RHODORA JOURNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB CONTENTS: Chromosome number determinations for Newfoundland species of Antennaria Gaertner (Asteraceae, Inuleae). Jerry G. Chmielewski 1 Additions to the preliminary checklist of the vascular flora of Connecticut.. Leslie J. Mehmoff 9 The vegetation of Pequawket Bog, Ossipee, New Hampshire. Linda L. Fahey and Garett E. Crow 39 The marsh sow-thistle Gonchus palustris) in North America. J. K. Morton and Joan M. Vénn 93 Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh (Urticaceae) reported as new to Cuba. Dmitry V. Geltman 96 98 Rhodora news/notes. Lisa A. Standley THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB P. O. Box 1897, LAWRENCE, KANSAS 66044 22 DIVINITY AVENUE, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02138 Vol. 97 Winter, 1995 No. 889 The New England Botanical Club, Inc. 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 RHODORA GORDON P. DEWOLF, Jr., Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors DAVID S. CONANT LISA A. STANDLEY RHODORA (ISSN 0035-4902). Published four times a year (January April, July, and October) by the New England Botanical Club, 810 East 10th St., Lawrence, KS 66044 and printed byAllen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, KS 660-44. Second Class postage pending at Larence, KS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to RHODORA, PO. Box 1897, Lawrence KS 66044. RHODORA is a journal of botany devoted primarily to NorthAmerica. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts of scientic pa- pers and notes relating to the systematics, distribution, ecol- ogy, paleobotany, or conservation biology of this or floristically related areas. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $40.00 per calendar year net, postpaid, in funds payable at par in the United States currency Remittances pay able to RHODORA. Send to RHODORA, P O. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897. MEMBERSHIPS: Regular $35; Family $45.Application form printed herein. BACK VOLUMES AND SINGLE COPIES: Some available; informa- tion and prices will be furnished upon request to thélreasurer. ADDRESS CHANGES: In order to receive the next number of RHODORA, changes must be received by the business office prior to the first day of January, April, July, or October. INFOTMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Inside back cover, January and Apmil.. MANUSCRIPTS: Send to: Gordon P DeWolf, Jr. Managing Editor, RHODORA 125 Long Hill Road West Brookfield, MA 01585 This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). RHODORA JOURNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB Vol. 97 Winter 1995 No. 889 RHODORA , Vol. 97, No. 889, pp. 1-8, 1995 CHROMOSOME NUMBER DETERMINATIONS FOR NEWFOUNDLAND SPECIES OF ANTENNARIA GAERTNER (ASTERACEAE: INULEAE) JERRY G. CHMIELEWSKI ABSTRACT Chromosome numbers were determined for 54 individuals of Newfoundland Antennaria representing 8 species: A. cana (2n=56), A. columnaris (2n=56), A. confusa (2n=56), A. eucosma (2n=56), A. gaspensis (2n=56), A. howellii (2n=56), A. pulvinata (2n=56), and A. staminea (2n=56). The tetraploid deter - minations for populations of both A. eucosma and A. howellii (reported as A. neodioica) support previous determinations for these two species. Chromo- some number determinations for all other species represent first reports. Key Words: Antennaria, Newfoundland, chromosome numbers, taxonomy INTRODUCTION The dioecious genus Antennaria occurs predominantly throughout the cold temperate and arctic regions of the North- ern Hemisphere. Polyploidy is extensive in the genus, as 1s the associated agamospermy. Chromosome number deter- minations are available for approximately 2500 individuals of North American Antennaria representing 66 described species and 15 naturally occurring hybrids (Stebbins, 1932a,b; Love and Love, 1964, 1982; Johnson and Packer, 1968; Mosquin and Hayley, 1968; Strother, 1972; Packer and McPherson, 1974; Bayer and Stebbins, 1981, 1987; Morton, 1981; Urbanska, 1983; Bayer, 1984, 1988, 1989a,b, ] 2 Rhodora [Vol. 97 1990, 1991, 1992; Chinnappa, 1984, 1986; Evert, 1984; Bayer and Crawford, 1986; Chmielewski and Chinnappa, 1988a,b, 1990). Of these reports, only two, Morton (1981) and Urbanska (1983), have documented chromosome numbers for Newfoundland species of Anlennaria, specifically six tetraploid determinations for A. eucosma Fernald and Weigand. Reproductive mode in association with polyploidization have directed the evolutionary history of the genus. These factors combined with hybridization have led to the forma- tion and establishment of numerous, morphologically vari- able, races and clones, many of which are apomictic. Fernald (1933) stated that 16 species and 2 varieties of Anfennaria occurred on the island of Newfoundland. These taxa are, however, technically difficult and the status of some of these taxa has since been questioned (e. g. Bouchard et al., 1991) and various resolutions proposed (e. g. Bayer, 1989c; Bayer and Stebbins, 1993; Chmielewski, 1993, 1994). Chmielewski (1994) most recently placed A. bayardi Fernald, A. brunnescens Fernald and A. foggii Fernald in synonymy with A. pulvinata Greene. Widespread acceptance has not yet oc- curred for any of the recently proposed changes. Revision of the Newfoundland Antennaria is necessary, however, to de- termine whether 8 of the taxa cited by Fernald (1933), that is, A. albicans Fernald, A. cana (Fernald & Wiegand) Fernald, A. columnaris Fernald, A. gaspensis Fernald, A. petaloidea (Fernald) Fernald var. subcorymbosa (Fernald) Fernald, A. straminea Fernald, A. vexillifera Fernald, and A. wiegandii Fernald legitimately warrant rare status and therefore protec- tion (see Bouchard e/ al. 1991) or more appropriately should be placed in synonymy with other species and therefore re- lieved of this designation. Additionally, the status of A. confusa Fernald, A. eucosma, Fernald and Weigand, A. neodioica Greene var. attenuata Fernald, A neodioica var. chlorophylla 1995] Chmielewski-New/oundland Antennaria 3 Fernald, A. neodioica var. typica Fernald, A. rupicola Fernald and A. spathulata (Fernald) Fernald need to be established as these taxa were excluded from the rare list for Newfoundland because they: (1) were considered to be too widespread or common in their habit, even though they may be restricted geographically or (2) are minor variants of other more wide- spread or common species (Bouchard ef al. 1991). The only study to date which has dealt specifically, but not exclusively, with documenting morphological variation in Newfoundland species of the genus Antfennaria is that of Chmielewski (1994). Until a satisfactory, detailed, taxonomic treatment of the Newfoundland Antennana per se is prepared, the nomenclature proposed by Fernald (1933) and Chmielewski (1994) for these taxa will be retained. The present report which deals with chromosome number deter- minations for these taxa is intended to stimulate subsequent revisionary studies. MATERIALS AND METHODS Rootstocks were washed free of soil particles and debris in the field and subsequently returned to the campus greenhouse where they were transplanted into a mixture of equal parts soil, vermiculite and sand. Plants were watered as necessary and grown under natural daylight conditions and a tempera- ture range of 15-25°C. Voucher specimens were identified using the key to Newfoundland Antennaria following Fernald (1933) and Chmielewski (1994). All vouchers of Antennaria cana (Fernald and Weigand) Fernald, A. columnaris Fernald, A. confusa Fernald, A. eucosma Fernald and Weigand, A. gaspensis Fernald, A. howellti Greene, A. pulvinata Greene, and A. staminea Fernald were collected by the author and sub- sequently deposited at SLRO (Holmgren et al., 1990). Dupli- cate collections were deposited at MT. 4 Rhodora Vol. 97 Mitotic chromosome counts were made from root-tips that were collected at approximately mid-morning of sunny days, treated with a saturated PDB solution for 2 h, fixed in a mix- ture of ethanol and glacial acetic acid (3:1), subsequently hydrolized in IN HCI at 60°C for 10-15 minutes and then squashed in 2% acetic orcein stain. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Chromosome numbers were determined for 54 individuals representing 8 species of Anfennaria (Table 1). The somatic chromosome number of 56 is widespread in the genus and in North America is generally considered to represent the tetra- ploid condition as no species with somatic numbers lower than 28 have been reported. European authors have, how- ever, historically treated the somatic count of 28 as tetraploid as the somatic number of 14 is known for the sister genus Gnaphalium (Gustafsson, 1947; Urbanska, 1983, a and b.). Except for tetraploid chromosome number determinations for A. eucosma and A. howellti which support previous counts for the species, all other determinations represent first reports and are presented without further comment. Tetraploid deter- minations previously reported for A. eucosma, are also from Newfoundland populations (Morton, 1981; Urbanska, 1983). Thus, based on available determinations, this species 1s tetrapoloid throughout its distribution. The same is not true for A. howellii (=A. neodioica), as both aneuploid and eup- loid determinations have been previously reported (Stebbins, 1932b; Bayer and Stebbins, 1981, 1987; Bayer, 1984; Bayer and Crawford, 1986; Chinnappa, 1986; Chmielewski and Chinnappa, 1988, a and b, 1990). Tetraploid determinations for A. howellii occur throughout the more southern portion of the species distribution intermingled with other cytotypes (Bayer, 1984; Bayer and Stebbins, 1981,1987; Bayer and ws 1995 Chmielewski N/, f; {] ! Antennaria J Crawford, 1986; Chinnappa, 1986). No other cytogeographic trends are recognizable for the species at this time. Table 1. Chromosome number determinations for 8 species of Antennaria from Newfoundland. Listed are species, chromosome number location, date of collection and collection number Staminate individuals are designated with an asterisk (*) following the collection number All collections by J.G.Chmielewski. A. cana Fernald, 2” = 56. Newfoundland: District of St. Barbe North, Boat Harbour, July 13, 1993, 2973. A. columnaris Fernald, 2n = 56. Newfoundland: District of St. Barbe South, Pointe Riche Peninsula, Port au Choix National Historic Park, Gar gamelle Cove, July 16, 1993, 3007, 3008. A. confusa Fernald, 2n = 56. Newfoundland: District of Port au Port, Nfld 462, Port au Port, Table Mtn, July 6, 1993, 2963. District of St. Barbe North, Boat Harbour, July 13, 1993, 2974. Cape Norman region, July 13, 1993, 2977, 2979. Nfld 435, 0.5 km south of Cook's Harbour, July 13, 1993, 298/, 2986 . East of Big Brook, July 13, 1993, 2989, 2990. District of St. Barbe South, Pointe Riche Peninsula, Port au Choix National Historic Park, vicinity of Pointe Riche, July 15; 1993,..3003, A. eucosma Fernald & Wiegand, 2” = 56. Newfoundland: District of Port au Port, Nfld 462, Port au Port, Table Mtn, July 6, 1993, 2967. District of St. Barbe North, Boat Harbour, July 13, 1993, 2977*. Cape Norman region, July 13, 1993, 2975*, Nfld 435, 0.5 km S of Cook's Harbour, July 13, 1993, 2987*. East of Big Brook, July 13, 1993, 2992*, 2993. District of White Bay North, Nfld 430, west of St. Anthony airport, July 15, 1993, 2994*, 2995 A. gaspensis Fernald, 2n = 56. Newfoundland: District of Port au Port, Nfld 462, Point au Mal, Ragged Ass road, July 5, 1993, 2959. Nfld 460, Lower Cove, July 5, 1993, 296]. District of St. Barbe South, Nfld 430, Table Point Ecological Reserve, north of Bellburns, July 16, 1993 , 30/7, 30/73. A. howellii Greene, 2” = 56. Newfoundland: District of Grand Falls, Trans Canada Highway, 4.5 km west of Red Cliff Road, west of Grand Falls, July 23, 1993, 3020. District of Lewisporte, Nfld 331, 1.1 km east of Nfld 340, July 23, 1993, 3021, 3022. District of Placentia West, Nfld 210, 1.1 km south of Cow Head exit, Marystown area, July 26, 1993, 3031. District of Port au Port, Nfld 460, Lower Cove, July 5,1993, 2960. Nfld 460, Cape St. George, July 5, 1993, 2962. Nfld 462, Port au Port, Table Mtn, July 6, 1993, 2970. District of St. Barbe South, south of Bellburns, July 16, 1993, 30/5. Gros Morne National Park, just west 6 Rhodora Vol. 97 of Bear Cove, July 18, 1993, 30/7. District of Twillingate, Nfld 340, 1.8 km south of Summerford, July 23, 1993, 3023. Nfld 340, 0.3 km south of Newville, July 23, 1993, 3024, 3025. Twillingate, summit of Smith’s Lookout Road, July 23, 1993, 3028, 3029. Nfld 340, 0.3 km north of William B. Elliott Causeway, July 23, 1993, 3030 A. pulvinata Greene, 2n = 56. Newfoundland: District of St. Barbe South, Pointe Riche Peninsula, Port au Choix National Historic Park, vicinity of Pointe Riche, July 15, 1993, 2998, 3000, 300]. Gargamelle Cove, July 16, 1993, 3009. A. Straminea Fernald, 2n = 56. Newfoundland: District of St. Barbe South, Pointe Riche Peninsula, Port au Choix National Historic Park, vicinity of Pointe Riche, July 15, 1993, 2997, 3002, 3004. Gargamelle Cove, July 16, 1993, 30/0. Nfld 430, Table Point Ecological Reserve, N of Bellburns, July 16, 1993, 30/2, 3014. S of Bellburns, July 16, 1993, 30/6. Gros Morne National Park, ‘Trout River Valley Road, Tableland Mtn., barren knob at mouth of Winter House Gorge, July 19, 1993, 3018, 3019. District of Twillingate, Twillingate, summit of Smith's Look- out Road, July 23, 1993, 3027. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was funded by a State System of Higher Education Professional Development Grant (Pennsylvania) and a Slippery Rock University International Studies Award to JGC. Research permits for Gros Morne National Park and Port au Choix and L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Parks were kindly issued by the Environment Canada Parks Service. Agriculture Canada and the USDA Plant Protection Division are thanked for their efforts which allowed for the removal of specimens from Newfoundland and their impor- tation to the US. LITERATURE CITED BAYER, R.J. 1984. Chromosome numbers and taxonomic notes for North American species of Antennaria (Asteraceae: Inuleae) Syst. Bot. 9: 74-83 1988. Patterns of isozyme variation in western North hance Antennaria (Asteraceae: Inuleae) I. Sexual species of sect. Dioicae. Syst. Bot. 13: 525-537. es A Sea and phytogeographic study of Antennaria aromatica a (Asteraceae: Inuleae) in the western North Am ee ae 36: 248-259 1995 Chmielewski-Newfoundland Antennaria 7 1989b. Patterns of isozyme variation in the Antennaria rose ee Inuleae) polyploid agamic complex. Syst. Bot oe 389-397. 1989c. A taxonomic revision of the Antennaria rosea (Asteraceae: Inuleae: eee pomDiel’ on: Brittonia 41:53- 1990. A of Antennaria media, A. pulchella, and A. scabra (Asteraceae Inuleae) of the Sierra Nevada and White Mountains. ee : 171-183. 99]. A ces and morphological variation in Antennaria (Asteraceae: | eae) from the low arctic of Northwestern North America. Syst. Bot. 16: 4 6. 1992. Allozyme variation, genecology, and phytogeography of lela arcuata (Asteraceae), a rare species from the Great Basin and with small disjunct populations. Amer. J. Bot. 79: 872-881. AND . 1 CRAWFORD. 1986. Allozyme divergence among five diploid species of Antennaria (Asteraceae: rtlede) and their allopolyploid derivatives. Amer. J. Bot. 73: 287-296 AND G. L. STEBBINS. 1981. Chromosome numbers of North American species of Antennaria Gaertner (Asteraceae: Inuleae). Amer. J. Bot. 68: 1342-134 7. Chromosome numbers, patterns of distribution and apomixis in phates (Asteraceae: Inuleae). Syst. Bot. 12: 1993, A synopsis with keys for the genus Antennaria (Asteraceae: Inileae: Gnaphaliinae) of North America. Can. J.. Bot. 71: 1589-1604. BOUCHARD, A., HAY, S., BROUILLET, L., JEAN, M., and SAUCIER, I. 1991. The rare vascular sleet of the island of Newfoundland. Syllogeus Series No, 65. nadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada. annie. C.C. 1984. Triploidy in the genus Antennaria (Asteraccae: Inuleae). Can. J. Genet. Cytol, 26: 133-136. 1986. Chromosome met eli in ia eee Inuleae) from west ern North America. Can. J. Genet tol. 28: 468-475. CHMIELEWSKI, J. G. 1993. ee Greene: The legitimate name for A. omatica Evert (Asteraceae: Inuleae). Rhodora 95:261-276. 1994, Evaluation of the taxonomic status of Antennaria bayardi, brunnescens, and A. foggii (Asteraceae: Inuleae). Can. J. Bot. 72: 1775-1777. C ice J.G. AND C.C. C AN APPA. 1988a. ee neisied notes and chromo aetene in Antennaria Sanne Asteraceae: Inuleae) from arctic Noith America. Arctic and Alp. Res. 20: 117-12 1988b. The g genus Antennaria acckenmois Inuleae) in western North America: II. Additional chrom e Rhodora 90: 133-137 = 0. The genus Antennaria (Asteraceae: Taek in arctic North America: Chromosome numbers and taxonomic notes. a 92: 2 6. h -2 EVERT, E. F. 1984, A new species . Antennaria (Asteraceae) from Montana and Wyom- apres 31: eel FERN. LD. ML Newfoundland fl » Newtonian Rhodora 35: 327-3 GUSTAFSSON, 1947. . Apomixis in aoee plants Acta Univ, Lund. Kungl. Fysiogr. Sallsk. et N. R. Avd. 2 42- The genus Antennaria 8 Rhodora Vol. 97 HOL ee P.K., N.H. HOLMGREN AND L.C. BARNETT. 1990. Index oe h ed. Part I. The herbaria of the world. The New York Botanical Gard an onx, NY. JOHNSON, A.W. AND J.G. PACKER. 1968. Chromosome numbers in the flora of Ogc ae Creek, N.W. Alaska. Bot. Not. 121: 403-456. LOVE, A. AND D. LOVE. 1964. IOPB chromosome number reports. I.T axon 13: 108- 109. . 1982. IOPB Chromosome number reports LXAXYV . Taxon 31: 2-368. MORTON, I K. 1981. Chromosome numbers in Compositae from Canada and the U.S Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 82: 357-368. set aas T. AND D.E. HAYLEY. 1966. Chromosome — and taxonomy of some anadian arctic plants. Can. J. Bot.: 44: 1209-12 PACKER, i: G. se G.D. MCPHERSON. 1974. acu numbers in some vascular plants from northern Alaska. Can. J. Bot. 52: 1095-1099 . STEBBINS, G. 4 1932a. Cytology of Antennaria. 1 Normal species. Bot. Gaz. 94: 134- s es Cytology of Antennaria. II Parthenogenetic species. Bot. Gaz. 2-3¢ STROTHER, ie : 1972. Chromosome studies in western North American Compositae. Amer. J. Bot. 59: 242-247. URBANSKA, K.M. 1983a. Antennaria carpatica (Wahlb.) Bl. et Fing.s.l. in North America. Chromosome numbers, geographic distribution and ecology . Ber. Geobot. Inst. Eidg. Tech.Hochsch.; Stift. Ruebel Zuer. 50: 33-66. 1983b. Cytogeographical dif ferentiation in Antennaria carpatica s. Ll. Bot. Helv.: 123-131 DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY SLIPPERY ROCK UNIVERSITY SLIPPERY ROCK, PENNSYLVANIA 16057 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 889, pp. 9-38, 1995 ADDITIONS TO THE PRELIMINARY CHECKLIST OF VASCULAR FLORA OF CONNECTICUT Leste J. MERHOFF ABSTRACT Forty-six native or naturalized species, varieties, or hybrids are reported as addi- tions to Dowhan's Preliminary Checklist of the Vascular Flora of Connecticut. These represent 2] native taxa and 25 apparently naturalized taxa. Each taxon is presented with a brief history of its discovery in Connecticut. Dates are presented for the earliest known voucher specimen for each addition. Key words: Connecticut, flora, vascular plants, additions The following list of taxa represents additions to the non- cultivated flora of Connecticut that have been discovered since the publication of the PRELIMINARY CHECKLIST OF THE VASCULAR FLORA OF CONNECTICUT (Dowhan 1979). Most are new discoveries although the recent annota- tion of specimens collected prior to 1979 accounts for some of the new records. In some cases taxa considered here were not included in regional floristic treatments such as Fernald (1950), Seymour (1969), or Gleason and Cronquist (1963, 1991). Some taxa appear to be adventive and it remains to be seen whether or not these will become established 1n Con- necticut A] species, 2 varieties, and 3 naturally occurring hybrids in 29 families are reported. 21 taxa appear to be native while the remaining 25 appear to be non-native or ruderal taxa and should be considered as adventive or naturalized. One new family, the Hymenophyllaceae, 1s added to the flora. (Six taxa are listed as Endangered and three as Special Concern Spe- cies on the Connecticut list of Endangered, Threatened, or Special Concern Species (Department of Environmental 2 10 Rhodora [ Vol.97 Protection 1993). 34 records are from recent discoveries and 12 records represent additions due to revisionary reevalua- tions. It seems prudent to follow the family order as presented in Dowhan (1979). Taxa within families are alphabetized by genus, and those within genera are alphabetized by species. However, familial names used here all end in -aceae, alterna- tive names being used for the sake of consistency in certain families. Nomenclature follows the Flora of North America (Flora of NorthAmerica Editorial Committee 1993) for pteri- dophytes and Gleason and Cronquist (1991) for angiosperms. A single specimen ts cited at the end of the discussion for each taxon. Citations are for the earliest voucher specimen known to me. No attempt has been made to include multiple vouchers from different herbaria where duplicates may have been deposited, although I am aware many exist. These records represent collections deposited at CONN, GH, MASS, NCBS, NEBC, NYS, and YU (Holmgren ef al. 1990). Distributional information comes from Flora of North America, Volume 2 (Flora of North America Editorial Com- mittee 1993) for pteridophytes and Gleason and Cronquist (1991) for angiosperms unless otherwise noted. A table sum- marizing all additions and a map showing Connecticut’s 8 counties are included. . LY COPODIACEAE Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill Foxtail Club-moss This taxon was originally reported as Lycopodium alopecuroides L. by Edwin H. Eames from Milford, New Haven County in 1908. Eames also collected L. alopecuroides 1995 Mehrhoff-Connecticut 11 » i panes 4 ies i Se Reng irae Figure 1. Map of Connecticut showing County and Town Boundaries. in Fairfield County. The correct identification of the specime- mens had been questioned by Joseph Dowhan and others. Revisionary work by the late Joseph Beitel and Warren H. Wagner, Jr. has confirmed Eames’ original determination. This species, under the synonym Lycopodium alopecuroides L. is listed as a Species of Special Concern in Connecticut (DEP 1903) Distribution: Texas and Louisiana, north to Rhode Island and Massachusetts, mostly on coastal plain but inland to western North Carolina and northern Georgia. [ 26 SEP 1908, E. H. Eames s. 7. (CONN)| 1 Rhodora [ Vol. 97 Lycopodiella xcopelandii (Eiger) Cranfill. [Lycopodiella alopecuroides (L.) Cranfill x L. adpressa (Lloyd & Underw.) Cranfill] . Hybrid Bog Club-moss Numerous Connecticut specimens were annotated as this hybrid by Florence S. Wagner and Warren H. Wagner, Jr. These records were from Fairfield, New Haven, and Middlesex Counties. The late Joseph Beitel had called my attention to a collection in the G. Safford Torrey Herbarium (CONN) from Simsbury, Hartford County, of a Lycopodiella which he de- termined to be L. xcopelandii. Subsequent evaluation of ma- terial from that herbarium did not yield a specimen which the Wagners felt comfortable in assigning to this hybrid taxon. Distribution: This taxon can be expected anywhere within the range of either parent species. [30 AUG 1907, E. H. Eames s. n. (CONN)] SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginella eclipes Buck. Buck’s Meadow Spike-moss This spike-moss is confused with the common Selaginella apoda (L.) Spring and may have been overlooked in the north- east. In 1982 Terry R. Webster found specimens determined as S, apoda collected in western Connecticut which matched Buck’s description of this species (Buck 1977). Numerous calcareous localities in western Connecticut have yielded plants whose morphologies are intermediate between S. eclipes and S. apoda, adding to the confusion surrounding this taxon. Specimens, which we identified as S. eclipes, taken from the floor of an abandoned limestone quarry have re- cently been confirmed by IvanA. Valdespino at the New York Botanical Garden. Shortly after collecting these specimens from the quarry floor, the quarry was reactivated for pro- cessing marble.It now appears to have been abandoned 1995] Mehrhoft-Connecticut 13 again and should be revisited. Any specimen from calcare- ous areas and growing in full sun presumed to be S. apoda should be given more than a cursory glance. Distribution: Western Quebec and eastern Ontario south through western New York to Oklahoma and Arkansas. [26 APR 1983, L. J. Mehrhoff 7546, with T. R. Webster (CONN) ] OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda xruggii Tryon [Osmunda claytoniana L. x O. re- galis L. var. spectabilis (Willd.) Gray] Interrupted Royal Fern This very rare hybrid was first collected in Wilton, Fairfield County, Connecticut in 1931 by Leonard J. Bradley. The type specimen came from a garden in Hartford, by way of the gar- den of Dr. Harold G. Rugg of Dartmouth College in New Hampshire (Tryon 1940). The last Wilton collection appears to be from 1938. It is not currently known to be extant in Connecticut. Distribution: Fairfield County, Connecticut and Craig County, Virginia. [14 JUN 1931, L. J. Bradley s. n. (GH)] HY MENOPHY LLACEAE Trichomanes intricatum Farrar. Appalachian Trichomanes The species name Trichomanes intricatum Farrar has only recently been published (Farrar 1992) although the gameto- phyte has been known for several years (Farrar et al. 1983). This fern gametophyte, which apparently never produces a sporophyte, was reported from Kent and Norfolk, Litchfield County in 1983 by Donald R. Farrar, James C. Parks, and 14 Rhodora Vol. 97 Bruce W. McAlpin (Farrar ef al. 1983). Gametophytic plants of Trichomanes intricatum, once described to me by Rolla Tryon as “resembling green steel wool” can be easily over- looked. It has recently been found in Hartland, Hartford County and should be looked for in other areas. It is a Spe- cies of Special Concern in Connecticut, listed as Trichomanes sp. (DEP 1993), Distribution: Central Vermont and New Hampshire south along the Appalachian uplands to Alabama and Georgia, disjunct in southern [Illinois and Indiana and western Ken tucky. [30 SEP 1991, L. J. Mehrhotf /5299, with M. Ardwin, J. Barrett, and N. Proctor (CONN)] PTERIDACEAE Pellaea glabella Mctt. ex Kuhn subsp. glabella Smooth Cliff-brake The smooth Cliff-brake was first reported from Connecticut in 1988 from a single calcareous outcrop in Salisbury, Litchfield County by Karen S. Hansen and Robert E. Schneider. The population seems to be well established as there are many individuals in the population. It is listed as an Endangered Species in Connecticut (DEP 1993). Distribution: Vermont to Minnesota and south to Tennes- see, Virginia, and western Maryland. [27 JUN 1988, K. S. Hansen and R. E. Schneider 24/ (CONN)| ALISMATACEAE Echinodorus tenellus(Mart.)Buchenau Burhead This small aquatic was first reported in Connecticut from a 1995] Mehrhotf-Connecticut 1S pond margin in Glastonbury, Hartford County in 1989 by William Moorhead. No individuals of Echinodorus were ob- served at this station for three subsequent years. This is not atypical for this taxon (C. B. Hellquist pers. comm.). A small number of plants of /chinodorus were seen at this site in 1993 (K. J. Metzler pers. comm.). Numerous plants in flower and fruit were observed in 1994. This appears to be the only extant New England population. It is listed as an Endangered Species in Connecticut (DEP 1993). Distribution; Tropical America north along the Atlantic Coast irregularly to Massachusetts, up the Mississippi River to Illinois, Missouri, occasionally Kentucky and Kansas. [18 AUG 1989, K. J. Metzler 89001 (CONN) | HY DROCHARITACEAE Egeria densa Planch. This aquatic species is commonly grown in aquaria. /.geria densa was introduced, apparently intentionally, in Westport, Fairfield County where it has persisted. It also has been oc- casionally introduced in Massachusetts and Vermont (Crow and Hellquist 1982). It should be watched for elsewhere in southern New England. It might be confused with species of Flodea. Distribution: Occasional in northeastern United States. Na tive of South America, from southeastern Brazil to north- ern Argentina. (20 AUG 1992, P. Aarrestad s. n. (CONN)] POACEAE Aira praecox L. This European Hairgrass was first reported from Norwich, 16 Rhodora [\ol. 97 New London County in 1992. The population was well es- tablished in sandy soils of a “jug-handle” at the junction of Routes 2 and Interstate [-395. It was not noticed at this site in 1982 when collections were made in the same locality. A sec- ond station was found near an exit ramp off the interstate in Old Lyme, New London County in 1994, Distribution: Eastern Connecticut to Virginia, usually near the coast. Native of Europe. [12 JUN 1992, L. J. Mehrhotf /56/8 (CONN)] Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) A. Camus The precise history of this species in Connecticut is some- what unclear. Lauren Brown (pers. comm.) observed this spe- cies in Branford, New Haven County in the early 1980s but apparently no specimens were taken. In 1990 a population of this species was observed in East Haddam, Middlesex County by T. Hendrickson and collected under the name Eulalia viminea (Trin.) Ktze. By 1991 it appeared to be well estab- lished at numerous sites in New London (W. Dreyer pers. comm.) and Fairfield Counties and at single sites in both Hartford and Litchfield Counties. Tolland County specimens are from unwanted volunteers, probably from fruits falling from New Jersey material while it was being pressed. (Re- peated attempts have been made to eradicate this species at this site.) The first North American collection of Microstegium vimineum was made in 1919 in Knoxville, Tennessee (Fairbrothers and Gray 1972). It was first collected in New Jersey in 1959 (Fairbrothers and Gray 1972). This invasive grass 1s now well established in many areas in northern New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and southeastern New York (Hunt and Zaremba 1992; pers. obs.). It occurs along roadsides, in allu- vial woods, on serpentine barrens, and ruderal habitats and can form extensive stands to the exclusion of almost every 1995] Mehrhoff-Connecticut 17 thing else. This species should be closely monitored and con- trolled if at all possible. Distribution: Connecticut and New York southward. Na- tive of tropical Asia. [19 SEP 1990, T. Hendrickson s. n. (NCBS)] Panicum amarulum A. Hitchc. & Chase Panicum amarulum was first taken in Connecticut from a roadside in Hebron, Tolland County in 1983. It is also known from North Haven, New Haven County. P. amarulum may have been originally introduced as an ornamental or acciden- tally introduced with roadside plantings or seeding at these sites. It is now spreading and appears to be well established. Panicum amarulum is not thought to be native north of New Jersey. Massachusetts records from Cape Cod are thought to be introductions (B. Sorrie pers. comm.). It is treated here as distinct from Panicum amarum Ell. Distribution: New Jersey to Mexico, occasionally inland in North Carolina and West Virginia. [12 SEP 1983, L. J. Mehrhoff 9240 (CONN)] Panicum scabriusculum Elliott This species was originally collected as Panicum aculeatum Hitche. & Chase in Stafford, Tolland County on 21 JUN 1911 by Charles H. Bissell. A specimen from this collection was determined not to be Panicum aculeatum by Joseph J. Dowhan (1979). A duplicate collection was later discovered at the Smithsonian Institution (US) that had been annotated as Dichanthelium scabriusculum (Elliott) Gould & Clark by the late F C. Gould and C. A. Clark. A recent specimen of Panicum scabriusculum was collected in Voluntown, New London County, in 1989 by William J. Crins. This species 1s list- ed under Dichanthelium scabriusculum as an Endangered 18 Rhodora [\ol. 97 Species in Connecticut (DEP 1993), Distribution: Connecticut and New Jersey to Florida and Texas. [13 JUN 1989, W. J. Crins 7628 (NYS)] Vulpia myurus (L.) C. Gmelin Rat-tail Fescue Vulpia myurus was collected at two sites less than 1 km from each other near Long Island Sound in Fairfield, Fairfield County on 28 JUL 1992. Both sites were open, sandy disturb- ed areas. One site was along a path to Long Island Sound and the other was adjacent to a gravel parking area removed from the coast, The spikelets were disarticulating at the time of collection, specimens from other localities should be sought at an carlier date. Distribution: Widespread. Native of Europe. [28 JUL 1992, L. J. Mehrhoff 759/79, with W. E. Brumback (CONN)] CYPERACEAE Carex backii Boott Vegetative material, thought to be Carex backii, was col- lected on a marble ridge in Canaan, Litchfield County by Thomas Rawinski in 1988. In 1992, Elizabeth Thompson, reportedly unaware of Rawinski’s find, collected fertile ma- terial of C. backii from the same calcareous ridge. It seems reasonable, in light of Thompson’s collection, to assume Rawinski’s specimen’s belongs to this taxon. Because of its apparent rarity in the state, this species should be considered for inclusion on Connecticut’s list of protected species. Distribution: Quebec to New Jersey, west across to Minne- sota, Utah, Oregon, and British Columbia. 1995] Mehrhoff-Connecticut 19 Carex emoryi Dew. A 1907 Edgar B. Harger collection of Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. was determined by Lisa Standley in 1990 to be Carex emoryi. Harger had collected the specimen in “wet ground at Selden’s Cove”, Lyme, New London County, Con- necticut. This is the same locality from which nineteenth century specimens of Nelumbo lutea (Willd.) Pers. were taken. Nelumbo lutea and Carex emoryi have similar distributions. Iam suspicious of the nativeness of Nelumbo at this site. Distribution: Southern New York to North Dakota and Manitoba, south to Virginia, Arkansas, and Texas. [22 JUN 1907, E. B. Harger 5/47 (NEBC)] Cyperus echinatus (L.) Wood Collections of William R. Dudley from North Branford made in 1881 found in Yale’s D. C. Eaton Herbarium (Y U) have been annotated by Gordon C. Tucker to Cyperus ovularis (Michx.) Torr. a synonym for Cyperus echinatus. Distribution: Connecticut and New York to southern Ohio, Illinois, and eastern Kansas, south to Florida and northeast ern Mexico. [1 JUL 1881, William R. Dudley s.n. (YU)] Rhynchospora scirpoides (Vahl) Griseb. This was originally reported as Psilocarya scirpoides Torr. from a shallow pond margin in Simsbury, Hartford County in 1981 (Mehrhoff 1982b). It has been reported as recently as 1990 at the same site. A 1994 visit to Great Pond yielded no plants of Rhynchospora scirpoides and little suitable habitat due to increased water level. Active management is urgent- ly needed at this site. It is listed under Psilocarya scirpoides | as an Endangered Species in Connecticut (DEP 1993), Distribution: Eastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 20 Rhodora [ Vol. 97 nortwest Indiana, southwest Michigan, southeastern Virginia and eastern North Carolina. [3 SEP 1981, L. J. Mehrhoff 5454 (CONN)|] LiLIACE Ae Ornithogalum nutans L. Nodding Star-of-Bethelehem Ornithogalum nutans was collected from Groton, New Lon- don County in 1983 by E. A. Christensen, M. W. Lefor, and R. Piacentini (Christensen and Lefor 1985). A previously unidentified collection of this taxon from East Haddam, Middlesex County was identified by Eric Christensen in 1984. It is questionable whether or not either of these populations are established. Distribution: Occasionally escaped from cultivation. Na- live of western Asia. [20 MAY 1983, E. A. Christensen, M. W. Lefor, R. Piacentini 842 (CONN)] ORCHIDACEAE Malaxis bayardii Fernald Recent annotations of specimens of Malaxis unifolia Michx. from the New England Botanical Club Herbarium (NEBC) by Paul M. Catling of Agriculture Canada have shown Malaxis bayardii to have occurred in Connecticut. Annotated records come from Enfield, Hartford County and Bolton and Somers, Tolland County. The differences between these two species are slight and casily overlooked (Catling 1991). Other her- barium holdings of M. unifolia should be checked. M. unifolia is listed as an Endangered Species in Connecticut (Depart- ment of Environmentat Protection 1993). M. bayardii should be added to the list as a Species of Special Concern until it 1995] Mehrhoff-Connecticut 21 can be ascertained whether or not it is extant in the state. Distribution: Massachusetts and New York south to Vir- ginia and North Carolina (Catting 1991). [1896, Arthur S. Pease s. n. (NEBC)] URTICACEAE Pilea fontana ( Lunell) Rydberg This taxon has probably been overlooked in the northeast for many years. Seymour (1969) does not include this spe- cies. I collected specimens of it from the edge of a wooded swamp in Farmington, Hartford County in September, 1992. This prompted a close scrutiny of material of Pilea pumila (L.) Gray from Connecticut at the G. Safford Torrey Her- barium (CONN). It appears thatin 1991] Nels E. Barrett, while working on freshwater tidal vegetation along the Connecti- cut River, had collected specimens of Pilea fontana (as P. pumila) from East Haddam, Middlesex County. Distribution: Prince Edward Island to North Dakota and Nebraska south to Indiana and Virginia. [9 SEP 1991, Nels E. Barrett 00501 (CONN)] CHENOPODIACEAE Bassia hirsuta (L.) Aschers. Individuals of this taxon were reported from a disturbed salt marsh in Mystic, Stonington, New London County in 1979 by William R. Linke, Jr. A small population was grow- ing at the edge of the salt marsh with Phragmites australis Cav.) Trin. Distribution: Massachusetts to Virginia. Native of Europe. [18 SEP 1980, L. J. Mehrhoff 3333, with W. R. Linke (CONN)] a2 Rhodora [ Vol. 97 Kochia sieversiana (Pall.) C. C. A. Meg. Connecticut’s only record for this species was collected as Bassia hyssosifolia (Pallas) Kuntze from sea wrack along the Mystic River in Stonington, New London County, by Gor- don C. Tucker in 1981. A specimen of this collection in the New England Botanical Club Herbarium (NEBC) was anno- tated to Kochia sieversiana by the Curator, Ray Angelo, in 1989. Distribution: Apparently not previously reported from the Northeast. Native of Siberia (Shishkin, ed. 1970). [17 AUG 1981, G. C. Tucker /668 (NEBC)| AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus pumilus Raf. Seabeach Amaranth An 1893 specimen of this species, collected in New Lon- don, New London County, has recently been located in the New York State Museum. The label has no additional local- ity information. This species is listed as a Threatened Spe- cles by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS 1993) and as a Connecticut Species of Special Concern (DEP 1993). Distribution: Massachusetts to North Carolina. [11 JUN 1893, sine collector (NYS); the specimen originally from Union college] CARYOPHYLLACEAE Sagina japonica (Sw. ) Ohwi This species was first reported from a stairwell in New Lon- don, New London County in 1988 by Virginia Magee.Col- lections were determined to be Sagina japonica by Garrett E. Crow (Mitchell and Tucker.1991). It may be overlooked (cf. Gleason and Cronquist 1991, Mitchell and Tucker 1991) 1995] Mehrhoff-Connecticut 23 and should be sought elsewhere. Distribution: Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York. Native of Japan and China. [S JUL 1988, Virginia L. Magee 88-33 (NCBS)| PAPAVERACEAE Glaucium flavum Crantz Glaucium flavum is occasionally adventive in southern New England. A specimen in the G. Safford Torrey Herbarium (CONN) was collected in Groton, New London County in 1933. Glaucium flavum appears to persist on sandy shores of nearby eastern Long Island although there is some confusion as to whether it is an annual, biennial, or perennial. It is sur prising that more seeds from the New York populations do not become established along the eastern Connecticut shore- line: Distribution: Massachusetts to Virginia, and occasionally inland to Michigan. Native of Europe. [6 JUL 1933, K. P Jansson s. n. ( CONN) ]. FUMARIACEAE Corydalis bulbosa Pers. This early spring ephemeral was first reported in Connecti- cut from a wooded bank near a road and along an abandoned rail road right-of-way 1n Salisbury, Litchfield County in 1982 by H. Lincoln Foster and me. Photographs, but no specimens, were taken at that time (29APR 1982). It appeared to be well established. Although the source of the original plants 1s not known, we suspected that they may have come from a com- post heap a dozen meters away. This seems likely given that the seeds are readily dispersed by ants (pers. obs.) and this 24 Rhodora [ Vol. 97 taxon has proved to be troublesome by virtue of its invasive nature in some gardens (W. E. Brumback pers. comm.). How- ever, no check of the compost pile was made as the property was heavily posted. The site was revisited in 1992 and the plants appeared to be persisting but the numbers of observed individuals seemed to have declined. The long-term persis- tence of this taxon at this station 1s questionable. Distribution: Garden escape. Native to central Europe (Bailey 1949). [11 MAY 1992, L. J. Mehrhoff /546/ (CONN)| BRASSICAEAE Bunias orientalis L. This species was first observed in Ridgefield, Fairfield County in 1989 by D. Norris. . A second population was noticed in Goshen, Litchfield County in 1994. This popula- tion is uncomfortably close to the entrance to an exclusive country club and may have been planted and escaped. It is unclear whether or not Bunias orientalis will become es- tablished in Connecticut. There are collections from Rockland County, New York at the New York Botanical Garden. Distribution: Occasional in the eastern United States. Na- tive of Europe. [5 JUL 1989, David Nornis s. n. (CONN)] Teesdalia nudicaulis (.) R. Br. leesdalia nudicaulis was first reported in Connecticut from a roadside in New London County in 1985 by Robert J. Craig and me. It appears to be well established at this site but ap- parently not spreading far beyond the intersection where it was first observed. 1995] Mehrhofl-Connecticut 25 Distribution: Occasional in the United States. Native of Eu- rope. [9 MAY 1985, L, J. Mehrhoff 7/255 (CONN) | ROSACEAE Agrimonia microcarpa Wallr. Low Agrimony Genevieve J. Kline, in working on her treatment of Agrimonia for the Flora of North America, annotated two specimens in the New England Botanical Club Herbarium (NEBC) as this species. These had been collected in East Granby, Hartford County and Stamford, Fairfield County. Both had been previously identified as Agrimonia striata Michx. Other herbaria should be searched for this more south- ern taxon, Distribution: New Jersey and Pennsylvania to Florida and Texas. [25 JUN 1916, Perley Spaulding s. n. (NEBC)| FABACEAE Lespedeza cuneata (Dumont) G. Don The first Connecticut report of this species came from the side of southbound Interstate I-95 in Groton, New London County in 1978 by William R. Linke, Jr. It has since been collected along interstate highways in Hartford, Middlesex, Windham, and Tolland Counties. Perhaps it was introduced as a component of a seed mixture used in hydroseeding road- side embankments. It appears to be well established and spreading at most sites. Volunteers should be watched for away from highway roadsides. Distribution: Southeastern United States north to Long Is- land, New York and Connecticut. Native of eastern Asia. 26 Rhodora [ Vol.97 [25 SEP 1978, W. R. Linke, with L. J. Mehrhoff s. n. (CONN) | Lespedeza striata (Thunb.) Hook. & Arn. Japanese Clover Lespedeza striata was first reported from a roadside in Groton, New London County in 1991. The source of the origi- nal plants at this site is unclear but it may have been intro- duced to stabilize roadsides. This species appears to be well established and spreading at this station. Distribution: Gulf states north to Kansas, Indiana, and Con- necticut. Native of eastern Asia. [3 OCT 1990, L. J. Mehrhoff 14075 (CONN) | Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi Kudzu-vine The first Connecticut specimens of this species were taken in Fairfield, Fairfield County in 1928 by Edwin H. Eames. The labels read “Fence-row bordering field of Phleum pratense.” It appears that he again visited the Fairfield to col- lect Kudzu in 1947, this time in the company of J. J. Neale. Neale collected another specimen (this time in bud) from Fairfield on which he wrote, “Another colony in 1928 by E. H. Eames.” A 19 AUG 1947 specimen from Fairfield col- lected by J. J. Neale at the Herbarium of the Connecticut Botanical Society (NCBS) reads,"On walls and spreading for yards into field. Benson Road”. It is not clear if these records represent one Fairfield population or two. Lauren Brown col- lected this species in 1978 in New Haven, New Haven County Pueraria lobata was well established at this site. At that time, lianas reached the top of a four story building, and persisted for a number of years (L. Brown pers. comm.). It appears to have become well established at this site in spite of attempts to eradicate it. Kudzu is also established on near- by Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New York. It should be 1995] Mehrhofl-Connecticut 27 watched for anywhere along the Connecticut coast. It may not become established far from Long Island Sound. Distribution: Southeastern states north to New York and Connecticut. Native of Japan. [30 JUN 1928, E. H. Eames s. n. (CONN)| Strophostyles leiosperma (T. & G. ) Piper This species was reported from an abandoned gravel pit in Milford, New Haven County in 1990 by William Moorhead. Strophostyles leiosperma may have been introduced where it occurs, to stabilize gravel banks, but appears to be established and spreading (W. Moorhead pers. comm.). This species has recently been reported from Cape May County, New Jersey by David Snyder (1990). He questions its nativeness at the New Jersey station. Distribution: Ohio to Wisconsin and North Dakota, south to Florida and Texas. [20 SEP 1990, W. Moorhead 90-07-0179 (CONN)| GERANIACEAE Geranium nepalense Sweet var. thunbergii (Sieb. & Zucc.) Kudo The first report of this taxon appears to be from a roadside in New Milford, Litchfield County in 1981. That same year, the late H. Lincoln Foster had this species as a weed in his gardens at his home “Millstream” in Falls Village, Canaan,Litchfield County. The source of his material was unknown to him but it probably arrived with nursery mate- rial. This is an aggressive weed which easily spreads by seeds. Tolland County specimens are volunteers from seeds unin- tentionally introduced into Willington from Litchfield County by way of Coventry, Tolland County. This taxon has become 28 Rhodora [\Ol. 97 a persistent pest, even in mowed lawns. It should be assidu- ously sought out and removed before it becomes established. Distribution: Massachusetts. Native of eastern Asia. [27 AUG 1981, L. J. Mehrhoff 5252 (CONN)] EUPHORBIACEAE Croton glandulosus L. var. septentrionalis Mucll. Arg. William R. Linke, Jr. first reported a single individual of this taxon from cinder ballast at the side of a railroad in Mys- tic, Stonington, New London County in 1978. This individual was destroyed by construction equipment working on a nearby bridge. Seeds were produced, but subsequent visits to the site failed to reveal new plants. I recently identified a specimen of Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis from North Ha- ven, New Haven County in 1993. collected by John W. Souther. Distribution: Tropical America north to Virginia, Indiana, Idaho, and Nebraska, Occasionally adventive farther north. [10 OCT 1978, L. J. Mehrhoff 2387 (CONN) | RHAMNACEAE Rhamuus citrifolia (Weston) Hess & Stearn Individuals of this taxon were first reported by Joe D. Pratt (1980) as Rhamnus davurica Pallas in 1976 from an over- grown old field in West Hartford, Hartford County. Label in- formation states that numerous individuals were observed with many producing fruit. The species was extant at the same site as recently as 1986. The commonly used epithet davurica was replaced with the epithet citrifolia in 1979. Distribution: Occasional within the Northeast. Native of northeastern Asia. 1995] Mehrhoff-Connecticut 29 6 AUG 1978, H. E. Ahles 86054 (MASS)| HALORAGACEAE Myriophyllum asiaticum (Vell.) Verdc. Parrotfeather This species was originally collected on 12 SEP 1946 as Proserpinaca palustris L. in shallow water of West Lake, Guilford, New Haven County by Edwin H. Eames and Will- iam I. Starr. It had been filed accordingly in the G. Safford Torrey Herbarium (CONN) until recently when it was acci- dently noticed as a mis-identification by Donald H. Les. He and I recently visited West Lake, searching in vain for Myriophyllum aquaticum. It was not present in collections I made from the lake in 1981. It appears that this species, na- tive to south America, may not have persisted in the colder climates of southern New England. Other herbaria should be checked for collections of this taxon. It may be filed under a synonym, Myriophyllum brasiliense Camb. Distribution: Southern United States north to New York, West Virginia and Missouri. Native of South America. [14 SEP 1946, E. H. Eames and W. | Starr /2,/95 (CONN)] GENTIANACEAE Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce Centaury This European species was reported from a grassy roadside, well removed from houses, in Canaan, Litchfield County in 1984 by Robert Moeller. It was collected from another road- side in Canaan in 1992. Distribution: Locally introduced in the Northeast. Native of Europe. [29 JUL 1984, L. J. Mehrhoff /0407 (CONN)| 30 Rhodora [\Ol. 97 CUSCUTACEAE Cuscuta indecora Choisy A specimen of Cuscuta indecora, originally labeled Cuscuta coryli Engelm., was recently determined by Tania Beliz from the University of California at Berkeley [UC]. It had been collected by L. B. Bradley from a dooryard in Wilton, Fairfield County. Distribution: Illinois to California, south to Flonda and South America. [17 AUG 1940, L. B. Bradley s. n. (NEBC)] LAMIACEAE Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hylander Elsholtzia ciliata was first collected in Connecticut from an overgrown roadside near the Connecticut River in Cromwell, Middlesex County in 1990 by Claudia Polsky and me. It has recently been collected along the side of a highway in Can- ton, Hartford County. Tolland County records are of unwanted volunteers from seeds of plants originally brought to Con- necticut from Morris County, New Jersey. Distribution: Quebec, New York, and New Jersey to Wis- consin. Native of Asia. 25 SEP 1990, L. J. Mehrholf /4007, with C. Polsky (CONN) | SCROPHULARIACEAE Linaria dalmatica L William R. Linke, Jr., Lois Tefft, and Gordon Tucker first reported Linaria dalmatica from a road- side in Ledyard, New London County in 1984 (Tucker 1987). It has also been collected from a disturbed site in Torrington, Litchfield County 1995] Mehrhoff-Connecticut a in 199]. Distribution: Occasional in northeastern United States. Nat- ive of eastern Mediterranean region. [29 MAY 1984, G. C. Tucker 24/5A (NCBS)] Veronica beccabunga L. Brooklime This European species was first reported from Great Falls in the Amesville section of Salisbury, Litchfield County in 1980. It did not appear to persist at this site but may well have become established below the falls where similar habi- tat is extensive. A second population was discovered in 1994 in a brook on the east side of Washining Lake (East Twin Lake) in Salisbury. Distribution: Sparingly established from Quebec to Michi- gan and south to New Jersey and West Virginia. Native of Eurasia. [21 OCT 1980, L. J. Mehrhoff 34/7, with Sarah Fried (CONN)]| ASTERACEAE Aster xblakei (Porter) House [Aster nemoralis Ait. x A. acuminatus Michx. | The first Connecticut record for Aster xblakei comes from plants growing along a mesic woodland fire road in Pachaug State Forest, Voluntown, New London County in 1982. These were collected by William R. Linke, Richard Blodgett, Edmund Smith, and Gordon Tucker (Tucker 1987). It occurs in nearby Rhode Island. Distribution: Newfoundland, Quebec, and Nova Scotia south to New Jersey. [16 AUG 1982, G. C. Tucker 1/789 (NCBS)] 32 Rhodora [ Vol. 97 Eupatorium album L. This southern taxon was first reported in Connecticut from thickets and rock outcrops in Groton, New London County in 1981 by William R. Linke, Jr. (Tucker 1987). He also lo- cated a second population approximately 1 km away from the first in a similar habitat. Both populations appear to be native and well established and were doing well in 1990. Distribution: Connecticut to Florida and west to Missis sippi, southern Appalachian Mountains. [14 AUG 1981, L. J. Mehrhoff 4987 (CONN)| Eupatorium hyssopifolium L. var. laciniatum A.Gray The only Connecticut collection of Fupatorium hyssopifolium var. laciniatum came from the side of Inter- state I-84 in Tolland, Tolland County in 1992. The typical variety of kupatorium hyssopifolium occurs at many sites in the four Connecticut counties adjacent to Long Island Sound. This variety, more typically found to the south of Connect- cut according to Gleason and Cronquist (1991), appears never to have been reported from New England. It is noticeably larger than the typical variety. FE. hyssostfolium var. laciniatum has recently been collected in nearby New York (O. Blanchard pers. comm.) The proximity of plants to the high- way suggests this taxon should be considered as a ruderal species in Connecticut. It may have been accidentally intro- duced by recent highway maintenance work in its vicinity. It should be watched for along interstates in Southern New England. Distribution: Southern New York to Georgia, northern Florida, and Louisiana, occasionally inland to southern Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. [6 SEP 1992, L. J. Mehrhoff 7/6202 (CONN)| 1995] Mehrhoff-Connecticut 35 Euthamia tenuifolia (Pursh) Nutt. var. microcephala Nutt. Coastal Plain Flat-topped Goldenrod The presence of Euthamia tenuifolia var. microcephala was brought to my attention in 1981 when Marie Pickhardt, a well known Connecticut plant collector, gave me a speci- men she called Solidago microcephala that had been collected in Killingworth, Middlesex County that year (Mehrhoff 1982a). A check of the G. Safford Torrey Herbarium (CONN) revealed an earlier collection of S. tenuifolia from Groton, New London County, that had been annotated to S. miciocephaldy the late Harry Ahles, and left unmentioned. Sieren (1981) sinks this species into Euthamia tenuifolia, giv- ing it no varietal status and effectively removing it from the flora of the state. Because of the similarity with Luthamia tenuifolia var. tenuifolia, E. tenuifolia var. microcephala may have been overlooked tn our flora. Distribution: Louisiana and Florida north to Maryland and Connecticut [7 SEP 1933, K. P. Jansson s. n. (CONN)| ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank curators and staff of CONN, GH, MASS, NCBS, NEBC, NY, NYS, US, and YU for their time, assis- tance, and access to their collections. I also wish to thank Joseph M. Beitel (deceased), David E. Boufford, Arthur Cronquist (deceased), Donald R. Farrar, Alice Tryon, Rolla M. Tryon, Ivan A. Valdespino, Florence S. Wagner, and War- ren H. Wagner for their time in verifying some of my deter- minations. Skip Blanchard, Lauren Brown, William E. Brumback, Wendy Dreyer, H. Lincoln Foster (deceased), C. Barre Hellquist, William R. Linke (deceased), Kenneth J. 34 Rhodora [Vol. 97 have shared their knowledge of certain taxa. Gordon C. Tucker of the New York State Museum has shared valuable thoughts on some of the included taxa which occur in southeastern Connecticut. Ray Angelo, Curator of the New England Bo- tanical Club Herbarium, has called my attention to some re- cent annotations in that herbarium, corroborated identifica- tions, and read an earlier draft of this manuscript. Karen Searcy, Curator of the University of Massachusetts Herbarium has supplied collection data from specimens collected by the late Harry Ahles. Donald H. Les, Director of the G. Safford Torrey Herbarium, provided many valuable comments on drafts of this paper. Editors David S.Conant, Gordon P. DeWolf, Jr, and Lisa A. Standley made helpful comments on earlier drafts. Robert E. Dubos, Collection Manager of the G. Safford Torrey Herbarium, assisted in the preparation of specimens and the dispersal of duplicates. Diane Tyler, of the Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey, as- sisted with the word processing. A generous grant from the Connecticut Arboretum to the Connecticut State Museum of Natural History helped prepare some of these specimens for the Torrey Herbarium. bt PERATURE CITED Bailey, L. H. 1949, Manual of Cultivated Plants:The Macmillan Com- pany, New York. Buck, W. R. 1978. A new species of Selaginella in the Selaginella apoda complex. Canad. J. Bot. 55:366-371. Catling, P M. 1991 Systematics of Malaxis bayardii and M. unifolia. Lindleyana 6:3-23. Christensen, E.A. and M. W. Lefor. 1985. Ornithogalum nutans L. (Liliaceae) in Connecticut. Rhodora 87:437-438. Crow, G. E. and C. B. Hellquist. 1982.Aquatic Vascular Plants of New England: Part 4. Juncaginaceae,Scheuchzeriaceae, Butomaceae, Hydrocharitaceae. New HampshireA gricultural Experiment Sta- 1995 MehrhdEConnecticutt 35 tion, Durham, New Hampshire. Department of Environmental Protection. 1993 Connecticut’ Endan- gered, Threatened, and Special Concern Species. Hartford. 15 pages. Dowhan, J. J. 1979. Preliminary Checklist of theVascular Flora of Con necticut. State Geological and Natural History Survey Report of Investigations No. 8. Hartford. Fairbrothers, D. E. and J. R. Gray 1972. Microstegium vimineum (Trin,) A, Camus (Gramineae) in the United States. Bull. ‘brrey Bot. Club 99: 97-100. Farrar, D. R. 1992. Trichomanes intricatum. The independent 7richomanes gametophyte in the Eastern United States Amer. Fern J. 82(2) Farrar, D. R., J. C. Parks, and B.W. McAlpin. 1983. The fern genera Vittaria and Trichomanes in the northeastern United States. Rhodora 85: 83-92. Fernald, M. L. 1950. Gray’s Manual of Botany, Eighth Revised Edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company New York. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993. Flora of North America North of Mexico, Volume 2. Oxford University Press, New York. Gleason H. A. and A. Cronquist. 1963. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States andAdjacent Canada, First Edition. Willard Grant Press, Boston. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States andAdjacent Canada, Second Edi- tion. New York Botanical Garden. Holmgren, P K., N. H. Holmgren and L. C. Barnett. 1990. Index Herbariorum, Part 1:The Herbaria of the World. Ed. 8. Regnum Veg. 120. Hunt, D. M. and R. E. Zaremba. 1992.The northeastward spread of Microstegium vimineum (Poaceae) into New York and adjacent states. Rhodora 94: 167-170 Mehrhoff, L. J. 1982a.A short-lived addition to the flora of Connecticut. Rhodora 84:305-307 1982b. Psilocarya scirpoides Torr., an addition to the Connecticut Flora. Rhodora 84:307-309. Mitchell, R. S. and G. C.Tucker. 1991 Sagina japonica (Sw.) Ohw 36 Rhodora [ Vol.97 (Caryophyllaceae), an Hie cane adventive in the northeast ern United States, Rhodora 93:192-194 Pratt, J. D. 1980. A naturalized aia of Rhamnus citrifolia in ee Rhodora 82:523-524. Seymour, P| . The Flora of New England. The Charles E. Tuttle sae Publishers, Rutland, Vermont. Shishkin, B. K., ed. 1970. Flora of the U.S. S. R. Volume VI,Centro- spermae. Israel Program for ScientificTranslations, Jeruselem. Sieren, D. J. 1981.The taxonomy of the genus Futhamia. Rhodora 83:551-579. Snyder, D. B. 1990. Strophostyles leiospermain New Jersey: adventive or nativeo Bartonia 56:34-37 Tryon, R. M. 1940. An Osmunda hybrid. Amer. Fern J. 30:65-66 + 2 plates. Tucker, G. C. 1987. Additions to the flora of Connecticut. Rhodora 89:217-219. United States Fish & Wildlife Service. 1993. Endangered and Threat- ened Wildlife and Plants. 50 CFR 17.11 & 17.12. THE CONNECTICUT GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY AND THE G. SAFFORD TORREY HERBARIUM DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY BOX U-4 UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT STORRS, CONNECTICUT 06269-3042 1995] Mehrhofl-Connecticut a7 Table |. Taxa added to the Preliminary Checklist of the Vascular Flora of Connecticut (Dowhan 1979). E=State Endangered, Fl=Federally Threatened, SC=State Species of Special Concern TAXON Lycopodiella alopecuroides Lycopodiella xcopelandii Selaginella eclipes Osmunda xruggil Trichomenes intricatum Pellaea glabella subsp. glabella Echinodorus tenellus var. parvulus Egeria densa Aira praecox Microstegium vimineum Panicum amarulum Panicum scabriusculum Vulpia myurus Carex backii Carex emoryi Cyperus echinatus Rhyncospora scirpoides [syn. Psilocarya scirpoides] Ornithogalum nutans Malaxis bayardii Pilea fontana Bassia hirsuta Kochia sieversiana Amaranthus pumilus Sagina japonica Glaucium flavum Corydalis bulbosa Bunias orientalis Teesdalia nudicaulis Agrimonia microcarpa Lespedeza cuneata Lespedeza striata Pueraria lobata Strophostyles leiosperma First County Record New Haven New Have Litchfield Fairfield Hartford New London New London New London New london New Londonn Litchfield Fairfield New London Hartford New London New London Fairfield New Haven Year of Conserv- ation Status 1 Oa ab 38 TAXON Geranium nepalense var. thunbergil Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis Rhamnus citrifolia Myriophyllum aquaticum Centaurium pulchellum Veronica beccabunga Aster xblakel Eupatorium album Eupatorium hyssopifolium Euthamia tenuifolia var. microcephala var. laciniatum Rhodora First County Record Litchfield New London Hartford New Haven Litchfield Fairfield Litchfield New London New London Tolland New London Year of First Record [ Vol. 97 Conserv- ation Status RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 889, pp. 39-92, 1995 THE VEGETATION OF PEQUAWKET BOG, OSSIPEE, NEW HAMPSHIRE Linpa L.. faney AND GARRErTr E. Crow ABSTRACT Peatlands, while ecologically interesting and abundant in the northeast, have gone largely unstudied in New Hampshire. This baseline study focuses ona veg- elation analysis of the vascular flora of Pequawket Bog, Ossipee, New Hamp- shire. A total flora of 109 species, including /riophorum angustifolium, an en- dangered plant species for the state of New Hampshire, was documented for the bog. Using stratified random sampling, 287 plots from 10 transects were sampled for percent cover of vascular plant species. Five vegetation cover types and nine subtypes were determined using the computer classification program ‘TWINSPAN. The five cover types include: a Nymphaea odorata cover type, a Carex lasiocarpa cover type, a Chamaedaphne calyculata-Woodwardia virginica cover type, a Chamaedaphne calyculata -Vacctnium oxycoccos-Eriophor um virginicum cover type, and an Acer rubrum- Vaccinium cor ymbosum-Lyonia ligustrina cover type. Key Words: bog, peatland, plant community, plant classification, New Hamp- shire, vegetation. INTRODUCTION Peatlands occur widely, developing chiefly in cool to cold regions, and often vary considerably in physical character, nutrient status, and vegetation and floristic composition. Gore (1983b) provides a detailed account of peatlands on a world- wide level. As a result of the wide geographic distribution of peatlands, there is a plethora of terms and classification schemes associated with these ecosystems. Moore and Bellamy (1974), Stanek (1977), Worley and Sullivan (1980), Worley (1981), and Gore (1983a) discuss and clarify this of- ten overwhelming aspect of peatland studies. In general, a7 Figure 1. Aerial photograph of Pequawket Bog, looking north (October, 1991) OP vIOPOY L6 “[OA| 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 41 peatlands of the northern hemisphere are often referred to as “mires” in Europe (Moore and Bellamy, 1974), “muskegs” in Canada (Stanek, 1977) or simply “bogs” in the United States. Peatlands may be defined as “three-dimensional portions of the earth’s landscape that are wetlands; have organic soils; include the full depth of the organic materials, regardless of origin; include all waters within or on top of the organic ma- terials; and include all organisms living within or atop the organic materials and water” (Worley and Sullivan 1980, pp. 13-14). In this definition the term “wetland” is used as de- fined by Cowardin ef al. (1979) for the U.S. Fish and Wild- life Service, and “organic soils” as defined by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (Soil Survey Staff, 1975). Peatlands are frequently classified based on hydrology and nutrient status (Sjors, 1959; Jeglum e7 al., 1974; Moore and Bellamy, 1974; Worley and Sullivan, 1980 ), and two major classes are typically distinguished: ombrotrophic and minerotrophic peatlands. Ombrotrophic peatlands receive all their nutrients and water through precipitation only. Conse- quently, these peatlands are very poor in nutrients and are very acidic. Minerotrophic peatlands, conversely, receive nutrients and water from both surface runoff and groundwa- ter as well as from precipitation. Because the water entering has run over and percolated through mineral soils, these peatlands tend to be relatively nutrient rich and typically less acidic. The amounts and quality of these nutrients vary greatly from one geographic location to another due to a number of factors, including bedrock, soil characteristics, and topogra- phy (Gorham, 1956, 1957). A fundamental distinction is also made between bogs and fens when classification is based on hydrology and nutrients. “True” bogs are strictly ombrotrophic, and the vegetation is typically dominated by Sphagnum spp., low ericaceous shrubs, and scattered conifers. Fens, on the other hand, are 42 Rhodora [ Vol. 97 minerotrophic peatlands and the vegetation is largely domi- nated by sedges and grasses, with Sphagnum spp. function- ing in a subordinate role. While such classification systems appear useful, it is often difficult to classify certain peatlands satisfactorily into one class or the other. This ts especially true for kettle-hole or basin peatlands, where nutrient status and hydrology change through successional development (Crum, 1988). At the base of the upland there tends to be a strong minerotrophic influ- ence, yet further away from the edge the peat mat may be essentially ombrotrophic, as the inflowing of waters through the peal 1s impeded. Damman and French (1987) prefer not to utilize the term bog in the strict sense, based on the fact that weakly minerotrophic fens are floristically similar to the vegetation of ombrotrophic peatlands, and have few floristic similarities to nutrient-rich fens. In a community profile of peat bogs of the glaciated northeastern United States their term “bog” is used to refer to “peatlands with a well-developed moss car- pet dominated by Sphagnum” (Damman and French, 1987, p. 1). Other recent ecologists who do not restrict their use of the term “bog” solely to ombrotrophic peatlands include Golet and Larsen (1974), Jeglum e7 al. ( 1974), Rawinski (1984), and Sperduto (1994). Damman and French (1987) treat peatlands as landforms and base the divisions on the nature of the water that controls their development. In this scheme four major types are rec- ognized: 1) limnogenous, 2) topogenous, 3) ombrogenous, and 4) soligenous. Limnogenous peatlands occur along lake- margins and slow flowing streams. Topogenous peatlands develop in sites where there is an accumulation of water, and are maintained by a permanent ground water table or seep- age; these include kettle hole bogs. Ombrogenous peatlands include raised bogs which form independently from ground 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 43 water or seepage, and are restricted to humid, cold temperate climates. In eastern North America these occur from north- ern Maine to Nova Scotia and western Newfoundland. Soligenous peatlands are dependent on minerotrophic seep- age water, and are found in regions with high precipitation and less evapotranspiration. These include sloped fens. Sperduto (1994) classifies peatlands in New Hampshire into three general categories based on nutrient and pH levels: 1) bogs, 2) acidic fens, and 3) calcareous fens, as well as three broad climatic influences: coastal/southern, boreal/transi- tional, and alpine/subalpine. Rawinski (1984) classifies as bogs, ombrotrophic to weakly minerotrophic peatlands, and distinguishes between level and raised bogs. Fens, on the other hand, are treated in this classification as peatland communi- ties influenced by seepage waters with alkalinity ranging from low to high. A distinction is also made between calcareous and acidic fens, and whether each is sloping or level. Although itis often the goal to classify a particular peatland into one specific category, in reality this is not an easy task. It is usually better to treat these ecosystems as peatland com- plexes comprised of different zones, each with differing nu- trient levels and plant associations. The importance of water chemistry in relation to vegeta- tion in peatlands has been demonstrated in numerous studies (Bay, 1967; Heinselman, 1970; Jeglum, 1971; Moore and Bellamy, 1974; Vitt and Slack, 1975; Schwintzer, 1978, 1981; Wells, 1981; Schwintzer and Tomberlin, 1982; Vitt and Bayley, 1984). Patterns of plant associations in the succes- sional development of kettle-hole peatlands have been shown to correlate strongly to variations in pH (Crow, 1969; Vitt and Slack, 1975; Vitt and Bayley, 1984; Dunlop, 1987). An important source of acidity in peatlands is the activity of Sphagnum. It has been well documented that these mosses have the ability to actively acidify their environment through 44 Rhodora [ Vol. 97 the process of cation exchange (Clymo, 1963, 1964; Craigie and Maass, 1966), the site of exchange being an unestenfied polyuronic acid (Clymo, 1963). Other important sources of acidity include sulfuric and humic acids (Mitsch and Gosselink, 1986). However, “acid rain” apparently does not function as an acidifying agent in peatlands. This acidic in- put is apparently negated by an increase in alkalinity by sul- fate reduction and nitrate uptake (Hemond, 1980). Numerous descriptive studies have focused on the floristics and phytosociology of peatlands. Some include: Heinselman (1963, 1970) in northern Minnesota; Janssen (1967) in north- western Minnesota; Conway (1949) in central Minnesota; Hansen (1933) in the driftless area of Wisconsin; Rhodes (1933) in the drift-covered area of Wisconsin; Gates (1942) in northern lower Michigan; Transeau (1905, 1906), Brewer (1966), Crow (1969), and Keogh and Pippen (1981) in south- ern Michigan; Dansereau and Segadas- Vianna (1952) in east- ern Canada; Sjors (1959, 1963) in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, and Attawapiskat River in northern Ontario, respectively; Wells (1981) in Newfoundland; Damman and French (1987) in the glaciated regions of eastern United States; Dunlop (1987) in southern New Hampshire; and Montgomery and Fairbrothers (1963) in New Jersey. While peatlands are a common and interesting component of the New England landscape, relatively few detailed stud- ies on the major plant cover types of these ecosystems have been conducted. This is especially true in New Hampshire. Johnson (1985) provides a broad overview of peatlands in New England. In Massachusetts, Motzkin and Patterson (1991) investigated vegetation patterns of a moat bog in rela- tion to basin morphometry, Hemond (1980) investigated the biogeochemistry of Thoreau’s Bog in Concord, while Swan and Gill (1970) studied the role of Chamaedaphne calyculata in the succession of an artificially made kettle hole bog. In 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 45 Maine, Worley and Sullivan (1980) and Worley (1981) have focused on classification, while in a northern Vermont peat- land complex, Osheyack and Worley (1981) investigated pri- mary production. In New Hampshire, Barrett (1966) studied succession in a southern New Hampshire peatland 1n relation to physical and edaphic factors. Other peatlands of the state have been used in palynological studies which have focused on post-glacial vegetation during the Holocene (Kraus and Kent, 1944; and Davis ef al., 1980). But only one other de- tailed study of New Hampshire peatland vegetation has been published (Dunlop, 1987). The purpose of this study is to describe and map the veg- etation cover types of Pequawket Bog and to add to our over- all base-line information on the vegetation and floristic com- position of peatlands in New Hampshire. STUDY AREA Pequawket Bog is located in the Town of Ossipee, near the Effingham town line, in Carroll County, New Hampshire. While it has no official name, Pequawket Bog is referred to herein as such because of the historical influence of the Pequawket Indians in the area (Cook, 1989), and its proxim- ity to Pequawket Trail road. Pequawket Trail was originally used by the Pequawket Indians to travel between the regions of Ossipee and Conway (Ruth Loring, pers. comm.). This peatland complex is situated between Long Sands Road and Pequawket Trail Road, off of State Route 25 at 43° 47'N. Lat., 71° 06' W. Long. It lies just southeast of Ossipee Lake at an elevation of approximately 123.7 meters above sea level (406 ft.). The size of the peatland is approximately 9.9 hect- ares (24.4 acres), including a 2.8 hectare (7 acre) pond. Hellquist ( 1971) conducted a survey of the aquatic plants of Ossipee Lake and its associate bays, but did not include 46 Rhodora | Vol. 97 Pequawket Bog. Although it is referred to as a bog, it is more appropriate to classify Pequawkct Bog as a peatland complex, as it clearly has two very different zones with a peat substrate, each with a unique floristic character. On the west of the pond is a sedgy meadow, or level fen (Figure 1). The south, east and southwest sides of the pond are characterized as having a more typical bog flora with Sphagnum spp. and low erica- ceous shrubs dominating. The upland soils in the general area surrounding the two peatlands are of glacial outwash origin, and are part of the Hinckley-Windsor-Deerfield association characterized as “nearly level to very steep, excessively drained and moder- ately well drained gravelly and sandy soils; on terraces, ka- mes, and eskers” (Diers and Vicira, 1977, p. 4). The Green- wood-Chocorua-Namburg association is more typical of the lower lying areas and is defined as “nearly level, very poorly drained organic soils and somewhat poorly drained and poorly drained sandy soils; along broad drainageways and depres- sions” (Diers and Vieira, 1977, p. 5). The upland area along the eastern border of Pequawket Bog fits the concept of excessively drained soils of the Hinckley series, that are characterized as gravelly loamy sands. The esker to the southwest of the pond in Pequawket Bog is of the Windsor series and is a loamy sand. The soil within the bog is classified as a Greenwood mucky peat, which is characterized as organic soil composed of partly to well decayed herbaceous and woody material. This organic layer may range from 50 inches to over 10 feet, with an un- derlying layer of sand, gravel, silt, or loam. According to the Carroll County soil survey (Diers and Vieira, 1977), the area encompassing Pequawket Bog is classed as a fresh water marsh, and broadly defined as a land type covered by shal- low water most of the time, found around edges of lakes and 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 47 ponds and also in depressions that are ponded much of the year. This assessment has been incorrectly applied to the en- tire peatland complex. While 1t may be descriptive of the sedgy meadow to the west of the pond, it has been inappropriately applied to the areas south and east of the pond. These are clearly Greenwood mucky peat. Based on interpretation of the Ecologic Map and Structure Sections of the Ossipee Lake Quadrangle, New Hampshire” (Wilson, 1969) the bedrock which underlies the glaciofluvial deposits around the bog appears to be Conway Granite of the New Hampshire Plutonic Series, which dates back to the Middle Devonian. This rock is generally characterized as: a “medium grained, light-colored, equigranular and contains plagioclase with a composition of about An,,, microcline, quartz, biotite, and Muscovite” (Wilson, 1969, p. 26). The climate in this area can be characterized as having rela- tively mild summers, cold winters, and abundant rainfall (Diers and Vieira, 1977). The climate 1s considered continen- tal, mainly influenced by westerly winds, but because of the relative proximity to the Atlantic ocean there is increased pre- cipitation in the fall and winter. Low spots, especially peaty soils, are more frost prone on cold clear nights. The climato- logical data presented were recorded at the weather station in Conway, approximately 15 miles north of the bog, and are representative of areas within the county at lower elevations. Temperature fluctuations in Carroll County are prone to {re- quent changes, as the county lies in a region where weather systems tend to alternately bring in warmer and colder air. Weather records (Diers and Vieira, 1977) showed an average annual temperature at Conway (clevation 145 m) of 6.3 °C (43.3 °F), with average annual maximum and minimum tem- peratures of 13.4 °C (56.1 °F) and -0.8 °C (30.6 °F) respec- tively. The average annual extreme maximum 1s 35.6 °C (96 °F) and extreme minimum is -32.2 °C (-26 °F). July is the 48 Rhodora [Vol. 97 warmest month averaging 19.7 °C (67.5 °F), with a mean daily maximum of 27.4 °C (81.4 °F) anda mean daily minimum of 12 °C (53.6 °F). The average extreme maximum recorded for July was 33.9 °C (93 °F) and extreme minimum was 3.9 °C (39 °P). January is the coldest month averaging -8.3 °C (17 °F), with a mean daily maximum and minimum of -1.3 °C (29.7 °F) and -15.4°C (4.3 °F), respecti\ ely. The average exX- treme maximum Is 8.3 °C (47 °F) and minimum ts -30 °C (23 °F): Precipitation is, for the most part, evenly distributed throughout the year, however there tends to be a slight in- crease in the fall and winter. The area receives an average of 116.9 cm (46.01 in.) annually. The monthly averages range from 14.3 cm (5.64 in.) in November to 7.6 cm (3.00 in.) in January. Average annual snowfall is 287.8 cm (113.3 in.). The amount varies greatly from year to year, but 1s seldom less than 143.9 cm (56.65 in.) or more than 431.7 cm (169.95 in.). The first snowfall usually occurs in October, and the ground is normally covered with snow from early December to some- time in April. Even in the mildest winters the ground ts rarely bare in January, February, and March. For most of Carroll County, the frost-free season ranges from 105 to 130 days, and may extend to 140 days 1n more favorable spots. However, in low areas the frost-free period tends to be shorter. METHODS A total inventory of the vascular plant species found in Pequawket bog was initiated in mid-April of 1991 and con- tinued through the growing season to mid-October, 1991. Voucher specimens are deposited in the Hogdon Herbarium (NHA), University of New Hampshire. The account of the 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 49 flora is published elsewhere (Fahey and Crow, in press). Quantitative sampling of the Pequawket Bog vegetation be- gan in mid-July and continued to late August, 1991. Strati- fied random sampling (Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg, 1974) was employed. Nine transects were placed at relatively equal intervals and positioned as to best sample all vegeta- tion cover types (Figure 2). An additional transect was sampled on the west side of the pond, in an area which was particu- larly disturbed by beaver, and represented an ecotone between two visually distinctive cover types. This area consists of many deep channels and appeared initially to be somewhat unique in its plant associations. Each transect was divided into 10 meter segments. In areas of low growing vegetation (below 1.5m) two 1 x 1 meter quadrats were located using random numbers. For areas with tall shrubs or trees over 1.5 meters, one 4 x 4 meter quadrat was sampled per 10 meter segment of transect. In the larger plots, two 1x1 meter quadrats in op- posite corners were sampled for the lower vegetation. The lower left and upper right corners were used consistently. The data from the two Ixl meter quadrats were averaged and combined with the taller shrub data for total plot informa- tion. This method 1s similar to Dunlop’s (1987) sampling re- gime of a southern New Hampshire peatland which was found quite effective. A total of 287 quadrats was sampled for abso- lute percent cover and species composition. Cover is defined as the crown or shoot area of a species projected over the ground surface. This area 1s expressed as a percent of the reference area (Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg, 1974). The vegetation data were analyzed using TWINSPAN (Two- way Indicator Species Analysis), a FORTRAN program (Hill, 1979). TWINSPAN is a polythetic divisive method of classi- fication, which results in an ordered two-way table based on a series of ordinations. This program has been employed by other ecologists in the analysis of peatland vegetation (Slack WN i) Rhodora [ Vol. 97 et al., 1980; Dunlop, 1987; Vitt ef al., 1989). Using all the samples, it begins with the “primary” ordination, made by reciprocal averaging. This ordination is essentially divided in half. It proceeds to the next ordination where species that Pequawket Trail Road upland Figure 2. Locations of vegetation sampling transects 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 51 show a preference to one side or the other of the initial ordi- nation are identified and used as a basis for this “refined” ordination. These species are referred to as “differential” or “preferential” species, and are said to be showing a prefer- ence to certain ecological conditions. The final ordination, the “indicator” ordination, identifies those species that show a particularly high preference to either side of the dichotomy. These species are referred to as “indicator” species. The ulti- mate dichotomy 1s based on the refined ordination, while the indicator ordination is simply additional information given to the investigator to further characterize the communities or vegetation types. The pseudo-species cut levels of 1, 2, 3,4, 5 represent the Braun-Blanquet cover values 0, 5, 25, 50, 75, respecti vely, of the Braun-Blanquet system of phytosociology (Hill, 1979). All pseudo-species were available as indicator species, and all cut levels were weighted equally. In order to plot a profile of the shape of the basin and thick- ness of organic material, peat depths were measured using a probe of connecting steel rods. At Pequawket Bog, this was measured every 10 meters along transect | and transect 8 (Fig- ule 2), From late-August to mid-September, pH measurements were taken using a VWR Digital Mini pH Meter (model 55). At Pequawkel Bog sites within the peatland that appeared to represent distinct cover types or subtypes were sampled. Five measurements were taken at each site. A total of 25 sites was sampled with a total of 125 samples measured. Using the TWINSPAN classification as a basis, the aver- age species density (number of species/m’) for the subtypes and moat cover type were calculated using the data from the | m* quadrats The means were compared via a one factor ANOVA (Scheffe F-test) for significant differences at the wr Ne) Rhodora [ Vol. 97 95% confidence level (p< 0.05). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A flora of 109 species was documented for Pequawket Bog. The inventory included a new record of Eriophorum angustifolium, an endangered species for the state of New Hampshire (DRED, 1987), and now known from only two localities. A complete account of the floristic inventory is pre- sented elsewhere as it includes a comparison to the floristic composition of a well-known nearby peatland, Heath Pond Bog (Fahey and Crow, in press). VEGETATION The TWINSPAN classification of vegetation for Pequawket Bog resulted in a total of five major cover types and nine subtypes, each with a relatively distinct floristic composition and physiognomy (Figure 3). While some of the subtypes are not large enough to map, they are included in the analysis as they may reflect microhabitats found within the peatland. In general, Pequawket Bog is comprised of an aquatic cover type, a sedge meadow or fen cover type, two “typical” bog cover types dominated by ericaceous shrubs, and a tall shrub or moat cover type. Figure 3 summarizes the TWINSPAN classification of the 287 vegetation samples into five major cover types and nine subtypes at six hierarchical levels; the number of samples clustered into each is indicated. At the first hierarchical level the aquatic, Nymphaea odorata cover type (CT I) is distin- guished from the total 287 samples. At the second level this cover type was divided further into two subtypes. From the remaining 267 samples, 83 define the Carex lasiocarpa cov- 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 53 287 267 Nymphaea odorata CT I 16 | 4 184 83 ST Ia ST Ib Carex lasiocarpa CT I 145 29 54 cer -Vaccinium ST Ia ST IIb corymbosum-Lyonia_ ligustrina CTV Chamaedaphne calyculata- Chamaedaphne calyculata- Woodwardia virginica Eriophorum virginicum CT Ill CT IV 14 30 —t 33 | ST Ila ST IVa ST IVb 5 33 Figure 3. Summary of TWINSPAN analysis showing the separation of 287 quadrat samples into cover types (CT) and subtypes (ST) of Pequawket Bog, and indicating the number of quadrats in each group er type (CT II) at the second level. This was also divided further into two subtypes. At the third level the remaining 184 samples clustered into Chamaedaphne calyculata _domi- nated cover types and the tall shrub, Acer-Vaccinium corymbosum-Lyonia cover type (CT V). The Chamaedaphne calyculata dominated cover types are classified at the fourth 54 Rhodora [Vol. 97 level into the Chamaedaphne calyculata-Woodwardia virginica cover type (CT III) and the Chamaedaphne calyculata-Vaccinium oxycoccos-Eriophorum virginicum cover type (CT IV). These two cover types are then divided further into subtypes at the fifth and sixth levels (Figure 3). The naming of the cover types was based primarily on the combined score of mean percent cover and percent frequently of the most dominant species (see tables 1-5). Percent cover and frequency were also tabulated for each subtype (Fahey, 1993), with subtype data presented here for selected species in the discussion. It should be noted as well that a submerged zone domi- nated by Potamogeton amplifolius was observed in the deeper waters of the pond, particularly toward the south-central end of the pond. This area was not sampled quantitatively. How- ever, 1tis worth mentioning as 1t may be an indication of the amount of accumulated sediments tn the basin, and the depth of the water. In the following discussion the cover types and subtypes determined by TWINSPAN for Pequawket Bog are described. Comparisons are also made with nearby Heath Pond Bog (Fahey, 1993) and other North American level peatlands de- scribed in the literature. Because this study focuses on vascu- lar plant species, the importance of Sphagnum was not in- cluded in discussion, although it is understood that the vari- ous species of Sphagnum play a critical role in peatland eco- systems. Also, it is realized that indicator species from one geographic region may differ considerably from those of other regions. Nymphaea odorata Cover Type (CT I) This cover type is dominated by submerged, floating-leaf, and emergent aquatic plants and occurs around the outer pond 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog ao margin in varying degrees of width. It also occurs in a pooled area at the northern edge of the peatland (Figure 4). Nymphaea odorata, Utricularia purpurea, and Eleocharis robbinsii are the major constituents with the highest cover and frequency values (Table 1). The TWINSPAN program used these as in- dicator species of this cover type. Other species recognized by TWINSPAN as preferential to this cover type are Pontederia cordata, Utricularia intermedia, and Brasenia schreberi. This is also reflected in their relatively high cover or frequency values (Table 1). Other species with more patchy distributions in the pond include Potamogeton confervoides and Nuphar variegata. The Nymphaea odorata cover type of Pequawket Bog has some floristic similarities to the Nymphaea-Brasenia zone reported by Dunlop (1987) in Mud Pond Bog, a southern New Hampshire peatland. However, that zone at Mud Pond Bog also was apparently more depauperate than that found at Pequawket Bog, lacking many submerged and emergent spe- cles. Aquatic zones with floristic similarities have also been re- ported in Michigan peatlands. Crow (1969) described two aquatic associations around a southern Michigan bog. A Nuphar-Eleocharis zone dominated the perimeter of the pond, and a Decodon zone on one side. Also present were a number of floating and submerged aquatics, including Utri- cularia purpurea, which is quite dominant at Pequawket Bog as well. Decodon verticillata was found in Pequawket Bog, but to a very insignificant extent toward the southwest end of the pond. Similarly, a phytosociologic zone dominated by Nuphar variegata and other floating-leaved macrophytes was described by Dansereau and Segadas- Vianna ( 1952). 56 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Table 1. Mean percent cover and percent frequency of dominant and subdominant species in the Nymphaea ordorata cover type (CT I). Species Mean % Cover % Frequency Nymphaea odorata* 40 95.0 Utricularia purpurea* 20 60.0 Eleocharis robbinsii* 14 85.0 Pontederia cordat 8 40.0 Potamogeton confervoides 6 15.0 Brasenia schreberi 2 30.0 Utricularia intermedia 2 30.0 Carex lasiocarpa 2 10.0 Nuphar varie gata 1 10.0 Sphagnum spp. 1 10.0 * = indicator species for CTI Subtype Ia Within the Nymphaea odorata CT, two subtypes could be discerned. The first subtype (ST Ia) is found adjacent to the encroaching mat around the majority of the pond (Figure 4). Utricularia purpurea was used by TWINSPAN as the indicator species to distinguish this subtype as it shows a high frequency (75%) in the samples found around the pond as well as the second highest percent cover (25%). Additionally, Eleocharis robbinsii showed a high frequency of occurrence (81.3%) and the third highest percent cover ( 15%). Nymphaea odorata, Brasenia schreberi, Eleocharis robbinsii, and Utricularia intermedia were also found to 1295 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 57 be quite frequent in this subtype. It is this mixture of sub- merged, emergent, and floating-leaved aquatic species which serve as the forerunner of the encroaching mat. Utricularia purpurea has been reported to be present pri- marily in bogs which possess a false bottom of muddy, organic sediments (Crum, 1988). Keough and Pippen (1981) report Eleocharis robbinsti present in a southwest Michigan bog, but in an area more characteristic of a moat. There are, however, few reports of the presence of Eleocharis robbinsii in other peatlands. This may be due to the fact that descriptions of aquatic communities are often omitted in studies of peatland veg- etation because they are not deemed unique to the peatland ecosystem, or, due to their location, are often difficult to sample. Subtype Ib The second subtype (ST Ib) 1s a smaller association found in a pooled area at the northern edge of the peatland along Pequawket Trail Road (Figure 4). This subtype appears relatively depauperate, with a total of four species. But only four sample plots fall into this division. Pontederia cordata, with a cover value within STIb of 4% and a 25% frequency, is the most characteristic species of this sub- type, and was used by TWINSPAN as an indicator spe- cies. Potamogeton confervoides was also conspicuous, with a cover value of 30% and a frequency of 50%. Eleocharis robbinsii, a plant with a 100% frequency value, seemingly has a low cover value within the subtype (7%) due to the nature of its slender, erect growth form. Nymphaea odorata is also a major component of this subtype. in ied) Rhodora [ Vol. 97 Nymphaea odorata cTI sTla RY stm Carex lasiocarpa CT If ST Ita [24 sT mb Chamaedaphne-Woodwardia CT II E dst ma I st mp ES st mc Chamaedaphne-V. oxycoccos-Eriophorum CT IV Acer-Vaccinium corymbosum-Lyonia CT V N Figure 4. Vegetation map of Pequawket Bog showing five cover types(CT) and nine subtypes(ST). Scale bar equals 50 m Potamogeton confervoides has been reported as occurring in acidic waters of New England along the coastal plain, and is often associated with Eleocharis robbinsii (Hellquist and Crow, 1980). It has been regarded as rare and endangered for other New England states including Connecticut, Maine, and Vermont. However, it is relatively common in New Hamp- shire and Massachusetts (Hellquist and Crow, 1980) 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 59 Carex lasiocarpa Cover Type (CT I) The Carex lasiocarpa cover type, occupying an extensive area in the peatland particularly to the northwest of the pond, forms an open, sedgy meadow, or fen. It is also found around the pond margin in certain areas, presumably serving as the pioneer association of the floating mat (Figure 4). Compared to other areas in the peatland this portion of the mat 1s notice- ably wetter, often with pools of standing water. The 83 sam - ples of the total 287 plots clustered into this cover type are based primarily on the presence of Carex lasiocarpa. How- ever, species such as Vaccinium macrocarpon, Peltandra virginica, Triadenum virginicum, Carex utriculata (=C. rostrata var. utriculata), Sagittaria latifolia, Pogonia ophioglossoidesand Myrica gale are classified by TWIN- SPAN as preferential to this group as well. Mean percent cover and percent frequency of the dominant species in this cover type are listed in Table 2. Carex lasiocarpa, dominat- ing this association with 38% cover on average, is a strongly rhizomatous, clonal species, as are the majority of the domi- nant species in this zone. Although Myrica gale and Chamaedaphne calyculata are quite dominant, it is largely the importance of the herbaceous species that give this cover type its character. Many of the herbaceous species show a relatively low cover value, but have a high frequency. While Carex lasiocarpa and many of the associated spe- cies of this cover type are present at Pequawket Bog, this vegetation type 1s noticeably absent at nearby Heath Pond Bog (Fahey, 1993). No zone there resembles a sedgy meadow. Instead, the pioneer cover type invading the open water is dominated by Chamaedaphne calyculata. The pH of the pond water and shape of the basin probably have an important role in this difference between these two bogs. Vitt and Slack (1975) found pH of pond water to be an important factor 60 Rhodora [Vol. 96 Table 2. Mean percent cover and percent frequency of dominant and sub- dominant species in the Carex lasiocarpa cover type (CT II). Species Mean % Cover % Frequency Sphagnum spp. 86 100.0 Carex lasiocarpa* 39 92.8 Myrica gale 15 78.3 Chamaedaphne calyculata 15 71.1 Vaccinium macrocarpon 13 55.4 Peltandra virginica 7 39.8 Sagittaria latifolia 7 39.8 Carex utriculata 5 34.9 Aster nemoralis 3 20.5 Andromeda glaucophylla 3 15.7 Nymphaea odorata 3 12.0 Pogonia ophioglossoides 2 42.2 Triadenum virginicum 2 28.9 Rhyncospora alba 1 30.1 Juncus pelocarpus 1 16.9 Sarracenia purpurea 1 16.9 Symplocarpus foetidus 1 16.9 Utricularia intermedia 1 16.9 Drosera intermedia 1 13.3 Dulichium arundinaceum 1 13.3 Acer rubrum 1 12.0 Vaccinium oxy. 1 12.0 Scheuchzeria palustris 1 9.6 Carex stricta 1 8.4 Cladium mariscoides 1 8.4 Eriophorum tenellum <1 9.6 Sparganium americanum <1 6.0 *= indicator species for CT II in influencing the species composition of the mat encroach- ing on the open water in northern Michigan bogs. They found Carex lasiocarpa to be the primary species occupying mats encroaching on the open water of bog ponds where the water was relatively alkaline, usually with a pH greater than 7.0, 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 61 (the Alkaline Lake Edge Zone). In lakes with an acidic pH, usually ranging from 5.0 - 7.0, they found Chamaedaphne calyculata, Andromeda glaucophylla, and Rhynchospora alba showing higher importance values at the mat edge (the Acid Lake Edge Zone). Crum (1988) reports that in Michigan, Carex lasiocarpa dominated cover types occur at the edge of lakes that possess false bottom sediments and that have relatively alkaline open water. The sediments in the pond accumulate over time and eventually lend themselves to colonization by aquatic mac- rophytes such as Nymphaea spp., Nuphar spp., and Potamogeton spp. Carex lasiocarpa rhizomes are able to 1n- vade these sediments particularly during drier years when the water level is lower. Vitt and Slack (1975) also make note of the presence of a false bottom in bogs supporting a C. lasiocarpa dominated pioneer zone. The accumulation of false bottom sediments is absent around the majority of Heath Pond. Carex lasiocarpa has been described by many others as an important member of various bog and fen associations throughout the northern United States and Canada, (Gates, 1942; Conway, 1949; Crow, 1969; Heinselman, 1970; Vitt and Slack, 1975; Schwintzer, 1978; Vitt and Bayley, 1984). The presence/dominance of this sedge, as well as many of the other characteristic species of this cover type, have been well documented in other regions to be a reflection of more minerotrophic conditions (Heinselman, 1970; Jeglum, 1971;Vitt and Slack, 1975; Schwintzer, 1978; Vitt and Bayley, 1984; Crum, 1988). Subtype Ila Within the Carex lasiocarpa CT two cover subtypes could be recognized in the TWINSPAN analysis. The first of these, ST Ila, is found primarily as the association encroaching on 62 Rhodora [Vol. 97 the pond behind the aquatic cover type, and in areas that have been disturbed by beaver (Figure 4). Twenty-nine of the 83 cover type samples were classified into this group based on the indicator species identified by TWINSPAN, and reflected by the high percent frequency of these species: Peltandra virginica (96.6%), Triadenum virginicum (79.3%), Rhynchospora alba (65.5%), Juncus pelocarpus (44.8%) and Utricularia intermedia (44.8%). The dominant shrubs in- clude Chamaedaphne calyculata (89.7% frequency) and Myrica gale (93.1% frequency). Several other species which have low cover values, but relatively high frequencies, and are Important to the characterization of this subtype, include Nymphaea odorata, Dulichium arundinaceum, Aster nemoralis, Cladium mariscoides, Drosera intermedia, Sar- racenia purpurea, Sagittaria latifolia, and Pogonia ophioglossoides . A relatively higher cover value (9%) for Nymphaea odorata in this cover subtype resulted from some plots falling on the edge of the pond or overlapping larger channels. Two isolated patches of Menyanthes trifoliata were also observed in this cover subtype at the extreme ends of the pond, although transects did not intersect these sites. This species has been reported in the literature as typically having a very narrow niche within the peatland ecosystem, and is usually restricted to the lake edge (Dansereau and Segadas- Vianna, 1952) and/or to inflow/outflow channels (Vitt and Bayley, 1984). In northwest Ontario, Vitt and Bayley (1984) describe a Sphagnum papillosum-Menyanthes trifoliata community type which shows this pattern, and has some floristic simi- larities to the Carex lasiocarpa cover type, with the domi- nance of Carex lasiocarpa and Myrica gale. {n northern Min- nesota, Heinselman (1970) lists it as an indicator of weakly minerotrophic waters with a pH range of 4.3-5.8. There are strong floristic similarities of this subtype to the 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 63 Alkaline Lake Edge Zone described by Vitt and Slack (1975) for northern Michigan, and to the Carex lasiocarpa mats de- scribed by Conway (1949) in central Minnesota. Many of the indicator species of this subtype may be reflecting the com- bined effect of a more minerotrophic condition, with a some- what higher pH, and a higher water level (Jeglum, 1971). Vitt and Slack (1975) found the distribution of Rhynchospora alba to be apparently more influenced by moisture level and degree of shade, rather than by water chemistry. Subtype IIb The other subtype recognized by TWINSPAN in the Carex lasiocarpa CT is the most extensive of the two subtypes. It occupies a very large area to the northwest of the pond (Fig- ure 4). Fifty-four samples clustered into this subtype, with the TWINSPAN preferential species including Myrica gale (70.4% frequency), Chamaedaphne calyculata (61.1% fre- quency), Symplocarpus foetidus (25.9% frequency), and Pogonia ophioglossoides (48.1% frequency). Andromeda glaucophylla and Sarracenia purpurea were also shown to have a strong preference for this subtype as well. The floating mat on this side of the pond is weaker than portions of the mat in other areas of the peatland. In this meadow-like subtype, the dominant sedge Carex lasiocarpa has an average percent cover of 48% and 96.3% frequency, with its other major contributor to the mat, Vaccinium macrocarpon, with a 19% cover and 74.1% frequency. Other important species that add to the character of the subtype, whether through their cover values or frequencies include, Myrica gale, Chamaedaphne calyculata, Sagittaria latifolia, Carex utriculata, Pogonia ophioglossoides, and Symplocar- pus foetidus, Species that are found more sparsely through- out the mat include Aster nemoralis, Andromeda glaucophylla, 64 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Sarracenia purpurea, Vaccinium oxycoccos, and small sap- lings of Acer rubrum. Scheuchzeria palustris is frequent in localized areas nearing the pond edge. Eriophorum angustifolium, an endangered species in New Hampshire, was also sparse, but occurred in less wet areas in this cover sub- type. The Carex- Vaccinium macrocarpon zone described by Crow (1969) for a southern Michigan bog has many floristic simi- larities to this subtype. This zone is also dominated by Carex lasiocarpa and Vaccinium macrocarpon with other similar species including Chamaedaphne calyculata (=Cassandra calyculata), Andromeda glaucophylla, Sagittaria latifolia, and Sarracenia purpurea. A phytosociologic association dominated by Carex utriculata described by Dansereau and Segadas- Vianna (1952) is also similar to this subtype. They found Carex lasiocarpa and C. utriculata (=C. rostrata ssp. utriculata) to be a com- mon association, usually in places where peat comes in con- tact with sand, and where there 1s a fluctuation in water level over the growing season. Some fluctuation of the water level was seen at Pequawket Bog, however no quantitative mea- surements were taken. The Carex lasiocarpa CT shows up in the aerial photo- graph (Figure 3) as a light area; darker regions on its margin are areas Where Chamaedaphne calyculata is more abundant. Itis assumed that over time this will encroach upon the sedge meadow. This, however, will largely depend on the hydro- logical regime. Crow (1969) reports similar areas where Chamaedaphne calyculata seems to be encroaching on the Carex lasiocarpa-Vaccinium macrocarpon zone. Succession of this nature has been reported by Gates ( 1942) in peatlands of Michigan, where floating mats dominated by Carex lasiocarpa eventually become grounded by the accumulation of debris peat and are rapidly colonized by Chamaedaphne Gs 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 6 calyculata. This succession was not seen, however, in fens where the mat remains free floating. Chamaedaphne calyculata-Woodwardia virginica Cover Type (CT II) This cover type, as a whole, is quite prominent in the south and southwest portions of the mat and along the west and south sides of the pond (Figure 4). It may be characterized as an extremely dense community with the vegetation usually not more than | meter in height. It is largely dominated by low shrubs and Woodwardia virginica . The other herbaceous species found here are present either as scattered individuals throughout this zone or are restricted to patchy locations that are less densely vegetated. Chamaedaphne calyculata is the dominant species with a mean percent cover of 36% and [re- quency of 100%. Codominant Woodwardia virginiana was recorded as having a mean percent cover of 27% and a 88.2% frequency (Table 3). TWINSPAN identified Woodwardia virginica, Carex oligosperma, Rhododendron canadense, and Kalmia polifolia as indicator species, separating this cover type from the Chamaedaphne calyculata-Vaccinium oxycoccos-Eriophorum virginicum cover type (CT IV). Myrica gale, Smilacina trifolia, Acer rubrum, Aronia melanocarpa and Alnus incana ssp. rugosa also showed more of a preference to this cover type over CT IV. Carex trisperma 1s quite dominant in this cover type as well, but it did not show a preference between the two Chamaedaphne calyculata dominated cover types. Other woody species im- portant to this cover type include Kalmia angustifolia, An- dromeda glaucophylla, Vaccinium corymbosum, Larix laricina and Picea mariana. Other herbaceous species with a minor role in this zone include Symplocarpus foetidus, Eriophorum virginicum, Sarracenia purpurea, Calla palustris 66 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Table 3. Mean percent cover and percent frequency of dominant and subdominant eae of the daphne calyculata-Woodwardia virginica cover type (CT Species Mean % Cover % Frequency Sphagnum spp. 99 100.0 Chamaedaphne calyculata 38 100.0 Woodwardia virginica* 26 85.4 Rhododendron canadense* 11 52.4 Carex trisperma i 45.1 Carex oligosperma* 9 48.8 Myrica gale 8 52.4 Smilacina trifolia 5 20.7 Kalmia polifolia* 4 50.0 Alnus incana ssp. rugosa 3 31.7 Acer rubrum 2 35.4 Aronia melanocarpa 2 26.8 Symplocarpus foetidus 2 20.7 Eriophorum virginicum ] 31.7 Kalmia angustifolia 1 17.1 Andromeda glaucophylla 1 13.4 Sarracenia purpurea 1 12.2 Calla palustris 1 9.8 Larix laricina 1 7.3 Vaccinium corymbosum 1 73 Picea mariana 1 6.1 Scheuchzeria palustris 1 2.4 *= indicators for CT II] and Scheuchzeria palustris. A cover type somewhat similar is found at Heath Pond Bog (Fahey, 1993) where an extensive mat is by far dominated by ericaceous shrubs, Eriophorum vaginatum ssp. spissum, and scattered Larix laricina and Picea mariana. A similar cover type also occurs at Cedar Bog, in Kingston, New Hampshire (Crow, pers. obs.). However, there are few reports of Woodwardia virginica as a dominant constituent such as it 1s at Pequawket Bog and Heath Pond Bog. It has been been 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 67 described by Damman and French (1987) in peatlands of the glaciated northeastern United States as only an occasional constituent of the Sphagnum rubellum-Chamaedaphne calyculata) community, which is typically associated with oligotrophic quaking mats bordering lakes. They also describe it as an occasional constituent of the Cinnamon Fern-High- bush Blueberry Thicket. Keough and Pippen ( 1981) describe the vegetation of two adjacent bogs in southwest Michigan with strong floristic similarities to Pequawket Bog, includ- ing the dominance of Woodwardia in certain zones. They found it particularly dominant in the understory of a tall shrub zone dominated by Aronia melanocarpa, Nemopanthus mucronata, Vaccinium corymbosum, Larix laricina, and Rhamnus frangula. Crow (1969) reports it to be a minor con- stituent of the Larix laricina and Acer rubrum zones another southern Michigan bog. Dunlop reported Woodwardia as occasional at Mud Pond Bog, found “on the fringe and in wooded zones particularly on the east and northeast sides of the bog” (Dunlop, 1983, p. 23), in what is described as the Acer-Nemopanthus Commu- nity Type (Dunlop, 1987). The Carex trisperma-Kalmia angustifolia subtype of the Chamaedaphne dominated cover type of Mud Pond Bog (Dunlop, 1987) shows some floristic similarities to Pequawket and Heath Pond Bog as well. Spa- tially they are compe as well, as they are found between the quaking mat and the moat. oak Subtype IIIa Since the Chamaedaphne calyculata-Woodwardia virginica CT covers a rather large area of the peatland, it is not surpris- ing that the TWINSPAN analysis reveals three subtypes. The first subtype, ST Ila, occupies a relatively small area of the peatland toward the outer edge of the southwest mat (Figure 68 Rhodora [ Vol. 97 4). The map depicts this subtype as a circular zone surrounded by ST IIIc. This subtype has a very shrubby character and the area is substantially wetter in certain spots. The TWINSPAN program indicates that Smilacina trifolia (85.7% frequency) and Symplocarpus foetidus (71.4% frequency) show a high preference for this zone and were thus used by TWINSPAN as indicator species; Sarracenia purpurea, Alnus incana ssp. rugosa, and Calla palustris also show a preference to this subtype. As in all of the subtypes of CT III, Chamaedaphne calyculatais dominant. Here it has a mean cover of 33% and frequency of 100% (Table 6). Woodwardia virginica has less cover on average ( 15%) in this zone compared to the other two subtypes. Other dominant woody species include Myrica gale, Kalmia polifolia, and Alnus incana ssp. rugosa. Picea mariana, Rhododendron canadense, and Acer rubrum are also present, but to a lesser degree. Other dominant herbaceous species include Carex oligosperma and C. trisperma. While Calla palustris and Sarracenia purpurea, do not appear domi- nant quantitatively, TWINSPAN indicates they are preferencial to the subtype. Eriophorum virginicum is also found occasionally in this zone. There 1s no extensive zone at Heath Pond Bog that is di- rectly comparable to this subtype, however, towards the moat running along Rte. 25 there is an area where Smilacina trifolia, Woodwardia virginica, Chamaedaphne calyculata, and other ericaceous shrubs are quite prominent. While this zone is probably too narrowly defined to be di- rectly compared to other described communities, the indica- tor species of this subtype may be reflecting certain ecologi- cal conditions or combinations of these conditions. Typically areas near the moat are influenced more by the mineral rich telluric water than the zones further inward on the mat. It is well documented in other geographical regions that Alnus 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 69 incana ssp. rugosa 1s common in the more mineral rich areas of peatlands or in fens (Conway, 1949; Dansereau and Segadas- Vianna, 1952; Heinselman, 1970; Schwintzer, 1981, Vitt and Bayley, 1984; Crum, 1988). Calla palustris is often a common species associated with A/nus in wet moats (Crum, 1988). Symplocarpus foetidus is typical of more nutrient rich, wet areas as well. However, in Michigan, Smilacina trifolia is usually described as a subordinate in associations which are largely forested and shady, or at least in the taller shrub zones toward the moat (Gates, 1942; Crum, 1988). Worley (1981) uses the presence of Symilacina trifolia as one of the indicators to designate the moat in Maine peatlands. Subtype IIIb The second subtype (ST IIIb) is found usually in the sun- niest and somewhat wetter areas of the Chamaedaphne calyculata-Woodwardia virginica cover type (Figure 4). In the delineation of this subtype from the others, TWINSPAN identified Carex oligosperma and Chamaedaphne calyculata as indicator species. Chamaedaphne calyculata and Woodwardia virginica domi- nate with a mean cover of 51% and 26% respectively and both have 100% frequency. Carex oligosperma 1s quite prom- inent as Well, with a mean cover value of 17% and frequency of 71.4%. Other dominant woody species that characterize this subtype include Rhododendron canadense and Myrica gale, and toalesser extent Alnus incana ssp. rugosa, Kalmia polifolia, Vaccinium corymbosum, Acer rubrum, Aronia melanocarpa, and Kalmia angustifolia. Other herbaceous species include Carex trisperma, Eriophorum virginicum, Symplocarpus foetidus, and Scheuchzeria palustris. Scheuchzeria palustris, interestingly, occurs in certain lo- cations on the mat that are adjacent to the pond, particularly 70 Rhodora [ Vol. 97 on the east side, but not in the southwestern portion of the bog mat. The species was, however, found on the opposite side of the pond in the Carex lasiocarpa CT, especially nearer the pond margin. Another species, Eriophorum angustifolium, occasionally found scattered within this subtype, also was found in certain locations of the Carex lasiocarpa CT. Heath Pond Bog (Fahey, 1993) has scattered patches throughout the extensive mat west of the pond which are simi- lar to this subtype, characterized as being less densely occu- pied by shrubs, witha relatively open and slightly wetter area of Heath Pond Bog. Eriophorum angustifolium is is found scattered throughout this mat. However, Myrica gale and Alnus incana ssp. rugosa are not present, nor is Scheuchzeria palustris. Dunlop (1987) does not report any cover type at Mud Pond Bog similar to this. However, Vitt and Bayley (1984) describe an association similar to this in northwestern Ontario. It is dominated by Chamaedaphne calyculata, Carex oligosperma, and Scheuchzeria palustris, but Woodwardia_ virginica is lacking. That peatland was characterized with an average pH of 4.37 (ranging from 4.2-4.8). They found the distribution of Scheuchzeria palustris in the peatland apparently to be un- related to pH. However, Carex oligosperma appeared to be an indicator of oligotrophic habitats with low pH values. Schwintzer (1981) found Carex oligosperma and Chamaedaphne calyculata to be the most characteristic spe- cies of the “field layer” in northem Michigan bogs which were highly acidic (pH 3.8-4.3) and low 1n Ca** and Mg** ( 1.2-3.7 mg/L and 0.3-0.6 mg/L respectively). Vitt and Slack (1975) found Carex oligosperma occupying the Acid Lake Edge Zone, the Open Mat Zone and the Closed Mat Zone, how- ever it was most dominant in the zones further back from the lake edge. 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog ya Subtype IIc The third subtype of the Chamaedaphne calyculata- Woodwardia virginica CT is found to be quite dominant in the southern and southwestern portions of the mat, and on the mat along the east side of the pond (Figure 4). Itis_ char- acterized as being a rather dense, woody zone, and much of it difficult to walk through. TWINSPAN identified Kalmia polifolia (69.7% frequency), Aronia melanocarpa (51.5% fre- quency), Acer rubrum (54.5% frequency) and Carex trisperma (72.7% frequency) as species highly preferential to this subtype. Vaccinium oxycoccos, Andromeda glaucophylla and Kalmia angustifolia showed a preference here as well. One noticeable character to this subtype is the dominance of Woodwardia_ virginica, with a mean cover of 32% and a frequency of 84.8%. Compared to the other sub- types within the Chamaedaphne calyculata-Woodwardia virginica CT, this is the only zone where Woodwardia virginica has a higher mean percent cover than Chamaedaphne calyculata. Other dominant woody species that characterize this zone include Chamaedaphne calyculata, Rhododendron canadense, Myrica gale, Kalmia polifolia, Acer rubrum, and Aronia melanocarpa. The dominant herbaceous species in- clude Carex trisperma and Eriophorum virginicum. Species that play a less significant role, though still important to the character of this subtype, include Andromeda glaucophylla, Alnus incana ssp. rugosa, Kalmia angustifolia, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Carex oligosperma, Smilacina trifolia, and Sar- racenia purpurea. A similar association 1s found at Heath Pond Bog (Fahey, 1993) on the portion of the mat encircling the pond, between the quaking mat and the moat, and in areas closer to the moat along the bordering highway. The distribution of Carex trisperma, an indicator species, de Rhodora [Vol. 97 seemed to be particularly related to areas of very firm peat, and a more or less closed canopy. This observation 1s sup- ported by the findings of Vitt and Slack ( 1975) who reported that the distribution of this sedge in northern Michigan bogs seemed to be related to shade. The sedge was found to be more abundant in areas where Picea and Larix became more important. Crum (1988) also reports its abundance enhanced by the shade created by the two conifers, on drier mounds. Vitt and Bayley (1984) describe a Smilacina trifolia-Ledum groenlandicum-Carex trisperma community type in Ontario which was characteristically shady as well. Chamaedaphne calyculata-Vaccinium oxycoccos- Eriophorum virginicum Cover Type (CT IV) The Chamaedaphne calyculata-Vaccinium Oxycoccos- Eriophorum virginicum cover type (CT IV) occurs in regions of the peat mat which are apparently less consolidated, as they have a noticeably more quaking feel to them. Figure 4 shows this zone on the northeast side of the pond between the aquatic cover type and the Chamaedaphne calyculata- Woodwardia virginica cover type (CT III). On the southwest mat CT IV is found roughly in the center of that region, en- circled by CT II, and also as the pioneer association encroach- ing on the pond at the southern and northeast sides. While Chamaedaphne calyculata 1s a dominant of this cover type, it has a much smaller stature than in the Chamaedaphne calyculata-Woodwardia virginica cover type (CT III). It usu- ally does not attain heights much over 30 cm. Compared to CT III this zone is strikingly more open and less shrubby. Because of its openness and low stature of the woody spe- cies, Crum (1988, p. 61) refers to similar communities such as this as the “Sphagnum Lawn Community”. The dominant species that characterize this vegetation zone 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 73 include Chamaedaphne calyculata, Vaccinium oxycoccos, and Eriophorum virginicum (Table 4). It was the high degree of preference to this zone of the latter two species which TWINSPAN used to classify this cover type from CT III. Andromeda glaucophylla showed a preference to this zone as well. Carex trisperma is an integral member of this cover type also, but it does not necessarily show a preference to this zone. It is also quite dominant in the Chamaedaphne calyculata-Woodwardia virginica cover type, and is found most often in the transition zone between these two cover types. Other subdominant woody species of this cover type are Myrica gale, Kalmia polifolia, Larix laricina, and Picea mariana. The subordinate herbaceous species include Drosera rotundifolia, Rhynchospora alba, Woodwardia virginica, Decodon verticillata, Eriophorum vaginatum ssp. spissum, and Peltandra virginica. For mean percent cover and percent frequency of these species see Table 4. Cover types of this nature are very common in peatlands, especially in kettle-hole bogs. In Michigan, Vitt and Slack (1975) describe an Open Mat Zone, adjacent to the edge zone of alkaline lakes, with strong floristic similarities. Along with Chamaedaphne calyculata, Vaccinium oxycoccos was the most dominant vascular plant. Its distribution within the bogs was apparently related to non-shaded habitats which were low in pH and cation concentration. These locations also had little change in microtopography, and were fairly wet. Other similarly dominant species included Kalmia polifolia, An- dromeda glaucophylla, Rhynchospora alba, Drosera rotundifolia and Eriophorum virginicum. Although Vitt and Slack (1975) associated this community type with alkalinity of the lake water, the waters of Pequawket Bog’s pond are not alkaline. Based on the species present, however, the pond water 1s probably fairly minerotrophic, and the pH is rela- tively high (5.69) compared to the other cover types. 74 Rhodora [ Vol. 97 Table 4. Mean percent cover and percent frequency of dominant species in the Chamaedaphne calyculata-Vaccinium oxycoccos-Eriophorum virginicum cover type (CT IV). Species Mean % Cover % Frequency Sphagnum spp. 100 100.0 Chamaedaphne calyculata 43 100.0 Vaccinium oxycoccos* 10 88.9 Carex trisperma 9 38.1 Eriophorum virginicum* a 88.9 Andromeda glaucophylla 5 34.9 Myrica gale 3 ie Drosera rotundifolia 2 19.0 Picea mariana 2 11.1 Woodwardia virginica 2 11.1 Decodonverticillata Z 93 Larix laricina 1 14.3 Rhynchospora alba ] 14.3 Kalmia polifolia | 12.7 Eriophorum vaginatum fi ssp. spissum Peltandra virginica 1 7.9 * = indicator species for CT IV Subtype [Va Two subtypes were discernable within the Chamaedaphne calyculata- Vaccinium oxycoccos-Eriophorum virginicum CT. The first subtype (ST IVa) occupies the center of the back south-southwest mat, and also along the mat on the northeast side of the pond (Figure 4). On the southwest mat, although it is some distance away from the open water of the pond, it still has a noticeable quaking feel to it. The basin profile data of this mat (Figure 5) indicate that this area is the center of a relatively recent closed basin. TWINSPAN found Carex irisperma, Eriophorum virginicum and Chamaedaphne 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog fi, calyculata highly preferential to this subtype over ST IVb. Although Chamaedaphne calyculata is dominant in both sub- types it averaged a much higher cover value ( 55% cover, 100% frequency) in ST [Vain contrast to ST [Vb (32% cover, 100% frequency). Other species that show a preference to this subtype include Kalmia polifolia and Larix laricina. Chamaedaphne calyculata is the clearly the dominant woody species. Other dominant woody species include Vaccinium oxycoccos, Larix laricina, Kalmia polifolia, and Picea mariana are also found here, but toward the transition into the Chamaedaphne calyculata-Woodwardia virginica cover type (CT III). The dominant herbaceous species include Eriophorum virginicum and Carex trisperma, the latter also found more frequently toward the transition into CT III. Platanthera blepharigloitis, rare within the peatland, is found sparsely in this cover type, usually nearing the transi- tion zone between between CT III and this cover type. Scat- tered individuals were found in the south-southwest mat and on the northeast side of the pond. Subtype IVb The second subtype is found in regions of the peatland closer to the pond on the quaking mat (Figure 4), and is often the lake edge association in locations where Carex lasiocarpa 1s not as abundant. It extends back from the edge at varying dis- tances ranging from 0.5 to approximately 40 meters. It is less homogeneous than ST IVa. An increase in abundance and frequency of species such as Andromeda glaucophylla (66% frequency), Myrica gale (36.4% frequency), Drosera rotundifolia (33.3% frequency) and Rhynchospora alba (27.3% frequency) distinguishes this subtype from ST IVa. Eriophorum virginicum is also quite dominant in this sub- type. Other less dominant species found here include Decodon 76 Rhodora [ Vol. 97 verticillata and Woodwardia virginica, as well as Peltandra virginica, which was absent from ST IVa. Although not represented in the sampling, small patches of a somewhat exclusive association of Utricularia cornuta, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Drosera rotundifolia, Xyris montana, and sometimes Calopogon tuberosus were present in this subtype, particularly in especially wet and mucky areas. The substrate of these mucky areas was not as consolidated as in other parts of this subtype, and may not support the weight of unsuspecting field botanists. A small localized area, close to the pond on the southsouthwest mat, possesses the same char- acteristics, and when probed with a peat sampler, was found to be approximately 10 meters deep. An interesting feature to this location in particular was the sizeable population of about 200 individuals of Calopogon tuberosus. A comparable association was found to be quite common at Heath Pond Bog (Fahey, 1993) as well, particularly the narrow floating mat immediately adjacent to the lake-edge. ST IVbas a whole is also floristically similar to what Dunlop (1987) reported in southern New Hampshire as a Vaccinium oxycoccos-khynchospora alba subtype, found adjacent to the lake edge of Mud Pond Bog. The close proximity to the edge probably explains the in- creased abundance of Andromeda glaucophylla and Myrica gale, species that reflect, at least in other regions of North America, a weakly minerotrophic condition (Jeglum, 1971, Schwintzer, 1978). Dansereau and Segadas-Vianna (1952) found Andromeda glaucophylla to occur often in the wettest regions of the Chamaedaphne calyculata dominated associa- tion in Canada. As mentioned previously, Rhynchospora alba has a distribution in peatlands which seems to be gov- erned by moisture and the intolerance of shade rather than water chemistry (Vitt and Slack, 1975). 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 77 Acer rubrum-Vaccinium corymbosum-Lyonia ligustrina Cover Type (CT V) This cover type is found largely around the outer periphery of the peatland. Typically it extends from the base of the up- land out on to the mat in varying widths (Figure 4). Many of its constituents integrade strongly with the Chamaedaphne calyculata-Woodwardia virginica cover type (CT HI), but a high preference of Acer rubrum, Vaccinium corymbosum, and Lyonia ligustrina TWINSPAN distinguishes this cover type. It is dominated primarily by tall shrubs over 1.5 meters in height, and an understory which is quite variable. A moat of standing water is found at the immediate base of the upland, often quite deep in places. Although Chamaedaphne calyculata has the highest cover ( 18%) and frequency (79.4) value, this zone has been named after the taller shrubs based on their relative high cover and frequency in combination with their relative uniqueness to this zone (Table 5). Other important tall, woody species (>1.5 m) that charac- terize this cover type include Alnus incana ssp. rugosa, Nemopanthus mucronata, llex verticillata, Rhododendron canadense, and Aronia melanocarpa. Betula populifolia, Cephalanthus occidentalis and Viburnum cassinoides are found less frequently. Other low growing shrubs include Myrica gale, Kalmia angustifolia, and Spiraea latifolia. The more typical herbaceous species include Osmunda regalis, Osmunda_ cinnamomea, Carex stricta, Symplocarpus foet- idus, Carex trisperma, Rubus hispidus, Lysimachia_terr- estris, Triadenum virginicum, Utricularia intermedia, Drosera rotundifolia , and Juncus pelocarpus. The moat at Heath Pond Bog (Fahey, 1993) is floristically very similar, except for the shrubby moat area which has been extensively disturbed by beavers. In another New Hampshire bog (Dunlop, 1987) the /lex verticillata-Acer-Carex 78 Rhodora [Vol. 97 canescens community type occupying the moat shows flo- ristic similarities, but the importance of Vaccinium corymbosum and Lyonia ligustrina are not as great. Table 5. Mean percent cover and percent frequency of dominant species in the Acer rubrum-Vaccinium corymbosum-Lyonia ligustrina cover type (CT V). Species Mean % Cover % Frequency Sphagnum spp. 63 97.4 Chamaedaphne calyculata 18 fi Me. Vaccinium corymbosum* 12 64.1 Lyonia ligustrina* 12 DU) Osmunda regalis 12 30.8 Alnus incana ssp. rugosa 9 53.8 Acer rubrum* 8 74.4 Osmunda cinnamomea 8 23.1 Myrica gale a 46.1 Nemopanthus mucronata wi 32.9 Carex stricta 7 33.3 Tlex verticillata 7 23.0 Rhododendron canadense 6 59.0 Aronia melanocarpa 4 48.7 Symplocarpus foetidus 4 43.5 Carex trisperma 4 25.2 Betula populifolia 3 20.5 Woodwardia virginica 3 ee, Cephalanthus occidentalis 3 es Rubus hispidus 2 30.8 Lysimachia terrestris 2 28.6 Kalmia angustifolia 2 25.6 Triadenum virgir.icum 2 2.6 Vibuurnun cassinoide 2 23.1 Utricularia intermedia 2 Zo Drosera rotundifolia ] ee | Spiraea latifolia ] 234 Juncus pelocarpus 1 209 * = indicator species for CT V 1995 Fahey and Crow - Pequawket Bog 72 Vitt and Slack ( 1975) reported a tall shrub zone (the Mar- ginal Moat Zone) encircling bogs in northern Michigan. This community type consisted of similar species, but with differ- ent abundances. They also noted that this zone appeared to be highly variable, but was primarily dominated by Ilex verticillata, Nemopanthus mucronata, Viburnum cassinoides, and occasionally Osmunda regalis. Floristically this cover type strongly resembles the Cinna- mon Fern-Highbush Blueberry Thicket described by Damman and French (1987), with some variation. This type of tall shrub thicket occurs in locations with seasonal water-level fluctuations, and that are heavily influenced by minerotrophic water from the surrounding upland or seepage (Damman and French, 1987). The community was also characterized as hav- ing a well developed ground layer of vegetation. Basin Profile Probings of the peat mat at 10 meter intervals along transect 1 resulted in a profile of the bog basin (Figure 5). The profile shows an apparent basin of a former pond which has been completely blanketed by the bog mat. The basin measures approximately 11 meters at its deepest point. Figure 5 shows a vegetation map of the south and southwest portion of the peatland showing transect 1, and the vegetation types through which it runs, for comparison with the same zones shown on the basin profile. At the deepest part of the basin the Chamaedaphne calyculata-Vaccinium oxycoccos-Eriophorum virginicum cover type (CT IV) occupies a relatively large area, approximately 110 m long; ST 1 Va occupies the major- ity of this area, particularly where the basin is deepest. Sur- rounding this zone is the Chamaedaphne calyculata- Woodwardia virginica cover type (CT III), an area that cor- responds with a more shallow basin. Toward the pond edge 80 Rhodora [ Vol. 97 the Chamaedaphne calyculata-Vaccinium oxycoccos- Eriophorum virginianum CT 1s represented by ST IVb, cor- responding with a basin depth of approximately 2-7 meters. At the outer edge of the mat the Acer rubrum-Vaccinium corymbosum-Lyonia ligustrina cover type (CT V) is found upland Fee e eer eer re atatahaha rrr earns aul’s camera. This active group has contributed 40-50 new records of rare species a year, including the second site in the state for Carex polymorpha. Ranging still further south, David Hunt shared his work on the rare Florida scrub oak, reduced to fewer than 100 populations (and most of those with For Sale signs tacked onto the oaks). These scrub communi- ties contain the largest concentration of rare species in the eastern US, but are threatened by expansion of citrus groves and development. David showed the third bird slide of the evening (the globally endangered Florida Scrub Jay), a new record for show and tell. Two members ventured to South America. Garrett Crow traveled through Bolivia with a graduate student, searching for aquatics from 12,000 ft to near sea level. Although high elevation aquatics include 1995 Rhodora News/ Notes 105 many familiar forms such as Limosella and Callitriche, lower eleva- ions on the Amazonian side of the Andes include the aptly-named Equisetum giganteum. NEWS Two valuable and active Club members passed away in 1994: Sib Higginbotham, who will be missed at Club meetings and field tnps, and Dorothy Waleka, who mounted many of the speciments 1n the Club’s herbarium. NOTES The Rhode Island Natural History Survey is a new organization with a mission to “advance scientific knowledge of Rhode Island’ biota, ecological communities, and environmental resources; to facili- tate and coordinate the gathering and dissemination of information on Rhode Island’s biota and natural communities, and to enhance commu- nication among Rhode Island’s environmental and life scientists”. The new group organized a very successful symposium in October, and is preparing a directory of Rhode Island naturalists. For information, con- tact the Rhode [sland Natural History Survey, Inc. at the Cooperative Extension Center, E. Alumni Ave. University of Rhode Island, Kingston RI 02881. The Conference on the Status and Management of Old Growth Forests in the Northeast was held October 29-30, 1994, in Williamstown, MA. Sponsored by the MassachusettsAudubon Society, the conference allowed scientists and old-growth enthusiasts to meet and discuss the status, characteristics, and spiritual role of old growth forests. There appears to be no clear agreement on a single definition of Old Growth - various criteria used include pre-setthement origins, multi-aged stands of significant age, as well as stands of very large trees. Some of the more interesting talks from the first day of the conference included the description of old-growth hemlock stands in Massachusetts (mostly less than 25 ha, on steep slopes); a discussion of extensive tracts of high-elevation old-growth forest in the Catskills, where areas of over 100 square miles were never logged; a description 106 Rhodora [Vo l. 96 of a 130-yr old even-aged spruce stand on Mt. Graylock, regenerated after fire; a photo of the oldest spruce in Maine (450 years, 24-inch diameter); and the observation that forests of Michigan’s Upper Penin- sula, although never logged, are not stable in composition - these are stl changing as beech continues to extend its range and dominance northward. Biodiversity Principles and Applications, a Conference For Natu- ral Resource Professionals, was held on January 17, 1995 in Newington NH and sponsored by the UNH Cooperative Extension Program. Speak- ers from academic institutions, the Nature Conservancy, and state and federal agencies addressed the definitions and levels of biological di- versity, with applications to land management issues in Northern New England. The talks summarized here were of particular interest to bota- nists. C. Cogbill emphasized external, abiotic factors as the major cause of change and the maintenance of diversity in forests, ranging from wind as both a cause of “fir waves” at high elevations and the major cause of change 1n northern hardwoods forest, to fire as a factor in the regenera- tion of NH pitch pine forests. A common pattern of vegetation change is that of an even-aged stand of white pine, established 1n an old field or following fire, catastrophically destroyed by windstorm, and replaced by northern hardwoods - emphasizing that our majestic old-growth white pine stands are temporary features of the landscape. J. Litvaitis dis- cussed the connection between human alteration of the landscape and wildlife biodiversity. Early successional forests are critical habitat types for the New England cottontail and bobcat. This habitat type peaked in abundance in NH from 1905 through 1950, following the abandonment of agriculture. Abundances of these species and early successional birds have declined dramatically since 1950 as forests have matured. He also discussed the relationship of other landscape characteristics to small mammals. J. Kantor noted that the now-rare upland sandpiper moved into New England as agriculture expanded. Its current decline is due to habitat loss as pastures and agricultural lands revert to forest This raises some interesting questions as to the level of effort that should be ex- pended to preserve the upland sandpiper and similar species. BOOKS OF NOTE One Hundred and One Botanists by Duane Isely (lowa State Press, 1995 Rhodora News/ Notes 107 272 pages, 1994). Brief biographical sketches of prominent botanists rom Aristotle onward, illustrated with photographs front the Hunt Institute collection. Highly recommended by Les Mehrhoff. From Coastal Wilderness to Fruited Plain by Gordon G. Whitney (Cambridge University Press, 451 pages, 1994). An outstanding sur- vey of pre-settlement vegetation types of eastern North America, the progression and effects of land cleating for agriculture and wood, the effects of farm abandonment, current anthropogenic vegetation types, changes in the fauna, and the history of the conservation movement and land protection in the northeast. Although covering an extensive geo- graphical area, the book comprehensively treats the major topics and challenging issues of human effects on the natural vegetation and eco- systems of the northeast - and is worth buying for the 105-page bibliog- raphy alone. Itis definitely academic in its tone, and some readers may not find it as easily readable or accessible as Cronon’s Changes in the Land. The book follows the format of a scientific research paper and the reader may want to approach it in the same way - I found the intro- ductory chapter on methods of assessing pre-settlement vegetation types educational, but rapidly skipped ahead to the more interesting results of Whitney's investigations. THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB 22 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 The New England Botanical Club is a non-profit organization that promotes the study of plants of North America, especially the flora of New England and adjacent areas. The Club holds regular meetings, has a large herbarium of New England plants, and a library. It publishes a quarterly journal, RHODORA, which is now in its 95th year and contains about 400 pages a volume. Membership is open to all persons interested in systematics and field botany. Annual dues are $35.00, including a subscription to RHODORA. Members living within about 200 miles of Boston receive notices of the Club meetings. To join, please fill out this membership application and send with enclosed dues to the above address. Regular Member $35.00 Family Rate $45.00 For this calendar year ees For the next calendar year eran Name Address City & State 51, pee eee Special interests (optional): INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS TO RHODORA Submission of a manuscript implies it is not being considered for publi- cation simultaneously elsewhere, either in whole or in part. Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate (an original and two xero- graphic copies), in addition, a copy of the mss. on a 3.5 inch floppy disc will facilitate production of the paper The text must be double-spaced (at least 3/8") throughout, including tables, figure legends, and literature citations. The list of legends for figures and maps should be provided on a separate page. Do not use footnotes. Do not indicate the style of type through the use of capitals or underscoring, particularly in the citation of specimens. Names of genera and species may be underlined to indicate italics in discussions. Specimen citations should be selected critically especially for common species of broad distribution. Systematic revi- sions and similar papers should be prepared in the format of"A Mono- graph of the Genus Malvastrum," S. R. Hill, Rhodora 84: 1-83, 159-264, 317-409, 1982, particularly with reference to indentation of keys and synonyms. Designation of a new taxon should carry a Latin diagnosis (rather than a full Latin description), which sets forth succinctly just how the new taxon is distinguished from its congeners. Papers of a flo- ristic nature should follow, as far as possible, the format of "Annotated List of the Ferns and Fern Allies of Arkansas," W. Carl Taylor and Delzie Demaree, Rhodora 81: 503-548, 1979. For bibliographic citations, refer to the Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum ( B-P-H, 1968) which provides standardized abbreviations for journals originating before 1966.All ab- breviations in the text should be followed by a period, except those for standard units of measure and direction (compass points). For standard abbreviations and for guidance in other matters of biological wnting style, consult the CBE Style Manual, Sth ed. (original title: Style Manual for Biological Journals). In preparing figures (maps, charts, drawings, photos, etc.) please remember that the printed plate will be 4 x 6 inches; be sure that illustrations are proportioned to reduce correctly and indi- cate by blue pencil the intended limits of the figures. (Some "turn-page" figures with brief legends will be 31/2 x 6 in.) Magnification/reduction values given in text or figure legends should be calculated to reflect the actual printed size. Tables should be set up in the same way. Each page should be ready for reproduction and will be reduced to + x 6 inches.An Abstract and a list of Key Words should be supplied at the beginning of each paper submitted, except for a very short article or note. All pages should be numbered in the upper right hand corner Brevity is urged for all submissions. Lek, Wanted a? is 3 ee % RHODORA JOURNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB CONTENTS: Synopsis of the genus Arabis (Brassicaceae) in Canada, Alaska and Green- land. Gerald A. Mulligan A natural hybrid of Drosera anglica Huds. and Drosera linearis Goldie in Michigan. Donald E. Schnell The chromosome number of Saxifraga eae sis Fernald. Camille Gervais, Norman Dignard, and Rosaire Tra Book Review Asteraceae, Cladistics & Classification. Gordon P. DeWolf, Jr. ......... Rhodora News and Notes. Lisa A. Standley NEBC Membership Form NEBC Officers and Council Members THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB P. O. Box 1897, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 109 164 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Vol. 97 Spring, 1995 No. 890 The New England Botanical Club, Inc. 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 RHODORA GORDON P. DEWOLF, JR., Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors DAVID S. CONANT LISA A. STANDLEY RHODORA (ISSN 0035-4902). Published four times a year (January, April, July, and October) by The New England Botanical Club, 810 East 10th St., Lawrence, KS 66044 and printed by Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Second class postage pending at Lawrence, KS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to RHODORA, P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044. RHODORA is a journal of botany devoted primarily to North America. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts of scientific papers and notes relating to the systematics, distribution, ecology, paleobotany, or conservation biology of this or floristically related areas. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $40.00 per calendar year, net, postpaid, in funds payable at par in the United States currency. Remittances payable to RHODORA. Send to RHODORA, PO. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897, MEMBERSHIPS: Regular $35; Family $45. Application form printed erein. BACK VOLUMES AND SINGLE COPIES: Some available; poe tion and prices will be furnished upon request to the Treasure ADDRESS CHANGES: In order to receive the next number of RHO- DORA, changes must be received by the business office prior to the first day of January, April, July, or October. INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Inside back cover, January and April. MANUSCRIPTS: Send to: Gordon P. DeWolf, Jr. Managing Editor, RHODORA 125 Long Hill Road West Brookfield, MA 01585 This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). RHODORA JOURNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB Vol. 97 April 1995 No. 890 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 890, pp. 109-163, 1995 SYNOPSIS OF THE GENUS ARABIS (BRASSICACEAE) IN CANADA, ALASKA AND GREENLAND GERALD A. MULLIGAN ABSTRACT This taxonomic treatment of Arabis (Brassicaceae) in Canada, Alaska and Greenland recognizes 30 species. A comprehensive key is provided for these species and 8 varieties. Four new cpa are described: A. boivinii G. Mulligan, sp. nov., A. calderi G. Mulligan, sp. nov.; codyi G. Mulligan, sp. nov.; and A. murrayl, G. Mulligan, sp. nov. In addition, many other taxa are recondad for the first time for this area. Cytological eae available for 45 North American and Greenland species of Arabis are summarized and discussed. Thirty-six of these species have the basic chromosome-number of x = 7 and some have diploid, triploid and even tetraploid chromosome races. The Arabis species being treated here can reproduce sexually and/or by agamospermy. Key Words: Brassicaceae, Arabis, taxonomy, new species, cytology INTRODUCTION The first treatment of the genus Arabis in North America was on taxa in the Pacific Northwest (Rollins, 1936a). This was closely followed by two monographs published in Rhodora: Arabis in eastern and central North America by Hopkins (1937) and a monographic study of Arabis in western North America by Rollins (1941). Rollins discussed, in detail, the relationships of Arabis with other genera in the family Brassicaceae and among and with- in Arabis species. He continued to add to our knowledge of the taxonomy, ecology, cytology, breeding systems, hybridization and speciation in the genus in a long series of publications (Rollins, 1936a, 1936b, 1941, 1943, 1946, 1966, 1971, 1973, 1981, 1982, 109 110 Rhodora [Vol. 97 1983, 1984, 1993a; Rollins and Riidenberg, 1971, 1977, 1979). Bocher (1947, 1951, 1954, 1966, 1969) studied the cytology and embryology of some members of Arabis occurring in this area and Mulligan (1964) and Mulligan and Porsild (1969, 1970) pub- lished chromosome numbers for many Arabis taxa in Canada. Boivin (1951, 1955, 1967) also proposed a number of new taxa and rankings based on his study of Canadian Arabis. He sum- marized his taxonomic views on Arabis in his Enumération des plantes du Canada and Flora of the Prairie Provinces (Boivin, 1966, 1968, respectively). More recently, Sabourin (1989) pre- sented a useful guide to the Arabis taxa found in eastern Canada. Rollins (1993b) published the first comprehensive taxonomic study of the genus Arabis in Continental North America. He included excellent keys, descriptions, habitats, distributions, and cytolog- ical data for all taxa based on material that he had seen. However, he did not have the opportunity to see the large amount of Ca- nadian, Alaskan and Greenland Arabis material available to me. Consequently, many Arabis taxa present in Canada, Alaska and Greenland are not recorded from this area in Rollins’ latest treat- ment. The present synopsis of Arabis occurring in Canada, Alaska and Greenland attempts to fill this gap. MATERIALS AND METHODS Herbarium specimens, including many types, were examined morphologically. They were borrowed from the following insti- tutions: ALA, CAN, DAO, DWC, GH, K, KY, LE, MO, MT, ND, NY, ORE, OS, P, PH, QFA, RM, RSA, SASK, UBC, UC, US, WIS and ws. Herbarium acronyms are according to Holmgren et al. (1990). In addition, a very large collection of unmounted, mostly unidentified, Arabis specimens were studied and later deposited in the herbarium of Agriculture Canada, Ottawa (DAO). These specimens were col- lected in southwestern Canada and the western United States by Theodore Mosquin, with Linda Mosquin and M. H. Benn in 1962 and with G. A. Mulligan and J. M. Gillett in 1963. Many of these specimens had both herbarium labels and annotation slips con- taining unpublished cytological data of Theodore Mosquin. In addition, cytological studies published for all North American and Greenland species of Arabis were summarized. The cytolog- ical information appears in Table 1. 1995] Mulligan — Arabis Ltt CYTOLOGY AND BREEDING SYSTEMS Results from the cytological examination of 45 species of Arabis of North America and Greenland are presented in Table |. Thirty- six species have the base chromosome-number of x = 7, eight species have x = 8, and one species, A. glabra, seems to have two base numbers, x = 6 and 8. Nineteen of the species with the base number of x = 7 are known only as diploids, five species only as triploids, one species only as a tetraploid, rine species as both diploids and triploids, and two species as diploids, triploids and tetraploids. Seventeen of these thirty-six species, with the base number of x = 7, contain plants that are triploid and/or have an irregular meiosis. Since these plants have almost a complete seed set, it seems likely that they produce seed by apomixis. Eight species (A. columbiana, A. divaricarpa, A. drummondii, A. exilis, A. holboellii, A. laevigata, A. puberula and A. sparsiflora), also with a very high seed set, have plants with a regular pairing at meiosis and thus may very well be sexual. However, all of these eight species also have plants that are triploid and/or have an irregular meiosis and thus are almost certainly also apomictic. A number of species, with the base number of x = 7, include aneuploids and plants with B-chro- mosomes. Bocher (1947, 1951, 1954, 1966, 1969) first reported apomixis in North American and Greenland Arabis with the base number of x = 7. According to Bécher (1969), some diploids with a com- pletely normal meiosis seem to be sexual whereas others with meiotic abnormalities are probably apomictic or amphi-apomic- tic. He also stated that triploids may easily be formed by the fusion of reduced and unreduced cells in diploids and that this process may be reversible. The most common base number for North American and Greenland Arabis is x = 7, and these species may be sexual, apomictic or amphi-apomictic or any combination thereof. It appears that plants with the base number x = 7, some possibly propagating apomictally, do occur occasionally on other continents. For example, Berkutenko and Gurzenkov (1976) re- ported 2n = 14 for Arabis falcata (Turcz.) Berkut. and 2n = 21 for Arabis pendula L. from the south Magadan region in the former U.S.S.R. and Galland (1969) 2” = 14 for plants of Arabis auri- culata Lam. and Arabis conringioides Ball. from Morocco. Arabis pauciflora (Grimm.) Garcke has the chromosome number of 2” Table 1. Reported chromosome-numbers for Arabis of Canada, the United States and Greenland. Chromosome counts and other cytological information attributed to voucher specimens under the collection numbers of Theodore Mosquin (T.M.) were observed by ere attached to specimens that are now deposited in the Agriculture Canada herbarium at Ottawa (DAO). The references given in Table 1 | refer to published reports. The chromosome bers listed as 7 = 15/2, 21/2, and 22/2 indicate that Mosquin observed very irregular configurations totalling 15, 21 and 22 chromosomes, respectively, at meiosis. Sources of materials, vouchers or references, Taxon n 2n and special cytological information A. aculeolata Greene 32 OREGON (Rollins & Riidenberg 1977). A. alpina L. 8 16 GREENLAND (Jorgensen et a/. 1958; Dalgaard 1988, 81). QUEBEC (Rollins 1941; Mulligan 1964). MANI- TOBA (Love & Live | ). A. arenicola (Richardson) Gelert 8 16 GREENLAND (Bocher 1966). QUEBEC (Hedberg 1967; Lepage 39394 by T.M.). A. boivinii G. Mulligan 21/2 MONTANA (7.M. & L. Mosquin 5219). SOUTH DA- KOTA (T.M. & G.A. Mulligan 5157). A. breweri S. Wats. 14 CALIFORNIA (Rollins & Riidenberg 1971). A. canadensis L. 14 ONTARIO (Mulligan 1964). A. caucasica Willd. 8 ONTARIO (Mulligan 1964, 811). A. cobrensis M.E. Jones 7 WYOMING (Rollins 1941). A. columbiana Macoun 7 BRITISH COLUMBIA (T.M. & G.A.M. 4930 & 4937, meiosis irregular). CALIFORNIA (7.M. 4548). IDAHO AM. 4966, 4982 & 4994, meiosis irregular; T.M. & G.A.M. 4998, TII). OREGON (T.M. & G.A.M 21/2 ca. 21 CALIFORNIA (T.M. 4531 & 4535). WASHINGTON M. & G.A.M. 4944, n = 21/2). cll evIopoyYy L6 ‘19A] Table 1. Continued. Taxon Sources of materials, vouchers or references, and special cytological information A. constancei Rollins A. crandallii Robinson A. demissa var. russeola Rollins A, depauperata Nelson & Kennedy WASHINGTON (7.M. & G.A.M. 4946). CALIFORNIA (Rollins & Riidenberg 1971). COLORADO (Rollins 1941, 1966). WYOMING (Rollins 1966). MONTANA (7.M. & J.M. Gillett 5253). [S661 MANITOBA (Love & Love 1975a, 1982). COLORADO (Rollins 1966). MONTANA (Rollins 1966, 1983). 22 CALIFORNIA (Rollins 1966). WYOMING (Bécher 1969, apomictic, EMCs, PMCs, and pollen grains had 22 chromosomes and Pie cn aes pollen were formed). The n = 8 and n .O. Gaiser in a (1941) are probably erroneous (Rollins, pers. comm.). SASKATCHEWAN (Taylor & Brockman 1966). ALBER- TA (7.M., L.M. & M.H. Benn 4751 & T.M. & L.M. 4703, 711). BRITISH COLUMBIA (Mulligan 1964, 2n = 13 + 2B & 14). COLORADO (7.M. & L.M. A. divaricarpa A. Nels. var. divaricarpa or dacotica 7 14 (Greene) Boivin number A. divaricarpa var. divaricarpa 7 14 15/2 MONTANA (T.M. & J.M.G. 5258). ALBERTA (T.M. & M.H.B. 5183, n = 21/2). BRITISH COLUMBIA (Mulligan 1964). CALIFORNIA (7.M. 4529), COLORADO (T.M. & L.M. 4575) BRITISH COLUMBIA (Mulligan 1964). COLORADO (T.M. & G.A.M. 5066 & 5073, n = 21/2). A. divaricarpa var. dacotica ca. 7 21/2 2] SIqDdp — uUesITINIA ell Table 1. Continued. Taxon n Sources of materials, vouchers or references, and special cytological information A. drummonadii Gray 7 Ze A. eschscholtziana Andrz. 32 A. exilis A. Nels. 7 ca. 21 MACKENZIE DISTRICT (Mulligan 1964, 2n = 28 & 28 + 1B). MANITOBA (7.M. & L.M. 4904 & 4910, n= 14 with irregular meiosis). YUKON (Mulligan 1964). MANITOBA (Live & Live 1982). ALBERTA (7.M. & L.M. 4706 & T.M., L.M. & M.H.B. 4737, both 711). CALIFORNIA (Rollins & Rii- denberg 1977). COLORADO (Rollins 1941, 1966; Rod- man & Bhargava 1976; 7.M. & L.M. 4580, 4616 & 4630, all 71]; T.M. & G.A.M. 5068, 5093 & 5101, all 7II). IDAHO (T.M. & G.A.M. 4999), MONTANA (Rol- lins 1966, 1983; 7.M. & J.M.G. 5232, 5232a & 5260, all 7II). UTAH (7.M. & G.A.M. 5120, 71). WYO- MING (Rollins 1966, 1983; 7.M. & L.M. 4658, 4663 & 4668, all 711; T.M. & J.M.G. 5246 & 5247, both 7II). BRITISH COLUMBIA (Mulligan 1964). ALBERTA (T.M. & L.M. 4755, 711 + 71; T.M. & M.H.B. 4738). MASSACHUSETTS (Bécher 1969). BRITISH COLUMBIA (Taylor & Mulligan 1968, 32II). YUKON (Bocher 1969). BRITISH COLUMBIA (Mulli- gan 1964; Taylor & Taylor 1977, 71). MONTANA (Bécher 1969). WYOMING (Rollins 1966; Bécher 1969). UTAH (T.M. & G.A.M. 5122). vil vIOpOyY L6 1OA] Table 1. Continued. Taxon 2n Sources of materials, vouchers or references, and special cytological information A. fendleri (S. Wats.) Greene A. glabra (L.) Bernh. A. glaucovalvula M.E. Jones A. gunnisoniana Rollins A. hirsuta (L.) Scop. var. hirsuta A. hirsuta var. pycnocarpa (Hopkins) Rollins 14 CALIFORNIA (Rollins & Riidenberg 1979). COLORA- DO (Rollins 1941, 1966). The n = 14 report for Colora- do material in Rollins (1941) may be erroneous (Rol- lins, pers. corr.). NEVADA (Rollins & Riidenberg 1979). The n = 21 re- port for pesaalian material in Rollins (1941) is almost certainly erroneo QUEBEC (Gillett 10569, 2n = 12 by T.M.). ONTARIO (Bowden, 2n = 12 by G.A.M.). ALBERTA (7.M. & L.M. 4687). CALIFORNIA (7.M. 4542, 4515B & 4815, all 61; Breedlove, 611 by T.M.). COLORADO (Rodman & Bhargava 1976; T.M. & G.A.M. 5104, 6Il). IDAHO (T.M. 4795). MONTANA (7.M. & J.M. 5218, re regular), OREGON (7.M. & L.M. 4359 & 4484, 611). WYOMING (7.M. & L.M. 4669 61). VIRGINIA (Hill 1982). CALIFORNIA (Rollins & Riidenberg 1979). COLORADO (Rollins 1941). CALIFORNIA as 4525, 1611). COLORADO (T.M. & J.M.G. 5347, 16II). MACKENZIE DISTRICT (Mulligan 1964). MANITOBA (Taylor & Brockman 1966). ALBERTA (T.M. & L.M. 4688 & 4701, 16; 7.M. & M.H.B. 5184, 1611). BRIT- SIGDAP — UeSIT[I NA [S661 SI Table 1. Continued. Taxon 2n Sources of materials, vouchers or references, and special cytological information A. holboellii Hornem. var. holboellii A. holboellii var. consanguinea (Greene) G. Mulli- 21/2 a | ISH COLUMBIA (7.M. & G.A.M. 4933, 1611). CON- NECTICUT (Rollins 1941). COLORADO (Rollins 941). SOUTH DAKOTA (T.M. & G.A.M. 5154 & 5155, 16II). WISCONSIN (Smith 1938, 16II). The n = 32 chromo- some-number by L.O. Gaiser in Rollins (1941) should be discounted until it is confirmed. GREENLAND (Bocher 1954; Bécher 1969, some have completely normal meiosis and seem to be sexual whereas others probably are amphiapomictic or apo- mictic; Dalgaard 1988, 7II). GREENLAND (Bocher 1954; Bécher 1969, metaphases correspond to those of second division, PMCs have as- yndetic metaphase plates with the somatic number; Hansen et al. 2304, 2n = ca. 21 by T.M.). NEVADA (7.M. & L.M. 4335 & 4337, 711). ALBERTA (T7.M. & L.M. 4696 & 4705; T.M. 5201, n = ca. 21/2, meiosis irregular; T7.M. & M.H.B. 5212, n = ca. 21/2). CALIFORNIA (T.M. & P. Raven 4419, T.M. & L.M. 4440 & 4441, n = 21/2). COLORADO (7.M. & L.M. 4623; T.M. & G.A.M. 5094). OREGON (T.M. & L.M. 4485, T.M. & J.M.G. 5276). OTT eIOpOyYy L6 IO] Table 1. Continued. Taxon 2n Sources of materials, vouchers or references, and special cytological information A. holboellii var. retrofracta (Graham) Rydb. 14 14+ 1B MANITOBA (Mulligan 1964; Léve & Love 1982; 7.M. & L.M. 4911, 711). SASKATCHEWAN (Mulligan 1964; T.M. & L.M. 4914 & 4915, both 711). ALBERTA (Mul- ligan 1964; T.M. & L.M. 4683 & 4686, both 7II; TM. & G.A.M. 4924, 711). BRITISH COLUMBIA (Mulligan 1964; T.M. & L.M. 4454 & 4460, both 7II; JA. Calder & J.M.G. 26537, 71 by T.M.; T.M. & G.A.M. 4935 & 4938, both 71]; 7.M. & G.A.M. 4929, n = 7, meiosis irregular). CALIFORNIA (Rollins 1941, 1966; Rollins & Riidenberg 1977; T.M. & P. Raven 4427, 711; 7.M 4532: T.M. 4530, n =7 meiosis irregular). COLORA- DO (Rollins 1941; 7.M. & L.M. 4628, 711). IDAHO (Bécher 1969, meiosis regular with 7 bivalents, hun- dreds of anaphase I were normal, a tetrads were formed and pollen was uniform; 7.M. & G.A.M. 4967, 4970, 4972, 4997 & 4998, all 711). “MONTANA (Rol- lins 1966, 1983). NEVADA (7.M. & G.A.M. 5001 & 5008, both 7II; 7.M. & G.A.M. 5013, n = 7, irregular meiosis). OREGON (7.M. & G.A. - 4962, TI). SOUTH DAKOTA (7.M. & G.A 5151, n= 7, irreg- ular meiosis). WASHINGTON ae 1969). WYO- MING Rollins 1941, 1983; Bécher 1969; 7.M. & L.M. 4665, 70 , ). ALBERTA (Packer 1964). BRITISH COLUMBIA (Mulli- [S661 SIGDAP — UeBIT[NJA — Table 1. Continued. Taxon 2n Sources of materials, vouchers or references, and special cytological information A. holboellii var. secunda (Howell) Jepson A. inyoensis Rollins A. kamtschatica (Fisch.) Ledeb. 15/2 ca. 21/2 ca. 22/2 ALBERTA (7.M., L.M. & M.H.B. 4735, 711 +11). BRIT- ISH COLUMBIA (T.M. & G.A.M. 4932). COLORADO (T.M. & G.A.M. 5097, irregular meiosis). ALBERTA (7.M. & G.A.M. 4922, n = ca. 21/2). BRIT- ISH COLUMBIA (T.M. & L.M. 4452, n = ca.21/2, meiosis irregular). IDAHO (7.M. & L.M. 4156, n = ca. 21/2, PMCs form dyads not aera OREGON (T.M. & L.M. 4353). WYOMING (T.M. & L.M. 4164, n = 21/2). The n = 14 chromosome-number given in Rollins (1941) may be erroneous. QUEBEC (Bécher 1954), IDAHO (T.M. & G.A.M. 4983, II). BRITISH COLUMBIA rire 1964). UTAH (7.M. & G.A.M. 5119). UTAH (7.M. & ae 988). NEVADA (Rollins & Riidenberg 1971). NEVADA (Rollins & Riidenberg 1971). ALASKA (Dawe & Murray 1979, 2n = 32 as on voucher in ALA not 2n = 16 as in paper; Rollins 1966, under 4. lyrata). YUKON (Mulligan 1964, under A. /yrata). BRITISH COLUMBIA (Taylor & Mulligan 1968, Mul- ligan 1964, under A. /yrata). The GH voucher for 4 lyrata ssp. kamtschatica of Johnson & Packer 1968 is A, media BIT elopoyuYy L6 ‘19A] Table 1. Continued. Sources of materials, vouchers or references, Taxon n 2n and special cytological information A. laevigata (Mihl) Poir. 7 CONNECTICUT (Rollins 1941). MARYLAND (Kovan- da 1978). OHIO (Easterly 1963, 71D). WISCONSIN (Smith 1938, 7II). A. lemmonii S. Wats. 14 ALBERTA (Mulligan 1964). BRITISH COLUMBIA (Mulligan 1964). WYOMING (Rollins 1966). 6a, 2172 MONTANA (7.M. & J.M.G. 5229 & 5252). A. lignifera A. Nels. 7 14 COLORADO (Rollins 1941). WYOMING (Rollins 1941). A, lyallii 8. Wats. 21/2 2 ALBERTA (Mulligan 1964). BRITISH COLUMBIA (Mulligan 1964). UTAH (7.M. & J.M.G. 5322, n = 21/ 2) A. lyrata L. 8 16 ONTARIO (Bocher 1969; Garton 6191, 8II by T.M.). A. media N. Busch 16 ALASKA (Rollins 1966 under A. /yrata but voucher in GH is A. media); Johnson & Packer 1968 under A. /y- rata subsp. kamtschatica but voucher in GH is A. me- dia A. microphylla Nuttall 7 14 BRITISH COLUMBIA (Mulligan 1964). OREGON (Rol- lins 1941). 15/2 15 WYOMING (Bocher 1969, PMCs form dyads and ana- phases initiating dyads were all regular with 15 chromo- 4 chromosome-number in Rollins (1941) may be erroneous. A. parishii 8. Wats. 7 CALIFORNIA (Rollins & Riidenberg 1979). [$661 siqnap —uesiy[njA 611 Table 1. Continued. e Sources of materials, vouchers or references, = Taxon n 2n and special cytological information A. pendulina Greene 7 14 UTAH (Bécher 1969, pollen was uniform). A. perennans §. Wats. 7 14 COLORADO (Rollins 1941). ARIZONA (Rollins & Rii- denberg 1971). A. perstellata Braun 7 TENNESSEE (Rollins 1966). A. petiolaris (Gray) Gray 14 ca. 28 TEXAS (Rollins & Riidenberg 1977). A. pinetorum Tidestrom 7 14 ALASKA (Dawe & Murray 1979 under A. holboellii but voucher in ALA is 4. pinetorum). CALIFORNIA (T.M. 7, n= 7, meiosis irregular). z 13 + 2B MANITOBA (Mulligan 1964 under 4. holboellii). 4 21/2 21 CALIFORNIA (7.M. & L.M. 4439; Rollins & Riidenberg g 1971). NEVADA (T.M. 4536). WYOMING (Rollins S 1966). A. puberula A. Nels. 7 NEVADA (T.M. & L.M. 4337, TI). 21/2 OREGON (7.M. & L.M. 4347 & 4349). A. pulchra M.E. Jones 7 14 NEVADA (Rollins & ats 1979), UTAH (Rollins & Riidenberg 1971). 21 NEVADA (Rollins & Ridenbers 1979). UTAH (Rollins & Riidenberg 1971). A. repanda S. Wats. a CALIFORNIA (Rollins 1941). = < A, schistacea Rydb. 14 UTAH (Bécher 1969, pollen is uniform). e A. selbyi Rydb. ca. 21 COLORADO (Rollins & Riidenberg 1977). = Continued. Sources of materials, vouchers or references, Taxon n 2n and special cytological information A. serotina Steele 14 VIRGINIA (Wieboldt 1987). A. sparsiflora Nuttall a ARIZONA (7.M. & L.M. 4245, meiosis irregular). IDA- HO (7T.M. & L.M. 4338 & 4352, both 7II). 22/2 22 CALIFORNIA (Raven et al. 1965; Bécher 1969, 7II + 8I at metaphase I). 7 OREGON (Rollins & Riidenberg 1977). A, subpinnatifida S. Wats. SIGDAP — UeBIT[ NA [S661 rae 122 Rhodora [Vol. 97 = 14 in Austria, Sweden, France and Germany (Burdet, 1967). However, he does not think that it is related to North American Arabis with the base number x = 7. He points out that this species has baffled European taxonomists, who have placed it at various times in the genera Turritis, Brassica, Conringia and even Ery- simum The eight North American species of Arabis with the base num- ber of x = 8, and A. glabra, with x = 6 and 8, all appear to produce seed sexually. All of the material, with these base numbers, ex- amined by the author and by other workers on North American material and plants from continents, had a regular meiosis and/ or lacked triploids, and, with the exception of A. caucasica, had a very high seed set when found growing in isolation. They are, therefore, almost certainly sexual and self-compatible. Burdet (1967) considers x = 8 to be the common basic chromosome- number of European and Asiatic Arabis. He does suggest that the base number may even be x = 4 because of chromosome-counts of 2n = 8 for plants of A. hirsuta from Switzerland and France. Burdet (1967) states that the somatic chromosomes of A. glabra are quite different from those of other Arabis, supporting other evidence that it perhaps could be placed in another genus. TRICHOMES IN ARABIS The trichomes on the undersurfaces of the caudex leaves, when present, often differ from taxon to taxon. They vary from simple or once-forked to dendritic or stellate and the more complex ones are from sessile to long-stalked. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) photographs of the more complex trichomes are shown in Figures 1 to 20. Where the trichomes are similar, a close rela- tionship may be indicated. This seems to be the case for A. drum- mondii, A. calderi, A. lyallii, A. divaricarpa var. divaricarpa and A. divaricarpa var. dacotica (Figures 3 to 7, respectively). In most cases, the trichomes are very different in form and/or size; for example A. caucasica (Figure 2), A. microphylla (Figure 13), A. sparsiflora (Figure 18) and A. pinetorum (Figure 20). These dif- ferences in the morphology and size of trichomes on the under- surfaces of the caudex leaves have been used extensively in the key to separate taxa. 1995] Mulligan—Arabis 123 Figures hare photographs of Arabis trichomes; all x 150. Figure 1, A. alpina. Figu , A. caucasica. Figure 3, A. drummondii. Figure 4, A. ae Figure 5, A. a Figure 6, 4. divaricarpa var. divaricarpa. Figure 7, A. divaricarpa var. dacotica. TAXONOMIC TREATMENT KEY TO TAXA OF ARABIS OF CANADA, ALASKA AND GREENLAND 1. Bases of middle cauline leaves all attenuate, cuneate, obtuse, to truncate, never clasping stems .......... Z 2, Siiaues Stronely destendme 16 DENGUIOUS. 4c c.mccckda sis ew nssw's oon Hi Se ee eRe eee oe eee nay hee 3 3. Stems 3 to 9 dm high; biennials, usually lacking caudex leaves as plants mature; caudex leaves, if present, glabrous or with simple to once-branched trichomes to 0.5 mm long; siliques 2.0 to 3.25 mm wide, seeds prominently winged; sw Que., s Ont., and southward ................... 11. A. canadensis 3. Stems usually less than 3 dm high; perennials with persistent caudex leaves; surfaces of caudex leaves with short-stalked (less than 0.063 mm long) semistellate trichomes mostly 0.125 mm wide; siliques 1.5 to 2.0 mm wide; seeds only slightly winged; Yukon, Sask. (Cypress Hills), sw Alta., B.C., and COMM at: earn andi ed cater nagt esas aoeoe needed eens yess ere eo meer ee eraes 22. A. exilis 2. Sitges Bsvendiie WOCCCl. x. ce eceu cused ee cikeeeeee ate aise ees es ees eee nee beers e eran aes 4 4. Siliques strongly ascending to erect: surfaces of caudex leaves glabrous or with short-stalked (less than 0.063 mm long) semidendritic to dendritic trichomes mostly 0.125 mm wide; sw Yukon, s B.C., and BOUL 220-221. TAYLor, R. L. AND R. P. BROCKMAN. 1966. Chromosome numbers of some western Canadian plants. Can. J. Bot. 44: 1093-1103 AND G. A. MULLIGAN. 1968. Flora of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Part 2. Cytological aspects of vascular plants. paneen: s Printer, Ottawa, Ont. AND S. TAYLOR. 1977. f vascular plants of British Columbia. Syesis 10: 12, 5 Sere WIEBOLT, T. E. 1987. The shale barren endemic Arabis serotina (Brassicaceae). Sida 12: 381-389. CENTRE FOR LAND AND BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES RESEARCH AGRICULTURE CANADA OTTAWA, ONTARIO KIA 0C6 CANADA RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 890, pp. 164-170, 1995 A NATURAL HYBRID OF DROSERA ANGLICA HUDS. AND DROSERA LINEARIS GOLDIE IN MICHIGAN DONALD E. SCHNELL ABSTRACT Plants of the natural hybrid of Drosera anglica Huds. and D lj is Goldie were discovered in a fen in Chippewa County, Michigan and are herein reported for the first time. Leaf aspects of the hybrid are intermediate between the parents and are best expressed as a leaf blade length/width ratio. Multiple measurements of the ratio in the parents and putative hybrid indicate an intermediate state. Chromosome evaluation indicates 2n = 30 (D. anglica 2n = 40, D. linearis 2n = 20 in the literature). Pollen viability is very low and no seeds are produced in the plants. The corolla is slightly larger in the hybrid than in either parent. In the field, the hybrid appears very vigorous and grows on two low mossy hummocks in a calcareous fen. In culture in the greenhouse, the hybrid plants show heterosis and leaf out and flower earlier in the season than the putative parents. Key Words: Drosera anglica, Drosera linearis, Drosera anglica x D. linearis, hybrids INTRODUCTION While botanizing in a typical calcareous Great Lakes fen along the Lake Huron shoreline in the eastern tip of Michigan’s upper peninsula, I noted two stands of Drosera which at first glance appeared to be particularly vigorous plants of Drosera anglica Huds. As I prepared to photograph the plants, reexamination indicated that the plants might be Drosera linearis Goldie. Since the plants seemed to have leaf characteristics of both species, I then conjectured that they might be hybrids of D. anglica and D. linearis. A search of the literature indicated that a natural hybrid of these two species had not yet been characterized, although pos- tulated by Wood (1955). Kusakabe (1979) submitted a list of artificial Drosera hybrids which he had prepared in his green- house. Among these was ‘“‘D x linglica’’ (Sic; quotes mine), pro- duced in 1976 using D. /inearis from Ontario and D. anglica from Munich Botanical Gardens. There is no record of “D. x /inglica”’ having been published horticulturally or botanically. 164 1995] Schnell— Drosera hybrid 165 HABITAT DESCRIPTION The location is near the shore of Lake Huron in Chippewa County, Michigan. First seen in June 1987, the plants are in a typical Great Lakes calcareous or marl fen of rich type. Such fens are described in detail elsewhere (e.g., Cruise and Catling, 1974; Schnell, 1982; Crum, 1988). This rather large fen is nearly a hectare in extent and consists of marly sand and peat overlaid by a 1-3 cm layer of very slowly flowing water originating from springs at the fen margins. Scat- tered across this flat are variably sized and spaced hummocks of Sphagnum spp. and other non-sphagnous mosses. The edge of the fen is marked by deep stands of similar mosses extending into a rather dense surrounding woods of predominantly Picea mar- iana (P. Mill.) B.S.P., Thuja occidentalis L., Larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch and Betula spp. Droseras in the fen included D. anglica, D. linearis and D. rotundifolia L. D. linearis typically occurs scattered over the marly flat in water, less commonly on hummocks. D. rotundifolia usually occurs in sphagnum on the hummocks. D. anglica grows pref- erentially around the bases of hummocks but may appear in the moss. The plants in question were occupying the entirety of two hum- mocks approximately 0.5 meter across and located 5 meters apart. They crowded the entire surface of each hummock to the exclu- sion of other Droseras and numbered between 100-200 plants each (Figure 1). Specimens were collected and pressed 21 June 1987 for my personal herbarium, then submitted to US as my specimen num- ber 870621-/ at the conclusion of studies on 30 July 1994. A few plants were also collected to be grown and observed in cultivation. The area was also revisited and observed over the intervening years. MATERIALS AND METHODS Vernier calipers were used to measure corolla diameters as well as leaf blade length (petiole excluded) and maximum width. The numbers of leaves from as many plants are indicated by m 1n the Table. Means, medians and standard deviations (SD) were cal- culated. 166 Rhodora [Vol. 97 igure 1. Putative Drosera anglica Huds. x D. linearis Goldie in flower in Chippewa County Michigan. Root squashes for chromosome counts were attempted but were unsuccessful due to a peculiar crystalline material within cells that interfered. Tissue sections of roots disclosed few mitoses. Young flower buds (2-3 mm) were fixed in alcohol:acetic acid (3:1), dehydrated using standard histologic technique and then imbed- ded in parafhin. Ten micron sections were made and stained with Table 1. Leaf blade length/width ratios of putative hybrid and parents. n— number of leaves from as many plants, mean—average of L/W’s, SD—standard deviation of ratios, range—one SD around mean, lowest and highest L/W’s— lowest and highest ratios in the series, median—from list of lowest to highest L/W’s in each category. D. anglica x D. linearis linearis D. anglica n 40 47 4] Mean 16.3 9.0 5.4 3.6 ee) 1) Range-1| SD 12.7-19.9 7.5—10.5 2.4-8.4 Lowest L/W 10.6 5.6 3.1 Highest L/W 26.6 12.0 9.7 Median 1995] Schnell— Drosera hybrid 167 hematoxylin and eosin. There was no ovule or PMC mitotic ac- tivity, but many somatic mitoses were noted in the carpels. Those cut at the best angle for counting were selected and amounted to 24 figures in buds of seven flowers from seven different plants. Surrogate pollen viability was determined by staining with lac- tol phenol cotton blue. Pollen was placed on a glass microslide, stain added, the pollen mixed with the stain, the whole cover- slipped and set aside for three hours. Plants were successfully cultivated in the greenhouse in south- western Virginia in a wet medium of equal parts coarse sand and peat. Minimum greenhouse temperature was 7-8°C. Samples of D. anglica and D. linearis were kept in similar cultural conditions beside the putative hybrid plants. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Basic morphometric studies were undertaken to find the sim- plest and most useful demonstration of whether the study plants were hybrids of the putative parent species. Flowers were found to have corollas 1.5 to 2.0 mm larger on the average than either D. linearis or D. anglica (both of which measure 6-7 mm across). Leaves of the putative hybrids were on the whole 5-6 mm longer than leaves of D. linearis. Neither of hee features were helpful in precise differentiation for study purposes. Noting that the leaves of D. linearis are linear i in character while those of D. anglica are obovate to elongate-spatulate, I required measurements to take into account leaf blade width and length in one term. The simplest measurement term in my opinion was leaf blade length divided by width (L/W) in order to obtain an index of minimum complexity. The resulting ratios, means, medians and SD’s are listed in the Table, and means and SD ranges compared in Figure 2, with “average” leaves shown in Figure 3. The study plants fall into an intermediate position between the two putative parent species with minimum overlap. The medians are close to the means indicating a closely Gaussian distribution of samples about the means. I would expect a hybrid of the two species to have these intermediate leaf characters. The larger flower and generally but insignificantly longer leaf of the hybrid will be mentioned later. Chromosome counts on carpel sections were 2n = 30. All North American Droseras are 2n = 20 except D. anglica which is 2n = 168 Rhodora [Vol. 97 D linearis Hybrid D. anglica Leaf blade L/W ratios, 1 SD Figure 2. Comparison of leaf blade length/width (L/W) ratios with highest and lowest in each category, and mean indicated by tick in center of each bar. 40 due to its amphiploid hybrid origin (Wood, 1955). These counts are also consistent with a hybrid between the two putative parent species. Usually, North American Drosera spp. self pollinate when the flower closes at the end of one to two days if pollination has not been effected by another agent. Drosera hybrids are typically ster- ile (pers. obs.; Wood, 1955). The study plants, examined at the conclusion of each of five growing seasons, were never seen to set seed in nature or in cultivation while both putative parent species readily did so. Pollen staining indicated that less than 10% of the grains in several different preparations from different study plants stained minimally. Pollen samples from the two species had great- er than 95% intense staining. Examination of withered flowers of the study plants at the conclusion of anthesis disclosed a few empty testae with no seeds present. These findings support the hybrid origin of the plants in this setting. In cultivation, the study plants began spring growth from winter hibernacula three to four weeks prior to either putative parental species. Growth was vigorous and similar to those plants in na- ture. The hibernaculae frequently budded so that the plants re- produced vegetatively. This activity along with minimally in- creased corolla diameter and leaf length is attributed to heterosis. I have observed similar hybrid vigor in other North American Drosera hybrids. I conclude that the leaf blade L/W ratios, chromosome counts, 1995] Schnell— Drosera hybrid 169 Figure 3. Photo comparison of typical leaves of D. sites (top), putative hybrid D. anglica x D. linearis (middle), and D. linearis (bottom). flower sterility, and evidence of heterosis all indicate that the study plants are of hybrid origin involving D. anglica and D. linearis as the parents. LITERATURE CITED Cruise, J. E. AND P. M. CATLING. 1974. The sundews (Drosera spp.) in Ontario. Ont. Field Biol. 28: 1-6. Crum, H. A. 1988. A focus on a ie peat mosses. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. 306 pp. 170 Rhodora [Vol. 97 KuSAKABE, I. 1979. Japanese Drosera hybrids. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 8: SCHNELL, D. E. 1982. Notes on Drosera linearis Goldie in northeastern lower Michigan. Castanea 47: 313-328. Woop, C. E. 1955. Evidence for the hybrid origin of Drosera anglica. Rhodora 57: 105-130. RT. 1, BOX 145C PULASKI, VIRGINIA 24301 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 890, pp. 171-175, 1995 THE CHROMOSOME NUMBER OF SAXIFRAGA GASPENSIS FERNALD CAMILLE GERVAIS, NORMAN DIGNARD, AND ROSAIRE TRAHAN ABSTRACT The chromosome number of Saxifraga gaspensis Fern., a taxon frequently included in the circumpolar species S. nivalis L., or considered a variety, was determined on material from Mount Logan, Gaspé Peninsula, and found to be 2n = 40. As the chromosome number of S. nivalis is 2n = 60 (about 30 data from diverse countries), it seems that the plant described by Fernald in 1917 is spe- cifically different. The authors suggest that S. gaspensis could be a stabilized relictual hybrid between S. nivalis and the closely related diploid species S. tenuis (Wahlenb.) H. Smith, 2” = 20, or a polyploid originating from S. tenuis. Key Words: Saxifraga gaspensis, S. nivalis, S. tenuis, chromosome number, dis- tribution, endemism, Gaspé Peninsula, Québec, Canada TAXONOMIC HISTORY Saxifraga gaspensis was described by M. L. Fernald in 1917 from material collected in 1906 with J. F. Collins (600, GH) on calcareous slopes of Tabletop Mountain (Mount Jacques-Cartier) on the Gaspé Peninsula and first distributed in herbaria as S. nivalis L. The new species differed from the circumpolar arctic- alpine S. nivalis by its “rosette-leaves more narrowly cuneate- obovate and more gradually narrowed to a broad petiolar base,” its less numerously flowered inflorescences which were spicate- racemose rather than spiciform to corymbiform, its shorter calyx lobes reflexed in fruit, its acute to subacute and narrower petals and its shorter capsules. In the following decades, S. gaspensis was discovered in moist pockets and ravines on Mount Logan and Mount Blanc, west of the type locality, and it was also reported from northern Québec and Labrador (Rousseau, 1974). Although still retained as a dis- tinct species by Fernald (1950) in the Gray’s Manual, S. gaspensis is judged to be a synonym of S. fenuis or of S. nivalis var. tenuis Wahlenb. in more recent treatments (Scoggan, 1978; Kartesz, 1994). Hultén (1971), on the other hand, uses the name S. pensis on his maps but states that the species is doubtfully distinct from S. nivalis var. tenuis. Only Boivin (1966 and unpubl.) con- sidered S. gaspensis [sub S. nivalis var. gaspensis (Fern.) Boivin] as a taxon differing from S. nivalis and S. tenuis sensu stricto. Ll ieee: Rhodora [Vol. 97 However, in recent catalogs or documented lists of rare, en- dangered or vulnerable species in Canada or in Québec (Bouchard et al., 1983; Argus and Pryer, 1990; Lavoie, 1992), §. nivalis var. gaspensis 1s revived as, at least, a taxon in need of further research. For this reason and because of the urgent problem of determining if S. gaspensis must be included, or not, in the list of species to be legally protected, the present study was undertaken. MATERIAL AND METHODS Living material of S. gaspensis (some with seeds) was first col- lected in late August of 1993 in cold chimneys of Pease Basin on the eastern side of Mount Logan, for greenhouse culture. Addi- tional specimens were also taken in June 1994 on schistose walls of Big Cascade, between Mounts Dodge and Griscom, east of the 1993 stations. For the cytological studies, fresh root tips were selected from potted plants and from seeds germinating on wet filter papers in Petri dishes. They were fixed in an acetic acid/ absolute alcohol 1:3 mixture before coloration in aceto-carmine and squash in a drop of carmine. As a pre-treatment, before fixation, the potted plants or the Petri were kept in a refrigerator at 4°C for 4 to 7 hours. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The chromosome number 2n = 40 (Figure 1) was determined on one of the potted plants and two plantlets obtained from seeds collected in 1993 in Pease Basin. The same chromosome number (2n = ca. 40) was also observed on the 1994 material from Big Cascade. This chromosome number differs from the numerous counts reported for S. nivalis (2n = 60) and S. tenuis (2n = 20) on circumpolar material from Greenland, Iceland, Spitzberg, Nor- way, Siberia, Alaska, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, etc. with the exception of a report by Krause and Beamish (1973) who have found n = 20 on one specimen of this group from the Yukon territories (Lapie Lake). These authors do not attempt to attach any binomial to the cytotypes (m = 20, n = 10) they have found in the Yukon but describe them as belonging to a large S. nivalis-tenuis complex. Our chromosome data, however, were specifically determined from specimens which were suspected to 1995] Gervais et al.—Saxifraga gaspensis ee Figure 1. Somatic chromosomes of Saxifraga gaspensis Fern.; metaphase with 2n = 40 chromosomes from a root-tip cell. be S. gaspensis, so that we are inclined to consider this taxon as basically different from S. nivalis and S. tenuis. The chromosome count (7 = 20) of Krause and Beamish (1973) in the Yukon possibly belongs to a hybrid individual between S. nivalis (2n = 60) and S. tenuis (2n = 20), the two species growing together in this region where their differences “seem to break down and the plants appear to intergrade”’ as Krause and Beamish (1973) point out. The same situation may also prevail in northern Québec and Labrador where the mention of “S. gaspensis”’ refers perhaps to such hybrids. It is quite possible that S. gaspensis shares the same hybrid origin but, as S. tenuis (2n = 20) is not reported for the Gaspé Peninsula and S. nivalis sensu stricto (2n = 60) possibly does not exist there either, we must suppose that S. gaspensis 1s a relictual stabilized hybrid able to reproduce and set viable seeds. This 174 Rhodora [Vol. 97 event could have occurred when the Gaspé Peninsula climate and flora were different and comparable to the actual situation in the arctic. Another possibility is that S. gaspensis is a tetraploid off- spring of S. tenuis but an ancient origin must also be advocated in this case. The study of the meiosis in S. gaspensis could perhaps provide an answer to these questions but a cytological examination of different populations of S. nivalis sensu lato in the Gaspé Pen- insula and in northern Québec may be necessary to understand the whole problem. It can already be recommended, however, that the taxa belonging to the S. nivalis complex in the Gaspé Peninsula be protected as an endangered local taxa. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to express their gratitude to Michéle Parent for help in field trips, to Dr Alison Munson for revision of the English manuscript, to Jean Gagnon and Gildo Lavoie for helpful discussions and to Andrée Rodrigue for the typing of the text. LITERATURE CITED Arcus, G. W. AND K. M. Prver. 1990. Les plantes vasculaires rares du Canada. Notre patrimoine naturel. Musée canadien de la Nature, Ottawa. 277 Borvin, B. 1966. Enumération des plantes du Canada. III. Herbidées. Naturaliste can. 93: 583-646. BOUCHARD, A., D. BARABE, M. DUMAIS AND S. Hay. 1983. Les plantes vascu- laires rares du Québec. Musée national des sciences naturelles, Ottawa. Syl- logeus no 48. 79 pp FERNALD, M. L. 1917. New species, varieties and forms of Saxifraga. Rhodora 19: 141-144, . 1950. Gray’s Manual of Botany, 8th ed. American Book Co., New York. 1632 pp. Hu.ten, E. 1971. The Circumpolar Plants. II. Dicotyledons. Almqvist & Wik- sell, Stockholm. 463 pp Kartesz, J. T. 1994. A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. Volume 2. Thesaurus. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon. 816 Krause, D. L. ANp K. I. Gann 1973. Notes on Saxifraga occidentalis and closely related species in British Columbia. Syesis 6: 105-113. Lavorg, G. 1992. Plantes vasculaires susceptibles d’étre désignées menacées ou vulnérables au Québec. Ministére de l’Environnement. Québec, Canada. 180 pp. 1995] Gervais et al.—Saxifraga gaspensis ae: RoussEAu, C. 1974. Géographie floristique du Québec-Labrador. Distribution des principales espéces vasculaires. Presses Univ. Laval, Québec. 799 pp. ScoGGAN, H. J. 1978. The flora of Canada, Part 3. National Museum of Natural Sciences, Publications in Botany 7(3): 547-1115. RECHERCHE EN SCIENCES DE LA VIE ET DE LA SANTE PAVILLON C.-E. MARCHAND UNIVERSITE LAVAL QUEBEC, CANADA GIK 7P4 N. D. DIRECTION DE LA RECHERCHE FORESTIERE MINISTERE DES RESSOURCES NATURELLES COMPLEXE SCIENTIFIQUE D-1-100 2700, RUE EINSTEIN QUEBEC, CANADA GIP 3W8 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 890, pp. 176-178, 1995 BOOK REVIEW Bremer, K. 1994. Asteraceae, Cladistics & Classification. 752 pp. Timber Press, Inc., 9999 S. W. Wilshire, Suite 124, Port- land, Oregon 97225. ISBN 0-88192-275-7. ($79.95, hard- cover). “.. the book is about cladistics, phylogeny, and evolution of the Asteraceae, based on analysis of morphological data. It is also a cladistic evaluation of existing subfamilial, tribal, and subtribal classification, and a reference to the generic classification of the family.”’ From the Preface. There are 4 preliminary chapters—Cladistics, pp. 5-11; Clas- sification, pp. 13-23; Morphology, pp. 24-35; and Evolution, pp. 36-46. The bulk of the book, pp. 49-680, is a subfamily by sub- family, tribe by tribe, subtribe by subtribe, genus by genus dis- cussion of the morphology and classification of the family. There is a 46 page list of References, and a 23 page index. When reviewing a “new” classification one may emphasize the non-congruity of the new classification with the one(s) it is in- tended to replace, or one may emphasize the similarities between the classifications. Figure | illustrates the evolution of the Clas- sification of the Compositae from George Bentham (in G. Ben- tham and J. D. Hooker, Genera Plantarum, vol 2(1), 1873) to Wagenitz (in the 12th edition of A. Engler, Syllabus der Planzen- famillien, 1964), to the classification offered here by Bremer. Ba- sically, Bremer and his colleagues have rearranged groups of spe- cies and genera that have been recognized as natural groups for many years. The innovations consist in the recognition or res- urrection of segregate genera and the removal of many genera to unfamiliar locations in the great scheme of things. One nomenclatural treatment is interesting. There is a sub- family Cichorioideae and a genus Cichorium. But Cichorium is placed in the tribe Lactuceae, unassigned to a subtribe. According to the Code, Article 19, Bremer’s tribe Lactuceae should be Ci- choreae (since it includes Cichorium), and there should be a sub- tribe Cichorinae to include Cichorium (which is currently “un- assigned to a subtribe’’). 176 1995] Book Review 177 Bentham 1873 Wagenitz 1964 Bremer 1994 Tribes: Subfamily Asteroideae Subfamily Barnades- ioideae Vernoniaceae Vernonieae Barnadesieae Eupatoriaceae Eupatorieae Asteroideae Cardueae Subfamily Cichorioideae Inuloideae Heliantheae Helianthoideae Helenieae Mutisieae Helenioideae Senecioneae Cardueae Ant ideae Calenduleae Lactuceae Senecioideae | Vernonieae Calendulaceae Astereae i Arctideae Anthemideae Arctoteae Cynaroideae Arctotideae Mutisiaceae Mutisieae Subfamily Asteroideae Cichoriaceae Subfamily Cichorioideae Inuleae Plucheeae Cichorieae Gnaphalicae Calenduleae Astereae Anthemideae Senecioneae Helenieae Heliantheae Eupatorieae Figure |. A comparison of the classifications of Bentham, Wagenitz and Bre- Another point of interest is the omission of any discussion, or even mention of, x Solidaster Wehrhahn (= xAsterago T. H. Everett), the putative hybrid between Aster ptamicoides and an unknown Solidago. The plant has been known and cultivated in Europe since about 1910. Such a hybrid, if it does, in fact, have that parentage, might lead to some reconsideration of the sub- tribal placement of the Aster and Solidago. There is here, a great deal of information and many provocative ideas. It will be of use for many years to come. However, only specialists in the Compositae will find it easy to use. At the prac- tical level, the lack of indication of synonymy, the lack of indi- cation of exactly where groups have been put, and the lack of indication of what species are included in which genera, makes the work difficult to use for non-synantherologists. Many modern students seem to have forgotten that the two basic reasons for any classification are (1) to place similar (? = related) species together and (2) to facilitate the identification of 178 Rhodora [Vol. 97 individual plants by individuals other than the author(s). Other inferences of great interest may well flow from such a classifica- tion, but they are secondary to the identification of individual plants. GORDON P. DEWOLF, JR. 125 LONG HILL ROAD WEST BROOKFIELD, MA 01585 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 890, pp. 179-183, 1995 RHODORA NEWS & NOTES LisA A. STANDLEY HIGHLIGHTS OF CLUB MEETINGS February, 1995. The 906th Meeting of the New England Botanical Club was held at the Harvard University Biological Laboratories, with 58 members and guests present. Dr. Benito Tan of Harvard’s Farlow Herbarium spoke on “*Phil- ippine Mosses: Diversity, Biodiversity, and Wallace’s Line.” Ben started by noting that he would attempt to refute two dogmas— “if you’ve seen one moss you’ve seen them all” —and the concept that mosses are not useful as indicators of ecological change. The Philippine archipelago is part of the Malesian region, which includes the Indonesian islands and New Guinea. There are sharp floristic and faunistic demarcations at the boundaries of, and within, this region—hundreds of genera do not extend across the boundaries despite close physical distance and no climatic dif- ferences. These boundaries generally coincide with deep sea trenches, and are now thought to be related to plate tectonic history. At least three major internal regions are recognized. Wal- lace’s Line divides the east and west subunits of Malesia, and generally extends between Borneo and Celebes. The Philippines have been placed east, and west, of Wallace’s Line by different investigators. Ben has been attempting to answer the question of whether Wallace’s Line exists for mosses, and if the moss flora supports placing the Philippines in the western or eastern subunit of Malesia. He has also been documenting the bryophyte flora and floristic relationships of Palawan, an island group extending northward from Borneo. Ben took the Club on a floristic tour of the vegetation types of the Philippines, ranging from low elevation rain forest, seasonally dry forest, limestone substrates, serpentine substrates, and high elevation cloud forests dominated by epiphytic bryophytes. The vascular and bryophyte floras of the Philippines contain species and genera that are widely distributed in the paleotropics, display eastern asian affinities, or are part of the maleasian/oceanic flora. The flora also includes remarkable endemics such as the angio- sperm Rafflesia, and the 2-foot high moss Dawsonia. The distribution of mosses in the Philippines can be explained by two hypotheses. Although the archipelago is not currently close 179 180 Rhodora [Vol. 97 to China, the affinities of the flora are eastern Asian. This is explained by the geological history of the region: the Philippines were once very close to China and were separated from it by the spreading of the South China Sea. The Philippines definitely be- long west of Wallace’s Line. The distribution of mosses within the archipelago may also be explained by past climatic changes. Although we tend to think of rain forests as being ancient, Malesia was probably substantially drier during the Pleistocene. Some bryophytes now consist of widely disjunct populations, and exist in scattered dry refugia among the more recent rain forests. Ben closed by noting that the moss flora of the Philippines is now threatened by deforestation, for lumber and for agriculture. This is especially evident on Palawan, where the more seasonally dry forests are being burned to create agricultural fields. March, 1995 (907th Meeting). Dr. Michael Donoghue of Harvard University was welcomed back to the Club after several years in the deserts of the American Southwest. He spoke on his long- term studies on the genus Viburnum, particularly on studies on the New England species that reveal new information about the evolutionary history of the group. The 200-odd species of woody shrubs that make up the genus generally fall into a New World group, with fruits that develop from yellow through red to ripe purple fruits, which fall off. Old World species have ripe red fruits which persist on the plant. Arrowwood and highbush cranberry are typical representatives of each group. An analysis of cpDNA supports the hypothesis that blue fruits arose independantly in both groups. Viburnum acerifolium is anomalous, with persistent blue fruits, and may be most closely related to a species from the Caucasus. Several species of Viburnum also have large, peripheral sterile flowers that may be an adaptation to attract pollinators in shady understory environments. Mike has been testing this hy- pothesis, thus far inconclusively. In summary, Viburnum is an old genus that differentiated fairly early, spread geographically, and subsequently diverged. Based on Mike’s experience, it is a rich source for understanding mechanisms of plant evolution. April, 1995 (908th Meeting). Dr. Richard Evans Schultes was the annual Distinguished Speaker, speaking on the topic “Amazonia: 1995] Rhodora News & Notes 181 80,000 species of plants awaiting ethnobotanical study.” Among his many career distinctions, Dr. Schultes was recently awarded the Linnaean Society Medal (analogous to the Nobel Prize), and has been a Club member since 1937. Dr. Schultes has worked on the medicinal flora of the western, Columbian, Amazon forest for more than 50 years—and consequently feels more familiar with the flora of the Amazon than that of New England. Many of the region’s 80,000 species of flowering plants have never been de- scribed, let alone investigated. Remarkable features of the region include ancient, highly eroded sandstone mountains that support endemic species, and rivers with rapids and waterfalls. Dr. Schultes’ lifetime of ethnobotanical research has focused on the Native American tribes of this region, who are dependent on a wide range of plants to meet diverse purposes. Coca is chewed on a daily basis, with no addiction, and enables Indians to endure hard physical labor and lack of food. Ten species of rubber (the genus Hevea) are native to the Amazon, and although used by the local tribes, have not been fully exploited. Dick once collected 3 tons of seed of a localized ecotype with high productivity, unfortu- nately displacing the local movie theater. A local palm, which produces an extraordinary number of seeds containing an oil similar to olive oil, has not been introduced into cultivation but is potentially a major oil crop. Aristolochia medicinalis is a pan- acea richly deserving of the specific epithet. Other plants, such as Paullina yoco, are used for stimulant beverages. An arrow poison, derived from the bark of lianas, has been successfully introduced into western medicine as a muscle relaxant. Another bark, con- taining rotenone, is used to stun fish. Various plants are used for spiritual purposes. Hallucinogens from a variety of sources are used by medicine men to communicate with spirits. Snuff, derived from the inner bark of a species of Virola (in the nutmeg family) is also a powerful hallucinogen. Dr. Shultes shared photographs of many of his adventures in the Columbian Amazon region over the past 54 years. He danced in a grass skirt to scare off demons of bad weather, and breakfasted on tapioca bread with chili pepper. He concluded the talk by showing photographs of some of the more devastated areas of Brazilian deforestation, and urged the audience to visit the Am- azon and experience the river and forest ecosystem while at least portions of it are intact. 182 Rhodora [Vol. 97 GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH AWARD The 1995 Graduate Student Research Award was presented to Peter Walker, a student at the University of Vermont, in support of his research entitled ‘‘Speciation in Ammophila: Sequence Variation in the Internal Transcribed Spacer of Nuclear Ribo- somal DNA.” This research is aimed at understanding the status and evolution of Ammophila champlainensis, thought to be a distinct taxon endemic to the Lake Champlain basin. THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB 22 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 The New England Botanical Club is a non-profit organiza- tion that promotes the study of plants of North America, es- pecially the flora of New England and adjacent areas. The Club holds regular meetings, has a large herbarium of New England plants, and a library. It publishes a quarterly journal, RHO- DORA, which is now in its 95th year and contains about 400 pages a volume. Membership is open to all persons interested in systematics and field botany. Annual dues are $35.00, including a subscrip- tion to RHODORA. Members living within about 200 miles of Boston receive notices of the Club meetings. To join, please fill out this membership application and send with enclosed dues to the above address. Regular Member $35.00 Family Rate $45.00 For this calendar year = For the next calendar year a Name Address City & State Zip Special interests (optional): 184 THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB Elected Officers and Council Members for 1995—1996 President: C. Barre Hellquist, Box 9145, Department of Biology, North Adams State College, North Adams, Massachusetts 01247 Vice-President (and Program Chair): W. Donald Hudson, Jr., Chewonki Foundation, RR 2, Box 1200, Wiscasset, Maine 04578 Corresponding Secretary: Nancy M. Eyster-Smith, Department of Natural Sciences, Bentley College, Waltham, Massachu- setts 02154 Treasurer: Harold G. Brotzman, Box 9092, Department of Bi- ology, North Adams State College, North Adams, Massa- chusetts 01247 Recording Secretary: Lisa A. Standley Curator of Vascular Plants: Raymond Angelo Assistant Curator of Vascular Plants: Pamela Wetherbee Curator of Non-Vascular Plants: Anna M. Reid Librarian: Paul Somers Council: Consisting of the Elected Officers, Associate Curator, Editor of Rhodora and — Councillors: Leshe J. Mehrhoff (Past President) Thomas Mione °96 Garrett E. Crow °97 Edward J. Hehre °98 Donald J. Padgett (Graduate Student Member) °95 Volume 97, No. 889 including pages 1-108 was issued July 20, 1995 INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS TO RHODORA Submission of a manuscript implies it is not being considered for publication simultaneously elsewhere, either in whole or in part. Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate (an original and two xerographic copies), in addition, a copy of the mss. on a 3.5 inch floppy disc will facilitate production of the paper. The text must be double-spaced (at least %”) throughout, including tables, figure leg- ends, and literature citations. The list of legends for figures and maps should be provided on a separate page. Do not use footnotes. Do not indicate the style of type through the use of capitals or underscoring, particularly in the citation of specimens. Names of genera and species may be underlined to indicate italics in discussions. Specimen cita- tions should be selected critically, especially for common species of broad distribution. Systematic revisions and similar papers should be prepared in the format of ‘““A Monograph of the Genus Malvastrum,”’ S. R. Hill, Rhodora 84:1—-83, 159-264, 317-409, 1982, particularly with reference to indentation of keys and synonyms. Designation of a new taxon should carry a Latin diagnosis (rather than a full Latin description), which sets forth succinctly just how the new taxon is distinguished from its congeners. Papers of a floristic nature should follow, as far as possible, the format of “‘Annotated List of the Ferns and Fern Allies of Arkansas,” W. Carl Taylor and Delzie Demaree, Rhodora 81: 503-548, 1979. For bibliographic citations, refer to the Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum (B-P-H, 1968) which provides stan- dardized abbreviations for journals originating before 1966. All ab- breviations in the text should be followed by a period, except those for standard units of measure and direction (compass points). 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A RHODORA JOURNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB CONTENTS: pee in the North American lake cress, Neobeckia aquatica (Brassica- ae): Inferences from chromosome number. Donald H. Les, Gregory a Anderson, and Maryke A. Cleland 185 An undescribed species of oe as: from the state of Wash- ington. Reed C. Rollins, Kath A. Beck, and Florence E. Caplow 201 The vascular plants of Fort Devens, Massachusetts. David M. Hunt, Karen B. Searcy, Robert E. Zaremba, and C. Roberta Lombardi ............. 208 Fragaria multicipita, reduced to the rank of forma. Paul M. Catling, Jacques Cayouette, and Joseph Postman 245 Status of the deerberry, Vaccinium stamineum L. (Ericaceae), in Canada. Bruce A. Ford eames effects of Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) on morning glory if a tricolor). Christina M. Casado 264 New aan Notes Studies on New England Algae II: A second station in Maine for Nitella tenuissima (Desv.) Kuetzing. L. C. Colt, Jr. 275 New Barnstable county records. Mario DiGregorio 280 Book Review Plant identification terminology: An illustrated glossary. Leslie J. Me 283 Rhodora News and Notes. Lisa A. Standley 285 JSS THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB P. O. Box 1897, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Vol. 97 Summer, 1995 No. 891 The New England Botanical Club, Inc. 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. RHODORA DAVID S. CONANT, Acting Editor-in-Chief SUZANNE GALLAGHER, Acting Managing Editor Associate Editors DAVID S. BARRINGTON W. DONALD HUDSON, JR. LESLIE J. MEHRHOFF THOMAS MIONE CATHY A. PARIS LISA A. STANDLEY RHODORA (ISSN 0035-4902). Published four times a year (January, April, July, and October) by The New England Botanical Club, 810 East 10th St., Lawrence, KS 66044 and printed by Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Periodicals postage paid at Lawrence, KS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to RHODORA, PO. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044. RHODORA is a journal of botany devoted primarily to North America. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts of scientific papers and notes relating to the systematics, distribution, ecology, paleobotany, or conservation biology of this or floristically related areas. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $40.00 per calendar year, net, postpaid, in funds payable at par in the United States currency. Remittances payable to RHODORA. Send to RHODORA, PO. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897. MEMBERSHIPS: Regular $35; Family $45. Application form printed herein. BACK VOLUMES AND SINGLE COPIES: Some available; informa- tion and prices will be furnished upon request to the Treasurer. ADDRESS CHANGES: In order to receive the next number of RHO- DORA, changes must be received by the business office prior to the first day of January, April, July, or October. INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Inside back cover, January and April. MANUSCRIPTS: Send to: Janet R. Sullivan Editor-in-Chief, RHODORA Durham, NH 03824-3597 This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). RHODORA OURNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB Vol. 97 Summer 1995 No. 891 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 891, pp. 185-200, 1995 STERILITY IN THE NORTH AMERICAN LAKE CRESS NEOBECKIA AQUATICA (BRASSICACEAE): INFERENCES FROM CHROMOSOME NUMBER DoNALD H. Les, GREGORY J. ANDERSON, AND MaArRYKE A. CLELAND ABSTRACT Sterility of lake cress results from uncertain factors and may be a significant element in the decline of populations over the past century. The inability of lake cress (Neobeckia aquatica) to produce viable seeds restricts its dispersal to vege- tative fragments which are transported less effectively over long distances. We obtained mitotic counts of 2n = 24 for individuals from seven populations of lake cress, a species for which the chromosome number was unreported previously. In context of chromosome number distribution in the Brassicaceae based on literature reports for 192 mustard genera, the base number of tribe Arabideae (in which lake cress is placed) and of all genera presumed to be closely related to lake cress is x = 8. The presence of 24 chromosomes indicates that lake cress is a triploid derived from an x = 8 chromosomal series. Highly sterile triploid hybrids (2n = 3x = 24) have also been reported in several genera related to lake cress. The extremely well-developed system of vegetative reproduction in lake cress may partially compensate for its sexual sterility. The discovery that lake cress is triploid offers a specific explanation for its sterility and discloses special considerations for the conservation of this rare species. Key Words: Brassicaceae, Arabideae, Neobeckia, triploid, conservation INTRODUCTION The monotypic North American lake cress, Neobeckia aquatica (Eaton) Greene (Figure 1), is distinguished as one of few truly aquatic species in the mustard family, Brassicaceae (Cook, 1990). Lake cress is also known for its heterophylly, extreme range of vegetative polymorphism, and remarkable ability to regenerate 185 186 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Figure 1. dissected submersed foliage, entire emersed foliage, and racemose inflorescence. Although fruits form occasionally in this species, they typically (as in this speci- men) lack seeds. Drawn from Bryson 8865 (KNK). Bar = | cm A specimen of the aquatic mustard Neobeckia aquatica showing 1995] Les et al.— Neobeckia 187 from minute fragments of roots, stems and leaves (Foerste, 1889; La Rue, 1943; Mac Dougal, 1914). Although lake cress has been assigned variously to the genera Armoracia, Nasturtium, and Ro- rippa (Al-Shehbaz and Bates, 1987), a recent molecular systematic study supports the taxonomic recognition of Neobeckia as a monotypic sister genus to Rorippa (Les, 1994). Once widely distributed in eastern North America, lake cress has become rare as a result of significant population losses throughout its former range, particularly in the central portion (Stuckey, 1987; Les, 1994). More detailed distributional infor- mation has been summarized in Les (1994). Conservation of lake cress is presently of concern in several states with categories of imperilment including rare (New York; Mitchell, 1986), threat- ened (Vermont; Crow et al., 1981), and endangered (New Jersey; NJDEP, 1991). Reasons for its rarity are not wholly evident al- though several explanations have been offered. Habitat destruction or degradation are often cited as factors contributing to the present rarity of lake cress (e.g., La Rue, 1943; Myers and Henry, 1976; Stuckey, 1987; Swink, 1969). Stuckey (1987) attributed the disappearance of the species to turbidity and chemical pollution, observing that the greatest loss of lake cress populations has occurred in highly agricultural or industrialized regions. However, despite the fact that many extant lake cress populations occur in fairly pristine habitats, we have observed that populations can also thrive in substantially polluted sites (Les, pers. obs.). Although habitat loss surely is at least partly responsible for the decline of lake cress, other factors must be considered. Lake cress appears to flourish locally and can become abundant once established (La Rue, 1943; Muenscher, 1930; Les, pers. obs.), yet the species has never become common (Al-Shehbaz and Bates, 1987). The local abundance of lake cress has been ascribed to its efficient vegetative reproduction (Pringle, 1879; La Rue, 1943) and tolerance to a wide range of environmental conditions owing to its phenotypic plasticity (Mac Dougal, 1914). Pringle (1879) concluded that seeds provide the principal means of long-distance dispersal for the species; however, lake cress is known to be highly sterile (Foerste, 1881; La Rue, 1943; Mac Dougal, 1914; Muenscher, 1930, 1944; Gleason and Cronquist, 1991; Long and Lakela, 1971; Godfrey and Wooten, 1981; Al- Shehbaz and Bates, 1987; McCormac, 1992; Les, pers. obs.). Al- 188 Rhodora [Vol. 97 though seeds are produced on occasion (Murley, 1951; Rollins, 1993), their viability has never been demonstrated. La Rue (1943) suggested that the rarity of lake cress might be directly related to its poor seed production which reduces the potential for long- distance dispersal. Rollins (1966) indicated that chromosome numbers often help to delimit problematic genera in the Brassicaceae. Because chro- mosome counts were previously unreported for Neobeckia aqua- tica, Our primary objective was to establish the chromosome num- ber for assisting with our assessment of its systematic relationship in the mustard family. We hoped that this basic information might shed light on the phylogenetic relationships of lake cress by in- dicating the specific ploidy level and chromosomal series from which it is derived. In addition, the association of sterility and high polyploidy in some mustards (e.g., in Dentaria by Mont- gomery, 1955), further warranted a cytological examination of lake cress. An explanation for sterility in lake cress is wanting (Rollins, 1993), in spite of the fact that such information could provide important insights to facilitate its recovery and conser- vation. MATERIALS AND METHODS To minimize impact on established plants, only detached lake cress leaves or shoot fragments were collected from four popu- lations in Vermont during the summer of 1993 (permit obtained from Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife). Ronald L. Stuckey and C. B. Hellquist provided us with living lake cress specimens from Ohio and Michigan, respectively. Robert W. Freckmann provided us with fresh lake cress leaves removed from plants collected in Wisconsin from which we regenerated com- plete plants (Table 1). Adventitious roots were then obtained by removing some of the leaves from the greenhouse plants and floating them in tap water until rooting plantlets regenerated (1- 3 weeks). Mitotic figures were obtained from squashes of newly emerged adventitious root tip cells following methods employed by Ber- nardello and Anderson (1990). Root tip sections 1-2 cm long were pretreated at room temperature for two hr in saturated aque- ous paradichlorobenzene, then rinsed and fixed at room temper- ature for 18 hr ina 3:1 solution (v/v) of ethanol:acetic acid. Fixed 1995] Les et al.— Neobeckia 189 Table 1. Chromosome counts obtained for populations of Neobeckia aquatica from Michigan, Ohio, Vermont, and Wisconsin, USA. Locality Voucher 2n Counts Observed MICHIGAN Cheboygan Co. Mullett Lake, Pigeon River Marsh Hellquist 15542 (NAsc) 23, 24, 25 OnIO Franklin Co. Hoover Reservoir Stuckey s.n. (CONN) 23, 23/24, 23/24, 24, 24, 25 VERMONT Addison Co. Lake Champlain, Catfish Bay Les s.n. (CONN) 23, 23/25, 24, 24, 26 East Creek Les s.n. (CONN) 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24 Shoreham, Lemon Les S.n. (CONN) 24, 24, 25, 25, 25 Fair River Lake Champlain, Isle La Motte Les $.n. (CONN) 24, 24/25 WISCONSIN Marinette Co Peshtigo Flowage Freckman s.n. (CONN) 23, 24, 24, 25 root tips were stained in alcoholic hydrochloric acid-carmine (Snow, 1963) for five d. Stained root tips were placed in an aque- ous 70% acetic acid solution for 30 min, then macerated, lightly heated, and squashed in a drop of 70% acetic acid. Squashes were studied with phase contrast and bright field optics using Olympus and Zeiss microscopes (the latter equipped with a 63x 1.4 NA Planapochromatic objective). A minimum of 10 root tips/population furnished the two to six mitotic cells selected from each population for chromosome counts. Slides were made permanent with Euparal (Bradley, 1948) and cells were photographed with a Zeiss Universal microscope and Kodak Technical Pan film Chromosome numbers were obtained from the literature for 192 genera in 17 of the 19 tribes recognized by Schulz (1936). The complete compilation is available from the authors on re- quest. As Manton (1932) did with “fundamental numbers (f),” 190 Rhodora [Vol. 97 we selected a reasonable ancestral chromosome number (x) for each genus, and from these, we inferred an ancestral number for each of the tribes. These determinations took into account dis- cussions by Dvorak (1971), Harberd (1976), Manton (1932), Mul- ligan (1964, 1965, 1966), Rollins (1963, 1966), Rollins and Rii- denberg (1971, 1977, 1979) and Rollins and Shaw (1973). To obtain a phylogenetic perspective, we mapped the inferred base numbers on a phylogenetic diagram of the cruciferous tribes derived from the evolutionary “tree” published by Schulz (1936). We also compared base numbers of aquatic genera in tribe Ara- bideae that appear closely related to lake cress in a cladogram constructed from DNA sequence data (Les, 1994). The placement of lake cress in tribe Arabideae (Schulz, 1936) is supported by its close relationship to Armoracia, Cardamine, Nasturtium, and Korippa (Les, 1994). Schulz included all of these genera in tribe Arabideae except for Armoracia which he placed within tribe Drabeae RESULTS Examination of lake cress populations revealed 2n counts of 23-26 chromosomes (Figure 2, Table 1). In some instances, the small size of chromosomes (0.6-0.8 y) and presence of uniden- tified stained particles in the vicinity of nucleolar organizer regions, made counts difficult. The shape and appearance of the extra- chromosomal particles were used to differentiate them from neighboring chromosomes. We consistently detected what ap- peared to be one pair of chromosomes with small ‘satellite’ regions in most preparations; however, inadequate resolution made this observation impossible to verify, We observed cells of two types. Larger cells showed chromo- somes dispersed over a lightly stained cytoplasm; smaller cells contained more densely arranged chromosomes against both dark and lightly stained cytoplasm. Chromosomes in smaller cells were generally easier to count because they lay more in a single plane than those of larger cells. Three greenhouse plants flowered during Fall, 1995, but we were unable to obtain satisfactory preparations for meiotic counts. There were six fruits produced on these plants, but complete ovule abortion rendered them seedless in every instance. 1995] Les et al.— Neobeckia 191 x | ae ma 2a Figure 2. Example of mitosis in adventitious root cells of Neobeckia aquatica (Shoreham, Vermont locality). a: Micrograph showing characteristically small metaphase chromosomes. b: Interpretation of micrograph indicates the count 2n = 24 chromosomes. Bar = Our conclusions of tribal base numbers in Brassicaceae (Figure 3a) corresponded well with those proposed by Manton (1932), Mulligan (1964, 1965, 1966), Rollins (1966), and Rollins and Riidenberg (1971, 1977, 1979). In the context of intertribal re- lationships proposed by Schulz (1936), a general trend toward reduced base numbers is observed from the putatively primitive to the more advanced tribes of the Brassicaceae (Figure 3a). In 18 genera of tribe Arabideae with available counts, 12 (67%) have a likely base number of x = 8 and 4 (22%) a base number of x = 7. The base number of two genera (Guillenia and Leav- enworthia) could not be reasonably determined. A base number of x = 8 characterizes all genera (Armoracia, Cardamine, Nas- turtium, Rorippa) putatively allied with lake cress (Figure 3b). DISCUSSION Although intraspecific aneuploidy is prevalent among aquatic angiosperms (Les and Philbrick, 1993), variation in our reported counts for lake cress (Table 1) reflects the uncertainty of some 192 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Lunarieae X=7 Alysseae x=8 Drabeae x=9 X=8 Matthioleae x=9 A . Hesperideae x=9 Sisymbrieae x=10 Stenopetaleae X=6 Euclideae Xx=7 Lepideae x= 1] Schizopetaleae x=12 Heliophileae x= 10 Brassiceae x= 12 Chamireae (?) Cremolobeae x= 1] — Streptantheae X=7 ~ L. Romanschulzieae (?) — Stanleyeae x=14 a Pringleeae x=12 Rorippa sylvestris (x = 8) Rorippa amphibia (x = 8) Neobeckia aquatica (2n = 24) Tribe Arabideae Armoracia rusticana (x = 8) Nasturtium officinale (x = 8) Cardamine pensylvanica (x = 8) __| IS . Figure 3. Putative phylogenetic relationships of mustards. A: Phylogenetic scheme of tribal interrelationships (redrawn from Schulz, 1936) and base chro- mosome numbers deduced from literature reports (see text). A box identifies the tribe (Arabideae) to which lake cress is assigned. In this interpretation, a general decrease in the base number is apparent from the putatively primitive to more advanced tribes. B: Phylogenetic relationships of aquatic mustard genera in tribe Arabideae (from Les, 1994) with deduced base chromosome numbers and the 2” 1995] Les et al.— Neobeckia 193 counts and does not necessarily indicate the existence of discrete numbers for the species. We are convinced that the actual chro- mosome number of the species is 2n = 24; however, in several preparations, it was difficult to clearly view all chromosomes or to positively differentiate chromosomes from anomalous inclu- sions (see Results). In several instances, this ‘variation’ was ob- served among cells from the same individual and from different individuals of the same population. Because of the clonal growth of this species, and lack of sexual reproduction, our replicate counts were not of individual genets but of clonally derived ra- mets. Stuckey (1972) hypothesized that the genera Armoracia, Car- damine, Nasturtium, and Rorippa represented the closest relatives of Neobeckia, a conclusion consistent with a recent molecular systematic study of the group (Les, 1994). Hayek (1911) placed these genera together not only in the same tribe (Arabideae) but in the same subtribe (Cardamininae). Literature counts reported for these genera uniformly indicate a base number of x = 8. A basic number of x = 8 has also been determined for Dentaria, a genus sometimes merged with Cardamine (Montgomery, 1955). In tribe Arabideae, the base number x = 8 is very common with only a few instances of x = 7 or x = 6 (see Harberd, 1976). Because they are not cladistically based, the phylogenetic re- lationships of mustard tribes (Figure 3a) proposed by Schulz (1936) must be interpreted conservatively. However, we are unaware of any more recent studies of intertribal relationships in the mustard family that are as comprehensive. Molecular systematic studies of Arabidopsis by Price et al. (1994) included representatives of only 5-6 mustard tribes. Although topologies of the molecular cladograms differed in some details from the phylogenetic tree of Schulz (1936), the relatively derived position of tribe Arabideae and the relatively basal position of tribes with higher basic num- bers were consistently indicated. Thus, it 1s reasonable to conclude that chromosomal series with basic numbers less than twelve are probably derived by descending aneuploidy in advanced tribes such as Arabideae. Genera of tribe Arabideae that are closely — number obtained for Neobeckia. A base chromosome number of x = 8 charac- terizes tribe Arabideae and the aquatic genera related to Neobeckia. 194 Rhodora [Vol. 97 related to Neobeckia (Les, 1994) share the basic number of x = 8 (Figure 3b). Given that the most likely base number of tribe Arabideae is x = 8, the 2n = 24 chromosome number of Neobeckia aquatica indicates that the species is triploid, at least in the pop- ulations studied. The number 2n = 24 1s rare in tribe Arabideae and is indeed associated with triploid hybrids. In Rorippa, spontaneous trip- loids (2n = 24) have resulted from hybridization between two tetraploids (2n = 32), e.g., R. amphibia (L.) Besser and R. palustris (L.) Besser (Howard, 1947; Stace, 1975). The triploid hybrids are sterile with 7-8 bivalents and 8-10 univalents, whereas tetraploid hybrids are fertile. Mulligan and Porsild (1968) reported a natural triploid (2n = 24) hybrid between diploid (2n = 16) R. barba- reaefolia (DC.) Kitagawa and tetraploid (2n = 32) R. palustris (= R. islandica (Oeder) Borbas). The triploids did not produce seed and had only 2% viable pollen. Triploid (2n = 24) hybrids also have been produced artificially in crosses between diploid (27 = 16) R. austriaca (Crantz) Besser and tetraploid (2n = 32) R. syl- vestris (L.) Besser (Jonsell, 1968; Javurkova-Kratochvilova and Tomsovic, 1972). In one case, only 14% of the seeds produced from this cross germinated; however, none of the plants ever reached the flowering stage (Jonsell, 1968). Sterile triploid hybrids (2n = 24) have also resulted from crosses between diploid (2 = 16) R. austriaca and tetraploid (2n = 32) R. amphibia (Javur- kova-Kratochvilova and Tomsovic, 1972; Jonsell, 1975). In Cardamine, triploid (2 = 24) hybrids are produced in cross- es between two diploids (2n = 16), C. rivularis Schur and C. amara L. (Urbanska-Worytkiewicz, 1977). Reproduction of these triploids is mainly vegetative but they are partly fertile with about 2-3% pollen viability (Urbanska-Worytkiewicz, 1977). To enumerate, the triploid chromosome number of lake cress is indicated by the common occurrence of the x = 8 base number in the tribe Arabideae, the universal occurrence of x = 8 among the genera most closely related to lake cress, and the presence of the 2n = 24 chromosome number in known triploid hybrids within tribe Arabideae. In addition, a significant correlation is the extreme sterility of lake cress, a feature long associated with tri- ploidy in plants (Darlington and Mather, 1949). The relatively low chromosome number of lake cress indicates that sterility is not a consequence of high ploidy level as in the related genus Dentaria (Montgomery, 1955). Sterility in the related horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) has 1995] Les et al.— Neobeckia 195 been attributed to an interspecific hybrid origin (Weber, 1949), self-incompatibility, and accumulation of deleterious mutations from prolonged vegetative propagation (Stokes, 1955). Self-in- compatibility has also been implicated in the low seed production of perennial Rorippa species, presumably due to the clonal growth of populations (Jonsell, 1968). We also considered that sterility of lake cress may be a con- sequence of self-incompatibility (SI). Poor seed set is an inevitable consequence for clonal, SI species that experience extreme bot- tlenecks (Les, Reinartz, and Essleman, 1991; Reinartz and Les, 1994). In a survey of the mustard family, Bateman (1955) found that SI species occurred in 11/12 tribes surveyed, including the genera Armoracia and Cardamine. Self-incompatible species also occur in Rorippa (Jonsell, 1968), the most closely related genus to Neobeckia. Although self-compatible species have evolved re- peatedly in the family, e.g., in Cardamine, Nasturtium and Ro- rippa (Bateman, 1955; Jonsell, 1968), SI could certainly be ex- pected in Neobeckia. Sterility, however, precludes verification of SI in lake cress by experimental crossing studies. Nevertheless, triploidy is more likely to represent the proximate cause of sterility in the species. The origin of triploidy in lake cress remains uncertain. At this time, we cannot determine whether the species represents an in- traspecific hybrid or an interspecific hybrid resulting from a cross between diploids (e.g., Cardamine, above), tetraploids (e.g., Ro- rippa, above), or possibly a diploid and tetraploid (e.g., Rorippa, above). Our study has confirmed that the triploid condition exists among different lake cress populations separated in some cases by more than 100 km in the northeastern USA, and in considerably more isolated populations from Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin. This indicates that the unusual cytotype is not simply a local, vege- tatively propagated abnormality (see Les and Philbrick, 1993) but is widespread and at least characteristic of the northern popula- tions. To our knowledge, the Wisconsin population represents the northwesternmost known station, and the Isle La Motte, Vermont population, the easternmost station for the species. The triploid number from the Ohio plant is also consistent with observations that other Ohio populations of lake cress may flower and fruit quite prolifically, yet apparently produce no viable seed (Mc- Cormac, 1992), We cannot exclude the possibility that diploid or tetraploid 196 Rhodora [Vol. 97 cytotypes of lake cress may exist. Potentially, such individuals should be more fertile, yet seed set could remain scarce in pop- ulations due to confounding factors such as self-incompatibility. This is precisely the situation for Apios americana Medikus with sterile triploid populations in northern parts of its range, and diploid populations in the southern portion of its range in which seed set remains low due to self-incompatibility (Bruneau and Anderson, 1988). The possible existence of diploid or tetraploid lake cress can only be ascertained by further cytological exami- nation of populations throughout its range. Our attempts to obtain material of this rare species from southern portions of its range, however, have thus far proven to be unsuccessful. A comprehen- sive survey of lake cress populations is highly recommended be- cause the discovery of fertile plants could significantly influence conservation strategies for the species. Except in the relatively rare cases of partially fertile triploids (e.g., Cardamine;, Urbanska-Worytkiewicz, 1977), the sexual re- productive capacity of triploid plants is predictably low. The high- ly developed system of vegetative reproduction in lake cress pro- vides a means of dispersal and reproduction despite the barrier to sexual reproduction that is imposed by its triploid cytotype. The lack of seed production, however, greatly compromises the ability of the species to disperse beyond local distances. Although shoot fragments of several other aquatic plants can be dispersed considerable distances by flexuous stems that become draped over waterfowl, etc. (Sculthorpe, 1967), the brittle nature of lake cress plants undoubtedly precludes this avenue of dispersal. Leaves of lake cress are the most likely vegetative propagules, and are prob- ably difficult to transport over any significant distance. Both habitat loss and the low vagility resulting from sterility can be linked to the disappearance of lake cress. In the past when habitats were abundant, the species may have survived despite its poor vagility. Extensive habitat destruction coupled with the inability to effectively disperse may now destine the lake cress to successive population losses and ultimate demise. It is unlikely that vegetative propagules alone can adequately maintain dispersal among the remaining fragmented lake cress habitats. Without intervention, sites that have experienced local exter- minations due to population crashes are likely to remain devoid of the species in a progression that may inevitably lead to ex- tinction. 1995] Les et al.— Neobeckia 197 The realization that sterility in lake cress may be due to specific genetic (i.e., chromosomal) factors is important from a conser- vation sande oint. For example, it has long been known that vegetatively reproducing mustard crops (i.e., horseradish and wa- tercress) can be severely damaged by fungal and viral pathogens (Crisp, 1976). Such threats are particularly serious for clonal plants like lake cress where seed production cannot be relied upon as a means of purging pathogens (Silander, 1985). In addition to the obvious importance of preserving remaining lake cress habitats, the implementation of artificial establishment techniques should be considered as a strategy to overcome the dispersal limitations imposed on this species by both biological and cultural factors. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank A. Breisch, W. Brumback, W. Cullina, S. Ek, R. Freckmann, C. B. Hellquist, B. Popp, K. Reilly, R. Stuckey and E. Thompson for their assistance. Illustrations were prepared by M. J. Spring. This work was supported in part by grants to DHL from the Vermont Nature Conservancy, and from the University of Connecticut Research Foundation. LITERATURE CITED AL-SHEHBAZ, I. A. AND V. BATES. 1987. Armoracia lacustris (Brassicaceae), the correct name for the North American lake cress. J. Arnold Arbor. 68: 357— BATEMAN, A. J. 1955. Self-incompatibility systems in angiosperms III. Crucif- erae. Heredity 9: 52-68 BERNARDELLO, L. M. AND G. J. ANDERSON. 1990. Karyotypic studies in Solanum section Basarnheun eaten Amer. J. poe 77: 420-4 Bye BrabD.ey, M. V. 1948. A method for making aceto hes permanent without removal of the seed. Stain Technol. 23: 41-44, BRUNEAU, A. AND G. J. ANDERSON. 1988. Reproductive biology of diploid and triploid Apios americana (Leguminosae). Amer. J. Bot. 75: 1876-1883. Cook, C.D. K. 1990. Aquatic plant book. SPB Academic Pub., The Hague. Crisp, P. 1976. Trends in the breeding and cultivation of cruciferous crops. Jn: J. G. Vaughan, A. J. Macleod and B. B. G. Jones, eds. The Biology and Chemistry of the Cruciferae. Academic Press, NY: 69-118. Crow, G. E., W. D. COUNTRYMAN, G. L. CHuRCcH, L. M. EASTMAN, C. B. HE- LLQUIST, L. L. [J.] MEHRHOFF ANDI. M.Strorxs. 1981. Rare and endangered vascular plant species in New England. Rhodora 83: 259-299. DARLINGTON, C. D. AND K. MATHER. 1949. The Elements of Genetics. Schocken Books, NY. 446 pp. 198 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Dvorak, F. 1971. 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Verlag von Wilhelm rnold, London. SILANDER, J. A. 1985. Microevolution in clonal plants. Jn: J. B. C. Jackson, L. 200 Rhodora [Vol. 97 W. Buss, and R. E. Cook, eds. Population Biology and Evolution of Clonal Organisms. Yale Univ. Press, New pove en, lee 107-152. Snow, R. 1963. Alcoholic hydrocl rmine as a Stain for chromosomes in squash preparations. Stain Technol. 38: 9-13. Stace, C. A. 1975. Rorippa Scop. In: C. A. Stace, ed. Hybridization and the Flora of the British Isles. Academic Press, NY: 150-153. Stokes, G. W. 1955. Seed development and failure in horseradish. J. Heredity —21,. Stuckey, R. L. 1972. Taxonomy and distribution of the genus Rorippa (Cru- ciferae) in North America. Sida 4: 279-430. 1987. Armoracia aquatica disappeared from central portion of its range. In: R. L. Stuckey, ed. Aquatic Plants Reference Manual. R. L. Stuckey, Columbus, OH: 231. Swink, F. 1969. Plants of the Chicago Region. Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL URBANSKA-WorYTKIEWICZ, K, 1977. Reproduction in natural triploid hybrids (2n = 24) between Cardamine rivularis Schur and C. amara L. Ber. Geobot. Inst. E.T.H. Stiftung Riibel 44: 42-85. Weser, W. W. 1949. Seed production in horseradish. J. Heredity 40: 223-227. DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT STORRS, CT 06269-3042 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 891, pp. 201-207, 1995 AN UNDESCRIBED SPECIES OF LESQUERELLA (CRUCIFERAE) FROM THE STATE OF WASHINGTON REED C. ROLLINS, KATHRYN A. BECK, AND FLORENCE E, CAPLOW ABSTRACT Recent books covering the flora of Washington admit only one species of Les- querella, L. douglasii S. Watson, to the flora of the state. A different, undescribed species of this genus has been recognized from recent collections. The new species was first collected in 1883 but the specimens from that gathering are incomplete and they were never appropriately utilized. The new species is named L. tuplash- ensis and it is compared with L. douglasii, its nearest relative. Key Words: Hanford Nuclear Reservation, Lesquerella tuplashensis, L. douglasii, White Bluffs INTRODUCTION During the course of a survey of plants within the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in south-central Washington, an unexpected species of Lesquerella was found on the White Bluffs adjacent to the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River. The restricted habitat of this species is extremely dry and supports only a sparse veg- etation. That the species is unique was determined by comparing it in detail with potentially related species of Lesquerella including the only other species known from the area, L. douglasii S. Wat- son, which occurs from northern Oregon to British Columbia (Rollins and Shaw, 1973). A recent taxonomic review of Les- querella by one of us (Rollins, 1993) following on a monographic treatment of the genus (Rollins and Shaw, 1973) has provided a sound basis for interpreting the new material. All other known species of Lesquerella were considered as candidates for the un- known but were ruled out because they were distinctly different. As it turns out, this is not the first time the unknown species had been collected. In 1883 T. S. Brandegee and Frank Tweedy, working as bot- anists for the Northern Transcontinental Survey (Rose, 1904), collected the species we here name Lesquerella tuplashensis. The Brandegee collection, his no. 635, bears the data, ““White Bluffs of the Columbia, Washington Terr., July 1883,” and is repre- sented by specimens at GH, NY, and UC. We have seen only 201 202 Rhodora [Vol. 97 fragments of the Tweedy collection, no. 8, at GH, from the same locality, June, 1883. Unfortunately, this early material was not sufficiently complete, and to some extent anomalous, to be ac- curately identified. The Brandegee specimen in the Gray Her- barium has been successively named Vesicaria montana Gray?, V. occidentalis Watson?, and V. douglasii, the latter annotation by C. V. Piper. The generic name Vesicaria was used before Les- querella was established. The notation on the label, Vesicaria occidentalis, is in Watson’s handwriting and has the specific name kingii below it crossed out. The original identifier of the specimen and Watson were obviously uncertain about the identity of the material. Piper’s annotation is unequivocal and it should be noted that he accepted (Piper, 1906) only one species of Lesquerella from the Columbia River area. He commented that the Brandegee specimens were erroneously associated with L. occidentalis in the Synoptical Flora (Gray, Watson, and Robinson, 1895). There Watson, who authored the treatment of Lesquerella, did indeed associate the Brandegee collection with L. occidentalis, but he also wrote, “taller specimens from the White Bluffs of the Columbia, Washington (Brandegee), have broadly obovate obtuse fruit and may be distinct.” There is no mention of this specimen in Wat- son’s earlier treatment (1885, 1888) of Lesquerella. Evidently Payson, in preparing his monograph of Lesguerella (1922) did not see the Brandegee or Tweedy material, or at least he did not mention them. In more recent treatments of Lesquere//a (Payson, 1922; Rollins and Shaw, 1973; Rollins, 1993) only one species, L. douglasii, is attributed to the state of Washington. A rather lengthy discussion, concerning specimens from Washington previously referred to other species, is given by Rollins and Shaw (1973) under the name L. occidentalis. One of the main points made there is that, al- though the Brandegee specimen was cited by Watson in his orig- inal presentation of L. occidentalis as a new species, and is there- fore a syntype, the specimen is not of that species as it is presently understood. This discussion should be consulted by anyone se- riously interested in the problem. In our judgment, there is no doubt that Lesquerella tuplashensis is related to L. douglasii and it is our assumption that it was derived evolutionally from that species. Because of the silique shape, ovule number, and trichome type, L. tuplashensis is re- ferable to group 8 (Rollins and Shaw, 1973). Of the eleven species 1995] Rollins et al.— Lesquerella 203 included there, L. tuplashensis is most similar to L. douglasii. It is perhaps significant that L. tup/ashensis is restricted in distri- bution to a specialized habitat and has few plant associates, several of limited distribution, whereas L. doug/asii has a much broader geographic range and occurs in a variety of habitats with a much wider range of associated species. The interpretation that L. tu- plashensis is a derived species fits the general situation in Les- querella (Rollins and Shaw, 1973; Rollins, 1993) where there are numerous examples of a similar relationship between widespread species of diverse habitats and apparently derived taxa of limited distribution adapted to restricted, usually highly calcareous, sites. The rigorous edaphic factors there exerting unusual selection pres- sure on plants able to cope with such sites may have contributed to their having evolved into distinct taxa. But it must be admitted that evolution could have proceeded either way, from widespread to restricted species or from restricted to widespread species. Lesquerella tuplashensis Rollins, Beck & Caplow, sp. nov. TYPE: U.S.A. Washington, Franklin County: White Bluffs, TI3N, R27E, $11, W'2, above the Columbia River, caliche soil at edge of eroding bluff, 20 July 1994, K. Beck & F. Caplow 94001 (Ho- lotype: GH; Isotype: WTU). Associated species: Artemisia tri- dentata Nutt., Astragalus caricinus (Jones) Barneby, Cryptantha spiculifera (Piper) Payson, Eriogonum microthecum Nutt., and Poa sandbergii Vasey. Herba perennis multicaulis, caudicibus simplicibus crassiusculis, caulibus er- ectis vel prope decumbentibus 1-2 dm altis, foliis basalibus petiolatis integris vel sparse lobatis dense pubescentibus argenteis (1.5)2—4(-6) cm longis, foliis caulinis imbricatis, sepalis oe mm 1 longis, vos pee anguste lingulatis 4.5-5 m longis, pedicell 11(-13) mm longis, siliquis subglobosis vel fere obovatis 3-4 mm longis, stylis 2. 5a m longis, loculis (2-) 3-4 ovulatis, seminibus suborbicularibus ca. 2 mm diametro, cotyledonibus ac- cumbentibus. Perennial, caudex simple, to | cm thick; stems mostly arising below the leaf rosette, several to numerous, slightly decumbent to erect, densely pubescent, 1—2(-3.5) dm tall; basal leaves ro- sulate, densely pubescent, silvery, (1.5)2—4(-6) cm long, rounded to broadly obtuse at apex, (0.5—)1-1.5(-2.5) cm wide, outer leaves 204 Rhodora [Vol. 97 i oy Figure 1-7. Lesquerella tuplashensis. Magnifications are approximate. Figure 1, habit x ‘4; figure 2, silique x7; figure 3, infructescence x%,; figure 4, trichome x 12; figure 5, flower x 7; figure 6, replum x 7; figure 7, seed x 7. usually entire with nearly orbicular blades and slender petioles, inner similar but usually few-lobed or sometimes entire; cauline leaves densely overlapping, obovate to spatulate, sometimes nar- rower, obtuse to more nearly rounded at apex, petiolate except the uppermost, 1-1.5 cm long, 4-8 mm wide; leaf trichomes dense and silvery occurring in several layers over the entire surface, 1995] Rollins et al.— Lesquerella 205 radiate, appressed, rays mostly forked, fused toward base, ray tips 15-18; inflorescences usually dense, 3-6 cm long; sepals ascending to erect, narrowly oblong, densely pubescent on the exterior, 3- 4 mm long; petals yellow, narrowly oblanceolate to spatulate, not unguiculate, 4.5-5 mm long; fruiting pedicels densely pubescent, widely spreading to slightly ascending, straight or nearly so, 9- 11(-13) mm long; siliques slightly obovoid to subglobose, turgid, substipitate, 3-4.5 mm long, densely pubescent on exterior, gla- brous on interior, silique trichomes mostly stipitate, not ap- pressed; styles 2.5-3 mm long; ovules 2—3(-4) per locule; septum entire or rarely slightly perforate; seeds orbicular to broadly ob- long, compressed, ca. 2 mm long, immarginate, radical equaling cotyledons; cotyledons accumbent. ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: U.S.A., Washington, Frank- lin County: White Bluffs, above the Columbia River, T13N, R27E, S11, W'%, edge of eroding bluff in shallow caliche soil, 18 Aug. 1994, Beck & Caplow 94002 (GH, WTU); same general locality, July, 1883, T. S. Brandegee 635 (GH, NY, UC); same locality, June, 1883, F. Tweedy 866 (GH); T13N, R28E, $33, NW 4 of NW '% in hard calcium carbonate ‘‘caliche” with Poa sandbergii Vasey, Cryptantha spiculifera (Piper) Payson, Eriogonum micro- thecum Nutt., and Eurotia lanata (Pursh) Mog., June 1, 1995, Beck & Caplow 95085 (GH); T13N, R27E, $24, NE % of NE 4, May 19, 1995, Beck & Caplow 95053 (GH); T12N, R28E, S11, NW 4 of SW %, June 1, 1995, Beck & Caplow (GH). The name “‘tuplashensis” refers to the White Bluffs of the Co- lumbia River where the species occurs. ‘““Tuplash”’ is a place name for the White Bluffs in the Sahaptin language, the language of the Wanapum Tribe and other tribes whose traditional territories include the White Bluffs. ‘“‘Plash” refers to the distinctive white color of the bluffs (Relander, 1956). In comparing Lesquerella tuplashensis with its related L. doug- lasii, we find that most features are similar. Basically the cauline leaves of L. tuplashensis are imbricated and there is a range from linear to petiolate with a broad rounded blade, while those of L. douglasii are loosely arranged and narrowly linear. The basal leaves, especially those of the outer margin, of L. tuplashensis are more rounded and broader than those of L. douglasii. The most noticeable distinction between the two species is in the trichomes of the siliques. Trichomes on the exterior surfaces of the silique 206 Rhodora [Vol. 97 valves of L. tuplashensis have the radiate portion raised on a stipe-like stalk whereas the comparable trichomes of L. douglasii are sessile and the radiate portion is appressed to the valve surface. In general habit, the plants of L. tuplashensis are more compact and denser than those of L. douglasii. Lesquerella tuplashensis grows on the upper edge and upper face of the White Bluffs adjacent to the Columbia River. The only known population is found on the upper zone and top of a near vertical exposure of cemented, highly alkaline calcium carbonate paleosol (a “‘caliche”’ soil). Nearby Soil Conservation Service soil samples of a buried horizon of the same calcium carbonate layer contained 79% calcium carbonate and had a pH of 8.4 (Soil Con- servation Service, unpubl.). This hard calcium carbonate paleosol caps several hundred feet of alkaline, easily eroded, lacustrine sediments of the Ringold Formation (Newcomb, 1958). The av- erage annual precipitation for the area is 12 cm (Rickard et al., 1988). The population is approximately two to seven m wide and extends for 17 km along the upper edge of the bluffs. The holotype was collected from the northern end of the population. Although there are scattered small exposures of similar caliche substrate in coulees to the north of the White Bluffs, these areas were examined and the species was not present. The White Bluffs population may be the only one of the species. The vegetational cover of the bluffs is extremely sparse but includes, in addition to Lesquerella tuplashensis, a number of plant species that are rare in Washington: Cryptantha spiculifera (Piper) Payson, Astragalus geyeri Gray, Cuscuta denticulata En- gelm., and Camissonia pygmaea (Dougl.) Raven. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge the Washington Chapter of The Na- ture Conservancy and the US Department of Energy for devel- oping and supporting the Hanford Biodiversity Project, under which the field work for this research took place. We are much indebted to and thank Dr. James L. Reveal of the University of Maryland for initiating and providing the plate of drawings by Dolly Baker. 1995] Rollins et al.— Lesquerella 207 LITERATURE CITED Gray, A., S. WATSON AND B. L. Rosinson. 1895. Synoptical Flora of North ier pt. 1: IL-V, 1-208. Newcoms, R. C. 1958. Ringold Formation of Pleistocene Age in type locality: the White Bluffs, Washington. Amer. J. Sci. V 256: 328-340. Payson, E. B. 1922. A Monograph of the Gents Lesquerella. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 8: 103-236. Pirer, C. V. 1906. Flora of the State of Washington. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 11: 1-637 RELANDER, C. 1956. Drummers and Dreamers. Caxton Printers, Caldwell, ID. RicKARD, W. H., L. Rogers, B. E. VAUGHN AND F. G. LiestrAu. 1988. Shrub- steppe: Balance and Change in a Semi-arid Terrestrial Ecosystem. Science Publishers, New York Ro.uins, R. C. 1993. The Cruciferae of Continental North America. I-XVI, 1- 976. Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA AND E. A. SHAW. 1973. The Genus Lesquerella (Cruciferae) in North America. I-X, 1-288. Harvard University Press, oe M Rose, J. N. 1904. William M. Canby, Bot. Gaz. 37: SoIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. Primary characterization an for the Taunton Soil Type, 590WA021-5, Franklin County, Washington. Unpublished material. WATSON, S. 1885. Contributions to American Botany XIV. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 20: 324-378 . 1888. Contributions to American Botany XV. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 23: 249-287. RC: GRAY HERBARIUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY 22 DIVINITY AVE., CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 KALB. be FEC, CALYPSO CONSULTING [is0:- 2150 Si. BELLINGHAM, WA 98225 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 891, pp. 208-244, 1995 THE VASCULAR PLANTS OF FORT DEVENS, MASSACHUSETTS Davip M. HuNT, KAREN B. SEARCY,'! ROBERT E. ZAREMBA, AND C. ROBERTA LOMBARDI ABSTRACT As part of the process of closing Fort Devens in north central Massachusetts, an intensive two year survey of vascular plants growing in the undeveloped area (6700 acres) of the fort was completed. A total of 857 naturally occurring taxa in 394 genera and 121 families were identified, including 18 rare taxa and 29 county records. The unusual diversity of taxa for the area is due to several factors which include land use history and the physical setting, as well as management practices and military activity which created or maintained early and mid-successional habitats. Key Words: Fort Devens, Massachusetts, vascular flora, rare plants INTRODUCTION Fort Devens, the only army post in New England, had its main installation about 30 miles northwest of Boston in the towns of Ayer and Shirley, Middlesex County, and Harvard and Lancaster, Worcester County (Figure 1). It was founded in 1917 to train soldiers for World War I. Additional land, south of Route 2, was acquired between 1941 and 1943 and became the South Post. In the mid 1970’s, about 700 acres of wetlands along the east side of the Nashua River on the South Post, were transferred to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and now form the Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge. The post was recommended for realignment and closing in 1988 and closed in March, 1996. The approximately 6700-acre, undeveloped area of Fort Devens was reportedly the largest single area of natural land under uniform management in north central Massachusetts (U.S. Army Corps Engineers, 1989). As part of the procedures associated with closing the fort, a num- ber of biological surveys were made. The objective of this study was to assemble as complete a collection as possible of the vascular plants that occurred naturally on Fort Devens, emphasizing fed- ' Author for correspondence. 208 1995] Hunt et al.— Fort Devens Flora 209 FORT DEVENS * Fort Devens _— Co. North Post _~ Worcester Co Middlese, Shirley 4 i pias : Main Post _-. npact £on Harvard Lancaster Meters 2006 South Post 1006 Figure |. Map showing the location of Fort Devens in Massachusetts, and an enlargement of the Post. The boundaries of Fort Devens are indicated by a solid line. The dashed lines indicate the boundary between Worcester and Middlesex Counties. This boundary follows the Nashua River on the Main Post. The ap- proximately 6700-acre undeveloped area of Fort Devens, which was sampled, is indicated by stippling; the developed area, which was not sampled, is left blank. The location of the maintained grassland on the South Post is indicated by a black oval. The triangles indicate the position of Shepleys and Whittemore Hills. 210 Rhodora [Vol. 97 eral and state rare taxa. In addition to helping with decisions on future land use, this survey provides a baseline from which to monitor future changes. The approximately 9240-acre Fort Devens was divided into three areas: the South Post (4830 acres), south of Route 2; the Main Post (3550 acres); and the North Post (860 acres), the last two north of Route 2 (Figure 1). Most of the buildings and other facilities were in the latter two areas while the South Post, used primarily for training, remained relatively undeveloped, and has been retained by the army as the Devens Reserve Forces Training Area. Approximately 800 acres in the floodplain and on adjacent slopes of the Nashua River on the former Main and North Posts were transferred to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and have been added to the Oxbow National Wildlife Refuge. With the exception of a few natural areas, such as those near Mirror Lake, most of the remainder of the North and Main Posts is scheduled for development (T. Poole, pers. comm.). Much of Fort Devens is within the glacial landform of Lake Nashua (Koteff, 1980) and is characterized by broad, flat terraces of sandy, well drained deltaic sediments. Areas of stratified clay deposits support wetlands (Mott and O’Brian, 1981). Other glacial features include esker-like ridges around some ponds on the South Post and along the west bank of the Nashua River on the North Post. In addition, there are steep sand and gravel ridges around Mirror Lake on the Main Post. Other important features include the Nashua River floodplain which extends for 8 miles through the fort. Elevations range from 61 m in the floodplain of the Nashua River to about 140 m on Whittemore Hill on the South Post. Exposed bedrock is uncommon, and is found at Shepleys Hill on the North Post and in a few scattered outcrops. The area occupied by Fort Devens was originally forested, but by the time the military post was established, most of the land had been cleared and farmed. There was also some small scale industrial activity along the river and streams (Fitch and Glover, 1989). Farming continued on the South Post into the 1940’s. About the time the post was closed, forested areas occupied 62 percent of the South Post, and 36 percent of the Main and North Posts (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1992). The South Post also included a 250-acre grassland, kept open by burning and mowing, which was used for parachute drops. 1995] Hunt et al.—Fort Devens Flora 211 METHODS An intensive, systematic survey of the flora on the approxi- mately 6700 acres of undeveloped land on the post, including the “Impact Zone” (Figure 1) was conducted over two growing sea- sons. Most of the collection was done during 1991 by D. Hunt and R. Zaremba, focusing principally on the South Post (Hunt, 1991). Additional collections were made during 1993 by D. Hunt, C. R. Lombardi, and K. Searcy focusing on natural areas on the Main and North Post (Lombardi, 1994), Finally, a few additional species were added as the result of other types of vegetation studies conducted in 1994 and 1995. Sampling was designed using topographic maps and a grid over- lay to insure that some part of every 400 m? was observed. In addition, habitats from localities representing the full range of elevation, slope, and substrate types (U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service, 1985, 1989) were examined. All community types based on New York State’s Natural Heritage Program Community Clas- sification (Reschke, 1990) and all forest cover types (based on 1980 aerial photographs) were also examined. When necessary, aquatic vegetation was sampled from a canoe. Collections were made about every two weeks from early May to October. All native, naturalized and escaped taxa, including those that were probably introduced but had become part of a successional plant community, were collected. Every reasonable effort was made to collect specimens with reproductive material. Information recorded included latitude and longitude using UTM coordinates (to 100 m); elevation; substrate type; topography; associated taxa; and relative abundance, assessed as a combina- tion of the size of the population and number of occurrences; as well as the specific collection locality, habitat or natural com- munity, and date. Whenever a federally- or state-listed rare taxon was found, population boundaries were determined and popu- lation size was estimated. Potential county records were checked against a list prepared by Sorrie (1991). For the most part, no- menclature follows The Flora of North America (Flora of North America Editorial Committee, 1993) for pteridophytes and gym- nosperms and the Manual of Vascular Plants of North Eastern United States and Adjacent Canada (Gleason and Cronquist, 1991) for angiosperms. Hortus Third (Bailey and Bailey, 1976) was used 212 Rhodora [Vol. 97 for names of naturalized plants not included in Gleason and Cron- quist. Where names for rare taxa found at Fort Devens differed between Gleason and Cronquist and the Massachusetts rare plant list (Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, 1992), the latter were retained, and the synonyms indicated in Appendix 1. A complete set of voucher specimens has been deposited at the University of Massachusetts (MASS). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The flora includes 857 taxa in 394 genera and 121 families (Appendix 1). The distribution of taxa among groups Is as follows: 11 (1.3%) fern allies, 22 (2.6%) ferns, 13 (1.5%) gymnosperms, 247 (28.8%) monocots, and 564 (65.8%) dicots. Approximately 80 percent of the taxa are native, a figure similar to that reported for central and eastern United States and adjacent Canada (Fer- nald, 1950). While additional taxa are likely to be found, the plants collected to date are undoubtedly a sizable fraction of those on the post. Intensive collections in 1993 added 102 new taxa (12%). The 1994 and 1995 studies of oxbow ponds and surround- ing marshes, among the most species-rich areas on the post, added only seven new taxa (<1%). The undeveloped portion of Fort Devens supports an unusually high diversity of plants for an area its size in north central Mas- sachusetts. One factor contributing to species diversity on the post is historic land use. Much of the fort was farmland in the not-too-distant past. As a result, a great deal of the vegetation is currently in various stages of succession, providing habitats rang- ing from successional old fields to second-growth forests. The relatively recent agricultural influence is seen in the persistence of species such as Asparagus officinalis and Triticum aestivum. Other weedy species were undoubtedly introduced along the roads and railroads. Past habitation is also reflected by artificial lakes which provide habitats for aquatic species and by abandoned home sites, the source for naturalized and escaped species such as Convallaria majalis, Phlox paniculata, Syringa vulgaris and Vinca minor. A second group of factors affecting species diversity are land management practices and military activity on the post. Land management practices included mowing, controlled burning, and clear and selective cutting. Military activity associated with train- ing and the use of heavy equipment, like tanks, created open areas 1995] Hunt et al.—Fort Devens Flora 213 of various sizes for colonization by early successional species. In addition, one unusual habitat disturbance at Fort Devens is the occurrence of annual fires resulting from flares and ammunition detonation in the “Impact Zone” on the South Post. The fires have produced an area of fire-tolerant upland species (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1992). These types of activities contributed to species diversity by creating and maintaining a mosaic of early and mid-successional habitats within various communities. Other habitats associated with military occupation at the post include landfills, rubble dumps, gravel mines, hydrological impound- ments and sewage processing beds. At the time of the survey, deliberately created or maintained successional habitats sup- ported almost one third (27%) of the species, and close to half (44.4%) of the state listed rare species. Successional habitats ap- pear to be important for many rare species. Indeed, Sorrie (1989) has pointed out that the loss of early successional habitats appears to account for about 65% of the species extirpated from Massa- chusetts. Finally, a major factor contributing to species diversity is the physical setting. The post has a varied topography ranging from flat terraces to steep slopes such as those found at the edge of the Nashua River floodplain, on eskers, and on the South Post pla- teau. Stream drainages provide relief on a smaller scale. In ad- dition, the post has markedly contrasting soil types ranging from drought prone Windsor and Hinkley soils, common in the deltaic deposits, to poorly drained soils such as Limerick, Swansea and Freetown soils of the Nashua River floodplain and scattered wet- lands. This combination of slopes and soil types supports a wide array of plant communities. Fort Devens has widespread plant com- munities such as the Appalachian oak-pine forest (AOPF), hem- lock-northern hardwood forest (HNHF) and red maple hardwood swamp (RMHS). In addition, there are also a number of com- munities which are listed as uncommon or restricted in Massa- chusetts (Swain, 1993). One of these, the pitch pine-scrub oak barrens (PPSOB), found on drought prone soils, is uncommon at inland locations. A number of wetland communities on the post are also of restricted distribution or are uncommon in the state (Swain, 1993). These include the southern New England flood- plain forest (FF), dominated by silver maple, occurring as a rel- atively narrow, intermittent strip along the Nashua River; several dwarf shrub bogs (DSB) and forested peatlands such as the black 214 Rhodora [Vol. 97 spruce-tamarck bog (BSTB), supporting plants of a more northern distribution; seep communities within the RMHS dominated by black ash; sandy bottom kettlehole ponds, with fluctuating water levels, providing exposed, inland, non-calcareous, lake shore hab- itats (INCLS) with species more characteristic of the coastal plain: and a small, medium fen (MF). Collectively these and the other wetland communities account for 36% of the species, but only about 14% of the total area of the post. Rare Species Eighteen taxa found growing naturally at Fort Devens are listed as either federally or state endangered, threatened (Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, 1992), or are on the state watch list (Sorrie, 1990) (Table 1). Populations of Pinus resinosa, Podophyllum pel- tatum and Populus balsamifera, which are on the state watch list, were obviously planted or were escapes, and were not included in the tally. Six species, Bidens discoidea, Eleocharis obtusa var. ovata (E. ovata), Panicum philadelphicum, Sparganium minimum, Utric- ularia minor, and Wolffia brasiliensis, were associated with oxbow Table 1. Rare taxa from Fort Devens, Soecrnaaae E = Endangered, T = Threatened, SC = Special Concern, W = Watchlis : Approx. No. of Taxon Status Individuals Arabis drummondii W 20 Aster radula Ww 200 Bidens discoidea WwW 200 Carex typhina T 250 Cassia hebecarpa E 80 C yee us houghtonii E 1000 ochari le var. ovata E 2000 : iene illaris Ww 100 Geranium elene Uti W 100 Leptoloma cognatum W 200 Liatris borealis SC 5-10 Lupinus peren: W 3000 Panicum eis um SC 100 Smilacina trifolia W 500 Darganium minimum E 1000+ Stellaria borealis W 100 Utricularia minor W 100 Wolfhia brasiliensis Ww large 1995] Hunt et al.—Fort Devens Flora 215 ponds in the Nashua River floodplain. Bidens discoidea was found growing as an epiphyte on the tangled lower stems of buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis. Eleocharis obtusa var. ovata, a taxon whose status appears unclear, was found in sedge meadows which had been scoured two years before (T. Poole, pers. comm.). The annual, Panicum philadelphicum, was observed in mud flats left exposed by drying oxbow lakes during the unusually dry summer of 1995. Sparganium minimum had a large population in the shallow water of an oxbow lake. Although it is a species more common in northern New England (Crow and Hellquist, 1981), two populations have been reported from adjacent Middlesex County (Crow and Hellquist, 1981). It was previously reported from Lake Quinsigamond, Worcester Co. (Jackson, 1909), but no herbarium specimens were found (Sorrie, 1987). Utricularia mi- nor and Wolffia brasiliensis both have large populations in one or two oxbow lakes and also occur in widely scattered localities in Massachusetts (Hellquist and Crow, 1982; Crow and Hellquist, 1985). It is suggested that at least the former species may be overlooked in the state (Sorrie, 1990). In addition to oxbow ponds, several other wetland areas on the post supported rare species. Carex typhina was found in a mixed oak forest along the sandy banks of a small stream. This appar- ently relatively dry habitat contrasts with the silver maple-green ash floodplain forest reported for other populations of the species in the state (Sorrie, 1987). Aster radula occurred in an open, recently-burned peaty meadow. Smilacina trifolia, another spe- cies with northern affinities, was abundant in a black spruce- tamarack swamp, and a small population of Stellaria borealis was found under powerlines along a small stream in a rich, fen-like area. Another group of rare species was found in the dry, sandy glacial outwash plains associated with the pitch pine-scrub oak barrens. These included Cyperus houghtonii, Eragrostis capillaris, Lep- toloma cognatum, Liatris borealis (Liatris scariosa var. novae- angliae), and Lupinus perennis. Many of these are successional species dependent on disturbance or fire. Cyperus houghtonii, with no other current stations in the state, was found on a disturbed, gravelly esker slope in one of the rifle ranges. The population size of this species showed large fluctuations between 1991 and 1993. The relatively few individuals of Liatris borealis, found in mowed roadsides and along a railroad track, were part of a much larger population under powerlines on adjacent property. Liatris bo- 216 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Table 2. County Records from Fort Devens, Massachusetts. County Collectors and Number MIDDLESEX COUNTY Native Callitriche stagnalis Hunt and Zaremba 1597 Scirpus xpeckii Hunt and Zaremba 2543 Introduced Malus floribunda Hunt and Zaremba 2008 WORCESTER COUNTY Native Bidens aristosa Hunt and Zaremba 2386 Carex bebbii Hunt and Zaremba 415 Carex hystericina Hunt and Zaremba 766 Carex laevivaginata Hunt and Zaremba 324 Carex typhina Hunt and Zaremba 1480 Eleocharis obtusa var. ovata! Hunt and Zaremba 1068 Elodea canadensis' Hunt and Zaremba 1306 Epilobium hea Hunt and Zaremba 1888 Galium aparin Hunt and Zaremba 2575 Galium ian : Hunt and Zaremba 2574 Geranium bicknellii' Hunt and Zaremba 2467 Potamogeton zosteriformis Enz, Lindwall, Hickler, Searcy 179 Scirpus georgianus Hunt MA-687 Sparganium minimum! Enz, Lindwall, Hickler, Searcy 129 Introduced Catalpa bignonioides Hunt and Zaremba 1304 Cerastium semidecandrum Hunt and Zaremba 248 rau conse majalis Hunt and Zaremba 242 Draba verna Lombardi and Searcy 164 heel umbellata Hunt and Zaremba 77 Epipactis helleborine Hunt and Zaremba 2489 Euonymus alatus Hunt and Zaremba 2496 Larix decidua Hunt and Zaremba 1259 Malus baccata Hunt and Zaremba 152 ead opuyouus var. opulifoliu Hunt and Zaremba 1184 Trifolium Save Hunt MA-554 Urtica dioica var. dioica Hunt and Zaremba 943 ' Reported from Worcester County (Jackson, 1909) but no herbarium speci- mens have been found (Sorrie, 1991). realis is declining in Massachusetts and is now found primarily in the southeastern part of the state. Lupinus perennis is another species declining in Massachusetts. Like Liatris borealis, popu- lations of Lupinus perennis were found in disturbed areas along 1995] Hunt et al.—Fort Devens Flora 217 roads. However, it also occurred in the “Impact Zone” where fires were frequent. Finally, several rare species occurred in other obviously dis- turbed habitats. These included Arabis drummondii which was found in a mowed strip beside a road, Cassia hebecarpa (Senna hebecarpa) found in alluvial thickets along a powerline, and Ge- ranium bicknellii found in a wet area along powerlines. The latter species is apparently adventive in eastern Massachusetts and it is uncertain whether the Fort Devens populations are native. Populations of G. bicknellii declined drastically between 1991 and 1993 probably due to the cessation of mowing of the powerlines where they occurred. County Records Based on a checklist of county records (Sorrie, 1991), twenty nine species collected at Fort Devens were herbarium county records for either Middlesex or Worcester County (Table 2). A number of those listed were previously reported for Worcester County (Jackson, 1909) but appear to be undocumented (Sorrie, 1991). County records include two state endangered, Eleocharis obtusa var. ovata and Sparganium minimum; one state threat- ened, Carex typhina; and one watch list species, Geranium bick- nellii. Almost half are introduced species of disturbed or succes- sional habitats. Many are relatively common elsewhere and are known from adjacent counties in the eastern part of the state. In contrast, Scirpus xpeckii, a sterile hybrid between S. atrovirens and_S. cyperinus (Tucker, 1992) found on a steep slope of a narrow ravine in mixed hardwood forest, has previously been reported from only the western part of the state (Sorrie, 1991; Tucker, 1992). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank T. Poole, Natural Resources Officer, Fort Devens and P. Somers, State Botanist, for help, encouragement, and sup- port. B. Sorrie supplied information on species suspected or known to occur at the site. Assistance with various aspects of the project was also provided by T. Enz, M. Hickler, L. Hunt, B. Lindwall, S. Patton, and M. Taras. B. Hellquist, C. Sheviak, N. Miller, and G. Tucker helped with identification. We also thank NYS for 218 Rhodora [Vol. 97 making its facilities available to us. This study was funded in part by the U.S. Army and the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. LITERATURE CITED BaiLey, L. H. anv E. Z. Battey. 1976. Hortus Third, A Concise Dictionary of Plants Cultivated in the United States and Canada. Revised and Expanded by the Staff of the Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortium. MacMillan Publishing Co., New York, NY Crow, G. E. anp C. B. HELLQuisT. 1981. Aquatic vascular plants of New En- gland: Part 2. Typhaceae and Sparganiaceae. New Hampshire Agric. Exp. Sta. ai 517. Aquatic vascular plants of New England: Part 8. Lentibulariacese. New Hampshire Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 528. DIVISION OF FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE. 1992. Massachusetts List of Endangered Threatened and Special Concern Species. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Division of Fisheries and Wildlife. Boston, FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray’s Manual of Bong Eighth Revised Edition. Van — saris Co., New Yor Fircu, V. DS. GLover. 1989. Histone and prehistoric reconnaissance ss a Devens (Main Post, North Post, South Post) Massachusetts. Appendix C. Jn: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Devens ce ae pelea information for Fort Devens realignment. Appendix 2 FLORA OF NoRTH AMERICA EDITORIAL COMMITTEE, Eps. 1993. The i of North Ameri North of Mexico, Volume 2. Oxford University Press, New York, N GLEASON, H. —- pA. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of North- eastern United States and Adjacent Canada, 2nd ed. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY. HELLQuisT, C. B. AND G. E. Crow. 1982. Aquatic vascular plants of New En- gland: Part 5. Araceae, Lemnaceae, Xyridaceae, Eriocaulaceae, and Ponted- erlaceae. New Hampshire Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 523. Hunt, D. M. 1991. Floristic survey, with emphasis on rare species, of Fort Devens, Massachusetts. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Construction Engi- neering Research Laboratory, Environmental Division. Unpublished report. Jackson, J. 1909. A Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Worcester County, Massachusetts, 3rd ed. Worcester Natural History Society. Stanhope Press. Boston, M Korterr, C. 1980. Deviacial history of glacial Lake Nashua, east-central Mas- sachusetts. /n: Larson, G. L. and B. D. Stone, eds. Late Wisconsinan Gla- ciation of New England. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. Dubuque, IA Lomsarpl, C. R. 1994. Floristic survey, with emphasis on rare ee of Fort Devens, Massachusetts, 1993. (Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endan- gered Species Program, unpublished report TT, W. W. AND A. L. O'Brian. 1981. Geology and hydrology of wetlands in Massachusetts. Water Resources Research Center. University of Massachu- setts, Amherst. Publication 123. 1995] Hunt et al.— Fort Devens Flora 219 RESCHKE, C. 1990. Ecological Communities of New York State. New York Natural Heritage Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Latham, NY SorriE, B. A. 1987. Notes on the rare flora of Massachusetts. Rhodora 89: 113- 196. 1989. Massachusetts flora: A review of current distribution and con- servation of rare species. Sanne on ae 120. . 1990. ‘Watch List” Unc r Rare Massachusetts Plants. Com- monwealth of eae eines of Fisheries and Wildlife. Boston, MA ; 1991. County Checklist of Massachusetts Vascular Plants. Unpublished d Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, Division of Fisheries and Wildlife. Boston, MA. Swaln, P. C. 1993. Priority natural community-types for protection in Massa- chusetts. Division of Fisheries and Wildlife. Boston, MA. Tucker, G. C. 1992. Scirpus (Cyperaceae) in Connecticut. Newslett. of the Connecticut Bot. Soc. 20: 3- U.S. Army Corps OF ENGINEERS, New ENGLAND Division. 1989. Appendix 2. Fort Devens supplemental environmental information for Fort Devens re- alignment U.S. D. A. Som. CONSERVATION SERVICE. 1985. Soil Survey of Worcester County, Massachusetts, Northwestern Part —. 1989. Middlesex County Soil Survey, A Resource Planner’s Guide, Middlesex Tatas District, Acton, M U.S. Fish AND WILDLIFE SERVICE. 1992. Survey and evaluation of wetlands and wildlife fata Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Unpublished report. D. M. H. NEW YORK NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 700 TROY-SCHENECTADY RD. LATHAM, NY 12110-2400 Kk. B.S. &2C. RL; BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST, MA 01003 R. E. Z. THE NATURE CONSERVANCY 91 BROADWAY ALBANY, NY 12204 220 Rhodora [Vol. 97 APPENDIX 1: ANNOTATED LIST OF THE VASCULAR PLANTS OF FORT DEVENS, MASSACHUSETTS The appendix lists the taxa, abundance, and type in which the taxon was collected. Some taxa also occurred in Shanmauniiics other than the one in which the ao was collected; and, for a few, the community in which a specimen was collected was not typical for the taxon on the post. Where a taxon was observed at only one site, the general location (North, Main or South Post) is also given Abundance estimates are for the entire post and were based on the population size and number of communities in which a taxon was observed. Taxa were classed as rare, small population at one site; infrequent, large numbers at one site, or low numbers in one or two communities; occasional, large numbers in one or two communities or low numbers in several communities; common, several com- munities in large numbers or low numbers in most communities; abundant, in most communities in large numbers. Abbreviations for the community types in Reschke (1990) are as follows: AOPF = Appalachian Oak-Pine Forest, BCL = Brushy Cleared Land, BMMF = Beech Maple Mesic Forest, BSTB = Black Spruce Tamarack Bog, COF = Chestnut Oak Forest, DEM = Deep Emergent Marsh, DSB = Dwarf aes = EP = Eutrophic Pond, FF = saa Forest, GM = Gravel Mine, HHS = Hemlock-Hardwood Swamp, HNHF = Hemlock-Northern Hardwood ae ce = Inland Non- nar Lake Shore, LD = Landfill/Dump, MCS = Main Channel Stream, MF = Medium Fen, ML = Mowed Land, MS = Midreach Stream, OL = Oxbow Lake, PNHF = Pine-Northern Hardwood Forest, PPOF = Pitch Pine-Oak oe PPSOB = Pitch Pine-Scrub Oak Barrens, RMHS = Red Maple-Hardwood Swamp, RSGB = Riverside Sand/Gravel Bar, SA.M = Sand Mine, SEM = it Emergent Marsh, SH = Successional Hardwoods, SM = Sedge Meadow, SNSG = Succes- sional Northern Sandplain Grassland, SOF = Successional Old Field, SS = Shrub Swamp, SU.S = Successional Shrubland. LYCOPODIOPHYTA (Clubmosses) LYCOPODIACEAE Diphasiastrum digitatum (Dillenius ex A. Braun) Holub occasional; PNHF Diphasiastrum tristachyum (Pursh) Holub oe PPSOB Huperzia lucidula (Michx.) Trev. infrequent a ees inundata (L.) Holub rare; SEM — ak Post Lycopodium clavatum L. infrequent; PPSOB ean obscurum L. common; PNHF SELAGINELLACEAE Selaginella apoda (L.) Spring rare; SH— Main Post EQUISETOPHYTA (Horsetails) EQUISETACEAE Equisetum arvense L. occasional; RMHS 1995] Hunt et al.—Fort Devens Flora 221 Equisetum fluviatile L. infrequent; SEM Equisetum hyemale L. subsp. affine (Engelmann) Calder & R. L. Taylor infre- quent; BCL Equisetum sylvaticum L. infrequent; RMHS POLYPODIOPHYTA (Ferns) CEAE Asplenium platyneuron (L.) BSP. rare, BMMF—Main Post BLECHNACEAE Woodwardia virginica (L.) J.E. Smith infrequent; DSB AEDTIACEAE Dennstaedtia punctilobula (Michx.) T. Moore occasional; SH Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var. latiusculum (Desv.) Underw. ex A. Heller abundant; SNSG DRYOPTERI ACEAE Athyrivom fil -femina (L.) Roth ex Mertens var. angustum (Willd.) G. Lawson occasional; FF Deparia acrostichoides (Swartz) M. Kato rare; ie iaaaaies Post Dryopteris cristata (L.) A. Gray occasional; P Dryopteris intermedia (Muhlenberg ex Willd.) - a common; PNHF Dryopteris marginalis (L.) A. Gray infrequent; PNHF Onoclea sensibilis L. common; RM Polystichum acrostichoides (Michx.) Schott infrequent; AOPF OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Botrychium dissectum Sprengel rare; PNHF—South Post Botrychium virginianum (L.) Swartz rare; BBMF—Main Post OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda cinnamomea L. common; RMHS Osmunda claytoniana L. infre Osmunda regalis L. var. spectabilis (Willd.) A. Gray occasional; SEM POLYPODIACEAE Polypodium virginianum L. infrequent, AOPF PTERIDACEAE Adiantum pedatum L. rare, HNHF—Main Post YPTERIDACEAE Phegopteris connectilis (Michx.) Watt rare; BMMF—Main Post Thelypteris noveboracensis (L.) Nieuwl. occasional; PNHF 22? Rhodora [Vol. 97 Thelypteris palustris Schott occasional; MF Thelypteris simulata (Davenp.) Nieuwl. infrequent; RMHS PINOPHYTA (Gymnosperms) CUPRESSA Juniperus communis L. infrequent; SU.S Juniperus virginiana L. rare; SU.S—South Post PINACEAE Larix decidua Miller rare; SH—South Post Larix laricina (DuRoi) K. Koch ee BSTB Picea abies (L.) Karst rare; SH—South Post Picea glauca (Moench) Voss rare, RMHS—South Post Picea mariana (Miller) BSP. infrequent; BSTB Pinus resinosa Aiton infrequent; SU.S Pinus rigida Miller abundant; PPOF Pinus strobus L. abundant; SOF Pinus sylvestris L. rare; SH— Main Post Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carriére occasional; HHS CEAE Taxus baccata L. rare; SU.S—South Post MAGNOLIOPHYTA (Flowering Plants) MAGNOLIOPSIDA (Dicots) ACERACEAE Acer negundo L. var. negundo rare, SH— Main Post Acer pensylvanicum L. rare; AOPF—South Post Acer saccharinum L. occasional; FF Acer saccharum Marshall var. saccharum common; SH AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus hybridus L. rare; LD— Main Post Amaranthus palmeri 8. Wats. rare; BCL—North Post Froelichia gracilis (Hook.) Moq. rare; ML—North Post ANACARDIACEAE Cotinus coggygria Scop. rare; BCL—Main Post Rhus copallinum L. infrequent; F Rhus glabra L. infrequent; BCL Rhus typhina L. occasional; BCL Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze occasional; BCL Toxicodendron vernix (L.) Kuntze infrequent; RMHS 1995] Hunt et al.—Fort Devens Flora 223 APIACEAE (UMBELLIFERAE) Aethusa cynapium L. rare; BCL—South Post Cicuta bulbifera L. occasional; SM Cicuta maculata L. infrequent; SEM Daucus carota L. occasional; BCL Hydrocotyle americana L. occasional; HHS Zizia aurea (L.) W. Koch rare; SH— Main Post ACEAE Apocynum androsaemifolium L. rare, BCL—South Post Vinca minor L. rare; SH—South Post AQUIFOLIAC Tlex ee (Pursh) A. Gray infrequent; SS Tlex verticillata (L.) A. Gray common; RMHS Nemopanthus mucronatus (L.) Trel. Soci sional: SS IACEAE Aralia hispida Vent. earns pert Aralia nudicaulis L. common; Panax trifolium L. occasional; cies ASCLEPIADACEAE Asclepias amplexicaulis J.E. Smith Sar ne ag PPSOB Asclepias exaltata L. rare; BCL— Asclepias incarnata L. var. coi jaieed ) Pers. infrequent; SM Asclepias syriaca L. occasional; SOF ASTERACEAE (COMPOSITAE) Achillea millefolium L. infrequent; BCL Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. infrequent; SOF Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Benth. & Hook. rare, AOPF—North Post Antennaria neglecta Greene var. canadensis (Greene) Cronq. infrequent, SOF Antennaria neglecta Greene var. neodioica (Greene) Cronq. infrequent, SNSG Anthemis arvensis L. infrequent; SA.M Arctium minus Schk. infrequent; BCL Artemisia vulgaris L. occasional; BCL Aster acuminatus Michx. occasional; PNHF Aster cordifolius L. occasional; SH Aster divaricatus L. common, AOPF Aster dumosus L. rare; SH—South Post Aster ericoides L. rare; ML— Main Post Aster lanceolatus Willd. var. simplex (Willd.) A.G. Jones infrequent; SH Aster lateriflorus (L.) Britton infrequent, BMMF Aster linariifolius L. infrequent; AOPF 224 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Aster macrophyllus L. znireguents AOPF ; MF Aster patens Aiton var. vain oe AOPF Aster paternus Cronq. infrequent; PPOF Aster puniceus L. infrequent; ih Aster radula Aiton rare; SEM—South Post Aster umbellatus Miller infrequent, MF Aster undulatus L. infrequent; SU.S Bidens aristosa (Michx.) Britton rare; RMHS—South Post Bi ; Bidens discoidea (T. & G.) Britton infrequent; SS Bidens frondosa L. infrequent; BCL Centaurea maculosa Lam. occasional; PPSOB Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L., ‘afequent BCL Cichorium intybus L. rare; SU.S—South Post Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. var. horridum Wimmer & Graebner rare; MF— South Post Cirsium muticum Michx. rare; HHS—South Post Cirsium pumilum (Nutt.) Sprengel rare; SOF— North Post Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Tenore infrequent; BCL Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. var. canadensis occasional; BCL Coreopsis lanceolata L. rare: ae orth Post Crepis tectorum L. rare; SA.MM—M Erechtites hieracifolia (L.) Raf. var. ele infrequent; SEM Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. infrequent; SH Erigeron pulchellus Michx. var. pulchellus infrequent; SH Erigeron strigosus Muhl. var. strigosus occasional; BCL Eupatorium fistulosum Barratt occasional; SH Eupatorium perfoliatum L. var. pees ee iar ei SM F—South Pos nt; SH Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt. var. nuttallii (Greene) W. Stone occasional; BCL Euthamia tenuifolia (Pursh) as rare; INCLS— South Post Galinsoga parviflora Cav. rare; BCL— ost Gnaphalium obtusifolium L. var. obtusifolium infrequent; BCL ieracium floribundum Wimmer & Grab. infrequent; BCL Hieracium paniculatum L. infrequent; AOP Hieracium pilosella L. infrequent; BCL Hieracium scabrum Michx. infrequent; BCL 1995] Hunt et al.—Fort Devens Flora 225 Hieracium venosum L. infrequent; AOPF Krigia virginica (L.) Willd. infrequent; SNSG Lactuca biennis (Moench) Fern. rare; HNHF— Main Post Lactuca canadensis L. infrequent; BCL Leontodon autumnalis L. var. autumnalis infrequent; BCL neh borealis Nutt. (Liatris scariosa (L.) Willd. var. novae-angliae Lunell) rare; PPSOB—North Pos Matricaria matricarioides (Less.) Porter rare; BCL—South Post Prenanthes altissima L. var. altissima rare, RMHS— aa Post Rudbeckia laciniata L. var. laciniata rare, SH—Main Post Senecio aureus L. infrequent; M Solidago bicolor L. occasional; AOPF Solidago caesia L. occasional; AOPF Solidago canadensis L. var. canadensis occasional; SEM Solidago gigantea Aiton infrequent; BCL Solidago juncea Aiton common, SEM Solidago nemoralis Aiton var. neers common; SNSG Solidago odora Aiton var. odora occasional; SU.S Solidago puberula Nutt. var. puberula occasional; sae Solidago rugosa Miller subsp. rugosa var. rugosa common; BCL Solidago rugosa Miller subsp. rugosa var. villosa (Pursh) F Tod rare; AOPF— Solidago uliginosa Nutt. rare; RMHS—South Post Tanacetum vulgare L. rare, BCL—South Post Taraxacum officinale Weber infrequent; BCL Tragopogon dubius Scop. rare; BMMF—North Post Tussilago farfara L. rare, BCL— Main Post ALSAMINACEAE Impatiens capensis Meerb. occasional; SS BERBERIDACEAE Berberis thunbergii DC. infrequent; FF Berberis vulgaris L. infrequent; SH Podophyllum peltatum L. rare; PNHF—South Post BETULACEAE Alnus incana (L.) Moench. common; RMHS Alnus serrulata (Aiton) Willd. infrequent; SS Betula alleghaniensis Britton occasional; SS Betula lenta L. occasional; HNHF Betula papyrifera Marshall var. cordifolia (Regel) Fern. infrequent, HNHF Betula papyrifera Marshall var. papyrifera occasional; FF Betula populifolia Marshall common; BCL Carpinus caroliniana Walter er RMHS 226 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Corylus americana Walter common; BCL Corylus cornuta Marshall infrequent, PNHF Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch infrequent; AOPF BIGNONIACEAE Catalpa bignonioides Walter infrequent; FF BORAGINACEA Echium ae L. infrequent; BCL Myosotis laxa Lehm. occasional; SEM Myosotis scorpioides L. infrequent; SEM BRASSICACEAE (CRUCIFERAE) Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) Cavara & pipes oo FF Arabis drummondii A. Gray rare; BCL—North Pos Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh. infrequent; a Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. occasional; SM Berteroa incana ee DC. rare; GM—Main Post Brassica rapa L. rare, BCL—North Post Capsella bursa- ee (L.) Medikus infrequent; BCL Saale ensylvanica Muhl. occasional; RMHS Draba verna L. rare; ML— Main Post Erysimaum cheiranthoides L. rare, PPOF—North Post N Pos Lepidium densiflorum Schrader infrequent; BCL Lepidium virginicum L. var. virginicum Sisters BCL Raphanus raphanistrum L. rare; PPOF— Po Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser var. hispida oe v.) Rydb. rare; SEM— Main Post Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser var. palustris infrequent; FF Sisymbrium altissimum L. rare; BCL—North Post Thlaspi arvense L. rare; BCL— Main Post CABOMBACEAE Brasenia schreberi J. F. Gmelin infrequent; EP Cabomba caroliniana A. Gray*infrequent; EP AESALPINIACEAE Cassia hebecarpa Fern. (Senna hebecarpa (Fern.) Irwin & Barneby) rare; BCL— Main Post Chamaecrista fasciculata (Michx.) Greene infrequent; SOF hamaecrista nictitans (L.) Moench rare; ML— Main Post Gleditsia triacanthos L. rare; LD—Main Post ALLITRICHACEAE Callitriche heterophylla Pursh infrequent; SEM Callitriche stagnalis Scop. infrequent; MCS 1995] Hunt et al.— Fort Devens Flora 227 CAMPANULACEAE Campanula aparinoides Pursh infrequent; SEM Lobelia cardinalis L. var. cardinalis infrequent, RMHS Lobelia inflata L. occasional; SOF Lobelia spicata Lam. var. spicata infrequent; SNSG ANNABACEAE Humulus japonicus Siebold & Zucc. rare; BCL—North Post CAPRIFOLIA ie ee Miller occasional; BCL Lonicera canadensis Marshall infrequent, MF Lonicera morrowii A. Gray occasional; BCL Lonicera sempervirens L. var. sempervirens infrequent; SH Lonicera tatarica L. infrequent; BCL Sambucus canadensis L. var. canadensis occasional; SS Viburnum acerifolium L. occasional; SH Viburnum alnifolium Marshall rare; PNHF—Main Post Viburnum dentatum L. var. lucidum Aiton common; RMHS Viburnum nudum L. var. sapuaenes (L.) T. & G. occasional; PNHF Viburnum lentago L. infreque H Viburnum opulus L. var. americanum Aiton rare; RMHS—North Post ‘ARYOPHYLLACEAE Arenaria lateriflora L. occasional; SH Cerastium semidecandrum L. infrequent; BCL Cerastium vulgatum L. infrequent; BCL Dianthus armeria L. infrequent; SH Gypsophila muralis L. infrequent; SNSG Saponaria officinalis L. infrequent; SOF Scleranthus annuus L. infrequent; BCL Silene antirrhina L. infrequent; SNSG Silene latifolia Poiret infrequent; BCL Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke occasional; SNSG ‘pergularia rubra (L.) J. & C. Pres] infrequent; BCL Stellaria borealis Bigelow rare; MF—South Post Stellaria graminea L. infrequent; BCL Stellaria media (L.) Villars rare; ¢: ML— North Post CELASTRACEAE Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. infrequent; SH Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Siebold rare, BMMF— Main Post ERATOPHYLLACEAE Ceratophyllum demersum L. infrequent; EP Ceratophyllum echinatum A. Gray infrequent; EP 228 Rhodora CHENOPODIACEAE Chenopodium album L. infrequent; SNSG Chenopodium pumilio R. Br. rare; BCL— Main Post CISTACEAE Helianthemum bicknellii Fern. infrequent; SNSG Helianthemum canadense (L.) Michx. occasional; PPOF Lechea intermedia Leggett occasional; AOPF Lechea maritima Leggett occasional; BCL Lechea mucronata Raf. infrequent, AOPF CLETHRACEAE Clethra alnifolia L. occasional; SM CLUSIACEAE (GUTTIFERAE) Hypericum boreale (Britton) E. Bickn. infrequent; SM LS ; SH Triadenum fraseri (Spach) Gleason rare; SEM—South Post Triadenum virginicum (L.) Raf. occasional; SM CONVOLVULACEAE Calystegia sepium (L.) R. Br. occasional; BCL CORNACEAE (includes NYSSACEAE) Cornus alternifolia L.f. infrequent; PNHF Cornus amomum Miller var. amomum occasional, FF Cornus canadensis L. infrequent; RMHS Cornus florida L. occasional; poe Cornus racemosa Lam. common; BCL Cornus rugosa Lam. infrequent, BMMF Nyssa sylvatica Marshall var. sylvatica infrequent; AOPF CRASSULACEAE Sedum purpureum (L.) J.A. Schultes rare; BCL—North Post CUCURBITACEAE Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) T. & G. rare; FF—South Post [Vol. 97 1995] Hunt et al.— Fort Devens Flora CUSCUTACEAE Cuscuta gronovii Willd. infrequent, BMMF DROSERACEAE Drosera intermedia Hayne infrequent; DSB Drosera rotundifolia L. rare, INCLS—South Post ELAEAGNACEAE Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb. infrequent; SU.S ERICACEAE Andromeda glaucophylla Link rare, DSB—South Post Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Sprengel infrequent; PPOF Chamaedaphne calyculata (L.) Moench occasional; DSB Epigaea repens L. occasional; BCL Eubotrys racemosa (L.) Nutt. infrequent; INCLS Gaultheria procumbens L. common; AOPF Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenh.) K. Koch common; DSB Gaylussacia frondosa (L.) T. & G. occasional; AOPF Kalmia latifolia L. occasional, AOPF Kalmia polifolia Wangenh. rare, DSB—South Post Ledum groenlandicum Oeder infrequent; BSTB Lyonia ligustrina (L.) DC. infrequent; MF Rhododendron canadense (L.) Torr. infrequent; BSTB Rhododendron prinophyllum (Small) pe rare, HNHF—Main Post Rhododendron viscosum (L.) Torr. infrequen Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton abundant; ie Vaccinium corymbosum L. common; INCLS Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton infrequent; INCLS Vaccinium oxycoccos L. rare, DSB—South Post Vaccinium pallidum Aiton common; COF EUPHORBIACEAE Acalypha gracilens A. Gray var. ae rare; BCL— Main Post Acalypha rhomboidea Raf. infrequent L Euphorbia maculata L. occasional; SU.S Euphorbia nutans Lagasca rare; SU.S— Main Post FABACEAE Amphicarpaea bracteata (L.) Fern. occasional; RMHS Apios americana Medikus infrequent; BCL Baptisia tinctoria (L.) R. Br. infrequent; ee Coronilla varia L. rare, BCL— Main Pos 229 230 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Desmodium canadense (L.) DC. infrequent; BCL Desmodium glutinosum (Muhl.) A. Wood rare; BMMF—North Post Desmodium marilandicum (L.) DC. infrequent; AOPF Desmodium nudiflorum (L.) DC. rare; AOPF— Main Post Desmodium rotundifolium DC. rare; AOPF—Main Post Lespedeza capitata Michx. occasional; BCL Lespedeza hirta (L.) Hornem. subsp. hirta infrequent; AOPF Lespedeza intermedia (S. Wats.) Britton occasional; AOPF Lespedeza virginica (L.) Britton rare; AOPF— Main Post F Medicago sativa L. infrequent; SOF Melilotus alba Medikus infrequent; BCL Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pallas. zene BCL Robinia hispida L. rare, SOF— Pos Robinia pseudoacacia L. negent SH Trifolium arvense L. occasional; BCL Trifolium aureum Pollich Ce RR BCL Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Moench rare; BCL—South Post Wisteria sinensis (Sims) Sweet rare; AOPF— Main Post FAGACEAE Castanea dentata (Marshall) Borkh. infrequent; SU.S Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. occasional; BMMF Quercus alba L. common; SU.S Quercus bicolor Willd. occasional; SEM Quercus prinoides Willd. occasional; PPSOB Quercus prinus L. infrequent; COF Quercus rubra L. common; SU.S Quercus velutina Lam. abundant; AOPF FUMARIACEAE Corydalis sempervirens (L.) Pers. rare; AOPF—Main Post GENTIANACEAE Bartonia virginica (L.) BSP. rare; SEM—South Post Gentiana clausa Raf. infrequent; RMHS 1995] Hunt et al.—Fort Devens Flora GERANIACEAE Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her. rare; BCL— North Post Geranium bicknellii Britton infrequent; Geranium maculatum L. occasional; SH GROSSULARIACEAE Ribes americanum Miller rare; BMMF—Main Post Ribes hirtellum Michx. infrequent; RMHS Ribes sativum Syme rare; SH— Main Post RAGA yet ae heterophyllum Michx. infrequent; Mpyriophyllum humile (Raf.) Morong rare; a oath Post Proserpinaca palustris L. var. crebra Fern. & Griscom infrequent; INCLS HAMAMELIDACEAE Hamamelis virginiana L. common; AOPF JUGLANDACEAE Carya cordiformis (Wangenh.) K. Koch infrequent, BMMF Carya glabra (Miller) Sweet common; SU.S Carya ovata (Miller) K. nee occasional SH Juglans cinerea L. rare; — Main Post Juglans nigra L. rare; ean Post LAMIACEAE (LAB ) Galeopsis tetrahit L. var. bifida en a & Courtois infrequent; FF Glecoma hederacea L. rare; SH—Sou Hedeoma pulegioides ee Pers. rare; Hcl “Msn Post Leonurus cardiaca L. rare; BCL—Sou Lycopus americanus Muh. men oe Lycopus uniflorus Michx. occasional; SEM Lycopus virginicus L. infrequent; INCLS ntha arvensis L. var. canadensis (L.) Kuntze infrequent; MF Nepeta cataria L. rare; BCL Physostegia virginiana (L.) Benth. var. virginiana rare, BCL—South Post Prunella vulgaris L. var. lanceolata (Barton) Fern. occasional; BCL Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrader rare, SH—South Post Scutellaria galericulata L. infrequent; SM Scutellaria lateriflora L. rare, RMHS—South Post Trichostema dichotomum L. occasional; BCL EAE Lindera benzoin (L.) Blume common; HHS Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees occasional; AOPF 232 Rhodora LENTIBULARIACEAE Utricularia gibba L. infrequent; SM Utricularia minor L. rare; OL—South Post Utricularia purpurea Walter infrequent; EP Utricularia radiata Small infrequent; EP Utricularia vulgaris L. infrequent; EP LYTHRACEAE Decodon verticillatus (L.) Elliott ee DSB Lythrum salicaria L. infrequent; MELASTOMATACEAE Rhexia virginica L. infrequent; AOPF MOLLUGINACEAE Mollugo verticillata L. infrequent; BCL MONOTROPACEAE Monotropa hypopithys L. infrequent; AOPF Monotropa uniflora L. infrequent; AOPF MYRICACEAE Comptonia peregrina (L.) J.M. Coulter occasional; BCL Myrica gale L. infrequent; SS Myrica pensylvanica Mirbel. rare; PNHF—Main Post NYCTAGINACEAE Mirabilis nyctaginea (Michx.) MacMillan infrequent; BCL NYMPHAEACEAE Nuphar variegata Durand infrequent; MCS Nymphaea odorata Aiton var. odorata occasional; MCS LEACEAE Fraxinus americana L. occasional; SH Fraxinus nigra ees infrequent, RMHS Ligustrum vulgare L. rare, SH—Main Post Syringa vulgaris L. rare; > SH South Post ONAGRACEAE Circaea alpina L. var. alpina infrequent, RMHS Circaea lutetiana L. var. canadensis L. occasional; R RMHS Epilobium angustifolium L. var. angustifolium infrequent; PPSOB Epilobium glandulosum Lehm. occasional; MF [Vol. 97 1995] Hunt et al.— Fort Devens Flora Epilobium leptophyllum Raf. rare; SEM— Main Post Epilobium palustre L. rare; DSB—South Post Ludwigia palustris (L.) Elliott infrequent; MS Oenothera biennis L. occasional; BCL Oenothera parviflora L. rare; PPSOB—North Post Oenothera perennis L. occasional; BCL Oenothera tetragona Roth rare, BCL— Main Post OBANCHACEAE Orobanche uniflora L. var. uniflora rare; BCL IDACEAE Oxalis stricta L. infrequent; BCL AVERACEAE Chelidonium majus L. infrequent; BCL Sanguinaria canadensis L. rare, BAMF—Main Post PHYTOLACCACEAE Phytolacca americana L. infrequent; PPSOB PLANTAGINACEAE Plantago aristata Michx. infrequent; SNSG Plantago lanceolata L. occasional; BCL Plantago major L. infrequ ae Plantago rugelii Decne. ae SOF PLATANACEAE Platanus occidentalis L. infrequent; SH POLEMONIA Phlox ae L. rare; SH—South Post POLYGALACEAE Polygala paucifolia Willd. infrequent, AOPF Polygala polygama Walter var. obtusata Chodat infrequent; SNSG Polygala sanguinea L. occasional; MF POLYGONACEAE Polygonella articulata (L.) Meissner occasional; BCL Polygonum amphibium L. var. emersum Michx. infrequent; FF Polygonum arifolium L. infrequent; RM Polygonum aviculare L. occasional; BCL Polygonum careyi Olney rare; INCLS—South Post 233 234 Rhodora [Vol. 97 acon cilinode Michx. infrequent, RMHS Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. & Zucc. infrequent; SH Sel hydropiper L. infrequent; RMHS Polygonum hydropiperoides Michx. occasional; FF oe ea lapathifolium L. infrequent; FF Polygonum pensylvanicum L. occasional; BCL Polygonum persicaria L. infrequent; Polygonum punctatum Elliott var. confertiflorum (Meissner) Fassett infrequent; SEM Polygonum sagittatum L. occasional; SEM Polygonum scandens L. var. scandens occasional, BCL Rumex obtusifolius L. occasional; LD Rumex orbiculatus A. Gray rare; MF—South Post Rumex salicifolius J.A. Weinm. var. triangulivalvis (Danser) Hickman rare; MS— Main Post PORTULACACEAE Portulaca oleracea L. rare; BCL—South Post PRIMULACEAE Lysimachia ciliata L. infrequent; BCL Lysimachia quadrifolia L. occasional; BCL ysimachia terrestris (L.) BSP. common; INCLS | faa borealis Raf. common; RMHS PYROLACEAE Chimaphila maculata (L.) Pursh var. maculata infrequent; AOPF Chimaphila umbellata (L.) Barton var. cisatlantica S. F. Blake infrequent, AOPF Pyrola chlorantha Swartz rare, AOPF—South Post Pyrola elliptica Nutt. infrequent; FF Pyrola rotundifolia L. var. americana (Sweet) Fern. infrequent; AOPF CULACEAE Actaea alba (L.) Miller infrequent; HNHF Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd. infrequent; BMMF Anemone quinquefolia L. occasional; R Anemonella thalictroides (L.) Spach rare, BMMF—North Post Aquilegia canadensis L. infrequent; BC Caltha palustris L. infrequent, RMHS Clematis virginiana L. occasional: SS Coptis trifolia (L.) Salisb. occasional; PNHF epatica americana (DC.) Ker Gawler rare; BMMF—North Post Ranunculus abortivus L. var. yee tee infrequent; FF Ranunculus acris L. infrequent; BCL Ranunculus bulbosus L. infrequent; BCL 19 95] Hunt et al.— Fort Devens Flora 233 Silanes flabellaris Raf. rare; SEM—Main Post culus recurvatus Poiret infrequent; S fain repens L. infrequent; PNHF Ranunculus sceleratus L. var. sceleratus rare; EP—North Post Thalictrum pubescens Pursh occasional; SS RHAMNACEAE RO Ceanothus americanus L. var. americanus infrequent; BCL Rhamnus cathartica L. infrequent; Rhamunus frangula L. occasional; MF SACEAE Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. infrequent, BMMF Amelanchier arborea (Michx. f.) Fern. occasional; AOPF Amelanchier spicata (Lam.) K. Koch rare; PPSOB—North Post Aronia arbutifolia (L.) Elliott Seen AOPF Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott occasional; FF Aronia prunifolia (Marshall) Rehder infrequent, AOPF Crataegus chrysocarpa Ashe rare; PNHF—South Post Crataegus coccinea L. rare, PNHF—South Post Crataegus flabellata (Bosc) K. Koch rE Caen, SH Crataegus intricata Lange infrequent Crataegus pruinosa (Wendl.) K. ech infrequent; PNHF Crataegus succulenta Schrader rare; PNHF—Main Post Fragaria virginiana Duchesne occasional; SH Geum canadense Jacq. rare; FF Geum laciniatum Murray infrequent; SH Geum rivale L. rare; MF—South Pos Malus baccata (L.) Borkh. rare; SH—South Post Malus floribunda Siebold ex Van Houtte rare; PPSOB—North Post Malus pumilla Mill. infrequent; SU.S Malus sieboldii (Regel) Rehd. rare; BCL—North Post Physocarpus opulifolius (L.) Maxim. var. ae rare; BMMF— Main Post Potentilla argentea L. infrequent; BCL Potentilla canadensis L. occasional; SU.S Potentilla norvegica L. occasional; BCL Potentilla recta L. apnea i, Asie simplex Michx. BCL Prunus americana Marshall rare; e: PPSOB— Main Post baa i ea L. f. occasional; SNSG Prunus pumila L. var. cuneata (Raf.) L.H. Bailey infrequent; SNSG Prunus eis Ehrh. common; SNSG Prunus virginiana L. occasional; SOF Rosa carolina L. infrequent, PPSOB Rosa multiflora Thunb. infrequent; BCL Rosa palustris Marshall occasional; RMHS Rosa virginiana Miller infrequent; AOPF 236 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Rubus allegheniensis T.C. Porter occasional; BCL Rubus flagellaris Willd. common; BCL Rubus hispidus L. occasional; PPSOB Rubus idaeus L. var. strigosus (Michx.) Maxim. occasional; RMHS Rubus occidentalis L. infrequent; BCL Rubus pubescens bh occasional; RMHS Sorbus aucuparia L. r Spiraea alba Duroi var. latifolia (Aiton) ae common; AOPF Spiraea nipponica Maxim. rare; SU.S Spiraea tomentosa L. var. tomentosa infrequent; SM RUBIACEAE Cephalanthus occidentalis L. occasional: SS Diodia teres Walter infrequent; BCL Galium aparine L. infrequent; RMHS Galium circaezans Michx. var. hypomalacum Fern. infrequent; PNHF Galium mollugo L. rare; BCL—South Post Galium obtusum Bigelow var. obtusum rare; FF— North Post Galium palustre L. occasional; FF Galium tinctorium L. var. tinctorium infrequent; SEM Galium trifidum L. var. trifidum infrequent; SS Galium triflorum Michx. occasional; PNHF Hedyotis caerulea (L.) Hook. occasional; BCL Mitchella repens L. occasional; PNHF SALICACEAE Populus balsamifera L. rare; LD— Main Post Populus deltoides Marshall var. deltoides infrequent; AOPF Populus grandidentata Michx. a CL Populus nigra L. rare; SH—Main Pos Populus tremuloides Veer ccesion SNSG Populus xjackii Sarg. infreque Salix babylonica L. rare; SS— ere Post Salix bebbiana Sarg. occasional; BCL Salix discolor Muhl. rare; SU.S—South Post Salix eriocephala Michx. infrequent; BCL Salix humilis Marshall infrequent; PPSOB Salix nigra Marshall occasional; SS Salix petiolaris J. E. Smith rare; BCL— North Post Salix sericea Marshall occasional; SM SANTALACEAE Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. var. umbellata infrequent, AOPF SARRACENIACEAE Sarracenia purpurea L. var. purpurea infrequent; DSB 1995] Hunt et al.—Fort Devens Flora 237 SAXIFRAGACEAE Chrysosplenium americanum Schwein. occasional; RMHS Penthorum sedoides L. infrequent; SEM Philadelphus eid L. rare; pes S—South Post Saxi pensylvanica L. infreq MF Tiarella cordifolia L. var. sordifelia infrequent; HHS SCROPHULARIACEAE Agalinis purpurea (L.) Pennell var. parviflora (Benth.) B. Boivin occasional; BCL Aureolaria pedicularia (L.) Raf. var. pedicularia Sito AOPF Aureolaria virginica (L.) Pennell rare; AOPF— Chaenorrhinum minus (L.) Lange rare; BCL— hea Post Chelone glabra L. infrequent; MF Gratiola aurea Pursh infrequent; INCLS Linaria canadensis (L.) Dum.-Cours. infrequent; BCL Linaria vulgaris Miller infrequent; PPSOB Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell var. dubia infrequent; F Melampyrum lineare Desr. var. americanum pte Beauverd occasional; COF Mimulus ringens L. var. ringens pies SM Scrophularia lanceolata Pursh rare; PPSOB— Main Post Scrophularia marilandica L. rare; SH—Main Post Verbascum thapsus L. infrequent; BCL Veronica arvensis L. rare; ML—North Post Veronica chamaedrys L. rare; SH—South Post Veronica officinalis L. rare; SOF—South Post Veronica peregrina L. var. peregrina infrequent; BC Veronica peregrina L. var. xalapensis (HBK.) St. J a & Warren rare; BCL— outh Post Veronica scutellata L. infreque Veronica serpyllifolia L. var. ae infrequent; BCL OLANACEAE Physalis heterophylla Nees var. ambigua (A. Gray) Rydb. rare; SOF—North Post Solanum carolinense L. var. carolinense rare, BCL—South Post Solanum dulcamara L. infrequent; SEM Solanum nigrum L. var. virginicum L. infrequent; BCL LIACEAE Tilia americana L. infrequent; SH MACEAE Ulmus americana L. occasional; SH Ulmus parvifolia Jacq. rare; SU.S— Main Post Ulmus pumila L. rare; SA.M— Main Post 238 Rhodora [Vol. 97 URTICACEAE Boehmeria cylindrica (L.) Swartz occasional; SEM Pilea pumila (L.) A. Gray occasional; PNHF Urtica dioica L. var. dioica occasional; FF VERB sae bracteata Lagasca & Rodriguez infrequent; PPSOB erbena hastata L. infrequent; RSGB Verbena urticifolia L. var. urticifolia rare; SH—South Post OLACEAE Viola conspersa Reichenb. infrequent; BCL Viola cucullata Aiton occasional; RMHS Viola lanceolata L. var. lanceolata occasional; INCLS Viola macloskeyi F. Lloyd var. pallens (Banks) C. L. Hitche. occasional; RMHS Viola pedata L. rare; PPOF—North Post Viola sagittata Aiton occasional; SNSG Viola sororia Willd. occasional; PNHF ACEAE neds quinquefolia (L.) Planchon occasional; SH Parthenocissus vitacea (Knerr) A. Hitchc. common; Vitis aestivalis Michx. var. argentifolia (Munson) Fern. infrequent; SH Vitis labrusca L. occasional; PNHF Vitis riparia Michx. infrequent; SH LILIOPSIDA (Monocots) ACORACEAE Acorus calamus L. infrequent; DEM AGAVACEAE Yucca filamentosa L. rare, SH—South Post ALISMATACEAE Alisma bps Pursh infrequent; ee Sagitta gelmanniana J. G. Smith infrequent; SEM oa eee Willd. var. ila infrequent; RMHS ARACEAE Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott occasional; RMHS Calla palustris L. infrequent; RMHS Peltandra virginica (L.) Schott & Endl. infrequent; OL Symplocarpus foetidus (L.) Nutt. occasional; RMHS 1995] Hunt et al.—Fort Devens Flora 239 COMMELINACEAE elina communis L. rare; SH— Main Post Tradescantia ohiensis Raf. rare; SOF—South Post Tradescantia virginiana L. rare, SOF—South Post RACEAE Bulbostylis capillaris (L.) C. B. Clarke occasional; BCL Carex albicans Willd. var. emmonsii (Dewey) Rettig infrequent; PPSOB ; DSB Carex atlantica L. Bailey var. capillacea (L. Bailey) Cronq. occasional; BSTB Carex bebbii (L.H. Bailey) Fern. infrequent; BCL Carex blanda Dewey infrequent; SH Carex brevior (Dewey) Mackenzie infrequent; SOF Carex bromoides Willd. infrequent, RMHS Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poiret infrequent; MF Carex cephalophora Muh. var. cephalophora rare; BMMF— Main Or Carex cephalophora Muhl. v South Post Carex comosa F. Boott infrequent; SEM Carex crinita Lam. infrequent; SM Carex debilis Michx. var. rudgei L. Bailey occasional; BCL Carex digitalis Willd. infrequent; PNHF Carex echinata Murray var. echinata infrequent; SM Carex foenea Willd. rare; RMHS—South P Carex folliculata L. occasional; RMHS Carex gracillima Schwein. infrequent; SH Carex gynandra Schwein. occasional; RMHS Carex hystericina Muhl. rare; SM—South Post Carex intumescens Rudge ovcasional: ae Carex lacustris Willd. occasional; BST Carex laevivaginata (Kiik.) Mackenzie cae RMHS Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh. var. americana Fern. infrequent; SS Carex laxiculmis Schwein. rare, SH—South Post Carex laxiflora Lam. infrequent; AOPF Carex leptalea Wahlenb. rare; MF—South Post Carex leptonervia (Fern.) Fern. infrequent; PNHF Carex lupulina Muhl. infrequent, RMHS Carex lurida Wahlenb. occasional; SM Carex muhlenbergii Schk. var. muhlenbergii infrequent; AOPF Carex normalis Mackenzie infrequent; HS Carex pensylvanica Lam. abundant; AOP Carex prasina Wahlenb. infrequent, RMHS Carex projecta Mackenzie infrequent; FF Carex radiata (Wahlenb.) Small occasional; SEM 240 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Carex rostrata J. Stokes infrequent; SEM Carex scabrata Schwein. infrequent, BMMF Carex scoparia Schk. common; BCL Carex stipata Muhl. var. stipata infrequent; SEM Carex stricta Lam. occasional; SM Carex swanii (Fern.) nee common; BCL Carex tenera Dewey infrequen Carex tribuloides Wahlenb. ane FF Carex trisperma Dewey occasional; BSTB Carex typhina Michx. rare; PNHF—South Post Carex umbellata Schk. afrecuient: PPSOB Carex vesicaria L. rare; FF—South Post Carex vestita Willd. occasional; SNSG Carex vulpinoidea Michx. infrequent; BCL Cyperus bipartitus Torr. infrequent; SEM Cyperus dentatus Torr. occasional; SU.S Cyperus erythrorhizos Muhl. ee SM erus esculentus L. infrequent; LD Cyperus filiculmis Vahl eal AOPF Cyperus houghtonii Torr. infrequent, SNSG Cyperus strigosus L. occasional; SM Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britton occasional; SM Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roemer & Schultes infrequen Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes var. ovata ae ae & Mohlen- brock (Z. ovata (Roth) Roemer & Schultes, in part) occasional; SM Eleocharis ovata (Roth) Roemer & Sch ne be sensu stricto infrequent; SM Eleocharis smallii Britton rare, FF—Sou Eleocharis tenuis (Willd.) Schultes var. a ae Gleason infrequent; Eriophorum virginicum L. infrequent; SEM Rhynchospora alba (L.) Vahl infrequent; DSB Rhynchospora capitellata (Michx.) Vahl occasional; SEM Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth occasional; Scirpus expansus Fern. infrequent; SEM Scirpus georgianus R. M. Harper infrequent; SH Scirpus hattorianus Makino oe ei RMHS Scirpus xpeckii Britton rare; SH— n Post Scirpus validus Vahl infrequent; oa ERIOCAULACEAE Eriocaulon aquaticum (Hill) Druce infrequent; INCLS ROCHARITACEAE Elodea canadensis Michx. infrequent; SEM Elodea nuttallii (Planchon) St. John infrequent; MS DACEAE Iris pseudacorus L. rare; SEM—South Post 1995] Hunt et al.—Fort Devens Flora Tris versicolor L. occasional; SM Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller rare, BCL— Main Post Sisyrinchium atlanticum E. Bickn. infrequent; SU.S Sisyrinchium montanum Greene infrequent; SOF JUNCACEAE Juncus acuminatus Michx. infrequent; SEM Juncus bufonius L. var. bufonius rare; BCL— Main Post Juncus canadensis J. Gay infrequent; SM Juncus effusus L. var. solutus Fern. & Weigand occasional; MF Juncus greenei Oakes & Tuckerman occasional; SNSG Juncus marginatus Rostk. infrequent; eee Juncus pelocarpus E. Meyer infrequent; INCLS Juncus tenuis Willd. var. ions (Elliott) A. Wood infrequent; BCL Juncus tenuis Willd. var. tenuis occasional; AOPF Luzula multiflora (Retz.) Lej. occasional; BC LEMNACEAE Lemna minor L. infrequent; OL aioe polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden infrequent; MS Wolffia brasiliensis Weddell (W. papulifera C. Thompson) infrequent; OL Wolffia columbiana Karsten infrequent; EP LILIACEAE Allium canadense L. var. canadense infrequent; BCL Asparagus officinalis L. rare, SOF—South Post Clintonia borealis (Aiton) Raf. occasional; MF Polygonatum pubescens (Willd.) Pursh infrequent, BMMF Smilacina racemosa (L.) Desf. occasional; AOPF Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf. var. stellata rare; FF—North Post Smilacina trifolia (L.) Desf. rare; BSTB—South Post Trillium cernuum L. infrequent; PNHF Trillium undulatum Willd. infrequent; BSTB Uvularia perfoliata L. rare, HNHF—Main Post Uvularia sessilifolia L. occasional; RMHS Veratrum viride Aiton infrequent; RMHS NAJADACEAE Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostkov & Schmidt infrequent; EP 241 242 Rhodora [Vol. 97 ORCHIDAC Cyprip edit ium acaule Aiton occasional; AOPF Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz rare; BMMF— Main Post Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br. infrequent; AOPF Habenaria clavellata (Michx.) Sprengel infrequent; HHS Habenaria psycodes (L.) Sprengel var. grandiflora (Bigelow) A. Gray infrequent; MF Habenaria psycodes (L.) Sprengel var. psycodes infrequent; RMHS Spiranthes cernua (L.) Rich infrequent; INCLS Spiranthes lacera (Raf.) Raf. var. eraeils (Bigelow) Luer rare; PPSOB—South Post POACEAE (GRAMINEAE) Agrostis capillaris L. infrequent; Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) BSP. var. hyemalis infrequent; SA.M 4 grostis lis (Walter) BSP. var. scabra eee ein eae INCLS Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuckerman var. perennans a PF Agrostis stolonifera L. var. palustris (Huds.) Farw. eee FF Alopecurus pratensis L. rare; SOF— Main Post Andropogon gerardii Vitman infrequent; SOF Andropogon virginicus L. var. virginicus pa aneauene INCLS Anthoxanthum odoratum L. occasional; BCL ’ gi salad erectum ee Bea var. glabratum (Vasey) T. Koyama o occasion NHF Bromus ak 1 ee t; B Bromus inermis Leysser eee SOF Bromus japonicus Thunb. rare; SOF—South Post Bromus tectorum L. infrequent; SOF Calamagrostis canadensis (Michx.) P. Beauv. occasional; SEM Calamagrostis cinnoides (Muhl.) Barton infrequent; BC Cenchrus longispinus (Hackel) Fern. infrequent; BCL Cinna arundinacea L. occasional; SH Cinna latifolia (Trevir.) Griseb. iegent RMHS CL Deschamp Digitaria oe (Schieber) Muhl. infrequent: MF Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. occasional; ML Echinochloa muricata (P. Beauv.) Fern. var. muricata occasional; FF Elymus virginicus L. infrequent; Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski a BCL Eragrostis capillaris (L.) Nees rare; SU.S— Main Post Eragrostis peeuete (All.) aie rare; a South Post Eragrostis minor Host rare; ML—North Pos Eragrostis pe ie cea (Mi coe .) Nees occasion ot ML Eragrostis spectabilis (Pursh) Steudel occasional: SNSG 1995] Hunt et al.—Fort Devens Flora 243 Festuca elatior L. rare; BCL—North Post Festuca filiformis Pourret infrequent; BCL Festuca rubra L. occasional; BCL Festuca ies an ) E. Alexeev. sear FF Glyceria acutiflora . rare; INCLS— Glyceria borealis aa Batchelder rare; $8—Main Post Glyceria canadensis (Michx.) Trin. infrequent; MF Glyceria grandis 8. Wats. infrequent; SS Glyceria melicaria (Michx.) C. E. Hubbard infrequent; RMHS Glyceria striata (Lam.) A. Hitche. var. striata occasional; RMHS Leersia oryzoides (L.) Swartz infrequent; SM Leersia virginica Willd. occasional; RMHS Leptoloma cognatum (Schultes) Chase infrequent; BCL Lolium perenne L. var. aristatum Willd. infrequent; BCL Lolium perenne L. var. perenne infrequent; BCL Muhlenbergia frondosa (Poiret) Fern. infrequent; SH Muhlenbergia glomerata (Willd.) Trin. var. glomerata infrequent; SU.S Muhlenbergia mexicana (L.) Trin. infrequent; SH Muhlenbergia uniflora (Muhl.) Fern. infrequent; BCL Oryzopsis asperifolia Michx. infrequent; PNHF Oryzopsis pungens (Torr.) A. Hitche. rare; HNHF—Main Post Pani PF SN Panicum columbianum Scribn. occasional; BCL Panicum depauperatum Muhl. infrequent; PPSOB Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx. infrequent; SNSG Panicum dichotomum L. infrequent; AOPF Panicum lanuginosum Elliott var. implicatum (Scribn.) Fern. occasional; BCL Panicum lanuginosum Elliott var. lindheimeri (Nash) Fern. rare; COF—South Post Panicum lanuginosum Elliot var. tennesseense (Ashe) Gleason occasional; AOPF Panicum linearifolium Scribn. rare; B Panicum oligosanthes Schultes occasional; SNGS Panicum philadelphicum Bernh. rare; SM—South Post Panicum rigidulum Nees infrequent; INCLS Panicum virgatum L. rare; RSGB—South Post Paspalum setaceum Michx. var. muhlenbergii (Nash) D. Banks infrequent; ML Phalaris arundinacea L. occasional; BCL Phleum pratense L. occasional; BC Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. rare; PNHF—South Post Poa alsodes A. Gray infrequent; Poa annua L. infrequent; BCL Poa compressa L. occasional; BCL Poa palustris L. resuent, FF Poa pratensis L. comm CL Puccinellia fernaldii (A. Hitchc.) E. G. Voss rare; FF—South Post Puccinellia pallida (Torr.) R. T. Clausen infrequent; SS 244 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash var. scoparium abundant; AOPF Secale cereale L. rare; BCL—South Post Setaria faberi R. Herrm. rare; LD— Main Post Setaria glauca (L.) P. Beauv. infrequent; ML Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. infrequent; ML Sporobolus vaginiflorus (Torr.) A. Wood infrequent; LD Triticum aestivum L. rare; BCL—Main Post PONTEDERIACEAE Pontederia cordata L. occasional; DEM POTAMOGETONACEAE mogeton crispus L. rare; MS—Main Post Potamogeton zosteriformis Fern. infrequent; OL SMILAC pase? herbacea L. infrequent; FF Smilax rotundifolia L. infrequent; RMHS SPARGANIACEAE Sparganium americanum Nutt. infrequent; DEM Sparganium chlorocarpum Rydb. infrequent; SEM Sparganium eurycarpum Engelm. infrequent; S Sparganium minimum (Hartm.) Fr. rare; SEM— Main Post TYPHACEAE Typha latifolia L. occasional; SEM RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 891, pp. 245-254, 1995 FRAGARIA MULTICIPITA, REDUCED TO THE RANK OF FORMA PAUL M. CATLING, JACQUES CAYOUETTE, AND JOSEPH POSTMAN ABSTRACT The distinctive features of Fragaria dheaiaediss Fernald, including small size, multicipital habit, floral aberrations and absence of runners to a greater or lesser degree, are symptoms of strawberry multiplier ee resulting from mycoplasma infection. Direct evidence of the disease in F. multicipita plants was obtained through graft inoculation using normal F. chiloensis which developed increasingly pronounced multiplier disease-like symptoms after three months. Plants referable to F. multicipita were not confined to specialized habitats. The chromosome number of 2” = 56 obtained from five small multicipital plants representing four locations was the same as that widely reported for the F. virginiana complex in North America. These observations suggest that F. multicipita is only a diseased form of F. virginiana, despite the stability of its distinctive traits in cultivation and the potential adaptive nature of these traits on cool disturbed rivershores. Accordingly, the new combination, Fragaria virginiana Duch. ssp. glauca (S. Wats.) Staudt f. multicipita (Fern.) Catling & J. Cayouette, is proposed Key Words: aie multicipita, Fragaria virginiana, strawberry, taxonomy, dis- e, mycoplasma, endemism, Québec, Canada INTRODUCTION Fragaria multicipita was described by Fernald in 1908 without any discussion of its origin and affinities. Plants referable to it were not found again until 1992 (Catling, 1993). Some of the characteristics of F. multicipita are suggestive of a subarctic or ice front relict. The cushion-like habit increasing temperature and resisting abrasion, parabolic flowers, and the genotypic dwarfing are features of plants of cold, exposed environments (Savile, 1972). The multiple crowns accumulate debris more readily than the more familiar fewer-crowned plants growing nearby (Catling, pers. obs.). These potential adaptations and occurrence in a specialized rivershore environment, as well as a suggestion of stability of distinctive traits in uniform garden culture, are consistent with species rank (Catling, 1993) and the concept of an ice front relict. Such speculations can become attractive and some botanists have conjectured (pers. comm.) that the small size and relict nature of F. multicipita make it a potential diploid or tetraploid progenitor of the North American octoploid Fragaria virginiana complex. 245 246 Rhodora [Vol. 97 On the other hand Reed (1966) speculated that “F. multicipita may be virus-infected plants,” and few authors have perpetuated the name (Catling, 1993). As noted previously, a decision on the appropriate rank required more study (Catling, 1993). Here we report on some recent studies including: (1) the nature of dis- tinctive morphological traits, (2) the possibility of disease being a causal factor, (3) consideration of habitat aspects, and (4) chro- mosome numbers. METHODS Morphological Observations Material of Fragaria from throughout the Gaspé peninsula was maintained in cultivation in the glass house in Ottawa over a two-year period. Included were 22 plants referable to F. virginiana Duch. ssp. virginiana with spreading hairs on the scapes and petioles, and 30 referable to Fragaria virginiana ssp. glauca (S. Wats.) Staudt (including F. viginiana var. terrae-novae (Rydb.) Fern. & Wieg.) with ascending hairs on scapes and petioles, and 10 plants referable to F. multicipita Fern., including some with spreading petiole hairs and some with ascending petiole hairs. These plants were grown in similar soil mix in similar pots and were subject to similar watering and light regimes. The extent to which distinctive features of the plants at the time of collection were maintained in cultivation was noted. Evidence for Disease as a Causal Factor The literature on strawberry diseases was surveyed to determine which diseases might produce a small-leaved, bushy strawberry lacking runners. Direct evidence of mycoplasma infection was sought through standard leaflet graft inoculation (Converse, 1987a). This technique involved cutting petioles of test plants into a ‘“V”’ shape and inserting them into the cut petiole of an indicator plant established as appropriate through previous experimentation. Five normal F. virginiana plants including ssp. glauca (N2, N9, N15) with ascending hairs and ssp. virginiana (N8) with spreading hairs, and 3 multicipital plants (including one with spreading hairs (M15), and one with ascending hairs (M23)) were grafted to normal F. 1995] Catling et al.—Fragaria multicipita 247 chiloensis plants. Vouchers of material used in graft inoculation were placed in DAO and MT. Habitat Aspects Field work in August 1993 was directed to determining whether or not plants referable to F. multicipita were confined to special- ized habitats, and the extent to which they occurred with other Fragaria taxa. Chromosome Numbers Young root tips of plants used for cytological study (Tables | and 2) were collected and pre-treated in water, refrigerated for three hours, fixed in Farmer’s fixative (glacial acetic acid:absolute Table 1. Locations, DAO voucher number, plant appearance, collection num- ber, petiole hair orientation and root tip chromosome determination for various strawberry plants collected along the Riviére Ste.-Anne in Gaspé, Québec, that were used in the study. Voucher Coll. no./petiole Location Appearance orientation 2n= 1. 49°02'55"/66°28'50"” 682393 multicipital Mll/ascending ca. 56 gravel bar on W side 682394 multicipital M10/ascending 56 of Riviére Ste.-Anne 9 686462 normal 2/spreading 56 km SSE of Ste.-Anne- 686451 normal N 10/ascending 56 des-Monts none normal N8/spreading none 2. 49°00'50"/66°28'15” gravel bar on W side of Riviére Ste.-Anne 686473, 74, multicipital M15/ascending 56 13 km SSE of Ste.- 77,92 Anne-des-Monts 686461 normal N15/ascending ca. 56 3. 48°55'20"/66°06'30" gravel roadside on W side of hwy 299 at 686472, multicipital M9/ascending 56 Chute du Diable, Ri- 78, 91 viére Ste.-Anne 686449 normal N9/ascending ca. 56 4. 49°05'40"/66°30'20” gravel bar on W side of Riviére Ste.-Anne 4 686475 multicipital M24/ascending 56 km SSE of Ste.-Anne- 686450 norma N 1/ascending 56 des-Monts none multicipital M23/spreading none 248 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Table 2. Additional notes on particular voucher specimens prepared from cultivated plants. 686475. Plants with few runners less than 10 cm long developed over 50 crowns as did the daughter plants from short runners, but leaflets remained less than 20 mm long and petioles less than 7 cm long after two years in culture. 686472, 686478, 686491. After culture for one year, developed over 100 owns but retained small leaflets less than 28 mm long, and short petioles less than 10 cm long. Inner floral parts of many, but not all flowers, devel- oped into new plants and petals in some cases were green, reduced and as- cending. oe set 686477, 686492. After two years in cultivation, developed “bush” with over 150 crowns, but never developed runners and re ee its a leaflets less than 32 mm long and short petioles less than 12 cm long. 682393. After two years in cultivation, developed into a ‘‘bush” with over 150 crowns, but never developed runners and retained its small leaflets less than 27 mm long and short petioles less than 7 cm long. The petals of many flowers were greenish and ascending, but white, spreading petals were pro- duced on the same plant. 682394. After two years in cultivation, developed numerous fragile runners to 20 cm long but retained its small leaflets less than 20 mm and short petioles less than 7 cm long. The petals of many flowers were greenish and ascending but white, spreading petals were produced on the same plant. 686449-51, 686461-2. These plants, referable to F. virginiana ssp. glauca (S. Wats.) Staudt, had leaflets 30-80 mm long, petioles 10-20 cm long, less than 5 crowns and stout runners 20-72 cm long. There were no floral anomalies. ethanol, 1:3) for 12 hours and stored in 70% ethanol. Staining was done in alchoholic hydrochloric acid-carmine (Snow, 1963). Chromosome counts were made on the best cells in late prophase or early metaphase. At least two cells from each collection were examined. Voucher herbarium specimens for both morphological observations and chromosome counts were placed in DAO and MT. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Morphological Observations Small multicipital plants with petioles less than 12 cm and leaflets 5-32 mm, referable to F. multicipita when collected, re- 1995] Catling et al.—Fragaria multicipita 249 tained their small size and multicipital habit for two years in cultivation, although some developed into dense clumps with over 200 ramets. The adjacent few-crowned plants referable to F. virginiana Duch. ssp. virginiana with spreading hairs on the scapes and petioles or Fragaria virginiana ssp. glauca (S. Wats.) Staudt with ascending hairs on scapes and petioles, also retained their larger size, with petioles 10-20 cm and leaflets mostly 30- 80 mm long, over the two year period (see also Table 2). It was noted previously that the stability of distinctive traits of F. mul- ticipita in culture was consistent with its recognition (Catling, 1993). As might be expected, 10 multicipital plants marked in 1992 had also retained their distinctive features in nature one year later. Multicipital plants always had relatively short leaflets less than 32 mm long and petioles less than 15 cm, but they ranged from no runner production, to some that produced few runners less than 10 cm long, to some that produced runners to 25 cm long. Only the larger multicipital plants produced runners but not all of them did so. No additional distinctive morphological features were found to be associated with the F. multicipita plants, with the exception that the majority of plants from three localities, which were not flowering when collected, developed aberrant flowers with either petals green, reduced in size, more or less connate and ascending, or petals normal but inner floral parts developing into new plants. No such aberrations were present elsewhere in the glasshouse collection, nor were they observed in nature. Indeed such aber- rations are rare, so to find them in approximately half of the F. multicipita plants, from three out of six known, suggested that the plants were diseased. Variation in hair type on petioles of F. mu/ticipita plants sug- gests these plants may not belong to a monophyletic taxon. As- cending hairs on petioles ally F. mul/ticipita to F. virginiana ssp. glauca, but at two of the six localities the small, multicipital plants had spreading hairs, thus allying them to ssp. virginiana. Such pubescence characteristics in Fragaria are stable in cultivation and mostly consistent within plants and mostly not intergrading. Although a species may have geographically based infrataxa dis- tinguished by pubescence orientation, as in F. virginiana or F. chiloensis, the appearance of both kinds of pubescence within a putative, narrowly confined endemic was a surprise. 250 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Disease as a Causal Factor In strawberries, small size, multicipital habit, and absence of runners to a greater or lesser degree, are well documented symp- toms of multiplier and witches’-broom diseases which are asso- ciated with mycoplasma infection (viz. Boone, 1970; Converse, 1987b; Mass, 1984). Thus the distinctive morphology of F. mul- ticipita may be simply a consequence of disease. The floral ab- errations, noted above as the only other distinctive traits of plants referable to F. multicipita, are a result of green petal disease caused by a leafhopper-borne mycoplasma (viz. Chiykowski and Craig, 1975; Cousin et al., 1970; Mass, 1984). The plants referable to F. multicipita were also the most difficult to maintain in cultivation. Approximately half died over the two year period, whereas the loss of plants referable to either ssp. of F. virginiana was less than 1%. Normal F. chiloensis plants with grafted leaves from multicip- ital plants developed symptoms of multiplier disease three months after inoculation. These symptoms included reduced leaf size, shorter runners and proliferation of the crown. The symptoms became increasingly conspicuous in the new growth with in- creased time after three months. The normal F. chiloensis with grafted leaves from normal plants of F. virginiana ssp. virginiana or ssp. glauca collected near muticipital plants produced no dis- ease symptoms. The fact that the multicipital and related char- acteristics could be transmitted from multicipital plants to normal plants suggests very strongly that F. multicipita is a pathogen- induced taxon. Habitat Aspects Additional field study revealed occurrence of plants referable to F. multicipita on a gravel roadside (Table 1), where no other endemic, disjunct, or unusual plants were present. At each site where F. multicipita occurred (Table 1), plants referable to F. virginiana ssp. virginiana and/or F. virginiana ssp. glauca were also present. Plants referable to F. multicipita could not be found in specialized alpine, subalpine or serpentine habitats. The river bars do represent a specialized habitat, but are also occupied by “weedy” species (Catling, 1993). The distinctive features of F. multicipita (or the traits of the diseased plants), i.e. small size and 1995] Catling et al.—Fragaria multicipita 201 bushy form (see above) may adapt them to the cool rivershore environment where wind and water are important factors, thus explaining their increased prevalence along the rivershores. Al- ternative, but not mutually exclusive, explanations include the possibility that the rivershore habitat is more conducive to the spread of the disease and/or that plants in this habitat are more susceptible. Chromosome Numbers The octoploid chromosome number of 2” = 56 obtained from five multicipital plants representing four locations (Table 1) is the same as that widely reported for the F. virginiana complex in North America (Staudt, 1962; Reed, 1966). Plants referable to F. virginiana ssp. virginiana or F. virginiana ssp. glauca that were growing intermixed or within one metre of the F. multicipita plants also had a chromosome number of 2” = 56 (Tables | and 2) CONCLUSIONS Accepting the distinctive morphology of F. multicipita as sim- ply a consequence of disease seems to be the most appropriate decision since: (1) the relationship between diagnostic traits and disease is well documented, (2) other characteristics of the taxon such as the difficulty of culture and the high incidence of floral aberration are also associated with disease, (3) there are no dis- tinctive morphological traits that are not associated with disease, (4) multicipital and related characteristics were transmitted from multicipital plants to normal plants, (5) plants referable to F. multicipita are not confined to specialized habitats and their prev- alence along cool rivershores may be explained in terms of the adaptive nature of traits of diseased plants, (6) the plants referable to F. multicipita always occurred with plants referable to F. vir- giniana, (7) its chromosome number is the same as that of the widespread octoploid F. virginiana, despite remarkable differ- ences in plant size which result in the expectation of a lower chromosome number. Consequently we propose the new com- bination: 252 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Fragaria virginiana Duch. ssp. glauca (S. Wats.) Staudt f. multi- cipita (Fern.) Catling & J. Cayouette, stat. et comb. noy. BASIONYM: Fragaria multicipita Fernald, Rhodora 10: 49- 50. 1908. Type: QUEBEC: Gaspé Ouest Municipality: Cap Chat Township: gravelly and sandy beaches and bars of the River Ste. Anne-des-Monts, 14-17 July 1906, M. L. Fernald and J. F. Collins 230 (Holotype: GH!; Isotype: GH!). From examination of the holotype of Fragaria multicipita (GH), as well as reference to Fernald’s original description, where pet- ioles are described as “appressed silky,” it is clear that Fragaria multicipita has to be included within the ssp. glauca when trans- ferred to F. virginiana. This leaves the small, multicipital plants with spreading hairs without a name. We propose not to provide a name for these since it is conceiveable that any species of Fra- garia could assume this morphology with infection by certain mycoplasmas. The advantage in retaining a rank for the name multicipita is that it enables the classification system to account for the unusual morphology, which would otherwise continue to raise questions not readily answerable by a systematist. A similar situation exists within the eastern North American Trillium gran- diflorum (Michx.) Salisb., where the plants with green striped petals, which are sometimes considered as a consequence of my- coplasma infection (e.g., Chinnappa, 1982; Hooper et al., 1971: Pringle, 1970), are accorded the rank of forma, thus providing a name and some associated information on an aberration that is frequently an object of questions. The status of F. multicipita does not upset the concept of the Gulf of St. Lawrence region as a region of endemism since there are numerous other endemics known from the region (Catling, 1993; Catling & Cayouette, 1994). Whereas there are other taxa described by Fernald that were later found to be diseased plants or freaks, such as Carex elachycarpa Fern. and C. josselynii (Fern.) Mackenzie (Reznicek & Ball, 1979), the fact remains that many of the taxa he described have been found, through recent detailed study, to be worthy of recognition as hybrids (e.g. Juncus x oro- nensis Fern., Eleocharis x macounii Fern.) or at, below or even above the ranks he ascribed to them (e.g. Malaxis bayardii Fern.., Cleistes bifaria Fern.). Thus in the broad context, the fate of F. multicipita does not reduce the significance of Fernaldian taxa. 1995] Catling et al.—Fragaria multicipita 253 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mr. W. Wojtas and Ms. S. Porebski assisted with chromosome counting. Ms. S. Porebski assisted with the cultivation of material in the glasshouse. LITERATURE CITED Boone, D. M. 1970. Witches’-broom and multiplier diseases of strawberry. In: Frazier, N. W., ed. Virus Diseases of Small Fruits and Grapevines. Uni- versity of California, Division of Agricultural Sciences, Berkeley: 25-26. CATLING, P. M. 1993. Rediscovery of the Many-crowned Strawberry, Fragaria multicipita Fernald. Rhodora 95: 225-233 YOUETTE. 1994. Occurrence, Aen and status of native germ- plasm in ric Gaspé Peninsula of Québec, a special reference to small fruits. Pl. Genet. Resources Newslett. 100: CHINNAPPA, C. C. 1982. Cytology of some ee forms of Trillium gran- diflorum (Liliaceae). Caryologia 35: 23-32. CurykowskI, L. N. AND D. L. Craic. 1975. Reaction of strawberry cultivars to clover phyllody (green petal) agent transmitted by Aphrodes bicincta. Canad. Pl. Dis. Surv. 55: 66-68. Converse, R. H. 1987a. Detection and elimination of virus and virus-like dis- eases in strawberry. Jn; Converse, R. H., ed. Virus Diseases of Small Fruits. United States inane of Aerieul gare. Agric. Handb. 631: 2-1 198 rawberry Witches’-broom and Multiplier diseases. Jn: Con- verse, R. H., ie Virus Diseases of Small Fruits. United States Department of Aa eure. Agric. Handb. 631: 66-68. Cousin, M. T., J. P. MorEAu, A. FAIVRE-AMIOT AND T. STARON. 1970. Sur la présence de particules de type mycoplasme chez les fraisiers atteints de la maladie <4 Ege verts’’. Ann. Phytopathol. 2: 535-545 Hooper, G. R., F. W. Case JR. AND R. Myers. 1971. Mycoplasma-like bodies associated an a flower greening disorder of wild flower, Trillium grandi- m. Pl. Dis. Reporter 55: 1108-1110. Mass, LL 1984. Compendium of Strawberry Diseases. American Phytopath- ological Society and United States Department of Agriculture. St. Paul, Min- nesota. 1-138. PRINGLE, J. S. 1970. ae Bares of Ontario. Techn. Bull. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Hamilton, Ontario) 5 REED, C. F. 1966. Wild rome species of the world. Jn; Darrow, G. M., ed. The Strawberry, pre Breeding and Physiology. Holt, Rinehart and Win- ston, New York: -121. REZNICEK, A. A. AN 2 W. BALL. 1979. The status of two New England “‘en- demic” Carices: Carex elachycarpa and C. josselynii (Cyperaceae). Taxon 28: 217-233. SAVILE, D. B. O. 1972. Arctic Adaptations in Plants. Monogr. Res. Branch Canada Dept. Agric. 6: “$1, Snow, R. 1963. ! ! d-carmine as a stain for chromosomes in squash preparations. Stain Technol. 38: 9-13. 254 Rhodora [Vol. 97 STAUDT, G. 1962. Taxonomic studies in the genus Fragaria, typification of ragaria species known at the time of Linnaeus. Canad. J. Bot. 40: 869- 886. Beh 62, AGRICULTURE CANADA, BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES DIVISION CENTRE FOR LAND AND BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES RESEARCH SAUNDERS BUILDING, CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM OTTAWA, CANADA KIA 0C6 J.P, NATIONAL CLONAL GERMPLASM REPOSITORY UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 33447 PEORIA ROAD, CORVALLIS, OR 97333 UNITED STATES RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 891, pp. 255-263, 1995 STATUS OF THE DEERBERRY, VACCINIUM STAMINEUM L. (ERICACEAE), IN CANADA* Bruce A. Forp ABSTRACT Vacci tami L. (deerb widespread species in the United States that reaches its northern limit i in the Niagara Falls and Thousand Islands area of southern Ontario, Canada. Only five stations occur in Ontario, with the most extensive populations being found within St. Lawrence Islands National Park. Dry, open, rocky woods, with a history of fire, are the preferred habitat for this species in Canada. Whereas the largest stations are currently under government protection, their proximity to existing trails, a lack of seedling recruitment, and encroachment by later successional vegetation suggests that this species could become extirpated if the factors affecting its vulnerability are not reversed. For these reasons V. stamineum is recognized as a threatened species in Canada. Key Words: Vaccinium stamineum, Canada, conservation status, threatened spe- cies INTRODUCTION Vaccinium stamineum L. is one of the most distinctive blue- berry species found in North America. A suite of unique features, including a deeply 5-lobed, campanulate corolla and exsert sta- mens, distinguish this plant from all other Vaccinium L. spp. and have resulted in its placement in the monotypic section Polycod- ium (Raf.) Rehder. This section has no apparent affinity to Neo- tropical, Old World tropical or North American members of the genus (Vander Kloet, 1988). The deerberry is a highly polymorphic species that exhibits considerable variation in the hairiness of the pedicels, hypanthi- um, fruit, twig glandularity, the number of flowers per inflores- cence, heterophylly, plant glaucescence, and fruit color. As a result of this variability, there has been considerable debate as to the number of taxa that should be recognized. For example, Ash (1931) divided Polycodium into 6 sections and 21 species. On the * Based on a COSEWIC status report by the author. Copies of the report are available at cost from the Canadian Nature Federation, 1 Nicholas St., Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B7. Threatened status was assigned by COSEWIC on April 14, 1994 25) 256 Rhodora [Vol. 97 other hand, Camp (1945) considered this taxon little more than a series of clines. In more modern taxonomic works, Baker (1970) maintained a single species with one additional variety (V. stam- ineum var. sericeum (Mohr) Ward). Ward (1974) recognized five varieties of V. stamineum in Florida, but conceded that when outside populations are examined, a large number of individuals are difficult to place. Finally, Vander Kloet (1988), in his mono- graph on the genus Vaccinium in North America, recognized only one species with no infraspecific taxa. I am following Vander Kloet’s circumscription of V. stamineum for this paper. DISTRIBUTION Vaccinium stamineum is endemic to eastern North America where it is found from southern Ontario south to central Florida (Figure 1). This species occurs westward to eastern Texas, eastern Oklahoma, and southeastern Kansas. It appears to be absent from northern Missouri, Illinois, and northern Indiana. A few outlying populations occur in central Mexico (Figure 1). In Canada, V. stamineum is known from five extant stations in Ontario (Figure 1). Three stations are found in the Thousand Islands area, Leeds County; the other two occur near Niagara Falls, in the Regional Municipality of Niagara. By far the largest populations are found in the Thousand Islands (Table 1). An additional station occurs in the Thousand Islands on Wellesley Island, Jefferson County, New York, only a few kilometers from the Ontario populations (Crowder, 1982a). The occurrence of V. stamineum in Canada has been known for almost 200 years. Deerberry was first collected in the Niagara region in 1798 (Masson 15436 CAN) and in the Thousand Islands in 1876 (Macoun 15437 CAN). Other early collections were made in 1896 at Queenston Heights (Scott 14400 CAN), in 1891 in Stamford (now part of the city of Niagara Falls) (Macoun 15438 CAN) and Niagara-on-the-Lake (Dearness 135] DAO), and in 1937 in St. David’s (Simmons s.n. TRT). HABITAT In Ontario, V. stamineum occurs most frequently in dry, rocky woods with a canopy closure of approximately 40%. Plants are not usually found in open sites or in areas with deep shade. When \62 lao [rs | |76 Figure 1. Distribution of Vaccinium stamineum in North America and Ontario. North American map after Vander Kloet (1988). Rectangle on North American map indicates location of detail. WNAUIWIDIS WINIUIIIDA —P1OF [S661 Lec 258 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Table |. Site locations, representative seni, and clump sizes for extant populations of Vaccinium stamineum in Ontario. The term clump is defined as a discrete group of stems. A clump may or may not represent more than one individual. Clump numbers and sizes for Leeds County populations are those documented in an unpublished study by St. Lawrence Islands National Park. Clump- Clump Size # (m) Location Regional Municipality of Niagara, City of Niagara Falls, 1. <1.0 x 1.0 Whirlpool. Representative specimens: Eckel 8604088 (BUF); Scott s.n. (DAO, TRT) Regional Municipality of Niagara, City of Niagara Falls, 1 <1.0 x 1.0 Bruce Trail near Mewburn Road. Representative specimen: Hardy & DeBus s.n. (BUF Leeds County, Front of Escott Twp., West end of Gren- 1. 1.6 x 1.6 adier Island, St. Lawrence Islands National Park. 2. 12x 1.2 Representative specimens: Cody & Munro 21779 3. 1.0 x 0.6 (DAO, TRT); Cody & Munro 22740 (pao); Munro s.n. 4. 2.4 x 2.5 (DAO); Dore et al. 25122 (DA); Woods & Woods s.n. 5: 1.4 x 1.4 (CAN). 6. 1.4 x 1.5 Ta. 1.6 x 3.8 7b. 3.2 x 3.0 8. 1.0 x 1.0 9. 1.0 x 1.0 10. 19 x 2,2 Leeds County, Front of Leeds and Landsdowne Twp., ie 3.5 x 3.5 Endymion Island, St. Lawrence Islands National 2. 3.0 x 3.5 Park. Representative specimens: Ford s.n. (TRTE) (2 sheets). (see Ford (1984) for further details on this population) Leeds County, Front of Leeds and Landsdowne Twp., I 1.8 x 2.5 Deathdealer Island. Representative specimen: Cham- 2. 3.0 x 2.3 berlin s.n. (CAN). they do occur in these extreme conditions, plants often appear sickly with chlorotic and/or wilted leaves. In the Thousand Is- lands, populations are associated with a variety of tree and shrub species such as: Amelanchier Medic. sp., Carya ovata (Mill.) K. Koch, Pinus rigida Mill., P. strobus L., Prunus serotina Ehrh., Quercus alba L., Q. rubra L., Lonicera dioica L., Rubus strigosus Michx., Vaccinium angustifolium Ait., V. pallidum Ait., and Vi- burnum rafinesquianum Schultes. In many instances these species appear to be encroaching upon V. stamineum. The Niagara Falls populations are associated with Quercus L., Fraxinus L., and Crataegus L. spp. 1995] Ford— Vaccinium stamineum 259 A number of provincially rare plants occur near stations of V. stamineum in the Thousand Islands (Argus et al., 1982-1987). On Endymion Island, Pinus rigida Mill., Vulpia octoflora (Walt.) Rydb., and Solidago arguta Ait. are known to occur (Geomatics International Inc., 1992). Pinus rigida, Solidago arguta, and Sol- idago puberula Nutt. have been recorded from Grenadier Island (Geomatics International Inc., 1992). Populations grow on both granite-gneiss and limestone sub- strates; the former in the Thousand Islands area, the latter in the Niagara region. Soils are usually sandy with a low organic content. In the Thousand Islands, soils are acidic with a pH of 3.4-5.9 with low levels of exchangeable cations such as calcium and mag- nesium. Organic carbon and soil moisture are also low. Leaf litter is present to a depth of 13 cm and soil depths range from 0-61 cm (Crowder, 1982a, 1982b). Plants are found on both steep slopes (to ca. 45° and usually south-facing) and on flat ground, with all sites being well drained (Crowder, 1982a, 1982b; Ford, unpubl. data). The soil characteristics of the Niagara population are unknown. In the United States, deerberry grows in similar soil conditions but is also known to frequent moist thickets, low woods, and hammocks (Crowder, 1982a; Ward, 1974). Vaccinium stamineum is a species often associated with burnt sites (Crowder, 1982a, 1982b). This is certainly the case in the Thousand Islands area where deerberry is associated with a num- ber of fire-tolerant species such as Pinus rigida and Vaccinium angustifolium. The fire history of the Niagara stations is unknown. GENERAL BIOLOGY In Canada, most plants flower between the end of May and the end of June. Flowers are protandrous, the pollen being ready for dispersal a day or two before the stigma becomes receptive. In V. stamineum, the pendant nature of the flowers causes the pollen to be shed downwards, making autogamy unlikely. Fruit set re- quires floral visitation by insects, such as bees, that collect pollen by sonication of the anthers (“buzz-pollination”’) (Cane et al., 1985). Over 30 species of bees have been recorded visiting deer- berry; however, most are either infrequent visitors or are nectar- seeking and thus insignificant pollen vectors (Cane et al., 1985). One species, Melitta americana Smith (Melittidae), however, has been found to be abundant on flowering deerberry bushes in cen- 260 Rhodora [Vol. 97 tral New York and may be the primary pollinator of deerberry throughout its range. Cane et al. (1985) observed female VM. amer- icana sonicating deerberry anthers while taking in nectar and carrying pure deerberry pollen loads, unlike another common visitor Xylocopa virginica (L.) (Anthophoridae). Crowder (1982b) found “‘adequate numbers of pollinators” at the Grenadier Island station but it is not known whether M. americana was the primary pollen vector at this site. Vegetative reproduction is well developed in blueberries with many species producing rhizomes. When disturbed, these rhi- zomes often sucker producing either clumps or colonies (Baker, 1970). Later, the tissues connected with the parent plant break down leaving the branch as an established younger plant (Baker, 1970; Crowder, 1982a), POPULATION SIZE AND TRENDS Like other blueberries, V. stamineum is known to spread veg- etatively making it difficult to determine how many individuals make up a population. Most populations are characterized by discrete clumps (Table 1). The greatest size and number of clumps are found on Grenadier and Endymion Islands, Leeds County (Table 1). Clumps at these sites may have arisen through the fragmentation of a single individual or may represent different genotypes. Most deerberry stations in Canada occur next to well-used trails and there is evidence that trail use is having a negative impact on some populations. For example, the Mewburn Road station occurs adjacent to the Bruce Trail and has been impacted by hikers as well as routine trail maintenance (Meyers, 1985, pers. comm.). Both the Grenadier and Endymion Island stations are found next to well-used paths. The fragmented nature of the deerberry pop- ulations on these islands may be the result of trampling. Deerberry appears to produce abundant seeds in the Thousand Islands area, although seedlings are not produced (Crowder, 1982a). The frequent association of deerberry with known fire- tolerant species indicates that deerberry may require post-fire conditions to germinate. In the Thousand Islands area, conditions may have been more favorable for seed germination before the turn of the century when deforestation and fires were more fre- quent (Crowder, 1982b). 1995] Ford— Vaccinium stamineum 261 Climate may also be a factor affecting seedling growth. In a study of V. angustifolium, Vander Kloet (1976) discovered that seedling establishment is unlikely except under the following se- quence of events: 1) a cool, wet spring; 2) a wet August and September; and 3) a mild winter or winter with good snow cover. This sequence of events had not occurred in eastern Ontario in 40 years. Similar climatic conditions may be required for seedling establishment in V. stamineum. SPECIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SPECIES Only three members of the genus Vaccinium are used widely in the agricultural industry: Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait., V. cor- ymbosum L., and V. angustifolium. Vaccinium stamineum is usu- ally considered to be unpalatable, although certain shrubs can yield delicious fruit. In the southern Appalachians, deerberry is used for pies, jams, and jellies (Ballinger et al., 1981; Strausbaugh and Core, 1958; Stupka, 1964). Indeed, early authors state that deerberry has horticultural potential because of its large fruit, upland adaptation, and drought tolerance. The shrub is some- times cultivated as an ornamental (Crowder, 1982a). PROTECTION Although it is considered a threatened species in Canada, deer- berry has no legal protection (Ford, 1993). In the United States, deerberry is regarded as a “G5T5 species” by the Nature Con- servancy which means that it is “abundant and demonstrably secure.” The status in selected states is as follows: Illinois, SH (historical occurrence not having been verified since the turn of the century); Kansas, S1 (critically imperiled); Missouri, SX (ap- parently extirpated without expectation that it will be rediscov- ered) (Argus and Pryer, 1990). The status of deerberry in Mexico is unknown but it is locally common in pine forests and is perhaps under collected (Vander Kloet, pers. comm.). EVALUATION OF STATUS Vaccinium stamineum is found at five stations in Ontario. Pop- ulations in the Niagara Region are extremely small and threatened with imminent extirpation. In the Thousand Islands area, two 262 Rhodora [Vol. 97 key populations are found within St. Lawrence Islands National Park. Despite the protected status of this plant in the park, the proximity of populations to existing trails, lack of seedlings, and encroachment by later successional vegetation suggests that this species could decline if not actively managed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A number of people assisted in the preparation of the original COSEWIC report. Steve Varga and James Duncan, Ontario Min- istry of Natural Resources, provided information on the Niagara Falls populations. Jeff Thompson accompanied me in the field and helped track down relevant literature. The staff at St. Law- rence Islands National Park, particularly Larry Harbidge, Heather Davis, and Beth Chamberlin assisted with numerous aspects of this report including mapping of populations in the Thousand Islands as well as hosting the ““Deerberry Weekend’. Sam P. Vander Kloet provided information on the populations in Mex- ico, nomenclature, and reproductive biology. I am also thankful to William J. Crins, W. Donald Hudson, Jr., D. A. Ross McQueen, and an anonymous reviewer for their helpful comments on the manuscript. The financial assistance of the World Wildlife Fund, Canada 1s also gratefully acknowledged. LITERATURE CITED Arcus, G. W. AND K. M. Pryer. 1990. Rare Vascular Plants in Canada-Our Natural ne Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa. M. rR, D. J. WHITE AND C. J. Keppy, Eds. 1982-1987. Atlas of the Rare Vascular Plants of Ontario. Four parts. National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa. (looseleaf). AsH, W. W. 1931. Polycodium. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 46: 196-213. Baker, P. C. 1970. A Systematic Study of the Genus Vaccinium L. subgenus Polycodium (Raf.) Sleumer, in the southeastern United States. Ph.D. thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. BALLINGER, W. E., E. P. MANESS AND J. R. BALLINGTON. 1981. Anthocyanin and total eee content of Vaccinium stamineum L. fruit. Sci. Hort. (Am- sterdam) 15: Camp, W. H. oe The North American blueberries with notes on the other groups of the Vacciniaceae. aide 5: 203-275. CanE, J. H., G. C. Eickwort, F. R. WESLEY AND J. SPIELHOLz. 1985. Pollination ecology of Vaccinium stamineum nese Vaccinioideae). Amer. J. Bot. 72: 135-142. Crowper, A. 1982a. Resource management study of selected rare plants in St. 1995] Ford— Vaccinium stamineum 263 Lawrence Islands National Park. 3. Rhus copallina: shining sumac; 4. Vac- cinium stamineum: apt 5. Viburnum dentatum: arrow-wood. Queen’s University, Kingston, Onta 1982b. The status of ee rare plants in the Kingston area. Blue Bill 29: 50-52. Forp, B. 1984. Deerberry (Vaccinium stamineum L.) in Ontario. The Pl. Press (Mississauga) 2: 40-42. 1993. Status Report on Vaccinium stamineum L., a threatened species in Canada. Committee on the ais of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottaw GEOMATICS INTERNATIONAL INC. 1992. Zone | Environmentally Sensitive Site udy St. Lawrence Islands National Park. Prepared for St. Lawrence Islands National Park by Geomatics International Inc. Meyers, G. 1985. Botanizing with George Meyers ... some native and exotic American plants in eee ae Region, Ontario. Wood Duck 38: 131-132. STRAUSBAUGH, P. D. AND E. L. Core. 1958. Flora of West Virginia. Part 3. Jn: West Virginia University Bulletin, Ser. 58, No. 12-3. Morgantown, W.V.: 692-718 Stupka, A. 1964. Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines of the Great Smoky Moun- tains National Park. Knoxville, Tennessee. University of Tennessee Press. VANDER KLoeT, S. P. 1976. A comparison of the dispersal and seedling estab- lishment of Vaccinium angustifolium (the lowbush blueberry) in Leeds Coun- ty, Ontario and Pictou, Nova Scotia. Canad. Field-Naturalist 90: 176-180. 988. The genus Vaccinium in North America. Publ. Dep. Agric. Canada 1828. Warp, D. B. 1974. Contributions to the flora of Florida-6: Vaccinium (Erica- ceae). Castanea 39: 191-205. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, CANADA, R3T 2N2 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 891, pp. 264-274, 1995 ALLELOPATHIC EFFECTS OF LANTANA CAMARA (VERBENACEAE) ON MORNING GLORY (IPOMOEA TRICOLOR) CHRISTINA M. CASADO ABSTRACT Allelopathic ae of Lantana camara L. foliar leachates and dried leaf amend- nts on [pomoea tricolor Cav. radicle growth, shoot emergence, and plant bio- ees Were examined ¢ Ove 2 50- day period. Aqueous leaf extracts of L. camara tinhibited. Dried leaf residue i in soil growth media delayed shoot emergence con soil. Plant biomass after 50 days was not affected by the presence of L. camara soil amend- ments. Leaf extracts in petri dishes were more inhibitory than was dried leaf material in soil. These results indicate the presence of phytotoxic compounds in L. camara. Allelopathic effects of these compounds are significant during early germination of Jpomoea, while plants older than 2 weeks appear unaffected. In the soil environment allelopathic effects are minimal, possibly due to chemical binding, microbial action, or both. Key Words: allelopathy, exotic weeds, germination, /pomoea, Lantana, morning glory INTRODUCTION Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) is a shrub of West Indian or South American origin (Schemske, 1983) that is considere one of the world’s worst weeds (Holm et al., 1971). It grows in moist open soil and flowers throughout the year. Proliferation in Australia and the United States has been facilitated by its intro- duction as an ornamental. Along the edges of Australian rainfo- rests in Queensland, L. camara thickets persist for decades. I have observed these thickets encroach on native vegetation and restrict rainforest regeneration. In Florida, L. camara has been listed as a “Category I” exotic pest by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council since 1991. Category I designates those species invading or dis- rupting native plant communities in Florida. The list places L. camara among the state’s most invasive plants including Casu- arina, Melaleuca, and Pueraria (Exotic Pest Plant Council, 1992). Although sensitive to frost, L. camara occurs throughout much of Florida (Figure 1), and is reported to be a problem in pastures and in nature preserves (Gregg, 1994). Eradication efforts by mowing, herbicides, and burning cost millions of dollars annually 264 Lantana camara @ Indicates presence from known herbarium specimen Figure 1. Distribution of Lantana camara in Florida counties (adapted from Wunderlin et al., 1995). (Gregg, 1994). In citrus groves, L. camara has been observed to interfere with application of fertilizer, herbicides, and with har- vesting (Achhireddy and Singh, 1984). The weed is toxic and potentially lethal to livestock and children (Mortan, 1971). Its tendency to develop pure stands in diverse environments (Achhi- reddy and Singh, 1984) has led workers to study the basis for the competitive success of L. camara. Allelopathy, as defined by Rice (1984) is a harmful chemical effect by one species upon another. It is more specific than com- petition because it depends on the addition of a chemical com- pound to the environment by the inhibitory (allelopathic) species. Lantana camara has been shown to be allelopathic to Milkweed Vine (Morrenia odorata) in soil assays (Achhireddy and Singh, 1984) and to Duckweed (Lemna spp.) and Ryegrass (Lolium) in the laboratory (Jain et al., 1989; Singh et al., 1989). Thirteen allelopathic compounds have been identified in leaves of L. ca- mara (Jain et al., 1989). 266 Rhodora [Vol. 97 In this study on the extent of allelopathic effects of L. camara, I used Heavenly Blue morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor Cav.) as the test species. Genetically uniform seed lots of this cultivar are commercially available, and it is closely related to J. purpurea (L.) Roth. naturalized (introduced but non-intrusive) throughout Florida and much of the eastern seaboard of the United States. In Florida, Ipomoea occurs with L. camara in cypress-pine re- growth forests and in similar subclimax forest communities. How- ever, it has not been observed using L. camara as a support, suggesting that L. camara might be inhibiting the growth of Ipom- oea nearby. In this study, the presence of compounds in L. camara which might be allelopathic against Ipomoea was tested by ger- minating /pomoea seeds in aqueous extracts of L. camara, and by growing seedlings of Jpomoea in potting soil to which dried leaves of Lantana had been added. A reduction of Ipomoea growth in Lantana-laced media (vs. the same media but without Lantana extract or dried leaves) would support the idea that allelochem- icals are at least partly responsible for the ability of Lantana to grow as pure stands, free of Jpomoea and other naturalized and native species in Florida. MATERIALS AND METHODS Petri Dish Assays Shoots of L. camara were collected in January 1994 from a disturbed site on 107 Ave, Homestead, Florida. Leaves were then air dried at 80°C. A 5% aqueous extract was made by steeping 5 g of L. camara leaves in 100 ml deionized water at 25°C overnight, then filtering the solution through Whatman No. 1 paper. The extract (designated as 5%) was diluted with deionized water to make 2.5% and 1.25% solutions using methods similar to those of Achhireddy and Singh (1989). The pH of all extracts ranged between 6.7 and 7.0. Seeds of Ipomoea tricolor (Heavenly Blue morning glory) were purchased from Johnny’s Selected Seeds in Albion, Maine, and rinsed overnight in running tap water. Those which had swollen and showed emerging radicles were then used in petri dish assays and in soil assays (below). Ten swollen seeds were placed in each petri dish. Dishes contained filter paper wetted with 10 ml of aqueous L. camara leaf extract at 5%, 2.5%, 1.25%, or 0% (water 1995] Casado—Allelopathy in Lantana 267 aaa Radicle length (mm) ZA l Pas Tg Days Figure 2. Length of Ipomoea radicles on seeds sprouting in aqueous Lantana extract (0-5%) over the course of one week. Each point represents the average of 30 radicles. In these petri dish assays, radicle growth was slowest in seeds soaked in the highest concentration (5%) of Lantana extract. Bars show +1 SE; bars are absent when +1 SE < height of symbol. control). They were kept at 25 + 2°C under a 1 2h-1 2h light-dark cycle. Three replicate assays were performed, requiring a total of three petri dishes and thirty seeds for each of the four leaf extract preparations. Germination rate and percentages by seeds imbib- ing Lantana extract were examined using the methods of Liebl and Worsham (1983). Germination (root emergence), and radicle length were monitored over the course of seven days. Radicle lengths of seedlings in each concentration of Lantana extract were averaged (Figure 2). Soil Assays To expose Jpomoea seedlings to Lantana residue within a soil environment, five concentrations of leaf-amended soil were made. Each contained 300 g of sterilized commercial potting soil, then 268 Rhodora [Vol. 97 12 g, 6 g, 3 g, 1.5 g, or O g (control) of dried and crushed L. camara leaves. Crushed leaf material was thoroughly mixed into the potting soil. The soils, now containing Lantana leaf residue, were watered and allowed to drain overnight before being planted with Ipomoea seeds. In each soil preparation, ten seeds (soaked in tap water, as above) were planted 2 cm deep and 2 cm apart. Three replicate assays were performed, requiring a total of three pots and thirty seeds for each amended soil preparation. Pots were kept in a greenhouse under 14h days with diurnal temper- atures fluctuating between 10-30°C. Shoot emergence rate was monitored over 14 days (Figure 3). Seedlings were left to grow in the greenhouse, and total fresh biomass of root and of shoot systems was measured after seven weeks (Figure 4). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test for significant differences between means, with a Scheffé posthoc multiple com- parison test to determine whether means of the dependent vari- able differed significantly at P levels from 0.05 to 0.0001 (Data Desk 4.0, Data Description Inc. Ithaca, NY). RESULTS Petri Dish Assays When exposed to L. camara extract, seeds of Ipomoea ger- minated at a rate similar to that of seeds in deionized water. Within 48 h of being placed on wetted filter paper, 90-100% of seeds germinated regardless of the concentration of L. camara extract used to wet the filter paper. After seven days, seedlings in all treatments showed distinct radicles. However, seedlings grow- ing on paper soaked with 5% L. camara extract suffered up to 50% mortality apparently due to microbial activity fostered by nutrients in the extract. Seed putrifaction was common in 5% extract, but was never found in seeds soaked in water as a control. Only healthy seedlings with turgid white radicles were used in measuring radicle length. Thirty uncontaminated seedlings were measured from each treatment. Once germinated, Ipomoea seedlings exposed to high concen- trations of L. camara extract developed significantly (P < 0.001) shorter radicles than did control seedlings in deionized water (Figure 2). Though significant (P < 0.01) radicle inhibition oc- curred in seedlings growing in L. camara extract at 1.25% and at 1995] Casado—Allelopathy in Lantana 269 —)—— 0% —O—- _ 0.5% —O— 1% ——e 2, ——a AG 40 Ww (=) Shoots emerged i) So 1 0 5 10 1S Days after planting Figure 3. Rate of Ipomoea seedling emergence from soils laced with dried Lantana leaf material (0-4% by weight). Thirty seeds were planted in each of the five concentrations of Lantana-laced soil. Each point represents the average of 30 seedlings. A significant delay in seedling emergence occurred in Jpomoea grow- ing in soil amended with 4% Lantana leaf material. Bars show +1 SE; bars are absent when +1 SE < height of symbol. 2.5%, the most pronounced inhibition of seedling growth was caused by 5% extract. In that solution, radicles seldom reached more than a centimeter, while over the same amount of time, radicles of control seedlings in deionized water grew to ten times that length. Soil Assays The rate of Ipomoea shoot emergence from soil was slowed in the presence of Lantana leaf material (Figure 3). The most rapid 270 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Total weight (g) of 30 seedlings 0.5 1 Soil treatment (% Lantana leaf material) Figure 4. Total root and shoot biomass (fresh weight) of Ipomoea plants grown 50 days in soil laced with dried Lantana leaf material (0-4% by weight). Each bar represents the total fresh weight of roots or shoots from 30 plants. Error bars are +1 SE. emergence was seen in control pots containing only potting soil, not amended with Lantana. In more than 90% of cases, cotyle- dons emerged from control soil within 4—5 days of being planted. In soil amended with dried Lantana leaves the rate of seedling emergence slowed with increasing concentrations of leaf material. Compared to control sets which had completely emerged after 4— 5 days, seedlings in soil laced with 4% leaf material required significantly longer time (P = 0.01) to emerge, typically twice as long as did controls. Regardless of the time required for cotyledons to emerge, the appearance and subsequent development (leaf mor- phology, internode length, tendril activity) of Ipomoea seedlings was similar in amended and in control soils Two months after growing in the ereenhouse, all 150 Ipomoea plants (10 plants for each of 5 Lantana leaf amendments to soil; 3 replicates) were removed from their pots, washed clean of soil 1995] Casado—Allelopathy in Lantana 271 particles, dabbed clear of water droplets and divided into root and shoot components. Total fresh weights of shoots and roots from three sets of plants (10/set) growing in each concentration of L. camara leaf amendment were determined (Figure 4). Within any given pot containing a set of ten plants, there was variation in plant size. Shoot systems weighed nearly twice as much as did root systems, and plants with smaller shoots had smaller root systems. There was no significant (P < 0.05) variation in shoot and root total fresh weight among sets of plants grown in the same or in different concentrations of L. camara leaf amendment. Plants in heavily contaminated soil (amended with 4% L. camara leaf material) grew as well as did control plants in uncontaminated soil. There was even a qualitative improvement in plants growing in soil laced with L. camara. After two months of growth, /pom- oea plants in soil containing 0% and 0.5% Lantana leaf material were yellowing, while those growing in heavily laced (4%) soil were still green. DISCUSSION The potentially allelopathic effect of L. camara against I. tri- color is expressed as a delay in early (underground) seedling growth, while post-emergence seedling and plant growth seem unaffected. In this study, I found growth of J. tricolor to be inhibited (delayed and reduced) by L. camara leaves, primarily when Jpomoea seeds were forced to imbibe aqueous extracts of L. camara in a petri dish (Figure 2). The effect of Lantana residue in soil appears to be less severe. After an initial delay in seedling emergence (Figure 3), Ipomoea plants growing in Lantana-laced soil show no ill effects, even after 50 days of growth (Figure 4). In fact, the greener appearance of plants in heavily laced soil is probably due to increased nutrients supplied by decaying Lantana leaf material, while plants growing in unamended potting soil develop nutrient deficiency symptoms such as chlorosis. Results of this study differ from those reported by Achhireddy and Singh (1984). They used similar methodology to amend soil with dried leaves of L. camara and found that biomass of another vine, Morrenia odorata (Asclepiadaceae), was reduced by 33% when plants were grown in soil containing 4% Lantana leaf ma- terial. Growth inhibition was apparent after 30 days, whereas in 212 Rhodora [Vol. 97 the present study using Jpomoea, no biomass difference between control plants and those growing in Lantana laced soil appeared even after 50 days (Figure 4). Recent work by Inderjit and Dak- shini (1994) suggests that leaf amendments in soils can change soil texture, and that test plants growing in amended soils could respond to textural as well as chemical changes caused by leaf amendments. The most significant inhibitory effects of Lantana material upon /pomoea take place in the earliest phase of seedling growth. Radicle growth is delayed in germinating seeds confined to petri dishes (Figure 2) as is initial shoot emergence from soil (Figure 3). Under field conditions, delayed early growth can be fatal. Slow-growing seedlings are vulnerable to soil pathogens and herbivores, and require more time for roots to penetrate to soil levels with reliable moisture, several inches beneath the hot sur- face. In situations where seeds are exposed to Lantana leachate in a confined environment, such as a petri dish, any inhibitory (al- lelopathic) compounds present in the growth medium will affect seedling growth. On the other hand, in open systems such as potted soil or disturbed sites populated by Lantana and Ipomoea in the field, potentially allelopathic material in L. camara may bind to organic molecules such as humic acid (Wang et al., 1971), soil colloids, or be broken down by bacteria or physical processes. This would decrease their potential to inhibit growth in the field (Rice, 1984). In a study of allelochemicals binding to organic matter in two Taiwanese agricultural soils (Wang et al., 1971) five phenolic acids, all of which are present in L. camara (Singh et al., 1989), were added to field soil. Between 60% to 80% of all added phenolics were bound to mudstone and latosol components of the soil. Ferulic acid, a phenolic in L. camara with strong inhibitory activity (Jain et al., 1989), was strongly bound by the soils, with the result that only 2—30% of applied ferulic acid re- mained free. For L. camara to be functionally allelopathic against Ipomoea in the field, it must release inhibitors that are not inactivated by soil components. Strong inhibition occurs in petri dish assays (Figure 2) but Lantana material has less effect when delivered to seedlings in a soil medium. Inhibition is reduced (Figure 3) and dwindles to insignificant levels over the course of 50 days (Figure 4). It might still be possible for Lantana to allelopathically inhibit Ipomoea and other plants in the field but it would require constant 1995] Casado—Allelopathy in Lantana 273 replenishment of allelopathic compounds to soil through leaf drop or root exudates. Given the remarkable success of L. camara as a pantropical weed and its wide distribution in Florida (Figure 1), the com- petitive strategies of this pest are worth exploring. Possible mech- anisms leading to pure stands of Lantana include spatial and nutrient competition, coupled with the slight advantage of delay in germination of competing seedlings, as shown in this study with Ipomoea. Given the magnitude of damage and management costs caused by exotic pest plants (Gregg, 1994), understanding the means by which exotic weeds such as L. camara dominate local vegetation is needed to develop efficient and environmen- tally benign methods of exotic weed control (Heisey, 1996). That in turn will help sustain native flora in preserves, along with areas that have been repaired or restored (Kaufman and Franz, 1993). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Natalie Courant and Allison Courant kindly provided essential support with computer graphics. Their work was supported by the Arabis Fund. Gustavo Casado is acknowledged for his help with collecting Lantana leaf material. I am also grateful to George Ellmore for discussions and to anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED ACHHIREDDY, N. R. AND M. SinGu. 1984. Allelopathic potential of lantana (Lantana camara) on milkweedvine (Morrenia odorata). Weed Sci. 32: 757- 761. Exotic Pest PLANT Councit. 1992. Exotic Pest Plant Council’s 1991 list of Florida’s most invasive species. Resource Managem. Notes (Florida Dept. of Natural Resources) 4: 39-41. Greco, M.E. 1994. Florida’s Exotic Pest Plant Control: 1994 Local-level Gov- ernment Survey and Report. eo ecuioage Endangered Lands Program, Dade County Planning Dept., HEISEY, R. M. ais Hentncaion pa llelopathi mpound from Ailanthus Itisst ti fits herbicidal activity. Amer. J. Bot. 83: 192-200. How, L. G., D. L. PLucknett, J. V. PANCHO AND J. P. HERBERGER. 1977. The World’s Worst Weeds: Distribution and Biology. Univ. Press of Hawaii, Honolulu. INDERJIT AND K. M. M. DaksHINI. 1994. Allelopathic effect of P/uchea lanceolata 274 Rhodora [Vol. 97 (Asteraceae) on characteristics of four soils and tomato and mustard growth. mer, ot. 81: -804. Jatn, R., M. SiInGH AND D. J. DEzMAN. 1989. Qualitative and quantitative characterization of phenolic compounds from lantana (Lantana camara) leaves. Weed Sci. 37: 302-307. KAUFMAN, D.G. AND C. M. FRANZ. 1993. Biosphere 2000: Protecting our Global Environment. Harper Collins, New York. Lies, R. AND A. D. WorsHAM. 1983. Inhibition of pitted morning glory (Jpom- oea lacunosa) and certain other weed species by saa components of wheat Cie aestivum) straw. J. Chem. Ecol. 3: 1027-1043. MortTANn, —— 1971. Plants Poisonous to People in Florida mee Other Warm Are SHueeaa ne House, Miami. Rice, E. L 1984. peas en Academic oe New Yor SCHEMSKE, D. W. 1983. Lantana camara n Costa Rican aie History. Univ. of ae Press, aoe Sincu, M., R. V. TAMMA AND H.N. Nico. 1989. HPLC identification of alle- fopathic compounds from Lantana camara. J. Chem. Ecol. 15: 81-89. Wana, T. S. C., K. L. Yen, 8S. Y. CHENG AND T. K. YANG. 1971. Behavior of soil phenolic acids. a United States National Committee for the Interna- tional Biological Program. Biochemical oe among Plants. National Academy of Sciences, Milan D.C:: —120. WUNDERLIN, R., B. F. HANSEN AND E. L. ee 1995. Atlas of Florida Vas- cular Plants: Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission, Tallahassee. DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY TUFTS UNIVERSITY MEDFORD, MA 02155 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 891, pp. 275-279, 1995 NEW ENGLAND NOTE STUDIES ON NEW ENGLAND ALGAE II: A SECOND STATION IN MAINE FOR NITELLA TENUISSIMA (DESV.) KUETZING L. C. Cott, Jr. Collections of algae from the shallow, rocky shores of Crawford Pond and the streams which drain into it in Union, Knox County, Maine have yielded some uncommon taxa. These and the area have been described previously (Colt, 1977, 1985, 1994a). This paper reports the second collection from Maine of Nitella ten- uissima (Desv.) Kuetzing 48 years after it was reported by William Randolph Taylor in 1921. On the south shore of the large central island in Crawford Pond are several large embayments characterized by waters mostly less than a meter in depth, and with very gently sloping subsurface cobble-like areas composed of small stones. Near the shore line the stones tend to be free of silt and debris as a result of small but constant waves formed by winds typically from the southwest. Silt accumulates as the water deepens away from the shoreline, becoming the primary substrate by filling the interstitial spaces between the stones and covering them. Nite//a plants were col- lected from silt at a depth of approximately 10 cm in the easterly portion of the major embayment. The Nite/la population was of low density, consisting of a few scattered clumps spread over 10- 15 square meters. Nitella tenuissima is one of the smaller charophytes (Wood and Imahori, 1965), and the plants have a minute, delicate appear- ance. The plants from Crawford Pond, collected on August 9, 1969, (partial upper portions) range from 2.2 to 3.1 centimeters in height, and have the distinctive beaded appearance which is one of the characteristics of this species. The “beads” are com- posed of repeated (3—4 times) furcations of branchlets at the nodes. The morphological characteristics of the Maine plants fit the descriptions given by Prescott (1962) and Wood and Imahori (1965), and are summarized in Table |. The collected plants (L. Colt CP8969-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7) were not yet fully mature, judg- ing by the morphology of the gametangia, yet fit within the range vit Be) Table 1. Species Data Summary, Nitella tenuissima. Wood & Imahori 1965 Prescott 1962 Colt Axis, Diameter Internodes Number of fertile bran- Branchlets, comparative Basal cell End cell Gametangia Oogonia color Oogonia number Oogonia size Coronula Antheridia 160-500 pu 3/4—-5 times as long as branchlets ca. 6 in whorl upper usually more compact than low wer 241 ae i 1/2 length of branchlet 5-7, | central 3-4, 1 may divide again 3-4 2-celled 3-4 none cylindrical or tapering to base of end cell conical, acute, 42-105 uw long, 21- ide at base monoecious, sejoined or conjoined at 2nd—3rd branchlet nodes light or reddish brown solita 370-350 u long incl. coronula, 225-510 uw wide 10 cells in 2 ae res uw high, 40-58 uw 90-175 uw in eee ree — NR* 6 in whorl glomerules formed, compact 3-4 times R plant monoecious NR NR 400 u long, 260 u wide 10 cells in 2 tiers 175 w in diameter, stipitate 180 uw below Ist branchlets 2-3 times as long as branchlets 5-6 usual, occasionally 9-11 gee formed, upper branchlets age than lower ive 4 1/3-1/2 length of branchlet 5-7, | central 5-6, | central a see dactyls 2. vcelled 3-4 no nate: with slight taper to base of end conical, acute, 62-107 u long, 17-25 u wide at base monoecious, sejoined or conjoined at nd- a rd branchlet nodes light wn most cae solitary, few paired 320-340 wu long, including coronula, vi wide 10 cells in 2 tiers, 9-45 » high 106-195 yw in diameter, stipitate * NR indicates that this information was not reported by Prescott (1962). 1995] New England Note Zit of measurements provided by both Wood and Imahori and Pres- cott. On a worldwide basis, Nitella tenuissima is reported from Eu- rope, North Africa, Madagascar, the Azores, India, Japan, and from North America where it is known to range from southern Canada to the West Indies (Wood and Imahori, 1965). Wood and Imahori (1965) state that Nitella tenuissima is com- mon throughout New England, although a search of the literature (Colt, 1994b) indicates that it has not often been collected or reported from the region. The species has been collected once in Maine from Echo Lake on Mt. Desert Island (Taylor, 1921) and once from Lake Chocorua in New Hampshire (Collins, in Wood and Imahori, 1965). More collections of Nitella tenuissima have been reported from Massachusetts than any other New England state. Faxon, Morong (as Nitella gracilis Smith, and as Nitella tenussima, T. Morong 32, 37), and Perkins are reported by Dame and Collins (1888) to have independently collected Nitella ten- uissima from several ponds in Middlesex County, while Wood and Imahori (1965) report collections from Essex County by Col- lins (Icon 308) and by Robinson (as Nitella transilis Allen). Tindall and Sawa (1964) collected Nitella tenuissima in Morse Pond, Barnstable County, and Wood (in Wood and Imahori, 1965, R. D. Wood 2015) also collected it in Barnstable County. In Rhode Island Wood (R. D. Wood 1081), reports collecting this species from Larkins Pond in Washington County. It has also been col- lected by Faxon from Apponaug Pond and J. L. Bailey from Gorton Pond, both in Providence County, and by Wood and Palmatier from Newport County (Wood and Imahori, 1965). Robbins, and later Allen collected Nitella tenuissima in Rhode Island, but neither location is given by any of the authors (Halsted, 1878; Bennett, 1888; Wood and Imahori, 1965) listing the col- lections. Whereas the Crawford Pond collection does not substantiate the comment by Wood that the plant is common throughout New England, it lends credence to the suggestion that Nitella tenuissima might be more widely distributed than has been reported here- tofore. The more than 1600 articles known to report the collection of fresh water algae in New England (Colt, 1994b) suggest that such collections have tended to be primarily from scattered lo- cations. Records of algal collections from Maine, New Hamp- shire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Rhode Island can only be 278 Rhodora [Vol. 97 described as geographically spotty and primarily a function of the interests and activities of collectors since the first published report of algae in New England by Hitchcock in 1829. The only system- atic state-wide effort was in Connecticut, first by Conn (1905), Conn and Webster (1908), and then later by Hylander (1922a, 1922b, 1924, 1925, 1928). Neither Conn and Webster (1908) nor Hylander (1928) list any of the Characeae among the algae of Connecticut. Hylander notes the exclusion by suggesting that the Characeae belong in a separate group among the Thallophytes because of their “complicated and advanced types of reproductive structures.” Furthermore, although Nite/la tenuissima was occa- sionally assigned to Nitella gracilis or Nitella transilis by early workers (Wood and Imahori, 1965), neither of these species have been reported from Connecticut. It is likely that because of the small size of Nitella tenuissima plants and its growth habit, “in silt with only the tips of the branches emergent,” (Prescott, 1962), it would tend to escape notice by most collectors unless they were actively searching for it. Judging by the few plants at the site in Crawford Pond, Nitella tenuissima is probably relatively scarce even in suitable habitats. Then too, the Characeae have not enjoyed a great deal of attention among New England phycologists over the years, and many plants have, in all likelihood, been by-passed during searches for other algae. LITERATURE CITED BENNETT, J. L. 1888. Plants of Rhode Island. Proc. Frankl. Soc., Providence, RI Conn, H. W. 1905. A Preliminary Report on the Protozoa of the Fresh Waters of Seas Connecticut State Geol. Surv., Bull. #2. W. Wesster. 1908. A Preliminary Report Upon the Algae of the Fresh Waites of Connecticut. Connecticut State Geol. Surv., Bull. #10. Cott, L. C., Jk. 1977. A new station for Coleochaetaceae in New England. Rhoden 79: 300-304. . 1985. Vaucheria undulata Jao again in New England. Rhodora 87: 597— 1994a. Desmonema wrangellii (Ag.) Bornet et Flahault, a new record for Maine. Rhodora 96: 104-108. . 1994b. The New England Algal Data Bank. Library, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA. Dame, L. L. AND F. S. CoLiins. 1888. Thallophytes. Flora of Middlesex County. Middlesex Institute, Malden, MA. 1995] New England Note 279 Hatstep, B. D. 1878. Classification and description of the American species of Characeae. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 20: 169-190 Hircucock, E. 1829. Catalogue of Plants Growing without Cultivation in the Vicinity of Amherst College. J. S. & C. Adams, Amherst, Mass. HyLANnper, C. J. 1922a. A preliminary report on the desmids of Connecticut. Rhodora 24: 213-224, . 1922b. A preliminary report on the desmids of Connecticut. Rhodora 24: 236-241. . 1924. Supplementary report on the desmids of Connecticut. Rhodora 26: 203-210. 1925. The Algae of Connecticut. Ph.D. dissertation, Yale Univ., New Haven, CT. 1928. The Algae of Connecticut. Connecticut State Geol. Surv., Bull. 2. Prescott, G. W. 1962. Algae of the Western Great Lakes Area. Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, Iowa. TayLor, W.R. 1921. Additions to the flora of Mt. Desert Island, Maine. Rhodora TInDALL, D. R. AND T. Sawa. 1964. Characeae occurring in the Woods Hole region. Am. J. Bot. 51(9): 943-949. Woop, R. D. AND K. IMAHoRI. 1965. A Revision of the Characeae. J. Cramer, Weinheim, Germany. BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS DARTMOUTH N. DARTMOUTH, MA 02747 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 891, pp. 280-282, 1995 NEW ENGLAND NOTE NEW BARNSTABLE COUNTY RECORDS MARIO DiGREGORIO During the field season in 1994, I documented two new records for Barnstable County along with one significant rediscovery: Bidens laevis (L.) BSP. (Asteraceae) Many hundreds of plants of Bidens laevis (L.) BSP. were found in the upper Mashpee River within the freshwater tidal zone just south of Route 28 in Mashpee, Massachusetts. Large or showy bur-marigold is a perennial characterized by 8-10 golden yellow ray flowers arranged around a flat disk, many measuring up to 3 cm long. The sharply serrate, sessile leaves are lanceolate and reach up to 15 cm. in length. In fruit the mature disk is 2-3 cm. broad and often nods; achenes are two to four-awned. Typical habitat for B. /aevis is sluggish streams, either fresh or brackish, along the coastal plain of the eastern seaboard from Florida north to southern New Hampshire (Fernald, 1950; Gleason and Cron- quist, 1991). Records have been documented for Plymouth Coun- ty to the north and Bristol County to the west (Seymour, 1982). A check of the G. M. Gray Herbarium (SPWH) in Woods Hole and a literature search revealed no previous records documented for Barnstable County (Seymour, 1982; Svenson and Pyle, 1979). Rumex pallidus Bigel. (Polygonaceae) Six plants were discovered on August 26, 1994, in a barrier beach “washover’ area just east of Crosby Landing Beach in East Brewster, Massachusetts. Characterized by glaucous, narrowly lanceolate leaves, prostrate or depressed habit and whitish fruit arranged within a dense, spreading panicle, this taxon is typically found in the upper beach zone above normal high tide but within the stormtide washover area where beach profiles can change dramatically from season to season. Associated taxa include Glaux maritima L., Lathyrus maritimus (L.) Bigelow, Xanthium stru- marium L., Solidago sempervirens L. and Mertensia maritima (L.) S. F. Gray (see next notation). 280 1995] New England Note 281 Pale or seabeach dock ranges from Newfoundland south to Nantucket (Fernald, 1950; Seymour, 1982); historically it was found as far south as Long Island (Seymour, 1982). Its present status in Massachusetts is classified as Threatened by the Mas- sachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. This represents the first record ever for Barnstable County (P. Somers, MNHESP pers. comm.; Svenson and Pyle, 1979). A specimen was placed in the herbarium collection at the Garden in the Woods in Framingham; 35 mm. slides and an Element Occurrence form were filed with MNHESP. Mertensia maritima (L.) S.F. Gray (Boraginaceae) Due to its sporadic appearances and disappearances, seabeach lungwort or oysterplant has had a long history as a “phantom” or “fugitive” plant in Massachusetts (Bicknell, 1915; Svenson and Pyle, 1979). Cape Cod and Nantucket mark the southern limit of its range, which stretches north from Massachusetts to all the coastal counties of Maine (where it is fairly common) and to James Bay and Greenland (Fernald, 1950). It is classified as Endangered by — oer Natural Heritage and Endangered Species progr se 1983 to 1988, Dr. Peter Dunwiddie of Nantucket noted the plant on the Coatue peninsula and Whale Island, a sandspit currently connected to Tuckernuck Island. These plants disap- peared and no sign of the species was again noted until 1994, when Dr. Dunwiddie found 7 plants scattered along the eastern shore of the island (Dunwiddie, 1994, pers. comm.). In Barnstable County, the plant was noted in the early 1970's in West Brewster by Don Schall but disappeared in 1974 (Schall, pers. comm.) and was not seen again on the Cape until 1992 when Kyle Jones of the Cape Cod National Seashore found populations in three lower Cape localities: 21 non-flowering plants on Jeremey Point in Wellfleet, one plant at Marconi Beach, and 104 non- flowering and three flowering plants at Race Point in Province- town (Jones, pers. comm.; MNHESP data). It was seen again in 1993 and 1994, but by then all three populations were noted as being in ‘severe decline’ (Jones, pers. comm.). The East Brewster population of twelve plants contained ten flowering and fruiting “rosettes”; two other non-flowering plants were depauperate and stressed due to their location in closer 282 Rhodora [Vol. 97 proximity to a heavily used bathing beach. The plant is quite distinctive, with sea-green, glaucous spatulate foliage which ac- tually tastes of raw shellfish. The flowering branchlets radiate out from the central basal rosette in a spider-like configuration. As in most members of Boraginaceae, the small bluish-pink flowers are campanulate with fruits forming smooth, lustrous nutlets. The successful germination of their seeds amidst the “flotsam” of storm wrack detritus seems integral to the plant’s habit of mys- terious appearance and disappearance along the southern limit of its range. Vegetative reproduction from fragments may also occur but has not been documented (Dunwiddie, pers. comm.). A follow up visit to the dramatically-changed winter beach in December 1994 revealed only one rosette partially buried in the overwash, all others having vanished out to sea or been buried deep beneath the newly deposited sand. By the late summer of 1995, the colony had diminished to five rosettes, with many des- iccated flowering branches showing the stress of an unusually warm and dry growing season. LITERATURE CITED BICKNELL, E. P. 1915. Ferns and flowering plants of Nantucket XIV. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 42: 27-47, Dunwippig, P.W. 1994 October 25. [Letter to Massachusetts Audubon Society]. FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray’s Manual of Botany, 8th ed. American Book Co., ork. GLEASON, H. A. AND A. Cronguist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of North- eastern United States and Adjacent Canada, 2nd ed. New York Botanical Garden, New York. Seymour, F.C. 1982. The Flora of New England, 2nd ed. Phytologia Memoirs, Plainfield, NJ. Svenson, H. K. AND R. W. Pyte. 1979. The Flora of Cape Cod. Cape Cod Museum of Natural History, Brewster, Ma. 107 GOELETTA DR. HATCHVILLE, MA 02536 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 891, pp. 283-284, 1995 BOOK REVIEW Harris, James G. and Melinda W. Harris. 1994. Plant Identi- fication Terminology: An Illustrated Glossary. 197 pp. Spring Lake Publishing, Spring Lake, UT. ($17.95). Students of all ages find comfort in illustrations. Uncertainties about the meaning of technical terms often pose major impedi- ments to correctly identifying a plant. Many plant enthusiasts resist graduation from the field guide stage to the technical manual because of a fear of terminology. Statements such as “There are at least 60 ways to say that a plant is not smooth,” from the Peterson and McKenny Field Guide (1968) exacerbate the situ- ation, not to mention do no service to botanical taxonomy. Even the thorough glossaries in most manuals don’t seem to lessen the apprehensions of the neophyte. Merritt Lyndon Fernald’s 8th Edition of Gray’s Manual of Botany (1950) includes 1141 entries in the glossary (Peterson and McKenny, 1968). Plant Identification Terminology by James G. Harris and Melinda W. Harris is an illustrated glossary of terms used to identify plants that should help assuage such fears. In fact, at least one copy of Plant Iden- tification Terminology aught to be in every classroom where flo- ristics, plant taxonomy, or plant identification courses are taught. Benjamin Daydon Jackson’s comprehensive but difficult to use classic, A Glossary of Botanic Terms, was published in 1900. The fourth edition of 1928 has been reprinted and costs about twice the price of the Harris’ book. Jackson’s Glossary is hard to find and can usually be obtained only from dealers who handle more esoteric works in botany. Plant Identification Terminology will not replace Jackson’s Glossary nor should it. It is, however, ac- cessible, available, and reasonably priced. Its cost is not prohib- itive, even for a student as a supplemental text for a plant iden- tification course. Most importantly, it is copiously illustrated! That, alone, is worth the $17.95. The book is divided into 2 parts, a general glossary (115 pages) and a section for specific terminology (67 pages) which is orga- nized into 7 major categories (Roots, Stems, Leaves, Surfaces, Inflorescences, Flowers, and Fruits), some with further subdivi- sions (there are 10 subheadings under Flowers). The most important feature of this book is its illustrations. Many of the definitions are supplemented with simple line draw- 283 284 Rhodora [Vol. 97 ings that more than suffice to make the point. Most of the illus- trations are incorporated with the text in the general glossary. Some, however, are duplicated in the specialized terminology sections. These groups of illustrations comparing variations in leaf shape, inflorescence types, and fruits enhance the usefulness of the book. Keys to help decide the term that best describes a condition such as leaf margin or inflorescence type are included in the Spe- cific Terminology section. These are boxed in the text so that they clearly stand out. They will be especially useful to students who are familiarizing themselves with botanical terminology. very minor objection is that some illustrations used to define a term are used for more than one term. The same illustration occurs for climbing (figure 185), scandent (figures 927, 1363), and vine (figures 1253, 1324). The proof of the versatility and value of Plant Identification Terminology will come when students use this book to aid them in identifying plants and the identification works. I am looking forward to trying this book with classes. LITERATURE CITED FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray’s Manual of Botany, Eighth Revised Edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York. Jackson, B.D. 1928(1971). A Glossary of Botanic Terms With Their Derivation and Accent. Hafner Publishing Company, New Yor PETERSON, R. T. AND M. McKenny. 1968. A Field Guide to Wildflowers of Northeastern and North-central North America. Houghton Mifflin Com- pany, Boston. LESLIE J. MEHRHOFF CONNECTICUT GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY and G. SAFFORD TORREY HERBARIUM UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT STORRS, CT 06269-3042 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 891, pp. 285-288, 1995 RHODORA NEWS & NOTES LisA A. STANDLEY HIGHLIGHTS OF CLUB MEETINGS May 1995 (909th Meeting). Dr. Walter Judd, of the University of Florida at Gainesville, spoke on “Angiosperm Temperate/ Tropical Family Pairs.’’ His research, based on cladistic analyses of representative genera and using conventional morphological characters, has tested the hypothesis that temperate families are derived from tropical families. He sped through a series of ex- amples of temperate/tropical family pairs. Contrast of the tem- perate/tropical family pairs Apocynaceae/Asclepiaceae, Cappar- aceae/Brassicaceae, Moraceae/Urticaceae, Sapindaceae/Acera- ceae shows that the temperate genera are simply the terminal members of a continuous clade, and that all of the characters that delimit the temperate family appear in the tropical group. Anal- ysis of the Araliaceae/Apiaceae and Verbenaceae/Lamiaceae shows that these temperate families are polyphyletic, since each evolved from at least two distinct clades within the tropical family. Dr. Judd concluded by summarizing that all tropical families appear to be paraphyletic (all members of the family share a common ancestor, but the family does not include all descendents of that ancestor). Temperate families comprise one or more ad- vanced lineages within the larger clade of the tropical family. The greater number of species within temperate families is the result of rapid recent radiation, perhaps due to the shift from woody to herbaceous habit. His conclusion is that there are no temperate plant families, based on the philosophy that a family should be monophyletic (all members share a common ancestor, and the family contains all descendents of that ancestor). This conclusion is also supported by more traditional arguments which show that there are no clear phenetic (morphological) gaps between tem- perate families and members of their tropical ancestral families. Recent investigations using chloroplast DNA, and the fossil pol- len record support this conclusion, although he cautioned that these results are preliminary, and based on a relatively small sample of genera. June 1995 (910th Meeting). Dr. Ken Kimball, Director of the AMC’s Research Department, spoke on “Recovery of an Alpine 285 286 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Plant— Potentilla robbinsiana.”’ This Federally-listed Endangered species is endemic to New Hampshire’s Presidential Range of the White Mountains. The successful implementation of a recovery program appears to have halted the decline of this plant, the only New England endemic species. It occurs primarily in Mt. Wash- ington’s Monroe Flats area, a windswept area of gravelly soils that is snow-free most of the winter and subject to blown abrasive ice and severe freeze-thaw cycles in the soil. However, plants also occur on a vertical cliff at another location. Like most arctic/ alpine species, seed set is highly weather-dependent and rare, but seedlings do occur in nature. Chromosomal and isoenzyme data are limited, but suggest that there 1s virtually no genetic variation due to the apomictic (pseudogamous) reproduction. There are no adaptations to biotic or abiotic seed dispersal. The species appears to be derived from Potentilla hyparctica, a circumpolar species. Potentilla robbinsiana has been studied at Monroe Flats for twenty years. Total counts of the population have been conducted at ten-year intervals, and show an increase of about 60% since the mid-1970’s. Individual plants are mapped twice a year along permanent transects, providing a detailed account of about 10% of the population. Natural mortality is primarily due to winter conditions, particularly severe freeze-thaw cycles that lift plants out of the ground. The recovery plan for this species has focused on eliminating human-caused mortality, primarily due to trampling by hikers and over-collection by botanists. This recovery has been achieved by rerouting the Crawford Path around the Flats, and by closing this area to hikers. Reintroduction and establishment of new pop- ulations by transplanting garden-grown seedlings, another feature of the recovery plan, has been successfully implemented. The sum of these efforts has been an increased understanding of the species, its demography, and recovery of the Mt. Washington population. June 1995 (Field Trip). The first 1995 Field Trip was held on June 17th. Twenty-three Club members and guests visited the Alpine Gardens on Mt. Washington, guided by George Newman. Despite overcast and severely windy weather, participants en- joyed seeing Rhododendron lapponicum, Diapensia lapponica, Loiseleuria procumbens, Houstonia caerulea var. Faxonorum, and Scirpus caespitosus in full bloom. Other alpines (Cassiope hyp- noides, Phyllodoce caerulea, Geum peckii, Viburnum edule, Vac- 1995] Rhodora News & Notes 287 cinium uliginosum, Arenaria groenlandica, Ledum groenlandi- cum, Carex bigelowii) were primarily observed in bud. Notable finds also included Silene acaulis, Lycopodium selago (Huperzia selago in Flora of North America (FNA)), L. sitchense (Diphas- lastrum sitchense in FNA), Arctostaphylos alpina and Salix uva- TAY July 1995 (Field Trip). On July 22, 1995, Club members visited Snake Pond and East Mountain in Westfield, Massachusetts under the leadership of Dr. David Lovejoy of Westfield State College. The excursion was intended to explore unusual habitats in central Massachusetts and to contribute to the Club’s herbarium, in which Hampden County is underrepresented. Participants renewed their acquaintance with Toxicodendron vernix while exploring the bog surrounding Snake Pond. The bog also yielded Drosera rotun- difolia, D. intermedia, Ilex glabra, Bartonia virginica, Habenaria psycodes, H. clavellata, and a larch/black spruce thicket. Rho- dodendron viscosum at the bog margins appeared to be f. glaucum. Adjacent dry woods contained a large population of /sotria ver- ticillata, with several fruiting plants. Along the talus slopes and dry ridgetop of East Mountain, trip participants observed Seri- cocarpus asteroides, Hieracium paniculatum, Prunus pumila, He- lianthus divaricatus, Lonicera dioica, Asplenium platyneuron, and Hystrix patula. OBITUARIES Last August Dorothy Waleka of Ipswich, Massachusetts passed away at the age of 63. Although she was never a member of the Club, her handiwork will silently serve the Club as long as our organization exists. Ms. Waleka served as the mounter for the Club’s herbarium from the 1960’s into the mid-1980’s, producing mounted specimens of the highest professional quality. As many as half of the folders presently in the vascular herbarium are labeled in her beautiful script. Ms. Waleka had a very warm and generous personality, and continued to be interested in news about the herbarium and Harvard University Herbarium staff after she discontinued her services due to health problems. Although her name does not appear on any of our herbarium sheets, her pres- ence is there in as much measure as those collectors whose names do appear. Contributed by Ray Angelo, Curator of Vascular Plants. 288 Rhodora [Vol. 97 NOTES Invasive Alien Plants: Unlike Florida or Hawai, New England is not generally considered to be severely affected by invasive alien plants. However, 29 percent of the New England flora is composed of alien species—and they’re increasing. In Berkshire County, the proportion of aliens has grown from 17% of the flora in 1922 to 24% in 1990. As the number of exotic plants increases, they may compete for space with native species. While the total number of introduced plants growing without cultivation in New England exceeds 200 species, about 50 of these are considered highly aggressive and likely to invade natural areas. These include Daucus carota, Coronilla varia, Rosa multiflora, Elaeagnus an- gustifolia, Cytisus scoparius, Celastrus orbiculatus, Lonicera ja- ponica, Ampelopsis brevipedunculata, Berberis thunbergii, Eu- onymus alatus, Taxus cuspidata, Rhamnus frangula, R. cathar- tica, and Lythrum salicaria. (Excerpted from an article by Faith Thompson Campbell, “Invasive Alien Plants,’ in the May 1995 issue of Columbine, the Conservation Newsletter of the National Council of State Garden Clubs). Contributed by Mary Walker. THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB 22 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 The New England Botanical Club is a non-profit organiza- tion that promotes the study of plants of North America, es- pecially the flora of New England and adjacent areas. The Club holds regular meetings, has a large herbarium of New England plants, and a library. It publishes a quarterly journal, RHO- DORA, which is now in its 95th year and contains about 400 pages a volume. Membership is open to all persons interested in systematics and field botany. Annual dues are $35.00, including a subscrip- tion to RHODORA. Members living within about 200 miles of Boston receive notices of the Club meetings. To join, please fill out this membership application and send with enclosed dues to the above address. Regular Member $35.00 Family Rate $45.00 For this calendar year For the next calendar year a Name Address City & State Zip Special interests (optional): THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB Elected Officers and Council Members for 1995—1996 President: C. Barre Hellquist, Box 9145, Department of Biology, North Adams State College, North Adams, Massachusetts 01247 Vice-President (and Program Chair): W. Donald Hudson, Jr., Chewonki Foundation, RR 2, Box 1200, Wiscasset, Maine 04578 Corresponding Secretary: Nancy M. Eyster-Smith, Department of Natural Sciences, Bentley College, Waltham, Massachu- setts 02154 Treasurer: Harold G. Brotzman, Box 9092, Department of Bi- ology, North Adams State College, North Adams, Massa- chusetts 01247 Recording Secretary: Lisa A. Standley Curator of Vascular Plants: Raymond Angelo Assistant Curator of Vascular Plants: Pamela Wetherbee Curator of Non-Vascular Plants: Anna M. Reid Librarian: Paul Somers Council: Consisting of the Elected Officers, Associate Curator, Editor of Rhodora and — Councillors: Leslie J. Mehrhoff (Past President) Thomas Mione °96 Garrett E. Crow °97 Edward J. Hehre ’98 Donald J. Padgett (Graduate Student Member) 95 Volume 97, No. 890 including pages 109-184 was issued February 7, 1996 Free On-Line Document Search... Discounton Document Delivery Announcing Access to UnCover Document search and delivery for readers of UnCover Xhodora You can now access free of charge the UnCover on-line data base, which indexes table of contents information from over 17,000 journals. You can also order delivery of full text from any of the articles in the data base and receive a $2.00 discount per article off the regular document delivery price. With Access to UnCover, you can search for articles by topic, by author, or by journal. You can then order on-line the full text of articles for delivery by fax within 24 hours. Document delivery fees will be billed to your credit card. Access to UnCover is available to you now over the Internet. Simply telnet to the Access to UnCover Address: allen.carl.org When prompted for your Password, enter: deliver New benefit: Discount on Reveal Your Access to UnCover Password now also entitles you to a 20% discount on UnCover's new Reveal service. With Reveal, you receive by e-mail the tables of contents of journals you select—right after each issue is published. In addition, you can also receive weekly topical alerting by creating keyword search strategies. To sign up for Reveal at your 20% discount, call 800-787-7979 and mention your Access to UnCover Password. INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS TO RHODORA Submission of a manuscript implies it is not being considered for publication simultaneously elsewhere, either in whole or in part. Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate (an original and two xerographic copies), in addition, a copy of the ms. on a 3.5 inch floppy disc will facilitate production of the paper. The text must be double-spaced (at least 3%”) throughout, including tables, figure leg- ends, and literature citations. The list of legends for figures and maps should be provided on a separate page. Do not use footnotes. Use a non-proportional font throughout and do not justify the right margin. Do not indicate the style of type through the use of capitals or un- derscoring, particularly in the citation of specimens. Names of genera and species may be underlined to indicate italics in discussions. Spec- imen citations should be selected critically, especially for common species of broad distribution. Systematic revisions and similar papers should be prepared in the format of ““A Monograph of the Genus Malvastrum,” S. R. Hill, Rhodora 84:1-83, 159-264, 317-409, 1982, particularly with reference to indentation of keys and syn- onyms. Designation of a new taxon should carry a Latin diagnosis (rather than a full Latin description), which sets forth succinctly just how the new taxon is distinguished from its congeners. Papers of a floristic nature should follow, as far as possible, the format of “‘An- notated List of the Ferns and Fern Allies of Arkansas,” W. Carl Taylor and Delzie Demaree, Rhodora 81: 503-548, 1979. For biblio- graphic citations, refer to the Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum (B-P- H, 1968) and B-P-H/Supplement, 1991, which provides standardized abbreviations for journals originating before 1990. All abbreviations in the text should be followed by a period, except those for standard units of measure and direction (compass points). For standard abbre- viations and for guidance in other matters of biological writing style, consult the CBE Style Manual, Sth ed. (original title: Style Manual for Biological Journals). In preparing figures (maps, charts, drawings, photos, etc.) please remember that the printed plate will be 4 x 6 inches; be sure that illustrations are proportioned to reduce correctly, and indicate by blue pencil the intended limits of the figures. (Some “turn-page”’ figures with brief legends will be 3% X 6 in.) Magnifi- cation/reduction values given in text or figure legends should be cal- culated to reflect the actual printed size. Tables should be set up in the same way. Each page should be ready for reproduction and will be reduced to 4 X 6 inches. An Abstract and a list of Key Words should be supplied at the beginning of each paper submitted, except for a very short article or note. All pages should be numbered in the upper right-hand corner. Brevity is urged for all submissions. ae Wit ese he i ae 3 or s , Berg hy saan peeve ae RHODORA JOURNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB CONTENTS: — Contributions to the flora of Vermont. Jerry Jenkins and Peter F. Zika... 29 Occurrence of the red alga Thorea violacea (Batrachospermales: Thorea- ceae) in the Hudson River, New York State. Curt M. Pueschel, P. Gary Sullivan, and John E. Titus 328 Distribution aul conservation of Nantucket shadbush, Amelanchier nan- tucketensis (Rosaceae). Alison C. Dibble and Christopher S. Campbe of 339 Eriogonum codium (Polygonaceae: Eriogonoideae), a new species from southcentral Washington. James L. Reveal, Florence Caplow, and Kathryn Beck 350 Vegetation, browsing, and site factors as determinants of Canada yew (Tax- us canadensis) distribution in central New Hampshire. John J. Sta- chowicz and Taber D. Allison 357 CEaiene nivalis L. ene eee new to Québec. N. Dignard, R. Lalu- miére, and M. Julie 375 Book Review: A guide to wildflowers in winter: Herbaceous plants of northeastern North America. Pamela B. Weatherbee 380 Rhodora News and Notes. Lisa A. Standley 382 NEBC Officers and Council Members 386 Index to Volume 97 387 NEBC Membership Form 393 Instructions to Contributors 394 Statement of Ownership inside back cover THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB P. O. Box 1897, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Vol. 97 Fall, 1995 No. 892 The New England Botanical Club, Inc. 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 RHODORA DAVID S. CONANT, Acting Editor-in-Chief SUZANNE GALLAGHER, Acting Managing Editor Associate Editors DAVID S. BARRINGTON W. DONALD HUDSON, JR. LESLIE J. MEHRHOFF THOMAS MIONE CATHY A. PARIS LISA A. STANDLEY RHODORA (ISSN 0035-4902). Published four times a year (January, April, July, and October) by The New England Botanical Club, 810 East 10th St., Lawrence, KS 66044 and printed by Allen Press, Inc., 1041 New Hampshire St., Lawrence, KS 66044. Periodicals postage paid at Lawrence, KS. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to RHODORA, P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044. RHODORA is a journal of botany devoted primarily to North America. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts of scientific papers and notes relating to the systematics, distribution, ecology, paleobotany, or conservation biology of this or floristically related areas. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $40.00 per calendar year, net, postpaid, in funds payable at par in the United States currency. Remittances payable to RHODORA. Send to RHODORA, PO. Box 1897, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897. MEMBERSHIPS: Regular $35; Family $45. Application form printed herein. BACK VOLUMES AND SINGLE COPIES: Many available; informa- tion and prices will be furnished upon request to Cathy A. Paris, Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405. ADDRESS CHANGES: In order to receive the next number of RHO- DORA, changes must be received by the business office prior to the first day of January, April, July, or October. INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS: Inside back cover, January and April. WORLD WIDE WEB ADDRESS: a a herbaria. harvard.edu/nebc/ MANUSCRIPTS: Send to: Janet R. Sulliv Durham, NH 03824-3597 This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). RHODORA JOURNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB Vol. 97 Fall 1995 No. 892 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 892, pp. 291-327, 1995 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE FLORA OF VERMONT JERRY JENKINS AND PETER F. ZIKA ABSTRACT Recent herbarium and field studies have added 38 species and deleted 192 species from the flora of Vermont. The additions include 25 recently discovered species and 13 species based on older records that have been overlooked or misinterpreted. Ten additions are rare native species. Four of these are currently listed as state Threatened or Endangered species. The additions bring the total flora of Vermont to approximately 1933 species. The 192 deleted species, if included in the flora, would increase this number by 10%. The deletions include misidentified and misinterpreted species, cultivated plants incorrectly listed as naturalized, and many species that lack vouchers altogether. The geography of the added and deleted records suggests that many of the added species may be recent immigrants, and that many of the unvouchered species are highly unlikely in Vermont and are probably mistakes. A review of the number of species that have been deleted from the seven previous Vermont floras suggests that the ap- parent error rates of these floras have ranged from 0.3% to 5.4% of the species listed by each flora, with an average error rate of 2.4%. Key Words: flora, additions, deletions, endangered species, discovery rate, error e, Immigration, Vermont INTRODUCTION In the last 150 years Vermont has had seven annotated floras and one checklist (Oakes, 1842; Torrey, 1853; Perkins, 1888; Brainerd et al., 1900; Eggleston et al., 1915; Dole, 1937; Seymour, 1969; Atwood et al., 1973), giving it the most extensively de- scribed flora of any state in the country. The authors are currently preparing a new checklist and flora. In the process we have com- piled a number of recent unpublished additions to the flora and deleted a number of species credited to the flora in earlier works. 291 292 Rhodora [Vol. 97 This paper lists those additions and deletions and, in the case of the deletions, gives our reasons for excluding them. The nomen- clature follows that in Gleason and Cronquist (1991), except for a few cases in which we prefer the treatment of Kartesz (1994). Deleted species are listed under their current names!. When the names used in the original publications are different, these are placed in brackets. Common names for the species being added to the flora are taken from our forthcoming Checklist of the Flora of Vermont’. We used the standard acronyms from /ndex Herbariorum (Holmgren et al., 1990) when citing herbaria in the section that follows. The herbarium of the Vermont Institute of Natural Sci- ences (VINS) is not listed in Holmgren et al. (1990). ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA This section includes 38 taxa, 15 native to the northeastern U.S. and 23 aliens. Nineteen of these additions are recently dis- covered species that have never been listed for Vermont. Six are recent records for species that were listed previously, but for which the earlier records were unacceptable for various reasons, most commonly because they were unvouchered or based on misiden- tifications. Four are older records that either have never been cited or have been cited incorrectly. Six have been cited correctly in previous Vermont floras, but omitted from recent monographs or from the most recent Vermont flora (Seymour, 1969) and checklist (Atwood et al., 1973). And three are new identifications of specimens that were previously misidentified. This list does not include taxa (e.g., Spiranthes ochroleuca (Rydb. ' In most cases the contemporary equivalents of the historical names are well known or can be found in historical manuals. Thus, synonyms for many of the names used by Oakes (1842) and Torrey (1853) can be found in the Fourth Edition of Gray’s Manual (Gray, 1857), and those for many of the names used by Perkins (1888) and Eggleston and Brainerd (1904) in the Seventh Edition of Gray’s Manual (Robinson and Fernald, 1908). In a few cases the historical names are obscure or were used incorrectly by 19th century authors, and it is hard to know exactly what plant the authors thought they had or what contemporary species most closely fits their concept. In such cases (for example Thaspium trifoliatum Gray var. apterum Gray) we have indicated that the synonym is uncertain > The Checklist of the Flora of Vermont (Jenkins and Zika, in prep.) has been in preparation for ten years and is expected to be published in the near future. 1995] Jenkins and Zika—Flora of Vermont 293 ex Britt.) Rydb., or Hudsonia ericoides L. spp. intermedia (Peck) Nickerson & Skog) that have been added to the flora because of taxonomic and nomenclatural changes. In addition to the species listed in this paper, at least 51 other recent additions to the state flora have been published since the last checklist (Atwood et al., 1973). These may be found in Coun- tryman (1978), Hellquist and Crow (1980), Wagner and Wagner (1982), Hellquist and Hilton (1983), Zika et al. (1983), Zika and Thompson (1986), Zika (1986B, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991A, 1991B, 1992), Angelo (1989, 1990), Rothrock (1991), Zika and Marshall (1991), Paris (1991), Haufler and Windham (1991), Beitel and Mickel (1992), Farrar (1992), Reznicek and Oldham (1993), and Gilman (1993 Ten of the taxa added here are rare native species with extant populations (Asplenium montanum Willd., Carex atlantica L. Bailey var. atlantica, C. capillaris L., C. cumulata (L. Bailey) Mack., Dracocephalum parviflorum Nutt., Eleocharis robbinsii Oakes, Myrica pensylvanica Mirbel., Panicum flexile (Gattinger) Scribn., Potentilla pensylvanica L., and Vaccinium stamineum L.). Four of these (Asplenium montanum, Carex capillaris, Draco- cephalum parviflorum, and Panicum flexile) are currently listed as state Threatened or Endangered species (10 V.S.A., Chapter 123). We have recommended to the Vermont Endangered Species Committee that all of these species, with the exception of Myrica pensylvanica, be listed as state Threatened or Endangered species. Recently Discovered or Authenticated Species Ajuga reptans L., Lamiaceae, carpet-bugle. Windsor Co.: road- side, South Woodstock, 1967 (Ahles 685243 MASS); Orleans Co.: under raspberries, Lake Willoughby, Westmore, 1980 (Zika 1354 MASS, VT) Alyssum saxatile L., Brassicaceae, golden-tuft. Chittenden Co.: escape from cultivation, Shelburne, 1979 (Zika 1291, VT); Addison Co.: naturalized and common on limy ledges, Gar- diners Island, Ferrisburg, 1980 (Zika 1639 MASS, VT); 1981 (Zika 4048 NEBC). Asplenium montanum Willd., Aspleniaceae, mountain spleen- wort. Bennington Co.: about 30 plants in cracks, dry sunny quartzite ledges, cliffs above Rattlesnake Brook, elev. 1000 feet, Pownal, 1974 (Jenkins s.n. VT). 294 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Cardamine impatiens L., Brassicaceae, European bittercress. Ben- nington Co.: old railroad grade south of golf course, Ben- nington, 1979 (Zika & Jenkins 1332 VT); edge of a footpath, Bennington, 1985 (Jenkins & Thompson s.n. VT). Known since 1981 from two localities in adjacent White Creek, Washington Co., New York (Zika & Jenkins 8024 VT). Carex atlantica L. Bailey var. atlantica, Cyperaceae, Atlantic sedge. Franklin Co.: Franklin Bog, Franklin, 1965 (Seymour s.n. VT); deep water of lag and central pools, with Carex comosa F. Boott and C. interior L. Bailey, several places, S. end of Franklin Bog, Franklin, 1982 (Jenkins 82-176 VT); ten clumps, N. end of Franklin Bog, Franklin, 1982 (Zika 6115 VT); Bennington Co.: sedge-alder swamp, with Carex stricta Lam. and C. stipata Muhl., near a sandy field, N. Pownal, 1982 (Jenkins 82-155 VT). Determinations based on keys in Reznicek and Ball (1980). Carex capillaris L., Cyperaceae, hair-like sedge. Caledonia Co.: limy seepage area near Route 2, with Equisetum variegatum Schleich., and Eleocharis tenuis (Willd.) Schultes var. borealis (Svenson) Gleason, Danville, 1985 (Zika 9040 VT). Discov- ered here by T. Rawinski in 1984. Reported from northern Vermont by Fernald (1950), but vouchers never located. Carex cumulata (L. Bailey) Mack., Cyperaceae, sedge. Windham Co.: sandy bluff, eroding bank of Connecticut River, with Leptoloma cognatum (Schultes) Chase, Paspalum setaceum Michx. var. ciliatifolium (Michx.) Vasey, Cyperus filiculmis Vahl, and weeds, Rockingham, 1989 (Thompson & Rawinski 2307 VT, Det. A. A. Reznicek, 1990); among granite boulders in steep oak woods, with Pinus rigida Miller, Black Mountain, Dummerston, 1991 (Jenkins s.n. VT). Carex spicata Huds., Cyperaceae, sedge. Rutland Co.: rough limy meadow west of the south end of Shaw Mt., West Haven, 1990 (Thompson 90-52 VT); limy meadow by Catfish Cove, Mt. Independence, Orwell, 1990 (Jenkins s.n. VT). The two colonies are within 10 miles of each other and both consist of a few clumps of the sedge within a few square meters. Eleocharis robbinsii Oakes, Cyperaceae, Robbin’s spike-rush. Rutland Co.: locally abundant, shallow water adjacent to bog- gy shore, with Nuphar, Utricularia gibba L. and Potamogeton epihydrus Raf., east shore of Little Lake, Wells, 1989 (Jenkins sn V 1). 1995] Jenkins and Zika— Flora of Vermont 295 Erucastrum gallicum (Willd.) O. E. Schulz, Brassicaceae, dog mustard. Orleans Co.: lower slope of Mt. Pisgah, Westmore, 1973 (Hodgdon et al. 19983 NHA). Vouchers for stations reported by Dole (1937) have not been found. Hieraceum flagellare Willd., Asteraceae, whiplash hawkweed. indham Co.: roadside, junction of Routes 103 and Inter- ea Rockingham, 1979 (Ahles 86816 MASS, VT); Wind- sor Co.: roadside, Route 103, Chester, 1979 (Ahles 86783 MASS) Tris sibirica L., lridaceae, Siberian iris. Windham Co.: roadside, Rockingham, 1979 (Ahles 86823 MASS); Chittenden Co.: naturalized in a damp meadow, Shelburne, 1981 (Zika 4013 ees sandy lot by airport, South Burlington, 1985 (Zika 9062 wis amabilis Graebn., Caprifoliaceae, beauty-bush. Chit- tenden Co.: apparently coridine from cultivation into thick- ets, Rock Point, Burlington, 1981 (Zika 4706 VT). Lavandula angustifolia Mill. (L. officinalis Chaix., L. spica L., L. vera DC.], Lamiaceae, lavender. Windham Co.: escaped in field, Guilford, 1982 (Zika 6547 VT). Earlier reports of L. spica (Atwood et al., 1973) are based on collections from cultivated plants. Lysimachia vulgaris L., Primulaceae, garden loosestrife. Ben- nington Co.: roadsides, Pownal, 1967 (Ahles 67959 MASS); Windsor Co.: naturalized, Connecticut River shore, near mouth of Lulls Brook, Hartland, 1982 (Zika 6220 VT), Washington Co.: roadside weed, Plainfield, 1980 (Zika 1654 VT); Windham Co.: common on Connecticut River shore, two miles south of Bellows Falls, Westminster, 1982 (Zika 6269 VT). Mentha xvillosa Hudson [M. alopecuroides Hull], Lamiaceae, foxtail mint. Washington Co.: railroad yard, Montpelier, 1975 (Ahles 81496 MASS); Windham Co.: weed, sandy dump, Brattleboro, 1982 (Zika 6461 NEBC, VT). Myosotis micrantha Pallas [M. stricta Link], Boraginaceae, blue scorpion-grass. Chittenden Co.: lawn weed, North Beach Campground and Lakeview Cemetery, Burlington, 1980 (Zika 1330 & 1370 VT); weed, Horsford Nursery, Charlotte, 1984 (Zika 7988 VT). An earlier record for Burlington (Seymour 23094 MO), cited in Seymour (1982), is based on a specimen of M. arvensis (L.) Hill. 296 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Myrica pensylvanica Mirbel., Myricaceae, bayberry. Chittenden 0.: five clones, ca. 120 ramets, overgrown hillside pasture north of Rt. 2, with Acer rubrum L., Berberis, Crataegus, Pinus strobus L., Rubus, Richmond, 1992 (Marshall 2446 VT). First observed in 1989 by Everett J. Marshall. Panicum flexile (Gattinger) Scribn., Poaceae, panic grass. Rutland Co.: common, sunny limestone ledges, Shaw Mountain, West Haven, 1983 (Jenkins & Zika 7665 NEBC, VT). Previous reports for Grand Isle are based on a sheet of P. capillare L. (Hunnewell 13908 NEBC). Panicum flexile has long been known from Skene Mountain, in Whitehall, N. Y., about 10 miles south of Shaw Mountain, where a small population still persisted in 1987 (Jenkins and Zaremba, pers. obs.). Pimpinella saxifraga L., Apiaceae, burnet saxifrage. Bennington Co.: along abandoned railroad grade, Bennington, 1975 (Jen- kins s.n. WT). First discovered at this site by Barbara Beecher in 1975. Apparently not extant in August 1985. Polygonum sachalinense F. W. Schmidt, Polygonaceae, giant knotweed. Addison Co.: Granville, 1983 (Zika 7189 VT), Lamoille Co.: roadsides of Route 108 near Mt. Mansfield, Stowe, 1980 (Zika 2224, 4752 MASS, NEBC, VT); Stowe, 1981 (Angelo et al., s.n. NEBC); Wolcott, 1983 (Zika 7486A VT); Washington Co.: railroad yard, Roxbury, 1982 (Zika 6760 VT); Windsor Co.: railroad yard, White River Junction, 1981 (Zika 5336 NEBC, VT). Potentilla pensylvanica L., Rosaceae, Pennsylvania cinquefoil. Washington Co.: hilltop pasture, Plainfield, 1968 (Jenkins s.n. VT). Colony extant but very small in September 1987. Setaria faberi R. Herrm., Poaceae, giant foxtail. Addison Co.: New Haven Junction, 1981 (Zika 5258 VT); Middlebury, 1981 (Zika 5263 VT), Ferrisburg, 1981 (Zika 5292 VT); Bennington Co.: Bennington, 1984 (Zika 8263 VT); Chit- tenden Co.: Burlington, 1980 (Zika 1913 VT); Jericho, 1981 (Zika 5185 VT); Franklin Co.: St. Albans, 1981 (Zika 5177 VT); Rutland Co.: Rutland, 1981 (Zika 5270 VT); Wash- ington Co.: Waterbury, 1979 (Zika 1228 VT); Windham Co.: Brattleboro, 1981 (Zika 5339 VT); Windsor Co.: White River Junction, 1981 (Zika 5132 VT). This species apparently has increased rapidly in New York since 1940 (Smith, 1965) and has been spreading rapidly in Vermont since about 1970 (W. D. Countryman, pers. comm.). At present it is a widespread pest on railroad easements, agricultural lands, and roadsides, 1995] Jenkins and Zika— Flora of Vermont 297 where it is frequently associated with Setaria glauca (L.) P. Beauv., S. viridis (L.) P. Beauv., Aristida spp., Panicum di- chotomiflorum Michx., or Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrader. Vaccinium stamineum L., Ericaceae, deerberry. Bennington Co.: one bush in rocky woods above River Road, North Pownal, 1986 (Jenkins s.n. VT). Brainerd et al. (1900) noted in the appendix to their flora that V. stamineum was known from Mt. Greylock in Williamstown, Massachusetts, and should be sought in Vermont. A record from Wells River, Vermont, in Dole (1937) was not supported by a herbarium specimen. Verbena stricta Vent., Verbenaceae, hoary vervain. Chittenden Co.: weed in cracks in asphalt, Troy Ave., Colchester, 1981 (Zika 4234 VT). Older Records, Not Previously Cited Asclepias verticillata L., Asclepiadaceae, whorled milkweed. Wind- sor Co.: Windsor, undated (4A/phonso Wood s.n. NY). Al- though the Windsor collection lacks a date and was not cited in any previous Vermont flora, we accept the record because the specimen is correctly identified and geographically plau- sible. A collection by C. C. Frost from Brattleboro cited in early floras has not been found. Dioscorea batatas Decne., Dioscoreaceae, Chinese yam. Wind- ham Co.: Townshend, 1922 (L. A. Wheeler s.n. NEBC). Mar- ginal addition, probably short-lived, as Wheeler’s label reads: ‘“‘temporary escape.” Hieracium murorum L., Asteraceae, golden lungwort. Rutland Co.: Center Rutland, 1947 (Kirk s.n. TUFT). Rhododendron periclymenoides (Michx.) Shinners [Rhododen- dron nudiflorum (L.) Torr.], Ericaceae, pinkster-flower. Cal- edonia Co.: Peacham, 1891 (F. Blanchard s.n. NY). All re- cords of this species cited in previous floras are based on specimens of R. prinophyllum (Small) Millais [R. roseum (Loisel.) Rehd.]. Older Records, Cited by Previous Floras, But Omitted From Re- cent Floras or Monographs Carex atlantica L. Bailey var. capillacea (L. Bailey) Cronq. [C. howei Mackenzie], Cyperaceae, Howe’s sedge. Chittenden Co.: Colchester, 1899 and 1907 (Flynn s.n. VT); S. Burlington, 298 Rhodora [Vol. 97 1896 (Flynn s.n. VT). Not cited for Vermont by Reznicek and Ball (1980). Carex wiegandii Mackenzie, Cyperaceae, Wiegand’s sedge. Wind- ham Co.: Torrey Meadow, Stratton, 1895 (Grout s.n. VT); Chittenden Co.: Star Farm, Burlington, 1906 (Flynn s.n. VT). Listed in Seymour (1969) and Atwood et al. (1973), but not cited for Vermont by Reznicek and Ball (1980). Dracocephalum parviflorum Nutt., Lamiaceae, American drag- onhead. Windsor Co.: potato field, Billings Farm, Wood- stock, 1921 (Kittredge s.n. VINS); Rutland Co.: West Clar- endon, 1915 (Potter s.n. TUFT); dry rocky slope in full sun, Twin Mountain, West Rutland, 1983 (Jenkins, pers. obs.). Cited by Kittredge (1931) and Dole (1937), but not in sub- sequent works. Geum vernum (Raf.) T. & G., Rosaceae, spring avens. “Vermont”: undated collection (ex herb. Torrey VT); Bennington Co.: fertile ground among wrecked cars, 100 m. north of the North Bennington post office, with G. canadense Jacq., Chenopo- dium gigantospermum Aellen and weeds, Bennington, 1985 (Zika 9087 VT). Torrey’s sheet, presumed to have been made in the 1800’s, was reported in Seymour (1967), but not in previous floras or Atwood et al. (1973). The North Ben- nington colony was discovered by J. Jenkins and had both flowers and fruits on 5 June 1985. The species is not otherwise known from New England, but occurs occasionally in eastern New York (Jenkins, pers. obs.). Primula veris L., Primulaceae, primrose. Chittenden Co.: garden escape, Burlington, 1898 (Jones s.n. VT). Cited in Dole (1937), but omitted from recent floras. Tagetes patula L., Asteraceae, French marigold. Windsor Co.: riverbank, Billings Farm, Woodstock, 1918 (Kittredge s.n. VINS). Cited by Dole (1937), but not in subsequent works. Plants Incorrectly Determined in Previous Floras Delphinium orientale J. Gay [Consolida orientalis (J. Gay) Schré- dinger], Ranunculaceae, rocket larkspur. Chittenden Co.: roadside escape, Charlotte, 1903 (Flynn s.n. VT). Previously reported as Delphinium ajacis L. Prunus cerasus L., Rosaceae, sour cherry. Bennington Co.: Man- chester, 1898 (Day 371 NEBC). The specimen was labelled 1995] Jenkins and Zika—Flora of Vermont 299 as P. avium L. and was cited under this name in previous floras. Harry Ahles annotated it to P. cerasus in 1975. A Brainerd specimen of P. cerasus from Middlebury, cited in Dole (1937), has not been found. Solanum sarrachoides Sendtner, Solanaceae, hairy nightshade. Chittenden Co.: garden weed, Westford, 1969 (Meunier s.n. VT). Previously reported as S. villosum Mill. (Seymour, 1969). DELETIONS FROM THE FLORA This section lists 192 species, credited to Vermont in publi- cations or represented by herbarium specimens, that we have either proven to be erroneously credited to the state or have been unable to validate. These we are deleting from the flora. In doing sO we are not asserting that the species has never occurred in Vermont, but only that the historical reports are apparently un- verifiable or in error. The deletions do not include taxa (like Antennaria brainerdi Greene or Aster pringlei (Gray) Britton) that were formerly listed for Vermont but are now included in other species. Species have been deleted for any of six reasons?. The com- monest reason 1s that no specimen was found (NSF). For 130 of the deleted species we were unable to locate vouchers to support one or more of the published records. Ninety-six of these species lacked vouchers altogether and another 34 lacked vouchers for one or more of the reported stations. Interestingly, only 19 of the species that lack vouchers for one or more sites are cited in the floras whose authors required vouch- ers for all the species they listed (Brainerd et al., 1900; Eggleston et al., 1915; Seymour, 1969; Atwood et al., 1973); in these cases 3 The claim that a species is or was present in Vermont is usually based on one or more published records, which may or may not cite individual specimens. We delete a species only after we have either looked for and found no corroborating specimens or ae examined and rejected all ane specimens we have found. The reasons for re] ’t be found; others are misidentified; others are rejected ! because they were cultivated, incorrectly cited, or otherwise dubious (see main text). Because the decision to reject a species usually rests on the rejection of several specimens or citations, a species may be deleted for a combination of reasons. Thus we say, for example, that some species lacked vouchers altogether, while others lacked vouchers for one or more stations. In the latter cases, the stations with vouchers would have been deleted for other reasons. 300 Rhodora [Vol. 97 it is likely that the original specimens cited in these floras have since been lost or redetermined. The remaining 111 species which lack one or more vouchers were cited in works (Oakes, 1842; Torrey, 1853; Perkins, 1988: Dole, 1937) that included unvouch- ered records. In many of these cases we suspect that no specimen was ever seen by the authors of the floras. The second most common reason for deleting species is that they are misidentified (MI). For 50 deleted species one or more vouchers were misidentified. These include 28 species for which all the published records were misidentifications and another 22 species for which all the vouchers we could locate were misiden- tified. A third group of deletions are cultivated species that are not provably naturalized. To list a cultivated species in the flora, we require evidence that it has spread (though not necessarily per- sisted) beyond the immediate area where it was cultivated. Many collectors made specimens of cultivated plants; and, in the ab- sence of information about where a specimen was collected, the mere presence of a specimen of a cultivar in a herbarium does not prove that the plant was naturalized. A total of 31 deleted species fall in this category. Twenty of these are based on speci- mens that are almost certainly from cultivated plants (CULT), and another 11 are based on specimens whose labels lack habitat information and so are not definitely naturalized (NDN). A fourth group of deletions includes 15 records based wholly or partly on specimens that were correctly determined by their collectors, but incorrectly cited or attributed to Vermont in sub- sequent floras (IC). Examples include a specimen of Erigeron acris L. from the St. Johns River in Maine which was relabeled and credited to the St. Johnsbury Railroad in Vermont and, less dra- matically, a number of cases where the old and new names for a plant were listed in the same work as two separate species. When one name 1s obsolete, this causes no real problems. But in cases (e.g., Cardamine flexuosa With., Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Me- dikus, or Carex saxatilis L.) where one of the names is now used for a species that doesn’t occur in Vermont, this practice can lead to significant errors, particularly when these records are cited in regional floristic works. A fifth group of deletions includes five species for which some or all of the specimens are inadequate (IS) because they are im- mature, sterile, fragmentary, or otherwise undeterminable. These are mostly species that closely resemble a common Vermont spe- 1995] Jenkins and Zika—Flora of Vermont 301 cies. Examples are Lepidium ruderale L., sterile plants of which resemble the common L. densiflorum Schrader, and Salix serris- sima (L. H. Bailey) Fern., whose immature leaves closely resemble those of the common Salix /ucida Muhl. The last group of deletions includes five species in which one or more specimens are correctly determined, but not provably from Vermont, that is, the collection data is not convincing. We call these specimens of doubtful provenance (DP). Our reasons for reyecting them—which are inferential and not conclusive—are different in each case and are summarized in the entries for those species. Each of the following entries gives a) the species deleted; b) the publications (if any) that cited the record; c) in bold type, the locality to which the plant was credited, or NL if no locality was given, or an abundance in quotation marks if that is the only distributional information in the original publication; d) the col- lector of the specimen on which the record is based (or NCC when no collector was cited in the publication) and the herbarium hold- ing that specimen (both in parentheses); and e) our reason for deleting the record. When the current name differs from that used in the original publication, we give the older name in square brackets. When no herbarium is listed, it means that we found no specimen and are listing the locality and collector credited in the original publication. For readability, we use the following abbreviations. Publications: A, Atwood et al. (1973); AM, Ames (1910); B, Brown (1964); BR, Brainerd et al. (1900); C, Countryman (1978): CR, Crow (1982); D, Dole (1937): E, Eggleston et al. (1915); EB, Eggleston and Brainerd (1904); F, Fernald (1950); FL, Flynn (1911); G, Gleason and Cronquist (1991): I, Cronquist et al. (1977); J, James (1823); JE, Jesup (1891); K, Kennedy (1904); KI, Kit- tredge (1931); KS, Kittredge (1939); LI, Little (1977); O, Oakes (1842); P, Perkins (1888); PE, Pennell (1935); S, Seymour (1969); T, Torrey (1853); W, Watson and Coulter (1890). Reasons for deletions: CULT, cultivated; DP, doubtful prov- enance; IC, incorrectly cited; IS, inadequate specimen; MI, mis- identified; NDN, not definitely naturalized; NSF, no specimen found. Allium porrum L. [A. fistulosum sensu Dole (1937), not L.], A, S, Manchester, (Day NEBC, GH), MI = A. cepa L. or A. fis- tulosum L. 302 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Amaranthus cannabinus (L.) Sauer [Acnida cannabina L.], D, Woodstock, (Kittredge), MI = Amaranthus rudis Sauer ?; NL (ex herb. Torrey, VT), MI = Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer [Acnida altissima (Riddell) Moq. ex Standl.]. Amaranthus powellii 8. Wats., D, Woodstock, (Kittredge), NSF. Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medikus, A, S, 14 sites, (several col- lectors, VT), IC = A. arborea (Michx. f.) Fern. The name A. canadensis, which formerly included the Vermont plants now attributed to A. arborea, 1s restricted to plants of the coastal plain. Anchusa arvensis (L.) M. Bieb. [Lycopsis arvensis L.], P, “not common,” (NCC), NSF; O, Pownal, (Reed), NSF; Middle- bury, (Dodge VT), MI = Lithospermum officinale L. Antennaria virginica Stebbins, D, Middlebury, (Brainerd), NSF; A, North Dorset, (F/ynn VT), MI = A. neglecta Greene var. neodioica (Greene) Cronq.; A, Vernon, (VCC VT), NSF. See Bayer and Stebbins (1982). Aronia arbutifolia (L.) Elliott [Pyrus arbutifolia (L.) L. f. var. er- ythrocarpa Gray], O, P, NL, (NCC), NSF; D, “occasional,” (NCC), NSF. Asclepias purpurascens L., T, Brattleboro, (Frost), NSF; P, ‘“‘com- mon,” (NCC), NSF; D, KI, Woodstock, (Kittredge NY, Bill- ings & Kittredge VINS), both MI = A. syriaca L.; C, S, Essex, (Carpenter VT), MI = A. syriaca; Burlington, (Aver & Sullivan VT), MI = A. syriaca. Aster ciliolatus Lindley [4. lindlevanus T. & G.], D, S, Ripton, (NCC), NSF; A, D, E, South Bellows Falls, (Blanchard), NSF; D, Burlington, (Dole), NSF; A, D, Middletown Springs, (Car- penter VT), MI = 4. cordifolius L.; Bellows Falls, (Potter VT), MI = A. cordifolius. Aster dumosus L., D, Hartland, (:ggleston), NSF; D, Westmin- ster, (Blanchard VT), MI = A. racemosus Elliot [A. vimineus L. of Vermont authors]; D, Wells River, (Smith), NSF; Vernon, (Blanchard VT), MI = A. racemosus;, Rutland, (Eggleston HNH), MI = A. cordifolius L. x ? A. pilosus Willd. Aster foliaceus Lindley ex DC., A, S, West R. & Connecticut R., (several collectors, HNH, NEBC, VT), MI = Aster novi-belgii L. Large populations of a plant related to Aster novi-belgii occur along the West and upper Connecticut Rivers. The plants have the slightly enlarged and veiny outer bracts of 1995] Jenkins and Zika—Flora of Vermont 303 the boreal species A. foliaceus, but resemble Aster novi-belgii in other features and differ in leaf shape and bract width from Canadian and cordilleran material of A. foliaceus. Measure- ments from 50 West River collections (Jenkins, unpubl. data) show that the plants with broader bracts that have been called A, foliaceus grow mixed with typical A. novi-belgii, and that intermediates occur. On the basis of this evidence, we refer all Vermont collections of A. foliaceus to A. novi-belgii, noting that A. novi-belgii, which is known to be quite variable, can have outer involucral bracts to 2.0 mm wide which are more or less reticulately veined. This conclusion agrees with that of a brief study of specimens from the upper Hudson River (Jenkins, 1990, unpubl. report to the Adirondack Nature Conservancy, Keene) and an extensive study of plants from Quebec (Jacques Labrecque, pers. comm.). Aster infirmus Michx., D, Danville, (Drake), NSF. Aster patens Aiton, P, NL, (Barrows), NSF. Aster praealtus Poiret, O, Bellows Falls, (Carey), NSF. Aster prenanthoides Muhl., BR, E, Newfane, (Grout), MI = A. novi-belgii L. var. tardiflorus (L.) A. G. Jones; E, D, Taftsville, (Darling), NSF. Aster solidagineus Michx. [Sericocarpus solidagineus Nees], P, “not common,” (NCC), NSF. Atropa belladona L., D, Wells River, (Smith), NSF. Besides Atro- pa belladona, Dole (1937) reported Gaylussacia frondosa (L.) T. & G., Vaccinium stamineum L., and Silene pensylvanica Michx. from Wells River on the authority of W. P. Smith. All are native species and, excepting Vaccineum stamineum which was recently discovered in extreme southwestern Ver- mont (100 miles from Wells River), all are otherwise un- known in Vermont, geographically unlikely, and unsupported by vouchers or citations in other floras. Avena Sterilis L., A, Charlotte, (Pringle VT), CULT. Bidens comosa (A. Gray) Wieg., D, Middlebury (Brainerd), NSF: A, S, Vernon, (Eaton NEBC), IS. Bidens laevis (L.) BSP. [B. chrysanthemoides Michx.], P, “wet places,” (NCC), NSF; E, ““common,” (NCC), NSF; D, Mid- dlebury, (Brainerd), NSF; D, Danville, (Drake), NSF; East Dorset, (Grout VT), MI = B. cernua L.; Middletown Springs, (Carpenter VT), MI = B. cernua; Rutland, (Kirk VT), MI = 304 Rhodora [Vol. 97 B. cernua. Bidens laevis, a rare species barely reaching our area, closely resembles the common B. cernua and probably was the species Perkins and Eggleston had in mind. Bromus arvensis L., D, Windham, (Blanchard), NSF; Brattleboro, (Ahles MASS), MI = B. japonicus Thunb. Bromus hordaceus L. [B. mollis L.], P, NL, (NCC), NSF. Calamagrostis cinnoides (Muhl.) Bart. [Deyeuxia nuttaliana St., C. nuttalliana Steud.], D, JE, P, Windsor, (Leland), NSF. Calystegia hederacea Wallich [C. pubescens Lindl., Convolvulus japonicus Thunb.], E, D, NL, (NCC), NSF. Cardamine flexuosa With., D, Wallingford, (Brainerd), IC = C. pensylvanica Muhl.; D, Smugglers Notch, (Brainerd), IC = C. pensylvanica; KI, Woodstock, (Kittredge), NSF. See Kit- tredge (1936). The name C. flexuosa, which is now restricted to a plant of the southern U.S., was formerly used for broad- leaved forms of C. pensylvanica. Cardamine rotundifolia Michx., T, Vermont, (Robbins), NSF. Carex adusta F. Boott, P, Fairlee, (Blanchard), NSF; P, Middle- bury, (Blanchard), NSF Carex atrata L., 1, Vermont, IC = C. atratiformis Britton. Carex bullata Schk., D, Sharon, (Dutton), NSF; Whitingham, (Ahles MASS), MI = C. vesicaria L. Carex collinsii Nutt., A, S, ae Co., (VCC NEBC), NSF; A, S, Walden, (VCC NEBC), N Carex crawel Dewey, P, age (Pringle), NSF. Carex dioica L. var. gynocrates (Wormsk.) Ostenf. [C. gynocrates Wormsk.], P, T, Burlington, (7orrey), NSF. Carex flaccosperma Dewey [C. glaucodea Tuckerm.], D, Leices- ter, (Dutton), NSF; D, Middlebury, (Brainerd), NSF; D, Mid- dletown Springs, (Carpenter), NSF. Carex saxatilis L., O, Mt. Mansfield, (Robbins et al.), NSF; O, Camel’s Hump, (Tuckerman GH), IC = C. bigelowii. Carex saxatilis and Carex bigelowii are somewhat similar in ap- pearance, though only distantly related. Some 19th-century authors (1.e., Gray, 1857) treated them, incorrectly, as syn- onyms. Carex shortiana Dewey, P, Burlington, ‘‘doubtful,” (ex herb. Tor- rey), NSF. Carex sterilis Willd., A, C, N, S, Concord, (Pease NEBC), IC = Carex echinata Murray; “Vermont,” (Kent NEBC), IC = Car- ex echinata. Robinson and Fernald (1908) defined C. sterilis 1995] Jenkins and Zika—Flora of Vermont 305 broadly, including much of what is now called C. echinata. Our more restrictive use of C. sterilis is for a rare coastal and boreal species that does not occur in Vermont, according to Reznicek and Ball (1980) and Fernald (1950). Carex striata Michx. [C. walteriana Bailey], T, Burlington, (Tor- rey), NSF. According to House (1924, p. 193), records of C. striata in Torrey’s Flora of New York probably refer to Carex houghtoniana Torr. ex Dewey. Carex styloflexa Buckley, A, C, S, Middlebury, (Brainerd VT), MI = Carex laxiflora Lam. or C. gracilescens Steudel. Carex tetanica Schk., P, Burlington, (ex herb. Torrey), NSF. Carex vestita Willd., O, Middlebury, (James), NSF. Carya tomentosa (Poiret) Nutt. [C. a/ba (Mill.) K. Koch, not Nutt.], FL, D, Williston, West Haven, (Blake), NSF; FL, D, Burlington, (Burns), IC = C. ovata (Mill.) K. Koch. The his- torical synonymy of the common hickories is complex, the Linnean epithet a/ba having been used in different ways by different 19th-century authors. Some early Vermont collec- tors, following Gray (1857, 1874) used C. a/ba sensu Nutt. for the shagbark C. ovata; this apparently created confusion with the mockernut, C. tomentosa, which Robinson and Fer- nald (1908) incorrectly called C. alba (L.) K. Koch. Mock- ernuts occur in eastern N.Y., but are apparently unknown in Vermont. Centaurea americana Nutt., D, St. Johnsbury, (Howe), NSF. Cerastium viscosum L. [C. glomeratum Thuill.], D, Wells River, (Eastman), NSF. Chelone lyonii Pursh, D, Woodstock, (Kittredge), NSF. Chenopodium berlandieri Moq. var. berlandieri, D, Vergennes, Middlebury, (Dutton), NSF. Chenopodium berlandieri Moq. var. macrocalycium (Aellen) Cronq. cé& macrocal) cum Aellen], A, Colchester, (Flynn VT), MI = C. berlandieri var. bushianum (Aellen) Crong. The specimen was originally determined as C. album L. and an- notated to C. macrocalycium by Wahl during his study of the genus (Wahl, 1952-3). We refer it to C. berlandieri var. bushianum, noting that Wah] determined several other Flynn specimens from this locality, including one collected on the same day, as C. bushianum Aellen. Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt., J, O, Middlebury, (James), NSF: O, Mansfield Mountain, (VCC), NSF; O, Shelburne & 306 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Sharpshin Points near Burlington, (/acrae), NSF; D, “Ver- mont,” (ex herb. Torrey VT), DP; “Vermont,” (Dike VT), DP. The records from Middlebury, Burlington, and Mt. Mansfield are in the northern half of Vermont and are dis- junct by over 100 miles from known stations of the species in other states. The Dike collection has a printed label saying “Flora of Vermont” but the collection data 1s handwritten and says only “Cimicifuga racemosa Rich Woods, 20th July, A.C. Dike.’ The collection from the Torrey Herbarium says only “Actaea racemosa Nutt. Vermont.” The species 1s re- ported from within 20 miles of the southern Vermont border and could easily have occurred here; but, given the lack of detailed collection information and the possibility that the specimens may have come from cultivated plants, we cannot accept the records. Cirsium altissimum (L.) Sprengel, D, Wells River, (Eastman), NSF. C. altissimum, a species of the southern U.S., closely resembles our C. discolor (Muhl.) Sprengel, which may have been the species Eastman saw. Cirsium canum (L.) Bieb., D, Castleton, (Higby), NSF. Cirsium horridulum Michx., P, T, Brattleboro, (Frost), NSF. Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop., D, Wells River, (Kastman), NSF. Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Sprengel, D, Wells River, (Eastman), NSF Clematis viorna L., P, T, Castleton, (Carr), NSF. Crataegus laevigata (Poiret) DC. [C. oxyacantha L., misapplied], A, Ryegate, (Blanchard HNH), IC = C. monogyna Jacq.; A, Fairlee, (Eggleston HNH), IC = C. monogyna; A, S, Bur- lington, (NCC VT), CULT. Atwood (1973) lists both C. ox- yacantha (now a rejected name) and C. monogyna for Ver- mont; earlier Vermont authors treated these names as syn- onyms, and the Blanchard and Eggleston specimens are in fact all C. monogyna. Crepis setosa Haller f., EB, E, Townshend, (Blanchard), NSF, D, Townshend, (Wheeler), NSF. Cyperus polystachos Rottb. [Cyperus filicinus Vahl], A, many counties, (several collectors VT, MO, NEBC), IC = C. lupu- linus (Sprengel) Marcks [C. filiculmis Vahl var. macilentus Fern.). This was probably an orthographic error, substituting C. filicinus (a coastal species not known inland) for C. fili- culmis, a common Vermont plant. 1995] Jenkins and Zika—Flora of Vermont 307 Datura metel L., D, Middlebury, (Brainerd VT), CULT. Desmodium canescens (L.) DC., O, P, Pownal, (Robbins), NSF. Desmodium obtusum (Muhl.) DC. [Desmodium rigidum (EIl.) DC.], E, D, North Pownal, (E-gg/eston), NSF; E, D, Vernon, (W.H. Blanchard), NSF. Dianthus chinensis L., A, Middlebury, (Brainerd VT), CULT. Elaeagnus angustifolia L., A, Westmore, (Dole VT), NDN. Eleocharis parvula (R. & S.) Link [E. pygmaea Torr.], BR, K, Willoughby, (Dean HNH), MI = E. intermedia (Muhl.) Schultes. Eleocharis rostellata (Torr.) Torr., P, W, Willoughby Mt., (Tuck- erman NEBC), MI = E. pauciflora (Lightf.) Link. Erigeron acris L. [E. angulosus Gaudin], D, Royalton, (Drake), NSF; St. Johnsbury, (Pringle VT), IC, collection from Maine. The nearest known stations are in Aroostock County, Maine. A Pringle specimen with a typed label at VT says “barren places by the St. Johnsbury RR.” The label is a later addition; other, apparently identical, collections have handwritten la- bels which read ‘‘barren places by the St. Johns River, Me.” Eriocaulon decangulare L., P, Willoughby, (Wood), NSF. Erodium moschatum (L.) L’Her., A, S, D, Burlington, (Brainerd VT), MI = E. cicutarium (L.) L’Her.; D, Woodstock, (Kit- tredge), NSF. Eubotrys racemosa (L.) Nutt. [Leucothoe racemosa (L.) Gray], P, NL, GYCG), NSF. Eupatorium dubium Willd., A, S, many counties, (several collec- tors VT, NEBC), MI = E. purpureum L. and E. maculatum L. All of the Vermont records for EF. dubium are annotations of specimens originally determined as FE. purpureum or E. maculatum. None of the annotated specimens agree with typical coastal E. dubium and we refer them all to their orig- inal determinations. Eupatorium fistulosum Barratt, A, S, many localities, (several col- lectors LSC, NEBC, VT), MI = £. maculatum L. Eupatorium fistulosum is normally differentiated from FE. maculatum by a hollow stem, fewer flowers per head, and a more convex inflorescence. Hollow-stemmed plants definitely occur in Vermont, but field and museum study (Jenkins, unpubl. data) has shown that such plants are neither more convex nor fewer-flowered than adjacent solid-stemmed plants. In ad- dition, the hollowness of the stem is far from being a clear- 308 Rhodora [Vol. 97 cut character. It varies in different sections of the stem and in different stems in a colony and is often mimicked by boring beetles. At present we are unable to recognize two species in our material and consider all the hollow-stemmed plants from Vermont to be forms of £. maculatum. Euphorbia geyeri Engelm., D, North Hero, (Brainerd VT), MI = FE. nutans Lag. Euphorbia humistrata Engelm., D, St. Johnsbury, (Howe), NSF. Euphorbia marginata Pursh, A, C, D, Brandon, (Dutton VT), LT; A, Windsor, (Leland NEBC), CULT: Burlington, (Flynn VT), CULT. Euphorbia serpyllifolia Pers., D, Middlebury, (Brainerd), NSF. Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl, A, Brattleboro, (Wheeler NEBC), CULT. The specimen is from Retreat Park, which has a formal garden with extensive ornamental plantings; we assume it was cultivated. Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne [F. grandiflora Ehrh.], D, Bur- lington, (Blake), NSF. Galium pumilum Murray [Galium sylvestre Poll.], E, D, Charlotte, (Pringle MO), MI = G. mollugo L.; Charlotte, (ex herb. Hors- ford MO), MI = G. mollugo. Gaylussacia frondosa (L.) T. & G., D, Wells River, (Smith), NSF. Gentiana rubricaulis Schwein., C, S, Stowe, (Straw VT), NSF = G. linearis Froelich. Dr. James Pringle (pers. comm.), who monographed the section Pheumonanthae of Gentiana (Prin- gle, 1967), saw the specimen at VT and annotated it to G. linearis Froel. The specimen is now missing. Geranium dissectum L., O, Castleton, (Carr), NSF. Gilia tricolor Benth., D, Stratton, (Blanchard), NSF. Glyceria fluitans (L.) R. Br., D, 11 sites, (several collectors VT), IC = G. borealis (Nash) Batch. Early Vermont botanists used the names G. fluitans, which is now restricted to a species of Europe and eastern Canada, and G. septentrionalis A. Hitchc., now restricted to a species occuring from Massachusetts south, for the common plants now referred to G. borealis. Glyceria obtusa (Muhl.) Trin. [Poa obtusa Muhl.], O, P, Bellows Falls, (Carey), NSF. Glyceria septentrionalis A. Hitche., E, D, Hartland, (Ruggles), NSF; D, North Hero, (Brainerd), IC = G. borealis Batch.; D, Weston, (Carpenter), IC = G. borealis; D, Colchester, (Dole), 1995] Jenkins and Zika— Flora of Vermont 309 NSF; D, “Vermont,” (Pringle), NSF; East Wallingford, (Kent), IC = G. borealis. See notes on Glyceria fluitans above. Goodyera oblongifolia Raf. [Goodyera menziesii Lindl., Epipactis decipiens Ames], D, St. Johnsbury, (Balch & Howe SJFM), MI= G. tesselata Lodd.; KI, D, Woodstock, (Kittredge VINS), IS. The Woodstock collection at VINS lacks a locality or date but has a collection number matching one written in Kit- tredge’s copy of her 1931 flora. The plant is missing from the sheet, but from the outline of the leaves remaining on the paper we believe it was G. tesselata or G. repens (L.) R. Br. Habenaria ciliaris (L.) R. Br., J, O, P, Middlebury, (James), NSF; AM, Troy, (Carey MO), NSF; D, E, Bellows Falls, (Carey), NSF; A, Troy, (Carey VT), DP, MI = H. blephariglottis (Willd.) Hook.? Habenaria ciliaris was originally credited to the Ver- mont flora in an early list of the plants of Middlebury (James, 1823). Perkins (1888) noted, on the authority of Ezra Brai- nerd, that James prepared the list “in his earlier manhood and before he had acquired the botanical skill to which he afterwards attained,” and that ‘“‘although of great value, it nevertheless must be used with care as it contains undoubted errors.” The collection cited at MO by Ames (1910) is miss- ing. The Carey specimen at VT is labeled ““Habenaria ble- phariglottis, Troy, Vt., John Carey, 1861.” We reject this record for two reasons. First, Habenaria blephariglottis (Willd.) Hook. and H. ciliaris, while easily separated by color in the field, are hard to tell apart accurately when dry (Voss, 1972, p. 442). Herbarium identification rests on the length of the fringe on the lip, a character which we have found to vary considerably in other Vermont collections of H. ble- phariglottis. Because of this variability we cannot determine the specimen with certainty, but think it is probably H. ble- phariglottis. In addition, we find it hard to believe that if Carey had found a yellow-flowered Habenaria he would have used the name of acommon white species. Second, the spec- imen has been remounted and the current sheet consists of portions of two older herbarium sheets, one of which bears the specimen, and the other the label data. The original papers differ in texture and composition, suggesting they are of dif- ferent ages and that an error occurred when the plant was S10 Rhodora [Vol. 97 being remounted. Thus, both the identification of the spec- imen and the accuracy of the label are questionable. Habenaria leucophaea (Nutt.) A. Gray, D, St. Johnsbury, (Howe SJFM), MI = #7. lacera (Michx.) Lodd.; D, Danville, (Howe & Balch TUFT), MI = H. psycodes (L.) Sprengel. Hieracium gronovii L., T, Colchester, (Torrey VT), MI = H. sca- brum Michx.; T, Brattleboro, (Frost), NSF: D, Woodstock, (Kittredge), NSF. Hydrangea arborescens L., D, Burlington, (Dole), NSF. [beris amara L., A, Peacham, (Blanchard HNH), NDN. Ilex laevigata (Pursh) A. Gray, T, mouth of Winooski River, (NCC), NSF; C, LI, Rutland Co., (NCC), NSF; Charlotte, (Eggleston HNH), MI = J. verticillata (L.) A. Gray. Ipomoea coccinea L., D, Burlington, (Mrs. Zottman), NSF. aa sl L. [Quamoclit vulgaris Chosey], A, Windsor, (Leland NEBC), CULT. The specimen has two labels. The aoa label says “‘habitat gardens’; a second label, covering the first, says ‘‘garden escape.” [satis tinctoria L., P, Burlington, (VCC), NSF. Juglans nigra L., D, Leicester, (Dutton), NSF; A, C, S, West Dover, (Eaton NEBC), MI = J. cinerea L.; “Railroad Street,” (Roony SJFM), NDN. Juncus brachycarpus Engelm., A, Caledonia Co., (Seymour), NSF. Lamium album L., D, St. Johnsbury, (owe), NSF; D, Burling- ton, (Flynn VT), MI = L. maculatum L. Lappula redowskii (Hornem.) Greene, A, Williston, (Bates GH), MI = L. squarrosa (Retz.) Dumort [L. echinata Gilib.]. Lechea maritima Leggett, A, C, S, Burlington, (F/ynn VT), MI = L. intermedia Leggett; A, C, S, Burlington, (Charette, det. A. R. Hodgdon, MO, HNH), MI = L. intermedia; A, C, S, Essex, (Charette VT), MI = L. intermedia; A, C, S, Essex, (Brainerd VT), MI = L. intermedia. Lechea maritima is, to us, a poorly delimited species. The characteristic pubesence of coastal plants is not present on inland material that we have seen, making L. maritima difficult to separate from L. intermedia without mature seeds. The inland range of L. maritima is, correspondingly, uncertain. When Hodgdon reviewed the ge- nus (Hodgdon, 1938) he found no valid records from Ver- mont, though subsequently he identified Charette’s 1969 Bur- lington collection as L. maritima. This specimen appears to 1995] Jenkins and Zika— Flora of Vermont 311 us to fall within the range of variation of the Vermont spec- imens of L. intermedia and we refer it to that species. Lepidium ruderale L., P, Rutland, (Pringle), NSF; D, Leicester Junction, (Brainerd), NSF; Lyndonville, (Bahosh LSC), MI = L. virginicum L.; Brighton, (7rafan LSC), IS; Burlington, (Cook, Grout VT), MI = L. densiflorum Schrader. Lespedeza procumbens Michx., D, ““Vermont,”’ (VCC), NSF. Ligustrum obtusifolium Siebold & Zucc., A, Burlington, (Dole VT), NDN. The sheets are labeled: ‘“‘in series sepium” (in hedge rows), but this does not make it clear whether they are cultivated or escaped. Linum grandiflorum Desf., D, Brandon, (Dutton VT), CULT; D, Middlebury, (Brainerd VT), CULT. Lithospermum latifolium Michx., D, Colchester, (D.B. Griffin), NSF Luzula confusa Lindeberg, C, S, Rutland, (Eggleston CONN), IC. The label on the specimen reads: ““Mt. Washington, N.H., ex herb. W. W. Eggleston of Rutland.” Lycopus europaeus L., P, “not very common,” (VCC), NSF. Lycopus rubellus Moench, D, Bennington, (Rid/on), NSF; A, D, Burlington, (Dole), NSF; A, S, Lyndon, (Pease NEBC), MI = L. americanus Muhl.; A, 8, D, Willoughby, (Kennedy NEBC), MI = L. americanus, A, Colchester, (Dole VT), MI = L. americanus, A, Benson, (Atwood VT), MI = L. americanus. A range map in a review of this species by Henderson (1962) shows no Vermont occurrences. Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br., D, Proctor, (Kittredge), NSF. Matricaria recutita L. [M. chamomilla L.], D, St. Johnsbury, (Howe), NSF. Matthiola incana (L.) R. Br., A, Peacham, (Blanchard HNH), CULE Melothria pendula L., D, Burlington, (F/ynn VT), CULT. Mertensia virginica (L.) Pers., E, D, Burlington, (Gifford), NSF; D, Fair Haven, (Carpenter), NSF; S, Burlington, (Jones VT), NDN. This is a common cultivar. The Jones collection says ‘old cellar hole’? and provides no evidence that the plant has spread beyond the area where it was cultivated. Mimulus alatus Aiton, D, Wells River, (Smith), NSF. Mimulus guttatus DC. [M. langsdorfii Donn], D, Reading, (Wahit- ing), NSF. 312 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Muhlenbergia racemosa (Michx.) BSP., A, S, Westmore, (Stevens HNH), MI = M. mexicana (L.) Trin.; A, S, Westmore, (Dean HNH), IC = M. glomerata (Willd.) Trin.; A, S, Norwich, (Jesup HNH), IC = M. glomerata,; KS, Hartland, (Ruggles HNH), IC = M. glomerata. The name M. racemosa, which formerly included the Vermont plants now referred to M. glomerata, is now restricted to a western species. Muscari botryoides (L.) Miller, D, “‘occasional,’? (WCC), NSF; A, , Peacham, (Blanchard HNH), CULT; A, S, Charlotte, (Pringle VT), CULT; North Street, (Carpenter VT), DP, NDN. This is acommon cultivar which, although naturalized else- where in the northeast, has not been found wild in Vermont. The Carpenter specimen lacks a town or a state and was not cited in any floras; it may well be a Vermont collection, but cannot be accepted without corroborating evidence. Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michx., P, NL, (NCC), NSF. Nelumbo lutea (Willd.) Pers., D, Champlain Valley, (Brainerd), Oenothera biennis L. var. canescens T. & G. [O. canescens Torr. & Frem.], D, Woodstock, (Kittredge), MI = O. parviflora L. var. oakesiana (Robbins) Fern. Oenothera fruticosa L., T, Willoughby, (Frost), NSF; S, Danville, (NNC VT), NSF. Panicum amarum Elliott, P, Brattleboro, (Barrett, Robbins & Pringle), NSF. Panicum polyanthes Schultes, D, Leicester, (Dutton), NSF. Panicum spretum Schultes, A, S, Townshend, (Dobbin MO), MI = P. lanuginosum Ell. Papaver dubium L., P, NL, (NCC), NSF; Charlotte, (Pringle VT), CULT. Papaver intermedium Becker, EB, Townshend, (Blanchard), NSF. This name, taken from the original publication, is apparently no longer in use. We have been unable able to determine its modern equivalent. Penstemon laevigatus Aiton [Penstemon calycosus Small], A, S, five counties, (several collectors VT, NEBC), MI = P. digitalis Nutt.; PE, near Poultney, (Drushe/ PH), MI = P. digitalis. Petrorhagia saxifraga (L.) Link [Tunica saxifraga (L.) Scop.], D, Morrisville, (Bentley), NSF. Petroselinum crispum (Miller) Mansf., A, Townshend, (Wheeler NEBC), CULT; A, Caledonia Co., (VCC NEBC), NSF. 1995] Jenkins and Zika— Flora of Vermont 313 Phlox drummondii Hook., A, Peacham, (Blanchard HNH), NDN. Physalis peruviana L., E, D, Burlington, (Jones VT), MI = P. pubescens L.; D, Hinesburg, (Roy VT), MI = P. heterophylla Nees. Plantago virginica L., T, Brattleboro, (Frost), NSF. Poa alpina L., O, Mt. Mansfield summit, (Robbins), NSF. Poa alpina, a species of the subarctic, closely resembles our Poa fernaldiana Nannf. The latter occurs on Mt. Mansfield and may be the species that Robbins saw. Polygonum ramosissimum Michx., A, Manchester, (Day VT), MI = P. aviculare L.; BR, “frequent,” (NCC), MI = P. aviculare (Eggleston and Brainerd, 1904). Potamogeton pulcher Tuckerman, P, Brattleboro, (Frost), NSF. Prenanthes nana (Bigel.) Torr. [P. trifoliolata (Cass.) Fern. var. nana (Bigel.) Fern.], E, Willoughby Mt., (Rusby), NSF. Prenanthes racemosa Michx., D, F, Swanton, (Blake), NSF. Primula veris L. (P. officinalis (L.) Hill], D, S, Burlington, (Jones), NSF. Prunus si L., A, S, D, Manchester, (Day NEBC), MI = P. cerasus L., Prunus ee Ehrh., A, Franklin Co., (WCC NEBC), NSF. Prunus persica (L.) Batsch., A, Jamaica, (Wheeler NEBC), CULT. Pycnanthemum setosum Nutt. [P. aristatum Michx.], P, Southern Vermont, (NCC), NSF. Pyrus baccata L., D, St. Johnsbury, (iss Howe), NSF Pyrus prunifolia Willd., A, S, Worcester, (Blanchard NEBC), NDN. Quercus palustris Muenchh., D, Pittsford, (Dutton), NSF. Quercus prinoides Willd., BR, D, E, Pownal, (several collectors VT, NEBC, HNH, NCU), MI = Q. muehlenbergii Engelm.; A, 8S, Addison, (Brainerd VT), MI = Q. muehlenbergii and hybrids. The leaves of QO. prinoides, a species of sandplains in southern and central New England, are very similar to those of Q. muehlenbergii, a species of limy hills and ledges that is uncommon but widely distributed in western Vermont (Zika, 1986A). Well-developed leaves of Q. muehlenbergii are typically larger and have more teeth than those of Q. prinoides. Leaves of intermediate form are common in both species, and some authors (i.e., Gleason, 1952) consider Q. muehlenbergii an arborescent variety of Q. prinoides. Col- lections of Q. prinoides from Quarry Hill in Pownal lack bark and habit notes. They cannot be determined with certainty, 314 Rhodora [Vol. 97 though many suggest Q. muehlenbergii more strongly than Q. prinoides. Quarry Hill is a limestone hill, and has an extant population of Q. muehlenbergii,; hence we refer all the his- torical collections from Quarry Hill to that species. Speci- mens from Snake Mountain in Addison also lack notes and are likewise undeterminable. The plants there, which were recently relocated, are in a calcareous site and are typically low and multi-stemmed but occasionally have strong single trunks several meters high. Their leaves are exceptionally variable, some suggesting Q. prinoides, some Q. muehlen- bergii, and some seemingly hybrids with Q. prinus L., which occurs nearby. Given the variability we are reluctant to name this population. But we do not think that the Snake Mountain plants, viewed as a group, are sufficiently distinct from the typical Q. muehlenbergii of the Champlain Valley, or suffi- ciently similar to the typical Q. prinoides of southern New England, to be the basis of a new state record and northward range extension for Q. prinoides. Ranunculus micranthus Nutt., A, D, E, Coventry, (Cushman HNH), MI = R. abortivus L. Reseda odorata L., 8, Windsor, (Leland NEBC), CULT. As with Ipomoea quamoclit, the original label (now covered by a second label) says “‘garden plant.” Ribes nigrum L., A, S, D, Townshend, (Wheeler VT), CULT: Dummerston, (Wheeler NEBC), IS; Wallingford, (Kent NEBC), IS; Newport, (Know/ton NEBC), IS (sterile). Good flowering material is needed to distinguish this species from R. americanum Miller. Rosa x alba L., D, Townshend, (Wheeler), NSF; D, Stratton, (Un- derwood), NSF; D, Leicester, (Dutton), CULT. Rosa canina L., D, Woodstock, (Wright), NSF; D, Johnson, (Grout VT), IC = R. pimpinellifolia L. LR. spinossisima L.]. The specimen was originally determined as R. canina, then an- notated, correctly, to R. spinossisima. Later it was cited, in- correctly, as R. canina. Rosa damascena P. Mill., D, Norwich, (Loveland), NSF; D, Leicester, (Dutton), CULT. Rosa johannensis Fern., A, S, North Hero, (Knowlton NEBC), MI = R. blanda Ait.; A, S, Gardiner Island, (ex herb. Faxon NEBC), MI = R. blanda; A, S, Royalton, (Eggleston NY), MI = R. blanda; A, S, Ferrisburg, (Faxon et al. NY), MI = R. blanda. Rosa johannensis is a species of uncertain status 1995] Jenkins and Zika—Flora of Vermont 315 that may eventually be included in R. blanda. Whatever its final disposition, all the Vermont specimens seem to be typ- ical R. blanda. Rosa tomentosa J. E. Smith, D, Woodstock, (Kittredge), NSF; D, Pomfret, (Kittredge), NSF. Rumex altissimus Wood, A, Windham Co., (VCC VT), NSF. Rumex aquaticus L., P, near summit of Mt. Mansfield, (NCC), NSF. Rumex longifolius DC. was found as a weed near the summit of Mt. Mansfield before 1900, and handwritten notes in the copy of Perkins (1888) used to prepare the Brainerd et al. (1900) flora suggest that this is the species to which Perkins was referring. Rumex arifolius All. [Rumex montanus Desf.], D, Burlington, (Ross VT), MI = R. acetosa L. Rumex patientia L., A, 5 counties, (several collectors HNH, VT), IC = R. longifolius DC. [R. domesticus Hartm.]. Early Ver- mont botanists, following the Seventh Edition of Gray’s Manual (Robinson and Fernald, 1908), used the name R. patientia for the plants we now call R. longifolius. True R. patientia occurs in the northeastern U.S., but apparently not in Vermont. Sagittaria lancifolia L. [S. falcata Pursh], T, Brattleboro, (Frost), NSF; P, Mallets Bay, Colchester, (VCC), MI (see Brainerd et al., 1900). A review by Bogin (1955) lists no occurrences of this species north of Delaware. Sagittaria subulata (L.) Buch. [S. natans Michx.], P, T, Brattle- boro, (Frost), NSF. Salix pentandra L., D, Burlington, (Dole), NSF. Salix serissima (L. H. Bailey) Fern., A, D, S, Arlington, (Knowlton NEBC), IS; A, S, Corinth, (Anderson NEBC), NSF; A, Frank- lin Co., (VCC HNH), MI = S. lucida Muhl.; Westmore, (Churchill HNH), MI = S. lucida Muhl. Young sterile shoots of Salix serissima are hard to distinguish from S. /ucida and cannot be determined with certainty. We expect that S. ser- issima will eventually be found in Vermont, but, as yet, do not have confirming specimens. Saururus cernuus L., Bristol, (Dike VT). The specimen is correctly identified but is uncorroborated by written citations or other collections from Vermont and is probably mislabeled. Geo- graphically, Saururus cernuus is a southern species that reach- es its northern range limits in southern Massachusetts and western New York. Bristol is ca. 150 miles from the nearest 316 Rhodora [Vol. 97 stations in western New York and 200 miles from the nearest colonies in southern New England and the Hudson Valley. This is a substantial disjunction: out of ca. 250 species which reach their northern range limits in Vermont, only six are disjunct by more than 75 miles from the nearest colonies in other states, and only three of these by ca. 100-125 miles (Jenkins, in prep.). The wetlands in Bristol—which are only 20 miles from Burlington—were a famous botanical site and received the attention of all the prominent Vermont botanists of Dike’s day, especially Pringle and Brainerd. In addition, Dike traded specimens with Pringle and others. It seems likely to us that the discovery of a conspicuous and exceed- ingly rare species would have been noted and verified by other botanists and would have been cited in print. Given the geographic implausibility and the absence of any corrob- orating citations or specimens, we consider it likely that the specimen was mislabeled. Sedum telephioides Michx., D, Colchester, (F/ynn VT), MI = S. telephium L.; D, Burlington, (Dole), NSF. Silene caroliniana Walter [S. pensylvanica Michx.], D, Wells Riv- er, (Smith), NSF. Sisyrinchium albidum Raf., P, NL, (NCC), NSF. Smilax glauca Walter, D, Clifton, (Britton VT), DP. There is no Clifton in Vermont. Britton made a number of collections from Clifton, N. Y., on Staten Island. Smilax rotundifolia L., O, P, NL, (NCC), NSF. Solanum tuberosum L., A, Newfane, (Wheeler NEBC), NDN. Solanum villosum Miller, S, Westford, (VMunier VT), MI = S. sarrachoides Sendtner. Solidago calcicola Fern., C, CR, S, Mt. Killington, (Dutton et al. VT, GH, NEBC), MI = S. macrophylla Pursh x rugosa Ai- ton. The specimens were probably from a single plant. The original collectors took them to Fernald who first determined them as S. calcicola (Kirk, 1912A, 1912B), then compared them to the northern material he was calling S. calcicola and changed his mind (Anonymous, 1915). Solidago rigida L., T, Burlington, (Torrey), NSF. Solidago stricta Aiton, T, Burlington, (Torrey), NSF. Spartina alterniflora Loisel, D, Vermont, (Pringle), NSF. Given the lack of any citations in other floras we regard it as 1m- probable that Dole ever saw a Pringle sheet of either this or the next. 1995] Jenkins and Zika— Flora of Vermont a17 Spartina patens (Aiton) Muhl., D, Vermont, (Pringle), NSF. Sphenopholis pensylvanica (L.) A. Hitche. [S. palustris Scribn., Trisetum pensylvanicum (L.) Beauv.], A, S, Wells River, (Jones VT), NSF. References to Avena pensylvanica L. or Eatonia pensylvanica A. Gray in early floras (i.e., Brainerd et al., 1900) refer to S. intermedia (Rydb.) Rydb. and not S. pensylvanica. Spiraea japonica L. f., D, Woodstock, (Kittredge), NDN; Pea- cham, (Blanchard NY), NDN, MI = Astilbe japonica (Morren & Decne.) A. Gray. Spiraea prunifolia Siebold & Zucc., A, Middlebury, (Brainerd VT), NDN. Brainerd collected this species in 1898 but did not list it in his flora (Brainerd et al., 1900), suggesting that the collection was from a cultivated plant. Stellaria longipes Goldie [Stellaria strictiflora (Rydb.) J. M. Ma- coun], D, Woodstock, (Porter), MI = S. graminea L.; D, Plymouth, (Heselton), NSF; D, Passumpsic, (Howe), NSF; D, Weston, (Carpenter), NSF. Thalictrum revolutum DC. [T. purpurascens L. of Robinson and Fernald (1908) in part], KI, D, Woodstock, (Kittredge VINS), MI = T. dioicum L.; D, Clarendon, (Hitchcock NY), MI = T. pubescens Pursh. Thaspium trifoliatum (L.) A. Gray [T. aureum Nutt., misapplied; Thaspium aureum var. aptera A. Gray], P, “common in damp fields,’ (NCC), NSF. The treatments of Thaspium and Zizia are extremely confused in 19th-century manuals (i.e., Gray, 1874). Perkins was probably referring to Zizia aurea (L.) Koch. Tipularia discolor (Pursh) Nutt., P, Brattleboro, (Frost), NSF; P, “Vermont,” (Beck), NSF; D, Bradford, (Bacon), NSF. Perkins (1888) called the early records doubtful. Despite the lack of a specimen or corroborating documentation, Tipularia was put on the official Vermont list of protected plants (13 V. S. A., Chapter 79) in the 1930’s. Tradescantia subaspera Ker Gawler, A, S, D, Hartland, (Carpen- ter VT), MI = T. virginiana L. Trifolium medium L., D, Wells River, (Eastman), NSF; D, Bur- lington, (Jones), NSF. Trifolium stoloniferum Muhl., P, Bellows Falls, (Brown), NSF. See Brooks (1983). Viburnum prunifolium L., D, Ferrisburg, (Kittredge), NSF. Viola brittoniana Pollard, D, Vermont, (Dutton), ; Viola elatior Fries., D, Wells River, (Eastman), NSF, NDN. 318 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Viola odorata L., A, 8, Jamaica, (Wheeler NEBC), NDN; Mid- dlebury, (Brainerd HNH), CULT; Norwich, (Richardson HNH), NDN. Viola pedata L., T, Brattleboro, (Frost), NSF. Viola striata Aiton, A, S, Middlebury, (Brainerd VT), NSF. Vitis vulpina L. [V. cordifolia Michx.], P, NL, (NCC), NSF. Woodsia oregana D.C. Eaton, B, G, Charlotte, (Pringle IA), CULT. Zizia aptera (Gray) Fern. [Zizia cordata (Walt.) DC., Thaspium trifoliatum Gray var. apterum Gray, ? T. cordatum T. & G.], P, NL, (NCC), NSF; O, Middlebury, (James), NSF. The treat- ments of Thaspium and Zizia are extremely confused in | 9th- century manuals (1.e., Gray, 1874), and we are not sure what species Perkins and Oakes had in mind. DISCUSSION The rate of additions How fast are species being added to the Vermont flora? Our manuscript checklist (Jenkins and Zika, in prep.) lists 1933 species for Vermont, of which 1310 (68%) are believed to be native. In the last 19 years approximately 19 native species and 58 aliens have been added to the flora, or roughly three aliens for every native species. These numbers give a growth rate of 0.2% per year for the whole flora, 0.08% for the native species, and 0.5% per year for the alien species, with the pool of aliens growing six times faster than the pool of native species. These numbers show that there are still discoveries to be made in a flora which, by United States standards, 1s very well-known. If the present discovery rate continues, the number of native species reported will grow by nearly 10% in the next century, the number of aliens by a remarkable 50%, and the whole flora by approximately 20%. The continuing discovery of new species, after 150 years of botanical effort, raises the question of whether the newly discov- ered plants are recent immigrants or resident species that have been overlooked. This is an impossible question to answer fac- tually, but we can advance three indirect arguments that support the hypothesis that many of the newly discovered species are new arrivals. (1) Approximately 620 species of aliens have immigrated to Vermont in about 230 years of European settlement. The average 1995] Jenkins and Zika—Flora of Vermont 319 immigration rate was 2.7 species per year and the peak immi- gration rate has to have been larger than this. The current dis- covery rate (about 3.0 alien species per year) is roughly the same as the average immigration rate and so it is at least possible that many discoveries are recent immigrants. (2) The discovery rate for all species declined six-fold from about 20 species per year in the late 1800’s to a rate of two to three species per year by the middle of this century. If we were exhausting a fixed pool of undiscovered species, we would expect the decline would have continued and that the current discovery rate would be lower than the mid-century rate. But instead, it has increased slightly to about four species per year (Jenkins and Zika, in prep.). This suggests either that the depletion of the pool of undiscovered species is being offset by increased botanical effort or that the pool is being replenished through immigration. (3) Many of the newly discovered species, both natives and aliens, are colonizing species found in successional or human- disturbed habitats. In such habitats, individual populations of rare species are almost always transient; we have only a few doc- umented examples (e.g., Lygodium palmatum (Bernh.) Swartz, Ceanothus herbaceus Raf.) of rare species that have persisted for more than a decade or two in successional habitats. Probably many of the newly arrived species in such habitats neither persist nor establish elsewhere (Pimm, 1991; Muhlenbach, 1979). The remainder spread, often rapidly, as Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl. and Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx. have recently done (Zika, 1990) or as Cardamine impatiens L. and Carex praegracilis W. Boott appear to be doing (Jenkins, pers. obs.; Reznicek and Old- ham, 1993). This suggests that it is likely that many of the species that are both rare and restricted to transient habitats are fairly recent arrivals. None of the above arguments proves that the newly discovered species are recent immigrants, but, taken together, they at least make it plausible. The plausibility of unvouchered records We have deleted 130 unvouchered taxa from the flora. It is likely that some of these excluded taxa (for example, Carex crawei Dewey, which Perkins reports on the basis of a collection by C. G. Pringle from Charlotte (Perkins, 1888)) are valid records. Giv- 320 Rhodora [Vol. 97 en that Pringle knew sedges well and was a scrupulous collector, that good habitat for the species exists in Charlotte, and that the species occurs on the New York side of Lake Champlain within 20 miles of Charlotte, it seems quite likely to us that a specimen once existed and has since been lost. With equal certainty, some of the unvouchered records are invalid. The record of Erigeron acris L. from Royalton, Vermont, 300 miles south of the nearest vouchered colony and mentioned only in a flora (Dole, 1937) whose compilers did not require specimens, is almost certainly a mistake. By rejecting unvouchered records, we thus guard against mis- takes; but, at the same time, we exclude some authentic records for which the validating specimens have been lost. This 1s com- mon botanical practice and 1s amply justified if our chief purpose is to avoid mistakes or, for that matter, to tabulate as accurately as possible the current holdings of botanical museums. But if our purpose 1s to make the most accurate possible list of the historical flora of the state and if, on the average, more of the unvouchered records are right than wrong, we will improve our overall accuracy by including them, albeit at the cost of including some mistakes as well. But are more of the unvouchered records right than wrong? A review of the geography of the unvouchered records strongly suggests that they are not. Of the 85 native species with one or more unvouchered records, only 15 are known from sites within 100 miles of their reported Vermont locality. The remaining 70 (82%) are long disjuncts. This contrasts with an overall frequency of less than 3% for long disjuncts among the 1310 native species that we currently list for Vermont (Jenkins and Zika, in prep.). Thus, the frequency of long disjunctions is 27 times higher among unvouchered than vouchered records, suggesting that many of them are geographically suspect. The geographic plausibility of the 45 species of unvouchered aliens is more difficult to evaluate. Since long disjunctions are common in weedy species and since most cultivars are potentially able to escape, any alien species occurring or cultivated in the northeast U.S. might conceivably occur in Vermont. With this interpretation of what is geographically possible, 21 of the un- vouchered aliens are regarded as possible because they are cul- tivars, 16 are regarded as possible because they have occurred as introductions in the northeast, and 8 are neither cultivated nor escaped regionally and so unlikely on geographic grounds. 1995] Jenkins and Zika— Flora of Vermont CPR Table 1. Approximate error rates in previous Vermont floras relative to current knowledge Date of Flora 1853 1888 1900 1915 1937 1969 1973 Total Species? 1034 1360 1563 1694 1861 1927 1990 Species we de- ete? 27 33 4 15 101 40 58 Possible error rate (%)« 2.6 2.4 0.3 0.9 5.4 2.1 2.9 Notes: * Number of species in flora, not corrected to current taxonomy. * Number of species from that flora we have deleted in this article. ‘ Number of species deleted divided by number species in flora, in percent. Combining natives and aliens, 78 of the 130 unvouchered re- cords (60%) are geographically unlikely. Fifteen (12%) are geo- graphically plausible native species and 37 (28%) are cultivars or rare weeds which we also consider geographically plausible. Thus at least three-fifths of the unvouchered records are geographically unlikely and most probably based on misidentifications. This suggests that the inclusion of unvouchered records would add a substantial number of misidentifications (at least 78 and possibly as many as 130) to the Vermont flora and substantially decrease the overall accuracy of the flora. This conclusion is strengthened by the observation that in the last 14 years of field work Vermont botanists rediscovered about 100 of the 200 vouchered native species that were considered missing in 1980 (50%), but only two out of the 83 missing un- vouchered natives (2.4%). This means that either unvouchered native species are about 20 times harder to relocate than vouch- ered ones, or that 20 times more unvouchered native species have gone extinct than vouchered ones, or that many of the unvouch- ered species have never been here at all. The completeness and accuracy of historical floras Every flora has errors and omissions. The existence of seven previous Vermont floras gives us a rare opportunity to examine these quantitatively (Table 1). By using our manuscript checklist (Jenkins and Zika, in prep.) as a benchmark, we can calculate the percentage of the species we accept that are included in each previous flora, and also the ratio of the records we would delete S22 Rhodora [Vol. 97 from a previous flora to the total number of species in it (possible error rate). Note that we do not count changes in taxonomic rank as omissions or errors. We call the ratio a possible error rate because we may have erred in some of our re-determinations of historical specimens and because some percentage of the un- vouchered records we are deleting may be valid. It is thus an estimate of the upper bound of the percentage of species erro- neously credited to the flora. Table | presents the results. The most interesting thing to note is that while the percentage of the 1992 flora included has in- creased with each successive flora, the possible error rate has sometimes increased and sometimes decreased. Newer 1s not nec- essarily better. The nineteenth century floras had a respectable possible error rate of about 2.5%, largely the result of misiden- tifications and taxonomic uncertainties, but included approxi- mately 52% and 68% of our checklist flora (Jenkins and Zika, in prep.*). The two floras early in this century, which were based entirely on vouchers and prepared with great attention to taxo- nomic detail, included approximately 83% of our checklist flora and had impressively low possible error rates of 0.3% and 0.9%. The 1937 flora included 85% of the species we currently recognize; but it mixed vouchered and unvouchered records and so had a possible error rate of 5.4%, the highest of any Vermont flora. The 1969 flora and 1973 checklist, following a period of relative bo- tanical inactivity, still increased the known Vermont flora to ap- proximately 93% of our checklist flora total and improved the accuracy of the flora by eliminating many unvouchered records that had been reported in 1937. But in many cases the compilers of these works transcribed rather than verified label data and so introduced a number of misidentifications, nomenclatural errors, and inaccurate citations. In consequence, the 1969 flora and 1973 checklist have possible error rates of 2.1% and 2.9%, roughly half those of the 1937 flora, but several times higher than those of the more scrupulous 1900 and 1915 floras. + Estimates of the percent of our checklist flora included in an historical flora are made by taking the number of species in that flora (top line of Table 1), subtracting the number of species we are deleting (second line of Table 1), and then correcting for differences in taxonomic concepts. For example, the 1937 flora had 1861 species. We delete 102 of these, then subtract 125 species that we do not recognize, and add three species formerly considered varieties. The result is 1637 species, or 84.6% of our checklist total of 1933 species. 1995] Jenkins and Zika—Flora of Vermont 323 We close with several comments about floristic practice. First, Table 1 confirms what many botanists have long suspected: at- tempting to base a flora on unvouchered field records is a risky business. The Vermont floras that included unvouchered records (1853, 1888, 1937) had apparent error rates of 2.4% to 5.4%, meaning that anywhere from one species in 42 to one species in 19 in these works might be erroneously attributed to the flora. Second, owing to nomenclatural changes and the inevitable mis- identifications found in all herbaria, attempting to do a flora by compiling herbarium records without verifying the nomenclature and the identifications 1s likewise risky. The recent Vermont floras that did this (1969, 1973) had apparent error rates of 2.1% and 2.9%, lower on average than those that accepted unvouchered records, but still suggesting that one species in 34 to one in 48 was erroneously attributed to the flora. And finally, as has been forcefully stated by E. Voss (1972, p. 3, 7-8), given the inaccuracies in previous floras, it follows that any attempt to compile a state or regional checklist by combining several previous floras without examining primary records is like- ly to be highly inaccurate. If we were to compile a checklist of the flora of Vermont in this way, it would contain about 2125 species. One hundred ninety-two of these would rest on unvouch- ered or otherwise unacceptable records, for a possible error rate of nine percent, or one species in 11. Thus, our conclusion, which is hardly radical, is that the prac- tice of basing floristic work on the critical examination of vouchers seems amply justified. Such work in Vermont has produced error rates six to eighteen times lower than those of less critical works and approximately thirty times lower than what might be pro- duced by compiling printed records. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Among the many botanists who contributed to this effort, we especially thank Ray Angelo, David Barrington, Debbie Benja- min, Everett Marshall, Thomas Rawinski, Bruce Sorrie, Elizabeth Thompson, and Gordon C. Tucker. We are grateful to the Pringle Herbarium of the University of Vermont and the Vermont Bird and Botanical Clubs for partial funding. For loans and access to specimens, we thank the curators of the following herbaria: BEDF, CONN, GH, IA, LSC, MASS, MO, MOR, NCU, NEBC, NHA, 324 Rhodora [Vol. 97 NY, NYS, OSC, SJFM, TUFT, VINS (Vermont Institute of Nat- ural Science, Woodstock), VT, YU. LITERATURE CITED Ames, O. 1910. The genus Habenaria in North America. Orchidaceae 4: 159 ANGELO, R. 1989. Some new records for New England and New England states. Rhodora 91: 342-344. . 1990. Some new records for New England and New England states. II. Rhodora 92: 294-296. Anonymous. 1915. Notes. Joint Bull. Vermont Bot. Bird Club 1: 34-36. Atwoop, J. T., W. D. COUNTRYMAN, R. A. 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Michigan Herb. 14: 153-203 AND M. J. OLDHAM. 1993. Carex praegracilis W. Boott (Cyperaceae) new to New England. Rhodora 95: 425-426. Rosinson, B. L. AND M. L. FERNALD. 1908. Gray’s Manual of Botany, 7th ed. American Book Co., New York, NY RotuHrock, P. E. 1991. The identity of Cie albolutescens, C. festucacea, and C. longii (Cyperaceae). Rhodora 93: 51-66. Seymour, F.C. 1967. Notes from the Pringle Herbarium. II. Rhodora 69: 377— 380 —. 1969. The Flora of Vermont, 4th ed. Univ. of Vermont Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. 660. 1982. The Flora of New England, 2nd ed. Phytologia Mem. V, Plain- Torrey, J. 1853. Catalogue of Veanant Plants, pp. 36-40. Jn: Z. Thompson, Appendix to the History of Vermont, Natural, Civil, and Ca Publ. by the author, Burlington, Voss, E.G. 1972. Michigan Flora. Part I. Gymnosperms and Monocots. Cran- brook een 7 Science, Bloomfield Hills, WaGNneER, W. H. A F. S. WAGNER. 1982. Botr vehiin rugulosum (Ophioglos- saceae), a aha recognized species of evergreen grapefern in the Great Lakes area of North America. Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb. 15: 315-324 Wau, H. A. 1952-3. A preliminary study of the genus Chenopodium in North America. Bartonia 27: 1-46. Watson, S. AND J. M. CouLTer. 1890. Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States, 6th ed. American Book Co., x ZIKA, P. F. 1986A. The distribution of Quercus muehlenbergii in Vermont. Joint Bull. Vermont Bot. Bird Club 20: 15-19. 6B. The first record of Poa bulbosa L. (Poaceae) for Vermont. Rho- dota 88: 419-420. 1995] Jenkins and Zika—Flora of Vermont 327 . 1987. The first record of Allium vineale L. (Liliaceae) for Vermont. Rhodora 89: 93-94. . 1988. Contributions to the flora of the Lake Champlain Valley, New York and Vermont. II. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 115: 218-220. 1990. Range expansions of some grasses in Vermont. Rhodora 92: 80-89. —. 1991A. The first report of Agrostis exarata var. monolepis (Poaceae) in New England. Rhodora 93: 398-399. —. 1991B. Discovery of Juncus vaseyi (Juncaceae) in Vermont. Rhodora 93: 395-397. . 1992. Contributions to the alpine flora of the northeastern United States. ees 94: 15-37. E. J. MARSHALL. 1991. Contributions to the flora of the Lake Cham- slain ei New York and Vermont. III. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 118: 58-61. , R. J. STERN, AND H. E. Anes. 1983. Contributions to the flora of the Lake Champlain Valley, New York and Vermont. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 110: 366-369. AND E. THOMPSON. 1986. Notes on the flora of Windham County, Ver- mont. Rhodora 88: 517-523. Deas WHITE CREEK FIELD SCHOOL WHITE CREEK, NY 12057 HERBARIUM DEPT. OF BOTANY & PLANT PATHOLOGY OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY CORVALLIS, OR 97330 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 892, pp. 328-338, 1995 OCCURRKENCE-OF THE A THOREA VIOLACEA (BATRACHOSPERMALES: THOREACEAE) IN THE HUDSON RIVER, NEW YORK STATE CurT M. PUESCHEL, P. GARY SULLIVAN, AND JOHN E. Titus ABSTRACT We discovered a population of Thorea violacea in the upper Hudson River of New York State during September 1994. The same site was barren of Thorea the following June, but two and a half months later—a year after the initial collection— a large population of thalli, some over a meter in length, was again present. This seasonality may account in part for the seeming rarity of this large, conspicuous alga. Thalli presumed to represent the Chantransia phase of the Thorea life cycle occurred on rocks at the same location with the same phenology. The Hudson ald site represents the first confirmed North American locality of 7. violacea rth of Texas and the most northerly North American locality of the family eee Characterization of the chemical and physical eougiions at the anes site suggests broader environmental tolerances (lower specific eater water flow, colder water regimes) of this group than previously known. Key Words: Chantransia stage, freshwater algae, Hudson River, Rhodophyta, Thorea violacea INTRODUCTION The Thoreaceae (Batrachospermales) is a family of multiaxial red algae, whose members, 7horea and Nemalionopsis, are among the largest red algae found in freshwater; Thorea may be up to 2 m long (Bischoff, 1965). The branched, cylindrical axes of these algae consist of an unpigmented, filamentous medulla surrounded by laterally disposed, highly pigmented filaments. Thallus color is generally blue-green or re Life cycles in the three families of the Batrachospermales typ- ically involve alternation of morphologically dissimilar phases. Taxonomic diagnoses are based principally on the more con- spicuous and anatomically complex gametophyte phase. This phase bears the generic epithet, e.g., Thorea phase. The sexual life cycle known for representatives of the Batrachospermaceae and Lemaneaceae involves an inconspicuous, freely branching, diploid phase, called Chantransia, that produces sessile, haploid ametophytes directly from apical cells following somatic meiosis (Sheath, 1984). Female gametes (carpogonia) and zygotes are re- 328 1995] Pueschel et al.— 7horea violacea 329 tained on the gametophyte, which results in the growth of diploid, spore-producing filaments, collectively termed the carposporo- phyte, on the female gametophyte. Diploid carpospores, released by the carposporophyte, grow into the Chantransia phase (Sheath, 1984). Life histories of the Thoreaceae are poorly known. Sexual struc- tures have been described for some representatives of Thorea (Yoshizaki, 1986; Necchi, 1987), but the location of meiosis in the life history has not yet been documented. Asexual reproduc- tion is common and conspicuous in this family (Swale, 1963) and involves the differentiation of spores, termed monospores, from terminal cells of lateral filaments. Although the morphology of the asexually reproducing 7horea phase thalli resembles that of gametophytes, monospores rather than gametes are produced (Swale, 1963). Monospores are also produced by Chantransia phase thalli. Regardless of the phase that generates the mono- spores, all monospores grow into thalli of the Chantransia mor- phology (Swale, 1962). Presumably, 7horea phase thalli that pro- duce monospores rather than gametes are part of an apomictic life cycle, but chromosome counts are not available to evaluate this hypothesis. Generic phase thalli of Nemalionopsis produce monosporangia terminally on long lateral filaments (Sheath et al., 1993). Generic phase thalli of 7horea produce monosporangia on short, branching, lateral filaments, and the long lateral filaments are entirely vegetative (Sheath et al., 1993), Sheath et al. (1993) recently revised the taxonomy of the Tho- reaceae, reducing the number of recognized species of Thorea from thirteen to four. Two of these occur in North America, most commonly in the southern United States and Mexico (Sheath et al., 1993). Thorea hispida (Thore) Desvaux (as 7. ramosissima Bory and 7. andina Lagerheim et Mébius) has been reported from Nebraska (Hedgcock and Hunter, 1899), Illinois (Tiffany and Brit- ten, 1952), and Ohio (Hirsch and Palmer, 1958), but the most northerly confirmed site for 7. violacea Bory de Saint- Vincent (as T. riekei Bischoff) in North America, until our discovery of this species in the Hudson River, was southern Texas (Bischoff, 1965; Sheath et al., 1993). We also found in the field the presumptive alternate life history (Chantransia) phase of this alga. Based on environmental conditions present at the New York site, a greater ecological and geographical range for this species and for the genus is indicated. 330 Rhodora [Vol. 97 STUDY SITE Thorea violacea was found growing attached to pebbles and small rocks at depths of ca. 30-70 cm in the Hudson River (73°35'W, 43°11'23”N), Saratoga County, Northumberland Township, New York State. The site is near the eastern shore of Thompson Island, downstream of a low head dam. The area containing Thorea was less than 1000 m?. A portion of the site was shaded late in the day by trees onshore. Thorea grew in open areas between patches of vascular macrophytes, and only where the river bed consisted of pebbles and small rocks. Farther from shore, vascular macrophytes letel Dp y occupied the substratum; farther downstream, the river bed was mud rather than pebbles. Thorea was first discovered on 15 September 1994. Additional collections were made and environmental parameters were mea- sured on 29 September 1994. Surface current velocity over the Thorea patch was 63 cm sec~!. Specific conductance was 119 uS cm~': pH was 6.9; alkalinity was 0.39 meq 1~!. The site was revisited 30 June 1995, but no Thorea was detected. However, large thalli again were abundant when the site was visited 10 September 1995. Attempts to locate Thorea at three other rela- tively high-flow sites in the Hudson River and six selected trib- utaries in the area were unsuccessful. Our measurements of conductivity and pH fell within the rang- es recorded in unpublished US Geological Survey (USGS) data collected at Fort Edward, located 9 km upstream of our study site: conductance there was 44-136 uS cm~', and pH was 6.6- 7.7. Total P was 0.1-0.5 mg 1~'!, and NO,” was 0.2-0.9 mg I"!. During a nine-year period, mean annual discharge ranged from 110-203 m3 sec~'!, with a nine-year mean of 143 m? sec~!. Water temperature ranged from 0-26°C; all twenty readings from No- vember to March were less than 10°C. Five readings of water temperature during September, the month during which Thorea was collected, ranged from 15-19°C. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Thalli of the Thorea phase of T. violacea varied considerably in the amount of macroscopically visible branching present. Most thalli were profusely branched near the base, resulting in many long axes without a distinct main axis (Figure 1); other thalli had 1995] Pueschel et al.— Thorea violacea 331 Figure 1. Herbarium specimen of monospore-bearing Thorea phase of Thorea violacea from the Hudson River. B hing is extensi the base of the thallus, but few branches (arrow) emerge along the length of the long axes. Scale bar equals 0.1 m. Figure 2. Light micrograph of a section of one long axis showing the distal portion of assimilatory filaments that radiate from the axis (axis not shown, but see Figure 3). Note that assimilatory filaments have non-clavate apical cells and occasional branches (arrows). Scale bar equals 100 um. 332 Rhodora [Vol. 97 only one or a few long axes. Secondary branching, which was initiated below the growing apices, occurred sparsely along the length of the long axes (Figure | Each long axis was composed of numerous filaments whose branching was visible only by microscopic examination (Figures 2, 3). The core of the axis was composed of highly branched, interwoven, unpigmented filaments encased in a common mu- cilaginous matrix (Figure 3). At the outer edge of this colorless medullary zone, medullary filaments produced branches, not en- cased in mucilage, that were highly pigmented, occasionally branched (Figure 2), and oriented perpendicular to the axis (Figure 3). This fringe of lateral, determinate, assimilatory filaments sur- rounding the medulla formed a photosynthetic cortex. Monospo- rangia were produced on short filaments interspersed among the bases of the lateral assimilatory filaments (Figure 3). The identity of our specimens as 7. violacea was determined using key criteria proposed by Sheath etal. (1993): generally sparse secondary branching of long axes (Figure |) and assimilatory fil- aments occasionally branched and with non-clavate apical cells (Figure 2). This identification was confirmed by Sheath (pers. comm.). Some thalli exceeded | m in length, but most were be- tween 0.5-0.9 m long. Measurements of thallus features described below were made on living thalli. Long axes were 2-3 mm in diameter. Most of the diameter consisted of the lateral assimi- latory filaments that arose from the tough, resilient, colorless, medullary zone, 0.5 mm in diameter. Cells of assimilatory fila- ments were 8-10 wm in diameter (Figure 2). Basal cells of the assimilatory filaments were 20-30 um long (Figure 3). Within a filament, cell length increased progressively over a span of several cells, until cells attained a relatively uniform length of 42-50 um. Although many assimilatory filaments were unbranched, a single branch was common. Lateral branches emerged from the distal portion of the cell bearing the branch, just below the crosswall (Figure 2). Filaments with as many as four branches were found. Apical cells of assimilatory filaments were cylindrical except for their rounded tips; they did not taper and were not markedly longer than other cells (Figure 2). The only reproductive structures observed were sporangia (Fig- ure 3), each producing a single spore. All thalli examined micro- scopically bore a profusion of such sporangia. These were pre- sumed to be monosporangia, because they were borne terminally 1995] Pueschel et al.— Thorea violacea 333 Figure 3. Light recht of a section of one long axis showing the outermost portion of the medullary zone and the proximal portion of the zone of pigmented cells. einai o medullary ee (MF) give rise to long assimilatory filaments (AF) an that uce monosporangia (M). Note empty sporangial walls a discharged monosporangia. Scale bar equals 50 um or laterally on short filaments, a few cells long, that formed a pigmented layer around the medulla (Figure 3). By contrast, car- posporangia of Thorea (not observed) are produced on branching, multicellular filaments that originate from carpogonia, which in turn are borne on short filaments (Y oshizaki, 1986; Necchi, 1987). The total length of monosporangial filaments in our specimens was about 50-60 um. Mature sporangia were 15-18 um in di- ameter and about 25 um long. The walls of discharged sporangia persisted (Figure 3), and thus served as a marker of post-discharge evelopment of the subtending filament. In some filaments, the cell subtending a discharged sporangium divided to produce a new sporangium that developed within the loose confines of the old wall. Alternatively, the new apical cell was vegetative and, one or two cell divisions later, a terminal sporangium was again formed. Specimens from the Hudson River had several features that differed from Bischoffs (1965) descriptions of 7. riekei, which Sheath et al. (1993) placed in synonymy with 7. violacea. Our 334 Rhodora [Vol. 97 alga was blue-green in color, and it maintained this color upon drying. The long assimilatory filaments moved freely, and they were not encased in mucilage. Bischoff (1965) reported that the Texas specimens were generally rust-colored, and he demonstrat- ed that the assimilatory filaments were embedded in mucilage. However, these features may be environmentally variable; Sheath (1984) noted that mucilage was not abundant in his specimens from the same location in Texas. Bischoff (1965) also reported that assimilatory filaments were unbranched and that apical cells were tapered and twice as long as other cells. Tapered apical cells of Thorea specimens from Texas were also noted by Hedgcock and Hunter (1899), whereas branching assimilatory filaments and cylindrical apical cells (Figure 2) were present in thalli from the Hudson River. Further study is needed to establish whether these differences are taxonomically significant. Red algal thalli of considerably different morphology were pres- ent on rocks in the same part of the river bed. These were pre- sumed to represent the Chantransia stage of the Thorea life his- tory. Some thalli were visible only by microscopic examination of the rock surface, but a few formed grey tufts up to 9 mm in length (Figure 4). When viewed by light microscopy, chloroplast color and morphology were identical to that of the 7horea-phase thalli, and the pattern of lateral branch emergence was the same (Figure 5). Cells were 13-16 wm in diameter and 32-40 um in length. Small thalli were sparsely branched, but larger ones had increasingly frequent branching towards the apices of the fila- ments and bore monosporangia. Two species of bluish-green Au- douinella are recognized to occur in freshwaters of North America, and it is possible that one or both might represent life-history stages of the Batrachospermales (Necchi et al., 1993), but neither of these closely resembles the presumptive Chantransia stage pres- ent at our site. Ours is the first report of field-collected Chantransia stage of Thorea in North America. As in other Batrachospermales (Sheath, 1984), thalli of the gametophyte morphology of 7horea are known to arise directly from the Chantransia phase (Swale, 1962; Bis- choff, 1965). Monospores from both Chantransia and Thorea phases are known to grow into Chantransia (Swale, 1962), and carpospores produced on the Thorea phase are presumed to grow into Chantransia (Necchi, 1987). However, none of these links 1995] Pueschel et al.— Thorea violacea 530 Figure 4. Putative reread stage of Thorea ie ae extensive ae oe bar equa Figure 5. t eek coud branching of putative Chantransia stage. Small lateral appendages (arrow) are epiphytic, unicellular blue-green algae. Scale bar equals 100 um 336 Rhodora [Vol. 97 between the presumed stages of 7. violacea in the Hudson River has been established. In addition to the significant extension of the geographic range of Thorea in North America, the presence of this alga in the Hudson River represents a considerable extension of environ- mental conditions under which members of this family are known to grow. As summarized by Sheath et al. (1993), the Thoreaceae are found in streams with mean specific conductance of approx- imately 300 uS cm~! (range 180-500 uS cm~'), pH of 8.0 (range 7.5-8.3), current velocity of 30 cm sec! (range 9-99 cm sec~'), width of 6.5 m (range 1.5—12 m), and temperature of 20°C (range 15-24°C). Our data and that of the USGS show significantly lower conductance (44-136 uS cm~'), lower pH (6.6—-7.7), greater than average current velocity (63 cm sec~!), lower than average tem- perature during the month of collection (16.8°C), and larger stream size (the Hudson River dam just upstream of the Thorea patch is 120 m wide). Unlike many freshwater algae, the red algae do not form thick- walled spores capable of surviving adverse conditions for long periods (Sheath and Hambrook, 1990). Therefore, annual ex- tremes in environmental conditions, and not just the conditions during the time at which the macroscopic phase develops, must have an effect on the range of distribution of freshwater red algae. Although Thorea occurs at higher latitudes in England (Swale, 1962, 1963) and Germany (Schmidle, 1896: Schnepf, 1992), the Hudson River site undoubtedly experiences lower temperatures for longer periods. Water temperature measured by the USGS near the Thorea site was below 10°C from November to March. The absence of 7. vio/acea at our site during early summer is interesting, because Thorea typically grows in geographic regions of generally higher water temperatures and greater light intensity than occur in the Hudson River during early summer. Although the Chantransia stage was not detected during the early summer collection, it could have escaped detection if present as creeping filaments. The Chantransia stage is believed to be perennial (Sheath and Hambrook, 1990). Alternatively, this 7horea patch may be repopulated by spores from upstream populations of either phase. Spores would give rise to Chantransia, which in turn would pro- duce the Thorea phase directly. The growth of T. violacea must have occurred in the interval between the end of June, at which time it was not detected, and mid-September, by which time some 1995] Pueschel et al.— 7horea violacea 337 achieved | m in length. Rapid growth is typical of Thorea. Swale (1962) found that 7. hispida (as T. ramosissima) grew as much as 44 cm in one week. It remains to be determined how far north Thorea may grow. The proximity of the Hudson River site to the St. Lawrence River watershed, and the connection of the Hudson River to this wa- tershed through the Lake Champlain Canal, provides opportunity for Thorea to range considerably farther north. The newly rec- ognized broader range of Thorea’s environmental tolerances re- quires rethinking of the apparent warm-temperate distribution of the Thoreaceae in North America. The more common presence of the Thoreaceae in southern locales might simply reflect slow post-glacial recolonization of former ranges from small popula- tions in southern refugia, as was suggested by Sheath and Ham- brook (1990). Three reported localities of 7. hispida are of similar latitude and near the southern limits of glaciation (Hedgcock and Hunter, 1899; Tiffany and Britten, 1952; Hirsch and Palmer, 1958), but the specimens of 7. vio/acea in the Hudson River are the first members of this family discovered deep within the gla- ciated region of North America. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to Dr. Robert Sheath for his helpful discussion of the Thoreaceae and his comments on the manuscript and to Ron Allen of the United States Geological Survey, Troy, New York, for providing physical and chemical data for the Hudson River. LITERATURE CITED BiscHorF, H. W. 1965. Thorea riekei sp. nov. and related species. J. Phycol. 1: 111-117. Hepccock, G. G. AND A. A. HUNTER. 1899. Notes on Thorea. Bot. Gaz. 28: 425-429 Hirscu, A. AND C. M. PALMER. 1958. Some algae from the Ohio River drainage basin. Ohio J. Sci. 58: 375-382. NeEcculI, O., JR. 1987. Sexual reproduction in Thorea Bory (Rhodophyta, Tho- reaceae). Jap. J. Phycol. 35: 106-112. . SHEATH, AND K. M. Coe. 1993. Systematics of freshwater Au- dowinell (Acrochaetiaceae, Rhodophyta) in North America. 2. The bluish pecies. Arch. Hydrobiol./Suppl. Algol. Stud. 71: 13-21. 338 Rhodora [Vol. 97 SCHMIDLE, W. 1896. Untersuchungen iiber Thorea ramosissima Bory. Hedwigia 35: 1-31 ScHnePF, E. 1992. Electron microscopical studies of Thorea ramosissima (Tho- reaceae, Rhodophyta): taxonomic implications of Thorea pit plug ultrastruc- ture. Pl. Syst. Evol. 181: 233-244. SHEATH, G. 1984. Biology of freshwater red algae. Prog. Phycol. Res. 3: 89- 157. AND J. A. HAMBROOK. 1990. Freshwater ecology, pp. 423-453. In: K. M. Cole and R. G. Sheath, eds. Biology of the Red Algae. Cambridge Uni- versity Press, Cambridge, England. ,M.L. Vis, AND K. M. Cote. 1993, Distribution and systematics of the freshwater red algal family Thoreaceae in North America. Eur. J. Phycol. 231-241 SwALe, E. M. F. 1962. The eer and growth of Thorea ramosissima Bory. Ann. Bot. (London), N. S. 26: 105-116. ; 1963. Notes on the a and ea of Thorea ramosissima Bory. J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 85: 429-434 + | p TiFFANY, L. H. AND M. E. Britron. 1952. the a of Illinois. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL YOSHIZAKI, M. 1986. The morphology and reproduction of Thorea okadai (Rho- dophyta). Phycologia 25: 476-48 1 CML? .G: 5.) 4.8. 7, DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT BINGHAMTON BINGHAMTON, NY 13902-6000 ! Present address: Pacific Estuarine Research Laboratory, Biology Department San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 892, pp. 339-349, 1995 DISTRIBUTION AND CONSERVATION OF NANTUCKET SHADBUSH, AMELANCHIER NANTUCKETENSIS (ROSACEAE) ALISON C. DIBBLE AND CHRISTOPHER S. CAMPBELL ABSTRACT ena nantucketensis, Near es shadbush, thought to be restricted to coastal M d Long Island, New York, is now also known from Maine, seer inland on ‘New Hampshire, and Nova Scotia. Distribution is greater in part due to a wider circumscription of the species; A. nantucketensis intergrades with and therefore includes A. stolonifera f. micropetala. The 41 extant opulations reported here each consist of up to 13 individuals, grow in early be included in administrative rare plant lists. Protection of local populations would be best effected by controlling vegetation to maintain an early successional stage. Key Words: Amelanchier jalan endemism, Maine, Nantucket, Nova Scotia, shadbus INTRODUCTION Setting priorities for conservation is problematic in clonal plants, yet conservation at some level is appropriate for a recognizable morph that is apparently stable (Holsinger, 1992). This is es- pecially so if the morph has small, isolated populations and a clearly bounded geographic range, requires specialized habitat, epends on rare pollinators or dispersers, or supports a rare or unusually diverse fauna. Data regarding number and size of pop- ulations and ecology of species can be useful in determining whether a species is worthy of special consideration. Amelanchier, the shadbushes, contains as many as 17 species and three named hybrids of shrubs and trees in eastern North America (Phipps et al., 1990). Most of these are widespread and poorly defined due in part to facultative agamospermy (asexual seed production), polyploidy, and hybridization (Campbell and Dickinson, 1990; Campbell and Wright, in press). A northeastern North American species of 4melanchier that has been character- ized as a narrow endemic is 4. nantucketensis Bickn., Nantucket shadbush, originally known only from Massachusetts coastal is- lands (Bicknell, 1911; Sorrie, 1987) and later from Long Island, New York. 4melanchier nantucketensis was in Category 2 of the a9 340 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Federal Register of Endangered and Threatened Plant Species, indicating that formal listing required more knowledge about tax- onomic status, geographic distribution, or threats. On February 28, 1996, the U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service dropped Category 2 (Office of the Federal Register, 1996 February 28) because of uneven data quality and insufficient re- sources. Thus 4melanchier nantucketensis no longer has Federal status. Amelanchier nantucketensis was considered to be a hybrid by Gleason and Cronquist (1991). Standley (1992) noted the lack of information regarding the biology of this taxon. Amelanchier nantucketensis has an unusual feature, andrope- taly; this is a term we propose for the condition of petals bearing one or usually two microsporangia. Andropetals replace normal, sterile petals, are often narrower and shorter than sterile petals, and are ivory rather than white (Dibble, 1995). Andropetaly is evident in at least some flowers on an individual; however, not all petals on a plant bear pollen. This condition is also found in A. stolonifera Wieg. f. micropetala (Robins.) Rehd. (Fernald, 1950), where it was termed “‘staminody” by Weatherby (1916). Tiny, pollen-bearing petals are found also, though rarely, in 4. obovalis (Michx.) Ashe, coastal shadbush. Andropetaly in Amelanchier is associated with a floral syndrome which is characterized by dense inflorescences, short pedicels, and small petals. A distinct com- ponent of the pollinator guild of solitary bees is attracted to an- dropetalous plants when compared to sympatric Amelanchier with normal petals. Possibly, the attraction to bees is not andropetaly so much as overall floral display in 4. nantucketensis (Dibble, 1995). Amelanchier nantucketensis and A. stolonifera f. micropetala were thought to differ in the amount of pubsecence on the ovary Summit (Fernald, 1950), but this distinction is not consistent. Amelanchier stolonifera f. micropetala has therefore been merged into A. nantucketensis on the basis of six morphological characters (Dibble, 1995). Historic collections of this more broadly defined species indi- cate that its range extends mostly along the coastal plain from northern Virginia to Maine. The Massachusetts Natural Heritage Endangered Species Program (MNHESP) has records for an es- timated 30-40 small populations of Amelanchier nantucketensis on Nantucket, 12 on Martha’s Vineyard, and 11 populations in five counties of inland Massachusetts and Cape Cod. Most of 1995] Dibble and Campbell— Nantucket shadbush 341 these populations have been field-checked within the past 20 years. In Connecticut, four populations in three counties are re- corded, but none are known to be extant. On Long Island, New York, at least three extant populations are known. Therefore, status as a narrow endemic 1s no longer appropriate for a species with such a large distribution, especially given nonspecificity of habitat in known locales. Our objectives were to document geographic distribution and population size for 4. nantucketensis. We also sought habitat features and ecological links or associations with rare pollinators that might be important to consider in planning a conservation strategy. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study involved a wide-ranging field survey of northeastern North American Amelanchier and included three visits to the type locality of A. nantucketensis. We collected and pressed spec- imens from 565 permanently marked plants including 62 indi- viduals of A. nantucketensis from 38 populations. Field surveys in New England, Maryland, New Jersey, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec, and the west coast of Newfoundland from 1990-94 concentrated on roadsides, water- courses, meadows, and other disturbed habitats. We regard a population to be an aggregation of individuals separated from any other aggregation by at least 0.5 km. Because 4melanchier plants are clonal and therefore often occur in clumps of stems, we made the assumption that one clump represents one individual. We counted clumps per population and number of stems per clump, estimated or measured plant height, and noted habitat features. Identification of an assumed genetic individual was based on at least 2 m physical separation between clumps of stems; we have not found rhizomes to exceed a length of 50 cm. This 2 m criterion does not account for the possibility that several genotypes ma grow intermingled within a clump or that some “individuals” could be multicloned from agamospermy or fragments of former large clumps. We located 4melanchier plants in flower and returned to the same stems to collect mature leaves and developing or mature fruits. At each population of 4. nantucketensis we collected sam- 342 Rhodora [Vol. 97 ples from all accessible sympatric 4melanchier morphs and iden- tified them using several treatments of the genus (Wiegand, 1912; Jones, 1946; Fernald, 1950; Hinds, 1986: Gleason and Conquist, 1991). To assess recruitment, we searched for seedlings among mature ramets of 4. nantucketensis. We noted evidence of her- bivory, fungal infection, insect visits to flowers, and activity of dispersers where present. We examined herbarium specimens at ACAD, BH, GH, NEBC, and NSAC (herbarium acronyms follow Holmgren et al., 1990) for 4. nantucketensis from the type locality and elsewhere. Dibble (1995) reported additional information regarding morphology, cytology, megasporogenesis, and pollination ecology. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Distribution and endemism The geographic range of 4. nantucketensis is greater than pre- viously recognized; this increase is due to concerted effort in field surveys and to lumping 4. stolonifera f. micropetala into A. nan- tucketensis. The range extends from Great Falls, Maryland (Ashe, 1944), along the coastal plain to Nova Scotia, with inland pop- ulations in northwestern Massachusetts and New Hampshire (both are montane habitats), and northwestern Maine ona high gravelly bank on the St. John River (Table 1, Figure 1). Amelanchier taxa exhibiting andropetaly were previously unknown in Canada (Scoggan, 1987). Amelanchier nantucketensis is apparently not limited to coastal plain communities. North American 4 me/anchier contains numerous taxa of nar- row geographic distribution. 4melanchier lucida Fern., for ex- ample, 1s limited to Nova Scotia (Fernald, 1948: Roland and Smith, 1969). Others include 4. amabilis Wieg. (Fernald, 1950), A. fernaldii Wieg. (Wiegand, 1912), A. huronensis Wieg., A. mu- cronata Nielsen, 4. interior Nielsen (Nielsen, 1939), A. gaspensis (Wieg.) Fern. & Weatherby, 4. florida Lindl., A. cusickii Fern., and A. basalticola Piper (Jones, 1946). In addition, we have iden- tified several series of populations that are morphologically dis- crete and narrowly distributed in Maine or in Maine and New Brunswick (Dibble, 1995). Some of these narrowly distributed taxa may be the product of 1995] Dibble and Campbell— Nantucket shadbush 343 Table 1. Extantand |} ic (known prior to 1976) populations sp eiaciaied nantucketensis that were visited for this study or reported to authors, and estimated population size for each within about 50 m radius. nies for addi- tional sites are kept at the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Endangered Species Program Numbe Popul of popu- .. ‘ lations aus _ s(n. of Year His- Ex-__ indivi- last State/Province County Town toric tant duals*) seen Connecticut New London’ Waterford 1 0 0 ca. 1975 Maine Penobscot 1 13 1994 Maine Penobscot Bradley 1 2 1993 e Penobscot Eddington 1 1 1993 aine Penobscot Milford 1 1 1996 Maine Penobscot Old Town 1 6 1995 Maine Penobscot Orono 3 11 1994 Maine Hancock Ellsworth 3 5 1994 Maine Hancock Bar Harbor 1 9 1993 Maine Aroostook T12 R16 I 1 1 1995 W Maine Lincoln Wiscasset 1 1 1991 Maryland Montgomery Great Falls l 1 3 1993 Massachusetts Nantucket Nantucket 1 18 44 most: 1993 Massachusetts Barnstable Harwich 1 1 1990 Massachusetts Barnstable Hyannis 1 1 1991 Massachusetts Berkshire N. Adams? 1 | 1987 Massachusetts Dukes Edgartown 1 9 1992 New Hampshire — Carroll N. Conway 1 10 1996 New York Nassau Montauk 1 9 1992 New York Nassau Shinnecock 1 4 1992 Nova Scotia Shelburne Jordan Bay 1 _9 1992 Totals 21 4 41 141 a An “individual” may consist of one o d dered a discrete clump of stems separated by >2 m pee other ‘clumps > Specimens identified as a stolonifera f. qiconeaie Pamela B. Weatherbee, Wil- liamstown, Berkshire Co., MA, 9 May 1987 No. 772 and 8 July 1987 No. 998; Summit, Pine Cobble Mt.—elev. ca. 800 m). the interplay between hybridization and agamospermy. Amelan- chier hybrids with at least one agamospermous parent are also agamospermous in the two cases that have been studied (Weber and Campbell, 1989; Campbell and Wright, in press). Agamo- spermy perpetuates hybrids and thus generates microspecies, se- 344 Rhodora [Vol. 97 750 | \ 70° | Teen N I a N. B. ~ Martha's Vineyard Figure 1. Geographic distribution of Amelanchier nantucketensis, with ap- proximate extant (dots) and historic but presumed extirpated (star) locations. Multiple populations are represented by a single dot in some cases. ries of populations derived from uniparental reproduction (Grant, 1981). Asa tetraploid agamosperm, Ame/lanchier nantucketensis (Dib- ble, 1995) may itself be of hybrid origin, as suggested by Gleason and Cronquist (1991); however, unambiguous identification of parental taxa has not been made. Amelanchier nantucketensis may participate in microspecies formation because it frequently grows with other Amelanchier, and in most cases there is overlap in flowering times. 4melanchier species and hybrids that grow with A, nantucketensis include A. canadensis, A. stolonifera, A. laevis Wieg., A. cf. humilis Wieg., and less commonly, 4. arborea (Michx. f.) Fern., A. bartramiana (Tausch) M. Roemer, A. x neglecta Eg- glest., 4. x intermedia Spach, and a morph we tentatively identify as A. cf. humilis x A. laevis. The above list includes the first record of A. stolonifera on Nantucket. We have observed apparent 1995] Dibble and Campbell— Nantucket shadbush 345 morphological intermediates between A. nantucketensis and A. stolonifera in some populations on Nantucket and in Orono, Maine (Dibble, 1995). The Orono population of A. stolonifera includes tetraploid agamosperms. For most of the supposed narrowly distributed endemic Ame- lanchier species, taxonomic status and geographic distribution are uncertain and, in our experience, not fully determinable from herbarium specimens. Ideally, the status of these entities will be ascertained from detailed study of morphological and molecular variation, hybridization, ploidy, and reproductive biology. To date, extensive study of supposed rare Amelanchier taxa other than A. nantucketensis is lacking. Population number and size We visited 38 populations of A. nantucketensis for this study; locations of three others were brought to our attention (Table 1). Fourteen of these were unknown prior to 1990. Based on records kept by MNHESP, the total number of extant populations could exceed 80; the actual total depends on whether one considers occurrences within gene flow (1.e., pollen and seed dispersal) dis- tance of others, as on Nantucket, to be populations or subpopula- tions. Determining the number of individuals at these populations is difficult in this rhizomatous shrub. Numerous stems (or ap- parent ramets) arise within 10-50 cm of each other, and presumed genets may be up to 10 m across. All populations we visited are small, usually with one or a few individuals each consisting of numerous stems. Populations with up to 13 individuals are known from Maine and Nantucket. One Maine population has since been extirpated by a construction project. We found no small seedlings among the densely arranged ma- ture ramets of A. nantucketensis. However, we observed young ramets growing at the center as well as near the edges of large clumps. These young ramets usually have large leaves compared to older ramets, suggesting they are sprouts from rhizomes rather than seedlings. Habitat The diversity of habitats occupied by A. nantucketensis is much greater than previously known. It grows in sand or loam or on 346 Rhodora [Vol. 97 ledges, along roadsides, river and stream shores, in coastal heaths, and under powerlines. Rarely, it grows in early- to mid-succes- sional forests dominated by Quercus rubra L., Populus spp., Betula spp., Pinus strobus L., and Picea spp., always within about 10 m of an opening. Occurrence in such habitats could depend on suc- cession of the site. As with many Amelanchier species, A. nan- tucketensis has the greatest density of stems and the most prolific flowering and fruiting in sunny sites. Soil drainage may influence plant height, with mesic soils supporting taller plants. Conservation aspects Because A. nantucketensis 1s associated with ecotones and such habitats are often occupied by a higher diversity of organisms than are adjacent areas under closed canopies, the potential for ecological links between this colonizing plant and various op- portunistic animals is relatively high. We found no rare arthro- pods associated with A. nantucketensis, but a multitude of in- vertebrates use this species as forage, breeding habitat, or as a domicile. We did not find any obligately species-specific inver- tebrates, and we observed similar associations among these an- imals and various other Ame/anchier species (Dibble, 1995). Examples of some animals associated with Amelanchier nan- tucketensis include more than 40 species of generalist solitary bees, which are probably the primary pollinators of this species (Dibble, 1995). Flowers are also visited by sawflies (Tenthredi- nidae), bee flies (Bombyliidae), flower flies (Syrphidae), moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera), and various beetles including der- mestids (Dermestidae). Insect herbivores include leaf cutter bees (Megachile spp.), which use circular pieces of leaf to line their nests; weevils (Curculionidae); scale insects (Coccidae); aphids (Aphididae); and leaf miners (Agromyzidae). Ants (Formicidae), perhaps attracted by nectar, are ubiquitous on flowers and de- veloping fruits; they eat styles, stamens, petals, sepals, and carpels. Crab spiders (Thomisidae) are camouflaged on flowers and cap- ture visiting, small, solitary bees. Weevils mate on the plants during anthesis; then the females oviposit into the hypanthium, later the larvae consume developing Amelanchier embryos. Wounds created by weevils provide one entry for Gymnospor- angium rust, the alternate host for which is Juniperus. This rust disfigures the fruits so that birds avoid these when foraging on 1995] Dibble and Campbell— Nantucket shadbush 347 the plants, but viable seeds can develop within spermogonia-laden fruits (Dibble, unpubl. data). The fruits probably fall to the ground near the parent plant, which would allow seeds to germinate in a microsite to which the genotype 1s well-adapted. Dispersal is by birds and various mammals, and there is potential that seeds consumed on different but nearby species could be deposited together, germinate, and grow intermingled, adding to confusion of field observers. All these associations are integral parts of a fully functioning ecosystem and represent a microcosm of ecological interactions in and around a host plant species. For conservation purposes, no link is dispensable given that we do not fully understand re- lationships between organisms. Although these associates of A. nantucketensis are mostly common, widely-distributed general- ists, it is unknown whether this shadbush species would be ad- versely affected by loss or reduction in numbers of any of these animal and fungal species. Listing at the state rather than Federal level is recommended for A. nantucketensis because it has more than 60 recently verified populations and a broad geographic range compared with narrow endemics listed as Federally Endangered. Although some state lists, such as Maine’s (Dibble et al., 1989), provide no regulatory protection, recognition of rarity within the state could increase the likelihood that some 4. nantucketensis populations will be protected voluntarily. Small populations and occurrence in hab- itats subject to frequent human disturbance or succession make A, nantucketensis susceptible to population extinction if devel- opment destroys habitat or if forests succeed open areas. In pro- tected populations, woody vegetation should be monitored every 2-5 years and controlled by mowing or burning to maintain the early successional habitat conducive to persistence of A. nan- tucketensis. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding was provided by the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Endangered Species Program, the Maine Agricultural and For- estry Experiment Station, and a New England Botanical Club Graduate Student Award to ACD. We are grateful to the Nan- tucket Conservation Foundation, Massachusetts Audubon, Aca- dia National Park, Great Falls National Park, and numerous pri- 348 Rhodora [Vol. 97 vate landowners for access to sites. We thank P. Dunwiddie, M. Golden, P. Somers, B. Sorrie, and W. Tiffney for guiding us to sites and providing background information. For field assistance we thank C. Bigelow, B. Coan, M. Coan, C. Dibble, J. Dudley, P. Dunwiddie, L. Gregory, A. Haines, B. Liles, P. Vitt, A. Walker, K. Walker, and W. Wright. We are grateful to Curators at ACAD, BH, GH, NEBC, and NSAC, and vegetation inspectors of the USDA and Agriculture Canada. Information about additional sites for A. nantucketensis was provided by B. Brooks, A. Haines, R. LeBlond, S. Rooney, P. Weatherbee, J. Weber, S. Young, and R. Zaremba. Comments from F. Drummond, S. Gawler, C. Greene, M. Hunter, Jr., G. DeWolf, Jr., and an anonymous re- viewer improved the paper. This is Maine Agricultural and For- estry Experiment Station Publication 2046. LITERATURE CITED AsHE, W. W. 1944. Notes on trees and shrubs in the vicinity of Washington. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 46: 221-226. BICKNELL, E. P. 1911. The ferns and flowering plants of Nantucket. Part VIII. Bull. Torrey — Club 38: 447-460. CAMPBELL, C. S. AND T. A. Dickinson. 1990. Apomixis, patterns of mo logical Mates and species concepts in subfam. Maloideae Reo aee): Syst. — 15: 124-135. AND W. A. ee GHT. In press. Agamospermy, hybridization, and taxo- nomic complexity in Amelanchier (Rosaceae). Folia Geobot. Phytotax. Dipste, A.C. 1995. Conservation biology of Shadbush, 4melanchier (Rosaceae): evidence from systematics, population structure and reproductive ecology. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Maine, Oro E. ——., C. S. CampBELL, H. R. Ty er, Jr., AND 7 Sr JOHN VICKERY. 1989. Maine’s official list of Endangered and Threatened Plants. Rhodora 91: 244— 269 FERNALD, M. L. 1948. A Nova Scotian dwarf shadbush. Rhodora 50: 49-51. ——. 1950. Gray’s Manual of Botany, 8th ed. American Book Co., New York, NY. Geason, H. A. AND A. CRONQUIST. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of North- eastern United States and Adjacent Canada. New York Botanical Garden, onx, NY. GRANT, V. 1981. Plant Speciation, 2nd ed. Columbia University Press, New Y Hinps, H. 1986. Flora of New Brunswick. Primrose Press, Fredericton, New Brunswick. HoLMGREN, P. K., N. H. HOLMGREN, AND L. C. BARNETT, eds. 1990. Index Herbariorum, Part I: The Herbaria of the World, 8th ed. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY. HOLsINGER, K. 1992. Setting priorities for regional plant conservation programs. Rhodora 94: 243-257. 1995] Dibble and Campbell— Nantucket shadbush 349 Jones, G. N. 1946. American species of Amelanchier. Illinois Biol. Monogr. 20(2 NIELSEN, E.L. 1939. A taxonomic study of the genus Amelanchier in Minnesota. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 22: 160-206. OFFICE OF THE anans cas 1996 February 28. Endangered and threatened species, | xa; Proposed Rule. Federal Register 61(40): 7596— 761 ine Purpps, J. B., K. R. ROBERTSON, P. G. SMITH, AND J. R. ROHRER. 1990. Achecklist of the subfamily Maloideae (Rosaceae). Canad. J. Bot. 68: 2209-2269. RoLanpb, A. E. AND E. C. SmitH. 1969. The Flora of Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia Museum, Halifax, Nova Scotia ScoGGAN, H.J. 1987. The Flora of Canada. Part 3: Dictoyledoneae (Saururaceae to Violaceae). National Museums of Natural Sciences Publications in Botany, No. 7(3), Ottawa, Ontario. Sorrig, B. A. 1987. Notes on the rare flora of Massachusetts. Rhodora 89: 113- 196. STANDLEY, L. A. 1992. Taxonomic issues in rare species protection. Rhodora 94: 218-242. WEATHERBY, C. A. 1916. Staminody of the petals in Amelanchier. Rhodora 18: WEBER, J. AND C. S. CAMPBELL. 1989. Breeding system of a hybrid between a sexual and an apomictic — os Amelanchier, Shadbush (Rosaceae, Ma- loideae). Amer. J. Bot. 7 WIEGAND, K. M. 1912. The genus eee in Eastern North America. Rhodora 14: 117-161. DEPARTMENT OF PLANT BIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY 5722 DEERING HALL UNIVERSITY OF MAINE, ORONO, ME 04469-5722 A line drawing of Amelanchier nantucketensis appears on the cover of Rhodora 95, 1993. RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 892, pp. 350-356, 1995 ERIOGONUM CODIUM (POLYGONACEAE: ERIOGONOIDEAE), A NEW SPECIES FROM SOUTHCENTRAL WASHINGTON JAMES L. REVEAL, FLORENCE CAPLOW, AND KATHRYN BECK ABSTRACT Eriogonum codium (Polygonaceae: Eriogonoideae), a low, matted, cespitose perennial with tomentose flowers and achenes found on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation (the Hanford Site), Benton Co., Washington, U.S.A., is described as a new species. It belongs to the same group of matted perennials in the subgenus Eucycla as E. chrysops but has a cymose-umbellate inflorescence similar to E. cusickii. The tomentose flowers and achenes readily distinguish the new species from all of its near relatives. Key Words: Polygonaceae, Eriogonoideae, cll codium, floristics, rare plants, Hanford Nuclear Reservati The genus Eriogonum Michx. (Polygonaceae Juss.: Eriogono- ideae Arn.), a taxon of more than 240 species widely distributed in temperate North America, 1s divided into eight subgenera (Re- veal, 1989). The most speciose is subg. Eucycla (Nutt.) Post & Kuntze, containing nearly half of the known species. The majority of cespitose to pulvinate-matted perennials with captitate or cy- mose-umbellate inflorescences belong to the sect. Capitata Torr. & A. Gray. The type of this section is £. pauciflorum Pursh, an atypical member in the sense that it has densely tomentose flowers whereas all other species have glabrous or glandular pubescent flowers. Related to this section is another group of species that have villous or pilose flowers; and, in one of these, E. shockleyi S. Wats., the ovaries and achenes are densely tomentose. Prior to the discovery of E. codium, this was the only cespitose species of the subg. Eucyc/a with this latter condition. Eriogonum codium Reveal, Caplow & K. Beck, sp. nov. (Figure 1). A E. cusickii floribus et achenis pubescentibus differt. Low, cespitose, herbaceous perennials, the aboveground woody caudex system forming highly branched mats (1) 2—7 (9) dm across, arising from a stout, woody taproot; leaves basal, persistent, the leaf-blades oblanceolate to elliptic, (5) 6-12 mm long, 3-6 mm 350 1995] Reveal et al.—Eriogonum codium 351 wide, densely white-tomentose on both surfaces, only slightly less so above in some, the apex mostly acute, the base cuneate, the margin entire and plane, the petiole short, 2-8 (10) mm long, tomentose, the petiole-base elongate-triangular, 1.5—3 (4) mm long, 0.8-1.6 (2) mm wide, densely tomentose abaxially, sparsely so to glabrous adaxially; flowering stems scapose, erect, 2-9 cm long, tomentose, often brittle; inflorescences cymose-umbellate to cy- mose, divided 2-3 times, up to 2 cm high and 4 cm across, tomentose, each typically with a centrally positioned, pedunculate involucre and two lateral, short, dichotomous branches; bracts scale-like, ternate, triangular, 1-2.5 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, to- mentose without, glabrous within, connate at the base; peduncles restricted to the lower node, (1.5) 2-5 (7) mm long, glabrous, faintly winged; involucres solitary, appearing congested in early anthesis, turbinate-campanulate, membranaceous, 2.5-4 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, tomentose to floccose without, glabrous within, the 5 sharply acute teeth 0.8-1.2 (1.5) mm long, the bractlets linear, 2-3 mm long, with marginal glands and scattered teeth, the pedicels 2-3.5 mm long, glabrous; flowers lemon-yellow with greenish midribs and yellowish-green bases, 2-3 mm long, mod- erately (at anthesis) to thinly (in fruit) tomentose without, sparsely so and minutely glandular along the midrib within, the tepals essentially similar, broadly oblong often with the apex emarginate, 1.2-1.5 mm wide, those of the inner whorl narrower (0.9-1.2 mm) than those of the outer whorl and with rounded apices, united about ' the length of the flower; stamens slightly exserted, 2.5-3.5 mm long, the filaments sparsely hairy at the very base, the anthers yellow, 0.5-0.6 mm long, oblong; achenes trigonous, light brown, 2.5—3 mm long, sparsely tomentose, the globose base tapering to a long, 3-angled beak. TYPE: U.S.A. Washington: U.S. Department of Energy’s Han- ford Site, on the northern edge of Umtanum Ridge west of Wash- ington Highway 24 overlooking the Columbia River about 38 air miles northwest of Richland, Benton Co., on volcanic soil asso- ciated with Grayia spinosa (Hook.) Mog., Artemisia tridentata Nutt., Salvia dorrii (Kellogg) Abrams, Hesperostipa comata (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth, and Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) A. Love at about 350 m elev. in sec. 13, T.13N., R.24E., 27 Jun 1995, Reveal, Caplow & Sackschewsky 7484. (Holotype: US; Isotypes: BM, BRY, CAS, COLO, GH, K, MARY, MO, NY, RM, RSA, TEX, UC, WS, WTU, and elsewhere). 532 Rhodora [Vol. 97 pe NOS a Palanan 224 ras yeas Dopey 5 eae : tn saat 2a gee ais ey, ail aa D285 set 1 xe ; a ae MIG Figure 1. Eriogonum codium showing (a) general habit (x 0.75) with details of the (b) cymose inflorescences showing the pedunculate, centrally positioned 5- ~] 1995] Reveal et al.—Eriogonum codium 353 ETYMOLOGY: From kodion Gr., the diminutive of koas, fleece, referring to the woolly nature of the flowers and achenes. The basalt desert buckwheat, Eriogonum codium, was found on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation (the Hanford Site) during the botanical survey portion of the Hanford Biodiversity Project sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Washington State Chapter of The Nature Conservancy. The new species is related to those of sect. Capitata noted for their highly restricted distributions and generally minor morphological differences. The majority of these species occur in the Intermountain West and are differentiated into two major groups, those with distinctly rigid involucres (e.g., E. ochrocephalum S. Wats.) and those with membranaceous involucres (e.g., &. kingii Torr. & A. Gray). The vast majority of plants in these two groups have capitate inflo- rescences with the involucres in clusters atop a short scape (e.g., E. chrysops Rydb. and E. capistratum Reveal). Only a few have a branched inflorescence (e.g., E. novonudum M. E. Peck and E. cusickii M. E. Jones of Oregon, and the Sierra Nevada endemic, E. breedlovei (J. T. Howell) Reveal). Nonetheless, none of these plants has tomentose flowers or achenes. The cymose-umbellate inflorescences of the new species readily differentiate it from the capitate Great Plains species, FE. pauciflorum, and the sparsely tomentose flowers and achenes of FE. codium are unlike the more densely pilose flowers and densely tomentose achenes found in E. shockleyi. As currently understood, Eriogonum codium does not appear to be closely related to any of the known species in and related to those of section Capitata, except that it belongs with those species related to E. chrysops found mainly in Oregon, Idaho, and Nevada. Eriogonum codium is highly restricted in its distribution. The only known population occurs at elevations ranging between 340 and 400 m on flat to gently sloping substrates at the top edge of the steep, north-facing basalt cliffs of Umtanum Ridge overlook- ing the Columbia River. Approximately 5000 plants grow inter- ruptedly in a narrow band 2.5 km long and generally less than 30 m wide. The plants occur only on the ridge which 1s subject to — involucre on a short branch with three bracts (left) and an entire involucre with numerous pedicels, one of which bears a flower, and (c) an achene with fine hairs on the beak (both x 15). 354 Rhodora [Vol. 97 the strong winds of the Columbia River canyon. Precipitation averages less than 15 cm annually. The new species occurs exclusively on the exposed basaltic flow top of the Lolo Flow (mid-Miocene, 14 mybp) of the Priest Rapids Member of the Wanapum Formation (Goff, 1981), with the gaps in the population correlating with the absence of exposed flow top. The flow top material typically has high porosity and high permeability. Weathering has transformed the top into a surface comprised of pebble to gravel sized pieces of vesicular volcanic material. The average chemical composition of the Lolo basalt flow differs from the other Columbia Basin basalt formations in having high concentrations of calcium oxide, iron oxide, mag- nesium oxide, phosphorous pentoxide, titanium oxide, and the mineral olivine (Reidel & Fecht, 1981). In addition, the Priest Rapids Basalt flows have unusually high water-holding capacity (Reidel, pers. comm., 1995). It is not known if the strong asso- ciation of Eriogonum codium with the Lolo Flow is related to the particular chemical composition of the flow. The basalt desert buckwheat occurs in the shrub-steppe vege- tation zone which Is the primary vegetation of the Columbia Basin (Franklin and Dyrness, 1973). Perhaps as a result of the chemistry of the substrate, vegetational cover in the vicinity of Eriogonum codium is low when compared with other shrub-steppe sites. Common perennial associates include Artemisia tridentata, Gray- ia spinosa, Krascheninnikovia lanata (Pursh) A. D. J. Meeuse & Smit, E. sphaerocephalum Dougl. ex Benth., Salvia dorrii, Hes- perostipa comata, Pseudoroegneria spicata, Poa sandbergii Vasey, Sphaeralcea munroana (Dougl. ex Lindl.) Spach ex A. Gray, As- tragalus caricinus (M. E. Jones) Barneby, and Balsamorhiza car- evana A, Gray. Common annual associates include Bromus tec- torum L., Phacelia linearis (Pursh) Holz., Gilia leptomeria A. Gray, G. inconspicua (Sm.) Sweet var. sinuata (Dougl. ex Benth.) A. Gray, Camissonia minor (A. Nels.) Raven, Mentzelia albicaulis (Dougl. ex Hook.) Dougl. ex Torr. & A. Gray, and Cryptantha pterocarya (Torr.) E. Greene. Adjacent areas on Umtanum Ridge support populations of two local, rare endemics, Lomatium tub- erosum Hoov. and Astragalus columbianus Barneby. The cover of Eriogonum codium is higher than that of most other species within its habitat. There is a wide range of size and age classes within the population. In 1995 (a wet year), plants were in flower from early May through late August. Seed set, 1995] Reveal et al.—Eriogonum codium 355 however, was low with less than five percent of the flowers pro- ducing mature, viable seed in 1995. Seed germination has not been evaluated. Umtanum Ridge is currently managed by the U.S. Department of Energy. The Hanford Site has large areas of relatively undis- turbed, high-quality shrub-steppe vegetation due to the cessation of virtually all agricultural and grazing activities when the Site was established in 1943. Therefore, the population of Eriogonum codium does not appear to be threatened by human activity at this time. Change in ownership or changes in the Department of Energy’s management policies could allow public access, the use of off-road vehicles, and/or livestock grazing. If public access is allowed in this area, the population could also be affected by petrified wood collectors. Major deposits of petrified wood occur in the substrate throughout the area. Petrified wood is often col- lected with the aid of bulldozers and other heavy machinery. Any change of ownership or management of the Umtanum Ridge area could potentially threaten the viability of this highly restricted species. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank the U.S. Department of Energy for their financial and logistical support of the Hanford Biodiversity Pro- ject and the Washington State Chapter of The Nature Conser- vancy for their vision and commitment to the study of biodi- versity on the Hanford Site. Dr. S. P. Reidel provided us with details on the geology of the area. The illustration was prepared by Ms. Dolly Baker. This is Scientific Article A-7829, Contri- bution No. 9156, of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion and Cooperative Extension Service. LITERATURE CITED FRANKLIN, J. F. AND C. T. Dyrness. 1973. Pree oo - of Oregon and Washington. Gen. Techn. Rep. P.N.W., U.S. F . 8. Gorr, F. E. 1981. Preliminary Geology oe ae m on Ridge, South Central Washington. RHO-BWI-C-21, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Rich- REIDEL, S. P. AND K. R. Fecut. 1981. Wanapum and Saddle mountains basalts of the Cold Creek Syncline Area, pp. 3(1-16). Ja: C. W. Myers and S. M 356 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Price, eds. Subsurface Geology of the Cold Creek Syncline. RHO-BWI-ST- 14. Rockwell Hanford Operations, Richland, WA. REVEAL, J. L. 1989. A checklist of the Eriogonoideae (Polygonaceae). Phytologia 66: 266-294. Hae ae DEPARTMENT OF PLANT BIOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND COLLEGE PARK, MARYLAND 20742-5815 FAG, ee Te Bs: CALYPSO CONSULTING 3963 SQUALICUM LAKE ROAD BELLINGHAM, WA 98226 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 892, pp. 357-374, 1995 VEGETATION, BROWSING, AND SITE FACTORS AS DETERMINANTS OF CANADA YEW (TAXUS CANADENSIS) DISTRIBUTION IN CENTRAL NEW HAMPSHIRE JOHN J. STACHOWICZ AND TABER D. ALLISON ABSTRACT Taxus canadensis (Canada yew) in Hanover, New Hampshire, was studied to determine the relative importance of site factors, deer browsing, and past land- se in determining its distribution. Data indicate that the species’ distribution is strongly linked to habitats with high soil moisture and low solar radiation (e.g., concave and/or north-facing slopes). Taxus canadensis is less abundant on slopes and in habitats with southern exposure. Deer browsing 1s greater on south-facing than on north-facing slopes and higher under deciduous than under coniferous canopies. Species associations do not indicate a restriction of Taxus canadensis to sites of particular (canopy) successional status, but land-use data suggest that it may be absent ue areas which have been recently logged. Taxus canadensis is more abundant in Hanover than in sites in north-central Massachusetts, sug- gesting that Scie habitat for this species may increase with latitude. Key Words: Taxus canadensis, land-use history, a site relationships, deer browsing, New Hampshire, Canada y INTRODUCTION The genus 7axus L. comprises eight species worldwide. It is well known for its horticultural importance and has a long eco- nomic and mythical association with humans (e.g., Hartzell, 1991). Public awareness of this genus has recently been increased by the discovery that taxol, a chemical constituent of all parts of the yew plant, is an effective anti-tumor agent (National Cancer Institute, 1992). As a result, there was a major increase in the exploitation of yew species, particularly for their bark. Recent development of synthetic sources of taxol (e.g.. Wheeler and Hehnen, 1993; Nicolau et al., 1994) has reduced the pressure on wild Taxus species, but the threat of harvesting wild populations has high- lighted the lack of detailed information on the ecological status of all species in the genus. Taxus canadensis Marsh. (Canada yew) 1s a spreading, ever- green shrub of cool, moist forests of the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. The southern limit of its range in New England extends roughly in a line from Newburyport, Massachu- setts, through Providence, Rhode Island, to New Haven, Con- 357 358 Rhodora [Vol. 97 necticut. We conducted a survey of the distribution and abun- dance of this species in Hanover, New Hampshire, in order to determine its ecological status and, specifically, to assess which environmental factors are important in influencing its current distribution. It has been suggested that logging can have a negative effect on T. canadensis distribution (Nichols, 1913; Hosley and Ziebarth, 1935). New England’s forests were heavily logged during the 18th and 19th centuries when much of the land was cleared for agri- culture, and subsequent reforestation beginning in the mid-19th century has resulted in a mosaic of primary (areas cut but never cleared for agriculture) and secondary woodlands (Foster, 1993). Vegetation surveys performed in the 1930’s indicated that 7. canadensis was associated with primary woodlands in Petersham, Massachusetts, but the species was too rare for this conclusion to have been stated with statistical confidence (Whitney and Foster, 1988; Whitney, 1991). Anecdotal reports also have suggested that winter browsing by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zim- mermann) and moose (A/ces alces americana Clinton) can locally extirpate 7. canadensis populations (Allison, 1990, and references cited therein). A review of the literature on forest community composition of New England and New York (a list of papers is available from the authors) and preliminary surveys of areas supporting 7. can- adensis populations indicated that most sites supporting this spe- cies were located at or near the base of slopes with a northerly or westerly aspect. While such surveys of forest composition can yield information on where 7. canadensis is present, they are not useful in determining where the species is absent. This is signif- icant, as these surveys are often biased to old-growth stands where T. canadensis may be more likely to occur. We sampled 7. canadensis in the town of Hanover, New Hamp- shire, in order to characterize its distribution in relation to specific environmental variables and associated vegetation. Based on the results of our preliminary survey and literature search, we eval- uated our data with reference to the hypotheses that 7. canadensis: (1) 1s restricted to sites which have experienced low browsing pressure in the past and/or present; (2) is limited by the avail- ability of microhabitats with suitable moisture regimes, growing particularly on north-facing slopes which typically receive low insolation and have high humidity (Geiger, 1965); and (3) has 1995] Stachowicz and Allison—Canada yew 359 been eliminated by extensive forest clearing and is currently con- fined to primary woodlands. These hypotheses may be confounded. For example, deer browse T. canadensis only in the winter when north-facing slopes may be less accessible to deer due to rugged topography and a more persistent snowpack. North-facing slopes are also less likely to have been cleared for farming and are thus frequently associated with primary woodlands. While complete evaluation of these and additional hypotheses requires experimental approaches beyond the scope of our study, we report here the results of our survey and an initial evaluation of these hypotheses based on the survey ata. METHODS Study Site The climate of Hanover, New Hampshire, 1s characterized by long, cold winters with heavy snowfalls and relatively short, cool summers. Precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year and the average number of frost free days is 134. Elevation ranges from slightly less than 120 m to 712 m. The land in and around the town was extensively cleared during the agricultural period, with a maximum of 65% of the total land area in farms in 1880; over 40% of this land was actually tilled (United States Census Bureau, 1883). The majority of undeveloped land in the town is now forested although recent agricultural census data suggest that about five percent of the town’s area remains in cultivation (Unit- ed States Census Bureau, 1989), most of which is in the floodplain of the Connecticut River or the level plains of the highlands. In early successional sites, forested lands are dominated by white pine (Pinus strobus L.), gray birch (Betula populifolia Marsh.), quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and pin cherry (Pru- nus pensylvanica L. f.). Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.), red maple (Acer rubrum L.), and white pine dominate mid-succes- sional forests. Late successional lower elevation and stream valley forests are dominated by northern hardwoods species such as yellow birch (B. lutea Michx. f.), sugar maple (A. saccharum Marsh.), and beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.). Hemlock (T’suga canadensis (L.) Carr.) is also important at lower elevations and is replaced by red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) and balsam fir (Abies 360 Rhodora [Vol. 97 balsamea (L.) Mill.) at higher elevations. Nomenclature follows Gray’s Manual of Botany (Fernald, 1950). Vegetation Survey Twenty study points were selected randomly using Universal Trans-Mercator (UTM) coordinates from areas zoned for forestry and recreation by the town of Hanover. Wetlands were excluded from the sample. The study was limited to these zones in order to assure forest cover in all randomly selected survey sites and to avoid sampling near residences. According to 1989 Town of Hanover zoning maps, approximately 44% of the town’s area, and the majority of its undeveloped land, is included in this designation. At each point a transect was established in a compass direction chosen randomly. We located 10 plots of 10 m radius at randomly selected intervals between 20 and 100 m apart along the transect. Twenty transects (200 plots) were sampled. Vege- tation data were limited to recording presence of all species in three strata (canopy, understory, and forest floor). These measures of community composition may not be the most precise method of determining association; however, simple presence-absence data may be the best indicator of a forest’s age (Rackham, 1986; Whitney and Foster, 1988). We sampled in this way in order to survey a large number of sample plots that could be easily compared with other available data, since much of the information on 7. canadensis occurrence and associated forest composition gathered from the literature was available only in presence/absence form. Environmental parameters were also re- corded for each plot including elevation, percent slope, aspect, slope shape (concave, planar, or convex), and slope position (base, lower, middle, upper third, or ridge). Land-use history data were collected from historical documents where available, but for most sites detailed historical records were unavailable, and land-use history was inferred using field observations and local (anecdotal) sources. Sampling of Taxus canadensis Populations Density, biomass, growth, and browse damage of 7. canadensis were determined in a separate survey of sites known to support 1995] Stachowicz and Allison—Canada yew 361 T. canadensis populations, including sites other than those in our vegetation survey. These sites were selected according to the fol- lowing criteria: (1) each contained a population of 7. canadensis which extended over an area of at least 1000 m?; (2) preliminary data indicated that at least a portion of the site contained plots with a density of 0.25 shoots per m?; and (3) sites were selected to ensure representation of habitats with different canopy vege- tation and slope aspect. At each of these sites, we marked 30 sampling points along a 100 m transect. The starting point of the transect, its direction, and the spacing of the sampling points were all determined using a random number table. At each point, the distance to the nearest 7. canadensis shoot and the distance from that shoot to its nearest neighbor were measured. These distances were used to estimate density according to the formula derived by Batcheler (1971): log(density) = log(n/m(Zr,7)) — (0.1416 — 0.1613(2r,/=r,)); where r, 1s the distance from the point to the nearest shoot, r, 1s the distance from that shoot to its nearest neighbor, and n is the number of shoots sampled. This method avoids the biases inherent in using random quadrat methods to sample aclumped distribution like that ofa vegetatively spreading species such as 7. canadensis (Batcheler, 1971). Because 7. canadensis spreads vegetatively, the delineation of an individual (genet) is impossible without tracing the root sys- tem. Therefore, we used the shoot (ramet) as our unit of mea- surement. A ramet was defined as a single emergent stem of the plant, disconnected from neighboring stems at a soil depth of 2 cm. For each shoot, we measured the basal diameter and the diameter of all branches greater than or equal to 3.0 mm on these shoots. These values were converted to grams dry weight by com- parison with a standard curve of biomass versus branch diameter determined previously for Taxus canadensis [mass = 0.685 — 1.02 (diameter) + 0.539 (diameter)*; r* = 0.99 (J. J. Stachowicz, unpubl. data)]. Biomass per shoot was multiplied by the density of each population (shoots per m7’) to obtain an estimate of bio- mass for each population. Annual growth increments on 7. canadensis are indicated by terminal bud scars on the stem and are often apparent as far back as five years. To estimate aboveground growth for each popula- tion, we measured the stem diameter just above the third terminal bud scar (Figure |) from the apex of ten randomly selected branch- es on each shoot used for biomass estimates. Growth measure- 362 Rhodora [Vol. 97 ments were made in late fall, at the end of the growing season, so the measurement should represent three full years of growth. By measuring growth for the most recent three-year period, and then dividing by three to convert to an annual rate, we attempted to minimize the effects of year-to-year variability on our growth estimates. The annual diameter increment was converted to bio- mass using the standard curve of diameter versus mass, and an average annual biomass increment per branch was calculated. Total annual growth was estimated by multiplying the average annual biomass increment per branch by the total number of branches per shoot. We estimated removal rates by deer (in grams of tissue per year) by measuring the diameter of all branches browsed within the past year at the point of removal, estimating biomass of re- moved tissue from the diameter-biomass relationship described above, and summing over all browsed branches for the entire shoot. Both annual growth and removal rates per shoot were multiplied by density to obtain areal estimates per m7’. The nearest canopy and understory individuals to each shoot were recorded and environmental data taken as previously de- scribed. The canopy at each site was classified based on whether the majority of the nearest canopy individuals recorded were coniferous or deciduous. At all of the locations we sampled, either conifers or deciduous trees greatly outnumbered the other, so determination of canopy type was unambiguous and no mixed canopy areas were sampled. DATA ANALYSIS Relationships between environmental variables and 7. cana- densis presence were examined using Chi-Square tests (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981), testing the null hypothesis that the frequency of occurrence was the same in all categories. Biomass, annual growth, and deer removal rates for different habitats were evaluated by ANOVA with site characteristics as fixed effects. Data on species presence-absence in the 200 sample plots were analyzed by di- visive Classification using TWINSPAN (Hill, 1979a) to determine associations among different species and 7. canadensis. Species presence-absence data were also analyzed by correspondence analysis (CA), an ordination technique, using DECORANA (Hill, 1995] Stachowicz and Allison—Canada yew 363 ~<—— terminal bud | growth this | season | growth one season ago « {st terminal bud scar a. Se ~«<——— 2nd terminal bud scar growth tw seasons ee = Figure |. Branch tip of Taxus canadensis showing bud scars marking annual growth increments. Measurements of growth were made over the most recent three-year period by measuring the branch diameter just above the third terminal bud scar (see text). ——_—— 3rd terminal bud scar 1979b). This analysis represents plots or species graphically, on a two (or greater) dimensional set of axes, placing those with the most similar patterns of occurrence closest together, and thereby allowing relationships between many samples or species to be easily recognized. To test if the axis values generated by DE- CORANA were predictive of 7. canadensis presence, we corre- lated them, along with environmental parameters (slope, aspect, elevation, etc.), with 7. canadensis presence by multiple logistic regression (Kleinbaum et al., 1988). This analysis is similar to standard multiple linear regression, with the exception that the dependent variable (in this case 7. canadensis occurrence) is di- chotomous (yew is either present or absent). 364 Rhodora [Vol. 97 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Taxus canadensis occurred in 37 out of 200 plots sampled (18.5%). The only understory or forest floor species that occurred more frequently was striped maple (Acer pensylvanicum L., 43.5%). Several other forest floor species were similar in frequency to 7. canadensis. These include Rubus sp., 17%; Lycopodium obscurum L., 16.5%; Lycopodium clavatum L., 14.5%; Lycopodium anno- tinum L., 14.5%; Aster divaricatus L., 13.5%; and Mitchella repens L., 13%. The frequency of occurrence of 7. canadensis in Hanover is higher than that in north-central Massachusetts. Taxus cana- densis occurred in seven of 74 (9.5%) plots in the Harvard Forest and surrounding area of Petersham, Massachusetts (Gerhardt, 1993), and a survey of a 40 township region in north-central Massachusetts found 7. canadensis in 17 out of 360 plots, less than five percent (C. Mabry and D. R. Foster, unpubl. data). These studies used 20 m x 20 m plots in which presence/absence of all vascular plant species was recorded, so general methods are com- parable to this study. The land-use history and topography of these central-Massachusetts sites are similar to those of Hanover, New Hampshire, and both receive ample precipitation through- out the year. However, Hanover has a shorter growing season and more of the precipitation comes as snowfall than at the Harvard Forest, suggesting that the primary difference between these sites is related to temperature and latitude. Presence-absence data (Table 1), collected during our vegeta- tion survey, show that 7. canadensis occurs more frequently on sites with concave slopes, at slope bases, at low elevations, on north- and east-facing slopes, or on level ground (slope < 10%) than in locations with other physiographic characteristics. The sampling of 7. canadensis populations showed that, where this species grew, density was greatest in level areas (0.83 shoots/m7?) and lowest on south-facing slopes (0.23 shoots/m?). Shoots grow- ing on north-facing slopes have the greatest standing crop or bio- mass (F = 4.52; P < 0.001) and growth rates or production equal to shoots on level ground but greater than those on south slopes (F = 6.09; P < 0.001; Figure 2A). Production of 7. canadensis did not differ under deciduous versus coniferous canopies, al- though biomass was slightly greater under deciduous canopies (Figure 2B). The distribution of 7. canadensis in upland forests of Hanover 1995] Stachowicz and Allison—Canada yew 365 Table 1. Occurrence of Taxus canadensis by habitat characteristics for 200 plots in Hanover, New Hampshire. Taxus present Taxus absent Frequency Slope Shape Concave 21 28 42.9 Planar 15 65 18.8 Convex 1 70 1.4 x? = 33.04 df = 2; P < 0.0001 Slope Position Slope Base 16 16 50.0 Lower Third 20 32 38.5 Middle Third 0 57 0 Upper Third | 50 2.0 Ridge Top 0) 8 0 x? = 49.09 df = 4; P < 0.0001 Elevation (meters) 100-200 10 0 100 200-300 6 17 26.1 300-400 19 45 29.7 400-500 2 94 2.1 >500 0 0 x? = 68.99 df= 4; P < 0.0001 Aspect North 23 59 28.0 East 12 33 26.7 South 0 31 0 West 2 4.8 x? = 19.24 df = 3; P = 0.0002 Percent Slope 15 26 36.6 10-19° 8 53 13.1 20-29° 7 44 13.7 > 30° 7 4 14.9 x? = 11.244 df = 3; P= 0.0105 Time since abandonment! less than 30 years 0 42 0 30-120 years 6 15 28.6 >120 years or never cleared 31 106 22.6 x? = 12.50 df = 2; P= 0.0019 ' Time since the land was last cultivated or intensively cut. Estimated dry weight (g) Rhodora [Vol. 97 Slope aspect north level [_] south - aaa! Biomass (g/m?) Production (g/m? /yr) Removal signee Canopy type DB deciduous ao:. 0 = i coniferous xo) = aly Go 64 xo) oD 4 fa) £ % 37 LU O oe Biomass (g/m4) Production (g/m? /yr) Removal (g/m? /yr) Figure 2. Taxus canadensis biomass ducti l th), and removal by deer per m? (mean + | SE) at sites wiih various aspects (A) and canopy types (B). Lines above bars indicate means that do not differ significantly at P > 0.05 by ANOVA. 1995] Stachowicz and Allison—Canada yew 367 is linked strongly to environmental variables, such as slope shape, slope position, elevation, aspect, and percent slope, that affect soil moisture and relative humidity. This is consistent with the hypothesis of habitat preference as a determinant of the distri- bution of this species. In north-temperate locations, north-facing slopes are generally cooler and have higher relative humidity and soil moisture than comparable south-facing slopes (Geiger, 1965; Oke, 1978). Cold air drainage can also account for a similar pat- tern of increased moisture and decreased temperature on the lower portions of a slope compared to upper regions (Oke, 1978). These facts are in accord with what has been observed anecdotally for T. canadensis in the southern portion of its range. Nichols (1913), for example, noted that in Connecticut, 7. canadensis was much more common in “lower ground.” In north-central Massachu- setts, it is not uncommon to find 7. canadensis at the boundary between upland and wetland or on steep rock ledges where “‘mois- ture conditions are favorable” (Hosley and Ziebarth, 1935; T. D. Allison and J. J. Stachowicz, unpubl. data). Populations in south- ern Minnesota and northern Iowa are typically found at the talus base of north-facing limestone cliffs (T. D. Allison, pers. obs.). Our survey data also indicated a potential impact of deer brows- ing on 7. canadensis distribution and an interaction of browsing with habitat. Browsing rate (removal) was higher under deciduous than coniferous canopies (Figure 2B). However, because a large proportion of the areas where 7. canadensis grew under a decid- uous canopy were on south-facing slopes, it is unclear whether this difference is attributable directly to canopy or if it is an indirect effect because deer are more likely to winter on south- facing slopes than on north-facing ones. Where T. canadensis occurred on south-facing slopes, browse damage was greatest (F = 4.081: P < 0.001), with removal nearly equaling annual growth or production (Figure 2A). North-facing slopes and level areas did not differ in removal rates. High deer populations have been implicated in limiting 7. canadensis distribution in Michigan, Wisconsin, and New York (e.g., Spiker, 1935; Beals et al., 1960), but similar reports have not been made for New England. Despite the fact that removal equals annual growth on south-facing slopes, Taxus canadensis may persist 1n these areas if there is high annual variability in browse pressure that could allow the population to recover following an episode of intense browsing. Thus deer browsing may not result in extirpation of local 7. canadensis 368 Rhodora [Vol. 97 Tilia americana’ Lycopodium oo Ace ae tana Ostrya virginia Lycopo: ail iavatum Picea ru Rubus sp saceharum Que Populus gender Prunus /+——__—_ inners cna Acer penyercum Picea palin: te Populus Sennicuee? Abies ees Beluie ae comuta Lycopodiu Sa Tsuga canadensis Quercus rubra Se Sa ivaicatus Taxus canadensis nee he i; Tsuga Canales —_ a ‘ sale ee Sp. Gaultheria Jie Figure 3. Results of TWINSPAN divisive classification of presence-absence data from survey of 200 plots (see text). Species with asterisks are canopy rep- resentatives; the same species without asterisks are understory representatives. populations, although our data indicate that in certain habitats browsing may retard expansion of existing populations by reduc- ing clonal expansion and seed production (Allison, 199 Divisive classification Wea 3) indicated that 7. canadensis was most closely associated with mountain maple (Acer spicatum Lam.) and hobblebush (Viburnum alnifolium Marsh.). Quercus 1995] Stachowicz and Allison—Canada yew 369 rubra was the most closely associated canopy species (Figure 3). Red oak is generally common in mesic woodlands which were logged but not cleared for agriculture, a land-use category in which T. canadensis occurred frequently (Table |). The divisive clas- sification (Figure 3) also indicated that 7. canadensis is not closely linked with Acer saccharum, Tilia americana L., Betula lutea, or Fagus grandifolia although these species are characteristic of the northern hardwoods forest found in the lower elevations of Han- over. The apparent absence of any association of 7. canadensis with late-successional northern hardwoods and its association with red oak, a species that occurs in mid-successional forests around Hanover (see Study Site description), suggest that 7. can- adensis may not be restricted to late-successional forests. In Hanover, 7. canadensis was absent from areas which were logged within the past 30 years, but was not limited to primary woodlands (Table 1). One of the densest populations we observed was located on a floodplain at the base of a northwest-facing slope that was cultivated as recently as the 1880’s. We have also ob- served T. canadensis populations growing in old-field white pine stands in north-central Massachusetts. An effect of past land use on 7. canadensis distribution was indicated in a 1930’s survey of vegetation in Petersham, Massachusetts, where this species was restricted to primary woodlands (Whitney and Foster, 1988). Any such effect should diminish with time as 7. canadensis recolonizes suitable habitat, as has been suggested in more recent forest sur- veys of north-central Massachusetts (Gerhardt, 1993; C. Mabry and D. R. Foster, unpubl. data). Because our data on land-use history lacked detail on the time of abandonment or reforestation, we cannot determine the length of time required by 7. canadensis for recolonization, except that it is a minimum of 30 years. The divisive classification (Figure 3) suggests that 7. canadensis is associated with red oak, and thus not necessarily linked to old- growth forests, but the ordination of the vegetation survey data with DECORANA indicates an affinity for a more coniferous canopy. The ordination produced four vegetation axes, only two of which were significantly correlated with 7. canadensis occur- rence (Table 2). The first vegetation axis corresponds to an in- creasing importance of Abies balsamea and a decreasing impor- tance of Betula papyrifera Marsh. The second axis was positively correlated with low elevation coniferous forests near the base of north and northwest slopes, and negatively correlated with high 370 Rhodora [Vol. 97 RA e - A | Table 2. Results of multi ion analysis variables predict the outcome of the dichotomous dependent variable Taxus can- adensis presence (only variables with significant contribution to the final model are listed). Positive values of estimates indicate a positive association of 7. can- adensis presence with that variable (e.g., 7. canadensis occurs more frequently on slopes that are concave rather than convex or planar). Negative values of estimates indicate a negative association of 7. canadensis with that variable (e.g., T. can- adensis occurs less frequently with distance upslope). The magnitude of the es- timate suggests the relative importance of that factor in predicting the presence of T. canadensis. Tolerance statistics for all independent variables fall within the allowable limits, so no significant collinearities (P > 0.05) between predictors are apparent. CA = correspondence analysis. 95% confidence interval of estimate Factor (indep. variable) Estimate Lower Upper G P Slope position — 1.282 —1.919 —0.646 49.31 0.0005 Slope shape (concavity) 2.601 1.203 4.000 21.55 0.0005 Slope aspect —0.011 —0.022 0.000 4.40 0.05 CA Axis #1 0.647 0.234 1.061 8.77. 0.005 CA Axis #2 1.101 0.423 1.780 12.05 0.001 elevation deciduous forests on south-facing slopes. Neither of these axes give any evidence for an association of 7. canadensis with climax northern hardwood forests. In addition to these two vegetation axes, the final logistic regression model of 7. cana- densis presence-absence was influenced strongly by slope a aspect, and position (Table 2), environmental variables that fluence moisture levels (Geiger, 1965; Oke, 1978). The re indicates that Taxus canadensis occurs most frequently near the base and on the lower portions of north- and east-facing concave slopes and that its frequency is lower in plots higher upslope, on a convex-shaped slope, and with a more southerly aspect (Tables No consistent association between 7. canadensis and tree spe- cies was observed; the ordination, divisive classification, and lit- erature search each suggested different canopy associates. For example, the divisive classification (Figure 3) indicated that the most closely associated canopy species was Quercus rubra, while the ordination (axes scores from DECORANA) suggested asso- ciation with Abies balsamea and other conifers. Further, the lit- erature search suggested that in the northeastern United States, T. canadensis 1s associated with a northern hardwoods canopy of 1995] Stachowicz and Allison—Canada yew 371 Acer saccharum and Betula lutea (e.g., Heimburger, 1934; Egler, 1940; Cline and Spurr, 1942: Stearns, 1951; Leak, 1973; Siccama, 1974). In contrast, the association of 7. canadensis with other understory shrubs was much more consistent. Understory species were generally too rare to influence the ordination greatly, but both the divisive classification (TWINSPAN results, Figure 3) and limited understory literature (Heimburger, 1934; Egler, 1940) suggest that Viburnum alnifolium and Acer spicatum are closely associated with Taxus canadensis. Additionally, the divisive clas- sification (Figure 3) suggests that none of these three species is particularly closely associated with any canopy species. The differences in the strength and consistency of T. canadensis associations with understory shrubs vs. canopy trees may be the result of differences in the duration of the influence of past land- use in the different layers of vegetation. Long-lived canopy species in secondary woodlands, such as Quercus rubra, could be first generation individuals which have not been replaced by later successional northern hardwoods. Taxus canadensis may have been eliminated by forest clearing and plowing, but once refor- estation began, this species was eventually able to recolonize en- vironmentally suitable sites. Later-successional tree species, how- ever, have to wait for removal of the overstory containing earlier- successional species before succeeding to the canopy. This process is suggested by the closer association of Taxus canadensis with understory individuals of 7suwga canadensis than with canopy individuals (Figure 3). CONCLUSIONS As we predicted, 7. canadensis is most abundant and produc- tive on north-facing slopes. Although we did not find 7. cana- densis in any south-facing plots in our vegetation survey, it is not completely excluded from south-facing sites (we were able to find some populations for biomass, production, and removal esti- mates), but it is considerably less abundant and productive when present. Our survey was limited to upland forests, and we spe- cifically excluded open and wet habitats, such as old fields and swamps. Our own observations indicate that 7. canadensis does not grow in recently abandoned old fields, but may be found in swamps and on slopes surrounding bogs. Therefore, our conclu- 372 Rhodora [Vol. 97 sions about the ecological status of 7. canadensis are limited to upland habitats. There are clear differences in the frequency, abundance, and productivity of this species in the upland forests of Hanover: Taxus canadensis does best in sites with physiographic charac- teristics that promote high humidity and soil moisture. Our data indicate that 1t 1s most common at or near the base of concave slopes with northerly aspects and is often associated with Acer spicatum and Viburnum alnifolium. Taxus canadensis is not re- stricted to primary woodlands, although it is apparently excluded from recently logged sites. It 1s unclear whether deer browsing restricts 7. canadensis distribution, and the impact of browsing may be confounded with habitat because deer may be more likely to winter on south-facing slopes. However, browsing is greatest on south-facing slopes and may limit the spread of 7. canadensis in these habitats. Our data also suggest that 7. canadensis is more abundant in Hanover than in north-central Massachusetts. This may be related to the cooler climate of Hanover, which results in a wider range of habitats available for use by 7. canadensis. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Field work was supported through a grant from the Presidential Scholars Research Program at Dartmouth College to J. Stacho- wicz. Comments from Laura Conkey, Mark McPeek, John Gil- bert, and several anonymous reviewers improved earlier versions of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Auuison, T. D. 1990. The influence of deer browsing on the reproductive biology of Canada yew (Taxus canadensis Marsh.). I. Direct effect on pollen, ovule, nd seed production. Oecologia 83: 523-529. BATCHELER, C. L. 1971. Estimation of density from a sample of joint-point and nearest- nennbor distances. 52: 702-709. BEALS, E. W., G. CoTTAM, AND R. J. VoGLi. 1960. Influence of deer on the vegetation of the Apostle oe Wisconsin. J. Wildlife Managem. 24: 68- 80. CLINE, A. C. AND S. H. Spurr. 1942. The virgin upland forest of central New England. Bull. Harvard Forest 21. Ecuer, F.C. 1940. Berkshire Plateau vegetation. Ecol. Monogr. 10: 146-191. 1995] Stachowicz and Allison—Canada yew a7) FERNALD, M. L. 1950. Gray’s Manual of Botany, 8th ed. American Book Com- pany, New York, NY. Foster, D.R. 1993. Land-use history and other forest transformations in central New England, pp. 91-110. In: M. J. McDonnell and S. T. A. Pickett, eds. Humans As Components of Ecosystems. Springer-Verlag, New York, NY GeiGer, R. 1965. The Climate Near the Ground. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. GERHARDT, F. 1993. Physiographic and historical influences on forest compo- sition in central New England, USA. M.S. thesis, Harvard es HARTZELL, H., JR. 1991. The Yew Tree. Hulogosi Press, Eugene HEIMBURGER, C.C. 1934. Forest-type studies in the Adirondack jes: Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. Mem. 165. Hii, M. O. 1979a. TWINSPAN—a FORTRAN program for arranging mul- tivariate data in an ordered two-way table by classification of individuals and attributes. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 1979b. DECORANA—a FORTRAN program for detrended corre- pond lysis and recip l averaging. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Hos.ey, N. W. AND R. K. ZIEBARTH. 1935. Some winter relations of the white- tailed deer to the forests in north-central Massachusetts. Ecology 16: 535- 553. KLEINBAUM, D. G., L. L. KUPPER, AND K. E. MULLER. 1988. Applied Regression Analysis and Other Multivariable Methods. Duxbury Press, Belmont, CA. LEAK, W. B. 1973. Species and structure of a virgin aaa hardwoods stand in New Hampshire. Res. Notes N. E., U.S. Forest Serv.: NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE. 1992. Taxol and oe ie -cancer Drugs. Of- fice of Cancer Communications, Washingto NicHois, G. E. 1913. The vegetation of ae virgin forests. Torreya 13: 199-215. NIcoLau, K. C., Z. YANG, J. J. Lru, H. VeNo, P. G. NANTERMET, R. K. Guy, C. F, CLAIBORNE, J. REYNAUD, E. A. COULADOUROS, K. PAULVANNAN, AND E. J. SORENSEN. 1994. Total synthesis of taxol. Nature 367: 630-634. Oxe, T. R. 1978. Boundary Layer Climates. Methuen, London, England. RACKHAM, O. 1986. The History of the Countryside. J. M. Dent, London, E d. SICCAMA, T. G. 1974. Vegetation, soil, and climate on the Green Mountains of ermont. Ecol. Monogr. 44: 325-349. SOKAL, R. R. AND F. J. ROHLF. 1981. Biometry. W. H. Freeman, San Francisco, CA SPIKER, G. J. 1935. Some late winter and early spring observations on the white- tailed deer of the Adirondacks. Roosevelt Wildlife Bull. 6: 327-385. STEARNS, F. W. 1951. The composition of the sugar ee hemlock-yellow birch association of northern Wisconsin. Ecology 32: 2 65. UNITED STATES CENSUS BUREAU. 1883. Tenth census iF the United States, 1880. e 3: Agriculture. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC . 1989. Census of Agriculture, 1987. Volume 1: Geographic Area Series, Part 29: New Hampshire, State and County Data. U.S. Department of Com- merce, Maes DC. WHEELER, N. C. AND M. T. HEHNEN. 1993. Taxol: a study in technology com- seca ae J. Forest. (Washington) 91: 15-18. 374 Rhodora [Vol. 97 WHITNEY, G.G. 1991. Relation of plant species to substrate, landscape position, and aspect in north central Massachusetts. Canad. J. Forest Res. 21: 1245- 52. AND D.R. Foster. 1988. Overst SLOrY itl d age as determinants of the understory flora of woods of central New England. J. Ecol. 76: 867- 76. Fede ae DARTMOUTH COLLEGE HANOVER, NH 03755 Tepe HARVARD FOREST PETERSHAM, MA 01366 Present addresses ' University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Institute of Marine Sciences, 3431 Arendell St., Morehead City, NC 28557 > Department of Forestry and Wildlife, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 892, pp. 375-379, 1995 GENTIANA NIVALIS L. (GENTIANACEAE) NEW TO QUEBEC N. DIGNARD, R. LALUMIERE, AND M. JULIEN Key Words: Gentiana nivalis, distribution, James Bay, Québec, Labrador During the course of ecological field work conducted on the northeast coast of James Bay in 1994, we collected a few speci- mens of a very small gentian, which proved to be Gentiana nivalis L. This arctic-alpine taxon is here reported as new to the flora of Québec. Gentiana nivalis is an amphi-atlantic species (Hultén, 1958), the range of which is mainly Eurasian (Iceland, Northern and Central Europe, and Asia Minor). Previous to this report, the North American distribution of the taxon was thought to be re- stricted to coastal areas of Greenland and Labrador (Rousseau, 1974; Scoggan, 1979). The species has never been reported from Baffin Island, and Gillett (1963) states that this distribution pat- tern is due to a different postglacial history for Baffin Island from that of northern Labrador, rather than due to a collection gap. Most of the Labrador localities are north of 57°30’N, especially in the Kaumayjet and the Torngat mountains. Gentiana nivalis 1s listed as rare in Canada and in Labrador (Argus and Pryer, 1990). In 1951, the plant was discovered in the Saglek Pass (Rousseau 1064 QUE) on the Québec-Labrador border. The specimen does not indicate on which side of the border the collection was made. This note is therefore the first valid report for the species in Québec. We collected Gentiana nivalis 17 km east of Pointe Louis-XIV (Dignard, Lalumiére & Julien 94-29 QUE) on July 23, 1994, in the tundra bordering the northeast coast of James Bay (Figure 1). This region, lying within the discontinuous permafrost zone, 1s characterized by the predominance of an arctic-alpine flora. The area is one of the southernmost Arctic outposts in North America (Ducruc et al., 1976), extending between 54°30'N and 54°45'N, along a strip five to 20 km wide parallel to the coast. The pop- ulation was found in a dry, grassy meadow on an alluvial terrace of fine sand along a small brook, four km from the sea at 54°37'18”N-79°28'15”W, elevation ca. 20 m. Only a few indi- viduals were observed. Unfortunately, time did not allow us to 31) 376 Rhodora [Vol. 97 80° 70° 60 T T T 60°F ( 60° \, *, O : \ ) ( \ ay 55° Ji enol ' 455° Pointe Louis-XIV ipa ot ( q \ ; of IN ey YY ( i? ee ae oe l eal \. j 50°F e/ 50° ss | © ae ¢ rt / / fA / i J 45° eee fo 145° i: < nN 1 80° 70° 60° gure |. Distribution of Gentiana nivalis L. in Québec and Labrador (ex- panded from Gillett, 1963 and Rousseau, 1974). Square indicates the new locality. check for its presence in the surrounding area. The terrace veg- etation consisted of arctic-alpine and boreal species, the most representative being Achillea millefolium L. var. nigrescens E. ey., Antennaria pulcherrima (Hook.) Greene, Astragalus alpinus L., Betula nana L., Carex capillaris L., C. capitata L., Cerastium alpinum L. ssp. lanatum (Lam.) Aschers. & Graebn., Draba gla- bella Pursh var. glabella, Juncus arcticus Willd. ssp. arcticus, Ko- bresia eager (Wahlenb.) Mackenzie, Luzula multiflora Ehrh.) Lej. s./., Poa alpina L., P. arctica R. Br., Polygonum vi- viparum 4 Primula stricta Homieu., Salix argyrocarpa Anderss., 1995] Dignard et al.—Gentiana nivalis 377 S. brachycarpa Nutt., S. planifolia Pursh ssp. planifolia, Senecio pauciflorus Pursh, Tanacetum bipinnatum (L.) Schultz-Bip. ssp. huronense (Nutt.) Breitung, and Trimorpha elata (Hook.) Nesom. Located in a depression between two low ridges, the terrace is covered by a thick layer of snow during the winter, as indicated by the presence of the willow and dwarf birch community and by late snowbed species such as Potentilla tabernae-montani Aschers, and Taraxacum officinale G. H. Weber ex Wiggers ssp. ceratophorum (Ledeb.) Schinz ex Thellung. Nomenclature follows Kartesz (1994). This isolated population of Gentiana nivalis, more than 1000 km away from the nearest Labrador locality, is the westernmost occurrence of the species in North America. This wide disjunction could be related to the postglacial history of the taxon and to narrow ecological requirements. The amphi-atlantic boreal Pla- tanthera albida (L.) Lindl. var. straminea (Fern.) Luer, known from northwest Newfoundland and disjunct in the Richmond Gulf and the Manitounouk Sound on the east coast of Hudson Bay, has a similar distribution (Payette and Lepage, 1977; De- shaye and Cayouette, 1988). Undercollection should also be con- sidered. Due to its small stature, the plant can be easily over- looked, especially when the flowers are immature. It can also be confused in the field with other superficially similar gentians (Gen- tianella amarella (L.) Boerner ssp. acuta (Michx.) J. Gillett, Gen- tianella tenella (Rottb.) Boerner and Lomatogonium rotatum (L.) Fries ex Fern.). The plicate, eciliate corolla tube, the expanding lobes, and the 4-5 parted cylindrical, purple-keeled calyx of G. nivalis at once distinguish this species from others. It is uncertain whether the new disjunct population of G. nivalis is the result of long distance dispersal or is relictual. Long distance dispersal, either by winds or birds, seems unlikely. The prevailing winds are westerly and bird migrations occur primarily in a north- south direction. In addition, the small seeds offer little nutritional value to birds although they could be ingested by accident. Now that Gentiana nivalis is known from the James Bay region and its habitat is better defined, other localities of the species might be discovered in the region and perhaps elsewhere in north- ern Québec. This was recently the case for the amphi-atlantic arctic-alpine Carex rufina Drej. Thought to be disjunct between Greenland, the Northwest Territories, and northern Manitoba 378 Rhodora [Vol. 97 (Porsild and Cody, 1980), it is presently known from at least six localities in the Ungava Peninsula, all restricted to volcanic rock formations (Blondeau and Cayouette, 1987). Because of its extreme rarity in Québec, Gentiana nivalis should be added to the list of the vulnerable or threatened vascular plants of this province (Lavoie, 1992). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Field work was funded by the Société d’énergie de la Baie James and by the ministére des Ressources naturelles du Québec. We would like to express our gratitude to M. Blondeau and J. Cay- ouette for verifying the identity of the specimens and to M. Blon- deau, W. D. Hudson, Jr., and an anonymous reviewer for their comments. A. Reed kindly revised the English manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Arcus, G. W. AND K. M. Pryer. 1990. Les plantes vasculaires rares du Canada. Notre patrimoine naturel. Musée canadien de la nature, Ottawa, Ontario. BLONDEAU, M. AND J. CAYOUETTE. 1987. Extension d’aire dans la flore vasculaire du Nouveau-Québec. Naturaliste Canad. 114: 117-126 DESHAYE, J. AND J. CAYOUETTE. 1988. La flore vasculaire des iles et de la presqu’ile de Manitounouk, baie d’Hudson: structure phytogéographique et interpretation bioclimatique. Provancheria 21. Ducruc, J.-P., R. ZARNOVICAN, V. GERARDIN, AND M. JURDANT. 1976. Les régions écologiques du territoire de la baie de James: caractéristiques dom- inantes de leur couvert végétal. Cah. de Géogr. de Québec 20: 365-392. GILLETT, J.M. 1963. The ao of Canada, Greenland and Alaska. Publ. Dep. Agric. Canad. 1180: Hu ten, E. 1958. The . atlantic plants and their phytogeographical con- nections. Almqvist and Wiksell, Stockholm, Sweden Kartesz, J. T. 1994. A Synonymized papas of die Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. Vol. 2. Thesaurus, 2nd ed. Timber Lavorgr, G. 1992. Plantes vasculaires susceptibles d’étre désignées menacées ou vulnérables au Québec. Ministére de l’Environnement, Québec, Québec. PAYETTE, S. AND E. LepaGe. 1977. La flore vasculaire du golfe de Richmond, Nouveau-Québec. Provancheria 7. PorsiLp, A. E. AND W. J. Copy. 1980. Vascular Plants of Continental Northwest Territories, Canada. National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, Ontario. RoussEAu, C. 1974. Géographie floristique du Québec-Labrador. Distribution des principales espéces vasculaires. Presses Univ. Laval, Québec, Québec. ScoGGAN, H. J. 1979. The flora of Canada. Part 4. Publ. Bot. (Ottawa) 7: 1117- 1711 1995] Dignard et al.—Gentiana nivalis MINISTERE DES RESSOURCES NATURELLES DIRECTION DE LA RECHERCHE FORESTIERE 2700, RUE EINSTEIN SAINTE-FOY, QUEBEC, CANADA G1P 3W8 GROUPE ENVIRONNEMENT SHOONER INC. 101-5355, BOULEVARD DES GRADINS QUEBEC, QUEBEC, CANADA G2J 1C8 2256, RUE ASSELIN LONGUEUIL, QUEBEC, CANADA J4M 2M1 379 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 892, pp. 380-381, 1995 BOOK REVIEW Levine, Carol. 1995. A Guide to Wildflowers in Winter: Her- baceous Plants of Northeastern North America. 329 pp. in- cluding 19 plates of black and white photographs and 161 pages of line drawings. Yale University Press, P.O. Box 209040, New Haven, CT 06520-9040. ISBN 0-300-06207-9 ($40.00 cloth), 0-300-06560-4 ($20.00 paper). The scope of this guide extends far beyond any existing similar guides to plants in winter, such as the excellent Weeds in Winter by Lauren Brown (1976), both in number of species covered and in the details with which they are described. Since the amount of information presented might be overwhelming to a beginner, the book is best suited to those who already have some familiarity with botanical terms, although all terms are well-defined. The wealth of detail will interest and challenge even the most expe- rienced field botanists. It is an education simply to flip through the illustrations, which immediately command one’s attention with their beauty and detail and encourage further investigations in the field. The book covers most commonly encountered herbaceous plants that have dried remnants in winter, including many grasses, var- ious members of the Cyperaceae (sedge family), not just Carex, and Juncaceae (rushes). Four hundred and nine taxa are illustrated and described. Some ferns and fern allies, some of which are evergreen anyway, are included so that everything is together in one volume, which is of a manageable size to take into the field. Even a few galls and leaf spots are noted. Every effort is made to clarify the meaning of each term or heading. Several headings appear under each taxon’s name cov- ering Key Impressions; Fruit; Leaves; Stem; Perennial, Annual, or Biennial; Habitat; and Range. For example, Key Impressions cover a range of characteristics, such as height, odor, shape, and inflorescence. There is an illustrated dichotomous key to help in keying out dried and crumpled specimens and an illustrated glos- sary in the back. The illustrations are excellent and capture both the appearance and the accurate details of a plant, which is quite a feat when it is usually lacking leaves and flowers and appears in an unchar- acteristically bent, broken, and dried brown condition. Details of 380 1995] Book Review 381 the calyces of the Lamiaceae (mint family), achenes of the As- teraceae (daisy family), and fruits of the Apiaceae (carrot family) are beautifully rendered and would be appreciated by any bota- nist. Details of capsules, seed ornamentation, and shapes of un- derground stems make one want to take a second look at the infinite variety and curiosities of the plant kingdom. Forty-six black and white photographs show evergreen or commonly per- sisting basal rosettes. Plants are grouped together by obvious similar shapes, such as ‘climbing vine” or ‘“‘stems and other parts with spines, barbs, or bristles.” The key uses these general descriptions, which can be- come somewhat unwieldy, and proceeds into more detailed char- acterizations. Asteraceae, ferns and fern allies, Poaceae (grass fam- ily), Cyperaceae, and Juncaceae are treated separately. The draw- ings explaining the differing structures of these last three groups would be a credit to any botany manual. In an attempt to make it possible to key out asters (Aster spp.) to the species, they are first grouped by habitat, then by characteristics. This may not be useful or possible in a guide of this sort, but it will keep one observing. This book will go a long way toward lightening that grim, brown season between November and March for both the interested amateur and for the professional field botanist who may be called upon to evaluate the vegetation of a parcel of land in the dead of winter. Like any good text, it provides information and stimulates one’s observation and desire to see more. LITERATURE CITED Brown, L. 1976. Weeds in Winter. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA. PAMELA B. WEATHERBEE 236 SWEETBROOK RD. WILLIAMSTOWN, MA 01267 RHODORA, Vol. 97, No. 892, pp. 382-385, 1995 RHODORA NEWS & NOTES LisA A. STANDLEY HIGHLIGHTS OF CLUB MEETINGS November 1995 (913th Meeting). Seven Club members shared slides and information at the “Annual Exchange of Botanical Explorations and Exploits,” AKA Show & Tell. Pam Weatherbee spent much of her summer conducting a floristic survey ofa 1000- acre parcel on Mt. Greylock. Pam reported finding an unusually high frequency of Botryichium matricariaefolium, and new sites for Galium boreale and Carex baileyi. Leila Schultz offered a look at rare plant hunting in Utah, where rugged terrain and isolated mountain ranges provide spectacular scenery as well as challenges to the botanist. Her summer’s work succeeded in relocating a population of the rare endemic 7he/ypodiopsis argillacea, a del- icate pink-flowered mustard, on gypsum outcrops in eastern Or- egon. Barre Hellquist spent a month in Australia looking at aquat- ic plants. Wetlands containing as many as six species of waterlilies were the high point of the trip. Matt Hickler noted the effects of the 1995 drought on oxbow ponds along the Nashua River at Fort Devens. During the drought, the aquatic vegetation in these ponds was still present and even healthy, but drastically different from normal growth forms. Pot- amogeton natans formed tight appressed rosettes, while Nym- phaea produced erect leaves on robust petioles. Rare species, like Panicum philadelphicum, appeared in abundance on exposed mud flats. George Newman reviewed the June Club Field Trip to Mt. Washington’s Alpine Gardens, attended by 23 people. Ten hardy souls braved the gale winds and continued on to the headwall of the Great Gulf. Highlights included Loiseleuria, Rhododendron lapponicum, Phyllodoce and Cassiope; people who left early missed seeing Cardamine bellidifolia and Saxifraga rivularis. In Septem- ber, George returned to the Presidentials to search for the dis- tinctive bright red leaves of Arctostaphylos alpina. On a later trip to Newfoundland, George saw thousands of individuals of Are- thusa in bloom and located a large population of a form of Sar- racenia that lacks anthocyanin. Art Gilman provided a survey of the diversity of club moss species and hybrids in northern Vermont, where it is possible to find Diphasiastrum tristachyum, D. digitatum, and their hybrid 382 1995] Rhodora News & Notes 383 (D. x habereri), as well as Diphasiastrum x zeilleri and its parents (D. tristachyum and D. complanatum). Abandoned high pastures are habitats for Diphasiastrum x sabinifolium (tristachyum x sitchense), and a newly described hybrid of D. sabinifolium and D. digitatum. December 1995 (914th meeting). Dr. Norton Nickerson of Tufts University spoke on “A Look at New Zealand Mangrove Eco- systems Over Time.’ New Zealand has but a single species of mangrove, Avicennia resinifera, the world’s southernmost man- grove. The epithet was chosen because early collectors found float- ing lumps of Agathis resin in mangrove swamps. Mangroves have an important ecological role as the tropical equivalent of salt marshes, but are often threatened by grazing, cutting, and filling. Much of the talk focused on mangrove swamps in embayments near the tip of New Zealand’s North Cape. Although a national park, sheep and cattle are grazed on the uplands. Where the hills bordering mangrove swamps are heavily grazed, sediment de- position buries pneumatophores and kills the mangroves. Ani- mals also wander onto the tidal flats at low tide and damage the mangroves by grazing. In the late 1970’s, mangroves had been virtually eliminated in this area, and the local fishermen com- plained about declines in shellfish and fisheries. Recommendations that a buffer strip of Crown lands along the edge of the estuary be protected were implemented by the local authorities. In the absence of grazing, shrubs and a dense vege- tation had become established in this “buffer strip,” and trees had been planted in some areas to restore vegetation to overgrazed areas. Consequences were dramatic— mangrove swamps recov- ered and became re-established in areas where they had practically disappeared. Mangroves have also colonized and replaced stands of the introduced Spartina anglica, indicating that the salt marsh grass may be acting as the first successional stage in the estab- lishment of mangroves. THE GRAY HERBARIUM CARD INDEX OF NEW WORLD PLANTS AND THE HARVARD UNIVERSITY HERBARIA TYPE SPECIMEN COLLECTION DATABASE The Gray Herbarium Card Index and the Harvard University Herbaria Type Collection databases are now available on the 384 Rhodora [Vol. 97 World Wide Web through the Harvard University Herbaria (HUH) Web page. The Universal Resource Locator (URL) for the HUH Web site is: http://www.herbaria.harvard.edu. With the above URL, users will find a general outline of the Harvard University Herbaria, including ‘“‘Databases,” from which many searchable databases, including the Gray Herbarium Card Index, the Harvard University Herbaria Type Specimen Collec- tions, the Farlow Diatom Collection, Botanical Collectors, and Botanical Authors can be accessed. The Web page search form, for both the Gray Card Index and Type Collections, has multiple fields (such as Family, Genus, Specific & Infraspecific Epithets, Author, Publication, and Type). This allows users to make complex queries. Detailed instructions on searching are provided. The Gray Herbarium Card Index provides bibliographic details for new taxa of vascular plants, new combinations, new status, and new names of New World Plants. It also includes information on infrageneric and infrafamilial names, and on types (including epi-, neo-, and lectotypification). From its inception (in 1893), the Gray Index included publication information for all specific and infraspecific names, basionyms, replaced synonyms, and oth- er nomenclatural synonyms, but not taxonomic synonyms. Although the original scheme of the Gray Index was designed to cover specific and infraspecific names published from | January 1886, it was later modified to include all infraspecific names pub- lished from 1753. An effort to include infraspecific names from this period is still underway. The information on infrageneric and infrafamilial names and types starts from the early 1970’s. The Gray Index data, which was published in the form of printed cards until the mid 1980’s and as microfiche until early 1992, has been made available over the Internet using Gopher since mid-1992. (Users may find additional information on the Web page “About the Gray Herbarium Index.’’) The Type Collection database includes information on type specimens in the Harvard University Herbaria (A, AMES, ECON, FH, GH, NEBC), collected from all parts of the world. The data on Type Collections has also been available on Gopher since 1991. (Presently, Internet users may access the Gray Index data and Type Collections data through either Gopher or the World Wide Web; however, at some point in the near future the Gopher ser- vices will be discontinued.) 1995] Rhodora News & Notes 385 An Appeal to the Users of the Gray Herbarium Card Index and Type Collections. The accuracy and completeness of the Gray Card Index and Type Collections databases depends largely upon the input of the users, who are urged to provide any relevant information (such as additions, omissions, and corrections to the data) via e-mail to either K. N. Gandhi (gandhi@oeb.harvard.edu) or David Boufford (boufford@oeb.harvard.edu). Contributed by K. N. Gandhi. THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB Elected Officers and Council Members for 1995—1996 President: C. Barre Hellquist, Box 9145, Department of Biology, North Adams State College, North Adams, Massachusetts 01247 Vice-President (and Program Chair): W. Donald Hudson, Jr., Chewonki Foundation, RR 2, Box 1200, Wiscasset, Maine 04578 Corresponding Secretary: Nancy M. Eyster-Smith, Department of Natural Sciences, Bentley College, Waltham, Massachu- setts 02154 Treasurer; Harold G. Brotzman, Box 9092, Department of Bi- ology, North Adams State College, North Adams, Massa- chusetts 01247 Recording Secretary: Lisa A. Standley Curator of Vascular Plants: Raymond Angelo Assistant Curator of Vascular Plants: Pamela Wetherbee Curator of Non-Vascular Plants: Anna M. Reid Librarian: Paul Somers Council: Consisting of the Elected Officers, Associate Curator, Editor of Rhodora and — Councillors: Leslie J. Mehrhoff (Past President) Thomas Mione °96 Garrett E. Crow °97 Edward J. Hehre °98 Donald J. Padgett (Graduate Student Member) ’95 RHODORA JOURNAL OF THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB GORDON P. DEWOLE JR., Editor-in-Chief, Nos. 889, 890 DAVID S. CONANT, Acting Editor-in-Chief, Nos. 891, 892 Associate Editors DAVID S. BARRINGTON W. DONALD HUDSON, JR. LESLIE J, MEHRHOPP THOMAS MIONE CATHY A. PARIS LISA A. STANDLEY VOLUME 97 1995 The New England Botanical Club, Inc. Harvard University Herbaria, 22 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02138 INDEX TO VOLUME 97 Additions 9-38, 291-327 Additions to the preliminary checklist of the vascular flora of Connecticut 3 Algae 275-279, 328-338 Allelopathic effects of Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) on morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor). 264-274 Allelopathy 264-274 Allison, Taber D. 357-374 Amelanchier nantucketensis 339-349 panera Gregory J. 185-200 Antenna 8 ee 185-200 Arabis 109-163 Beck, Kathryn A. 201-207, 350-356 Bidens laevis 280-282 Bog 39-92 K REVIEWS: Asteraceae, Cladistics & Classifica- i 78 A Guide to Wildflowers in Winter: Plant Identification Terminology: An Illustrated Glossary. 283-284 Brassicaceae 109-163, 185-200 Campbell, Christopher S. 339-349 Canada 171-175, 245-254, 255-263 Canada yew 357-374 Caplow, Florence E. 201-207, 350-356 Casado, Christina M. Allelopathic ef- fects of Lantana camara (Verbena- ceae) on morning glory (Ipomoea tri- color). 264-274 Catling, Paul M., Jacques Cayouette, and Joseph Postman. Fragaria mul- ticipita, reduced to the rank of forma. -254 Cayouette, Jacques 245-254 G. Chromosome number determinations for New- foundland species of Antennaria Gaertner (Asteraceae, Inuleae) 1-8 Chromosome number determinations | for Newfoundland species of Anten- naria Gaertner (Asteraceae, Inuleae) 1-8 Chromosome number of Saxifraga gaspensis Fernald 171-175 Chromosome numbers 1-8, 171-175 Cleland, Maryke A. 185-200 Colt, L. C., Jr. Studies on New England Algae II: A second station in Maine for Nitella tenuissima (Desv.) Kuetz- 275-279 Connecticut 9-38 Conservation 185-200 Conservation status 255-263 Contributions to the flora of Vermont. 291-327 Crow, Garrett E. 39-92 Cuba 96-97 Cytology 109-163 Deer browsing 357-374 Deletions 291-327 Dibble, Alison C. and Christopher S. Campbell. Distribution and conser- vation of Nantucket shadbush, Amme- lanchier nantucketensis (Rosaceae). 339-349 Dignard, N., R. Lalumiére, and M. Ju- lien. Genliana nivalis L. (Gentiana- ceae) new to Québec. 375-379 Dignard, Norman 171-175 10. New Barnstable Discovery rate 291-327 Disease 245-254 Distribution 171-175, 375-379 Se setae and conservation of Nan- ucket shadbush, Amelanchier nan- ae (Rosaceae). 339-349 Drosera anglica 164-170 Drosera anglica x D. linearis 164-170 Drosera linearis 164-1 389 390 Endangered species 291-327 Endemism 171-175, 245-254, 339-349 Eriogonoideae 350-356 Eriogonum codium 350-356 gp itl codium (Polygonaceae: Er- iogonoideae), a new species from Seidl Washington. 350-356 Error rate 291-327 Exotic weeds 264-274 Fahey, Linda L. and Garrett E. Crow. The vegetation of Pequawket Bog, Ossipee, New Hampshire 39-92 Flora 9-38, 291-327 Floristics 350-356 Ford, Bruce A. Status of the ne ees Vaccinium stamineum L. (Eri ceae), in Canada. 255-263 Fort Devens, Massachusetts 208-244 Fragaria multicipita 245-254 Fragaria multicipita, reduced to the rank of forma. 245-254 Fragaria virginiana 245-254 Freshwater algae 328-338 Gaspé Peninsula 171-175 Geltman, Dmitry V. Urtica chamae- dryoides Pursh (Urticaceae) reported as new to Cuba. 96-97 Gentiana nivalis 375-379 Gentiana nivalis L. (Gentianaceae) new 375-379 Germination 264-274 Gervais, Camille, Norman Dignard, and Rosaire Trahan. The chromsome number of Saxifraga gaspensis Fer- nald. 171-175 Hanford Nuclear Reservation 201-207, 350-356 Hudson River 328-338 Hunt, David M., Karen B. Searcy, Rob- ert E. Zaremba, and C. Roberta Lom- bardi. The vascular plants of Fort evens, Massachusetts. 208-244 Hybrids 164-170 Immigration 291-327 Ipomoea tricolor 264-274 Rhodora [Vol. 97 James Bay 375-379 Jenkins, Jerry and Peter F. Zika. Con- tributions to the flora of Vermont. 291-327 Julien, M. 375-379 Labrador 375-379 Lalumiére, R. 375-379 Land-use history 357-374 Lantana camara 264-274 Les, Donald H., Gregory J. Anderson, and Maryke A. Cleland. Sterility in the North American lake cress, Neo- beckia aquatica (Brassicaceae): Infer- ences from chromosome number. 185-200 Lesquerella douglasii 201-207 Lesquerella tuplashensis 201-207 Lombardi, C. Roberta 208-244 Maine 275-279, 339-349 Marsh sow-thistle 93-95 Marsh sow-thistle (Sonchus palustris) in North America 93— Massachusetts 208-244 Mehrhoff, Leslie J. Additions to the preliminary checklist of the vascular of Connecticut. 9-38 Mertensia maritima 280-282 Morning glory 264-274 Morton, J. K. and Joan marsh sow-thistle (Sonchus palustris) in North America 93-95 Mulligan, Gerald A. Synopsis of the ge- nus Arabis (Brassicaceae) in Canada, Alaska and Greenland. 109-163 Mycoplasma 245-254 Nantucket 339-349 Natural hybrid of Drosera anglica Huds. and Drosera linearis Goldie in Mich- igan. 164-170 Neobeckia aquatica 185-2 New Barnstable county records. 280- NEW ENGLAND NOTES: New Barnstable county records. 280- 282 1995] Studies on New England Algae II: A second station in Maine for Nitella tenuissima (Desv.) Kuetzing. 275- 279 New Hampshire 39-92, 357-374 New species 109-163, 350-356 Newfoundland 1-8 Nitella tenuissima 275-279 No i Nova Scotia 339-349 Occurrence of the red alga Thorea vio- lacea (Batrachospermales: Thorea- ceae) in the Hudson River, New York State. 328-338 Ontario 93-95 Peatland 39-92 Plant classification 39-92 Plant community 39-9 Plant-site relationships 357-374 Polygonaceae 350-356 Postman, Joseph 245-254 Pueschel, Curt M., P. Gary Sullivan, and John E. Titus. Occurrence of the red alga Thorea violacea (Batracho- spermales: Thoreaceae) in the Hud- son River, New York State. 328-338 Québec 171-175, 245-254, 375-379 Rare plants 208-244, 350-356 species from southcentral Washing- ton. 350-356 Rhodophyta 328-338 Rhodora News and Notes 98-107, 179- 182, 285-288, 382-385 Rollins, Reed C., Kathryn A. Beck, and Florence E. Caplow. An undescribed species of Lesquerella (Cruciferae) from the state of Washington. 201- 207 Rumex pallidus 280-282 Saxifraga gaspensis 171-175 Saxifraga nivalis 171-175 Index to Volume 97 391 Saxifraga tenuis 171-175 Schnell, Donald E. A natural hybrid of Drosera anglica Huds. and Drosera linearis Goldie in Michigan. 164-170 Searcy, Karen B. 208-244 Shadbush 339-349 Sonchus palustris Linn. 93-95 Stachowicz, John J. and Taber D. Al- lison. Vegetation, browsing, and site factors as determinants of Canada yew (Taxus canadensis) distribution in central New Hampshire. 357-374 Standley, Lisa 98-107, 179-182, 285- 288, 382-385 Status of the deerberry, Vaccinium stamineum L. (Ericaceae), in Canada. 255-263 Sterility in the North American lake cress, Neobeckia aquatica (Brassica- ceae): Inferences from chromosome number. 185-200 Strawberry 245-254 Studies on New England Algae II: A second station in Maine for Nitella tenuissima (Desv.) Kuetzing. 275-279 Sullivan, P. Gary 328-338 Synopsis of the genus Arabis (Brassi- caceae) in Canada, Alaska and Greenland. 109-163 Systematics 96-97 Taxonomy 1-8, 109-163, 245-254 Taxus canadensis 357-374 Thorea violacea 328-338 Threatened species 255-263 Titus, John E, 328-338 Trahan, Rosaire 171-175 Triploid 185-200 Undescribed species of Lesquerella (Cruciferae) from the state of Wash- ington. 201-207 Urtica chamaedryoides 96-97 Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh (Urtica- ceae) reported as new to Cuba 96-97 Urticaceae 96-97 Vaccinium stamineum 255-263 Vascular flora 208-24 392 Rhodora Vascular plants 9-38 Vascular plants of Fort Devens, Mas- sachusetts. 208-244 Vegetation 39-92 Vegetation of Pequawket Bog, Ossipee, New Hampshire. 39-92 Vegetation, browsing, and site factors as determinants of Canada yew (Tax- us Canadensis) distribution in central New Hampshire. 357-374 Venn, Joan M. 93-95 Vermont 291-327 White Bluffs 201-207 Zaremba, Robert E. 208-244 Zika, Peter F. 291-327 [Vol. 97 Volume 97, No. 891 including pages 185-290, was issued August 30, 1996 THE NEW ENGLAND BOTANICAL CLUB 22 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 The New England Botanical Club is a non-profit organiza- tion that promotes the study of plants of North America, es- pecially the flora of New England and adjacent areas. The Club holds regular meetings, has a large herbarium of New England plants, and a library. It publishes a quarterly journal, RHO- DORA, which is now in its 95th year and contains about 400 pages a volume. Membership is open to all persons interested in systematics and field botany. Annual dues are $35.00, including a subscrip- tion to RHODORA. Members living within about 200 miles of Boston receive notices of the Club meetings. To join, please fill out this membership application and send with enclosed dues to the above address. Regular Member $35.00 Student Member $25.00 Family Rate $45.00 For this calendar year eee For the next calendar year a Name Address City & State Zip Special interests (optional): 393 394 Rhodora [Vol. 97 INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS TO RHODORA Submission of a manuscript implies it is not being considered for publication simultaneously elsewhere, either in whole or in part. 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