib, not prominent, the reticula- tions lax, obscure ; petioles about 3 mm long. Cymes axillary, solitary or several in each axil, short, rather congested, including the flowers 2 cm long or less, the peduncles very short, the pedicles about 5 mm long. Calyx-teeth acute, short. Corolla-tube cylindric, very slender, NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 319 1 mm or less in diameter, the lobes spreading, 3 or 4 mm long. Fruit unknown. Guimakas, Nagaba, For. Bur. 304 Gammill, February, 1904 altitude about 80 m, in thickets and open places. V., Alibutbut. A species with somewhat the appearance of Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Poir., but with quite different inflorescence. Readily recognzable by its very short cymes and slender flowers. Tabernaemontana puberula sp. nov. Arbuscula vel arbor parva, ramulis petiolis foliis fructibusque plus minus dense puberulis vel pubescentibus ; foliis G ad 9 cm longis, mem- branaceis, acuminatis, oblongo-ellipticis ; folliculis rubris, ovoideis vel oblongis, 1 ad 2 cm longis, 3- ad 6-spermis. A shrub or small tree, rather uniformly and softly puberulent or pubescent. Branches slender, terete, grayish-brown, glabrous, the branchlets puberulent. Leaves opposite, oblong-elliptic, ' puberulent on both surfaces, especially beneath, G to 9 cm long, 2.5 to 4 cm wide, membranaceous, the apex shortly acuminate, the base acute; nerves about 10 on each side of the midrib, distinct beneath, the reticulations lax; petioles pubescent, 5 mm long or less. Follicles red, ovoid or oblong, the apex acute, longitudinally 3-ribbed, 1 to 2 cm long, 1 cm wide or less, the pericarp coriaceous, somewhat pubescent. Seeds 3 to 6. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Morong, Bur. Sci. 1440 Ramos, August, 1906, in thickets and open places; Malapadnabato, Merrill 27 25, 2746, June, 1903. A species with the general appearance'of Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Poir., but readily recognizable by its uniform soft pubescence. VOACANGA Thou. Voacanga globosa (Blanco) comb. nov. Tabernaemontana globosa Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 116, ed. 2 (1845) 83, ed. 3, 1: 153; Miq. FI. Ind. Bot. 2 (1856) 424. Orchipeda foetida Vidal Sinopsis Atlas (1883) 32, t. 66, f. D; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 130, non Blume. Voacanga cumingiana Rolfe in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 21 (1884) 313; Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 126; Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 184; VIerr. in For. Bur. Bull. 1 (1903) 49; Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 117. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Sablan, Elmer 6165, April, 1904: Province of Bataan, Larnao River, Mount Mariveles, Merrill 3798, January, 1904, .Whit ford 1079, January, 1905, For. Bur. 684, 1521, 1755, 2331, Borden, May to December, 1904, For. Bur. 2282, 3014 Meyer, December, May, For. Bur. 5467 Curran, No- vember, 1906, Williams 509, January, 1904: Province of Cavite, Mendez Nunez, Bur. Sci. 1356 Mangubat, August, 1906: Province of Batangas, Lipa, Marave 16: Province of Laguna, Calauan, Cuming 416; Los Banos, Elmer, April, 1906, Hallier, December, 1903; Pagsanjan, Merrill 2186, May 1903: Prov- ince of Tayabas, Lucena, Merrill 2887, June, 1903; Atimonan, For. Bur. 6704 Kobbe, April, 1907; Gregory 108, August, 1904; Mount Banajao, Whitford 992, October, 1904; Gumaca, Whitford 878, September, 1904; Binangonan, Whitford 829, September, 1904; Mauban, For. Bur. 10200 Curran, March, 1908. Mindoro, Cuming 1500; Bongabong River, For. Bur. 4075 Merritt. Masbate, Merrill 3030. Cebu, For. Bur. 6415 Espinosa, September, 1906. Leyte, Elmer 7 103, January, 320 MERRILL. 1906. Mindanao, Province of Surigao, Ahern 330 ; District of Davao, Williams 291fl. A widely distributed endemic species, for which the earliest valid specific name is here adopted. The type of Voacanga cumingiana Rolfe was Cuming 1806 from Negros, and while it has somewhat smaller leaves than most of the specimens cited above, I consider it to be identical with Blanco's species. WILLOUGHBYA Koxb. Willoughbya luzoniensis sp. nov. Frutex alte scandens, glabra, ecirrhosa ; foliis oppositis, firmiter mem- branaceis vel papyraceis, oblongo-ellipticis, nitidis, utrinque acuminatis, usque ad 9 cm longis, nervis primariis utrinque circiter 12; fnictibus ovoideis vel ovoideo-ellipsoideis, glabris, nitidis, circiter 2.5 cm longis; seminibus circiter 1 cm longis. A scandent shrub without tendrils, glabrous throughout, about 15 m high. Branches slender, terete, grayish-brown, lenticellate, the branchlets slender, somewhat olivaceous. Leaves opposite, oblong-elliptic, 6 to 9 cm long, 2 to 3.5 cm wide, the apex rather prominently acuminate, the base somewhat decurrent-acuminate, shining, firmly membranaceous or papyraceous, pale or brownish when dry; primary nerves about 12 on each side of the midrib, scarcely more distinct than are the secondary ones and the reticulations; petioles 5 mm long or less. Flowers unknown. Berry ovoid or ovoid-elliptical, about 2.5 cm long, and 2 cm in diameter, the pericarp crustaceous, pale, smooth, shining, the peduncle 1 to 1.5 cm long. Seeds irregular, 8 to 10 mm long, strongly and irregularly pitted, in this character sponge-like. Luzon, Province of Camarines, Caramoan, For. Bur. 12277 Curran, June, 1908. The first species of the genus to be found in the Philippines, characterized by its rather small fruits and its seeds which are sponge-like in appearance, but not in texture. CONVOLVULACEvE. IPOMOEA Linn. Ipomoea congesta R. Br. Prodr. (1810) 485; Choisy in DC. Prodr. 9 (1845) 369; Benth. FI. Austr. 4 (1869) 417. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, For. Bur. 16622 Curren, February, 1909. Palmas (southeast of Mindanao), Merrill 5353 October, 1906. Queensland to Polynesia; new to the Philippines. VERBENACE2E. VI TEX Linn. Vitex pentaphylla sp. nov. Arbor 10 ad 20 m alta; foliis 5-foliolatis, foliolis chartaceis vel mem- branaceis, ovatis vel elliptico-ovatis, acuminatis, subtus plus minus pubes- centibus, vix glandulosis; cymis axillaribus, solitariis, pedunculatis; flori- bus pubescentibus, calyce regulariter 5-dentato; fructibus nigris, glabris, oblongo-ovoideis, circiter 1 cm longis. NEW OK NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 321 A tree 10 to 20 m high. Branches brownish, glabrous, the young parts sometimes slightly pubescent. Leaves alternate, 5-foliolate, the common petiole 6 to 15 cm long, glabrous or somewhat pubescent: leaf- lets chartaceous or membranaceous, ovate to elliptic-ovate, petiolulate, 7 to 16 cm long, 4 to 8 'em wide, entire, base acute, apex acuminate, the upper surface glabrous and shining, or the midrib and nerves slightly pubescent, the lower surface slightly paler, more or less pubescent, or ultimately glabrous or nearly so, not at all glandular; nerves 15 to 20 on each side of the midrib, prominent, anastomosing ; petiolules 5 to 15 mm long, those of the lateral leaflets the shortest. Cymes axillary, solitary, pedunculate, 10 to 15 cm long, in anthesis more or less pubescent, in fruit nearly glabrous. Flowers purplish, tinged with white, the bracteoles very small. Calyx cup-shaped, somewhat pubescent, about 4 mm long, regularly 5-toothed, the teeth less than 1 mm long, broadly ovate, acute or acuminate. Corolla about 11 mm long, somewhat pubescent outside, the tube 5 to 6 mm long, inflated upwards; middle lobe of the lower lip narrowly obovoid, rounded, crisped, 6 to 7 mm long, densely villous on the median portion inside, the lateral lobes and the upper lip 3 to 4 mm long. Filaments slightly villous below. Ovary ovoid, villous at the apex ; style glabrous, 9 mm long. Fruit black when dry, glabrous, oblong- ovoid, rounded at the apex, about 1 cm long, the calyx persistent, accres- cent, somewhat saucer-shaped, 6 to 7 mm in diameter. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Siocon River, For. Bur. 9^90 Whitford & Hutchinson . February, 1908; For. Bur. 112Jf5 Hutchinson, March, 1908. A speci- men collected by R. S. Williams, No. 29J/9, in the District of Davao, Mindanao, is probably referable here; it is with mature fruits, and is entirely glabrous. This species is most closely allied to Vitcx littoralis Dene.; but is at once distinguishable by its five leaflets which are not at all glandular beneath. It is distinguished from V. turezaninowii Merr. by its purplish, not yellow flowers, non-glandular leaves and inflorescence, and other characters. It is locally known as Malaun a so, and to the Moros as Calipapa oso. ACANTHACErE. JUST I Cl A Linn. Justicia tenuis sp. nov. Herba annua, suberecta, diffusa, vel procumbens, usque ad 20 cm alta; foliis membranaceis, ovatis, 1 ad 2 cm longis, acutis vel leviter acuminatis, ramis ramulisque angulatis, plus minus hirsutis; inflorescentiis spicatis, terminalibus axillaribusque, tenuibus; bracteis lanceolatis vel ovatis, acu- minatis ; calycis segmentis 5, anguste lanceolatis, acuminatis, hyalinis ; corolla 2-lobata, lobis imbricatis; seminibus 4, verrucosis. An annual, suberect, diffuse, or procumbent, rather weak herb, 20 cm high or less. Stems and branches slender, angled, more or less covered with weak white hairs, the leaves also with a few similar ones. Leaves ovate, 1 to 2 cm long, membranaceous, acute or slightly acuminate, the base broad, rounded; petioles very short. Spikes many, slender, short, 322 MERRILL. axillary, and terminating the branches, 1 to 3 cm long, few-flowered, the flowers distant or close, Flowers blue, the bracteoles paired, the lower pair -•5 mm long, lanceolate, acuminate, slightly hairy, the upper pair larger, ovate to elliptic-ovate, abruptly acuminate, green with hyaline margins, 3 mm long, 2 mm wide. Sepals 5, free or nearly so, hyaline, lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, narrowed at both ends, apex slenderly acuminate, more or less ciliate-hairy. Corolla about 5 mm long, blue, the tube short, 1 mm long, glabrous, 2-lobed, lobes imbricate, the larger, outer lobe inclosing the other in hud, 4 mm long, obovate, 3-lobed, the terminal lobe broad, retuse, the lateral ones ovate, blunt; the smaller, inner corolla- lobe ovate, entire, 3 mm long, 2.5 mm wide, blunt-acuminate. Stamens 2; filaments about 2 mm long; anthers 2-celled, one cell above the other, the lower cell spurred at the base, the spur rounded at its tip; pollen elliptic. Ovary glabrous, ovoid; style simple, 2.5 to 3 mm long. Fruit (immature) oblong, compressed, 3 mm long, 1.2 mm wide, hyaline, apiculate, containing four rounded, compressed, verrucose seeds. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, Bur. 8c i. 2312 Mearns, February, 1907; Vin- tar, For. Bur. 15509 Merritt & Darling; Pasuquin, For. Bur. 15536 Merritt & Darling, November, 1908, in open grass-lands, etc., 100 to 400 m altitude. Possibly most closely allied to Justicia procumhens Linn., which it resembles in habit, but is much more slender than any forms of that species known to me, differing in its very slender, continuous or interrupted spikes, five, instead of four sepals, its blue corolla, and many other characters. STROBILANTHES Blume. Strobilanthes mearnsii sp. nov. Ilcrba erecta, omnibus partibus plus minus hirsutis; foliis oblongo- lanceolatis, vel late ovato-lanceolatis, usque ad 15 cm longis, longe tenuiter acuminatis, denticulatis, in paribus inaequalibus ; inflorescentiis laxis, paucifloris, pedunculis longis, hirsutis; floribus congestis, paucis; sepalis circiter 6 mm longis, anguste lanceolatis, hirsutis; corolla alba, usque ad 2.7 cm longa; staminibus 4; filamentis villosis. An erect, branched herb, more or less villous or hirsute throughout, exceeding 60 cm in height. Branches terete, slender, dark-green or brownish, hirsute. Leaves opposite, in unequal pairs, oblong-lanceolate to broadly ovate-lanceolate, hirsute, membranaceous, the larger ones 8 to 15 cm long, 3 to 5 cm wide, the smaller ones of each pair half as large or smaller, acuminate at both ends, the apex slenderly so, dentate, the upper surface with numerous small rhaphides; nerves about 8 on each side of the midrib, distinct; petioles densely hirsute, 1 to 2 cm long. Inflorescence axillar}7, 7 to 10 cm long, few-flowered, hirsute, the flowers capitate at the ends of the few branches, 3 to 5 flowers in a head, the bracts foliaceous, deciduous. Calyx about 8 mm long, the lobes 6 mm long, narrowly lanceolate. Corolla white, about 2.7 cm long, the tube slender below, widened above, slightly hirsute outside, subequally 5-lobed. Stamens 4; filaments villous; anthers 1.3 mm long. NEW Oil NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 323 Luzon, Province of Benguet, Mount Tonglon, Hearns s. n., December, 1900; Mount Ugo, For. Bur. .15920 Bacani. Bur. Sci. 5727 Ramos, December, 1908. A species allied to Strobilanthes pluriformis Clarke, but distinguished from that and all other known Philippine forms in being strongly hirsute in all parts. RUBIACE2E. COPTOSAPELTA North. C. flavescens North. Ned. Nruid. Arch. 2 (1851) 113; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 2 (18571 155; Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 3 (1880) 35; Ning & Gamble in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 722 (1903) 138. Randia olaciformis Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 3 (1908) Bot. 163. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Neithley, Mrs. Clemens 1220. llandia olaciformis Merr. must be reduced to Coptosapelta flavescens North., a species extending from Burma to the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, and Borneo, and the first representative of the genus to be found in the Philippines. Hooker f. gives Webera macrophylla Roxb. as a synonym of the above, which, if correctly reduced, would be the earliest specific name for the species. Roxburgh’s description, however, does not seem to me to apply to Coptosapelta flavescens North. DAMNACANTHUS Gaertn. Darrmacanthus indicus Gaertn. f. Fruct. 3 (1805) 18, t. 182; DC. Prodr. 4 (1830) 473; Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 3 (1880) 158; Forbes & Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 23 (1888) 386. Luzon, Province of Laguna, Mount Banajao, For. Bur. 7856 Curran & Merritt, November, 1907, Bur. Sci. 21/32 Foxworthy, March, 1907, altitude 1,400-2,000 m. The first representative of the genus for the Philippines, an interesting addition to the continental element in the Philippine flora; eastern Himalayan region to southern China and Japan. GREENEA Wight & Arnott. Greenea longiflora sp. nov. Arbor parva, circiter 8 m alta, ramulis petiolis foliis cymisque hirsutis ; foliis oblongo-ellipticis, papyraceis, 20 ad 30 cm longis, apice acutis vel obscure acuminatis, nervis utrinque circiter 15; cymis axillaribus, subscor- poideis, pauciramosis, usque ad 9 cm longis; floribus sessilibus, circiter 15 cm longis, 4-meris. A small tree about 8 m high. Branches densely hirsute with long brownish hairs. Leaves papyraceous, oblong-elliptic, 20 to 30 cm long, 10 to 12 cm wide, very sligthly shining, the lower surface somewhat paler than the upper, both surfaces with numerous spreading or appressed scattered hairs, those on the lower surface softer and paler than those on the upper; nerves about 15 on each side of the midrib, distinct, the reticulations rather lax; petioles densely hirsute, 2 to 4 cm long; stipules membranaceous, caducous, oblong, about 4 cm long and 1.5 cm wide, rounded or obtuse at the apex, hirsute. Cymes axillary, peduncled, 9 cm long or less, hirsute, the branches few. Flowers sessile, arranged 324 MERRILL. along one side of the branches. Calyx-tube very short, the limb mem- branaceous, 1 mm long, obscurely 4-toothed. Corolla-tube about 15 mm long, cylindric, 3 mm in diameter, the outside with very few short appressed hairs ; lobes 4, spreading or recurved, imbricate, broadly elliptic- ovate, acute or blunt, 4 to 4.5 mm long. Stamens 4, the filaments very short, inserted above the middle of the tube; anthers linear, 6 mm long, included. Style in the male flowers about 4 mm long, 4-cleft, obscurely pubescent. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Tibucuy, For. liur. 9Jf30 Whitford & Hutchinson, February, 1908, in forests at an altitude of about 20 m. The first species of the genus to be reported from the Philippines, allied to Greenea corymbosa (Jack) K. Sch., of Burma and the Malay Peninsula, but abundantly distinct. GREEN IOPSIS gen. nov. Calvcis tubus turbinatus; limbi lobi 5, subaequales, breves, sub- rotundati, corolla breviter infundibularis, fauce villosa; limbi lobi 5, breves, rotundati, in alabastro sinistrorsum contorto-imbricati. Stamina 5, fauci corollae inserta, inclusa, filamentis brevibus; antherae dorso supra basin affixae, ellipticae. Ovarium 2-loculare; stylus gracilis, lobis stig- matis brevibus, crassis; ovula in loculis plurima, in placentis septo longitudinaliter adnatis conferta. Capsula oblonga vel ovoidea, 2-locu- laris, septicide 2-valvis, coriacea. Semina numerosissima, elongata praecipue in nucleo reticulato-areolata. Arbores. Folia opposita, char- tacea vel subcoriacea, oblongo-obovata vel elliptico-obovata, petiolata. Stipulae amplae, deciduae, interpetiolares, acuminatae. Flores parvi. Inflorescentia terminalis, multiflora, cymis amplis, paniculatis, ramis ramulisque patulis. This proposed new genus is allied to Emmenopterys of southern China and to Mussaendiopsis of the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo, but differs from both in none of its calyx lobes being accrescent, and from the latter also in its stamens inserted at the throat of the corolla-tube. It consists of two closely allied Philippine species, the following, the type of the genus, which has been previously referred to Greenea, species undetermined, and the plant described by Mr. Elmer as Mussaendiopsis multiflora. Greeniopsis phil ippi n inensis sp. nov. Arbor circiter 10 m alta; foliis oblongo-obovatis vel elliptico-obovatis, subchartaceis, nitidis, 20 ad 30 cm longis, apice breviter acuminatis, basi augustatis, decurrento-acuminatis, nervis utrinque 15 ad 18, prominen- tibus, glabris vel juniojpbus subtus minus hirsutis; paniculis terminalibus, amplis, ramis ramulisque patentibus, circiter 20 cm longis ; floribus breviter pedicellatis, albis, 4 ad 5 mm longis; capsulis ellipsoideis vel ovoideis, 4 mm longis, extus griseo-pubescentibus, septicide 2-valvatis, apice limbo persistente coronatis. A tree about 10 m high. Branches terete, reddish-brown, rugose, the younger branches reddish-brown, smooth, glabrous or sometimes hirsute. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 325 Leaves opposite, oblong-obovate to elliptic-obovate, 20 to 30 cm long, < to 12 cm wide, shining, glabrous, or when young somewhat hirsute beneath, subchartaceous, the apex rather abruptly short-acuminate, nerves 15 to 18 on each side of the midrib, prominent on both surfaces, the reticulations subparallel; petioles 1.5 to 2 cm long, glabrous, or when young somewhat hirsute; stipules interpetiolar, oblong-lanceolate, brown, glabrous or sometimes hirsute, 1 to 3 cm long, deciduous, acuminate, sometimes cleft. Panicles terminal, grayish-appressed-pubescent, ample, the branches and branchlets spreading, many flowered, the flowers mostly on the upper half of the branches alternate, not or rarely secund. Flowers white, short-pedicelled. Calyx turbinate, the tube short, about 1 mm long and nearly 2 mm wide, appressed-gray-pubescent outside, the limb 1.5 mm long, with 5 broad, short, rounded teeth which are slightly ciliate on the margins, none of them accrescent. Corolla-tube about 3 mm long, somewhat widened above, the limb with 5 rounded lobes about 1 mm long, in bud somewhat overlapping to the left, the throat densely villous within below the anthers. Stamens 5, alternate with the corolla- lobes, the filaments short, inserted on the throat of the tube; anthers elliptic, attached at the back above the base, about 1 mm long, obtuse, longitudinally 2-celled, included. Ovary 2-celled; ovules indefinite, on the central placenta which is adnate to the disseptment; style 3 mm long, entire, crowned by the subcapitate or ellipsoid stigma which is about 1.2 mm long and somewhat cleft at the apex. Capsule coriaceous, ap- pressed-gray-pubescent, ellipsoid or ovoid, about 4 mm long, 3 to 3.5 mm thick, crowned by the persistent calyx-limb, septicidal, 2-valved, 2-celled ; seeds numerous, elongated, rather pointed at both ends, some- times angular, 1 mm long, externally reticulate-areolate. Samar, Borongan, Merrill 5216 (type of the genus and species), October, 1906, in flower and fruit, growing along the border of a Nipa swamp; without definite locality, Cuming 1713, in fruit, in Herb. Kew. sub Greenea. Luzon, Province of Albay, Cabit, Bur. Sci. 61,02 Rolinson, August 31, 1908, near hot springs along the seashore, with flowers and fruits; Manito, For. Bur. 10580 Curran, June, 1908, along the seashore, in fruit. In young specimens, such as the type, the branchlets, inflorescence, and the midrib and nerves on the under surface of the leaves are supplied with numerous long, brownish hairs, but these are deciduous, the mature specimens being glabrous or subglabrous with the exception of the more or less pubescent inflorescence. Green iopsis multiflora (Elmer) comb. nov. Mussaendiopsis multiflora Elm. Lead. Philip. Bot. 1 (1906) 14. This differs from the above in having lea\es with from 9 to 12 pairs of lateial nerves only, the fruits relatively longer and narrower (5 mm long, 2-2.5 mm thick), and which are secund on the ultimate branchlets of the infrutesence. In habit and general appearance it strongly resembles the preceding species, but can be distinguished by the above characters. The flowers are unknown. Dinagat, Ahern 1,00. (type) N. v., Hamagos. MERRILL. 320 LITOSANTHES Blume. L. biflora Blume Cat. Gew. Buitenzorg (1823) 21; Bijdr. (1826) 994; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 2 (1857) 314; DC. Prodr. 4 (1830) 465. Luzon, Province of Sorsogon, Adlumay Hills, For. Bur. 12383 Curran, June, 1908. Mindoro, Mount Halcon, Merrill 6172, November, 1906; Mount Sablanga, For. Bur. 11002 Merritt, March, 1908; Mount Teluti, For. Bur. 111,78 Merritt, May, 1908. Negros, Elmer. I lie fiist i epi esentntive of this small genus to be found in the Philippines; Java and Celebes. I wo species have been described from New Guinea. NAUCLEA Linn. Nauclea jagori sp. nov. Arbor vel arbuscula glabra; foliis lanceolatis vel anguste lanceolatis, longe sensim acuminatis, 8 ad 20 cm longis, 9 ad 18 mm latis, basi angustatis, subcoriaceis, nitidis, nervis utrinque circiter 15; capitulis solitariis, circiter 3 cm diametro stylis exclusis; corolla glabra, 1 cm longa. A shrub or tree, glabrous. Brandies grayish-brown, terete, the branch- lets somewhat compressed. Leaves lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, 8 to 20 cm long, 9 to 18 mm wide, subcoriaceous, shining, brownish when dry, the base narrowed, acute, the apex long and gradually acuminate; nerves about 15 on each side of the midrib, not prominent, obscurely anastomosing, the reticulations indistinct; petioles 3 to 7 mm long; stipules oblong, obtuse, 12 to 15 mm long, 3 mm wide, slightly hirsute below, caducous. Heads solitary, the peduncles about 3 cm long, the bracts, if any, caducous, the heads, excluding the long exserted styles, about 3 cm in diameter. Corolla 1 cm long, glabrous, widened upward, the lobes oblong, obtuse, 2.5 mm long, 1 mm wide. Anthers 1.7 mm long. Style about 1.5 cm long; stigma about 2.5 mm long, swollen in the middle. Cocci 8 mm long; seeds, including the narrow, acuminate wings, 4 mm long, slightly pubescent. Samar, F. Jagor 987, in Herb. Berol. A very characteristic species, at once distinguished from most hitherto described ones in the genus by its very narrow leaves. It is apparently allied to Nauclea angustifolia Havil., of Borneo, and N. chalmersii F. Muell., of New Guinea, both of which have very narrow leaves, but the present species differs from these in its more numerously nerved leaves and larger flowers. PLECTRONIA Linn. Plectronia megacarpa sp. nov. Arbor glabra circiter 15 in alta; foliis coriaceis, elliptico-ovatis vel obovato-ellipticis, circiter 20 cm longis, brunneis, nitidis, apice rotundatis vel late obscure acuminatis, basi cuncatis, nervis utrinque circiter 8, prominentibus, nervulis obscuris; fructibus axillaribus, pedicellatis, obo- voideis, compressis vel trigonis, 2- vel 3-locellatis, 1.5 cm longis, apice truneatis vel retusis, basi acutis. NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 327 A glabrous tree about 15 m high. Branches brownish, terete or slightly compressed. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic-ovate or obovate-elliptic, about 20 cm long, 9 to 11 cm wide, the upper surface brown, shining, the lower paler, dull, margins somewhat recurved, apex broad, rounded, or broadly and obscurely blunt-acuminate, base cuneate, sometimes slightly acuminate; nerves about 8 on each side of the midrib, prominent, the nervules and reticulations obscure; petioles stout, 2 to 2.5 cm long; stipules deciduous, ovate, acuminate, less than 5 mm long. Flowers unknown. Infrutescence axillary, umbellate, the peduncle stout, about 5 mm long, the pedicels 1.5 to 3 cm long. Fruit yellow when fresh, 1.5 cm long, obovoid, trigonous and three-celled, or somewhat compressed and two-celled, nearly 1.5 cm thick above the middle, the apex truncate or retuse, the base acute. Luzon, Province of Zainbales, near Santa Cruz, altitude 100 m, For. Bur. 8232 Curran & Merritt, December, 1907. A species apparently allied to Plectronia glabra (Blume) Kurz, but with different fruits and leaves. Tl MON I US Rurnph. Timonius appendiculatus sp. nov. Arbor parva, circiter 8 m alta, glabra; foliis coriaceis oblongis vel anguste elliptico-oblongis, usque ad 10 cm longis, basi plus minus decur- rento-acuminatis, apice acutis vel obtusis, nervis lateralibus obscuris; cymis axillaribus, pauciramosis, foliis multo brevioribus; floribus 4-meris, unilateraliter spicatis, lobis corollae recurvatis, 3-appendiculatis ; drupis globosis, obscure 12-sulcatis, polypyrenis. A small tree glabrous throughout. Branches reddish-brown or grayish, terete, wrinkled when dry. Leaves coriaceous, oblong to narrowly ellip- tic-oblong, rather pale when dry, slightly shining, the apex acute or blunt, the base somewhat decurrent-acuminate, 6 to 10 cm long, 2 to 3 cm wide; lateral nerves few, obscure, and, with the reticulations, nearly obsolete; petioles less than 1 cm long; stipules annular, truncate, very short. Cymes in the upper axils, about 3 cm long, peduncled, with usually but two branches, the flowers spicately arranged on one side of the branches only, sessile, articulated with the rachis. Calyx cupular, about 3 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, truncate. Corolla about 9 mm long, tubular, the lobes 4, reflexed, narrowly ovate, acute, about 2 mm long, and with three retrorse appendages near the apex, the two lateral ones about 1 mm long, the terminal one shorter. Filaments short, inserted at the throat or just below it; anthers linear, nearly 5 mm long, their tips slightly exserted; style about 3 mm long. Fruit globose, shining, obscurely about 12-sulcate, crowned by the truncate calyx, about 5 mm in diameter, about 12-celled, and containing about 25 pyrenes. Luzon, Province of Itizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 2164, 2651 Ramos, January, May, 1907, the former with staminate flowers, the latter with fruit. Mindoro, Mount Agong, For. Bur. 086 7 Merritt. 328 MERRILL. A very characteristic species, differing from typical Timonius in its appendaged corolla-lobes, but in other characters typical, readily recognized by the above character, its few-branched cymes, 4-merous, sessile flowers in unilateral spikes, and its nearly nerveless leaves. XANTHOPHYTUM Reimv. Xanthophytum fruticulosum Reinw. ex Blume Bidjr. (182G) 839 ; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 2 (1857) 175. Metabolus ferruginous DC. Prodr. 4 (1830) 430. Sclerococcus Bartl. 1. c., as syn. Xanthophytum villarii Vidal Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 150. Lasianthus pilosus F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 112, non Wight. Luzon, without locality, Haenke in Herb. Prague, type of Metabolus ferru- ginous DC.; Province of Rizal, San Mateo, Vidal 392, in Herb. Kew, type of A', villarii Vidal. I have examined both of the above specimens, and can see no reason for distinguishing one from the other, or either from Reinwardt’s species. Vidal’s specimen has smaller leaves than Haenke’s, but in all essential characters they appear to be the same, and after a cursory examination of Javan specimens and a careful comparison of the Philippine material with the descriptions of X. fruticulosum I do not hesitate to reduce both DeCandolle’s and Vidal’s species to Reinwardt’s. Miquel 1. c., had already reduced Metabolus ferruginous to Xanthophytum fruticulosum, without however giving the range of the species as extending to the Philippines. An interesting species known only from Java, Borneo, and Luzon. CAPEIFOLIACE^E. VIBURNUM Linn. Viburnum floribundum sp. nov. § Euviburnum, Opulus. Frutex cirri ter 2 m alta, subglabra vel parce pubescenti ; foliis ovatis, usque ad 7 cm longis, chartaceis, nitidis, supra glabris, subtus in axillis barbatis, apice acutis vel acuminatis, basi inequilateraliter rotundatis, margine serrato-dentatis, nervis utrinque 5, prominentibus; cymis termi- nalibus, umbellato-paniculatis, dense multifloris; corolla rotata. A shrub about 2 m high. Branches and branchlets terete, grayish- or reddish-brown, rather stout, glabrous, the branchlets minutely puberulent and with few scattered long hairs. Leaves ovate, 4 to 7 cm long, 2 to 4 cm wide, chartaceous, shining on both surfaces, the apex acute or acumi- nate, the base somewhat narrowed, rounded, inequilateral, the margins especially in the upper half, rather strongly serrate-dentate, the upper surface glabrous, or the midrib sometimes slightly puberulent, the lower surface glabrous except the midrib and primary nerves which are often slightly pubescent, and the axils of the primary nerves which are barbate; nerves 5 on each side of the midrib, ascending, very prominent, the reticulations distinct; petioles about 5 mm long, somewhat pubescent. Inflorescence terminal, paniculate-umbellate, intermixed frequently with small leaves, rather dense, 5 to 7 cm in diameter, very many flowered, NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PHILIPPINE PLANTS, VII. 329 the rachis, branches and pedicels puberulent and with intermixed longer hairs. Flowers small. Calyx-lobes narrowly ovate, less than 0.5 mm long, pubescent. Corolla rotate, 1.8 mm long, the tube short, the lobes elliptic, rounded. Ovary depressed-globose, glabrous. Fruit ovate, com- pressed, 5 mm long, 4 mm wide, not ribbed, or with an obscure rib on one side. Luzon, Province of Abra, Mount Paraga, Bur. Set. 7071f Ramos, February, 1909, the altitude given as about 600 m. A species manifestly allied to Viburnum luzonicum Rolfe, but distinguished from that species by its nearly glabrous leaves which are less acuminate, more strongly toothed, rounded and inequilateral at the base, as well as by its dense inflorescence. Viburnum glaberrimum sp. nov. § Euviburnum, Lantana ? Arbor parva, glabra, ramis ramulisque crassis, valde lenticellatis ; foliis coriaceis, glabris, nitidis, obovatis, integris, apice rotundatis, obtusis, vel late obtuse acuminatis, basi obtusis vel leviter decurrenti-acuminatis, nervis utrinque 6 ad 8, prominentibus ; inflorescentiis terminalibus, umbe- llato-corymbosis ; corollae tubo cylindraceo, lobis erectis. A small tree, glabrous throughout. Branches and branchlets stout, terete, dark-reddish-brown, strongly lenticellate. Leaves coriaceous, shin- ing, obovate, entire, the apex broad, rounded, obtuse, or sometimes broadly and obtusely acuminate, the base obtuse or slightly decurrent-acuminate, 8 to 14 cm long, 6 to 8 cm wide ; nerves 6 to 8 on each side of the midrib, very prominent beneath, the reticulations not distinct; petioles stout, 3 to 4 cm long. Inflorescence terminal, about 5 peduncles at the tip of each branch, forming an umbellate corymb, the peduncles 4 to 5 cm long. Calyx-tube short, the teeth very small, rounded, about 0.4 mm long. Corolla cyclindric, 5 mm long, thick, the tube 3 mm long, the erect, elliptic, obtuse lobes 2 mm long. Filaments about 5 mm long; anthers exserted, 2 mm in length. Ovary 1-celled. Fruit (immature) elliptic, compressed. Luzon, Province of Pangasinan, near Imogen, For. Bur. 158. '{8 Merritt, Decem- ber, 1908, in forests 300 to 450 m altitude. A species manifestly allied to Viburnum coriaceum Blume of the Indo-Malayan region, but at the same time very distinct, especially in its vegetative characters. CUOURBITACE^E. GYNOSTEMMA Blume. Gynostemma simpl icifol ia Blume Bijdr. (1825) 23; Cogn. in DC. Monog. Phan. 3 (1881) 915. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Sax River, Williams 2119, February, 1905. New to the Philippines and the fourth species of the genus for the Archipelago; previously known only from Java. 85754 9 330 MERRILL. TRICHOSANTHES Linn. Trichosanthes villosa Bluine Bijdr. (1820) 934; Cogn. in DC. Monog. Phan. 3 (1881) 360. Luzon, Province of Bizal, Bosoboso, Bur. 8ci. 1027 Ramos, July, 1906, with staminate flowers. Mindanao, District of Davao, Todaya, Copeland 1301, April, 1904, with mature fruit. Previously known only from Java. MELOTHRIA L inn. Melothria scaberrima sq. nov. § Eumelothria. Planta monoica, floribus masculinis solitariis vel binis, breviter pedi- cellatis; foliis lanceolatis vel oblongo-lanceolatis, cliartaceis, apice acu- m in at is, basi hastatis, margine integris vel leviter denticulatis, utrinque scaberrimis, subtus ad nervos hispido-aculeatis, usque ad 9 cm longis; fructibus ovoideis vel oblongo-ovoideis, glabris, basi acutis, apice acu- minato-rostratis. Monoecious. Branches slender, striate-suleate, glabrous or nearly so. Leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 4 to 9 cm long, 1 to 3.5 cm wide, chartaceous, the base hastate, truncate, the basal lobes short, spreading or slightly reflexed, the margins aculeate, entire, or in the lower part denticulate, gradually narrowed upward to the sharply acuminate apex, green or olivaceous when dry, of about the same color on both surfaces, the upper surface strongly white-glandular-scabrous, the midrib setose, the lower surface less scabrid than the upper, the midrib and nerves aculeate-hispid ; basal nerves 5 to 7, the inner longer pair reaching at least to the middle of the leaf, ascending, anastomosing with the primary lateral nerves, the reticulations very lax, obscure ; petioles 0.5 to 2 cm long, tendrils simple, leaf-opposed or from the axils below the leaves. Flowers white, solitary or two in an axil: staminate short-pedicel led, solitary or paired; calyx-lobes linear, 1 mm long; corolla lobes ovate, shorter; stamens 3, subsessile: pistillate flowers long-pedicelled ; calyx teeth minute; corolla-lobes ovate, acuminate 3.5 mm long; stigma 2 mm in diameter. Fruit ovoid or oblong-ovoid, terete, glabrous, about 3 cm long, the base acute, the apex strongly acuminate-rostrate; seeds narrowly elliptic, compressed, 5 mm long, the base appendiculate-winged. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Elmer 5862 ; Williams 1055 ; Merrill J/657 ; Topp- ing 83; Pond s. n .; For. Bur. 15979 Bacani. A species wudely distributed in the pine region of Benguet Province, well characterized by its lanceolate, hastate, very scabrous leaves, and ovoid or oblong- ovoid rostrate fruits. Probably most closely allied to Melothria zeylanica Clarke, but very different from that species. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACE>£. By C. B. Robinson. ( From the Botanical Section of the Biological Laboratory, Bureau of Science, Manila, If. I.) Although the Philippine species of this family are distributed over several genera, these as elsewhere in the Indo-Malay region have but few representatives, with the exception of Eugenia. That genus, as here interpreted, includes both Jambosa and Syzygium, besides Eugenia proper, so that the number of genera credited to the Archipelago is less by two than if the limits ascribed to it in the Pllanzenfamilien were here adopted. Moreover, while certain species in other genera have presented puzzling problems, the great bulk of the work has consisted in attempting to solve the questions relating to that genus. In it, alone of our larger genera, the collections made by Cuming, about 70 years ago, have never been worked up by European specialists, and only two supposed novelties were worked out by Vidal, one of these proving identical with a species of very wide distribution. In recent years, most of those found within the limits of the Lamao Forest Reserve were worked out by Merrill,1 and several others of the more striking species have also been described by him. A smaller number has been described by Elmer. Apart from this genus, the family has been so accurately treated by preceding workers, that no additions have here been credited to the Philippines, although there are several cases of exclusion, due principally to the original incorrect localization of some of Cuming’s collections. These also, will be found in previous articles on our flora by Merrill and Rolfe. Blanco’s species were in all cases imperfectly characterized, though many of them can be identified with some degree of plausibility. In the meantime, a large quantity of material has been accumulated, and recent additions have been considerable and often of great interest. Many of the species are of very considerable importance, primarily for their wood, although the larger timber-cutting firms utilize them, as yet, in but few localities, the best-known native wood yielded by a tree belonging to this family being Mancono, (Xanthostcmon verdugomanus) . The necessity for a revision of the family was evident, and while many 1 This Journal 1 (1906) Suppl. 104-107. 331 332 ROBINSON. of the species show a great range of variation, and others certainly distinct seem to be separated by comparatively trivial characters, it is hoped that such cases are here so grouped that the ultimate solution of their relationships will be facilitated. From the following table intended to show the distribution of the species of this family in this and the nearer geographical divisions, it will be apparent at a glance that the genera found in the Philippines are for the most part typical in the Old World of the Indo-Malay region, the other extensions being chiefly Australian. Various genera, wrongly credited to the Philippines, are here excluded. In Australia, numerous other genera are found. The Formosan comparison is interesting, as a floristic classification, now much in favor, constitutes that island and the Philippines into a single sub-province. Cultivated species have in all cases been excluded, witli the exception of Psidmm and two or three species of Eugenia, whose present distribu- tion is such that it is difficult to pronounce an exact opinion on this point. Psidium guajava is now so widely spread in the Philippines, outside of cultivation, that it can not be excluded. Genera. China.2 3 For- mosa.^ India.4 Malay penin- sula.5 Java.0 pines. , Aphanomyrtus ( Pxeudoem/enia) 2 1 Bacckra. _ ... 1 1 1 1 Decaspermum. 1 3 1 2 2 62 98 Euqenin . 14 131 96 Eucalyptus ... Leptospermuin .. 2 1 1 1 1 Meamsia .. Melaleuca ... 1 1 Osbnrnia ... ... _ 2 1 1 ] 2 2 1 Ithodamnia ._ 1 1 1 Khodomyrtuts .... 1 i 1 1 Tristania 5 1 Xanthostemon ... ... Total 18 6 144 110 69 109 Among the undetermined material, one sheet, For. Bur. 3880 Curran, from Mount Pulgar, Palawan, may represent a genus as yet undescribed: it is in flower with merely strong probabilities as to the nature of the fruit, and the ovules are quite immature. It is possible that other 2 Forbes & Hemsley, in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 23 ( 1887 ) 295-298. 3 Matsum. & Hayata in Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo 22 (190G) 142-144. * Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Br. Ind. 2 (1879) 4G2-506. 3 King in Journ. As. Soc. Bengal 672 (1898) G6-134. “Koord. & Val. in Meded. ’s Lands Plant. 40 (1900) 27-184. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEJE. QQQ OOO species, as yet represented by sterile or incomplete material, may further add to the list of genera. The material examined has consisted of the entire herbarium of this Bureau and occasional other sheets of recent collection. This has in- cluded practically all of Cuming’s numbers in this family : two important collections practically unknown to me are those of Vidal and Loher, the former especially interesting as often indicating his ideas as to the identity of certain of Fernandez- Villar’s determinations. These, it is understood, were made from probability and memory, rather than from direct comparisons. A considerable number of specimens from other closely related regions are also in this herbarium, and direct comparison has often enabled the solution of questions that would otherwise have been held in abeyance. Most frequently the decision thus reached has been that the Philippine species has to be considered distinct : in several critical cases, I have not yet been able to make direct comparison with the species supposed to be most closely allied. I have to further gratefully to acknowledge as- sistance from W. W. Smith, Esq., of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, J. H. Maiden, Esq., of the Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia, and Doctors Treub and Valeton, Buitenzorg, Java. KEY TO THE PHILIPPINE GENERA OF MYRTACK.E. Fruit a capsule. Petals separate. Leaves opposite 2. Mearnsia Leaves alternate. Flowers axillary, solitary, or rarely in three’s at the apex of short lateral branches 6. Leptospermum Flowers in umbels or panicles. Stamens free 3. Xanthostemon Stamens more or less united 4. Tristania Petals united into an operculum 5. Eucalypti Fruit indehiscent; leaves opposite. Corolla wanting 1. Osbornia Corolla present. Ovary-cells 4 or 5 8. Decaspermum Ovary-cells 1 to 3. Leaves glabrous 10. Eugenia Leaves pubescent. Under surface of leaves white-tomentose 9. Rhodomyrtus Leaves not white-tomentose 7. Psidium 1. OSBORNIA F. Muell. Osbornia octodonta F. Muell. Fragm. 3 (1862) 31. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Laguimanoc, Vidal 315; Pitogo, For. Bur. 10237 Curran : Province of Camarines, Ragay, For. Bur. lOJflG Curran. Negros, Prov. of Negros Occidental, Cadiz Nuevo, For. Bur. If219 Everett. Basilan, Hallier s. n.: Palawan, Malampava Bay, For. Bur. JflfiO, 77/53 Curran. 334 ROBINSON. In the Philippines, it occurs as a shrub or small tree, attaining a height of 8 m, in mangrove swamps or along the beach. The only local names recorded are from Pitogo and Ragay, at both of which places it is known as Tawalis; at the former place it is used for posts, these lasting ten years or more. Distribution : North Australia and Queensland ; not yet reported from islands lying between there and the Philippines. Herbarium specimens are liable to be confused with those of Lumnitzcra racemosa Willd. 2. M EAR NSI A Merr. Mearnsia halconensis Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 284. Mindoro, Mount Halcon, Merrill 51112. A monotypic endemic genus, those most closely allied being chiefly Australasian and Polynesian, but with outliers from New Guinea to Java (farther in cultiva- tion), and in South Africa. Its affinities seem clearly to be with Metrosideros, shown beside the characters mentioned in the original description by the structure of the embryo. From that genus, it is distinguished by its tetramerous flowers and two-celled ovary. 3. XANTHOSTEMON F. Muell. Xanthostemon verdugonionus Naves in Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 3 (1877?) pi. 300; ex F.-Vill. Noviss. App. (1880) 82. X. spcciosus Merr. in Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 6 (1904) 10. X. merrillii Pampanini in Nouv. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 12 (1905) 688. Culion, Halsey Harbor, Merrill 682. Tinago, Ahern 1/28. Dinagat, Fur. liur. 751/6, 12373 Hutchinson. Mindanao, Province of Surigao, Placer, Long 1/1/; Surigao, Bolster 279, Moore s. n, Leyte, Babatungon, For. Bur. 12896 Rosenbluth. Known most usually throughout its range as Mancono or Magcono, or as Palo de hierro, rarely as Kamulauan. It is probably the tree called Bungan on Busuanga. The wood is extremely hard, and commercially important. Xanthostemon speciosus was distinguished from the typical form by its wider and much shorter calyx-tube; in later collections the line of separation breaks down, For. Bur. 12373 having flowers which approach both extremes. It is not certain that all came from the same tree. The genus is most widely developed in New Caledonia, extending into northern Australia, reported also from Celebes: the endemic Philippine species marking its farthest northern and western extension. Endemic. 4. TRISTANIA R. Br. Tristania decorticata Merr. in Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (1906) 51. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Caua Volcano, R. N. Clark s. n.; Missiones River, For. Bur. 17181/ Curran: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Whitford 1321/, For. Bur. 6261 Curran: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 2682 Ramos: Province of Tayabas, (Infanta), Tinuan River, Whitford 787: Province of Cama- rines, Lagonoy, For. Bur. 1061/9, 10652 Curran; Paracale, For. Bur. 11523 Whit- ford. Borneo, Sarawak, Mount Poe (Rumput), Foxworthy 378, a shrub growing on the mountain top at an elevation of 1,700 m: otherwise not known except Philippine. Most frequently known under the name of Malabayabas, also in Camarines as Tiga, and in Cagayan as Adios and Baguitulay-bayaboj. Known to the Dyaks as Bindang. Used for rice pestles, and for various other purposes. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 335 Genus best developed in Australia and New Caledonia, but extending through the Malay Archipelago to the Malay Peninsula and Burma. The flowers are white or yellow; the degree of pubescence of the inflorescence is variable. 5. EUCALYPTUS L’Herit. Eucalyptus naudiniana F. MuelL Australas. Jour. Pharni. 1 (1886) 239; Maiden in Proc. U. S. Nat, Mus. 26 (1903) 691, 692. Eucalyptus multiflora Rich ex A. Gray Bot. U. S. Expl. Exped. (1854) 554; non Poir. Suppl. 2 (1811) 594; Merr. in Philip. Jour. Sci. 3 (1908) 83, pi. 2. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Caldera, U. S. Expl. Exped. ( Wilkes ) s. n. It has not as yet been possible to obtain additional Philippine material of this species, although it is believed to be still abundant near the locality where the Wilkes Expedition made its collections. New Britain. Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. Bot. New Holl. (1793) 41. Luzon, Manila, Philip. Normal School 329, 330 Aurelia Malvar. Cultivated on the grounds of the Normal School. Both specimens were collected on the same day, from the same clump of trees, probably but not certainly from the same tree. Mr. J. II. Maiden, Director of the Botanic Gardens, Sydney, N. S. W., has very kindly confirmed the identifications, positively for no. 329 (flowering), and probably for no. 330 (fruiting). It is also grown elsewhere in Manila. 6. LEPTOSPERMUM Forst. Leptospermum flavescens Smith in Trans. Linn. Soc. 3 (1797) 262. L. amboinense Blume Bijdr. (1826) 1100. L. annae Stein in Gartenfl. 34 (1885) 66. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Mount Pulog, For. Bur. 18051 Curran, Merritt d Zschokke: Province of Isabela, Mount Bagabla, For. Bur. 18569 Alvarez: Prov- ince of Zambales, Mount Tapulao, For. Bur. 8063a Curran & Merritt, Bur. Sci. 5082b Ramos: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Copeland 285, Whitford 123, Merrill 3246, For. Bur. 7 88, 2118 Borden, For. Bur. 6259 Curran, Bur. Sci. 1579 Foxworthy : Province of Batangas, Mount Agas, For. Bur. 7717 Curran & Merritt. Mindoro, Mount Halcon, Merrill 571f6, 5747 ; Mount Paloug, For. Bur. 8526, 8739 Merritt ; Mount Burburungan, For. Bur. 8523 Merritt. Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. 4669 Mearns d Hutchinson ; District of Davao, Mount Apo, Copeland 1081, s. n., DeVore d Hoover 312, 374- Even within our geographical limits, this is a most variable species, especially as concerns the numbers from Malindang and Pulog, which have wider leaves attaining 8.5 mm, definitely 3-nerved. Taken in its whole range, Tasmania to Malacca, the range of variation has been even more widely interpreted, and T find no sufficient warrant for segregating any of the Philippine material. It is uncer- tain what may be finally agreed upon as the specific name, as L. porophyllum Cav. Ic. 4 (1797) 17, pi. 330, f. 2, and L. thea Willd. Sp. PI. 2 (1799) 949, based upon Melaleuca thea Wendl. Sert. Ilannov. (1795-1798) 24, pi. 13, are both considered to be cospecific with L. flavescens. As a mountain top tree or shrub this is not likely to receive local names, the only one recorded, by Borden, from Mariveles, being Malasulasi. No economic uses are noted, doubtless on account of its habitat. The generic distribution range hardly exceeds that of this species, being from New Zealand to Burma. ROBINSON. 336 7. PSIDIUM Linn. Leaves 4.5-15 cm long 1. P. guajava Leaves 2-3.5 cm long 2. P. pumilum 1. Psidium guajava Linn, Sp. PI. (1753) 470. P. pomiferum Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2 (1762) 672. P. pyriferum Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2 (1762) 672. P. aromaticum Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 417; nec Aubl. PI. Guinn. 1 ( 1775) 485, nec Descourt. FI. Med. Antill. 5 (1827) 229. A very early introduction from tropical America. Mercado, writing upon the medicinal plants of the Philippines, near the end of the seventeenth century, has a long article upon its uses, with no reference to its introduction or distribution in these Islands. Camel, at the very beginning of the eighteenth century, makes no reference to it in the text, hut in the list of plants dealt with has “Quaiabas” placed with species belonging to Eugenia. Blanco believed that it was undoubtedly indigenous, as stems and leaves which he positively identified with it, had been found in volcanic deposits of a period prior to the Spanish occupation. No such material is known to be preserved, and no direct opinion can he pronounced, hut in view of the similarity of the leaves of several other species to those of the guava, and the general improbability of any other than an American origin, there is no sufficient reason to depart from the generally accepted opinion. It appears to he much more widely spread in the Philippines than elsewhere in the East, which may indicate that this was the first Asiatic country into which it was introduced, as might have been expected on the basis of American origin. At present, it is not only cultivated, hut extremely common in clearings and former clearings throughout the Islands. The localities represented in this her- barium are the Provinces of Cagayan, Isabela, Ilocos Sur, Union, Benguet, Bula- can, Bataan, Rizal, Laguna, Tayabas, Camarines, and Albay, in Luzon; Mindoro, Panay, Cebu, Negros, Palawan, and Basilan, and the Lanao and Davao districts of Mindanao. Both varieties are represented. Known as Ouayabas or Bayabas, sometimes as Guava. The fruit is used in many ways. Cosmopolitan in the Tropics. 2. Psidium pumilum Vahl Symb. Bot. 2 (1791) 56. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 1034 Ramos. Also introduced and known by the same names. 8. DECASPERMUM Forst. Flowers solitary in the leaf-axils, rarely in 3’s and then cymose 1. D. blancoi Flowers in leafy panicles 2. D. paniculatum 1. Decaspermum blancoi Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 172. Myrtus communis Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 422: non Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 471. Nelitris rubra Vidal Sinops. Atlas (1883) xxvi, pi. 50, f. C: non Blume Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1851) 73. Decaspermum rubrum F.-Vill. Noviss. App. (1880) 84; non Baill. Hist. PI. 6 (1877) 341. Luzon, Province of Pangasinan, Balungao, Merrill 2862: Province of Principe, Baler, Merrill 1091: Province of Zambales, Bakilan, For. Bur. 7002 Curran: Subig, Merrill 2097 : Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Merrill 3890, For. Bur. 1331 Borden, For. Bur. 12^01 Merritt c£- Curran: Province of Tayabas, Cuming 801 : Province of Albay, Batan Island, Calanaga, Bur. Sci. 6282 Robinson. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEH3. 337 Local names, Digotnalit, (II.), Pangasinan; Ualisualisan, (Tag.), Zambales. A small tree or a shrub: fruit edible. Endemic: altitudinal range from sea level to mountain tops. 2. Decaspermum paniculatum Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Bengal 462 (1877) 61. Nelitris paniculata Lindl. Collect. Bot. (1821) 10. N. urvillaei Bentli. in Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 2 (1843) 220, quoad philip- pinensis; non DC. Prodr. 3 (1828) 231. f Legnotis lanceolata Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 445. ? Metrosideros pictipetala Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 295. Batanes Islands, Sabtan Island, Savidog, Bur. Sci. 8741 F6nix. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Sablan, Elmer 6188, Williams 1384j Baguio, For. Bur. 5074 Curran ; Mount Santo Tomas, For. Bur. 927 Barnes, Elmer 5807 ; Mount Pulog, For. Bur. 18101 Curran, Merritt & Zschokke: Province of Bataan, Mount Mari- veles, Lamao River, Merrill 3861, Whitford 435, Elmer 6992, Leiberg 6041, For. Bur. 1832, 1589 Borden: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 3364 Ahern’s collector, Bur. Sci. 1506 Ramos ; Antipolo, Merrill Dec. Philip. For. FI. 52 Ahern’s colector, Bur. Sci. 3363 Ramos; Tanay, Merrill 2347: Province of Laguna, Ma- jaijai, For. Bur. 8054 Curran & Merritt: Province of Tayabas, Cuming 821; Tinuan River, Whitford 804; Lucban, Elmer 7818; Mount Banajao, Whitford 984; Polo Island, For. Bur. 1415 Klemme. Leyte, Palo, Elmer 7325. Bohol, Cuming 1824 ■ Palawan, Puerto Princesa, For. Bur. 3527 Curran. Dinagat, Ahern 465, 47 5. Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. 4580 M earns t£- Hutchinson: Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 557, 664, s. n.: District of Cotabato, Malabang, Mrs. Clemens s. n.: District of Zam- boanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 9068, 9476 Whitford c£- Hutchinson ; Sax River, Williams 2107. Basilax, Hallier s. n. Local names reported: Saling sin gang, (Ig. ), Benguet; Tayomtayom, (Tag.), Rizal; Dugayon, Salilihan, Dinagat; Cansilay, Zamboanga; Malaruhat, Macaasin, (Tag.), Tayabas, the two last more properly applied to species of Eugenia. The identification of Blanco’s species, called by different names in the two editions, is fairly probable, as all of his statements can be made to apply to dried specimens of D. paniculatum , except that relating to the color of the petals. Distribution: Bengal to Formosa and Australia. 9. RHODOM YRTUS (DC.) Reichb. Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Hassk. in Flora (1842) Beibl. 2: 35; Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 2 (1843) 220. Myrtus tomentosa Ait. Hort. Kew. 2 (1789) 159. Batanes Island, Camiguin Island, Bur. Sci. 4729 Fenix. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, Cuming 1253. The transfer of Aiton’s specific name to Rhodomyrtus has been ascribed to different authors, partly owing to the confusion due to the use of the name first as a subgenus, and finally as a genus. I have been unable to check the reference to Hasskarl. Judged by description only, this is the nearest species yet known to Eugenia glandulosa Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 417, as indicated by the structure ascribed to the ovary of the latter, which suggests rather than agrees with that of the former. Rhodomyrtus seems to be confined in the Philippines to the extreme north, Blanco’s plant grew at Malinta, within ten miles of Manila: nothing corresponding to it has appeared in recent collections, including those made on a trip to Malinta, in the hope of deciding the question. India to Japan, southward to Malaya. 338 ROBINSON. \ 10. EUGENIA Linn. This genus contains the great bulk of our Myrtaceous species, and for many reasons, requires introduction. From a purely systematic standpoint, it is perhaps desirable to state the reasons for including all our species under a single genus, though it is superfluous to one whose chief experience has been Asiatic or Australian. From the time of Linnaeus himself, many attempts at subdivision have been made, many of these bringing together numbers of closely allied species. The most recent, that of Niedenzu,7 divides the group into the genera Eugenia, Jambosa, and Syzygium, in accordance with the previous arrange- ment by Bentham & Hooker as subgenera, under the same names, except that Eueugenia was used by them for the subgenus containing the more typical species. It, is with Jambosa and Syzygium that we have here chiefly to deal, Eugenia proper being represented by only a few species. Between a typical Jambosa and an equally typical Syzygium, the difference is great. The former has large flowers, the calyx-lobes are likewise large, the petals are free and fall separately, the disk is conspicuous, the filaments are long. The Syzygium , on the other hand, would have small flowers, with a calyx-margin truncate or inconspicuously lobed, the corolla would not be differentiated into petals but full as a single calyptra, the disk would be thin and the filaments short. Yet all these characters, except those drawn from the corolla, are, even superficially, matters of degree. Regarding the corolla, it may be added, that the calyptra, when fallen, is sometimes easily separable into distinct petals, sometimes not at all, and that in different flowers upon the same branch, some may have calyptrate corollas, while in others the petals may be free and out- spread before falling. Experience with the Philippine species seeming to indicate that they can be best divided into natural groups by the presence of large and distinct calyx-lobes, as contrasted by their absence or small size, this character lias been used as an early basis of division in the key. This being prefaced, it would seem at least as natural to separate generically such species as E. operculata and its very near Philippine ally, here described as E. clausa, where the apex of the calyx falls as a preliminary to the opening of the flower in a single piece, from the remainder, constituting practically the whole of the group, in which nothing of the kind takes place. No such proceeding has even been suggested, on the contrary these species are so close to others that confusion has sometimes taken place, and a similar error in this paper has only been prevented by field study. It must be admitted that some of the Philippine species belonging to Eueugenia, are so superficially different from the rest of our species, that they seem at first sight generically distinct, but upon analysis the character upon which this dif- ference is based proves to be pubescence and not the natural one of solitary or racemed flowers. Indeed, this section seems to shade into Jambosa at one extreme as perfectly as does Syzygium at the other. Further, within these sections, there are groups of species more definitely separable from the others of the section, than the sections are from one another. For these and other reasons, the whole are here included within the one genus. One direction, along which it is proposed to make future investigations, is the nature of the seed. In E. jambolana, the cotyledons are thick and fleshy, occupy- ing respectively the apex and the base of the cell, closely applied but easily separated, and then distinctly showing the radicle. In other species, the cotyledons occupy the sides instead of the extremities of the cell, or are not easily separable, 7 Pflanzenfam. 37 (1893) 78-85. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 339 often unequal, oblique or folded with the radicle included. Very few Philippine species are yet known in fruit, and such results as have been obtained do not warrant generalizations. Many of the species have wide limits of variation, while others may seem to be separated by rather trivial characters. In the cases where a good series of specimens made it possible to form a definite opinion, the differences are often much greater than can be expressed in any key. Often the real basis of separation lies in the nature of the venation, and defies brief description, verbal or numerical. In doubtful cases, there is no way to obtain a satisfactory determination except by direct comparison with authentic material. Even then, it is often very difficult, as two spries may be distinct but separated in such a way that it is conceivable that additional material might close the gaps. In general the comparison of Philippine species wdth those of other countries has proved disappointing. Close alliances occur in the case of nearly all species, but only in a few3 * * * 7 do they seem close enough to warrant the inclusion of our plants with the limits of the outside species. A disproportionally high percentage of identical species falls within the limits of Sysygium. The number of endemic species is consequently large, and a considerable proportion are here described as new. Several other species are represented in this herbarium by insufficient material to warrant description, and the most recent collections have added some of the most striking novelties. Even so, other species are known only from Cuming’s collections, though these are now few. V ith several important regions of the islands not or very imperfectly worked, many additions are still to be expected. Nearly all our Eugenias are trees, yielding hard, close-grained wood. They are widely used for construction and internal work, but only in a few places are they cut on a large scale. YTet, single species even, may form a measurable proportion of the forest of a given locality,* and one of the purposes of the present paper is to lay a basis for their separation and commercial classification. Nat- urally, the local names are badly tangled, the same species having several names in the same or different localities, while names like Malaruhat ( Mala-duhat , false Eugenia jambolana) , are applied to many species. KEY TO THE PHILIPPINE SPECIES OF EUGENIA.8 1 . Individual flowers subtended by one pair of bracteoles, these conspicuous or inconspicuous. 2. Calyx-lobes conspicuous, petals free, flowers usually large. 3. Inflorescence and flowers more or less villose or silky. 4. Leaf-bases acute. 5. Leaves at least 3.5 cm wide 1 . E . aherniana 5. Leaves not attaining a width of 2.5 cm. 6. Leaves at least 2.5 cm long. 7. Leaves membranaceous 2. E. loheri 7. Leaves chartaceous or subcoriaceous 3. E. pasacaensis 3 See Merritt Bur. Philip. For. Bur. 8 (1909) 38 and elsewhere under Malaruhat. 8 In this key and in the descriptions the calyx is understood as beginning at the articulation of the flower and that upon which it is borne. Very often, the lowrer part of the calyx is greatly contracted and seems to form a pedicel, but this pseudostalk is really a part of the flower, and often in whole or part conspicuously swollen in fruit. Frequently, flowrers are here stated to be sessile, when apparently stalked. True pedicels are also present in a majority of species. 340 ROBINSON. G. Leaves less than 2.5 cm long, coriaceous 4. E. diplycosifolia 4. Leaf-bases cordate 9. E. ramosii 3. Younger parts with cinnamon-colored or reddish hairs or scales, retaining the color at maturity. 4. Leaf-apex obtuse, submarginal vein distinct 35. E. cinnamomea 4. Leaf-apex acute, submarginal vein interrupted 3G. E. mlliamsii 3. Entire plant glabrous in all stages. 4. Flowers on the trunks or on the branches below the leaves, leaf-bases obtuse or cordate. 5. Primary lateral veins 30 or more. G. Flowers in long branching cymes 13. E. multinervia 6. Flowers solitary on pendulous peduncles 8. E. longissima 5. Primary lateral veins 23 or less. G. Leaves at least 30 cm long 11. E. gigantifolia G. Leaves less than 30 cm long. 7. Inflorescence greatly condensed. 8. Veins except at base of leaf making nearly a right angle with midrib 16. E. angulata 8. All veins strongly ascending. 9. Calyx-tube at least 1.5 cm in diameter.. 15. E. phanerophlebia 9. Calyx-tube about 7 mm in diameter 17. E. leytensis 7. Inflorescence not condensed. 8. Flowers solitary, rarely 2 in a fascicle. 9. Leaves cliartaceous or membranaceous, barely or not cordate. 5. E. bataanensis 9. Leaves coriaceous, cordate 6. E. speciosissima 8. Flowers not solitary. 9. Inflorescences from tubercles on the stem 12. E. curranii 9. Inflorescences not borne on tubercles. 10. Leaf-apex forming a slender acumen 23. E. tripinnata 10. Leaf-apex not forming a slender acumen. 11. Peduncles and usually pedicels very stout and woody. 31. E. subrot undifolia 11. Peduncles only moderately stout. 12. Calyx-tube 6 mm in diameter 32. E. mindanaensis 12. Calyx-tube at least 8 mm in diameter. 13. Calyx-lobes succulent in fruit 33. E. javanica 13. Calyx-lobes withering-persistent 34. E. calubcob 4. Flowers on the trunks or branches below the leaves, leaf-bases acute. 5. Primary lateral veins 25 or more 24. E. rubropurpurea 5. Veins rarely as many as 20, usually 12 or less. 6. Inflorescence, including flowers, less than 2 cm long. 7. Leaves nearly sessile 25. E. rubrovenia 7. Petioles 5-10 mm long 26. E. conglobata 6. Inflorescence at least 3 cm long. 7. Calyx-tube at least 2 cm in diameter 49. E. megalantha 7. Flowers smaller. 8. Branches of inflorescence stout. 9. Leaf-apices caudate-acuminate 20. E. fenicis 9. Leaves not caudate. 10. Inflorescence somewhat congested, individual flowers very short pedicel led 18. E. malaccensis 10. Flowers distant, distinctly pedicelled. 19. E. whitfordii A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 341 8. Branches of inflorescence slender. 9. Inflorescences on trunk, many in each fascicle. 21. E. mananquil 9. Inflorescences not on trunk, solitary or paired. 10. Inflorescence widely branching, the many flowers sessile or very short-pedicelled 22. E. luzonensis 10. Inflorescences of 1-7 long-pedicelled flowers. 23. E. tripinnata 4. Flowers axillary or terminal, leaf-bases obtuse or cordate. 5. Inflorescences pendulous, solitary or paired, 1-flowered. 6. Leaves attaining 15 cm, lateral veins about 12.... 6 . E. speciosissima 6. Leaves exceeding 30 cm long, lateral veins 25 or more. 8. E. longissima 5. Inflorescences not pendulous, at least 20 cm long, 1-3-flowered. 7. E. longipediceUata 5. Inflorescences not pendulous, 7 cm or less, lateral veins 40 or more. 10. E. merrillii 5. Inflorescences not pendulous, 1-flowered, not exceeding 8 cm, lateral veins about 12 5. E. bataanensis 5. Inflorescences not pendulous, more than 1-flowered, 12 cm or less, veins 25 or less, or if 1-flowered sessile or subsessile. 6. Inflorescence contracted, both peduncles and pedicels very short or wanting. 7. Submarginal vein definite. 8. Leaves lanceolate to elliptic, base cordate. 9. Calyx-tube at least 12 mm in diameter. 10. Primary veins coarse, secondary inconspicuous on upper surface 16. E. phanerophlebia 10. Primary veins more slender, secondary evident on upper surface 14. E. copelandii 9. Calyx-tube 6 mm in diameter 16. E. angulata 8. Leaves elliptic, base merely obtuse. 30. E. crassipes 8. Leaves ovate to orbicular 31. E. subrotundifolia 7. Main submarginal vein interrupted 29. E. stibsessi Us 6. Inflorescence widely branching. 7. Calyx-lobes less than 1 mm long 28. E. barnesii 7. Calyx-lobes conspicuous. 8. Calyx-tube 6 mm or less in diameter 32. E. mindanaensis 8. Calyx-tube at least 8 mm in diameter. 9. Peduncles and usually pedicels stout 31 . E. subrotundifolia 9. Peduncles and pedicels more slender. 10. Calyx-lobes succulent in fruit 33. E. javanica 10. Calyx-lobes withering 34. E. calubcob 4. Flowers axillary or terminal, leaf-bases acute; venation close, secondary veins as prominent as primary or nearly so 37. E. longiflora 4. Flowers axillary or terminal, leaf-bases acute, venation open; leaves in threes 44. E. triphylla 4. Flowers axillary or terminal, leaf-bases acute, venation open, leaves opposite. 5. Calyx-tube at least 1 cm in diameter. 6. Flowers sessile, terminal 45. E. everettii 6. Flowers pedicelled, terminal or axillary. ROBINSON. 342 7. Primary venation coarae 48. E. squamifera 7. Veins not coarse. 8. Petioles not exceeding 2.5 mm, usually shorter.. 5. E. bataanensis 8. Petioles at least 5 mm long, usually longer. 9. Calyx-tube 2 cm in diameter 49. E. megalantha 9. Calyx-tube less than 1.5 cm 43. E. xanthophylla 5. Calyx-tube not exceeding 1 cm in diameter. 6. Inflorescence very short, flowers small. /.Petioles 5—10 mm long 26. E. cotiglobata 7. Petioles not exceeding 3 mm, 8. Primary veins barely evident on upper surface.. 27. E. subfoetida 8. Venation more prominent 25. E. rubrovenia 6. Inflorescence not very short. 7. Calyx-tube over 1 cm long, very slender 39. E. leptogyna 7 . Calyx-tube over 1 cm long, not very slender. 8. Flower-buds ellipsoid 40. E. sulcistyla 8. Flower-buds turbinate. 9. Calvx-lobes subequal, persistent 41. E. jam bos 9. Calyx-lobes unequal, deciduous 42. E. merrittiana 7. Calyx-tube less than 1 cm long. 8. Individual flowers with definite pedicels. 9. Inflorescence repeatedly branched, manv-flowered. 53. E. candelabriformis 9. Inflorescence few-flowered, peduncles slender.. 23. E. tripinnata 9. Inflorescence few to several-flowered, peduncles not slender. 10. Lateral veins slender 50. E. robertii 10. Lateral veins fairly strong. 11. Flowers racemosely arranged 47. E. brunnea 11. Flowers paniculately arranged 46. E. vidaliana 8. Flowers sessile or with very short pedicels. 9. Primary veins over 20, distinct 54. E. hutchinsonii 9. Primary veins under 16, secondary venation close, nearly as conspicuous as primary 59. E. pulgarensis 9. Primary veins under 16, secondary venation open. 10. Leaves membranaceous or submembranaceous 22. E. luzonensis 1 0. Leaves cliartaceous or coriaceous. 11. Calyx-tube over 5 mm diameter, peduncles stout and woody. 12. Lateral veins about 12 51. E. benguetensis 12. Veins at least 15 55 . E. lacust?mis 11. Calyx-tube less than 5 mm in diameter. 12. Inflorescence distinctly branched, leaf -apex not or barely acuminate 38 . E . macgregorii 12. Inflorescence branched, leaves acuminate. 13. Petioles about 1 cm long 46. E. vidaliana 13. Petioles less than 5 mm 52. E. bordcnii 12. Flowers subcapitate on main axis of inflorescence or short lateral branches, leaves acuminate. 13. Leaves coriaceous 57. E. philippinensis 13. Leaves cliartaceous. 14. Leaves glandular 58. E. zamboangensis 14. Leaves eglandular 56. E. palawanensis A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEHL 343 Calyx entirely closed in bud, opening transversely at anthesis, the apex falling, or simulating a lobe. 3. Calyx 5 mm in diameter, flowers terminal 60. E. arcuatinervia 3. Calyx 3 mm in diameter, flowers below leaves 61. E. clausa Calyx-margin truncate, or with short lobes only, leaves obtuse or cordate at base. 3. Corolla calyptrate. 4. Leaves lanceolate to ovate 62. E. glaucicalyx 4. Leaves widest near apex . 63. E. paucivenia 3. Corolla not calyptrate 28. E. barnesii Calyx-margin truncate or with short lobes only, corolla more often calyp- trate, leaves acute at base. 3. Calyx-tube including pseudostalk at least 7.5 mm long. 4. Leaves including petioles over 20 cm long 64. E. subfalcata 4. Leaves less than 15 cm long. 5. Calyx at least 9 mm long. 6. Flowers mostly on the branches below the leaves.... 65. E. claviflora 6. Flowers terminal or subterminal 66. E. dementis 5. Calyx less than 9 mm long. 7. Calyx-tube abruptly widened below the apex 67- E. clavellnta 7. Calyx-tube gradually widened from base to apex. 68. E. rosenbluthii 3. Calyx-tube including pseudostalk less than 7.5 mm long. 4. Flowers on branches below leaves, rarely also axillary. 5. Secondary leaf-venation lax. 6. Petals free, leaves widest toward apex 69. E. atropunctata 6. Corolla calyptrate, leaves widest toward base 70 . E. similis 5. Secondary leaf-venation close. 6. Leaf-apices slenderly acuminate 71. E. decipiens 6. Leaf-apices broadly or not acuminate 72. E. jambolana 4. Flowers axillary or terminal. 5. Bractlets at base of flowers and forks of inflorescence rigid, persistent, individual flowers nearly always pedicelled. 6. Leaves oblanceolate to obovate. 7. Calyx-tube 2-3 mm in diameter 74. E. sablanemis 7. Calyx-tube 4.5-5 mm in diameter 73. E. densiner via 6. Leaves orbicular or orbicular-obovate 75 , E. inerassata 5. Bractlets not persistent, more often inconspicuous. 6. Inflorescence compact, except in fruit not exceeding 2.5 cm long. 7. Primary veins crowded together. 8. Leaf-apices not or broadly acuminate 76. E. congesta 8. Leaf -apices slenderly acuminate 77. E. ugoensis 7. Primary venation more open. 8. Leaves not exceeding 3 cm long 78. E. acrophila 8. Leaves at least 4 cm long. 9. Lateral veins 10-12 79 .E.alvarezii 9. Lateral veins about 20 80. E. roseomarginata 6. Inflorescence not compact, lateral veins close, inter-reticulating, often obscure. 7. Branches of inflorescence vexy slender. 8. Petioles at least 5 mm long, dried leaves pale or glaucous. 81. E. perpallida 8. Petioles not more than 3 mm long, dried leaves yellowish to reddish 82. E. parva 344 ROBINSON. 7. Branches of inflorescence stout 90. E. robinsonii 6. Inflorescence not compact, lateral veins not crowded, evident. 7. Flowers larger, calyx-tube exceeding 2.5 mm diameter. 8. Base of calyx narrowed into a pseudostalk. 9. Submarginal vein slender, often obscure... 62. E. glaucicalyx 9. Submarginal vein definite. 10. Leaves chartaceous 88. E. mirnica 10. Leaves coriaceous 89. E. striatula 8. Base of calyx not forming a pseudostalk. 9. Submarginal vein on extreme margin 90. E. robinsonii 9. Submarginal vein at least 1 mm from margin. 10. Submarginal vein often irregular but thick, all veins purple 91 . E. brittoniana 10. Submarginal vein slender, no veins purple. 92. E. mindorensis 7. L lowers small, calyx-tube not exceeding 2.5 mm in diameter. 8. Primary veins much more distinct than intervening ones. 9. Rachis and branches of inflorescence slender. 10. Calyx-tube abruptly contracted into a slender pseudostalk. 83. E. saligna 10. Calyx-tube gradually or not contracted into a pseudostalk. 84. E. astronioides 9. Rachis and branches of inflorescence rather stout. 10. Fruit 4-ribbed 85. E. costulata 10. Fruit not ribbed 86. E. benthamii 8. Primary veins hardly more distinct than the secondary. 87. E. grisea 1. Individual flowers subtended by two decussate pairs of bracteoles. 2. Leaves obtuse or cordate at base, branchlets quadrangular. 3. Branchlets strongly 4-winged 93. e. garciae 3. Branchlets only slightly or not winged. 4. Flowers on branches below leaves 94. E. polycephaloides 4. Flowers terminal or in upper axils. 5. Corolla calyptrate 95. E. oblanceolata 5. Petals separate 99 e. intumescens 2. Leaves acute at base. 3. Leaves oblanceolate, coriaceous 97. e. curtiflora 3. Leaves elliptic to obovate, chartaceous 98. E. melliodora 1. Eugenia aherniana sp. nov. Floribus solitariis vel fasciculatis in foliorum axillibus, brevissime pedicellatis, pedicellis calycis tuboque pubescentibus, hoc late turbinato ; calycis lobis inaequalibus, ciliatis ; petalis 4, liberis, late ovatis, eiliatis; staminibus numerosis; fructibus subglobosis : foliis chartaceis vel subcoria- ceis, ellipticis, oialibus, orbicularibus, vel obovatis, basi acute acuminatis, apice obtuse acuminatis; venis utrinque 7-9. Flowers solitary or few, fascicled on short tubercles borne in the axils of leaves, including the terminal and fallen, the pedicels very short and like the calyx-tube white-pubescent; the bracteoles inconspicuous, less than 1 mm long, ovate, obtuse, pubescent; calyx-tube broadly turbinate, 3 mm long, 5 mm in diameter at the base of the lobes; calyx-lobes 4, A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 345 unequal, 3.5-5 mm long, 5 mm wide, ciliate; petals 4, free, white, G mm long, 4—5 mm wide, rounded at the apex, ciliate ; disk more or less pubes- cent, of the diameter of the calyx-tube; stamens numerous, the filaments 4-5 mm long, the anthers about 1 mm long; style G mm long; ovary 2-celled; fruit edible, subglobose, 2.5 cm in diameter, crowned by the persistent calyx-lobes, 1-celled, 1-seeded; the testa horny, the cotyledons lunate in outline, 13 mm across the chord. A slender tree, sometimes tall, the branches covered with gray bark, the youngest shoots pubescent but soon becoming glabrous: leaves with petioles 3-7 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, elliptic to orbicular or obovate, G.5-12 cm long, 3-5.5 cm wide, acutely acuminate at the base, the margins slightly revolute, the apex contracted into a short obtuse .acumen, glands widely separated, not conspicuous except on young leaves; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib, 7—9, their apices usually forming three submarginal veins, the intervening venation usually in- conspicuous. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 619 (type) : Province of Surigao, Surigao, Ahern 518: District of Zamboanga, Tetuan, Ahern 561. Somewhat similar to E. lucida Lam., but with shorter pedicels, smaller flowers, and much less coriaceous leaves. Local name, Hangos, Surigao; fruit edible. 2. Eugenia loheri sp. nov. Floribus solitariis vel binis, axillaribus vel saepius supraaxillaribus, hand magnis, mediocriter pedicellatis, pedicellis floribusque pubescenti- bus: calycis tubo turbinato, lobis 4, quam tubus longioribus; petalis 4, liberis; staminibus numerosis; ovario 1- vel 2-loculari : foliis brevissime petiolatis, membranaceis, lanceolatis vel rarius subellipticis, basi acutis, apice in acumen obtusum productis. Flowers most often borne a little above the axils, solitary or rarely paired, upon villose pedicels 5-10 mm long, having at their apices a pair of ovate bracteoles 1 mm long, subacute at the apex, white-villose espe- cially along the central line and margins : ealyx-tube turbinate, 2 mm long, 3 mm wide at the base of the lobes, villose ; calyx-lobes 4, oblong, 3-4 mm long, 2 mm wide, the apex nearly truncate but rounded, the margins ciliate; petals 4, free, broadly oval to orbicular, 2.5-3 mm long;, calyx- lobes and petals veined and bearing fairly numerous, conspicuous, tuber- culate glands; disk occupying the whole diameter of the calyx-tube, pubes- cent; stamens numerous, the filaments 1.5—3 mm long, the anthers 0.4 mm long, the connectives more or less densely villose; style 3 mm long; ovary 1-celled or more often 2-celled, each cell containing several ovules. Habit unknown: the bark covering the slender branchlets grayish- brown, tending to separate easily: leaves with petioles 1-2 mm long, the lamina membranaceous, densely glandular, lanceolate, narrowly lanceolate or rarely subelliptic, 2.5-5 cm long, 8-18 mm wide, the base acute, the 85754 10 :uc> ROBINSON. conti acted apex forming, sometimes barely, an obtuse acumen attaining a length of 15 mm, the under surface of young leaves with a few hairs, soon glabrous; all veins very slender and with the exception of those of the youngest leaves difficult to count, usually only the three basal pairs conspicuous, the uppermost of these pairs forming the main submarginal \ein, the more apical veins nearly obsolete, or other leaves showing traces of 3-5 others. Luzon, Province of Pampanga, Mount Arayat, Loher 21,15 (type), distributed as Decaspermum paniculatum: Province of Nueva Ecija, Cuming 1388, an ex- cellent match. 3. Eugenia pasacaensis sp. nov. f i ut ex vel aibuscula: floribus axillaribus terminalibusque, saepius solitariis, mediocriter pedicellatis, bracteatis ; calycis tubo turbinato; caly- cis lobis 4, oblongo-orbicularibus, mox patentibus vel reflexis; petalis 4, libei is, disco pubescente; staminibus numerosis: foliis subcoriaceis, lance- olatis \el elliptico-lanceolatis, basi acutis, apice obtuse acuminatis; venis utrinque 7 vel 8, teneris, marginem baud attingentibus. Flowers white, fragrant, axillary or terminal, solitary or in fascicles of ~ or 3, the pedicels 5-12 mm long, their bases sometimes united for a short distance, puberulent; the 2 bracteoles at the base of the flower 1—1.2 mm long, oval, obtuse, shortly villose; calyx-tube turbinate or subcampanulate, 2 mm long, 3 mm in diameter at the base of the lobes, 1.3 mm in diameter at its base, puberulent; calyx-lobes 4, spreading or i e flexed, persistent, oblong-orbicular, 2.7— 3.3 mm long, and with the same lange ol width, though some are longer than wide and others wider than long, ciliate, the apices rounded; petals 4, free, broadly oblong, obtuse, 6 mm long, 3 mm wide; both calyx-lobes and petals veined, densely glandular; disk as broad as the calyx-tube, pubescent; stamens numerous, the filaments 3—4 mm long, minutely puberulent, anthers 0.5 mm long, the connectives glabrous; style 6 mm long; ovary 2-celled, several-ovuled. A small tree or shrub 7 m high, with a stem 10 cm in diameter, the branches covered with gray or light-brown bark, the branchlets glandular and often pubescent, the vegetative parts otherwise glabrous; leaves with petioles 1-2 mm long, the lamina subcoriaceous, lanceolate or elliptic- lanceolate, 3-5 cm long, 14-22 mm wide, the base acute, the margin revolute, the apex forming an obtuse acumen 4-7 mm long, densely but not veiv conspicuously glandular on the under surface; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 7 or 8, often somewhat obscure, the second from the base forming a definite vein 1-2 mm from the margin Luzon, Province of Cainarines, Pasacao, For. Bur. 101,61 Curran , growing on limestone cliffs along the beach at an elevation of 100 m. This species is so close to E. bracteata Roxb., that if my only knowledge of that species were obtained from its descriptions, it would be impossible to separate it. There is. however, in this herbarium, a Ceylon specimen of E. bracteata, Thicaites 1586, and it shows not only a difference in the color of the pubescence, and longer and narrower bracteoles, but the leaf-venation is very different, that of the Ceylon A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACE/E. 347 plant most closely approaching among Philippine species that of the otherwise very different E. mimica, while the leaves (except in size) and the venation of E. pasacaensis are similar to those of E. bordenii and E. roberlii, whose affinities are also very different. To those Avho have no Philippine material for comparison, it may suffice to call attention to the position of the submarginal vein. 4. Eugenia diplycosifol ia sp. nov. Floribus axillaribus vel terminal ibus, solitariis vel duobus vel tribus in pedunculo sessilibus; pedunculis, bracteis, bracteolis, calycibus, et novellis incano-villosis : calycis tubo turbinato; calycis lobis 4, ovatis; petalis 4, liberis, omnibus conspicue glandulosis; staminibus paucis; foliis breviter petiolatis, coriaceis, ovalibus, obovatis, vel orbicularibus, basi acutis, apice breviter obtuseque acuminatis, venis utrinque 5-8. Flowers terminal or in the upper axils, borne singly or in pairs or threes upon peduncles 7-11 mm long, the bracts at the base of the peduncle oval, 3.5 mm long, obtuse ; when three flowers in a head, the two lateral with 3 bracteoles each, the anterior bracteole lanceolate, 2 mm long, the lateral ones shorter and narrower, the central flower ebracteolate, when flowers solitary or paired bracteoles as in lateral flowers of a triad; bracts, peduncles, bracteoles, and calyx white-villose and with the exception of the peduncles but including the petals densely pellucid- punctate: calyx-tube turbinate, 2.5 mm long, 2 mm in diameter at tbe base of the lobes; calyx-lobes 4, slightly less than 2 mm long, obtuse; petals 4, yellow, free, suborbicular with a basal claw, 3 mm long, 3-nerved with lateral branches, glabrous; disk of the diameter of the apex of the calyx-tube, glabrous; stamens 20-25, biseriate, the filaments 3—4 mm long, the anthers 0.3 mm long; style about 6 mm long; ovary 2-celled, or 3-celled, with several ovules. A shrub 3 m high, its stems about 2 cm in diameter, the bark deciduous, that of the younger branches light-brown, densely covered with dark- brown glandular tubercles, the youngest shoots hoary-pubescent, vegetative parts otherwise glabrous, leaves with petioles 1—2.5 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, oval, obovate, or orbicular, 17—22 mm long, 10—15 mm wide, the base acutely acuminate, the margin revolute, the apex forming a very short and obtuse acumen, the under surface very densely covered with brown glands; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 5—8, but homologous veins irregular as regards meeting the submarginal vein or not, the submarginal vein definite from base, sometimes prolonged upon the petiole. Luzox, Province of Bontoc, Talubin Barlig trail, For. Bur. 13/(03 Kleme, in dense forest at an elevation of 1,600 m. Closely allied to E. mabaeoides Wight, from which, however, it differs in several particulars. Copeland 1186, Mount Apo, Mindanao, and an unnumbered specimen collected by H. N. Whitford on Mount Silav, Negros, cospecific with one another, are very closely allied to E. diplycosi folia, but probably distinct. One specimen is in early fruit, the other sterile, and a final opinion can not be given until more material is obtained. Local name, Titimi, Ig. 348 ROBINSON. 5. Eugenia bataanensis Merr. Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 Suppl. (1906) 104. Jambosa bataanensis Merr. Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1904) 36. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Claveria, Bur. Sci. 7367 Itamos: Province of Pampanga, Mount Arayat, Merrill 3932, 5014, Eor. B ur. 12308 Maule: Province of Bulacan, For. Bur. 7 452 Curran : Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Merrill 3761, Elmer 6807, Williams 729, For. Bur. 177 Barnes, For. Bur. 2083, 2386 Borden, For. Bur. 2407, 2765, Meyer: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 2686 Ahern’s collector, Bur. Sci. 2078 Ramos: Province of Tayabas, Mount Banajao, For. Bur. 8042 Curran A Merritt. Mindoro, Mount Calavite, For. Bur. 8687, 8734 Merritt. The species is variable, passing from forms with broader bases, represented best by some of the Arayat collections, through those agreeing with the nomen- clatorial type where the bases are narrow but still obtuse, to the Mindoro numbers where some leaves are acute and some obtuse, the extreme being reached in the Cagayan specimen, where the leaves are acute. In rough agreement, there is a decrease in thickness. The only local names noted are Calubcub and Malaruhat, on Mariveles, both more properly applied to other species. Endemic. 6. Eugenia speciosissima sp. nov. Floribus solitariis, axillaribus, pedicellis circiter 2 cm longis suffultis, magnis, calycis tubo turbinato, lobis 4; petalis 4, late rotundatis, stamini- bus permultis: foliis coriaceis, lanceolatis vel elliptico-lanceolatis, basi cordatis subamplexicantibus, apice obtusis. Flowers solitary, borne in the axils of the leaves or of fallen leaves, upon pendulous articulated pedicels about 2 cm long, subtended at the distinct articulation by two ovate bracteoles 0.5 mm long, often with additional bracteoles elsewhere on the pedicel : calyx-tube turbinate, the lower portion about 5 mm in diameter, at the base of the lobes 2-3 cm in diameter, calyx-lobes 4, unequal, the larger 2 cm wide, the apices broadly rounded; petals 4, rose-purple, broadly rounded, 2.5 cm wide at the base; staminal disk well developed; stamens very numerous, the filaments about 2 cm long, the anthers 2-3 cm long; style about 2.5 cm long. A tree G m high, with a stem 15 cm in diameter, the branches and branchlets covered with grayish bark, the latter somewhat flattened or angled at the extreme apex : leaves borne on very short petioles, the lamina coriaceous, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, 11-15 cm long, 3-6.5 cm wide, the bases cordate, gradually narrowed from below the middle to the obtuse apex, hardly or not acuminate; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 10-12, forming a conspicuous submarginal vein. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Cayapa, For. Bur. 10865 Curran (type) ; Mos- quito Creek, For. Bur. 14193 Merritt; growing at an elevation of 2,000 m. Closely allied to E. bataanensis Merr., distinguished by its coriaceous leaves with much broader and more cordate bases often overlapping the branches, less acuminate apices, flowers larger and so far as seen always axillary and pendulous, while in E. bataanensis they are usually but not always terminal. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEjE. o4D 7. Eugenia long iped icellata (Merr.) comb. nov. Jambosa longipedicellata Merr. Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1904) 37. Luzon, Province of Principe, Baler, Merrill 101/6, 10)1. Endemic. 8. Eugenia longissima Merr. Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (1906) 50. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Sablan, Elmer 6218: Province of Zambales, Mount Tapulao, Bur. Sci. 512) Ramos. Endemic. 9. Eugenia ramosii sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus, composito-subumbellatis, multifloris : calyce petalisque extus sericeis; calycis tubo turbinato, lobis 4, rotundatis; petalis 4, liberis; staminibus numerosis: foliis brevissime petiolatis, chartaceis, anguste oblongis, oblanceolatis vel lanceolatis, longissimis, basi cordatis, apice acuminatis, venis utrinque 25-30. Inflorescence terminal, including tbe flowers about 10 cm long, branch- ing usually four times, the branches terete, at each articulation usually 5, the ultimate branches terete, 1-1.5 cm long, 1-flowered, bracteoles lanceolate, 1 mm long; the branches of the inflorescence and the outer surface of the calyx and petals silky-glandular; flowers described as yellow: calyx-tube turbinate, about 2 cm long and 1 cm in diameter at the base of the lobes, extending about 7 mm beyond the ovary, contracted into a pseudostalk below ; calyx-lobes 4, unequal in pairs, 2.5-4 mm long, 7-8 mm wide at the base, rounded at the apex; petals 4, free, suborbicular, about 1 cm in diameter; stamens numerous, the filaments about 1 cm long, the oblong anthers nearly 1.5 mm long; style about 1.5 cm long; ovary 2-celled, several-ovuled. A tree 10 m high, with a trunk 10 cm in diameter, the branchlets strongly 4-angled and winged, when dry with brownish or yellowish-brown bark: leaves with petioles about 5 mm long, the lamina chartaceous or subcoriaceous, narrowly oblong, lanceolate or oblanceolate, 30 to at least 55 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, the base cordate, the margin barely revolute, at tbe apex forming a narrowing acumen, probably 3-5 cm long, but the actual apex wanting on all leaves collected, upper surface pale-green, lower surface glaucous to brownish ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 25-30, forming three submarginal veins throughout the length except at the extremities, the innermost the thickest. Luzon, Province of Isabela, San Luis, Bur. Sci. 8030 Ramos, growing in forests near the river at an elevation of 600 m. 10. Eugenia merrillii sp. nov. Cymis terminalibus, multifloris, floribus mediocris, breviter vel non pedicellatis, tetrameris; foliis lanceolatis, basi cordatis, apice acutis falcatisque; venis utrinque 50-60. Cymes terminal, widely branching, many-flowered, 4-7 cm long, the ultimate pedicels 5 mm long or wanting: calyx-tube 1.5 cm long, 6-7 350 ROBINSON. mm in diameter at the base of the lobes, projecting about 6 mm beyond the ovary; calyx-lobes 4, unequal, widely rounded, 1-2 mm long, 4.5-6 mm wide; petals 4 or sometimes 5, 6-8 mm in diameter; staminal disk somewhat thick; stamens about 300, their filaments 6-10 mm long, their anthers oblong, 1 mm long, 0.6 mm wide; ovary 2-celled, with few ovules; style at least 1 cm long. A tree 9 m high, with long drooping branches, its ultimate branches covered by purplish bark, together with the peduncles conspicuously 4-angled and 4-winged ; leaves opposite, borne on petioles 5-6 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, olivaceous-brown and shining on the upper surface, purplish-brown beneath, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, 20-32 cm long, 3.5-6 cm wide, shallowly cordate at the base, gradually narrowed from a short distance above the base to the usually falcate apex; veins on each side of the midrib 50-60, not very close, intervening veins sometimes nearly as prominent as the primary, submarginal vein distinct, leaving a leaf-border 1—1.5 mm wide with inconspicuous veins onlv. Palawan, Iwahig River, Merrill 760. 11. Eugenia gigantifolia Merrill sp. nov. Floribus cymosis, pedicellatis, articulatis, caulinis, tetrameris; foliis subsessilibus, oblanceolatis, permagnis, basi leviter cordatis, apice rotun- datis. Flowers cymose, borne on small tubercles on the stem or older branches, 1-9 flowers in each fascicle, the pedicels 7-13 mm long, articulated with the flowers, when solitary themselves also articulated, terete or quadran- gular, not or only slightly swollen at their apices, bracteoles paired, very short and inconspicuous but comparatively wide at their bases: calvx tuibinate, in all 2.2— 2.5 cm long, at anthesis about 1.3 cm in diameter at the apex of the tube, at the base more or less differentiated into a pseudostalk about 5 mm long, at the apex forming 4 unequal lobes, the larger pair 6-7.5 mm long, 11-12 mm wide, the smaller 4-5 mm long, 8-10 mm wide, all rounded at the apex; petals 4, orbicular but truncate at the base, 12 mm in diameter; staminal disk thick, conspicuous; stamens 400-500, the filaments 2-3 cm long, the anthers 1.5-1. 8 mm long; ovary 2-celled, with numerous ovules; style slender, tapering, 1.8-2 cm long, in fruit attaining a length of 4.5 cm: fruit urceolate, 13 mm long, 17 mm wide, the calyx-tube forming a rim for about 4 mm, the calyx-lobes more or less persistent ; 2-celled, its walls 1.5 mm in thickness, each cell containing one seed; seeds compressed, orbicular- ovate in outline, 1 cm in diameter, their testa probably brownish. A tree 12-20 m high, with a trunk 20-40 cm in diameter, the leaf- bearing branches 3- or 4-angled, the bark yellowish to reddish-brown; leaves opposite or in whorls of 3 or 4, subsessile, the petioles only 1-2 mm long, but 6-9 mm width, becoming stout midribs projecting strongly from the under surface of the lamina; the lamina coriaceous, oblanceolate. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 351 broadly oblanceolate, or rarely elliptic, 34-66 cm long, 9-21 cm wide, the smaller measurements probably representing young leaves, at the base broadly but very shallowly cordate, the least injured apices rounded, the dried lamina brown on both surfaces but paler on the under surface ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 16-23, conspicuous, usually with a few of the intervening veins nearly as prominent, cross veins distinct, the finer venation distinct on the under surface but not on the upper, a distinct submarginal vein present as well as a faint one very near the margin, the latter sometimes hidden by the slightly revolute margins. Culion, llalsey Harbor, Merrill 573 (type). Mindoro, Bongabon River, For. Bur. JjllO Merritt ; Baruyan, For. Bur. 5428 Merritt ; Mount Halcon, For. Bur. 4359 Merritt. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 624- Ba- silan, Hallier s. n. Local names, Mcilatalisi (Tag.), Bagotalisi (Vis.), Mindoro. 12. Eugenia curran ii sp. nov. Arbor, ramis 4-alatis: pedicellis longis, teneris, bracteolatis, floribus caulinis, paniculatis, tetrameris; foliis oblongo-ellipticis vel anguste ellipticis, apice acuminatis, basi cordatis, breviter petiolatis. Flowers borne upon tubercles upon the stem, one to several panicles 6-8 cm long and 5-7-flowered from each tubercle, the peduncles and pedicels glandular, the pedicels 9 mm to 2 cm long, quadrangular, each having at its base a linear acute bract 2-4 mm long, and at its apex a pair of lanceolate or ovate bracteoles less than 1 mm long : calyx-tube broadly turbinate, about 1 cm long and 1 cm in diameter, or without the greatly narrowed pseudostalk hemispheric; calyx-lobes 4, ovate, the larger about 5 mm long and 7 mm wide, the smaller 3 mm long and 6 mm wide; petals 4, ovate, somewhat acuminate, rounded at the apex, 9 mm long, 7 mm wide; staminal disk thickened, stamens 350-400, the fila- ments 5-10 mm long, dilated at the base, the anthers 0.7 mm long, 0.6 mm wide; ovary 2-celled, each cell containing several minute ovules; style terete, 1.5 cm long. A tree 16 m high, its trunk 20 cm in diameter, the ultimate branches distinctly 4-angled, and, especially near the apex, winged, more or less swollen at the nodes, covered with gray or brownish-gray bark:. leaves with red annulate-rugose petioles 4-8 mm long and 1-3 mm in diameter, the lamina oblong-elliptic or narrowly elliptic, 15—29 cm long, 4.5—8 cm wide, more or less coriaceous, shallowly cordate at the base, at the apex forming an acumen about 1 cm long, olivaceous on the upper surface, brownish-green and glandular-punctate beneath; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 1-6-22, with a prominent vein 3-5 mm from the margin, these veins visible on both surfaces but better on the under where alone the fairly numerous transverse veins can be seen. Luzon. Province of Camarines, Mount Isarog, For. Bur. 10453 Curran. Fruit edible: wood used for boards. ROBINSON. :»52 13. Eugenia multinervia sp. nov. Inflorescentiis caulifloris, cymosis, floribus mediocris, tetrameris; petalis liberis: foliis oblongo-ellipticis, magnis, basi cordatis, apice acu- minatis; venis utrinque 32-35. Inflorescences fascicled upon tubercles 1.5 cm long, situated upon the trunk, forming slender branching few-flowered cymes about 8 cm long, their branches and the calyces and less conspicuously the petals glandular ; bracteoles at the base of the flower and at the forks of the inflorescence ovate, acute, 0.7-1 mm long; individual flowers, except sometimes one or more of the three terminal, with pedicels about 1 cm long: calyx-tube in all 13-15 mm long, 7-8 mm in diameter at the base of the lobes, the basal 7-8 mm greatly narrowed into a pseudostalk, the upper portion of the calyx hemispherical; calyx-lobes 4, 4-4.5 mm long, 7-8 mm wide at the base, the apex rounded ; petals 4, free, orbicular or broadly ovate, 6-7 mm long, 7-8 mm wide, apex rounded; stamens numerous, the filaments 7 mm long, the ellipsoid anthers 0.9 mm long; style 6 mm long; ovary 2- celled, many-ovuled. Habit unknown : the ultimate branches covered with yellowish-brown annulate bark, 4-angled : leaves with stout petioles 5-7 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, purplish on the upper surface, brown beneath, 27-31 cm long, 9-11 cm wide, the base distinctly but shallowly cordate, the apex contracted into a comparatively very slender short acumen; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 32-35, nearly straight, main submarginal vein about 4-6 mm from the margin, with a faint outer vein, midvein thick and on the under surface strongly projecting. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Cuming 1299. 14. Eugenia copelandii sp. nov. Inflorescentiis axillaribus, brevissime pedicellatis et pedunculatis floribus admodum magnis, tetrameris, staminibus numerosis : foliis longis, lanceolatis, basi cordatis, apice vix acuminatis; venis utrinque 18-22, laminae facie utraque conspicuis. Flowers borne in very condensed axillary one- to few-flowered cymes, the peduncles and pedicels not exceeding 2.5 mm, the entire inflorescence io the tip of the style 4.5 cm in length: calyx-tube turbinate, extending 6-7 mm beyond the ovary, at anthesis about 1 cm long, in early fruit 1.5 cm long, 2 cm wide at the base of the 4 rounded lobes, which are 3- 6 mm long and 6-9 mm wide at the base; petals 4, about 8 mm long, 9 mm wide in the middle, somewhat abruptly contracted to a short broad claw at the base; stamens numerous, 2-3 cm long, the anthers about 1.5 mm long; style exceeding 3 cm in length. Presumably a tree, the branchlets terete or slightly compressed near the apex, covered with gray or pale bark: leaves with petioles 2-3 mm long, the lamina submembranaceous, lanceolate, 20-32 cm long, 6-8 cm wide, slightly narrowed near the cordate base, gradually narrowed from below the middle to the barely acuminate nearly acute apex; primary A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACF.E. 353 lateral veins on each side of the midrib 18-22, somewhat thin, and nearly the same color as the lamina, forming a definite submarginal vein, the secondary veins nearly as conspicous on the upper as on the under surface. Mindanao, District of Davao, Davao, Copeland s. n. 15. Eugenia phaneropheletaia sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus vel in axillis defoliatis, paucifloris ; floribus magnis, tetrameris ; calycis tubo turbinato, 4-lobato : arbor ramulis saepius tetragonis, foliis brevissime petiolatis, lanceolatis vel ellipticis, basi ad- modum angustatis, cordatis, apice acuminatis. Inflorescence terminal or rarely on the branches below the leaves, 1-3-flowered, the peduncles none or attaining 1.5 mm, the pedicels some- times articulate, and then attaining in all a length of 6 mm, bearing a pair of ovate bracteoles 0.5 mm long at each articulation : calyx-tube turbinate, about 2 cm long and about 1.5 cm in diameter at the base of the lobes, the later 4, rounded, unequal, 2-6 mm long, 5-7 mm wide ; petals 4, broadly oval or orbicular, 8-10 mm long ; stamens very numerous, the filaments 2-2.5 cm long, the anthers 1.5 mm long; style about 3 cm long; ovary 2-celled, with several ovules in each cell: only very young fruit known. A small tree, its branchlets nearly always 4-angled and margined, covered with gray bark: leaves with petioles 1-5 mm long, the lamina cliartaceous, lanceolate to elliptic, 14—25 cm long, 4—7 cm wide, the base cordate, the apex contracted to a slender obtuse acumen, the lower surface much paler than the upper; primary lateral veins very conspicuous on the under surface and often reddish, impressed on the upper surface, 15-18 on each side of the midrib, forming usually three submarginal veins, the outermost very faint, the middle one quite evident, the inner very conspicuous. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Antipolo, Bur. Sci. 3361 Ramos (type) ; ianay, Merrill 2336: Province of Tayabas, Atimonan, For. Bur. 15265 Rosenbluth; Gui- nayangan, For. Bur. 12269 Rosenbluth. Mindoro, Balete, For. Bur. 6200 Merritt. From comparisons made at Kew, this species lias been noted by Mr. Merrill as the Eugenia coarctata of Ceron’s Catalogue, which seems to lie the place where that species was first transferred from Jambosa, although the credit is there given to Blume. I have been quite unable to trace Blume’s species in recent botanical literature, and E. macrocarpa Roxb., to which it is reduced in the Index Kewensis is not enumerated among the species of Java by Koorders and Valeton, even as a synonym, consequently it has been impossible to ascertain the limits of E. coarctata, and the present species has been described as new. It is certainly very closely allied to E. macrocarpa. comparison with Wight’s figure indicating as apparent differences the much more acuminate apex, more condensed inflorescence and shorter bracteoles. Duthie 0 says that the figure shows the leaves too acute: if so, the most conspicuous distinction is removed. Local name, Malayambo , (Tag.), Tayabas. When large, used as timber. FI. Br. Ind. 2 (1878) 474. 854 ROBINSON. 16. Eugenia angulata sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus, axillaribus, vel etiam foliis subt us suffultis, pedunculis pedicellisque brevissimis vel nullis: floribus parvis, calycis tubo turbinato vel fere obconico: foliis breviter petiolatis, lanceolatis vel anguste ellipticis, basi leviter cordatis, apice attenuatis acuminatis, venis ntrinque 15-20. Jnfloreseences terminal, axillary, and on the branches below the leaves, the peduncles wanting or attaining 4 mm in length, the pedicels entirely wanting or very short, rarely in all 1 cm long: calyx-tube ranging from obconic to nearly turbinate, extending 4-5 mm beyond the ovary, about 1 mm long, at the base of the lobes 6-7 mm in diameter, the 4 lobes unequal, 2-1 mm long, 3-6 mm wide at the base, all rounded at the apex; disk thickened; petals 4, 4-6 mm long; stamens probably numerous, the few seen with filaments only 4-6 mm long and anthers less than 0.5 mm long; style 12-15 mm long; ovary 2-celled, with several ovules. A tiee about 7.5 m high, its trunk 10 cm in diameter, covered with smooth pinkish-gray hark, the branchlets with gray bark, more or less angled and somewhat margined : leaves with petioles 2-3 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate, or narrowly elliptic, 16-24 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, the base slightly cordate, narrowed at the apex to a slender obtuse acumen; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 15-20, frequently with intermediate veins nearly as distinct, the secondary venation only loosely anastomosing, and on the upper surface inconspicuous, a very definite submarginal vein present. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Sax River, Williams 2164 (type) : Lake Lanao, ( amp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens s. n. The latter specimen is responsible for most of the variation in the inflorescence. The species is far from the one with most strongly angled stems even among Philippine Eugenias, but the name is used partly in default of a better available one, partly to call attention to its close alliance to E. sexangulata Miq., from which it is sufficiently distinguished by its inflorescence. 17. Eugenia leytensis Elmer Leaf!. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 329. I* loribus caulinis, fasciculatis, subsessilibus, mediocris, tetrameris; foliis breviter petiolatis, subcoriaceis, oblanceolatis vel oblongis, basi obtusis, apice obtusis, baud acuminatis; venis utrinque 13-19, E. malaccensi aflfinis. Leyte, Palo, near Bangon River, Elmer 7265. Endemic. 18. Eugenia malaccensis Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 470. Caryophyllus malaccensis W. F. Wight in Contr. U. S. Nat Herb 9 (1905) 217, 314. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Gumaca, Whit ford 877: Province of Albay. Ta- baco. Bur. Sci. 8520 Robinson. Masbate, Meygaran, For. Bur. 99!) Clark. Min- doro, Bongabong River, For. Bur. 4065 Merritt. Mindanao, Province of Surigao, Bolster 295 : Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens s. n.: District of Davao, A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEJE. f) • r ODD Davao, Ahern 834,' Santa Cruz, Williams 2871. Balabac, Bur. Sci. 411 Mangubat. Negros, Dumaguete, Elmer 9852. Local names, Macupa, Davao; Mangcopa, Masbate; Ja mo, Tayabas. Widely cultivated in the tropics. 19. Eugenia whitfordii Merr. in Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (1906) 49. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Whit ford J/68, For. Bur. 1182 Borden ; Limay, Bur. Sci. 6169 Robinson. Local name, Malaruhat. Endemic. 20. Eugenia fenicis sp. nov. Floribus caulinis, cymosis, tetrameris, pedicellatis, articulatis, ovario 1-3-loculari ; foliis ellipticis, basi acutis, apice caudatis. Flowers borne on tubercles on the stem., these sometimes also hearing leafy shoots, cymose, 1-5-flowered, tlie total length of the fascicle includ- ing the styles attaining 8 cm, the ultimate pedicels 7.5-15 mm long, nearly terete and of equal diameter throughout, conspicuously articulated with the flowers and bearing at the point of articulation a pair of incon- spicuous bracteoles : flowering specimens unknown : fruiting calyx in all 2.3 cm long, urceolate, 1.8 cm in diameter at the apex of the tube, which projects about 5 mm beyond the ovary, at the base forming a short pseudostalk 3 mm long and of slightly greater diameter; calyx-lobes 4, distant, unequal, the larger 7 mm long and 8-8.5 mm wide, the smaller 3.5 mm long, and 6 mm wide; the stamina! disk thickened, stamens fallen, but judging from the scars probably about 300; ovary with exterior walls 1 mm in thickness, 1-3-celled, in the last case one cell as large as the other .two together; seed from a 1-celled ovary oval in outline, compressed, 8 mm long, 6 mm wide; style 3-3.5 cm long. A tree 8-9 m high, with a trunk 15 cm in diameter, covered with smooth reddish-gray bark, the ultimate branches with grayish or brownish bark, terete or at the apex somewhat angled; leaves borne on petioles 3-5 mm long and 2-2.5 mm in diameter, the lamina rather narrowly elliptic, 9.5-18 cm long, 2. 8-5. 5 cm wide, acute at the base, caudate- acuminate at the apex, olivaceous on the upper surface, grayish on the under surface; primary lateral veins 9-12, along with the submarginal vein conspicuous on both surfaces, but other venation hardly ever visible on either surface. Babuyanes Islands, Camiguin Island, Bur. Sci. 4065 Fenix. Close to E. whit- fordii, as represented by Bur. Sci. 6169, which has much larger leaves than the earlier collections of that species; distinguished bv its caudate leaf-apex and thickened petioles. 21. Eugenia mananquil Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 290. Myrtus mananquil Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 421. (.17. manananquil err. tvp.) Eugenia lobas Merr. in Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (1906) 48, prob. Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 857. ROBINSON. :356 E. canliflora Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 291. E. cauliflora Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 3 (1878) 177, nec DC'. Prodr. 3 (1828) 273, nec. Miq, in Linnaea 22 (1849) 537. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Sur, Pinapinas, For. Bur. 7121 Klemme: Province of Zambales, Mataim, For. Bur. 6333 Curran: Province of Pangasinan, For. Bur. Uf382 Villamil: Province of Pampanga, Mount Arayat, Bolster 112: Province of Batangas, Looc, For. Bur. 7652 Curran c£- Merritt: Province of Tayabas, Atimonan, Merrill 3095; Unisan, For. Bur. 6548, 6601 Kobbe; Guinayangan, For. Bur. 837, 3232 Uagger: Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 187: Province of Albay, Batan Island, Bur. Sci. 6262 Robinson: Province of Sorsogon, For. Bur. 5753 Pray Leyte, Ormoc, For. Bur. 12736 Rosenbluth. Mindoro, Bongabong River, Whit- ford 1385, For. Bur. 3658 Merritt; Balete, For. Bur. 6143 Merritt; Buncuran, For. Bur. 11428 Merritt. Mindanao, Province of Surigao, Agusan Valley, For. Bur. 7163 Hutchinson: District of Cotabalo, Reina Regente, For. Bur. 3928 Hutch- inson; Guitinludang, For. Bur. 6561 Hutchinson: District of Davao, DaVao, Copeland 504- Blanco’s original description made no reference to the leaves, and their descrip- tion in the second edition as lanceolate with very short petioles helps but little. For none of the most probable species is the amended description entirely satis- factory. Villar considered it to agree best with E. javanica, but there is reason to suppose that his interpretation of that species was only partly correct, and while this identification is not improbable, it is probably wrong. This species is certainly that considered by Merrill to be E. lobas Blanco. That species was said by Blanco to be cultivated and only doubtfully indigenous: it is possible that it was the same as E. mananquil, the latter wild, the former in cultivation, but the facts are beyond discovery. Possible identifications, both for E. lobas and E. bauangica Blanco are E. malaccensis. Blanco’s E. jambos has been supposed to represent that species, but the probability is that it really was an error for E. javanica. The present species seems to be t he one that best fits E. mananquil. Wood hard, used in the construction of houses, especially for posts. Berry edible. Local names: Ansa, Pangasinan: Bagabug, Pampanga; Bitbid, Camarines; Buabua, Mindoro; Cagucug, Cotabato; Ca jocko, Leyte; Dambuhala, Batangas; Jangus, Surigao; Kaguku, Cotabato; Malahaguis, Sorsogon; Malaruhat, Zamba- les; Midbid, Midbit, Tayabas; Mungilkil, Mindoro; Panglongbuyen-copaiopa, Ilocos Sur. It seems advisable to add a few additional data to the description given by Merrill l. c. Flowers in cymes 3-12 cm long, many cymes usually borne on each cauline tubercle, the peduncles and pedicels slender, about 0.5 mm in diameter, the cymes 1-12-llowered, very rarely many-flowered and then with stouter peduncles, the flowers articulated, with a pair of small bracteoles at the point of articulation, flowers contracted into a pseudostalk 1.5-3 mm long. A tree 7-20 m high, with opposite leaves borne on petioles 2.5-7 mm long, the lamina elliptic, 7-15 cm long, 2. 5-5. 5 cm wide; lateral veins on each side of the midrib 8-13. Endemic. 22. Eugenia luzonensis Merr. Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 105. Jam bosa luzonensis Merr. Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1904) 37. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Sablan, Elmer 6229: Province of Zambales, Subig, For. Bur. 913 Maule: Province of Bataan, Lamao River, For. Bur. 83 Barnes, For. Bur. 619, 658, 1197, 1573 Borden, For. Bur. 6249, 7371 Curran, For. Bur. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiK. 35 i 7373 Aguilar, Whitford 107, 357, Williams 61,1,, Elmer 6881, Merrill Dec. Philip. For. FI. 172 Borden: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 3069, 3203 Ahern's collector, Bur. Sci. 261,8 Kamos; Tanay, Merrill 2276. Negros, Province of Negros Oriental, Tolon, For. Bur. 12335 Everett. Mindoro, Busuangav, For. Bur. 9731 Merritt. Local names in Bataan, Malaruhat, Malaruhat va pula, or the equivalent Red Malaruhat, on one sheet Macopa, which is that given for Mindoro; in Rizal, Ductulan; in Zambales, Lurnboi bundoc ; in Negros, Bumug. Endemic. 23. Eugenia tripinnata (Blanco) comb. nov. Myrtus tripinnata Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 421. M. subrubens Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 294. Eugenia cymosa F.-Vill. Noviss. App. (1883) 85: non Lam. Encycl. 3 (1789) 199. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Mount Santander, Bur. Sci. 3288 Kamos; Bosoboso, For. Bur. 2675 Ahern's collector; Antipolo, For. Bur. 1,3 \ Ahern's collector : Province of Tayabas, between Bugulan and Pitogo, For. Bur. 10216 Curran: Province of Camarines, Calalinga, For. Bur. 10720 Curran. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Mrs. Clemens 592. Flowers borne in terminal or less often lateral cymes, rarely upon the older branches, the individual cymes 3-5-flowered, 4-10 cm long, the peduncles and pedicels slender, the latter 7—32 mm long ; pseudostalks at anthesis 5—6 mm long, calyx-tube about 3 mm long, turbinate, about 7.5 mm in diameter at the base of the 4 lobes, the lobes slightly unequal, semicircular, 2.5-3 mm long, 5—6 mm wide at the base ; petals 4, sub- orbicular, 8 mm in diameter, rounded at the apex; staminal disk well developed; stamens numerous, the filaments exceeding 1 cm in length; the anthers 1.2 mm long; ovary 2-celled, each cell containing numerous small ovules, the ovarian wall just within the margin with a conspicuous row of oil-glands; fruit white to reddish, attaining a diameter of nearly 1.5 cm, the pseudostalk usually reduced to about 1 mm, the calyx-lobes persistent, conspicuous. A tree 15-20 m high, with trunks about 25 cm in diameter, the ultimate branches covered with grayish or reddish bark; leaves borne on petioles 2-8 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, elliptic or oblanceolate, 8-13 tm long, 3-4.8 cm wide, acute or shallowly cordate at the base, at the apex acuminate, usually sharply, often conspicuously glandular-punc- tate; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 9-13, usually forming two definite submarginal veins. The original description of Myrtus tripinnata contained many errors, as Blanco tiiinsolf recognized before the publication of the second edition. In many ways the species suggested is Eugenia luzonensis Merrill, but one point seems to be conclusive as showing its difference from that species. The flowers are said to form a terminal umbel, whereas in E. luzonensis they are never entirely terminal, and only one collection has been found on which they are partially terminal. They are very widely paniculately disposed, the single flowers umbellate, sessile or subsessile, whereas those of the species here described as E. tripinnata, though not truly umbellate, might be roughly so characterized. They also are more often 358 ItOBINSON. terminal, 'ilie common name given by Blanco Malaruhat na pula, is often used for E. luzonensis, and it is by no means unlikely that be confused the two closely allied species. I be synonym h. cymosa is merely based upon Villar’s identification with it of Blanco’s species, to which it has no close alliance. E. cymosa Lam. has not been found in the Philippines. Endemic. 24. Eugenia rubropurpurea sp. nov. Inflorescentiis cymosis, caulifioris; floribus breviter pedicellatis, tetra- meris, mediocrjs, rubropurpureis : foliis anguste ellipticis, basi acutis, apice breviter obtuseque acuminatis, venis utrinque 25-30. Flowers borne on very short tubercles on the older parts of the branches below the leaves, the cymes fascicled, usually 3-flowered, either distinct as far as the tubercle or united with other cymes, the flowers articulated with the pedicels and the latter once or twice articulated, the ultimate pedicels 1.5—2 mm long, the entire fascicle not exceeding 3 cm in length, but of greater diameter: calyx nearly campanulate, 1-1.2 cm long, including a pseudostalk 2-3 mm long, the apex of the tube at anthesis about 7 mm in diameter, bearing 4 broadly ovate rounded lobes 3—4 mm long ; petals 4, orbicular or orbicular-ovate, 7.5 mm long, (1.5— 8 mm wide, rounded at the apex, usually with many veins and several large but not very conspicuous glands; staminal disk conspicuous; stamens nearly 200, their filaments 1.5— 1.7 cm long, their anthers versatile, yellowish, lanceolate, 0.7-0.8 mm long: ovary inferior, 2-celled, or when young with 2 false partitions at the base, each cell containing several ovules; style 2.2 cm long or slightly longer in fruit, terete, slender. A small tree about 5 mm high, its trunk 8 cm in diameter, the bark of the younger branches gray to grayish-brown, smooth or only slightly striate; leaves with petioles 1-2 cm long and 2-5 mm in diameter, often conspicuously annular-rugose when old, the lamina coriaceous, narrowly elliptic to elliptic, 25—33 cm long, 5.2-10.5 cm wide, acute and somewhat decurrent at the base, at the apex shortly and obtusely acuminate; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 25—30, with some of the intervening veins almost equally prominent, the anastomoses * fairly numerous, forming a vein about 1.5 mm from the margin, and a less conspicuous vein about 0.5 mm from the margin, the lower surface minutely glandular-lepidote. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 9386 (type), 9380, 9398, 9465 Whitford d Hutchinson., Isabela, For. Bur. 4830 Hutchinson. 25. Eugenia rubrovenia sp. nov. Tnflorescentiis terminalibus, axillaribus, vel in ramis subtus foliis, brevibus, paucifloris; floribus parvis, sessilibus : calycis tubo turbinato, lobis 4 ; petalis liberis : foliis breviter petiolatis vel subsessilibus, charta- ceis, ellipticis vel- elliptico-oblanceolatis, basi acutis, apice acuminatis; venis utrinque 11-15. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OB’1 PHILIPPINE MY RT ACE/E. 351) Inflorescences terminal, or in the axils of present or fallen leaves, the peduncles not exceeding 1 cm in length or almost wanting, cymose, few- flowered, the individual flowers sessile, subtended by short bracteoles : calyx-tube 2-3 mm long, of which about the basal 1 mm forms a pseudo- stalk, 2. 5-3. 5 mm wide at the base of the lobes; calyx-lobes 4, somewhat unequal, 1.5-2 mm long, 2.5-3 mm wide, rounded; petals 4, suborbicular, about 2.5 mm in diameter ; stamens numerous, the filaments 2 mm long, the anthers 0.3 mm long; style 4—5 mm long; ovary 2-celled, few-ovuled. A small tree, its branches terete, the branchlets 4-angled, covered with gray bark: leaves with petioles not exceeding 3 mm long or subsessile, chartaceous, elliptic to elliptic-oblaneeolate, 12-18 cm long, 4-7 cm wide, the base acute and decurrent, the apex rather abruptly contracted into a short acumen, brownish when dry, the under surface somewhat paler, glandular-dotted; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 11—15, immersed in the upper surface, projecting from the lower and distinct, purplish, forming a definite submarginal vein, or sometimes one or more of the most basal forming an outer vein; secondary reticulation evident but more often inconspicuous. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 973 (type), s. n. 26. Eugenia conglobata sp. nov. Inflorescentiis axillaribus vel ramifloris, pedunculis pedicellisque brevis- simis; calycis tubo turbinato vel subrotato, lobis 4, rotundatis; petalis liberis; disco evoluto; staminibus numerosis: foliis submembranaceis, ellipticis vel oblongo-lanceolatis, basi acutis, apice anguste acuminatis; venis utrinque 8-14. Cymes greatly condensed, few- to several-flowered, axillary or on older branches, both peduncles and pedicels very short, never exceeding 3 mm : calyx-tube turbinate or subrotate, 4 mm long, 5-7 mm wide at the base of the lobes ; calyx-lobes 4, 2.5-3 mm long, 3-3.5 mm wide, rounded at the apex ; petals 4, free, orbicular-ovate, 3.5 mm long; disk well developed ; stamens numerous, the filaments about 5 mm long, anthers suborbicular, about 0.2 mm in diameter; style nearly 1 cm long, ovary 2-celled. A tree 12 m high, with a trunk 30 cm in diameter, the branchlets covered with cinnamon-colored striate bark: leaves with petioles 5-10 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, glandular-dotted, elliptic or oblong- lanceolate, 9-14 cm long, 3-6.5 cm wide, the base acuminately acute, the apex forming a slender but obtuse acumen 1-2 cm long; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 8-14, the basal 2-4 not conspicuously uniting with the more apical ones and therefore not aiding to form the submarginal vein. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Sax River, at 45 m elevation, Williams 2359 (type). Luzon, Province of Camarines, Caramoan, San Roque, For. Bur. 106 77 Curran. The latter collection has more numerously veined leaves than the type, but there seems to be no essential difference. E. rubrivenia is also very close, but differs by its paler bark, nearly sessile leaves, and sessile flowers. ROBINSON. 360 27. Eugenia subfoetida sp. nov. Inllorescentiis tenninalibus vel lateralibus, brevibus, paucifloris: calycis tubo turbinato; Jobis 4, rotundatis: foliis subcoriaceis, lanceolatis, basi acutis decurrentibusque, apice subcaudato-acuminatis ; vonis utrinque 10-12. Cymes terminal or axillary, 1-3-flowered, only 1 cm long, excluding the style, peduncles present but not more than 2 mm long, individual flowers sessile or with very short pedicels, subtended by ovate bracteoles less than 1 mm long but comparatively conspicuous; calyx-tube turbinate, 3 mm long, 3.5-4 mm wide at the base of the lobes; calyx-lobes 4, rounded, 3-3.5 mm long, 3-5 mm wide; petals 4, free, orbicular-ovate, 4 mm long; disk present; stamens numerous, the filaments 6-8 mm long, the anthers suborbicular, only 0.2 mm in diameter; style 1 cm long; ovary 2-celled, its walls containing an unusually well-defined row of oil-glands. A tree 10 m high, with a trunk 10 cm in diameter, its branchlets covered with gray or brownish bark : leaves with petioles 2-3 mm long, the lamina subcoriaceous, lanceolate, 9-13 cm long, 3-4 cm wide, the base acute and decurrent on the petiole almost to its insertion, the apex contracted into a very slender acumen; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 10-12, forming a very definite submarginal vein from base to apex, but none of the veins more than harely visible on the upper surface. Palawan, Mount Victoria, at an elevation of 1050 m, Bur. Sci. 685 Foxworthy. Flowers white, with a slightly disagreeable odor. 28. Eugenia barnesii Merr. in Philip. Journ. 8'ci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 104. Jambosa barnesii Merr. Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1904) 37. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Larnao River, For. Bur. 11/0 Barnes, For. Bur. 733, 1198, 1236 Borden, For. Bur. 277 If Meyer, Whitford 251. In spite of the small size of the calyx-lobes, which are usually only 7-8 mm long, they are broadly rounded, and in all other respects the plant is a typical Jambosa, and clearly allied to the species with which it is here placed. The petals are entirely separate, but early deciduous. Allied to E. paucipunctata Koord. & Val., from which it is easily distinguished by its much fewer and larger flowers. Endemic. Local names, Malacolubcob, Malacolubcub, Putyan. 29. Eugenia subsessilis sp. nov. lnflorescentiis terminalibus, brevissime pedunculatis et pedicellatis, floribus mediocris, tetrameris : foliis breviter petiolatis, lanccolatis, oblongo-lanceolatis vel elliptico-lanceolatis, basi cordatis vel obtusis, apice acuminatis; venis utrinque 10-12, vena submarginali intemipta. Inflorescence terminal, 3-5-flowered, the peduncles and peduncles 1-2 mm long; calyx-tube glandular, turbinate, 1.5 cm long and of about equal diameter at the base of the lobes, projecting nearly 1 cm beyond the ovary, calyx-lobes 4, unequal, rounded, 3-4 mm long, 5-8 mm wide A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEAL 361 at the base; petals and stamens unknown; staminal disk well developed; style slender, attaining a length of 4 cm; ovary containing 2 cells each with several ovules : fruit 2 cm in diameter, globose not including the persistent free portion of the calyx-tube or the more or less deciduous lobes, 2-celled with one seed in each. A tree 6-9 m high, its trunk 10-12.5 cm in diameter, covered with pinkish-gray bark, the ultimate branchlets terete, somewhat flattened at the enlarged nodes, the ultimate ones sometimes slightly angled, covered with bark varying in color from gray to brown; leaves borne on petioles 1-4 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate, or elliptic-lanceolate, 10-20 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, the base cordate or merely obtuse, the apex acuminate, straight or subfalcate ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 10—12, curved-ascending, at least some, usually about 5, of the basal veins connected with the main submarginal vein by slight anastomoses only but contributing to form one or more inconspicuous veins lying without the main submarginal vein but not prolonged to the apex. Mindanao, District of Davao, Santa Cruz, Williams 271/8 (type) : District of Zamboanga, San Ramon, Hallier s. n.j Saccal Island, For. Bur. 6113 Hutchinson. Wood utilized as material in house-building on Basilan, where it is known as Tambistambis or Gulagan. 30. Eugenia crassipes sp. nov. Jambosa vulgaris Merr. in For. Bur. Bull. (Philip.) 1 (1903) 43, non DC. Prodr. 3 (1828) 286. Eugenia javanica ? Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 105, non Lam. Encycl. 3 (1789) 200. Local name, Calubcob, Bataan. Inflorescentiis terminalibus, pedunculis pedicellisque crassis, congestis vel subcongestis, floribus admodum magnis, tetrameris: foliis ellipticis vel lanceolatis, basi obtusis, baud cordatis, rarius subacutis; venis utrinque 10-12. v Cymes terminal, the peduncles and pedicels stout, in all less than 2 cm long to the base of the terminal flower, 5-flowered, the pedicels 4-8 mm long : calyx-tube turbinate, in length 1 cm or slightly more to the base of the lobes and there 10-13 mm in diameter; calyx-lobes 4, 3-5 mm long, 5-8 mm wide, broadly rounded; petals 4, white, suborbicular, 8 mm in diameter; disk well developed; stamens very numerous, the filaments about 1.5 cm and the narrow anthers about 1.5 mm long; style 3.5 cm long; ovary 2-celled. The type described as a small tree 3 m high with a trunk 3 cm in diameter, the branchlets terete or flattened toward the apex covered with gray or yellowish-gray bark : leaves with petioles 2-3 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, elliptic or lanceolate, 16 to at least 20 cm long, 6-9 cm wide, the base not cordate, obtuse or subacute ; primary lateral veins on each 85754 11 ' 362 ROBINSON. side of the midrib 10-12, arching and forming a definite submarginal vein except sometimes near the base, veins of lower orders loosely anas- tomosing, distinct on both surfaces but hardly conspicuous. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, For. Bur. 193 Barnes (type), Ahern 751. With these may possibly belong For. Bur. 1/281 Klemme, collected at San Vicente, Province of Cagayan, Luzon, with similar inflorescence, but the flowers more attenuate below, longer petioles, but smaller leaves. 31. Eugenia subrotundifol ia sp. nov. Floribus permagnis, cymoso-paniculatis : calycis tubo turbinato, lobis 4; disco stamineo conspicuo; staminibus numerosissimis ; ovario 2-cellu- lari: foliis coriaceis, ovalibus, late ovatis, late obovatis, vel subrotundis, basi rotundatis, apice breviter acuminatis. Flowers terminal on thickened usually short lateral or terminal branch- lets, the inflorescence 1-9-flowered, cymose-paniculate, the ultimate pedicels stout, 3-15 mm long, or in terminal flowers sometimes wanting, the bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, acute, 2.5—3 mm long: calyx-tube turbinate, 2 cm in diameter at the base of the lobes; the lobes 4, unequal, semiorbicular, 8 mm long, 8—12 mm wide; staminal disk conspicuous; stamens very numerous, the filaments 2-2.5 cm long, dilated at the base, the anthers oblong-lanceolate, 1.5 mm long; style 3—4 cm long, thickened near the base and there 1.5 mm wide; ovary 2-celled, the cells containing each several ovules, or all except one aborting, the walls thick, containing a row of glands ; ovules about 2 mm long. A tree attaining a height of 15 m and a trunk-diameter of 50 cm, the bark of the branches grayish or brownish, that of the flowering branchlets yellow, brown, or purplish : leaves with stout usually purplish petioles 2-3 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, oval, broadly ovate, broadly obovate, or nearly round, 8-15 cm long, 6-11.5 cm wide, the base rounded or truncate or at the extreme base often acute, the apex very shortly acu- minate; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 7-10, arched, forming a very definite submarginal vein and a fainter but equally definite one still nearer the margin, one or both surfaces at least when dry often brownish or purplish. Batanes Islands, Batan Island, Santo Domingo de Basco, Bur. Sci. 3591/ Finix (type), Bur. Sci. 3203 M earns ; Fuga Island, Bur. Sci. 3237 Mcarns. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Abulug, For. Bur. 17109 Curran: Province of Ilocos Norte, Cuming 1251: Province of Tayabas, between Paete (Laguna) and Piapi, For. Bur. 10121 Curran ; Tinuan River, Whitford 756; Mauban, For. Bur. 10185 Curran; Atimonan, Whitford 701/: Province of Sorsogon, Sugod Bay, For. Bur. 5161/ Bridges. Compared with tlie type of E. amplexicaulis -Roxb. to which it is allied, by W. W. Smith Esq., of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, who finds that it differs from that species by its stouter pedicels, flowers half as large again, and comparatively much broader leaves. Local names, Bagacbac, Batan Island; Baracbac, Cagayan; Malaambu, Tinuan River; Barangan, Sorsogon. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYETACEJE. 363 32. Eugenia mindanaensis sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus, axillaribus, vel rarius in axillis defoliatis, gracilibus, saepius trifloris; floribus mediocris, 3, terminalibus sessilibus, vel etiam singulis in ramulis lateralibus suffultis, tetrameris, caljcis tubi superiore parte campanulata subtus valde angRstata; foliis chartaceis, subsessilibus, oblanceolatis vel ellipticis, basi cordatis, apice acuminatis, venis utrinque 12-14. Individual inflorescences solitary or paired, 3-5.5 cm long, terminal, axillar}', or sometimes in the axils of fallen leaves, most often containing 2-4 greenish- white sessile. flowers at the apex of a slender articulated peduncle, or with an additional flower on one or both sides below the apex, these latter borne on pedicels which increase in length according to the distance from the apex : upper portion of the calyx-tube campanu- late, rather abruptly contracted into a narrow pseudostalk, the latter about 6 mm long, the upper portion of the tube 4 mm long and G mm wide at the base of the lobes, its apex extending about 4 mm beyond the ovary, lobes 4, rounded, unequal, though not conspicuously, 2-3.5 mm long, 4-5 mm wide, the margins similar to the petals; petals 4, 6-7 mm long, their margins involute, if spread about 5 mm wide, at the base contracted into a claw 1 mm wide and at least as long; staminal disk well developed; stamens numerous, the filaments 7-10 mm long, anthers 0.6-0. 7 mm long; ovary 2-celled, near the apex of the tube, style 12-15 mm long, stigma capitate, small but fairly conspicuous for the genus. A tree 6 m high, its trunk 10 cm in diameter, the branchlets terete or somewhat compressed at the apices, covered with grayish to brownish bark; leaves with petioles not exceeding 2 mm or almost wanting, the chartaceous lamina oblanceolate to elliptic, often somewhat oblique, 7-17 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, the base cordate, often more or less overlapping the stem, the apices forming an obtuse acumen; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 12-14, rather slender but forming a very definite submarginal vein, another less conspicuous intervening between it and the margin. Mindanao, District of Davao, Santa Cruz, Williams 27 52 (type), 2801: Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 1/77. Dinagat, Ahern 1/7 9. Basilan, DeVore & Hoover 71. Williams 2801 seems certainly to belong with the other collections here cited, hut is remarkable for having the calyx developed into a berry about 1 cm in diameter, bearing upon its apex not only the unchanged calyxdobes, but the stamens and style. Both this collection and that of Mrs. Clemens record the fruit as edible, the former noting that it rarely contains seeds. Local name, Tambis, Dinagat and Basilan. 33. Eugenia javanica Lam. Encycl. 3 (1789) 200, pro maxima parte. ? E. jambos Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 416, non Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 470. Jambosa alba G. Don Gen. Hist. Diehl. PI. 2 (1832) 868. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Manila, Ahern 735, Merrill 1/106, Bur. Sci. 6710 Robinson. Unfortunately, the three species E. javanica, E. calubcob, and E. mindanaensis 364 ROBINSON. must be left in an unsatisfactory condition. E. subrotundi folia is undoubtedly allied, but quite distinct. E. mindanaensis seems separable in the herbarium by its smaller flowers, but is probably closer to what is here named E. javanica. Regarding the remaining two, there seems to be no tangible method of separat- ing them in the herbarium except by at least nearly mature fruit. When living trees at that stage are examined, there is no doubt possible as to their distinctness. The calyx-lobes of the “calubcob” have retained their size at flowering, are not thickened, and are widespreading or reflexed; the disk between them being nearly flat: the other species, here locally called “macupa,” has the calyx-lobes very fleshy, incurved and nearly concealing the disk. The trees are different in habit, and the two can be compared side by side in the Manila Botanical Gardens. In attempting to correlate these with the species of other countries, there is considerable difficulty. E. javanica and E. subglanca Koord. & Val. are constantly separable by the leaves, those of the former having the odor of cinnamon, those of the latter entirely odorless. This test is of no assistance here. Leaves taken from the two trees above mentioned were at once compared, and both when crushed, had the same odor, which did not suggest that of cinnamon or of cloves to any of several persons present. To me, the odor most strongly suggests that of similarly crushed leaves of Myrica carolincnsis of the Atlantic coast of North America; the fruit, which rarely contains seeds, has a faintly coniferous taste. “Macupa” seems not to exist in the Philippines apart from cultivation, “calub- cob” is widely distributed, usually if not always along streams, and is in all probability indigenous. All attempts to satisfactorily identify it with exotic species having failed, it is here described as new. It has been the custom to reduce E. jambos Blanco to E. malaccensis Linn., but it much more likely belongs here. I have not been able to get any record of E. malaccensis anywhere in the neighborhood of Manila. 34. Eugenia calubcob sp. nov. E. montana Naves in FI. Filip, ed. 3 (1877) pi. Uj5, dubie Blanco 1. c. (1837) 416, non aliorum. E. javanica Auct. Philip., pro majore parte, non Lam. 1. c. Inflorescentiis saepissime terminalibus, sed etiam in ramis subtus foliis suffultis, floribus sessilibus vel pedicellatis, spurie racemose vel subcorym- bose dispositis : calycis lobis 4, rotundatis, sub fructu nec incrassatis nee incurvatis ; petalis 4, liberis : foliis chartaceis, lanceolatis ad ovalibus, basi cordatis vel obtusis, apice breviter obtuse acuminatis ; venis utrinque 10-15. Inflorescences on any part of the branch from below the leaves to the apex, 6-18 cm long, including the flowers, the individual flowers sessile or with pedicels up to 5 mm long, usually in threes at the apices of the branches of the cyme, or often solitary on its lower branches, then falsely longer-pedicelled : calyx-tube turbinate, about 1 cm in length to the bases of the lobes and there of about 1 cm diameter; calyx-lobes 4, 2.5-5 mm long, 4-7 mm wide at the base, the apex rounded; petals 4, free, white, orbicular-ovate, 6-8 mm in diameter; disk thick; stamens numerous, the filaments 10-15 mm long, the anthers about 0.7 mm long; style 2. 5-3. 5 cm long; ovary 2-celled, each cell with several ovules: fruit edible, 2-3 cm in diameter, the calyx -lobes withering-persisting, erect, spreading, or recurved, not becoming fleshy, nor strongly incurved, the disk flat or nearly so, 1-celled, not more than one perfect seed found. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEJE. 365 Varying from a shrub to a tree 30 m high, with a trunk-diameter up to 55 cm, the branches covered with grayish to dark-reddish bark, the branchlets usually drooping, with a tendency to red also frequently seen on dried leaves : leaves subsessile or with petioles up to 6 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, pellucid-punctate, lanceolate to elliptic, oblong, or oval, 7.5-23 cm long, 2-10 cm wide, the base cordate or obtuse, the apex forming a short and blunt acumen; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 10-15, submarginal veins two or more, the basal veins usually not strongly uniting with the more apical. Babuyanes Islands, Camiguin Island, Bur. Sci. 3986 F&nix. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Sur, Dolores, For. Bur. 7 118 Klemme: Province of Benguet, Twin Peaks, Elmer 6350, For. Bur. 10807 Curran: Province of Nueva Ecija, near San Jos<$, For. Bur. 81/63 Curran: Province of Pampanga, Arayat, Merrill 1378: Province of Bulacan, Angat, For. Bur. 11172 Aguilar; Norzagaray, For. Bur. 7201 Curran: Province of Rizal, Manila, Bur. Sci. 6789 Robinson; Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 6756 Robinson (type), Merrill 1885, For. Bur. 2860 Ahern’s collector ; San Mateo, For. Bur. 1106 Ahern’s collector ; Antipolo, Merrill 1702, Bur. Sci. 2187 Ramos; Tanay, Merrill 2299: Province of Laguna, Santa Maria Mavitac, For. Bur. 10078 Curran; Mavitac, Bur. Sci. 6533 Robinson: Province of Batangas, San Juan, For. Bur. 7711/ Curran & Merritt: Province of Tayabas, Tinuan River, Whitford 819; San Andreas, For. Bur. 1031/9 Curran; Hingoso, For. Bur. 10286 Curran; Catanauan, For. Bur. 6616 Kobbe: Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 38, 11/3, 11/5: Province of Albay, Cuming 888. Mindoro, Cuming 1505; Mangarin, For. Bur. 9787 Merritt ; Pola, Merrill 2379; lriron, For. Bur. 9700 Merritt; Dungay River valley, For. Bur. 1/01/0 Merritt; Busuangan, For. Bur. 9728 Merritt ; Pinamalayan, For. Bur. 5381/ Merritt. Guimaras, Nueva Valencia, For. Bur. -61/83 Everett. Balabac, Bur. Sci. 393 Mangubat. In contrast to its botanical difficulties, there is probably no other Philippine species so definitely recognized throughout Luzon, except “duhat” {E. jambolana) , the names being mostly mere variants of that here adopted for the specific name, appearing on different sheets as Calubcob, calobcob, calubcub, cupcup, calugcog, carobcob, cayogpug, calopcop, the last from Mindoro: from Pinamalayan and Nueva Ecija comes the almost inevitable malaruhat, and on two sheets, one of them with a query, it is called tampoi, which belongs more properly to E. jambos. The Mangyans of southwestern Mindoro know it as tuoy, and in Abra it is baracbac. 35. Eugenia cinnamomea Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 173. E. pellucida F.-Vill. Noviss. App. (1880) 85, non Duthie, in Hook. f. FI. Br. Ind. 4 (1878) 485. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, For. Bur. 13910 Merritt & Darling: Province of Zambales, For. Bur. 6921 Curran; Iba, For. Bur. 1101/7 ZschoJcke: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Merrill 1861/ : Province of Albay, Cuming 81/6. Mindoro, Baco, Merrill 1175; Maugao, For. Bur. 981/7 Merritt. Local names, Langlangis, Ilocos; Guenayang, Rizal; Pusopuso, Mindoro. Endemic. 36. Eugenia williamsii sp. nov. Floribus terminalibus, corymbosis, pedicellatis : calycis lobis 4, inaequa- libus, patentibus ; petalis 4, liberis ; staminibus numerosis : foliis oblongis, anguste oblongis vel ellipticis, basi acutis, apice acute acuminatis. Flowers forming a terminal, trichotomous, divaricate, corymbose cyme 366 ROBINSON. 5 cm long, the rachis and its branches purplish, subterete, bearing very short wide bracteoles at its forks, pedicels 2.5-4 mm long: calyx-tube 6-8 mm long, 2.5 mm wide at the base of the lobes, thence uniformly narrowed to its base; calyx-lobes 4, unequal, the larger 3.5 mm long, 5.5 mm wide, the smaller 3 mm long, 3.5 mm wide, rounded or barely and very obtusely acuminate at the apex ; petals 4, white, 8 mm long, 6 mm wide; staminal disk thick; stamens about 100, the filaments 14-20 mm long, anthers 0.8 mm long; ovary 2-celled, the lumen forming slightly more than half the diameter of the ovary, each cell containing many ovules: fruit including the persistent calyx-lobes nearly 3 cm long, ovoid, thin-walled, 1-celled, 1-seeded. A tree, 12-15 m high, its trunk 12.5-20 cm in diameter, the branches covered with reddish or blackish bark, which cracks when dry, that of the ultimate branches grayish or brownish, together with the petioles and the inflorescence more or less densely covered with brown or purplish glandular hairs: leaves with petioles 6—9 mm long, the lamina subcoriaceous, upper surface shining, olivaceous, under surface reddish or brown and dull, oblong, narrowly oblong, or elliptic, 7—13 cm long, 2.5— 6.5 cm wide, acute or very shortly acuminate and decurrent at the base, the apex usually prolonged into a subacute acumen about 1 cm long; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 9-12, submarginal vein indefinite. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Sax River, Williams 2128. Basilan, Bi- nuagan, For. Bur. 6119 Hutchinson. Closely allied to E. cinnamo'mca Vidal, differing not only by its acute leaf-tips, but by the smaller flowers, and less distinct venation. Local name, Malatambis, Basilan. 37. Eugenia longiflora F.-Vill. Noviss. App. (1880) 86. Syzygium longiflorum Presl Bot. Beinerk. (1844) 70. Eugenia marivelesensis Merr. in Philip. Jour. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 106. Jambosa lineata Merr. in For. Bur. Bull. (Philip.) 1 (1903) 43, pro parte, non DC. Prodr. 3 (1828) 287. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Cuming 1296: Province of Principe, Baler, Merrill 1069: Province of Isabela, Cauayan, Bur. Sci-. 7978 Ramos: Province of Rizal, San Mateo, For. Bur. 1133 Ahern’s collector ; Tanay, Merrill 2SJt2 : Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, For. Bur. 618, 1522, 2922 Borden, For. Bur. 2597 Meyer: Province of Tayabas, Piapi, For. Bur. 10129 Curran; Lucban, Elmer 821/1, 9089; Gumaca, For. Bur. 6073 Kobbe. Palawan, Dawara trail, For. Bur. 71/31 Manalo; Iwahig River, Merrill 757 neither quite typical. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 912: District of Zamboanga, Tetuan, Ahern 593. Negros, Mount Silay, For. Bur. 7266 Everett. The identification of Presl’s and Merrill’s species is made by description, added to the fact that the type of the former was collected by Cuming. In all floral characters it belongs to Jambosa, but the leaf-venation is close, as is more usual in Syzygium. Cuming 1296 is listed by \idal as a Syzygium , and the descrip- tion agrees exactly with that number and with no other species of Eugenia collected by Cuming. This species is almost identical vegetatively with E. lineata (Blums) Duthie, A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 367 and the inflorescence and flowers are also similar, but not identical. The flowers and the calyx-lobes of E. longiflora are much the larger, probably sufficiently so to hold the species distinct. Incidentally, the name E. lineata is not tenable for the Indo- Javan species, as it is preoccupied as such by E. lineata DC. Prodr. 3 (1828) 273, a West Indian species, and as Myrthus lineata (liniata) Blume Bijdr. (1826) 1087, is similarly antedated by the original of the latter, Myrtns lineata Sw. FI. Ind. Occid. (1800) 891. Assuming the correctness of the reduction by Koorders & Valeton, its oldest tenable name seems to be E. cerasiformis DC. Prodr. 3 (1828) 274, based on Myrtus cerasiformis Blume Bijdr. (1826) 1088. Local names, Malaruhat, Baler, Lamao, Piapi, Mindoro, and Gumaca; Guisihan at Tanay. Endemic. 38. Eugenia macgregorii sp. nov. Syzygium caryophyllaceum Merr. in For. Bur. Bull. (Philip.) 1 (1903) 44, non S. caryophyllaeum Gaertn. Fruct. 1 (1788) 186, pi. 33. Inflorescentiis terminalibus vel subterminalibus, cymosis: calycis tubo turbinato, lobis 4, rotundatis; pctalis liberis; staminibus mimerosis, antheris minutis : foliis ellipticis vel ovalibus, basi acutis, apice rotundatis vel breviter obtuse acuminatis ; venis utrinque 14—17. Cymes terminal, widely branched, many-flowered, 5-7 cm long, the individual flowers sessile or a few of them on pedicels 1-2 mm long: calyx-tube turbinate, 6.5-7. 5 mm long, of which the basal half is greatly narrowed, 4-6 mm wide at the base of the lobes ; calyx-lobes 4, rounded, 1.5 mm long, 3-4 mm wide; petals 4, white, 4-5 mm in diameter, certainly usually free, possibly sometimes falling calyptrately ; disk thin; stamens numerous, the filaments 8-9 mm long, the anthers 0.3 mm long; style about 1 cm long; ovary 2-celled. A small tree, attaining a height of 12 m and a trunk-diameter of 30 cm, the branchlets covered with grayish to brownish bark: leaves with petioles 5-10 mm long, the lamina subcoriaceous, purplish-brown, elliptic, oblong-elliptic, oval, or obovate, 4.5-10.5 cm long, 2.5-8 cm wide, the base acute the apex rounded, retuse, or more often forming a very short and broadly obtuse acumen; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 14-17, often but little more conspicuous than some of the secondaries, forming a definite vein near the margin, and frequently an irregular much less conspicuous outer vein extending through the basal two-thirds of the leaf. Bohol, Tagbilaran, McGregor 1279 (type) ; Guindulman, McGregor 1260. Masbate, Bulo River, For. Bur. 1707 Clark. Negros, Province of Negros Oc- cidental, San Carlos, For. Bur. 12Jt07 Danao. Mindoro, Calapan, For. Bur. 5307 Merritt. Tinago, Ahern Ifit. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 1201. The type was collected on cliffs along the coast, Clark and Danao obtained their material in mangrove swamps, and the former reports the fruit as black and edible. Name given doubtfully from Negros as Malatampoy ; from Tinago as Palo Maria, which belongs to Calophyllum inophyllum. 368 ROBINSON. f 39. Eugenia leptogyna sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus vel subterminalibus, cymosis, floribus pedi- cellatis vel rarius sessilis; calycis tubo angusto, medio vel supra medium sensim incrassato, sub apice iterum angustato, apice late divaricato, lobis 4, rotundatis; petalis 4, liberis; disco evoluto; staminibus numerosis; foliis chartaceis, oblongo-lanceolatis vel lanceolatis, basi acutis, apice acuminatis; venis utrinque 15-18. Inflorescences terminal or subterminal, cymose, 5-9 cm long, 1-11- flovvered, the individual flowers on pedicels 5—12 mm long, or sessile; calyx-tube 15—21 mm long, at the base 1 mm or slightly more in diameter, in the middle or above the middle swollen to 2.5 mm, below the apex again contracted to 2 mm, near the apex widely spreading and about 8 mm at the base of the lobes; lobes 4, widely rounded, 3.5-5 mm long, 6-8 mm wide; petals 4, white, orbicular-ovate to oval, 8-10 mm in diameter; disk present; stamens numerous, the filaments about 2 cm long, the anthers nearly 1 mm long; style 3-3.5 cm long, persistent; ovary within the swollen portion of the calyx-tube, 2-celled. A tree 25 m high, its trunk 32 cm in diameter, the somewhat slender branchlets covered with gray or brownish bark; leaves with petioles 6-10 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, rarely oblong, 8-16 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, the base acute, the apex contracted into a somewhat slender obtuse acumen; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 15-18, forming a definite submarginal vein and one or two fainter ones between it and the margin. Mindoro, south of Lake Naujan, in hill forests at 50 m elevation, For. Bur. 6839 Merritt. Very remarkable among Philippines species for its very slender calyx-tube. The flowers are noted as very fragrant. Very closely related to E. cylindrica Wight. The figure of the latter in the leones pi. 528 may well stand for the present species except for the venation of the leaves, which is distinctly different, and said by Duthie 10 to be very characteristic of the Indian species. I can not reconcile his description of the venation with the figure, and our species differs from both, there being two submarginal veins, not at all unusual in the genus, but the inner is very much nearer the margin than halfway. 40. Eugenia sulcistyla sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus cymosis, alabastris ellipsoideis : calycis lobis 4, rotundatis, stylis longitudinaliter sulcatis: foliis ellipticis, anguste ellipticis, oblanceolatis, vel ovalibus, basi acutis, apice acuminatis, venis utrinque 15-20. Cymes terminal, in late bud nearly 5 cm long, few-flowered, the pedicels 3.5-13 mm long, with a pair of small inconspicuous bracteoles at the articulation with the flower: calyx-tube brown, 17 mm long, 7-8 mm wide at the base of the lobes, with them nearly ellipsoid in outline, 10 FI. Br. Ind. 2 (1878) 480. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 3(59 extending about 7 mm beyond the ovary the basal 2 mm forming a pseudostalk ; lobes 4, rounded, 4-6 mm long, 8 mm wide, the inner pair slightly longer than the outer; petals 4, suborbicular, 5-6 mm in diam- eter; disk evident; stamens numerous, the filaments still only about 5 mm long, the anthers about 1 mm long; style 6 mm long, with several rather conspicuous longitudinal grooves as in E. jamhos and E. merritti- ana; ovary close beneath the base of the style, 2-celled, with several ovules. A tree, its dimensions not stated, the trunk with pinkish-gray -bark, the branchlets with grayish or brownish bark: leaves with rather stout petioles 5-10 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, elliptic, narrowly elliptic, oblanceolate, or oval, the base acute and decurrent, the apex forming an obtuse acumen about 1.5 cm long; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 15-20, with occasional well defined, secondaries, forming a definite submarginal vein, the venation nowhere except the midrib very conspicuous. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Losod, For. Bur. 15873 Bacani. 41. Eugenia jambos Linn. Sp. PL (1753) 470. E. malaccensis Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 416, saltern pro parte, non Linn. Sp. Pl. (1753) 470. Jambosa vulgaris DC. Prodr. 3 (1828) 286. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, For. Bur. 18 4 '/5, 18510 Alvarez: Province of Rizal, Antipolo, Merrill 1673 ; Manila, Merrill 1/105. Negros, Province of Occi- dental Negros, Gimagaan River, Whitford 161/5. Panay, Cuming 161/8. Samar, Cuming 1903. Local names, Tampoi, Tampui, Tampul. Widely cultivated in the tropics. 42. Eugenia merrittiana sp. nov. Floribus terminalibus, cymosis et corymbosis, haud pedicellatis, purpur- eis, speciosis, tetrameris; calycis lobis inaequalibus, deciduis; disco stam- ineo incrassato; staminibus numerosis, filamentis compressis; ovario 2- loculari : foliis breviter petiolatis vel subsessilibus, oblongis vel ellipticis, basi acutis decurrentibusque, apice breviter acuminatis; nervis utrinque 18-25, apicem versus inconspicuis. Flowers arranged in terminal corymbs or cymes 6-8 cm long, the terminal flower sometimes the oldest, sometimes the youngest, the rachis and its branches angled or terete, 1.5-2. 5 mm in diameter, its branches 1-3-flowered with no proper pedicels or these 1 mm long, bractlets wanting: calyx-tube in all 12-22 mm long, the basal 4-11 mm differen- tiated into a pseudostalk, the upper portion campanulate, 8-9 mm in diameter at the base of the lobes; calyx-lobes 4, very unequal, 2-7 mm long, 4-7 mm wide, broadly rounded, deciduous; petals 4, 5.5-6 mm long, 6.5-8 mm wide, purple, rounded, conspicuously glandular; staminal disk moderately thick; stamens about 150, the filaments flattened, about 0.4 mm wide, 12-26 mm long, the anthers oblong, 0.6 mm long, 0.4 mm wide; style 1.5 cm long; ovary 2-celled with several ovules in each cell, ovarian walls rather thick. 370 ROBINSON. A tree attaining a height of at least 15 m with a trunk 70 cm in diameter, the bark of the ultimate branches purplish-black or streaked with grayish-brown, somewhat striate; leaves opposite, the lamina coria- ceous, olivaceous or brown when dry, oblong or elliptic, 6-15 cm long, 2.5— 5.5 cm wide, the apex shortly acuminate, at the acute base prolonged sometimes almost to the insertion of the petiole, sometimes ending as much as 6 mm from it; the under surface conspicuously glandular; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 18-25, becoming very inconspicuous toward the extremes. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Montalban, Bur. Sci. 519S Ramos (type) ; Bosoboso, For. Bur. 31 77 Ahern’s collector: Province of Albay, Batan Island, Calanaga, Bur. Sci. 6292 Robinson. Mindoro, Paluan, For. Bur. 9920, 991/1 Merritt ; Cayac- yan Biver, For. Bur. 9751 Merritt. Local name, Tumulod, at the last-mentioned locality. 43. Eugenia xanthophylla sp. nov. Floribus axillaribus, lateralibus, rarissime terminalibus, cymosis, mag- nis, tetrameris, pedicellatis; calycis tubo turbinato, basi baud protracto; disco stamineo crasso; staminibus numerosissimis ; ovario 2-loculari : foliis breviter pedicellatis, lineari-oblongis, oblongis, vel ellipticis, basi acutis decurrentibusque, apice breviter acuminatis; venis utrinque 15-25. blowers cymose, axillary, or at the apices of short lateral branches, very rarely truly terminal, the cymes 1-9-flowered, in all 3-5 cm long, the pedicels 2-12 mm long, with a pair of deciduous bractlets at their apex: calyx-tube sometimes narrowed to form a pseudostalk for 1.5-3 mm, sometimes rounded to the base, turbinate, 1.6-1. 7 cm long, 1.4-1. 5 cm in diameter at the base of the lobes; prolonged 8-10 mm beyond the ovary, calyx-lobes 4, unequal, broadly rounded, the larger 5 mm long and 11 mm wide, the smaller 3.5 mm long and 8 mm wide; petals 4, white or rose, broadly oval or ovate, 8-10 mm long, 7-9 mm wide, occasionally with one or more smaller petals within and opposite the others; staminal disk thick; stamens over 1,000, the filaments 1.5—2 cm long, the anthers 1.2 mm long; style 2—3 cm long; ovary 2-celled, with numerous small ovules arranged in 10-12 rows; fruit edible, attaining a diameter of 2.5 cm, its walls about 1.5 mm in thickness. A small tree, attaining a height of 20 m, usually less, with pinkish- gray bark, that of the ultimate branches gray, smooth; leaves borne on petioles 3-8 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, glandular-punctate, linear- oblong to oblong or elliptic, 6-24 cm long, 2-4.8 cm wide, acute and the base, at the apex forming a short acute or obtuse acumen, the upper surface when dry pale-olivaceous-green to brownish, the under surface always paler, usually yellowish ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 15-25, some of the secondary veins often prominent, sub- marginal vein distinct. Luzon, Province of Abra, Baco, For. Bur. 11,662 Darling: Province of Nueva Ecija, Carranglan, Merrill 293; Cuyapo, For. Bur. 9596 Zschokke: Province of A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 371 Zambales, Mount Malinta, Subig, For. Bur. 7015 Curran; Masinloc, Merrill 291/5; Rio Baquiling, For. Bur. 6965 Curran; Botolan, Merrill 2930: Province of Bulacan, Angat, For. Bur. 11171 Aguilar ; Norzagaray, For. Bur. 7211 Curran (type) : Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Merrill 261/6, For. Bur. 3083 Ahern’s collectQr; Anti- polo, Bur. 8ci. 5200 Ramos: Province of Tayabas, Guinayangan, For. Bur. 12267 Rosenbluth: Province of Sorsogon, Castila, For. Bur. 15005 Aldor. Mindoro, Budburin, For. Bur. 9875 Merritt (not typical). Negros, Province of Occidental Negros, Gimagaan River, For. Bur. 1/296 Everett. Local names, Balabac, Balocboc, Zambales; Balacbat, Abra; Baracbac, Nueva Ecija; Bislot, Rizal; Cayococ, Tayabas; Lapinig, Sorsogon; Malatampoy, Negros; Tampuy, Mindoro. 44. Eugenia triphylla sp. nov. Inflorescentiis axillaribus, brevissimis, trifloris: floribus magnis, tetra- meris; foliis brevissime petiolatis, lanceolatis, anguste ellipticis, vel ob- lanceolatis, basi acutis, decurrentibus, apice obtuse vcl saepius subacute acuininatis, venis utrinque 15-20. Inflorescence axillary, the peduncles 2 mm long, pedicels none or coal- esced with the peduncle; calyx-tube campanulate, 1.3 cm long, 2 cm wide at the base of the lobes; calyx-lobes 4, 3—6 mm long, about 1 cm wide; petals 4, pink, nearly orbicular, slightly exceeding 1 cm in diameter; stamens very numerous, the white filaments attaining a length of 2.5 cm, the anthers about 0.8 mm long ; style nearly 4 cm long. A tree 10 m high, the branchlets covered with gray or yellowish bark, below, terete, near the apices more or less angled ; leaves in threes, with petioles 0.5-2 mm long, lamina subcoriaceous, lanceolate, narrowly ellip- tic, or oblanceolate, 4-9 cm long, 1-2.5 cm wide, the base acute, sometimes spatulate, decurrent, the apex acuminate, sometimes obtusely, more often subacutely; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 15-20, not very prominent, forming a somewhat faint but definite vein close to the involute margins. Basilan, banks of Basilan River, at 150 m elevation, For. Bur. 3971 Hutch- inson. Very similar to E. xanthophylla, but apparently distinguished not only by the number of the leaves, but also by having somewhat larger flowers without pedicels, and by the venation of the leaves. Local name, Tubaltubal. 45. Eugenia everettii sp. nov. Floribus terminalibus, solitariis vel paucis, tetrameris, magnis ; sepalis valde inaequalibus; petalis liberis; disco stamineo crasso; staminibus numerosissimis, filamentis teneribus; ovario 2-loculari : foliis lanceolatis vel ellipticis, breviter petiolatis, chartaceis, basi acutis, apice subacute acuininatis; venis utrinque 8-12. Cymes terminal at the apex of the larger or of short lateral branchlets, 1-3-flowered, peduncles and pedicels almost or entirely wanting: flower- buds nearly ovoid to turbinate; calyx-tube 1.1-1. 5 cm long at anthesis, and over 1 cm wide at the base of the lobes, extending 6 mm or more 372 ROBINSON. beyond the ovary, the upper portion often more or less reflexed in fruit; calyx-lobes 4, unequal, somewhat distant, the larger 6 mm long and 6 mm wide, the smaller 1.5—2 mm long, 4—5 mm wide, all rounded; petals 4, white, orbicular-ovate, 7-8 mm long, 6-7 mm wide; staminal disk thick; stamens very numerous, their slender filaments 1.5-2. 5 cm long, their anthers 1.5 mm long; ovary 2-celled, with many ovules; style 2-3.5 cm long. A small tree attaining 15 m in height, the bark of the ultimate branches gray: leaves with petioles 3-7 mm long, the lamina chartaceous or sub- coriaceous, lanceolate, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 5-13 cm long, 2.5-5 cm wide, acute and slightly decurrent at the base, the apex prolonged into a short subacute acumen; lateral veins 8-12, always forming a definite submarginal vein, and on the broader leaves often a fainter outer one. Luzon, Province of Camarines, near Lagonoy, For. Bur. 10G51 Curran. Ne- gros, Province of Negros Occidental, Mount Silay, Whitford 11,96 Whitford d Everrctt. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Sax River, Williams 2110, 2189. 11 hitford 1612, from Gimagaan River, Negros, resembles this species in some respects, but flowers are pedicelled, tlieir attachment unknown, and while it may possibly serve as a link with E. xanthophylla, it is more probably distinct from both. 46. Eugenia vidaliana Elmer Leafl. Philip. Bot. (1909) 584. Infiorescentiis terminalibus, fructibus subglobosis, unilocularibus, mon- ospermis, 2 cm diametro ; calycis lobis 4, persistentibus, 2-6 mm longis, 4—5 mm latis; disco evoluto; staminum maculis numerosis: foliis petiolis circiter 1 cm longis suffultis, laminis chartaceis, oblanceolatis vel ellipticis, 7-13 cm longis, 23-45 mm latis, basi acutis, apice breviter obtuse acumi- natis; venis utrinque 5-8. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Lucban, Elmer 9161; Guinayangan, For. Bur. 12806 Rosenbluth, the latter in flower. The flowers are white, fragrant, the calyx- tube is turbinate, or nearly funnel-form, petals 4, suborbicular, 7-8 mm in diame- * ter; filaments 8-10 mm long; style little exceeding 1 cm: leaves slightly wider than in the type, the veins both on this and the cotype 10-12: the inflorescence is a terminal interrupted, leafy, trichotomous cyme, with the flowers solitary or in threes at the apices of its ultimate branches, on pedicels 0.5-2 mm long or rarely sessile. Local name, Macaasim. Endemic. 47. Eugenia brunnea sp. nov. Floribus paniculatis, pedicellis 1.2-2 cm longis, calycis lobis tubum aequantibus vel superantibus, 4; petalis 4, separatim deciduis; staminibus numerosis; ovario 2-loculari: foliis ellipticis ovatis vel ovalibus; venis utrinque 9-11. Flowers forming terminal or lateral 3-7-flowered panicles 4-7 cm long, the rachis and its branches obscurely 4-angled or terete; flowers borne on pedicels 1.2-2 cm long, with no pseudostalk or a very short one; tube of the calyx turbinate, 5 mm long, 7 mm in diameter at the base of the lobes; lobes 4, nearly equal, the larger 6 mm long and 8 mm wide, broadly A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 373 rounded; petals 4, suborbicular, 8 mm in diameter; staminal disk thick- ened; stamens very numerous, their filaments slender, 1—1.5 cm long, their anthers oblong, 0.7 mm long; style about 2.5 cm long; ovary 2-celled, its lumen very short, and only one-third of the total width of the ovary: fruit globose, 2 cm in diameter, crowned by the persistent erect or in- curved calyx-lobes and the base of the style, its surface marked by many obscure longitudinal lines. A tree of unknown size, the bark of the ultipiate branches gray, or on innovations darker; leaves borne on petioles 5—11 mm long, the lamina coriaceous or subcoriaceous, when dry brown or olivaceous, o\al, elliptic; or ovate, 5.5-12 cm long, 2. 7-6. 3 cm wide, gradually or abruptly acute at the base, decurrent on the petiole, acuminate at the apex ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 9-11, irregular near the margins, forming a definite submarginal vein at least beyond the middle of the leaf, or through incomplete anastomosis two or three submarginal veins. Luzon, Province of Principe, Baler, Merrill 1009 bis (type), 1088. Local names, Malaruhat, Malabayabas. 48. Eugenia squamifera sp. nov. Cymis terminalibus vel lateralibus, 1-7-floris, floribus mediocriter pedicellatis, magnis, tetrameris : foliis lanceolatis vel oblongis, basi acutis, apice breviter obtuseque acuminatis; venis utrinque 9—12: nodis saepe squamiferis. Cymes terminal or lateral, 4—5 cm long, 1— 1 7-fl.owered, the peduncles and pedicels terete, the latter 5-12 mm long, with a pair of small bracteoles at the articulation with the pseudostalk, and several purplish linear- lanceolate acute scales 3—5.5 mm long at the base of the peduncle oi sometimes at the insertion of the pedicels or at the forks of the branchlets or in the axils of the leaves : calyx-tube turbinate, at the base narrowed into a pseudostalk 2 mm long, in all 1.5-2 cm long and about 1.5 cm in diameter at the base of the lobes ; calyx-lobes 4, unequal, the larger 4-6 mm long, 7-8 mm wide, the smaller 2-3 mm long, 6 mm wide; petals 4, white, obovate-orbicular, 9 mm in diameter, acuminate at the apex or irregular in shape and smaller; staminal disk thick; stamens about 600, their filaments 14-21 mm long, their anthers 1.4 mm long; style 2.5 cm long ; ovary thick-walled, 2-celled, with few ovules. A tree 4 m high, its trunk-diameter 10 cm, branches covered with gray or purplish-brown bark, that of the ultimate ones smooth and shining: leaves with stout purplish petioles 3-6 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, olivaceous on the upper surface, pale-green beneath, lanceolate to oblong or elliptic, 9-18 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, very shortly acuminate and de- current at the base, the apex shortly and obtusely acuminate; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 9—12, widely separated, in the middle of the leaf 2 cm apart or even more. Luzon, Province of Zambales, Mount Balingbuaya, For. Bur. 821f3 Curran d Merritt. 374 ROBINSON. 49. Eugenia megalantha sp. nov. Cymis terminalibus, axillaribus, vel in ramis vetustioribus ; tloribus pleramque longe pedicellatis, magnis, tetrameris, ovario 1- vel 2-loculari: foliis lanceolatis, oblanceolatis, vel oblongis, basi acutis, apice obtuse acuminatis vel haud aeuminatis, angustioribus saepe falcatis, venis utrin- que 11-15. Cymes 1-5-flowered, terminal or in the axils of present or fallen leaves, the peduncles very short, the pedicels fascicled, usually long, ranging from 5 to 27 mm, bearing a pair of minute bracteoles at their articulation with the pseudostalk, and sometimes at least a few bract-like scales at the articulation with the peduncle: flowers white: calyx-tube turbinate, in all 1.9-3 cm long, including a well-defined pseudostalk 2-6 mm long, at anthesis 2—2.5 cm in diameter at the base of the lobes, extending about 1.5 cm beyond the ovary; calyx-lobes 4, unequal, 7-9 mm long, 1-2 cm wide, rounded, splitting; petals 4, 1.3-1. 5 cm long, 1. 2-1.6 cm wide, narrowed into a thick claw at the base; staminal disk very thick; stamens very numerous, the filaments 1.5-3 cm long, the anthers 1.6 mm long; style 4 cm long; ovary 1- or unequally 2-celled, with numerous small ovules. A spreading tree 8-12 m high, with a trunk 10-20 cm in diameter, the hark ol the ultimate branches pale-gray: leaves with stout purple petioles 3-8 mm long, the lamina subcoriaceous or chart^ceous, lanceolate, oblan- ceolate, or narrowly oblong or elliptic, 10-16 cm long, 2.4-S.4 cm wide, at the base acute and somewhat decurrent, when seen from beneath ap- pearing subobtuse, the margins revolute, the apex usually shortly and obtusely acuminate, or on the narrower leaves not acuminate but falcate and nearly acute; primary lateral veins on either side of the midrib 11— 15^ forming a distinct submarginal vein. I alam an, Iwahig Kiver, liur. Sci. 781, Foxworthy. In foliage resembling E. robertii, but widely distinct in its flowers and inflorescence, approaching some specimens of E. xanthophylla. 50. Eugenia robertii Merr. Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 106. E. succulenta Elmer Leafl. 1 (1908) 327. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Baguio, Elmer 5988, 8621; Bued River near Loakan, For. Bur. 931 Barnes: Province of Zambales, Mount Balinbuaya, For. Bur. 821,1, Curran <£- Merritt: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, For. Bur. 2636, 2857 Meyer, For. Bur. 6226 Curran, Whitford 31,9, 1182, 1211: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 2859 Ahern's collector. Lubaxg, For. Bur. 12239 Rosenbluth, with leaves much broader than in the type, oval or almost orbicular, but aparently otherwise identical. Local name in Bataan doubtfully given as Malacalubcob. Endemic. 51. Eugenia benguetensis sp. nov. hloribus terminalibus, cymosis, crasse pedunculatis, subsessilibus, ad- modum magnis, tetrameris; calycibus turbinatis, lobis ineaqualibus ; pe- talis liberis, interdum 8; staminibus numerosis; ovario 2-loculari: foliis A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEJE. 375 oblongis vel ellipticis, subcoriaceis, basi acutis, apice subito breviterque obtuse acuminatis. Cymes terminal, sessile or subsessile, 3—4.5 cm long, the peduncles 2.5-4 mm thick, strongly 4-angled, trichotoinous, the flowers on pedicels 1-2 mm long, usually having a very short margin with several lobes: calyx-tube turbinate, 6-7 mm long, 7—8 mm in diameter at the apex, the lobes 4, unequal, 4-9 mm long, 7-10 mm wide, rounded at the apex, projecting about 2 mm beyond the ovary; petals 4, suborbicular, the base truncate, 8-10 mm long, 9-12 mm wide, sometimes with 4 additional petals, forming an inner row, usually narrower than the outer and irregular in shape; staminal disk rather thick; stamens about 200, the filaments 1-1.5 cm long, the anthers 1.3-1. 7 mm long, 0.4 mm wide; ovary 2-celled, the lumen about one-half the diameter of the ovary, each cell containing many ovules; style 1.5 cm long. Scrubby, tree-like, about 4.5 m high, the wood hard, the bark rather smooth, the ultimate twigs numerous and erect, covered with reddish, becoming grayish bark, terete or the youngest somewhat angled; leaves borne on petioles 5-10 mm long, the lamina glandular-dotted, subcoria- ceous, brown when dry, 6—10 cm long, 2.5-4 cm wide, oblong or elliptic, the margins strongly revolute, acute or very shortly acuminate at the base, at the apex suddenly contracted into a short obtuse acumen ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 10-12, arching, three or more of them forming submarginal veins, never with the very definite submarginal vein of E. bordenii. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Mount Tonglon (Santo Tomas), Elmer 6265 (type) ; Palau, Lolier 2492. Distinguishable from E. bordenii, not only by the venation, but by larger flowers, much more revolute leaf-margins, stouter peduncles, and the color of the leaves. 52. Eugenia bordenii Merr. Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (1906) 47. Luzox, Province of Cagayan, Aparri, For. Bur. 11216 Klemme: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Merrill 2671, For. Bur. 3179 Ahern’s collector; Montalban, For. Bur. 2434 Ahern's collector; Antipolo, For. Bur. 393 Ahern’s collector: Province of Bataan, Lamao River, For. Bur. 328, 492, 497, 540 Barnes, For. Bur. 633, 644, 690, 691, 1206, 1208, 1630, 1736 Borden,- Williams 631, 7 25, Whitford 362: Province of Camarines, For. Bur. 10701 Curran. Mindoro, Bongabong River, Whitford 1465, For. Bur. 3700 Merritt; Iriron, For. Bur. 8841 Merritt. Min- danao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 9446, 9470 Whitford <£• Hutchinson. Basilan, Hallier s. n. Endemic. Local names, Amtuc, Maramatam, Cagayan; Panglomboyen, Pangasinan; Bislot, Tayongtayong, Rizal; Malaruhat, Malaruhat na puti, Malacalubctib, Apa- lang, Bataan; Malaruhat, Aropay, Mindoro. 53. Eugenia candelabriform is sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus vel pseudo-terminalibus, multifloris, corym- boso-cymosis, pluri-articulatis ; floribus admodum parvis, tetrameris; calycis tubo turbinato, lobis 4, rotundatis; staminibus admodum paucis: ROBINSON. 376 foliis ellipticis vel elliptico-oblanceolatis, basi acutis vel subacutis, apice breviter obtuse acuminatis; venis utrinque 8-10. Inflorescences at the apices of the branches, sometimes three-forked from their base, more often the middle fork replaced by a short leaf- bearing branch, many times branched but the flowers nearly level along the top, 6 or 7 articulations intervening between the apex of the stem and the individual flowers, the latter always with pedicels, these often twice or thrice articulated, each articulation except the lowest with a pair of very short but wide rounded and conspicuous bracteoles nearly encircling ihe pedicels: flowers when dry yellowish or yellowish and purplish except the whitish anthers ; calyx-tube turbinate, 4-5 mm long, 4 mm wide at the base of the lobes ; lobes 4, 1.5— 2.5 mm long, 2.5—3 mm wide, rounded ; petals 4, deciduous, apparently falling calyptrately at some times but certainly separating at others, 7-8 mm in diameter; disk present, its rim free from the calyx; stamens about 60, the filaments flat, wide, more or less united at the base, 8-12 mm long; anthers broad, about 1 mm long; style about 1 cm long ; ovary 2-celled. A tree 15 m high, its trunk 25 cm in diameter, the branchlets covered with brownish bark: leaves with petioles 5-8 mm long, the lamina coria- ceous, elliptic-oblanceolate or elliptic, 6-8.5 cm long, 2.5-4 cm wide, narrowed toward the base, there often more or less rounded but meeting the petiole at an acute angle, the margins revolute, the apex forming a short obtuse acumen; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 8-10, forming two or three definite submarginal veins. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Sapuan, at an elevation of 1800 in, For. Bur. 18355 Alvarez. N. v., (Igorot), Silda. 54. Eugenia hutchinsonii Merr. sp. nov. Inflorescentiis axillaribus, capitatis, capitulis racemose vel spicatim dispositis: calycis tubo subturbinato, basi producto, lobis 4, triangulari- ovatis; petalis 4, liberis; staminibus numerosis: foliis chartaceis, oblance- olatis vel ellipticis, basi acutis, apice anguste acuminatis; venis utrinque 23-35. Inflorescences in the upper axils, 5-7 cm long, the individual flowers sessile in heads of three or more, the heads sessile or more often pedicelled along the 4-angled axis of the inflorescence : calyx-tube about 7 mm long, of which the basal 3—4 mm forms a definite pseudostalk, 5 mm in diameter at the base of the lobes ; calyx-lobes 4, not very unequal, triangular-ovate, 2-3 mm long, 2-3 mm wide at the base; petals 4, free but apparently sometimes falling together, white, suborbicular, 3 mm in diameter; sta- mens numerous, the filaments 3-4 mm long, the anthers 0.4 mm long; style over 4 mm long; ovary 2-celled, with several ovules. A tree about 8 m high, the branchlets 4-angled, and narrowly winged, covered with reddish-brown bark; leaves with petioles 6-10 mm long, A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEAS. 377 the lamina chartaceous, oblanceolate or elliptic, 10-17 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, acutely acuminate and decurrent at the base, at the apex somewhat abruptly contracted into a slender subacute acumen 1.5-2 cm long, the upper surface when dry chocolate-brown, the lower paler-brown ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 23—35, not crowded, very distinct, the finer venation quite evident but comparatively inconspicuous, a very definite submarginal vein also extending from base to apex. Basilan, between Guion and Malusu, For. Bur. Sf026 Hutchinson. Local name, Malatambis. 55. Eugenia lacustris sp. nov. Cymis terminalibus vel axillaribus, floribus mediocris : calycis tubo turbinato, lobis 4, rotundatis, inaequalibus; petalis 4, liberis ; staminibus numerosis; ovario 2-loculari : foliis coriaceis, ellipticis vel ovalibus, basi acutis, apice anguste acuminatis; venis utrinque 15-20. Cymes terminal or axillary, 2.5-9 cm long, sessile or peduncled, tricho- tomous, their branches mostly stout, 4-angled, the flowers in threes, sessile : calyx-tube about 8 mm long, extending about 4 mm beyond the ovary, 7 mm in diameter at the base of the lobes, the basal 3.5 mm or less forming a pseudostalk, turbinate ; calyx-lobes 4, the pairs of unequal size, the outer 1.5 mm long and 4 mm wide at the base, the inner 3.5 mm long, 6 mm wide, all rounded at the apex ; petals 4, orbicular-ovate, about 4.5 mm long, rounded but sometimes pointed at the apex ; stamens numerous, the filaments 7-8 mm long, the anthers 0.3 mm long; style 1.5 cm long; ovary 2-celled with numerous ovules. Presumably a tree, the branches terete or sometimes angled toward the tips, covered with gray bark: leaves with petioles 3-10 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, elliptic to ovate, 10-23 cm long (few perfect on speci- men), 4-11 cm wide, usually inequilateral, the apex somewhat abruptly contracted into a slender acumen about 1 cm long, the base acuminately acute and decurrent ; the under surface highly glandular ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 15-20, the main submarginal vein originating from the second or third from the base, the more basal veins also continuing almost to the apex. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 299. “Lacustris” is a translation both of “Lake” and of “Lanao.” 56. Eugenia palawanensis sp. nov. Inflorescentiis axillaribus, 7-9 cm longis, floribus in capitulis racemose vel paniculatim dispositis, tetrameris : calycis lobis petalis subsimilibus : foliis petiolatis, lanceolatis vel elliptico-lanceolatis, basi acutis decurren- tibusque apice tenuiter acuminatis, venis marginalibus tribus, exteriore vel duabus exterioribus parum conspicuis, interiore valde conspicua, venis utrinque 9-12. Inflorescences axillary, 7-9 cm long, the peduncles flat or angled, the 85754—12 378 KOBIXSOX. individual flowers few in a head, sessile, racemosely or paniculately disposed along the peduncle; calyx-tube in all 5-6 mm long, the lower 2 mm forming a pseudostalk, the upper part shortly campanulate, 6 mm wide at the base of the lobes; calyx-lobes 4, petaloid, 3—3.5 mm long, 4 mm wide; petals varying from broadly ovate to oblanceolate, 3-4 mpi long; stamens numerous, the filaments 5-8 mm long, the oval anthers 0.4 mm long; style about 1 cm long; ovary 2-celled. A tree 40 m high, with a trunk 20 cm in diameter, the bark of the branchlets varying from greenish at the apex to gray at the base, striate and at the apex somewhat flattened; leaves with petioles 5-8 mm long, the lamina chartaceous but rigid, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, 13-19 cm long, 4-5.3 cm wide, the base acuminately acute and decurrent on the petiole; three submarginal veins more or less easily traced from base to apex, the two outer arising from the extreme base of the leaf, and more easily seen on the upper surface owing to the slightly recurved margins, the inner arising from the midrib about 1 cm above the base and very conspicuous throughout, additional primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 9-12, prominent, many of the secondary veins also prominent but less so than the primary. Palawan, 4 km northeast of Puerto Princesa, in level forest near the hay at 10 m elevation, For. Bur, 3503 Curran. 57. Eugenia philippinensis sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus vel axillaribus, saepissime fasciculatis, floribus albis, saepius apice congestis, mediocris: calycis tubo subturbinato, lobis 4; petalis 4, liberis; staminibus numerosis: foliis petiolatis, laminis coriaceis, ellipticis vel ovalibus, basi acutis, apice anguste acuminatis; venis utrinque 9-14. Inflorescences terminal or in the axils of usually the upper leaves, solitary or more often fascicled, 3-9 cm long, peduncles 4-angled and more or less longitudinally striate, sparingly or not branched except at its base, the individual flowers sessile or rarely subsessile, clustered at the apex of the peduncle (as many as 12) with a few along its sides: calyx-tube turbinate, 7 mm long, 6 mm wide at the base of the lobes; at the base contracted to a definite pseudostalk; calyx-lobes 4, unequal in pairs, the outer 2.5 mm long, 3 mm wide at the base, -the inner similar to the 4 free petals and like them 3-4 mm long, 4-6 mm wide at the base; stamens numerous, the filaments 4—7 mm long, anthers ovate, about 0.7 mm long; style less than 1 cm long; ovary 2-celled, ovules several. A tree attaining a height of 20 m and a trunk-diameter of 50 cm, its terete branches covered with gray bark: leaves with petioles 6-12 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, elliptic, oblong, oval, or obovate, 6-13 cm long, 3.5-6 cm wide, acutely short-acuminate and decurrent at the base, the apex contracted into a narrow and usually nearly acute acumen 5-15 A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 379 mm long; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 9-14, the second or third pair from the base forming the main submarginal veins, the latter somewhat remote from the margins (in the middle of the leaf usually 4-6 mm), the basal veins forming fainter veins nearer the margin. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Guinayangan, Merrill 205 4 (type) : Buena Vista Mountain, For. Bur. 10312 Curran. Leyte, Ormoc and vicinity, For. Bur. 11576, 11644 Whitford, For. Bur. 12761 Rosenbluth. Native names, Macaasin, Malayambo, Bagohion, Tayabas: Tambitambi, Tam- bistambis, Tulambis , Leyte. Wood used as lumber, for house-posts, and in ship- building. The species of this group, nos. 54 to 59, are (except the first) very puzzling, and fuller material may necessitate a revision of the species. There is an equal general resemblance between E. zamboangensis and E. arcuatinervia, but they are definitely separable, as in the latter the calyx is entirely closed in bud, the apex falling calyptrately or remaining attached to one side for a shorter or longer time, simulating a lobe. 58. Eugenia zamboangensis sp. nov. Inflorescentiis axillaribus vel pseudoterm inalibus, brevibus, paucifloris, floribus mediocris; calycis tubo turbinato, lobis 4; petalis 4, liberis; staminibus numerosis: foliis chartaceis, subellipticis, basi acutis, apice anguste acuminatis; venis utrinque 9—15. Inflorescence essentially axillary, though even more often a cyme is situated in the axils of each of the pair of leaves which terminate the branch, 2-4 cm long, sparingly or not branched, bearing usually 5 flowers, 3 at the apex and 2 a short distance below the apex, all flowers sessile; bracteoles short, ovate, obtuse : calyx-tube turbinate, 4-5 mm long, and of about an equal diameter at the base of the lobes, extending about 2 mm beyond the ovary, the lower portion forming a pseudostalk; calyx-lobes 4, unequal in pairs, the one pair 2 mm long and 5 mm wide at the base, petaloid, the other 1.5 mm long and 3 mm wide at the base, not petaloid, all rounded at the apex; petals 4, free, rounded, 2.5 mm long and 3.5 mm wide; stamens numerous, the filaments 6-8 mm long, the anthers 0.4 mm long ; style about 1 cm long ; ovary 2— celled, each cell with several ovules. A tree attaining a height of 35 m and a trunk-diameter of 40 cm, its ultimate branches slender, terete, covered with gray bark : leaves with petioles 4-9 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, elliptic, 5-12 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, acutely acuminate and decurrent at the base, the apex forming a slender acumen 1-2 cm long, the under surface very distinctly (under the lens) glandular-dotted; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 12-15, rarely fewer, the main submarginal vein formed by the most basal conspicuous lateral vein, though a very faint vein more often intervenes between it and the margin. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 9423, 9473 (type) Whitford cC- Hutchinson. Basilan, Hallier s. n. ROBINSON. 380 59. Eugenia pulgarensis sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus, brevibus, floribus sessilibus in capitulis paucitloris racemose dispositis; calycis lobis inaequalibus, interioribus pro rata magnis; petalis 4, exterioribus saltern liberis: foliis coriaceis, elliptico- oblanceolatis vel obovatis, basi acutis, margine revolutis, apice abrupte obtuseque acuminatis; venis utrinque 10-12. Inflorescences terminal or subterminal, 2-3 cm long, the 4-angled rachis sometimes united with the branchlets, its branches short, terminated by solitary or few sessile flowers: calyx-tube turbinate, 5-6 mm long, 4-5 mm wide at the base of the lobes; calyx-lobes unequal, the inner orbicular-ovate, 3-4 mm in diameter, deciduous ; petals 4, at least the outer free, 2 mm in diameter; stamens numerous, the filaments attaining a length of 4 mm, the anthers orbicular-ovate, 0.5 mm long, conspicuously gland-tipped; style 2.5 mm long; ovary thick-walled, 2-celled, the ovules few. A tree, its branches covered with grayish bark; leaves with petioles 2-5 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, elliptic-oblanceolate to obovate, 3. 5-6. 5 cm long. 1.5—3 cm wide, the base acute, the margin revolute, the apex abruptly contracted into an obtuse acumen 2-5 mm long; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 10-12, elevated on both surfaces, united by numerous conspicuous anastomoses, their apices forming a definite vein about 1.5 mm within the margin, and a fainter one just within the line of folding. Palawan, Mount Pulgar, where very common, For. Bur. 3882 Curran. 60. Eugenia arcuat inervia Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 104. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Cuming 1275, 1325 ; San Vicente, For. Bur. 7066, 7085 Klemme ; Camalanuigan, For. Bur. 6669 Klemme: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, For. Bur. 2598 Meyer. Mindoro, Magasanantubig River, For. Bur. 12198 Rosenbluth. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 1063. Cuming 1710, from Samar, is allied. This separates into two distinct series, the Mariveles and Mindoro collections going together, While all the Cagayan plants agree with that from Mindanao. The latter are characterized by more coriaceous, fewer-veined leaves, and may prove specifically separable. Local names Carutad, Biracbac, both Negrito, Pango, Cagayan, all three from that province: Malaruhat, Mindoro. Endemic. 61. Eugenia clausa sp. nov. Affinis E. operculatae Koxb. : inflorescentiis in ramis in axillis defolia- te, paniculato-eymosis : floribus sessilibus, in triadibus dispositis, alabastris ellipsoideis vel obovoideis, apiculatis, calycis superiore parte calyptratim decidua; petalis liberis: foliis longiter petiolatis, chartaceis, ellipticis, elliptico-oblanceolatis, oblongis, ovalibus vel obovatis, basi acutis, apice in acumen brevem obtusum angustatis; venis utrinque 12-20. Inflorescences on the branches below the leaves, 2.5-5 cm long, one or A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYltTACEiE. 381 more arising from the same axil, paniculately branched, the branchlets terete or subterete, the individual flowers in triads, sessile, with a pair ol deciduous ovate or lanceolate bracteoles at the base of each flower, and showing either similar ones or their scars at lower forks: buds 3.5 mm long, ellipsoid to obovoid, strongly apiculate, at first green, later becoming purple from the apex downward, the apical 1.5 mm falling calyptrately leaving a truncate margin; in anthesis the flower including the stamens 7—8 mm long; the remaining portion of the calyx nearly campanulate, elongated to about 3 mm and 3 mm in diameter at the apex, extending 1.5 mm beyond the ovary; petals 4, white, free but falling with the calyx; staminal disk thin; stamens numerous, the filaments 2-3.5 mm long, the anthers 0.4 mm long, the apical gland not very conspicuous ; style 4 mm long; ovary 2-celled, many-seeded, the wall showing in section a definite ring of glands. A tree 15-20 m high, its trunk about 25 cm in diameter, covered with the branches by gray bark, the branchlets green, the nodes somewhat swollen; leaves with petioles 12—20 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, elliptic, oblong, elliptic-oblanceolate, oval or obovate-orbicular, 6.5-14.5 cm long, 3-7.8 cm wide, the base acutely acuminate and decurrent, the apex narrowed into a short obtuse acumen; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 12-20, slender, not crowded, easily distinguishable from the rather conspicuous reticulated secondary venation, their apices forming a distinct vein 2.5-3.5 mm from the margin, with a fainter external one; upper surface of the leaves dark-green, under surface paler, both shining, glandular-punctate. Luzon, Province of llocos Sur, Dolores, For. Bur. <123 Klemme. Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 6760 Robinson (type), Merrill 2806; Antipolo, For. Bur. 470 Ahern’s collector. Negros, Province of Negros Occidental, Inanayan, For. Bur. 11197 Everett. Mindoro, Amnay River, For. Bur. 11448 Merritt. (See E. similis. ) As shown by the remarkable nature of the calyx, this species closely approaches E. operculata Roxb., and especially var. densiflora Koord. & Val., of neither which nor of the other varieties have I seen any material. As contrasted with the descriptions by Koorders & Valeton, Wight, and Duthie, it seems to differ by having much smaller inflorescences, smaller flowers, shorter stamens, and the leaf-venation appears to be different. Except by the young flowers it is almost impossible to distinguish this from E. similis Merr.; but the latter has definite calyx-lobes, which often persist beyond the flowering stage, but are more often lost at that time. I know no character to differentiate sterile material of the two species. The name “mala- ruhat na puti,” applied to this at Bosoboso, is given to E. similis at Lamao. 62. Eugenia glaucicalyx Merr. in Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (1906) 50. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Merrill 3949, I1 or. Bur. 817, 826, 1250, 2748 Borden, For. Bur. 6241, 7359 Curran. Culion, Halsey Harbor, Merrill 570, 626. Palawan, Dawara trail, For. Bur. 7 438 Manalo. 382 ROBINSON. The collections from the latter islands do not quite agree with the type, the submarginal vein being somewhat more distinct, and the branches of the in- ilorescence shorter. The differences, however, are merely matters of degree, and are not considered to justify speciiic separation, in the light of present evidence. It is probable that For. Bur. 7 5^8 Hutchinson, from the Island of Dinagat, is also referable here. The collection has mature white fruit, while that of E. glau- cicatyx is still unknown. '1 he species closely approaches E. zeylanica (Linn.) Wight, and may prove inseparable from it. Local names, Hareeg, Bataan; Calaum, Culion. Endemic. 63. Eugenia paucivenia sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus, paniculato-cymosis, floribus sessilibus vel i aiius breviter pedicel latis : calycis tubo turbinato, lobis brevissimis; corolla calyptrata : foliis sessilibus vel subsessilibus, coriaceis, obovatis vel subell ipticis, basi breviter auriculatis, margine revolutis, apice rotun- datis vel obscure vel brevissime lateque acuminatis; venis utrinque 5-8. Cymes terminal, 4-6 cm long, trichotomously forked, their branches rather stout, angled and striate; individual flowers white, mostly in triads, sessile or rarely on pedicels not more than 1.5 mm long; very short bracteoles present at the forks of the inflorescence: calyx-tube turbinate, 6.5-8 mm long, extending about 3 mm beyond the ovary, 4 mm wide at the apex; the upper margin forming 4 broadly rounded inconspicuous undulations; corolla calyptrate, but separable into 4 petals about 4 mm in diameter; disk thin; stamens numerous, their filaments about 6 mm long, anthers 0.4 mm long, gland-tipped; style about 1 cm long; ovary with comparatively thick walls, 2-celled, several-ovuled. A tree 7-8 m high, its trunk about 15 cm in diameter, the branches covered with brownish bark, becoming grayish on the branchlets: leaves sessile or very shortly petioled, the lamina obovate to nearly elliptic in outline, 4.5-7.5 cm long, 22-36 mm wide, the base auriculate or rounded or forming a very short acumen from just before its junction with the petiole, the margin revolute, the apex rounded or obscurely or very broadly and shortly acuminate, the upper surface shining, the under surface dull; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 5-7, evident on both surfaces, less often with some of the intermediate veins nearly as prominent, forming a definite submarginal vein with a short loop-like external vein from the extreme base not reaching the middle of the leaf and usually much shorter. Babuyanes Islands, Camiguin Island, Bur. Sci. 1,118 Fenix. Luzon, Province of Uocos Norte, Cuming 1186 (type). 64. Eugenia subfalcata sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus, paniculato-cymosis, floribus sessilibus vel breviter pedicellatis ; calycis tubo turbinato, apice subintegro; corolla calyptrata: foliis chartaceis, lanceolatis, basi acutis, apice attenuate, subfalcatis; venis utrinque c-irciter 30. Inflorescence terminal, trichotomous, paniculately cymose, nearly 10 A PRELIMINARY REVISION OP PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 383 cm long, its axes striate and at least tlie upper more or less angled, the flowers in threes at the apices of its branches, sessile or the terminal on pedicels 1-2 mm long: calyx-tube turbinate, 8-10 mm long, 5 mm wide below the apex, the truncate or subtruncate apex incurved, 3.5 mm wide : corolla before anthesis practically a continuation of the calyx, calyptrate ; stamens numerous, the filaments in the young flowers about 4 mm long, the anthers 0.7 mm long; style then less than 5 mm long; ovary 2-celled. Branches terete, covered with very thin papery smooth brownish-purple (when dry) bark: leaves with petioles 13-15 mm long, the lamina chartaceous, lanceolate, 19—22 cm long, 48—64 mm wide, the base acutely acuminate, the margins strongly revolute, the apex subfalcate, one margin usually nearly straight, incurved on the other, forming a nearly acute acumen 3-5 cm long; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib when viewed from beneath seem to be about 30, when viewed from above hardly more conspicuous than the intervening ones and seeming to be from 40 to 50 ; forming a slightly arched intramarginal vein but little within the incurved margins. Cuming 101/9, localized on the sheet as from Albay Province, Luzon, hut more likely from Zambales. The species is very distinct from anything else in the collection. 65. Eugenia claviflora Roxb. FI. Ind. 2 (1832) 488. E. leptantha Wight Ic. (1842) pi. 528: Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 105, non Benth. in Hook. Journ. Bot. 2 (1840) 321. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Camalaniugan, For. Bur. 6662 Klemme; Lalloc, For. Bur. 181/23 Alvarez: Province of Ilocos Norte, San Quintin, For. Bur. '132 Klemme: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, For. Bur. 803, 827 Borden, For. Bur. 261/6, 2806 Meyer, Whit ford 291/. The Mariveles collections fall under E. leptantha, but that has been reduced to a variety of Roxburgh’s older species. For. Bur. 7132 has definitely broadei flowers, but is otherwise closely allied, and For. Bur. 181/32 is somewhat intei- mediate. Local names, Gamatulay (Negrito), Maramaotan and Cusaram (Cag.), all from Cagayan: Panglongbuyan-gangoan, Ilocos: Carra and doubtfully Malaruhat na puti, Bataan. Noted as a timber tree in Cagayan: Roxburgh notes this species as a useful timber tree in India. India to the Malay Peninsula. 66. Eugenia dementis sp. nov. Floribus ferminalibus, in umbello coinposito dispositis, probabiliter eymosis, sessilibus, calycis tubo brcviter campanulato basi longitei producto; lobis 4, parvis; petalis 4, parvis; staminibus circiter 30; ovario 2-loculari : foliis oblongo-ellipticis, basi cuneatis decurrentibusque apice acuminatis. Flowers arranged in a terminal compound umbel, probably cymose, each inflorescence 4—6 cm long, more or less trichotomous, the rachis and its branches 4-angled : individual flowers without pedicels ; calyx in all 12-14 mm long, the pseudostalk usually definite, 9.5-12 mm long, 384 ROBINSON. slender, the upper portion of the tube 2. 5-3. 5 mm long, campanulate, the 4 lobes very short, triangular-ovate, acuminate; petals 4, broadly ovate, about 1.6 mm long, 1.4 mm wide, rounded at the apex, the two inner with processes at the base, separable and apparently falling sepa- rately; staminal disk thin; stamens about 30, their filaments 2.5-4 mm long, their anthers orbicular, cordate at the base, 0.3 mm in diameter; style at anthesis 4 mm long; ovary 2-celled, each cell with several ovules. A tree 8-10 m high, the bark of the ultimate branches covered with grayish bark, often scaling off and leaving the branches purplish ; leaves opposite, with petioles 5-9 mm long, the lamina elliptic-lanceolate, 10.5-12 cm long, 3.2—4 cm wide, acute and decurrent at the base, at the apex prolonged into an acumen 1.5—2 cm long; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib about 50, irregularly forking and anastomosing; submarginal vein thin but sufficiently conspicuous. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 1036 (type), 1113. 67. Eugenia clavellata Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 104. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, For. Bur. 2Vt~l Borden, For. Bur. 2821 Meyer. Endemic. 68. Eugenia rosenbluthii sp. nov. Cymis terminalibus vel subterminalibus, multi floris, sessilibus in triadibus paniculatim dispositis : calycis tubo tubaeforme, lobis 4 vel 5, minimis ; corolla ignota ; staminibus brevissimis : foliis subcoriaceis, ellipticis, basi acute acuminatis, apice in acumen angustum obtusum productis; venis utrinque 20 vel pluribus, indistinctis. Flowers terminal or subterminal, sessile or subsessile in triads, forming a sometimes leafy panicle 5-10 cm long, its rachises slender, quadrangular, 4- or 8-ridged or almost winged: calyx-tube increasing gradually in diameter from the base to just below the apex, where it is moderately expanded, 6-8 mm long, 1.5-2 mm in diameter at the apex, not extending 1 mm beyond the ovary ; calyx-lobes 4 or 5, about 0.4 mm long and less than 1 mm wide, deciduous, leaving the margin of the calyx slightly undulate or lacerate; corolla unknown; disk thin, its margin not free; stamens numerous, the longest filaments nearly 1 mm, comparatively stout toward the base, narrowed to a point at the apex, anthers hardly 0.2 mm long; style about 1 mm long, its apex nearly level with that of the calyx; ovary-cavity occupying nearly the entire length of the calyx- tube except the basal 1 mm, 2-celled or apparently often 1-celled. A tree 10 m high, with a trunk 30 cm in diameter, its terete or nearly terete branches and slender branchlets covered with smooth grayish to cinnamon-colored bark : leaves of a pair sometimes not quite opposite, the petioles 2-4 mm long, the lamina subcoriaceous, elliptic, 4— 8 cm long, 15-36 mm wide, acutely acuminate at the base, at the apex forming a narrow obtuse acumen 5-9 mm long, the margins revolute, both surfaces A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEJS. 385 dull-green or the upper somewhat shining, gland-dotted beneath ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 20 or more, thin, and difficult to trace toward the extremes of the leaf, the intramarginal vein best seen from the upper surface as beneath it is concealed or nearly concealed by the revolute leaf-margins. Leyte, central divide, For. Bur. 16890 Kosenbluth (type) ; Babatungon, For. Bur. 12895 Rosenbluth. Of Philippine species this is most similar to E. claviflora, from which its inflorescence is sufficient to distinguish it: a much nearer ally is E. attenuata Miq., from which, judging by the description, it seems to be separated by its rather larger leaves and flowers and the greater extent of its ovary-cavity. Local name, Magcusison. 69. Eugenia atropunctata sp. nov. Infloreseentiis in axillis defoliatis, paniculato-cymosis, floribus in tria- dibus dispositis, sessilibus, parvis: alabastris subglobosis, calycis lobis 4, brevibus ; petalis liberis : f oliis chartaceis, oblanceolatis rarius ellipticis vel oblongis, basi acute acuminatis, apice in acumen brevem obtusum angustatis; venis utrinque 12—16. Inflorescences on the branches below the leaves, 2-5 cm long, solitary or fascicled, trichotomously paniculately branched, the individual flowers mostly in threes, sessile, the bractlets varying from lanceolate to ovate and mucronate and attaining a length of nearly 1 mm: flowers about 2.5 mm long, the buds subglobose or obovoid-globose ; calyx-tube about half the total length of the flower, becoming nearly flat after anthesis, turbinate, about 2.3 mm in diameter at the apex, the lobes 4, obtuse, about 0.7 mm long and 1 mm wide at the base, persistent often in early fruit; petals free, suborbicular, 1.6-2 mm long, 2 mm wide; stamens numerous, the filaments 3 mm long, the anthers 0.4 mm long; style 1.5 mm long; ovary 2-eelled. A tree, its branches covered with dark-gray bark, that. of the rather slender terete branchlets paler; leaves with petioles 4-12 mm long, the lamina cliartaceous, oblanceolate rarely elliptic or oblong, 4-13 cm long, 2—4.2 cm wide, acute or acutely acuminate at the base, decurrent upon the petiole, the margins slightly revolute, at the apex contracted into an obtuse acumen 5-10 mm long, when dry the upper surface usually reddish-brown, the lower surface brown and rather densely dotted with minute black glands; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 12-16, exserted on both surfaces and distinct though rather slender, much more .conspicuous than the secondary articulations, their extremities forming a definite vein near the margin and a very faint outer vein. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Cuming 1308 (type) ; Aparri, For. Bur. 1127 4 Klemme; San Vicente, For. Bur. 17298 Curran. Negros, Province of Negros Oc- cidental, Gimagaan River, Whitford 1576 Whitford cG Everett. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens s. n., the last specimen having lighter bark and fewer-veined leaves. Local name, Pango, Cagayan. 380 ROBINSON. 70. Eugenia similis Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 106. Calypthranthes ramiflora Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 420, nec E. ramiflora Desv. in Ilam. Prodr. PI. lnd. Occid. (1825) 43, nec E. ramiflora Miq. in Linnaea 22 (1849) 536. Syzigium latifolium Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 294, nec S. latifolium DC. Prodr. 3 (1828) 259, nec E. latifolia Aubl. PI. Guian. (1775) 502, pi. 1!)!), nec alioruin. Eugenia bracteata roxburghii F.-Villar Noviss. App. (1880) 86, quoad synonyma saltern, non Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Br. Ind. 2 (1879) 502. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Whit ford 1/13, For. Bur. 1)11 Ahern’s collector: Province of Zambales, For. Bur. 851 Maule, Subig, For. Bur. 5989 Curran. Mindoro, Maugao, For. Bur. 9853 Merritt, the two last specimens with very young flowers. The following are referable either to this species or to E. clausa, they are either sterile or in mature fruit, and I can not distinguish them. Luzon, Prov- ince of Nueva Ecija, Cabanatuan, For. Bur. 81/91 Curran: Province of Zambales, Botolan, Merrill 29)0 ; Iba, Merrill 299.); Cabangan, Merrill 3001. Mashate, Merrill 3016. Mindoro, For. Bur. 8663, 11020 Merritt; Amnay, For. Bur. 881/1 Merritt. Mindanao, District of Davao, Samal Island, For. Bur. 11522 Whitford. There seems to be no constant character to separate the leaves of this species from those of E. clausa: the specimens other than the respective types cited from Lamao and Bosoboso are fruiting and are placed where they are on geographical grounds alone, as there is nothing to distinguish them except a difference in the shape of the leaves which will not hold for other material. The Bosoboso plants were collected at stations several miles apart. The difference in the calyx is so great that there can be no possible doubt that these species really are distinct. Otherwise is the case of E. atropunctata. The latter is separated at a glance from E. similis by the darker bark and leaves, shorter petioles, differently shaped leaves, smaller flowers, free petals, shorter stamens, more persistent obtuse calvx- lobes, and probably longer bracteoles, but it is very much closer to it than this array of characters would seem to indicate. It seems in every way probable that this is the correct disposition of Blanco’s species, above cited, although the reduction is largely a matter of exclusion. Blanco says under this heading that the wood known at San Jose de Batangas under the name of “dinglas” is this species and no other, but he elsewhere ascribes that name in the same locality to a species of Terminalia, called by him Bucida comintana. Through the kindness of Dr. Leon Guerrero, specimens of “dinglas” were obtained from the presidente of San Jose and proved to be the latter. Local names, Paitan, Zambales; Malaruhat, Malaruhat na puti, Bataan. Endemic. 71. Eugenia decipiens Koord. & Val. Bull. Bot. Inst. Buitenz. 2 (1899) 6. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, For. Bur. 1181/ Borden, For. Bur. 2181 Meyer. Both collections, the former sterile, the latter flowering, agree perfectly with the description and with Javan material, except that the leaves are somewhat wider in proportion to their length, especially toward their apices, and are therefore somewhat more abruptly acuminate. They seem entirely too close to warrant specific separation. Local names, Malaruhat, Malaruhat na pula. Java. 72. Eugenia jambolana Lam. Encycl. 3 (1789) 198. Calyptranthes jambolana Willd. in Usteri Ann. 17 (1796) 23. Syzygium jambolanum DC. Prodr. 3 (1828) 259. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 387 Eugenia djouat Perr. in Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris 3 (1824) 116. Myrtus cumini Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 471. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Linao River, For. Bur. 18473 Alvarez: Province of Ilocos Norte, Mount Piao, For. Bur. 14007 Merritt tC- Darling: Province of Abra, Ikmen, For. Bur. 14553 Darling: Province of Union, Bauang, Elmer 5551: Province of Nueva Ecija, Talavera, For. Bur. 8470 Curran: Province of Zambales, Botolan, Merrill 2914; Cuming 1093: Province of Pampanga, Martinez s. n. : Province of Bulacan, For. Bur. 12304 Maule: Province of Rizal, Novaliches, Loher 2505; San Mateo, Merrill Dec. Philip. For. FI. 109 Ahern’s collector; Bosoboso, Merrill 1836, For. Bur. 2868 Ahern’s collector; Antipolo, Merrill 1323, Bur. Sci. 5186, 5187, 5188, 5189, 5190, 5191, 5192, 5193, 5194, 5195, 5196, 5197 Ramos: Manila, Marave 140, Ahern 714- Province of Bataan, Moron, For. Bur. 6363 Curran ; Lamao River, Whitford s. n.; Mariveles, Ahern 779 : Province of Tayabas, Laguimanoc, Merrill 2125; Malicboi, Richie s. n. Lubang, Merrill 970. Min- doro, Calapan, Merrill 2575 ; Maugao, For. Bur. 9857 Merritt. Negros, Rio de Cadiz, For. Bur. 7300 Everett. Cebu, Talisay, For. Bur. 4239 Everett. Guima- ras, For. Bur. 268 Gammill. Palawan, Puerto Princesa, For. Bur. 3600 Curran, Bur. Sci. 285 Bermejos. Universally recognized throughout the islands, either by the name Duhat or Lumboi, or very slight variants of the latter, the former being especially Tagalog, the other preferred by the other races and the Spaniards. India to Malaya. It will probably be possible to avoid changing the specific name, in spite of the fact that Linnaeus did have and describe specimens of this species under a name not yet used in the genus. Myrtus cumini is based upon his older description in the Flora Zeylanica 185. That (adapted from Richter) is as follows. “Arbor ramis teretibus, cinereis. Folia lanceolata, vel ovato-lanc., oppos., glabra, integerrima, minus acuta, petiolis longiusculis. Corymbi trifidi, compositi, laterales. Arbor zeylanica cuminum reddens Burm. Zeyl. 27. Ankaenda Herm. Zeyl. 23.” The identification of the specimens in Hermann’s herbarium has been carefully made by Trimen (Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 24: 140, 142; Handbook FI. Ceyl. 1: 216, 2:179), and the confusion by Linnaeus and his successors of Eugenia jambolana and Aero- nychia laurifolia definitely traced. The specimens of these two species seem to have occupied three folios of Hermann’s herbarium, one was entirely A. laurifolia, another a mixture of the two, the remaining one was that upon which Myrtus cumini was based, and was entirely E. jambolana. Had Linnaeus adopted any specific name, other than “cumini,” not subsequently used, it would be obligatory to take it up by transfer into Eugenia in place of E. jambolana. The name was obviously borrowed from Burmann, and although the description and specimens belong to Eugenia, the name seems to belong with Acronychia laurifolia, as is inferentially stated by Duthie under E. jambolana. For nomenclatural purposes, then, it seems better to refer both Myrtus cumini and Jambolifera pedunculata of Linnaeus to Acronychia. Certainly, changes are necessary in that genus, at least in the specific name. The generic name, is partially protected by the list of nomina conservanda adopted by the Vienna Congress, which excludes two of Adanson’s names, but makes no mention of the earlier Jambolifera of Linnaeus, concerning which there is no doubt. 73. Eugenia densinervia Merr. in Philip. Jour. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 105. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, Whitford 1249, For. Bur. 719, 813, 1178, 1815, 2921 Borden, For. Bur. 6232 Curran: Province of Isabela, Baler, Merrill 1052. Endemic. 388 ROBINSON. 74. Eugenia sablanensis Elmer Leafl. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 328. Proximo E. densinerviae accedens: difFert floribus minoribus, 2-3 mm diametro; foliis saepissime admodum minoribus angustioribusque, basi magis cuneatis, apice magis acuminatis. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Baguio, Elmer 8879; Sablan, Elmer 6197; Twin Peaks, Elmer 61/59: Province of Isabela, Cabagan River, For. Bur. 18562 Alvarez: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Merrill 1888, Bur. Sci. 2639 Ramos, For. Bur. 3178 Ahern’s coiled or : Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, For. Bur. 621/3 Curran: Province of Isabela, Baler, Merrill 1080: Province of Tayabas, Pitogo, Merrill 2121. Mindoro, For. Bur. 9968 Merritt. Neoros, Mount Silay, Whitford 1520. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keitliley, Mrs. Clemens s. n. Basilan, Santa Isabela, DeVore c£- Hoover 31. This species can only tentatively be held distinct from E. densinervia, both being probably too closely related to E. bracteolata Wight to be held separate. On the type specimens, the flowers differ distinctly in size, and it is usually possible to estimate the size of the flowers of fruiting material, but it is very difficult to get correlating characters by which sterile specimens or those with immature flowers can be distinguished. The leaves of E. densinervia are nearly always slightly longer and wider (especially at the base) than those of E. sab- lanensis, the apex is nearly always rounded, while in the latter species there is nearly always a distinct though short acumen ; further the branches of the inflorescence of E. densinervia are usually distinctly stouter. Nevertheless, the species nearly or quite intergrade on all these characters. All the collections here referred to E. densinervia are unquestionably of that species, several under E. sablanensis have immature flowers and are so identified on the faith of the other characters, which are of doubtful validity. Endemic. 75. Eugenia incrassata Elmer Leafl. Philip. Bot. 2 (1909) 581. Inflorescentiis terminalibus, trichotomo-cymosis, apice subplanis, cir- citer 1 cm longis, multifloris; floribus breviter pediccllatis, bibraeteatis, admodum parvis : calycis tubo turbinato, lobis 4, parvis sed sat conspicuis, rotundatis ; petalis calyptratis ; staminibus numerosis : foliis petiolatis, subcoriaceis, orbicularibus vel obovato-orbicularibus, basi acute acuminatis decurrentibusque, apice in acumen breve obtusum subito contractis; venis utrinque 18-25, subconfertis, in venam submargin a] cm coalitis. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Lucban, Elmer 9187. Endemic. 70. Eugenia congesta Merr. in Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 35 (190G) 49. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Mount Ababaca, For. Bur. 17201/ Curran: Prov- ince of Lepanto, Mount Data, For. Bur. 10951/ Curran: Province of Benguet, Mount Tonglon, For. Bur. 18368 Alvarez, Loher 5101: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Whitford 150, 1/1/8, Elmer 6896, For. Bur. 6260 Curran. In general the leaves of the northern specimens are longer, actually or propor- tionally, than those from Mount Mariveles, but they are well linked together by Whitford 150, the nomenclatorial type. Local name, Batrnay, Benguet. Endemic. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEJE. 389 77. Eugenia ugoensis sp. nov. Affinis E. congestae: floribus ignotis: infrutescentibus terminalibus, brevibus, fructibus subglobosis, calycis lobis 4 coronatis : foliis oblongis usque ad obovatis, basi acutis, margine revolutis, apice in acumen breve angustum obtusuin angustatis; venis utrinque 25-30, confertis. Infrutescences terminal, excluding the fruits 1—1.5 cm long, the rachis comparatively stout (about 2 *mm in diameter), terete or somewhat quadrangular, not or shortly branched, bearing the scars of many fallen flowers: fruits described as green, yellow, and red, probably indicating stages in maturity, globose or depressed-globose, attaining 1.7 cm dia- meter, thin-walled, 1-celled, 1-seeded, crowned by 4 somewhat conspicuous calyx-lobes 1.5-2 mm long, with the same range of width, obtuse or rounded at the apex. A tree 5 m high, with a trunk described as 30 cm in diameter, the somewhat stout branchlets covered with dark-brown or dark-grayish- brown bark: leaves with petioles 1-2.5 mm long, the lamina coriaceous or subcoriaceous, varying from oblong-oblanceolate to obovate, 2.5—4 cm long, 1-2.5 cm wide, the base acute, the margin revolute, at the apex narrowed into a slender obtuse acumen 2.5—8 mm long ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 25—30, usually nearly straight but also forking or anastomosing, equally elevated and conspicuous on both surfaces, their apices forming a definite submarginal vein. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Mount Ugo, at elevations from 1,800 to 2,000 m, For. Bur. 10913 Curran (type), For. Bur. 18030 Merritt, Bur. Sci. 5707 Ramos. 78. Eugenia acrophila sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus, brevibus, floribus congestis : calycis tubo turbinato, lobis 4, rotundatis; corolla calyptrata; staminibus admodum paucis ; fructibus globosis : foliis coriaceis, parvis, saepius elliptico- lanceolatis, basi acutis, margine revolutis, apice breviter obtuseque acu- minatis; venis utrinque 8-12, baud confertis. Inflorescences terminal, less than 2 cm long, including flowers or fruit, not or hardly prolonged beyond the leaves, the cymes trichotomous, often sessile, the white flowers at the extremities of the short branches, mostly in threes, the forks of the inflorescence with short but broad bractlets : calyx-tube turbinate, about 3.5 mm long, 3.5 mm wride at the base of the lobes; calyx-lobes 4, about 1 mm long, 2 mm wide at the base, rounded at the apex; corolla calvptrate, about 1.5 mm in circumference; stamens few for the genus (about 20), the filaments 2-4 mm long, the suborbicular anthers 0.4 mm in diameter ; style 3 mm long, subulate ; ovary 2-celled : fruit globose, less than 1 cm in diameter, thick-walled, 2-celled. A tree attaining a height of 9 m and a trunk-diameter of 30 cm, the branchlets often roughened by the scars of fallen leaves, covered with pinkish-gray or brownish bark : leaves with petioles 1—3 mm long, the ROBINSON. 390 lamina coriaceous, shining on both surfaces but paler beneath, ranging in outline from elliptic-lanceolate to oval or obovate, 12-25 mm long. 8—15 mm wide, the base acute, the margin revolute, the apex contracted into a short obtuse acumen; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 8-12, widely separated considering the shortness of the leaf, minor reticulations few but comparatively conspicuous, all somewhat coarse, a definite vein present just within the margin. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Mount Pulog, For. Bur. 18068 (type), 18036 Curran Merritt cG Zschokke: Province of Zambales, Mount Tapulao, For. Bur. 8066, 8088 Curran d Merritt, at elevations from over 2,000 to 2,700 in, the young leaves noted as giving a reddish-brown color to the forest. Local name, Baltic, Benguet. 79. Eugenia alvarezii sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus et subterminalibus, brevibus, trichotomis, floribus in ramulorum apicibis confertis: calvcis tubo turbinato-bemis- pherico, lobis 4, brevibus; petalis liberis; staminibus multis: foliis coria- ceis, supra praesertiin nitidis, ellipticis, elliptico-lanceolatis vel oblongis, basi acutis, margine lente revolutis, apice anguste acuminatis; venis utrinque 10-15, baud confertis. Inflorescences terminal and subterminal, about 2 cm long, forming a leafy panicle, the sessile white flowers all crowded at the extremities of the main branches : calvx-tube turbinate-hemispheric, 4 mm long, 4 mm wide at the apex, the lobes very short, merely forming an undulate border; petals 4, free, orbicular-ovate, 2.5-3 mm long; stamens numerous, the filaments about 3 mm long, the anthers 0.5 mm long; stvle subulate, 4 mm long, ovary somewhat thick-walled, 2-celled, several-seeded : fruit reddish, slightly exceeding 1 cm in diameter, thick-walled, 2-celled, the seeds immature. A tree 20 m high, with a trunk 40 cm in diameter, the branches covered with cinnamon-colored bark : leaves with petioles 3—6 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, the upper surface vitreous-shining, the under somewhat shining but much less so than the upper, elliptic, elliptic- lanceolate, or oblong, 4.5—6 cm long, 2—3 cm wide, the base acute, the margins slightly revolute, the apex rather gradually contracted into a slender acumen not exceeding 1 cm long; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 10—15, not at all crowded, raised on both surfaces, their apices forming a submarginal vein as definite as themselves, a faint vein on the extreme margin. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Sapuan, For. Bur. 18353 Alvarez (type, flower- ing) ; Pauai, For. Bur. 18379 Alvarez (fruit). Local name, Balteak. 80. Eugenia roseomarginata sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus vel subterminalibus, floribus sessilibus, in 4— 8-lloris capitulis congestis: calycis tubo turbinato, margine undulato; corolla calyptrata : foliis coriaceis, ovatis usque ad oblongis, basi acutis, apice acuminatis; margine rosea; venis utrinque circiter 20. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 391 Inflorescences terminal or subterminal, 1-3 cm long, the rachises sub terete, striate, the bractlets ovate, obtuse, 0.5 mm long, the flowers sessile in heads of 4 to 8, paniculately disposed: buds 3.5-4 mm long; calyx-tube turbinate, 3.5 mm long, 3 mm wide at the apex, the lobes merely forming undulations less than 0.5 mm long, ridge running down the side of the tube corresponding to their most elevated point; corolla calyptrate, 3 mm in diameter; stamens numerous, the filaments not exceeding 3 mm in length, the anthers oblong, 0.3 mm long; style as yet only 1 mm long ; ovary somewhat thick- walled, 3-celled, few-ovuled. A tree attaining a height of 5 m and a trunk-diameter of 30 cm, its branches covered with gray to pinkish-gray bark : leaves with petioles 3-5 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, ovate, oblong, or more usually lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, 3.5-8 cm long, 1.8-3. 3 cm wide, the base acute or acutely acuminate, usually decurrent, the margin not or barely revolute, the apex obtusely acuminate or caudate, at least the upper surface shining; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 18-35, usually much more conspicuous than the intervening irregularly- reticulated intervening veins, their apices forming a vein close to the margin, in the intervening space on the upper surface pinkish like the under surface and not showing any veins. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, Mount Piao, For. Bur. 13975 (type), 13990 Merritt d Darling: Province of Ilocos Sur, Mount Bulagao, For. Bur. 11/051/ Merritt d Darling. This species approaches E. striatula, but the latter is easily distinguished not only by its widely branching inflorescence and free petals, but by its fevv^r leaf -veins. Local name, Pamayausin, Ilocos Norte. 81. Eugenia perpallida Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (190C) Suppl. 10C. Syzygium pallidum Merr. in Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1904) 38; non Eugenia pallida Berg, in Mart. FI. Bras. 14 11 231. Luzon, Province of Isabela, Baler, Merrill 101/3: Province of Pangasinan, near Eguia, For. Bur. 8281/ Curran d Merritt: Province of Zambales, Subig, Merrill 1761/, For. Bur. 378, 901/ Maule; Selangan, Far. Bur. 5921/ Curran ; Cauag, For. Bur. 6019 Aguilar ; Mount Tapulao, For. Bur. 8258 Curran A Merritt: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Whit ford 1209, For. Bur. 3121/ Meyer; Limay, Bur. Sci. 6192 Robinson: Province of Batangas, For. Bur. 7689 Curran: Province of Albay, Manito, For. Bur. 10570 Curran. Lubang, For. Bur. 12238 Rosenbluth. Negros, Province of Negros Occidental, Gimagaan River, Whit ford 1587 (closely allied, but probably distinct) ; Mount Silay, Whitford 1526. Local names, Malaruhat na pula, Payetan, Pangasinan; Arinaya, Bignay- maching, Pielan, Malaruhat na puti, Zambales; Bulog, Negros. Endemic. 82. Eugenia parva comb. nov. E. acuminatissitna parva Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (190G) Suppl. 104. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, Mount Piao, For. Bur. 13980, 13981 Merritt d Darling : Province of Ilocos Sur, Mount Bulagao, For. Bur. 11/029 Merritt d Darling: Province of Zambales, Candelaria, For. Bur. 821/7 Curran d Merritt: Province of Pangasinan, northwest of Baui, For. Bur. 8359 Curran d Merritt: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Whitford 1136, 1218: Province of Camari- nes, near Lagonoy, For. Bur. 1061/6 Curran: Province of Albay, Cuming 861. ROBINSON. 392 Bohol, Cuming 1825. Palawan, Panacan Point, For. Bur. 3831/ Curran ; Mount Victoria, Bur. Sci. 730, 751 Foxworthy. This species seems well distinct from E. acuminatissima by its essentially dif- ferent venation; it is closely allied to E. perpallida, from which it is most easily separated by the characters indicated in the key. The Palawan collections have in general larger and wider leaves than the type, attaining 85 by 32 mm, but they seem to intergrade well with the most typical material. For. Bur. 8359 is atypic, having leaves hardly at all acuminate. Local names, Panomanagan, Ilocos Norte; Ambabacit, Ilocos Sur. Endemic. 83. Eugenia saligna comb. nov. Jambosa saligna Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 1l (1855) 432. E. acuminatissima Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Bengal 46- (1877) 67, nec Miq. in Linnaea 19 (1847) 440, nec Berg in Mart. FI. Bras. 141 (1857) 315. Jambosa acuminatissima Hassk. Cat. Hort. Bog. Alt. (1844) 362. Myrtus acuminatissima Blume Bijdr. (1826) 1088. Syzygium acuminatissimum DC. Prodr. 3 (1828) 261. E. cumingiana Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 173, non E. cumingii Hook. & Arn. in Hook. Bot. Misc. 3 (1833) 319. Syzygium subdecurrens Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. I1 (1855) 449. Luzon, Province of Isabela, Baler, Merrill 106 If: Province of Benguet, Mount Tonglon, For. Bur. 501/1; Curran: Province of Zambales, Mount Tapulao, For. Bur. 8101/, 8105 Curran tC- Merritt, Bur. Sci. 1/761/, 5096 Ramos; Candelaria, For. Bur. 821/8 Curran tf- Merritt: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Whitford 1198, 1228, For. Bur. 811, 2385 Borden, For. Bur. 21/06, 2628, 2801, 2807, 3001/ Meyer, For. Bur. 621/8, 6269 Curran: Province of Rizal, Antipolo, For. Bur. 1/32, 1/75 Ahern’s collector; Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 11/91/ Ramos, For. Bur. 2896 Ahern’s col- lector; Mount Dugo, Loher 2501: Province of Tayabas, Pagbilao, Merrill 1930: Province of Albay, Cuming 925; Batan, For. Bur. 15001 Aldor. Marinduque, Boac, For. Bur. 12153 Roscnbluth. Negros, Province of Negros Occidental, Mount Silay, Whitford 151/1/; Cadiz, For. Bur. 5571 Everett. Leyte, Ormoc, For. Bur. 12725 Rosenbluth. Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. 1/77 1 M earns c£ Hutchinson: Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 7 30, s. n. This includes three more or less intergrading series, the first well represented by the type of E. cumingiana, a second formed by the collections from Benguet, Zambales, Tayabas, and For. Bur. 11/91/, from Rizal, distinguished by having the under surface of the leaves very conspicuously glandular; while For. Bur. 1/32, from Rizal, and some of the Lanao specimens have much wider leaves, often showing two submarginal veins. There seems to be no sufficient reason for separating them specifically. The Philippine material has been compared with Javan specimens, taken from trees in cultivation at Buitenzorg, and with a sheet from the Andaman Islands, Dr. Brain’s collector 85, a duplicate from the Botanic Gardens at Calcutta, all distributed as E. acuminatissima Kurz, and there can be no doubt tha^ Merrill’s reduction of E. cumingiana is correct. But the former name had already been used in Eugenia for two other species, though one does not belong to this genus: the other is apparently valid. It has been necessary, in consequence, to accept Miquel’s specific name as the oldest tenable one, the synonymy being taken from Koorders and Valeton. Local names, Malaruhat, Cahoybod, Bataan; Bujucan, Albay; Taguilumboy, Negros; Binloan, Leyte; the Zambales form is there called Cuyagin and Malaru- ha tsapa. India to southern China, Malaya and tropical Australia. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 393 84. Eugenia astronioides sp. nov. Infiorescentiis paniculato-cymosis, floribus sessilibus, saepissime in triadibus dispositis; parvis: calyces tubo turbinato, lobis 4, brevibus, rotundatis ; corolla calyptrata; staminibus numerosis; ovario biloculari : foliis chartaceis, oblongis vel elliptico-lanceolatis, basi acutis, apice anguste acnminatis; venis utrinque circiter 12, laterale ab margine remota. Inflorescences terminal, the individual flowers in triads, or beneath the apex sometimes single, the triads forming lax panicles 2-4 cm long, the sessile flowers subtended by a pair of ovate obtuse fleshy .bracteoles 0.5 mm long: calyx-tube turbinate, terete or distinctly angled, 2-2.5 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide just below the apex, the apex often slightly incurved; calyx-lobes 4, about 0.3 mm long, rounded; corolla calyptrate, about 1.5 mm in diameter; staminal-disk not projecting; stamens numerous, the filaments 1-2 mm long, the anthers 0. 3-0.4 mm long; style 1.5 mm long; ovary 2-celled, few-ovuled. A tree or shrub, attaining a height of 10 m, and a trunk-diameter of 30 cm, its terete branches covered with gray or pinkish-gray bark: leaves with petioles 1-4 mm long, the lamina chartaceous or submembranaceous, oblong, oblong-lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, G— 12 cm long, 1.5-3 cm wide, the base acute and decurrent, the margin somewhat revolute, the apex gradually narrowed and forming a slender obtuse or subacute acumen 1-1.5 cm long; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 10—13, slender, much more conspicuous on the under surface, the intervening veins only rarely prominent, the apices forming a lateral vein usually one-fourth of the distance from the margin to the midrib. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, growing at elevations of 150—300 m above the sea, For. Bur. 18457, 18)67 (type) Alvarez; Missiones River, For. Bur. 17194 Curran. All specimens were collected on March 3, 1909, and the flowers, described as green and odorless, but pinkish when dry, are slightly immature. It is very distinct from any other Philippine species, the leaves resembling those of E. mananquil, which is not at all closely allied, and the whole aspect of the plant, as seen on a herbarium sheet, suggesting rather indistinctly Astronia cumingiana. Local names, Sudsod, Guisgues. 85. Eugenia costulata sp. nov. E. cinnamomea Merr. in Philip. Jour. Sci. 1 (1900) Suppl. 104, pro parte, non Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1880) 173. Infiorescentiis terminalibus vel subterminalibus, divaricato-cymosis, floribus sessilibus : calyce turbinato, lobis parvis, calyce fructibusque saepe etiam corolla 4-costatis: foliis petiolatis, ellipticis vel lanceolato- ellipticis, basi acutis, apice acnminatis; venis utrinque 8-12. Cymes terminal or in the axils of the upper leaves, 4—10 cm long, forking trichotomously, often at the base, all of its branches slender at anthesis, thickened in fruit, acutely 4-angled, the individual flowers usually in threes, sessile, a pair of ovate obtuse bracteoles 0.5 mm long subtending the forks of the inflorescence and the flowers: buds about 5.5 mm long, flowers attaining at least 1 cm in length; calyx 4.5—5 mm long, 85754 13 394 ROBINSON. 2.5-4 mm wide at the apex, extending 2.5-3 mm beyond the ovary, the 4 rounded lobes inconspicuous, unequal, all less than 0.5 mm long, a con- spicuous rib running from the apex of each lobe downward to the base of the flower and often continued upward upon the corolla; corolla white, calyptrate, about 1 mm in vertical height; staminal disk usually very thin ; stamens numerous, the filaments 4-G mm long, the anthers 0.3 mm long; styles 2-3.5 mm long, acicular, hidden by the stamens and rarely reaching the level of the margin of the calyx; ovary 2-celled, with numerous small ovules; fruit brown, ellipsoid, the largest about 2 cm long and 1 cm in diameter, round in transverse section but conspicuously 4- angled, 1 -celled, 1 -seeded. A tree 8-22 m high, its trunk 24—75 cm in diameter, the terete branchlets covered with grayish or cinnamon-gray bark: leaves with petioles 3-6 mm long, the chartaceous lamina elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 5- 14.5 cm long, 2. 8-5.5 cm wide, the base acute and decurrent, the apex contracted into an obtuse acumen ranging in length from 5 to 30 mm both surfaces brown but the under the paler; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 8-12, quite distinct but not prominent, sometimes rather more numerous by the development of other veins; the main submarginal vein usually originating from the third lowest of the lateral veins and in the middle of the leaf about 2.5—5 mm from the margin, the second lowest lateral vein originating a less distinct vein nearer the margin, the lowest very faint; secondary veins frequent and frequently anastomosing. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Antipolo, For. Bur. 4 12 Ahern’s collector (type) ; Bosoboso, For. Bur. 2150 Ahern’s collector: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Lamao River, For. Bur. 814, 1188 Borden, Whitford 344 : Province of Tayabas, Atimonan, It hitford 673. Only the first of these numbers bears flowers, the others with one exception are in fruit, but match well. Other very similar fruit- ing material for the same localities has no ribs upon the fruit. Further, the leaves of this species are an excellent match for those of the type of E. cin- namomea, but the flowers are very different. 86. Eugenia benthamii A. Gray Bot. Wilkes U. S. Expl. Exped. (1854) 520, non E. benthamii Berg in Linnaea 27 (1856) 164. Syzygium nitidum Benth. in Hook. Lond. Jour. Bot. 2 (1843) 221, nec Eugenia nitida Veil. FI. Flum. (1790) 208, nec Benth., nec Cambess., nec Duthie. Luzon, Province of Bulacan, Angat, For. Bur. 7 449 Curran: Province of Rizal, Antipolo, For. Bur. 433 Ahern’s collector: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, For. Bur. 2803 Meyer: Province of Tayabas, Pagbilao, Merrill 1981: Province of Camarines, Libmanan, For. Bur. 895 VanWickle; Pasacao, For. Bur. 703 Van- Wickle, For. Bur. 15792 Rosenbluth. Mindoro, Abonabon, Merrill 2185; Pola, Merrill 2237. Mangsi Islands, Wilkes Expl. Exped. s. n. Two collections, in fruit, undoubtedly cospecific with one another (Elmer 6130, Sablan, Benguet, and For. Bur. 433 Ahern’s collector. Antipolo, Rizal), may possibly belong here, but have a much more definite submarginal vein. 'A note on the nomenclature is necessary. E. benthamii was based by Gray on Bentham’s species, with the citation of the Philippine specimen, and other notes. A fragment of the Mangsi specimen is in this herbarium, and so far as A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEzE. 395 possible agrees with the specimens here cited, and is noted by Merrill 11 as also agreeing with Bentham’s type from Tobie Island. For some reason, E. benthamii A. Gray is not listed in the Kew Index, but a species of that name is credited to Berg as in Linnaea 27 (1854) 104, and other species of that author in the same paper are uniformly so dated. No direct evidence is available here to determine the question, but the indirect evidence seems to indicate that Gray’s name has priority by at least 18 months. In Hooker’s Journal of Botany & Kew Garden Miscellany 6 (1854) 285-287, there is a review of Gray’s publication. A simple calculation shows that this was the September number. From the tone of the article, it is probable that the volume was reviewed promptly upon receipt; from the statements that “the plates are not yet published,” and “Some of the unpublished plates are in our possession,” it is probable that no other delays than those of transit retarded its receipt: further, the reference to the death of Wallich in the June number, page 185, “The. pages of our Journal were already printed, last month, when we received the melancholy tidings of the death [in London] * * * on the 28th of April” would indicate that the numbers were appearing promptly, whether this refers to the number for April or for May. This, more definitely than any other information we have yet received, would indicate that Gray’s volume appeared about July, 1854. On the other hand, a review of the various articles in Linnaea, in the Botanische Zeitung 15 (9 Ja 1857) 27, places volume 27 of that magazine, with Berg’s article specifically mentioned, in the year 1856. In the Botanische Zeitung 13 (7 D 1855) 869-871, a review of the 26th volume of Linnaea appears, written like the other by von Schlechtendal, editor of Linnaea and coeditor of the Botanische Zetiung. In this, it is stated that the first part of volume 27 had already appeared, and that it would at once be followed by the others, the latter to contain Berg’s article on the Myrtaceae of South America, Brazil excepted. Local names, Anubing, Tayabas; Arahan, Macaasim, Malaruhat, Camarines, the last also in Mindoro. 87. Eugenia grisea sp. nov. Jambosa lineata Merr. in For. Bur. Bull. (Philip.) 1 (1903) 43, pro parte, non aliorum. Inflorescentiis cymosis, terminalibus vel subterminalibus; floribus parvis, calycis tubo subturbinato, basi producto, apice brevissime lobato, corolla calyptrata, staminibus numerosis ; baccis depresso-globosis : foliis ellipticis vel elliptico-oblanceolatis, utrinque acuminatis, nitidis, sub- coriaceis; venis utrinque 20-25, teneris. Inflorescences terminal or in the axils of the upper leaves, 4-7 cm long, usually trichotomously forked, the flowers mostly densely crowded at or near the apices of the branches, the terminal clusters 3-9-flowered, bracteoles very small or wanting: individual flowers in all about 5 mm long, the basal 1—2 mm of which forms a pseudostalk; calyx in all about 4 mm long, about 2.5 mm in diameter at the apex, extending 1.5 mm beyond the ovary; calyx -lobes not attaining 0.5 mm, rounded, inconspic- uous; corolla calyptrate, about 2 mm in diameter at the base, with a vertical height of about 0.5 mm ; staminal disk present but small ; stamens numerous, the filaments mostly 2-2.5 mm long, the anthers about 0.5 mm long, comparatively large; style about 3 mm long; the thin-walled 11 This Journal 3 (1908) Bot. 83. 396 ROBINSON. ovary 2-celled, with several ovules: fruit brown, depressed-globose, 15 mm long, 17-18 mm wide, crowned by the truncate neck-like free part of the calyx, 1-celled, rarely 2-celled, each cell containing a single seed 1 cm in diameter. A tree attaining at least a height of 8 m and a trunk-diameter of 30 cm, the bark scaly, yellowish, that of the terete or nearly terete ultimate branches gray or somewhat pinkish-gray: leaves with petioles 6-14 mm long, the lamina hardly more than chartaceous though by the eye alone it would be considered coriaceous, elliptic or elliptic-oblanceolate, 6.5—13 cm long, 3-5.5 cm wide, the base acuminate and decurrent on the petiole, the apex contracted into an obtuse acumen 5-10 mm long, the upper surface of the lamina olivaceous and shining, the lower surface paler and duller; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 20-25, usually difficult to count accurately owing to intervening veins of nearly equal prominence and to irregular anastomoses, all of the veins thin and of nearly equal prominence on both surfaces, forming a definite vein about 2 mm from the margin. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, San Vicente, For. Bur. 1/290 Klemme : Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 2862 (type), 3251/ Ahern’s collector, Merrill 1821 . Guimaras, Nagaba, For. Bur. 303 Gammill. Tinago, Ahern 1/29, 1/1/3. Mindanao, District Province of Surigao, Surigao, Ahem 516. A species apparently very closely related to Eugenia jamboloides Koord. & Val., differing most notably in the venation of the leaves. Local names, Bansalaguin, Rizal; Butadtad, Guimaras; Lagilagi, Dinagat and Surigao; Canomay, Tinago. 88. Eugenia mimica Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (100(1) Suppl. 212. Two rather dissimilar series are represented by the plants here considered to belong to this species. That agreeing with the nomenclatorial type has leaves usually more than four times as long as wide, 23-85 mm long, 7-22 mm wide, and their apex is comparatively broadly acuminate or merely obtuse; the other series has thinner, larger, comparatively wider leaves, 7-14 cm long, 2-6.5 cm wide. In spite of this great range in leaf-outline, which is from linear-oblan- ceolate to suborbicular, the transition from the one extreme to the other passes through such gradual stages that it seems obligatory to include them all within the limits of the one species. It is not unlikely that these forms represent ecologic types, the first inhabiting river margins, the latter growing on ridges, cliffs, or in open forest. Form 1. Leaves narrow. E. mimica proper. Luzon, Province of Pangasinan, Cuming 958: Province of Bulacan, Angat, For. Bur. Ill 1/1/, 11158 Aguilar ; Norzagaray, Yoder 199, For. Bur. 7168 Curran: Province of Rizal, For. Bur. 31/31 Ahern’s collector; Montalban, Merrill 503); Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 1)38 Ramos. Mindoro, Triron, For. Bur. 881/9 Merritt. Form 2. Leaves wider. Luzon, Province of Pampanga, Linga River, For. Bur. 5781 Curran : Province of Zambales, Bagaac, For. Bur. 386 Maule: Province of Bataan, Lamao River, Williams 381: Province of Bulacan, Angat, Far. Bur. 11256 Klemme: Province of Rizal, Antipolo, For. Bur. )10 Ahern’s collector: Province of Tavabas, For. Bur. 10331 Curran: Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 56, 77. Mindoro, Cuming 11/98; A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEvE. 3^7 Iriron, For. Bur. 8827 Merritt. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 9167, 9399 Whitford & Hutchinson. For. Bur. 7 168, Cuming 958, For. Bur. 11256, For. Bur. 8827, in the order named, form an almost perfect transition series. Local names, Malalumbay, Zambales; Mama sin, Tayabas and Camarines; Maladuhat, Camarines; Bansalagun, Mindoro. Endemic. 89. Eugenia striatula sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus vel lateralibus, cymosis, multifloris, calycis tubo turbinato, fere truncato, petalis liberis : foliis coriaceis, apice breviter lateque acuminatis, basi acutis, venis utrinque 12-20. Cymes widely branching, terminal, axillary, or below the leaves, 6-12 cm long, trichotomous, the flowers mostly in threes, sessile or the middle one very short-pedicelled, occasionally single and then appearing pedi- celled, bracteoles ovate, very short, the branches of the inflorescence mostly 4-angled with fine longitudinal striae which are more conspicuous throughout the length of the calyx : calyx-tube sub truncate, 7-8 mm long, extending about 3 mm beyond the ovary, about 4.5 mm in diameter at the apex, turbinate or nearly obconic, becoming a pseudostalk at the base ; calyx-lobes every short, rounded, inconspicuous; petals 4, white, free, suborbicular, 4 mm in diameter; stamens numerous, the filaments about 1 cm long, the anthers 0.4 mm long, tipped by a somewhat conspicuous gland; style 7 mm long; ovary 2-celled with numerous ovules; fruit blue- black, edible, ovoid, 1 cm long, 7 mm in diameter, 1-celled, or at the apex with a rudiment of the second cell, 1-seeded. A tree 8 m high, with a trunk attaining 25 cm in diameter, the terete or nearly terete branches covered with gray bark: leaves with petioles 3-6 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, ranging in outline from elliptic- lanceolate to obovate, 4-12 cm long, 18-55 mm wide, the upper surface nearly olivaceous, the under surface paler, at the apex forming a short obtuse acumen, the base acute and decurrent upon the petiole; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 12—20, usually with a strong intervening vein, the anastomoses quite irregular, with a very definite vein about 1-3 mm from the margin, the margin with faint veins only, or these hardly evident. Luzon, Province of Zambales (probably), Cuming 101$ (type) ; Bio Baquiling, For. Bur. 6953, 6982 Curran; San Juan, For. Bur. 8235 Curran & Merritt: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Bur. 211$ Ahern’s collector. The locality ascribed to Cuming’s specimen on the sheet itself is Albay Province, but the num- bers from that province run from 834 to 947, while the localities for those between 1,040 and 1,112, both inclusive, are not definitely known. Occasional sheets, none so far as I have seen within these limits, are localized as Zambales, so it is nearly certain that Cuming collected in that province; the series ending in 1,039 was from Pangasinan, and that beginning with 1,113 from Ilocos Sur. It would thus be extremely probable that the Zambales series, not otherwise accounted for, embraced the intervening numbers, and the present species is evidence in favor of that view. 398 ROBINSON. 90. Eugenia robinsonii Elmer Leafl. Philip. Bot. (1909) 583. Inflorescentiis terminalibus vel subterminalibus, paniculato-corymbosis, rhachide ramisque admodum crassis, ramulis ultimis brevissimis, 1-4 (saepissime 3) flores sessiles gercntibus: calycis tubo turbinato, truiicato vel brevissime 4-lobato; petalis 4, liberis; staminibus numerosis. Arbor, foliis mediocriter petiolatis, chartaceis, ellipticis vel oblongis, basi acute acuminatis dedhrrentibusque, apice anguste acuminatis ; venis utrinque 15-20. Negkos, Province of Negros Oriental, Dumaguete, Cuernos Mountains, Elmer 10050. this closely approaches E. benthamii, and may ultimately prove to be con- nected; at present, it seems to be well separated from typical specimens of that species by its much closer venation, but certain intermediates bring the two very near one another. 91. Eugenia brittoniana sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus vel subterminalibus, floribus saepissime sessilibus in triadibus vel sub apice solitariis et breviter pedicellatis, race- mose vel paniculatim dispositis, calycis tubo turbinato, margine superiore undulato vel truncato; corolla calyptrata: foliis coriaceis, ellipticis vel oblongis, basi acute acuminatis, apice acuminatis; venis utrinque 10-12. Inflorescences terminal and in the upper axils, the outline of the peduncles and the apices of the flowers nearly a square ; the white flowers at the tips of the quadrangular branches sessile in threes, below the apices often solitary and shortly pedicelled, individual inflorescences 2.5-4 cm long, broad but very short bracteoles present at the articulations : calyx- tube turbinate, 4-5 mm long, 4-5 mm in diameter at the apex and 1-1.5 mm at the base, extending 3 mm beyond the ovary; its apex forming shallow undulations or truncate; corolla calyptrate; stamens numerous, the filaments 4-6 mm long, the anthers 0.3 mm long: style 7 mm long; ovary thick-walled, 2-celled, few-ovuled. A tree attaining a height of 10 m with a trunk-diameter of 15 cm, its branches covered with gray or mottled gray and dark-brown bark : leaves with petioles 5-8 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, elliptic, oblong, or nearly oval, 4.5—8 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, the base acutely acuminate and somewhat decurrent, the margin slightly recurved, the apex forming an obtuse acumen 5-10 mm long; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 10-12, purplish, the intervening veins few but fairly conspicuous, submarginal vein definite but often irregular, when irregular the sub- marginal vein of the' basal half of the leaf continuing beyond that point as a faint outer vein, but sending a stronger reticulation to a vein formed by the third or fourth lateral vein which is the true submarginal vein in the upper half of the leaf. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Baguio, Williams 11,61, 11,61, (type). Named for Dr. N. L. Britton, of the N. Y. Botanical Garden, under whose direction Mr. Williams’s trip was undertaken and the writer began his study of Philippine botany. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 399 92. Eugenia mindorensis sp. nov. Infiorescentiis terminalibus vel sub terminal] bus, floribus sessilibus in triadibus racemose dispositis: calycis tubo turbinato, margine superiore undulato; corolla calyptrata: foliis coriaceis, ellipticis vel elliptico-lance- olatis, basi acutis, apice acuminatis; venis utrinque 15-18, concoloribus. Inflorescences terminal or in the upper axils, the axes rather stout, terete, 2.5—5 cm long, the flowers in threes, white with an odor resembling that of dandelions, sessile or on extremely short pedicels, the triads race- mosely arranged : calyx-tube turbinate, 7 mm long, 2 mm in diameter at the apex and nearly 2 mm at the base, extending 4 mm beyond the ovary, its upper margin forming shallow undulations rather than lobes ; corolla calyptrate; stamens numerous, the filaments 1-1.3 cm long, the anthers 0.5 mm long; style about 1 cm long; ovary thick-walled, 2-celled, several- ovuled. A tree attaining a height of 18 m and a trunk-diameter of 30 cm, its terete branches covered with gray or cinnamon-gray bark : leaves with petioles 8-12 mm long, the lamina coriaceous, elliptic or elliptic-lance- olate, 5—10 cm long, 2. 5-4. 5 cm wide, the base acutely acuminate and decurrent, the margin barely revolute, the apex gradually contracted and forming an obtuse or subacute acumen about 1 cm long ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 15—18, thin but distinct on the lower surface, usually less distinct on the upper, somewhat irregularly forking and anastomosing, slightly paler than the mesophyll, their apices forming a definite vein about 1 mm within the margin. Mindoro, Yling Island, For. Bur. 9820 Merritt (type) ; Igsoso, For. Bur. 8661 Merritt. Local name, Malaruhat. 93. Eugenia garciae Merr. in Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1904) 36, as syn. Jambosa garciae Merr. loc. cit. Mindoro, Pola, Merrill 2367. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mrs. Clemens 17 1. Local name, Lipote, Mindoro. Endemic. 94. Eugenia polycephaloides sp. nov. Infiorescentiis ramifloris, divaricato-cymosis ; calycis tubo turbinato, lobis 4 ; petalis liberis vel fere calyptratis, 4, albis ; staminibus numerosis : foliis breviter petiolatis vel subsessilibus, oblanceolatis vel ellipticis, mediocris, admodum coriaceis, basi acuminatis, lente cordatis, apice obtuse acuminatis; venis utrinque 14-18. Inflorescences borne on the branches below the leaves, dichotomously and trichotomously cymose, usually widely divaricate, 5-10 cm long, 7-13 cm wide, common peduncle 1 cm long or shorter or none ; bracts similar to the bracteoles; flowers usually in threes, the individual ones sessile, subtended by two decussate pairs of ovate or suborbicular bracteoles 2-3 mm long: calyx-tube turbinate, 5-5.5 mm long, 4-5 mm wide at the base 400 ROBINSON. of the lobes, projecting about 3 mm beyond the ovary; calyx-lobes 4, rounded, 1—1.5 mm long, 2-3.5 mm wide; petals free or apparently sometimes calyptrate, white, suborbicular, 5 mm in diameter; disk evident; stamens numerous, the filaments 7-14 mm long, the anthers about 0.5 mm long; style slightly exceeding 1 cm in length; ovary 2-celled. A tree 15-20 m high, with a trunk 50-75 cm in diameter, the branches and branchlets 4-angled and sometimes slightly winged, with gray or purplish bark : leaves with petioles about 5 mm long, or iess often subses- sile, the lamina subcoriaceous, oblanceolate or elliptic, 6-20 cm long, 4-7.5 cm wide, the base acuminate and shallowly cordate, the apex some- what abruptly contracted into a short obtuse acumen; lateral veins on each side of the midrib 14-18, forming a definite submarginal vein. Luzon, Province of Laguna, near Cavinti, For. Bur. 10163 Curran: Province of Tayabas, Lucban, Elmer 8233, 9233: Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 203: Province of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, For. Bur. 10521 Curran (type). This and the allied species seem closely related to Eugenia polycephala Miq., but do not apear to be identical with it. Local names, Balasugan, Cagayan; Lapote, Laguna; Balegan, Sorsogon; Maigang, Leyte. 95. Eugenia oblanceolata sp. nov. Tnllorescentiis cymoso-paniculatis, axillaribus vel terminalibus, fioribus sessilibus, tetrameris; calycis tubo subhemispherico, staminibus brevibus : foliis subcoriaceis, oblanceolatis vel late oblanceolatis, acuminatis, basi saepissime cprdatis rarius obtusis, magnis; venis utrinque 16—25. Inflorescence cymose-paniculate, about 6 cm long, the rachis and its branches stout, 4-angled, subtended by bracts attaining 7 mm in length but often shorter, the individual flowers sessile, their bractlets 4, con- spicuous, oval or nearly orbicular, 2-3 mm long : calyx-tube nearly hemi- spherical, 4 mm long, 3-5 mm in diameter at the base of the lobes, extending 2-3 mm beyond the ovary; calyx-lobes 4, 0.7-0. 8 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide, their apices rounded or truncate; petals falling calyp- trately, the cap about 3 mm in diameter, about 1 mm in vertical height; stamens numerous, the filaments 2-4 mm long, the anthers about 0.4 mm long ; style 6-7 mm long, tapering ; ovary 2-celled. A tree about 10 m high, with a trunk 17.5 cm in diameter, its ultimate branches 4-angled and often narrowly winged, with brownish or purplish bark when dry : leaves sessile or subsessile, the lamina subcoriaceous, oblanceolate or broadly oblanceolate, the youngest excepted 16-32 cm long, 6-11 cm wide, acuminate at both extremities, at the base often for one-third the length of the leaf, shortly and obtusely at the apex, the base auriculate or merely obtuse; lateral veins 16-25, less distinct toward the extremes, crowded near the base, the midvein strongly developed and projecting ; finer venation evident but not conspicuous. Samar, (probably), Cuming 1676 (type). Mindanao, District of Davao, Santa Cruz, Williams 2862. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACE7E. 401 96. Eugenia intumescens sp. nov. Inflorescentiis terminalibus vel in foliorum superiorum axillis, cymoso- paniculatis, rhaehide saepissime crassa : calycis tubo turbinato, lobis 4; petalis, 4, liberis; staminibns numerosis: foliis sessilibus vel subsessilibus, coriaceis, ellipticis, oblanceolatis, vel obovatis, basi cordatis, apice acu- minatis; venis utrinque 12-18. Inflorescences cymose-paniculate, terminal or less often in the axils of the uppermost leaves, 9-17 cm long, attaining a width of 10 cm but usually less, the racliis and its branches 4-angled, often very stout (5 mm wide), the bracts lanceolate, acute or subacute, often foliaceous, even 2.5 cm long ; flowers mostly clustered at the ends of the branches of the rachis, usually three together, the individual flowers sessile, surrounded by two decussate pairs of ovate bracteoles 2—3 mm ‘long: calyx-tube turbinate, 4-5 mm long, 5-6 mm wide at the base of the lobes, projecting about 3 mm beyond the ovary; calyx-lobes 4, rounded, 1.5-3 mm long, 2-3 mm wide; petals 4, free or very slightly attached at their bases, orbicular- ovate; staminal disk thin; stamens numerous, the filaments about 6 mm long, the anthers 0.5 mm long; style 6 mm long, at anthesis nearly hidden by the stamens ; ovary 2-celled. A tall tree, its branchlets 4-angled or nearly terete, not or obscurely winged, the dry bark purplish or brown ; leaves sessile or with petioles attaining a length of 5 mm; the coriaceous lamina elliptic, oblanceolate or obovate, 10-23 cm long, 5-11 cm wide, the base shallowly cordate, the apex narrowed into a short and comparatively slender obtuse acumen ; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 12—18, forming a distinct submarginal vein, upper surface of the lamina purplish-brown, shining, the under surface, with the exception of the veins, much paler, green to brown. Luzon, Province of Benguet, For. Bur. 18349 Alvarez (probably) : Province of Zambales, Subig, Merrill 2202: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Merrill 1877, For. Bur. 3087 Ahern’s collector ; Antipolo, For. Bur. 480 Ahern’s collector (type), Bur. Sci. 3360 Ramos. Masbate, Marintoc River, Merrill 2769. Local names, Malaruhat, Zambales; Dugan, Rizal; Hagoho, Masbate. The last two look like mistakes for Tarrietia sylvatica (Dungon), and Casuarina equisetifolia (Agoho), respectively, both very different. 97. Eugenia curtiflora Elmer Leafl. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 328. Arbor : inflorescentiis axillaribus, brevibus, bracteatis ; calycis tubo turbinato; petalis calyptratis; staminibus numerosis, brevibus: foliis coriaceis, oblanceolatis, basi acutis decurrentibusque, apice in acumen breve acutum vel obtusum contractis, margine revolutis; venis utrinque 9-11. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Baguio, Elmer 8768. Endemic. 98. Eugenia melliodora sp. nov. Arbor alta: inflorescentiis axillaribus vel in axillis defoliatis, divari- cato-cymosis, trichotomis, floribus sessilibus; calyce turbinato, lobis 4, 402 ROBINSON. rotundatis, brevibus; corolla calyptrata; staminibus numerosis, brevibus; ovario biloculari: foliis chartaceis, obovatis vel ellipticis, apice acuminatis, basi acutis; venis utrinque 12-15. Inflorescences axillary or in the axils of fallen leaves, pyramidal-ovate, 3-4 cm long, 3-6 cm wide at base, usually thrice trichotomous, the peduncle nearly 1 cm long or wanting, the rachis and its branches about 2 mm in diameter, with orbicular-ovate bracts about 1.5 mm long at some or all of the articulations ; individual flowers in threes, sessile, each subtended by two decussate pairs of bracteoles, 2.5 mm long, 3 mm wide, broadly rounded, or one of these wanting between closely appressed flowers ; calyx-tube turbinate or broadly oblanceolate, extending about 2.5 mm beyond the ovary, 4-5 mm long, 2.5-3 mm wide at the base of the lobes; calyx-lobes 4, submembranaceous, 2-2.5 mm wide, about 0.5 mm long, rounded; petals falling calyptrately, the cap about 3 mm in diameter, 1 mm in vertical height ; staminal disk inconspicuous ; stamens numerous, their filaments 3-4 mm long, the lanceolate anthers about 0.4 mm long; style 5 mm long; ovary 2-celled, with numerous small ovules. A tall tree with a stem 60 cm in diameter, the terete or nearly terete branches covered with gray bark; leaves with caniculate petioles 7-13 mm long, the lamina chartaceous obovate or elliptic, 12-17 cm long, 6.5-9 cm wide, acute at the base, contracted at the apex into a short obtuse acumen, the margins slightly revolute; primary lateral veins on each side of the midrib 12—15, forming a definite submarginal vein, or conspicuous on the lower surface, but less so than the midvein. Luzon, Mindoro, Baco River, McGregor 22Jf. Very closely allied to the preceding, from which fuller collections may show it not to be distinct. Apparently differing by the size, shape, and texture of the leaves. blanco’s species of myrtace^e. Nearly all of these are referred to in the proper places in the text, but a brief summary may be advisable. In no case, is his description satisfactory, and some of his species may well be mixtures, and there is reason for supposing that others are twice described, apart from mere changes of name. 1. Eugenia malaccensis Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 415; ed. 2 (1845) 290. This has generally been reduced to E. jambos , and there is every reason to believe that the reduction is correct. 2. Mybtus mananquil 1. c. 421. Eugenia mananquil ed. 2 290. E. lobas ed. 1 857. E. canliflora (cauli flora) ed. 2 291. The second and fourth names are his changes of the first and third. These seem to me to be the same, at least possibly. E. mananquil has been reduced to E. javanica, but he very carefully specifies that the fruit is rounded and not depressed-hemispheric, which should exclude E. javanica. The species here con- nected with his names is the commonest indigenous one, to which his statements nearly apply. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACR®. 403 3. E. bauangica ed. 1 416; ed. 2 290. The description is entirely inadequate, but the chances are that E. malaccensis Linn, is intended. 4. E. Montana ed. 1 416; ed. 2 291. Naves interpreted this to be the species here named E. calubcob. Villar con- sidered him to be wrong, and reduced it to E. macrocarpa Roxb., a species not known to occur in the Islands. This was apparently done by reason of the description of the fruit, but apart from the local names cited by Blanco there is little reason to think that Naves was wrong. 5. E. glandulosa ed. 1 417; ed. 2 291. The only Philippine species at all answering the description is Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, but the known distribution of the latter makes the identification unlikely. 6. E. jambos ed. 1 416; ed. 2 290 (yambos) . This has previously been reduced to E. malaccensis, to which there is little intrinsic objection. The probabilities are much greater that E. javanica was intended : it seems to be the only species near Manila known as Macupa, though farther south that name belongs to E. malaccensis. 7. PSIDIUM AHOMATICUM ed. 1 417. P. pyriferum ed. 2 292. This is certainly P. guajava Linn., of which both the varieties into which Linnaeus specifically divided it are very common in the Philippines. 8. Calypthranthes jambolana ed. 1 418. Syzygium jambulanum ed. 2 293. Undoubtedly E. jambolana Lam. 9. Calypthranthes makai, ed. 1 419. C. zuzygium? ed. 2 293. Villar reduced this to E. operculata Roxb., to which the species here described as E. clausa is at least very closely allied. There is but one objection to connect- ing Blanco’s species with the latter; both in the Indian and Philippine plants, the inflorescence is on the older branches, mostly below the leaves; Blanco says “Flores terminates.” No other species agrees nearly as well with his other state- ments, the distinctive character being the deciduous calyx-apex. Both of Blanco’s specific names had been previously used in Calyptranthes, and were evidently intended as mere identifications. 10. Calypthantiies ramiflora ed. 1 420. Syzygium latifolium ed. 2 294. This is most probably Eugenia similis Merr. 11. Myrtus tripin nat a ed. 1 421. Myrtus %ubrubens ed. 2 294. There are many reasons for supposing this to be E. lusonensis Merr., but the description agrees slightly more perfectly with a nearly allied species, to which Blanco’s specific name has here been attached. 12. Myrtus communis Blanco ed. 1 422; ed. 2 295. There is no doubt that this is Decaspernum blancoi. 13. Pi.inia PANICULATA ed. 1 423; ed. 2 290. Reduced by Villar to Kayea racemosa, correctly as to genus, the species now being known as Kayea paniculata (Blanco) Merr. It is thus excluded from the family. 404 ROBINSON. 14. Legnotis lanceolata ed. 1 445. Metrosideros pictipetala ed. 2 295. If this is any species represented by recent collections, it is most probably Decaspermu m paniculatum. 15. Melaleuca grandiflora ed. 1 615. Bombax ceiba ed. 2 372. The second identification is correct. The following were credited to the Philippines by Fernandez-Villar in the Novissima Appendix, but have not been exactly matched in recent collections. Baeckea frutescens Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 358. This w'as credited on the authority of previous authors, who did so by wrongly localizing Cuming 2269, the type of B. cumingiana Schauer. Villar says that he had not seen it: Cuming 2269 came from Malacca. To be excluded. Melaleuca leucadendron Linn. Mant. (1767) 105. Reported as cultivated in Manila: by others its range has been extended to the Philippines, through another wrong localization, Cuming 2212, the type of M. cumingiana, generally reduced to M. leucadendron, being also from Malacca. Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Voy. 1 (1799) 153, pi. IS. Credited as cultivated: none of the eucalypti at present in cultivation here seem to be this species. Metrosideros vera Lindl. Collec. Bot. (1821) pi. 18. Credited merely as the identification of M. pictipetala (see above), Villar saying that he had not seen it. It is possible that some of our sterile material may be of this species, but the probabilities are otherwise. Rhodamnia trinervia Blume Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1851) 79. A third case where others had credited a Cuming plant from Malacca to the Philippines: Villar, again, had not seen it. Decaspermum rubrum Baill. Hist. PI. 6: 341. Nelitris rubra Blume Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1851) 73. A wrong identification of Myrtus communis Blanco ( Decaspermum blancoi Vidal ) . Eugenia Formosa Wall. PI. As. Rar. 2 (1831) 6, pi. 108. E. amplexicaulis Roxb. FI. Ind. 2 (1832) 483. E. munronii Wight 111. 2: 14. E. aquea Burm. f. FI. Ind. (1768) 114. E. densiflora DC. Prodr. 3 (1828) 287. E. macrocarpa Roxb. 1. c. 497. E. crandis Wight 111. 2: 17. E. LAETA Ham. in Mem. Wern. Soc. 5 (1826) 338. E. griffithii Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Br. Ind. 2 (1878) 481. E. rubens Roxb. 1. c. 496. E, CYMOSA Lam. Encycl. 3 (1789) 199. E. pellucida Duthie l. c. 485. See E. cinnamomea Vidal. E. grata Wight. 111. 2: 15. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEJE. 405 E. linaeta Duthie l. c. 487. See E. longiflora F.-Vill. E. rubric aulis Duthie l. c. 487. E. pyrifolia Duthie l. c. E. MONTANA Wight’ Ic. 3 (1846) pi. 1060. E. gardneri Bedd. For. Man. Bot. 108. Probably is E. salinga. E. CARYOPHYLLAEA Wight 1c. (1842) pi. 51(0. E. expansa Duthie l. c. 491. E. oblata Roxb. 1. c. 493. E. laevicaulis Duthie l. c. 492. E. conglomebata Duthie l. c. 497. E. tetragon A Wight 111. 2: 16. E. occlusa Kurz in Journ. As. Soc. Bengal 452 (1876) 130. E. operculata Roxb. 1. c. 486. See E. clausa. E. heyneana Duthie l. c. 500. E. BRACTEATA Roxb. 1. C. 490. EXCLUDED SPECIES OE OTHER AUTHORS. Germaria latifolia Presl Epimel. Bot. (1851) 221. Subsequently confused by many authors with Pygeum latifolium Miq., (Rosaceae) , but a distinct sepecies, P. preslii Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 3 (1908) Bot. 227. Rhodamnia glabra Vidal Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 129. This is a case of wrong identification, Blume Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1 (1851) See Merrill supra, p. 304. The following local names have been indicated : Adios, ■ Tristania decorticata. Ambabacit, Eugenia parva. Amtuc, E. bordenii. Ansa, E. mananquil. Anubing, E. benthamii. Apalang, E. bordenii. Arahan, E. benthamii. Arinaya, E. perpallida. Bagabug, E. mananquil. Bagohion, E. philippinensis. Bagotalisi, E. gigantifolia. Baguitulay-bayaboj, Tristania decorti- cata. Balacbac, Balacbat, Balocboc, E. xantho- phylla. Balasugan, E. polycephaloides. the species being Memecylon ohgoneuron 353. (Melastomataceae.) found on sheets belonging to the species Balogan, E. polycephaloides. Balteak, E. alvarezii. Baltic, E. acrophxla. Bansalaguin, E. grisea. Bansalagun, E. mimica. Baracbac, E. calubcob, E. subrotundi- folia, E. xanthophylla. Barangan, E. subrotundifolia. Batmay, E. congesta. Bayabas, Psidium guajava. Bayacbac, E. subrotundifolia. Bignay-maching, E. perpallida. Bindang, Tristania decorticata. Binloan, E. saligna. Biracbac, E. arcuatinervia. Bislot, E. bordenii, E. xanthophylla. ROBINSON. 406 Bitbid, E. mananquil. Buabua, E. mananquil. Bujucan, E. saligna. Bulog, E. perpallida. Bumug, E. luzonensis. Butadtad, E. grisea. Cagucug, E. mananquil. Cahoybod, E. saligna. Ca jocko, E. mananquil. Calaum, E. glaucicalgx. Calobcob, Calopcop, Calubcob, Calubcub, Calugcog, E. bataanensis, E. calubcob, E. crassipes. Cansilay, Decaspermum paniculatum. Carobcob, E. calubcob. Carra, E. claviflora. Carutad, E. arcuatinervia. Cayococ, E. xanthophylla . Cayogpug, E. calubcob. Conomay, E. grisea. Cupcup, E. calubcob. Cusara, E. claviflora. Cuyagin, E. saligna. Dambuhala, E. mananquil. Digotnalit, Decaspermum blancoi. Ductulan, E. luzonensis. Dugan, E. intumescens. Dugayon, Decaspermum paniculatum. Duhat, E. jambolana. Gamatulay, E. claviflora. Guayabas, Psidium guajava. Guenayang, E. cinnamomea. Guisgues, E. astronioides. Guisihan, E. longiflora. Gulagan, E. subsessilis. TIagoho, E. intumescens. Hangos, E. aherniana. Jamo, E. malaccensis. Jangus, E. mananquil. Kaguku, E. mananquil. Karnulauan, Xanthostemon verdugonia- nus. Lagilagi, E. grisea. Langlangis, E. cinnamomea. Lapinig, E. xanthophylla. Lapote, E. polycephaloides. Bipote, E. garciae. Lumboi, lumboy, E. jambolana. Lumboi bundoc, E. luzonensis. Macaasim, Macaasin, Decaspermum pan- iculatum, E. benthamii, E. bordenii, E. mimica, E. philippinensis, E. vida- liana. Macopa, Macupa, E. javanica, E. luzo- nensis, E. malaccensis. Magcono, Xanthostemon verdugonianus. Magcusison, E. rosenbluthii. Maigang, E. polycephaloides. Malaambu, E. subrotundifolia. Malabayabas, Tristania decorticata, E. brunnea. Malacolubcob, Malacolubcub, E. barnesii, E. bordenii, E. robertii. Maladuhat, E. mimica. Malahaguis, E. mananquil. Malaruhat, Decaspermum paniculatum, E. arcuatinervia, E. bataanensis, E. benthamii, E. bordenii, E. brunnea, E. calubcob, E. decipiens, E. intu- mescens, E. longiflora, E. luzonensis, E. mananquil, E. mindorensis, E. salig- na, E. similis, E. whitfordii. Malaruhat na pula, E. decipiens, E. lu- zonensis, E. perpallida. Malaruhat na puti, E. bordenii, E. clausa, E. claviflora, E. perpallida, E. similis. Malaruhatsapa, E. saligna. Malasulasi, Leptospermum flavescens. Malatalisi, E. gigantifolia. Malatambis, E. liutchinsonii, E. william- sii. Malatampoy, E. maegregorii, E. xantho- phylla. Malayan! bo, E. phanerophlebia, E. phil- ippinensis. Mancono, Xanthostemon verdugonianus. Mangcopa, E. malaccensis. Maramatam, E. bordenii. Maramaotan, E. claviflora. Mareeg, E. glaucicalgx. Midbid, Midbit, E. mananquil. Mungilkil, E. mananquil. Paitan, E. similis. Palo de liierro, Xanthostemon verdugo- nianus. Palo Maria, E. maegregorii. Pamayausin, E. roseomarginata. Panglomboyen, E. bordenii. Panglongbuyan-gangoan, E. claviflora. Panglongbuyen-copaiopa, E. mananquil. Pango, E. arcuatinervia, E. atropunctata. Panomanagan, E. parva. Payetan, E. perpallida. Pielan, E. perpallida. Pusopuso, E. cinnamomea. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE MYRTACEiE. 407 Putyan, E. barnesii. Salilihan, Decaspermum paniculatum. Salingsingang, Decaspermum panicula- tum. Silda, E. candelabriformis. Sudsod, E. astronioides. Taguilumboy, E. saligna. Tambis, E. mindanaensis. Tambistambia, E. philippinensis, E. sub- sessilis. Tambitambi, E. philippinensis. Tampoi, Tampul, Tampuy, E. calubcob, E- jambos, E. xanthophylla. Tamulod, E. merrittiana. Tawalia, Osbornia octodonta. Tayomtayom, Decaspermum panicula- tum. Tiga, Tristania decorticata. Titimi, E. diplycosifolia. Tubaltubal, E. triphylla. Tulambis, E. philippinensis. Tuoy, E. calubcob. Ualisualisan, Decaspermum blancoi. T-’ PREVIOUS PUBLICATIONS — Continued. Ordek Bureau of Science — Annual Reports. No 201. ' Fifth Annual Report of the Director of the Bureau of Science for the Year Ending 202. SitthAnnua^Report of the Director of the Bureau of Science for the Year Ending 203. Seventh tAnnual ^Report of the Director of the Bureau of Science for the Year Ending August 1, 1908. Philippine Museum. (Now Section of Ornithology.) * No 1 1903. On Birds from Luzon, Mindoro, Masbate, Ticao, Cuyo, Culion, Caga- van Sulu and Palawan. By Richard C. McGregor. * No. 2. 1903. — List of Bird Skins Offered in Exchange . 43 No 3 190k. — Birds from Benguet Province, Luzon, and from the Islands of Lubang, Mindoro, Cuyo, and Cagayancillo. By Richard C. McGregor. . , , „ * No. k, 190k- — Tlie Birds of Calayan and Fuga, Babuyan Group. By Richard C. McGregor. Mining Bureau. (Now Division of Mines.) 45 1890. — Descripcidn ffsica, geoldgica y minera en bosquejo de la Isla de Panay por D. Enrique Abella y Casariego, Inspector General de Minas del Archipielago * 1890 — Memoria descriptiva de los manantiales minero-medicinales de la Isla de Luzd'n estudiados por la comisidn compuesta de los Senores D. Jose Centeno, Inge- niero de Minas y Vocal Presidente, D. Anacleto del Rosario y Sales, Vocal Far- macdutico y D. Josd de Vera y G6mez, Vocal Medico. . . . 47 1893 — Estudio descriptivo de algunos manantiales minerales de Filipmas ejecutado por la comisidn formada por D. Enrique Abella y Casariego, Inspector General de Minas, D. Jose de Vera y Gdmez, Medico, y D. Anacleto del Rosario y Sales, Far maeeutico ; precedido de un pr61ogo escrito por el Excmo. Sr. D. Angel de Aviles, Director General de Administracidn Civil. . ,, 48. 1893. — Terremotos experimentados en la Isla de Luzon durante los meses de Marzo y Abril de 1892, especialmente desastrosos en Pangasindn, Uni6n y Benguet. Estudio ejecutado por D.- Enrique Abella y Casariego, Inspector General de Minas del 49. The Coal Measures of the Philippines. Charles H. Burritt „ 50. 1902. Abstract of the Mining Laws (in force m the Philippines, 1902). Charles H. 51 19^2^ Bulletin No. 1. — Platinum and Associated Rare Metals in Placer Formations, TT t\ McCaskey 13. S. 52. 1903.— Report of the Chief of the Mining Bureau of the Philippine Islands. Charles it 'Riirritt * • , 53. 1903, Bulletin No. 2. — Complete List of Spanish Mining Claims Recorded in the Mining Bureau. Charles H- Burritt. . , 54. 1903, Bulletin No. 3. — Report on a Geological Reconnoissance of the Iron Region of Angat Bulacan. H. D. McCaskey, B. S. . 55 190k! — Fifth Annual Report of the Mining Bureau. H D. McCaskey. 56‘ 1905. — Sixth Annual Report of the Chief of the Mining Bureau. H. D. McCaskey. 57 1905 Bulletin No. k- — A Preliminary Reconnoissance of the Mancayan-Suyoc Mineral Pee-inn Lenanto. P. I. A. J. Eveland, Geologist. „ „ „ 58. 1905, Bulletin No. 5. — The Coal Deposits of Batan Island. Warren D. Smith, B. S., M. A., Geologist. Division of Mines. 301. 1908. — The Mineral Resources of the Philippine Islands, with a Statement of the Production of Commercial Mineral Products during the year 190 1, issued by Warren D. Smith, Chief of the Division of Mines. Ethnological Survey. (Now Division of Ethnology.) Vol. 1, 1905. The Bontoc Igorot, by Albert Ernest Jenks. Paper, P2 ; half morocco. Vol.'ll, Part 1, 190k • — Negritos of Zambales, by William Allen Reed. Paper, P0.50 ; Votlnmpartr2’and Part 3, 1905.— The Nabaloi Dialect, by Otto Scbeerer. The Bataks nf Palawan bv Edward Y Miller. (Bound also in one volume with Part 1, Negritos of Zambales." Paper, P0.50 ; half morocco, PL 50. Combined, halt Vo? HI, 190k ■ — Relaciones Agustinianas de las razas del Norte de Luzon, by Perez. Vol^IV *Part 5 Studies in Moro History, Law, and Religion, by Najeeb M. Saleeby. Paper, P0.50 ; half morocco, PI. 50. Division of Ethnology. Vol IV Part 2 1908. — History of Sulu, by Najeeb M. Saleeby. Paper, PI. 50. vo7 V ’Part 1 and Part 2. 1908. — The Bat&n Dialect as a Member of the Philippine Group of Languages, by Otto Scheerer. “F” and “V” in Philippine Languages, by C E. Conant. Paper, PI. 60. . , . .. „ . , Vol V Part 3 — A Vocabulary of the Igorot Language as spoken by the Bontok Igorots, by the Rev. Walter Clayton Clapp. Igorot-English, English-Igorot. paDer f*i,50. Directions for Ethnographic Observations and Collections, 1908. For free dis- tribution. 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A limited number of unbound copies of previous volumes are available which may be secured from the Director of printing at the following rates: Volume I, 1906 (not divided into sections), $5, United States currency; Supplement to Vol- ume I, $2.50, United States currency; Volume I (without supplement), $3, United States currency; all later volumes at current subscription prices. , •> v. * ‘ Vol. IV OCTOBER, 1909 THE PHILIPPINE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDITED BY PAUL C. FREER, M. D., Ph. D. CO-EDITOR RICHARD P. STRONG, Ph. B., M. D. WITH THE COOPERATION OF E. D. MERRILL, M. S.; F. W. FOXWORTHY, Ph. D. C. B. ROBINSON, Ph. D.; H. N. WHITFORD, Ph. D. PUBLISHED BY THE BUREAU OF SCIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS C. Botany MANILA BUREAU OF PRINTING 1909 THE HISTORY OF SULU. Order No. 406. By Najeeb M. Saleeby. 275 pages. A complete History of the Moro People in Sulu, with maps and many translations from the original documents. Price $0.75, United States currency. Order No. 407. THE BATAN DIALECT AS A MEMBER OF THE PHILIPPINE GROUP OF LANGUAGES. By Otto Scheerer. AND “F” AND “V” IN PHILIPPINE LANGUAGES. 141 pages By Carlos Everett Conant. Price $0.80, United States currency. t Order No. 402. NEGRITOS OF ZAMBALES. By William Allan Reed. 62 photographic illustrations. 91 pages. An interesting ethnological study of the pygmy blacks of Zambales. Price $0.25, United States currency. Any of the above-announced publications may be ordered from the Business Manager, Philippine Journal of Science, Manila, P. I., or from any of the agents listed on the cover of this Journal. Please give order number. THE PHILIPPINE Journal of Science C. Botany Vol. IV. OCTOBER, 1909 No. 4 INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. By Fred W. Foxworthy. (From the Botanical Section of the Biological Laboratory, Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I.) TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. Introduction. a. Erroneous popular notions with regard to eastern timbers. b. Object of this work. c. Definition of the indo-malayan region. d. Review of previous work and acknowledgments. IT. Properties of mood. a. Woods of tropics and temperate regions compared. b. Weight and hardness, tables. c. Strength, work of Newton, Gamble, and Gardner. d. Odor, color, taste. III. Suitability of different woods for special purposes. a. Enemies of wood. b. Woods exposed to salt water. c. Ship and boat building. IV. Rare, ornamental or precious woods. V. Comparative chart of common names. VI. Timbered areas and future supplies of wood. VII. Species notes. VIII. Index. I. INTRODUCTION. erroneous popular notions with regard to eastern timbers. The newcomer in the Orient is usually surprised at finding that soft woods are not uncommon and that a large part of the timber of the region is of medium or light weight. The popular notion of eastern timbers seems to be that they are mainly hard and heavy, ornamental, furniture or cabinet woods. This notion is probably due to the fact that, until recent years, the only eastern woods which have reached the European markets have been a few of the more valuable ones for furni- ture and cabinet work; as, ebony, satinwood, rosewood, etc. Most Eu- ropean and American works which mention eastern woods at all con- 88250 409 410 FOXWORTHY. sider only examples like satinwood, rosewood or teak and give little or no account of the woods of the great family of Dipterocarpacece, which furnishes much the largest part of the timber of this part of the world. This is as unreasonable as it would be to take a few of the furniture woods of North America, as black walnut ( Juglans nigra) or the wild black cherry ( Prunus seroiina), as representative of the woods of the country. In the eastern tropics, the woods of the family Dipterocarpacece are to the trade what the pines, spruces, firs, hemlocks, oaks and beeches are to the trade in temperate North America and Europe. This family, while it supplies many valuable hardwoods, sup- plies also the most widely used soft and medium grade woods of the eastern tropics. So wide is its distribution and so general the use of its wood that I believe that all other woods could be spared from many eastern markets without seriously hampering work or affecting prices. OBJECT OF THIS WORK. There is a great deal of confusion in the use of the common names of the different woods. Many of the woods of the region are of wide distribution; but, they are known by different names in different coun- tries. This work is undertaken with the object, first, of correlating Phil- ippine woods with the related or identical forms in other sections and then of calling attention to the structure, uses and distribution of tbe eastern woods. DEFINITION OF THE INDO-MALAYAN REGION. This is taken to include all of Ceylon, British India, Burma, the Andamans, Siam, Cochin China, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, the Philippines, and all of the Malay and Indian Archipelago down to New Guinea. In other words, it is meant to include nearly all of the tropical East. It constitutes a region which geographically and commercially is quite distinct. Japan with its temperate-zone woods constitutes a very distinct group. Australia is also very distinct, with its eucalyptus and other characteristic woods. Wherever woods from either of these regions come into tropical markets to any considerable extent, they are considered in this paper. The number of cases in which woods of the temperate regions are of commercial importance in the eastern tropics is really very small. First of all would come the use in India of the woods grown in the temperate forests of the lower Himalayas. After this come the various eucalyptus species exported from Australia, the Oregon pine from the United States, and the camphorwood from Japan and Formosa. REVIEW OF PREVIOUS WORK AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. In the course of the comparative study of the woods of this region, collections of botanical and commercial material have been made in some of the countries considered and material from other countries has been INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 411 secured, by exchange. Much assistance in the way of information and material has been given by various persons and institutions in Sarawak, Dutch Borneo, British North Borneo, the Straits Settlements and Feder- ated Malay States, New Guinea, Australia, Cochin China, Burma, British India and Ceylon. Special acknowledgments for material fur- nished are due the following: Dr. M. Treub, director of agriculture, Buitenzorg, Java; A. M. Burn-Murdoch, conservator of forests, Feder- ated Malay States and Straits Settlements, Kuala Lumpur; H. N. Bidley, director Botanic Gardens, Singapore; J. H. Hewitt, late curator. Sarawak Museum, Kuching; M. G. Bradford, municipal officer, Kuching, Sarawak; J. C. Moulton, curator of the museum, Kuching, Sarawak; R. S. Douglas, Resident, Baram district, Sarawak; M. Hagadorn, Sama- rinda, Dutch East Borneo; A. J. Cools, Berouw, Dutch East Borneo; G. J. Altman, Sandakan, British North Borneo; Dr. H. L. E. Luehring, Anglo-Chinese School, Penang; M. Haffner, director of agriculture, Sai- gon, Cochin China; R. S. Troup, Imperial Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun, northwest provinces, India; C. E. Brasier, conservator of forests central circle, Madras, India; F. E. Lewis, Batticaloa, Ceylon; Rev. Copland King, Ambasi, Papua, British New Guinea; R. T. Baker, curator Technological Museum, Sydney, New South Wales; T. Kawakami, bureau of industry, Formosan government, Taihoku, Formosa. Previous work on the woods of this region was as follows: Gamble, J. S. A Manual of Indian Timbers. This is by far the most complete piece of work on eastern timbers. The notes are very full and I have quoted from them very largely in my species notes. Van Eeden, F. W. Houtsoorten van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie.-Kol. Museum te Haarlem 1906. This gives very useful notes on a large number of species. Ridley, H. N. Timbers of the Malay Peninsula. Agric. Bull. S. S. and F. M. S. (1901-2). Gives excellent notes on a large number of species of the Malay Peninsula. Nordlinger, H. Holzquerschnitte. Gives very fine cross sections of a number of Indian woods and some very brief notes as to structure. Wiesner, J. Die Rohstoffe des Pflanzenreichs. Yol. II. Describes in detail a few species and lists a number of others from this region. Janssonius, H. H. Mikrographie des ILolzes. Describes in great detail a number of Javanese species. Laslett. Records tests of the strengh of a number of Indian timbers. Stone, H. Timbers of Commerce. Includes a very few eastern timbers. Boulger, G. S. Wood. Gives brief notes on quite a number of species. Newton, IT. In 1882 published the results of a number of tests on about twenty different timbers of the Straits Settlements. The botanical determinations for this work were very uncertain and it is often very difficult to determine just what wood was meant. 412 FOXWORTHY. Gardner, B. Mechanical Tests of Thirty Different Philippine Woods. For. Bur. (Philip.) Bull. 4 (1907). Beccari, 0. N"elle foreste di Borneo. Florence, 1902. In this work, Doctor Beccari gave brief notes on the nature and uses of many of the woods of Sarawak. Detailed structural notes on these woods collected by Doctor Beccari were published in Malpighia by Dr. G. Bargagli- Petrucci, and these two works constitute the best contribution to our knowledge of the woods of Borneo. Besides these there have been a number of individual articles on par- ticular woods; hut there has been very little done in the way of com- parative study of the woods of the whole region. ir. PROPERTIES OF WOOD. COMPARISON OF WOODS OF THE TROPICS WITH THOSE OF TEMPERATE REGIONS. In general, tropical woods contain more of color than do those of temperate regions. Cognate with this is the fact of their greater weight and hardness. Distinct seasonal growth with the formation of definite rings of seasonal growth is much less common in the tropics than in the temperate regions. WEIGHT AND HARDNESS. These two qualities usually go together ; but the weight can not he considered as an accurate measure of hardness. It is usually true that a very heavy wood is also very hard ; but this is not always the case. Occasionally, also, a wood which is only moderately heavy will prove to be very hard; consequently, it is not possible to combine these two qual- ities in one table. Weight. — The weight of a given wood is due to the density of the walls of the different elements together with the nature of the contained deposits and the closeness of crowding together of the elements. In published statements of weight, there is a considerable factor of error due to natural variability in density, carelessness in using sapwood and heartwood indiscriminately, and to the fact that some workers have not used carefully dried wood. It is perfectly plain that any measure- ment of a moisture-containing wood which does not indicate the percent- age of contained moisture is a source of confusion in comparative studies. Unfortunately, some workers have published weights of “air-dry” wood without indicating what percentage of moisture was meant. In the following table only a rough comparison has been possible among the most used woods of this part of the world. Wherever possible, large numbers of samples of a given wood have been tested. In many cases this has not been possible and it has been necessary to rely on the work of others or on comparative estimates made by traders and timber workers. It lias seemed best to use only four classes, as outlined by Gardner and INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 413 already used by me, viz, very heavy, heavy, moderately heavy, and light. Unless specially indicated the weight has been determined in Manila. Some of those listed in the heavy cla§s are frequently found to furnish examples that are properly described as very heavy. I have indicated this bv italics in the table. As indicated in the table, the light woods are relatively few. Some of them, however, are found in considerable quantity. The table will not show all of the woods which will sink when green. Many of those in the heavy class are heavier than water when green. The number of woods which are really heavier than water when absolutely dry is relatively very small. Those woods of the very heavy class which are actually heavier than water when dry are indicated by italics. Some of those not so marked may occasionally have a weight in excess of that of water. Table of comparative weights of eastern woods. Very heavy. Sp. gr., 0.90 or more: 900 kilos or more per M3: 56 lbs. or more per cu. ft. Heavy. Sp. gr., 0.70-0.90: 700- 900 kilos per M3: 44- 56 lbs. per cu. ft. Moderately heavy. Sp. gr.. 0.50-0.70: 500- 700 kilos per M3: 31- 44 lbs. per cu. ft. Light. Sp. gr. , 0.50 or less: 500 kilos or less per M3: 31 lbs. or less per cu. ft. Mancono. Dungon. Aele. Lauan. Nani. b Iptix Acleng-parang. a Baticulin. Dungon-late. * Mirabow. b Amuguis. Calantas. Ebony. a Yacal. Annbing. Mayapis. Hill inn. b Betis. Apitong. Red lauan. Anjan. a Bansalaguin. Balacat. Dita. Tapani/. Aranga. Banaba. Cupang. Bacauan .» Sasalit. Baneal. Teluto. Pennagah .* Liusin. Banuyo. Malapapaya. Red sanders .» Agoho. Bansu. a Meranti.b Rohan. » Griting. b Balinhasay. Seriah. Bolongeta. Api-api. a Batino. Jelutong. Camagon. Jarrah.b Blimbing.a Pincapincahan. a Pototan. a Blue gum. b Butea. a Kapok.® Tanga 1. » Mas-mora.a Calumpit. Silk cotton tree. a Chengal. Alupag. Camanchilis. 11 Tui. a Selangan batu. Ballow. Camphor. a Mangasinoro. Kulim. Banalo. tt Cato. Kayu garu. a Petaling. Babul.* Champaca. a Saleng. Anan. a Batete. Black wattle. a Ratilis. Malabera. Batitinan. Dalinsi. Dapdap.® Tampinis. Blackwood.3 Dao. Ilang-ilang. a Peniow. Calamansanay. Duguan. Dun.® Kranji.b Catmon. Durian. a Sterculia foetida. a Tamarind. a Cay go. Del.a Gyrocarpus jacquini. a Pvnkadu. a Chengal. Bintangor. a Barringtonia racemosa. a Camuning. ® Chittagong.3 Guava.® Duabanga sp. a Satin wood. a Eng. a Guijo. Tetrameles nudifiora.® Sandal.® Gurjun. a Lancte. Hymenodictyon excel- Boxwood. a Hora. a Makai. a sum.a Sappan. Ingyin. a Malasantol. Sarcosperma arboreum. a Saj.a Kapor. b Malngay. Octomeles sumatrana. b Harra.a 1 Kaunghmu.® Lumbayao. | Gerunggang. “ These woods are placed according to their arrangement in Gamble, l. c. b These woods are placed according to information given in Van Eeden, l. c. 414 FOXWORTHY. Table of comparative weights of eastern woods — Continued. Very heavy. Heavy. Moderately heavy. Light. Sp. gr., 0.90 or more: 900 kilos or more per M3: 5(1 lbs. or more per cu. ft. Sp. gr., 0.70-0.90: 700- 900 kilos per M3: 44- 56 lbs. per cu. ft. Sp. gr., 0.50-0.70: 500- 700 kilos per M3: 31- 44 lbs. per cu. ft. Sp. gr., 0.50 or less: 500 kilos or less per M3: 31 lbs. or less per cu. ft. Moka. * Kolavu.8 Mango. * Hernandia peltata. Culis. » L¬an. Mayapis. Khair. 8 Leban. b Narra. Longan. “ Mahogany. « Nato. Cangu, » Mat*iasin. Nangka. * • Thitya. 8 Mangachapuy. Palo maria. Talura. 8 Molave. Pili. Thitsi. " Nedun. 8 Mahogany. 8 Nireh. b Renghas. 8 Padauk. 8 Sacat. Pagatpat. Santol. Petir. Talisay. Rassak. Tamayuan. Sal. a Tanguile. Piagno. b Teak. Siris. » T oog. 8 Sissoo. » " Thinkadu.8 Supa. Silky oak. 8 Tindalo. Thingan. » Trincomali. 8 Tucan-calao. Ubar Kumpas. * These woods are placed according to their arrangement in Gamble, l. c. b These woods are placed according to information given in Van Eeden, l. c. Hardness. — It is nnicli more difficult to get a satisfactory measure of hardness than it is to get the weight. No completely satisfactory method of determining relative hardness has come to my notice. There are, however, certain comparative values recognized and these 1 have en- deavored to show in the following very imperfect table. I have been able to use only five categories, viz, very hard, hard, moderately hard, soft and very soft. Those woods classified by Gamble as extremely hard and extremely soft will naturally come under the very hard and very soft classifications in this table. Many of the very hard and very heavy woods are very dark in color. In these cases the sapwood is usually very much lighter in color and weight and is softer. In these woods it is the deposit of the dark-colored substance in the wood elements when the sapwood changes to heartwood ‘that causes the hardness and weight. This is, of course, not the sole cause. There are some woods where the sap and heart are not noticeably different in color. In these cases, there is very little difference in weight and hardness in the different parts of the tree. If such woods are heavy, it will usually be found to be due to the thickness of walls of the fibers and the close crowding together of the wood elements. This is the case in agoho and in boxwood. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 415 Table of comparative hardness of eastern woods. Very hard. Hard. Moderately hard. Soft. Very soft. Anjan. Guijo. Teak. Meranti. Calantas. Mancono. Sal. Banuyo. Lauan. Plai. Anan. Acle. Banaba. Pine. Cotton tree. Sissu. Babul. Kapor. Champaca. Silk cotton. Ebony. Ballow. Deodar. Balacat. Red lauan. Dungon-late. Chittagong. Jak. Gerunggang. Dapdap. Dungon. Nireh. Kiamil. Kappla. Ratilis. Billian. Eng. Bansu. Lumbayao. Hibiscus sp. Agoho. Molave. Cashew. Mayapis. Nivar. Tapang. Tindalo. Apitong. Jelutong. Bansalaguin. Yacal. Malasantol. Mangasinoro. Sasalit. Batitinan. Tanguile. Black wattle. Liusin. Macaasin. Sacat. Telambu. Betis. Amuguis. Santol. Ilang Hang. Aranga. Palo maria. Narra. Makai. Miraboo. Ipil. Piney varnish. Durian. Camagon. Malugay. Bintangor. Blimbing. Kumpas. Supa. Kolavu. Samadera. Bacauan. Nedun. Padouk. Pili. Pototan. Tamarind. Simpor. Mango. Tangal. Mas-mora. Gurjun. Ban cal. Chengal. Siris. Hora. Tui. Selangan batu. Acleng-parang. Thinkadu. Duguan. Kulim. Camanchilis. Dun. Kayu garu. Petaling. Thingan. Thitka. Toon. Malabera. Cangu. Guggar. Pincapincahan. Peniow. Talura. Kharpat. Teluto. Pennagah. Mahogany. Puna. Malapapaya. Tampinis. Kakira. Guava. Tetrameles sp. Plawan. Talisay. Jaman. Sonneratia sp. Sudjung. Thitsein. Cgmphor. Duabanga sp. Ballow. Saj. Toog. Gyrocarpus sp. Tamavuan. Dahu. Banalo. Kleinliofia sp. Alupag. Griting. Del. Octomeles sp. Camuning. Jarul. Lanete. Red sanders. Sandal. Trincomali. Api-api. Blackwood. 1 Cato. Kranji. Tucan-calao. Pynkadu. 1 Pagatpat. Thitya. Khair. Rohan. Satinwood. Kosum. Banderu. Thitsi. i Harra. Kindal. Sappan. Thingyin. Box. Nani. 416 FOXWORTHY. STRENGTH AND RESISTANCE TO STRAINS. It is not the purpose of this paper to go into the question of the lesistance ol different woods to different strains. Reference may, how- e\ei, be made to the tests which have been made of oriental woods. Skinner, Laslett, Balfour, and Gamble have published the results of tests on Indian timbers. In 1882, Howard Newton published a pamphlet showing the results of some work he had done on the timbers of the Stiaits Settlements. In 1906, Gardner published a bulletin giving the results of a number of careful tests on thirty different Philippine woods; and in a second edition of this bulletin, published a year later, added information concerning four additional woods. So far as I know, this is the most careful piece of this kind of work which has been done in the east. ODOR, COLOR, TASTE, ETC. Many "woods ha\c distinct and characteristic odors. Some of them are agreeable— as camphor, sandal, rosewood, etc. There are a few which are distinctly disagreeable, as kulim. The odor of a wood is often a very good means of identifying it; but it is extremely difficult to classify odors. Color is a variable thing in wood. Usually the heartwood of a given species approximates closely a certain color at maturity; but individuals may not arrive at full maturity. Moreover, in some woods the mature heartwood may have quite a range of color change; and the occurrence or absence of heartwood in some may be a chance variation. Color alone is not often a sufficient means of identification of a v'ood. Naturally, alter weathering, color is of still less value as a means of identification. A few wroods have characteristic taste; thus, baiino and dita are bitter and pagatpat is salty. III. SUITABILITY OF DIFFERENT WOODS FOIl SPECIAL PURPOSES. DURABILITY. Tests of the durability of a wood are much more severe in the tropics than in the temperate regions because of the high humidity combined wdth uniform temperature, favoring fungus and bacterial growth and the far greater liability to insect attack. There seem to have been no complete tests made of the durability of any oriental woods; and, in most cases, the only information available tor any particular wood is mere hearsay or tradition. 1 here are large series of tests in progress under the direction of the Philippine Forestry Bureau; and these will, in time, clear up much that is nowT in doubt as to the suitability of special woods for special purposes. In the meantime, much is known in a general way of a number of the woods. The fact that a wood is durable in the temperate zone is no guaranty that it will prove useful in the tropics. Many' tiopical woods which are not durable in their native country would last very well and be very serviceable if used in a temperate region. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 417 ENEMIES OF WOOD. Fungus and bacterial growth. — The alternate exposure to moisture and dryness is the condition most favorable to such growth. This condition is found in all woods in contact with the ground — piling, bridge timbers, corner posts of houses, etc. In timbers in contact with the ground, as corner posts of houses, telegraph and telephone poles, fence posts, this condition is most marked at and just above the surface of the ground; and that is the region where decay most quickly takes place. Dry rot is a form of decay to which some woods are particularly subject. It seems to start in from the end of the wood and may sometimes be prevented by capping the end of the post or beam with good thick paint. Teredo. — This is a mollusk which bores into many timbers. It thrives in salt or brackish water and destroys piling, boat planking, etc., by boring into it in search of a home. It is exceedingly destructive to a large number of timbers and is the most serious problem in wharf con- struction. Termites or white ants, known as “an ay” or “anay-anay” by Filipinos and Malays, are particularly abundant in the eastern tropics. They at- tack a wide range of different kinds of wood and it may be doubted if any wood is entirely immune from their attacks. Many of the hard and heavy woods are very resistant to them ; but it may be doubted if any of these can entirely resist them without the aid of impregnation. It is often claimed for some particularly hard wood that it is absolutely resistant to the termites; but it will usually be found that it is really only a fortunate chance of location which has prevented the attack. Beetles. — Numerous small wood-boring beetles cause great destruction among the woods of the tropics. Sapwood is particularly liable to at- tack; but the heartwood is also liable to attack in many cases. Numerous hardwoods, however, seem to be entirely free from this pest. A number of woods with hard heart and trashy sapwood are regularly cleaned for the market by being felled and left in the forest, sometimes several years, till the beetles and termites have destroyed the sapwood. In general, the very heavy and very hard woods are those least liable to insect attack. This is, however, not always true; some of the very hard woods are specially liable to the attacks of termites. From what has been written and what seemed to be generally believed by the trade, the following summary of woods according to their use has been made. WOODS EXPOSED TO SALT WATER. Piling. — The use of a wood for piling is the extreme test of durability, principally because of the teredo, which speedily destroys most woods. It is to be doubted if there is any wood which is entirely immune from its attack. A pile presents considerable surface to the air and water alternately, furnishing a condition especially favorable to decay; and 418 FOXWORTHY. no wood which rots quickly is suitable for piling. The use of sheathed or impregnated woods for piling is fairly common and will doubtless become more so where permanency is desired. The different mangrove swamp trees are very satisfactory for tem- porary piling and have been known to last as much as seven or eight years exposed to teredo attack. Their best use, however, seems to be as supports for foundations on swampy or low ground. There seems no reason why they should not last for several hundred years in such places. Quite another class of piling is used in many places as a support for foundations. The piles are driven down to at least 1^ meters below the surface and are then capped with concrete and a concrete foundation placed on top of them. They are thus protected from the air and are beneath the level of insect work. For such a purpose it is only necessary to select wood strong enough to bear the weight, and otherwise useless woods may be used. Woods used for piling are: In the Philippines: Molave Vitex littoralis. Aranga Homalium spp. Agoho Casuarina cquisetifolia. Betis Illipe betis. Dungon Tarrietia sylvatica. Dungon-late Heritiera littoralis. Liusin Parinarium griffit hianum. Mancono Xanthostemon verdugonian Pagatpat Sowneratia pagatpat. Piagao Xylocarpus granatum. Tabao Lumnitzera littorea. Yacal Shorea or Hopea spp. Borneo : Bedaru Urandra sp. Billian Eusideroxylon zvoageri. Kapor Dryobalanops spp. Merbau Intsia bakeri. Nibong Oncosperma spp. Rassak Vatica sp. Selangan batu Shorea spp. Taruntum Lumnitzera littorea. the Malay Peninsula: Bedaru Uraiulra , sp. Billian wangi Palaquium obovatum. Balia u Parinarium 0 blongifolium. Bintangor Calophyllum spp. Gelam Melaleuca leucadcndron. Kulim Scarodocarpus borneensis. Malabera Fagraea fastigiata. Merbau Intsia bakeri. Penagah Mesua ferrea. Tampinis Sloetia sideroxylon. Tenibusu Fagraea fragrans. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 419 In India and Ceylon: S&1 Shorea robusta. Teak Tectona grandis. Pynkadu Xylia dolabriformis. Usually the logs are peeled before being used as piles ; but occasionally, as in taruntum ( Lumnitzera littorea) and malabera ( Fagraea fastigiata) , it seems advantageous to use the log with the bark on it. Of all known woods the billian or Borneo ironwood, is said to be the best and most durable for piling. It is probable that some of the less known woods are equally durable, but they are insufficiently known or do not occur in sufficient quantity to make them of equal importance. SHIP AND BOAT BUILDING. Teak ( Tectona grandis) is the standard by which shipbuilding woods are measured. It stands alone in the first line of Lloyd’s Register. Other timbers of this region which are named in Lloyd’s are as follows : Second line: Morung saul ( Shorea robusta). Third line: Angelly (Artocarpus hirsuta) . Thingan [Hopea odorata) . Molave (Vitex littoralis) . Dungon (Tarrietia sylvatica) . Yacal (Shorea spp.) . Mangachapuy (Hopea acuminata) . Betis (Illipe betis) . Ipil (Intsia bijuga) . Guijo (Shorea guiso) . Narra (Pterocarpus spp.). Batitinan (Lagerstroemia piriformis). Palo maria de la playa (Calophyllum inopliyllum) . Fourth line: Those of the first and second line when secondhand. Fifth line: Bed cedar (Toona spp.). Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa) . This by no means indicates that these are the only or even that they are the best shipbuilding woods of the region. It merely means that they have been sufficiently well known to be given a rating. The list should certainly be revised to include a large number of the good woods of the region. For the keels of boats, a number of the more durable woods are used: aranga, banaba, bansalaguin, betis, dungon, guijo, liusin, molave, narra, palo maria, yacal, Bassia spp., etc. For the planking, Icapor ( Dryobalanops spp.), guijo ( Shorea guiso), thingan ( Hopea odorata), molave ( Vitex littoralis). For the knees, palo maria, Ceriops spp., etc. 420 FOX WORTHY. For masts and spars, the most widely known and used wood seems to be bintangor or poon ( Calophyllum spp.). For small boats, bancas, caseoes, dugouts of various sorts, a large number of the relatively soft, light and easily worked woods are used. WOODS IX CONTACT WITH THE GROUND. RAILWAY TIES AND SLEEPERS. The following woods are used: tn the Philippines: Molave 1 ilex littoralis. Ipil Intsia bijuga. Acle Pithecolobium acle. Betis Illipe betis. Aranga Homalium spp. Dungon Tarrietia syl va tica . Yacal Shorea spp. Tindalo Pahudia rhomboidea. Sasalit Vitex spp. Supa Sin dor a supa. Anubing Artocarpus spp. Banaba Lagerstroemia spp. Bolongeta l)i ospyros pilosanth era . Agolio Cas u a rin a eq u iset ifol ia . Borneo Pinapok Shorea sp. ? Billian E usideroxylon zioageri. Selangan batu Shorea spp. Resak batu Yatica sp. Red camphor Dryobalanops spp. Merabau Intsia balceri. In the Federated Malay States: Chengal Balanocarpus spp. Tn India and Ceylon: Acacia arabica. Acacia catechu. Anogeissus latifolia. Barringtonia racemosa. Bassia latifolia. Boswellia serrata. Ca lophyl lum inophyl lu m . Carey a arbor ca. Cedrus deodara. Ci n >i am om um g land n l i fern m . Dalbergia latifolia. Dalbergia sissoo. Eucalyptus globulus. Eugenia jambolana. Hardwickia binata. Ho pea pa rvi flora. Lagerstroemi a parviflora . I NDO-M ALA Y A N W 0( )1)S. 421 In India and Ceylon — Continued. Melanorrhoea usitata. # Mesua ferrea. Mimusops littoralis. Odina ivodier. Pterocarpits marsupiu m. Shorea robusta. Tectona grandis. Terminalia chebula. Terminalia tomentosa. .Xylui dolabriformis. The chief special difficulties which timbers used for railroad ties have to face are conditions of alternate moisture and dryness with exposure to the air and the attacks of termites. PAVING BLOCKS. 11 call v very few woods have been fully tested for paving blocks. It seems undesirable to have woods for this purpose which are too hard, because they will become slippery. It seems undesirable also that the blocks should be very greasy. Several Australian woods which have been tried in Manila have not done well. They have lasted less than two years and were really the poorest of any of the woods tried. I he best, very much the best, and most satisfactory wood tried here is Philippine molave ( Vitex littoralis). On one of the bridges in Manila there are molave blocks that are said to have been in constant hard wear for over thirty years and they are still giving very good service. The following woods of British India have been recommended for trial as paving blocks: Pynkado ( Xylia dolabriformis ), saj (Terminalia tomentosa), nagesar (Mesua ferrea), Lagerstroemia spp., Shorea spp., Hopea sp., Hardwickia sp., Soymida febnfuga. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE POLES. Usually the same classes of woods that are suitable for railroad ties will be found to be suitable for this class of work and for fence posts and small bridges or culverts. In the Federated Malay States, chengal is quite commonly used for this class of work. In Manila, ipil ( Intsia bijuga) posts are used to carry electric light and trolley wires. Pagatpat, tindalo and numerous others are used for telephone poles. MINING TIMBER. There is usually not very much care exercised in selecting this, but I have known specially good results to be obtained in the Borneo coal mines from the use of leban ( Vitex pubescens) , kumpas ( Koompassia sp.), billian ( Eusideroxylon zwageri), griting ( Lumnitzera littorea), and resak (Vatic a sp.). 422 FOXWORTHY. CORNER POSTS OF HOUSES. A very large number of different woods are found which are suitable for this class of work; but only a few of the best are mentioned.* Tn the Philippines: Molave ( Vitex littoralis), ipil ( Intsia bijuga), acle ( Pithecolobium acle), agoho ( Casuarina equisetifolia) , alupag ( Euphoria cinerea), anubing ( Artocarpus sp.), aranga ( Homalium spp.), banaba ( Lagerstroemia speciosa), bansalaguin ( Mimusops elengi), banuyo (It allaceodendron celebicum), batitinan ( Lagerstroemia batitinan), betis ( lllipe betis), calamansanay (. Nauclea sp.), dungon ( Tarrielia sylvatica) , dungon-late ( Heritiera littoralis) , liusin ( Parinarium grifft- thianum), macaasin ( Eugenia spp.), mancono ( Xanthostemon verdugo- nianiis), mangachapuy ( Hopea acuminata), narra ( Ptevocarpns spp.), palo maria ( Calophyllum inophyllum), sasalit ( Vitex aherniana), supa ( Sindora supa), tamayuan ( Strombosia philip pinensis) , tucan-calao (Aglaia clarkii) , and yacal ( Shorea spp.). The list would be so long if completed for all the different countries that it seems best to leave it to the notes on the individual species. FURNITURE AND ORNAMENTAL WOODS. Woods with brilliant color and pretty grain and capable of taking a high polish are particularly numerous in this region. These may be classified by color: Black, dark-brown or purplish woods: Ebony ( Diospyros spp. and Maba sp.). Ceylon; India; Malay Archi- pelago. Coromandel wood (Diospyros qucesita and other species). Ceylon. Camagon ( Diospyros discolor and other species). Philippines. Bolongeta ( Diospyros pilosanthera) . Philippines. Rosewood or blackwood of India (Dalbergia latifolia) . India. East Indian walnut (Albizzia procera) . India and Philippines. Sissu (Dalbergia sissoo) . India. Black wattle (Acacia melanoxylon) . Planted in India. Mirabow .(Intsia bakeri). Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. Ipil (Intsia bijuga). Seacoast forest throughout the whole region. Cay-go (Sindora cochinchinensis) . Eastern Cochin China. Anjan (Hardwickia binata) . India. Tapang ( Koompassia excel sa ) . Borneo. Batitinan (Lagerstroemia piriformis) . Philippines. Acle ( Pithecolobium acle). Philippines. Catmon (Dillenia spp.). Philippines. Teak (Tectona grandis) . India; Java; Siam. Supa (Sindora supa) . Philippines. Dalinsi (Terminalia sp.). Philippines. Lanutan ( Bombycidendron vidalianum) . Philippines. Pynkadu (Xylia dolabriformis) . India. Siris (Albizzia julibrissin) . India. Coconut (Cocos nucifera) . Seacoasts everywhere. Tamarind (T amar Indus indica) . Widely cultivated. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 423 Black, dark-brown or purplish woods — Continued. Wa (Cassia siam ea) . Ceylon; India; Malaya. Xedun ( Pericopsis mooniana) . Ceylon. Palo maria or Bitaog (Calophyllum inophyllum) . Seacoasts everywhere. Banuyo (Wallaceodendron celebicum) . Celebes; Philippines. Dhaura (Anogeissus latifolia) . India. Jhand (Prosopis spicigera L.). India. Red or reddish woods: Tindalo ( Pahudia rhomboidea) . Philippines. Narra ( Pterocarpus spp.). India and Philippines. Calamansanay ( Nauclea spp. ) . Philippines. Lumbayao ( Tarrietia ja/oanica) . Philippines and Java. Tanguile (Shorea polysperma) . Philippines. Pennagah ( Mesua ferrea). India and Malaya. Bintangor (Calophyllum spp.). Borneo; Malaya; India. Gerunggang (Cratoxylon spp.). Borneo. Renglias or Borneo redwood ( Melanorrhea and Siointonia spp.). Borneo and Malaya. Nireh (Xylocarpus spp.). Mangrove swamps, India to the Philippines. Ivranji (Dialium spp.). India; Malaya; Borneo; Sumatra; etc. Red sanders (Pterocarpus santalinm) . India. Coral wood (Adenanthera pavonina) . India and Malaya. Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa). India and the Philippines. Chittagong wood (Chukrassia tabularis) . India. Umbrella tree (Thespesia populnca) . Ceylon to the South Sea Islands. Indian almond (Terminalia catappa). India to the Philippines. Bansalaguin (Mimusops elengi) . India to the Philippines. Toon (Toona spp.). India and the Philippines. Cedar, pink or red (Acrocarpus fraxinifolius) . India. Jambolana (Eugenia jambolana) . Widely planted. Kaddam (Stephegyne parvifolia) . India. Mahogany (8 icietenia mahagoni) . India (planted). East Indian mahogany (Soymida febrifuga). India. Margosa (Azadirachta indica) . India. Oak, Indian (Barringtonia acutangula) . India. Stereospermum spp. India. Sandan (Ougeinia dalbergioides) . India. Serayah (Ilopea or Shorea spp.). Borneo and Malaya. Bastard teak (Pterocarpus marsupium) . India. Thitka (Pentace burmanica) . India. Red lauan (Shorea sp.). Philippines and Borneo. White or yellowish woods: Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) . India. Agaru (Chisochcton sp.). Philippines. Bedaru (Urandra sp.). Borneo and Federated Malay States. Bancal (Sarcocephalus cordatus) . India and the Philippines. Nangca (Artocarpus integrifolia) . India; Ceylon; Java; Philippines. Anubing (Artocarpus cumingiana) . Philippines. Sacat (Terminalia nitcns) . Philippines. Camuning (Murraya exotica). Malaya and the Philippines. Cayutana ( Fagara sp.). Philippines. Lanete (Wrightia spp.). Philippines. Molave (Vitex littoralis) . Philippines. 424 FOXWORTHY. White or yellowish woods- -Continued. Catinga (Citrus sp.). India and Malaya; widely planted. Champaca (Michelia champaca) . Widely planted. Camphor wood ( Cinnamomum camphora) . Formosa and Ceylon. Sandalwood (Santalum spp.). India to South Sea Islands. Snakewood (Strychnos nux-vomica) . India. Satin wood (Chloroxylon sirielenia) . India and Ceylon. Canary wood (Morinda ci trifolia ) . India and planted elsewhere. Deodar (Cedrus deodara) . India. Chatwan (Alsionia scholaris). India to the Philippines. Haldu (Adina cordifolia) . India to the Philippines. Santol (Bandoricuvi indicum) . India to the Philippines. Yellow sanders (Ximenia americana). India to the Philippines. Culis (Memecylon edule) . India to the Philippines. CARVING AND WOOD ENGRAVING. For wood engraving and instruments of precision boxwood is unequaled. In the manufacture of small articles, rulers, etc., ebony is often used because of its freedom from shrinking. For carving, lanete ( Wrightia spp.), molave ( Vitex littoralis), teak ( Tectona grandis), and sandal ( Santalum album) seem most in favor. A number of other woods are used, one of them, the blackwood of India ( Dalbergia latifolia), being used in considerable quantity for the manu- facture of carved furniture. TOOL HANDLES. This kind of work requires a wood which is dense and of even grain and which will turn well. Some of the woods most used are Mimusops elengi, Psidium guajava, Memecylon edule , Murraya exotica, Mesua ferrea, Shorea obtusa, Eugenia tetragona, Dodonaea viscosa, Xylocat pus spp., bamboos, etc. CANES OR WALKING STICKS. This requires a wood which is pretty, close-grained and capable of finishing well. The species most used are Balanites roxburghii, various bamboo and palm stems, Cassia siamea, Dichrostachys cinerea, Diospyros discolor, Diospyros pilosanthera, Diospyros and Maba spp., Dodonaea viscosa, Grew'ta populifolia, Murraya exotica, Parrotia jaequemontiana, Prinsepia n I ills, Pterocarpus spp., Pahudia rhomboidea, Sarcococca pruniformis, Zanthoxylum alatum, Taxotrophis ilicifolia. BOXES OR PACKING CASES. Almost any wood which occurs in quantity, is easily worked and not too hard and heavy may be used for this purpose. In places, special industries have made it necesary to use large quantities of wood for boxes. Thus, in Ceylon, the tea industry lias required a great number of eases. Mr. F. E. Lewis had a very interesting article on the tea- INDO MALAYAN WOODS. 425 box woods of Ceylon in the Trop. Agric. 18: 307-310, in which he listed the woods used for that purpose in Ceylon. In Borneo, the cutch companies have found that common grades of seriah are well suited for the manufacture of the packing cases in which they ship their product. In the Philippines, the wood of cupang (Parkia roxburghii ) has been found to be very satisfactory for packing cases. BARRELS AND COOPERAGE STOCK. For loose barrels, much the same materials as for boxes may be used, if strong enough. Tight cooperage stock, however, is a much more dif- ficult proposition. There are plenty of woods in this region which are strong enough and which will make tight enough barrels, but they are usually highly colored and will give up their color readily. Thus far, I know of no tropical wood which is the equal of white oak for this purpose. This is a subject which needs to be worked up, as either the barrels or the material to make them now have to be imported from Europe or America. MATCH WOODS. Where the soft coniferous woods of the temperate regions are not available, it is somewhat difficult to get really good match woods. A few of the tropical woods are satisfactory. The following are used at Manila: Malapapaya ( Polyscias nodosa .) which is much the most satis- factory both for the boxes and the sticks; teluto ( Pterocymbium tinc- torium ; pincapincahan ( Oroxylum indicum) ; and cupang ( Parkia rox- burghii). Besides these, the wood of Ganophyllum falcatum, found in the Philippines, New Guinea, Australia, and Java, is said to be very good. PAPER PULP. Thus far the making of paper pulp has not become an important industry in this region; but, with the increasing scarcity of wood for pulping purposes in other regions, it is bound to become important. Thus far, we know that various ones of the soft dipterocarps, as well as several other woods, are well suited for this kind of work. There are probably a number of woods which occur in some quantity in the region which are worth investigating for this purpose. DYE WOODS. A number of the highly colored woods are useful as dyewoods. Examples of these are sibucao ( Gaesalpinia sappan ), which furnishes a red or yellow dye; red sanders ( Pterocarpus santalinus ) and other species of Pterocarpus, which furnish red dyes; Adenanthera pavonina, a yellow or brownish dye; ipil ( Intsia bijuga), a brown dye; some species of Terminalia , yellow dye; tangal ( Ceriops spp.), yellowish-red dye. The dyewoods -are not of very great commercial importance, but they are used locally to a considerable extent. 88250 2 426 FOX WORTHY. IV. RARE ORNAMENTAL OR PRECIOUS WOODS. I ruler this heading it is intended to include those woods which have a special popular interest aside from their commercial value. The prin- cipal ones ot‘ these are boxwood, camphorwood, corkwood, ebony, incense wood, iromvood, lignum-vitae, mahogany, rosewood, sandalwood, satin- wood, and zebrawood. BOXWOOD. 'This is produced by Buxus sempervirens L. (see p. 487) and is the best wood in the world for wood engraving. Xo thoroughly satisfactory substitute has been discovered. One of the best substitutes is a related African species of the same genus. The following list of woods which are sometimes used as substitutes for boxwood or which might be of service as such is given by Watt: A talantia monophylla. Crataeva religiosa. Celastrus spinosus. Chloroxylon side tenia. Dodoiuiea viscosa. Gardenia gum mifera. Gardenia latifolia. II emicyclia sepiaria. H omonoia symphylliaefolia. Ixora parviflora. Memecylon edule. Murraya exotica. Olea ferruginea. Psidium guajava. Punica granatum. tantalum album. Sonneratia acida. Vi burnum erubescens. To this list might be added Clausena excavata Bunn., Aeglc marmelos Corr., I1 a gara spp. ol the Rutacece , and a number of fine and even-grained Rubiaceae. Stevenson 124-BIO; Holtzapffel 76; Watt Diet. 1:557; Boulder 147; Wiesner 2:962. CAMPHORWOOD. The camphorwood of Japan and Formosa is the product of Cin- namomum camphora Fr. Xees & Eberin. (see p. 454). All parts of the wood contain a considerable amount of the gum or oil and have a very pronounced odor of camphor. The wood is easy to work, polishes well and is much used in the manufacture of chests, drawers and insect-proof cases. The demand for such articles is so great that the makers find it difficult to get enough wood for their work. The cabinetmakers in Manila make a great many imitation camphorwood chests. Various soft, cheap woods, as white lauan, are used, after being first treated with oil to give them an odor like camphorwood. The imitation camphorwood chests are, naturally, not so durable as those made from the true camphor- wood. After the effect of the oil with which they were treated wears off, they are likely to be attacked by insects. Nepal camphorwood, produced by China worn am glanduliferum Meissn., of British India, has brown tough wood with the odor of sassafras and is also used for cabinet work. A number of other members oi the family Lauracetp produce wood INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 427 which has a strong odor of sassafras. Different ones of these are known as happla, ruan, medang Jada and calingad in the Malay Archipelago. It is probable that some of these at any rate would make good substitutes for camphorwood in the manufacture of insect-proof boxes. The Borneo camphorwood is obtained from species of Dnjobalanops (see p. 509), of the family Dipterocarpacece , and does not have an odor like camphor, except in the neighborhood of the camphor deposits. This wood is not used for cabinet work. Holtzapffel 87 ; Boulger 153. CORKWOODS. A number of plants, from widely different families, and mostly tropical, are found to produce what is known as corkwood; i. e., a wood which more or less resembles true cork in its physical properties. These woods show differences in structure but agree in having very thin-walled elements, which are empty or filled with air in the dry wood. These uniformly thin-walled elements cause the wood to have a very low specific gravity and to be exceedingly soft. Very uniform corkwood is produced by Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. and Bombax malabarica DC. Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. furnishes another type of corkwood. The structure is varied by numerous fine parallel concentric lines of wood parenchyma. Erythrina indica Lam. and other species have corkwood of a quite different type — wide con- centric belts of wood parenchyma having between them rather narrow belts of denser tissue. The vessels are also rather large. Still another type of corkwood is that furnished by the roots of Sonneratia pagatpat Blanco and other species. Here the wood is very homogenous in structure and very like a fine white cork. Some other woods which furnish cork- wood from their stems or roots are T etranthera amara Xees, and species of Xylopia, Anona, Hibiscus , Dyera, etc. The corkivoods are commonly used as floats for fishing nets and as material for the manufacture of the crude carvings so common among wild tribes in Borneo. Wiesner 2: 1020-1023; Blits 51; Winton 253-255. ebony ( see p. 543 ) . INCENSE WOODS. Certain woods are valued because of their ability to produce a pleasant odor when burned. Several of these have, since the most ancient times, been employed in religious ceremonies. The best known of these is Sanialum album L., mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures as algum or almug. The lign aloes or lignum aloes of the Scriptures is the same as the eaglew'ood of commerce and is produced by Aquillaria agallocha Roxb. ( Aloexylon agallochum Lour.), and other related species, of India and Malaya. 428 FOXWORTHY. The different incense woods of the Malay region are usually known as kayu gam. Besides those mentioned, there are various species of Gonystylus quite widely known and used. A comparatively local incense wood is the hay a loika, which is obtained from the roots of Dalbergia cumingiana Benth., in Borneo. It is used mainly in China. Besides the incense woods already named, there are a number of more or less local importance. Some of these are Wikstroemia candollcana Meissn., Excoecaria agallocha L., Canarium sp., Alyxia stellata B. & S., Epicharis loureiri Pierre, Lepiaglaia bailloni Pierre, etc. Boorsma, G. W. Ueber Aloeholz und andere Riechhdlzer. — Bull. Uept. Agric Buitenzorg 7 (1907) 1-43. Ridley, H. N. ; Garu and chandan. — Journ. Straits Branch Asiat. Soc. 35 (1901) 73-82; FlUkiger-Pharmakognosie 210. I RON WOOD. This name or its equivalent is found applied to a number of different woods on account of their hardness ; and any wood of conspicuous hardness is liable to be called by this name. Nearly all the ironwoods, and about eighty are known, have other local names, the name ironwood having evidently been introduced after the advent of English-speaking people. Usually the wood is extremely hard, dense and dark-colored and sinks in water. A list of the ironwoods of this region follows : 1. Billian or Borneo ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwayeri T. & B.). Found in Borneo and Sumatra. (See p. 452.) 2. Agoho or kayu ru (Casuarina equisetifolia Forst.). Seacoasts throughout the whole region. (See p. 444.) 3. Casuarina montana Jungh. Java and Borneo. 4. Ru ronan (Casuarina sumatrana Jungh.). Malaya. (See p. 444.) 5. Tampinis ( Sloetia sideroxylon T. et B.). Federated Malay States and Straits Settlements; Borneo. (See p. 447.) 6. Cryptocarya ferrea Bl. Java. 7. Nagesah ( Mesua ferrea L.). Ceylon; India; Malaya. (See p. 505.) 8. Aglaia minaliassac T. et B. Celebes. (See p. 477.) 9. Dodonaca sp. Seacoasts. (See p. 493.) 10. Cupania lessertiana Cambess. 11. Homalium foetidum Benth. 12. Kayu besi (Metrosideros vera (Rumpli.) Niedenzu). Moluccas to China. ( See p. 535.) 13. Mancono (Xanthostemon verdugonianus Naves). Philippines. (See p. 536.) 14. Tpil ( Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) O. Ktze.). Seacoasts. (See p. 461.) 15. Mirabow ( Intsia bakeri Prain). Malaya. (See p. 461.) 16. Baryxylum rufum Lour. Cochin China. 17. Acacia farnesiana Willd. Tropics. (See p. 470.) 18. Acacia ferruginea DC. East Indies. (See p. 470.) 19. Pynkadu (Xylia dolabriformis Benth.). India. (See p. 463.) 20. Irnbricaria maxima Poir. Moluccas. 21. Sideroxylon nitidum Bl. Java. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 429 22. Suleroxylon tomentosum Roxb. Coromandel. (See p. 542.) 23. Sideroxylon ferrugineum Hook, et Arn.). Tropical Asia. (See p. 542.) 24. Arang (Maba buxifolia Pers.). India to Philippines. (See p. 547.) 25. Anan ( Fagraea fragrans Roxb.). (See p. 549.) Boulger 191; Holtzapffel 88. LIGNUM-VIT/E. True lignum-vitse does not occur outside of the tropical American region. It is the product of species of Guajacum and is of rather restricted range. It was first introduced into Europe by the Spaniards at about the end of the fifteenth century and has been very much in demand ever since. It is exceedingly hard and heavy. Its specific gravity varies between 1.17 and 1.39 and it is often credited with being the heaviest of all known woods. The fibers are very twisted and, as a consequence of this, it is extremely difficult to split the wood. It is very much used for bowling-alley balls, sheaves of pulleys, rollers, police- men’s batons, and as bushing for propellers in salt water craft. It seems likely that the supply will approach exhaustion before long, and it is highly desirable that some satisfactory substitute be secured. Some of the woods which have been tried as possible substitutes are mancono ( Xanthostemon vcrdugonianus Naves) of the Philippine Islands; Dodonaea viscosa L., a widely distributed seacoast wood usually of small size; Calophyllum inophyllum L., another widely distributed seacoast plant, which has a very twisted grain and which is sometimes used for bowling balls. Mancono ( Xanthostemon vcrdugonianus Naves), of the Philippine Islands, is probably the best known and most thoroughly tested of the substitutes for lignum-vitse. It is of much the same weight and is harder than lignum- vitae. It is of crooked grain and difficult to split. It seems to be immune to the attacks of termites and teredo. It has been tried in various places where it was subject to abrasion and to droppings of water and oil and has proved very satisfactory. The following test of mancono was made at the United States naval station, Cavite, Philippine Islands : “The wood was installed on side grain, as a bearing for journals rotating in salt water, in the stern bushing of a small launch which was in constant use. At the end of seven months the bearing was split out for examination. The wood was found to be but little worn, and was reported by the commander of the naval station to be ‘quite the equal of lignum-vitse, when both are used for bearings on the side grain.’ ” It seems probable that, for several purposes, mancono is as service- able as lignum-vitse and a very satisfactory substitute foi that wood. Hutchinson, W. I. A Philippine substitute for lignum-vitae. Bureau of Forestry (Philip.) Bull. 9 (1908) 1-8; Stone 18-21; Wiesner 2: 950-952; Holtzapffel 90; Boulger 202. 430 FOXWORTHY. MAHOGANY. True mahogany does not occur in nature in the Orient. It is the product of Swietenia mahagoni L. and is found only in tropical America. It Mas introduced into Europe by the Spaniards in the sixteenth century. Since the middle of the eighteenth century it has been the most used and valued of cabinet woods. The much prized Chippendale and Sheraton chairs of the eighteenth century were made of this wood. The continual demand for this wood for piano cases, fine furniture, cabinet work, etc., lias caused it to become scarce and high in price, and efforts have been made to substitute other woods for it. More than twenty substitute or imitation mahoganies are known, and some of them are such good woods that they could probably secure a good market under their own proper names. 1 lie true mahogany and the closely related Swietenia macro- phylfa King have done well in plantations in India (Gamb. 154). 4 oung trees of both have also shown a fine rate of growth wherever tried in the 1 hilippines. It is not improbable that these two species may some day be of commercial importance as plantation crops in this part of the world. 1 lie best of the substitute mahoganies belong to the subfamilv Swietcnioidece, the “mahogany subfamily” of the Meliacece. The follow- ing members of this subfamily are worthy of note: Khaya senegalensis A. Juss. ( Swietenia senegalensis Desv. ). This is called African mahogany and has supplied a large part of the mahogany on the European and American markets for the last twenty years (Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 1890, 168-170). Other species are also called African mahogany. The wood is lighter in color than the original mahogany and is also inferior to that wood in hardness and grain. However, it is very variable and pieces are found which are darker reddish-brown than the true mahogany. Soymida febrifuga A. Juss. (Swietenia febrifuga Willd.), found in British India and Ceylon, known as East Indian mahogany. This is a very hard and very heavy wood, heavier than true mahogany and dark-red in color. It would be of great commercial importance if it could be produced in sufficient quantity. Chufcrassia ( Chickrassia ) tabularis A. Juss. (Swietenia chickrassia Roxb.). East Indian mahogany or Chittagong wood.— British India and Ceylon. Burma and southern China. This is not so hard nor so heavy as the preceding. It would probably be of importance if found in greater quantity. In the subfamily Cedreloidece of the Meliacece, there are a number of species in the genera Cedrela, of the West Indies, and Toona, of the East Indies, which produce odorous wood known as cedar and sometimes called mahogany. The toon of India, Toona serrata (Royle) Roemer, is sometimes called Indian mahogany and the calantas, Toona calantas Merr. & Rolfe, of the Philippine Islands, has sometimes been called Philippine mahogany. They are more often and more correctly known as cigar-box woods. Besides those already mentioned, there are in the East several so- INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 431 called mahoganies which do not have any close relationship to the true mahogany, except, perhaps, that of color. Some of these are : Padouk, Andaman redwood, narra, Philippine mahogany. This is the product of various species of Pterocarpus. It is a very choice furniture wood, but it is, of course, not a mahogany. It does not need to be called a mahogany to find a market. Penagah, Palo maria, Bitaoy, or Borneo mahogany ( Calophyllum inophyllum L.). This wood does not closely resemble mahogany. It is, in some respects, superior to that wood. The tanguile of Negros, a soft, red-wooded dipterocarp, has been sold in some places as Philippine mahogany. It is found to be a satisfactory substitute for mahogany in interior finish such as show windows, panels, and bank fur- niture. It should be suitable also for piano cases and good furniture. Wiesner 2: 958-9G2; Stevenson 225-249; Holtzapffel 91; Boulger 206-210; Stone 32—35. POISONOUS W OODS. Occasionally there are rumors of woods which contain sufficient of a poisonous principle to cause them to be injurious to whoever handles them. Such reports arc usually found to be inaccurate, the poisoning being done by other parts of the plant. The principal poisonous woods of this part of the world are a few Anacardiacece wdiich cause a skin irritation similar to that produced by the “poison ivy” and “poison oak” ( Rhus spp.) of temperate regions.- These woods are produced by species of Gluta, Iloligarna , Melanorrhoea. Semecarpus , and Swintonia ; and they usually are known by the name of “ringhas” in the Malay region. When seasoned, the wood is much less likely to cause poisoning than when fresh. The seriousness of such poisoning is often exaggerated, and many persons are entirely immune to this class of poisoning. Besides the woods mentioned, that of Excoccaria agallocha L., the “eye-blinding plant” of India, is of evil repute. The wood contains an extremely acrid dark-colored gum which is very irritant in contact with the skin and is said to cause blindness if rubbed on the eyes. It is said that the coolies who work this wood for charcoal suffer a great deal from the effects of the fumes of the burning wood. ROSEWOOD. Rosewood is a term as generally applied as ironwood and to almost as great a variety of plants in different parts of the world. There are something more than thirty different rosewoods. Most of them have heavy, dark-colored woods and quite a number belong to the Leguminosce, in such genera as Dalbergia and Pterocarpus. Some of them contain a fragrant resin or oil, from which the name has originated. They have nothing more to do with the rose. Much of the rosewood of commerce comes from Brazil and is said to be the product of Dalbergia nigra Allem. and related leguminous species; but members of other families also produce true rosewood. 432 FOXWORTHY. The East Indian rosewood is the product of Dalbergia latifolia Roxb. and Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. (See p. 4G5.) Another of the Indian rosewoods is the padauk, Burmese rosewood or narra, which is the product of Pterocarpus indicus Willd. and other species of Pterocarpus. The rosewood of the Seychelles is Thespesia populnea Corr. (See p. 499.) In some portions of India a certain species of Millettia is said to furnish small amounts of rosewood. Cordia myxa L., a small tree of tropical Asia and Australia, is said to furnish small amounts of rose- wood. The Borneo rosewood or renghas is a beautiful red- and purple- streaked wood, which makes beautiful furniture. It is the product of various species of Melanorrhoe a and Swintonia. (See p. 489.) The woods known as kingwood or violet wood are special kinds of rosewood, probably from species of Dalbergia and best known under these names, from Madagascar and South America. Wiesner 2: 1017, 1014; Stevenson 204; Holtzapffel 103; Boulger 263; Stone 62-64. SANDALWOOD. The white or yellow sandalwood is produced by Santalum album of India and Malaya. Other related species and genera in Australia furnish very good substitutes for it. The sandalwood of the Fiji Islands is produced by Santalum fr&ycinetianum Gaud, and other species. Exocarpus latifolia R. Br. which is said to produce a sandalwood in Australia extends as far north as the Philippines; but it is usually of very small size here and I have not known it to produce sandalwood. The name chandana or sandana seems to be very generally used to indicate various kinds of sandalwood ; but it is probable that the name is also applied to other woods which are more or less odorous. In the Philippines, the term sandana is known and is said to indicate an odorous wood; but, thus far, 1 have been unable to definitely find sandal- wood produced in the Islands. In British North Borneo the term is also found, but sandalwood is surely very rare, if it occurs there at all. The red sandalwood or red sanders of India is the product of Pter- ocarpus santalinus L., and Adenanthera pavonina L. Dysoxylum loureiri Pierre ( Epicharis loureiri Pierre) and Lcpidaglaia baillioni Pierre ( Epicharis baillioni Pierre) are two species of melia- ceous wood growing in Cochin China and forming large trees, the timber of which is used for ornament, while the oil derived from it is used for medicinal purposes. When rubbed or burnt it emits an odor of sandalwood, on which account it is employed as incense in the temples. Trop. Agric. 1 (1882) 800; Pierre, For. FI. Cocli. China. 358; Jumelle 338. In India, sandalwood is largely used in ihe manufacture of boxes, fans, and other ornamental articles of inlaid work, and to a limited extent in medicine as a domestic remedy for all kinds of pains and aches. The oil is largely used as a perfume, few native attars or essen- tial oils being free from admixture with it. In the form of powder or INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 433 paste the wood is employed by the Brahmans for their distinguishing caste marks. The bastard sandalwood of India is Erythroxylon monogynum Koxb. It is very fragrant and is used as a substitute for sandalwood. The yellow sanders ( Ximenia americana L.) , of tropical America, the Pacific Islands, Malaya, Australia, Asia and Africa, has a fragrant yellow wood which is used as a substitute for sandalwood. Holtzapffel 105; Wiesncr 2: 008-911; 907-940. Boulger 266-268; Stone 191. SATINWOOD. This is the product of Chloroxylon swietenia DC. (See p. 473.) It is found in India and Ceylon, where it has been rather common. Certain species of Fagara, Zanthoxylum, etc. are also known to produce satinwood in tropical America and Australia. Certain Philippine Rutacece have wood which would do very well as a satinwood, but they are usually of comparatively small size and rather scattered in occurrence. The name refers to the beautifully smooth and satiny luster which the wood shows when finished. This wood was probably introduced into Europe before mahogany. It was in request for rich furniture about the end of the eighteenth century, the fashion then being to ornament panels of it with painted medallions and floral scrolls and borders. Now it is used for inlaying or borders and small veneers and most largely in covering the hacks of hair and clothes brushes and in making small articles of turnery, all kinds of furniture, railway carriages, writing and stationery fitments and toilet requisites. Maba buxifolia Pers. is said to furnish a kind of satinwood, but I have never seen it so used. There is frequently a curled grain which adds to the beauty. HoltzapfTel 105; Stevenson 207; Stone 29-31; Wiesner 2: 953; Boulger 281. ZEBRA WOOD. This is a name given to varieties of wood used as veneers, and striped so as to suggest a zebra’s skin. The name has been used for some of the bright-streaked species of Diospyros and also for some woods which occur in small size and which have a conspicuously variegated appearance with bright colors. Such woods seem to be of little importance except for canes and other small articles. One of the trees said to produce zebrawood in South America is Guettard-a speciosa L. This same tree is not uncommon along the sea- coast in this part of the world, but it seems usually to be of rather small size and but little used. Another Philippine wood to which this name would seem to apply is Taxotrophis ilicifolia Vid. This wood is brilliantly streaked and makes most striking canes. HoltzapfTel 110; Boulger 302. [Members of the Dipterocarpacex are indicated by black-faced type.] 434 FOXWORTHY. « O < © £ aj 3J ^ 7S — is -s cn c3 J cS C •r- S ^ flj W UJ 5 « z; •- ® •- g e v t a X W « a 2: £ Z 3 il oj ^2 = H H W * JS OtJ oj C C os S’c » s s s * «• » 25 ^ «® aq « £ s 2^ o> 'C'C g I 5^ 5J S •O-goD O tf » a E 9- 6t> os « 5 ss qq ^ § £ c M <0 e z C X X & O a o E - .2* -0 £55 Batete • j — 1 ...I : | Kolfl INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 435 G c x c g C nr 33 c o C o u w W W G £ ,G 33 ^ O W © G bo ‘C >, 2 nr G S S 2 SA tx W ■o 3 c S O 1-3 z -2 Z < i J. .C 3C .a g § 3 S be D £ G S*. 33 G 33 ffl ft fc£ 5b S c _ tA W 'tA w O U! W | S) 3 5 c i a « 3 53 It 8 it 3 E >- •? a - it it d a S3 Sf a3 « O. ©'SC c a S . 3 5 ~ * 5, a B S -* R H Chart of commercially equivalent woods — Continued. 436 FOX WORTHY. o__ CO o'? O G G* ® ° 1 «• S‘i .c o i ~’s,- a = .2 « a a « X .= ti .* ? * w Sf. x 'X 5, 58 © d x E “ o H« m aS “ o; £ S55 p T3'C 0> d £ %su: ft® a ._ S S <■ X £ £ o o. >. 2 — a a s 5: ft M S S 'S a - S ft S 33 EG tj ft *< X K O X 5 5 X £ * z INDO-MALAYAN WOODS, 437 a> & bC G c fidD C ® — , G a "O e _L ~ Be 3 - P ffl -i 3 * « W ffl W A *» fl X a; ^ 5“ H o w UJ UJ Z C. a. rt — S3 s c B IB 13 ^ g ■.-« ® © © ^ S f. s o z ^ ~ Zt P '£ S *0 'S « i U * w Z Eh « Z B 2 ap 9* si « 5 ib Z 3i h £ ; i z 5 2 a & g 5 S 2 4 „ <, K Q cc ^ ^ w a« Sc be T3 fcj. cs be Gj <£ £ £ £ .3 c 15 p p p '— s» 3 3 £ 03 CC ffi h X S G 438 FOXWORTHY. VI. TIMBERED AREAS AND FUTURE SUPPLY. INDIA. Tropical India is said to be a dry country. It contains many splendid woods, but tbe supply seems not to be great enough to do much more than supply the great population. It is not necessary for the owner of timber supplies to look farther when he has so great a home market. It is unlikely that India will ever do a very great timber-exporting business. It is true that quite a large number of very valuable ornamental woods are found in India, but the valuable ornamental woods can never be expected to provide a really great export trade. There are large sections of India where there is a chronic timber famine and where it has been necessary to undertake forest planting on a rather large scale to supply the needs of the local markets. There will doubtless be much more of this planting done in the future. BURMA. This section is more fortunately situated than is India proper. The sal and teak forests of Burma constitute most of its supply of export timber. The quantity of this is considerable and will stand exploitation for some years to come. SIAM AND COCHIN CHINA. These two countries are still but little known, but it is known that there are fine teak forests in Siam which are now being exploited, and there are considerable areas of dipterocarp forests in Cochin China. There are also a number of valuable ornamental woods still but little worked in these two countries. MALAYA. The Malay region is the part of the tropical east which is most rich in commercial timbers. In the Malay Peninsula the best forests seem to be in the states of Keddah, lvelantan, Tringganu and Pahang. In the forests of Keddah and Tringganu are fine supplies of chcngal ( Balanocarpu-s spp. ) and other dipterocarps. There is also a goodly quantity of merbau ( Intsia baker i) and there is a fair sprinkling of other valuable trees. The states of Kelantan and Pahang seem to offer some promise; although they are comparatively little known and offer considerable difficulties in the way of transportation. SUMATRA. This great island has extensive forests. It is reported to contain great quantities of the valuable billian ( Eusidero'xylon zwageri ) and chengal ( Balanocarpus spp.). It certainly does contain great quantities of dipterocarp woods. It sends considerable quantities of timber to the INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 439 Singapore market in small Chinese junks; but, thus far, it has not begun to he exploited by modern methods. There should be excellent opportunities for one or more large companies on the island. JAVA. The original forests of Java have been very largely cleared. Plantation teak is the most important timber. BORNEO. The forests of Borneo are extensive and comparatively untouched. It is true that the billian is very well worked out in some sections; but the dipterocarps are found in very great quantity and of all grades. At present the chief obstacle to the development of these forests is the distance from market and the meager facilities for transportation. As the demand for wood becomes greater, the transportation will surely be furnished and then the forests will he rapidly exploited. Borneo contains probably the most extensive and highly developed swamp forests in the world. These are now of comparatively little value; but they are sure to become of the first importance. DUTCH INDIES. The numerous islands of the Dutch East Indies are said, many of them, to contain valuable forests; but the nature and extent of these is largely a matter of guesswork. There is, however, a certain amount of export trade from the Dutch Indies in timbers which indicates that there may be extensive and valuable forests on some of the islands. PHILIPPINES. The exploitable forests of the Philippines comprise about 30,000,000 acres, a very much smaller commercial forest area than that of Borneo, Sumatra or several other places, but it is only in the Philippines that modern methods of exploitation are employed. It is safe to say that there is a very great area of commercial forest in the tropical east, but it is by no means so great as many have supposed. Popular notions of dense jungle composed solely of valuable and ex- ploitable trees need to be revised. It is true that the jungle is dense enough and that there are many valuable trees, but there are also many inferior trees mixed in and the valuable ones are so scattered that there are few places where a profitable enterprise can be started, if it aims at only one wood or one small group of woods. VII. SrECIES NOTES. In the following notes it is aimed to give first the accepted common name in the Philippines, then the common names in the other countries, the distribution, structure and special properties, uses, and references to the principal literature. The common names for Indian, Burmese and 440 FOXWORTHY. Ceylon woods were taken from Gamble. Those from the Malay Peninsula from Ridley and those from the Dutch Indies from Van Eeden and from G. J. Filet’s Dictionary of Plant Names. Many of the notes on structure are taken from Gamble. I have not been able to prepare a key to the different woods of the region; but, with the aid of Gamble’s Manual, it has been possible to prepare family summaries in some cases. The term “seasonal or growth ring” has seemed preferable to “annual ring” and so is used. Also the term “pith-ray” is preferred to “medul- lary-ray.” Unless specially indicated, the structure described is that which is seen in the cross section, because it is in this section that the relationship of the different elements composing the wood is most clearly shown. The terms “pore” and “vessel” are used interchangeably. The structural feature most often noted in the longitudinal section of the wood is the numerous parallel transverse lines or “ripple marks.” These are due to regularly arranged pitting of the tracheids (see Plate XXVI, fig. 55) or to regular arrangement of small pith-rays. The latter condition is probably much the less frequent; and, when it occurs, gives the appearance of ripple marks only on the tangential section. It will be remarked in following through these notes that a common or trade name usually applies to more than one species of plant. It frequently happens that the wood structure is identical for a large group of species. Occasionally the structure is seemingly identical for several genera, as in the Ebenaccce, which seem to have only one type of structure for the whole family. The following are the abbreviations which I have found it convenient to use in the species notes : Gamb. Gamble, J. S. A Manual of Indian Timbers. New and revised edi- tion. London, 1902. Phil. Woods Foxworthy, F. W. Philippine Woods. This Journal 2 (1907) Botany 351-404. Nbrd. Nordlinger, H. Holzquerschnitte. Stuttgart (1851-1888). Vols. 1-11. Van Fed. Van Eeeden, F. W. Iloutsoorten van Nederlandsch Oost-lndie (3d ed. by J. J. Duyfjes) . Cat, XII. van bet Kol. Mus. te Haerlem. 1906. Ridl. Ridley, II. N. Timbers of the Malay Peninsula. In the Agricultural Bulletin of the S. S. and F. M. S. Singapore. Vol. 1 (1901). Wiesner Wiesner, J. Die RohstofTe des Pflanzenreichs, 2d ed. Leipzig. 1903. Vol. 2. Boulger Boulger, G. Wood, 2d ed. London, 1908. Stone Stone, II. The Timbers of Commerce. London, 1905. Lewis Lewis, F. E. Ceylon Tea-box Woods. In Trop. Agric. 18. (1898) 307-310. Gard. Gardner, R. Mtechanical tests of thirty species of Philippine Woods. Forestry Bureau (Philip.). Bull. 4, 2d ed., 1907. Newton Newton, Howard. Notes and Experiments on the different kinds of Timber in Ordinary Use in the Straits Settlements. Singapore, 1884. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 441 K. & V. Koorders, S. H., and Valeton, Tli. Bijdrage tot de kenniss der Boom- soorten op Java. Batavia (1894-1909). Janssonius Janssonius, H. H. Mikrograpliie des Ilolzes. Leiden, 1906-. Two parts already issued. Holtzapffel Descriptive Catalogue of Woods. London, 1852. Becc. Beccari, O. Nelle foreste di Borneo. Florence, 1902. Bargagli-Petrucci Sulla struttura dei legnami raccolti in Borneo del Dott. 0. Semler Beccari. In Malpighia, 1902. Tropische und nordamerikanische Waldwirtschaft und Holzkunde. Winton Berlin, 1888. Hamiusek, Dr. T. F. The Microscopy of Technical Products., trans- Jumelle lated by Andrew L. Winton, Ph, D., with the collaboration of Kate G. Barber, Ph. D. New York, 1907. Ressources Agricoles et Forestieres des Colonies Francaises. Mar- Sa fiord seille, 1907. Useful Plants of Guam. Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herbarium, 9. 1905. Pierre Flore Forestiere de la Cochinchine. Paris. Watt Diet. Dictionary of the Economic Products of India. Calcutta, 1885-1896. E.-Pr. Engler, A., und Prantl, K. Die natiirlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Sp. gr. Specific gravity. M. Malay. Hind. Hindustani. Beng. Bengali. Tam. Tamil. Burm. Burmese. Cing. Cingalese. Phil. Philippine. PTERIDOPHYTA. The only use to which members of this group are put as timber seems to be in the occasional use of the trunks of tree ferns as the corner posts of native houses. This is reported from Benguet in northern Luzon and from New Guinea. Such a use could only he very local, where tree ferns were very abundant or where other timber was scarce. The con- venient size and location of these stems will probably account for their use. Among the Bagobos, on the east slope of Mount Apo, in Mindanao, the tree ferns are used very extensively, in preference to other woods. They are said to be very durable; and, certainly, their shape is such as to make it possible to utilize them with very little effort. GYMNOSPERMS. This group, which contains the coniferous trees, furnishes the greatest part of the timber supply of the world, but it is only scantily represented in the eastern tropics. There are a few representatives which are used to some extent, as the Benguet pine of northern Luzon, the pines and cedars of the Himalayan slopes and some of the species of Podocarpus, which are rather widely distributed. However, none of these are used to such an extent as to be of very general interest in this region. Wherever met with, the wood may be readily distinguished by its nonporous structure. 88250 3 442 FOX WORTHY. TAXACE2E. T axus baccata L. Himalayas, upper Burma, China, Japan, the Philippines, etc. Forms of this species are found in the high mountains throughout the tropics of the East. Wood hard, heavy (sp. gr. 0.74-0.94), close and even-grained, smooth. Sapwood white; heartwood orange-red, light-red, or white. Seasonal rings marked by a conspicuous line. Pith-rays very numerous, regular and long. Used for bows, carrying poles, and native furniture. Stevenson 136-139; Gamb. 101; Nord. I., Mech. Eigensch. d. Holzer 542; Stone 245; Iloltzapffel 110. Podocarpus neriifolia Don. British India, Burma, the Philippines, Borneo, Java, Sumatra; a mountain tree of very wide distribution. Wood light-yellow or yellowish-gray; homogenous, even-grained, soft to moderately hard and moderately heavy. Seasonal rings distinct though faint. Pith-rays very fine, numerous. No resin ducts, but scattered cells with resin prominent on thin section. Used in general carpentry and is excellent to work, hut would probably not resist white ants; also employed for oars, spars, masts, and to make tea-boxes. Seasons well and does not warp or shrink. Gamb, 702, tab. XVI, fig. 3 ; Nord. V. and X. (P. branteata Bl.). Numerous other species of Podocarpus occur in the Malay region, but they are usually extremely local and on high mountains. So far as known their wood resembles that just described. Australian species of Podocarpus are often known as “yellowwood” because of the color of the wood. PINACEvE. Agathis alba (Lam.) (A. dammara Rich.) Plate XXII, fig. 1. Almaciga (Phil.); dammar (M.). Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. Wood soft and light, even-grained, easily worked, white, not very durable. Used for planks and temporary construction. Cedrus deodara (Koxb. ) Loud. Deodar; Himalayan cedar. Himalayan region. Wood moderately hard, light to moderately heavy, strong-scented, oilv; sapwood white; heartwood light yellowish-brown. Seasonal rings dis- tinctly marked by the darker autumn wood. Pith-rays fine, unequal and irregular, fairly numerous, not deep. Resin-ducts none, the oil contained in wood-cells in the heartwood. Railway sleepers, bridge work, build- ing; rather brittle to work and does not take paint or varnish well. Has strong odor. Contains a good deal of oil, which prevents it from becom- ing water-logged, very durable. Resists wet, also white ants, and ap- parently does not suffer much from dry rot. Gamb. 710-716, tab. XVI, fig. J, ; Nord. XI. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 443 Pinus. Wood usually very resinous and homogenous, consisting of alternate layers of soft and often spongy spring wood, and of hard, darker colored autumn wood; heartwood distinct. Pith-rays fairly numerous, rather irregular, fine to moderate broad. Vertical resin-ducts large and numerous, visible on horizontal and vertical sections. Pinus insularis Endl. Plate XX1J, tig. 2. Saleng. Philippines. A wood much resembling that of some of the yellow pines in the United States; very resinous and of considerable local importance for planks, house building, etc. Phil. Woods 354. Pinus excelsa Wall. Blue pine. Himalaya. Light and moderately hard. Sapwood white; heartwood light-red. Railroad ties, planks, etc. Gamb. 704; Nord. VIII. Pinus longi folia Roxb. Long-leaved pine. Himalaya. Light and moderately hard. Sapwood white; heartwood light-reddish - brown. Wood inferior to the preceding. Gamb. 707, tab. XVI, fig. 3; NiJrd. VII. Pinus lchasya Royle, P. gerardiana Wall., and P. merkusii Jungh. & de Vr. are also used to some extent. Cupressus torulosa Don. Himalayan cypress. Himalaya. Moderately hard and moderately heavy. Sapwood white; heartwood light-brown with darker streaks, very fragrant. Very durable. Used in building and for wood carving. Gamb. 696, tab. XVI, fig. 1; Nord. X. ANGIOSPERMS. MONOCOTYLEDONS . The monocotyledons are not to be considered as of much importance in the production of commercial woods, but they do have some important uses which must not be overlooked. PANDANACE2E. In some places the trunks of the arborescent pandans are used for rough or temporary work, and they furnish what is sometimes called “porcupine wood.” They are probably of little, if any, more importance than the trunks of tree ferns. 444 FOXWORTHY. PALMiE. Many palms have stems which, at least in their outer part, are very hard and strong. These palm stems are admirably suited for certain uses, as the tlooring of native houses, the fashioning of bows and carrying poles, the making of ornamental pillars, etc. In Borneo the nibong palm ( Oncosperma spp.) is the chief flooring material for both houses and boats. Several species of Livistona are used in the Philippines under the name of palma brava. The use of palm stems is usually purely local, although occasionally small amounts are sent to Europe for use in cabinet work. Because of the comparative infrequence of their commercial use and because their structure is of the type so well known in monocotyledons, it is not necessary to further consider them here. GRAMINE^E. Bamboos of various sorts are the main reliance in many kinds of native structures, but their use is local. It is not customary to raise them for export, and their structure is very generally recognized. DICOTYLEDONS. CASUARINACE2E. Sapwood and heartwood not sharply differentiated, the color becoming gradually darker from sap to heart. Vessels moderately large, and often in radial or oblique rows. Wavy, concentric lines of wood parenchyma. Pith-rays small to very large ; the large ones of very infrequent occurrence in Casuarina equisetif olia, but very general in the other species. Wood fibers very thick-walled and making up most of the mass of the wood. Casuarina equisetifolia Forst. Plate XXII, fig. 3. Agoho ( Phil. ) ; ru (Bor- neo, Malaya) ; chouk (Tara.) ; tinyu (Burma) ; ironwood. On sandy shores throughout the eastern tropics, where its resemblance in habit to the pines and firs makes it very marked. Very hard and heavy or very heavy; difficult to work. Sapwood and heartwood differing in color only in degree of brown. A very durable construction timber and, perhaps, the best firewood in the world. Phil. Woods 370, fig. 38; Gard. 68; Gamb. 665; Boulg. 233; Blits 12, 23-25; Wiesner 2:875-879; Becc. 583. Casuarina sumatrana Miq. (ru ronan (M. ), ironwood), and other species are occasionally found in the Orient. They differ from the preceding in having very large and distinct pith-rays. They are, consequently, better suited for cabinet work. Blits 13; Bargagli-Petrucci 9, iab. IV; Becc. 583. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 445 JUGLANDACEiE. This family is not found very abundantly in this region. The few representatives are usually scattered and comparatively unimpoitant. Pores scattered; pith-rays fine; wavy concentric lines of wood parenchyma. Englehardtia serrata Bl. Plate XXII, fig. 4. Malaya. An easily worked wood of not much importance. FAGACE2E. The members of this family are fairly numerous in the Orient, but they are of comparatively little importance. Many of the species of Quercus furnish a rather inferior quality of wood, which is said not to be durable. Some species are used in India, but their use can not be said to be at all general. Wood brownish, very hard and moderately heavy to heavy, generally with a distinct, darker-colored heartwood. Pores small to large, arranged in radial lines or elongated patches. Sea- sonal rings not distinct. Wood parenchyma in wavy concentric lines and more or less grouped about the vessels. Pith-rays small to very large. Quercus. This genus is divided into two groups, according to the size of the pith-rays. First group, all the pith-rays very fine, very numerous, uniform and equidistant. Wood seasons well, does not warp or crack. Second group, pith-rays of two classes, very fine and broad, the latter very prominent on a vertical section, making a silver grain of rather large plates. Wood usually warps and splits in seasoning. Quercus soleriana Vid. Plate XXII, fig. 5. Cateban (Phil.). Philippines. Used comparatively little ; said not to be durable. ULMACEvE. Celtis australis L. Southern Europe, tropical and temperate Asia. Rather local in hilly country. Wood gray or yellowish -gray, with streaks of darker color, hard and heavy, tough and strong. Used for tool handles and other implements. Gamb. 625, tab. XIII, fig. 8; Nord. I. Other species of Celtis furnish wood much like the above and which is used for the same purposes. FOXWORTHY. 446 Trema amboinensis Blume. Anadiong (Phil.). Tropical Asia to Australia. \\ ood light-colored, soft or moderately hard ; moderately heavy. Pores small or moderate-sized; pith-rays fine and moderately broad. Used in light or temporary construction. Gamb. 630. MORACEiE. Artocarpus. Heartwood moderately hard to hard, yellow, turning brown on exposure, seasons well, moderately heavy to heavy, usually containing a white substance in pores and pith-rays. Pores moderate-sized to large, often surrounded by circular patches of wood parenchyma. Pith-rays fine to moderately broad, distinct, not numerous. Artocarpus integrifol ia L. f. Jak tree; lanca; nanca. India and Malaya; very widely cultivated. Yellowish to yellowish-brown, darkening very decidedly on exposure to the air. Heavy, moderately hard, readily polishing. Used for the backs of musical instruments, furniture and fine carpentering. Softer and finer grained than is the wood of most other members of the genus. Gamb. 652-654; Watt Diet. 1:332; Ridl. 257; Van Eed. 232; Stone 205; Holtzapffel 88. Artocarpus hirsuta Lamk. India and Malaya. Yellowish-brown, hard and heavy durable wood. Used for house build- ing, furniture, etc. Gamb. 652, tab. XIII, fig. 6; Nord. X; Watt Diet. 1 : 329-333. Artocarpus lancifolia Roxb. Keledang (M.). Federated Malay States. Heartwood hard and heavy, yellow, turning dark-red, close-grained, pores rather large partitioned, rays fine, conspicuous, lighter colored. Durable under ground and the favorite wood for Chinese coffins. Ridl. 256; Newton 4. Artocarpus nobilis Thw. Del (Cing.). Ceylon and British India. Furnishes a very readily worked wood similar to that of A. integrifolia. Gamb. 654 ; Stone 204. 3 lie following species are also of importance in the regions indicated: Artocarpus chaplasha Roxb. British India. Gamb. 654; Nord. X. Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb. British India and Malaya. Gamb. 655; Nord. X. Artocarpus gomeziana Wall. Malaya. Morubi(M.). Bargagli-Petrucci 12; Becc. 583. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 447 Artocarpus superba Becc. Mentawa (Borneo). Bargagli-Petrucci 12; Becc. 583. Artocarpus cumingiana Tree. Plate XXII, fig. 0. Anubing (Philippines) . Phil. Woods 372. All the above furnish hard and durable wood similar to that of A. hirsutn. Ficus. The species of this genus usually produce wood of inferior quality, and are of only local importance. Ficus nervosa Heyne. Ceylon. Used for tea chests. Lewis 310. Sloetia sideroxylon T. & B. Plate XXII, fig. 7. Tampines (M.). Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. Very hard and heavy, brownish-yellow, fine-grained wood. Formerly much used at Singapore and considered one of the most durable woods of the region. Now very scarce. Used for corner posts of houses, heavy construction, carrying poles, etc. Newton 3; Ridl. 254; Becc. 583; Bargagli-Petrucci 13, tab. IV. Taxotrophis ilicifolia Vid. Plate XXII, fig. 8. Cuius-Cuius (Phil.). Philippines. A very hard and heavy wood ; heartwood streaked with greenish or dark-brown, sometimes almost black. Frequently with scattered dark spots. Pores of medium size, scattered. Concentric, rather wide lines of wood parenchyma. Pith-rays fine but distinct. This is one of the most beautiful woods for walking sticks. (See p. 433.) URTICACEJE. Boehmeria rugulosa Wedd. British India. The pretty, reddish, ■ moderately hard, durable wood is used to make eating vessels, plates, vessels for milk and other drinkables. Gamb. G57 ; Nord. IX; Watt Diet, 1 :484. PROTEACE2E. Very large pith-rays always present and connected by narrow, contin- uous lines of wood parenchyma. Pores of moderate size. Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. Silk oak. Queensland and New South Wales, but cultivated throughout the tropical east. Wood hard, light-reddish-brown; sapwood grayish-white. Suitable for fancy furniture. Nbrd. IX; Gamb. 57G; Stone 185. 448 FOX WORTHY. Helicia. I his genus lias quite a number of species in this region, but they are not commonly found with large numbers of individuals. Helicia excelsa Bl. Membatu laiang. Malay Peninsula. A moderately hard and heavy wood. Ridl. 248. Helicia petiolaris Benn. Gong; putat tepi. Malay Peninsula. Very heavy and hard, used in house building. Ridl. 248. Helicia philippinensis Meissn. Plate XX1J, fig. 9. Philippines. Usually well up in the mountains and does not occur in quantity. Helicia robusta Wall. British India and Malaya. A hard and heavy wood which is used for house building. . Gamb. 575. Helicia sp.? Plate XXII, fig. 10. K’runtum; Semaior daun basa (M.). Sarawak. 1 am not at all sure of the determination of this wood, but its structuie seems closest to Ilclicict. This is an important wood in northern Sarawak. It is hard and heavy, reddish, coarse-grained and durable. It is used in house building. o SANTA LACIUK Exocarpus latifolius R. Br. Australia and the Malay Archipelago. Heartwood said to provide a substitute for sandalwood. (See p. 432.) Santalum album L. White or yellow sandalwood; chandan, sandal (Hind.) ; santagu (Burm.); sandana (Philippines and Borneo) . British India and Malaya. Wood yellow, reddish in spots, with alternate lighter and darker (reddish ) zones and inconspicuous vessels and pith-rays. The wood has a strong, penetrating, aromatic odor when first cut and this is stronger the darker the wood. Uniformly dense, moderately hard and heavy. Used I i om ilie mosi ancient times as incense for idols and the manufac- ture of oil, as well as for the manufacture of small ornaments. (See p. 432 for discussion of sandalwoods.) Gamb. 585-588; Wiesner 2:908; Nord. XI; Stone 191. Santalum freycinetianum Gaudich. and other species of the Hawaiian Islands also furnish some of the white and yellow sandalwood of commerce. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 449 OLACACEA3. Wood usually hard to very hard and heavy; pith-rays very fine and regular; pores small and scattered; wood parenchyma in very tine broken and irregular lines, connecting the pith-rays. Anacolosa luzoniensis Merr. Malabignay. Philippines. A pale reddish-brown wood. Hard and heavy. Used for house posts, etc. Several other species occur and are used in British Tndia, the Malay Peninsula, and Java. Ctenolophon parvifolius Oliv. Bungkal (M.). Malacca, Borneo, Sumatra. Wood rather soft, brownish-white, with very fine rays and few large pores, which are tilled with resin. Bull. 103. Ochanostachys amentacea Mast. Petaling (M.). Malacca and Borneo. Dark, yellowish-brown wood. Durable. Pores in short radial lines. Structure very much like that of Strombosia and wood used for the same things. Said to be proof against white ants. Ridl. 102. Ochanostachys bancana (Becc. ) Valeton, of Banca, Liennga, and Sumatra, is also known as petaling and is used for the same things. E.-Pr. Nachtr. 147. Scorodocarpus borneensis Becc. Plate XXII, fig. 11. Kulim (M.). Borneo and the Malay Peninsula. Wood very dark-brown; very hard and heavy, and very durable in the water. Seems to resist the teredo remarkably well and is therefore much in demand for piling. Also used for bridges and house construction. The wood, when fresh, has a very strong odor of onions. If the wood is not used promptly after being cut, a kind of dry rot starts in at the end of the log. The behavior here is much like that of liusin ( Parma - rium grifitliianum ) under similar conditions. Becc. 574; Ridl. 102; Bargagli-Petrucci 14, tab. IV. Strombosia philippinensis (Baill.) Rolfe. Plate XXII, fig. 12. Tamayuan. Philippines. Very hard, moderately heavy to heavy. Dull-yellowish to pinkish ; fine- and straight-grained. Posts, house building, joists, rooting, axe handles. Phil. Woods 393. Other species of Strombosia are found in Ceylon, British India, and Java. They much resemble the preceding and are used for the same purposes. 450 FOXWORTHY. Ximenia americana L. Bidara-laut (M. ) ; kakira. Tropical America, Africa, Asia, the Malay Archipelago and the Philippines. A hard and very heavy yellow tvood, in appearance and odor similar to the white sandalwood, and used for it in the East Indies. Gamb. 163; Ridl. 103; Pierre 265. MAGNOLIACE2E. Wood usually soft and not very durable, even-grained, white, gray, yellow or olive-brown. Seasonal rings distinct; pores small, fairly regular; pith-rays fine, numerous, regular. Not a group of much com- mercial importance. The wood is usually employed for work of only a temporary nature. The best known and generally used species is : Michelia champaca L. Plate XXIII, fig. 13. Champaca: tjempaca kuning (M.). Britisli India and Burma and cultivated everywhere in the tropics. Sap wood white, heartwood bright-olive-brown. This soft but durable wood is used for house and carriage building, as well as for furniture, cabinet work, carving, carriage panels, and tea-boxes. Gamb. 12; Nord. VIII; Watt Diet. 5:243; Lewis 308; ltidl. 9; K. & V. 4:161; Van Eed. 4; Pierre 3; Janssonius 1:103. Other species are used, but this seems to be the best. ANONACEiE. This is one of the most sharply marked families in the structure of its wood. The pith-rays are moderately large and prominent, and they are connected by straight, parallel lines of wood parenchyma, which, with the pith-rays, give a distinctly ladder-like appearance to the wood. The color is often very light, though it is sometimes dark. The trees of this family are not commonly very large and the wood is often not very durable ; moreover, the individuals are usually of scattered occur- rence; consequently the wood is not ordinarily used in structural work or where large quantities of timber are required. The following are some of the better known Anonacece. Canangium odoratum Baill. ( Cananga odorata Hook. f. & Th.). Plate XXIII, fig. 14. Ilang-ilang (Phil.); kadatnyan (Burm.) ; kananga (M.). Britisli India and Malaya; cultivated in all tropical lands. A light but tolerably hard wood; used for structural purposes and cabinet work. Sometimes used for house posts in the Philippines. Resonant and much used by Malays for tom-toms. Gamb. 16; K. & V. 9:279-283; Van Eed. 7; Pierre 18; Ridl. 10; Janssonius 1:121. Cyathocalyx zeyianicus Champ. Kekala (Cing.). British India and Ceylon. Wood moderately hard, yellowish-white, used for tea-chests. Lewis 308. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 451 Goniothalamus tapis Miq. Tapis (M.). Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. Moderately hard and heavy; said to be used for house building in Java. Van Eed. 8; Ridl. 10. Miliusa velutina Hook. f. & Th. Dom-sal (Hind.); Thabutkyi (Burin.). East Indies. Light-brown, tolerably hard wood; easily worked and durable; used for carts, agricultural implements, spear shafts and oars. Gamb. 21; Watt Diet. 5:545. Mitrephora edwardsii Pierre. Tropical Asia. Yellowish, hard and very pliable. Used for balances, and small articles of furniture. Pierre 35. Polyalthia cerasioides Benth. & Hook. f. British India and Burma. Greenish-brown, moderately hard and heavy, wood for house-finishing, masts and spars. Gamb. 17; Watt Diet. SDSIS. Polyalthia longifolia (Lam.) Benth. & Hook. f. Indian fir; mast tree. India and Ceylon; cultivated in all parts of India. Produces white to yellowish, soft, very readily bent wood, for barrels, drum cylinders, boxes, lead pencils and matches. Watt Diet. 6R314; Gamb. 18. Polyalthia suberosa (DC.) Benth. & Hook. f. British India and Ceylon, Philippines. A hard, heavy, tough and durable wood, used like the preceding. Watt Diet. 1. c. 314; Gamb. 17. Polyalthia subcordata BI. Java and Borneo. Produces, presumably, the very peculiar cabinet wood “Baloen adock.” Van Eed. 8 ; Janssonius 1 : 134. Xylopia parvifolia Hook. f. et Thoms. Ceylon. Produces wood for tea-chests. Lewis 308; Gamb. 20. MYKISTICACErE. Wood usually light, somewhat soft, reddish-brown, with regular prom- inent rings of hard wood without pores, looking like seasonal rings. Pores in short radial strings, moderate-sized, rather scanty, arranged en echelon. Pith-rays fine, numerous, irregular. 452 FOX WORTHY. Myristica malabarica Lam. British India. Used for structural work but is not very durable. Gamb. 555. Myristica philippensis Warb. Plate XXlII, fig. 15. Duguan. Philippines. Wood moderately hard and moderately heavy, not durable, badly attacked by the beetles. Light or temporary construction. Phil. Woods 381. Other species of Myristica have wood of much the same structure and used for the same purposes as that here described. In Borneo, the wood of Myristica is often known as cumpang. Bawang, a fairly good wood of Dutch East Borneo, seems to belong here. This wood is shipped to the New York market, to be used in the making of cigar boxes. Some of the vessels are large and filled with a dark-red gummy deposit. Lewis 309. MONIMIACE2E. Wood soft or moderately hard, usually light and not durable. Pores small, fairly numerous, regular. Pith-rays broad, at irregular distances, with fine ones between. Usually of little importance. Tambourissa quadrifida Sonn. Mascarenes, Java. Produces the very light “bois de tambour.” LAURACE2E. The woods of this family are exceedingly variable in structure and appearance, as well as in physical and chemical properties. Many rep- resentatives of the family have wood which has a very pronounced odor, usually agreeable, but markedly unpleasant in some, as e. g. the “stink wood” ( Ocotea biillata) of South Africa. The woods of the family can be grouped roughly according to several types which are probably best handled under the common names of their best known representatives. BILLIAN. Eusideroxylon zwageri T. & B. Plate XXIII, fig. 18. Billian (M.) ; kajoe besi ( M. ) ; Borneo ironwood; ulin (oelin) ( E. Borneo) ; eijserhout (Dutch) Borneo, Sumatra, Banka, possibly also in the Malay Peninsula. Wood very hard and very heavy. Extremely durable. Yellowish to dark-brown, becoming almost black with age. Pith-rays fine; vessels medium-size to large, fringed with wood parenchyma which is continued tangentially into fine, usually discontinuous lines. Large vessels divided longitudinally into several compartments and filled with a yellowish, glistening crystalline substance, which also seems to fill many of the wood 1 bsl)0-MALAYAN WOODS. 453 parenchyma cells. Woody tissue very dark and giving a strongly glisten- ing surface in fresh transverse cut. Uses. Piling, heavy construction, bridges, telegraph and telephone poles. Much used for shingles in Borneo. Said not to shrink on ex- posure to weather. Proof against termites. Perhaps the best wood in the world for piling. Resists termites and ship worm— perhaps because of the action of the substance filling the vessels and wood parenchyma celi&. Binds of billion. — At most places where billion is woiked, it is claimed that there are two or more kinds of this wood ; e. g. billion simpor , billion bulu, billion tembaga , etc. It is certainly true that some billion is much lighter and less durable than the standard sort. Some billion is so light that it will float when dry. There is a difference between sap and heart- wood and between rapidly grown and normal trees which will, I think, account for this. I have made efforts to examine the lighter grades of billion wherever they occurred and I have uniformly found those trees producing the lighter grades of billion to be very rapidly grown; in fact, they were second growth trees, having started as sprouts from old stumps. The young stump sprouts, being supplied with great quantities of nourish- ment by the established root system of the old stump, were able to make exceedingly rapid growth. In making this growth, theie was not time for the deposit in the vessels and tissues of those substances which make for weight and durability in as great quantities as is the case where the tree grows at its normal and slower rate; consequently, the rapidly grown young wood is not so heavy nor so durable and, probably, not so strong as that of the normally grown tree. Billion is one of the very few woods of Borneo which is known outside this region. It is exported to Europe in some quantity and has been used for piling at several places in Holland and France. It is deserving, of wider use, but a few years vigorous exploiting will exhaust the available supply of it. It is one of the trees which is deserving of planting and careful handling. Ridl. 247; Newt. 4; Bargagli-Petrucci 18; Becc. 581; Blits 27. CAMPHORWOOD. Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Nees & Eberm. Plate XXIII, fig. 17. China, Formosa, Japan, and cultivated in many other regions. Wood moderately hard and light to moderately heavy. Grayish to dark-red, often prettily marked. Grain rather coarse. Pith-rays fine, vessels moderately large to small. Distinct seasonal rings piesent, the larger vessels being arranged in the young wood and the smaller ones en echelon in the older wood. A rapidly growing wood. Durable, because of the very large amount of camphor it contains and which renders it distasteful to insects. It is used very extensively in the making of chests. 454 FOXWORTHY. wardrobes, etc. It is so much in demand that it is very much imitated. Sott and absorbent woods are used in place of camphonvood very often, the wood being treated with a solution of camphor or other oil, which gives it, temporarily, an odor resembling that of the camphonvood. (See p. 42G.) Fliickiger, Pharmakognosie, III, Aufl. (1891) 151; Van Eed. 201; HoltzapfTel 78. A number of other trees in the Lauracece furnish highly aromatic wood which sometimes resembles camphonvood in odor. Some of the Borneo and Philippine species of Cinnamomum and possibly other genera, have wood which is so strongly aromatic that it could probably be very well employed for the same kinds of work as the true camphonvood. The strongest scented one of these is a Sarawak wood known as kappla (Becc. 581), of which I have only sterile material and which I am unable to put in a genus. Another very strongly scented wood of the same region is known as medang lada; it is a species of Cinnamomum, and occurs locally in some quantity. MEDANG. This is a name applied to a large number of different species which show some resemblance in the structure of their wood. One of the best known of these is Litsea perrottetii F.-Vill. (Plate XXIII, fig. 19) of the Philippines, which is known in Manila as baticulin. The pith-rays of the different medangs are fine to moderately broad ; vessels fine; seasonal rings not distinct. Fine-grained; soft or moderately hard woods; white or grayish in color; usually very easily worked and not very durable. They are used for light or temporary construction and are pretty widely known. Fifteen or twenty or more kinds of medang are found, but they are not clearly marked off one from another, because the trees producing them are usually more or less scattered. By cutting a number of different kinds of medang it is possible to get timber in some quantity in many localities, while, if only one particular kind of medang were used, it would not be possible to get sufficient of the wood for many purposes. This probably accounts for the composite nature of the wood supply known as medang. Sometimes dark-colored woods are found under this name, but the lighter-colored ones are much the more common. Representatives of the following genera of this part of the world may occasionally be found under the name of medang: Machilus, Phoebe, Notaphoebe, Aciinodaphne, Neohtsea, Litsea, Dchaasia , Cryptocarya, Endiandra and Lindera. Occasionally dark-yellowish woods, species of Beilschmiedia , are found which seem to be really intermediate between billian and medang. Beil- schmiedia cairocan Yid. (Plate XXIII, fig. 16) of the Philippines, known as malacadios, is a very good wood of this class. Some species of Cryptocarya probably belong also in this class. INDOMALAYAN WOODS. 455 HERNANDIACE^E. A very small family of scattered trees. Wood usually of poor quality, soft and light. Gyrocarpus jacquini Roxb. Tropics of both hemispheres. Very soft and very light. Pores large and medium-sized, scanty, often subdivided, uniformly distributed. Pith-rays very short, moderately broad, the distance between them greater than the transverse diameter of the pores. Used for boxes, toys and small boats. Gamb. 350. Hernandia peltata Meissn. Palatu (Cing.). Seacoasts of tropics everywhere. Very soft and very light, gray. Pores moderate-sized to large; col- lected in oblong or linear more or less concentric dark scattered patches of loose tissue. Pith-rays very fine, numerous, with occasional broader ones. Cellular tissue soft. Gamb. 575. CAP PARI DACE2E. Wood white or yellowish-white, moderately hard or hard. The main character useful in determination is that of pores in radial lines, not between each pair of pith-rays, but at intervals, pairs without pores coming between those that contain pores. Capparis grandis L. f. British India, Burma and Ceylon. A white, moderately hard, durable wood. Gamb. 35; Nord. X; Watt Diet. 2:130. Crataeva religiosa Forst. Widespread in the tropics. Wood yellowish- white, when old turning yellowish-brown, moderately hard, even-grained. Used for drums, models, writing boards, combs and in turnery. Not durable and liable to the attacks of beetles. Gamb. 32; Nbrd. X. PITTOSPORACE2E. Wood white, moderately hard, even-grained. Seasonal rings faintly marked. Pores small, rather scanty and irregularly distributed. Pith- rays fine, prominent, not numerous, pale. Pittosporum ferrugineum Ait. Giramong (M.). Malay Peninsula and Archipelago to Australia. Light to moderately heavy and soft or moderately hard. Wood white, fine-grained, pores very small in clusters, fairly numerous, pith-rays fine but rather distinct, rings fairly distinct. Ridl. 12; Janssonius 1:22(5. 456 FOXWORTHY. HAMAMELIDACEiE. "Wood close-grained, pores in radial rows, not very numerous, small and very small and only a few with wide lumen, uniformly distributed ; pith- rays very fine, numerous. Altingia excelsa Noronha. Rasamala (M.) ; nan-ta-yoh (Burin.). British India, Burma, Java. W ood hard, heavy, resinous, red, cross-grained. Pores small, uniform and uniformly distributed in lines between the pith-rays. Pith-rays fine, equidistant. Planks or indoor work in dry places. Garnb. 332; Ndrd. IX (Liquidambar altingiana Bl.) ; Watt Diet. 1: 201; Van Eed. 124. Bucklandia populnea R. Br. British India, Burma, Sumatra, Java. Wood reddish-brown, rough, moderately hard and heavy, close-grained, durable. Seasonal rings marked by a dark line with fewer pores. Pores small, evenly distributed in radial lines. Pith-rays fine, very numerous, uniform and equidistant. Planking and door and window frames. Gamb. 331, tab. VII, fig. 2; Ndrd. IX; Van Eed. 125; Watt Diet. 1:545. Foth erg ilia involucrata Falc. {Parrotia jacquemontiana Dene.). Himalaya. Very hard and very heavy, very close-grained; light pinkish-white; pores extremely small, rather scanty. Walking sticks, tent-pegs, char- poys, apd rice-pestles, also for native bows for throwing pellets. Gamb. 331; Watt Diet. 1:111. ROSACEiE. The trees of this family have usually a very fine-grained and uniform wood; however, the only genera of importance from our present viewpoint, Parinarium and Pygeum, have wood of different structure; these have vessels of medium size to large. All of these rosaceous woods seem to be possessed of a more or less pronounced oxalic acid odor. Parinarium. Wood very hard and heavy; vessels large and scattered; wavy thin lines of wood parenchyma usually present; the one exception known to me is Parinarium oblongifolium Hook, f., which seems to have wood of the structure of a Pygeum. Parinarium griffithianum Benth. Plate XXIII, fig. 20. Liusin (Phil.); Merbatu layang (M. ) ; Manoc (Java and Celebes). Tenasseriin or Andaman Islands, Malacca, Borneo, Philippines, to Australia. Of wide distribution and rather scattered occurrence; a large tree. Wood very hard and heavy, light-red; an exceedingly durable wood, but INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 457 subject to dry rot at the heart. In demand for piles. Very much like the South American P. guianense. (Stone 101, pi. VII, jig. 57.) Gard. 67; Phil. Woods 386; Ridl. 145; Van Eed. 122. Parinarium oblong ifol ium Hook. f. Ballow (M.) ; Johore teak. Malacca, Pahang. Wood very hard and heavy, with the structure of Pygeum spp. This wood was formerly used for piling at Singapore, and exported from there to Ceylon, etc., but the supply of it was not great and seems to have become almost exhausted. 1 believe it impossible to procure it on the Singapore market at the present time. It has given way to a dipterocarp wood from Borneo, probably a species of Shorea, which is sold under the name of ballow. Ridl. 144; Newton 3. Pygeum maingayi Hook. f. Fafoo laut (M.). Malacca. Wood hard and heavy, pale-olive or olive-white with brownish striae and gamboge-colored stains ; coarse grain. Construction work. Other species of Pygewn are also used; but, so far as known, they agree in structure with the preceding, and do not occur in any considerable quantity. Ridl. 145. Pygeum pres I i i Merr. Plate XXIII, fig. 21. Lago. Philippines. Wood moderately hard and moderately heavy, red; fine-grained, but with occasional concentric lines of large pores which contain red deposits. Used in house building. LEGUMINOSiE. This is, next to the Dipterocarpacece , the most important family of plants in the Orient in the production of commercial wood. In the pro- duction of furniture and ornamental woods, it surpasses all others. Many representatives of the family have hard, heavy wood, which is often highly colored and shows good grain. Many of the woods are also good for structural work. Several clearly marked types of structure are found in the family, but these structural types do not entirely correspond to the natural divi- sions of the family. Gamble1 has grouped the Indian members of the family in seven groups according to structure. I have followed him in the main, but have found it desirable to combine two of his groups, the Ougeinia and ‘Manual of Indian Timbers (1902) 227. 88250 — —4 458 FOXWORTHY. Albizzia groups, because, in practice, I have not found them readily distinguishable. The different types of structure as T have recognized them are: 1. OUGEINIA-ALBIZZIA TYPE. Vessels moderately large, scattered or more or less distinctly radially or concentrically grouped ; distinctly fringed with wood parenchyma, which usually forms elongated patches, which are sometimes almost con- tinuous concentrically. 1 his is much the largest and most representative group in the family. Examples of this type of structure are: Ougeinia dalbergioicleSj Tntsia hi jug a, Albizzia procera. 2. ACACIA-CASSIA TYPE. Vessels inclosed in irregularly shaped patches of wood parenchyma, which are more or less united into a reticulate pattern. Cassia fistula , C. nodosa , and many species of Acacia. 3. DALBERGIA TYPE. Vessels ringed, rather scanty, usually independent of the narrow, wavy, numerous regularly distributed bands of wood parenchyma. Dalbergia spp., Pterocarpus spp., Dialium spp. 4. BAUH1NIA TYPE. Aumeious, regularly distributed, rather broad, concentric bands of wood parenchyma, usually inclosing the pores. Cynometra, Crudia blancoi , Bauhinia. 5. HARDWICIvlA TYPE. A essels scattered, not inclosed in patches of wood parenchyma, con- centric bands of wood parenchyma usually wanting. Sindora, Hard- wickia, Caesalpinia sappan. 6. ERYTHRINA TYPE. \ essels large, scanty, unequal, irregular. Alternate broad bands of wood parenchyma and fibers making, with the pith-rays, a tesselated pattern. Erythrina, Butea and Millettia. These different forms may be tabulated in a key as follows: Wood parenchyma prominent about vessels or arranged concentrically. Wood parenchyma in patches surrounding the vessels. Wood parenchyma patches not continuous Ougeinia-A Ibigzia type \\ ood parenchyma patches connected and forming definite pattern. Patches united to form reticulate pattern Acacia-Cassia type AY ood parenchyma forming concentric lines. Lines narrow, wavy, numerous usually not inclosing pores Dalbergia type Lines moderately broad, inclosing pores Bauhinia type Lines very broad, wood very soft Erythrina type YVood parenchyma not prominent Hardwickia type INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 459 OUGEINIA -ALBIZZIA TYPE. Acacia catechu Willd. Khair (Hind.) ; mgenda or mgunga; the cutch tree. Tropical Africa and Asia. Usually considered as one of the woods of the Hardwickia type (see p. 469.) Very hard and heavy, durable. Sapwood yellowish-white; heartwood either dark- or light-red. Principal use, the preparation of cutch, which is extracted from the heartwood by boiling. Railway sleepers, rice- mortars, and agricultural implements. Watt Diet. 1:27-44; Gamb. 29G-298; Nord. IX; Van Eed. 112. Probably some other species of Acacia belong to this group, but they are not of sufficient importance to be worthy of mention here. Acrocarpus fraxinifolius W. & A. Delimas (Java). British India, Sumatra. Moderately hard and moderately heavy. Sapwood white; heartwood red. Used for tea-boxes and furniture. Gamb. 290; Nord. IX; K. & V. 1:320-323; Van Eed. 113. Adenanthera pavonina L. ‘‘Red wood”; “Condori wood”; “coral wood”; mas-moca ( Cingh. ) . Tropical Asia; introduced into tropical Africa and America. Wood hard and heavy, close-grained, durable; sapwood gray; heart- wood red. Used in house building and for cabinet work. A dye is also made from the wood. A substitute for the “red sanders.” Gamb. 287; Watt Diet. 1:107; Wiesner 2:920; Ridl. 142; K. & V. 1:281-283; Holtzapffel 82; Winton 242; Van Eed. 114. Adenanthera bicolor Moon, of Ceylon and Malacca, and A. intermedia Merr., of the Philippines, show the same characteristics as the preceding. Albizzia amara Boiv. Tropical and subtropical Asia and Africa. Produces a pretty, heavy, and exceedingly hard wood. Heartwood purple-brown, light- and dark-banded. Said to have a transverse strength in excess of either teak or sal. Used for house building and for agri- cultural implements. Watt Diet. 1:153. Albizzia julibrissin Durazz. Tropical and subtropical Asia and Africa. Seasonal rings distinctly marked by a sharp line. Prettily marked dark-brown to black heartwood; used for furniture. E.-Pr. 33: 106 ; Watt Diet. 1 :156. Albizzia lebbeck Benth. Siris (Hind.); ki-toke (Java); “East Indian wal- nut” of the London market. Tropical and subtropical Asia and Africa to Australia. Wood hard; sapwood white or yellowish; heartwood dark-brown, streaked with lighter or darker streaks. House and boat building, agricultural implements, furniture, and the finest cabinet work. Gamb. 303; Watt Diet. 1:157; Nord. V ( Acacia speciosa Willd.), IX ( Albizzia lebbeck Benth.) ; Van Eed. 114; K. & V. 1 :297-299; Stone 74, pi. V, fig. Jt0. FOXWORTHY. 460 Albizzia lebbekoides Benth. Java, Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, Philippines. Heartwood very dark-brown. Pierre 399; Van Eed. 115; K. & V. 1 : 306-308. Albizzia littoralis T. & B. Kelor-pante (M.). Philippines and Malaya. Not much used. Van Eed. 115; K. & V. 1:301-303. Albizzia moluccana Miq. Sengon-Iaoet (Java). Java and the Moluccas. Strasburger Hist. Beitr. 3:166-176; Ridl. 143; Van Eed. 115; BUrgerstein Bericht. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. (1894) 170-172. Albizzia montana Benth. “Caju Ticcos major;” kemlandingan (Java). Java, Sumatra, New Caledonia, Australia. The odor of the hard and durable wood ( lignum murinum) attracts mice. E.-Pr. 3s: 106; Van Eed. 116; K. & V. 1: 292-295. Albizzia odoratissima Benth. Suriya-mara. India, Ceylon. Hard, very durable; sapwood white, heartwood dark-brown, brightly banded. Agricultural implements and furniture. Looks like rosewood. E.-Pr. 33: 106 ; Watt Diet. 1:159; Stone 73, pi. V, fig. 1,0 ; Pierre 398. Albizzia procera Benth. “White siris”; acleng parang (Phil.). India and Burma, Andaman and Cocos Islands, to the Philippines. Wood hard and moderately heavy to heavy. Sapwood large, yellowish- white, not durable; heartwood brown, shining, with alternate belts of darker and lighter color; very like that of A. lebbek and often indis- tinguishable from it. Sugar cane crushers, rice pounders, wheels, agri- cultural implements, bridges, and house posts. Often used in the Philippines as a substitute for aclc ( Pitliecolobium acle (Blanco) Vid.), which it much resembles. Gamb. 305; Watt Diet. 1:159; Nord. XI, V (Mimosa elata) ; Van Eed. 116; Pierre 398. Albizzia saponaria Blume. Gogong casay (Phil.). Malaya. Wood whitish, not durable, capable of producing a lather when rubbed with water. Albizzia stipulata Boiv. Tropical and subtropical Asia and Malay Archipelago. Sapwood large, white; heartwood brown, soft. A good insect-proof wood. House building, agricultural implements, furniture, and cabinet making. E.-Pr. 3s: 106; Van Eed. 117; K. & V. 1:303-305. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 461 Dichrostachys cinerea W. & A. Poeng (Java). India. A red, extraordinarily hard wood; valued for walking sticks and tent pegs. Watt Diet. 3:109; Van Eed. 117; K. & V. 1:283-285. Gliricidia sepium (Jaeq.) Steud. Madre cacao; cacahuate. Commonly cultivated and escaped in the Philippines; introduced from tropical America. Produces an excellent wood, much like acle. Vessels containing yellow deposits. Used in house building and for agricultural implements. This wood furnishes a much more glistening surface when cut than does acle. Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) 0. Ktze. ( Afzelia bijuga A. Gray). Plate XXIV, fig. 26. Ipil ; ypil; epel; miraboo laut; merbau apil; ifi-lele (Samoa); ifil (Guam); go-mioc (Annam). Distributed throughout the eastern tropics from Madagascar to the Sandwich Islands. A littoral tree. Heavy and hard (sp. gr. 0.758 to 0.909). Sapwood whitish or light- yellow; heartwQod dark-reddish-brown. Sent to Europe as furniture wood. Also used as a dyewood. Wiesner 2:928; Gard. 59; Phil. Woods 384; Gamb. 280; Van Eed. 101; Watt Diet. 1:128; E.-Pr. 3a:140; K. &. V. 2:31-35; Pierre 388; Becc. 577; Bargagli- Petrucci 32-34, plate VI. Intsia bakeri Prain (Afzelia palembanica Bak.). Merbau; mirabow; mi- raboo; “ironwood.” A very large tree of Sumatra, Borneo, the Malay Peninsula, Biouw, and Banka, growing inland. This and the preceding, together with other species of the genus, furnish one of the best woods of the whole region. It is very much in demand for furniture, heavy structural work, bridges, corner posts of houses, telephone and electric light posts, and, in fact, anywhere that an insect- and decay-resisting wood is needed. The wood is distinguished by the copious sulphur-yellow deposits in its vessels. There is little, if anything, to choose between ipil and 'mirabow . The ipil, at least when fresh, is a shade the darker in color, otherwise the two are indistinguish- able. Van Eed. 102; Eidl. 140; Newton 4. Ormosia calavensis Blanco. Bahay; ala-saga. Philippines. Moderately hard and heavy. Sapwood grayish-white; heartwood red. A very good wood, which is used locally as a substitute for tindalo ( Palladia rliomboidea (Blanco) Prain). Other species of the genus occur in India and Malaya, but they are of only local importance. FOX WORTHY. 462 Ougeinia dalbergioides Benth. ( Dalbergia ougeinensis Roxb.). India. Sapwood small, gray; heartwood mottled, light-brown, sometimes reddish-brown. Used for furniture, agricultural implements and con- struction. Very prominent parallel transverse markings in longitudinal sections. Gamb. 2.3 7 ; Nord. IX, VIII ( Dalbergia ougeinensis Roxb.) ; Watt Diet. 5:657. Pahudia rhomboidea (Blanco) Brain (Afzelia rhomboidea V id.). Tindalo. Philippines. Heavy and hard. Sapwood white ; heartwood saffron or red, becoming ver.y much darker with age. One of the finest furniture woods; also used for structural work, railroad ties, etc. Gard. 62; Phil. Woods. 395. Pahudia javanica Miq. Ki-djoelang (Java). Java and the Sunda Archipelago. \ cry much like the preceding. Sp. gr. 0.70 to 0.77. Van Fed. 106; E. Pr. 33: 141 ; K. & V. 2:28-30. Parkia roxburghii G. Don, Plate XXIV, fig. 32. C'upang (Phil.) ; kurayong; gudayong; kadoeng (M. ). India, Indo-China, and Malaya. Light and soft. Light color, disagreeable odor when first cut. Not durable. Light or temporary construction, matches, shoes, boxes. Gamb. 289; Phil. Woods 381; Gard. 69; Ridl. 142. Parkia speciosa Hassk. Petai. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java. Much like the preceding and used for the same purposes. Ridl. 142; Van Eed. 119. Peltophorum ferrugineum Benth. ( Baryxylum inerme Pierre). Lim-vaneh (Cochin China). Andaman Islands, Ceylon, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, Cochin China Philippines. Wood light-reddish-brown, soft, durable. Pores moderate-sized, often subdivided, scanty; inclosed singly, or in groups of twos or threes, in patches ol wood parenchyma which often join together concentrically. Pith-rays very fine, very numerous, closely packed. Said to be very good for house building, furniture, cabinet work, and small boats. The heartwood also gives a dye used for dyeing cloth. Gamb. 268; K. & V. 2:3-6; Van Eed. 106; Ridl. 137; Pierre 390. Peltophorum dasyrachis Kurz ( Baryxylum dasyrachis Pierre). Lim-xet (Cochin China). Indo-China, Siam, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra. ^ Much hke the preceding and, like it, used for furniture etc., in Cochin China. Recommended for wood pavement, Pierre 391 ; Jumelle 336-339. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 463 Pithecolobium acle (Blanco) Vid. Acle. Philippines. Moderately heavy and hard. Sapwood whitish; heartwood dark- brown, like English walnut. Decidedly peppery odor when worked. Very fine furniture wood. Gard. 63; Phil. Woods 369. Other species of Pithecolobium, so far as seen, may be grouped heie: 1 . dulce Bentli; P. acutum Benth. ; P. lobatum Benth., Becc. 576; P. montanum Benth., B.-Pr. 3s: 105; P. prainianum Merr.; P. scutiferum (Blanco) Benth., and P. subacutum Benth. Tamarindus indica L. Tamarind. Africa, India, Burma, Ceylon, Malaya; widely cultivated in the tropics. Hard and very heavy. Sapwood yellowish- white, sometimes with red streaks; heartwood dark-purplish-brown. Ripple marks on longitudinal section. Very durable, insect proof. Turnery and charcoal. Gamb. 278; Nord. V; Watt Diet. 6‘:409; E.-Pr. 33:140. Wallaceodendron celebicum Koord. Banuyo (Phil.); kayu-besi-prempuan (M.). Celebes and the Philippines. Moderately heavy and moderately hard. Similar to aclc in appearance and sometimes substituted for it. Phil. Woods 376; Gard. 65; Koorders Meded. ’s Lands Plant. 19 (1898) 446-448. Xylia xylocarpa (Boxb.) Taub. (X. dolabriformis Benth. ) . Pyingadu; “iron- wood;” cam-x6 (Cochin China). India and Burma to Cochin China. After teak the most important wood of Burma. Very hard and very heavy, cross-grained. Heartwood dark-brown or reddish-brown. In fresh condition, the vessels secreting an adhesive substance. Xot attacked bv termites. A splendid material for ship and house construction, railway sleepers, paving blocks, tent-pegs, telegraph poles, agricultural imple- ments, carts, tool handles, piling, bridge building, etc. Watt Diet. 64:320, Agricultural Ledger (1899) no. 11, 1-21; Sender 691; Gamb. 285-287, tab. VI, fig. 5; Nord. IX. IV ( Inga xylocarpa) ; Boulger 123. Sometimes said to be the same as acle. It is much heavier than that wood and is suited for different purposes. ACACIA-CASSIA TYPE. Cassia fistula L. Cana fistula (Phil.) ; “Indian laburnum;” sundali (Beng.). India, China and Malaya; widespread and widely cultivated. Wood very hard and very heavy. Sapwood large; heartwood varying in color from gray or yellowish-red to brick-red ; darkens much on exposure. Durable but brittle, difficult to work, apt to splinter, the wood is distinguished from that of the otherwise similar Ougeinia dul- ler gioides by the arrangement of the parenchyma in unbroken, girdle- forming zones, while that of the last named forms distinctly divided 464 FOXWORTHY. groups. In Java said to last longer in the ground than teak and to he untouched by insects. Posts, carts, agricultural implements, rice- pounders, bows and boat-spars and bed-plates for machinery. Gamb. 271, tab. VI. fig. 3; Nord. VIII; Van Eed. 103; Ridl. 136; Watt Diet. 2:219; K. & V. 2:11-13. Cassia javanica L. Trenggoeli. Malaya. Moderately hard and heavy. Sapwood light; heartwood grayish or reddish. Used in house construction. Van Eed. 104; E.-Pr. 33:159; K. & V. 2:8-11. Cassia nodosa Ham. Plate XXIV, fig. 27. Turukop bumi. India and Malaya. Moderately hard and moderately heavy. Sapwood light-brown; heart- wood red. Not a very useful wood. Gamb. 273; Ilidl. 136. Cassia siamea Lam. ( C . florida Vahl). Sibusuk (M.) ; wa (Cing.). Ceylon, India and Malaya. Haid and heavy, durable. Sapwood whitish, rather large; heartwood dark-brown to nearly black, in stripes of dark and light. Wood for building, helves, walking sticks, mallets, fuel. Gamb. 274; Van Eed. 105; Ridl. 136; Watt Diet. 2:223. Cassia timorensis DC. Anemene. India, Malaya, Australia. Very hard and heavy. Dark-brown, nearly black — much resembling the u ood of C. sio/mca. Used for house building and furniture. Gamb. 274; Van Eed. 105; Watt Diet. 2:224; K. & V. 2:13-15. Prosopis spicigera L. Jhand. British India. Wood very hard and very heavy. Sapwood large, whitish, perish- able, heartwood purplish-brown. Firewood. Structural work, furni- ture. Not durable. Gamb. 288, tab. VI, fig. 6; Nord. VIII; Watt Diet. 4:341. DALBERGIA TYPE. Pipple marks on tangential surface. Dalbergia cultrata Grah. Yindaik. Burma. Very hard and very heavy. Sapwood pale-brown; heartwood black with dark-purple streaks. Watt Diet. 3:6. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 465 Dalberg ia latifolia Roxb. “Indian rosewood;” “blackwood” in southern India. British India, Java, Andaman Islands. Wood very hard and very heavy. Sapwood yellow, small; heartwood dark-purple, with black longitudinal streaks. Wood with distinct rose- like odor. The best wood of India for furniture and cabinet work. Exported to the London market. Seems to be the material used in the manufacture of blackwood furniture in Hongkong and Canton. Gamb. 250-252, tab. VI, fig. lj Nbrd. VII; Van Eed. 94; Stone 63, pi. V. fig. 37 j Watt Diet. 3:9; E.-Pr. 33:336; K. & V. 2:77-82; Holtzapffel 83. Dalbergia oliveri Gamble. Tamalan. Burma. Hard and very hard, close-grained. Sapwood white ; heartwood dark- red-brown, in color like good padouk. A very handsome wood very like some of the South American rosewoods. It is used for ax handles. Gamb. 256. Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. Sissu. British India. Very hard and heavy. Sapwood small, white; heartwood brown, with darker longitudinal veins. Shipbuilding and furniture. Gamb. 247-249; Nord. IV; Watt Diet, 3:15; E.-Pr. 33:336; Holtzapffel 106. Dialium indum L. Kranji. Java. Very hard and heavy wood, durable. Heartwood usually of a reddish color. Used for heavy structural work and in places where great strength and hardness are required. A number of other species of Dialium occur in British India, the Malay Peninsula and the Malay Archipelago. They usually occur as scattered individuals. Newt. 5; Ridl. 138; E.-Pr. 33: 155 ; Gamb. 275; Van Eed. 105; Bargagli- Petrucci 30-32, tab. VI. Koompassia beccariana Taub. Kumpas; mingris. Borneo. Very hard and heavy; pale-reddish, not durable. Bargagli-Petrucci 28-30; Becc. 577. Koompassia excelsa (Becc.) Taub. (,■ 1 bauria cxcelsa Becc.) . Tapang; kayu rajali; manga ris. Borneo. Very heavy and very hard. Sapwood yellowi sh- white ; heartwood dark- red, becoming almost black with age. The buttresses of this tree are used for table tops. Wood used for carving paddles and for making the pans used in the hand washing of gold. Strong but very brittle. Becc. 576; Bargagli-Petrucci 24, pi. VI. FOXWORTHY. 466 Koompassia malaccensis Maingay. Kumpas. Malay Peninsula. Reddish, very hard and moderately heavy, coarse-grained, not durable. Charcoal. Newt. 5; Ridl. 137; E.-Pr. 33:156. Koompassia parviflora Prain. Tualang or sialang (M.). Malay Peninsula. Ridl. 138. Pterocarpus. Wood hard to very hard, moderately heavy to very heavy; yellowish-brown, red, or purplish-red. Pores variable, small to large, scanty, in patches of wood parenchyma joined by more or less tine, wavy, concentric lines of the same tissue. Pith-rays very fine, uniform, equi- distant. In color, the different species differ; P. santalinus has its wood of a very dark claret-red color; P. indicus and P. macrocarpus of a dark brick-red color ; P. dalbergioides has a bright-red wood, often streaked with black ; while the wood of P. marsupium is of a brown color with a yellowish tinge. All the species are valuable as furniture and ornamental woods and all contain a certain amount of a substance which gives them an aromatic odor. Pterocarpus dalbergioides Roxb. “Andaman redwood” or Andaman padauk. Andaman Islands. Wood moderately hard' and heavy; sapwood gray, small; heartwood bright-red, streaked with brown and black. Pores scanty, moderate- sized to large, filled with resin, surrounded with pale rings and joined by narrow, wavy, concentric lines of wood parenchyma. Pith-rays very fine, very numerous, uniform and equidistant, Padauk is used in Europe and America for furniture, parquet-floors, railway carriages, door-frames, balustrades, etc. Most successfully used in the building of Pullman cars in America. One of the most important export furniture woods of the whole region. Gamb. 257-259; Van Eed. 97. Pterocarpus echinatus Pers. Narra (Phil.). Philippines and Celebes. Much like the preceding. Phil. Woods 390. Pterocarpus hypostictus Miq. Tarpandi. Sumatra. Masts. Van Eed. 97. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 467 Pterocarpus indicus Willd. Plate XXIY, fig. 28. Narra (Phil.) ; angsana (M.). Southern India to the Malay Archipelago and southern China, Philippines. Heartwood of a splendid red; moderately hard and with slightly aromatic odor, durable, not attacked by termites, easily w'orked and polished. Furniture and wagon building. Watt Diet. 61 : 356 ; E.-Pr. 33 : 34 1 ; Ridl. 135; Culbertson in Bot. Gaz. 21 (1894) 498; Gamb. 257; Van Eed. 98; Gard. 57; Phil. Woods 390; K. & V. 2:83-88; Stone 75, pi. V, fig. J/l ; Stevenson 247-249; Becc. 570. Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz. Padauk; padu; padoo; “inland padauk.” India and Burma. Produces a very hard and very heavy wood. The wood of roots and stem-knots resembles dark mahogany, and is made up into small boxes. Culbertson Bot. Gaz. 21 (1894) 498; Gamb. 259. Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. Biji (Hind.); gammala (Cing.). India and Ceylon. The brown- and dark-striped, very hard, durable and easily polished wood serves for window frames, posts, furniture, agricultural implements, wagon and boat building, and railroad ties. The heartwood is full of gum resin and stains yellow when damp. Watt Diet. 61: 357; Nord. X; Gamb. 2G1, tab. VI, fig. 2. Pterocarpus santalinus L. f. East Indian sandalwood; red sanders; calia- turholz. Southern India. Wood very hard and very heavy; sapwood white, heartwood dark- claret-red to almost black, but always with a deep-red tinge, orange-red when first cut, the shavings giving an orange-red color. Used for house posts, agricultural implements, carved work, and dyewood. The value of redwood as a dye is due to a red coloring principle, “santalin,” which is soluble in alcohol and ether, but not in water. Dissolved in alcohol, it dyes cloth a beautiful salmon-pink color. Van Eed. 99; Wiesner 2:937-939; Gamb. 259; Holtzapffel 103. BAUHINIA TYPE. Bauhinia acuminata L. India Malaya, China. Produces the pretty and durable “mountain ebony.” E.-Pr. 33:149. Bauhinia malabarica Roxb. Alabangbang (Phil.). India and Burma to Cochin China, the Philippines, and Malaya. Moderately hard and moderately heavy. Not very durable. Prominent parallel transverse lines on tangential section. Wood rather poor quality. Fuel. Gamb. 282; Van Eed. 102; K. & V. 2:24-26; Pierre 400. 468 FOX WORTHY. Bauhinia purpurea L. India, Ceylon, Java. A moderately hard structural wood. Watt Diet. 1 :422 ; E.-Pr. 33: 151 ; Gamb. 283, tab. VI, fig. J, ; Nbrd. X. Bauhinia retusa Ham. Semla. Wood hard and very heavy, red, with irregular dark-red or black patches and streaks near the center. Gamb. 282; Nbrd. X. Bauhinia tomentosa L. India and Ceylon to China and the Malay Archipelago; Africa. The firm white wood is used for handles and sheaths for weapons. E.-Pr. 33: 149. Bauhinia variegata L. India and China. Gray, moderately hard wood, used in making agricultural implements. . Watt Diet. 1:426; E.-Pr. 33:151. Crudia blancoi Rolfe. Big-higa. Philippines. Hard and heavy, not durable. Used locally in house building. Cynometra inaequifolia A. Gray. Bulankan; melankan katong (M.). Philippines and the Malay Peninsula. Hard and heavy, durable. House building. Ridl. 139. Cynometra ramiflora L. Shungra (Beng.) ; myinkahin (Burm.) ; gal men- dora ( Cing. ) . Southern India and Ceylon to Burma and the Andaman Islands. Wood red, hard, close-grained, very heavy. House and cart building. Pierre 389; Watt Diet. 2:682; Gamb. 275; K. & V. 2:49-51. ' Derris cumingii Benth. Malacadios. Philippines. Hard and heavy, light-colored, durable. House building, etc. Derris robusta Benth. ( Degnelia robusta Taub.). India and Burma. Wood light-brown, hard and heavy. Tea chests. Gamb. 263; Watt Diet. 3:81. Pongamia glabra Vent. (Qaledupa pinnata Taub.) Bansu (M. ). Tropical forests, Ceylon to Australia. White, turning yellow on exposure. Moderately hard and moderately heavy. Not durable. Very distinct transverse markings on longitudinal section. Watt Diet. 3:81; Gamb. 262; Ridl. 135; Van Eed. 97; K. & V. 2:93-96; Bargagli-Petrucci 22, tab. V ; Becc. 576. I N DO-MALAY A N WOODS. 469 Millettia pendula Benth. Thinwin (Burm.). Southern India and Burma. Dark-colored, purplish-black, prettily marked, dense, very heavy and hard wood. Agricultural implements. Watt Diet. 5:247; E.-Pr. 33:271 ; Gamb. 233. Other species are also used, but they do not seem to furnish much wood, and the quality of the wood is indifferent. Pericopsis mooniana Thw., Plate XXIV, fig. 25. Ceylon. Pale-orange-brown, streaked with darker hues. Hard, heavy, smooth, with very pretty grain. Furniture, carts, etc. The finest furniture wood in Ceylon. Gamb. 265. HARDWICK! A TYPE. Acacia arabica Willd. Babul (Hind.). Tropical Asia and Africa. An excellent, durable, extensively used wood. Hard and heavy; sap- wood large, whitish; heartwood pinkish-white, turning reddish-brown on exposure, mottled with dark streaks. Vessels with red deposits. Agri- cultural implements, cart wheels, house building, furniture, fuel and charcoal. When used for furniture the timber is carefully seasoned in water. Watt ill Agric. Ledger (1902) 2:73; Gamb. 292; Nord. XI; F. v. Mueller 2; Van Eed. 111. Acacia catechu Willd. Khair (Hind.). British India, Burma, and Ceylon; tropical Africa. Sapwood yellowish-white, heartwood either dark- or light-red, ex- tremely hard and very heavy. Seasons well, takes a fine polish and is extremely durable. Used for all kinds of agricultural implements, bows, spears, sword-handles, and wheelwright work. Employed for house boats in Burma and very largely used as fuel for the steamers of the Irawaddy flotilla. The fuel of dead khedr is much valued by goldsmiths. Said to be good for railway sleepers. Said to be proof against the attack of teredo and termites. The chief product of the tree is the cutch, which is extracted from the heartwood by boiling. Watt in Agric. Ledger (1902) 2:80; Gamb. 296—298; Van Eed. 112. Acacia eburnea Willd. India and. Ceylon. Hard and heavy. Yellowish-white, often with a red heartwood. Used only as fuel. Gamb. 294; Nord. IX. Acacia excelsa Benth. East Australia. Produces a kind of rosewood (E.-Pr. 33 : 110), which is also called “ironwood” (G. A. Blits Bull. Kol. Mus. Harlem 19 (1898), and is used 470 FOX VV ORTH Y. for construction and furniture (F. Mueller, Select Extra-tropical Plants (1881) 1). Acacia ferruginea DC. Ironwood. India. Blits 1. c.; Gamb. 298; Watt Diet. 1:50. Acacia farnesiana Willd. Ironwood. Throughout the tropics; original home uncertain. Acacia koa Gray. Koa wood. The most important furniture wood of the Hawaiian Islands. Acacia leucophloea Willd. Pilang (M.). British India, Ceylon, Burma, Malay Archipelago. ood hard and heavy; sapwood large; heartwood reddish-brown with lighter and darker streaks. Seasons well, takes a good polish, but is often eaten by insects. Fuel. . Gamb. 295; Watt Diet. 1:52; Van Eed. 112; K. & V. 1:286-289. Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. Plate XXIII, fig. 23. Black wattle. Southeastern Australia; naturalized in India. Soft to moderately hard and moderately heavy. Sapwood light brown; heartwood dark brown and beautifully mottled, shining, even-grained. Fine furniture and veneer, also carriage building. E.-Pr. 33 : 110; Semler 620; Watt Diet. 1:53; Gamb. 301; Hough Amer. Woods 7:155; Stone 81, pi. V, fig. 44. Acacia modesta Wall. Himalaya, Punjab. Beautiful, dark-brown, black-striped heart. Very hard, firm and durable. \\ heels, sugar presses, agricultural implements, etc. Watt Diet. 1 :53. Acacia planlfrons W. & A. India. Agricultural implements. Watt Diet. 1 :54. Acacia tomentosa Willd. Klampis (M.). British India, Ceylon, and Malaya. Hard and heavy, but not durable. Used only for fuel. Van Eed. 112; K. & V. 1:289-291. Caesalpi nia sappan L. Plate XXIV, fig. 31. Sappan wood; sibucao (Phil.), India and Ceylon to Malaya and the Philippines, widely cultivated. Very hard and heavy. Sapwood white, heartwood dark orange-yellow. Fine-grained, takes a fine polish; useful for cabinet work and inlaying, but chiefly used for dyeing. (See p. 425.) Gamb. 267; Wiesner 2:934; Van Eed. 103; Ridl. 137; Stone 70; HoltzapfTel 105. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 471 Hardwickia binata Roxb. Anjan. Southern India. Very hard and very heavy. One of the hardest and most durable of Indian woods. House and bridge building and cabinet work. Gamb. 276; Nord. XI; Watt Diet. 4:13. Ki ng iodendron alternifolium (Elm.) Merr. & Rolfe ( Hardwickia altenii- folia Elm.). Plate XXIV, fig. 29. Batete. Philippines. Moderately heavy and bard. Keddish-brown, much stained by the oil contained in the wood. Easily worked, but not very durable. Used for furniture and house building. Phil. Woods 275. Ki ngiodendron pinnatum (Roxb.) Harms. (Hardwickia pinnata Roxb.) Kolavu. British India. Moderately bard and moderately heavy. Sapwood large ; heartwood dark-red or reddish-brown, exuding a red sticky resin. Building. Gamb. 277. Sindora coch i nch i nensis Baill. Plate XXIII, fig. 24. Cay-go; go-mat; go ta-hi. Cochin China. Uncommonly hard, black or dark-brown, and valuable wood. Used wherever strength and durability are desired. One of the most valuable woods of Cochin China; very fine furniture, house posts, bridges, boats, carriage building. Most valuable for cabinet work because of its very fine color and the ease with which it polishes. E.-Pr. Nachtr. 195; Pierre 385. Sindora intermedia Baker. Petir; sapetir. Borneo. Wood hard and moderately heavy; light reddish-brown. House build- ing ; said to be very durable. Sindora sumatrana Miq. Sindoer; saparantu; sapetir. Borneo, Sumatra, Malay Peninsula. Moderately hard and moderately heavy. Sapwood rather large ; heart- wood reddish or yellowish-brown, with occasional lines marked by oil. Said to be quite durable. Used in house construction. Oil collected by use of fire. Van Eed. 108; K. & V. 2:45-47. Sindora supa Merr. Supa. Philippines. Dark brownish-yellow, heavy and hard. Wood used for furniture and construction. Oil collected as in the preceding. Gard. 60; Phil. Woods 393. 472 FOXWORTHY. Sindora wallichiana Benth. Saputi. Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States. Prain in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 662 (1897) 480-483; Ridl. 140. Sophora tomentosa L. Ki-koetjing (M. ). Malay Archipelago. Wood hard and heavy, dark-grayish or purplish, not much used. K. & V. 2:100. ERYTHR1NA TYPE. Butea frondosa Roxb. Palas (Sanskrit); Plasa (Java). India, Burma, Ceylon, Malay Archipelago. Soft and light, not durable. Gray or gray-brown, white or brown cut up fresh and quickly seasoned. Durable in water. Boxes. Gamb. 243; Van Eed. 94; K. & V. 2:72-75. Erythrina indica Lam. Plate XXIV, fig. 30. Daptlap; dadap. India to Australia; much planted. Very soft and easily lacquered. Used for knife sheaths, toys, etc. Watt Diet. 3:269; Gamb. 242; K. & V. 2:58-61. Erythrina suberosa Roxb. Pangia (Hind.). Himalaya. White, very soft wood, used for sheaths, planks, etc. Watt Diet. 3:270; Gamb. 241. OX ALI D ACEiE. Averrhoa carambola L. Widely cultivated throughout the tropics. Wood bright-red, hard; used for structural work and furniture. Watt Diet. 1:359; Van Eed. 54; Janssonius 2:9. Averrhoa bilimbi L. Blimbing. Same range as the preceding. Grayish, soft, little used. Van Eed. 53; Janssonius 2:13. Connariopsis spp. Pianggu. Borneo and the Malay Archipelago. Small trees with white and moderately soft wood. Becc. 573; Bargagli Petrucci 34, tab. VII. LINACE^E. Ixonanthes icosandra Jack. Plate XXIV, fig. 33. Pagar anak (M.). Malay Peninsula. Hard and heavy, yellowish-brown; used for piling, construction, etc. Ridl. 95. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 473 ERYTHROXYLACE^E. Erythroxylum cuneatum (Wall.) Kurz. (E. burmanicum Griff.) Medang; lagundi; chintah; mulah. Malay Peninsula and Arcliipelago, Philippines. Wood heavy and compact, dark-red or brown with distinct but irregular rings; rays very fine and numerous; pores copious and small. A good ordinary building timber. Ridl. 95. RUTACEAk Vessels and pith-rays fine; very even-grained wroods. /Egle marmelos (L.) Correa. “Bel fruit tree;” “Bengal quince.” British India and Burma; widely cultivated. Yellowish- white hard and heavy w'ood, which has a sharply aromatic odor when fresh; not durable. Seasonal rings marked by distinct lines, and often by a continuous belt of pores. Construction, pestles of oil and sugar mills, naves and other parts of carts, and agricultural im- plements. Watt Diet. 1:123; Gamb. 131, tab. II, fig. 5; Nord. IX; Van Eed. 54; Janssonius 2:69. Atalantia monophylla (L.) Correa. British India to Tenasserim, Ceylon. Yellow, very hard and heavy wood, with numerous annular zones marked by bright lines. A boxwood substitute. The wood much resembles that of Murray a exotica. Used for engraving, cabinet work, and turning. E.-Pr. 34: 192 ; Watt Diet. 1:349; Gamb. 129. Atalantia missionis (Wight) Oliv. British India and Ceylon. The moderately hard, yellowish-wdiite wood with distinct seasonal rings is used for furniture and cabinet work. E.-Pr. 34: 192 ; Watt Diet. 1:349; Gamb. 129. Chloroxylon swietenia DC. Plate XXIV, fig. 34. East Indian satinwood. British India and Ceylon. Hard and very heavy ; pale yellow with a satiny sheen when smoothed ; very durable. Furniture and picture frames. Used locally for railroad ties and general construction work. With distinct parallel transverse lines on tangential section. (See p. 433.) Wiesner 2:953; Gamb. 160-162; Nord. X; Stone 29-31; Van Eed. 67; Brown in Trop. Agric. 19 (1899) 118. Very similar to the West Indian satinwood ( Fagara flava (Valil) Krug & Urb. ), which belongs to the same family. S8250 5 474 FOXWORTHY. Citrus aurantium L. The orange; limau manis (M.). British India; cultivated throughout the tropics and subtropics. Wood yellowish-white. Pores small, scanty, joined by white tangential lines, which occasionally join, forming concentric circles. Used in carving small ornaments. Gamb. 130; Nord. IV; also XI ( C . vulgaris Risso, and C. nobilis Lour.) ; Ridl. 06; Van Eed. 55. Other species of the genus show similar structure and are similarly used. Feronia elephantum Correa. “Elephant” or “wood-apple;” kapittha; bilin. India, Ceylon. Yellowish-white, hard, structural w’ood. E.-Pr. 34: 193 ; Watt Diet. 3:327; Gamb. 131; Nord. IX. Flindersia amboinensis Poir. Moluccas ( Ceram ) . Produces a good wTood for some purposes. Murraya exotica L. Plate XXIV, fig. 30. Camuning; kamuning (M.). British India, Burma, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, Philippines. Bright-yellow, very hard and very heavy, similar to boxwood and said to be a suitable substitute for it. Used for canes, kris handles and carvings. Watt Diet. 5:288; Gamb. 125; Ridl. 90; Van Eed. 57; Janssonius 2:51. Murraya koenigii (L.) Spr. Himalaya, Bengal, and Ceylon. Grayish-white, hard, durable wood; serves for agricultural purposes. Watt Diet. 5:288; Gamb. 120. Murraya paniculata Jack. Satinwood; cosmetic-bark tree. British India, Burma, Java, Sumatra, New Guinea. I The bright yellow, firm, durable wood is used for cabinet work. E.-Pr. 34: 188. Other liutaccce which may possibly furnish substitutes for boxwood are specie-i of Micromelum, Limonia, Triphasia, Paramignya, Tetractomia, Fagara (Plate XXIV, fig. 35), Melicope, Pelea, Lunasia, Glycosmis, and Thoreldora. SIMARUBACE^E. Ailanthus malabarica DC. British India and Ceylon. Wood for dishes and tea chests. Lewis 307; Janssonius 2:81. Irvingia malayana Oliv. Plate XXV, fig. 37. Pauh kijang (M.) . Malacca. A hard, heavy and readily worked wood; very straight-grained. Pierre 203. Irvingia oliveri Pierre, of Cochin China, is used for the same things as the above. Other genera needing investigation are Samadera, Simaruba, Quassia, Eurycoma, Jlrucea, Picrasma, and Soulamea. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 475 BURSE RACEME. Wood soft to moderately hard ( Filicium very hard). Pores small or moderate-sized, uniformly distributed. Pith-rays fine, distant. Balanites aegyptica Delile. Senegambia, through north tropical Africa to India and Burma. Yellowish- white to golden-brown, beautifully marked, hard, heavy wood ; used for furniture and walking sticks. E.-Pr. 34:355 ; Watt Diet. 1:363. Boswellia serrata Roxb. Guggar. British India. Wood moderately hard, light or moderately heavy, smooth; sapwood white; heartwood brown (dark greenish-brown), sometimes very small, so that the wood has been described as white; but, when present, rather handsome, often streaked in darker and lighter bands. Pores scanty, moderate-sized, often subdivided and often containing resin. Pith-rays moderately broad, very short, not very numerous. Not very durable. Used for structural work and fuel. Gamb. 137, tab. Ill, fig. 1 ; Nord. VIII. Bursera serrata Colebr. (Protium serratum Engl.) British India and Burma. Wood hard, moderately heavy; sapwood light-brown; heartwood red, close-grained. Pores small, uniformly distributed. Pith-rays fine, red, numerous. Used for furniture. Gamb. 140. Canarium commune L. Plate XXV, lig. 38. “The Java almond;” pili (Phil.). Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, cultivated in British India and Ceylon. Wood soft and light to moderately heavy; grayish- white, soft, smooth; pores moderate-sized, scanty. Pith-rays brown, moderate-sized, not numerous. Light or temporary construction. Gamb. 141; K. & V. 4:30-33; Van Eed. CO; Janssonius 2:108. Many other species of Canarium are used for light or temporary construction work, as the wood is soft and easily worked. Lewis 307- Filicium decipiens Thvv. British India and Ceylon. Wood very hard and very heavy; heartwood red. Pores small, in groups or short radial lines. Pith-rays fine, numerous, at unequal distances. A strong structural timber. Gamb. 142. FOXWORTHY. 476 Garuga pinnata Roxb. Kharpat. Northwestern India. The reddish-gray, very heavy, but not durable wood, with darker heart, serves for interior finishing and cabinet work. Watt Diet. 3:484; Gamb. 138; Nbrd. IX; Jansaonius 2:87. Protium javanicum Burm. Trengaloen. Java. Hard and heavy ; .sapwood whitish, small; heartwood reddish-brown, fine-grained. Pores moderate-sized, evenly scattered. Pith-rays very small. A good strong and durable structural timber. K. & V. 4:22-25; Van Eed. 61; Jansaonius 2:93. Santiria oblongifoiia Bl. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo. Wood grayish, not hard and not very durable; used for temporary construction. K. & V. 4:26-28. Trigonoch lamys griffithii Hook. f. Kadondong mata hari; kijai; kumpai ruman ( M. ) . Malay Peninsula. Wood dark-yellow, red, or yellowish-white, grain medium, fairly hard, heavy; does not split; durable; used in house building. Ridl. 99. MELIACE^E. Wood usually red, sometimes yellow or gray, more rarely white, sometimes with irregular concentric bands of loose texture. Pores various, rather scanty, generally moderate-sized. Pith-rays usually moderate-sized. Aglaia. Wood usually red or reddish-brown, hard to very hard and heavy. Seasonal rings often distinct; sometimes ring-porous. Pores small to medium size, often connected by concentric wavy lines of wood parenchyma. Pith-rays fine, numerous, evenly distributed. Aglaia clarkii Merr. Plate XXV, fig. 39. Tucan-calao. Philippines. Hard and heavy, durable. Furniture and structural work. Phil. Woods 395. Aglaia eusideroxylon K. & V. Lotong; langsat-loetoeng (Jav.) ; ijzerhout ( Dutch ) . Java. Extremely hard and heavy, aromatic, dark red, durable. Used for house and bridge building. K. & V. 3:128-132; Van Eed. 62. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 477 Aglaia minahassae Koord. Pisek; malinsot; ijzerhout. Celebes, Ceram, Saparoea, Haroeka, Noesalant. Possibly the same as the preceding species ; house and bridge building. Van Eed. 62; Blits 30-32. Aglaia odorata Lour. China and the Indo-Malayan region. A very good wood for cabinet work. Aglaia pyramidata Hance. {A. cochinchinensis Pierre). Cochin China. Dark red wood, hard, agreeable odor, durable. Used for planks and furniture. Pierre 334. Aglaia roxburghiana Miq. Java, Sumatra, Moluccas, Ceylon, Burma. Hard and very heavy, bright red. Used for spokes. Van Eed. 63; K. & V. 3:147; Gamb. 149. Amoora. Wood hard, close-grained, red, with a darker-colored heart- wood. Pores small to large, often subdivided, visible or prominent on vertical section. Pith-rays moderately broad, uniform. Amoora aherniana Merr. Plate XXV, fig. 40. Cato. Philippines. Dark red; very hard and very heavy. Used for structural work. Vessels with whitish diaphragms or deposits which show very plainly on the longitudinal section. Occasional dark-red deposits in vessels. Amoora cucullata Roxb. Indo-Malayan region. Red, hard, heavy wood. Pores joined by narrow concentric lines of wood parenchyma. Pierre 344; Gamb. 151; Watt Diet. 1:224. Aphanomyxis grandifolia Bl. ( Amoora aphanomyxis R. & S.). Goela (Jav.). Java, Banka, Timor, Malay Peninsula. Wood moderately hard and heavy, pale red, not durable, does not split readily. Not much used. Van Eed. 63 K. & V. 3:119—123. Aphanomyxis rohituka (Roxb.) Pierre. Indo-Malayan region. Red, hard, and heavy wood, with concentric bands in cross-section. Boat building. Watt Diet. 1:224; Pierre 344. 478 FOX WORTHY. Azad i rac h t a indica A. Jus3. Neem; “margosa tree;” “margosier.” India and Ceylon, Malaya; also in east Africa. Often planted. The mahogany-like, very hard and resistant, strongly scented wood is used by carriage makers, carpenters and joiners, and also in ship- building. E.-Pr. 34:288 ; Watt Diet. 5:221; Van Eed. 71; K. & V. 3:21-24. Chisocheton. Wood moderately hard or soft, light. Pith-rays distinct; vessels of medium size or large, often divided; wood parenchyma in very regular concentric lines. Chisocheton philippinus Harms. Malatumbaga. Philippines. Not durable and not much used. Chisocheton divergens BI. Garonton tangah (M.). Malay Peninsula. Ridl. 100. Chukrassia (Chickrassia) tabularis A. Juss. “Bastard cedar;” “East In- dian mahogany;” “white cedar;” “Indian redwood;” “Chittagong wood.” British India to southern China; widely distributed. Hard and heavy, yellowish to reddish-brown, with a beautiful satiny luster. Seasons and works well. Sapwood of a lighter color. Pores scanty, moderate-sized, often oval and subdivided, isolated, uniformly distributed. Pith-rays fine, uniform, mostly equidistant, slightly un- dulating, distance between the rays generally equal to the transverse diameter of the pores. Seasonal rings distinctly marked by a sharp line. Pine silver grain with a satiny luster. Like Soymida, it is difficult to plane owing to' the fibers running in different directions. Used in making fine furniture. Gamb. 156; Nord. X; E.-Pr. 3‘:273; Watt Diet. 2:268; Sender 631; Ridl. 101; Pierre 357. (See p. 430.) Cipadessa fruticosa Bl. India, Ceylon, Java. Wood red, hard, heavy, with a faint odor resembling that of toon wood. Pores prominent as red lines on a vertical section. Seasonal rings marked by a white line. Gamb. 146. Dysoxylum. W ood reddish, rough, moderately hard. Pores prominent on a vertical section, moderate-sized to large, often subdivided, or in short strings. Pith-rays fine. Concentric lines in some species fairly prom- inent. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 479 Dysoxylum amooroides Miq. New Guinea, Java. Wood for matches. Wiesner 2:96; Janssonius 2:153. Dysoxylum binectariferum Hook. f. British India and Ceylon. Gamb. 147 ; Nord. IX. Dysoxylum hamiltonii Hiern. British India. Used for planks and for small boats. Gamb. 148, tab. Ill, fig. 3; Nbrd. X. Dysoxylum turczan i nowi i C. DC. Agaru. Philippines. A very ornamental wood known as agaru is furnished by this and other species of the genus and possibly also by some species of Chiso- clieton. The wood is light-colored, fine-grained, hard and moderately heavy and takes a beautiful finish like that of satinwood. Used for fine furniture and frequently found in the Manila market. Epicharis loureiri Pierre (Dysoxylum loureiri Pierre). Huynduong or “sandal.” Cochin China, Province of Thu-dau-mot. A very fine wood for the construction of coffins, knicknacks, and wood carving, also ground up into a powder and used in pharmacy. The wood has an odor resembling that of sandalwood and it is used as a substitute for sandalwood in incense, etc. Jumelle 338,; Pierre 352. Lepidaglaia bailloni Pierre (Dysoxylum bailloni Pierre). Burma and Indo-China. ' Carriage work and turnery. Sometimes sold as sandalwood. Pierre 352; Wiesner 2:910. Melia azedarach L. “Persian lilac;” “bead tree;” “lilac de3 Indes;” “syke- more;” “Laurier grec.” Much cultivated in the warmer parts of the whole world. Sapwood yellowish- white, heartwood reddish, very easily polished and worked; serves mainly for furniture. K. & V. 3:12-17; Watt Diet. 5:223; Gamb. 144; Nord. VI; Hough Amer. Woods 5:105; Janssonius 2:128; Stone 31; Van Ecd. 71. Melia dubia Cav. “White cedar.” East Indies. Reddish heart ; soft and light wood. Structural work and the making of shelves and tea-chests. Watt Diet. 5:223; Lewis 308. 480 FOX WORTHY. Melia indica Brandis. British India and Burma. Gamb. 143, tab. Ill, fig. 2; Nord. V (M. azedarach ) ; Stone 31. Pseudocarapa championii Hems], Ceylon. Wood very much like that of Amoora. E.-Pr. 34:297. Sandoricum indicum Cav. Plate XXV, fig. 42. Santol ; “wild inangosteen.” Indo Malayan region, Mauritius. Sapwood gray; heartwood red, moderately hard, close grained. Takes a beautiful polish. Pores small, oval or subdivided. Pith-rays fine, undulating, not prominent. Wood with a faint camphor-like odor when fresh. Easily worked; suitable for the making of models. Gamb. 149; Watt Diet. 62:458; Phil. Woods 392; Van Eed. 72; K. & V. 3:27-30; Janssonius 2:131; Becc. 574; Pierre 353. Sandoricum vidalii Merr. Malasantol. Philippines. \\ ood harder and heavier than the preceding. Sapwood white or pinkish ; heartwood brownish-red. Used for general construction pur- poses, small boats, roof timbers, etc. Gard. 60; Phil. Woods 388. Soymida febrifuga A. Juss. “Bastard cedar;” “redwood de Coromandel;” “Indian redwood;” “East Indian mahogany;” rohan. India and Ceylon. Sapwood small, whitish ; heartwood extremely hard and close-grained, very dark, red-brown, very durable, with numerous fine, concentric lines of lighter color, often closely packed. Pores moderate-sized, scanty. Pith-rays moderately broad, distinctly visible on a radical section as dark shining plates, making, with the sections of the dark pores, a very pretty .silver grain having a satiny luster. Wood somewhat cross- grained, like sal and some others, owing to the fibers in different vertical layers going in different directions, so that it is difficult to plane. Very hard and heavy. Pine furniture, etc., wood carving in temples. Watt Diet. 6s: 318 ; E.-Pr. 34:272; Gamb. 155. (See p. 430.) Sphaerosacme spectabilis Wall. (Amoora wallichii King; A. spectabilis Miq. ?) . Eastern Assam and Burma. The reddish, hard, durable, very readily polished wood is worked up into boats and furniture. Gamb. 151; Watt Diet. 1:225. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 481 Swietenia mahagoni L. Mahogani; acajou. West Indies and Central America; also planted and doing well in India. Hard and heavy ; bright or dark cinnamon-brown to reddish-brown, either uniform in color or well marked. Parallel transverse lines very prominent in longitudinal section. Principal uses, furniture and cabinet work. (See p. 430.) Wiesner 2:959; Gamb. 153-155; Stevenson 225-239; Stone 32. Swietenia macrophylla King. Introduced from the West Indies. Grows well in cultivation in this part of the world. Wood moderately hard and moderately heavy. Gamb. 155. Toona. Wood pale reddish, light and soft, ring porous and with distinct cedary odor. Toona serrata (Royle) Roemer (Cedrela serrata Royle). “Toon tree;” “In- dian mahogany;” “Moulmein cedar;” “cedre rouge;” “cedre de Singapore.” India. Light, shining, soft but durable; termite proof. A very valuable wood, used for furniture, framing, wood carving, tea-chests, cigar boxes. Watt Diet. 2:232; Lewis 307; Gamb. 160, tab. Ill, fig. 6 ( Cedrela serrata Royle); Nord. IX ( Cedrela serrata Royle); Van Eed. 66; K. & V. 3:204- 207 ; Stone 37 ; Holtzapffel 108. Toona ciliata Roem. ( Cedrela toona Roxb.). Toon; “Moulmein cedar;’ “Indian mahogany.” British India and Burma. Wood durable, termite proof, and used for all kinds of furniture. Gamb. 157-159, tab. Ill, fig. 5; Nord. IV; Stone 37; Watt Diet. 2:233. Toona febrifuga (Bl.) Harms ( Cedrela febrifuga Bl.) . Soeren. Burma, Cochin China, Java, etc. Structure and uses much the same as in the preceding. Van Eed. 65; K. & V. 3:197-204; Pierre 358. Toona calantas Merr. & Rolfe. Plate XXV, fig. 41. Calantas. Philippines. Phil. Woods 379; Gard. 61-02. Very much like Toona febrifuga (Bl.) Poem. Several other closely related species of the genus are found in the range and their use and structure is much the same as that indicated for the species named. The genus is very closely allied to the American Cedrela. 482 FOX WORTHY. Xylocarpus. \\ oocl dark, red, hard and heavy. Concentric lines of wood parenchyma seeming to mark regions of growth. Pores medium- sized to small, scattered. Pith-rays fine. Xylocarpus obovatus A. Juss. ( Carapa obovata 331. ) Nigue; liigi; tabigue (Phil.); niri; nireh (M.). East Africa to the Fiji Islands, in mangrove swamps. Wood very fine-grained and durable. Finishes well and is often used for fine furniture. It shrinks very little and is often made into furniture while still very fresh ; used also for sandals. An excellent firewood. Becc. 574; Gamb. 153; Ridl. 100; K. & V. 3:189-193; Van Eed. 04; Pierre 358; Bargagli-Petrucci 37. Xylocarpus granatum Koen. ( Carapa moluccensis Lam.) Plate XXV, fig. 43. Piagao (Phil.); niri (M.). Same distribution as the preceding. A ood darker than that of X. obovatus. Used for piling, furniture, sandals, etc. Gamb. 153; Watt Diet. 2:142; Van Eed. 63; K. & V. 3:193-190; Pierre 359. A third species, X. bomeensis (Becc.), is found in Borneo and the Philippines. It is very much like X. granatum and is used for the same purposes. Becc. 574; Bargagli-Petrucci 38. POLY GALACE2E. Xanthophyllum. White or yellow, moderately hard and moderately heavy, fine-grained woods. Xanthophyllum vitellinum Nees. Kitelor. Java. Very durable wood. Iv. & V. 5:294-298; Janssonius 1 :238. EUPHORBIACE2E. The wood of the trees of this order has no very marked general distinguishing characteristic; but still it may be said that it is noticeable for the pores being usually more scanty than in many other orders. Tn some genera they are characteristically arranged in short radial lines. In almost all genera the pith-rays are fine, close and uniform; in some they are very indistinct. In other genera transverse ladder-like bars are conspicuous. In respect to color, there are three classes, the white or gray, the red, and the brown or grayish-brown. In respect to weight, some are very light, most moderately so, few or none very heavy. Among white-wooded genera the most noticeable are: (1) Soft woods: Euphorbia, Jatropha, Givotia, Ostodes, Trewia, Sa- pium, Excoecaria. Of these Givotia and Trewia show transverse bars; I N DO-MALA Y AN WOODS. 483 Excoecaria rather numerous and Euphorbia , Sapium and Jairopha very few pores. (2) Moderately hard woods: Sarcococca, Daphniphyllum , Cycloste- mon, Croton. Of these Daphniphyllum has numerous and Croton very few pores, while Croton and Cyclosternon show transverse bars. (3) Hardwoods: II emicyclia, Lasiococca and Gelonium. Hemicyclia has conspicuous, Lasiococca and Gelonium faint transverse bars. The red-wooded genera are fairly uniform in their structure, so that Phyllanthus, Glochidion, and Cleistanthus are characterized by pores in short radial strings between regular numerous fine pith-rays. Fluggea lias a harder close-grained wood, and Bischofia lias rough open-grained wood with rather broad pith-rays. In the genera with brown or grayish- or olive-brown wood, Macaranga is very soft, Mallotus pale-colored and rather soft, Bridelia has a hard wood of characteristic appearance, and Putranjiva and Baccaurea present transverse bars, the latter wood being lighter and softer. The better known genera can be roughly placed in synoptical form as follows : a. White or gray woods. b. Soft or very soft: Euphorbia, Jatropha , Givotia, Ostocles, Trewia , Sapium , Excoecaria, Mallotus. bb. Moderately hard: Sarcococca, Daphniphyllum, Cyclosternon, Croton , Baccaurea, Mallotus. bbb. Hard: llemicyclia, Lasiococca, Gelonium. aa. Red. b. Soft: Macaranga. bb. Moderately hard: Glochidion, Bishchofia, Miscliodon, Chaeto- carpus, Aporosa, Macaranga. bbb. Hard: Phyllanthus, Cleistanthus, Fluggea, Antidesma, Mal- lotus. am. Brown or grayish-brown. b. Soft : Baccaurea, Macaranga. bb. Moderately hard or hard: Mallotus, Bridelia, Putranjiva. Apo- rosa, Daphniphyllum, Cyclosternon. Although no member of the family is of very great importance as a timber tree, it may be worth while to indicate the better known species. Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. Lumbang (Phil.) ; belgaum; “Indian wal- nut;” “candle-nut.” Tropical and subtropical regions of the world, the Antilles, Brazil, and widely distributed in cultivation. Wood gray and soft. Used for tea-chests. Lewis 310. 484 FOXWORTHY. Antidesma bunius Spr. Bras-bras hitam (M.) ; boeni (Jav.). British India, Ceylon, Java, and Malaya. Wood red, hard, similar to that of A. ghaeseinbilla. Used for beams, rafters and the like, but not durable if exposed to the weather. Ridl. 250; Gamb. 610; Van Eed. 219. Antidesma ghaesembilla Gaertn. Baniyuyo (Phil.) ; kasumba (M.) ; horroe- batoe (Jav.). Same range as preceding. Wood red, with darker-colored heartwood, smooth, hard, close and even-grained. Seasonal rings indistinctly marked by concentric lines. Pores small and moderate-sized, uniformly distributed. Pith-rays of two sizes, few moderately broad rays with numerous fine rays between them. Interior work, not a durable wood. Gamb. 610; Ridl. 250; Van Eed. 220. The different species of Antidesma are hard, usually red, smooth, apt to split and warp and not durable. Aporosa dioica (Roxb.) Muell. Arg. British India and Burma. A very hard wood with dark-brown heart and white sapwood. Used for tool handles. Watt Diet. 1:278. Other species of Aporosa furnish good wood of brown or reddish color, but the pieces are usually of small size. Baccaurea sapida Muell. Arg. British India, Burma, Andaman Islands. Wood grayish-brown, soft, with transverse lines of wood parenchyma very numerous. Pores small, in short radial lines. Pith-rays moderately broad to broad, the distance between the rays being from one to three times the transverse diameter of the pores. Easily worked and fairly durable. Gamb. 611. The timber of other species is also good and varies in color from light yel- lowish-white to dark-brown. Ridl. 251; Van Eed. 220. Bischofia trifoliata (Roxb.) Hook. (B. javanica Bl.). Plate XXV, fig. 44. Toog (Phil.); gadok (Sumatra). Tropical Asia, Malay Archipelago, Pacific Islands. Eed, coarse-grained, moderately hard wood, with strong scent of vinegar when first cut. Used for structural work and bridges. It is claimed that although it warps and cracks and is attacked by white ants when used above ground, it is almost imperishable in wet ground or under water, so that it is particularly fitted for pile foundations and railway sleepers. Gamb. 607, tab. XII, fig. 5; Nord. X; Van Eed. 221; Watt Diet. 1 :454. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 485 Bridelia retusa (L.) Spreng. British India, Burma, and Ceylon. Wood moderately hard to hard, gray to olive-brown, close-grained, seasons well. Seasonal rings marked by pale lines. Used for cattle- yokes, agricultural implements, carts and building; stands well under water. Gamb. 595; Watt Diet. 1:536. Other species are used, whenever they are of sufficient size. Ridl. 248. Chaetocarpus castan icarpus (Roxb.) Thw. East Indies, Malay region. A bright red, moderately hard, structural wood. Gamb. 623; Watt Diet. 2:262. Claoxylon sp. East Indies. Furnishes the “bois cassant.” Wiesner 2:98. Cleistanthus collinus Benth. British India and Ceylon. Wood dark reddish-brown, tough, hard, close-grained, heartwood small. Produces very durable house posts. Gamb. 597, tab. XII, fig. 4; Nord. IX (Lebedieropsis orbicularis). Cyclostemon griffithii Hook. f. British India and Burma. Wood light brown, hard. A durable timber for local use. Gamb. 606. Excoecaria agallocha L. Buta-buta (M.). Tidal forests, Ceylon to the Philippines and Australia. Soft and white wood, which is used for some kinds of furniture and toys. (See p. 431.) Gamb. 626; Watt Diet. 3:306; Ridl. 253; Becc. 583. Givotia rottleriform is Griff. British India and Ceylon. Wood white, exceedingly light, very soft but even-grained. Used for catamarans and cabinet work. Gamb. 615; Watt Diet. 3:503. Glochidion acuminatum Muell. Arg. British India. Wood red or reddish-gray, hard. Splits badly. Gamb. 602; Nord. X ( Phyllanthus bicolor). Other species of Glochidion are used when large enough and are fairly durable Ridl. 249; Van Eed. 223. FOXWORTHY. 480 Hemicyclia sepiaria W. & A. British India and Ceylon. Wood white with a grayish-brown heartwood, very close and even- grained, resembling boxwood. Recommended as a possible substitute for boxwood. Gamb. 605. Lasiococca symphylliaefolia Hook. f. British India. W ood yellowish-white, hard, smooth, close-grained. Recommended for trial as a substitute for boxwood. Gamb. 622. Mischodon zeylanicus Thw. Ceylon. Wrood pink or pinkish-white, moderately hard, close- and even-grained. Used for building and said to be durable in water. Gamb. 607. Phyllanthus emblica L. Amlabaum; mirobalanenbaum. Mascarenes, East Indies, Sunda Islands, China, Japan, also cultivated. Wood red, hard, close-grained, warps and splits in seasoning; no heartwood. Carrying poles, agricultural implements, building and fur- niture; durable under water. Gamb. 599, tab. Jill, fig. 3; Nord. X; Watt Diet. 6‘:221; Van Eed. 227. Several other species of Phyllanthus furnish small amounts of wood resembling the preceding. Putranjiva roxburghii Wall. British India, Burma, and Ceylon. W ood gray, moderately hard, close-grained. A structural wood, also used in turning. Gamb. 604; Nord. X; Van Eed. 228; Watt Diet. 6D372. Sapium sebiferum Roxb. China, Japan, East Indies, cultivated in the tropics everywhere. W ood white, moderately hard. Furniture and toys. Gamb. 025; Nord. VIII; Watt Diet. 62:472. T rewia nudiflora L. British India, Burma and Ceylon, to the Sunda Islands. W ood white, soft, not durable. Used for native drums and agricul- tural implements. Gamb. 617; Watt Diet. 4:76; Van Eed. 228. BUXACEvE. The most uniform in grain of any known wood, planing almost equally well in any direction. Very hard and very heavy (sp. gr. 0.99-0.86). The best qualities of boxwood are the best known for wood engraving, drawing insti uments, etc. The sawdust is very free from gritty matter, and on that account it is much used for cleaning jewelry. Numerous INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 487 attempts have been made to find a suitable substitute for this wood, but, thus far, unsuccessfully. (See article on boxwood substitutes, p. 426.) Buxus sempervirens L. Boxwood. India and western Asia to the Mediterranean region. Stone 102; Wiesner 2:962; Gamb. 592-594; Nord. II, also Mech. Eigensch. Holzer 514. AN A O A R D 1 ACE/10. The woods of this family are very variable as to color, weight, and hardness. Pistacia , some species of Rhus , Gluta, Melanorrhoea, Odina , and Drimycarpus have hard woods, red or yellow; those of Semecarpus, Mangifera, Spondias, Holigarna, and Buchanania are more or less soft, and light-gray or brown. In some, the pith-rays are numerous, in others scanty, but the chief general character is that of large pores which are scanty and prominent on vertical section, and pith-rays soft, dark and inconspicuous. Concentric lines occur in some species. Anacardium occidentale L. “Cashew nut;” “acajoubaum;” “acajou a fruits;” “acajou a pommes;” “acajou de Guadeloupe.” South America; cultivated in all tropical regions. lied, moderately hard wood. Boats and tea-chests. Watt Diet. 1:223; Ridl. 108; Gamb. 214. Bouea burmanica Griff. Rauminiva. Burma and Malaya. Light-colored sapwood, dark-reddish heartwood, sometimes dark-brown ; rings distinct, pores small, few, scattered; concentric lines numerous, wavy, distinct. Durable and very heavy ; posts and beams. Ridl. 107; Gamb. 214; Pierre 366. Bouea macrophylla Griff. Kadongan. Malaya. AVood yellowish-white, becoming brown toward its center. Moder- ately hard ; does not split in drying. Kris scabbards. Ridl. 107. Buchanania florida var. arborescens Engl. Balinhasay (Phil.). Philippines and the Malay Archipelago. Moderately hard and moderately heavy, pale-reddish; rather tine but not straight-grained. Light or temporary construction ; not durable. Often substituted for the wood of Koordersiodendron, to which it is much inferior. Phil. Woods 374; Pierre 371. Buchanania latifolia Roxb. India, Burma, Malacca. Brownish-gray, moderately hard, not durable. Used for boxes, tables, etc. Watt Diet. 1:545; Gamb. 216. Other species of Buchanania are used, but none of them furnish very high grade wood. 488 FOXWORTHY. Campnosperma zeylanicum Thw. Ceylon. A light and rather inferior wood, used for tea-chests. Lewis 309. Campnosperma wallichii King. Terungtang. Malay Peninsula. Wood soft, rather light silvery-gray or white, fine-grained. Pores rather large and numerous. Pith-rays fine and brown, obscure. Suit- able for some grades of cabinet work. Ridl. 111. Dracontomelum mangiferum Bl. Daoe, dahoe (Sumatra); raoe (Java). Borneo, Celebes, Sumatra, Java, Burma, Malay Peninsula, Andaman Islands. Wood dark-gray, moderately hard and moderately heavy; fairly durable. Card. 69; Van Eed. 85; K. & V. 4:114-117; Pierre 374. Dracontomelum cumingianum Baill., known as lamio, and Dracontomelum dao Merr. & ltolfe, of the Philippines, have wood which is practically indistinguishable from that of D. mangiferum. Drimycarpus racemosus Hook. f. Eastern Himalaya. Wood yellowish-gray, hard. Much prized for shipbuilding in India (Chittagong). Gamh. 221; Watt Diet. 3:195. Gluta. Wood dark-red and more or less streaked with orange and black. Pores few, often filled with resin, large, prominent on vertical sections. Pith-rays very fine. Interrupted, very narrow, undulating, con- centric bands. Structure of the wood in this genus much the same as in M clanorrhoea and Swintonia. Gluta renghas L. Renghas (M.). Malay Archipelago and Peninsula. Wood with decidedly irritant properties. House building, boats, rurniture, sheaths of weapons. Van Eed. 86; Ridl. 110; K. & V. 4:94-97; Wiesner 2:1017. Gluta tavoyana Wall, and G. travancorica Bedd. of British India and Burma and G. velutina Bl. (G. coarctata Hook.) of Malacca, Banka and Sumatra are all said to furnish wood much like that of G. renghas and used for structural work and furniture. G. velutina is said to he resistant to termites and to sea water. Pierre 368. Holigarna. Wood soft, grayish. Pores large, prominent on vertical section. Pith-rays very fine,, short. Holigarna arnottiana Hook. f. British India. Wood containing a poisonous gum. Used for house and boat building. Gamb. 221. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 489 Koordersiodendron pinnatum (Blanco) Merr. ( Helicteres pinnata Blanco). Plate XXV, fig. 45. Amuguis (Phil.). Philippines, Celebes, and New Guinea. Wood moderately hard, and heavy, fine-grained, dark-red. Much in demand for construction and cabinet work. Phil. Woods 371; Gard. 62. Lannea grand is (Dennst. ) Engl. (Galesiam grandis 0. Ktze; Odina wodier Roxb.). Kiamil (Hind.) wodier (Tam.); nabhay (Burm.) ; hik (Cingh.). India, Ceylon, Burma. A generally useful wood, which is not to be distinguished from that of K oordersiodendron. Watt Diet. 5:445; Ridl. 108; Van Eed. 88; Gamb. 218-220, tab. V, fig. 6; Nord. IX; Pierre 375. Mangifera. No heartwood, grayish to brownish in color. Pores -large, prominent on a vertical section. Pith-rays fine, generally closely packed. Occasionally fine, wavy, concentric lines. Mangifera indica L. The mango. British India, Burma, Ceylon and Malaya; widely cultivated. Planking, doors and window frames, packing cases, canoes. Other species of Mangifera are used in much the same way. Gamb. 111-114; Nord. V; Ridl. 108; Watt Diet. 5:146-157; Van Eed. 87; K. & V. 4:75-93; Lewis 309; Pierre 361. Melanochyla spp. Various fairly good woods of the Malay Peninsula and Borneo, which are usually of rather small size and not in great quantity. Becc. 575; Ridl. 110; Bargagli-Petrucci 40. Melanorrhoea. (Plate XXV, fig. 46.) Wood dark-red, with yellowish streaks, turning very dark after long exposure, very hard and heavy. Pores moderate-sized, scanty, often subdivided, each pore or group of pores inclosed in a small patch of light tissue. Pith-rays very fine, wavy, very numerous. Numerous undulating, often interrupted, very narrow, concentric lines of soft tissue, unequally distributed in the wood. Con- tains a poisonous gum, which may even affect a person after the wood is made up into furniture. Melanorrhoea maingayi Hook. f. Rengas manau (M.) ; “Straits mahogany.” Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo. Beams and furniture. Ridl. 109. Melanorrhoea usitata Wall. “Black varnish tree,” tliitsi (Burm.). British India. Tool handles, anchor stocks, building, railway sleepers, gunstocks. Gamb. 217, tab. V, fig. 5; Nord. VIII; Watt Diet. 5:210; Pierre 367. Several other species occur in the Malay region and are known by the name of ringas (Becc. 575), or “Borneo rosewood.” Their uses are 88250 6 490 FOXWORTHY. like those given above. Their poisonous properties have occasioned so mucli inconvenience that the wood is gradually going out of use. Where this wood is used, it is customary to fell it and then to leave it in the jungle until the beetles, termites, etc., have completely destroyed the sapwood. Pistacia integerrima J. L. Stewart. British India. Wood very hard; sapwood white; heartwood yellowish-brown, beauti- fully mottled with yellow and dark veins. Seasonal rings marked by a belt of large pores. Pores in the rest of the wood very small, forming irregular patches, which are frequently arranged in zigzag lines. Pith- rays fine, very numerous. Used for furniture, carvings and all kinds of ornamental work. Gamb. 210, tab. V, fig. If; Nord. X. Rhus. Wood gray, often streaked, with a yellow or brown heartwood. Pores small, but often large and in continuous porous belts in the earlier- formed wood. Pith-rays fine and moderately broad. Several species occur scattered in the highlands through this range; but they are of little importance commercially because of their small size and scattered occurrence. Semecarpus. Wood usually of poor quality. Used locally for light or temporary construction. The wood has poisonous properties, like Melanorrhoea, Swintonia, Gluta, etc., which interfere with its usefulness. (See p. 431.) Gamb. 220; K. & V. 4:122-230; Van Eed. 90; Lewis 309. Swintonia. Wood much like that of Melanorrhoea, but not so prom- inently streaked. Usually a more even, reddish or whitish color. Equally poisonous. Large trees in the Malay Peninsula, but reaching their best development in Borneo. AQUIFOLIACEiE. Ilex spp. Numerous species of this genus occur throughout the orient, but they are usually of small size and not of any very general usefulness. Wood fine-grained, white, hard. celastrace.e. Wood compact, even-grained, white. Pores very or extremely small. Pith-rays very fine and very numerous. Euonymus hamiltoniana Wall. Northern India, central Asia, Japan. The yellowish- white, soft wood is used in India for wood carving. Watt Diet. 3:292. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 491 Euonymus crenulata Wall. Southern India. The white, very hard wood is considered in its native country the best substitute for box. Watt Diet. 3:291. Kurrimia robusta Kurz. Cochin China. The wood, with a structure similar to that of Dalbergia spp., produces excellent material for cabinet work. Kokoona zeylanica Thw. Ceylon. Wood for tea chests. Lewis 309. Cassine glauca (Pers.) 0. Ktze. Tropical Asia. Clear-brown to reddish, often beautifully marked, moderately hard, readily polished wood for framing and cabinet work. Watt Diet. 3:207. Lophopetalum. Wood light, soft to moderately hard, even-grained, somewhat shining. Pores small to moderate-sized. Pith-rays very fine, very numerous. Concentric very narrow dark lines of wood parenchyma, prominent, interrupted, wavy. Lophopetalum wightianum Arn. British India, Cochin China. Pcddish-gray, moderately hard, close-grained. Pores large, usually subdivided, sometimes in short strings. Pith-rays fine, conspicuously bent around the pores when they meet them. Parallel narrow concentric lines prominent. House building. Gamb. 174; Nord. X; Pierre 307. Gymnosporia. Wood close- and even-grained. Pores small or very small. Pith -rays fine and very numerous. Concentric bands prominent in most species, caused by variations in the size of the wood cells, some of the cells being filled with a dark resin-like substance. Gymnosporia montana Lawson (Celastrus senegalensis Lam.). British India. Light-reddish-brown, soft, close-grained, durable. Gamb. 177 ; Nbrd. XI. ICACINACEvE. Gonocaryum sp. Swamp trees of the forests of Burma. Urandra apical is Thw. Ceylon. WT>od used for tea-chests. Lewis 309. 492 FOX WORTHY. Urandra sp. Plate XXV, fig. 47. Bedaru, pedaro (Sarawak); daru, daroo- daroo (M.). Sarawak. Wood hard and heavy, fine- and straight-grained. Sapwood narrow, yellowish; heartwood somewhat darker. Pores moderate-sized, narrowly fringed and containing glistening deposits. Pith-rays medium-sized, whitish, very distinct, giving fine grain in quartered material. This wood is very durable, works readily and is used for canes, furniture and piling. It has a very distinct -and pleasing odor. This wood is to he found in some quantity in the markets at Singapore and is said to come from Sumatra as well as Borneo. Newton credited it to Apodytes, another genus of this family, and later it was considered one of the Sapotaceac. (See p. 542.) I collected herbarium material and wood samples from a tree of this in Sarawak and later obtained material of the same wood from dealers in Singapore. My flowering material was not mature and I could not be sure of the genus until I received good flowering material from Mr. J. C. Moulton, curator of the museum at Kuching. This material establishes the fact that the plant belongs to the genus Urandra and probably to an undescribed species. Newton 2; Ridl. 214; Becc. 584. ACERACErE. Wood moderately hard and close-grained; no heartwood; white or yellowish. Pores small and very small, uniformly distributed. Pith-rays fine and very fine, often of two sizes. Concentric medullary patches frequent. Usually in the high mountains. Not of commercial im- portance in this region. SAPIN DACE2E. Wood generally soft or moderately hard, occasionally very hard, even- grained. Pores small or very small, generally uniform and uniformly distributed. Pith-rays very fine or fine, rarely moderately broad, often closely packed. Concentric bands occur in Sapindus and some other genera but not in all. Aphania montana Bl. Java. Used in house building, etc. K. & V. 9:158-160. Aphania paucijuga Radik. Pukan jantan; mumpilai klat; tulang putili (M.). Malay Peninsula. Wood hard and heavy, flexible. Used in house building, for posts, etc. Ridl. 106. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 493 Arytera littoralis Bl. Kulu layo hitam (M.). Malay Peninsula and Archipelago to the Philippines. Wood pale, reddish-white, moderately heavy and hard, rings fairly distinct and remote; pores numerous; small rays obscure. Used m house building. Ridl. 106; K. & V. 9:216-220. Dittelasma rarak Hook. f. (Sapitidus rarak DC.) Lerek (Jav.). Malacca, Cochin China, Philippines. Hard and heavy, durable. Used for house building. Van Eed. 77 ; K. & V. 9 : 150-152. Dodonaea viscosa L. Plate XXV, fig. 48. Banderu. In all tropical lands. Sapwood white; heartwood dark brown, extremely hard and very heavy, called “lignum- vitae” in Australia. Used for turnery, wood carving, walking sticks. Ridl. 106; Gamb. 202; K. & V. 9:227-230; Van Eed. 78. Ellatostachys verrucosa Radik. Java, Timor, Celebes, Philippines. Moderately hard and moderately heavy. K. & V. 9:212-215. Erioglossum rubiginosum Bl. (E. edule Bl.). Mertajam; kelat layu (M.). Malay Peninsula and Archipelago to Australia. Wood reddish- white- to chocolate-brown, grain fine, hard, does not split in drying. E.-Pr. 33:300 ; Ridl. 104; Van Eed. 78; Gamb. 192; K. & V. 9:154-157. Euphoria cinerea Radik. Plate XXVI, fig. 49. Philippines. Dark-red, hard and heavy, durable. A very choice structural wood, much like some of the wood of species of Nephelium. Phil. Woods 371. Ganophyllum falcatum Bl. Philippines, Java, New Guinea, Australia. Excellent wood for matches and match boxes. Van Eed. 78; K. & V. 9:231-234. Guioa pubescens Radik. Sugi-sugi; Nilan (M.). Malay Peninsula. Wood heavy and hard, light-brown, pores small, not numerous, rays fairly fine, concentric lines rather distant and broad, undulating. Brittle. used in building. Ridl. 106; K. & V. 9:210. 494 FOXWORTHY. Harpullia cupanioides Roxb. Kajoe-kaleh (M.). Burma, Andaman Islands, Malacca, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, New Guinea. Wood white, soft. Pores moderate-sized, scanty, in whitish patches. Pith-rays fine, numerous. Gamb. 199; Van Eed. 78; K. & V. 9:239-242. Harpullia imbricata Thw. Java. K. & V. 9:236-239. Lite hi chinensis Sonn. ( Nephelium litchi Cambess.) Litchi. China, India; widely cultivated. Wood nearly indestructible; used in carriage building and for cabinet work. Wiesner 2:104; Gamb. 198; Nord. V (Euphorbia litchi) ; Van Eed. 79. Litchi philippinensis Radik. Philippines. A rather rare wood much like the last. Nephelium. Wood red, hard ; prominent wavy concentric bands. Nephelium lappaceum L. Rambutan (M.). Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. Wood hard and heavy, red when fresh cut, becoming dirty-reddish- white or whitish-brown; pores large, scattered, surrounded by patches of lighter-colored softer tissue ; pith-rays very line and obscure, concentric rings broken up into short wavy pieces. Apt to split in drying, but considered good for planks, beams, and other hard work, for water wheels, rice mills, stampers, etc. Van Eed. 79; Ridl. 104; K. & V. 9:186-188; Pierre 319. Nephelium longana Cambess. ( Euphoria longana Lam.). Longan. British India, Ceylon, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. A very hard and heavy red wood, much used for structural work and furniture. Watt Diet. 5:348; Gamb. 197; Nord. IX ( Euphoria longana) ; Van Eed. 80; Pierre 318. Nephelium mutabile Bl. Pulasan (M.). Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Philippines. Wood harder and heavier than that of N. lappaceum. Ridl. 105; Van Eed. 80; K. & V. 9:192. Other species of Nephelium are also used. The wood of Euphona, A epliehum, Litchi, and possibly some other genera, is so closely related that I can not distinguish it by the structure. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 495 Pometia pinnata Forst. Plate XXVI, fig. 50. Dawa; lengsar; malugay (Phil.). New Guinea, Sunda and South Sea Islands, Philippines, Ceylon, Andamans. A moderately hard and moderately heavy wood, reddish. Used in structural work. Phil. Woods 388; Card. 66; Van Eed. 80; K. & V. 9:196. Sapindus trifoliatus L. “Soap-nut tree;” ritlia. Southern Asia. A yellow, hard, structural wood. Watt Diet. 6= : 471. Schleichera trijuga W. “Lac tree;” “Ceylon oak;” kosum (Hind.). Tropical Asia. Hard, durable, readily polished wood, with white sapwood and red- brown heartwood. Used for oil and sugar mills, rice-pounders (the best wood for the purpose in southern India), agricultural implements and carts ; firewood and charcoal. Gamb. 194, tab. IV, fig. 6; Nord. VII ( Melicocca trijuga Juss.) ; Watt Diet. 62:488 ; Van Eed. 81 ; K. & V. 9 : 177—180. Xerospermum muricatum Bl. Bambutan pachat. Malay Peninsula. Wood brown, light, durable and good; used for building. Kidl. 105. Xerospermum noronhianum Bl. Ramboetan-oetan. Sumatra and Java. Wood much like the preceding. Van Eed. 82; K. & V. 9:182-184. STAPHYLEACE2E. Turpinia pomifera DC. Geritta. Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, British India, Ceylon, and China. Light and soft, not a durable wood. Used for household utensils. Van Eed. 81 ; Ridl. 106. SABIACEiE. Meliosma dilleniaefolia Bl. Himalaya. White, moderately hard, even-grained. Seasonal rings marked by a continuous line of pores and darker color. Pores small, single or sub- divided or in rounded groups, except along the seasonal rings. Pith-rays wavy, moderately broad or fine, distinctly marked in silver grain, which has a satiny luster. Gamb. 205, tab. V, fig. 3; Nord. VIII. Several other species occur with wood as described, but they are usually scattered and of small size. 496 FOXWORTHY. RHAMNACE^E. Hovena dulcis Thunb. Kemponaslii. China, Japan, Himalaya. Furniture and musical instruments. Gamb. 187 ; Nord. VII. Zizyphus. AVood reddish, moderately hard or hard ; no heartwood. Pores small to moderate-sized, often subdivided and fringed with wood parenchyma between numerous fine or very fine pith-rays. Zizyphus jujuba Lam. “Indian jujube;” “Chinese date.” China, India, Australia, tropical Africa; much cultivated. Durable structural and furniture wood. Gamb. 181, tab. IV, fig. 8; Nord. IX; Watt Diet. 6L370; Van Eed. 75. Zizyphus vulgaris Lam. “Acajou d’Afrique.” Orient to Bengal, China, and Japan; cultivated in southern Europe. Similar to the preceding; cabinet work. Gamb. 182; Nord. II; Watt Diet. 64:373. Zizyphus xylopyrus Willd. India and Ceylon. Carriage building, agricultural implements, charcoal. Gamb. 183; Watt Diet. 6L374. Zizyphus zonulatus Blanco (Z. arborea Merr.). Plate XXVI, fig. 51. Balacat. Philippines. Wood very pale-reddish or whitish; sapwood quickly eaten by beetles; heartwood very durable. Phil. Woods 374; Gard. GO. ELAEOCAR PACE A], Elaeocarpus lancaefolius Boxb. Tropical Asia. Bright-brown, soft wood, for tea chests. Watt Diet. 3:206. Muntingia calabura L. “Calabure;” “bois ramier;” “bois de soie.” Mexico to the Amazon River; widely cultivated. Wood very soft and light, not durable. Wiesner 2:107. Echinocarpus dasycarpus Benth. British India. Wood grayish-brown, soft. Used for planks and beams where not exposed to changes of weather. Gamb. 113; Nord. X. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 497 GON Y ST YLACEiE. (Plate XXVI, fig. 52.) Wood hard and heavy, sometimes with a distinct odor when cut. Sap- wood white or yellowish; heartwood dark-brownish-yellow to almost black. Seasonal rings not present. Pores small or medium-sized, scat- tered, often with apparently crystalline contents. Pith -rays small, nu- merous, bending out around the vessels. Wood parenchyma present in irregular, broken, concentric lines. Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Gilg ( G . miquelianus T. & B.). Kayu garu (M.). Java, Sumatra, Banca, Philippines. The dark heartwood seems not to be of constant occurrence. W herever the dark heart does occur, it is said to furnish a useful incense wood and to be useful for small chests. The other species of the genus are credited with having the same qualities. Other species of the genus are found in the Malay Peninsula, in Sumatra, Borneo and other portions of the Malay region. E. Gilg in Engl. & Prantl Nachtr. 232; Teysm. & Binn. in Bot. Zeit. (1862) 265; K. & V. 9:48-51; Boorsma in Bull. Dept. Agr. Ned. Ind. 7 (1907) 6-13; Bargagli-Petrucei 45, tab. IX; Becc. 582. ( See p. 428.) TILIACE2E. Berrya ammonilla Roxb. Plate XXVI, fig. 53. Halmalille; trincomali. British India, Ceylon, Malay Archipelago. Smooth yellow wood with dark-red heart. Heavy, very hard and durable. Distinct parallel transverse lines in longitudinal section. On account of its toughness and elasticity, much prized for house and boat building, agricultural implements, etc. A possible substitute for satin- wood. Watt Diet. 1 :448; Semler 674; Gamb. 107; K. & V. 5:406-409; Van Eed. 46; Bargagli-Petrucei 46, tab. IX; Stone 16—18; Becc. 573; Janssonius 1:491. Brownlowia elata Roxb. India and Borneo. Soft, reddish-gray. Fine irregular bars between pith-rays, not joining into concentric rings. Gamb. 106. Brownlowia tabularis Pierre. Cochin China. “One of the best redwoods known.” Structural work, shipbuilding, furniture. Pierre 132. 498 FOXWORTHY. Grewia tiliaefolia Vahl. British India and Ceylon, tropical Africa. White wood, with small brown heart. Hard,, easy to work, very durable. Used wherever firmness and elasticity must be combined, as in masts, rudders, etc. Watt Diet. 4:184; Gamb. 109. Grewia microcos L. Britisli India, Burma, Ceylon, Cochin China. Gray, soft. Pores moderate-sized, scanty, joined by wavy belts of soft tissue, broken but concentrically arranged. Gamb. 112; Nord. IV; Pierre 152; K. & V. 1:226-228; Janssonius 1:502. Numerous other species of Grewia occur and some of them are also used like those above described. Pentace burmanica (L.) Kurz. British India, Malacca, Java. White, on exposure to the air reddish, light, soft wood, used princi- pally for boats and tea-chests. Watt Diet. 41 : 131 ; E.-Pr. 3": 17 ; Gamb. 10G ; Pierre 151. Schoutenia ovata Korth. Oostindisch paarden vleesch (Dutch). Java. Beautiful reddish-brown, long- and smooth-fibered, very elastic and durable structural wood, surpassing all others for bows. Van Eed. 51; K. & V. 1:211-215; Janssonius 1:525. MALVACEAE. Wood soft to moderately hard; light to heavy. Pores of medium size, scattered. Pith-rays of medium size. Sapwood and heartwood usually quite distinct. Heartwood often with distinct rose-like odor. Bombycidendron campylosiphon (Turcz.) Warb. Plate XXVI, figs. 54, 55. Probably not to be distinguished in the wood from B. vidalianum (Naves) Merr. & Rolfe. Philippines. Wood with much the same appearance as that of Hibiscus tiliaccus but distinctly harder and heavier; and with distinct ripple marks on the tangential surface (Plate XXVI, fig. 55). Used for cabinet making, car- riage building, shafts, flooring, ordinary construction, furniture, planks, boat building, telegraph poles, sides and backs of guitars and mandolins. Phil. Woods 385. Hibiscus tiliaceus L. “Corkwood” of the Antilles. Tropics of the world. The nut-brown, very light and easily worked wood is used as floats for fish nets, light boats, etc. Also for some purposes as a kind of “rosewood.” K. & V. 2:106; Watt Diet. 4:247; Gamb. 88; Nord. IX; Van Eed. 36; Ridl. 49; Janssonius 1:380. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 499 Several other species of Hibiscus which closely resemble this are used in the same fashion. Kydia calycina Roxb. Himalaya, western Ghats, Burma. The white, very tough and elastic wood without heartwood is used for house building, rudders, and turnery. Watt Diet. 4:569; Gamb. 89. Thespesia populnea (L.) Corr. Plate XXVI, fig. 56. “Tulip tree;’5 “faux bois de rose;” “bois de rose de l’Oceanie;” “Portia tree;” “umbrella tree;” baru laut (M. ); banalo (Phil.). Tropical Africa, Asia, Malaya, and Polynesia, to Australia; introduced and escaped in the West Indies. • Soft sapwood, light red ; hard, dark-red heartwood. Moderately heavy and durable. Smells like roses when rubbed. Carriage building, furni- ture, and cabinet work. (See p. 432.) K. & V. 2:118; Watt Diet. 64:47; Ridl. 49; Gamb. 88; Pierre 173; Van Eed. 37 ; Stone 10. BOMBACACE2E. Bombax. Wood usually white, soft and light. Pores large, scanty. Pith-rays broad. Bombax malabaricum DC. “Cork wood;” “fromage de Hollande.” British India to North Australia. Durable under water ; used for floats for fishing nets, boats, boxes and tea-chests. (See p. 427.) Gamb. 90; Nord. XI; Watt Diet. 1:491; Wiesner 2:1022; K. & V. 2:122-125; Van Eed. 33; Lewis 308; Janssonius 1 :398. Boschia griffithii Mast. Daun durian; dendurien (M.). Malacca. Brown, darker-marked, very useful wood. Ridl. 49. Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. ( Eriodendron anfractuosum DC.). “Silk cotton tree.” Mexico, Antilles, Africa, India, Malaya. Soft, white, weak wood. Used for chests, boats, etc. Ridl. 48; Gamb. 91; Wiesner 2:1022; Janssonius 1 : 399 ; Van Eed. 34. Coelostegia griffithii Benth. Pungai (M.). Malacca. Wood orange when freshly cut, becoming darker and of a reddish color. Hard, flexible, and durable. Used in house building. Ridl. 49. Cumingia philippinensis Vid. Philippines. Wood soft and light, white and coarse-grained. Used for planks and temporary construction. 500 FOXWORTHY. Cullenia excelsa Wight. British India, Andaman Islands, Ceylon. Tea-chests. Gamb. 92 ; Lewis 308. Durio zibethinus DC. Durian. Southern and eastern Asia, Malay Archipelago. Wood pale-reddish-brown, soft. Pores large, scanty, often subdivided. Pith-rays moderately broad, numerous, giving a well-marked silver grain. Temporary construction work. K. & V. 2:132—134; Gamb. 92; Becc. 572; Van Fed. 34; Ridl. 48; Janssonius 1:404; Bargagli-Petrucci 49, tab. X. Several other species of this genus in Borneo and Sumatra are also used to some extent. Neesia altissima Bl. Java. Brown, beautifully marked, very soft wood, used for small cabinet work. Termite-proof. K. & V. 2:129-131; Van Eed. 37; Janssonius 1:408. STEllCULIACEiE. Wood very soft to very hard; very light to very heavy. Pores rather scanty, often large. Pith-rays rather numerous, usually of medium size. Concentric bands of wood parenchyma in some species. Eriolaena candollei Wall. Western India. Brick-red, orange-yellow and brown striped ; moderately hard, shining. Cart building, gunstocks, paddles, etc. Gamb. 103; Nbrd. IX; Watt Diet. 3:265. Other species are \ised locally in India and Cochin China. Heritiera. Wood very heavy and very hard; dark-reddish-brown heart- and white sapwood. Pith-rays of medium size. Wood parenchyma in very fine, irregular, concentric lines. Heritiera I ittoralis Dry. Totonai; dungon-late (Phil.); dungon (M.) ; sundri (Beng. ) . East Africa, Indo-Malayan region, Australia; a very widely distributed species. Boat building, posts, piles, house building, palisades, etc. Watt Diet. 4:224; Gamb. 98; Phil. Woods 383; Ridl. 51; Van Eed. 39; K. & V. 2:170-174; Pierre 203; Janssonius 449; Bargagli-Petrucci 52, tab. XI; Becc. 573. Heritiera minor Lam. (H. fomes Ham.). “Plank tree” (on account of the plank-like prop roots); sundri (Beng.). Ganges Delta, southern India, Burma, Borneo. Brown durable wood, considered to be the toughest in India. Boat, house, and bridge building; also used as firewood, and furnishes the best charcoal for gunpowder. E.-Pr. 3": 99; Watt Diet. 4:223; Gamb. 97; Niird. XI. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 501 Kleinhofia hospita L. India, East Africa, through Malaya to New Guinea and Polynesia. Whitish, brown-spotted wood, valued for walking sticks, weapon han- dles, etc. Pierre 177; Gamb. 99; Van Eed. 39; K. & V. 2:178-181; Janssonius 401. Pterocymbium javanicum Bl. Java. Wood very much the same as that of P. tinctorium. Janssonius 439; K. & V. 2:162-105. Pterocymbium tinctorium (Blanco) Merr. Plate NX VI, fig. 57. leluto. Philippines. Wood very soft and light, whitish, no heartwood. Pitli-rays large. Pores large and scattered; ripple marks very evident on tangential section. Phil. Woods 395. Pterocymbium viridiflorum T. & B. Taloetoe. Celebes. Like the preceding. Van Eed. 41. Pterospermum. Wood reddish, moderately hard. Pores small and moderate-sized, often in short radial lines. Pith-rays fine, closely packed. Pterospermum suberifolium Lam. British India and Ceylon. Structural wood. Gamb. 101; Nord. X (pith-rays very short, arranged on the transverse section in watermark pattern) ; Watt Diet. 4:184; Van Eed. 42; K. & V. 2.180-191. Several other species of the genus are also used. Sterculia. Wood usually light and soft, not durable. Pitli-rays of medium size. Pores of medium size, scattered. Sterculia foetida L. Telambu (Cingh.). British India to New South Wales; cultivated in America. Gray soft wood, for masts and boxes. Watt Diet. 63:363 ; Gamb. 93; Van Eed. 43; Janssonius 422; K. & V. 2: 139-142. A number of other species are used, but none are of much importance. Tarrietia. Wood with dark red or reddish-brown heart. Moderately hard to very hard and heavy. Pores medium-size to large, often with colored deposits. Pitli-rays moderately large. Wood parenchyma scat- tered, occasionally in irregular, broken, concentric lines. Tarrietia cochinch inensis Pierre. Cochin China. A useful structural wood in Cochin China. Pierre 205. 502 FOX WORTHY. Tarrietia javanica Bl. Plate XXVI, fig. 58. Lumbayao (Phil.). Java, Cochin China, Philippines. Light- or dark-red ; light and easy to work. Good furniture wood. Phil. Woods 387; Gard. 68; This Journ. 3 (1908) Bot. 171; Van Eed 44- K. & V. 2:166-168. Tarrietia simplicifol ia Mast. Teraling; merbaju; siku keluang (M.). Malay Peninsula. Wood very pale-red, becoming darker toward the center; grain medium; fairly hard, splits in drying. Largely used in cart wheels. Bid!. 50. Tarrietia sylvatica (Vid.) Merr. Plate XXVI, fig. 59. Dungon. Philippines. Wood very hard and heavy. Dark-reddish-brown. Very durable; much valued for piling. Phil. Woods 382; Gard. 59. DILLENIACE2E. Dillenia. Wood light-red or reddish-brown, moderately hard. Pores medium-sized, uniformly distributed, often filled with a white substance. Pith-rays of two classes, numerous, broad or moderately broad with a few very fine ones between them. Dillenia aurea Smith. Upper India, Malay Archipelago. Gray to reddish, beautifully marked, hard, difficult to work. Con- struction. Watt Diet. 3:112; Gamb. 5; Nord. V; Ridl. 5; K. & V. 1:165-167; Pierre 11-13; Janssonius 76. Dillenia indica L. (Z). speciosa Thunb.). Simpor (M.). India, Burma, Ceylon, the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago; much cultivated. Led, bright-spotted, moderately hard wood. Structural purposes. Watt Diet. 3:113; Gamb. 4, tab. /, fig. 1; Nord. XI and IX (D. speciosa ); Ridl. 5; Van Eed. 1; K. & V. 1:161; Janssonius 71. Dillenia philippinensis Rolfe. Plate XXVI, fig. 60. Catmon. Philippines. Hard and heavy; excellent furniture wood. Phil. Woods 381. Several other species of Dillenia are used. They seem to show the qualities of those already mentioned. OCHNACE2E. Wood reddish-brown, even-grained. Pores small, uniformly distrib- uted. Pith-rays not prominent, moderately broad, short, giving a pretty silver grain. INDO-MALAY AN WOODS. 503 Ochna squarrosa L. British India and Burma. Wood suitable for inlaying and carving. Gamb. 136. THEACE^E. Eurya acuminata DC. Malukut jantan. India to Malaya. Wood pale-red, grain fine, splits slightly in drying. Used for beams in house building ; also for charcoal. Ridl. 48; Janssonius 302. Eurya japonica Thunb. Hisakaki. India to China, Japan, and Malaya. Carriage building and turnery. Pierre 126; Janssonius 306. Gordon ia excelsa Bl. Pagar anak jantan. British India and Malaya. Wood pale-red, heavy and hard. Used for houses, beams, and posts. Ridl. 48; Janssonius 334. Gordonia obtusa Wall. British India. Wood pinkish- white to reddish-brown. Pores small, very numerous, uniformly arranged between the fine, short, very numerous pith-rays, the distance between which is equal to the transverse diameter of the pores. Seasonal rings faintly marked by a line. Construction work. Gamb. 67. Schima noronhae Reinw. (S. crenata Korth.). Medang bekwoi. British India, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines. Timber very close-grained, dark-red ; rays very fine and obscure, not close, pores exceedingly numerous, very small, containing a resinous substance. The wood is heavy and hard, shining, apt to split but useful. Used for house posts and rice mortars. Ridl. 47; Watt Diet. 6C485; Pierre 121; Janssonius 327. Schima wallichii Choisy. Himalaya, Tenasserim, Farther India. Bed, moderately hard in drying, durable. Construction work. Gamb. 66, tab. I, fig. 5; Nord. X; Watt Diet. 62:486. Ternstroemia japonica Thunb. Makakoku. Ceylon, India, China, Japan, Sumatra Bed, hard wood, sometimes used for furniture. Janssonius 296. 504 FOXWOIITHY. GUTTIFERZE. Wood usually reddish, generally with a distinct heartwood, and marked by characteristic, faint, concentric lines, which are often interrupted. Pores variable in size, usually rather large, single or more or less oblique wavy lines. Pith-rays fine or very tine, clearly marked. Calophyllum. Wood soft or moderately hard, reddish, with a darker- colored heartwood; seasons well; weight moderate. Cellular tissue reg- ular, cells roughly rectangular. Pores medium-sized or large, promi- nent on a vertical section, arranged in wavy strings or groups. Pith- rays fine or very fine, indistinct on a cross-section, but prominent as straight narrow lines on a radial section. Interrupted concentric lines of darker color and larger cells, also prominent on vertical section. Calophyllum inophyllum L. Plate XXVII, fig. 61. “Alexandrian laurel;” palo maria de la playa or bitaog (Phil.) ; pennagah (M.). Africa to India, Malaya, Australia, and Polynesia; often cultivated. Extremely difficult to split. Used for fine furniture, bowling balls, knees of boats, turnery, etc. (See p. 431.) Gamb. 67, tab. /, fig. 4; Nord. IX; Phil. Woods 390; Gard. 64; Becc. 569; Ridl. 45; Watt Diet. 2:32; Van Eed. 16; Wiesner 2:974; Janssonius 272-276. Calophyllum spectabile Willd. British India, Burma, and the Malay Peninsula. Mast and spar wood. Van Eed. 17; Watt Diet. 1:460, 2:32; Ridl. 46; Pierre 107; Janssonius 276-278. Calophyllum tomentosum Wight. Poon. Ceylon. Spar wood. Watt Diet. 2:32; Gamb. 57; Nord. X; Lewis 308. Many other species of Calophyllum are used, usually under the name of entangor or bintangor. They are generally used as spars or masts for small boats. Plate XXVII, fig. 62. Newt. 4. Cratoxylon. Plate XXVII, fig. G3. Wood usually with more pro- nounced concentric lines than in Calophyllum. Cratoxylon neriifolium Kurz. India and Burma. Structural wood. Gamb. 49; Watt Diet. 2:588; Pierre 49. Cratoxylon glaucum Kortli. Gerunggang. Borneo. Very soft, light, red wood, for interior finish. Several other species of Cratoxylon occur in Borneo and are often used under the name of gerunggang. Becc. 586. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 505 Garcinia. Hard or moderately bard, close-grained, yellowish-white, red or gray, with numerous characteristic wavy bands of loose texture. Pores scanty, small to large. Pith-rays usually fine. Garcinia cowa Roxb. Eastern Bengal, Assam, Chittagong, Burma, and the Andaman Islands. Gamb. 54; Nord. IV; Pierre, page XXVIII, 119. Garcinia speciosa Wall. Coast of Martaban and Tenasserim. The beautiful uniformly reddish-brown wood is used principally for house and bridge building. Watt Diet. 3:477; Pierre, page XIV, 59. Numerous other Garcinias are used in much the same ways. Mesua ferrea L. (M. speciosa Choisy). Plate XXVII, fig. 64. “Indian rose chestnut;” naga-kesara; pennagah ; “the Ceylon or East Indian ironwood or nagasholz.” Wild in India, cultivated in the whole of the East Indies because of the white fragrant flowers and the wood. Wood somewhat resembling that of Calophyllum, but much harder and heavier. Ileartwood dark-red, extremely hard. Pores moderate-sized, scanty, often filled with yellow resin, single or grouped or in oblique strings of varying lengths. Pitli-rays extremely fine, uniform, equidis- tant, very numerous. Numerous tine, wavy, concentric lines of dark- colored tissue, regular and prominent, hut of very different lengths. Structural work and furniture. According to Grisard and v. d. Ber- ghe, the wood has an aromatic odor and also bears the name of “Bois d’Anis.” E.-Pr. 3” : 21 9 ; Watt Diet. 5:238; Semler 634; Gamb. 59-61; Nord. XI; Ridl. 46; Van Eed. 19; Pierre 97. Ochrocarpus longifolius Benth. & Hook. f. Western India. Wood red, hard, close- and even-grained. Pores moderate-sized. Pith- rays moderately broad, very numerous, the distance between them equal to, or less than the diameter of the pores. Seasonal rings marked by a dark line. Lines of soft texture numerous, but indistinct. Numerous resin-ducts in radial long cells, which appear as shining lines on a horizontal, and black spots on a vertical section. Gamb. 55. Ochrocarpus siamensis T. And. Cochin China; cultivated in the whole of Indo-China. Wood almost as hard as that of Mesua ferrea and substituted for it. Gamb. 56; Pierre 94-96. Poeciloneuron indicum Bedd. Western India. Wood dark-red, heartwood darker, very hard. Pores moderate-sized, ringed, single or in short slanting, irregular lines. Pith-rays fine, 88250 7 506 FOX WORTH Y. numerous, the distance between them less than t lie diameter of the pores. Occasionally very short, tine, white, concentrically running lines, espe- cially in the sapwood. Structural work, rice-pounders and firewood. Gamb. 61. Kayea stylosa Thw. Ceylon. W ood red, moderately hard and very heavy. Pores moderate-sized, in radial strings, which are more or less in echelon and rather scanty. Pith-rays very fine, indistinct. Very fine concentric bands of soft texture across the rays. Gamb. 59. DIPTEROCA RPACEiE. This is, by far, the most important family of the Orient. It is probable that this one group produces more commercial wood than all others of the region together. The trees here are often of large size and they constitute a larger percentage of merchantable stand than is the way with most other groups, outside of the mangrove swamps. In places, as some of the dipterocarp forests in India, certain species form almost pure stands ’(sal and eng forests in Burma). “The most striking peculiarity of this order is, that numerous species are gregarious, forming nearly pure forests of large extent, in which one species has obtained the upper hand, to the exclusion of almost all others. In the tropical forests of eastern Asia, these species play the part which in Europe belongs to trees of Coni ferae and Cupuliferae — the Scotch pine, the mountain pine, the spruce, and the beech. The most remarkable of these gregarious species is the sal tree, Shorea robusta, which forms pure or nearly pure forests of vast extent at the foot of the Himalaya, from Assam to the Punjab, and in the hills of eastern central India extending south to near the Godavery Iliver. In a climate and on soil which suits it, this tree reigns supreme.” (Brandis Enumeration of the Dipterocar- paceae. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 31: (1895).) Very often a number of dipterocarp species are found making up a very large percentage of a given stand. Many leguminous species have very ornamental wood which is in great demand for furniture and cabinet work, but they do not supply anything like the quantity of wood furnished by the dipterocarps. It is this plentiful supply of usable timber which puts the dipterocarps far in the lead among the oriental timber-producing families. In many sections the dipterocarps predominate to such an extent that the market conditions would not he seriously changed if all other kinds of wood were taken from the market. It is not to be understood, from what has just been said, that the dipterocarps are unsuited for furniture and cabinet work. There are some members of the family which can be INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 507 made up in a decidedly ornamental fashion; but it is as general con- struction timber, where large quantities of good woods are required, that the dipterocarps are most useful. There are a number of very durable woods in the family and quite a number of fair durability, which are very easily worked. The family is restricted to the Orient, being found in tropical Asia from the Seychelles to New Guinea. The wood of the family is characterized hy the presence of resin-ducts. These are usually arranged in incomplete concentric lines, and some- times appear at first sight to represent seasonal rings. However, this irregular occurrence and the incompleteness of the rings is sufficient to show very conclusively that they do not represent such periods of growth. Seasonal rings are never present, so far as known. There is a wide range of color and hardness. Pith-rays fine to moderately broad. Pores small to large. Wood parenchyma irregularly arranged, usually scat- tered, sometimes in discontinuous tangential lines. Two kinds of pith- rays are sometimes present, as in Vatica and some species of Diptero- carpus. The number of species in the family is large and many of them are but incompletely known. When Brandis wrote his Enumeration (1895) there were 325 species known. Since that time, there have been 25 or 30 species described and there are probably quite a number of undescribed species in Sumatra, Borneo and other portions of Malaya. It seems that nearly all species in the family produce wood which is utilized, most of it commercially; consequently the classification of dipterocarp woods is an undertaking of some magnitude. There are groups of species which correspond in structure and which are marketed under the same name. An effort has been made to group the diptero- carps according to the structural groups and to apply the most used trade names to these groups. The following seem fairly distinct: vassal-, chengal, yacal, peniow, mangachapuy, mangasinoro, kapor, sal or guijo , apitong, tang idle, red lauan, ahnon, white lauan , mayapis. RASSAK. Plate XXVII, fig. 65. This is variously known as vassal rcsak, resale batu, empadu, and narig, and comes principally from species of Vatica and Cotylelobium. It is found in Borneo, Sumatra, the Philippines, Ceylon and southern India. Trees of this group are very widely distributed. Singapore seems to be the principal market for the wood. It is probable that some of the wood in the Singapore market under this name is supplied by species of Shorca. The supply of vassak in Borneo seems to be rather limited. It is increasingly difficult to find large trees. The tree seems less gregarious than is the habit of many other members of the family. 508 FOXWORTHY. Wood very hard and heavy, close-grained, yellowish-brown. Like yacal and mangachapuy, it darkens characteristically on exposure to the air. Pith-rays of two sorts, moderately broad and very fine. Pores small or very small, clear and unbordered. Resin very scanty, often difficult to see at all. Wood durable; used for construction work. Newton 6. CHENGAL (Penak). Plate XXVH, fig. 66. This is the best member of this group in the Federated Malay States and Straits Settlements. It is very much the same as yacal, but may be distinguished from that wood by the fact that the tangential section always shows distinct parallel transverse lines (ripple marks). The wood is used for railroad ties, telephone and telegraph poles, bridges and construction work. It is very durable and a very satisfactory wood to work. It is produced by different species of the genus Balanocarpus. YACAL. Plate XXVII, fig. 67. Yacal (Phil.) ; selangan batu (M.) ; hallow. In the Singapore market, this wood is known as hallow and has supplanted the “Johor e teak” ( Pari - narium ohlongifolium Hook, f.), which was the original wood sold under that name. In Burma, the wood which seems to be the commercial equivalent of this is known as thingan. Yacal seems to be supplied by Shorca halangeran Burck and other species of Shorca. Some of it is also supplied by Hopea odorata Roxb. and other species of Hopea. The name yacal seems to be the most used name for this wood. Large quantities of this wood are used in the Philippines for railroad ties. Perhaps the largest place of export for the wood is British North Borneo, where it is locally known as selangan batu and Borneo yacal. \\ ood very hard and heavy to very heavy, brownish when first cut but rapidly darkening on exposure to tbe air. Always giving a very glis- tening surface in transverse section. Pores more or less distinctly fringed and with occasional indistinct bands of wood parenchyma. Resin distinctly present. Resin-ducts occasionally forming incomplete con- centric lines of lighter color than the surrounding wood. Pith-rays uniform, fine. A very excellent and durable wood, which is said to be free from insect attacks. Gard. 56; Phil. Woods 396. MANGACHAPUY. Plate XXVII, fig. 68. Much like preceding but lighter in color and weight. This wood is also known by the following names: gagil and selangan halu No. 2 (British North Borneo) ; chengal No. 2 (Federated Malay States); Jcaniongan (Dutch East Borneo). The source of this wood seems to be a group of small leaved Hopeas, of which Hopea acuminata Merr. is one. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 509 PENIOW. This is produced by Shorea grandiftora Brandis and is found only in Sarawak. It is probably the best member of the family in the region where it occurs. In durability, it is considered as second only to billian ( Eusideroxylon zwageri). Wood very hard, very heavy and very resin- ous. More uniformly vellowish-brown than any of the preceding. Used for piling, corner posts,' wherever great strength and durability are required. KAPOR. Plate XXVII, fig. 69. Found in Borneo, Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula and some of the islands of the Malay Archipelago. The Dutch call it “kampferhout,” and the English, “Borneo camphorwood.” Wood reddish, very straight- grained. Besin-ducts not abundant. Pores medium-sized, not fringed, and wood parenchyma scanty. Occasionally a faint odor of camphor in ■the wood. Ripple marks occasionally present on longitudinal sections. Used for piling, planking, etc. Easily worked and much in demand. Produced by the species of the genus Drgobalanops. GUI JO (Phil.); SAL (Burma); TEKAM (Sarawak); SELANGAN BATU MIREH (British North Borneo). Plate XXVII, fig. 70. In the Philippines, where it is known as a shipbuilding wood, it is produced by Shorea guiso Bl. In Burma it is known as sal and occurs in solid stands. It is here the product of Shorea rohusta Gaertn. Wood hard and moderately heavy to heavy. Wood parenchyma present in some quantity, sometimes faintly fringing the vessels and often form- ing indistinct concentric lines. Resin-ducts not infrequent. Grain crooked. This is an exceedingly good wood, but it is very likely to warp badly unless carefully seasoned. Used for house and shipbuilding, planks, carriage building, etc. Gard. 55; Phil. Woods 384. APITONG (Phil.) ; KRUEN (M.) ; ENG (Burma). Plate XXVII, fig. 71. ' Quite a number of species of Dipterocarpus produce wood of this grade. The most widely distributed seems to be Dipterocarpus grandi- florus Blanco, which is found in the Philippine Islands, in northern and western Borneo and on the Malay Peninsula. In the Philippines the name apitong is used. In northern and western Borneo and on the Malay Peninsula the name Tcruen is used for the same and related species. In east Borneo the name tampoerouw or tampoedow is found for wood which is probably mainly the product of Dipterocarpus tampurau Kortli. In Burma, the eng, which is the product of Dipterocarpus tuberculatus Roxb., is a wood of this quality, as is also the wood of Diptero- carpus turhinatus Gaertn. f., the gurjun of India, and Dipterocarpus 510 FOX WORTHY. zeylanicus Thw., the horn of Ceylon. The quality of the wood varies to some extent in the same species under different conditions, and in different species; but, as a genus, Dipterocarpus has rather uniform wood. A number of different grades of apitong are recognized in the Philippine Islands. \\ ood moderately hard to hard and moderately heavy. Pale-grayish- red, sometimes with a faint purplish tinge. Pores large and more or less distinctly fringed. Wood parenchyma often rather copious. Resin-ducts numerous and evident. Wood sometimes rather close-grained, resembling guiju or sal, and sometimes rather coarse and open-grained. Rather easily worked. Used for heavy structural work, planks, etc. Very suit- able for railroad ties, wherever the termites are not bad. Other grades of this wood are known in the Philippines as panao or hagachac. TANGUILE (Phil.) ; KLAPAK (Dutch Borneo) ; OBAR SULUK. Plate XXVII, fig. 72. In the Philippines, this wood is supplied by Shorea polysperma (Blanco) Merr. It seems to be identical with the wood known as klapak in Dutch East Borneo and obar suluk in British North Borneo. Wood soft to moderately hard; light. Red, close- and straight-grained. I ‘ores of medium size. Resin white and hard, frequently forming con- spicuous hard lines. This wood works very well and is exceedingly well suited for interior finish. It is being sold as ‘‘Philippine mahogany.” It is of course not a mahogany at all; but, for interior finish, it makes a pretty substitute. Gard. 58; Phil. Woods 394. BED LAUAN (Phil.) ; MERANTI (M.) ; SERIAH MERAH (M.). Plate XXVII, fig. 73. flic product of several species of Shorea (possibly also of Ilopea) and seemingly identical with the meranti of Borneo and Malaya and the serial > merah ol British Jsorth Borneo and the Malay Archipelago. Wood soft or very soft and light. Pale-reddish. Pores large, some- times showing dark glistening deposits. Resin-ducts rather numerous, filled with whitish deposits. Used for light furniture and light or temporary construction. The softer pieces are well suited for pattern work. Newton 2; Gard. 53; Phil. Woods 38(5. MANGAS] NORO (Phil.); SERIAH PUTEH (British North Borneo). Plate XXVII, fig. 78. This seems to be the product of some species of Shorea in the Philip- pines and it is identical in structure and appearance with the scriah puteh of British North Borneo and the bangkirai of Dutch East Borneo. W^ood INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 511 yellowish- white, soft and light. Pores arranged in a I airly regular reticu- late pattern, and resin-ducts almost entirely absent. Easily worked; used for planks, etc. PALOSAPIS OR MAYAPIS. Plate XXVIII, fig. 74. This is produced by species of Anisoptera in the Philippines. It seems to be the same as the mersawa of the Federated Malay States and the mirauan of Sarawak. Wood yellowish-white; pith-rays of two sorts, moderately broad and fine. Pores of medium size. Resin- ducts rather distinct. Wood of young trees coarse-grained and brittle, rather difficult to work. Wood from well-grown trees is of very good quality and seems to be fairly durable. Used for planks, crossbeams, etc. Gard. 66; Phil. Woods 389. WHITE LAUAN. Plate XXVIII, fig. 75. This is produced in the Philippines by Parashorea plicata Brandis and Pentacme contorta (Yid.) Merr. & Rolfe. It occurs in British North Borneo under the name of gagil and urat mata and in the Straits Set- tlements as a poor grade of seriah. It is possible that some species of Shorea and Hopea also produce wood which is sold under this name. Wood grayish- white or brownish-gray ; soft and light, not durable. Pith- rays of two kinds, moderately broad and fine. Resin-ducts numerous, often forming incomplete concentric lines, falsely resembling seasonal rings. Wood used for various forms of light or temporary construction. Phil. Woods 386; Gard. 52. ALMON. This is a good grade of lauan, with a pinkish or reddish color. It is often exactly the equivalent of some grades of meranti and seriah. It is probably produced by different species of Shorea and possibly also Hopea. It is a very good wood for light construction and interior finish. The structure of this wood is very much the same as that of tanguile , but it is usually much softer and lighter in color than that wood. In some parts of Luzon this wood is known as mayapis. The soft red-wooded dipterocarps are very common, but they are not yet very clearly understood. Tanguile , red lauan and almon are frequently confused. The best qualities of tanguile are conspicuously darker in color and harder than the other two woods, and red lauan is usually distinctly coarser grained than either almon or tanguile , but there are numerous intermediate grades of these woods which may belong to any one of the three. In spite of our present fragmentary knowledge of the group, it has seemed entirely feasible to prepare the following key to the commercial dipterocarps. 512 FOX WORTHY. KEY TO DIPTEROCARP WOODS. a. Wood hard and moderately heavy to very heavy. b. Yellowish-brown or whitish when first cut. c. Resin very scanty; pith-rays evidently of two kinds; pores small ... Itesak cc. Resin distinctly present in whitish concentric lines. d. Distinct parallel transverse lines on tangential section Chengal dd. Lines not present as above. e. With glistening fracture. f. Straw-color or almost white when fresh Mangachapuy If- Light- to dark-brown Yacal ee. Without glistening fracture Peniow bb. With distinct reddish color. c. Resin not abundant; very straight-grained Kapor cc. Resin abundant, not so straight-grained. d. Pores medium size Guijo dd. Pores large IZZI Z'lpitong . Wood moderately hard or soft; light to moderately heavy. b. Distinctly reddish. c. Vessels of medium size or small; wood fine-grained Tanguile cc. Vessels large Redlauan bb. Usually white or yellowish, reddish tinge faint, if present. c. Yellowish-white. d. Poies in definite patterns . Mangasinoro dd. Pores scattered Palosapis cc. Grayish-white or with faint pinkish tinge. d. Faint pinkish tinge present _ Almon dd. Grayish-white or with slight brownish tinge White lauan SPECIES NOTES. The following notes are intended to serve as a list of the better know n commercial species and to indicate the distribution and give the more important literature on the wood of each. Anisoptera glabra Kurz. Thinkadu (Burma). British India, Burma, Malay Peninsula. Used in boat building. Ridl. GO; Gamb. 73. Anisoptera palembanica Miq. Basoeng (Sumatra). Van Eed. 26. Anisoptera thurifera Blanco. Plate XXVIII, fig. 74. Mayapis or Palosapis. Philippines. Phil. Woods 389. Balanocarpus maximus King. Chenghei; penak (M.). Malay Peninsula. Ridl. G2. Balanocarpus penang ianus King. Damar liitam (M.). Malay Peninsula. Ridl. 62. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 513 Cotylelobium flavum Pierre. Rassak durian. Sarawak. Used in boat building. Becc. 570. Cotylelobium melanoxylon Pierre ( Anisoptera melanoxylon Hook.). Resak (M.). Borneo. The shining brown heartwood is much prized. Next to Dryobalanops, perhaps the most valuable tree in Labuan. E.-Pr. 3e : 268 ; Brandis Enum. 115. Dipterocarpus alatus Roxb. Kanyinbyu (Burma). British India and Burma. House building and canoes. Gamb. 72; Nord. VIII; Pierre 212. Dipterocarpus eurhynchus Miq. Kroewing (M. ). Sumatra, Riouw. Van Eed. 20. Dipterocarpus gracilis Bl. Palaglar. Java. I\. & V. 5:117; Janssonius 1:358. Dipterocarpus grandiflorus Blanco. Plate XXVII, fig. 71. Apitong (Phil.) ; kruen ( M. ) . Philippines, British North Borneo, Malay Peninsula, Banka. Phil. Woods 372; Ridl. 55. Dipterocarpus hasseltii Bl. Hagachac (Phil.). Java, Philippines. Phil. Woods 373; K. & V. 5:109-111; Janssonius 1:359. Dipterocarpus insularis Hance. Cochin China. Pierre 214; Janssonius 1:348. Dipterocarpus littoralis Bl. Lalar. Java. K. &. V. 5:114; Janssonius 1:348. Dipterocarpus lowii Hook. f. Kruyn (M.). Sarawak. Bargagli-Petrucci 60—62 ; Becc. 569. Dipterocarpus retusus Bl. Palaglar mien jak (M.). Java. K. & V. 5:112-114. Dipterocarpus tampurau Korth. Tampoerouw or tampoedau. South and .east Borneo. Dipterocarpus trinervis Bl. Boembang; palalaglar; palaglar-mienjak; kla- lar; mesegar. Java, Sumatra. Van Eed. 26; K. & V. 5:105-109; Janssonius 1 :354. 514 FOXWORTHY. Dipterocarpus tuberculatus Roxb. Eng, in (Bunn.). British India and Burma, Cochin China. Reddish-brown, heavy, but readily worked wood. Used for structural work. Pierre 218; Watt Diet. 3 : 1 GO ; Gamb. 72, tab. 11, fig. 1; Nbrd. V (D. grandi- florus Wall.), XJ. Dipterocarpus turbinatus Gaertn. f. (D. laevis Ham.). Kanyin (Bunn.); gurjun (Beng.). British India and the Andaman Islands. Red, moderately hard wood; used for house and boat building. Watt Diet. 3:170; Gamb. 70. Dipterocarpus vernicifluus Blanco. Panao. Philippines. Phil. Woods 373. Dipterocarpus zeylanicus Thw. Hora. Ceylon. Gamb. 72. Doona congestiflora Thw. Tinya. Ceylon. Used for tea-boxes. Lewis 308. Doona gardneri Thw. Ceylon. Wood hard, even-grained, durable, reddish-brown; called “red doon” by sawyers in the hill country, and used for sleepers in the Haputale railway. Doona zeylanica Thw. Dun, doon. Ceylon. Wood light, moderately hard, pale-grayish-brown, durable and greatly in request for shingles, whence the tree is often called “shingle tree.” Gamb. 74. Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn. f. Kapor; kampferhout ; Borneo camphor wood. Borneo, Sumatra, Malacca. Van Eed. 27; Ridl. 61; Newton 6. Dryobalanops beccarii Dyer. Kapor gunong and kapor paya (M.). Sarawak. Becc. 572; Bargagli-Petrucci 73. Dryobalanops kayanensis Becc. Kapor bennar. Sarawak. Becc. 572; Bargagli-Petrucci 74. Other species of Dryobalanops furnish wood which is not to be distinguished from that of the species mentioned. Hopea acuminata Merr. Plate XXVII, fig. 68. Mangachapuy or dalin- dingan. Philippines. Phil. Woods 389; Gard. 68. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. O 5 Hopea beccariana Burck. Mahan besi; mangbesi. Sarawak. Bargagli-Petrucci 70; Becc. 572. Hopea dryobalanoides Miq. Dammar-mata-koetjing; dammar-poetih. Sumatra. Hopea fagifolia Miq. Kawang; djempina; tjengal. Banka, Java. Van Eed. 27; K. & V. 5:124-126; Janssonius 1 : 369-374. Hopea ferrea Pierre. Cochin China. Pierre 249. Hopea grisea Brandis. Lon putte; loon putih. Sarawak. Becc. 571; Bargagli-Petrucci 71. Hopea intermedia King. Jankang; merawan kunyit; mengarawan. Malay Peninsula. Ridl. 59. Hopea mengarawan Miq. Ngarawan; mengrawan; tjinkang; inaranti. Sumatra, Banka. Van Eed. 28. Hopea myrtifolia Miq. Mengarawan. Sumatra. Van Eed. 28. Hopea odorata Roxb. Thingan (Burma); sao (Anam). British India and Burma, Andaman Islands, Cochin China, Borneo. Yellowish-brown, moderately hard and heavy; easy to work; not sub- ject to insect attack. Said to combine many of the good points of oak with the durability of teak. Much the same wood as yacal. In demand for all kinds of building. Pierre 224; Gamb. 75, tab. II, fig. 2; Nord. IX. Hopea pierrei Hance. Cochin China. Pierre 248. Hopea philippinensis Dyer. Philippines. Hopea plagata Vidal. Philippines. Phil. Woods 396. Hopea treubii Heim. Mar akka. Sarawak. Becc. 571; Bargagli-Petrucci 72. Hopea wightiana Wall. British India. Gamb. 74. Isoptera borneensis Scheff. Borneo, Banka, Malay Peninsula. Becc. 571. FOXWOIITHY. 516 Monoporanda cordifolia Thw. Ceylon. Pachinocarpus umbonatus Hook. f. Borneo. Soft white wood. E.-Pr. 3":270. Parashorea plicata Brandis. White lauan. Pliilippines. Phil. Woods 386. Parashorea stellata Kurz. ( Shorea stellaia Dyer.) Chengal (M.) ; thin- gadu (Burm.) ; kaunghmu (Burm.). Burma, Malacca, Cochin China. Brownish- white, moderately hard. Used for boat building. Gamb. 83; Watt Diet. 62:678; Ridl. in Agric. Bull. F. M. S. & S. S. 6 (1907) 170. Pentacme contorta (Vid.) Merr. & Rolfe. White lauan. Philippines. Phil. Woods 386. Pentacme suavis A. DC. (P. siamensis Kurz). Ingyin (Burm.). Burma, Cochin China. Wood very hard, very heavy, cross-grained, in this respect similar to sal which it also resembles in color. Very durable, indestructible in water. Wood fibers diaphragmed with delicate cross-walls; the vessels form short radial rows; the pith-rays are usually two cells wide and have crystal-bearing border cells. Gamb. 77; Nord. IV ( Hopea suavis Wall.); E.-Pr. 3°:263; Watt Diet. 6":678; Pierre 225-227. Shorea acuminata Dyer. Rambeh daun; maranti payah. Malay Peninsula. Ridl. 58. Shorea aptera Burck. (Hopea balangeran de Vr., not Korth.) Miniak teng- kawang. Borneo. Burck in Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenz. 6 (1887) 210. Shorea assamica Dyer. Makai. Assam. Gamb. 83. Shorea balangeran Burck. (Hopea balangeran Korth.; Parahopea balangeran Heim.) Yacal (Phil.); njating-mahambong; tengjawang-blongseng; tengkawang- seloengsoeng ; balangeran ( M. ) . Banka, Borneo, Philippines. This furnishes a part of the yacal of the Philippines, and probably, also, a part of the selangan batu of British North Borneo. Phil. Woods 396; Burck 1. c. 214. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 517 Shorea barbata Brandis, llesak. Malay Peninsula. Ridl. 59. Shorea brachyptera Heim. Mangkabang assu. Sarawak. Becc. 571; Bargagli-Petrucci 67. Shorea compressa Burck. Borneo. Van Eed. 28. Shorea curtisii King. Meranti; tahi. Malay Peninsula. Ridl. 58. Shorea elliptica Burck. Merawan mera. Sarawak. Becc. 571; Bargagli-Petrucci 66. Shorea eximia SchefF. Koejoeng. Banka, Sumatra. Van Eed. 28. Shorea falcifera Dyer. Mengkabang pinang. Sarawak. Bargagli-Petrucci 65; Becc. 571. Shorea ferruginea Dyer. Sassak suppok. Sarawak. Becc. 571; Bargagli-Petrucci 64. Shorea furfuracea Miq. Maranti. Sumatra. Burck 1. c. 219. Shorea ghysbertsiana Burck. Mengkabang pinang. Borneo. A fine-grained, hard, red wood, resembling guijo. Becc. 571. Shorea glauca King. Balau. Malay Peninsula. Wood dark-brown in color and heavy, with numerous small pores, and close fine rays. Much resembles damar laut (Shorea utilis). Ridl. in Agric. Bull. F. M. S. & S. S. 6 (1907) 171. Shorea gratissima Dyer. Singapore. Ridl. 59. Shorea guiso (Blanco) Blume. Plate XXVII, fig. 70. Guijo. Philippines. Phil. Woods 384; Gard. 55. Shorea hypochra Hance. Vin vin. Cochin China. The hard, yellow heartwood is much prized. Pierre 228. 518 FOXWORTIIY. Shorea javanica K. & V. Plalar. Java. K. & V. 5:121. Shorea leprosula Miq. Seraya batu; laro (M.). Malay Peninsula, Borneo. Ridl. 55; Becc. 571; Bargagli-Petrucei 04. Shorea macroptera Dyer. Kepong; kepong hantu; sassak (M. ). Malay Peninsula, Borneo. Ridl. 57; Bargagli-Petrucei 03; Beec. 571. Shorea maranti Burck. (Hopea ? maranti Miq.) Meranti. Malacca, Sumatra, Banka. Ridl. 55-57; Van Eed. 27. Shorea martin iana SchefF. ( Hopea macrophylla de Vr.) Tengkawang-lajar. Borneo. Burck 1. c. 208. Shorea nitens Miq. Maranti bras; sengkawang. Sumatra. Van Eed. 28. Shorea obtusa Wall. Thitya (Burm.). Burma. Gamb. 82. Shorea palembanica Miq. Melebekan. Sumatra. Van Eed. 28. Shorea parvifolia Dyer. Serayah samak; meranti daun kechil; meranti kerap. Malay Peninsula. Ridl. 57. Shorea platycarpa Heim. Mranti boava. Sarawak. Bargagli-Petrucei 07; Becc. 570. Shorea polysperma Merr. Plate XXVIII, fig. 73. Tanguile. Philippines. Phil. Woods 394; Card. 58. Shorea robusta Gaertn. Sfll (Hind.). British India, Burma, Cochin China. Sap wood small, whitish, not durable; lieartwood brown, pale when first cut, but darkening on exposure, coarse-grained, hard, with a remark- able fibrous and cross-grained structure; the fibers of alternate belts in the wood on a vertical section running in opposite directions, so that when (lie wood is dressed, a very sharp plane is necessary or it will not get smooth; does not season well. Seasonal rings only visible in young trees or on freshly cut wood. Pores moderate-sized lo large, often filled with resin ; each pore or group of pores in a patch of pale, loose tissue. Pith-rays uniform, moderately broad, straight, very prominent, joined 519 INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. by short white transverse lines, the distance between the pith-rays equal to the transverse diameter of the pores. Pith-rays mostly four cells wide with cubical border cells. The most important structural wood of north- ern India. Used also for joinery and railroad ties. Janssonius 1:364—369; E.-Pr. 36:266; Gamb. 77—81, tab. II, fig. 3 ; Nurd. ; Watt Diet. 62: 677. Shorea selanica Bl. ( Hopea selanica Roxb.) Dammar-sila; dammar-ina- laijoe; bahoet; kajoe-bapa; bapa-mereb; bapa-puti. Borneo, Moluccas. Van Eed. 28. Shorea sericea Dyer. Malay Peninsula. Ridl. 58. Shorea squamata Benth. & Hook. f. Borneo, Philippines. Becc. 570. Shorea talura Roxb. Talura (Tam.) British India. Gamb. 82. Shorea tumbaggaia Roxb. Tambugai (Tam.); cangu. British India. The wood, which is harder than that of sal, though otherwise similar, is used in structural work. Watt Diet. 62:679; Gamb. 81. Shorea util is King. Damar laut numero satu. Malay Peninsula. A very useful and durable wood. Used for structural work, piling, etc. Ridl. 58; Newton 6. Stemonoporus wighti i Thw. Halmendora. Ceylon. Gamb. 85. Vateria acuminata Hayne. Ceylon; frequently planted. Light but hard and durable wood, with thin-walled wood cells. Ves- sels single or in small groups. Used for tea-chests and structural work. Lewis 308. Vateria indica L. Piney maram ; “the piney varnish tree.” British India. Bough, coarse-grained, moderately hard wood with reddish-white sap and gray heart. Used for boats, masts, coffins, tea-chests, packing cases, etc. Gamb. 85, tab. II, fig. It; Nord. V; Watt Diet. 62:225. 520 FOXWORTHY. Vateria seychellarum Dyer. Seychelles. Wood of this rare tree much valued because of the large amount of oil which it contains. E.-Pr. 3® : 273. Vatica (Synaptea) astrotricha Pierre. Cochin China. Yellow-brown to reddish or greenish, black-streaked, very durable. Used for structural work and furniture. Pierre 240. Vatica bancana Scheff. Banka, Java. K. & V. 5:127-129; Janssonius 1:360-364. Vatica bantamensis Burck. Java, Sumatra. K. & V. 5:129. Vatica cinerea King. Pinang baik. Malay Peninsula. Ridl. 60. Vatica chinensis L. British India and Ceylon. Reddish-brown, hard, close-grained. Gamb. 84. Vatica (Synaptea) faginea Pierre. Cochin China. Pierre 242. Vatica mangachapoi Blanco. Narig (Phil.). Philippines. Vatica rassak Korth. Rassak; njating; dammara. Dutch Borneo. It seems probable that quite a number of species produce timber which is known as rassak. In some places the wood of Vatica is known as tjengal. TAMARICACE M. Tamarix articulata Vahl. Africa, Arabia, Java, British India. White, moderately hard wood, used for cart wheels, agricultural imple- ments, etc. Watt Diet. 63:409; Gamb. 46; Nord. VI. T amarix gallica L. India, Burma, Ceylon. Wood white or reddish, sometimes darker in the center, but no heart- wood. Pores small to moderate-sized, often in groups, more numerous 1ND0-MALAYAN WOODS. 521 and large in the earlier-formed wood if the seasonable rings are distinct. Pith-rays generally broad, short, distant, giving a marked silver grain. Gamb. 46; Nord. I. FLACOU RTIACEiE. Wood usually reddish-brown, moderately hard or hard. Pores small, in short radial lines. Pith-rays fine, numerous, closely packed. The structure closely resembles that of the red-wooded section of Euphor- biacece. Casearia glomerata Roxb. British India to Hongkong and Java. Yellowish- white, moderately hard, coarse wood. Watt Diet. 2:209; Gamb. 378, tab. Till, fig. 5; Nord. X. Casearia tomentosa Roxb. British India to Java and north Australia. Wood similar to the preceding and used for making combs. Gamb. 379; Watt Diet. 2:209; K. & V. 1:176-178. Flacourtia cataphracta Roxb. British India and Burma. K. & V. 5:26—28; Gamb. 39, tab. t. fig. J ; Nord. IX; \ an Eed. 11; Janssonius 1:209; Ridl. 11. Flacourtia ramontchi L’Herit. “Madagascar-plum.” India, Burma, Ceylon; cultivated in Egypt and throughout southern Asia. Red, hard, close- and even-grained, splits but does not warp, and is durable. Pores small, in radial lines. Pith-rays fine, uniform, closely packed and somewhat wavy. Agricultural implements and turnery. Watt Diet. 3:399; Gamb. 40; Van Eed. 12; K. & V. 5:19-22; Janssonius 1 :208. Gynocardia odorata R. Br. British India. Yellow or yellowish-brown wood; used for rough structural work. Watt Diet. 4:194; Gamb. 41. Homalium frutescens King. Petaling ayer. Malay Peninsula. A fine-grained wood, suitable for building. Ridl. 180. Homalium tomentosum Benth. Dalingsem. Java to Burma. A hard and heavy structural wood. K. & V. 1:182-185; Van Eed. 149. 88250 8 522 FOXWORTHY. Homalium luzoniense F.-Vill. (Plate XXVIII, fig. 79), and other species. Aranga. Philippines. A very hard and durable wood. Reddish, close-grained. Pith-rays very fine and very numerous, turning out to pass vessels. Vessels medium-size, scattered. Used for piling and structuial work. Con- sidered by many as the best wood for piling in the Philippines. Phil. Woods 373; Gard. G3. Hydnocarpus alpina Wight. India and Ceylon. Light-brown, hard, with streaks of darker color and clearly containing tannin. Seasonal rings faint. Pores moderate-sized, often subdivided radially into 2 or 3, scanty. Pith-rays fine, very numerous and closely packed, the distances between them much less that the transverse diameter of the pores. Used for beams and rafters and a good fuel. Gamb. 42. Pangium edule Reimv. Putjung; pangi. Malay Archipelago. A hard wood ; used for house building. Van Eed. 12; Janssonius 1:211; K. & V. 5:6-8. Trichadenia zeylanica Thw. Tolol (Cingh.), Ceylon. Wood yellowish-white, hard. Pores moderate-sized, often subdivided, rather scanty, in radial patches. Pith-rays fine, very close, regular, bent round the pores. Gamb. 41. DATI SCACE2E. Tetrameles nudiflora R. Br. India and Ceylon. White and soft. Seasonal rings marked by a belt of close pores. Wood cells large. Pores large, often subdivided and in short zigzag transverse lines. Pith-rays fine to moderately broad, clearly marked, the distance between the rays equal to the diameter of the pores. 'Pea- chests. Gamb. 381; K. & V. 9:37-40; Van Eed. 150; Lewis 309. Octomeles sumatrana Miq. Plate XXVIII, fig. 80. Binuang (Phil.); mi- nuang (M.) ; kajoe-palaka (M.). Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines. Wood soft, yellowish, not durable. Van Eed. 150; Becc. 579. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 523 TIIYMELAEACE2E. Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. Kayu-garu (M.). British India and Malaya. Wood white, soft and light, even-grained, scented when fresh cut. In the interior of old trees are sometimes found irregular masses of harder and darker-colored wood, with a lioney-like scent, which constitute the “eaglewood” of commerce. Pores small and moderate-sized, in short radial lines. Pith-rays fine, numerous; the distance between two con- secutive rays less than the transverse diameter of the pores. Numerous short transverse bands of pores and intercellular ducts filled with a brownish substance. A valuable incense wood. (See p. 427.) Gamb. 579. Aquilaria malaccensis Lam., and other species also furnish eaglewood. LYTHRACE M. Wood grayish or reddish-brown, moderately hard. Pores of various sizes, joined by narrow bands of wood parenchyma. Pith-rays fine, numerous, uniform, usually bent around the pores. Lagerstroem ia fioribunda Jack. Tropical Asia. Wood light-fawn-colored with the rings usually very distinct and large, sometimes rather close, rays fine and close, rather obscure, pores of medium size in lines along the rings, the rings being marked out by lines of large pores. Ridl. 179. Lagerstroem ia hexaptera Miq. Bungah malukut. Malay Peninsula. Ridl. 179. Lagerstroemia parviflora Roxb. Tropical Asia. Wood very hard, gray or grayish-brown, often almost red, darker- colored near the center, hard. No seasonal rings. Pores moderate- sized and large, often subdivided, surrounded singly or in patches by pale rings, which are joined by fine narrow, irregular, wavy, interrupted and anastomosing bands of wood parenchyma. Pith-rays fine, very nu- merous, inconspicuous. Used for house posts, beams and rafters, frames for doors and windows, pieces for agricultural implements, carts and boats. Gamb. 371; Nord. X; Watt Diet. 4:584. 524 FOXWORTHY. Lagerstroemia piriformis Koehne (L. batitinan Vid.). Batitinan. Philippines. Wood hard and moderately heavy. Sapwood light; heartwood dark- brovvn. Fine straight grain. Seasonal rings distinct. Ring porous. Black glistening deposits in the vessels. Used for general construction ; posts, sleepers, flooring, joists, planks, rafters; shipbuilding, keelsons, masts; piles; telegraph poles. Phil. Woods 377; Gard. 65. Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers. (L. fios-regine Retz.). Plate XXVIII, fig. 81. Jarul (Beng.) ; banaba (Phil.) ; bongoh, boengoer (M. ). Throughout the eastern tropics. Moderately heavy and hard. Sapwood light to pinkish; heartwood dark-reddish-brown or light-red. Seasonal rings distinct. Ring-porous. Straight-grained. Dark-colored, glistening deposits ih the vessels. Used for high-grade construction, boat building, interior partitions and fur- nishings; planks, rafters, sills, wharves; piling; furniture; carabao yokes; barrels; railroad ties. Considered as almost the equal of teak. Phil. Woods 374; Becc. 579; Gamb. 373, tab. VIII, fig. /,; Nord. X; Watt Diet. 4:582; K. & V. 1:190—193; Van Eed. 146; Watt in Agric. Ledger (1907) No. 9, 1-7. Several other species also produce wood of very good quality. SONNERATIACE2E. Crypteronia paniculata Bl. Krakas; tjelemgan ; kajoe-ramo (M.). British India, Malay Peninsula and Malay Archipelago. Wood light-reddish-brown, moderately hard. Pores moderate-sized, scanty, usually subdivided radially. Pith-rays very numerous, fine, red, inconspicuous. Used for cabinet work. Other species used in the same manner. Gamb. 370; Van Eed. 145; Ridl. 180; K. & V. 1:203-205. Duabanga grandiflora (Roxb.) Ham. {Duabanga sonneratioides Ham.; La- gerstroemia grandifiora Roxb.). British India and Burma. Wood gray, often streaked with yellow, soft, seasons well, neither warps nor splits. Pores large and moderate-sized, often oval and sub- divided, in roughly oblique lines. Pith-rays fine, very numerous, wavy. Used for canoes, tea-boxes, etc. Gamb. 376; Watt Diet. 3:196; Ridl. 179. Duabanga moluccana Bl. Loctob (Phil.); takir, kedjimas (Java). Philippines, Celebes, Java, Amboina, Bali. Wood soft, light-colored, not durable. Used for planks and small boats. K. & V. 1 : 195-197 ; Van Eed. 145. Sonneratia acida L. f. Pedada, p’dada (M.). British India, Ceylon, Burma, Malay Archipelago. W ood gray, soft, even-grained. Pores small, oval and subdivided, very INDO-MA LAYAN W OODS. 525 numerous, uniformly distributed. Pith-rays very fine, very numerous, bent around the pores. Used for models and fuel. Gumb. 377; Nurd. X; Watt Diet. 63:275; Becc. 579; Van Eed. 147; K. & V. 1:198-200; Bargagli-Petrucci 70, tab. XIV. Sonneratia apetala Ham. British India, Burma, Ceylon. Moderately hard; sapwood gray; heartwood reddish-brown. Used lor house building, packing boxes, planks, fuel. Gamb. 370; Watt Diet. 63:196. Sonneratia pagatpat Blanco. Plate XXV11I, fig. 82. Pagatpat (Phil.). Sonneratia alba Smith. Prapat (M.). These two species are very much alike and may be identical, llie outer part of the mangrove swamp. Throughout the Mala}' region. Wood hard and heavy, fine-grained, with slightly disagreeable odor. Sapwood white or grayish, heartwood dark-brown and taking up most of the log, sapwood in a rather narrow layer. Pores small and scattered. Works readily, but contains quite a large amount of salt and, conse- quents, is said to cause nails or spikes to rust quickly. Shavings salty to the taste. Air-dry wood sometimes contains as much as 1 per cent of its weight of salt. In some parts of Borneo the natives secure salt from the ashes of the wood. Used for house building, planking lor boats, wall plates, bridges and all parts of structures which come in contact with metal work ; used also for telegraph and telephone poles. It should be tried for railroad ties. The air-roots of this tree are very corky and light. They are commonly known in the Philippines by the name of daluru and are used as razor hones. (See p. 427.) Van Eed. 148; K. & V. 1:200; Becc. 579. LECYTHI DACE2E. Barringtonia acutangula Gaertn. Indian oak. From the Seychelles to north Australia and Queensland. White, shining, soft, even-grained. Pores small, often subdivided or in radial groups between the broad and very broad, rarely line and moderately broad, long pith-rays, which form the greater part ot the wood, and show a handsome silver grain on radial section. Boat building and joinery. Gamb. 363, tab. VIII, fig. 3; Nurd. X; Watt Diet. 1:402. Barringtonia racemosa Bl. Nivar. Britisli India, Ceylon, Malay Archipelago. Wood white, very soft, porous. Pores small and moderate-sized, nu- merous, uniformly distributed. Pith-rays moderately broad, long, equi- distant. Used principally for fuel. Gamb. 363; Van Eed. 131; K. & V. 6:6-8. FOXWORTHY. 526 Barrington ia speciosa Foist. Putat. Malay Archipelago. Wood like the preceding. A number of species of this genus furnish wood of this grade. They are usually known by the name of putat and are not of much commercial importance. K. & Y. 6:4-6; Van Eed. 131; Ridl. 178. Careya arborea Roxb. India. Wood moderately hard; sapwood whitish, large; heartwood dull-red, sometimes claret-colored, very dark in old trees, even-grained. Pores oval, moderate-sized to large, subdivided, wavy on vertical section. Pith- rays numerous, tine, equidistant and uniform; the space between two consecutive rays less than the diameter of the pores, around which they bend. Across the pith-rays are numerous very fine transverse bars, not easily seen except on a thin section. Durable. Agricultural implements, gun-stocks, house-posts, planking, carts, furniture and cabinet work. Gamb. 364; Nord. X; Watt Diet. 2:157. Planchonia valida Bl. ( P . littoralis Van Iloutte). Andaman Islands and the Malay Archipelago. Wood reddish-brown, with yellow streaks, very hard and very heavy, close-grained. Pores moderate-sized and large, often subdivided, in rounded and elongated patches, which are sometimes joined by narrow, undulating bands of softer tissue. Pith-rays very fine, numerous, bend- ing. The pores are frequently filled up by a yellow substance, and are prominent on a vertical section. Seasons well and takes a fine polish. Gamb. 365; Watt Diet. 61:284; Van Eed. 139; K. & V. 6:24-26. R HIZOPHORACE M. Hard and usually heavy-wooded trees. Rhizophora, Ceriops, and Bruguiera have small pores and equidistant, fine or moderately broad rays. The pores are somethues joined by interrupted concentric bands. The structure of Kandelia is different. Carallia and Anisophyllea differ by having two classes .of medullary rays; short very fine rays between the regular broad ones. Pith-rays broad, of two classes. Wood heavy or very heavy Carallia Wood only moderately heavy J Oynotroches ( Anisophyllea Pith-rays tine or moderately broad. Pith-rays yellow, contrasting with the rest of the wood Kandelia Pith-rays not very different in color from the rest of the wood. •Wood orange-colored and giving a fluorescent orange-colored aqueous solution. Ceriops Wood not orange Rhizophora Bruguiera INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 527 Anisophyllea zeylanica Benth. Ceylon. Moderately hard and heavy. Grayish-brown. Tea-boxes. Gamb. 336; Lewis 307. Bruguiera caryophylloides Blume. Kakandan (lam.); Bosung (M.). Tidal forests of India and Burma, rare in Ceylon; Philippines, New Guinea. Wood reddish, hard and heavy, close-grained. Pores small, scanty, often subdivided. Pith-rays tine, numerous, wavy, with a pretty silver grain. Gamb. 334; K. & V. 4:298-300; Ridl. 172. Bruguiera eriopetala W. & A. Madagascar to Australia. Wood very hard and heavy; dark-reddish. Used for piling and for fuel. K. & V. 4:295-297; Van Eed. 126. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Lam. Plate XXVIII, fig. 84. Tumu (M.) ; poto- tan (Phil.). East Africa to Australia. The most stately tree of the mangroves. Wood very hard and very heavy, dark-reddish-brown. Construction and furniture in India ; piling : fuel. Ridl. 172; Watt Diet. 1:54; Gamb. 334; K. & V. 4:292-295; Van Eed. 127; Bargagli-Petrucci 75. Bruguiera parvifiora W. & A. Burrus; b’rus ; b eus (M.) ; lenggadi (Phil.). India to Malaya and the Philippines; very abundant in the interior of man- grove swamps. Hard and heavy. Growing usually to only a small size, but with a beautifully clear straight trunk. Wood less desirable than that of Rhizophora spp., or of B. gymnorrhiza , but still a good wood. Chief use, piling. K. & V. 4:297; Van Eed. 127; Ridl. 172; Becc. 578. Carallia integerrima DC. Plate XXVIII, fig. 83. India and Ceylon to Malaya; fairly common in the Philippines, but usually not of large size. Pretty, red-marked heartwood, used for construction, furniture, and fine cabinet work. Watt Diet. 1:541; Gamb. 335, tab. VII, fig. 3; Niird. X; K. & V. 4:301-304. Ceriops roxburghiana Arn. Tengah ; tengah puti (M.) ; tangal (Phil.). Tropical tidal forests of the Old World. Wood very hard and very heavy, orange-red in color and giving a fluorescent orange color to water in which it is placed. Very durable in water. Pith-rays distinct. The two species of this genus are distinctly the best of the mangroves, although they are of comparatively small 528 FOX WORTHY. size. Used for piling, roof supports, etc., specially prized as a high- grade firewood. K. & Y. 4: 287-289 3 Van Eed. 127. Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C. B. Rob. ( C . candolleana Arn.). Taneal (Phil ) • tengah ( M. ) . Same distribution as the last. Same kind of wood and same uses. Shipbuilding. Watt Diet. 2:261; K. & V. 4:284-287; Van Eed. 127; Ridl. 172. Gynotroches axillaris Bl. Mata keli; koekoeran (M.). Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. \\ ood soft, moderately heavy, not durable, light-brownish. Used for house work, rafters, blades of oars, etc. K. & V. 4:306-213; Ridl. 173. Kandelia rheedii W. & A. Tumu (M.). British India to Formosa and Malaya. Much less common than the preceding and but little used. Pith-rays said to be distinct from the rest of the wood because of a distinct yellow color. K. & V. 4: 290. Rhizophora conjugata L. Bakko, Akit (M.) ; Bacauan (Phil.). Tidal forests of eastern Africa, Asia, and Australia. Very hard and very heavy; like the next. Ridl. 172; K. & V. 4:282; Van Eed. 128. Rhizophora mucronata Lam. Plate XXIX, fig. 86. Belukap, b’lukap (M.) ; bacauan (Phil.). Principal constituent of the mangrove on the Zanzibar coast (there called mlconko) , then in the Seychelles, Madagascar, the whole of tropical Asia, through Malaya (o Australia. _ Mllc]l valued for construction work in regions of east Africa where timber is scarce. Piling, firewood. Ridl. 172; Gamb. 335; Wiesner 2:123; K. & V. 4:278-282; Boulder 241- Van Eed. 128; Newton 6; Holtzapffel 93. I can not distinguish the wood of Rhizophora spp. from that of Bruguiera spp. COM BRETACE2E. key TO THE GENERA OF COMBRETACEvE. Pores more or less connected and surrounded by wood parenchyma. Pores medium-sized to small Anogeissus Pores medium-sized to large Terminals lores not surrounded nor connected by wood parenchyma, small and in short radial lines T Lummtzera INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 529 Anogeissus. Wood gray usually with a small purple-brown heartwood, hard, close-grained. Pores small, in light-colored patches sometimes arranged more or less concentrically (A. latifolia and A. acuminata ), sometimes radially (A . pendula) . Pith-rays fine, uniform, equidistant. Anogeissus latifolia Wall. British India. Very hard and very heavy. Seasonal rings marked by lines without pores. Pores small, very numerous, often subdivided, surrounded either singly or in loose patches by wood parenchyma, the patches arranged obliquely or transversely in a roughly concentric fashion. Pith-rays very fine, extremely numerous, uniform, equidistant. Transverse di- ameter of the pores about equal to the distance between the pith-rays. Very strong and tough, but splits in seasoning and unless kept dry is not very durable. Ax handles, poles for carrying loads, axles of carts, furniture, agricultural implements, shipbuilding. Good fuel and ex- cellent charcoal. Gamb. 346, tab. VII, fig. \ ; Nord. X, also IX ( Conocarpus ) ; Watt Diet. 1 :257. Lumnitzera littorea (Jack) Voigt (L. coccinea W. & A.). Plate XXIX, fig. 87. “Red-flowered mangrove;” naiia (Guam) ; culasi, sagasa, tabao (Phil.) ; taruntum, griting (M. ) ; doekoek, doekoek-ageng (Jav. ) ; taroengtoeng (Suma- tra) ; api-api (Java and Sumatra). British India and Ceylon to Australia and Polynesia; a mangrove swamp tree. Wood hard and heavy, grayish- or yellowish-brown, occasionally with a certain reddish tinge. Pine-grained, with faint rose-like odor when first cut. Irregular seasonal rings said to be sometimes present. Pores small, in short radial lines. Pith-rays fine, numerous, the distance between them about equal to the diameter of the pores. Wood strong and durable. Used for piling, with the bark on. In Borneo, this wood is considered as second only to billian for piling, and much of it is exported for that purpose. On the Malay Peninsula it is used for the axles of carts. Used for boat building by the natives of Kaiser Wil- helmsland. Not much used in the Philippines, although it is very widely distributed. t Ridl. 173; Van Eed. 129; Safford 385; Becc. 578: Bargagli-Petrucci 77, tab. XIV ; K. & V. 9:31-33. Lumnitzera racemosa Willd. Kripa (Beng.) ; yinye (Burin.). Tropical east Africa, Madagascar, Ceylon, British India, Burma, Java, New Guinea, Australia, Polynesia, Philippines, and Formosa. This is a much smaller and less important tree than the last, but it is said to be very important as a firewood in some sections. The wood is strong and durable and is sometimes used for house posts. • Gamb. 348; K. & V. 9:33; Watt Diet. 5:97. 530 FOXWOKTHY. Terminalia. The woods of the Pentaptera and Chuncoa sections are dark-colored, rather like, but darker and rougher than walnut; those of the Catappa section are lighter in color, but have occasionally an irregular dark heartwood. In the former class the pores are larger and the texture rather more open, but in this respect T. belerica comes between the two. In all, the pores are in patches or single, and these patches are more or less concentrically confluent, and in all the pith-rays are fine, numerous, and uniform. The wood of T. oliveri resembles that of T. chcbula in the Catappa section, but has smaller pores. SUBGENUS 1, CATAPPA. Terminalia catappa L. “The Indian almond;” “Malabar almond;” talisai (Guam); talisay, dalisai (Phil.); talie (Samoa); kaorika, kauarika (Rara- tonga) ; tavola (Fiji); kamani (Hawaii); almendro (Spanish America); bada- mier (French); saori (Solomon Islands); tipop, tipapop (Ponape, Caroline Islands); badam (Beng. ) ; kottamba (Cing. ) ; katapang (Malay). Madagascar, British India and Ceylon, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago to New Guinea and Polynesia; cultivated in all the tropics. Wood red, with lighter-colored sapwood, hard. Pores moderate-sized, scanty, joined by wavy, short, concentric bands of wood parenchyma. Pith-rays fine. Troughs, carts, posts, planks, etc. Gamb. 337; Safford 385; Watt Diet. 6:22; Phil. Woods 393; Ridl. 173; K. & V. 9:27; Van Eed. 129. Terminalia belerica Roxb. Behara (Hind.); bohera (Beng.); tani (Tam.); btilfi (Cing.); thitsein (Burm.). British India, Ceylon, Burma, Malacca. Wood yellowish-gray, hard, no heartwood, not durable, readily attacked by insects ; seasonal rings indistinct. Pores very scanty, large, frequently divided, joined by irregular, wavy, concentric bands of wood parenchyma. Fine, uniform and equidistant pith-rays distinctly visible in the darker and harder portions between the bands, and on radial section, where, too, the pores are prominent. Planking, packing-cases, canoes, and in north- west India for house building after it has been steeped in water, which renders it more durable. Gamb. 337, tab. VIII, fig. 5; N6rd. VIII; Watt Diet. 64 : 22 ; Van Eed. 129; K. & V. 9:17-20. Terminalia chebula Retz. Harm (Hind.). British India and Ceylon to Malaya. Wood very hard, brownish-gray with a greenish or yellowish tinge, with an irregular small dark-purple heartwood, close-grained, fairly durable. Seasonal rings indistinct. Pores small, and moderate-sized, often subdivided, singly or in groups surrounded by small patches of wood parenchyma which are slightly confluent into more or less con- centrically arranged bands. Pith-rays very fine, uniform, equidistant, INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 531 numerous, stopping at or bent round the pores or groups of pores. The wood takes a good polish and is fairly durable ; it is used for furniture, carts, agricultural implements, and house building. Beddome says it is cross-grained and difficult to work. Gamb. 338-340, tab. VII, fig. 6; Nurd. VIII; Watt Diet. 6‘:24. Terminalia citrina Roxb., and T. angusti folia Roxb., of this section axe two Indian species of local importance. SUBGENUS 2, PENTAPTERA. Terminalia arunja Bedd. Arjfm (Beng.). Western India and Ceylon. Sapwood reddish-white; heartwood with darker-colored streaks, very hard and heavy. Seasonal rings doubtful. Pores moderate-sized and large, sometimes verv large, uniformly distributed, more nuineious and larger than in T. tomentosa, often subdivided into 2 to 4 compartments, each pore surrounded by a ring of wood parenchyma. Numerous, thin, wavy, concentric lines, which frequently anastomose. Pitto-rays veiy fine and numerous. Wood apt to split in seasoning and not easy to work. Used for carts, agricultural implements, boats, and for building purposes. Gamb. 341; Van Eed. 126; Nurd. IX ( T . macrocarpa Steud.). Terminalia oliveri Brandis. Than (Burm.). Burma. Wood hard, close- and even-grained, resembling that of T. chebula ; sapwood yellow to gray; heartwood purplish-brown, streaked and clouded, very irregular. Pores small or very small, numerous, often subdivided, singly or in groups surrounded by patches of loose tissue which run into more or less concentrically arranged bands. Pith-rays fine and very fine, numerous, regular. Gamb. 340. Terminalia tomentosa W. & A. India, Ceylon. Sapwood reddish-white; heartwood dark-brown, hard, beautifully variegated with streaks of darker color, showing on a radial section as dark streaks which are generally undulating. Pores moderate-sized and large, uniformly distributed, each pore inclosed in an irregularly shaped and generally elongated patch of wood parenchyma; these patches aie often arranged in concentric lines and frequently joined by thin, wavy, concentric bands. Pith-rays not distinct, very fine, numerous, uniform, equidistant, often wavy, the transverse diameter of the pores many times larger than the distance between the rays. House building, carts, rice-pounders, ship and boat building, railroad ties. Gamb. 341-344; Nurd. VIII; Watt Diet. 6*: 37-41. FOXWORTHY. 532 SUBGENUS 3, CHUNCOA. Terminalia paniculata W. & A. Western British India. \\ ood gray, with darker heartwood, very hard. Pores large and moderate-sized, oval, often subdivided, numerous, surrounded by faintly marked patches of wood parenchyma, arranged in oblique and wavy lines and connected into somewhat concentric bands. Pith-rays fine, uniform, wavy, numerous; the distance between them usually less than the diam- eter of the pores. Structural work. Gamb. 344. ' SUBGENUS 4, BIALATA. Terminalia bialata Wall. Burma and the Andaman Islands. Wood gray and beautifully mottled, moderately hard and heavy. Structure and uses the same as in T. belerica. Gamb. 34S; K. & V. 9:28-30. PHILIPPINE SPECIES OF TERMINALIA. Thus far the Philippine species of Terminalia have not been sufficiently understood to make it possible to work out their structure with anything like completeness. Most of our Philippine species belong to the section Catappa. Our species in this section are T. catappa L., T. pellucida Presl, T. nitens Presl, T. edulis Blanco, T. ellipsoidea Merr., and T. mollis Polfe; in the section Diptera we have T. calamansanay Rolfe. Some of these woods are known under the names of Talisay (Phil. Woods 303), calumpit (Phil. Woods 380), dalinsi (Phil. Woods 381), and sacat, Plate XXIX, fig. 88, (Gard. 58; Phil. Woods 392). Until the specific limits are better known, it will be difficult to do anything with the structure of these woods. Besides these, there is a Terminalia furnishing a very good wood known as bingos, dinglas, or lamia ( Terminalia com inf ana (Blco.) Merr.). This wood is dark-gray with purple markings. It is hard and moderately heavy, durable, works readily and is used for structural work and for furniture. It is sometimes sold under the name of batitinan, and it is so fine grained that it is sometimes used as a substitute for molave ( Vitex littoralis Dene.). MYRTACEiE. Pores small to moderate-sized, often arranged in more or less con- spicuous concentric belts, or else in short strings. Pith-rays fine and numerous. Eucalyptus. This very large genus is mainly confined to Australia, but it produces such quantities of wood and it is so extensively handled that it is a prominent factor in all eastern markets. Certain species have INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 533 been rather extensively planted in India and elsewhere. A few of the best known species are here considered. Wiesner 2:97G— 982 includes the following characterization. Wood in cross section with numerous, prominent, light-colored spots, which contain small vessels and which frequently or always are arranged in obliquely placed stripes of changeable direction, arranged in concentric zones and so forming an appearance more or less suggesting annual rings. Sometimes there are seen on the cross-seetion cavities in which there is a dark-reddish-brown mass. Wood hard, heavy, usually splitting easily but roughly, checking and warping badly, but tough, elastic, strong and durable. The Eucalyptus woods are divided into two groups on the ground of color. The one light-brown, having about the appear- ance of ordinary oak wood, from which, however, it differs very markedly by the irregular appearance of the cross-section and the absence of broad pith-rays; the others appear dull-red to fleshy-red, about the tint of red Casuarina wood or of horseflesh wood, with which woods, however, they are not to be confused. Both sorts of Eucalyptus woods have the same structure. LIGHT-'BKOWN' EUCALYPTUS WOODS. Distinct from the reddish-colored species by the. scanty development of wood parenchyma and by the contents of the wood parenchyma and pith- ray cells. Both of these elements contain in many cells light-brown or yellowish-brown coloring material which is quickly or slowly blackened by iron chloride, partially soluble in water, which it colors, blackened by quicklime. Eucalyptus globulus Labill. The blue gum. Victoria and Tasmania; naturalized in British India and Ceylon. Wood gray with darker streaks and moderately hard. Very heavy. Pores small to moderate-sized, round, in groups or in radial or oblique lines; closely packed in concentric belts in the annual rings. Pith-rays fine, very numerous, the intervals between the rays smaller than the diameter of the pores. Pores marked on a longitudinal section. House beams, railway sleepers, bridge-work, charcoal. Stone 125; Gamb. 353. tab.. VIII, fig. 1 ; Nbrd. VI; Hough's American Woods, 8:183; Van Eed. 133. Eucalyptus maculata Hook. “Spotted gum,” in Queensland and New South Wales. Eucalyptus microcorys F. v. Muell. “Tallowwood,” same range. Eucalyptus obliqua L’Her. “Stringybark,” in Tasmania, New South Wales and southern Australia. In Australia, the shaggy-barked species are usually called “stringy bark trees,” while the smooth-barked species are called “iron bark trees.” Eucalyptus pilularis Smith. “Blackbutt,” in Tasmania, New South Wales and Queensland. Stone 124. 534 FOX WORTHY. REI) EUCALYPTUS WOODS. Tn addition to the points already mentioned, the red Eucalyptus woods frequently have two- or three-layered pith-rays. The yellowish crystalline substance in the cells seems to he sometimes only sparingly present. Cal- cium oxalate seems to be wanting. Chips coloring alcohol or water, the latter more darkly red, without the content of the cells being noticeably dissolved ; it remains unchanged in boiling water and is only dissolved when quicklime is added. The unchanged contents of the cells deeply blackened by iron chloride. Of Eucalyptus species with red wood, the following are to be placed here : Eucalyptus crebra F. v. Mueller. Ironbark in New South Wales, Queensland and north Australia. Eucalyptus marginata Sm. The jarrah or bastard mahogany. West Australia; cultivated in British India. \\ ood hard, sapwood white, heartwood red. Pores small, scanty, scat- tered unevenly, but chiefly in pale concentric bands. Pith-rays very fine, very numerous. Heavy construction work, piling. Gamb. 353; Van Eed. 133; Stone 114; Stevenson 250-254. Eucalyptus rostrata Schl. Red gum, West Australia. Eucalyptus resinifera Smith. Forest-mahogany, West Australia. Stone 115. Very many other species are used, but those mentioned are said to be the ones most commonly exported. Many of these woods seem to have proved quite durable for street paving in temperate regions. Eugenia. Plate XXIX, fig. 89. Wood rough, moderately hard to very hard, seasons well, usually reddish- or grayish-brown. Pores small to moderate-sized, more or less arranged in concentric bands, sometimes joined by pale tissue of large wood cells. Pith- rays fine, numerous. A very large number of species, which are very difficult to distinguish. The timbers are usually good, and some are exceptionally so, and can be used for house or ship building. In the Philippines, woods of this genus are known as macaasin or malaruliat. In the Federated Malay States, they are known as kayu 1-1 at. Some very fine and some rather indifferent woods belong to the genus; but, as vet, I have not been able to properly classify them. Mail}' of the species of Eugenia are of very scattered oc- currence and do not grow to unusual size, consequently they are not a very considerable factor in the market. Ridl. 175-178; Phil. Woods 387; Newton 5; Gard. 61. Eugenia caryophyllaea Wight. Van Eed. 134; Gamb. 359; Nord. VII ( Myrtus caryophyllata L.) ; I\. & V. 6:101-104. Eugenia jambolana Lam. Jaman (Hind.). Van Eed. 135; Gamb. 361, tab. VIII, fig. 2; Nord. VII; K. & V. 6:132-136. I >' DO- MALAYAN WOODS. 535 Eugenia jambos L. Van Eed. 135; Gamb. 357; Nord. V ( Myrtus jambosa) ; I\. & V. 6:53-55. Eugenia operculata Roxb. Van Eed. 137; Gamb. 360; Nord. IX; K. & V. 6:148-152. Eugenia wallichii Wight. Gamb. 357 ; Nord. IX. Sudjung. — There is found in the Island of Mindanao a very hard wood of this name which is probably produced by some species of Eugenia. The wood is dark-brown in color, contains a considerable amount of oil and is very durable. It is often used for corner posts of houses. Leptospermum flavescens Sm. (Leptospermum amboinense Reinw.) Sunda and Molucca Islands, Australia, Malay Peninsula. Very hard wood used for tool handles. Van Eed. 138; E.-Pr. 37:94. Melaleuca leucadendron L. “Cajeput tree.” British India, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, and Australia. Reddish-brown, hard. Pores moderate-sized, scanty, producing wavy lines on a vertical section. Pith-rays fine, extremely numerous. Piling. Van Eed. 138; Gamb. 351; Ridl. 174; K. & V. 6 : 180—183 ; Stone 132-134. Metrosideros ( Nania ). Very hard and very heavy wood. Pores and pith-rays very small, hard to distinguish with a lens. Dark-purplish- brown. Metrosideros vera Lindl. (Nania vera Miq.) Eijserhout; kajoe besi; nani (M.). Java, Amboina, Ternate, the Moluccas. Very hard and very heavy; dark-reddish-brown; durable; very dif- ficult, to work. Resists the teredo. House and bridge building. Van Eed. 139; K. & V. 6:168-171. Other species of the genus in Australia and New Zealand are also noted for fine grain, hardness and durability. Psidium guajava L. Cultivated throughout the tropics. Wood grayish-brown, moderately hard, even-grained. Pores small, nu- merous, in short radial groups. Pith-rays fine, short, numerous, in- distinct. Engraving, spear handles, charcoal, firewood. Van Eed. 139; Gamb. 355; Ridl. 175; Nord. V ( Psidium pyriferum) ; K. & V. 6:35. Rhodamn ia trinervia Blume. (Rhodamnia cinerea Jack.) Mempayan (M.). British India, through Malaya, to Australia. Wood brown, moderately hard, with faint irregular but more or less concentric very narrow lines of loose texture. Pores small to moderate- sized, irregularly distributed, occasionally in somewhat concentric lines. FOXWORTHY. 536 Pith-rays few, moderately broad to broad, with myny very fine between them. Beams for house building and plow bandies. Vail Eed. 139; Gamb. 355; Nord. IV (Myrtus trinervia Sm.), VII (Myrtus mclastomoides F. M. ) ; ltidl. 174. Tristania. Wood hard to very hard and heavy to very heavy; durable. Iteddish or dark-reddish; close-grained. Pores small; pith-rays small. Wood parenchyma scanty. Tristania burmannica Griff. British India and Malaya. Gamb. 354. Tristania decorticata Merr. Malabayabas. Philippines, Sarawak. Wood hard and heavy, fine-grained; dark-reddish-brown; used for tool handles. Tristania merguensis Griff. Straits Settlements. Ridl. 175. Tristania obovata Benn. Palawan, prawan. Banka, Sumatra, Borneo. Very fine firewood. Used for the tin and gold mines. Van Eed. 140; Bargagli-Petrucci 78, tab. XV. Tristania whitiana Griff. Singapore. Ridl. 175. Various species of Tristania are known in Borneo by the name of Ptawan and the wood is used for firewood; Becc. 578, 585. Xanthostemon verdugonianus Naves. Plate XXIX, fig. 90. Mancono (Phil.) Philippines; Surigao, Leyte, Palawan, Camarines. Very hard and very heavy. Probably the hardest and heaviest of Philippine woods. Exceedingly durable. A possible substitute for lig- num-vitce. Phil- Woods 388; Hutchinson, For. Bur. (Philip.) Bull. 9 (1908). MELASTOMATACErE. W ood heavy, hard, fine-grained. Usually light-colored. Pores and pith-rays fine to very fine. Astronia papetaria Blume. Malay Archipelago. Good structural wood. Van Eed. 144. Melastoma malabathricum L. Sendukduk. British India, Burma, and Ceylon. Gamb. 360; Ridl. 178. ■ INDO MALAYAN WOODS. 537 Memecylon. Wood very hard, close-grained, brown or whitish. Pores small, in irregular groups. Pith-rays many, extremely fine to fine. Memecylon edule Roxb. Nipis kulit; “ironwood tree.” India, Ceylon, Malaya. Valuable hard durable wood, which is one of the best substitutes for boxwood. (See p. 42(>.) (bind). 368; Watt Diet. 5:226; Ridl. 178; K. & V. 5:210; Becc. 579. Pternandra caerulescens Jack. British India, Burma, Straits Settlements. Wood light and soft. (iamb. 368; Ridl. 178. A KA LI A< 'E„E. Wood white, usually soft. Pores small, usually rather scanty; a line of larger pores often indicating the seasonal rings. Pith-rays mod- erately broad, not numerous, giving a silver-grain. Aralidium pinnatifidum Miq. Alus surat. Straits Settlements. W ood faint-dull-red, hard, splits deeply in drying. Upright supports of bridges and heavy work of a similar description. Ridl. 180; (iamb. 384. Polyscias nodosa Seem. Plate XXIX, lig. 91. Malapapaya. Philippines and Malay Archipelago. Matchwood; the best wood for this purpose in the Philippines. Phil. Woods 387; K. & V. 7:11—13; \ an Eed. 151. coknacea:. Pores usually small and in short radial lines, and the pith-rays fine and numerous. Alangium lamarckii Thw. East Indies. Hard, close-, and even-grained, sapwood light-yellow, heartwood olive-brown, with a pleasant scent. Pores small, scanty, in short radial lines of 2 to 5. Pith-rays fine, closely packed, wavy, bent round the pores, the diameter of which is slightly greater than the distance between the rays. Watt Diet. 1:155; Gamb. 389. Marlea begoniaefolia Roxb. British India, Java, Philippines. Wood white, soft, even-grained. Seasonal rings marked by a belt Of numerous pores. Pores moderate-sized and large, small in the outer portion of each ring. Pith-rays short, wavy, fine and moderately broad. Structural work. Gamb. 389; K. & V. 5:82—84. 88250 — —9 538 FOXWORTHY. Marlea ebenacea C. B. Clarke. Lidali kerbau putih. Straits Settlements. Wood hard, strong, and durable, yellow with a red heart. Ridl. 180. Marlea nobilis C. B. Clarke. Sutubal. Straits Settlements. Hard and durable; structural work. Ridl. 180. Mastixia arborea C. B. Clarke. British India and Ceylon. Wood greenish-gray, soft. Pores small, numerous, evenly distributed. Pith-rays fine and very fine, numerous and short. Seasonal rings indis- tinct. Gamb. 391. MYRSINACE/E. Wood compact, close-grained. Pores very small or extremely small, often in groups or in radial or oblique lines. Pith-rays distant, fine to broad, more often broad. Resin-ducts frequent, sometimes among the wood cells, sometimes in the rays. Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco ( Aegiceras majus Gaertn.). Tinduc- tinducan (Phil.); truntum (M.). A constituent of the mangrove swamp, Ceylon to the Philippines and Australia. Wood reddish or dark-brown, often streaked with yellow, moderately hard, even-grained. Pores very small, scanty, uniformly distributed. Pith-rays moderately broad to broad, short, scanty, dark, yellow in spots. Very oily; used in structural work and for firewood. Gamb. 442; Ridl. 212; Van Eed. 161; K. & V. 5:276-278. Aegiceras floridum Roem. & Schult. Plate XXIX, fig. 92. Philippines, Amboina, New Guinea. Very much like the preceding. Ardisia. \\rood moderately hard. Pores small, usually in radial lines. Pith-rays broad. Ardisia paniculata Roxb. British India. Vrood pinkish-white, moderately hard. Pores small, in radial lines. Pith-rays short, broad, wavy. Gamb. 441. Maesa. Wrood light-brown, soft. Pores small, scanty, sometimes in short radial lines, often filled with resin. Pith-rays usually fine, numer- ous. Maesa indica (Roxb.) Wall. British India and Ceylon. Brownish-white wood, used for posts. Gamb. 438; K. & V. 5:222-224. .1 NDO-MALAYAN WOODS. Maesa rugosa Clarke. British India and Java. Gamb. 437. 539 Myrsine africana L. British India and South Africa. Wood light-brown, moderately hard. Pores extremely small, scat- tered or in short radial lines, between the distant, moderately broad pith-rays, which contain many resin-cells. Gamb. 438; Nbrd. V (M. retusa Ait.). SAPOTACEiE. The wood of the Sapotacece has a well-marked character, somewhat difficult to describe accurately, but easily recognized when understood, as it resembles that of no other family except Ebenacece , where the woods are usually black or gray, while those of Sapotacece are usually red. Wood hard, smooth, durable; heartwood dark-colored, generally red. Pores small and moderate-sized, in wavy, radial lines, which are frequently oblique, the lines being more or less in echelon. Pith-rays numerous, fine, equidistant, joined by fine, transverse bars or concentric lines of loose texture. Eassia. Wood hard, smooth, durable, usually with red heartwood. Pores small and moderate-sized, in short radial or oblique lines, more or less in echelon. Pith-rays numerous, fine, equidistant, joined by fine transverse bars. Bassia latifolia Roxb. British India and Burma. Wood hard to very hard; sapwood large; heartwood reddish-brown. Seasonal rings indistinct. House building, furniture and country vessels, naves of wheels. Gamb. 447, tab. IX, fig. 4; Nord. X. Chrysophyllum roxburghii G. Don. “Star apple.” British India, Java, Sumatra and Philippines. Wood white, close-grained, moderately hard. Pores in small radial lines bending into oblique strings. Pith-rays numerous, very fine. Shingles. Gamb. 443; Ridl. 212; K. & V. 1:130; Lewis 309. Illipe. Wood soft to very hard and light to very heavy. Wood of some species very durable. Peddish. At any rate the harder woods with a considerable amount of saponin in the wood, lathering when wet. Illipe latifolia (Roxb.) Engler. ( Bassia latifolia Roxb.) “Butter tree;” “ma- hua tree.” British India. Wood hard with red heart. Watt Diet. 1:445. 540 FOX WORTHY. Illipe malabrorum Ktinig. ( liassio longifolia L.) ilowa tree; inahua tree. Ceylon, Malabar. Reddish, moderately hard. Structural work and shipbuilding. Watt Diet. 1:410; E.-Pr. 4,:134. Illipe betis (Blco.) Merr. Plate XXIX. fig. 93. Betis. Philippines. Piling and heavy construction, very durable. Phil. Woods 377 ; Gard. 63. Isonandra perrottetiana Wight. Wood light-reddish-brown, hard, close-grained. Pores small to mod- erate-sized, in narrow groups which are somewhat radially but obliquely arranged, and often fork. Pith-ravs fine, regular. Transverse lines clear and conspicuous, regular and wavy. Structural and finishing work. Gamb. 445. Mimusops. Wood red, very hard. Pores small, in short radial or oblique lines. Pith-rays very fine, very numerous, uniform and equi- distant. Numerous wavy, concentric lines. Mimusops elengi L. Poko Tanjong; tandjoeng; ki-taiidjoeng; boengo-tand- joeng (M. ) ; bansalaguin (Phil.). British India and Ceylon and throughout the Malayan region. Widely cultivated in the tropics. Wood very hard and very heavy; close- and even-grained; sapwood reddish-brown; heart wood dark-red. Strong, durable. Piling and heavy construction work, tool handles. Gamb. 449; Ridl. 213; Van Eed. 104; Watt Diet. 5:251; Phil. Woods 375; Gard. 04. Mimusops kauki L. San, saoe (M.); “iromvood.” Malay Peninsula, Java, Celebes. Much like the preceding and used for the same things. K. & V. 1:156-158; Van Eed. 164; Ridl. 214. Mimusops I ittoralis Kurz. “Andaman bullet wood.” Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Very hard and very heavy ; reddish-brown to pinkish-brown ; durable. Structural work. Gamb. 451; Watt Diet. 5:253; E.-Pr. 4,:152. Palaquium. Plate XXIX, fig. !)4. Reddish, moderately hard and heavy to very hard and heavy. Pores moderate-sized, in radial echeloned strings. Pith-rays fine, numerous. Transverse concentric line's numer- ous, wavy. Wood with or without saponin. Palaquium barnesii Merr. Nato. Philippines. Soft or moderately hard and moderately heavy. Light planking and temporary construction work. Phil. Woods 391. iNDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 541 Palaquium borneense Burck. Njatoe-doerian. Borneo. Van Eed. 164. Palaquium javense Burck. Njatoli; njatoe; kawang; djempina; grawang. Java. Furniture and structural work. Van Eed. 165; K. & V. 1:143-145. Palaquium sp. Xyatto pisang. Sarawak. Very hard and durable. Boats. Palaquium obovatum Engl. Belian wangi. Betis. Timber very dull-reddish, grain medium, very hard and very heavy; splits slightly in drying; affords beams of excellent quality, which remain undecayed a long time under water and are not badly eaten by termites. Pith-rays fine, rings distinct and irregular with very fine concentric rings numerous and wavy. Pores moderate in short rows parallel with the ravs, often subdivided, not very numerous. Ridl. 213; also in Agric. Bull. E. M. S. & S. S. (1906) 39; (1907) 171. Palaquium polyanthum Engl. British India. Wood red, hard. Pores moderate-sized, in wavy radial lines, some- times slightly oblique. Pith-rays fine, not prominent. Fine wavy, parallel and equidistant concentric lines. Planks, tool handles, etc. Gamb. 440; Nord. X. Palaquium bancanum Burck. Malay Peninsula, Wood reddish-brown, rays tine and close, pores moderate, in radial rows ; rings fairly distinct, fiber wavy. A light wood with a good gloss. Ridl. 213. Numerous other species of Palaquium are used, most of them oi not very good quality. The name nato, with its variants, is applied to this genus and its close relatives, gutta-percha bearing plants, all the way from Madagascar to the Pacific. In the Malay Peninsula the equivalent term is taban and in Sumatra balam. Becc. 579. Payena leerii Kurz. Gutali-sundik ; njatoe-balam-bringin ; balam-tandjong ; poeting; getah-seundik (M.). Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra, Banka, Riouw. Wood used for house building. Van Eed. 165; Ridl. 213. 542 FOX WORTHY. Payena lucida A. DC. Niato balam. British India and Malay Peninsula. Wood red, hard. Pores moderate-sized, in short radial lines. Pith- rays very fine, very numerous, uniform, equidistant. Numerous parallel, wavy, concentric lines, not very prominent. Planking. Gamb. 449; Ridl. 213. Sarcosperma arboreum Benth. British India. Wood pink, moderately hard. Pores moderate-sized, in long, wavy, radial lines. Pith-ray§ numerous, fine, equidistant, the distance between two rays much less than the diameter of the pores. Indistinct concentric lines. Used in making canoes. Gamb. 443. Sideroxylon ferrugineum Hook. Tuak-tuak. Malay Peninsula. Wood hard and heavy, pinkish-brown in color, with very fine rays, and wavy concentric lines, the pores arranged in wavy lines radiating from the center, whiter than the ground color and giving the wood a pleasing mottled appearance. Ridl. 212; Van Eed. 165. Sideroxylon tomentosum Roxb. British India, Burma, and Ceylon. Wood light-yellowish-brown, moderately hard (plains specimens) to hard (hills specimens). Pores fine (hills) to moderate-sized (plains), in groups in short lines, usually oblique, the groups somewhat far apart and in echelon. Pith-rays very fine, very numerous, equidistant. Very numerous, very faint lines across the rays, irregular. Structural work. Gamb. 444. Many other species of Sideroxylon are used locally, but they do not commonly occur in much quantity and so are not of much importance commercially. Bedaru, Daru . or Daroo-daroo. This wood has been credited to this family at various times. Ridley (314) says that it is evidently sapota- ceous. King and Gamble in their materials for a Flora of the Malay Peninsula,- under the description of Sideroxylon malaccense Clarke, make the following statement: “Mr. Cantley (the collector) says that this tree gives the true ‘daru-daru’ wood of the Malay Peninsula.” The wood now known as bedaru or daru in Sarawak and Singapore is distinctly not sapotaceous in structure. (See p. 493.) I have collected herbarium material and wood from the same tree in Sarawak and have compared the wood with the material sold under that name by the timber dealers at Singapore and have found the two to be identical. It is a species of Urandra (Icacinaceae) . 2 Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 742:162. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 543 EBENACEiE. This family is important because it produces the ebony of commerce. The sap and heartwood are often very distinct; sapwood white, yellow, pink or reddish or gray; heartwood black or black-streaked, sometimes with a greenish tinge. Wood hard to very hard and heavy to very heavy. Pores small to moderate-sized, scanty, often in short radial lines which are distant and somewhat in echelon, each pore surrounded by a collar of wood parenchyma one cell thick. Wood parenchyma in fine, more or less regular, sometimes indistinct, parallel concentric lines. The Sapotacece are distinguished from the Ebcnacece by having usually red or yellow wood, longer radial lines of pores which have a more conspic- uously oblique arrangement. Also the Sapotacece do not have the col 1 ai of wood parenchyma about the pores. The different members of the family have such uniform structure that it seems impossible to distinguish the different genera and species structurally. Any member of the family may furnish ebony, if the heartwood is sufficiently developed. Many species do furnish ebony, but most ol them are of small size and so relatively unimportant. The true black heartwood seems to be somewhat irregular in occurrence. Occasionally a tree of good size seems to lack it entirely. In many cases, old injuries are found to be bordered by a small amount of the black heartwood. The following statements by Hiern 3 show which are the best known commercial species and their region of occurrence. The following species supply ebony: Diospyros ebenum Konig. India, etc. D. melanoxylon Roxb. India. D. dendo Welw. Angola, west tropical Africa. D. sylvatica Roxb. India, etc. D. gardneri Thw. Ceylon. D. hirsuta L. f. Ceylon. D. discolor Willd. Malaya, etc. D. embryopteris Pers. India, etc. D. ebenaster Retz. Malaya, etc. D. montana Roxb. India, etc. D. insignis Thw. Ceylon and southern India. D. tupru Ham. India. [). mespiliformis Hochst. Tropical Africa. D. truncata Zoll. & Mor. Java. D. tessellaria Poir. Mauritius. D. haplostylis Boiv. Madagascar. D. microrhombus. Madagascar. D. ramiflora Wall. Northeast India. M aba buxifolia Pers. India, Madagascar, etc. M. mulala Welw. Angola, west tropical Africa. Euclea pseudebenus E. Mey. South Africa. 8 Hiern, Ebenaceae 29. FOX WORTHY. 544 I lie following species also produce good wood: UioapyroH maUtcnpai A. DC. Wood yellow with black spots. Philippines. />. pilosqnthera Blanco. Ornamental wood. ]>. pilosa A. DC. Timber tit for building purposes. Cochin China. />. chloroxylon Roxb. Wood pale. Circars, India. IK faliosa Wall. Valuable light-colored wood. Southern India. IK la nceacfolia Roxb. Hard and handsome wood. East Indies. Calamander or Coromandel wood, a finely variegated and scarce wood, is produced by L). quaesita Thw. and by D. op positi folia Tlnv. Anchors for large boats are made, in the Province of Tavoy in Burmah, of the wood of Maba buxifoha Pers. Those species which produce a mottled or streaked wood are really much more beautiful than the dead hlack ebony, but this latter is usually more in demand. Artificial chain/. — Local dealers often use various artificial means to produce an even black color. European dealers sometimes dye pieces of box or pear wood and sell them for ebony. The fine, even grain of these woods makes them well suited for this purpose. They are usually lighter in weight than the true ebony and the color given them is usually only superficial. In the Philippines, it is said that camagon , bolongeta and other native ebonies, which are only streaked with the black heartwood may be colored uniformly black by being buried for some months in the salt mud of the mangrove swamp. 1 can not vouch for the correctness of this statement, but it sounds reasonable. 1 think that the method indicated or the application of certain chemicals may be successfully used to produce a good even black heartwood. This would, in reality, be merely a hastening of the normal process of heartwood formation and it should produce a very good ebony. Experiments are in progress to determine the feasibility of this scheme. I ses of ebony. — Ebony is employed to make pianoforte keys, the stringholder in violins, spear-points, fine furniture and cabinet work, canes, inlaying; and the best kind of ebony is very valuable on account of its. maintaining a permanent shape and not warping, and is therefore used for rules and measures. This freedom from shrinking and warping is probably due to the fact that the wood is very fine-grained and all the elements of the wood are filled up with a homogeneous substance which is probably some combination of an iron salt with a tannic acid. CLASSIFICATION OF PHILIPPINE EBONIES. Philippine ebonies are black, streaked or dull-grayish in color. Black ebonies. — These have heartwood of a uniform dead black. They are known as ebano or ata-ata. Ebano is usually produced by Maba buxifoha Pers. The sapwood is white and the heartwood very sharply marked off from it. This is a very satisfactory ebony, but it is of I XIX (-MALAYAN WOODS. 545 rather local occurrence ancl is usually of small size. It seems to fur- nish the best of the ebony canes sold in Manila. Ata-ata. — This is the name given to Diospyros spp. which have a white or streaked sapwood and a dead black heart. The sapwood and heartwood are not here so sharply separated as in 31 aba buxi folia and the relative amount of heartwood is less; ata-ata seems to be of fairly common occurrence from southern Luzon southward. It usually forms considerably larger trees than does Maba bar if alia. Streaked ebonies. — These are the most beautiful woods of the group. They are known as bolongeta and camagon. Bolongeta. — This is produced by Diospyros pi/osarithera Blanco, and, probably, other species. The sapwood is pink or reddish and the heart- wood black with brownish or reddish streaks. This is a large tree of frequent occurrence and wide distribution in the Archipelago. It is used for various articles of furniture and for structural work. It is sometimes used for piling, but is said to be very subject to teredo attack. If an artificial seasoning method can be devised, this will be a. very prominent source of commercial ebony. Camagon. — This seems to be mainly the product of Diospyros dis- color Willd. Next to bolongeta, it is the most commonly seen of our ebonies. It is cultivated for its fruit, which is known as niabolo. The sapwood is gray-mottled to purplish-gray with black spots; the heart- wood is black with brownish streaks. It is not to be distinguished in appearance from the Calamander wood of Ceylon. It is commonly used for fancy furniture and for canes. Of the other ebonies, Diospyros nitida Merr. may be mentioned for its uniform dull bluish-gray wood, much like the sapwood of camagon. Apparently this species does not form a distinct heartwood. It is of small size and relatively infrequent occurrence. Other forms of ebony may occur in the Islands, but they are certainly not of commercial importance. The so-called “white ebonv,” Diospyros malacapai A. DC., is not well known. It may he nothing but sapwood of ata-ata or other ebonies. I believe that any of the above-described ebonies may, at times, pro- duce the dense black form. Ebonies in Malaya. — Kayu a rang is the name applied to those ebonies of the Malay region which produce a distinct black heartwood. In Borneo, various species of Dios/tyros which do not have distinct black heartwood are known as kayu malarn or mar pinang. Some very fine large ebony logs are produced in the Moluccas and in Sumatra. Borneo does not seem to produce very much. Indian ebonies. — Gamble classifies the Indian ebonies as follows: (1) Heartwood wholly black or only slightly streaked: ebenum, tomentosa, melanoxylon, assimilis. 546 FOXWORTHY. (2) Heartwood regularly streaked black and brown or gray: kurzii, quaesita, oocarpa, thwaitesii, gardneri, insignis, oppositifolia, undulata. (3) Heartwood very small, merely black streaks in the brownish-gray or gray wood: embryopteris, foliolosa, sylvatica, ehretioides, microphylla, humilis, ovali- folia, kaki, tupru. (4) Heartwood none, wood red, white, gray, or yellowish: martabanica, mon- tana, toposia, foliolosa, lotus, chloroxylon , oppositifolia, candolleana, nilagirica, crumenata, pyrrhocarpa. Ceylon ebonies. — The ebonies, perhaps, reach their highest development on the Island of Ceylon. They have been carefully studied and Id. Wright’s “The Genus Diospyros in Ceylon; its Morphology, Anatomy and Taxonomy” 4 is much the most complete work of its sort. Diospyros ebenum Kbnig. Itam (M.) ; ebbenhout; ebony. Ceylon, south India, Sumatra, Malacca, the Moluccas, Celebes. This is the best-known ebony tree. There is very little of it cut in India, the trees not being very common, and being found only here and there and of small size; but in Ceylon it is one of tbe chief woods, the average sales being 300 tons yearly. When the wood of this species is evenly black, it is sold as ebony; when it is at all streaked, it is sold as “bastard” ebony. Used for turning, cabinet work, piano keys, rulers, walking sticks, brushes and general furniture, in Europe; and in China, for chopsticks, pipes and carved stands. Wright 14G-151; Van Eed. 168. The following are a few of the best-known commercial ebonies. Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. British India and Ceylon. This produces most of the ebony that comes from British India. It is rare in Ceylon. Gamb. 461, tab. IX, fig. 6; Nord. IX; Stone 154, pi. X, fig. 85; Wright 174-178. Diospyros quaesita Thw. Calamander or Coromandel wood. Ceylon. Bed, hazel-brown or chocolate-brown, with handsome black stripes. This very beautiful wood is found only in Ceylon and seems not to be plentiful there, but it has set a widely recognized standard of beauty. It is used for a great many different kinds of ornaments. Wright 166-171; Boulger 178. D. kurzii of the Andaman Islands, is said to furnish wood very much like calamander in ornamental value. D. oocarpa and D. affinis of Ceylon are also said to approach calamander in ornamental value, but they have a much larger proportion of the useless sapwood. The camagon, Diospyros discolor Willd., of the Philippines (Phil. Woods 380), is not to be distinguished in appearance from calamander. It is more plentiful and is at least as good a wood. ‘Ann Roy. Bot. Gard. Peradeniya 2 (1904-05) 1-204. 1ND0- MALAYAN WOODS. 547 Diospyros pilosanthera Blanco. Bolongeta. Philippines. This is a very good example of those ebonies which have a streaked heart and reddish sapwood. It is of equal beauty with camagon. Phil. Woods 378. Diospyros chloroxylon Boxb. The so-called “green ebony” of central and southern India. Wood yellowish-gray, moderately hard. The greenish tinge seems not to be pronounced. Used principally for firewood. Wiesner 2:1005; Gamb. 458; Nord. VII (D. tomentosa Poir.). Maba buxifolia Pers. Plate XXIX, fig. 95. Ebano; ironwood. British India, Ceylon, tropical Africa, Madagascar, Burma, Malay Peninsula, Malay Archipelago to Australia. Sapwood white; heartwood even dead black. Small pieces of ebony of good quality. Used for small ornaments, anchors for boats, etc. Gamh. 452; Watt Diet. 5:102; K. & V. 1:23-25; Phil. Woods 383. Wiesner 2:986-991 gives a discussion of ebonywood. Other discussions of ebony are found in Stevenson 258-261, HoltzapfFel 83, and Boulger 169. SYMPLOCACE^E. Wood white, close-grained, soft to hard. Pores small, numerous, usually evenly distributed. Pith-rays fine and moderately broad, the latter short. Symplocos crataegoides Ham. British India and Burma. Turnery and carving. Gamb. 464, tab. X, fig. 1; Nord. VIII. Many other species are found, but they are ordinarily rather small or of scanty occurrence. STYRACACIEE. Wood white to light-brown, moderately hard, close-grained. Pores small, scanty, usually subdivided. Pith-rays short, fine, very numerous. Faint, white, regular, concentric, transverse bands. Styrax benzoin Dryand. Menjan; kemajan; kamian; kajoe-limoeta. Siam, Malacca, Sumatra, Java. Wood of but little value, though it is occasionally used in house build ing and for bridges. Van Eed. 171; Pierre 260; Ridl. 215. Styrax serrulata Roxb. British India and Burma. Gamb. 467- 548 FOXWOKTFI Y. ( )LEACE M. Wood white or yellowish-white or light-brown, sometimes with a dark irregular heartwood, usually close- and even-grained. Pores sometimes in white patches. Pith-rays usually line, sharply defined. In Oh man thus the pores are in reticulate anastomosing patches. In Osmanth us and Linociera there are narrow concentric lines, the relationship of which to seasonal rings is very doubtful. Linociera. Wood yellowish-white or light-brown, hard, close-grained. Pores small, usually in short radial groups. Pith-rays fine or very fine, distinct, numerous. Fine, fairly regular concentric lines prominent. Linociera intermedia Wight. British India. W ood fine, like boxwood. Gamh. 473. Several other species of this region, which are usually either small or very much scattered, are found to produce the same kind of wood. Osmanthus fragrans Lour. British India to China and Japan. . Wood white, hard, close- and even-grained. Pores in irregular light- colored patches, radially elongated, arranged obliquely and branching; the patches somewhat distant and forming a net-work, and the pores small and numerous in them. White, very narrow parallel concentric lines, which look like seasonal rings, but are not. Pith-rays fine, uniform. Gamh. 472; Nord. IX. Schrcbera swieten ioides Roxb. ( Xathusia sivietenioides (Roxb.) O. Ivtze.) Moka (Hind.). British India and Burma. Wood brownish-gray, hard, close-grained; no definite heartwood, but irregular masses of purple or claret-colored wood in the center, and scattered throughout the tree. Seasonal rings indistinct. Pores small, often in small groups in radial arrangement. Pith-rays fine, numerous, uniform and at equal distances. Beams of weavers’ looms, combs, turnery. Gamh. 4t>!), tab. X, fig. ,1 ; Nbrd. X; Watt Diet. 6-:488. SA LVADORAOE.E. Salvadora persica L. India, Persia, Syria, Arabia, central Africa. Wood white, soft. Pores small, in short radial lines, inclosed in oval patches of soft tissue, very scantily distributed, but prominent on a vertical section. Xumerous fine, interrupted, concentric bands of wood INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 549 parenchyma, separating broader bands of firm texture, in which the fine and numerous pith-rays are distinctly visible. Gamb. 476; Nord. XT. Salvadora oleoides Dene. British India, Afghanistan. Wood light-red, moderately hard, with a small, irregular, purple heart wood. Pores large and small, oval, often subdivided, surrounded by irregular patches of wood parenchyma, which are joined into wavy, i r regular, zigzag, concentric hands; scanty, hut much more numerous and prominent than in S. persica. prominent on a vertical section. Pith-rays fine, numerous, distinct, at unequal distances. Structural work, agri- cultural implements, Persian wheels and the knee timbers of boats. Gamb. 477, tab. X, fiy. Nord. X: Watt Diet. 6 :448. LOGANIACEvE. Fagraea. Plate XXIX. fig. 1H>. Wood hard, close-grained, gray or light-brown. Pores large, scantv, often subdivided. Pith-ravs fine, very numerous. Concentric pale hands numerous: in those there may be (extremely fine) pores. Fagraea fastigiata Ml. Malebera; malbira. Malay Peninsula, Java. Wood of a dirty yellowish color with very close narrow rays, and scattered pores partitioned. It has a great reputation for resisting water, and if the trunks are used with the bark on, resist the teredo, so that it is a very valuable timber for wharfs and piles. Kidl. 217; K. & V. 9:80. Fagraea fragrans Roxb. Allan (Burm.); tembusu ( M. ) ; “kings -wood ;’ kajoe-radjali ; urung ( Phil. ) . British India, Burma, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. Wood light-brown, hard, close-grained. Pores (or intercellular ducts) large, very scanty, often subdivided and filled with a white substance. Numerous pale concentric bands alternating with bands of firmer tissue in which the fine numerous pith-rays are distinctly visible. Numerous very fine, parallel transverse lines in longitudinal section. One of the most important woods of the Malay Peninsula. One of the best woods for piling. House building, boat anchors, etc. Very durable, untouched by white ants and fungus and lasts a long time in the ground. Gamb. 496; Wicsner 2:1015; Ridl. 216; Watt Diet. 3:812; \ an Eed. 179; K. & V. 9:86. 550 FOX WORTHY. Fagraea speciosa Bl. Tembusu tembaga; tembusu taking; tembusu paya. Malay Peninsula. Wood like that of F. fragrans but more compact and resinous, with a strong odor and showing no concentric lines. Very durable. House beams, bridges and planks. Ridl. 216. Fagraea wallichiana Benth. Malay Peninsula. A ery heavy and darker in color than that of other species. A very fine compact wood. Ridl. 217. Strychnos nux-vomica L. Kajoe-oelar; “snake wood ;” “strychnine tree;” bidara-pahit. Ceylon, British India, Burma, Java. Wood white, close-grained, durable. Ho heartwood, no seasonal rings. Pores of two classes; large pores very scanty; very small pores numerous, in irregular ramified patches, which are joined by concentric and oblique white lines. Pith-rays white, fine and moderately broad, numerous, sharply defined in the darker tissue. The large pores, which are prom- inent as white streaks on a vertical section are filled with a white pith- tissue, and sometimes ramify; they may be not vessels, but large inter- cellular ducts. The wood is bitter and is not eaten by white ants. Used for plow-shares, car-wheels, cots and fancy cabinet work. Gamb. 497; Watt Diet. 6s: 382; Van Eed. 190; K. & V. 9:65-68; Boulger 274. Other species of Strychnos are also used, but their wood has a structure like that just described. APOCYNACEyE. M ood white, soft to hard, even-grained, rarely with heartwood. Pores small or very small, scanty, in short or long radial groups. Pith-rays very fine, very numerous. Occasional light concentric lines as in A Istonia. Alstonia macrophylla Wall. Plate XXX, fig. 97. Batino. Philippines. Much harder than A. scholaris. Without the white concentric lines. Pores distinctly in radial rows. Structural work. Phil. Woods 377. Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. Plate XXX, fig. 98. Dita; chatwan; Plai; "corkwood.” British India and Ceylon to New Guinea and Australia, Philippines. Wood white, soft, even-grained, seasons badly, and soon gets moldy and discolored if allowed to season in the log. Pores moderate-sized, oval, subdivided, ringed, scanty. Pith-rays fine, wavy, irregularly distributed, with numerous intermediate extremely fine rays. Numerous INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 551 fine, wavy, concentric lines at unequal distances. Used for floats, black- boards, tool handles, scabbards, coffins, etc. Gamb. 483, tab. X, fig. 5; Becc. 580; Nord. X; Ridl. 216; Phil. Woods 382; Watt Diet. 1:199; Van Eed. 174; K. & V. 1:117-120; Wiesner 2:1022; Lewis 309. Dyera. Wood white, very soft and very light, with. large pores, which are rather few in number. Pith-rays close; numerous, fine, irregular transverse lines of wood parenchyma. Dyera costulata Hook. f. Jelutong. Malay Peninsula. Used for making clogs, and also for planking, boxes, models, the cheaper grade of Chinese coffins, etc. Ridl. 215. Dyera lowii Hook. f. Plate XXX, fig. 99. Jelutong, djeloetoeng, djiuluton. Borneo. Much the same uses as the preceding. Both of these species furnish wood which closely resembles that of Alstonia scholaris. Van Eed. 176; Bargagli-Petrucci 84; Becc. 580. Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall. Kurchi bark; conessi bark. British India and Burma. Wood white, soft, even-grained. Seasonal rings marked by a faint line. Pores small, numerous, grouped in radial lines. Pith-rays fine, very numerous. Cellular tissue loose. Wood carving. Gamb. 484; Nord. VII; Watt Diet. 4:258. Wrightia. Wood white, moderately hard. Pores small, scanty, in short radial lines. Pith-rays very fine, numerous. Wrightia javanica DC. Bintaos; mentaos, djalitri. Java, British India. Used for wood carving and ornament. Van Eed. 177; K. & V. 1:112-114. Wrightia laniti (Blanco) Merr. Plate XXX, fig. 100. Lanete. Philippines. This wood is not to be distinguished from the last. It is the best Philippine wood for carving; and it is used in the carving of sacred images, light construction, bolo scabbards, canes, cooking utensils, chairs, musical instruments, shoes, trunks, turning, wardrobes, window-sills. Phil. Woods 385. Wrightia tinctoria R. Br. British India and Burma. Wood ivory-white, moderately hard, even-grained. Pores scanty, very small, in short radial lines. Pith-rays extremely fine, numerous. Wood carving. Gamb. 486; Watt Diet. 64 : 3 1 7 . FOXWORTHY. 552 Wrightia tomentosa Roem. & Sclmlt. British India, Ceylon, Burma. Wood white or yellowish, moderately hard, even-grained. Seasonal rings marked by a pale line and occasionally more pores; pores in the rest of the wood very small, in short radial groups, scanty. Pith-rays very fine and extremely fine, very numerous, closely packed. Turnery and wood carving. (lamb. 487; Watt Diet. 64::H7. Other genera of Apocytjaceae which occasionally furnish pieces of fine-grained wood are Cerbera , Kick aria, Ochrosia and Tabemaemontana. These usually are of but scattered occurrence and small size. EOURAGINACE.E. No well-marked character for the family. Cordia. Pores oi variable size, more or less joined by concentric, often broken, belts of loose tissue, separated by darker belts in which the pith- rays are prominent. C. myxa and C. octandra have soft wood's, the others have hard woods much resembling good teak ; durable and suitable for carpentry. Cordia fragrantissima Kurz. Burma. Wood moderately hard, reddish-brown with darker streaks, beautifully mottled, has a flagrant scent. Pores moderate-sized to large, in round- ish patches, which are joined by occasional, broken, concentric lines. Pith-rays rather distant, moderately broad. Small quantities have been exported to London. Gamb. 501, lab. XI, fig. 2; Nord. X. Cordia myxa L. Egypt to tropical Australia; also frequently planted. \\ ood grayish-brown, moderately hard. Pores moderate-sized or large, scanty, scattered and frequently double, or partitioned, joined by angled wood cells; the alternate bands denser and closer in texture. Pith-rays short, moderately broad, shallow. Boat building, well-curbs, agricultural implements, gunstocks, canoes. Gamb. 500, lab. XI, fig. 1 ; Niird. X; K. & V. 7:t>4-6(>. Ehretia. Wood very light-brownish or yellowish- white, moderately hard, even-grained, usually rough. Pores small, in radial lines or scat- tered, in some species larger in the earlier-formed wood where they mark the seasonal rings. Pith-rays fine to moderately broad, regular. Ehretia acuminata Br. British liufia, Burma, Java to Australia. Wood very light-brown, rough, moderately hard, resembling that of the ash. Pores of two kinds: those in the earlier-formed wood, large and closely packed in a line, making conspicuous seasonal rings; those in the rest ol the wood small, scattered. Pith-rays short, moderately INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 558 broad, not numerous. Scabbards, sword-hilts, gun-stocks, and used for building and agricultural implements. Gamb. 503, tab. XI, fig. 3; Nord. Ill; K. & V. 7:74-76. Ehretia laevis Roxb. British India, Persia, China. Wood grayish or brownish-white, moderately hard, even-grained. Sea- sonal rings indistinctly marked. Pores small, grouped in small clusters or radial lines. Pitli-rays fine, short, numerous. Tough and durable; agricultural implements and building. Gamb. 503; Watt Diet. 3:203. Ehretia javanica Bl. (E. wallichiana Hook. f. & Th.) Kendal; Ki-bako. British India, Burma and Java. Wood yellowish -white, moderately hard, rough. Seasonal rings marked by light-colored belts. Pores small and moderate-sized, in scattered groups and short radial lines. Pith-rays short, numerous, uniform. Building, charcoal, tea-boxes. Gamb. 504; Nord. X; K. & V. 7:76-78; Van Eed. 182. VEREENACEvE. Wood usually of good quality, not liable to warp or split, of various colors. Pores usually moderate-sized, scanty, those in the earlier formed wood larger and marking the seasonal rings. Pith-rays generally fine and moderately broad, regular. The wood of Avicennia is quite anom- alous. Avicennia officinalis L. Plate XXX, fig. 101. Api-api (M.). Mangrove swamps, tropical East Africa to Australia. Wood brown or gray, hard and heavy, in alternate layers of pore- bearing tissue and loose large-celled tissue without pores; the former- layer shows the large, moderate-sized or small pores in radial stiings of 1 to 5 between the fine short pith-rays; the latter is much narrower and darker, forming belts which occasionally join each other, so that the layers are clearly not seasonal growths. Wood very brittle. Fire- wood, mills for husking paddy, rice-pounders, and oil-mills. Gamb. 546, tab. XI, fig. 6; Nord. Ill; Watt Diet. 1:360; K. & V. 7:217-221; Van Eed. 187; Ridl. 219. Callicarpa. Wood white or brownish-white, even-grained. Pores small to large, usually in radial lines. Pith-rays moderately broad to broad. Usually small shrubs. Callicarpa arborea Roxb. Ambon (M.). British India and Burma, Malay Peninsula. Wood light-brownish-white, moderately hard, even-grained. Seasonal rings marked bv a line of harder wood. Pores rather scanty, small to large, oval and often elongated, subdivided into numerous compartments, often in radial lines. Pith-rays broad, with numerous fine rays between 88250 10 554 FOX WORTHY. them, well marked on a radial section; the distance between the rays greater than the transverse diameter of the pores. Charcoal. Gamb. 525; Rid). 218. Gmel ina arborea Roxb. Goomar teak; peddah gomra; gumaldi. British India, Burma, Ceylon. Wood yellowish, grayish, or reddish-white, with a glossy luster, even- grained, soft, light and strong, durable, does not warp or crack. Seasonal rings marked either by a white line or by more numerous pores in the spring wood. Pores large and moderate-sized, often subdivided, rather prominent on a vertical section; sometimes arranged in rough, more or less concentric lines. Pith-rays short, moderately broad, prominent. Wood easily worked and readily takes paint or varnish; it is very durable under water. Highly esteemed for planking, furniture, door-panels, carriages and palanquins, and for well-work, boats, toys, packing-cases and all ornamental work; it is used in Burma for carving images and canoes. Roxburgh says it is very like teak. Gamb. 537-539; Nord. IV; Watt Diet. 3:515; E.-Pr. 4^:173. Peronema canescens Jack. Soengkei-melajoe (Sumatra); loewis-madans (Borneo). ° Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo. W ood white, light but fairly hard; rings distinct, marked with a close continuous -line of pores. Pores large, few, often partitioned. Used for house posts and bridge building. Van Eed. 188; Ridl. 219; K. & V. 7:214. } Premnd' W ood light-brown or gray, often streaked, moderately hard. Pores small or moderate-sized, rather scanty, often subdivided. Pith- rays fine or moderately broad, with a silver grain of very small plates. Premna integrifolia L. Ceylon, British India, Burma, Philippines. W ood light-creamy-brown, moderately hard, even-grained. Pores mod- erate-sized, sometimes subdivided, numerous. Pith-rays fine, close, fairly numerous. Wood with pleasant scent, fresh and fragrant, not so aromatic as sandal. Gamb. 535. Premna pyramidata Wall. Burma. Wrood very light-brown or yellowish-white, often streaked, hard, close- grained, smooth. Pores small or moderate-sized, sometimes subdivided, fairly numerous. Pith-rays fine to moderately broad, numerous, close.’ Wood seasons and polishes well and is used for weaving-shuttles. Gamb. 530, tab. XI, fig. 5; Nord. IV. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 555 Premna tomentosa Willd. Boenpboelan; boelang; bolang; gadoengan; ga- doeng. Ceylon, British India, Java. Wood said to be almost as durable as teak. Used for house building. Van Eed. 188; K. & Y. 7:179-182. Tectona grandis L. f. Plate XXX, fig. 102. Teak; jati. British India, Burma, Java, Siam, and much planted. “The best teak is from Malabar, then the Java teak ; the Burmese and also the Siamese teak is usually lighter in weight and of brighter color; the greater part of this comes by way of Bangkok, Moulmein, or Rangoon. “Wood moderately hard, strongly and characteristically scented and containing an oil which is easily perceptible to the touch and is pre- servative; sapwood white, usually small; heartwood dark, golden-yellow, turning brown, dark-brown and finally almost black with age. Annual rings marked by one or more lines of regularly arranged pores, often set in a belt of loose tissue; in the rest of the wood the pores are scattered, scanty, sometimes subdivided, variable in size from small to moderate- sized, a few large. Pith-rays moderately broad to broad, fairly numerous, giving a conspicuous handsome silver-grain of elongated plates. Pith large quadrangular. “The small pieces left in working up big logs are worked up into shingles. There is one difficulty in the utilization of teak wood, viz., that it is so often unsound at the center, necessitating scantlings being cut so as to leave the center out. The unsoundness is due partly to the large soft pith which is easily bored by insects, allowing damp and rot to enter afterwards, and partly, perhaps, to so much of the teak still brought out coming from old overmature trees. Teak is the chief export timber of India and Burma, also the chief building timber of the country. The wood is exported chiefly for shipbuilding, especially for the backing of armor plates in battle ships and for the decks of most vessels, also for the construction of railway carriages and for the best class of house carpentry, being admirably suited for staircases, balus- trades, door and window frames and furniture. In India it is used for all purposes of house and ship building, for bridges, railway sleepers, furniture, shingles, etc. It is used for carving, the Burmese carved teak- wood being especially noted, in Burma itself carved Tvyaungs/ or monas- teries, being prominent in almost every village of any importance. The wood is very durable, as is shown by the specimens obtained by Brandis from the old city of Vijiyanagar (Hampi) in the South Deccan, which are still sound and good though probably five hundred years old. There are also in the Dehra collection pieces, now quite black and very hard, from the ancient city of Ujjain in Ajmere, whose age must be very POX WORTHY. 55(5 great. Hie durability is probably due to the large amount of oil con- tained in the wood. This oil is used medicinally, as a substitute for linseed oil and as a varnish.” (Gamb. 526-534.) Nord. IV (sapwood only); Watt Diet. 64: 1-14 ; Ridl. 220; Winton 229; Wiesner 2:1003-1005; K. & V. 7:165-172; Van Eed. 189-194; Blits 48-50; Phil. Woods 394; Stone 170; Stevenson 209-274; Holtzapffel 107. The teak is probably the best known of all tropical woods. It has a wider range of usefulness than any other and has become the standard for estimating the value of other woods from the rest of the world. Other woods surpass it for special purposes, but for general utility there is none to equal it. Moreover, the way in which it adapts itself to cultiva- tion on comparatively poor soil makes it certain that it can maintain a place in the world’s markets indefinitely. Tectona hamiltoniana Wall. Burma. A hard and very heavy wood, which is light-brown, close-grained, with an irregular dark-brown heartwood. Pores small, often subdivided, rather scanty. 1 ith-ra}rs line, the distance between them equal to the trans- veise diameter of the pores. Seasonal rings marked by a continuous white line with somewhat larger pores. Harder and heavier than teak. Gamb. 534. Vitex. Wood gray, brown or olive-brown, moderately hard to very bal’d. Pores small or moderate-sized. Pith-rays fine to moderately broad. Vitex aherniana Merr. Plate XXX, fig. 103. Sasalit. Philippines. Very hard and heavy to very heavy. Dark-brownish-yellow. Very durable; house posts, etc. Phil. Woods 392; Gard. 67. Vitex altissima L. f. Myrole; mibella. British India and Ceylon. W ood gray with a tinge of olive-brown, hard, close-grained, polishes well. Seasonal rings distinctly marked by a belt of firmer wood on the outer edge. Pores small, scanty. Pith-rays fine, numerous, wavy, very heavy. Structural work and carts. Gamb. 540; Watt Diet. 6*: 247. Vitex littoral is Dene. (Vitex timoriensis Walp.) Plate XXX 104 Molave. ’ Philippines, Timor. \\ ood hard and heavy ; pale-yellow ; fine and usually straight-grained. Seasonal rings present, diffuse-porous. Slightly acid odor. Bitter taste. Turning greenish-yellow when treated with an alkaline solution. Stain- ing water a greenish-yellow color. Often said to be the finest Philippine wood. Much valued for house and ship building. Classed in the third line of Lloyd’s Register. Some of its uses in the Philippines are: INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 557 Axles, beams, bridges, cabinet making, carabao yokes, cogwheels, general high-grade construction, docks, doors, finishing of houses, firewood, floor- ing, footings in the ground, futtocks, palo (wooden club to pound rice), posts, joists, knees, piles, pillars, pinions, planks, plows, rafters, rice mortars, shipbuilding, cutwater, ships’ knees, ribs, frames, siding of houses, sleepers, sternposts, sugar presses, wedges, wheel rims, undersills, paving blocks, railroad ties. For many purposes, it seems to be fully the equal of teak. Phil. Woods 389; Gardner 55; Van Eed. 194; Boulger 217; Sender 685. Vitex pubescens Vahl. Halban; calipapa; leban; kuzoe-arak; molave. British India, Burma, Andaman Islands, Borneo, Philippine Islands, Malay Archipelago and Peninsula. Wood smooth, reddish-brown or olive-brown, very hard, close-grained, seasonal rings marked by a more or less sharp line and by a broad belt of firmer wood on the outer edge. Pores small to moderate-sized, scanty, uniformly distributed. Pith-rays fine and very fine, numerous, equidis- tant. Difficult to distinguish from the preceding. Durable, used for structural work, mine-props, etc. Gamb. 541; Ridl. 218; Van Eed. 195; K. & V. 7:202-204. Other species of Vitex are also used, furnishing wood of excellent quality. BIGNONlACEiE. Pores usually moderate-sized, ringed or in patches of loose texture which are often oblique or confluent into more or less broken concentric belts; they are often filled with resin. Pith-rays fine, regular. Dolichandrone. Pores rather scanty, small to moderate-sized, in oblique lines and sometimes in concentric bands. Pith-rays fine, numer- ous. Texture, color and hardness variable. Dolichandrone spathacea (L. f.) K. Sch. ( D longissima (Lour.) K. Sell., D. rheedii Seem.) Tui (Phil.). Malabar to New Guinea. Wood white, soft. Pores small, often subdivided, in wavy, narrow, concentric bands. Pith-rays very fine, very numerous. Not durable. Used for temporary construction. Gamb. 512; Van Eed. 183; K. & V. 1 : 69-7 1 ; Becc. 581. Heterophragma. Pores moderate-sized, ringed. Pith-rays fine, the dis- tance between the rays being equal to or greater than the transverse diameter of the pores. No regular distinct concentric bands. Heterophragma adenophyllum Seem. British India. Sapwood light-yellow ; heartwood orange-yellow, with occasional darker streaks, moderately hard to hard. Pores moderate-sized, ringed, filled with yellow resinous matter, uniformly distributed, but occasionally running into more or less concentric lines. Pitb-rays fine to moderately 558 FOX WORTHY. broad, the distance between them equal to or greater than the diameter of the pores. (Jamb. 514, tab. XI, fig. Jf • Nbrd. IX (sapwood). Millingtonia hortensis L. Sekar-poetih ; potean. British India, Burma and Malay Archipelago. Wood soft, yellowish-white. Seasonal rings marked by the younger wood with few pores and the older wood with rather more numerous ones. Pores small, numerous, arranged in light-colored patches which run to- gether to form a more or less concentric zigzag pattern. Pith-rays tine, the distance between the rays somewhat larger than the transverse di- ameter of the pores. Very soft and corky; used for boxes and other temporary uses. Gamb. 509; Watt Diet. 5:247; Van Eed. 183. Oroxylum indicum Benth. Pincapincahan (Phil.); pohon-pedang, kajoe- sabel ( M. ) . British India, Burma, Andamans, Ccvlon, Malaya. W ood yellowish-white, soft ; no heartwood. Pores scanty, moderate- ^ized, uniformly distributed. Seasonal rings marked by more numerous pores. Pith-rays fine to moderately broad. Matchwood. Gamb. 510; Ridl. 218; Van Eed. 184. Pajanelia rheedii DC. British India, Burma, Andaman Islands. Wood orange-brown, very hard, close-grained. Pores large, occasion- ally filled with yellow resin; each pore surrounded by a narrow ring of wood parenchyma, uniformly distributed. Pith-rays fine, very numerous, uniform and nearly equidistant, prominent. Wood very similar to that of Planchonia littoralis, but differs by more prominent pith-rays and larger pores, which are not arranged in bands, but isolated. Gamb. 517. Various species of Radermachera and, possibly, other genera occasionally furnish trees of sufficient size to give soft and easily worked woods. Stereospermum. Wood grayish-brown, heartwood (if present) yel- lowish-brown. Pores small to large, variable in size, scanty, surrounded by wood parenchyma, the patches joined into more or less concentric belts. Pith-rays fine to moderately large, rather scanty. Stereospermum chelonioides DC. British India, Burma, Ceylon, Malay Peninsula. Wood hard, gray, no heartwood. Pores moderate-sized and large, joined by narrow, irregular, wavy, interrupted belts and lines of soft tissue. Pores frequently filled with a white substance of a resinous nature, which is prominent on a vertical section. Pith-rays short, wavy, moderately broad, numerous. House building, furniture, canoes, tea- boxes. Gamb. 514; Ridl. 217; Watt Diet. 6a:466; Van Eed. 184. INDOMALAYAN WOODS. 559 Stereospermum suaveolens 1)C. British India and Ceylon. Wood hard; sapwood gray; heartwood small, yellowish-brown, beauti- fully mottled with darker streaks, very hard, seasons and polishes well. Pores moderate-sized, inclosed in patches of wood parenchyma which are more or less concentrically arranged and sometimes run together into concentric belts. Pores frequently filled with a white shining substance,, which becomes yellow in the heartwood. Pith-rays fine, sharply defined, numerous, wavy, equidistant. Durable, easy to work and good for building, but the amount of heartwood is small. An excellent firewood and makes good charcoal. Gamb. 515; Watt Diet. 63:367. IiUBIACEiE. Wood white, yellow, or rarely red, close- and even-grained, generally hard or moderately hard; usually no heartwood. Pores small or very small; in Anthocephalus cadamba and a few other species, moderate-sized. Pith-rays uniform, equidistant, fine or very fine, often closely packed. In Morinda the pores collect in patches, but otherwise the structure is very uniform. Many of the species have woods resembling boxwood, and worthy of practical test to see if they could not be used as substitutes for it. Adina. Wood yellowish, moderately hard to hard, even-grained. Pores small, numerous. Pith-rays fine and very fine, numerous. Adina cordifolia Hook. f. British India, Burma, Ceylon. No heartwood. Seasonal rings faint. Pores small, numerous, evenly distributed. Pith-rays very fine, short, numerous. Combs, turnery, house posts. Durable. Gamb. 401, tab. IX, fig. 2; Nord. VII, IX; Watt Diet. 1:114. Adina rubescens Hemsl. Berombong (M.). Malay Peninsula. Heartwood yellow, with distinct rings. Hard and heavy wood suitable for building. Ridl. 209. Anthocephalus cadamba (Boxb.) Miq. Henlija, kajoe-koening (M.). Southeastern Asia, Malay Archipelago, New Guinea. Wood white, with a yellowish tinge, soft, even-grained. Pores large, oval, elongated, subdivided, sometimes in short radial lines, scanty. Pith-rays fine, numerous, close together, bent outward where they touch the pores. Structure very similar to that of Sarcocephalus cordatus Miq. Structural work, joinery, tea-chests. Gamb. 400; Nord. IX; Watt Diet. 1 :266; Van Eed. 154; K. & V. 8:8-11. 56(1 FOX WORTHY. Canthium. W ood hard, close-grained. Pores very small, numerous. Pith-rays fine and very fine, numerous, regular. Canthium didymum Roxb. Butulang. British India, Ceylon, Burma, Malay Peninsula. White or light-brown. Seasonal rings marked by a dark line with few or no pores. A fine wood used for agricultural purposes. In Ceylon, its resemblance to boxwood lias caused it to be called “Ceylon boxwood.” Gamb. 419; Ridl. 211. Gardenia. W ood creamy-white, smooth, close-grained, hard, but cuts easily. Pores small to extremely small, evenly distributed, often scanty. Pith-rays short, very fine to fine, numerous. Like the species of Randia, those of Gardenia have the characters of boxwood, and deserve attention as possible substitutes for the cheaper rougher work of engraving, tool- handles, etc. Gardenia barnesii Merr. Plate XXX, fig. 105. Philippines. W ood very hard and very heavy, white, much resembling boxwood, for which it could possibly be substituted. An excellent wood for small ornaments. Gardenia coronaria Ham. British India and Burma. Combs and turnery, liable to crack. . Gamb. 416; Ndrd. IY ( O. costata) . Gardenia gummifera L. f. British India. Gamb. 415; Watt Diet. 3:481. Gardenia tubifera Wall. Delima hutan (M.). Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo. WTood white, grain fine, medium hard and heavy, splits in drying. Used for house building and is fairly durable. Ridl. 210; Van Fed. 115; K. & V. 8:90. Guettarda speciosa L. Seacoast teak; Ketapang-ketek (M.). Seacoasts throughout the Indo-Malayan region. Wrood yellow, with a tinge of red. Pores small, often in radial lines. Pith-rays moderately broad and very fine. Gamb. 418; K. & V. 8:129-131. Hymenodictyon excelsum Wall. British India, Burma, Philippines. Wood white, when cut up fresh; if cut up dry, brownish-gray; soft. Seasonal rings indistinctly marked. Pores moderate-sized, scanty, single or subdivided. Pith-rays few, moderately broad, alternating with others, fine, bent around the pores. Wrood cells large. Tea-boxes, scabbards, grain-measures, palanquins, toys. Gamb. 400; Ndrd. IX; Watt Diet. 64:349; K. & V. 8:50-52. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 561 Ixora. Wood brownish, hard, close-grained. Pores small. Pith-rays very fine, numerous, regular. Very numerous species but usually of relatively small size. Gamb. 420; Ridl. 211; K. & V. 8:146-169. Pavetta and Coffea are much like the last. Mitragyne. Wood reddish- or yellowish-brown. Pores small to mod- erate-sized, not very numerous. Pith-rays fine, numerous, uniform. Wood cells usually rather large. Mitragyne parvifolia Korth. ( Stephegyne parvifolia Korth.) Kajoe mas, kajoe-koening ( M. ) . British India, Burma, Ceylon. Wood light-pinkish-brown, moderately hard, even-grained, much re- sembling that of Adina cor difolia, but rather harder, and at once recognized by its different color. Pores small, numerous, uniformly distributed. Pith-rays very fine, numerous, short. The wood is easily worked and polishes well; it is durable, if not exposed to wet. It is used in building, furniture, agricultural implements, combs, cups, spoons and platters, and for turned and carved articles. Gamb. 403; Nord. VII and X; Van Eed. 155; K. & V. 8:38-40. Morinda tinctoria Roxb. Mengkudu. British India, Burma, Ceylon, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. Wood red, often yellow with red streaks, moderately hard, close-grained. Seasonal rings fairly marked. Pores small, scanty, in radial or oblique groups, rather distant from each other. Pith-rays fine and moderately broad, rather distant. Durable; plates and dishes. K. & V. 8:192-194; Gamb. 422; Ridl. 211. Nauclea sp. Plate XXX, fig. 106. Calamansanay. Philippines. Wood hard and heavy, yellow with a beautiful rose tint; close- and straight-grained. No seasonal rings. Pith-rays very fine, pores small and scattered. Used for flooring, masts of boats, beams in interior con- struction, posts for houses or in contact with the ground, shipbuilding, telegraph poles, window sills. Phil. Woods 378. Randia. Wood creamy-white, light-brown or grayish-brown, smooth, close-grained, hard. Pores small or very small, evenly distributed. Pith- rays fine and very fine, numerous. Randia dumetorum Lam. British India, Burma, Ceylon, Abyssinia, China, Sunda Islands. Seasonal rings marked by a belt without pores. Agricultural imple- ments, fences, fuel. Gamb. 413; Watt Diet. 6:391; K. & V. 8:96. 562 FOXWORTHY. Sarcocephalus cordatus Miq. Plate XXX, fig. 107. Bancal (Phil.) ; kajoe- mas (M.) ; bakmi (Ceylon) ; “yellow wood.” Ceylon, Burma, Malacca, Philippines, Malay Archipelago, New Guinea, North Australia. Wood soft, sapwood light-yellow, heartwood bright-yellow. Pores moderate-sized, rather scanty, usually subdivided, in rough radial lines between the numerous fine pith-rays which bend round them. Furniture, door frames, panels, sandals, tea-chests. Gamb. 400; Nord. VI; Phil. Woods 375; Lewis 309; Van Eed. 157; K. & V. 8:13-15. Sarcocephalus junghuhnii Miq. Mangel; chermin ayer (M.) ; mambog (Phil.). Malay Peninsula, Philippine Islands. Wood fairly heavy, bright-yellow when fresh, turning brown; not very hard. Sapwood not very distinct. Pores large and small mixed, rays very close and fine, rings fairly distinct and regular, narrow and almost poreless. A good ordinary building wood, durable. Ridl. 209. Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea Gaertn. Cingum (M.). In the mangrove swamps throughout this region. Wood dark-brown, fine-grained, rings obscure, pores exceedingly small, and pith-rays very fine. Ridl. 210; K. & V. 8:125-127. Urophyllum glabrum Wall. Malay Peninsula. Maingay says Urophyllum is the kayu gading ; the wood is very pale whitish-red or reddish-white, grain medium, very hard, splits very slightly in drying. Used for the manufacture of kris handles and probably valuable for carving or wood engraving. The name kayu gading is applied to several plants which have white (like ivory) hard wood, chiefly species of Canthium, Petunga venulosa and also Hunteria corym- bosa. Ridl. 210; K. & V. 8:66-68. Wendlandia. Wood reddish-brown. Pores small, evenly distributed. Pith-rays of two kinds, very fine and fine or moderately broad, numerous. Wendlandia exserta DC. British India, Hard. Seasonal rings marked by fewer pores in the later-formed wood. Building, agricultural implements, house posts. Gamb. 408; Nord. IX ( W. excelsa) ; Watt Diet. 6B402. Other species of the genus in India and Malaya produce wood very much like that already described, but usually in small pieces. INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 563 COMPOSITE. Wood soft and light. Pores moderate-sized, rather scanty. Pith-rays moderately broad to fine. Vernon ia arborea Ham. Plate XXX, fig. 108. Merambong (M. ). Malay Peninsula, Philippine Islands, Malay Archipelago. Wood white or brownish; used for house building but is not durable. Ridl. 211; K. & V. 5:50-54. ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate XXII. Fig. 1. Agathis alba. 2. Pinus insularis. 3. Casuarina equisetifolia. 4. Engelhardtia serrata. 5. Quercus soleriana. 6. Artocarpus cumingiana. Fig. 7. Sloetia sideroxylon. 8. Taxotropliis ilicifolia. 9. Helicia philippinensis. 10. K’runtum. 11. Scorodocarpus borneensis. 12. Strombosia philippinensis. Plate XXIII. Fig. 13. Michelia charapaca. 14. Canagium odoratum. 15. Myristica philippensis. 16. Beilschmiedia cairocan. 17. Cinnamomum camphora. 18. Eusideroxylon zwageri. Fig. 19. Litsea perrottetii. 20. Parinarium grifflthianum. 21. Pygeum preslii. 22. Pithecolobium acle. 23. Acacia melanoxylon. 24. Sindora cochinchinensis. Plate XXIV. Fig. 25. Pericopsis mooniana. 26. Intsia bijuga. 27. Cassia nodosa. 28. Pterocarpus indicus. 29. Kingiodendron alternifolium. 30. Erythrina indica. Fig. 31. Caesalpinia sappan. 32. Parkia roxburghii. 33. Ixonanthes icosandra. 34. Chloroxylon swietenia. 35. Fagara integrifoliola. 36. Murraya exotica. Plate XXV. Fig. 37. Irvingia malayana. 38. Canarium commune. 39. Aglaia clarkii. 40. Amoora aherniana. 41. Toona calantas. 42. Sandoricum indicum. Fig. 43. Xylocarpus granatum. 44. Bischofia trifoliata. 45. Koordersiodendron pinnatum. 46. Melanorrhoea sp. 47.. Urandra sp. 48. Dodonaea viscosa. Plate XXVI. Fig. 49. Euphoria cinerea. 50. Pometia pinnata. 51. Zizyphus zonulatus. 52. Gonystylus bancanus. 53. Berrya ammonilla. 54. Bombycidendron campylosi plion. Fig. 55. Bombycidendron campylosi- phon (long, section). 56. Thespesia populnea. 57. Pterocymbium tinctorium. 58. Tarrietia javanica. 59. Tarrietia sylvatica. 60. Dillenia sp. 565 566 FOXWORTHY. Plate XXVII. Fig. 61. Calophyllum inophyllum. 62. Calophyllum borneense. 63. Cratoxylon sp. 64. Mesua ferrea. 65. Yatiea sp. 66. Balanocarpus sp. Fig. 67. Shorea balangeran ? 68. Ilopea acuminata. 69. Dryobalanops sp. 70. Shorea guiso. 71. Dipterocarpus grandiflorus. 72. Shorea polysperma. Plate Fig. 73. Red Lauan. 74. Anisoptera sp. 75. White Lauan. 76. Cotylelobium sp. 77. Cotylelobium sp. 78. Serial) puteh. XXVIII. Fig. 79. Homalium sp. 80. Octomeles sumatrana. 81. Lagerstroemia speciosa. 82. Sonneratia pagatpat. 83. Carallia integerrima. 84. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza. Plate XXIX. Fig. 85. Ceriops tagal. 86. Rhizophora sp. 87. Lumnitzera littorea. 88. Terminalia nitens. 89. Eugenia sp. 90. Xanthostemon verdugonianus. Fig. 91. Polyscias nodosa. 92. Aegiceras floridum. 93. Ulipe betis. 94. Palaquium sp. 95. Maba buxifolia. 96. Fagraea sp. Plate XXX. Fig, 97. Alstonia macrophylln. 98. Alstonia scholaris. 99. Dyera lowii. 100. Wrightia laniti. 101. Avicennia officinalis. 102. Tectona grand is. Fig. 103. Vitex alierniana. 104. Vitex Iittoralis. 105. Gardenia barnesii. 106. Nauclea sp. 107. Sarcocephalus cordatus. 108. Vernonia sp. (All figures with a magnification of five diameters.) Fox woiu'iiY : In do- Malayan Woods. J LI’UIL. JoUKN. SCI., VoL. IV, No. 4. Fig. 4. — Engelhard i ia sertata. Fig. 5. — Quercus soleriana. Fig. 6. — Artocarpus eumin- giana. Fig. 7. — Sloctia sidcroxylon. Fig. 8. — Taxotrophis ilicifolia. Fig. 9. — Hclicia phiUppincnsis. Fig. 10. — K’runtuin. Fig. 1 4 . — Scarodocarpus bor- ne crisis. Fig. 12. — Alrombnsia pliihp- p inensis. PLATE XXII. Fox worthy : Imhi-Malayan Woods. | [Pmi,. ./oi'HN. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 4. Fig. 16. — Beilschmicdia cairocan. Fig. 17. — Cinnamomum cam- phora. Fig. 18. — Eusideroxylon zwageri. Fig. 19. — Litsea perrottetii. Fig. 20. — Parinarium grif- fithianum. Fig. 21. — Pygeum prcslii. XXI 1 1. Fig. 24. — Sindora cochinchi- nensis. Fox worthy : In »o- -Mala van Woods.] [Phil. .Tourn. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 4. Fig. 28. — Ptcrocarpus indicus. Fig. SO.— Frgthrina indu'd. -Ixonanthes icosan- i Ira . Fig. 29 . — K ing iod end ron alternifolium. Fig. 32. — Parkia roxburghii. Fig. 31. — Caesalpinia sappnn. Fig. 34. — •Chloroxylnn suicte- nia. Fig. 35- Fagara integri folia.. Fig. 30. M nrmi/a exoliea. XXIV. Foxworthy : Indo-Mai.ayan Woods.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 4. Fig. 43. — \ylocarpus grana- tum. Fig. 44. — Bischofia javanica. Fig. 45. — Koordcrsiodendron pinnatum. Fig. 46. — Melanorrlioea sp. Fig. 47. — Urandra sp. Fig. 48. — Dodonaca viscosa. PLATE XXV. Fox worthy : Indo-Malayan Woods. J [Phil. Journ. Set., Vol. IV', No. 4. Fig. 52. — Gonystylus banca- 11 IIS. Fit;. 53. — Berrya ammonilla. Fig. 54. — Bovibycidendron campylosiphon. Fig. 55 . — Bo w bycidendron campy losiphon. Fig. 5(5. — Thespesia populnen. Fig. 57. — Pterocymbium tinc- toriurn. Fig. 58. — Tarrietia javanici *. Fig. 59. — Tarrietia sylvatica. Fig. (50. — Dillenia sp. F> 1_ AT E XXVI. Foxworthy: Indo-Malayan Woods.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 4. xxv 1 1 . Foxworthy: Indo-Malayan Woods.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 4. -Anisoptera sp. White Union. Fig. 79. — Homdlium sp. Fig. 80. — Octomeles sumatrana. Fig. 82. — Sonneratia p agatpat. Fig. 83. — Carallia integerrima. Fig. 81. — Lagerstroemia speciosa. Fig. 84. — Bruguiera gym- norrhiza. f>i_ate: xxviii. Foxworthy : Indo-Malayan Woods. | [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 4. Fig. 88. — Terminalia nitons. Fig. 89. — Eugenia sp. Fig. 90. — Xanthostcmon verdugonianus. Fig. 91. — Polyschis nodosa. Fig. 92. — Aegiceras flori- dum. Fig. 93. — Illipe bctis. fwps ■ *■ ■ aasaBagsB^i Fig. 94. — Palaquium sp. Fig. 95. — Malta buxifnlia. Fig. 9G. — Fagraca sp. XXIX. Foxworthy: Indo-Malayan Woods.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 4. Fig. 97. — Alstonia macrophylla. Fig. 98. — Alstonia scliolaris. Fig. 99. — Dyera loicii. Fig. 100. — Wrightia laniti. Fig. 101. — Avicennia offici- nal is. Fig. 102. — Tectona grand is. Fig. 103. — Vitcx ahcrniana. Fig. 104. — Vitcx littora.’is. Fig. 105. — Gardenia barnesii. Fig. 108. — Vernon ia sp. Fig. 106. — Nauclca sp. Fig. 1 07. — Sarcoceplxalus. eordatus. XXX. VIII. INDEX. Abauria excelsa Becc 465 Acacia 458 arabica Willd 420,469 catechu Willd 420, 459, 469 eburnea Willd 469 excelsa Benth 469 farnesiana Willd 428, 470 ferruginea DC 428,470 koa Gray 470 leucophloea Willd .... 470 melanoxylon B. Br. Plate XXIII. Fig. 23 422,470 modesta Wall. 470 planifrons W. & A 470 speciosa Willd 459 tomentosa Willd 470 Acacia- Cassia type 458 acajou 481 acajou a fruits 487 acajou a pOmmes 487 acajoubaum 487 acajou d'Afrique .-. 496 acajou de Guadeloupe 487 Aceraceae 492 acle 413, 415, 520, 422, 434, 463 acleng parang 413, 415, 434, 460 Acrocarpus fraxinifolius W. & A 423,459 Actinodaphne 454 Adenantliera bicolor Moon 459 intermedia Merr 459 pavonina L 423, 425, 432, 459 Adina 559 Adina cordifolia Hook. f. .. 424, 559, 561 rubescens Hemsl 559 Aegiceras corniculatum (L. ) Blanco 538 floridum Roem. & Schult. Plate XXIX. Fig. 92 538 majus Gaertn 538 re in italics.) Page. /Kgle marmelos (L. ) Correa.... 426,473 African mahogany 430 Afzelia bijuga A. Gray 461 palembanica Bak 461 rhomboidea Vid 462 agaru 423,434,479 Agathis alba (Lam.) Plate XXII. Fig. 1 442 dammara Rich 442 Aglaia 476 Aglaia clarkii Merr. Plate XXV. Fig. 39 422, 476 cochinchinensis Pierre 477 eusideroxylon K. & V 476 minahassae T. & B 428 minaliassae Koord 477 odorata Lour 477 pyramidata Hance 477 roxburgiana Miq 477 agoho 413, 415, 418, 420, 422, 428, 434, 444 aij -samara 434 aijulet 437 Ailanthus malabarica DC 474 akat 437 akit 528 alabangbang 467 Alangium lamarckii Thvv 537 ala-saga 461 Albizzia amara Boiv 459 julibrissin Durazz 422, 459 lebbeck Benth 459, 460 lebbeckoides Benth 460 littoral is T. & B 460 moluccana Miq 460 montana Benth 460 odoratissima Benth 460 procera Benth 422, 458, 460 saponaria Bluine 460 stipulata Boiv 460 Aleurites moluccana ( L. ) Willd. .. 483 Alexandrian laurel 504 algum - 427 567 568 FOXWORTHY. Page. almaciga 442 almendro 530 almon 507,511,512 almug 427 Aloexylon agallochum Lour . 427 alossul 435 Alstonia macrophylla Wall. Plate XXX. Fig. 97 550 scholaris (L.) R. Br. Plate XXX. Fig. 98.... 424, 427, 550, 551 Altingia excelsa Neronha 456 alupag 413,415,422,434 alus surat 537 Alyxia stellata R. & S 428 ambi 434 ambon 553 amlabaum 486 Amoora 477, 480 Amoora aherniana Merr. Plate XXV. Fig. 40 477 aphanomyxis R. & S 477 cucullata Roxb 477 spectabilis Miq 480 walichii King 480 amuguis 413,415,434,489 Anacardiaceae 487 Anacardium occidentale L 487 Anacolosa luzoniensis Merr 449 anadiong 446 anan 413,415,429,435,549 Andaman Bullet wood 540 ! redwood 431, 436, 466 padauk 466 anemene 464 j angelly 419 angiosperms 443 angsana 436, 467 Anisophyllea 526 Anisophyllea zeylanica Benth 527 Aniaoptera Plate XXVIII. Fig. 74 511 Ansoptera glabra Kurz 512 j melanoxylon Hook 513 palembanica Miq 512 thurifera Blanco 512 anjan 413,415,422,471 Anogeiaaus 528, 529 Anogeiaaus acuminata 529 lati folia Wall 420, 529 pendula 529 Anonaceae 450 Anona Page. 427 Anthocephalua cadamba (Roxb.) Miq 559 Antidesma 483 Antidesma bunius Spr 484 ghaeaembilla Gaertn, .. 484 antipolo 434 anubing 413, 420, 422, 423, 434, 447 Aphania montana B1 492 paucijuga Radik 492 Aphanomyxis grandifolia 111 477 rohituka (Roxb.) Pierre 477 api-api 413,415,434,529,553 apitong 413, 415, 434, 507, 509, 510, 512, 513 Apocynaceae 550, 552 Apodytes 492 Aporosa 483 Aporosa dioica (Roxb.) Muell. Arg 484 appi-appi 434 Aquifoliaceae 490 Aquilaria agallocha Roxb 427, 523 malaccensis Lam 523 Araliaceae 537 Aralidium pinnatifidum Miq 537 arang 429 aranga 413, 415, 418, 419, 420, 422, 434, 522 Ardisia 538 Ardisia paniculata Roxb 538 ar j On 53 1 artificial ebony 544 Artocarpus sp 420, 422 chaplasha Roxb 446 cumingiana Tree. Plate XXII. Fig. 6.... 423, 447 gomeziana Wall 446 hirsuta Lamk. 419, 446. 447 integrifolia L. f 423, 446 lakoocha Roxb 446 lancifolia Roxb 446 nobilis Thw 446 superba Becc 447 Arytera littoralis B1 493 asphal 434 Astronia papetaria B1 536 ata-ata 544, 545 Atalantia missionis (Wight) Oliv. 473 monophylla (L. ) Cor- rea 426, 473 INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 569 Page. Averrhoa bilimbi L 472 carambola L 472 Avicennia officinalis L . Plate XXX. Fig. 101 553 Azadarachta indica A. Juss 423, 478 B. babul 413, 415, 469 bacauan 413, 415, 434, 528 Baccaurea 483 Baccaurea sapida Muell. Arg 484 badam 437,530 badamier 530 badoli 436 bahay 461 bahoet 519 bakao 434 bakko 528 bakmi 434, 562 bako 434 balacat 413,415,434,496 j I balam 541 balam-tandjong 541 balangeran 516 Balanites aegyptica Delile 475 rqxburghii 424 Balanocarpus sp. Plate XXVII. Fig. 66 420, 438, 508 Balanocarpus maximus King 512 penangianus King.. 512 balau 517 baleon adock 451 balinliasay 413,434,487 balis-bukkol 434 ball au 418 hallow 413, 415, 436, 437, 457, 508 bamboos 424 banaba 413, 415, 419, 420, . 422,423,434,524 banalo 413,415,434,499 bancal 413, 415, 423, 434, 562 banderu — 415, 493 bangkirai 436,510 bani - 434 bani-bani 434 baniyuyo - 484 bansalaguin 413, 415, 419, 422, 423, 434, 540 bansu 413, 415, 434, 468 banuvo 413,415,422,423,434,463 bapa-mereh 519 bapa-puti 519 88250 11 Page. barrels and cooperage stock 425 Barringtonia acutangula Gaertn. 423, 525 racemosa Bl. 413,420,525 speciosa Forst 256 baru laut 499 baru waru laut 434 Baryxylum dasyrachys Pierre 462 inerme Pierre 462 Baryxylum rufum Lour 428 basoeng 436, 512 Bassia spp 419, 539 latifolia Roxb 420, 539 longifolia L 540 bastard cedar 478, 480 mahogany 534 sandalwood 433 teak 423 batete 413,435,471 baticulin 413,435,454 batitinan 413, 415, 419, 422, 435, 524, 532 batino 413, 435, 550 Bauhinia 458 type 458, 46 1 acuminata L 467 malabarica Roxb 467 purpurea L 468 retusa Ham 468 tomentosa L 468 variegata L 468 bawang 435, 452 bead tree 479 bebya 437 bedara china 434 bedaroh 434 bedaru 418, 423, 437, 492, 542 bedata 437 beetles 417 bel fruit tree 473 behara 530 Beilschmiedia cairocan Vid. Plate XXIII. Fig. 16 454 belgaum 483 belian - 435 belian wangi 541 belukap 528 bengal quince 473 benger 434 bengkuang 435 | beriya 437 berombong 559 570 FOXWORTHY.* Page. Berrya ammonilla Roxb. Plate XXVI. Fig. 53 • 497 betis 413, 415, 418, 419, 420, 422, 435, 540,541 b'eus 436, 527 bhara 434 bidara-laut 450 bidara-pahit 550 bientaus 436 big-biga 468 Bignoniaceae 557 biji - 467 bilin 474 billian.... 413, 415, 418, 419, 420, 421, 428, 435, 438, 439, 452, 453, 454, 509, 529 billian bulu 453 simpor 453 tembaga 453 wangi 418 bingas 532 bintangor 413,415,418, 420, 423, 435, 504 bintaos 551 bintungan 437 binuang 522 Bischolia 483 Bischofia trifoliata (Roxb.) Hook. Plate XXV. Fig. 44 484 javanica B1 484 bitanhol 435 bitaog 423,431,437,504 blackbutt 533 black ebonies 544 black varnish tree 489 black wood 413,415,422,424,465 black wattle 413,415,422,470 blimbing 413,415,472 blue gum 413, 533 blue pine 443 b'lukap 528 boaxmgsa 437 boeli-boeli 437 Boehmeria rugulosa Wedd 447 boelang 555 boembang 5 13 boengboelan 555 boengoer 524 boengo-tandjoeng 540 boeni 484 bohera 530 bois cassant 485 bois d'Anis 505 bois de rose de l'Oceanie 499 Page. bois de soie 496 bois de tambour 452 bois ramier 496 bolang 555 bolongeta 413} 420, 422, 435, 544, 545, 547 Bombacaceae 499 Bombax 499 Bombax malabaricum Dc 427, 499 bombi 435 Bombycidendron campylosiphon (Turcz. ) Warb. Plate XXVI. Figs. 54, 55 498 Bombycidendron vidalianum (Naves) Merr. & Rolfe 422,498 bongoh 434,524 Borneo camphorwood 427, 509, 514 ironwood 419,428,452 mahogany 43 1 redwood 423 rosewood 432, 489 yacal 508 Borraginaceae 552 Boschia griffithii Mast 499 bosung 527 Boswellia serrata Roxb 420,475 Bouea burmanica Griff 487 macrophylla Griff 487 box 415 boxes or packing cases 424 boxwood 413,423,426,487 Bridelia 483 Bridelia retusa (L.) Spreng 485 bras-bras hitam 484 Brownlowia elata Roxb 497 tabularis Pierre 497 Brucea 474 Bruguiera spp 526, 528 Bruguiera caryophylloides B1 527 eriopetala W. & A 527 gymnorrhiza Lam. Plate XXVIII. Fig. 84 527 parviflora W. & A 527 b'rus 436,527 Buchanania florida var. arbores- cens Engl 487 latifolia Roxb 487 Bucklandia populnea R. Br 456 bukal 434 bulankan 468 bfilfi 530 bungah malukit 1 523 INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 57 J Page. bunga tanjong 434 bungkal 449 Burmese rosewood 432 burrus - 527 | Bursera serrata Colebr 475 Burseraceae 475 buta-buta 485 Butea 413, 458 Butea frondosa Roxb 472 butter tree 539 butulang 560 buwa-rau 435 Buxaceae 486 Buxus sempervirens L 423, 426, 487 cacahuate 461 Caesalpinia sappan L. Plate XXIV. Fig. 31 425,458,470 cajeput tree 535 caju ticcos major 460 calabure 49® calamander 435, 544, 546 calamansanay 413, 422, 423, 435, 561 calantas 413, 415, 430, 435, 481 calapapang 436 Calesiam grandis 0. Ktze 489 caliaturliolz 467 calingad 427 calipapa 436, 557 Callicarpa 553 Callicarpa arborea Roxb 553 Calophyllum 418, 420, 423, 504, 50o Calophyllum borneense. Plate XXVII. Fig. 62.. i n o p b y 1 1 u m L. Plate XXVII. Fig. 61 419, 420, 422, 423, 429, 431,504 spectabile Will 504 tomentosum Wight 504 calumpit - 413,435,532 camagon 413, 415, 422, 435, 544, 545, 546, 547 camanchilis 413,415 camphor 413, 415, 424 camphorwood 426, 453 Campnosperma wallichii King 488 zeylanicum Thw. .. 488 camuning 413,415,423,435,474 cam-x6 434, 463 Cananga odorata Hook. f. & Th. .. 450 Page. Canangium odoratum Baill. Plate XXIII. Fig. 14 450 Canarium sp 428 Canarium commune L. Plate XXV. Fig. 38 475 canary wood 424 candle-nut 483 canes or walking sticks 424 Canthium 560, 562 Canthium didymum Roxb 560 cangu 414,415,519 cana fistula 463 Caparidaceae 455 Capparis grandis L. f 455 Carallia 526 Carallia integerrima DC. Plate XXVIII. Fig. 83 527 Carapa moluccensis Lam 482 obovata B1 — 482 Careya arborea Roxb 420, 526 carving and wood engraving 424 Casearia glomerata Roxb 521 tomentosa Roxb 521 cashew 415,487 Cassia fistula L 458, 463 florida Vahl 464 javanica L 464 nodosa Ham. Plate XXIV. Fig. 27 458,464 siamea Lam 423, 424, 464 timorensis DC 464 Cassine glauca (Pers.) O. Ktze. .. 491 Casuarina 533 Casuarinaceae 444 Casuarina equisetifolia F o r s t . Plate XXII. Fig. 3.. 418, 420, 422, 428, 444 montana Jungh 428 sumatrana Miq 428, 444 catapang 437 cateban 445 catinga 424, 435 catmon 413, 422, 435, 502 cato 413, 415, 435, 477 cay day 437 cav-go 413, 422, 47 1 cayutana 423, 435 cedar, Pink or red 423 cedre de Singapore 481 Cedrela 430,481 Cedrela febrifuga B1 481 serrata Royle 481 toona Roxb 481 57 ‘2 FOXWORTHY. Page. cedre rouge 481 Cedrua deodara (Roxb.) Loud 420, 424, 442 Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. .. 427,499 Celastraceae 490 Celastrus senegalensis Lam 491 spinosus 426 Celtis australis L 445 Cerbera 552 Ceriops 419, 425, 526 Ceriops candollcana Arn 528 roxburghiana Arn 527 tagal (Perr.) C. B. Rob. Plate XXIX. Fig. 85.... 528 Ceylon boxwood 500 Ceylon oak 495 Chaetocarpus 483 Chaetoearpus castanicarpus Roxb. Thw 485 chalta 435 chambu 436 champaca 413, 415, 424, 450 chandan 448 chandana 432 chaplash v 434 chatwan 424, 435, 550 chengal 413,415,420,421, 436, 438, 507, 508,512,516 chengliei 512 chermin ayer 562 Chinese date 496 chintah 473 Chisochiton 423, 478, 479 Chisochiton divergens B1 478 philippinus Harms.... 478 Chittagong 413,415 Chittagong wood 423,430,478 Chloroxylon swietenia DC. Plate XXIV. Fig. 34 424,426,433,473 chouk 434, 444 Chrysophyllum roxburghii G. Don 539 Chukrassia (Chickrassia) tabu- laris A. Juss 423, 430, 478 cigar-box woods 430 cingum 562 Cinnamomum 454 Cinnamomum cumphora ( L. ) Nees & Eberm. Plate XXIII. Fig. 17 .... 424, 426, 453 gland uliferum Meisn 420, 426 I Page. | Cipadessa fructicosa B1 478 [ Citrus sp 424 Citrus aurantium L 474 nobilis Lour 474 vulgaris Risso 474 Claoxylon sp 485 Clausena excavata Bunn 420 Cleistanthus 483 Cleistanthus collinus Benth 485 coconut 422 Cocos nucifera L 422 Coflfea 561 Coelostegia griflithii Benth 499 Combretaceae 528* Compositae 503 condori wood 459 | Conessi bark 551 Connariopsis spp 472 j Conocarpus 529 I coral wood 423, 459 Cordia 552 Cordia fragrantissima Kurz 552 myxa L 432, 552 octandra 552 corkwood 427, 498, 499, 550 Cornaceae 537 corner posts 422 Coromandel 435, 546 Coromandel wood 422, 544 cosmetic bark tree 474 cotton tree 415 Cotylebium 507 Cotylelobium sp. Plate XXVIII. Figs. 70, 77 513 Cotylelobium flavum Pierre 513 melanoxylon Pierre.. 513 Crataeva religiosa Forst 426, 455 Cratoxylon Plate XXVII. Fig. 63.. 504 Cratoxylon glaucum Korth 504 neriifolium Kurz 504 Croton 483 Crudia blancoi Rolfe 458,468 Cryptocarya 454 Crvptocarya ferrea B1 428 Crypteronia paniculata B1 524 cuius-Cuius 447 culasi 529 culis 414, 424 Cullenia excelsa Wight 500 Cumingia philippinensis Vid 499 cumpang ..... 435, 452 cupang 413,425,435,462 INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 573 Page. I Cryptocarya ferrea B1 428 cumpas 437 cutch tree 459 Cupressus torulosa Don 443 Ctenolophon parvifolius Oliv. 449 Cyathocalyx zevlanicua Champ. .. 450 Cyclostemon 483 Cvclosteinon griffithii Hook. f. .... 48.) Cynoinetra 458 Cynometra inaequifolia A. Gray.. 4(i8 ramiflora L 408 D. dadap 472 dalioe 488 dahu 415 Dalbergia sp 431, 458, 491 Dalbergia cultrata Grah - 404 cumingiana Benth 428 latifolia Boxb 420, 422, 424, 432, 405 nigra Allem 431 oliveri Gamble 405 ougeinensis Boxb 402 sissoo Boxb 420, Dalbergia type, dalindingan — dalingsem dalinsi dalisai daluru damar hitam .. damar laut 422, 432, 465 458,464 514 413, 422, 532 530 525 512 517 damar lant numero satu dammar dammara 519 442 520 dammar-malaijoe 519 dammar-mata-koetjing 515 dammar-poetih 515 dammar-sila 519 dao 413, 435 daoe 488 dapdap 413, 415, 472 Daphniphyllum 483 daroo-daroo 492, 542 darn 437, 492, 542 Datiscaceae 522 dan con-rai 434 daun durian 499 dawa 44)5 Deguelia robiista Taub 468 Dehaasia 454 Page. del 413,415,440 delima hutan 500 deliinas 459 dendurien 499 Deodar 415, 424, 442 Derris cumingii Benth 408 robusta Benth 408 dhaura 423 Dialium spp 423,458 Dialium indum L 405 Dichrostachys einerea W. & A. .. 424, 461 Dicotyledons 444 Dillenia Plate XXVI. Fig. 60.... 422, 502 Dillenia aurea Smith 502 Dilleniaceae 502 Dillenia indica L 502 philippinensis Bolfe 502 speciosa Thunb 502 dinglas 532 dingsa 437 Dipterocarpaceae 457,506 Dipterocarpus 425,507,510 Dipterocarpus alatus Boxb 513 eurliynchus Miq. .. 513 gacilis B1 513 grandiflorus Wall... 514 grandiflorus Blanco Plate XXVII, Fig. 71.... 509,513,514 hasseltii B1 insularis Hance .... la-evis Ham littoralis B1 lowii Hook, f retusus B1 tampurau Korth. .. trinervis Bl tuberculatus Boxb. ., 509, 514 turbinatus Gaertn 509, 514 verniciiluus Blanco 514 zeylanicus Thw 509- 510, 514 j dita 413, 435, 550 Dittelesma rarak Hook, f 493 Diospyros spp 422, 424, 433, 545 Diospyros affinis 540 assimilis 545 candolleana 546 chloroxylon Boxb 544, 546, 547 513 513 514 513 513 513 509 513 574 FOX WORTHY. Page. Diospyros crumenata 546 dendo Wehv 543 discolor Willd 522, 524, 543, 545, 546 ebenaster Retz 543 ebenum Konig.... 543, 545, 546 ehretioides 546 embryopteris 543, 546 foliolosa 544, 546 gardneri 543, 546 haplostylis Boiv 543 hirsuta L. f 543 humilis 546 insignis 543, 546 kaki 546 kurzii 546 lancaefolia Roxb 544 lotus 546 Page. Dodonaea sp 428 Dodonaea viscosa L., Plate XXV. Fig. 48 424,426,429,493 doekoek 529 doekoek-ageng 529 Dolichandrone 557 Dolichandrone longissima (Lour.) K. Sch 557 rheedii Seem 557 spathacea ( L. f . ) K. Sch 557 dolo 435 domba 437 dom-sal 451 doon 514 Doona congestiflora Thw 514 gardneri Thw 514 zeylanica Thw 514 malacapai A. DC 544, 545 martabanica 546 melanoxylon Roxb 543, 545, 546 mespiliformis Hochst. .. 543 microphylla 546 microrhombus 543 montana Roxb 543, 546 nilagirica 546 } nitida Merr 545 oocarpa 546 I oppositifolia Thw 544, 546 ovatifolia 546 pilosa A. DC 544 pilosanthera Blanco 420, 422, 424, 544, 545, 547 pyrrhocarpa 546 quaesita Thw 422, 544, 546 ramiflora Wall 543 sylvatica Roxb 543, 546 tessellaria Poir 543 thwaitesii 546 tomentosa Poir 547 I toposia 546 truncata Zoll. & Mor. .. 543 \ tupru Ham 543, 546 undulata 546 djalitri 551 djambu 436 djaran 434 djati 437 djeloetoeng 551 djempina 515, 541 djiuluton 551 488 488 488 487 48S 69 418,419,427,509,513 Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn. f 514 beccarii Dyer 514 kayanensis Becc. .. 514 Duabanga sp 413,415 Duabanga grandiflora ( Roxb.) Ham 524 moluccana B1 524 Dracontomelum cumingianum Baill dao Merr. & Rolfe mangiferum Bl. Drimycarpus Drimycarpus racemosus Hook. f. .. Dryobalanops Plate XXV1T. Fig. sonneratioides Ham 524 dudhi 436 duguan 413,415,435,452 dun 413, 514, 415 dungon 413,415, 418, 419, 420, 422, 435, 500, 502 dungon-late .. 413,415,418,422,435,500 durability 416 durian 413,415,500 Durio zibethinus DC 500 Dyera 427,551 Dyera costulata Hook, f 551 lowii Hook. f. Plate XXX. Fig. 99 551 dyewoods 425 Dysoxylum 478 Dysoxylum amooroides Miq 479 INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 575 Page. Dysoxylum bailloni Pierre 47!) binectariferum Hook. f 479 hamiltonii Hiern 479 loureiri Pierre 432,479 turczaninowii C. DC. - 47 9 E. eaglewood 427,523 East Indian mahogany 423, 430, 478, 480 East Indian sandalwood 467 East Indian satinwood 473 East Indian walnut 422, 459 ebano 544, 547 ebbenhout 546 Ebenaceae 440, 539, 543 ebony 413,415,422,424,435,545 Echinocarpus dasycarpus Benth. .. 496 Ehretia 552 Ehretia acuminata Br 552 j javanica B1 553 laevis Roxb 553 wallichiana Hook. f. & Th 553 eijserhout 435, 452, 535 elephant apple 474 Ellatostachys verrucosa Radik 493 empadu 507 Endiandra 454 enemies of wood 417 eng 413,415,434,506,509,514 Englehardtia serrata Bl. Plate XXII. Fig 4 445 entangor 435, 504 epel 461 Epicharis baillioni Pierre 432 Epicharis loureiri Pierre.... 428,432,470 Eriodendron anfractuosum DC. .. 499 Erioglossum edule Bl 493 rubiginosum Bl 493 Eriolaena candollei Wall 500 Erythrina 458 Erythrina type 458,472 Erythrina indica Lam. Plate XXIV. Fig. 30.... 427,472 suberosa Roxb 472 Erythroxylaeeae 47 3 Erythroxylum burmanicum Griff. 473 cuneatum (Wall.) Kurz 473 Erythroxylon monogynum Roxb. .. 433 Page. etteriya 435 etuna 435 Eucalyptus 532 Eucalyptus crebra F. v. Muell 534 globulus Labi 11 420,533 maculata Hook 533 marginata Sm 534 microcorys F. v. Muell. ..._ 533 obliqua L'Her 533 pilularis Smith 533 resinifera Smith 534 rostrata Schl 534 Euclea pseudebenus E. Mey 543 Eugenia Plate XXIX. Fig. 89 ... 422, 534 caryophyllaea Wight 534 jambolana Lam. .. 420, 423, 534 jambos L 535 operculata Roxb 535 tetragona 424 wallicliii Wight 535 Euonymus crenulata Wall 491 hamiltoniana Wall 490 Euphoria cinerea Radik. Plate XXVI. Fig. 49 422,493 longana Lam 494 Eurya acuminata DC 503 japonica Thunb 503 Eurycoma 474 Eusideroxylon zwageri Plate XXIII. Fig. 18 418, 420, 421, 428, 438, 452, 509 Excoecaria 483 Excoecaria agallocha L 428,431,485 Exocarpus latifolius R. Br 432, 448 eye-blinding plant 431 Euphorbia 483 Euphorbia litchi 494 Eupliorbiaceae 482, 521 F. fafoo laut 457 Fagaceae 445 Fagara 423,426,433,474 Fagara flava (Vahl) Krug & ,Urb 473 integrifolia Plate XXIV. Fig. 35 Fagraea Plate XXIX. Fig. 96 549 fastigiata Bl 418, 419, 549 speciosa Bl 550 fragrans 418,429,549,550 wallichiana Benth 550 576 FOXWORTHY. Page. faux bois de rose 499 Feronia elephantum Correa 474 Ficus nervosa Heyne 447 Filicium decipiens Thw 475 Flacortiaceae 521 Flacourtia cataphracta Roxb 521 ramontchi L'Herit 521 Flindersia amboinensis Poir 474 Fluggia 483 forest-mahogany 534 Fothergilla involucrata Falc 456 fromage de Hollande 499 fungus and bacterial growth 417 furniture and ornamental woods.. 422 G. gadoeng 555 gadoengan 555 gadok 484 gagil 436,508,511 Oaledupa pinnata Taub 468 gal mendora 468 galmosa 436 gal-siyambala 437 gammala 436,467 gangaw 437 Ganophyllum falcatum B1 425,493 Garcinia 505 Garcinia cowa Roxb 505 speciosa Wall 505 Gardenia 560 Gardenia barnesii Merr. Plate XXX. Fig. 105 560 coronaria Ham 560 costata 560 gummifera L. f 426, 560 latifolia 426 tubifera Wall 560 ga ronton tangah 478 Garuga pinnata Roxb 476 gelam 418 Gelonium ; 483 geritta 495 gerontang tengah 434 gerunggang 413,415,423,437,504 getali-seundik 541 giramong 455 Givotia 483 Givotia rottleriformis Griff 485 gium 436 Gliricidia sepium (Jack) Steud. .. 461 Page. Glochidion 483 Glochidion acuminatum Muell. Arg 485 GHuta 431,487,490 coarctata Hook 488 renghas L 488 tavoyana Wall 488 travancorica Redd 488 velutina X B1 488 Glycosmis 474 Gmelina arbor ea Roxb 554 g°ela 477 gogong casay 460 go-mat 471 go-mioc 461 gong 448 Goniothalamus tapis Miq 451 Gonocaryum sp 491 Gonystylaceae 497 Gonystylus 428 Gonystylus baneanus (Miq.) Gilg Plate XXVI. Fig. 52 497 miquclianus T. & B. .. 497 goomar teak 554 goran 437 Gordonia excelsa B1 503 obtusa Wall 503 go ta-hi 471 Gramineae 444 grawang 541 green ebony 547 Grevillea robusta A. Cunn 447 Grewia microcos L 498 populifolia 424 tiliaefolia Vahl 498 griting 413,415,421,437,529 Guajacum 429 guava 413,415 gudah 435 gudayong 435, 462 Guettarda speciosa L 433, 560 guggar 415,475 guijo 407,410,412,415, 417,419, 435,509 Guioa pubescens Radik 493 gumaldi 554 gurjun 413,415,434,509,514 gutah-sundik 541 Guttiferae 504 Gymnosperms 441 Gymnosporia montana Lawson ... 491 INDO-MALAYAN AVOOPS. 577 Page. Gynocardia odorata R. Br. •'>21 Gynotroclies 526 Gynotroches axillaris Bl. 528 Gyrocarpus sp 415 Gyrocarpus jacquini Roxb 413,455 H. hagachac 510, 513 halban 436, 557 haldu 424 lialeban 436 halmalille 497 halmendora 519 Hamamelidaceae 456 hardness 412, 414 Hardwickia 421, 458 Ifardimckia alternifolia Elm. 471 binata Roxb. .. 420, 422, 471 pinnata Roxb 471 Hardwickia type 458, 469 Harpullia cupanioides Roxb 494 imbrieata Thw 494 harra 414, 415, 530 Helicia sp 448 Helicia excelsa Bl 448 petiolaris Benn. 448 philippinensis M e i s n . Plate XXII. Fig. 9 448 robusta Wall 448 Helicteres pinnata Blanco 489 Hemicyclia 483 Hemicyclia sepiaria W. & A. .... 426, 486 henhja 559 Heritiera 500 fomes Ham 500 littoralis Dry 418,422,500 minor Lam. 500 Hernandia peltata Meisn 414, 455 Hernandiaceae 455 Heterophragma 557 ; Heterophragma adenophyllum Seem 557 Hibiscus 415, 427 Hibiscus tiliaceus L 498 hik 434, 489 Himalayan cedar — 442 Himalayan cypress 443 hisakaki 503 Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall 551 Holigarna 431, 487 Holigarna arnottiana Hook, f 488 Page. Homalium spp. Plate XXVIII. Fig. 79 418, 420, 422 Homalium foetidum Benth 428 frutescens King 521 luzoniense F.-Vill 522 tomentosun Bentli 521 Homonoia symphylliaefolia 426 hondapara 435 Hopea 418,421,423,510,511 1 lopea acuminata Merr. Plate XXVII. Fig. 68 419, 422, 508, 514 balangeran de Vr 516 balangeran Korth 516 beccariana Burck 515 dryobalanoides Miq 515 fagifolia Miq 515 ferrea Pierre 515 grisea Brandis 515 intermedia King 515 rnacrophylla de Vr 518 maranti Miq 518 mengarawan Miq 515 myrtifolia Miq. 515 odorata Roxb 419, 508, 515 pa rvi flora 420 philippinensis Dyer 515 pierrei Hance 515 plagata Vidal 515 selanica Roxb 519 suavis Wall 516 treubii Heim 515 wigbtiana Wall 515 bora „ 413,415,434,510,514 horroe-batoe 484 Hovenia dulcis Thunb. 496 hulit-tengah 437 Hunteria corvmbosa 562 huynduong 47 9 Hydnocarpus alpina \\7ight 522 Hvmenodietyon excelsum AA7all. .. 413,560 I. Icacinaceae 491,542 ifil 461 ifi-lele 461 ijzerhout 476,477 ilang-ilang 413, 415, 450 Illipe betis (Blco.) Merr. Plate XXIX. Fig. 93 418, 419, 420, 422, 490, 539, 540 latifolia (Roxb.) Engl 539 malabrorum Konig 540 578 FOX WORTHY. Page. Imbricaria maxima Poir 428 in 514 incense woods 427, 523 Indian almond 423, 530 fir 451 jujube 496 laburnum 463 mahogany 481 oak 525 redwood 478, 480 rose chestnut 505 rosewood 465 walnut 483 Inga xylocarpa 463 ingas-burung 434 ingyin 413,516 inland padauk 467 Intsia bijuga (Colebr. ) 0. Ktze Plate XXIV. Fig. 26 419, 420, 421, 422, 425, 428, 458, 461 bakeri Prain 418, 420, 422, 428, 438, 461 ipil 413, 415, 419, 420, 421, 422, 425, 428, 435, 461 ironbark 533, 534 ironwood 428, 444, 461, 463, 469, 470, 537, 540, 547 ironwood, The Ceylon or East In- dian 505 Irvingia malayana Oliv. Plate XXV. Fig. 37 .... 474 oliveri Pierre .... 474 Isonandra perrottetiana Wight .... 540 Isoptera borneensis Scheff 515 itam 546 Ixonanthes icosandra Jack Plate XXIV. Fig. 33 472 Ixora 561 Ixora parviflora 426 J. jak tree 415, 434, 446 jaman 415,534 jambolana 423 jambu 434 jankang 515 jarrah 413,534 jarul 415,434, 524 jati 437, 555 Jatropha 483 Java almond 475 jelutong 413,415, 551 1 Page. jhand Johore teak .. 436, 457, 508 Juglandaceae 445 K. kabaing kachang kayu laut 434 kadatnyan 450 kadayong 435 kaddam kaddupuli 437 1 kadoeng 462 kadol kadondong hutan .... 437 kadondong mata liari 476 kadongan 487 ' kahra kajoe-bapa 519 -besi 535 -kaleh 494 -koening 559, 561 -limoeta 547 -mas 561,562 -oelar 550 -palaka 522 -radja 549 -ramo 524 -sabel 558 -soesoe 436 kakandan 527 kakira 415,450 kalwara 435 kamani 530 kampferhout . 436,509,514 kamian 547 kamini ... 435 kamuning 435,474 kanagi 435 kanagona 434 kananga 450 Kandelia 526 Kandelia rheedii W. & A 528 kaniongan 508 kanna komper 437 kanthal 434 lcanyin 514 kanyinbyu 513 kaorika 530 kapini 437 kapittha 474 kapok 413 kapor 414,415,418,419, 436, 507, 509, 512 INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 57 9 Page. kapor bennar 514 gunong 514 paya 514 kappla 415,427,454 kasai - 436 kasumba 484 katapang 437,530 kationgan 436 kauarika 530 kaunghmu 414, 516 kawang 515,541 kaya 434 Kayea stylosa Thw 506 kayu arang 435, 545 besi 428 besi benar 436 -besi-prempuan 463 gading 562 -garu 413,415,428,497,523 klat 534 laka 428 malam 435, 545 -mas 434 poris 434 rajah 437, 465 ru 428 kedjimas 524 kekala — 450 kelat jambu 436 layo 493 keledang 446 kelor-pante 460 kemajan 547 kemlandmgan 460 kemponashi 496 kendal 553 keowra 437 kepong 518 kepong hantu 518 ketapang-ketelc 560 khair 414,415,459,469 kharpat 415,476 Khaya senegalensis A. Juss 430 kiamil 415,434,489 ki-badak 435 -bako 553 Kickxia 552 ki-djoelang 462 ki-djulang 437 kijai 476 ki-katjang 437 ki-koetjing 472 Page. ki-manuk 436 kina 435 kindal 415 Kingiodendron alter nifolium (Elm.) Merr. & Rolfe Plate XXIV. Fig. 29 471 pinnatum ( R o x b . ) Harms 471 kingwood 432 kings-wood 549 ki-reming 437 -riang 434 -tandjoeng 540 kitelor 482 ki-toke 459 klalar 513 klampis 470 klapak.., 437,510 klat .r 436 kledang 434 Kleinhofia sp 415 hospita L 501 kloempit 435 koa wood 470 koejoeng 517 koekoeran 528 Kokoona zeylanica Thw 491 kolavu 414,415,435,471 Koompassia sp 421 beccariana Taub 465 e x c e 1 s a (Becc. ) Taub 422, 465 malaccensis Main- gay 466 parviflora Prain 466 Koordersiodendron 487 Koordersiodendron pinnatum (Blco.) Merr. Plate XXV. Fig. 45 489 kos 434 kosum 415, 495 kottamba 437,530 krakas 524 krandji 437 kranji 413, 415, 423, 437, 465 krewing 434 kripa 437 , 529 kroewing 513 kruen 434, 509, 513 k’runtum. Plate XXII. Fig. 10.... 448 580 FOX WORTHY. Page. kruyn 513 kul 434 kulim 413,415,418,437,449 kulu layo liitam 493 kumpas 414,415,421,437,465,466 kumpas ruman 476 kurayong 435, 462 kurchi bark 551 kurku 434 Kurrimia robusta Kurz 491 kuzoe-arak 557 Kydia calycina Roxb 499 kyetmouk 434 kyetyo 436 kyun 437 L. lac tree 495 Lagerstroemia spp .. 420,421 batitinan Vidal.. 422, 524 floribunda Jack...... flos-rcginae Retz. .. grandiflora Roxb... hexaptera Miq parviflora Roxb piriformis Koehne 523 524 524 523 420, 523 4 19. 524 lago speciosa (L.) Pers. Plate XXVIII. Fig. 81 419, 422, 423, 524 457 lagundi 473 lalar 513 lamio 488 lanca 446 lanete 413,415,423,424,436,551 langaray 436 langsat-loetoeng 476 lanotan 414 lanutan 422 Lannea grandis (Demist.) Engl... laro lasila 532 Lasiococca 483 Lasiococca symphylliaefolia Hook. f 486 lauan 413,415,511 Lauraceae 454, 454 laurier grec 479 leban 414,421,436,557 489 518 Page. Lebedieropsis orbicularis 485 Lecythidaceae 525 Leguminosae 457 lengadi 437 lenggadi 527 lengsar 495 • Lepiaglaia bailloni Pierre 428, 432 Lepidaglaia bailloni Pierre 479 Leptospermum amboinensc Reimv. 535 flavescens Sm 535 lerek 493 lettokthein 430 leza 435 lidah kerbau putih 538 lign aloes 427 lignum aloes .'. 427 lignum murinum 460 lignum-vitae 429, 493, 530 lilac des Indes 479 limau manis 474 Limonia 474 lim-vangh 4G2 lim-xet 402 Linaceae 472 Lindera 454 Linociera 548 Linociera intermedia Wight 548 Liquidambar altingiana B1 450 litclii 494 Litchi chinensis Sonn 494 pbilippinensis Radik 494 Litsea 454 Litsea perrottetii F.-Vill. Plate XXIII. Fig. 19 454 liusin 413, 415, 418, 419, 422, 430, 449, 456 Livistona 444 liyan 434 loctob 524 loewis-madang 554 Loganiaceae 549 lonbo 434 longan 414, 494 long-leaved pine 443 Ion putte 515 loon putih 515 Lophopetalum wightianum Arn. .. 491 lotong 476 lumbang 483 lumbayao 413, 415, 423, 436, 502 Lumnitzera 528 INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 581 Page. Lumnitzera coccinea W. & A 529 littorea (Jack) Voigt Plate XXIX. Fig. 87 418,419,421,529 racemosa Willd 529 Lunasia 474 lungsir 434 Lythraceae 523 M. Maba spp 422,424 Maba buxi folia Pers. Plate XXIX. Fig. 95.. 429,433 543, 544, 545, 547 Maba mulala Welw 543 mabolo 545 macaasin 414, 415, 422, 436, 534 Macaranga 483 Machilus 454 Madagascar-plum 521 435 madre cacao 461 Maesa 538 Maesa indica (Roxb.) Wall 538 rugosa Clarke 539 Magnoliaceae 450 mahadan 436 maha-debara 434 mahan besi 515 mahogani 414, 415, 423, 430, 481 mahua tree 539,540 makai 413, 415, 516 makakoku 503 Malabar almond 530 malabayabas 536 malabera 413, 415. 418, 419 malabignay 449 malacadios 454, 468 malapapaya 413, 415, 425, 436, 537 434 malaruhat 534 malasantol 413.415,480 malatumbaga 478 malebera 549 malbira 549 malinsot 477 Mai lotus 483 maloh 435 malugay . 413,415,436.495 malukut jantan 503 Malvaceae 498 mancono 413,415, 418, 422, 428, 429, 436, 536 Page. mambog 562 mangachapuy 414, 419, 422, 436, 507, 508, 512, 514 mangaris 437,465 mangasinoro.. 413, 415, 436, 507, 510, 512 mangbesi 515 mangel 562 Mangifera 487 Mangifera indica L 489 mangkabang assu - 517 mango 414, 415, 489 inanoc 456 mara - 434 mar akka 515 maranti 515 maranti bras 518 maranti payali 516 margosa tree 423,478 margosier 478 Marlea begoniaefolia Roxb 537 ebenacea C. B. Clarke 538 nobilis C. B. Clarke 538 mar pinang 545 mas-mora 413, 415, 459 Mastixia arborea C. B. Clarke 538 mast tree 451 mata keli 528 match woods 425 ma-uletanshe 434 mawewek 434 mayapis 413, 414,415,436, 507,511,512 meda lakri 435 medang 435, 454, 473 medang bekwoi 503 medang lada 427, 454 Melaleuca leucadendron L 418, 535 melankan katong 468 Melanochyla sp 489 Melanorrhoea Plate XXV. Fig. 40 423,431,432,487,488,490 Melanorrhoea maingayi Hook. f. .. 489 usitata Wall 421, 489 Melastoma malabathricum L 536 Melastomataceae 536 I melebekan 518 Meliaceae 476 Melia azedarach 479, 480 dubia Cav. 479 indica Brandis 480 | M elicocca trijuga Juss 495 [ Melicope 474 582 FOXWORTHY. Page. Meliosma dilleniaefolia B] 495 membatu laiang 448 Memecylon 537 Memecylon edule Roxb 424, 426, 537 mempayan 535 mengarawan 515 mengkabang pinang 517 mengkudu 561 mengrawan 515 menjan 547 mentaos 551 mentawa 434, 447 raeraca 436 merambong 563 meranti 413, 415, 436, 510, 511, 517, 518 meranti boaya 518 daun kechil 518 kerap 518 merawan kunyit 515 mera 517 merbaju 502 merbau 418, 420, 435, 438, 461 apil 461 paya 435 merbatu layang 456 layong 436 mersawa 436,511 mertajam 493 mesegar 513 Mcsna speciosa Choisy 505 ferrea L. Plate XXVI T. Fig. 64 418, 421,423, 424, 428, 605 Metrosideros 535 Metrosideros vera Lindl 428, 535 mgenda or mgunga 459 mibella 556 Micbelia champaca L. Plate XXIII. Fig. 13 424,450 mirobalanenbaum 486 Micromelum 474 Miliusa velutina Hook. f. & Th. .. 451 Milletia 432,458 Milletia pendula Benth 469 Millingtonia hortensis L 558 Mimosa data 460 Mimusops 540 Mimusops elengi L 422, 423, 424, 540 kauki L 540 littoralis Kurz 421, 540 Page. mingris 437, 465 mining timber 421 minjak tengkawang 516 { minuang 522 | miraboo 415,461 miraboo laut 461 mirabow 413, 422, 428, 435, 461 mirauan 511 Mischodon 483 Mischodon zeylanicus Thw 486 Mitragyne 561 Mitragyne parvifolia Korth 561 Mitrephora edwardsii Pierre 451 mkonko 528 modu 437 tnoka 414,548 molauin aso 436 molave 414,415,418,419,420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 436, 532, 556, 557 Monimiaceae 452 Monocotyledons 443 Monoporanda cordifolia Thw 516 Moraceae 446 Morinda 559 Morinda citrifolia 424 tinctoria Roxb 561 inorubi 446 morung saul 419 Moulmein cedar 481 mountain ebony 467 mowa tree 540 mulah 473 mumpilai klat 492 munamal 434 Muntingia calabura L 496 Murraya exotica L. Plate XXIV. Fig. 36.... 423,424,426,473, 474 koenigii (L. ) Spr. 474 paniculata Jack 474 muruta 434 inyaukchaw 434 myinkabin 468 myladi 436 Myristicaceae 451 Myristica malabarica Lam 452 philippensis W a r b. Plate XXIII. Fig. 15 452 myrole 556 Myrsinaceae 538 I XDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 58o Page. Myrsine africana L 539 retusa Ait 539 Myrtaceae 532 Myrtus caryophyllata L 534 jambosa - 535 melastomoides F. M 536 trinervia Sm 536 N. na 437 naM 434 nabhay 489 naga-kesara 505 nagasholz 505 nngosah 428 nagesar 437 nanca 440 nangka 414, 423, 434 nani 413,415,535 Nania vera Miq 535 nan ta-yoh 456 nana 529 narig 436, 520 naring 507 narra 414, 415, 419, 422, 423, 431, 432, 436, 466, 467 A athvsia swietenioides (Roxb.) 0. Ktze 548 nato 414,436,540,541 Nauclea sp. Plate XXX. Fig. 106.. 422, 423, 561 nedun 414,415,423 neem 478 Neesia altissima B1 500 Neolitsea 454 Nepal camphorwood 426 Nepbelium 493, 494 Nephelium lappaceum L 494 lichi Cambess 494 longana Cambess 494 mutabile B1 494 ngarawan niato niato balam nibong nigi nigue nilan nipis kulit nireh iiiri 515 436 542 418,444 482 437,482 493 537 414, 415, 423, 482 437, 482 Page. nagesar 421 nivar 415, 525 njating 520 njating-mahambong 516 njatoe 541 nj atoh 541 njatoe-balam-bringin 541 njatoe-doerian 541 njattoe 436 Notaphoebe 454 nyatto * 436 nyatto pisang 435, 541 O. oak, Indian 423 obar suluk 437, 510 Ochanostachys amentacea Mast. .. 449 bancana ( Becc. ) Valeton 449 Ochnaceae 502 Ochana squarrosa L 503 Oclirocarpus longifolius Benth. & Hook, f 505 siamensis T. And. .. 505 Ochrosia 552 Ocotea bullata 452 Octomeles sp 415 Octomeles sumatrana Miq. Plate XXVIII. Fig. 80 413, 522 oelin 435, 452 Odina 487 Odina ivodier Roxb 421, 489 odor, taste, color 416 Olacaceae 449 Oleaceae 548 Olea ferruginea 426 Oncosperma spp 418, 444 ondon 435 Oostindisch paarden vleesch 498 orange 474 Ormosia calavensis Blco 461 Oroxylum indieum Benth 425, 558 Osmanthus 548 Osmanthus fragrans Lour 548 Ostodes 483 Ougeinia-Albizzia type 458 Ougeinia 457 Ougeinia dalbergioides Benth 423, 458, 462, 463 Oxalidaceae 472 FOXWORTHY. 584 p. Page. Pachi nocarpus umbonatus Hook. f 516 padauk 414,432,436,467 padoo 467 padouk 415, 431, 465 padu 467 pagar anak 472 pagar anak jantan 503 pagatpat 414,415,418,421,437,525 pagsainguin 437 Pahudia javanica Miq 462 rhomboidea (Blanco) Prain.. 420,423,424,461,462 Pajanelia rheedii DC 558 palaglar 513 palalaglar 513 palaglar-mienjak 513 Palaquium sp. Plate XXIX. Fig. 94 540,541 Palaquium bancamnn Burck 541 barnesii Merr 540 boneense Burck 54 1 javense Burck 541 obovatum Engl 418, 541 polyanthuni Engl 541 palas 472 palatu 455 palawan 536 palma brava 444 Palmae 444 palm stems 424 palo maria 414,415,422,423,431 palo-maria de la playa 419, 437, 504 palosapis 511,512 panao 510, 514 Pandanaceae 443 pangi 522 pangia 472 Pangium edule Reinw 522 pantaga 435 pantat ulat puti 434 paper pulp 425 Parahopea balangeran Heim 516 Paramignya 474 Parashorea plicata Brandis 511,516 stellata Kurz 516 Parinarium griffithianum Benth. Plate XXIII. Fig. 20 418,422,449,456 guianense 457 oblongifolium Hook. f 418,456,457,508 Page. Parkia roxburghii G. Don Plate XXIV. Fig. 32 425, 462 speciosa Hassk 462 Parrot ia jacquemontiana Dene 424, 456 parsipu 434 pauli kijang 474 Pavetta 56 1 paving blocks 421 Payena leerii Kurz 541 lucida A. DC _. 542 p'dada 437, 524 pedada 437, 524 pedaro 492 peddah gomra 554 peinne 434 Peltophorum ferrugineum Benth... 462 dasyrachis Kurz 462 penaga 437 penagab 418,431,437 penak 509, 512 peniow 413,415,437,507,509,512 pennagah 413,415,423,437,504,505 Pentace burmanica (L. ) Kurz 498 Pentacme contorta (Vid.) Merr. & Rolfe 511,516 Siam ensis Kurz 516 suavis A. DC 516 Pericopsis mooniana Thw. Plate XXIV. Fig. 25 423, 469 Peronema canescens Jack 554 Persian lilac 479 perupat 437 petai 462 petaling 413,415,437,449 petaling ayer 434,521 petir 414, 437, 471 Petunga venulosa 562 Philippine mahogany 430,431,510 Phoebe 454 Phyllanthus 483,486 Phyllanthu8 bicolor 485 emblica L 486 piagao 414,418,437,482 pianggu '. 472 piango 435 Picrasma 474 pilang .*. 470 pili 414, 415, 475 piling 417 pinapok ^ 420 Pincapincahan 413,415,425,558 pine 415 INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 585 Page. Pinaceae 442 pinang balk 520 piney maram 519 piney varnish tree 415,519 pinleon 437 pinlikanayo 435 Pinus 443 Pinus excelsa Wall 443 gerardiana Wall 443 insularis Endl. Plate XXI T. Fig. 2 443 khasya Royle 443 longifolia Roxb. . 443 merkusii Jungh. & Vr 443 pisek 477 Pistacia 487 Pistacia integerrima J. L. Stew- art 490 Pitliecolobium acle (Blco.) Vid. Plate XXIII. Fig. 22 420, 422, 400, 463 acutum Benth 463 dulce Benth 463 lobatum Benth 463 montanum Benth. 463 prainianum Merr 463 scutiferum (Blco.) Benth 463 subacutum Benth 463 pith-ray 440 Pittosporaceae 455 Pittosporum ferrugineum Ait 455 plai 415, 435, 550 plalar 518 Planclionia littoralis 558 Planchonia littoralis Van Houtte. 526 valida B1 526 plank tree 500 plasa 472 plawan 415, 536 Podocarpus 441 Podocarpus bracteata B1 442 neriifolia Don 442 Poeciloneuron indicum Bedd 505 poeng 461 poeting 541 pohon-pedang 558 poisonous woods 431 88260 12 Page. poko Tanjong 434, 540 Polyalthia cerasioides Benth. & Hook, f 451 longifolia (Lam.) Benth. & Ilook, f. .. 451 subcordata B1 451 Benth. & Hook. f. .. 451 suberosa (DC.) Benth. & Hook. f. .. 451 Polygalaceae 482 Polyscias nodosa Seem. Plate XXIX. Fig. 91 425, 537 Pometia pinnata Forst. Plate XXVI. Fig. 50. 495 ponga 434 Pongamia glabra Vent 468 ponnyet 437 poon 420, 435, 504 porcupine wood 443 pore 440 poris 434 Portia tree 434, 499 poshur 437 potean 558 pototan 413,415,437,527 prapat 437,525 prawan 536 Premna 554 Premna integrifolia L 554 pyramidata Wall 554 tomentosa Willd 555 Prinsepia utilis 424 Prosopis spicigera L 423, 464 Proteaceae 447 Protium javanieum Burm. 476 serratum Engl 475 Pseudocarapa championii Hemsl. .. 480 Psidium guajava L 424,426, 535 pyriferum 535 Pteridophyta 441 Pternandra caerulescens Jack 537 Pterocarpus 419, 422, 423, 424, 431, 458, 466 Pterocarpus dalbergioides Roxb. .. 466 echinatus Pers 466 hypostictus Miq 466 indicus Willd. Plate XXIV. Fig. 28 432, 466, 467 macrocarpus Kurz.. 466, 467 marsupium Roxb 421, 423, 466, 467 580 FOX WORTHY. Page. Pterocarpus santalinus L. f 423, 425, 432, 400, 4G7 Pterocymbium javanicum 131 501 tinctorium (Blco.) Merr. Plate XXVI. Fig. 57 .. 425, 501 viridiflorum T. & B , 501 Pterospermum 501 Pterospermum suberifolium Lam 501 pukan jantan 492 pulai 435 pulasan utan 435, 494 pulei 435 pun _ 437 puna 415,437 pungai 499 Punica granatum 420 putat 250 putat tepi 448 put j ung 522 Putranjiva 483 Putranjiva roxburghii Wall 480 putut 437 Pygeum 450 Pygeum maingayi Hook, f 457 preslii Merr. Plate XXIII. Fig. 21 457 pyingadu 434, 435, 403 pyinma 434 pynkadu 413,415,419,421,422,428 pyu 434 Q- Quassia 474 Quereus 445 Quercus soleriana Vid. Plate XXII. Fig. 5 ... 445 R. Radermachera 558 railway ties 420 rambeh daun 510 ramboetan-oetan 495 rambutan 434, 494 rambutan pachat 495 Randia 500,561 Randia dumetorum Lam 501 raoe 488 Page. rare, ornamental or precious woods 42G rasamala 459 rasmora 434 rassak 414,418,430,507,520 ! rassak durian 513 ratilis 413,415 Rauminiya 487 red camphor 420 cedar 419 doon 514 flowered mangrove 529 gum 534 lauan Plate XXV11I. Fig. 73.. 413, 415, 423, 430, 507, 510, 511, 512 sandalwood 432 sanders 413 415, 423, 425, 432, 459, 407 wood 459 redwood de Coromandel 480 renghas 414, 423, 432, 434, 488 rengas manau 489 resale 421,436,507,512,513,517 resak batu 420, 507 Rhamnaceae 499 Rhizophora spp. Plate XXIX. Fig. 86 526,527,528 Rhizophoraceae 520 Rhizophora conjugata L 528 mucronata Lam 528 Rhodamnia finer ea Jack 535 trinervia B! 535 Rhus 431,487,490 ! rim 437 ringa 434 'ingas 489 ringhas 431 ripple marks 440 ritha 495 rohan 413,415,480 rohituka 435 Rosaceae 455 rosewood 431, 49s rosewood of India 422 rosewood of the Seychelles 432 ru 434,444 ruan 427 Rubiaceae 559 rukattana 435 ru ronan 428, 444 Rutaeeae 473, 474 1ND0-MALAYAN WOODS. 587 s. Sabiaceae Page. 495 saeat sfigasa sagun saj .... sal 414, 415, 423, 532 529 437 413, 415, 421 414, 415, 419, 435, 438, 459, 500, 507, 509,510,518,519 saleng 413, 437, 443 Salvadoraceae 548 Salvadora oleoides Dene 549 persica L 549, 548 Samadera 415,474 san 540 sandal 413,415,448,479 sandalwood 424, 432 sandan 423 sandana 432, 448 Sandoricum indicum Cav. Plate XXV. Fig. 42 424, 480 vidalii Merr 480 santagu Santalaceae .... Santalum spp. Santalum album L 426, 427, 432, 448 freycinetianum G a u - dieh 432, 448 Santiria oblongifolia B1 476 santol 414,415,424,437,480 saoe ow saori 530 saparantu 4 1 1 sapetir 437,471 Sapindaceae - 492 Sapindus 492 Sapindus rarak DC 493 trifoliatus L 495 Sapium 483 Sapium sebiferum Roxb 480 Sapotaceae 492, 539, 543 saputi 437, 472 sappan wood 413,415,470 Sarcoeephalus cordatus Miq. Plate XXX. Fig. 107.... 423, 559, 502 448 448 424 Page. Sarcosperma arboreum Benth. .. 413, 542 sasalit 413,415,420,422,550 sassak 518 sasak gurah 437 sassak suppok 517 satinwood 413,415,424,433,474 Saulamea 474 Scliima crenata Korth 503 noronhae Reinw *-..... 503 wallichii Clioisy 503 Schleichera trijuga Willd 495 Schrebera swietenioides Roxb 548 Sclioutenia ovata Korth 498 Scorodocarpus borneensis Becc. Plate XXII. Fig. 11 418,449 Scyphiphora hydrophyl 1 a e e a Gaertn - 562 seacoast teak 560 seasonal or growth ring 440 sekar-poetih 558 selangan batu 413 415, 418, 420, 437, 508, 510 selangan batu mireh 435, 509 semaior daun basa — 448 Semecarpus 431,487,490 semla 468 sendukduk 536 sengkawang 518 sengon-laoet 460 sepota 43a serayah 423 seraya batu - 518 serayah samak 518 serial) 413, 425, 511 seriah puteh Plate XXVIII. Fig. 78 510 puti 436 merah 430, 510 ship and boat building 419 shingle tree 514 | shoondul 435 Shorea 418, 419, 420. 422, 423, 457, 507, 510, 511 Shorea acuininta Dyer 516 aptera Burck 516 assamica Dyer 516 balangeran Burck Plate XXVII. Fig. 67 508, 510 junghuhnii Miq Sarcococca Sarcococca pruniformis 562 483 424 barbata Brandis 517 brachyptera Heim 517 compressa Burck 517 588 FOXWORTHY. Page. Sliorea curtisii King 517 elliptica Burck 517 eximia Scheff 517 faleifera Dyer 517 ferruginea Dyer 517 furfuracea Miq 517 ghysbertsiana Burck 517 glauca King 517 grandi flora Brandis 509 gratissima Dyer 517 guiso (Blanco.) Bl. Plate XXVII. Fig. 70.. 419,509,517 hypochra Hance 517 javanica K. & V 518 leprosulaMiq 518 macroptera Dyer 518 maranti Burck 518 martiniana Scheff 518 nitens Miq 518 obtusa Wall 424, 518 palembanica Miq 518 parvifolia Dyer 518 platycarpa Heim 518 polysperma Merr. Plate XXVII. Fig. 72.. 423,510,518 robusta Gaertn 419, 421,506, 509,518 selanica Bl 519 sericea Dyer 519 stcTlata Dyer 516 squamata Benth.&Hook.f. 519 talura Roxb 519 tumbaggaia Roxb 519 utilis King 517,519 shungra 468 sialang 466 sibucao 425,470 sibusuk 464 Sideroxylon ferrugineum Hook. & Arn 429,542 malaccense Clarke.... 542 nitidum Bl 428 tomentosum Roxb. 429, 542 siku keluang 502 silimpo 434 silk cotton tree 413. 415, 499 silky oak 414, 447 Simaruba 474 Simarubaceae 474 simpor 415,435,502 simumpat 437 Page. sindoer 471 Sindora 458 Sindora cochinchinensis Baill. Plate XXIII. Fig. 24 422,471 intermedia Baker 471 sumatrana Miq 471 supa Merr 420,422,471 Sindora wallichiana Benth 472 sintol 437 siris 414,415,422,434,459 sissoo 414 sissu 415,422,465 sit 434 sleepers 420 Sloetia sideroxylon T. & B. Plate XXII. Fig. 7 418,428, 447 snakewood 424, 550 soap-nut tree 495 soengkei-melajoe 554 soeren 48 1 Sonneratia sp 415 Sonneratiaceae 524 Sonneratia acida L. f 426, 524 alba Smith 525 apetala Ham 525 pagatpat Blanco Plate XXVIII. Fig. 82.. 418 427, 525 Sophora tomentosa L 472 Soymida febrifuga A. Juss 421, 423, 430, 480 Sphaerosacme spectabilis Wall 480 Spondias 487 spotted gum 533 Staphyleaceae 495 star apple 539 Stemonoporus wightii Tliw 419 Stephegyne parvifolia Korth 423, 561 Sterculia 50 1 Sterculiaceae 500 Sterculia foetida L 413, 501 Stereospermum ; 423, 558 Stereospermum chelonioides DC.. 558 suaveolens DC .. 559 stink wood 452 Straits mahogany 489 streaked ebonies 545 strength 41 6 stringybark 533 Strombosia 449 INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 589 Page. Strombosia philippinensis (Baill.) Rolfe Plate XXII. Fig. 12 422,449 Strychnine tree 550 Strychnos nux-vomica L 424, 550 Styracaceae 547 Styrax benzoin Dryand 547 serrulata Roxb 547 sudjung 415,437,535 SUgl-SUgl 493 sundali 463 j sundri 435, 500 j suntang puti 435 supa 414,415,420,422,435,437,471 suriya 434 suriya-mara 460 sutubal 538 Swietenia chickrassia Roxb 430 febrifuga Willd 430 maerophylla King 430, 481 mahogani L 423, 430, 481 senegalensis Desv 430 Swintonia 423, 431, 432, 488, 490 sykemore 479 Symplocaceae 547 Symploeos crataegoides Ham 547 T. tabao 418, taban Tabernaemontana tabigue tabyu tahi takir talie talisay 414,415,437,530, tallowwood •taloetoe talura 414,415, tamalan tamarind 413,415,422, Tamarindus indica L 422, Tamaricaceae Tamarix articulata Vahl gallica L tamayuan 414,415,422,437, Tambourissa quadrifida Sonn tambugai tambulian tampines 437, 529 541 552 482 437 517 524 530 532 533 501 519 465 463 463 520 520 520 449 452 519 435 447 Page. tampinis 413,415,418,428,437 tampoedau 513 tampoedow 509 tampoedouvv 434 tampoerouw 509,513- tandjoeng 540 tangal 413,415,425,437,527,528 tanguile 414,415, 423, 431, 437, 507, 510, 511, 512, 518 tani 530 tapang - 413,415,422,437,465 tapis 451 taroengtoeng 529 Tarrietia 501 Tarrietia cochinchinensis Pierre.. 501 j a v a n i c a Bl. Plate XXVI. Fig. 58 423, 502 simplicifolia Mast 502 sylvatica (Vid.) Merr. Plate XXVI. Fig. 59.. 418, 419, 420, 422, 502 tarpandi 466 taruntum 418,419,437,529 taungmeok 435 taungpeinne 434 tavola 530 Taxaceae 442 Taxotrophis ilicifolia Vid. Plate XXII. Fig. 8 424,433,447 Taxus baccata L 442 teak 414, 415, 419, 422, 424, 437, 438, 439, 459, 555 teca 435 teck 437 Tectona grandis L. f. Plate XXX. Fig. 102 419, 421, 422, 424, 555 hamiltoniana Wall 556 tekam 436, 509 tekka 437 telambu 415, 501 telegraph and telephone poles 421 teluto 413,415,425,437,501 telutu 437 tembusu 418,435,549 tembusu paya 550 talang 550 tembaga 550 tengah 437,527,528 tengah puti 527 tengjewang-blongseng 516 590 FOXWORTHY. Page. tengkawang-lajar . 518 tengjawang-blongseng 516 teraling 502 teredo 417 teringtang cliiit . 434 Terminalia 422, 425, 528, 530 Terminalia angustifolia Roxb 531 arunja Bedd 531 belerica Roxb 530, 532 bialata Wall 532 calamansanay Rolfe.. 532 catappa L 423, 530, 532 chebula 421,530,531 citrina Roxb 531 comintana ( Blanco ) Merr 532 edulia Blanco 532 ellipsoidea Merr 532 macrocarpa Steud 531 mollis Rolfe 532 nitens Presl Plate XXIX. Fig. 88.... 423, 532 Page. thitya 414,415,518 Thoreldora 474 Thymelaeaceae 523 tibao 437 Tiliaceae 497 tindalo 414 415, 420, 421, 423, 437, 461, 462 tinduc-tinducan 533 tinya 514 tinyu 434,437,444 tipapop 530 tipop 530 tjelemgan 524 tjempaca kuning 450 tjengal 5i5j 52o tjinkang 515 tolol 522 toog 414,415,437,484 tool handles 424 toon 415,423,430,435,478,481 Toona 419,423,481 Toona calantas Merr. & Rolfe oliveri Brandis 530, 531 paniculata W. & A. .. 532 pellucida Presl 532 tomentosa W. & A. .. 421,531 termites 417 Ternstroemia japonica Thunb 503 terungtang 488 Tetractomia 415,474 Tetrameles nudiflora R. Br 413, 522 Tetranthera amara Nees 427 thabutkyi 451 tliabyay 436 thabyebyu 436 thabyu 435 tham6 434 than 531 thanatka 435 Theaceae 503 Thespesia populnea (L.) Corr. Plate XXVI. Fig. 56 423, 432, 499 thingadu 516 thingan 414,415,419,437,508,515 thingyin 415 thinkadu 414,415,436,512 thinwin 434, 469 thitkado 435 thitsein 415,530 thitka 415 thitni 435 thitsi 414,415,489 thitto 437 Plate XXV. Fig. 41.... 430, 481 ciliata Roem 481 febrifuga (Bl.) Harms 481 serrata (Royle) Roomer.. 430, 481 totonai 500 Trema amboinensis Blume 446 trenggoeli 464 trengaloen 475 Trewia 483 Trewia nudiflora L 486 Trichadenia zeylanica Thw 522 Trigonochlamys griffithii Hook. f. 476 trincomali 414,415,497 Tripliasia 474 truntum 538 Tristania 530 Tristan ia burmannica Griff 536 decorticata Merr 536 mergensis Griff 536 obovata Benn 536 Whitiana Griff 536 tualang 466 tuak-tuak 542 tucan-calao 414,415,422,437,476 tui 413,415,557 tulang putih 492 tulip tree 499 tulutu 437 tumu 437,527,528 Turpinia pomifera DC 495 turukop buini 464 INDO-MALAYAN WOODS. 591 U. . w. Page. Page. ubar ; 436, 414 udang-udang 437 ulin 435, 452 Ulmaceae 445 umbrella tree 423, 499 unsuna 437 Ur aw dr a Plate XXV. Fig. 47 418, 423, 492, 542 Urandra apiealis Tliw 491 urat mata 511 Urophyllum glabrum Wall 562 Urticaceae 447 urung 549 V. vammi 434 vap 437 Vateria acuminata Ilayne 519 indica L 519 seychellarum Dyer 520 Vatica Plate XXVII. Fig. 65 418, 421, 507 Vatica (Synaptea) astrotricha Pierre 520 bancana Scheff 520 bantamensis Burck 520 chinensis L. 520 cinerea King 520 ! ( Synaptea ) f a g i n e a Pierre 520 r mangachapoi Blanco 520 rassak Korth 520 Verbenaceae 553 Vernonia sp. Plate XXX. Fig. 108 Vernonia arborea Ham 563 j vessel 440 Viburnum erubescens 426 vin-vin 517 violet wood 432 j Vitex aherniana Merr. Plate XXX. Fig. 103 422, 556 | altissima L. f 556 littoralis Dene Plate XXX. Fig. 104 418,419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 532, 556 pubescens Valil 421, 557 timoriensis Walp 556 wa 423, 464 Wallaceodendron celebicum Koord 422, 423, 463 weight 412, 413 Wendlandia 562 Wendlandia excels a 562 Wendlandia exserta DC 562 white ants 417 white cedar 478, 479 white ebony 545 white lauan Plate XXVIII. Fig. 75 436,507,511,512,516 white or yellow sandalwood 448 white siris 460 Wikstroemia candolleana Meisn. .. 428 wild mangosteen 480 wodier 489 wood-apple 474 woods in contact with the ground.. 420 Wrightia 423,424,551 Wrightia javanica DC 551 laniti (Blanco) Merr. Plate XXX. Fig. 100.. 551 tinctoria It. Br 551 tomentosa R o e m. & Schult 552 X. Xanthophyllum 482 Xanthophyllum vitellinum Nees.. 482 Xanthostcmon verdugo n i a n u s Naves Plate XXIX. Fig. 90 418, 422, 428, 429, 536 Xerospermum muricatum B1 495 noronhianum B1 495 Ximenia americana L 424, 433, 450 Xylia dolabriform is Benth 419, 421,422,428, 463 xylocarpa ( Roxb. ) Taub. .. 463 Xylocarpus 423, 424, 482 . Xylocarpus borneensis (Bece.)— - 482 gra natum Koen. Plate XXV. Fig. 43 418, 482 Xylocarpus obovatus A. Juss 482 Xylopia 427 Xylopia parvifolia Hook. f. & Thoms 451 592 FOXWORTHY. Y. Page. yacal 413, 415, 418, 419, 420, 422, 437, 507, 508. 512, 518, 516 yellow sanders 424, 433 yellow wood 442, 562 yindaik 464 yinye 437,529 ypil 461 Z. Zanthoxvlum 433 Page. Zantboxyhnn alatum 424 zebrawood 433 zi 434 Zizyphus 496 Zizyphus arborea Merr 496 jujuba Lam 496 vulgaris Lam 496 zonulatus Blanco Plate XXVI. Fig. 51 496 zylopyrus Willd 496 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. [Prices in United States currency.] Bureau of Government Laboratories (now Bureau of Science) Bulletins 1 to 36. Manual of Philippine Birds, by R. C. McGregor, (two parts) ; $4, order No. 103. Mining Bureau (now Division of Mines, Bureau of Science); bulletins 1 to o. Mineral Resources of the Philippine Islands for 1907; free; order No. 301. Mineral Resources of the Philippine Islands for 1908; free; order No. 302. The Bontoc Igorot, by A. E. Jenks; 265 pages, illustrated by 165 photographic reproductions; price $1; order No. 401. The Negritos of Zambales, by W. A. Reed; $0.25; order No. 402. 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STUDIES IN M0R0 HISTORY, LAW, AND RELIGION. By Najeeb M. Saleeby. 107 pages. 16 illustrations. 5 diagrams. A Treatise on the history and customs of the Moro People. Price $0.25, United States currency. Order No. 408. A VOCABULARY OF THE IGOROT LANGUAGE AS SPOKEN BY THE BONTOC IGOROTS. By the Kev. Walter Clayton Clapp. Igorot- English and English- Lgorot. Price $0.75, United States currency. Order No. 103. A MANUAL OF PHILIPPINE BIRDS. By Richard 0. McGregor. Dart I. 41 '2 pag-s. 1 tw> vo,„me9. Part II.— (In press.) ) Descriptions of all known species of Philippine birds, together with complete keys to species and genera. Price (for the two volumes) $4. United States currency. Any of the above-announced publications may be ordered from the Business Manager, Philippine Journal of Science, Manila, P. I., or from any of the agents listed on the cover of this Journal. Please give order number. CONTENTS. FOXWORTHY, FRED W. Indo-Malayan Woods... Page. 409 The “Philippine Journal of Science” is issued as follows: ■Section A. General Science, $2, United States currency, per year Section B. Medical Sciences, $3, United States currency, pe/year Section C. Botany, $2, United States currency, per year. The entire “Journal” $5, United States currenoy, per year Single numbers, 50 cents, United States currency Authors receive 100 oopies of their papers free. FOREIGN AGENTS. WM WEsS?& finCNM9«vNY’ 6C4'66 Fifth Avenue’ New York. M^RTTWH^rmn-S. Street’ Strand- London, W. C. MAYFrT .No^els*raat 18’ ’s Gravenhage, Holland. rLi^R; ?rinz Louis Ferdinandstrasse 2, Berlin, N. W. . M \ 32 ^ffles Place, Singapore, S. S. A. M. & J. FERGUSON, 19 Baillie Street, Colombo, Ceylon. (Entered at the poet- office at Manila, P. l„ as second-cl^ mat^r ^ " A limited number of unbound copies of previous volumesare available which may be secured from the Business Manager Philippine Journal of Science, Manila P I at th#» fv.11,-, ^ ' Stages V°lume 1906 ^=nt), $3,’ United States currency, all later volumes at current subscription prices. Vol. IV NOVEMBER, 1909 No. 5 THE PHILIPPINE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDITED BY PAUL C. FREER, M. D., Ph. D. CO-EDITOR RICHARD P. STRONG, Ph. B., M. D. WITH THE COOPERATION OF E. D. MERRILL, M. S.; F. W. FOXWORTHY, Ph. D. C. B. ROBINSON, Ph. D.; H. N. WHITFORD, Ph. D. PUBLISHED BY THE BUREAU OF SCIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS C. Botany MANILA BUREAU OF PRINTING 1909 THE HISTORY OF STJLU. Order No. 406. By Najeeb M. Saleeby. 275 pages. A complete History of the Moro People in Sulu, with maps and many translations from the original documents. Price $0.75, United States currency. Order No. 407. THE BATAN DIALECT AS A MEMBER OE THE PHILIPPINE GROUP OF LANGUAGES. By Otto Scheeeer. and “F” AND “V” IN PHILIPPINE LANGUAGES. 141 pages By Carlos Everett Conant. Price $0.80, United States currency. NEGRITOS OF ZAMBALES. Order No. 402. By William Allan Reed. 62 photographic illustrations. 91 pages. An interesting ethnological study of the pygmy blacks of Zambales. Price $0.25, United States currency. Any of the above-announced publications may be ordered from the Business Manager, Philippine Journal of Science, Manila, P. I., or from any of the agents listed on the cover of this Journal. Please give order number. THE PHILIPPINE Journal of Science C. Botany Vol, IV .NOVEMBER, 1909 NOTES ON PHILIPPINE ORCHIDS WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES, I * By Oakes Ames. (From ihe Ames Botanical Laboratory, North Easton, Mass., U. 8. A.) It has been suggested by Dr. Fritz Kranzlin that the species of Den- drochilum which I have assigned to the section Acoridium ought to constitute a distinct genus. Dr. Kranzlin asserts that the form of the labellum is quite distinctive in Acoridium on account of its likeness to the letter E. When I studied Dendrochilum tenellum in the preparation of Fascicle I of “Orchidaceae” I felt strongly that it belonged to a genus entirely distinct from Dendrochilum because of the absence of stelidia from the column and of the peculiar subfiliform leaves. Since then I have been convinced by a study of more material that Acoridium belongs to Dendrochilum. In the first place, the E-formed labellum on which Dr. Kranzlin lays emphasis is only characteristic of a majority of the species of the section Acoridium and is not found in D. turpe, D. ohgan- thum, D. hastatum, D. Merrillii and D. ocellatum, which clearly belong to the section. In the second place the lack of stelidia in the species of § Acoridium is not a wholly satisfactory differentiating character between it and § Platyclinis. It is not satisfactory because the lack of stelidia expresses a condition which is approached by well-defined species of Den- drochilum such as D. palawanense and because D. Merrillii in which the stelidia are absent from the column is in every other respect a well-marked species of Dendrochilum § Platyclinis. Furthermore, there is no habitat distinction by which to separate the species of Acoridium from Den- drochilum. The linear leaf characteristic of D. tenellum, D. sphacelatum S9217 * Proof corrected by E. D. Merrill and C. B. Robinson. 503 594 AMES, and D. luzonense passes into the broadly lanceolate leaves of D. Merrillii through such species as 1). gramini folium, D. tenuifolium, D. turpe and ]). philippinense. The calli on the labellum of D. tenue, D. parvulum and D. venustulum are not characteristic of Acoridium as a whole and consequently are worthless in the consideration of generic segregation. Alter eliminating the characters which 1 have named there is nothing further, in my opinion, which may be reasonably regarded in an attempt to form a distinct genus with the species of § Acoridium. Through an unfortunate oversight on the part of I)r. Kranzlin, who completed tlie Coelogyninae for “Das Pflanzenreich,” left unfinished by Dr. Pfitzer, the titles on my plates of Dendrochilum species were over- looked. These plates were practically duplicates of the set prepared for Fascicle II of “Orchidaceae,’ and were loaned to Dr. Kranzlin to facilitate his work on species which I had recently described. I believed that Dr. Kranzlin would understand from the legends on the plates that in my forthcoming volume Acoridium would be displaced bv Dendrochilum. As it turned out Dr. Kranzlin failed to observe the change in my work indicated by the plates and as a result an unlooked-for controversy ensued in which Dr. Kranzlin insisted 1 that the plates loaned to him were inscribed with the generic name Acoridium. Here again Dr. Kranzlin erred, as a subsequent examination proved the correctness of my assertion to the effect that the loaned plates were inscribed with the generic name Dendrochilum. Dr. Kranzlin’s work preceded mine, for which the plates were prepared, and consequently the changes in “Orchidaceae’’ Faso. II, which were made at the end of the introduction were necessary. Dr. Kranzlin himself directed my attention to his unfortunate oversight. DENDROCHILUM Bl. D. (§ Acoridium) pulogense sp. nov. Pseudobulbi congregati, pyriformes, in sicco rugosi plus minus 1 cm longi, juniores vaginis subacutis mox in fibras solutis inclusi. Folia acuta vel obtusa, linearia, 2-7.5 cm longa, circa 2 mm h\ta. Petiolus pcrgracilis. Pedunculus gracilis, filiformis, 4-10 cm longus. Bracteae inflorescentiae glumaceae, pedicellum brevem et ovarium multo exeedentes. Inflorescentia laxiflora. Flores 6-10. Rhachis vix flexuosa. Sepala lanceolata, acuminata, acuta, 1-nervia, circa 3 mm longa plus minus 1 mm lata. I etala scpalis similia, ovata vel rotundata, valde acuminata, l-nen ia, 3 mm longa. Labellum 3-lobatum, 1 obi laterales membranacei semicrescentiformes, obtusi, lobus medius tridentatus. Calli 3, unus ad basim lobi lateralis utriusque, unus in medio partis saccatae labclli. Columna minuta, columnae Dendrochili tenelli. similis. Ibis species is represented in the herbarium of the Bureau of Science by two collections, both of which were made by the same collectors on Mount Pulog. ’Orchis 2: 78. NOTES ON PHILIPPINE ORCHIDS, I. 595 No. 16342 was found at an altitude of 2,500 m, and according to the notes made by the collectors had flesh-colored flowers. The foliage of no. 16347 is very variable, (only one plant of no. 10342 was found), so much so that at first glance two distinct species appear to be mingled. Dendrochilum tenue (Ames) Pfitzer and D. parvulum (Ames) Pfitzer are very close affinities of D. pulogense. Mount Pulog, Province of Benguet, Luzon, January, 1909, For. Bur. lG3Jt 7 (type), 16.11/2 Curran, Merritt <£• Zschoklce. D. (§ Acoridium) auriculare sp. nov. Pseudobulbi congregati, longitudinaliter rugosi, subpyriformes, circa 2 cm longi, juniores vaginis svibacutis mox in fibras solutis inclusi. Folium cum petiolo 1-2 dm longum. Lamina 6.5-13 cm longa, 1.5-2. 7 cm lata, oblongi-lanceolata, acuminata, acuta vel subobtusa. Petiolus gracilis, 1.7-6 cm longus. Pedunculus subfiliformis, multo folium excedens, plus minus 2 dm longus. Bracteae inflorescentiae glumaceae, pedicellum brevem ct ovarium multo excedentes. Flores in racemo laxo dispositi, albi. Sepala lateralia ovato-lanceolata, 3-nervia, 7 mm longa, 4 mm lata, Sepalum superius oblongum vel oblongi-ellipticum, 7 mm longum, 3.5 mm latum. Petala rotundato-elliptica vel rotundato-ovata, 6.5-7 mm longa, 4.5-5 mm lata, 3-nervia. Labellum 4.5 mm longum, 3-nerviuin, 3-lobatum; lobus medius subreniformis, lateralibus major, 3.5 mm longus; lobi laterales auriculares, 1.5 mm longi, inter eos in disco labelli callus magnus. Colmnna sectionis, circa 2 mm longa. In general aspect Dendrochilum auriculare suggests D. Hutchinsonianum Ames, although analysis of the flowers shows clearly the differences between the two species. The lateral lobes of the labellum in D. Hutchinsonianum are distinctly linear-falcate, while in D. auriculare they are auriculate, much reduced in size and much shorter than the middle lobe (cf. Orchidaceae 2: 96, fig.). D. auriculare is one of the largest-flowered species of the Acoridium section. Province of Benguet, Luzon, December, 1908, Maximo Bamos, Bur. Bci. 5818 (type). Mount Ugo, Province of Benguet, December 17, 1908, Maximo Ramos, Bur. Sci. 5111. Collector’s note. — “The color of the flowers is nearly white.” **D. venustulum (Ames) Pfitzer in Das Pflanzenreich 32 (1907) 116. Mount ITgo, Province of Benguet, Luzon, December, 1908, Maximo Ramos, Bur. Bci. 581/0. This species was originally described as Acoridium venustulum in the Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 19 (1906) 147 and later illustrated in Orchidaceae 2: 88. It is apparently a rare species as the specimens gathered by Ramos are the only ones, with the exception of the type material, which have been collected for the Bureau of Science. D. philippinense (Ames) Pfitzer in Das Pflanzenreich 32 (1907) 118. A very odd form of this species has come from the Lusod-Bayabas trail. Province of Benguet, Luzon, which appears to have smaller flowers than the type. At first I felt no little hesitation in identifying the plants as D. philip- pinense. As all the racemes examined exhibit the peculiarity referred to 1 have prepared the following description. Lateral sepals lanceolate, acuminate, acute, about 3.5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide; upper sepal oblong, acute, 3 mm long, about 1 mm wide, petals acute, 3 mm long, 1.75 mm wide. Labellum 3-lobed, tbe lateral lobes equaling tbe middle lobe, linear falcate, about 1 mm long, middle 596 AMES. lobe broader than the laterals, middle lobe oblong, rounded, acute at the apex, 1 mm long, 0.75 mm wide. At the base of each lateral lobe there is a minute rounded callus. Column typical of the section. The flowers are fleshy and most difficult to dissect as the sepals and petals break under very slight pressure. The labellum is thick and has a conduplicate middle lobe. No comments by the collectors have been made regarding the color of the flowers but in dried specimens those near the base of the raceme are brownish with the labellum yellow, those near the apex yellowr. Although the racemes appear to be perfectly normal, flowers have the appearance of keeping partly closed so that even the old ones look like buds. The texture of the flowers is extraordinary and unlike that of any other known species of the genus from the Philippine Islands. Province of Benguet, Luzon, December 16, 1908, altitude 2,000 m, For.- Bur. 15763 Curran & Merritt. D. ocellatum (Ames) Plitzer in Das Pflanzenreich 32 (1907) 117. This species, the type of which is represented by a small plant in the herbarium of the Bureau of Science, has been again collected by Bacani. The flowers exhibit the same hyaline dots from which the specific name was derived. These dots are in the form of minute protuberances which give the sepals and petals a \ ei i uculose character. According to the collector’s notes the flowers are brown. In the top of a mango tree, Lusod, Province of Benguet, Luzon, December 14, 1908, For. Bur. 15908 Ilacani. D. bicallosum Ames Orchidaceae 2 (1908) 117. This species was originally collected in Mindoro by Elmer D. Merrill at an altitude of about 950 m on Mount Halcon. On October 23, 1907, Curran and Merritt obtained material in Laguna Province, Luzon, which I unhesitatingly lefer to D. bicallosum. The leaves of several of the specimens from Luzon are longer and broader than those of the Mount Halcon plants, in several being nearly 2 dm long and 5 cm wide. Otherwise there are no conspicuous dif- ferences although the plants from Luzon are more luxuriant, a character which may be accounted for by more favorable conditions for growth. Mount Maquiling, Laguna Province, Luzon, at an altitude of 550 m, in ridge forest; flowers brownish-yellow, October 23, 1907, For. Bur. 7797 Curran £ Merritt. D. pumilum Reiclib. f. Bonplandia 3 (1855) 222. Specimens which agree almost perfectly with the Cuming plant in the her- barium of the British Museum of Natural History numbered 2102, the number on which Reichenbach f. founded D. pumilum, have been collected in Laguna Province, Luzon, by ( nrran and Merritt. Dendrochilum pumilum is placed among the doubtful plants in the Pfitzer-Kranzlin monograph in Engler’s “Pflanzenreich” without reference to the specimen of the type number in the British Museum. From my studies 1 have been unable to discover any sufficient reason for a total disregard of the evidence which this specimen furnishes. An interesting side- light on the subject is supplied by a single plant in the Gray Herbarium which was collected in the Philippines by the Wilkes Expedition. This plant is in- adequate for a sure diagnosis although it clearly belongs to Dendrochilum and is probably conspecific with D. icnuc Pfitzer. In Reichenbach’s handwriting it has been referred with a query to Dendrochilum pumilum! Together with Reichenbach’s original description and the specimen in the British Museum, the NOTES ON PHILIPPINE ORCHIDS, I. 597 specimen in the Gray Herbarium seems to me to be of very great interest and value. Mount Banajao, Laguna Province, Luzon, very common on trees, flowers yellowish-green, November 10, 1907, H. M. Curran and M. L. Merritt, For. Bur. 8019; at an altitude of 2,000 m, November 10, 1907, Curran and Merritt, For. Bur. 8034; at an altitude of 1,400 m, November 10, 1907, Curran and Merritt, For. Bur. 8023, 8021. D. strictiforme (Ames) Pfitzer in Das Pflanzenreicb 32 (1907) 116. This species was first discovered by Elmer D. Merrill between Suyoc and Pauai in Benguet Province. The present specimen was collected in Laguna Prov- ince. Mount Banajao, Laguna Province, Luzon, at an altitude of 1,400 m, flowers white, November 1, 1907, H. M. Curran & M. L. Merritt, For. Bur. 8024. D. cinnabarinum Pfitzer in Das Pflanzenreich 32 (1907) 104; Ames Orchida- ceae 2: viii ; 3: 10, pi. 27, 11, B, b. This very interesting species of the Dendrochilum pumilum group has again been found. Messrs. Curran, Merritt and Zschokke collected specimens at an altitude of 2640 m, January 5, 1909, on Mount Pulog, Province of Benguet, Luzon, For. Bur. 16348. Until the rediscovery of the species D. cinnabarinum was only known through the specimens gathered in Benguet by A. Loher (no. 461). CESTICH IS Pfitzer. C. nutans sp. nov. Pseudobulbi 3 cm longi, pyriformes. Folia oblonga, acuta; 3 dm longa, 2-3 cm lata. Sepala 7 mm longa, 3 mm lata. Petala linearia, 7 mm longa, 0.5 mm lata. Labellum cuneato-flabellatum, 8 mm long urn, prope apicem 8 mm latum, callo ad basim. Columna arcuata, 6 mm longa. C. nutans is a robust species, allied to C. Merrillii , with oblong acute leaves which are considerably longer than the winged scape. The raceme is slender and nutant. The flowers according to the collector’s notes are brick-red. The labellum is cuneate-flabellate in outline, 2 mm wide at the base, and near the point of union with the column very fleshy, and somewhat channelled. Camp Keithley, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, May 1907, Mary Strong Clemens s. n.: Province of Surigao, April 6, 1906, F. H. Bolster 289. Here also belongs the plant collected on Mount Victoria, Island of Palawan, in March, 1906, by F. W. Fox worthy. Bur. Sci. 638. ANGRAECUM Thou. A. ph i I i pp i nense Ames in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 336; Orchidaceae 2: 246; 3: 69, pi. 50. This species which was originally collected on Mount Halcon by E. D. Merrill, has been found at Imogen, Province Nueva Viscaya, Luzon, where H. M. Curran collected specimens on December 22, 1908, For. Bur. 10860. The flowers of the plant collected by Curran have spurs or nectaries about 10 cm long. A com- parison between the plants from Luzon and those from Mindoro clearly proves that the spur of the type was not fully developed on the date of collection. This statement is sufficient to account for the discrepancy between the measure- ments given above and those published in the original description. It is a well established fact that the spurs in orchids increase in length as the flowers 598 AMES. develop. This characteristic is frequently misleading and not unlikely to cause confusion. The leaves of the specimens from Luzon measure 6.5 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width. The collector’s notes state that the plants were found at an altitude of 1,400 in and that the flowers are white and fragrant and very ornamental. DENDROBIUM Sw. D. hymenanthum Reichb. f. in Bonplandia 3 (1855) 222; Walpers Annales Botanices Systematicae 6: 302. 'I his very rare species which was among the novelties secured by IT. Cuming (no. 2135) in the Philippine Islands has been twice collected by the botanists of the Bureau of Science. It is closely related to Dendrobium Micholitzii Rolfe (cf. Ames Orchidaceae 1: 41, pi. 11). The stems are yellow, about 8 cm long, quadrangular, very slender, bifoliate at the summit, with the oblong-elliptic leaves 2-3.5 cm long, 8 mm wide. The flowers, which are borne at the summit of llie stem, are fragrant; the mentum is tinged with “purple” outside. Pedicels slender, subfiliform, about 2 cm long. Lateral sepals triangular, acute, prolonged into a stout, curved, obtuse mentum; from tip of sepals to tip of mentum 16 nun long. Upper sepal lanceolate, 7 mm long. Petals similar to the upper sepal, but narrower, 5 mm long. Labellum about 2 cm long, somewhat oblan- ceolate, dilating gradually from the cuneate base to the rounded, 7 mm wide apex ; near the apex 'is a small crest of short, yellowish hairs. The director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew has very kindly compared my material with the Cuming specimen preserved in the Kew Herbarium and has assured me that the specimens collected by Ramos are conspecific with the Cuming plant, Montalban, Province of Rizal, Luzon, W. Schultze, May, 1908, Bur. Sci. 5610; Maximo Ramos, July 29, 1907, Bur. Sci. 3035. According to Ramos the flowers last a very short time. Note. — From an excellent photograph which accompanies the plants collected by Ramos it appears that the flowers are produced singly at the summit of the stem. D. epidendropsis Kriinzlin in Orchis 2 (1908) 79, fig. The material which I have identified as D. epidendropsis was collected by W. S. Lyon (no. 118). Although a native of the Philippine Islands the exact locality from which Mr. Lyon’s plant came is not known. Mr. Lyon flowered it in his garden in November, 1908. He described the flowers as greenish-yellow, coriaceous in texture, wax-like, and both within and without glossy as if varnished. A single leaf, and what appears to be an undersized stem and three flowers constitute the specimen at hand. The leaf is oblong-lanceolate, 7 cm long. 1.5 cm wide, subcoriaceous. The stem is fusiform, clothed with several scarious sheaths, at the summit is a short raceme, 2 cm long, which bears three 3 cm long flowers. The flowers are conspicuous because of the long subfalcate mentum which is 2 cm long and about 3 mm in diameter. In the herbarium of the Bureau of Science there are three specimens which agree with my interpretation of Dendrobium epidendropsis. Two of these were collected on Mount Mariveles, Province of Bataan. The third specimen was taken in the Province of Rizal. Lamao River, Mount Mariveles, Province of Bataan, Luzon, growing on trees on exposed ridges, at an altitude of 9©6 m. flower odorless, lip bright, pale-green, petals pale-green with 3 or 4 brown stripes from base to tip, December 10, 1904, T. E. Borden, For. Ilur. 2109; near same locality, on trees, flowers yellow with NOTES ON PHILIPPINE ORCHIDS, I. 599 a tinge of red, November, 1904, A. D. E. Elmer 683!): Province of Rizal, Luzon, November 23, 1907, Maximo Ramos, Hur. Sci. 3060. Note. — The specimens collected by Elmer and Borden have stems up to 2 dm long and narrowly lanceolate leaves, 1.3 dm long, 1—1.9 cm wide. The flowers of the specimen collected by EJmer are, in a dried state, strongly tinged with purple and resemble large flowers of Dendrobium secundum. The racemes on all the specimens examined appear to have been few-flowered. D. Dearei Reichb. f. in Card. Chron. 52 (1882) 301. Mindoro, January, 1908, For. Bur. 8526 Merritt. D. (§ Aporum) Merrill i i Ames Orchidaceae 2: 181, fig. In Orchis 2: 96, Dr. Kranzlin in a review of "Orchidaceae Ease. II,” criticises rather severely my description of Dendrobium Merrillii and suggests that to me the genus Dendrobium is a seven-sealed book. Uis reason for this unkind remark is based on the words “Folia . . . conduplicata, explanata 14 mm lata.” By these words he understands that D. Merrillii is a species with broad leaves and con- sequently inadmissible as a member of § Aporum. Unfortunately the word "ex- planata” is misleading, although it was intended to indicate that the leaves if spread out would then measure 14 mm in width. As a matter of fact the leaves are characteristic of § Aporum and resemble the leaves of such species as D. atropurpureum Miq. and D. sagittatum J. J. Smith. In his criticism Dr. Kranzlin has quoted from my description and has omitted the word “conduplicata” which I thought was a sufficient offset to the problematical condition expressed by “ex- planata.” The leaves of D. Merrillii are in reality equitant and in the type measure 7 mm across in the vertical direction of the stem. BULBOPHYLLUM Thou. B. bataanense Ames Orchidaceae 1 : 96. Among living plants sent from Mount Mariveles this species bloomed in May, 1909, in my greenhouse. The flowers are yellowish, faintly tinged with purple and conspicuously nerved with pale-green. The sepals, especially the upper one, are sprinkled with fine purple dots. The labellum is similarly marked with the addition of a bright yellow spot at the base of the cordate apical portion. The original description of this species was prepared from dried material, consequently the color of the flowers could not be given accurately. Mount Mariveles, Province of Bataan, Luzon, Elmer D. Merrill, 1905. PHALAENOPSIS Bl. P. Linden ii Loher in Journ. des Orch. 6 (1895) 103. Among the orchids collected by W. S. Lyon is a specimen of Phalaenopsis which is surely conspecific with P. Lindenii. It agrees in every detail with the description published in “Le Journal des Orchid<5es.” P. Lindenii is described as resembling P. Schilleriana in its foliage and as having flowers which suggest those of P. rosea (P. equestris). Mr. R. A. Rolfe has suggested that Mr. Lolier’s species may be a natural hybrid resulting from a cross between P. Schilleriana and P. rosea which would give P. Veitchiana Reichb. f. The specimen at band is not at all in agreement with P. Veitchiana as figured and described in horticultural literature. The flowers are about 2.5 cm in diameter and the apical lobe of the labellum is rotund apiculate, 1 cm long by 8 mm wide. The lateral lobes are oblong, obtuse, somewhat dilated at the apex, about 7 mm long, the fleshy callus between the lateral lobes is disc-shaped when spread out. The lateral sepals are somewhat ovate-falcate, 13 mm long, 7 mm wide. The petals are spathulate, obtuse, 16 mm long, 6 mm wide. 600 AMES. Mr. Lyon says that the flowers are very persistent. According to his notes the anterior surface of the column and the lip are rich-purple, otherwise the perianth is light-rosy-purple, each segment marked with seven well defined lines, those on the lip continuous or uninterrupted, those on the sepals and petals broken or formed by dots. The leaves are mottled gray and green and are almost identically like those of Phalaenopsis Schilleriana in coloration. In addition to Mr. Lyon’s specimen I have studied three others from the Philip- pines which 1 do not hesitate to refer to P. Lindenii. Two of these are in the herbarium of the Bureau of Science, the third in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden. All of these were collected in Benguet Province, Luzon. The specimen in the New York Botanical Garden collection has larger flowers than the others, these being about 3 cm across, with the rotund apical lobe of the lip about 1.3 cm long by 1.2 cm wide. The tip of the lip is in no way divided and is not at all in agreement with the lip of P. Veitchiana as represented in plate 213 of the Floral Magazine. Until more material has been studied it seems best to adopt Air. Loher’s name for this Phalaenopsis. The specimens in the herbarium of the Bureau of Science have a branched inflorescence not unlike that of lonopsis utricularioides Lindl. in general aspect, although much stouter. In Orchis ( 1 : 82, fig. 37) this species has been very fully illustrated. The analysis of the flowers is very detailed. Baguio, Province of Benguet, Luzon, August 24, 1906, 11. M. Curran, For. Bur. 5121, 5122, flowers light-pink and white; October 21, 1904, R. S. Williams (no. 1947 bis) in lib. New York Botanical Garden; W. S. Lyon (no. 39). Note: Mr. Lyon says the plant is called P. Lindenii at Manila. AERIDES I x>ur. A. Lawrenceae Reichb. f. Card. Chron. N. S. 20 (18H3) 640, 307, 368. In Orchidaceae 2: 249, I listed this species, basing my conclusions on a specimen collected by the Rev. R. F. Black in Mindanao. This specimen was fragmentary and my identification was in a way provisional. Another specimen has come to hand from W. S. Lyon which is undoubtedly .4. Lawrenceae. The flowers are large, about 2.5 cm in diameter and very ornamental. Unfortunately Mr. Lyon forgot the exact locality from which he obtained his specimens which flowered in his garden at Manila. Philippine Islands, IF. S. Lyon 25. HABENARIA Willd. H. Leibergii Ames Orchidaceae 2: 34, fig. This species has been collected in Rizal Province by D. LeRoy Topping who found specimens in July, 1908. The type was discovered by J. B. Leiberg on Mount Mariveles in 1904. One of the specimens found by Topping shows an interesting variation from the type in its larger leaves which measure nearly 1 dm in length and 4-5 cm in width. On this luxuriant form the flowers are in a dense raceme, about 20 in number, Montalban, Rizal Province, Luzon, July, 1908. Bur. Sri. 5226 Topping. NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, 11. By 0. Beccari. ( Florence , Italy.) ARECA Linn. Areca macrocarpa Becc. sp. nov. Inter majores. Folia ampla, 2.5 m longa, petiolo brevissimo crasso; segmentis numerosis aequidistantibus, valde approximate, lanceolato- falcatis, valde acuminatis, 1-costnlatis et 5 cm latis, vel 2-costulatis et subduplo latioribus; majoribus 1 m et ultra longis, superioribus sensim decrescentibus, terminalibus in flabellum non unitis. Spadices .... Fructus majusculi, 7 cm longi, ovoideo-elliptiei, perianthio 16 — IT mm alto suffulti, in medio 5 cm lati, utrinque fere acqualiter attenuati, superne conici, apice mammillaeformi et areola 5 mm lata terminati ; semine e basi plana conoideo, apice obtuso, 28 mm longo, 22 mm lato. A rather large palm, apparently of the dimensions of A. Whitfordii. Leaves large, 2.5 m long in one specimen, its petiolar part very short, strongly arched, 5 cm broad near the lowest leaflets, slightly concave above, rounded beneath; the rachis is broadly channelled above in its first or basal portion and prominently so in the median portion, and has an acute, salient angle along its center; leaflets very numerous, equidistant, very close together, almost imbricate and inserted at an acute angle, lanceolate-falcate, long-acuminate, 1-costulate and 5 cm broad, or 2-costu- late and about twice as wide, the largest, those of the middle, 1 m long, and at times more; the upper gradually shorter, the ultimate ones being the smallest and not united to form a flabellum. Spadices .... Fruits large, ovoid-elliptic, 7 cm long, 5 cm in diameter in the middle, and thence gradually, and almost equally diminishing toward both ends, tapering at the apex to a conical point which terminates in an almost flat surface, about 5 mm in diameter. Seed^conoidal, 28 mm long, 22 mm broad, having a truncate or flat base, and a blunt point; the branches of the raphe are much anastomosed and form a close net all around the seed. Fruiting perianth 16 to 17 mm high, with thick, coriaceous, sub- deltoid, acute sepals; the petals have a triangular dead point, sharply defined from the lower living part. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 9103 Whitford d Hutchinson, January, 1908. 601 BECCARI. 602 Of this fine and large Areca, I have seen only one entire leaf, and a few fruits; these latter are even larger than those of A. Catechu ; in fact no other species of the genus is known with such large fruits. Otherwise it seems related to A. Whitfordii. Areca mammillata var. mindanaoensis Becc. var. nov. Differs from the typical forms growing in Palawan, especially by its fruits, which are considerably larger. It is a plant about 4 m high. Leaves in one specimen 1.4 m long in the pinniferous part with a petiolar part 25 cm in length; the leaf-sheath is 22 cm long. Stem 3 cm in diameter. Leaflets about 28 on each side, equidistant, 30 to 35 cm apart, 1-costate, but occasionally 2-costate, narrowly falcate, the intermediate ones 45 to 50 cm long, 18 to 20 mm broad, otherwise as in the type, the two terminal leaflets form a small, forked flabellum, are 4- or 5-costulate, and terminate with as many pairs of rather obtuse teeth as there are costae, these are, however, more acute than in the type. Fruits larger than in the type, very narrowly oblong-ellipsoid, diminishing a good deal toward both ends, about 3 cm long, 9 mm in diameter. Seed 13 mm long, 6.5 mm broad. Fruiting perianth 12 mm high. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 91^1 Whitford Hutchinson, in forests at about 20 m above sea level, Dece giber, 1007. PINANGA Bl. Pinanga geonomaeform is Becc. sp. nov. Uracil lima, sobolifera, 1.5 m alta, eaudiee tenuiter arundinaceo. Folia in circumscriptione oblonga, 25—35 cm longa, 1 1—12 cm lata, irregulariter et interrupte in segmentos paucos, utrinque 1—2, pinnatisecta; segmentis lateralibus e basi lata sensim in acumen falcatum attenuatis; inferioribus angustis, 1- vel 2-costulatis, superioribus 3-7-costulatis et 3-6 cm latis, duobus terminalibus in flabellum profunde furcatum unitis et in margine exteriore inciso-dentatis. Spadix gracillimus, indivisus, 10-16 cm longus; fructibus concinnis, exacte biseriatis, angustissimis, teretibus, saepe cur- vulis, 13-14 mm longis, 3 mm crassis, perianthio depresse cupulari, 3 mm lato, 1.5 mm alto, truncato et ad faucem paullo coarctatum suffultis. A very delicate and elegant palm 1 to 1.5 m high, growing in small clusters. Stems very slender, 7 to 10 mm in diameter, very distinctly ringed every 3 to 6 cm; internodes slightly clavate, dotted with small orbicular tobacco-colored scales. Leaves pinnatisect; the leaf-sheaths finely striate and dotted like the stems and with the remains of a deciduous membranaceous ligule at their mouths; the petiole slender, 6 to 8 cm long, 2.5 to 3 mm thick, this, and the rachis are also dotted with scales; the blade is oblong, 25 to 35 cm long, 11 to 12 cm broad, thinly papyra- ceous, dull, and about the same color on both surfaces, irregularly and interruptedly divided down to the rachis, into a very few, unequal, alter- nate or decurrent segments (2 to 4 on each side), which gradually narrow from a broad base to a falcate and acuminate point; the lowest NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 603 leaflets are small, narrow and 1- or 2-costulate, those of the middle are 3 to 6 cm broad and with 3 to 7 costae, the two of the apex are more or less cleft, and acutely toothed on their upper outer margin and are united by their bases but rather divaricated, so as to form a deeply forked flabellum with a wide reentering angle between them. Spadix very simple and consisting of the very flattened axis or rachis, 10 to 14 cm long, more or less pedicellate, recurved when in fruit. Male flowers comparatively large for the small size of the plant, irregularly angular, 10 to 1 2 mm long ; the calyx very small ; the segments of the corolla falcate, very acuminate. Fruiting perianth shallowly cupular or somewhat depressed, 3 mm broad, 1.5 mm high, broader at the base than at the mouth. The scars left by the fallen fruits on the rachis are relatively large, orbicular, and flat, with the lower bract small but distinct, rounded in its outline, but minutely apiculate in the center, deflexed or ringent. Fruits dis- tinctly bifarious, or pectinate, about 6 mm apart and 14 to 18 in number on each side, terete with a blunt apex, very slender, often slightly curved, 13 to 14 mm long, 3 mm thick. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, For. Bur. 10155 Curran, March, 1908; Province of Rizal, Loher 7 055. It is one of the smallest and most elegant species known, with unbranched spadices like F. disticha, hut with pinnately cleft leaves, resembling those of some species of Geonoma. Pinanga sclerophylla Becc. sp. nov. Mediocris, caudice, ut videtur, circ. 4 cm diam. Folia cireiter 85 cm longa ; vagina coriacea 35 cm longa; petiolo nullo; segmentis numerosis approximatis, 12-18 mm inter se dissitis, aequidistantibus, subti liter coriaceis, rigidissimis, omnibus rectis (minime falcatis) ; basilaribus et intermediis unicostatis, 35—40 cm longis, 16—20 mm latis, longe et sensim acuminatis; superioribus sensim minoribus, apice obtusiusculis, interdum bicostulatis et apice obscure bidentatis, summis in flabellum prof unde furcatum unitis. Spadices cireiter 25 cm longi, in ramulos nonnullos irregulariter cireum axem insertos divisi et parte pedicellari brevi praediti, floribus omnibus distincte 3-seriatis; ramulis fructiferis rigidis, crassius- culis, 14-17 cm longis, basi cireiter 4 mm crassis, sursum pa rum atte- nuatis, plus minusve trigonis. Fructus triseriati, parvi, late ovati, apice minute apiculato-mammillati, basi (in sicco) abruptissime caudiculati, 13 mm longi, 7.5-8 mm lati, 7-8 mm inter se dissiti ; seminc late ovato, 8 mm longo, 6.5 mm lato, utrinque rotundato, raphidis ramis ascenden- tibus ad 9, quorum 3 vel 4 centralibus apicem superantibus, caeteris ad latus recurvis, omnibus laxe anastomosantibus. Perianthium fructiferum depresse cupulare, 4.5 mm latum, cireiter 2 cm altum, truncatum, in ore parum coarctatum. A rather slender plant, about 4 m high. The stem, judging by the size of the leaf-sheath, may be about 4 cm in diameter. Leaves about 85 cm long in the pinniferous part; petiole quite obsolete; leaf-sheath 604 BECCARI. coriaceous, about 35 cm long; rachis, in its intermediate portion with a very salient angle in the center of its surface, very finely punctulate under the lens; leaflets numerous, about 35 on each side, equidistant, 12 to 18 mm apart, thinly coriaceous and very stiff, dull and of about the same color on both surfaces, straight, not at all falcate or sigmoidal; those of the base and of the central part are ensiform, unicostate, 35 to 40 cm long, 16 to 20 mm broad, gradually long-acuminate, somewhat narrowed toward the base, which is 7 to 8 mm broad and with the margins bent backward; the upper leaflets shorten gradually and become less acuminate, occasionally they become bicostate, when this occurs, they are obscurely bidentate at the apex; 4 or 5 leaflets of the summit are united together and form a deeply forked flabellum ; the mid-costa is very prominent above, beneath it is slender and bears a few linear scales; the secondary and tertiary nerves are rather conspicuous, and give a distinctly striate appearance to both surfaces; the margins are more or less distinctly thickened. Spadix about 25 cm long with several branches, irregularly inserted around the axis; the pedicellar part is short and flattened; the branches when bearing fruit are rigid, rather thick, 14 to 17 cm long, 4 mm in diameter at the base, slightly lessening upward, more or less trigonous, the flowers being distinctly arranged in three longitudinal series; the areolae left by the fallen fruits are very superficial, 7 to 8 mm apart on each longitudinal line, bordered by very narrow bracts; of these the lower has a round margin and is not apiculate in the middle. Fruits small, broadly ovoid, inconspicuously apiculate and mammillate at the apex, suddenly caudiculate at the base (when dry) in the portion im- mersed in the perianth, 13 mm long, 7.5 to 8 mm broad. Seed broadly ovoid, 8 mm long, 6.5 mm broad, rounded at both ends, its basal fove- ola, corresponding to the embryo, slightly oblique; the main vascular branches of the raphe are 9, ascendent, of these 3 or 4 pass over the top, the others bend laterally, and are slightly anastomosed. Fruiting peri- anth shallowly cupular, 4.5 mm broad, 2 mm high, truncate, and slightly narrowed at the mouth. Mindoro, Mount Halcon, For. Bur. J/^68 Merritt, June, 1906. altitude about 1,500 in. Pinanga sclerophylla is evidently closely related to P. Woodiana, from which it differs chiefly by its very stiff, unicostate, narrower, and much more approximate leaflets, by the seed which in general is rounder in shape, and in the raphe having more numerous branches. Pinanga Woodiana Becc. sp. nov. Mediocris, caudice, ut videtur, circiter 4 cm diametro. Folia circiter 2 m longa; petiolo . . . . ; segmentis numerosis, concinne aequidistan- tibus, utrinque inter se 15 cm dissitis, spisse chartaceis et rigidis, elongato- laneeolatis, rectis vel vix ad apicem falcatis; intermediis bicostulatis, 55 cm longis et in medio 4.5 cm latis, sursum in acumen longiusculum rigi- NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. f>05 dum abeuntibus, inferne quoque nonnihil attenuato. Spadices circiter 20 cm longi, in ramulos nonnullos irregulariter circum axem insertos divisi, et parte pedicellari brevi praediti; ramnlis fructiferis rigidis, crassiusculis, 12-15 cm longis, e basi fere usque ad apicem c-irciter 4 mm crassis, et, parte apicali excepta, trigonis. Fructus pro maxima parte 3-seriati, su- perne vulgo bifarii, parvi, ovoideo-elliptici, utrinque aequaliter attenuati, apice minute apiculato-mammillati, 12 mm longi, 7 mm lati; semine ovoideo, 9 mm longo, 6 mm lato, superne rotundato, basi non producto, foveola embrionali nonnihil obliqua, raphidis ramis vulgo 5, vix vel non anastomosantibus, ramo centrali tantum apicem seminis superanti. Per- ianthum fructiferum depresse cupulare, 3.5 cm latum, 1.5 mm altum, in ore exacte truncatum et parum coarctatum. A rather slender plant 4 to 5 m high. Stems solitary, 3.5 to 4 cm in diameter, with the internodes about 4 cm long and the annular scars or rings left by the fallen leaves 12 to 14 mm broad. Leaves about 2 m long; petiole ; rachis, in the intermediate portion, with a very prominent salient angle along the center of the upper surface, at first puberulous, later very minutely dotted (under the lens) ; leaflets about 25, and 5 cm apart on each side, very regularly equidistant; the medial ones bicostulate, elongate-lanceolate, straight, or very obsoletely fal- cate, stiff and rather thickly papyraceous, 55 cm long, 4.5 cm broad in the middle, and thence gradually narrowing upward to a rather long-acu- minate rigid point, they narrow also from the lower third or fourth downward to a base which is about 1 cm broad, are dull and subcon- colorous on both surfaces, slightly paler, but not glaucescent, beneath ; the costae in the upper surface are prominent and acute, in the lower rounded and bearing a few elongate scales ; secondary nerves very slender, and slightly stouter than the very numerous tertiary ones; this causes the two surfaces, when dry, to be finely striate; the margins are slightly thickened. Spadices about 20 cm in length with a pedicellar part 3 cm long, recurved in fruit, divided into not very numerous (14 in one specimen) branches; these are irregularly inserted around the main axis, rigid, about 4 cm thick throughout, 12 to 15 cm long, more or less trigonous. Flowers mostly distinctly 3-seriate, the uppermost usually bifarious; the areol® left by the fallen fruits are very superficial, 5 to 6 mm apart in each line, bordered by very narrow bracts; of these the lower are also very narrow with a round margin and not apiculate in the center. Fruits small, 12 mm long, 7 mm broad, red, turning dark- purple, ovoid-elliptic, diminishing equally to both ends, inconspicuously mammilate at the apex. Seed ovoid, 9 mm long, 6 mm broad, rounded above, not caudiculate at the base, the embryonal foveola somewhat oblique; the branches of the raphe are usually 5, ascending; of these only that of the center passes over the top of the seed, the others bend at its sides, and not at all or but very slightly anastomose. Albumen very BKCCARI. 606 deeply ruminated. Fruiting perianth shallowly cupular, 3.5 mm broad and 1.5 mm high, truncate, and slightly narrowed at the mouth. Mindoro, Mount Halcon, on forested ridges at 1,100 in altitude, Merrill 5(i80, November, 190G. At the request of Mr. Merrill t his fine palm is named after Major-General Leonard Wood to whom Mr. Merrill was indebted for the opportunity of making the ascent of Mount Halcon. Related to Pinanya sclerophylla and /'. negrosensis, but more especially to P. rigicla. It is chiefly characterized bv its rigid, not very approximate, lanceolate, bicostulate, straight leaflets, and by the spadices with 3-seriate fruits; (be fruits are borne on 3-gonous brancblets, which are inserted all around the main axis. NORMANBYA F. Muell. Normanbya Merrillii Becc. sp. nov., Plates XXX, XXXI. A line palm with the habit of Areca Catechu but with a shorter and thicker stem; this is about 25 cm in diameter at its base, and very closely annulate-cicatricose, sometimes not very straight, slightly tapering toward the summit. Leaves large, pinnate, about 2 m long, gracefully and strongly arched, deciduous at every new production of spadices, these being infrafrondales, or springing from below the lowest leaves. Leaf-sheaths exactly cylindric, 50 to 55 cm long, and about 15 cm in diameter, coriaceous, thinning and truncate at the mouth, strongly striate on both surfaces, when dry covered externally with a very thin and minute ashy- furfuraceous coating. Petiole short and broad, 10 to 15 cm long, 5 to 6 cm broad, broadly channelled above, convex beneath, its margins acute. Rachis robust, flattened above, narrowly channelled in its basal part and with a slight prominent salient angle higher up, beneath with an obtuse angle below and flattish toward the end. Leaflets numerous, about 50 on each side, subequi distant, very closely set at a rather acute angle, and slightly overlapping or subimbricate, narrowly lanceolate', broadest at about the middle, narrowing thence toward the base — where the margins are gradually bent backward — and gradually acuminate to a long, straight, or slightly falcate apex, which in the lower and inter- mediate leaflets is more or less divided into two linear lacinise; these in the upper leaflets1 become shorter and finally disappear in the few leaflets near the top, the apex in these being truncate and denticulate- praemorse; the leaflets are besides firmly papyraceous, with only a central costa; this latter not very stout, almost equally prominent on both sur- faces in its basal part, nearly vanishing from the middle upward and furnished with a few, very narrow, 5 to 8 mm long, brown, chaffy scales; the margins of the leaflets are conspicuously thickened by a stout nerve, even thicker than the midcosta; the secondary nerves are faint on the upper surface, which is green, almost shining, and slightly longitudinally plicate along some of the nerves; the lower surface is dull and rendered more or less distinctly ash-colored by a very thin, adherent, undetachablc coating; moreover the lower surface is unequally striate by secondary and NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 607 tertiary nerves which here are more prominent than above; the largest leaflets, the medials, are as much as 70 to 75 cm in length and 4 to 5 cm in width; those near the base are narrower and shorter than the medials and very acuminate; those of the apex, also narrow, often linear, and quite free at the base. From the bases of the leaflets, and between them, especially in the newly expanded leaves, there often hang long strands which are apparently analogous to the filaments interposed be- tween the divisions of the leaves of the Washingtonias, and of many other palms having palmate leaves. Spadix forming a panicle 40 to 50 cm in length and about as wide, with a thick semilunar base embracing the stem, and a very short (2 to 3 cm long) peduncular part; the panicle is ultradecompound, and is divided into several approximate, alternate, very spreading or almost horizontal, rather thick, gradually diminishing primary branches, _of which the lowest are twice branched, and the upper ones simply divided into a few branehlets; these ultimate or flowering branchlets are spreading, slightly arched, 3 to 10 cm long, rigid, terete, 1.5 to 2 mm thick at the base, rugose-striate, (when dry) more or less distinctly zigzag-sinuous in the subulate termination; in their lower part, the branchlets bear all around a few (1 to 6) glomeruli of ternate flowers, one female between two males, and higher, almost distically, only solitary male flowers; there is no distinct bract at the base of the branches or branchlets but only a semicircular raised margin. Spathes not seen by me, -very early deciduous ; their position is marked by 2 or 3 very narrow annular rings around the base of the spadix. The whole inflorescence is smooth and glaucous when fresh and in flower. The 3-nate flowers are subtended by a common and very short scale-like rounded bract; the central female flower is embraced by two special rather conspicuous sepaloid bracts which are crescent-shaped, and which form under the fruiting perianth a slightly concave, 5 mm broad, cup or calycule; the male flowers of the glomerules are devoid of a special bract, while those at the ends of the branchlets, which are single, have a rudimentary one. Male flowers symmetric, when full grown and in bud, regularly oblong-ovoid, slightly narrowing toward a rather blunt apex, 10 to 12 mm long, 7 mm broad ; the calyx cupular, its sepals smooth outside, imbricate, sub- rotund-reniform or broader than high, with almost scariose, thin, entire, glabrous margins, otherwise very thinly coriaceous, slightly thickened and gibbous at the base: the corolla twice as long as the calyx; the petals coriaceous, smooth outside, and narrowly elliptic, concave or boat-shaped; stamens numerous, somewhat unequal; filaments filiform, very slender, coalescent by their bases, not inflected at their summit, unequal, anthers narrowly linear, also somewhat unequal, 4 to 6 mm long, usually acute or apiculate at the summit, but occasionally obtuse or even emarginate, inserted on the filament a little above the base of the dorsal side, with very narrow parallel cells, which are united by a relatively broad linear connective and are very shortly divided at their base; rudimentary ovary 608 .BECCARI. conspicuous, with a broadly conical ovoid base, suddenly narrowing into a filiform style, which attains the length of the longest anthers and is not thickened at its top. Female flowers opening after the fall of the male ones, globose-conical, acute, about 6 mm long, when the males are full grown; sepals strongly imbricate, concave, suborbicular ; petals very broad, imbricate in their basal part, suddenly contracted into a very short, triangular, valvate point. Ovary 1-celled, 1-ovulate, ovoid, with a tri- gonous acute apex, this being formed by 3 trigonous connivent stigmas (while still enclosed in the bud) ; ovule suspended laterally in the small basilar cell; staminodes 6, very small and short, with rudimentary anthers, and forming by their united bases a small 6-toothed hvpogynous cup. Fruiting perianth accrescent, cupular, 10 mm high, 15 mm across at the mouth, covering the lower third of the fruit; the petals consid- erably larger and longer than the sepals, with more or less crenulate margins. Fruit (when quite ripe) bright-red, 3 cm long, 18 mm broad, elliptic-ovoid or slightly ovoid, suddenly contracted into a short stout beak, upon which rest the remains of the black, short, trigonous, connivent stigmas; pericarp slightly fleshy, on the whole about 1 mm thick when dry; epicarp very thinly crustaceous, very minutely shagreened when seen under a strong lens; mesocarp with a few layers of rigid, slightly anastomosing, slender, unequal fibres, of which some in the outer layer are flattened and 0.5 to 1 mm broad; endocarp thin, crustaceous or subpergamentaceous, polished inside, usually more or less adherent to the testa of the seed. Seed erect, ovoid, terete, rounded at both ends, 16 to 17 mm long, 13 mm broad, free in the cavity of the endocarp, to which however the greater part of its pellicular testa is adherent, its surface dull ; hilum narrow, extending from the base to the top of the seed; the branches of the raphe are numerous, very distinct and impressed, chiefly descending from the top, much branched and forming a close network all around the entire seed. Albumen bony, usually with a small cavity in the center, deeply and closely ruminated, embryo exactly basilar. Commonly cultivated as an ornamental tree in Manila and locally known as “Bunga de Jolo” and “Bunga de China” (The Jolo or Chinese Areca) . The original home of the species is doubtful, and it may not be a native of the Philippines. Mr. Merrill, who has supplied me with specimens, informs me that old residents of Manila state that it was introduced from Jolo, one of the islands of the Sulu Archipelago; however, it has not been collected in a wild state anywhere in the Philippines. Mr. Merrill surmises that this may be the “Areca palm bearing large clusters of scarlet fruit” mentioned by Burbidge1 as occurring on the “Hill of Tears,” Island of Jolo, above an altitude of 1,500 m. The nuts of Normanbya Merrillii are a good substitute for those of Areca catechu, and are somewhat used by the natives for chewing with lime and the leaves of Piper betle. The nearest ally of this palm, amongst those known to me, appears to be 1 The Gardens of the Sun (1880) 213. NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 609 Xormanbya ( Ptychosperma ) MueUeri from New Guinea, with which it exactly agrees in the structure of the fruit, which is ruminate and terete and not deeply silicate as in the typical species of Ptychosperma. From Xormanbya MueUeri however it differs in the leaflets, which in that palm are set in groups, while they are equidistant in N. Merrillii. Furthermore the termination of the leaflets of N. Merrillii is not the same as in X. MueUeri and in all species of Ptychos- perma, which have leaflets praemorse at the tip; those of X. Merrillii having a bifid apex. It is however, very evident that this structure is derived from that found in several species of Ptychosperma, where the two margins of the leaflets are more or less prolonged into a double acuminate point; in addition the uppermost leaflets in X. Merrillii are distinctly praemorse. The genus Xormanbya is distinguishable from Ptychosperma only by its terete, not longitudinally grooved seed, bnt though very similar in all other charactei- istics to this, it is perhaps better to keep it as a separate genus, for if we refuse to attach any value to the characters derived from the form and rumination of the seed, we shall find ourselves obliged to consider the genus Ptychosperma as an amalgamation of heterogeneous palms. ON COSPERM A Illume. Oncosperma platyphyllum Becc. sp. nov. Gracile et subelatum ( ?) . Folia elongata ; vagina rubiginose furfuracea et spiculis nigris gracillimis armata ; petiolo brevissimo ; rhaclii subiner- mi ; segmentis numerosis aequidistantibus, 4—5 cm inter se dissitis, ensifoi - mibus, acuminatis; intermediis 60 cm longis, 4—4.5 cm latis; superioribus et basilaribus angustioribus et valde brevioribus. Spadix comparate intei affines brevis, ramnlis floriferis 27-28 cm longis, 5-6 mm spissis, apicem versus paullo attenuate, prof unde crebreque scrobiculatis, pulvinulis floralibus orbicularibus, 2 mm latis. Fructus 5-seriati, sphaerici, 14-15 mm diametro, stigmatum residuis lateralibus. Perianthium fructiferum 9-10 mm diametro. Apparently not a large tree, about of the size of 0. gradlipes. Leaves elongate, with numerous equidistant leaflets; leaf -sheaths finely rusty- furf uraceous, strongly striated externally and more or less co\eied with very slender needle-like, unequal, brittle, black, shining spiculge, which vary in length from a few mfri to 2 cm ; similar spiculao are to be found near the margins of the petiole on its under surface and a few are scattered along the under surface of the racliis ; the petiole is very short, 2.5 to 3 cm broad, rounded beneath, flat above. The intermediate leaflets are 60 cm long, 4 to 4.5 cm broad, 4 to 5 cm apart, ensiform, straight, acuminate, longitudinally plicate along 2 or 3 secondary nerves on each side of the midcosta; upper and lower leaflets narrower and much shorter. Spadix apparently not very large; the few flower-bearing branches seen by me are about 27 cm long, 5 to 6 mm thick, narrowing a little toward the apex, very closely and regularly grooved by 5 longitudinal rows of orbicular, slightly concave scrobiculi, which have below them a con- spicuous, triangular, acute, horizontal or slightly deflexed bract; the circular scar left by the fallen lruits is 2 mm in diametei. Int uit (when 89217 — —2 010 MECCA HI, not quite mature) perfectly spherical, 14 to 15 mm in diameter, with a very finely granulated surface, and with the scar left by the stigma quite lateral. Fruiting perianth 5) to 10 mm in diameter; the divisions of the calyx and of the corolla very broadly triangular and almost equal. Seed Xkokos, Gimagaan River, Whitford 1670, May, 1906. this species seems at first sight to l>e very similar to O. gracilipcs, from which, however, it differs in its broader leaflets, in the more slender branches of the spadix, in the perfectly spherical fruit with quite lateral (not subapical) remains of the stigmas, in the smaller perianth, and, occasionally, in the smaller scars left by the fallen fruits on the branchlets. Oncosperma horridum (Griff.) Scheff. .Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, San Ramon, Copeland 1626. I he above specimen differs but slightly from the plants growing in the Malay Peninsula, and in the islands of the Malay Archipelago. In the specimen I have seen, the spines covering the spathe are, however, criniform and much more slendei than in the type; also the dry fruit has a thinner pericarp and the remains of the stigmas are less prominent. The fruits are 22 mm in diameter. Oncosperma filamentosum MI. Palawan, Caranagan River, For. Bur. .17 00 Curran, February, 1906, in river swamps. The specimens exactly correspond to those of the plant so common along the estuaries of the Malay Archipelago, the Malay Peninsula, Siam, and Cochinchina. Oncosperma gracilipes Becc. in Philip, dourn. Sci. 2 (1906) Mot. 228. Luzon, Provinces of Laguna and Tayabas, between Paete and Piapi, For. Bur. J01J,8 Curran, March, 1908, in hill forests, altitude 100 to 200 m. Growing in clumps, the trunk 10 m high and 12 cm in diameter, fruit red (Curran). The fruits are immature, 14 mm in diameter, slightly longer than broad. The plant seems to be more robust than that on which the species was established. HETEROSPATHE Sclieff. Heterospathe philippinensis Becc. J’tychoraphis philippinensis Becc. in Ann. Jard. Bot. Unit. 2 (1885) 90, et in Webbia 1 (1905) 47. Cuming distributed this palm under No. 1J,76 with flowers only; it has been found again by .4. Loher at Montalban, Province of Rizal, Luzon ( Vo. 7 091 in Herb. Kew.), March, 1906, and on Mount Matulid at 1,200 m elevation, also in the Province of Rizal, in flower and fruit, March 15. 1906, (No. 705-1 in Herb. Kew.). It is a slender palm 1 to 2 m high, with a stem apparently about 2 cm in diameter, sometimes stoloniferous ; the leaves are delicate, about 8u cm long in the pinniferous part, with numerous very regularly set leaflets; petiole deeply channelled above; leaflets thinly papyraceous, narrow and elongate, very slightly falcate near the apex, which is very acuminate, and has a very shortly cleft tip; the medials are 25 cm long and 1 2 mm broad ; the upper ones are gradually shorter but are not or only slightly narrower, while the lower ones are narrower but not at all or only slightly shorter. The spadix is small, about 45 cm long in one specimen, with a very lax panicle carried on a rather long straight peduncular part; the panicle is composed of a few, very spreading. NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 61 1 straight, and filiform branches, of which the lower are hi- or tri-furcate, and the upper simple. The spat lies are two; the lowest is 18 cm long, flattened, two-edged, with very sharp or narrowly winged margins and a narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, marcescent limb, the second spathe is tubular, closely sheathing lower down, and marcescent above. Male flowers oblong, 3 mm long; the segments of the corolla deeply striated externally. Fruits ovoid-subventricose, almost symmetrically very suddenly and con- spicuously beaked, 10 mm long, (! mm broad, finely shagreened by nu- merous linear sclerosomes. Seed globular-ovoid, (> mm long, 5 mm broad. Heterospathe negrosensis Becc. sp. nov. Gracilis, 3-5 m alta, eaudice 6-9 cm diametro. Folia in parte pin- nifera eireiter 1.2 m longa, petiolo longiusculo (circiter 50 cm longo), segmentis aequidistantibus, circiter 3 cm inter se dissitis, ensiformibus, acuminatis, prope apicern nonnihil falcatis, intermediis 35-40 cm longis, 2-2.5 cm latis. Spadix nutans, 70 cm longus (in specimine uno) longe pedunculatus, ramulis fioriferis teretibus, filiformibus crebre sinuosis, 13—20 cm longis, vix 2 mm crassis. Fructus anguste ellipsoidei, utrinque subaequaliter attenuati, basi aeutiusculi, superne fere symmetrice cuspi- dati, 10-11 mm longi, 5 mm crassi, extus crebre granuloso-lineolati, periantbio late cyathiformi et bracteolis parvis cupulam parvam incom- pletam simulantibus suffulti ; semine ovoideo, basi rotundato, superne acuto, 7.5 mm longo, 4 mm crasso. This is a more robust plant than H. philippinensis, of which, perhaps, it may be considered as the representative form in the Island of Negros. The leaves are larger and have larger leaflets, and the spadix is considerably more robust, with a peduncular part about 10 mm thick, and about 50 cm in length; the fruit is more elongate and very distinctly cuspidate, or acutely beaked, and, consequently, the seed is also more distinctly ovoid and rather acute. The specimens which I consider as typical, were collected in the Island of Negros, by //. N. Whitford (No. 1539) in May, 1906, on Mount Silay, Province of Occidental Negros. In the same Island it has also been collected by A. D. E. Elmer at Dumaguete, Cuernos Mountains, Province of Negros Oriental, in March, 1908. Xos. 91/31} and 1011/7. In Elmer’s specimens the leaflets are smaller and the fruits less acuminate than in those represented by Whitford’s material; con- sequently they are nearer than the latter to the true II. philippinensis of Luzon. I reproduce here Elmer’s field note of his No. 91/31/: “Slender erect trees 3 to 5 meters high; in damp mossy woods at 4,000 feet or more; stems 2 to 3 inches thick, obscurely ringed, with soft reddish wood; leaves 1 to 3 m long; the lower one-third without leaflets, the basal portion of the petioles expanded, the sides soon becoming marcescent; inflorescence paniculate, 1 to 3 feet long, upon equally long peduncles; flowers small, sessile, cream-white throughout; fruits green, becoming yellowish, and ultimately vermilion-red; the fruits are sometimes eaten, are not hard but wholly tasteless.” N. v. salaway. Heterospathe cagayanensis Becc. sp. nov. Arbor mediocris, circiter 6 m alta. Folia ampla, segmentis aequi- distantibus circiter 5 cm inter se dissitis, ensiformibus, acuminatis, prope apicem leviter falcatis, intermediis 65 cm longis, 3 cm latis. Spadix 6 1 2 BECCARI. patule duplicato-ramosus, ramulis floriferis teretibus, vulgo 15-18 cm longis, rigidis, crassiusculis, 2-2.5 mm spissis. Fructus spherici, stig- matum residuis fere exacte apicalibus apiculato-mucronati, 7 mm dia- metro, perianthio concaviusculo minime pedicelliformi et bracteolis conspicuis, in cupulam brevem elevatis, suffulti. A tree about 0 m high. Leaves large; leaflets equidistant, about 5 cm apart on each side, ensiform, slightly falcate near the end, very gradually acuminate to a long subulate tip, papyraceous, shortly and slightly nar- rowed toward a not very acute base, subconcolorous on both surfaces, miicostate, accompanied on each side of the mid-costa by two rather prominent and distinct secondary nerves; the margins conspicuously thickened ; at the base of the mid-costa on the upper surface is to be found a small but very distinct glandular tubercle; the few leaflets seen by me are apparently from the central part, these are G5 cm long, 3 cm broad. The spadix is diffusely twice branched, the primary branches * being divided into 2 to 4 flowering branchlets; these are rigid, terete, usually 15 to 18 cm long, 2 to 2.5 mm thick, bearing the flowers and fruits spirally arranged. Fruit spherical, almost centrally mucronate- apiculate by the remains of the stigmas, 7 mm in diameter. Seed 5.5 mm in diameter. Fruiting perianth very slightly concave. Floral bracts forming a distinct shallow cup for receiving the base of the perianth. The main axis of the spadix and branchlets very minutely scabrid. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, For. Bur. 11286 Klemme, April, 1908, local name dumayaca. Closely related to Heterospathe data, but distinguished by its branches and branchlets being shorter, thicker, and more rigid, more deeply scrobiculate, while the flower bracts form a distinct cup; by the fruit being less distinctly tuberculate on its surface, with the remains of the stigmas almost central; and by the perianth being almost explanate and not subpedicelliform. ARENGA Labi 11. Arenga tremula Becc. comb. nov. Caryota tremula Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 744; Ivunth Enum. PI. 3 (1841) 549. Caudex crassus et brevis, 2 m altus ad summum, circiter 30 cm diametro. Folia amplissima, usque ad 5 m longa, segmentis numerosis alternis; intermediis 55—70 cm longis, ambitu irregulari, in utroque margine antrorsum lobatis et sinubus 4-6 saepius oppositis plus minusve excavatis, in sinubus 4-7 cm dum caetero 7—12 cm latis, antice dentato- serratis, apice rotundato vel lobulato, versus basin plus minus vel longe cuneatis, ipsa basi acuta, ad insertionem in margine inferiori saepius auriculatis; pinna terminali anguste cuneato-flabelliformi, biloba. Flores masculi subclavato-oblongi, basi parum attenuati, in vertice rotundati, staminibus circiter 150. Fructus globoso-oblongi, utrinque rotundati, in vertice obscure 3-costulati, 3.5 cm longi, 3 cm crassi, seminibus elongato-ellipticis, subtrigonis, utrinque obtusis, 25-20 mm longis, 17 mm latis. NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 613 Stem short and thick, 2 m high at most, and about 30 cm in diameter. Leaves very large, as much as 5 m in length, very similar to those of .4. Ambong ; the leaflets are numerous, alternately subequidistant, in the intermediate portion of the rachis they are to 7 cm apart, and have a conspicuous axillary callus at their insertion; they are firmly papyra- ceous, green above, paler underneath and whitish, especially when young; the mid-costa is inconspicuously dotted with very minute, orbicular, brown scales; their general form is very irregularly elongate-lanceolate, but the outline is more or less deeply broken by 4 to 6 superimposed indentations and their corresponding lobes, they are more or less cuneately narrowed below to an acute base, which is often shortly auricled on the lower margin; usually the leaflets are also somewhat narrowed above to an obtuse or broadly rounded, or even bilobed apex ; the margins of the lobes are irregularly and sharply dentate-serrate; the terminal leaflet is cuneately flabellate and deeply bilobed, the others (in full grown plants) are 55 to 70 cm long, and 4 to 7 cm wide in correspondence with the indentations, and 7 to 12 cm in their broadest parts. Spadices with several simple flowering branches, these at the time they are loaded with fruits are subterete, 12 to 14 mm in diameter, glabrous and with a polished surface in the spaces between the fruits. Male flowers in bud, when full grown, are subclavate-oblong, 17 to 18 mm long; the calyx shortly cupular, slightly narrowed at the mouth; the sepals broader than high and with a split-crenulate margin, more or less gibbous at the base; petals oblong and boat-shaped, acute but not apiculate; stamens very numerous (150 or more at times) ; anthers very narrow, subulate, aristate; the scars left by the fallen flowers bear the punctiform marks of 30 to 40 fibro-vascular bundles. The two special bracts of each female flower, after the fall of the fruit, are arched, crescent-shaped, entire and forming a very shallow cup, but with their margins not or only slightly overlap- ping each other. Fruiting perianth 27 mm broad; the sepals transversely elongate-reniform, similar to the floral bracts, but with split-crenulate margins, 12 to 13 mm broad, 5 mm high; the petals coriaceous, concave, deltoid, 15 mm long and about as broad. Fruits globose-oblong, equally rounded at both ends, 3.5 cm long, 3 cm broad, not very distinctly tricostulate on the top, and with a small trigonous cleft in the center of this. Seeds elongate-elliptic, 25 to 26 mm long, 17 mm broad, sub- trigonous, convex on the back, and with an obtuse salient angle on the axial side, blunt at both ends. Apparently widely distributed in the Philippines. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, For. Bur. 10213, 10280 Curran, local name caong. Cebu, Bur. Sci. 1737 McGregor. Palawan, ridge slope 2 miles northwest of Irauan, altitude 200 m, For. Bur. 35-,i2 Curran, January, 1906; Mount Victoria, Bur. Sci. 735 Foxworthy, March, 1906. altitude 250 m, local name Ubud. Balabac, Merrill 5372, October, 1906. A source of sago, the buds also used for food (Curran). The wild people of Palawan, the Tagbanuas, use the pith from the petioles for plugs on the ends of their arrows, to make them fit tightly into their blowguns (Merrill). BECOAIII. 614 I liei'c is little or no doubt that this is Caryota tremula of BlrtJico. That author, however, describes the female flowers of this palm as having t> sepals, probably because lie considered the bracts as sepals. Arenga tremula is very closely related to A. Ambong, from which it differs hy the male flowers having a rounded top, and more numerous stamens; but specially in its oblong, not spherical fruit. ORANIA Zipp. Orania decipiens Becc. sp. nov. Robusta, caudice circiter 8 in longo, 24 cm diametro. Frondes 4-5 m longae, segmentis supra nitidis, subtus albicantibus, praecipue prope basin pluricostulatis ; majoribus usque ad 1 m longis. Spadices amp] i, du- plicato-ramosi, longe peduneulati, ramulis floriferis gracilibus, inferioribus 40—45 cm longis, superioribus brevioribus, e basi 3 mm ‘crassa sursum in acumen tenue leviter et regulariter “zig-zag” sinuosum sensim attenuatis. Flores in ramulorum dimidiam inferiorem partem terni, intermedio foemineo, alaribus masculis, caetero geminati et tantum masculi. Fructus globosi, basi nonnihil attenuati, ibique subacuti, 40-42 mm longi, 35-37 mm lati ; epicarpio fragili, tenui; mesocarpio 3—4 mm spisso, tibris numerosis crassis, fere osseis, in superficie endocarpi erectis, praedito; endocarpio lignoso, tenui, basi paullo producto et obtuse apiculato; semine globoso, basi paullo explanato, 23 mm lato; embryone supra medium locato ; albumine osseo, intus pleno. Stems 8 m high and 24 cm in diameter. Leaves large, 4 to 5 m long (Merritt), apparently very similar to those of 0. philippinensis. Leaflets almost shining above, dull and whitish beneath, with the mid-costa very robust accompanied on each side by 3 or 4 other minor costa1, and with several secondary nerves between these; the median leaflets the largest, up to 1.5 m long, 0 cm broad. Spadices large, twice branched, with a robust, and at its base 7 to 8 cm thick, peduncular part; the ultimate divisions or flowering branchlets are slender and of these the lower are 40 to 45 cm long, the upper shorter, 3 mm thick at the base and from here gradually diminishing to a slender, and slightly but regularly, zig- zag-sinuous tip. The flowers are 3-nate in the lower half of the branchlets, and here the flower in the center is female, those at the sides male; upward only geminate male flowers are to be found. Fruits spherical in their upper part, slightly prolonged downward into a blunt and slightly gibbous point at their bases which gives them a subpyriform shape, 40 to 45 mm long and 35 to 37 mm broad ; epicarp thin and brittle: mesocarp 3 to 4 mm thick, full of numerous, short, almost bony fibers, which are erect in respect to the surface of the endocarp; this is very thin and woody, on the whole spherical and like the general form of the entire Iruit slightly prolonged at the base into a very obtuse point. Seed globose, with a slightl}r flattened base, 23 mm broad ; the embryo is placed rather far above the middle; albumen bony, solid throughout. The base NOTES ON 1'IIILIITI NE I 'ALMS, II. 615 of the fruit being slightly asymmetric, the divisions of the perianth are unequally deflexed; otherwise the fruiting perianth is not accrescent, and the segments of the corolla are deltoid, rather blunt and thickish. Mindoro, Bongabong River, For. Bur. J 120 Merritt, May, 1 900. X. v. baiuja. Mindanao, L>istrict of Zamboanga, Port Banga, For. Bur. 91 79 Whit ford & Hutchinson, January, 1908. The fruits of the specimens from this last locality are however slightly smaller than those of the typical form from Mindoro; they are 37 mm long and 31 to 32 mm thick, and have a thinner mesocarp with the woody fibers less distinctly normal to the surface of the endocarp. Evidently this is a local form, which may be distinguished by the name mindanaoensis. The fruits of Orania decipiens are about the size of those of O. macrocladus, and by a superficial observation they might be mistaken for these; they are however slightly larger and are not, like those of <>. macrocladus, perfectly spherical, but are slightly diminished toward the base; they also differ from those of 0. macrocladus by the thicker mesocarp, full of the peculiar kind of bony fibers erect on the surface of the mesocarp, and interposed between it and the epicarp, which are characteristic of 0. regalis, <). philippinensis etc.; in 0. macrocladus this kind of fiber is wanting; moreover the position of the embryo differs in the two species, it being placed below the middle of the seed in 0. macrocladus and not very far from its summit in 0. decipiens. LI VISTONA R. Brown. Livistona Whitfordii Becc. in Martel li’s VVebbia 1 (1905) 341. To this species I refer For. Bur. o87li Curran, collected to the north of Aglao, Province of Zambales, Luzon, January, 1907. The height of the plant is said to be 25 m with the trunk 40 cm in diameter. The fruit (which 1 have not seen) is 2 cm in diameter. Native name tekis (Curran). I have described 2 the petiole of this species as quite smooth, but in the specimen mentioned above, it is armed in its lowest part with rather robust recurved spines, but in the remaining part only with scattered rudimentary tuberculiform spinules, of which some are nearer its apex. Livistona mindorensis Becc. sp. nov. Elata, caudice ad 28 m longo, 20 cm diametro. Frondes regular iter multifidae; petiolo inerrni; segmentis in parte centrali alte unitis, externe fere usque ad basin separatis, ehartaceis, superne nitidiusculis, subtus paullo pallid ioribus, profunde bipartitis, sive in laeinias dims longe acu- minatas, attamen non flaccidas, divisis. Spadices elongati in quovis spatlia terni, sive jam ab ima basi in 3 spadices partiales, aequales, collaterales, ex apice spathae primariae unicae, valde compressae, erumpentes, divisi. Quisque spadix partialis rigidus, rectus, digiti crassitie, teres, spathis tubulosis apice breviter apertis, arete vaginatus; inflorescentiis partial i bus 20-2 5 cm longis, jam a basi bipartitis, caetero simpliciter ramosis, ramulis fructiferis majoribus 7—8 cm longis. Fructus parvi, spbaerici, 13—14 nun diametro (non plane maturi). A slender and tall tree, the trunk rising to 28 m in height and being 20 cm in diameter (Merritt). Leaves orbicular, regularly multifid and 3 Webbia loc. cit. 616 BECCARI. with a large, central, undivided part, the primary sinuses remaining at about 80 cm from the apex of the petiole, while at the sides they are only a few centimeters from it; petiole (in one specimen) with quite smooth margins from the base throughout; segments papyraceous, rather brittle, when dry subshining above, slightly paler beneath; transverse veinlets fine and rather sharp; in the leaves of not quite full-grown plants the segments are very deeply bifid and the divisions are elongate, very acuminate, but not hanging; the central segments of the leaves of the adult plant are at their point of separation 4.5 cm broad, and diminish from this point very gradually toward the end, which is deeply bifid, the divisions being about 15 to 20 cm long, and apparently not, or only slightly, hanging. Spadices very elongate, triple, or composed of 3, equal, collateral spadices which are quite free from the base and protrude from the same basal spathe; the sheath is coriaceous, brittle, of a reddish-brown color, like all the other parts of the spadix, glabrous and shining, strongly flattened, 9 cm broad, with two almost winged edges; the partial spadices are rigid, straight with several rather distant partial inflorescences, and with the undivided axial parts terete, as thick as a finger, tightly sheathed by tubular spathes, which are quite glabrous, briefly open, expanded at the apex, and terminating with an auriculiform, rather obtuse, or at times shortly bidentate limb. Partial inflorescences divided from near the base into two main branches, these bearing numerous simple floriferous branchlets, of which the lowest are 7 to 8 cm long and the others gradually shorter. The fruit is spherical, 13 to 14 mm in diameter, when not quite mature. In the forests, a few metres above the level of the sea, Bongabong River, Mindoro, For. Bur. If 108 Merritt, May, 1900. It is clearly allied to Livistona rotundifolia and L. microcarpa, but is distin- guished from both by the central segments deeply bifid and with the divisions elongated and gradually acuminate. Moreover 1 do not know of any other species of Livistona with three distinct, equal, collateral spadices issuing from the same basal spathe; but then it is not'certain whether or not this is accidental, or is a constant characteristic of L. rtnndorensis. The three flowering axes or partial spadices are very similar in their dimensions, branching, color, and spathes to the corresponding parts of the above-mentioned species. The fruits of L. mindorensis, however, are apparently larger than those of L. microcarpa, and smaller than those of L. rotundifolia. Livistona inaequisecta Becc. sp. nov. Robusta; frondium petiolo in parte basilari crebre spinis robustis, plus minusve reversis, 10-15 mm longis armato, superne subinermi ; limbo amplo, inaequaliter profunde duplicato-partito, segmentis majoribus 2- vel 3-costulatis, profunde 2- vel 3-partitis, laciniis elongatis, acuminatissimis et apice flaccidis. Spadix elongatus, in 7 vel 8 inflorescentias partiales divisus, spathis primariis subtiliter coriaceis, basi tubulosis, superne antice fissis et apice lanceolato-auriculatis, ad margines fibrosis; inflorescentiis partialibus arcuatis, amplis, duplieato-ramosis, ramulis fructiferis tore- NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 617 tibus, 10-20 cm longis et ad basin 2-2.5 mm crassis, crebre tuberculatis. Flores parvi, globosi, 1.6 mm lati. Fructus globosi, perianthio brevissime pedicelliformi suffulti, 14—15 mm diametro, ad matnritatem azureis et nitidis; mcsocarpio parcissime crasso; endocarpio tenuissimo, fiagili. Semen globosum, non exacte sphaericum, 11 mm latum, intus feie usque ad medium processu raphidis cylindraceo perfossum. A large and robust tree. Leaves large, the blade measuring in one specimen 1.25 m from the ligule to the end of the central leaflets (this came apparently from a full grown plant) ; leaf-sheaths disintegrated into fibers of a reddish color, and with the principal vascular bundles forming long, woody, very rigid, flattened strands, 2 to 5 mm broad. Petiole armed in its lower portion with numerous and approximate, more or less reversed spines, which have a tumescent base 10 to 12 mm broad, and are 10 to 15 mm long; in the upper portion the petiole bears only a few small superficial spines at the sides near the apex; ligule short, woody, crescent-shaped, with a smooth margin; the blade is firmly papy- raceous, green and concolorous on both surfaces, with the divisions marked by very fine and inconspicuous, transverse veinlets; the blade is orbicular in outline, very deeply and unequally multifid, some of the sinuses or reentering angles between the divisions being either deepei, oi else situated nearer the apex of the petiole than others; the deepei sinuses divide the blade into several primary partitions or segments, which are 2- or 3-cos.tulate, and are in their turn subdivided higher up into 2 or 3 secondary segments, the secondary segments are thus separated from each other by the secondary sinuses, and are again deeply cleft into two very acuminate hanging laciniae; of the primary divisions the outer- most remain free a few centimeters above the apex ol the petiole, and have very narrow secondary segments and very long and flaccid laciniae; the intermediate are united for a longer distance, and the single segments are 3 cm broad where they separate from each other, and have shorter ultimate laciniae than the outermost; the union of the central extends still higher up and the single segments are 4 cm broad at their base, and though also long acuminate are shorter than in all the preceding segments. The spadix in one specimen has the peduncular part as thick as the wrist and is divided into 7 or 8 partial inflorescences; these are arched, rather large, twice branched, and have their main axis divided near the base into two branches; the fruiting ultimate branchlets are terete, 10 to 20 cm long, 2 to 2.5 cm thick at the base, with the pulvinuli of the fallen flowers very close together and tuberculiform. The spathes are thinly coriaceous, brown, scaly-furfuraceous externally, shining and darker inside, rigid, with a long basal tubular part, which terminates in an elongate auriculiform limb; this is more or less lacerated and fibrous at its margins. Flowers small, globular, 1.6 mm in diameter; the sepals orbicular, thick only at their base, otherwise very thin and hyaline; the 618 UECCARI. corolla is twice as long as the calyx, its divisions deltoid and tliickish; the stamina! urceolum is 6-lobed, the lobes broader than high, with a very short subulate filament in the center of their retuse upper margins; anthers, after dehiscence, orbicular; carpels glabrous, the style very shoit. Fruits globular, 14 to 15 mm in diameter, when quite mature polished and of a bluish color externally; the mesocarp very scanty; the endocarp woody, very thin, brittle. Seed globular, hut not a true sphere, 11 mm broad, the intrusion of the raphe cylindraceous, pene- trating almost to the center of the albumen. Fruiting perianth forming a pedi cuius to the fruit, very small and short, not quite 2 mm broad. Luzon, Province of Laguna, Santa Maria Mavitac, For. Hue. 1007!) Curran , 1 ehi uary, 1908, n. v. licol; Cavinti, Loher 7 058, February, 1900, (Herb. Kew. ). Among the Philippine species of Livistona this is easily distinguishable by its leaves being unequally parted into several primary 2- or 3-costulate divisions, having the ultimate divisions very long, very gradually acuminate, and more or less flaccid, and by its round fruit. It is however very closely related to /,. cochmchmensw, which has also leaves with 2- or 4-costulate primary divisions; but L. inaequisecta has smaller flowers and these have the sepals callous and thick only at their base and in the greatest peripheric part are very thin and pellucid, or hyaline. The fruits also are apparentlv smaller, at least the few that I have seen. 2ALACCA Reinw. Zalacca Clemensiana Becc. sp. nov. folia ampla, petiolo spinis longis armato, segmentis interrupte fasci- culate, elonga to-lanceol at i s, supra viridibus, nitentibus et albieantilms; inlet mediis fere rectis et non longe acuminatis, 45 cm longis, 6— (5.5 cm latis; superioribus apicem versus leviter falcatis et abrupte in acumen subulatum coarctatis, basi tantum 3-costu latis, caetero unicostatis, costulis lateralibus superne evanescentihus. Spadix ntasculus ut videtur brevis, in ramos nonnullos approximatos divisus; ratnis (5-H spicas approximatas lerentibus; spathis primariis extus ferrugineo-tomentosis, marcescentibus et dilacerato-fissis ; spicis masculis, dum florentibus, cylindraceis, gra- ci 1 1 bus, 5-7 cm longis, 10-11 mm crassis, spathellis distinctis, non in annulum connatis, bracteiformibus, late conoavis, acutis, striatis; brac- teolis parvis, lanoso-ramentaceis. Flores masculi spathellas paullo suitor- antes, 4 mm longi; calyce fere usque ad basin 3-partito, phyllis line- a ri bus subhyalinis ; corolla calyce paullo longiori, Itasi attenuata, fere usque ad medium 3-partita, segmentis oblongis. leaves very large, covered with long spines in the petiolar part ; rachis in the intermediate portion acutely trigonous, with a line of long spines beneath along the center. Leaflets interruptedly fasciculate, elongate- lanceolate, rigidly papyraceous, shining above, having a very tenuous and adherent ashy-colored coating beneath; the intermediate leaflets almost stiaight, about 45 cm long, (5 to (5.5 cm broad; those near the summit, and apparently also those near the base, slightly falcate towards the NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 619 apex, where they abruptly and symmetrically taper into a long filamentose tip; the margins minutely spinulous from the middle upward, the spinules becoming closer near the apex; transverse veinlets very sharp and prominent on the upper surface, much less visible underneath ; the mid-costa almost equally prominent on both surfaces, smooth and ac- companied on each side by several unequal, slender, parallel, secondary nerves, of which one, lying nearer to the margin, is often stronger than the others, especially near the base, where the leaflets may be called subtricostulate ; but these side costae evanesce upward. Male spadix apparently short, with several approximate short branches ; each branch being subtended by a primary spathe and bearing G to 8 approximate spikelets; the primary spathes are covered with a tenuous, rusty, sott indumentum, are marcescent and much lacerated or split longitudinally, and reduced to several strips and filaments. Male spikelets when in flower cylindraceous, slender, 5 to 7 cm long, 10 to 1 L mm broad, borne on a very short pedicel, which is embraced by a short and broad, mem- branaceous, bracteiform secondary spathe; the spathes are not connate by their margins and they do not form an annular involucre, as is usual with the other species, but are individually distinct, bracteiform, concave, very broad, acute, and striate, each bearing two flowers; bracteoles small woolly-ramentaceous. Male flowers small, slightly* longer than the spathe- lets, 4 mm long; calyx split to the base into 3, linear, thinly mem- branaceous or subhyaline, striate segments; the corolla is slightly longer than the calyx, three-parted nearly to the middle, and tapering below, its segments are short, oblong; stamens united to the corolla as far as the base of the segments ; anthers oblong, obtuse. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mary Strong Clemens 1 109, June, 1907. In its leaflets being whitish beneath, this species approaches Zalacca Blumeana, Z. edvlis, and especially Z. vermicnlaris, hut it differs from these as from all the other species known to me, in the spathes and the male spikes, which are individually distinct, and are not connate by their margins to form a compound annular spathe. KORTHALSIA Bl. Korthalsia scaph igeroides Becc. sp. nov. Gracilis, caudice 15-18 mm diametro; ocrea inflata, elongato-elliptica, 9_10 cm longa, 2 cm crassa, subtiliter coriacea, aculeis parvis, brevibus, sparsis, armata. Frondes plantae nondum fertilis non cirriferae, petiolo gracili, complanato, biconvexo, circiter 20 cm longo, 4 mm lato, ad mar- lines inermi ; segmentis distincte ansatis, anguste rhomboideo-cuneatis, l.-,_20 cm longis, 4-6 cm latis, superne in acumen centrale tenue, elong- ation, produetis et argute dentatis, subtus albicantibus et costulis ad 7 percursis. Father slender, the sheathed stem apparently 15 to 18 mm in diameter. BECCARI. 620 Ocrea elongate-elliptic, ventricose, 9 to 10 cm long, 2 cm broad, thinly coriaceous, armed with small scattered, short, rigid prickles. Leaves with a slender biconvex, flattened petiolar part, about 20 cm long, 4 mm broad, with rather obtuse and smooth edges, armed beneath along the center with a few solitary claws; rachis in the intermediate portion armed almost regularly with termite claws; leaflets distinctly ansatc, narrowly rhomboid-cuneate, broadest above their middle, 15 to 20 cm long, 4 to 5 cm broad, rather acutely praemorse-dentate in the upper margins, and produced at the summit into an acuminate point, green above, white beneath, with about 7 primary costae. Spadix unknown. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, For. Bur. J/816 Hutchinson, July. N. v., tanguguid. This is to all appearances the representative form in the Philippines of K. scaphigera from which it differs in the much more elongate ocrea. lo K. scaphigcroidcs are probably to be referred some noncirriferous leaves from young plants collected on Basilan Island, For. Bur. (HOG Hutchinson. July, 1006. Korthalsia squarrosa Becc. sp. nov. Mediocris, caudice vaginato, 2 cm diametro. Frondes cirro verticil- latim aculeato terminate; vagina spiculis gracilibus, 5-6 mm longis, armata ; ocrea longiuscula (6-7 cm longa), chartacea, marcescenti et fragili, arete vaginanti, minime inflata, in ventre aperta; petiolo superne piano, subtus convexo, ad margines spinis nonnullis rectis, horizontal ibus, armato; segmentis longiuscule ansatis, rhomboideo-cuneatis, 18-20 cm longis, 6-7 cm latis, supra viridibus, subtus albicantibus, antice argute inaequaliter dentatis, dentibus major ibus aristatis. Spadicis spicae ilori- fer;c cylindraceae, apice obtusse, 20 cm longae, 20—22 mm crassie, squarrosac, bracteis in tomento non immersis, late ovatis, argute venoso-striatis ; apice non adpresso, triangulari ; floribus inter bracteolas in dorso carinatas et palool is vestitas, nidulantibus, 13 mm longis; calyce cyathiformi, usque ad medium trilobo; corolla calyce 3-plo longiori. Fructus Sheathed stem about 2 cm in diameter. Leaf -sheaths armed with very small slender spiculae, 5 to 6 mm long, resting on a tuberculiform base. Ocrea papery, marcescent, brittle, rather elongate (apparently 6 to 7 cm long), closely sheathing but open on the ventral side (not inflated). Leaves of the adult plant terminated by a long and slender cirrus, which is densely armed with semiverti dilate, very slender, sharp claws; petiole quite flat above, convex beneath with acute margins, sparingly armed with short, straight, horizontal spines. Leaflets green above, white beneath ; those of the upper part of cirri ferous leaves having 11 main and radiating nerves or costa; and being 18 to 20 cm long and 6 to 7 cm broad in their upper part, from where they gradually or cuneately narrow downward to a very acute and distinctly ansate base; the upper part of the blade is triangular and acuminate and acutely but irregularly toothed, with the largest teeth aristate. Spikes cylindraceous, thick and short, and NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 621 with a blunt apex, 20 cm long and 20 to 22 mm in diameter, squarrose or with the larger bracts or spathes not immersed in wool, very broadly ovate and terminated by a free, triangular, not appressed, point; this is very finely, neatly, and striately veined longitudinally. Flowers 13 mm long, hermaphrodite, solitary in the axils of the bracts from which the summit of the corolla emerges; the flowers are not immersed in wool, but are placed between and tightly embraced by two, special, elongate, concave bracteoles which are acutely carinate on the back and are covered on the carinae and at the summit with furfuraceous, appressed paleolae (not woolly hairs) ; calyx cyathiform, parted to the middle into 3, broadly ovate, obtuse, concave lobes, very finely striate-veined; corolla about 3 times as long as the calyx, parted to about the middle into 3 oblong segments. Fruit Palawan, near Iwahig, For. Bar. 4185 Curran, May, 1906. Of this very distinct species I have seen fragments of the stem and of one leaf and a few detached spikes with flowers in an advanced stage. It is a species very well characterized by its thick, squarrose, glabrous spikelets, the bracts and the flowers not being immersed in wool. In this respect Korthalsia squairosa closely resembles K. robusta Bl., which has the same kind of spikes and flowers. The spikes with squarrose spathes are quite different from the usual form in Korthalsia, being very similar to those of some species of Zalacca. To K. squarrosa apparently belongs a sterile specimen collected by Elmer D. Merrill, No. 5884, on Balaba.c Island, although this has much broader leaflets than those of the specimen described above; but this in Korthalsia is a very variable characteristic, as the breadth of the leaflets seems to vary on the same plant with its age and with their position along the stem. In the above-mentioned specimen collected by Merrill, the leaf is about 70 cm long in the pinniferous part; the petiole is 10 cm long; the rachis is irreg- ularly armed with small alternate claws; the leaflets are few, 6 or 7 on each side, rhomboid, distinctly ansate, especially the upper ones, 15 to 20 cm long, 8 to 10 cm broad; the ocrea is truncate at the summit, open on the ventral side, 12 cm long, and armed with very slender, needle like, horizontal spiculae, 10 to 15 mm long. Vidal 4066, collected at Sorsogon, Luzon, is also a Korthalsia, but the spe- cimen of this number in my herbarium is indeterminable, as it consists only of the intermediate portion of a leaf which resembles that of Merrill 5384, but larger and with a shorter petiole; probably Vidal’s specimen belongs to a species differing from K. squarrosa. CALAM US Linn. Calamus Hookerianus Becc. in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 11: tab. i0. I have identified with this species a Calamus, For Bur. 10630 Curran, collected at about 200 m elevation on the Adumay Hills, Province of Albay, Luzon, June, 1908. The above-mentioned specimen exactly agrees with plate 70 of my monograph; the leaflets, however, of the type specimen bear bristles on three nerves on the upper surface, but beneath only on the mid-costa, while in Curran’s specimen three nerves on both surfaces are bristly. The native country of C. Hookerianus was not previously known, the type specimen in the Herbarium at Kew being of uncertain origin; now that we 622 BECCARI. know that C. Hookcvianus is a Philippine species, it is possible that the original specimen was one of Cuming’s distributed plants. The extremely elongated spadix, the very long, slender, simple partial in- florescences, the long, divaricate, cylindraceous spikelets, the forms of the spathels, involucre, and perianths of the young fruits, are exactly the same in Curran’s specimen and in the type of the species at Kew. Calamus Arugda Becc. sp. nov. ►Seandens, mediocris. bolia (cirrifera) nonnihil ampla, segmentis aequidistantibus, in parte media 6-7 cm inter se dissitis, e basi acutiuscula (“1 1 i ] >t ico-lanceolatis, acuminatis, rigide chartaceis, 5-costulatis, interne midis, superne vix vel non secus costulas spinulosis, medianis 45—46 cm Jongis, 5— 6.3 cm latis. Spadix foemineus densus, in ramulos breves utri tujue spicis 3 1 valde approximatis praeditos; spathis superioribus tubuloso-infundibuliformibus, 3—5 cm longis, in ore marcescentibus ; spicis brevibus, 3-4 cm longis, paucifloris; spathellis concavis amplectentibus. Flores foeminei vulgo in spicarum parte basilari gem ini, et flore alari vel neutro destituti, superne solitarii et flore neutro comitati. Fructus (im- maturi) ovoideo-elliptici, basi attenuati, superne late con ice rostrati; squamis per orthostichas 15 ordinatis, squarrosis, apice paullo productis et eroso-ciliolatis. Scandent, of moderate size or ratber large, the stems (naked canes ?) 4 cm in diameter (Klemme). Lea f -sheaths Leaves rather large: in the small portion seen by me they have equidistant, alternate, not very closely set leaflets (6 to 7 cm apart) ; the intermediate portion ol the racliis is slightly convex beneath and is here armed with small claws along the middle, above it is 2-faced with an obtuse, salient angle. Leaflets elliptic-lanceolate, broadest at about their middle, and narrowing equally to both ends, gradually acuminating to a not conspicuously bristly tip, the base acute, rigid-papyraceous, green, slightly paler beneath than above, 5-costulate, the costae very sharp, smooth, or bearing a few incon- spicuous spinules above, quite smooth beneath, margins very minutely and oppressed ly spinulous from the base, transverse veinlets very fine, very approximate and continuous; the leaflets seen by me, apparently belonging to the intermediate portion of a leaf from a young plant, are 45 to 46 cm long, 5 to 6.3 cm broad. Male spadix Female spadix, not entire, apparently very dense; the summit of one (or of a partial inflorescence ?) with several short, approximate branehlets, each of these terminated by a short, unarmed, thick, caudieulum. 10 to 15 cm long. F path es (primary or secondary ?) tubular-infundibuliform, 3 to 5 cm long, thinly rusty-furfuracequs, thinly coriaceous, exsucoous, mar- ceseent, and more or less fibrous-lacerate at the mouth, prolonged at one side into a triangular, acuminate and acutely, dorsally keeled point; the keel covered with rigid spiculiform bristles which rest on bulbous bases; branehlets inserted inside, but near the mouth of their respective spathes, 6 to S cm long, with 3 or 4 spikelets on each side; secondary (or ter- tiary ?) spathes infundibular, similar to the primary but smaller, and not NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 623 bristly; spikelets shorty 3 to 4 cm long, rather broad, with a zigzag-sinuous axis, and with only 4 or 5 alternate flowers, or pairs of flowers, on each side; spathes broad, concave, embracing the involucre, and produced at one side into a triangular point; involucrophore concave, quite sessile, attached laterally to the base of the spathel above its own; involucre shallowly, and, often, asymmetrically cupular, usually bidentate at one side. Female flowers ovatej 6 mm long, usually in pairs at each spathel in the lower part of the spikelets; in this case they are not accompanied by a neutral flower; near the end of the spikelets the female flowers are solitary, and the involucre bears a very depressed, lunate, sharply defined areola for the reception of the neuter flower. Fruit, when still very young, ventricose in the middle, narrowed at both ends, stoutly beaked and terminated by three, small, recurved stigmas. Scales in fifteen lon- gitudinal series, not channelled along the middle, of a straw-yellow color in the posticous part and with a broad black marginal line, apices squar- rose, slightly produced, and erosely-ciliate. Seed Fruiting perianth campanulate, narrowing to a rather acute base; the calyx split down past the middle into three broadly ovate lobes; the corolla barely longer than the calyx. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Lalloc, in dense forests at about 50 m above the sea, For. liur. 66Jf9 Klemme, April, 1907. A very singular species of the group of V. palustris, related to G. Jenningsianus, but quite distinct by its larger fruit and especially by its geminate flowers in the lower part of the spikelets. N. v. arugda. Calamus Jenningsianus Becc. sp. nov. Scandens, mediocris, caudice vaginato circitcr 2.5 cm diametro; vagina crebre spiculis parvis, brevibus (4—5 mm longis) armata; ocrea breviter ligulaeformi, glabra. Folia cirro robusto elongato terminata, petiolo 12 cm longo, supra piano et aculeis brevibus erectis consperso; segmentis non numerosis, aequidistantibus, 4-5 cm inter se dissitis, e basi acuta anguste elliptico-lanceolatis, acuminatis, 3-5-costulatis, intermediis 22—25 cm longis, 30-32 mm latis. Spadix foemineus breviuseulus, caudiculo brevi terminatus; spathis primariis interne tulnilosis, superne apertis et in dorso acute carinatis, carina aculeata; spatbis secundariis infundibuli- formibus, laxe vaginantibus, spicis brevibus, 2-3 cm longis, scorpioideis, paucifloris; floribus utrinque 2 vel 3, alternis, spathellis infundibuli- formibus. Fructus late ovoideo-elliptici, circiter 25 cm longi, 18 mm lati, squamis per orthostichas 12 ordinatis, erassiusculis, valde convexis et profunde in medio canaliculatis, stramineis, anguste nigro-marginatis ; seinine globoso, 11 mm diametro, undique extus minute foveolato, albu- mine profunde ruminato. Scandent, of moderate size; sheathed stem apparently 2.5 cm in diameter. Leaf -sheaths rather densely armed with small, rigid, and short (4 to 5 mm long), horizontal spiculae, which rest on bulbous bases. Ocrea shortly liguliform, glabrous. Leaves terminated by a robust MECCA III. 624 cirrus, and about 80 cm long in the pinniferous part, the petiole about 10 mm broad and 12 cm long (in one specimen), quite flat above, and here sprinkled with small and straight erect spines, convex, and smooth beneath, its margins acute and sparingly prickly, rachis flatfish beneath, where only toward the summit it is armed with semiverticillate claws, the lower surface quite smooth, the upper surface of rachis prickly near tbe base but otherwise smooth and with a not very acute salient angle; the cirrus is strongly armed with f-verticilled claws. Leaflets not very numerous, equidistant, rather remotely set (4 to 5 cm apart on each side) ; elliptic-lanceolate, broadest about their middle, and equally narrowing to both ends; gradually acuminate to an inconspicuously bristly tip, the base acute, rigid-papyraceous, green on both surfaces, but paler beneath than above, 3- or 5-costulate; the cost® very sharp above, smooth on both surfaces with the exception of 1 or 2 spinules, which are occasionally to be found at the base of the mid-costa on the upper surface; transverse veinlets minute, much interrupted, not very prominent, margins minutely spinulous near the apex, otherwise smooth. The intermediate leaflets are 22 to 25 cm long, 30 to 32 mm broad, the others somewhat smaller, but of the same form. Male spadix Female spadix apparently not very elongate, terminated by a short, tail-like appendix; primary spathes thinly coriaceous, those of the apical portion of the spadix (the others not seen by me) flattened, tubular in their lower part, enlarged above and open on the ventral side, terminated by a triangular, acuminate, acutely keeled point, the keel spinous; secondary spathes infundibuliform, rather loosely sheathing, unarmed, obliquely truncate and ciliolate at the mouth, produced at one side into a short deltoid point; spikelets short, 2 to 3 cm long, scorpioid, rather thick, with very few (4 or 5 in all) alternate flowers; the spikelets of the lower part of the partial inflores- cences probably longer and with a few more flowers. Spathels infundi- buliform, obliquely truncate, very shortly produced into a rather broad triangular point at one side, obscurely dorsally keeled; involucrophore obliquely attached to the base of the spathel above its own, shallowly cupular, bidentate on the posticous or axial side; involucre shallowly cupular, with an irregular, undulate margin; areola of the neuter flower depressedly lunate, sharply bordered. Fruit broadly ovoid-elliptic, about 25 mm long, 18 mm broad, very suddenly and conspicuously beaked, scales arranged in 12 longitudinal series, relatively thick, strongly convex, deeply channelled along the middle, of a straw-yellow color, with a very narrow blackish marginal line, the point also blackish and very slightly produced. Seed globular, but not exactly spherical, about 11 mm in diameter, rather regularly and minutely foveolate all around, without a distinct chalazal fovea; albumen very deeply ruminated. Mindoro, Mount Ilalcon, For. Bur. J/^00 Merritt, June, 1906, altitude about 1,500 m. Named in honor of Lieut. T. II. Jennings who accompanied Mr. Merritt on his trip to Mount Halcon. / NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 625 A very peculiar species belonging to the group of C. palustris, but with a seed having a ruminate albumen and with the leaflets equidistant, lanceolate, and 5-costulate. It is related to C. Arugda. Of this species I have seen only a leaf, the summit of a spadix, and a few fruits. Calamus mindorensis Becc. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 235. This species was originally described from the female plant only. Male specimens have now been collected, also in Mindoro, by M. L. Merritt, in June, 1907. For. liur. 6211. It is a commercial rattan. Native name tumalin. It is a very high-scandent plant. The specimen seen by me has a sheathed stem 5 cm in diameter. The leaves are about 2 m long and terminate in a very robust cirrus; the petiole is almost obsolete; the leaflets are as already described (l. c .) Male spadix forming a large, compound and diffuse panicle, 2 m in length, glabrous in all parts, div ided into several triple-branched, partial inflorescences; primary spathes thinly coriaceous, greenish-yellow, tubular, tightly sheathing, smooth ; the first spathe is 15 cm long, and about 3 cm broad, flattened, two-edged, the edges very sharp and spinous above, horizontally truncate and fringed with paleaceous scales at the mouth, prolonged at one side into an elongate, triangular, dorsally-keeled and spinous point. The partial in- florescences are flexuous, very long and slender, one, belonging to the lower part of the panicle, is 1.2 m in length, with its axial part 5 to G mm thick at the base and with about 12 branches, distically inserted on each side; secondary spathes tubular, tightly sheathing, 3 to 4 cm long, smooth, entire, truncate and also ciliate at the mouth, and prolonged at one side into a triangular acute point; the secondary branches are in- serted outside the mouth of their respective spathes, and have a distinct axillary callus, they are slender, flexuous, 2 to 2.5 mm thick, 30 cm long, or thereabouts, and bear numerous distichously arranged spikelets ; the tertiary spathes are smooth, elongate-infundibuliform, 10 to 15 mm long, truncate and ciliate at the mouth like the others, prolonged at one side into a triangular point which subtends their respective spikeleK The spikelets are spreading,* arched, usually 2 cm long, or at times shorter, comb-like, bearing about 20, very approximate, exactly bifarious flowers on each side, and when measured with the flowers are about G mm broad ; spathels very short, very closely packed, concave and almost boat-shaped, obtuse, and deflexed; involucre formed by two concave bracteoles united bv their bases, and immersed in their respective spathels which contribute with the involucre to form a small cup to their respective flowers. Flowers in contact one with the other, the full grown buds 2.5 to 3 mm long, cylindraceous, apiculate ; the calyx has 3, deltoid, acute, deeply striate teeth ; the corolla is twice as long as the calyx. Calamus trispermus Becc. in Perkins Fragm. FI. Philip. (1904) 46, et in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 11: tab. 180. Of this species, which was described from very incomplete material, I have seen recently in the Kew Herbarium, a fine specimen with an entire fruiting spadix, 89217 3 620 BECCARI. a portion of the stem, and an entire leaf from a full-grown plant; it was collected by A. Loher at Montalban, Province of Rizal, Luzon, in February, 1908, (No. 7071 in Herb. Kew.). It is a scandent and robust species. The sheathed stem is 5 to 6 cm in diameter and the naked canes are 2.5 cm thick. The leaf -sheaths are rather thick and woody, more or less covered with tobacco-colored, very appressed and almost immersed scales, and are strongly gibbous above, obliquely truncate at the mouth, which is entire, has a sharp margin and ■is more or less furnished with spines ; they are also armed, especially in their upper part and above the gibbosity, with rather robust, scattered, horizontal, short (5 to 10 mm long) spines, which have a broad base and leave on the surface of the sheath a very distinct impression of their form; this is concave on the lower and convex on the upper surface; the ligule is represented by a short rim inside the mouth of the sheath. The leaf is about 2.2 m long in the pinniferous part and terminates in a rather long, very robust cirrus; the petiolar part is very short, 2.5 cm broad at its base, flattish and covered with small, erect prickles above, rounded and smooth beneath, its margins more or less prickly; the racliis is flattish and also prickly above in its first portion, but higher up becomes convex, and towards the extremity has an obtuse, salient angle ; beneath it is slightly convex, more or less covered with rusty scales, and armed toward the upper extremity of the pinniferous part with at first solitary, then ternate, and finally half-whorled very robust claws; on their cirrus the half or the three-quarter whorls are regularly spaced every 3 to 4 cm. The leaflets are about 30 on each side, rather regularly alternate and equidistant, 3 to 6 cm apart, and toward the end even more; they are rigidly papyraceous, green, smooth on the nerves and concolorous on both surfaces, somewhat concavo-convex, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, the tip bristly; the medial leaflets are 30 cm long, or thereabout, and 5 to 7 cm broad ; those of the extremities are smaller, all are 5-costulate, with a few secondary, rather distinct nerves interposed between the costae; transverse veinlets very crowded and numerous; the margins spinulous near the base, the spinules gradually passing into rigid, spreading hairs near the apex. The spadix is rather diffuse, 70 cm in length, slightly nodding, with a rather rigid axis and only 4 or 5 partial spreading inflorescenses. The primary spathes are tightly sheathing, fugaciously rusty-furfuraceous, elongate-infundibuli- form, armed with small, short claws in their upper part; the lower spathe is 20 cm long, 18 cm broad at the mouth, flattened, very sharply two- edged, entire and obliquely truncate at the mouth, which is fringed with small, rusty paleolse, and is produced at one side into a triangular, acutely keeled point ; the other primary spathes are entire, 10 cm long, narrowing toward the base, where they are flat, with sharp margins on the inner side, and are prolonged at the apex into a triangular, acutely keeled point. The partial inflorescences are 20 to 35 cm in length, have only 3 or 4 NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 627 spikelets on each side, and terminate in a small, angular, tail-like ap- pendix. The spikelets are 7 to 12 cm long, otherwise as already described (l. c. ) . The type specimen of C. trispermus ( Merrill .1645, Herb. Manila) differs from that collected by Loher only in the more elongate spikelets; while the discrepancies which may be noted in the descriptions of the leaves of the two, are due to the fact that the leaf of Loher’s specimen is one from the upper part of a full-grown plant, where the leaves have almost equidistant leaflets; while the leaf of Merrill’s specimen was a non-cirriferous one, probably from the lower part of the stem, or that of a young plant, where apparently the leaflets are approximate in pairs. Calamus microcarpus Becc. in Records Bot. Surv. India 2: 213 et in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calc. 1 1 : tab. 218. This species, described by me from Vidal 3952, has been again collected by Loher, (Herb. Ivew. ), at Montalban, Province of Rizal, Luzon, in 1905, and again in Mindanao, Camp Keithley, Lake Lanao, by Mrs. Mary Strong Clemens, in October, 1907. An entire leaf of Loher’s specimen measures 1.1 m in the pinniferous part, has a rather long petiole, and terminates in a long, rather slender cirrus, which is armed with half whorls of very acuminate claws. The intermediate leaflets are 25 to 30 cm long, 14 to 15 mm broad, and are very distinctly approximate in several groups; they have the mid-costa very prominent, but the side nerves are not so strong as in Vidal’s speci- men, are quite smooth on the under surface, and have only a few spinules on a nerve on each side of the mid-costa above ; the margins are minutely and appressedly spinulous. (In Vidal’s type specimen the leaflets have rigid bristles on 3 nerves above, and the margins are spreadingly spinul- ous.) The spadix is 55 cm in length ; the spathes are conspicuously inflated, and the upper ones not prickly. The fruits are ovoid, 8 mm long (without the perianth) and G mm broad, otherwise as already described. Mrs. Clemens’ specimen has a spadix apparently longer and more robust that those collected by Loher and Vidal, and the fruits are also slightly larger. In fact, in Mrs. Clemens’ specimens, the fruits, when completely mature, are almost globular, or subobovoid-globular, with a short obtuse and relatively large beak, 7 mm through, and 10 mm in length, not including the small perianth which is distinctly pedicelliform. The seed is globular, slightly depressed and G mm broad, otherwise as already described. Calamus m icrosphaerion Becc. in Perkins Fragm. FI. Philip. (1904) 45 et in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 1 1 : tab. 204. I consider as belonging to this species a sterile specimen, collected by W. I. Hutchinson in the Moro Province, Mindanao, in July, 1906. (For. Bur. No. 1/818). N. v. pudlus. Calamus Diepenhorsti i (Miq.) var. exulans Becc. var. nov. This possesses a great likeness to some Malayan forms in the spinescence of the leaf-sheaths, in the extraordinary length of the spadices and in all other principal characteristics; it differs only in the leaflets, which are without bristles on the 628 BECCA HI. mid-costa above, but beneath have tlie mid-costa closely bristly ami the side nerves naked. In the Malayan forms the leaflets have Ion# bristles on .‘1 nerves beneath, the mid-costa being smooth, while the mid-costa above is bristly. The female spikelets of this variety are also less distinctly zigzag-sinuous, the invo- lucre of the flower does not form so regular and deep a cup as in the type and the areola of the neuter flower is crescent-shaped and not roundish. Otherwise the similarity of the Philippine variety to the Malayan type is very evident. The male plant was collected bv F. W. Foxicorthy in March, 1900, on Mount Victoria, Palawan, (liar. Sci. vVo. 756), and the female by Loher, in Luzon, at Montalban. Province of Rizal, March, 1906, ( No. 701,5 in Herb. Kew.). N. v. paUmanac. The male specimen lias a leaf 1.5 m long; the leaflets are numerous, equidistant, subtricostulate, the mid-costa is rather prominent, above bristly-spinulous near the apex, the side costae with long bristles; under- neath the mid-costa is furnished with bristles, and the side nerves are naked. The male spadix is, as in the species, extraordinarily long, and not essentially different from that of the Malayan type; but the. secondary and tertiary branches and the spikelets are inserted just at the mouth of their respective spathes, and these terminate in a broad, horizontal or deflexed point. The male flowers also are slightly smaller, more ap- proximate, inserted at a wider angle, and therefore have the spathes shorter and less distinctly infundibuliform. In Loher ’s (female) specimen the sheathed stem is 3 cm in diameter; the leaf-sheaths are strongly gibbous above, and densely armed with hori- zontal rows of confluent, triangular, laminate, black spines, which have a lighter-colored sharply defined base. An entire leaf has a petiolar part 15 cm long, its total length being 1.18 m ; the petiole has prickly margins; the racliis is armed beneath with a line of single claws along the center, and with a similar line on each side. The leaflets are numerous, equidistant, almost equally green on both surfaces; the medials 30 to 35 cm long, Iti to 18 mm broad, rather distinctly 3-costulate, their mid-costa on the upper surface is smooth, or has a few small spinules near the apex, the side costulae are slender, and also have a few straggling spinules; under- neath the mid-costa is rather closely bristled, and the side nerves are usually naked, but on these also a few setiform spinules may sometimes be observed. The spadix is 6 (!) meters long (in one specimen), includ- ing the slender, terminal, very minutely and closely clawed cirrus, simply decompound, with a few, very distant, partial inflorescences, exactly as in the type, but with the spathes more thickly set with prickles, the secondary and tertiary spathes are also set with minute prickles in their upper part; the spikelets are 15 to 18 cm long, very slightly zigzag- sinuous; with up to 15 or 16 flowers on each side; the involucre is slightly cupular; and the areola of the neuter flower is crescent-shaped, with sharp margins. The fruit is wanting. 629 NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. Calamus Merrill i i Becc. in Webbia 1 (1905) 67 et in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 1 1 : tab. 167. To this species is referable a line fruiting specimen with an entire spadix collected by Loher at Montalban, Province of Rizal, Luzon, July, 1905, (No. 7076 in Herb. Kew. ) . Of this specimen the sheathed stem is 6 to 7 cm in diameter. J he fruiting spadix is robust, nodding, 1.3 in long, including a terminal, tail- like, flattened, subulate appendix, which is formed of several tightly sheathing, smooth, or slightly prickly spathes-; it is divided into 8 gradu- allv diminishing, spreading, and arched partial inflorescences, of which the largest (which are also the lowest) are 35 to 40 cm in length. 1 bo lowest spathe is strongly flattened, 3 to 3.5 cm broad, two-edged (the edges sharp and without spines), 1(> to 17 cm long, very tightly sheathing, slightly obliquely truncate at the mouth, and very sparingly armed with a few straight small spines; the other primary spathes are tubular, more or less longitudinally split, obliquely truncate at the mouth, prolonged above at one side into an acuminate, dorsally keeled point, and bearing irregularly distributed, small, broad-based, and subbulbous horizontal prickles. The largest partial inflorescences carry 10 to 13 spikelets on each side and terminate in a small smooth tail-like appendix; the secondary spathes are truncate at the mouth, and prolonged at one side into a broad triangular point; they are either quite smooth or have at most one or two rudimentary or tuberculiform prickles. The spikelets are 8 to 9 cm in length, slightly flattened, 8 mm broad between the spathels (not taking into account the flowers). Fruit spherical, witli a rather thick and blunt beak on the top, about 12 mm in diameter. Leaves as already described (in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta l. c .) ; the rachis in the lower and intermediate parts is rather deeply channelled above ; leaflets 3 to 3.5 cm apart on each side, with bristles which may reach 3 cm in length. The type specimens of C. Merrillii were Merrill 1893 from Bosoboso, liovince Rizal, Luzon, male plant, and Loher 1361 (Herb. Kew.), in fruit. Calamus Merrittianus Becc. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 233. I refer to this species specimens collected at Camp Keithley, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, by Mrs. Mary Strong Clemens, in June, 1907, (Nos. 1112 and 112k) ; they differ, however, from the type plant found by Merritt in Mindoro, (For. Bur. 3912), in the spathes being less densely set with prickles; therefore presenting a transitional form between C. Merrittianus and C. Merrillii. Perhaps C. Merrit- tianus is only a geographical variety of C. Merrillii. Calamus grandifolius Becc. sp. nov. Robustus et scandens, caudice vaginato 4 cm diametro; vagina tenuiter lignosa, densissime spinis nigris tenuissimis, 25—30 mm longis, arm at a , ocrea breviter ligulaeformi, hispida. Folia ampla, 1.7 m in paite pin- nifera longa, cirro robusto valde aculeato terminata ; petiolo robusto, BECCARI. 630 2:> cm longo, 20-22 mm lato, superne planiusculo et spinis brevibus eiectis aimato; segmentis numerosis, a equidistant i bus, rigide papyraceis, utrinque nitidis, e basi acuta latiuscule lanceolatis, acuminatis, major- ibus 40—42 cm longis, 4—5.5 cm latis. Spadix foemineus circiter 50 cm longus, rigidus, strictus, erectus, in paucas (4 in specimine uno) parvas sensim decrescentes inflorescentias partiales divisus et caudiculo ineiine terminatus; spathis primariis tubulosis, in ore barbato-hispidis, intlorescentiis basilaribus 1—8 cm longis, utrinque spicis 3 vel 4 praeditis; spathis secundariis infundibuliformibus, apice setosis, spicis brevibus et crassiusculis, 2-3.5 cm longis, paucifloris; floribus biseriatis, sursum versis, e basi plana et 5 mm lata, late conoideis. Apparently large and scandent. Sheathed stem about 4 cm in diam- eter. Leaf-slicaths strongly gibbous above, woody, very densely armed with very slender and scattered, elastic, very narrowly laminiform and sometimes bristle-like, blackish, shining, unequal spines, of which the largest are 25 to 30 mm long. Ocrea shortly liguliform, axillary, fringed with long and rigid bristles. Leaves very large (in one specimen the pinniferous part is 1.7 m long) terminated by a very robust, strongly clawed cirrus; petiole about 25 cm long, 20 to 22 mm broad, flat at the base above and convex beneath ; upwards flattened and biconvex, covered, especially on the upper surface, with short, ascendent spines, these spines also covering the first portion of the rachis; on the margins the spines are not longer than elsewhere; the rachis is armed beneath (from the base upward) first with solitary, then with 2- or 3-nate, and at the extremity with halt-whorled, very robust claws; on the upper surface the rachis is convex-bifacial with a smooth salient angle; leaflets numerous, alternate, equidistant, 5 to 7 cm apart (on each side), rigidly papyra- ceous, shining on both surfaces, rather broadly lanceolate, narrowing from below the middle to a rather acute base, very gradually acuminate to a bristly tip; the intermediate ones 40 to 42 cm long, 4 to 5.5 cm broad; the mid-costa is slender, but sharp above, and has 4 or 5 or at times more, slender, unequal secondary nerves on each side of it; all nerves smooth on both surfaces; transverse veinlets very close together and very sharp; margins remotely and appressedly spinulous. Male spadix Female spadix rigid, strict, erect, short (50 cm long in one specimen), apparently appressed to the stem, with a very short (3 cm long), 15 mm broad, almost unarmed, much flattened pedicellar part, which gradually passes into the first spathe. The spadix bears only four small, gradually decreasing partial inflorescences, which are inserted inside the mouths of their respective spathes and are covered in every part with a brown scaly scurf. The primary spathes are tubular, minutely and appressedly furfuraceous at the mouth with stiff, black, shining bristles; the lowest spathe much flattened, two-keeled, the keels bearing rather long, subbristly spines; the upper spathes somewhat inflated, carinate and spinous on the NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 631 back, terminated by a short triangular point; the lowest partial inflo- rescences are the largest, they are 7 to 8 cm long with only 3 or 4 spikelets on each side; secondary spathes infundibuliform, truncate at the mouth and slightly prolonged at one side, furnished at the summit with a few long stiff bristles; spikelets short and rather thick, 2 to 3.5 cm long, with two series of 6 or 7, assurgent, not flatly bifarious flowers ; spathels very shortly infundibuliform, embracing the involucre, involucrophores and involucre (which are very much alike) very shallowly cupular and orbicular; areola of the neuter flower depressedly lunate and sharply bordered. Female flowers conical, 5 mm long and 5 mm broad; the foim of the flower being given by the calyx, which has a very broad, flat, callous base, and a very contracted, shortly 3-toothed mouth ; the teeth about as long as the small segments of the corolla; stigma small, triangular, spreading. Luzon, Province of Laguna, Mount Banajao, Loher 7088, February, 1906, (Herb. Kew.). N. v. saba-ang. A very singular species, easily distinguishable by its short, straight, rigid female spadix, with the spathes fringed at the mouth by numerous stiff subspiny bristles and also by its large leaves and lanceolate leaflets. It would seem by its short spadix, with its gradually decreasing subinflated spathes, to belong to the group of G. siphonospathus, but it has a quite peculiar habit. The spadix is also very much like that of C. dimorphacanthus, but the leaves are quite different, and are very similar to those of C. ornatus. The spadix was detached, nevertheless I entertain little doubt but that it belonged to the same plant as the leaves described above. Calamus dimorphacanthus Becc. in Records Bot. Surv. India 2: 214 et in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 1 1 : tab. 219. Specimens corresponding to the type were collected by A. D. E. Elmer on Mount Santo Tomas (Tonglon), Province of Benguet, Luzon, in May, 1904, No. 6238. In these specimens the spadix bears almost mature fruits not differing from those of the type ; but the partial inflorescences are more robust, the largest being 12 cm in length, and with the lowest spikelets forked; the primary spathes are fugaciously rusty-furfuraceous, of these the lower are more or less prickly, the upper smooth. The fruits are 8 to 10 mm long. The leaflets are narrow, and are furnished with rather long bristles on the mid-costa above ; their margins are ciliate with rather spreading hairs. C. dimorphacanthus appears to be a very polymorphous species, including several distinct varieties or subspecies. Calamus dimorphacanthus var. montalbanicus Becc. var. nov. The specimen upon which I have established this variety is remarkable for the extraordinary spinescence of the leaf-sheaths and especially of the ocrea, which moreover, is extraordinarily developed. ' The sheathed stem is 3 cm in diameter; the leaf -sheaths are densely armed with laminate flexible, scliistaceous or almost black, unequal spines, the largest being 20 to 25 mm long; the ligule is 15 cm long (in one specimen), papyraceous ltECOAKI. 63 42 and very rigid, very densely beset by very unequal, horizontal, and often subseriate, or confluent spines, otherwise similar to those occurring on the leaf-sheaths. Leaves 1.2 m long in the pinniferous part, and termi- nated by a robust and strongly clawed cirrus; leaflets linear, very nu- merous and closely set, equidistant, naked underneath, and furnished above on the mid-costa, and on one nerve on each side of it, with a few, but relatively robust, subspiny bristles; the margins are rather closely and appressedly spinulous; the petiole, which is 15 cm long, and the rachis, are both strongly armed above with unequal spines; the medial leaflets are 19 to 20 cm long, and 8 to 10 mm broad. Male spadix about 40 cm in length, narrowing gradually to a tail-like tip, with 7 or 8 tubular, gradually diminishing, shortly imbricate, primary spathes. Male partial inflorescences short and dense. The type specimen of this variety (a male plant in the Kew Herbarium) was collected by .1. Loher in May, 1905, on the summit of Mount Batay at 1,380 m elevation, near Montalban, Province of Rizal, Luzon, (No. 7085 in Herb. Kew.). 1 he variety differs from the type by its leaf-sheaths being very densely spinous, by its large, very rigid and also densely spinous ligule, and by its very narrow 3-nerved leaflets, the 3 nerves bearing bristles on the upper surface. In the type the ligule is membranaceous, brittle, and much less spinous, and the leaflets are bristly only on the mid-costa above, while the hairs on the margins are more spreading. Calamus dimorphacanthus var. zambalensis Becc. var. nov. A more robust plant than the type. Sheathed stem 4 cm in diameter and perhaps at times more; naked canes 2.5 cm in diameter, with a light-straw-colored very polished surface; leaf-sheath very densely spinous as in the other forms; ligule not so long as in the type, densely covered with spicuhe. Petiole robust and short, very densely spinous; the leaflets, are very numerous, very closely set, rigid, or papery-subcoriaceous, nar- rowly lanceolate; the medial ones 20 cm long or thereabouts, and 15 to 20 mm broad, naked beneath, and furnished above on the mid-costa with rigid, subspiny bristles; the side nerves are smooth ; the margins are conspicuously ciliate with spreading spinules; the cirrus is, as usual in this species, robust and armed with half-whorls of strong and tumescent claws. Fruiting spadix 55 cm long in one specimen; primary spathes rather densely spinulous; partial inflorescences short, having few branches and these with few spikelets, which are rigid and thickish; spathels and involucrophore as in the other forms; involucre distinctly discoid, orbic- ular, flat or slightly convex. Fruit larger than in type, globose-ovoid, 13 mm long, about 10 mm broad, borne on a short but distinctly pedicel- liform, cylindraceous, fruiting perianth; scales shining, arranged in 15 longitudinal series, slightly furrowed along the middle, brown with a darker uniform margin all around, the point blunt. Luzon, Province of Zambales, Mount Tapulao, For. Bur. 8.'/12 Curran <6 Merritt , December, 1907, on exposed peaks in the elfinwood, altitude about 2,000 NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 633 in, very abundant locally and the only species of the genus in the locality according to the collectors. Prospectus of the varieties of Calamus dimorphacanthus : 1. Ligule membranous, brittle, armed with few spinules, leaflets very narrow, bristly only on the mid-costa above, margins ciliated with spreading, spinuli- form hairs. Fruit 8 to 10 mm long forma typica 2. Ligule very long (as much as 15 cm) rigid, very densely armed with horizontal, more or less seriate spines; leaflets very numerous, narrow, bearing above, on the mid-costa, and on one nerve on each side of it, several subspiny bristles; margins ciliated with rather robust spreading spinules. var. montalbanicus. 3. Ligule relatively short, bristly-spinulous; leaflets very closely set, very stiff and thickish, narrowly lanceolate, furnished with conspicuous subspiny bristles only on the mid-costa above, margins ciliated with spreading spinules. Fruit larger than in type (13 mm long, 10 mm broad). var. zambalensis. Calamus halconensis Becc. sp. nov. Scandens, mediocris, vaginis densissime spinis laminaribus, inaequa- libus, creberrime plus minusve seriatis ac basi confluentibus armata; ligula rigide elongata, densissime spinoso-hispida. Frondium petiolo breviusculo (7-8 cm longo), spinis inaequalibus armato; parte pinnifera circiter 1 m longa; cirro validissimo aculeis reduncis robustis semiver- ticillatis armato; segmentis numerosis, aequidistantibus, ensiformibus, 20- 25 cm longis, 13-15 cm latis, subtus levibus, supra in costa media et secus nervos 2 setosis; marginibus crebre adpresseque ciliato-spinulosis. Spadix fructifer circiter 30 cm longus, spathis levibus ; inflorescentiis partialibus parvis et parcc ramosis. Fructus ovati vel subobovati, obtusissime inucro- nati, una cum perianthio fructifero, distincte pedicelliformi, 17 mm longi, 12 mm lati; squamis per orthostichas 12 ordinatis, nitidis, luride stramincis, apice rotundatis, in medio profunde sulcatis ; semine ovato, 10.5 mm longo, 7 mm lato, grosse alveolato-sulcato et in dorso longitud- inaliter sculpto. Scandent, of moderate size. Leaf-sheaths very densely armed with very unequal, laminate, more or less closely seriate, confluent spines ; ligule rigid, 5 to 6 cm long, entirely covered, in one specimen, with very rigid, needle-like spiculae of unequal length. Leaves with the petiole armed with the same kind of unequal spines as in C. dimorphacanthus, 7 to 8 cm long, the pinniferous part apparently about 1 m in length, terminated by a very robust, strongly clawed cirrus; leaflets numerous, equidistant, ensiform, or very narrowly lanceolate, 20 to 25 cm long, 13 to 15 mm broad, smooth underneath, sprinkled above on the mid-costa and on one nerve on each side of it, with not very rigid bristles ; margins rather closely and appressedly spinulous. Fruiting spadix about 30 cm long, with smooth spathes, and very few, small, slightly branched, partial inflorescences, of which the lowest are only 5 cm in length and have very few spikelets. Fruit ovoid or subobovoid, obtusely beaked, 17 mm 634 BECCARI. long, including the perianth, 12 mm broad; scales in 12 longitudinal series, polished, of a dirty straw color, with a paler, narrow, scarious margin, deeply furrowed in the middle quite to the point, and almost bigibbous, their apices blunt and with a blackish spot. Seed ovoid, 10.5 mm long, 7 mm broad, broadly pitted and irregularly grooved, rather deeply furrowed on the raphal side, and without a chalazal fovea, Mindoro, Mount Halcon, For. Bur. J/399 Merritt, June, 1 900, in forests at about 1,500 m altitude. 1 have seen of this plant only a very incomplete specimen of the leaf-sheath and leaves, an entire spadix, and a few fruits; and these were detached from the spadix, although to all appearances, they really belonged to it. In the vegetative organs, Calamus halconensis does not, apparently, differ from some forms of C. dim orphacant hits, hut the fruit is of different type, and resembles more that of C. microcarpus. Calamus Vidalianus Becc. in Records Bot. Surv. India 2: 212 et in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta 1 1 : tab. 211. This, which was an imperfectly known species described by me from Vidal 938 (Herb. Kew. ), has been rediscovered by A. Loher at Montalban, Province of Rizal, Luzon, March, 190G, (No. 7087 in Kew Herbarium). In Loher’s specimen the sheathed stem is 2 cm in diameter, the leaf- sheaths are greenish or purplish-green, gibbous above, feebly armed with very small, straight, broad-based spines, 2 to 3 mm long; the mouth is truncate and fringed with scales and few spinules. One leaf is 1.6 m long in the pinniferous part, and terminates in a rather long, robust, and strongly clawed cirrus; the petiole is quite obsolete; the leaflets are about 30 on each side, rather approximate and equidistant in the lower part of the rachis, more distant and somewhat irregularly arranged above; the medials are 30 to 32 cm long and 20 to 25 mm broad and are usually furnished, near the base of the mid-costa on the upper surface, with 1 or 2 spinules ; these are more robust than some which stand higher up; one nerve on each side of the mid-costa is also more or less spinulous, but occasionally a single nerve on one side only is so; under- neath all nerves are naked; the rachis on the upper surface of its lower portion, is armed with unequal, erect spines, which disappear higher up, where the rachis is bifacial, with the salient angle very obtuse; under- neath, the rachis is smooth in its basal part but toward the end is armed with claws, which are single at first, then geminate, and are finally set in half-whorls. The spadix is erect, diffuse, 90 cm long, with only 4 or 5 partial inflorescences on each side, and terminates in a short tail-like prickly appendix; the lowest spathe is flattened, two-edged, 12 cm long; all the other primary and secondary spathes are fringed at the mouth with small paleolae; the lower partial inflorescences are 30 to 35 cm long with 7 or 8 spikelets on each side ; the upper are shorter, and have fewer spikelets. The lower spikelets are 5 to 6 cm long, and have 10 to NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 635 12 flowers on each side; the upper are shorter and bear fewer flowers. The spikelets in Loher’s specimen are therefore somewhat more slender, and bear a few more flowers than those of Vidal’s No. 988, but are otherwise identical with them. Calamus Blancoi Kunth Enum. PI. 3 (1S41) 595; Becc. in Webbia 1 (1905) 66, Ann. Bot. Gard. Calcutta, 11: t. Gf. A specimen with a female spadix collected near Zamboanga, Mindanao by IV. I. Hutchinson (For. Bur. Jt819) , July, 1906, does not differ from other specimens that I have seen from Luzon and from Leyte; it is therefore apparently a constant form, although closely allied to Calamus mollis Blanco. Calamus discolor (Mart.) var. rsegrosensis Becc. var. nov. A specimen of a Calamus collected by F. Danao in Negros, apparently belongs to a distinct variety of the form which I have recently described in Elmer’s “Leaflets” as typical C. discolor. The specimen consists only of the upper part of the leaf, and of a few partial inflorescences of a male spadix. There is not however all the requisite evidence to prove that this specimen really represents the male plant of C. discolor, although the male spadix of the type, and the female one of this proposed variety are unknown; the leaf, however, of the plant from Negros, with its leaflets white beneath, though endowed with some peculiar- ities of its own, leaves little doubt as to its specific indentity with or at least of its great affinity to C. discolor. It is a high-climber. Leaf-rachis rusty-furf uraceous ; leaflets very numerous, equidistant, very narrowly linear-lanceolate, broadest at about their middle, green above and white beneath, exactly as in the type, from which, however, they differ in being smaller, and in having a few bristles on the mid-costa above only, while the under surface is sprinkled all over, except at the base, with scattered, small, spadiceous, subspiuy bristles; the largest leaflets, i. e., the medials, are 20 to 22 cm long, and 9 to 10 mm broad. Male spadix apparently rather large, with several partial inflorescences ; each of these forming rather dense panicles, 20 to 30 cm long, twice branched, covered with a soft detachable whitish scurf on the spathes and spathels ; secondary spathes infundibuliform, rather loosely sheathing; branches 10 to 12 cm long, or at times less, bearing a few gradually decreasing branchlets, which carry 4 to 0 dis- tich ously arranged spikelets on each side; the spikelets are inserted at the mouth of their respective spathes, are 2 to 3 cm long, flattened, comb-like, with perfectly bifarious, horizontal, contiguous flowers; the axes of the spikelets are slender, not brittle ; spathes very short, concave, apiculate at one side, very strongly and firmly striately veined; involucre cupular, obliquely truncate, 2-dentate on the axial side. Flowers small, ovoid; the calyx sharply and firmly striately-veined like the spathes, with 3 acute teeth. Negros, Province of Negros Occidental, Cadiz, For. Bur. 12J/32 Danao, March 10, 1908, altitude about 50 m above the sea. N. v. limoran. 636 BECCARI. DAEMONOROPS Bl. Daemonorops Margaritae (Hance) var. palawanicus Becc. var. nov. It is the first and only species of Daemonorops of the group of Cymbospatha to be discovered in the Philippine Islands. I have referred it to D. Margarita ;, a species indigenous to southern China, from which it differs in the seed, which is more or less globular, and obsoletelv 3-gonous, and can not be called reniform, as that of D. Margaritae is described as being. Palawan, near Iwahig, Bur. Sci. 899 Foxworthy, May, 1906. Daemonorops ochrolepis Becc. var. radulosus var. nov. This differs from the “forma typica” in the petiole, and the first portion of the rachis, being densely prickly on both surfaces; the upper salient angle of the rachis is also spinulous throughout 1o the end of the pinniferous part. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, Mauban, For. Bur. 10190 Curran, March, 1908. 1 also refer here a specimen collected at Camp Keithley, Lake Lanao, Mindanao, Mrs. Clemens 898, January, 1907, the fruits globose-ovoid, 15 mm in diameter (very immature), and also Loher 7018, male specimen, from the Province of Rizal, Luzon, April, 1905. Daemonorops Curran ii Becc. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 2 (1907) Bot. 238. To this species must he referred an unnumbered specimen collected by Mrs. Mary Strong Clemens in Mindanao, Camp Keithley, Lake Lanao, September, 1907; it differs however from the type which was collected hy Curran in Palawan (For. Bur. 3791), in the leaflets which have 5 bristly nerves above instead of 3, and in the pedicellar part of the spadix which is entirely covered with stiff bristles, which unite in their basal part to form several callous, subcristate bodies; the fruit and the seed, seem also to be more ovoid in the Mindanao than in the Palawan plant. Daemonorops Clemensianus Becc. sp. nov. Scandens, caudicibus vaginatis circiter 2 cm diametro; vaginae undique spinis tenuibus nigrescentibus breviter seriatis obsessis et in ore spinis numerosis laminaribus crebre imbricatis, valde elongatis (8-12 cm longis, 2-4 mm latis) armatae, frondium petiolus circiter 25 cm longus, bicon- vexus, circum et ad margines spinis rectis armatus; rhachis supra levis; cirrus gracilis; pars pinnifera circiter 1-3 m longa, segmcntis numerosis, subaequidistantibus 2. 5-3. 5 cm inter se remotis, lineari-ensiformibus, supra secus nervos 3 spinulosis, subtus in costa media tantum setis long- iusculis praeditis; segmentis intermediis 40-42 cm longis, 13-15 mm latis. Spadix masculus 50-60 cm longus, strictus, parte pedicellari 6-10 cm longa et dense spiculifera suffultus; spathis primariis in apicem del- toideum spiculiferum productis; spatha extima spiculis fasciculatis plus minusve praedita; floribus masculis circiter 4 mm longis, calyce breviter cyathiformi. Spadix foemineus rigidus, parte pedicellari spiculis densis et basi confluentibus ac callosis praeditus, in plurimas approximatas in- florescentias partiales, 10-15 cm longas, divisus; spicis majoribus 5-7 cm longis, utrinque 7- vel 8-floris ; involucrophoro obconico, 3-4 mm longo. Fructus majusculi, sphaerici, breviter lateque rostrato mammillati, 22-24 NOTES ON PHILIPPINE PALMS, II. 037 mm dianietro, squamis per 18 ortliostichas ordinatis, stramineis, anguste nitideque longitudinaliter sulcatis; semine irregulariter globoso, lb-1* mm dianietro, minute tuberculoso et alveolate; fovea chalazae superficial!, punctiforini, indistincta. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keitliley, Mrs. Clemens 1221, September, 1907. Related to D. ochrolepis but easily distinguishable from this by its very narrowly ensiform leaflets, and larger fruit, which are about the size of those of D. calapparius, and among the largest in the whole genus. Daemonorops Loherianus Becc. sp. noy. Scandens, caudicibus vaginatis 2.5 cm dianietro; vaginae spiculis ni- grescentibus, 5-10 mm longis, irregulariter oblique seriatis, armatae, in ore nudae et inermes; frondium petiolus circiter 2o cm longus, wide biconvexus, marginibus acutis, utrinque spinis ascendentibus obsessus, rachis snperne spinulosa; cirrus elongatus gracilis; pars pinnifera ciicitei 1.3 m longa; segmentis numerosis aequidistantibus approximatis, angus- tissime lanceolatis, apice acuminato-subulatis ; intermediis 20-23 cm longis, 14-18 mm latis, supra secus nervos tres crebre setosis, subtus costa media tantum setis longis sparsa. Spadix masculus inapertus, elongatus, angustus, teres, 45 cm longus, 12 mm diametro, erectus, parte pedicellari brevissima dense spinosa praeditus; spathis primariis 7 vel 8, per giadus sensim decrescentibus ; spatha basilari acute bicarinata et secus caiinas spiculis parvis radiatim fasciculatis praedita, apice rostro tenui spinuloso terminata, caetero inermi, spathis superioribus etiarn rostratis et apice spiculiferis, caeterum levibus. Flores masculi pro rata valde elongati et angustissimi (8-10 mm longi, 1 mm crassi) ; calyce tubuloso, cylindraceo, breviter 3-dentato; corolla calyce triple longiori, phyllis striatis, angustis- simis, acuminatis. Spadix foemineus et fructus desiderantur. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Siva bundoc, Loher 1013, June, 1905, in Kew Her- barium. It is apparently related to the species of the group of D. lamprolepis of the IHptospatha division. It is well characterized by the strongly biconvex petiole, and more especially by the very slender and unusually long male flowers, the tubular calyx, and also by the mouth of the leaf-sheaths being quite smooth and entirely devoid of spines, bristles, or other kind of fringe. ILLUSTRATIONS. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plate XXX. Normanbya Merrillii Becc. A tree cultivated in Manila, showing habit. Photograph by Martin. XXXI. Normanbya Merrillii Becc. Fig. 1, fruit, with the epicarp removed, showing the fibers of the mesocarp; fig. 2, seed as seen from the raphal side; fig. 3, seed, side view; fig. 4, seed, longitudinal sec- tion; fig. 5, the same in cross section; fig. 6, male flower in bud; fig. 7, male flower with one petal removed; fig. 8, fruiting perianth as seen from above; fig. 9, the same, side view. All figures twice natural size. 639 Beccaki : Notes on Philippine Palms, II.] [Phil. Jouun. Sci., Vol. IV, No. Plate XXX.— NORMANBYA MERRILLI Becc. Bkccari : Notes on Philippine Palms, II.] [Phil. JOurn. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 5. Plate XXXI. — NORMANBYA MERRILLI Becc. A PRELIMINARY REVISION OF PHILIPPINE COMBRETACE^. By E. D. .Merrill. (Front the Botanical Section of the Biological Laboratory, Bureau of Science, Manila, P . I.) This small group has been worked over chiefly with a view to clearing np some points connected with the genus TertninaUa. some species of which are of importance from a forestry standpoint, as the timber is at least locally utilized to a greater or less extent. Four years ago I published a key to the Philippine species of Terminalia,1 recognizing- eleven species, the same number that is recognized in the following con- sideration, although several of the species admitted in the previous paper have been shown by additional material to lie invalid, and have here been reduced. In the interim a single new species has been described, and a second one is proposed below. Some changes in nomenclature have also become necessary, and a few of the specimens previously referred to certain species, due to misinterpretation of these, have now been referred to their proper ones. Additional material is required to thoroughly work out the relationships of the forms in the section Bialata, / ernt inahci cala niaiisanai ( Blanco) Rolfe, and related forms, while as yet the flowers of Tor hi Utahn quadrictlata are unknown. /. iiiagarapali \ id., a very distinct species, judging from the very short description, has not as yet been rediscovered. Table showing the distribution of Indo-Malagan, Chinese, Formosan, and Philippine Combrctacew. (letiera. Philip- pines. . Formosa. China. Malay Penin- sula. Malay Archi- pelago. British India. 4 i 1 1 ‘4 2 10 11 18 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 i 2 2 3 Terminalia. .. 11 1 i 8 10 P2 Total ... - - 18 3 4 23 “ 40 ' 1 Publications of the Bureau of Government Laboratories 17 (1004) 31-36. 04 1 89217 4 642 MERRILL. KEY TO THE GENERA. Petals none, calyx-limb deciduous; trees 1. Terminalia Petals 4 or 5. Calyx-limb persistent; leaves alternate; trees of the mangrove swamps. 2. Lumnitzera Calyx-limb deciduous; scandent shrubs. Flowers small, the calyx-tube above the ovary less than 1 cm long. 3. Combretum Flowers rather large, the calyx-tube above the ovary 4 to 6 cm long. 4. Quisqualis 1. TERMINALIA Linn. I* luit ovoid, oblong, or elliptic, sometimes compressed, never winged, but in some species keeled at the edges. § catapua. Fruit ellipsoid, strongly compressed and keeled, about 5 cm long.... 1. 7. catappa Fruit oblong, very slightly compressed and keeled, about 10 cm long. 2. T. mayarapali I i uit slightly compressed, hardly keeled, 1.5 cm long or less; leaves glandular- punctate J 3. T.edulis Fruit not at all compressed or keeled. Inflorescence of paniculate spikes 4. T.eomintana Inflorescence of simple spikes; leaves glandular-punctate and with glands in the axils of the nerves; petioles usually with from 1 to 3 glands. Spikes rather strongly pubescent; leaves 10 to 18 cm long; fruits ellipsoid or ovoid, not or very obscurely apiculate, about 5 cm long. 5. T. obcarpa Spikes glabrous; leaves 7 to 12 cm long; fruits oblong-ovoid and strongly apiculate or ovoid and scarcely apiculate, 4 cm long or less. Petioles and midribs usually somewhat pubescent, the former with 3-1, or no glands near the apex; fruits less than 2.5 cm long. 0. T. pellucida Leaves entirely glabrous, very strongly shining and usually dark-brown when dry, the petioles usually with two glands at about the middle; fruits about 4 cm long, strongly apiculate 7. 7. nitens bruit elliptic or narrowly elliptic, its edges produced into two broad, coriaceous wings. § BIA LATA. Inflorescence, young branches, petioles and under surfaces of the leaves softly ferruginous-pubescent; fruit, including the wings, 0 cm wide.... 8. 7. blancoi Leaves glabrous beneath 9. 7. calamansanai bruit equally or subequally 2—3—4-winged, the wings less than 5 mm wide; leaves ovate-elliptic to orbicular-elliptic; spikes panicled 10. 7. polyantha Fruit equally 4-winged, the wings submembranaceous, 1 to 1.3 cm wide; leaves oblong-obovate to elliptic-obovate, 15 to 25 cm long 11. 7. yuadrialata 1. Terminalia catappa Linn. Mant. (1771) 510; Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 2 (1878) 444; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 80; Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip) 17 (1904) 35. 7. latifolia Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 376, non Sw. 7. mauriiiana Blanco 1. c. ed. 2 (1845) 264, ed. 3, 2: 126, non Lam. Throughout the Philippines at low altitudes, especially near the sea, and somewhat cultivated as a shade tree. India to Malaya and Polynesia; planted in most tropical countries. REVISION OF PHILIPPINE COMBRETACEAL 643 Native names Talisay or Dalisay in most Philippine dialects; Sp.-Fil. Almen- dras, corresponding to the “Indian almond” of English speaking people in the east. Terminalia polyantha Presl, which was previously reduced by me to this species from the abridged description given by Miquel, is in no way allied to T. catappa. The specimen reported as T. catappa from Mangsi Island, by A. Gray in the “Botany of the Wilkes U. S. Exploring Expedition”, is T. littoralis Seem., and was doubtless wrongly localized on the label, as the species is a Polynesian one. The sterile specimen reported also by Gray “from a small island in the Sooloo Sea” as T. glabrata Forst. ?, may have been T. catappa, but I have seen no specimen. 2. Terminalia magarapali Vidal Sinopsis Atlas (1883) XXIV, t. 1/8, fig. C ; Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1904) 35. T. procera F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 80, non Roxb. Alabat Island, fide Vidal, specimen no longer extant, locally known as M agarapali. This species should prove to he a very distinct one, characterized especially by its very large fruits, which are about 10 cm long. It has not as yet been collected a second time. 3. Terminalia edulis Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 205, ed. 3, 2: 127; Vidal Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 127; Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1904) 33. Terminalia angustifolia Blanco 1. c. ed. 1 (1837) 377, non Jacq. Pentaptera mollis Presl Epim. Bot. (1852) 214. Terminalia mollis Rolfe in Journ. Bot. 23 (1885) 312; Vid. Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 112, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 127. Terminalia belerica F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 80; Vidal Sinopsis Atlas (1883) t. 1,8, fig. II. non Roxb. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, For. liar. 11215 Klemme, For. Bur. 11/761, 11/811/ Darling, For. Bur. 17182 Curran: District of Bontoc, For. Bur. 17080 Curran: District of Lepanto, Bur. 8ei. 7017 Ramos: Province of llocos Sur, For. Bur. 7116 Klemme: Province of Nueva Ecija, For. Bur. 81/30, 81/71 Curran: Province of Nueva Vizcaya, For. Bur. 11/862, 11/867 Darling: Province of Zambales, For. Bur. 5000, 6830 Curran, Merrill 2068: Province of Pangasinan, Cuming 1001/ (cotype of Pentaptera mollis Presl) : Province of Bulacan, For. Bur. 11187 Aguilar: Province of Rizal, For. Bur. 1887, 31/11 Ahern's collector, Merrill 1626, 2283, Bur. 8ci. 2033 Ramos: Province of Bataan. Ahern 306, For. Bur. 1387, 1652 Borden: Province of Tayabas, For. Bur. 10 Ware, For. Bur. 601/0 Kobbe, Merrill 2588, For. Bur. 10226, 10356, 10386 Curran: Province of Camarines, For. Bur. 101/81/, 10170 Curran, Ahern 1. Mindoro, For. Bur. 1,1/81, 711/2, 881,8, 0882 Merritt. Palawan, For. Bur. 5187, 71,21 Manalo. Masbate, For. Bur. 12818 . 12657 Rosenbluth, Merrill 2750. Guimabas, For. Bur. 206 0 am mill. Mindanao, For. Bur. 01/12, 01,88 Whitford d Hutchinson. Native names: Calupi, Calusit, Alupi (Cagayan); Calautit (llocos); 8aca t . Calamansali (Nueva Ecija); Calaotit (Nueva Vizcaya); Calumpit (Zambales. Bataan, Rizal, Tayabas, Mindoro); Bisal (Bulacan); Cayumayen (Zambales); Calumagon. Cotrnoc (Camarines); Burauis (Palawan); Magtalisay, Calumanog (Masbate); Tayataya (Guimaras). A widely distributed endemic species, yielding the timber commercially known as Calumpit. With the abundant material cited above, I am no longer able to distinguish Terminalia mollis (Presl) Rolfe from T. edulis Blanco. Young speci- mens of Blanco’s species have exactly the same type of pubescence as has Presl’s, MERRILL. 644 and a number of specimens among' those above cited show both softly pubescent leaves and branchlets, and other more mature perfectly glabrous leaves on the same branches. Mature plants are nearly glabrous throughout. 4. Terminalia comintana (Blanco) Merr. in Rhilip. .Journ. Sci. 4 (1009) But. 300. Bucida com intuna Blanco FI. Filip. ( 1 SB7 ) 850, ed. 2 (1845) 265, ed. 3. 2: 48. Terminalia chebula F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 80, non Retz. Terminalia multiflora Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1904) 34. This species is widely distributed in the Philippines, extending from northern Luzon to Mindanao. For numerous specimens representing the species, see those cited by myself I. c. Additional material is represented by the following: Lrzov, Province of Cagayan. For. liar. 18^80 Alvarez: Province of Ilocos Sur, For. liar. 13028 Faraiso : Province of Nueva Ecija, For. Bur. 1)310 Saroca. Lkytk. For. Bur. 12766 Hosenbluth. Native names: Lasila, Lasilac (Cagayan. Ilocos); Bang las (Nueva Ecija); Bingas (Zambales) ; Alaytulopoi ( Pangasinan ) ; Xaghubo, Palauag, Saplungan (llizal); Dinglas (Batangas); Baugias (Tayabas, Mindoro); Tiroron (Cama- rines) ; Malatagum (Zamboanga); Batitinan ( Zambales. Zamboanga ) ; Batitinan- babaye (Ticao) ; Bong as. Banyan (Leyte). Terminalia polyant ha Presl, reduced to this species by me. with doubt, belongs in a different section of the genus. ( eleb: s. 5. Terminalia oocarpa Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1904) 32, Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 103, sphalm. orocarpa. Terminalia ellipsoidea Merr. I. c. 33. Terminalia pellucida Merr. 1. c. pro parte. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, For. Bur. 17176 Curran: Province of Ilocos Norte. For. Bar. 13880 Merritt c£ Darling: Province of Rizal, Merrill 18211, For. Bur. 2!)!>2 Ahern's collector: Province of Bataan, For. Bur. 1216. 2075 Borden. Whit ford 3)7. Williams 687, For. Bur. 67 Barnes (type), For. Bur. 22)0, 2570 Meyer: Province of Tayabas, Merrill 10)3, 1951, 1052, 28J)6, For. Bur. 1 .) Ware, Whit ford 8.20, For. Bur. 10.275 Curran, For. Bur. 11512 Whit ford : Province of (amarines, For. Bur. 1063) Curran, Ahern 52. Mindoro, For. Bur. 3600, 11388 Merritt, II hit ford 1)70, Merrill 21)8 (type of Terminalia ellipsoidea Merr.). Native names: Dalinsi (Tayabas, Camarines) ; 8 a cat (Cagayan, Bataan); Talisag del monte (Bataan); Talisay gubat (Mindoro); Calutit (Ilocos); 1 ta- pa-tad (Rizal); Calumpit (Tayabas, Mindoro); Balinsil (Infanta); Malagabi ( Mindoro) . This species is closely allied to ’Terminalia pellucida Presl, but is distinguished by its larger leives, much larger fruits, and pubescent spikes. The abundant material now available has lead me to reduce Terminalia ellipsoidea, as the characters on which that species was based, do not appear to be constant. Endemic. 6. Terminalia pellucida Presl Epim. (1852) 214; Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 112, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 127; Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. ( Philip. ) 17 (1904) 35. Luzon, Province of Zambales, For. Bur. 110)0 Xschokhe , Merrill 1755, 2105, 2001: Province of Pangasinan, Cuming 1030 (cotype), For. Bur. 8268 Curran <(• Merritt, For. Bur. 1)351 1 illamil: Province of Pampanga. For. Bur. 5023 Curran. Two specimens from Palawan, Bur. Sri. 7 52 Foxuorthy, For. Bur. )157 Curran, may be referable here. REVISION OF PHILIPPINE COMBRETACEiE. 645 Native names: Solo-solo (Pampanga) ; Sobo-sobo (Zambales) ; Saguet (Zam- bales, Pangasinan ) ; Sacut, Aritongtong, Hakit (Zambales). Endemic. 7. Terminalia nitens Presl Epim. (1852) 214; \ id. Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 112, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1880) 127; Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1004) 33, Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1000) Suppl. 103. Terminalia belerica var. laurinoides F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 80, non Clarke. Luzox, Province of Cagayan, Cuming 1326 (cotype) : Province of I locos Norte, For. Bur. 13958 Merritt <6 Darling: Province of 1 locos Sur, For. Bur. 13023, 1301,8 Cara iso : Province of Zambales, HalHer , For. Bur. 0001, 5 911 Curran , Jot . Bur. 8313 Curran & Merritt. For. Bur. 9608, 9611 Zschokke: Province of Rizal, Merrill 2800, For. Bur. 10033 Curran, Bur. Sci. 203', Kamos: Province of Batangas. For. Bur. 7631/ Curran & Merritt: Province of Bataan, For. Jiur. 1205, 151, 7, 1562, 1619, 1738, 3058 Borden, For. Bur. 221,1 Meyer, For. Bur. 61, Barnes, Whitford 393, Bur. Sci. 1565 Foxworthy: Province of Tayabas. For. Bur. 15261, Rosenbluth. Mindoro, Whitford 11,79, For. Bur. 7 l',S Merritt. Palawan, For. Bur. 1,1,91, Curran. Masbate, For. Bur. 12591, Rosenbluth, Whitford 1691. Mindanao. District of Zamboanga, For. Bur. 921,0, 921,1, 9166 Whitford d Hutchinson. Native names: Sacat (Bataan, Rizal, Tarlac, Mindoro, Batangas); Dalinsi (Tayabas) ; Daminsil , Malagabi (Mindoro) ; Magtalisay (Masbate) ; M antalisay (Zamboanga); Calautit, Calactit, Anaguep (llocos). The last three species form a group of closely allied forms, but which are distinguishable, 1 believe, by the characters indicated in the key. The present species is usually distinguishable by its leaves being dark-brown and very shining when dry, a character in which it differs strongly from the other two. Endemic. 8. Terminalia blancoi sp. nov. § Bialata. Terminalia mollis Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1904) 34, non Presl. Arbor usque ad 20 m alta, ramulis junioribus, foliis subtus, petiolis, infloreseentiis, fructibusque ferrugineo-pubescentibus ; foliis chartaceis vel subcoriaceis, elliptico-ovatis vel elliptico-obovatis, acuminatis, basi acutis, usque ad 18 cm longis, nervis utrinque circiter 10, distinctis, petiolo usque ad 4 cm longo; spiels simplicibus, axillaribus, foliis aequilongis; floribus 5-meris; fructibus 3 cm longis, late 2-alatis, cum alis G cm latis. A tree 20 m liigb or less. Branches terete, brownish, the growing tips thickened, ferruginous-pubescent, and with numerous petiolar scars, the flowers and spikes crowded at the apices. Leaves chartaceous or subco- riaceous, elliptic-ovate to elliptic-obovate, 9 to 18 cm long, 5 to 10 cm wide, the base acute or acuminate, often slightly inequilateral, the apex acuminate, the upper surface glabrous, or the midrib sometimes pubescent, brown when dry and slightly shining, the lower surface paler, usually rather densely and softly ferruginous-pubescent, the pubescence persist- ing on specimens bearing mature fruits ; nerves about 10 on each side of the midrib, distinct, obscurely anastomosing, the ultimate reticulations fine, brown, distinct; petioles 1.5 to 4 cm long, usually with three or four glands, these sometimes wanting. Spikes axillary, solitary, simple, crowded with the leaves at the apices of the branches, about as long as (>46 MERRILL. the leaves, very densely ferruginous-pubescent. Flowers 5-merous, the calyx densely pubescent inside and out, about 4 mm in diameter, the lobes reflexed in anthesis, ovate. Stamens 10. Fruits ovate, slightly pubescent, 3 cm long, including the two coriaceous rounded wings 6 cm wide. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Merrill, Decades Philippine Forest Flora 2 (type), 207 Ahern’s collector, For. Bur. 3251, Ahern’s collector, Bur. Bci. 1009 Ramos, Merrill 2835: Province of Benguet, Twin Peaks, Elmer 0395. This species is probably the form mentioned by Blanco in the original descrip- tion of Gimbernatia calamansanai, as differing from the original form, which was collected in Laguna Province by Azaola, in its broader fruits, G. calamansanai having fruits (including the wings) “mas de una pulgada de ancho v media de alto,” while the other form mentioned has fruits up to two and one-half inches wide. The specimens cited above seem to represent a form that is constantly distinct from typical Terminalia calamansanai, recognizable by its much larger leaves, larger fruits, and its pubescence. All the sheets from Rizal Province bear the native (Tagalog) name Calamansacat . !). Terminalia calamansanai (Blanco) Rolfc in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 21 (1*84) 310; Vidal Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 127; Merr. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1004) 35. Gimbernatia calamansanai Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 266, ed. 3, 2: 120. Terminalia alata F.-Vill. Nov. App, (1880) 80, non Kurz. Terminalia parviflora Merr. in Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 17 (1904) 36, non Presl. This species presents several forms, which may eventually prove to be of specific rank when more material is available for study and comparison. The typical form is represented by specimens bearing fruits (including the wings) about 4 cm wide, and 2 cm long, as in the following specimens : Luzon, Province of Zambales, Merrill 2981, For. Bur. 5839 Curran: Province of Bataan, Ahern 785. Mindanao, Province of Surigao, Ahern 329. For. Bur. 0900 Curran, specimen in flower, from Zambales, is probably also referable here. Not being satisfied that the following two forms are specifically distinct, they are here indicated as varieties of T. calamansanai : Var. platypteris var. nov. Differt a typo fructibus majoribus, cum alis circiter 2.5 cm longis, 7 ad 8 cm latis. Luzon, Province of Zambales, Subic, For. Bur. 371 Maule, March, 1904, locally known as Subo-subo. Var. acuminata var. nov. Differt a typo et var. praecedente fructibus longioribus, cum alis 3 ad 3.5 cm longis, 5 ad 5.4 cm latis. Luzon, Province of Tayabas (Principe), Merrill 1007, August-September, 1902. Endemic. 10. Terminalia polyantha Presl Epim. (1852) 213; Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 112, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 128. Terminalia parviflora Presl 1. c. 214; Vidal 1. cc. Luzon, Province of Zambales, For. Bur. 0950, 0980, 0989, 0990 Curran: Province of Batangas, Cuming 11,39 (cotype of Terminalia parviflora). Mindoro. Cuming 1510 (cotype of Terminalia polyantha) . REVISION OF PHILIPPINE COMBRETACEJ3. 647 This species, although remarkably uniform in vegetative and floral characters, shows some variation in its fruits, which have from two to four wings, one of the Cuming specimens showing 2- and 3-winged fruits on the same plant. From an examination of cotypes of both of Presl’s species, before me, I am unable to distinguish them, and hence have included both under the first specific name. In my first consideration of Philippine Term inalia ~ both of the species described by Presl were misinterpreted, as neither the original descriptions of the species, nor cotype material was then available in Manila. T. polyantlia was reduced to T. catappa, to which it is not at all closely allied, while the specimen refeixed to T. parviflora does not represent that species. Later 3 T. polyantha was referred by me with doubt to T. comintana, which it resembles strongly in its inflorescence, and closely in its leaves, but which has entirely different fruits. Endemic. 11. Terminalia quadrialata Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 4 (1909) Bot, 301. This species is represented by a number of specimens from southern Luzon, Masbate, and Samar, but the flowers are as yet unknown. It is apparently universally known as Toog in the regions in which it is found. Endemic. EXCLUDED SPECIES. Terminalia arjuna Bedd.; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 80. An Indian form, not known from the Philippines, and doubtless listed by F.-Villar through a misconception of the species. 2. LUMNITZERA Willd. Racemes axillary; flowers white; stamens as long as the petals 1 . L. racemosa Racemes terminal; flowers scarlet; stamens twice as long as the petals. 2. L. lit tor ea 1. Lumnitzera racemosa Willd. in Ges. Naturf. Ir. Neue Schr. 4 (1803) 187; DC. Prodr. 3 (1828) 22; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 2 (1878) 452; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 1 1 2 (1856) 606; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 81; King in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 66 2 (1897) 334; Vid. Sinopsis Atlas (1883) t. J,8, fig- C, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 128. Petaloma alba Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 344, ed. 2 (1845) 240, ed. 3, 2. 82; Naves 1. c. ed. 3, t. 126. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, For. Bur. 10381^ Curran, April, 1908. Cebu, Bur. Sci. 1718 McGregor, September, 1906. Native names Culasi (Tag.), ex Blanco; Labau (lag.). In mangrove forests, apparently not very common in the Philippines. India to Formosa, the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, Madagascar, tropical Australia, and Polynesia. 2. Lumnitzera littorea (Jack) Voigt Hort. Suburb. Calcut. (1845) 39; Kurz Forest FI. Brit. Burma 1 (1877) 469. Pyrranthus littoreus Jack Mai. Miscel. 2 (1822) 57. Laguncularia purpurea Gaudich. Voy. Uranie (1826) 481, t. 104. Lumnitzera purpurea Presl Repert. 1 (1834) 155; Sclium. & Lauteib. 11. Deutsch. Schutzgeb. Siidsee (1901) 468; Merr. in Forest. Bureau (Philip.) Bull. 1 (1903) 155. 1 Publications of the Bureau of Government Laboratories 17 (1904) 31-36. 3 This Journal 4 (1909) Botany 300. 618 MERRILL Lumnitzera coccinea W. & A. Prodr. 1 (1834) 316; Miq. FI. hid. Bat. 1‘ ( 1856) 606; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 2 (1878) 452; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 80; \ id. Rev. PI. \ asc. Filip. ( 1886) 128; King, in dourn. As. Soc. Beng. 66 - (1897) 334. Petaloma coccinea Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 345, ed. 2 (1845) 240, ed. 3. 2: 83. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, For. Fur. 7083 Klemme: Province of Zambales, Meitill 3082, tor. Fur. 0888 ( urron. Fur. Sci. 1,7 32 ltamos: Province of Tayabas, Merrill 21,83, 2065, For. Fur. 1023), 10386. 10250 Curran, (Principe) Merrill 1J',6: Province of Sorsogon, For. Fur. 10506 Curran. Mindoro, Merrill 2305, For. Fur. 51,27. 0807, 0802 Merritt. Culion, Merrill 583. Palawan, Fur. Sci. 266 Ferine jos, For. Fur. 3.711 Curran. Fur. Sci. 61 1, Foxworthy. Masbate, For. Fur. 12660 Koscnbluth. For. Fur. 100), \ ('lark. Negros, For. Fur. 15013 Diehl. For. Fur. .>603 Everett. Dinagat, Ahern 1,1,1. Basilan, For. Fur. 1,020 Hutchinson. Mindanao, Province of Surigao, Ahern 501; District of Davao. Copeland 1323; District of Zamboanga, For. Fur. 031,5, 01,36 Whit ford d Hutchinson. Native names: Carifurog (Negrito, Cagayan) ; Lebato, Fasasic, lAbato, Agnaya , Aguia, Calapini, Culasi, Anilay, Colisiman (Tag.); Taboo, Duloc-duloc, Fuloc- buloc, Saga-sa, Maoro (Vis.); Canting-panting (Moro). In mangroves and beach forests throughout the Philippines, abundant. India to the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago to New Guinea, tropical Australia, and Polynesia. Lumnitzera pedicellata Presl of the Marianne and Marshall Islands is doubtfully distinct. 3. COMBRETUM Linn. Calyx-tube less than 3 mm long. All parts glabrous or nearly so ]. C. acuminatum Inflorescence and calyx-tubes very densely lepidote 2. C. squamosum ( alyx-tube elongated, at least 5 mm long. Flowers in elongated spikes, the calvx-tubes only slightly puberulent. 3. C. extension Flowers densely arranged at the ends of the panicle-branches, the calyx-tubes rather densely puberulent 4. C. confusum 1. Combretum acuminatum Roxb. Hort. Beng. (1814) 28. FI. Ind. 2 (1832) 228; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 2 (1878) 455; Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 112, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 128; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 81. Samar, Cuming 1681. The range given for this species by Clarke, 1. c, is from the Transgangetic Peninsula from Assam to Singapore, Ceylon, Madras Peninsula?, Malaya to the Philippines, but he may have included more than typical Combretum acuminatum Roxb. in his conception of the species. King4 does not include the species in his "Materials for a Flora of the Malayan Peninsula” as occurring in the area covered hy that work, nor does he mention it in his discussions of the accepted species. As 1 have only a fragment of Cuming’s specimen, and no Indian material for comparison, I am constrained to accept Clarke’s identification of Cuming’s specimen for the present. The Philippine specimen seems, however, to differ from Rox- burgh’s species, as described, in being quite glabrous. As to the name of the species, Kurz5 accepts Combretum costaUum Roxh.. which has page priority over C. acuminatum Roxb. 4 dourn. As. Soc. Beng. 66- (1897) 335-341. 1 Forest Flora of British Burma 1 (1877) 465. REVISION OF PHILIPPINE COMBIlETACEiE. 649 2. Combretum squamosum Roxb. Hurt. Beng. (1814) 28, FI. Ind. 2 (18.12) 231; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. I1 (1856) 607; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 2 (1878) 456; F.-Yill. Nov. App. (1880) 81; Vid. Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 112, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 128; Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906)' Suppl. 103; King in Journ. As. Soe. Beng. 66- (1807) 339. Combretum squamosum var. luzonicum Presl Epim. (1852) 216. Combretum distillatorium Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 295. Combretum laxum Blanco 1. c. ed. 2 (1845) 206, ed. 3, 2: 22; 1‘ .A ill. Nov. App. (1880) 81. non Roxb. Luzox, Province of Ilocos Sur, Cuming 1122: Province of Zambales, Hallicr s. n. : Province of Nueva Ecija, For. Bur. 8501, Curran: Province of Pangasinan, Bur. Sci. ',831 Ramos: Province of Ri/.al. Bur. Sci, 5 Foxworthy, Merrill 181,0, For. Bur. 100 J .1 hern’s collector: Province of Bataan, Whitford 1032, For. Bur. 2301/. 2173 Meyer, Elmer 6713, For. Bur. 231,1, 2338 Borden. Cut.ion, Merrill 601,. Panay, Copeland s. n. Basilax, Hallier s. n. Northern and eastern Bengal to Nepal, ( hittagong. the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. 3. Combretum extensum Roxb. llort. Beng. (1814) 28. 11. Ind. 2 (1832) 229; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 2 (1878) 458; King in Journ. As. Soc. Beng. 662 (1897) 337; Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 4 (1909) Bot. 300. Palawan, Mount Pulgar, Bur. Sci. 51,7 Foxworthy. Mindoro, For. Bur. 1/071, Merritt. India to the Andaman Islands, the Malay Peninsula, and Java. 4. Combretum confusum Merr. & Rolfe in Philip. Journ. Sci. 3 (1908) Bot. 116. Combretum sexalatum Merr. 1. c. 1 (1906) Suppl. 212. pro parte. Luzon, Province of Rizal. For. Bur. 3130 Ahern’s collector, Bur. Sci. 1,60 7 Ramos. An endemic species, closely allied to and possibly not specifically distinct from Combretum sundaicum Miq. of the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. EXCLUDED SPECIES. C. wallich it DC.; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 81. C. OVALIFOLIUM Roxb. ; F.-Vill. 1. c. C. micropetalum DC.; Llanos in Mem. Ac. Cienc. Madr. 4 (1859) 502. C. rotun DIFOLIUM DC.; Llanos l. c. None of the above species are represented by extant Philippine botanical material, and all were doubtless credited to the Archipelago through misconcep- tions of the species by F.-Villar and Llanos. 4. QU 1SQUALIS Linn. Quisqualis indica Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2 (1762) 556; Presl Rel. Haenk. 2 (1830) 25; Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 361, ed. 2 (1845) 254, ed. 3. 2: 109; Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind. 2 (1878) 459; F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 81; Vid. Cat. PI. Prov. Manila (1880) 30, Sinopsis Atlas (1883) t. 1,8, f. D, Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 112, Rev. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 128; Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 1 1 (1855) 610; King in Journ. As. Soc. Beng 66 2 (1897) 342; Merr. in Philip. Journ. Sci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 103. 3 (1908) Bot. 422. (J. spinosa Naves in Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 3, t. 133. Q. malabqrica F.-Vill. Nov. App. (1880) 81. non Bedd. (J. densi flora F.-Vill. 1. c. non Wall.? MERRILL. 65( ) Babuyanes, Camiguin Island, Bur. Sci. 3958 Ftnix. Luzon, Province of Ca- gayan, For. Bur. 18610 Klemme, Bur. Sci. 7930 Ramos : Province of Isabela. Bur. 8ci. 312 7 M earns, For. Bur. 18582, 18587 Alvarez, Bur. Sci. 8069 Ramos: Province of Zambales, Merrill 1746, Cuming 1197: Province of Nueva Ecija, Merrill 276: Province of Bataan, For. Bur. 1497 Ahern’s collector, Bur. Sci. 952 Mangubat, \\ hit ford 39, 1287: Manila, Normal School 169 Nunez: Province of Rizal, For. Bur. 2907 Ahern’s collector, Merrill 1676, 2324, Bur. Sci. 3300 Ramos: Province of Tayabas, Gregory 89, Whitford 7 06, For. Bur. 6611 Kobbc, Bur. Sci, 2357 M earns: Province of Cainarines, Ahern 179, 290: Province of Albav, Bur. Sci. 6418 Robinson. Mindoro, Merrill 913, 2216, 2464, McGregor 157. Ticao, For. Bur. 1053, 2536 Clark. Cebu, Barrow 9. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, ,1/rs Clemens 278. Native names: Tal-lolong (11.) ; Talulong (Cag.) ; Tortoraoc (Zamb.); Tan- golon, Niogniogan, Tangolo (Tag.); Bonor, Tangolan (Vis). Widely distributed in the Philippines at low altitudes, and occasionally' cultivated for ornamental purposes. India (cultivated), to Burma, southern ( liina and Formosa, the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago to New Guinea; cultivated in other tropical countries. L1CHENES 1NSULARUM PH1L1PP1N ARUM, 1. By E. A. Wainio. ( Helsingfors , Finland.) I DISCOIJCHENES. A. CYCLOCARPEAE. Trib. 1. PARMELIEAE. 1. EUMITRIA Stirt. Axis chondroideus thalli late tubulosus, stratum myelohyphicum, ex hyphis baud conglutinatis formatum, continens. 1. E. endorhodina Wain. sp. nov. Strato gonidiali roseo et reactionibus thalli dignota. Thallus e rectus, long. circ. 80 mm, rigidus, stramineo-glaucescens, teres, apices et basin versus laevigatus, ceterum totus verruculis minutissimis (circ. 0.15—0.1 mm latis), apice stramineis, esorediatis, creberrimis instructis, sat in- crebre dichotome ramosus, ramis adventitiis spinulaeformibus, circ. 1-5 mm longis et 0.2 mm crassis ornatus. Stratum gonidiale crebre con- textum, tenue, roseum, primum subalbidum, KHO intensius rubescens. Axis chondroideus tubulosus, IvHO intense lutescens, stratum myelohy- phicum laxissime contextum, KHO lutescens, continens. Luzon, prov. Benguet, Pauai, liur. Sci. Jf5J/3 p. p. M earns, alt. 2100 m s. m. Ad corticem Pini insularis Endl. Ster. 2. E. endochroa Wain. sp. nov. Var. papillata Wain. Thallus verruculis esorediatis instructus. Strato gonidiali albido- stramineo a specie praecedente differt. Thallus erectus, long. circ. 90- 130 mm, rigidus, glauco-stramineus, teres, apices et basin versus laevigatus, ceterum totus verruculis minutissimis (circ. 0.1 mm latis), apice stra- mineis, esorediatis, creberrimis instructus, increbre dichotome et partim sympodialiter ramosus, ramis adventitiis spinulaeformibus, circ. 2-12 mm longis, circ. 0.2 mm crassis ornatus, jodo non reagens. Stratum gonidiale 051 652 WAI.XIO. teinie, erebre contextum, albido-stramineum, KHO lutescens, dein auran- tiaco-i'ulvescens. Axis chondroideus tubulosus, KIIO parum lutescens, stratum myelohyphicum laxissime contextual, KHO leviter lutescens, continens. E. trullifera (Nvl.) Wain. (Tsnea Nvl. apud Croinb., Lich. ('hall. Exp. (1878) 224) strato gonidiali stramineo roseo-maculato oete- risque notis ah hac varietate secundum specimen orig. in herb. \vl. differt. Luzon, prov. Laguna, mims Banajao, For. Bur. 7 991 p. p. Curran <(- Merritt: prov. Le panto, mens Data, Merrill 1,990 p. p., alt. 2100 m s. m. Ad truncos arboruni. 8ter. Var. farinosa Wain. 'Phallus verruculis deni um soralia parvula formantibus, crebris in- structus. Stratum gonidiale stramineum aut deinutn sulphureum, KIIO leviter lutescens, dein aurantiaco-fulvescens. Axis chondroideus tubu- losus, KIIO parum lutescens, stratum myelohyphicum laxissime con- textum, KHO leviter lutescens, continens. Apothecia circ. 4-5 mm lata, disco carneo-pallido, tenuiter pruinoso, margine spinuloso, spinulis nume- rosis, excipulo subtus laevigato. Hypothecium stramineum. Epithecium stramineum, granulosum. Sporae distichae, ellipsoideae, apicibus rotun- datis, decolores, simplices, long. 0.008-0.001), crass. 0.005-0.007 mm. Asci jodo caerulescentes. Luzon, prov. Laguna, mons Banajao, For. Bur. 791)1 p. p. Curran d Merritt. Ad truncum arboris. Fert. 2. USNEA (Dill.) Pers. 1. U. florida (L.) Wain. Var. subcomosa Wain. (Addit. Licli. Antill.) Stratum myelohyphicum erebre contextum, KHO intense lutescens. Axis chondroideus crassitudine mediocris. Luzon, prov. Lepanto, mons Data. Merrill 1,1)05, alt. 2100 m s. m. In arboribus Fert. 2. U. perplexans (Stirt.) Wain. Stratum myelohyphicum erebre contextum, KHO lutescens, dein ru- bescens. Axis chondroideus crassitudine mediocris. Luzon, prov. Benguet, Baguio, cum For. liar. 15021: Curran. Ad Finum insularem Endl. Ster. •1. U. australis Fr. (I . cinchonartnn ( F£e) Wain.) Forma subinermis Wain. (fitud. Licli. Br6s. 1:7) I hallus erectus, increhre dichotome ramosus, ramulis adventitiis parcis aut fere null is, erebre verruculosus. Stratum myelohyphicum laxe con- textum, KIIO lutescens, dein rubescens. Axis chondroideus tenuis. Luzon, prov. Benguet, Pauai, Bur. Sci. 1,51,2 p. p. M earns, alt. 2100 m a. m.: Prov. Laguna, mons Banajao, For. Bar. 7991 p. p. Curran d Merritt. Ster. LIOHENES INSULAltUM PHILIl'PINARUM, I. 653 4. U. pycnoclada Wain. sp. nov. 'Phallus fruticulosus, erectus, long. eirc. 1 rt— 35 min, sat mollis, stra- mineus aut demum partim pallido-stramineus, tores, apioem versus cre- berrime iteratim dichotome ramosus, ceterum minus crebre iteratim dichotome et sympodialiter ramosus, ramis primariis 1-0.5 mm erassis et maxima parte creberrime cartilagineo-verruculosis, verrueulis angustis- simis, ramis superioribus laevigatis, apices versus soraliis numerosis aut parcis instructus, ramis adventitiis nullis. Stratum myelohvphicum laxissime contextum, KHO non reagens. Axis chondroideus tenuis, neque K HO, nee jodo reagens. Luzon, prov. Laguna, mens Banajao, cun. For. Bur. 7999, 8000 Curran & Merritt. 5. U. philippina Wain. sp. nov. Var. primaria Wain. Stratum myelohyphicum KHO non reagens. Tballus pendulus, demum elongatus (200 mm excedens), parum rigidus, stramineus aut glam es- eenti-sti amineus, teres, increbre aut sat increbre iteratim dichotome ramosus, axillis vulgo patentissimis, ramis primariis 1. 5-0.6 mm erassis, laevigatas, partim cortice increbre aut crebre annulato-diffraeto, ramis adventitiis et sored i is destitutes. Stratum myelohyphicum bene evolu- tion, ex hvphis crebre eontextis formatum, KHO non reagens. Axis chondroideus crassitudine mediocris (mesinus), KHO non reagens, jodo demum intense caerulescens. LUZON, prov. Lepanto, mons Data, Merrill ',082, alt- 2100 n, s. m. A<1 Finum insularem Endl. Ster. Yar. M earns ii Wain. Stratum myelohyphicum KHO lutescens. Tballus apicibus filiformi- bus, tenuioribus quam in var. primaria,, ramis piimaiiis O.i O.o mm erassis. Axis chondroideus jodo distincte (at baud intense) caerulescens. I Tahiti! haec species est similis U. intercalari Krempelh., at defectu sore- diorum et reactionibus ab ea differens. Luzon, prov. Benguet, Pauai, Bur. 8ci. M earns, alt. 2100 m s. m. Ad Finum insularem Endl. Ster. 6. U. trichodea Ach. U. ciliata (Mull. Arg.) Wain. V. trichodea var. ciliata Miill. Arg. Lich. Beitr. (El. 1875) n. 43, hand Xeuropogon melaxanthus var. ciliatus Nyl. Licli. No\. Zd. ( 18157) 245 (=var. sphacelata R. Br.) Tballus pendulus, demum elongatus, flexilis, stramineo-glaucescens aut albido-glauceseens, teres, sympodialiter et increbre dichotome ramosus, ramis primariis 0.7-0.3 mm erassis, laevigatus aut passim parce verru- eulis parvis instructus (aut in specimine orig. cortice demum annulato- diffraeto), sorediis destitutus, ramis adventitiis circ. 1-18 mm longis, WAINIO. 7 654 squarrosis partim abundanter instructus. Stratum myelohyphicum ex hypliis crebre contextis formatum, KHO lutescens, dein mox rubescens, jodo non reagens. Axis chondroideus crassitudine mediocris (mesinus), jodo non reagens. Heactionibus cum specimine orig. congruens. Luzon, prov. Batangaa, For. Bur. 7812 Curran & Merritt. In minis arborum. Ster. Var. rubiginosa (Ilepp). I . longissima b. rubiginosa Hepp in Zolling. Syst. Verzeichn. (1854) 7; Mont, et v. <]. Bosch Lich. Jav. (1856) 2. fj. trirhodea v. rubiginosa Miill. Arg. Lich. Beitr. (FI. 1878) n. 84. Phallus saepe crassior, faeile rubescens. Thallus pendulus, demum elongatus, sat frag il is, strain ineo-glaucescens, in humiditate faeile rubes- cens, teies, sympodialiter et increbre dichotome ramosus, ramis primariis 1-0. d mm crassis, laevigatas et passim parce verruculis parvis instructus et in ramis primariis cortice vulgo areolato aut annulato-diffracto, sore- diis dest i tutus, ramis adventitiis circ. 3-15 mm longis, squarrosis abun- danter Jnstructus. Stratum myelohyphicum ex hypliis crebre contextis formatum, KHO lutescens, dein mox rubescens. Axis chondroideus cras- situdine mediocris (mesinus), facile rubescens, jodo non reagens. Cum specimine, in Java a Kurz lecto, in herb. Nyl. (n. 36472) etiam reactio- nibus congruens. Lezox, prov. Bataan, La mao, For. Bur. 75.10 Curran. In arbore. Ster. 7. U. squarrosa Wain. sp. nov. Phallus pendulus, demum elongatus, sat Hexilis aut leviter fragilis, stramineus aut glaucescenti-strara incus, teres, sympodialiter et increbre dichotome ramosus, ramis primariis 1-0.4 mm crassis, partim laevigatus, partim plus minusve increbre verruculosus, verruculis parvis et saepe parum prominentibus, circ. 0.001 mm latis, stramineis, in ramis primariis cortice vulgo annulato-diffracto, sorediis destitutus, ramis adventitiis circ. 1-22 mm longis, circ. 0.2-0.15 mm crassis, squarrosis abundanter in- structus. Stratum myelohyphicum ex hypliis crebre contextis formatum, sat tenue, KHO lutescens, dein rubescens, jodo non reagens. Axis chon- droideus sat crassus (pachynus), solidus aut interdum demum poro tenui medullam laxam continente instructus, jodo caerulescens. Apothecia lateralia aut subterminalia, circ. 3-4 mm lata, disco livido-caesio aut carneo-pallido, vulgo bene pruinoso, margine spinulis numerosis aut paucis aut nullis ornato, excipulo subtus laevigato. Sporae 8-nae, ellipsoideae aut subgloboso-ellipsoideae, simplices, decolores, long. 0.008-0.009, crass. 0.005-0.008 mm. Habitu similis est U. trichodeae Ach., cujus thallus jodo non reagens et stratum myelohyphicum KHO baud distincte reagens secundum specimen orig. e Nova Scotia in herb. Ach. Mindanao, (’astra Keithley prope lacum Lanao, Mary Strong Clemens 1308- prov. Zamboanga, Port. Banga, For. Bur. 0300 Whit ford & ' Hutchinson. In arboribns. Fert. LICHENES INSULARUM PHILIPPINARUM, I. 655 8. U. longissima Ach. Var. typica Wain. Stratum myelohyphicum thalli KHO non reagens ; axis cliondroideus pachynus, jodo caerulescens. Luzon, prov. Lepanto, mons Data, cum Merrill 4644, alt* 2100 m s. m. : prov. Benguet, Pauai, Bur. Sci Mearns, alt. 2100 m s. m. In arboribus. Ster. Var. misamisensis Wain. Thallus paullo magis fragilis quam in f. typica. Stratum myelohy- phicum KHO lutescens. Axis cliondroideus jodo caerulescens. Apothe- cia circ. 2-0.7 mm lata, disco concavo aut piano, carneo-pallido, tenuiter pruinoso, margine ramulis numerosis ornato, excipulo subtus laevigato. Sporae 8-nae, ellipsoideae aut subgloboso-ellipsoideae, long. 0.008-0.009, crass. 0.005—0.006 mm. Mindanao, prov. Misamis, mons Malindang, For. Bur. JfiOl Mearns <€ Hutchin- son. Luzon, prov. Lepanto, mons Data, cum Merrill 4944, alt. 2100 m s. m. In arboribus. Fert. 9. U. furcata Wain. sp. nov. Var. communis Wain. Stratum myelohyphicum laxe contextum. Thallus pendulus, demum elongatus, flexilis aut sat mollis, stramineus aut stramineo-pallidus, teres, sat increbre iteratim dichotome et partim parceque sympodialiter ramosus, ramis primariis 1.5— 0.5 mm crassis, apicibus filiform i-attenuatis vulgo elongatis, laevigatus, leviter nitidus, sorediis destitutus, ramis adventitiis nullis. Stratum myelohyphicum ex hypliis laxe contextis formatum, KHO lutescens, dein rubescens, jodo non reagens. Axis cliondroideus tenuis (leptinus) jodo non reagens. Apothecia lateralia aut subtermi- nalia, 5. 5-1. 5 mm lata, disco carneo-pallido aut testaceo-livido, tenuiter stramineo-pruinoso, margine spinulis numerosissimis aut paucis instructo, excipulo subtus laevigato. Sporae 8-nae, disticbae, simplices, decolores, ellipsoideae aut subgloboso-ellipsoideae, long. 0.008-0.011, crass. 0.006- 0.008 mm. Hymenium jodo intense caerulescens. Kamificatione thalli et habitu similis est U. dichotomae Fr., quae secundum specimen n. 36452 in herb. Nyl. (ex herb. Deless.) thallo parce soredioso et KHO non reagente ab ea differt. U. fragilis Wain, et U. flexilis Stirt. thallo sym- podialiter ramoso ab ea distinguuntur. Luzon, prov. Lepanto, mons Data, Merrill 4990, alt. 2100 m s. m. : prov. Benguet, Pauai, Bur. Sci. 4543 p. p. Mearns: prov. Tayabas, mons Banajao, For. Bur. 7999 Curran & Merritt: prov. Z timbales, mons Tapulao, For. Bur. 8167 Curran arce ohliquae, apicibus obtusis, long. 0.10-0.013, crass. 0.004-0.005 mm. In arboribus in insulin Philippines secundum specimen a Llanos lectum in herb. meo. Fert. LICHENES INSULA HUM PlllLIUPINARUM, 1. 657 5. R. vittata Nyl. 1. c. 62. Secundum specimen n. 36971 in herb. Nyl. in insulis Philippinensibus a Cuming lecta. Fert. 5. CETRARIA (Ach.) Th. Fr. 1. C. straminea Wain. sp. nov. Thallus strainineus aut glaucescenti-stramineus et passim nigricanti- variegatus, leviter nitidus, laevigatas aut passim parcissime stigmatoideo- punctatus, iutus alb us, irregular iter laciniatus lobatusque, laciniis cire. 25-5 min latis, apice rotundatis, adpressus, apicibus saepe leviter adsccn- ( lentil) us, isidiis et sored i is destitutes, margine passim parce ciliato et pycnoconidangiis sessilibus aut aj)ieibus spinulorum atlixis ornato, subtus nigricans, sat nitidus, pseudocyphellis albis, minutis, parum impressis, crebre punctatus, ceterum laevigatas, rbizinis parcissimis instruct us, IvHO superne non reagens, iutus leviter lutescens, dein leviter rubescens, CaCl202 non reagens, his solutionibus unitis superne leviter lutescens, intus leviter rubescens. Statura tlialli subsimilis Parmeliae perlatae. Herbario Nylanderi haec species deest. Luzon, prov. Laguna, nions Banajao, For. Bur. 1088 Curran rf Merritt. Ad truncum arboris. Ster. 6. PAR ME LI A (Ach.) De Not. 1. P. (sect. Amphigymnia) perlata Kraempelh. Thallus margine sorediosus, medulla KHO lutescente et, addito CaCl202, rubesccnte. Mindanao, Castra Keithley prope lacum Lanao, Clemens 1300: prov. Zam- boanga. Copeland “C”. Tn rupe. Ster. 2. P. Zollingeri Hepp in Zolling. Syst. Verz. (1854) 6; Mont. & v. d. Bosch Lich. Jav. (1856) 16, (baud Hue Lich. Extra-Eur. 207). F. saccatiloba Nyl. FI. (1885) 608 (hand Tayl. in Hook. Journ. Bot. (1847) 174, second. Mull. Arg. Lich. Beitr. n. 1353, et Hue 1. c. 206). Thallus sorediis et ciliis et isidiis destitutes, KHO superne et intus lutescens, 0ad202 noil reagens, at bis solutionibus unit is intus U\ib i rubescens. Coll. Zollinger n. 1241 secundum 4 specim. in herb. Nyl. cum speciminibus Philippinensibus congruens ; medulla tlialli in n. 35340 et 35546 KHO lutescens, in n. 35329 et 35331 primum lutescens, dein dilute fuscescenti-fulvescens. Luzon, prov. Copeland “M”. 1328. Camigiin Benguet, For. Bur. 13021 Curran: prov. Bataan, nions Mariveles, Mindanao, Castra Keithley prope lacum Lanao, Clemens 131.'f, (Babuyanes), Bur. Sci. J,1Vt Fenix. Ad truncos arborum. Fert. 3. P. n ilgherrensis Nyl. Thallus margine ciliatus et sorediosus. Medulla neque KHO, nec CaCl202 reagens, at bis reagentiis unitis rubescens. Luzon, prov. Lepanto, mons Data, Merrill IflM, alt. 2100 m s. m. : prov. Benguet, Baguio, For. Bur. 1562Jf Curran. Ad truncos Pini insularis Endl. Ster. 89217 5 658 WAINIO. 4. P. corniculans Nyl. Kl. (1886) 607. Medulla thalli lieque KIIO, nee CaUl202 reagens, at his solutionibus oiiilis intense nibescens. Thallus isidiis et sorediis destitutes, margine bene ciliato. Apothecia perforata, margine plus minusve dentato cilia- toque, excipulo subtus laevigato aut rugoso. Luzon, prov. Zambales, For. Bur. 8161 Curran d Merritt: prov. Benguet, mons Tonglon, Bur. Sci. 51,89 Ramos. Mindoro, mons Halcon, Merrill 5738. A<1 truncos arborum et in rupibus. Fert. 5. P. Merrillii Wain. sp. nov. Ihallus superne sordide albidus aut glaucescenti-albidus, praesertim centrum versus et ad margines etiam nigricanti-variegatus, intus albus, subtus totus ater aut raro parti m ad ambitum pallidus, laciniis circ. 30—10 mm la t i s, irregtdariter lobatis, lobis nonnullis apice rotundatis subintegrisque, ceterum margine profunde dentata et laciniata, dentibus lacinulisque saepe 1-10 mm longis, 0.3-0.8 (-1) mm latis, simplicibus aut fuicatis, sat acutis aut apice angustato, planis aut superne convexis, sat laxe affixes, lobis saepe partim contortis at plus minusve imbricatis adscendentibusve, ceterum sat laevigatus, margine passim parce aut sat parcc ciliato, ciliis 3-0.5 mm longis, nigris, simplicibus, sorediis et isidiis destitutus, subtus rhizinis brevibus, nigris passim parcissime instructus, KIIO superne lutescens, intus leviter lutescens, CaCl202 non reagens, at his solutionibus unitis intus leviter rubescens. Apothecia mediocria’ circ. 5-8 mm lata cupuliformia, subpedicellata aut sessilia, imperforata aut raro demum minute perforata, disco rufo aut testaceo-rufescente, undo, opaco aut nitido, margine tenui, minute papilloso-denticulato aut paice lacinulato, baud ciliato, excipulo subtus sat laevigato aut leviter luguloso. Hymenium circ. 0.1 mm crassum, ascis solis jodo caerules- ccntibus. Sporae 8-nae, distichae, simplices, decolores, ellipsoideae, long. 0.019—0.030, crass. 0.011—0.017 mm, membrana 0.003 mm crassa, exosporio et endosporio sat distincto, apicibus rotundatis. Conceptacula pvcnoco- nidiorum thallo ambitum versus immersa, apice atro parum emergente. Pycnoconidia hand bene cognita (unum subbifusiforme, rectum, '"long.' 0.007, crass. 0.0007 mm, inter sterigmata male evoluta vidi). Habitu similis est P. disparili Nyl., quae lacinulis subtus albidis et medulla CaCl202 non reagente et thallo ciliis destitute secundum specimen orig. n. 35103 in herb. Nyl. ab ea disinguitur. Luzon, prov. Zambales, Bur. Sci. 5156 Ramos, For. Bur. 8177 Curran d Merritt: prov. Benguet, mons Tonglon, Bur. Sci. 51,93 Ramos. Mindoro, mons Halcon, Merrill 6163, alt, 2400 m s. m. Ad truncos. Fert, 6. P. coralloidea (Mey. & Flot.) Wain, fitud. Lich. Br4s. 1: 33. Thallus isidiosus, medulla alba, KHO non reagente, CaCl.,0., rubes- cente. Mindanao, t astra Keithley prope lacum Lanao, cum Clemens 1319. Ad trun cum arboris. Ster. LICHEN ES INSULARUM PHILIPPINARUM, I. 659 7. P. latissima Fee var. cristifera (Tayl.) Hue. Thallus ciliis desti tutus, intus KHO lutescens, dein nibescens. Mindanao, prov. Davao, Copeland 1219. Ad truncum arboris. Ster. 8. P. Clandelii (Harm.) Wain, in Schmidt FI. Koh Chang Licli. (1909) 337. Yar. Clemensae Wain. var. nov. Thallo subtus late dcnudato, passim rhizinis brevibus et papillis crebris instructo et margine parcissime ciliato a P. Clandelii differens et ad P. latissimam accedens. Thallus margine sorediosus, KHO superne lutes- eens, intus lutescens, dein rubescens. Apothecia cupuliformia, breviter pedicellata, imperforata, disco testaceo, nudo, margine subintegro aut crenato, ciliis destituto, excipulo subtus laevigato, soredioso (sporis baud juvenilibus) . Pycnoconidia lageniformi-subfusiformia aut parce sub- bifusiformia, recta, long. 0.007—0.005, crass. 0.0007 mm. Mindanao, Castra Keithley prope lacum Lanao, Clemens 1319, 1311f p. p., 1328 p. p. Ad truncos arborum. Fert. 9. P. (Irregularis) cetrata Acli. Mindanao, prov. Davao, mons Apo, Copeland 1090 p. p., alt. 1800 in s. m. Ad truncum arboris. Ster. 10. P. manilensis Wain. sp. nov. Thallus albidus aut glaucescenti-albidus, intus albus, interne niger, laciniis circ. 8-3 mm latis, inaequaliter dilatatis, basi vulgo valdc angustatis, irregulariter inaequaliterque lacinulatis, apice rotundato-di- latato aut anguloso-lacinulato angustatoque, adpresso aut leviter adscen- dente, sorediis et isidiis destitutes, vulgo sat laevigatus, cortice continuo aut centrum versus fortuito rimosus, subtus partiin rugulosus, usque ad marginem rhizinis crebris, sat brevibus, 0.5-0. 7 mm longis, nigris, saepe ramulosis, tenuibus instructus, KHO superne lutescens et demum ful- vescens, intus non reagens, CaCl202 non reagens, his solutionibus unitis intus non reagens. Apothecia numerosa et partim crebra mediocria aut minora, circ. 3.5-2 mm lata, primum cupuliformia, dein applanata peltataque, basi bene constricta, sessilia, imperforata, disco rufo, nudo, nitido, margine sat tenui, din involute, subintegro aut leviter tisso, ciliis destituto, excipulo extus laevigato. Paraphyses increbre ramoso-con- nexae, tubulis tenuibus, membranis gelatinoso-incrassatis, ceterum in- distincte limitatis, at apicibus rufescenti-clavatis distincte limitatis. Epithecium rufeScens, gelatina cuticulari fere decolore. Sporae 8-nae, disticliae, simplices, decolores, ellipsoideae, apicibus rotundatis, membrana 0.001 mm crassa, long. 0.02-0.013, crass. 0.01-007 mm. Jodo asci soli caerulescentes. P. macro car poides Wain, apotheciis subpedicellatis et vulgo perforatis, P. subtiliacea Kyi. rhizinis parcis et thallo superne calcareo-glaucescente et P. fecunda Hue sporis minoribus ab hac specie differunt. Luzon, prov. Benguet, mons Tonglon, Bur. Sci. 51/82a Itamos. Ad saxa. Fert. WAINLO. 660 11. P- Hookeri Tayl. in Hook. .Tourn. Hot. (1847) 169; Wain. Cat. Welw. Afr. PI. Lich. (1901) 400. Thallus isidiosus, KUO superne lutescens, iiitus lutescens et demum rubescens, CaCl20., non reagens. P. mciphora Nyl. Lich. Guin. 45, t hallo majore ah hac specie differt. Luzon, prov. Bengtiet, Baguio, For. Bur. 15626 Curran. Ad truncum Pint insularis Endl. Ster. 12. P. (sect. Sublinearis) americana (Mey. Plot.) Mont.; Wain. Licli. Nov. Bar. I, Hedwigia (1899) 122. Thallus subtus margine fibrillosus, ceterum glaber, superne isidiosus, sorediis destitulus, KUO superne lutescens, intus primum lutescens, dein rubescens. Luzon, prov. Benguet, Baguio, For. Bur. 15625 Curran. Ad truncum Bini i axillaris Endl.; nwns Tonglon, Bur. Bci. 5 Ramos, in rupe. Ster. 13. P. sorocheila Wain. Licli. Nov. Bar. 1. Hedwigia (1899) 123. Thallus subtus margine fibrillosus, ceterum subtus glaber, isidiis des- titutus, partim in apice et parce etiam in margine laeiniarum soraliis rotundatis instructus, KIIO superne flaveseens, intus primum lutescens, dein rubescens. Luzon, prov. Lepanto, ns Data, Merrill 5, alt. 2100 m s. m. Ad truncos Bini insularis Endl. Ster. 14. P. subdissecta Nyl. FI. (1882) 452; Nvl. & Croud), in .Tourn. Hot. (1882) 51. I ha 1 1 us albidus, adpressus, isidiis minutissimispassim parce instructus, sorediis et ciliis destitutus crebre iteratim dichotome ramosus, laciniis sublinearibus, 1-0.3 mm latis, apicibus obtusis aut truncatis retusisve, KIIO superne lutescens, intus non reagens, Cat ’UK non reagens, at bis solutionibus unitis intus rubescens. Apothecia peltata applanataque, adpressa, sessilia, disco rufo, undo, nitido, piano aut leviter concavo, margine sat tenui, leviter crenulato, excipulo subtus laevigato, isidiis des- 6 tut a. 1 1 vmenium 0.035—0.04 mm crassum, praesertim ascis jodo caeru- lescentibus. Epithecium testaceo-rufescens. Paraphvses crebre -septatae, tubulis mediocribus, 0. 002-0. 0025 mm crassis, apice parum incrassatis, membranis parum gelatinoso-incrassatis. Sporae 8-nae, distiehae, sim- pl ices, decolores, ellipsoideae, apicibus rotundatis, long. 0.005-0.01, crass. 0.003— 0.000.) mm. /'. dissrrta Nvl. apotbeciis vulgo cupulitormibus, ex- cipulo isidioso et sporis majoribus ab line specie differt. Luzon, prov. Benguet. Baguio, For. Bur. 156.12 Curran. Ad truncos Bini insularis Endl. Fert. 15. P. (div. Endoxantha) biformis Wain. sp. nov. 'Phallus strand neo-glaucescens aut partim cincreo- aut pallido-glau- cescens, medulla flava aut straminea aut partim stramineo-albida, subtus nigricans aut ad ambitum angitste aut late pallidus vel castaneus, laciniis biformibus, aliis latis, latitudine usque ad 5 mm, sicut in P. tiliacca LICHENES I XSTLAUl'M PIIILIPPINARUM, I. 661 rotundato-lobatis crenatisve, inaequaliter dilatatis, aliis angustis, circ. 0.3-0. 7 mm latis, sicut in P. laevigata sublinearibus, erebre iteratim dicliotome ramosis, apicibus truncatis ant obtusis, partim ad presses, partini apicibus recurvis adscendentibus, saepe etiam laciniis imbricatis, sat laevigatus, leviter nitidns aut opacus, isidiis et sorcdiis destitutus, subtus fere usque ad marginem rhizinis crebris, 1. 5-0.5 mm longis, nigris, simplicibus aut parcius etiam leviter ramulosis, tenuibus instructus, KHO superne baud reagens aut leviter flavescens, intus lutescens et demum aurantiaeo-rubescens (forma pavaiensis) aut aurantiaco-fulvescens (forma dataensis), partibus intus subalbidis baud reagentibus, 0aCl.,02 non reagens. Apothecia minora aut parva, 2.5— 0.7 mm lata, peltata appla- nataque, sessilia, tenuia, imperforata, disco rufo aut testaceo-rufescente, nudo, sat opaco, margine tenuissimo, subintegro aut leviter crenulato, excipulo extus laevigato, interdum pycnoconidangiis instructo. Hyme- nium circ. 0.05 mm crassum, jodo caerulescens aut partim aseis solis caerulescentibus. Epithecium testaceo-rufescens, gclatina cuticulari pas- sim pallidiore. Paraphyses tubulis sat tenuibus, apice paullo crassioribus, membranis gelatinoso-incrassatis, usque ad apicem indistincte limitatis. Sporae 8-nae, distichae, si mpl ices, decolores, ellipsoideae, apicibus rotun- datis, membrana vix 0.001 mm crassa, long. 0.014-0.01, crass. 0.008- 0.006 mm. P. dene ga ns Nyl. Lich. Ceyl. (1900) 6, secundum specimen orig. n. 35129 in herb. Nyl. tballo soridiis et isidiis destitute et medulla straminea instructa, facie externa huic speciei omnino similis est, at secundum annotationem Nylanderi tballo KHO baud reagente et sporis brevioribus ab ea differ!. P. endochlora Height. Lich. Oeyh (1870) 140, secundum specimen orig. n. 35077 in herb. Nyl. item bis est similis, at observante Nyl. tantum extus KHO reagens. Forma pauaiensis Wain. Luzon, prov. Benguet, Pauai, Kttr. Sci. M34 Meant* , alt. 2100 m s. ni. Ad truncum arboris. Ster. Forma dataensis Wain. Luzon, prov. Lepanto, mons Data, Merrill .',118 ?', alt. 2100 m s. m. Ad truncum arboris. Fert. Trib. 2. STEREOCAULEAE. 1. STER EOCAU LON Scbreb. 1. S. nesaeum Nyl. Var. zeorina Wain. Perithecium ex hyphis radiantibus, pachydermaticis, conglutinatis formatum, semipellucidum, in margine anguste denudatum, ceterum amphithecio thallino, gonidia continente, obductum. Pars intima axis chondroidei et partes exteriores pseudopodetiorum KHO lutescentes. Apothecia KHO lutescentia, hvmenium et hypothecium KHO demum aurantiaco-rubescentia. Amphithecium ex hyphis crassis, pachydermati- cis, irregulariter contextis, aere disjunctis aut partim in superficie excipuli WAINIO. nr, 2 eonglutinatis, et ex hyphis tenuibus leptodermaticis, gonidia obducentibus, form a turn. Hypothecium pallidum, strato medullari ex hyphis irregular- iter contextis, lcptodermaticis, eonglutinatis formato, impositum. Sporae aciculares, longissimae, spiraliter contortae, multiseptatae. Cephalodia sessilia, foveolato-rugosa, gonidia scytonemea, filamenta 0.01-0.013 mm erassa, cellulis 0.007-0.008 mm crassis, in serie simplice concatenatis formantia, parce continentia. Pycnoconidia aciculari-fusiformia, medio leviter inerassata, apicibus attenuatis tenuissimisque, leviter curvata, long. 0.008-0.01, crass. 0.0007-0.001 mm. Luzon, prov. Benguet, mons Tonglon (Santo Tomas), Elmer Pauai, Merrill J/926, alt. 2100 m s. m.: prov. Lepanto, Balili, Merrill 4879: prov. Zambales, mons Pinatubo, Bur. Sci. 2577 Foxworthy. Ad saxa. Fert. Var. lecideoides Wain. Perithecinm primum amphithecio thallino obductum, demum late denudatum. Ceterum pseudopodetia et apothecia et eorum reactiones sicut in var. zeorina. Amphithecium thallinum apotheciorum demum saepe gonidiis destitutum. Hymenium et hypothecium KHO demum au- rantiaco-rubescentia. Luzon, prov. Benguet, Baguio, Merrill 4866; mons Tonglon, Bur. Sci. 54 77 liamos: prov. Bataan, mons Mariveles, Merrill 3561. Mindanao, prov. Misamis, mons Malindang, For. Bur. 4806 Mcarns <£- Hutchinson. Ad saxa. Fert. 2. S. graminosum Schaer. in Moritzi Syst. Verz. Zolling. Jav. Pflanz. (1845-46) 127; Zolling. Syst. Verz. (1854) 6; Mont. & v. d. Bosch Lich. Jav (1856) 28. 8. turgcsccns Nyl. Syn. Lich. 248; Lich. Ins. Guin. 43. Pseudopodetia KHO neque superne nec intus reagentia, at verruculae phyllocladoideae KHO lutescentes. Apothecia lecideina, subtus fuscentia. In b. alpina Laur. verruculae phyllocladoideae majores et apothecia zeorina, subtus strato tomentoso, thallo concolore obducta. Etiam in S. tomentosa Laur. apothecia zeorina. Luzon, prov. Zambales, mons Pinatubo, Bur. Sci. 2545 Foxworthy : prov. Laguna, mons Banajao, For. Bur. 7984 Curran <6 Merritt. Ad saxa. Fert. 3. S. arbuscula Nyl. Prodr. FI. Nov. Gran. ed. 2 (Ann. Sc. Nat. Bot IV 19 (1863) 12). S. nanum var. arbuscula Nyl. Enum. Gen. Lich. (1857) 97. Leprocaulon arbuscula Nyl. Lich. Ins. Guin. 8. Pamuli phylloeladoidei applanati, KHO non reagentes. Pseudopo- . detia basi emorientia et apice postea adhuc diu accrescentia. Luzon, prov. Lepanto, mons Data, Merrill 4958, alt. 2100 m s. m. Supra muscos in rupe. Ster. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. [Prices in United States currency.] Bureau of Government Laboratories (now Bureau of Science) Bulletins 1 to 30. Manual of Philippine Birds, by K. C. McGregor, (two parts) ; $4, order No. 103. 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IN PRESS. A Check-List of Philippine Fishes, by David Starr Jordan and Robert Earl Richardson. The Subanuns of Sindangan Bay, by E. B. Christie. Any of the above-announced publications may be ordered from the Business Manager, Philippine Journal of Science, Manila, P. 1., or from any of the agents listed on the cover of this Journal. Please give order number. Order No. 405, V STUDIES IN MONO HISTORY, LAW, AND RELIGION. By Najeeb M. Saleeby. 107 pages. 16 illustrations. 5 diagrams. A Treatise on the history and customs of the Moro People. Price $0.25, United States currency. Order No. 408. A VOCABULARY OF THE IGOROT LANGUAGE AS SPOKEN BY THE BONTOC IGOROTS. By the Rev. Walter Clayton Clapp. Igor ot- English and English-Igorot. Price $0.75, United States currency. Order No. 108. A MANUAL OF PHILIPPINE BIRDS. By Richard C. McGregor. Part r. — 412 pages. Part II. — (In press. jin two volumes. Descriptions of all known species of Philippine birds, together with complete keys to species and genera. Price (for tlie two volumes) $4, United States currency. Any of the above-announced publications may be ordered from the Business Manager, Philippine Journal of Science, Manila, P. I., or from any of the agents listed on the cover of this Journal. Please give order number. / CONTENTS. Page. AMES, OAKES. Notes on Philippine Orchids with De- scriptions of New Species, I 5g3 BECCARI, O. Notes on Philippine Palms, II 601 MERRILL, E. D. A Preliminary Revision of Philip- pine Combretacese 041 WAINIO, E. A. Lichenes Insularum Philippinarum, I 651 The “Philippine Journal of Science” is issued as follows: Section A. General Science, $2, United States currency, per year. Section B. 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A limited number of unbound copies of previous volumes are available which may be secured from the Business Manager fatbs?PVoeiuJmerr of ®“enc«» Manila’ P- I- at the following y°lume 1> I906 (not divided into sections), $5, United currenc^^Vo^ume ^P?1C Vh ftt *t0 Vol,Ume United States currenrv* Yn \ ? 1 ^wlthout supplement), $3, United States currency, all later volumes at current subscription prices. VOL. IV DECEMBER, 1909 No. 6 THE PHILIPPINE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDITED BY PAUL C. FREER, M. D., Ph. D. CO-EDITOR RICHARD P. STRONG, Ph. B., M. D. WITH THE COOPERATION OF E. D. MERRILL, M. S.; F. W. FOXWORTHY, Ph. D. C. B. ROBINSON, Ph. D.; H. N. WHITFORD, Ph. D. PUBLISHED BY THE BUREAU OF SCIENCE . OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS C. BOTANY MANILA BUREAU OF PRINTING 1909 THE HISTORY OF SULU. Order No. 406. By Najeeb M. Saleeby. 275 pages. A complete History of the Moro People in Sulu, with maps and many translations from the original documents. Price $0.75, United States currency. Order No. 407. THE BATAN DIALECT AS A MEMBER OF THE PHILIPPINE GROUP OF LANGUAGES. By Otto Scheerer. and “F” AND “V” IN PHILIPPINE LANGUAGES. 141 pages By Carlos Everett Conant. Price $0.80, United States currency. Order No. 402. NEGRITOS OF ZAMBALES. By William Allan Reed. 62 photographic illustrations. 91 pages. An interesting ethnological study of the pygmy blacks of Zambales. Price $0.25, United States currency. Any of the above-announced publications may be ordered from the Business Manager, Philippine Journal of Science, Manila, P. I., or from any of the agents listed on the cover of this Journal. Please give order number. THE PHILIPPINE Journal of Science C. Botany Yol. IV DECEMBER, 1909 No. 6 NOTES ON PHILIPPINE ORCHIDS WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES, II.1 By Oakes Ames. (From the Ames Botanical Laboratory, North Easton, Mass., U. 8. A.) In the following notes I have arranged the genera according to the system adopted by Pfitzer in Engler and PrantTs “Die natiirlichen Ptlanzcnf ami lien. ’ The species included were, with few exceptions, collected for the Bureau of Science. In all thirty-one species are treated of which twenty-two are additions to my previously published lists ot‘ Philippine orchids. EPIPACTIS Boehmer. Epipactis clausa A. A. Eaton ex Ames Orcliidaceae 3 (1908) 41, pi. 38.' In addition to the solitary specimen which constitutes the type, preserved in the herbarium of the Bureau of Science, f have now seen two sets of specimens which make possible the following emendations of the description published in Fascicle III of “Orchidaceae” : Lateral sepals broadly ovate to ovate-lanceolate, A mm long. Upper sepal similar to the laterals and nearly equal to them, strongly relieved at the tip. Petals dolabriform, 4 mm long. Labellum 2.5 to 3 mm long, saccate, somewhat cymbiform, obtuse, with unequal clavate hairs or emergences inside. The plants exceed 2 dm in height and arise from a creeping, fleshy rhizome. The leaves, about four in number, 4 cm apart, on the succulent stem, appear to have been dark-green when fresh, ornamented with whitish nerves. The margins •of the leaves in dried specimens are usually strongly crenulate and in fresh (!(>:{ 91262 1 Proof corrected by E. 1). Merrill and C. B. Robinson. AMES. <>64 material it is highly probable that this character is a peculiarity of the species. When the plants mature their fruit, the racemes enlarge in ()7 evident characteristic. The neuration. the form of the sepals and petals, and the outline of the labellum proved similar in both. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mary Strong Clemens s. n., Septem- ber, October, 1907. PODOCHILUS Blume. Podochilus Clemensiae sp. nov. Planta 4 dm alta vel etiam altior, gracilis. Folia linearia, disticlia, 4 ad 6 cm longa, 4 ad G mm lata, obtusa, ad apicem inaequaliter bilobata cuspidata. Flores circa 20, distichi, in racemis laxis ex axillis foliorum emergentibus. Racemus 2.5 ad 3 cm longus. Bracteae inflorescentiae lanceolatae, acutae, ovariis breviores, 2 mm longae. Sepala lateralxa ovata, acuta vel subobtusa, 3 ad 3.5 mm longa, 2 mm lata. Sepalum d-orsalc ovato-lanceolatum, lateral ibus brevius. Petala oblonga, obtusa vel subtruncata, circa 2 mm longa, 1 mm lata. Labellum cuneatum, obtusum, 2 mm longum. Columna brevissima. Podochilus Clemensiae is a slender, extremely graceful species which sug- gests P. pendulus in habit, although the leaves are narrower in relation to their length than those of P. pendulus and longer than the racemes. The labellum resembles that of /'. lancifolius, but is entire, and the membrane at the base which forms a pocket or cup is very strongly developed and extends nearly to the middle of the labellum. Although the racemes are prevailingly axillary, they are sometimes, perhaps frequently, terminal. The material at hand is very copiously flowered. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mary Strong Clemens s. n., September, 1907. Podochilus crotalinus sp. nov. Glaberrimus, erectus ( ?), circa 3 dm altus, pluricaulis ; folds distichis, lineari-oblongis, ad vaginam articulatis, bilobulatis, nervo intermedio in apiculum setiforme minutum producto, basi vix attenuatis, 1 ad 2 cm longis, medio 3 ad 5 mm latis; spica terminale, disticlia, multiflora, 2.3 cm longa; bracteis lanceolato-ellipticis, 8 ad 10 mm longis, flores plus minusve excedentibus; sepalis lateralibus valde obliquis, acuminatis, trinerviis, G mm longis; sepalo intermedio ovato; petalis lineari-oblongis obtusis, sepalis paulo brevioribus; labello 5 mm longo, eircuito oblongo supra medio dilatato obscure trilobate. In the specimens examined the flowers are old and badly shrivelled so that the form of the labellum is difficult to observe. The basal half is almost rotund, slightly concave, the apical half is subflabelliform and apparently truncate. Near the point of origin of the apical lobe or half there are two thickened lines. The extreme base of the lip resembles that of P. distichus Schlechter. The floral bracts, which are scarious and so arranged as to resemble the rattles of Crotalus horridus, are elliptic-lanceolate or ovate, about 6 mm wide near the base and at the apex subobtuse, scarcely acute, and obscurely, if at all. cuspidate. The distichous inflorescence is from 1.8 to 2 cm wide in its greatest diameter. The nearest affinity of P. crotalinus is P. distichus Schlechter. The form of the inflorescence, however, and the very broad floral bracts are differentiating characters. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mary Strong Clemens s. n., November, 1906. AMES. (*,58 Podochilus Cumingii Schlechter in Fedde’s Repertorium 3 (1907) 19. 1 refer here specimens gathered in Mindanao and Luzon. The mentum formed by the lateral sepals is deeply saccate. The labellum is lanceolate and at the base where it joins the slender claw produced into a subquadrate appendage. This appendage is truncate and not at all emarginate or bilid. Hooker’s description of /’. microphyllus Lindl. in the “Flora of British India” agrees in detail with my material except for the height of the plants which in Hooker’s material is greater than in mine. Schlechter refers the species described by Hooker to P. sciuroides. P. sciuroides appears to be closely related to P. Cumingii. In his monograph of the Podochilimc Schlechter describes the labellum of P. Cumingii as 5-nerved. My material has the labellum 3-nerved with the lateral nerves branched. Schlechter describes the labellum of P. sciuroides as 3-nerved with the laterals branched. P. sciuroides is a taller species than P. Cumingii. In the specimens from Mindanao the stems are rarely more than 1 dm long. For the present it seems best to adopt for the Philippine species the name proposed by Schlechter. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mary Strong Clemens s. n., Sep- tember, 1907. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Copeland s. n., November 23, 1907, in moss on trees, flowers white; Bur. Sci. 1078 Foxworthy, October 17, 1900: Province of Pampanga, Mount Arayat, Merrill 1/260, September 15, 1905, epiphyte on mossy trees at an altitude of 820 m. Although the flowers are described as white by the collectors, they appear, when dried, to have been tinged with purple. Schlechter, in his monograph, does not use the name P. Cumingii. In the “Repertorium” l. c., however, he asserts that the Philippine plant referred to P. Zollingeri in his monograph constitutes a new species for which he proposes the name P. Cumingii. Podochilus plumosus sp. nov. Planta parvula, glabra, plumosa, simplex. Folia disticha, linearia, circa 1 cm longa, 1 mm lata, acuta, approximata. Flores terminales et laterales. Pedunculus folio brevior. Bracteae inflorescentiac imbricatae. Scpala lateralia lanceolata, acuta, 1-nervia, circa 3 mm longa. Sepalum dorsale ovato-lanceolatum, acutum, 1-nervium. Petala oblanceolata vel elliptica, subacuta vel obtusa, 1-nervia, 2 mm longa, 1 mm lata. La- bellum rhombicum, ad basim sagittatum, 3 mm longum, 2 mm latum. Rostellum quadridentatum. Oapsula (5 mm longa. P. plumosus is a graceful species, the leafy stems of which have the appearance of feathers and suggest the leaves of Taxodiuyn distichum. The flowers are produced singly on short peduncles which are almost completely hidden by scarious imbricating bracts. The labellum is rhombic above the sagittate base and hardly acute at the apex. P. plumosus belongs doubtfully to § Apista. Doubtfully, be- cause according to Schlechter’s remarks § Apista is always characterized by hav- ing the inflorescence terminal. Our species is hardly a member of § Appendicula and probably forms a transition between it and § Apista, having all the characters of the latter group and in addition a lateral as well as a terminal inflorescence. From P. Cumingii, P. plumosus is readily distinguished by the more slender, longer leaves and by the very different inflorescence, as well as by the position of the flowers. Luzon, Province of Zambales, Mount Tapulao, Bur. Sci. 1,763 llamos, Decern ber, 1907, Bur. Sci. 3986 Curran (flowered in orchid house, Manila, March, 1908) : Province of Tayabas (Infanta), Whitford 803, September 11, 1904, on rocks and trees along the Tinuan River, altitude about 80 m. NOTES ON PHILIPPINE ORCHIDS, II. H69 Podochilus strictus sp. nov. Caules 1 ad 2 dm alti. Folia disticha, linearia, apiculata, 11 mm longa, circa 1 mm lata. Pedunculus terminal is. hacemus usque ■> ad 10 mm longus. Bvacteae inflovcsccntiae lanceolatae, acutae, 1 mm longac. Flores 2.5 ad 3 mm longi. Sepalum dorsale lanceolatum, subacutum, concavum, 1-nervium, usque ad 3 mm longum. Sepala lateralia ovato- lanceolata, acuta. Pctala lanceolata, 1-nervia, obtusa, circa 2.5 mm longa, 1 mm lata. Labellum supra medium circa 1 mm latum, breviter unguiculatum, subquadratum, 3-nervium, obtusum, prope basiin sagit- tatum vel auriculatum. Rostellum bipartitum. Podochilus strictus is a slender species which appears to he very near P. microphyllus Lindl. and P. bicaudatus Schlechter. The racemes, which are clothed at the base with several imbricating scarious bracts, are comparatively many- flowered, with rigid, distichous, cymbiform floral bracts. In dried specimens, the leaves, which are directed obliquely upwards, are sometimes twisted and consequently give the plant a very strict appearance. Near the summit of the stems, lateral growths arise which produce roots at the point of origin. I have not seen the type specimen of Podochilus bicaudatus but according to Sclilechter’s description that species differs from P. strictus in its shorter leaves, smaller, fewer flowers and shorter racemes. Podochilus acicularis Hooker f., which Schlechter refers to P. tenuis, is similar to P. strictus, but has a very different lip from that species and a very different habit (cf. Hooker’s “leones PI ant arum” pi. 211,7). ' Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keitliley, Bur. Sci. 3002 Mrs. Lyon (specimen flowering in orchid house, Manila, January, 1906), Mrs. Clemens 132: District of Zamboanga, For. Bur. 9103 Whitford d Hutchinson, December 12, 1907. Podochilus bicaudatus Schlechter in Fedde’s Repertorium 3 (1907) 19. In the herbarium of the Bureau of Science there is a single specimen collected by Elmer D. Merrill in February, 1903, on the Island of Paragua which may prove to be conspecific with Podochilus bicaudatus. Unfortunately only one flower was preserved on this specimen and that one, imperfect to bfgin with, was destroyed by dissection. The leaves are 5 mm long, twisted when dry, linear, acuminate. They agree perfectly with Sclilechter’s description in Fedde’s “Repertorium.” In general habit the plant resembles P. tenuis as illustrated in Hooker’s “leones Plantarum” (pi 211, 7) but is not so stout nor so tall. The labellum is oblong, obtuse, sagittate at base, and measures 2 mm in length. The specimen collected by Merrill is numbered 775. AGROSTOPHYLLUM Blume. Agrostophyllum philippinense sp. nov. Aff. A. papuano Schltr. et A. formosano Kolfe. Habitu simile A. majori Hook. f. Caules aliquid compressi. Planta 5 dm alta. Fob a disticha oblongi-lanceolata, obtusa, plus minus 1.5 dm longa, prope basim plus minus 2.5 cm lata. Inflorescentia capitata, circa 4 cm lata, densa. Sepala lateralia 3-nervia, oblonga, acuta, 5 mm longa, 2 mm lata. Se- palum dorsale valde concavum, 4 mm longum. Petala ovata, subacuta, 4 mm longa, 2 mm lata. Labellum 4.5 mm longum, ad basim concavum r 670 AMES. \el ventricoso-saccatum, anticG in lamella cordiformi instnictum. Co- in hi na clavata, 4 mm longa. Agrostophyllum philippinense is perplex ingly near A. majus Hook, f., but differs from it among other characters in its petals and longer leaves. It is also near A. papuanum Schlechter, but lias the leaves longer in relation to their width, and larger heads of flowers. According to Mr. Rolfe’s description in the Annals of Botany 9. 157, it must be closely allied to .1. formosanum. The label lum resembles closely that of A. majus but the epichil is cordate. J. J. Smith refers A. majus to A. longifolium Reichb. f. In my herbarium there is an excellent photograph of a specimen preserved in the herbarium at Leiden which is labeled Appendicula longifolia Bl. This specimen has narrower, longer leaves and a smaller inflorescence than my Philippine specimens. Further study may show that Agrostophyllum philippinense is merely a form of A. majus, and that both should be referred to the older A. longifolium. For the present, however, I believe that the Philippine species should be regarded as distinct from .1. majus and A. longifolium. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, For. Bur. WOO Borden, Septem- ber 10, 1004, on trees, rocky mountain ridge, altitude about’ 1,000 m, “corolla cream-white, lip whiter, no odor:” Province of Rizal, Mount Batay, Loher 0020 (specimen flowering in Manila). CERATOSTYLIS Blume. Ceratostylis rubra sp, nov. AfT. C. grandiflorae J. J. Smith. Planta robusta. Caulis ramosus plus minus 4 dm longus, bracteis chartaceis, imbricatis, arete vaginan- tibus, dense vestitus. Folia coriacea, rigid a, linearia, ad apicem bilobata, phis minus 1 dm longa, circa 5 mm lata. Sepala lateralia oblongi-lan- ceolala, acuta, 7-nervia, membranacea, mentum obtusum formantia. ad basim coliaerentia, 2 cm longa, 4 mm lata. Sepalum dorsal e oblongum, 1.7 cm longurn, circa 5 mm latum. Pelala oblanceolata, subacuta, 7- nervia, 1.9 mm longa, prope apicem 4.5 mm lata. Labellum lanceolatum, acuminatum, 3-nervium, 8 mm longurn. Gynosicmium 5 mm longurn, brachns magma, rotundatis. Ceratostylis rubra is perhaps most nearly allied to C. grandiflora J. J. Smith. From that species it differs in the form of the leaves, in its labellum, which is lanceolate-acuminate or acuminate from a rounded base, and in the nerves of the sepals and petals. 4 or the genus the flowers are extraordinarily large and according to the collectors’ notes and dried specimens are red. In a photograph of living specimens cultivated at Manila the leaves appear to be thick, fleshy, recurved, and on the upper surface strongly channeled. When alive the perianth- organs are spreading and in the center of the flower the characteristic column is erect and very conspicuous. The flowers arise from among large, reticulated bracts. These bracts when dry are rufous and prominently veined. I have not seen Ceratostylis retisquama Reichb. f., which was based on No. 2152 of t uming’s Philippine plants. This species is very inadequately described in “Bonplandia” 5: 53. The specific name of Reichenbach’s plant might easily apply to the species in hand. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Bur. Sci. 30.', 2 Ramos, August 19, 1907: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Bur. Sci. 3070 Foxworthy, “flowers red with white center.” Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Bur. Sci. 301,0, 3072 Mrs. Cle- mens (specimens flowering in Manila) : without locality, IF. S. Jg/on 30. NOTES ON PHILIPPINE ORCHIDS, 11. 671 Ceratostylis latipetala sp. nov. Alt'. C. rubrae, speciei quam liabitu et structura liaec species conspicue simulat. Planta robusta. Caulis ramosus. Folia coriacea, rigida, li- nearia, 9 ad 15 cm longa, 5 ad 10 mm lata. Sepala lateralia ovata vel ovato-oblonga, obtusa, 9-nervia, 1.8 cm longa, 6.5 mm lata, mentum obtusum formantia. Sepalum dorsale oblongi-lanceolatum, obtusuin, 1.5 cm longum, 6 mm latum. Petala cuneato-ovata, ad apicem rotundata, 1.5 ad 1.8 cm longa, 8 ad 9 mm lata. La, helium minutum, unguiculatum, subbastatum vel suborbiculare, acuminatum, obtusum, 3-nervium, 2.25 ad 3 mm longum, lamellis 2 intramarginalibus ; unguis circa 2 mm longus. Gynostemium brachiis magnis, rotundatis. In habit Ceratostylis latipetala is almost indistinguishable from C. rubra. In its flowers, however, it exhibits unmistakable differences from that species. The labellum alone will serve as a constant differentiating character. This organ is concealed in the sac formed by the coherent lateral sepals. From studies of several flowers the labellum appears to vary to a large extent in the nature of the ca Hi. Sometimes they are very conspicuous, at other times difficult to observe. As in C. rubra so in C. latipetala the peduncles of the flowers are invested with a series of nervose bracts, the outer one forming a closely appressed sheath which reaches to the base of the perianth. The ovary is always concealed in the bracts. The flowers are described as orange-red. The petals are very characteristic of this species and are the broadest yet recorded for the genus. Mindanao, Province of Misamis, Mount Malindang, For. Bur. 1/661 M earns <{- Hutchinson, May, 1006, altitude about 1,400 m. PHAIUS 1 .our. Phaius grandifolius Lour. FI. Cochinchinensis (1700) 520. I have seen of this species two specimens which were collected in Mindanao. Along roadsides not far from Malabang, Province of Cotabato, Mindanao, Novem- ber, 1906, Mary Strong Clemens 815. EULOPHIA R. Br. Eulophia squalida Bindley Bot. Reg. (1841) Misc. 77. I refer to this species specimens from Luzon. The plants bear two flower- shoots between which the leaves arise after the flowers are expanded. The sepals are very fleshy, the lateral ones oblong, acute, strongly falcate, about 2 cm long. The petals are oblong-elliptic, obtuse, with raised longitudinal nerves. The labellum is 2 cm long, obscurely 3-lobed, blunt and rounded at the apex, where there are several conspicuously raised nerves. At the base it is contracted into a sulcate claw. The outline of the labellum agrees with the figure of E. squalida published by J. J. Smith in the second volume of plates which illustrate “Die Orchideen von Java” ( Plate CLXV). According to the notes made by Doctor Fox- worthy the plants found on Mount Pinatubo grew in very coarse gravelly soil where they received the most intense heat of the sun and where they bloomed in the latter part of the dry season. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Bur. Sci. 2818 Mearns, April, 1907 : Province of Zambales, Mount Pinatubo, Bur. Sci. 2575, 2619, 2613 Foxworthy, April, 1907, flowers white with purple markings, altitude 700 m. Palawan, Bur. Sci. 898 Foxworthy, May 22, 1906, edge of forest along trail, flowers white, marked with yellow. r 672 A MBS. DENDROBIUM Sw. Dendrobiurr. Lyonii Ames Orchidaceae 2 (1908) 177. D. acuminatum Kriinzl. in Orchis 2: 73, not Rolfe. Dr. F. Kriinzlin in “Orchis” reduces this species. He refers it to the synonymy of Dendrobium acuminatum Rolfe. The colored plate which accom- panies his article is a fair portrait of D. Lyonii and very unlike Dendrobium acuminatum. As Dr. Kriinzlin has expressed the opinion that D. Lyonii is not specifically distinct from D. acuminatum and as he has treated it as a variety of this species, supplementary remarks to those I published in “Orchidaceae” seem called for, especially as Dr. Kriinzlin has asserted that the illustration of D. acuminatum in “Orchidaceae” (plate 17) is erroneous and worthless as scientific evidence. Aside from the structural differences between D. Lyonii and D. acuminatum, outlined in the original descriptions, there are constitutional differences, if we may rely on the authority of Mr. Lyon, who has collected both species and who has grown them in his garden at Manila. Mr. Lyon assures me that the elevations along the mountains of Bataan where these species grow have been carefully estimated and that D. acuminatum is not found below three thousand feet and that it is abundant at an altitude of 3,700 teet. D. Lyonii, on the other hand, does not occur above the third Forest Station (2,200 feet) and is found in a narrow zone between 1,700 and 2,000 feet. This difference in distribution is accentuated by the behavior of the plants under culture. At sea level in Manila D. acuminatum is tractable and easily brought to flower, while 1). Lyonii is with difficulty kept alive. Mr. Lyon who has studied both species in the field and in his gardens of Nag- tahan, Manila, writes in a letter dated January 14, 1909: “1 notice of course in reading your diagnoses that you lay little if any stress upon vegetative features, but the one I have called your attention to, the presence of an awn or short hard tooth, at the apex of pseudobulbs of D. Lyonii, is a constant feature.” “Since the receipt of your letter 1 have gone over my entire collection, 85 plants of D. Lyonii and 34 of D. acuminatum and I find that this holds universally good. The apical tooth (rather than awn) is very persistent as well as the old flower-scape. The old flower-scapes decay and fall away from D. acuminatum the same season, while those on D. Lyonii persist certainly for three or more years.” Mr. Lyon asserts that D. acuminatum is practically scentless, while D. Lyonii, especially in the morning, and more or less all the time, is strongly and delight- fully fragrant. Dr. Kriinzlin’s criticism of plate 17 of “Orchidaceae” is not justified by facts. The plater in question was prepared from a co-type of D. acuminatum, as is stated on the second page of Fasc. II. The flowers w*ere drawn with reasonable regard to accuracy and the material which furnished them was carefully preserved for reterence. Dr. Kriinzlin assumes that the flowers were drawn smaller than they are in nature and that failure to designate the amount of reduction renders the plate worthless as scientific evidence. He bases his remarks on the measurements given in Mr. Rolfe’s original description of D. acuminatum. In my redescription on page 171 the sepals are given as “up to 3 cm long.” In the plate the upper- most flower has lateral sepals that measure 2.7 cm long. In the specimen from which the plate was prepared the lateral sepals are 2.3 to 3 cm in length. Dr. Kriinzlin fails to make allowance for foreshortening in the drawing, and, therefore, makes an unjust criticism. NOTES ON PHILIPPINE ORCHIDS, II. 673 In his description of D. acuminatum in “Orchis,” Dr. Kriinzlin gives the length of the sepals and petals as 3 to 3.5 cm. In the plate which accompanies his description the lateral sepals exceed 4.5 cm in length and in one flower are 5 cm long. Dr. Kranzlin’s plate on the other hand portrays D. Lyonii which produces larger flowers than D. acuminatum. Notwithstanding Dr. Kranzlin’s remarks regarding the color of the flowers of D. acuminatum and D. Lyonii no change is necessary in the descriptions pub- lished in “Orchidaceae.” D. Lyonii bears purplish flowers according to Mr. Lyon’s notes and the type material. D. acuminatum has whitish or yellowish sepals and petals and a deeper-colored labellum (brownish when dry). In Fedde’s “Repertorium novarum Specierum regni vegetabilis,” 2 Dr. Kriinzlin takes up the name Sarcopodium and refers to it in addition to a new species, namely S. Stella silvae, Dendrobium acuminatum and D. Lyonii. This last he now calls Sarcopodium acuminatum var. Lyonii! Sarcopodium Stella silvae was col- lected in Luzon by A. Loher and is described as a near affinity of Dendrobium acuminatum. Dendrobium Sanderae Rolfe in Gard. Ohron. Ill 45 (1909) 374, jig. 163 ; Orchid Review 17 (1909) 209, fig. 17. I refer to this species two specimens of Dendrobium from Luzon. My material agrees with Mr. Rolfe’s description and with the illustration which accompanies it. No habitat is given for Dendrobium Sanderae either in the “Gardeners’ Chronicle” or in the “Orchid Review,” so that we may presume that the place of origin of the species is unknown to Mr. Rolfe or else a trade secret. Mr. Rolfe received the type material from Messrs. Sander and Sons of St. Albans, England, who probably introduced it from the East Indies, as it is nearly allied to Dendrobium Dearei and D. parthenium. The petals of the Philippine material are white, about 4 cm long, and nearly 3 cm wide, rounded at the tip and cuneate at the base. The white sepals are much narrower than the petals and are acute. The middle lobe of the labellum is obcordate or obovate with the margin dentate or crenate. The lateral lobes are much smaller than the middle one and rounded. The throat and lateral lobes are conspicuously striated with purple. In habit D. Sanderae resembles D. Dearei very closely. The flowers, however, are larger than those of the older species. The striations on the labellum help to distinguish the one from the other. D. Dearei has a white and yellow labellum. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Bur. Sci. 3Jf07 Mearns, July, 1907 : District of Lepanto-Bontoc, Bur. Sci. 56Uf Dean C. Worcester, July, 1908, “flowers white, faint odor, throat and tube with purple lines inside:” northern Luzon, IF. S. Lyon lllf, on pine trees, altitude 1,000 to 1,200 m. ERIA Lindl. Eria ph i I ippi nensis Ames Orchidaceae 1 (1905) 94. To this species I refer, with some hesitation, specimens from Benguet which Curran and Merritt collected in December, 1908. The flowers are much larger than in the type, the labellum measures 9 mm in length. The color of the flowers is a deep- wine-pur pie. Near the apex of the labellum there is a linear thickening. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Lusod-Bayabas trail, For. Bur. 15717 Curran & Merritt, December 16, 1908, altitude 1500 m, flowers deep-coral-red. 2 7: 40. (April, 1909.) 674 AMES. PHREATIA Lind I . Phreatia bracteata sp. nov. Pseudobulbi eongregati, rotundati, circa 2 cm longi. Folia 2, oblongi- lanceolata, acuta, coriacea, 8 ad 10.5 cm longa, circa 1.5 cm lata, ad basim sulcata. Scapus usque ad 2.2 dm longus, bracteatus. Bracteac scariosae, 9 ad 20 mm longae, acutae. Raccmus elongatus, usque ad fi cm longus. Bracieae inflorcscentiae scariosae, ovato-lanceolatae, acutae, pedicellum cum ovario excedentes, 3 ad 4 mm longae, circa 2 mm latae. Sepala lateraMa late ovata, obtusa, mentum formantia, 3.5 mm longa, ad basim 2.5 mm lata. Sepalum dorsale oblongum, obtusum vel quadratum, 2 mm longum. Peiala oblonga, obtusa, 2 mm longa, 1.25 mm lata. Labellum ovatum, obtusum, 2 mm longum, 1.5 mm latum, ad basim saccatum. Cohimna minuta. Rostelluni bifidum. The floral bracts are very conspicuous, slightly rigid and in dried specimens brownish at the center with a wide hyaline margin. The bracts of the scape are tubular, closely appressed and somewhat hyaline when dry. In general habit the plants resemble Phreatia seaphioglossa Schlechter. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, For. Bur. 7 815 Curran <£• Merritt, November, 1907: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Bur. Sci. 5 180 Topping, It. 8. Williams 910, along the Lamao River at an altitude of about 1000 m: Province of Pam- panga, Mount Arayat, Merrill 8916, October 23, 1904, altitude 820 m, flowers white, odorless. BULBOPHYLLUM Thou. Bulbophyllum cuneatum R. A. Rolfe in Ames Orchidaeeae 1 (1905) 98. This, apparently rare species, has been discovered again on Mount Mariveles by 1). Le Roy Topping. In his original diagnosis Mr. Rolfe described the scapes as recurved. In my observations I find that this characteristic is always strongly developed and gives the scape below the raceme the appearance of a shepherd’s crook. Just at the point of curvature the scape is thickened and below tbe inflorescence conspicuously dilated. The bracts appear to have been purplish and in the dried specimens examined the petals and lips are deep-purple. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Bur. 8ci. 5183 Topping. Bulbophyllum Dearei Reichb. f. in Flora 71 (1888) 156. In the herbarium of the Bureau of Science there are seven flowers of this species sent by Mary Strong Clemens from Camp Keithley. When alive they were described by the collector as orange-yellow marked with purple. The plants from which the flowers were taken were found on large Ficus and Vitex trees. The specimens from Camp Keithley agree very well with speci- mens of B. Dearei preserved in my herbarium. The upper sepal is beautifully veined and cross-veined with brown so that the yellow ground-color is bright and suggests sunlight as seen when filtered through the leaves of trees upon the forest llora. The lateral sepals are conspicuously marked with purple and strongly falcate. The petals are yellow and slightly falcate. B. bataanense Ames is a near ally of B. Dearei, but is smaller in all its parts and has a narrow upper sepal. Mindanao, Lake Lanao, Camp Keithley, Mary Strong Clemens s. n., June, July, 1907. NOTES ON PHILIPPINE ORCHIDS, II. 675 THELASIS Blume. Thelasis obtusa Blume Bijdr. (1825) 386. I refer to this species the material collected by Leiberg on Mount Mariveles, Luzon. This material has monophyllous pseudobulbs which are much shrivelled in the dried state. They appear to have been globular when alive. The general habit of the plants recalls T. capitata Bl. but the raceme is elongated, slightly less than 4 cm long, and comparatively lax. The labellnm is somewhat saccate and has a minute crest along the median line. Schlecliter regards T. obtusa as closely related to T. macrobulbon Ridl., from which it differs in part through its monophyllous pseudobulbs. T. macrobulbon is diphyllous. In the herbarium of the Bureau of Science there are four flowering scapes of a species of Thelasis, presumably from Java, which .1. J. Smith has identified as T. obtusa Bl. 1 have compared Leiherg’s specimens with these and I find that the floral parts are in almost perfect agreement. T. obtusa has not been reported, heretofore, as native to the Philippines. Luzon, Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, II. Leiberg b 01/b, July 20, 1904, epiphytic, altitude about 900 m. SACCOLABIUM Blume. Saccolabium chionanthum Lindl. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 3 (1859) 35. I follow the authority of J. J. Smith in referring to this species S. perpusillum Hook. f. The material from the Philippines which I have studied is in almost perfect agreement with the illustration published in Hooker’s “leones Plantarum (pi. 2129). The flowers are not so pubescent as shown in Hooker’s plate, but are papillose. Ridley states that the flowers when alive are hardly pubescent and are rather minutely papillose. His observations in regard to this character convince me that Hooker’s illustration may exaggerate it. The sepals and petals of the Philippine specimens agree perfectly with the figures published by Hooker (although they are very obscurely ciliolate on the margin). The labellum terminates in the same kind of a fleshy apex and at the base produces the same kind of a scrotiform sac as shown by Hooker. The structure of the column in Hooker’s plate agrees with my material. In general habit Saccolabium chionanthum suggests Phreatia parvula, and unless carefully examined might readily be confused with it when dried. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Bur. Sci. 3055 Ramos, November 14, 1907, flowers small, white. Java, Sumatra, Singapore. TRICHOGLOTTIS Blume. Trichoglottis latisepala sp. nov. Caulis tenuis, subflaecidus, elongatus, plus minus 3 dm longus, 2.4 mm in diametro. Vaginae 1.5 ad 1.7 cm longae. Folia lineari-lan- ceolata, acuta, 7 ad 12 cm longa, 7 ad 10 mm lata, coriacea. Pedunculi pauciflori. Flores parvuli. Sepala lateralia 5 mm longa, subbipartita, vel biloba; lacinia posterior 4 mm longa, obtusa, lacinia anterior similis sed angustior et subbrevior, 2 mm longa. Sepalum dorsale oblonguin, obtusum, 3-nervium, (i mm longum. Petala oblonga, subspathulata, obtusa, 5 mm longa, 2 mm lata. Labellum 3-lobatum, lobx latcrales 676 AMES. parvi, uncinati, obtusi ; lobus medius suborbicularis vel ellipticus. Callus pilosus prope basim. Calcar 3 ad 3.5 mm longum. Trichoglottis lalisepala is very closely allied to T. lanceolaria Bl. It is dis- tinguished from that species by its stouter stems, larger leaves and larger flowers. The lateral sepals are shaped like the wing of a bird; the lobes are rounded. The anterior or lower lobe is only slightly shorter than the spur, against which it is closely appressed. The posterior or upper lobe is oblong-lanceolate with a prominent rib along the middle. The pubescent callus at the base of the middle lobe of the labelluin is triangular at the free end. Tn the Herbarium Hookerianum at Kew there is a specimen from Java, col- lected by Lobf>, which resembles T. latisepala and may prove to be conspecific with it. With this specimen there are sketches which show a flower very similar to the flower of T. latisepala. The lateral sepals are referred to in a note as being decurrent on the spur. This Javan specimen was originally identified as 7’. lanceolaria. T. latisepala may prove to be a variety of T. lanceolaria but it does not agree with Javan material in my herbarium identified by J. J. Smith. Mindanao, District of Zamboanga, on an island in Cumalarang Bay, For. Fur. 1231/5 Hutchinson, April 19, 1908, in coast forests, flowers light-pinkish-white. Negros, For. Fur. 722/1 Everett, March 19, 1907. Trichoglottis retusa Blume Bijdr. (1825) 360. Several specimens collected in different parts of the Philippines appear to belong here. T. retusa differs from other Philippine species in its very fleshy oblong leaves which are unequally and conspicuously bilobed or retuse at the tip. The ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, pubescent or densely papillose labelluin is also characteristic. Mindanao, Province of Surigao, Foist er 225, January 17, 1906, flowers yellow, spotted with red. Negros, For. Fur. 5553 Everett, July-October, 1906. Luzon, Province of Tayabas, For. Fur. 9053 Curran, March 22, 1908. Basilan, For. Fur. 6103 Hutchinson. INDEX TO PHILIPPINE BOTANICAL LITERATURE, V. By E. D. Mekkill. (From Ihe Botanical Section of the Biological Laboratory, Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I.) Anonymous. Decades kewensis, XLVil, XLVIII. Kew Bull. (1908) 105-116. Pogostemon nepetoides Stapf is described from material collected in the Philippines by Micholitz. Ascherson, P. & Graebner, P. Potamogetonaceae. Pflanzenreich 31 (1907) 1-184. In this monograph of the family nine genera are recognized, of which Potamogeton, with 87 species and many varieties, is the only one represented in the Philippines. A single species, P. malainus Miq., is credited to the Archipelago, but two or three additional ones occur here. Berkeley, M. J. Enumeration of the Fungi collected by H. Cuming, Esq., F. L. S., in the Philippine Islands. Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 1 (1842) 142—157, t. 6, f. 5; t. 7, f. 6-11. Thirty-five species are enumerated, of which twenty-two are described as new; Agaricus philippinensis, Lentinus connatus, Panus badius, Lenzites pallida, Jj. acuta, Polyporus cumingii, P. grammocephalus, P. philippinensis, P. elongatus, P. intybaceus, Trametes versatilis, T. badia, Daedalea inconcinna, D. tenuis, Stcreum perlatum, Corticium hydnatinum, Clavaria surculus, Sphaeria pileiformis, S. examinans, S. micraspis, Tulostoma pusillum, and Dichonema erectum. Boerlage, J. G. Koordersiodendron celebicum Engl. Ic. Bogor. 1 (1901 ) 55-58, plates 91}, 95. The above species is figured and described in detail; it is a synonym of Koordersiodendron pinnatum (Blanco) Merr., this monotypic genus extending from Luzon to Celebes and New Guinea. Copeland. E. B. Some New and Critical Ferns. Elmer’s Leafl. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 233-235. (Article 13.) Dennstaedtia elmeri Copel., Cyclophorus acrostichoides var. gracilis Copel., Elaphoglossum luzonicum Copel., and Dryopteris dubia Copel., are described as new, and notes are given on several other species. DeCandolle, C. A Revision of the Indo-Malayan Species of Cedrela. Records Bot. Surv. Ind. 3 (1908) 357-376. Nine species are recognized, with many varieties, a single species, C. febri- fuge Blume, being credited, with doubt, to the Philippines. See Merrill & Rolfe, This Journal 3 (1908) Bot. 105. DeCandolle, C. Meliaceae novae. Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Qendve 10 (1907) 122-176. Many species are described, including a single one from the Philippines, Aglaia langlassei C. DC., which is very closely allied to if not identical with A. harmsiana Perk. 677 H78 MERRILL. Dunn, S. T. A Revision of the Genus Illigera, Blume. Journ. Linn. Soc. Hot. 38 (1908) 290-297. Thirteen species are recognized, of which two are found in the Philippines, /. tcrnata (Blanco) Dunn (=/. luzonensis (Presl) Merr.), and I. platyandra Dunn, the former confined to the Philippines and Formosa, the latter to southern China, Hongkong, Indo-China, and the Philippines. In regard to the former, Illigera luzonensis is the oldest valid name, although the original description and plate are both erroneous in some details. I have examined the type in the Prague Herbarium. Elmer, A. D. E. Freycinetia from Lucban. Leafl. Philip. Hot. 1 (1907) 212-219. (Article 11.) Eleven species are enumerated from Lucban and Mount Banajao, Province of Tayabas, Luzon, of which eight are described as new: F. lucbanensis Elm. (—1''. ferox Warb. !), F. confusa Elm. ( —F. vidalii Hemsl. !), F. hemsleyi Elm. non Warb. (=F. rigida Elm.), I’’, dilatata Merr. ex Elm., F. banahaensis Elm., F. palawanensis Merr. ex Elm., F. merrillii Elm., and F. warburgii Elm. (See Merrill, Philippine Freycinetia, This Journal 3 (1908) Hot. 307-315.) Elmer, A. D. E. Some New Leguminosae. Leafl. Philip. Hot. 1 (1907) 221-232. (Article 12.) A new genus, Luzon ia, is described, and the following new species': Luzonia purpurea Elm., Cynometra densiflora Elm. (=Erythrophloeum /), C. alter- nifolia Elm. [=Hardwickia altcrnifolia Elm., =Kingiodendron !), Pithecolo- biunt williamsii Elm. (=Wallaceodendron celebicum Koord. !), Dioclca um- brina Elm., Dunbaria merrillii Elm., Cacsalpinia benguetensis Elm. = Mezon- curum benguetcnse Elm. (=G. sepiaria Roxb.), Strongylodon zschokkei Elm., Derris l ianctides Elm., liauhinia whitfordii Elm., and Mucuna curranii Elm. Elmer, A. D. E. A Fascicle of Tayabas Figs. Leafl. Philip. Hot. 1 (1907) 236-261. (Article 14.) Forty-one species are enumerated from the region about Lucban, Province of Tayabas, Luzon, of which the following are described as new: Ficus in- equifolia Elm., /■'. warburgii Elm., F. banahaensis Elm., F. lucbanensis Elm., F. tayabensis Elm., and F. linearifolia Elm. Several other species are- cred- ited to the Philippines for the first time. Elmer, A. D. E. A century of New Plants. Leafl. Philip. Hot. 1 (1908) 272-359. (Article 16.) One hundred species are described as new, a large number of which are manifestly identical witli previously described ones. Pollia philippinensis is probably the same as P. thyrsiflora (Blume) Steud., Persea sterculioides is Phoebe, Scutinanthe enyleri ascribed to Hurseraceae , is Heynia sumatrana Miq. (Meliaceae) , Dichapetalum spicatum, ascribed to Dichapetalaceae, is Osmelia conferta (Turcz.) Benth. (Flacourtiaeeae) , Glochidion leytense is an extreme form of G. album (Blanco) Boerl., G. sablanense is not specifically distinct from G. benguetense, Pimeleodendron dispcrsum is Actephila, Croton curtiflorus, ascribed to the Euphorbiaceae , is Synopsis philippinensis Hemsl. { Hamamelidaceae) , Antidesma membranaefolium is .1. oumingii Muell. Arg., Ilex rolfei is apparently the same as I. formosana Max., Grewia banahaensis, ascribed to Tiliaceae, is Leptonychia ! (Sterculiaceac) , Pterocymbium gigan- tifolium is Sterculia jagori Warb., Eurya myrtilloides, ascribed to Theaceae, is Ilex luzonica Rolfe ! (Aquifoliaceae) , Homalium sorsogonense is H. vilta- rianum Vid., Eugenia succulenta is E. robertii Merr., Uivca glabrata is It. luzonensis Ilallier f. !, Schefflera piperoidea is S. trifoliate Merr. & Rolfe !, Stachys rubisepala is Calamintha umbrosa (Bieb.) Benth. !, Gomphostemma PHILIPPINE BOTANICAL LITERATURE, V. 679 luzonense is Paraphlomis rugosa (Benth.) Prain ( Phlomis rugosa Benth.), TJncaria clavisepala is U. velutina Havil., Wendlandia membranifolia is W. luzoniensis DC., and probably the same as TV’, paniculata DC., and Blumea copelandii is Conyza japonica Less. This is the last article of the first volume of the “Leaflets”, and is fol- lowed by four pages of errata and an index, bringing the volume up to 374 pages. In the errata the following new names appear: Vernonia benguetensis (V. vialis Elm. p. 94, non DC.), Emilia marivclensis (E. humifusa Elm. p. 148, non DC.), Freycinetia rigida (F. hemsleyi Elm. p. 214, non Warb.), Hard- ivickia altei'nifolia Elm. (Cynometra alternifolia Elm. p. 223), and Mezo- neurum beng-uetense (Caesalpinia benguetensis Elm. p. 226). In volume 2, the sequence of both articles and pages is continued from volume 1. Gehrmann, K. Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographic der Gattung Bridelia mit beson- derer Beriicksichtgung der africanischen Arten. Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 41 (1908) Beil. 95: 1-42. Forty-three species are recognized, of which two, Bridelia stipulates Blume, and B. tomentosa Blume, are credited to the Philippines. Hamet, B,. Monographic du Genre Kalanchoe. Bull. Herb. Boiss. II 7 (190( i 870-900; 8 (1908) 17-48. Sixty-one species are recognized, a single one, Kalanchoe pinnata Pers., credited to the Philippines. Hennings, P. Fungi philippinenses I. lledwigia 47 (1908) 250—265. One hundred and thirteen species are enumerated, of which sixty-one species, and one genus, Merrilliopeltis, are described as new. The same paper is also printed in This Journal 3 (1908) Bot. 41-58., but the one in “lledwigia” has priority. Hemsley, W. B. Sycopsis philippinensis Hemsl. Book. Ic. PI. TV 9 (1907) sub pi. 2836. The above species is described, but not figured, the first representative of the family (Hamamelidaceae) , to be found in the Philippines. The same species has been later described by Mr. Elmer as Croton curtiflorus, Leafl. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 310. Hemsley, W. B. Sciaphila clemensae Hemsl. Book. Ic. PI. IV 9 (1907) pi. 2850, f. 7-U. The above species is described and figured from material collected by Mrs. Clemens in Mindanao; the second species of the genus for the Philippines. Hemsley, W. B. Aleurites trisperma Blanco. Kew Bull. (1908) 105, 106. Mature fruits and seeds of the above species are figured and described, and the relationships of the species with Aleurites fordii Hemsl., discussed. Hochreutiner, B. P. G. Revision du Genre Hibiscus. Ann. Conserv. Jard. Bot. Geneve 4 (1900) 23-169. One hundred and ninety-seven species are recognized in the genus of which but few are definitely credited to the Philippines: of the species considered, the following are now known from the Archipelago; Bibiscus lampas Cav., B. campylosiphon Turcz., B. tiliaceus Linn., B. syriacus Linn, (cult.), B. surattensis Linn., B. cannabinus Linn, (cult.), B. sabdariffa Linn, (cult.), B. rosa-sinensis Linn, (cult.), B. mutabilis Linn, (cult.), B. esculentus Linn, (cult.), II. abelmoschus Linn., II. haenkeanus (Presl) Hoclir., and B. manihot Linn. var. pun gens (Roxb.) Hochr. Several additional species have since been described from the Archipelago. 91262 2 MERRILL. 680 Jack, J. B. & Stephani, F. Hepaticae Wallisianae. Bcdwigia 31 (1891) 11-27. Twenty-one Philippine species are enumerated, collected in Luzon by Wallis. 1 liree species are described as new, Herbertia longispina -lack & Steph., Thysa nolejeu nea gottschei Jack & Stepli., and Schistochila wallisii Gott. & Jack. Kranzlin, F. Neue und kritischen Arten. Orchis 2 (1907) 16. Microstylis philippinensis is described as new. Macfarlane, J. M. Nepenthaceae. Pflanzenreich 3 6 (1908) 1-92. The family consists of a single genus, Nepenthes, of which 58 species and many varieties are recognized. The following are credited to the Philippines: Nepenthes blancoi Plume, .V. philippinensis Macfar., N. copclandii Merr., A. ventricosa Blanco, A. burkei Mast., and the varieties excellent Veitch and prolifica Mast., N. phyllamphora Willd., N. alata Blanco, and the varie- ties ccnstata Macfar., and biflora Macfar., and V. deaneana Macfar. The above species, with the exception of N. phyllamphora Willd., are endemic in the Philippines. Mildbraed, J. Stylidiaceae. Pflanzenreich 35 (1908) 1-98. Six genera are recognized, the species being mostly confined to the southern hemisphere, the greatest number in Australia. Stylidium, the largest genus, has 103 species, all Australian except a few that extend to Malaya and India. No species is recorded from the Philippines, but the Australian Stylidium alsinoidcs B. Br., has been collected several times in Luzon. Murrill, W. A. Some Philippine Polyporaceae. Bull. Torr. llot. Club. 34 (1907) 465-481. Sixty-nine species are enumerated from the Philippines, the following being described as new: Coriolus cuneatiformis, Funalia philippinensis, Hapalo pilus subrubidus, Inonotus elmerianus, Mioroporellus subdealbatus, Polyporus coracinus, P. palensis, Spongipellis luzoncnsis, Trametes caespitosa, T. la- maensis, T. luzoncnsis, T. subaeuta, T. toilliamsii, Tyromyces elmeri, Amauru- derma elmeriwnum, Elfvingia elmeri, Fames luzonensis, F. philippinensis, QanodeYma subtornatum, G. william sianum, Pyropolyporus lamaensis, P. mcrrillii, P. ivilliamsii, and Gloeophyllum cdulc. There are also many new combinations. Murrill, W. A. A collection of Philippine Polypores. Elmer’s Leafl. Philip. Bot. 1 (1908) 252-271. (Article 15.) Thirty-six species are enumerated, the paper being compiled from one by the same author published previously in the Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. 34 (1907) 465-481, noted above. Murrill, W. A. Additional Philippine Polyporaceae. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 35 (1908) 391-416. One hundred and two species are enumerated, based on material supplied by the Bureau of Science. One new genus, Whitfordia, based on Fames warburgiana P. llenn., and the following 38 new species are described : Coltricia benguetensis, Coriolopsis copelandi, C. bataanensis, C. mclteoflara. C. subcrocata, C. clemensiae, Coriolus currani, C. per pv stilus, C. rubritinctus, <’. subvernicipes, Cyeloporellus barbatus, Favolus resinosus, F. subrigidus, Hapalopilus ramosii , Hexagona luzonensis. H. pertenuis, Inonotus clemensiae, Trametes conglobata, T. insu laris, Tyromyces mcrrillii, T. subchioneus, T. unguliformis, Amauroderma asperulatum, A. bataanense, A. clemensiae, .1. ramosii, Fames subresinosus, F. subungulatus, Ganoderma balabaccnse. < 1 . currani, Pyropolyporus subextensus, P. tenuissimus, P. tricolor, Baedalca isabellina, I), subcon fra gosa, Gloeophyllum nigrozonatum, Lenzites clemensiae. and L. submurina. PHILIPPINE BOTANICAL LITERATURE, V. 681 Oliver, D. Strychnos ignatii Bergius. Hook. Icon. IV 3 (1892) pi. 2212. What is supposed to he the above species is figured and described, and the complicated synonymy of the species is discussed. Oliver, D. Strychnos multiflora Benth. Hook. Iron. TV 3 (1892) pi. 2213. The above Philippine species is figured and described. Pampanini, R. & Bargagli-Petrucci, G. Monografia della famiglia delle Stack- housiaceae. Bull. Herb. Boiss. II 5 (1905) 901-916; 1046-1060; 1145-1160: 6 (1906) 39-44. Two genera are recognized, Btackhousia Sm., and Macgregoria F. Muell., the latter monotypic and confined to Australia, the former with 20 species and many varieties, confined to Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand, with a single variety in the Philippines. The specimen collected in Luzon by Cuming (no. 976), referred by Bentham to 8. muricata Lindl., is made the type of 8. intermedia Bailey var. philippi nensis Pamp. The introduction and systematic part of the paper is by Pampanini, and the anatomical part is by Bargagli-Petrucci. Pfitzer, E. & Kriinzlin, F. Orchidaceae-Monandrae-Coelogyninae. Pflanzenreich 32 (1907) 1-169. Fifteen genera are recognized, the following species credited to the Phil- ippines: Coelogyne bilamellata Lindl., C. sparsa Reichb. f., C. chloroptera Reiclib. f., C. marmorata Reichb. f., all endemic, the last imperfectly known; Dendrochilum araclinitum Reichb. f., D. convallariiforme Schauer, D. filiforme Lindl., D. cucullatum (Ames) Pfitz., D. longilabre (Ames) Pfitz., D. gra- ciliscapum (Ames) Pfitz., I). magnum Reichb. f., I), cobbianum Reichb. f., D. latifolium Lindl., I). cucumerinum Reichb. f. (?), D. uncatum Reichb. f. and var. lancifolia Reichb. f., D. cinnabarinum Pfitz., D. glumaceum Lindl., and var. v alida Rolfe, D. longifolium Reichb. f., D. sphacelatum (Ames) Pfitz., D. tenellum (Ames) Pfitz., D. williamsii (Ames) Pfitz., D. gramini- folium (Ames) Pfitz., I). tenellifolium (Ames) Pfitz., D. tenue (Ames) Pfitz., I). parvulum (Ames) Pfitz., D. venustulum (Ames) Pfitz., D. stricti- forme (Ames) Pfitz., D. oliganthum (Ames) Pfitz., D. ocellatum (Ames) Pfitz., D. recurvum (Ames) Pfitz., D. philippinense (Ames) Pfitz., D. turpe (Ames) Pfitz., I), anfractum (Ames) Pfitz., D. merrillii (Ames) Pfitz., D.? pumilum Reichb. f., D. whitfordii (Rolfe) Pfitz. & Kriinzl., all endemic except D. longifolium ; Pholidota triotos (Reichb. f.) Pfitz., P. con- choidea Lindl., and P. imbricaia Lindl., the first two endemic, the last widely distributed. Dendrochilum especially should be studied with reference to Ames Orcliidaceae 2 (1908) 76-121, where descriptions of and key to 43 Philippine species are given, including many new species not considered in the above monograph. Prain, D. Patchouli. Kew Bull. (1908) 78—82. The patchouli plant of commerce is shown to be Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth., first described from Philippine material. Prantl, K. Das System der Fame. Arb. Kgl. Bot. Garten Breslau 1 (1892) 1-38. In a consideration of the genus Microlepia , the following species are credited to the Philippines: M. trichosticha J. Sm., M. pilosula (Wall.) Presl, and M. speluncae (L.) Moore. Radlkofer, L. Sapindaceae Philippinenses novae. Elmer’s Leafl. Philip. Hot. 1 (1907) 208-211. (Article 10.) Four species are described as new, Allophylus unifoliatus Radik., Aphania angustifolia Radik.. Dictyoneura sphaerocarpa Radik., and Mischocarpus ellipticus Radik. 682 MERRILL. Robinson, C. B. Alabastra philippinensia, I. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. 35 (19081 63-75. In this paper the following new species are described: Pandanus glauciphyl- lus, Thalictrum philippincnse, Anaxagorca radiata, Cyathocalyx acuminatus , Mitrephora williamsii, Uvaria rubra, Uvaria scandens, Sabi a philippincnsis, Elaeocarpus venosus, Daphne luzonica, Sarcopyramis dclicata, and Clethra williamsii. Thesium sanlaloides Hance, and Pisonia longirostris T. & B., are credited to the Philippines for the first time, while critical notes are given on several other species. The paper is based on material collected in the Philippines by R. S. Williams. Rolfe, R. A. The Localities of Cuming’s Philippine Plants. Kew Bull. (1908) 116-119. Considerable previously unpublished information regarding Cuming’s ex- plorations in the Philippines is given, taken largely from his correspondence with Sir William Hooker. Rolfe, R. A. New Orchids, Decade 32. Kew Bull. (1908) 412-416. Coelogyne loheri Rolfe is described from material collected in Luzon. Schlechter, R. Monographic dcr P'odochilinae. M£m. Herb. Boiss. 21 (1900) 1-78. Four genera are recognized, of which the largest is Podochilus with 47 species, the following being credited to the Philippines: P. serpyllifolius Lindl. and P. zollingeri lleichb. f., Java and the Philippines, P. cornutus (Bl.) Schltr., Indo-Malaya to southern China and the Philippines, P. mioranthus (Lindl.) Schltr., endemic, P. undulatus (Bl.) Schltr., Malay Archipelago and the Philippines, P. xytriophorus (Reichb. f.) Schltr., Malay Peninsula to Borneo and the Philippines, P. pendulus (Bl.) Schltr., Malay Peninsula and Archipelago to New Guinea and the Philippines, and P. philip- pinensis Schltr., endemic. Thelasis with 6 species has one representative in the Philippines, T. elongata Bl., extending to Hongkong, the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. Seemen, 0. von. Fine neue Quercus-Art von den Philippinen. Fedde's Repcr- torium 5 (1908) 21. Qucrcus merrillii Seem., is described from material collected in Palawan. Servettaz, C. Note prgliminaire sur la Systematique des Elaeagnac6es. Bull. Herb. Boiss. II 8 (1908) 381-394. Thirty-eight species of Elaeagnus are recognized, the only genus of the family extending to the Philippines, represented here by E. cumingii Schlecht., a species which has been reduced by most recent authors to E. latifolia Linn. Sonnerat, P. Voyage i\ la Nouvelle Guin6e. i-xvi, 1-202, pi. 1-120. Paris, 1776. Pages 19-147 and plates 12-94 refer to the Philippines, and there are occasional Philippine notes elsewhere, so that these Islands, in spite of the title, form the main subject-matter of the book, which is of greater ornitho- logical than botanical importance. Sonnerat left France in 1769, and Port Louis in Mauritius on June 29, 1771, and visiting several smaller islands en route reached Cavite on Sep- tember 3. He sailed again on December 29, having spent the intervening time in Manila, Cavite, and especially in what he considered an adventurous trip to the country near Laguna de Bay. The week from January 7 to 14 was passed at Antique in Panay, whence he sailed to Zamboanga, arriving January 18. From here one of the two ships made a side trip to Jolo. The reunited expedition sailed from Zamboanga on February 9, and made PHILIPPINE BOTANICAL LITERATURE, V. 683 no further stops in the Philippines, visited the Moluccas and other islands as far as New Guinea, and was again in Mauritius by June 4. With the doubtful exception of Menichea rozata, no specific names were originated in this work, but several plants were figured and described, a majority of them Philippine. Those figured from this Archipelago are “le roucou” pi. 13, Bixa orellana L.; “la sapotte negro” pi. Ik-16, Diospyros ebenaster Retz.; “la bergkias,” pi. 17, 18, which he believed to be only an introduced plant in the Philippines, a species of Gardenia, referred by De- Candolle to G. thunbergiana L. f., somewhat resembling G. longiflora Vidal, but not agreeing exactly with any recent collections; “la pandacaqui,” pi. 19, Tabemaemontana pandacaqui Poir., subsequently described from Son- nerat’s collections, and erroneously localized as from New Guinea; “le lima ou fruit a pain,” pi. 57-60, Artocarpus rima Blanco, usually reduced to A communis Forst. ; “le cacao,” pi. 61, 62, Tlicobroma cacao L.; “le petit citron doux,” pi. 63, Triphasia trifoliata (L.) DC.; “la houette,” pi. 90, 91, Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn., here said to be native; la menichea rozata. pi. 92, 93, on which Butonica rosata Miers was in part based, Barringtonia racemosa (L.) Roxb. ; “la manssanas,” pi. 9k, Zizyphus jujuba L. Two other Philippine plants are figured from collections made before his arrival in the Islands, “la pagatpate,” pi. 10, 11, Sonneratia caseolaris (L.) Engl., and “le bonet quarre ou la Commercona,” pi. 8, 9, Barringtonia asiatica (L.) Kurz. Reference is made on page 196 to the introduction into Mauritius in 1768 by Prevost of the nutmeg, afterwards described from Sonnerat’s collections as Myristica philippensis Lam., Mauritius afterwards solving as a centre of distribution for this species into other tropical countries. Many of his collections subsequently formed a part of Commerson’s her- barium, and have occasionally been credited to the latter, who never visited the Philippines, being prevented by unfavorable conditions on the occasion of his chief attempt. (C. B. Robinson.) Sonnerat, P. Voyages aux Indes orientales et i\ la Chine, fait par ordre du Eoi, depuis 1774 jusqu’en 1781. i-xvi, 1-318, i-viii, 1-298, pi. 1-1^0. Paris, 1782. This work is more or less supplementary to the preceding and only pages 104-119 of the second volume relate to the Philippines. No further description is given of species from the Archipelago, but there are interesting notes on the cultivation of many important plant products. He appears to have made but the one visit. (C. B. Robinson.) Turczaninow, N. Description des Elaeocarpees des collections asiatiques de MM. Cuming et Zollinger. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 19 2 (1846) 489-496. The following species are described from the Philippines: Elaeocarpus nitidus Turcz., non Jack, which Turczaninow himself later1 reduced to E. oblongus Gaertn., Mocanera isotricha ( = Elaeocarpus isotrichus ( lurcz.) F. -Vill. ) , and M. multiflora (=E. multiftorus (Turcz.) F.-Vill.). Turczaninow, N. Decas secunda generum adhuc non descriptorum adjectis descriptionibus nunnullarum specierum Byttneriacearum. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 1 93 (1846) 497-510. Four genera and five species are described as new, based on Cuming’s Philippine plants; Hexagonotheca cordata ( —Berry a ammonila Roxb.), Antherotriche lanceolata (—Anisoptera thurifera Blanco), Pterocalymna paniculata {—Lagerstroemia paniculata (Turcz.) Vid.), Gonostcgia opposit- ifolia and G. alternifolia (both = Memoralis pentandra (Roxb.) Wedd.). 1 L. c. 31 1 (1858) 235. MERRILL. 684 Turczaninow, N. Decas tertia generum adhuc non descriptorum adjectis des- criptionibus nonnullarnm speeierum Myrtacearum Xerocarpicaruni atque Umbelliferarum imperfectarum. Bull. Soc. Xat. .1 lose. 20’ (1847) 148-174. A single Philippine plant is considered, Anisostemon trifoliatus, described as a new genus and species ( —Connarus trifoliatus (Turcz.) Rolfe). Turczaninow, N. Asclepiadeae aliquae indescriptae. Hull. Hoc. Xat. .1 lose. 211 (1848) 25C-202. One genus and species in two other genera are described as new, based on ( inning’s Philippine plants ; Triplolepis cumingii ( —Streptocaulon cumingii (Turcz.) F.-Vill.) , Streptocaulon obtusuni (=S. baumii Decne.), and Secamone macrostachya (=Tylophora perrottetiana Decne.). Turczaninow, N. Decas quarta et quinta generum adhuc non descriptorum. Hull. Soc. Xat. AIosc. 2 11 (1848) 570-591. Four genera and six species are described as new, based on Cuming’s Phil- ippine plants; Lachnopetalum glabrum (=Lepidopetalum perrottetii Blume), Otolepis nigrescens ( —Qtophora fruticosa Blume), Zygolepis rufescens (= Ary ter a rufescens (Turcz.) Radik. ), Meladenia densiflora (=Psoralea bad- ocana (Blanco) Benth.), Schleichera subundulata (=Mischocarpus sundaicus Blume), and S. reooluta (= Mischocarpus fuscescens Blume). Turczaninow, N. Synanthereae quaedam hucusque indescriptae. Hull. Soc. Xat. 1 lose. 24 1 (1851) 100-214. The following Philippine species are considered: Conyza tetraptera n. sp. ( =Laggcra alata Less.) , (\ oligandra n. sp. ( =0. viscidula Wall.) , Minyranthes beta ophylla n. gen. & n. sp. {—Siegesbeekia orientalis L.), Bidens tridentata n. sp., and It. denudata n. sp. (both — Glossogyne tenuifolia Cass.), Spilanthes gi andifloi a n. sp., Qynura affinis n. sp. and (I. glabra n. sp. (both=(7. sarmentosa DC.). Turczaninow, N. Asclepiadeae quaedam indescriptae fasciculus 2. Hull. Soc. Nat. .1 lose. 252 (1852) 310-325. A single Philippine species is considered, Amblyoglossum brevipes as a new genus and species (=Tylophora brevipes (Turcz.) F.-Vill.). Turczaninow, N. Animadversiones ad primam partem herbarii Turczaninow- ianii nunc Universitatis Caesareae Charkowiensis. Hull. Soc. Xat. ifosc. 27- (1854) 271bis-372. The following plants are credited to, or described from the Philippines: Stephanie corymbose Blume, to which 1100 Cuming is referred, the specimen being S. extgua Miers, Cissampelos cumingiana n. sp. (-C. pareira L.), ( epparis lesiopoda n. sp., luzonensis n. sp., (\ lobbiana n. sp., the latter credited to Singapore, but the specimen was from the Philippines, Roydsia philippinensis n. sp., (=Stixis philippinensis (Turcz.) Merr.), Hisingera f gi andifolia n. sp., which has been reduced to Flacourtio rukam 7.. & M., Salomonia ramosissima n. sp. ( =S . oblongifolia DC.), Securidaca corymbose n. sp., Pittosporum brochysepalum n. sp. (=P. pentandrum (Blanco) Merr.), Borgia glandulosa n. sp. ( =H. serrate Blanco), and Pentaloba fasciculate n. sp. (=Msodeia fasciculate (Turcz.) F. Vill .=Rinorea). Three species of Phoberos are mentioned without specific name, all referable to Scolopie. Turczaninow, N. Animadversiones in secundam partem herbarii Turezaninow- ianii, nunc universitatis Caesareae Charkowiensis. Hull. Soc. Xat. \fosc. 3 1 1 (1858) 185-250; 379-470. In this paper about sixty Philippine species are considered, including four genera and thirty-seven species which are described as new, as follows: Pavonia rubiformis n. sp. ( =Urcna lobata L.), Hibiscus campylosiphon n. sp. ( =Bombycidendron campylosiphon (Turcz.) Warb.), Malachra lineariloba PHILIPPINE BOTANICAL LITERATURE, V. 685 n. sp. (=M. fasciata Jacq., var. lineariloba (Turcz.) Giirke), Grewia peti- tiana A. Rich.?, G. cumingiana n. sp., G. eriopoda n. sp., Columbia celebica Blume?, C. inaequilatera n. sp. (=C. serratifolia (Cav.) DC.), Sczegleewia involucrata n. gen. & n. sp. (— Symphorema luzonicum (Blanco) h.-\ill.), Diplodiscus paniculatus n. gen. & n. sp., which has been reduced by liene to Brownlowia, but which is apparently a valid genus, Hopea squamata n. sp. ( —Shorea squamata (Turcz.) Dyer), Saurauia rugosa n. sp. (=S. elegans (Choisy) F.-Vill. ) , Sclerostylis nitida n. sp. ( =Atalantia disticha (Blanco) Merr. ), Micromelum tephrocarpum n. sp., .1/. molle n. sp., the latter and possibly the former the same as .1/. pubescens Blume, Ancistrolobus flori- bundus n. sp. (— Cratoxylon floribundum (Turcz.) F.-Vill.), A. micradenius n. sp. (=C. blancoi Blume), Schmidelia grossedentata n. sp. {—Allophylus grossedentatus (Turcz.) Radik.), Sapindus forsythii DC.?, the specimen being referable to 8. saponaria Linn, var., Sapindus cinereus n. sp. (=Euphoria cinerea (Turcz.) Radik.), 8. steUulatus n. sp. (-E. stellulata (Turcz.) Radik.), possibly not distinct from the preceding, S.f cultratus n. sp. (=Tri- gonachras cultrata (Turcz.) Radik.), Cupania lessertiana Cambess. (the specimen is Mischocarpus sundaicus Bl.), Dodonaea viscosa L., Otolepis nigrescens Turcz. (—Otophora fruticosa Blume), Aglaia cumingiana n. sp., A. macrobotrys n. sp., A. denticulata n. sp.. A. hexandra n. sp., Schizochiton tetrapetalus n. sp. (=Chisocheton) , Hartighsea cauliflora n. sp. (=Dyso- xylum cumingianurn C. DC.), H. schizochitoides n. sp. {—Dysoxylum schizo- chitoide (Turcz.) C. DC.), Sandoricum indicum L., Dasycoleum philippinum n. sp. (=Chisochiton philippinum (Turcz.) Harms), Cissus flexuosa n. sp. (= Stemonurus laxiflorus (Miers) Merr.), Vitis cumingiana n. sp. a doubtful species, Oxalis cumingiana n. sp. (—Biophytum sensitivum (L.) DC.), Toddalia effusa n. sp. and T.f ambigua n. sp., (both=7T. asiatica (L.) Kurz), Euonymus timorensis Zipp.?, (the specimen is E. pliilippinensis Merr.), Celastrus polybotrys n. sp. {—C. paniculatus Ro.xb.), Cascaria cinerea n. sp., C. leucolepis n. sp. (the latter based on a specimen collected by Lobb, and credited to Singapore, but Lobb’s specimen in the Kew herbarium is labelled Luzon), Stachycrater philippinus n. gen. & n. sp. (= Osmelia philip- pina (Turcz.) Benth.), Buchanania longifolia Span.? (the specimen is B. arborescens Blume), Garuga mollis n. sp. (=Garuga abilo (Blanco) Merr.), and Marignia? nitida n. sp. (=Glycosmis cochinchinensis (Lour.) Pierre). Turczaninow, N. Animadversiones ad Catalogum primum et secundum herbarii Universitatis Charkoviensis. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 36' (1863) 545-615. The following Philippine species are considered: Lachnopetalum glabrum Turcz. is transferred to Ratonia, as R. lachnopetalum, and Zygolepis rufes- cens to the same genus as R. zygolepis (see above 684), Zanthoxylumf triplinerve n. sp., a doubtful species, Chailletia benthamiana n. sp. {—Dicha- petalum benthamianum (Turcz.) Engl.), Ryssopteris ovata n. sp. ( =Anisop - teris ovata (Turcz.) Merr. & Rolfe), and Helicteres hirsuta Blume, var.? Turczaninow, N. Verbenaceae et Myporaceae nonnullae hucusque indescriptae. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 3 6- (1863) 193-227. Sczegleewia luconensis n. gen. & sp. (non Sczegleewia iurez. supia) ( = Pterosperm um obllquum Blanco) , and Premna pliilippinensis n. sp. (— Vitex turczaninoivii Merr.), are described from the Philippines. Turczaninow, N. Quelques observations sur les espSces du genre Clethra. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 362 (1863) 228—235. Clethra lancifolia Turcz. is described from the Philippines, based on Cuming 855, and Lobb Jf99, the latter credited to Singapore, but collected in Luzon. PHILIPPINE BORAGINACEE. By C. B. Robinson. ( From the Botanical Section of the Biological Laboratory, Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I.) This family has an unusually small number of species endemic in the Philippines, only 3 of the 21 here reported being as yet unknown outside the Archipelago, and one of these is very closely related to a species of very wide distribution. No novelties are recorded, but an attempt has been made to settle the synonymy, so far as its Philippine complications are concerned: nearly all the systematic problems, however, involve plants of other countries. It is improbable that the present figures will be materially altered by future exploration. Both tropical and temperate elements are included, the former represented by the species of such genera as Cordia and Eliretia, the latter by Cynoglossum , Bothriospermlim , and Trigonotis, in which the Philippines mark the extreme southeastern limit, at least for the species represented. The appended table enumerates the species of all the genera of the family which have been found in Malaysia. Genus. India.1 Malay Penin- sula.2 Malay Archi- pelago3 China.4 For- mosa.5 Philip- pine Is- lands. 1 4 i i 1 1 1 1 i 1 15 3 16 2 i 3 10 1 5 2 2 10 2 7 7 7 4 16 2 9 2 2 3 3 2 1 5 1 1 12 1 6 4 2 3 5 1 2 5 4 1 i 61 17 140 9 44 51 17 21 1 Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Br. Ind. 4 (1883) 134—179. 2 King & Gamble in Journ. As. Soc. Bengal 742 (1905) 277-284. ’ Boerl. Handl. Kenn. FI. Ned. Ind. 22 (1899) 486-488. 4 Forbes & Hemsl. in Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 26 (1890) 143-155; 36 (1905) 451-530. “Matsum. & Hayata in Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo 22 (1906) 253-259. 687 688 KUI5INS0N. KEY TO THE PHILIPPINE GENERA OF BOBAOINACEAE." Styles terminal. Trees or shrubs, sometimes climbing. Style single. Style twice forked 1. Cordia Style distinctly 2-lobed 2. Ehretia Style simple or indistinctly 2-lobed. Leaves less than 2 cm long 4. Rotula Leaves at least 5 cm long 5. Tournefortia Styles 2 2. Ehretia Herbaceous. Fruit entire 3. Coldenia Fruit splitting naturally into 2 or 4 ) 61. Local names, anonang , anunang, anunong, or anonung , throughout the Archi- pelago, recorded as one or other of these variants from Ilocos, Benguet, Nueva Ecija, Rizal, Bataan, Cavite, Tayabas, Camarines, and Sorsogon provinces in Luzon, also from Mindoro, Guimaras, Masbate, Levte, Surigao. Davao. Zamboanga, and Palawan. Celebes: range of C. myxa, Egypt to tropical Australia. 2. Cordia subcordata Lam. 111. 1 (179?) 421. C. banalo Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 124. C. ignota Blanco 1. c. ed. 2 (1845) 88. Luzon, Province of Batangas, Malabuyo, For. Bur. 77)2 Curran t£- Merritt: Province of Tayabas, Pitogo, For. Bur. 10233 Curran: Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 84, For. Bur. 10478 Curran. Burias, For. Bur. 1733 Clark. Mindoro, Baco, For. Bur. 5507 Merritt. Mindanao, District of Davao, Malalag, Copeland 620; Santa Cruz, DcVore t£- Hoover 230, Williams 2734. Basilan, For. Bur. 6120 Hutchinson, Hallier s. n. Palawan, Agoho Point, For. Bur. 3780 Curran ; near Puerto Princesa, For. Bur. 3528 Curran. Local names, balug, Basilan; agotot, Burias; sigan dagat, Camarines. East Africa, Madagascar, southern Asia, and Malaya to Australia and Hawaii. 3. Cordia cumingiana Vidal Phan. Cuming. Philip. (1885) 187. C. propinqua Merr. Bur. Govt. Lab. Puhl. (Philip.) 35 (1906) 60. Luzon, Province of Union, Bauang, Elmer 5663 : Province of Pangasinan, 7 FI. Br. Ind. 4 (1883) 136. 5 Pflanzenfam. 43a: 82, f. 33, M-P. 690 ROBINSON. Cuming 1012: Province of Rizal, Antipolo, Merrill 1321 ; Bosoboso, For. Bur. 2069 Ahern’s collector; Montalban, Merrill 5060, For. Bur. 2454 Ahern’s collector. Mindoro, Baco, Merrill 1181. Leyte, Palo, Elmer 7 101. Mindanao, District of Davao, Davao, Copeland S. «. This species is mentioned by Gtirke in the Pflanzenfamilien as belonging to the section Myxa; it has, however, the calyx strongly 10-ribbed, quite as it is in American species belonging to the sections Oerascanthus and Pilicordia, and as the corolla does not persist beyond flowering time, it is to be included in the latter. All species recorded as belonging to either of the two last sections are tropical American, all those of Pilicordia being Brazilian, and this is apparently a case of remarkable geographical distribution. The types of C. cumingiana and C. propinqua are not identical, but subsequent collections have united the two series. The Mindanao and Leyte specimens have leaves with acute bases, and thicker styles, one of the Montalban numbers has the acute bases but the slender styles found in all the rest. Local name, Anonang lalaqui, Mindoro. Endemic. SPECIES EXCLUSA. Cordia olitoria Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 123. Certainly to be excluded from the family; reduced by F.-Villar to Pisonia inermis Forst. (Nyctaginiaceae) . 2. EHRETIA L inn. Styles single, bifid. Leaves serrate 1. E. acuminata Leaves entire. Calyx increasing in fruit, fruit 4-6 mm diameter, corolla-tube 4 to 6 mm long 2. E. navesii Calyx not increasing in fruit, fruit smaller, corolla-tube shorter. 3. E. philippinensis Styles two, undivided, more rarely single and deeply parted 4. E. microphylla 1. Ehretia acuminata R. Br. Prodr. (1810) 497. E. polyantha DC. Prodr. 9 (1845) 503. E. virgata Blanco FI. Filip. ( 1837) 127, non Sw. Prodr. (1788) 47. E. onava DC. 1. c. 511. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, San Vicente, For. Bur. 11208 Klemme: Province of Nueva Ecija, near San Jose, For. Bur. 8470 Curran: Province of Zambales, between Castillejos and Aglao, For. Bur. 5848 Curran: Cabuuan, For. Bur. 6038 Curran: Province of Rizal, San Mateo, For. Bur. 1131 Ahern’s collector; Bosoboso, Merrill 1846, 1857; Cavtilabag, Bur. Sci. 21 Foxworthy ; Antipolo, Merrill 1670, For. Bur. 458 Ahern’s collector. Although both Naves and F.-Villar agreed in interpreting Blanco’s species quite differently, there can be no doubt that it and therefore E. onava, which was based on it, should be reduced to E. polyantha. The latter is clearly synonymous with E. acuminata, although, in that species, the corolla-tube is said to be very short, and its lobes 3 mm long, in Philippine material the tube is nearly 1 mm, and the lobes rarely 2.5 mm, the leaves also varying from elliptic-oblong, as described for E. acuminata, almost to orbicular. Local names, opa, Cagayan; balagla, Nueva Ecija; calibinung, baliwit, Zam- bales; tanaua, panau, malaanonag, canawa, Rizal. The names from near Manila suggest Blanco’s onava. Himalayas to Japan and Australia. PHILIPPINE BORAGINACEAE. 691 2. Ehretia naves ii Vidal Revis. PI. Vase. Filip. (1886) 194. E. virgata Naves in Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 3 (1877?) pi- 70, nec Blanco nec S\v. E. setosa Naves 1. c., non Itoxb. FI. Ind. 2 (1824) 342. Menais mollis Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 139. E. mollis Merr. Bur. Govt. Lab. Publ. (Philip.) 6 (1904) 5; non Wall, ex DC. Prodr. 9 (1845) 511. Menais blanda Blanco ex DC. 1. c. 512, quasi synon. E. onava F.-Vill. Noviss. App. (1880) 138, non DC. 1. c. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Solana, Bur. Sci. 788-4 Ramos: Province of Isabela, Cabagan Nuevo. Bur. Sci. S087 Ramos: Province of Ilocos Norte, Cuming 1184; Nagpartian, For. Bur. 13842 Merritt & Darling; Bangui, For. Bur. 1380S Merritt t(- Darling: Province of Ilocos Sur, Cuming 1130: District of Lepanto, Cervantes, Bur. Sci. 7 022 Ramos: Province of Nueva Vizcaya, Paloc River, For. Bur. 18015 Merritt, For. Bur. 10864 Curran; Dupax, For. Bur. 14855 Darling: Province of Benguet, Baguio, Elmer 8480; Twin Peaks, Elmer 6333: Province of Nueva Ecija, For. Bur. 8422 Curran; Carranglang, Merrill 300: Province of Pangasinan, Villasis, Alberto 37; Rosales, Alberto 65, 71: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 122 Foxworthy; Antipolo, For. Bur. 7031 Curran; Mount Santander, Bur. Sci. 3250 Ramos; Malapadnabato, Merrill 2724 ; Manila, Merrill s. n.: Province of Laguna, Los Banos, Elmer s. n.: Province of Tayabas, Pagsalan, For. Bur. 10363 Curran. Mindanao, Province of Surigao, Surigao, Bolster 236. Typical specimens of this species are easily distinguished from typical ones of E. philippinensis, but there are often puzzling intermediates. To the charac- ters given in the key, it may be added that the leaves of E. navesii are usually broader, more rounded at the base, and have more numerous veins than those of the other species, but none of these can be depended upon. Even as regards the more natural characters given in the key, it must be confessed that specimens here referred to one or the other species approach the limits of size given very closely; further, several collections, all referred here to E. navesii, seem to have the calyx already longer at antliesis: these grade into the others so gradually that they have not been separated. I have not followed Clarke in his reduction of E. philippinensis to E. laevis var. timoriensis, because the only description 1 have found of flowers of the latter states that the corolla-tube is shorter than the calyx; in E. philippinensis, they are regularly longer, though sometimes but little, being about the size ascribed by Clarke to typical E. laevis. Indian and Ceylon material of that species in this herbarium, though undoubtedly very closely allied, seems sufficiently distinct. If Formosan material in this herbarium named as E. formosana Hemsley has been correctly identified, that species must be reduced to E. navesii. Otherwise, it is apparently confined to the Philip- pines. Local names, maragooed, Ilocos Norte; talibunog, Lepanto; malatadiang, Nueva Vizcaya; malahayabas, Nueva Ecija (surely an error); sangubat, Rizal; calambunog, Pangasinan; alimbungug, Surigao. 3. Ehretia philippinensis DC. Prodr. 9 (1845) 504. E. beurreria Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 127; non E. bourreiia Linn. Sp. 11. ed. 2 (1762) 275. E. blancoi DC. 1. c. 511. E. laevis timoriensis Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Br. Ind. 4 (1883) 142, quoad philippinensis. Babuyanes Islands, Camiguin Island, Bur. Sci. 4 HO Fenix. Luzon, Prov- ince of Ilocos Sur, For. Bur. 11,11,3 Merritt & Darling: District of Bontoc, Bontoc, ROBINSON. 692 For. Fur. 10971) Curran: Province of Benguet, Mount Pulog, For. Fur. 18198 Curran Merritt d Zschokke; Sugpan, For. Fur. 11,105 Merritt rf- Darling; Baguio, For. Fur. 1581,3 Curran d Merritt; Twin Peaks, For. Fur. 10803 Curran: Prov- ince of Zani bales, Candelaria, Fur. Sci. 1,712 Ramos; Tapulao, Fur. Sci. 5102 Ramos: Province of Bataan, Mount Mariveles, Laniao Kiver, Williams 368, 513 , Elmer 6830, For. Fur. 2103 Borden: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, For. Fur. 1993 Ahern’s collector, Merr. Dec. Philip. For. FI. 21,5 Ahern’s collector: Prov. ince of Ca marines, Pasacao, Ahern 122, 152. Ckbu, Daliiulangan Kiver, For. Fur. 61,1,9 Everett. Neqbos, For. Fur. 5591, Everett. Guimaras, For. Fur. 285 Gam mill. Palawan, Tanabag River, For. Fur. 71,19 Manalo. Mindanao, District of Davao, Santa Cruz, Williams 2756: Lake Lanao, Camp Iveithley, Mrs. Clemens 306, 511, s. n.: District of Zamboanga, Tetuan, Ahern 576. Ba- silan, 1 lallicr s. n. Local names, aurnaug, 1 locos Sur; ludungla, Bontoc; anonang, Benguet; mala- paeo, Zambales; palimumog, talibobong, Rizal; anonangin, macaisa, Catnarines; alibungog, Cebu; clamungog, Guimaras. Endemic: E. laevis ranges from India to Australia. 4. Ehretia microphylla Lam. 111. 1 (179?) 425. E. buxifolia Roxb. PI. Corom. 1 (1795) 42, pi. 57. Carmona lieterophylla Cav. 1c. 5 (1799) 23, pi. 1,38. Carmonea heterophylla Blanco FI. Filip. ( 1837 ) 209. Ehretia heterophylla Sprang. Syst. 1 (1825) 048; Naves in Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 3 (1877 ?) pi. 72. Cordia retusa Valil Symb. 2 (1791) 42; non Ehretia retusa Wall, ex DC. Prodr. 9 ( 1845) 511. Batanes Islands, Batan Island, Santo Domingo de Basco, Fur. Sci. 3623 F&nix. Babuyanes Islands, Camiguin Island, Fur. Sci. 1,017 Fcnix. Luzon, Province of llocos Norte, Bangui, For. Fur. 11,692 Darling: Province of Cagayan, Fur. Sci. 7903 Ramos, For. Fur. 16620 Curran, For. Fur. 161,63, 16690 Bacani: Province of Nueva Vizcaya, Dupax, Fur. Sci. 821,8 Ramos; Santa Cruz, For. Fur. 15785 Curran <£• Merritt: Province of Benguet, Sablan, Elmer 6167 ; Twin Peaks, Elmer 631,7: Province of Union, Bauang, Fcnix 7: Province of Bataan, Lamao River, Merrill 2538, Elmer 6850, W illiams 186, For. Fur. 1603 Forden: Province of Rizal, Manila, Merrill 31,76, Marave 1,6; Malapadnabato, Merrill 2726: Prov- ince of Laguna, Los Banos, Elmer s. n. : Province of Tayabas, Pagsalan, For. Fur. 11112, 11121 Curran: Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 810. Mas- hate, Merrill 3057. Ticao, For. Fur. 1011, Clark. Bohol, Guindulman. Fur. Sei. 1238 McGregor. Mindanao, District of Davao, Davao, Copeland 881, ; Santa Cruz, Williams 2763: District of Cotabato, Malabang, Mrs. Clemens 787: District of Zamboanga, Tetuan, Ahern 551,, 621. Basilan, DcVorc d lloover 13. Local names, palupo, Batan; itsa, llocos; cha, Bataan; chaa bundoc, Manila; chain bundoc, Malapadnabato; putputay, Pasacao; marumara, Masbate; rna- ramara, Ticao; buyobuyo, buyocbuyoc, Zamboanga, Basilan; ycha nga atap, Union. It is still uncertain which is the oldest available name for this species; the oldest, that of Valil, is not available. The first part of volume 1 of Lamarck’s Illustrations was published in 1791, the first part of volume 2 in 1797. Ehretia microphylla was published in the second or remaining part of volume 1, one of the few parts of the entire work for which the dates have not been accurately ascertained. This name has been generally adopted of late on the supposition that it dated from 1791, the presumption is still in its favor. India, Malaya, Formosa. PHILIPPINE BOBAGINACEjE. 693 3. COLDENIA Linn. Coldenia procumbens Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 125. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Solana, Bur. Sci. 78.92 Ramos: Province of Union, San Fernando, Herb. San Fern. High School: Province of Pangasinan, Cuming 995; Baui, Bur. Sci. 7/929 Ramos: Province of Pampanga, Arayat, Merrill 1464: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Bur. Sci. 8787 Robinson ; Taytay, Bur. Set. 2655 Ramos; Tanav, Bur. Sci. 33)3 Ramos. Mindoro, Magaran, Bur. Sci. 663 7 Robinson. Local name, papa atinuang , Union. Cosmopolitan in the tropics of both hemispheres. 4. ROTULA I .our. Rotula aquatica Lour. FI. Cochinch. (1790) 121. Rhabdia lycioides Mart. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2 (1827) 136, pi. 195. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Tuguegarao, Bolster 198, Bur. Sci. 7874 Ramos: Province of Ilocos Norte, Bur. Sci. 2225 M earns : Province of Zambales, Cande- laria, Bur. Sci. 4809 Ramos: Province of Bulacan, near Norzagaray, Yoder 171: Province of Rizal, Montalban, For. Bur. 3400 Ahern’s collector. Mindoro, Tubile, For. Bur. 8646, 9929 Merritt. Used as a house decoration at Tuguegarao, where it is very common. Plant usually scandent, growing on rocks in river-beds, or in sandy soil near streams. The identity of Rotula aquatica and Rhabdia lycioides was stated by Clarke,® but without comment. Loureiro’s names are the older, both for the species and genus, the genus is considered to be monotypic, and the name Rotala in the Lythraceae, the only obstacle, is sufficiently distinct. If Rhabdia were retained, a new combination would be necessary. In order to finally settle the ques- tion, information was sought from J)r. A. B. Rendle, of the British Museum of Natural History, where Loureiro’s collections are preserved. He writes : “Loureiro’s type of Rotula aquatica consists mostly of leafless twigs but there are fragments of flowers fruits and leaves which put beyond doubt the identity of the plant with Rhabdia lycioides. An anatomical examination of the twigs con- firms the identity. As you suggest in your letter the name Rotula must be taken for the genus.” Tropics of both hemispheres. 5. TOURNEFORTIA Linn. Coastal trees or shrubs; corolla-tube about same length as calyx.... 1 . T. argentea Shrubby, usually scandent; corolla-tube much longer than calyx. Calyx densely tomentose 2. T. horsfieldii Calyx, though pubescent, not tomentose 3. T. sarmentosa 1. Tournefortia argentea Linn. f. Suppl. (1781) 133. T. arborea Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 129. Batanes Islands, Sabtan Island, Santo Domingo de Basco, Bur. Sci. 3762 Fcnix. Babuyanes Islands. Fuga Island, Bur. Sci. 3252, 3253 M earns ; Babuyan Island, Bur. Sci. 3894 Fcnix: Camiguin Island, Bur. Sci. 3894, 4004 F6nix. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Palaui Island, For. Bur. 16934 Curran: Province of Panga- sinan, northwest coast, Bur. Sci. 8351 Curran & Merritt: Province of Camarines, Pasacao, Ahern 221, 244- Mindoro, Pinamalayan, For. Bur. 6733 Merritt ; Hook. f. FI. Br. Ind. 4 (1883) 145. ROBINSON. 694 Tubile, For. Bur. 855 '/ Merritt. Ai*o Island, Mindoro Straits, Merrill l/ll/, Bur. Sci. 17!) Bermejo. Balabac, Bur. Sci. 382 Mangubat. Sxjlu, Jolo, Williams 3121/. Leyte, Panaon Island, Lyon 13. Local names, vangta, Sabtan; bantal, Palaui; baracbarac, Apo Island. Ceylon to Australia and Mauritius. 2. Tournefortia horsfieldii Miq. FI. Ind. Bat. 2 (1857) 927. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, Cuming 1215, Bur. Sci. 2318 Mearns; Bangui, For. Bur. 11/601/ Darling; Badoc, For. Bur. 13954 Merritt & Darling: Province of Benguet, Baguio, Elmer 81/67, Topping 11/3 ; Mount Pulog, For. Bur. 16103 Curran Merritt tC- Zschokke: Province of Zambales, Mount Tapulao, Bur. Sci. 1/70!) Ramos; Kio Baquiling, For. Bur. 60S0 Curran .' Province of Pangasinan, Villasis, Alberto 86: Province of Pampanga, Arayat, Merrill 13§5. Very doubtfully distinct from F. sarmentosa. Duplicates of the two Cuming collections upon which these species were credited to the Philippines are in this herbarium, and have been very carefully examined. The most obvious difference is in the extent of the pubescence, not only upon the calyx, but also the corolla, rachis, and the under surface of the leaves. There is a further difference in the shape of the calyx-lobes, those of T. sarmentosa being shorter and broader and more obtuse, those of T. horsfieldii being longer (2.5 mm), narrowly lanceolate, and subacute. An attempt to separate the later collections on this basis, has led to the conclusion that its apparent naturalness is illusory. Miquel places these species in different sections, the fruits of T. sarmentosa being capable of division into two, those of T. horsfieldii into four parts. Fruits were examined from all our Philippine collections having them, 20 in all, and all gave practically the same result, that they more easily divided into two. but each of these again divided nearly as easily into two. When the attempt is made by inserting a needle at the base, the first split is a quadrant in about one-fourth of the cases. Otherwise, the numbers above cited well agree with Miquel’s description. The corolla-tube, both in our specimens referred to this and to the following species is longer than described for either, in a large majority of the cases being from 7 to 12 mm. But it is often possible on the same branches to find others, apparently mature but much shorter, so that while this may possibly be a natural character, it is incapable of application. With this goes a difference in the length of the corolla-lobes, both lobes and tube appearing to elongate after the flowers have opened. Local name, pangas, Pampanga. Malaya. 3. Tournefortia sarmentosa Lam. 111. 1 (179?) 416. T. urvilleana Cham, in Linnaea 4 (1829) 465. T. hirsutissima Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 128; non Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 140. Babuyanes Islands, Camiguin Island, Bur. Sci. 301/0 Fcnix. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Bur. Sci. 7006 Ramos, For. Bur. 161/00 Bacani, For. Bur. 16730 Curran, For. Bur. 18616 Klemme : Province of Benguet, Bur. Sci. 5305 Ramos: Province of Union, Bauang, Elmer 5652: Province of Bataan, Dinalupijan, Merrill 1575 ; Lamao River, Whitford 15, Merrill 2525, Williams 525, For. Bur. 281/1/ Meyer: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Merrill Dec. Philip. For. FI. 260 Ahern’s collector; Jala-Jala, Chamisso (carbon-print of type of T. urvilleana in herb. Berol.) : Province of Laguna, Los Banos, Hallier s. n., Elmer s. n.; Calauan, Cuming 1/68: Province of Tayabas, Atimonan, Whitford 606: Province of Camari- nes, Ahern 256. Polillo, Burdeos, Bur. Sci. 0212 Robinson. Masbate, Merrill 301/0, For. Bur. 1692 Clark. Romblow, Copeland s. n. Lubang, Merrill 971. Palawan, Puerto Princesa, For. Bur. 351/0 Curran, Bur. Sci. 330 Bermejo; PHILIPPINE BORAGINACEJE. 695 Iwahig, Bur. Sci. 805 Foxworthy, Merrill 784. Ubian, Merrill 5397. Mindanao, District of Davao, Santa Cruz, Williams 2705: District of Zamboanga, San Ramon, Eallier s. n. Basilan, Eallier s. n. Mauritius to Malaya and Australia. 6. H ELIOT RO PI U M Tourn. Coarse weed, with leaves at least 5 cm long L B. indicum Much smaller, leaves not, over 1.5 cm long. Fruit distinctly 4-lobed - -• B. bracteatum Fruit not or indistinctly 4-lobed 3. E. strigosum 1. Heliotropium indicum Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 130. Heliophytum indicum DC. Prodr. 9 (1845) 55G. Tiaridium indicum Lehm. Asperif. 1 (1818) 14. Heliotropium parviflorum Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 80, non Linn. Mant. 2 (1771) 201. So common throughout the Archipelago that it is now rarely collected, repre- sented in this herbarium by the following. Babuyanes Islands, Camiguin Island, Bur. Sci. 3970 F6nix. Batanes Islands, Batan Island, Bur. Sci. 3700 Fenix. Luzon, Province of Ilocos Norte, Bur. Sci. 22^1 Mearns: Province of Zambales, Merrill 2092, Bur. Sci. 5071 Ramos: Province of Pampanga, Parker: Province of Bataan, Williams 1/8, For. Bur. 195.'t Borden: Province of Rizal, Elmer 5534, Philip. Normal School 182 Abceda, Merrill 28: Province of Laguna, Cuming 7 23, Marave IfS : Province of Cavite, Bur. Sci. 176 Foxworthy: Province of Tayabas, For. Bur. 6609 Kobbe. Marin- duque, collector unknown. Panay, Merrill 2409. Mindanao, Province of Su- rigao, Allen 154: District of Davao, DeVore cG Hoover 208: Lake Lanao, Mrs. Clemens. Basilan, DeVore it- noover 81, 83. Local names, malacudcuran, Zambales; camantigui, Manila; hinlalayon, Bu- lacan; bunut leon, Tayabas : trompa elefante, Manila; Marinduque, Panay, Basilan; apostes, Basilan. The names given by Blanco under H. parviflorum are hinlalayon and cotingcotingan. Tropics of both hemispheres. 2. Heliotropium bracteatum R. Br. Prodr. (1810) 493. Mindanao, District of Davao, Davao, Copeland 538. Southern India to Australia. 3. Heliotropium strigosum Willd. Sp. PI. 1 (1797) 743. Luzon, Province of Zambales, Iba, Merrill 328, with very narrow leaves, falling under the variety brevifolium. Western Asia to Australia. Heliotropium cueassavicum Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 130. This species is reported by Fernandez-Villar as growing near the shore at Manila. It is not represented by recent collections, but is not unlikely to have been introduced. Heliotropium coromandelianum Naves in FI. Filip, ed. 3. (1877) pi. 28; F.-Vill. in Noviss. App. (1883) 138; non Retz. Obs. 2 (1781) 9. f Schleidenia parciflora Llanos in Mem. Real Acad. Ci. Madrid 4 (1859) 499; non DC. Prodr. 9 (1845) 557. This species, now regarded as a synonym of H. ovalifolium Forsk., is not, represented by Naves’ plate, and nothing corresponding to either has appeared in recent collections: the plate was presumably drawn from Philippine material, but is too imperfect to permit exact identification. The known Philippine plants 91262 3 ROBINSON. 696 which superficially most resemble it belong to other families, but it may prove to be a true Hcliotropium. Llanos’ species, from Angeles, Pampanga, where it is known as taling-bondoc, has no other means of identification: it was reduced to //. coromandelianum by Villar, and if really known to him. may prove the key to the situation. As yet, this local name does not appear in this herbarium on any sheet of Boraginaceae or any species of other families suggested by Naves’ plate. 7. TRICHODESMA R. Br. Calyx-lobes in fruit cordate or hastate 1. T.indicum Calyx-lobes not cordate nor hastate 2. T. zeylanioum 1. Trichodesma indicum R. Br. Prodr. (1810) 496. Borago indica Linn. Sp. PI. (1753) 137; Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 60, non Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 81. Luzon, Province of Rizal, Tanay, Bur. Sci. 3335 Ramos; Manila, Merrill s. n.: Province of Laguna, Santa Rosa. Bur. Sci. 6093 Robinson. Persia, India, Mauritius. 2. Trichodesma zeylanicum R. Br. Prodr. (1810) 496. Borago zeylanica Burm. f. FI. Ind. (1768) 41. Borago indica Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 81. B. afrieana ? Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 60. Ltzon, Province of Cagayan, Tuguegarao, Bur. Sci. 7 050 Ramos: Province of I locos Norte, Bur. Sci. 230.’,, 2303 M earns; Banna, Bur. Sci. 769.', Ramos: Prov- ince of Pampanga, Arayat, Merrill 1J,66: Province of Rizal, Bosoboso, Merrill 2623: Province of Tayabas, Cuming 680: locality unknown, Marave 160. India, Australia, Mascarene Islands. There seems to be much doubt regarding the occurrence of this genus elsewhere in Malaya, in spite of its wide distribution: Miquel enumerates both of the present species, but apparently had not seen either; Boer 1 age omits the genus altogether. In the Philippines, it is almost certainly introduced, although long established. 8. CYNOGLOSSUM Tourn. Nutlets margined, stem-pubescence appressed 1. C. furcatum Nutlets not margined, stem-pubescence spreading 2. C. micranthum 1. Cynoglossum furcatum Wall, in Roxb. FI. Ind. 2 (1824) 6. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Bued River, Merrill 1,299; Baguio, Elmer 6381, Mil Hams 1129; Rio Trinidad, Bur. Sci. 551,3 Ramos: District of Bontoc, For. Bur. 11,1,57 Darling, For. Bur. 16533 Curran if Merritt. Mindanao, District of Davao, Mount Apo, Copeland 1131,. Afghanistan to Ceylon and Japan. 2. Cynoglossum micranthum Desf. Cat. Hort. Paris. (1804) 220. Luzon, Province of Cagayan, Cuming 131,1: Province of Nueva Vizcaya, Mount Cmuguen, Bur. Sci. 8265 Ramos: Province of Benguet, Pauai, Bur. Sci. 1,1,45 Mearns; Sayat to Balangaban, For. Bur. 1591,9 Bacani ; Rio Trinidad, Bur. Sci. 551,3a Ramos; Mount Pulog, For. Bur. 16103 Curran Merritt t€ Zschokke ; Mount Tonglon (Santo Tomas), Merrill 1,833, For. Bur. 1,956 Curran, Bur. Sci. 51,71, Ram os. While these are the species so-called in eastern Asiatic botany, they do not exactly agree with the descriptions in the Flora of British India. Our C. mi- cranthum differs in having slightly larger calyx-lobes, and nearly all the flowers are pedicelled except when very young; the fruit in our specimens is about 4 mm in diameter: Philippine C. furcatum has more pubescent leaves than described, PHILIPPINE BORAGINACEdE. 697 though the Apo specimen which is in flower seems to be cospecific and is less pubescent than the plants from northern Luzon; the stems have the appressed pubescence directed downward except toward the apex ; the fruit is about 0 mm in diameter. China, Malaya, India, eastern Africa. 9. BOTH RIOS PERM UM Bunge. Bothriospermum tenellum Fiscli. & Mey. Ind. Sem. (1835) 24. Anchusa tenella Hornem. Hort. Hafn. 1 (1812-1815) 17fi. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Baguio, Elmer 577 ), Williams 135!). There is difficulty over the specific name, involving species in two genera. Hornem. Enum. PI. Hort. Bot. Hafn. (1807) 3, enumerated Anchusa tenella Herb. Valil, with no additional data, so that the name is a mere nomen nudum. The plant was Cynoglossum denticulatum DC. Prodr. 10 (1846) 150, with no other earlier synonyms. In 1813. Hort. Reg. Bot. Hafn. 1: 170, Hornemann definitely published An- chusa. tenella, the basis of the present species, and added as a note: “In Herb. Valilii asservatur sub nomine Ancli. zeylanica planta liuic similis, sed cum inflorescentia (Racemus) differt, lianc novam esse speciem opinatus sum.” Jacquin, Eel. 1 (1811-1816) 47, pi. 29, has the following: “29. Anchusa zey- lanica. Anchusa zeylanica, herbacea caule prostrato, foliis ovatis, hirsutis; floribus solitariis interfoliaceis pedunculatis. Anchusa zeylanica. Herb. Valilii. Hornemann, Enumer. plant, liorti botanici hafniensis. 1807.” This is followed by a description of a plant, presumably that from which his diagnosis was drawn, which has been found by DeCandolle and others to be the same as Bothriosper- mum tenellum. The difficulties thus are two, the first a question of fact, whether Hornemann s or Jacquin’s name is the older, the other a matter of interpretation, as to which of the two species is to be considered the type of Anchusa- zeylanica Jacq. Bibliographic research can alone decide the former, hut the probabilities, based upon the number of pages in his volume, give the preference to Jacquin. It seems clear, moreover, that lie took the name from Hornemann, believing that lie had the same species as the plant of the Valil herbarium: had Hornemann actually published A. zeylanica, there would lie no other option than to identify Jacquin's species with Cynoglossum denticulatum, making necessary a change in its specific name. But since A. zeylanica Valil ex Hornem. is a nomen nudum, it is appa- rently better to retain the name for the plant that Jacquin actually had and described, namely Bothriospermum tenellum, leaving the question simply bne of priority of publication. To Dr. C. H. Ostenfeld, I am greatly indebted not only for copies from the three publications here cited, but also for a reexamination of the specimen in Vahl’s herbarium. Northwestern Himalayas to Japan and Formosa. 10. TRIGONOT1S Stev. Trigonotis philippinensis Merr. in Philip. Journ. Fci. 1 (1906) Suppl. 228. Luzon, Province of Benguet, Pauai to Baguio, Merrill IfHOOj Pauai, Bur. Sci. Mcarns; Mount Pulog, For. Bur. IGlOlf Curran Merritt d Zschokhe. Endemic, much the farthest southeastern extension of the genus. Young flowers of this species, when compared with others taken from Indian material of Eritrichium strictum Decne., showed about equal curvature of the receptacle in the two species: in fruiting specimens of 7’. philippinensis the 698 ROBINSON. receptacle is quite flat, moreover the tetrahedral nutlets are quite as in Trigonotis, though proportionally somewhat longer than in any Indian species, and quite different from those of any Eritrichium. The name of this genus, under the Vienna code, is Endogonia Lindl., dating from 1847, while Trigonotis was published in 1851. There is a still older Endogona of Rafinesque, 1836, not a valid genus, as it is universally reduced to Anthcricum Linn., but quite sufficient to prevent the employment of Lindley’s name here. STUDIES IN THE VEGETATION OF THE PHILIPPINES. I. THE COMPOSITION AND VOLUME OF THE DIPTEROCARP FORESTS OF THE PHILIPPINES. By H. N. Whitfokd. ( From the Bureau of Forestry, Manila, P. I.) SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS. I. The virgin forest area of the Philippines comprises approximately 40,000 square miles or about one-third the total area. II. Seventy-five per cent of the virgin forest area (30,000 square miles) is covered with forests in which the members of the dipterocarp family predominate. III. The members of the dipterocarp family, comprising an average of 75 per cent of the volume, can, from a forester’s and lumberman’s standpoint, be divided into three tree groups, viz, the hard and durable yacals, the apitongs, and the lauans. IV. The apitongs and lauans can furnish by far the greatest amount of timber. The apitongs can be favorably compared to the hard pines in general mechanical properties, the lauans, to the soft pines. V. From many standpoints the dipterocarp family is to the Philip- pines what the pine and oak families are to the United States and other temperate countries. VI. Success in virgin forest growth should be measured in terms of bulk or bulk and annual increment combined. VII. The nearer the climatic, edaphic, and biotic conditions reach the optimum, the heavier the bulk of the forest and the simpler the systematic arboreal composition. VIII. If measured in bulk alone, some temperate regions as compared with the Philippines show greater success in forest growth. If annual increment is used in combination with bulk, the forests of the Philippines will compare favorably with forest growth in temperate regions. IX. If the tropics in general are like the Philippines in the above re- spects, they can be depended on to produce woods to compete with general construction timbers grown in temperate regions. X. An inventory of the forest resources of other tropical regions will give scientific and economic results of great importance. 699 700 WHITFORD. INTRODUCTION. An estimate of the capacity of any region to produce and maintain a virgin forest presupposes a standard of comparison by which to judge success in forest growth. What is meant by success depends on the investigator’s standpoint. Those who critically examine forest growth can, I think, be roughly divided into four classes. These are systematic botanists, ecological bot- anists, lumbermen, and foresters. The systematic botanist would usually consider the most successful forest to be that which contains on a unit of surface the greatest number of species of all kinds from the ground to the tops of the highest trees. On the above idea, variety in species and farm are the main points considered. Thus the forest is composed of a great many species assuming in outline a great many forms, such as lichens, mosses, liverworts, herbs, epiphytes, parasites, climbing bamboos and palms and dicotyledonous trees. He usually brings his material together in the form of a “flora,” associating plants in groups or families. Thus a qualitative analysis is made of the forest. The idea of bulk is expressed in vague terms, associated with different species, like “common” or “abundant,” “a large tree,” “a liana,” etc. A brief description of the region usually precedes the lists of plants. This is the conventional idea of the tropical forests and those people, who disregard value as an element ol success would place such a forest as the most successful in the world. The ecological botanist will consider habitat as well as vegetation. He will divide the forest into formations or societies, or types, corresponding to the different habitats, and then describe each forest type in greater or less detail, calling attention qualitatively, and more or less quantitatively, to the composition of the forest. He may or may not make an attempt to measure, or express in some way, the factors of the habitat. To him the best physical and biotic conditions produce the best or most successful forest which he calls a mesophytic forest. The idea of “succession” may or may not be considered. In the above ideas there is little or no attempt to measure the amount of vegetation per unit of surface, hence they may be designated as qualitative standards in distinction from the quantitative standards, viz, the standard of the lumberman and the forester. The lumberman takes into consideration “value” as an element of success in forest growth. Any given forest would be judged by the trees suitable for his needs and the rest would be considered as “weed trees.” As the cost of handling a large amount and a few kinds of lumber is less than in handling a small amount and many kinds on any given area, he desires to obtain a great bulk of one or of very few kinds of timber per unit of area. To him the most successful forest in the world would be the greatest amount of the most valuable timbers of the most con- STUDIES IN THE VEGETATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, I. 701 venient size best situated, so as to yield the highest profits to immediate utilization. The forester would inject into the lumberman’s view the idea of increment for the sake of future yields and the possibility that the woods which he now considers as valueless, may, in a readjustment of market conditions, become valuable. In other words, the forester’s standard of success is the earning capacity of the forest as a permanent investment. These four views, the systematic botanist’s, containing the idea of variety associated (consciously or not) with bulk; the ecologist’s, associat- ing the idea of bulk and variety with habitat; the lumberman’s, consider- ing the variety and bulk of wood necessary for his present needs; and the forester’s, considering the variety and bulk for present and future use, are, I believe, fairly representative of the different standpoints of observing men who judge forest and forest conditions. An ideal studv of the vegetation of a forest would be a combination of all of these in which the vegetation would be arranged by habitats with the idea of succession recognized and the physical and other factors measured. A complete list of plants in each habitat could be obtained, the number (stand) of each species could be enumerated, the volume by cubic contents or weight of each plant ascertained, and the market value of each merchantable kind could be estimated. Because of the impracticability of such a study, I propose to use bulk as measured, in cubic contents as the standard of comparison by which success is judged in forest vegetation. By “bulk” I mean the amount of vegetable tissue (mainly wood) that is formed and maintained for a greater or less length of time. I’rom this standpoint the unit of aiea (of a size large enough to be considered a region ) that produces and is able to maintain for some time the greatest amount of vegetable tissue per unit of surface is the most successful. 1 am purposely leaving out of account the idea of annual increment, principally because it is im- practicable at present to give any figures showing this. In a general way the influence of this element of success will be used in certain conclusions at the close of this paper. The measuring of the forest by weight per unit of surface would perhaps be a better standard of comparison. 1 bis could easily be obtained with the volume and specific gravity of each kind of wood mentioned. The idea of judging by value is disregarded because it would not be a stable standard of comparison. It is proposed to confine the discussions of the dipterocarp forests in this paper to the dicotyledonous trees and after a preliminary discussion on the composition of the forest with a mention of trees of all sizes, to limit the studies to those trees above a certain diameter. That the forest is composed of plants other than dicotyledonous trees goes without saying. Most descriptions of tropical forests give, I think, undue im- portance to these other elements. Thus one gains the impression that 702 WHITFOHD. tree palms, epiphytic orchids and ferns, insectivorous plants, large lianas and the like are the main features of tropical forests, principally because these forms are not as a rule present in temperate regions and con- sequently are more apt to force themselves upon investigators from temperate regions. After all, these peculiar forms are only ornaments that a tropical climate permits. Stripped of their showy forms the tropical forests of the Philippines are more nearly like temperate forests than they are different from them. To measure the entire bulk of any forest is impracticable. It is therefore proposed to apply the methods used by lumbermen and foresters, viz, rough cruising and valuation surveys. While the measurement of the merchantable “bulk” of the forest is not by any means the entire bulk, yet for the purposes of this paper it can be used comparatively and will give a far better indication of what comprises the main bulk than merely indicating the number of trees and other plants. It may be objected that the measurement of trees of mer- chantable size gives undue importance to those reaching that size, and that if those species that do not reach merchantable size were measured, the proportion of the entire bulk would be greatly changed in favor of the smaller species. It must be remembered, however, that the large- sized species have small-sized unmeasured representatives and that the quantity of the latter in most instances would be as great as the entire bulk of the other species that do not reach merchantable sizes. Then the- great- amount of bulk in the branches of the large trees would add greatly to the bulk of the principal species. All things considered, it is believed that if the entire woody bulk of the forest could be measured the relative proportion of the principal family would be even greater than that shown in the tables given below. In most of the discussions on the composition and volume given below no attempt is made to arrange the forests under discussion in “types.” That “types” do exist is without question, but a discussion of such types and their composition and volume is reserved for another paper. FORESTS IN BATAAN PROVINCE. In a previous paper 1 by the author the results of a quantitative analysis of the arboreal composition of a number of measured plots was given. In these no consideration of volume was taken other than that all trees under 4 meters in height were excluded. In order to give a more comprehensive idea of the volume, one 2 of these tables taken at random has been copied and then rearranged. Table I illustrates the complexity qualitatively and quantitatively. 1 Whitford, II. N. The Vegetation of the Laraao Forest Reserve. This Journal 1 (1906) 373-431; 637-682. 2 Loc. cit. 637, 638. STUDIES IN THE VEGETATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, I. 703 It shows that, on an area of 8,325 square meters (a little over 2 acres) there are 1,160 trees (representing 85 species) over 4 meters in height. Column A gives the number of trees and B the percentage of each. Table I. Name of plant. A. B. !' 1. Dipterocarpus grandiflorus Blanco .. 182 15.7 2. Shorea polysperma Merr. ... 134 11.5 3. Memecylon edule Roxb. 94 8.1 4. Aporosa sphaeridophora Merr. . 81 7.0 5. Temstroemia toquian F.- Vill. 66 | 5. 7 6. Dio spy r os pilosanthera Blanco - 59 i 5.1 7. Santiria nitida Merr. 52 4.5 8. Calophyllum blancoi PI. & Tr 46 4. 1 9. Pent acme contorta Merr. & Rolfe- _ - - - 41 3.5 ; 10. Cyclostemon microphyllum Merr. 30 2.6 11. Eug nia glaucicalyx Merr. __ 26 2.2 12. Cinnamomum mercadoi Vid. 23 2.0 j 13. Aporosa symplocosi/olia Merr. - _ 22 1.9 14. Semecarpus perrottetii March.- -_ 22 1.9 j 15. llopea acuminata Merr. 20 1.7 i 16. Quercus sp. - 17 1.6 17. Kayea panicttlata Merr. 15 1.3 1 18. IAtchi philippinensis Radik. 15 1.3 19. Plectronia riridis Merr. _ . 12 L0 1 20. Euphoria cinerea Radik 12 1.0 | 21. Shorea guiso Blume- - - 12 1.0 22. Ellipanthus luzoniensis Vid._ 10 (*) i 23. Symplocos oblong ifolia Rolfe. 10 — | 24. Vatica mangachapoi Blume _ 10 25. Baccaurea tetrandra Bail!.-- 10 8 27. Pandanus luzoniensis Merr 8 28. Anisoptera thurifera Blanco. 6 29. Calophyllum ivhitfordii Merr 6 30. Gonocaryum caUeryanum 6 31. Ormosia calavcnsis Blanco.. 6 32. Knema heterophylla Warb... 6 33. Excoecaria philippinensis 5 34. Dimorphocalyx longipes 4 35. Kopsia longiflora Merr 4 36. Litsea luzonica F.-Vill 4 Name of plant. Litsea fulva F.-Vill Myristica philippensis Lam. __ Sideroxylon d u cl it a n Blanco Talauma villariana Rolfe Antidcsma edule Merr. Ficus sp. Aglaia harmsiana Perk. Cham per ei a cumingiana Merr Eugenia sp. Eugenia sp Grewia stylocarpa Warb. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Mangifcra altissima Blanco — 49. Pygeurn glandulosum Merr 50. Shorea sp 51. Sterculia brevipetiolata Merr 52. Linociera sp. 53. Unona clusiflora Merr. 54. Aglaia bordenii Merr. 55. Albizzia procera Benth. 56. Ardisia philippinensis A. DC 57. Artocarpus comm u n i 8 Forst. 58. Buchanania arborcscens Bl. __ 59. Citrus hystrix DC. 60. Cyathocalyx globosus Merr. 61. Dipterocarpus vcrnicifluus Blanco Ficus .sp. Guioa sp. Ixora sp. Ixora sp. Memecylon sp. Michclia cumingii & Rolfe Mitrcphora merriUii C. Rob. Merr. Palaquium tenuipetiolatum Merr. Randia sp. Shorea sp Voacanga sp to 85. (unknown species). Total (85) A. B. 4 4 4 — 1 4 3 3 2 2 j 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 i 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 — 1 .! i i i i i 12 . 1, 160 The following have less than 1 per cent. 704 WHITFOliD. But when judged from the standpoint of size a quite different im- pression is obtained. By that standard, we should note that of the 1,1G0 trees only 826 (about 71 per cent) reach merchantable size (.30 centi- meters in diameter), that 409 of these (35 per cent of the whole number or 50 per cent of those that may reach merchantable size) are of one botanical family (the Dipterocarpaceae) . Table 11 shows the species and number of the dipterocarps found in the above mentioned plot. Table II. Name of plant. Num- ber. Name of plant. Num- ber. Dipterocarpus qrandiflorm Blanco . 182 Vat ica mangachapoi Blume 10 Shorca polysperma Merr. 134 6 Pentacme contorta Merr. it Rolfe 41 Shorca spp. _ Ilopea acuminata Merr. . 20 i i Shorca guiso Blume ___ 12 Total 409 - It will be seen that of the Dipterocarpaceae, two species, Dipterocarpus (j ran (lift 'or us and Shorca polysperma, have 316 representatives or about 38 per cent of the total number of trees that may reach a merchantable diameter of 30 centimeters. ’Hie following table shows the proportion of the other trees mentioned in 'Table 1 by families that may reach merchantable size when mature. Table III. Name of plant. Number. Name of plant. Number. Tiieaceae: Anacardiaceae: 1. Trmstrocmia toquian F.-Vill -j 66 : 15. Semecarpus perrottetii March. 22 Kbenaceae: 16. Mangi/era altissima Blanco . . . 2 2. Dios/ryro s pilosanthera Blanco.. -y 17. Buchanania arborescens Blume. 25 Bukseraceak: Fagaceak: 3. Santirifi nitiila Merr. ... | 18. Quercns sp. 17 Guttiferae: Connakaceak: 4. Calophyllum hlancoi PI. it Tr. . _ 46 19. Elli pan thus hconiensis Vid. 10 ft. Calophyllum whitfordii Merr. 6 Myristicaceae: Myrtaceae: 1 20. Kncma hcterophyl/a Warb. 6 6. Eugenia glaucicalyx Merr. 26 21. Myristica philippensis Lam. 4 7. Eugenia sp. .... 8 Leguminosae: 8. Eugenia sp. _ _ _ 2 22. Ormosia calavcnsis Blanco. „ 6 9. Eugenia sp. 2 23. Albizzia procera Benth. 1 Lauraceae: "s 24. Pahudia rhomboidca Prain .. 1 10. Cinnamomum mercadoi Vid. 1 23 Icacinaceae: 11. IAtsea luzonica F.-Vill 4 25. Gonocaryum calleryanum Becc. __ 6 12. IAtsea fulra F.-Vill. ----- 4 jjl j Sapotaceae: Sapindaceae: J 26. Sidcrorylon duclitan Blanco 4 13. Litchi phUippinensis Radik. ... _ 15 27. Palaquium tenuipetiolatum 14. Euphoria cinerea Radik. 12 Merr. . .. 1 27 || b I STUDIES IN THE VEGETATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, I. 705 Table III — Continued. Name of plant. 1 Number. Name of plant. Number. Meliaceae: Rosacea e: 28. Aglaia harmsiana Perk. ; 2 32. Pyc/eum glandulomm Merr. --- - 2 29. A glaia harden ii Merr. _ . - - 1 Moraceae: Opii.tacEae: 33. Artocnrpus communis Forst. i 30. Champertia cumingiana Merr 2 Anonaceae: Tiliaceae: 34. Cyathocalyx globosus Merr. i 417 1 While all the trees mentioned above may in exceptional cases reach a diameter limit of 30 centimeters, as a matter of fact most of them will reach when mature not over 40 centimeters in diameter and very few of them have the power to reach the diameter and height of some of the dipteroearps. Tf bulk were taken into consideration the proportion of the dipteroearps would be much greater. This will be shown in another connection. The 334 remaining trees that can not reach, when mature, 30 centi- meters in diameter will not average over 15 centimeters in diameter. Strange to say, while 40 species are represented in these, the vast majority of them are distributed among species of the Euphorbiaceae and Melastomataceae. Thus Memecylon edule Roxb. ( Melastomataceae ) is represented by 94 trees, and Aporosa sphaeridophora Merr. by 81, Cyclos- temon micro phyllum Merr. by 30, Aporosa symplocosifolia Merr. by 22, and Baccaurca tetrandra Bail!, by 10. The last four named belong to the Euphorbiaceae. It might be argued that plots adjoining the one given above might greatly increase the number of species. While this is true to a certain extent, yet the possibilities are not great when it is known that on the Lamao Forest Reserve comprising 4,426 hectares and ranging in altitude from sea level to 1,406 meters there have been listed so far 548 tree species. This covers the trees of all habitats from those where introduced tree species are found to the mossy forests on top of the highest peaks. It is to be expected that the variety of habitats thus represented would bring about a variety in tree species peculiar to those habitats. Thus beach and mangrove habitats show distinct sets, river bottoms others, the mossy forest and various types of dipterocarp forest still others. It should be noted here that all eight of the dipteroearps found on the Lamao Forest Reserve of 4,426 hectares are also found on the plot given above comprising less than one hectare. At the time I wrote the “Vegeta- tion of the Lamao Forest Reserve” the significance of the above did not 706 WHITFORl). appeal to me as my studies had not been extensive enough to reach certain conclusions that have since become apparent. The figures given above, showing that about 50 per cent of the actual number of trees over 4 meters in height on one hectare are members of one family, arc significant not only from an ecological standpoint but from a lumberman’s standpoint. Since they were compiled, various parts of the Islands have been studied in detail and still larger areas have been visited so that the conclusions reached herein have solid foundations. The work of other men cooperat- ing with me shows similar results. Previous to my work on the Lamao Forest Reserve, Bryant 3 made valuation surveys on the Lamao River basin, in Bataan Province. In general, his figures show the predominance of the dipterocarps both in stand and bulk. His statement concerning this family is as follows: “In the region south of a line drawn from Bagac on the west coast to Lamao to the east coast, an area of approximately 65,900 acres, * * * a detailed examination was made of the forest. In this part of the province the family of the Dipterocarpaccae reaches a fine development and constitutes the bulk of the merchantable timber.” 4 Unfortunately for the purposes of this paper all trees of a merchantable size were not considered by Bryant so the exact proportion of dipterocarps to all others can not be given. A recent estimate of the stand and volume of all timber over 40 centi- meters in diameter was made on a tract of land covering approximately 50 hectares near Limay, Bataan Province. This tract is immediately adjacent to that covered by Bryant. All trees on this tract above 40 centimeters were counted and the volume was obtained by the sample tree method. The altitudinal range is from 170 to 425 meters. The follow- ing shows the stand in this forest: 3 Preliminary report on working plan of Bataan Province. Report of the Bureau of Forestry of the Philippine Islands, from July 1, 1901 to September 2, 1902, from the Report of the Philippine Commission, pp. 483-500. * Loc. cit. p. 484. STUDIES IN TIIE VEGETATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, I. 707 Table IV. — Stand on 50 (49.49) hectares on Limay ( Bataan ) tract — all trees 40 centimeters and over counted. Scientific name. Dipterocarpaceae: Dipterocarpus grandiflorus Blanco. Dipterocarpus vernicifluus Blanco.. Pmtacmc contorta Merr. & Rolfe.— Anisoptera thurtfera Blanco Shvrea polysperma Merr. Shorca guiso Blume Total Dipterocarpaceae All others Total Common name. Number of trees per « hectare. Per cent. Apitong _ 1 12 17.3 Panao . White lauan __ . 1 19.6 28.6 Palosapis - 4.6 6.6 Tanguile ___ - - 5.1 7.3 Guijo .8 1.1 42.1 27 60.9 39.1 69. 1 Among the others the following were noted : FAGACEAE-Qitercws spp. ; Ulmaceae-OcIOs sp.; Moraceae -Artocarpus communis Forst., Ficus variegata Blume and other Ficus spp.; Olacaceae -Strombosia philippinensis Rolfe; A N ON ACEAE-Xyl op i a dehiscens Merr., Gyathocalyx globosus Merr.; M yristicaceae- Myristica philippensis Lam., Knema heterophylla Warb. ; JjAVRACEAE-Cinnamomum mercadoi Vidal, Lit sea spp., Endiandra coriacea Merr.; RosACEAE-Pt/grewm glandulosum Merr., Parinarium griffithianum Benth. ; Legumi- nosae -Pithecolobium acle Vid., Adenantliera intermedia Merr., Parkia roxburghii G. Don, Pahudia rhomboidea Prain; BuRSERACEAE-Oarmmtw spp., Santiria nitida Merr. ; Meeiaceae-D ysoxylum spp., Reinwardtiodendron merrillii, Amoora spp., Aglaia spp.; VoLYGAiACEAE-Xanthophylhim sp. ; EupiiORBiACEAE-/fisc7io/ia tri- foliata Hook., Macaranga bicolor Muell.-Arg., Macaranga tanarius Muell.-Arg., En- dospermum peltatum Merr.; AxACARDiACEAE-Matipi/era altissima Blanco, Draconto- melum cumingianum Bail]., Dracontomelum dao Merr. & Rolfe, Koordersiodendron pinnatum Merr., Semecarpus perrottetii March.; SAPINDACEAE-Euphoria cinerca Radik., Pometia pinnata Forst.; RHAMNACEAE-Zizi/p7ms zonulatus Blanco; Ster- CUEIACEAE-Pterospernum spp., Pterocymbium tinctorium Merr.; Dilleniaceae- Dillenia philippinensis Rolfe; GVTTIEERAE-Calophyllum blancoi PI. & Tr., Galo- phyllum ivhitfordii Merr.; Dipterocarpaceae- Hopea acuminata Merr., Vatica mangachapoi Blanco; DATISCACEAE-Octoirieles sumatrana Miq. ; Lythraceae- Lagerstroemia speciosa Pers. ; CowBKETACEAE-Terminalia spp.; MYBTACEAE-Eugenia spp.; SAPOTACEAE-ZWipe ramiflora Merr., Palaquium luzoniense Vid., Palaquium tenuipetiolatum Merr.; EuENACEAE-ZHosp?/ros pilosanthera Blanco; Apocynaceae- Alstonia scholaris R. Br. ; VERBENACEAE-Vifea? littoralis Decne.; Bignoniaceae- Radermachera pinnata Seem. 708 WIIITFORI). On the above mentioned plot there were counted in all 3,458 trees; of these 2,110 belong to the enumerated dipterocarps (Ilopca acuminata and Vatica mangachapoi not being included) and the remainder 1,348 dis- tributed among the remaining of which the list given above is fairly representative. An examination of this list shows that there are included 29 families and over 60 species. The following table gives the volume on the Limay tract: Table V. — Volume on 50 (JptJpd) hectares on the Lima y (Bataan) tract — all trees JfO centimeters and over included. j Scientific name. L Common name. Cubic meters per hectare. Per cent. Diptekocarpaceae: l>ipterocarpu8 grandiflorm Blanco Dipterocarpus vernicifluus Blanco Pcntacme contorta Merr. & Rolfe Anisoptcra thurifera Blanco Shorea polysperma Merr. Apitong .. Panao White launn Palosapis J 81. 6 06. 5 28 16 4.1 28.6 28.3 9.8 5.6 1.5 Shorra git iso Blume Total Dipterocarpaceac ___ 196.2 89.0 285. 2 68.8 31.2 100. 0 All others Total ... . . 1 ables 1 V and \ show that 60.9 per cent of the stand and 68.8 per cent of the volume respectively on the above tract are composed of six species of Dipterocarpaceac, and that three species, viz, Dipterocarpus grandiflorus, Dipterocarpus vcrnicifluus and Pcntacme contorta form 45.9 per cent of the stand and 51.9 per cent of the volume. FORESTS ON A DELTA PLAIN IN MINDORO. In cooperation with M. L. Merritt, a tract of land on the east coast ol Mindoro comprising some 55 square miles was examined. This is a delta formation, slightly raised, forming a number of different physio- graphic units. Corresponding to these are distinct vegetative types. In this connection it is not important to distinguish between these. After some intensive study to learn to distinguish the numerous kinds of trees found on the tract, valuation surveys were run bv what is known STUDIES IN THE VEGETATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, I. 709 as the strip method. All through the work botanical collections were made, by felling trees if necessary, in order to check up the identifications. Thus such identifications as were made were checked up in Manila and those that could not he made were determined by systematic botanists. Thus a fair idea was obtained of the composition of the forest.5 Tables VI and VII show the stand of timber on two types on the Mindoro delta plain. (All trees over 40 centimeters were measured.) Table VI. — Narra type ( average of 28. j hectares.) Scientific name. Common name. White lauan_ Guijo Apitong Hagachac Narra, Amuguis Dipt eroca kpaceae: Pentacme contorta Merr. & Rolfe S/iorea guiso Blume Diptcrocarpm sp. Dipterocarpns affinis Brandis Total Dipterocarpacear Leguminosae: Pterocarpus indicus Willd. Anacardiaceae: Koordersiodendron pinnatum Merr. - Pracontomelum dao Merr. & Rolfe Dao Meliaceae? ; Agupanga? — Combretaceae: Terminalia pellucida Presl Malagabi Terminalia nitem Presl i Sacat Terminalia ediilix Blanco ' Calumpit Burseraceae: Canarium luzonicum A. Gray | Pili Canarium villosum F.-Vill. Pagsahinguin Ulmaceae: Celtis sp | Malaguibuyo - All others6 * 8 Total Number of trees per hectare. Per cent. | 14.811 22. 23 4. 243 6. 37 2. 555 3.83 .450 .68 22. 059 33.11 4.769 7.16 4.702 7. 06 3.395 5. 10 4.709 7. 07 | 1.322 1.98 | 1.048 1.57 3. 126 4.69 21.498 32.26 66. 628 100 5 For a more detailed statement of the composition and character of this forest see Merritt, M. L. and Whitford, II. N. A Preliminary Working Plan for the Public Forest Tract of the Mindoro Lumber and Logging Company, Bongabon, Mindoro, P. I. Bureau of Forestry (Philip.) Bulletin 6 (1906) 1-55. 8 See Merritt & Whitford 1. c., 53-55, for list. 710 WHITFORD. Table Vir! — Hagachac type ( average of lJf hectares.) Scientific name. Common name. Number of trees per hectare. Per cent. Dipterocarpaceae: Pentacmc contorta Merr. & Rolfe White lauan 11.016 18.28 Dipterocarpus affinis Brandis __ _ 10.519 17. 45 Shorea qniso B]ume_ _ 3. 338 5. 54 Dipterocarpus sp. .111 .23 Total Dipterocarpaceae . . 25. 014 41.50 Leguminosae: 1‘terocarpus indicus Willd. ... .568 .95 Anacardiaceae: Koordtrtiodcndron pinnatum Merr. Amuguis 3. 625 6. 01 Dracontomelum dao Merr. & Rolfe 3.907 6.48 Meliaceab? 6.326 10.50 Ulmaceae: CelUt sp 3.128 5.19 Burseraceae: 1 Canarium luzonicam A. Gray Pili I Canarium viliosum F.-Vill. Pagsahinguin j> 1.354 2.25 Combrktackae: Terminalia peUucida Presl Malagabi ... Terminalia nitons Presl . . .994 1.65 Terminalia edulis Blanco ... All others. 15. 352 25. 47 Total 60. 268 100 It will be seen by the above that in the natra type approximately 22 trees out of every GO and in the hagachac type 25 but of every GO trees per hectare are dipterocarps or respectively 33.11 per cent and 41.50 per cent of all trees over 40 centimeters. Unfortunately for the purposes of this paper the volume tables pub- lished in Bulletin 6, showing the cubic contents of timber per unit of area do not include all of the species. But the results given below show- ing the proportion of dipterocarps are not far from the actual proportion, for a large per cent of the species not mentioned show a maximum diameter of not over 45-50 centimeters and short boles usually one-fifth to one-third the length of the boles of the dipterocarps. Four species, Dracontomelum, agupanga and two species of Canarium mentioned in the stand tables are not included in the tables below. Agupanga has a short bole usually about one-fifth the length of any of the dipterocarps of the same diameter. While the bole of the Canarium is somewhat longer yet the number of trees per hectare is small. Neither agupanga nor the Canariums attain the maximum diameter of the dipterocarps. Dra- contomrlum dao on the other hand, reaches a maximum of 140 centi- STUDIES IN THE VEGETATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, I. 711 meters, the maximum of Pentacme contorta, but the bole is invariably shorter in trees of the same diameter. Tables VIII and IX show the volume in the two types mentioned in Table VI and VII. Table VIII. — Narra type. Average Scientific name. Common name. per hectare. cent. Cubic Dipterocarfaceae: meters. White lauan. 62. 55 14.90 8.8 Dipterocarpus sp. . Apitong _ ... 11.03 6.5 Dipterocarpus affmis Brandis. Hagachac - — — 2. 39 1.4 90. ST 53.7 — Leguminosae: Pterocarpus indicus Willd. - . . Narra - -- 12.50 7.4 Anacardiaceae: Koordersiodendron pinnatum Merr. A'muguis 12.08 7.2 Combretaceae: Terminalia pellucida Presi .. -- Malagabi ! Sacat 1 3. 75 2.2 Terminalia edulis Blanco . - - Calumpit __ , 1 All others (estimated) - 50.00 29.5 Total 169.20 100 Table IX. — Hagachac type. Scientific name. Common name. Average per hectare. Per cent. Dipterocarpaoeae: Pentacme contorta Merr. & Rolfe. White lauan . . Cubic meters. 42.4 43.3 13.7 .2 99.6 28.1 28.7 9.1 .1 66.0 Guijo _ . Leguminosae: 1.3 7.9 „ 40.0 .9 5.2 1.3 26.6 Anacardiaceae: Koordersiodendron pinnatum Merr. _ . Combretaceae: Terminalia pellucida Presi. Amuguis . Malagabi 150.7 100 91262 4 712 WHITFOltD. The figures show the percentage of bulk of the dipterocarps iu the two types to be respectively 53.7 per cent and (16 per cent, a percentage that is much higher than that of the stand, indicating that the volume of these trees averages higher than that of the other species. FORESTS IN NORTHERN NEGROS. On the lower slopes of Mount Silay, Negros, is a large body of timber. In cooperation with H. D. Everett, this region was investigated. The work was done on a lumber concession containing about 16,000 hectares of solid dipterocarp forest. The tract lies on the lower slopes of Mount Silay just back of the coastal strip of cultivated sugar lands, here about 10 kilometers wide. It is situated on both sides of the Himu- gaan River. The land is characterized by gentle slopes, with alternating ridges; the elevation ranges from 30 to 370 meters. Small streams and arroyos are scattered profusely over the tract.7 The methods used in estimating the stand and determining the com- position of the forest were identical with those in Mindoro. Tables X and XI show the stand and volume of the forest. Table X. — Stand of trees J/0 centimenters and over in diameter in northern Negros ( average of 5Jf.65 hectares). Scientific mime. Common name. Number of trees per hectare. Percent. Dipterocarpaceae: JHpUrocarpus (/randiflonin Blanco 19. 158 16. 178 11.32 20. 854 | 5. 114 23. 6 19.9 13.9 25. 7 6.3 Shorea furfuraeca M iq. ? Almon lauan Shorea polyxpcrma Merr. _ ; Shorea sp._ ... Pentacme contorta Merr. & Rolfe .. Parashorea plicata Brandis Bagtican lauan. Total Dipterocarpaceae .. ._ 72. 624 8. 626 89.4 10.6 All others .... . Total . 81.250 100 The significance of these figures, showing a dipterocarp stand of 72.624 trees per hectare out of a total of 81.250 and a percentage of 89.4 needs no comment. Diospyros mindanaensis Merr. ( Ebenaceae ) and Vitex aherniana Everett, H. D. and Whitford, H. N. A Preliminary Working Plan for the Public Forest Tract of the Insular Lumber Company, Negros Occidental. P. 1. Bureau of Forestry (Philip.) Bull. 5 (1906) 1-54. STUDIES IN THE VEGETATION OF TIIE PHILIPPINES, I. 713 Merr. ( Verbenaceae ) with a stand of 1.4 and 0.95 trees respectively per hectare are the only two other species of any numerical importance in this forest, though the following species occur very scattered: Hopea philippinensis Dyer and Hopea acuminata Merr., ( Dipterocarpaceae ), Calophyllum sp., ( Guttiferae ), Eugenia spp., (Myrtaceae), Canarium sp., and Santiria nitida Merr., (Burseraceae) , Palaquium spp., ( Sapo - taceae), Terminalia spp., (Combretaceae) , Koordersiodendron pinnatum Merr., Dracontomelum dao Merr. & Kolfe, Mangifera aWssima Blanco, (Anacardiaceae) , Macaranga tanarius Muell.-Arg., (Euphorbiaceae) , Dil- lenia sp., (Dilleniaceae) , Neolitsea sp., (Lauraccae) , and Artocarpus com- munis Forst., ( Moraceae ). The volume of the dipterocarps is given in the following table. The minor species are not included in this estimate because of their small numbers and comparative unimportance. Table XI. — Volume per hectare of the six principal species J/0 centimeters and over in diameter on a tract in northern Negros ( average of 54.65 hectares) . ! Species. Common name. Average per hectare. Cubic meters. 66.63 92. 02 Shared furfuracea Miq. ? Shorea polysperma Merr.. __ _ 59. 93 185. 18 ) Pcntacme contorta Merr. & Rolfe Pcirashorea plica/a Brandis . _ _ Bagtican lanan... 1 25.23 Total . . 428. 99 While the figures of the stand show 89.4 per cent of dipterocarps it is estimated that the six species given above comprise more than 95 per cent of the total bulk of the forest. FORESTS IN AROllOY REGION, MASBATE. On a detail to investigate the forest resources of the Aroroy mining region in Masbate rough estimates of stand were made. This study, comprising 200 square kilometers, is more than half in forest. The topography is rough and consists of sharp ranges of hills and higher and more resistant peaks. The hills are about 125 to 150 meters in altitude and the highest peak is 362 meters. Approximately 80 per cent of the forested area, distinguished as the lower slope type, is distinctly diptero- carpous in nature. 714 WHITFORD. The following shows its character : Table XII. — Stand of trees SO centimeters and over in diameter on the lower slope type of the Aroroy region. Masbate ( average of 16 acres). Scientific name. Common name. Average number of trees per hectare. Per cent. DlPTEROCA RPACEAE: Paras/iorca plicata Brandis . . Bagtiean lauan___ 47.5 5G. 88 Guijo . 7 .82 _ Combretaceae: Terminalia quadrialata Merr. Toog 12 14.36 Stercuuaceae: 4.2 5.02 Anacardtaceae: Dao 1.7 • 2.02 Koordersiodendronpinnatnm Merr. _ _ Legi minosae: Amuguis .. . 5 .6 Pterocarpus indicus Willd. . _ Olacaceae: Narra - . . 1.5 1.8 Tamayuan .9 1.1 14.5 17.4 Total 83. 5 100 It is thus to be noted that 47 trees out of 83, or approximately 57 per cent of the stand, belong to two species of the dipterocarps. A discussion of the other types of forest in this region is reserved for another paper. FORESTS OF THE ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA IN MINDANAO. In cooperation with W. I. Hutchinson, the forests of a lumber con- cession located at Port Banga at the head of Zamboanga Peninsula on the Island of Mindanao were investigated. The work here was similar to that accomplished in Mindoro and Negros. This tract, comprising 355 square kilometers, has about 52 per cent (or 186 square kilometers) in virgin forest. Of this, 16,144 hectares or 86.37 per cent is forest in which the dipterocarps predominate. The topography of the region is rough and broken. It is composed mostly of low irregular ridges 15 to 100 meters in Height extending into headlands bordering on the sea. These lead inward to the base of the mountains. The rivers are small and beyond tidal limits are hill streams with canon-like valleys whose beds are full of bowlders and rock outcrops. Tables XI II and XIY show the stand and volume on two types. STUDIES IN THE VEGETATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, I. i 1 5 Table XIII. — Stand in yacal type — trees Jt0 centimeters and over in diameter- Port Banga, Zamboanga, Mindanao: ( average of 51.17 hectares). Scientific name. Dipterocarpaceae: llopea plagata Vid Pentacme contorta Merr. & Rolfe Parashorea plicata Brandis Diptcrocarp us sp. Sliorea guiso Blume Vatica sp. (?) Sliorea si/immata Turcz. ? Shorea furfuracea Miq. ? llopea ? sp. Total Dipterocarpaceae Stercui.iaceae: Tarrietia javanica Blume Leguminosae: Kingiodendron alternifolium Merr. & Rolfe All others Total „ Common name. Average number of trees per hectare. Per cent of total stand. Yacal - . 12.41 15. 59 White lauan.. Bagtican lauan.— 1 7'24 9.10 Apitong 3. 875 4.87 Guijo . 3. 335 4.19 Narig . — 2.535 3.19 Calunti lauan 2.38 2.99 Danlig lauan _ Almon lauan .. | 2. 175 2.72 Malavacal _ 1. 025 1.29 34. 975 43.94 Lumbayao - 7.23 9.08 Batete 3.59 4.51 33. 785 42. 47 79. 580 100 Table XIV. — Stand in lauan type — trees JfO centimeters and over in diameter- Port Banga, Zamboanga, Mindanao: ( average of 15 hectares). Scientific name. Dipterocarpaceae: Pentacme contorta Merr. & Rolfe Parashorea plicata Brandis Shorea squamata T urez. ? Sliorea furfuracea Miq.? Diptcrocarpus sp (?) ----- llopea f sp. Shorea guiso Blume llopea plagata Vid Vatica sp. Total Dipterocarpaceae Stercui.iaceae: Tarrietia javanica Blume Leguminosae: Kingiodendron alternifolium Merr. & Rolfe. All others Total Common name. Average number of trees per hectare. I’er cent of total stand. Bagtican lauan— White lauan. _ | 13. 38 16.59 Danlig lauan Almon lauan | 6.27 7. 77 Apitong.. .. . 4.47 5. 54 Calunti lauan 3.46 4.29 Malavacal ... 3. 28 4.07 Guijo 2. 73 3.38 Yacal 2.40 2. 98 Narig LOO 1.24 _. 36. 99 45. 86 i Lumbayao. 3. 74 4.64 Batete - 3.07 37.41 3. 81 45. 69 81.21 100 710 WHITFOBD. Table XV. — Yield in yacal type — trees 1/0 centimeters and over in diameter ( average of 51.17 hectares). Scientific name. Common name. Average per hectare. I’er cent of total stand. Diptkrocarpaceae: Cubic meters. Hopea plaqata Vid. _ Yacal. . 50.37 17.4 Pentacme contorta Merr. & Rolfe. Parashorea plicata Brandis ... _ . White lauan Bagtican lauan . .. | 2(1. 02 9.0 IHpltrncarpus sp. . .... 12. O') 4. 2 Shorea qniso Blume 16. 80 .1. / (?) Calnnti lauan 12. 3t 4.3 Shorea squamata Turcz. ? Danlig lauan _ . | 9. 40 Shorea furfuracea Miq.? 8.8 Vatico sp. ... _ Narig _ 6.14 2.1 Hopea f sp. ..... 2.83 1 Total Dipleroearpaceae _ 136. 01 47. Stkrculiaceae: ~ Tarrietia javanica Blume . 21.35 Leguminosae: . 7.4 Kingiodendron alternifolium Merr. &. Rolfe Batete . . 7.29 2.6 All others 124. 35 43 Total 289.00 100 '1 Table XVI. — Volume in lauan type — trees 1/0 centimeters and over in diameter (average of 15 hectares). Scientific name. Common name. Average per hectare. Percent of total stand. 1 (JPTEItOCA rpaceae: Pentacme contorta Merr. & Rolfe Cubic meters. | 51. 14 | 21.91 17.00 13.68 12. 76 9.09 8. 57 1. 55 17.5 7. 5 5.8 4.6 4.4 3.1 2.9 .5 Parashorea plicata Brandis Shorea squamata Turcz. ? Bagtican lauan Shorea furfuracea Miq.?. _ 1 (?) Calnnti lauan Shorea quiso Blume. Dipterocarpus sp. _ Hopea plagata Vid. ... ... Hopea ? sp. . Malayacal Vatica sp. . . ... .. Total Dipterocarpaceae 135. 70 46.3 Sterccliaceae: Tarrietia javanica Blume 12. 34 6.27 138. 42 4.2 2.1 47.4 Leguminosae: Kingiodendron alternifolium Merr. & Rolfe. All others ... .. Batete Total __ 292. 73 100 STUDIES IN THE VEGETATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, I. 717 These figures show the bulk of dipterocarps to be not so high here as in some other forests, yet the preponderance of that family is still too apparent to be overlooked. The following, giving some idea of the composition of the forest, is a list of the principal trees other than those mentioned in the yield and stand tables : Fagaceae- Querous sp. ; U lm ace ae- C eltis sp. ; MoRACEAE-ArtocarpMs communis Forst. ; Anonaceae -Canangium odoratum Baill.; Myristicaceae- Myristica spp.; Rosaceae -Parinarium griffithianum Benth.; BuRSERACEAE-Uonarttim spp.; Legtj- minosae -Erythrophloeum dcnsifforum (Elmer) Merr., Albiszia saponaria Bitime; HvpnoRBixcKAE-Cyclostemon spp. ; ANACARDiACEAE-Aoordersiodendron pinnatum Merr.; Sapindaceae-E«p horia cinerea Radik., Pometia pinnata Forst.; Riiamna- CEAE-Zizyphus zonulatus Blanco; Tieiaceae- (/reader stylocarpa Warb. ; Stercu- LiACEAE-Pterospermum spp., Pterocymbium tinctorium Merr.; G u tt ui; k a e - Ca l o - phyllum spp., Garcinia spp.; DiPTEROCARPACEAE-77opea spp., Anisoptera sp.; Lyt] i ra c ea e - L a g erst ro ern ia piriformis Koeline; CoMBRETACEAE-TermwaZw nitens Presl; M y r x a c e a r> e n i a spp.; Sapotaceae -Palaquium spp.; Ebenaceae-ZBos- pyros spp.; Apoc Y ac e ae- Wrig htia laniti Merr.; V eriben aceae- Vitex littoralis Decne., Vitex aherniana Merr.; RiTBiACEAE-Sarcocepftalws cordatus Miq. FORESTS OF LEYTE, MINDORO, AND VARIOUS PARTS OF LUZON, AND MINDANAO. Itough estimates of timber made in tbe Davao District of Mindanao show also the predominance of dipterocarps. On the Island of Samal near Davao, at least 80 per cent of the volume of the forest is composed of dipterocarps, mainly Pentacme contorta Merr. & Kolfe, Parashorea plicata Brandis, and Shorea guiso Blume. Untouched forests on the mainland at the head of Davao Gulf showed the dipterocarp forests reach- ing to the tide-water in many places and even occupying all but the frontal zones of the beaches. The above represent regions in which more or less detailed studies have been made by the author. More hurried trips made in the Provinces of Tayabas and Camarines on the Island of Luzon, in the District of Zamboanga on the Island of Mindanao, and on the Island of Leyte, show that the large bodies of forest are composed of dipterocarps in greater or less proportion usually running over on an average ?0 to 80 per cent of the bulk. The published work of Merritt 8 for Mindoro and the unpublished results of Curran, Dagger, Klemme, and other foresters in the Bureau of Forestry for various parts of the Island of Luzon, of Hutchinson for parts of Mindanao, and of Rosenbluth for northern Leyte, give results in entire confirmation of those mentioned above. 8 M. L. Merritt. The Forests of Mindoro, Bureau of Forestry (Philip.) Bull. 8 (1008) 1-51. 718 WHITFORD. SUMMARY OF STAND AND VOLUME. The following is a summary of the stand and volume tables given in this paper. Per cent of Diptrr- ocarpaceae by— Locality. Stand. Volume. Bataan Province, Luzon: Limay.. . . 60.9 68. 80 Mindoro: Narratvpe 33.11 53. 70 Hagachae type __ •41.50 66.00 Negros . 89.4 95.00 Zamboanga, Mindanao: Yaealtype 43.7 47.00 Lauan type. 45.86 4ft 3 Samal Island, Mindanao _ "80 Leyte ... •80 Masbate. ... 47.5 _____ a Estimated. It will be seen from the above that from 33 per cent to 89 per cent of the stand and 4G per cent to 95 per cent of the volume of these forests are composed of species of the Dipterocarpaceae. It is estimated that at least 75 per cent of the present virgin forest area comprising some 40,000 square miles is of like nature. Such a forest has been found in practically all classes of habitats from sea level to an altitude of approximately 900 meters on the largest mountain masses. Within these forests, to be sure, there are local conditions such as character of soil, steepness of slope, exposure to severe atmospheric conditions, and those due to artificial interference, that do not favor dipterocarps at the present time. However, the vegetation in many of these situations is only transitory in nature and may be considered as stages in succession toward some form of the most successful forest, viz, the dipterocarp forests. As mentioned here- tofore it is not the intention to discuss in this paper the different types, nor the different stages of succession. Briefly it can be stated that a representative of a climax forest is found in Negros where the bulk reaches about 429 cubic meters per hectare of wood. Here it is believed that a combination of edaphic, climatic, and biotic factors have reached the optimum necessary to the establishment of most successful growth in the Philippines. The climate is uniform as regards temperature, and with the exception of a short dry season interspersed with showers it is fairly uniform as regards humidity and rainfall. The topography is composed of gentle slopes so that the soil wash is not great nor in the rainy season is there an accumulation of excessive moisture in the soil. It is probable that originally a greater part of the area of the Philippines STUDIES IN THE VEGETATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, I. 719 which is now under cultivation or in grass, and that lias physiographic features similar to that of the Negros forest mentioned above had a forest that contained a similar composition and volume. The forests of the Bataan and Port Banga regions on the other hand, are handicapped by less favorable climatic and edaphic conditions. The dry season is more pronounced and the topography is rough, in consequence of which the bulk of the forest is much less and the composition is more complex. Again, the delta plain of Mindoro, which has a climate similar to that of northern Negros, during the wet season is periodically flooded by rain, which makes the soil excessively moist during a part of the year. The volume of the forest is consequently much less and the forest more complex in composition. In temperate regions, generally speaking, the nearer success that mature forest growth attains, the simpler the arboreal composition. From the above the conclusion can be drawn that in this respect tropical virgin forests are like those found in temperate zones. ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS. The economic aspect of the predominance of dipterocarp forests in the Philippines is significant. The high percentage of the members of one family, in many places approaching pure stands, and the comparatively high bulk per unit of surface make lumbering on a large scale with modern methods possible. In the previous tables the bulk per hectare is given in cubic meters, regardless of whether the trees are sound or decayed. Making liberal allowances for unsound timber the regions investigated are conservatively estimated to run from 8,000 to 30,000 or more, board feet per acre. Individual acres will yield 100,000 or more board' feet. Including all species, the volume of the dipterocarp -forests in the Philippines is estimated to be about 200 billion feet of lumber board measure. The impression is general that tropical forests yield woods that can not compete with the coniferous woods of temperate regions. Fernow 0 speaking of the lumber supplies of Australia, Brazil and other South American countries states the following: “The valuable hardwoods of those countries, possessing excellent quality besides their beauty, for which we use them at present, will never be able to compete or supplant our own materials, for they occur in single individuals scattered among hundreds of other species; so that to supply any considerable quantity of any one kind requires culling over many acres, which renders them too expensive for general use.” What are the facts of the case as regards the Philippine forests? It is true that with the exception of very limited stands of pine, the forests 9 Fernow, B. E. Economics of Forestry (1904) 34. 720 WHITFORD. here are composed of broad-leaved trees, and would, in the United States at least, be classed as hardwoods. In texture, however, a large per cent of the trees produce woods with the general mechanical properties of pines and other conifers. The dipterocarp woods may he divided into three groups. Of these the lauans ( Pentacme contnrta, Parasliorea plicata and a number of species of Sliorca), though slightly harder, are not dissimilar to the white pines in mechanical structure. They are being used in the Philippines for , lighter classes of general construction and bid fair to replace all imported woods of like qualities.10 The apitongs (species of Dipterocarpus and Shorea guiso ) will compare favorably with the hard pines and are being used for heavier classes of general construction. The yacals (certain species of Hopea, Vatica, and Sliorca ) are hard and durable and are used for general construction work, especially where contact with the ground is necessary. However, the great bulk of the Philippine forests is composed of trees that yield timber of the grades of lauan and apitong. Of the trees other than dipterocarps found in the dipterocarp forest probably one-half of the bulk is composed of woods that would grade with the lauans or apitong. Of these the family Anacanhaceae produces K oordcrsiodcndron pinnatum (amuguis), Dracontomelum dao (dao), Mangifera altissima (pahutan) ; in the Sapotaceae are Illipc rami flora and several species of Palaquium ; in the Stcrcuhaccae are Tarrietia javanica (lumbayao) and other species of several genera; in the Sapindaceae is Pometia pinnata (malugay) ; in the Rhamnaceae are species of Zizyphus (balacat) ; in the Combretaceae are several species of Terminalia, and in the Rubiaceae is Sarcocephalus cordatus (bancal).11 The prevalent idea that the tropics produce nothing but hardwoods suitable for special uses like the teak for shipbuilding, and the mahoganies and their substitutes, for fine interior finish, furniture and cabinet making, is due, in the Philippines at least, to a number of causes. 1. The wood-destroying forces in the tropics are much greater than in temperate regions. The continual heat and moisture favor the rapid development of fungi, and with the presence of anay (white ants) tend to shorten the duration of untreated timbers in almost every class of construction, consequently hard durable timbers are sought for permanent structures. 2. The cost of extracting such timbers by crude methods (animal and 10 On account of color and fine figure, when quarter sawn, the best grades of the lauans are valuable for furniture, cabinet making, and fine classes of interior finish, and are used extensively as such. 11 See Foxworthy, F. W. Philippine Woods, This Journal 2 (1907) Botany 351-404, and Gardner, R. Mechanical Properties and Uses of Thirty-four Philip- pine Woods, Bureau of Forestry (Philip.) Bull. 4 (1906) 1-66, for description of the uses and mechanical properties of these woods. STUDIES IN THE VEGETATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, I. 721 manual labor) is great, but the ruling high prices justify the expense. The cost of extracting the softer woods by the same methods is as great or nearly as great because the logs are usually much larger in size. The price paid for such logs is comparatively low so that the profits, if any, are much lower. The introduction of modern logging machinery will reduce and is reducing the cost of logging greatly. 3. The demand for great amounts of cheap construction timbers is supplied by bamboo stems or palms, and small or young dicotyledonous trees. 4. No widespread attempt has ever been made to place the general construction woods of the tropics on the markets of temperate zones. It is shown from the above that the volume per acre of the dipterocarp forests of the. Philippines is great enough to allow lumbering operations on a large scale, and the supply is sufficient to allow a large per cent for export of the cheaper classes of timber. It is believed that in time such timbers will be exported to temperate regions and sold at a price that will allow them to compete successfully with timber of a like grade. That it is not done at the present time is due to certain unfavorable economic conditions, which will in time be overcome. The amount of timber in the Philippines is limited, principally because the land area of the Philippines (about 120,000 square miles) is small, with a virgin forest area of approximately 40,000 square miles. What proportion of this will ultimately be absolute forest land, to yield con- tinuous crops of timber is not yet known. Large deforested areas are on non-agricultural land. It is shown that so far as the Philippines are concerned the forests yield mostly general construction timbers, which are as a rule practically unknown to the temperate zone markets of the world. Borneo with an area approximately two and one-half times that of the Philippines is rich in dipterocarps and because of its smaller popu- lation probably has a much larger percentage of virgin forest area than the Philippines. There as well as in other parts of the thinly settled Malayan regions, so far as is known, no attempt has been made to take an inventory of the forest resources. In thickly settled Java nearly all of the accessible virgin forest area has been removed. With the exception of eng ( Diptero carpus tuberculatus Eoxb.) and sal ( Shorea robusta Gaertn.), the dipterocarps of Burma and tropical India are little known outside local markets. Concerning the forests of Burma I quote the following from a letter of M. L. Merritt who recently visited a small portion of this region. “Naturally I saw more of the plains and low hill forests than any other. Here teak ( Tectona grandis ) and pyingado {Xylia dolabriformis ) are the two species which they regard as being most valuable. The former is very scattered and I doubt if there will be one-half to one-third trees to the acre. Pyingado is more numerous and will run approximately one to three trees per acre. The dipterocarps, Vipterocarpus alatus and Dipterocarpus laevis, both of which resemble 722 WHITFORD. Dipterocarpus grandiflorus and Dipterocarpus vernicifluus in shape of bole, habits of growth and wood as well as fruit, and Dipterocarpus tuberculatus occur scattered all through the forest and probably have as large a yield as there is of all other species combined. They are not logged, however, except in the more accessible places. I also noted a Parashorea and a Shorea in the forest.” Foxworthy12 states that if all woods other than the dipterocarps were excluded from the markets of the tropical East, the markets would hardly feel the difference. So much for the Asiatic tropics. Will the tropical regions of Africa and South America show similar quantities of general construction timbers in their virgin forest? So far as I know, economic and scientific explorations have been mainly attempts, from the viewpoint of the lumberman, to find valuable hardwoods of the mahogany grade or hard durable timbers. The forests as a whole have not been sized up from the standpoint of the forester with a view to the utilization of all the species. From the results of the investigations given above, made in the Philip- pines, it is probable that the virgin forests of South America and Africa will show that a greater part of their bulk will consist of woods suitable for general construction purposes of certain classes, which can, with the introduction of modern methods of logging and milling and with improved economic conditions that are sure to come with the development of the tropics, be placed in the markets of the temperate regions at a cost that will enable them to compete with woods of similar qualities found in virgin forests in temperate regions or grown there as successive crops. In the United States an inventory of the natural resources is being made with a view to conserving them. An attempt is being made to extend this conservation inventory to other parts of the world. So far as the forest resources of the world are concerned I believe that there is no problem that will ultimately yield greater scientific and economic results than an inventory of the forest resources of the tropical world. This will include a mapping of the forested areas, a rough estimate of the standing timber, and a brief description of the areas as regards their lumbering possibilities and the classes of timber found. Mention was made above (page 701) that increment should be con- sidered as a factor in an estimation of success in forest vegetation. In some forest trees of the Philippines rings of growth occur. In others these are lacking or obscure. It is not known whether these rings are annual or only seasonal. On this account no estimate can be made of the annual increment from rings of growth. Actual measurement of rate of tree growth in the tropics is not extensive enough to be of general application. It is believed, however, that the rate of growth in the tropics is much greater than in temperate zones, that generally speaking the soft wood forest trees will reach maturity in one-half to two-thirds 13 Foxworthy, F. W. Indo-Malayan Woods. This Journal 4 (1909) Botany 500. STUDIES IN THE VEGETATION OF THE PHILIPPINES, I. 723 of the time they require in regions where the climatic conditions inhibit growth entirely for a considerable part of the year. If bulk alone is considered as a measure of success in forest growth, the virgin forests of some parts of the temperate regions are surely more successful than those of the tropics. This is especially true of the northwestern part of the United States where exceedingly heavy stands of coniferous forests occur. But if the annual increment is also used as an element of success it is believed that some tropical regions are capable of producing more bulk per year than temperate regions. Again, this is of economic importance. While the land area of the north temperate zone is much greater than that of the tropics and the absolute forest land (that is land that is better fitted for forest growth than agriculture) is also mucli greater, this inequality is in a measure offset by the possibility that eacli acre of land in the tropics can probably produce from one and a half to two crops of timber for one crop in temperate regions. A theoretical discussion of the causes of the shorter lives of tropical trees is reserved for another paper. I wish to express my thanks to E. D. Merrill, Botanist of the Bureau of Science, for assistance in referring tree species to their scientific names, and especially to H. M. Curran, Forester in the Bureau of Forestry, for valuable suggestions in the preparation of this paper. ILLUSTRATIONS. EXPLANATION OF TIIE PLATES. Plate XXXII. A tree of Dipterocarpus vernicifluus, (panao) , showing the form of the hole and crown. Bataan Province, Luzon. XXXIII. Interior view of a dipterocarp forest on a delta plain in Mindoro showing scattered large trees. XXXIV. Interior view of a dipterocarp forest in Masbate. The trees are all one species, Parashorea plicata, ( bagtican lauan) . XXXV. Outside view of a dipterocarp forest in Negros, on the lower slopes of Mount Silay. This forest will yield over 30,000 feet per acre, board measure, clear lumber, and consists of an almost pure stand of apitong and lauan. XXXVI. Interior view of a dipterocarp forest on the lower slopes of Mount Silay, Negros. The trees are red lauan and almon, species of Chorea. XXXVII. Interior view of a dipterocarp forest on the slopes of Mount Silay, Negros. The trees are tanguile, almon, and red lauan, all closely related species of Chorea. XXXVIII. Interior view of a dipterocarp forest on the lower slopes of Mount Silay, Negros. The trees are red lauan and almon, species of Shorea. 725 Whiiford : Vegetation of the Philippines, I.] [Phil. .Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 6. XXXI I Whitford : Vegetation of the Philippines, I.] [Phil. Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 6. XXXI I I. WlIITFORIl : VUGHTATION OF 'I 1 IF. lm.ipi’iNus, | Pi iti.. .Ioitrn. SCI., Voi., IV, No. •!. 1.1 M LATE XXXIV Whitford : Vegetation of the Philippines, l.| [Phil, Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 6. plate; x xx v. [Phil. Jofrn. Sit., Vol. IV, No. fi. Whitford: Vegetation’ of the Philippines, 1.1 X X XV I . Whitfori) : Vegetation of the Philippines, 1 [Phil, Journ. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 6. XXXVII. Whitford : Vegetation of the Philippines, I.] [Phil. Joukn. Sci., Vol. IV, No. 6. PLATE XXXVIII. e>‘ ' ERRATA. Page 103, line 6 from bottom, for philippensis, read philippica. Page 268, line 15 from bottom, for latisliqua, read latisiliqua. Page 270, line 8 from bottom, for Pimelodendron, read Pimeleodendron. Page 313, for ALIXIA, read ALYXIA. Page 332, table, read Pseudoeugenia, Malay Peninsula 2; Aphanomyrtus, Java 1. Page 334, line 18 from top, for verdugon ionus, read verd ugon ian us. Page 353, line 6 from top, for phanerophelebi a, read phanerophlebia. Page 354, line 19 from bottom, after from insert being. Page 359, line 2 from bottom, for rubrivenia, read rubrovenia. Page 367, line 5 from top, for Myrthus, read Myrtus. Page 374, line 7 from bottom, for aparently, read apparently. Page 394, line 19 from bottom, instead of for, read from. Page 395, line 24 from top, for Zetiung, read Zeitung. Page 403, line 14 from bottom, for calypthanthes, read oalypthranthes. line 5 from bottom, for Decaspernum, read Decaspermurn. Page 405, line 1, for linaeta, read lineata. line 7, for salinga read saligna. Page 440, add Blits Blits, G. A. Bulletin van bet Kolotiiaal Museum te Haarlem 19 (1898). Page 606, line 13 from top, for Plate XXX, read Plate XXX bis. Plate XXII, fig. 11, for Scarodocarpus, read Scorodocarpus. Plate XXIV, fig. 34, for suietenia, read sunetenia. Plate XXV, fig. 38, for Canaium, read Canarium. Plate XXVI II, fig. 78, for Serial, read Seriah. Plate XXIX, fig. 96, for Fagraca, read Fagraca. Plate XXX, fig. 105, for barnesii, read barnesii. Plate XXX.— NORMANBYA MERRILLI Becc., read Plate XXX bis.— NORMANBYA MERRILLII Becc 91262 5 727 INDEX (New species and new combinations published for the first time are in black-faced type; synonyms and species mentioned incidentally in the text are indicated by the page references being in italics. It is to be noted that nothing included in No. 4, pages 409 to 592, “Indo-Malayan Woods,” is indexed here, as that number is separately indexed.) Page, j Acanthaceae rf2l Aceraceae 28;> Acer L 285 curranii Merr 285 laevigatum Wall 286 philippinum Merr 286 Acoridium N. & M 593, 595 venustulum Ames 595 Acronychia laurifolia B1 -• 58 1 Actephila B1 276 dispersa (Elmer) Merr 276 gigantifolia Koorders -- - 277 Actoplanes cannaeformis K. Schum — 193 Adelmeria Ridl 155, 179 bifida Ridl 179 pinetorum Ridl. 180 Aerides Lour 600 lawrenceae Reichb. f. 600 [ Aeschynomene paludosa ltoxb - 269 Agelaea Soland 126 borneensis (Hook, f.) Merr. .. 127 everettii Merr 127 vestita Hook, f 12 7 vestita Vid 126 wallichii Hook, f • 126 Aglaia Lour — 27° badia Merr 270 bicolor Merr 270 denticulata Turpz. 27 1 everettii Merr 271 hexandra Turcz - 270 Agrostistachys Dalz - 274 pubescens Merr. 274 Agrostophyllum B1 669 formosum Rolfe 6C9, 670 longifolium Reichb. f. 670 majus Hook, f 670 papuanum Schltr 669 philippinense Ames. .. 669 Ahernia Merr. — 295 glandulosa Merr 295 Albizzta Durazz 265 myriophylla Roxb. — 265 scandens Merr 265 Alectoria divergens (Ach.) 656 Alpinia L 1 ->5,180,1 83 alba Teysm. 189 Page. Alpina brevilabris Presl 189, 190 conchigera Griff 190 copelandii Ridl 184 cumingii K. Schum. - 187, 189 elegans K. Schum 181 flabellata Ridl 188 flabellata var. major Ridl 188 foxworthvi Ridl 189 galanga Sw — 18 7 galanga var. pyramidata (Bl.) K. Schum. 186 gigantea F.-Vill 181 glabrescens Ridl. 185, 186 gracilis Rolfe . graminea Ridl. haenkei Presl . illustris Ridl. . leptosolenia K. Schum. .... - 181 magnifica Rose 1 77 malaccensis Presl 185 malaccensis Rose • 185 mollis Presl 191 musaefolia Ridl 186 nobilis Ridl 185 parviflora Rolfe 178, 179 penduliflora Ridl. 187 philinpinensis Ridl. ... 185 pubifiora K. Schum 188 pulchella K. Schum 189 pyramidata Bl 186 rolfei K. Schum 179 rosella Ridl 190 rufa K. Schum 190 trachyascus K. Schum 185 Alsophila R. Br 28 albosetacea Bedd 55 andersoni Scott 56 bakeri Zeiller 56 batjanensis Christ 55 bongardiana Mett 61 boninsimensis Christ 38 burbidgei Baker 55 calocoma Christ 53 dementis Copel 59 commutata Mett 36 confucii Christ 60 contaminans Wall 60 crinita Hook - 50 729 730 INDEX. Page. Alsophila denticulata Baker 37 dimorpha Christ 31, dubia Bedd 33, 36 elmeri Copel 54 extensa J. Sm 50 fauriei Christ .. 60 formosana Baker 35 fuliginosa Christ . 1,3 henryi Baker 38 junghuhniana Kze. 58 khasiana Moore 61 kingii Clarke 56 latebrosa Wall 52 lepifera J. Sm. 40 margarethae Schr 38 melanopus Hassk. 48 melanorachis Copel. 38 mertensiana Kze 59 mindanaensis Christ 34 modesta Baker 48 obscura Scort. g 7 ornata Scott 59 podophylla Hook 33 pustulosa Christ 51 ramispina Hook. 36 rheosora Baker 34 ridleyi Baker 36 sangirensis Christ . 37 saparuensis v. A. v. R 61 subglandulosa Hance 1,6 trichodesma Scort 55 truncata Brack 39 wallacei Mett 48 xantholepis Christ 61 Alyxia Banks 313 luzoniensis Merr 313 monilifera Vid 313 parvifolia Merr 313 sinensis Champ 313 Amomuin L 155 , 15G, 170 arboreum Lour 192 cardamon L 773 curcuma Jacq 167 deuteramomum K. Schum. . 173 elegans Ridl 172 flavum Ridl 770 fusiforme Ridl 171 hirsutuin Lam 192 latifolium Lam 166 lepicarpum Ridl * 174 lepicarpum var. pubescens Ridl 174 loheri K. Schum 171 parviflorum Presl 178 propinquum Ridl 172, 175 spurium Gmel 169 sylvestre Poir 169 trilobum Ridl 172, 173 warburgii K. Schum 171 zerumbet L 169 zerumbeth Koenig 166 zingiber Naves 169 Amphicosmia Gardn 28 Amylotheca cumingii Van Tiegh 11,1 Anacardiaceae 284 Page. Anacolosa Bl 261 luzoniensis Merr. 253 Anchusa tenella Hornem. 697 zeylanica Jacq 697 Ancistrolobus floribundus Turcz. ... 293 ligustrinus Spach 292 micradenius Turcz 293 Andrachne sp 7 2 Andropogon L 250 leptos Steud 250 Angiopteris Hoffm 8 angustifolia Presl 9 cartilagidens Christ 9 crassipes Wall 9 evecta (Forst.) Hoffm 8 pruinosa Kze. 9 simills Presl 9 Angraecum Thou. 597 pbilippinense Ames 597 Anisostemon trifoliatus Turcz 119 Antidesma Burm 275 cordato-stipulaceum Merr. 275 flliforme Bl 280 ghaesembilla Gaertn 276 subcordatum Merr 275 Apocynaceae 313 Appendicula longifolia Bl 670 Arceuthobium Bieb 130 Arehangiopteris Christ & Gies. 9 henryi Christ & Gies. 9 Archytaea vahlii Choisy 11,9 Areca L 601 catechu L 602 macrocarpa Becc 601 mamillata var. mindanaoensis Becc 602 whitfordii Becc 601, 602 Arenga Labill 612 ambong Becc 611, tremula Becc 612, 611, Ascarina Forst 69, 70 pliilippinensis C. B. Rob 70 polystachya Forst 70 Asplenium L 113 elmeri Christ 113 epiphyticum Copel 113 gracile Fee 113 gracilifolium Copel 113 laserpitiifolium Lam. .. 113 scolopendroides J. Sm. 113 tenuifolium Don 113 trifoliatum Copel 113 Athyrium Roth 112 anisopteron Christ 112 crenato-serratum Milde 113 halconense Christ 112 macrocarpum (Bl.) Bedd. .. 112 Atkinsonia F. Muell ISO Azadirachta A. Juss 272 indica A. Juss 273 integrifoliola Merr 272 Azolla Lam 14 africana Desv 14 pinnata R. Br 11, INDEX. 731 IS Baccaurea Lour lanceolata (Miq. ) Muell.- Arg ‘ Baeckea cumingiana Schauer frutescens L --- Balantium Kaulf copelandi Christ javanicum (Bl.) Copel. ... Page. 277 277 M 404 28, 61 62 62 Banksia speciosa Koen 192 Barringtonia Forst 299 balabacensis Merr 299 Bauhinia L 265 kappleri Sagot - - 265, 266 krugii Urban 265, 266 latisiliqua Cav 268, 269 maculata Ten 265, 266 monandra Kurz 265, 266 richardiana Wall. ... 265 Bennettia filiformis Muell.-Arg. 280 javanlca It. Br. 280 Blachia Baill. 277 philippinensis Merr. 277 Bombax ceiba Burm. 404 Boottia Wall 247 odorata Wall 21/8 renifolia Merr 247 Borago africana Blanco 696 Indica Blanco 696 indica L. 696 zeylanica Burm. f 696 Bothriospermuni Bunge 687,697 tenellum F. & M. 697 Botrychium Sw 5 daucifolium Wall 7 japonieum (Prantl) Un- derw 7 lanuginosum Wall 7 lunaria (L.) Sw 6 matricariae (Schrank) Spr 6 obliquuin Muhl 6 simplex Hitclic 6 strictuin Underw — 7 ternatum (Thunb.) Sw. .. 7 virglnianum (L.) Sw 7 Brabejum ? caliculatum Blanco Ilf 8 Bradleia phllippica Cav 103 phllippensis Willd 103 Breynia Forst - 104 acuminata Muell.-Arg 104 cernua Muell.-Arg. — 86, 105 cernua acutifolia Muell.-Arg. 105 rhamnoides (Retz.) Muell.- Arg 104 Bucida comintana Blanco 300, 6JfJf Bulbophyllum Thou. 599, 674 bataanense Ames 599 cuneatum Rolfe 674 dearei Reichb. f 674 Burmanniaceae 250 Burmannia.L ‘ 250 azurea Griff. 250 coelestis D. Don 250 Caesalpinia torquata Blanco 268 Calamus L 621 arugda Becc 622, 625 blancoi Kunth 635 diepenhorstii var. exulans Becc 627 dimorphacanthus Becc 631, 633 dimorphacanthus var. mon- talbanicus Becc 631 dimorphacanthus var. za.m- balensis Becc 632 discolor Mart 635 discolor var. negrosensis Becc 635 grandifolius Becc 629 halconensis Becc. 633, 634 hookerianus Becc. 621 jenningsianus Bqcc 623 merrillii Becc 629 merrittianus Becc. 629 microcarpus Becc. 627, 63 If microsphaerion Becc 627 mindoreusis Becc 625 mollis Blanco 635 ornatus Bl — 631 palustris Griff 623, 625 siphonospathus Mart 631 trispermus Becc .. 625, 627 vidalianus BecC 634 Calathea fasciculata Presl 196 Calophyllum L 291 auriculatum Merr. 291 venulosum Zoll 292 Calyptranthes jambolana Willd 386, lf03 makal Blanco If03 ramiflora Blanco 386, lf03 zuzygium Blanco If 03 Camptandra Ridl 155 Candollina barthei Van Tiegh llflf haenkeana Van Tiegh llflf malifolia Van Tiegh. llflf Cannaceae 156, 197 Ganna L 197 edulis Ker 198 glauca Rose 198 indica L. 198 orientalis Rose. 198 warszewiezii Hort 198 Caprifoliaceae 328 Carmona heterophylla Cav — 692 Carmonea heterophylla Blanco.... 692 Caryophyllus malaccensis W. F. Wight 851f Caryota tremula Blanco 612, 61lf Caulinia ovalis R. Br. 67 Centotheca lappacea (L.) Desv 2Jf8 malabarica (L. ) Merr 21f8 Ceratopteris Brongn. 26 thalictroides (L.. ) Brongn. 27 Ceratostylis Bl 670 grandiflora J. J. Smith.... 670 latipetala Ames 671 retisquama Reichb. f. 670 rubra Ames 670 Page. Cestichis Thou 597, 666 clemensiae Ames 666 merrillii Ames 59 7 nutans Ames 597 vestita Ames 666 Cetraria (Ach.) Th. Fr 657 straminea Wain 657 Chloranthaceae .'. 69 Chloranthus Sw 69 brachystachys B1 69 inconspieuus Blanco 69 officinalis B1 69 salicifolius Presl 69 Chnoophora glauca B1 60 lurida B1 Jf5 Chonemorpha G. Don 314 elastica Merr 314 griffithii Hook, f 311, Ckristensenia Maxon 11 aesculifolia (Bl.) Max- on 11 cumingiana Christ ...... 11 Clbotium Kaulf 63 assamicum Hook 63 baranetz (L.) J. Sm 63, 61, baranetz var. lampongense v. A. v. R 61) baranetz var. setosum v. A. v. R 6Jf cumingii Kunze 64 sumatranum Christ 63 Cicca L 87 acidissima Blanco 87 decandra Blanco 77 disticha L 87 pentandra Blanco 7 4, 75 CIchlanthus philippensis Van Tiegh. .. 139 Cleistoloranthus Merr 130, 150 verticillatu3 Merr. .. 150 Cluytia androgyna L 72 Cnestis Juss 117, 127 corniculata Blanco 127, 128 diffusa Blanco 127, 128 erecta Blanco 125, 126 glabra Blanco 125 polyphylla Blanco 127 ramiflora Griff 127 trifolia Blanco 125 vestita Wall 127 volubilis Blanco 122, 125 Coelogyne Lindl 664 cinnamomea Lindl. 665 integerrima Ames 665 rochussenii De Vr 664 Coldenia L 693 procumbens L 693 Combretaceae 300, 641 Combretum L 300, 648 acuminatum Roxb 648 confusum Merr. & Rolfe.. 649 costatum Roxb 6J/8 distillatorium Blanco 61f9 extensum Roxb 300, 649 laxum Blanco 5^9 micropetalum DC 649 Page. Combretum ovalifolium Roxb. ... 649 rotundifolium DC 649 sexalatum Merr 6-J9 squamosum Roxb. 649 squamosum luzonicum Presl 61,9 sundaicum Miq 61f9 wallicliii DC 649 Conamomum RidI 155 Connarus L 147. ng bracteatus Merr 120 culionensis Merr. 120 ferrugineus F.-Vill 128 foliosus Jack 128 hallieri Merr 122 igneus Wall 128 mindanaensis Merr. ...! 122 monocarpus F.-Vill 126 monocarpus L 122 neurocalyx Planch 120, 121 obliquus Walp 126 obtusifolius Planch 121 paniculatus F.-Vill 126 polyanthus Planch 119 rolfei Vid 119 stellatu3 Merr 119 subinaequifolius Elm 124 trifoliatus (Turcz.) Rolfe.. 119 whitfordii Merr 123 Convolvulaceae 320 Coptosapelta Korth 323 flavescens Korth 323 Cordia L 687, 688 banalo Bianco 689 blancoi Vid 688, 689 blancoi mollis Merr 689 cumingiana Vid 689, 690 dichotoma Blanco 688 ignota Blanco 689 leschenaultii Vid 688 myxa L 689 myxa Llanos 688 olitoria Blanco 690 paniculata F.-Vill 688 propinqua Merr 689, 690 retusa Vahl 692 sebestena Blanco 688 speciosa Naves 688 subcordata Lam 689 Costus L 155, 191 arabicus L 192 clemensae Ridl 193 crispiflorus Stokes 192 foeniculaceus Noronha 192 glabratus Reichb. f 192 globosus Bl 193 loureiri Horan 192 nipaleusis Rose 192 sericeus Bl 192 speciosus Sm 192 . speciosus var. argyrophyllus Wall 192 vaginalis Salisb 192 warburgii K. Schum 171 INDEX. 733 294 293 292 293 294 293 292 293 293 292 293 293 Page. Cratoxylon Bl. 292 arborescens Vid. 293 biflorum Turcz 292 blancoi Bl 293 blancoi var. apiculatum Merr. — • celebicum Bl. chinense (Retz.) Merr. floribundum F.-Vlll formosuin (Jack) Dyer... hornschuchii Naves ligustrinum Bl. micradenium F.-Vill polyanthum F.-Vill polyanthum Korth. sumatranum F.-Vill sumatranum Naves Croton ^7S ardisioides Hook. f. 273 argyratus Bl 278 Cryptocarya R. Br 254 ampla Merr — 258 bicolor Merr - 255 everettii Merr 257 glauca Merr 258 lauritlora (Blanco) Merr 254, 2 '9 luzoniensis Vid 254 palawanonsis Merr 256 pallida Merr 256 Cucurbitaceae Curcuma L 156,166 domestica Lour 16 < longa L - 16 i longiflora Salisb. — 166 speciosa Link 166 zedoaria Rose 166 zerumbet Roxb. — 166 Currania Copel H2 gracilipes Copel 112 Cyatheaceae - ' Cyathea Smith 28,111 adenochlamys Christ albosetacea (Bedd.) Copel. .. alderwereltii Copel alternans (Wall.) Presl andersoni (Scott) Copel aneitensis Hook arachnoidea Hook asslmilis Hook atropurpurea Copel batjanensis (Christ) Copel. .. boninsimensis (Christ) Copel. brunoniana (Wall.) Clarke & Baker — - brunonis Wall burbidgei (Baker) Copel callosa Christ calocoma (Christ) Copel. .... calocoma var. congesta Christ caudata (J. Sm.) Copel 51. 53 celebica Bl 51 celebica v. A. v. R 51 chinensis Copel 55 christii Copel 42, 49 54 55 50 33 56 39 39 49 36 45 38 57 32 55 50 53 53 Page. Cyathea dementis Copel 59 commutata Spr 36 confucii (Christ) Copel. 60 contaminans (Wall.) Copel. 52, « 55, 60, 61 crenulata Bl 46 crinita (Hook.) Copel 40 curranii Copel 52 cyclodonta (Christ) v. A. v. R 56 decipiens (Scott) Clarke & Baker 57 dimorpha (Christ) Copel. .... 34 dulitensis Baker 33 elmeri Copel 54 faurlei (Christ) Copel 60 fenicis Copel 61 ferruginea Christ 48 formosana (Baker) Copel 35, 36 foxworthyi Copel. ... 46 fructuosa Copel 34 fuliginosa (Christ) Copel 43 glabra (Bl.) Copel. -- 33,34,35 halconensis Christ 51 hancockii Copel 36, 37 havilandi Baker 45 henryi (Baker) Copel 38 heterochlamydea Copel. 42 hookeri Thw 32 hymenodes Mett 47 inquinans Christ — 43 integra J. Sm 35 javanica Bl. 44 junghuhniana (Kze.) Copel. .. 58 kingii (Clarke) Copel 56 korthalsii Mett 4 7 lanaensis Christ 47 latebrosa (Wall.) Copel. ... 52, 54, 55, 56 latebrosa var. major Christ.. 52 lepifera (J. Sm.) Cep 1. 40 leucophaes Hassk. 58 leucotricha Christ 54 loheri Christ 42 loherivar. tonglonensis Christ 43 lurida (Bl.) Copel. ... 45 margarethae ( Sell r. ) Copel. .. 38 mearnsii Copel 5i melanopus (Hassk.) Copel. .. 48 melanorachis Cop 1 38 mertensiana (Kze.) Copel. .. 59 mindanaensis (Christ) Copel. 34 mitrata Copel 42 modesta (Baker) Copel 48 moluccana R. Br 32 negrosiana Christ 42, 49 obscura (Scort.) Copel 3i oinops Hassk. 44 oldhami 35, 59 orientalis Moore 47 ornata (Scott) Copel. 59 philippinensis Baker 34 philippinensis Baker var. nuda Copel 411 podophylla (Hook.) Copel. 33,34,36 INDEX. 734 Page. Cyathea polypoda Baker 35 pustulosa (Christ) Cope] 51 raciborskii Cope] 45 ramispina (Hook.) Copel. . . 36 recommutata Copel 36 rheosora (Baker) Copel. 34 ridleyi (Baker) Copel 36 rufo-pannosa Christ 41 runensis v. A. v. R 58 saccata Christ . 58 sangirensis (Christ) Copel. .. 37 schizochlamys Baker 44 sinuata Hook. & Grev 32 spinulosa Wall 57 squaniata 36 squamulata (Bl.) Copel 36, 37 strigosa Christ 41 subglandulosa (Hance) Copel. 46 suluensis Baker 35 sumatrana Baker 44, 50 teysmannii Copel 51 tomentosa (Bl.) Z. & M 40 trichodesma ( Scort. ) Copel. .. 55 tripinnata Copel 39 truncata (Brack.) Copel. .... 39 walkerae (Presl) Hook 47 wallacei (Mett.) Copel 48,55 zollingcriana Mett 41 Cynoglossum 687, 696 denticulatum DC 69 7 furcatum Wall 696 micranthum Desf 696 Cynometra L 266 alternifolia Elm. 267 densiflora Elm 267 simplicifolia Harms 266 luzoniensis Merr 266 Cyperaceae 250 I) Daemonorops Bl 636 calapparius Bl C37 clemensianus Becc 636 curranii Becc 636 lainprolepis Becc 637 loherianus Becc. 637 margaritae Hance 636 margaritae var. palawa- nicus Becc 636 ochrolepis var. radulo- sus Becc 636 Damnacanthus Gaertn. f. 323 indicus Gaertn. f 323 Decaspormufn Forst 336 biancoi Vid 336, ’,03, 1,01, paniculatum Kurz 337, 81,6, 404 rubrum Baill 1,01, rnbrum F.-Vill 836 Dendrobium Sw .... 598, 672 acuminatum Kranzl. ... 67 2 acuminatum Rolfe 672, 673 atropurpureum Miq 599 dearei Reichb. f 599, 673 epidendropsis Kranzl 598 hymenanthum Reichb. f. 598 Page. endrobium lyonii Ames 672, 673 merrillii Ames 599 micholitzii Rolfe 598 parthenium Reichb. f 673 sagittatum J. J. Smith.. 599 sanderae Rolfe 673 secundum Lindl 599 !’i ndrochilum Bl 593 , 594( 665 anfractoides Ames 665 anfractum (Ames) Pfltz 665 auriculare Ames 595 bicallosum Ames 596 cinnabarium Pfltz 597 graminifolium (Ames) Pfltz 59J, hastatum Ames 593 hutchinsonianum Ames 595 luzonense Ames 591, merrillii (Ames) Pfltz 593, 591, o c e 1 1 a t u m (Ames) Pfltz 593, 596 oliganthum (Ames) Pfltz 593 palawanense Ames .... 593 parvulum (Ames) Pfltz 591,, 595 philippinense (Ames) Pfltz 591,, 595 pulogense Ames 594 pumilum Reichb. f. .. 596, 597 sphacelatum (Ames) Pfltz 593 strictiforme (A m e s) Pfltz 597 tenellum Ames 593, 591, tenue (Ames) Pfltz 591,, 595, 596 tenuifolium (Ames) Pfltz 59J, turpe (Ames) Pfltz. 593, 591, venustulum (Ames) Pfltz 591,, 595 Dendrolirium ornatum Bl 217 rugosum Bl 212 Dendrophthoe haenkeana Miq 11, j, incarnata Bl 1J,8 luzonensis G. Don 135 malifolia Miq. 1J,J, pentapetala G. Don 133 philippensis Miq 139 Dennstaedtia formosae Christ 62 Desmodium Desv. 267 retroflexum (L.) DC 267 Dicksonia L’H6r 62 blumei (Kze.) Moore 62 javanica Bl 62 Dimorphocalyx Thw 278 denticulatus Merr 278 Diospyros L 305 ahernii Merr 305 buxifolia (Bl.) Hiern 305 canomoi A. DC 311 curranii Merr. 306, 310 INDEX 735 Page. Page. Piospyros discolor Willd. 305, 308 everettii Merr 307 foveo-reticulata Merr 308 inclusa Merr. 308 korthalsiana Hiern 310 maritima B1 311 microphylla Bedd. 305 mindanaensis Merr 309 montana Roxb 310 montana var. parva Merr. .. 310 phanerophlebia Merr 310 reticulata Elm 306 subrigida Hochr. 310 whitfordii Merr 311 Dipterocarpaceae, composition and volume Philippine dipterocarp for- ests 699 Donax Lour 155, 193 nrundastrum K. Schum 193 arundastrum Lour 194 cannaeformis ( F o r s t . ) Rolfe 193, 191, grandis Ridl. 194 parviflora Ridl 194 Droseraceae 263 Drosera L 263 burmanni Vahl 263 Dryopteris Adanson Ill tenerrima Copel. Ill Dysoxylum B1 273 klemmei Merr 273 thyrsoideum Hiern 271/ K Ebenaeeae 305 Ehretia L 687, 690 acuminata R. Br 690 beurreria Blanco — 691 blancoi DC 691 bourreria L 691 buxifolia Roxb 692 formosana Hemsley 691 heterophylla Spreng. 692 laevis Roxb 691, 692 laevis var. timoriensis Clarke 691 microphylla Lam. 692 mollis Merr 691 navesii Vid , 691 onava DC 690, 691 philippitiensis DC 691 polyantha DC 690 setosa Naves — 691 virgata Blanco .. . 690, 691 Blaeocarpaceae 288 Elaeocarpus L. 288 cumingii Turcz 289 curranii Merr 288 luzonicus Merr. 289 multiflorus (Turcz.) F.- Vill. 290 sphaericus (Gaertn.) K. Schum 290 subglobosus Merr. 290 Elettariopsis Bak 155 Ellipanthus Hook. f. 124 calophyllus F.-Vill 121) helferi Vid 121) luzoniensis Vid. 124, 125 mindanaensis Merr 124 tomentosus F.-Vill 121) | Elmeria Ridl 167 bifida Ridl 179 pinetorum Ridl. .... 180 Elodea formosa Jack 291} Elytranthe ampullacea Engl 11,6 cumingii Engl. 11,1 Embelia myrtillus Kurz 11,0 Embolanthera Merr . 263 spicata Merr. 263 Emmenopterys Oliv 321, Enrila dichotoma Blanco 287 Epipactis Boelimer 663 clausa A. A. Eaton 663 pusilla (Bl.) A. A. Eaton.... 661, rubicunda (Bl.) A. A. Eaton 664 Eria Lindl 201,202,673 aeridostachya Reichb. f 213, 236 anceps Leavitt 219, 237 annulata Bl 223, 21,2 armeniaca Lindl 217 bambusifolia Lindl. 203 bidens Ridl 217,218 binabayensis Ames 223, 242 brachystachya Reichb. f 221, 241 bractescens Lindl 209, 210, 231 bractescens var. latipetala Leavitt 210, 232 clemensiae Leavitt .... '220, 238 compacta Ames 208, 231 copelandii Leavitt 203, 226 copelandii var. fusiformis Leavitt 204, 227 curranii Leavitt 210, 233 cylindrostachya Ames 211, 234 cymbiformis J. J. Smith 224, 243 dillwynii Hooker 209 elmeri Ames 207, 208, 230 falcata J. J. Smith 211, fastigatifolia Ames 221, 240 floribunda Lindl. 209, 231 fusca Bl 222, 241 gigantea Ames 217 , 218, 239 graciliscapa Rolfe 205, 228 halconensis Ames 224, 242 hutchinsoniana Ames 204, 227 iridifolia Hook, f 217 , 218 junghuhnii J. J. Smith 215 kingii Hook, f 218 longibracteata Leavitt 219, 238 longicruris Leavitt 205, 206, 228 longilabris Lindl 210, 232 lyonii Leavitt 212, 234 major Ridl 218, 239 mearnsii Leavitt 216, 236 merrillii Ames 213, 235 merrittii Ames 207, 229, 230 microphylla Bl 221, odorifera Leavitt 223, 242 oligantha Hook, f 223 INDEX, 73G Page. Eria ornata Lindl 217, 23G ovata Lindl 205, 207, 230 phaeotricha Schlechter 223 philippinensis Ames 204, 227, 673 polyura Lindl. ...: 203, 226 profusa Lindl 210, 233 pubescens Wight 20 7 racemosa Leavitt 206, 229 ramosii Leavitt 224, 243 retroflexa Lindl 206, 207, 229 ringens Reichb. f 203, 206, 207, 229 rugosa Lindl . 212, 235 scortechinii Stapf 218 stellata Lindl 212, 235 stricta Lindl 217 tenuifolia Ridl 204 tricuspidata Rolfe — 218 ventricosa Leavitt 211, 234 ventricosa var. benguetensis Leavitt 212, 234 vulpina Relcbb, f 222, 241 whitfordii Leavitt 215, 236 woodlana Ames 205, 228 Ericaceae 304 Erythrophloeum Afzel 267 densiflorum (Elm.) Merr 267 Eucalyptus L’Herit 335 globulus Labill 404 multiflora Rich 335 naudiniana F. Muell 335 tereticornis Sm 335 Eufilicineae 14 Eulophia squalida Lindl 671 Euphorbiaceae 274 Eugenia L 331, 338 acrophila C. B. Rob 389 acuminatissima Kurz 392 acuminatissima parva Merr. 391 aherniana C. B. Rob 344 alvarezii C. B. Rob 390 amplexicaulis Roxo 362, 404 angulata C. B. Rob — 354 aquea Burm. f 404 arcuatinervia Merr 379, 380 astronioides C. B. Rob 393 atropunctata C. B. Rob 385, 386 attenuata Miq 385 barnesii Merr 360 bataanensis Merr 348 bauangica Blanco 356, 40.3 benguetensis C. B. Rob 374 benthamii A. Gray — 394, 398 bordenii Merr 34 7, 375 bracteata Roxb 346, 405 bracteata roxburghii F.-Vill. 386 bracteolata Wight 388 brittoniana C. B. Rob 398 brunnea C. B. Rob 372 calubcob C. B. Rob. .. 363, 364, 403 candelabriformis C. B. Rob. 375 canliflora Blanco 356, 402 caryophyllaea Wight 405 cauliflora Blanco 356 cerasiformis DC 367 Page. Eugenia cinnamomea Merr 393,394 cinnamomea Vid 365, 366, 404 clausa C. B. Rob 338, 380, 386, 403, 405 clavellata Merr 384 claviflora Roxb 383, 385 dementis C. B. Rob. 383 coarctata Ceron 353 congesta Merr 388, 389 conglobata C. B. Rob 359 conglomerata Duthie 405 copelandii C. B. Rob 352 costulata C. B. Rob 393 crassipes C. B. Rob 361 cumingiana Vid . 392 curranii C. B. Rob ... ..... 351 curtiflora Elm 401 cyliudrica Wight 368 cymosa F.-Vill 35 7 cymosa Lam 358, 404 decipiens Koord. & Val 386 densiflora DC 404 densinervia Merr 387, 388 diplycosifolia C. B. Rob 347 djouat Perr 387 everettii C. B. Rob. ... 371 expansa Duthie 405 fenicis C. B. Rob. ... 355 formosa Wall 404 garciae Merr 399 gardneri Bedd 405 gigantifolia Merr 350 glandulosa Blanco 357,403 glaucicalyx Merr 381 grandis Wight 404 grata Wight 404 grifflthii Duthie 404 grisea C. B. Rob 395 heyneana Duthie 405 hutchinsonii Merr 376 incrassata Elm 388 intumescens C. B. Rob 401 jambolana Lam 338, 339, 386, 403 jamboloides Koord. & Val. 396 jambos Blanco .. 356, 363, 364, 403 jambos L 369 javanica Auct. Philip 364 javanica Lam. .. 356, 363, 402, 403 javanica ? Merr 361 lacustris C. B. Rob ... 377 laeta Ham. 404 iaevicaulis Duthie 405 leptantha Wight 383 leptogyna C. B. Rob 368 leytensis Elm 354 lineata (Bl.) Duthie 366, 367, 405 lineata (Sw.) DC.) 367 lobas Blanco 355, 356, 402 loheri C. B. Rob 345 longiflora (Presl) F.-Vill. 366, 405 longipedicellata (Merr.) C. B. Rob 349 longissima Merr 349 INDEX. 737 Page. Eugenia lucida Lam 345 luzonensis Merr 356, 357, 403 mabaeoides Wight 347 macgregorii C. B. Rob 367 macrocarpa Roxb 353, 403, 404 malaccensis Blanco 369,1(02 malaccensis L 354, 361/, Jj03 mananquil Blanco .... 355, 393, 402 marivelesensis Merr 366 megalantha C. B. Rob 374 melliodora C. B. Rob 401 merrillii C. B. Rob 349 merrittiana C. B. Rob 369 mimica Merr 3Jf7, 396 mindanaensis C. B. Rob. .. 363, 364 mindorensis C B. Rob. montana Blanco montana Naves montana Wight multinervia C. B. Rob. munronii Wight - oblanceolata C. B. Rob. oblata Roxb ~ occlusa Kurz operculata Roxb 380, 381, 1(03, 405 palawanensis G. B. Rob 377 parva (Merr.) C. B. Rob 391 pasacaensis C. B. Rob 346 paucipunctata K o o r d . & Val 360 paucivenia C. B. Rob. 382 pellucida Duthie 404 pellucida F.-Vill. 365 perpallida Merr 391 phanerophlebia C. B. Rob. 353 philippinensis C. B. Rob 378 polycephala Miq 400 polycephaloides C. B. Rob. 399 pulgarensis C. B. Rob. 380 pyrifolia Duthie — 405 ramosii C. B. Rob 349 robertii Merr 34 7, 374 robinsonii Elm. 398 rosenbluthii C. B. Rob. 384 roseomarginata C. B. Rob. .. 390 rubens Roxb 404 rubricaulis Duthie 405 rubrovenia C. B. Rob - 358, 359 rubropurpurea C. B. Rob 358 sablanensis Elm. 388 saligna C. B. Rob 392, 405 sexangulata Miq 354 similis Merr 381 386, 403 speciosissima C. B. Rob 348 squamifera C. B. Rob 373 striatula C. B. Rob 391, 397 subfalcata C. B. Rob 382 subfoetida C. B. Rob 360 subglauca Koord. & Val 364 subrotundifolia C. B. Rob. 362, 364 subsessilis C. B. Rob 360 succulenta Elm 374 sulcistyla C. B. Rob 368 399 403 364 405 352 404 400 405 405 338, Page. Eugenia tetragona Wight 405 triphylla C. B. Rob 371 tripinnata (Blanco) C. B. Rob 357 ugoensis C. B. Rob 389 vidaliana Elm 372 whitfordii Merr 355 williamsii C. B. Rob 365 xanthophylla C. B. Rob 370, 371, 372 379 382 671 651 651 652 651 651 652 149 254 279 279 269 269 253 253 250 149 252 252 252 250 250 295 267 267 267 74 74 leucopyrus F.-Vill 74, 75 microcarpa B1 74 obovata Ham 74 virosa (Roxb.) Baill 74 Fusanus ? parasitus Blanco 151 Galearia Zoll. & Mor 280 filiformis (Bl.) Boerl 280 ' Garnotiella philippinensis Stapf 250 ! Gastrochilus Wall 155, 165 longipes King & Prain .. longipetiolata Ridl 1 Gelonium Roxb racemulosum Merr j Geocharis K. Sch Geostachys Ridl Germaria latifolia Presl j Gimbernatia calamansanai Blanco.... 166 166 280 281 156 155 405 646 zamboangensis C. B. Rob zeylanica (L.) Wight Eulophia R. Br Eumitria Stirt endochroa Wain endochroa var. farinosa Wrain endochroa var. papillata Wain endorhodina Wain. . trullifera (Nyl.) Wain. Eurycoma longifolia Jack Eusideroxylon borneense F.-Vill Everettiodendron Merr philippinensa Merr. Evodia Forst monophylla Merr Exocarpus Lab rolfeanus (O. Kuntze) Merr. F Fagaceae Fagraea ligustrina Bl Ficus L merrittii Merr nota (Blanco) Merr Fimbristylis Vahl cymosa R. Br Flacourtiaceae Flemingia Roxb blancoana Llanos lineata (L.) Roxb Fluggea Willd flexuosa Muell.-Arg 738 INDEX. Page. Ginalloa Korth. ISO, 153 cumtngiana (Presl) F.-Vill. 153 cumingiana var. angustifolia Merr 153 Gironnlera Gaudich 251 curranii Merr 251 Gleicheniaceae iift 21 Gleichenia Sm 22 amboinensis v. A. v. R. .. 23 arachnoides Mett 26 bullata Moore 26 circinnata Sw 22 circinnata var. borneensis Bak 22 crassifolia (Presl) Copel. . 25 dolosa Copel 2 1 excelsa J. Sm 26 gigantea Wall 26 glauca Hook 28 hallieri Christ .... 25 hirta 111 23 hisplda Mett 23 japonlca Spr 26 koordersi Christ 21 laevigata (Willd. ) Hook. .. 24 laevissima Christ 25 linearis (llurm.) Clarke.. 25 loheri Christ 24 j longissima Bl. 26 norrisii Mett 26 oceanica Kuhn 24 vestita Bl. 23 vulcanica Bl. 23 warburgii Christ 25 Globba L, 155, 156, 158 barthei Gagnep 162 brevlfolia K. Schum 160 campsophylla K. Schum ... 159 ectobolus K. Schum 162, 163 gracilis K. Schum 161, 162 lieterobractea K. Schum 162,161 latifolia Ridl 161 leucocarpa Ridl. 161 marantina L 162, 163 merrillii Ridl. 160 parviflora Presl 159 parviflora Vid. 159 parviflora var. brevifolia K. Schum 160 pulchella K. Schum. 189 pyramidata Gagnep. 158 strobilifera Zoll 161 ustulata Gagnep 163 zollingerl Gagnep 163 Glochidion Forst 87 album (Blanco) Boerl. 87, 9-4, 99 angulatum C. 11. Rob 91 benguetense Elm 97 breynioldes C. B. Rob. 95 camiguinense Merr. 96, 100 coronulatum C. B. Rob 94 cuminghii Muell.-Arg. .. 99 curranii C. B. Rob. ... 102 diversifolium Merr 101 eleutherostylum Muell.- Arg 92 Page. Glochidion fenicis Merr 90 hirsutum Muell.-Arg 92 lanceolatum Hayata 90 lancifolium C. B. Rob 90 latistylum C. B. Rob. ..... 93 leytense Elm 99, 100 littorale Bl 92 llanosii Muell.-Arg. 94 longistylum C. B. Rob 96 luzonenze Elm. 100 malabaricum Redd 93 malindangense Merr. 101 merrillii C. B. Rob. .. 91 ), 100 mindorense C. B. Rob 96, 98 molle Bl ... 86, 95 molle Merr 9.J nitidum D. & G 91 phillppicum (Cav.) Benth. 99, 103 philippinense Benth 103 psidioides C. B. Rob. 92 quinquestylum Elm 89 reticulatum Elm 104 rubrum Bl 7 Jf, 9-4, 101 sablanense Elm 97 subfaleatum Elm 98 triandrum (Blanco) C. B. Rob 89, 92, 96 trichogynum Muell.-Arg. .. 87, 94, 97, 99 urophylloides Elm 86, 90 velutinum Wight 97 villosum Miq 9-4 williamsii C. B. Rob 95 zeylanicum (Gaertn.) A. Juuss 91 Goodyera repens R. Br 66.4 Gramineae 248 Greenea Wight & Arnott 323 corymbosa (Jack) K. Schum. 32- 4 longiflora Merr 323 Greeniopsis Merr 324 multiflora (Elm.) Merr. .. 325 philippinensis Merr 324 Grewia banahaensis Elm 291 Guttiferae 291 Gymnosphaera glabra Bl 35 squamulata Bl 37 Gynopogon parvifolia Merr 313 Gynostemma Bl 329 simplicifolia Bl 329 Gyrostemon blancoi Llanos 10 1 H Habenaria Willd 600 leibergii Ames 600 Halophila baillonii Aschers 68 decipiens Ostenf 68 ovalis (R. Br.) Hook 67 ovata Gaudich 67, 68 Hamamelidaceae — 263 Haplochorema K. Sch 155 Hardwickia alternifolia Elm 267 pinnata Roxb 268 Iledycarpus lanceolatus Miq. 277 INDEX. 739 Page. Hedychium Koen 155, 164 album Ham. 161f borneense Ridl. 165 coronarium Koen. 156, 164 gandasulium Ham 161f lingulatum Hassk 161/ philippinense K. Schum. .. 164 prophetae Ham 161/ Hedysarum lineatum L 26 7 Heliophytum indicum DC. 695 Heliotropium Tourn 695 bracteatum R. Br 695 coromandelianum Naves 695, 696 curassavicum L. 695 indicum L 695 parviflorum Blanco 695 strigosum Willd. 695 Hellenia grandiflora Retz 192 pubiflora Benth. 188 rufa Presl 190 Helminthostachys Kaulf 7 zeylanica (L.) Hook 8 Hemiandrina borneensis Hook, f 12 7 Hemitelia R. Br. 28 capensis R. Br. 61 crenulata Mett 1/5 manilensis Presl 59 sumatrana v. A. v. R 50 Heterospathe Scheff. 610 cagayanensis Becc 611 elata Scheff 612 negrosensis Becc 611 philippinensis Becc. .. 610, 611 Heynea Roxb 273 sumatrana Miq 273 trijuga Roxb 273 trijuga var. multijuga C. DC. 273 Hibiscus batacensis Blanco 290 Hillia longiflora Blanco 11/5 Homalanthus A. Juss 282 bicolor Merr 282 fastuosus P.-Vill 282 populneus Pax .... 282 Homalium Jacq .. 297 curranii Merr 297 luzoniense F.-Vill 297 villarianum Vid 29 7 Ilornstedtia Retz 155, 156, 174 conica Ridl ... 175 conoidea Ridl .. 175 imperialis Ridl 177 lophophora Ridl. 176 megalocheila Ridl 175 microcheila Ridl 176 paradoxa Ridl 179 philippinensis Ridl 172, 175 Hydnocarpus Gaertn 297 subfalcata Merr 297 venenata Gaertn 298 Hydropteridineae .... 11 Hypericum L 294 aegyptium Blanco 291/ bifiorum Lam 292 ehinense Retz 292 Page. Hypericum coehinchinense Lour 292 formosanum Maxim. 295 giraldii Keller 295 loheri Merr 294 olympicum Blanco 293 1 Illicium L 254 evenium King 251/ philippinense Merr — 254 Ilythuria cannaeformis Raf 193. Ionopsis utricularioides Lindl. 600 Ipomoea L. 320 congesta R. Br 320 J Jambolifera peduneulata L 387 Jambosa DC 331,338 acuminatissima Hassk 392 alba G. Don 363 barnesii Merr 360 bataanensis Merr 31/8 garciae Merr 399 lineata Merr 366, 395 longipedicellata Merr. 31/9 luzonensis Merr 356 saligna Miq. 392 vulgaris DC 369 vulgaris Merr 361 Justicia L 321 procumbens L 322 tenuis Merr 321 K Kaempferia L 156, 165 galanga L 165 humilis Salisb. 165 plantaginifolia Salisb. ... 165 sessilis Koen 165 Kaulfussia B1 H Kayea paniculata {Blanco) Merr 403 racemosa P.-Vill 1/03 Kickxia B1 815 blancoi Rolfe 315 merrittii Merr 315 Kingiodendron Harms - 267 alternifolium (Elm.) Merr. & Rolfe 267 Kirganelia alba Blanco 99 nigrescens Blanco 86 pumila Blanco 86 triandra Blanco 92 villosa Blanco 91/ Kolowratia Presl 155, 181 elegans Presl 181 erucaeformis Ridl 182 Korthalsia B1 613 robusta B1 621 scaphigera Mart 620 scaphigeroides Becc 619, 620 squarrosa Becc 620, 621 Kosteletzkya Presl - 290 batacensis (Blanco) F.-Vill 290 Kurrimia gracilis Vid 287 740 INDEX. Page. Laguncularia purpurea Gaudich 61)7 Lanthorus blumeanus Van Tiegh 133 cumingii Van Tiegh 133 pentasepalus Van Tiegh. .. 133 spicifer Presl 133 Lasianthus pilosus F.-Vill 328 Lauraceae 254 Lecythidaeeae 299 Legnotis lanceolata Blanco 337, 1)0 1) Leguminosae 265 Leprocaulon arbuscula Nyl 662 Leptonychia Turcz 291 banaliaensis (Elm.) Merr 291 heteroclita ( R o x b . ) Kurz 291 Leptopteris Presl Ilf Leptosolena Presl 155, 180 haenkei Presl 181 insignis Ridl 181 Leptospermum Forst 335 amboinense B1 335 annae Stein 335 flavescens Smith 335 porophyllum Cav 335 thea Willd 335 Leucopogon malayanus Jack llf9 Leucoxylum buxifolium B1 305 Lichenes 651 Linociera Sw 312 acuminatissima Merr 312 pallida Merr 313 philippinensis Merr 313 Liparis confusa J. J. Smith 666 Litosanthes B1 326 biflora B1 326 Litsea Lam 259 bicolor Merr 259 cinnamomea B1 261 grandis Hook, f 261 hutchinsonii Merr 259 luzonica (Bl.) F.-Vill 260 philippinensis Merr 260 villosa Bl 261 zeylanica C. & Fr. Nees 261 Livistona R. Br 615 cochinchinensis Bl 618 inaequisecta Becc 616, 618 microcarpa Becc 616 mindorensis Becc 615 rotundifolia Mart. 616 whitfordii Becc 615 Lonicera symphoricarpus Blanco 139 Loranthaceae 129 Loranthus L 129, 130, 131 acuminatissimus Merr 143 acutus (Van Tiegh.) Engl. 135 ahernianus Merr 143 ampullaceus Roxb. 145 banahaensis Elm 145 barthei Engl 11)1) basilanensis Merr 134 benguetensis Merr 134 btcolor Roxb 149 blcoloratus Elm. ... 137 Page. Loranthus blancoanus F.-Vill 148 blumeanus Engl 133 boholensis Merr 141 carinatulus Wall 149 cauliflorus Merr 136 dementis Merr 140 coccineus Jack 149 congestiflorus Merr. 147 copelandii Merr 140 cuernosensis Elm 138 cumingianus Engl 135, 11)1 cumingii Engl 133, 135, 11)1 curranii Merr. 144 curvatus Bl 11)1 curvatus Vid 11)0 estipitatus Stapf 139 fasciculatus Bl 149 ferrugineus Roxb 140 formosus F.-Vill 11)6 forsterianus Llanos 135 fuscus Bl 139, 149 geminatus Merr 146 globosus Roxb 149 globosus Vid 11)6 haenkeanus Presl 144 halconensis Merr 143 hallieri Merr. . 140 heteranthus Wall 148 hexanthus Merr 137 hutchinsonii Merr. 138 incarnatus Jack 11)8 lanaensis Merr 136 loheri Merr 140 luzonensis Presl 135 macgregorii Merr 146 malifolius Presl 11)1) mearnsii Merr 136 merrittii Merr 134 miudanaensis Merr 142 mirabilis Van Huerck & Muell.-Arg 135 nodosus Engl 131) ovatifolius Merr 143 pallens Wall 149 pauciflorus Blanco 11)9 pentandrus L 141 pentapetalus Roxb 133 philippensis C. & S 139, 11)9 pulcher DC 149 repan dus Bl 139 retusus Jack 149 revolutus Merr 142 scurrula L 139, 149 secundiflorus Merr 142 sessiliflorus Merr 133 sessilifolius Engl 135 sphaerocarpus Bl 149 splienoideus Bl 139, 11)9 spicifer F.-Vill 133 subalternifolius Merr 141 tenuis Merr. 136 tomentosus Blanco 11)9 tomentosus Naves 11)5 viridis Merr 145 wallichianus Schult 149 williamsii Merr 148 INDEX. 741 Page. Loropetalum R. Br — 26'i T.owiaceae 156 Lowia Scort - 156 Liumnitzera Willd 647 coccinea W. & A 6Jf8 littorea (Jack) Voigt .... 647 pedicellata Presl 6'f8 purpurea Presl ... 61/7 racemosa Willd 331f, 647 Lygodium Sw 17 basilanicum Christ 18 circinnatum (Burm.) Sw. .. 18 digitatum Presl 18 flexuosum (L.) Sw 19, 20 japonicum (Thunb.) Sw. .. 20 matthewi Copel 20 mearnsii Copel - 19 merrilli Copel - 20 polystachyum Wall 19 salicifolium Presl 19 scandens (L.) Sw 19 semihastatum ( C a v . ) Desv 18 teysmannii v. A, v. R 18 trifurcatum Baker 18 31 Macaranga Thou 282 congestiflora Merr 282 Machilus Nees 262 nervosa Merr. 262 Macroglossum Copel 9 alidae Copel 9 Magnoliaceae 254 Maingaya Oliv 261) Mallotus Lour 283 korthalsii Muell.-Arg 283 muricatus Muell.-Arg 126 Malvaceae 290 Marantaceae 155, 156, 193 Maranta L 197 arundinacea L 197 Marattiaceae 8 Marattia Sw 10 fraxinea Sm 10 pellucida Presl 10 sambucina B1 10 silvatica B1 10 ternatea de Vr 11 vestita Christ 10 Marsileaceae 1 1 Marsilea L 12 brachycarpa A. Br. 13 brachypus A. Br — 13 condensata Baker 13 corornandelica Burm 13 crenata Presl 12 gracilenta A. Br IS mearnsii Christ 12 minuta L 12, 13 quadrata A. Br 13 quadrifolia L 12 Matoniaceae 27 Matonia R. Br 27 foxworthyi Copel 27 pectinata R. Br 27 Page Mayepea pallida Merr 31.3 Mearnsia Merr ... 334 halconensis Merr. 334 Medinilla Gaudich . 302 curranii Merr. 302 luzoniensis Hook, f — Uf9 mindorensis Merr. 302 ovalis Merr. .. 303 verticillata Merr 302 Melaleuca cumingiana Turcz. 404 grandiflora Blanco JfOJf leucadendron L 404 thea Wendl 3.35 Melanthesa acuminata Muell.-Arg. .. 10Jf cernua Decne 105 cernua acutifolia Muell.- Arg 105 Melasma Berg 70 Melastomataceae 302 Meliaceae 270 Meliosma B1 286 lancifolia Hook. f. 286 monophylla Merr 286 Melothria L 330 scaberrima Merr. 330 zeylanica Clarke 330 Memecylon L 304 oligoneuron B1 304, 405 Menais blanda Blanco 691 mollis Blanco 691 Metabolus ferrugineus DC 328 Metrosideros pictipetala Blanco .... 337, JfO-'f vera Lindl 404 Mezoneurum Desf 268 glabrum Desf. 268 latisiliquum ( C a v . ) Merr 268 procumbens Blanco 268 Microdesmis Planch 283 caseariaefolia Planch. .... 283 Monophrynium K. Schum. — 155, 196 congestum Ridl. 197 fasciculatum K. Schum. 196 simplex Elm 196 Moraceae - 252 Musaceae - 156, 198 Musa L 198 abaca Perr 109 coccinea Andr 199 mindauaensis Miq - 199 paradisiaca L 156, 199 sapientum L 156, 199 sylvestris Colla 199 textilis Nee 199 troglodytarum var. textoria Blanco 199 Mussaendiopsis Baill 62-i multiflora Elm 32Jf, 325 Myrtaceae 331 Myrtus acuminatissima B1 392 cerasiformis B1 367 communis Blanco 336, 1/03, IfOJf cumini L 387 lineata B1 36 t lineata Sw 307 mananquil Blanco 35o, J/02 74*2 INDEX, Page. Myrtus subrubens Blanco 357, 1/03 trlpinnata Blanco 357, 1/03 tomentosa Alt 337 N Nauclea L 326 j angustifolia Havil 326 chalmersii F. Muell 326 jagori Merr 326 Nelitris paniculata Lindl 337 rubra B1 JfOl/ rubra Vid 336 urvillael Benth 337 Neolitsea (Benth.) Merr. 261 villosa (Bl.) Merr 261 zeylanica Merr 261 Neuropogon melaxanthus var. ciliatus Nyl 653 Neyraudia Hook. f. 250 madagascarensis (Kunth) Hook, f 250 Nicolaia Horan 17 if Iraperialis Horan 177 Nigrina L .' 70 Nigrina Thunb 70 Normanbya F. Muell 606 merrillii Becc. 606, 608 muelleri Becc 609 Notothixos Oliver ISO, 152 curranii Merr, 152 philippinensis Elm 153 sulphureus Merr 152 Nuytsia R. Br 130 o Oberonia Lindl 666 aporophylla Reichb. f 666 Ochrosia Juss 315 littoralis Merr 315 Octomeria stellata Spreng 213 Odontychium K. Sch 155 Olacaceae 253, 312 Omphalobium obliquum PresI 126 pictum Blanco 125 Oncoba Forsk 296 Oncosperma Bl 609 filaraentosum Bl 610 gracilipes Becc 609, 610 horridum (Grift.) Scheff. 610 platyphyllum Becc 609 Ophioglossaceae 3 Ophioglossum L. 3 braunii Prantl 4 fibrosum Schum 3 gramineum Willd 4 inconspicuum v. A. v. R. intermedium Hook 5 japonicum Prantl 4 macrorhizum Kze 5 obovatum Miq 4 parvifolium Grev. & Hook 5 pedunculosum Desv 4, 5 pendulum L 5 pumilum v. A. v. R 1/ Page. Ophioglossum reticulatum L 4 simplex Ridl 5 timorense Miq 4 Orania Zipp 614 decipiens Becc .... 614, 615 decipiens f. mindanaoensis Becc 615 macrocladus Mart 615 philippinensis Scheff. 611/. 615 regalis Bl. 615 Orchidaceae 593, 663 Orchipeda foetida Vid 319 Oropogon Th. Fr 656 loxensis (Fee) Th. Fr 656 loxensis f. fuscescens Wain. 656 Osbornia F. Muell 333 octodonta F. Muell 333 Osmelia Thw 298 Osmundaceae 14 Osmunda L 15 banksiifolia (Presl) Kuhn.. 16 bipinnata Hook 15 bromeliifolia (Presl) Copel. 16,17 cinnamomea L 16 cinnamomea var. foklenense Copel. 16 clayton iatia L. 16 Javanica Bl 17 lancea Thunb 16 mildei C. Chr 15 regalls L 15 regalis var. japonlca Thunb. 15, 16 vachelii Hook 17 Ostodes Bl 283 serrato-crenata Merr. 283 r Palmae 601 Panicum L 248 arnottianum Nees 21/8 caespitosum Sw 21/9 cordatum Biise 249 dichotomiflorum Michx 21)9 luxurians Merr 21/9 luxurians Willd 2Jf9 malabaricum (L.) Merr. .... 248 miliare Lam 21/9 montanum Roxb 21/9 multinode Presl ... 21/9 nodosum Hook, f 21/8, 21/9 ouonbiense Balansa 21/9 paludosum Roxb. .... 249 proliferum Hook, f 21/9 prostratum Lam 21/9 reptans L 249 Parinarium Aubl 264 curranii Merr 264 racemosum Merr 261/ racemosum Vid 261/ Parkeriaceae 26 Parmelia (Ach.) De Not 657 americana (Mey. & Flot.) Mont 660 biformis Wain. 660 INDEX. 743 Page. | Parmelia biformis f. dataensis Wain. 661 biformis f. pauaiensis Wain. 661 cetrata Ach. * 659 clandelii (Harm.) Wain 659 clandelii var. clemensae Wain - 659 coralloidea (Mey. & Flot.) Wain 658 corniculans Nyl 658 denegans Nyl 661 disparilis Nyl 658 dissecta Nyl. 660 endochlora Height 661 fecunda Hue 659 hookeri Tayl 660 laevigata 661 latissimS. var. cristifera (Tayl.) Hue 659 macrocarpoides Wain 659 manilensis Wain 659 meiphora Nyl 660 merrillii Wain 658 nilgherrensis Nyl 657 perlata Kraempelh 657 saccatiloba Nyl 65 7 sorochelia Wain .... 660 subdissecta Nyl ... 660 subtiliacea Nyl 659 tiliaeea 660 zollingeri Hepp 657 Pentaptera mollis Pros] 61t3 Peramium repens Salisb 661 \ Peranema Don Ill cyatheoides Don Ill luzonica Copel Ill Persea sterculioides Elm 262 Petaloma alba Blanco 61fl coccinea Blanco 61/8 Petalostigma F. Muell 280 Phacelophrynium K. Schum 155, 194 bracteosum K. Schum 195 interr upturn K. Schum 194 Phaeomeria Hindi 156, 11/ 1/, 177 imperialis Hindi 177 Phaius Hour 671 grandiflora Hour 671 Phalaenopsis B1 599 equestris Reichb. f 599 lindenii Hoher 599, 600 rosea Hindi 599 schilleriana Reichb. f. 599, 600 veitchiana Reichb. f. .. 599, 600 Phanera maculata Rich 265, 266 Phanerosorus Copel 28 sarmentosus (Baker) Copel. ... 28 Phoebe Nees 262 opaca BI 263 sterculioides (Elm.) Merr 262 Phoenicanthemum pentapetalum Miq. 133 Pholidota Hindi 665 sesquitorta Kranzl 665 ventricosa (Bl.) Reichb. f. 665 Page. Phragmites karka (Retz.) Trin 250 Phreatia Hindi 674 bracteata Ames 674 scaphioglossa Schltr 674 Plirygilanthus Eichl 130, 151 obtusifolius Merr 151 Phrynium Willd. 155, 195 capitatum Willd 196 fasciculatum Horan 196 malaccense Ridl 196 philippinensis Ridl 195 Phyllanthinae 71 Phyllanthus H 75 acidissimus Muell. -Arg. 87 acidus Merr 87 acuminatissimus C. B. Rob 78 albus Muell. -Arg 99 benguetensis C. B. Rob. 78 blancoanus Muell.- Arg 83, 85 buxifolius (Bl.) Muell. - Arg 85 carolinianus Blanco 81 cernuus Poir 105 chamissonis Klotz 77 compressicaulis Muell. - Arg 86 cordatulus C. B. Rob 76, 7 9 cumingii Muell. -Arg 99 curranii C. B. Rob 77 distichus Muell. -Arg 87 diversifolius Miq 101 dumosus C. B. Rob 79 eriocarpus Muell. -Arg. .. 86 everettii C. B. Rob 80 gaudichaudii marianus Muell. -Arg 86 gigantifolius Vid. 99 insulanus Muell. -Arg 86 kirganelia Blanco 81 laciniatus C. B. Rob 84 lamprophyllus Muell. - Arg 76 leucogynus Muell. -Arg. .. 86 leytensis Elm 85 littoralis Muell. -Arg 92 llanosit Muell. -Arg 94 marianus Muell. -Arg 86 microcarpus Muell. -Arg. 77 mindorensis C. B. Rob. .. 82, 85 mollis F.-Vill 95 mollis Muell. -Arg 95 multilocularis Muell.- Arg 86 myrtifolius Wight 81 nigrescens Muell. -Arg. .. 86 niruri Blanco 83 niruri H 81, 86 philippinensis Muell. - Arg 103 phillyreaefolius Poir 86 pubescens Klotz 91f pulcher Muell. -Arg 86 pumilus Muell. -Arg 86 91262 6 744 INDEX. Page. Phyllanthus retleulatus Merr 105 retlculatus Poir. ... 77 rhamnoides Retz 101f samarensis Muell.-Arg. .. 79, 81 simplex Retz 81, 86 sttpularis Merr 82, 85 tenuipes C. B. Rob. 78 tetrander Blanco 83 triandrus Muell.-Arg 92 Page. i olypodium subsecundo - dissectum Zoll 114 tenuilore Kze lilt tenuisectum B1 lilt Polystachya Lindl 666 luteola Hook 666 Prosaptia Presl 115 linearis Copel 115 Psidium L. 336 tricliogynus Muell.- Arg - 97 triphlebius C. B. Rob. .... 82 urinaria L 78, 79, 86 villosus Poir 91, virosus Roxb 77/, 75 | Pilularia L 11 Pimeleodendrou dispersum Elm. ... 276 Pinalia floribunda O. Kuntze 209 Pinanga B1 602 distlcha B1 003 geonomaeformis Becc 602 negrosensis Becc 606 rigida 606 sclerophylla Becc 603, 601t, 606 woodiana Becc 604 Pisonia inermis Forst 690 Plagiogyria Mett H4 glauca Mett Hit nana Copel 114 Plagiostachys Ridl 155, 156, 177 elegans Ridl 178 ? parviflora Ridl 178 philippinensis Ridl 177 ? rolfei Ridl 179 Plectronia L 326 glabra (Bl.) Kurz 327 megacarpa Merr 326 Pleiogynium Engl 284 solanderi (Benth.) Engl. 284 Plinia paniculata Blanco - If03 Poa malabarica L 21,8 Podochilus Bl 667 aclcularis Hook, f 669 bicaudatus Schltr 669 clemensiae Ames 667 crotalinus Ames 667 cumingii Schltr 668 distichus Schltr 66 7 lancifolius Schltr 667 microphyllus Lindl 668, 669 pendulus Schltr. 66 7 plumosus Ames 668 scluroides Schltr 668 strictus Ames 669 tenuis Lindl. 669 zollingeri Reichb. f. — Polypodium Linn 114 curranii Copel 114 decorum Brack 415 dollchopterum Copel lHt gedeanum Racib Hlf minutum Bl Hlf subfalcatum Bl Hit subpinnatifidum Bl H4 aromaticum Blanco 336, 1,03 guajava L 332, 336, 403 pomiferum L -- 336 pumilum Vahl 336 pyriferum L 336, 1,03 Ptychoraphis philippinensis Becc 610 Ptychosperma Labill 609 Putranjiva Wall. 280 Pyramidocarpus Oliv. 296 Pyrranthus litioreus Jack 61j7 Pygeum latifolium Miq - lf05 preslil Merr 405 (> Quercus L 250 merrittii Merr 251 obliquinervia Merr. 250 Qulsqualis L. 649 densiflora F.-Vill 67/9 indica L 649 malabarica F.-Vill 67/9 spinosa Naves 61,9 K Ramalina Ach. 656 gracilenta Ach 656 gracilenta var. torulosa Nyl. 656 intermedia (Del.) Nyl 6>6 linearis (Sw.) Muell.-Arg. .. 656 pollinaria (Westr.) Ach 656 pollinaria var. insularis Wain 656 pollinaria var. intermedia (Nyl.) 656 scoparia Wain 656 subfraxinea Nyl 656 subfraxinea var. subcanali- culata Nyl — 656 vittata Nyl 657 Randia olaciformis Merr 323 Rauwolfia L 316 javanica Koord. & Val 316 samarensis Merr. 316 spectabilis (Miq.) Boerl 316 sumatrana Jack 316 Ravenala madagascariensis Gmel. Regnellidium Lindm. Renealmia exaltata Blanco gracilis Blanco Rhabdia lycioides Mart Rhamnaceae Rhodamnia glabra Vid. trinervia Bl Rhodomyrtus (DC.) Reichb tomentosa Hassk 156, 199 11 181 181 693 287 307,, 1,05 404 337 337, 1,03 INDEX, 745 Page. Rosaceae 264 Rotula Lour 693 aquatica Lour 693 Rourea AubI , 117 , 122, 125 commutata Planch 128 dasyphylla Miq 128 erecta (Blanco) Merr ... 125 heterophylla Planch. 125 multiflora Planch 125 rugosa F.-Vill 128 santa loides W. & A 128 volubilis (Blanco) Merr. 125 Rubiaceae 323 Rutaceae 269 S Sabiaceae 286 Saceolabium B1 675 chionanthum Lindl 675 perpusillum Hook, f 675 Salgada lauriflora Blanco 251, Salviniaceae 13 Salvinia (Micheli) Adans 14 cucullata Roxb 14 natans (L.) All 14 Santalaceae 253 Sareopodium Lindl 673 acuminatum var. lyonii Kranzl 673 stella silvae Kranzl 673 Satyrium repens L 661, Sauropus B1 72 albicans B1 72 androgynus (L.) Merr 72 brevipes Muell.-Arg 73 macranthus F.-Vill 72 scandens C. B. Rob 72 Scepasma buxifolia B1 85 Schizaeaceae 11, , 17 Schizaea Smith 20 dichotoma (L. ) Smith 21 digitata (L.) Sw 21 flstulosa Labill 21 malaccana Baker 21 Schleidenia parciflora Llanos 695 Scitamineae 155, 157 Sclerococcus BartI 328 Scurrula haenkeana G. Don 11,1, malifolia G. Don 11,1, philippensis G. Don 139 ■ Scutinanthe engleri Elm 273 Securinega Comm 73 acuminatissima C. B. Rob. 73 flexuosa Muell.-Arg 71, microcarpa Muell.-Arg 71, obovata Muell.-Arg 7.) ovata Vid 71,, 75 Semecarpus perrottetii March 286 Sesbania Pers 269 aculeata var. paludosa Baker 269 cochinchinensis Kurz 269 grandiflora Miq 269 paludosa Prain 269 roxburghii Merr 269 Page. Spondias pleiogyna F. Muell 281, solanderi Benth 281, Stemmatophyllum acutum Van Tiegh. 135 cumingii Van Tiegh. 135 1 uzonense Van Tiegh 135 nodosum Van Tiegh. 131, sessilifolium Van Tiegh 135 Sterculiaceae 291 Stereocaulon Schreb 661 alpina Laur 662 arbuscula Nyl 662 graminosum Schaer 662 nanum var. arbuscula Nyl 662 nesaeum Nyl 661 nesaeum var. lecideoides Wain. 662 nesaeum var. zeorina Wain 661 tomentosa Laur 662 turgescens Nyl 662 Strobilanthes B1 322 mearnsii Merr 322 pluriformis Clarke 323 Stromatopteris Mett 21 Strophioblachia Boerl 284 fimbricalyx Boerl 284 Sycopsis Oliv 261, Symplocaceae 107 Symplocos L 107 ahernii Brand 109 angularis Elm 107 cumingiana Brand 107, 110 curtiflora Elm 107 ferruginea Roxb. var. phil- ippinensis Brand 109 floridissima Brand.. 107 , 108, 109 floridissima var. serrata Brand 108 fragrans Elm 107 hutchinsonii Brand 109 imbricata Brand 108 imperialis Brand 109 inconspicua Brand 110 merrilliana Brand 110 oblongifolia (Presl) Rolfe.. 109 patens Presl 109 peninsularis Brand 110 polyandra Brand 109 whitfordii Brand 110 Syzygium Gaertn 331, 338 acuminatissimum DC 392 caryophyllaceum Merr 367 jambolanum DC 386 jambulanum Blanco 1,03 latifolium Blanco 386, 1,03 longiflorum Presl 366 nitidum Benth 391, pallidum Merr 391 subdecurrens Miq 392 INDEX. 74(> Page. Tabernaeiuontana L 316 caudata Merr -• 316 globosa Blanco 379 linearifolia Merr. .. 317 megacarpa Merr 318 mucronata Merr 318 pandacaqui Polr 319 puberula Merr 319 Terminalia L 300, 647, 642 alata F.-Vill 6-46 angustifolia Blanco 643 arjuna Bedd. 647 belerica F.-Vill 643 belerlca var. laurinoides F.-Vill 645 blancoi Merr 645 calamansanai (Blanco) Rolfe 647, 646 calamansanai var. acumi- nata Merr 646 calamansanai var. platyp- teris Merr 646 catappa L 301, 642, 6Jf3, 6Jfi chebula F.-Vill 300, 544 comintana (Blanco) Merr. 300, SOI, 644, 647 edulis Blanco 643 ellipsoidea Merr 644 glabrata Forst. 643 latifolia Blanco 642 littoralls Seem 643 magarapali Vid 647, 643 mauritlana Blanco 642 mollis Merr 645 mollis Rolfe ..' 64 ! multiflora Merr 300, 6JfJf nitens Presl , - 645 oocarpa Merr. 644 parviflora Merr 646 parviflora Presl 646 pellucida Merr 644 pellucida Presl 644 polyantha Presl 300, 6J,3, 644, 646, 647 procera F.-Vill 64 3 quadrialata Merr. .. 301, 647, 647 Thalia cannaeformis Forst. f 7 93 Thelasis 67® capitata B1 67, > macrobulbon Ridl 675 obtusa B1 675 Tiaridium indicum Lehm. 695 Timonius Rumph 327 appendiculatus Merr 327 Todea Willd 1J> Tournefortia L. ®93 arborea Blanco 693 argentea L 693 hirsutlssima Blanco 694 horsfieldii Miq 694 sarmentosa Lam. 694 urvilleana Cham 69 4 Trichadenla Thw. 298 philippinensis Merr 298 zeylanica Thw 299 Trichilia rimosa Blanco .... Trichodesma R. Br indicum R. Br zeylanicum R. Br. Trichoglottis B1 lanceolaria B1 latisepala Ames 67 retusa B1 Trichosanthes L villosa B1 Tridesmis ochnoides Spach Trigonotis Stev philippinensis Merr. ... Tristania R. Br. decorticata Merr Troostwyckia singulars Miq II Page. 273 696 696 696 675 676 5, 676 676 330 330 294 687 687 334 334 1 27 Ulmaceae Usnea (Dill.) Pers australis Fr australis f. subinermis Wain. .. ciliata (Muell.-Arg.) Wain cinchonarum (Fde) Wain dichotoma Fr florida (L. ) Wain florida var. subcomosa Wain. .. flexilis Stirt fragilis Wain furcata Wain furcata var. communis Wain. .. furcata var. marivelensis Wain. longissima Ach ---- longissima var. misamisensis longissima var. rubiginosa Hepp longissima var. typica Wain. .. perplexans (Stirt.) Wain philippina Wain philippina var. mearnsii Wain, philippina var. primaria Wain. pycnoclada Wain squarrosa Wain trichodea Ach 653 trichodea var. ciliata Muell.- Arg trichodea var. rubiginosa (Hepp) Muell.-Arg vriesiana Mont. & v. d. Bosch. .. V Vaccinium L alvarezii Merr barandanum Vid benguetense Vid Ventilago Gaertn. : dichotoma (Blanco) Merr. gracilis Merr. & Rolfe leiocarpa Benth. lucens Miq luzoniensis Vid. maderaspatana F.-Vill. ... maderaspatana Vid monoica Blanco oblongifolia B1 261 652 652 652 653 652 655 652 652 655 655 655 655 655 655 65 4 655 652 653 653 653 653 654 , 654 653 654 655 304 304 304 304 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 INDEX. 747 Verbenaceae Viburnum L coriaceum B1 floribundum Merr glaberrimum Merr luzonicum Rolfe Viscum angulatum Heyne articulatum Burm capense Llanos compressum Poir cumingianum Presl falcatum Llanos japonlcum Thunb monoicum Presl opuntla Thunb opuntioides Cav orientale Willd oxycedri Llanos — pbilippense Llanos ramosissimum Wight .. . .. Vitex L littoralis Dene - pentaphylla Merr turezaninowii Merr. Voacanga Thou cumingiana Rolfe globosa (Blanco) Merr. plumeriaefolia Elm Page. 320 328 329 328 329 J 329 130, 151 151 151 151 151 153 151 152 151 152 151 151 ‘ 151 151 151 320 321 320 321 319 319 319 318 AY Webera macrophylla Roxb 323 Willoughbya Roxb 320 luzoniensis Merr 320 X Xanthophytum Reinw fruticulosum Reinw. villarii Vid Xanthostemon F. Muell merrillii Pamp. speciosus Merr verdugonianus Naves Xylophylla obovata Willd Xylophyllos rolfeana O. Kuntze Page. 328 328 328 334 331, 33k 331, 334 ... 74,75 253 Zalacca Reinw blumeana Mart clemensiana Becc edulis B1 vermicularis Becc. Zarcoa philippica Llanos .... 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