THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY, BRITISH AND FOREIGN, EDITED BY BERTHOLD SEEMANN, Pu.D., F.LS., ADJUNCT OF THE IMPERIAL L. C. ACADEMY NATURE CURIOSORUM. * Nunquam otiosus." VOLUME VI. ÑQ With Plates and GOLooncuts. LONDON: L. REEVE AND CO., 5, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. F. ANDREW ELLor, 15, Princes Street, Edinburgh; J. ROTHSCHILD, Paris; ; L. DENICKE, Leipzig; WESTERMANN, New York. 1868. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUMES I. TO VI. OF THE ‘JOURNAL OF BOTANY. T. Addison, Esq. T Anderson, M. E Backhou , Es St. Brody, Ph.D., F.L.S. M. Alphonse de Candolle. M. Casimir de Candolle. Isaac Carr . Dickie, Esq. inter Dickson, M.D. yer, E us Ernst, Esq. a ys, Esq. Willige Fogitt, Esq. D., F.L.S. C. Babington, 3 F.R.S., F.L.S. e, E Tilbury Fox, M.D. cM. i. o me [s M.D. Puede F.R.S., F.L.S. eo H. Grind n, Esq. ool mj E E O ts rg J ` Hegelmaier, Ph.D. V. B. emsley, Esq. J. E. Howard, Esq. +. Hunt, Esq. R. Hu v nter , Esq. : Kippist, Esq., A.L.S. mics lanic ioli B iE mE E p S c 5 T M. T. Masters, M.D., P L8. 1, E D. Moore, Ph.D., F.L.S. iv ` LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. T. Moore, Esq., F.L.S A. G. Mor e, Esq., FLS. W. Mudd, du FE. Mueller, PhD, FERS, ELS. J. Mueller, Ph.D. A. Murray, Esq. Rev . W. Newbould, M.A., F LS. S. C. D. Paiva. Rev. T. Powell, F.L.S. Rev. T. A. Preston, M.A. R. 122 . Sehultz-Bipontinus, M.D. d. felweinfusih, EIE B. Seemann, Ph.D., F.L.S. John Shaw, Esq. een am Esq. W. sq. J. Smith, Ter A.L.S. J. Storck, Esq = Boswell | Syme, Esq., F.L.S. — Wilson, Esq. | G. S. Wintle, Esq. pe N Y S E THE JOURNAL OF BOTANY BRITISH AND FOREIGN. MORCHELLA CRASSIPES, Pers, A NEW BRITISH m EL. By W. G. Smita, Esq. (Puates LXXII. AND LXXIV.) Those who believe that our flora is so well known that none but mieroscopie speeies remain to be discovered will be surprised at the magnifieent Morel of which we give a figure, and which is entirely new to Britain. It was first found in a hedgerow near Kingskers- well, South Devon, by Miss Lott, of Barton Hall, at the end of last April; the first specimens were sent on to me for identification, and it has since been found elsewhere. The proportions it attains can be well seen in our figure, and, when well grown, is one of the finest Fungi of our flora; the spores are oval, yellow, and depressed, having a length of -0007—0008 in., and a breadth of -00032—00042 in. ‘The substance of the flesh is not so firm as that of our common Morel (Morchella esculenta, Pers.), and is not so readily dried; it becomes moist, and is apt to decompose. It is, however, excellent for the table, and with a little pains may be readily dried for winter use. Streinz, in his ‘ Nomenclator Fungorum, has referred Morchella crassipes, Pers., to M. semilibera, DC., but that is evidently an error, for Persoon’s description is exactly the same with that of Ventenat and De Candolle. VOL. Vi. [JANUARY 1, 1868.] B 2 : ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. Morchella crassipes, Pers.; pileo subconico, fusco, basi adnato ; costis irregularibus, undulatis, crassis ; areolis polymorphis, magnis, profundis, imo fundo celluloso-plicatis ; stipite magno, elato, basi i in- crassato, lacunoso, supra attenuato, glabro, subincarnato. Morchella crassipes, Persoon, * Synopsis Methodica Fungorum,’ 1801, p. 621; De Lamarck et De Candolle, * Flore Française, vol. ii. p- . -* Phallus crassipes, Ventenat, ‘Mémoires de l'Institut National,’ 1798, p. 509, tab. 2. Exrtawation or Prares LXXIIIL axp LXXIV. 1. Morchella crassipes, Pers. 2. Section through walls of pileus. 3. poe the last figure magnified. ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER, OR CAOUTCHOUC. By James Couns, Esq. What is India-rubber, or Caoutchouc ?—It is not a true gum or resin ; yet, being an inspissated juice, it is generally classed among them. By some it is termed an elastic gum, but this is incorrect, as gums are soluble in water, and caoutchouc is not. The nearest, however, . to which it agrees are the gum-resins, being opaque, not melted by heat, but only softened and swelled out, regaining when cold its ori- ginal form. It differs, however, from them in one important respect ; whereas gum-resins are partially soluble in water, caoutchouc is not in the least. Thompson, in his ‘Organic Chemistry of Vegetables,’ classes it amongst the “neutral vegetable principles.” If stretched quickly and allowed to regain its form, a great deal of latent heat is disengaged, as will be felt by placing a piece against the cheek during the operation, When solid it cannot be dissolved by acids, alcohol, or water, but it is soluble in ether, or in the better known and used naphtha. e milky juices yielding caoutchouc are found in the middle layer of the bark called the mesophleum, stored up in anasto- mosing tubes known as laticiferous tissue. In the Apocynacee latex- vessels occur also in the liber, or endophleum. The milky juice, when allowed to stand, separates into two parts, by the globules of caoutchouc ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. 3 coalescing together and leaving a thin fluid behind. In several bottles of milk, Thompson found that though they were hermetically sealed, yet about 40 per cent. of the contents had separated, in the form of a lining of caoutchouc. Faraday was more fortunate in obtaining bottles in which only about the proportion of one-fifth had separated in the form of caoutchouc, the liquid being of a pale yellow colour, thick, like cream, and forming a solid sheet of caoutchouc when poured on any solid substance. Pure india-rubber is of a pale yellow colour, having no taste or smell; the colours found in the commercial varie- ties resulting either from admixture of bark, atmospheric influence, etc. At 32° it is hard and very slightly elastic, at 60° to 70° soft and pliable. I. AMERICAN KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. One of the earliest notices of the use of india-rubber is given by Herrera in his account of Columbus's second voyage ; where, speaking of the natives of Hayti, he says, “They had other amusements, such as the game of ball, for which they had a house set apart, and they played it so many on each side, without stieks or bats, for they struck the balls with any part of their bodies, and with great dexterity and nimbleness. And the balls were of the gum of a tree, and although large, were lighter and bounced better than the bipes of Castile.” (Herrera, Historia, decada i., libro iii., cap. i The first account of a tree yielding Ses ALES TP Cerv.—is given by Torquedama, whose work was published in the latter end of the sixteenth century, and who, speaking of Mexico, says :— ‘There is a tree which the Indians call Ulequahuitl; it is held in great esti- mation, and grows in the hot country. is not a very high tree; the leaves re round and of an ashy colour. This tree yields a white milky substance, thick and gummy, and in great abundance. To obtain it, the tree is wounded with an axe or cutlass, and from these wounds the liquid drops. The natives collect it in round vessels of different sizes, called, in their language, Xicalli, but by us calabashes. In these they allow it to settle in round balls of the size most convenient for the purposes to which they are about to apply them. When quite set they boil them in water, in which state the gum is called Ulli. The Indians who have got no calabashes, smear their bodies over with it (for Nature is never without a resource), and when it becomes dry they remove the whole incrustation, which comes off in the form of a very smooth membrane, its thickness depending on the will of the party collecting. They then make * For a translation of this account, and many other useful hints, I am in- debted to Dr. Spruce. B 2 M until 4 ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. it into balls and boil fhem as before. Anciently they used to play with these ahi upon the hip or shoulder. From the ulli an oil is extracted of great value in various applications. It was formerly much used by the natives, nor have they forgotten its bene now, for it is soft and lubricous, and of espe- cial effect in removing any tightness of the chest. The oil is extracted from the ulli by heat ; it starts out in a manner to excite admiration, leaving no- g to compare it unto. The oil is drunk mixed with cocoa, and indeed it poopie (i.e. the Spaniards) used it in waxing their acai which were made of coa truth, it is of great effect in resisting the water, but not so the sun, for the rays thereof melt it.” For our first accurate information respecting the india-rubber yielded by different species of Hevea (= Sipho lonia), we are indebted to M. de la Condamine, who, together with three fellow-academicians, was dis- patched in 1735 on an astronomical mission to South America, and who sent a short notice of his discovery to the French Academy in 1736, subsequently furnishing the following account :— ** The resin cahout- chou, in those countries of the province of Quito adja- not easy to break; boots and hollow bowls, which may be squeezed flat, and when no longer under wie resume their first form. The Portuguese of Para have learnt y the Omaquas to make squirts or syringes thereof, which have no need of piston or sucker. They are made hollow in the form of a pear when ar having a little hole at the small end, to which a pipe of then filled with water, and by squeezing them they have the same effect as a common squirt. This machi great vogue among the Omaquas ; when they meet together by themselves for any guests, and the use of the squirt with them is always the prelude to their most feast i sol This use of india-rubber led to i names of Seringa and Siphonia, and by the Portuguese, “ Pao de Zirringa.’ vas, so as to make them resist water; and, in , ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. 5 After Condamine left South America, an engineer, named Fresnau (who had lived in that country for many years), having seen many ar- ticles made of india-rubber, endeavoured to find out its source. After many inquiries, he at last obtained from some fugitive Indians models in clay of the fruit and leaves. These he distributed about the coun- try, in the hopes of discovering the hitherto-unknown trees. His in- genious plan met with success, and he had the satisfaction of making boots and other articles out of the substance. The French Aimiey published an account of his discovery in 1751. Aublet seems to have been the next who contributed some informa- tion on the subject. In his ‘ Flora of Guiana,’ published in 1775, he says that the fruit of Hevea Guayanensis is much sought after by the natives for food, and that caoutchouc is collected in the following manner :— “ The natives begin by making at the base of the trunks a deep gash into the wood. They then make another incision from the upper part of the trunk, vertically downwards to the former one, and, at various distances, a number of oblique incisions running into the first. These incisions form channels for the oozing sap, and convey it into a vessel placed for this purpose at the foot of the tree. In this the sap collects, loses its moisture, and becomes a soft elastic mass, which, when quite fresh, is readily made to take the shape of any in- struments or vessels upon which it is applied, layer after layer. These are then dried by exposure to the fire. The moulds are sometimes made of un- baked clay, ms new ene removed by poe in water to soften them, so that the cao Sometimes they are made of baked clay, and removed i being broken to ieee ‘the elasticity of the caoutchouc enabling it to bear the violence necessary without injury to its structure." For a considerable time this kind of india-rubber remained a scien- tifie curiosity, its only applieation being for rubbing out dirt and pencil-marks, thus giving rise to its name. Dr. Priestly was the first who warmly recommended it to artists for this purpose. Mr, Naire, an instrument-maker, advertised, in 1771, india-rubber for “ drawers in pencil, in cubical pieces of half an inch, for three shillings each.” Edwards, in an account of a voyage up the Amazon, says about i a certain island and the iidis-rabbet trees (Hevea sp.) there met with :— “This island was covered with a fine forest, in which were abundance of Seringa trees all scarred with wounds. We made some incisions with our tresados, and the milk oozed out, and dripped in little streams. Its taste was agreeable, much like sweetened cream, which it resembled in colour. The trees were often of a great height, and from 2 to 3 fect in diameter, the iari 6 ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. were round and smooth, and the bark was of a light colour and not very oblong, ovate shape, the centre one rather more than a foot in length, and the others a little shorter. We found also the fruit of the Seringa ; itis ligneous ; the size of a large peach, and divided into three lobes, each of which contains a small black nut.” Of the caoutchouc obtained from South America, the best and most valuable is that known as Para india-rubber, the produce of Hevea Guayanensis, Aub, (Siphonia elastica, Pers. ; S. Cahuchu, Willd.), and other species of the same genus. In a paper in the ‘ Kew Journal of Botany’ (1854, p. 369), by Mr. George Bentham, on plants collected by Dr. Spruce, the following notes occur on the subject :— “ Siphonia Brasiliensis, Willd. (Hevea Brasiliensis, Muell). In the forests of Para. A lofty handsome tree, branching from the base, and yielding the caoutchouc the most abundantly exported.” —R. Spruce. lutea.—From the forests of the Rio Uaupés. A tree of 70 feet ; the milk copious, speedily turning black, and staining linen permanently. When dry, elastic and very tenacious.” —R. Spru * S. discolor.—Scarcely elastic when dry.”—R. Spruce. “ S. paucifolia.—A large tree, 40 to 50 feet high, yielding a copious milky "uice." — R. Spruce. * This genus seems abundant throughout the Amazon, but not all the cies yield caoutchouc (or xiringue, as it is here called) of good quality, those of the Gapó and Caatinga producing a brittle gum."— R. Spruce, ms. In a paper by Dr. Spruce on the india-rubber of the Amazon (Kew Journ. Bot. 1855, p. 193), he says:— * On the upper Rio Negro and lower Casiquiare are two species —Siphonia lutea, Spr., and S. brevifolia, Spr., known respectively as the long-leaved and short-leaved Seringa. The former yields most milk, but neither are so produe- tree of S. brevifolia, near San Carlos, which measured 110 feet, I first saw and gathered S. lutea in the mouth of the Uaupés ; and as I came down the In a letter received in last October, Dr. Spruce kindly informs me ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIJA-RUBBER. T that, caoutchouc is obtained at Para from Siphonia Brasiliensis, Willd. (and probably from several other species) ; on the Amazon, about the mouth of the Tapajoz, from S. Spruceana, Benth. ; towards the mouth of the Madeira are other species not seen by him in good state ; on the Rio Negro, Haupés, and Casiquiare, from S. discolor, Spruce, S. rigidifolia, Spruce, S. lutea, Spruce, S. paucifolia, Spruce, S. api- culata, Spruce, and from two other species. The india-rubber is collected by Indians, who generally unite together in large numbers for this purpose. In the province of Para it was computed that 25,000 persons were engaged in its collection in 1854. The greatest difficulty is in cutting a pathway through the forest. By some the trees are either cut down or bound with boughs at top and bottom, and the milk drawn off at one operation,—thus destroying the trees; but by far the commonest method is that of tapping. After a tree has been once tapped, it requires rest for about two years to recover its strength. When the trees are flowering, nearly al! the milk goes to nourish the flowers, and scarcely any from the trunk is then to be obtained ; but if a panicle be cut, the milk starts out in large drops. A small quantity of alum is put along with the milk, as it assists the coagulation of the caoutchouc, whereas ammonia has the contrary effect. After the milk is collected, the Indians gather heaps of Urucuri nuts (the fruit of Altalea excelsa, Mart.), which give off a thick white smoke. They then dip their clay moulds in the milk, and holding them over the fire, repeat the dippings till a sufficient thickness has been obtained,—thus giving rise to the laminated appearance observable in Para bottle rubber. By some this smoking process has been questioned ; but Dr. Spruce, in his letter, says, ** India-rubber was certainly smoked when I was on the Amazon. The smoke used was produced by heating (toasting or roasting, not properly burning) the hard but somewhat oily nuts of the Urucuri-Palm (Attalea excelsa, Mart.). It was very white and va- porous, and deposited no fuliginous matter whatever. A recently- made smoke-dried india-rubber shoe was of a straw-colour, or pale yellow brown; so that Martius was wrong in supposing * Incolæ fruc- tus tostos ad fumigandum succum Siphonie elastic adhibent, ut re- sine elasticee nigrum colorem comparent. " The mistake, I believe, has arisen from the change of colour from the yellowish-white to brownish-black tinge, which Para rubber assumes on exposure to the atmosphere, being attributed to the action of the smoke; whereas, 8 ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDTA-RUBBER. in all the specimens examined, I have invariably found the centre un- changed in colour, and no trace whatever of any fuliginous deposit between thelaminz. Frequently I have cut off all the exterior portions of a piece of this kind of rubber, and have noticed how soon the cut edges assume the browny tinge on exposure. There are three or four forms in which we receive Para caoutchouc in this country ;—1st, flat pouches, called biscuit; 2nd, the well-known bottles; 3rd, Negrohead ; and 4th, scrap. The ^ biscuit” consists of all the fine rubber, carefully prepared, It is made in the same manner as bottles, by successive dipping,—thus showing a beautifully-even, laminated appearance. The necks are very narrow, thus necessitating cutting the sides to let the mould out. The ** Negrohead " consists of ali the “scrap” left after the preparation of the fine, rolled into very large balls or blocks, sometimes about twelve inches in diameter. These offer an excellent opportunity for adulteration, which the In- dians are not slow to avail themselves of. Sometimes a large piece of clay is found in the centre; and in one specimen, now at the Kew Museum, I found inside one or two rings of earthenware, a mass of roots, and a textile substance in the centre, The value of the imports of Para rubber in 1866, as per customs lists, was £381,461; in 1865, £348,712; in 1864, £307,923 ; in 1863, £299,641. The lowest price ever paid is said to have been Tad. per lb., but now it is about 2s. 27. In 1866, the price ranged from 3s. 1d, to 1s. 84d., according to the stock and demand. In January, 1866, I obtained a sample of india-rubber from Demerara, in the shape of small round bottles and balls. This is very much like the Para rubber; and as Demerara is mentioned by Dr. Lindley as one of the habitats of Hevea Guayanensis, Aubl., it is, in all probability, produeed by it. However, it should not be forgotten that one other plant is mentioned as yielding caoutchouc in Demerara, viz. Tabernemontana utilis, Arnott, called by the natives Hya-Hya. It is described by Arnott as “yielding a copious stream of thick, rich, milky fluid, destitute of all acrimony, and only leaving a slight clam- miness on the lips. A tree felled on the banks of a small stream com- pletely whitened the water in an hour or two.” Dr. Christison found the milk to contain a small proportion of caoutchouc, and a large proportion of a substance of a nature between caoutchoue and the resins, ee ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. 9 Some time since, a small parcel, described as “ rubber milk," from Para, came into the market;. but whether ever used I cannot say. It came in gourds and iiaii lumps. It was hard, broken with dif- ficulty, of a colour from yellowish-white to yellowish-brown ; not at all elastic, except when heat was applied, quickly regaining its rigidity ; burning quickly with a bright flame and dense black smoke. It was lighter than water. When placed in hot water, it quickly became soft, and much like gutta percha or balata gum (Sapota Mülleri). I for- warded a description of this substance to Dr. Spruce, and in his letter he says :—“ The so-called india-rubber milk from Para you mention is probably the milk of trees of the Apocyneous genus called Couma in that region. I know two species, Couma Guayanensis, Aubl. (Cerbera tri- phylla, Rudge; Collophora utilis, Mart.) ; and Couma dulcis, Spruce, in Pl Am. The milk of these trees is copious, sweet, innocuous, elastic when fresh, but not when dry unless heated. I had a cere- cloth coated with it, to cover the roof of the piragoa in which I travelled on the Casiquiare, also Orinoco, etc., and found it impervious to rain.” Subsequently, on the receipt of a specimen, Dr. Spruce wrote that he did not recognize it as the product of any Siphonia, and yet it might be. “Tf,” says he, “it has been collected near the city of Para, it is probably the gutta-percha of the Para Cow-tree, called by the inhabitants ‘Maceranduba’ (Mimusops sp.); but if obtained on the Rio Negro, it may be from the Cow-trees of that region (Couma sp.).” In the * Kew Journal of Botany’ (vol. v. p. 239), the milk of the Cow-tree of the Rio Negro is described as ** sweet, thinnish, and very viscid ; when dry more brittle than caoutchouc, which it otherwise much resembles.” Occasionally we get small parcels of india-rubber from Ceara. It has a different appearance to those above mentioned, leaving it a matter of doubt as to the tree which produces it. It consists of reddish-brown, string-like pieces, rolled up in the form of a ball, and thus called Ceara scrap. Only small quantities arrive here, which are soon bought up at prices from ls. 6d. to 1s. 9d. per lb. Hancornia speciosa is another plant which produces a very fine caou- tchoue, known as “‘ Pernambuco rubber,” the fruit of which Brazilians call Mangava or Mangaba. Gardner describes the tree as reaching to the size of an ordinary Apple-tree, though its small leaves and dubjing branches give it more the appearance of the Weeping Birch. The fruit 10 ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. is yellow, a little streaked with red on one side, about the size of an Orleans plum, and of delicious flavour. When in season, it is brought to Pernambuco for sale. Claussen, in his communication to the British Association in 1855, states that the plant is found * at a height of from 3000 to 5000 feet above the sea, on the plateaux of South America, between 10° and 12? S. lat." It occurs in abundance about Per- nambuco and Olinda. I have not been able to obtain any specimen of this rubber.* A sale of a small parcel took place in Liverpool in July last, at 2s. per lb., proving it to be little inferior to Para rubber in value. Castilloa elastica.—'To this plant we are indebted for nearly all our india-rubber obtained from Central America, New Granada, Ecuador, and the West Indies. It is found in Mexico, all the Central American republics (viz. Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa- rica), Isthmus of Panama, West Coast of America down to Guayaquil and the slopes of the Chimborazo ; it also grows in Cuba ; and, if the early account of Columbus may be relied upon, in Hayti. The Spanish name of this tree is ** Arbol de Ulé,” or Ulé-tree, an exact translation of the Aztec ** Ulequahuitl." On a specimen collected in Guatemala, in 1861, the collector says, ** All the caoutchouc of Central America is derived. from this tree, and that from Carthagena and Guayaquil pro- bably from the same source." On some specimens in the Kew Her- barium, collected by Mr. Sutton Hayes, the following notes occur :— “ Leaves of the Ulé-tree, collected in San Salvador, May 15th, 1860. I also got ripe fruit from the same place at the same time. Sometimes the leaves are much larger than these. I have collected the leaves of this same tree on the Isthmus of Panama, at a small native town on the Rio Gatun, about six miles from i digas a es jus I saw the natives making the caoutchouc ; but the t on the Rio Trinidad, where there is an establish- ment ert very fine and pure caoutchouc from it. The caoutchouc fur- nished by this tree, when well cleaned and prepared, is very nearly equal to that of Para, some fine lots of it having been sold in New York for nearly as high a price as that from Brazil; but the finest specimens of the caoutchouc I ever saw were made from the milk of this same tree at Chinandega, in Nica- ragua. Caoutchouc, within the last year, has been shipped quite largely from all the Central American ports at which the Panama Railroad Company’s steamers touch,” * It is described as being of a yellowish colour, and very much like Para. ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. EL On another specimen, collected by Dr. Spruce in Ecuador, in De- cember, 1860, are the words, “ The India-rubber Tree of Guay aquil.” Of the different commercial kinds of india-rubber furnished by Cas- tilloa elastica, Cerv., we may mention :—1. West India (so- called) ; 2. Carthagena ; 3. Honiara 4. Guayaquil; and 5. Guatemala ;—all named after the places whence shipped. Indeed, they are so very much alike in character, that a merchant dealing largely in them told me that they were all the same,—the different amount of careful treatment they received resulting in the improved look of the better kinds. West India rubber is not, in most instances, the produce of any of the West India islands, but is named so from the mail steamers calling at St. Thomas on their way home. The best is pressed into thin clean sheets, devoid of the excessive moisture and “ tarry ” look perceivable in the lower kinds. It is a black-looking india-rubber in appearance. The quantity brought to England by the West India mail steamers very seldom exceeds 15 tons a month, the usual quantity being from 3 to 6 tons. It is much valued, I believe, on the Continent. Carthagena india-rubber is imported in the form of sheets about three-quarters of an inch thick, and can always be distinguished from the other kinds by having a peculiar chewed appearance externally, most probably arising from the pressure used in driving off the mois- ture. ls. 7d. to ls. 8d. is about the average price. By skilful treat- ment this rubber has been used for many purposes for which Para alone could formerly be used. Formerly it was 8d. to 1s. 2d. cheaper than Para; now there is only about 6d. difference. It is black, tough, and occasionally “ tarry” in appearance. Honduras india-rubber has a greenish-grey appearance when cut, the exterior being dark. It is firm in texture, and not porous. Its price is 1s. 5d. to 1s. 6d. per Ib. Guayaquil india-rubber comes over in large black flakes or lumps. When cut, it is sometimes whitish, but in the lower kinds very porous, the pores being filled with a black liquid, which stains the hands and knife, leaving a disagreeable odour behind. Sometimes, by the mere pressure of the hand, a large quantity will exude. Its price is from Is. 3d. to 1s. 4d. Guatemala india-rubber is the worst kind. It is in large blocks, consisting of thin sheets pressed together. From between the sheets, when fresh, a black resinous thick fluid exudes. After a time this 12 ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. fluid evaporates, and leaves a hard resinous substance behind, unaf- fected by hot water or steam. The rubber itself is jet black in colour, though, when purified from its resinous contents, I believe of a whitish colour. Of those above mentioned, two—namely, Guayaquil and Guatemala —are, without doubt, the produce of Castilloa elastica. The so-called West India is also produced by the same plant. As to Carthagena rubber, if analogy of character be any criterion, I should say that, in all probability, it was also derived from Castil/oa elastica. How- ever, Dr. Spruce says, “I have often been told of a pinnate-leaved tree, yielding caoutchouc, which I could never fall in with. I am, therefore, unable to guess even at the family to which it belongs ; but there is said to be such a one about Serpa, on the Amazon, and the same (or a cognate species) in some inland region of New Granada or Venezuela, whence it finds its way to Carthagena." With regard to Honduras there may be a little doubt, on account of the character ; but this may be the result of chemical treatment. The following information has been supplied by M. Diezmann, of Greytown, Nicaragua, to Mr. John Collinson, C.E. :— “*Ule’ (or ‘Tassa’ of the Mosquito Indians) is an important article of export from Nicaragua; and San Juan del Norte, or Grey- town, is the principal port whence it is shipped. Having for many years dealt in it, and having never seen a correct account of the manner in which it is collected and manufactured, I shall offer a few remarks on the subject. Expeditions for collecting Ule, or Nicaraguan india-rubber, are organized by a number of men clubbing together, and applying to one of the india-rubber dealers to furnish them with the necessary outfit, including provisions, blankets, machetes, axes, pans, pails, buckets, etc. They bind themselves before the local autho- rities to work a certain time for the dealer, and deliver to him the pro- duce of their work. This formality gone through, the men—or Uleros, . as they are now called—generally have a series of amusements, danc- ing, drinking, and gambling, until the dealer intimates to them that their departure ought not to be delayed any longer. All the necessary things are now embarked, and under the blowing of conch-shells and shouts of friends, the canoe shoves off. Often the poor fellows have to travel a fortnight before they arrive at their destination,—passing rocks and rapids, and being frequently compelled to unload their canoe ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. 13 and drag it over them by sheer main force. At last, when arrived at their goal, their first object is to build a hut to live in, beds being made of sticks, and on stages a few feet above ground. A work- shop is also built, if possible, as close as practicable to a river, a great quantity of water being required in the manufacture of the rubber. After an early breakfast, the men go to work, each man carrying a machete, a tin can capable of holding five gallons, and one or two wooden pails. As soon as the Ulero has selected his tree, he clears the surrounding ground of underwood and the stem of vines and epiphytieal plants, and makes a ladder by tying pieces of cane two feet long to some of the tough vines about an inch and a half in diameter hanging from the tree. All this preliminary work gone through, the Ulero cuts diagonal channels in the bark of the tree, first from his right side, then from his left, so that both meet in the middle. At the bottom of the lowest channel an iron spout, about four inches long and two inches broad, is driven, underneath which a pail is put. By the time he has done cutting channels he has to hurry down, his pail being now quite full, and has to be emptied into the larger vessels, in which it is carried to the workshop. A tree 4 feet in diameter and 20 to 30 feet to the first branches will yield 20 gallons of milk, each gallon producing 2 lbs., and if rich, 2 lbs. 2 oz. of good dried rubber. A good working man is able to get from ten to twenty-five gallons of milk a day.* In the evening the milk is pressed through a wire sieve, so that all the impurities are excluded, before it is put into the barrels. When the barrels are full, the real manufacture of the rubber commences. This is generally intrusted to the most skilful of the party. The best manner of converting the milk into rubber is by mixing with it the juice of a certain vine, termed ‘ Achuca’ by the natives, which has the singular property of coagulating it within the space of five minutes. This vine generally abounds in the woods, and has fine large white flowers. Bundles of it are collected, and each stick well beaten with a piece of wood, and soaked in water, which is strained through a cloth, and about a pint of it is well mixed with every * By roaming through these now uninhabited forests, the Uleros occa- dcnaliy come across remnants of a race of men now extinct; only permai they found a group of twelve well p placed in a circle around a high-place From description given me, eL must be some Apocynea.—BERTHOLD 14 ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. gallon of the milk. This is done in a large tin pan, in which it coagulates quickly, forming a soft mass floating in a brown fluid, and smelling like fresh cheese. This mass is slightly pressed by hand, placed on a board, and then rolled out with a piece of heavy wood. I have used with advantage an iron roller 150 lbs. in weight for this purpose. By this operation a great quantity of dark brown water is squeezed out, and the rubber, which has now assumed its elasticity, is in flat round pieces of + to $ inch thick by 20 inches in diameter, anc perfectly white. The weight of one of these pieces (*tortillas* the men call them) is about 7 lbs. The tortillas are hung up ina shed on poles to dry, which in fair weather takes about a fortnight ; the rubber assumes then its dark colour, and weighs 2 lbs. a piece. If the vine is not to be had in the neighbourhood, two third parts of water are mixed with one-third of the extracted milk in a barrel, and this has to remain undisturbed for twelve hours ; after this time the water is slowly discharged, and the residue—a dark cream—is put in vats made in the ground, and left to dry. The drying process takes from twelve to fourteen days.'' Mr. N. Burgess, of Hackney, enables me to give the fion. ing notes on the microscopie structure of caoutchouc :—“' In t dry sections of the different kinds no trace of any structure, save lis mechanical laminated appearance, is observable. The identity in cha- racter between Guatemala, Guayaquil, Carthagena, and the so-called West India rubber, is very apparent. The resinous contents of Gua- temala rubber look like so much Kowrie gum. Under polarized light, the substance has a somewhat granular appearance, possibly owing to the different degrees of purity of the substance itself acting by refrac- tion ; dissolved in chloroform, no trace of any structure, granular or nus i is perceivable.” Micrandra siphonioides, Benth., and M. minor, Benth., afford caou- _ tchouc equal in their elasticity to that of the Heveas ; but of their colour or other properties I cannot at present obtain any information. Dr. Spruce collected a small piece of excellent caoutchouc, about the size of a walnut, from Siphocampylos Jamesonianus, DC.; but, as the plant is a mere herb, it cannot prove of any great abeinebeeetal i impor- tance. IL. ASIATIC KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. The attention given by different travellers and others to the rubber ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. 15 found in South America, when its uses and properties became known, led to its discovery in many parts of the East Indies and the Archi- pelago. James Howison, a surgeon in Prince of Wales’s Island, seems to be the first who discovered it there. In the ‘ Asiatic Researches ’ (vol. v. 1798) is a paper by him on this subject. He calls the tree “an elastic Gum Vine,” and says that the tree has branches, some- times 200 paces long. The Malays taste the juice to find which is the elastic variety. The usual manner of drawing off the milk was tapping, it taking a person two days to collect one quart. But the quickest way was by cutting the “Vine” into lengths of about two feet. "The oldest vines produced the best caoutchoue, frequently yielding two-thirds of the milk’s weight in caoutchouc. As to the ex- periments he made, he says that he made moulds of wax of different articles, as gloves, etc., and dipped them in the liquid caoutchouc. He also had the satisfaction of making himself a complete suit of waterproof clothing, by spreading fresh caoutchouc on cloth with a ` ruler and hanging it out to dry, —the mere exposure to the atmosphere rendering it firm immediately. Roxburgh, being in India, directed his attention to the subject, named Howison's plant Urceola elastica, and describes it as “a native of the islands of Penang and Sumatra, etc., and the Malayan countries. Stem woody, climbing over trees, etc., to a very great extent; young shoots twining and a little hairy ; bark of the old woody parts thick, dark-coloured, and considerably uneven, a little scabrous. The wood is white, light, and porous." In describing a ball of india-rubber before him, he says, ‘Its colour on the outside is that of American caoutchouc; when fresh cut into, a light brown colour, till the action of the air darkens it ; throughout, there are numerous small cells filled with a portion of the light brown watery liquid.” In the * Singapore Local Reporter ' of August 7, 1853 (Kew Journ. Bot., vol. v. p. 157), the following (relating to the produce of Urceola elastica, Roxb.), appeared :— “ This gum, the produce of creepers known in that part of Borneo under the names of Serapit, Petabo, and Menungan, is nothing else than the watery milk-like sap of these creepers, which by a simple process, in the addition of a little salt-water, takes the consistency and all the peculiarities of real india- rubber, being at first snow white, but by exposure to the air changing slowly to a dirty yellow and afterwards brown colour. 'The serapit produces the most common, the petabo the best, the menungan the greatest quantity of sap. 16 ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. The gum obtained in this way contains water enclosed in small cavities, which we believe to have been formed by the celerity with which the sap hardens, preventing thereby the salt water, and perhaps the watery part of the sap, from ing an issue. . . . During our peregrinations in the jungle of Singapore, we have met with the identical creeper, called menungan in Borneo, but which the Malays here call ngerit, or ngret, and on inquiry have heard from the native wood-cutters that the same is found in great quantities in Johore and the neigh- bouring islands. . . . The process for obtaining the sap in use by the Badjows and the Muruts is very simple, but we should like to see an attempt made to branch of agriculture, for it grows fast enough to procure a supply of sap in less than three years, and after planting requires no further cultivation." Mr. James Motley, in a letter dated at Singapore, March, 1854 (Kew Journ. Bot., vol. v. p. 285), thus describes this plant :—“ A very abundant creeper was the india-rubber producing Urceola; its fruit is about the size of an orange, and colour of an apricot, the thick outer skin full of milky juice, while within are about eight or ten seeds enveloped in a tawny pulp, tasting like well-bletted medlars. The natives use the juice only as birdlime." Again, while at Sumatra, he writes (Kew Journ. Bot., p. 167) :—'' The plant yielding the best india-rubber, I think an Urceola, is common here ; it is a large climber, as thick as a man's leg, with a dark rugged bark, it is called * Jinta- wan " by the Malays, but this includes three species, —menungan, se- rapit, and the petabo. The fruit of the serapit is the best, but all are much valued by the Malays, the pulp surrounding the seeds being very sweet, with a pleasant acid and a fine vinous flavour. To collect the sap, the stem is usually cut into billets a few feet long, from both ends of which the milky juice flows abundantly, and the plant soon springs up again. The gum is not collected among these islands, though the locality, always within the reach of the sea, is highly favourable, the only preparation required being to mix salt-water with the sap, the solid parts of which instantly coalesce.” — Borneo india-rubber first came to England about three years ago under the name of gutta-susu ; susu being the Malayan term for milk. This rubber, which fetches about 1s. 3d. per lb., is totally different from other Indian kinds ; it is white, soft, spongy, very wet, and porous. In ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. 17 a new specimen, it is no difficult matter to press out a large quantity of water having a saline taste. When old, it changes its colour to a dull pink or brown, frequently the cut portions being encrusted with salt after the water has evaporated. It has rather an unpleasant smell. ‘This rubber is collected by the natives, and sold to the European traders. We have received it from Singapore; it may have been native, or imported from some of the neighbouring states. It hasa wide range, and in De Candolle's * Prodromus? (pt. 8, p. 358) the Malayan Archipelago, Su- matra, and Island of Penang, are mentioned. The quotations given all refer to one and the same plant, and the descriptions given agree well with the characteristics of the Borneo rubber of commerce. All the accounts agree in the mode of collection and treatment with salt-water, and before I met with these accounts I had made a note of the saltish taste of the water contained in it. As to the colour—an important consideration—Roxburgh had not the opportunity of having a perfectly fresh specimen ; and it is well known how soon Borneo rubber, especially the more porous pieces, will change colour. Men- tion is made also of the white colour when fresh, and of its alteration when exposed to the atmosphere. Roxburgh and the ‘ Singapore Reporter’ both refer to the “cellular” formation in this rubber. There is, moreover, no other description of East India rubber whic would at all answer to the characteristics of the caoutchouc of Urceola elastica. 2 On a specimen of this plant in the British Museum, collected in Sumatra by Campbell, there is this note,—‘“ White Caoutchouc. Assam rubber is the produce of Ficus elastica, Roxb. Roxburgh was the first who described this tree and gave its history :— * Towards the close of 1810,” he says, “ Mr. Matthew Richard Smith, of Silhet, sent me a vessel, there called a turong, filled with honey ‘in the ve state in which it had been brought from the eked or Juntipoor mountains, north of Silhet. The vessel was a rather common or rather coarse basket, in the shape of a four-cornered, wide-mouthed bottle, hp of split edes. seve- ral species of which grow in abundance amongst the above-menti moun- ins, and contained about two gallons. Mr. Smith observed that the inside mountains. I was therefore more anxious to examin . the —€— of this lining than the quality of the honey. The turong was th and washed out, when, to my gratification, I found it very perfectly lined Mii. a thin coat of caoutchouc.” (Roxb. Flor. Ind. iii. 543.) VOL. vi. [JANUARY 1, 158.1 | 6 18 ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. Roxburgh also found that older trees seemed to yield a richer juice, which, when exposed to the air, separated spontaneously into an elastic substance or caoutchouc, and a fetid whey-coloured liquid. Tt is col- lected by making incisions across the bark to the wood. About 50 ounces of the pure milk taken from the trees in August yielded 153 ounces of clean washed caoutchouc. After one operation the tree re- quires a fortnight’s rest, when it may be repeated. During the cool season, from October till March, the juice is more scanty than in the warm weather, from March to October, but richer. Assam rubber is shipped from Calcutta in baskets made of split rattans, and weighing about 8 ewt. each. These are generally covered with a jute, gunny bag. This india-rubber has a peculiar mottled appearance, of a bright pinky colour, and very glossy. The baskets consist of either a great number of small “balls” pressed together, or a large irregular mass called **slab." The former is not so much liked, as it offers greater facilities for adulteration than the latter. It is curious to see this and other kinds of hard india-rubber sampled at the London wharves, etc. as, owing to its resistance, it will only allow of being cut with a chopper or knife constantly kept wet with a stream of water. It sometimes takes three or four men some considerable time to cut out a slab about twelve or fourteen inches long. According to Royle, any quantity of rubber can be obtained from India. One great fault, however, clings tenaciously, not only to this, but to all East Indian varieties—that is, its impurities. There is no reason why the caoutchouc of India should not be as pure as fine Para, if proper care were taken. In 1836, while Para rubber was selling at 25. 6d. to 3s. per lb., East India was only selling at 24. !.and, although there is more care taken now, yet there is great room for improvement. How ignorance may retard the development of a country's resources ! In 1828, a zealous collector sent a parcel of rubber from Assam to a large agency in Caleutta, but the consignees, at a loss what to do with it, sent back the following reply, much to the mortification of the collector :—“ The article being unknown in the Calcutta market, we are sorry we can give you no idea of its value." Java india-rubber has a dark glossy appearance, with occasional streaks of a reddish colour. Its price is about Is. 6d. to ls. 8d. per lb. I donot know what plant it is produced by; Lindley (Flor. Med. p. 298) says, “ It is believed that Java caoutchouc is produced exclu- ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. 19 sively by figs.” Miquel (Fl. Ind. Bat., vol. iii.) mentions, Wiliugh- beia edulis and Vahea gummifera as Java plants. Penang india-rubber is of a dark colour. Is it the produce of Cy- nanchum ovalifolium, Wight, which is stated by Dr. Wallich as yielding an excellent caoutchouc, and was found by him in Penang? It is a smooth twining plant (Lindl. Fl. Med., p. 542). Siam india-rubber is of a white or pinky and liver-like appearance. It is very seldom we get any of this kind in England. I do not know by what plant it is produced. Singapore india-rubber offers us an example of the difficulties to be met with in economic botany. Here is an island, Singapore, of small size, sending enormous quantities of raw goods to Great Britain and other parts of the world, and the question naturally arises, Where are they produced? The trade of Singapore is very great; not only does it form a vast entrepot for the native states around, but also for Caleutta, China, Burmah, Java, Siam, ete. The value of its imports in 1863 amounted to £6,461,720. In Mr. Thomas Hancock's work on the ‘History of the India-rubber Manufacture,’ the following table is given :— Imports at Singapore of Caoutchouc for the years 1849-50 to 1854-55. From Java. . . ... ... 958,730 Ibs: » Sumatra. . 763,980 ,, » China. , » » Manilla 14,896 ,, po Bomo lx ey 8,024 ,, » Malay Peninsula . k h » Penang and Malacca. . . 253,568 ,, Misewhere . : . : < 180296 , This table shows how much Singapore depends on the importations for her supplies of india-rubber for export. Very little, if any, of the india-rubber exported from Singapore is native. During the period given in the table above, only 723,968 lbs. of the exports was native Singa- pore rubber. Since that period nearly all the trees have been destroyed. In a table given in Cameron’s ‘ Malayan India,’ £14,110 is stated to have been the value of the india-rubber exported to Great Britain in 1863 from Singapore; it is there stated not to be a native product of the island, but that it is received from neighbouring ‘states, and stored up in the godowns or warehouses. This rubber is received in c 2 20 ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. baskets, similar to Assam, and has a very bright red-mottled appear- ance. The price of good Singapore india-rubber is about 1s. 6d. per Ib. Of the kinds mentioned above, Java, Singapore, and Penang are very much alike in character. They are, together with Assam, of a firm texture, bright polished appearance, and of a mottled colour, ranging often in one sample from very dark brown toa light yellowish- white. Some account for this appearance by saying that it is ob- tained from several different trees; this is certainly the case with gutta-percha, and a gentleman who has spent ten years in the Straits says, it is what he has always been given to understand. Roxburgh mentions several other plants producing caoutchoue ; among others is the Willughbeia edulis, Roxb., found in the forests of Chittagong and Silhet, where it is called Lath am. It is a large climbing plant, and when wounded discharges copiously a very pure viscid juice, which soon, by exposure to the air, changes into an indif- ferent caoutchouc. (Roxb. Fl. Ind., vol. ii. p. 57.) Large quantities of india-rubber are said to exist in China; I have not heard of any direct shipments. If we receive it at all, it is vid Singapore. III. AFRICAN KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. Mauritius india-rubber is of a white and pinky colour, without the mottled appearance observable in other kinds. It very rarely comes to England. o not think it is a native india-rubber, but comes from Madagascar, where two species, viz. Vahea gummifera and F. Madagascarensis, are found. Dr. C. Meller, in his account of an expedition to Madagascar (read before the Linnean Society, December, 1862), says of the natives, ** To procure india-rubber they are less careful, merely making incisions, and allowing the sap to flow into a hole at the root of atree. They procure their india-rubber from a trailing and climbing plant, whose Order I am unacquainted with. It has thick aina leaves, pear- shaped and sized fruit ; the native name is ‘ Vauginia.’ The Ficus elas- tica is found along the seaboard route, and a Theophrasta; but I am not aware that the Malagasy have recourse to them." Miquel (Flor Ind. Bat., vol. iii.) mentions Madagascar as one of the habitats of Willughbeia edulis, Roxb. fri rican rubber comes over in casks from the west coast of Africa in ON THE COMMERCIAL KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. 21 slabs, round balls, and * tongues.” These last are about four inches long and a little thicker than your thumb. Borneo rubber is bad enough to handle, as regards its smell, but African rubber has a spe- cial oue of its own. What tales could it tell, if it could use its “ tongue,” of persons going into a sale-room, thinking perchance of the cholera returns, sniffing and saying, “Dear me, why you've dead ratsl" The boards are taken up, but no dead rats or draius are dis- covered, and so the poor rubber gets the blame, and is finally put out on the roof to air. When old, it turns black and loses much of its fetid smell. It is of a yellowish-white colour, very adhesive and very slightly elastic. It is the poorest of our commercial kinds, its value only being about 11d. to 1s. 1d. per Ib, One hundred tons are reported to have been used for home consumption in 1866. By some this rubber is considered the produce of Sycomorus Guineensis, Miq., Hooker's * Niger Flora, p. 523. (Ficus Brassii, R. Br.) It was first described in * An Account of the Edible Fruits of Sierra Leone," from the Journal, etc., of Mr. Geo. Don, A.L.S., Joseph Sabine, Esq., F.R.S. (Trans. Hort. Soc. Lond., vol. v. p. 448). However, no mention is made of any caoutchouc being produced by it. In the Kew Museum there is a specimen of caoutchouc collected by Dr. Kirk in the Livingstone Expedition, from a species of Carissa, but it has no resemblance to the commercial kind. The first trace of this rubber I have seen was a specimen of the wood of the tree with the rubber exuding from it, brought from the west coast of Africa by Dr. Horton, and shown to me by Mr. J. R. Jackson at the Kew Museum on October 26th. Subsequently Professor Oliver kindly furnished me with the following note on the subject :—‘ Dr. Horton brings from West Tropical Africa a specimen of rubber and fragment of plant affording it. This, there can be little doubt, belongs to Apocynacee, but, being destitute of flowers and fruit, it is impossible finally to de- termine. It is hairy, and in this character resembles one or two African species of Sírophanthus." This specimen of rubber is un- doubtedly identical with our commercial kind, and we must wait anxiously till proper specimens are forwarded to ascertain the plant producing it. IV. AUSTRALIAN KINDS OF INDIA-RUBBER. I received to-day (November 14th) a fragment of rubber from Aus- tralia, but do not know by what tree it is produced. 22 ON THE PLANTS CULTIVATED OR NATURALIZED List of the plants from which Caoutchouc is principally obtained in quantity. EUPHORBIACER. Hevea Brasiliensis, Muell., and other species of the same genus. Micrandra siphonioides, Bth. M. minor, Bth. APOCYNACER. Willughbeia edulis, Roxb. uayanensis, Au Hancornia speciosa. Vahea gummifera. y cordc arissa sp. Urceola elastica, Wight. Tabernemontana utilis, Arnott. ASCLEPIADACEE SARE Mélifoliudi, Wight. Urti ou. dti Roxb. F. Ind dis igiosa F. Peleo Sycomorus Quite Miq. Artocarpus m Castilloa elastic There is much to be done yet before the whole matter is elucidated ; oue way of dealing with it would be by comparing authentic specimens - obtained from the plants themselves with our commercial varieties. I should be glad to be favoured with any such specimens, either of india-rubber or gutta-percha. 11, Arthur Street, Deptford, November, 1867. ON THE PLANTS CULTIVATED OR NATURALIZED IN THE VALLEY OF CARACAS, AND THEIR VERNA- CULAR NAMES By A. Ernst, Esa. (Continued from Vol. V. p. 275.) Bromelia Ananas, L. (Ananassa sativa, Lindl.— The Pineapple (Pifia) is frequently cultivated in the immediate neighbourhood of the valley of Caracas (Baruta, etc.), so that the fruit may be bought at COM Be Oh Relea ies SEEDS CUN ERE, Ree Sela Ree IN THE VALLEY OF CARACAS. 23 Caracas at the rate of threepence or fourpence apiece. It is well known that linguistic reasons point to Brazil as the probable native country of this delicious fruit. Even the name Ana-curua, used by the Indians of the Upper Orinoco, where Humboldt believed to have found the wild plant (see ‘ Travels,’ Bohn’s edit. ii. 433, and Nouv. Esp. (edit. 1811) iii. 142, note), is nothing but the somewhat changed Guarani name Nana-caraguatá (Ant. Ruiz, ‘Tesoro de la Lengua Guarani,’ Madrid, 1639, fol. 233, retro). The plant must have spread over the warmer parts of America long before the arrival of the Spaniards, who found it first in Guadeloupe in 1493. Columbus met with it on his first landing in Northern Veraguas, and Seemann (Bot. Herald, p. 215) contends that it was truly wild in the Isthmus of Panama. The ‘Flora Caracasana' contains three other species of Bromelia, which appear to be indigenous,— 2. Karatas, L. (Nidularium Ka- ratas, Lem.), the Curujujul of the inhabitants; B. Pinguin, L., or Maya, and B. chrysantha, Jacq., called Chigüechigüe. The first is the Caraguata-acanga of Piso (teste Roem. and Schult. vii. 1274), called thus on account of the head-like clusters of the fruits. (* Acanga' in Guarani means head, Ant. Ruiz, loc. cit. fol. 12, retro.) Bunchosia glandulifera, Roth. * Ciruelo de fraile.'— Uncommon. Melicocca bijuga, L. * Mamon,' and M. oliveformis, H. B. and K. * Cotopriz.’—Father Caulin mentions (Hist. Nueva Andal. 15) for the first the Indian (?) name “ Muco,” for the latter * Cuspiritu.” Hooker and Bentham (‘Genera Plantarum,’ p. 401) consider the second species as “ valde dubia.” Having myself examined a consi- derable number of specimens of both forms, I am convinced that they are not two well-distinguished species. The rhachis of the leaves of M. bijuga is by no means always winged,—a fact already mentioned by Jacquin (Amer. 108 ; “costis compresso-planis, nunc alatis, nunc nudis"). The leaflets are either slightly oblique (principally in leaves with winged rhachis, where the inner half of the leaflets appear com- monly somewhat reduced in size) or perfectly symmetrical. The fruit of the Cotopriz is constantly more elliptical than that of the Mamon, the ratio of the two axes in the former being 3: 5, and in the latter 3:4. This is the only constant difference I have found ; but I think it is certainly not sufficient for establishing a new species. The Coto- priz may, nevertheless, be considered as a distinct variety under the name Melicocca bijuga and oliveformis. 4 24 ON THE PLANTS CULTIVATED OR NATURALIZED Spondius lutea, L., ‘Jobo,’ and S. purpurea, L., * Ciruelo de hueso.’ — Both common. Passiflora quadrangularis, L. * Parcha’ of the Creoles, * Paicururu ' of the Cumanagoto Indians, after Caulin (Hist. Nueva Andal. 14). —Cultivated in many gardens. Tamarindus Indica, L. * Tamarindo. —Rare. Inga fastuosa, Willd. * Guamo peludo, i.e. hairy Guamo.'—Most frequently cultivated as shade-giving tree in coffee plantations. The broad pod, densely covered with somewhat stinging, short hair, is some- times two feet long, and generally a little spirally twisted. The edible part is the white floccous arillus, which has a sweetish taste. Inga vera, Willd. (* Guamo vejuco °) and T. sapindoides, Willd. (‘ Guamo ca- raota^) are much rarer. The fruit of the former is irregularly twisted, and has therefore nearly the appearance of a piece of the stem of a climbing plant, or vejuco: the latter bears pods which resemble those of certain Phaseolee, * Caravalia,’ several species of which are called Caraota. | F. Plants cultivated on account of their Seeds. Zea Mays, L.—8ee Journ. of Bot. Vol. V. p. 269. Cicer arietinum, L.—Cultivated under the name * Garbanzo,’ which Larramendi derives from the Bask Garau (grain) and Antzua (dry). (Diez, Wórterb. ii. 131.) Even the Greek name, épéBw6os, does not appear to be very different. Pisum sativum, L., var. saccharatum. * Alverja, from ervum or ervilia.—Very common. Phaseolus Dolichos.—A great many kinds are cultivated, but I have, as yet, not been able to reduce all of them to scientifically-esta- blished species or varieties. The common name ‘ Caraota’ (accent on the second a) is derived from the Greek Kepáriov, seeds of various le- guminous plants, which formerly were used as weights. | Another variety is called ‘Frijoles, formerly * Frisoles ’ bably from * Fresa? « Defresum, detritum, unde adhue fresa faba, quee ovtrita frangitur, Gloss. Placid. faba fresa dicta, quod eam fren- dant, z. e. fragant, Papias." (Diez, Worterb. ii. 199.) Three other varieties have names of American origin, ——' Tapiramo,' * Guaricamo,' and * Apirucuso.’ Cajanus Indicus, Spr. ‘ Quinchoncho,’ probably from * Catjang,’ the IN THE VALLEY OF CARACAS. 25 native name of the plant in the East Indies.— The Pea-tree is now little cultivated. (‘ Quinchoncho de monte '— Crotalaria anagyroides, th., is common.) Arachis hypogea, L.—Seldom cultivated. The vernacular name, ‘Mani,’ is Haytian, and not very different from the Brazilian * Man- dubi,’ said to be formed of ‘Ma, handful, and * Ubi,’ to be. (Ant. Ruiz, Tesoro, fol. 206, recto.) Markham (Quich. Gram. and Dict. 190) explains the word * Ynchic’ as an edible root, quoting Garcilaso de la Vega ; but that authority identifies plainly the * Inchic’ and the ‘Maní.’ (Garcilaso de la Vega, Coment. reales, Madrid, 1723, p. 278.) H. Barth. (* Reisen und Entdeckungen in Africa,’ abridged edition, i. 420, 421) gives some interesting notes on the names and use of our plant in Africa. Sesamum Indicum, L. * Ajonjoli.’-—Rare in the valley of Caracas, but frequently cultivated in the neighbourhood of Maracaibo. The verna- cular name has long been an enigma to me. It appears to be iden- tical with the Sicilian * Guiggiolena’ (Hogg, Classical Plants of Sicily in Hooker's Journ. of Bot. 1834, p. 138), and with the French * Jugéoline* for Sesamum Brasiliense. (Treasury of Bot. ii. 639.) Diez (Worterb. i. 216) refers the Italian ‘Giuggiola’ (the Jujube-tree) to Zizyphus. This word is, therefore, also the root of the Spanish * Ajonjoli.’ Theobroma Cacao, L. * Cacao.’—Venezuela exported from July 1, 1864, to July 1, 1865, nearly four million pounds of Cacao, princi- pally to Spain. Abelmoschus moschatus, Mrh. ‘ Argalia.'— Rare. A. esculentus, W. A. * Quimbombd.’—Alph. De Candolle (Geogr. Bot. ii. 768) declares in favour of the American origin of this plant, and considers the African derivation of the names * Quillobo,’ * Quin- gombo, ‘Quimbombé’ not proved. We have now so many stu- dents of African philology, that I should think the question might be very easily settled. On the western coast of Africa there are several local names, which show a striking resemblance to that of our plant,—‘ Quicombo,’ a Portuguese settlement on the coast of Benguela, ‘ Kilongo,’ on the coast of Loango, ete. Even the name ‘Okoro,’ or ‘Okra,’ appears to be African. H. Barth. (‘ Reisen,’ abridged edition, i. 481) states that in Bornu the plant is cultivated under the name * Karáss.' Bornu slaves were frequently carried over 26 ON THE PLANTS CULTIVATED OR NATURALIZED to Brazil, and may have brought the plaut, as well as its name, to this country, where, after addition of the Portuguese masculine article o, the name assumed the shape ‘ Okardss’ or ‘Okra.’ There is only one positive statement in favour of the American origin of the plant, viz. that of C. Jacquin; “ crescit sponte in Caribzmis." But this loses much of its value by not being corroborated by any of the numerous botanists who explored the West Indian Islands. Gossypium. * Algodon.’—The G. Barbadense, L., and G. hirsutum, L., are probably both of American origin (see Parlatore, ‘ Le Specie dei Cotoni,’ Firenze, 1866, pp. 17, 18); and the former is common in the valley of Caracas, though nowhere with the features of a truly wild plant. (Venezuela exported from July, 1864, to July, 1865, more than 5,300,000 Ibs. of cotton.)* Coffea Arabica, L. * Café.’—The Coffee-tree was brought to Vene- zuela, in 1730, from "Trinidad or Martinique. In 1740 there were some small plantations, but the seeds were used more medicinally than as an article of daily food. In 1783, José A. Mohedano, the priest of the small village of Chacao, near Caracas, planted 6000 trees, and soon afterwards established Bartolomeo Blandin (the sanie mentioned in Humboldt's * Travels?) the first large coffee-plantation between Caracas and Chacao. (Venezuela exported from July, 1864, to July, 1865, 28,420,442 Ibs. coffee, principally to Hamburg.) Cocos nucifera, L. ‘Coco.’—The few specimens cultivated in the valley of Caracas, with exception of a single one, do not produce fruit The Palm is abundant on the shores of Lake Valencia. G. Plants cultivated for Ornamental Purposes, The following list contains all those plants which nearly everywhere may be seen in “large gardens, as well as about the dwelling-places of the poor. Cicca disticha, L. * Cerezo Jatropha multifida, L. Radios vejetal, oa Aleurites triloba, Forst. * Nuez de Chin Ricinus communis, L. ‘Tartago,’ Mamas from * Tartarus,' on ac- count of its purging properties. Euphorbia pulcherrima, Willd. * Papagayo.’ cured for me from Major Trevor Clarke, F.H.S. Al the seeds came up well, and the whole plantation is in the most flourishing condition. IN THE VALLEY OF CARACAS. 27 Amarantus paniculatus, L., B. cruentus. * Pira morada.’ Althea rosea, Cav. * alva real.’ Abutilon striatum, Dicks. ‘Campanilla.’ Hibiscus Rosa- Ps nensis, L. ‘Cayena.’ Sapindus Saponaria, L. * Parapara.’ —I never saw this tree wild in the valley of Garuti, "though it may be indigenous in other parts of Venezuela. Melia sempervirens, L. * Alelí Swietenia Mahagoni, L. rr '—Has lately been planted in the Plaza Bolivar of Caracas. Murraya exotica, L. * Azahar de la India.’ L. Cassia grandis, L . (C. Brasiliana, Lam) « Cafiafístola macho.’ Adenanthera pavonina, L. * Peo Rubus — Sm., fl. es "Vis blan osa.—A grea t many forms are perla pede different garden names. Lawsonia inermis, L. * Réseda.'— On account of its sweet smell. Lagerstremia Indica, L. * Alstromelia,’ corrupted from the generic name.—This beautiful plant was introduced eed Loa) Tovar, who ob- tained it from Porto Rico. It is now very c Sechium edule, Sw. * Chayota. Cultivated r for its edible fruits. Umbellifera. * Perla fina Plumbago cerulea, E: * Guapote azul.'— P. scandens, L., R 1 ay, erm and common. The n e ‘Guapote’ is derived from the Chayma word * A poto, fire, on DEW of the blistering properties of the leaves. Dahlia coccinea, Cav. ‘ Dalia LS S E — des in HE! B Q. far) ni = Allamanda cathartica, L. * Jasmin, amarillo.’ Thevetia neriifolia, Juss. * Retam L. onigote." Gomphocarpus fruticosus, R. Br. alotropis procera, R. Br. * pran. de seda.’ Hoya carnosa, R. Br. ‘Flor de ce Toa gre Zuce. ‘ Lagrimas di Cristo Datura suaveolens, H. Br. * Flor de Luna ; is oloroso.' Cestrum leucocarpum, Dun. ‘Dama de noche’ Crescentia Cujete, L. ‘ Tortumo,’ a Chay word.—There are two pretty constant forms ; one with com letely dbheriónl fruits [ Gardner’ s C. cuneifolia.—Ep.], and another with ellipsoidal fruits. "This tree is nowhere wild in the valley of Caracas, whilst its congener, C. cucur- bitina, veis = wild in the ravines of the mountains close to streamlet 28 BUPLEURUM ARISTATUM. Tecomaria Capensis, See pomæa Quamoclit, L. Flor de uei Ocimum Basilicum, L. * Albahac Coleus amboinicus, Lour.—Near Laguin, almost naturalized. Salvia splendens, Sell. * Guirirí Verbena chamedrifolia, Juss. * Virginia.’ Clerodendron fragrans, W. * Mil flor és." edis Sastigiata, L. * Cipreso. occidentalis et orientalis, is * Pino.’ Creda regia, Kth. * Chaguarama.’ Phalaris arundinacea, var. picta, Andropogon serine DO. Malojillo.' Yucca aloifolia, L. * Bayoneta.’ Polanthes tuberosa, L. —The simple-flowered form is called ‘ Nar- ciso,’ the double ‘ Nardo. Alpinia nutans, Rosc. * Flor del Paraiso.’ BUPLEURUM ARISTATUM. It is stated in the Journal of Botany (Vol. V. p. 360) that B. aris- tatum is “only reported from Devon.” In the 5th and 6th editions of my Manual, I have recorded its discovery at Eastbourne, in Sussex, by my friend the Rev. E. A. Holmes, F.L.S. He only found a few very small specimens hiding themselves in the turf of the Downs at that place, and supplied my herbarium with some of them. Thus the plant is shown to occur elsewhere than at Torquay, and may be expected to be found on other parts of our south coast, if looked for with sufficient care. C. C. BaBINGTON. CORRESPONDENCE. A New British Fungus. It will, no doubt, be interesting to many to know that during a short excur- sion in Scotland, in August, 1866, I discovered Dothidea Pteridis,—a fungus, I believe, hitherto unrecorded in Britain. I found it at Targoyle, a few miles erness-shire. Any one wishing for specimens may have them by writing tome. [Previously recorded as British by Mr. Cooke, in his recently- published * Fern Book for Everybody.'— D.] Wakefield, December 16, 1867. T. W. Gissrne. 29 NEW PUBLICATIONS. The Darwinian Theory of the Transmutation of Species, examined by a Graduate of the University of Cambridge. London: Nisbet and Co. 1867. Pp. 386. 8yo. It is not the practice of this journal to deal much with speculative subjects. There is plenty to do in the much more important work of simple observation of nature, and its interpretation by legitimate in- duction. This may not be so attractive, but it is more valuable, and enduring. The imagination is a fruitful source of error in science, but its free use gives its employer a popular power which it is difficult otherwise to gain. The reading public, and the lecture-hearing publie run after novelties, and wherever a bold theory is presented there will always be found gaping erowds to swallow it ;—the theory may have no foundation or support in fact, but that is little matter. There is nothing so wild, nothing so absurd, but will find supporters in this strange world of ours. A plain narrative of the various hy- pothetical dreams in science which have been seriously propounded and strenuously defended since the restoration of learning, would be a curious, an almost incredible story. The latest phase of those dreams is that connected with the origin of the different forms of life which have existed and now exist on the globe; and in this country the most popular of them is that proposed by Darwin, illustrated by his numerous disciples, and now carried a stage further by the phy- sicists, who, attaching their materialistic notions to the views of the author of the hypothesis, have carried it much further than he would, we believe, be prepared to follow. The voluminous writings in exposition or defence of Darwinian views, are filled with plausibilities about everything, which to their authors appear to bear on the subject; but we affirm, and we carefully estimate the value of our words as we write them, that there has not in them all been adduced one fact which supports the notion that a single species has originated from another by natural selection or by any other cause. To argue that evidence does exist which has not yet been brought to light, or did exist but has been lost, is too absurd to be entertained for a moment as the basis of a theory claiming to be scientific; and yet this is all, in few words, that has been said for the 30 NEW PUBLICATIONS. popular idea of the origin of species. It is a playing with terms, and a sophistical abuse of logic to transfer the argumeut derived from changes occurring accidentally or produced by design in the varieties of a species, to the imagined ¢ransmutation of one species into another. No argument based upon such confusion is of the slightest scientific value. e are, however, going beyond our purpose, in criticizing indepen- dently this ipeum Our intention was to say a word or two on the ** examination " of it before us. The author of this volume deals with the position taken up in the ‘Origin of Species,’ in two ways :—first, as an argument, and then as an exposition of natural phenomena. It is seldom that the logical the observational faculties occur equally powerful in the same individual. When they do, their possessor stands out as a founder or restorer of science, as in the case of Robert Brown. Generally, we find the one overpowering or dwarfing the other. And no better examples of this could be adduced than the Author and * Ex- aminer" of the Darwinian theory. Darwin is a close, a keen, an un- surpassed observer of nature, but his defects are at once apparent when he begins to argue; in his premises he confounds things which differ, ane, draws conclusions not covered by his data. His “ Ex- aminer,” on the other hand, is at home with premises, syllogisms, and conclusions; he can estimate the value of an argument, and detect its fallacies ; but when he steps beyond this and deals with scientific facts, he at once shows his defects. Had he confined his examination to the logical aspect of Darwin’s position, his book would have been a success. His early chapters contain a complete and withering expo- sition of the logical fallacies which everywhere abound in the ‘ Origin of Species.’ Unfortunately the author has disfigured his pages by the intro- duction of a weak and often obscure sarcasm. He has taken as his model that remarkable article of Sedgwick’s, which appeared in the ‘Edinburgh Review’ some twenty years ago, and which gave the deathblow to the “ Vestiges.” Had he been able to wield the weapon as powerfully as his master, it would have added force to his position ; but Sedgwick’s sarcasm is natural, obvious, and concise, while that in this work has the opposite defects. Whatever advantage there may be in gaining the public ear, is more than lost in a scientific argument RM RR LM le eee eee AN BT pce A NEW PUBLICATIONS. 31 by the unfitness of forced sarcasm. And it must also be remembered that while the public may be amused they will not be convinced by such writing. The defects, too, in scientific knowledge are unpardonable in such a work. They especially abound in the chapter on “ The Geological Question.” the author would eliminate the sarcasm and the science, and treat the subject as a logician, his book would be of great value. It could not be set aside by Darwinians, as it will certainly in its present form, and it would take away the occasion, too good not to be eagerly seized by ‘ small’ reviewers, to show off their knowledge, by pointing out the errors, and so give them the power of ignoring the author’s powerful and conclusive arguments, or burying them under the cloud of trivial ridicule that they will certainly heap on the work. Even in its present shape it should prove of service, as we hope it may, in bringing men who have been letting their imaginations run wild back to their senses, and inducing them again to undertake the quieter and better work of interpreting nature by the observation of acts British Sea-Weeds : an Introduction to the Study of the Marine Alge of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands. By Samuel Octavus Gray. London: Reeve and Co. 1867. Pp. 312; Pl 16. 8vo, It has been our duty more than once to expose, in these pages, the worthless compilations that are sometimes issued by enterprising pub- lishers as introductions to popular botanical studies. It is a pleasure British sea-weeds. He is evidently familiar with every form, and his characters, instead of being transcriptions or paraphrases of those of former writers, are original and life-like sketches of the objects of his favourite pursuit. We strongly recommend it to all who are interested in this much-admired family of plants. Its price and its size, as well as the characters which we have noticed, will make it the seaside com- panion of all algological students. We would suggest to the author in preparing a second edition, which we have little doubt will soon be 982 BOTANICAL NEWS. called for, to introduce the names of the authors of the species into the body of the work as well as in the systematic list ; and the addition of short diagnostic characters of the tribes, sections, and genera to this list, so as to make it a key to the work. The only change in no- menclature we have noticed is one that will meet with general approval. Delesseria sanguinea, the most striking of our British Alye, was some years ago separated from that genus, and condemned to appear under the name Wormskioldia. This had, however, been already appropriated to a genus of flowering plants, and Mr. Gray has substituted for it the more agreeable and euphonious name Mazgeria. BOTANICAL NEWS. Mr. W. Thistleton Dyer, B.A., has been appointed Professor of Botany in the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. Drs. Regel and Herder have sent us their * Enumeratio Plantarum in regi- onibus cis- et transsiliensibus a cl. Semenovio anno 1857 collectarum,’ 8vo, co ir * Genera ’), Sea paniculatum, Acer Semenowii, and Cicer Songa- ricum, var. imparipinn A fearful cyclone ive over the Botanic Garden of vier on the 2nd of November last, destroying many of the plants which had e scaped destruction i that of 1864, and many of the species which since that gale had been in- roduc Germany has lost another of her great botanists in the person of Dr. Schultz (Bipontinas), who died at Deidesheim, on the 17th of December last, in the sixty-third year of his age We regret to have to announce the death of Dr. Charles Giles Bridle Dau- beny, Professor of Chemistry, Botany, and Rural Economy, and Curator of the Botanic Garden at Oxford. He was born in 1795, at Stretton, in Glouces- tershire, and educated at Magdalen College, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. in 1814, and subsequently proceeded to his other degrees. Having applied himself to the study of pie he practised for some years as a physician, but since 1829, applied himself to the physical sciences, especially chemistry and botany. He took an active part in the proceedings of the British Associa- tion, and similar meetings, and wrote several botanical works, among which may be named his ‘ Lectures on Roman culture,’ ‘Lectures on Climate,’ and an ‘ Essay on the Trees and Shrubs of the Ancients.’ The Mit hahi ersant with the actual state of modern systematic botany. He died on the l3th of December; and will be chiefly remembered by his efforts to free hice oo from the stigma of neglecting the cultivation of the natural Warthington, G Smath Dd. et Lath. ¥ Weller, inp. 18 Hatton Garden 33 NEW OR RARE HYMENOMYCETOUS FUNGI OF THE , BRITISH FLORA. By Worruineton G. SurrH, Esq. (Prates LXXV. AND LXXVI.) During the last six or seven years our British cryptogamic flora has been enriched by an addition of upwards of a hundred and fifty species of Hymenomycetous Fungi (the hymenomycetes forming only a fourth part of the whole Order). Most of them are attractive ob- jects in consideration of their size, form, and colour, and the reason of their having lain so long unrecognized is undoubtedly owing to the small number of botanists in this country who make the subject of Fungi their special study. This is not a little singular when we con- sider the abundance of handsome species which annually crop up in our pastures and woodlands,—at a time, too, well suited for botanizing, and when most people take their autumnal holiday. A considerable number of these hundred and fifty species have proved to be quite new to science and were previously undescribed, whilst others have been recorded for the first time as natives of this country. The following paper records a few new and rare species which have not been published elsewhere, with some remarks on the recur- rence of other rare species which have been observed before. Boletus rubinus, n. sp. (Tab. LXXV., Figs. 1-4). Pileus yellow- brown, gibbous, pulvinate, then plane, dry, subtomentose, slightly cracked ; ¢ubes wholly carmine, subdecurrent, compound, of a medium size ; stem yellow, smeared with crimson, irregular ; flesh vivid yellow, perfectly unchangeable ; spores pale umber, ovate, length “00025 in. I have but once found this species; at the time of finding (12th September, 1866) it was plentiful, by a grassy roadside under trees, Caddington Lane, near Dunstable, Bedfordshire. It clearly belongs to Group II., Subtomentosi, of Fries, and its place is after B. parasiticus, Bull., its nearest ally, from which, however, it differs in many respects, a remarkable distinction being apparent in the spores; those of one being exactly twice the length of the other. (See Plate LXXV., Fig. 4, spores of B. rubinus ; Fig. 8, spores of B. parasiticus, x 700 iam. Boletus fragrans, Vitt. Esculent. This handsome species, which VOL. VI. [FEBRUARY 1, 1868.] D 34 NEW OR RARE HYMENOMYCETOUS FUNGI appears to have been quite overlooked by English botanists, 1 have found several times. The first place in which I gathered it was Gamston Wood, near Retford, Nottinghamshire, on July 20th, 1865; it was most abundant, and grew principally under oaks. During the same autumn, and also on September 15th, 1866, I found it sparingly under oaks in Bishop’s Wood, Hampstead ; and on October 10th, 1867, I had three specimens of the same species sent on to me from Devon- shire ; it therefore appears to be widely spread. When I first found it (having no botanical books with me) I imagined it to be a variety of either B. edulis, Bull, or B. subtomentosus, L., for either of which it might, at a first Susa be mistaken; its neat and wholesome aspect and delicious and enticing fragrance invited me to cook it. I found its taste delicate, sweet, and delicious. It often grows in large con- fluent bundles, unlike any other British Boletus. The pileus is bronze- brown, pulvinate, and scabrous, the /uóes minute and of a beautiful. shade of subdued yellow-green; the stem, which is thickened down- wards, is brown and also scabrous, and the flesh is pure white, which changes here and there to the slightest imaginable shade of cobalt on being cut or broken; the spores are yellowish-green, ovate, with an apiculus at one end, having a length of -00045 in. and a breadth of ‘00017 in. There is a long and exhaustive account of this species, with some excellent figures, in Vittadini’s * Fungi Mangerecci,’ p. 153, t. 19, Milan, 1835. Krombholz also figures and describes it under the name of B. xanthophorus, in his * Naturgetreue Abbildungen,’ t. 75. f. 15-21, Prague, 1831 and 1846, but the figures in the latter work are not well done. Fries refers B. eneus of Secretan to the same species. Polyporus epileucus, Fr. Whilst out walking on Sunday, November 17, 1867, I found a very large specimen of this species, which has not been previously recorded as British, growing on the trunk of an old Elm-tree (about ten feet from the ground) near the Sluice House, Holloway. It is a very large and handsome species, stemless, of a rich but subdued yellow colour, and somewhat corky consistence ; the tubes are very minute and about three-quarters of an inch long ; the pileus is tough, shaggy, and dingy white. It is figured in Fl. Dan., t. 1794, under the name of P. spumeus. Passing over for the present several other dond fide additions to onr OF THE BRITISH FLORA. 35 hymenomycetous Fungi, the following list of the recurrence of several very rare species possesses considerable interest :— Agaricus (Volvaria) Loveianus, Berk. W. G. Smith, in Seemann's ‘Journal of Botany,’ December, 1867. Agaricus (Pholiota) capistratus, Cooke. Esculent. Described in Seemann’s ‘Journal of Botany,’ March, 1863; since which time nothing had been seen or heard of it till Mr. J. hee Clark sent me three fine specimens from Street, Somerset, on the 25th of November, 1867. They were found growing at the foot of an Elm, in company with A. pudicus, Bull. The spores in both species are precisely the same in size and colour. Agaricus (Flammula) carbonarius, Fr. (Tab. LXXV., Figs. 5-8). Recorded as British by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley in August, 1866. It was first observed by him at Ascot, November 22, 1865. Perhaps the reason this remarkable species was for so long a time overlooked rested on its very late appearance in the autumn. I never saw it till last year. At the end of November and beginning of December, and that too after severe frost, it swarmed in immense quantities in Epping Forest. Tt grew upon charcoal and burnt earth, on the scorched circles left by the gipsies, so that it was impossible to gather the plants without bringing away part of the charcoal attached to them, as shown in the figures on Plate LXXV., which were drawn from specimens I gathered there. Agaricus (Hypholoma) capnoides, Fr. We generally get this species on the stumps of Firs at North London ; it is a common species abont Hampstead, and common in the neighbourhood of Epping Forest. Lactarius acris, Fr. Always comes up in Epping Forest ; gills dis- tant, pileus almost black: extremely acrid and bitter. Russula fætens; Fr. Common in the neighbourhood of London, generally rancid and stinking, but at times fragrant. It is not un- common to find it as sweet-smelling as Agaricus (Clitocybe) odorus, Bull Boletus cyanescens, Bull. In company with my friend Mr. F. C. Penrose, architect, I found this species in some abundance under Oaks near the north gate of Richmond Park, on September 17, 1867. A friend of mine also found it at Bishops Stortford, Herts; the tubes are very pale lemon-colour, and the spores, when seen in the mass, par- take of the colour of the tubes ; they are spindle-shaped, and measure p 2 36 ON VARIATION OF COLOUR IN THE FLOWERS OF WARRATAH. -0006 in. in length and are not truly colourless. This species has now been found in Oxfordshire, Norfolk, Hertfordshire, Vana and Devon- shire (and is recorded by Abbot from Bedfordshir Polyporus intybaceus, Fr. This species comes up in abundance every year on old Oaks near Teignmouth, Devon, often attaining an im- mense size. Hydnum tomentosum, L. (Tab. LXXVI.). The drawing on Plate LXXVI. was taken from a plant gathered in the Ascot fir-woods. It was first found a year or two ago by the Rev. G. H. Sawyer; it is of rare occurrence, and does not appear to have been noticed elsewhere than at Ascot in this country; it grows amongst decaying fir-needles and is sweet-scented ; spores very minute, white, and papillated. Hydnum coralloides, Scop. This has occurred two years in succes- sion at the top of a very old Ash-tree, on the lawn in front of Bohun Lodge, East Barnet; both in form and colour it resembles a Cauli- flower. I was allowed to gather this year's plant for my series of drawings of the Hymenomycetes. I had part of it cut into thin slices and cooked for supper, as it is said to be edible. Clavaria Ardenia, Sow., was found in December, 1866, by Miss Lott, under Laureis, in the grounds of Barton Hall, South Devon. The Clavarias were very large and parasitic on dead Fir leaves. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. LATE LXXV.—Fig. 1, 2, and 3, Boletus rubinus, n. sp. i 4, spores x > diam. Fig. 5, 6, Agaricus (Flammula) carbonarius, Fr. Fig. 7, spores x 700 diam. Fig. 8, spore further enlarged. Fig. 9, spores of Boletus para- siticus, Bull, x 700 diam Prate LXXVI. (to be issued in the March number of this Journal).—Fig. 1, 2, 4, Hydnum tomentosum, L. Fig. 8, spores x 700 diam. Fig. 5, section. ON VARIATION OF COLOUR IN THE FLOWERS OF THE ARRATAH (TELOPEA SPECIOSISSIM A), AND SEVERAL OTHER INDIGENOUS PLANTS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. By Georce Bennert, M.D., F.L.S. By the kindness of Colonel Lock, of H.M. 50th Regiment, I received, in September, 1867, a delicate and beautiful variety of the Warratah, or ON VARIATION OF COLOUR IN THE FLOWERS OF WARRATAH. 37 native Tulip (Zelopea speciosissima, var. alba), which he gathered on the Currajong range, near Richmond, New South Wales. ‘The inner bracts surrounding the base of the flower-head are white, the points having a narrow edging of crimson, whilst the outer are of a reddish-brown. The expanded flowers are of a delicate pure white, with the footstalks of a pale yellowish-green; the unexpanded flowers are towards the centre tipped with a pale yellowish-green, similar to that of the foot- stalks, which form an agreeable contrast to the pure white of the open flowers, but this is lost as the flower becomes expanded. The anthers are yellow, and appear to be fertile. This was the only flower found on the tree, and is a very fine grown one, measuring full six inches across. The foliage of this variety is similar in colour (a dull olive- green), but smoother and less serrated at the edges than that of the crimson flowering plant. A number of Warratahs, being a profusion of very fine flowers (for the flowers of the Warratah, as well as those of the Doryanthes excelsa, or Gigantic Lily, have been unusually abundant and magnificent in size and colour this season) of the normal brilliant and rich erimson colour, were growing about the same locality, but this was the only white variety observed. It would be interesting to procure the plant that produced this pretty variety, and by propagating from its roots or suckers ascertain if it could be perpetuated. An accurate and artistic drawing of this plant was obligingly made for me by Mrs. Meredith, of Tasmania, the distinguished author of the * Bush Flowers of Tasmania, and other works, and also by Miss Oliver, of Sydney. I had mentioned in a former paper (‘Journal of Botany,’ 1867, p. 140) that the best time to transplant the Warratah was when in flower, and when the flowering shoots described in the same paper are observed to arise from the base of one of the flowers ; this obtains also with most of the Australian plants, as they generally root and thrive well when removed at that time. I have observed a deviation, principally from the normal colour, in the flowers of other plants growing in the vicinity of Sydney, New South Wales, as well as in the Warratah; for instance, on Mr. Holt's estate at Cook's River, I found a variety of Epacris grandiflora, bear- ing a profusion of white flowers, the other shrubs of the same species growing with them, having the usual scarlet ones. In October, 1866, I had an opportunity of examining some recently-gathered 38 ON THE CONSERVATION OF FORESTS IN NEW ZEALAND. specimens of the Boronia serrulata, or native Rose, from the north shore, Port Jackson, the flowers of which, instead of having the normal rose- magenta colour, were of a pure white, a few having a very faint tinge of pink. A few days since, I had given to me a bunch of another beautiful species of Boronia (B. pinnata), growing to more than two feet high, and bearing a profusion of very fine and unusually large blossoms, some of a pure white, and others tinted with a very delicate shade of pink, the normal colour being a deep pink. These were gathered in the vicinity of Middle Harbour, Port Jackson. In the month of November, 1866, a “ Blueberry-tree” (Hleocarpus cyaneus), grow- ing on the grounds at Claremont, Rose Bay, near Sydney, the resi- dence of my friend George Thorne, Esq., produced flowers of a beautiful pink colour, instead of the usually delicate white. It would be interest- ing to observe whether a similar change takes place in the same tree the following year; if so, it may be considered an established variety. There is also a pink variety of more than one species of Eucalyptus, or Gum-tree, found in the interior of New South Wales, the normal colour of the flowers being white. Mr. James Norton, of Ecclesbourne, near Sydney, brought me a white variety of Sowerbea juncea, the usual colour being purplish, varying when fading to a reddish tinge. This gentleman, who has devoted some attention to the variation of the native plants in their wild state, gave me the following list of those which he has found white-flowering varieties or albinos :— Sc 2M E ue n Edda eo ais mU dre ee i eed AC DELL ee Thysanotus juncea (Fringed Violet). Bauera rubioides. Tetratheca juncea. Eriostemon salicifolium, and Indigofera australis. Sprengelia incarnata. Kennedya monophylla. Sydney, New South Wales, November, 1867. ON THE CONSERVATION OF FORESTS IN NEW ZEALAND. By W. Lauper Lixpsay, M.D., F.R.S. Epix., F.L.S. (Read before the British Association, 1867.) While travelling in New Zealand in 1861-2, I was much impressed with the following facts or convictions :— I. That its present forest area is extremely small in relation to what ON THE CONSERVATION OF FORESTS IN NEW ZEALAND. 39 it evidently was in times comparatively recent,—so recent apparently that both man and the Moa inhabited the country, which was, with hee and local exceptions, generally and richly forest-cl . That the remnants of the primitive forest still xe are ee disappearing under the following combination of destructive agencies ;— l. Natural. A. Current geological changes. 1. Oscillations in the level of the land: especially its local sub- sidence. 2. Encroachment by sea-sand on the coasts. 3. Erosion of coasts by the sea; of the margins of lakes ; of the banks of rivers and streams, especially during storms and floods of winter. B. Avalanches ; glaciers; windstorms; lightning; winter torrents and floo di C. Wild animals (birds, insects, etc.) eating bark ; tearing up sap- ings; devouring seeds or seedlings; burrowing under the bark or within the timber. 2. Artificial. A. Indirect or accidental. 1. Cattle and wild pigs. 2. Bush fi B. Direct or deliberate . Bush-clearing HE agricultural purposes. 2. Timber-cutting for building. fencing. k fuel. 3. Track-making for man or cattle. III. That this destruction, which is more or less necessary or inevi- table, is materially hastened by the reckless and improvident, or illegal and culpable timber-felling, both of colonists and natives: more espe- cially as regards the former, by— 1. The abuse of the wood-cutting licence. And as regards the latter— 2. Deliberate destruction in connection with their superstitions. IV. That with this improvident and unnecessary destruction co- » 2) 40 ON THE CONSERVATION OF FORESTS IN NEW ZEALAND. existed a great scarcity of timber, both for fuel and building, in many parts of the colony, rendering expensive imports indispensable. V. That no adequate legal check, or provision, exists for the pre- vention of such abuses, and the protection of the forest interests. VI. That there apparently exists, on the part both of colonial go- vernments and colonists, a blind indifference to, or ignorance of, the importance of — 1. Preserving to the utmost the old or primitive forests; and Es 2. Forestalling their inevitable disappearance, or replacing them, by the systematic cultivation of new forests, whether of— A. Indigenous or— B. Exotic (acclimatized) trees. _ VIL That many important problems await solution ; affecting both— 1. The economic value and applications of the existing timber- trees, and— 2. The rearing of the new forests. Which scientific experts or systematic experiment alone are probably capable satisfactorily of solving. Æ. i. A. Best seasons for felling timber. B. Comparative durability in salt- and fresh water. c. Power of resistance to marine-boring animals, ii. Determination of the species, indigenous or exotic, most suit- able for the various purposes of building-timber, shelter, fuel, ete. — E. g. as respects— A. Rapidity of growth, B. Facility of acclimatization, c. And ultimate or permanent economical qualities. VIII. That there seems an evident and clamant want of a Board of Foresis in New Zealand, with a complete and skilled staff suited to the requirements of so large and so varied a colony ; and that a similar want exists in all our colonies, which are similarly placed. A conviction that the double subject of the— 1. Improvement and preservation of primitive forests, and the— 2. Systematic rearing of new forests, by way of substitution or replacement, as and before the old ones disappear,— is one of essential importance to the welfare of a young colony—and, ON THE CONSERVATION OF FORESTS IN NEW ZEALAND. 41 indeed of all our colonies, old or young (for not even in India do I think the Forest Conservation arrangements yet nearly so complete as they ought to be)—has led me to offer to this Association the result of my observations and inquiries in New Zealand. These observations and inquiries were principally conducted in the province of Otago, during a three or four months’ residence in 1861-2; and, where not otherwise specified, my remarks are to be understood as referring to that province and that date. But subsequent or prior observation in Australia and various countries or islands of Europe, and a study of the literature of the subject, lead me to believe that my remarks will be found to apply mutatis mutandis to all our forest-clad colonies in at least the earlier stages of their settlement. However interesting in themselves the subject of the agencies of destruction of the New Zealand forests, or the other subjects tabulated in the preamble to this communication, their due consideration here would occupy too much time: and I propose, therefore, confining my present remarks to an illustration of those causes of destruction of the old, and those other circumstances connected either with the old or new, forests of that colony, which seem to bear more especially on the necessity for the establishment of a Government Board of Forests. l. The “ Bush- Licence " and its abuse.—]In Otago I met with many startling instances of sacrifice to a blind and ignorant utilitarianism ; but illustrations were equally abundant of indiscriminate and extrava- gant destruction of valuable timber, arising from a loose colonial morality and an evasion of the written law, which were unfortunately tolerated and too general, because there was no active or practical check or re- straint imposed by Government on practices in all respects reprehen- . Sible. Where a settler purchases bush-land, he has, of course, though unfortunately perhaps, a right to do with it what pleases him, whether this be or not for the ultimate advantage of himself or the colony. But in the eastern districts, at least at the period of my visit, the most of the “ bush " (or primitive forests), which there exists for the most part in extremely limited patches, was “reserved” by Government. Government, however, in these its so-called ** bush-reserves,”’ granted to individual settlers a “ bush-licence ” for firewood or fencing, as the case might be; the annual cost of the former being 20s., and of the latter, 50s. For this paltry sum (as I understood) the licensee is en- titled to cut as much timber as he requires, for his individual use, for 49 ON THE CONSERVATION OF FORESTS IN NEW ZEALAND. firewood or fencing; and he would apparently act quite legally—quite within the terms of his licence—were he to damage, to any unlimited extent, the forest over which he has thus acquired a wood-cutting right. Practically, however, the settler cuts what he chooses: in some cases he pays no fee, takes out no licence, but helps himself to what timber he requires, whether for building, fencing, or firewood. Others are not honourable or conscientious enough to pay the higher fee when the lower one enables them—there being no Government inspector, of any grade, to prevent them—to cut for fencing as well as firewood. Comparatively few indeed were those who paid the proper fee, and acted honourably in accordance with the spirit as well as letter of their licence. The only practical safeguard against indiscriminate destruc- tion of the bush-reserves lay in their small number, isolated character, and distance necessarily from the residences of many of the settlers. Where no roads exist, and draying over hills and through swamps is a matter both of serious difficuity and expense, there is little danger of a settler’s cupidity or thoughtlessness leading him to cut more timber than he absolutely requires; though this affords no restraint upon his cutting timber to which he has no right, legal or moral. | the condition of forests in New Zealand illustrates certain serious errors of omission in its Government, that of some of the neigh- bouring Australian colonies illustrates Government errors of commis- sion. The Rev. Dr. Lang, of Sydney, speaking of the Red Cedar of New South Wales and Queensland, a valuable timber, the finer quali- ties of which are equal in beauty to Mahogany, remarks, * On most of the rivers that fall into Moreton Bay, the Cedar has been long since cut away; for a provident Government, utterly at a loss to devise em- ployment for the convicts during the continuance of the penal settle- ment, employed them in cutting down the valuable timber in all the easily accessible localities in the bay, to the serious disadvantage and loss of the inhabitants now ; and large quantities of that timber were actually piled and Jeff to rof on the beach at Dunwich, Stradbroke Island, after all the labour that had been thrown away in pro- curing it.” 2. Deliberate Destruction of Forests by the Natives in connection with their Superstitions—A notable instance of this is given by the Hon. J. Coutts Crawford, sometime Provincial Geologist of Wellington, in one of his Survey Reports, within the last five years. He describes ON THE CONSERVATION OF FORESTS IN NEW ZEALAND. 43 the Maoris of Karatea, in that province, “ cutting down a beautiful grove of Karaka trees, to catch, roast, and eat the lizards, which are found in their hollows, as they had found that the lizard is the root of all evil!" Somewhat parallel, but on an infinitely larger and more disastrous scale, was the general firing of the forests in former times by the Maoris, who assert they were compelled to do so in order to destroy the Moa, which made a practice of running off with their infants under five years of age ! At one time—so long ago, however, as the sixteenth century —the in- habitants of the Harz district, in Germany, possessed the same ruin- ously liberal rights as to wood-cutting in the primitive forest, which the settlers of Otago now apparently enjoy. The resulting destruction of timber was so reckless and rapid—and so serious, moreover, in a district, which, unlike Otago, possesses no local coal deposits, and can import coal only from a great distance and at great cost—that it led to the enactment of the conservative and other forest-regulations, which have for some centuries been models for all Europe and all the world to imitate. Not until there had been a deplorable sacrifice of the valuable Teak, did our Indian Government concern itself to any effect with the super- vision of Indian forests. The arrangements it has latterly made are to be commended so far as they go; but they ought undoubtedly to have been made at a much earlier period in our Indian rule; while they are still defective, considering the vast area of India, and the nature and extent of supervision essential to the proper management of forests, old and new. The history of the extinction or disappearance of the Caledonian forest—that which appears at one period to have clothed all Scotland and its isles—furnishes certain other interesting parallels to the history of the disappearance or destruction of the Otago forests, and certain other important lessons to the Provincial Government. Here again we See repeated the ruinous and reckless destruction of valuable timber on the one hand, and, on the other, the institution of conservative regula- tions,—sometimes attended with penalties of an extreme kind,—zwhen conservation was obviously too late. It would appear that the disap- pearance of the Caledonian forest was partly due to climatic, in con- nection with geological, changes, especially to land-subsidence, as in Otago ; but partly also, it was undoubtedly attributable to destruction 44 ON THE CONSERVATION OF FORESTS IN NEW ZEALAND. by man, subsequent to the Roman era. For military reasons—to open up the country, facilitate the transport of troops, and to guard against surprise—the Romans not only constructed roads through the primi- tive forests of Scotland, but destroyed the forest to a considerable ex- tent on either side of all such roads. The Scottish kings and barons made lavish grants of forests to the numerous monasteries, and to the equally, or perhaps still more, numerous salt-pans established on the Scottish coasts. In both cases wood was used for fuel; and, in the latter case, the proprietors or lessees of the salt-pans had right to cut the requisite firewood from the nearest forests. During the civil com- motions and the long wars with England, much wood was uselessly destroyed, and subsequently to the establishment of comparative peace cultivation began to encroach on the remaining forest land. Not, how- ever, until the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries do we find Acts passed by the Scottish Parliament directed against the destruction of woods, — the penalties increasing in severity from the time of James I. Pecu- niary fines were gradually succeeded by stocks, prison, or irons, scourg- ing, and lastly even death; but all this severity was too late, for an Act of James IV. speaks of the primitive Scottish forest as being in. his time ** utterly destroyed." There are, unfortunately, too numerous precedents for the position of inaction or indifference of the New Zealand Government in regard to the care and culture of the timber resources under its control; but this ought to afford no proper ground of excuse in a new country, which has the opportunity of avoiding the errors, and profiting by the lessons, exhibited by older nations or communities. It must be a sorry sort of satisfaetion or consolation, which cau be derived from the fact, that Britain and her possessions have played the ró/e of the New Zealand Government and colonists in regard to their timber resources over and over again,—have apathetically neglected or obstinately re- fused to avail themselves of a vast accumulation of the most disastrous experience ! All experience shows that when the virgin forest of New Zealand succumbs to natural decay, or to natural destructive agencies, or when it is destroyed by the agency, direct or indirect, of man—the valuable timber-yielding trees are of succeeded by a young and vigorous growt of the same species, but generally by a different and inferior growth, -< sometimes only fruticose,—occasionally only Cryptogamie. It is, in- ON THE CONSERVATION OF FORESTS IN NEW ZEALAND. 45 deed, hopeless to expect healthy growth of trees or shrubs in the dark, dank, confined atmosphere of the jungly bush, or in its deep, wet soil of vegetable mould. I believe that the present forests are doomed, in great measure at least, to ultimate decay and disappearance; and I think further that the future and permanent timber-supplies of Otago and New Zealand must be looked for from forests yet to be artificially reared and cultivated ;—the site of which will be fresh lands to be suitably selected, and the constituents whereof will consist in great measure of introduced or acclimatized trees of a hardier kind. Never- theless nothing is yet being done by provincial or general governments to provide for the replacement of the valuable timber that is now ra- pidly being lost or sacrificed ! The present condition of the Harz forest, in Germany, represents what I believe will in course of time be very much that of the Otago forests. The present Harz forest may be said to be the result of systematic cultivation ; the most valuable trees are not the original or indigenous growth of the district, but have been inéroduced and accli- matize he same may be said of the present forests of Britain. All that Ta saw in Otago, and generally in New Zealand, led me to regard it as a grave error of omission that the provincial or general govern- ments had not, when the settlements were founded, established, in some form, a Board of Commissioners or Inspectors of Forests, with a staff of wood-bailiffs, and all other grades of officers proportionate to the requirements of the time and the progressive growth of the colony. They would have exhibited only a prudent foresight, only a paternal protection of one of the material sources of prosperity of a new colony, had they done so. I am strongly of opinion, further, that the institu- tion of some such Board cannot too soon form a subject of considera- tion by the proper authorities, to whom I would venture to commend as a model for guidance the admirable regulations of the Harz forest in Germany, with which I became personally acquainted in 1850, and to which I drew attention at that time.* Much and important work awaits a New Zealand Board of Forests. Its more immediate function will be, on the one hand, to improve and protect the existing forests, and on the other, to rear new ones of hardier growth, permanently roceedings of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh for 1853, or gion vol. iv. p. 985 (1853). ar 46 DE NOVA SAGINJE SPECIE NOTULA. to supply the place of those, which are so manifestly disappearing, and which so assuredly will not reproduce themselves. The experiments of individual settlers have already abundantly shown the facility and rapidity with which various exotic trees—espe- cially those of Australia and Tasmania, e.g. the Blue Gum, Silver Wattle, and Stringy Bark—may be grown in Otago; and the result generally of these experiments, on the small scale, are most encour- aging as regards the establishment of others on a more extensive scale, having in view the introduction of substitutional or supplementary timber-trees of hardier and easier growth, and of equal permanent value. Where experiment on the small scale has failed, it has done so most probably, in the majority of instances, from inattention to that fundamental canon of all acclimatization-experiments, viz. that the na- tural circumstances or conditions of growth should be strictly imitated. DE NOVA SAGINJE SPECIE NOTULA ; Exscripsir Henr. F. Hance, Ph.D., REL. * 95 Sagina (Spergella) Sinensis, n. Sp.; pentamera, cauliculo centrali sterili (nune deficiente) lateralibus numerosis elongatis filiformibus adscendentibus floriferis 3—7-pollicaribus ramosis inferne glabris su- perne cum pedicellis calycibusque glanduloso-puberulis, foliis lineari- bus setaceo-mucronatis inferioribus glaberrimis superioribus glandulo- so-ciliatis, pedicellis filiformibus rigidis foliis 2—3-plo calycibus 4—6-plo longioribus peracta anthesi apice subcernuis demum stricte erectis, sepalis ovalibus late albo-marginatis obtusis capsule appressis, petalis iis eequilongis ovalibus obtusis, staminibus 5, capsula ovoidea calyce triente longiore ad medium usque 5-fida valvis apiee truncato-obtusis, seminibus einnamomeis undique sequaliter tuberculatis, In agris arenosis prope mare, ins. Kü-lang-sá, ex adverso urbis Amoy, coll. indefessus Sampson, mense Maio 1866. (Exsiec. n. 13060.) Haud omnino absque hesitatione novam ausus fui condere speciem in genere, quod jam recentiores botanistze quam certissime in plures falsas discerpserunt species, sed cum nulla inter Europzas plane con- gruit. Valde profecto adpropinquat S. subulate, Wimm., que tamen statim dignoscitur statura multo humiliore, pedicellis quoad folia multo A PEMPTADE OF NEW CHINESE MONOCHLAMYDEA. 47 longioribus, habitu aspectuque prorsus diverso; sunt enim in hae vix unquam plures quam duo flores singulo eauliculo, unde, ob peduncu- lorum longitudinem ac gracilitatem, quasi scaposa videtur, dum Sinicæ stirpis caules elongati ssepe pedunculos florigeros 6-8 ex singulo ramo per totam longitudinem folioso proferunt; porro, teste Bertolonio (Fl. Ital. iv. 776), * seminibus dorso canalieulatis, oris canalieuli nigro- eircellatis;" hune ultimum vero characterem detegere non valeo, nam utriusque plantze semina, oculo fortius etiam armato, mihi plane similia visa sunt. Reichenbachius pater, de specie Wimmeriana disserens (Fl. Germ. excurs. iii. 794), hzc habet, “Flores dicuntur sepius pentandri, rarius decandri;" Bertolonius (loco laudato), ** Stamina quinque tantum ego vidi;" sed reliqui prope omnes floristze Europææ, plantam in sectione staminibus decandris distincta collocantes, de hacce semicastratione penitus siluerunt. Conferas tamen Morisii v. cl. observationes (Fl. Sard. i. 283). $. procumbentis nomen invenio in enumeratione plantarum in Britannia simulque in India orientali crescentium, a cell. Hookero fil. et Thomsonio in prolegomenis ad * Floram Indicam ? descripta ; ast, ni fallor, S. subulaéa nusquam per totas Asianas regiones hactenus detecta fuit; imo, seeundum Tchihatcheffii opus * Flore de l'Asie-Mineure,' ab Asia maxime occidua exsulat, nec amplius, monente Grisebachio (Spicil. Fl. Rumel. et Bithyn. i. 196), in Europe terris conterminis occurrit. S. maxima, A. Gray (Mem. Amer. Acad. vi. 382, adn.; Miquel, Ann. Bot. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. ii. 79), cui Tiunbergius stylos staminaque quatuor, A. Grayus vero stamina 8-10 stylosque 4 tribuit, unde inter Zusaginas et Spergellas ambigere videtur, nostre forsan propinqua, sed eam non vidi. Utrum vero stirps supra descripta sinceram constituat speciem, an rectius pro varietate insigni S. subulate habenda sit, peritioribus dijudicandum relinquo. Seripsi Whampoe, a. d. XVI. Kal. Octob. a. 1867. A PEMPTADE OF NEW CHINESE MONOCHLAMYDEX. By Henry F. Hance, Ph.D., ETC. jn I. Corispermum tylocarpum, n. sp-; annuum, parce et minute pu- berulum, caule a basi ramoso, ramis elongatis patulis a basi fere flori- geris, foliis linearibus acutis mucronatis, spicis elongatis gracilibus 48 A PEMPTADE OF NEW CHINESE MONOCHLAMYDES. densifloris, bracteis inferioribus lanceolatis v. linearibus fructu plerum- que angustioribus superioribus ovatis acuminatis late albo-marginatis fructum latitudine aquantibus eoque dimidio circ. longioribus, fructi- bus stellato-pilosis erebre et conspicue glanduloso-tuberculatis oblongis anguste marginatis integris bicuspidatis. In alveis siccis sabulosis torrentium agri Pekinensis, a. 1866, in- venit Dr. S. W. Williams. (Exsice. n. 13489.) 'This seems, from its peculiar achzenium, quite distinct from any of the Amurian or Central Asiatic species, described by Professor Bunge in the ‘Flora Amurensis ' or * Reliquie Lehmannianz.' The genus is not recorded by Maximowicz as found near Peking. ot4 IL. Thesium psilotoides, n. sp. ; radice lignosa, caulibus numerosis erectis 5—6-pollicaribus tenuibus a medio ramosis ramulis divaricatis, folis minimis (semilinealibus) squamiformibus appressis sphacelatis uninerviis secus caulem longe decurrentibus et angulos acutos effor- mantibus, floribus solitariis vel 2-3 aggregatis duas tertias lineze longis ramulos terminantibus bracteolis 5-foliis similibus perigonio brevioribus cireumdatis, perigonio sordide flavido ad medium 5-fido, stylo stami- nibus paulo breviore in stigma ovoideum potius quam capitatum sen- sim dilatato, nuce ovoidea longitudinaliter costata atque nervillis validis transversis reticulata lobis perigonii brevibus arcte appressis leviter umbonata. Prope monasterium buddhisticum ad colles Pakwan, supra urbem | Cantonem, autumno 1866, primus detexit T. Sampson: ad cacumina : . herbida eorumdem montium parce crescentem ego ipse legi d. 12 Julii, : 1867. (Exsicc. n. 13749.) A very curious little species, of which but very few specimens have been found. The number of bracts or bractlets, all arising apparently from about the same plane, seems to indicate this as extremely distinct. WH IIL Salix (Amerina, fragiles, diandre,) Cantoniensis, n. sp. ; arbus- cula erecta, ramis cortice saturate castaneo obductis foliisque maturis glaberrimis, his exacte lanceolatis basi acutis apice sensim acuminatis bipollicaribus medio dimidium pollicem latis glanduloso-serrulatis | supra lucidis subtus opacis glaucinis subtilissime reticulatis petiolo [ 2—4-lineali suffultis, stipulis lanceolatis caducis, amentis ¢ brevissime pedunculatis foliis paucis ssepius suffultis 1—1}-pollicaribus erectis | densifloris eylindrieis ab ima basi florentibus, rachi cinereo-lanata, 3 squamis lanceolatis acutis pallide brunneis albo-hirsutissimis, filamentis A PEMPTADE OF NEW CHINESE MONOCHLAMYDEZF. 49 binis complanatis gracilibus squamas duplo superantibus, antheris rotundatis luteis, amentis 9 adhuc ignotis. d rivulorum margines in delta fl. Cantoniensis, certe spontaneam, m. Februario 1867, collegit Sampson. (Exsice. n. 13757.) It is to be regretted that Mr. Sampson did not meet with the female of this tree. In so exceedingly difficult a genus it is almost impossible ‘to pronounce with any certainty whether a form is entitled to specific rank or not; but I have thought it desirable to draw up the above diagnosis, because, if I am not mistaken, this is the only Willow really found wild in Southern China. S. Babylonica and S. tetrasperma are planted, and the latter may possibly be spontaneous, but I do not think such is the case. The Canton plant is perhaps nearest S. deal- bata, And. I should add, that I have compared it with the wild stirps of S. alba (=S. Kassanogluensis, Kty.) with S. fragilis, L., and S. ac- mophylla, Boi ead IV. Palis Grijsii, n. sp.; monoica, pilis reversis curvulis hirsuta, foliis alternis (altero scilicet abortiente) oblique ellipticis caudato-acu- minatis paulo infra medium usque ad apicem crenato-serratis basi ob- liquissime cordatis supra scabris infra pubescentibus 4-pollicaribus breviter petiolatis, cymis ex axillis superioribus longius pedunculatis folium dimidium æquantibus dichotomis corymbosis d et 9 similibus, floribus (an semper?) pentameris, perigonii fructiferi segmentis sub apice mediocriter aristatis, achænio subgloboso glabro, perigonii masculi parum majoris segmentis paulo inæqualibus. Unicum accepi specimen a cl. De Grijs, in prov. Fokien a. 1861 lectum. (Exsice. n. 6704.) Allied to P. heteroloba, Wedd., and P. scabra, Bth., which it strikingly resembles in foliage, but readily distinguished by its very different in- florescence. OŚ V. Cudranus (v. Cudrania) trilobus, n. sp.; frutescens, ramulis angulatis tomentosis, foliis alternis e basi rotundata rhombeo-ovatis plus minus distincte trilobis lobis lateralibus intermedio brevioribus obtusis v. rotundatis nune subobsoletis supra pilosulis demum glabratis siccitate nigricantibus subtus pallidioribus sparse pilosulis viridibus rete ereberrimo venarum purpurearum haud elevatarum conspicue no- tatis 1$ poll. longis medio 1} poll. latis, petiolo 5-lineali, stipulis minutis, spinis solitariis axillaribus 5 lineas longis rectiusculis, capi- tulis J geminatis 24 lineas diametro pedunculo sesquilineali suffultis. VOL. VI. [FEBRUARY 1, 1868.] 50 EPIPHYTES FROM CAPE YORK, NORTH AUSTRALIA. In interioribus provincie Shan-tung, Chinz borealis, legit Rev. J. R. Graves, a. 1866. (Exsice. n. 13250. Although I have been unwilling to risk the destruction of the capi- tula by subjecting to examination the not fully expanded flowers of the only specimen in my possession, yet I have not a doubt of the genus to which this interesting plant belongs, on account of the exact resem- blance of its capitula and spines to those of C. Rumphii, Thw.; and also from the remarkable cucullately-imbricating perigone-lobes, so well represented by Blume. (Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. ii. t. 31.) CURIOUS EPIPHYTES FROM CAPE YORK, NORTH AUSTRALIA. By Gronerz Bennett, M.D., F.L.S. Captain Nares, of H.M.S. Salamander, brought from Cape York, on the 15th September, 1866, some very curious Hpiphytes, which he presented to the Botanic Gardens at Sydney. They were found grow- ing on old trees in the form of large irregular tubers, and fastened to them by fibrous roots; from these tubers arose a few thick, short, fleshy branches, the leaves being crowded at their rounded extremities. These plants were considered, when first brought, to be new, and new they certainly were, as far as having been discovered in Australia; but it has since been ascertained that they are natives of the Molucca Islands, Sumatra, and Java. The two plants are of allied genera of the Natural Order Rubiaceæ, and were first described and figured by Rumphius (Herb, Amboyn, vol. vi. p. 119, 1750), and subsequently by Dr. Jack, in 1823 (Linn. Trans. vol. xiv. p. 122). One is Myr- mecodia armata, of which the bark of the tuber is covered with small thorns, and is of a grey colour; the leaves are leathery, long, narrow, and of a dark green colour. The other is Hydnophytum formicarum, the bark of which is smooth, and of a greyish colour; the leaves are small, leathery, and of a dark green colour. De Candolle describes two species in each genus—Myrmecodia tuberosa (Molucca) and M. armata (Java), Hydnophytum formicarum (Molucca) and H. montanum (Java) ; of these, M. armata and H. formicarum are now known to be also indigenous to Australia. Both genera were brought by Captain Nares from Cape York, at the same time and in about equal numbers, EPIPHYTES FROM CAPE YORK, NORTH AUSTRALIA, 51 indicating that they were both found growing in the same locality. Dr. Jack observes, ** I am not aware that these plants have been de- scribed by any botanist since the time of Rumphius, or that any con- jecture has been made regarding their place and family from his figures or description. From their common habit as Epiphytes, I should have been much inclined to place them under one genus; but the different number of seeds in each drupe, supported by the difference of a simple and bifid stigma, seems to oppose this, while the distinction is further confirmed by the different disposition and insertion of the leaves, which in Hydnophytum are arranged precisely as usual in the Rudiacee, but in Myrmecodia are crowded round the thick fleshy branches in such a manner that their being really opposite is not immediately apparent, while their insertion on their broad peltate basis is further peculiar.” The largest tuber of H. formicarum in the Botanic Gardens collection measured three feet seven inches in circumference, but in those of M. armata none exceeded one foot eleven inches in circumference. A ve singular fact connected with these plants is that the tubers are generally inhabited by ants, and hollowed by them into numerous winding pas- sages extending in every direction. This having been mentioned as peculiar to those found in the Eastern Islands, it was interesting to observe if it also obtained in the specimens brought from Cape York. On first examining H. formicarum, I observed the tubers appeared fistular, and on closer examination, several small auts of a brownish colour were observed passing in and out of these openings. I there- fore selected one plant which was nearly dead, and on a section being made, a series of galleries was seen branching through every part of the tuber, having a very singular appearance. The galleries are lined with a coating of animal matter of such extreme tenacity that, as the tuber decays, the galleries may be removed entire. I next selected a specimen of M. armata, and a section was made with the same result, except that, this tuber being moister than the preceding, the galleries were not formed to so great an extent. These observations prove that the ants form their galleries in the tubers of the plants from Cape York as in the Eastern Islands, and are probably never known in any other condition. Specimens of these curious plants were sent by Mr. C. Moore to Dr. Hooker, for the Royal Gardens at Kew, in December 1866, but having understood they had not arrived, a second collection was sent 52 REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACE, by the mail steamer in May 1867, and I have now received a letter from Dr. Hooker, dated July 31st, acknowledging the receipt of both collections at Kew, explaining the cause of the error in not acknow- ledging the receipt of the first collection, and some interesting infor- mation on the management of these singular epiphytes. Dr. Hooker says, “ Your letter of May 20th has solved a great mystery—the very curious plants so much talked of by Mr. Moore, and now by yourself, arrived in due course full six months ago; but being only previously known at Malacea, and the absence of any announcement of the vessel they were to come by, I never for a moment supposed that they were from Australia. The two plants are allied genera of Rudiacee, both described in De Candolle, Myrmecodia and Hydnophytum. They are plants we have often written to Malacca for, but never obtained, and naturally supposed, when they arrived, they were from some of our Straits correspondents. Their discovery in Australia is most remark- able. the first batch received, the Myrmecodia armata, and of the box now arrived, the Hydnophytum formicarum, are alive. I am, indeed, obliged to you for these most curious plants. I shall be very glad of another consignment of them. You should, I find, keep them in a damp shady place. I wonder if the ants that infest them at Cape York are of the same genera as the Straits’ ones!” Sections of the tubers have been sent to the Australian Museum.— November 4, 1867. REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACE. By BERTHOLD Seemann, Pu.D., F.L.S. (Continued from Vol. V.) On THE Genus PaNax. Panoz has been made one of the great lumber-rooms of our science, and none of the modern botanists have assigned to it intelligible limits. Linnæus referred ¢hree species to it, representing two generic ` types, and his generic name ought to go with the majority of species ntatives of both genera had, however, been previously discovered in Australasia, viz. Viti, about 8° further south than Cape York. (Conf. Seem. Fi. Vitiensis, p. 138.)—EDITOR. REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACER. 53 represented by P. guinguefolium and P. trifolium. Both these species have a dimerous ovary and five petals, quincuncial in estivation, the latter character assigning them a place amongst the Araliacee proper ; whilst Linnzus's third species (P. fruticosum) has petals valvate in estivation, and therefore stands as the type of the genus Nothopanax in my Revision of Hederacez. If the species referred to Panax by authors are examined, it will be found that but few agree generically with P. quinguefolium and P. trifolium; but that all those that do agree have the same habit and partake of similar medicinal properties, being perennial herbs, with tuberous roots, and with verticillate, digitate leaves, terminal solitary simple umbels, and coloured berries; more- over, they are distributed .geographieally over North America and Eastern and Central Asia. I therefore restrict the genus to these species only. It will be seen that these views are at variance with those advanced by Decaisne and Planchon (Revue Hortic. 1854, p. 105), who shift P. guinguefolium and P. trifolium to Aralia, retain the name Panax for P. fruticosum, and unite with it the genera Polyscias, Forst. ; Cheirodendron, N utt. ; Pseudopanaz, C. Koch; and Maralia, Pet. Thouars. Bentham and Hooker f. (Genera Plant. p. 938) entertain similar views with regard to shifting P. quinquefolium and P. trifolium to Aralia, the retention of the generic name Panag for P. fruticosum and its allies, and the union of Cheirodendron and Maralia with their Panar; but they exclude, as I had previously done, Polyscias and Pseudopanaz. Yet, even with these two latter genera removed, Bentham and Hooker’s Panax remains ill-defined. Having excluded Pseudopanaz, the learned authors ought to have removed Cheiroden- dron along with it, as that genus is so closely allied to it as almost to justify those desirous of forming large genera to unite the two. Oli- goscias (Maralia ?), which the two authors also incorporated with Panag, has nothing to do with that genus as defined by them, having ruminate albumen, which would entitle it a place among their tribe Hederee. Panax, Linn. Gen. n. 1166, ex parte.—Char. gen. emend.: Pedi- celli articulati. Flores calyculati, polygamo-monoici. Calycis margo obscure 5-dentatus. Petala 5, ovata, acuta, eestivatione quincunciali. Stamina 5, filamenta brevissima ; authere ovate v. oblong. Ovarium 2- v. per excessum 3-loculare, loculis l-ovulatis. Drupa baccata, didymo- compressa (colorata), 2- v. per excessum 3-loculare. Semina in loculis 54 REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACEX. solitaria, pendula. Albumen equabile.—Herbe perennes, Amer. bor., Japon., Chin. et Ind. or. indigens, radice crassa, tuberosa; caule soli- tario, foliolorum verticillum unicum proferente ; foliis palmatim 3—5- foliolatis; umbellis terminalibus simplicibus.— Aureliana, Lafit. Mém. du Ginseng. dralie sp. auct. Eupanax (subgenus), Torrey et Gray, Fl. N. Am. i. p. 647. * Folia trifoliolata. l. P. trifolium, Linn. Spec. ii. p. 1058 ; Torr. et Gray, Fl. N. Amer. i. p. 648.— P. pusilla, Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 1334. Nom. vernac. Bor.-Amer. ** Dwarf Ginseng," v. * Ground Nut."— North America, from Canada to the mountains of the Southern United States (Kalm ! Bartram! ann. 1764, Nuttall! Kertland !). ** Folia quinquefoliolata. 2. P. quinguefolium, Linn. Spec. ii. p. 1058 ; Torr. et Gray, Fl. N. Amer. i. p. 648; C. A. Meyer in Bull. de la Class. phys. math. Ac. St. Petersb. i. 340; Walp. Rep. v. p. 925.—Awreliana Canadensis, Lafit. Mém. du Ginseng, cum icone ; Catesb. Hist. Carol. iii. p. 16. t. 16. raliastrum foliis ternis quinquepartitis, Ginseng et Nizier officin., Trew, Plant. Select. i.t. 6; Lam. Encycl. Meth. ii. 723. t. 860, fig. 1; Bot. Mag. t. 1333. Nom. vern. Bor.-Amer. * Ginseng."— Woods of North America, from Canada to the Southern United States (Kalm ! Bartram! Kertland !). 3. P. Ginseng, C. A. Mey. l. c. ; Walp. Rep. v. p. 924.—P. quin- quefolium v. P. Ginseng, Regel, * Gartenflora, 1862, sp. 314. t. 375? P. quinquefolium, B. Coreense, Siebold, Verh. Bat. Genoot. xii. P. Schinseng, var. Coreense, Nees, Suppl. Plant. Med. i. t. 16. fig. A.— Mantchuria and Corea. 4. P. Pseudo-Ginseng, Wall. Plant. Asiat. Rar. ii. p. 30. t. 137; C. A. Meyer, l. c. ; Walp. Rep. v. p. 924; Pharm. Centralblatt, 1832, p. 353. t. 3. P. Schinseng, var. Nepalensis, Nees, 1. c. fig. C.—Moun- tains of India (Wallich! n. 3730, Hook. f. et Thomson! Griffith 1) 5. P. bipinnatifidum, Seem. (sp. nov.) ; perenne, herbaceum ; foliis verticillatim |3—5-nis, digitatim 5-foliolatis, foliolis bipinnatifidis, supra ad nervos pilis hispidis sparsis, demum glabratis; pedicellis apice articulatis, ealyeulo obscuro v. nullo ; stylis 2—3.— Sanding, East Indies (Herb. Hook.).—“ Berries like crabs'-eyes, exactly, with a broad black pallet at top." Allied to P. Pseudo- Ginseng. URGE eee er eee ee ooo eee ee a ee eae REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACER. 55 Species excluse :— aculeatum, Ait.— Acanthopanaz aculeatum, Seem. Anisum, De Cand.— Nothopanaz Anisum, Miq. anomalum, Hook.=Nothopanax anomalum, Seem. arboreum, Forst.==Nothopanax arboreum, Seem. armatum, Wall.— Aralia armata, Seem. Australasia, Pers.— Nothopanaz arboreum, Seem. australis, Schult.— attenuatum, Swartz— Didymopanaz glabratum, Dene. et Planch. bijugum, Wall.=Pentapanax Leschenaultii, Seem. Boivini, Dene.=Sciadopanax Boivini, Seem calvum, Cham.— Didymopanaa calvum, Dos et Planch. Caribbeum, Sieb.— Didymopanaz glabratum. Dene. et Planch. cephalobotrys, F. Muell.=Nothopanax cephalobotrys, Seem. chrysophyllum, Vahl— Didymopanaz chrysophyllum, Dene. et Pl. chrysophyllum, Poepp.— Didymopanaz Peppigii, Dene. et Planch. cochleatum, De Cand.— Nothopanac cochleatum, Miq. Colensoi, Hook. f.— Nothopanaz Colensoi, Seem. conchifolium, Roxb.— Nothopanax cochleatum, Miq. coriaceum, Regel— Pseudopanaz crassifolium, C. Koch. crassifolium, Dene. et Planch.— Pseudopanaz crassifolium, C. Koch. crenatum, Dietr.— curcifolia, Griffith Brassaiopsis Hainla, Seem. decaphyllum, Sagot— Seiadophyllum Vip omen Seem. decompositum, Wall.— Aralia Cachemirica, dendroides, F. Muell.— Nothopanüz airo C. Koch. digitatum, Sweet— divaricatum, Sieb. et Zucc.— Acanthopanaz divaricatum, Seem. Edgerleyi, Hook. f.— Raukana Edgerleyi, Seem. elegans, Fras.— Nothopanaa elegans, Seem. Finlaysonianum, Wall.— Aralia Fisiajasink; Seem. P. foliolosum, Wall.— Aralia foliolosa, Seem. P Forsteri, Dene. et Planch.— Polyscias pinnata, Forst. P. fragrans, Roxb.— Heteropanaz fragrans, Seem. P. fruticosum, Linn.— Nothopanaz fruticosum, Mi T : q Gaudichaudii, De Cand.— Cheirodendron Gaudichaudianum, Seem. glabrata, H. B. K.— Didymopanaz glabratum, Dene. et Planch. P, Gunnii, Hook. f.— Nothopanaz Gunnii, Seem. 56 REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACEA. P. (?) Hainla, De Cand.— Brassaiopsis Hainla, Seem. horridum, Smith— Horsfieldia horrida, Seem. innovans, Sieb. et Zuce.— Acanthopanaz innovans, Seem. Jackianum, Wall.— Arthrophyllum. Leschenaultii, De Cand.— Pentapanaz Leschenaultii, Seem . Lessonii, De Cand.— Pseudopanaz Lessonii, C. Koch lineare, Hook. f.— longipetiolatum, Pohl— Didymopanaz. longissimum, Hook. f.— Pseudopanaz crassifolium, C. Koch . Loureirianum, De Cand.— Acanthopanaa aculeatum, Seem. Macgillivrayi, Benth.— NotAopanaz Macgillivrayi, Seem. macrocarpus, Schlecht.— Maralia, Dcne. et Planch.— Maralia Madagascariense, Thou. margaritifera, Vis.— Nothopanax sambucifolia, C. Koch. micranthum, Wall.— Vitis v. Verbenacea mollis, Benth.— Nothopanaz mollis, Seem. Morototoni, Aubl.=Didymopanax Morototoni, Dene. et Planch. multijugum, Hook. f. et -Benth.— No/hopanaz multijugum, Seem. Murrayi, F. Muell.=Nothopanax Murrayi, Seem. nodosum, Wall.— Aralia. obtusum, Blume — Nothopanaz obtusum, Miq. ovatum, Hook. et Arn.— Cheirodendron Gaudichaudii, Seem., var ovatum. P. palmatum, Roxb.— Brassaiopsis Hainla, Seem. P. parviflorum, Mart. et Zuce.— Didymopanaz parviflorum, Dene. et lanch. Eo s ove ov ue OG os P. pinnatum, Lam. = Arthrophyllum. P. pinnatum, Miq.— P. pinnatum, A. Rich. =Nothopanaz farinosum, See P. platyphyllum, Hook. et Arn.— Cheirodendron Ha Seem. P. polybotrys, F. Muell. = = Nothopanaz elegans, Seem. P. polycarpum, Wall.— P. ricinifolia, Sieb. et Zucc. = Acanthopanaz ricinifolia, Seem. P. sambucifolium, Sieb. =Nothopanax sambucifolium, C. Koch. P. Samoense, A. Gray — Nothopanaz Samoense, Seem. P. scutellarioides, Reinw. =Nothopanax cochleatum, Miq. REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACES. 57 P. secunda, Schult.— P. sericeum, Pohl— Didymopanaz sericeum, Dene, et Pl. P. serratum, Wall.— Heptopleurum venulosum, Seem., et Macropanax oreophilum, Miq. sessiliflorum, Rupr. — Acanthopanaz sessiliflorum, Seem. simplex, Forst.— Nothopanaz simplex, Seem. simplicifolium, Dietr.—? Nofhopanaz simplex, Seem. Sinclairi, Hook. f.— Nothopanaz Sinclairi, Seem. speciosum, Willd.— Didymopanaz speciosum, Dene. et Pl. spinosum, Linn. f.— Acanthopanaz spinosum, Miq. spinosum, Poir.— Didymopanaz. splendens, H. B. K.— Didymopanaz splendens, Dene. et Pl. tomentosum, Wall.= Agalma tomentosum, Seem. tripinnatum, Wall.=Aralia Cachemirica, Dene. undulatum, H. B. K.— Didymopanaz. undulatum, Pers.— Didymopanaz Morototoni, Dene. et Pl. vinosum, Schlecht.— Didymopanax sericeum, Dene. et Pl. Zippelianum, Mig.=Nothopanax Zippelianum, Seem. tv "vv Iv ho Iv v ev v v TErRAPANAX, C. Koch, Wochenschrift für Gürtn. und Pflanzenk. 1859, p. 371; Ed. Otto et Sonder in Hamburg. Gartenz. 1862, p. 61. Pedicelli inartieulati. ^ Flores ecalyculati, hermaphroditi. Calycis margo obsoletus. Petala 4 v. 5, ovata, acuta, sestivatione valvata. Stamina 4 v. 5 ; filamenta elongata; anthere elliptico-ovate. Styli 2, erecti, dem. recurvi. Ovarium -loculare, loculis 1-ovulatis. Drupa baccata.— Frutex Chinensis, inermis, stoloniferus, caule erecto 5—9-ped. striato annulato intus copiose albissimo-medulloso ; foliis terminalibus longe petiolatis amplis palmatim lobatis, lobis omnibus acutis serratis, subtus (precipue junioribus) totis stellato-subferru- gineo-tomentosis, stipulis 2 magnis subulatis ; umbellis in paniculas ter- minales amplas dispositis ; floribus albido-flavis.— Didymopanaz, subg. Tetrapanaz, C. Koch, Wochenschrift, n. 10, p. 71. © 3 B uo E e Bo & B E © 3h E S $E e M E ce o lac & B E "d =] c E [7] Ez © £s B Venable's * Guide,' only mentions one, and that is the one referred to o by Dr. Bromfield as being on the property of the late George Kirkpatrick, Esq. The dates, also, appended to the two localities differing by an interval of five years, may lead to the conclusion that in 1844 Dr. B pores MA only to Mee as * Castle Mead Niton,” the locality which, in 1839, h near Niton. Of the two localities in West Medina, that near Carisbrooke Castle must, I fear, be expunged, E only the Apesdown one, in which, till now, the plant has been abun FRED. STRATTON. BOTANICAL NEWS. Dr. L. Lindsay hasin the e press ‘Contributions to New Zealand Botany,’ and Outlines of Lichenology ’ sae Lichen ogia Britannica,’ to be published by Williams and Norgate, Lo dinburgh. Although sos ser of ce eme of many English counties have wae pon" Middlesex has not hitherto received similar r attention. Then igh- n, however, has been the field of the investigati of. inicie of English botanist: of m T (the father of botany d) to own time, and the results of th widely scattered throu ei tings. To collect these reco a 4 rm, to bring together every fact of importance relating to the past and present vegetation of the county, and thus to trace the changes produced in its 60 BOTANICAL NEWS. Lecturer on Botany, St. Mary’s Hospital; and W. T. Thiselton Dyer, B.A., now in the course of preparation, and will be published by Mr Hardwicke. * Our Mountain enge how their Resources may be turned to account, and India converted into a Garden and Grain-store of the World; is the title of a pamphlet of vr sieh ages, accompanied by diagrams and plans, pub- lished at Madras, by the Superintendent of the Government Botanical Gardens inchon ion o i j die and Chi a Plantations at Ootacamund, in t ilgherry Hill Graham M*Ivo c bodies an original idea for irrigating land, of whi one of our greatest engineers, Mr. J. Scott Russell, speaks in the highest terms. The principal points of his new method are extraordin economy, the highest degree o siete np and a dts of safety when executed whie uman labour would scarcely be made to possess by "pur egree of care, the great rapidity of execution, — y of being extended to i. aai size, and special adaptation to the speedy introduction of works of i wiley ation in India. In ‘ El Federalista,’ a peed an newspaper of th e 23rd of October, we find o re a ment of which we previously announced). Amongst the new publications pre- sented were (reatum; the ‘Botanical Magazine, and ‘The Journal o Botany.’ Mr. Ernst read a paper on Vegetable Ivory, which, it appears, also eed is prerii in Venezuela, about Maracaibo, etc., but it would be ndla desira what species it is, as M. We us who has, with good reason, ae a Phytelep has to the true Palms, is inclined to retain several species of "e genus. des article a r. N. Wilson on on Jai n: of maica (Journ. of Bot. 1867, p. 276), was also read and discussed, and Ces- Ja p.2 sees opua and Behmeria nivea, strongly recommended for iari in Mr uela. TWO. Steere go Lund, forwards his ‘ Bidrag till den cenas dd ska Vesta nens H ' (Con ntributions towards a Hist tory of the Scandinavian A ation), which 4 et of the fossil and existing floras of the, Bandiana peninsula. Deeds SOCIETY or EDINBURGH. —Thursday, Vovember 14th, 1867.— Isaac Anders rson- -Henry, Esq., President, in the chair. The President ‘delivered an address li crossing lants ; ag yen the loss to the Society y gn sah = Professor Goodsir — V. p. 123), and v ey raa Bryson ntleman eminent he c profession which h long and so ides n follow ved in this "- wirds no less eminent in this. Soci ciety for the shapes harp ich in its proceedings, The fo etre communications were 1. Observations on New Zealand Plants. By Dr. Tilk Lindiny. In thi paper, the a refers exclusively t the flowering plants of Otago Spici most p ustrati l from t characters of the species, in re niim. more partieularly, to the limitation or iius of species. He also gives notes regarding their geographical dis- tribution and wi gy: applications, and their Maori and settler mes. 2. r from Dr. rt O. Cunningham, H.M B pa Rio de 5 sid to Professor Balfour * H.M.S. Nassau, Rio de Janeiro, “ October Ath, 1867. * My dear Sir,—We left England about the middle of last September, on our voyage ii the sies of rubi ar ime on our way Madeira, St. Vincent aneiro, i uence of our being p in quarantine for five days out of the week BOTANICAL NEWS, 61 we remained there. St. Vincent, where we spent four or ra cai sae caret me very much indeed,—partly because it pachka my fi rience of land in the tropics, partly on account of its intensely ir Ha videtar and the peculiar and, to wee crum aspect of its plants. Here I saw shrubby Eu- — for the first time, in the uncultivated condition, and here also I made practical acquaintance with ence of the Orders Zyg gophy llacee, Cu- curbitacee es he mals did not less interest me, for I met with Mol- lusca, Crustac a, Sorel pres with an forms I had been nias familiar from figures and ditio ns. I was in reece d find bens e Octopus and Aplysia which Darwin describes in his account of the neighbouring iland of uninteres know, of s and miles of pampas, ara away as far as the eye can reach, and clothed, for the most part, with a very tall-growing Thistle,* with a ew flower, gorgeous in some places ree a carpeting of "a X purple Verbenas. A ha — bluish- purple aa um also covered t n the neighbourhood of the tow only spen single day at Sinidonsdo, which, gm owever, was a sb ste fas one, er ioe by a party of us in taking a long ramble, in the course of which w with a great sicud of bi de an wd plants. . For the latter it appears to bon — is oo and I w: e ha more — h to take in provisions and coal, ied there till th f June, when we moved northwards, as the daily me Sd severity of the climate necessitated a suspension of surveying operati aii season. All things — we were very fortunate during our idees ur ground, for r though w oun- tered a dese nove of dangers and a ve of di feul- ties, we met with no serious mishaps, enjoyed for the most part e cellent health, Dind sccomplished a respectable proportion of work. Exeepting s a short cruise of a few days in the western half of the Strait, when we were occupied piloting H.M.S. Zealous on her way to the Pacific, our time w isap in the eastern i i i e = ng formed of of trees of any description "for the most part, and the geology alm exclusively boulder clay ; ; while that on the latter consists of high ‘peveipitons Bomi do the: water —elo othed with a a vegetation of dense short im- passible valk k and abounding in metamorphic rocks. And the clima! equally different, for that of the eastern portion is dry, bright, and aie, * Probably Cynara Cardunculus. 62 BOTANICAL NEWS. while that of west vise in rain and snow. Another deeem of the former consists in the great = and rapidity, and the p = fall, of me ties, two en sees which were greatly in ou vits in o work, so the ci me y strong gales, which arose in the most renis manner d lasted for day d days at a time, making a heavy demand on our patience, as we were plese y kept a week or ten days on board owing to the fanom tok of dispatehing boats on surveying work. I use quently to accom -— aptain Mayne and the surveying officers on their ex- itions, and know no nter of life m t for peditions, — iie than camping for a few t M re is certainly a most l charm in landing spots for the first tim mds ad light sense of freedom and also of uncer- to o enco eed scarcely say that I made use of every opportunity in m naia and collect specimens of the y pow plants and animals of all the "alte * visited by us, and in consequencë ob- tained a tolerable collection of the fauna and flora of the Strait. In making the latter I was reco — + the * Flora Antarctica’ supplied to me at my request by cum An : “Some of the - planis were identical with old friends at home. Many of them were es ies new me, and a considerable number belonged to genera which I fad n never a Ts previo us opportunity of examining. As examples € Vaga Verse ts that I with in the Strait, I may instance Sisymbrium Vies astium arret ie ium egi oo Armeria maritima, Galium vi imula j e araxacum Den Mapili, Hippuris vulgaris, Cys stopteris fragilis, on aa chium Lunaria Most of these plants occur , Api eolens very co- piously indeed. Hippuris yon I have only bianca es one locality as yet, viz. a small stream running into Oazy Harbour on the Pata. agonian side of the Strait. I believe the only ws recorded — i the sem it is Port Famine, where Captain King procured it. opteris fragilis is common in arts of the woods. Bo otrychium um Lunaria, hier Hooker ccrte on the th o I found th Several of the Aa are also, I e identical with British Loro: us, Codium tomentosum is common. ave found this 4/ga also Apres dance in ks egiie e Rio de Janeiro e of the plants . the Str - kon inter- ,l may mention pisse plantaginea and C. nana, Bolag porrie the pm odendrons, which are so a phe ou ‘the Pagi “Calonarchis Lessonii, Chlorea Magellanica, Embothrium coccineu gee ie uim filiform yrt ees Fuchsia coccinea,* Cailixine margina 2, Pha basi €, t. Iobtained s mularia, also at the Maree eue whose fanna and flora are very much the same as pesar d bacs Stra One thing, C struck me, and that was, hich Ts saw at the Falklands I found in the damp woody "peer of the St Strait, 1 not in the eastern district, whist is so much more allied to the Falklands in its general characters. In addition to Cys topteris fragilis and puis eine; I obtained specimens of seven other species of — —to wit, two species of Hymenophyllum, Aspidium mohrioides, Aspleni Poser ac a Gleicheni ia (I believe G. acutifolia), ps alpina, and wi * F. Magellanica, as Dr. Hooker has just shown.—Ep. BOTANICAL NEWS. 63 Magell aeie: The latter enjoys a wide range, and appears subject to consider- able variation. I have obtained specimens ae ae aldonado, the Falkland Islands, d at Port : Gallant ,an e n m seen a DETER of what I believe to be the sa me plant. > Falkland "lande I saw no specimens with a caudex, but some of those P Pot Gallan iapa a d one ers dun feet high. Among the fungi that occurred to me of A (the common mushroom grows Sur ooi P in ped leslie on, T sides ban the Strait), Polyporus, Femela , Clavaria, Geas ete. ag e our return the try is, Roweren, splendi beyon nd ate a : gards plants I have al specially struck with the great variety and profusion of palms and ferns, and my attention was greatly arrested at first by the Ly- . P p ae other twining ferns, so different in habit from our British ferns. espite the eed 1 joies let about a great deal, and pats made one or two excursions to places at some distance. Soon after our arrival here, I made the acquaintance of a most kind and hospitable Scotchman, Dr. Gunning, whose name I have no doubt you are pees with, as an old Edin burgh man ; and I have made two visits to him at his house on qom Sierra de Mar, about fifty me from Rio, and saw some sein ndid illustrations ege irgin forest. ur this next season will be artly in the completion of the eastern por- tion of th Strait, icd. in the. survey of Smyth’s Channel; and we will winter next year at Valpa aiso or Concepcio 2. Noti tice of Mus ana Bark (4 Albizzia anthelmintica) from Abyssinia, by Henry Hunter Ca hark British Vice-Consul, Alexandria. Mr. Calvert sent speci- mens of Mussana (or Mussenna) bark, sup Brongniart and some other tion in Ry and Sennaar rol being a specific a: na fangs, for rum pur- pose tw ny ounces pow wi ney. Calvert uaa that he was indebite for the e he sent to Dr. Abbate, sem ntleman who had travelled a great deal in Upper Egypt and Nubia, and to -R uillardot, who has done much towards the exploration of the Syrian E ‘Letter from Mr. Robert Brown, of the Greenland Scientific Expedition. E Me October 25th, 1867. * Dear Sadler,—I have made, in little more en two months, a collection of Greenland plants amounting to more than 5000 s pecimens, including a fine lot astronomieal rvations Se the latitude and longitude of the places we at en I Pa 7 that all this, with scarcely an eh gle was done by myself, besides doing a fair share "of the rest of the work of the «x gar Ped can bonn gu pa poe did not lie heavy on my hands, and that I will ned work enough this w Under the ar ‘of ‘Herbarium meist seltener u. kritischer Pflanzen Nord- und Mitteldeutschlands, Mr. C. Benitz, of Kenigsberg, Prussia, has issued 64 BOTANICAL NEWS. sa seer of dried plants of North and cae T (price of the 4s. 6d.), which dese iit sey oe warmly ded, and contain tho. foll owing a viz Ail crt, th AEthusa yn. v. — pu iem gigante au maritima, G. F. Mey. ma Wins, Sond Alectorolophus fa allax, Win. Ammo- phila ier n ; p Baltica, Lk. Anthyllis Vulneraria v. maritima, Schwg. Andropogon regions "Avena fat atua, retin Schrad. Brachy- podium silv. v. villosum, Br. Bromus serotinus, Ben. Br. ; racemosus. Bul- liarda aquatica, DC. Calamagrostis Epig. v. Hübneriana, Reh. Carex Bux- baumii, Whlbg., Gr.; ser — Sm.; cespitosa, L. Dr. ; cyperioides, G.; . digitata; elongata; ericetoru , Poll. Bb.; fulva, Good; Ligerica, Gay, ly ier ue e weit t.; 8 ibas v. curvata, Knaf. Br.; ; stricta, Good. ; tomen- Cen a Austriaca, Willd. Cheerophyllum ters Chamo- nil imide, bw ladium Cac R. Br., Sf. risper interm. Sch Crepis biennis. kom neaph., Gr. Diplotaxis tenuifol. DC. Elssholzia Patrini, Poi Empetrum nigrum, L. c. fr. Epipactis — Crntz. Erica Tetralix, Gr. n elat. v. adenine Retz. ; rubra v naria, Osbeck ; sibridie, DC. Galinsogea parvifl., Cav. Galium ochroleucum, Wif. Gladiolus onan: = Glyceria distans, W hibg. j erin Gna . Sf icalan s, KR. Br. . Br., Gr. Heracleum fms ‘Jacq. 5 Si iricum. Hienichion odor., Whiby, Hippuris Val, Gr. 5 tieus, Willd. ; filiformis ; maritima, Lam. ; : Tena gea, Ehr., Gr. ; tenuis, Willd., . Lamium hybridum ;Fill.; intermedium, Fr. jte macrosperma, Wallr. ; tomentosa v. alba. prutenieum. Lemna gibba. Leucojum ver- num, Af. albida v. rubella, Hoppe; maxima, D naria odora, Chav. Matricaria Cha elandryum noctifl., Fr. Mentha Pule- o gium. Milium effusum, Barby. Myosotis variabilis, Angelis. Myrica Gale, Nepeta racemosa, Rech., qu. sp. Omphalodes scorpioides, Sahenk., Sf.—84-170. Panicum sanguinale. Papaver Rheeas. quadrif. Pinus obliqua, Sauter ; Gr.c. fr. Pisum maritimum, ff. c. es HR a compr. v. Langeana, Reh. ; nemor. v. firmula, Gaud., Gr. Polygonum mite, Schrnk. Pulmonaria ang., Sf. Pulsatilla patens; pratensis vernalis, Mill., Dr. Ranunculus Cassubicus, rcl v. paucistamineus, Tsch. Rubus s Chamemorus, mas. et fem. Sagina ; Sf. Salix Lapponum, fem.; pentandra, fem. mas. et t fo Ll, Gr.; Starke, ederet mas. fem. et fol. ; Starkeana repens, fol. auri ies Starkeana, fem nigricans, Fr. ; repens ; viminalis, fem. Sei ceespitosus ; pasa piden v. ramosus ; silvaticus; radicans, s, Gr. ; radicans, Schk., Gr. . Sene PE Solanum Dulcamara v. biaur j mou Stellaria F «id ae Thlaspi alpestre. Tragus racemosus, Desf. Tragopogon heterosper, Schwg. Triti- cum acutum, DC. ; junceum; strictum, Deth. Urtica dioica v. microphylla. Vaccinium Oxycoccos, Gr. Viola palu stris Apian lobatum, Sw., Asplenium Adiantu uncnigrum; wap Mett.; septentrionale, Hoff., Gr.; Trichomanes, Gr. v. incisum, Bernh., Gr. Botrychium Lunaria, f. normalis, Roper : f. subincisa, Riper 7A bine “Milde ; f. monstros. Botrych. Matrica- rise f., Al., Br. ; subintegrum, Milde ; normalis ; compos: , Milde ; monstros Botrych. simplex, Hitsch. v. incisum, Milde; s positum, Lase: sit ris in v oe Rth. ; Sudetica, AL, Br. F quisetum hiem ale, Bb. ; ma j 4 Gr. ium inundatum, Gr. Ophioglossum vulgatum, Dr. "ph hago eris LES eene Fée, Sf. Pilularia glob., Gr. Polystichum cristatum, Rth., Sf. ; mas v. incisum, Dall., Gr. ; peg emen wien Sf. Polypodium vulgare v. une rot ; attenua- d auri Salvinia natans, 477. Stru ruthiopteri Germanice a, Willd. Chara ratophylla, Wur.; fætida 5 AM Nitella apitat, N ees, Oris flexilis, 43. Gr. v. subcapitata, Al., Br., Gr. ; gracilis, 4g. v. elongata ; brevibracteata, Gr. arden. W, 4 Smith Del et Lith IY aller, Imp 18.Barton. 65 REPORT OF THE LONDON BOTANICAL EXCHANGE CLUB FOR THE YEAR 1867. By THE Curators. Ranunculus heterophyllus, * Fries," Bab. Mr. Bailey sends from Mobberley, Cheshire, a Batrachian Ranunculus, which seems to be this plant, though it has also points of resemblance to R. floribundus, Bab. Papaver Lecogii, Lamotte. Mr. Bromwich contributes specimens from Ashorne, Warwickshire. Lepidium latifolium, L. Specimens with mature fruit of this species are sent by Mr. Syme. He says they are very rare in herbaria. Cardamine impatiens, L. A small copse by Cosford House, near Thursley, Surrey; H.C. Watson. A new locality for a plant very scarce in the South of England. Sisymbrium Sophia, L. Botley, Berks; W. T. Dyer. Additional to sub-province 9 of Cyb. Br. Supp. Polygala ciliata, Lebel. (See last Report.) Mr. Syme writes, “ Mr. Watson and myself have this year each gathered a ciliated specimen of P. eu-vulgaris ; Mr. Watson at Compton, and myself at Box Hill; so, no doubt, P. ciliata is not a variety, but only a form of other species or varieties." Ulex Galli, Planch. Sent from Ferningale Common, Warwick- shire, by Mr. Bromwich. Rosa Hailstoni, Baker. Mr. J. G. Baker distributes from the neigh- bourhood of Thirsk a stock of specimens of a Rosa of the canina group, with the following characters :—General habit and mode of growth of typical canina. Prickles moderately close and numerous, the large ones like that of typical canina, but passing down gradually on the barren shoots into small slender aciculi. Leaves bright green and naked above, paler and quite naked beneath, the terminal one ovate, rounded at the base, the serration rather open and irregular and à few of the teeth slightly toothed again, the petiole not at all hairy: but slightly setose, furnished with 3 or 4 falcate acieuli. Stipules naked on the back, closely setoso-ciliated. Flowers 3 or 4 in a cluster when luxuriant, the pedicels rather short, quite naked, the calyx-tube obovoid or roundish, quite naked, the sepals fully pinnate and leaf- pointed, erecto-patent after the pale pink petals fall, naked on the VOL. vi. [MARCH 1, 1868. F 66 LONDON BOTANICAL EXCHANGE CLUB. back, slightly hairy towards the edge, slightly setoso-ciliated, falling by the time the fruit has become scarlet, which is late in September. Styles hairy. By the passage down of its prickies into small slender aciculi, this recedes from canina in the direction of Hibernica. Of named forms it is nearest the French R. Schultzii-Bipont. (Déségl. Monogr. p. 66), which has similar prickles in combination with roundish leaflets, almost unarmed slightly hairy petioles, a small round fruit, which ripens very early, and subpersistent, sparingly pin- nate sepals. There is a specimen of a similar plant without any in- dication of locality among the British Roses of the late Mr. Hail- stone, of Bradford, who paid great attention to the genus for many years, though he never published the results of his investigations. Rosa systyla. Sent by Mr. W. Richardson from the neighbonstiood of Alnwick, Northumberland. This extends considerably the northern limit of the species in this country, as it was not clearly known beyond Worcester. Agrimonia mese Mill. One large plant found by the side of a private road, south of Virginia Water Station, Surrey; H. C. Watson. New to the county. Epilobium roseum, Schreb. A garden weed, Manchester; Dr. Windsor. New to sub-province 21 of Cyb. Br. Supp. j E. lanceolatum, Seb. In three lanes leading out of Bowler Green, between Witley Station and Thursley, Surrey; H. C. Watson. The species is now extinct in the only locality given in the Surrey Flora. This new locality restores it to the flora of the county. Valeriana officinalis, L. Mr. Watson contributes a series of speci- mens from five different localities in Surrey, sent in order to illustrate the two subspecies or varieties Mikanii and sambucifolia. Me says, “ V. sambucifolia is the prevailing form in Surrey, and probably in al- most all other counties of Britain. V. Mikanii is distinguished by its leaflets being usually more numerous, narrower, and less dentate, but as it passes from the firm ground of coppices and hillsides into adja- cent dug or disturbed ground, the leaflets decrease in number and in- crease in width and abitatian until they equal those of sambucifolia, as it occurs in deep bogs or watery ditches. Roots and fruit are alike in both." Barkhausia tarazacifolia, DC. Near Plymouth ; T. R. A. Briggs. Additional to sub-province 2. LONDON BOTANICAL EXCHANGE CLUB. 67 Arctium eu-minus, Syme, E. B. Mr. Briggs sends this from El- burton, Devon. Senecio squalidus, L. A variety sent from Jericho, near Oxford, by Mr. Dyer. In this plant the flower-heads are exactly one-half the normal size, 7. e. 1 inch instead of 1 inch across, whilst the foliage is very slightly smaller than usual The dried specimens have very much the appearance of the rayed form of S. vulgaris, L. Mr. Dyer proposes the name parviflorus for this variety. It grew sparingly amongst thousands of the normal form. Pyrola minor, L. A wood near Brook Street, between that place and Bowler Green, S.W., Surrey ; H. C. Watson. A new locality. Linaria vulgaris, Mill. A monstrous or abnormal form gathered by Mr. Watson near Virginia Water Station, Surrey. The following is his description of the flower:—* The calyx is normal, or nearly so. The corolla is replaced by five other sepals, alternating with those of the calyx, less uniform, mostly rather narrower and longer. Within the second calyx, or metamorphosed corolla, are one to four stamens, distorted, very imperfect, with abortive anthers. The style isa hollow cylinder, open at the top, where the stigma ought to be; in the lower flowers it is much like the ordinary style, except in being shorter and thicker; in the upper flowers, gradually becoming more inflated, so as - rudely to resemble an imperfect corolla, of a yellowish-green colour, partially split open, and divided into narrow segments, two to four (or perhaps five in some instances), which are evidently prolongations of the carpels, bearing axillary ovules within their bases. The general aspect or first glance at the raceme suggests the idea of a Reseda rather than that of a Linaria. There was one straggling patch of the plant on a hedgebank, the green racemes protruding through other herbage, and sufficiently near together to render it probable that all came from a single root which had spread by its creeping suckers. Plants with flowers of the normal form were in close vicinity. Each individual specimen of the aberrant monstrosity will not exactly correspond with the above description,—in some of them, the styles being more corolla- like, in others, being more split open and less cylindrical, etc.” Mentha piperita, Huds. Subspontaneous, at Boar's Hill, Berks, near Oxford ; collected by Mr. Dyer. Not recorded for sub-province 9 in Cyb. Br. Supp M. sativa, L. Mr. Briggs sends from near Plymouth specimens 9 68 LONDON BOTANICAL EXCHANGE CLUB. of the following subspecies and varieties :—M. paludosa, Sole, M. cardiaca, Baker, and M. gentilis, L. Calamintha menthifolia, Host, var. Briggsii, Syme. The same con- tributor sends specimens of the plant named after him by Mr. Syme. It seems a slight variety only, differing from the type in its larger size, longer peduncles, and more hairy stems and leaves. Myosotis repens. Sent by Mr. Parker from Mochtry, Montgomery- shire. New to sub-province 18 of Cyb. Br. Supp. Chenopodium album, L. An interesting series is contributed by Mr. Watson of this species to illustrate the three varieties, candicans, viride, and virens, given in the Lond. Catalogue. “The name paga- num, adopted by Syme in E. B. iii, is probably applied to the same ` variety as virens, but the authors of the ‘Flore de France’ make it synonymous with viride,” Watson. Mr. W. sends what he thinks “ intermediate links ” between the varieties, but whether they be so in any true sense is to be doubted. As far as experiments have yet gone, they tend to show that these forms come up true from seed. Atriplex erecta (Huds.?), E. B. Mr. Syme and Mr. Dyer both send specimens of this plant, collected at Twickenham, Middlesex. The former writes, “In spite of the perianth being usually smooth or but slightly muricated, I believe this to be the plant of Smith and probably of Hudson. The murication or smoothness of the perianth is not a constant character; it varies in seedlings from one parent- plant of 4. patula, angustifolia.” In the Lond. Catalogue this plant is placed as a variety of 4. hastata, L., but in the new edition of Eng. Botany it stands under 4. patula, L. It is better so placed, for though it has some characters approximating it to A. deltoidea, Bab., yet, from the shape of the leaf, it must be considered closer to 4. an- gustifolia, Sm. The A. erecta, * Huds.,” of Bab. Man. and other English authors, is called 4. serrata by Syme. It is a very common cornfield plant. A few specimens are sent by Mr. Syme for comparison with 4. erecta. Polygonum “mite.” Some specimens from Llanbrynmair, Mont- gomeryshire, C. Eyre Parker, were sent out under the above name. It should have been altered to P. Hydropiper. Correspondents who received any specimens from the above locality are requested to alter P. littorale, Link. Handsome specimens of this subspecies of P. LONDON BOTANICAL EXCHANGE CLUB. 69 . aviculare, L., are sent by Mr. Briggs from Wembury, Devon. The plant has much the look of P. Raii, Bab., but is a greener plant, with a smaller nut, which is not polished as in that species. Rumex pratensis, M.and K. Near Boar's Hill, Berks ; W. T. Dyer. Additional to sub-province 9 of Cyb. Br. Supp. Euphorbia Lathyris, L. Said to be “completely naturalized” at Frodsham, Cheshire; J. T. Robinson. Salix undulata, Ehrh. This appears to be the commonest Willow upon the banks of the Thames in the neighbourhood of Richmond, both upon the Middlesex and Surrey banks. Mr. Baker has contri- buted a supply of specimens. It is also common on the Middlesex shore, even as far down as Chelsea, whence Dr. Trimen sends speci- mens. Salir Grahami, Borrer. Mr. Baker has called attention to a plant found in Sutherlandshire by the late Professor Graham, and preserved in Mr. Borrer's herbarium at Kew, with the above name in MS. (See ‘Journal of Botany,’ Vol. V. p. 157, and tab. 66.) Botanists in the north will do well to examine apparent varieties of S. herbacea, with a view to the refinding of this species. Iris acoriformis, Bor. With a few specimens collected at Green- wich, Kent, and so named; Mr. Syme writes, “ This is the only one of Boreau’s three forms of Iris pseud-acorus that I have seen by the Thames, along which river it extends to my knowledge from Streatley, Berks, downwards. The Z. pseud-acorus, Bor., I have in my garden, the root was brought from Deal. Of the 7. Bastardi, I have seen but one British specimen, from Lord Mansfield’s fishponds near High- gate.” . Allium carinatum, L. (See * Journal of Botany,’ Vol. V. p. 314.) This well-marked species is recorded from Nottinghamshire, where it was discovered in August, last year (1867), by the Rev. W. S. Hampson, between Brandon and Doddington, near Newark, amongst coarse grass and rushes. The following description is taken from Grenier and Godron’s Fl. Fr. vol. iii. pp. 207-8 :—“ Bulb simple, ovoid, greyish. Stem 1} to 2 ft. high, straight or slightly flexuose, cylindrical, leafy up to the middle. Leaves. upright or ascending, linear, fleshy, flat upwards, slightly channelled below, almost smooth or a little furrowed beneath, not keeled, scabrous on the edges. Umbel many- or few-flowered with many or few bulblets. 70 LONDON BOTANICAL EXCHANGE CLUB. Spathe with two unequal lanceolate-acuminate valves, the larger one exceeding the umbel. Perianth campanulate, rose- or deep violet- purple, the outer segments very concave and carinate. Stamens ez- serted, one-third or half as long again as the perianth ; anthers yellow. Stylelonger than the stamens ; angles of the ovary afa 7" Syno- nymy :— 4A. carinatum, L. Sp. 426; DC. FI. Fr. iii. p. 2 A. vio- lores Willd. A. flexum, W. iik. Rar. Hung. t. 278. s aie Hochst. The plant is well figured in Waldstein and Kitaibel, l. c., and in Redouté, Lil. vii. 368, also in Reichenbach’s Ic. Flor. Ger. vol. x. tab. 482—3, nos. 1058-59 (violaceum, W., and asperum, Don); 1057 (carinatum, L.) must be quoted doubtfully. There are specimens in Billot, Exsicc. 1163. The species is found throughout Central Europe; also in Belgium, Denmark, and Gothland, and in North Italy (Venice), Turkey, and Central and Southern Russia. A form of the plant, without bulbs and capsuliferous, is often made a species under the names 4. montanum, Sibth., A. pulchellum, Don, A. paniculatum, Reich. (not Linn. or DC.). It is figured in Reich. Ie. Fl. Ger. x. 483-4, nos. 1060—61, and Redouté, Lil. v. 252. Spe- cimens from Los are in - Bill, Exsice. 671. he “A. carinatum, L.," of Smith, E. B. 1658, is nothing more than a broad-leaved, large form of 4. oleraceum, L. It has included stamens and greenish or yellow flowers, and is quite distinct from the species we are considering. Potamogeton decipiens, Nolte. (See last year’s Report.) Mrs. Hop- kins has contributed some more specimens of this from Bath. Flowers and fruit, however, are still desiderata. P. rufescens, Schrad. Specimens from between Woking and Chob- ham are sent by Mr. Watson, who suggests that the “ P. prelongus”’ of the Surrey Flora may be a misnomer, this species being intended. Ruppia maritima, L. With examples of this, collected by Mr. Syme, he writes, * It seems to be later in flowering than R. rostedlata, which grew with it, as it was in flower while R. rostellata was in seed. The peduncles of R. maritima elongate before flowering and rise out of the water, the flowers being often an inch or more above the surface. I have not seen this in R. rostellata.”’ Wolfia arrhiza, Wimm. Dr. Trimen sends plants collected this year at Staines, where it is still abundant, though apparently confined to a single piece of water. LONDON BOTANICAL EXCHANGE CLUB. 71 Typha angustifolia, L. Lopwell, Devon; T. R. A. Briggs. Addi- tional to sub-province 2. Cladium Mariscus, Br. Sent by Dr. Trimen from Penally, Pem- brokeshire. Additional to sub-province 17, of Cyb. Br. Suppl. Scirpus glaucus, Sm. This usually maritime plant is sent from two inland stations. Mr. Bromwich contributes it from a marsh near Itehington Holt, Warwick (new to sub-province 14), and Mr. Fox, from a pond at Mitcham, Surrey. Though placed in the London Cata- logue as a variety of S. lacustris, L., it seems to come very near to 8. cari- natus, Sm., from which, indeed, it is not easy to find good distinguish- ing characters. The glumes of S. glaucus have indeed more rough points upon them than those of S. carinatus, as found by the Thames, but the glumes of the latter are by no means smooth as Koch states. Babington says that the lower bract overtops the panicle in S. carinatus, but this character does not hold good. Carex incurva, Lightf. Gathered this year on the sandy shore of Holy Island, off the coast of Northumberland, by Mr. Ralph Tate. It has not been recently collected south of Forfarshire and Kincardine. Gastridium lendigerum, Gaud. In 1867, very abundant in a field of wheat, near the school-house, at Oxshott. Rare and inconstant in North Surrey ; H. C. Watson. Arundo stricta, Schrad. Mr. Robinson states that Oakmere, Cheshire, where this grows, is about 550 feet above sea-level. The altitude is omitted in Cyb. Brit. — Bromus serotinus, Beneken. We are favoured with a communica- tion from Herr von Nechtritz, of Breslau, pointing out that a plant sent to him from England, under the name of Bromus asper, gathered by Mr. Charles Bailey, near New Mills, in Derbyshire, must be re- ferred to the B. serotinus of Beneken, which is regarded as a distinct species by several recent German authors. The characters relied upon as distinctive, are :— B. asper. Lower sheaths and leaves shortly and stiffly hairy ; upper ones naked or nearly so; lower branches of the panicle in from threes to sixes, B. serotinus. All the sheaths and leaves densely clothed with longer hairs ; lower branches of the panicle only two and far apart. Descriptions will be found in Wirtgen’s ‘ Flora of the Rhine Prc- vince,’ and Von Garcke’s ‘ Flora of Northern and Central Germany,’ 12 LONDON BOTANICAL EXCHANGE CLUB. and a specimen of B. serotinus is in Wirtgen’s ‘ Fasciculus of Critical Plants ;’ but the characters are of very slight value, and, looking over our specimens, we do not find that the form subglabrous upwards has invariably the larger number of branches. Specimens gathered near Thirsk, North-east Yorkshire, by Mr. Baker, belong also to B. serotinus. ; Lastrea Thelypteris, Presl. In one spot, close by the side of the Basingstoke canal, between Frimley Green and Pirbright, Surrey ; a: son. The rhizomes float in the water of the canal. Chara flexilis, L. We wish to invite the attention of our members to the question of the distribution in this country of C. flexilis and C. syncarpa. The two species agree almost precisely in general habit, but the former is monecious, and the latter diccious. We believe it will be found, contrary to what seems to be the ordinary idea, that C. syncarpa is a common plant and C. flexilis quite a rare one. British Tolypelle—The British Characee, of the section Tolypella, need revising as regards their arrangement and nomenclature. In the first place, Dr. Alexander Braun, whose long-continued studies of the Order render his dicta of the highest authority upon all points con- nected with it, identifies the Chara Borreri, of Babington, with a plant (Chara prolifera, Ziz.) which both he and Kiitzing regard as a robust variety of the plant called by Babington C. polysperma. In corrobo- ration of this identification, he sends specimens from Basle which mani- festly coincide with Borrer’s own specimens of the plant on which C. Borreri was founded. For C. polysperma, it now appears (see Braun and Rabenhorst’s ‘ Fasciculus of Dried Specimens of the Euro- pean Characee,’ n. 18) there are two names of earlier date, viz. C. in- tricata, Roth (Catal. Fase, i. 125), which goes back to 1797, and C. fasciculata, Amici (Descr. p. 16), imposed in 1827, From the other species of the group this is distinguished by its larger size and . branchlets, with more or less distinctly pointed tips. Dr. Braun identifies the plant called prolifera by Babington (see Charac. Exsice. n. 17) with C. glomerata, Desv. in Lois. Not. p. 135 (date 1810). To this he refers a plant, gathered in Anglesea (Llyn Coron), in Borrer's herbarium. C. glomerata appears to be very closely allied to the true nidifica, but to be a smaller plant, with shorter branches and fewer arti- culations. To C. glomerata he refers Babington's C. Smithii as a doubtful synonym. This point cannot be settled till it is regathered, LONDON BOTANICAL EXCHANGE CLUB. 73 and the question of whether it be really dicecious investigated upon a good range of living specimens. All the other Zolypelle are monc- cious; and as all our other British Characee are now shown to be ‘identical with plants known upon the Continent, it is a point of con- siderable interest to ascertain if we have really a distinct species here. A plant gathered many years ago by Dr. Moore in Lough Neagh, and suspected by him at the time to be the true nidifica, of the * Flora Danica,’ may not unlikely prove to be really so. It has been submitted to Dr. Braun for his opinion, and his reply is, ** Habitus et folia omnino zidifice, sed seminibus minoribus magis contortis accedit ad C. fasciculatam (intricatam)." We can, therefore it seems, only rely, with confidence, upon two British species, which should be called iz- tricata and glomerata, and there are two others (nidifica and Smithii) which may prove distinct, but which must be left over for further in- vestigation. We give the diagnosis of nidifica and the two accepted ones, from Kützing's ‘Species Algarum,’ with a few synonyms. , l. C. intricata, Roth; “mediocris, semilinea crassa, ramis verti- cilloram articulatis, ad genicula inferioria ramulifera, ramulis infimis furcatis elongatis multiarticulatis, apice subtiliter apiculatis, verticillis fructiferis dense aggregatis, spermatiis in axillis verticillorum et geni- culis ramorum inferioribus dense conglomeratis, perispermio pellucido, a latere 18-striato. Monoica.”—Roth, Catal. Fasc. vol. i. p. 125. Wi- tella intricata, Ag. Syst. Alg. p. 122; Billot, Fl. Exsice. 1393; Ra- benhorst, Dec. Alg. p. 68; Braun, Rabenh., Stiz. Char. Exsice. n. 18. C. fasciculata, Amici, Descriz. p. 16. t. 5. f.3. Nitella fasciculata, A. Braun, Schw. Char. p. 11; Kütz. Sp. Alg. p. 517. C. polysperma, A. Braun, Flora, 1835, p. 56; Bab. Man. edit. 6. p. 448. Nitella polysperma, Kütz. Phyc. Gen. p. 318 B. robustior, Kütz , ramis festieiliótum sterilium indivisis.— Chara prolifera, Liz.; A. Den. Flora, 1835, p. 56, non Bab. Man. edit. 6. 447. Nitella prolifera, Kütz. Phyc. Germ. p. 255. O. Borreri, Bab. Man. 1. c. 2. C. glomerata, Desv. ; ** parvula, fruticulosa, ramis verticillorum sterilium simplicibus dongui plerumque 3- articulatis, fertilium con- glomeratis, 4-articulatis, ad genicula infima 3—4 ramulis lateralibus brevioribus 3-articulatis instructis, apicibus obtusis; spermatiis aggre- gatis in axillis verticillorum vel in geniculo infimo ramorum, minutis, obsolete striatis. Monoica."— Desv. in Lois. Not. p. 135. A. Braun, 14 LONDON BOTANICAL EXCHANGE CLUB. Flora, 1835, p. 55. — Nitella glomerata, Kütz. Sp. Alg. p. 517 ; Coss. et Germ. Atlas, t. 41; Rabenhorst, Dec. Alg. 459 ; Braun, Rabenh. Stizenb. Char. Exsice. n. 17. C. prolifera, Bab. Man. edit. 6. p. 447 3. C. nidifica, Roth; a caule subdichotomo crassiusculo, firmo, spi- thamæo vel pedali, ramis verticillorum articulatis, simplicibus, senis, verticillis fructiferis dense conglomeratis, ramis fructiferis elongatis 6—7-articulatis curvatis confervaceis attenuatis, apice obtusis, sper- matiis globosis in geniculo infimo vel solitariis vel glomeratis, ra- mulis quaternis 3-artieulatis tenuioribus incurvatis involucratis."— Roth, Catal. vol. ii. p. 126. — Conferva nidifiea, Müller, Fl. Dan. t. 761. Nitella nidifica, Agardh, Syst. Alg. p. 125; Kütz. p. 517; Braun, Rabenh. et Stizenb. Char. Exsice. n. 32. C. Sten- hammariana, Wallm. Ap. Liljebl. Sv. edit. 3. p. 686; Fries, Herb. Norm. vol. xv.n. 100. Nitella a Wallm. Char. p. 43; Hartm. Scand. Fl. edit. 6. p. 2 Additions to the Flora of the South Severn Sub-province, noticed in Gloucestershire, by Dr. St. Brody Ranunculus Baudotii, Godr. Utricularia neglecta, Lehm. St R. fluitans, Lam Journ. Bot. Vol. V. p. 279.) Silene incottilór&; L. Chenopodium ficifolium, Sm. i Potamogeton compressus, L. Juncus cænosus, Bich. Arctium majus, Schk. Additions for Sub-province 9, West Thames, noticed in Buckingham- shire, by James Britten. Ranunculus psi eyes Fr. Hieracium murorum, L. R. floribundus, Bab Prapen Bapro, L R. peltatus, F Vinca Drouetii, Schultz Duscota "Trifolii, Bab. Arenaria leptoelados. Guss. rani languinenm, L Vili gracilis, Lois. V. lathyroides, Z. Epilobium obscurum, Schreb. Verbascum ue With. Seutellaria m Myosotis "om pw M. collina, Hoffm Epipactis latifolia, * “All” abenaria bifolia, “ Br.” Polystichum angulare, Newm. Lastrea spinulosa, Presl. LONDON BOTANICAL EXCHANGE CLUB. 15 Exotic and Introduced Species. Lepidium perfoliatum, L. Gloucester. Dr. St. Brody. Camelina sativa, Crantz ; C. fætida, Fries; C. sylvestris, Fries. The first abundant, the two latter sparingly, in waste ground, near the docks, Gloucester. Dr. St. Brody. Erysimum repandum, L. Gloucester. Dr. St. Brody. Sisymbrium Trio, L. Oxford, by the Cherwell. W. T. Dye Agrostemma coronaria, L. On a rock, by the canal, Lisarodiati Montgomeryshire. C. E. Parker. Impatiens parviflora, De Cand. An ineradicable weed in the Oxford Botanic Gardens. W. T. Dyer. Vicia villosa, L. Gloucester. Dr. St. Brody. Œnothera biennis, L. Railway banks, St. Vincent’s Rocks, Bristol. Dr. St. Brody. Claytonia alsinoides, Nutt. In great abundance in a wood at Ince, Cheshire. J. T. Robinson. C. perfoliata, Don. Stowmarket, Suffolk. C. E. Parker. Carum Carui, L. Gloucester. Dr. St. Brody. Anthriscus Cerefolium, Hoffm. Oxford. W. T. Dye * Hieracium amplexicaule, L. This is stated by Mr. Syme to be “naturalized on Magdalen College walls, Oxford." Mr. Dyer and Mr. Boswell both send specimens. It has been cultivated in the Botanic Gardens, and, like many other plants there, is now left to itself, and comes up every year on the old garden walls, but does not spread. Centaurea Jacea, L. Meadow at Twickenham, Middlesex. W. T. Dyer. The forms a. genuina, and f. vulgaris, of Koch, are both found there, C. Melitensis, L. Gloucester, not uncommon. Dr. St. Brody. Xanthium spinosum, L. Hereford. Cuscuta Hassiaca, Pfeif. On Biens near - Cuiibridge Railway Sta- tion. H. E. Fox and M. A. Lawson. Echinospermum Lappula, Lehm. Docks, Gloucester. Dr. St. rody, Chenopodium opulifolium, Schrad. Apperton, Middlesex. Dr. Tri- men itera glauca, Beauv., and Panicum capillare, Retz. Gloucester. Dr. St. Brody. Sclerochloa dura, Beauv. Ballast, Hartlepool. M. A. Lawson. 76 DISCOLORATION OF THE ARCTIC SEAS. Bromus patulus, Reich., and B. tectorum, L. Gloucester. Dr. St. rody. B. arvensis, L. Teddington, Middlesex. W. T. Dyer. CORRIGENDA IN LAST Year’s REPORT. Under Sedum purpureum, “ Miss Gifford” should be “Miss Edmonds.” In the List of Exotic and Introduced Plants, “ Barkhausia fetida, DC.,” isa mistake for B. setosa, DC. J. G. BAKER. Henry TRIMEN. February, 1868. ON THE NATURE OF THE DISCOLORATION OF THE RCTIC SEAS. By RosERT Brown, Eso, F.R.G.S. (Read before the Edinburgh Botanical Society, December 12, 1867.) The peculiar discoloration of some portions of the frozen ocean, differing in a remarkable degree from the ordinary blue or light green usual in other portions of the same sea, and quite independent of any optical delusion occasioned by light or shade, clouds, depth or shallow- ness, or the nature of the bottom, has, from a remote period, excited the curiosity or remark of the early navigators and whalemen, and to this day is equally a subject of interest to the visitor of these little- frequented parts of the world. The eminent seaman, divine, and savant, William Scoresby, was the first who pointedly drew attention to the subject, but long before his day the quaint old searchers after a North-west Passage “to Cathay and Zipango " seem to have observed the same phenomenon, and have recorded their observations, brief Thus, Henry Hudson, in 1607, notices the change in the colour of the sea, but has fallen into error when he attributes it to the presence or absence of ice whether the sea was blue or green —mere accidental coincidences. John Davis, when, at even an earlier date, he made that famous voyage of his with the ‘Sunshine’ and the ‘Moonshine,’ notes that, in the strait which now bears his name, “the water was black and stinking, like unto a standing pool.” More modern voyagers have equally noted the phenomenon, but without giving any explanation, and it is the object of this paper to endeavour DISCOLORATION OF THE ARCTIC SEAS. 77 to fill up that blank in the physical geography of the sea. In the year 1860, I made a voyage to the seas in the vicinity of Spitzbergen and the dreary island of Jan Mayen, and subsequently a much more extended one through Davis’ Straits to the head of Baffin’s Bay, and along the shores of the Arctic regions lying on the western side of the former gulf, during which I had abundant opportunities of ob- serving the nature of this discoloration. At that period I arrived at the conclusions which I am now about to state. In the course of the past summer I again made an expedition to Greenland, passing several weeks on the outward and homeward passages in portions of the seas mentioned, during which time I had an opportunity of con- firming the observations I had made seven years previously, so that I consider that I am justified in bringing my researches, so far as they have gone, before the Botanical Society. (1.) Appearance and Geographical Distribution of the Discoloured portions of the Arctic Sea—The colour of the Greenland Sea varies from ultramarine blue to olive-green, and from the most pure trans- parency to striking opacity, and these changes are not transitory but permanent.* Scoresby, who sailed during his whaling voyages very extensively over the Arctic Sea, considered that in the * Greenland Sea” of the Dutch—the “ Old Greenland” of the English—this dis- coloured water formed perhaps one-fourth part of the surface between the parallels of 74° and 80° north latitude. It is liable, he remarked, to alterations in its position from the action of the current, but still it is always renewed near certain localities year after year. Often it con- stitutes long bands or streams lying north and south, or N.E. and S.W., but of very variable dimensions. ‘‘ Sometimes T have seen it extend two or three degrees of latitude in length, and from a few miles to ten or fifteen leagues in breadth. It occurs very commonly about the meridian of London in high latitudes. In the year 1817 the sea was found to be of a blue colour and transparent all the way from 12° east, in the parallel of 74° or 75° N.E., to the longitude of 0° 12’ east in the same parallel. It then became green and less transparent ; the colour was nearly grass green, with a shade of black. Sometimes the transition between the green and blue waters is progressive, passing through the intermediate in the space of three or four leagues; at others it is so sudden that the line of separation is seen like the rip- * Scoresby, ‘ Arctic Regions,’ vol. i. p. 175. 78 DISCOLORATION OF THE ARCTIC SEAS. pling of a current ; and the two qualities of the water keep apparently as distinct as the waters of a large muddy river on first entering the sea,”* In Davis’ Straits and Baffin’s Bay, wherever the whalers have gone, the same description may hold true—of course making allow- ances for the differences of geographical position, and the discoloured patches varying in size and locality. I have often observed the vessel in the space of a few hours, or even in shorter periods of time, sail through alternate patches of deep black, green, and cerulean blue; and at other times, especially in the upper reaches of Davis’ Straits and Baffin’s Bay, it has ploughed its way for fifty or even a hundred miles through an almost uninterrupted space of the former colour. The opacity of the water is in some places so great that “tongues ” of ice and other objects cannot be seen a few feet beneath the surface. (2.) Cause of the Discoloration.—These patches of discoloured water are frequented by vast swarms of the minute animals upon which the great “ Right whale” of commerce (Balena mysticetus, Linn.) alone subsists, the other species of Cetacea feeding on fishes proper, and other highly-organized tissues. This fact is well known to the whalers, and, accordingly, the * black water" is eagerly sought for by them, knowing that in it is found the food of their chase, and, therefore, more likely the animal itself. From this knowledge, and from obser- vations made with the usual lucidity of that distinguished observer, ^aptain Scoresby attributed the nature of the discoloration to the presence of immense numbers of meduse in the sea, and his explanation has been accepted by all marine-physical geographers; and for more than forty years his curious estimate of the numbers of individual meduse contained in a square mile of the Greenland sea has become a standard feature in all popular works on zoology, and a stock illus- tration with popular lecturers. In 1860, and subsequently, whilst examining microscopically the waters of the Greenland sea, I found, in common with previous observers, that not only were immense swarms of animal life found in these discoloured patches, but that it was al- most solely confined to these spaces. In addition, however, I observed that the ‘discoloration was not due to this medusoid life, but to the presence of immense numbers of a much more minute object—a beau- tiful moniliform diatom, and it is this diatom which brings this paper within the ken of botanists. On several cold days, or from no appa- * Scoresby, ‘ Arctie Regiona,’ vol. i. p. 176. DISCOLORATION OF THE ARCTIC SEAS. 79 rent cause, the meduse, great and small, would sink, but still the water retained its usual colour, and on examining it I invariably found it to be swarming with Liatomacee—the vast preponderance of which con- sisted of the diatom referred to. It had the appearance of a minute beaded necklace about 41 part of an inch in diameter, of which the articulations are about Be or 1} times as long as broad. These articulations contain a brownish-green granular matter, giving the colour to the whole plant, and again through it to the sea in which it is found so abundantly. The whole diatom varies in length, from a mere point to 1; of an inch, and ap- pears to be capable of enlarging itself indefinitely longitudinally by giving off further bead-like articulations. Wherever, in those portions of the sea, I threw over the towing-net, the muslin in a few minutes was quite brown with the presence of this alga in its meshes. Again, this summer, I have had occasion to notice the same appearance in similar latitudes on the opposite shores of Davis’ Straits where I had principally observed it in 1860. This observation holds true of every portion of discoloured water which I have examined in Davis’ Straits; Baffin’s Bay, and the Spitzbergen or Greenland Seas, viz. that wherever the green water occurred, the sea abounded in Diatomacea, the con- trary holding true regarding the ordinary blue water. These swarms of diatoms do not appear to reach in quantity any very great depth, for in water brought up from 200 fathoms there were few or no dia- toms in it. They seem also to be affected by physical circumstances, for, sometimes in places where a few hours previously the water on the surface was swarming with them, few or none were to be found, and in a few hours they again rose. But the diatom I found plays another part in the economy of the Arctic Seas. In June, 1860, whilst the iron-shod bows of the steamer I was on board of: crashed their way through among the breaking-up floes of Baffin’s Bay, among the Women’s Islands, I observed that the ice thrown up on either side was streaked and coloured brown, and on examining this colouring-matter I found that it was almost entirely composed of the moniliform diatom I have described as forming the discolouring matter of the iceless parts of the icy sea. I subsequently made the same observation in Melville Bay, and in all other portions of Davis' Straits and Baffin's Bay where circumstances admitted of it. During the long winter the Diatomacee had accumulated under the ice in such abundance that when disturbed 80 DISCOLORATION OF THE ARCTIC SEAS. by the pioneer prow of the early whalers they appeared like brown slimy bands in the sea, causing them to be mistaken more than once for the waving fronds of Laminaria longicruris (De la Pyl.) (which, and not L. saccharina, as usually stated, is the common tangle of the Arctic Sea). On examining the under surface of the upturned masses of ice, I found the surface honey-combed, and in the base of these cavities vast accumulations of Diatomacee, leading to the almost in- evitable conclusion that a certain amount of heat must be generated by the vast accumulations of these minute organisms, which thus mine the giant floes, so fatal in their majesty, into cavernous sheets. These are so decayed in many instances as to be easily dashed on either side by “ice chisels” of the steamers which now form the greater bulk of the Arctic-going vessels, and they get from the seamen, who too fre- quently mistake cause for effect, the familiar name of ‘rotten ice.” I find that, as far as the mere observation concerning the diatomaceous character of these slimy masses is concerned, I was forestalled by Dr. Sutherland (Appendix to ‘Penny’s Voyage,’ excviii. and vol.i. pp.91,96). is gives me an opportunity of remarking that though one diatom, as I have remarked, predominates, yet vast multitudes are there of many different species, and even protozoa are included; for though Dr. Sutherland expressly states that this brown slimy mass was principally composed of the moniliform diatom spoken of, yet Professor Dickie (now of Aberdeen) found in it also Grammonema Furgensii, Ag., Pleu- rosigma Thuringica, Kg., P. fasciola, Triceratium striolatum, Navicule, Surirelle, ete. Is it, therefore, carrying the doctrine of final causes too far to say that these diatoms play their part in rendering the frozen north accessible to the bold whalemen, as I shall presently show they do, in furnishing subsistence for the giant quarry which leads him ither ? I have spoken of the discoloured portions of the Arctic Sea as abounding in animal life, and that this life was nowhere so abundant as in these dark spaces which owe this hue to Diatomacee These animals are principally various species of Beroide, and other steganophthalmous Meduse ; Entomostraca, consisting chiefly of 4r- pacticus Kronii, A. chelifer and Cetochilus arcticus, septentrionalis ; and pteropodous mollusca, the chief of which is the well-known Clio borealis, though I think it proper to remark that this species does not contribute to the whales’ food nearly so much as we have been taught LÀ * GM ERIGI E ee DISCOLORATION OF THE ARCTIC SEAS. 81 to suppose. The discoloured sea is sometimes perfectly thick with the swarms of these animals, and then it is that the whaler’s heart gets glad as visions of “size whales” and “ oil money” rise up before him, for it is on these minute animals that the most gigantic of all known beings solely subsists. What, however, was my admiration (it was scarcely surprise) to find, on examining microscopically the alimentary canals of these animals, that the contents consisted entirely of the Diatomacee which give the sable hue to portions of the Northern Sea in which these animals are principally found! It thus appears, that in the strange cycle of nature, the “ whales’ food” is dependent on this diatom! I subsequently found (though the observation is not new) that the alimentary canals of most of the smaller Mollusca, Echinodermata, etc., were also full of these Diatomacee. I also made an observation which is confirmatory of what I have advanced regard- ing the probability of these minute organisms giving off en masse a certain degree of heat, though in the individuals inappreciable to the most delicate of our instruments. On the evening of the 4th of June, 1867, in latitude 67° 26’ N., the sea was so full of animal (and diato- maceous) life, that in a few minutes upwards of a pint measure of Entomostraca, Meduse, and Pteropoda would fill the towing-net. The temperature of the sea was then by the most delicate instruments found be 32:5? Fahr., and next morning (June 5th), though the air had exactly the same temperature, no ice at hand, and the ship maintained almost the same position as on the night previous, yet the surface temperature of the sea had sunk to 27°5° Fahr., and was clear of life, —so much so, that in the space of half an hour the towing-net did not capture a single Entomostracon, Medusa, or Pteropod. 1 also found that this swarm of life ebbed and flowed with the tide, and that the whalers used to remark that whales along shore were most frequently caught at the flow of the tide, coming in with the banks of whales’ food. This mass of minute life also ascends to the surface more in the calm arctic nights when the sun gets near the horizon during the long, long summer. In 1860 I was personally acquainted with the death of thirty individuals of the “right whalebone whale” (Balena mysticetus, L.), and of this number fully three-fourths were killed be- tween ten o’clock p.m. and six o’clock a.M., having come on the “whaling grounds " at that period (from amongst the ice where they had been taking their siesta), to feed upon the animals which were VOL. vi. [marcy 1, 1868. ] - 82 DISCOLORATION OF THE ARCTIC SEAS. then swarming on the surface, and these again feeding on the Dia- fomacee found most abundantly at. that time in the same situations. I would, however, have you to guard against the supposition, enun- ciated’ freely enough in some compilations, that the 4 whales’ food ” migrates, and that the curious wanderings of the whale north, and again west and south, is due to its “ pursuing its living ;” such is not the case. The whales’ food is found all over the wandering ground of the mysticee, and in all probability the animal goes north in the sum- mer in pursuance of an instinct implanted in it to keep in the vicinity of the floating ice-fields (now melted away in southern latitudes) ; and again it goes west for the same purpose, and finally goes south at the approach of winter—but where, no man knows. There are some other streaks of discoloured water in the Arctic Sea known to the whalers by various not very euphonious names, but these are merely local or accidental, and are also wholly due to Diatomacee, and with this notice may be passed over as of little importance. I cannot, how- ever, close this paper without remarking how curiously the observations I have recorded afford illustrations of representative species in different and widely separated regions. In the Arctic Ocean the Balena mys- ticetus is the great subject of chase, and in the Antarctic and Southern Seas the hardy whalemen pursue a closely allied species, Balena aus- tralis. The northern whale feeds upon a Clio borealis and Cetochilus septentrionalis; the southern whale feeds upon their representative species, Clio australis and Cetochilus australis, which streak with crim- son the Southern Ocean for many a league. The Northern Sea is dyed dark with a diatom on which the Clios and Cetochili live, and the warm waters of the Red Sea are stained crimson with another; and I doubt not but that, if the Southern Seas were examined as carefully as the Northern have been, it would be found that the Southern whales’ food lives also on the diatoms staining the waters of that Austral Ocean. I do not claim any very high credit for the facts narrated in the foregoing paper, either general or specific, for really it is to the ex- ertions of the ever-to-be-admired sailor-savant, William Scoresby, that the first faint light which has led to the solution of the question is due, though the state of science in his day would not admit of his seeing more clearly into the dark waters of that frozen sea he knew and loved so well. | At the same time, I believe that I am justified in concluding that DISCOLORATION OF THE ARCTIC SEAS. 83. we have now arrived at the following conclusions from perfectly sound data, viz.:— (1.) That the discoloration of the Arctic Sea is due not to animal life, but to Diatomacee. (2.) TRAE these Diatomacee form the brown staining matter of the “ rotten ice " of Northern navigators. (3.) That these Diatomacee form the food of the Pteropoda, Meduse, and Entomostraca, on which the Balena mysticetus subsists. I have brought home abundant specimens of the diatomaceous masses which I have so frequently referred to in this paper, and I am now engaged in distributing them to competent students of this Order, so that the exact species may be determined; but as these take a long time to be examined (more especially as diatoms do not seem so popu- lar a study as they were a few years ago), I have thought it proper to bring the more important general results of my investigations before you at this time, and to allow the less interesting subject of the deter- mination of species to lie over to another time. I have to apologize to you for introducing so much of another science, foreign to the ob- jects of the Society, into this paper; but when the lower Orders of plants are concerned, we are so near to the boundaries of the animal world, that to cross now and then over the shadowy march is allowable, if not impossible to be avoided. Finally, you will allow me to remark that, in all the annals of bio- logy, I know nothing more strange than the curious tale I have un- folded: the diatom staining the broad frozen sea, again supporting myriads of living beings which crowd there to feed on it, and these again supporting the huge whale,—so completing the wonderful cycle of life. Thus it is no stretch of the imagination to say that the greatest animal in ereation,* whose pursuit gives employment to many thousand tons of shipping and thousands of seamen, and the import- ance of which is commercially so great that its failure for one season was estimated for one Scottish port alone at a loss of £100,000 ster- ling,t depends for its existence on a being so minute that it takes * Nilsson, in his *Skandinaviske Fauna,’ vol. i, estimates the full-grown B. _mysticetus, at 100 tons or 220,000 Ib. or equal to 88 elephants or 442 white TI n 1867 the Meis screw-steamers of Dundee only took two whales, and the loss to each steamer was estimated at £5000, and to the town in all at the sum I have e given. G2 84 ON THE PRESENT DOMESTIC USE OF LICHEN DYESTUFFS thousands to be massed together before they are visible to the naked eye, and, though thousands of ships have for hundreds of years sailed the Arctic, unknown to the men who were most interested in its ex- istence ; illustrating in a remarkable degree how nature is in all her kingdoms dependent on all—and how great are little things ! ON THE PRESENT DOMESTIC USE OF LICHEN DYE- STUFFS IN THE SCOTTISH ISLANDS AND HIGH- LANDS. [Being portion of a paper ‘On the Present Use of Lichens as Dye-Stuffs," read before Section B. (Chemical Science) of the British Association at Dundee, in September last, by Dr. LAUDER Linpsay, of Perth.] Many years ago, Liehenologists ventured to assert, that if there lingered then in the more remote corners, or less accessible districts, of Scotland, any vestige of the domestic or home use of Lichens as dye- stuffs,—a practice which at one time largely prevailed,—such a rude procedure or custom would speedily disappear before the march of civilization; the penetration of the Highlands by railways—the es- tablishment of regular steam communication between Edinburgh or Glasgow, and the western and northern islands and coasts: the cheapening and multiplication of coal-tar, or other dye-stuffs, and of the printed goods, woollen and cotton, of Glasgow and Manchester, Leeds and Bradford. The ‘Synopsis of the Vegetable Products of Scotland’ in the Museum of the Royal Botanic Garden of Kew, states that “all the native vegetable dyes are... falling into disuse from the cheapness and facility with which those of foreign origin can be procured.” And this statement was not made without due, though local, inquiry ; for my friend Mr. Ravenscroft, of the firm of Messrs. Lawson, of Edinburgh, by whom the said collection was arranged, originally for the Exhibition of 1851, collected his information and specimens alike in the district around Fort Augustus in 1850. The object of my present communication is to show that all such predictions and assertions are at least premature. Evidence of a con- trary kind has presented itself to me, somewhat unexpectedly I confess, during a tour in the summer of 1866, through the Hebrides, Orkney, and Shetland: to which I have been enabled to add confirmatory evi- dence collected previously or subsequently in Caithness, Inverness, and IN THE SCOTTISH ISLANDS AND HIGHLANDS. 85 Perth-shires, and other parts of the Scottish mainland. The evidence in question proves that the domestic use of lichen-dyes is prevalent over whole districts in Scotland, even in and around large seaports, which have steam communication with Glasgow and Edinburgh, sometimes two or three times a week, and which may be presumed, therefore, to be well supplied with the cheapest and most abundant products of British manufacture. During a visit to the Lewis (Outer Hebrides) in May, 1866, I made special inquiry as to the use of Lichens as dye-stuffs among the peasantry. The result was the discovery that “ Crottle " is universally known and used throughout the Long Island, even in and around Stornoway, a large and much frequented seaport, which is one of the chief centres of the herring fishery in Scotland, is in regular and fre- quent steam communication with Glasgow and Edinburgh, and, more- over, is largely peopled by an immigrant population from the mainland of Scotland. The Crottle in common use in the Long Island was pointed out to me in its place of growth, by Mr. Macrae, of Uig (Myavik), whose wife is experienced in its tinctorial applications. I was enabled to identify it as the ordinary saxieolous form of Par- melia saxatilis; dark grey, but not furfuraceous, usually sterile. Young Crottle is preferentially collected by the peasantry,—that which adheres closely to the stones or rocks on which it grows, and has no attached soil or impurity, a preference which appears to be grounded, at least partly, on the circumstance that this young condition of the plant saves cleaning and picking. The plant is rare about Stornoway, but would appear to be abundant in the parish of Lochs, where, in the Lewis, it is chiefly collected. It is applied in dyeing with various shades of brown or reddish-brown—including claret, heather, and chest- nut tints—home-spun yarns made from the wool of the sheep fed on the island. ‘These yarns are either woven or knitted into various ege which include chiefly— l. “ Kelt,” a home-made cloth (woven), used for trousers, shirts, vests, jackets, and kilts; a material which, I believe, would outwear many tweeds, but which is manufactured only for home use, and is so scarce in the local markets, if it occur at all, that I could procure none to purchase. Kelt for coats or jackets is, however, usually dyed blue with indigo (imported) ; but trouserings and vest-pieces, on the other hand, are generally heather-coloured by Crottle. 86 ON THE PRESENT DOMESTIC USE OF LICHEN DYESTUFFS 2. Hearthrugs. 3. Polkas and scarfs for women (knitted) e. g. those specially made for the women of Ness. 4. Stockings and socks of all kinds and sizes (knitted). Extreme variety of practice exists as to the precise process of dyeing, especially in reference to the use or non-use of mordants (such as Sumac, alum, and copperas); the employment of Crottle alone, or in com- bination with other native dyes (such as Heather, Alder-bark, Water- lily, or Soot) ; the selection of white or grey yarns; and the determi- nation of the pattern (striped or plain). But the essentials of the pro- cess of preparation and applieation appear to be that— l. The Lichen is crushed into a coarse powder between stones. 2. It is steeped or not in water, to cleanse apparently from im- purities. 3. Alternate layers of yarn and powdered Crottle are laid in an iron pot; and,— 4. The whole is boiled in water, generally without addition of any kind. It is noteworthy here, that no form of ammoniacal maceration is resorted to; the former use of putrid urine, and the Graith pig ap- pears to be unknown. The result of the discontinuance of this custom is, however, a less variety of colours, and an inferior beauty of shade, especially as regards its character of Orchill, 7. e. the possession of a red or purple hue. The yarn is thus dyed, and the articles of clothing above enumerated are woven or knitted, for the most part, by the female part of the population, and of all grades, from the minister’s wife to the poorest cotter, chiefly during the long dreary season of winter; and I may note here, that in respect of their industry in worsted work, the Long Islanders resemble the inhabitants of the more northern islands of Iceland, Faroe, and Shetland. Harris is the great centre of the native woollen manufactures I refer to. The goods in question are made, in the first place, for home use, and the finest qualities are invariably re- served for this end, and so are not to be met with in the market. But the surplus is brought or sent for sale, or rather for exchange, to the annual fair at Stornoway, in July, from all parts of the Long Island, and even from remote St. Kiida. The dealings of the peasantry are mainly with a few old-established native merchants, with whom they IN THE SCOTTISH ISLANDS AND HIGHLANDS. 87 barter their handiwork for tea, sugar, tobacco, hardware, and crockery. Money payments are scarcely known. I visited Stornoway towards the close of the season, in May, when the produce of the preceding annual fair may be supposed to have been dispersed and disposed of. Nevertheless I had no difficulty in meeting with abundant specimens of stockings (specimens of which were shown in the Exhibition of Art and Industry in connection with the British Association at Dundee in September last) in the shops of a few of the older-established merchants. The cost of the longer stockings was about 1s. 2d. a pair, and of the socks 5d. to 7d. per pair; they are coarse and inferior in this respect to the produce of Shetland; but it must be remembered that they are the remnants of the season, and as such the most unfavourable speci- mens I could exhibit of the handiwork of the Long Island peasantry. Whether it is that a sensitive nationality or provinciality inspires me with the feeling, I am not prepared to confess ; but the coarse Lewis stockings referred to have, in my eyes and nostrils, a peculiar interest, in so far as they exhale a delightful fragrance of the “ Peat-reeke " of old Seotland, and exhibit the warm colours of its native heather ! Harris and Lewis stockings are also largely sold in Glasgow. While indigenous Lichen-dyes are so widely used in the Long Island, it is of interest to record that Orchill is unknown in Stornoway, as are also the modern aniline and allied dyes. But Cudbear is kept by every grocer in that seaport, apparently of one shade and quality sup- plied from Glasgow, but manufactured necessarily in some of the English towns (e.g. London); there being now no manufactory of either Cudbear or Orchill, so far as I am aware, in Scotland. Cudbear is used for dyeing blankets and shawls a crimson-red, and for mixing with Crottle, or other native dye-stuffs. In some parts of the Long Island, Ramalina scopulorum, under a Gaelic name, which signifies “ Goat’s Beard,” is also used to dye yarn yellow without a mordant. Its use, however, is greatly restricted and very local as compared with Crottle. My informant, Mr. Macrae, did not know of its use in the Uig district, which is one pre-emi- nently characterized by the primitiveness of the customs of its inha- bitants. I subsequently found that the same species, under the name * Old Man," was at one time used in Shetland to yield a yellow dye. : I found Sutherland and Caithness a duplicate, on a minor scale; of 88 DOMESTIC USE OF LICHEN DYESTUFFS. the Long Island, in respect of the customs of the peasantry as regards the domestic manufacture of clothing, and the application of Crottle, and other native dye-siuffs. In the neighbourhood of Strathy, for instance, the cloth called “ home-scourings "—the equivalent of the Lewis “ kelt "—whereof the shepherds’ coats are fashioned, is commonly woven, and the stockings worn by all classes of the community are constantly being knitted; the yarn used being usually dyed with Crottle, Heather, or other native dyes, similar to, or identical with those of Lewis and Harris. Some of the Thurso merchants barter with the peasantry for their surplus woollen produce, just as in Stor- noway; and, as around that seaport also, Crottle is rare, and is col- lected on the hills and moors of the interior of Sutherland, where it would appear to abound. The only other illustration I consider it of interest to bring under your notice is that of the hosiery of Fair Isle, one of the Shetland group, which is unique in Scotland on account of the peculiarity alike of the colours, which are extremely bright and gaudy, and of the patterns, which differ remarkably from those that are the common characteristics of hosiery, not only in Shetland, but in all other parts of Britain. These Fair Isle goods are apparently in great demand in the southern markets, such as Edinburgh and Glasgow, and even London. The long stockings, the nightcaps and caps for men, of which they chiefly consist, are largely sold in Lerwick and Kirkwall; and I have seen à similar exhibition of Fair Isle produce in the Shetland ware- houses of Edinburgh. Local tradition, both in Orkney and Shetland, points to the Spanish Armada as the source of the teaching of the weaving of the peculiar patterns, if not of the application also of the parti-coloured dyes; and my friend the Rev. Biot Edmonstone, of Blair-Drummond, who is a Shetlander, and has travelled moreover in Spain, tells me that the gaudy variegations of yellow, red, and blue, in Fair Isle stockings are exactly the characteristic of the long stockings still worn by the Spanish peasantry. I see no good ground for doubt- ing that these unique patterns originated in the wreck of the Spanish Armada in 1588 ; and if this origin is accepted, the peculiar character of the Fair Isle hosiery is a most interesting example of an exotic manufacture holding ground in a most limited area, and apparently most unlikely field, for an unusually long period. I have collected a considerable mass of materials relating to the pre- DIAGNOSES OF TWO NEW CHINESE CYPERACE. 89 sent use of Lichens as domestic dye-stuffs in other parts of the Scottish Highlands and Islands, in Wales, in India and Ceylon, and in South America; but I must content myself at present with this mere refer- ence thereto. DIAGNOSES OF TWO NEW CHINESE CYPERACEJE. By H. F. Hance, Pu.D. MO Gren Sampsoni, n. sp. ; radicibus fibrosis, culmis subpedalibus basi foliatis compressis suleatis scaberulis, foliis atro-viridibus linearibus cire. 12-nerviis 2 lineas latis margine denticulato-scabris culmis di- midio brevioribus inferioribus ad vaginas scariosas reductis infimis denique in fibras solutis, spicis plerumque 3- circ. 7—10-linealibus ter- minali mascula cylindrica pallida reliquis fcemineis crassioribus incluse v. leviter exserte pedunculatis, bracteis foliaceis culmo brevioribus, perigyniis lanceolatis longe rostratis ore alte bicuspidato crebre striato- nervosis pubescentibus fuscis, squama oblonga obtusa v. emarginata alba nervo viridi percursa in acumen hirsutum sepius excurrente peri- gynio angustiore basin rostri attingente, acheenio castaneo stipitato obovoideo trigono angulis medio exsculptis basi persistente styli con- spicue apiculato, stigmatibus 3 tomentosis. Ad bases rupium, insula Ku-lang-sá, d. 10 Maii 1866, coll. cl. T. Sampson. (Exsicc. n. 13059.) Allied to C. Harlandi, Boott, C. tenebrosa, Boott, and especially C. manca, Boott, but differs from all in its short leaves; from the first- named also by its tomentose perigynia and narrow leaves; it resembles C. tenebrosa, chiefly in colour, but is in other respects different ; from C. manca, which has very similar squamae, achenia, and perigynia, it may be at once distinguished by its short leaves and dark tint. v Comat dg (Eufimbristylis) gracilenta, n. sp. ; radice tenui fibrosa, is basi foliatis setaceis sulcatis inferne glaberrimis superne tomen- nn foliis angustissimis sspe involutis tomentellis apice acutis basin umbelle attingentibus, vaginis late albo-membranaceo-marginatis, umbelle radiis 6-8 dense et breviter patulo-pilosis nunc bifidis in- eequalibus, involucri phyllis 5-6 valde inzequalibus, spicis lanceolato- linearibus acutis 1-3 in radiis alteraque centrali sessili, squamis un- dique imbricatis pallide brunueis lanceolatis nervo carinali excurrente, 90 SOME OF THE RARER FUNGI FOUND NEAR KENILWORTH. stylo bifido apice piloso basi subcordato-bulboso, achzenio pallide brunneo stipitato lenticulari-obovoideo sub lente tenuissime puncticu- lato. In arenosis graminosis insule Danorum, Whampose, ipse legi in- eunte Augusto, 1866. (Exsicc. n. 15227.) In habit this approaches F. Cioniana, Savi, and especially F. tenera, R. and S.; but, on account of its achene and bifid style, its true affi- nity is rather with F. squarrosa, Vahl, F. estivalis, Vahl, and cognate species. LIST OF SOME OF THE RARER FUNGI FOUND NEAR KENILWORTH. After reading Mr. W. G. Smith’s interesting communications in the ‘Journal of Botany’ for this and last month, I am led to offer a list of some of the less common species of fungi met with by myself in the immediate neighbourhood of Kenilworth, during the last two seasons, especially as the destruction of timber is going on to such an extent down here, that I augur a great diminution of the fungological harvest, which was a very poor one last year as compared with the unusually prolific one of 1866. Agaricus (Clitocybe) fumosus; A. (Entoloma) repandus. Both on banks under trees, in the Birmingham Agaricus (Hebeloma) scaber. Dalehouse Lane. Cortinarius (Dermocybe) diabolicus. Birmingham Road. Cortinarius (Telamonia) periscelis. Birmingham Road, in boggy ground, caused by a spring running through masses of decayed leaves. Hygrophorus olivaceo-albus. Bank, under trees, Birmingham Road. Lactarius chrysorrheus. Same situation as the last. Boletus sanguineus. Grassy border of the Red Lane, where it first bends to the left; and in phi Wood, close to the pathway, a few hundred yards from the upper gat Polyporus intybaceus. Old Oki, Parkfield. Brought to me by a friend. Polyporus giganteus. Bank, among trees, in Dalehouse Lane. I have also seen it far more beautifully developed, several years ago, in Crackley Wood. HENNA IN CHINA. ; 91 Polyporus salignus. At foot of an old Apple-tree in my own garden, where, after being cut away, it reappears in a year or two. Polyporus fracineus. Growing up the foot of a post, in the lane beyond Dunspits Farm. Peziza (Sarcoscypha) radiculata. Barrow-well Lane, on the bare earth, in December. Amongst the numerous species which the neighbourhood affords, I may specify, as found at other times :— Agaricus (Clitocybe) opacus. A. (Clitocybe) inversus. A. (Pleurotus) euosmus. A. (Coprinus) Hendersonii. This I have only seen once, on horse- dung, in Crackley Wood. Hygrophorus calyptraformis. Lactarius glyciosmus. Russula rosacea. Craterellus cornucopioides. Found by a friend in Crackley Wood. On seeing Mr. W. G. Smith's figure of Morchella crassipes in the January number, my delight was great at the clearing up of what has long been a great puzzle to me, viz. the discrepancy between most of the figures of Morchella esculenta that have come under my notice (especially the one in Mr. Berkeley’s ‘ Outlines of British Fungology ’) and the specimens of that species, as I supposed, gathered by me at different times in the damp, mossy shrubbery of Wick House, between Bristol and Brislington. I felt certain that my plant must be Mr. Smith's M. crassipes. The figure is precisely it, only I never found any specimen quite so large as the one which he has drawn. Anna RUSSELL. Clarendon Villa, Kenilworth, February 6th, 1868. HENNA IN CHINA. Lawsonia alba is a common shrub of cultivation in Kwangtung, 92 ON A NEW CHINESE ACANTHACEA. and its flowers are extensively used in bouquets, and by women to adorn their hair; but numerous inquiries that I have made among a Punti population have failed to elicit any logical reason for its name, .chi-kép-fa (finger-nail flower), and it is interesting to find that, though not generally known to the Puntis, the custom of dyeing the finger- nails by an application of the pounded leaves of this shrub, exactly as has been done for thousands of years, and is done to this day in the West of Asia, is practised by the young girls among the Hakkas of Kwangtung.—* Cantoniensis" in ‘Notes and Queries on China and Japan,’ vol. i. p. 40. THE “PAPER BARK” TREES OF NEW SOUTH WALES. The “ Paper Bark ” trees of New South Wales belong to the Natural Order of the Myrtacez, or Myrtle family, and have a thick outer cover- ing or bark, composed of many layers of a minutely divisible paper- like substance, varying from a dark to a very light brown colour, and capable of being separated into very thin layers. The trees producing this peculiar kind of bark indigenous to New South Wales, are :— Melaleuca linarifolia. M. squarrosa, also found in Tas- M. pauciffora. mania. M. Leucadendron. Metrosideros glomulifera. M. styphelioides. Callistemon salignus. M. viridiflora. C. lanceolatus. M. genistifolia. C. viridi pne: found also in New Caledoni mcm Bennett, M.D. ON A NEW CHINESE ACANTHACEA. By H. F. Hance, Pu.D., ETC. yoo Ruellia venusta, n. sp.; erecta, caule 4-angulo scabrido, foliis ob- longo-lanceolatis integerrimis obtuse acuminatis basi longe attenuatis sed vix petiolatis (lamina nempe ad insertionem produeta) 3-5 poll. longis 1} poll. latis supra passim subtus priecipue in venis pilis arti- ON A NEW CHINESE ACANTHACEA. 93: culatis strigillosis, floribus axillaribus solitariis 2-nisve, bracteis foliis similibus sed multo minoribus calycem equantibus vel duplo super- antibus nuuc deficientibus, calycis 4—5-linealis lobis lineari-subulatis æqualibus, corolla infundibulari pallide ceerulea venulosa e tubo recto gracili 13-pollicari intus extusque puberulo in limbum campanulatum pollicarem subregularem fere glaberrimum æqualiter ampliata lobis trun- catis vel emarginatis symptyxi contortis, staminibus 4 apice tubi in- sertis ad basin loborum attingentibus equalibus vel subzequalibus, an- theris muticis 2-locularibus loculis parallelis apice basique sinu acuto discretis, stylo stamina vix superante stigmate æqualiter 2-lobo, capsula angusta compressa basi apiceque attenuata valvis medio secus septum extus sulcatis ab ima basi usque ad medium et ultra circ. 16-sperma, dissepimento completo, seminibus oblongis compressissimis. In umbrosis silve supra monasterium Fi-loi-tsz, ad angiportum Tsing-yune, fl. North River, provincie Cantoniensis, d. 18 Sept. 1866, collegerunt Sampson et Hance (Exsicc. n. 1376F). This very lovely and apparently quite distinct plant would properly fall into Ruellia of Nees, as contradistinguished from Dipteracanthus, at least so far as the written differential character goes, the capsule bearing seeds to the very base. Dr. Anderson, however, in his * Enu- meration of African Acanthacee’ (Journ. Linn. Soc. vii. 14), expressly limits his subtribe Euruelliee by the “ capsula basi sterilis, supra me- dium seminifera.” But, as I do not know where Dr. Anderson would place the Chinese plant; and, as it seems to me naturally closely allied to R. strepens, Linn., and R. ciliosa, Pursh, I have retained it in the genus drawn up, to show the grounds of my belief, a rather full diagnosis, in which the principal structural points employed for generic distinction in the Order are noted. P.S. Since the above was written, I have received the 39th and 40th parts of vol. ix. of the ‘ Linnean Journal,’ containing Dr. Anderson’s Conspectus of the Indian Acanthacee. I think my diagnosis will show that, after all, no genus characterized by that eminent botanist will admit the Chinese plant, except Ruellia. As Nees, I must presume, after examination of some species at least, assigned to his Ruellia a capsule bearing seeds from the base, while Anderson asserts his Hemi- graphides, to which he refers all Nees’ Ruellie, to have a sterile-based fruit; and as the former structure certainly obtains in the Chinese plant, I suppose Dr. Anderson may have rather over-estimated its 94 BOTANICAL NEWS. value. The characters assigned (l. c. p. 443) to his subtribes Furu- elliee and Strobilanthee ave not differential, containing nothing to aid in distinguishing one from the other. BOTANICAL NEWS. The seventh part of Seemann's * Flora Vitiensis has just been completed, and includes the Urticee, Ceratophyllee, Piperacee, Chloranthacee, Casua- rinee, Conifere, and Cycadee. gassiz’ * Journey in Brazil’ (London : Trabner and Co.) contains many scattered botanical notes and some good woodcuts, illustrative of South Ame- rican vegetation. a chief aim of Agassiz’ great expedition is stated in this work to have been to obtain “ bod means of showing that the transmutation t£ theory is wholly w itho ut 1 in facts.” Dr. N. J. Anderson, of Stockholm, sends us his interesting ‘Apergu de la. . Végétatipn et des Plantes Cultivées de la Suéde.’ The second and concluding volume of Robert Brown's ‘ Miscellaneous Bo- tanical Works’ (containing Systematic Memoirs and Contributions to Syste- matic works), edited gd em J. J. Bennett, F.R.S., and published by the Ray Society, has just been is Dr. Hanstein, of ds ‘te published a ‘Synopsis of the Natural Orders for the use of Botanical Lost" to which we would wish to draw attention as vocem d some novel combinations. nk, of Würzburg, has been pesi optime: of the Botanic Garden of Leipzig, vacant by the death of Dr. Met Mr. Ed. Otto, Curator of the Botanic diim. t "ations has lately bought a large nursery at Altona, and no longer holds the official position. He will soak to sese the Hamburg ‘ Gartenzeitung,' so ably edited by him for man BOTANICAL dris or EpINBURGH.— Thursday, 12th December. Charles — Esq., page in the chair.—The following communications were ead :—I. On the Nature of the Discoloration of the Arctic Seas. By Robe wi Esq., F IL. o ora of Rannoch, Perthshire B noch, that part of Perthshire which drains into Loch Rannoch—a lake about eleven miles in length, lying east and west, and closely approached on its longer sides by high mountains, but more open at either end—at the east where the Tummel flows out to discharge itself into the Tay, and at the west, where the tributary streams from Lochs Ganer, Lydoch, etc., wind through the desolate moor of aise to swell the dark waters of the lake. The mountains, unlike those of the Breadalbane range, are well clothed, to some height, with heather and great beds of the fragrant Myrica, and, on * BOTANICAL NEWS. 95 the lower sopen, openly wooded with angna still very numerous, but once covering the who le district. In one of the south shore of the miles, and, from its sombre appearance, is aptly named the “ Black Wood.” The timber of this forest is celebrated for its durability, and, only a few years ago, was valued at about £22,000. In its recesses occur many insects not found in any other part of Britain, and some even, as yet, un undetected in any other place w whatever. He concluded by giving a list of the plants he had col- lected in the district, and noted their altitudes, which were generally greater than anywhere else in Britain. III. Notice of a new Carduus gathered during a Botanical Visit to Ross-shire. By Mr. Charles Howie and Mr. Charles Jenner. Mr. Jenner laid on the table twelve sheets of specimens of a Carduus, new to Britain certainly, and icta new to Europe, if not new to science. The descriptive aui of the plant, which it is proposed to Carduus Carolorum, will show botanists its p peculiarities. It does not vary much from a ve preme by Linneus in his ‘ Species Plan Am 1753, under the name of Carduus Doles found in Siberia; but it s distinguished from it by some marked specific differences. It was gathered n the borders of igs Oo within a very circumscribed area, growing on a high bank above a rocky streamlet. Grim old indigenous trees of the Pinus sylvestris were thinly scattered up and down , and mountains of considerable elevation shadowed the place. This Carduus may perhaps be a hybrid between be in every respect a true species, maintaining its iil in nature by the power it has of reproducing itself, and of conserving its ow special characteristics. The following are the characters :—Root perennial, Rekst deeply rooting in the soil, cæspitose, producing several stems. reay from 2 to 4 feet high, fur- rowed, slightly cottony, leafy from top to bottom, m, terminating in a corymb of m five to nine capitula. Leaves—Root- -i lanceolate, gradually tapering hi upper surface pilose. Stem-leaves from twenty to thirty (cottony beneath also, and pilose above), lower narrowing into long winged petioles, lobed as well as deeply toothed, upper leaves more nearly sessile, semi-am amplexicaul, with de- mit s current auricled prolongations; nea the s aller, sharply toothed, pute. at the point; Aom yore arkeneped. Involucres obovate or globular. adp inate, dentate towards the apex. Pa deciduous, short, rigid, apes qeu a ring at the base. Achenes ovate, coer ssed with a circular dn into which the pappus is inserted. Flowers purple. A very handsome plant. IV. On the Botany ofi Frodsham Marshes, Cheshire. By Mr. J. F. Robinson, communicated by Mr. Sadler. Frodsham Marsh is a large tract of low-lying land, b bounded on the north-east by the river T and on the north-west by the river Mersey ; it is mostly well drained by gutters, which empty themselves into large ditches, the water eventually wd conveyed to the river. As might be expected, the plants are principally aquatie species. The most conspicuous are Butomus umbellatus 96 BOTANICAL NEWS. and Epilobium hirsutum. The Frogbit (Hydrocharis Morsus-rane) covers the surface of many of the ditches; it is difficult to secure good specimens for a kind of a gelatinous animalcule, which adheres to the drying paper. All the four species of Duckweed are to be met with. Lemna gibba must be looked for only in muddy water, where there is plenty of decaying vegetable matter— it is never seen, so far as my limited experience is concerned, in clean and ap- parently pure streams; Ranunculus Baudotii, R. peltatus, and R. trichophyllus, show their star-like blossoms in the early spring months in plenty. R. circi- natus is abun dant in deep water, but does not flower until the end of June. nalis, Lep salinum, Armeria maritima, and Glaux maritima, occur in P eric inter- milod with Plantago Coronopus and P. maritima he prevailing grass is Festuca ovina. Rumex Hydrolapathum, Œnanthe Jtilélois, Typha dece Scirpus maritimus, Utricularia vulgaris, and Hottonia palustris, are not rare Myriophyllum alterniflorum, M. spicatum, Helosciadium inundatum, Veronica Anagallis, and Scirpus lacustris, on the contrary, are to be classed amongst the rare plants of our marsh ditches. In the marsh about Helsby, Epilo- bium E Ceratophyllum demersum, Thalictrum flavum the variety Morisonii, and Barbarea precoz, occur sparingly; those about Woodhouses contain inan the ppc gi » Valeriana officinalis, Carex Pseudo- Cyperus, and Petasites vulgaris; the una is not at all common about Frodsham. Anacharis Alsinastrum will soon be a sad pest. Rushes muster in t force, yet they are only such as are generally found in boggy situations—namely, Juncus effusus, J. conglomeratus, J. acutiflorus, J. lamprocarpus, and J. su- pinus ; on the other hand, sedges are neither numerous nor plentiful. Carex disticha, C. riparia, C. panicea, C. astantes C. K peere and C. vulpina, are no doubt it has been introduced with apii seeds. Y. Botanical Rambles up the Weaver Valley. By Mr. James F. Robinson. The author * W Mitten del. Fitch lith. Tab. 77: Vincent Brooks, imp. 97 NEW OR RARE BRITISH MOSSES. By Wiii1am Mirren, Ese., A.L.S. (Prate LXXVIIL.) Trichostomum flavo-virens, Bruch and Miller in (Regensb.) Bot. Zeit. 1829, p. 304. t. 7. Stems short, simple or dichotomous. Leaves patent from a more erect base, the lower ones smaller, shorter, and more erect, the upper longer, more spreading, and forming a rosette or coma, from which the stems are continued by innovations, in which the same arrangement of the leaves is reproduced, and the foliage is thus repeatedly interrupted; all the leaves are oblong-ligulate, obtuse, acute or mucronate, the apex flat or sometimes a little hooded, the margins entire and mostly incurved, so that the leaf is channelled; the nerve prominent on the bark is nearly of the same colour as the leaf, and is usually excurrent into a very short mucro ; the cells of the upper portion of the leaf are rounded or subquadrate, all obscure, green or yellowish-green, when revived after long desiccation they are greyish or glaucous-green ; at the base of the leaf the obscure cells are suddenly changed into elongate rectangulate white pellucid cells, which are con- tinued nearly as far again up the margins of the leaf as they are in its middle, where they occupy a space in length about equal to the width of the leaf at that part. The pericheetial leaves, except in being a little narrower, scarcely differ from those of the coma. ‘The seta is red, a little flexuose. The capsule is oblong-cylindrie or ovate-oblong, pale yel- lowish-brown, its mouth red. The operculum is acuminate, and about half as long as the capsule. The peristome, which is as long as the operculum, is composed of thirty-two erect, filiform, minutely dotted red teeth united at the base in pairs, and arising from a very short membrane. The calyptra is pale and glossy.—The male plant is more slender, with the antheridia enclosed by many small leaves into a terminal bud.—Has. Shoreham Beach, Sussex, always sterile. Originally gathered in Sardinia by Müller, it is now known to grow along the northern and southern coasts of the Mediterranean, and fertile specimens were gathered on the coast of Portugal by Dr. Welwitsch. In habit and size this species agrees nearly with 7. brachydontium, Bruch and Müller (Regensb.), Bot. Zeit. 1829, p. 393. t. 3 (Didy- VOL. vi. [APRIL 1, 1808.] H 98 NEW OR RARE BRITISH MOSSES. modon brachydontius, Wils. in Eng. Bot. Suppl. t. 2735), but which was figured and described in the ‘ Bryologia Europea’ as T. mutabile (Trichostomum, t. 5). From this species, however, it differs in its more tender, more obscure, and softer leaves, with an evident white base, in which the hyaline elongate cells ascend along the mar gins of the leaf higher than they do in the middle by the nerve. Although perfectly distinct in inflorescence and in the straight peristome, it is Tortula cespitosa, Schweegr. t. 31, that Trichostomum flavo-virens more nearly resembles than any other Moss, agreeing as it does in size, appearance, in the colour of its foliage, seta, and capsule; even in the areolation of the leaves it is almost exactly similar; and, it may be observed, that if the peristome of 7. flavo-virens had been ever so little twisted, it must have been placed in Tortula, from the absence of any difference of structure. There are some other British Mosses known hitherto in a barren state only, but which are evidently species very nearly allied to the more generally distributed Trichostomum mutabile; one of them has long been known, but it does not appear to be anywhere noticed. It may be thus characterized :— Trichostomum diffractum. Stems growing in compact tufts more or less elongated, and repeatedly dichotomously divided. Foliage densely inserted, green or yellowish-green, becoming when old brown and persistent, not interruptedly comose, when dry crispate. Leaves recurved from a short, erect base, patent, all except the very youngest uniformly broken off halfway up, when complete they are linear-lanceo- late, acute, slightly channelled, entire; the nerve thick, prominent on the back, in a dry state paler and shining, at the apex of the leaf it is excurrent into a short mucro; all the upper portion of the leaf is occupied by rounded, obscure cells, gradually towards the base be- coming more elongate and translucent, and at the base the hyaline, oblong, rectangulate cells ascend higher along the margins than they do in the middle.— Has. St. Vincent’s Rocks, Clifton (Dr. Thwaites) ; Carnelly, and St. Michael's Chapel, Torquay (the late Mr. Bormi on walls at Plymouth (Mr. Holmes). From 7. mutabile this differs in its more dense foliage not in- terrupted or comose, composed of leaves which are so generally broken off, as it would appear from their flexure, when passing from a wet to a dry state, that it is only on carefully-selected specimens that a single NEW OR RARE BRITISH MOSSES. 99 entire leaf can be discovered. ‘The areolation is similar to that of 7. mutabile, except that the hyaline cells ascend at the margins, but occupy a much less space than they do in 7. flavo-virens. In the ‘ Bryologia Europea,’ as well as in the Synops. Muse. Europ. there is mentioned under 7. mutabile a “var. B. densum," which is described as a smaller Moss, with “lanceolate leaves.” This is also described in the same manner in the ‘ Bryologia Britannica.’ No locality or other remark is made upon it in any of these works, and it must be different from the following :— T. littorale. Stems growing in compact patches or tufted, more or less elongated, simple or divided by the growth of innovations. Foliage more or less distinctly interrupted and comose, the younger green or yellowish-green, the older becoming brown and persistent. Leaves erecto-patent, slightly recurved towards their points, all oblong- ligulate, obtuse, channelled, towards the apex subcomplicate; the nerve excurrent into a short mucro; at the base of the leaf the cells are pellucid, oblong and rectangulate; these occupy a space less in length than the width of the leaf, and do not ascend at the sides; above these the cells become gradually shorter, and all those occupy- ing the upper portion are rounded and obscure.—HaB. Ireland (Drum- mond) ; Whitsand Bay, Cornwall (Mr. Brent, communicated by Mr. Holmes) ; below the cliffs, east of Hastings, in sandy ground. Quite as tall as T. mutabile, but a much more slender-looking Moss, from its leaves being only about one-third as long as they are in that species. "The leaves, from their shortness, subcomplicate, obtuse, not hooded points, and more erect position, have a different appearance from those of any of the other allied species, and cannot be said to have an outline that could be described as lanceolate. EXPLANATION OF PLATE BAS ViL 1. Fertile plant, natural size, completed from Müller's Sardinian specimens ; 2. Leaf; 3. Capsule entire; Portio: flavo-virens. 5. Stem of natural size ; 6. Leaf, magnified, of T. defractum.. 7. Stems of natural size ; 8 and 9. Leaves, magnified, of T. littor ale. Hurstpierpoint, February, 1868. H 2 100 CONTRIBUTIONS TO BRITISH LICHENOLOGY. By Isaac CARROLL, Esq. (Continued from Vol. V. p. 260.) This list may serve to show how far the Killarney district appears to be from exhaustion. Of rare Lichens previously found, I may observe that Lecidea pulverea, Borr. (of which Phialopsis livida, Mudd, appears to be merely an undeveloped state), Melaspilea amota, Nyl., Gomphillus calicioides, B. microcephalus, Tayl., and Fi errucaria* glabratula, Nyl., are frequent ; Acthonia anastomosans, Ach., and Thelotrema subtile, Tuck., are less so. Several species, as Arthonia ilicinella, Nyl., and Verrucaria desistens, Nyl., I did not succeed in refinding, but this may be attri- buted to the shortness of my stay, and the minuteness of many of the rarer Lichens. Collema flaccidum, Ach., var. micro- but shorter and 3-septate. A plant lobum, Nyl. . With apothecia at from the Armagh limestone, col- Muckruss, Killarney (J. R. Hardy). lected by Jones, and named L. ba- Calicium diploellum, Wyl., n. s. On cillifera rina by Nylander, ap- Holly, Cromaglown, Killarney, Sep- pears to belong to L. prasinoides. tember, 1867 (I. Carroll). Plant L. ochrophora, a in Flora, 1865, exceedingly minute, and unlike any 355. On trees, Dinish, Killarney other British species. Spores pale (Carroll). “Thee polyspore, brown, 1-septate, like those of Ca- spore sphæricæ.—Species eximie licium pusillum, but smaller distincta," Nyl. Paraphyses (in Lecidea carneola, Ach n old Oak, ou h specimens) non discrete: Dinish, Killarney (I. Carroll). L. Parmeliarum, Summf.— Abrothal- Asci 12-16-spored. lus parasiticus (Sm.), Nyl. On L. atropurpurea, Scher. Dinish and thallus of Parmelia exasperata at Cromaglown (I. Carroll. Erro- the base of Mangerton (Carroll). neously referred to L. intermixta, Opegrapha — Ach, f. Tore > in wd last paper. Mountain (Carroll). : L. idiella, Nyl., n. s. On red | O. viridis, Pers.— O. morae Krb. a si the base of Manger- Tore Mountain, Dinish a ton (Carr x maglown (Carroll). . pulvina nata, 7 angerton (Dr. O. diplasiospora, Nyl. N. Gran. ed. 2. Taylor's ia; pe very rare p.92. On Holly, Tore Mountain Carroll). ‘and Cromaglown, rare, Sept. 1867 L. prasinoides, Nyl. in Flora, 1865, (Carroll). This fine South American p. 146. On shaded rocks, Dinish Lichenis allied toO. lentiginosa, but Island, Killarney (Hardy and Car- has spores “ duplo majores," etc. roll). Spores as in L. bacillifera, Arthonia spectabilis (Flot.), Nyl. Jh L CONTRIBUTIONS TO BRITISH LICHENOLOGY. 101 A. dispersa, Duf. On young Oak, Croghane, Killarney (Carroll). Not to be confounded with.A. anasto- mosans, Ach.= depre rsen di- spersum, Mudd. A. epipasta, Ach.,* A. excipienda, Nyl. Se. 261. Tore penis in (Carroll). What y passes pe ior A. i a is merely a astroidea, Ach. Maia nieder Nyl. in Flora, 1865, p. 355. On the bark sembling those of Lecidea discifor- mis or myriocarpa. No para- physes. Mycoporum sparsellum, Nyl. Coll. Lind.62. On Holly, Cromaglown, eg 1867, with Calieium diploel- um Verrucaria léptospors; Nyl. in Flora, 864, p. 487. On Holly, Dinish, Sept. 1867 (Carroll). A fine spe- cies, originally found by Welwitsch in Portugal. Ls pyrenuloides, Mut., var. Hiber- ternal appearance, but the thallus is much thicker, destitute of pel- lucid dots, and the apothecia are more or less clustered. Thallus continuous (not oceurring in round patches), as if the entire stem were envelope £g E. 3 [i] © 2 0 — p B et pyrenuloides (Mut.) occurs in S. America, Java, etc., and (as well as Opegrapha diplasiospora and My- coporum spars rsellum) was collected in New Granada by Lindig. It is lly close investigation of the Killarney district. V. conformis, Nyl. in Flora, 1864, p. 357. On Arbutus, Upper Lake, Killarney (Carroll). Perhaps a os be called West European Fond haplotellus, Nyl., n. s. iti num 1-septate, exceedingly mi nute Thelopsis rubella, Nyl. On Holly, arney, Sept. 1867 ? (Carroll). ON THE PRESENT USE OF LICHENS AS DYE-STUFFS. By W. Lauper LrxpsaY, M.D., F.R.S. Edin., F.L.S. (Read before the British Association, 1867.) Some years ago, when the Aniline colours were introduced as dyes, Technologists predicted with confid ence the rapid disuse of bibis 102 ON THE PRESENT USE OF LICHENS AS DYE-STUFFS. on the ground of the superior beauty and permanence, as well as abundance and cheapness, of the former. In the Presidential Address of this Association at the Manchester meeting in 1861, Dr. Fairbairn remarked of aniline, * This important discovery will probably in a few years render this country independent of the world for dye-stuffs ; and it is more than probable that England, instead of drawing her dye- stuffs from foreign countries, may herself become the centre from Which all the world will be supplied." In the Museum of Economic Botany at Kew, which is the most important of its class in tliis coun- try, it is stated that Orchill was formerly used for dyeing mauve and allied colours, and is so still, to a small extent; but the coal-tar and other colours ave virtually supplanted it. Again, Robert Hunt describes a dyeing liquor, prepared from sulphate of aniline, as capable of producing the delicate and “admired colours of Archill, and it has this great advantage over it, that it is not de- stroyed by light." A few years ago I was informed by the representa- tive of one of the largest Glasgow calico-printing firms—a house that had spent some £10,000 or £12,000 on an aniline patent—that the great disadvantage or defect of Orchill is that it does not “ stand.” The hue is not permanent ; it fades and becomes dim when exposed to light and air; while in gaslight it assumes a brown tinge. A muslin dress dyed with Orchill-purple soon gets brown in gas-lit rooms. It is not asserted that the aniline or other colours are superior in beauty, but they can be rendered more permanent by mordants. My friend described a rose-colour produced from the coal-tar colouring matter as then greatly admired and run upon; but it did not differ from what may be produced from several of the dye-lichens. All his prac- tical evidence went to show that— l. There is a fashion in colours, as in many other matters connected with dress. 2. At that time the coal-tar colours were in the ascendant; and 3. The only superiority of the latter colours over the Lichen-dyes lay in their superior permanence. The object of my present communication is to show that all pre- dictions regarding the displacement of Lichen-dyes by Aniline or other modern colouring matters, are at least premature, I confess that so satisfactory were the grounds upon which these predictions or assertions were based,—such the experience and reputation of the many eminent ON THE PRESENT USE OF LICHENS AS DYE-STUFES. 108 authorities by whom they were made,—that for a time I tacitly accepted and acquiesced in their conclusions, and took it for granted, that both the commercial and domestic use of Lichens as dye-stuffs in England and Scotland,—that Orchill and Cudbear, ‘‘ Orchella weeds? and ** Crottles,"— would speedily be things of the past. But in the course of collecting materials for a work on British Lichenology, which I have in preparation, —more especially for the chapters on the tinctorial ap- plications of Lichens,—I have in and subsequent to 1862 found, to my surprise, that there exists abundant evidence of a long future of usefulness for Lichen-dye-stuffs in this and other countries, both in commerce or manufacture on the large scale, and in the domestic arts on the small scale. In regard to their use in commerce, I am indebted : mainly to visits to the International Exhibition of 1862, and to the Orchill manufactory of Messrs. Burton and Garraway, of Bethnal Green, London, in 1865, for the satisfactory evidence I have accumu- lated. But I have also gathered important corroborative information from the Jurors’ Reports of the said Exhibition; from the papers read at previous meetings of this Association by Mr. Bedford, or other authorities engaged professionally in the manufacture of Lichen-dyes ; and from other publieations of similar character. The general results of all my observation and inquiry include the following :— l. That French colourists especially have devised new processes for insuring permanence of lichen- dyes, whereby they can quite compete, in this respect, with the aniline colours. at new forms of Lichen-dyes have been patented, especially combinations of Orchill liquor, or its pene with alkalies, or earths, in the form of Lakes. 3. That, while the older Dye-lichens have gradually been given up, new and more valuable tinctorial genera or species have been intro- — 4. That new markets have been opened up, new commercial sources fas out, with the progress of Pompe discovery and of colon- izing settlements. 5. That the only visible effect of competition with other dye-stuffs has been greatly to reduce the market value of the “Orchella weeds." 6. That, so far from being superseded, the import of Dye-lichens and 104 ON THE PRESENT USE OF LICHENS AS DYE-STUFFS. manufacture of Lichen- al in Wis is, perhaps, now more extensive and more flourishing than e . That “ French sou Y^ ' Ordill and Cudbear are successfully competing with the aniline and all other colours of their class hitherto introduced. 8. That the commercial sources of ** Orchella-weeds” of the finest quality,—the varieties of Roccella fuciformis,—may yet be greatly mul- tiplied ; and are so far from being exhausted, that they cannot yet be said to be fully developed. I propose limiting myself at present, for brevity's sake, to some illus- trations only of the present use commercially of Lichens as Dye-stuffs. Commercial Dye-lichens and Lichen-dyes. At present the most interesting form of Lichén-dye,—that which is typical of the most recent substitutes for the more familiar Orchill and Cudbear of former times,—is what is denominated in this country French purple. This substance, which appears to be a lime- (or alumina-) lake of our common Orchill, was introduced to commerce by Messrs. Guinon, Marnas, and Bonnet, of Lyons, by whom it was ex- hibited in London in 1862. It has this great advantage over Orchills, that it is much faster and less sensitive to the action of acids, while it yields very fine and pure mauve and dahlia tints—especially on silks— without the use of mordants, properly so-called. To render it avail- able, however, for dyeing, the lake must be decomposed, and the colouring matter set free by means of oxalic acid and ammonia. Professor Hofmann, of London, in his report on “ Chemical Products and Processes,” exhibited in London in 1862 (in the International Exposition), makes the strong statement, that “ so far as regards fast- ness and resistance to the influence of light, French purple is certainly not inferior to aniline purple.” The chief colouring-matters with which it has to compete are, besides the coal-tar dyes, cochineal, indigo-carmine, and ultramarine. But it appears to compete success- fully; and there seems no reason to doubt that, with the progress of manufacturing chemistry, the Lichen-dyes will continue to hold their own permanently against these other colouring-matters which may, for the time, enjoy a higher reputation in the world of fashion. The manufacturing experiments of the French on the large scale have ON THE PRESENT USE OF LICHENS AS DYE-STUFFS. 105 proved that all the defects of Orchill, which may be regarded as the type of the more valuable class of the Lichen-dyes, may be remedicd by simple chemical expedients. The great defect of Orchill has ever been its extreme liability to change under the influence of light and air, acids and alkalies, coal-gas, and other agents, to which dyed fabrics must be more or less exposed when made up in dress. The French have shown apparently that the beautiful purples and other hues of Orchill may be rendered perfectly fast or permanent ; and if in this re- spect they are placed on a par with aniline and other colouring matters of similar shades, they have no cause to fear competition on the score of brilliancy, beauty, or variety. I saw it recorded in 1850 that ** M. Clenchard, a French chemist, had recently patented a mode of using archil in the dyeing and printing of woollen and silk goods, in which the archil is combined with alkalies and lime, and applied to the woollen material with a more direct action than in the ordinary mode of its use." This seems to have been an intermediate stage in the produc- tion of French purple. Of the genus or species of Lichen used in the manufacture of that colouring-matter, I know nothing; but I doubt not it is one of the same “ Orchella weeds ” employed in this country in the preparation of Orchill and Cudbear. Nor am I prepared, even were it otherwise desirable, to give any information regarding the pro- cess of manufacture or application of the dye; though I have no reason to doubt that either differs essentially from what obtains in the cases of Orchill and Cudbear. The majority of Lichens formerly used in the preparation of Orchill and Cudbear in Britain have been given up by manufacturers, who now import almost exclusively Roccelle, or ** Orchella weeds," from tropical or subtropical countries, —and, for the most part, corticolous forms affecting the coast districts only. Generally this has arisen from the superior reputation of the corticolous Roccelle ; but there seems to bea solitary exception in the case of Parmelia perlata, which Mr. Burton, of London, tells me has a very high reputation, but is, nevertheless, scarce, and almost unknown in the market. All the ** Orchella weeds" known in European commerce, which have been submitted to me, are referable to forms of three variable and widely-distributed species, — . Roccella fuciformis, Ach., R. tinctoria, DC., and R. phycopsis, Ach., — none of which I regard as good species scientifically, the one passing gradually into the other. Of these, by far the most valuable is the 106 ON THE PRESENT USE OF LICHENS AS DYE-STUFFS. first, and especially the corticolous, Everniiform, narrow, or linear con- ditions thereof, which affect the bark and branches of Dalbergia melan- ozylon, Mangifera Indica, and other tropical littoral trees. The principal geographical sources of the “ Orchella weeds” are in— . Africa. A. East coast and islands: Mozambique ; Madagascar (Island) ; Zanzibar (Island) ; Mauritius (Island). B. West coast and islands: Angola; Benguela; Loango; Sierra Leone; Cape Verde (Island) ; Teneriffe (Island) ; Madeira (Island) ; St. Thomas (Island), Prince’s (Island), Gulf of Guinea. C. South coast : Cape Colony. IL. South America. A, East coast: Brazil, Rio Janeiro. B. West coast; Chili, Valparaiso; Peru, Lima; Ecuador, Guayaquil. C. North coast and islands ; Curaçao (one of the Antilles Islands). III. Asia. A. India and the Indian islands : Burmah; Bombay ; Ceylon (islands); Timor (island). urton thus arranges the principal kinds, known at present in the London market, in the order of their commercial value :—1. Mozam- bique. 2. Ceylon. 3. Angola. 4. Lima, Bombay, equal. 5. Cape Verde. In general terms, it may be stated that the finest tinctorial forms are equatorial, growing within the limits of 10° north and south of the Line; while the Rocce/le are both few in number and inferior in quality beyond 30? on either side of the equator. "This excludes Europe and North America wholly, Asia in great measure, and the French provinces of Northern Africa—as ial sources of valuable “‘Orchella weeds." These weeds are to be found greatly beyond the limits of 30° north and south ; for instance, in the Cape Colony and on the Mediterranean shores, and they extend as far north as the Channel Islands, the southern coast and islands of England, and the Frith of Clyde islands in Scotland. But in Britain and other temperate coun- tries they occur in insufficient amount to be of any practical value. Central or tropical Africa, and Southern America and Asia, with their respective islands, constitute a field of supply of the most valuable kinds, of which, as yet, only an insignificant portion has been ren- dered available. In the International Exhibition of 1862, samples of * Orchella weeds" from the following new commercial sources were shown : Ceylon, Central and Southern Africa, including Natal. The principal European importers of “ Orchella weed " appear at present to be the Portuguese, French, and English. The imports into ON THE PRESENT USE OF LICHENS AS DYE-STUFFS. 107 Europe are probably larger than at any previous period; but I have not had access to statistical details even relative to this country, and am therefore not prepared to state precisely to what extent such in- crease exists. It would appear, however, to have been coextensive with the multiplication of the geographical sources of supply; the discovery of the superior value of exotic forms ; and the process of the various improvements in manufacture directed to the permanency of the we may be guided by the testimony of the various Inter- national Exhibitions, including and succeeding that of 1851, the Por- tuguese appear to give more attention to Dye-lichens than any other European nation. From her colonies—especially in Central Africa— the exhibits are invariably comparatively numerous, and the imports apparently comparatively large. In the Exhibition of 1562, Portugal showed “ Orchella weeds ” from Angola, Benguela, Mozambique, Cape Verde, St. Thomas’s and Prince’s Island in Africa, as well as from India (Panguin), and Timor (one of the Molucca Islands). In the present French Exhibition similar exhibits are made; while France stands second in her exhibits, showing characteristically, however, al- most exclusively the Dyes manufactured from “ Orchella weeds,” the colorifie principles of these weeds and their derivatives (e. g. Orcin, Orceine, and Orchelline). In the Paris Exposition there are also a ew German and other exhibitors of Orchill or its extracts or deriva- tives; while Britain appears to be unrepresented either as regards dye- lichens or lichen-dyes. It is of interest to botanists and chemists, as well as to manufac- turers, that the latter have been led by experience to recognize very different tinctorial qualities of the same species from different localities, even of the same country or limited district (e. g. of Western Africa or Western South America), and still more from different countries (e.g. Africa and South America). For instance, the same species—some one of the varieties of Roccella fuciformis—which from Mozambique sells at £50 per ton, from Ceylon fetches only £20 to £30. Unfor- tunately, manufacturers have also found that it is impossible to foretell or estimate the colorific value of any new sample of *' Orchella weed " by any series of chemical or other experiments on the small scale. In all cases of purchase of new samples, tests on the small scale are applied, but they are never relied upon. Colorifie value can be determined only by manufacture on the large scale; and, as this is an experiment 108 ON THE PRESENT USE OF LICHENS AS DYE-STUFFS. that may involve heavy pecuniary loss, and implies a great commercial risk, it is not surprising that new materials and new processes are adopted with unusual tardiness or caution. This experience of ma- nufacturers is opposed to the views of chemists and botanists, both of whom appear to have firm faith in the trustworthiness of tests of colorific value applied on the small scale. The best-known of these tests in this country are the hypochlorites of lime or soda as recom- mended by Dr. Stenhouse, of London. The former has lately been adopted by the distinguished lichenologist Dr. Nylander, of Paris, who expresses himself in the following very strong terms of the simple application of a drop of solution of hypochlorite of lime on a glass stirrer to any given sample of “Orchella weed :"—** Thus are we enabled to say what is the quantity of this colourable matter, which the different species of the genus contain, it being, in fact, a sort of imme- diate analysis." The results of my own experiments on the colorific properties of Lichens, which were published between 1853 and 1855, as well as of certain other more recent experiments not yet published, lead me to agree with the manufacturers, and not with lichenologists and chemists. In British commerce and in British manufacture Orchill occurs as a liquor— concentrated or not—and as a paste, of various shades of red and blue, with the intermediate gradations of purple and violet. While Orchill has, of late, been apparently less used than formerly in this country in the colouring of silk, cotton, and woollen goods, it seems to have been more and more largely applied to the dyeing of carpets and leather with shades of brown and maroon, as well as mauve and magenta. While Orchill is the form usually employed by professional dyers, Cudbear is that generally used in domestic dyeing. I found, for instance, that the latter is still largely imported into, and used in, the Hebrides, Orkney, and Shetland for the dyeing of home-made yarn. udbear appears to be prepared from the same sources as Orchill: from which it differs only in that it contains powdered lichen as well as its red extracted colouring-matter, the latter requiring to be dis- solved out, by boiling, for use. e market value of “ Orchella weeds” has fallen from £300 to £70 or £30 per ton,—a circumstance which is attributable on the one hand to competition of Orchill with the coal-tar and other abundant and cheap colours of home production, and on the other to the now nume- NOTE ON A CRITICAL CHINESE GRASS, 109 rous sources of supply, and media or centres of export and import. Dr. Stenhouse writes me, * You are probably aware that the coal-tar colours have greatly diminished the value of Lichens as dyeing sub- stances;" and there seems a prevalent impression among chemists and manufaeturers that the deterioration in market value to which I have referred is attributable solely to the disadvantageous competition of Orchill with aniline. To me it appears much more clear that there has been an increased demand for, and an. increased supply of, ** Orchella weeds," and the usual sequel of reduction of price,—with the progress of commercial tinctorial enterprise. Dr. Stenhouse long ago recommended that the importation of the somewhat bulky Dye-lichens themselves should be superseded by that of their colorific principles or acids only ; and Professor Hofmann, in his report already alluded to, speaks of the new mode of extracting these colorifie principles as one of the most important improvements in this branch of manufacture. He refers especially to the economy and facility of manipulating a comparatively small bulk of material during the most important stage of manufacture. The plans and pro- cesses thus suggested and recommended do not, however, as yet appear to have been adopted by manufacturers or importers, or to have been even tried at all upon the large scale so far as I am aware—a circum- stance which may be due to the striking difference or discrepancy already indicated between operations on the large and small scale, and the impossibility of founding upon the latter inferences or rules for guidance in the former. This conservative inaction, however, shows, I think, that in this country, at least, the manufacture of Lichen-dyes has not reached perfection ; and that if, with all its imperfections of manufacture, Orchill can successfully compete with aniline, whose pre- paration and applications are much more highly scientific, it has little reason to fear competition in the future when applied chemistry lends its important aid to its proper production. - NOTE ON A CRITICAL CHINESE GRASS. By H. F. Hance, Pa.D. In the month of May, 1864, Mr. Sampson detected, growing in considerable abundance, in deep pools amongst the low undulating 110 NOTE ON A CRITICAL CHINESE GRASS, hills around Canton, a Grass, which I subsequently distributed to various herbaria, with the doubtful determination of Chameraphis aspera, Nees ?, adducing, also with doubt, as a synonym the Pseudora- phis Brunoniana, Griff. Mr. Bentham, however, informs me, on the authority of Colonel Munro, that Griffith’s plant is C. depauperata, Nees, and he is inclined to think mine is C. hordeacea, R. Br. I may be allowed to observe, however, that the Canton plant has not at all the * thyrsus simplicissimus, bipollicaris, Hordeum distichum referens," as- signed by Steudel (Synops. Glumac. 49) to R. Brown’s species, nor does it agree better in inflorescence with the detailed description given by Kunth, from Brown’s own specimens, in the supplementary volume of his ‘ Agrostographia.’ On the other hand, it has a “ panicula ter- minalis, ovata, effusa, subglabra, inferne subexcavata, floribus 1 v. 2 infimis sessilibus, in excavationibus nidulantibus, superioribus stipi- tatis, stipite ultra florem terminalem in aristam subulatam denticula- tam flore duplo longiorem producto denticulato scabro, denticulis antrorsis," as Griffith describes (Notul. ad Pl. Asiat. pt. iii. p. 29). That author states the upper florets to be stipitate and usually solitary, but in his figure (Ic. Pl. Asiat. pt. iii. t. 145, ** Panicum Brunonia- num") the lower and middle radioles are depicted with usually two distant spikelets; the upper with one only, all sessile or subsessile, and this is nearly always the case with the Chinese Grass, though the middle branches have sometimes 3—4 spikelets. The plate itself might, so far as accuracy is concerned, have been drawn from my specimens. I possess, from Dr. Thwaites, examples of C. aspera (C. P. 3846) and C. depauperata (C. P. 3857),—the determinations having, I doubt not, been verified at Kew. The latter, with its dense, spiciform, barley-like panicle, with short, 1-spikeleted, appressed rays, is altogether unlike Griffith’s plate; the former differs from the Canton Grass by à rather more robust habit, laxer vagine, extreme scabridity of them and the leaves (which, except at the margins, are smooth in my plant) less patent and very flexuose panicle-rays, bearing sometimes as many as 12 approximate, usually overlapping, not distant spikelets. I cannot, therefore, help suspecting that Mr. Bentham’s opinion has arisen from some misconception, and that the Canton and Bengal plants are iden- tical; and if, as seems to be the case, we have here a new species, holding a middle station between C. aspera and C. depauperata, it might well bear the name of Panicum (Chameraphis) intermedium, A DECADE OF NEW CHINESE PLANTS. 111 given to it in the above quoted place by its first discoverer, Mr. Griffith. I may add that Dr. Thwaites, who received the Chinese plant from me just at the very period when C. aspera was discovered in Ceylon, was disposed to think the former a mere variety of it. Whampoa, 6th Nov. 1867. SERTULUM CHINENSE: A DECADE OF INTERESTING NEW CHINESE PLANTS. By H. F. Hance, Pu.D., ETC. 44091. Naravelia pilulifera, n. sp.; ramulis inflorescentiaque tenuiter tomentellis, foliolis e basi cuneato-rotundata ovatis obtusiusculis api- culatis preeter nervos strigillosos glabratis, petalis 9-12 patentibus fili- formibus corpusculis solidis oblongo-subglobosis coronatis viridibus.— In silvis densis ad fauces Tsing-yune dictas fl. North River, prov. Cantoniensis, d. 18 Septembris 1866, coll. Sampson et Hance (Exsice n. 13748 A very interesting species, closely allied to N. Zeylanica, DC., but quite distinct by the remarkable capillary petals, exceeding the stamens, and terminated by solid roundish heads about 1-14 line in length, so that they look like pins stuck round the flower. 4 9. Cardamine paradoxa, n. sp. ; radice fibrosa, caule erecto 1-14- pedali glabro profunde sulcato, foliis glaberrimis inferioribus longe superioribus sensim brevius petiolatis 3-foliolatis foliolis amplis petio- lulatis lateralibus basi truncatis v. subcordatis ovatis terminali szepe ovato-lanceolato v. lanceolato basi cuneato longius petiolulato obtusi- usculis crenato-serratis venis primariis in denticulos excurrentibus, floribus in racemos graciles multifloros panieulam terminalem effor- mantes digestis, sepalis petalisque albis inter se eequalibus his ungui- culatis oblongis, pedicellis erecto-patentibus floribus eequilongis, siliquis in specimine immaturis subbilinealibus stipitatis ellipticis utrinque acutis compressis mono- vel rarius 2—3-spermis stylo iis triplo breviore suboblique rostratis, stigmate minuto capitato, seminibus ovalibus compressis.— Ad os magne spelunez necnon in rupe calearea Kai-kun- shek, secus fl. West River, prov. Cantoniensis, d. 27 Maii 1867, de- texit insomnis Sampson. (ÉExsicc. n. 13844. 112 A DECADE OF NEW CHINESE PLANTS. After full consideration I do not think that this plant, which is re- markable by its elliptic, usually 1-seeded silique, can be regarded otherwise than as a somewhat aberrant Cardamine ; for, in the first place, the foliage is precisely similar to that of C. Africana, L., and secondly, the American C. rotundifolia, Mx., not unfrequently has a much abbreviated fruit; whilst all botanists are familiar with the great differences in this respect between very close relatives in the allied genus Nasturtium, especially in the section Brachylobos,—as, for instance, N. terrestre, R. Br., and N. Niloticum, Boiss. v^ 3. Pterospermum (Velaga) heterophyllum, m. sp.; arbor 40-50- pedalis, ramulis petiolisque rufo-tomentosis, foliis arboris juvenilis atque turionum peltatis basi conspicue truncatis circumscriptione sub- semiorbiculatis profunde 5-palmatis 8-11-nerviis 9-12 pollices diametro petiolo limbo subzequilongo suffultis reliquis basi obliquis rotundatis truncatis vel obscure cordatis 4—6-nerviis nervis infimis marginalibus ac preterea costulatis nervis omnibus subtus prominulis oblongis v. ovato-oblongis integerrimis caudato-acuminatis supra glaberrimis sub- tus dense fulvescenti-tomentosis 3—7-polliearibus petiolo semipollicari haud peltatim affixo suffultis, stipulis oblongis acutis petiolo parum brevioribus (floribus non visis), capsula crasse stipitata cylindracea acuta 2$ poll. longa furfure rufo dense tomentosa, seminibus superne in alam iis triplo longiorem productis in quovis loculo quaternis.—In silvis densis cirea coenobium buddhisticum Fi-loi-tsz, prov. Cantoni- ensis, d. 18 Sept. 1866, detegerunt Sampson et Hance. (Exsice. n. am very imperfectly acquainted with this genus, but the Indian peninsular species have been so well and carefully described by Wight and Arnott, that there can be little doubt of the present one being dis- tinct; and, though Miquel has unfortunately given very incomplete diagnoses of the Archipelagie species, it seems equally to differ from any of them. yide 4. Abrus Cantoniensis, n. sp.; diffusa, 13-9-pedalis, ramulis petio- lisque strigoso-pilosis, foliis 8-11 jugis foliolis oblongis v. obovoideis obtusis setaceo-apiculatis 23-43 lin. longis 11-21 lin. latis utrinque elevato-reticulatis supra parce pilosulis subtus appresse strigosis, race- mis axillaribus brevibus, floribus 3-linealibus rubellis vexilli ungue limbo 4-plo breviore vaginam stamineam semiamplexante, leguminibus oblongis compressissimis pilosulis 4—5-spermis.—Ad radices montium A DECADE OF NEW CHINESE PLANTS. 113 Pak-wan, prope Cantonem, m. Augusto 1866, coll. T. Sampson. (Exsice. n. 13417.) Though this very natural genus is always described as exstipellate, yet, in the present species, in the common A. precatorius, L., and in the North Brazilian A. tenuiflorus, Spruce,—the only ones at my dis- posal,—I find at the base of each short petiolule, and closely appressed to the raised margin of the grooved petiole, two minute, free, setaceous processes, which it appears to me are certainly true stipelle. 959 5. Casearia (Iroucana) membranacea, n. sp.; undique glaberrima, ramulis subangulatis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis v. obtusis in pe- tiolum brevem euneato-attenuatis margine repandulis v. obsolete pauci- crenatis membranaceis creberrime pellucido-punctatis et lineolatis vix lucidulis valde subtiliter elevato-reticulatis 23—4 poll. longis 14-2 poll. latis petiolo trilineali, floribus e tuberculis axillaribus solitariis paucisve pedicello petiolo equilongo suffultis 5-partitis margine ciliatis, stami- nibus 8, staminodiis villosissimis, ovario glabro 3-placentato, stigmate crasso medio perforato, fructibus flavis ovoideis 8 linealibus, seminibus semiovoideis marmoratis,—In fruticetis prope Kiéng-chau, metro- polin ins. Hae-nan, d. 18 Nov. 1866, coll. T. Sampson. (Exsice. n. 13669.) This seems different in the texture of the leaves and other characters from any Indian or Ceylon species, and, so far as I can judge from descriptions, from the Archipelagic ones enumerated by Miquel. I have seen no Asiatic Casearia with such thin leaves. Y} 6. Pimpinella (Petrosciadium) Sinica, n. sp.; radice e fibris crassis conflata, caule circ. 4-pedali erecto striato pilis crispulis articulatis bre- viter tomentoso superne ramoso foliis papyraceis pubentibus radicalibus caulinisque inferioribus longe petiolatis exacte cordatis grosse dentatis petiolis basi amplexanti-vaginatis superioribus nunc cordatis petiolis sensim brevioribus sepius vero trifoliolatis foliolo terminali longius petiolulato trisectisve segmentis ovatis basi cuneatis v. truncatis, um- bellis 7—12-radiatis, involucri phyllis circ. 5-linearibus nune apicem versus 1—2 dentibus auctis radiis ipsis 4-5-plo brevioribus, involucelli phyllis similibus radiis dimidio trienteve brevioribus, petalis albidis obovato-subrotundis apice emarginatis lacinula inflexa extus pilis raris artieulatis obsessis, fructibus brevissime glanduloso-pilosis, stylopodio crasso, stylis divergentibus demum reflexis.—Inter gramina, solo are- noso, ad angiportum Tsing-yune, fl. North River, prov. Cantoniensis. VOL. VI. [APRIL 1, 1808.] I 114 A DECADE OF NEW CHINESE PLANTS. d. 18 Sept. 1866, necnon in devexis montium Pak-wan, supra Can- tonem, m. Augusto 1867, coll. Sampson et Hance. (Exsicc. n. 13739.) The nearest ally of this appears to be the P. Javana, DC., but it is evidently very distinct, as well from the description as from Miquel's plate. (Flor. Ind. Batav. i. t. x.) $1397. Galium miltorrhizum, n. sp. ; radicibus crebre fibrosis rubris, caulibus erectis ramosis glaberrimis acute quadrangulis, foliis quaternis 4-6 lineas longis oblongis obtusiusculis v. acutis uninerviis glabris v. setulis albis scabridis conspersis margine costaque subtus setulis an- trorsis aculeolatis cymis terminalibus et axillaribus brevibus paucifloris erectis, pedicellis fructiferis divaricatis, floribus parvis, corolla albide lobis obtusis, fructibus parvis glabris—In collibus circa oppidum Amoy, ipse legi, m. Octobri 1857. (Exsice. n. 1455.) Although I have compared this with a great number of species, in- cluding all recorded from Eastern Asia, (which have mostly been care- fully worked up lately by Von Heder), and even with the very rare G. gracile, Bge., and G. trachyspermum, A. Gr., it appears perfectly distinct, nor am I able to say with any confidence what are its precise affinities. Like G. saccharatum, All., G. tataricum, Trev., and others, the root stains the herbarium-paper red. 01? 8. Adina rubella, n. sp. ; frutex compactus, ramulis ultimis pubes- centibus, foliis subsessilibus ovato-lanceolatis v. oblongis acutiusculis costulatis costulis subtus prominulis supra glaberrimis subtus minutis- sime glandulosis 5 lin.—14 poll. longis 2-8 lin. latis, pedunculis in axillis folioram superiorum solitariis folia superantibus rigidis pubes- centibus ebracteatis, floribus purpureo-roseis.—In provincia Cantoni- ensi, secus fl. West River, Junio 1864; ad fauces Tsing-yune et alibi secus fl. North River, m. Septembri 1866, coll. Sampson et Hance. (Exsice. n. 11229.) This interesting addition to a very small genus may be recognized at once as specifically distinct from 4. globiflora, Xal., by its dense bushy habit, much darker foliage, more prominent and closely placed pri veins, thicker rigid bractless peduncles, and rosy blooms. I cannot detect the slightest difference in the structure of the flowers, : it, or seed. The leaves vary much in size and shape on different individuals. It is a very neat plant when growing. I distributed it ormerly with a label marked Cephalanthus ?, not having then ex- amined it. A DECADE OF NEW CHINESE PLANTS. 115 4S 9. Vitex (Euagnus) Sampsoni, n. sp.; crispulo-pilosa, ramis com- presso-tetragonis, foliis petiolo iis zequilongo supra canaliculato suf- fultis 3-5 foliolatis foliolis cuneato-spathulatis postice integerrimis supra medium utrinque 3-5 serratis acutis subtus pallidioribus opacis reticulato-venosis infimis dum adsint semper integerrimis abbreviatis, cymis brevipedunculatis in paniculas simplices axillares et terminales interruptas dispositis, calyce ad medium usque acute 5-fido, corolla calyce triplo longiore extus albo-pilosa, genitalibus exsertis.—Ad vias prope Ting-ü-shán, prov. Cantoniensis, d. 26 Maii 1867, coll. cl. Sampson. (Exsice. n. 13841.) The leaflets are in size and shape precisely like the leaves of Lippia nodiflora, Rich. 408° 10. OpAiopogon (Flueggia) umbraticola, n. sp.; foliis linearibus subsesquipedalibus 1-14 lin. latis acutiuseulis subquinquenerviis mar- gine spinulosis seapum ancipitem parum superantibus basin versus angustatis margineque albo hyalino celluloso ipso folio plus duplo latiore preeditis, scapo usque ad medium nudo stricto, racemo flexuoso laxifloro, floribus albidis 3-fasciculatis secundis cernuis 2 lineas longis, pedicellis 4—6-linealibus medio v. paulo supra medium articulatis et inerassatis, bracteis lanceolato-subulatis inferne hyalino-marginatis di- midium pedicellum sequantibus.—In alveis torrentium umbratis, nec- non in silvis opaeis, ad devexa orientalia faucium Tsing-yune, fl. North River, prov. Cantoniensis, d. 19 Septembris 1866, coll. Sampson et Hance. (Exsice. n. 13759.) Though F. Waillichiana, Kth., and F. intermedia, Kth., are the only species of this group known to me, it seems clear, from Kunth's careful detailed description, that the above plant is new, differing from F. ja- ponica by its shorter leaves, flexuose raceme, and long pedicels, jointed in the middle; and from F. jaburan by its much narrower, 5-nerve leaves, flexuose raceme, and fewer-flowered fascicles. Dr. Thwaites reduces, very likely with reason, F. Wadlichiana, F. intermedia, and F. dubia to one species, and he even hesitates as to the distinctness of F. Japonica. The Chinese plant is certainly quite distinet from the two Indian ones I have seen. I do not regard Fliggea as generically distinct from Ophiopogon; but, if both genera are admitted, it would be better to retain Loureiro's older name of Ziriope for O. spicatus, etc., and that of Ophiopogon for the group represented by O. Japonicus, as this is the original Rino Fige or “ Snake's-beard ” of the "nes I 116 PLANTH SCHLAGINTWEITIANA. Flueggia of Willdenow, (reduced to Securinega by J. Mueller of Aargau), has five years’ priority over Richard’s homonymous genus. ENUMERATION OF THE PRIMULACE/E, PITTOSPOREA, AND IRIDE/E, COLLECTED DURING THE YEARS 1855- 1857 IN HIGH ASIA, BY MESSRS. DE SCHLAGINTWEIT. By Dr. F. W. Kuart. (Prate LXXVIII.) The plants enumerated below were collected by Messrs. de Schlagint- weit principaliy on their way to the mountain regions of Northern India. In the Indian peninsula their travelling being more rapid, and the country traversed well explored, botanical collections were made only in localities of special interest in a topographical or geological - point of view. To every specimen, locality, heights, and numbers are added. The heights are given either for the station, as such, or for the upper and lower end of the line along which the collection was made on the re- spective occasions. In general, where the limits are pretty distant from each other, the plant may be considered also as spread in greater abundance, All the heights—in English feet—are absolute, referring to the level of the sea. The full details of the different “stations of height" is given in the second volume of the travellers’ publications (where 3495 stations could be collected, of which the authors them- . selves had occasion to measure 471 in India, 804 in High Asia). The “numbers” given, refer to the original ticket in the ‘ Herbarium Schlagintweitianum.’ The material examined comprise 23 species of Primulacea, 1 Pitto- sporea, and 8 Iridee, with 1 new species of Primula (P. Telemachica, F. W. Klatt), and a number of important varieties in most of the other species. The great elevation at which Primulacee and Iridee were found, must be particularly mentioned, viz. Primula pusilla, Wall., at 16,905 feet; P. minutissima, Jacq., at 16,186 feet; Androsace lanuginosa, Wall., and Iris Nepalensis, Wall., at 16,500 feet; and Iris fragrans, Lindl., at 16,500 feet.* * The highest phanerogamie plants in the Andes, found on the slopes of Chimborazo by Colonel Hall, reached only 15,769 feet. In the central parts of PLANTJE SCHLAGINTWEITIANA, 117 For a height of 16,500 feet in the different parts of the mountain system, the following annual mean temperatures are resulting from the data obtained by Messrs. de Schlagintweit :—* Annual mean temp. at 16,500 feet. Himalayan borders facing Indi MURUS xm Interior of the Himalaya, n i : 291^ F Western Tibet, northern slopes of the f MEE, and Karakorum chain . x Künlün, both wes of the iat: dnd birders facing Central Asia 203° F In reference to thse EE iia ide iinei Mr. Her- mann de Schlagintweit-Sakünlünski has communicated to me the following data; these are taken from the large work entitled ‘ Results of a Scientific Mission to India and High Asia’ (Leipsic, Brockhaus ; London, Trübner), of which four volumes in quarto and forty-six plates of the atlas of panoramas, views, and maps, are now pub- lished. The following abstract, appearing for the first time in an English journal,t may be useful in reference to many a question of botanical geography. “High Asia is the mountainous region extending from Bhutan in the east to Kabul in the west, and, in the northerly direction, from the tarais along the southern foot of the Himalaya on the Indian side, to the northern foot of the Künlün, where a wide depression separates the High Asiatie mountainous system from those following in Central Asia, and further to the north. In geographical degrees, the limits of this territory are the following :— Latitude, north, from 28 8° to 37°; longitude, east, Greenwich, from 72° to 95°. Fully to estimate such an extent of territory, it may be sufficient to keep in mind the Alps ; from Avignon to Vienna, for instance, there is a difference of 12? of lojitade ; the breadth of the Alps, in latitude, does not even amount to a difference of 4°; the surface covered by the Alps is only one- tenth of the basis of High Asia." High domi rs Messrs. de Schlagintweit found the EE Lo A Mi oa phaneroga ca pin oceur to be 19,809 feet above the the Jbigamin Pass in Western. bu ant 19,237 feet on Aves tee in Guar kho. — Results,’ acie Y SÉ vol. iv. short ‘notice, i in ren ch, was en in Meissner's * Mém. sur les Poly- qué les Thymelées, et les iem x of the Herbarium cu ar my in c. Nat. 5 sér. t. 6, cat. 6, pp- 1-27. 118 PLANTH SCHLAGINTWEITIANA. “Though the variation in topographical configuration is, necessarily, very great in mountain systems of such dimensions, three principal chains predominate throughout—the Himalaya, the Karakorum, and the Künlün. The central chain it is, the Karakorum, which forms the watershed to the north of the Himalaya, not the Kiinliin, as it had been supposed till then, and as one finds it still traced in most maps. The existence, indeed, of the Karakorum as a chain, about parallel to the Himalaya, and exceeding it in the average height of its crest, was perfectly unexpected, even to me and my brothers, and when already in Tibet, before we, as the first, crossed the Karakorum and the Kiinliin. Native information is of remarkably little use in such cases ; first of all, since mathematical instruments are absolutely neces- sary for arriving at accurate general conclusions, and, not less, since such natives only are good judges of nature who have attained already a pretty high degree of culture; when this is not the case, natives either exaggerate features and phenomena of nature, or are altogether unacquainted with them,” ** To the north of the three chains I first advanced in 1856, then ac- companied by my brother Robert. My brother Adolphe did the same on a somewhat different route in 1857, and he advanced even as far north as Kashgar; but there, on the 26th August, 1857, he was bar- barously assassinated. Six years later, in the winter of 1863-4, a native assistant was sent to Yarkand by Captain Montgomerie, Super- intendent of the North-Western Departments of the great Trigono- metrical Survey ; the man, though an Indian native and Mussulman, was also killed, but his papers, and finally, those of. my poor brother, were saved. I have not yet seen any numerical geographical data obtained by the expedition of Mr. Johnstone to Elchi in 1865. The principal results we had obtained, viz. that the Karakorum is the domi- nating chain of High Asia, running nearly parallel to the Himalaya, and that its drainage discharges itself to the north by depressions in the Künlün, in remarkable analogy with the southern discharge round and aeross the chain of the Himalaya—has been corroborated by the progress of the detailed survey.” “ In reference to the distribution of the plants, it has to be men- tioned, that Tibet is not to be considered as a plateau, but as a lon- gitudinal valley, drained to the west by the Indus and Satlej, to the cast by the Dihong ; the central separation is situated in Gnarikhor- PLANTH SCHLAGINTWEITIAN E. 119 sum, in the environs of the lake Mansaraur. Though the valleys are high, the relative height up to the chains and summits is still very great ; we have but to remember that the passes generally exceed 18,000 feet, and that of the peaks, the Dapsang Peak, the second in height on the globe * as yet known (lat. north, 35° 28’; long. east, Green- wich, 77? 10; height, 28,278 feet), is situated in Nubra, in western Tibet. A regular plateau we only met with immediately to the north of the Karakorum chain, where, over a large extent, the country is absolutely uninhabited, and not even visited as pasture- ground ; we once travelled twenty-one days without seeing a tent or a man," “The character of the climate in the different parts of High Asia may shortly be defined by the following data :—{ “1. For the mean decrease of temperature with height, I obtained, as the result of a very great number of observations, 390 English feet for 1° F. The decrease of temperature with latitude is analogous to that in Central Europe, viz. 2° F. for 1° of latitude, but, for general compa- rison, it is to be taken into consideration, that the region of High Asia, when the isotherma! lines are reduced to the level of the sea, decidedly shows a decrease of temperature in the direction from west to east. ` * 2. The conditions of atmospheric moisture are unusually irregular over the different parts of High Asia. In Tibet the annual amount of rain varies between two and six inches only, whilst in Sikkim, in the eastern Himalaya, it exceeds 120 inches a year. This is of special importance with regard to the vegetation; also the difference “ in rela- tive humidity of the atmosphere » was also found much greater than the few data known till then might have allowed us to expect. In Tibet we frequently had a dryness so great that we obtained but 13 per cent., even 1 per cent. only of relative humidity,S whilst 16 per cent., determined by Humboldt, was the greatest dryness observed till is i i than 900 miles distant, I add e i As Ne Reig Sets pss us. highest of all; Kanchinjinga, in Sikkim, * e - i 1 ‘Results,’ vol. iv. pp. 3; forthe Alps I had obtained 320 feet for 1° F. (Phys. Geog. of the Alps, vol. i. pp. 334-370.) § ‘Results,’ vol. iv. p. 29. 3 || ‘Asie Centrale,’ German edition, vol. ii. p. 51. 120 PLANTZ SCHLAGINTWEITIAN E. then; and this, too, in the eastern parts of Asia, but in regions very low, and far north of our regions of Tibet and Turkistan.” The sign A before a name indicates an uninhabited place, or a pas- ture-ground only occasionally visited by nomadic tribes, generally are designated as “ Deras." PRIMULACEX. 1. Primula petiolaris, Wall.; De Cand. Prod. viii. p. 37 ; Wall. Fl. Ind. ii. p. 22; but the variety, which is named by Wallich P. nana. —N. 9770, from the Western Himalaya, province of Kamaon, locality Bageser to Munshari, vi Kathi and Namik, 5000-7800 feet; col- lected May 24-31, 1855. 2. P. purpurea, Royle; De Cand. 1. c. p. 40 ; Royle, Ill. 311. t. 77. f. 2.—N. 9772 and n. 9840 partly. Western Himalaya, province of Kamaon, locality Bageser to Munshari, vid Kathi and Namik, 5000— 7800 feet, collected May 24-30, 1855 ; and A Roghas up the Milum glacier to A Bitarguar, 13,995-14,594 feet, collected June 18th and 19th, 1855. 3. P. Moorcroftiana, Wall.; DC. 1. c. p. 45. There is only one im- perfect specimen, showing only the foliaceous involucels, and the umbel. Involucel or leaflets ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, connate at their broad bases, on the margins sharply dentate, and above very mealy. Pedicels elongated with farina under the calyx. Calyx-segments fari- naceous, ovate-lanceolate, acute, keeled, connected to the middle equal in length with the capsules.—N. 9027. Found in the Western Hima- ` laya, province of Garhval, locality Sukhi, across the Bamsuru and Chaia Pass to Kharsali (Passes between the Bhagirathi and Jamna valleys), 9000—15,400 feet ; collected October 9-13, 1855. 4. P. rosea, Royle, lll. 311. t. 75. f. 1; De Cand. l.c. p. 41.— N. 1705, Tibet, province of Ladak, locality Le to A Kurumpulu (on the southern slopes of Laoche Pass), 11,500-15,470 feet, collected July 24, 1856; n. 1899, environs of Le in general, 10,750—12,500 feet, collected July to September, 1856; n. 1943, locality Yugu to (right side of the Indus valley), 11,000—12,000 feet, collected August 1-31 ; province of Nubra, locality Kardong to Diskit, on the left side of the Shayok, 12,878-9968 feet, collected July 26-28, 1856; n. 5296, province of Balti, locality Chorbad-la Pass to A Chungaks, on the northern foot of the Pass, 16,976—15,000 feet, collected July 8, PLANTH SCHLAGINTWEITIANS. 121 1856; n. 3838, Western Himalaya, province of Kishtvar, locality Tri- loknath up the Kali Pass (south-west of Triloknath), about 7000 feet, collected June 24-27, 1856; n. 9840, partly, province of Kamaon, locality A Roghas up the Milum glacier to A Brarguar, 13,995-14,594 feet, collected June 18-19, 1855; n. 12,367, province of Kulu, locality A Ralha up to Rotang Pass (southern slopes of the Rotang Pass), 8700 to 13,061 feet, collected June 9, 1856. 5. P. (Aleurita) Telemachica, F. W. Klatt.—Root fleshy, thick, fibrous. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, acute, wrinkled ; underneath closely, roughly, and perspicuously veined, on the edge densely glandulous and fimbriated, tapering towards the sheathing base. Leaves sur- rounded by leaf-like, broad, ovate, spathulate scales, which underneath towards the point are purplish, and on the midrib as well as on the margin glandulous and fimbriated. Scapes erect, round, longer than the leaves. Involucral leaflets longer than the pedicels, ovate-lan- ceolate, concave, at the base embracing the scape, on the top long pointed. Calyx angular, short, 5-cleft ; segments acute, orange-coloured towards the point. Tube of corolla cylindrical, longer than the calyx. Limb consisting of 5 obcordate, deeply-incised lobes.—This species much resembles P. elegans, Duby, but the last is quite glabrous, has long pedicels, no scales, and differently-shaped involucels. N. 13,085, Central Himalaya, province of Nepal, locality environs of Kathmandu, height 5000 to 7000 feet, collected March 4-8 1857. The annual mean temperature in this region is 55° to 60° F.; the amount of rain about 60 inches a year, chiefly varying with the distance from the sea. The name ** Telemachica ” was chosen in due acknowledgment of the zeal of the travellers, for being the same in meaning as their own ; at the same time, it may serve to draw attention to a remarkable instance of identity of name in ancient Greek and German. 6. P. obtusifolia, Royle, Ill. p. 311. t. 77. f. 1; De Cand. p. 42.— N. 5698, Tibet, province of Balti, locality Khapalu (on the left side of the Shayok), 8285 feet, collected July 12, 1856; n. 9646, Western Himalaya, province of Kamaon, locality environs of Milum (chief place of thé district Johar), 11,200-12,100 feet, collected June 6-25, 1855; n. 12,102 and n. 12,107, province of Kulu, locality top of Rotang Pass (Pass between Kulu and Lahol), 13,061 feet, collected June 9, 1856.— The plants are very different in height, varying from 4—12 inches. 122 PLANTH SCHLAGINTWEITIANA. 7. P. pusilla, Wall. Fl. Ind. ii. p. 22.—N. 5321, Thibet, province of Balti, locality A Tsoka ; highest point reached on the right side of the horkonda glacier, 16,905 feet, July 29, 1856. 8. P. minutissima, Jacquem. ; De Cand. p. 42, and Duby, Mém. sur la Famille des Primulacées, t. 1. f. 3.—N. 2930, Western Himalaya, locality top of the Bara Lacha Pass, 16,186 feet, collected June 19, 1856, 9. P.involucrata, Wall. Cat. n. 7107 ; De Cand. p. 42.—N. 3856, Western Himalaya, province of Kishtvar, locality Tiloknath up the Kali Pass (south-west of Tiloknath), about 7000 feet, collected June 24-27, 1856; n. 9605, province of Kamaon, locality environs of Milum (chief place of the district Johar), 11,200-12,100 feet, collected June 6-25, 1855; n. 9785, locality Bageser to Munshari, vid Kathi and Namik, 5000-7800 feet, collected May 24-31, 1855; n. 5264, Tibet, province of Ladak, locality A Yuru Kiom, vid Kanji up to the Tinti-la Pass, 12,790-15,548 feet, collected July 2, 1856; n. 7032, province of Gnari Khorsum, locality A Laptel to A Selchell and A Hoti (south of the Satlej), 13,900-16,200 feet, collected J uly 16-19, 1855; n. 12,740 and 12,741, Künlün, province Khotan, locality A Sumgal (on the southern foot of the Bushia Pass) to A Gulbagashen (large Yashem quarries), 13,215—12,252 feet, collected August 28-39, 10. P. denticulata, Smith (De Cand. p. 44) ; Wall. Fl. Ind. ii.p. 17; Smith, Exot. Bot. ii. p. 109. t. 114 ; Bot. Reg. xxviii. t. 47. This species is found in a very different state and size, with scapes from 6—12 inches, and leaves from 6-15 lines, and in some specimens the leaves are somewhat similar to those of P. elliptica, Royle. But P. den- ticulata, Sm., has always a membranaceous calyx, with dark teeth ; the tube of the corolla is enlarged towards the mouth, not equal in length to the calyx, the leaves are rather hairy, the umbel is many- flowered, and the involucels are broad-ovate or ovate-lanceolate.— N. 5026, Western Himalaya, province of Simla, locality environs of Simla, 6000-7300 feet, collected March 20 to April 10, 1856; n. 9603 and 9673, province of Kamaon, locality environs of Milum (chief place of the district Johar), 11,200-12,100 feet, collected June 6-25, 1855; n. 9773 and 9812, locality Bageser to Munshari, vid Kathi and Namik, 5000-7800 feet, collected May 24-31, 1855; n. 9841, loca- lity A Roghas up the Milum glacier to A Bitarguar, 13,995-14,594 PLANTE SCHLAGINTWEITIANJE. 128 feet, collected June 18 and 19, 1855; n. 9970, locality above the limit of shrubs in the Pache valley (environs of Milum), 15,600 feet, collected June 10, 1855; n. 6093 and n. 6095, Tibet, province of Balti, locality A Chogosbang above A Barol Brok (right side of the Sospor glacier), 15,300 feet, collected July 18, 1856. 11. P. erosa, Wall. Cat. 611; De Cand. p. 45.— Regel has given, in his * Gartenflora, vol. ii. pl. 51, a very good representation of this plant; and in the note to his description he shows that Duby is wrong in uniting this species with P. denticulata, Sm.—N. 920, Tibet, province of Ladak, locality left shore of the Indus near Le, 10,700 feet, collected July 5—10, 1856. 1. Androsace globifera, Duby, De Cand. p. 48.—N. 9316, Western Himalaya, province of Garhval, locality Gaurikund vid Trijugi Narain and Maseo Tal to Bhillung, 6417-7570 feet, collected September 24 to October 3, 1855; n. 9636, n. 9650, n. 9651, n. 9682, province of Kamaon, locality environs of Milum (chief place of the district Johar), 11,200—12,100 feet, collected June 6-25, 1855. 2. A. sarmentosa, Wall. Fl. Ind. ii. pp. 14 and 15.—N. 3817, Western Himalaya, province of Kishtvar, locality Triloknath to the Kali Pass (south-west of Triloknath), collected June 24-27, 1856; n. 3963, province of Lahol, locality Rotang Pass to Koksar (northern slopes of the Pass), 13,061—10,344 feet, collected June 9, 1856 ; n. 9643, province of Kamaon, locality environs of Milum, 11,200- 12,100 feet, collected June 6-25, 1855; n. 9744, locality Bagesar to Munshari vid Kathi and Namik, 5000—7800 feet, collected May 24— 31, 1855 ; n. 9983, province of Garhval, locality Badrinath, 10,000— . 10,600 feet, collected August 1-31, 1855. 3. A. lanuginosa, Wall. Fl. Ind. p. 15.—N. 4091, Western Hima- laya, province Simla, locality environs of Simla, 6000-7300 feet, col- lected May 1-20, 1856; n. 6807, Tibet, province of Spiti, locality environs of the Salt Lake Tsomoriri, collected June 91-22, 1856; n. 6958, northern foot of Tari Pass vid Mud to the southern foot of Parang Pass, 12,320-16,000 feet, collected June 12-17, 1856. A. sarmentosa, Wall., and A. lanuginosa, Wall., are so different that I do not understand why Duby and other authors can unite them. The leaves of 4. sarmentosa, Wall., are smaller and less in number, the umbels are tender and few-fowered, and the whole plant is less hairy than 4. lanuginosa, Wall. ; in fact, a single glance is sufficient to distin- guish these two plants. 124 PLANTA SCHLAGINTWEITIAN E. 4. A. Jacquemonti, Duby ; De Cand. p. 50. n. 24, and Duby, Mém. sur la Famille des Primulacées, t. 3. f. 1.—N. 5164, Western Himalaya, province of Kashmir, locality Kishtvar Pass to Islamabad, 5900 feet, collected August 5-10, 1856; n. 5343, Tibet, province of Ladak, loca- lity Kharbu Koma to Shaksi (south-west of Da), 10,500 feet, collected July 3, 1856; n. 6520, locality Timti-la Pass vid A Timti-Do to Kharbu Koma, 11,500—15,548 feet, collected July 2-3, 1856. 5. A. Chamejasme, Willd. Sp. i. p. 799; De Cand. l.c. p. 51; Reich. Pl. Crit. vi. t. 580.—N. 12,116, Western Himalaya, province of Kulu, locality top of Rotang Pass (Pass between Kulu and Lahol), 13,061 feet, collected June 9, 1856. 6. A. cordifolia, Wall. in Plant. Asiat. Ras. t. 13. p. 871; Fl. Ind. iip. 17; De Cand. p. 54.—N. 2821, Western Himalaya, province Lahol, locality Kardong to Darche in the Bhaga valley, 10,200—11,750 feet, collected June 15-18, 1856; n. 3685, Kardong up to the limits of trees (slopes on the left side of the Bhaga river), 10,200—11,800 feet, collected June 13, 1856; left shore of the Bhaga (later Chinab) at Kardong, 10,200 feet, collected June 14, 1856; n. 4191, Koksar to Kardong, 10,200—10,350 feet, collected June 11 and 12, 1856 , pro- vince of Kashmir, locality Tsoji Pass down to A Baltal (south-western slopes of the Pass), 7376—10,000 feet, collected October 14, 1856. T. A. incisa, Wall. Fl. Ind. ii. p. 16; De Cand. p. 54.—N. 9821, Western Himalaya, province of Kamaon, locality Bageser to Munshari vid Kathi and Nomik, 5000-7800 feet, collected May 24-31, 1855. 8. A. elegans, Duby; De Cand. l.c. p. 55.—N. 3099, Western Himalaya, province of Jamu, locality Padri Pass to Bhadrar, collected July 17-22, 1856 ; n. 3246, province of Chamba, locality Kali Pass to Chamba (the Kali Pass is north-east of Chamba), 10,500 feet, collected June 28 to July 8, 1856; n. 13,399, locality Simla vid Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000-9000 feet, collected June to September, 1856. l. Cortusa Matthioli, Linn. Sp. 206.—N. 4042, Western Himalaya, province of Lahol, locality left shore of the Bhaga (later Chinab) at Kardong, 10,242 feet, collected June 14, 1856. 1. Lysimachia multiflora, Wall. Flora Ind. p. 14; F. W. Klatt, Die Gattung Lysimachia,* t. 4,—N. 13,525, Eastern India, province * F. W. Klatt, Die Gattung L simachia; Abhandlungen des Naturwis- senschaftl. Vereins in Hamburg, vol. iv., Abtheilung iv. PLANTJE SCHLAGINTWEITIANZ. 125 Assam, locality Mangeldai to the foot of the Bhutan Himalaya, in the eastern Tarai 100—300 feet, collected December 1, 1855. 2. L. ramosa; Wall. l.c. p. 31; F. W. Klatt, l. e. t. 17.—N. 12,350, Eastern Himalaya, province of Sikkim, locality environs of Darjiling, 6000 to 8000 feet, collected June and July, 1855. 1. Anagallus arvensis, Linn. (A. cerulea, Schreb. ; 4. Indica, Wall. Sw. Br. Fl. Gard. t. 132, non A. latifolia, L. Duby!)—N. 2739, North-Western India, province of Panjab, locality near Peshaur, 1280 feet, collected December 28,1856, to January 6,1857 ; n. 10,408, pro- vince of Panjab, locality near Peshaur, 1280 feet, collected Jan. 11-20, 1857 ; n. 10,509, locality Lahor, 839 feet, collected March 10-14,1857; n. 10,633, locality Shahpur to Lahor (Jech and Rechna Duabs), 800 to 600 feet, collected March 4-8, 1857 ; n. 10,677, locality Kohat to Kala- bagh (on the western side of the Indus), 1715—790 feet, collected Fe- bruary 5-9,1857 ; n. 11,159, locality Musakhel (south of Kalabagh on the Indus) along the salt range viá Varcha and Choia to Gujrat, 1000— 2500 feet, collected February 17 to March 5, 1857; n. 11,955, locality Kalabagh on the left side of the Indus, 790 feet, collected February 10-14, 1857; n. 12,906 and n. 12,913, Gangetic Delta, province of Bahar, locality in the dry bed of the river Gandak, near Patna, 170 feet, collected January 10-31, 1857; n. 4571, Western Himalaya, province of Kashmir, locality drained lake-basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar within a circle of eight miles, 5000—5300 feet, colleeted October 2-20, 1856. PITTOSPOREX. l. Pittosporum Rumphii, Putterl. Synopsis Pittospor. p. 7.— N. 9301, Western Himalaya, province of Garhval, locality Gaurikunt vid Trijugi Narain and Maser Tal to Bhillung, 6000-7000 feet, collected September 24 to October 3, 1855 ; n. 12,138, province of Rajauri, loca- lity Uri across the Punch Pass vi Kahuta to Punch, 5000—9000 feet, collected November 6-9, 1856. [RIDEZ. 1. Gynandris Sisyrinchium, F. W. Klatt, Revisio Iridearum, Linnea, xxxiv. p. 577.—N. 10,283, North-western India, province of Pun- jab, locality from Kalabagh along the western side of the Indus wid Lakki to Dera Ismael Khan, 790—478 feet, collected February 15-22, 126 PLANTH SCHLAGINTWEITIAN®. 1857; n. 11,391, locality Kohat (forty miles south of Peshuar), 1715 feet, collected January 1, 1857 Iris Kamaonensis, Wall. ; Klatt, Revis. l.c. p. 594.—N. 7067, Thibet, province Gnari Khorsum, locality A Laptel to A Selchell and A Hati (south of the Satlej), 14,000—16,200 feet, collected July 16-19, 1825; n. 7337, locality northern foot of the Uta Dhura Pass across the Kiungar Pass to its northern foot, 16,200—17,600 feet, collected July 9-12, 1855; n. 9677, Western Himalaya, province of Kamaon, locality environs of Milum (chief place to the district Johar), 11,200— 12,100 feet, collected June 6-25, 1855; n. 9788, locality Bageser to Munshari vid Kathi and Namik, 5000-7800 feet, collected May 24-31, 1855; n. 9929, locality southern slopes of the Tari Pass, 15,000— 12,000 feet, collected June 9, 1856. 2. I. Nepalensis, Wall.; Klatt, Revis. Iridearum, p. 602. n. 19.— N. 4211, n. 4355, n. 4640, Western Himalaya, province of Kashmir, locality environs of Srinaggar, within a circle of eight miles) 5000— 5300 feet, colleeted August 10 to September 30, 1856; n. 4665, n. 4925, n. 5022, province of Simla, locality environs of Simla, 6000— 7300 feet, collected April 12-30, 1856 ; n. 12,035, province of Kash- mir, locality Gures aeross the Ulli Plain and two small Passes to Ban- dipur (north-west of Srinaggar), 12,000—13,500 feet, collected October 5—12, 1856 ; n. 13,413, locality Simla vi Kangra and Jamu to Kash- mir, 3000-9000 feet, collected June to September, 1856 ; n. 6964, Tibet, province of Spiti, locality northern foot of Tari Pass vid Mud to southern foot of Parang Pass, 12,320-16,000 feet, collected June 12-17, 1856. 9. I. sulcata, Wall. Cat. n. 5049.—N. 10,003, Western Himalaya, provinee of Garhval, locality Badrinath, 10,000—10,600 feet, collected nds 1-31, 1855 ; n. 12,325 and n. 12,389, n. 12,634, Eastern imalaya, province of Sikkim, n environs of Darjiling, 6000— 8000 feet, collected June and July, 1855. 4. I. fragrans, Lindley, l.c. ee l.c. p. 614.—N. 4212 and n. 4564, Western Himalaya, priiis of Kashmir, locality environs of Srinaggar, 5000—5300 feet, collected August 10 to September 30, 1856, and October 2-20, 1856; n. 12,936, locality Gures across the Ulli Plain and two small Passes to Bandipur (north-west of Srinag- gar), 12,300—16,500 feet, collected October 5—12, 1856; n. 11,692, province. Chamba, locality environs of Nurpur, 4000—5500 feet, col- lected July 16-20, 1856; n. 5835, Tibet, province of Balti, locality CORRESPONDENCE, 127 Kunes (on the right side of the Shayok) vi@ Kiris to Neru (on the right side of the Indus), about 9000 feet, collected August 2-12, 1856; n. 6128, n. 6137, locality Poen, on the left side of the Shayok (opposite the Charbat), 8879 feet, collected July 10, 1856. 5. I. longifolia, Royle, Illustr. p. 372.—N. 12,595, Western Hima- laya, province Rajauri, locality Punch vid Kotli to Islamabad, 4000— 2000 feet, collected November 10-15, 1856; n. 13,337, locality Simla vif Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000-9000 feet, collected June to September, 1856; n. 13,008, Central Himalaya, province of Nepal, locality environs of Kathmandu, 5000-7000 feet, collected March 4-8, 1857; Gangetic Delta, province Bahar, locality in the dry bed of the river Gandak, near Patna, 170 feet, collected January 10-31, 1857. 6. I. fimbriata, Vent. Klatt, Revis. Iridearum, p. 619, n. 48.—N. 12,314 Eastern Himalaya, province of Sikkim, locality environs of Darjiling, 6000—8000 feet, collected June and July, 1855. 1. Crocus sativus, L. ; Klatt, l. e. p. 675, var. Cashmirianus, Royle. —N. 4558, Western Himalaya, province of Kashmir, locality environs of Srinaggar, 5000-5300 feet, collected October 2-20, 1856. Expranation or Piare LXXVIII., representing Primula Telemachica, Klatt. Figs. 1 and 2. Leaves. 3. Glands of leaf-margin. 4. Flower-head. rum. 6. Flower. 7. Corolla. 8. Corolla laid open. 9. Calyx segments. 10. Plate of corolla. 11. Anthers. 12. Pistil :—all magnified. CORRESPONDENCE. Viola arenaria. locality is several miles from the one on the sugar limestone of Teesdale, near Cauldron Snout, th t waterfall of the Tees. (See ‘Journal of Botany,’ Wis >o James BACKHOUSE. Holgate House, York, March 6, 1868. 128 BOTANICAL NEWS. Asplenium adulterinum. During the course of last yender "e geogpteplical distribution of a very cu- rious plant has been more ascertained,—I mean Asplenium adulte- rinum (intermediate between A. Trichomanes PE A, viride), which grows on serpentine rocks in Bohemia, Moravia, and Saxony. I have examined it care- fully and anatomically, and it is likely that ihe plant will play an important part when the question of the mutability of species is considered. As there are serpentine rocks in Great Britain, and the constant associate of A. adulte- rinum (viz. A. serpentini) occurs there,—for instance, between Aberdeen and Banff, in Scotland (see T. Moore in ‘Journal of Botany,’ 1863, p. 184; and 1864, p. 129, t. 17),—there is reason to believe that A. adu/terinum may also be a member of the British flora. J. MILDE. Breslau, March 14th, 1868. BOTANICAL NEWS. t to announce By death of W. = G. aa fpe 3 weed ed Aca chi eik rated by woodcuts ; a fas Pedras Negras i in Angola," by Dr. bisce illustrated by woodcuts ; udde wl Dufton's * Abyssinia ; fesso " “rns and Bentham's * Gene ewed by Prof. De Can- a * Straits of Magellan," pres pi Dr E. Cuuhiüghihé and Capt. May Phe e Y dian Office has published ‘The Chinchona Species of u^ Granada, containing the botanical descriptions of the species examined b rs, Mutis and Karsten; with some account of those botanist ead their wem nts rkham, F.L.S. i Mr. iety o which he says that his views on the mou e are by no means definitel ent. - B. Fonzi sends us Eis sketch of the life and labours of tho late Dr. Theo- dor Kotschy, from which we learn with pleasure that the OM of that great botanical traveller and explorer are at gs put in their proper light by so compe tenta hand. Dr. Kotschy was born on the 15th of April, 181, at Ostrau, in Austria, and died at Vienna on the Lith of June, 1 ituary this pus oe rer name of Mr. E. Tucker, of Margate, who first discovered th é wat he LAT MOS m LION : Vincent, Broaks Imp. Qe 25 Nice ee < ? A On N [UR SES) WS " uy Ge f^ <9 (iy, RNE E Jo k e b Zz ELD AN e" = v, ARA s P5 y 129 REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACEJE. Bv BremrHorD SEEMANN, Pu.D., F.L.S. (Continued from Vol. V. p. 286.) On THE Genus KissODENDRON. (Puare: LXXIX.) The genus Hedera, as circumscribed by me, is very natural, and easily distinguished from all other Hederacee by its climbing and rooting branches, simple leaves, inarticulate pedicels, five petals and stamens, semi-inferior ovary, single style, and ruminate albumen. Dr. F. Mueller referred to it an Australian species, which has, however, ar- ticulate pedicels, a completely inferior ovary and compound leaves, and is held by me to be the type of the genus Kissodendron. This genus resembles Pentapanax, Seem. (Journ. of Bot. Vol. IÉ p. 294), both having pinnated leaves and an arboreous habit, but they differ in the ollowing points :— Pentapanaz. Petala æstivatione imbricata. Drupa exsucca. Albu- men equabile. India orient. Kissodendron. Petala wstivatione valvata. Drupa baccata. Albu- men ruminatum. Noy. Holl. KissopENDRON, Seem. Journ. of Bot. Vol. IIT. p. 201 in adnot. (Irvingia, F. Muell. Fragm. vol. v. p. 17).—Char. emend. : Pedicelli articulati, ecalyculati v. calyculo obscuro. Calycis limbus 5-dentatus. Petala 5, wstivatione valvata, in calyptram cohzrentia et tali modo v. tarde apice resilientia. Stamina 5. Ovarium inferum, 3—5-loculare, loculis 1-ovulatis. Stylus 1, elongatus. Drupa baccata, 3-5-pyrena. umen ruminatum.— Arbor glabra Nove Hollandiz, inermis, foliis Pinnatis plurijugis, foliolis integerrimis ovatis v. lanceolato-ovatis brevi-aeuminatis, basi obtusa ineequilateris, pedunculis primariis elon- gatis, secundariis inferioribus oppositis, superioribus aliquot verticillatis, vs umbellatis, umbellulis 8-12-floris. Species unica: - K. Australianum, Seem. |. c.—Hedera Australiana, F. Muell. as vol. iv. : p. 120. Polyscias Australiana, F. Muell. Coll. Irvingia Australiana, F. Muell. Fragm. vol. v : 11. — Rockingham Day, E. Coast of Australia (Dallachy ! comm. cl. F. Muell.). EXPLANATION n PrarE LXXIX., representing Kissodendron Austra- lianum, from spec ns kind farnished by the Kew id Melbourne grin —Fig. k Flower pirg Fig. 2. Expanded flower and stamen. Fig. 3 VOL. vi. [May 1, 1868.] n 130 REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACE#, ig. 4. Ovary cut across. Figs. 5 and 6. Ripe fruit and seed. Fig. 7. Fruit cut across. Figs. 8 and 9. Different views of seed ; all, with exception of Fig. 5, magnified. On THE GENUS DIPANAX. Drranax (gen.nov.), Seem. Pedicelli inarticulati. Flores ecalycu- lati. Calyx... Petala 5. Stamina 5; anthere ovate. Ovarium semisuperum, 2-loculare, loculis l-ovulatis. Stigmata 2, sessilia. Drupa exsucca, 2-locularis, 2-sperma. Albumen. . .— uscula Hawaiensis, foliis imparipinnatis, junioribus inflorescentiisque furfura- ceo-puberulis demum | glabratis ; foliolis brevissime petiolatis 13-15 coriaceis oblongis v. ovatis integerrimis basi cordatis, umbellis race- moso-paniculatis. Species unica : 1. D. Manni, Seem.— Heplapleurum. dipyrenum, Mann in Proceed- ings of the American Academy, vol. vii. p. 168.—Lanai, Hawaiian Is- lands (Mann !J. The sessile stigmas and inarticulate pedicels distinguish this genus from all other known dicarpous Hederacee. The flowers are unknown, but on the young ovaries, kindly communicated to me by Mr. Mann, the impression made on them by the stamens before anthesis is clearly discernible; and from this it appears that there were 5- stamens and ovate acute anthers. On THE GeNus DIDYMOPANAX. Dipymopanax, Dene. et Planch. in Revue Horticole, 1854, p- 109. . Linden et Planch. Araliae. p. 1l.— Pedicelli inarticulati. Flores poly- gami (masc. et hermaph.), mono- et dioici. Calycis limbus repando-5- dentatus. Petala 5, crassiuscula, libera, sestivatione valvata. Sta- mina 5, petalis breviora ; anther ovatee, mucronulate. Diseus ex- planatus, margine libero undulato. Ovarium 2-loculare, in fl. masc. effectum. Styli 2, sepius basi ima, nune longiuscule concreti (divi- suris intus 1-sulcis stigmatosis) apud fl. masc. imperfecti, in fructu maturo persistentes, indurati, recurvi. Bacca drupacea, 2-pyrena, transverse elliptica, didyma, v. orbiculato-ovata ; pyrenis a latere valde compressis, margine externo (v. dorso) leviter bicarinatis, latere utroque costis tenuibus nerviformibus arcuatis notatis, putamine crus- taceo, laeviuseulo v. rugoso. Semina in loculis 1, levia v. rugosa, in- tegumento tenui. Albumen :equabile.—Arbores v. frutices Americ® tropicze, sericeo- v. velutino-tomentosze, nune glabre ; foliis simplicibus „v. sepissime digitatim compositis, foliolis petiolulatis coriaceis integer- REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACES. 131 rimis circa tuberculum v. apiculum centralem quasi verticillatis; sti- pulis parvis, petiolo adnatis; umbellis in paniculas amplas terminales dispositis; floribus viridiusculis—Benth. et Hooker Gen. Plant. p. 939. * Folia simplicia. l. D. lucumoides, Dene. et Planch. Rev. Hort. 1854, p. 109 (sine descript.). Dendropanax tomentosum, Seem. Journ. of Bot. 1864, p. 302; Revision Heder. p. 28 !—Minas Geraes, Brazil (Claussen ! 1843, n. 88; 1841, n. 4; et Coll. 1840. Dupré! Gardner ! n. 4703). ** Folia digitatim composita. 2. D. speciosum, Dene. et Planch. l. c.—Panazx speciosum, Willd. Sp. iv. p. 1126. P. undulatum, H.B. K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. iv. p. 11. t. 417. f. 2, icon. fr.—Venezuela (Bonpland ! in Herb. Paris.). 3. D. Morototoni, Dene. et Planch. 1. c.—Panax Morototoni, Aubl. Guian. ii. p. 949. t. 360. P. undulatum, Pers. Ench. p. 298, non Kunth ?— Guiana (Aublet ! in Mus. Brit., Perrottet !), Brazil (Guille- min! Burchell! n. 1842 et n. 4896 ; Moricand, n. 2345), Rio Negro and Casiquiare (Spruce! n. 1683 et n. 3456), Cuba (Wright ! n. 211), Panama (Seemann! n. 1615, Sutton Hayes !), Dutch Guiana (Ander- son! in Mus. Brit.), Trinidad (Crüger!), Tovar, Venezuela (Fendler! n. 2337), Popayan, N. Granada (Triana! Schlim et Funk !) This is probably not distinct from D. speciosum. The leaflets are either attenuate at the base or rounded, and the tomentous covering un- derneath the blade varies in colour, being either of a brown or more or less silvery hue. The leaves of young plants are quite membrana- ceous, eiliate dentate, and pilose. 4. D. chrysophyllum, Dene. et Planch. 1. c.—JPanaz chrysophyllum, Vahl, Eclog.i.p.33. P.wndulatum, Pers. Ench. p. 298, non Kunth? Reto Rico (Herb. Paris. !). . D. marginatum, Dene. et Planch. l. c.—Minas Geraes, Brazil Chen 1838, n. 39). PD. sireifini; Dene. et Planch. l. c.— Pazaz parviflorum, Mart. et ek in Abh. d. Math. Phys. Cl. d. Baier. Akad. i. 319; Walp. Rep. ii. p. 429. — Minas Geraes, Brazil (Gardner! n. 4705, in Herb. Mus. Br. et Paris). 7. D. caloum, Dene. et Planch. l. c.—Panaz calvum, Cham. in Linnea, viii. p. 232; Walp. Rep. ii. p. 422.— Brazil (Burchell! n. 2690; Spruce! n. 2811). K 2 132 REVISION OF THÉ NATURAL ORDER HEDERACES. 8. D. sericeum, Dene. et Planch. l. c.—Panazx sericeum, Pohl in De Cand. Prodr. iv. 254. P. vinosum, Cham. et Schlecht. in Linnea, i. p. 403.— Brazil (Pohl ! Langsdorff! Gardner! n. 4709, n. 8880; Burchell !). : 9. D. Peppigii, Dene. et Planch. l. c.—Panax chrysophyllum, Peepp., non Vahl.—Mayna Alto, Peru (Poeppig ! n. 1959). 10. D. argyrophyllum, Dene. et Planch. 1. c. 11. D. splendens, Dene. et Planch. ex Planch. et Linden, Araliac. p. 8.— Panac splendens, H. B. K. Nov. Gen. v. p. 11; De Cand. Prodr. iv. p. 253. n. 15. Aralia (?) micans, Willd. mss. ex Schult. Syst. vi. p. 101; De Cand. Prodr. iv. p. 258. n. 11—Popayan (Bonpland! in Herb. Paris.). : 12. D. Spruceanum, Seem.—Hedera Spruceana, Benth. mss.—Near Panure (Spruce !, n. 2307, in Herb. Paris. et Mus. Brit.). 3. D. Claussenianum, Dene. et Planch. in Herb. Paris.—Minas Geraes, Brazil (Claussen! Coll. ann. 1841, n. 1495, and Coll. ann. 1838, n. 40). 14. D. calcophyllum, Dene. et Planch. in Herb. Paris.— Bahia, Brazil (Blanchet! n. 2345).—Looks like D. Morototoni. Is it dif- ferent 15. D. glabratum, Dene. et Planch. ex Linden et Planch. Araliac. p. 3.—Panax glabratum, H. B. K. Nov. Gen. v. p. 10; De Cand. Prodr. iv. p. 253. P. attenuatum, Swartz, Prodr. 54 ; Fi. Ind. Occ. ii. p. 562 ; Griseb. West Ind. Fl. p. 306. P. Caribbeum, Sieb. Fl. Martin. - n. 290.—Martinique (Plée! n. 771), Caracas, Tovar, and Galipan (Funk et Schlim! n. 91, n. 528, et n. 530), Guadaloupe (De Pon- thiew!), St. Christopher (Fr. Mason !), St. Vincent (Guilding!) Trini- dad (Herb. Kew.). . i Ought to be called D. attenuatum, if these two are identical, as I hold them to be. Styles connate nearly to top. Petals calyptriform coherent. 16. D. Gardneri, Seem. (sp. n.); foliis digitato-5-natis, foliolis subrotundatis v. ovato-rotundatis acuminatis, basi obtusis, margine integerrimis revolutis, supra glabris, lucidis, subtus sericeo-tomentosis; . umbellis in paniculas terminales sericeo-tomentosas dispositis.—Dia- mond District, Brazil (Gardner! n. 4708).—‘ A shrub, about four feet high," Gardner, mss. l7. D. macrocarpum, Seem.—Panax macrocarpum, Cham. et REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACEE. 133 Schlecht. in Linnea, i. p. 404.—Minas Geraes, Brazil (Sellow ! Claussen! Coll. ann. 1840; Gardner! n. 4759, n. 4706, n. 4707; Burchell! n. 5144). 18. D. Burchelli, Seem. mss. in Herb. Hook.; foliis digitatim 7-natis, foliolis obovato-oblongis apice subbilobis, basi attenuatis, utrinque glaberrimis.—Porto Real, Brazil (Burchell! n. 8425) Sciadophyllum. rubiginosum, Pl. et Lind. Aral. p. 24, Venezuela (Funk et Schlim, n. 1528), is probably a species of Didymopanaz. On THE GENUS ARALIA. AnALIA, Linn. Gen. n. 386, excl. sp.; Benth. et Hook. Gen. i. p. 936. —Pedieelli articulati. Flores sspe polygamo-monoici. ^ Calycis margo prominulus, truncatus, repandus v. brevissime 5-dentatus. Pe- tala 5, ovata, obtusa v. brevissime inflexo-acuminata, marginibus plus minus imbricatis. Stamina 5; anthere oblonga v. rarius ovate, rect». Discus subplanus v. rarius conicus, margine libero. Ovarium 3—5-loculare; styli nunc basi erecti v. breviter connati, superne de- mum recurvi nune a basi recurvi v. summo apice inflexi; stigmata terminalia. Fructus 3-5-angulatus, exocarpio carnoso; pyrene 8-5 orbiculate, ovatze v. oblongze, compresse, crustaceæ v. dure. Semen compressum, albumine æquabili.—Herbæ perennes v. frutices, glabri pubescentes setosi v. aculeati. Folia alterna, digitata pinnata v. ternato-pinnatim pinnatimve decomposita, foliolis serrulatis. Stipule a basi petioli parum prominentes. Umbellule solitarie racemose panieulate v. terminales, rarius in umbellam compositam dispositze. + Bracte parvie.— Dimorphanthus, Miq. Com. Phytogr. 95. t. 12. This genus is here restricted to the pentecarpous, by abortion tri- carpous, species; the truly dicarpous ones, having a distinct habit, are referred by me to Panag. Species Chinenses :— 1. 4. Chinensis, Linn. Sp. 393; De Cand. Prod. vol. iv. p. 259, excl. syn. Blume; Hance in Seem. Journ. of Bot. 1866, p. 172.— Leea spinosa, Spreng.— China (Lord Macartney! in Herb. Mus.). 2. 4. Planchoniana, Hance in Seem. Journ. of Bot. 1866, p. 172. — Ilha res near Macao, S. China (Hance). A. Decaisneana, Hance in Seem. Journ. of Bot. 1866, p. 172. —Teland of Formosa. 134 REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACEA. 4. A. Mandschurica, Seem.—Dimorphanthus Manchuricus, Rupr. et Maximow. Fl. Amer. p. 133.—On the Lower Amur (Maximowicz ! in Herb. Hook.). Species Japonica :— 5. A. elata, Seem.— Dimorphanthus elatus, Miq. Com. Phytogr. 95. t. 12; Walp. Rep. vol. ii. p. 430.—.4ralia grandis, Miq. Herb. drum . A. canescens, Sieb. et Zuce. Abhand. Math. Phys. Kl. Bayr. fink vol. ii. p. 222; Walp. Ann. vol. i. p. 982.—Japan (Bürger ! Oldham !). 7. A. edulis, Sieb. et Zuce. Fl. Jap. i. 57. t. 25.—Dimorphanthus edulis, Miq. Com. Phytogr. p. 96; Walp. Rep. ii. p. 431. Aralia cordata, Thunb. Fl. Jap. p. 127? Æ. racemosa, var. Sachalinensis, Regel, Gartenflora, 1864, t. 432 P—Japan. Species Indice : 8. A. Cachemirica, Dene. in Jacquem, Voy. iv. p. 72. t. 82 ; Walp. Rep. ii. p. 430.— 4. macrophylla, Lindl. Bot. Reg. (New Series) xvii., Plant. Misc. p. 73. n. 72. Panas tripinnatum, Wall. Cat. n. 4984. P. decompositum, Wall. Cat. n. 4935; De Cand. Prod. iv. p. 955. : Nepal (Wallich! Cat. n. 4934 et 4935). 9. A. foliolosa, Seem.—Panax (?) foliolosum, Wall. Cat. n. 4928. —Sikhim (Hooker f. et Thomson !) ; Bootan (Griffith! n. 2074 in Mus. px Silhet (Wallich ! n. 2928). 10. 4. Thomsonii, Seem. (n. sp.).—Khasia mountains (Hook. f. et Thomson ! Araliacea, n. 42) ; Assam Plains (Jenkins !). ll. 4. armata, Seem.— Panasz armatum, Wall. Cat. n. 49, 33; G. Don, Gen. Syst. iii. p. 386; Walp. Rep. ii. p. 429.— Tavoy (Wallich ! n. 49, 37); Khasia and Sikhim (Hook. f. et Thomson !). 12. A. Finlaysoniana, Seem.—Panazx pions (rua Wall. Cat. n. 49, 36 ; G. Don, Gen. Syst. iii. p. 429; Walp. Rep. u. p. adve India (Wallich! n. 4937.). 13. A. cissifolia, Griffith, mss. in Herb. Hook.—Panas scandens, Edgw. mss. in Herb. Hook.—Bootan (Griffith !), Kumaon (Strachey and Winterbottom !). Has the habit of Eleutherococcus. Leaves 5-nately digitate. Species Boreali- Americe : 14. A. nudicaulis, Linn. Sp. p. 393, nou Blum. ; Raf. Med. Bot. i. REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACEJ. 135 t. 8; Torr. et Gray, Fl. North Amer. i. p. 646. Nomen vernac. “Wild Sarsaparilla."— (Canada to the mountainous portions of the Southern United States (Nuttall! Douglas! Anderson! Kertland! in Herb. Mus. Brit.). 15. 4. racemosa, Linn. Sp. p. 393; Schk, Hand. t. 86; Torr. et Gray, Fl. North Amer. i. p. 646. Nomen vernac. “ Spikenard.” — Canada to mountains of Georgia and Rocky Mountains (Nuttall! Kertland !) 16. A. hispida, Michx. Fl. Am. Sept. i. p. 185 ; Vent. Hort. Cels. t. 41; Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 1041; Lodd. Bot. Cat. t. 1306 ; Torr. et Gray, Fl. North Amer. i. p. 647.—4. Muhlenbergiana, Schult. Syst. vi p. 704. Nomin. vernac. “ Wild Elder" et ** Bristly Sarsaparilla.” —Lakes Winipeg and Superior (Richardson !) ; Sachakawan (Richard- son !); Nova Scotia (Alex. Anderson !) ; Massachusetts (Nuttall !). 17. Æ. humilis, Cav. Icon. iv. p. 7. t. 313.—Mexico. 18. A. pubescens, De Cand. Hort. Monsp. 1813, p. 80; Prod. iv. p. 258.—Mexico. 19. A. spinosa, Linn. Sp. p. 392.—A. spinosa, var. y, Torr. et Gray, Fl. North Amer. i. p. 647. Nomin. vernac. “Prickly Ash," “ An- gelica Tree,” “Hercules Club."— United States (Nuttall! Pursh ! Gouan ! Drummond! Short !) 20. A. Leroana, C. Koch, Wochenschrift, 1864, p. 369.— 4. spinosa, var. 8, Torr. et Gray, Fl. North Amer. i p.647. A. Japonica, Hort. Germ. non Auct.—North America. Professor K. Koch, l. c., thus distinguishes 4. spinosa and A. Le- roana. spinosa ; spinosissima ; pe- Leroana ; spinosa; petioli tioli glabri ; foliola oblongo-lanceo- lata, cuspidata, glabra, subtus glaucescentia ; panieula peduncu- lata, elongata, rami alterni, denuo . ramosi, ramulis plerumque apicem solum umbelliferis; flores majores. £5 a A. puberuli; foliola supra aspera aut denique glabriuscula, acuta aut acuminata, subtus pubescentia glaucescentia; panicula sessilis, contracta, ramis elongatis denuo ramosis, ramulis ubique umbelli- feris; flores minores. Species Javanice et Philippinenses : 21. A. Javanica, Miq. in Bonplandia, 1859, p. 137.—Aralia Chi- nensis, Blume, Bijdr. p. 870, non Linn.—Java (Horsfield ! in Mus. Brit.; Junghuhn ! in Herb. Hook.) 136 REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACEJE. 22. A. hypoleuca, Presl, Epim. p. 250; Walp. Ann. ii. p. 7 24. — Philippine Islands (Cuming! n. 920 et 192 in Mus. Brit.) 3. A. montana, Blume, Bijdr. 870; Miq. Fl. Ned. Ind. l. c. p. 750. — Aralia bipinnata, Reinw. Herb.—Java (Horsfield ! in Mus. Brit.). 24. A. dasyphylla, Miq. in Bonplandia, 1856, p. 138; Fl. Ned. Ind. l.c. p. 751.—Java (Junghuhn !) 25. A. ferox, Miq. in Bonplandia, 1856, p. 137; Fl. Ned- Ind. l. c. p. 750.—Java. Species excluse. . Abyssinica, Hochst.=Sciadophyllum Abyssinicum, Steud. . acerifolia, Willd.— Oreopanaa acerifolium, Seem. aculeata, Ham.— Brassaiopsis aculeata, Seem. acutifolia, Willd.—(?) Dendropanaz. angularis, Willd.— Oreopanax angulare, Seem. arborea, Linn.— Dendropanaz arboreum, Dene. et Planch. arborea, Avrab.— Gilibertia Brasiliensis, Seem argentata, H. B.=Oreopanax argentatum, Dene. et Planch. aromatica, Blume— Agalma aromaticum, Seem. avicenniefolia, H. B.—Oreopanaa avicenniafolium, Dene. et Pl. calyculata, Zoll. et Mor.— Macropanaz oreophilum, Miq. capitata, Jacq.=Oreopanas prosa Dene. et Planch. capitulata, Jungh. et Vries.—(?) O catalpefolia, Willd.— Oreopanaz waka Dene. et Planch. cheirophylla, Spr.— Oreopanax cheirophyllum, Dene. et Planch. Chinensis, Lour.—(Rumph. Amb. iv. 44.) cochleata, Lam.— Nothopanax cochleatum, Miq. crassifolia, Sol.— Pseudopanaz crassifolium, C. Koch. crassinervia, H. B.— Oreopanax crassinervium, Dene. et Planch. Cumanensis, H. B.— Oreopanax Cumanense, Dene. et Planch. digitata, Willd.=Oreopanax Xalapense, Dene. et Planch. digitata, Roxb.— Heptapleurum venulosum, Seem. discolor, H. B.— Oreopanaz discolor, Dene. et Planch. disperina, Blume— Maeropanaz oreophilum, Miq. dubia, Spr.— Trevesia palmata, Vis. Echinops, Cham.— Oreopanax Echinops, Dene. et Planch. A. erinacea, Hook.— Horsfieldia horrida, Seem. A. farinosa, Delile— NotAopanaz farinosum, Seem A. ferruginea, H. B.—Sceiadophyllum Jerrugineti Dene. et Planch. bd pase ba 7 0 0 RR REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACEX. 197 A. ferruginea, Lind Oreopanax Humboldtianum, Dene. et Planch. A. floribunda, H. B.— Oreopanax floribundum, Dene. et Planch. A. fragrans, Don (Steud. > — Heleropanaz fragrans, Seem. et Pentapanax Leschenaultii, See A. heptaphylla, Willd. ae aadi e ferrugineum, Dene. et Planch. A, heterophylla, Mutis=Oreopanax Mutisianum, Dene et Planch. A. heterophylla, Willd.— Oreopanaz acerifolium, Se A. Humboldtiana, Reem. et Schult.—Oreopanaz isti de Dene. et Planch. A. Japonica, Thunb.=Fatsia Japonica, Dene. et Planch. A. jatrophafolia, H. B.— Oreopanaz jatrophafolium, Dene. et Planch. incisa, Willd.— Oreopanaz floribundum, Dene. et Planch. Kleinii, Steud.— Miquelia Kleinii, Meisn. letevirens, Gay — Cheirodendron latevirens, Seem. lappafolia, Reeusch=? .— Planta Indica Or. Lessoni, Hook.— Pseudopanaz Lessoni, C. Koch. longifolia, Reinw.— Brassaia littorea, Seem. lucescens, Blume= Agala lucescens, Seem macrophylla, A. Cunn.— Meryta latifolia, Ron Maralia, R. et Sch.— Maralia M. COITU, De Cand. micans, Willd.— Didymopanaz splendens, Dene. et Planch. Mitsde, Sieb. et Zucc.— Dendropanaz Japonicum, Seem. monogyna, Arrab.— Dendropanaz monogynum, Seem. Moorei, F. Muell.— Heptapleurum venulosum, Seem. multiflora, Pohl— Oreopanaz capitatum, bos et Planch. Mutisiana, H. B. — Oreopanaz cg aa Dene. et Planch. nodosa, Blume.— Polyscias nodosa, See obtusiloha, H. B.— Oreopanax As Dene. et Planch. octophylla, Lour.— 4galma octophyllum, Seem. A. palinata, Lam.— Trevesia Moluccana, Miq. . palmata, Reinw.— Trevesia Sundaica, Miq. A. palmata, Willd.— Oreopanax cheirophyllum, Seem. A, palmata, Lour.— Brassaiopsis Hainla, Seem. A. paniculata, Philip.— Cheirodendron Valdiviense, Seem. A. papyrifera, Hook.— Tetrapanaz papyriferum, C. Koch. A. pentaphylla, Thunb.=Acanthopanax spinosum, Miq. A. pinnatifida, Jungh. et Vries.=Aralidium pinnatifidum, Miq. A. pergamacea, Blume= Heptapleurum pergamaceum, Hassk. 4e Ae a id [27] oo REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACEZX. . pinnata, Hochst.— Nothopanaz farinosum, Seem. . platanifolia, H. B.— Oreopanaz platanifolium, Dene. et Planch. . polaris, Hombr.— Stilbocarpa polaris, Dene. et Planch. . Polyscias, Spr.— Polyscias umbellata, Forst. . polygama, Bks. et Sol.—Schefflera digitata, Forst. Quinduensis, H. B.— Sciadophyllum Quinduense, DC. . quinquefolia, A Gray=Panaw quinquefolium, Linn. ramiflora, Pohl— Dendropanaz ramiflorum, Seem. Reinwardtiana, Steud.— Trevesia Sundaica, Miq. reticulata, H. B.=Oreopanax Humboldtianum, Dene. et Planch. rigida, Blume— Heptapleurum rigidum, Seem. rugosa, Blume— Agalma rugosum, Miq. salicifolia, Vent.—? scandens, Poir.— Brassaiopsis Hainla, Seem. Schefflera, Spr.— Schefflera digitata, Forst. . Sciadophyllum, Sw.==Sciadophyllum Brownei, DC. . Sieboldii, Hort.= (?) Fatsia Japonica, Dene. et Planch. . septemnervia, H. B.— Oreopanaz septemnervium, Dene. et Planch. . simillima, Blume— Ayala simillimum, Mi . tarchonanthifolia, Willd.— Oreopanax avicenniafolium, Dene. et di A, trifolia, Bks.— Pseudopanaz crassifolium, C. Koch. A. trifolia, A Gray=Panaz trifolium, Linn. A, trifoliata, Meyen— Acanthopanax aculeatum, Seem. A. trigyna, Gaud.— Cheirodendron Gaudichaudii, Seem. A, triphylla, Poir.— Panaa trifolium, Linn. A. Turbacensis, H. B.— Oreopanax Turbacense, Dene. et Planch. A. umbellata, Pohl— Dendropanaz cuneatum, Dene. et Planch. A. umbellata, Pav.— Giliberta umbellata, Ruiz et Pav. A. umbellifera, Lam.— Osmozylon Amboinense, Miq. A. umbraculifera, Roxb.— Polyscias nodosa, Seem. A. Valdiviense, Gay — Cheirodendron Valdiviense, Seem. A. Vitiensis, A. Gray — Schefflera Vitiensis, Seem. A, Xalapensis, H. B.— Oreopanaz Xalapense, Dene. et Planch. Be a aaa aap ts es E ON THE GENUS STILBOCARPA. StrLBocaRPa, Dene. et Planch. Rev. Hort. 1854, p. 105.—Pedi- celli articulati. Flores ecalyculati, polygami. Calycis tubus obovatus; REVISION OF THE NATURAL ORDER HEDERACER. 139 Drupa depresso-sphzrica, suberosa, 3-4-pyrena. Albumen eequabile. —Herba perennis, regionibus subantarcticis et Nova Zelandia inhabi- tans, inermis, tota setis mollibus laxis obsita, foetida; foliis (maximis) stipulatis longe petiolatis orbiculari-reniformibus basi profunde cor- datis marginibus multilobatis; umbellulis compositis ; involucris folia- ceis; floribus densis; drupis atris nitidis, grana piperis magnitudine. — Hook. f. Fl. N. Zeal. i. p.95. Aralie sp., Homb. et Jacq. Species unica : l. S. polaris, Dene. et Planch. l. c. ; Hook. f. Fl. N. Zeal. i. p. 95; A. Gray, Bot. Wilkes, p. 716.— a "d Z e 5 "d $ plants left for the purpose of effecting fertilization had the upper half or two- thirds of the male inflorescence removed before the flowers opened, the variety, 190 BOTANICAL NEWS. if produced, would take a shorter time by a year or two.* Supposing, then, that the increase of female flowers amounted to only one-fifth, this would be for the United States alone an increase of produce amounting in value to more . than £20,000,000 per annum. The folly of excluding from our botanic gardens all those species which do not specially recommend themselves for their beauty to the eye of the horti- culturist or floriculturist, and destroying trees and shrubs which have been refuge for such rejected giin ts. He has Jast published (Van Voorst) the first part of a work devoted to their illustration, the very title of which, ‘ Refugium Botanicum,’ implies a censure of n viris ous system now in vogue. ay it be the beginning of a healthy rea M. Casimir de Candolle has a ane a paper on the theory of the leaf, which comes to us as a reprint from the Archives des Sciences de la Bibliothéque Universelle, and which we cordially recommend to the attention of botanists. The general conclusions he arrives at are that a leaf is a branch, the apex of which, after a certain time, becomes atrophied, or ceases to grow, being identically the same as those submitted in September, 1864, by various German botanists to the Meeting of Naturalists and Physicians at Hanover, as mentioned in Vol. III. p. 359 of this Tournal. ‘Select Ferns and Lycopods, British and Exotic; comprising Descriptions of Nine Hundred chosen Species and Varieties,’ is the title of a new work by Mr. B. 8. publisher. There are 343 illustrations, one of them representing a grove of Tree-ferns (Dicksonia Antaretica), on Mount Wellington, Tasmania, taken from a photograph in the possession of the editor of the ‘Journal of Botany, and alluded to at p. 158 of our volume for 1865. The hint there thrown ouf, that it might be possible to grow in England Tree-ferns in the god air, is thus submitted. once more to the consideration of practical horticulturi It is gratifying to observe the scientifie spirit displaying itself i in S Vind in the publieation of a new periodical, * Vargasia, of which the first three numbers have come to hand, and which purports to be the organ of the xe others, a paper on Gesnera Vargasii, De Cand., by M. A e plant, having all th e flowers removed, placed bet ing rue. upper half or two- dide x them removed, would be the | ene way ot acing "i uo 5 eee re È &5 $e. = et aps be | en plant being chee! "i an hye pre departing pv oi from the original type might be expected. lants so treated, the upper spike of female flowers developed a eal pfs shale e flowers at its apex. BOTANICAL NEWS. 191 founder of the Association), in which he criticizes the views of Dr. Hanstein, ru- P lated froin this Journal, among them fe of Mr. Collins on Caoutchouc, were aaa r and discussed by the Lindsay has published * oaiae to New Zealand Botany ' (W iliam: a Norgate), 4to, with four coloured plates, which contains a series of papers on the plants of New Zealand, abstracts of some of which we have had the privilege of placing before our readers. The successful introduction of Opuntia Rafinesquiana, Engelm., now sold of other Cactec in the open air. It cannot be too often repeated that many Cactee stand a great deal of.cold,—all Mamillarie and Cerei with white spines and hair grow at high elevations, and are covered with snow and ie during several months of the year 6, Dr a recorded (Otto and 4 os tudes (Cereus Depa and Opuntia cylindrica), dhüving that they stood a severe winter without injury The author of * The Darwinian Theory of the Origin of Species examined by a Graduate of the University of Cambridge ' has, in a separate pamphlet, added i t extracts. 'The author, whoever he may be, holds that Mr. Darwin has under- taken to explain the origin of species by an hypothesis viget is peculiarly (?) his own, and if this part of Mr. Darwin's theory is disproved, the whole is confuted ; and he arrives at the conclusion that on the a question of the origin of species, i. e. the beginning of things, “ we have learned nothing at d from the various eamjectares and theories of the transmutationists, and, leas of e I Mr. Darwin’s.’ asters sends us a very acceptable reprint of his able paper *On the Meus of the Colialy neds eous genus Coc. sitar s pin 4ppeses, with illustrations, in the eurrent volume of Gut Gardeners ' Chronicle. rom Dr. Engelmann, of St. Louis, we have a reprint of his * Revision of the North-American Species of the Genus Juncus,’ to which favourable allusion is made in Dr. Buchenau’s paper in the last number of this Journ Mr. John Gilbert Baker has successfully completed the Bynápen of all known Ferns? (Robert Hardwieke), 8vo, of the late Sir W. J. Hooker, of which only a few sheets had passed through the press when that venerable botanist di Us the anniversary meeting of the Linnean Society, Mr. George Bentham was ce alie President; Mr. Saunders, Treasurer; and wm rs. B and urrey, Secretaries. The President delivered an excellent address, reviewing the state of biological science, and Mr. Busk read obituary ace of Fellows who died during the last yea Prof. Geppert, of Breslau, js discovered an _—_ ae PA in diamonds which bears some resemblance to Palmogloëa m , Küt 192 BOTANICAL NEWS. We have received another part of Key’s ‘Flora of Devon and Cornwall, containing Balsaminacee to Umbellifere ;. a Cup for private circulation nation of the Agavee, NI rt the , German war, and now sends us a 1 ‘oo T S 1 Gartenzeitung." From this we learn that there are now known 134 species of e, 13 of Sd and 8 of Beschorneria. > EDINBURGH BOTANICAL SOCIETY, April 9th.—Prof. Balfour in the chair. The following ditiones were read :—1. On the Genus Lophiostoma of British Fungi. By M. C. Cooke, Esq.—2. On the British Species of Delphi- nium. B Dr. W. R. M*Nab. Dr. M*Nab stated that while EROR e the that there were three instead of two (D. Consolida and D. A Pens British spe- ini n 1 s r. rt B nted and made som marks on various articles which he had bronght t from Tenn ver's Tslan and a the economie uses of Comifere, ete. Considering the vari ied uses ija gigan it mi A i western Indians. ark is woven into mats Gebwuidoved into lozenge- shaped M and borden: with bark of a darker nt stained by steeping it in a mixture of oil, charco oal, and water. These mats are used in a variety of aboriginal modes of existence, ge Jei manufacture i is a marke d feature in their he bark t woven into blankets and cloaks, and used for gun- wad ing. The w vo splits a sety fhe forms ea rds for their Psi and the trunks are hollowed out into their beautiful canoes. The twigs of the trees in North-west America, and ought to be extensively planted 3 in England. Mr. Brown also exhibited and described a large series s drawings and photo- graphs, illustrative of the forests and forest-t Var the same region including number of views of Sequoia kie prem Seen (Hatingtonia gigantea, Lind- ley) ; ; Thuja gigantea, Nutt. ; es Men ougl. Bridgesii, Kell. ; T ames Dougl.; Pinte paar Do im, ; din ‘Down "Lindley ; r . 4 a), .$ Pi j Nutt.; we Henryana, R. Br. ms.; Cactu virens, etc. s 99 antea ; “Sequoia 193 ON TWO NEW GENERA OF SMILACINEA. Bx BERTHOLD SEEMANN, Pn.D., F.L.S. (Pirates LXXXI. AND LXXXIII) An examination of the large genus Smilax has convinced me of the necessity of establishing two new genera, which I shall name respec- tively Pleiosmilax and Oligosmilaz. LEIOSMILAX, Seem. (gen. nov.) Flores diclines. Perigonium co- rollinum, 6-phyllum, patens, foliolis equalibus. Fl. d: Stamina duple foliolorum numero ; filamenta filiformia, libera ; anthere ovate v. ob- long, basifixe. Fl. 9: Stamina 10, sterilia (v. 0?). Ovarium 3-locu- lare. Ovula in loculis l. Stigmata 3. Bacca 3-locularis, 3-sperma. Semina elliptica. — Frutices sempervirentes, scandentes ; radicibus tuberosis v. fibrosis; caule inermi v. aculeato ; foliis alternis petio- latis, cordatis v. ovatis, nervosis, reticulato-venosis ; stipulis intrapetio- laribus cirrhiferis; floribus umbellatis, umbellis axillaribus, d race- mosis, 9 solitariis ; baccis nigris.—Smilacis sp. auct. This genus differs from Smilax principally in having twice as many stamens as perigonal leaves. Three species are at present known, yz. :— l. P. Vitiensis, Seem. ; inermis, glabra ; caule terete ; foliis sub- cordatis v. ovato-oblongis, acuminatis, 3-5-nerviis, coriaceis ; pedun- culis g 2-8-fidis, perigonii foliolis 6 ovato-oblongis acuminatis 1- nerviis, antheris ovatis; peduneulis 9 simplicibus ; baecis globosis (nigris) 3-spermis. — Nomina vernac. Vitiensia, * Kadragi" “Wa rusi,” et “ Na kau wa."—Islands of Ovalau, Vanua Levu, Viti Levu, and Kadavu (Seemann ! n. 631, ex parte). This is closely allied to P. Sandwichensis, but the leaves are some- what differently shaped and have fewer ribs, and the anthers are diffe- rent in shape and size. The leaves of the lower part of the stem are very large, often measuring a foot in length and nine inches across. The male umbels are arranged on short forked peduncles, the middle umbel being always the largest, and longer than the petiole; whilst the female umbels are on simple peduncles, which are shorter than the petiole. Female flower is unknown. The berry is round and black, and contains three seeds. 2. P. Sandwichensis, Seem. (Smilax Sandwichensis, Kunth, Enum. VOL. vi. [JULY 1, 1808.] o 194 NOTES ON THE FLORA OF SUSSEX. Plant. vol. v. p. 253; S. pseudochina, Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. ? ; Nomen. vernac. Hawaiense, teste Barclay, * Aka-ava "), collected in Oahu (Seemann! Macrae! Hillebrand!) and Atoi (Barclay !), where it is dien by the natives for tying the rafters of their houses. . P. Menziesii, Seem. (sp. nov.) (Tab. LXXXI.) ; caule teretius- ` i petiolisque dense aculeato; foliis ovato-oblongis, acuminatis, 7- nerviis, supra inermibus, subtus ad costas aculeatis; umbellis ¢ race- mosis, rachidibus inermibus bracteatis, bracteis ovatis acuminatis, pedunculis compressis ebracteatis, receptaculis globosis, perig. foliolis 6 oblongo-linearibus ; umbellis 9 solitariis, pedunculis aculeatis. — Sand- wich Islands (Menzies ! in Herb. Mus. Brit. et Kew). A very singular species. The branches, petioles, peduncles of female flowers, and the ribs of the lower side of the leaves are covered with spines, much more minute and dense than they are in many species of Smilax. EXPLANATION -= Prare LXXXI., impr aid gem Menziesii, fig. 1 and 2 natural size, ‘all the pr tanga d. (To be continued.) NOTES ON THE FLORA OF SUSSEX. By W. B. Hemstey, Esq. The following notes relate principally to those plants ial in the Supplement to Watson's * Cybele Britannica’ as of doubtful — rence in the county, with some additional species, chiefly “ seg gregates," little known or unpublished at the time the Supplement appeared. From the various contributions I have received towards my projected Flora of the county, and my own investigations, I can unhesitatingly exclude several species enumerated by Mr. Watson, some with and some without the sign of doubt, as growing in the county, and clear up the uncertainty regarding several other species, the authorities for which he considered insufficient to entitle them to a place in the Flora without reliable corroboration. It is desirable that this should be one now, as, in consequence of the drainage of bogs, enclosure of commons, conversion of woodland into arable land, and the depreda- NOTES ON THE FLORA OF SUSSEX. | 195 tions of rapacious and careless collectors, many plants formerly abun- dant are now restricted to a few isolated localities, and others have been quite exterminated. The following species, of doubtful occurrence in the county, accord- ing to Watson, may be safely include Thalictrum flavum. Villarsia nympheoides. Aquilegia vulgaris. Atropa Bel Erysimum cheiranthoides. Veronica Buches Silene Anglica. Mentha piperi Lavatera arb Myosotis sylvatica Melilotus vulgaris. Chenopodium urbicum. Sedum reflexum. Atriplex are Feniculum vulgare. RENE Bistorta. Inula Helenium. Populus a Tanacetum vulgare. New to the county are the following, which, with a few exceptions, are segregates whose aggregates were given by Watson :— Ranunculus Baudotii. R. rosaceus. R. trichophyllus. R. pygmæus. . floribundus = diversifolius. R. peltatus R. Lejeuni. R. Drouetii. R. altheifolius. ? Dianthus deltoides. R. tuberculatus. Arenaria leptoclados. Epilobium tetragonum. . Bagina nodosa. ^ .K. obscurum Onobrychis sativa. ? Herniaria Mabe Rubus suberectus. ? Drosera Anglica. issus. Arctium tomentosum R. plicatus A. minus. R. nitidus. ajus. R. rhamnifolius Erythrea latifolia R. thyrsoideus. Thymus Serpyllum R. Grabowskii. Statice occiden R. carpinifolius Euphorbia palustris. R. Keehleri. Ruppia rostella R. Guntheri. Agrostis Spica-venti. R. Balfourianus. Festuca arundinacea. Doubtful, according to Watson, and since fully ascertained to have been falsely reported or only accidental introductions, mostly not re- discovered, are the following :— Lepidium latifolium. Matthiola sinuata. ` Cardamine impatiens. Erodium maritimum. o2 196 Erodium moschatum. NOTES ON SOME PLANTS OF OTAGO, NEW ZEALAND. Asperugo procumbens. Cynoglossum montanum. Lactuca scariola. M glaucum. Campanula Rapunculus C. botryoi Pyrola rotundifolia ee te Porllaidió: Veronica verna. Salix penta Linaria r Orchis fusca n Salvia pratensis Polao zosterifolius. Ajuga Chamsepitys P. heterop dii Symphytum tuberosum P. plantagine Anchusa semperv Polypodium Diyoglénis The following species are given without doubt by Watson, but I have not met with any of them in the county :— Sisymbrium Sophia R. incurvatus. Polygala calearea Potentilla argentea. Medieago faleata Carduus ui agr: Rubus Hy Ballota feet: R. rudis Polnegoton "Bliformis. Lost species :— Matthiola incana. mpetrum nigrum. Vicia Bithyni an autumnale. Sibthorpi Fritillaria Meleagris. Cyclamen hederifolium. Asplenium marinum. (To be continued.) NOTES ON SOME PLANTS OF OTAGO, NEW ZEALAND. By W. Lauper Linpsay, M.D., F.R.S.E., F.L.S. l. Genus DISCARIA. D. Toumatou, Raoul (D. australis, Hook.).—Uplands around Saddle- hill; Fingand, Lower Clutha; Balmoral Bush, Inch Clutha; on roadsides, Greenisland : October and November, young, W. It is generally as “ scrub,” or intermixed therewith, that it occurs on the hill-ranges. I never ‘a with it assuming the dimensions of a tree. It forms a dense scrub in the channels of the Matukituki, with an undergrowth of Aciphylia. Sullivan remarks on its on-occurrence in the west coast forests, a circumstance which he says, “ is undoubtedly owing to the woods having never been devastated by fire." Common in, and forming part of, the dense and impenetrable scrub "' on the . Tapanui ranges (Buchanan). Sometimes it furnishes the only fire- NOTES ON SOME PLANTS OF OTAGO, NEW ZEALAND. 197 wood to be had on the goldfields, e. g. in the gullies about Highlay, at the head of the Waikouaiti river (in 1862), where it forms * scrub," as Leptospermum, Coprosma, Gaultheria, Coriaria, Fagus, and other shrubs do elsewhere in Otago. The plant is much more conspicuous for its spines [which are very . rigid and sharp, about 1-1} inch long, and which project from the very strong woody stem or branches at more or less right angles] than for flowers or foliage. The latter are, as in Carmichelia, generally so few and inconspicuous as to appear virtually absent, and the shrub has a peculiar bare, dry, Australian physiognomy. In the shade and moisture of the Bush, however, the foliage is developed in greater proportion to the spines, which are much less rigid, while the whole plant becomes greener, handsomer, and much less formidable than when its place of growth is exposed. In cultivation it becomes dwarfed and very spiny, forming an excellent hedge-shrub. Buchanan remarks, that “if pro- perly trained, it would form a handsome hedge that would be stronger than Whitethorn.” My roadside specimens are, as in the parallel case of Carmichelia, very strong, hardy, woody, low shrubs, with very tortuous branches, and almost no foliage; the plant having a pecu- liar parched, leafless aspect. My Bush forms, on the other hand, are altogether taller, more leafy, greener, with longer, more delicate spines, and more symmetrical branches. The spines are frequently 14-2 inches long, and 4^; inch thick; varying in rigidity and stoutness ; frequently also of nearly uniform thickness up to the insertion of the point (or bristle). The latter appears as if articulated to the spine, from which it differs in colour and thickness ; tapering either suddenly or gradually; it varies in length, sharpness, and rigidity. Leaf some- times $ inch long, and 4 inch broad; glabrous, entire or sometimes irregularly and slightly notched; apex frequently retuse. Puberulence of calyx and flower-pedicels obscure. To the North Island Maori, who formerly used its spines as a bod- kin for tattooing, the plant is known as the “ Tumatukuru," which by the settlers is variously spelt or corrupted ** To-matou-kaurow ? (Bu- chanan), *"Tomatagora," ** Tomatuguru," * Matagora," or** Matacoura "és while in Otago it is also designated “ The Thorn” or ** Hawthorn," or “Prickly Thorn ;" and, according to the Handb. Fl. N. Z., by the New Zealand colonists generally, “ Wild Irishman,” —a term in Otago I heard applied only to Rubus australis. 198 NOTES ON SOME PLANTS OF OTAGO, NEW ZEALAND. 2. Genus CARMICHALIA. Only i in the young state do its species bear an extremely minute in- conspicuous foliage; so that the plants are almost virtually leafless, and have, in this respect, more an Australian than a New Zealand physiognomy. During its flowering season the flower frequently ap- pears alone, without a trace of foliage; but the flowers are insufficient as regards either number or size to relieve the barrenness of the filiform naked branches. The development of foliage depends greatly on habitat. On hot, dry, dusty, exposed roadsides, for instance, the plant is frequently a mere mass of bare, leafless, flowerless, rigid, or twiggy branches, resembling a bundle of our ** Broom” twigs (Saro- thamnus scoparius, Wimm.) stripped of their foliage. In this con- dition it is one of the “ shabbiest-looking " shrubs in Otago,—very unlike the * bonny Broom” of Scotland, with which the settlers take the liberty of comparing it! But in the shade and moisture of the ush the same shrub becomes comparatively leafy, flowery, and hand- some. Under ew/fivation,—as in shrubberies,—the plant becomes ornamental (I saw, in 1867, some species cultivated in the Botanic Garden of Edinburgh). The leafless twigs are naturally somewhat succulent—a property which is increased by cultivation or by habitat, —so that Buchanan suggests that some of those species that have the habit of the common Broom, and abound with succulent twigs, which are greedily eaten by horses, might be introduced among furze- copse as hill-fodder in the colony itself. Species of this genus are common in the bush and scrub of Stewart's Island (Port William and Paterson's Inlet), and in various parts of the west coast (Preservation Inlet and Chalky Bay, Hector). These probably include C. crassicaulis, Hook. f., C. nana, Col., C. grandiflora, Hook. f., C. australis,* Br., and C. flagelliformis, Col., some of which are mem or subalpine, ascending to 5000 feet. The genus Carmichelia is one whose species should be carefully studied by local botanists in the living state, inasmuch as our know- * This species appears to be more familiar to the Era: than any other of its genus, if we may judge from the number of — under which it is known. These include the following :—* Maukaro" or * Maukoro:" “ Neinei” (Lyall) — - also Spplied ù s ay N cpt Island Dracophlum l latifolium, ai Come (lens): cak to an Orchid, Orthoceras Sola kaka, m n Wakake? (Lya i-a erm so like ** Maka be ^. as ebr mem rise to wi suspicion that, in one or other case, the initial eri is an error ? NOTES ON SOME PLANTS OF OTAGO, NEW ZEALAND. 199 ledge of their limitations or variations cannot yet be said to be satis- factory or complete. : C. flagelliformis, Col. Roadsides, and in Abbott’s Creek, Green- island: November, in flower: in the scrub about Finegand, Lower lutha: December, in fine flower, W. L. L. With other species, known to the settlers as “ Native Broom.” A shrub a few feet high, in all cases in which I met with it; varying, however, in size, succu- lence, foliage, and flowering according to the character of its habitat. ed by Dr. Hooker, in my herbarium, C. juncea ; but has the cha- racters rather of C. flagelliformis, to which apparently he refers it in the Handb. (p. 50). A large shrub, the size of our Broom; leafless ; one specimen in flower. Much branched ; older branches short, woody, about 1 inch in diameter; frequently as if abruptly cut off, terminating in obtuse points. Younger branchlets terminate in filiform shoots ; and sometimes retain their greenness in drying, though sometimes also all the branches acquire a brown hue, even in the growing state ; the larger branches are frequently brown; main branches cracked or grooved, smaller ones generally deeply and irregularly grooved ; all the branches terete, stout, fibrous; tips of branchlets pubescent, as are also the racemes and calyces. Racemes frequently 3-flowered. Flower- pedicels about 4-2 inch long, always longer than calyx, sometimes twice as long, very silky-pubescent, with greyish-white appressed hairs. 3. Genus LINUM. — L. monogynum, Forst. Along the edge of the Bush, on a shingly beach, Willshire’s Bay, mouth of the Clutha ; on the cliffs, Shaw’s Bay, The Nuggets, 8-12 inches high: December, in flower; W. L. L. The “Native Flax” of the settler; the “ Rauhuia " (Colenso); “ Kaho” (Cunningham), or “ Wao” (D’Urville) of the North Island Maori. Some of its forms resemble our common ZL. usitatissimum, Le At the New Zealand Exhibition of 1865, Mr. Smith, of Napier (Hawke’s Bay), showed specimens of what he termed Z. perenne, L., which was said to grow wild in that province :* and he also exhibited some of its roughly scutched fibre, which resembles the lower kinds of Baltic lax. It may thus prove that there is more than one New Zealand species of Linum. - . My plant appears to be var. grandiflorum of the Handb. 35. I | + Jurors’ Reports, p. 122. 200 NOTES ON SOME PLANTS OF OTAGO, NEW ZEALAND. have two sets of specimens ; the one smaller in flower, the other taller in fruit. The latter is also more slender; the branching at the top more open; the sepals sometimes shorter than the capsule. This larger form differs little from L. usitatissimum, L., as it occurs in my British Herbarium from Charleston, Fifeshire. Both forms are erect, shrubby, and woody, with simple branches. Leaves vary much in length; in one form they do not exceed 4 inch, while in the other they are 2-1 inch long ; in the former case being broader, in the latter nar- rower; form varies from lanceolate to oblong- linca, or linear-lanceo- late; apex subacute to subobtuse; colour in drying in one form be- comes brown or blackish-brown, while in the other it retains its pale . greenness ; one nerve only is at all distinct ; margin revolute in both forms. Branches and flower-peduncles sometimes much grooved. Sepals show 3 (sometimes 5) nerves distinctly in the fruited forms ; the medium one very prominent, more so than that (midrib) of the leaves; it is less distinet, but still easily distinguishable under the lens, in flowering specimens. Sepals about equal in length to the capsule in the flowering, smaller form. Flower 2 inch long, white, handsome. I see no necessity for the two named varieties recorded in the Hand- book: their distinguishing characters are of insufficient value. The plant is cultivated in British nurseries, and is known to nur- serymen as a “fine perennial species, with dwarf branching habit, covered with large snow-white flowers of the size of the scarlet annual, L. grandifforum."* Tt is cultivated about Edinburgh, but is regarded as “ very precarious in this climate.” (Lowe.) 4. Genus MUHLENBECKIA (Potyconum, FL. N. Z. pr. p.) M. adpressa, Lab. (Polygonum australe, Fl. N. Z.; P. adpressum, Hook. f. in my herbarium). Myres Bush, Inch Clutha : November, in flower, W. L. L. The * Puka” of the North Island Maoris, who apply the term “ Pohuehue "t to the closely allied M. complexa, Meisn. In my Otago plant the branches are woody ; the flowering twigs very sparingly leafy. Leaf-petiole 33 inch long. Leaf coriaceous, glabrous, suborbicular, 3-1 inch in diameter, distinctly mucronate or acuminate; dries to a leathery or blackish-brown. du Crag il of Alpine Plants and Hardy Perennials, by Bakanu and t Also applied to Convolvulus sepium. NOTES ON SOME PLANTS OF OTAGO, NEW ZEALAND. 201 Gorrie describes to me two plants cultivated at Trinity, near Edin- burgh, which may be referable to different ages or states of this species ; to different forms of M. complexa : or the one to the former and the other to the latter species. It seems to me extremely doubtful whether M. adpressa, M. complexa, and M. axillaris, Hook. f., should be sepa- rated as species. Certainly the trilobate leaf is not per se a sufficient specific character. The one of Gorrie’s plants has an entire, the other a trilobate leaf, or one which always exhibits a notch in each side about its centre. The first plant has proved itself, during the last twenty years, quite hardy, and a vigorous grower in various localities „about Edinburgh (e.g. Prestonhall and Trinity). I saw a plant of it (from Otago seed) growing very luxuriantly as a climber against a wall at Trinity,—its growth being so free and rapid that it was said to re- quire frequent cutting down. The second plant (from Otago) also appears hardy ; though its shoot-points and leaves, which were exposed thereto, were injured by the frost of January, 1867. 5. Genus MYRTUS. M. obcordata, Hook. f. Christie's Bush, Saddlehill : November, young: W. L. L. The representative, in Otago, of our Myrica Gale, L., to which it bears considerable resemblance in habit. | My Otago plant approaches M. pedunculata, Hook. f. It is decum- bent, much branched; the branches delicate or slender ; the foliage sparse, and mostly clothing the ends of the branchlets. Puberulence very obscure or absent. Leaf 4—4 inch long; 3-4 inch broad; variable in form; lanceolate, ovate, cordate, or subspherical, never distinctly obcordate; apex obtuse; margin sometimes thickened, irregularly cre- nulate or notched, or sublobate. Tarndale (Nelson) specimens in my herbarium, collected by Dr. Sin- clair, differ somewhat from my Otago plant. Neither group of speci- mens is in flower. The Tarndale plant is erect, but more shrubby and dwarf, much stouter, with much denser foliage and more coriaceous leaves. Branches stout and woody. Leaf-petioles and tips of branch- lets pubescent with grey appressed hairs ; branches very slightly pu- bescent, either in Otago or Tarndale plant. Leaf much more uniform in shape and size in Tarndale specimens ; generally obcordate with notched apex. 209 NOTES ON SOME PLANTS OF OTAGO, NEW ZEALAND. 6. Genus VIOLA. 1. F. filicaulis, Hook. f. Glen Martin, Saddlehill ; Signal Hill, North East valley, Dunedin: December, in flower and fruit, W. L. L. The Signal Hill plant is stronger than the Glen Martin one, having smaller, but more crowded leaves. Stem weak, filiform, trailing. Leaves variable, even in same indi- vidual : subreniform or subrhomboid, generally obtuse, all more or less crenate. Petioles do not exceed 3 inch long, very slender. Stipules very membranous, scarcely greenish, irregularly lacerate; teeth whitish, pellucid, tipped by small black glands, resembling the spermogonia of some fruticulose Lichens (e. g. Cladonia). 2. V. Cunninghamii, Hook. f. Saddlehill, and Chain Hill ranges: November, in flower : W. L. L. 1. Genus SAMOLUS. S. repens, Pers. On the cliffs, Springfield, Greenisland : November, young, W. L. L. The “ Wild Thyme,” of the Otago settler: the plant somewhat resembling, in habit, our common Thymus Serpyllum, L. | Leaf varies greatly as to length and tenuity; longest leaves arise from the base of the branches; the longer ones are generally more spathulate, the shorter more ovate or obovate. —Petiole sometimes 4-4 inch long, sometimes so short that the leaf is subsessile. Lamina generally broadly spathulate ; apex acute or obtuse, about 4 inch, some- times 4 inch long, and 445 inch broad ; whole leaf is sometimes nearly 1 inch long. 8. Genus EUPHORBIA. E. glauca, Forst. Sand dunes about mouth of the Kaikorai. Oc- tober, young, W. L. L. The * Wainatua”’ of the North Island Maori (Colenso); a term also applied to the North Island Rhabdothamnus Solandri, A. Cunn. [N. O. Gesneriacee.] A coarse, straggling, strong plant, whose rhizome creeps under the surface of the sand after the manner of that of Demoschanus and other New Zealand sand-sedges, sending up at intervals stout, erect stems, generally 1 foot tall. The glaucous character of the leaf is distinet only on undersides and tips : in the young leaves: and at the extremities or young shoots of the stems. Form of leaf variable, though mostly oblong-lanceolate ; size generally under 2 inches long and inch broad. NOTES ON SOME PLANTS OF OTAGO, NEW ZEALAND. 203 9. Genus TARAXACUM. T. Dens-leonis, Desf. (T. officinale, Fl. N. Z. Major forms; uplands about Fairfield, Saddlehill. Common : ap- parently our ordinary British plant. Tuapeka ranges, flowering stem 4—5 inches high,—a modification of the type. L. Minor form (var. pygmea, Fl. N. Z.): uod dunes, Greenisland coast : November, in flower, W. L. L. Closely resembling our British var. palustre, DC., as it frequently grows in Scotland on moorlands. Leaf varies from sinuate to pinnatifid on same plant : subspathulate, 25 inches long, by 4—4 inch broad ; sometime subacute at tip. Scape only 1-14 inch long, glabrous. Involucral scales not thickened at tip. My plant corresponds with Fifeshire specimens of var. 8. levigatum in my British herbarium [Hill pastures, No. Queensferry] rather than with my British forms of var. palustre, De Cand., which has much broader, more entire, and more rounded, larger leaves. Levigatum is, however, larger in its scape and leaves, which are also more divided. The plant has, undoubtedly, been also inéroduced, and is one of those hardy immigrants, which, like various of the natural and arti- ficial grasses, so-called, of Britain, are rapidly overrunning Otago, dis- placing and replacing much of its indigenous herbaceous vegetation. I do not believe it possible to distinguish the native from the intro- duced plant. Dr. Hooker refers the dwarf mountain forms to the indigenous, and the larger, luxuriant, succulent forms (as abundant in Otago as at home, on the waste ground surrounding dwellings or . towns) to the alien or introduced plant. In the Handbook (165) he speaks of the former as “ certainly indigenous;" but I do not admit the certainty of the conclusion, or, if I did, I should find it impossible to admit, with Dr. Hooker, that various British introduced weeds could occur at considerable elevations* on the alps, very remote from pastur- ages or settlements of any kind (e.g. Keleria cristata at 4000 feet on the Canterbury Alps). 10. Genus SONCHUS. S. oleraceus, L. Fairfield uplands; common. Shrubby and much branched; about 1 foot high. Seaward or exposed edge of Green- sem | Bush; e common ; also shrubby, but dwarfed ; while on the Paper “ On One Glumacee,” Transactions of Botanical So- sy d Rios. vol. ix. p. 6 904 NOTES ON SOME PLANTS OF OTAGO, NEW ZEALAND. rich virgin loam, and in the moist shade of the forest itself, it generally grows luxuriant and succulent, and more like our ordinary British weed. Myres Bush, Inch Clutha; very luxuriant. Chain Hills, where it is sometimes a tall, bare plant, nearly 1 foot high, with a few delicate leaves about its base, and a small head of flowers. October to No- vember, in flower; December, in fruit, W. L. L. More or less abun- dant in every part of the province I visited, Otago specimens being usually quite indistinguishable from British ones. Generally under 1 foot high. Stem in one specimen $ inch, in most others 4 inch in diameter. Variations in the size and degree of division of leaf infinite. Sometimes it is 23 inches broad, and about as long; and from this dimension it varies to 1-11 inch long, 1 inch broad. Leaves all more or less divided, though the divisions are not so numerous, or narrow, or toothed as in Fifeshire specimens in my British herbarium ; di- vision extends to midrib or not. Petiole sometimes 1} inch long, at other times it is absent, the lamina extending to the stem, from which the leaf is given off. Sometimes none of the leaves (in Chain Hill specimens) are large and deeply pinnatifid, with a large terminal lobe; but all are comparatively simple, and all clasp the stem, and are scarcely petiolate. Teeth frequently have scarcely a prickly character. Heads in all my specimens close, few, and panicled. Achene glabrous, longitudinally striate (ribs not very prominent), rugose, with trans- verse wrinkles, Involucre and peduncles quite glabrous. The same problem occurs here as in the case of Taraxacum Dens- leonis, viz. how, and whether it is possible to distinguish the indi- genous from the naturalized plant; for the imported English “ Sow- thistle ” is undoubtedly much more abundant than the native plant, — overrunning the country, with other species of Sonchus, and with species of Carduus and other hardy British Composite. The Maoris are said to recognize a distinction between the native and introduced forms ; they are in the habit of chewing its hardened juice as a salivary stimu- lant and in lieu of the narcotics, which the Malay and Polynesian islanders use in a similar way ;* and experience has taught them to prefer for such a purpose the introduced to the native plant. But I confess myself unable, as in the case of Taraxacum, to discover any good botanical distinctive character. Such are its resemblances to the * As they also use Kauri gum and Bit . Thomson’s ‘ Story of New Pied scl. p. 106. pane ae gs SE x NOTES RESPECTING SOME PLYMOUTH PLANTS. 205 ordinary British plant, and such the usual character of its habitats (in the vicinity of settlements) that I should be disposed to regard the plant as, in all cases in which I saw it, introduced, were it not that my friend Mr. Martin, and others of the original settlers of 1847-8, assure me the plant must be a ¿rue native, flourishing as it did in Otago, long prior to the advent of colonists. The “Porerua,” or ** Puwha," or “Pua,” of the North Island Maori, who recognizes also “the Small Sowthistle ” as “ Pua iti." (Dieff.) NOTES RESPECTING SOME PLYMOUTH PLANTS. By T. R. Arcuer Briees, Esq. Ranunculus auricomus, L. This plant has been considered rare about Plymouth, but being an inconspicuous species, is probably often overlooked. Unrecorded local stations are a wood at Plympton Maurice; a bank near Harestone; woods on both sides of the Yealm, near Yealmpton ; Maristowe. Wood near Sheviocke, Cornwall. Hypericum hirsutum, L. So very rare in the extreme south-west of Devon that within twelve miles of Plymouth I have only met with it in one locality, a wood between Puslinch Bridge and Yealmpton, where several plants of it occur. Potentilla argentea, L. It may be worth while to observe, that six plants are growing this season at Trevol, Cornwall, where I found only one in July, 1865 (vide Seemann’s Journ. Bot. Vol. ITI. p. 350). Mespilus Germanicus, L. A large and abundantly spinous bush in a hedgerow just beyond St. Stephen's “ by Saltash," on the road to Forder. In a lane, in the same neighbourhood, between Weard Quay and the St. Stephen's and Saltash Road, this species forms a consider- able portion of the hedgerow for a distance of about eight yards, aud a single bush occurs on a hedgebank, between fields, at right angles with the lane. The above stations are all in Cornwall. A high bush in a hedgerow near Battisborough Cross, close to the road leading i i ive i istinet ies, viz. S. asper, Vill., which was was CT mei aly a iin Dit Rad. p f ad alo MANN.] " u ni According to Dieffenbach, what is evidently the same word, “ Puwa,” is applied to the Thistle, also a naturalized plant `~ 206 NOTES RESPECTING SOME PLYMOUTH PLANTS. thence to Mothecombe. Pyrus communis, L., occurs in the same hedge, and I suspect that both it and the Mespilus were originally planted at Battisborough. ysospermum Cornubiense, De Cand. Scattered all over, and abun- dant in some parts of a piece of uncultivated ground, rather more than an acre in extent (according to a rough calculation), situated between Inchers and Blaxton, on the brow of the hill above the right bank of the tributary of the Tavy, that flows down to the latter place. From Calstock, in Cornwall, the nearest recorded station of the Physosper- mum, this one is distant, in a straight line about five or six miles, and from New Bridge, near Tavistock, its only previously known South Devon one, seven or eight. It is probable that cultivation has re- stricted its range between Blaxton and Inchers, as some of the spots in which it most abounds are close to where marks of the ploughshare are visible, and at present (June, 1868) a field of corn adjoins its habitat, without any hedge or fence between. Among the plants associated with the Physospermum are Aquilegia vulgaris, L.; Viola canina, L.; B. lancifolia, Thore (Bab. Man. ed. 6); Potentilla Tor- mentilla, Nesl.; Galium saxatile, L. ; Serratula tinctoria, L. ; and Erica cinerea, L. ; ipd here and there are bushes of Rhamnus Diipa, L., and Quercus Robur, L. A damp pasture, not much above the sea-level, situated lower down the vale, produces a plant, Alchemilla vulgaris, L., rare in the neighbourhood; a bank near it yields Erodium moschatum, Sm., and Geranium rotundifolium, L., occurs. Lamium incisum, Willd. Very uncommon near Plymouth. In arable land at Prospect, Weston Peverell, March, 1868. Noticed at the same place in the spring of the previous year, associated, on both occasions, with Lamium amplexicaule, L., a species that is local in this part of Devon. Primula vulgaris, Huds., B. variabilis (Bab. Man. ed. 6), P. ofici- nali-vulgaris, Syme, Eng. Bot. ed. 3. Many specimens of this hybrid grow on hedgebanks about Maristowe, one of the localities near Plymouth, where Primula veris, L., occurs in most abundance. Farm- . ing operations have there, to some iate restrieted the latter to banks and the borders of fields, and it is on hedgebanks where P. vulgaris and P. veris are brought into proximity to each other, that the hybrid usually grows. Some examples most resemble one parent, others t other; but all have at least some of the flowers raised on a scape, DESCRIPTION OF A NEW CHINESE LARKSPUR. 207 and generally all are thus arranged. About the borders of a pasture between Lopwell and Dedham Bridge, I found eight of these hybrids in May, 1868, and there, as at Maristowe, Primula veris grows plenti- fully. Daphne Laureola, L. Very rare near Plymouth. In a wood, on limestone, between Puslinch Bridge and Yealmpton. A single bush in a wood at Torr on the other side of the valley. Polygonatum multiflorum, All. In the wood near Yealmpton that produces Hypericum hirsutum and Daphne Laureola. Scattered all over a large wood on limestone at Torr, on the left bank of the Yealm, growing with Ranunculus auricomus, L.; Lamium Galeobdolon, Crantz ; Listera ovata, Br.; Allium ursinum; etc., and apparently truly wild. The places mentioned above are in Devon when the county is not named, 4, Portland Villas, Plymouth, June 10, 1868. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW CHINESE LARKSPUR. By H. F. Hance, PH.D., ETC.. wn Delphinium (Delphinastrum) anthriscifolium, n. sp. ; radice fibrosa: caule erecto flexuoso simplici minute puberulo, petiolis longis basi di- latatis, foliis membranaceis minute puberulis bipinnatisectis laciniis ineisis, bracteis inferioribus plerumque incisis supremis bracteolisque linearibus, racemis subsimplicibus, floribus pedunculo eequilongo suf- fultis albo cæruleoque pictis sepalis petalisque subzequalibus petalis posticis ambitu subdolabriformibus oblique bilobis anticis omnino im- berbibus bifidis calcare rectiuseulo sepala oblonga paulo superante apice sepius bidentato, follieulis ternis inflatis glabris divergentibus stylo iis 5-plo breviore superatis, seminibus cochlidiomorphis fuscis lamelloso-annulatis annulis striolatis.—In ins. Silver Island, prope Chin-kiang, Maio 1863 detexit Hay; in alluviis fl. West River, prov. Cantoniensis, circ. 100 mill. pass. occidentem versus ab urbe, Junio 1865, necnon prope rupem calcaream Kai-kun-shek, secus eundem fluvium, Junio 1867 coll. indefessus Sampson. (Exsice. n. 10125.) I cannot point out any near relative of this interesting plant, which is readily distinguishable in its section by the beardless petals and 208 THE DARWINIAN THEORY. bipinnate foliage; the latter is much like that of Anthriscus silvestris, Hoffm., whilst the flowers are usually about the size of those of D. Ajacis, L. Mr. Hay's solitary specimen has the leaf-segments much narrower and finer, the flowers smaller, and the spur longer and more slender, but I have no doubt it is conspecific. The very beautiful specimens brought by Mr. Sampson from Kai-kun-shek have afforded excellent materials for the above diagnosis. TRIFOLIUM SUBTERRANEUM, ETC., IN IRELAND. By ALexanpEer G. Mors, F.L.S. In the month of June last year, I had the pleasure of adding Trifolium subterraneum, L., to the Irish flora; I found it growing rather sparingly on the short sandy pasture which borders the north side of the river opposite the railway station, and quite close to the town of Wicklow. On the sandhills, a little north of the town of . Arklow, grow Eleocharis uniglumis, Juncus acutus, and Equisetum Moorei. The two latter plants occur here and there on many different points of the coast between Wicklow and Arklow, both of them appa- rently finding their northern limit together in a little cove opposite Sea-Park House. With regard to Juncus acutus, I find that the date of flowering is given incorrectly in most of our books. It flowers early in June, and all the plants which I saw at the beginning of July were already in seed, while at this date Juncus maritimus had scarcely shown its panicle. Glasnevin, May 25, 1868. THE DARWINIAN THEORY.—II. Having examined the pretended existence of progenitors, we pro- ceed now to make some inquiry into that which must have preceded all progenitors,—the primordial form from which it is said that life started, and from which all other forms of life have derived their - To understand this doctrine clearly, we give the text which teaches it from the third and fourth editions of Mr. Darwin's book, THE DARWINIAN for there is a difference tant to understand :— Third Edition. “A difficulty has been advanced, dawn of life, imagine, presented the simplest struc- ture, how could the first steps in ad- or the differentiation and produced ; variations in a single species inhabit- ing an isolated station might be be- neficial, and through their preserva- tion either the whole mass of indivi- profound ignorance of the mutual re- lations of the inhabitants of the world during the many past epochs of its history " (p. 137). THEORY. 209 in the text thus examined which it is impor- Fourth Edition. * A difficulty has been advanced, namely, that looking to the dawn of life, when all organic beings, as we may imagine, presented the simplest structure, how could the first steps in advancement or in the differentia- arisen ? probably answer that as soon as the most simple unicellular organism came by h or division to be compounded of several cells, or be- come attached to any supporting sur- any Order become differen I portion as their relation to incident forces become different ;' but as we is, however, an error to suppose, etc." Here the remainder of the para- graph is the same in the two editions. Tn the third edition, then, we see that Mr. Darwin, having stated the difficulty, fairly tells he can make perhaps might be considered too no sufficient answer; but as this large a surrender, the acknowledg- ment is cancelled in the fourth edition, and Mr. Herbert Spencer's law is introduced as a sort of forlorn hope in its place. Mr. Darwin has evidently no great confidence in that mysterious formulary, for he does not urge that it will meet the case, or that it is any real answer to the difficulty ; but such as it is, it may amuse those who are apt to be VOL. vi, [JULY 1, 1868.] P 210 THE DARWINIAN THEORY. swayed by words, particularly when they express the greatest non- sense with the greatest solemnity. So, then, in the fourth edition the concessions of the third are qualified, and the word “ baseless,” which had been selected as the proper designation of such speculations, is cancelled. In the fourth edition, indeed, they are useless, but not baseless ; all hope of a foundation is not utterly rejected, for some- thing of the sort may perhaps be discovered by those who will go as deep as Mr. Herbert Spencer, and at the very bottom of all things homologous units may perhaps become differential. evertheless, in both the editions the contradiction remains, that after telling us all speculations on such a subject would be useless, Mr. Darwin himself undertakes to furnish us with an answer to the difficulty. He tells us, as we have seen, “that in the very dawn of life there would be a struggle for existence, variations might be bene- ficial,” and natural selection would commence her operations. After all, then, these speculations are neither baseless nor useless, and Mr. Darwin proposes a solution for the difficulties of the case, which, if it would bear examination, would solve the problem. Let us now examine this “ speculation,” and see if it supplies the deficiencies of the imaginary progenitors. Let us suppose that A. is the first primordial form which has received its organization and life by an act of creation, what is the next move? A. produces A?, but how ? surely by generation, so that A? inherits its organization and life from A., and is nothing more nor less than a;reproduction and per- petuation of A. Here, then, there is no step in the scale of organized ings. A. may be multiplied in its offspring to any extent, but still we have only A?, for the offspring only perpetuates the parent. How, then, does a new creature make its appearance? How do we see a real independent B., which does not perpetuate A., but is a new orga- nization, distinct from A., constituting a new species? “ Variations," we are told, “ in a single species, might be beneficial,” that is, it might be better that a change should take place, and therefore a change does take place dy accident; a new creature B. is formed by natural selec- tion; B. exterminates A. and remains sole master of the field. But when all the world was unoccupied, when there was but one species existing, say a fern on the land, or a trilobite in the waters, there coul be no push or competition for place or position, there could be no "struggle for life.” The tragic existence of murderous selfishness, THE DARWINIAN THEORY. 211 which is supposed in the theory to be the destiny of every living or- ganized being, could not then be known on the earth. If there were ` a new species of trilobite produced, and we know very well that there were many, and that they co-existed in perfect harmony, there could be no reason for the new species exterminating the old. The circum- stances which Mr. Darwin imagines make the struggle for life a neces- sity now did not then exist; the world was empty; earth, air, and water, unoccupied, were waiting for organized beings; and the un- tenanted globe, with all its vast surface, could offer to the first new creatures an almost infinite domain. Supposing, however, for argument's sake, that B. was iutroduced by natural selection, we know that its appearance must imply the ex- termination of A., for natural selection is in fact nothing but improved organization pushing out of existence the unimproved competitor.* Let us, then, grant that an independent, accidental B. had made its appearance, then, of course, A. has been exterminated! So, then, the first and the only created form in the world was exterminated, the single work of the Creator was destroyed, and Natural Selection took into her hands the task of the rest of creation, which sHE accomplished with superior. skill and power. If, then, Mr. Darwin has introduced the Creator on the stage for the first form, he has soon cleared away the stage and brought other actors on the scene of a widely different character. Who, however, can accept such speculations? who can even contem- plate them with patience? The first form of life represented as an act of divine power, but the second the result of aceident— ** variations might be beneficial.” So, then, the Creator close at hand, who had, as it were only yesterday, made the first organized being, is heard of and seen no more, and in His place blind matter, mee intellect or power of action, makes a new form, because “it woul neficial," though there was neither mind to perceive that it would de beneficial, nór volition to desire it, nor power to make the requisite transformation. This plan, however, requires another consideration, for it is obvious that according to this scheme of life the existence of more than one organized being could not be effected. Let us return to our alphabet to see this. B. is master of the ime by having exterminated A. ; pu bp da Riga tal incertae sponding degree with its competitors it will oon be exterminated” tie 107). 212 THE DARWINIAN THEORY. but if another “ differentiation” is to take place, that is, if another being is to be produced by natural selection, the same tragical occur- rence must be repeated, and, in order to effect the existence of C., there must be an extermination of B. We should then have C., the only form of life after the lapse of infinite ages. The same rule would hold good through all the alphabet,—the successful letter would have always exterminated its predecessor,—and by this time, following the rule of natural selection, we should have only one living species on the face of the earth! Such is the dilemma into which this theory has brought its learned author, who, in order to account for the exist- ence of organized beings by transmutation from one to another, has, in securing that object, given us one created spore and one uncreated species to possess the whole earth after thousands of millions of ages. Such, then, is the theory, with its contradictions, perplexities, and self-refutations, proposed to us as something far more reasonable and scientific than the received opinion, which holds that creation was manifold, that all the forms of life which infinite wisdom saw to be fit for the conditions of existence were, by an act of divine power, called into being, and to use Mr. Darwin’s words of a wiser era, were made by one hand. Whatever, therefore, may be the skill with which various expedients have been devised by the author to parry the difficulties which his theory had to encounter, it is manifest that in the one great point to be established,—that upon which everything depends, —there has been a total failure. The whole theory is expressed in the title-page of the book, ‘The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection ; or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.” We have here more closely examined “ the origin,” and we find when we approach it— _ l. That the author says all speculations on the subject would be baseless and useless, which is, in fact, giving up the question. 2. That notwithstanding this formal surrender of the question, there are two origins of species proposed ; the first form which was created and vivified by divine power, and after that progenitors of species pro- duced by natural selection. . 3. The first form does not allow life to advance, and confutes itself. 4. The first form vitiates the whole theory, and introduces a prin- ciple which natural selection was intended to discard. If creation be admitted at all, creation cannot afterwards be excluded. MIMICRY IN NATURE. 213 5. The progenitors of species are impossible figments of the imagi- nation, which never can have existed. 6. In every aspect, then, the origin of species, as explained by Mr. Darwin, is ** baseless."* This is his own sentence on his own theory, and in this view of the case most persons, after a candid examination of it will be disposed cordially to agree with the learned author. (From * The Darwinian Theory of the Origin of Species Examined, by a Gra- duate of the University of Cambridge,’ pp. 11-16.) MIMICRY IN NATURE. The few remarks on so-called * Mimiery in Nature," which I intro- duced in my new work on Central America, particularly relate to the predominance of the Willow form on river-banks. ]t is almost un- necessary to say that in the work from which the extract is taken it was undesirable to insert more than a few names in support of my observations, but it might not be difficult to show that most plants bearing leaves of a true Willow form do grow by running streams. To say nothing of those species of Saliv having Willow leaves (or those Salices not having Willow leaves, and not growing by running streams, 8. herbacea, etc.) I would remind you of the different species of Nerium (Oleander), our Epilobium angustifolium (vulgo, Willow herb), Lythrum Salicaria, etc. That some plants are found by rivers which do not have Willow leaves (as pointed out) has, in my opinion, nothing to do with the question, how it comes to pass that the Willow form pre- - dominates to so great an extent in such localities. The answer may be very simple, but at present it has not come forth. About the term mimicry” there should be a clear understanding. It is, so far, a thoroughly objectionable one, as by employing it either in zoology or botany, the whole question is prejudged ; indeed, it is assumed—1. That organisms have the power to mimic other organisms; and 2. That they have come in contact with those organisms which they are supposed to mimic. Employ the terms * outer resemblance ” instead of mimicry, and we are on neutral, undisputed ground. The subject * If speculation on the first differentiation of species is baseless and useless, then the deduction is inevitable that the main question of the theory cannot be established on any base. 214 MIMICRY IN NATURE. of these external resemblances of species and whole genera to others having an entirely different organic structure, is a wide and compli- cated one; and I think that the best way to approach it is to go through the whole vegetable kingdom, and take note of every case where the outer features of one species or genus are reflected in any other. Some years ago my late lamented friend, Dr. Schultz-Bipon- tinus, read a paper on his favourite Order, the Composite, in which he pointed out that in this, the largest of all Phanerogamous Orders, the habit of almost every other Order of the vegetable kingdom cropped up again. In Zuphorbiacez, and other large Orders, similar instances are noted. Sometimes this outer resemblance is perfectly startling. I remember finding a Sandwich Island plant, which looked for all the world like Thomasia solanacea of New Holland, a well-known Buetineriacea of our gardens, but which on closer examination turned out to be a variety of Solanum Nelsoni; the resemblance between these two widely ponies plants being quite as striking as that pointed out in Bates’s ‘Travels on the Amazon,’ between a certain moth and a humming-bird. ihe outer resemblance between plants of different genera and Orders has played us botanists many a trick, and is one of the many causes of the existence of some almost incomprehensible synonyms in our systematic works. Wendland in his monograph on Acacia described many good species, and thought he knew an Acacia . when he saw one; yet one of his new ones (4. dolabriformis) which he referred to the genus from habit alone, turned out to be a Daviesia. Few men had a better knowledge of Ferns than Kunze, yet “ mimicry,” Puck-like, played him a trick when, relying on the nature of the leaf and venation, he referred Sfangeria paradoxa, a Cycad, to true Ferns ; and Sir W. J. Hooker, good botanist as he was, would never have figured a Veronica as a Conifer, if “ mimicry,”—using the term for the last time—had not been at play. At present I have no theory to pro- pose on this subject, but whoever has, ought to both bear in mind that it must apply with equal force to the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and that to say that these resemblances are merely penne ss counts | for nothing until it shall have been proved that there are such things as “accidents in nature.” (Berthold Seemann, in Gard. Chronicle.) 215 CORRESPONDENCE. Supplement to the List of Trees of Australia. In a volume published on the results of the intercolonial Exhibition of Victoria, an index was given of id ye: iwseciaipe d to exist in Australia During last year, discoveries, especiall d, have furnished iid for a short supplement to the lists, the species being aie new or not formerly known to attain the height of trees. The letters following the scientific name indicate the name of the colonies in which the trees are found. Melodorum Maccraei. Ql. Carnarvonia aralifolia. QI. QL. Chrysophyllum Doene QI. Alstonia villosa. Oxylobium ca $ : Alstonia excelsa. N. A. Pithecolobium Sutherland QI. Cerbera Odollam. N. A. Ql. Quintinia Fawkneri. QI. Casuarina Fraseriana. W. A. FERD. VON MUELLER. ‘Melbourne Botanic Garden, April 24, 1868. A List of Andover Plants. I have been surprised to see thata very humble botanical essay of mine, ‘ A List of Andover Plants,’ has called forth in the Journal of February, norm snl long criticism from H. C. W. I wish to make some reply to ticism. E C. W. commences by quoting some shreds of my y short sketch of the physical geography of the eric district, and proceeds :—“ The information thus epitomized here is expanded into a geological disquisition in the book." The geological disquisition occupies ar than five loosely printed pages, and it is not expanded out of the information epitomized by H. C. W. H. ©. W. next accuses me of inconsistency in describing the Andover flora rwards I have put forward reasons for suppos- clay. Whether the clay be conside affect the general cretaceous character of the district. I must remark here 216 CORRESPONDENCE. that H. C. W. states generally that my own alleged facts (sometimes) directly contradict my most emphatic assertions, but gives no instances unless the pre- sent and another equally trivial one concerning the determination of a doubtful specimen marked Lastrea cristata ? are to be considered as such. my list of Andover plants to Babington’s text book, or, as it should have been quoted, to Babington’s among other text books. My reasons for adapting the list to a text book are stated separately, and are distinct. H.C. W. re- marks that “differences might be just as well known and much better an- nounced without making bad species founded thereon.” To which there is I have merely remarked that an observer may call attention to a very important fact, though at the same time he makes a very bad species. H. C. W.’s next ph is directed against “repetitions of matter sufficiently well known,” from which a hasty reader might infer that he brings that charge against me. But it is not at all clear that he does. H. C. W. several times employs the artifice of defeating arguments which I have not advanced, and at the same time avoids committing himself to any direct expression of opinion in opposi- tion to mine. He is severe on my definition of ‘indigenous,’ but he suggests no better; he says my theory, that the fertile fronds in Lastrea Oreopteris, etc., do not exhibit the full development of the pinnules, is opposed to received notions, and scoffs at it a little, but he does not say that he thinks it wrong after all. The next part (a large one) of H. C. W.’s criticism is occupied with an ex- planation of the method adopted in the ‘ Cybele Britannica,’ and a vindication of its accuracy. I have nothing to object to this. In the ‘Andover List : I have described the * Cybele Britannica’ as “ the most elaborate and carefully prepared abstract of geographical distribution extant, founded on unusually numerous observations, and corrected by great local experience on the part of the compiler... .” This, perhaps, might have been expected to satisfy H. C. But I committed the grave crime of reducing my list by the standard of Babington's ‘Handbook’ instead of by the ‘London Catalogue. The ques- tion before me was “ whether the advantage proposed to be gained by the re- ference of alllocal British Floras to the * London Catalogue' would counter- balance the advantages of reference to a manual" This is the real issue be- tween H. C. W. and myself, which he avoids by summarily declaring my arguments on that point to be wholly irrelevant. This any person who wishes to take the trouble of reading the introduction to the * Andover List d can judge for himself, but I may be permitted to state that one or two persons almost as well qualified to judge as H. C. W. have not thought them irrelevant. The next point in H. C. W ism is very extraordinary to me. The de- finition of the word ‘indigenous’ is generally avoided by cautious old botanists. In books there appears a great difference of opinion between botanists of emi- nence in the case of many plants, whether they are to be considered indigenous orno. It has seemed to me that these apparent differences are in a great CORRESPONDENCE. 217 measure due to botanists not attaching the same idea to the word ‘indigenous,’ and I have also found it useless to determine by authority whether a plant is to be considered indigenous or not for the same reason. I was of course com- pelled to mark plants as indigenous or introduced in the Andover district by my own guesses, and I thought it much better to tell my readers from what premises I made the guess. I accordingly defined—* By an indigenous plant I mean a plant which I should expect to meet with if I were transported back- wards to the period immediately before agriculture was commenced.” This definition is held up by H. C. W. as the most flagrant instance of my egotism, and occurs steadily through the ‘ Andover List,’ because, firstly, writing in the first person is shorter and more distinct than writing in the third, and because, the usefulness of a list such as the ‘ Andover List,’ which must depend upon its accuracy and especially on the exclusion of species mistakenly named, I am sorry that H. C. W. has not employed more of his space in criticizing the list itself. as I should without doubt gain much by his hints for my second edition. To take H. C. W.’s remarks in detailed order :— Ophrys apifera does grow in the district, viz. in the church meadow at Hurstborne Priors, also near the bridge in Hurstborne Park. These localities were sent me within a short time after the printing of the ‘Andover List,’ by C. Lockhart, Esq., who also at the same time sent me much other informa- tion. I mention this to encourage others to publish local Floras or anything in Mr. Lockhart's parish, and yet never suspected that I had a brother botanist within twenty miles till I It appears thus that H. C. W. is right in his suspicions that these plants grow in the district and have escaped me. I have intimated in the introduc- tion to my list, and indeed in my very title, that such would be found to be the case Mimulus luteus I have no doubt is introduced in Hampshire. The word ‘introduced’ is omitted after it by mistake, as H. C. W. suggests. I had written and re-written a note on it, but as it did not concern Mimulus luteus as a Hampshire plant, I finally cut it out and forgot to insert ‘introduced.’ I saw some years ago on the side of Loch Scavaig, in Skye, banks of Mimulus luteus, such that with a scythe and pitchfork one might have speedily loaded a cart therewith. The improbability of its being a mere escape in so desert a 218 MEMORANDA. locality, and if so of its growing so freely in a deep bog, is oe considerable. Eriocaulon is admitted a British € It is equally difficult to prove that Mimulus luteus did or did not exist in the Western Isles before 2n discovery of America. The indigenousness of so fine an addition to the British flora inulosa, "ni will snot day re-examine them under this maie marked * ballast plants." -They did not appear as casual escapes as H. C. supposes, but in € quantity in the bed of the old canal when the water was drained off. a biennis in particular extended continuously several miles and grew in masses. iiio cg luteo-album and Carex aquatilis, * confidently discarded” by H. C. W., are both marked with a note of interrogation in the list. I have a specimen of the first which, I think, if shown to H. C. W., would probably As to my specimens of Carex aquatilis, toy: have puzzled several botanists, and are fully described in the * Andover List? H. C. W. is doubt- less correct in thinking it extremely improbable that the true Carex aquatilis is to be found in North Hampshire. I have not asserted that it is. Rumex obtusifolius is marked with a note of interrogation, not because I doubt whether botanists in general would so name it, but because (as stated in the note in the ‘ Andover List’) I doubt whether it is not a variety from the type whence Professor Babington has drawn his description of Rumes obtusifolius. Salir caprea, is no doubt, correctly named, but I have never seen it in blossom in the district, and I am far too imperfectly learned in the species of Willow to say absolutely that I had found Salix capraa from comparison of a branch and summer leaves only. To sum up, the only — error which so able and so erar! a critic as H. C. W. has detected in the * Andover List, is the ission of * intro- died ' after Mimulus luteus. If I could hope (which I in e that H. C. W. has hit all the blots, I should confidently assert that a more accurate botanical list was never ipei arguments, and to be met in reply merely with objections to my style, lamen- tations over my tone, even criticisms of my English. I hope, for H. C. W.’s credit, as well as for my own profit, that the next time he has to take me in hand he will stick to the MR which becomes him best, viz. the scientifie style. C. B. C Dacea (East Indies), 15th January, 1868. 219 MEMORANDA. SACRED PLANTS OF THE ANcrent TzvTONIO PEoPLE.—Much might be £dd 41 d 1 4-. p UN. g 1 4 REI TN 2 * eo £ LEES "m 41 1 “a Teutonic nations. The itl lt god y of gods, as for instance, Donnerbart (i. e. the Beard of Donar, God of Thunder) — Sempervivum tectorum, which was planted on roofs as a protection against lightning [and still is in Switzerland — EDITOR] ; Baldrsbrá (i. e. the Brow of Baldr), which was either Anthemis Cotula (at present called “ Balsensbro” in Schonen and “ Barbrogrüs " in Denmark), or Matricaria maritima (inodora), which to this day bears the ancient name in Iceland ; Loken's Havre (i. e. different countries, towns, and heroes in their coats of arms. Thus, amongst the Friesians and Seelanders, the Water-Lily was from the earliest times an object of veneration. The Dutch call it ** Pompe," the Friesians “ Pompe ;" cor- rectly speaking, the broad leaves floating on lakes are the “ Pompelbladen,” and the white scented flowers “ Swanneblommen” (flores cygnei), which reminds us of * Nixblume,"* “ Nickblad,” * Muhme," and “ Mummel," treated of emblem,—a fact mentioned as early as 1373, in the * Gudrunlied,' where of as ' a blue flag with the leaves of the Water-Lily as anemblem. J. H. Halbertsma (‘ Het Bud- disme en zijn stichter; Deventer, 1843, pp. 3, 10) adds that to this day i ing the Water-Lily. will get upon which he untied the cup and commenced the task anew 5. this he had to do till the end of time. (Grimm, * Deutsche Mythologie,’ vol. i., ii) * Nix-blume = Nick’s flower; Nick, “ Old Nick” being originally a water- spirit =Neptune. i LE fortes noU M 220 NEW PUBLICATIONS. Synopsis Filicum. By the late Sir WILLIAM J. HOOKER, K.H., ete. and J. G. Baxer, F.L.S. 8vo. London: Hardwicke. This volume being a synopsis of the late Sir William Hooker's great work, ‘Species Filicum,’ will be welcome to every lover and student of Ferns ; if it had been permitted to him, to accomplish him- self, what has ae so well done by the present author, we should say that his performance would stand almost alone in botanical literature, and that Sir William would have left us a monument of labour and learning such as few other men could boast of. As it is, we have here the result of nearly thirty years’ untired labour compressed in about five hundred pages, with some useful plates indicating the main fea- tures of all the genera, and an enumeration and brief description of all clearly recorded species of Ferns, together with an excellent index, greatly facilitating references. ilst Hooker carried out his ‘Species Filicum’ his own views naturally became liable to change, and hence some alterations are to be noticed in this Synopsis. What Hooker called tribes are now styled suborders, and what he designated as suborders are named tribes. Hymenophyllum and Trichomanes have been separated from Dicksoniee, and constitute a separate tribe; hence, instead of twelve tribes (formerly suborders) the Polypodiaceous or second suborder has been divided into thirteen tribes. These have been reduced from sixty-six to sixty-one genera. All doubtful species have been omitted, and some new but well-established species have been admitted, the whole (including some additions, of which presently) now amounting to 2235 against 2380 in the ‘Species Filicum.’ Lomaria, formerly considered to belong to Blechnee, has been ranged under Pteridee, to which alteration Hooker seemed already inclined, though he left the customary arrangement undisturbed.* Mr. Baker has also fulfilled the promise of Hooker by adding the following suborders, the enumeration of which will be welcome to every labourer in this field of inquiry, viz. * It is unnecessary here di minor cases of transposition from one subdivision to Aene ey are a o means as numerous as amongst so many subjects and diversities of opinion might have been expected, and form an additional testimony of Sir William Hooker’s great care and sagacity dis- played in the original work NEW PUBLICATIONS. 221 Suborder III. Osmundacee. Genus 62, Osmunda. Genus 63, Todea. » . Schizeacee. Genus 64, Schizea. Genus 65, Anemia. Genus 66, Mohria. Genus 67, Trochanteris. Genus 68, Lygodium. — a V. Marattiacee. Genus 69, Angiopteris. Genus 70, Ma- rattia. Genus 71, Danea. Genus 72, Kaulfussia. » VI. Ophioglossee. Genus 13, Ophioglossum. Genus 74, Hel- minthostachys. Genus 75, Botrychium. In all, four suborders, containing 14 genera and 107 species, thus raising the total number of genera to 75 and that of species to the figure already indicated. It only remains to add, that this Synopsis will be found to answer every purpose of the earnest inquirer, and will for years to come serve ‘as the best handbook of Ferns; and that we owe a great obligation to Mr. Baker for having carried out so soon and in so perfect a way the wishes of Hooker and the wants and expectations of the lovers of these plants. Index to the Native and Scientific Names of Indian and other Eastern Economie Plants and Products. Prepared by J. Forbes Watson, A., M.D., F.L.S., ete. London: India Museum, 1868. 8vo. pp. 637. This compilation from the numerous separate works, memoirs in journals and transactions, and ephemeral catalogues, referring to the vegetable products of Asia, from Japan to Arabia, carries out the ideas first advocated in Seemann's * Popular Nomenclature of the American Flora,’ where the employment of vernacular names in botany was shown to be practical and useful. Nearly a hundred different publications have been consulted, and the native names contained in them arranged in one continuous alphabetical index. The spelling employed by each author is retained, so that the same word applied to the same plant is frequently repeated, because of slight modification in the spelling. As the arbitrary though uniform spelling of the “ Fonetik Nuz " has not been and is not likely to be adopted, we have no prospect of Obtaining a recognized standard in spelling, and perhaps the better plan— although involving repetition—is to follow that adopted. 299 BOTANICAL NEWS. The native name is followed by the scientific, given on the authority of the author quoted, whose work is referred to, and this not only enables the person eonsulting the Index to confirm the reference, but gives him also a key to works where he will obtain information re- garding the objects he is investigating. Our experience is that native names, when correctly ascertained, are very constant in their value. Practieally, then, this Index will be of value to botanists dealing with the pure science, and much more to those investigating the history of plants applied by the Eastern nations to economical or officinal purposes. It would be a valuable companion volume if Dr. Watson were to prepare, on the plan suggested in the work above referred to, a scientific list of the plants, with their native names, in the various regions where these have been recorded. BOTANICAL NEWS. The Committee of the International Horticultural Exhibition having offered for the use of the Fellows of the Society and other horticultural students,— the Council agreed to accept the offer, and appointed three trustees; and the International Committee appointed Dr. Hogg, Dr. Maxwell Masters, anc Thomas Moore, Esq., to represent them ; and the six having agreed, nomi- nated Sir C. Wentworth Dilke, Bart., M.P., as the seventh, and the trust-deed has this dy (May 5, - been signed. Tho ‘iret purchase made by the trustees is Dr. Lindley’s Botanical and Horticultural Library, at a cost of £600, and steps are ens taken m make the library available. Antigonon leptopus, a very singular Polygonea, from the north-west coast of tropical America, has been introduced by Mr. Bull, of Chelsea, and is held to ins one of the most beautiful climbers in existence, the natives of Mexico and terming it osa de Mayito and Rosa de Montana, in allusion to its beautiful rose-coloured flowers e very useful pu bliestiot, ‘Annales Botanices Systematicæ, has again appeared, the first fasciculus of the seventh volume, by Carl Mueller, of Berlin, having just been issued. It is to contain the additions to botanical literature which have accumulated from 1856 to 1866. The present fasciculus of 160 BOTANICAL NEWS, 223 pages extends from Ranunculacee to Lepidinea, the sixth tribe of the Cruci- ftre. It is to be desired that the printing and issue of a reference book like this, which starts a year at least in arrear, should be expedited as much as possible. The tablet to the memory of Sir Joseph Banks, which the good feeling of Dr. J. E. Gray prompted him to erect in the church at Heston, near Hounslow bears the following inscription :— ** Tn this church is buried Tun Rieut Hon. Sir Joser Banks, Banr., C.B., President of the initis Society from 1778 to 1 He died at eut Grove, on y ou o June, 1820, ed seventy-seven years dba is wd a Bio singular, says the ‘Gardeners’ Chronicle,’ that no previous have existed in the church of the parish in which Sir Joseph's property was situated, and in which he was interred. to announce the death of our esteemed contributor Nathaniel Bagshaw dcin F.R.S., F.L.S., which took place on the 4th of June, at St. nard’s. Mr. Ward was ie son of Stephen Smith Ward, a medical prac- titioner in the east end of London, and was born in 1791. Early exhibiting a taste for natural history and foreign travel, his father gratified it by sending him, when only thirteen years of age, to Jamaica, where the splendid gren. scenery and the animal and Teei productions made an impression on his mind which was never to be effaced. On his return to London he devoted him- self to the medical career, and soon obtained a considerable practice. Botany was always one of Mr. Ward’s favourite studies, and his suburban house was al- ways well stocked with plants of all sorts. The disappointments which he ex- perienced in their cultivation in the smoky atmosphere of London, led to the invention of those closed glazed cases which bear his name, and by means of which our gardens have been considerably enriched, and the most distant parts of the globe stocked with more useful plants within the last thirty years than they had been since a more intimate intercourse began to prevail amongst na- tions. This invention was first made known in 1836 in the ‘Companion of the Botanical Magazine,’ and fuller details of it were given in Mr. Ward’s work * On the Growth of Plants in Closed Glazed Cases.’ Mr. Ward gave fre- quent soirées, at which the microscope and its revelations were the promi- nent features, and out of these sprang the Microscopical Society. Through the greater part of his life Mr. Ward was associated with the Apothecaries’ So- ciety of London, first in connection with their gardens at Chelsea, then as ex- . aminer for the prizes in botany, then as master, and ultimate ly as treasure: e died in his seventy-seventh year, much regretted by a large number of Ks A. Walker Arnott, Regius Professor of Botany in the University Glasgow, died on the 17th of June. He was a native of Edenshead, on the borders of Fife and Kinross. He was educated at the High School and 224 BOTANICAL NEWS. the University of Edinburgh, and obtained a high age = in the latter for his acquirements both in languages and mathematics. In 1821 he was admitted a member of the faculty of advocates, but his dislike to ae speaking was so great that he is said to have appeared in the gown only thrice. His fondness renees, in company with Mr. Bentham, the results of which are recorded in an ting narrative in the * Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal’ of 1826-7. From Paris he afterwards proceeded to Geneva, where the great herbarium of De Candolle furnished him with fresh opportunities of study. At a later knowledge of the Russian language. - In 1837 King's College, Aberdeen, con- ferred on him the degree of LL.D., and in 1845 he received the appointment of Professor of Botany in Glasgow. Of his larger works we may mention the * Prodromus Floræ Indis Orientalis, prepared in AA with Dr. Wight ; his monograph of the Indian Cyperacew ; his ‘ Botany of Beechey’s Voyage,’ and his lebe to the Flora of South Pang, and the Islands of the Pacific,’ along with Sir William Hooker; the article “ Botany," in the seventh edition of the * "Rocrdopei Britannica ; and the well-known * British Flora -of Hooker and Arnott,’ which has s passed through nine d For some he was always disinclined to publish. It is, however, fortunate for science that he did not keep his knowledge to himself. He was ever ready to communicate whatever he observed, and the llous letters which he found time to write to his numerous working correspondents, have made these observations gio useful in science as if they had bon published. The exact and detail labels which are attached to the slides of his immense collection of Diatomacee, also permanently record many of his important observations. It is to be hoped that this collection will become the property of some public institution where it may be accessible to iulii As a professor, he was much respected an xe esteemed by all his students; as a botanist, his careful habits of —€— and minute accuracy of description, render his works peculiarly v j OS i S XS A RIN QU . 172477 GM ASchmidt del With Lit * 225 ENUMERATION OF THE LABIATA AND SCROPHULA- RINE®, COLLECTED DURING THE YEARS 1855-1857 IN HIGH ASIA AND THE NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES TO THE SOUTH, BY MESSRS. ADOLPHE AND ROBERT HERMANN DE SCHLAGINTWEIT. By Dr. T. A. SCHMIDT. (Prate LXXXII.) (As Dr. Klatt recently published, in this Journal (Vol. VI. p. 116), the Primulaceæ, Pittosporee, and Iridee, collected by Messrs. De Schlagintweit,* and, as he gave on that occasion some details about the topography of the country in which this herbarium was made, espe- cially the mountain systems of High Asia, communicated to him by Mr. Hermann de Schlagintweit-Sakiinliinski, I shall add, in the pre- sent paper, merely a few geographical data respecting the different species. ) Indian plants, pretty numerous in these Natural Orders, are chiefly collected in the eastern regions of India, Assam, and the Khassia hills, partly also in the Panjab,—territories most important for comparison with High Asia. The principal features of High Asia, the reader may be reminded, are its three mountain-chains, described in Dr. Klatt’s paper. The southern slopes of the Himalaya have been divided into three parts,—the eastern, the central, and the western ; the latter, having been crossed by the three travellers, by many different routes, and being less excessive in moisture than the regions more to the east, furnished the greatest mass of materials of the present collection. The Karakorum, the northern border of the vast Tibetan longitudinal valley, notwithstanding its dryness and elevation, also contributed in- teresting materials from its southern slopes, (those towards Tibet) ; but the plateaux on its northern side, towards the third chain of High Asia, the Könlün, are very little represented in the Natural Orders here enumerated.+ Grisebach’s ere kindly presented by Dr. Hooker. : e Graminec, on the contrary, showed no appreciable difference between the Highlands of Tibet and those of Turkistan. - VOL. vi. [AUGUST 1, 1868.] Q 226 PLANTA SCHLAGINTWEITIANJE The heights are given in English feet, and the spelling of the geo- graphical names is that adopted by the travellers in their large work.* The following tables show the local distribution of the species. The new species are marked with a cross (+), the new varieties with an asterisk (*). A. LABIATAE. hs gis Fy — tbe Specie G " Number ? gies of Species. Khassia Hills and 3 Subtropical Himalaya.| Tibet, India * 2 LI Ocimum . . Plectranthus . Po n Dysophylla Colebrookia Elsholtzia . Perilla i 1 OS Ii ke bie st a — * : mio ? Hi g B + * E S E — Q2 C) m b HF HE WH CO I d I DO HO EMO RR M + Nopa. . . . Dracocephalum . Un 3 E E S we Pappa mr m LEIT EE : BM II nete e Total | Metodo NOH FEWER OM: Nee E $ 5 S = a | m oo w o m o D O eee i ORE 18 ay ~J E e e * ‘Results of a oo pen ion to India and Han Asia,’ vol. iii. The vowels, n x devia ounced as in ian; the consonants as in Eng Full details a Se Pis x "PP. 148-161, bati in this paper n ily PLANTE SCHLAGINTWEITIANJE. 227 B. ScROPHULARINEJE. f the koi cae Seem ERA E Genera. Number | Khassia of Species.| xrs and Subtropical India. geogra Distribution o Species. Himalaya.| Tibet. Verbascum . Antirrhinum . Scrophularia . Al E a 2 © SE BEES e la 1 Q Š = Beeb: BR bee: H: Pee + [d * Oe ee moe rt Euphrasia . Pedicularis iss] a oy eu —— g B Bi al aha oen aom Morris a Bett: ow wm Total. e 20 New Species and Varieties. — Respecting the three new species de- scribed, two of which are here figured, Mr. Hermann de Schlagintweit has communicated to me the following data :— * Origanum Watsoni, n. Sp., Was found in King of Kashmir, on the route from Kishtvar to Islamabad, a part of general elevation does not attain a very great height; the Kishtvar peak, one of the prin- cipal mountains near the eastern sources of the Chinab, reaches 16,6 62 feet.* As to climate, the region of 60 may best be compared to that of Montpellier, the dominions of the : í e * See * Results,’ vol. ii. p. 398, and ' Atlas, Nunevara Panorama, plate iii. of the * Panoramic Profiles.” ' t ‘Results,’ vol. iv. p. 515. E 9 Q 228 PLANTA SCHLAGINTWEITIAN A, mean resulting from my researches for Dalhousie in Chamba, height 6850 feet, being 59°30°, that of Montpellier 59:5? F. With reference to daily and annual variation, the climate all over Kashmir is mild, and not too hot. The decrease of temperature with height, for this part of the Himalaya, is 410 feet for 1° F."* |. Acting on the suggestion of the traveller, I name this new species in honour of Dr. T. Forbes Watson, M.A., M.D., F.L.S., Reporter on the Products of India to the Secretary of State for India (* Index to the Native and Scientific Names of India and other Eastern Economic Plants and Products,’ London, 1866, etc. etc.), and various other im- portant contributions to Indian botany. “ Nepeta Sabinei, n. sp., has been met with, by my brother Adolphe, in Western Tibet, at 15,800 feet} on the Thale La Pass, in Balti, and, a second time, at 12,592 feet, on the Gue Pass. For the thermal con- ditions in Balti, at this height, we obtain from my general tables the following mean values for the seasons and the year :—Wiuter, 13:5? F. ; spring, 54? F.; summer, 30:5? F.; autumn, 34? F. ; year, 33? F. In judging of this climate, it must be kept in mind that the dryness, though not quite so excessive as in the regions of Tibet more to the east, is still very great. The illustrious name associated with this plant is that of General Sabine, author of works on terrestrial magnetism of world-wide fame, and for many years President of the London Royal Society. We are espeeially obliged to him with reference to our Indian researches, for the information we obtained from him personally, and for the pains he took in making the arrangements necessary for our journeys.” “ Buddleia Martii,n.sp. 1 found this in the Khassia hills, in autumn, 1855. The height, though important enough to affect the climate materially, did not exceed on this route 4500 feet. , The lowest valleys where th e plant was found did not descend below 9800 feet. For Cherapunji, the sanitary station for Assam and eastern Bengal, at 4125 feet of elevation, I obtained four years' careful meteorological * * Results, vol. iv. p. 548. : t Though it may be unexpected to meet with such highly developed plants at these heights, the elevation, as such, is nothing extraordinary for these tons. Various Polygonums were found at 15,000-17,000 feet, a Pri- ? 00 feet,—compare Meissner and Klatt in the paper above quoted. The greatest height at which we met with the last PLANTA SCHLAGINTWEITIANJE. 229 data, and I add the general means for months, seasons, and years, as by various preceding visits of botanists (amongst which, that of Dr. Hooker ranks as the most important), the vegetation has been much better examined than its distance from Calcutta and the imperfect state of the mode of travelling in the interior might allow us to expect. At the same time the type of vegetation exhibits many new features, —modifications caused by the quantity of rain. Cherapunji and its environs are the most rainy regions of the globe known,* the amount of rain reaching 600 to 620 inches ; the rainy season lasts from April to middle or end of October.” “Mean temperature at Cherapunji, lat. 25° 14 2" N., long 91° 40' 5" E. Greenw., height 4125 feet. Jan. . 518° F. April. 635°F. July . 685°F. Oct. . 658 F. N Feb. . 54°7° May .672 Aug. . 6ST ov. . 688 March. 61°5° June . 6717 Sept. . 67:8» Dec. . 551° Dec. to Feb. March to May June to Aug. Sept. to Nov. = E Nds v 53:9? 641° 67:9» 641 Ye... MU RT “ I beg to dedicate this species to Professor von Martius, Privy Coun- cillor and Secretary of the Bavarian Academy, as a token not only of my high esteem of his numerous important works on botany and geo- graphy, but also as an expression of sincere gratitude of one of his most devoted pupils." far, Mr. Hermann de Schlagintweit, with regard to the new species. New varieties I have to add the following species :— Ocimum Basilicum, L. ; y. incisum, nob. shmir. Mentha Royleana, Benth. ; B. glabrata, nob. Panjab. M. Royleana, Benth. ; y. nervosa, nob. Kashmir ` M. arvensis, L. ; glabriuscula, nob. Kashmir. Origanum normale, Don ; B. incanum, nob. Simla. O. vulgare, L. ; B. subglabrum, nob. Kashmir. Buddleia crispa, Benth. ; B. decipiens, nob. Simla. Veronica capitata, Royle; B. tomentosa, nob.. Tibet.t * [Query, more rainy than the Bay of Choco, where it rains for eleven months of the year? — En. JOURN _t At first this variety appeare gintweit, proposed to name after Petersburg Academy. d de be a new species, which M. Herm. de Schla- Admiral von Lütke, President of the St. 230 PLANTH SCHLAGINTWEITIAN E. Systematic Enumeration. LABIATAE. l. Ocimum Basilicum, L.; De Cand. Prod. xii. p. 31.—a. North- western India, province Panjab, environs of Raulpindi, 1900-2600 English feet, 15-28 November, 1856, n. 10,888, 10,908. 4. Eastern Himalaya, province Sikkim, environs of Darjiling, height 6000-8000 English feet, June to July, 1855, n. 12,426. c. Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar, within a circle of eight miles radius, 2-20 October, 1856, n. 4562 ; province of Rajaurii Uri, across the Punch Pass vid Kahuta to Punch, 5000-9000 English feet, 6-9 November, 1856, n. 12,161. Var. B. pilosum, Benth. in De Cand. Prod. xii. p. 38.—a. Eastern Himalaya, province Sikkim, environs of Darjiling, 6000-8000 En- glish feet, June to July, 1855, n. 12,404; province Assam, Mangeldai to the foot of the Bhutan Himalaya, 100-300 feet, 1 December, 1855, n. 13,506, 13,517. 6. Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar, 10 August to 30 Sep- tember, 1856, n. 4393 ; province Rajauri, Punch vid Kotli to Islama- bad, 4000-2000 feet, 10-15 November, 1856, n. 12,612. Var. y. incisum, nob. ; foliis grosse dentatis incisisve, purpurascen- tibus, glabriusculis, floralibus ciliatis, calycibus demum glabrescentibus. —a. Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kash- mir, environs of Srinaggar, 2-20 October, 1856, n. 4521. 2. Ocimum sanctum, L.; De Cand. Prod. l.c. p. 38.—a. Central India, province Malva, environs of Amarkantak (Paidera and source of the Tohilla), 2000-2900 feet, 26-29 January, 1866, n. 11,881. l. Plectranthus rugosus, Wall.; De Cand. l.c. p. 59.— Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar, within a circle of eight miles radius, October, 1856, n. 4480 ; province Garhval, Kharsali vid Rana, down the Tamna valley to Kutnor, 8900-6100 feet, October 1856, n. 9019; province Simla, environs of Simla, 6000-7300 feet, n. 5067; Simla vid Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000-9000 feet, June to September, 1856, n. 13,274; province Rajauri, Uri across the Punch Pass vid Kahuta to Punch, 500-9000 feet, November, 1856, n. 12,168 ; province Marti, Baramula, along both sides of the Thilum valley, down to Mera, 5500— 4000 feet, November, 1856, n. 12,410 ; province Kashmir, Pir Patsaski or Kishtvar Pass to Islamabad, August, 1866, n. 5120. PLANTÆ SCHLAGINTWEITIAN/E. 231 1. Pogostemon plectranthoides, Desf.; De Cand. lc. p. 151.— a. Central India, province Malva, plateau of Amarkantak (source of the Narbada), 21-24 January, 1856, n. 11,863; provinee Malva, Pendera, foot of Amarkantak vid Schagpur to Ramnagger, 29 January to 11 February, 1856, n. 11,821, 12,744. 4. Central Himalaya, pro- vince Nepal, environs of Kathmandu, 5000—7000 feet, 4-8 March, 1857, n. 13,045. 2. P. Heyneanus, Benth. ; De Cand. l.c. p. 153.— Eastern India, province Assam, Mangeldai to the foot of the Bhutan Himalaya, 100-300 feet, 1 December, 1855, n. 18,501, 13,515. 1. Dysophylla quadrifolia, Benth. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 157.—Eastern India, province Khassia, environs of Cherapunji till near Mairong, 2800-4500 feet, October, 1855, n. 334. 1. Colebrookia oppositifolia, Smith ; De Cand. l. e. p. 158.— Western Himalaya, province. Simla, environs of Simla, 6000-7300 feet, 1-20 May, 1856, and 29 March, 10 April, 1856, n. 4851, 4718, 5059. 1. Elsholizia flava, Benth. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 160.— Western Hima- laya, province Garhval, Gaurikand vió Trijugi Narain, and Maser Tal to Bhillung, 24 September to 3 October, 1855, n. 9540, 9543. 2. E. polystachya, Benth. ; De Cand. 1. e. p. 160.— Western Hima- laya, province Garhval, Kharsali vid Rana, down the Tamna valley to Kutnor, height 8900-6100 feet, 14-16 October, 1855, n. 9070 ; Barkos to Mandrassi, north of the Hill Station, Massuri, 18-22 October, 1855, n. 1018; Gaurikand viä Trijugi Narain and Maser Tal to Bhillung, 24 September to 3 October, 1855, n. 9547; Gobeser to Okimath (from the Alaknanda to the Mandagni valley), 5000-6800 feet, 14-16 September, 1855, n. 8758; Simla vid Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000-9000 feet, June to September, 1856, n. 13,268. 3. E. eriostachya, Benth. ; De Cand. le. p. 162.—a. Western Himalaya, province Garhval, Badrinath, 10,000—10,600 feet, 1-31 August, 1855, n. 10,057. à. Tibet, province Balti, Kunes (on the right side of the Shayok), vid. Kiris to Neru (on the right side of the Indus), 2-12 August, 1856, n. 5862; Hushe, via Haldi to Chor- konda, 18-30 July, 1856, n. 5608; Shigar (north-east of Skardo), 31 August, 1856, n. 5394 ; Khapalu (on the left side of the Shayok), 12 July, 1856, n.. 5685; province Hasora, environs of Naugaum (south- east of Astor or Hasora), 15-30 September, 1856, n. 6927 ; Tashing (north-west of Astor or Hasora), 15-22 September, 1856, n. 1414; 232 PLANTH SCHLAGINTWELITIAN X. A Sangu Sar, 12 September, 1856, n. 6579; Das, vif Naugaum to Hasora or Astor, 8-20 September, 1856, n. 6392. 4. E. cristata, Willd. ; De Cand. l. c. p. 163.— Western Himalaya, province Garhval, Gaurikund, vid Trijugi Narain and Maser Tal to Bhillung, 24 September to 3 October, 1855, n. 9544 ; Simla, vid Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000-9000 feet, June to September, 1856, n. 13,316. 1. Perilla ocimoides, L. ; De Cand. l.c. p. 163. — Western Hima- laya, province Garhval, Joshimath to Gobeser (Alaknanda valley), 10-13 September, 1855, n. 8217 ; Barkot to Mandrassi (north of the Hill Station, Massuri), 18-22 October, 1855, n. 7999 and 8000 ; Kharsali, vi Rana, down the Jamna valley to Kutnor, 8900-6100 feet, 14-16 October, 1855, n. 907 3; Gobeser to Okimath (from the Alaknanda to the Mandagni valley), 5000-6800 feet, 14—16 September, 1855, n. 8784. 1. Mentha sylvestris, L. ; 8. vulgaris, Benth. in De Cand. 1. c. p. 167; foliis supra canescentibus subrugosis, subtus molliter albo-tomentosis. — Western Himalaya, province Garhval, Badrinath, height 10,000— 10,600 feet, 1-31 August, 1855, n. 10,028; Simla, vid Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000-9000 feet; June to September, 1856, n. 13,226. 2. M. Royleana, Benth.; De Cand. l.c. p. 169; specimina nume- rosissima, foliis plus minusve serratis, spicis modo elongatis laxis gra- cilibus, modo brevioribus deusis, basi interruptis, indumento plus minusve tomentoso.—a. North-western India, province Panjab, Ban- dani river, near Peshaur, 15 January, 1857, n. 10191; Jamrud, near Peshaur, 2 January, 1857, n. 10,214. 5. Western Himalaya, province Marri, Baramula, along both sides of the Chilum valley, down to Mera, height 5500-4000 feet, 4-10 November, 1856, n. 12,399 ; Simla, vid Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000-9000 feet, June to September, 1856, n. 13,311; province Kashmir, drained lake basin of n. 7606. c. Tibet, province Balti, Hushe, vi$ Haldi. to Chorkonda, 18-20 July, 1856, n. 5606 ; Shigar (north-east of Skardo), 31 August, PLANTJE SCHLAGINTWEITIANA, 233 1856, n. 5401; Skardo to Satpar valley (south of Skardo), 2 Septem- ber, 1856, n. 5520, 5521; Shigar to Skardo, 31 August, 1856, n. 6165; Kunes (on the right side of the Shayok), vid Kiris to Neru (on the right side of the Indus) 2-12 August, 1856, n. 5842; pro- vince Hasora, Tashing (north-west of Astor or Hasora), 15-22 Sep- tember, 1856, n. 7425 ; environs of Naugaum (south-east of Astor or Hasora, 15-30 September, 1856, n. 6912; A Tap to Masenno glacier (4 Lolio Duru) and A Achursbott (Diamer glacier group), 17-19 Sep- tember, 1856, n. 7251; environs of Tashing (north-west of Astor or Hasora), 16-24 September, 1856, n. 6877; Das, vid Goltere or Nau- gaum to Hasora or Astor, 8-20 September, 1856, n. 6397, 6398 ; Gue to A Pattere Brok, 13 September, 1856, n. 6201; province Dras, Mulbe to Dras, 8-11 October, 1856, n. 4972. Var. B. nervosa, nob.; foliis lanceolatis grosse serratis, supra sub- canescentibus vel io, nervis valde impressis, subtus albo- tomentosis, nervis viridibus prominentibus, verticillastris approximatis densifloris tomentosis.— Western Himalaya, idem Kashmir, Kishtvar Pass to Islamabad, 5-10 August, 1856, n Var. y. glabrata, nob. ; foliis supra Rea saturate viridi- bus, subtus canescentibus.—North-western India, province Panjab, Jamrud, near Peshaur, 1300 feet, 2 January, 1857, n. 10,215. 3. M. arvensis, L., var. glabriuscula, nob. (M. gentilis, Smith, non L), De Cand. lc. p. 172 ; caule, foliis pedicellisque glabriusculis, calycibus campanulatis villosis.— Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar, within a circle of eight miles radius, 10 August to 30 September, 1856, n. 4321. 1. Lycopus Europeus, L. ; De Cand. l.c. p.178.—Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Sri- naggar, 10 August to 30 September, 1856, n. 4384. l. Origanum normale, Don; De Cand. l.c. p. 193.— Western Himalaya, Simla, vid Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000-9000 feet, June to September, 1856, n. 13,421; province Garhval, Joshimath to Gobeser (Alaknanda valley), 10-13 September, 1855, n. 8175; province Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar, 2-20 October, 1856, n. 4321, 4559; province Marri, Baramula, along both sides of the Thilum valley down to Mera, 5500-4000 feet, 4-10 November, 1856, n. 12,475; Meri to Marri, 5000-7000 feet, 10-15 November, 1856, n. 11,506. 234 PLANTEZ SCHLAGINTWEITIANA. Var. BB. incanum, nob. ; pilis mollibus patentibus incano-hirsutius- culum.— Western Himalaya, Simla, vid Kangra and Jamu, to Kashmir, 3000-9000 feet, June to September, 1856, n. 13,240. 2. O. vulgare, L.; De Cand. L c. p. 193.— Western Himalaya, pro- vince Garhval, Kharsali, vid Rana, down the Jamna valley to Kutnor, 8900—6100 feet, 14—16 October, 1855, n. 9028 ; Sukki, across the Bamsuru and Chaia Pass to Kharsali (passes between the Bhagiratti and Jamna valleys), 9000—15,400 feet, 9-13 October, 1855, n. 8971; Gaurikund, vid Trijugi Narain, and Maser Tal to Bhillung, 24 Sep- tember to 3 October, 1855, n. 9438; Badrinath, 10,000—10, 600 feet, 1-31 August, 1855, n. 10,061. ar. B. subglabrum, nob. ; tota planta, precipue folia inflorescen- tiaque glabriuscula, calyces valde glandulosi.— Western Himalaya, pro- vince Kashmir, Dorikon Pass to Gures (southern slopes of the Pass, near limit of shrubs), 13,480 feet, 2-3 October, 1856, n. 7560; Gures (north of Srinaggar, the capital of Kashmir), 6000 fect, 3—4 October, 1856, n. 7598 3. O. Wats nob. (Plate LXXXII fig. 1-4) ; caulis suffruticosus, decumbens, ramis divaricatis hispidulis; folia breviter petiolata, ovata, obtusiuseula, subtilissime crenulata, glabriuscula, glaucescentia, mar- gine ciliolata, 4-6 lin. longa, 8—4 lin. lata; spicule solitarize terneeve, erectæ, bracteis imbricatis rotundato-ovatis basi cuneatis subcolorato- glaucescentibus palmato-nervosis ; calyx tubulosus, glabriusculus, ner- vosus, dentibus zequilongis acutis, fauce villosus; coroll tubus vix exsertus.—Species ab O. vulgari distincta, differt ramis divaricatis, siepius decumbentibus, forma bractearum et glaucescentia. — Westem Himalaya, province Kashmir, Kishtvar Pass to Islamabad, 6000- 8000 feet, 5-10 August, 1856, n. 5124. 1. Thymus Serpyllum, L.; De Cand. l.c. p. 200. —Specimina a planta Germanica nullo nolo recedunt. Folia modo angustiora, modo latiora, plus minusve ciliata.—a. Western Himalaya, province Simla, environs of Simla, height 6000-7300 feet, 1-20 May, 1856, n. 4930 ; Nagkanda, down to the left side of the Satlej, height 8400—4500 feet, 31 May, 1856, n. 7671; province Kulu, Kót, ou the southern slopes of the Chellosi Pass (sorti of the Satlej), 1 June, 1856, n. 11,291 ; province Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Sri- naggar, within a circle of eight miles radius, 2-20 October, 1856, n. 4325, 4483; Choji Pass, down to A Baltal (south-western slopes PLANT SCHLAGINTWEITIAN Æ. 935 of the Pass), 14 October, 1856, n. 4825; province Kamaon, Bageser to Munshari, vid Kathi and Namik, height 5000-7800 feet, 24-31 May, 1855, n. 9754; environs of Milum (chief place of the district Johar), 11,200-12,100 feet, 6-25 June, 1855, n. 9669 ; province Chamba, environs of Nurpur, 4000—5500 feet, 16-20 July, 1856, n. 11,748; province Mari, Baramula, along both sides of the Jhilum valley, down to Mera, 5500—4000 feet, 4—10 November, 1856, n. 12,488; province Garhval, Badrinath, 10,000—10,600 feet, 1-31 August, 1855, n. 10,027. 4, Tibet, province Ladak, A Yuru Kiom, vid Kanji, up the Timti La Pass, 2 July, 1856, n. 5249; province Gnari Khorsum, A Laptel to A Selchell and A Hoti (south of the Satlej), 16-19 July, 1855, n. 7061. l. Micromeria. biflora, Benth. ; De Cand. l.c. p. 220. — Western Himalaya, province Simla, environs of Simla, 6000-7300 feet, 29 March to 10 April, 1856, n. 4996; Simla, vid Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000-9000 feet, June to September, 1856, n. 13,213. l. Calamintha umbrosa, Benth. ; De Cand. l.c. p. 232.— Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar, 10 August to 30 September, 1856, n. 4391, 4287; pro- vince Marri, Mera to Marri, 5000-7000 feet, 10-15 November, 1856, n. 11,533.—Forma villosa. Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, or Kishtvar Pass to Islamabad, 5-10 August, 1856, n. 5125. 9. C. Clinopodium, Benth. ; De Cand. lc. p. 233 (Clinopodium vulgare, L.).—a. Western Himalaya, province Marri, Baramula, along both sides of the Jhilum valley down to Mera, 5500-4000 feet, 4-10 November, 1856, n. 12,497; province Garhval, Badrinath, 10,000— 10,600 feet, 1-31 August, 1855, n. 10,069; province: Kashmir, water-plants, from the Jhilum at Islamabad, 5800 feet, 17 October, 1856, n. 10,433 ; drained lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar, 2-20 October, 1856, n. 4433, 4492 ; Gures (north of Srinaggar, the capital of Kashmir), 3-4 October, 1856, n. 1608; Kishtvar Pass to Islamábad, 5—10 August, 1856, n. 5212. b. Tibet, province Hasora, environs of Tashing (north-west of Astor or Hasora), 16-24 Septem- ber, 1856, n. 6861. l. Perowskia abrolanoides, Karl.; De Cand. 1l. c. p. 261.—Tibet, province Balti, Kunes (on the right side of the Shayok), vid Kiris to Neru (on the right side of the Indus), 2-12 August, 1856, n. 5841; Saling (on the right side of the Shayok, opposite Khapalu) to Hushe 236 PLANTE SCHLAGINTWEITIAN.E. (on the Chetanga river), 13-15 July, 1856, n. 5832; Poen, on the left side of the Shayok (opposite Chorbat), 10 July, 1856, n. 6146; Hushe, vid Haldi, to Chorkonda, 18-30 July, 1856, n. 5604; Skardo to Satpar valley (south of Skardo), 2 September, 1856, n. 5578; Khapalu (on the left side of the Shayok), 12 July, 1856, n. 5735. l. Salvia glutinosa, L. ; De Cand. |. c. p. 276.—24. Western Hima- laya, province Garhval, Joshimath to Gobeser (Alaknanda valley), 10-13 September, 1855, n. 8216 ; Simla, vid Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000-9000 feet, June to September, 1856, n. 13,280; pro- vince Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar, 10 August to 30 September, 1856, n. 4283. 6. Tibet, province Hasora, Tashing (north-west of Astor or Hasora), 9700 feet, 15-22 September, 1856, n. 6860, 7396. 2. S. Moorcroftiana, Wahl. ; De Cand. l. c. p. 286.— Western Hima- laya, province Simla, environs of Simla, 6000—7300 feet, 12-80 April, 1856, n. 5029, 4706; Nahan, vid Dagshai to Solen (south of Simla), 2800-6500 feet, 17-24 March, 1856, n. 7712; Kalka, vid Kassauli to Sabathu, 2000-4600 feet, 10-23 April, 1856, n. 7769. 3. S. lanata, Roxb.; De Cand. l.e. p. 286.—Western Himalaya, province Simla, environs of Simla, 6000-7300 feet, 1-20 May, 1856, n, 4897. ; 4. S. Sibthorpii, Sm., Sibth.; De Cand. lc. p. 291.—Western Himalaya, or Kishtvar Pass to Islamabad, 5—10 August, 1856, n. 5097. 5. S. plebeja, Br.; De Cand. l. c. p. 855.—Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Sri- naggar, 10 August to 30 September, 1856, n. 4386 6. S. Ægyptiaca, L. ; De Cand. l. e. p. 355.—North-western India, province Panjab, Raulpindi to Pind Dadan Khan (on the southern foot of the Salt Range), 1300-2100 feet, 19-22 December, 1856, n. 11,644; province Panjab, Musakel (south of Kalabagh, on the Indus), along the salt range, vid Varcha and Choia to Gujrat, 1400—2500 feet, 17 February to 5 March, 1857, n. 11,165. 1. Nepeta graveolens, Benth.—Tibet, province Tsanskar, A Pader (on the northern foot of the Shinko La Pass) to Sulle, 20-21 June, 1856, n. 6241; province Tsanskar, Sulle to Padum, 22-24 June, 1856, n. 6697 ; province Balti, Khapalu (on the left side of the Shayok), 12 July, 1856, n. 5751. PLANTE SCHLAGINTWEITIANJE. 237 2. N. connata, Royle; De Cand. l.c. p. 371.—«. Western Hima- laya, province Kashmir, Gures (north of Srinaggar, the capital of Kashmir), 3-4 October, 1856, n. 7607; Gures, across the Ulli Plain and two small passes to Bandipur (north-west of Srinaggar), 5-12 October, 1856, n. 12,042 ; water-plants, from the Jhilum at Islama- bad, height 5800 feet, 17 October, 1856, n. 10,441; Dorikon Pass to Gures (southern slopes of the Pass), 2-3 October, 1856, n. 7582. b. Tibet, province Hasora, northern foot of the Dorikon Pass (slopes towards Tashing), 1 October, 1856, n. 6830, 6831 ; Das, vid Naugaum to Hasora or Astor, 8-20 September, 1856, n. 6382. 3. N. eriostachys, Benth. ; De Cand. 1. e. p. 371.— Tibet, province Balti, Hushe, vid Haldi to Chorkonda, 18-30 July, 1856, n. 5603 ; Skardo to Satpar valley (south of Skardo), 2 September, 1856, n. 5542 4. N. nervosa, Royle; De Cand. l. c. p. 312.—Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, Gures across the Ulli Plain, and two small passes io Bandipeer (north-west of Srinaggar), 5-12 October, 1856, m. > 5. N. campestris, Benth.; De Cand. 1. e. p. 372.—Western Hima- laya, province Kashmir; water plants from the Jhilum at Islamabad, 5800 feet, 17 October, 1856, n. 10,443, 10,453. 6. N. spicata, Benth. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 372.—Western Himalaya, province Marri, Baramula, along both sides of the Jhilum valley, down to Mera, 5500—4000 feet, 4—10 November, 1856, n. 12,368 ; province Garhval, Badrinath, 10,000—10,600 feet, 1-31 August, 1855, n. 10,060. 7. N. elliptica, Royle; De Cand. l. c. p. 373.—Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, or Kishtvar Pass to Islamabad, 5-10 August, 1856, n. 5098. 8. N. ciliaris, Benth. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 379.—Western Himalaya, province Kashmir; water plants from the Jhilum at Islamabad, 5800 feet, 17 October, 1856, n. 10,442, 10,452. 9. N. floccosa, Benth.; De Cand. l. e. p. 380.— Tibet, province La- dak, Kharbu Koma to Shaksi (south-west of Dah), 3 July, 1856, n. 5345; Rumbak to Kanda La Pass (south-west of Leh), 1-7 September, 1856, n. 6285 ; province Balti, Saling (on the right side of the Sha- yok, opposite Khapalu to Flushe (on the Chetanga river) 13-15 July, 1856, n. 5480; A Thalela to Bagmaharal (north-east of Skardo and 238 PLANTAR SCHLAGINTWEITIANA. Shigar, August, 1856, n. 5917; Kunes (on the right side of the Skayok) vid Kiris to Neru (on the right side of the Indus), 2-12 Au- gust, 1856, n. 5812 ; Skardo to Satpar valley (south of Skardo), 2 Sep- tember, 1856, n. 5536 ; province Dras, Mulbe to Dras, 8-11 Octo- ber, 1856, n. 4977 ; province Tsanskar A Pader on the northern foot of the Shinko La Pass to Sulle, 20—21 June, 1856, n. 6244 ; province Hasora, Das vid Goltere or Naugaum to Hasora or Astor, 8-10 Septem- ber, 1856, n. 6425. 10. N. ruderalis, Hamilt. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 381.— Tibet, province Hasora, Das vid Naugaum to Hasora, 8-20 September, 1856, n. 6381, 6406. . ll. N. Cataria, L. ; De Cand. l. c. p. 383.— Western Himalaya, provinee Kashmir, aiiud lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar, within a circle of 8 miles radius, 10 August to 80 September, 1856, n. 4389 ; province Chamba, environs of Nurpur, 4000-5500 feet, 16-20 July, 1856, n. 11,741. 12. N. salviefolia, Royle; De Cand. 1. c. p. 388.— Tota planta plus minusve albo-tomentosa, corollis longioribus brevioribusve. 4. Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar, 2-10 October, 1856, et 10 August to 30 September, 1856, n. 4435, 4524. Hujus speciei varietas peculiaris occurrit £. floccosa / foliis utrinque albo-tomentosis, calycibus plus minusve floccoso-tomentosis. 4. Tibet, province Hasora, Gue to A Pattere Brok, 13 September, 1856, n. 6208; Tashing (north-west of Astor or Hasora), 15-22 September, 1856, n. 6872, 7399 ; environs of Naugaum (south-west of Hasora) 15-30 September, 1856, n. 6916 ; province Dras, Kargil vid Suru to Tsringmat 10-11 October, 1856, n. 7209. 13. N. Sabinei, nob.! (Plate LXXXII. fig. 5-7).—Herba proeum- bens, ramis adscendentibus pubescentibus vel subvillosis. Folia ap- proximata, petiolata, ovato-oblonga, acutiuscula, serrata, basi cuneata, in petiolum ee 2—4 = baec x pem supra een gla- brescentia tus valde prominentibus 4-6 lin. long., 3-4 lin. lata. Spica longe peduneulata, oblongo-cylindrica, basi — — ptc peque inte- , caly g Calyx tubu- inns; diktoi, pubescens, Jentibus subulat inatis villosissimis tubo sublongioribus. Corolla i incurva, calyce diplo longior. Nuculæ leves, nitidee.—At finis N. elliplice, Royle, differt notis indicatis, præ- PLANTÆ SCHLAGINTWEITIAN JE. 239 eipue foliorum forma et indumento !.— Tibet, province Balti A Thale La to Bagmaharal (north-east of Skardo and Shigar), top of Thale La Pass, 15,832 feet, 30 August, 1856, n. 5936 ; province Hasora, Gue to A Pattere Brok, top of Gue Pass, 12,592 feet, 13 September, 1856, n. 6209. / 1. Dracocephalum staminum, Karel et Kiril; De Cand. l. c. p. 398. — Tibet, province Balti A Thale La to Bagmaharal (north-east of Skardo and Shigar), 30 August, 1856, n. 5933, 5916; province Ladak, Rum- bak to Kanda La Pass (south-cast of Leh), 1-7 September, 1856, n. 6287. 2. D. speciosum, Benth. ; De Cand. l.c. p. 399.—Western Hima- laya, province Garhval, Sukhi across the Bamsuru and Choia Pass to Kharsali (Passes between the Bhagirath and Jamna valleys), 9000— 15,400 feet, 9—13 October, 1855, n. 8979. 3. D. Moldavica, L.; De Cand. l c. p. 401.— Tibet, province Balti, Shigar (north-east of Skardo), 31 August, 1856, n. 6184, 5406 ; Kunes (on the right side of the Shayok) vid Kiris to Neru (on the right side of the Indus), 2-12 August, 1856, n. 5833. 4. D. heterophyllum, Benth. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 401.—Tibet, pro- vince Gnari Khorsum, left side of the Satlej, comprising A Ta- rang A Ninkchang A Dulla, 14,800—15,500 feet, 17-26 July, 1856, n. 6623. l. Prunella vulgaris, L.; De Cand. l. c. p. 410.—a. Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, Gures (north of Srinaggar, the capital of Kashmir), 3-4 October, 1856, n. 7618; drained lake basin of Kash- mir, environs of Srinaggar, 2-20 October, 1856, n. 4387-4490 ; Kishtvar Pass to Islamabad, 5-10 August, 1856, n. 5102; pro- vince Marri, Kera to Marri, 5000-7000 feet, 10-15 November, 1856, n. 11,564; province Garhval, Badrinath, 10,000—10,600 feet, 1-31 August, 1855, n. 10,049 ; province Rajauri, Uri, across the Punch Pass, vid Kahuta to Punch, 5000-9000 feet, 6-9 November, 1856, n. 12,185. 4. Tibet, province Balti, Shigar (north-east of Skardo), 31 August, 1856, n. 5398; Kunes (on the right side of the Shayok), vid Kiris to Neru (on the right side of the Indus), 2-12 August, 1856, n. 5826. l. Scutellaria orientalis, L.; De Cand. l c. p. 413.— Western Himalaya, province Kamaon A Roghas, up the Milum glacier to 4 Bitterguar, 18-19 June, 1855, n. 9849. 4 240 PLANT. SCHLAGINTWEITIAN JE. 2. S. repens, Hamilt. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 429.— Western Himalaya, province Simla, Nahan vid Dagshai to Solen (south of Simla), 2800- 6500 feet, 17-24 March, 1856, n. 7707. 8. S. angulosa, Benth. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 430.— Western Himalaya, province Simla, environs of Simla, 6000—7300 feet, 12-30 April, 1856, n. 4717. 1. Marrubium propinquum, F. et M., B. intermedium, Benth. in De Cand. l.c. p. 450; calycis dentibus 5 subrecurvis |— Western Hima- laya, province Kashmir, drained lake basin, 10 August to 30 Sep- tember, 1856, n. 4320 l. Craniotome versicolor, Rchb. ; De Cand. l. c. p. 455.— Western Himalaya, Simla vid Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000—9000 feet, June to September, 1856, n. 13,146; province Garhval, Gobeser to Okimath (from the Alaknanda to the Mandagni valley), 5000-6800 feet, September, 1855, n. 8787. 1. Anisomeles ovata, Br.; De Cand. 1. c. p. 455,—Eastern India, province Assam, Mangeldai to the foot of the Bhutan Himalaya, 100— 300 feet, 1 December, 1855, n. 13,463. l. Stachys sericea, Wall.; De Cand. 1. c. p. 465.—Western Hima- laya, province Kashmir, iiiv Pass to Islamabad, 5—10 August, 1856, n. 5099. 2. S. vestita, Benth. ; De Cand. 1. e. p. 466.—Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, drina lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar, 10 August to 30 September, 1856, n. 4329 3. S. melissefolia, Benth. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 466.— Western Hima- laya, province Garhval, Gaurikund vid Trijugi Narain and Maser Tal to Bilung, 24 September to 3 October, 1855, n. 9439. 4. S. splendens, Wall.; De Cand. 1. c. p. 466.—Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, Kishtvar Pass to Islamabad, 5-10 August, 1856, n. 5159; province Garhval, Badrinath, 10,000—10,600 mS 1-31 August, 1855, n. 10,076. l. Leonurus Royleanus, Benth. ; De Cand.l. c. p. 3o. Wam Himalaya, province Garhval, Gaurikund vid Trijugi Narain and Maser Tal to Bhillung, 24 September to 3 October, 1855, n. 9440; province Kashmir A Baltal to Nunner, 15-16 October 1856, n. 2. L. Sibiricus, L.; De Cand. l. c. p. 501.—Sikkim Tarai and Bengal, water plants from the Tista (from the foot of the Sikkim PLANTE SCHLAGINTWEITIANE. 941 Himalaya to the demi valley), 350-120 feet height, August to September, 1855, n. 12,721 l. Lamium ae AE Benth; De Cand. l. c. p. 504.— Tibet, province Gnari Khorsum, northern foot of the Uta Dhura Pass across the Kiunga Pass to its northern foot, 16,200—17,600 feet, 9-12 July, 1858, n. 7341; Poti viá Lamorti to Toling, 5-15 September, 1855, n. 7094; province Ladak, Rumbak to Kama La Pass, September, 1856, n. 6305. 2. 3 amplexicaule, L. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 508.— Central Himalaya, province Nepal, environs of Kathmandu, 5000-7000 feet, 4-8 March, 1857, n. 13,029 3. L. petiolulatum, Royle; De Cand. 1. c. p. 509.—Western Hima- laya, province Simla, environs of Simla, 6000-7300 feet, May, 1856, n. 4900 4. L. album, L.; De Cand. l.c. p. 510.—Western Himalaya, Simla viá Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000—9000 feet, June to September, 1856, n. 13,282. l. Leucas hyssopifolia, Benth.; De Cand. l.c. p. 531.— Western Himalaya, province Kamaon, Bageser to Munshari vid- Kathi and Na- mik, 5000—7800 feet, 24-31 May, 1855, n. 9812. 2. L. aspera, Spr. ; De Cand. l.c. p. 532.— Central India, province Malva, environs of Amarkantak (Paidera and source of the Jhilla), 2000-2900 feet, 26-29 January, 1856, n. 11,905 ; Gangetic Delta, province Bahar, in the dry bed of the river Gandak near Patna, 10-31 January, 1857, n. 12,863. 3. L. cephalotes, Spr. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 532.—Western Himalaya, Simla ej Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000-9000 feet, June to September, 1856, n. 13,228. l. Leonotis nepetefolia, R. Br.; De Cand. l. c. p. 535.— Bengal, province Bahar, in the dry bed of the river Gandak near Patna, 150- 180 feet, 10-31 January, 1857, n. 12,897. l. Phlomis Cashmeriana, Royle; De Cand. l. c. p. 542.— Western Himalaya, province Marri, Baramula, along both sides of the Jhilum valley, down to Mera, 5500-4000 feet, 4-10 November, 1856, n. 2,508, 2. P. cordata, Royle; De Cand. l. c. p. 545.—Western Himalaya, province Garhval, Badrinath, 10,000—10,600 feet, 1-31 August, 1855, n. 10,100 VOL. V1. [AUGUST 1, 1868.] R 242 PLANTE SCHLAGINTWEITIANZE. 1. Gomphostemma parviflorum, Benth.; De Cand. l. e. p. 551.— Eastern India, province Khassia, environs of Cherapundji till near Mairong, 2800-4500 feet, October, 1855, n. 214. 1. Teucrium macrostachyum, Wall.; De Cand. 1. c. p. 5714.— Central Himalaya, provinee Nepal, environs of Kathmandu, 5000—7000 feet, 4-8 March, 1857, n. 13,028. . 2. T. quadrifarium, Hamilt.; De Cand. 1. c. p. 583.— Western Hi- malaya, province Garhval, Barkot to Mandrassi (north of the Hill Station, Massuri), 4000-8000 feet, 18-22 October, 1855, n. 7989 ; Gaurikund vid Trijugi Narain and Maser Tal to Bhillung, 7200-9500 feet, 24 September to 3 October, 1855, n. 9478, 9573 ; Kharsali vid Rana, down the Jamna valley to Kutnor, 8900-6100 feet, 14-16 October, 1855, n. 9057. ; 3. T. Scordium, L.; De Cand. l. c. p. 586.—Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, drained lake basin, 10 August to 30 September, 1856, n. 4385. l. Holmskioldia sanguinea, Retz; Benth. Lab. p. 642.—a. Eastern India, province Khassia, environs of Cherapunji till near Mairong, 2800-4500 feet, 1-30 October, 1855, n. 351, 578; province Assam, Mangeldai, to the foot of the Bhutan Himalaya, 100-300 feet, 1 De- cember, 1855, n. 13,483. 6. Western Himalaya, province Rajauri, Punch vid Kotli to Islamabad, 4000-2000 feet, 10-15 November, 1856, n. 12,584. SCROPHULARINE E. 1. Verbascum Thapsus, L.; De Cand. Prod. x. p. 225.—2. Western Himalaya, province Rajauri, Uri, across the Punch Pass vid Kahuta to Punch, $000-9000 feet high, 6-9 November, 1856, n. 12,141; Punch vid Kotli to Islamabad, 4000—2000 feet, 10—15 November, 1856, n. 12,592; province Kashmir, Gures, across the Ulli Plain, and two small Passes to Bandipur (north-west of Srinaggar), 5—12 October, 1856, n. 12,072 ; water plants from the Jhilum at Islamabad, 5800 feet, 17 October, 1856, n. 10,462 ; Kishtvar Pass to Islamabad, 5-10 August, 1856, n, 5201; Choji Pass down to A Baltal (south-western slopes of the Pass), 14 October, 1856, n. 4830; province Lahol, Ko- lung (opposite Kardong) up to the limit of trees (slopes to the right side of the Bhaga river), 13 June, 1856, n. 3524; Darche on the Bhaga river, above Kardong, 16 June, 1856, n. 3945, 2814; province PLANTA SCHLAGINTWEITIANJE. 24.3 Garhval, Nelong, vid Mukba, across the Damdar or Hatka Chaura Pass to Ussilla, in the Tons valley, 26 September to 6 October, 1855, n. 9722; province Simla, environs of Simla, 6000-7300 feet, 12-30 April, 1856, n. 4678; province Kishtvar, Bhadrar to Kishtvar, 23-26 July, 1856, n. 3477. à. Tibet, province Hasora, environs of Tashing (north-west of Astor or Hasora), 16-24 September, 1866, n. 7438, 6851. B. cuspidatum! V. Indicum, Wall. in Roxb. Fl. Ind. ii. p. 256; bracteis longe cuspidatis, foliis longe acuminatis I —Western Himalaya, province Jamu, Padri Pass to Bhadrar, 17-22 July, 1856, n. 3104, 3103; province Kashmir, drained lake basin, 10 August to 30 Sep- tember, 1856, n. 4309; provinee Gahrval, Joshimath to Gobeser (Alaknanda valley), 10-13 September, 1855, n. 8194; province Chamba, Kali Pass to Chamba, 28 June to 8 July, 1856, n. 3348 ; province Kishtvar, Tiloknath up to the Kali Pass (south-west of Ti- loknath), 24-27 June, 1856, n. 3922.— Variat interdum lana densis- sima, lutea. Tibet, province Dras, Kargil vid Suru to Tsringinat, 10- 11 October, 1856, n. 7214. 3. V. Blattaria, L. ; De Cand. l. c. p. 230.—a. Western Himalaya, Simla vif Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir 3000-9000 feet, June to ` September, 1856, n. 13,398. 6. Eastern Himalaya, province Sikkim, Singhalila ridge from Tonglo to Falut, 1200-9000 feet, May to June, 1855, n. 14,744. 1. Antirrhinum Orontium, L.; De Cand. I. c. p. 290.—Specimen flaccidum, pilosum !—North-western India, province Panjab, Peshaur, 18 December, 1856, to 9 January, 1857, n. 2625. l. Serophularia polyantha, Royle; De Cand. l. c. p. 304.— Western Himalaya, province Kishtvar, near the town of Kishtvar, 27-30 J uly, 1856, n. 2979 ; province Jamu, Padri Pass to Bhadrar, 17-22 July, 1856, n. 3079; province Kashmir, drained lake basin, 10 August to 30 September, 1856, n. 4383. 9. S. Griffilhsii, Benth.; De Cand. 1. e. p. 31 2.—Western Himalaya, province Kamaon, A Roghas up the Milum glacier to A Biterguat, 14,000-14,600 feet, 690 feet below upper limit of shrub vegetation at this place, 18 to 19 June, 1855, n. 9836. l. Alectra Indica, Benth.; De Cand. l. c. p. 339.-—Eastern India, province Khassia, environs of Cherapunji till near Mairong, 2800- 4500 feet high, 1-30 October, 1855, n. 409. : R 944. PLANTR SCHLAGINTWEITIAN®. 1. Doratanthera linearis, Benth. ; De Cand. l. c. p. 347.—North- western India, province Panjab, Dera Ismael Khan, on the right side of the Indus, 23-26 February, 1857, n. 10,806 ; from Kalabagh along the western side of the Indus to Dera Ismael Khan, 400-800 feet, 15-22 February, 1857, n. 10,328. 1. Lindenbergia polyantha, Royle; De Cand. l. c. p. 377 P—a. Eastern India, province Khassia, environs of Cherapunji till near Mairong, 2800-4500 feet, 1-30 October, 1855, n. 416. 6. North- western India, province Panjab, Musakel (south of Kalabagh on the Indus), along the Salt range vid Varcha and Choia to Gujrat, 1400— 2500 feet, 17 February to 5 March, 1857, n. 11,084. 1. Stemodia viscosa, Roxb. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 381.—Eastern India, province Assam, Mangeldai to the foot of the Bhutan Himalaya, 100- 300 feet, 1 December, 1855, n. 13,520. | 1. Limnophila gratioloides, R. Br. ; B. myriophylloides, Benth.; De Cand. 1. c. p. 389 ; foliis fere omnibus capillaceo-multifidis.— Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kashmir, envi- rons of Srinaggar, 2-20 October, 1856, n. 4608. 2. L. sessiliflora, Blume; De Cand. l.c. p. 389.—Eastern India, province Assam, Mangeldai to the foot of the Bhutan Himalaya, 100- 300 feet, 1 December, 1855, n. 13,485 l. Herpestes Monnieria, H. B. et K. T. H. ; De Cand. l. c. p. 400. —Western Himalaya, Simla vi Kangra and Jamu to Kashmir, 3000- 9000 feet, June to September, 1856, n. 13,346. 1. Torenia edentula, Griff. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 410.—Eastern Hima- laya, province Sikkim, environs of Darjiling, 6000-8000 feet, June to July, 1855, n. 12,589, 12,354. 2. T. Asiatica, L.; De Cand. l. c. p. 410.— Eastern India, province Khassia, environs of Cherapunji till near Mairong, 9800-4500 feet, 1-30 October, 1855, n. 467. P 3. T. parviflora, Hamilt. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 410 ?—Eastern India, province Khassia, environs of Cherapundji till near Mairong, 2800- 4500 feet, 1-30 October, 1855, n. 331. ' l. Vandellia crustacea, Benth. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 413.—Bengal, in the dry bed of the river Gandak, near Patna, 150-180 feet, 10-31 January, 1857. 1. Bonnaya brachiata, Link et Otto; De Cand. Prodr. p. 420.— Eastern India, province Khassia, environs of Cherapunji till near Mairong, 2800—4500 feet, 1-30 October, 1855, n. 244. e= PLANTÆ SCHLAGINTWEITIANÆ. 245 l. Buddleia crispa, Benth. ; De Cand. l. c. p. 444.—. decipiens, nob. ; tomento denso subferrugineo vel ochraceo, ramis subtetragonis c — foliis breviter petiolatis ovato-oblongis acutis, inæ- qualiter interdum sinuato-dentatis, basi rotundato-truncatis, supra rugosis, demum glabrescentibus, subtus velutino-tomentosis, 3-4 poll. long., 13—2; capitulis multifloris densis approximatis breviter Siiuucahatis; i in ramos breves foliatos dispositis, corollae tubo calycem subcampanulatum duplo superante.—An fortasse species nova? Spe- cimen unicum floriferum incompletum in promptu habeo.— Western Himalaya, province Simla, environs of Simla, 6000-7300 feet, 29 March to 10 April, 1856, n. 5028. 2. B. Asiatica, Lour. ; De Cand. l. c. p. 446.— Eastern India, pro- vince Assam, Mangeldai to the foot of the Bhutan Himalaya, 100— 300 feet, 1 December, 1855, n. 13,537. 3. B. Neemda, Hamilt.; De Cand. 1. e. p. 446.—Central India, province Bandelkhand Rima (Riva) to Solagi (forty miles south of Allahabad), 12-15 February, 1856, n. 12,700. 4. B. Martii, nob. !—Rami tetragono-subulati, glaberrimi. Folia oblongo-lanceolata, breviter acuminata, ineequaliter serrata, basi inte- gerrima in petiolum brevissimum angustata, et cum folio opposito membrana angustissima connata, membranacea, supra glabra, saturate viridia, subtus tenuissime pubescentia, ochracea, 4-6 poll. longa, 2 poll. lata. Thyrsi spiczformes elongati, conferti, basi interrupti, glomerulis paucifloris breviter pedicellatis. Calyces campanulati to- mentosi ochracei dentibus brevibus acutis. Corolle tubus calycem subtriplo superans, dense tomentosus. Capsule oblongo-elliptieze, tomentose, calyces duplo superantes.— Proxima quidem B. macro- stachye, Benth., attamen notis indicatis bene distinguenda.— This spe- ` cies is not feared now since at no distant time better specimens than those at hand are expected—LHastern India, province Khassia, envi- rons of on till near Mairong, 2800-4500 feet, 1-30 October, 1855 I fees grandiflora, All.; De Cand. l. c. p. 450. —Eastern Him- alaya, province Sikkim, environs of Darjiling, 6000-8000 feet, June to July, 1855, n. 12,603. l. Picrorhiza Kurrooa, Royle ; De Cand. l. c. p. 454.—Western Himalaya, province Kamaon, environs of. Milum, 11, 200-12,100 feet, 6-25 June, 1855, n. 9647. 246 PLANTA SCHLAGINTWEITIAN.E. 1. Wulfenia Amherstiane, Benth. ; De Cand. l. c. p. 435 affinis !— Western Himalaya, province Chamba, Chamba to Padri Pass (north- west of Chamba), 9-16 July, 1856, n. 3622; province Kamaon, Ba- geser to Munshari vid Kathi and Namik, 5000-7800 feet, May, 1855, n. 9771 1. Veronica Anagallis, L.; De Cand. l. c. p. 466.—a. North-western India, province Panjab, from Kalabagh along -the western side of the Indus vid Lakki to Dera Ismael Khan, 15-22 February, 1857, n. 10,309; Badani river near Peshaur, 15 January, 1857, n. 10,103 ; province Panjab, Peshaur, 18 December, 1856, to 9 January, 1851,n. 2628, 2650, 2607, 2696. 6. Bengal, in the dry bed: of the river Gandak near Patna, 150-180 feet, 10-31 January, 1857, n. 12,880. c. Western Himalaya, province Jamu Padri Pass to Bhadrar, 17-22 July, 1856, n. 3062. d. Tibet, province Balti, Kunes (on the right side of the Shayok) vid Kiris to Neru (on the right side of the Indus), 2-12 August, 1856, n. 5843; province Ladak, Leh to Nurla (right side of the Indus valley), 10,723—9773 feet, 15 September to 5 October, 1856, n. 1600; Leh to Dah, 10,723-9640 feet, water plants from the Indus, 9-21 July, 1856, n. 1448. Var. B. pubescens, Benth. ; De Cand. l.c. p. 468; caule undique pubescente vel villoso.—a. Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar, 5200 feet, 2- 20 October, 1856, n. 4572; province Kishtvar, near the town of Kishtvar, 27-31 July, 1856. 4. Tibet, province Ladak, Leh to Dah, water plants from the Indus, 9-21 July, 1856, n. 1457, and 15 July to 5 August, 1856, n. 1021. 2. V. punctata, Hamilt. ; De Cand. l. c. p. 468.—a. North-wester India, province Panjab, environs of Raulpindi, 1000-2600 feet, 15— 28 November, 1856, n. 10,924. 4. Eastern Himalaya, province Sik- kim, environs of Darjiling, 6000-8000 feet, June to July, 1855, n. 12,403; Singhalila ridge from Tonglo to Falut, May to June, 1855, n. 14,747 c. Tibet, province Dras, surrounding the hot springs near Mulbe, 8 October, 1856, n. 4746. 3. V. Beccabunga, L. ; De Cand. 1. e. p. 468.— Western Himalaya, province Lahol, Kardong to Darche in the Bhaga valley, 15-18 June, 1856, n. 2840; province Kashmir, drained lake basin of Kashmir, environs of Srinaggar, 2-20 October, 1856, n. 4593 ; province Chamba, Kali Pass to Chamba, 28 June to 8 July, 1856, n. 3222. PLANTÆ SCHLAGINTWEITIAN E. 247 4. FV. lanosa, Benth. ; De Cand. l. c. p. 481.—Western Himalaya, province Lahol, Kardong to Darche in the Bhaga valley, 15-18 June, 1856, n. 2824. 5. F. capitata, Royle; De Cand. l.c. p. 481.— Tibet, province Gnari Khorsum, northern foot of the Uta Dhura Pass, across the Kiun- gar Pass to its northern foot, 16,200—17,600 feet, 9-12 July. 1855, n. 7331. Var. B. tomentosa! pilis densissimis albis cano-tomentosa, foliis ovato-oblongis crenulatis vel inzequaliter denticulatis.— Tibet, province Ladak, Timti La Pass vid A Timti Do to Karbu Koma, 15,550-12,000 feet, July, 1856, n. 6546. 6. V. serpyllifolia, L.; De Cand. l. c. p. 482.—North-western India, province Panjab, Peshaur, 1280 feet, 18 December, 1856, to 9 January, 1857, n. 2607. 7. V. biloba, L.; De Cand. l. e. p. 485.—a. Western Himalaya, province Kamaon, environs of Milum (chief place of the district Jo- har), 11,200-12,100 feet, June, 1855, n. 9652; province Lahol, right shore of the Bhaga (lake Chinab) at Kolung (opposite Kardong), June, 1856, n. 3392; Kardong to Darche in the Bhaga valley, 15-18 June, 1856, n. 2838. 4%. Tibet, province Gnari Khorsum, left side of the Satlej, comprising A Tarang A Ninkehang A Dulla, 14,800-15,500 feet, 17-26 July, 1856, n. 6639. 8. V. Buxbaumii, Tenore; De Cand. 1. c.—North-western India, province Panjab, Peshaur, 1280 feet, 18 December, 1856 to 9, January, 1857, n. 2647, 2648, 2700; province Panjab, Lahor, 839 feet, 10-14 March, 1857, n. 10,508; Musakel (south of Kalabagh on the Indus) along the salt range, vid Varcha and Choia to Gujrat, 1400-2500 feet, 17 February to 5 March, 1857, n. 11,090; from Kalabagh along the western side of the Indus, vid Lakki to Dera Ismael Khan, 15-22 February, 1857, n. 10,391 ; Badami river near Peshaur, 850 feet, 15 January, 1857, n. 10,181. nee 3 l. Striga hirsuta, Benth. ; De Cand. l. c. p. 502.—Sikkim, Tarai, and Bengal, water plants from the Tista (from the foot of the Sikkim Himalaya to the Brahmaputra valley), 550—120 feet, August to Sep- tember, 1855, n. 12,726, 12,700. exe 1. Sopubia stricta, G. Don; De Cand. 1. c. p. 522.— Tibet, pro- vince Balti, Shigar (north-east of Skardo), 7537 feet, 31 August, 1856, n. 5412; environs of Skardo, 6900-7500 feet, August to September, n. 795. 248 PLANTA SCHLAGINTWEITIANA. 1. Odontites rubra, Pers.; De Cand. 1. c. p. 551.—Specimina in- cana, interdum subtomentosa.—Tibet, province Balti, environs of Skardo, 6900-7500 feet, 6 August to 4 September, 1856, n. 757; Shigar to Skardo, 31 August, 1856, n. 5409, 6160; Kunés (on the right side of the Shayok), vid Kiris to Neru (on the right side of the Indus), 2-12 August, 1856, n. 58-48. l. Euphrasia officinalis, L. — Hujus speciei maxime tese duæ formæ memorabiles occurrunt : a. vulgaris, Benth. ; De Cand. l.c. p. 552.—Specimina a vin Germanica nullo modo recedunt !—a. Western Himalaya, province Lahol, right shore of the Bhaga (later Chinab) at Kolung (opposite Kardong), 14 June, 1856, n. 3394 ; Kardong to Darche, in the Bhaga valley, 15-18 June, 1856, n. 2826 ; province Chamba, Chamba to Padri Pass (north-west of Chamba), 9-16 July, 1856, n. 3635 ; pro- vinee Chamu, Padri Pass to Bhadrar, 17-22 July, 1856, n. 8138 ; province Kishtvar, Kishtvar to the Kishtvar Pass, 1—4 August, 185 6, n. 3761; province Kishtvar, near the town of Kishtvar, 27-30 July, 1856, n. 2957. 5. Tibet, province Hasora, Tashing (northwest of Hasora), 15-22 September, 1856, n. 7404; province Balti A Thale La to Bagmaharal (north-east of Skardo and Shigar), 30 August, 1856, n. 5939; environs of Skardo, 6900-7500 feet, 6 August to 4 September, 1856, n. 788 ; province Nubra, Charasa to Aranu (right side of the Nubra valley), 3-4 August, 1856, n. 2134. B. Tatarica, Benth. ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 552; elongata, pubescens, foliis late ovatis fere orbiculatis, floralibus inciso-dentatis, corollis ma- joribus minoribusve.—a, Western Himalaya, province Kishtvar, Ti- loknath up to the Kali Pass (south-west of Tiloknath), 24-27 June, 1856, n. 3919. 4, Tibet, province Nubra Panamik (left side of the Nubra valley), 14,146 feet, 24-31 July, 1856, n. 2029. l. Pedicularis pectinata, Wall.; De Cand. l. c. p. 560.— Western Himalaya, province Kashmir, drained lake, 10 August to 30 September, 1856, n. 4408 ; province Chamba, Chamba to Padri Pass (north-west of Chamba), 9-16 July, 1856, n. 3678; province Kishtvar to the Kishtvar Pass, 1-4 August, 1856, n. 3718-3719. 2. P. pyramidata, Royle ; De Cand. 1. c. p. 560.—a. Western Hi- malaya, province Kashmir, Kishtvar Pass to Islamabad, 5-10 August, : 1856, n. 5184; province Lahol, Kardong to Darche, in the Bhaga valley, 15-18 June, 1856, n. 2865 ; province Chamba, Kali Pass to PLANTA SCHLAGINTWEITIANJE. 249 Chamba, 28 June to 8 July, 1856, n. 3213. 4. Tibet, province La- dak, Timti La Pass vid A Timti Do to Kharbu Koma, 2-3 July, 1856, n. 6548. 3. P. tenuirostris, Benth. ; De Cand. l.c. p. 561.—Speciei ante- cedenti proxima, et forsan nil nisi ejus varietas I—Tibet, province Balti A Thale La to Bagmaharal (north-east of Skardo and Shigar), 30 August, 1856, n. 5965. 4. P. gracilis, Wall. ; De Cand. l. e. p. 561.—Western Himalaya, province Garhval, Gobeser to Okimath (from the Alaknanda to the Mandagni valley), 5000-6800 feet, 14-16 September, 1855, n. 10,063, 8813 5. P. verticillata, L.; De Cand. l. c. p. 563.—Specimina numero- sissima, magnitudine partium omnium variantia, caulibus longioribus brevioribusve, foliorum segmentis sepius cartilagineo-dentatis, caly- cibus modo glabriusculis, modo hirsutis.— Tibet, province Ladak, Yugu to Leh (right side of the Indus valley), 1-31 August, 1856, n. 931, 1139, 1981; environs of Gia, 30-31 July, 1856, n. 1677 ; Upshi to Gulab-Garh (left side of the Indus valley), 28 June, 1856, n. 1573; Leh to Dah, water plants from the Indus, 9-21 July, 1856, n. 1461; Durguk to Changla Pass, 5—6 July, 1856, n. 1632; Leh, 1-15 July, 1856, n. 1377; Kaltse to Damkar, 15-19 July, 1856, n. 1106; Kandala Pass vid Shingo to Marka, 26 August to 8 September, 1856, n. 1725; A Yuru Kiám vid Kanoji, up the Timti La Pass, 2 July, 1856, n. 5241, 5242; Timti La Pass vid A Timti Do to Kharbu Koma, 2-3 July, 1856, n. 6525 ; province Nubra, Panamik to A Changlung (left side of the Nubra valley), 9 August, 1856, n. 2245, 2042; Tsarasa to Aranu, 3—4 August, 1856, n. 2113 ; province Balti, Hushe vid Haldi to Chorkonda, 18-30 July, 1856, n. 5605, A Choka, on the left side of the Mustak glacier, above A Shingtsakbi, 19 August, 1856, n. 6339. 6. P. Hookeriana, Wall.; De Cand. l. c. p. 564.— Tibet, province Spiti, northern foot of Tari Pass, vid Mud to southern foot of Parang Pass, 12-17 June, 1856. 7. P. labellata, Jacquem. ; De Cand. l. e. p. 565.— Western Hi- malaya, province Chamba, Kali Pass to Chamba, 28 June to 8 July, 1856, n. 3271. 8. P. siphonantha, Don ; De Cand. l. c. p. 565.— Tibet, province Ladak, Yugu to Leh (right side of the Indus valley), 1-31 August, 250 ON THE COMMELYNA TUBEROSA OF LOUREIRO. 1856, n. 1967, environs of Gia, 30-21 July, 1856, n. 1689; envi- rons of Leh, 1-15 September, 1856, n. 43; Leh to Nurla (right side of the Indus valley), 15 September to 5 October, 1856, n. 1595 ; Upshi to Leh (left side of the Indus valley), 11,249-11,532 feet, 1-31 August, 1856, n. 1284; Leh, 11,532 feet, July to September, 1856, n. 1360, 961, 1887, 1827; villages on the left side of the Indus valley, 1-25 September, 1856, n. 1794; Rumbak to Kanda La Pass (south-west of Leh), 1-7 September, 1850, n. 6322; pro- vince Gnari Khorsum, Pati, vid Lomorti to Poling, 5-15 September, 1855, n. 7108; province Balti, A Thale La to Bagmaharal (north- east of Skardo and Shigar), 30 August, 1856, n. 5950.’ 9. P. versicolor, Wahl.; De Cand. 1. c. p. 578.— Tibet, province Guari Khorsum, northern foot of the Uta Dhura Pass, across the Kiungar Pass to its northern foot, 16,200—17,600 feet, 9—12 July, 1855, n. 7340. 10. P. carnosa, Wall.; De Cand. 1. c. p. 580 ?—Western Himalaya, provinee Garhval, Gobeser to Okimath (from the Alaknanda to the Mandagui valley), 5000-6800 feet, 14—16 September, 1855, n. 8731. EXPLANATION OF PraTE LXXXII. Fig. 1, Branch of Ori ape grass A. Schmidt, ; 2, verticillastrum ; 3, calyx, and 4, flower of the same; 5, branch 7 Nepeta Sabinei, A. Schmidt ; 6, Tower, they ailed re- , tw and an Italian; whilst of the work on * Variation, which first left the pub- lisher’s house not seven months ago, two English, a German, Russian, Ameri- can, and Italian editions are in circulation. So far from natural selec- rs proportion who are not prepared to admit that it accounts for all that Mr. Darwin assigns to it. * Reviews on ‘ The Origin of Species’ are still pouring in from the Continent ; and Agassiz, in one of the addresses to his collaborateurs on their late voyage to the Amazons, directs their attention to this theory as a primary object of the expedition they were then undertaking. [Agassiz himself states that the who have accepted it, not one has been known to abandon it ; that it gains ad- herents steadily ; and that it is, par excellence, an avowed favourite with the rising school of naturalists; perhaps, indeed, too much so, for the young are apt to accept such theories as urticles of faith, and the creed of the student is cal grounds, or metaphysical, or both. Of those who rely on taphy à their arguments are usually strongly imbued with theological prejudice, and even odium, and, as such, beyond the pale of scientific crit I long ago arrived at the conclusion, so well put by Agassiz, where he says, ' We trust that the time is not distant when it will be universally understood that the battle of the evidences will have to be fought on the field of physical science, and not on that of the metaphysical.’ Many of the metaphysician’s objections have 316 DR. J. D. HOOKER’S PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS, been controverted by that champion of natural selection, Mr. Darwin’s -— knight, Alfred aean in his papers on ‘ Protection’ and ‘ Creation by Law, etc., in which the doctrines of ‘ Continual Interference,’ and the ‘ Theory of Beauty,’ and Metus subjects, are discussed with admirable sagacity, know- ledge, and skill. But of Mr. Wallace and his many contributions to philoso- phical biology it is not easy to speak without enthusiasm, for, putting aside their reat merits, he, eii his writings, with a modesty as rare as I believe it to be unconscious, forgets his own unquestioned claims to the honour of having originated, ec of Mr. Darwin, the theories which he so ably defends. “On the score of geology, the objectors rely chiefly on the assumed perfec- tion of the geological record ; and since almost all who believe in its imperfec- tion, and many of the other school, accept the theories both of evolution and the great rae of geologists. Of these, one is in himself a host, the veteran to establishing the ‘doctrine of ipit creations, abandons it of an insecure doctrine, when he finds that he can underpin it, and substitu a new foundation, and, after all is finished, survey his edifice, not only more secure, but more harmonious in its proportions, than it was before ; for as- in harmony with the doctrine of slow changes im the history of our planet, than were their counterparts in the former editions. “To the astronomer's objections to these d I turn with diffidence ; critique of th I have hitherto sie with, and which ap in the North British Review. It is anonym a "i of its author, et to hat, in common with the few other really able in's considerate treatment of his opponents’ methods and con- clusions. In estimates that are calculated from data that are themselves hypo- thetical in a great degree, there are no pops upon which we are warranted in assuming the speculations of the astronomer to be more worthy of confidence than those of the biologist. No o science is ily perfect, —certainly not tha which lately erred 2,000,000 miles in so fundamental a datum as the eart distance from the sun. Have Yeidé iil Von Beer interpreted no oracles of nature fully and clearly? Have Cuvier and Dalton not prophesied, and been true prophets ? LIST OF SAMOAN FERNS. 317 “ Claims t do not accord with the spirit of science ; rather iren I liken the doma of dini] knowledge to a hive, in which every comb is dept; and truth the one queen over them a ** It remains to de a ra words on pes pionpasis whieh this Norwich meet- ing opens. A new science has dawned upon us, that of the early history of mankind. Die archæology Godean as it does, the origin of language and of art) is the latest to rise of a series of luminaries that have dispelled the mists of ages, and replaced time-honoured traditions by scientific truths. “ A great deal has been said as written of late about the respective attitudes of religion and science. Let e h pursue the search for tr vain that each regards the zie s pursuit from afar, and, turning the object- glass of his mind’s telescope to his eye, is content when he sees how small the other looks. One of the deepest iym Mr. Herbert Spencer (‘ First Prin- ciples,’ by Herbert Spencer, ed. ii. p. 46), has said, ‘ If religion and science are to be reconciled, the basis of the reconciliation must be this ene se and most certain of facts, that the power which t to utterly inscrutable.’ The bond that unites the scart aid spiritual bios; of man, and the forces which manifest themselves in the alternate victories of mind and of matter over the actions of the individual, are, of all the subjects that physies and psychology have revealed to us, the most absorbing, and per- of the past and the future, the whence and the whither. Sed his existence ; and after a knowledge of these the human soul still yearni LIST OF SAMOAN ` FERNS, COLLECTED AND ARRANGED ACCORDING TO — * SPECIES Fruicum, BY Rev. S. PowE i i Powell’ b The figures attached to the species are Powell's numbers. Pu 1. GLEICHENIACER. Gleichenia dichotom G. dichotoma, var. "Ted 146. TRIBE 2. PoLYPODIACE®. Suborder 1. Sé qmd Cyathea (Eucyathea) leucolepis, 20. Alsophila (Eualsophila) lunulata, fit. 85. A. truncata, Brack., Suborder 2. Dicksoniee. Dicksonia (Balantium) Berteroana, Hook., 45. 318 LIST OF SAMOAN FERNS. D. (B.) dubia, Gaud., Hymenophyllum ieron dilatatum, Sw., 105. 07. T. (E.) Filieula, Bory, 100 T. (E.) humile, Forst., 101 and 262. T. (E) P4 dy Bl, ^ T. (E.) ri , 94. T. (E.) feet ook 35 and 129. T. (E.) longi ory, 4 T. (E.) pallidum, BZ., D T. (E.) caudatum, Bra T. (E.) peltatum, n. n. dd 125. T. (E.) Powellii, ‘Baker, 128. Suborder 3. Davalliea. Davallia Sire! Ph ae 16. lela : sa ise. D. (Prosa hia) ee 123. D. (Eudavallia) solida, 3 elata, 31. D. (E) campyleura, 1175. D. (Odontoloma) triquetra, n. sp., Baker. D. (O.) pulchella, Hook., 122. D. (Microlepia) polypodoides, Don, 56. Suborder 4. Lindsacee. Lindseea (Schizoloma) ensifolia, 18. L. (S.) nitens, 2.7 Suborder 5. Pieria: Adiantum lunulatum, Burm., 19. Hypolepis tenuifolia, 57. Pellzea, vel Allosorus geranizefolia, 15. Pteris (Eupteris) crenata, Sw. ti Ser 2 is —— whether Mr. Baker has rightly determined this. + Mr. r stat t this is identical with solitusa and davalloides. It is also iet. like oman CORRESPONDENCE, 319 Litobrochia) aculeata, Sw., 41. L.) tripartita, Sw., 74. (L.) incisa, var. aurita, 120. P.( P. (E.) gigantica, sp. 12 ft., 140. E E P. Suborder 6. Lomariee. Lomaria (Plagyogyria) procera, 91. Blechnum orientale, L., 33. Suborder 7. Aspleniea. splenium (Thamnopteris) Nidus, 146. (Euasplenium) Figiense, Brack., 72a. : i 13. E.) emarginatum, Beauv., PPP PP PPP bh bbe C ba] A g = B < E B J9 [e] co m E u Ud pen 11 £e es; Q ks 8 x arborescens, Mett., 30. A. (Anisogonium) esculentum, Pr., 62. A. (A.) decussatum, Sæ., 22. A. (A.) Japonicum, 99. (To be continued.) CORRESPONDENCE, Lathyrus tuberosus. Christopher Parsons, Esq., of Shoebury Hall, wrote to me about a month ago to say that, having heard that this plant grew in Cauvey Island, he had been over to see, and found that it was so abundant over about twelve acres that this part was called the “ Gay Marsh,” from the profusion of its bright flowers. ‘The tubers ran so deep, that the farmers were unable to eradicate it. There is atradition in the island that it was introduced by the Dutch when they embanked the land about two centuries ago. Mr. Newbould has since been to visit the spot, and will be much better able to give you further parti- culars respecting it, pecking v G. S. GIBSON. 320 BOTANICAL NEWS. Dr. Karsten, of Berlin, has been elected Professor of Vegetable de in the University of Vienna, vacated by the retirement from office Unger. It is our painful duty to record the death, by yellow fever, of Mr. Richard well known as the collector and introducer of numerous ornamental in June last. He had lately formed an advan us arra William Bull, of Chelsea, the well-known cer plant merchant, and started full of hope and ardour once more for the countries in which he had already achieved such brilliant success as a oes or. Dr. Seemann had given him letters to -s agent, Dr. Kratochwill, at Panama, and, together with him, as about to embark in a schooner of the Central American Association for the kki river Bayano, when the fatal disease overtook him Kratochwill never left him; and the British Consul, and several leading men of Panama, followed him to the grave the late competition for the Disiorship of the Museums of the Pharma- € Society o -reat Britain, Mr. James Collins was the successful candidate. h A s : H ooded mountains of that country almost impervious to the traveller. Nor e the ihata, generally speaking, know the botanical or medicinal pro- perties of this plant, so that it remains a secret in the hands of the bonzes and physicians. MM. Condamine and Blanchard, two French travellers, have at length succeeded, after much fruitless research, in finding this tree,—having conquered the conscientious scruples of a worthy bonze, who seems to have of a foot and a half or thereabouts. The Bae vs is perlormadi in June, when ` its bark methodically i in slices ipe two feet long and three or four inches broad. e strips are made up into bundles weighing from thirty to forty ash-grey colour, and inwardly brown; it has a strong Merge smell, and a slightly bui ia taste. When chewed it reddens the saliva; it is a powerful s typtic ; it is administered by the physicians of the cou antry rs cases of colic, diarrhea » and dysentery. The dose of a decoction is generally from six to ten grammes in one hundred es of water boiled in one-fifth, but sometimes they merely put a bit of the bark into hot water, eS ae rubbing the ormer against the rough sides of the earthen pot used for the purpose, and then make the patient drink the liquid, which is then RH strong to eure a simple colic, Tab. 85. | A Vincent Brocks Day &Son, imp: W Fitch, del et lith. 321 SCIRPUS PARVULUS, R. el S. Bv A. G. Morz, Esq., F.L.S., M.R.I.A. (PLarTE LXXXV.) Ess. Cuar. Plant growing in small tufts, which are connected by thread-like stolons, terminating in minute tubers. Stems green above, white below, hyaline and cellular, each with one adpressed membranous sheath and no leaves. Spikes upright, terminal. Glumes ovate, transparent, with a green dorsal nerve. Stigmas 3. Fruit obovate, trigonous, smooth, surrounded by three (or “ four to six ") scabrous bristles. Syn. Scirpus parvulus, Roemer et Schultes, Syst. Veget. ii. 124 (1817); Kunth, En. Plant. ii. 157; Wahlenberg, Fl. Suec. 1095; Fries, Summa Veg. Scand. 69; Koch, Synopsis (ed. 2), ii. 854; Babington, Man. (ed. 6), 373; Hooker and Arnott, Brit. Flor. (ed. 8), 496; Bromfield in Phytologist, o. s., iii. 1028; Grenier et Godron, Flor. Franc. iii. 378 ; Lloyd, Flore de l'Ouest (ed. i.) 478 ; Boreau, Flore du Centre (ed. 3), 659 ; Bertoloni, Fl. Ital. i. 277 ; Parlatore, H. It. i. 78; Ledebour, Fl. Ross. iv. 216.—Scirpus nanus, Sprengel, Pug. i. 4 (1813); Wallroth, Ann. Bot. 7; Hornemann, Hort. Hafn. 113 (non Poiret). Scirpus humilis, Wallroth, Sched. Crit. 27 (1822). Scirpus translucens, Le Gall. in Lloyd, Flor. Loire (1844). Limno- chloa parvula, Reichenbach, Flor. Exeurs. 78 (1830). Eleogiton par- vula, Link, Hort. Reg. Berol Descr. i. 285 (1827). Eleocharis parvula, Hooker, Brit. Flor. (ed. 5) 418 (1842). Beothryon nanum, Dietrich, in Willd. Sp. Pl. ed. 2, vol. i. part i. sect. 2, p. 91 (18: B. parvulus, Nees ab Esenb. Gen. Pl. Flor. Germ. ii. n. 17 (1843). Fic. ‘Flora Danica, xiii—mmelxi.; Reichenbach, Ie. Flor. Germ. viii.-cexcix. n. 706; Sturm, ‘ Deutschlands Flora,’ in Abbildungen, 85, fig. 1; Andersson, Cyp. Scand. tab. i. fig. 20. Descr. Plant very small, growing upon the soft mud in tufts, which are furnished with many fibrous roots at their base, and are conuected with each other by white thread-like runners, these last terminating also in little ovate-subulate tubers, which form a kind of hybernacu- lum or starting-point for future stems. Stems not branched or pro- strate, 5 to 8 in each tuft, often barren, 1 to 14 inch high, roundish, subcompressed, tapering from below upwards, quite smooth, white in VOL. VI. [NOVEMBER 1, 1868.) Y 322 SCIRPUS PARVULUS. their lower portion, which is buried in the mud, green above, soft and fistular throughout, consisting of 4 or 5 longitudinal tubes divided into narrow cells by numerous transverse partitions, and surrounded at the base by one exceedingly thin, transparent, oblique, close-pressed sheath. Spikes yellowish, ovate-oblong, about three times as broad as the top of the stem, with 1 thickly-ribbed empty glume at the base and about 5 membranous, green-nerved, fertile glumes above. Sta- mens 3, very large for the size of the plant. Stigmas 3. Nut quite smooth, obovate-trigonous, tipped by the permanent base of the style and surrounded by 3 (or, as foreign writers say, from 4 to 6) rough bristles Has. On soft mud overflowed at high tide, in salt-marsh creeks at the mouth of the river Ovoca, coast of Wicklow, Ireland, 4. G. More (July, 1868).—Perennial. Flowers in August. Scirpus parvulus was first published as a British plant in the * Cata- logue of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh’ (1841) and in the fifth edi- tion of the ‘ British Flora’ (1842), having been discovered by the Rev. George Edwards Smith, who in 1837 collected specimens on a mud flat near Lymington, in Hampshire, but ona subsequent visit was unable to find the plant again ; nor have any other botanists succeeded, though the very spot has been carefully and often searched by many of our best explorers, especially by the late Dr. Bromfield. Hence Scirpus parvulus has come to be considered extinct in England, and has been placed in brackets in the ‘ British Flora, and excluded from the * Cy- bele Britannica’ and * London Catalogue.’ In the three last editions of the ‘ British Flora’ occurs the remark that Scirpus parvulus “is in habit most related to Isolepis fluitans, of which some consider it a dwarf variety.” I have not been able to dis- cover whose opinion is here quoted, for in all the foreign books which I have consulted I have not once met with the suggestion; though it is true that Sprengel, in his * Mantissa’ (1807), did at first refer S. par- vulus to S. fluitans,—a mistake afterwards corrected by himself in the * Pugillus,’ where our plant was described under the name of S. nanus. It will be seen that the authors of the * British Flora’ place one plant as a true Scirpus, and the other in the section Isolepis ; and their habit and characters are so different that I cannot imagine any experienced botanist hesitating to accept S. parvulus as now a species, whatever may have been its primeval ancestry. CALISAYA-YIELDING DISTRICTS OF EASTERN BOLIVIA. 323 On the European continent, Scirpus parvulus occurs in several scat- tered localities—on the shores of the Baltic and German Ocean, and on the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of France, extending to Sardi- nia and Italy; but though its range is wide, it appears to be a very local and rare species. Godet, in his * Flore du Jura,’ mentions a lo- cality on one of the lakes; but as Godet compares his plant to Scirpus pauciflorus, and as all the other stations are upon the coast or along tidal estuaries, it would appear safer to consider this inland habitat as uncertain for the present. It may well be expected that S. parvulus will be found in other parts of Britain; for instance, in some of the muddy estuaries along the mouth of the Thames, in Poole harbour, and other places in the south and south-west coasts of England, and in the south of Ireland. I presume that Mr. Watson would treat it as a member of his ** Atlantic type " among British plants. I have not succeeded in finding ripe fruit on the Irish plant, which appears to propagate itself by means of the little tubers. Glasnevin, October 10, 1868. EXPLANATION or Prare LXXXV., representing Scirpus parvulus, Rem. and Schult., from specimens communicated by A. G. More, Esq.— Fig. 1. A group of plants, natura! size. 2. 'The same, somewhat magnified. 3. pike. k vi a si f . 5. Front view, a Mi aa Lei eS a a on, adc soie Le halet Figs 2-9; ell more or less highly magnified. Lingen mmi msan etit FRESH EXPLORATION OF THE CALISAYA-YIELDING DISTRICTS OF EASTERN BOLIVIA, BY SENOR PEDRO RADA. By J. E. Howarp, ESQ., ELS: The European market has hitherto been supplied with the precious quinine-yielding barks of Bolivia, solely by the ports on the western t ica, Iquique, and others which have suf- fered in the late calamitous earthquake, were the terminal points to which the serons (or packages of bark covered with the hides of oxen) were brought after a long, expensive, and difficult overland journey, over radi too often a ndoned to neglect by the administrators of Bolivian affairs. The result was, that on the eastern side of the that furthest from the sea, large tracts of country, and, consequently, 9 Y 324 CALISAYA-YIELDING DISTRICTS OF EASTERN BOLIVIA. the mountainous regions, although producing these valuable objects of export to perfection, remained practically of no value to the State, be- cause it was supposed to be quite impossible to find an outlet for this commerce down the course of the rivers which eventually join the Amazon, and thus reach the sea on the eastern side of the continent. I am glad to say that a new era has now commenced for the com- merce of Bolivia in this respect, since the enterprise of one of her sons has shown that the difficulties of this eastern route, though sufficiently formidable, can be vanquished by skill and perseverance. | Sefior Pedro Rada has recently brought, by way of Pará and Liver- pool, a cargo of bark, which was sold in the London market on the first of this present month, October, 1868. The following is a trans- lation of the account given me in Spanish by this gentleman of his oyage :— “The barks (Quinas) which I have brought were cut by my orders near the confluence of the rivers Bopi and Beni, a place where are found the missions named Moschenos, which belong to the department of La Paz, a province of Yungas, in the republie of Bolivia. At the point I have named, the river Bopi loses its name and preserves that of the river Beni, until its union with the Mamore in the sixth rapid, which is called Madera, from whence this river takes its name. could not descend the whole course of the river Beni, because it is unknown as far as the mission of Cavinas, and on account of the many barbarous and savage Indians that are found there. It was, therefore, necessary that I should travel overland about sixty miles to the new mission of San Buenaventura, a place known by the name of Rurena- baque, by the town (pueblo) of Reyes to the river Yacuma. I em- barked at the port of San Cristobal, and descended the Yacuma as far as its incorporation with the Mamore, in the vicinity of Santa Anna. Continuing my course down this stream, the Mamore, I reached the Junction of the Itenez, or Guapore, and, subsequently, its union with the Beni in the rapid of Madera. Both rivers here lose their names, and take that of Rio Madera, until its union with the Amazons some twenty-four miles above the town of Serpa in the kingdom of Brazil. "I continued my voyage down the river Amazons until it disem- bogued in the sea, a little below the city of Belem, on the Para. There I embarked in the steamboat * Augustino’ of Liverpool. CALISAYA-YIELDING DISTRICTS OF EASTERN BOLIVIA. 325 Touching at the ports of Marañon and of Searra, I came with my barks to Liverpool. “To accomplish this voyage, I set off from the city of La Paz for the province of Caupolican, and went by land, and over the very worst ‘roads, more than 600 miles to Rurenabaque. There I gave orders to construct canoes, and went up the river Beni for 200 miles as far as its confluence with the Bopi, a place where the ancient town of Mag- dalena was situated, from whence I ascended the montana from which the Quina was taken. * [ have been compelled to navigate in the following vessels : —From the point of union of the Bopi with the Beni unto Rurenabaque in canoes which only carry four or five quintals. From the point of Rurenabaque to the Yacuma in long waggons, drawn by oxen. From the port of San Cristobal, on the Yacuma, to the town of Exal- tacion, on the Mamore, in canoes which carry 25 quintals ; from Exaltacion to Serpa, in vessels (garifeas) which carry from 50 to 80 quintals ; from Serpa to the city of Belem, on the Para, in the steam- boat ‘ Belem,’ belonging to Brazil. ** All this immense journey, full of perils on the different rivers, in- cluding nineteen rapids of the Madera, as also through the barbarous or savage Indians that are met with on them,—all this I have ac- complished in company with my wife, whose name is Melchore Ney, and with whom you are already acquainted.” Señor Rada refers to my having had the pleasure of entertaining these enterprising voyagers, and showing them my collection of living Cinchona plants, which seemed to afford them much gratification. This was more especially the case, since they were able at once to re- cognize the plants producing the sort of bark over which so much la- bour had been expended. My plants were originally derived, first, from seeds collected by Mr. Ledger, from the district of Caupolican (or Apo- lobamba) ; secondly, the Calisaya verde, raised from seed procured by Mr. Forbes in Larecaja; in the third place, plants raised from seed given me by Mr. M‘Ivor, from Ootacamund. Sefior Rada had the goodness to present me with specimens of the leaves of the two sorts which had specially been the objects of his atten- tion, and which he calls the “ morada” and the “ negrilla,” both terms derived from the purple hue, more or less dark, of the under side of the leaves, —a colour with which the flowers harmonize, whilst the flower of the verde is white. 326 NOTES RESPECTING SOME PLYMOUTH PLANTS. The specimens of bark which he also gave me agree with those of the morada and the zamba (or negra) and zambita (or negrilla), which I owe to Dr. Weddell's kindness, and which were collected in his Zast journey in Bolivia. We have thus some reliable information as to these particular un- described forms of the Cinchona, which promise much interest in a botanical point of view, and which, moreover, from the great delicacy and beauty of the plants, would well repay cultivation even on this ground alone. Whatever may be the decision of botanists as to the specific names to be attached to these forms, I have only to remark at present that they differ very widely indeed from the Calisaya already cultivated in Java, which has yielded results by no means satisfactory. These two sorts, on the other hand, produce Calisaya bark of a peculiar sort, but of excellent quality, as may be inferred from the fact that the bark brought by Sefior Rada obtained at public auction prices varying from 10 to 25 per cent. above the ordinary run of the best Bolivian bark. This was in part owing to the care that had been taken in their collection, and their consequent freedom from injurious admixtures, as also to their being the first cuttings from an unex- hausted district. The pieces of flat bark (tabla) reached the size of about two feet six inches in length by six inehes in width, and about a quarter of an inch in thickness. The quills (canutos) were propor- tionally large and fine, and, though possessing a character of their own, were scarcely to be distinguished from Calisaya, and as such they were sold. In a future number, I hope to give the results of the further bota- nical investigation of the species of which specimens have been sent by Sefior Rada. NOTES RESPECTING SOME PLYMOUTH PLANTS. Bv T. R. Ancuzn Bnioos. Reseda lutea, L.—This is rare about Plymouth, and within the -bounds of Cornwall I have seen it in only one place, a bank near Trerule-foot toll-gate; between Polbathick and Menheniot, and there I ound only one plant in May last, but there were more in 1864 Geranium rotundifolium, L.—Two unrecorded Cornish stations for NOTES RESPECTING SOME PLYMOUTH PLANTS. 327 this species are a hedgebank by the lane leading from Penter’s Cross to Landulph; a bank at Weard, near Saltash, where it appears with its ally, Erodium moschatum, Sm. Ulex Gallii, Planch.—The common * Dwarf Furze” of the neigh- bourhood of Plymouth is this, and it is questionable whether we have U. nanus or not. U. Gallii, Planch., grows plentifully on Roborough and Wigvor Downs, in waste open spots in the valley of the Plym, ete. In Cornwall it is in profusion on Viverdon Down, is common on the cliffs above Whitsand Bay, etc. Pyrus scandica, Bab.—Five or six bushes, one of which produced fruit this season, may be seen in an old hedgerow near a house by Wigvor Down; a single one in a hedge by the road leading from Tamerton Foliott to Maristowe ; and another, in a similar situation, between the former place and Roborough village. This last has been rendered very stunted by having had its young branches cut away whenever the hedgerow has been pared. P. aria, Xm., is never seen in hedgerows about Plymouth, and cannot be regarded as even a * denizen” here, which we must, I think, consider P. scandica to be, if not more than this. Epilobium lanceolatum, Seb.—To the Cornish stations already re- corded for this species may be added St. German’s and Liskeard. Physospermum Cornubiense, De Cand.—Since my notice respecting this plant appeared in the ‘Journal of Botany’ for July last, I have discovered that it grows plentifully in two hilly pastures within a mile higher up the valley than the station there given, and extends over a space of, I should say, at least two acres. Here it was in sufficient profusion two months ago to whiten part of the hillside with its fowers. The soilin which it grows is so shallow that here and there portions of rock protrude. Inereasing cultivation may soon eradicate it at my former station ; but the hilly ground and poor soil of this offer so little temptation to the agriculturist, that it is more likely to be spared here. Plantago media, L.—Very rare about Plymouth. Eight plants, in an apparently old pasture, at St. John's, near Torpoint, Cornwall, September, 1868. It has only one other local station, Cattedown, which place is in Devon. Neottia Nidus-avis, Rich.—Rare. Eight plants, in a wood, at Torr, near Yealmpton, June, 1868. 328 SERTULUM CHINENSE TERTIUM: Orchis conopsea, L.—This is rare near Plymouth, and seems to be very uncommon in Devon generally. It was not known to the authors of the * Flora Devoniensis' as a plant of the county. In June last I noticed about a dozen specimens growing in an elevated part of Caun Plantation, where the Scotch Firs were not thick enough to cause deuse shade, and at least treble that number in a heathy piece of ground on the other side of the stream below the plantation. I have already recorded it from Roborough Down, where it still grows. . Habenaria bifolia, Br.—Several plants in the heathy piece of ground that produced the last species. H. chlorantha, Bab., is rather common about Plymouth, but H. bifolia is rare. On two or three occasions during the past summer I have thought it worth while to look for Arabis petrea, Lam., on Wigvor Down, as this place is given as a station for it in the ‘Flora Devoniensis’ (on the authority of Hudson and a Sir Francis Drake) in the following words :—“ Wigvor Down, near Meavy, between the gully and the gate leading to Greenvil Farm." I found the gully, gate, and farm, but not the Arabis. 4, Portland Villas, Plymouth ; September 17, 1868. SERTULUM CHINENSE TERTIUM: A THIRD DECADE OF NEW CHINESE PLANTS By H. F. Hance, Pu.D., ETC. 921. Xylosma senticosum, n. sp.; suffrutescens, humile, dumosum, caule cortice albido obducto, ramulis castaneis tomentellis, foliis bre- vissime petiolatis glaberrimis supra nitidulis subtus pallidioribus exacte ovatis 6-8 lin. longis acutiusculis margine revolutis parce incumbenti- serratis serraturis obtusis glandulosis, spinis axillaribus rectis gracile acicularibus foliis dimidio brevioribus vel iis nune eequilongis, racemis masculis 5—7-floris foliis brevioribus, bracteis oblongis obtusis subcu- cullatis, sepalis rotundatis margine ciliato excepto glaberrimis sym- ptyxi decussatim oppositis, staminibus cire. 20.— Juxta viam ad sum- mitatem montis Victorie ins. Hongkong ducentem, semel tantum in- veni, m. Augusto 1861 (Exsicc. n. 7437). Mr. Bentham, to whom at the time of its discovery I communicated A THIRD DECADE OF NEW CHINESE PLANTS. 323 a portion of the only specimen I ever obtained of this interesting plant, examined it himself, and suggested its probable genus, an opinion the accuracy of which the character above given will confirm ; he added, however, that the flowers are * apparently hermaphrodite,” which is not the case. Although the female flowers are not known, it is pro- bably a true Xylosma rather than a Hisingera, and I suspect its nearest relationship is with X. suaveolens, Forst., A. Gray's plate of which I have not seen. The leaves are much smaller than in any of the species described by Clos. Lit 2. Abelia Davidii, n. sp. ; frutex ramis oppositis subteretibus cortice cinereo nigro-punctato obductis novellis pallide brunneis albo-strigosis ad ramulorum foliorumque insertionem perularum reliquiis nodoso- incrassatis, foliis lanceolato-oblongis acutis margine integerrimo ciliatis 2-22 poll. longis 2-10 lin. latis basi in petiolum bilinealem attenuatis costa utrinque strigosa supra pilis raris brevibus obsitis subtus glabris atque grosse reticulato-venosis, floribus geminis ramulos hornos termi- nantibus, pedicellis 24-linealibus angulatis tortuosis recurvis corollis ? (in spec. delapsis), achæniis incurvis eymbiformibus longitudinaliter cire. 5-costatis pilis sparsis basi tuberculatis consitis 3 lineas longis laciniis calycis 4-partiti oblongis obtusis uninerviis atque reticulatis preter marginem parce strigilloso-ciliatum glaberrimis ipso achzenio subduplo longioribus coronatis ob pedicellorum retorsionem pendulis. —In montibus altioribus prope Jehol, prov. Chih-li Chine septentrio- nalis, collegit Rev. Armandus David, Franco-gallus, missionarius e Lazaristarum confraternitate. (Exsice. n. 14543. This appears a perfectly distinet species of a genus the members of which are in general very well marked by the | inflorescence and the number and form of the calyx-lobes. (See, however, Miquel’s remarks Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. ii. 268.) So far as I am aware, the only species hitherto described as having a quadrifid calyx is 4. biflora, Turcz., only known to me from the very meagre and insufficient diagnosis copied into Walpers’ Repertorium (ii. 446), where, I suppose by oversight, the corolla is so described, an error corrected by Zuccarini (Fl. Japon. i 77). This species is, however, stated to have lanceolate inciso- serrate leaves. ulx 3. Symplocos (Hopea) propinqua, n. sp.; frutex 6—8-pedalis, foliis coriaceis glaberrimis ovali-oblongis margine revolutis et obsolete denti- culatis apice obtusis basi cuneatis venis subtus prominulis 2-4 poll. 330 SERTULUM CHINENSE TERTIUM: longis 1-14 poll. latis petiolo 3-lineali suffultis, racemis axillaribus simplieibus vel ramosis pilis ferrugineis glandulosis dense velutinis foliis subeequalibus vel dimidio brevioribus, pedicellis velutinis 14-23- linealibus, bracteis velutinis ovato-rotundatis caducis, calycis tubo ob- conico lobis rotundatis oculo armato minutissime ciliolatis.—In colli quodam demisso herbido prope monasterium buddhisticum ad boream urbis Shui-tung, in extremitate prov. Cantoniensis australi, d. 15 Nov. 1866, collegerunt Sampson et Hance. (Exsice. n. 13796.) Very closely allied to S. obtusa, Wall, from which it is only to be distinguished by the rather less coriaceous leaves, with less prominent veins, and by the velvety, frequently compound racemes. In the various forms assumed by 8. obtusa in Ceylon, the racemes are, I be- lieve, always perfectly smooth. ynoctonum insulanum, n. sp. ; ; fasbecaus; vohubile, glaberrimum, Kn e basi truncata vel subcordata hastato- vel subtriangulato-lanceo- latis vel lanceolatis (lobis nempe basilaribus obsoletis) apiculatis petiolo lamina duplo breviore supra pilosulo -suffultis, umbellis 6—12-floris pedunculo petiolo equilongo suffultis, calycis laciniis ovatis, petalis oblongis obtusiusculis corona staminea tenui alba equaliter 10-fida acutiuscula paulo longioribus.—In ins. Hai-nan Martio 1868 collegit clar. R. Swinhoe. (Exsicc. n. 14413.) This plant resembles in foliage Symphyoglossum hastatum, Turcz., but the basal lobes are less developed; the flowers too are twice as small I had regarded it as a Cynanchum (with R. Browu's and Grenier and Godron's character of which it agrees); the staminal . corona, however, is tubular and 10-cleft, with the divisions in a single row, so that it does not fall into that genus, as limited by Decaisne. It is perhaps near Cynoctonum angustifolium, Dene., but I have no critical knowledge of the species. 40 5. Tournefortia (Pittonia) Sampsoni, n. sp.; erecta, ramulis angu- latis hispidulis, foliis breve petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis obtusiuscule acuminatis supra parcissime hirtellis subtus paulo densius hispidis mox utrinque glabratis, pedunculis terminalibus ebracteatis dichotomis his- pidis, floribus sessilibus congestis, calycis hispiduli 5-partiti lobis lan- ceolatis acutis, corolla alba hirtella calyce quinquies longiore lobis bre- vibus rotundatis retusis, staminibus infra medium tubum insertis, stig- mate sessili bilobo. Folia 44-64 poll. longa, incl. petiolo semipolli- cari, 1j poll. lata. Calyx 1 lin. Corolla 5 lin.—In umbrosis inter A THIRD DECADE OF NEW CHINESE PLANTS. 331 rupes porphyriticas ad ingentes cavernas naturales Sai-chii-shan, prov. Cantoniensis, invenit Th. Sampson, Aprili, 1866. (Exsicc. n. 13035.) Allied to 7. Bojeri, A. De Cand., and T. Heyneana, Wall. It differs from the latter by the tube of its longer corolla not being penta- gonal, by the shape of the laciniæ, by its sessile bilobed stigma, etc. The whole plant turns of an ash-grey hue in drying. 3*6. Calamintha (Clinopodium) confinis, n. sp. ; herbacea, diffusa, basi radieans, glabra vel parce pubescens, foliis teneris rhombeis obtusis basi in getiolum limbo zequilongum cuneatis supra medium crenato-serratis, verticillastris densiusculis subglobosis multifloris, bracteis minutis, calyce bilineali pedicello bis longiore tubo basi eequali glaberrimo fauce intus pilosula dentibus brevibus rectiusculis pectinato-ciliatis, corolla rosea leviter tantum exserta.— Ad Sai-chii-shan, prov. Cantoniensis, leg. T. Sampson, m. Aprili, 1866. (Exsicc. n. 13045.) Holds a middle place between C. gracilis, Benth., and C. uinbrosa, Benth. I have endeavoured; in the Paris * Annales des Sciences Natu- relles? (5me. sér. v. p. 235), to point out the salient characteristies of several of the different Clinopodia, which some recent authors have, in my judgment, shown an undue tendency to combine. yor 1. Solanum Hainanense, n. sp.; fruticosum, diffusum, ramis elevato- pluristriatis junioribus stellato-pilosulis maturis glabratis subscabrido- punctulatis, aculeis rectiusculis, foliis deltoideis integris repandis vel utrinque 1-3-lobulatis obtusis basi cuneatis parce in costa aculeatis supra viridibus parce stellato-pilosis demum glabratis subtus tomento denso-stellato cinereo obductis, pedunculis lateralibus v. terminalibus l- 3-nis cum calycibus eyathimorphis 5-dentatis stellato-tomentosis iner- mibus, corollæ 5-partitze laciniis lanceolatis acutis calyce triplo longiori- bus extus passim intus secus nervum medium stellato-pilosis, filamentis brevissimis, antheris zequalibus apice attenuatis petalis paululum bre- vioribus stylum subzequantibus, baccis globosis pisi magnitudine rubris calyce reflexo suffultis.—Ad vias prope Kieng-chau-fi, metropolin in- 8 ai-nan, m. Novembri, 1866, legerunt Sampson et Hance. (Exsiec. n. 13816.) Allied, unless I am mistaken, to 5. hastifolium, Hochst. ! from Kor- dofan. : um a4 8, Buzus stenophylla, n. sp. ; suffrutescens, ramis erectis confertis cortice crasso albo-cinerascente suberoso fungoso-fisso obtectis, foliis sessilibus oblongo-lanceolatis basi sensim angustatis apice acutiusculis 252 SERTULUM CHINENSE TERTIUM : marginibus incrassatis recurvis glaberrimis supra lucidis venis tenuissi- mis parum elevatis subtus opacis 6-8 lineas longis 14-2 lineas latis, floribus dense glomeratis, staminibus calycem paulo superantibus.—In collibus theiferis An-koe, versus fines occidentales prov. Fokien, a. 1861 coll. C. de Grijs. (Exsicc. n. 6683.) On receiving this I distributed it to Kew and elsewhere, with a query, as B. microphylla, S. and Z. ; it is, however, different from the Japanese plant so named by Maximowicz, and I believe has narrower and smaller leaves than any known wild Box. Baillon, who gives scarcely reliable characters, admits B. microphylla as a good species (Monogr. des Buxées, p. 64), whilst J. Mueller, according to Miquel (Ann. Mus. Lugd. Bat. vol. iii. p. 128), regards it as a variety of B. Japonica, Muell. Arg., under which name he separates the B. sempervi- rens, Thunb., from the plant of Linnzus, with wild specimens of which, from the chain of the Atlas, it looks to me identical. I believe, however, that the wild Hongkong plant (B. Chinensis, Link?), as well as that above described, are of specific rank. It is to be hoped that, in his forthcoming monograph, M. Mueller will succeed in cha- racterizing and limiting the species in a more satisfactory manner than has hitherto been accomplished. 34% 9. Ulmus (i Oreoptelea) macrocarpa, n. sp.; ramorum cortice griseo, foliis petiolo brevi supra pubente suffultis 14-14 poll. longis 1} poll. latis basi subinzequali cuneata vel subcordata rhomboideo-subrotundis acuminatis grosse inzequaliter duplicato-serratis marginibus incrassatis supra punctis* albidis asperis consitis subtus parcius pilosulis atque in costularum axillis barbatis, floribus 5—9 fasciculatis, pedicellis perigonio - duplo brevioribus, perigonii campanulati ad medium fere 5-fidi lobis oblongis obtusissimis haud imbricantibus pilosis ferrugineo-ciliatis, staminibus longius exsertis, samarz ovalis vel ovali-oblongee basi ple- rumque inzquilaterze undique pilose ac dense ciliate pollicem longze 9 lineas late disco semiintegro emarginature ale apicibus conniventibus vel decussatis oecluse fundo contiguo, stipite perigonio equilongo.— In montosis prope Jehol, Chine borealis, Maio fructificantem legit Rev,~ A. David. (Exsicc. n. 14538.) Closely allied to U. pedunculata, Foug., U. Americana, Willd., and * Heece tubercula, a Plancone (Ann. Sc. Nat. 3me sér. 10. p. 249) pro pilorum — habita, eum cystolithis Urticacearum typicarum ulterius comparanda sunt, A THIRD DECADE OF NEW CHINESE PLANTS. 339 U. alata, Mx., but very distinct as a species, and well marked by its fewer- flowered fascicles, short pedicels, and the large size of its hair fruit, somewhat exceeding that of the Indian U. (Holoptelea) integri- folia, Roxb. 410. Planera (Abelicea) Davidii, n. sp.; ramis flexuosis lentis (nec fragilibus) cortice brunneo obductis, ramulis floriferis hornis ad latera preteritorum aphyllorum (cujus alter abortu plerumque abbreviatus ad spinam validam deminuitur) 2—3-fasciculatis pilis crispulis pubentibus, foliis petiolo 4—4, lin. supra piloso suffultis oblongis basi subcordatis apice acutis serratis serraturis more dgrimoniarum basi incumbentibus utrinque 8-11 singulis costulam excipientibus undique (novellis etiam immo lente adhibita) glaberrimis supra plus minus conspicue ac sepe nigricanti-punctatis subtus pallidioribus 4-10 lineas longis 2—4 lin. latis, stipulis subscariosis lanceolatis puberulis deciduis pe- tiolos duplo superantibus, floribus (d non visis) fertilibus per totam longitudinem ramulorum dispositis axillaribus 1—4-nis pedicellis angu- latis glabris iis zequilongis suffultis, perigonii rugosi glabri lobis 4 ob- tusissimis ciliatis, disco nullo, staminibus perigonio duplo longioribus antheris magnis basi apiceque locellorum disjunetione emarginatis, achzeniis (juvenilibus bilinealibus tantum visis) sessilibus dimidiato- ovatis tenuiter rugulosis baud nervosis stigmatibus binis papillosis ob- lique coronatis.—In montosis ditionis Pekinensis necnon circa Jehol, unde specimina paulo maturatiora, m. Maio coll. R. P. David, mission- arius apostolicus. (Exsice. n. 14575.) This very interesting species differs from P. Richardi, Mx., and -from Miquel’s recently deseribed P. Japonica by the pedicelled usually fasciculate ¢ flowers, situated in the leaf-axils along the entire length of the branchlets, and destitute of a disk ; and thus strengthens Plan- chon’s view that Spach's Zelkova cannot be separated generically from Planera. I trast M. David may get ripe fruit, which would possibly afford other characters. There is a noteworthy parallelism between the geographical distribution of this genus and Liquidambar, the re- spective species of each being natives, of the area extending between the Caspian, Black and Mediterranean Seas, of the continent of North America, and of the extreme east of Asia and Japan. 334 NEW AND RARE BRITISH FUNGI. [We are indebted to our correspondent Mr. W. G. Smith for the following list of the more interesting species of Fungi amongst those exhibited at the meeting of the Royal Horticultural Society, or collected by the Woolhope Club, referred to in another page of this Journal. ] Agaricus (Amanita) muscarius, L. This species is usually crimson ; a Snes and pure yellow variety was exhibited. A. (Lepiota) holosericeus, Fr. A. single specimen from Staplehurst, Kent, of this species, which has but once before been observed in this country. = (Lepiota) excoriatus, Schæf. A. (Tricholoma) nictitans, Fr., and A. (( Clitocybe) geotropus. Both sent by J. R. Reeves, Esq., F.R.S. A. (Tricholoma) jurtülegitna, Bull., and 4. (Tricholoma) sulfureus, Bull. Both in Dr. Bull’s collection. A, (Pleurotus) subpalmatus, Fr., Lentinus vulpinus, Fr., and Boletus impolitus, Fr. Sent by Mr. W. G. Smith, Polyporus giganteus, Fr., and P. radiatus, Fr. Exhibited by Dr. Bull. i Mr. J. Aubrey Clark, of Street, Somerset, sent two species of Hyd- num of great interest; one, H. zonatum, Fr., a rare fungus, and the other, H. nigrum, Fr., a species quite new to this country, a figure of which, with some other new hymenomycetous fungi, we hope to give in a future number, Dr. Bull also had specimens of Scleroderma Bovista, Fr. Mr. Reeves exhibited an Llaphomyces, with the parasite, Cordiceps ophio- glossoides, Fr., in the process of development; and Lady Dorothy Nevill forwarded the base of a Hazel stem obtained from Rome, where it is used, after being charred, for producing Polyporus corylinus, auri. It may be added as somewhat curious that Agaricus rubescens, P., and Boletus edulis, Bull., two of our best known edible species, were not represented. A. (Tricholoma) sndiiuidho, Fr. Common in the woods round the. Wrekin, Shropshire. Lactarius torminosus, Fr. Common in Holme Lacy Park. Coprinus picaceus, Fr. One specimen in Holme Lacy Park. ~ EARLY SPRING-FLOWERING SPECIES OF SCILLA. 335 Hygrophorus calyptreformis, B. and Br. Plentiful in Holme Lacy Park Strobilomyces strobilaceus, Berk. Two specimens in Haywood orest. i Cynophallus caninus, Fr. One specimen in the woods round the Wrekin, Shropshire. ON THE EARLY SPRING-FLOWERING SPECIES OF SC j nn By M. T. Masters, M.D., F.L.S. [The following descriptive account of some of the greatest orna- ments of our gardens in early spring, is taken from the pages of the ‘Gardeners’ Chronicle.’ Only those species and varieties are mentioned which are of greatest horticultural interest,—precisely those, as often happens, which are most involved as to their synonymy. l. SCILLA BIFOLIA, Linn.; Bot. Mag. t. 146 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 316; Redouté, Lil. t. 254.—Bulb ovoid. Leaves 2-3, spreading, re- curved, linear lance-shaped, channelled, terminating in a short, blunt, cylindrical point. Scape or common flower-stalk as long as or longer than the leaves. Bracts minute. Pedicels spreading, lower ones longer than the upper ones. Flowers 5—6, blue. Segments of the perianth oblong, obtuse, spreading. We take this to be the type, the nearest to the wild form, intended by Linnzus and the older writers. There are in gardens several varieties of it, differing in the size and colour of their flowers, in the period of their blooming, etc. It is a matter of opinion whether or no these should be considered as species. For our own part, we consider them as varieties of one species, for three reasons. First, that they all have certain characters in common, characters of too slight mo- ment to be of value as generie distinctions, but available for specifie purposes. Among them we may mention, as easily appreciable, blunt thickened point to the leaf, but none have it so well marked as S. bifolia, wherein it is sometimes a quarter of an inch in length. All the varieties have this character. Next, the several varieties run one into the other, so that, in the dried condition at 336 EARLY SPRING-FLOWERING SPECIES OF SCILLA. least, it is not possible always to discriminate them. Thirdly, the ex- tensive geographical range of the plant in a wild state (from Russia to Greece) would lead us to expect numerous variations. There are other reasons of a technical nature which would induce us to consider these as all forms of one variable species,—reasons which it is needless to enter into here, the more so as if any one incline to adopt the oppo- site opinion, there is nothing to prevent him from so doing. We take first that variety, the flowers of which expand the earliest, and to which, therefore, the name precoz is well applied. a. Scilla bifolia, var. precoz. — S. precox, Willd. ex Kunth, Enum. iv. p. 316; Sweet, Brit. Flower Garden, v. t. 141 (8) ; Schott, Bot. Zeit. 1851. S. bifolia major, Hort. Osborn. This differs from the type, as before stated, in its earlier expansion ; about London last spring it was in bloom a fortnight earlier than the true S. bifolia. Tt has larger flowers of a deeper blue colour than in the last-named, and the lower flower-stalks are after a time so much lengthened as to form a corymb. Too much stress must not, how- ever, be laid on this character, as all the varieties of S. bifolia more or less possess it. There are specimens in the Kew herbarium from Pallas, collected probably in the Caucasus. No name is attached to the specimen, but there is a memorandum in M. Planchon's hand- writing, ** Scillæ bifoliæ proxima." The plant is not very common in gardens. We have had it ourselves in cultivation for a few years, having received it under the name of S. bifolia.. There is a white- flowered form of this plant in some gardens. b. Scilla bifolia, var. carnea, Kunth, Enum. iv. 316; Bot. Mag. t. 746 This resembles the type in all respects, save that its flowers are of a pale flesh-coloured tint. It seems to be the Hyacinthus steliatus flore rubente of Parkinson, who thus speaks of it :—“ The difference in this from the former (S. bifolia) is onely in the flowers, which are of a faire blush colour, much more eminent then in the others, in all things else e. c. Scilla bifolia, var. rosea.—S. rosea, Lehmann, Index Sem. 1828 ; Linnea, v. 384; Kunth, Enum. iv. 311. S. bifolia, var. y. Taurica, Regel, Gartenflora, 1860, t. 307 (?). This differs from the preceding in the larger size of the flowers, and in the more globose form of the bulb. This last character, however, is EARLY SPRING-FLOWERING SPECIES OF SCILLA. 337 not to be depended on. This plant may be the plant spoken of by Parkinson as “ Hyacinthus stellatus precoz flore suave rubente, the early blush-coloured starry Jacinth,” which, he continues, “is very rare, but very pleasant, his flowers being as large as the first of this last kinde (that above alluded to as S. bifolia, precoz), and somewhat larger than the blush of the other kinde (S. bifolia, carnea) ; the leaves and rootes differ not from the last-recited Jacinth." We believe Regel's var. Taurica is the same plant with blue flowers, but have had no means of confirming or refuting this opinion. d. Scilla bifolia, var. alba, Kunth, Enum. iv. 316. Differs from the type only in its white flowers. Parkinson says of this :—“ The buddes for flowers at the first appeare a little blush, which when they are blowne are white, but yet retaine in them a small shew of that blush colour.” He goes on to say :—“ We have another whose flowers are pure white, and smaller than the other, the leaves whereof are of a pale fresh greene, and somewhat narrower.” This latter is the commoner variation of the two. e. Scilla bifolia, var. candida. We propose this name for a pure white-flowered variety, the flowers of which are as large as those of our S. bifolia, precoz, or of the var. rosea, of which indeed it might be considered as the white-flowered representative, but that it flowers later. It is perhaps the H. stellatus precoz flore albo of Parkinson. 9. SCILLA Srpretca, Andr. Bot. Rep. t. 365 (1804); Kunth, Enum. iv. p. 318; Van Houtte, Flore des Serres, xvi. t. 1677. 8. amoena, Redouté, Lil. t. 130. S. amoena, B. Sibirica, Bot. Mag. 1025 (1807); S. cernua, Redouté, Lil. adnot. ad fol. 298, nec tab. (1809); nec Hoffm. et Link; Regel, * Gartenflora, 1865, p. 322, t. 488. S. azurea, Goldb. ex Kunth, l.c. S. uniflora, Willd. Herb. S. praecox, Donn, Hort. Cantab. (?) mec Wilid.—Bulb roundish, the size of a chestnut, with a dark rind, giving off four or more erect, or somewhat spreading, flat, strap-shaped leaves, slightly thickened at the point ; common flower-stalks one or two, flattened, striated, scarcely so long as the leaves. Flowers 2-4 or even 6, rarely solitary, on short stalks, horizontal or nodding, bell-shaped, ultimately spreading widely, of a pale clear blue colour, rather more intense along the central nerves of each segment of the perianth. : The list of synonyms will show the confusion that has reigned as VOL. VI. [NOVEMBER 1, 1868.] Z 338 EARLY SPRING-FLOWERING SPECIES OF SCILLA. to this beautiful species. Part of this confusion is due to Redouté, who, in 1807, figured our present plant as S. ameena, but after a time (in 1809), finding that he was in error, he named it S. cernua. He does not seem to have been aware that Andrews had in 1804 already figured and described the plant as 8. Sidirica. This latter name, then, clearly has priority. It flowers a little later than S. bifolia, but before S. amena. Some doubts have been entertained as to the correctness of the name 8. Sibirica, it having been stated that the plant does not occur in Siberia. Whether this be so or not we cannot de- termine, but we have seen specimens gathered by Pallas near the river Volga, but in what part of its course is not stated. At any rate, the head-quarters of the species would appear to be in Persia, Asia Minor, about Erzeroum, ete. Varieties with larger flowers than ordinary, and others with solitary blossoms, are represented in herbaria, and we have seen similar illustrations in British gardens; but they are so similar in all other respects to the type that no one can look upon them as any other than trifling variations. a. Scilla Sibirica, var. amenula.—S. amcenula, Bot. Mag. t. 2408. To this form we refer some plants which are smaller than S. Sibirica, with more ovate bulbs and paler flowers. But that the plant is well figured in the Magazine, and is known in at least a few gardens, we should not have deemed it worth while to retain this as a distinet form. 3. SCILLA AMGNA, Linn. ; Redouté, Lil. t. 9985 Bot. Mag. t. 341. — Bulb ovoid or roundish. Leaves numerous, spreading, strap-shaped, acute, 10-12 inches long, + inch wide; midrib prominent on the under surface. Scape erect, shorter than the leaves, compressed, two- edged, striated, purplish above. Flowers 3-6, dark indigo-blue, in a loose two-sided cluster, horizontal when expanded. Pedicels erect, curved at the apex, bluish, 3 to 2 inch long, springing from the axil of a very minute whitish bract. Pes 6-parted, nearly 1 inch across when expanded; segments spreading horizontally or even reflexed, lanceolate, acute, slightly concave at the apex; midrib prominent, inner segments slightly broader. Filaments dilated and whitish at the base, blue above, one-third shorter than perianth; anthers blue. Ovary pale yellow, oblong; style blue A native of Central Europe, the Tyrol, ete., and an old inhabitant of MEER RNT ^ THE EDIBLE TAHITIAN FUNGUS. 339 our gardens. Its flowers are not so nodding as those of the preceding ; they are also flatter, not so bell-shaped, and of a darker blue, while the ovary, as Parkinson’s sharp eyes detected, is of a yellowish-green colour, thus giving to the flowers the appearance of a yellow centre or “eye.” Tt flowers (in the south of England) in April, following close upon $. Sibirica. The species above mentioned have all this character in common, that the bracts at the base of the pedicels are very minute, whereas in S. verna, S. campanulata, S. Italica, and the later-flowering kinds, the bracts are often as long as the pedicels themselves. These species, moreover, are better known, and their synonyms less confused ; hence it is not necessary to allude to them at any further length. THE EDIBLE TAHITIAN FUNGUS. My attention has been directed to a paragraph in the * Journal of Botany,’ Vol. V. (1867) p. 263, relative to a Tahitian fungus under the name of “ Teria iore," or Rat's-ear, said to be a considerable article of commerce with China. As the botanical name of this species was not given, I have been asked to supply the deficiency. I have no doubt whatsoever that the fungus which was sent in a dried state to the Ex- hibition of 1862, from China, by way of Singapore, was the same thing. In the Catalogue of the Indian Department of that Exhibi- tion, under n. 1681, p. 73, I referred it to Hirneola auricula-Jude, since I could see no difference between the specimens sent and our indigenous species of “ Jew’s-ear.” Recently going over the “ Cata- logue des produits des Colonies Françaises envoyés à l Exposition universelle. de Londres de 1862,” at p. 109 I find, from Tahiti, * Champignons dits oreilles de rats, Exidia auricula-Jude, Taria Gioré,” were exhibited. In a note it is stated that this fungus is very common at Tahiti and the neighbouring islands, and is in great esteem in China, to which country it is largely exported. Without hesitation, therefore, I conclude that the fungus alluded to in this Journal was Evidia,—or, as now usually written, Hirneola auricula- Jude, Fries. n M. C. Cooke. 22 340 LIST OF SAMOAN FERNS, COLLECTED AND ARRANGED ACCORDING TO HooKkeEr’s ‘SPECIES Fiticum,’ By Rev. S. PowELL. (Concluded from p. 319.) Suborder 8. Aspidiacee. Didymochlzna polycarpa, 79. Aspidium aristatum, Sw., 42. A. (Sagenia) cicutarium, Sw., 59. Nephrodium Leuzeanum, Hook., 60. N. (Eunephrodium) molle, Desv., 78a. N.(E). Near molle, 78. N. (E.) dissectum, Baker, 81. N. (E.) unitum, Sieb., 43. N. (E.) pteroides, Baker, 115. N. (E.) truncatum, Baker, 3 (E.) decurrens, Baker, 8 N. (E.) subtriphyllum, ee 46. N. (Lastreea) calcaratum, Hook., 90. N. (L.) patens, Desv., 75. N. (L.) funestum, Hook., 59. N. (L.) tistobnid fo; Ph 59). N. (L.) tenericaule, Hook., 58. N. (L.) attenuatum, Prick, 76. N. (L.) inzequilaterum, n. sp., Baker, 114. N. (L.) davallioides, Baker, 88 x: (L.). Near vase 80. N.(L.). Tree-fern, n. sp., 87. z : Nephrolepis (Lastræa) sia £r; 82, 839 N. (L.) obliterata, Brack., 28. N. (L.) tuberosa, Pr., 181. —— nereiformis, Cav. Suborder 9. Polypodiee. Polypodium wee ae eue Hookeri, Brack., 96. P. Samoense, n. sp., Baker, . * I cannot believe that 82 and 83 are the same species. LIST OF SAMOAN FERNS. 341 P. cucullatum, Nees, 105. P. blechnoides, Hook., 94. P. tamariscinum, K/fs., 95 P., n. sp., near alte-scandens, 130. P. (Goniophlebium) serratifolium, Brack., 124. P. (Niphobolus) adnascens, Sw., 1. P. (Phymatodes) accedens, B7., 93. P. (P.) nigrescens, B/., 14. P. (P.) Powellii, n. sp., Dm 135. P. (P.) dilatatum, all., P. (Dipteris) Horsfieldii, mi 113. Suborder 10. Grammitidee. Monogramme Junghuhnii, Hook., 11. Gymnogramme (Eugyma) tartarea, Desv., 21. G. (Telliguea) lanceolata, Sw., 97 Antrophyum* semicostatum, B/., TL. A. angustatum, Brack., 29. 126 Vittaria (Janiopsis) scjtópandrioidies, Baker, 116. V. (J.) Zeylanica, Fée. V. (Euvittaria) rigida, K//s., 12. Suborder 11. and at the same time a dish of the Fistulina hepatica, the “ Liver fungus," o * vegetable beefsteak," by itself was handed round. The yo were cut bu the large one gathered in the morning. The next Agaric to appear was Hydnum repandum, “ the spiked Mushroom,” from Haywood forest. It was stewed a nd broiled, and those members of the m whom, therefore, all dishes were immediately brought fresh and hot, quickly separated the Agarics from their gravy, and found them excellent, and particu- larly the broiled ones, not at all unlike the oysters to which they have been compared. Then followed the Parasol Agaric c, Agaricus procerus, but its de- licious flavour, perhaps the lightest and best of all of them, not excluding the common Mushroom, was drowned in its over-condimented gravy. The Fairy-ring Cham pignon (Marasmius Oreades) appeared then, broiled on toast, after the admirable receipt of Soyer. We give it here in full, for it is the very best receipt for broiling Agarics, or Mushrooms, of every kind. . © Place young fresh Agarics, or Mushrooms, on toast freshly made and. pro- perly divided. Salt, pepper, and place upon each one a small piece of butter (or a little scalded or clotted cream). Put one clove on the toast, then cover with a glass and bake for a quarter of an hour, or broil before a quick fire for twenty minutes. Do not move the glass until it is served up, by which time the vapour will have become condensed and gone into the toast, and when the lass is removed a fine aroma of Mushroom will pervade the table. " (N.B.—A common kitchen basin will answer the purpose of a glass as a cover for baking equally as well, though it is by no means so elegant. A dish of Agaricus prunulus, or Orcella, was served simply stewed. The Agrio had fair play—salt and spice were kept in due abeyance—and “ deli- cious” was the unanimous verdict. This dish never reached a third of the way down the table! Many other Agarics might have been dressed, but it was thought best not 352 BOTANICAL NEWS. to tax too highly the patience of the cook ; and so with the distribution of dried specimens of the Fairy-ring Champignon to all who wished it, the feast of Agarics was over for the day. This excellent Agaric will keep well, when threaded on string and dried and kept dry, through the winter, readily impart- ing its flavour to soups or made dishes as required. er dinner Dr. Bull read a continuation of the “ Illustrations of Edible ear. This was followed by a very entertaining paper by the Rev. J. D. La Touche, on “ Why Funguses should not be eaten,” treating the subject practi- cally, yet in a style which made the paper a model for an after-dinner essay, and supplied material for conversation, in the course of which Dr. Bull suc- cessfully and completely answered the Reverend objector’s difficulties. Mr. W. G. Smith delivered a lecture on the “Spores of Fungi,” and Mr. Edwin Lees read an excellent paper on “ Fairy Rings and the Funguses that inhabit them.” . It is scarcely necessary to add the following note by Dr. Bull, seeing that the caterers for the feast included that gentleman and other devoted fungolo- gical students, but as he gives it, it may be well to add it,— T'Aree days after the feast, pleasurable recollections only remain. . BOTANICAL NEWS. The materials for a second edition of the * Genera of South African Plants,’ by the late Prof. Harvey, having been placed at his request in the hands of his the volume, Prof. Oliver has published the first volume of his * Flora of Tropical Africa.’ In its preparation he has received assistance from Dr. Masters and Messrs. he first volume of Harvey and Sonders’ * Flora Capensis.’ We understand that the ‘Flora of Middlesex,’ by Dr. Trimen and Mr. Dyer, will be speedily sent to press, and may be expected to be published by Mr. Hardwicke early next year. The Rev. J. E. Leefe, editor of the ‘Salictum Britannicum Exsiccatum,’ pro- poses to recommence the i f i both British and foreign, illustrat- ing the genus Salix. kt t 3 Tt is hoped that the first part, containing about twenty- W Fitch, delet Hth. Wy NF à Wie y MSS N W PF LI v j à ; 1 Yy = = T 74 , MSS E^ S09 | Tab. 86. Rete, o oc "o i E, 353 ON HIERACIUM COLLINUM, Fries, A PLANT NEW TO N. By Joun HurroN Barroum, M.D., F.R.S., ETC., (Professor of Botany, Edinburgh University). (PLATE LXXXVI.)* On Saturday, 27th of June, 1868, I took a botanical trip to Selkirk with some of my pupils, and while walking along the sandy banks of the Ettrick, between Selkirk and Philiphaugh, a Mieracium was gathered by my zealous pupil Mr. Mawson, which at once attracted my notice. It was quite distinct from any of the British Mieracia, and it was obviously growing in a wild station. Although, on account of the hot weather of last summer, many of the specimens were in a shrivelled state, still a sufficient number remained in a condition fit for examination. I determined it to be Hieracium collinum, of Fries. I subsequently sent a specimen to Professor Babington, who agreed with me as to the species. The following are the characters of the plant :—Hieracium collinum, Fries, Symbole ad Hist. Hieraciorum, p. 29; viride (raro glau- cescens); caule inferne paucifolio apice cymoso-corymboso furcatove ; foliis lanceolatis linearibusve acuminatis hirsutis, sud¢ws cano-floccosis, infimis lingulatis obtusis; axthela discreta involucrisque e globoso- ovalibus cano-floccosis glandulosoque-hispidis, squamis unicoloribus ob- tusis, siccitate migricantibus.— Pilosella major erecía, Bauh. Pin. p. 262. H.dubium, Fl. Dan. t. 1044 ; Wahlenb. Suec. n. 872 (non Linn.). H. cymosum, var, dubium, Fries, Nov. p. 253. H. collinum, Germ. auctr. pro parte. H. pratense, Ledeb. Fl. Rossica. H. prealtum, var. e. hirsutum, Koch, Synopsis, 3rd ed. p. 3883. H. fallax, Hartman, Skand. Flora, p. 19. : It occurs in Northern Europe, and after H. Pilosella, Liun., and H. Auricula, Linn., it is the most common species in dry mountains throughout the middle and north of Sweden, as far as Lapland, and also in the interior of Norway up to Finmark. It is rare in the moun- tains of Germany. It flowers in June. The root is descending, oblique, and premorse, usually giving off stolons. The stem is hollow, straight, with 1-3 leaves, reddish, with * Read before the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, November 12, 1868. VOL. VI. [DECEMBER 1, 1868. 2A 354 ON HIERACIUM COLLINUM, A PLANT NEW TO BRITAIN. stellate, hoary, glandular pubescence. The primary leaves are obtuse the rest are lanceolate-acute, covered with hairs which are often crowded and give a floccose appearance to the leaves. The heads of flowers are clustered, the peduncles and involucres being densely hoary-floccose and usually glandular. The capitula ovate-oblong at first, and afterwards more or less globose, becoming black by dryness. The scales of the involucre are floceose and hairy. The achenes are small and brownish-black, with a whitish pappus. The species belongs to section “ C. Stirps Hieracii prealti," and to the subdivision * Firidi-canescentia " of Fries's ‘Symbolæ? It is placed near H. prealtum. In its habit, the arrangement of its capi- tula, its dark phyllaries, and its hoary floccose aspect, it differs from the other British species. It may be looked upon therefore as a well- . marked and interesting addition to the British flora. In Smith's * English Flora * (vol. iii. p. 356) there is a species of Hieracium described as H. dubium, L. It is figured in Eng. Bot. i. 2332, and its history is investigated in Smith's * Observations re- specting several British species of Hieracium, published in the Trans- actions of the Linnean Society, vol. ix. p. 226. Smith states it to be H. Auricula, Flora Dan. t. 1111. It is said to have been found in Westmoreland by Hudson, and to have been gathered in Scotland by George Don. It wauts the hairy floccose appearance of H. collinum. Another species, 77. Auricula, L., is mentioned by Smith as having been found by Hudson on Dalehead, near Grassmere, Westmoreland. He gives, as a synonym, H. dubium, Flora Dan. t. 1044, and remarks regarding it, “ the most uncertain plant, perhaps, in our whole British catalogue, whose place in the English Flora depends on Mr. Hud- son's authority alone, for no other person has met with anything in Britain answering to his description." In examining Hudson's descrip- tion as given by Smith, I do not find that it corresponds with H. col- linum. Hooker and Arnott in their * British Flora’ (p. 209) say, ‘ we omit here H. dubium, Huds., not L., as it is quite uncertain what plant was intended; the description given by Woodward in Withering's * Bo. tanical Arrangement" and the figure in Eng. Bot. t. 2332, both of garden specimens, belonging to H. stoloniferum, W. and K., while Smith's description in the * English Flora’ is taken from H. Auricula, L. We also omit H, Auricula, L., said to have been found in West- ahead. adiens A SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. 355 moreland, the description and figure, Eng. Bot. t. 2368, given by Smith, being taken from a Swiss specimen of H. glaciale, Lach. = EXPLANATION OF Prare LXXXVI.; representing Hieracium collinum, Fries, from specimens feet on the banks of - Ettrick, Selkirkshire, and communicated by Professor Balfour. —Fig. 1. The plant, natural size. 2. A flower. 3. Bifid termitistion of a style. 4. A een of the pappus. Figs. 2, 8, and 4 magnified. ihre d a deduc mima Fendi irit ON VARIOUS SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNA- CULAR NAMES. By tHe Rev. Tuomas POWELL, F.L.S. (Concluded from page 347.) Laumomole‘a. The same as “ Momole‘a.” The P eus which, on Manu‘a, is called ** Laupatalaga." See “ Momole'a," p. 359, infra. Lausaato (Acrostichum aureum). Used occasionally as a substitute for Sugar-cane leaves in thatching [as is the case in the Isthmus of Panama.—Ep.], and also as a oe next the stone floors of their houses upon which to spread their m Lautamatama. Same as, but less ng used than— Lautalotalo (Crinum Asiaticum Lautümoa (Musa). The name of the spathe of the Banana or Plantain, Called on Manu'a « Lautumanu," in order to avoid using the word “ Moa,” which is = family name of the king of Manwa. Laututuga. See “Tutug Lauvai. Young taro Tam esculentum, Forst.) sprouts. Lavai. Leaves of Bischofia Javanica are called by this name when used as stuffing for baked pigs, etc. Le’ile’i. The name of some rare the beauty of its fru Leva (Cerbera intr. the natives as poisono Levavao. A tree, with long lanceolate leaves, spotted with yellow. Limu. A small creeping plant sis the Foxglove tribe (Figwort ?). Limu. Seaweed, Riverweed, Mos Limu-aa, Limu alaea, Limu fuafua Limu lauago. Various seaweeds and plants. tree admiréd by the natives for A tree, about 20 feet high, regarded by gps edible species), Limu foe, | 949 356 SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. Limu-aa (Alga). Limu-alaea (Alga). : Limu-ava (d/ga). An edible species. Limu-fuafua (4/ga). An edible species consisting chiefly of air- bladders. Limu-foe (Halophila ovalis). Limu-lauago, Limu-laumei, Limu-lautaliga (Alye@, Padina sp.). Limu-limulimu. Seaweed detached, duckweed (Lemna sp.). Limulupani (Vandellia sp. ?). Lim-su, Limu-taemoa, Limu-tala, Limu-too (Alga). Maafala (Artocarpus incisa). The name of one kind of breadfruit. Leaves comparatively small and not very deeply incised. Fruit small, oblong, hard, many-seeded. Ma‘ali. A large, high tree, from whose trunk exudes a quantity of odoriferous gum, which the natives use for scenting oil. Maanunu. Vide * Mànuu." Máea. See “ Papona.” Magalo (Solanum oleraceum). A plant whose leaves the natives often mix with the taro leaves, in making the native. dish called ** Palusami,” to give it a flavour. Magéle. A small tree, with alternate, stipulate leaves, and a supe- rior, 4-lobed, furfuraceous, gummy, stone fruit. A tree of another kind is known on Manu‘a by this name. Mafatifati. Same as * Laumafatifati," g. v. Mago. A species of Fern, Malafatu (Musa sp.). The name of a species of Banana. Malila. The name of some tree. Malili. A large tree, whose wood resembles Quebec Oak ; it is a good durable wood and very serviceable for boat planks when copper- fastened. t ; Malo, A ternate-leaved, small tree, with a red, stone fruit; diœ- cious. On * Manu'a." Mamae (Musa sp.). The name of a very fine-flavoured indigenous Banana, 3-angled. Mamala, al. Maotamea. A large timber-tree, whose wood is hand- some (light brown) and durable ; but the working of it causes much sneezing, affecting both nose and eyes. Mamaliva. A very high, straight tree. Fit for masts and keels. SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. 357 Manase (Angiopteris evecta). The more common name of this is * Nase," g. v Mániuniu. Another name for the “Sanasana " (Coix lacryma). Maninu, al. Maanunu (Cinchonacea). A small tree, whose leaves or bark are used by the native doctors to prepare a decoction, which is poured into the nostrils in some forms of paralysis ; the operation is called “ Utu i le supa.” Ma'o. The collective name for several trees. Ma’osina (Tiliacea). -A small tree, 8 to 10 feet high; bark light colour; wood whitish. Leaves alternate. Stipules somewhat coria- ceous, broad at the base, taper at the end, so as to be almost triangular. Involucre resembling the stipules. Calyx valvate. Sepals 5, leathery, ash-coloured. Corolla imbricate. Petals 5, alternate with the sepals, broad and rounded at the apex, narrow at the base, white. Stamens hypogynous, minute, numerous, distinct. Stigma leafy, 2-lobed, the aperture between the lobes conspicuous. Ovary sessile, hairy, flattish. Carpels consolidated. Placenta axile. Ovules nume- rous. Mao'sina (sina — white). Another name for the ** Uto'uto," viz. Mussenda frondosa. Ma‘oui (ui, dark). A small tree, with pretty, reddish flowers, of a very different Order from the “ Maosina.”” Macta (Meliacea). A large timber tree. Flowers bell-shaped, odoriferous, white; hang in strings from the branches. Maotamea. Another name for the “ Mamala," g.v. Másáme (Euphorbiacea). Leaves with minute, caducous stipules. Flowers moncecious, solitary. Petals distinct. Stamens fewer than 20. Ovary superior. Carpels consolidated. Placentas in axis. Masoà (Taeca pinnatifida). Masoli (Musa sp.). Mata‘ema. “A chestnut, ‘ifi ' (Inocarpus edulis), left in store till it separates from the skin." (Pratt. in Vocab.) Matalafi (Coffea). A rather large species, whose wood is used to make wedges of, which are called also ** Matalafi.” Matamatamoso (4brus precatorius). Matamo. A tree resembling in appearance the but with leaves much larger. Mati. The collective term for various species 0 * Filimoto,” g. v., f Ficus tinctoria. 358 SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. Mātiʻata (Ficus sp.). A small species of Fig-tree, from the fibres of whose bark fishing-net twine and small cordage are made. Matifanua (Ficus sp. P). « Mativao (Ficus sp. ?). Mautofu (Urena lobata). A pretty, pinkish-white flowered shrub. Leaves lobed, rough, ete. The fibres of its bark were formerly much used, and still are occasionally, for making a fine, dress mat. Mautofu-tai (Triumfetta procumbens). Small, yellow-flowered, pro- cumbent herb. Leaves lobed, rough, fleshy. Fruit a lobed, prickly capsule. Mau'utoga (Commelyna sp.). Two species, blite (C. pacifica, Vahl) and white. Used medicinally by natives of Tonga. i Milo (Thespesia populnea). A large tree, 20—40 feet high. Leaves alternate, heart-shaped, somewhat coriaceous. Stipules very small, deciduous. Calyx double, the inner one, forming an involucre, sur- rounds the fruit, whose epicarp secretes, when cut, a yellow gum much like gamboge. The wood is much valued by the Samoans for keels for their canoes and for paddles. Some of the finest and largest spe- cimens of Niphobolus adnascens grow on these trees. Moegālou (the Hog’s-bed) (Andropogon sp.). The Lemon-grass. Much esteemed by the natives. Moegapepe (the Butterfly’s-bed). A small herb, growing near the sea, upon which the butterflies settle in considerable numbers. Moemoeao. A very pretty little weed (Luphorbiacea ?). Moli (Citrus sp. plur.). Moli-samoa (Citrus vulgaris). This is the name of the Samoan Orange ; it greatly resembles one which I have seen from Madagascar. Its fruit is used by the natives as a substitute for soap. Moli‘aina (Citrus Aurantium). Naturalized. Brought by the mis- sionaries from Tahiti in 1836. Moli-patupatu (C. medica). Introduced at the same time as the foregoing. “ Patupatu " means lumpy, uneven, lobed, etc. Moli-tele (C. Decumana). This thrives well, but has been nearly Ie by the natives, as they do not care for it, and see no use n it. _Moli-tai. A small tree, whose fruit is a drupe, which contains a nice edible kernel. I have met with it only on Savai’i. Moloi'ulu, The catkin of male flowers of the breadfruit-tree. SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES, 859 Momole'a* (Cyrtandra sp. plur.). There are at least three species of Cyrtandra,—all, if I mistake not, called by the above name. l. A shrub from 2-3 feet high. Stems irregularly square, nodose. Leaves opposite, undivided, large, elliptical, dark green. Inflorescence axillary, paniculate. Calyx deeply 5-parted. Sepals nearly equal, deciduous. Corolla straw-coloured, 5-lobed; tube long; limb flat, nearly equally divided, imbricate in zestivation. Stamens 2. Anthers 2-celled, opening longitudinally. Ovary inferior, 2-celled, many- seeded. Style simple. Stigma bifid, flattened, adhering long after the calyx and corolla have fallen off. 2. Similar to the above. 3. A tree, 6-10 feet high. Leaves lanceolate, dark green. Corolla large, white, much more irregular than the above. Fruit much longer. Inflorescence sessile, axillary, clusters of flowers surrounded by bracts. Mosooi (Uvaria odorata). A large tree, straight trunk. Branches in whorls, spreading almost horizontally. Flowers and fruit odoriferous ; the former used by the natives for scenting their oil, the latter a favourite food of the pigeons. Mosooi-i-tai (Loranthus insularum). Mumuta (Graminea). A grass, about 6-8 in. high, with odorife- rous bulbs, much esteemed by the natives for scenting their oil. Muafi (Gossypium sp. plur.). Several kinds of Cotton have been introduced, and thrive exceedingly well. In 1863 I planted a few seeds of the Kidney Cotton in my own garden, with a view to induce some of my students to make plantations of their own. September 16th, the seeds were sown in twenty-one holes, about 3 feet apart, after having been divested of every particle of ‘cotton-fibre, and steeped in ash-water ; on the 21st following (five days after), they were up an inch above ground, and on the 22nd they measured 4—5 in. from root to leaf. They yielded three crops in about twelve months, and by that time some of the stems were 1-2 in. diameter. = = There was on Apolima a very small, stunted, indigenous species of Cotton, a specimen of which I left at Kew with Dr. Hooker in 1866. Namulega (Vitex trifolia). A beautiful lilac-flowered tree. Nau. e name of a bindweed. Nausosolo. A neat-looking, palmate-leaved twiner. * This is called also “ Laumómóle'a," and on Manu'a it is known as “ Lau- patalega.” 360 SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. Niu. The collective term for Palms (Palmee). Niu (Cocos nucifera), of which there are several varieties, viz. :— Niu-‘afa: the long kind esteemed for the length of its fibre, and preferred for making the ‘afa (cinnet). Niualava: the strong-fibred kind. Niui ved Niuui: the dark kind. Niufetepulu : much husk and small nut. Niule’a: a low tree. Nut small. Fruit sweet. Fruits early, so that for years persons may pick the fruit while stand- ing on the ground ; never (?) attains a great height. Niumea. Niupiu. The Fan-palm (Pritchardia pacifica var.?). Niusami. The state of the cocoa-nut when the liquor has an acid taste, and shortly before it is converted into a soft, pulpy mass; it has at this stage somewhat the taste of new ale or beer. Niutetea. A pale-leaved Cocoa-nut tree. : Niuvao. The name of several species of Palms which grow very tall on the highest mountain of Upolu, especially near the mountain lake Lanuto‘o. Niuvao (Ptychosperma sp.?). The specific name of a species of wild Palm which grows nearer the sea than the above, and whose leaves are premorse. Nonu (Morinda citrifolia). Fruit cooked as a delicacy for the sick. Nonufiafié (Eugenia Malaccensis). The varieties are—Nonu-ui, the dark kind; and Nonn-‘ulu, the large kind; Nonuvao (the wild or bush Nonu), a small kind. Nu'anu'a (Nelitris Vitiensis, A. Gray) A very pretty shrub, 6-10 feet high, highly prized by the natives ; indigenous, but scarce. Thrives well only some 500 feet up the mountains. Flowers small, pretty, pink. The leaves, when rubbed, emit a sweet perfume. O'a (Bischoffia Javanica). Trees 20-40 feet high. Dicecious. The fertile trees have ternary leaves on long petioles. The stipules are very distinct on the young leaves, but they drop off so early as to be only found before the leaf is fully developed. Ovary 3-celled; 2 - ovules in each cell, pendulous. Wood red, hard, durable, resists the etc., but splits considerably in the sun. The Samoans scrape the trunk to obtain from it the gummy juice which they use for mixing their pigments, with which they paint their native cloth (siapo). ee dotted, ovate, serrated ; ribs and veins red. Flowers didymous, in axillary spikes; male spikes with large, foliaceous, serrated bracts. SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. 361 Ozogo (Fleurya interrupta). The common Stinging-nettle of the group. Ogogo-sina (Leucas decemdentata). Flowers white and, in general appearance, so like the above as to be called by the same term, and distinguished by its colour, “ sina,” white. It is remarkable that in country places in England a similar comparison is made by the people calling a white-flowered species of this tribe (Lamium album) a nettle. Ola, Olamea, Olapito, Olasina, Olavai (Chinchonacea). Oli. Another name for the “ Fena,” g. v. Olioli (Alsophilu lunulata). Called also “ Paogo," and on Manu'a * Pagóá." Pani. A small tree. Leaves whorled, small, shining, coriaceous, inversely heart-shaped. Petioles erect, long. The juice of this tree is used by the natives for turning their hair brown. Papaono (Lauracea). A large tree. Leaves large, 11 in. by 6 in., oval, emarginate, dotted, exstipulate. Fruit baceate, oval, spice- scented. The natives run a number of these on a string, and wear them for a necklace. Paoga (Alsophila lunulata). The common name of the largest Tree-fern in Samoa (see **Olioli"). Used in the dry state as posts for houses and sheds. Caudex 15-20 feet (I have seen one 40-50 feet), diameter 5—7 in. Stipites 14 feet long ; base 3 in. broad, 2 in. thick; width of fronds 5-6 feet. Circinate head and base of the ` young fronds are covered with large, light beautiful scales, which make a most excellent stuffing for pillow or bed. Pith used formerly, in times of great scarcity, as food, and at other times as a delicacy for the sick. i Paogo (Pandanus odoratissimus). Patafatu (Euphorbiacea). A tree, 10-20 feet. Large stipules. A large, high tree, with roundish leaves ; the largeness of which render it remarkable. Pau. The name of a tree with large, sweetish fruit. Pilita. A creeper. Leaves digitate ; leaflets ovate-lanceolate. Polo. This is the collective name for several Solanaceae. Polo (Solanum sp-). Small, dark fruit. Polo-papalagi (Capsicum sp. plur.). Polo-vao (Solanum sp-)- Flower large, white. Fruit large, globu- lar, red. 362 SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. Popona. A tree, with leaves opposite, a very small, white flower, and drupaceous fruit. Called on Manu’a, ** Măea.” Pua (Gardeniacea). A dark green, spreading tree, 12 feet high. Flowers large, white, fragrant, monopetalous, contorted in æstivation. Pu'a (= Puka) ( Hernandia peltata). A large, spreading tree, 20 feet high. Leaves entire, cordate, subacuminate, peltate, exstipulate, alternate, dark, shining green. Flowers corymbose; the flowers of each corymb arranged in threes within an involucre of 4 bracts, of these three flowers one is pistiliferous and two staminiferous. Calyx 4-lobed. Petals 4. Stamens 3 and 4 or 6, abortive, epigy- nous. Disk 4-lobed. Style curved. Stigma leafy, flesh-coloured. The fruit peculiar, being contained within a large, membranous, or rather fleshy, transparent, globular cup. Canoes are often made by hollowing out the trunk of this tree. uàneva. A twining shrub with opposite ternate leaves, and long Pualulu. A large tree. Wood very hard, used by the natives for making mallets and wooden adzes, called “To‘ipua.” Flowers mo- nopetalous, regular, æstivation imbricate, sweet-scented ; stamens 5, alternate with the lobes of the corolla; stigma 2-cleft, flat ; leaf-like. Fruit 1- or 2-celled, placenta parietal.— Very much like the Puavao. Puapua. See Pua. Puapua (Guettarda speciosa). A tree. Leaves opposite, with in- terpetiolar stipules. Corolla monopetalous. The fruit contains a 6-lobed stone, each lobe consisting of 2 wings; the lobes surround a bony, concave axis, Puapua-lalo-ülu (Labia). A herb. Leaves small, opposite, dotted, crenated, in whorls on a roundish or obsoletely square stem. Flowers lilac, in terminal racemes. Puatiali (Mirabilis Jalappa). A beautiful erimson flower, which opens about 4 P.M. [* Four o'clock ” of the West India colonists.— Ep.] Introduced. Puavao (Fagrea Berteriana). A tree somewhat spreading, 10-20 feet high. Leaves Opposite, entire, roundish (many of them halved), minutely dotted, coriaceous, on short petioles arising from a thickened sheath, which embraces the young stem or common axis, and gives it a subjointed appearance. Calyx arising on a stalk from between two thick sheathing bracts, thick, tubular, 5-lobed, persistent, imbri- f SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. 363 cate in æstivation, the 3 inner lobes overlapping each other’s edges, the 2 outer lobes opposite each other, and separated by the intervening inner lobes. Corolla a long tube, with 5 equal rounded lobes and an imbricate twisted æstivation, deciduous; stamens inserted into the corolla, all in the same line, just below the lobes, and alternating with them. Filaments short, flat, and thick; anthers on a thick, fleshy, triangular connectivum, 2-lobed, one on each side of the inner sides of the connectivum, bursting longitudinally. Fruit fleshy, consisting of two carpels, 1-celled, many-seeded ; placentas parietal, lobed, curving outwards, or, in other words, the edges of the capillary leaves are rolled inwards, —just in the way of the Gentian. Pu‘avai. A large tree. Pulu. The name of a species of Banana; also the name of the husk and fibre of the Cocoa-nut. Pulu, ai. Puluelo (Capparis sp.). A small tree of the Caper tribe. Fruit large. f Pulutai (Euphorbia sp.). A weed, rather pretty, growing on the sea-beach, 6-8 in. high. Leaf larger and smoother than that of another species which has been introduced, and is very common. Pupuiono. A small, dark-leaved tree. Saitamu. A small tree, with hard, durable, heavy, light red wood, used for clubs. Salato (Laportea sp.) “Leaf cordate, but quite smooth," feste Wilkes. Sanasana (Coie lacryma). Called also “ Maniuniu," g. v. Se& (Myrtacea). A large tree. Leaves alternate, stipulate, cordate- acuminate, entire, downy on the under side, smooth and shining on the upper, veins prominent. Fruit an odoriferous, fleshy drupe. Pleasant to the taste. Séasé& (Myrtaceae sp. plur.) Shrubs or small trees, mostly in damp, shady places, the dots so minute as to be scarcely discernible. The corolla has 4 petals imbricate m zstivation, which does not expand, but separates in the form of a cup or dome before the straw-coloured stamens expand. The fruit is an elongated, somewhat curved, fleshy drupe, purple, white, and yellow. . Stone smooth, same shape as the fruit, with a stringy covering beneath the fleshy epicarp. Selesele (Cyperacea). A species with triangular stem, and long slender leaves, with sharp edges. Some of the leaves nearly 1 ft. long. Used for making hats. 364 SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. Sigano (Pandanea). The name of the spadix of flowers of the Fasa, g. v. Sigano (Freycinetia sp.) A climbing plant, with long, narrow (2 in.), . serrated leaves, and aerial roots which are called * i*e i*e," and are used for caning chairs, sofas, fish-cages, etc. Soa'a (Musa uranospatha). The name of the common mountain Plantain, which has an erect spadix. Soaasé, Soaa‘ulu. Varieties of “ Soa/a." So’apine ve? Su’apine. The first is the name on Manua, the other the more general name (Rutacee). Small trees with a strong musky smell. Leaves opposite, on long petioles, ternate, entire, with pellucid dots, base of the petioles subsheathed. Inflorescence axillary and ter- minal, panicled, Calyx small, regular, with 4 triangular lobes and pellucid dots, persistent. Petals 4, dotted, hypogynous, imbricate in estivation. Stamens 4, hypogynous. Filaments dilated at the base, tapering at the apex. Anthers small. Disk hypogynous. Ovary 4-parted, 4-celled. Ovules 2 in each cell, pendulous, each attached to an umbilical cord arising from the inner angle of the base of the cell. Style simple, long, flattened, arising from between the lobes of the ovary. Stigma 2-lobed. Fruit consisting of 4 2-seeded carpels, con- nate, dehiscent, adherent to the calyx. Pericarp filled with reservoirs of aromatic oil. Seeds pendulous, umbilical cord long, attached to the inner angle of the base of the cell. Soi A creeper, with a large, rough, dark-skinned fruit hanging from the stem. The fruit ground, washed, and eaten in times of scarcity. Suni (Drymispermum Burnettianum, Seem.). A small tree growing petioles. Flowers sweet-scented. Calyx tubular, 5-lobed, regular in length, 1 narrower than the others. Stamens 10, in two rows, the upper row of 5 opposite the lobes of the calyx, the lower alternate with them. Ovary superior. Ovules 2 or by abortion only 1, pen- dulous. Fruit drupaceous, red. Sunitai. The name of a plant similar to the above. . Taamu (Alocasia Indica et A. costata ?). There appear to be several kinds. Corms stringy or rather fibrous, and considered by the natives astringent, and consequently of service in diarrhea. Taataaiala. The Rarotongan name of a species of ** Tamole," g. v. SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. 365 Taitaiipo. A tree with opposite exstipulate leaves. Táláfálü (Mieromelum minutum). A small tree. Branches slender, somewhat spreading. Leaves shining, green, alternate, exstipulate, minutely dotted. The stamens appear more hypogynous than peri- gynous; the disk upon which they are inserted, however, has a perigynous appearance ; they are not inserted in the calyx, but both the petals and stamens are inserted upon the disk, which is persistent ; the ovules, 1-2, are pendulous. Ovary like a twisted leaf. Placenta central, its dissepiments appear like twisted leaves, whose outer edges unite with the sides of the ovary, and form several cells. Fruit a berry, filled with contorted green leaves. Epicarp red, very full of oily cists, and beneficial in a skin disease called the “ manemane.” A tincture made from these berries has a peculiar and powerful odour, in a diluted form useful in phthisis ; mixed with water, it assumes a * milky appearance. Talie (Terminalia, sp. pl.). Shrubs and small and large trees. Two or three species or varieties. “ Talieula (the necklace Talie), the kind from which necklaces are made ; Taliefoagia (the Talie that is cracked), “the kind whose fruit is eaten," teste Pratt. The former is probably T. littoralis, the latter T. Catappa. i Tamanu. The timber of this tree is durable, and rather paler than Red Cedar, but very different from that of the tree which goes by the same name in Tahiti (the “ Fetau” of Samoa). - Tamole (Portulaca quadrifida). A pretty yellow-flowered weed, procumbent, creeping. Leaves alternate, dotted. Stipules woolly. Calyx superior, composed of two thin sepals united at the base. Co- rolla monopetalous, but having its 5 lobes slit down to the base, giving it the appearance of a 5-petalled corolla. Stamens epigynous. Ovary inferior, crateriform, crowned by an operculum. tyles 6, con- nate. Stigmas 6, curved downwards. This is called also “ Fiafiatuli.” Tamole (Cinchonacea). Small herbaceous plant 4-9 in. high, erect. Stem square, rounded at the sides, flat front and back. Leaves with largely developed interpetiolar stipules, smooth, entire, minutely dotted. Fruit a 2-celled capsule, many-seeded. This plant is used medicinally by the natives of Tonga in pains of the head and fever. . The Samoans often call it by the name of ** Tamole-vai," which pro- perly belongs to another plant, viz. :— Tamole-vai (Limnophila menthastrum). A swamp plant. Leaves 366 SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. opposite, dotted, emitting when rubbed a very grateful perfume. The lip of the corolla lilac or light purple. Stamens didynamous. Fruit a 2-celled, many-seeded capsule. Used medicinally by the natives. Tanetane. A small herb, dark green, kidney-shaped leaves. Tanitani (Wothopanax Samoense, Seem.) An arboraceous shrub: Leaflets inciso-dentate, minutely dotted, odoriferous. Inflorescence terminal, umbelliferous, brown. Tanitani. A smaller species of the same, introduced from Tonga as an ornamental shrub. Tapaa. The Samoan form of Tobacco, of which many kinds are cultivated. Taptia (Musa sp. indigena). Fruit long, sweet. Tapumatau e¢ Taputo‘i (** matau” and “ toʻi ” both mean a hatchet). A small tree with small opposite pinnate leaves. Wood hard, good for tool-handles, hence its name, ** Hatchet-wood." Tapuna (Loranthacea), also Tupuga. Stems pendent, and curving upwards, Flowers red, erect. Tatanfá (Acacia laurifolia). A tree 15-30 feet. Leaves alternate, concave, 8-ribbed, ovate, exstipulate, shining green. Flowers yellow. Legumes in clusters. Tauanave (Cordia subcordata). Taulo‘u (Solanum repandum). Tausunu. A name given by some to the “ Fueselela ” (Hoya sp.) Tavai (nacardiacea). A valuable timber tree. Leaves unequally pinnate. Flowers regular, minute, 5-petalous. Stamens alternate with the petals of the corolla. Anthers large, opening by slits. Ovary superior, not lobed. Fruit a very small drupe, 1-celled; the stone flattish, shining, blackish, with a hollow cavity, and the embryo situated next the hilum. The birds are very fond of these seeds: Tavatavamanu (Melastoma sp.). A very pretty shrub 2-3 feet high, 5-veined roughish leaves, pinkish-white flowers. Calyx hairy, 6-sepalous. Corolla 5—6-petalous. Stamens 10-12. Pistill. Stamens doubled down in estivation. Fruit a dehiscent blackish capsule. Tavatio. See “ Filitavatio.” Tene. A species of Banana. Teve (Amorphophallus sp.). This is one of the plants referred to in the legend of raising the heavens. The chiefs in Samoa sometimes T SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. 367 sentenced a culprit to bite the stem of this plant, but the culprits sometimes succeeded in deceiving them by putting inside its hollow stem a young Banana leaf in its rolled or twisted state, and biting that instead of the Teve, and then making such grimaces as would indicate that they were severely stung. Teve-manu’a. A variety of the above. Ti (Cordyline terminalis). Of this there are a white- and pink- flowered, and a great number of other varieties. Ti‘ula (Cordyline ferrea). Cultivated and much esteemed, being rather scarce. Used only for aprons for special occasions. Tivao (Cordyline sp., an C. sepiaria, Seem. ?). Wild. Tiatuli (Sida rhombifolia). A small shrub, yellow flower. Called also ** Fanaio." Toa (Casuarina equisetifolia). "The natives are fond of planting this around their graves. It requires a dry sandy soil. The wood is . valued for clubs. i: Togo (Rhizophora sp.). The same as “ Tupu.” Togai (Rutacea). A small odoriferous tree with a straight trunk. Bark brown, speckled with lighter dots or streaks. Branches oppo- site, spreading. Leaves opposite, exstipulate, entire, cordate, mi- nutely dotted, the upper part of the axis flattened. Flowers in axil- lary and terminal panicles. Calyx small, 4-lobed, persistent. Petals 4, hypogynous, white. Stamens 8, hypogynous. Carpels 4, consoli- dated, forming a 4-celled ovary with a pendulous ovule in each cell. Style 1. Fruit 4-celled, 1 seed in each cell. This greatly resembles the ‘‘Su‘apine ;” most likely belongs to the same genus. Used for scenting oil. pus Togovao (Dodonea viscosa, L., var. D. Menziesii). Toi (Alphitonia zizyphoides). In bloom in A ril The heart of the wood of old trees exceedingly durable and beautiful. Yield planks 1-11 feet wide. Trees of very large size are found on Niue (Savage Island). Toitoi-ave'a (Seevola Kenigii, Vahl full of an elastic white pith. Corolla monopetalous, -— d - lobe deeply sublobed. Stigma surroun ed by a ae s sam Ovary inferior. Fruit a drupe, containing a hard stone, an sagen with the lobes of the calyx. The natives make a snapping noise zs the pith ). A shrub. Stem round and 368 SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. Tono. The name of a herb, Totofufula. A kind of “If” (Jnocarpus | edulis), with very large fruit. Tou (Cordia aspera). “Its wood used for cork; its berries for paste," zeste Pratt. umanu. The term used on Manu'a for the spadix of the Banana, to avoid the use of the word “ Moa,” the family name of the king of Manu‘a. Tumoa. The name for the spadix of the Banana on all the islands of Samoa except Manu'a. Sve * Tumanu.” Tupe (Entada scandens). The name of the seeds of this large creeper, which are used in the game of “Lafo” or “Lafoga.” “ Tupe” is the term by which foreign coins are distinguished. In- stead of the bean, the Samoans generally use a die made from a piece of cocoa-nut shell. Tupu, or also Togo (Rhizophoree). l. Rhizophora mucronata. Tree 6-8 feet, rather dense foliage. Young bark brown. Leaves much further apart than in Bruguiera Rheedii, covered on the back with small brown dots. Flowers in small clusters of from 2-5. Calyx monosepalous, valvate in æstiva- tion, 4-lobed. Lobes deeply divided, spreading. Petals 4, opposite the lobes of the calyx. Stamens 8, perigynous. Ovary semi- inferior, 2-celled, containing 4 pendulous ovules. Style short. Stigma This is not so abundant as Bruguiera Rheedii, and grows in deeper water, 2. Bruguiera Rheedii. Trees 6-10 feet high. Young bark green. Flowers single, axillary. Calyx ll-parted, the lobes nearly $ its whole length, valvate in westivation. Petals 11, the edges of each of which are in cestivation united so as to form a sheath, which contains 2 stamens; the edges and tips of the petals are bearded with shortish hairs; each one has also a long hair at the back or external part at the point where the petal slits on expanding. Stamens 22. Ovary 4-celled, with 2 ovules in each of the lateral cells and 1 in each of the transverse ones. Placenta central, Stylelong. Stigma 4-toothed, forming a cross. Fruit long, projecting far out of the centre of calyx, which is persistent and inferior or semi-inferior. In bloom from No- vember to January. The Samoans make much the same use of these trees that the Fijians and Tongans do. They used formerly the bow T ER SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. 369 and arrow. “ Aufana " is the name of the bow, “u” the name of the arrow, and “fana” is to shoot. It is scarcely correct, therefore, to say (‘Flora Vitiensis,' p. 92) that “ the light-skinned Malay Polyne- sians were ignorant of the use of the bow." All the above terms are genuine Samoan. Foreigners use the wood for charco al. Tutuga Tp me ifera). Called also * ‘Laututuga,” “ U’a,” and “Lauu‘a.” * Màünu" is the name given to the young plants. * Tutuga ” is the Ages Samoan term for the plant ; * Lauu'a " is the more modern, having, according to the Rev. Mr. Pratt, of Savai‘i, '* been substituted for * Tutuga' on account of superstitions in connection with fishing." **Lau-tutuga" and “ Lau- uía" are most properly applied to the bark of the plant after it has been beaten out into thin sheets. U'a. See “ Tutuga.” Ufi (Dioscorea sp. plur.) several kinds of Yam, e.g. :—Ufi'ula, Lo‘alo‘a, purple Yam; Ufilei, small sweet kind ; Ufimasoa, a mealy kind; Ufipo'a, a large di Ufisina, the white Yam. Ufi-itoli. A creeping, knotted weed with tuberous roots. Ufi-laau (Manihot palmata, var. Aipi). The sweet Cassava. In- troduced and naturalized. Ufi-pula, Ufi-soi. Kinds of “ Soi," g. v. Uli. Taro sprouts. ; Ulu- (—Kulu) (Artocarpus incisa). This is the collective term for the. different kinds of breadfruit. Care must be taken to give the harsh impulse to the voice in utterance, for without that the word Would mean “head” instead of “Breadirait.” There ate ® great many kinds, for which the natives have separate names, e. Ulu- uea and Ulüea, Ulu-fau, U. maa, U. manu'a, U. Vale or Malulu ; Asina, Aveave, Avetetele; Maopo, fruit large, soft, round; Maafala, fruit small, oblong, hard, many- „seeded ; Mase'e, Puou, Puoufatu ; Vasivasi, leaves deeply pinnatifid. Unoi (Myrtacea). White flowers. ` Usi (Hoodia nue Much esteemed by the € um doubtless strong medicinal properties, which might be used with ad- vantage in fevers, especially ague. Usivao (Evodia Zanthoxylon var., B ternate leaves, Petals 4. Stamens ferior VOL. VI, [DECEMBER 1, 1868. ] Benth.). A small tree with 4. Pistil 1. Ovary partly in- 25 370 SAMOAN PLANTS AND THEIR VERNACULAR NAMES. Usivao. A small tree with yellow striped long lanceolate leaves, amentaceous, moncecious flowers *Uto'*uto, al. Ma‘osina (Mussenda frondosa). Sometimes one is told that its name is “Aloalo.” A small tree or arboraceous shrub. Leaves opposite, stipulate; flowers yellow; tube long, in which the stamens are concealed. Stamens 5. Pistil 1. The white growing on the upper part of the fruit renders this plant conspicuous and attractive. ‘Utu‘utu (Juncus sp.). This rush grows in swamps. *"Uunu (Meryta sp.. A small tree 20-30 feet high, 6-8 in. diameter, no branches, but the leaves growing in a whorl at the top of the tree. Petioles 6-8 in. long. Stipules large and coriaceous. Leaves dark green, lanceolate, entire, very large, 3 ft. 6 in. long, 13 in. at its widest part, 7. e. one foot from the apex, 73 in. wide at one foot from the base. Ribs very prominent, 2 in. apart; midrib round, very prominent, l in. diameter at the base. Inflorescence axillary in capitula of 180—200 flowers, each on peduncles of 12-15 in. long. Calyx coriaceous, slightly 5-lobed, persistent, forming cups projecting above the fruit. Corolla valvate in zestivation, deeply slit into 5 seg- ments as far down as the divergence of the anthers, where it is hairy, the hairs closely surrounding the pistil, and protecting the upper part ofthe ovary. Anthers adnate. Ovary 2-celled. Style nearly as long as the stamens, simple, green. Fruit a capitulum of united ovaries, 2-celled, 2-seeded. Seeds long, stony. ao. The collective term for herbs and shrubs. Vaotuaniu (Pteris quadriaurita). Vi (Spondias dulcis= Evia dulcis). Leaflets serrate, the teeth far apart. Blooms in April. Fruit not so large as some found by Dr. Seemann in Viti. Vivao (Wild-vi).. Leaves pinnate, some of them with an odd leaflet like those of S. dulcis. Fruit small, superior, 4-seeded. Placenta central. Vili vel Vilivili. A large spreading tree with very small flowers. In bloom in June. On Aunuu, near the sea. 371 ON A NEW CHINESE ORCHID. By H. F. Hance, Pu.D., ETO. YW Peristylus Sampson, n. sp. ; tuberidiis oblongis, caule subpedali basi aphyllo vaginato medio folia 3-4 ovato-elliptica acutiuscula basi vagi- nantia gerente, squama unica bracteis conformi paulo infra spicam sita, spica 13-23-pollicari spirali sublaxiflora, bracteis lanceolatis acuminatis bar cequilongis, floribus parvis albidis, sepalis conniventibus obtusis - postico petalis obtusis margine inferiore lobulo auctis latiore lateralibus lis æquilatis, labello etubereulato trifido lobis oblongis obtusis laterali- bus abbreviatis angustis recurvis intermedio iis triplo latiore ac duplo longiore, caleare minuto viridulo scrotiformi truncato, antherarum loculis parallelis, rostello trilobo lobo medio minore, gynostemio utrinque sta- minodio magno glanduloso auriculato. Ad cacumina herbida montium Pak-wan, supra Cantonem, ineunte Maio 1868, detexit cl. Sampson (Exsice. n. 14493 Closely allied to P. spiralis, A. Rich., but differs from that, and apparently from every described species, in the form of the labellum. In general aspect it has much resemblance to the Hongkong P. chlo- ranthus, Lindl. (— Habenaria lacertifera, Benth.), which, however, has narrower and radical leaves, the stem clothed with long scales, linear and nearly equal labellum-lobes, and an acutish spur. I merely follow the usually accepted nomenclature in referring this Orchid to Peristylus, with the Asiatic species of which it is undoubtedly congenerie; but I would willingly place it in some larger group, did I know how these can be safely and naturally limited. Blume (Mus. Lugd.-Bat. ii. 188) has endeavoured to define the genus more strictly, and refers to it all Lindley's Celoglossa ; whilst Mr. Bentham, in the * Flora Hongkongensis,’ has reduced Platanthera, Peristylus, and Cælo- glossum to Habenaria, I dare say with very good reason. So far as P. viridis is concerned, he had been anticipated by the younger Esen- beck, in the Genera Pl. Florz Germaniez. Cæloglossum is admitted by Prof. Reichenbach fil., but whether he recognizes Peristylus at all, and if so, within what limits, I cannot say. The two British species referred by Lindley, Bertoloni, Ledebour, etc., to Peristylus, have been thus distributed by modern botanists. P. atBipus.—Gymaadenia, Nees jun., Fries, Nyman, VAL 2 B 372 NOTE ON ELÆAGNUS GONYANTHES. Rchb. fil., Koch, Visiani. Habenaria, Rob. Brown, Hooker and Arnott. Orchis, Grenier.* Bicchia, Parlatore.t P. VIRIDIS.— Platanthera, Rchb. fil. Habenaria, Rob. Brown, Nees jun., Babington, Hooker and Arnott. Cæloglossum, Hartmann, Fries, Nyman, Koch, Parlatore. Orchis, Grenier,* Willkomm. Gym- nadenia, Cosson and Germain And, according to Bentham, Lindley’s P. chloranthus is identical with his previously described Cæloglossum lacertiferum, so that the un- satisfactory state of the Ophrydeous genera is very evident. They all need careful revision, and no doubt great reduction, the limits of each requiring to be carefully determined from an examination of all the species, exotic as well as European. It is on this account that I have drawn up a longer diagnosis than usual for the Chinese plant. I can- not detect in it, after careful dissection of living specimens, the appendix . of the outer anther-valve to which Blume alludes, and appears to regard as of consequence ;. nor can I make out that he represents such a struc- ture in his figure of P. grandis (tabellen xxx.) ; but I have no ex- planatory text to these very rare illustrations. NOTE ON ZLAZAGNUS GONYANTHES, Benth. By H. F. Hance, Pa.D. In this plant, which grows abundantly in thickets of the rocky islet in Macao harbour, called ‘ Ilha verde,’ and elsewhere near that settle- ment, I ze a peculiar carpical structure, worth recording. The escent, carnose, perigone-tube, covering the fruit, is most densely poer inside with a close, long, white, silky cotton, matted together into a tough, pannose texture, so that it resembles the cocoons of ‘Shepherd-spiders,’ rather than anything else to which I can com- pare it. This web has not the slightest attachment to the putamen, which in this species is subcoriaceous, not osseous, or might, indeed, perhaps, better be called membranaceous, though thicker than the peri- * Lindley is quoted by this atier (Fl. de mee iii. 208) as referring these species latanthera, the vts of his Gen. and Sp. Orchid., where they are distinctly placed under Peris us, being exact: given See his observations on Poritiglas (FI. Ital. ui. 396). MON(GCISM IN LUZULA CAMPESTRIS. 378 carp.* Whether this curious and most conspicuous indumentum occurs in other species of the genus, I do not know ; as, with this exception, not one of the species (about 14 in number) in my herbarium, has good fruit; but I cannot find the least allusion to it in any work I have consulted. These fine plants, very difficult so far as concerns the limitation of species, are much in need of a thorough re-examination, Schlechtendal’s monograph in the * Prodromus ° being very mediocre. HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES NOT INDIGENOUS IN IRELAND By A. G. More. I am sorry to find that I was mistaken in announcing Hippophae rhamnoides as a native of Ireland (* Journal of Botany,’ August, 1868 p. 255). From information just received through Miss Farmar, I learn that the Sea Buckthorn was first planted on the sandhills at Kiltennel and Courtown by the father of the present Earl of Courtown, about thirty years ago, and since that time the planting has been continued by the present Earl,—few years passing without some addition being made. It is interesting to observe in how short a time the Hippophae has become completely naturalized. The present instance may serve also as a caution against deciding too hastily in favour of any plant being indigenous, even when it presents every appearance of being perfectly Glasnevin, November 7th, 1868. MON(GECISM IN LUZULA CAMPESTRIS. By Tuomas MEEHAN. The recent discovery that many plants structurally hermaphrodite * I have adopted for convenience (I i not know the development crag a peng inet P omenslaturé Ps "sm rs in interpretation of the parts d Endlich = Sin rpe this gehts rit Ihave v boni able to examine fruiting specimens of itten, E. macrophylla, Thbg., gathered byt " late Mr. Oldham, in which I find a adc structure to that described ab 374 NEW PUBLICATIONS. are practically monacious or diccious, in consequence of the flower being so arranged as to prevent self-impregnation, is so interesting that every additional fact bearing on the subject has a value. Luzula campestris, De Cand., adds another to the list. The three stigmas are protruded through the apex of the flower-bud some days before the sepals open and expose the anthers. In the specimens I marked for observations, six days elapsed before the flower opened, after the pistils had been protruded to be operated on by the pollen of other flowers. This was in a cloudy week, and probably the exact time might vary with the weather. In all cases the stigmas wither away before the flower opens. After fertilization the stigmas generally twist around one another ; and after the anthers have shed their pollen, they twist in the same way, withering up in a very short time. An interesting fact in Luzula is the slight adhesion at the articulation of the subpedicels with the main flower-stalk,—the gentlest force being sufficient to draw them out of their sheaths. It is perhaps owing to this weakness that the pedicels are often drooping when in fruit.—Proceedings of the Acad. of Nat. Sc., Philadelphia, 1868, p. 156. NEW PUBLICATIONS. Compendium of the Cybele Britannica ; or, British Plants in their Geo- graphical Relations. By Hewerr CorrTRELL Watson. Part First. Thames Ditton : Printed for Private Distribution. 1868. (Pp. 200.) We welcome this, the first part of an important addition to British botanical literature. The well-known book of which it is an abridg- ment is in the hands of most of those who take an interest in the topography of our native plants; but, however valuable, it is an eavkward book to consult, in consequence of its bulk, and of the nume- rous additions to previous volumes in volume three, and in the * Sup- plement’ printed in 1860. The circumstances under which the new work is issued are these: Though the printing of it was commenced in January, 1868, other botanical employment unexpectedly prevented the author from completing the manuscript. He has now judged it NEW PUBLICATIONS. 375 advisable to print off 200 pages as a first part, hoping to be able next year to send out a second part, and a third in 1870. The whole is to be ultimately published “in the usual way." The nature of the book is best expressed in its author’s words ; it is “a corrected condensation of the original work,” that is, it is almost rewritten, and replaces altogether the first three volumes of the old ‘Cybele’ and the ‘Supplement,’ whilst the fourth volume of that work remains as a second volume to the * Compendium.’ “ Introductory explanations” occupy seventy-eight pages, and re- late to the divisions of Great Britain and the zones of climate, illus- trated by a map, and to the “types " of distribution, and claims to nativity of British species. In the main, all this is the same as that given in the original work, but it has been much condensed and sim- plified, and is a clear and terse exposition of the subjects treated of ; the explanation of the “‘ types ” has been much improved ; and we are also glad to see the introduction of a useful term, ** casual,” for ex- pressing a chance straggler from cultivation. In pages 43-59 Mr. Watson has thought fit to go into the Darwinian theory at some length; he shows with considerable force that the process called “natural selection” can never originate either varieties or species, though it may conserve them; and he also brings out more clearly an idea hinted at in the ‘ Supplement,’ p. 32, that the convergence of the characters of nearly-allied species should be allowed more weight in attempting to account for the production of varieties. This is a sug- gestive notion, though somewhat difficult to lay hold of, and seems deserving of attentive study and consideration. Only the “natives” and the “ denizens ” and “ colonists ” are to be included in the two first parts; the “ aliens,” “ casuals,” extinct species, and plants erroneously recorded, as well as all the recent segregate species, the distribution of which is as yet imperfectly ascer- tained, will be treated of in an appendix or general commentary, which will, it may be supposed, form part three. We hope that the exotic distribution of the introduced species will be shown as fully as in the case of the natives. With the important exceptions just men- tioned, the present part contains the species of the ‘ London Catalogue of British Plants’ (ed. 6) as far as Linnea borealis, i. e. 487 species. 'The number prefixed to Linnea is 511; but the remarks on this sub- ject we had occasion to make when noticing the * London Catalogue ° 376 NEW PUBLICATIONS. (Journ. Bot. v. pp. 217-219) in great measure hold good with refer- ence to the present list. It is, indeed, very difficult to see what pur- pose is served by the numbers in the ‘Compendium.’ Each species is treated in accordance with a fixed formula, to the explanation of which pages 62-78 of the introductory portion are evoted. It consists of seven lines, the first four of which relate to the distribution of the plant in Great Britain, and the remaining three to that throughout Europe and other extratropical parts of the northern hemisphere. "The “census” at the beginning of the fourth line giving the number of provinces, subprovinces, and counties (including vice- counties), in which the plant has been satisfactorily determined to be a native, must give a very just estimate of the real frequency of each species. It, is followed by a “census” for Ireland, founded on the recently-published ‘Cybele Hibernica? of Messrs. Moore and More. The exotic distribution does not, says the author, pretend to be com- plete; from various causes such completeness is almost impossible. We may, however, feel sure that in this, as in most work of Mr. Wat- son, the sins are chiefly those of omission, and the errors are few; in any case, it is far more complete than ayes else of the sort in existence. In this immense collection of recorded facts there is nothing that calls for special critical notice, but we cannot allow a remark on page 60 to pass without a protest. Mr. Watson says,—‘ Our truly reliable records scarcely extend back one century. Really careful ob- servations and reasonings on the nativity of species can scarcely be dated back half a century." He proceeds to say that, “even at the present day, the records made by a large number of the locality-re- porters are too often unreliable” from various causes. To the latter statement we must give a regretful acquiescence, though we believe that greater accuracy now exists than was the case twenty or thirty years back, an improvement due in great measure to Mr. Watson’s writings. But, as to the former quotation, every botanist who has really worked at the old books and herbaria,—and with them we fear Mr. Watson can scarcely be reckoned,—will give it an emphatic contradiction. No modern botanist’s records are more “ truly reliable” than those of Ray, Dale, Doody, Buddle, and others in the seventeenth century, and those of l, Johnson, and Parkinson in the sixteenth are probably equally so, though less easily verified. The errors with which these NEW PUBLICATIONS. 377 old botanists are credited are far more often those of some modern, who has not taken the trouble to determine the species intended, or, perhaps, even to quote correctly. This is not the place to go into details, but it would be easy to give many examples. ‘Those, of course, who go to ‘‘ local guide books, county histories, and such-like publications " alone for antiquarian botany will meet with innumerable errors. We can say without hesitation, that if British botanists would study the ante- Linnzean authors more than they do, they would obtain much important information both on the distinguishing characters and the nativity of species. It is almost fault-finding to notice a slight omission in so compen- dious a book, but we think the name Davuria (often found in line 6 of the formula) required definition as a region little known to the ge- nerality.of persons; and we should have scarcely considered that even Mr. Watson's low estimate of ratiocinative capacity in British bota- nists would have necessitated his informing them that “the non- Europes plants found in Greenland and America are non-British also.” (P. 76.) These are small blemishes in an excellent and useful work, which we hope to see finished in good time ; but we would sug- gest to Mr. Watson not to introduce into English literature any more such words as ** penni-facture " and “ puelline. Flora Europea Algarum Aque Dulcis et Submarine. Auctore L. Rabenhorst. Sect. I. Diatomacee, pp. 359. Sect. II. Phyco- chromacee, pp. 319. Sect. ILI. Ciliropbyllophycos, Melanophyceze, et Rhodophycez, pp. 461. Leipzig, 1864-68. London: Nutt. Jóurnals of botany are seldom, from a commercial point of view, * good. properties,” even when they seek by variety to meet the wants of students in all departments of the science. It is somewhat humi- liating' that so many promising periodieals have been doomed to a short life full of struggles, and that many even of the oldest and most important journals are known to be kept up more by the energy and devotion of their editors than by the patronage of the botanical world. It was under these cireumstances a bold venture when Dr. Rabenhorst, iu 1852, originated a journal devoted to a section of Systematie Bo- cus and that section not having much favour among scientific students. ‘Hedwigia’ has however been a success. For sixteen years it 378 NEW PUBLICATIONS. has been ably conducted, and has proved a very useful source of in- formation to, and medium of intercommunication among cryptogamic botanists, and it is yearly becoming more useful and important. Years before the * Hedwigia" was established, its editor had been engaged in a not less important work for the same class of students— the publication of specimens of European cellular eryptogams. By the help of a large number of correspondents scattered over Europe, some of whom are well-known British naturalists, he has succeeded in supplying the herbaria of his subscribers with carefully named speci- mens of a very large proportion of the cryptogamic plants of Europe. It must be evident to those consulting these valuable publications that while Dr. Rabenhorst performed his work as editor with great care in reference to all the Orders, he is specially interested in the dige. And as the result of this devotion we have the Flora, the title of which is prefixed to this notice, just completed. In this work he brings together all the experience and observations which these labours, in which he has for so many years been engaged, has supplied. The result is a valuable critical exposition of the fresh and brackish water Alga, which must be in the hands of every student of this Order of plants. As algologists too frequently confine their attention to the marine species, this work is all the more important. It fills a deside- ratum in the flora of Britain, as it does in that of Europe. Since Hassall published his ‘ Freshwater Algze,’ nothing has appeared in this country dealing systematically with these plants. That work is now not only out of print, but also quite out of date. Dr. Rabenhorst in- troduces in this, as he had already done in his * Cryptogamic Flora of Saxony,’ a woodcut of each genus, which will prove of great assistance to the student in appreciating readily the characters on which the genera are founded. Monographie der Gattung Silene. By Dr. P. Rohrbach. Pp. 249. With Two Plates of Seeds. Leipzig: 1868. This is an admirable and exhaustive monograph of the genus Silene. An introduction of sixty-one pages is devoted to the morphological and structural description of the genus, and to an exposition of its position in the Natural Order. The following is the author's synopsis of the genera of Lychnidew, as far as regards the representatives of the tribe in the * British Flora’ :— NEW PUBLICATIONS. 379 I. Fructus capsula a. Fructus isomerus, bana sepalis alternis. . . . Agrostemma. b. Fructus oligomerus, vel, si isomerus ridia. car- R Capsula unilocularis. * Capsula simplici stigmatum numero dehiscens Lychnis. * Capsula duplici stigmatum numero dehiscens. sare dorso biseriatim cristata . . ^. . Heliosperma. a tuberculata . . . . . . . . Melandryum. B. Capsula basi plurilocularis. Capsula duplici stigmatum dehi Silene. Capsula pens Vocis numero Baasa Viscaria. II. Fructus baccatus . 3 i RT Cucubalus. In the systematic portion of the work 288 species of the restricted genus are described. Dr. Rohrbach has avoided the two extremes either of uniting sol distinet forms, or of establishing species on unimportant and inconstant characters; and, what is very rare in the execution of so extensive and critical a monograph, he has carefully wrought up the materials already published, and so successfully referred all the specimens he has examined to establish species, that we find his name appended to less than ten out of nearly 300 species described. Having given the divisions of Lychnidee as bearing on British botany, we will here extract the classification and nomenclature adopted by the monographer for the British species. - He excludes two of our species from his restricted genus, viz. S. noctiflora, L= Melandryum noctiflorum, Fries, and 8. alpestris, Jacq.=Heliosperma alpestre, Reichb. ‘The remaining species are given as follows :— Suvsarwvs I. BEHEN. ABstivatio — imbrieativa. Calyx fere semper ampliatus, 10- vel 20- neryius, nervis a venosis raro tantum superne bifurcatim conjunctis. Species iy renn 1. aes With 2. " Dus balus, Wib. Prim. Werth. p. 241 (1799). S. inflata, Sm. Fi. Brit. p. 467 (1800). Susernvs II. SILENE. ZEstivatio petalorum alternatim contorta. Calyx aut 10-nervius, evenius vel nervis anastomosantibus, aut 20- 30- vel 60-nervius, nervis haud anastomo- santibus . Conosilene. Calyx 30-nervius evenius, fructifer e basi ampliata ad apicem versus attenua- tus. erbee annus 8. S. conica, L. 380 NEW PUBLICATIONS. 2. Eusilene Calyx 10-nervius, evenius vel nervis anastomosantibus. Sect. I. Cincinnosilene. Flores in cincinnis simplicibus, breviter vel raro longe pedicellati vel sub- sessiles. 4. S. Gallica, L. Forma pug calyx pili adpressi, quim erecti vel me . Ang a, Reichb. Ic. Germ. 273! non Fl. Exc. nec L. Forma ramosior minus eae ir cies E S. We a, L. Sp. Pl. i. 416, non Reichb.; Curtis, Fl. Lond. ii. ; ur Bot. t 1178! dan xe macula ee limbo albido. S. pig tectis L. Sp. Pl. i. 416; Eng. Bot. t. 86! Reichb. Ic. Germ. t. 272! Sect. II. Dichasiosilene Flores in dichasio plus minus composito, dichasii_ ramis sequalibus vel in- squalibus, ramo altero in speciebus paueis in florem unum reducto, aut in speciebus perennibus caulis uni- vel bi-florus. Series 4. Nanosilene. Species nans uniflore ; calyx campanulatus ; stigmata 3. 5. S. acaulis, L. Series 7. Compacta. Species annus biennes vel raro perennes; flores in dichasio capituliformi brevissime pedicellati ; i ee nervis apice bifardatin conjunctis; petala integra vel emarginata ; stigmata 6. S. Armeria, L. Sect. III. Botryosilene Herbs perennes suffruticesve. Flores in racemo o simpli vel composito, racemi ramis aut brevibus paucifloris aut elongatis iterum racemosis vel cymu- liferis vel, omnibus cymarum internodiis abbreviatis, rertitllasteifarie, inter- dum axis primaris intra tatam internodiis contraetis flores capitul formantes ;—raro abortu caulis tri- vel uniflorus Series 5. Otitee. in racemis simplicibus vel compositis yerticillastriferis; pedicelli ima basi binis prophyllis prediti. 7. S. Otites, Sm. Var. a. genuina.—S. Otites, Sm. Fl. Brit. ii. 298; Eng. Bot. 85! Series 8. Nutantes. Flores nutantes. Ungues et filamenta glabra. . 8. S. nutans, L. Series 9. Italice. Flores erecti. Ungues ciliatuli; filamenta glabra. 9. S. Italica, Pers. 381 INDEX. ——— pium biflora, 329; Davidii, 329 rus Cantoniensis, 112; ; precatorius, Amd laurifolia, 366. ndu bg MT Actinophyllum Adian zi acie 269; Capillus- nis, 269; Cap 8, illus- A 285 ; unulatum, 318. -Adina ens Africa. Tropical Fiora of, 289. Afzelia bijuga, 84 64; Kavaiense, 140, 141. Facies capistrat 35; capnoides, 35; narius, (Plate LXXV.) 35; gineus, 334; excoriatus, 334; tropus, 334 ; holosericeus, 334 'veianus, ; 8, 334; nictitans, 334; rubescens, = ; sculpturatus, 334 bpal- atus, 334; sulfureus p ’ Journey in Brazil noticed, 94. Agrostemma, 379. rostis Spica venti, 7 nti, 267. Ajuga Cham:epitys, 265. Albizzia anthelmintica i Alectra Indica, 243. Aleurites Molueoana, 346. Allium cari fae gerunt 318. yore jn costata, 364; Indica, 364. zizyphoides, 367. iuh hd gem ulata, 317, 361; teniana, oe ta, 3 317. Anchusa sempe — iet Plants x ab. irii, 250 ; scapiflorum, mcr gio bes Er Angiopteris evecta, 341, 357. Anisomeles ovata, Anthemis Cotula, a sacred plant, 219. yos ie leptopus, 222. Antirrhinum Orontium, 243. Antrophyum angustata 341; planta- micostatum, 341; Aquilegia vulgaris, 259 Arabis petra, 328. Aralia, 133; arborea, 141; e lata, 141; Chinensis, 133; Plan choniaha, 133; Decaisneana, 133; ndschurica, 134; elata, 134; canescens, 134; edulis, 134; Ca- chemeri 134; nM 134; [o 134 134 ; Fin laysoniana, 134; cissifolin 134; nudicaulis, 134; r sa, 35: hisp 135; humilis, d 5; pu- per a ol Arcehour Ww. ©, "Flora of Scan- — "d. A. Walker, Obituary of, Pome incisa, 356. Arum esculentum, 355. ina Asperugo procum ns, 2 Á———— a aristatum, 340 ; atann, kapana adulterinum, 128; arbo- 319; cuneatum, 319; de- mul l : 347; Powellii, 319; resec Ses, 20; sylvaticum, 319; e ride, 268. 382 Astrotricha, 162, 163; floccosa, 163; ledifolia, 163; longifolia, 163; pterocarpa, a, 162 Atriplex arenaria. A Belladonna, 264 e Australia, 'Trees of, 215. Avena fatua, a sacred plant, 219. werent ES e; Santos: ,on n Viola arenaria, 127. vor e C., god of Germany, 63, Baker, d Gs rns, n on Bupleurum ERN of all known oticed, 191; reviewed, aon: Flora “of Northumberland rimen, NE. of the eb n Exchange Club. yc 140 eet Hs n Hieracium col- re a plant xe to Britain, 353. Ballota ru ER Sir J., Tablet to his Memory, Barringtonia nia speciosa, epi Bennett Variation of Colo in the Fiva of Tacos Pena sissima, Curious Epiphytes from Cape ru 50. ————— LR E trees of New Serie Bites es, 92. —————— nghinia veneniflua, s Oel g pre oer of Mada- isc hoffia Jav vanica, PE 360. Blechnum orientale, Bloxam, R _ 348. Blumea amethystina, 173. Bolax flocci cipes, 163; "ledifolius, 1 63. 319. A on a new British inus, (Plate Bolivi aste Calisaya-produ distri cts of, m ya E Bonna ya brachiata, 24 grs onia serrulata, ito flowers on, Bota nical Society of Edinburgh, 60, 94, 160, 192. id 9h Botryopanax, 140; Borbonicum, 140. Brassaia, 164. INDEX. Brassaiopsis, 140, Met ricinifolia, 140 Briggs, T. R. A., n Ononis reclinata, 58 ; Notes on nae Plymouth Plants, 205, 3 British rubies President’s Ad- dress, British "Seaweeds, by 8. O. Gray, 31. en, J., Additions to Flora of ucks, 74. Broussonetia papyrifera, 369. Brown, R., Second esc d of his Mudo Works spu — 94. Brown, e Jus ction of Greenland Plants, S he Discoloration of the ern Seas, 76. Siückonehanisbire Additions to the Buddleia Asiatica, sed ae 245; e Ar e ey 229; Martii, 228, 245; mda, 2 uec. istatum um Sussex, by C. C. B ohien g Buxus stenophylla, 331. Calamintha Clinopodium, 235; con- oficial var. Briggsii, a, 235. Ceuta: Botan Gardens injured by a Cyclone, 32. Galop Tea inophyllum Calvert, H. H., On Bar ee Albizzia 2; plants yielding, 22. ris hastigera, 296; Swinhoii Caracas, Plants cce y: or natu- valine i in, by A. Abu Ber Society of, 60. = e impatiens, 259; paradoxa, 1; sarmentosa, 278. Card sre 95; eriophorus, Carex = Sampson, = Carica Papaya, tees zeli ios. F ii HE a LE I Cere era grandiflora, 285. INDEX. Cerbera lactaria, 35 € E merata, 15. imbricata, 73 ; à, 14. duran Teptostchya d Cheirodendro: Chenopodium ord d its eee et bo Dicen 266; glau 6; urbicu Cinch of re oe 128, 155. itrus Auran WE 358; decumana, 358; medica, ; vulgaris, 358. larke, s On the. — of Va- es b Clarke, C. B., Rept E "ibe Review of his List of Andover Plants, 215. Col Colebroclia oppositifolia, 23 Collins, J th A Commelyna tuberosa, 250. o M. C., The edible Tahitian Cooke, Fungus, 3 Coprinus picaceus, Cordia 85 uc Seen ug 366. 33. Cantisepeo 1 Se ides, 334. Cordyline fare 7 367; sepiaria, 367; 367. Corispermum ison om 47.: Couma, Caoutchouc — — of, 9. lor us trilobus, 49 am, Dr. = 0., Letter from sh 19. siaca, 348. eere 163; Bojeri, 142. Jusso; C rathéit Teucolepis 317. Cyb ele ec ca, Compendium of review Cy ac da hederifolium, 264. c ovalifolium, Caoutchouc Cyn octonum insulatum, 3 Cynoglossum montanum, i 383 Cynophallus caninus, 334. Cyperus longus, 59. Daphne mer pris. 07. n Theory, sue claimed p^ are Species axe by a a Gra due sd the Uni view of, 29. kaim ee Pres suede ; 92. Daval amipyleura, Ao. ‘at E 318 ; heter ylla, ignei se 318; polyenes, 318; pulchella, 318 ; triquetra, 318. ew vol. xvi. De und des cp rodr part 2, published, 2 De Candolle, Cas., Notice of his Me- moir on the Struct cture of the Leaf, 0. Delphinium bs 192; anthri- um, 2 ax, 164; cuneifolium, 140 141; Snob rui , 140; sam mydi- folium, 140, 141; tomentosum, 140. Diamonds, Alga-like structure in, 191. Dianthus deltoides, 260. icksonia Berteroana, 317; dubia, eu end carpa, acf iyiphyt- sophyllum, 131; um, 32; Gardneri, 132; glabratum, 132; lucumoides, 131; um, 132; marginatum, 131; Moroto- toni, 13 3 arvi n 1; Poep- pigii, 132; seri , 132; splen- rice dens, 132; Pac eg 131; Spru- ceanum, 132. gitalis grandiflora Diccious forms of Vitis dax. 128, Dives: 130 Xia Manni, 130, 141. Discaria Toum: : Dodonza Mansions, 387 viscosa, Doody, he a a Doin P Pteridis. s T. W. Gissing, Dracoeophalum heterophyllum, 239 ; Moldav dosnt Se speciosum, 239; staminum, 384 Drosera S Drymispermum (sese iu, 364. ves Flora "e 285. Pen ote of E un z a 3 Be m o Ebermaiera concinnula, 300. E Edinburgh, Botanical Society of, 60, 94, 160, 192. Eleagnus eis 372; macro- phylla, 373 » Eleocarpus face Pink Flowers on, Eleocharis uniglumis, 208. Eleu eutherococeus 161, 164; sentico- Elsholtzia cristata, 232; eriostachya, 231; jerin 231; polystacha, 231. Empetru nigrum, Enge North American spe- cies of dan qe Entada scandens, Bath m White Flowers Epilobium nene 262, 327; urum, 2 tetragonum, 262. Epiphytes Born ries e Yor — Moorei, 208, 255; ? Schlei- c cue 258 On the Plants cultivated or gie in the valley o sg racas and their Vernacular Nam Erodium maritimum, 260; moscha- oe vitae epe ae 260. Expires m , 264 44. Bini Malemane is, 360 ; neuro- ca Euphorbia glauca, 202; ca, 266. 2 palustris, ia hortensis 369; Xanthoxylon, a Berteriana, 362. Faradaya P Powellii, 342. atsi. y E. Memoir of mn 128. Festuca arun Ficus elastica, Caou tchouc from, 17 ; prolixa, 279, 281; tinctoria, 357. INDEX. Fimbristylis a 89. oerte Indica Fleurya ecd L ‘Flora Ea arih pr reviewed, 3 ‘Flora. of Middlesex’ about to be itiens sis "nh; part bees ' Rubi, 128. Foeniculum dies For nse New alani, Conserva- tio oral "Trees of New Zealand, 165. Fragaria elatior, = Fritillari ria meleagri 267. — Ma shes, Botany o of, 95. ear Ke t rth,90; new and rare Bri itish, Fungological Notes, 348. Galium a ana Oahu 140; sau- che T W., On Dothidia seeds 28, 59. Gleichenia dichotoma, 280, 317. hi eerie Additions to the Flora of, 74. Gnaphalium Amoyense, 174. Goeppert, Professor, On an Alga-like Sirsa ure in Diamonds. is Gomphostemma parviflor Gray, J. E., erects a Tablet "s ‘the Memory of Banks, ray, S. — Seaweeds 31. Greenland Plants ts, 63. revers 140, 164. eciosa, 362 iesca Be ndue, 279. ymnadenia, 371. Gymnogramme lanceolata, 341; tar- tarea, 341, 346. Habenaria, P De D" 328. Hance, H. F Nova Saginæ specie Notul - A Pem ptade of New Okino Mns dee, 4T. Two New Chinese Cy- Deracom, 89. INDEX. ance, H. F., A New Chinese Acan- H thacea, 92. ote on a Critical Chinese = 109. rtulum Chinense, i. 1H, n. 296; ii. i 29. ee New Chinese two New Chinese with some ots on cic disi ne New Chinese Lark- dosis. 173. —— —— On spur, 207. —— — ——— On Commelyna tube- rosa, 250. ——— ————— On Henslowia, 252. On a New Chinese Or- pum 311. Note on Elwagnus gonyanthes, 372. Hancornia speciosa, Caoutchoue from, Hanstein, Dr., , Synopsis of the Natu- ral Orders, Haofash, a Har vey, Genera of a African Plants Dobia ed, 3 Hedera, 164; cun "nói 141; D | rta 141; senticosa, 162; 141. esee Revision of, 52, 129, Henna in ee 252; frutescens, 252; va- Hoptagleunim 141, 164; dipyrenum, ; Kavaiense, 141; venulosum, Hereford, Discovery of Cuscuta e siaca in, Hetero Hevea Cas yanensis, Caoutchouc from, Hibiscus. Abelmoschus, 283; Rosa ep is, 282; cedi 282; ‘iia Hieraci uricula, 354 ; j colum, 353; bm, 3 354. VOL. VI. ec 1, 1868.] 385 Hippophae rris Indigenous in lreland, 255; not Indigenous in Ireland, imeola, 8; auricula-Judw, 339 Hooker, Dr., Presidential Address at itish on w€ Hare 8 ‘Genera of South African Plants,’ Horsfie Idia, 164. erage 163. Howard, J. E.. Fresh Explorations of the jy Districts of Eas dried Premer y tum iih d Hydnum erae ides, 36; 334; tomen dre dion LXXVI) zonatum, Hydcoootyie, Hygrophorus = alyptrioformis, 334. Hymenomycetous Fungi, by W. J. Smith, de Ear dilatatum, 317; Feejee — polyanthos, 317. Hyperic um, 205. olp akis ’318. Iberis ise Dt India-rubbe Inocarpus edulis 344, 357, 368. Inula Helenium, 264. Tridew of vom MEN 116. Irvingia, 164 Jacobi, G. A. von, Memoir on Aga- vem, Juncacex, Sculpture of the Testa of, 142. Juncus acutus, 201 ; maritimus, 208. Juneus, N. American species, 191. Karivia — 282. Karsten elected T bes at Vienna, 320. Key's *Flora af ips and Corn- wall’ notic Kisado ndron, 139, 164; Australia- 129. Klatt, F. W., On Schlagintweit's Primulace es, ; Pittosporeze, and Iri- eae. Xieinhoovia hospita. Kotschy, ay Memoir yes Fenzl, 128. rums nes s de Pili nnullis “Ching i duds 26 386 Labiate collected by Schlagintweit, otis 188. Lachnos 188. ped Brei 35; torminosus, 334. Harriff, 178. 241; amplexicaule, ; peti iolulatum, 41. e 2nd p: f his * Lich SEE Penblishe d, Lathyrus owe 319. vatera arbor pid t 190 , proposes to publish cimens of Salix, Lentinus vulpin Leonotis école get Leonurus Royleanus, 240; Sibiricus, Lepidium latifolium, 25 Leucas aspera, 241; aes 241; decemdentata, 361; hyssopifo: lia, Lichen Dye-stuffs, 101; Scotland, 84. * Lichenes Cresarienses,' Part II., pub- lished, 25 Lichenology, Irish, 10 nophila ier aa 244; men- thastram, ; sessiliflo ra, 244 i vulgaris, A Moskos Fa Lind uem en j enber; antha 244. Lindi Bap e - A , ipee ensifolia UE nitens, Lindsay uder, of Fonte in New Z used in 318. Oaia MM, 38. mie Va- É ius. the Forest Trees of] ar Zea- an — ——— On New Zea- land ‘Plants, 60. Plants of Otaga, 196. of Lichen Dye-stuffs, 10 On some Press, 59, INDEX. Linum monogynum, 199; perenne, 260. Lomaria procera, 3 London Botanical Exchange Club, Report for 1867, 6 Luzula Ug vum sacle in, 373. Lychni ates ome rnuum, 342; laxum, 342; Phisgmaria, 942; squarro- sum, 342. Lycopus Europeeus, 233. Macropanax, 163. M:Ivo sean G., On Irrigating Land in A Manihot iba E Maoutia australis, 284. Maralia, 161, 164 ; Sade sis, “scalars RETA ) 14 Markham, C. R eia. of New ae j e Marlborough, On the Leafing and Flowering of Plants at, 1 Marrubium propinquum, 246 ; vul- e, 2 gar Masters, M. T., On Cochliosperma, 191. On the Early Spring- worm Species-of Scilla, 334. Matricaria maritima, a Sacred Plant, 29. Matthiola i ws 260; sinuata, 260 Maury, F., Di scoloration of the Arctic ros 189. Medicago falcata, 261. Meehan, T. Dicecious Forms, 128, 1 154. —— ——— On Luzula campestris, Azedar ach, 28 xe bijuga, n 5 aiveformis 23. Melilot Men 29, ; eri 5; y folia, 265 ; oem 232; vosa, 229, 233 ; hes glabrata 229, yg essere piss Species Mtem MUN, 365. Micromeria biflora, 235. uero J., On declan adulterinum, 128. imicry in Nature, 182, 213. Mine bilis Jalappa, 362. Missiesiya corymbulosa, 346. INDEX. Mitten, W., New or Rare British ramme Jung m = is M — a ritish Fun by DEM (Plates LXXIIL. ond MEXXI V. More, A. G., Trifolium E N in Ireland, 208. — —— On Equisetum Moorei, 253. — —— Hippophae rhamnoides in - in Ireland, 255; not indigenous, 373. ——:— — —— On Scirpus parvulus, Morinda “citrifolia 360. Mosses, New British, 97. Mu sien ee iting the * Annales Botanices Systematics,’ 222. — F. -— , Notes on Australian an 8. — ——————— Trees of Australia, Mublonbocki — 200. ray, A., Notice of his Journal of prom el, 128. Musa Cavendishii, 282; 364. Muss:enda frondosa, 370. Myebotis riores 265. Myrmecodia armata, 50. pe obendsta: uranospatha, 201. Nara pilulifora, ni. 60. ca 237; graveole -i epera 238; Sa- Ea ; salviæfolia, 238; spic Nephrodium, “attenuatu 340 y ade ; davallioides, 340 ; 340; patens, 340; au conus 340, uncatum Nephrolepis mrs - obliterata, tuber reni ane 165. New Zealan dtes s 60 ; the Forest eren Value of 387 Northumberland, Flora of, 2 Me pisano 163; arborum, ucifoli um, 142; MA. arius TM Ocimum Basilicum, 229, 230; sanc- Odontites rubra, 2 dra kaon 161, 164 ; eek s, 141. Oligosmilax, 258; Gaudichaudiana, Oliver, ‘Flora of Tropical Africa,’ Vol. L, published 288, 352. rmale, 233 A. incanum, T 234; Watsoni 234; vul- rf e, 234; B. subglabram, 229, 234. Osmoxylon: 141, 164 : Borneense, 141; Cumingii, Otago, Some Plants of, 196. Removal to Alto na, 94. Ginseng, 54 ; or uefolium, 54; serratum, HS Binicili, 142: trifolium, 54. Pandanus pq 283, 346; odo- Paratropia, 164. — tes adnascens, 299 ; Bowringii, ium laurinum, 345 9; p 248; pene antha, 2 tris, 249; versicolor, 2 250; verticil- lata, Pella goranizefolia, 318. 388 Pellionia Grijsii, 49. — 128, oe erilla Peristylus al albidus, ^mi chloranthus, 372; Sampsoni, 371; viridis, 372. erre abrotanoides, 235. Phallus crassipes, 2. Phlomis Cashmeriana, 241 ; cordata, Physospermum re qi 205, 327. Picrorhiza Kurroo Pip inella Sinica, 1 TH Pinus Strobus, 281. Piper insoctifagum, 282; methysti- m urus propinquus 284. rected of Se chlagintweit, 116. Davidii, 33 = 194; Sandwichensis, 193, 257; e oneta Plerandre Plymouth 1 Piants, by T. R. A. Briggs, atts mon guaya 231; plec- tranthoides, 231. 1n accedens, 341; adnascens, 341; blechnoides, 341; Chinense, tum, moense, 340; "laesa. 341 mariscin Feet epileucus, 34; intybaceus, Paynes 142, 164. Populus al het stery- Pote: tentilla munde 2 262; Norve- land, pee, Rev T. Vern m Sam moan Plants, i NA ea 342, Deaton, Rev. T. A., on the first lea ing and see eias ai p at Marl. borough, 1 INDEX. Primula ee 121; vulgaris a Schlagintweity 116. Putchardia, Pacifica Prunella omen —— uds E crassifolium, Psilotum puis ferio: 342; trique- - Piers aculeata, gets — 319; — vi. cisa, 319; in- uadriaurita, 319, 370; Md 270. iipit ita, 3 Pursh, E, Disco y of his M al, 2 yrus scandica, 327 apaes S Europæa Alga- wed, 377. 59; ueti 25 d 259; trichophyllus, 259. Raukaua, Refugi Regel ar Herden p publication of their * Enumeratio Plantaru Report of t P iau Botanical Ex- 12 ge Cub for 1867, 6 eseda lutea, 326. Re rhon, Blants of Dauphiny, 160. Reynoldsia. Rhinanthus ta-galli, 2 Rhizophora mete 968; ° 'Rheedii, ensis, 296; Hailstoni, Royal ergoe se Society’s prizes for Fun Rubnsalthaiflius, D —— Bri li 2; gsii, 348; inifolius, 262: divcubitm 202; fissus, 261; Grabowskii, 262; Guntheri, 262; Hystrix, 262; incurvatus, 262; Koehleri, 262; Lejeunii, 262; ni- dus, 261; plicatus, 261; pyg- meus, 262; rhamnifoli 262 ; eus, 262; rudis, 262; sub- erectus, 262; thyrsoideus, 262 ; tuberculatus, 262. INDEX. Ruellia venusta, nap leere oti 267. , A., Fungi near Kenilworth, Russula foetens, 35. Saccharum floridulum Sacred Plants of the ieu Teutonic People, Sagina Rodin. 260; Sinensis, 46 Ad dditions to "the alba, 267 ; elix, 267; pen- n Salvia Asp , 236; glutinosa, 236; lanata, 236; Moorcroftia na, 236 ; plebeja, 236; pratensis, 2 horp Samoan Ferns, E Rev. = aie 817. ular Names, Samolus repe Saunde ers, Wilson, ae of his * Re- fugi m,' 190. Bene a Kee Schenk, Dr., peret Director of Schefflera. Selagintveit, numeration of Primu- lace:e, etc., ; Labiate and Scro- phularineze ro regi be Messrs., Schmidt, T LIP. Sinugeralion of La- — and Scro — collected by Messrs. Schlagintweit, 255. vene (Bipontimit), Death of, 32. Sci. Scadopty um, 141, 164; racemife- rum, sa dt oe um, 133; sa- my Scilla, the "Mary Spring-flowering Species, Scilla amcena, 337, 338; ameenula, 338; rtg 331; toli, 335; cernua, 337; prwcox, 336; rosea, 336; fühiros, 337; uniflora, 337. us parvulus in Ireland, 254, Scleroderma Bovista, 3 Scrophularia Gri ith, 243; poly- UE 24 Scrophu larineze collected by Messrs. Schlagintweit 225 Scutel ria angulos, 240; orientalis, 2 c aa 4 Sedum reflexum, 263. 389 Seemann, B., Revision of Hederaceæ, 52, 129, 161. o New Genera of Sadiacisan, 193.9 W. E. G., Death of, 128. mann, W. Selaginella Menziesii, 341; tenera, 42; Vogelii, 3 Sempervivum- tectorum, a Sacred Plant, 219. enecio exul, 174. Sibthorpia Europea, 264 Sida rhombifolia, 367. ilene, Monographie der Gattung, 378 Silene acaulis, 380; alpestris, 379 ; glica, 0, 380; Armeria, 380; conica, 379 ; Cucubalus, 379 ; Galli- : A Se ee inflata, 379 ; Italica, 380 ; ima, 379 ; noctiflora, 260, 379 ; pea 0; eS, Siphocampylos J «soir nia, Caoutchou c from "ote a Sisymb rium Sophia. —— À Two py Genera, 193, Smilax anceps, € Sandwichensis, i ge cata, 2 , On “Morchella cras- ——— New or m Hy- menomycetous Fungi, 33 — On Boletus fragrans, ———— New British Fungi, 334. Soil Relation between Plants and, Smith’ W sipes, 289. Hainane ense, er olera- um, Boia stricta, Sowerbæa juncea, ‘White Flowers on, is, 370. melisseefolia, 240; sericea, 0; splendens, 240 ; vestita, 240. iai occidenta "ar » ia viscos Stlbocarp, 138; polaris, Stratton, F., On C ak ——— ———— Relation mins hate and Soil, 188. Flora Vectensis, 285. Striga ga hirsuta, 2 Strobilomyces strobilaceus, 334. 390 Sussex, Notes on sky: el "s 258. Symphytum tuberos Ei xsplocos propinqua, "eri 'Tabernzemontana utilis, Caoutchouc 'Tacca pinnatifida Tahitian Fungus, Bil, 339. Tanacetum vulgare, 26 a Manghas, $05; veneni- vm 303. um Dens-leonis, 203. Tolovon speciosissima, "Variation of Colour the Flowers of, by G. Smeti $ Te rminalia Catappa, 365; littoralis, 365. Testa of Juncacez, Tetrapanax, 57, 18; TI 58. 'F asandra, 16 242; ma- ostach yum, 242; Boedi, 242. Thali flavum, 259. Thesium psilotoides, 48. Le nuc opulnea, 358. s, 265; Serpyl- tan 2 234, 265. Tolpella, 72. Torenia Asiatica, 244; edentula, 244 ; m Tournefortia Sampsonii, 33 Trevesi en Si palmata, ne Sun- dai Peri caudatum, 318; digita- tum, 318; Filicula, 318; " humile 318; Javanicum, 318; longisetuni, 18; maximum, 318; meifolium, 318; muceoides, 318; pallidum, 318 parvulum. 318; peltatum. (reins Qus; pyxidiferum, $187" rigidu iaaii (Plate dissi, Rei 98; flavo-virens, 97; rale, Trifolium para 285; subterra- Irelan Bake: , Report of the London Aye Club, n and Dyer preparin a ‘Flora of Middlese zi I WU wa asandra, T9, 165; Oahuensis, 9. 'Triumfetta procumbens, 358. Tucker, E., Death of, 128. Tupidanthus, 165. INDEX. oat X hes Ulm Brood elastica, _Coutchou from, 15. Urena loba Uvaria da AE Vahia, Caoutchouc from Species of, Vandellia crustacea, 244 ; urticifolia, Vargasia, 19 riation in lowers of Telopea spe- pipri Verbascum pi sci, c Thapsus, ; B. cuspidatum. Wacken Anagallis, 246; sead 246 ;. bilob en D" xbaumii, 247, 264 ; eniti, 2 47; lanosa, 247 ; punctata 24d; serpyllifolia, 247 ; Vicia bithynica, 261; sylvatica, 261. Villarsia, 189 ; ymphæ oides, 264. Viola arenaria, "127; ghamii mii, ; filica Vitex Bampsonii, 1i5; "tili, 359. Vitis Arrabideea, — lia, 141; a vinife: oso zii 4. ittaria rigida, 341 ; jos B iricides 341; Zeylanica, E ard, N. B., Obituary of, 223. Watson, H. O., On Chenopodium al- bum, 289. w of his *Com padin ef of di Cybele Britannica, Watson, J. F., Review of his * Index to Indian Nimes o of Plants,' neigt = n, the Flor: Williams, 1 b. £5 Notice v - * Select copods,’ Willughbeia odie Genitals from, Woodsia macrochlena a, 268 ; 268 : | elainn 9 ; radica Woolhope , Na co Field Club, Wulfenia Ambherstiane, 246. Xylosma senticosum, 328. Zingiber Zerumbet, 282. ERRATUM. P. 323.—In the reson gaat of the plate of Scirpus parvulus, Nos. 8 and 9, instead of “ leaf,” read barren stem. Figs. 1 and 2 give an appearance of two sheaths surrounding the ten of the stems, which is incorrect, as there is only one.—A. G. M. RINTED BY TAYLOR ND CO LITTLE QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN ^8 we FIELDS.