THE : US JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. BOTANY. VOL. XI. €) LONDON: SOLD AT THE SOCIETY’S APARTMENTS, BURLINGTON HOUSE; AND BY LONGMANS, GREEN, READER, AND DYER, AND WILLIAMS AND NORGATE. 1871. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. LIST OF PAPERS. Page AITCHISON, J. E. T., M.D., F.L.S. Flora of the Hishiarpur District of the Punjab ....* ......... 17 ANDERSON, Tuouas, M.D., F.L.S. An Enumeration of the Palms of Sikkim .................. 4 BABINGTON, CHARLES C., M.A., F.R. & L.S. As Revision of the Flora of Iceland . 0.220. se, 282 BAKER, J. G., Esq., F.L.S. A Monograph of British Roses... ... i as ease ER HER 197 A Revision of the Genera and Species of Herbaceous Capsular Gamopbyllous Liliace® -a oe a ee 349 BARBER, Mrs. On the Fertilization and Dissemination of Duvernoia adhato- GORGE PEE UR uo oo a 469 BENNETT, ALFRED W., M.A., B.Sc., F.L.S. Note on the Structure and Affinities of Parnassia palustris, L... 24 Review of the Genus Hydrolea, with descriptions of three New or mac I oe aes ee ig ANE dim a M E T 266 BERKELEY, Rev. M. J., M.A., F.L.S., and C. E. Brooms, Esq., F.L.S. The Fungi of Ceylon. (Hymenomycetes, from Agaricus to Can- tharelus a gk ees os BRA ETT CAI 494 BnovanroN, J., B.Sc. Note on Hybridism among Cinchone ...................... 475 CLARKE, C. B., M.A., F.L.S. On the Commelynaceæ of Bengal .................. ee 438 lv Page Cromarg, Rey. James M., M.A., F.L.S. & F.GS. New Lichens recently discovered in Great Britain............ 48] CuNNINGHAM, R. O., M.D., F.L.S. Letter from, to Dr. Hookzz, F.R.S, V.P.L.S. .........usses 187 On the Occurrence of Pleiotaxy of the Perianth in Phiesia .... 477 DarzELL, N. A., Esq. Note on Althea Ludwigii and Cystanche tubulosa ............ 437 DrickrE, Gronoz, M.D., F.LS. Notes on @ Collection of Plants from the N orth-east Shore of Lancaster Sound 7. 15005 A. 32 Notes on some Algæ found in the North-Atlantic Ocean ...... 456 Duncan, Mr. Notes on the Stamens of Savifrage ........ lllo sous 31 Gray, Asa, M.D., F.M.L.S. Characters of a new Genus consisting of two Species of Para- sitie GNE. e e oer DL iu i 22 Hawnvuny, DANIEL, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S. On a Species of Ipomea, affording Tampico Jalap. 4... 279 Hance, H. F., Ph.D. Extract of a Letter from, to Dr. Hooxer, V.P.LS........... 454 Howanr, J. E., F.L.S. Introductory Remarks to Mr. Bnovanrow's Paper on Hy- bridism among Cinchongs e qM xu 474 Kirk, Jonn, M.D., F.L.S. m the Copal of Zanzibar e Qu IL MN D 1 On Copal. (Extract from a Letter to Dr. HOOKER.) ........ 479 Knieut, CHARLES, Esq., F.L.S. Notes on Stictei in the Kew Museum ................. suse 243 LinpBERG, S. O., M.D. Contributions to British Bryology ........................ 460 Page Linpsay, W. Laupzn, M.D., F.R.S.E. On Chemical Reaction as a Specific Character in Lichens .... 36 MELLO, JOAQUIM CORREA DE. Notes on some Brazilian Plants from the neighbourhood of Campinas. -Tan or AG ioe oer ee a 253 On Miyrocarpas frondosus, Seite ios rosse es 263 Moeermner, J. T., Esq., F.L.S. Petalody of the Sepals in Serapias ........... ccc cece eens. 490 MÜLLER, FRITZ. On the Modification of the Stamens in a Species of Begunia .. 472 ScHIMPER, W. Pu., S.L.LS. Synonymia Muscorum Herbarii Linnzeani apud Societatem Lin- neanam Londinensem asseryatt.- = i... i ete cy 246 SHORTT, Joun, M.D., F.L.5. On Branched Palms in Southern India .................... 14 SPRUCE, RICHARD, Ph.D., F. R.G.S. Palme Amazonice, sive Enumeratio Palmarum in itinere suo per regiones Americæ zequatoriales lectarum .............. 65 WEDDELL, H. A., M.D., F.M.LS. Remarks on the Generic Name Cascarilla. From a letter addressed to J. B. HowARD, Esq., ELS. o 185 ERRATA ET CORRIGENDA. Page 257, line 26, for Guepira read Guapéva » 208, , 8 from bottom, for introrsum read extrorsum » 2062, ,, 16, for arareite read araruta » 286, , 6,for F. Gliemann read T. Gliemann » 291, ,, 25, for Sir J. Mackenzie read Sir G. Mackenzie 292. — - l for Sibthorp read Lighfoot 298, , 9, for bifolia read biflora THE JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. On the e of Zanzibar. Extract from a letter from Joun Krigx, M.D., F.L.S., dated Zanzibar, March 20th, 1868. [Read June 18, 1868.] Tug vegetation along the creek of Dan Salam * consists of many curious and, to me, unknown bushes, with heavy timber scattered here and there; among them was the Trachylobium Mossambicense, Kl., distinguished by its rounded head of. glossy leaves, with white groups of flowers projecting from the points of the branches. This is the * M^ti Sandarusi" (Tree of Co- pal) of the natives ; and from it one variety of Copal is obtained. On examining the tree more closely, the trunk and main limbs were seen to be covered with the clear resinous exudation, now brittle and hard; from the upper branches it dropped down on the ground below, but not in a fluid state. To judge by the appearance it presented, I should say that the resin soon dries and hardens after being exuded, but must be easily broken off by violence ; pieces of various tint and form were collected, some with insects imbedded ; but all presented a smooth polished exterior, quite free from any pitting or * gooseskin " found on all kinds dug up from the ground. This sort is known in trade as * Sandarusi ya m'ti," or Copal from the tree; it is exported in considerable quantity to India, but not to Europe. Having thus established the source of one sort of Copal to be the Trachylobium, and transmitted the resin with full herbarium specimens of flower and fruit (which, if * [Dan Salam is stated in the letter to be a spacious creek opposite the southern end of Zanzibar Island.—Ep.] LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. B 2 DR. KIRK ON THE COPAL OF ZANZIBAR. I mistake not, are to this day desiderata in all our collections), let me briefly state my reasons for thinking that in this tree we have the source of the older Zanzibar Copal, the semifossil or bitumi- nized resin known in the English market as “ Animé,” and which is the most valuable of all resins for the manufacture of varnish, ex- ceeding anything produced on the west coast for hardness, elasticity, and polish. There are three distinct kinds of Copal in the Zanzibar trade, sub- divided by merchants into many classes, according to colour, form, surface, and other peculiarities known to those in the trade, and affecting the value variously in different markets: first, we have “ Sandarusi-m'ti," Tree-Copal; second, * Chakazzi," or Copal dug from the soil, but modern (seemingly) in origin and obtainmg a price like that of the former quality ; the third is the trae San- darusi, like the second, dug from the soil, but hard, less soluble, and more than twice the value. This forms by far the greatest part of Zanzibar Copal, the export of which has sometimes reached 800,000 lbs. at a value of £60,000. I have already described the * Tree-Copal:" it is gathered directly from the tree, which is known along the coast from Mo- zambique to near Lamo, or from 3? to 15? south lat., but is most common between Cape Delgado and Mombas. The TZrachylo- bium Mossambicense, Kl., is found along the creeks and on the maritime plain or the old sea-beach, but becomes very rare at a little distance inland, and quite unknown long before the change in geologic structure offers an explanation of its absence. It re- quires the near presence of the sea for its growth, and dies when far removed from its influence. The second sort, or * Chakazzi " gum, is found in the ground at the roots of modern Copal-trees, or in the country where these exist; but it is also, I am told, to be got with true Copal. That it is found near the existing forests is certain ; and there the true Copal is not known; and we must accept with caution the state- ment that it is also found in the interior, from this well-known fact, that our informants habitually mix the inferior coast-gum with the valuable produce of the interior. This * Chakazzi " is obviously the recent gum which has remained a short time in the soil after the death of the tree which produced it, yet long enough to take the impression of sand and stone, or other hard matter, as the hardest sealing-wax long left on a coin will take the im- pression, or as ice will flow down a valley. 3) DR. KIRK ON THE COPAL OF ZANZIBAR. 3 The Tree-Copal, or * Animé" of the English markets, is un- doubtedly the produce of forests now extinct ; for there is no tree now growing at a distance from the coast which produces it. It is obtained all along the ancient sea-beach, the maritime plain which here fringes the continent to a depth of 20-40 miles in general. Some spots are richer than others, and some soils indicate good “diggings.” When the rains which follow the north-east mon- ‘soon have softened the soil, the natives of the country commence to dig this from small pits, searching the soil as removed; but there is no system, and, like the gold-washings of Africa, so the Copal-regions yield not a fraction of what a little system and industry might produce. At present every clan-feud stops the search. The producer receives, even when successful, only a trifle from the Indian merchants, who again part with it, often paying enormous dues to the Zanzibar State, to the European and American traders. The supply, considering the extent over which it is scattered, seems unlimited; for at present, with most inadequate means and much discouragement to the labourers, the amount obtained is very great. If we take into account the similarity of the recent and fossil resins in appearance, their near approach in physical properties, the fact that the recent gum, often being imbedded in sand, takes the characteristic surface-markings, and recollect that ‘where now the good Copal is dug as a fossil the present Copal-tree, in all probability, once grew, when the sea was nearer to the hills than now, I think we may be satisfied that the Zrachylobiwm was the source of the old Copal, which is the resin only modified by time and long exclusion from air and light under the ground. Perhaps it may be asked, Is there not proof in the gum itself that the Trachylobium then existed? I have as yet found none: insects (all of them aerial) are often preserved ; sometimes branches and leaves ; but I have not seen evidence of the Copal-tree. When we remember that the resin soon hardens after being exuded, and that it runs from the underside of the main limbs, while the leaves, flowers, and fruit are at the extremities of the branches, we shall see that leaves of the underwood which sweep the lower branches are much more likely to be embalmed than the leaf of the tree itself, which, besides, is hairy, glossy, and unlikely to adhere. If a part of the modern tree were found in the old hard gum, the proof would be complete; at present some doubt remains. RZ 4 DR. ANDERSON’S ENUMERATION OF I have sent not only full herbarium specimens, but also speci- mens of the recent gum, of the * Chakazzi," and of the valuable Copal, in which are many insects; and I would suggest that entomologists should assist us by their opinions whether these belong to existing species or not. An Enumeration of the Palms of Sikkim. By TnowAs ANDER- son, M.D., F.L.S., Superintendent of the Royal Botanical Gar- dens, Calcutta. [Read June 18, 1868.] Tue deep valleys of Sikkim, which are fully exposed to the moist winds blowing from the Bay of Bengal, are filled with a luxu- riant vegetation abounding in tropical forms. Among these are several species of Palms possessing considerable interest from their occurrence in comparatively so northern a region. Dr. Hooker, the first botanical explorer of Sikkim, found ten species of Palms in that country *; and in the introductory essay to the * Flora Indica,’ p. 183, Drs. Hooker and Thomson again state the numbers at ten. By repeated explorations in the Teesta valley, I have been able to add five species to that number, but I have never found Areca disticha and Licuala peltata, both of which are in- cluded in the number of Palms in Sikkim given by the authors of the ‘ Flora Indica.’ I have thus seen fifteen species of Palms in the forests of Sikkim, belonging to the genera Areca, Wallichia, Caryota, Calamus, Plectocomia, Livistona, and Phenix,—also speci- mens of Licuala peltata, from Sikkim, in the Herbarium of the Botanical Gardens, Calcutta. Calamus, the most extensive genus of Palms in Asia, is represented in these forests by seven species, while the other genera, except Wallichia and Phenix, which con- tain two species, are illustrated each by one species. Calamus schi- zospathus belongs to the non-scandent Zalacca-like section of the genus ; but, exclusive of it, there are seven climbing Palms in Sikkim, as Plectocomia Himalayana is popularly a Rattan, and as powerful a climber as any Calamus. The sudden diminution in moisture which takes place almost at the frontier between Nepal and Sikkim does not favour the * Himalayan Journals, i. 143. THE PALMS OF SIKKIM. 5 growth of such tropical plants as Palms. Accordingly we find only Wallichia oblongifolia, two species of Calamus, and Phenix acaulis extending along the Himalayan chain to the west of Sikkim. Two other Palms, for which the climate of Sikkim is too wet, are added to the number; these are Phenix sylvestris and Chamerops Martiana. In Sikkim the Palms mentioned in this enumeration are most abundant in the hot and very damp valleys of the Mahannuddee and the Teesta rivers in the eastern part of Sikkim. They are apparently common in Bhotan, at least on the outer hills. None of the cultivated Palms of Bengal are grown in Sikkim, or even in the Terai, at the foot of the hills; Areca catechu ceases along with the cultivation of “ Pawn” (Piper betle) at Suneezee Kottah, about twenty-five miles from the Himalaya. In the ad- joining districts of Bhotan, on the east bank of the Teesta, Areca catechu abounds near the villages of the Mechis, within a few miles of the hills. Old trees of Caryota urens also occur near the wooden stockade of the Bhoteas, as far south as Mynagoree. The Lepchas, who have many claims to be considered the ab- origines of Sikkim, are familiar with the Palms of their native forests, and have given distinct names to all of them except Phenix rupicola and Licuala peltata. These Lepcha names are quoted under each species. Tribus I. AnECINE X. ARECA, Linn. A. GRACILIS, Rozb. Fl. Ind. iii. p. 619; Griffith, Palms of British East India, p. 154, tab. 232 a, B, c.—Seaforthia gracilis, Mart. Palm. p. 185. Hab. Moist tropical valleys; valleys of the Great Rungeet and the Teesta. This Palm grows gregariously under the shade of trees in the densest tropical forests of Sikkim. I have seen itin the lower part of the valley of the Great Rungeet and along the banks of the Teesta, throughout the course of the river in British Sikkim and Bhotan, also in the narrow valleys of the streams entering the Teesta below its confluence with the Great Rungeet. I have not noticed this Palm in the dry forests at the foot of the hills. It ranges in altitude from 400 feet in the Teesta valley to 2500 feet in the Runjo near the plantations of Cinchona succirubra. This species of Areca is found also in the Khasia hills, Assam, Bho- 6 DR. ANDERSON’S ENUMERATION OF tan, and Chittagong. Sikkim is the most western district in which it occurs. The plant is well known to the Lepchas, who call it * Khur;" but they make no use of any part of it. Areca disticha, Roxb., is said to occur in Sikkim; but I have never met with it. WALLICHIA, Roxb. 1. W. OBLONGIFOLIA, Griff. Calcutta Journ. of Nat. Hist. v. p. 486; Palms of British East India, p. 175, tab. 237 a, B, c. Hab. In all the tropical valleys of Sikkim. This little Palm is abundant in all the tropical valleys of Sikkim, where it usually grows under the shade of rocks or trees. lt seems to prefer a soil composed of disintegrated micaceous shale. It ranges in altitude from 400 to 3000 feet above the sea. It is found along the lower ranges of the Himalaya, and in the valleys of the great feeders of the Ganges and Brahmaputra, from Assam to Kumaon, where its western limit is attained in the valley of the Surjoo. 2. W. DISTICHA, T. Anders. Caule elato parce sobolifero, foliis dis- tichis, pinnis fasciculatis basi conduplicatis, spadicibus terminalibus demum lateralibus, spathis basilaribus profunde fissis, baccis apice ob- scure bifidis vel raro trifidis, dispermis, rarissime trispermis. Hab. In preeruptis siccis vallium profundarum Sikkimensium, preesertim exteriorum, ad altitudinem 300-1500 ped. Caudex 10-15 pedes altus, 5-6 uncias crassus, nudus, cinereus, a lapsu frondium annulatus. Folia alterna, erecta, 6-10 pedes longa. Petio- lus basi cum reti rigido, caulem amplectens. Rachis utrinque convexa. Pinne suberectz, 2-8 fasciculatze, lineari-lanceolate,apice truncate vel cuneatze, fimbriato-dentatz, marginibus ad apicem remote denticulatis, supra virides, subtus albide, glauce, uninervie, 1-2 pedes longs, 2-25 uncias late. Spadix foemineus pendulus, 6-8 pedes longus, rachi cinerea, 3 une. crassa; rami simplices, sinuati, apice attenuati, glabri, atro-virides vel nigri. Spathe fibroso-coriacez. Sepala et petala persistentia, submembranacea, glabra. Bacca oblonga, basi calyce et corolla persistentibus suffulta, glabra, rubescens, 9 lin. longa. Pulpa vix ulla, urens. Embryo dorsalis, excentricus. Al- bumen planum. The appearance of this Palm is very peculiar, from the manner in whieh the leaves are ranged along two opposite sides of the stem, as in Ravenala. I have found this Palm growing gregariously, but very locally, on the steep sandstone declivities in the deep valleys of Eastern Sikkim, between the rivers Mahanuddee and Teesta. The Lepchas THE PALMS OF SIKKIM. 7 call it “ Katong ;" they make no use of any portion of the plant ; and they dread touching even its leaves, from the reputed irri- tating properties of the plant. I know, from personal expe- rience, that the berries irritate the skin, as I suffered from slight urticaria on the hands and face after examining the seeds. Plants of this species have been cultivated in the Botanical Gardens, Calcutta, for the last fifteen years, under the name Caryota mitis : but I have not been able to trace their history. They were probably introduced from the Himalayan ranges to the east of Sikkim. Griffith apparently found this Palm in the Mishmi hills. At page 46 of the ‘Journal of Travels,’ he refers to a Palm thus :—* Wallichoidea, trunco 3-10- pedali." Caryota, Linn. C. unENS, Linn. Fl. Zeyl. p. 369; Sp. Pl. 1660; Mart. Palm. p. 193, tab. 107, 108, p. 162, tab. V. fig. 1, et Y. figg. 1, 2; Griffith, Palms of British East India, p. 169. Hab. In dense forests from the level of the plains to 4000 feet above the sea. This Palm is not common anywhere in Sikkim, although trees of it may be met with in most of the valleys. It can resist a considerable degree of cold; two large trees of it are growing naturally in the Cinchona plantations at Rungbee, near Darjee- ling, at a height of 4400 feet above the sea, where the temperature of the air in January is often as low as 40? Fahr. The Lepchas call this Palm *Simong koong;" they procure a coarse sago- like starch from the trunk. Tribus II. LEPIDOCARYNEÆ. CALAMUS, Linn. Sect. I. CoLEosPATHES. a. Erecte. l. C. scurzosPATHUS, Griff. Calcutta Journ. of Nat. Hist. v. p. 32; Palms of British East India, p. 41, tab. 187. Candice arborescente, nodis approximatis, vaginis basi auriculatis ; aculeis vaginze verticil- latis, compressis, deflexis, setis acutis rigidis interspersis; auriculis laxis, margine ruptis, extus densissime setoso-spinosis ; petiolo mar- ginibus et dorso spinis solitariis ternis vel quaternis interdum ver- ticillatis armatis; pinnis equidistantibus, lineari-lanceolatis, supra 8 DR. ANDERSON’S ENUMERATION OF carinatis; spadice abbreviato; spathis inferioribus verticillatis spi- nosis, superioribus varie fissis et fibroso-laceris; spathis ramorum brevibus, glabris; ramis inferioribus approximatis decompositis, su- perioribus remotis simplicibus ; floribus distantibus; baccis ellipsoideis, apice mammillatis ; squamis profunde sulcatis. Hab. In przruptis siccis vallium fluminum Teesta et Rungeet dictorum, ad altitudinem 500-1000 ped. Caudex erectus, nudus, annulatus, 5-10-pedalis, 15 uncias in circum- ductu. Internodia 6-8-uncialia. Vagine spinose, furfuracez. Aculet vaginales nigri, 1-13 une. longi. Folia 8-12 pedes longa. Pe- tiolus erectus, rigidus, 4-5 pedes longus; aculei petiolares pallide aurei, apice nigri. Pinne 1-2 ped. longs, ad insertionem plicate, carina et nervis duobus supra et subtus setigerz. — Spadices suberecti, in fructu nutantes, basi compressi, 2-4-pedales. Spatha inferior 2 ped. longa, dorso verticillatim spinosa ; superiores 3-6 unc. long, aculeate. Rami decompositi 6-10 unc. longi; rami simplices bre- viores. Bacce 1 unc. longe. Squame rhomboide, uninerviz, mar- ginibus nigris. This Zalacca-like Calamus is found on the steep northern slopes of valleys where micaceous shale abounds. It is called “Rong” by the Lepchas. C. erectus of Roxb., from Silhet, and perhaps from Chittagong, is a nearly allied species; but its ripe fruits are nearly half as large again as those of C. schizospathus. I possess ripe fruits of C. schizospathus, and have raised young plants in the Botanical Gardens. B. Scandentes. T Rachi non producta, cirris vaginalibus (loris) scandentes. 2. C. FLAGELLUM, Griff. Palms of British East India, p. 48. Hab. Common in most of the valleys of Sikkim from the level of the plains to 3500 feet above the sea. This cane, the “ Reem ” of the Lepchas, is by far the commonest Calamus in Sikkim. Its canes are soft and useless. It reaches the tops of the highest trees by means of the powerful whip-like prolongations from the sheaths of the leaves. 3. C. LEPTOSPADIX, Griff. Calcutta Journ. of Nat. Hist. v. p. 49; Palms of British East India, p. 60, tab. 194. Hab. Yn moist places in tropical valleys, from the level of the plains to 2000 feet above the sea. This species occurs in most of the deep valleys of the outer ranges of the Sikkim Himalaya, and extends into the interior along the course of the large rivers and their tributaries. It is THE PALMS OF SIKKIM. 9 somewhat gregarious in its habit. The long slender stems, when lying on the ground, send out short leafy shoots from their joints and form a thicket of prickly leaves. The flowering ex- tremities of these prostrate stems ascend the trees by the as- sistance of the strongly barbed straight tendrils springing from the sheaths of the leaves. The canes are soft and useless. The Lepchas call this species “ Lat.” 4. C. MONTANUS, T. Anders. Vaginis cylindricis, a basi frondium carinatis, spinis rectis patentibus dense obtectis ; frondibus brevibus, petiolatis ; rachi glabra, subtus uncinata, marginibus spinosis; pinnis inferioribus lanceolatis, superioribus ovato-lanceolatis, plurinerviis, utrinque glabris, marginibus interdum inermibus, raro setulosis ; pinnis alternis vel oppositis, paribus inzqualiter distantibus; spa- dicibus elongatis, spatha inferiore tubulosa compressa marginibus uncinatis, spathis superioribus non compressis inermibus ; ramis (spa- dicis) brevibus crassis armatis, foemineis alternis, recurvis; baccis oblique ovatis, apice obtuse umbonatis. Hab. In sylvis temperatis, supra arbores alte scandens, ad altitudinem 4000-6000 ped. Palma loris aculeatis alte scandens. Caudex nudus, gracilis, crassitudine penne cygni; junior cum vaginis frondium 13-2 unc. in diametro. Vagine spinosissime, furfure pur- pureo et argenteo obtecte; spine rigide, patentes, compressz, rectz, lanceolate, supra convexe, plerumque simplices, interdum bifida. ^ Petioli dense spinosi; spine variabiles, plerumque rectze simplices, raro recurve et bifide. Rachis glabra, frondium juniorum furfuracea. Pinne basi plicate, supra convexa, plurinervie, mar- ginibus exceptis setose, 10-16 unc. longs, 2-3 unc. late. Lora ex apice vaginarum orientia, 10-12-pedalia, apice filiformia, aculeata ; spath:z (lori) inferiores compresse, aculeis binis vel ternis reflexis sparse armatz, spathis superioribus cylindricis. Spadiz 4-6-pedalis, infra rigidus, erectus, apice filiformis, sterilis, aculeatus. Spatha inferior extus furfuracea, dense spinoso-aculeata, l-pedalis ; superior viridis, sparse aculeata, ore laxa, rupta, 4-9 unc. longa. Bacce magnitudine glandis querci, immature fulvz, mature rubrz, basi bracteis et bracteolis persistentibus suffulta. This cane, the “ Rue” of the Lepchas, is the most valuable one in Sikkim, where it is used for various purposes. The light but strong suspension-bridges by which the large rivers of Sikkim are crossed are made of it. It supplies the strongest ropes for dragging logs of wood from the forests and for securing the heavy loads which the powerful Bhotea porters carry slung from bamboo poles. The most durable baskets and the cane-work of chairs are ma- 10 DR. ANDERSON’S ENUMERATION OF nufactured from the split stems. Walking-sticks and riding- canes, prepared from this species, are exported from the Darjee- ling district in considerable quantity. This Calamus has now become scarce in consequence of the great demand for it and the recklessness with which it has been cut. Plants of it are very rare in the neighbourhood of Darjeeling ; and, indeed, it is found abundantly only in the dense subtropical forests of the Sitong range, and on Tonglo, near the sources of the Little Rungeet. This species extends up the deep valley of the Great Rungeet to the base of Kunchinjunga. tt Rachi longe producta, cirris vaginalibus nullis. 5. C. MACRACANTHUS, T. Anders. Vaginis spinis magnis compres- sis paucis armatis (spinis solitariis vel geminis), late lanceolatis, com- pressis, deflexis; foliis breviter petiolatis; petiolo basi gibbo et corrugato, supra plano, subtus convexo, marginibus armatis; rachi utrinque convexa, marginibus et dorso aculeatis; flagello elongato, rotundo, verticillatim aculeato; pinnis geminatim alternis, lanceo- latis, longe acuminatis, apice subsetosis, serratis, plurinerviis, nervis utrinque esetosis; spadicibus erectis, ramis nutantibus ; spathis bre- vibus, tubulosis, subcompressis, ad apicem aculeatis, extus leviter furfuraceis; spathis ramorum brevissimis, subinfundibuliformibus, laxis, glabris, ore ciliato; spicis masculis dense imbricatis; bracteis et bracteolis margine purpureo squamosis ; antheris elongatis, linearibus, sagittatis, ovaria rudimentaria superantibus. Hab. In valle fluminis Teesta prope rivulum Rayem dictum, ad altitu- dinem 500 ped. Palma supra arbores altas scandens. Caudex 100-200-pedalis, gracilis, digiti humani crassitie, cum vaginis frondium 4 uncias in cireumductu. Vagine glabre, virides. Spine vaginales 4-10, flexiles, basi glabrz virides, apice fulve, deflexæ, 1-2 unc. long, juniores vaginz adpresse nigre. — Frondes cum fla- ~ gello 10-15-pedales. Pinne 1-2-pedales, 23-3 unc. late. Spadices supra petiolum orientes, erecti, 3-5-pedales; rami l ped. longi. Spathe apice rupte, persistentes, 4 unc. longe; spathe ramorum brevissimz, tenere, ł unc. longe. Spice masculine 12-2 unc. longe. Bractee ovate, concave, margine purpurem. Squame apice acute. ; This Calamus is found in Sikkim only in the valley of the Teesta, about four miles from the plains. lt is known to the Lepchas living near the Teesta by two distinct names, * Ruebee "' and “Greem.” The canes are thick and strong, and of great length. I have seen this species in the valleys of the outer hills of Bhotan between the Teesta and the Tchail. THE PALMS OF SIKKIM. 11 6. C. 1nERMIS, T. Anders. Vaginis cylindricis, glabris, inermibus, ad insertionem petioli gibbis; ligula parva, membranacea; petiolo supra plano, subtus convexo, marginibus armatis; rachi convexa, demum obtuse tetragona, subtus aculeis rigidis reflexis solitariis vel verticillatis armata; flagello elongato, aculeis uncinatis reflexis verticillatis obtecto; pinnis solitariis vel fasciculatis, fasciculis bi- natis ternatisve, alternis vel suboppositis, lineari-lanceolatis, utrinque glabris, apice longe aristatis; spadicibus foemineis axillaribus vel supraaxillaribus, suberectis, ramis flexuosis; spathis inferioribus tu- bulosis, compressis, sparse armatis, ore obliquo integro, superioribus rotundis carinatis ; spicis flexuosis, glabris ; floribus approximatis, so- litariis; fructibus immaturis ovatis, apice et basi mammillatis, ca- lyce urceolato persistente suffultis. Hab. In vallibus humidis, calidis, presertim jugorum exteriorum, ad altitudinem 1000-2000 pedum. Caudex flagellis aculeatis extensis alte scandens, cum vaginis fron- dium persistentibus 3 pollices crassus, nudus 2 pollices. Vagine veteres albido marmoratz, non furfuracez. Rachis (cum flagello) 16-20 pedes longa, plus minus fusco-furfuracea. Pinne lineari- lanceolate, apice acuminate et longe aristatz, utrinque glaberrime, 13-2 ped. longz, 2-2} unc. latz, supra venis tribus setigeris notate. Sete minute, adpresse. Spadices foeminei 2-4 pedes longi; rami alterni, suberecti vel patentes, 1-13 pedem longi. Spice recurve, multiflora, 2-5 unc. longs. The canes of this Palm are used for walking-sticks, and some- times in the construction of cane suspension-bridges. The Lep- cha name for this species is * BrooL" Sect. II. CvyMBosPATHES. 7. C. JeNKINSIANUS, Griff. Calcutta Journ. of Nat. Hist. v. p. 81; Palms of British East India, p. 89.—Demonorops Jenkinsianus, Mart. Palm. ii. p. 227, tab. Z. xvii. f. 5, et Z. xxi. f. 1. Hab. In the dense marshy forests of the Terai. This species abounds in the Dhulka Jhar, in the Terai. I found it bearing ripe seed in December. Its canes are exported to the Dinagepur and Maldah districts. PrEcrocouia, Mart. P. HiMALAYANA, Griff. in Calcutta Journal of Natural History, v. p. 100; Palms of British East India, p. 108, tab. 219. Vaginis tu- bulosis, furfuraceis, spinis setiformibus verticillatim armatis; petiolo basi plano, inermi vel marginibus aculeatis ; rachi furfuracea, aculeis validis recurvis binis vel pluribus basi confluentibus; flagello gra- cili, dense aculeato; pinnis laxe ternatim vel binatim fasciculatis, 12 DR. ANDERSON’S ENUMERATION OF superioribus solitariis, alternis, lineari-lanceolatis, apice longe acumi- natis et aristatis, basi conduplicatis, 5-veniis, marginibus adpresse spinoso-setosis, utrinque viridibus; spadicibus terminalibus, erectis, ramis nutantibus, ferrugineo-furfuraceis ; spathis conduplicatis, sub- coriaceis, ferrugineo-tomentosis, raro glabris, apice integris, ore oblique acuminato; spicis solitariis, brevibus, flexuosis, 3-7-floris, spathulis laxis, subdistichis, rhomboideis, apice obcuneatis acutis, marginibus infra apicem revolutis, extus ferrugineo-tomentosis, intus glabris; floribus masculis setis tribus suffultis; calycibus infra medium tripartitis, cupuliformibus, laciniis glabris in setam desinentibus; fructibus subglobosis, depressis, basi calyce et corolla persistentibus suffultis, stylis tribus siccis rostratis ; squamis adpres- sis, fimbriatis, non villosis. Hab. In sylvis temperatis, przssertim lauretis, in arbores alte scandens, 4000-7000 pedum altitudinem. Palma flagellis aculeatis scandens. Caudex nudus, l unc. diametro. Frondes cum flagello 6-8 pedes longz. Pinne glabre, 12-16 unc. longe, 1-13 unc. late. Spadix foemineus 5-6 ped. longus; rami alterni, 6-9 unc. distantes, penduli, 2-3 ped. longi. Spathe 2-4 unc. longe. Bacca ferruginea, magnitudine glandis Querci. I do not think that Plectocomia Assamica, Griff., and P. Khasiya- na, Griff., can be united with this species, as doubtfully suggested by Sir W. Hooker (vide Bot. Mag. tab. 5105). I have seen au- thentic dried specimens of all these species as well as living plants of P. Assamica and P. Himalayana ; the Sikkim species is certainly distinct from the Assam one. The small species of Plectocomia which Sir W. Hooker referred to in a foot-note (loc. cif.) as having been detected in Sikkim by Dr. Hooker, and specimens of which have been distributed from Kew under the name of P. montana, Griff., is apparently P. Himalayana, Griff. P. Assamica and P. Khasiyana are identical; and the older name P. Assamica, Griff., should be adopted. .P. Assamica, Grit., is easily distinguished from P. Himalayana, Griff, by having much broader pinnæ, which are very glaucous on the under sur- face (those of P. Himalayana are green on both sides), by larger spadices, wHose branches are covered with very rusty tomentum. The fruits of P. Assamica are much larger and more tomentose than those of P. Himalayana, whose fruits are small, much flattened from the apex, with glaucous seales with fimbriated margins. This is the most abundant species of rattan in Sikkim. It occurs gregariously in all moist forests, from 4000 to 7000 feet above the sea, and penetrates into the interior even to the base THE PALMS OF SIKKIM. 13 of Kunchinjunga. The canes, though very pliable, are soft and useless. The Lepcha name for this species is ^ Runool." Tribus III. CORYPHINEA. Livistona, R. Br. L. JENKINSIANA, Griff. Calcutta Journ. of Nat. Hist. v. p. 334; Palms of British East India, p. 128, tab. 226 A, B. Hab. In the moist tropical valleys of Sikkim, especially of the outer ranges. This is a scarce Palm in Sikkim; I have seen it only in the valley of the Teesta and in the deep ravines near Sitong, the loftiest mountain of the outer ranges of Sikkim. This Palm is well known to the Lepchas, who call it “ Tulac-Myom.” Licvara, Thunb. L. PELTATA, Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. p. 179; Griff. Palms of British East India, p. 120, tab. 222; Mart. Paim. ii. p. 234, tab. 134-162. Hab. In the outer valleys of Sikkim, Hortulani hort. botan. Saha- runporensis. This Palm has been found in Sikkim only by collectors from the Botanieal Garden, Saharunpore ; specimens procured by them exist in the Caleutta Herbarium. It is quite unknown to the Lepchas. Puen, Lian. l. P. acautis, Roxb. Hort. Bengal. p. 73; Fl. Ind. iii. p. 783; Griff. Palms of British East India, p. 137, tab. 228. Hab. Yn dry tropical forests of Sal (Shorea robusta) and Pinus longi- folia, in the valleys of the Great Rungeet and the Teesta. This Palm is called * Schap " by the Lepchas; they eat its ripe fruits, which, although very astringent, are not unpleasant to the taste. 2. P. RUPICOLA, T. Anders. Caudice elato, brevi; frondibus elon- gatis, eleganter nutantibus, petiolo compresso; rachi trigona, com- pressa; pinnis flaccidis, lineari-ensiformibus, acuminatis, alternis vel suboppositis, non fasciculatis, basi conduplicatis, supra basin planis ; spadicibus foemineis suberectis, compressis, glabris; spathis spadice triplo vel quadruplo brevioribus, lanceolatis, coriaceis, furfuraceis ; spicis terminalibus, fasciculatis, glabris, sinuosis ; fructibus oblongis, glabris, apice mucronulatis, basi obtusis, calyce et corolla suffultis ; pulpa sparsa; seminibus levibus, embryone dorsali. Hab. In rupibus preruptis siccis in valle fluminis Teesta ad altit, 400-1500 ped. : Palma graeilis. Caudez solitarius, 15-20-pedalis, diametro 8 pollicum. 14 DR. SHORTT ON BRANCHED PALMS IN S. INDIA. Folia fere 10-pedalia. Pinne 13-pedales, utrinque virides, nitidze, 1-1 une. late. Spadix foemineus 3-4-pedalis, 15 unc. latus, glaber, com- pressus, viridis. Spice erectæ, l pedemlongæ. Spathelpedem longe, 23 unc. late, erecte, fulve. Fructus į unc. longus, nitidus, flavus. This species is distinguished from all others of the genus by - its long slender stems without adherent petioles, except imme- diately under the old fronds, by the soft delicate foliage, like the leaves of the Cocoa-nut, and the elongated, much-flattened spa- dices, bearing a few fasciculated spikes on the sharp edges near the apex. I have seen this Palm only on the steep (almost in- accessible) sandstone cliffs at the exit of the Teesta from the hills into the plains. The Lepchas are apparently unacquainted with this Palm ; but those to whom I showed it called it * Schap," the name given to Pheniz acaulis. Griffith apparently found this species in Bhotan and in the Mishmi hills; but he has not named it, and has given only a meagre description of the fronds. This Palm is evidently re- ferred to in the ‘Journal of Travels, at p. 46, as a “ Phe- micoidea,' discovered at Laee Pani in the Mishmi hills; and at p. 200 of the *Journal of the Mission under command of Captain Pemberton to Bootan, the plant is styled *an ele- gant Palm-tree, habitu Cocos,’ abounding on the higher preci- pices in the valley of the Duranga, near Dewangiri. A short de- scription of the fronds is given at p. 205; and the height of the Palm is said to be that of a moderate Areca. Note by Dr. T. Tuowsox. The species of Calamus collected by Dr. Hooker in Sikkim were distributed without names, but with numbers. It may be convenient to indicate the names given to them in Dr. Anderson's paper. Calamus No. 3=C. montanus, T. And. 6=C. inermis, T. And. 9—C. leptospadix, Griff. Calamus No. 10=C. schizospathus, Grif: 11=C. flagellum, Grif. On Branched Palms in Southern India. By Joun Suortr, M.D., F.L.S., &c. [Read June 18, 1868.] Tur most extensively distributed Palms in Southern India are the Palmyra, or “ Borassus flabelliformis,” and the Cocoa-nut, or “Cocos nucifera;" but of the several genera, the “ Hyphene Thebaica,” or Doum-palm, alone has a branched stem, the di- vision being dichotomous or in pairs; but there are excep- DR. SHORTT ON BRANCHED PALMS IN §. INDIA. 15 tions to the general rule in the case of the Palmyra and Cocoa- nut, which are sometimes found with branches. Since the subject first attracted my attention, some two years ago, I have been searching for these during my peregrinations over Southern India, in connexion with my own immediate work ; and in that time I have seen some million of Palm-trees, both on the coast and some hundreds of miles inland; and neither my own re- searches nor the results of my inquiries have enabled me to trace more than six of the Palmyra and two of the Cocoa-nut with branches. The latter I have not seen, but have received draw- ings of them from my friend Dr. Pulney Andy. In the Palmyra the branching is irregular ; but in the Cocoa-nut the tendency to division in pairs exists. Twin plants from the Palmyra are very common all over this portion of India; but such an occurrence in the Cocoa-nut is a variety. I have seen but one instance of it, and that was in my own garden at Chingle- put; and a couple of hundred yards from it, beyond my com- pound, a twin Palmyra of the same age was found growing. Since this paper was written, I observe, from a late number of the ‘ Madras Times,’ that in a horticultural show the other day at Travancore a Cocoa-nut was exhibited with five or six shoots growing out of a single root. At the same time a plant of the Areka Palm was also said to be exhibited having from seven to nine heads; this is also an exception to the rule. The following are the localities in which these branched Palms may be seen :— 1. A few miles from Masulipatam, on the road to Bintrinully, a Palmyra tree existed with twelve branches. During the last cyclone ten of these were broken ; of the remaining two, one has withered, the other exists; seven of the broken branches are lying close by, and three stems have been washed away to some distance. 2. At Paulghaut, about three miles from the town, on the Cormbutne road, and about half a mile from the road itself, exists a branched Palmyra. It is a twin plant, and one of the two has six branches. 3. At Madara, on the northern bank of the river Vegay, there is a Palmyra tree with nine branches; one is broken, and the other eight exist ; this is a male tree, shown in the accompanying woodcut. 4. At Ramnad, on the bank of the river Vegay, is to be seen 16 DR. SHORTT ON BRANCHED PALMS IN 8. INDIA. a Palmyra tree with four well-formed branches of equal height ; below the division the stem is covered with numerous other shoots of different sizes. 5. On the road to Chellenubrum from Manargudi, I am told, a Palmyra exists with branches, which I have not seen. 6. A Palmyra tree, from Travancore, with five branches, sent by Dr. Pulney Andy. 7. Two branched Cocoa-nut-trees, from Travancore, also sent by Dr. Pulney Andy. Dr. Pulney Andy thinks that the Palm weevil, Calandra palma- rum, has something to do in the branching of the Cocoa-nut : as it perforates the leaf-bud, the original becomes diverted to one side, and, he thinks, this in a measure gives occasion for a second shoot forming. This may be possible ; but it requires further ob- servation and research to determine the question. In the genus Phenix, the Phenix acaulis, Buch, is common to all the low hill-ranges in Southern India, to the height of 6000 feet above sea-level. I have seen it on the Shewanys, Kotagherry, and the Pulney Hills, where it grows commonly and luxuriantly into a bush, caused by numerous suckers thrown out around it, DR. AITCHISON ON THE FLORA OF HÜSHIARPUR. 17 something like the plantain. I have counted as many as a dozen suckers around the parent stem; and, with one exception (on the Pulneys, where a plant had attained the height of 8 feet), the stipe never exceeded the height of 2 or 3 feet; and in the exceptional instance where it had attained 8 feet, there were no suckers around the parent stem. The natives eat the fruit, and are partial to it. The fronds are also made use of in various ways, but not to the same extent as the Phenix sylves- tris and Phenix dactylifera. A monstrosity, if I may so term it, has been observed as oc- curring in a Cocoa-nut-Palm, in which, from one of the flowers on the spadix, a shoot of spring leaves is thrown out. There is a slight tendency to fructification from the flower, and then itis converted into spring leaves, apparently forming a young shoot. This specimen was taken from a Cocoa nut-tree in the province of Travancore. The plant is of the usual size of an or- dinary Cocoa-nut-tree; but it never puts forth well-developed fruit. On the contrary, the flowers terminate in vernal leaves; thus, at an average, each spadix or branch bears about thirty to forty such shoots at a time. The leaves are generally con- sidered by botanists homologues of the flower, although their funetions are different, the former being engaged in the con- version and assimilation of food, whilst the latter takes on the office of reproduction, but the type of all being the leaf. This fre- quently occurs in the Mango-tree, where, from some inherent cause, the flowers fail to show, and their place is taken up by the pushing forth of numerous leaves. Plants, we know, require a period of rest to form flowers; and this is obtained by the cessation of the action of the leaves and roots for a time. During this period the vegetative activity of the sap is directed to the formation of flower-buds; but should this rest not occur, it continues to produce new leaves and roots in the place of flowers. Thus the absence of rain proves some- times beneficial in arresting the formation of new leaves and roots; and this favours the production of flowers. , LL Flora of the noy District of the Punjab. By J. E. T. Arrcytson, M.D., F.L.S., &c. [Read June 18, 1868.] Tue district of Hüshiarpur, in the Punjab, is of a lozenge-shape, LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. c 18 DR. AITCHISON ON THE FLORA OF HUSHIARPUR. and extends from the river Sutlej to the Beas in a north-westerly direction, being bounded on the east and north by the Purwain range of hills, and on the west and south by the Jalinder district. The physical formation of the district naturally divides it, for description, into four parts, viz. :— 1. The Plains. 2. The Naree hills. 3. The Dhún of the Sohan rivers. 4. The Purwain hills. The cantonments of Hüshiarpur lie in N. lat. 31? 32', and W. long. 75? 57', at an elevation of 1070 feet above the sea-level, and about five miles from the base of the Naree hills. The Naree or lower range of hills extends across the district in a north-west direction, from overhanging the Sutlej to within six miles or so of the Beas, where it breaks up into plateaux with numerous ravines. This range reaches an altitude of 2200 feet at the Pandu station. The Pamran station, near Naree, is 2047 feet. The Dhün of the Sohan rivers lies between the Naree and Pur- wain ranges, and is from four to six milés in width; through it run two streams, both ealled *Sohan:" that which joins the Sutlej occupies fully three-fourths of the Dhún ; the other, that joins the Beas, has a much shorter course, scarcely oecupying one- fourth of the Dhún. Between the sources of these two streams there is so very little differenee in the lie of the land that the natives affirm that over a large tract of land the streams occasion- ally run either way. The temple of Una, situated in the Dhún, is 1329 feet above the sea-level. The Purwain or higher range runs from the Sutlej to the Beas in a direction somewhat parallel to that of the Naree hills. At Kullowah (or Kullu) Station the range reaches 3065 feet above the sea-level. Solasinghi Station, which is not, however, in this district, is 3820 feet in elevation. The southern side only of this range is included in the Hüshiarpur district. The Flora.—Yrom thé*whole length of the Naree hills a large drainage of water is thrown into the plains of Hüshiarpur, which spreads itself out into immensely broad but shallow streams called “ Chos ; " these, before they have gone over twelve miles of country, gradually become absorbed by the thirsty land, leaving behind them, however, large deposits of sand and rich alluvia. DR. AITCHISON ON THE FLORA OF HUSHIARPUR. 19 Thus the plains are well supplied with water obtainable at from ten to twelve feet from the surface. The humidity thus created gives a type of vegetation more analogous with that of the “ Upper Gangetic Plain” about Saharanpur than of the Punjab. What one is most struck with on entering the district from Jalinder, are the large groves of Mango, showing splendid and valuable timber, and on all sides the general abundance of wood both natural and cultivated. Around gardens, planted along roads, and in the vicinity of dwellings, there are fine trees of Acacia Arabica, elata, and modesta, Dalbergia, Albizzia, Bauhinia variegata and purpurea, Syzygiwm, Cedrela, Moringa, Bassia, Melia azedarach, Bignonia suberosa, Cordia, Mimusops, Millingtonia, Pon- gamia, and Tamarix. In the “ English Wood,” a natural wood about two miles from the Civil lines, there are :—very fine trees, with excellent timber, of Dalbergia, Albizzia, Bombax, Ficus glomerata, Indica, and religiosa, Phyllanthus, Morus, Zizyphus, Salix, besides the smaller trees of Acacia catechu and leucophlea, Butea, Casearia, Phenix, Flacourtia, Ehretia, Ægle ; tree shrubs of Grewia Asiatica and oppositifolia, Vitex, Diospyros montana, Jottlera ; climbers and shrubs of Bauhinia Vahli Clematis, Abrus, Capparis horrida, Jasminum, Celastrus paniculatus, Mur- raya, Buddlea, Bergera, Randia, with Solanum verbascifolium and Desmodium Gangeticum. On the outskirts of the wood and in the surrounding fields we find the true Punjab or dry-country forms, viz. Acacia Arabica, A. modesta (shrubby), Carissa, Zizyphus jujuba and nummularia, Capparis aphylla, Calatropis, Justicia, Solanum Jacquinii and sanctum. As further proof of the occurrence of a more south-eastern flora, we find cultivated in gardens, in addition to the usual Punjab fruits, the Custard-apple, Jack-fruit, Shaddock, Averrhoa, Wampi, Mimusops, all bearing fruit well, The Jack-fruit forms a large and handsome tree ; and throughout the district here and there an occasional large specimen of the Tamarind is to be met with. Chavica Roxburghii is cultivated and grows well. Cissampelos convolvulacea occurs as a common creeper. The Bamboo and Pinus longifolia grow well in gardens. Argemone has reached thus far, vid the Jalinder road. Euphorbia pentagona is utilized extensively for hedges. Tillea pharnaceoides, Hochst., an Abys- sinian type, grows in large quantity in a burial-ground near the * Kutcherry.”’ *Field-cultivation is aided greatly by irrigation from wells. c2 20 DR. AITCHISON ON THE FLORA OF HÜSIIIARPUR. Sugar-cane is extensively grown, as also Tobacco; the latter is considered very superior in quality. Indigo occasionally is raised as a field-crop, and profitably so. Carthamus is not much culti- vated. The rest of the crops are similar to those raised near the river banks in the Doabs. From the dry and arid condition of the part of the district that lies opposite Rüpur, the flora at this most eastern extremity is more strictly Punjab in its type than that of any other part. Capparis aphylla, Calatropis Hamiltoniana, Peganum, and Alhagi are in profusion, with Acacia modesta and Gymnosporia ; besides, here alone, on both sides of the river, the Cypress variety of Acacia Arabica is to be met with, this being most likely the eastern limit of that Sindhian form, and very nearly that of Dodonea also. On the rocks overhanging the Sutlej Capparis spinosa is found, which occurs on similarly situated rocks up the valley as far as Wangtü bridge. - The Naree range of hills is apparently a continuation of the Sewaliks westward. It averages about ten miles in breadth, and opposite Naree, as already stated, attains an elevation of 2047 feet. The southern aspect of these hills presents a much more barren appearance than the northern. Under 1500 feet the southern face is more or less covered with shrubs of Carissa, Diospyros melanoxylon, Flacourtia, Gymnosporia, Cassia, Zizyphus, Spathodea, Celastrus paniculatus, Dodonea, Grislea, and Bauhinia racemosa. On the sunny and dry sides of the valleys Euphorbia pentagona is singularly characteristic, with its candelabra-like form. Above 1500 feet we have a stunted forest of Pinus longifolia. In valleys on the northern face, but also in sheltered southern localities where moisture can accumulate, we have a tolerably dense vegeta- tion of Bamboo, Erythrina, Mimosa rubricaulis, cesia, and catechu, Albizzia, Rottlera, Ehretia levis, Moringa, Wendlandia, Diospyros cordifolia, Morus, Vallaris, Odina, Loranthus, Ichnocarpus, De- ringia, Porana paniculata, Celsia, Colebrookia, Hamiltonia, Scutel- laria, Caryopteris, Tecoma, Calosanthes, Gmelina, Phyllanthus, Casearia, Indigofera pulchella, besides Melia azedarach, apparently indigenous, and most of the trees mentioned as being in the * English Wood." Here, as eastern forms occurring far west, we may note Gme- lina, Olax, Odina, Trichosanthes,and Gentiana decemfida. Occurring in great profusion amongst the sandstone rocks, DR. AITCHISON ON THE. FLORA OF HÜSHIARPUR. 21 and very characteristic, are Desmodium tiliafolium, and Mucuna pruriens.. Where the Naree hills break up into plateaux and ravines towards the Beas, on their western extremity, they are covered with a forest consisting nearly entirely of Bambusa, which is much resorted to for the feeding of sheep. Throughout these hills a larger amount of land is cultivated than one at first is led to expect. In gardens, or, rather, near dwellings, a peculiar kind of lemon, called “ Gulgul,” is in great abundance. The Dhün of the Sohan rivers has rich alluvial deposits throughout it, and hence is well cultivated. In addition vo the usual cereals aud sugar-cane, we have maize, rice, and Crotalaria juncea,—the last very extensively. American varieties of cotton have of late been introduced. The millets are little cultivated. Phenix sylvestris is very common. | Butea, with Saccharum munja and spontaneum, cover large tracts of waste land, amongst which occasional fine trees of Cordia and Bombax occur. A natural wood, called * Gügrate Geeree," exists on the northern side of the Dhün, at an elevation of about 1300 feet ; and in it are to be found some of the finest specimens of Pinus longi- Jolia in the district; and in addition to most of the trees already mentioned, we here have Feronia elephantum, Celtis australis, Dudelia, Sponia, Cesalpinia sepinaria, Dioscoria in great abun- dance, Dedalacanthus, besides the eastern types Ficus cordi- Jolia, Xylosma longifolium, Engelhardtia, and Hiptage madablota. In the Garden at Umb, which is in the Dhün, are some splendid trees of Morus, and Platanus orientalis. The Walnut has here borne fruit, and so also, it is said, the Apricot, which is rare in the Purwain range ; but the trees of the last I did not see. Tulipa stellata is not uncommon in the fields of the Dhún. The Purwain range, above 1500 feet, is covered with a large forest of Pinus longifolia ; but about the middle of the range this form changes, and we gradually find a forest of SAorea robusta taking its place, mixed up with trees of Terminalia bellerica and chebula, and Bombas, all showing splendid timber, besides Mi- chelia, Kydia, Pentaptera, Engelhardtia, Hymenodictyon, Nauclea, Bassia, Ehretia serrata, Bradleia, Eleodendron, and Æchman- thera—this forest constituting that which is usually found at the base of the Himalaya, between the mountains and the plains. Here we have the western limit of the Sal (Shorea). 22 DR. ASA GRAY ON A GENUS OF GENTIANEE. Helinus occurs as an abundant creeper on the face of sandstone rocks. Jatropha cureas is a characteristic road-side shrub on the highest part of the range, as also Ficus cunea on the embank- ments of the road and ledges of rock. Rubus flavus, a Behmeria, and a Fern (not found in the plains) occur near water in the forest. Throughout these hills there is not much cultivation. Tea has been attempted ; but the soil seems to be too dry. In conclusion, I would beg to thank Dr. T. Thomson for the great trouble he has taken in assisting me to name my collection of plants both for this paper and the one on Lahul, that I laid before the Society some time ago. Characters of a new Genus consisting of two Species of Parasitic Gentianee. By Asa GrXy, F. Hon. Memb. L.S. [Read November 5, 1868.] One of the two little plants here described was detected, between twenty-five and thirty years ago, upon one of the Mangs or Mangsi Islands, north of the Ladrones, by the naturalists of the American South-Pacifie Exploring Expedition under Commodore Wilkes. The other and very nearly related species was found in Java by the late Mr. Lobb, and the specimens are in the Hook- erian herbarium. They are interesting chiefly from the fact that the parasitie Gentianee hitherto known are all American. The Gentianee generally recognized as root-parasitie are all Tropical- American, and constitute the genus Voyria of Aublet, along with the seetions designated by Grisebach, which Miquel has, perhaps on insufficient grounds, proposed to distinguish as genera. It is likely that the two little plants of the Eastern United States which compose the genus Bartonia of Muhlenberg (Centaurella, Michx.) are likewise parasitic, being leafless and of a yellowish hue; and Obolaria, of the same region, may be suspected to be partially parasitic, after the manner of certain Scrophularinec. Both these genera, I may remark, were considered anomalous from having the whole parietes of the ovary ovuliferous, until it was ascertained that many Gentians, and notably those of the United States, had the same peculiarity. Eornuxros, nov. gen. Gentianearum parasiticarum. Calyx 4-fidus, lobis triangulari-ovatis acutatis estivatione imbri- -DR. ASA GRAY ON A GENUS OF GENTIANE.£. 23 catis. Corolla 4-partita, persistens, segmentis angustis æstiva- tione convolutis? Stamina 4, summo tubo brevi inserta; fila- menta subulata; anthers innate, lineari-oblongs, connectivo evanido uniloculares, apice foramine unico dehiscentes. Ova- rium globosum, placentis 2 latis multiovulatis axi coalitis fere impletum. Stylus elongatus, persistens; stigma capitatum seu capitellatum, leviter bisuleum. Pericarpium tenue mem- branaceum, vix dehiscens, semiseptis evanidis uniloculare. Semina in placentis, ut videtur, subcarnosis innumera, semi- obovata, basi attenuata; testa reticulata. (Ludit pistillo tri- niero.) Herbule oceanicæ, bi- triunciales, Poyrie facie, antheris fere Chironiearum, uni- pauciflore, squamis phyllinis ovatis parvis præditæ, floribus albidis. l. E. TENELLUM. Caule gracillimo unifloro; corollz profunde 4-par- titee segmentis basi contractis quasi unguiculatis. Hab. Mangs or Mangsi Islands, north of the Ladrones; coll. Amer. S. Pacific Exped. under Comm. Wilkes. 2. E. Lossi. Caule validiore nunc ramoso 1-5-floro; corolle seg- mentis lineari-oblongis tubo triplo longioribus. . Hab. Java, Lobb; in herb. Hook. These new Oriental or Oceanic representatives of the group, very like Voyrias in aspect, except that the tube of the corolla is short and inconspicuous, must, however, be referred to a different division of the Order as arranged by Grisebach, namely, to his subtribe Chironiee ; for a principal character of the new genus is that the anthers are not merely destitute of connective, but the two cells are actually confluent into one, which opens at the apex by an ample foramen. As is not unusual in Chironiee, the large placente are more or less united in the axis ; in one species, and probably in the other as well, the placentz are early free from all connexion with the parietes of the ovary, except at the base and summit. The name proposed for the genus, Hophylon, refers to the oriental habitat. 24 MR. A. W. BENNETT ON PARNASSIA PALUSTRIS, Note on the Structure and Affinities of Parnassia palustris, L. By Aurrep W. Bex¥err, M.A., B.Se,, F.LS. [Read November 19, 1868.] THe true position of Parnassia has been a source of much doubt and variety of opinion among botanists, having been placed by authors of acknowledged repute among Hypericace:z, Droseracex, Saxifragaces, and constituting an order by itself, Parnassiacee. The chief advocates of its place among the Hypericaceæ were Don and Lindley. It is singular, however, that of the characters which Lindley gives in his * Vegetable Kingdom’ as those by which St. John’s Worts may be recognized, viz. the axile pla- centation, and the polyadelphous stamens, together with the long style, the unequal-sided petals, and the opposite dotted leaves, not one applies to Parnassia, the affinity being founded entirely on the exalbuminous seed, and on a fancied analogy between the polyadelphous stamens of Hypericum and the glandular scales which constitute the nectary of Parnassia. With Droseraces, under which order the genus is placed by Babington and most of the older English botanists, the affinities of Parnassia consist mainly in the uniloeular ovary, terminating in several stigmata, the parietal placentation, the extrorse anthers, and the marcescent petals. Bentham and Oliver unite Droseracez with Saxifragace, an alliance not recognized by the older botanists. Without pre- suming to express an opinion opposed to that held by such high authorities, I may point out the following important differences in structure between Savifraga and Parnassia :—In Saxifraga the capsule is bilocular, the styles never more than 2, the placenta- tion axile, and the anthers introrse ; in Parnassia the placentation is parietal (Dr. Hooker finds no signs of any deviation from this structure in any of the Himalayan species he has examined), the capsule is uniloeular, the styles 3 to 5, and the anthers extrorse. In transferring Parnassia to Saxifragacee, I cannot help doubt- ing whether too much force has not been given to the peri- gynous character of the stamens, as, if that is insisted on as a material point, Parnassia must be entirely removed from Drosera, with whieh genus all botanists seem to agree it has very close relationship, and which has the stamens truly hypogynous, at least in our European species. Indeed a strict carrying out of this test would necessitate the division of Drosera itself into widely separated orders; for St.-Hilaire describes Brazilian MR. A. W. BENNETT ON PARNASSIA PALUSTRIS. 25 species of that genus as passing by every grade into a true attach- ment between the stamens and the calyx, and the same variability occurs also among Violacez. On the difference in the structure of the seeds I do not lay so much stress, as, if their exalbuminous character is to be taken as an essential point, Parnassia must either be referred back to Hypericaces, with which it has no other affinities, or be hopelessly consigned to the solitary confinement of a separate order. . The extrorse stamens are, however, connected with an important phy- siological function presently to be described. In his * Genera of -North-American Plants, Prof. Asa Gray describes the anthers of Parnassia as introrse, and gives a drawing of P. Caroliniana as an illustration. I do not, however, find any other observer to agree with Prof. Gray’s observation in this respect, except two Ame- rican botanists, Dr. Torrey and Mr. Chapman, who have pro- bably borrowed their descriptions from him; nor do any speci- mens which I have been able to examine of this species confirm any departure in this respect from the ordinary type of the genus, Before pointing out what seem to me the affinities between Parnassia and some tropical genera with which it has not been generally associated, a few remarks may not be out of place on the physiological structure of our British species. The true morphological value of the remarkable glandular petaloid scales of Parnassia has been a subject of much discussion. The advo- cates of its affinity with Hypericum of course consider these scales to be modified polyadelphous stamens united together at the base. The fact, however, that notwithstanding the countless number of specimens examined by some German botanists, I can find no record of a single flower having ever been gathered in whieh the glands have reverted into pollen-bearing anthers, seems to me a strong argument against this hypothesis. In certain Himalayan species these scales seem entirely to lose their stami- noid appearance, and to be simply bifid or trifid at the apex, or even almost entire. I am rather disposed, on the other hand, to consider them to be a modified inner row of petals, the glands having an unmistakeable function, as we shall presently see, connected with the distribution of the pollen. Dr. Buchenau (Botanische Zeitung, vol. xx. p. 307) goes so far as to view the glands as metamorphosed carpels!, having found a specimen in which they are rolled up in a carpellary fashion. The 4 stigmata 26 MR. A. W. BENNETT ON PARNASSIA PALUSTRIS. present an anomaly in the otherwise quinary arrangement of the parts of the flower. Foreign species, however, present a more symmetrical structure. The drawing of Parnassia Kotzebui in Hooker's ‘Flora Boreali-americana’ clearly indicates 5 stig- mata; and Dr. Seemann, in his ‘ Botany of the Herald,’ speaks of frequently gathering both that species and P. palustris with 5 stigmata. Prof. Roper also records, in the * Botanische Zeitung’ (vol. x. p. 187), his supreme delight, after inspecting more than a thousand flowers of P. palustris, in being at length rewarded by gathering one with 5 stigmata. Dr. Hooker, on the other hand, describes Himalayan species with only 3 stigmata. If, therefore, we are to take the number of stigmata in Parnassia as variable from 8 to 5, with 5 as the normal number, as shown by the reversion of P. palustris, it will assimilate the genus more closely to Dro- sera, while removing it still further from Saxifraga. The most remarkable feature, however, in the physiology of Parnassia is the phenomena attending its fecundation, which I had an opportunity of observing somewhat closely during a stay last summer in Argyleshire. The fullest and most accurate description of these phenomena hitherto published I find in Vaucher's * Histoire physiologique des Plantes d'Europe,' from which I translate as follows:—"* The physiological phenomena which Parnassia presents belong chiefly to its fecundation. When the flower is fully open, the filaments, at first very short, suddenly lengthen, and place the anthers on the top of the ovary, so that all the glandular globules, and especially the scale which bears them, and which is covered with little drops of honey, can dissolve the pollen with which they are sprinkled. This operation accom- plished, the anther falls and disconnects itself, and the filament resumes its original place. Each of the anthers successively executes the same movement; but those which succeed each other are alternate, and not contiguous, so that the march of the phenomenon is never interrupted. The anthers are extrorse and somewhat lateral; the pollen consequently cannot fall on the stigma, but falls on the nectaries, which are, as it were, smeared with it, and only the emanation from which can, I think, fertilize the stigmata. It would be difficult, at least, to assign any other function than that of the absorption of the pollen to this nectary, so remarkable and so constant in all the species of the genus. What confirms my conjecture is, that the stigmata are entirely invisible while the anthers are discharging their pollen, and that MR. A. W. BENNETT ON PARNASSIA PALUSTRIS. 27 they only begin to display themselves and to expose their papil- lose tongues at the moment when the emission is accomplished ”’ (vol. i. p. 324). The successive lengthening of the filaments was observed so long ago as by Sir James Edward Smith; and the manner in which this takes place is very remarkable. The increase, to the extent of at least three or four times their original length, must be accomplished in an incredibly short space of time ; the adhesion to the ovary is so strong during the whole of this time that they cannot be bent back without breaking them; but as soon as the pollen is discharged, they retire to a horizontal position between the petals, and the anther falls. My own ob- servation does not, however, confirm Vaucher’s statement that the lengthening takes place alternately; I have frequently noticed contiguous stamens to follow each other. It will be observed that the movement of the stamens in Parnassia presents but little resemblance to the “approach of the stamens to the pistil in pairs,’ which is described as taking place in certain species of Savifraga; nor does it appear in this latter genus to be accom- panied by the simultaneous lengthening of the filament, which serves an important physiological function. Together with this elongation of the filament, and previously to the discharge of the pollen, a singular contraction of the anther takes place; and I have no hesitation in concluding that the arrangement above described is one of the most remarkable provisions of nature yet observed for insuring cross-fertilization; for not only does the anther place itself, at the time of the ripening of the pollen, with its back on the very apex of the pistil, so as completely to close the approach to the ovary, but, as if to make assurance doubly sure, the stigmata are not developed until the whole of the anthers have successively performed this movement and dis- eharged their pollen. The object of the glandular nectaries is now clearly seen, and is not, as Vaucher imagined, the return of the pollen to its own stigma, but to enable insects to carry it away to other flowers in which the stigmata are already expanded. I spent a considerable portion of one of those rainy mornings which in Scotland bring forth such countless clouds of insects, in keeping watch over a field as thickly studded with Parnassia as an English hedge-bank with primroses, and scarcely noticed a single flower in which several insects were not regaling themselves on the nectariferous glands—belonging to several species, but mostly a long-legged dipterous fellow, whose long thighs, straddling 28 MR. A. W. BENNETT ON PARNASSIA PALUSTRIS. right across the centre of the flower, could not fail to carry the pollen right on to the expanded stigmata of some other more fully developed flower. Those plants which were in a sufficiently advanced state invariably had the ovary loaded with seeds. It will be understood, from the above description, why I am disposed to lay considerable stress on the extrorse anthers of Parnassia as contrasted with the introrse organs of Saxifraga. While investigating the affinities of Parnassia, I was struck with the resemblance, in more than one point, between this genus and two others not generally associated with it, principally located in Tropical America, Sawvagesia and Lavradia, which have also been referred by botanists to a number of different orders, having been variously placed under Cistinez, Violaces, Frankeniacese, Elatinee, Droseraces, or, to cut the Gordian knot, have been erected into an order by themselves. The most general view of their correct position may probably be taken to be that adopted by Bentham and Hooker in the * Genera Plantarum,' where they are ranged under Violacee. Here, again, I may be permitted simply to point out the discrepancies which separate them from the typical genera of that order; and in this, as well as in tracing their relationship to Parnassia, I am chiefly indebted to the ad- mirable monograph of the two genera contained in St.-Hilaire’s ‘ Histoire des Plantes les plus remarquables du Brésil et du Paraguay.’ In Viola, then, the corolla is irregular, there is but a single row of petals or stamens, the anthers are turned inwards, frequently united into a ring or tube, and with the connective extended considerably beyond the anther-cells, and the de- hiscence of the capsule is loculicidal. In Sauvagesia, on the other hand, the corolla is regular, there is a single or double row of inner petals or staminodia, the anthers are turned outwards, entirely distinet, and with the connective not prolonged, and the dehiscence of the capsule is septicidal. The so-called “ stami- nodia" of these genera, which I cannot but look upon as the analogues of the glandular scales of Parnassia, are very remark- able. In Lavradiu they present a single row of petaloid orgails, united together into a tube completely enclosing the pistil and the stamens, which are furnished with very short filaments, and closely resemble those of Parnassia at an early stage, having the same extrorse dehiscence. In Sauvagesia, instead of one, there are two rows of these additional organs; and, what is very re- markable, the exterior has a staminoid, and the interior row 4 MR. A. W. BENNETT ON PARNASSIA PALUSTRIS. 29 petaloid appearance. The exterior row are described by St.-Hi- laire as varying in form in the different species, but always thread- shaped at the base, and thickened upwards to the shape of a club, a nail, or a spade; the inner row consists of 5 distinct petaloid scales, surrounding the generative organs, but not united, as in Lavradia, into a tube. Taking these two rows of organs unitedly as constituting the nectary, it would be difficult to consider both the inner and outer row metamorphosed stamens, the inner row appearing never to present an approach to a staminoid form, and the outer row being frequently partially or entirely aborted ; and this would seem to confirm the view that the scales of Par- nassia should be regarded in the light rather of petals than of stamens. I can find no record of any observation of pheno- mena connected with the stamens of Sauvagesia similar to those I have described in Parnassia, or identifying, as I should expect would be the ease, the functions of the extrorse anthers and nectary of Sauvagesia with those of our English genus. In all the species of Lavradia, however, the inner corolla is described as purple or rose-coloured, as if for the purpose of attracting insects, while the exterior corolla is generally white. The most conspicuous structural differences between Parnassia and Sauvagesia are the 3—5 stigmata and exstipulate leaves of the former, contrasted with the single style and stigma and the re- markable laciniated or fimbriated stipules of the latter genus, together with the difference in their general habit. It will be interesting, therefore, to trace what aberrant forms exist con- necting the two. In Hooker and Thomson's ‘ Precursores ad floram Indicam’ (Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. ii. p. 55), I find that Himalayan Zarnassie are described as “ styles 3 or 1," while in P. tenella, on which species they remark (p. 79) that, * though it is decidedly the most abnormal species of the genus yet discovered, it is somewhat singular that it does not throw any light on the affinities of the genus," we have the * fimbriated stipules ” so characteristic of Sauvagesia and Lavradia, and the curious scutiform staminodia irresistibly remind one of those of several species of Sauvagesia. In Sauvagesia tenella, on the other hand, the smallest species of the genus, the slender habit and distant alternate sessile spathulate leaves, together with the partial or entire abortion of the outer row of staminodia, show a marked approach to some of the species of Parnassia with foliose scapes, while the stipules, described by St.-Hilaire as very small, 30 MR. A. W. BENNETT ON PARNASSIA PALUSTRIS. are either deciduous or entirely absent in the specimens preserved in the Kew Herbarium. With the exception of Sauvagesia erecta, which spreads into Mexico and the West Indies, and even into Madagascar and Java, these two genera are confined to South America and almost entirely to Brazil, while the less important allied genera of Schuurmansia and Neckia, presenting the same general features in their structure, belong to the Indian archipelago. Without, therefore, assuming a definite opinion that Parnassia, Sauvagesia, and Lavradia should be united into the same order, I would venture to suggest whether our pretty little English Grass of Par- nassus, so foreign in many respects in its appearance, may not be looked on in some sort as a European and temperate repre- sentative of the tropical Sawvagesie and Lavradie. 2 1. Flower of Parnassia palustris at the time of opening. 2. Stamen commencing to discharge pollen. 3. Flower with all the stamens discharged. 4. Stamen retiring from pistil; stigmata developed. 5. Pistil at the time of opening of the flower. 6. Stamen discharging pollen (magnified). . Pistil after the stamens are discharged. Note.—Since the above paper was written, some observations * MR. DUNCAN ON THE STAMENS OF SAXIFRAGE. 91 on the same subject, by M. Gris, have been published in the ‘Comptes Rendus’ of the French Academy for Nov. 2nd, 1868. The conclusions at which M. Gris has arrived concur, on almost every point, with those to which I have been led, as far as the physiological structure of Parnassia is concerned. That botanist points out that, as long ago as 1798, Sprengel observed that the relative positions of the pistil and stamens in this genus neces- sitate the hypothesis of fertilization by insect agency. Linnzeus, St.-Hilaire, and other botanists have presented different views of the structure of the flower; but a careful series of observations by M. Gris fully confirm in almost every respect the accuracy of Sprengel's description. The points to which M. Gris especially refers as having been lost sight of by most recent writers are, the completely extrorse character of the anthers at the period of their dehiscenee, the non-maturity of the stigma until after the whole of the stamens have discharged their pollen, and the fact that the stamens never do “approach the pistil in pairs" (which has been urged as an analogy between Parnassia and Saxifraga), but that their remarkable elongation is accomplished in close contact with the ovary, which they do not quit till after the discharge of the pollen. Notes/on the Stamens of Sazifrage. By Mr. Dun¥an. Commmunicated by J. E. BAKER. [Read November 19, 1868.] THE two species to which the remarks which follow appiy are Saxifraga cespitosa and S. hypnoides; and, without any modifica- tions of importance, what is true of the stamens of any one of these is true also of the other. Shortly after the expansion of a flower, the stamens, which are of two lengths and in two rows, lie back to the petals ; and in this spreading position they continue until the pollen is almost ready for being shed. The contents of only one anther at any given time are ready for dispersal; and each mature stamen is brought at the right moment into that position which is most favourable for the contents of the anther being emptied on the stigma, by the timely bending inward of the filament. So soon as the pollen is discharged, the stamen slowly retires again, through the unbending of the filament, and takes up its old station close to the petals. Every stamen goes through the same per- 32 DR. DICKIE ON PLANTS FROM LANCASTER SOUND. formance, and in doing so observes a regular order: the longer and larger stamens go first, and the shorter and smaller ones proceed afterwards. It may be of interest to notice that the -stigma is not always receptive when the first fully-developed anthers begin to discharge. Notes on a Collection of Plants from the North-east Shore of Lancaster Sound. By G. Drox¢z, M.D., F.L.S. [Read November 19, 1868.] In March 1865 ‘The Queen,’ of Peterhead, commanded by Captain Œ. Brown, sailed under orders to pass the winter in some part of the Arctic Sea, at the discretion of the commander, in order to capture whales late in autumn and early in spring. Captain Brown determined to winter somewhere in the vicinity of Lancaster Sound, near the “ north water”’ of the whalers. Afver various detentions owing to winds and the state of the ice, the vessel was, on the last day of August, laid up for the winter in a deep inlet called in the charts “ Bethune Bay,” about thirty miles from Cape Horsburgh, which bears E.N.E. from it; the harbour is in N. lat. 74° 44’ 24", W. long. 76°. An Aberdeen student, Dr. E. P. Philpotts, had medical charge of the expedition; and to him I am indebted for the materials which form the subject of the following notes. Explorations by Captain Brown and Dr. Philpotts proved that the land represented in the most recent maps as a peninsula is in reality an island, the eastmost point of which is Cape Hors- burgh. This island is separated from the mainland by a channel full of icebergs ; the channel on the west is narrow and shallow, its eastern margin being the shore of the said island, and its western an extensive glacier attached to the mainland, and forming a sea- eliff of solid ice. The island is about thirty miles long, by ten in breadth; the centre is a swampy plain, with numerous streams and lakes, inter- spersed with ranges of low hills. On various parts of this inhospitable shore Dr. Philpotts was very assiduous in making collections, from the end of June to the 5th August, 1866, on which day the * Queen’ got free from the ice and proceeded southwards *. * A very full and interesting account of the voyage was published by Dr. Philpotts in the * Peterhead Sentinel, and afterwards printed for private dis- tribution. DR. DICKIE ON PLANTS FROM LANCASTER SOUND. FLOWERING PLANTS. RANUNCULACEX. Ranunculus nivalis, L. PAPAYERACEX. Papaver nudicaule, Z. CRUCIFERE. Cochlearia officinalis, Z., var. arctica. Draba alpina, Z., var. glacialis. CARYOPHYLLACER. Lychnis apetala, Z. Rare and very dwarf. Cerastium alpinum, L. Stellaria longipes, Goldie. S. humifusa, Rottb. Arenaria rubella, Br. RosacEz. Dryas octopetala, L., var. in- tegrifolia. Potentilla nivea, Z. SAXIFRAGACEX. Saxifraga oppositifolia, Z. S. nivalis, L. S. rivularis, Z. S. cæspitosa, LL. S. cernua, L. S. tricuspidata, L. EnicACEX. Cassiope tetragona, L. VACCINIEJE. Vaccinium uliginosum, L. ScROPHULARIACER. Pedicularis hirsuta, L. POLYGONACES. Oxyria reniformis, £L. Polygonum viviparum, Z. LINN. PROO.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. 83 EMPETRACES. Empetrum nigrum, Z. AMENTACEX. Salix arctica, Zr. S. herbacea, Z. MELANTHACEX. Tofieldia palustris, Z., var. bore- alis. JUNCACER. Luzula arcuata, Wahl., var. hy- perborea. QRAMINACEÆ. Alopecurus alpinus, £L. Deschampsia alpina, Z. Trisetum subspicatum, P. B. Phippsia algida, Br. Dupontia Fischeri, L. Poa laxa, Henke. P. alpina, Z. LxcoroprACEX. Lycopodium selago, Z. MOSSES. Andrea petrophila. Sphagnum acutifolium. Cynodontium virens, var. ĝ. C. polycarpum, Ehrh. Dicranum fuscescens, Turn. D. elongatum, Schw. Barbula fragilis, Wils. Schistidium apocarpum, Z., varr. a, y, ò. Grimmia elongata, Kaulf. Rhacomitrium lanuginosum, Hedw. Orthotrichum arcticum, Schpr. D Hedw., 94 DR. DICKIE ON PLANTS FROM LANCASTER SOUND. Splachnum Wormskioldii, Hor- nem.* Webera cruda, Schr. W. Ludwigii, Spreng. Bryum arcticum, Br. B. purpurascens, Br. B. calophyllum, Br. B. pallens, Swartz. Mniumhymenophylloides, Hueb. Aulacomnion turgidum, Wahl. Timmia Austriaca, Hedw. Pogonatum alpinum, Z. Polytrichum piliferum, Schreb. Myurella julacea, Villars. Orthothecium chryseum, Sew. Hypnum Sommerfeltii, Myr. H. fluitans, Hedw. H. reptile, Micha. H. hamulosum, Br. Eur. H. salebrosum, Hoffm. H. splendens, Hedw. HEPATIC. Gymnomitrium Ca. Jungermannia minuta, Crantz. J. setiformis, Ehr. J. barbata, Schr. Ptilidium ciliare, Wees. LICHENS. Sphærophoron coralloides, Ach. Cladonia deformis, Hoff. C. pyxidata, Fries. C. gracilis, Hoffm. C. furcata, Huds. C. rangiferina, Hoffm. Thamnolia vermicularis, Ach. Stereocaulon paschale. concinnatum, Siphula ceratites, Fr. Alectoria ochroleuca, Wyl. Dactylina arctica, Hook. Dufourea madreporiformis, Ach. Cetraria Islandica, Ach. Platysma nivale, Wyl. P. juniperinum, Nyl. Peltigera canina, Hoffm. Solorina crocea, Ach. Parmelia saxatilis, Ach., var. omphalodes. Umbilicaria hyperborea, Hoffm. U. hirsuta, DO. U. proboscidea, DC., var. arc- tica. U. vellea, Miche. Placodium ‘elegans, DC. Lecanora tartarea, Ach. L. subfusca, Ach. L. ventosa, Ach. L. atra, Huds. L. vitellina, Ach. Lecidea petræa, Ach. L. geographiea, Ach. L. polytropa, Ehrh. ALGÆ. Fucus vesiculosus, L. Desmarestia aculeata, Lamour. Dictyosiphonfæniculaceus, Grev. Sphacelaria plumosa, Lyngb. S. arctica, Harvey. Ectocarpus litoralis ? ments only. Rhodomela lycopodioides, Ag. Polysiphonia arctica, Ag. Conferva melagonium, Web. 4 Mohr. Frag- * This was found very abundant and luxuriant among the ruins of Esquimaux huts ; the former inhabitants have crossed, years ago, to the south side of Lancas- ter Sound. DR. DICKIE ON PLANTS FROM LANCASTER SOUND. 35 By way of comparison we may take Port Kennedy, more than two degrees further south, where Dr. Walker collected forty-five flowering plants*. Dr. Philpotts’s species in Bethune Bay and neighbourhood are thirty-five; the following occur in the latter locality which are not in the Port Kennedy list, viz. :— Stellaria longipes, Goldie. Trisetum subspicatum, P. B. Vaccinium uliginosum, Z. Phippsia algida, Br. Salix herbacea, L. Poa alpina, ZL. Deschampsia alpina, Z. There were very few Mosses collected at Port Kennedy; and therefore no comparison can be made. The species recorded here are thirty-one; and it is worthy of note that of these only five had fruit, and that very sparingly, viz. :—Cynodontium virens, C. polycarpum, Orthotrichum arcticum, Bryum purpurascens, and B. calophyllum ; all these are moneecious. The other moneecious species, without fruit, are Sphagnum acuti- Solium, Schistidium apocarpum, Splachnum Wormskioldii, Webera eruda, Timmia Austriaca, Orthothecium chryseum, Hypnum Som- merfeltii, H. fluitans, H. reptile, H. salebrosum. The remaining sixteen dicecious species were in the same condition; no capsules in any obvious stage were seen. Thirty-one species of Lichens are here recorded; thirty-six were found at Port Kennedy. Dr. Philpotts made several attempts at dredging; these failed in consequence of ice and currents: the number of Alge is there- fore small; some were found floating, others attached; all, with two exceptions are widely diffused, the only truly northern species being Sphacelaria arctica and Polysiphonia arctica; the former was discovered by Dr. Lyall at Disco t, and was also found by Mr. Taylorf in Cumberland Sound; it now appears to range beyond 74? Numerous Diatomacee occur on Dr. Philpotts's Algz, and he collected masses from ice-floes consisting of the same microscopic organisms; these, with others from various parts of Davis Straits, may form the subject of a future communication. * Journal of Linnean Society, vol. v. (Botany) p. 79. t Harvey in ‘ Nereis Boreali-Americana,’ part. iii. p. 124. t Journal of Linnean Society, Botany, vol. ix. p. 238. p 2 36 DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION On Chemieal Reaction as "inscite Character in Lichens. By W. Lauper Linpbay, M.D., F.R.S.E., &c. [Read November 19, 1868.] CONTENTS. 1. Summary of observations by Nylander and Leighton on Erythrinic, Chrysophanic, and reactions, with their subactions. Usnic 2, Criticism on said observations. 3. Summary of author's observations on the reactions of— a. Chlorinated lime and soda, b. Potash and ammonia, c. Iodine. i. Directly, on : (a) External surface of the thallus or apothecia, (5) Their internal tissues. ii. On alcoholic or aqueous decoctions of thallus. Durine the last few years several Lichenologists* of established reputation have introduced what they are pleased to call “new criteria" or *new chemical tests" in the study of Lichens —chemical characters, in short, for the differential diagnosis of species. They have done so, moreover, in language so sanguine, and with assertions so strong, that, if their observations could be substantiated as facts, their generalizations could not fail to be of the utmost importance in systematic Lichenology. Dr. Nylander, of Paris, led the way, in 1866, by introducing Hypochlorite of Calcium and Hydrate of Potash as new tests of species in certain large and important groups, families, and genera, in the following terms} :— “ These examples are amply sufficient, I think, to point out the invaluable aidafforded by chemical reactives in the study of Lichens (p. 365). “By these examples, which may be verified with the greatest ease, I believe that I have sufficiently established the invaluable assistance which the hypochlorite of lime affords us m * Their views appear to be supported by Dr. Stenhouse, who wrote me in Feb- ruary 1867, “ I quite agree....that much light may be thrown on the botany of Lichens by means of chemical reaction.’ I cannot, however, accept the testi- mony of a chemist on a question of botanical diagnosis. + * Hypochlorite of Lime and Hydrate of Potash, two new Criteria in the study of Lichens," Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany, vol. ix. p. 358. Vide also the ‘Flora,’ May 12 and 13, 1866; and paper “On two new chemical tests” for Lichens, * Notula Lichenologiex " of Leighton, Annals of Natural History, ! vol. xviii. p. 169. AS A SPECIFIC CHARACTER IN LICHENS. 37 the study of Lichens. The least frustule of the thallus is suffi- cient for the verification, without the microscope, of the beautiful chemical character which distinguishes, even in the very youngest individual specimens, the species in which other differences are scarcely visible. The chemical characters have also this advantage (as I have noticed elsewhere in speaking of the utility of the different reactions obtained with iodine as characters of Lichens), that we are guided by the differences manifested through the reaction to search with more attention for organic characters; and, as a general rule, we shall not fail to find them” [Y] (p. 362). “Tt is very easy to convince ourselves of the importance of this distinctive sign [reaction with hydrate of potash], according to its existence or non-existence in the Lichens which we are studying or determining" (p. 363). “ By the presence or absence of this yellow reaction, we can equally distinguish many species in a manner far easier and more certain than by the ordinary characters hitherto affixed to them " (p. 364). The veteran Rev. Mr. Leighton, of Shrewsbury, immediately supported all Nylander's assertions, adding a further means of dia- gnosing the species of Cladonia by the double reaction of hypochlo- rite of calcium and hydrate of potash, his language of recommenda- tion failing in no respect in enthusiasm or confidence*. "Thus he writes, “ Dr. Nylander has recently discovered two new chemical tests or criteria which are likely to prove of great value in the study of Lichens, not only in the discrimination of many difficult and closely allied species, but also in associating varieties with their proper species, and in some instances in defining the affinities of genera...... Their usefulness is at once demonstrated and en- hanced by the fact that the very smallest frustule is sufficient to determine the lichen submitted to them, and that whether in the sterile or fertile state, and even in the youngest condition ” (p. 169) T. Chemical tests are “ most useful and indispensable aids-as affording confirmatory characters and in discriminating doubtful or externally allied species " (p. 440) 1. * “On the Examination and Rearrangement of the Cladoniei as tested by Hydrate of Potash,” Ann. Nat. Hist. 1866, vol. xviii., and “ On the Cladoniei in the Hookerian Herbarium at Kew [tested by hypochlorite of lime after potash ]," Ann. Nat. Hist. 1867, vol. xix. t *Notule Lichenologice, No. IX.” Annals of Nat. History, 1866, vol. xviii. t “Not. Lich. No. XVIII," Ann. Nat. Hist. 1867, vol. xx. 38 DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION Th. M. Fries has endeavoured in his later works * to apply all the reagents recommended by Nylander and Leighton, including iodine, to the medullary tissue of the Lecidee. Stizenberger has supported Nylander's viewst; and there seems at present a general tendency among continental lichenologists to introduce into their descriptions of species the actions of one or all of the reagents whieh are supposed or asserted to possess such important uses in diagnosis. Nylander, however, does not limit the usefulness of the chemi- cals he introduces to the mere diagnosis of species. He appears to regard them also, in some instances at least, as colorimetric tests,—as, for instance, when he says of Roccella “ Thus are we en- abled to say what is the quantity of this colorable matter which the different species of the genus contain, it being in faet a sort of immediate analysis ” (p. 859), or of Parmelia * Most of them contain more colorable matter than the best Roccelle”’ (p. 361) f. The following are the chief reactions described by Nylander :— I. With hypochlorite of calcium. Erythrinie = a fugitive red. II. With hydrate of potash. A. Chrysophanic = a permanent purple. B. Usnic = a permanent yellow or greenish yellow. c. A fugitive yellow, changing quickly to red—to which reac- tion he does not give a special name or associate it with the presence of a special colorific-principle. The erythrinic reaction, which is typically developed in the genus Roccella, he appears to attribute to erythric acid. The chrysophanic reaction, which is typically developed in the yellow Physcie and Placodia, he attributes to the presence of chrysopha- nic acid. The usnic reaction, which is typically exhibited in the genus Cladonia, he associates with the occurrence of usnic or leca- noric acids. The third group of potash reactions is typically illustrated by Lecanora cinerea $. * E, g. '' Lichenes Spitsbergenses,” Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 1867. : t In a review of Nylander's supposed discoveries in the ‘ Botanische Zeitung,’ 1867, p. 151. t This assertion is quite opposed to the experience of archil-manufacturers, who have, in this country at least, given up the’ use of the Parmelie in favour of the Roccelle [vide the author's paper in the * Brit. Assoc. Report,’ post. citat.]. § I am far from satisfied of the propriety of the terms here employed by AS A SPECIFIO CHARACTER IN LICHENS. 39 Leighton formularizes what he terms these “ very remarkable reactions," and applies them to the minute discrimination of species and varieties in the complex genus Cladonia. He tests these species and varieties by the double reaction of lime and potash, his latest formule being the following :— K+ C+ = yellow reaction with aqua potassx, yellow heightened by bleaching-solution. K+ C— = yellow with aq. pot., this yellow being de- stroyed by bleaching-solution. K— C+ = No reaction with potash, but a distinct yellow with bleaching-solution. K— C— = No reaction with either or both chemicals. Leighton writes, “ This new mode of testing enables us to dis- tinguish more accurately and definitely the limits of the different species or forms, and appears to afford a more satisfactory con- firmation than that obtained by the application of the hydrate of potash alone...... The value of the chemical tests in furnishing us with additional and confirmatory specific characters becomes at once plainly manifest," enabling him, he asserts, to classify properly what Acharius, Turner and Borrer, Nylander, and other distinguished lichenologists, who had depended on “ external cha- racters and aspects alone," had failed to effect (p.100)! He refers again and again in some form to the “ eal utility and value of che- mical tests’? (p. 100) *. The object of the inquiry and experiments whose results are re- corded in the present communication, was an endeavour to deter- mine whether the phenomena described by Nylander and Leighton are so constant as to be entitled to constitute “ characters " of any value in botanical diagnosis, on the one hand, and the extent or sense to or in which novelty could be said to attach to the introduction of the tests under review, on the other. I read the papers of these lichenologists with considerable surprise, because their results or assertions are in some measure the reverse of the results and gene- ralizations of a lengthened and careful series of experiments, on the eolorifie properties of Lichens, made by myself nearly twenty Nylander, or of the theory, which appears to be implied, that the reaction he de- scribes depends on the presence of certain specified colorifie or coloured acids. * Not. Lich. No. XII. “On the Cladoniei in the Hookerian Herbarium at Kew" [tested by bleaching-solution and potash], Ann. Nat. Hist. 1567, vol. xix 40 i DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION years ago *. I confess that, had the propounders of the “ tests ” in question been authorities of less celebrity, I should not have con- sidered it necessary to give myself the trouble of verifying or correcting their observations, or of revising my own former inquiry on a closely allied subject. But Nylander and Leighton are men of such experience and reputation, while their assertions are so confident, that I have deemed it desirable to attempt the recon- ciliation of the discrepaney between their observations and my own, on the one hand by repeating and extending their experi- ments, and on the other by revising my own former researches. My own experimental inquiry relates to the Reaction of (a.) hypochlorite of calcium, (5.) hypochlorite of sodium, (c-) aqua potasse, (d.) aqua ammonie, (e.) iodine solution. I. On the thallus,—direct application. (a.) Cortical, \ : (5.) Medullary eases II. On apothecia,—direct application. (a.) Disk and exciple. (5.) Hymenial lieheninef. (c.) Asci and sporidia. TII. On aqueous or alcoholic decoctions of thallus, with or without apothecia, the plant being reduced to powder or frag- ments. I confined myself as far as possible to the specimens contained in published fasciculit, because they are accessible to all lichenolo- gists, and bear names whose synonyms can be readily ascertained. In special cases, of common species, I experimented on the very considerable contents of my own herbarium. Thus of the cosmo- polite Cladonia rangiferina [including its 8 varieties or forms, sylvatica, Hffm.; alpestris, Ach. ; gigantea, Ach. ; pumila, Ach. ; * « Experimental Researches on the Tinctorial Properties of Lichens,” laid before the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, between 1853 and 1855, and pub- lished in its ‘ Proceedings,’ as well as in the ‘Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal,’ in 1854 and 1855. + Vide page 46. i Especially those of Hepp (Switzerland), Nylander (France), Dietrich Germany), Leighton and Mudd (England). AS A SPECIFIC CHARACTER IN LICHENS. 41 pyenoclada, Dél.; grandis, Flk.; tenuis, Flk., and lappacea, Flk.] I tested about 130 specimens from very different parts of the world, including New Zealand, Falkland and Antarctic Islands, Tasmania, Australia, Iceland, Norway, Arctic and North America, the Scotch Alps (Braemar and Breadalbane), the lower hill-ranges of Scotland (Ochils and Sidlaws), the Scottish Islands (Skye), Ireland, England, Wales, and the Channel Islands (Jersey). This considerable group of forms or conditions of growth of a single species was rendered peculiarly suited for examination by the circumstance that they had been named by oze authority in aecordance with the nomenclature of a standard monograph, viz. by Mudd, according to his‘ Monograph of British Cladoniz’ (1865). Again, I examined a larger suite of specimens (about 250) of the genus Roccella, referable to the types tinctoria, phycop- sis, and fuciformis (including Montagnei, pygmea, portentosa, and hypomecha, or others, which appear to me to be unworthy of separate designations), embracing saxicolous and corticolous, maritime 'and inland conditions of growth, from the following countries or localities :—I. Africa and its islands, tropical, northern, and southern: Rovuma river, 8 miles from the coast, corticolous ; Angola, Cape of Good Hope, Mozambique, Cape Verde, and Canary Islands. II. Asia: India and its islands; Bombay, Bur- mah, Ceylon. III. America [South]: Peru. IV. Europe: Eng- land, south coast, Isle of Wight, Channel Islands ; French coast. I made selection of the genera Cladonia and Roccella for full exa- mination in order that I might put the assertions of Nylander and Leighton to what must be, by their own showing, considered a sufficient test. The majority of my testings gave no results worthy of record ; reaction was either absent, obscure, or insignificant. The chief reagents employed by Nylander and Leighton, or by myself, were the following, using in their designations the most modern nomenclature, that of the last edition of the * British Pharmacopoeia! (1867) :— I. Liquor Calcis Chlorate, or Solution of Chlorinated Lime.— This is a solution of the substance known in commerce as “ bleach- ing-powder," or * chloride of lime," and to chemists as hypochlo- rite of lime, or hypochlorite of calcium. It consists of, or con- tains, not only hypochlorite of lime, but chloride of calcium and caustic lime, whereof the colorific agent appears to be the Aypo- chlorous acid or salt. The officinal liquor may be used by the 42 DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION lichenologist ; ora solution may be made by shaking up the chlori- nated powder with water, and employing the filtered fluid. On ex- posure to the air, however made, the solution undergoes somewhat rapid decomposition, the active principle, the hypochlorous acid, being given off, and the inert carbonate of lime formed by ab- sorption of carbonic acid. The liquid should therefore always be freshly made when used. The reaction of bleaching-solution* with the colorific principles of Lichens was pointed out by chemists more than 20 years ago. In particular, its applications as a eolorimetrie test were dwelt upon by Stenhouse. Following him I used this reagent very largely in my first series of experiments on lichen dyes (1850-53). The novelty of its present application consists, therefore, in its being regarded as a means of discriminating botanical species. What is its value in this respect the sequel will show. In 1853 I wrote thust of the bleaching-solution test, my con- clusions being based on several hundred experiments :—“ This test requires the greatest nicety and caution in applying it; for, from its strong bleaching or decolorizing power, the least excess destroys the colour of any liehen-dye in solution in whatever menstruum. The red colour is generally so delicate and fugitive that, if an excess of the test have been originally added, no red re- action may be perceived at all Hence, from carelessness or inaccuracy in manipulation on the part of the experimenter, à very erroneous opinion may be formed of the colorifie quality of a given lichen. Perhaps the safest mode of using the test is in the form of a very weak solution, which will admit of being added in appreciable quantity. As the depth of tint of the red colour struck is to the eye a measure of the quality of colorifie mate- rial eontained in the lichen, so the amount of any given strength of bleaching-solution required to destroy this red and convert it into a pale wine-yellow, has been recommended by Stenhouse as an easily appreciable and sufficiently accurate mode of estima- ting the same thing quantitatively f. The strength of the bleaching- * I have used throughout the present paper the term “ Meaching-solution ” as a convenient synonym for “ liquor calcis chloratz.” t MSS. inedit. t Over against this conclusion of Stenhouse must be placed the experience of archil-manufacturers, which goes to show that no trustworthy argument regard- ing the dye-yielding properties of Lichens, either qualitative or quantitative, can be based on experiment in the laboratory on the small scale. AS A SPECIFIC CHARACTER IN LICHENS. 43 solution is immaterial, so long as it is not so strong as to destroy the red colour at the very moment of its formation. It is suffi- cient that we employ the same solution (as to strength) in every case as a standard of comparison. The mediwm in which the colorific principles of the lichen should be dissolved * for the due exhibition of the red reaction varies in different cases. In some instances a simple aqueous infusion may suffice ; in others the comminuted lichen must be boiled in various solvents ; while in others, again, a lime solution is apparently the most suitable. The medium, however, which is of most general application is alcohol t, in the form of ordinary spirits of wine. It is especially useful and convenient in experiments on the small scale. I have employed it now in nearly 300 test-tube experiments, boiling the pulverized or chopped lichen for a few minutes in a little alcohol; and I have seldom failed to observe, in greater or less quantity, a whitish or variously-coloured gelatinous extractive T, which appears to consist, in great measure, of the colorifie principles of the plant. The bleaching-solution test, though extremely convenient and applicable in the generality of cases, cannot in every instance be relied on, either as a quantitative or qualitative indicator of the presence of colorific materials capable of yielding by ammoniacal maceration red or purple dyes. In other words, the action of the test appears to be irregular or capricious, perhaps from being sometimes chemically inappropriate. I have found, for instance, that bleaching-solution struck no red with an alcoholic solution of lichens which, macerated in the usual way in a weak ammonia- eal liquor, yielded a well-marked beautiful red dye; while, on the other hand, a red reaction was developed in some cases in which, under the same conditions of experiment, I have failed to obtain an archil. The irregularities in question may depend on— * 1. Inaccuracy or carelessness in manipulation. “2. Alcohol not being the suitable solvent of certain colorific principles. *8. Ammoniacal maceration not being the proper means of developing an archil. * The colorific matter of Lichens is extractable with very different degrees of facility by different solvents. t The difficulty of applying bleaching-solution directly to the thallus, and the fact that its reaction is best manifested in solutions of colorific principles, are arguments for preferring the use of alcoholic decoctions. + Assuming the character of a mucous flocculence or precipitate. 44 DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION “4. Certain lichens not containing the same colorific principles which exist in the majority, at least, of the dye lichens that yield orcine, orceine, and archil. * At present, however, I am quite unable to explain the caprices of this and other colour reactions in lichens.” If the application of the bleaching-solution test requires such nicety, and its results are so capricious, in a solution of colorific principles in boiling alcohol, which is one of their most powerful sol- vents, it is to be presumed that the application of the test must be attended with greater difficulty, and its results with less cer- tainty, when a drop of the bleaching-solution is merely applied to, or rubbed on, the lichen-thallus ! IL Liquor Kode Chlorate.—A solution of chlorinated soda—of what is known to chemists as hypochlorite of soda or sodium, con- stituting the “Liqueur de Labarraque” of French, and “ Labar- raque’s solution, or disinfecting fluid,” of British pharmacy. Along with hypochlorite of soda, the solution contains chloride of sodium and bicarbonate of soda. As in the corresponding case of the lune solution, the hypochlorous acid appears to be the principle on which the reaction with the lichen- colorifie principles depends. This test was recommended to my notice by Dr. Stenhouse, who wrote*, “T find the hypochlorite of soda even more useful than hypochlorite of lime.” I may here at once dismiss i¢ from further notice by stating that I was speedily induced to give up its use by finding all its results negative. In cases where the corresponding lime solution gave a red reaction, the soda solution gave none; while in no case was the reaction (if any) such as to deserve record. III. Liquor Potasse, otherwise known as solution of potash, or of hydrate of potash.—From its rapid absorption of carbonic acid, it should be used fresh; or if preserved, it ought to be kept in closely-stoppered bottles. The latter, moreover, should be of green glass, from its action on flint glass and oxide of lead. This test has several advantages over the corresponding solution of ammonia. It gives off no vapours irritating to the eye or nose, while it much more readily attaches itself to the texture of the plant. Of all the reagents which have been applied by means of the glass stirrer to the thallus or apothecia, potash solution is by far the most easily applicable. Twenty years ago, and since that period, I used, or have used, potash solution in the microscopical * Feb. 1867. AS A SPECTFIC CHARACTER IN LICHENS. 45 examination of the Lichen-tissues, finding it useful in dissolving oily protoplasm and other material which interfered with the clear delineation of cell-nuclei and tube-walls or septa. Thus, in microscopic analysis of the hymenium, I use or used it to render distinct the outlines, or walls and divisions, of cells or tubes that were otherwise obscure, e.g. the paraphyses of Abrothallus. The novelty of its application by Nylander and Leighton, as in the case of bleaching-solution, consists in the assertion that its reaction with the cortical layer of the Lichen-thallus may be used as a botanical character—as a guide, that is, to the classification of species. As in the case of bleaching-solution, the sequel will also show how far £his application of the reagent is to be trusted. IV. Liquor Ammonia, otherwise Solution of Ammonia, the com- moner or weaker solution of Pharmacy.—Ammonia is the most im- portant of all alkalies in relation to the chemistry of the lichen- colo- rific principles and their coloured derivatives, probably on account of its containing and supplying nitrogen ; whilst its importance is fully recognized in relation to the development from lichens of co- lours of the archil class. In experiments with the stirrer on the thal- lus or apothecia, it is inferior in usefulness (if either reagent is to be considered useful) to potash ; while in those on aqueous or alco- holic decoctions containing colorifie or colouring-matters in solu- tion, itisas decidedly superior, being of much more general appli- cability. In the latter class of experiments, I have used it largely for 20 years; and the results were partly made public in my first series of researches on the lichen- colouring-matters. Even at a much earlier date, however, the ammonia test seems to have been applied to the determination of species. In 1858, I met with, in the British Museum Herbarium, a specimen of Cladonia bacillaris, Ach. ( — C. macilenta, Hffm.), presented by Sir Thomas Gage, and bearing the following label in his handwriting, * This diffieult species may be distinguished in all its modifications by immediately turning yellow when touched with volatile alkali.” Now Sir Thomas's lichens were mostly from Killarney (Ireland), collected in or about 1810. I believe Sir Thomas to have as- signed much too high a value to this “criterion” or “ character;”’ but his statement is important as showing that the views of Ny- lander and Leighton are by no means new, whether or not it prove that they are rue! In point of fact, chemical reaction seems to have been not unfrequently recognized by the earlier 46 DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION lichenologists as a specific character; and the reason why such recognition has fallen into desuetude is probably to be sought in one of two causes—either (1) that microscopical characters have obtained too exclusive attention of late years, or (2) that the chemical characters could not be trusted in the determination and classification of species ! V. Tinctura lodi, otherwise Tincture of Iodine, containing a proportion of iodide of potassium as a solvent.— Whilst chemists tell us that the reaction of starch and iodine is so delicate as to be discernible in water containing =o part of its weight of iodine, they also point out that the reaction is apt to be inter- fered with by a number of chemical obstacles. Moreover, if chemists are right in asserting that only the ordinary form of starch gives a blue reaction with iodine, lichenologists must be wrong in their supposition that what they call ^ hymenial gela- tine” is, in all cases, lichenine*! The irregularities in the re- action of iodine in Lichens is sufficiently explained by the dif- ferent reactions which iodine gives with different modifications of starch, and by the aptitude of these reactions to be disturbed by a number of trivial chemical causes. Nylander recommends the following formula for making the iodine- test solution + :—Jodine 1 gr., iodide of potassium 3 grs., distilled water } oz. The solu- tion should be kept from light in a black bottle, or in one covered with paper. In testing microscopically, it is sufficient to apply a drop to the edge of the thin glass covering the dissection, under which it will diffuse itself in the water containing the ob- ject. I am not aware, however, of any advantage this solution possesses over our officinal tincture of iodine, diluted with water to such extent that the liquid has only a pale sherry colour. For all practical purposes, I have found, for 20 years, the latter solu- tion sufficient. I have used the iodine test chiefly in microsco- pical analysis of the hymenium, sometimes also of the thallus, in order to the detection of starch in some of its modifications ; and I pointed out its usefulness in my text-book on the British Lichens (1856, p. 111). I have also employed it as a supposed differential test between Lichens and Fungi, in which respect, * Vide p. 40. t '' On the Reaction of Iodine in Lichens and Fungi,” “Not. Lichenologice " of Leighton, Ann. Nat. Hist. Jan. 1866, p. 59, March 1866, p. 190, Aug. 1866, p. 106; also footnote, Journ. of Linn. Soc. vol. citat. p. 360, and quoted in ‘ Science Gossip, 1866, p. 42. AS A SPECIFIC CHARACTER IN LICHENS. 47 however, I have long been convinced it cannot be relied upon*. So long ago as 1840, Professor von Mohl publishedt “ Einige Beob- achtungen über die blaue Fürbung der vegetabilischen Zellen- membran durch Iod," containing reference to its applications in lichen-histology. The novelty of the present application of iodine consists, as in the cases of bleaching-solution and potash, in its supposed utility as furnishing a “ character" in the diagnosis of species—a utility which, in all the cases in question, we shall pre- sently see is only supposed ! Nylander recommends the application of the reagents he em- ploys to the thallus or apothecia guttatim, by means of a glass stirrer. But there is frequently great difficulty, except in the single case of potash, of causing their adhesion to, or absorption by, the lichen-tissues. lt is generally necessary to make repeated applieations of the reagent, aiding the moistening of the lichen by friction. In the case of bleaching-solution, considerable fric- tion is usually necessary, in order to the development of reaction — friction sufficiently forcible to break up the cortical tissue and expose the medulla. I have found it most convenient first to thoroughly moisten the lichen-thallus with a large drop of the reagent, and subsequently to break up the cortical tissue and ex- pose the medulla under the fluid so applied. The reagents before mentioned, applied as I have just described, have yielded me, inter alia, the following colour-results with dif- ferent genera and species of Lichens :— I. Reaction with Bleaching-Solution.—In some cases it bleaches, in others darkens, in others modifies, the colour of solutions of lichen- colouring-matters, these reactions depending in great measure on the amount or strength of the reagent employed. Most of the pale yellowish-green or greenish-yellow infusions are bleached or lightened in colour ; while of those which are brown- ish red, reddish brown, yellowish brown, or brownish yellow, some are darkened, but none are lightened, in colour. Genus Roccella.—As already stated, I examined specimens from most parts of the world in which the genus grows, applying the reagent frequently to different parts of the same specimen. I found the reaction, where it occurred at all, immediate, and most vivid at first—a circumstance fully explained in my experi- * Vide paper on “Parasitic Micro-lichens” in Quart. Journ. Micro. Se. January 1869. t In the ‘ Flora’ (Regensburg). 48 DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION ments of 1850-53. The colour was nearly as fugitive as where the bleaching-solution was added to an alcoholic solution of the colorifie principles. Sometimes scarcely a trace was left on the lichen of the application of the reagent; sometimes a fulvous stain was left, or it was orange-red, or exhibited various shades of red or yellow; occasionally there were differently coloured stains on the same plant. Sometimes a beautiful orange-red was permanent ; more generally the stains in question gradually faded. Sometimes the soredia were affected when the general thalline surface was not; at other times the presence of soredia was im- material in assisting or obstructing the exhibition of the reac- tion. Sometimes the same branchlet showed in different parts every shade of crimson, as well as no reactionatall As a general rule, the reaction was most vivid where the thallus was pale, thin, and soft,—least so where it was dark, thick and coriaceous, corru- gated and warted. Fertile specimens generally showed it less vividly than sterile ones. These remarks apply generally to all the species of the genus examined. R. tinctoria frequently gave no reaction. This was almost in- variably the case where the thallus was dark-coloured and coria- ceous. Sometimes there was only a faint tinge on the soredia. Even the smaller, paler, more delicate forms never exhibited the reaction nearly so vividly as R. fuciformis. R. phycopsis: reaction generally vivid where thallus pale- coloured. R. fuciformis, including its varieties Montagnei and others: reaction sometimes vivid crimson in one part and very faint or absent in another part of the same plant; faint or absent gene- rally in the more central, coriaceous, and thicker portions of thallus. None of the Roccelle gave me any reaction with bleaching solution of soda. Nylander says that the young thalli of R. tinctoria and phycopsts exhibit distinctly and beautifully the erythrinic reaction, the older being very little coloured ; but he goes on to remark that (as I understand him), whatever be their colour-reactions, these lichens “scarcely differ specifically, and cannot always be distin- guished from each other" (p. 360). In truth, I regard phycopsis as a mere passage form, or connecting link, between tinctoria and fuciformis. Again, Nylander asserts that R. fuciformis does not exhibit the reaction on the thallus, but on its soredia ; while “it AS A SPECIFIC CHARACTER IN LICHENS. 49 is a curious thing," says he, “that neither the soredia of Mon- tagnet nor phycopsis show colour-reaction." Subsequently, how- ever, in the same paper, he admits that the thallus of R. fuci- Jormis occasionally shows the erythrinic reaction. The fact, as stated by Nylander and Leighton, that no reaction occurs in R. Suciformis, except in the soredia, while it occurs in R. Montagnei, save on the soredia, both species being, nevertheless, referable botanically to the same type, is a specimen of the very unequal re- sults of the application of the so-called * Test." There is no reaction in R. hypomecha, Nyl.; and yet it is a tinctorial species, having the common properties of the genus. With strange inconsistency, as it seems to me, Nylander sums up :—* Thus are we now able, with the aid of the hypochlorite of lime, with great facility to separate and distinguish the species of this difficult genus, in which heretofore the determinations have been often uncertain. This reaction manifests also this remarkable fact, that determina- tions perfectly exact may be made even on specimens which are in a young and sterile state, and in other respects very incomplete "' (p.360)! Leighton speaks of the erythrinie reaction being at once visible in the Aoccelle, some of which, nevertheless, he pro- ceeds to say, show “no reaction." Indeed the papers of both Nylander and Leighton abound in ambiguities or contradictions of this description. ` Genus Lecanora.—In L. tartarea there was generally more or less of a blood-red colour * developed equally on the apothecial warts and on the thallus, especially if mealy or sorediiferous— exhibited, however, usually only on friction. Sometimes the eolour was very faint, even in the white medullary tissue. As a general rule the colour-reaction was faintest in corticolous forms. In some eases [e.g. in a Loch-Lomond specimen, 1855] I found no reaction. Nylander classes ¢artarea with pallescens, and sepa- rates L. parella from both, * since its thallus does not exhibit any reaction with the hypochlorite of lime." In the majority of cases it does not; but I have met with the reaction, exceptionally, more vividly developed than is common even in tartarea. For instance, in ordinary corticolous forms of L. parella [from Yorkshire, 1855] I obtained blood-red, by friction of the exciple of the apothecia, as deep and distinct as in fartarea; while in saxicolous forms, from the Kyles of Bute (1852), the colour-reaction was even more * This blood-red is exhibited by many crustaceous thalli, e. g. of Lecanora, Urceolaria, and Pertusaria. LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. E 50 DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION brilliant. Corticolous specimens of pallescens, from Cork (1858), also gave the blood-red of tartarea. Notwithstanding all that has been written on the subject of their chemical distinction by Ny- lander and Leighton, I see no reason to modify the opinion I formed many years ago from their structural resemblances, that tartarea and parella, with all their varieties or intermediate forms, are referable to a single type. Stizenberger describes the * schwer zu bestimmende Pertusaria velata" of Switzerland as “leicht an ihrem Erythrins&ure-Gehalt kenntlich ”’*—a statement that is opposed to the fact that in two specimens (variolarioid and degenerate) from Otago, N. Z., I ob- tained no reaction; while in a third, which was fertile, a beau- tiful blood-red was developed—all three specimens having been named by Nylander. Genus Parmelia.— It is perhaps in the Parmelie," says Ny- lander (p. 361), * that the erythrinic reaction presents the most remarkable advantage as the means of distinguishing between those species which differ very little in external appearance. In reality the colourable material in the Parmelie is found under- neath the gonidial layer, and not upon it or in its exterior as is the case in the Roccelle. Consequently it is necessary to cut the thallus of a Parmelia, so as to expose the medulla, whenever we wish to ascertain whether the species exhibits the erythrinic reaction or not on the application of the hypochlorite of lime." Leighton says the seat of reaction in lichens is a “ colourable ma- terial which is generated in the gonidial stratum of the thallus,” a most unlikely source; but he goes on to give directions for scraping off the cortical layer of Parmelia, and all lichens with a cortical layer, * to expose the subjacent medulla, in which the reaction takes place ”—another of Leighton's confusing or con- tradictory assertions. The truth is, that the seat of colorific material in lichens is partly the cortieal, partly the medullary, thalline tissues, and partly those of the apothecium. Nylander asserts that there is no erythrinic reaction in the common JP. saxatilis; nor did I find it, as a general rule, in 4 large suite of specimens in my herbarium. But in one specimen, from Maine, U. S. A. (1867), bleaching-solution developed at once, on gentle friction, in the medulla, one of the most beautiful and deep blood-reds I have ever obtained with this reagent among lichens. It is an excellent illustration of the marked difference * Review in the ‘ Botanische Zeitung,’ 1867, p. 151. AS A SPECIFIC CHARACTER IN LICHENS. 5L in results between microscopical colorimetric testings and the manufacture of lichen-dyes—that, while bleaching-solution gene- rally gives no reaction, ammoniacal maceration developes the pig- ment known as “ Cudbear," on which account the lichen has been, and still is, largely used as a dye-giving stuff *. * We distinguish DEA with the greatest facility (Nyl., p. 361) the Parmelia levi- gata and revoluta, which have been so often confounded,” the latter giving an erythrinic reaction “whilst the levigata and sinuosa do not present the least trace of this reaction " (p. 362). Scherer’s No. 612, and Hepp’s No. 581, which (according to Nyl., loc. cit.) are really P. revoluta, both gave me a blood-red; but in the former I found the reaction with potash not to be permanent, while in the latter it was so. This permanency or fugitiveness of potash-reaction is a “new criterion," quite as valid for “ sepa- rating" these lichens into different species as the various “ cri- teria" of Nylander and Leighton! In several specimens of lævi- gata (e. g. from various parts of Ireland, from Loch Lomond, and from England, Mudd's Exs. 69) I obtained no reaction; but in a specimen of the same plant from the Pass of Leny, blood-red was developed by bleaching-solution. In other forms of sinuosa I sometimes met with an erythrinic reaction, sometimes not. The differences in reaction described by Nylander do not prevent me assigning, as formerly, both revoluta and levigata, with a number of other lichens, to the single type sinuosa. * The reactive. .... demonstrates in the most decided manner y nem that P. olivetorum . . . . . is a species perfectly distinct from perlata, with which it has been hitherto united” (Nyl., p. 361). He admits, however,that *certain organic differences without doubt also afford constant marks of distinction between the two species ; but these marks are much less apparent and much more difficult to verify than the chemical difference here noted; so that we must no longer confound them, as has been hitherto done in all the Herbaria, since the most inexperienced person is now able to dis- tinguish them by means of the reactive" (p. 361). The medulla of P. olivetorum is represented as giving an erythrinie reaction, while that of perlata does not. I have, however, obtained a blood-red, though pale, by friction, in Australian forms of perlata. I have had no opportunity of testing authentie specimens of * Vide paper by the author “On the present Domestic Use of Lichen-Dye- stuffs in the Scottish Islands and Highlands,” Seemann’s Journ. of Botany, 1868, vol. vi. p. 84. E2 52 DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION P. olivetorum; but I have no reason to suppose that in this case, exceptionally, chemieal reaction furnishes a character sufficient of itself to separate or constitute species. Perlata, like saxatilis, is an instance of a long-known and widely used dye-lichen [capable of yielding archil] which gives, as a rule, no reaction with bleaching-solution. Genus Umbilicaria.—N ylander asserts that the udi of most of the Umbilicarie exhibits an erythrinie reaction (p. 362). He admits, however, that in the same species [e. g. hyperborea] the reaction may be obscure or distinct, and that in d and other species of the genus it may be better exhibited in young specimens than old. The result of my testings of a large suite of specimens in my herbarium is that it is only exceptionally, after much friction, and faintly that an erythrinie reaction is developed at all, Nylander's statement, that there is only “a small quantity of eolourable matter which is to be found in them," is opposed to the experience of archil-manufacturers, who at one time, if not still, used, or use, one or more species as dye-lichens ( U. pustulata and U, murina ]*. IL. Reaction with Potash.. A. Chrysophanic.—In lichens whose colour is yellow, orange, or red, the seat of colour is, according to Leighton, following Nylander, a “ powder... . generated on the surface " of the thallus or apothecia. I have not given special at- tention to this subject ; but it seems to me extremely unlikely that colouring-matter should not, in these as in other lichens, reside in the cells or filaments, or intercellular inatter, of the cortical or medullary tissues T. There may be, and frequently is, an efflores- cence of granular colouring-matter (just as I believe there is of colorific principles in a crude form) in lichens, where such matters or principles exist in, or are secreted or excreted by, the thallus. But it does not appear to me that Nylander’s and Leighton’s descriptions of the seat of colour in lichens are here scientifically correct. The development of a purple reaction in apothecia which are naturally of a deep red is generally obscure, if it exists at all, and cannot, so far as I can see, serve any good purpose in classifica- tion, e. g. in the erythrocarpous Lecanore and Lecidee [Lecanora hematomma and ventosa] In no lichen is the colouring-matter * Vide author's paper, “On the Dyeing Properties of Lichens,” Edin. New Philos. Journal, July 1855, Table ii. t Vide section on Co/our in author's * British Lichens ' (1856), p. 47. ‘AS A SPECIFIC CHARACTER IN LICHENS. ` : 53 of apothecia so easily removed by potash as in those of the true L. ferruginea: it is at once dissolved out without being rendered. purple, is carried away on the stirrer, and -diffused over the thallus. In the erythrocarpous Cladonie the same thing appeared to occur; the natural rich crimson colouring-matter was at once dissolved out, staining the podetia. In some cases, how- ever, the colour was at once changed into brown; and in the natural state the red apothecia of Cladonia frequently become brown * as the result of age and desiccation, e. g. in the cornu=' copioides group. I doubt, moreover, the propriety of describing the reaction of potash on the red apothecia of Cladonia as chrysophanic, and on the podetia or folioles of the same species as usnic. On aecount of its chrysophanie reaction, Nylander separates Physcia parietina from P. candelaria. “The potash shows their differences instantly in the very least atom of either their thalli or their fruits; for the candelaria is not changed in colour by this reactive, whilst the lychnea becomes of an intense purple. This is so evident that we are by these means able to recognize either the one or the other of these two lichens even without opening the papers in which they may-be enveloped, provided the paper be permeable by the solution of potash” (p. 363). But, in exceptional cases, I have found the reaction in parietina obscure [e.g. in Hepp's No. 595]; and Nylander himself admits that certain forms of that species do not exhibit the reaction, save on the periphery of the thallus, and on the epithecium. This occurs, he admits, also in Physcia flavicans, P. chrysophthalma, and Placo- dium murorum. Exceptions of this kind are sometimes so nume- rous and of such a character, as to render the general rule quite worthless, and altogether to invalidate the utility of the test. In the fruited state, parietina and candelaria are sufficiently separable by their sporidia; while the attempted distinction of sterile (which may be abortive or degenerate as well as young) condi- tions of lichens by chemical reaction appears to me to be at the least fraught with danger. Inno case have I been able to satisfy myself of its safety or propriety. Nylander classes candelaria with vitellina, because they have the common property of non- reaction with potash. But I have found the chrysophanie reaction sometimes exhibit itself in the Lecanora. There are various * Vide author's paper on “ Arctic Cladonix,”—Trans. Botanical Society of Edinb. vol. ix. p. 176. 54 DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION other exceptions to the general rule as regards the yellow Phy- scie and Placodia. On the other hand, Nylander remarks on the absence of the reaction in the yellow Platysmata. But to this generalization also there are exceptions. In specimens of P. nivale from Braemar (1855), I found the deep orange (natural) stains at the base of the plant at once become red with potash, while in Norwegian forms (1857) the normal yellow of the thallus exhi- bited the same reaction. No effect, however, was produced on the purple stains at the base of P. cucullatum, or on the normal yellow of its thallus. If we are to trust the chrysophanic test, we must come to the conclusion that there are various yellow colouring-matters in lichens, many of them having, however, the same tint; for the reaction is absent in the beautiful yellow thalli of Evernia vulpina, Sticta aurata, Lecanora chlorophana and oreina, L. vitellina (as a general rule), Lecidea galbula, geographica, and citrinella. On the other hand, the test in ques- tion associates Physcia parietina and other PAyscie with Pla- codium aureum, elegans and murorum, and other Placodia, Leca- nora cerina, fusco-lutea, aurantiaca, and other Lecanore, Le- cidea ferruginea and other Lecideg. In this group the magni- ficent crimson developed is equally intense on the apothecia and thallus; but the disk of the apothecium has sometimes a natural crimson colour instead of its usual yellow, e.g. in Pl. murorum or L. aurantiaca. B. Usnic reaction, distinguished (from what may be provision- ally termed the green-red sub-reaction) by its permanence [accord- ingto Nylander ].—The typical beautiful lemon- (greenish) yellow is best exhibited on thalli which are pale or white, and in proportion to their whiteness. Thus the reaction is most vivid and con- spicuous on the white thallus of various Physcie [stellaris, cesia, astroidea|, Lecanore [ Reuteri, glaucoma, tartarea], Lecidee [ca- nescens, contigua], Pertusaria, Phlyctis, Lecanactis, Arthonia, and Stereocaulon. It is thus developed equally in the foliaceous and frutieulose thallus, and in that which is erustaceous, especially when it is thick and tartareous, and grey or white, in saxicolous species. The intensity and character of the colour vary greatly. Thus in Lecanactis illecebrosa it is less vivid or beautiful than in Arthonia pruinosa; in the saxicolous Lecanore and Lecidee it is frequently olive-green; in Stereocaulon, where any reaction is visible at all, it is brightest where the thallus is palest and most AS A SPECIFIC CHARACTER IN LICHENS. 55 delicate; in Lecanora subfusca it occurs distinctly only in those forms which have a distinct white crustaceous thallus, e. g. intu- mescens. Sometimes a corticolous thallus is so thin and effuse, though white, that the lemon-yellow or olive-green reaction might be attributed to the subjacent bark, e. g. in some forms of Pertu- saria communis and Lecanora subfusca; but that the. reaction, even in such cases, is attributable to the lichen, I hold proven by the fact that I have tested the adjacent still thinner thallus of Opegrapha, or other genera or species, without the development of the same reaction. C. Green-red reaction—where the greenish or yellowish tint first developed by potash passes more or less rapidly or gradually into a reddish or brownish-zed colour.—It appears to me that this distinction of Nylander’s, the permanency or transiency of the green or yellow, is a most artificial and unnecessary one; for I find it does not hold good in the very species and genera selected by himself as typical. Thus Lecanora cinerea, on the one hand, and the Cladonie, on the other, yielded me a series of results dif- ferent from those recorded by himself or Leighton. A large suite of specimens of L. cinerea in my own herbarium yielded me, for the most part, negative results, both with potash and bleaching-solu- tion. In a few exceptional cases (3 Irish specimens, 1858, and 2 Norwegian, 1857) various tints, from olive-green to bright lemon-yellow were developed by potash ; but in no case did the colour in question change to red. Parmelia acetabulum, says Nylander, gives the same reaction as L. cinerea; while, in my hands, it neither yielded the same reaction with bleaching-solution nor with potash, resembling P. Borreri as to the former. Genus Cladonia.—On the other hand, as a general rule, the same green or yellow colours developed in the Cladonic didchange, sooner or later, into red or brownish-red of some shade. On reexamining, several days or weeks after their first testing, the specimens in my herbarium, or in various published fasciculi, to which I had applied potash, I found both paper and plant bearing stains that were sometimes blood-red, though more frequently brownish-red. The marks on the podetia, or folioles, that had previously been green, were now of a distinct red hue. Sometimes the tint was more of atawny yellow ; and in some cases a deep fulvous tint was natural, e.g. in deformis. The transition to red did not occur in every case, nor was it always well marked. The same result which was in these cases effected by time, could be, frequently at least, 50 DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION effected at once by a subsequent applieation of potash, and less frequently by ammonia. The latter reagent, on second applica- tion after a varying interval of time, sometimes left a permanent greenish-yellow in cases where potash produced a blood- or crim- son-red. In other cases the second application of ammonia im- parted a brownish tinge to the original greenish-yellow reaction. The secondary development of red or brown tints, however, was commoner with potash. The depth of the red colour appears, frequently at least, to be proportionate to the brilliancy of the previous lemon-yellow ; and it is therefore most marked on the folioles, especially when they are white and mealy, e. g. in some forms of squamosa. Potash here developes various beautiful shades of green and yellow, which change (or not) afterwards to various shades (sometimes beautiful and deep) of red, the same reaction being obtained by a second addition of potash or am- monia. It has appeared in my experiments that Cladonie which have red apothecia generally give a secondary red reaction with potash, while those with brown apothecia do not (e. g. aggregata, furcata, gracilis). This may be a mere coincidence; at all events it is as yet a doubtfully correct generalization. The transience of the green colour in Cladonia is in contrast with its (at least comparative) permanence in Parmelia, Physcia, Lecanora, Lecidea, Urceolaria, Phlyctis, Lecanactis, and Arthonia. No reaction occurs when the thallus, especially the podetia, is brown or dark-coloured, e. g. in forms of furcata. Brown apo- thecia are also unaffected by potash. Reaction is always obscure or faint in o/d specimens; so that the intensity of colour de- veloped depends, greatly at least, on the age or freshness of the specimen operated on. Hence the specimens in Scherer’s Exsic- eati gave a reaction which was either not perceptible or not vivid. Even the heightening of the natural greenish-yellow colour of the plant was in these cases rare. The greenish-yellow reaction is most vivid where the thallus is white, grey, or pale; it is deepest generally on the folioles of the horizontal thallus, especially where it is microphylline and ste- rile, e. g. in var. erratica of degenerans, from Otago. The podetia and folioles or squamules sometimes give different reactions, at least as to shade or intensity of colour. The same differences are exhibited in different specimens of the same species, according to the conditions of growth or preservation, e.g. in retipora. AS A SPECIFIC CHARACTER IN LICHENS. . 57 There’ may be no reaction in one part of the same specimen which in another yet exhibits the typical yellow reaction, e. g. retipora. All conditions of reaction—absence, obscurity, or in- tensity—may occur in different forms or conditions of the same species, e. g. pyxidata. Reaction, where it is developed at all, is immediate. The development of yellow is commoner with ammo- nia than with potash. : “The application of both the reactives"' (potash and bleach- ing-solution), says Leighton, “enables us to distinguish more accurately and readily the different species which have been here- tofore comprehended under the name rangiferina" * (p. 119). “True or typical" C. rangiferina has, according to him, the reac- tion K+ C—; C. sylvatica, Hffm., has Kf t-- C+; var. alpestris, Sch., he refers to C. sylvatica, with the reaction Kf+ C+ ; while pumila, Dél., is a form only, also referred to C. sylvatica, and also having reaction Kf+ C+. C. pycnoclada has the double nega- tive reaction K— C—. As already mentioned, I made a special examination of the forms of C. rangiferina and its allies, of which my herbarium possesses a considerable suite of specimens both from foreign and home stations. The result was this, that, even in the ordinary form of C. rangiferina, as determined by Mudd, potash produced in some cases a distinct greenish-yellow, while in others there was no reaction. In some cases the said greenish- yellow was intensified by bleaching-solution, in others it was wn- affected, while in a third group it was decolorized. Generally no effect was produced by bleaching-solution on old stains made by potash some months previously ; which stains were frequently reddish-yellow or reddish. The same phenomena were observed in Cl. pyenoclada from New Zealand. Moreover, in general terms, the same reactions occurred in sylvatica, alpestris, and the type. I therefore regard chemical reaction in these and such cases as utterly useless, or misleading, in diagnosis. Notwithstanding the supposed distinctions indicated by Leighton and Nylander, I still hold to the opinion that sylvatica, alpestris, pycnoclada, with their allies, may with propriety be referred to the single type C. rangi- ferina 1. * Ann. Nat. Hist. 1867, vol. xix. + Iam not aware what distinction Leighton draws between K and Kf. t Observations on the confusion between varieties and species in the genus Cla- donia will be found in the author's paper “On Arctic Cladonia,” Trans. Bot. Soc. of Edinb. 1867, vol. ix. pp. 169, 175, 178. 58 DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION Leighton’s scheme presents, however, other difficulties within itself. For instance, he indicates two forms of Cl. ceratophylla, Eschw., one with the reaction K— C—, the other with that of Kf+ C+*; of CL Flórkeana, Fr., form seductriz, Nyl., he mentions, as a noteworthy matter, that Nylander gives the reac- tion as K+, while he found it the reverse in a specimen in the Kew Herbarium, named by Nylander himself (p. 119). “ Dif- ferent reaction," he also asserts, “separates amaurocrea and un- cialis, to say nothing of the different external characters 4 (p. 120)! In neither the one nor the other did I find the reaction - so distinct as to be worthy of record ; and I do not think the “ ex- ternal characters" differ to such extent as to forbid their refer- ence to a single type f. III. Reaction of Iodine.—I have elsewhere i shown that the iodine test cannot be depended on as a means of diagnosing Li- chens from Fungi §. In true Lichens, applied to the tissues of the hymenium, I have met with the following results :— There is frequently a beautiful blue reaction, embracing various shades of prussian- or indigo-blue; in other cases the colour developed is violet, embracing various shades between blue and red; in 4 third group the colour-reaction is red, of various tints: in a fourth it is yellow, which is apparently merely the colour of the reagent; in other words, there is mo reaction. Moreover, in the same species under different circumstances, the reaction may be ob- scure, if present, or it may be absent. Nylander asserts that the medulla of Roccella Montagne strikes a blue with iodine. In some cases it does, but in others it does not. I made special study of the reaction of iodine on the medullary tissue in the genus Roccella, with the following results. In all the species examined it was variously present or absent. It was absent in fuciformis, Montagnei, phycopsis, and tinctoria in certain cases; while in other specimens of the same species it was present in some form, though frequently faint and slowly developed. As a general rule, it may be said to occur * Ann. Nat. Hist. 1867, vol. xix. p. 112. t Nylander (Lich. Scand. p. 59) seems to hold a similar opinion. i “On Arthonia melaspermelia,” Journ. of Linn. Soc. 1867, Botany, vol. ix. p. 283. § Nylander disclaims any desire to consider Iodine more than an accessory means of distinguishing certain of the lower Lichens from the Fungi; but I deny that this test can in any sense, or with any safety, be accepted as diagnostic between members of these two great orders. AS A SPECIFIC CHARACTER IN LICHENS. 59 throughout the genus. The reaction is most marked where the thallus is palest and softest, e.g. in Ceylon Orchella-weed [which = R. Montagnei|, where the reaction is immediate and the colour deep; it was most distinct of all in Zambesi Orchella-weed, which is the same form of R. fuciformis. In the ordinary, non-coria- ceous forms of R. fuciformis, as imported by archil-manufac- turers, I never met with it; nor was there any reaction in Leigh- ton's Exs. No.171. The reaction is least distinct where the thallus is dark-coloured, terete, and coriaceous. In R. tinctoria (thickest form) the colour was dull indigo, or absent. In R. phycopsis there was no reaction, or a pale azure was slowly developed. This colour-reaction was of no use in any case as a means of diagnosis. Leighton says iodine distinguishes Spherophoron coralloides from S. fragilis, “a long-desired distinction " (p. 442)—a phrase which, if it mean anything, appears to imply his anxiety to multiply species by means of minute and trivial differences ! I found iodine to produce a blue or violet in the medullary tissue of the former lichen, a yellow in the latter. Nevertheless my opinion is not influenced to regard them otherwise than as referable to a single type. My whole present experiments and inquiry have led to the following general conclusions, or have embraced the following general results :— I. Not only do the results obtained by different observers on the same species differ widely, but those of the same observer at different times or in different circumstances do so also. Leigh- ton and Nylander do not always agree. Th. M. Fries differs from both *; while my results are also frequently quite of an opposite character to theirs. Moreover I have found in reexamining the same specimens, that different results have been obtained. In one case a distinct colour-reaction might be obtained, while sub- sequently it was faint or absent. This must have been due, appa- rently, to some trivial difference in the reagent or its application, or in the parts of the same thallus operated on. A difference in the degree of concentration or freshness of the reagent, or in the amount of friction employed, would account easily for all the discrepancies in the results obtained. s II. Not only do results differ in different specimens, or indivi- * Vide the Table of Cladonie given in his * Lichenes Spitsbergenses,' p. 29. 60 DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION duals, of the same species, but in the same specimen at different times, or in different parts of it. In the same species reaction may be distinct, faint, or absent. These differences are deter- mined, in great measure at least, by the conditions of growth * or preservation of the specimens (e. g. by their degree of fresh- ness—the interval that has elapsed since they were collected; the locality of growth in relation to climate, elevation above, or proximity to, the sea; degree of development in relation to ste- rility, hypertrophy, or degeneration) The differences exhibited by the same species when freshly collected, on the one hand, and after long preservation in the herbarium, on the other, are fre- quently most marked. Many of the specimens operated on in my experiments were collected so long ago as the beginning ofthe present century, while none were freshly collected for the pur- poses of the present inquiry. For the reasons formerly stated (p.40), I have preferred to make use in great measure of the authen- ticated specimens contained in published fasciculi, some of them comparatively old,—contrasting the results with those obtained in specimens from my own herbarium, collected at much later, and in some cases at very recent, dates. But the results so obtained have satisfied me of the non-necessity of engaging in a wider inquiry, or of enlarging the area of experiment by making special collec- tions for the purpose. I have no doubt, however, that still more striking results might have been obtained by operations on freshly collected lichens, in their different stages or conditions of growth. III. The frequent uncertainty of result, the irregularity or in- constancy of colour-reaction, even in the same species, renders it impossible to place confidence in chemical characters as a means of diagnosing botanical species. IV. Even where the phenomena are comparatively constant, I have in no ease found colour-reaction assist me either in uniting or separating species or varieties. V. The discrepancies that occur among lichenologists making efforts to discover and apply chemical tests for species, occur equally among experimenters on a larger scale, as well as among professional chemists studying scientifically and with no ulterior object the lichen- colouring-matters. Westring, for instance, failed * Modifications of reaction according to conditions of growth in the same species are illustrated in the author's ‘ Experiments’ (1st ser.), 1854, Table xx p. 35. AS A SPECIFIC CHARACTER IN LICHENS. 61 to find any trace of red colouring-matter in the genus Roccella or in Lecanora parella * ! VI. Colour-results vary not only with the scale on which expe- riment is conducted, but with the most minute and apparently trivial of its details. Thus botanical testing, according to the pseudo-system of Nylander and Leighton, gives results frequently quite of an opposite kind to those of experiment on dyeing-proper- ties, and these, again, as conducted in the laboratory, on the small scale, to the results obtained by the archil-manufacturer, on the large scale. In the following dye-lichens which yield Archil to the manufacturer, no corresponding reaction occurs with bleaching- solution applied on Nylander’s plan :—Umbilicaria (no reac- tion save exceptionally); Roccella (reaction, where it occurs, does uot correspond to colorific value) ; Parmelia perlata, Lecanora parella, glaucoma, and calcarea. On the other hand, a blood-red or crimson is developed by the testing-process in certain non-dyeing species, e. g. Parmelia sinuosa, Borreri, rugosa, and acetabulum. At the Paris Exhibition (1867) I was struck with the great variety of quality (e.g. shades of colour) in products essentially the same, attributable, apparently, to slight modifications of the process of manufacture. Darwin remarks, “ The chemical quali- ties, odours, and tissues of plants are often modified by a change which seems to us slight.” He gives several instances (hemlock, aconite, digitalis, rhubarb, &c.), which are “remarkable because it might have been thought that definite chemical compounds would have been little liable to change, either in quality or quantity " T. An apt illustration is to be found in the very dif- ferent products obtainable by chemists, on the one hand, and archil-manufacturers, on the other, from a single lichen, Roc- cella tinctoria, apparently according to mere differences in its place of growth. Archil-manufacturers, as I have elsewhere shown, constantly recognize the fact that very different tinctorial values are to be attributed to the same botanical species of “Orchella- weed " from different localities $. * Crell's * Chemische Annalen,’ 1799, vol. ii. p. 81, in note; quoted in Krem- pelhuber's * Geschichte der Lichenologie,’ vol. i. p. 95 (1867). t On Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, vol. ii. p. 274 (1868). t Journ. of Botany, 1868, vol. vi. p. 107. The irregularities of colorific re- sults with reagents of the same class, and the causes of modification of colour- results in the same species, are subjects illustrated more fully in the * Phyto- logist,’ 1854, vol. v. pp. 181-2. 62 DR. LAUDER LINDSAY ON CHEMICAL REACTION VII. The results of experiment on the small scale furnish no index or guide to commercial utility. My own early experiments satisfied me of this; and my impressions have been confirmed by inquiry made subsequently, both in France and England. In- porters of orchella-weed and archil-manufacturers have not yet succeeded in discovering any chemical means, short of manu- facture on the large scale, of estimating the different colorific value of the same species. And yet we find lichenological systema- tists (classifiers, and describers of so-called species) confidently professing to accomplish what all the experience of chemists and manufacturers throughout the world has hitherto failed to effect! VIII. My results are, on the whole, negative, so far as concerns my ability to confirm the confident assertions of Nylander and Leighton anent the value of chemical reaction as an absolute or corroborative “ character” in botanical diagnosis. Nevertheless the relative experiments and inquiry eliminate many facts of a positive kind in regard to the colorific reactions and properties of Lichens—a subject, I am convinced, which is far from being thoroughly known to, or understood by, either lichenologists oF chemists. Inter alia, unlooked-for results occasionally occur in species supposed to be devoid of eolorifie value or properties; while in other lichens, which are used on the large scale in do- mestic dyeing or in commercial dye-manufacture, the results are strangely negative, contradictory, or insignificant. On the whole, I am disposed to apply, to the so-called “ Ori- teria" whose value has been the subject of the foregoing inquiry; what Blumenbach is reported to have first said of phrenology, but which has, no doubt, been applied to very many and very dif- ferent subjects in science, both before and since his time:— “There is much in it that is mew, and much that is £rue; but what is true is not new, and what is new is not true.” Not only are Nylander’s and Leighton’s observations not confirmed by the repetition of their experiments by other authorities ; but I believe it is impossible to obtain the results they so confidently promise by any single “ character," whether chemical or morphological, or, indeed, in many cases at least, by any combination of characters! The papers of these distinguished liehenologists appear to me to illustrate the danger of hyperenthusiasm in matters of science (which are, or ought to be, strictly matters of fact), and the aptitude of even the most experienced observers to be misled by a false scent, by a hobby, or a theory. AS A SPECIFIC CHARACTER IN LICHENS. 63 I cannot, then, commend chemical “ characters” to the con- fidence of the lichenologist. At the same time I hold that a botanical diagnosis ought to be based on all the characters at the command of the observer, including those which are chemical. And, though I believe that characters drawn from morphology, gynecology, anatomy, and physiology must ever stand in the fore- ground, it would be wrong in the lichenologist not to avail him- self of any assistance that may, in certain exceptional and difficult cases, be supposed to be afforded by chemical reaction in dia- gnosis. lam very far from desiring to depreciate chemistry as an adjunct to botany in plant-diagnosis ; but so far as concerns the Lichens, Y believe their chemistry is as yet in far too crude and unsatisfactory a state to warrant us in expecting any assistance that can be relied upon from colour-reaction in the determination of species ! DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 65 Palme Amazonice, sive Enumeratio Palmarum in itinere suo per ges Americ sequatoriales lectarum. Auctore RICARDO Sprtce, Ph.D., F.R.G.-S. [Read January 21, 1869.] CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. Tux Palms described in the following pages are not to be under- stood as comprising all the species known to exist in the Amazon valley, nor even all those seen there by the author, but only those which he was able to preserve specimens of, and to describe, more or less completely, on the spot. The chief object of his travel being to collect herbarium specimens in large quantity, certain families were, from the unwieldy size of their leaves and inflorescence, or from their succulent nature, almost entirely excluded from the general collection, and were rarely sought for except when circumstances confined him for a length of time to some very limited area whereon he had already almost exhausted the exogenous and cryptogamic flora. The plants thus only partially gathered and studied are chiefly Palms, Arads, Cyclanths, and Bromels. Whenever, therefore, any locality is mentioned in the following enumeration with great frequency, it would be erroneous to conclude that more palms really exist there than in other localities which are rarely spoken of. It is rather to be taken as a measure of (in other respects) lost time to the author —of swollen rivers and inundated forests, rendered nearly or quite intransitable—of the superintendence of (too often) lazy and drunken Indians at the building and caulking of boats—of regions and seasons of scarcity, when from actual deficiency of food he was unable to move far away from his resting-place, and was thrown back on describing and preserving such objects as were close at hand. If not many of the larger species of palms appear in the following enumeration, it is partly because the col- lecting and preserving of such requires much time and labour, which could mostly be better bestowed, and partly because a large proportion of them have already been described and figured *. * A few palms of my gathering are unavoidably omitted, the specimens being deposited in the Museum at Kew, which I have been unable to revisit. And although Dr. Hooker has most liberally placed in my hands all the herbarium- specimens of palms collected by myself, the museum-specimens are too bulky LINN. PROC.— BOTANY, VOL. XI. E 66 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. I gathered palms in Equatorial South America, during the years 1849-1860, on the following areas :— Lat. Long. (Greenw.). Alt. E ee l-2^g. 48-49 W. Pla. 2. Amazon, between the Ta- | n, Mop Ju pajoz and Trombetas . . l E EN E 3. Confluence of Rio Negro and Upper Amazon e| 3 -318. 59 -60 W. Plain. SoÜMmoena) vier cos cis 4. Upper Rio Negro, river Plain Uaupés, river Cui 0} S.-54 N. 66 -68 W. to 2000 ft. quiari, Upper Orinoco 5. Tarapoto, in the Andes j of Maynas (i.e. Bast 51-7 S. 76 -77 W. to 5000 ft. Peru) 6. Forest of Canelos (Eastern side of Quitenian or} 01-2 S. 76 -783 W. to 5000 ft. Equatorial Andes).... 7. Plain of Guayaquil, and Western side of Quite-} 1 -3 S. 791-81 W. to 5000 ft. mim Audes.......... lcs rg £2 - g DEI The only palm actually gathered on the last area is a species of Phytelephas, which will be described at the end of this memoir. The true Andine palms, those namely of the forest-clad slopes of the Andes, beginning at 6000 feet with Ceroxylon andicola, and extending upwards to at least 11,000 feet (where there are still noble Laurels and other trees that give the hill-forests a semi- Amazonian character), are entirely unrepresented in my collection. They were left to be collected when I should have nearly ex- hausted the ferns and mosses; but ere that time came I was dis- abled from collecting at all. There is therefore still an interesting if not very copious harvest of Andine palms to be reaped by some future traveller, especially in the eastern cordillera of the Equa- torial Andes. Thirty years before my own visit to the Amazon, Dr. von Martius, the most eminent botanist who ever visited South Ame- rica, had travelled on that river and on one of the largest of its northern tributaries, the Japurá, during the space of eleven months and fragile to be sent to a distance, and for want of them some of the following descriptions (especially of the Cocoinz) will be found lacking in completeness. To Dr. Hooker and to Professor Oliver I have also to express my obligation for the loan of books and for extracts from works I was unable to consult personally a DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 67 (in 1819-20). Protected by the Emperor of Brazil, and provided by the government of that country with all possible aids in the prosecution of his enterprise (rarely lacking numerous Indians to row his boats and to cut down or climb the trees of which he desired to secure specimens) he possessed advantages seldom en- joyed by a solitary botanist travelling and working in so modest a way as myself. And it must be admitted that he made the best possible use of those advantages, and that the amount of work performed by him in that short space of time wasenormous. The family of Palms had all through his previous travel in the central and southern provinces of Brazil engaged his particular attention, and on the Amazon he found a grand and almost virgin field for their study. Ofthe nobler and loftier species, growing along the banks of the main river, scarcely any were left unnoticed by him; and among the smaller species, hidden away in the primeval forests, he detected many new and striking forms. The palms collected by Martius on the Amazon amount to about sixty-six species, by far the most of them new, and scarcely more than ten of the whole number known to exist elsewhere at the date of his published descriptions of them. Ofthe eighteen genera in which those species were comprised, four were new and peculiar to the Amazon region ; and of a fifth new genus (GZnocarpus), containing five species, only one species was known to the author beyond the Amazon, in the neighbouring province of Maranhao. In Bactris alone, he enumerated seventeen Amazon species, all but one peculiar to that region; and Geonoma had eight (or nine) species not then known elsewhere. Ofthe genus Astrocaryum, counting altogether ten species, seven were found by him on the Amazon, and only one of the seven in any other part of Brazil. Such are a few of the results of his travel and work on the Amazon. Dr. Martius's study of the Palms of Brazil was afterwards sup- plemented by that of the Palms of the rest of the world; and the result was made public in the * Genera et Species Palmarum '— the noblest monograph of any family of plants which has ever issued from the press, and which will cause the name of Martius to be mentioned along with that of Palms to the end of all time. I confess to have followed the steps of this great botanist with ever-increasing admiration ; for not only did he explore the ground for palms, almost exhaustively, along his whole line of travel, but plants of all other families were eagerly collected, and afforded F2 68 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. him several new genera and species, most of which have been described and figured in his great work on the Flora of Brazil, and in the * Nova Genera et Species Plantarum Brasiliensium.’ Nor did he leave the minute cryptogamic tribes ungathered; and it is to him we owe our first knowledge of several fine species. Perhaps the handsomest of all the mosses of the Amazonian plain is Leucobryum Martianum (Hsch.); and it has the rare peculiarity (in that family) of gay colour, the snowy foliage of the stems contrasting beautifully with the crimson involucral leaves. In the sombre forests of the Rio Negro this moss, along with two fine hepaticee, Lophocolea Martiana (Nees) and Jungermannia Ptery- gophyllum (Mart.), sometimes with tufts of Hymenophyllum or Trichomanes interspersed, completely invest the prostrate trunks of the fallen monarchs of the forest, and hide their decay under a tapestry of the rarest beauty. A distinguished zoologist, Mr. A. R. Wallace, had already been some time on the Amazon when I arrived there. In addition to his special pursuits, he found time to make sketches of the most notable of the palms he encountered in his travels. Those sketches were among the very few things he was able to rescue from the flames when the ship in which he was homeward bound was burnt in the middle of the Atlantic ocean; and he afterwards published them in a handy volume, which contains the most characteristic representations of American palms that exist within a small com- pass*. They were accompanied by so full an account of the uses of the principal kinds, that it almost precludes the necessity of my devoting any space to that topic; and I shall accordingly rarely touch on it, except where the use to which a palm is put illustrates its structure. Mr. Wallace worked at palms chiefly on the Rio Negro, where he preceded me by about a year. It was there he found and figured two most remarkable palms, which he has published under the name of Leopoldinia Piassaba and Mauritia Carand. The first of these I was able to describe pretty fully in the Linnean Journal for 1860, and to show that Mr. Wallace had rightly placed it in Leopoldinia; but the second, I regret to say, my ma- terials have not enabled me to illustrate as it deserves, although they suffice to prove it so far distinct from typical Mauritia as to take rank at least as a subgenus. * Palm-trees of the Amazon and their uses. By Alfred Russel Wallace. 1853. DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 69 It may serve to foreshow the vast number of specific forms that probably yet remain to be detected in the forests of the Amazon, especially among the smaller palms, if I mention that although the river Japurá, explored by Dr. Martius, and the Rio Negro, where most of my own and Mr. Wallace’s palms were obtained, are nearly parallel and not very far apart, and although I have re- peatedly compared my specimens with the descriptions of Martius and Wallace, yet, out of fourteen species of Geonoma gathered by myself, I have been able to identify only two with Martius’s, and out of fifteen species of Bactris only three. Of the latter genus Mr. Wallace has figured six new species, whereof one seems certainly the same as one of mine; but the other five do not exactly agree with any that I gathered. CHAPTER II. THE DISTRIBUTION OF PALMS IN THE AMAZON VALLEY *. $ 1. The Five Palm- Regions of the Amazon Valley. The great Amazonian Forest, extending northward to the cata- racts of the Orinoco, in Venezuela, southward far into the centre of Brazil, and westward almost to the very crest of the Andes, is entirely included in Martius’s * Chief Palm-Zone ” (10? N.-10? S. lat.), and as respects its Palm-vegetation may be divided into the following regions :— I. The Coast- or Submaritime Region, viz. the country adjacent to the mouth of the great river, both terra firma and islands, as far inland (or westward) as there are tidal creeks and the sea- breezes have a manifest influence on the vegetation. "This region ought to include the whole of the Guayana coast, to the mouth of the Orinoco (and even the West-India Islands ?). IL. The Granite Region of the Casiquiari. I call it by this name because while it belongs equally to the Rio Negro and to the Orinoco, extending down the former nearly to lat. 2°S., and down the latter to and beyond the cataracts (lat. 6? N.), the Casi- quiari is its middle term, from which it stretches eastward through * Being unable for the present to examine all the materials that exist in our herbaria and museums for a complete account of the geographical distribution of Amazon palms, especially as compared with the rest of the world, I propose to defer that task to a future day, and shall limit myself now to sketching some general features of the palm-vegetation of the Amazon valley, looked at by itself, and with little reference to that of other countries. 70 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. Guayana as far as to the falls of the rivers that run direct to the Atlantic, and westward nearly (or quite) to the foot of the Andes. This may be described as one great sheet of granite and gneiss, whose mean level is scarcely anywhere 500 feet above the sea, and out of which rise peaks, masses, and ridges to a height of from a few hundred to 10,000 feet, all of them destitute of running streams and of human habitations; but there is nowhere any continuous range of mountains, or plateau, and (except towards its borders) the granite has been entirely denuded of the stratified rocks that once overlay it, and 1s now either naked or else overspread in some places with a thin covering of white sand, and in others (chiefly flats, hollows, and rifts) with a thick deposit of the fertile “terra roxa," or red loam (decomposed gneiss, mica-schist, &c.), which I have supposed to be lacustrine, but Professor Agassiz says is glacial drift. 3. The Diamond-Region—the elevated rocky region of Central Brazil, where the largest southern affluents of the Amazon take their rise, and where as we advance southward granite is the pre- dominant rock. As I know nothing personally of either the geology or the botany of this region, I shall not need to say more of it at present. 4. The Amazon Region—middle and upper—comprising the whole course of the main river and the country adjacent to its banks, from the foot of the Andes down to the commencement of the Pará archipelago, or westward limit of the Coast-Region. As far up the Amazon as to the mouth of the Coary, or perhaps 8 little higher, there is stratified rock, either overlaid with alluvium in the subriparial lands, or rising into flat-topped hills—relies of a formation of horizontally stratified sandstones, 800 feet thick, that once stretched continuously from the highlands of Brazil, over the Amazon valley, the great granite flats of the Orinoco, and the Llanos of the Apure, to the coast-range of Caracas, 0D the borders of the Caribbean Sea; but from the Coary to the foot of the Andes the formation is (apparently) entirely alluvial. 5. The Subandine Hegion, comprising the eastern slopes of the Andes of Peru and Ecuador, up to 6000 feet, with a broad strip of the great plain at their base. iu The geological formation of the oriental Peruvian Andes i$ chiefly triassic, having the characteristic fossils, shales, and beds of salt, of that region; but the Equatorial Andes (or so much as I have seen of them, where the river Pastasa and its tributaries issue DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. H into the plain) begin with a vast thickness of soft and apparently very recent alluvial rock overlying micaceous schists and trachyte. In the plain at their base there is much red loam—at first ridged and furrowed from north to south, but soon subsiding into a nearly uniform level*. [It will be seen that the areas on which I have worked belong, the 1st to the Coast-Region, the 2nd and 3rd to the Mid-Amazon, the 4th to the Granite, and the 5th and 6th to the Subandine Region. ] Each of these regions has apparently several species of palms peculiar to it, some of them so abundant as to impress a special character on the forests of the whole region; but I can only mention here a few of the most striking and best-ascertained species. § 2. Palms of the Coast-Region. The Coast-Region has, of peculiar species, first and foremost the strange-looking Manicaria saccifera, which at a distance more re- sembles a plantain become rigid and woody than any palm, having immense simple leaves—each a ready-made tile that reaches from ridge toeaves. Quite as remarkable are the large, corky, tessellated and echinate tricoccous fruits. This palm, called “ Bussü ” by the Brazilians, is common all about the mouth of the Amazon within the influence of tides and sea-breezes, also on some parts of the coast of Guayana; and it is said to be the “ Palma-pinus maritima, barbadensis et jamaicensis " of Plukenet. Another palm confined to the same region is the “ Jupati " (Raphia tedigera, Mart.), the only scaly-fruited palm of America that has pinnate leaves, ali the others having fan-shaped leaves ; while all the scaly-fruited palms of Asia and Africa have pinnate leaves. It has actually two African congeners—a rare case among American palms, apparently pointing it out as a relic of some very ancient connexion between the Old World and the New. The leaves of the Jupati are among the very longest known of any plant, being 40 and even 50 feet in length. I shall mention only one other characteristic Coast-palm, the “ Mucajá ” (Acrocomia sclerocarpa), a prickly species with edible but dryish drupes, which is not uncommon near Pará, but where- ever it is met with further inland appears to have been planted ; * I have materials for very much enlarging this meagre sketch of the mine- ralogy of Amazonland ; but it is not necessary for my present purpose. 72 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. for it grows only in open situations near dwellings, as in the town of Santarem, which is the furthest point westward where I have seen it. $ 3. Palms of the Granite Region. The Granite Region is characterized by a very different set of palms. Where the rock is bare, or thinly covered with sand, the whole vegetation is of that peculiar kind called “ Caa-tinga,” or white forest, consisting of low thinly set trees and bushes, with palms of singular aspect interspersed or gregarious in clumps or patches. The most notable Caatinga palms of the Granite are Leopoldinia Piassaba, with its long brown beard reaching the ground and giving half-grown trunks the appearance of bears ram- pant, and Mauritia (Orophoma) Caraná, whose crown of palmate leaves rises over a huge mass of decaying persistent petioles. Where the river-beds are of granite, as throughout this re- gion they mostly are, only a very few being in rifts or valleys filled with alluvium, the phenomenon is seen of “ aguas negras," or black-water streams, whose riparial vegetation is well charac- terized by the abundance of two beautiful palms, both having clustered or cespitose stems. One is the Mauritia aculeata of Humboldt (‘ Ansichten der Natur, i. 131), not the M. aculeata of Martius, which is a distinct species with solitary stems, but the same species as Wallace has figured under the name of M. gracilis. Tt is a most graceful palm, the outer stems of each tuft often leaning far over the water, and the fan-shaped leaves (blue- green above, white beneath) having the laciniæ pendulous from the middle. In the other palm, Leopoldinia major (Wallace), the leaflets of the pinnate leaves are pendulous from the very base (as in the Euterpes), and the finely divided ferruginous spadices bear blood-red flattened drupes. Two of the four palms above mentioned, Leopoldinia Piassaba and major, seem nowhere to extend beyond the granite region; but I have traced the two Mauritias down to within thirty miles of the mouth of the Rio Negro, on the small river Tarumá, where they grow in eaatingas whose surface-sand reposes not on granite, but on one of the harder layers of the Amazon sandstone*. * Similar conditions gave rise to the recurrence of “ caatingas ” throughout the main Amazon ; but they are much rarer than on the Negro and Casiquiari, and are sometimes replaced by scrubby savannahs, or * campos." All are interposed in the vast primeval forest, and in a climate of almost perpetual DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 73 Martius’s original species of Leopoldinia (L. pulchra) has its main site on the black-water streams of the Granite Region, but extends beyond it down to the mouth of the Rio Negro, and is found also on the Trombetas, Tapajoz, and other rivers of clear water, wherever there are sandy beaches overlying hard rock. I think, however, I am justified in claiming the granite as the original site of the entire genus Tepod, seeing that there it abounds most, both in species and individuals. The elegant little scaly-fruited palms that constitute the genus Lepidocaryum of Martius seem also to have originated in the Granite Region, not on the river-banks, but in the caatinga forests, and to have spread southwards, wherever they found a similar habitat, across the Amazon to some way up the river Madeira. § 4. Palms of the Subandine Region. The Subandine region is remarkable for being the headquarters of palms with broad premorsely-cut, and often laciniate leaflets, with which are nearly always associated a stem supported on an emersed cone of roots that resembles the spokes of a half-opened umbrella, both which features attain their greatest development in the genus Iriartea*. In the hill-forests of Maynas, at from two to three thousand feet elevation, Nunnezharia fragrans, R. et P. (Chamedorea, Willd.)— a delicate little palm, with stems no thicker than reeds, simple forked jagged leaves, and orange-coloured flowers, that exhale their rich and peculiar odour for years after being dried—forms no small proportion of the undergrowth. Still more notew orthy i is the noble and singular genus Wettinia, whereof the first species (JF. regia) was found by Póppig on the upper part of the Huallaga, and the second (JV. Maynensis) by myself in the lower Maynensian Andes, whence I have traced it along the roots of the Equatorial Andes to the upper regions of the Pastasa and Napo. Its chief home is in the lowest skirts of the mountains, and it very rarely descends into the Amazonian plain. Its striking features are the root-cone, the long equably humidity; so that the trees are always clad with verdure; and in this respect they differ much from the *' caatingas" of Central Brazil (described by St.-Hilaire), where most of the trees lose their leaves in the cool dry season (June to Sep- tember). * See Wallace's * Palms of the Amazon,' plates 12-15. 74 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. pinnate leaves with premorse leaflets, and the hairy fruits densely packed on whorled spadices. After Wettinia comes the allied genus Iriartea, consisting of several species, all of which abound most in the roots of the Andes, and a few descend a good way into the plain, but only one extends right across the continent to the Atlantic ocean. The original species, Z. deltoidea (R. et P.) grows in the hills along with the Wettinias, but seems to ascend higher, and never to descend into the plain : its range in latitude is from about 0° to 10? S. Further south are other two Subandine species, T. Orbigniana (Mart.) and I. pheocarpa (Mart.); and northward, in the Andes of New Granada, other species have been found by Karsten. Iriartea ventricosa (Mart.), the noblest species of the genus, known from its congeners by the fusiform swelling, or belly, mid- way of its trunk, has also its chief site in the lower Oriental Andes, where it ascends to about 5000 feet. It is especially abundant in the Forest of Canelos, near the equator, growing along with Wettinia Maynensis, but reaching a greater elevation. The most palmy hill I ever saw is a long steep ridge, rising from the right bank of the river Pastasa, at about 3500 feet, to a thou- sand or more feet above it, and it is almost entirely clad with Zrt- artea ventricosa. This palm abounds also in Maynas, where it has given its Peruvian name, “ Tarapoto," to one of the most flourish- ing of the modern towns. Thence it descends into the plain, and spreads aeross the Granite Region eastward to the very sources of the Orinoco, and down the Amazon and the Rio Negro to within perhaps a thousand miles of the Atlantic coast, but is entirely absent from the lower Amazon. A much lowlier species, T. setigera (Mart.), whose stems fur- nish most of the blowing-eanes used in Amazonland, appears to begin at the foot of the Equatorial Andes, only where there is granite, and to extend over the whole Granite Region, and down the Japurá, Uaupés, and Negro to the Amazon ; but I have not heard of it below the mouth of the Rio Negro. The last Zriartea to be mentioned is J. exorrhiza (the “ Paxiuba " of the Brazilians), which begins in the Oriental Andes along with I. ventricosa and the Wettinias, but extends eastward far be- yond their range to the very mouth of the Amazon, and north and south across the entire breadth of the Amazonian forest. Thus, out of six species of Iriartea known to grow about the head-waters of the Amazon, this is the only one that extends DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 75 downwards to its mouth, where it grows quite as abundantly as in the Andes. The Ivory-palms (Phytelephas) are also truly Subandine, abounding in the roots of the Andes, and descending along the course of the rivers in some cases a few hundred miles; but as they belong rather to Pandanaceæ than to Palmaceæ, I shall treat of them separately in an appendix. An extract from my diary, under date May, 1857, describing the palm-vegetation of a bit of forest on the river Bombonasa, in the roots of the equatorial Andes, lat. 12? S., alt. about 1200 feet, will give an idea of the grouping of Subandine palms. “The most abundant palms were Mauritia flexuosa, Wettinia Maynensis, Iriartea exorrhiza, and ventricosa, and Cnocarpus Bataud. Euterpe oleracea was not unfrequent on the very mar- gin of the river; and in the depths of the forest the smaller Ivory- palm (Phytelephas microcarpa) formed groves, sometimes growing: along with Iriartea ventricosa. Another palm was a large Astro- caryum (A. vulgari proximum). The undergrowth included seve- ral small palms :—Baetris humilis, pinnis paucis longe cuspidatis ; Geonome due, altera foliis basi rectangulari-cuneatis apice emar- ginato-bifidis, G. Porteane valde similis, etc.; besides some Cyclan- thee, such as Discanthus odoratus and various Carludovice. On the steep alluvial banks grew two other Carludovice, one of them the * Bombonaje” (C. palmate aff.), of which straw hats are made." It would be very interesting to compare the palms of the eastern slopes with those of the western slopes of the Equatorial Andes, separated as they are by a double range of lofty ridges and snowy peaks ; but there do not yet exist materials for it. Im my journey down the western side of the Andes, all I could do was to note that palms were less abundant than on the eastern side, that they con- sisted apparently ofthe same genera, Ceroxylon, Geonoma, Euterpe, Bactris, Attalea, &c., but of species entirely distinct. Even the Ivory-palm (Phytelephas equatorialis) that abounds on the west- ern side of the Andes proves to be quite different from both the species on the eastern side, as I shall show more fully in the sequel. § 5. Palms of the Amazon Region. The Amazon Region proper abounds in Palms quite as much as the regions that border it on all sides, but seems to have derived most of its species from them—its lriarteas from the 76 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. Andes, its Leopoldinias and Lepidocaryums from the Granite, and so on. It must, however, have existed for untold ages so nearly in its present state that it ought to have acquired special forms of its own, like the other regions; and yet I am unable to point out any such with certainty. That noble palm Maximiliana regia, * Inajá” of the Brazilians, * Cocurito" of the Venezuelans and of Humboldt, one of the most conspicuous ornaments of the primitive forests of the Ama- zon, is still more frequent in the Casiquiari Region, and (besides being dispersed over the whole plain) is commonly seen perched on the granite peaks, wherever there is a ledge or hollow on whieh the decay of less noble vegetation has furnished a matrix for its roots, up to a height of 2000 feet at the least. It proba- bly existed there at a period when the surrounding low country was one great lake, or a series of lakes, out of which stood these -island-peaks. As we near the Andes, it becomes much scarcer. I have thought that Astrocaryum Jauaré, a prickly palm of for- bidding aspect, fond of growing on low islands and by river-sides, might be considered characteristic of the Middle and Upper Ama- zon ; for it only begins to appear at nearly 400 miles from the mouth of the river, and extends thence upwards almost to the Andes. But on ascending the northern tributariesof the Lower Amazon, such as the Trombetas, we soon fall in with the Jauarí ; and it grows more frequent when we reach the rapids, where the river-bed is of granite. It is the same on the Rio Negro; and as I have seen this Palm so abundant on the Uaupés, the Casiquiari, and the Upper Orinoco, in the eentre of the Granite Region, I can hardly doubt that there is its true home. Its nobler congener, Astrocaryum vulgare, the * Tucüm" of the Brazilians, is almost equally common in dry forests throughout the length and breadth of the great plain, which it seems to have reached from the campos of Central and Eastern Brazil, where, as we learn from Martius, it abounds even more than in the forests of the Amazon *. $ 6. The Scaly-fruited Palms of Equatorial America. All the Palms of the Amazon valley that have fan-shaped palma- tifid leaves have also scaly or loricated fruits. They are species * A few additional facts, bearing on the distribution of the genera and species, will be found in the descriptive portion of this memoir. DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. rii of Mauritia and its subgenera Orophoma and Lepidocaryum*. But beyond the great forest, on the campos of Brazil and the llanos of Venezuela, most of the fan-leaved Palms have naked fruits, and belong to Copernicia and other genera of Coryphine ; and a little further to north and south the Mauritias fail alto- gether, although fan-leaved Palms continue to be found far into North America, and southward into Paraguay. The most universally distributed palm throughout the basins of the Amazon and Orinoco, or, say, from the Andes of Peru and New Granada to the shores of the Atlantic, is undoubtedly Mau- ritia flexuosa (L.); and there are few palms about which so much has already been written. The earliest American voyagers and missionaries noted its abundance in the delta of the Orinoco, and how, in the season of inundations, the natives dwelt on stages supported by the growing trunks of the Mauritia, whose fruit afforded their chief food; so that to them it was truly the * Arbol de la Vida," or Tree of life. Every reader of Thomson knows the lines,— * Wide o'er his isles the branching Oronoque Rolls a brown deluge, and the native drives To dwell aloft on life-sufficing trees, At once his dome, his robe, his food, his arms "f. At the mouths of all the rivers between the Orinoco and Ama- zon the Mauritia abounds, but does not seem to reach much further southward along the coast of Brazil. I can now say, from personal observation, that it extends westward right across the continent to the first undulations of the Andes, where it fails at from 2000 to 3000 feet, and that it is equally common in the Subandine and in the Submaritime regions, as well as along the whole course of the Amazon and Orinoco. At the mouth of the Amazon, the Mauritia abounds most on the shores of low flat islands, and about swampy lakes. It is common all the way up the river on low shores, where it stretches in long avenues—and at the debouchures of the tributary rivers and creeks, where it forms groves. At the opposite extremity of the Amazon valley, on the river Pastasa, the greater part of whose course lies a little without or eastward ofthe first ranges of the Andes, we find long strips of the same Mauritia stretching parallel to the river, and occu- * See in the sequel for a further account of these Palms. t ‘Seasons,’ Summer, /. 833-7. 78 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. pying low land inundated in the rainy season to a slight depth— with an intervening narrow strip of dry land next the river, evidently formed of alluvial sediment deposited by the river when its floods were higher than at present, and rarely more than a foot or two above the present high-water mark, yet clad with lofty trees of types that pertain almost exclusively to terra firma. The Mauritia-swamp still communicates with the river, and partly derives its standing water from it through the mouths of creeks that enter it at short intervals. Far away northward of the Amazon, at the head of each of the “ caños,” or rivulets, that run into the Upper Rio Negro and Orinoco, there is a swamp where the predominant vegetation is Mauritia flexuosa, if the soil be good ; but if it be thin and sandy, then probably the curious M. Caraná takes its place, or grows along with it. Near the cataracts of the Orinoco, the savannahs are adorned with small groves of Mauritia flexuosa (oases in the sandy but by no means desert plains), and here and there with a long winding double line, which marks the course of a rivulet. The shade of the enormous leaves, and the drip from them, often surround each stem of Mauritia with a little pool or morass of its own, which is best seen on the savannahs of the Upper Ori- noco—for instance, on that which stretches from the village of Esmeralda to the foot of Mount Duida, where numerous plants of Mauritia are scattered singly over the wide plain. In the Lower Oriental Andes, it is fond of growing near springs, where it finds the necessary moisture, and aids in maintaining it by protecting the springs from evaporation. The inhabitants take advantage of this property to plant Mauritias near their wells of water; whence the Peruvian name of the Palm, “el Achuál," is often applied also to the well it overshadows and protects. The prevalent opinion, or rather superstition, throughout Ama- zonia and Guayana is, that the Mauritia has the power of at- tracting water to itself wherever planted. This is what Velasco says of it in his ‘Historia Natural de Quito, p. 73 :—“ The Palm Aguáshi (or Achuál) has the property of drawing water to it, from whatever distance ; so that this Palm is nowhere seen without a spring of water at its foot, or some rivulet close by. The reason of this is not that it will not grow except where there is water, but because water can never be wanting where it grows. With the certainty of this, when any spring has dried DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 79 up, the Indians of Maynas plant one of these Palms, and the water soon wells up again. In whatever part of the forest, high or low, they descry a Palm of this kind, they go up to it, assured of finding delicious water at its foot." Humboldt heard the same thing at Esmeralda, where, in 1853, I saw the Mauritia still growing as abundantly as he had seen it half a century before me, although the human inhabitants had almost disappeared. “ The trees," he says, “ preserve the mois- ture of the ground by their shade; and hence the Indians say that the Mauritia draws the water round its roots by a myste- rious attraction. . . . . .. Thus the untutored child of nature confounds cause and effect” *. The only edible part of the fruit of the Mauritia is the rather thin orange pulp, which easily separates from the endocarp when ripe, but is clad with cartilaginous scales that it requires practice to get rid of. The Indians of Venezuela are fond of it, eating it with or without cassava, and find it quite sufficient to sustain life for a considerable time without other food. I used to think it insipid, but I rather liked the “ yucuta,” or wine, prepared from it. At Maypures and elsewhere on the Orinoco, when the fruit of the Mauritia is ripe enough to fall of itself, it is gathered up, the pulpy covering is rubbed off and kneaded into a mass, which is wrapped up in fresh leaves of “ Platanillo” (Uranie sp. ?), and enveloped in a framework of slips of Blowing-cane Palm (Iriartea setigera), made first into a cylinder, and then the ends brought together and tied tightly, so as to bring it to a spindle-shape. In this way the pulp is kept for weeks, until it becomes intensely acid. When used, it is mixed with water and passed through a sieve, which retains all the scales of the fruit; and a little sugar or molasses being added, it makes a pleasant cooling drink, which, like the wine of the * Seje" (GZnocarpus Bataud), is emi- nently diuretic and slightly laxative. Bundles of this “ Moriche curtido” (as it is called) are sent for sale up to San Fernando de Atabapo, the capital of the canton, where it is much esteemed. The Guahibos, Yarurus, and other Indians who roam over the wide savannahs between the Vichada and Meta, and use no canoes, often extemporize a raft from the stout petioles of the Mauritia when they have a river to cross. The chief native names of the Mauritia are “Ita” on the * * Aspects of Nature,’ Sabine’s Transl. i. p. 181. 80 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS, coast of Guayana, Moríche" in Venezuela, * Mirití" in Brazil, * Achuál" and * Aguáshi" in Peru. § 7. The Cultivated Palms of Equatorial America. In the course of my South-American travel I have seen only two Palms cultivated to any extent, viz. the common Cocoa-nut Palm (Cocos nucifera, L.) and the Peach Palm (Bactris Gasipaés, H., B., K., = Guilielmia speciosa, Mart.). Tt is curious that, of the earliest Spanish writers on the natural history of the New World, those who knew only the eastern side of the continent, the West-Indian Islands, and Mexico, such as Hernandez and Oviedo, assert that the Coco Palm was introduced into America by the Spanish settlers ; while those who were fa- miliar with the Paeifie coast, including some of the earliest tra- vellers in Peru, such as Cieza de Leon, say positively that it was already found growing on that coast, especially in the equatorial regions, when the Spaniards first arrived there. It is possible that all spoke truly, according to their knowledge, and that, although this palm may be indigenous only to the islands of the Pacific Ocean, it had really reached the western coast of America, either by accident or design, long before the advent of the white man. Velasco, in his eagerness to vindicate his country's claim to the * Hatun-Chonta," or Great Palm, as the Indians call it, gets very angry with those who dispute it. * One may see," he says, “ with what levity some authors relate a thousand falsehoods, like Frav- cisco Hernandez, a native of Mexico, who in his Latin history as- serts that Cocos were transplanted from the East to the West Indies by the Spaniards ; whereas on their first arrival they found Cocos laden with fruit, which is never seen on stems less than from 16 to 20 years old’’*. The cultivation of the Cocoa-nut is limited to the regions bor- dering the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. As we ascend the Ama- zon it gradually becomes sterile. At Manaos, 800 miles up, the fruits appear fully formed externally, but are invariably empty. At San Carlos del Rio Negro, almost exactly midway between the two oceans, there were, in 1854, two well-grown Coco Palms which had never even flowered. The second palm, cultivated in the regions of the Amazon and * Hist. Nat. de Quito, p. 54. Hernandez, * Plantarum, Animalium, &c., Megi- canorum Historia,’ lib. iii. cap. 40. DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS, 81 Orinoco, is’ an undoubted native; for it belongs to a genus (Bactris) unknown out of Tropical America. It is the Bactris Gasipaés of Humboldt and Bonpland (Nov. Gen. i. p. 802, t. 700), but better known by Martius's name, Guilielmia speciosa (Palm. 82, t. 66, 67), an untenable name, as it seems to me; for Guili- elmia is undistinguishable as a genus from Bactris, and “ spe- ciosa ” is not the original specific name. Be this as it may, the palm is well known by its Brazilian name of * Popunha,” and as the * Peach Palm” of Humboldt, whose vivid description of it, as he saw it growing at San Fernando de Atabapo, will be familiar to most readers. The clustered stems of the Peach Palm grow to 60 or even 90 feet high, and are thickly armed with long prickles. The nume- rous curling and drooping leaves rarely exceed 7 feet, and they have from fifty to sixty leaflets on each side, aggregate by threes and fours and pointing in all directions. The fruits are massed into large pendulous corymbs ; and if from their size and vivid colours of yellow and red they may be likened to a well-ripened peach, in shape they more resemble a hen’s egg, although usually rather more conical. The thick firm flesh is mealy when cooked, something between a potato and a chestnut in flavour, and superior to either. A seedless variety is common ; but the fruits are much smaller and contain no more edible matter than those that have a stone (or endocarp) at the centre. Such is the Peach Palm ; and now as to its origin. I first saw a few plants of it at Manáos, within the mouth of the Rio Negro ; and on ascending towards the head-waters of that river, and espe- cially on its tributaries the Uaupés and Casiquiari, I saw it grow- ing abundantly in every Indian village—as also on the Atabapo, and on the Orinoco itself above the cataracts. At San Fernando Humboldt heard it called * Pirijao" and “ Pihiguao;" but the Venezuelans now write and pronounce “ Pijiguao.” I tried in vain to find a root for this name in any of the native languages; and when I asked the people where they supposed the palm had originally come from, they pointed westward and said, “ From the Cordilleras;" and I got a similar answer from the natives of the Uaupés. When at length I reached those Cordilleras, and travelled along their eastern foot from 7? S. latitude to the equator, I found, indeed, the Peach Palm very abundant, but still only in the neigh- bourhood of habitations, and always a cultivated plant. If, how- LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. G 82 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. ever, I remained in as complete ignorance as before of its true native country, I saw at once that the Venezuelans, along with the plant, had got also its name from the Andes, but travestied ; for the Peruvians call it (in their native quichua) “ Pisho-guayo,” i. e. Bird-fruit, whence to “ Pijiguao " the transition is easy. This is not its only Andine name; for it is also very commonly called “ Chonta-ráru," i. e. Palm-egg or Palm-fruit (which indeed applies to the fruit of all Palms, but is considered to pertain to the Peach Palm par excellence)—and also * Chonta-dura," although this name belongs rather to the wood, which is black and tough and takes a fine polish, and is the usual material for lance-shafts among the Jibaro and Zaparo Indians. Humboldt heard the Peach Palm called * Chontadura"' at Popayán, on the western side of the Andes of New Granada, where also it appears to have been cultivated *. Although I am compelled to leave the native country of the Peach Palm doubtful, I quite expect the wild plant will still be met with in some unexplored recess of the Oriental Andes, perhaps with the fruit so much smaller and drier than what it has become by long eultivation as to be not easily recognizable. $ 8. The Heights attained by Palms in the Amazon Valley. I shall supplement this chapter by saying a few words on the height of palms. Humboldt having seen at some points of his South-American journey the crowns of palms standing so com- pletely above the surrounding forest as to give the idea of “ a forest above a forest," that has been rashly assumed by some writers to be a universal characteristic of American palms. A traveller approaching by sea the cities of Panamá, Guayaquil, and many others within the tropics, will see groves of Coco-palms towering far above the bushy spreading Mangos and Ingas that nestle at their base ; but the latter are by no means forest-trees, nor is the Coco a forest-palm. Let him, however, leave the coast and pene- trate the virgin forest beyond, and he will see that the loftiest palms do not usually exceed the exogenous trees of average * * Chonta" is the Peruvian word for * Palm." In Maynas the common word for “ fruit" is * guáyo (huáyu)," in Canelos “ rúru.” Velasco says “Fruit, in the language of Peru, is called ruru, and in that of Quito lulun, which, also means ‘egg ; ' hence the fruit of any Palm is called Chonta-ruru. And it is to be noted that sometimes the fruit is taken for the whole tree, and the tree for the fruit, as happens also in other languages " (Z. c. p. 53). DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 83 height, and that, except on the river-banks, they are often quite hidden from view until closely approached. From some of the naked-topped granite hills of the Rio Negro and Orinoco, and from the ascent of the eastern side of the Andes, I have looked over perfect oceans of forest, and am able to assert that very rarely do palms domineer over all other trees—so rarely, indeed, that I believe I have only noted it twice, and that on a very limited area, during the whole course of my travels. On the con- trary, the foliage of a grove of gregarious palms, such as the Piassaba and the great Caraná, is usually depressed below the top of the surrounding forest. In faithfully recording my own experience, I have no thought of impugning the testimony of other, and no doubt equally con- scientious observers. Humboldt and Bonpland assure us that they saw Wax-palms (Ceroxzylon andicola) 180 feet high in the cool forests of the Andes of New Granada, and therefore no doubt surpassing every other tree in their neighbourhood. Dampier, in his graphic account of Campeachy, says, “ As the [Silk] Cotton is the biggest tree in the woods, so the Cabbage-tree [or palm] is the tallest; the body is not very big, but very high and straight. I have measured one in the Bay of Campeachy 120 feet long as it lay on the ground; and there are some much higher. . .... Those trees appear very pleasant, and they beautify the whole wood, spreading their green branches over all other trees”*. Here he plainly speaks of the appearance of the forest from the sca; and his testimony does not contradict my own ; for I concede that the low forest, such as usually grows at the swampy heads of bays and along inundated river-margins, is overtopped by Cocos, Mau- ritias, and other maritime and riparial palms. It only remains to adduce the measurements on which the fore- going conclusions depend. The loftiest forest-trees of the Amazon valley do not exeeed 200 feet in height. The tallest tree from which I ever gathered flowers was about 140 feet; but I have measured a prostrate tree that was 157 feet long; and having pre- viously lost the top, that would have made the entire length 10 to 20 feet more, or, say, 170 feet. But I have trustworthy testi- mony from the late Messrs. Campbell, of Pará, and others, that Silk Cotton-trees(Eriodendron Samawma, Mart.) and Pará-nut trees (Bertholletia excelsa, H., B., K.) have been cut down measuring full 200 feet, which is, indeed, very credible from the height to * Travels, vol. i. p. 165. a 2 84 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. which they are seen towering over all neighbouring trees. From these, and many other instances, I conclude that the real patri- archs of the primeval forest range from 120 to 200 feet high. The tallest palms I ever cut down were of three species—Mauw- ritia flexuosa, Euterpe oleracea, and Iriartea ventricosa; the entire height of each of which was about 80 feet. But my object being to obtain specimens of the leaves, flowers, and fruit, I naturally selected the most accessible, not the loftiest, and in every case I saw palms of the same species, standing near, fully half as high again as the one I had cut down. Altitudes of the loftiest of these palms, and of GZnocarpus Bataud, taken with a sextant, never exceeded 120 feet. Cocos nucifera rarely exceeded 100 feet ; and persons who have seen this palm also in the East assure me that in the New World its dimensions fall much below what it attains in the Old. Comparing these two groups of data, it will be seen how very rarely in Amazon forests palms can overtop and * spread their green branches” above all surrounding trees. But if neither trees nor Palms grow so exceedingly lofty there as they do in some other parts of the world, there can be little dispute that they excel those of all other regions in beauty and infinite variety. To fully appreciate this, the botanist should travel, as I have done, from the mouth of the Amazon to its sources in the summits of the Andes, “ Through palmy shades and aromatic woods, That grace the plains, invest the peopled hills, And up the more than Alpine mountains wave.” Tuomson, Summer, 1. 763-5. CHAPTER III. ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE GENERA OF PALMS. § 1. Palms have been divided into Five Tribes, of rather indefinite character *. For the purpose of describing the few Palms of my own gather- ing, it will not be necessary to take the whole Order into consi- deration, nor to attempt to remodel existing genera and their distri- bution into Tribes; but I will string together a few observations * Confer Kunth, * Enumeratio Plantarum, vol. iii. p. 168 e seq.; Endli- cher, ‘Genera Plantarum, pp. xi et 244; Martius, ‘Genera et Species Pal- marum. DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 85 of my own, compare them with those of other botanists, and thence try to show how a more satisfactory and natural arrangement of Palms may be arrived at. The tribes into which the order of Palmaces has been divided, although constituting, with a few exceptions, natural groups of genera, have been founded chiefly on supposed, but not very real, differences in the structure of the ovary and fruit. The first Tribe, Arecine, is said to have an “ ovarium e carpidiis 3, rarius 2, primitus connatis, 3- vel 2-loculare, rarissime carpidio unico 1-locu- lare. Fructus baccatus.” Tribe IV., Coryphine, has also usually baccate fruit; but the ovaries (carpels) are said to be “ primitus distincta." Tribe III., Borassine, has nearly always drupaceous fruit: “dru- pa 1—3-pyrena indivisa vel lobata, interdum bacca monosperma ;”’ and the ovary is said to be 2-3- (rarely 4-)celled. Of Tribe IL, Lepidocaryine, so well distinguished by its scaly fruits, and Tribe V., Cocoine, by its symmetrical triforaminate en- docarp, more anon. Now, if we conjoin Tribes III. and IV., and eliminate there- from a few genera (Geonoma, Phenix, &c.) to be added on to Tribe I. (Arecine), we get (from the three) two tolerably natural groups; but their true characters are by no means those above stated. $ 2. The Ovaries of all Palms consist normally of three Carpels. On examining and comparing the ovaries of Palms, we shall find that their normal condition is to have three carpels (“ carpidia ” of Martius, Endlicher, &c.), four or five only by rare exception, and fewer than three only by abortion. Even in Geonoma, which has the ovary usually reduced to a single uniovulate carpel, the trifid style, arising from the base of the ovary on the inner side, betrays the triple nature of the ovary; and on exploring a good many female flowers of any species of Geonoma, we shall be almost certain to find one or more ovaries consisting of three carpels united at the base to a central style, the two sterile ones either persisting as minute warts at the base of the fertile carpel, or dis- appearing altogether when the latter is ripe*. * It will be seen from this that Geonoma has been described quite hypothe- tically to have “a trilocular ovary.” I first satisfied myself of its true nature in 1852, when collecting at the cataracts of the Rio Negro; and I have fully de- scribed the similar structure of Wettinia in the Linnean Journal for April, 86 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. In Wettinia, a genus formerly banished from the true Palms, and described to have a perfectly simple ovary, I have invariably found three carpels, combined only at the very base, whereof the two sterile ones remain adhering as two knobs at the base of the ripened fertile carpel. In Nunnezharia also the three carpels are very obvious, and the sterile ones persist after the same fashion. § 3. Palme Exocarpice, or Palms which have the sterile carpels excluded from the pericarp of the ripe fruit. In most of the Arecine, then, in some Coryphine, &c. the nor- mal condition is to have an ovary of three carpels, either entirely separate, or joined from the base up to a greater or less height, but very rarely quite to the summit, three styles, nearly always com- bined into one, and springing from the centre of the ovary or from the point of divergence of the carpels, with as many distinct stigmas. In most cases only one carpel is fertile, and in ripening it swells chiefly at the outer circumference, scarcely at all at the inner; so that when ripe, the style and the abortive carpels re- main adhering to the inner face, or to the very base, of the fruit, or their former site is indicated by a lateral scar; but they do not grow along with the fertile carpel into a 8-celled fruit with two empty cells. This group we may be allowed to call “ Exo- carpice "* *, § 4. Palme Endocarpice, or Palms which have the sterile carpels included in the pericarp. But in what we may call * Palme Endocarpicz," the carpels are, from the first, united to the very apex, and have a terminal style, or three terminal sessile stigmas; the ripe fruit is symmetrical, and the carpels are combined within a single endocarp, which is marked (usually towards one end) with as many foramina as there are carpelst. When, as is usually the case, only one of the car- pels is fertile, then the foramen opposite to that carpel is open and the others are closed (foramina ceca) ; but if two or three of the carpels be fertile, then the endocarp has as many true perfo- rations. 1859. In mentioning this I put forth no claim to a first discovery. Other cau- tious observers must have seen the same thing, possibly before I did. * Martius and Endlicher express the exocarpie structure by * Fructus endo- carpio cujusvis carpidii distincto, aut abortivorum a fertilis formatione excluso." t “Fructus monopyrenus, szepissime unilocularis, loculis abortivis in fertilis putamine seu endocarpio inclusis." (Mart., Endl.) DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 87 This structure has been considered to pertain only to the fruit of the Cocoine, whose black bony endocarp renders it very con- spicuous ; but it seems to me to exist also in other palm-fruits, which have the stigmas at the geometrical apex of the ovary and fruit, but in which it is detected with greater difficulty, on account of the endocarp being a membrane of extreme tenuity. § 5. Tribes are insufficiently characterized by variations in the Exocarpic Structure. If we consult and compare the characters of the genera of Palms, as given by Kunth and Endlicher, we shall see that every possible modification of the exocarpic structure occurs in Arecine ; and the same thing, with a little limitation, is to be remarked of Borassine and Coryphine. The contrast of *carpidia primitus connata ” in Arecine, and “ carpidia primitus distincta " in Cory- phine, is found to have no existence. In Corypha itself, and in Co- pernicia, I find the carpels from the first combined to a greater or less height. Ifin such Coryphinous genera as Chamerops, Thri- nax, and Ahapis the carpels are distinct to the very base, so also are they in the Arecinous genera Geonoma, Wettinia, Nunnez- haria, &c. The exocarpie character serves, in fact, to unite, not to separate, the tribes Arecinz, Coryphinz, and Borassinzm. To distinguish them, if distinction there be, we must seek elsewhere. § 6. Homologies of the Pericarp of Palm-fruits. I must here interrupt my quest to remark that the nomencla- ture of the fruits of Palms requires to be put on a firmer basis; for in a multitude of cases what one author has called a “drupe” another calls a “berry ; " and if it be admitted that there may be both dry drupes and dry one-seeded berries, the distinction will be reduced to depend on the nature of the endocarp, not on its presenee or absence; for I believe it is always present in some shape or other. The number of separate (or separable) envelopes is by no means the same in the pericarps of all palms, some having apparently only two, others three, and many four, each of which may consist of several lamine that are themselves sometimes easy to separate, besides the envelopes of the seeds, or “ nucleus," as it has been called. In the Yagua Palm (Attalea Humboldtiana, sp. n.) the envelopes of the drupe are:—(1) a thin brown skin, or epicarp, clad with deciduous lepra; (2) several separable fibrous laminw forming a 88 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. layer 13 line thick ; (3) an equal thickness of similar but stouter fibrous laminz adhering into a woody mass or outer shell; (4) the true endocarp, ? line thick, black, bony, and with difficulty sepa- rated from the outer envelope. The thin mesocarp of Zriartea exorrhiza is separable into two or three fibrous layers, and that of GZnocarpus minor into many such Jayers. In the latter the laminæ are flabellately veined, the simple veins (fibres) radiating from the base to the apex. In Leopoldinia minor and L. Piassaba, besides the fleshy meso- carp next the skin, there is an endocarp consisting of a great many separable layers, whereof the outermost is entirely com- posed of stout woody interwoven and anastomosing veins or fibres; while the inner layers get gradually thinner, and the veins merely cross without anastomosing, until the innermost is a delicate almost veinless membrane. It might safely be inferred, from à prior? considerations alone, that the layers of the pericarp were modified leaves; but their true homology is made most clear by the structure of the fruit of Leopoldinia, where the lamine are exactly miniature counterparts of the reticulated petiole-sheaths. In the genus Bactris the cha- racteristic striæ of the leaf-sheaths are reproduced on the epicarp, and the aculei on the endocarp, as I shall have to describe more fully in the sequel. The pericarp, then, is composed of imbri- cated rudimentary leaves, whereof the blade is undeveloped or reduced toa minimum. Even the raphe, with its thin white veins netting over the testa, is but a modified leaf-sheath, a sort of ovular bract subtending the ovule from its first appearance, and growing with its growth. § 7. The Scales of the loricated fruits of the Tribe Lepidocaryine are rudimentary Leaf-blades. But in Mauritia and other Lepidocaryine the carpophylla, or fruit-leaves, consist not only of a sheath, but of a rudimentary blade, at first a minute erect scale, but after fertilization becoming retrorse, and clothing the ripe fruit with shining rhombic scales that give it a beautiful loricated or tessellated appearance, and liken it to a fir-cone. Dissection affords ample proof that these scales are really the homologues of the fan-shaped leaf-blade of Mauritia. DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 89 § 8. Palm-fruits are all formed on one general plan, with many partial modifications, which cannot well be classed under only two heads. Hence, while it is plain that all Palm-fruits are constructed on the same general plan, and might therefore be well designated by a single name (“ drupa ”), there are modifications of structure which seem to require the invention of new terms for them, and are not at all sufficiently distinguished by calling some fruits “ drupes ”’ and others “ berries," as is rendered plain by the contradictory use different authors have made of those terms. § 9. All Palms may be brought under Two nearly equal but some- what artificial Divisions, by the ZEstivation of the Corolla of the Female Flower. To resume the question of classification. If we seek to divide the entire order of Palms into two great groups by contrasting a single pair of characters, we find it readily in the corolla of the female flower ; for, while throughout the order the petals of the male flowers are uniformly valvate in estivation, and often more or less united into a gamopetalous corolla, there is a very large assemblage of genera which has the petals of the female flowers also valvate, and another almost equally large which has them widely imbricated. The division of Valvatipetale includes all the Lepidocaryine, all the true Borassine and Coryphine (namely, those that have fan-shaped leaves), Geonoma, Calyptronoma, Leo- poldinia, and other Arecine, chiefly of humble growth, and all the prickly Cocoine except Acrocomia; while the second division, or Inbricatipetale, comprises all the unarmed Cocoine, most of the taller-growing Arecins (such as Areca, Euterpe, Enocarpus, Iri- artea, &c.) together with Phenix and a few other pinnate-leaved genera that have hitherto been tacked on to Borassine and Cory- phine, where they are quite out of place. This breaks up Arecine ; but the genera (such as GZnocarpus and Oreodoxza) thus brought into juxtaposition with Cocos and Attalea have undeniably some degree of affinity, and often much general resemblance to them. There are even some species of (nocarpus with symmetrical fruits and apical stigmas, as in Cocos, contrary to the general character of the Arecine, which is to have excentric fruits. The greatest objection, however, to making these differences in the female flower the positive basis of a pri- mary division of the order is, that we thereby separate two genera 90 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. so very closely related as Wettinia and Iriartea, the former having valvate and the latter imbricated petals in the female flower—and also Acrocomia (which has an imbricated female corolla) from the rest of the prickly Cocoine, which have valvate corollas. While, therefore, I should take the zestivation of the female co- rolla as the best possible basis of an artificial analysis of the genera, I could not repose a natural arrangement upon it. § 10. Palms are more naturally divided, from the Spathes, into Spathiflore and Spathelliflore. Another pair of characters, one that is thoroughly natural and easily seized upon, may be derived from the spathes. It divides all Palms into what I would call *Spathiflore " and “ Spathelli- flore," whose characters are the following :— SrATHIFLORJ. Spadices either simple or vaguely branched, never truly pinnate; if compound, then paniculate ; ifsimply branched, often scopeform. Spathes (one or more) inserted on the peduncle; at first fusiform, entire, and completely including the young spadix ; then bursting for the emission of the spadix, which usually lengthens considerably (as the flowers and fruits advance to maturity) in the palms with deciduous spathes, but rarely ever exceeds, or even equals, the woody persistent spathes of other palms. Except for these general envelopes, the rhachis and branches of the spadix are nearly naked, the bracts sub- tending the branches and flowers being generally reduced to mere scales. SPATHELLIFLORÆ. Spadices pinnately branched, branches di- stichous and alternate; if again divided, then the ramuli also distichous. Spathes usually none; but the peduncle, rhachis, and branches completely hidden by tubular distichously imbri- cated bracts (spathelle), which are oblique-mouthed, and sometimes widened upwards (cyathiform). The Spathelliflore include all fan-leaved Palms, whether Boras- sine, or Coryphine, or Lepidocaryine of Martius and Endlicher, and both fan-leaved and pinnate-leaved genera of Lepidocaryine, All other Palms are Spathiflore. The scaly fruits of the Lepidocaryine mark them well out from the rest of the Spathelliflore ; and it is here that the only aberra- DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 91 tions from the typical character occur—two Eastern genera, Cera- tolobus and Demonorops, having complete spathes as well as spathelle, while the spadices are paniculate. But this is only one of those instances of transition to a more universal type which beset all our systems. $ 11. The Tribes and Genera of Palms (and of all other plants?) are imperfectly characterized if the Structure of the Leaves be not taken into consideration. In classifying Palms I should like to avail myself of the import- ant characters afforded by the foliage. In this case, as in that of other groups of Phanerogams, we seek for recondite features in the flowers and fruits, and shut our eyes to, or at least leave out of our generic and tribual characters, the very obvious and often constant characters afforded by the leaves—ignoring the fact that in all stable groups, whether of higher or lower rank, there should be some correlation of strueture in every organ, which it is the systematist's part to trace out and rate at its true value. I do not here attempt to follow out my notions to their results, because I have been unable to reexamine many of the larger-fruited even of the American Palms, without which I cannot venture to decide on some presumed affinities. For my present purpose the fol- lowing conspectus will sufficiently characterize the few genera with which I shall have to deal; and for further elucidation I must refer to the detailed accounts of the genera and species which follow. $. 12. Conspectus Generum Palmas Spruceanas complectentium. SPATHIFLORHZ. Spadix vage ramosus simplexve, primum spathis universalibus (una pluribusve) pedunculo adnatis obvelatus. Folia simplicia bifurca, pinnatisecta vel pinnata. Fructus esquamatus. Carpella (plerumque 3) distincta vel plus minus alte coalita, sepissime unicum fertile, maturatum asymmetricum, duobus sterilibus e fertilis pericarjio exclusis. Corolla 9 gamopetala vel petalis valvatis constans. Calycis utriusque sexus sepala imbricata. Spathe 2. Stamina 6 ; filamenta in tubum coalita ; antherz loculi lineares omnino discreti. Baccæ haud compresse. Gronoma, Willd. Stamina 6; filamenta sublibera ; anther orbiculares dorsifixe. Drupæ insigniter compress. LEOPOLDINIA, Mart. 92 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. Calyx utriusque sexus gamophyllus vel sepalis valvatis constans. Spathz 3 vel plures. Spadices solitarii. Stamina 6, raro 9. Andrceceum floris 9 0. Bacce glabræ nitide. NUNNEZHARILA, R. et P. Spadices verticillati simpliciter ramosi, ramis tenuibus. Andreceum fl. 9 filamentis 6 constans. Bacce glabra: S eoe Morenita, R. et P. Spadices verticillati simplices vel ramosi, ramis validis congestis. Stamina 12-16. Baecs villose. Wertinta, Popp. et Endl. Corolle floris 9 petala late imbricata. Spathe plures. Stamina 12-50. Sepala fl. g valvata. Pinnæ apice lato premorse. InrAgTEA, R. et P. Spathe 2. Stamina 6. Spadicis scopeformis rhachis brevissima, rami floriferi penduli. Sepala fl. g valvata. Folia pinnis acutis, vagina petiolari fusiformi antice fissa. (ExocanPus, Mart. Spadicis rhachis elongata, rami floriferi porrecti. Se- pala fl. ¢ imbricata. Folia pinnis acutis, vagina petiolari cylindrica integra. EUTERPE, Mart. Carpella 3 (raro plura) in ovarium triloculare coalita, unico loculo sepius fertili, sterilibus tamen cum fertili intra putamen unicum symmetricum triforaminatum receptis. Aculeatz. Sepala petalaque fl. 9 valvata vel gamophylla. Endocarpium apice foraminatum. Stamina fl. ¢ 6 (raro plura) toro basilari imposita. An- dreceum fl. 9 0. Petala fl. d acuta. Folia simplicia, pinnatisecta vel pinnata; pinnis alternis sspissime aggregatis basi reduplicatis, nunquam in cirros abeuntibus; vaginis ore hinc in ligulam protensis. Bacrris, Jacq. Petala fl. d acuminata. Folia pinnata, pinnis oppositis e basi eonstricta spurie petiolatis, superioribus in cirros abeuntibus, vagina petiolari in ocream elon- gata... Ia S Desmoncus, Mart. Stamina fl. ¢ 6 ex ima corolla orta. Androeceum fl. 9 eupulare corolle adnatum. Astrocaryum, Mey. DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 93 Inermes. Sepala petalaque fl. Q9 convoluto-imbricata. Endocarpium basi foraminatum. Stamina 6 inclusa ............ Cocos, L. Stamina 6 exserta ............ MAXIMILIANA, Mart. Stamina 9-24 inclusa ......... ATTALEA, H., B., K. SPATHELLIFLORÆ. Spadix pinnato-ramosus, spathellis (bracteis tubularibus cyathiformibusve) plurimis distiche imbricatis tunicatus, spatha universali nulla. Folia sæpius flabelliformia. Lepidocaryinæ. Fructus squamulis retrorsis loricatus. Flores polystichi. Corolla d mpetala Mavra, L. f. Corolla ¢ gamopetala............ Onoruowa, Spruce. ores distichi ey. Leprpocaryum, Mart. § 13. Neither the Degree of Excentricity of the Fruit, nor the Position of the Embryo in the Seed, is to be relied on in the for- mation of large Natural Genera of Palms. As far as possible, I have religiously preserved the genera within the limits assigned to them by the excellent Martius, choosing rather to stabilitate the ancient landmarks than to set up new ones. It will be seen that I have placed little stress on the de- gree of adhesion of the carpels in the ovary, which varies in closely allied species of the same genus—or on the measure of excentri- city of the ripened carpel (when solitary), which is liable to quite as much variation. In so very natural a genus as GZnocarpus we find some fruits with lateral, others with apical stigmas. Under the genus Zriartea I shall have to point out the phases of structure in the ovary, fruit, and embryo, in species otherwise closely related in habit, foliage, &c., which have seemed to some authors sufficient to justify the breaking-up of that small genus into five!* The ovule (solitary, rarely twin) is uniformly subsessile at the inner angle of the base of each carpel, and in most of the ovaries I have been able to examine is more or less completely anatropous ; but neither does the position of the micropyle seem a constant concomitant of other peculiarities of structure. The embryo, in the exocarpic or excentric-fruited genera, occu- pies almost every possible position on the periphery of the seed, being apical, basal, or medial in species otherwise closely related, * The experienced botanist will at once call to mind analogous structures in such an order as Rutaceæ, in the umbraculiform Cordiz, and in other polycar- pellary families and genera. 94 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. as is best seen in Iriartea. In Phenix some species have the embryo almost basal, in others it is midway (in P. farinifera, Roxb., &.). In Thrinax, a genus which has (by abortion) a solitary carpel, the ripe seed has the embryo in some species at the geometrical apex, in others at a short distance below it; and so of many other genera. But in the genera with symmetrical fruits the embryo is pretty constant to one position in all the species. § 14. The Number of complete Spathes is of great importance in defining the Genera. A good generic character seems to be afforded by the number of complete spathes, whether one, two, or many; but it has not in all cases been correctly ascertained. Two spathes coexist in some genera, where the outer of the two may be overlooked, from its being frailer and deciduous at an earlier stage than the inner— or from its remaining concealed within the sheathing base of the petiole, as happens to some Geonome, Bactrides, Astrocarya, &c. ; and sometimes both spathes fall away with the first expansion of the spadix, long before the flowers are fully formed, which may cause them to escape observation altogether, as in Leopoldinia. § 15. On the Separation of the Sexes, its importance in the economy of the plant, and the slight value of generic and specific cha- racters founded upon it. Contrary to the example of my predecessors, I have made scarcely any use of the sexual phases of the inflorescence in the characters of either species or genera ; for I have found many so-called dioi- cous inflorescences to be often monoicous, and that all possible phases of a diclinous inflorescence may be exhibited by species of the same genus. To explain how this comes about, we must first remark that, with few aberrations, the ternary type prevails throughout the organization of Palms. Not only are the parts of the flower some multiple of three, but there is a tendency to a tristichous arrangement of the leaves, which is most obvious in the Lepidocarya and other slender-stemmed palms; the spadices, if more than one on a leaf-ring (or axil), are commonly three, six, or nine, the middle one of each triplet being a female, the two lateral ones male spadices; and the flowers, following the same law, stand normally three together, often half-immersed in an alveole of the rhachis, the middle flower being a female, and the flower on each side of it a male. In many palms there is a tendency of the ¢ flowers to become DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 95 abortive, or even obsolete, in the lower part of the branches of the spadix, leaving the 9 flowers solitary in or on their receptacle ; while in the upper part of the same branches it is the 9 flowers that disappear, and the d flowers that remain standing thereon in pars. This is the usual structure in the Cocoina, e. gr. in Bactris, Attalea, &c. ; and in the imbricate-petaled Arecinæ, such as Euterpe, Gnocarpus, &c. In other palms all the triplets of flowers, by the abortion of one sex or the other, will become unisexual on the entire spadix, causing some spadices to be solely male, with twin flowers, others female, with solitary flowers. This occurs most frequently in Geonoma and its allied genera Leopoldinia, Nunnezharia, &c., where the female flowers may be actually present on the male spadix, but remain effete between the pair of perfect females; and on the female spadix the male flowers, one on each side of the perfect female flower, never emerge from the alveole, but wither away unopened ; or the flowers of the missing sex may be really obsolete. This gives rise to a very curious phenomenon which I would call * Alternation of Function." I first ascertained its existence when at San Carlos del Rio Negro, near the debouchure of the Casiquiari, in this way. In May, 1852, I found a small plot of ground in the forest covered with plants of a delicate palm, a species of Geonoma, growing about ten feet high. The plants were all females, and bore young fruits. On revisiting the spot in the same month of the fol- lowing year, I saw, to my astonishment, the very same plants all bearing male flowers alone! But the mystery disappeared when, on examination, I made out that male and female spadices must have alternated all the way up the stem. Afterwards I found that the same, or a similar alternation of function existed in many other palms, and that plants exercising (pro fem.) the male func- tion stood rarely far apart from others exercising the female function. The following are the types of alternation that have fallen under my notice :— 9 — d in Geonoma discolor and other species. 9 ~ 9 in G. paniculigera, chelidonura, &e. d ~ 9d in Mazimiliana regia and some other palms. It is quite possible that extended observation might disclose the existence of all these modes of alternation in one and the same species; and I suppose they must all be regarded as inter- 96 DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. mediate steps towards that complete dioicity which many species of palms have already attained. It is easy to conceive how this change of function may operate as a kind of repose to the plant, whose energies will be less severely taxed when every alternate year (or season) it is relieved from the burden of maturing the fruit. In species that have (apparently) become permanently dioicous, it is curious to note how the female flowers still stand singly, the male flowers in pairs, on their respective spadices and stems, the missing flowers of the opposite sex being sometimes indicated by scars or by empty bracteoles. In Lepidocaryum the flowers are distichous on the ramuli of the spadices, solitary in their recep- tacles on the female plant, twin on the male. From all this it is obvious that the specific characters that have been drawn from the flowers standing by ones, twos, or threes, in or on their receptacles, are absolutely null; for they merely indi- cate sexual conditions, not specific differences. § 16. The Flowers of Palms were probably at first Bisexual. That all palms (or, we might almost say, all plants) had in the remote past bisexual flowers, and have ever been tending towards a complete separation of the sexes, is highly probable; for the multiplication of individuals leads to the division of labour, in the processes of plant-life, as well as in those of men, bees, ants, and other animals dwelling in communities. That the flowers of palms were originally all bisexual and self- fertilized, seems proved also by the existence of peculiarities of organization calculated to facilitate the process, and (though now become useless) still preserved, wholly or in part. The structure of the male flowers of Geonoma is a case in point. The pistils in these flowers (when present at all) are short and included; and such I suppose to have been their primitive state. The stamens, united below into a tube, have the free portion of the filament folded in at the apex, so as to bring the anthers into contact with the stigmas; and as the anthers burst by the effort the filament makes to unfold itself, some of the pollen must necessarily remain adhering to the stigmas. But the style having grown beyond the stamen-tube in some flowers, the stigmas became exposed and accessible to insects, by whose agency they would be more thoroughly fertilized by the pollen of other flowers. The offspring of the long-styled flowers, being more vigorous, would at length DR. R. SPRUCE ON EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 97 supplant the original form; so that we now find in Geonoma an effete ovary in the male flowers, a castrated stamen-tube in the female flowers—neither of the two of any actual use, but remnants of a structure which combined active organs of both sexes in the same flower. Some Eastern palms, especially among the Spathelliflore, are said to have at this day truly hermaphrodite flowers. Among American palms one finds in some species an occasional bisexual flower with all the organs perfect; but it is a case of extreme rarity. Even in Mauritia, where stamens are certainly present in the fertile flower, they have always seemed to me emasculated. Note 1. In the foregoing Introduction, and in the descriptions which follow, it will be remarked that I speak always of the “leaves” of palms; for “ fronds” they certainly are not, in the proper sense of that term, as applied to Ferns, to some Hepatic, &c. In describing the mode of division of the leaves I have distinguished (with Martius) “pinnately cut " from “ pinnate,” as follows :— Pinnatisecta, when a leaf is pinnately cloven down to the very rhachis in few divisions, usually only three on a side, which are almost or quite as broad at the base as at midway, and are inserted on a line parallel to the axis of the leaf (verticalia), Pinnata, when there are numerous distinct leaflets which are narrowed at the base from being folded back on their own midrib (reduplicata), and are ob- liquely inserted on the rhachis (seméverticalia). Note 2. For the species already described I have invariably adopted the most ancient name, and assigned it to its true author. The right of the author who has first named a species, and either intelligibly described it or published intel- ligible specimens of it, to have his name cited along with its name seems so in- defeasible, that no number of botanical congresses, nor the practice of any indi- vidual botanist, however eminent, can do away with it. So far as my own names are concerned, I feel tolerably indifferent about their fate—the ownership of a mere name is a possession of so very little value; but when I have seen (in a late volume of the * Prodromus) a writer not only ignoring that I had ever baptized any of the plants I had risked my life to gather, and coolly appropria- ting my names as his own, but also (in other cases) calling my foundlings by ugly names, and giving them bad characters, I confess to have felt a little of that indignation which a parent might legitimately give way to when told that his cherished offspring had been similarly ill-treated. Note 3. The dimensions are given in French feet and inches, except where otherwise specified ; and the miles spoken of are geographical. LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. H 98 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Geonoma. Gronoma, Willd. The humble but graceful palms composing this genus often grow beneath te shade of the Mauritias, Attaleas, and other lofty palms, and bear about the same relation to them as the Hazels of our European woods do to the giant Oaks and other cupuliferous trees about whose base they love to cluster; but they grow also along with trees of all orders, and are not entirely ab- sent from any class of forest, although perhaps less frequent in deeply inundated woods; and in open plains they are never found. Many of the species afford excellent thatch, especially those of the group “Tectorix,’” which have long simple forked leaves, whereof the type is Œ. baculifera, a species abounding in damp submaritime forests of Amazonia and Guayana. These leaves, known as “ Ubim " to the dwellers on the Amazon, * Dimíti" on the Casiquiari and Rio Negro, * Swallow-tail" to the English co- lonists in Honduras, and by many other local appellations, are usually fastened (to the number of eight or ten) on a lath, so as to widely overlap each other, and thus form a sort of long shingle. When exposed to atmospheric influences, they bleach almost white, but do not shrivel or curl in the least; so that a roof thatched with Ubím looks very neat, keeps out the rain perfectly, and lasts a long time. The species of Geonoma with divided leaves are known as * Ubim-rana," or False Ubím, and are rarely used as thatch, although they occasionally serve for packing salt fish and other products of the rivers and forests. Walking-canes are often made of the stems, but they have the defect of being rarely perfectly straight. I have never seen the fruit of any species eaten, the mesocarp being thin and gritty, and the kernel hard and tasteless ; but a species with edible fruit has been found by Wendland in Central America. All that I ean at present say of the geographical distribution of the Geonome is that they abound in the forests of the plain all the way from the northern to the southern tropic. In the Peru- vian and Equatorial Andes they exist chiefly about the base of the mountains, perhaps not climbing higher than 4000 feet; but in the highlands of New Granada and Mexico there are species which ascend to a much greater elevation. Stems.—The stems arise from a subterraneous globose rhizome that sends out stout horizontal roots, and usually reach a height Geonoma. | EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 99 of from 6 to 10 feet, very rarely overpassing 15 feet, their thickness being that of an ordinary walking-cane, or sometimes no greater than that of a swan’s quill; and their smooth polished straw-co- loured cuticle is marked with closely set rings (from 3 an inch to 4 inches apart). A few species are stemless : and their number is perhaps fewer than is supposed ; for I have never gathered any species which does not in its adult state rise above the ground with a distinct caudex. The stems vary in leafiness even in the same species. Characters drawn from the stems being either leafy throughout or else only at the apex, and from the position of the spadices, viz. arising from among the leaves or else below the leaves, are utterly fallacious ; for they indicate in most cases merely the age of the individual, and not any specifie difference. Young plants grow more rapidly, and the lowest leaf does not fall away until a good many succeeding ones have been developed; but as the plants grow higher they add on rings and leaves more and more slowly, and the older they are the fewer leaves do they bear at one time, the contemporaneous leaves in adult plants forming an apical crown exactly as in the larger palms. Neither on the stems nor any other part of the plant do there exist prickles or bristles of any kind; and even the pubescence of the young leaves and spadices very rarely persists until maturity. Leaves.—The leaves, in some species less than a foot long, in others reach 6 feet or more. They are of thinnish but firm tex- ture, and of a pleasant full green colour, which is mostly preserved in the dried specimens. The petiole of the largest leaves rarely exceeds from 1 to 2 feet; its sheathing base, a few inches long, is strongly but obtusely keeled at the back, but in front is ten- der and fibroso-membranous, soon breaking away after the evolu- tion of the leaf. The lamina varies through all phases of division (except that the pinn: are never cut at the slender acuminate points), being either entire or pinnatisect with 3-5 (rarely more) ligulate or rhomboidal pinne on each side, or pinnate with from ten to forty pairs of pinnw. Where the leaves vary from entire to pinnatisect in the same species, the pinnz or laciniz are mostly of very unequal breadth and searcely ever oppo- site; whereas in the species with normally pinnatisect leaves that never become simple, the pinne are usually opposite and subequal—although even in this case one or more of the pairs of pinne may be broken up into two pairs, whereof the lower pair is narrow and grassy, the number of veins in the whole leaf remain- H2 100 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Geonoma. ing unchanged. It is, in fact, on the number of the veins, rather than on that of the lacinix or pinnz, and on the angle they form with the costa or rhachis, that reliance is to be placed in discri- minating the species, although further observation is needed to determine between what limits these charaeters vary. The number of primary veins is also that of vernation-folds. The secondary veins, along which is the reentering angle of each fold, are often indistinct on the upperside of the leaf; but on the underside they are more prominent than the primary, and are there clad with a deciduous tomentum, mostly ferruginous and scaly, but some- times white and felty, being the only part of the leaf on which pubescence of any kind exists, except the petiole, which is, when young, more or less clad with the same kind of tomentum, and only becomes bald with age. Spadices.—The plants begin to flower when a few rings high ; and thereafter every ring or axil in some species bears a spadix in its turn; but in other species two or more rings intervene be- tween the successive spadices ; and a unisexual spadix often alter- nates with one bearing flowers of both sexes. In the stemless, or apparently stemless, species both leaves and spadices are, or seem to be, radical. The spadices vary in length from 2 or 3 inches to as many feet, and are usually suberect in flower, pendu- lous in fruit. They are simple, on long stalks, in a few species of peculiar aspect ; but in most of the species they are branched. The ramification is never pinnate; usually it is irregularly pani- culate, with a zigzag axis; and sometimes the crowded simple parallel branches render the panicle scopeform, although far less so than in the @nocarpi. No good or constant character can be drawn from the branches being simple or again branched, although in a few species the branching is tolerably true to one mode or the other. The whole of the spadix is, when young, clad more or less densely with very short, squarrose, and often crispate hairs, but becomes denuded usually about the time of flowering, leaving the cuticle rugose or shagreened. The branches are floriferous from a little above the base, nearly or quite to the apex, the flowers being contained in rather closely set deep alveoles, which are oblong or ovate in outline, and have more or less of a rim widening on the lower side into a sort of lip, whose form affords one of the best specific characters. The alveoles are normally uniflorous, the middle flower being 9, the two lateral (and more precocious) flowers g; but sometimes all the alveoles on a spadix Geonoma. | EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 101 contain but one flower each, and that one is 9, the lateral g flowers being obsolete; and on other spadices only the two d flowers of each alveole reach maturity, the included 9 flower re- maining small and effete within the alveole. Spadices of these two types often alternate on the same stem. The various modes in which the alveoles are arranged on the spadix afford characters for distinguishing the species. In many Geonome they are set round the rhachis in 5, 6, or 8 longitudinal rows; but it is scarcely correct to say, as has been said of most species *, that the flowers are “ tri- plurifariam imbricati ; " for (1) the alveoles and not the flowers are meant, and (2) they rarely stand so closely as to actually imbricate each other, at least in species hitherto described, although in my two new species, densi- Jlora and personata, and in Wendland's congesta, they are in rea- lity widely imbricated. These isostichous alveoles recall the similarly disposed leaves of many Meteoria among mosses, and of some Lycopodia. Spathes.—Each spadix is at first included in two spathes, aad emerges from them by bursting through their interior face, or, more rarely, through one edge. The spathes are elongato-fusi- form, in most cases a good deal flattened, and always ancipitous, the edges being often dilated into wings; and in a few species the dorsal edge of the outer spadix is replaced, especially near the apex, by a pair of parallel keels or wings. They vary in length from barely 2 inches in G. microspatha to a foot and a half in G. undata, and are mostly of tender chaffy consistence, breaking up lengthwise and falling away sometimes before the flowers are well opened. In a few species the spathes are firmer and more endu- ring ; and in nearly all cases perfect spathes (of spadices not yet evolved) may be found in the upper axils of the growing stem, although wanting to the flowering or fruiting spadices. They are, when young, densely clad with ferruginous tomentum, which, however, is easily rubbed off, and in age is usually quite ob- literated. Flowers.—Each alveole contains normally (as above said) three flowers, a female between two males. The flowers (usually about half-immersed) are trigonous and ovoid in the bud, and somewhat oblique or gibbous. Their outer angle is obtuse, and the lateral (inner) angles aeute, which arises from the outer sepal being * Vide Kunth, Enumer. Plant. iii. pp. 229-234. 102 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Geonoma. ecarinate, while the two lateral ones are sharply (or indeed alato-) carinate ; so that of each g flower the face abutting on the included 9 flower is bounded by two sharp angles. The sepals are ovate or oblong, slightly imbricated, and chaffy in texture. The corolla is more coriaceous or cartilaginous, yellow or purple in colour, nearly or quite twice the length of the calyx ; and the oval or lan- ceolate valvate petals are united to about midway, being free for a greater length in the d than in the 9 flower; and that is almost the sole difference. The relative length of the calyx and corolla in the male flower has been relied on as a character. I find it at best of little importance ; and it ean only be accurately determined in expanded flowers; for the corolla usually lengthens when about to open, whereas the ealyx remains unchanged, so that their proportions are rarely manifest in the flower-bud. Both d and 9 flowers are subtended by two or more amorphous chaffy bracteoles, truncate, erose, or lobed, and so short as never to emerge from the alveole. «The g flowers have six stamens, free from the corolla; but the filaments are united for half their length into a trigonous tube, and are, near the free apex, sharply folded down on themselves, the short inflexed portion bearing two completely separated linear anther-cells, at first deflexed and parallel, but ‘finally erecting themselves, bursting lengthwise along their outer face, and then becoming divergent or circinate, in which state they protrude from the corolla. A small tripartite rudimentary pistil is sometimes concealed within the tube. In the 9 flowers the staminal tube is still present, but it is de- stitute of anthers, and either ends abruptly in 3-6 short triangular teeth, or is prolonged into 6 ligulate or finger-like processes (anantherous filaments) which protrude beyond the corolla in a stellate manner. This tube is in all the species equally broad from base to summit ; but it is a common thing for small beetles to de- posit an egg in the nascent ovary ; and as the larva develops, the staminal tube swells below and becomes ovoid or lageniform. Usually it breaks away at the very base, and is carried up, along with the enclosed style, and finally thrown off by the growth of the ovary; but sometimes it breaks off just above the base, leav- ing the ovary seated in a small cup—although this is very rare, and is not constant even in the same species. The ovary is normally tricarpellary, the carpels being united only at the very base and sending up a central style ; but much oftener Geonoma. | EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 103 two of the carpels are obsolete; and then the style seems to spring from the inner base of the remaining carpel, which contains a solitary ovule. The style is trifid to about midway, the lobes being recurved and stigmatose in their upper half along the inner surface. In most species the stigmas barely emerge from the staminal tube, but in a few they are considerably exserted. Fruits.—The fruit is a small dry berry, of a globose or oval form, rarely exceeding half an inch, and sometimes not more than a line in length; and it is encompassed at the base by the persistent floral envelopes. The thin cuticle is black when quite ripe, and in drying becomes in some species longitudinally and closely rugu- lose or interruptedly striate, but in other species tuberculate. This arises in the former case from the thin mesocarp containing a single layer of hard gritty lineari-fusiform fibres (?) alternating in close but not quite continuous rows. In the tuberculate fruits the fibres are globose or oblong, often knobby, and not unfre- quently quite amorphous ; and they seem scattered without order in the substance of the mesocarp. In some species (e. g. G. tu- berculata) there is certainly present a thin hard dark-coloared endocarp; but I am unable to connect it with any other peculi- arity of structure. The testa is thin and membranous, and is traversed nearly throughout its periphery by a circular band or rhaphe, which in some species is simple and in others is somewhat branched and reticulate. The albumen is corneous; and the ovule is lateral, usually a very little above the hilum. Obs.—This very natural genus is sufficiently distinguished from all other genera of Palms by the long anther-cells being completely separate, without any connective; and in very few other genera are the spadices so deeply alveolate. The two sections into which I divide Geonoma are characterized by the andreeceum or staminal tube of the 9 flower being truncate in Hugeonoma, with three or six short triangular teeth at the mouth ; whereas in Astrandreceum it is prolonged into six broad finger-like filaments. The latter group seems entirely confined to Amazonia and Guayana, and in- cludes, besides the seven species gathered by myself, at least two of Martius’s (multiflora and Spixiana), and one gathered by Schom- burgk in Demerara, but the character derived from the andre- ceum is not supported by any other, and the foliage seems to pass through the same phases as in Eugeonoma. Even that character is rather weakened by the andreceum in one of Wendland's species (pumila) being 6-crenate, with occasionally one of the 104 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Geonoma. crenatures a little elongated, indicating a transition from Fugeo- noma to Astrandreceum; so that I do not consider the two sec- tions at all equivalent to subgenera, but merely convenient ana- lytieal aids to the determination of the species. Some of the subordinate groups are natural enough—those for instance which I have called Holospadices, Densiflore, and Verti- cilliflore ; but most of the others can only be considered tentative, to be abolished or modified when more abundant materials are brought to their illustration. I proceed to give a synopsis of all the species represented by intelligible specimens in the Kew Herbarium. It is matter of regret that so few of the species described by Martius exist there. The fine Geonomas discovered by Wendland in Central America are not always represented in the Kew Herbarium by specimens perfect enough to enable one to classify them with certainty ; and some of my own specimens are by no means so complete as might be desired. § 1. Eugeonoma. Tubus stamineus florum 9 ore breviter 6- vel 3-dentatus, raro edentulus. * Spathe anguste, 6-18-pollicares, ancipites, sepius compresse. t Holospadices, spadicibus omnino simplicibus ; pedunculo elato, etiam Jlorifero spathas plerumque superante. 1. G. ELEGANS, Mart. : foliis pinnatisectis, laciniis 3-4-jugis rhomboi- deis longe acuminatis, alternis sepe angustioribus gramineis, venis utrinque 19-23 acutiusculis; spadicibus pedalibus, alveolis 5-6- stichis labio inferiore subintegro; spatha interiore dimidium pedun- culum vix superante; floribus demum alte emersis, fl. g corolla calyce vix longiore, fl. Ọ tubo stamineo ore dentibus 6 triangularibus in- structo.— Hab. Brasilia (Gardn. 5645; Booz in hb. Hook.).—Certe caulescens nec acaulis erit. bo . G. opovata, Wendl.: priori affinis, foliis tamen vel simplicibus vel pinnatisectis ambitu obvato-cuneatis bifurcis ; spadicum alveolis 8- stichis labio inferiore bifido.—Had. Americæ Centralis Costa Rica ( Wendl.). 3. G. CUNEATA, Wendl. : foliis plerumque simplicibus basi longe cune- atis, venis peracutis ; spadicibus adspectu Aroideo, crassis, 16 pollices longis, alveolis confertis in series 8-10 subtortas dispositis, labio infe- riore late obcordato ; spathis linearibus compressis, fere G. baculifere, interiore pedunculum subsuperante.—Hab. Amer. Centr. Costa Rica ( Wendl.). Geonoma. | EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 105 4. Q. GRACILIS, Wendl. : folis e pinnis 3-jugis dissitis ligulatis gra- mineis faleato-acuminatis, venis utrinque 15; spadicibus pedalibus (pedunculo 8-pollicari incluso), tenuibus ; spathis teneris pedunculo duplo brevioribus, alveolis parvis sub-5-stichis labio inferiore bifido.— Hab, Amer. Centr. Costa Rica (Wendl.).—Facies graminis generis Pariane potius quam Palme. 5. G. PROCUMBENS, Wendl. : foliis e pinnis 6-jugis 8-12-pollicaribus ligulato-gramineis faleato-acuminatis, venis utrinque sub 20; spadi- cibus crassis Aroideis fere bipedalibus, alveolis 8- vel etiam 10-stichis labio inferiore ovato emarginato adscendente semiclausis; spathis tubularibus ancipitibus sed vix compressis, exteriore 4-pollicari, interiore duplo et ultra longiore—Hab. Amer. Centr. Costa Rica ( Wendl.). [4 Gronoma ? PULCHRA ” (Wendl. in hb. Kew.), if I may judge from the aged and incomplete specimen, is surely not of this genus; for although the pinnatisect leaves, with four pairs of long lanceolato-ligulate caudato-acuminate leaflets, are not unlike those of some Geonomas, the spadices are more like those of an Aroid or Cyclanth, having contiguous S-ranked open alveoles of a long-hexagonal shape, without either rim or lip, containing the scars (for they are empty) of one 9 and apparently several d flowers. Wendland’s specimen is from Costa Rica *.] tt Tectorie, foliis plerumque majusculis bifurcis basi longe cuneatis acuti- venis simplicibus v. pinnatisectis (laciniis paucis inequilatis), rarissime pinnatis; spathis tempore florum pedunculum equantibus v. subsuperanti- bus; spadicibus ramosis. a. Tectoriæ leptospathe, spathis teneris cito caducis, 6. Q. BACULIFERA, Pott. : foliis 3-4-pedalibus elongate cuneatis integris v. pinnatisectis pluriveniis (venis utrinque sub 40 angulo costali circiter 209-259); spathis lineari-lanceolatis compressis semipedalibus; spadi- cibus pedalibus, ramis 5-6 simplicibus, alveolis 6-8-stichis parvis con- fertiusculis labio inferiore integro ; corolla florum g calycem paulo excedente, tubo stamineo fl. 9 trigono-cylindraceo ore brevissime 6-dentato ; baccis ovalibus 4-linearibus grosse tuberculatis.— Z/ab. per Amazoniam submaritimam et Guayanam, frequens. 7. G. MACROSPATHA, sp. n.: foliis fere prioris venis utrinque 45 ; spathis linearibus, longissimis 15-pollicaribus; spadicibus fere bipedalibus, alveolis 8-stichis labio inferiore integro.— Hab. ad fl. Casiquiari. * To * Holospadices " belong also the following species described by Martius : G. pycnostachys, stricta, acaulis, macrostachys and Poifeauana (all of Martius). 106 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Geonoma. 8. G. Martiana, Wendl.: G.baculiferc affinis, foliis tamen petiolisque precipue brevioribus; spadicis ramis validioribus, alveolis parvis 6- stichis labio inferiore integro recurvo, tubo stamineo floris Ẹ G. ba- culifere.— Hab. in America Centrali. 9. G. PORTEANA, Wendl.: folis parvis vix bipedalibus simplicibus, lamina perangusta 23 pollices lata basi brevicuneata, alis elongate rhomboideis, venis utrinque solum 18; spathis iis G. baculifere si- millimis; ramis spadicis 3, fere O-pollicaribus; floribus majusculis dissitiuseulis, sepalis petalisque perangustis, tubo stamineo G. bacu- lifere.— Hab. in regione fl. Amazonum loco ignoto. 10. Q. EDULIS, Wendl.: hujus loci videretur, licet specimen Kewense folia non suppeditat, G. baculifere affinis erit ex alveolis parvis labio inferiore patulo integro et baccis ovalibus obovatisve subacutis sub- trilinearibus; differt ramis spadicis longissimis 9-12 pollices longis.— Hab. Amer. Centr. Costa Rica. ll. Q. wEMBRANACEA, Wendl.: foliis tenuissimis (rhachi tamen valida subtus acutissime carinata) pinnatisectis, pinnis 6-7-jugis 6-9 pollices longis ligulatis falcato-acuminatis, terminalibus prelatis rhomboideis, venis plurimis; spadicibus tenuibus pallidis 14-pollicaribus, ramis 5 tenuissimis flexuosis 5-6-pollicaribus, alveolis subdissitis; floribus parvis (in specimine nondum eyolutis).— Hab. Guatemala ( Wendl.). 12. G. HorrMaNNIANA, Wendl. : foliis pinnatisectis, laciniis gramineis, duabus apicalibus solis latioribus rhomboideis, omnibus caudiformi- acuminatis, venis plurimis angulo 25? subrectis ; spadicibus pedalibus et longioribus, ramis 6 sat validis cinereis, alveolis parvis haud con- fertis, tubo stamineo G. baculifere.—Hab. Amer. Centr. Costa Rica ( Wendl.). 13. Q. LixpENIANA, Wendl.: folis 3-pedalibus pinnatisectis, pinnis sub-6-jugis ligulato-rhomboideis, inferioribus gramineis, supremis latioribus, venis utrinque sub 27; spadicibus pedalibus ramos 10 validos 4-6-pollicares simplices v. infimos bifidos edentibus, alveolis subconfertis labio inferiore adscendente late ovato integro; floribus majusculis, tubo stamineo fl. 9 ore brevissime 6-dentato.—Hab. Nova-Granata (Funk). 14. G. APPUNIANA, sp.n.: foliis magnis simplicibus (P) venis peracutis (angulo 15°-18°) ; spathis....; spadicibus pedalibus et longioribus bis divisis, ramis validiusculis, alveolis dissitiusculis labio inferiore bifido; floribus magnis alte emersis, tubo stamineo fl. 9 G. bacu- lifere.— Hab. Guayana Britannica (Appun., no. 1411 in Ab. Kewensi). —Ad G. Lindenianam et verisimiliter ad G. undatam accedit; ab hae venis multo acutioribus, ramis spadicis minus incrassatis, alveolis haud confertis &c. abunde differt. To this section belong two palms preserved in the Kew her- Geonoma. | EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 107 barium under the name of * G. simplicifrons, Willd.” They do not answer to their name, for the leaves are pinnatisect—nor to the character assigned by Martius (Palm. 14, t. 8), especially as to the leaves being attenuated at the base, whereas they are broadly cuneate. Neither do the two exactly agree with each other, as will be seen from the following brief descriptions :— 15. G. ?: foliis parvulis, pinnis bijugis late rhomboideis falcato- acuminatis, venis utrinque 28, 7-8 pollices longis, angulo costali 45° ; spadicibus 9-12-pollicaribus tenuiusculis ramos 3-5 simplices adscen- dentes purpureo-badios proferentibus, alveolis 5-stichis (nonnunquam obscure ternatim verticillatis) parvis labio inferiore integro raro de- mum rupto nec rite bifido; spathis G. baculifere 5-6-pollicaribus pedunculo subbrevioribus; floribus 9 anguste obovoideis, tubo sta- mineo ore truncato obsolete 6-dentato.— Hab. Venezuela (E. Otto). I5" G- ?: a priore differt (an specifice?) habitu firmiore, pinnis 3-jugis oppositis 9-pollicaribus fere rectis, venis utrinque 19 angulo costali 40°; spadicibus 15-pollicaribus ramos 10 simplices subparal- lelos validiores proferentibus ; fl. 9 tubo stam. ore 6-crenato.— Hab. Nova Granata * woods at Pacho, near Bogotá " (Purdie). b. Tectorize pachyspathee, spathis maximis robustis. 16. G. UNDATA, Klotsch : foliis pinnatisectis, pinnis 4—5-jugis pedalibus et ultra, inferioribus ligulatis, supremis late rhomboideis, sensim acuminatis subfalcatis, venis plurimis angulo costali 33? ; spadicibus (ut videtur) maximis 3—4-pedalibus bis divisis ramulis validis 6-pol- licaribus, alveolis subconfertis labio inferiore bifido patulo demum recurvo laceroque ; spathis maximis, interiore fere sesquipedali fusi- formi (arte explanata elongato- et subspathulato-lanceolata) coriacea sed demum fibroso-dissoluta, exteriore fere dimidio breviore (expla- nata longe ovato-lanceolata) fere lignea dorso bi- trisulca furfuraceo- tomentella demum calvescente; floribus magnis trigono-pyriformibus pachychlamydeis, d calyce corolla vix breviore, 9 tubo stam. cras- sissimo ore truncato obsolete 6-dentato ; baccis magnit. fructus Pruni spinose minoris ovalibus oblique apiculatis, siccando lineis elevatis rugulosis.— Hab. in Andibus Meridensibus, ubi ad Coloniam Tovar ista palma spectabilis abundare videtur (Linden, Moritz et Booth in hb. Kew.).. Ad Geonomas tectorias, et probabiliter ad pedem G. Appuniane, valde dubitans (quum spathas nondum vidi) speciem sequentem adscribo :— 17. G. DENSA, Wendl.: foliis pinnatis, pinnis 21-jugis 9-12-pollicari- bus lineari-lanceolatis fere a basi ad apicem usque sensim angustatis uni- triveniis plicatisque; spadicibus compositis (ramo unico mihi 108 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Geonoma. viso 8-pollicari ramulos 5 validos proferente), alveolis dissitiusculis la- bio inferiore bifido ; floribus magnis alte emersis fere squarrosis, tubo stamineo fl. 9 truncato brevi-6-dentato.— Hab. Nova Granata (Funk). G. magnifica, Linden, Eugeonome species videretur, sed e folio solo viso nec dicere ausim. ** Microspathze, spathis parvis 2-4-pollicaribus pedunculo sepius multo bre- vioribus firmiusculis, Folia pinnatisecta, raro pinnata, angulo costali venarum lato (409-509). Spadices simpliciter ramosi vel sepius com- positi, ramis tenuibus, alveolis parvis. T Microspathe verticilliflorz, alveolis 2-4-natim verticillatis. 18. G. SCHOTTIANA, Mart. : foliis pinnatis, pinnis linearibus apice at- tenuatis vix falcatis 3-plicatis; spadicibus bipedalibus, ramis præ- longis 9-pollicaribus tenuibus flexuosis, inferioribus solis bifidis, alveolis oppositis decussatis labio inferiore bifido; baccis ovalibus 4 lineas longis iis G. baculifere simillimis.— Hab. Brasilia (Gardn. 705 et 2969 in Ab. Hook.).—Alveolis decussatis quasi-tetrastichis facil- lime recognoscenda. 19. G. pANICULIGERA, Mart.: foliis 31-pedalibus pinnatisectis, pinnis 3-jugis rhomboideo-acinaciformibus acumine tenui, vel 5-jugis alternis angustis gramineis, basalibus fere sesquipedalibus, apicalibus sub- dimidio brevioribus, venis utrinque 35 angulo costali 40°; spathis 23- pollicaribus; spadicibus sesquipedalibus purpurascentibus bis divisis paniculatis, ramulis tenuibus 9-pollicaribus puberulis villosulisve, alveolis 3-4-natim verticillatis; baccis 2-3-linearibus globosis leviter tuberculosis.— Hab. ad fl, Negro et (teste Martio) ad fl. Japura. 90. G. FLACCIDA, Wendl.: foliis pinnatisectis, pinnis sub 4-jugis 15- pollicaribus, alternis rhomboideis acumine subfalcato, alternis grami- neis, venis utrinque 24 angulo 35° rectiusculis; spadicibus 1-1j-pe- dalibus panieulatis, ramis tenuibus semipedalibus, alveolis ternatim verticillatis labio inferiore brevi ssepius integro; fl. 9 tubo stamineo ore dentibus 6 triangularibus instructo.— Hab. Amer. Centralis Costa Rica et Guatemala.—A. G. paniculigera segre distinguenda. 21. G. MICROSPATHA, sp. n. : foliis vix bipedalibus, pinnis 3-jugis pe- dalibus subzequilatis, venis utrinque 26-29 angulo costali 40°-50° ; spathis bipolliearibus pedunculo triplo brevioribus; spadicibus vix pedalibus purpurascentibus ramos 7-11, 4i-pollicares, simplices v. infimos bifidos proferentibus; baccis globosis ut in G. paniculigera.— Hab. ad fl. Negro.—G. laxiflore (Mart. Palm. 12, t. 11) ulterius com- paranda. 22. G. FENDLERIANA, sp.n.: a prioribus certe distare videtur pinnis sepius bijugis vix semipedalibus, ramis spadicis solum 3 v. 4 cinereis nec purpurascentibus, et precipue baccis obovato-globosis subacutis Geonoma. | EQUATORI: L-AMERICAN PALMS. 109 lineis elevatis longitudinaliter rugosis nec tuberculosis.— Hab. Vene- zuela (Fendl. no. 2407).—? An Gynestum deversum, Poit. in Mém. du Mus. ix. 390, t. 3. Tt Microspathe sparsifloree, alveolis sparsis 5-G6-stichis. 23. G. Saca, Griesb.: foliis pinnatisectis, pinnis 3-jugis subpedalibus rhomboideo-lanceolatis falcato-acuminatis (vel plurijugis, inferioribus gramineis), venis utrinque 28 angulo costali 459-50? ; spadicibus 1-2- pedalibus bis ramosis paniculatis, ramis tenuibus 4—5-pollicaribus pube densiore subpersistente villosulis, alveolis parvis labio inferiore integro truncato; fl. 9 corolla usque ad medium fissa, tubo stamineo ore obsolete dentato stylum sequante ; baccis ovali-globosis subacutis 2-3 lineas longis secus longitudinem rugulosis.— ZZa5. in insulis An- tillanis (Dominica, Imray; Trinidad, Purdie).—Nescio quomodo ab hae differat G. ozycarpa, Karst., quum spadicem solum floriferum (in Trinidad à Crüger lectum) vidi. 24, Q. MExicANA, Liebm. : foliis pinnatisectis, pinnis 4-jugis 16-pollica- ribus longe rhomboideo-lanceolatis falcato-acuminatis, alternis seepe angustis gramineis, venis utrinque 38; spadicibus 15-pollicaribus bis ramosis, ramulis 2—3-pollicaribus tenuiusculis pube subpersistente sparsis, alveolis parvis 5-stichis labio inferiore truncato integro; flo- ribus 9 angustis, corolla vix ultra 3 fissa, tubo stam. ore 3-dentato.— Hab. Mexico (Liebm. in hb. Kew.).—G. Sage proxima, an revera diversa ? 25. G. PuRDIEANA, sp.n.: G. Sage similis, pinnis tamen duplo longi- oribus bipedalibus rhomboideis longe tenuiacuminatis pluriveniis; spadicibus bis terve divisis, ramulis tenuibus pube breviore decidua, alveolorum labio inferiore crassiore carnoso ; floribus vix semiemersis tenuibus ; baccis minutis sesquilineam longis ovato-globosis acutis.— Hab. Nova Granata ad Rio de la Hacha (Purdie, no. 259, in hb. Hook.)**. 26. G. VERSIFORMIS, Wendl.: folis....; spadicibus 10-pollicaribus patule ramosis, ramis infimis 3-fidis, cseteris (octo) simplicibus 4-6- pollicaribus validiusculis, alveolis parvis subconfertis 6-stichis labio inferiore adscendente bifido; fl. 9 fere immersis, corolla calyce vix longiore, tubo stam. ore truncato obsolete 6-dentato. Hab. Amer. Centralis Costa Rica ( Wendl. in hb. Kew. specim. spadicis sine foliis). 27. G. LoNaEvAGINATA, Wendl.: foliis (e specimine fragmentario) majusculis pinnatisectis, pinnis 7-jugis ligulatis apice falcatis inzequi- latis, latioribus pluriveniis; spadicibus sesquipedalibus (pedunculo * I describe doubtfully this fine palm ; for the specimens appear to comprise portions of two distinet species, the large woody spathe belonging probably to G. undata, so that even the spadices may not be from the same plant as the leaves. 110 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Geonoma. brevissimo) subsimpliciter ramosis, ramis 2 infimis solis bifidis, omnibus ramis 8-9-pollicaribus validiusculis, alveolis subconfertis obscure 6-stichis parvis subtriangularibus labio inferiore adscendente bifido ; floribus parvis turgide trigonis (omnibus quos vidi d ).— Hab. Amer. Centralis Costa Rica.—An certe ad hanc sectionem pertinet ? 98. G. PUMILA, Wendl.: foliis parvis, pinnis 2-3-jugis 4-6-pollicaribus rhomboideo-lanceolatis subovatisve acuminatis, venis utrinque 15; spadicibus lO-pollicaribus fuscis ramos sex 5-pollicares edentibus, alveolis parvis obscure 4—5-stichis labio inferiore bifido; fl. 9 tubo stamineo ore oblique truncato 6-crenato.—Hab. Nova Granata 29. G. MICROSPADIX, Wendl. : foliis pinnatisectis, pinnis 3-jugis oppo- sitis rhomboideo-acinaciformibus apice tenui falcato, venis utrinque 27, 7-8 pollices longis basi recurvis secus apicem incurvis; spadicibus 8-pollicaribus bis divisis, ramis inferioribus ramulos 5 curvulos 2-25 pollices longos proferentibus, alveolis parvis sub 5-stichis labio infe- riore brevibifido; floribus parvis, 9 tubo stamineo ore obsolete dentato ; baccis ovali-globosis 23 lineas longis—Hab. Amer. Centralis Costa Rica.—Vix digna nomine ^ microspadix," si spadix in specimine Kewensi (ex ipso auctore) revera ad folium pertineat. 30. G. FERRUGINEA, Wendl.: priori affinis; foliis majoribus, laciniis caudato-acuminatis, venis utrinque 35 ; spadicum ramulis 3—4-polli- caribus, alveolis 5-6-stichis; floribus 9 vix apice emersis, tubo stamineo ore brevissime 3-dentato demum supra basin circumscisse rupto.— ab. cum priore ( Wendl.). 31. G. PAUCIFLORA, Mart. (?): foliis pinnatis, pinnis 10-jugis 10-11 pollices longis lineari-lanceolatis falcato-acuminatis 2-3-veniis, angulo costali venarum 40?; spadicibus 7-pollicaribus, ramis sub 4 simplici- bus, alveolis obscure 5-stichis labio inferiore emarginato ; spathis vix 4-pollicaribus ; baccis globosis pisum minus squantibus.— Hab. Brasilia bor. ad fl. Negro (Spruce), etiam in provinciis Piauhy et Maranhão (Martius).—Cum descriptione Martiana vix rite convenit. 32. G. HEXASTICHA, sp. n. : foliis 3-pedalibus pinnatis, pinnis 27-jugis lineari-lancealatis faleato-acuminatis 4-5-plicato-venosis, mediis 14- pollicaribus, apicalibus 7-pollicaribus, pinnis venisque angulo 60° e rhachi extendentibus ; spadicibus vix pedalibus scopseformibus ramos duodecim 4-6-pollicares puberulos simplices (infimis duobus solis 2~3-fidis) edentibus, alveolis subconfertis exacte 6-stichis labio inferi- ore profunde emarginato; baccis oblongo-ovoideis 34 lineas longis.— -Hab. Brasilia bor. ad fl. Negro. 33. G. DISCOLOR, sp. n.: foliis 3-pedalibus pinnatis, pinnis 16-29-jugis 13-15 pollices longis pollicem latis lineali-lanceolatis sensim: acumi- natis subtus albidis, venis cujusque pinne 4-5 validis angulo costali Geonoma. | EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 111 45° ; spadicibus pedem et ultra longis bis terve ramosis, alveolis....; spathis parvis ovatis ancipitibus; fl. 9 tubo stamineo....—Hab. ad flumen Amazonum prope fl. Tapajoz ostia.—Haud absque dubio ad hane sectionem relata, quum spadices speciminum deviaverunt, et notulas in planta viva valde incompletas solum feci. § 2. Astrandreceum. Tubus stamineus florum 9 apice in lobos 6 ligulatos vel digitiformes (filamenta ananthera) demum ultra corollam stellato-exsertos fissus*. * Folia simplicia bifurca. 34. G. CHELIDONURA, sp. n.: foliorum petiolo (rhachi inclusa) 9-polli- cari, furcis lineari-rhomboideis acuminatis 13 x 1$-pollicaribus, venis utrinque solum 10-18 rectiusculis angulo costali 30°; spadicibus 43- pollicaribus simpliciter ramosis, ramis 3-7 tenuibus puberulis, alveolis sub-5-stichis labio inferiore majusculo bilobo; spathis 13-2-pollica- ribus teneris; fl. Ọ tubo stamineo coroll: æquilongo lobis 6 ligulato- subulatis stellato-emersis ; baccis ovato-ovalibus subacutis 4-5 lineas longis siccando obscure tuberculosis.—Hab. ad fluvios Casiquiari et Uaupés. 35. G. AMBIGUA, sp. n. : foliis bifurcis, furcis 13x 2-pollicaribus rhom- boideo-lanceolatis apice subfalcatis vix acuminatis, venis utrinque 9 angulo costali 30°; spadicibus 9-pollicaribus bis ramosis, ramulis crassiusculis, alveolis sub-5-stichis labio inferiore erecto bilobo ; fl. 9 tubo stamineo ore digitiformi-lobato (?)—Hab. Guayana Britan. (Appun. no. 566.).—Omnes quos examinavi flores jam semidestructi fuerunt; tubus stamineus tamen fl. 2 ore digitifidus videbatur. Folium unicum imperfectum aderat. 36. G. SCHOMBURGKIANA, sp. n.: foliis bifurcis, lamina 11-pollicari, secus costam mensa, sed 16-pollicari ad furcarum apices usque, latitudine majore 41-pollicari, longe obovato-cuneata bifurca, venis utrinque 21 fere rectis angulo costali 20°; spadicibus subpedalibus bis ramosis, ramulis patulis 3—4-pollicaribus tenuiusculis, alveolis parvis subconfertis subdecussatis (unde tetrastichi evadunt), labio inferiore profunde obcordato; floribus parvis altius emersis, 9 tubo stamineo ore digitiformi-6-fido; stylo ultra tubum longe exserto, stigmatibus recurvo-patulis; baccis ovalibus 23 lineas longis.— Hab. Guayana Brit. (Schomburgk. no. 705 in herb. Bentham.)— G. chelido- * Calyptronoma, Wendl. (= Eleis occidentalis, Sw.) cum Geonoma § Astran- draceo tubo stamineo fl. 9 ore digitifido congruit; antheris tamen fl. d erectis sagittatis, loculis connectivo subulato adnatis nec liberis, spadicibus sicco statu l;vissimis, &c. bene genericeque differt. 112 DR. R, SPRUCE ON [ Geonoma. nure subaffinis, et e foliis G. Porteane, sed maxime G. Spixiane (Mart. Palm. 15. t. 15, 16), cui tamen sunt folia multo majora (4- pedalia). 9k Folia pinnatisecta, pinnis oppositis 3-jugis subequalibus, v. interrupte 4—5-jugis. T Densiflorse, alveolis 8-stichis in rhachides congestis revera imbricatis. 37. G. DENSIFLORA, sp. n.: foliis bipedalibus, pinnis pedalibus rhom- boideo-lanceolatis acumine tenui, venis utrinque 28-30 angulo costali 40°; spadicibus 8-11-pollicaribus simpliciter ramosis, ramis 3-7 validis 33 pollices longis pube decisa validius rugulosis, alveolis densissimis 8-stichis labio inferiore profunde obcordato bifidove; fl. 2 tubo sta- mineo ore digitato-lobato ; baccis ovalibus semipollicaribus tubercu- losis.— ab. Brasilia bor. ad fl. Negro. 38. G. PERSONATA, sp. n. : foliis fere prioris ; ramis spadicis 3—5 crassis- simis, alveolis 8-stichis labio inferiore magno late ovato obtuso retusove fornicato; baccis paulo majoribus ovalibus ovoideisve.— Hab. cum priore. 39. G. CONGESTA, Wendl.: prioribus affinis videtur, folia tamen non habui, et e floribus in specimine jam semidestructis non certe ad eandem sectionem referenda. Constat specimen Kewense spadice 9-pollicari, ramis crassis 3—4-pollicaribus inferioribus bifidis, alveolis labio inferiore erecto profunde emarginato, floribus squarrosis vetustis genitalibus omnino orbatis.—Hab. Amer. Centralis Costa Rica (Wendl.). 40. G. ASPIDIIFOLIA, sp. n. : foliis parvis 15-pollicaribus, pinnis 3-jugis rhomboideo-acinaciformibus acumine filiformi, venis utrinque 20 bis flexis medio fere squarrosis; spadicibus parvis 33-pollicaribus ramos tres simplices validiusculos fulvos edentibus, alveolis obscure 5-stichis labio inferiore brevissime emarginato; spathis fere bipollicaribus firmiusculis; fl. 3 filamentis apice bicruribus, fl. 9 tubo stamineo ore profunde 6-fido.— Hab. ad fl. Tarumá in flumen Negro defluentem. 41. G. TUBERCULATA, sp. n.: priori affinis, minor; foliis vix pedalibus, pinnis bijugis, venis utrinque 12 solum; spadicibus tamen majoribus 7-pollicaribus, ramis 5-6, alveolis labio inferiore emarginato v. breviter bifido ; spathis 3-pollicaribus; floribus....; baccis globosis magn. pisi minoris siccando grosse tuberculosis. Hab. ad fl. Negro. *** Folia pinnata. 42, Q. PARAENSIS, sp. n.: foliis pinnatis; pinnis sub 11-jugis 14x l- pollicaribus elongato-lanceolatis acumine tenui planiusculis sub 5- veniis, angulo venarum 70? ; spadicibus bis ramosis, ramulis 7 -polli- caribus, alveolis dissitis obscure 5-stichis labio inferiore perangusto Geonoma;* EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 118 semiannulari emarginato; fl. d loculis antherarum prelongis, fl. 9 tubo stamineo ore digitato-6-fido. — ab. ad flum. Amazonum prope Pará. —G. multiflore (Mart. Palm. 7, t. 4-6) affinis, cui tamen sunt alveoli laxiusculi nonnunquam tristichi. Probabiliter varietas erit. 43. G. NEGRENSIS, sp. n. : foliis 3-pedalibus pinnatis; pinnis 20-jugis 133 pollices longis lineari-lanceolatis longe sensim acuminatis, venis cujusque pinnz 4-7 validis, angulo costali 65°-70°; spadicibus semipedalibus simpliciter ramosis ; ramis 5, 31-pollicaribus, alveolis obscure 5-stichis confertiusculis labio inferiore patulo profunde bifido; fl. 9 tubo stamineo apice digitato-6-fido— Hab. ad fl. Negro. Deseriptiones specierum ab ipso auctore lectarum *. 6. G. BACULIFERA, Pott. in Mém. du Mus. ix. 389, t. 2. Hab. Guiana Gallica (Poiteau ; Sagot, no. 815 in hb. Kew.) ; in sylvis secus fl. Amazonum ostia et urbem Pará frequens, nomine “ Ubim" Brasiliensibus cognita (Spruce, hb. Palm. 71). Caudex tenuis arundinaceus 5-10-pedalis, raro vix ullus. Folia fere 4-pedalia (stipite 10-pollicari incluso) elongate cuneata apice bifurca, simplicia vel rarius pinnatisecta ; alis 6 pollices latis tenuicuspidatis ; vents utrinque 42-nis, 14-15 pollices longis, angulum 25°-28° cum costa efformantibus, rectis superne leniter incurvan- tibus. Spadicis simpliciter ramosi pedunculus tempore florum spathis omnino velatus, vix semipedalis, fructu maturato tamen fere duplo longior; rami sex, 5-6-pollicares, ecaudati. Spathe 6 pollices longæ, semun- ciam latze, lineari-lanceolatz, compresse ; exterior anceps, acie dorsali secus apicem szpius bialata; interior ultra exteriorem subprotrusa. Flores solitarii vel 2-3-ni in eodem spadice, obscure 6-8-stichi; alveoli parvuli labio inferiore integro truncato vel brevissime triangulari. Fl d calyx corolla subbrevio; stamina vix ad medium usque coalita, filamentis apice brevissime bicruribus. FV. 9 tubus stamineus carnosus trigono-prismaticus ore brevissime 6-dentatus, florum abortivorum nonnunquam inordinate elongatus subclavatus. Bacce ovales 4x 3i- lineares, grosse tuberculose. Var. l. Folia pinnatisecta, laciniis bijugis, venis utrinque sub-40-nis 15 pollices longis angulo directionis 28^. Flores 6-stichi.— Hab. cum forma normali (S. hb. Palm. 71 A). Var. 2. Folia pinnatisecta, laciniis 4-jugis, alternis latis loriformibus, alternis angustis gramineis, venis 20-pollicaribus angulo 237-25". Spathe longitudinem 9} pollicum attingunt. Flores obscure 8-stichi. — Hab. ad Pará cum forma normali (S. Ab. Palm. 71 B). Var. 3. Folia 38 pollices longa, simplicia vel semel bisve pinnatisecta, * The species are numbered as in the foregoing Conspectus. LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. I 114 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Geonoma. venis acutioribus (angulo 17°-20°) rectis apice solo incurvis. Spathe anguste fere lineares, 7 pollices longæ, ancipiti-bialatz. ^— Spadix ramis 5 tenuibus 4—5-pollicaribus. Flores 6-8-stichi parvi (nondum aperti).— Hab. in sylvis fl. Uaupés (S. hb. Palm. 72). 7. G. MACROSPATHA, sp. n. Hab. per totum fl. Casiquiari superiorem (supra fl. Siapa ostia), gregaria in sylvis primeevis, “ Dimíti" Indorum Barré dicta (S. hb. Palm. 42). Caudex 8—12-pedalis robustus plerumque erectus. Folia 4-pedalia et majora (stipite 10-pollicari incluso), simplicia, basi anguste cuneata, apice bifurca tenuicuspidata ; venis utrinque 45-nis, 15 v. 16 pollices longis, angulum 207-25? cum costa efformantibus, alternis subtus tomentellis mox glabratis. Spadicis stipes spathas paulo excedens ; rami 6, simplices, 8-pollicares, robusti, apice sterili breviter caudati. Spathe longissime, exterior 15x $-pollicaris, interior paulo brevior pro spadicis emissione ab apice ultra medium fissa; ambæ spathee lineares ancipites forma fere Iridis foliorum, ferrugineo-tomentelle, mox calvee. Flores subsparsi obscure 8-stichi solitarii binive ; alveoli cordati labio inferiore apiculato vel brevissime triangulari. Fl. g calyx corolla parum brevior, sepalis subimbricatis oblique ovatis concavis carinatis inter se inequilatis. Corolla 3-partita, laciniis ovato-ovalibus valvatis apice subcucullatis. Stamina basi in columnam brevem coalita ; ` anthere loculis estipitatis.—77. 9 G. baculifere. 19. G. PANICULIGERA, Mart. Palm. 11, t. 10. Hab. Brasilia bor. in sylvis humidis ad fl. Negro cataractas (S. hb. Palm. 32); etiam ad fl. Japurá (Martius). Caudex 12-15-pedalis, diametro $-pollicari, erectus vel inclinatus. Folia plurima (15-20 vel etiam 30) contemporanea, 3}-pedalia; petiolus 15-pollicaris, supra profunde canaliculatus, subtus carinato-convexus, ferrugineo-leprosus demum calvus ; lamina 27-pollicaris (secus costam mensa) apice furcata, varie pinnatisecta, szepius pinnis 3-jugis latiu- sculis rhomboideo-acinaciformibus attenuato-acuminatis, cum jugis duobus pinnarum angustiorum graminearum interpositis constans ; vene utrinque 35 rectiuscule basi paulo apice magis curvate, angulo costali 40°, basales 173 pollices longs, medize 14 pollices, apicales 93 pollices longze. Spadices infra frondes oriundi (spadice Q cum d v. polygamo sepe alternante), purpureo-badii, 12-20-pollicares (peduneuio 4-pollicari inferne compresso, bracteis 6 eirciter semiannularibus stipato incluso), compositi, ramis inferioribus ramulos 3-5 proferentibus, omnibus ramulis subequilongis 9-uncialibus tenuibus sparse puberulis fere ad apicem usque floriferis ; alveoli 3-4-natim verticillati rarius sparsi. Spathe parvæ 25-pollicares oblongo-obovatz compressie, apice ven- tricossg ancipites, dense ferrugineo-tomentelle, pro spadicis emis- sione antice rimosæ et posthac caduce. Geonoma. | EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 115 Flores d : sepala subimbricata, inter se subineequalia, oblonga obtusa carinata cucullata, dorso apicis puberula ; petala subdimidio longiora, vix ad medium usque coalita, supra medium conspicue venosa, apice obtuso incrassato ; staminorum filamenta ad medium usque in tubum trigonum interne 6-suleatum concreta, apice in filamentula duo intro- flexa antherarum loculis subbreviora fissa; ovarii rudimentum stylos 3 breves gerens. Flores 9 masculis subbreviores; calyr maris; petala ultra medium coalita ; tubus stamineus corolla subbrevior carnosus, ore breviter 6- dentatus, demum ovario crescendo basi secedens et cum stylo deciduus ; ovarium monocarpellare (ceteris duobus carpellis obsoletis) ; stylus e basi interna oriundus supra medium trifidus, lobis recurvis dimidio superiore intus stigmatosis. Bacce globose diametro 2—3-lineares nigre leviuscule ; pericarpium siccum crustaceum leniter tuberculosum ; testa tenuissima per totam fere peripheriam rhaphis vasibus percursa ; albumen corneum ; embryo paulo supra hilum lateralis. Obs.—I have little doubt that I am correct in referring this palm to Martius’s Geonoma paniculigera, although he describes it “paniculis hirtulis," adding * variat spadicibus villo multo magis conspieuo hirtis;" while my specimens have no more than the short squarrose pubescence usual in the genus, which falls away as the fruit advances to maturity ; and there is the same pubescence on Wendland’s specimen of his G. flaccida, which is scarcely distinguishable as a species. Young and luxuriant plants are sometimes leafy from the very base, but adult ones only towards the apex. Not every leaf-axil puts forth a spadix. It is usual to see two flowering spadices at a time on a plant, with from one to three inter- vening flowerless rings; below these the spadix of the preceding year often persists, and still retains a few fruits. None of the spadices is fully developed until the leaf has fallen from whose axil it arises. A spadix with all the flowers 9 and the alveoles uniflorous usually alternates with another which has both 9 and d flowers in triflorous alveoles. The staminal tube of the 9 flowers secedes at the base as the ovary swells, and finally falls off, carrying the style or stigmas along with it; or more rarely it is circumscissile just above the base, which persists as a shallow membranous cupule to the fruit. 12 116 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Geonoma. 21. G. MICROSPATHA, sp. n. Hab. in monte granitico secus fl. Negro cataractas, ubi alt. 1200 pedum gregarie et copiose viget (S. hb. Palm. 28). Caudex 5-10-pedalis tenuis erectus subflexuosus. Folia pauca contemporanea pinnatisecta ; petiolus 6-pollicaris ; lamina 15-pollicaris secus costam mensa; pinnæ 3-juge opposite, rhomboi- deo-acinaciformes acumine tenui; ven: primarie utrinque 26-29, angulo costali 40°-50°. Spadices inter folia oriundi ll-pollicares sepe subpenduli paniculati ; pedunculus teres flexuosus ; rami polystichi 7-11, infimis plerumque bifidis, ezeteris simplicibus tenuibus 4—43-pollicaribus; alveoli parvi, labio inferiore prominulo truncato integro. Spathe parvee pedunculo triplo breviores, compresse papyraces ; exterior bipollicaris, dorso bialata, antice ala unica subapicali instructa ; interior subminor dorso unicarinata. Flores parvi: d? sepala eroso-fimbriata ; corolla duplo longior ad medium usque 3-fida. FI. 9 masculis subconformes, corolla tamen breviore; tubus stamineus trigonus ore 6-dentatus -sinuatusve. Bacce globose fere G. paniculigere. Var. Pactmonensts (Spruce, hb. Palm. 41) cum typo convenit, spadice simpliciter ramoso excepto. Folia subminora venis utrinque 23 v. 24. Bacce minores.— Hab. ad confluentiam fluviorum Pacimoni et Casi- quiari, 31. G. PAUCIFLORA, Mart. Palm. 12, t. 12. Hab. in sylvis fl. Negro prope urbem Manaos (S. hb. Palm. 16); etiam “in sylvis provinciarum Piauhiensis et Maranhiensis, locis udis" (Mart. l. c.). Caudex 15-pedalis tenuis, diametro 31 i-lineari, ligno duro, annulis confertis (sesquipollice sejunctis). Folia plurima contemporanea 3-pedalia pinnata; pinne sub 10-juge 10-11 pollices longs, lineas 5 late, spatio 10 linearum disjunctz, lineari-lanceolatz falcato-acuminate, basi reduplicate, 2—3-venis, venis angulo 40? e costa extendentibus. Spadices 7-pollicares simpliciter ramosi; rami sub 4 tenues, 3-3}-polli- cares; alveoli sparsi obscure 5-stichi; labio inferiore emarginato bifidove. Spathe ancipites 32-pollicares lineari-lanceolate. Flores 9: e reliquiis semidestructis tubus stamineus ore truncatus obsolete 6-dentatus videretur. Bacce globose pisum minorem tequantes. 32. G. HEXASTICHA, sp. n. Hab. ad fl. Negro cataractas in iti recentioribus (S. Ab. Palm. 29). Caudex mihi haud visus, Folia sub-3-pedalia pifinata ; pinne 27-juge, basi subreduplicatze, inter- spatiis angustiores, lineari-lanceolate falcato-acuminate, 4—5-plicato- venose, medi 14-pollicares, apicales 7-pollicares, angulo 60° e rhachi extendentes. Geonoma. | EQUATORIAL-AMERIOAN PALMS. 117 Spadices 11-pollicares, subcorymbose ramosi vel scopæformes; pedun- culus 5-pollicaris compressus basi dilatato-amplexans ; rami 11-12, 4—6-pollicares, tenues, puberuli, infimi bi- trifidi, cæteri simplices, apice sterili caudati ; alveoli subconferti exacte hexastichi, 1-3-flori, labio inferiore brevi profunde emarginato, superiore semicirculari. Spathe..,. Flores 3 : sepala vix imbricata angustiuscula obliqua valde inzequilatera ; petala fere duplo longiora, valvata, lanceolato-oblonga subobtusa, striata. Fl. 9 : tubus stamineus trigonus ore breviter 6-dentatus ; ovarium solitarium ovale; stylus basalis, supra tubum stamineum in stigmata tria divisus. Bacee oblongo-ovoides subgibbe 32x 2- lineares. 33. G. DISCOLOR, sp. n. Hab. in sylvis ad fluminum Tapajoz et Amazonum confluentiam (Spruce, hb. Palm. 36; 30 ad Mus. Kewense). Caudex 6-pedalis crebre annulatus. Folia 9-pedalia et longiora pinnata; pinne 16-22-jugex, 13-15 pollices longs, pollicem late, lineali-lanceolatz sensim acuminatie, basi reduplicate, medio subcontigue, supra pallide virides, subtus albe- scentes, venis 4 v. 5 validis angulo 45? tendentibus percurse ; petiolus validus supra profunde canaliculatus. Spadices infra folia oriundi, plerumque 9 et d in eodem caule alter- nantes, patuli, pedales et longiores, bis terve compositi, ramis flavidis ; alveoli ..... Spathe parv: ovatee ancipites antice apertæ cymbiformi- concava, stuppa badia vestite demum calvee. Flores 3: sepala cucullata; petala fere duplo longiora pluricostata ; staminum filamenta basi in tubum coalita; antherarum loculi intro- flexi per anthesin patuli divergentes. Fl 9.... 34. G. CHELIDONURA, Sp. n. Hab. in sylvis humidis vel etiam inundatis fl. Uaupés et Casiquiari (S. hb. Palm. 43 et 73). Caudices 5-12-pedales, tenues, diametro 2—3-lineari, flexuosi, plures (ut videretur) ex eodem rhizomate orti. Folia simplicia bifida; petiolus 63-pollicaris, basi alte obtuse carinatus ; lamina vix 3-pollicaris (secus costam mensa), furcis duabus constans lineari-rhomboideis acuminatis 13 x 1}-pollicaribus ; venis utrinque solum 11-13, angulum 22°-37° cum costa efformantibus, fere ad apicem usque rectis. Spadices 43-pollicares, simpliciter ramosi, adscendentes, alternis sæpe 9, alternis 9 g; pedunculus 2-pollicaris; rami 3-7, 2-23 pollices longi tenues setuloso-puberuli, mutici vel caudati; alveoli sub-5-stichi, labio inferiore majusculo bilobo. Spathe 1}-2-pollicares, cito disso- lutze. Flores parvuli semiimmersi: d calyx corolla fere dimidio brevior 118 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Geonoma. petala plus minus alte connata ; stamina exserta ; pistilli rudimentum carnosum. Fil. Q tubus stamineus corolle szquilongus, processibus 6 ligulato-subulatis stellato-emersis terminatus ; stylus corolla duplo longior stigmatibus recurvis. Bacce ovato-ovales subacute, 4-5 lineas long, siccando obscure tuberculose. Obs. —Specimina sub no, 73, ad fluvium Casiquiari lecta cum iis fluvii Uaupés (no. 44) satis conveniunt. Ven: tamen foliorum pauciores, sub 10, peracutze, angulo costali szepe 22? haud excedente. Spathz et spadices longiores, hi fere 6-pollicares ; ramis spadicis 9 caudatis, spadicis 9 d muticis. 97. G. DENSIFLORA, sp. n. Hab. in sylvis secus cataractas fluvii Negro, precipue in montibus graniticis Sti. Gabrielis (Spruce hb. Palm. 30, 33.). Caudex 6-8-pedalis erectus tenuis, diametro 4-lineari, annulis confertis spatio semipollicis sejunctis. Folia 9 circiter contemporanea, pinnatisecta, 25 pollices longa (petiolo pedali incluso) ; pinne 8-juge rhomboidee sublanceolatz tenuiacumi- nate, infimis angustioribus; vene primariæ utrinque 28, 11 pollices longze, angulum 40° cum rhachi efformantes, venulis (inter quamque venam primariam et alternantem secundariam) suboctonis. Spadices floriferi erecti, fructiferi penduli, 83-pollicares, simpliciter ramosi; pedunculus tripollicaris compressus decidue puberulus; ram? 3 validi 33-pollicares mutici grosse tuberculosi; alveoli densissime imbricati, 8-stichi, labio inferiore profunde obcordato bifidove. Spathe fere 3-pollicares ancipites, petiolorum basibus vaginantibus fere celatze, mox dissolute. Flores in alveolis 1-3-ni purpurei: d petala sepalis duplo longiora anguste lanceolata striata; staminum filamenta ad medium usque in tubum trigonum coalita, antherz loculis estipitatis. Fl. 9 corolla calyce vix longior; tubus stamineus ore in lobos 6 digitiformes demum stellato-exsertos fissus. Bacce ovales 1x $-pollicares, tu- berculosze, Var. MONTICOLA, luxurians, vel potius species propria : caudice robusto 8 lineas lato remote annulato (spatiis interannularibus 3—4-pollicari- bus); foliis maximis, pinnis nonnunquam interrupte 4-5-jugis, venis utrinque 29-30 et laciniis 20 pollices longis; spadice 11-unciali ramos 7 proferente.— Hab. secus cataractas fl. Negro in vertice montis “ Serra de São Gabriel" dicti (S. Ab. Palm. 33). 38. G. PERSONATA, sp. n. Hab. Adcataractas fluvii Negro, socia G. densiflora (S. hb. Palm. 34). Palma altitudine prioris; annulis confertis ; foliis simili modo pinnati- sectis, pinnis 3-jugis pedalibus rhomboideo-loriformibus faleato- acuminatis, vel 4-jugis pinnis alternis angustioribus, venis utrin- que 26. Geonoma. | EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 119 Spadices 9-pollicares simpliciter ramosi, ramis 3—5, longitudine 4—5 pol- licum, crassissimis ; alveoli densissimi 8-stichi, labio inferiore magno late ovato obtuso retusove fornicato ringente (unde florem persona- tum simulant). Flores iis G. densiflore fere omnino conformes. Bacce 7 x5-lineares ovales vel ovoidez mutice ; pericarpio sicco fere lineam crasso ; al- bumine seminis corneo, embryone paulo supra ejus basin laterali elongato minute tuberculoso. Obs.— Distinguishable from the preceding, even when growing, by the longer thicker branches of the spadix ; but the essential difference is in the large ovate (not obcordate) lip of the alveoles. The resemblance ofthe alveole to a labiate or personate corolla is enhanced by the floral envelopes of effete flowers persisting within the cavity, and protruding so as to resemble a pendulous lip, opposite to which the true lip of the alveole overarches like a galea. 40. G. ASPIDIIFOLIA, sp. n. Hab. in sylvis fluvii Tarumá fl. Negro defluentis (Spruce, herb. Palm. 79). Caudex 3-pedalis, tenuis, diametro Arundinis culmi, fuscescens. Folia parva pinnatisecta ; petiolus tenuis 8-pollicaris ; lamina 6-7-polli- caris (secus costam mensa); pinne 3-jugs opposite rhomboideo- acinaciformes acumine filiformi, terminales duplo longiores; vence primaric utrinque 20, 4-6 pollices longs», basi angulo acuto in costam decurrentes, medio tam recurve ut angulum rectum cum costa effor- ment, apice iterum incurvee. Spadices infra frondes oriundi, parvi, simpliciter ramosi, suberecti; pe- dunculus 11-pollicaris spathis velatus apice trifidus, ramis 2-23-polli- caribus sat validis rufescentibus ; alveoli obscure 5-stichi, subrotundi, labio inferiore brevissime emarginato. Spathe li-pollicares, fusi- formes, pro genere firm:e et diutius persistentes, dorso carinatz, ventre rimose. Flores lati, ante anthesin ovato- vel subgloboso-trigoni. FI. g: petala sepalis fere duplo longiora, plus minus alte connata ; filamenta sta- minum ad medium usque coalita, apice bicrura, cruribus introflexis antherarum loculis zequilongis. Fl. 9: tubus stamineus profunde 6- fidus, lobis digitiformibus. Bacce...... 4l. G. TUBERCULATA, Sp. n. Hab. in sylvis ripariis fl, Negro secus ejus ostia (Spruce, herb. Palm. 18). Cadet. oi.: tenuis virescens, diametro 3-lineari. Folia 4 vel 5 contemporanea, parva (10-12-pollicaria), pinnati- secta; pinne bijugæ rhomboideo-acinaciformes, abrupte tenuiacumi- 120 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Geonoma. nat», termiminales 6X2-pollicares; vene primarie utrinque 12 solum. Spadices 7-pollicares simpliciter ramosi; pedunculus tenuis 33-polli- caris; rami 5 v. 6, bipollicares ; alveoli obscure 5-stichi, labio infe- riore emarginato vel breviter bifido. Spathe 3-pollicares, lanceolate, cito lacerz, tametsi diutius persistentes. WE I Issues ; 9 calyx corollam fere æquans. Bacce globose magnitudine pisi minoris, in sicco grosse tuberculate ; epicarpium tenue sicciusculum ; endocarpium tenue osseum. Seminis testa mem- branacea, tenuissima, vasibus rhaphis ad dimidiam peripheriam et ultra percursa ; embryo hilo proximus. 42, G. PARAENSIS, sp. n. Hab. in sylvis flum. Amazonum prope Para (Spruce, hb. Palm. 69). Caudet: euer Folia pinnata; pinne sub-ll-jugw latiuscule (14x 1l-pollieares) dis- site, elongato-lanceolatz acumine tenui, planiuscule, basi parum re- duplicate, sub-5-venie, terminales pluriveniz, venis angulo 70° ten- dentibus. Spadix imperfectus mihi aderat, et utrum simpliciter ramosus, anne potius ramis trifidis paniculatus, e specimine non licet dicere. Rami (ramulive?) elongati 7-pollicares, puberuli mox calvi; alveoli ob- scure 5-stichi, labio inferiore limbo semiannulari perangusto emargi- nato constante. Flores parvi: d calyx corolla fere dimidio brevior; antherarum loculi et filamenta przlonga. Fl. 9 androeceum ore digitato-sexfidum. 43. G. NEGRENSIS, sp. n. Hab. in sylvis precipue humilioribus secus fluviorum Negro et Casi- quiari confluentiam (Spruce, hb. Palm. 70). Caudex 8-pedalis, diametro semipollicari. Folia sub 7 contemporanea 3-pedalia pinnata; petiolus vix pedalis ad basin precipue stuppa albida dense vestitus serius denudatus; pinne 20-jugze, dissitze, 13 pollices longs, semipollicem latæ, lineari-lan- ceolate, basi parum angustate et reduplicate, apice longe sensim acuminate, valide 4-7-venis, venis angulum 657-70? cum costa efformantibus. Spadices vix semipedales simpliciter ramosi; rami 5, 31-pollicares, flex- uosi setuloso-puberuli; alveoli obscure 6-stichi confertiusculi, labio inferiore profunde bifido patulo. Spathe sub-4-pollicares peduncu- lum vaginantes et intra petioli basin validam amplexicaulem abscon- ditze, firmze, demum lacerze. Flores in alveolis 2-3-ni. Fl. d petala calycem subduplo superantia ad medium usque coalita ; styli 3 steriles brevissimi in floris fundo. Fl 9 andra:ceum apice digitiformi 6-fidum. Nunnezharia.| ^ EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 121 NUNNEZHARLA, R. e£ Pav. (1794). Chameedorea, Willd. (1803). This genus, although placed so far apart from Geonoma in the arrangement of Kunth, is plainly its near ally. The slim graceful habit is the same ; and so is the essential character of the tripar- tite ovary, the two minute, abortive, and indurated earpels per- sisting at the base of the ripened fertile carpel, as they sometimes do in Geonoma. The differences, however, are numerous and important, viz. rhachis exalveolate, inflorescence dioicous, calyx gamophyllous, anther-cells connate, andreceum wanting to 9 flowers, berries with polished cuticle, &c. I gathered but one species, certainly referable to Nunnezharia, viz. the N. fragrans of Ruiz and Pavon, which is widely distributed along the eastern roots of the Peruvian Andes, having been gathered by those authors in the space between the rivers Hual- laga and Ucayali, and by myself on the western side of the Hual- laga, in the hills of Tarapoto, at an elevation of 2000 to 3000 feet. There it forms large beds under the tall trees, and perfumes the forest far and wide, with its orange-coloured male flowers, all through the latter half of the year, but especially in the month of August. The Peruvian girls, who call it * Sangapilla," stick it in their hair, put it under their pillows, and use it largely in decora- ting the little crosses which they set up atthe junction of forest- paths. My specimens, dried fourteen years ago, stil give out their fine odour of mignonnette with a dash of primrose when hot water is poured on them. Whether or not this premorse-leaved species be truly a con- gener of the others, with entire pinnz, referred to Chamedorea by Martius, there can be no doubt that the name Nunnezharia has precedence and must stand. 1. N. FRAGRANS, R. et P. Syst. 297 ; Prodr. 137, t. 31. Hab. in Chinchao et Cuchero nemoribus Peruvie (R. et P.); in sylvis Andium orientalium inferiorum prope Tarapoto (S. hb. Palm. 65). Caudices gracillimi, diametro 3-pollicari, virescentes, annulis spatio 2- pollicari sejunctis notati, flexuosi, inclinati, raro erecti. Folia sub sex contemporanea, simplicia bifurca, glaberrima ; petiolus basi in vaginam integram 4—5-pollicarem superne paulo ampliatam dilatatus, proprius pollicaris vel etiam brevior; /amina profunde acuteque bifurca, furcis 14-15-pollicaribus, vix ultra sesquipollicem 122 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Nunnezharia. latis, lineari-rhomboideis, margine interiore integerrimis, exteriore apicali crenato-incisove-premorsis; vene utrinque 12 recte acutis- simæ (angulo 18°). Spadices infrafoliares, plus minus penduli, solitarii, 6-12-pollicares, tenuissimi, ramos 2-6 (raro 0), nonnunquam ad 9 pollices longos, flexuosos glaberrimos sulcatos haud tamen alveolatos proferentes ; spadice 9 in diversa stirpe sæpius ramis paucioribus longioribusque fructu corallinis gaudente. Spathe 3 membranaceze, compressz, fere complicate, antice rimosæ et sepius laceræ, in pedunculo persis- tentes v. tempore florum caduce. Flores dioici: g solitarii confertiusculi squarrose patuli. Calyx mi- nutus (,!,-pollicaris) submembranaceus cupularis trifidus, laciniis or- bieulari-ovatis nigro-limbatis. Corolle petala j-pollicaria, longe ovalia cymbiformi-concava inflexo-valvata coriacea carnosulave *. Stamina 6 (raro 7-9) corollam vix dimidiam æquantia ; filamenta basi in membranam brevissimam coalita, lata, compressa, carnosula ; anthere loculi oblongi basi connectivo brevilateraliter adnati, apice longe liberi introrsi. Pistillum sterile (rarissime fertile) staminibus duplo longius corollam fere sequans profunde tripartitum, laciniis erectis appressis; in nonnullis floribus integrum trisuleum. FI. 9 fructuum basin stipantes fragmentarii (novellos non vidi) Calyx maris, sed crassior. Corolla 3-partita, laciniis jam ruptis sed (ut vi- deretur) subrotundis. Ovarium tripartitum, carpellis 2 abortivis minutis ad carpelli fertilis basin persistentibus et indurescentibus. Bacce nigre nitide levissime, semipollicem longs, ovales subgibbse acutiusculee monosperme ; epicarpio pergamineo, mesocarpio tenui viridi insipido; testa seminis nigrescens firma vasibus rhaphis laxe reticulatis operta. 2. N. ? GEONOMOIDES, sp. n. Hab. in sylvis excelsis montis Campana Peruvis orientalis, alt. 3000- 4000 ped. (S. hb. Palm. 67). Caudex 3-pedalis tenuissimus. Foliorum petiolus pedalis tenuis basi longe vaginans, vagina integra pro spadicis emissione antice rupta; lamina obovato-cuneata profunde bifurca, 8-linearis (ad rhachim mensa), sed 15-linearis ad furcarum apices usque, glaberrima, furcis apice vix acuminato subfaleatis ; vence utrinque 10, directione 25°. Spadices fere sesquipedales tenues glaberrimi simpliciter ramosi; pe- dunculus 10-pollicaris secus apicem arcuato-pendulus; rami semipe- dales tenuissimi flexuose patuli alveolati, alveolis oblongis cymbi- formibus, solitariis, sparsis, raro hic illic subconfertis, unifloris. * Nonnunquam petala duplo numero sunt, 3 seriei interioris paulo minori- bus ; et haud raro petalum supplementarium unicum invenitur, cxteris duobus abortivis obsoletisve. Simili modo stamina variant. Nunnezharia.| ^ EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 123 Spathe 2 pedunculum floriferum excedentes, a basi usque ad 8 polli- cum altitudinem integrz et pedunculum arcte vaginantes, apice 2-4- pollicari anguste fusiformi antice rupte et cito fibroso-dissolute. Flores omnes quos vidi d' nondum aperti. Calyx annularis alveolo semiimmersus breviter trilobus transverse corrugatus, lobo inferiore subaltiore, unde alveoli cum calyce solo persistente cunabuli- formes evadunt. Corolla e petalis 3 suborbicularibus valvatis, calyce triplo longioribus. Stamina 6 biseriata corolla inclusa eidem ipsa basi adnata et brevissime monadelpha ; filamenta brevia compressa, connectivo incluso subulata ; anthere erect turgide oblongz basi apiceque profunde emarginatz, loculis ad latera dehiscentibus. Pis- till: rudimentum staminibus zquilongum et cum serie interna basi concretum, subteres, apice truncato disciformi. Obs.—An huc referenda, quum nec flores 9 nec fructus vidi, et spadice distincte alveolato gaudeat, valde dubius sum. Morenia, Ruiz et Pav. Syst. 299. A genus distinguished from Nunnezharia by the presence of an andrceceum of six sterile filaments in the 9 flowers, and by the spadices (at least the males) being whorled. In M. fragrans they are said to be 4-nate in the d plant, solitary in the 9. In M. Péppigiana (the only species known to me) I have found them 6-nate in the d plant. The 9 flowers I have not seen; but the tri- partite ovary, although not specially mentioned, is plainly indi- cated in Martius's description of the two species known to him, even the fruit being sometimes triple, in consequence of all the three carpels being fertile. M. fragrans, R. et P., has “ Bacce 3 monosperme,” and M. Poppigiana, Mart., ^ Baccee nune 3 in sin- gulo flore evolutæ, nune unica stigmatibus 3 excentricis notata.” 1. M. POPPIGIANA, Mart. Palm. 161, t. 140, 141. Hab. in valle Huallaga fluvii provinciam Maynas Peruvie perfluentis, prope confluentem Chincao, locis rupestribus sylvaticis (Pöpp. in Mart.); in eadem valle, in sylvis excelsis ad pedem montis Campana, ipse legi (S. Ab. Palm. 58). Caudices 6-pedales tenues distanter annulati. Folia 7-pedalia (pe- tiolo proprio pedali ejusdemque vagina pedali integra inclusis), ambitu longe lanceolata pinnata, glaberrima ; pinne 28-juge, infe- riores suboppositze, 20-22-pollicares, longe lanceolate tenuiacumi- nate parum falcate, basi fere verticali insertze, preter costam me- diam quadriveniz, pluries plicato-striate ; pinnz superiores dimidio breviores altern:e. Spadices 3 verticillati, 6 ex unica folii vagina dissoluta erumpentes, vix pedales (pedunculo subsemipedali incluso), simpliciter ramosi, 124 DR. R. SPRUCE ON | Morenia. glaberrimi, albi; ram: 20 et plures patuli 2-3-pollicares spicæformes, solitarii v. inferiores binati, sulcati sed non alveolati. Spathe 3, per peduneulum sparse, imbricato-vaginantes (suprema pedunculum plerumque longe excedente), elongato-fusiformes, subacuminatz, an- tice rimosee demum plurifissee, 2-4 pollices longi, papyracese, pal- lide virides, intus albidee. Flores 3 conferti 2-4-natim aggregati 41,—1 poll. longi. Calyx minutus cupularis trigonus membranaceus. Corolla coriacea carnosula ener- vis; petala 3, ovalia, tertio fere orbiculari, valvata. Stamina 6 co- rolla breviora; filamenta tenuiuscula basi brevissime monadelpha; anthere dorsifixæ, loculis erectis parallelis oblongis basi et prsecipue apice liberis, rima laterali dehiscentes, connectivo brevissimo. Pi- stillum sterile tripartitum, filamentis subeequilongum iisdem basi ipsa concretum, LEOPOLDINIA, Mart. Leopoldinia is allied to Geonoma in habit (although more ro- bust), in the alveolate spadices, the imbricated sepals and valvate petals of the flowers of both sexes, the trifid ovary, &c.,—but dif- fers abundantly in the stamens being free except at the very base, and not united halfway up into a trigonous tube, in the erect and combined anther-cells, and from both Geonoma and Nunnez- haria in the presence of an endocarp consisting of several layers of stout interlaced fibres which are obviously the homologues of the retiform leaf-sheaths. From Euterpe, @nocarpus, &c. it is widely separated by the petals of the female flowers being valvate, not convoluto-imbricate. I regret not having profited by my opportunities to make a thorough examination on the spot of the female inflorescence and fruit of these beautiful palms; for L. pulchra and major abound along the shores, and on sandy and stony islands of the Rio Negro and other black-water rivers of the Amazon-Orinoco region ; while the cordage-yielding L. Piassaba is almost equally abundant in low sandy flats of the adjacent forests *. * Those botanists who persist in calling this palm “ A¢talea funifera," because its beard, so much employed in the manufacture of cordage, brooms, &c., bears the same name (Piassaba) in commerce as that of the true Attalea funifera, might any time during the last twelve years have convinced themselves that Mr. Wallace and myself have correctly referred it to Leopoldinia, by consult- ing my specimens in the Herbarium and Museum at Kew. For a fuller account of L. Piassaba, its distribution and uses, I must refer to Mr. Wallace's book (Palms of the Amazon, p. 17), and to my own deseription (Linn. Soc. Journ. 1860, iv.), whereof I reproduce below only what is essential to understanding the species. Leopoldinia. | EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 125 The fruits are perhaps unique among Palms in being much com- pressed laterally—so much so in L. pulchra as to be scarcely half so thick as broad. The epicarp in all the species is of a dull red colour. The fleshy mesocarp of L. pulchra and major has the disagreeable bitter flavour of the fruit of Iriartea exorrhiza; but in L. Piassaba it is sweet and edible. In my account of L. Piassaba in the Linnean Society's Journal, I followed Martius in describing the fruit of Leopoldinia as a “berry,” and the endocarp as a sarcocarp; but renewed examination has convinced me that the thick inner envelope, consisting of several layers of interwoven horny or woody fibres, is a true endocarp, corresponding in structure to the endocarp of Astrocaryum, &c., except that the interstices of the layers and fibres are open, not closed with woody matter as in other palm-drupes ; while between the endocarp and the cuticle there is a true fleshy mesocarp (sar- cocarp) like that of many other palm-fruits which have, or not,a distinct endocarp. but when quite ripe, it is so hard and ivory-like as to defy the teeth of any animal. I regret that an accident deprived me of the means of drawing up a botanical description of this species. On my voyage up the Huallaga in May 1855, I gathered one morning some fully formed fruits of Yarina, and, as they were infested by stinging ants, I laid them near the fire, where our breakfast was being cooked, to dis- perse the ants, and then plunged into the forest in quest of other objects. During my absence the Indians, not knowing I wanted to preserve the fruits, struck their cutlasses into them, and finding the seeds still tender enough to be eaten, munched them all up, and thus destroyed my specimens. Ineveragain saw the Yarina in good condition, except when I and my attendants were already laden with specimens of other plants; and I have preserved no note on the leaves, save that they are equably pinnate and have a long petiole ; whereas in the two species Ishall have to describe the leaves are pin- nate down to the very base, so that there is no proper petiole at all. By its smaller size, and petiolate leaves, this species is in fact readily distinguished ; and I have no doubt of its being the Phytelephas mi- crocarpa very briefly characterized by Ruiz and Pavon (Syst. Veg. 301); for I have traced it along way up the Huallaga, bearing everywhere the same native name, and the stations given for it by those authors, “in Pozuzo et Pampa-hermosa,” are both of them be- tween the rivers Ucayali and Huallaga, Pozuzo being on the small river Pachitea. One of the two Ivory Palms found by Mr. Chand- less in the same region, in his late exploration ofthe river Purus seems to be the Yarina. I have seen this Palm also northward of the Amazon, on tbe river Pastasa, and espeeially on its tribu- tary, the Bombonasa, where it abounds and, in company with a much lofter Palm (Iriartea ventricosa), forms little groves with scarcely any admixture of other plants. Phytelephas. | EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 177 The Yarina, as we have seen, descends from the Andes into the plain along the banks of the Amazon for nearly two hundred miles ; but there is a second and larger species which begins to appear only at the very roots of the Peruvian Andes, and grows in great abundance all along the eastern side of those mountains up to 3000 feet, or perhaps higher. This is plainly the P. macro- carpa of Ruiz and Pavon (Syst. Veg. p. 301); for it agrees with their description, and stil bears the same native name as they assign to it, * Pulupuntu " (or “ Polo-ponto ” in the Hispanicized pronunciation). They found it chiefly on the upper tributaries of the Ucayali, “in Andium nemoribus imis et calidis versus Chan- chamayo, Vitoc, Cuchero, et S. Antonium de Playa grande.” It is so common along the course of rocky streams in that region, that I know three affluents ofthe Huallaga which all bear the name “ Polo-ponto yacu" (Ivory-Palm river) Mr. Chandless brought good specimens of the fruit from the headwaters ofthe Purüs. At Tarapoto, in Maynas, the Polo-ponto is very frequent, and is even occasionally cultivated for the sake of its fronds, which are the usual material for thatch. I was able there to draw up a nearly complete description of the living plant: it is deficient in the account of the female inflorescence, which I only saw when the fruit was already ripening; and neither in this nor in the fol- lowing species did I observe any “ flores hermaphroditi v. abortu masculi," such as Ruiz and Pavon speak of. The chief characters of Phytelephas macrocarpa are to have either no trunk at all, or a very short and stout one, which is nearly always inclined or crooked ; large leaves equally pinnate to the very base, so that they have no distinct petiole ; male flowers (or rather capitula) sessile on a long fleshy compressed spadix, and containing each from 150 to nearly 300 stamens. The fruits are from 9 to 12 inches in diameter, nearly spherical, and consist of from twelve to twenty elosely packed capitula, each of which is composed of nu- merous concrete carpels, whereof only about four are fertile. The sharply pyramidal free apices of the carpels are what render the fruits murieated like those of an Anona. The nuts have been long well-known in England. On erossing over to the western side ofthe Equatorial Andes, I saw no more of the two species above mentioned, but in their stead a third species very distinct from both, and (so far as I can find) hitherto undescribed. It is known to the natives by the names of * Cádi " and * Corozo "—the latter applied chiefly to the LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. N 178 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Phytelephas. nuts, whose “ ivory " has long been in use with the turners of Ecuador. I gave a brief account of the Cadi ina letter to Sir W. J. Hooker, in 1859 (published in the Linn. Journ. vol. iv. p. 186), and I propose now to call it Phytelephas cquatorialis. It differs chiefly from the other two species in the stout and often quite erect trunk, reaching 15 or even 20 feet in height—in the unequally pin- nate leaves, the pinne being not equidistant (as in the others) but aggregate by threes and fours along the rhachis—in the male capi- tula being stalked or racemed on a pendulous spadix—and in the very numerous stamens, of which each capitulum contains a thousand or more. Phytelephas equatorialis abounds in the Guayaquilian plain, and up the Andine valleys to a height of 5000 feet, especially to- wards Mount Chimborazo. I should expect to find it extending northward along the coast of the Pacific to within the bounda- ries of New Granada; but the Ivory-Palm of that country should be a distinct species, if the figure in Seemann’s ‘ Popular History of Palms’ has been taken from the true plant; for it represents astemless Palm with equably pinnate leaves. It is, indeed, within the limits of possibility that several species of Phytelephas remain to be discovered on both sides of the Andes, and even in the lands lying northward of the Isthmus of Panamá *. The characters of the three species may be contrasted as follows :— l. P. microcarpa, R. et P.: caudice nullo v. tenui inclinato ; foliis sequaliter pinnatis longiuscule petiolatis........ Hab. in sylvis Pe- ruviæ orientalis, ditione Maynensi, et /Equatorialibus “ de Canelos " dictis, preecipue ad flum. Amazonum supra fl. Napo ostia, et in An- dibus inferioribus, ubi ad 2500 pedum alt. ascendit.—“ Yarina ” in- colarum. 2. P. MACROCARPA, R. et P.: caudice nullo v. perbrevi valido incli- nato; foliis zequaliter pinnatis, petiolo subnullo; spadicibus ma- sculis erecto-arcuatis, capitulis sessilibus, staminibus 150-280.— Hab. * The Ivory-Palm found by Dr. Seemann along the Pacific coast of New Gra- nada, where it is called “ Anta,” agrees with the Cadi in the male flowers being * attached to fleshy spikes, which are from four to five feet long, and hang down," but differs in the leaves and in the “ aerial roots " (such as I have not seen in any Phytelephas) which aid to drag the Palm into a recumbent posture, when it * forms a creeping caudex, which is not unfrequently more than twenty feet long” (Voy. of the Herald,’ i. 223). The “Tagua” of the Magdalena ap- pears to be another and very distinct species. Phytelephas. | EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 179 ee cum priore, sed rarius in planitiem descendit et paulo altius supra montes ascendit.— Pulu-puntu ” incolarum. . P. ZQUATORIALIS, sp. n.: caudice robusto sepius erecto; foliis inequaliter pinnatis, pinnis 3-4-natim aggregatis, petiolo subnullo; spadicibus masculis pendulis, capitulis pedicellatis, staminibus 1000 et pluribus.— Hab. in Andium ZEquatorialium devexis occidenta- libus usque ad 5000 pedum alt., neenon in planitie Guayaquilensi.— “ Cadi” incolarum. I append descriptions of the two latter species, not complete, but as nearly so as my materials will allow. 2. P. macrocarpa, R. et P. Syst. Veg. 31. Hab. In Andium Peruvianorum radicibus orientalibus, frequens, raro tamen supra 3000 pedum alt. inventa. Ipse secus fluvios Huallaga et Mayo vidi (hb. Palm. 61); Ruiz et Pavon versus fluviorum Hual- laga et Ucayali origines *in Andium nemoribus imis et calidis, versus Chanchamayo, Vitoc et S. Antonium de Playa grande;" cl. Chandless secus fl. Purás affluentes superiores (Journ. Roy. Geog. Soc. xxxvi. p. 99). * Polo-ponto” vel “ Pulu-puntu” a Peruvianis nuncupta. Caudex vel nullus vel perbrevis et semper inclinatus decumbensve, pe- tiolis decisis spiraliter areolatus v. eorum reliquiis horridus. Folia polysticha conferta zqualiter pinnata; petiolus preter rhachis basim dilatatam vix ullus ; pinne circiter 100-juge, plereeque exacte opposite, basi reduplicatze, lineari-lanceolatz sensim acutate recte plicate glaberrime, medise 32 x 13-pollicares, apicales vix bipedales. Spadices dioici, ex axillis foliorum annotinorum oriundi ; masculi ad- scendentes spiciformes 32-pollicares ; pedunculus compressus 10 pol- lices longus, 14 lineas latus, 8 lineas crassus; rhachis 22x 2} x 1}- pollicaris, floribus (capitulis melius dictis) sessilibus onusta. Capitula polyandra, inferiora majora subdissita elongata subrectangularia, superiora arcte congesta fere equilatere 4-6-gona, perigonio (bractea spathellave) annulari lineam alto ore subobliquo et 4-6-angulato circumcincta. Stamina cujusque capituli 150-280, supra torum ele- vatum congesta, albida, odorata ; filumenta teretia attenuata 3j lin. longa; antherc 2 lineas longs, lineares, connectivo in unguiculum producto, loculis secus longitudinem rimosis. Spathe 2, falve, gla- bratze : exterior 7 x 2-pollicaris elongato-oblonga compressula ancipiti- bialata, apice labiis 2 abrupte apiculatis hians: interior 10 x 2-polli- caris lineari-fusiformis apice obtuso ancipiti, demum antice rimosa. Spadicis feminei pedunculus longitudine masculi, paulo crassior, apice in receptaculum ovale compressum dilatatus et capitulis 12-20 sessi- libus congestis onustus. Involucra squamis pluribus parvis subtri- angularibus tempore fructus apice fibroso-solutis capitulorum basim cingentibus constantia. Ovaria plurima, coalita, apice solo py- 180 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Phytelephas. ramidato subacuminato plerumque obliquo striato libera, perigonio stricte induta, uniovulata, pauca centralia (sub 4) fertilia, lateralia sterilia constricta fere mutica apiceque areolas parum elevatas effor- mantia. Stylus filiformis basi crassior, 2-pollicaris; stigmata 5 v. 6 bipollicaria anguste loriformia, margine interno tuberculosa. Spa- tharum reliquia sola vidi. Fructus massam globosam, diametro 9-12-pollicari efformantes; capi- tula matura (sorosi) pressione mutua 4-6-angulari-obpyramidata, apice convexa et ovariorum apicibus muricata, nuces sub 4 comple- ctentia ; exocarpio (perigoniis coalitis constante) e carnoso lignescente, extus cinereo, intus aurantiaco investita. Nwces demum a matrice solutz, basi stipite brevissimo ad mamillam subovoideam redacto suffultz, albidze, crasse dolabriformes v. forma fere sphæræ quadrantis, angulo axiali vix 90°, 21 lineas longs, 16 lineas late. Pericarpium tenuiusculum fragile, membranis tribus constans, externa albida, media nigrescente, interna (endocarpio) fusca primitus mediantibus raphes vasis cum testa tenui fusca concreta. Semen forma nucis, erectum, prope hilum mamilla embryonem obtegente instructum. Albumen album osseum durissimum. Embryo hilo proximus, conico- cylindraceus, forma directioneque eidem Palmarum plurimarum omnino conformis. 3. P. HQUATORIALIS, sp. n. Hab. in sylvis reipublice /Equatoris (Ecuador), nempe in planitie Guayaquilensi et in Andium radicibus occidentalibus usque ad 5000 pedum alt, frequens, nominibus “Cadi” et * Corozo" cognita. Eadem species verisimiliter etiam per oras maris Pacifici usque ad Panamá extenditur (S. Ab. Palm. 64; Linn. Journ. iv. 186). Caudex 15—20-pedalis validus sepius erectus raro arcuatus inclinatusve petiolorum cicatricibus spiraliter areolatus. Folia 30-pedalia late arcuata insqualiter pinnata; petiolus perbrevis basi dilatatus incrassatusque ; pinne 3-4-natim fastigiate, vix bipe- dales, subrectz, lineari-lanceolate, sensim acute, glaberrime. Spadices masculi 4-44-pedales, simplices, arcuato-penduli. Pedunculus 18x 2x }-pollicaris, et rhachis (13 poll. lata) compressa. Spathe 2: exterior 13 X 5-pollicaris, canescens olivaceave, rectangulari-oblonga, fere a basi ad apicem semiovalem usque squilata, ancipiti-bialata, antice rimosa ; interior bipedalis, circumferentia 8-pollicaris, ochraceo- miniata, coriacea, exteriore crassior, anguste fusiformis, basi con- stricta pedunculum vaginans, apice solo argute anceps demum antice fissa, Capitula circiter 170, racemosa polysticha globosa exinvolu- crata, pedicello 2-3-pollicari, albido, 4-sulco, basi unibracteato, a basi ad apicem usque sensim attenuato, angulo 50? v. majore adscendente suffulta. Bractee parve tenues lato-ovate apiculate, inferiores ssepe inzquilatere et longius cuspidatze, infima vacua. Stamina mille et plura, densissime conferta, alba, subsemipollicaria; filamenta 33 Phytelephas.] ^ EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 181 lineas longa, filiformia, flexuosa ; anther@ 21 lineas longz, lineares, unguiculatz, flexuose, loculis sepe inzequilongis connectivo latera- liter adnatis longitudinaliter dehiscentibus; pollinia trigono-pri- smatica. Spadices fæmineos examinare non potui. CaARLUDOVICA, Ruiz et Pavon. I gathered a few plants of this genus; but the dried specimens have been mostly mutilated by insects, and are scarcely worth de- scribing. The bifid-leaved species are tolerably abundant, from the mouth of the Amazon all the way up to the Andes, sometimes climbing high up the trees,like epiphytal Arads, and sending down long aerial roots which are ready-made ropes; while other species are terrestrial and stemless. But my object in introdu- cing the genus here is to say a few words about the Carludovica, from whose fan-shaped leaves what are called “ Panamá hats ” are made, the chief sites of the manufacture being, not at Panamá, but along the western foot of the Andes and adjacent sea-coast, from the Equator to lat. 6? S., and at the eastern foot of the same mountains between the parallels of 5? and 8° south. The plant itself grows wild all along the eastern side of the Andes of Ecuador and Peru up to perhaps 4000 feet, and descends into the great plain, along the course of the Amazon, to beyond the Brazilian frontier, where I first saw it near the mouth of the Yauarí. Throughout’this region it is known by the native name of “ Bom- bonaje." Between the western base of the Equatorial or Quitenian Andes and the shores of the Pacific the same species is largely cultivated, and is probably wild towards the sources of some of the streams. There it is called “ Toquilla," the straw prepared from it being known as * Paja de Toquilla," and the hats as “Sombreros de Toquilla,” or more commonly * Sombreros de paja ” (straw hats)*. * “Toquilla” is a pure Spanish word, the diminutive of “ toca," a woman's cap. ltalso means a hat-band—" cierto adorno de gasa, cinta ú otra cosa que se ponia al rededor de la copa del sombrero.” (Diccionario de la Academia.) Possibly only women's hats were at first woven of this material At the pre- sent day the hats are worn, of one and the same shape, by both men and women 9f the native and mixed races, and even by white ladies in journeys on horseback. In the market of Guayaquil the hats are often classed according to the n or district where they have been fabricated, thus : “ Sombreros de Monte Cristo, 182 DR. R. SPRUCE ON [ Carludovica. As this plant has always passed in Europe for the Carludovica palmata of Ruiz and Pavon (Syst. Veg. 291; Kunth, Enum. iii. 105), I supposed it already so well known, and so common in herbaria, that I needed not include specimens in my sets; and I accordingly dried only a couple of leaves as objects of curiosity. But on comparing my notes and specimens with the brief descrip- tion given by Ruiz and Pavon of their C. palmata and of its uses, I see reason for considering it a quite distinct species from the Toquilla. I will first sketch the leaves of the latter and the mode of preparing the * straw," and then return to the true C. palmata. CARLUDOVICA, sp. = Bombondje Peruvianorum = Toguilla /Equatoria- lium (S. Ab. Palm. 83, folia in sylvis Andium Maynensium prope Ta- rapoto lecta). Caudex nullus. Folia plurima, radicalia, glaberrima ; petiolus tenuis elongatus; lamina flabelliformis 4-partita, angulo basali cujusque lacinise 40? vel totius folii 160°; laciniis 21-pollicaribus, ab apice ultra tertiam partem 10-fidis, lacinulis ergo totius folii 40, 8 pollices longis, late subulatis, venis primariis plicisque tot quot lacinulis. The leaves are folded in vernation exactly like a fan, each seg- ment on its own medial vein or rib, so as to consist of eighty layers. It is only these young unexpanded leaves that are used in weaving hats. With a small two-pronged fork, or with two needles stuck into the end of a stick, the whole eighty layers are split up at once into 160 strips, leaving out the midribs, which are then bent back and cut away, while the strips remain hanging from the top of the petiole broom-fashion. They are next boiled until they become white, and, having been carefully combed out with the fingers, are hung in the sun to dry. They curl in at the edges in drying, but do not twist in the least; so that from being lth or 4th of an inch in width when fresh, they are only j,th of an inch or less when dry, and are nearly terete, but get flattened in weaving. For the finest hats, only a single narrow strip is taken from the margin of each segment, leaving a great breadth to be thrown away with the midribs; such strips dry to no more than jlth or „yth of an inch broad. : Now Ruiz and Pavon describe their Carludovica palmata as * de Jipijapa,” “ de la Punta de Santa Elena.” The hats last named, usually styled “ Sombreros de la Punta” or “ Puntetios,” were in most request when I was at Guayaquil in 1860-3. Carludovica. | EQUATORIAL-AMERICAN PALMS. 183 having “ folia flabelliformia 3-5-partita,” and say nothing about the segments being again numerously cloven ; but if the leaves had been 40-cleft (as in our plant) they would surely have so de- scribed them. And while they make no mention of hats being made from the leaves, they say that the Indians thatch their houses with them, and that the petioles (6 feet long) serve for walking-canes*. But although the leaves may serve for thatch, the petioles of the Toquilla are far too weak for walking-canes, and I never saw them more than half 6 feet long. There is, however, a much larger species of Carludovica in Maynas, which corresponds both in character and uses with the C. palmata of Ruiz and Pavon. It is called * Irapái;' and the palmatipartite leaves are much used for thatch in the villages of the Upper Amazon, whereof I saw a fine example in the old church of San Regis, a little below the mouth of the Tigre; but they are not at all used for hats. Unfortunately I never saw fresh spe- cimens, so that I can give no description of itt. This is all I have to offer on the question of the identity of Carludovica palmata, R. et P. Future investigators, with ade- quate materials, will be able to decide it. * “Tncole e stipitibus orgyalibus teretibus baculos leves et flexiles confi- ciunt. Indi hujus speciei et sequentium frondibus tuguria tegunt." — Sysf. Veg. l. c. + In the Forest of Canelos, on the banks of the Bombonasa, I saw growing along with the Bombonaje, a third fan-leaved species of Carludovica, foliis parvis flabelliformibus bi- (nec quadri)partitis apice multifidis. DR. H. A. WEDDELL ON THE GENERIC NAME CASCARILLA. 185 Remarks on the Generic Name Cascarilla. By H. A. S M.D., F.M.L.S., &. From a letter addressed to J. E. Howarp, Esq. [Read March 4, 1869.] Havine had of late many opportunities of appreciating the advantages of the Code of Laws recommended by the Botanical Congress of 1867, I thought I would, while dealing with cases of priority, examine more closely than I had hitherto done a ques- tion to which you have frequently called the attention of botanists. I allude to the expediency of maintaining or rejecting the name of Cascarilla, given to a genus of cinchonaceous plants, and closely allied, but, in my opinion, still clearly distinct from, Cinchona *. The conclusion I have come to is that the name of Cascarilla must give way to that of Buena (Pohl), its elder—and not, as many have thought, to Ladenbergia (Klotzsch), which is of earlier date. Were the disputed point to be merely between Cascarilla and Ladenbergia, the first name would needs have to be maintained, as ' there is no sufficient reason for rejecting it (vide ‘ Laws of No- menclature,’ art. 58 and 59)t. The name of Buena was given by Pohl to a Brazilian tree, B. hexandra, discovered by him in the province of Rio de Janeiro. It is the only species he has described of the genus, and has since become one of Klotzsch's Ladenbergie and of my Cascarille. Klotzsch, moreover, gave the name of Buena to the first sec- tion of his genus Ladenbergia, that of Cascarilla being applied to * Nevertheless, if it were clearly shown that there is such a thing as Cinchona with capsules dehiscing indifferently from base upwards and vice versd, my con- fidence in these genera would be somewhat shaken ; but I must say that Iam not at present sufficiently convinced that the double dehiscence described by M. Karsten, as characteristic of his Cinchona heterocarpa, is an entirely natural one. I mentioned a similar occurrence as having taken place in a specimen of C. lucumefolia, but I looked upon it as a mere post mortem accident. T Art. 58. When a Tribe is made into an Order, when a subgenus or a section becomes a genus, or a division of a species becomes a species, or vice versá, the old names are maintained, provided the result be not the existence of two genera of the same name in the vegetable kingdom, &c. Art. 59. Nobody is authorized to change a name because it is badly chosen or disagreeable or another is preferable or better known, or for any other motive either contestable or of little import. .LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. oO 186 DR. H. A. WEDDELL ON THE GENERIC NAME CASCARILLA. the second, the reason for which he did not adopt it as a generic name, instead of creating a new one, being very probably the same that led me to leave it equally aside for that of Cascarilla, namely the confusion existing between it and Cosmibuena of Ruiz and Pavon. On reflection, however, such an error, even when coun- tenanced by Pohl himself, cannot stand against fact ; and the fact is that Buena (typified in B. hexandra) and Cosmibuena of Ruiz and Pavon are widely distinet, the lobes of the corolla, for in- stance, being strictly valvate in the flower-bud of the first, while in that of the second they are contorted, &c. ; According to law, then, the name of Buena must supersede that of Cascarilla; and I propose, in consequence, that all the species I have described under the head of Cascarilla shall be hencefor- ward ranked under that of Buena, as in the subjoined list. Buena, Pohl, Pl. Bras, t. 8. non Cav. Cinchona b. Cascarilla, Endl. Gen. Pl. p. 556.—Ladenbergia, Klotzsch in Hayne’s Arzneig. 14, in adnot. ad t. 15, exclus. spec.— Cascarilla, Wedd. in Ann. Sc. Nat. 3° sér. x. p. 10; Hist. Nat. Quinq. p. 77.— Cinchona, Sect. III. Ladenbergia, Karst.—Cinchone spec. Auct. I. CascaniLLA, Endl. (PsEUDoQursa, Wedd.). 1. B. wAGNIFOLIA. Cinch. magnifolia, Ruiz et Pav.; Cinch. oblongi- folia, Mutis; Ladenb. magnifolia, Klotzsch ; Case. magnifolia, Wedd. 2. B. NiTIDA. Cinch. nitida, Benth.; Ladenb. nitida, Klotzsch; Casc. nitida, Wedd. 3. B. sTENocaARPA. Cinch. stenocarpa, Lamb.; Casc. stenocarpa, Wedd. 4. B. ACUTIFOLIA. Cinch. acutifolia, Ruiz et Pav.; Ladenb. acuti- folia, Klotzsch; Casc. acutifolia, Wedd. 5. B. Riveroana. Cinch. oblongifolia, Lamb. non Mutis; Casc. ob- longifolia, Wedd. II. EvBuENA (Buena, Klotzsch ; Carua, Wedd.). 6. B. HEXANDRA (Pohl, Pl. Bras.t.8). Ladenb. hexandra, Klotzsch ; Case. hexandra, Wedd. 7. B. RrEDELIANA. Cinch. Riedeliana, Casaretto ; Ladenb. Riedeliana, Klotzsch; Casc. Riedeliana, Wedd. 8. B. HETEROPHYLLA. Casc. heterophylla, Wedd. 9. B. PavoNrr. Cinch. Pavonii, Don ; Ladenb. rk Klotzsch; Casc. Pavoni, Wedd. DR. CUNNINGHAM ON MAGELLAN PLANTS. 187 10. B. LAMBERTIANA! Cinch. Lambertiana, Mart.; Ladenb. Lam- bertiana, Klotzsch ; Casc. Lambertiana, Wedd. ll. B. GaupicHAuDIANA. Case. Gaudichaudiana, Wedd. 12. B. CITRIFoLIA. Case. citrifolia, Wedd. 13. B. catycina. Case. calycina, Wedd. 14. B. BULLATA. Case. bullata, Wedd. 15. B. uxDATA. Ladenb. (Buena) undata, Klotzsch; Case. undata Wedd. ; Cinch. undata, Karst. 16. B. CARUA. Case. Carua, Wedd. 17. B. Roraima. Cinch. Roraime, Benth.; Ladenb. Roraime, Klotzsch ; Case. Roraimz, Wedd. III. CALYPTRIA. 18. B. macrocarpa. Cinch. macrocarpa, Vahl; Cinch. ovalifolia, Mutis; Ladenb. macrocarpa, Klotzsch; Case. macrocarpa, Wedd. 19. B. cRrAassiroLta. Cinch. crassifolia, Pav. DC. ; Case. calyptrata, Wedd. IV. Muzonta. 20. B. muzonensis. Cinch. muzonensis, Goudot ; Casc. muzonensis, Wedd. 21. B. Hookertana. Casc. Hookeriana, Wedd. As a matter of course, to this list will have to be added the spe- cies since described by Karsten and others as consequences of the above, whether under the head of Cinchona or under that of La- denbergia, the latter name being maintained, as formerly proposed by me, for Cinchona dichotoma, Ruiz and Pavon, and its congeners. Letter from Dr. ne ae Naturalist to H.M.S. * Nassau,’ surveying the Strait of Magellan, to Dr. Hooxer, F.R.S. [Read May 6, 1869.] H.M.S. ‘ Nassau,’ Western part of the Strait of Magellan, January 1, 1869. MY pear Srg,— We expect to reach Sandy Point in a few days to get a supply of provisions ; and as we shall leave letters at the settlement to be forwarded to England by a steamer which passes o2 188 DR. CUNNINGHAM ON through the Strait in the course of this month, I make use of the opportunity to send you a few notes of our proceedings during the last two months. We left the Bay of Valparaiso on the evening of the 3rd of November, and reached Lota two days later. The surrounding country was looking exceedingly green and pretty, very refreshing to the eye after the daily contempla- tion of the parched brownish-green hills at the back of Valpa- raiso. Here our stay lasted for a day and a half; and the first day Capt. Mayne and I enjoyed a long ride into the country, which was beautifully diversified with trees and shrubs, Boldoa fragrans being especially plentiful among the latter, and its leaves presenting a most agreeable variety of shades of green. A con- siderable number of plants were in flower, the greater number of which I had, however, previously observed in the neighbourhood of Valparaiso. Such were the Pasithea cerulea, an Oxalis, various species of Gnothera, the little scarlet Zropeolum, &c.; but I also met with some novelties, such as Bomarea Salsilla, which presents a very handsome appearance, trailing over the shrubs, and the Chilian Strawberry, which was in full flower. The fore- noon of the following day I principally employed in searching the beach for marine animals, but did not meet with anything that had not occurred to me on my former visit. In the after- noon we got under weigh with the idea of continuing our voyage, but before we had gone far found the wind so much against us that we anchored in Luco Bay, one of the subdivisions of the large Bay of Arauco. Here we spent three very pleasant days, enjoying the fine sunny weather and the pretty hilly country. I saw some very beautiful trees of the Roble (Fagus obliqua), which appears to be rapidly undergoing extinction in the northern provinces of Chili, and I obtained a considerable number of flowering plants, a good many of which were new to me, as, for example, an Embothrium, which has much narrower leaves than E. coccineum, a blue Sorema(?), an orange Linum, a species of Libertia, &c. Here and there curious tumuli were to be seen, and I made what inquiries I could about them. I met a very intelligent Scotchman, who was wrecked in the Bay thirty years ago, and has been there ever since; and he told me that nothing, so far as he was aware, was known as to their age, beyond the fact that they must be of very considerable antiquity, as the Araucanian Indians have no traditions respecting them. He informed me that nothing, so far as he was aware, had ever PLANTS OF THE STRAIT OF MAGELLAN. 189 been got in the interior of them; and I had one of them opened to a considerable depth, but with no results. None of the tumuli that I saw were above 5 or 6 feet high; but I was told there were some at a distance 40 feet in height. Of the ter- restrial animals that I procured, I may specify a small snake and a great longicorn beetle. The dredge yielded a few speci- mens of a crustacean genus, Serolis. These I have not examined sufficiently carefully to say whether they are distinct from the S. Fabricii of the Straits. The rocks yielded specimens of a small and active Sepia, Concholepades, Fissurelle, Patelle, a curi- ous Ascidian which the Chilians term “ piiure" and esteem as a delicacy (it likewise occurs at Chiloé), and some incrusting sponges. We had two seining parties, and caught a considerable number of fish, among which were Torpedos, which gave most distinct. galvanic shocks, Callorhynchi, and a very curious little fish of the Gymnetrus family, as well as some large swimming crabs. We left our anchorage on the 11th and reached the Bay of San Carlos, Chiloé, on the morning of the 14th, which was a most dismal one of drizzling rain, and suggested forebodings that we had left the region of fine weather behind us. However, by the middle of the day it cleared up, and, wonderful to say, we had fine weather during the rest of our stay. The land did not look quite SO green as it did when we first arrived at Chiloé last season, owing chiefly to the young foliage of the shrubs (particularly the Myrta- ce&) being of a reddish-brown colour. The Fuchsias and Escallo- nias were just beginning to make a show, and daily grew hand- somer; and a Malvaceous shrub was in great glory, covered with large white and delicate pale purple flowers. Our own Foxglove (Digitalis) was also flowering luxuriantly; and Iwas much delighted with a splendid yellow Calceolaria which grew on the cliffs close to the beach. Sarmienta repens and Callixene polyphylla, both in full flower, adorned the stems of many of the trees; and among the other plants obtained were an Uncinia (probably U. multifaria), two white-flowered species of Libertia, Berberis Darwinii, and B. dulcis, Codonorchis Lessonii, which I had previously obtained in the Strait, Embothrium coccineum, Lomatia ferruginea, and, last though not least, the Tricuspidaria, the low trees of which were loaded with the drooping rose-coloured flowers. By the way, I See that in an article by Mr. Miers on the Tricuspidarie, in the July number of the * Annals of Natural History,’ he describes the flowers of what I suppose to be this species as “ aurantiaci." 190 DR. CUNNINGHAM ON With the exception of some very fine specimens of a species of Pholas, I did not obtain anything worth mentioning in the way of marine animals. We were much interested in watching the flight of large flocks of that curious diving Petrel the Pelecanoides Be- rardi, of whose habits Mr. Darwin has given such an excellent ac- count in his narrative. We left the Bay of San Carlos on the 20th, and went on our way south between Chiloé and the mainland, and we arrived at the island of Quehuy, not far from the southern ex- tremity of Chiloé, on the 21st. There we remained a day and a half; and Capt. Mayne engaged an Englishman to act as our pilot through the Chonos archipelago, which we were desirous of seeing something of. Quehuy is a pretty wooded island, with a considerable population, a goodly proportion of whom are Indians speaking the Huilliche language. On the steep sandstone cliffs above the beach, in some places, I got magnificent specimens of the yellow Calceolaria I have already mentioned; and Gunnera scabra was a striking object, with its great rhubarb-like leaves and curious flower-spikes ; and in the weeds I found a species of Luzuriaga in great profusion climbing the tree-trunks, its glossy green leaves, snow-white flowers, and bright orange berries pro- ducing a most attractive effect. There were also some splendid trees of Embothrium ; and I found two species of Solanum, one forming a stout shrub. January 14th.—I resume my narrative after a considerable interval. We left Quehuy on the morning of the 23rd, and pur- sued our way south. It was a splendid day, and the scenery of the mainland was extremely fine, the Minchin Madira, Corcovado, and Milimoya mountains attracting special attention by their snowy-mantled and sharp peaks. In the evening we reached Port Melinka, in the Guayteras group of islands ; and as we had a few hours’ daylight, a party of us went in search of a small cave which, we were told, was on one of the islands; and contained bones of Chonos Indians, which I was naturally anxious to secure. After a careful scrutiny of the coast of the said island, J am happy to say that our endeavours were crowned with success; for we found the cave, and in it I obtained crania and some other bones. I collected a sample of the plants, nearly all of which I had previously met with in Chiloé. I think the only novelty was a very handsome species of Lathyrus, perhaps L. pubescens. This was the southernmost locality in which I observed Sarmienta PLANTS OF THE STRAIT OF MAGELLAN. 191 repens. Next morning we went on our way, and in the evening arrived at Port Nevada, about a third of the way down the Chonos group. This day, which was tolerably fine, we had excellent oppor- tunities of observing in what a very vague manner the archi- pelago is laid down in the maps and charts hitherto published ; for, instead of consisting of a few large islands, as commonly re- presented, it is formed of myriads of small ones. We reached Port Laguna about ten miles north of the Darwin Channel by noon on the 25th, and there remained for the rest of the day, which allowed me an opportunity of exploring the neighbour- hood. Some others were seen, and we picked up some skulls of the Coypou (Myopotamus). Some specimens of the Chloéphaga poliocephala were shot. This very beautiful goose we have met with in many localities in the channels and western part of the Strait of Magellan, where the Upland Goose (C. magellanica), so common in the eastern part of the Strait and Falkland Islands, is very scarce. The vegetation of Port Laguna was intermediate in its character be- tween that of Chiloé and the Channels: Podocarpus nubigenus, Metrosideros stipularis, Embothrium coccineum, Lomatia ferruginea, Pernettya mucronata, Philesia buxifolia, Desfontainia spinosa, Te- coma valdiviana, Berberis dulcis, and a low tree which I first met with last year at Playa Parda, and which I have since found to extend throughout the Channels, and as far north as Chiloë, and which appears to be a species of Panar, were amongst the pre- vailing plants. The Chusquca, so abundant in Chiloé, Escallonia macrantha, and Berberis Darwinii were met with for the last time. On the tree-trunks I obtained some beautiful flowering specimens of Callixene polyphylla, as well as examples of the Gesneraceous creeper I found last year at Port Otway, and which, I suppose, is a species of Columnea. Mitraria coccinea was in fine flower; but, as one of my last years' letters will have informed you, this is by no means its southernmost habitat. Next day we parted with our pilot, and passed through the Darwin Channel into the open sea, a circumstance which did not add to our comfort, as we encountered a very heavy swell, which caused the ‘ Nassau’ to go through a series of the most wonder- ful evolutions. We entered the Messier Channel early on the afternoon of the 192 DR. CUNNINGHAM ON 27th, and found things in general looking very much as when we left them, heavy rain falling, and the tops of the mountains shrouded in mist. That evening we anchored in a small cove which bears the name of one of the surveyors, and there we re- mained all the next day, as it rained hard, with the addition of furious squalls, which made us feel thankful that we were comfort- ably at anchor. On the 29th we weighed in the morning and passed southwards as far as Gray Harbour, a little to the north of the English Narrows. There we remained for a day to com- plete the survey of the harbour; and, as usual, I explored the neighbourhood with my friend Dr. Campbell and some of the other officers. We got beautiful specimens of Escallonia serrata in flower, as well as excellent specimens of Pinguicula antarctica, and that curious dwarf Conifer the Lepidothamnium, which I first found at Eden Harbour last year, and which ranges through- out the greater portion of the Channels without, so far as I have yet seen, reaching the Strait of Magellan. We also obtained numerous specimens of a species of Zymnea, which was living in company with Balani in brackish water. The shells varied much in form, the apices of some being much eroded. From Gray Harbour we went to Port Grappler; and the night we got there a beautiful fish, resembling a Callionymus in its general form, was taken on a line by one of the ship's com- pany, aud, as is usually the case with anything curious, pre- sented to me. Next day a party of us went up to the head of the harbour; and there I made what I hope is rather an im- portant discovery. When walking over a patch of open marshy ground, my attention was arrested by the small leaves of a creeping plant which I had never seen before ; and it immediately occurred. to me that this was probably King's Port-Famine plant, of which you sent me a scrap about eighteen months ago. After a care- ful search of the ground on my hands and knees, I found first last year's fruit, then flower-buds, and then flowers in abundance. 1 have carefully compared my specimens with your fragment, and feel little doubt that the two plants are the same. The leaves of both agree in general arrangement and form, and are both mi- nutely denticulated at the top. My plant grows with the habit and exactly in the same situation where you thought it might be found, t.e. creeping, like an Epilobium, on marshy ground. I made careful sketches of the flower at the time, which I send you, as well as a fragment of the plant, which I hope will supply the PLANTS OF THE STRAIT OF MAGELLAN. 193 deficiencies of my drawings and descriptions *. Port Grappler is the only locality where I have yet seen this plant, though I have diligently searched for it in all the localities visited since then. I spent some hours hunting for it in the marshes of Port Famine, but without success. I hope it may be the plant you wish for. The next locality which I had an opportunity of examining was Puerto Bueno, where we spent a week, experiencing very bad wea- ther, which greatly hindered work. There is much open ground here; and Astelia, Gaimardia, and Tetroncium were in full flower in the marshes. Though I have now found Caltha appendiculata and C. dioneefolia in many localities, I have never got either spe- cies in flower. On the pools of water Rostkovia was very plen- tiful, growing in curious rectangular lines. I met with the pretty little Oxalis magellanica for the first time, and noticed Lomatia Jerruginea for the last. Here it forms a miserable stunted shrub not two feet high. The climate and vegetation of the channels are thoroughly Fuegian ; and I was therefore greatly interested by obtaining in this cold damp region three species of Batrachia (two Toads and a Frog) You may perhaps remember that Mr. Darwin comments on the total absence of Reptiles and Amphibia from Fuegia ; so that the discovery of Lizards in the eastern part of Fuegia and Amphibia in the southern part of the channels are facts worth notice. We got several specimens of a handsome beetle of the family Carabide, and by the dredge a species of Ga- bathea (which I am informed by Mr. Spence Bate is probably G. monodon, and which occurs throughout the strait). We left Puerto Bueno on the 14th, and after spending a night at Columbine Cove went on to Fortune Bay, where we remained for some days. Here we were visited by a number of Canoe Indians, including a party we met last season, who evidently recognized us as old acquaintances. They inhabited three canoes and an old merchant- * The calyx is 5-partite. The corolla contorted in sestivation, formed of five distinct white petals, tinged with yellow at the base. The stamens 5; anthers 2-lobed, extrorse, yellow. Ovary superior, in some flowers green, in others dull purple. Cells, three, many-seeded. Placentation central. Fruit a capsule, opening by three valves. Seeds brownish-black, shining, remaining attached to the central seed-stalk after the valves of the capsules have fallen off. Leaves spathulate, toothed at the apex, closely aggregated, so as frequently to form a sort of rosette around the flower. The plant creeps along the mossy ground, sometimes covering an extent of more than 2 feet in length, and emit- ting rootlets ; the branches from 4 to 8 inches long. 194 DR. CUNNINGHAM ON ship's boat. One forenoon we had between thirty and forty on board. They brought shell and bone necklaces, bows and arrows, with quivers of otter skin, spears, and slings to barter for tobacco, ship-biscuit, and knives ; and it is worthy of remark that as yet they do not appear to have acquired a taste for intoxicating liquors. The arrow-heads were formed most ingeniously of green bottle-glass. I should much like to see them manufactured; for I do not understand how they are chipped into the required form. The spears are of two forms. The handles of both kinds are formed of tapering poles about eight feet long, and the heads are appa- rently fashioned out of the bones of Cetacea. One is shaped thus 2) ( \ ; , and is apparently employed for harpooning porpoises. It is V attached by a thong to the spear-handle in such a manner that, when the Cetacean is struck, it becomes detached and leaves the handle floating on the water. The other spear-head is, on the other hand, invariably fixed to the handle, and seems to be employed in the capture of Otters. It is barbed in this manner ||. The Indians were most indiscriminate in their desires for what they saw, making signs for our caps, handkerchiefs, watch-chains, &c. (One individual, doubtless of a literary turn of mind, wished to possess himself of Darwin on Domesticated Animals and Plants, which I happened to have in my hand!) They laughed and talked a great deal, and favoured us with what we supposed to be national melodies. A small mirror displayed to them excited much astonishment and a certain amount of consternation. On leaving the ship they established themselves on an old camping- place, roofing in some old wigwams, and building a new one. At Fortune Bay I procured several species of fish that were new to me, and I found Senecio trifurcatus for the first time in flower. I see you remark in the ‘ Flora Antarctica’ that the pale colour of the flower seems to have deceived the older authors with regard to the genus of the plant; but in the Plate, doubtless by inadver- tence, the entire flower is coloured pale yellow. Now all the spe- cimens I have yet met with (and I have found the plant in nume- rous localities, growing on the mountain-sides in company with Clarionea magellanica) have a yellow disk, but a snow-white ray. PLANTS OF THE STRAIT OF MAGELLAN. 195 At Fortune Bay, as in many other localities, I got beautiful flower- ing specimens of Lebetanthus americanus. Apparently this elegant and delightfully fragrant plant flowers early in the season ; for last year I did not meet with it in flower though it is so common. Our next anchorage was the Otter Islands, where we spent a couple of days, and I found Veronica elliptica in flower, for the first time. From the muddy bottom of the harbour I obtained some fine specimens of a bivalve mollusk of the genus Leda by means of the dredge ; and the kelp yielded me a few Mollusca and Crustacea that I had not got before. We reached Sholl Bay on the evening of the 21st, and took advantage of the following day, which was a fine one, to cross the strait to the Fuegian side. As we approached the southern shore of the strait we all agreed that it well merited Narborough’s name of Island of Desolation ; for it was by far the wildest and dreariest-looking piece of country we had yet seen—a barrier of bare grey crags and jagged moun- tain-tops rising sheer out of the water. We hada fine view of Cape Pillar ; and after scrutinizing Tuesday Bay, the Harbour of Mercy, and Skyring Harbour, we anchored in Tuesday Bay, and remained for three days, spending our Christmas there. I found the vegetation exactly the same as that of the southern Channels— Winter’s Bark, Libocedrus, Desfontainea, Berberis ilicifolia, Fagus betuloides, Pernettya mucronata, and great bushes of Veronica de- cussata in flower. Escallonia serrata was plentiful and in full flower, the plants looking in the distance as if sprinkled with snow. You will, I think, be interested to hear that Metrosideros stipularis was common here and in several other places that I vi- sited on the southern shore of the Strait, so that it has a much wider range than was at one time supposed. It occurs throughout the entire tract of the Channels and in the Strait as far east as Playa Parda at all events. In Tuesday Bay I found the pretty little Ourisia breviflora for the first time; but my specimens are not nearly so finely coloured as those in the ‘ Flora Antarctica.’ On leaving Tuesday Bay we visited a considerable number of places, both on the Patagonian and Fuegian sides of the Strait ; and I got a few additions to my collection, though nothing of much importance. I found Lagenophora Commersonii for the first time in flower in a new harbour we found in Fuegia, and in an- other Fuegian harbour excellent specimens of Acena pumila. We spent the forenoon of the 6th of January at Port Famine, and I collected specimens of a number of plants, though, as I have 196 ON PLANTS OF THE STRAIT OF MAGELLAN. already said, I did not meet with the one of which I was chiefly in search. I found specimens of a bright yellow orchid which I had previously procured at Sandy Point; it is, I have little doubt, your Asarca(?) Kingii. The petals are connivent. I also got beau- tiful specimens of the lovely Codonorchis Lessonii. We arrived at Sandy Point on the evening of the same day ; and we expect to be here until after the 19th, as we are awaiting the arrival of a steamer from Valparaiso, which we hope will bring our mails. I have picked up one or two plants I had not before observed—one the pretty little blue Gentiana, and another a low shrubby plant with evergreen Jeaves and small obscure reddish-purple pentan- drous flowers. This last I found in the weeds adjoining the coal- mine some miles above the settlement. I shall enclose a frag- ment, and shall feel much obliged if you will name it for me. The settlement is extending under the vigorous management of the Governor. It appears to be well adapted to the growth of po- tatoes and other green crops which do not require much heat ; and the harder kinds of grain, such as, for example, rye, might, I think, have a good chance of ripening ; and there is also good pasturage for cattle. One of the great difficulties that the colony will have to contend with, as it appears to me, is the absence of exports, without which it is difficult to see how it can be self-supporting. However, gold has been recently found in some quantity in the alluvial soil of the banks of a small river which runs through the settlement; and should a gold-field be established, this would put the place on a firmer footing. From the time we entered the channels till we arrived at this place we had more or less rain every day, and I suppose we shall experience a similar fate when we return to the westward in a fortnight’s time. Our present ex- pectation is to be occupied in the Channels till the beginning of May, and then to move northward by stages to winter at Valpa- raiso and Coquimbo before coming down for a final season. I fear I am not likely to accomplish much more in the specimen line, as I have already observed that the plants and animals of these regions extend over very wide areas—but, of course, will sedulously explore every place we are at. I earnestly hope that we shall be at home in the course of the next eighteen months. With kindest regards, in which Captain Mayne joins me, Believe me, my dear Sir, Ever yours most truly, Roserr O. CUNNINGHAM. MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 197 A Monograph of the British Roses. By J. G. Ba&zn, F.L.S. &c. [Read March 13, 1869.] For a considerable time I have made the British Roses a sub- ject of special attention, Till lately I lived in a country district exceedingly rich in forms, and gathered and distributed during each of several consecutive years many hundreds of specimens. In 1864 I contributed to a journal, circulating principally amongst the working naturalists of the north of England, a review, more particularly, of the North-of-England forms, and issued a set of specimens in illustration of the written notes. This paper Mr. Boswell Syme did me the honour of adopting as the basis of his account of the genus in the third edition of ‘English Botany.’ At the time, and since, I have been repeatedly urged by corre- spondents at home and abroad to undertake a more complete and systematie monograph of the British species, embracing a full enumeration and description of the forms which we possess, and à recapitulation of their synonymy in continental books, and their distribution beyond the limits of our own island. This it is my purpose now to attempt, and to lay the result before the Linnean Society, in whose Transactions, now more than half a century ago, was published the Monograph by Woods, which has ever since been the standard of reference on the subject. I have had the opportunity of examining all the principal publie collections in this country, including those of Linn:us, Smith, and Woods at the Linnean Society, of Buddle, Plukenet, and the general collection at the British Museum, of Turner, Hooker, Borrer, and a set from Lindley and Besser at Kew, and of Winch and Robertson at the Newcastle Museum—and, of private collections, have been entrusted for leisurely examination with those of Mr. Watson, Professor Babington, Dr. Moore, Mr. Bos- well Syme, and Professor Oliver. For a liberal supply of speci- mens from the distriets where they live I am indebted to Mr. T. R. A. Briggs, of Plymouth, Rev. A. Bloxam, of Twycross, Dr. St. Brody, of Gloucester, Mr. Webb, of Liverpool, Mr. Bromwich, of Myton, in Warwickshire, and Mr. Jas. Ward, of Richmond, in Yorkshire. With the three botanists upon the Con- tinent who of late years have partieularly devoted themselves to the genus, M. Alfred Déséglise in France, Dr. Rapin in Switz- erland and Professor Crepin in Belgium, I have had the honour 198 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. of a correspondence of many years’ duration, and, especially from the first of the three, whose enthusiasm in the cause of Rosa has been attested by an elaborate monograph of the French species, illustrated by a published fasciculus of specimens beautifully se- lected and preserved, I have received a liberal supply of authen- ticated Roses and a free communication of the notes suggested to them by the study of the British forms which I have sent them. In quoting continental synonyms, over and above the original authority for a name, I have restricted myself almost entirely to the most recent works in which the Roses of the adjacent coun- tries of the Continent are described, of which the following are the principal. Déséglise, * Essai monographique sur cent cinq espèces de Rosiers appartenant à la Flore de la France. Angers: 1861. ‘ Revision de la Section Tomentosa du genre Rosa.’ Angers: 1866. Reuter, ‘ Catalogue des Plantes vasculaires qui croissent natu- rellement aux environs de Genéve.' 2nd edit. Geneva: 1861. Grenier, ‘Flore de la Chaine Jurassique, part 1. Paris and Besancon : 1865. Dumortier, * Monographie des Roses de la Flore Belge, Gand: 1867. I have also quoted regularly the set of specimens, 135 in num- ber, deposited by Woods at the Linnean Society in authentication of his paper, the published fasciculi of Déséglise, the Herbarium Normale of Fries, and my own. As this paper may reach collectors isolated in the country, I wil venture to add a counsel upon the character of specimens taken for drying. To illustrate a Rose so that a definite opinion can be formed upon it, itis necessary, in addition to a flower- ing branch, such as no one omits to gather, to have well-deve- loped fruit; so much the better if taken both at the stage when it is fully grown but still green, and also after it has partially ripened, and to have also a portion of woody stem that will show clearly the well-developed prickles; and it is also better to take, in the same way as in Rubus, a portion of a shoot bearing leaves only, because it is only upon these barren branches that the leaves reach their full development. In the diagnoses it will be seen that I have laid great stress upon the character of the prickles. Here, as in Rubus, I believe that we get some of our best contrasts of character by separating the forms in which the prickles are scattered and uniform (as in MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 199 canina, arvensis, and villosa) from those in which the prickles are more abundantly developed and run down into aciculi by gradual stages of transition (as in Sabini, rubiginosa, and spinosissima). In the well-developed prickle in Rosa we may trace three types of form :—the comparatively slender and nearly straight type, as in mollissima and spinosissima; the faleate type, which, besides being decidedly hooked, is much more robust downwards than in the last, and breaks off from the branch with a differently shaped scar, as in canina and micrantha; and, thirdly, the parrot's-beak type, whieh is deltoid, with a short slightly hooked point, as in stylosa and arvensis. The nature of the fruit furnishes characters which are very useful for diagnostic purposes, only unfortunately they are to a large extent lost in dried specimens. In the common Dog Rose the sepals remain reflexed after the petals fall, and become dis- articulated at the base before the hip becomes at all scarlet (this is what is meant by deciduous sepals); in tomentosa, rubiginosa, and hibernica the sepalsascend after the petals fall, and remain erect upon the top of the hip till it changes colour, but become disarti- culated before it fully ripens (this is what is meant by subpersis- tent sepals); whilst in mollissima, involuta, and spinosissima the sepals ascend in the same way and remain till the fruit is fully ripe (this is what is meant by persistent sepals). And between the character of the sepals and the extent to which the disk which closes in the top of the fruit is developed, and hairiness and cohesion of the styles, there is a close correlation. The forms that have persistent sepals have the fruit-disk hardly at all, or not at all, developed, and the styles very hairy and not at all ag- glutinated. The forms with subpersistent sepals, on the contrary, have the disk always prominently developed, and the styles are consequently crowded closer together and are much less hairy ; and the development of the disk culminates in stylosa and arvensis, in which, in combination with deciduous sepals, we have the styles quite glabrous and united together in a prominent column. Clavis specierum*. Styles free, scarcely, if at all protruded beyond the top of the calyx-tube. * Rare aberrant forms both here and in the diagnosis sometimes not taken into account. 200 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. Group 1. SrrwosrssrM;e. Low erect compact bushes, with crowded and very unequal prickles, the large ones slender and nearly or quite straight. Leaves naked or hairy, never more than slightly glandular beneath. Sepals persistent or subper- sistent. Fruit dark purple. Flowers always solitary. 1. spinosissima. Fruit bright red. Flowers not essentially solitary. Sepals truly persistent, always simple, thinly glandular on the back. Leaves quite naked, with simple teeth. 2. rubella*. Sepals truly persistent, more or less compound, densely glan- dular on the back. Leaves more or less, often very hairy, the teeth generally compound............... 3. involuta. Sepals compound, naked on the back, not fully persistent. Leaves naked or thinly pubescent beneath, simply toothed. 4. hibernica. Group 2. Virtos#. Larger bushes, erect or lengthened out and arching. Prickles uniform, scattered, slender, scarcely at all hooked. Sepals persistent or subpersistent, always densely glan- dular on the back. Leaves generally very hairy and inconspicu- ously or not at all glandular beneath. Sepals truly persistent. Fruit ripening early, with no disk. Bush arching ; sepals copiously compound 5. pomifera. Bush erect; sepals sparingly compound ... 6. mollissima. — Sepals not truly persistent; fruit later in ripening, with a dis- tinct disk like that of canina ............... 7. tomentosa. Group 3. RusrGrNOsu. Smaller bushes than in the last and next group, erect or arching; the prickles scattered, stouter downwards, and decidedly hooked, sometimes with a few aciculi mixed amongst them. Leaves thinly hairy or not at all hairy, but always densely glandular over the under surface. Sepals sub- persistent. Very odorous ; bush erect and compact ...... 8. rubiginosa. Arching bushes without decided Sweet-briar fragrance. Prickles uniform; flowers and leaves small; styles naked ; peduncle generally acieulate ............... 9. micrantha. * This and pomifera, though introduced in the Clavis, have, as will be seen, no fair claim to be regarded as British plants. MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 201 Prickles often with a few aciculi intermixed ; flowers and leaves larger; styles hairy; peduncle rarely aciculate. 10. pulverulenta. Group 4. Caxrw x. Larger bushes, always lengthened out and arching. Prickles uniform, scattered, decidedly hooked, and thiekened downwards. Sepals deciduous or subpersistent, usually naked on the back. Peduncle generally naked, and leaves naked, or but thinly hairy, and not at all glandular over the surface. Bue on. Dec o. n creep ES 11. canina. SvsrYnx. Styles united into a slender column which is pro- truded beyond the disk. Arching or trailing bushes. Prickles uniform, stout, hooked. Sepals deciduous. Fruit late in ripening. A high arching bush like canina, with copiously compound sepals ; the style-column shorter than the stamens. 12. stylosa. A low trailing bush with short slightly compound sepals and a style-column equalling the stamens ...... 13. arvensis. Group 1. SPINOSISSIMUE. 1, R. sPINosissiMA, Linn. Frutex erectus, ramis brevibus compactis, aculeis confertis subulatis subrectis ad aciculos copiosos sensim trans- euntibus, foliolis parvis obtusis firmis simpliciter serratis utrinque omnino glabris, floribus semper solitariis, sepalis ascendentibus dorso nudis simplicibus persistentibus, fructibus erectis atro-purpureis nudis depresso-globosis, disco nullo. R. spinosissima, Linn. Sp. Plant. p. 705; Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 178, Herb. 7-15; Déséglise, Mon. p. 46, Exsic. 6; Gren. Fl. Jur. p. 226, non Reich. Fl. Excurs. ii. p. 612. R. PIMPINELLIFOLIA, Linn. Sp. Plant. p. 703 and Herb.!; Reich. FI. Excurs. ii. p. 612; Reut. Cat. p. 63; Fries, Herb. Norm. x. no. 52; Dumort. æ, B, y, p. 4l. Stems usually quite erect, 1 to 3 feet high, with short, stiff, compaet branches; the prickles very dense, with every stage of transition between minute aciculi and the largest, the latter 3 to 4 or even 5 lines long, with a long needle-like point, and the lower part but little thickened, spreading horizontally or slightly de- flexed; the scars 3 lines deep. Branches often bright reddish brown. Stipules quite naked on the back, faintly gland-ciliated. Full-grown leaves 14 to2 inches long, with 7 to 9 oblong leaflets, LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL XI. P 202 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. the terminal one 6 to 8 lines long by three-quarters as broad, blunt, the base generally rounded; the serratures quite simple, mode- rately sharp and open; texture firm, with transparent venation ; both sides quite glabrous and glandless. Petioles without hairs, but often with a few glands. Peduncles invariably solitary and bractless, generally 6 to 9 lines long, naked, more or less densely beset with sete and aciculi. Calyx-tube globose, naked, or very rarely slightly aciculate. Sepals invariably quite simple, 2 to 2 inch long, naked on the back; the point slightly leafy and gland- ciliated. Corolla 12 to 18 lines across when expanded, white, with a yellow throat, rarely variegated with red. Styles densely vil- lose. Disk none. Fruit depresso-globose, dark purple, with a dark purple juice; 5 to 6 lines broad, quite naked, crowned with the erect persistent sepals; changing colour in September in the low country in England. In Britain, extending from the south of England to Caithness, ascending in the north of England to 500 yards above the sea-level, and in the Scotch Highlands to nearly 600 yards, and in Ireland also reaching from the north to the south, with a preference for the sands of the seashore, and, inland, for limestone. Though it is the only Rose known in Iceland, yet in Scandinavia it is much less boreal in its range than mollissima or canina, being restricted, like tomentosa, to the south-west. It is universally distributed through Central and Southern Europe, reaching the Barbary States, Cashmere, and, through Siberia, to the north of China (Prof. Bunge!). Though it varies much according to its place of growth in luxuriance and the density of its prickles, we do not appear to have in Britain any striking variety. With us the form with à naked peduncle is much the most common, that with an aciculate peduncle quite rare. Lindley's var. platycarpa (Monog. p. 51) 184 small Irish form with an aciculate peduncle, his var. turbinata (loc. cit.) another small form with turbinate fruit, and his var. reversa (R. reversa, Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 431, non Waldst. et Kit.) ano- ther small form with slender deflexed prickles and ovate fruit. The form with the flowers variegated with red, R. Ciphiana, Sib- bald, Scot. ii. p. 46, t. 2, is the parent of many of the garden Scotch Roses. A plant with red fruit was gathered by Mr. Borrer in Sussex, and another with ovate-urceolate fruit by Mr. J ackson in Scotland and Mr. Robertson in Durham. Var. pilosa, Lindl., evidently does not belong here, but to R. involuta. R. sanguisor- bifolia, Donn, Hort. Cant. edit. 8, p. 169, is a mere form of this, MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 203 with 9 to 11 leaflets. The principal European varieties are :—R. Ripartii, Déség. Mon. p. 47, Exsic. 7, Billot, Exsic. 3378 (R. spino- sissima, Reich. Fl. Excurs. ii. p. 612), with doubly-toothed leaves, more decidedly glandular petioles and stipules, and peduncles usually but not always aciculate; R. consimilis, Déség. Mon. p- 50, Exsic. 9, with glabrous styles, unarmed and glandular pe- tioles, and simply toothed leaflets slightly hairy on the midrib beneath; R. spreta, Déségl. Mon. p. 50, Exsic. 8, with less nu- merous prickles, thinly hairy styles, and unarmed petioles; and R. myriacantha, DC. Fl. Fr. iv. p. 439, Lindl. Mon. p. 55, t. 10, a stunted, compact, erect plant with very long and very dense prickles, doubly toothed leaflets densely glandular all over be- neath, deep-red flowers, peduncle and usually the calyx-tube densely aciculate and setose, and simple sepals densely glandular on the back. Other varieties are the Siberian R. altaica, Willd. Hort. Ber. p. 543 (R. grandiflora, Lindl. Mon. p. 53), and the Himalayan R. unguicularis, Bert. Misc. No. 22, tab. 3, p. 15. 2. R. RUBELLA, Smith. Frutex erectus, ramis brevibus compactis, acu- leis confertis subulatis gracilibus ad aciculos copiosos sensim trans- euntibus, foliolis parvis obtusis firmis simpliciter vel paullulum dupli- cato-serratis utrinque omnino glabris, floribus plerisque solitariis, se- palis dorso tenuiter glandulosis simplicibus persistentibus, fructibus rubris ovato-rotundatis vel ovato-urceolatis subnudis plerisque cernuis, disco nullo. R. RUBELLA, Smith, Eng. Bot. t. 2521, Eng. Flora, ii. p.374; Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 177, Herb. 2-4; Godet, Flore du Jura, p. 205 ; Grenier, Fl. Jura, p. 227. : R. GENTILES, Stern. Bot. Zeit. 1826, Beibl. 79; Koch, Syn. 2nd edit. » 247. a tot ER Rapin, Reut. Cat. Gen. p. 64. A bush with just the general habit of spinosissima, but the prickles more slender and fewer in proportion to the small seta- ceous aciculi, the branches sometimes denuded. Stipules rather broader, with lanceolate gland-ciliated auricles. Full-grown leaves 14 to 2 inches long, with 7-9 leaflets, which are just like those of spinosissima in texture, but more oblong and more sharply toothed ; the terminal leaflets 8-9 lines long by three-quarters as broad ; the serrations simple or slightly compound; both sides quite free from pubescence, but the petiole glanduloso-setose, and the glands extending more or less to the midrib beneath. Flowers usually solitary, but occasionally in twos ; the peduncle ee lines P 204 MR. J. 6. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. long, always glanduloso-setose and aciculate ; the calyx-tube ovato- urceolate, naked or slightly glanduloso-setose ; the sepals quite simple, 5-8 lines long, slightly leafy at the point, thinly glandular on the back. Corolla cream-coloured, or often variegated with red, 12-18 lines across when expanded ; the styles densely villose. Fruit bright red, changing colour in England early in September, usual but not invariably drooping, roundish or short ovato- urceolate, 6-8 lines long; the sepals fully persistent. Disk none. This is a plant well-known in botanic gardens, and evidently the same as the Jurassic plant which I have from Dr. Rapin, and as the Istrian plant with which Koch identified it. It is very like spinosissima in habit and prickles; but the fruit is different, the peduncles are always aciculate, the sepals are glandular on the back, and the flowers not always solitary. R. stricta of Muhlen- berg (Lindl. Mon. p.42, t. 9—a plant attributed to Pennsylvania, no doubt in error, as it has never been gathered in recent times), and R. Candolleana, Thory, in Ros. Red. 4to, vol. i. t. 32, do not appear to differ from it by any tangible characters; and the Hima- layan R. Webbiana, Wall. Royle's Illust. i. p. 42, is very nearly, if not absolutely, identical with it. There are specimens in several herbaria labelled as having been collected by Winch on the sands of the seashore south of Shields Law on the Durham side of the Tyne; but Winch certainly did not know it clearly, for a plant collected by Mr. Hogg near Hartlepool, which he called rubella, is only ordinary spinosissima, and it is probable that some confusion has arisen. I have not seen specimens complete enough to be able to form a clear opinion as to what are the relations to this of R. reversa, Waldst. and Kit. Pl. Rar. Hung. p. 264; but the difference, if any, must be very slight. Dr. Thomson's exten- sive suite of specimens from the Himalayas appear to run this by gradual stages into spinosissima. My specimens from the Alps are too few to show fairly what may be the case there; and, on the other hand, as will be seen, it comes exceedingly near to some of the varieties of the next. 3. R. INVOLUTA, Smith. Frutex erectus ramis plerisque brevibus, acu- leis subulatis subrectis ad aciculos copiosos sensim transeuntibus, foliolis mediocribus plerisque duplicato-serratis plus minus pubescent- ibus infra sspe leviter glandulosis, floribus 1 vel paucis, pedunculis dense aciculatis et glanduloso-setosis, sepalis ascendentibus persistent- ibus dorso dense glandulosis, majoribus pinnatis vel raro subsimpli- cibus, fructibus serotinis erectis subrotundatis, disco nullo. MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 205 Though involuta is the name which has the right of priority, yet the variety afterwards called Sabini is much the most common, and I therefore take it first. Var. SABINI (Woods). R. SABINI, Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 188 (1816), Herb. 22-24 ; Smith, Eng. Flora, ii, p. 380 ; Borrer, E. B. S. t. 2594; Baker, Review, P. 5, Ersic. 1,2; Dumort. Belg. p. 42. R. NIVALIS, Donn, Hort. Cant. edit. 8, p. 170. R. coronata, Crepin, Notes, ii. p. 25; Wirtg. Ezsic. 1858, No. 270, and 1860, no. 270 bis; Reut. Gen. p. 67; Gren. Fl. Jura, p. 231. R. saBAUDA B. conoNATA, Rapin, Vaud Guide, 2nd edit. p. 192. In exposed places an erect shrub 2—4 feet high, with short compact branches with dense prickles passing down by gra- dual stages into aciculi; in shade or hedges sometimes drawn out and arching. Full-grown prickles 3—4 lines long, scarcely at all curved or thickened in the lower part; the scar } inch deep. Stipules hairy on the back, and sometimes slightly glandular, densely gland-ciliated. Well-developed leaves of the barren shoots 21-3 inches long; the terminal leaflet ovate-oblong, 9-12 lines long by three-quarters as broad; the base broadly rounded, or even cordate ; the teeth open and copiously compound.; the upper surface thinly grey-pubescent, the lower more so, and often slightly glandular. Petioles densely hairy, glanduloso-setose, and aciculate. Flowers 1-3; the peduncle 6-12 lines long, densely aciculate and setose; the calyx-tube subglobose, more or less densely aciculate ; the sepals 2-2 inch long, densely glandular on the back, lengthened out into a decidedly leafy point, and copi- ously gland-ciliated, the main ones with one or two small narrow pinnz on each side. Corolla varying from pure white to deep pink, 13 or even 2 inches across when expanded. Styles densely villose. Sepals ascending after the petals fall, quite persistent upon the erect roundish red fruit, which measures 7-8 lines each Way, and changes colour in the north of England late in September or early in October, and is only produced very sparingly. Disk none, Sparsely distributed through Britain, from the Isle of Wight (Herb. Watson!) and Sussex (Borrer!) northward to Caithness (R. Dick !), ascending to 300 yards in Yorkshire, and probably to a considerable height in Forfarshire, as Don localizes a specimen 206 MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. “on a rock on one of the mountains at the head of Clora, near the limits of perpetual snow " (hence his name nivalis). Accord- ing to a note by Turner in the Kew herbarium, Dr. Walker's Hebridean plant called involuta is this variety. It appears to reach its maximum of frequency in the north of England. Seve- ral stations are known in the north of Ireland. R. gracilis, Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 186, Herb. 21, Smith, Engl. Fl. ii. p. 379, is not more than a robust condition of this variety with the prickles, like the rest of the plant, abnormally stout anda little curved. R. villosa, Engl. Bot. t. 583, is drawn from this, with the exception of the fruit, which is that of R. pomifera; and it is the latter that Smith had in view in his observations. Var. Dontana (Woods). R. Don1ana, Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 185, Herb. 18-20; Smith, Engl. Flora, ii. p. 378; Borrer, E. B. S. t. 2601. R. Sasini B. Dontana, Lindl. Mon. p. 59; Borrer, Brit. Fl. edit. 3, p. 232. A form of dry exposed situations with leaflets more densely hairy than in the last and consequently greyer green and softer ; the calyx-tube and fruit densely prickly ; the flowers solitary and sepals hardly, if at all, pinnate. Var. GRACILESCENS, Baker. A robust Irish form, gathered in co. Antrim by Dr. Moore, with leaves 3-32 inches long, ovate leaflets, thinly hairy on both sides, not at all glandular beneath, with copiously compound toothing, the terminal one 15-16 lines long by nearly an inch broad; petioles with few or no aciculi and glandular sete; flowers 3-6 in a cluster, aciculate peduncles, and naked elliptical calyx-tube. Var. RoBERTSOoNI, Baker, Review, p. 8, Exsic. 3. R. INVOLUTA, Winch, Geog. Distrib. p. 41, non Smith. R. SABINI 8, Smith, Eng. Flora, ii. p. 380. Intermediate between Sabini and the original involuta. Leaflets with the teeth sharper and less compound than in Sabini, glabrous (when mature) on the upper surface, hairy principally on the ribs and inconspicuously glandular beneath; calyx-tube sometimes, but not always, naked; sepals as compound as in Sabini. I have gathered this lately in the original station near New- castle and also in North Yorkshire, and received it from Derry from Dr. Moore. MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSEs. 207 Var. SMirnu, Baker. R. INVOLUTA, Smith, Engl. Bot. t. 2068 (1809), and fruit, t. 2601; Engl. Flora, ii. p. 377 ; Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 183, Herb. 17; Lindl. Mon. p. 56; Borrer, Brit. Flora, p. 232. R. SABAUDA, Hapin, Bull. Soc. Hall. p. 175; Vaud Guide, edit. 9. p. 191; Reut. Cat. p. 64; Gren. Fl. Jura, p. 229. A stunted erect bush, with leaflets naked when mature on the upper surface, hairy principally on the midrib beneath, and scarcely at all glandular, the serrations closer and sharper than in all the preceding forms and but slightly compound; the flowers solitary, the peduncle and calyx-tube densely aciculate, the sepals simple. The only British specimens I have seen well representing this variety were gathered in Arran by George Don and by Mr. James Ward near Richmond in Yorkshire. Var. LÆVIGATA, Baker. Peduncle and calyx-tube quite naked, the latter depresso- globose ; the leaves like those of Sabini in clothing and toothing, the petioles villose and glanduloso-setose, but scarcely at all aci- culate ; the sepals all quite simple and not glandular on the back. Gathered by the late Mr. Hailstone near Broughton Spa, West Yorkshire, and a similar plant by Dr. Moore in Antrim and Derry. Var. Moonzr, Baker. Prickles stouter than in any of the other forms, the largest 5-6 lines long, slightly curved; the scar $ inch deep. Leaflets nearly naked above, thinly hairy and densely glandular beneath, the serration like that of var. Smithii; the petiole scarcely at all hairy, but densely glanduloso-setose, and furnished with nu- merous unequal aciculi, the larger ones decidedly faleate. Flowers one or more; both peduncle and tube densely aciculate and glanduloso-setose. Largest sepals 8-9 lines long, slightly pinnate. Near the sea, Tamlaghbard, Derry, Dr. Moore! Recedes from the type (by its prickles and leaves glandular beneath) towards some of the Rubiginose, but yet evidently belongs here. Var. occIDENTALIs, Baker. PE R. sprnosissima, var. PILOSA, Lindl. Mon. p. 51; Borrer, Brit. Flora, p. 929. j Very near Wilsoni, but the leaves smaller, slightly hairy be- neath, and the petiole glanduloso-setose and aciculate, the serra- 208 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. tion nearly, but not quite, simple ; the peduncle densely aciculate and glanduloso-setose ; the calyx-tube globose, naked, the main sepals not more than half an inch long, with one or two setaceous pinne on each side. Described by Lindley from an Irish specimen still in the Hook- erian herbarium, the exact station not known. Var. Wiusont (Borrer). R. WiLsoNr, Borrer, Brit. Flora, edit. 3, p. 231; E. B. S. 2723. An erect bush 2 or 3 feet high, with deep vinous purple branches and leaves, and stipules often suffused with the same colour. Prickles as in Sabini. Leaflets often cordate, the terminal ones 12-15 lines long by 8-12 lines broad, naked (when mature) above, thinly hairy on the ribs below, but scarcely at all glandu- lose; the serrations moderately open, quite simple; the acieuli of the petiole few and slender. Flowers 1—3, full pink ; the pe- duncles moderately aciculate and setose; the tube naked, or very nearly so; the sepals either all simple, or the largest with one or two minute setaceous pinns; the fruit with more of a tendency than in Sabini to an ovato-urceolate shape, when well developed 8-9 lines long by half an inch broad. Banks of the Menai, near Bangor (Wilson!, Webb |, Blosam !), and just the same plant gathered by Dr. Moore at Umbra rocks, co. Derry. It will be seen by the descriptions that the extreme forms placed here run into one another by very gradual stages. Do- niana is like reduced mollissima, with crowded unequal prickles, whilst Wilsoni touches close upon rubella, and Moorei approaches some of the Fubiginose. It is noteworthy that a plant so widely spread in Britain, and with so many varieties, should be so rare upon the Continent. It is known only in two widely separated tracts—the provinces of Namur and Luxemburg, in Belgium, and upon Mount Saleve, near Geneva. There is a variety in Belgium (var. subnuda, Crepin, Notes, ii. p. 25; Dumort. Ros. p. 42) not yet found in Britain, with smooth peduncles and calyx-tube, copiously compound serratures, leaves naked on the upper surface, densely glandular beneath, but only a little hairy on the veins. The Sicilian R. Heckeliana, Tratt. Mem. ii. p. 85, Guss. Syn. i. p. 562, is an almost precise counterpart of Doniana in general habit ; but the prickles are uniform and curved, and the major sepals copiously compound. ; MR. J. G. BAKER'8 MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 209 4. R. uiBERNICA, Smith. Frutex erectus, ramis plerisque brevibus, aculeis modice robustis leviter falcatis ad aciculos subulatos sensim transeuntibus, foliolis mediocribus simpliciter serratis supra nudis infra nudis vel leviter pubesceutibus, omnino eglandulosis, floribus l] vel paucis, pedunculis plerisque nudis, sepalis ascendentibus sub- persistentibus dorso nudis majoribus plene pinnatis, fructibus sero- tinis erectis rotundatis nudis, discis mediocribus instructis. R. HIBERNICA, Smith, Eng. Bot. t. 2196, Eng. Flora, iii. p. 393; Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 222, Herb. 107; Lindl. Mon. p. 82; Baker, Review, p. 9. In exposed places an erect shrub 3 or 4 feet high, but in hedges drawn out and slightly arching. Prickles less crowded than in involuta, but running gradually down into setaceous acieuli in the same way. Main prickles stouter than in the last, decidedly curved, the scar 5-6 lines deep. Leaves of the barren shoot 3—4 inches long, the terminal leaflet broad-oblong or ovate-oblong, 9-12 lines long by three-fourths as broad, the upper surface a slightly glaucous green, naked or inconspicuously hairy on the midrib, the lower surface thinly hairy on the veins, not at all glandular ; the serration moderately sharp and open, the teeth simple or casually gashed, the petiole pubescent, with three or four slender hooked aciculi and an occasional gland. Stipules scarcely at all hairy on the back, with deltoid gland-ciliated auricles. Flowers generally 1 to 3, but sometimes up to a dozen, the peduncle 4-6 lines long, quite naked, the globose or broad- ovate calyx-tube the same, the segments 8-9 lines long, quite naked on the back, the main ones copiously leaf-pointed and pinnate. Corolla pale-pink, 15-18 lines across when expanded. Styles densely hairy. Sepals ascending after the petals fall, but not fully persistent. Fruit roundish, about half an inch long and thick, crowned with a decided disk, not ripening till Oc- tober. The form with hairy leaves occurs in Derry and Down (Lempleton!, Dickie!, Moore!, &c.), and in England, in Cumber- land (Borrer!) and Cheshire (Webb!). A form (var. glabra, Baker, Review, p. 11, Ezsic. p. 4) with sharper teeth and leaves quite naked has been gathered in Sutherlandshire (Healam Ferry, near Loch Eriboll) and in Durham (near Witton-le- Wear) by Prof. Oliver, in Cumberland by Mr. Borrer, in North Yorkshire by Mr. Mudd and myself, in Cheshire by Mr. Webb and others, and in Surrey by Mr. R. Castle; and Dr. Moore has found another glabrous form with larger nearly round leaves and 210 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. blunter teeth than in the type on rocks at 1000 feet above the sea-level on Ben Evanagh, co. Derry. Var. coRDIFOLIA, Baker, Review, p. 20. Prickles more slender and denser than in the type, the large ones scarcely curved. Terminal leaflet 15-18 lines long by 1 inch broad, the base cordate. Leaves nearly naked below, the teeth more open and blunter than in the type, the peduncle aciculate and glanduloso-setose up to the base of the calyx- tube. Northumberland ; in Coquetdale, between Flotterton and Roth- bury, Prof. Oliver! No one who has once seen this growing is likely to confound it with any other species. The fruit is different from that of invo- luta; but to all the other distinguishing characters taken singly, some of the forms furnish an exception. In general habit, when in flower, the ordinary glabrous Eng- lish form has just the same sort of resemblance to typical canina that Doniana has to mollissima. Though so widely distributed in Britain, hibernica is quite unknown upon the Continent. The nearest plant to it is R. Schultzii, Ripart in Schultz’s Archives, p.254; Déség. Mon. p. 65; but this has less crowded and less unequal prickles, and ripens its fruit very early. Group 2. VILLos2. 5. R. pomirera, Herm. Frutex maximus, ramis arcuatis, aculeis sparsis equalibus rectis gracilibus, foliolis copiose duplicato-serratis subduplo longioribus quam latis utrinque tenuiter griseo-pubescen- tibus, infra inconspicue grandulosis, floribus 1 vel paucis, pedunculis brevibus dense aciculatis, sepalis ascendentibus dorso dense glandu- losis plene persistentibus majoribus copiose pinnatis, fructibus rotun- datis przecocibus, disco nullo. R. POMIFERA, Herm. Diss. p. 17 ; Koch, Syn. edit, 2, p. 253; Reut. Cat. p. 67; Dumort. Ros. p. 48; Déségl. Mon. p. 129, Toment. p. 44; Fries, Herb. Norm. ix. no. 47. R. viLLosa, Linn. Sp. Plant. p. 704 (ex majore parte); Smith, Eng. Fl. ii. p. 538; Woods, Herb. 37; Lindl. Mon. p. 74 (excl. syn. R. gracilis). R. viLLosa a, Huds. Fl. Angl. edit. 2, p. 219; Seringe in DC. Prodr. il. p. 613. R. SYLVESTRIS POMIFERA MAJOR NOSTRAS, Ray, edit. 1, p. 2215 Buddle, Herb. ! MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 211 R. CILIATO-PETALA, Besser, Volh. p. 66; Reich. Fl. Excurs. ii. p. 616, Exsic. 2567 ! non Koch. R. RESINOSA, Sternb. in Reich. Fl. Excurs. ii. p. 616, Easic. 1271!, non Déséglise. A robust arching bush 4 to 6 feet high, with a trunk some- times as thick as a man’s arm, with dull purplish glaucous branches and scattered, uniform, slender prickles 4 to 6 lines long. Well-developed leaves 5 to 7 inches long, the terminal leaflet oblong or with a slight ovate tendency, 14-2} inches long, generally only about half as broad, grey-green, but not softly pubescent on both sides as in mollissima, the underside often slightly glandular, the teeth open and copiously compound. Flowers 1 to 3, the peduncle generally not more than 2 an inch long, densely aciculate and setose, the calyx-tube round, glau- cous, usually densely prickly, the sepals converging, fully per- | sistent, densely glandular on the back, 9-12 lines long, the main ones copiously pinnate, the fruit ripe in August, bright red, globose or broadly turbinate, often, but not always, pendent, densely covered with strong prickles. A stronger-growing plant than mollissima, with arching branches, larger and more openly toothed, narrower leaves, not so softly pubescent, and larger flowers and fruit, and copiously compound sepals. It is an old favourite in gardens, but seems to possess no fair claim to be considered British. Ray clearly had this in view when he wrote “ Fructus Pyri parvi forma et magnitudine spinulis obsiti;" and he localizes it “in montosis septentriona- libus Eboracensis et Westmorlandici agri copiose ;" but no doubt he did not recognize mollissima and tomentosa as distinet from it. The English specimens gathered of late years, which we have seen, are from Staffordshire, Cotes Heath, Rev. R. C. Douglas; and Gloucestershire, Coppice-wood, near Painswick, Dr. S. Brody! It is a native of Scandinavia (“ vere alpina’’), Belgium, North Germany, the Alps, and Jura, reaching the Pyrenees, Apennines, and Tyrol, and, according to Nyman, Castille, Tauria, and Mount Athos. The corolla is often beautifully gland-ciliated, and in cultivated specimens we have seen it 3 in. across. 6. R. woLLIssiMA, Willd. Frutex erectus, ramis brevibus erecto- patentibus, aculeis sparsis zequalibus rectis gracilibus, foliolis copiose duplicato-serratis, utrinque molliter griseo- pubescentibus, infra in- terdum inconspicue glandulosis, floribus I vel paucis, pedunculis bre- 212 MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. vibus dense aciculatis, sepalis ascendentibus dorso dense glandulosis: plene persistentibus, majoribus paullulum pinnatis, fructibus rotun- datis przecocibus aciculatis vel nudis, disco nullo. R. mouursstma, Willd. Prodr. Fl. Berol. no. 1237 (1787); Gmel. Fl. Bad. ii. p. 409; Borckh. Forst. ii. p. 1314 ; Fries, Novit. ii. p. 151, Herb. Norm. vii. 42; Gren. Jura, p. 231; Reuter, edit. 2, p. 66; Déség. Mon. p. 125, Toment. p. 36; Dumort. Mon. p. 49; Baker, Review, p. 11, Ezsic. 5, 6. R. viLLosa, Linn. Sp. Plant. p. 704, ex parte, Fl. Suec. 1293, Herb. ! Woods, Linn. Trans. xi. p. 189, Herb. 25, 99; Borrer, Brit. Fl. 3rd edit. p. 233. R. moLLIS, Smith, Eng. Bot. t. 2459 (1812), Eng. Flora, ii. p. 281. R. HETEROPHYLLA, Woods, Linn. Trans. xi. p. 195, Herb. pp. 34, 35. R. c1LIATO-PETALA, Koch, Syn. edit. 2, p. 253, non Besser. R. GRENIERII, Déség. Mon. p. 128, Toment. p. 43, Essic. 33 et bis ; Billot, Exsic. 3602 et bis. R. ngcoNDrTA, Puget, Déség. Toment. p. 46. Bush erect, 3 or 4 feet high, never arching, with short ascend- ing branches, bright reddish purple with a glaucous tinge in exposure. Prickles scattered, uniform, those of the main stems 3-5 lines long, scarcely at all curved, very little thickened down- wards, the scar of the largest not more than 4 inch deep. Fully developed leaves 4-5 inches long, with 7 leaflets, the terminal one ovate-oblong, 15-21 lines long by about three-fourths as broad, the base broadly rounded, or slightly cordate, the serra- tures open, subdeltoid and copiously compound, the colour generally a paler, greyer green than in any other species, the upper surface always more or less pubescent, the lower more 80, and often with a few inconspicuous glands, the petiole densely downy and finely glandular, with a few nearly straight slender aciculi. Stipules copiously gland-ciliated, downy and slightly glandular on both surfaces. Flowers usually 1-3, the pedun- cles unusually short (3-6 lines), densely aciculated and glan- duloso-setose. Calyx-tube round, glaucous, varying from densely aciculate to quite naked. Corolla crimson in bud, deep rose when expanded, rarely white, sometimes gland-ciliated, 15-18 lines across when fully open. Sepals 6-9 lines long, the point leafy, the back densely glandular, only the main ones slightly pinnate, ascending after the petals fall, and quite persistent upon the pulpy globular bright red fruit, which is 4-2 inch broad and MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 218 deep, and ripens before that of any other species, changing colour in the north of England early in August, or even some- sometimes late in July, and sometimes, but not always, cernuous. Styles densely villose. Disk none. From the Humber northward through England and through Seotland this species appears to be universally distributed, coming next in order of frequency to canina and tomentosa, to which three species at least 90 per cent. of the Roses of the northern half of our island must belong. Zomentosa and mollissima often resemble one another so closely that it is not safe to pronounce upon ordi- nary herbarium specimens; but the fruit is very different both in character and time of ripening, and the sepals generally furnish a character, and, when growing, the habit of the bushes is dif- ferent; and although both have forms with entirely naked peduneles, and often with naked calyx-tubes, this never runs down like the other into forms with stouter curved prickles, or with the leaves nearly or quite naked on the upper surface. Both the British and the Continental distribution of the two ap- pear to be materially different. I have seen this from northward as far as Orkney (Boswell Syme!) and Caithness (Dick !), but cannot vouch for it from further south than Derbyshire (Pur- chas!), Caernarvon (Wilson |, Bloxam !), and Merioneth (Borrer !, Lees !), and now believe that the Isle-of-Wight plant I formerly placed here is tomentosa, var. subglobosa. In the north of Eng- land it ascends to 450 yards above the sea-level. In Ireland I have seen it only from Antrim and Derry; one of Dr. Moore’s speci- mens had a leaf 62 inches long, with a terminal leaflet 22 inches long by 2 inches broad. Our plant thoroughly agrees with the Scandinavian one of Fries, which, he says*, is distributed through the length and breadth of Scandinavia, whilst tomentosa is re- stricted to Denmark and Gothland. It is, perhaps, open to doubt whether Willdenow understood the plant clearly ; and it certainly has not been individualized definitely by Koch, Reichen- bach, or Grenier and Godron; but Roth understood it clearly in * “Specierum distributio hujus generis valde insignis et in diversis terris Varia: in convallibus alpinis genus centrum suum habet, quamvis sub arcto Lapponiam modo dux species intrant, R. cinnamomea et mollissima. Hee duse Species usque ad Scaniam ubique vulgares, maximam in Scandinavia habent extensionem, quamvis in Germania modo indicentur in convallibus alpinis australibus. ŒE contrario in Scandinavia rarz, in oris occidentalibus potissi- mum obviam veniunt A. pimpinellifolia et tomentosa, Sm." —FRIES, Summa, p. 171. 214 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 1827, and it is evidently widely diffused through the north of Germany. In the ‘ Jurassic Flora,’ Grenier describes it well, and restricts it to his “région des sapins.” I have seen it from nu- merous places in Savoy, Dauphiné, and Switzerland, but not from any lowland French stations; and it reaches Carinthia and the Tyrol Our average English form seems to me just Déséglise's Grenierii, and his mollissima to be a softer, greyer form of our plant, almost destitute of glands. I believe the English plant (gathered by Hailstone in Clydesdale) which he calis recondita is only, like the heterophylla of Woods, a luxuriant condition of the species. The following are the most striking English va- rieties :— Var. CHRULEA, Woods. R. VILLOSA, var. CHRULEA, Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 189, Herb. 26-28. R. MOLLISSIMA, var. CHRULEA, Baker, Exsic. 7; Déség. Toment. p. 38. Leaves softer and greyer than usual, with very few glands or aciculi on the petiole ; the points of the sepals often very leafy ; the calyx-tube and fruit broader than deep and perfectly smooth, the fruit pendent; the peduncle with fewer and weaker glan- dular sete and aciculi than usual, and in extreme cases quite naked. A common Northumbrian form, and T have seen it also from Argyleshire ( Hailstone), Durham (Robertson), Cumberland ( Bor- rer), and West Yorkshire (Woods). Var. PSEUDO-RUBIGINOSA (Lejeune). R. PSEUDO-RUBIGINOSA, Lejeune, Fl. Spa, i. p. 229. R. sPINULIFOLIA, var. Foxrana, Thory, Ros. Redout. p. 5. R. VILLOSA, var. SUBERECTA, Woods, Linn. Trans. loc. cit., Herb. 30. R. ARDUENNENSIS, Crepin, Notes, ii. p. 30; Déség. Toment. p. 7. R. MOLLISSIMA, var. ARDUENNENSIS, Dumort. Ros. Belg. p. 49. Bracts and veins deep red ; upper surface of the leaves nearly naked, and the lower only thinly hairy, but conspicuously glan- dular; the petiole densely glanduloso-setose, and furnished with numerous unequal aciculi; the stipules densely glandular on the back ; the calyx-tube densely aciculate. West Yorkshire, Settle (Woods!). The Thirsk plant referred MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES, 215 here by Déséglise is more pubescent and less conspicuously glan- dular, but the corolla is beautifully gland-ciliated. 7. R. TOMENTOSA, Smith. Frutex altus, ramis elongatis arcuatis, aculeis sparsis zqualibus rectis vel subrectis gracilibus, foliolis copiose du- plieato-serratis, plerisque utrinque plus minus griseo-pubescentibus, infra interdum inconspicue glandulosis, floribus 1 vel paucis, pedun- culis mediocribus dense aciculatis, sepalis ascendentibus dorso dense glandulosis subpersistentibus majoribus copiose pinnatis; fructibus ovato-urceolatis vel rotundatis, aciculatis vel nudis, neque przco- cibus nec serotinis, discis mediocribus instructis. R. tomentosa, Smith, Fl. Brit. ii. p. 539 (1800); Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 197 (excl. var. paucis), Herb. 31-33, 38, 39, 44-48, 51-58; Fries, Herb. Norm. ix. 46; Déség. Mon. p. 98, Toment. p. 28; Reut. Cat. edit. 2, p. 68; Gren. Jura, p. 234 ; Dumort. Belg. p. 50; Baker, Review, p. 14, E«sic. 8, 9, 10. R. SYLVESTRIS FRUCTU MAJORE HISPIDO, Ray, edit. 2, p. 296 (1696), teste Buddle, Herb. ! R. viLLosa 8, Huds. Fl. Angl. edit. 2, p. 219 (1778). R. cuspipara, M. Bieb. Fl. Taur. Cauc. i. p. 396 (1808); Tratt. Mon. i.p. 121; Reich. Fl. Excurs. ii. p. 616; Déség. Mon. p. 96, Toment. p. 8. R. ANDRZEIOUSKII, Steven in Besser, Enum. Volhy. p. 19; Tratt. Mon. i. p. 120; Déség. Mon. p. 124, Toment. p. 35. R. uispipa, Borckh. Forst. ii. p. 1332. R. BoncknauskNirr, Tratt. Mon. p. 114. R. PULCHELLA, Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 196, Herb. 36. R. TEREBINTHINACEA, Besser !, non Déséglise. R. SEnINGEANA, Godr. Fl. Lorr. edit. 2, p. 255. R. instp1osa, Gren. Fl. Jura, p. 233. An arching shrub 6 or 8, or even 10 feet high, with elongated branches duller than in the last and not so glaucous. Prickles scattered, uniform, the largest 4—5 lines long, rather stouter down- wards than in mollissima, and sometimes slightly eurved. Fully developed leaves 4-5 inches long, the terminal leaflet elliptieal or slightly ovate, more or less rounded at the base, 12-2 inches long by about three quarters as broad, often more pointed than in mollissima, the serratures copiously compound, but generally sharper and not so open, the upper surface thinly grey-downy all over in the typical form, the lower more so, with often, but not 216 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. always, a few inconspicuous glands scattered over the surface ; the stipules copiously gland-ciliated, thinly hairy and glandular on the back; the petiole densely downy and more glandular, with a few scattered aciculi, which are sometimes decidedly hooked. Flowers generally 1 to 3, the peduncle 6-12 lines long, more or less densely aciculate and glanduloso-setose. Corolla bright rose-pink, or not unfrequently pure white, 18-21 lines across when expanded; the petals rarely gland-ciliated. Calyx- tube in the ordinary form oblong, either prickly or naked. Styles hairy. Sepals ascending after the petals fall, densely glan- dular on the back, 3-1 inch long, the main ones copiously pin- nate, lasting till after the fruit changes colour, but not truly persistent. Fruit ovate-urceolate in the typical form, or some- times turbinate, 9-12 lines long by 8-9 lines broad, never pen- dent, ripening in the north of England through September, furnished with a medium-sized disk, like that of canina. This appears to be universally distributed through Britain. I have seen it from Caithness (R. Dick) and Sutherland (Prof: Oliver), down to Cornwall and Devonshire (7. R. A. Briggs) and Sussex (Borrer, &c.), and gathered it myself in the Isle of Wight, and up to 550 yards in the north of England. It is spread over both the north and south of Ireland. M. Déséglise refers the three specimens in my fasciculus to three of his species—tomentosa, cuspidata, and Andrzeiouskii. To me they seem to represent fairly what I can only consider a single variety. Tomentosa of Déséglise, which is unusually softly grey-downy and nearly destitute of glands, is rarely seen in Britain; cuspi- data, which is harsher on both sides of the leaf and distinctly glandular beneath, is very common; and Andrzeiouskii comes between them. The distribution of the plant in Scandinavia we have stated already. It is common all over Central Europe, both amongst the hills and in the plains, and reaches Spain, Algiers, Asia Minor, and the Caucasus. To this also I refer R. resinosa, Déséglise, Herb. Ros. 75 (Billot, Exsic. 360!, non Sternberg), and a Yorkshire plant which Déséglise calls by this name, whieh is moderately downy and distinctly glandular be- low. The plants called by Dr. Moore, in ‘Cybele Hibernica,’ p. 97, tomentosa and scabriuscula, he has cultivated side by side in the Glasnevin Garden, and-found to come true from seed for at least two generations; and yet his scabriuscula does not differ from the type nearly as much as the plant just to be described MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES, 217 under that name, but is simply a form with white flowers tipped with crimson, and leaves quite as hairy but rather more glan- dular beneath than usual. The principal varieties in Britain are the following :— Var. SUBGLOBOSA (Smith). R. suBGLoBosa, Smith, Eng. Fl. ii. p. 384; Boreau, Fl. Cent. edit. 3, no. 882; Déség. Mon. p. 99, Exsic. 37; Reut. Cat. p. 67. R. SugnanDr, Davies in E. Fl. iv. p. 269; Déség. Toment. p. 33. R. svLvESTRIs, folio molliter hirsuto, fructu rotundo glabro, calyce et pedunculo hispido, Dillen., Ray, Synop. edit. 3, p. 478 (1724). R. TOMENTOSA e, Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 201, Herb. 43. Fruit quite globose; the leaves softly grey-downy on both sides, scarcely at all glandular on the petiole or under surface, the serratures often not so compound as in the type; the flowers in some of the specimens 7-8 in a cluster, and the prickles stouter and a little curved. Sherard’s plant, on which it was founded, was gathered by the Thames-side near Kingston ; and I have seen this variety also from the Isle of Wight, Cambridgeshire, Devonshire, Anglesea, Yorkshire, and Northumberland. R. cinerascens, Dumort. Mon. P- 50 (R. velutina, Chabert) agrees with it in everything ex- cept that the serratures of the leaves are quite simple. Var. FARINOSA (Rau). R. rartnosa, Rau, Enum. p. 147; Bechst. Forstb. p. 243; Tratt. Mon. p. 103; Redouté, 4to edit. t. 52; Déség. Toment. p. 17. A small weak variety, with leaves densely grey-downy when young ; petioles slightly glandular ; serrations open and copiously compound ; fruit obovoid, both it and the short peduncle quite destitute of aciculi and glandular sete, and main sepals only very slightly compound. I have Déséglise's authority for referring to Rau's plant one gathered by Mr. Hailstone in Perthshire, near Blair Athol; and that from Redear, North Yorkshire, gathered by him, and called by Smith, in the ‘English Flora, villosa, var. pulchella, is very nearly the same. This variety and the last are the forms of to- mentosa most likely to be confounded with mollissima. Var. sCABRIUSCULA (Smith). : R. SCABRIUSCULA, Smith, Eng. Bot. t. 1896; Winch, Geog. Dist. edit. 2, p. 45 (ez parte) ; Déséglise, Toment. 32, non Woods. LINN. PROC.— BOTANY, VOL. XI. g 218° MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPII OF BRITISH ROSES. R. TOMENTOSA fj, Woods, loc. cit., Herb. 40. R. couuina, Fries, Herb. Norm. vi. 42, non Jacq. The plant intended by Smith under this name differs from the type by having the leaves less hairy, and, consequently, greener and harsher. They are often very nearly naked on the upper surface when mature, and are hairy principally on the ribs be- neath, and scarcely at all glandular. The prickles are straight and slender, and the fruit ovate and usually densely acicu- late. This is a widely dispersed variety; but many of Winch’s specimens, and the plant described by Woods, do not belong to it. On this point I quite indorse Smith's remarks in the ‘ English Flora, vol. ii. p. 8384. Lindley’s var. resinosa (Monog. p. 77) is essentially the same, with deep-coloured flowers, very narrow leaves, and very sharp compound teeth. Var. SYLVESTRIS, Woods. R. TOMENTOSA, var. SYLVESTRIS, Woods, loc. cit. Herb. 49, 50. R. SYLVESTRIS, Lindl. Synops. p. 101, non Reich. R. JuNDpziLLIANA, Baker, Review, p. 21, Exsic. 11, but scarcely of Besser. R. BRITANNICA, Déséglise, MSS. Prickles stouter than in the type, and slightly curved. Leaves naked above when mature, thinly hairy, and conspicuously glan- dular beneath, with densely glanduloso-setose hairy petioles ; stipules and bracts slightly hairy and glandular on the back ; peduncles and ovate fruit densely aciculate and glanduloso- setose. I now believe my Jundzilliana to be essentially the same as Lindley’s sylvestris, and not worth regarding as more than a variety of tomentosa. Mr. Webb’s original Cheshire plant had robust uncinate prickles, flowers often 6-10 in a cluster and broad cordate leaflets, recalling the aspect of the Gallicane group ; but the average of the variety, as represented in my fasciculus, differs principally from scabriuscula by the leaves being consider- ably glandular beneath. Var. oBOvATA, Baker. Prickles uncinate; leaflets obovate-oblong, with a subdeltoid base and very deep and compound upper teeth, grey-green, 8002 quite naked on the upper surface, thinly hairy and glandular beneath; the petiole densely downy, but not glanduloso-setose ; MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 219 the peduncles very short and quite hidden by the large sheath- ing bracts, which are nearly naked on the back, but glandular towards the edge ; both the peduncle and glaucous oblong calyx- tube quite naked, and the sepals naked on the back. Durham, by the side of the highroad a little out of Egle- stone going towards Middleton in Teesdale. A connecting link between tomentosa and pulverulenta. Group. 3. Ruprernos. 8. R. RUBIGINOSA, Linn. Frutex mediocris, ramis brevibus ascenden- tibus, aculeis subsparsis majoribus faleatis modice robustis aciculis paucis subrectis inzequalibus intermixtis, foliolis mediocribus copiose duplieato-serratis supra mox glabris, infra leviter pubescentibus et copiose odorato-glandulosis, floribus 1 vel paucis, pedunculis dense aciculatis, sepalis ascendentibus dorso dense glandulosis majoribus copiose pinnatis subpersistentibus, stylis villosis, fructibus globosis serotinis plerisque aciculatis, disco angusto. R. RuBIGINOSA, Linn. Mant. ii. p. 564; Smith, Eng. Fl. ii. p. 385; Lindl. Mon. p. 86, a et y; Borrer in Brit. Fl. edit. 3, p. 237 ; Fries, Herb. Norm. vi. 41 ; Déséglise, Mon. p. 109. R. EcLANTERIA, Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 206, Herb. 61-66. R. UMBELLATA, Leers, Herb. p. 117 ; Déség. Mon. p. 111; Reut. Cat. p. 72; Billot, Ezsic. 3596 ; Wirtg. Exs. 470. R. ECHINOCARPA, Ripart, Déség. Mon. p. 110; Wirtg. Ezs. 742. R. comosa, Ripart, Schultz's Archiv. p. 254; Déség. Mon. p. 113, Exsic. 35 ; Billot, Exsic. 3597. A. bush 3 to 5 feet high, the main stem scarcely arching, and the branches short and straight. Main prickles scattered, 3—4 lines long, faleate and much thickened downwards, often mixed with a few straight slender unequal aciculi. Stipules densely glandular, but nearly destitute of hairs on the back. — Well-deve- loped leaves of the barren shoot 22-3 inches long, with seven leaflets, the terminal one broad-oblong or obovate, 9-12 lines long by three-quarters as broad; the serratures open and copiously compound, the upper surface nearly naked or finally quite so, the lower densely covered all over with fragrant glands, thinly hairy on the ribs; the petiole densely glanduloso-setose and thinly hairy, usually furnished with numerous unequal aciculi, the larger ones strongly hooked. Bracts often } inch broad, nearly naked on the back. Flowers usually 1-4; the peduncles generally Q 2 220 MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. under } inch long, densely clothed with glandular set» and strong aciculi. Calyx-tube subglobose or broad ovate-urceolate, usually aciculate. Corolla generally full rose, 12-15 lines across when expanded. Styles densely villose. Sepals densely glandular on the back, the larger ones 7-8 lines long, slightly leaf-pointed, with 2-3 pairs of spreading linear pinne, not falling till after the fruit changes colour, which is not till October or late in Septem- ber. Ripe fruit subglobose, measuring about 3 inch each way. This, the common Sweet-briar of gardens, is a plant of such long-standing cultivation that it is very difficult to judge at the present time which are its really wild stations. It is plainly in- digenous amongst the chalk-hills of the south of England, but in the north of England, though tolerably plentiful in hedges in some distriets (as, for instance, round the foot of the Cheviots near Wooller), I have never seen it amongst the cliffs or in the aboriginal woods of the mountain-valleys,like canina, tomentosa, „and mollissima. I have seen specimens from as far north as Perth and Inverness. Messrs. Moore and More do not claim it with any confidence as a native of Ireland. It is common as a truly wild plant in Central Europe, extending to Teneriffe, Greece, Tauria, and Persia. After the study of numerous authenticated specimens, I cannot draw any line of distinction between the plants quoted as synonyms. Var. PERMIXTA (Déséglise). R. PERMIXTA, Déség. Mon. p. 107, Ezsic. 72. R. MICRANTHA, var. PERMIXTA, Gren. Fl. Jura, p. 252; Dumort. Ros. Belg. p. 55. Leaves in our plant quite without hairs, but as densely glan- dular on the under surface and petiole as in the type; styles quite glabrous ; fruit ovate-urceolate, balf as long again as broad, and decidedly narrowed at the neck, densely prickly, the sepals fallen before it reddens. Surrey, bank of the valley in which Teucrium Botrys grows on Box Hill (Borrer!). This recedes from the type towards micran- tha by the naked styles and shape of the fruit, but in other respects agrees with the type. Var. SYLVICOLA (Déség. et Ripart). R. svrvicoLA, Déség. et Ripart, MSS.! Bush laxer and not so strongly scented as in the type, prickles MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 221 more slender, leaflets larger, thinly hairy beneath, the glands fewer aud finer, the fruit broad ovate-urceolate, the styles hairy. North Yorkshire, road-side near Low Row, Swaledale, James Backhouse and J. G. Baker. 9. R. MICRANTHA, Smith. Frutex mediocris, ramis elongatis arcuatis, aculeis sparsis conformibus faleatis deorsum robustis, foliolis medio- cribus copiose duplicato-serratis, supra mox glabris, infra levite* pu- bescentibus prorsus glandulosis, floribus 1 vel paucis, pedunculis dense aciculatis, sepalis ascendentibus, subpersistentibus dorso glan- dulosis majoribus apice foliaceis paullulum pinnatis, stylis glabris, fructibus ovato-urceolatis serotinis plerisque subnudis discis medio- cribus instructis. R. MicRANTHA, Smith, Eng. Bot. 2490 (1812), Eng. Flora, ii. p. 387 ; Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 209, Herb. 67, 68 ; Borrer, Brit. Fl. edit. 3, p. 236 ; Gren. Fl. Jura, p. 251; Reut. Cat. p. 71; Dumort. Ros. Belg. p. 94, ex parte, non DC. Fl. Franç. v. p. 539, nec Déség. Mon. p. 115. R. nemorosa, Libert in Lej. Fl. Spa, ii. p. 80 (1813); Boreau, FI. Cent. edit. 3, vol. ii. p. 229; Déség. Mon. 114; Billot, Ezsic. 3598. R. FLORIBUNDA, Steven in Bess. Cat. Crem. Suppl. iv. p. 19 (1819) ; Bieb. Fl. Taur. Cauc. iii. p. 343; DC. Prodr. ii. p. 621. R. LinERTIANA, Tratt. Mon. ii. p. 80. R. RUBIGINOSA, var. MICRANTHA, Lindl. Mon. p. 87. A taller and laxer bush than the last, generally, but not always, without any decided Sweet-briar fragrance. Prickles scattered and quite uniform, those of the main stem 3-5 lines long, decidedly faleate and thickened downwards; the scar 4-6 lines deep. Sti- pules varying from naked to densely glandular on the back, co- piously glanduloso-ciliated. Well-developed leaves 21-3 inches long, with 7 leaflets, the terminal oblong or with an obovate ten- dency, 12-15 lines long by 9-12 lines broad, more pointed than in rubiginosa, the serrations rather sharper, copiously compound, the upper surface nearly naked, when old quite so; the lower surface scattered all over with fine but conspicuous glands; the aciculi of the petiole usually 2—4 only and subequal. Bracts densely gland-ciliated, but often nearly naked on the back. Peduncles longer than in rubiginosa, densely aciculate and glanduloso-setose, Calyx-tube narrowly ovate-urceolate, often naked. Petals pale rose, the expanded corolla not much over an inch across. Styles glabrous. Sepals densely glandular on the back, the mam ones 1-£ inch long, more leafy at the point than in rubiginosa, but with 222 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISI ROSES. only 1-2 pairs of minute pinne, spreading after the petals fall, falling when the fruit has changed colour. Fruit bright scarlet, ovate-ureeolate, 7-8 lines long by 5-6 lines broad, with a decided disk like that of canina, changing colour late in September or early in October. This differs from rubiginosa by its laxer habit of growth, faint odour, uniform prickles, glabrous styles, and in the character of the fruit and sepals, and may be considered midway between ru- - biginosa and canina. In some parts of the Isle of Wight it is as plentiful as canina ; it is a plant of the Channel Islands (Rev. T. Salwey!); Mr. Borrer gathered it in many places in Sussex, and Mr. Briggs in Devon and Cornwall; and it extends northward to Anglesea (Wilson !, Borrer!, Webb !), Cheshire (Webb!), Yorkshire (Hailstone !, Baker ), and to Northumberland (Buston, near Aln- wick, J. Chrisp!) In Ireland it appears to be restricted to the neighbourhood of Cork, whence I have seen specimens gathered by Mr. Isaac Carroll; but Dr. Mackay’s plant thus labelled was rubiginosa. On the Continent it isnot known in Scandinavia, but it begins in Belgium and is diffused through France to Geneva, and eastward as far as Tauria, whence there is a specimen from Steven in the Kew herbarium. Var. BRIGGSII, Baker. A luxuriant variety with leaflets 15-18 lines long, 10-12 lines broad, naked above, less glandular than in the type beneath ; calyx- tube and fruit shorter and stouter, and, like the peduncle, quite naked; sepals more pinnate and scarcely glandular on the back. Devonshire, quarry at Rumple, near Plymouth (Briggs !). Var. HYSTRIX (Leman). R. HYSTRIX, Leman, Bull. Phil. 1818, extr. p. 18; Boreau, Fl. Cent. edit. 2, vol. ii. p. 182, non Lindl. Mon. p. 129, t. 17 (1820). R. Lemax, Boreau, Fl. Cent. edit. 3, vol. ii. p. 230; Déség. Mon. 102, Exzsic. 71. R. MICRANTHA, var. LEMANI1, Dumort. Mon. p. 55. A small variety with narrow sharply toothed leaves, densely glandular beneath, but quite without hairs; terminal leaflet cu- neate at the base ; peduncle densely acieulate ; calyx-tube naked. Surrey, Boxhill ; and Oxfordshire, Caversham (Borrer !); Glou- cestershire, St. Vincent’s rocks (Dr. St. Brody !) In leaves and general habit very like R. sepium ; but the sepals are glandular on the back, and the peduncle densely aciculate. MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPII OF BRITISH ROSES. 223 10. R. PuLvERULENTA, M. Bieb. Frutex mediocris, ramis elongatis arcuatis, aculeis spe subinzqualibus, majoribus faleatis robustis, foliolis obovatis copiose duplicato-serratis, supra cito glabris, infra tenuiter pubescentibus prorsus glandulosis, floribus 1 vel paucis, pe- duneulis nudis vel raro aciculatis, sepalis ascendentibus subpersisten- tibus dorso nudis vel leviter glandulosis, majoribus copiose pinnatis, stylis hirsutis, fructibus nudis serotinis ovato-urceolatis vel rotundatis discis mediocribus instructis. R. PULvERULENTA, M. Bieb. Fl. Taur.- Cauc. i. p. 399 (1808); Lindl. Mon. p. 93; DC. Prodr. ii. p. 617. R. tnopora, Fries, Novit. i. p. 9 (1814); Herb. Norm. x. 51, non Auct. Angl. R. rnopora y, Borrer, in Brit. Fl. 3rd edit. p. 235 (non « et 8). R. Krokrr, Besser, Hort. Crem. 1816, p. 118; M. Bieb. Fl. Taur.-Cauc. iii. p. 346; Tratt. Mon. ii. p. 70; Wim. et Grab. Fl. Sil. ii. p. 89 ; Gren. Jura, p. 248; Déség. Mon. p. 100, Exsic. 29; Billot, Exs. 1665. R. seprum 8. KLuxkn, Reut. Cat. Gen. p. 73. R. GRANDIFLORA, Wallr. Ann. Bot. p. 66 ; Roth, Enum. p. 451. R. BALSAMEA, Besser, Cat. Hort. Crem. 1815. R. IBERICA, Steven, M. Bieb. Fl. Taur.-Cauc. iii. p. 345; DC. Prodr. ii. p. 617. A taller and stronger bush than micrantha, with a similar habit. Prickles uniform, or with a few setaceous aciculi intermixed, the larger ones 3-4 lines long, robust, faleate. Well-developed leaves of the barren shoot 3-31 inches long, with 7 leaflets, the terminal one obovate-oblong, 15-18 lines long by three-quarters as broad, or rather less, thicker in texture than in micrantha, soon quite naked above, slightly on the ribs only but with glands scattered all over the surface beneath; the upper serratures sharp, deep, and copiously compound; the petiole densely setose, slightly hairy, with several unequal aciculi. Bracts 3-4 lines broad, naked on the back, or nearly so. Flowers usually 1-3; the peduncle 4-6 lines long, usually naked; the calyx-tube oblong, naked. Sepals 8-9 lines long, naked or slightly glandular on the back, ascending after the petals fall, subpersistent, the main ones copi- ously pinnate. Flowers pink, 15-18 lines across. Styles hairy. Fruit ovate-urceolate, as large as that of canina, and with a similar disk, not ripening till October or late in September. : This is very near micrantha, but is a stronger plant, quite as glandular, but larger in its leaves and flowers, with hairy styles, 224 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. more compound sepals, the peduncle typically naked, and the sepals naked on the back. I have seen it only from four counties in Britain :—Somersetshire, woods at Brean Down ( Woods!) ; York- shire, Richmond (Jas. Ward!) ; Durham, Ravensworth woods (.Ao- bertson!) ; and Northumberland, gathered by myself in two places near Wooller. On the other hand, it closely resembles R. Borrert ; but in that the leaves are only very faintly or not at all glandular below, with the lower half broader, the peduncles aciculate, and the sepals reflexed and deciduous. I have seen a specimen of the Taurian plant from Steven, and of Lindley’s from Lyell, and can- not trace any material difference between these and ours and the Scandinavian, French, and Swiss examples labelled with the names I have quoted. Koch, Ledebour, and Reuter agree in uniting it with the common South-European F. sepium, Thuill., which is smaller in all its parts, with the leaves entirely without hairs and narrowed to both ends, glabrous styles, and slender ovate-urceolate fruit. Var. BILLIETII (Puget). R. BirLrETII, Puget in Billot, Exsic. 3594. R. VAILLANTIANA, Boreau, MSS.! R. sepium, Borrer, E. B. S.t. 2653. Brit. Fl. edit. 3, p. 238, non Thuil. R. sepium 9, Rapin, Vaud Guide, edit. 2, p. 199. Prickles of the main stem decidedly unequal, the main ones as large and as strong as those of the type, but only slightly hooked. Leaflets smaller; the terminal one 9—12 lines long by three-quar- ters as broad, obovate, with a subdeltoid base; the upper surface at first slightly hairy, the lower thinly hairy and finely glandular all over. Peduncle naked; calyx-tube narrowly ovate-urceolate ; the sepals, like those of micrantha, lengthened out at the point, but only sparingly pinnate; the styles hairy; the fruit ovate- urceolate, 7—8 lines deep. In Britain I have seen this only from Allesley in Warwickshire, where it was gathered by the Rev. W..T. Bree ; but I have authen- ticated specimens, under the three names I have quoted, from Savoy. From the true sepium *, which is very widely diffused throughout the south of Europe, it differs by its leaves thinly * I gathered in the summer of the present year, on the south slope of Hind Head in Surrey, a plant differing only from the typical sepium by having the leaves very slightly hairy on the petiole and midrib beneath. "This should now therefore b» placed as the type of the species, and the other forms described as its varieties. MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 225 hairy and not so densely glandular beneath, not narrowed in the upper half, villose styles, and stouter fruit. It comes very near R. lugdunensis, Déség. Mon. p. 101, which has leaves less hairy but more glandular beneath, shorter peduncles aud round fruit. Var. cRvPTOPODA, Baker. R. crypropopa, Baker, Review, p. Prickles rather unequal, the large ones uncinate and robust. Leaflets ovate-oblong, the terminal one about an inch long by three-quarters as broad; the upper surface glaucous green, naked; the lower thinly glandular all over, hairy on the main veins; the petiole hairy and glanduloso-setose, with 2—4 hooked acieuli. Bracts and stipules glandular on the back, but scarcely hairy. Peduncle very short, quite naked. Fruit subglobose, 7-8 lines each way. Sepals naked on the back; the main ones 8-9 lines long, copiously pinnate. West Yorkshire, Luddenden, near Halifax, S. King! Very near R. virgultorum, Ripart in Deseg]. Exsic. 32, which has similar peduncles, fruit, and sepals, but leaves more decidedly glandular beneath, but not at all hairy, and less hairy styles. Group 4. CANINE. ll. R. CANINA, Linn. Frutex altus, ramis elongatis arcuatis, aculeis sparsis zqualibus robustis falcatis, foliolis simpliciter vel duplicato- serratis utrinque glabris eglandulosis vel preecipue infra tenuiter pu- bescentibus, floribus 1 vel paucis, pedunculis plerisque nudis, sepalis dorso plerisque nudis reflexis deciduis, vel interdum ascendentibus subpersistentibus, majoribus copiose pinnatis, stylis plus minus hir- sutis, fructibus ovato-urceolatis vel rotundatis (plerisque serotinis) discis conspicuis instructis. Series 1. Ecristatz. Leaves not glandular beneath. Fruit very hard when green, not ripening till October or the latter part of September ; the sepals still remaining reflexed after the petals fall, and becoming disarticulated before it changes colour. * Peduncles not aciculate ; leaves glabrous on both sides. Var. LUTETIANA (Leman). Revi R. LUTETIANA, Leman, Bull. Phil. 1818, extr. p. 9; Baker, Renew, p- 25, Ezsic. 12. R. CANINA, Linn. Herb. ! Woods, Linn. Trans. ix. p. 233 (excl. var. 8), 226 MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. Herb. 108-111, 115,116; Smith, Engl. Fl. ii. p. 394; Déség. Mon. p. 61, Easic. 12; Reut. Gen. p. 69; Dum. Belg. p. 59. R. NITENS et GLAUCESCENS, Desv. in Mérat, Fl. Paris, p. 192. R. SWwARTZIANA et AFZELIANA, Fries, Fl. Hall. pp. 86, 87. R. FALLAX, Puget in Déség. Exsic. 60. An arching bush often 10 or 12 feet high, with elongated arch- ing branches. Prickles scattered, uniform, falcate, very robust, 3—5 lines long, and the scar as deep. Stipules quite naked on both sides, and only slightly gland-ciliated. Fully developed leaves of the barren shoot 3—4 inches long, with 7 leaflets; the terminal one obovate-oblong, 15-18 lines long by about three-quarters as broad; both sides quite naked, green or glaucous; the serration sharp and simple; the teeth often quite glandless; the petiole with 2-4 hooked aciculi, but without hairs or glandular sete. Flowers 1-4, on naked peduncles generally more than half an inch long; the corolla pinkish, 18-24 lines broad. Styles moderately hairy. Fruit ovate-urceolate, 7-9 lines long, not changing colour till October in the north, or late in September in the south of England. Sepals i-i inch long, naked on the back, but little gland-ciliated, the main ones copiously pinnate. In the broad sense of the term, as here defined, R. canina is universally dispersed through Britain, including Ireland, and is in most districts far more common than any other Rose, or than all the others put together. In the north of England it reaches an altitude of 450 yards. It extends everywhere through Europe except Lapland and Finland, and reaches the Canaries, Barbary, Persia, and Siberia. Of the varieties here described, lutetiana, dumalis, and urbica, with intermediates between them, are the most common in Britain, all the others being much less frequent. Of this, the names glaucescens and Afzeliana refer especially to the plant with glaucous leaves. R. Malmundariensis, Lej. Fl. Spa, i p. 231, a modification of this variety with sepals glandular on the back, has been gathered by Rev. W. H. Purchas in Derbyshire. Var. SURCULOSA (Woods). R. surcuLosa, Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 228. Herb. 117-121. A very robust form, like the last, but with flowers often 10-12 (I have seen 20-30) in a cluster, flat leaflets broadly rounded at the base and with more open teeth; the young shoots and leaves often suffused with red. Apparently confined to the south of England. MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 297 Var. SPH @RICA (Gren.). R. spuarica, Gren. in Billot, Archiv. p. 333, Exsic. 1479 ; Déség. Mon. p. 64; Gren. Jura, p. 241; Reut. Cat. p. 70. R. CANINA, var. SPHÆRICA, Dumort. Belg. p. 60. Differs only from Jutetiana by its broader leaflets, more rounded at the base, slightly pubescent petioles, globose fruit 7-8 lines broad and deep, and more villose styles. A plant gathered by Mr. Briggs at Modoney, in Devonshire, quite agrees with what I have under this name from Besancon and Geneva. Var. SENTICOSA (Ach.). R. senticosa, Ach. Vet. Acad. Handl. 1813, p. 91, t. 13. R. AciPHYLLA, Rau, Enum. p. 69, cum icone; Tratt. Mon. ii. p. 22; Déség. Mon. p. 66. R. SPHÆRICA, var. ACIPHYLLA, Gren. Jura, p. 242. Fruit perfectly globular, but much smaller than in the last; the general habit of the plant very slender and flexuous, the fully developed leaves not more than an inch long by 6-7 lines broad ; the teeth very acute. “It has the aspect of R. sepium, but the petioles and leaflets are glandless."— Déséglise. Devonshire, hedge near Yeo, Briggs ! Var. DUMALIs (Bechst.). R. puuaLirs, Bechst. Forst. p. 241 (1810); Tratt. Mon. ii. p. 24, Gren. Jura, p. 214; Baker, Review, p. 25, Exsic. 13-15. R. STIPULARIS, Mérat, Fl. Paris, p. 192; DC. Prodr. ii. p. 623. R. sanMENTACEA, Swartz, MSS.; Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 213, Herb. 79-84; Smith, Engl. Flora, ii. p. 390; Borrer, E. B. S. t. 2595. R. venosa, Swartz, MSS.; Spreng. Syst. ii. p. 544; DC. Prodr. ii. p. 623. - GLAUCOPHYLLA, Winch, Geog. Distr. p. 45. - GLAUCA, Lois. Not. p. 80. - RAMULOSA, Godr. Fl. Lorr. edit. 2, vol. i. p. 231. - CANINA, var. DUMALIS, Dumort. Belg. p. 60. 08 -- -e -e n - CANINA, Var. SARMENTOSA, Reut. Cat. p. 70. Stipules more densely gland-ciliated than in the type; teeth of the leaves more or less compound, with the secondary serrations gland-tipped ; the petiole more or less glanduloso-setose and often 228 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. alittle hairy ; the sepals also gland-ciliated, and the flowers some- times deeper in colour. A very common form, also either green or glaucous; the latter venosa,Sw.,and glaucophylla, Winch. Specimens gathered in North- umberland (Baker, Exsic. 15) and Leicestershire (Bloxam !) with sepals glandular on the back; and a plant in Durham, near Dar- lington (Jas Ward!), exactly accords with R. Malmundariensis, Déség. Exsic. 48, with round fruit and numerous flowers in a cluster. Var. BISERRATA (Mérat). R. BisERRATA, Mérat, Fl. Par. p. 190; Leman, Bull. Phil. 1818, extr. p. 9; Tratt. Mon. ii. p. 33; D Mon. p. 72; Gren. Jura, p. 245; Reut. Cat. p. 70. R. CANINA, Var. BISERRATA, Dumort. p. 61. R. viNACEA, Baker, Review, p. 32, Exsic. 28. R. sEPIUM, var. NITENS, Desv. Journ. Bot. ii. p. 117. Searcely different from the last, but the serratures open and very compound, the petioles more glanduloso-setose, and the glands extending alittleto the midrib beneath. Déséglise's plant has globose fruit; my vinacea has oblong fruit, narrow sharp- pointed leaves and bracts, branches and stipules suffused with vi- nous red. ** Peduncles not aciculate ; leaves naked above, hairy only on the ribs beneath. Var. URBICA (Leman). R. ursica, Leman, Bull. Phil. 1818, extr. p. 9; Déségl. Mon. p. 85 Exsic. 22; Baker, Review, p. 26, Ezsic. 16. R. COLLINA, var. URBICA, Dumort. Belg. p. 58. R. coLLINaA B et y, Woods, Linn. Trans. xi. p. 219, Herb. 96, 98-103. R. FORSTERI, Smith, Eng. Flora, ii. p. 392 (1824); Borrer, E. B. S. t. 2611. R. RAMEALIS, Puget in Déség. Ezsic. 66. General habit, leaves, and fruit of lufetiana ; but the grey or green simply toothed leaves thinly hairy on the under surface; the serration sharp and simple; the petiole densely pubescent, but scarcely at all glanduloso-setose ; the fruit oblong or ovate- urceolate, rarely subglobose. A very common variety, from which R. platyphylla, Rau, num. p- 82 (R. opaca, Gren. in Billot, Archiv. p. 332, Exsic. 1748), only MR. J. @. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 229 differs by its larger grey-green leaves more rounded at the base, and large subglobose fruit. Var. FRONDOSA (Steven). R. FRONDOSA, Steven, MSS.! Spreng. Syst. Veg. ii. p. 544. R. DUMETORUM, Woods, Herb. 93. Differs from the last by its small flat ovate-oblong leaflets much rounded at the base, and small subglobose fruit. Yorkshire (Hailstone!), Sussex (Borrer!), Isle of Wight (Baker). Very near obtusifolia, Desv. Journ. Bot. ii. p. 317 (R. leucantha, Bast. Suppl. Fl. Maine-et-Loire, p. 32), but the leaflets naked above and less hairy below. Var. ARvATICA, Baker. R. AnvaTICA, Baker, Review, p. 33, Exsic. 25-27, non Puget. R. TRACHYPHYLLA, var. ARVATICA, Dumort. Belg. p. 59. R. curars, Wils. MSS. (in herb. Borrer). Bears much the same relation to urbica that dumalis does to lutetiana. Leaflets obovate-oblong, naked above, hairy on the ribs below; the serratures copiously compound; the accessory teeth gland-tipped ; the petioles densely pubescent and glanduloso- setose, and the glands often extending to the midrib beneath; the bracts, stipules, and sepals copiously gland-ciliated. Fruit ovate. A common form in the north of England. It is the Warrington Rose mentioned by Mr. Borrer in the ‘ British Flora,’ edit. 3, p. 241. Mr. Robertson labels it “midway between canina and tnodora.”” I have gathered it in North Yorkshire with sepals glandular on the back. *** Peduncles not aciculate. Leaflets more or less hairy ` on both sides. Var. puMETORUM (Thuill.). R. puMerorum, Thuill. Par. p. 250; Fries, Herb. Norm. viii. p. 43; Déség. Mon. p.82; Baker, Review, p. 27, Exsic. 19. R. DUMETORUM g, Gren. Jura, p. 247. R. coLLINA, DC. Fl. Franç. iv. p. 441; Wahl. Suec. 563, non Jacq. R. sousTITIALIs, Besser, Prim. Fl. Gall. p. 324! R. susMITIS, Gren. Schultz's Archives, p. 332; Billot, Ezsic. 1476. 230 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. Stipules and bracts hairy on the back, but little gland-ciliated. Leaflets grey-green, softer in texture than in the foregoing forms, and sooner destroyed by frost; the terminal one often 18-21 lines long by an inch broad, broadly rounded (or even cordate) at the base, softly hairy all over beneath, and thinly so above when old ; the serratures simple and moderately open ; the petioles densely grey-pubescent, scarcely at all glanduloso-setose, and sometimes without prickles. Flowers often deeper in colour than the prece- ding. Fruit large, generally ovate-urceolate, not so hard when green, and ripening earlier than in the foregoing varieties, and the sepals often not fully reflexed. Styles villose *. Principally in the north of England. R. wacinella, Besser, is a montane form with firmer leaves, less hairy above, and large subglobose fruit. Var. PRUINOSA, Baker. R. pruinosa, Baker, Review, p. 27. R. cas1A, Borrer, Brit. Flora, edit. 3, p. 242 (ex parte). Like the last, but very glaucous, the serrations laxer and com- pound, the secondary teeth gland-tipped, and petioles slightly glandular. Northumberland, Durham, and Yorkshire amongst the hills. A form with sepals glandular on the back, by the Swale, near Keld, and a similar plant gathered in Derry by Dr. Moore. Var. INCANA, Woods. R. TOMENTOSA, var. INCANA, Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 203, Herb. 59. R. CÆS1A, var. INCANA, Borrer, in Brit. Flora, 3rd edit. p. 242. Leaflets of average size, narrowly ovate-oblong, very glaucous, and slightly downy above, densely downy and with a few incon- spicuous scattered glands beneath; the serration copiously com- pound, the secondary teeth gland-tipped; the petiole both pu- bescent and setose; the peduncle slightly hairy ; the styles densely villose ; the fruit large and oblong ; the sepals not falling so soon as usual. * “R. dumetorum inter R. caninam et coriifoliam exacte media est. Millena et varia circa Upsaliam videre licet R. canine et dumetorum individua, facillime vero semper ad suam speciem referenda, quare Ill. Wahlenberg, plantas ipsas nec characteres modo respiciens, tam in Fl. Upsaliensi quam Suecica distinxit, et quanto diutius ejus vestigia repetii, tanto magis ad hanc sententiam inclino."— Fries, Summa, p. 172-173. MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 231 Gathered in Forfarshire by G. Don. R. canescens, Baker, Review, 28, Exsic. 20, is a form with similar leaves, but with the fruit and sepals of the type. Var. TOMENTELLA, Leman. R. TOMENTELLA, Leman, Bull. Phil. 1818, extr. p. 10: Déség. in Billot’s Archiv. p. 334, Exsic. 1477 ; Déség. Monog. p. 92, Exsic. 70; Baker, Review, p. 33, Exsic. 29; Dumort. Belg. p. 56; Reut. Cat. 71; Gren. Jura, p. 247. R. TOMENTOSA y. DUMETORUM, Gaud. Fl. Helv. iii. p. 352. R. RuBIGINOSA, var. C, Rapin, Cat. Vaud. p. 101. R. irNopona, Hook. Fl. Lond. n. s. t. 117? Branches green and very flexuous; prickles very strongly hooked; fully developed leaflets under an inch long, flat, ovate- oblong, rounded at the base, green and thinly hairy above, hairy all over and sometimes with a few inconspicuous glands beneath ; the petioles hairy and glanduloso-setose, with 3-4 strongly hooked acieuli; peduncles shorter than usual and often quite hidden by the bracts; flowers smaller and very pale; styles densely hairy ; fruit small (4-4 inch long), subglobose or broad ovate-urceolate, very late in ripening. I have gathered this in many parts of England, from the Isle of Wight northward to Northumberland, and received it from nearly all my correspondents; and yet it does not seem to have been known to either Woods or Borrer. Déséglise, Grenier, and Reuter all classify it with the Rubiginose ; but the glands beneath are so few and faint as to be scarcely visible except with a lens. For a full account of its modifications, see a paper by Crepin in the Bulletin of the Royal Botanieal Society of Belgium, v. p. 26. **** Peduncles more or less aciculate and glanduloso-setose. Var. ANDEVAGENSIS (Bast.). R. ANpEvaGENsis, Bast. Fl. Maine-et-Loire (1809), p. 189; DC. Fl. Franç. v. p. 539; Déség. Mon. p. 75, Ezsic. 17, 18; Reut. Cat. p. 70; Baker, Review, p. 31. R. CANINA, var. ANDEVAGENSIS, Dumort. p. 60. R. Raum, Tratt. Mon. ii. p. 35. R. SEMPERVIRENS, Rau, Enum. p. 120, non L. R. CANINA, var. GLANDULIFERA, Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 223, Herb. 112-114. 232 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. Differs from lutetiana only by its aciculate peduncles. Not unfrequent, especially in the south of England. A form with sepals glandular on the back, from the Pass of Lanrick, Perthshire (Borrer!), Braemar (Watson !), and Caernarvonshire (Bloxam!). Var. VERTICILLACANTHA (Mérat). R. VERTICILLACANTHA, Mérat, Fl. Par. p. 190; DC. Prodr. ii. p. 622; Déség. Mon. p. 67 ; Baker, Review, p. 31. R. DUMALIS, var. GLANDULOSA, Gren. Jura, p. 215. Bears the same relation to dwmalis that the last does to lute- tiana. Not uncommon. Extreme specimens with the calyx-tube prickly as well as the peduncle, and sepals glandulous on the back, gathered in Somersetshire near Bridgewater (T. Clark!) and Weston-super-mare (Woods !), and in Devonshire (Briggs !). R. psilophylla, Rau, Enum. p. 101, only differs from this by its hairy petioles. Var. COLLINA, Jacq. R. COLLINA, Jacq. Austr. t. 197 ; Tratt. Mon. ii. p. 2; Déség. Mon. p. 89; Baker, Seem. Journ. iii. p. 82. R. COLLINA « et 8, Dumort. Belg. p. 57. R. CAMPESTRIS, Swartz, MSS.; Fries, Fl. Halland. p. 86. R. KosiNciANA, Besser, Enum. Volh. p. 60; Tratt. Mon. ii. p. 48; Déség. Mon. p. 76. R. rorruosa, Wierzb. in Reich. Ezsic. 1751. R. UMBELLATA, Libert, in Lej. Fl. Spa, ii. p. 313. The representative of urbicain this group. As gathered by Mr. Borrer in Surrey and Mr. Briggs near Plymouth this has nume- rous flowers in a cluster, and flat leaves broadly rounded at the base with moderately open serrations; but the commoner form is, like ordinary urbica, less robust, with narrower more sharply toothed leaves. Var. cuestiA (Smith). R. cugstA, Smith, Engl. Bot. t. 2637 ; Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 212, Herb. 78; Borrer, Brit. Flora, edit. 3, p- 242 (ex parte). Very near the last, the leaves grey-green, softly hairy beneath and slightly so on the upper surface, the teeth slightly compound. Petiole slightly glanduloso-setose. Stipules and bracts pubes- cent on the back. Sepals glandular on the back. MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 233 Drawn for ‘ English Botany’ from Taynuilt, Argyle (Borrer !). Gathered also in Derbyshire by the Rev. W. M. Hind and Rev. W. H. Purchas, in Leicestershire by the Rev. A. Bloxam, and by myself in Northumberland near Wooller. Var. coxNciNNA, Baker. Prickles very much hooked. Leaflets very small, the terminal one 8-9 lines long, flat, broad obovate, thinly downy above when young, hairy all over beneath; the teeth simple, moderately open ; the petioles pubescent, but scarcely at all setose ; the calyx-tube small, broad ovate; the styles slightly protruded, thinly hairy. Devonshire; near Stoke Bridge (Borrer!). The representative of the Continental obtusifolia in this group. Var. DECIPIENS (Dumort.). R. TOMENTELLA, var. DECIPIENS, Dumort. Belg. p. 57. Like tomentella, but the peduncle densely aciculate ; the midrib beneath more glandular ; the petiole both pubescent and glandu- loso-setose, with several unequal aciculi; the sepals not fully re- flexed, and densely glandulous on the back. Northumberland, Wooller (Baker), and plants like ordinary tomentella, but with aciculate peduncles, gathered in Leicester- shire by the Rev. A Bloxam, and in Cheshire by Mr. Wilson and the Hon. J. L. Warren. Series 2. Subcristatew. Leaves not glandular beneath. Fruit softer when green, in the north of England ripening early in September ; the sepals ascending after the petals fall, and not dis- articulated till after it turns crimson. Disk narrower than in the last section, and styles more densely villose. This series of forms corresponds to the Canine, subsection 1, of Grenier's * Flora of the Jura,’ and to the R. monticola of the second edition of Rapin's ‘ Botanists’ Guide to the Canton Vaud.’ Var. Reutert (Godet). R. Reutert, Godet, Fl. Jura, p. 218; Reut. Cat. p. 68. R. REUTERI æ, Gren. Jura, p- 239; Billot, Ezsic. 3581. R. cLAvca, “ Vill. inedit. sec. Lois. Not. p. 80,” Rapin, Bull. Haller. p. 180. R. RUBRIFOLIA, var. PINNATIFIDA, Seringe in DC. Prodr. ii. p. 610. LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. E 234 MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. R. cREPINIANA, Déség. MSS., Baker, Review, p. 28, Exsic. 21-22; Dumort. Belg. p. 62. R. nuna, Woods, Linn. Trans. xi. p. 205? R. MONTICOLA a, Rapin, Cant. Vaud, edit. 2, p. 94. Prickles more slender than in the plants of the last series ; the habit, leaves, armature, and toothing like that of lutetiana, but the peduncles shorter and almost or quite hidden by the large clasp- ing bracts, the flowers often deeper in colour, and sepals and fruit of the character just indicated. Leaves and calyx-tube glaucous. Bracts, stipules, and branches in exposure suffused with red. Fruit moderate or large-sized, ovate-oblong or subglobose. Sepals often (but not always) glandular on the back. This appears to be widely diffused through the hilly tracts of the north of England. Iam indebted to Dr. Rapin for a supply of Swiss specimens. Till lately the Swiss botanists always put it with rubrifolia, with which it closely corresponds in general as- pect, but which has the sepals always simple and falling sooner, small round fruit, and longer peduncles. Var. SUBCRISTATA, Baker. R.suBcRisTATA, Baker, Review, p. 29, Exsic. 23. R. TOMENTOSA y, Woods, Linn. Trans. xi. p. 197, Herb. 41. R. CALEDONLE, Borrer, MSS.! R. REUTERI, var. INTERMEDIA, Gren. Jura, p. 239. R. COMPLICATA, Gren. MSS. olim. R. sTEPHANOCARPA, Déség. et Ripart, MSS.! Bears just the same relation to dwmalis that the last does to lutetiana. It is not unfrequent through the hilly tracts of the north of England; and Mr. Watson gathered it in Perthshire. A plant like this, but with deep-red flowers and aciculate peduncles, by the Swale-side, near Keld. Var. HarLsTONI, Baker. R. HarLsToNr, Baker, Report Lond. Ez. Club, 1867, p. 7. Prickles moderately close and numerous, the large ones thick- ened and falcate, but passing down rather abruptly into numerous stout straight unequal aciculi. Leaves like those of the last form, but the fruit not ripening so early, and the sepals becoming sooner disarticulated, and styles not so densely villose. North Yorkshire, near Sutton under Whitstoncliff (Baker): and a similar form, amongst Mr. Hailstone’s Roses, without locali- MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 235 zation. In the irregularity of its prickles this approaches hiber- nica, and still more closely the R. Schultzii, Ripart, already re- ferred to; but the large ones are of the canina type, and the general habit of the plant is just that of this group. Var. IMPLEXA (Gren). R. iMPLEXA, Gren. MSS. olim. R. soLsTITIALIS, var. DENUDATA, Gren. Jura, p. 238. Leaves and general habit of wrbica, with the fruit of this series. Seen only from the neighbourhood of Richmond in Yorkshire ; gathered by Mr. Jas. Ward. Var. CoRIIFOLIA (Fries). R. conrrroLra, Fries, Novit. edit. 1, p. 33 (1814), Herb. Norm. vi. no. 43; DC. Prodr. ii p. 623; Déségl. Mon. p. 86, Easic. 23; Reut. Cat. p. 69; Baker, Review, p. 30, Exsic. 24. R. crassirouia, Walm. Liljebl. Sv. Fl. iii. p. 268. R. sEPIUM et SEPINCOLA, Swartz, MSS. R. rRuTETORUM, Besser, Hort. Crem. Suppl. iii. p. 20. R. BRAcTEsCENS, Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 216, Herb. 90 & 91; Smith, Eng. Fl. ii. p. 391; Borrer, Brit. Fl. edit. 3, p. 242. R. sousTrTIALIS, Gren. Jura, p. 237, non Besser! R. TEREBINTHINACEA, Gren. in Billot, Exsic. 1480 ; non Besser ! R. MONTICOLA ô, Rapin, Vaud Guide, 2nd edit. p. 195. Combines the general habit of dumetorum with the fruit and sepals * of this series. Leaflets greyish-green, and thinly hairy above, paler and softly hairy beneath; the terminal one ovate- oblong, rounded at the base; the serrations simple, blunt, open ; the petiole villose, but scarcely at all glanduloso-setose. Stipules and bracts hairy on the back, but little gland-ciliated. Peduncles short, hidden by the large clasping bracts. Styles densely villose. Fruit large and generally round. ; In Britain, apparently rare and confined to the hilly tracts of the northern half of the island. I have seen it from Aberdeen- * “Jam puer a ruricolis nostris hanc speciem distinguere didici et ultra viginti annorum quotidiana fere in natura observatione et cultura nisus a priori (canina) vere distinctam censeo. In agro Femsionensi, ob nisum suum species ad typum suum reducendi insigni, tres modo adsunt rosarum forme ; heec R. canina, opaca et R. mollissima, easque ibidem conjungere plane impossibile est. Fruticis habitu, fructu globoso præcoci etc. ad R. mollissimam ibidem magis accedit quam ad R, canina." — FniEs, Novit. edit. 2, p. 148. R 2 20296 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. shire( Watson!), Perthshire (Hailstone!), Berwickshire (Johnstone!), Northumberland (Robertson |), Lake, Lancashire (Woods !), and have gathered it myself in North Yorkshire. As long ago as 1814 Swartz identified the English with the Scandinavian plant. Dr. Moore has gathered in Derry a form with the peduncles acicu- late, and Mr. Robertson the same in Upper Teesdale, on the Durhain side of the river. Var. Warsont, Baker. . WATSONI, Baker, Review, p. 29. . BRACTESCENS [2, Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 216, Herb. 92. . CORIIFOLIA, var. BISERRATA, Reut. Cat. p. 69. . CINEREA, Rapin, MSS. olim. AA aAAae . MONTICOLA e, Rapin, Vaud Guide, 2nd edit. p. 195. R. soLSTITIALIS, var. GLANDULOSA, Gren. Jura, p. 239. Ditters from coriifolia by its doubly toothed leaves, often not so hairy above; the secondary teeth gland-tipped ; the stipules and bracts not so large, and densely gland-ciliated ; the petiole glanduloso-setose as well as villose; stipules and bracts not so large, and nearly or quite glabrous on the back. Inverness ( Watson !), Perthshire ( Hailstone !), Northumberland (Robertson |, Baker), Durham (Robertson !), Cumberland ( West- combe!), Westmoreland (Woods!), and a form with peduncles densely aciculate and glanduloso-setose and sepals densely glan- dulous on the back, gathered by Mr. Hailstone at the entrance of Glencoe from Loch Long. Var. CELERATA, Baker, Review, p. 31. Habit and leaves of tomentella, with the fruit and sepals of this section. Seen only in Holywell dene, Northumberland. Borrer’s Glengoy plant, mentioned under inodora y in the * British Flora,' is a form like this, with the fruit turbinate and peduneles slightly setose. Series 3. Subrubiginose. Leaves glandular on the midrib, and slightly so on the principal veins, but not over the surface as 1n the true Rubiginose. Var. BonnEnt (Woods). R. Borrert, Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 210, Herb. 71-76; Smith, Eng. Flora, i. y. 033; Baker, Review, p. 26. MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 237 R. DUMETORUM, Eng. Bot. t. 2579, non Thuill. R. iNopona a, Borrer, Brit. Flora, 3rd edit. p. 235, non Fries. Prickles robust and strongly hooked. Leaflets flat, the ter- minal one 15-18 lines long, broadly rounded or even cordate at the base, the serration copiously compound, the upper surface naked, the lower hairy on the ribs, and petiole never more than faintly, and sometimes very inconspicuously glandular on the main veins and petiole, the aciculi strongly hooked. Stipules and bracts naked, or very nearly so, on the back, densely gland- ciliated. Flowers often numerous in a cluster; the peduncle weakly aciculate ; the calyx-tube ovate-urceolate, generally naked. Sepals copiously compound, naked ou the back, reflexed or spread- ing after the petals fall, disarticulated by the time that it changes colour. Styles thinly hairy. This is a plant which has been more misunderstood than any other British form, and which occupies just that intermediate position between ordinary canina and three or four of the others, that varieties of the former are liable to be assigned to it by those who haye only book-deseriptions to guide them. The true plant is clearly in its right place in the canina group, and is on the whole nearer to tomentella than to any other variety. I have seen it from Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Shropshire, Worcestershire, and Yorkshire. R. inodora f) of the ‘British Flora’ I believe belongs to tomentosa. Hooker’s plant in the ‘ Flora Londinensis’ is apparently tomentella. Var. Bakert (Déséglise). R. BAKERI, Déséglise, MSS. ; Syme, E.B. 3rd edit. t. 473; Baker, Review, p. 34, Exsic. 30. Prickles more slender and less hooked than in the last. Leaflets obovate, full green, copiously doubly serrated, the base cuneate, entire, the upper surface naked when mature, the lower thinly hairy, plainly glandular on the midrib and main veins ; the petioles pubescent and finely glanduloso-setose, with a few very slender, slightly hooked aciculi. Stipules and braets thinly hairy, and a little glandular on the back. Flowers never more than 3-4 in a cluster. Peduncles very short, naked or weakly aciculate. Fruit naked, oblong or turbinate, ripening early in September. Sepals not so compound as in the last, densely gland-ciliated, thinly glandular on the back, ascending after the 238 MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. petals fall, and not disarticulated till it has turned red. Styles villose. North Yorkshire, hedges at Sowerby, near Thirsk. The variety of canina that comes nearest to pulverulenta. Var. MARGINATA (Wallr.). R. MARGINATA, Wallr. Ann. Bot. p. 68; Tratt. Mon. ii. no. 144; Roth, Enum. i. p. 455; Reut. Cat. p. 66. R. TRACHYPHYLLA, Wirtg. Ezsic. 23, 23 bis, 233. R. TRACHYPHYLLA, var. NUDA, Gren. Jura, p. 214. R. BLoNpEANA, Ripart in Déség. Mon. p. 93; Baker, Review, p. 34; Déség. Exsic. 52. R. TRACHYPHYLLA, var. DLoNDEANA, Dumort. Belg. p. 59. R. TOMENTOSA, var. b, Rapin, Vaud Guide, edit. 2, p. 192. Prickles considerably more slender and less hooked than in ordinary canina. Branches dark purple and glaucous in expo- sure. Leaves oblong, glaucous-green above, very pale beneath, and the veins unusually prominent; the serrations copiously compound, both sides quite without hairs, the lower ones plainly glandular on the principal veins; the petiole glanduloso-setose, but not at all pubescent, with 3 or 4 slender, slightly curved aciculi. Flowers not more than 3 or 4 together. Peduncles faintly aciculate. Fruit obovate or subglobose, ripening early in September. Sepals moderately compound, thinly glandular on the back, ascending after the petals fall, becoming disarticu- lated by the time it has turned red. Styles moderately hairy. North Yorkshire, hedge at Kilvington, near Thirsk ; and simi- lar plants, but with the petiole slightly hairy, gathered in Derry by Dr. Moore, in the Isle of Arran by Prof. Babington, and in Caernarvonshire by Mr. Lees and Prof. Babington, some of them with the calyx-tube aciculate as well as the peduncle. I have not seen original specimens from Wallroth; but our plant quite agrees with what I have received from Dr. Rapin as his margi- nata. The prickles are scarcely more hooked or more robust than in ordinary tomentosa, with which it also agrees in its fruit and sepals. Group 5. SYSTYLÆ. 12. R. srvLosa, Desv. Frutex altus, ramis elongatis arcuatis, aculeis plerisque zequalibus faleatis deorsum valde incrassatis, foliolis simpli- citer serratis supra glabris infra leviter pubescentibus eglandulosis, MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES, 239 floribus plerisque 3-6, pedunculis modice elongatis leviter aciculatis, sepalis reflexis deciduis dorso nudis vel tenuiter glandulosis, majori- bus copiose pinnatis, fructibus late ovatis nudis serotinis discis valde , incrassatis instructis, stylis laxe coalitis staminibus brevioribus. Var. SYSTYLA ( Bast.). R. svsrYLa, Bast. Suppl. Fl. Maine-et- Loire (1812), p. 31; Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 230, Herb. 122-127; Smith, Eng. Flora, ii. p. 395; Lindl. Mon. p. 119; Borrer, Brit. Flora, edit. 3, p. 243; Billot, Exsic. 1663; Déség. Mon. p. 24, Ezsic. 3. R. coLLINA, Eng. Bot. t. 1895, non Jacq. A bush 8 to 12 feet high, with elongated arching branches. Prickles uniform, scattered, the base deltoid, with shorter and less-hooked points than in canina, the main ones 8 inch long and the scar as deep. Stipules naked, or nearly so, on the back, finely gland-ciliated. Leaves of the barren shoot 31-4 inches long, with 7 leaflets, the terminal one 15-18 lines long by two- thirds as broad; oblong, pointed, roundqgifit the base, the upper surface naked, the lower thinly hairy, pMucipally on the ribs, not at all glandular; the serration quite’ simple, moderately acute ; the petiole thinly hairy, not setose, with 2-3 slender uniform curved aciculi. Flowers generally 3-6 in a cluster; the pedun- cles often an inch or more long, thinly clothed with weak aciculi and sete. Calyx-tube ovate-urceolate, naked or slightly setose at the very base. Sepals 4-4 inch long, naked or a little glan- dular on the back, the main ones lengthened out at the point and copiously pinnate. Corolla pale pink or rarely white, 15-18 lines across when fully expanded. Fruit broad ovate-urceolate, or subglobose, 4-8 inch long by 3— inch broad, not ripening till October, the sepals falling before it changes colour. Column of styles glabrous, generally protruded 1-14 line beyond the very prominent disk. This is easy to recognize from R. canina in the typical form, but is quite connected with it by intermediate gradations. I have seen a form in which the column of the styles was pro- truded in the central flowers of a cluster, but not in the outer Ones, and other specimens with the styles not at all protrudea, for the rest quite doubtful between this and collina. Our ordi- nary English plant, as just described, is exactly the systyla of Déséglise ; but stylosa and leucochroa are mere varieties of the same plant, and both names have a slight priority over systyla. I have seen this variety from Kent, Sussex, the Isle of Wight, 240 MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Gloucestershire, Somersetshire, and Devonshire. On the Continent I have seen specimens of the species only from France and Switzerland; but it is said also to inhabit Belgium and Styria. Var. Desvauxul, Baker. R. srvLosa, Desv. Journ. Bot. (1810), p. 316; Déség. Mon. p. 26, Herb. Ros. 40; Billot, Exsic. 1483! Gren. Jura, p. 240; Dumort. Belg. p. 64. Column of styles protruded as in the last, from which it only differs by its pure-white flowers, leaves thinly hairy all over be- neath, and more hairy petioles. A plant coinciding with the specimens in Déséglise's fasci- culus gathered by Mr. Borrer at Hartwell, in Sussex. Var. opaca, Baker. Leaves dull grey-green above, and still more hairy beneath than in the last, quitę, three-quarters as broad as long, and rounded at the base. The peduncle shorter and quite naked, the flower pure white, and not much over an inch across, scarcely more than the head of stigmas protruded. Kent, between Chilgrove and Brooms (Rev. G. E. Smith). Differs mainly from specimens of R. fastigiata, Bast. Suppl. Fl. Maine-et-Loire, p. 30, received from Déséglise, by its pure- white flowers. Var. GALLICOIDES, Baker. General habit and leaves in shape like those of systyla, but the prickles of the branches copiously intermixed with aciculi and glandular sete; the leaves only very faintly hairy beneath and on the petiole, but the latter copiously glanduloso-setose, and a few glands extending to the midrib ; the central serratures with one or two accessory gland-tipped teeth. The peduncles densely clothed with fine subequal glandular setæ, which extend more or less to the calyx-tube, sometimes covering it all over, the latter narrower and longer than in the type. The sepals glandular on the back, and densely gland-ciliated ; the column of styles equalling the stamens; the corolla pure white ; the fruit obovoid, naked, 2 inch long by 3 inch broad. Warwickshire, Chesterton Wood, near Myton (H. Brom- wich!) Avery remarkable variety ; and Ihave nothing from the Continent resembling it. In armature it recalls the Gallicane, MR. J. G. BAKER’S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. 241 only that it is more densely aciculate and setigerous than any of the plants of that section I have seen. Var. Monson1@, Lindl. Mon. p. 112; Smith, Eng. Fl. ii. p. 396. R. coLLINA Monsoniana, Redouté, 4to edit. t. 58. A low erect bush with short ascending branches, with a few glandular sete and aciculi mixed amongst the prickles. Leaflets in shape and serration just like those of the type, greyish-green, naked above, thinly hairy beneath. Peduncles and sepals of the type, but the petals of a “ beautiful glowing red” and larger than in any British Rose; only the head of the stigmas protruded beyond the disk ; the styles thinly hairy ; the fruit roundish and orange-red, like that of gallica in size and shape. A single bush found by Miss Monro in a hedge near Watford in Hertfordshire, and transferred to the garden of Lady Monson, from which it was spread in cultivation. Mr. Borrer suggests that it is a hybrid with one of the Gallicane. 13. R. arvensis, Huds. Frutex humilis, ramis flagelliformibus elon- gatis, aculeis equalibus faleatis deorsum valde incrassatis, foliolis simpliciter serratis utrinque omnino nudis infra glaucescentibus, floribus plerisque 1-6, pedunculis elongatis glandulosis, sepalis latis brevibus deciduis dorso nudis majoribus paullulum pinnatis, fructibus globosis vel late ovoideis parvis nudis serotinis discis valde incrassatis instructis, stylis coalitis stamina zequantibus. R. arvensis, Huds. Fl. Angl. edit. 1, p. 192 (1762) ; Linn. Mant. ii. p. 245; Smith, Eng. Flora, ii. p. 397; Woods, Linn. Trans. xii. p. 232, Herb. 128-132; Déség. Mon. p. 21; Dumort. Belg. p. 64; Gren. Jura, p. 239; Reut. Cat. p. 73. R. SYLVESTRIS ALTERA MINOR, FLORE ALBO, NOSTRAS, Ray, edit. 2, p. 220 (1689) ; Buddle, Herb. ! R. REPENS, Scop. Fl. Carn. i. p. 355; Gmel. Bad. ii. p. 418; Reich. Exsic. 1752; Déség. Mon. p. 22, Easic. 2. Bush not more than 2 or 3 feet high when not supported, with long trailing shoots, which are purple and glaucous in exposure. Prickles scattered, uniform, strongly hooked, the lower part sub- deltoid, about 4 lines long, and the scar quite as deep. Stipules naked and only faintly gland-eiliated. Leaves of the barren shoot 21-3 inches long, with 7 leaflets, the terminal one broad- oblong or broad-obovate, 9-12 lines long by three-quarters as broad; the base broadly rounded; the serratures quite simple, blunter, and not so deep as those of ordinary canina ; both sides 242 MR. J. G. BAKER'S MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH ROSES. quite naked, the upper deep green, the lower subglaucous; the petiole not at all or only very faintly hairy and setose, with 3—4 slender uncinate aciculi. Flowers 4-6 if the branch is at all robust ; the peduncles often an inch or more long, close together, purple in exposure, more or less densely clothed with nearly or quite sessile glands. Calyx-tube turbinate, purple and glaucous, usually naked, rarely a little glandular. Corolla 15-18 lines across when expanded, pure white, with a yellow throat. Sepals naked on the back, broad-bladed, not more than 3 an inch long, hardly at all leaf-pointed, and the main ones with only 1-2 pairs of minute setaceous pinne low down, reflexed after the petals fall, deciduous. Fruit subglobose, naked, measuring about half an inch long and thick, not turning red till October, with a thick prominent disk. Styles always firmly united in a glabrous co- lumn which equals the stamens. This is much more common in the southern than the northern half of England; and though it reaches Kincardineshire, it is a very rare plant north of the Tweed. On the Continent it does not reach northward tó Scandinavia; but from Belgium and France it is common eastward through Central Europe, extend- ing to Sicily, Macedonia, and the Ural Mountains. Our or- dinary plant is the repens of Déséglise ; his arvensis is a weak form, with the peduncle naked and flowers usually solitary. Var. BIBRACTEATA (Bastard). R. piBRACTEATA, Bast. in DC. Fl. Franç. v. p. 537; Tratt. Mon. ii. p. 96; Déség. Mon. p. 18. R. ARVENSIS, var. BIBRACTEATA, Seringe in DC. Prodr. ii. p- 597 ; Dumort. Belg. p. 65. R. rusTicana, Déség. Billotia, p. 34, Herb. Ros. 1. Shoots stronger and more assurgent than in the type; leaflets 15-18 lines long by two-thirds as broad, more pointed than in the type, and more sharply toothed ; the calyx-tube and fruit ob- ovoid; the sepals a little more compound ; the peduncles rather more spreading than in the type, thinly glandular; the petals often an inch deep; the fruit 2-2 inch long by 4 inch broad. Seen from Sussex (Borrer!, Woods!), Devonshire (Briggs !), Cambridgeshire (Babington!), Essex (Varenne !), and Northun- berland (Jchardson!). Liable to be called systyla by those who know ordinary arvensis and not the other species. From the preceding list rubella and pomifera require to be MR. C. KNIGHT ON THE STICTEI IN THE KEW MUSEUM. 243 dedueted as doubtful natives. In addition a few other species have been gathered as strays from garden cultivation. R. cin- namomea, L., found by Mr. Sabine long ago near Pontefract, is frequent in gardens, and widely dispersed as a native plant in continental Europe. J. lucida, Ehrh., found by Mr. Borrer near Keswick (Phyt. ii. p. 437), and by Mr. Reeves near Tunbridge Wells, is a common North-American rose, also frequent in gardens. The same plant has been gathered in a subspontaneous state in France and Germany, and is R. baltica, Roth (Enum. ii. p. 464 ; Koch, Syn. p. 444). The subspontaneous Yorkshire and Sussex Roses, mentioned by Mr. Borrer in the ‘ British Flora,’ 3rd edit. p. 245, do not appear to be essentially different from R. provin- cialis, Ait.; and the R. arvensis, var. Andersoni, mentioned by Smith, ‘Eng. Flora,’ ii. p. 398, I believe to be R. austriaca, Crantz. The two latter are both members of the Gallicane group. Notes on the Stictei y Kew Museum. By CuanLEs Kxiónr, Esq., F.L.S. [Read April 15, 1869.] Dn. NYLANDER arranges the Stictei under three genera—-Stictina, Sticta, Ricasolia. An examination of these lichens in the Kew collections shows that this distinguished lichenologist, in his ‘Synopsis Methodica Lichenum,’ has not in every case arranged the species in accordance with his own scheme of classification. The essential distinctive characters which separate Stictina from Sticta depend on differences in the colour and structure of the gonidial cells. In the genus Sticta the gonidial layer con- sists of free cells and hyaline filaments; and each cell contains bright green protoplasm. In Stietina, on the other hand, we find in the gonidial layer irregular-shaped cellular “nodules,” in the cells of which are imbedded two or more bluish granules (granula gonima). ; Stictina faveolata (Nyl. Syn. p. 337). The numerous specimens in the Kew Collections, whether named by Babington or Nylander, belong to the genus Sticta, with the exception of Lechler's plant no. 598 c. “ Sticta cervicornis p. atrovirens, Flot.," and another from the Paris Museum ticketed “ Sticta faveolata;" these two plants being identical, it would 241 MR. C. ENIGHT ON THE STICTEI be convenient to retain the name Stictina cervicornis ; the others will be referred to the genus Sticta under the name of Sticta fa- veolata. Stictina carpoloma (Nyl. Syn. p. 339). The lichens arranged under this name in the Kew collections must be referred to the genus Sticta, with the exception of two specimens—one (Stictina gilva) collected by Lyall in the Falk- land Islands, and the other (also Stictina gilva) collected by Dr. Mueller in Victoria (no. 154). As far as one can determine from the Kew collections, which are extremely rich in specimens, S. gilva has been mistaken for S. carpoloma. Dr. Nylander, in his ‘Synopsis,’ quotes as synonyms of S. carpo- loma, Dél., the S. Desfontainii, Dél , and S. gyrosa, Flot. (Lechler's Pl. Macleov. no. 66). The speeimens of S. Desfontanii in the Kew Museum (no. 562, Lechl. Pl. Chilenses) are widely different from S. carpoloma; and those of S. gyrosa from the Falkland Islands bear no resemblance whatever to it. Stictina granulata (Nyl. Syn. p. 340). These, Dr. Nylander has since found, belong to the genus Sticta. Sticta retigera (Nyl. Syn. p. 351). Belongs to the genus Stictina. There are numerous specimens in the Kew Museum, chiefly arranged under Sticta pulmonacea. Sticta linita (Nyl. Syn. p. 353). Several specimens arranged under this name in the Kew Mu- seum belong to Stictina. They differ from Stictina retigera and S. scrobiculata in having white powdery pseudocyphelle, and from Sticta pulmonacea and S. linita in having the gonidial layer made up of bluish “ granula gonima” instead of true gonidia. I have named them Stictina reticulata. Sticta scrobiculata (Nyl. Syn. p. 353). Dr. Nylander has lately correctly referred it to Stictina. Sticta damecornis, var macrophylla, Dél. (Nyl. Syn. p. 356). The plants collected in the Mauritius by Dr. Ayres, and the specimen from Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, belong to Stictina. Sticta macrophylla, Scher., will stand as a variety of S. damecornis. Sticta obvoluta (Nyl. Syn. p. 362). Belongs to the genus Sfictina. IN THE KEW MUSEUM. 245 There seems to be some confusion in reference to the syno- nyms in Nylander's * Synopsis,’ under S. gyalocarpa and S. Kunthii (p. 342). I suspect it will be found that S. eyathicarpa, Dél., be- longs to S. gyalocarpa, Ny). Sticta Guillemini (Nyl. Syn. p. 362). Is also a Stictina, There is, however, a pretty, fawn-coloured, delieate lichen, referred by Babington to S. Guillemini, Mont. It is a true Sticta, with large gonidia, the thallus above covered with soft white hairs, pseudocyphelle citron-colour, apothecia pedicel- lated, scattered, and the thalline receptacle hairy. Sticta punctulata (Nyl. Syn. p. 864). The specimen collected by Dr. Maxwell in Ceylon and named by Dr. Nylander is a Stictina. There is another specimen, how- ever, also collected in Ceylon, but a much more robust plant, referable to the genus Sticta. Sticta endochrysea (Nyl. Syn. p. 858). This plant and the synonyms are correctly placed in Dr. Nylander’s work. In all the specimens in the Kew Museum the thallus is covered with a most minute tomentum, as well as the thalline receptacle of the apothecia. But there is another species, curiously like the S. endochrysea, belonging to the genus Stictina, with the inner layer of the thallus yellow, the thallus most minutely tuberculated, and the spores acicular. The plants belonging to the latter are Lechler’s pl. 562, “Sticta Desfontainii,” aud Gay's plant “S. d’Urvillei, Dél. (S. orygmea, Mont.)," from the Paris Museum. The following notes on the nomenclature of Sticte? in the Kew Museum may be useful. Stictina ciliaris, Mont. Idem valet S. tomentosa, Lechl. P1. Chil. 3124 bis. Stictina fragillima, Bab. Idem valent :— S. variabilis, Ach. (Nyl.), nos. 135 & 152, Coll. Mueller, Victoria; S. filicina, Ach. (Bab.), nos. 170, 171, 173, & 196, Coll. Oldfield, Tasmania. Ricasolia Schzreri, Mont. Idem valet S. sinuosa, Pers. (Nyl.), no. 2176, Coll. Cuming, Philip. Is. Stictina reticulata, n. sp. Idem valet S. pulmonacea, Dr. Lyall, Oregon. Stictina retigera, Ach. Idem valet S. pulmonacea, Herb. Ind. Or. Hook. fil. et Thom. nos. 1964, 1968, 1969-1975, 1977-1983. Sticta Urvillei, v. flavicans, Hook. Idem valet S. Desfontanii, Dél, W. Lechl. Pl. Chil. no. 562 a, Valdivia. Stictina marginifera, Mont. Idem valent S. Kunthii, Dél. (Flot.), W. 246 W. PH. SCHIMPERI SYNONYMIA Lechl. Pl. Chil. no. 647, et S. sylvatica, Herb. Ind. Or. Hook. fil. et Thom. no. 2004. Stieta episticta, Nyl. Idem valet S. argyracea, Dél. (Bab.) Pl. N. Z. [S. argyracea has not been found in New Zealand. } Stictina obvoluta, Ach. Idem valent S. Guillemini, Mont. (Nyl.), W. Lechler's pl. no. 852, et S. hirsuta, W. Lechler's pl. no. 357. Ricasolia corrosa, Ach. Idem valet R. Kunthii, Dél. (Nyl.), Mus. Nat. Hist. de Paris. Ricasolia subdissecta, Nyl. Idem valet R. Kunthii, Dél. (Nyl.), Coll. Galeotti, no. 6895. Mexico. Sticta carpoloma. Idem valent S. physiospora, Nyl., et S. glauco-luride, Nyl. Synonymia Muscorum Herbarii Linnsani apud Societatem Lin- neanam Londinensem asservati. Exposuit:-W. PH. SCHVMPER, S.L.L.S. i [Read April 15, 1869.] Fase. I. SPHAGNUM PALUSTRE, L.=Sph. acutifolium, Eh. Sphaguum = Leucobryum glaucum ex India. Sphagnum=Leucobryum glaucum, var. minus, Hpe. Buxbaumia aphylla, et B. sessilis, Schmd. | Specimina numerosa adsunt. Phascum acaule=Phascum cuspidatum, Schr., forma humilis. Phascum subulatum= Pleuridium subulatum, Bruch et Schimp. Phascum pedunculatum, * minime, nee Phascum. Habit. Anglia." = Pleuridium axillare. Phascum serratum. Habit. Angl. Ephemerum serratum. Gymnostomum prorepens, ex Amer. Sept. (Hypnum clavellatum, Dill.) ex manu Smith,—Drummondia clavellata. Phascum, sp. n., Jamaica, = Filotrichella. (Leskez flexili, Hook., similis.) Fontinalis autipyretica ; forma genuina. Fontinalis Jacquini, L.=F. antipyretica, forma oe viridis. Fontinalis minor, L., Upsal,=Font. antipyretica, forma minor. Fontinalis squamosa, L.=F. Dalecarlica, Sch. Fontinalis alpina, Dicks. Scotia, Smith scripsit !=Cinclidotus fontina- loides. Fontinalis pennata, E.— Neckera pennata. Fontinalis disticha, L. = Neckera disticha, sec. Smith. 102. id. qui 89. = Amblystegium riparium, Sch. Fontinalis. Hab. Jamaica. = Pterobryum angustifolium, C. M. ? Fasc. lT. Splachnum rubrum, L. Splachnum luteum, L. I. Splachnum gracile, IT. IH. IV.—Spl. luteum. MUSCORUM HERBARII LINNZEANI. 247 Splachnum umbraculo ampullaceo globoso minimo, in paludibus cæspi- tosis juxta Tockmock Lapponiz Lulensis, — Spl. gracile, seta longis- sima. Splachnum ex America Septentr.=Spl. gracile. Splachnum ampullaceum, specim. numerosa. Splachnum vasculosum. Phascum caulescens, lectum in Lapponia, cit. Dillen. 550, T. 85, 15. Smith adnotavit * vix Dillen.” Specimina ad dextram et ad sinistram posita ad Splachnum angustatum pertinent, medium ad Cynodontium Bruntoni. No. 38, Zoega. Splachnum bryoides, Zoeg. Fl. Island.=Tetraplodon mnioides. Phascum pedunculatum, ** Dill. Musc. 344. t. iv. ; Huds. Angl. 391.” Lectum in Lapponiz plpibus, O. S.— Tetrapl. mnioides manu Smithii adscript. ; Splachnum fastigiatum, Sw., Dicks. Splachnum..... North America, see. Smith. Splach. caulescens, Dicks. =Tetraplodon angustatus, forma gracilescens. Folio singulo specimina Splachn. gracilis, lutei, rubri, vasculati, angus- tati, mnioidis adfixa sunt. No. 9. Polytrichum magellanicum, e fretu Magellan.=Pogonatum ma- gellanicum. Polytrichum commune; in eadem pagina et sub nomine eodem Pol. gra- cile, Menz. Polytrichum commune, in folio secundo, a Smithio P. juniperinum no- minatum, ad Pol. formosum pertinet. Polytrichum urnigerum — Pogonatum urnigerum. Mnium polytrichoides (Ehrh.)=Pogonatum subrotundum. Polytrichum hercynicum, e Scotia, Dicks.—Oligotrichum hereynicum. LI Polytrichum convolutum, L., ex insula Bourbon. Verum ! Polytrichum strictum, e Groenlandia. Fasc. III. Hemp pellucidum = Tetraphis pellucida. 4. Mnium androgynum = Aulacomnion androgynum. Mnium fontanum — Philonotis fontana, Br. . Mnium palustre= Phil. fontana, forma gracilis. 3. Mnium palustre— Aulacomnion palustre. 2. sine nomine; mixtum e Philon. fontana foliis subfaleatis et e plantis maseul. Webere albicantis compositum. Mnium hygrometricum — Funaria hygrometrica. Mnium PUER — Ceratodon purpureus. In folio 2. specimina 2 Amblystegii serpentis immixta sunt. Bryum 7. setaceum = Trematodon ambiguus. Bryum annotinum, specimen primum= Ceratodon purpureus, alterum I = Bryum cernuum. 248 W. PH. SCHIMPERI SYNONYMIA Mnium hornum. Bryum capillare. In fol. 2. Br. capillare (?), specimen primum = Br. atropurpureum, secun- dum= Bryum capillare g. Mnium crudum= Webera cruda, forma minor ut in Sueciæ et Norvegiæ alpibus provenit. Mnium pyriforme = Webera pyriformis. 13. Bryum serpyllifolium=Mnium cuspidatum. In fol. 2. Jungermannia (Plagioch.) asplenioides cum plantis sterilibus Bryi rosei. In fol. 3. Mnium cuspidatum. Fol. 4. Br. serpyllifolium = Mn. cuspidatum ; in medio surculorum sterilium planta sterilis Bryi rosei conspicitur. 12. (ex Amer. Sept.) 2 Bryum roseum g. 15. Bryum triquetrum — Meesia tristicha. Mnium trichomanes = Jungermannia trichomanes. Fasc. 1V. Bryum apocarpum: specimen majus, superius Hedwigia ciliata; minus, inferiuszz Grimmia apocarpa, var. alpicola. Folium 2. Grimmia apocarpa; in medio specimina duo sterilia Raco- mitrii fascicularis. Folium 3. Grimmia apocarpa. Bryum striatum: specim. superius —Orthotrichum speciosum ; specimina 3 media = Orth. Sturmii; specim. ultimum = Orth. cupulatum; specim. primum inferius Orth. anomalum ; secundum = Orth. affine cum Orth. specioso; tertium —Orth. Sturmii. Weissia ulophyllum nostr., Bryum striatum, L., 6, Hannoverz, 1776, =Ulota crispa. Fol. 3. in schedula “ Weissia ithyphyllum nostr., Bryum striatum «, B, Linn. Hannovere, 1779,” **Orthotrichum affine, Schrad. certe," Smith, — Orth. affine. 3. (Bryum) pomiforme- Bartramia CEderi. Folium 2. pomiforme=Bartramia ithyphylla. Fol. 3. sine nomine=Bartr. pomiformis. Fol. 4. pomiforme “ cum calyptra " 2 Cynodontium polycarpum. Fol. 5. Bryum montanum, Smith scripsit, = Bartramia pomiformis, var. crispa, elata, pedicello breviore. Fol. 6. (Bryum) pomiforme, L.— Bartramia ithyphylla. Fol. 7. sine nomine Bartr. pomiformis, var. crispa. Fol. 8. sine nomine = Bartramia Halleriana, sterilis. l. Bryum pyriforme, Smith scripsit, — Webera pyriformis. 2. Idem. Bryum extinctorium = Eucalypta vulgaris. Bryum subulatum — Barbula subulata. 7. Bryum rurale = Barbula ruralis ; specimina numerosissima ! MUSCORUM HERBARJI LINNJEANI. 249 1. (Bryum) scoparium = Dicranum scoparium. 2. Idem. 3. heteromallum (?)= Dicr. scoparium. Bryum undulatum, folia 2 impleta, — Atrichum undulatum. Bryum glaucum, folia 2, = Leucobryum glaucum. Bryum albidum = Octoblepharum albidum. Bryum unguiculatum, “ Dicranum tenue est, at non differt a Dicrano pur- pureo,” Smith != Ceratodon purpureus, caule longiore, fructu vix supra ramos elato. Bryum aciculare = Rhacomitrium aciculare. Folium sine nomine = Dicranella heteromalla. Bryum heteromallum = Distichium capillaceum. Fase. V. 1265 (2). Bryum 18. truncatulum = Pottia truncata. Fol. 2. sine nomine Linnzan., 9. fasciculare, et Bryum Ægypti, ab Has- selquist, = Entosthodon niloticus. Fol. 3. Bryum Ægypti, Smith, = Entosthodon fascicularis et ex parte forsan ! Entosth. niloticus. (Bryum) truncatulum, Smith adscripsit G. Heimii,=Pottia truncata var. major. Folium sine nomine = Physcomitrium (Entosthodon) fasciculare. 19. (Bryum) viridulum = Fissidens viridulus. Fol. 2. sine nomine, manu Smithii Br. viridulum, — Fissidens exilis ( Bloz- ami). Fol. 3. sine nomine= Fissidens incurvus (?), capsula suberecta, operculo magno crassirostro ! Fol. 4. B. viridulum — Pottia truncata, Dicranella varia. Fol. 5. B. viridulum — Pottia truncata (eustoma). Bryum murale. Specimen primum supra — Grimmia trichophylla (Muh- lenbeckii!); spec. secundum=Grimmia pulvinata; spec. tertium = Grimmia commutatata, Hüb. ; spec. quart. et quint. = Rhacomitrium heterostichum ; spec. inferius magnum = Grimmia Muhlenbecku (Tri- chophylla auctor. Suec.). (Bryum) paludosum (nomine stylo cerussato adscriptum !) =Gymnosto- mum (Hymenost.) microstomum. 21. (Bryum) hypnoides- Rhacomitrium lanuginosum ; fol. secundum — Rhacom. microcarpum ; fol. tert. = Rhacom. lanuginosum. Bryum Celsii, “ compared ad Oxford, Dicks." = Ceratodon purpureus. Bryum Celsii, stylo cerussato adscriptum ; Musca uliginosa, Hedw. Schwgr. Herb. Dill. 28? trichodes, Smith adscr. = Amblyodon dealbatus. Bryum squarrosum — Paludella squarrosa. Br. argenteum, fol. 2. et 3. : Bryum pulvinatum, Ehrhardt scripsit ?— Grimmia trichophylla auctorum Suec. nec Greville; fol.2. idem. LINN. PROC.—BOTANY. VOL. XI. 8 250 W. P.H. SCHIMPERI SYNONYMIA (Bryum) setaceum? Jacq., “ D. pellucidum, Wilk.?” Smith adnotavit, = Webera elongata. 28. Bryum cespiticium= Br. pallescens. Folium 2. sine nomine speciem eandem continet. Fol. 3. sine nomine=Bryum bimum? foliis strictissimis, imbricatis, costa ad apicem produeta. Fol.4. sine nomine = Bryum cespiticium. Fol. 5. Bryum cæspiticium = Webera nutans. Fol. 6. Br. cæspiticium = Webera nutans. Mnium carneum = Webera carnea. * Simplex (nequaquam est Br.) ” stylo ceruss. scriptum — Dicranella he- teromalla. Bryum dendroides exoticum ! Z Sterobryum. Bryum alpinum, L., recte! foliis obtusis subcochleariformibus. 1265 (3). Bryum—*“ an nova spec. ? " = Dicranum undulatum. Bryum luteum, N. America, = Desmatodon latifolius (glacialis) capsula an- gustiore cylindrica. Bryum virens = Dicranum virens. Mnium capillaceum, a Linneo ad Bryum acaulon heteromallum, setis longis pallidis, Dill. Musc. 49. f. 57, allatum ! — Distichium capillaceum. Bryum mucronatum, Nova Zeelandia, = Brachymenium. Bryum . . . “ vix differt a Dicr. purp.” Smith, = Ceratodon purpureus. Fol. sine nomine, in reverso “ No. 1. D. tortuosum,” = Weisia crispula. Fol. sine nomine, in reverso ** Br. vel Mnium quale? ” = Bryum capillare. Dicranum cerviculatum — Cynodontium polycarpum (strumiferum). Fol. 2. id. Bryum alpinum? Smith scripsit, 2 Bryum coronatum. Meesia dealbata ? Smith scripsit, = Funaria hygrometrica, v. calvescens. 1266 (1. Hypnum. Hypnum spiniforme, Jamaica, = Rhizogonium spiniforme. Hypnum 2. taxifolium — Fissidens taxifolius. Hypnum 7. complanatum — Hypn. (Plagiothec.) sylvaticum. 7. fol. 2. — Neckera pennata. (Hypn.) denticulatum= Hyp. (Plagioth.) denticulatum. 6. adiantoides — Fissidens adiantoides. Hypnum complanatum, Ehrhard scripsit? = Neckera complanata. Hypnum lucens (Ehrhard?) = Pterygophyllum lucens. Hypnum undulatum = Hypn. (Plagioth.) undulatum. Hypnum lucens=Phyllogonium fulgens, Sw. Hypnum undulatum = Phyllogon. fulgens. Hypnum “nova” id., ex Jamaica. 10. undulatum — Neckera crispa. crispum — Neckera crispa. triquetrum ?= Hypnum (Hylocomium) triquetrum ; fol. 2. triquetrum =id. rutabulum = Meteorii spec. ex Jamaica ? MUSCORUM HERBABII LINN AANI. 251 (Hyp.) rusciforme, Hall. = Hypnum (Eurhynch.) striatum. H. rusciforme, var. rutabuli,=Isothecium curvatum. Hypnum rutabulum, exotic., = Leptohymenii spec. Hypnum crassum, nob. “an gracilis varietas maj.? Hypnum 1745, Haller ed. 2, indeterminatum ex Helvetia habui.’’=Isothecium curvatum, var. incrassatum. Hypnum proliferum — Hyp. (Hylocomium) splendens. delicatulum (?) stylo ceruss. scriptum manu (?)= Thuidium delicatulum. prælongum (?)= Hypn. (Amblysteg.) riparium. 19. crista= Hypnum crista-castrensis. Hypnum crista, N. Amer., id. erista-castr.— Hyp. molluscum; specimen fertile ad H. uncinatum, var. plumulatum, pertinet. crista-castrensis, recte ! 20. (Hypn.) abietinum, recte ! Hypnun terrestre, erectis ramulis teretibus, foliis inter rotunda et acuta medio modo se habentibus, R. S. 81 = Thuidium Blandovii. - Fol. 3 & 4. Thuidium abietinum. 19. Hyp. aduncum = Hyp. uncinatum. Fol. 2. sine nomine = H. uncinatum. Fol. 3. aduncum=H. uncinatum. Fol. 4 & 5. sine nomine. Specimen fructiferum stylo ceruss. inscriptum H. uncinatum=Hypnum exannulatum ; specim. sterile fol. 5. adun- cum (?) signatum—H. exannulatum. 1266 (2). Hypnum. 23. scorpioides, recte ! Hypnum reticulatum = Anomodon viticulosus. 17. parietinum=Hyp. Schreberi, cum Thuid. Blandovii, specimen fruc- tiferum ad Aulacomnion palustre pertinet. Hypnum aquaticum= Cinclidotus aquaticus. squarrosum, stylo ceruss. inscript. = Hyp. (Hylocom.) squarrosum. Hypnum dendroides=Climacium dendroides. 29. curtipendulum= Antitrichia curtipendula. Hyp. . . . filifolium =forma tenuis Hyp. (Eurhynch.) prælongi. Hypnum illecebrum, Flor. Lapp. 403=Aulacomnion turgidum, forma humilis incrassata. riparium, Smith scripsit? recte ! Hypnum 33. cuspidatum= Hyp. giganteum, Sch. Fol. 2. sine nomine, Hyp. cuspidatum. sericeum=Hyp. (Amblyst.) serpens. 37. velutinum = Pterigynandrum filiforme. serpens differt ab H. serpente nostro genuino, capsula breviore, crassiore, foliis tenuibus latioribus longe cuspidatis ; proxime ad Hypn. saxatile, Sch., vel ad H. hygrophilum, Jurat, accedit. ILypnum sciuroides=Leucodon sciuroides. 252 W. P. H. SCHIMPERI SYNONYMIA MUSCORUM LINNEANORUM. H. gracile= Pterogonium gracile. Hypn. myosuroides, sterile, — Isothecium curvatum. Fol. 2. H. myosuroides, pars major speciminum, cum fructibus 2, ad Isoth. myurum (curvatum) pertinet, altera pars, cum fruct. 3, ad Hyp. (Eurhynch.) myosuroides. (Hypnum) clavatum — Pylaisia polyantha. Hypnum Halleri, recte ! Bayum 33. nitens = Hypnum giganteum. fluitans, nomen manu Linn. obliteratum ! 2 Hypnum fluitans. fluitans, FI. Suec. = Lepidopilum polytrichoides. Fol. 2. sine nomine, id. 1266 (3). Hypnum. Hyp. serpens— Hypn. (Eurhynch.) strigosum v. præcox, forma que in col- libus siccis prope Upsaliam reperitur! Fol. 2. id. Hypnum, Yorkshire, a Smith H. pennatum inscriptum, = Neckera pumila. 11. Hypn. cupressiforme. H. filicinum = Hyp. cupressiforme. Hypnum cernuum, nobis, “anmyosuroidis var.? ex Helvetia indeterminatum habui Dill. t. 61. f. 52,"— Hypnum (Rhynchost.) murale. Hypnum reflexum= Hypnum protensum. Hypnum aristatum, Dill. 41. f. 52=Hyp. (Rhynchost.) murale. Hypnum trichodes, Hall. Hist. 1751, = Hyp. (Plagioth.) silesiacum. Hypnum rubiginosum, Hall. Hist. 1753, Dill. p. 60. (In thallode rubigi- noso Jungermannie pallescentis insidens !) Brachythecium salebrosum esse videtur. Hypnum purum, *anne purum et abietinum idem differentia quadrat," — Hyp. Schreberi. Hypnum pilosum, Hall. Hist. 17/8, = Dicranum virens. Hypnum trichomanoides = Homalia trichomanoides. 35. velutinum= Hyp. (Brachyth.) salebrosum. 25. velutinum = Hypnum Halleri. 12. Hyp. sciuroides = Isothecium curvatum. 23. Hyp. sericeum= surculus prorepens Hyp. (Brach.) plumosi. 9. Hyp. serpens= Hypnum fastigiatum. 24. Bryum tortuosum = Barbula tortuosa. 16. Hypnum crispum, Hypn. (Amblyst.) radicale esse videtur. S. Hypnum denticulatum = Hypn. (Rhynch.) rotundifolium. Sine nomine = Hypn. (Brachyth.) rutabulum. Bryum... = Hypn. (Brachyth.) velutinum (intricatum). Hypnum = Leskea polycarpa, var. paludosa. Specimen Eustichii norvegici, probabiliter ex Islandia proveniens sub No. 40. prostat. Hypna exotica nonnullique alii musci pleurocarpi sine nomine et loci m- dicatione adsunt. M. CORREA DE MELLO ON SOME BRAZILIAN PLANTS, 253 Notes on some Brazilian Plants from the ighbourhood of Campinas. By Joaquim Correa ve Metro. (Translated and communicated by G. Bentnam, Esq.) [Read November 4, 1869.] Campinas, January 28, 1869. Ir is now some time since I received your letter of the 8th of December 1867, which I delayed replying to because I wished first to make some experiments and observations. It shall be my care to do all in my power towards satisfying your desires. I have commenced making collections of plants of the different Orders mentioned in your letter; but these collections are as yet, for the most part, incomplete, my attention having been hitherto directed in preference to the Order of Bignoniaces. The Order of Leguminose is here a most extensive one, re- presented by very many genera and innumerable species, from small herbs to the tallest trees to be met with in the woods and campos more or less in proximity to this town. I have com- menced a collection of them for you; but as yet it is only com- plete for a few species. Amongst the complete ones, some ap- pear to me to be interesting, such as:—a Schizolobium, Vog. (Cassia parahyba, Vell. Fl. Flum. 168. ic. iv. t. 71) ; a Dimor- phandra, Schott (Cassia fluminensis, Vell. 7. c. 168, ic. iv. t. 72), the pods of which are erect, not pendulous, as represented in the plate quoted (I think that the fact of their being thus repre- sented was owing to a liberty taken by the artist in order to get the fruit within his plate); an Enterolobium (Mimosa contorti- Siliqua, Vell. l. c. ic. xi. t. 25) ; of the Andira humilis, Mart., which is almost stemless, and is very common in the neighbour- hood of this town and of that of Mogi-mirin, I have some fruits preserved in spirit, &c. Of the genus Arachis I have the A. hypogea, Linn., which is cultivated here on a small scale for its seeds, which are eaten raw or roasted, or for the oil, which is used for burning. In order to observe whether this plant might not produce aerial as well as subterranean pods, I last year sowed some seeds of it, as well as of the Voandzeia subterranea, Thou., imported here from the African coast, which is cultivated in some fazendas here by the negroes for the seeds, which are eaten boiled; and J contrived to prevent LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. T 254 M. CORREA DE MELLO ON SOME BRAZILIAN PLANTS. the ovaries of both from penetrating into the ground, either by the interposition of a resisting body (a dry leaf or a slip of wood), or by raising the branch of A. hypogea (when the flower was not pro- duced too low down) so that the ovary could no longer reach the ground. Under these circumstances, in the A. hypogea the stipes proceeding from the torus, at the end of which the ovary is formed, lengthened out even to 3 or 4 inches; but the ovary never enlarged, and remained in the same state till the plant - perished; and this I observed in many ovaries of many indivi- duals. On this occasion I made the following observations on the flower of this plant. The calyx-lobes are membranous, their base is produced into a filiform somewhat fleshy tube, the alary and carinal petals (wings and keel) are membranous and appear articulate on the calyx, at least they readily separate without laceration ; but the vexillum, which is somewhat fleshy, especially at the base, is intimately consolidated at the base with the base of the staminal tube, and both are continuous with the calycinal tube—a circumstance which induces me to believe that the fili- form part of the base of the calyx does not consist of that alone, but also of the consolidated bases of the vexillum and of the staminal tube. The Voandzeia subterranea, whose slender and somewhat compressed stems spread along the ground, and even penetrate under the surface when the soil is sufficiently soft and porous, produces on the surface of the soil its small pale yellow and slightly greenish flowers, the peduncle drying up immediately if the ovary cannot penetrate the ground; and thus I can affirm that neither the one nor the other of these Legu- minos: produces aerial pods. On this oecasion I may observe that, notwithstanding all the care and attention I could bestow, I failed to discover those female apetalous flowers mentioned by Sprengel (under Crypto- lobus), by DeCandolle (‘ Prodromus’), by Lindley and Moore (‘Treasury of Botany’), and by Bentham and Hooker (Gen. Pl. i. 539) *. The flowers in twelve individuals examined in the plantation I made were all uniform, and provided with petals (papilionaceous). The peduncle is slender, of variable length, terminated by a nodosity, on which are inserted one or two pedi- cellate flowers, of which one constantly falls off, carrying the ovary with it; the remaining one, after the petals have fallen, turns downwards enclosed in the calyx, which persists for a con- * « Flores apetali non satis noti," Benth. et Hook. l. c. M. CORREA DE MELLO ON SOME BRAZILIAN PLANTS. 255 siderable time; the pedicel curves so as to present the nodosity downwards—a disposition of which the object is to protect the ovary, and indispensable to enable it to penetrate into the ground, which would not otherwise take place, the peduncle being fili- form and incapable of offering any resistance; thus, however, it penetrates perpendieularly into the soil to the depth of 4 inches or more, and there the pod finally ripens. The fact of my not having seen these female apetalous flowers, mentioned by botanists of the first authority, suggests the following queries :—Has the existence of these apetalous flowers been verified ? and if so, are they con- stant on all individuals? Has the transference of the plant from Africa to Brazil had sufficient influence over it to cause their disappearance? Has the ovary, after the fall of the petals, but still enveloped at the base by the persistent calyx, been mis- taken for a female apetalous flower? Or have these flowers really escaped my observation? These are questions which I cannot at present definitively solve; but I shall make a fresh planta- tion and see whether I can discover any thing. In the mean time it appears to me to be placed beyond all doubt that the hermaphrodite petaliferous flowers do produce fruit. The Order of Cucurbitacez is here represented by very few genera; but they appear to me to be particularly interesting, not only because the genera to which they belong are very insuff- ciently known, but for the medicinal properties which some of the species possess. The rapidity with which the flowers fade and lose their shape, often resolving into a paste, has eaused me Serious diffieulties; so that, to enable me to study them and have them drawn, I have been obliged to plant many of them in my garden: and even here the difficulties have not been com- pletely overcome; for, in some species, I have only been able to proeure one of thesexes. From the few observations which I have hitherto made, I can say that Perianthopodus of Manso is gene- rically the same as Trianosperma of Martius, there being only a small difference of very little importance, which is, that the fruit of the former contains usually one, sometimes two seeds, but little compressed, with a callus at the base, whilst in a Z'rianosperma very eommon in this neighbourhood, and which may well be T. ficifolia, Mart., the fruits contain usually two, sometimes three compressed seeds without any basal callus. Of the genus Wilbrandia, Manso, there must be at least two species ; the one is W. hibiscoides, Manso, the other the JP. drastica, T 2 256 M. CORREA DE MELLO ON SOME BRAZILIAN PLANTS. Mart., or W. Riedeli, Manso, Enum. 50, note e (Momordica verti- cillata, Vell. Fl. Flum. ic. x. t. 96). The first is frequently to be met with in the virgin forests and capoeiras near this town. The flowers are monecious or diccious; that is to say, some indivi- duals produce male flowers only, others female flowers only; in others, again, when they commence flowering, the flowers are all males; later, males and females are produced in the same axils, and finally females only. In this species the male flowers are crowded at the end of a peduncle, which lengthens as the flowers are developed, which takes place from the base upwards. The fruit, about an inch, more or less, in length, is ovoid or ovoid- oblong, attenuate towards the end, and 10-ribbed and terminating in a point or beak formed by the persistent calyx-tube (which is produced above the ovary). I have never seen the second spe- cies; but its fruits are, according to Manso, smooth (not ribbed), and the spikes of the male flowers elongated, which agrees well with the above-cited figure of Vellozo, in which the fruits are re- presented as not ribbed, and the male flowers as somewhat dis- tant from each other. The genus Cayaponia of Manso is, without doubt, very near to Trianospermum, Mart., from which it only differs in the number of ovules in each cell of the ovary. The Cayaponia diffusa, Manso (which I believe to be identical with the C. elliptica, Manso, Enum. Subst. Bras. 32, where, by a clerical error, it is named Dermophylla elliptica, and which I also suppose to be the same as Bryonia pilosa, Vell. Fl. Flum. ic. x. t. 86), is common in the woods in low moist situations (occurring also sometimes in high and dry places) in the neighbourhood of this town. The ovary in this species is 8-celled, with 12 ovules, the ovules erect, superposed two and two, and separated from each other by a mem- brane; each cell is divided along the centre longitudinally by @ spurious septum ; and each one of these partial cells (limited on one side by a true septum, on the other by a spurious one) has two superposed ovules, each one in a cellule of its own, there being thus four ovules in each true cell (see fig. 1). On the other hand, in Trianosperma, khe ovary contains only one or two ovules in each cell. Of Cayaponia cabocla, Mart. Syst. Mat. Med. Bras. 81 (Bryonia cabocla, Vell. l.e, t. 88, or Cayaponia globosa, Mans. Enum. Z. c. 82), [have seen a branch with ripe fruits. The fruits of this species are 3-celled, and in each cell there are often four seeds, from which I conclude that the ovary must be more or less M. CORREA DE MELLO ON SOME BRAZILIAN PLANTS. 257 similar to that of C. diffusa, and that it must belong to the genus Cayaponia of Manso. To this same genus belong probably Der- mophylla pendulina, Manso, l. c. 81, and Bryonia ternata, Vellozo, l. c. t. 91. As to D the position of the genus Cayaponia in the TOTTI Order, although it cannot be included in the qum bens tribe Abobrew, Naud. (Benth. et Hook. Gen. difusa, Made mains PI. i. 819), in which the number of ovules is n Tuo ad pos limited to two in each cell at the most, it can- oe dian dati m not, nevertheless, cease to be placed next to eie Que Rane E Arn Trianosperma, from which it does not essen- pp oe gee RFE tially differ, except in the greater number of the outer ones appear ovules in each cell of the ovary. I have said !née than the inner. above that I suppose the C. diffusa of Manso to be identical with the Bryonia pilosa of Vellozo. I have been led to this conclusion from the excessive diversity of shapes represented in the leaves of C. diffusa, sometimes scarcely angular, and very similar to those of B. pilosa of t. 86, Fl. Flum., sometimes more or less deeply 3-5- or 7-lobed, with broad or with almost linear lobes; and I have seen leaves of all these different shapes on one and the same individual; but when they are seen separate on different specimens, one is led to suppose the existence of three or more distinct species. The Hypanthera of Manso is probably identical with Fevillea, Linn. The H. Guepira, Manso, is the same as P. cordifolia, Vell. Fl. Flum. ic. x. t. 1 & 2, which, according to Martius, is the F. trilobata, Linn. The anthers of Fevillea are 2-celled, but so organized that, after the emission of the pollen (which takes place through a single slit in the anterior face of the anther), they appear to be 1-celled; but if they are examined in the bud it will be seen that the connective is produced into the polliniferous cavity, so as to divide it longitudinally into two perfect cells, and that after the emission of the pollen it withdraws itself, so as to give the unilocular appearance, a structure identical with that which has been so well observed by Dr. G. Dickie (Journ. Linn. Soc. x. 54) in the anthers of Canna speciosa, and which occurs also in the three species of Canna which inhabit this place. With regard to Fevillea, the question arises whether the ovary is really, as described, 3-celled, and the seeds in the fruit inserted on a trigonous axis. The margins of the three carpels 258 M. CORREA DE MELLO ON SOME BRAZILIAN PLANTS. which compose the ovary in this plant are very much intruded, and meet in the centre of the ovary, but are not consolidated and do not cohere with each other excepting close to the base of the ovary. Each of these margins bears 8 pendulous and compressed ovules (6 in each false-cell). The seeds, large, orbicular, flat, and bordered by a narrow membrano-suberosé margin and im- bricate one over the other, are pendulous, not from a trigo- nous axis, but from the margins of the carpels, which have become thick and fleshy, and with the ripening of the fruit have withdrawn from each other, being contiguous and adherent only close to their base. The genus Anisosperma, Manso, whose typical and only species is the A. passiflora, Manso (Fevillea passiflora, Vell. Fl. Flum. x. t. 104), is an excellent genus ; the name, however, is bad ; for it is founded on an anomaly in the fruit examined by Manso, which contained in one of the cells nine seeds, and in each of the two others one large seed, which filled the whole cell, whereas in one of these fruits lately examined there were eight seeds in each cell. As, however, the name does not clash with any other, and as, moreover, it is possible that the above anomaly may be frequent, I see no inconvenience resulting from the use of the name, nor any need of substituting any other for it. The prin- cipal characters of the plant are the following :— Flores dioici, racemosi. Fl. d. Calyx 5-fidus, externe pallidissime virens et sparsim. pubescens, basi hemisphzricus, lobi ovato-oblongi, erecto-patentes, incurvi, leviter concavi, membranacei, obtusi, intus concolores gaha Corolle petala 5, alba lævissime virentia, lineari- lanceolata, per $ altitudinis suæ erecto-patentia, dein subito centrum fioris versus incurva, basi latiora carnosula et cuneiformia, apice acumine acuto terminata (3 in apicem gradatim attenuata, 2 sub apice abrupte contracta), in parte superiore membranacea, in fundo calycis inserta, et basi cum illo ita connata ut nonnisi laceratione separanda. Stamina 5, libera, in fundo calycis inserta et cum petalis alternantia ; filamenta albida, brevia, teretia, basi crassiuscula approximataque, apice divergentia; antherz elliptico-oblongz, introrsum adnate, utrinque obtusz, sulco unico longitudinali percursz, ibidemque dehiscentes pollen ex utroque loculo emittentes; connectivum cum filamenti parte superiore continuum, crassum, plano-convexum, loculos ante dehiscentiam non excedentem et vix post pollen emissum eos su- perans, intra antheram longitudinaliter penetrans et in loculos 2 di- videns more antherarum Fevillee cordifolia, Vell., et generis Canne ; pollinis granule oblongz. — Ovarii rudimentum et discus desunt.— M. CORREA DE MELLO ON SOME BRAZILIAN PLANTS, 259 Flores 2. Calyx ovario adherens et supra illud in columnam par- vam constrictus, limbus (supra constrictionem) subcampanulatus, lobis corollaque iis floris d similibus. Staminum rudimenta nulla. Ovarium oblongum, glabrum, imperfecte 3-loculare, carpellorum nempe marginibus valde intromissis et inferne fere usque ad tertiam partem in medio ovario connatis, superne tamen vix inter se contin- gentibus nec coh:rentibus, et in parte superiore libera sola pla- centiferis; ovula in quoque loculo 8 v. abortu pauciora, a mar- ginibus carpellorum pendula, partem superiorem loculorum occu- pantia (inferiore vacua), in series duas verticales (4 in quaque pla- centa) disposita, septo parallele compressa subulataque, anatropa, micropyle supera, raphe ad angulum internum loculi spectante. Styli 3, erecti, in parte inferiore subcrassiores, superne dilatati in laminam late obcordiformem erectam planam, longitudinaliter in- trorsum curvatam, margine irregulariter eroso-crenatam, ad faciem utramque stigmatosam. Fructus magnus (32-6 poll. diametro ma- jore, 2-41 poll. diametro minore), ovoideo-oblongus v. ellipsoideo- oblongus, subtrigonus, glaber v. sparse irregulariterque verrucosus, carnoso-corticosus, indehiscens, basi a limbo calycis haud zonatus, apieulo parvo conoideo terminatus. Semina magna (circa 10 lin. diametro), orbiculata, compressa, ala membranaceo-suberosa l3- 2 lin. lata cincta, mutua pressione plus minus angulata, testa crassa, crustacea, extus granuloso-punctulata, colore pallide fusca, membrana tenui suberosa adherente obtecta, intus substantia sube- roso-fungosa albida farcta, a marginibus placentarum in parte su- periore loculi pendentia, deorsum imbricata, interdumque mediante superficie testze inter se cohzrentia, 8 in quoque loculo in fructibus perfecte evolutis, in fructibus minoribus pauciora; nec in pulpa nec in substantia fibrosa involuta. Cotyledones seminis forma, acumine brevi in parte superiore, crasso-carnosz, oleos, albz, sapore intense amaro, radicula supera. Placente (septa) crasso-carnosz, in parte superiore segregate, in inferiore inter se connatz.— Frutez scandens, radicibus paucis, horizontalibus, nec tuberosis. Caulis teres, suc- cosus, 1} poll. plus minusve diametro, superficie rugulosa, dense lenticillata, colore cinerascenti-virescente ; supra arbores scandens et in ramos longos tenuesque divisus ramulosque longissimos ferens, qui si arbor sustentans separatim crescit, a fronde dependentes fere ad terram attingunt iterumque surgentes mediantibus ramis propriis serta formant densa ab arbore pendentia. Lignum molle, tubis numerosis diametro magna percursum, et cuneatim a radiis medul- laribus divisum. Rami teretes, 7-sulcati, novelli fulvo-purpurei vi- rescentes tenuiterque pubescentes pilis argenteis adpressis, vetus- tiores virides glabrique. Fo/ia petiolata, alterna, integerrima, oblonga v. ovato-oblonga, novella lzvia carnosulaque, siccitate membranacea et minute tuberculosa; lamina pendens, margine membranacea, basi 260 M. CORREA DE MELLO ON SOME BRAZILIAN PLANTS. triplinervis, apice penninervis, biglandulosa, breviter acuminata, acu- mine acuto v. subobtuso, basi rotundata v. angustata, usque ad 6 poll. longa et 4 poll. lata; nervi 7-8, in vivo costa media et nervi 2 laterales ad basin vix prominentes, cæteri impressi reti venu- lorum inconspicuo, in sicco nervi utrinque prominuli et rete venu- lorum e maeulis latis compositum distinctius apparet. Folia novella carnuloso-membranacea sparse pubescentia pilis iis caulis similibus, viridi-purpurascentia et utrinque nitida, adulta obscure viridia sub- carnosa supra lucidula v. glaucescentia, subtus pallidiora, petiolus basi teres superne vix sulcatus, fere semper crassior quam ramus cui insidet, in foliis majoribus 4-8 lineas longus; glandulz ovate, acutæ, minute depresso-punctate, in foliis novellis patentes, in adultis ad faciem dorsalem declinatz, ad utrumque latus ad marginem lamine juxta petiolum sitze (nec supra basin laminz ut in icone Vellosiana delineantur). Cirrhi filiformes, apice bifidi, lateraliter paulloque suprà basin petioli inserti. Flores pendentes, pedicellati, parvi (corolla fl. d 13-2 lin. diametro et fl. 9 vix major; ovarium 3-4 lin. dia- metro majore, 2-21 lin. diametro minore; alabastrum ovoideo-glo- bosum, paullo ante explicationem £ lin. diametro); pedunculus so- litarius, uti cirrhi ad basin petioli lateralis, inter cirrhum et petiolum insertus, brevissimus (1-6 lin. longus), tenuis; pedicelli compressi usque ad 7 lin. longi, basi bractea instructi parva triangulari acuta, uti pedunculus pedicellique pubescentes, pilis brevibus sparsis paten- tibus albisque. Pedunculus florum d nunc indivisus floribus in racemum longum simplicem dispositis, nunc 2-5-partitus paniculam formans laxam : floribus in utroque casu seriatim nec minus evolutis, pedicellis filiformibus medio v. infra medium articulatis; florum 9 indivisus, floribus paucis (2-4), pedunculo pedicellisque paullo cras- sioribus quam in d, pediceliis cum calycis basi (v. ovario) arti- eulatis. The plant grows in virgin forests and elevated capoeiras, in high and dry situations, and is rare in the vicinity of this town. The males are in flower from September till April, the females only from December to March; the fruit ripens in June. The plant resembles much, in habit as well as in the shape of the fruit, the Passiflora quadrangularis. I have already observed that the anthers, at first bilocular, opening by a single slit, become uni- locular after the emission of the pollen, by the withdrawal of the dissepiment or intruded connective ; this gives rise to the ques- tion, Are the anthers of the species comprised in the tribes Gomphogynex, Gymnostemm:e, and Zanoniex, which are said also to be bilocular, of the same structure as those of the above- described Fevillea ? As to the place of Anisosperma in the Order, some of its cha- M. CORREA DE MELLO ON SOME BRAZILIAN PLANTS. 261 racters, such as the absence of any trigonous axis in the fruit, the existence of a wing surrounding the seed, the apparently l-celled anthers, the leaves entire, as in some species of Za- nonia &c., harmonize well with those of the plants eomprised in the tribe Zanoniez, Benth. et Hook., and in some measure in- duces the including the genus in that tribe; but, considering that the fruits of Zanoniee are dehiscent, with a trigonous terminal aperture, and, on the other hand, that in the fruits of Hypanthera Guapeva, Manso, which belongs undoubtedly to the genus Fevillea, there is also no trigonous axis, the seeds being inserted on the margins of the placentas, that its seeds are winged and the anthers constructed as in Anisosperma, it appears to me that the place of the latter genus must be in the tribe Fevillez, Benth. et Hook. During the time that illness obliged me to break off this letter, I received the fruits of this plant, which have served me for the present description; and as, after ana- lyzing several of them, I never found eight or nine seeds in one cell and only a single one in the two others, it would appear that Manso's name Anisosperma is founded on a character absolutely false, and may have to be changed for some other name. Besides the above-mentioned Curcubitacee we have a Me- lancium, probably the only species of the genus, which is very common in the campos about this town, the Sicana odorifera, Naud. (Cucurbita odorifera, Vell.), which is cultivated on account of the aroma of its fruits, &e. The Order Menispermaces consists here of three species of Cissampelos, and one other plant, which grows in moist places, in ravines, beds of rivers, &c., of which I have some male speci- mens, and which I believe to be Odontocarya, Miers, Benth. et Hook. Gen. Pl. i. 960 & 31, 34, under Chondrodrendon. Enclosed is a small Specimen. Euphorbiacew are here represented by a large number of genera, but for the greater part monecious: the diccious ones are very few ; those that I have met with are :—one or two speeies of Pera, Mut.; a Tetrorchidium, Popp. et Endl., probably the T. rubrivenium, and trigynum, Müll. Arg.; an Alchornea, of Which I have only seen the female flowers, but which is doubtless A. latifolia, Sw. The Myrtacee with baccate fruits occur in great numbers ; of those with capsular fruits, I have only seen two or three Species of Curatari, of which one, the C. legalis, Mart., known 262 M. CORREA DE MELLO ON SOME BRAZILIAN PLANTS. commonly by the name of Jigwitibá, is remarkable for its gi- gantie proportions. The Scitaminez (Cannacex, Agardh, Zingiberaces, L. C. Rich., and Musaceæ, Agardh) have but few representatives. Of the Cannaces, I know of three species of Canna, one with flowers of a deep scarlet, which is cultivated in our gardens, and which appears to me to be the C. Warszewiczii, Dietr., from Costarica. The two others are the Muru and the Albará or Herva dos fe- redos of Marcgrav and Piso, known also by the names of Im- beri, Beri, and Bert, of which the first, according to Martius (Syst. Mat. Med. Bras. 105), is the C. aurantiaca, Rose, and the other C. glauca, Linn. Besides these, some species of the genera Phry- nium and Maranta occur in our woods. In our gardens a Ma- ranta, probably imported, whose flowers I have not yet seen, is cultivated for the tuberiform rhizomes, from which is extracted a flour, the arareite or arrowroot. Of Zingiberacez several im- ported species are cultivated; among spontaneous ones there is an Alpinia, probably A. aromatica, Jacq., which, according to Martius, is identical with the A. racemosa, Vell. Fl. Flum. i. t. 3, known commonly by the name of Pacová or Pacobd; the root and the seeds are aromatic; and although their aroma is not so agreeable as that of Elettaria cardamomum, Mart., they may well be substituted for it in medicine. The Costus Pisonis, Lindl. (C. arabicus, Vell. Fl. Flum. i. t. 5), commonly called Paco caatinga, Canna do mato, Perina (Marcgr. and Piso), is now better known under the names of Canna de Macaco and Canna do brejo, and is common under the shades of the moist virgin forests of the neighbourhood of this town. Of Musace: and the genus Musa, besides the M. paradisiaca, Linn., M. sapientum, Linn., and M. sinensis, Sw., and their divers varieties, which are here cultivated, I have seen a Musa growing in the woods near the town of San Paolo. This Musa has considerable analogy to the M. coccinea, Willd. (Walp. Ann. vi. 38), from which it differs in the shape of the teeth of the anterior lip of the perianth, of which the three anterior ones are smaller, rounded, and united with each other higher up, the two lateral ones broader and ovate-triangular, the posterior lip linear, of an equal breadth through its whole length, suddenly attenuated at the top, and the margins of both lips thinly membranous and entire, whilst in M. coccinea the lobes of the posterior lip, as well as the anterior lip, are differently shaped. The false stem of the San-Paolo species M. CORREA DE MELLO ON MYROCARPUS FRONDOSUS. 263 acquires a height of 8 or 9 palmas and a diameter of 2 inches, the leaves are ovate-lanceolate, abruptly acuminate, broad, and un- equally rounded at the base. The bracts are of a deep scarlet colour, the fertile flowers ( 9 ) usually solitary in the axils of the lower bracts, the sterile ones ( d) two together in the axils of the upper bracts, the spadix erect. Of the genus Heliconia I have seen two species, one with the spathes but little conspicuous, which occurs sometimes in the woods near this town ; the other, whose characters agree well with the H. latispatha, Benth. (Walp. Ann. i. 811), differs from the genus in that the fruit is a berry (trigonous, pedicellate, of a blue slightly purplish colour, l- to 3-seeded), and not a 3-valved capsule. It so far establishes a passage from the genus Heliconia to that of Musa; and it will be necessary either to make a new genus for it, or to reform the character of Heliconia as to the fruits, so as to enable it to comprehend this species. This Musacea is probably already known ; for it is very common from the middle to the base of the Cordillera called Serra de Santos, and occurs also in the Litoral. lridez, besides the numerous species cultivated for ornament in our gardens, are represented here by very few species. Of all these plants I shall send you specimens, accompanied by descriptions and drawings, to the best of my ability. JOAQUIM CORREA DE MELLO. Campinas, June 3, 1869, On Myrocarpus frondosus, Allem. By J. CORREA DE Malte, of Campinas, in South Brazil. (Translated from the Portuguese, with a Note, by G. Benruam, Esq.) [Read February 3, 1870.] Myrocarpvus rnoNposvs, Allem. Diss. 1847 et 1848, cum ic. Calyx tubulosus, obconicus, rectus, breviter 5-dentatus, vix a latere compres- sus, infra medium (ad disci marginem) leviter constrictus, parte di- scifera carnosula, supra discum membranaceus, nervis 5 tenuibus in apices dentium terminantibus percursus, extus tenuiter pubescens ; dentibus inter se zqualibus, zstivatione varie imbricatis, ad marginem disci haud divisis (sepalis ultra diseum coalitis). Discus in fundo ca- lyeis, tenuis, viridis. Petala 5, inter se aequalia, obovato-linearia, apice rotundata concavaque, membranacea, medio nervo tenuissimo virescente percursa, ineunte anthesi alba patentiaque, mox leviter flavicantia, ad 264 M. CORREA DE MELLO ON MYROCARPUS FRONDOSUS. marginem disci extra stamina inserta, in alabastro vix imbricata, summo intimo, ceteris varie imbricatis. Stamina 10, libera; filamenta (in alabastro haud incurva) subulata, alba, glabra, quorum 5 alterna citius evoluta jam ad corolle explicationem exserta, dum altera 5 vix ad marginem calycis attingens, hzc tamen sensim accreta demum priora longitudine zquant; antherz flavz, staminum primum evolutorum late ovate, caeterum late obovate ; pollinis granule oblongæ, utrin- que obtusz, sulco longitudinali notatz. ^ Ovarium in fundo calycis stipitatum.—Arbor folia tempore estatis dimittens, mense Augusto ante foliorum evolutionem florens. Flores odore grato, racemosi; pedicelli basi bractea parva late ovate-subtriangulari acuta, pri- mum membranacea mox scariosa fulti; bracteole 0. Racemi cylin- drici, recti, erecti, solitarii v. 2-3-ni (2-5-ni ex Allemáo), alterni, pe- dunculo communi brevi inserti, paniculam parvam formantes, his ad apicem ramulorum v. supra cicatrices foliorum delapsorum sitis, sepe in ramorum parte superiore numerosis approximatis, paniculam amplam simulantibus. Florum evolutio ssepe ab apice basin versus racemi progreditur, sepeque gemmze rami cujusdam magni omnes flo- riferz sunt nec folium ullum evolvitur. From incisions made in the trunk of this tree issues a balsam, at first transparent, of a yellow colour, and of an aroma not very sweet and somewhat terebinthine; but by exposure to the air it assumes a red colour and a fragrant aroma, and is indubitably the balsam “ Caburé-iciea" mentioned by Piso, ‘De Medicina Brasili- ensi, lib. 4, cap. v. p. 57, and by Martius, ‘Syst. Nat. Med. Veget. Bras.’ 115. This Myrocarpus, in its botanic properties and the odour of all its parts, resembling those of the corresponding parts of Myroxylon peruiferum, Linn., has great affinity with the genus Myroaylon. Bentham and Hooker (Gen. Pl. i. 559), who could not ascertain the estivation of the corolla from not having seen it in bud, ob- serve the affinity of Myrocarpus on the one hand with Sweetia, and on the other with Sclerolobium ; but, considering that the structure of the calyx is rather that of the Sophoree than of the Cesalpiniee, they place the genus in the suborder Papilionacee and the tribe Sophoree. But as the upper petal is, as above mentioned, always inside in estivation, it appears beyond doubt that Myrocarpus must be removed to the suborder Cesalpiniee and the tribe Sclerolobiee, which comprises species with imparipin- nate leaves like those of Myrocarpus. In the tribe it would be placed next to Peppigia, which contains species in which the calyx-lobes are united above the disk. J. ConREA DE MELLO. MR. G. BENTHAM ON MYROCARPUS. 265 The observations of Sen. Correa de Mello would perhaps have determined the removal of Myrocarpus to the Sclerolobiee, if the istivation described by him were constant. With the above Notes he remitted several racemes in bud, which have been carefully ex- amined. In them we found the estivation of the petals still more variable than is mentioned by Mello; for the upper, or posterior petal, although occasionally inside, as he describes it, is more fre- quently partially outside, overlapping one of the lateral petals on one side, and being overlapped by another lateral petal on the other side. In one flower, at least, the upper petal was entirely outside ; and in another the estivation was contorted, each petal overlapping an adjoining one on one side, the imbrication in all cases slight, and only observable in the upper portion of the bud. Myrocarpus, then, like one species of Sweetia where a similar di- versity of estivation has been observed, must be regarded as one of the few connecting links between the large suborders Papilio- nacee and Cæsalpinieæ ; and as in other respects it is evidently more closely allied to Myroxylon than to any Sclerolobiex, we should prefer leaving it in the place assigned to it in our ‘ Genera Plantarum,’ between Myroxylon and Sweetia. The course of expansion of the flowers, from the apex to the base of the raceme, pointed out by Correa de Mello is unusual in Leguminose, but not quite exceptional, nor yet does it appear to be of any systematic importance ; for it has been observed, for in- stance, in two or three Australian species of Crotalaria, whilst the development is normal in closely allied species. Since writing the above, I have received M. Baillon's obser- vations on Cæsalpinieæ, in the first vol. of his ‘Histoire des Plantes, from which it appears that he has found in Cadia, Forsk., and in Barklya, F. Muell, the same variable zstivation as that observed, as above, in Myrocarpus. He therefore proposes to remove those two genera to Cæsalpinieæ, although they have both, in a very decided manner, the hooked radicle of Papilio- naceæ. It still appears to me, however, a more natural arrange- ment to maintain the Sophores as limited in our ‘ Genera Plan- tarum, as a somewhat variable group, including a large pro- portion of very distinct monotypic, or almost monotypic, genera probably of great antiquity and constituting in various ways con- necting links between' the two great suborders Papilionacee and Cesalpiniee, but yet more nearly allied to the former than to the latter. G. BENTHAM. 266 MR. A. W. BENNETT ON THE GENUS HYDROLEA. Review of the Genus Hydrolea, with descriptions of three New Species. By Aurrep W. BzxNETT, M.A., B.Sc., F.L.8. (Plate I.) [Read November 18, 1869.] THE position of the order Hydroleacee has undergone several changes at the hands of botanists. By the older authorities, particularly Jussieu, its genera were included among Convolvu- lacee, from which order, however, they are distinguished in a marked manner by their multiovular ovaries, straight embryo, and several other characters of importance. Lindley, in his ‘ Ve- getable Kingdom,’ united the order to Hydrophyllacex, to which opinion Alph. DeCandolle appeared to incline, from a note ap- pended to the ninth volume of the * Prodromus. Prof. Choisy, in his monograph of the order, and in the synopsis which he con- tributed to the tenth volume of the * Prodromus, clearly showed that this theory is inadmissible, the unilocular few-seeded ovary, parietal placentation, and leaves frequently deeply divided, of the one order, distinguishing it most clearly from the bilo- cular many-seeded ovary, axile placentation, and leaves invariably simple, of the other order; and that, in accordance with the opi- nion of Robert Brown and others, the Hydroleaces must be raised to the rank of a separate order. The variation, however, in the mode of dehiscence of the capsule compels its subdivision into two suborders, septicidal in Hydrolew, loculicidal in Names. The tendency which exists in several species of Hydrolea, to substitute for the normal bilocular a trilocular ovary, would ap- pear to indicate a closer affinity to Polemoniacee than has been generally supposed. From Solanacee they differ by their two styles and straight embryo; from Scrophulariacee by their re- gular corolla, five equal stamens, and two styles. As regards geographical distribution, the order is essentially tropical and subtropical, and especially American. The genus Hydrolea, which is nearly synonymous with the suborder Hy- drole, ranges from Arkansas to Montevideo, with a few Asiatic and African species, to which I am able to add two, hitherto un- described, from Tropical Africa, contained in the Kew Herba- rium. The suborder Names is exclusively American, the species being mostly natives of Mexico and Peru. The Hydroleaces are herbaceous or subfruticose plants, the leaves and branches some- MR. A. W. BENNETT ON THE GENUS HYDROLEA. 267 times glabrous, more often clothed with a viscid glandular pu- bescence, sometimes, in the genus Wigandia, with acrid stinging glands; other species are armed with sharp spines. The branches and leaves are alternate, the latter always simple, entire or serrated, generally stalked, and exstipulate. The flowers are hermaphrodite, sympetalous, regular, generally blue, sometimes very handsome, often arranged in corymbs, or scorpioid cymes. They are mostly inhabitants of dry places, some species, however, of marshes and the margins of rivers, especially the Hydrolee ; and, as Choisy remarks, this genus is the only one in the order which is distributed over both hemispheres. The best descrip- tions are to be found in Choisy’s ‘Synopsis’ in the tenth volume of DeCandolle’s * Prodromus, and in his more extended ‘Description des Hydroléacées,’ from the Memoirs of the Soe. Phys. et d’ Hist. Nat. of Geneva, contained in the * Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 1st series, vol. xxx. and 2nd series, vol. i. The genus Hydrolea is distinguished from all the other genera of the order, except Petit-Thouars’s very unsatisfactory Mada- gascan Hydrolia, by the bilocular capsule dehiscing septicidally, the single dissepiment bearing in the middle two fleshy fungus- like placentz, and is therefore practically coextensive with the suborder Hydrolem. The species are herbaceous or subfruticose, glandular-pilose or glabrous; sometimes armed with axillary spines; the leaves alternate and entire; the flowers blue, often very conspicuous, axillary or corymbose, yielding a yellow fra- grant oil. Linneus knew only one species of Hydrolea (besides two others described under other genera); Choisy, in his ‘De- scription des Hydroléacées,’ makes eight, and in DeCandolle’s 'Prodromus' eleven. A careful examination of the specimens preserved in the Herbaria at Kew and the British Museum, and of the American species in those of Berlin, Munich, and Vienna, induces me to increase this number to thirteen, by the suppres- sion of two doubtful species, and the addition of one already described by Grisebach, and of three new species, two of which are from Tropical Africa, and one from Brazil. The authorities for the genus are as follows:—viz. Hydrolea, Linn. Gen. 318; Gartner, vol. i. p. 263, t. 55; Aubl. Guian. t. 110; Cavanill. Ic. t. 529; Bot. Reg. t. 566; Kunth in Humb. et Bonpl. Nov. Gen. et Sp. vol. iii. p. 125; Wight, Ind. Bot. 268 MR. A. W. BENNETT ON THE GENUS HYDROLEA. t. 167; Chois. in Mém. Soc. Phys. et d’ Hist. Nat. Gen. vol. vi. p. 107, t. 1, et Annal. Scien. Nat. 1* sér. vol. xxx. p. 236, t. 16. f. X3; DC. Prodr. vol. x. p. 180; Endl. Gen. Plant. p. 661.—Namie sp. Linn. Flor. Zeyl. t. 2.—Steris, Linn. Mant. 54; Burmani, Flor. Ind. p. 73, t. 39. f. 8—Zycium(?), Linn. sp., 278.—Sa- gonea, Aubl. Guian. vol. i. p. 285, t. 111.—Reichelia, Schreber, Gen. p. 512.—Hydrolia(?), Thouars, Gen. Mad. no. 29; DC. Prodr. vol. x. p. 182.— Wigandiæ sp., DC. Prodr. vol. x. p. 184. Descr. Calyx 5-sepalus, fere usque ad basin partitus, circa fructum persistens. Corolla sympetala, rotato-campanulata, apice 5-loba. Stamina 5, equalia, corolle tubo inserta, et ejusdem lobis alterna; filamenta basi spathulato-dilatata ; anthere sagit- tate, longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Ovariwm bi- vel interdum tri- loculare, disco lato crateriformi cinctum. Ovu/a numerosa, parva, in placentis duabus hemisphericis carnosis in medio dissepimenti disposita. Styli duo, vel rarius tres, distincti, elongati, diver- gentes. Stigmata capitata. Capsula globosa vel elliptica, bi- vel rarius trilocularis, inter stylos septicida. Semina permulta, mi- nuta; embryo in axi albuminis dense carnosi orthotropus. The subdivision of the genus presents considerable difficulties ; but I have thought it best, on the whole, to retain Choisy's (into two sections, the spined and the unarmed), although it is not to be depended on as constant. A. SPINOS A. a. Folia pubescentia. Folia lanceolata, pilosissima ; semina striata. 1. H. spinosa. Folia lanceolata, vix pubescentia ........ 2. H. ovata. Folia utrinque attenuata; spine recurve. 3. H. paludosa. b. Folia glabra. Caulis hispidus, geniculatus ............ 4. H. quadrivalvis. Folia lineari-lanceolata ; caulis glaber, erectus, subsimplex ; sepala lineari-lanceolata, glabra; semina reticu- lata oa Na eH RICE C QUE 5. H. elegans. Caulis glaber, decumbens, ramosus ...... 6. H. nigricaulis. B. IxERMES. a. Folia pubescentia. Flores parvuli; sepala glandulosa ....... 1. H. spinosa, var. inermis. Flores magni; sepala eglandulosa ...... 7. H. megapotamica. b. Folia glabra, lanceolata vel latiora. Sepala ovato-lanceolata, glabra; semina striata 8. H. glabra. Sepala hispida; flores corymbosi ........ 9. H. corymbosa. Sepala linearia, petalis longiora.......... 10. H. zeylanica. MR. A. W. BENNETT ON THE GENUS HYDROLEA. 269 c. Folia glabra, linearia. Caulis decumbens; flores parvi, conferti ; sepala glanduloso-vil- co up rM UT CEP USE STI 11. H. multiflora. Caulis ascendens; flores magni, corymbosi; sepala angusta. 12. H. graminifolia. Caulis ascendens ; sepala triangularia, foliacea. 13. H. macrosepala. l. H. sptnosa, Linn. (Tab. I. figs. 1, 2, 3, 4.) Caulis ascendens, bi- vel tripedalis, ramosus, magis vel minus hirsutus, plerumque spinosus; rami erecto-patentes, hirsuti; spine axillares, €recto-patentes vel patule, 5—8-lineares, rectæ, pubescentes. Folia elliptico-lanceolata, 2-3 poll. longa, 8 lin. lata, integra, subsinuata, utrinque pubescentia, breviter petiolata. Flores in cymas terminales scorpioideo dispositi, czerulei, pedunculati, fragrantes; pedicelli glan- duloso-hirsuti; bractez foliacex, parvz, villosee. Sepala lanceolata, 3 lin. longa, basi vix coalita, pilis densis longis glandulosis extus vestita, intus breviter hispida vel subglabra. Corolla calyce longior: lobi brevissimi, late triangulari-ovati, per zestivationem imbricati, pilis paucis sparsis przditi. Stamina corolla sub'ongiora, post anthesim exserta. Ovarium ellipticum, bi- vel interdum triloculare. Styli duo vel rarius tres, demum valde elongati, persistentes, divergentes, apice convergentes, basi leviter glanduloso-hirsuti. Stigmata capitata. Capsula orbicularis, bi- vel rarius trilocularis, sepalis persistentibus subbrevior ; capsule apex et stylorum bases leviter glanduloso-hirsut:e. Semina parva, numerosa, elliptica, longitudinaliter admodum rugoso- striata. Var. B. INERMIS, Spruce, MS. Caulis glanduloso-pubescens, inermis. Hydrolea spinosa, Linn. Sp. 318; Aubl. Guian. vol. i. p. 281, t. 110; R. et Pav. Fl. Per. ; Bot. Reg. 566; DC. Prodr. ; Chois. Deser. Hy- drol.—YH ydrolea trigyna, Sw. Ind. Occ. vol. i. p. 558; Cav. lc. vol. i. p. 19, t. 599. f. 1. This species appears to be one of very general and abundant distribution throughout Tropical and Subtropical America and the adjacent islands, growing in ditches, the margins of woods, and damp fields. It is described by Purdie as being “as highly scented as any China rose." It varies considerably in the size of the flowers, the degree of hairiness of the whole plant, and the number of spines—the unarmed variety having been sent by several collectors from Brazil and Guiana. The form with a tri- locular ovary and three styles has been erected into a distinct species, and even proposed by Aublet to form a separate genus, under the name of Sagonea. 1 am, however, able to confirm Prof. Choisy's statement, that the 2-styled and 3-styled flowers LINN. PROC —BOTANY, VOL. XI. U 270 MR. A. W. BENNETT ON THE GENUS HYDROLEA. may be found on the same plant, and that it therefore cannot even be ranked as a variety. I cannot, however, agree with that eminent botanist's observation, that where the styles and divi- sions of the ovary are three in number, the stamens, lobes of the corolla, and sepals, are each six, having myself found no variation from the normal number of these organs. 2. H. ovata, Chois. Caulis herbaceus, ascendens, puberulus ; spine axillares, patulz, 3-6- lineares, tenues, rectz, puberule. Folia ovato-lanceolata, utrinque attenuata, petiolata, 2 poll. longa, 6 lin. lata, integra, leviter pu- bescentia vel subglabra, vend media subtus prominente puberula ; folia superiora et bracteze molliter hirsuta. Flores czerulei, racemost, pedunculati; racemi foliosi. Sepala lanceolata, acuta, intus glabra, extus pilosa. Ovarium globosum, glanduloso-hirsutum, biloculare. Styli duo, longi, curvati, basi glanduloso-hirsuti. Stigmata rotunda, disciformia. Capsula globosa, bilocularis, calyce persistente brevior, leviter hirsuta. Hydrolea ovata, Nutt. MS.; Chois. Descr. Hydrol. t. 1; DC. Frodr. This species, first described by Choisy, presents no very good characters to distinguish it from H. spinosa, and may possibly turn out to be simply a form of that plant with broader leaves, the stem and leaves less hairy, the spines less numerous and slenderer, and the flowers somewhat larger, unless the disk-like form of the stigmas presents a better diagnosis. It was first gathered by Nuttall in Arkansas and North Carolina; but spe- cimens collected in Surinam (Hostmann, no. 450) and Brazil , ( Gardner, 6067) are clearly referable to the same form. 3. H. pALUDOSA, nov. sp. Caulis herbaceus, fistulosus, ascendens, subsimplex, hispidus, spinosus ; spine axillares, patule vel plerumque recurve, apice curvate, 4-5- lineares, pubescentes. Folia elliptico-lanceolata, acuminata, utrimque attenuata, breviter petiolata, integra, mollissime pubescentia, 1-2 poll. longa, 3-5 lin. lata, inferne decidua. Flores pauci, in foliis superior bus fere occulti. Sepala lineari-lanceolata, glanduloso-hispida, pe talis in alabastro breviora. Corolla cerulea. Stamina basi dilatata, corolle tubo inserta. Ovarium ellipticum, glabrum, pilis pauci glandulosis apice preditum. Styli duo, longi, subglabri, rectangu- late curvati. This species appears to me quite distinct from H. spinosa, and is recognized at a glance by its different habit—its very weak, ap- parently fistulose. and nearly simple stem clearly indicating 8" aquatic habit. The spines pointing slightly downwards, the leaves equally narrowed at both ends, often decurved, and always de- ciduous from the lower part of the stem, are good characters. MR. A. W. BENNETT ON THE GENUS HYDROLEA, ` 271 The inflorescence is simple, the flowers almost hidden in the leaves or foliaceous bracts. I have only seen specimens from Brazil (where it would appear to be rare), and refer to it those marked “ Brazil, T?* do Pinhal,” Sello, no. 703, in the Berlin, and “ Ad João d' El Rey, rarissime," Pohl, 351, and “in uliginosis prope villam S. Salvador," Pohl, 5358, in the Vienna collection. 4. H. auaprivatvis, Walt. Caulis herbaceus, ascendens, infra decumbens, tenuis, geniculatus, sub- simplex, pilis longis paucis patulis albis vestitus, vel subglaber, spinosus; spine axillares, 2-3-lineares, recta, glabre. Folia ob- ovata, breviter petiolata, subcuneata, acuminata, 2-23 poll. longa, 6-8 lin. lata, glabra, in petiolum 2-3-linearem attenuata. Flores in racemos densos, paucifloros (2—6-fl.) axillares aggregati; pedicelli brevissimi, hirsuti. Sepala triangulari-lanceolata, extus hirsuta. Co- rolla cerulea, calyce sublongior, profunde 5-partita; lobi ovato- rotundi, obtusi. Ovarium biloculare. Styli duo vel rarius tres, fili- ormes, persistentes. Stigmata capitata. Capsula bilocularis, glo- bosa, glabra, calyce persistente brevior. Var. B. inermis. Flores siepe trigyni; spine nulla. Hydrolea quadrivalvis, Walt. Car. vol. i. p. 110; Elliot, Car. vol. i. p. 356; Chois. Descr. Hydrol.; DC. Prod.—H. caroliniana. Miche. Fl. Bor. Amer. vol. i. p- 177. B. inermis. Hydrolea Bartramii, kerb. Brit. Mus. MS.—H. palus- tris (?), Reusch.—Sagonea palustris, Aubl. Guian. vol. i. p. 285. t. 111. —Reichelea palustris (?), Schreb. Gen. 512; Willd. Sp. vol. i. p. 1502. This plant has received the misnomer from Walter, in his ‘Flora Caroliniana, from the idea that the capsule was quadri- locular. Tt grows in wet boggy places and by ponds in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The variety inermis, which has received a good number of synonyms,- is only known from a single specimen in the Herbarium of the British Museum, from the banks of a stream in Guiana; I am very doubtful whether it is rightly included under this species. 5. H. ELEGANS, nobis. (Tab. I. figs. 5, 6.) Caulis ascendens, erectus, ]}—2-pedalis, elegans, purpurascens, glaber, spinis numerosis armatus; spine axillares, horizontales, 8-}0-li- neares, teretes, glabræ. Folia lineari-lanceolata, 12-15 lin. longa, 4-5 lin. lata, integra, subsinuata, glaberrima, utrinque attenuata, bre- viter petiolata, vena media subtus prominente. Flores in cymas densas foliosas terminales et axillares dispositi, pedunculati : pedicelli et bracteze glabro. Sepala lineari-lanceolata, circa 3 lin. longa, acuta, glabra, basi vix coalita, nervo medio prominente. Corolla cierulea, calycem duplo superans. Ovarium ovatum, bi- vel triloculare, gla- v 2 272 MR. A. W. BENNETT ON THE GENUS HYDROLEA. brum. Styli duo vel tres, elongati, divergentes et demum reflexi staminibus multo longiores, decidui. Stigmata capitata. Capsula orbicularis, nunc bi- nunc trilocularis, calycem persistentem zequans. Semina minuta, reticulato-rugosa, alà membranaceá cincta. Hydrolea spinosa, var. glabra, Mart. MS. in herb.—Hydrolea gla- bra(?), herb. Brit. Mus. MS.; Chois. Descr. Hydrol.; DC. Prodr. —Lycium capsulare (?), Linn. Sp., 278, ex Smith in Rees’s Cyclop. . T have no hesitation in claiming for this plant (the H. spinosa, var. glabra, of Martius, in the Munich Herbarium) the rank of a distinct species. In turning over a number of specimens, there is no difficulty in picking them out at once from the more gla- brous forms of H. spinosa by the difference in habit, arising from the simpler, slenderer, glabrous and purplish stem, which is found to be aecompanied by narrower perfectly glabrous leaves, with the mid vein very prominent beneath, and the glabrous sepals always broadest at the base and gradually narrowing to the apex ; the styles are also very seldom found attached to the ripe capsules. A very marked, though minute, character is also fur- nished by the seeds, which, instead of being deeply longitudinally striated as in H. spinosa and glabra, are reticulated, and sur- rounded by a membranous wing. I have given the species the name of H. elegans, that of H. glabra having been already appro- priated by Schumacher. Great confusion in nomenclature has been occasioned by Choisy's having altered the name of Schu- macher's plant to .H. guineensis, and then bestowed the name H. glabra on a different species which I believe to be identical with this. Although apparently generally distributed throughout Tropical America, and represented in all the German collections (but deficient in that at Kew), this precise form appears to have been unknown to Choisy, who has described his H. glabra from a single specimen in the Herbarium of the British Museum, from Nova Hispania, which differs somewhat from the typical form in the sepals being narrower and slightly pubescent, and which may be a glabrous form of H. spinosa. Martius describes this spe cies as growing “in depressis hieme inundatis, in prov. Minas Geries.”’ 6. H. NIiGRICAULIS, Griseb. (Tab. I. fig. 7.) Caulis suffruticosus, decumbens, tortuosus, ramosus, glaberrimus, PUT purascens, spinosus; spine rectz, teretes, graciles, 4-5-lineares, glabre. Folia lanceolata, glabra, 6-10 lin. longa, 2-4 lin. lata, m- tegra, sessilia. Flores parvi, in cymas paucifloras axillares conferte glomerati, sessiles. Sepala lanceolata, glabra, 1-13 lin. longa. Co- MR. A. W. BENNETT ON THE GENUS HYDROLEA. 273 rolia * alba," calycem æquans. Ovarium ellipticum, glabrum. Styli duo. Capsula elliptica, minima, li-linearis, calycem persistentem equans, glabra. Semina numerosa, minuta. Hydrolea nigricauls, Wright, MS.; Grisebach, Catalogus Plantarum Cubensium, p. 207. This very distinct and pretty little Hydrolea was first described by Grisebach in his ‘ Catalogus Plantarum Cubensium,’ and is found in several English and continental Herbaria, numbered 3108 in Wright’s collection. It appears to be confined to Cuba, growing in dried-up pools. Its very glabrous habit, slender, tor- tuous, purple, and decumbent stem, long and slender spines, and small flowers and capsules crowded in very short axillary racemes, readily distinguish it at a glance; according to Grisebach, the flowers are white. 7. H. MEGAPOTAMICA, Spreng. . Caulis ascendens, ramosus, molliter pubescens, pilis longis albis cum brevioribus iutermixtis vestitus, inermis. Folia lanceolata, acuminata, cirea 2 poll. longa, 6-7 lin. lata, breviter petiolata, utrinque tenuiter pubescentia, petiolorum venarumque pili longiores, haud glandulosi. Flores magui, 7-8 lin. lati, in cymas corymbosas foliosas dispositi, ped- unculati ; pedicelli floribus dimidio breviores, ut et rachis, pubescentes. Sepala lineari-lanceolata, 4-5 lin. longa, 1 lin. lata, extus pilosa, intus brevissime hirsuta, venosa. Corolla cerulea, calycem superans. Ova- rium ellipticum, bi- vel triloculare. Styli duo vel tres, elongati. Stig- mata capitata. Capsula elliptica, glabra, calyce persistente brevior. Hydrolea megapotamica, Spreng. Syst. vol. iv. p. 114; Chois. Descr. Hydrol. ; DC. Prodr.—Wigandia herbacea (?), Chois. Descr. Hydrol.; DC. Prodr. vol. x. p. 184. This handsome species is easily distinguished from all the others belonging to Section B by its broad pubescent leaves and generaly hairy habit. It is not, however, so easy to separate it from the unarmed variety of H. spinosa, to which it approaches very nearly, differing chiefly in its larger flowers, and, according to my observation, the hairs of the calyx and pedicels not being glandular, although so described by Choisy. It belongs to South- ern Brazil, and is found in several collections. To this species I refer the specimens marked * prov. de Rio-Grande-do-Sul, M. Isabelle," and *in locis udis Porto-Segere," Tweedie, no. 162 in the Kew collection, as well as * Montevideo, Sello," and, doubt- fully, * Surinam, Hostmann, no. 450” in the Vienna Herbarium. 8. H. GLABRA, Schum. (non Chois., DC.). (Tab. I. fig. 8.) Caulis erectus, subsimplex, circa sesquipedalis, elegans, purpurascens, 274 MR. A. W. BENNETT ON THE GENUS HYDROLEA. glaber, inermis, vel rarissime spinis perpaucis glabris armatus. Folia lineari-lanceolata, 15-20 lin. longa, 4—5 lin. lata, integra, utrinque at- tenuata, breviter petiolata, glaberrima, vena media subtus prominente. Flores pauci, parvi; cymz laxe, nude, vel foliis paucis preedite, pedun- late ; pedicelli et bracteze glabra. Sepala ovato-lanceolata, circa 2 lin. longa, acuta, basi vix coalita, venosa, glabra, vel pilis paucis rigidis predita. Petala 2-3-linearia, czrulea, calyce vix longiora. Ovarium ovatum, glabrum, biloculare. Styli duo, divergentes, decidui. Stig- mata capitata. Capsula orbicularis, glabra, bilocularis, calyce per- sistente paulo longior. Semina parva, longitudinaliter rugoso-striata. Hydrolea glabra, Sehum. Guin. p. 161.—H. guineensis, Chois. Ann. Sc. Nat. 1834, p. 180; DC. Prodr.—H. multiflora 8. glabra, DC. Prodr. —H. zeylanica 6. glaberrima, Chois. in Descr. Hydrol. This species might at first sight be taken for an unarmed form of H. elegans, but is readily distinguished by a certain difference in habit, arising from the inflorescence being much less leafy and the flowers decidedly smaller. This difference I find to be accom- panied by a ealyx shorter but more completely surrounding the ripe capsule, the sepals being of a decidedly different shape, ovate instead of lanceolate. The difference in the seeds, already spoken of, is also very marked. These characters serve to distinguish the species in those rare instances where the plant is furnished with a few scattered weak spines. Although, judging from the number of specimens in the continental herbaria, this is the most abundant species in Tropical America except H. spinosa, it appears to have been but imperfectly known to Prof. Choisy, who describes a specimen in Burchell's collection (“ Evolvulus, no. 1365 ”) clearly referable to this species (and its only representative in the Kew herbarium) in the first place, in his* Description des Hydroléa- cées,' as a variety of H. zeylanica, and secondly, in De Candolle's * Prodromus, as a variety of H. multiflora, a plant to which it bears no resemblance. The species was first described by Schumacher in his * Flora of Guinea' under the name of H. glabra, which name Choisy changed, without assigning any reason, to H. guineen- sis; hence arises considerable confusion in nomenclature. I have aot, however, seen any African specimens. The Brazilian exam- ples of it are marked :—“ prope Rio de Janeiro et Tejucco," P ohl, in the Munich Herbarium ; Schott, 5357, “ Campo Vittorio," Sello, nos. 250, 333, 411, 5290, in the Berlin collection; and Burchell, 1365, in that of Kew. Sello’s no. 938, from the Rio Negro, in the Berlin Herbarium, is possibly a distinct species, closely re- sembling H. glabra, but more hairy. MR. A. W. BENNETT ON THE GENUS HYDROLEA. 275 9. H. corympBosa, Eliot. Caulis ascendens, erectus, inermis, bipedalis, purpurascens, inferne sim- plex, glaber, superne ramosus; ramuli pubescentes. Folia lanceolata, sessilia, acuta, sæpe deflexa, glabra, vel brevissime pubescentia, 10-15 lin. longa, 3-4 lin. lata. Flores magni, terminales, eorymbose aggre- gati; pedicelli brevissimi, hirsuti. Sepala lanceolata, acuta, hirsu- tissima, corollá in alabastro breviora. Corolla insignis, czrulea, calyce triplo longior, extus hirsuta. Hydrolea corymbosa, Hil. Car. vol. i. p. 336; Chois. Descr. Hydrol. ; DC. Prodr. Found in marshy swamps in Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Very different in appearance from the preceding species, with large handsome blue flowers, three times as long as the calyx, arranged in corymbose heads, the leaves almost glabrous, sessile, lan- ceolate. 10. H. ZEYLANICA, Vahl. (Tab. I. figs. 9, 10.) Caulis herbaceus, ascendens vel decumbens, fistulosus, subsimplex, gla- ber, striatus, nodis infimis radicans. Folia lanceolata, utrinque at- tenuata, acuta, 1-2 poll. longa, 4-6 lin. lata, glabra. Flores parvi, in racemos laxos foliosos axillares dispositi, pedunculati; pedicelli graciles, nunc bi- vel trilineares, apice incrassati, subglabri, nunc multo breviores, ut et apices ramulorum, glanduloso-pubescentes. Sepala linearia, acuta, 2-3-lin. longa, aut glabra, margine et nervo medio bre- vissime ciliata, aut glanduloso-pubescentia; in alabastro corollam multo superantia. Corolla cerulea, calyce paulo longior, petalis post anthesim reflexis. Styli duo, breves, recti, persistentes. Stigmata capitata. Capsula parva, 1 1-2-linearis, ovata, glabra, sepalis persisten- tibus 4 brevior. : Hydrolea zeylanica, Vahl, Symb. vol. ii. p. 46; W. et Arn. in Hook. vol. ii. p. 193, t. 26 ; Wight, Ind. Bot. t. 167 ; Chois. Descr Hydrol. ; DC. Prodr.—H. javanica, Blum. Beitr. F!. Nederl. Ind. p. 125.— Nama zeylanica, Linn. Sp. 327; Fl. Zeyl. 117, p. 49, t. 2.— Steris javana, Linn. Mant. p. 54 et p. 264.—Steris aquatica, Burm. Ind. 73, t. 39. f. 3.—Anagallis zeylanica, Herm. Mus. Zeyl. 36; Burm. Zeyl. 19.— Attalerie, Poir. Enc. Suppl. i.p. 535 ; Pluk. Alm. 22, t. 130, f. 2. —Hydrolea inermis (?), Lour. Coch. i. p. 214; Chois. Descr. Hydrol. ; DC. Prodr.— Steris villosa (?), Pav. MS. in herb. Deless. This species has been described under many synonyms, partly from its structure not having been accurately known (Linnzus having described it both as a Nama and a Steris), partly from the variability of the pubescence on the calyx and flower-stalks. This, however, does not appear to me sufficient ground fur making even well-marked varieties, the specimens graduating from the sepals and pedicels being absolutely glabrous with the exception 276 MR. A. W. BENNETT ON THE GENUS HYDROLEA. of a minute ciliation of the former, to their being densely co- vered with a viscid glandular pubescence. In addition to its evi- dently aquatic habit, marked by the whorls of rootlets from the lower joints of its fistulose stem, sometimes extending to the whole length of its under surface, the species is distinguished by its linear sepals extending one-third beyond the corolla in the bud, and being much longer than the ripe capsules. The small flowers, with the petals reflexed, give the dried specimens a very Solanum- like appearance. There is a characteristic drawing in Wight’s ‘Indian Botany, t. 167. The plant is of very general distribution throughout Tropical Asia and Africa, extending from the Phi- lippine Islands, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, and Burmah, to Ceylon, Tranquibar, Nepaul, and the Punjaub. In Africa it is recorded from Congo, Senegal, the Niger, and Abeokuta. The glabrous form appears especially characteristic of Ceylon ; and the African specimens are marked by the peculiarity of the racemes being much shorter, approaehing in habit an unarmed form of H. qua- drivalvis. I am inclined to include under this species the plant described by Loureiro in his ‘ Flora Cochinchinensis,’ from Can- ton, as H. inermis, and which has been doubtfully retained as & distinet speeies by Choisy in his * Description des Hydroléacées,’ and in the ‘ Prodromus,’ but appears to present no distinctive features. H. zeylanica has hitherto been described as confined to the Old World; but in the Kew Herbarium I find specimens gathered by Purdie “ in moist places, Valle Durpar,” Jamaica, and with white flowers from New Granada, and one from Guiana gathered by Schomburgk which I cannot dissociate from this spe- cies, although the flowers are somewhat smaller and the habit more diffuse. If these specimens are correctly referred, this species 1$ the only one (with the doubtful exception of H. glabra) common to the two hemispheres. . M. H. MmuLTIFLORA, Chois. (Tab. I. fig. 11.) Radix lignosa,fi brosa. Caulis suffruticosus, lignosus, decumbens vel pa- tulus, vix pedem superans, tortuosus, ramosus, inermis, glaber vel mol- lissime puberulus; ramuli numerosi, erecto-patuli, apice glanduloso- villosi. Folia parva, linearia, 4-10 lin. longa, 1-2 lin. lata, glabra, petio- lata, utrinque attenuata, integra. Flores parvi, conferti, in cymas nume- rosas laterales foliosas dispositi, pedunculati ; pedicelli glanduloso- villosi. Sepala linearia, 13-2 lin. longa, acuta, glanduloso-hirsuta, basi vix coalita. Capsula bilocularis, minima, orbicularis, bilinearis, glabra, membranacea. Semina permulta, minutissima, longitudinaliter striata. MR. A. W. BENNETT ON THE GENUS HYDROLEA. 277 Hydrolea multiflora, Mart. MS.; Chois. Deser. Hydrol., DC. Prodr.— H. zeylanica, var. y (?), Chois. Descr. Hydrol.—H. elatior (?), Schott in Spreng. Syst. vol. v. p. 4, app. p. 404.—H. exaltata(?), id. ez Steudel. —Steris villosa, Pav. MS. in herb. Deless. This species was gathered in Brazil by Martius, and is repre- sented in the English and continental herbaria by that botanist’s no. 1248, from Rio and Cujaba. Its apparently decumbent or spreading tortuous stem, linear leaves, small and erowded flowers, the sepals covered with a dense glandular viscid pubescence, and very small membranaceous capsules, distinguish it very clearly. Martius appears to have met with it only after the period of flow- ering, and I have seen no perfect flowers. It is remarkably brittle in the herbarium, and apparently grows in dry sandy places. 12. H. cRAMINIFOLIA, nov. sp. (Tab. I. fig. 12.) Caulis ascendens, erectus, inferne radicans, glaber, teres, striatus, inferne maculate-purpurascens et simplex, superne ramosus, plus minus 4-pe- dalis. Folia linearia, graminiformia, glabra, 3 -4 poll. longa, 2 lin. lata. Flores magni, ezrulei, insignes, in paniculas densas foliosas corymbose dispositi, pedunculati. Sepala ovato-lanceolata, petalis in alabastro breviora, 2-3 lin. longa, ut et pedicellile vissime glanduloso-pube- scentes. Petala azurea, glabra, sepalis duplo longiora. Stamina qualia, basi spathulato-dilatata ; filamenta elongata; antherz dor- sifixee, sagittate, longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Ovarium orbiculare, glabrum. Styli duo, elongati, glabri, persistentes. Stigmata parva, capitata. Capsula parva, bilocularis, globosa, bilinearis, calyce per- sistente subbrevior, stylos persistentes apice gerens. For this and the following new species of Hydrolea, collected by C. Barter, we are indebted to Baikie's Niger Expedition. It is described as growing *in swamps near Jeba, Nupe; 4 feet; lowers intense blue; one of the most beautiful of the swamp plants," which one can well believe, from its large flowers still re- taining their deep blue hue, crowded in dense corymbose heads, its tall erect habit, and long, remarkably elegant grass-like leaves. lam only acquainted with specimens in the Kew Herbarium (no. 888). ! 13. H. MACROSEPALA, nov. sp. (Tab. I. fig. 13.) Caulis ascendens, erectus, inferne radicans, glaber, teres, striatus, inferne simplex, superne ramosus ; ramuli graciles, patuli. Folia linearia, glabra, 2 poll. longa, 3-4 lin.lata. Flores c:erulei, in paniculas laxas dispositi, pedunculati ; pedicelli longi, 3-6-lineares, glabri. Sepala magna, triangularia, subcordata, acuta, 3-4 lin. longa, 3 lin. lata, gla- 278 MR. A. W. BENNETT ON THE GENUS HYDROLEA. berrima, reticulato-venosa. Corolla parva, glabra. Ovarium minu- tum, glabrum. Styli duo, decidui. Capsula bilocularis, parva, glabra, globosa, bilinearis, in calyce persistente inclusa, eoque dimidio brevior. From swamps, Nupe. Though only represented by two speci- mens in the Kew Herbarium, I have no hesitation in describing this as a distinct species from the last. The very large, triangular, conspicuously-veined sepals, completely enclosing the ripe cap- sule, at once serve to distinguish it, combined with the inflores- cence being much laxer, more diffuse, and not corymbose, the flowers smaller on longer pedicels, and the leaves shorter and somewhat broader. The deciduous styles may also possibly furnish another character. To complete this review of the genus Hydrolea, and to facilitate a comparison with the descriptions of those who have worked at it before, I append a list of excluded species and synonyms. H. montevidensis, Chois., DC. Prodr. x. 181, ** Species dubia, ad Monte- video, Sello. Reichelia montevidensis, Spreng. Syst. vol. i. p. 940." The description is exceedingly imperfect; and the two charac- ters of opposite leaves and solitary flowers would seem to remove it altogether from this genus. H. guineensis, Chois., DC. Prodr.; H. multiflora 8. glabra, DC. Prodr. ; H. zeylanica ô. glaberrima, Chois. Descr. Hydrol. =H. glabra, Schum. H. glabra, Chois., DC. Prodr., herb. Brit. Mus. MS.; H. spinosa, var. glabra, Mart. MS. in herb.=H. elegans, nob. I. trigyna, Sw. Cavan.—varietas H. spinosæ, Linn. H. zeylanica y, Chois. Descr. Hydrol. ; H. elatior, Schott (?); H. exaltata, Schott (?).— H. multiflora, Chois. H. inermis, Lour., Chois., DC. Prodr. (?) ; H. javanica, Blum.=H. zey- lanica, Vahl. H. caroliniana, Michz. =H. quadrivalvis, Walt. H. Bartramii, herb. Brit. Mus. MS. (?); H. palustris, Reusch (?).—H. qua- drivalvis, 8. inermis, Walt. H. diffusa, Reusch, capensis; H. verticillata, Raf. ex Steud., americana ; species non satis note vel dubiz. H. urens, R. et Pav. = Wigandia urens, Chois. H. auriculata, Moc. ined. = Wigandia Kunthii, Chois: H. congesta, Willd.; H. radians, Moc. ined.; H. rupincola, Moc. ined. = Nama undulata, H., B. et K. H. crispa, Pav.=Wigandia crispa, H., B. et K. H. decurrens, Moc. ined. ; H. jamaicensis, Reusch. = Nama jamaicensis, Linn. : H. dichotoma, Pav.= Nama dichotoma, Chois. MR. D. HANBURY ON A SPECIES OF IPOM(EA. 279 H. mollis, Willd. = Wigandia caracasana, H., B. et K. H. scorpioides, Moc. ined. — Wigandia scorpioides, Chois. H. tenella, Moc. ined. = Nama origanifolia, H., B. et K. H. violacea, Moc. ined. = Nama longiflora. Chois. EXPLICATIO TABULÆ I. Fig. 1. Hydrolea spinosa (Linn.). Ovarium et styli. . n » Sepala, capsula et styli (var. ¢rigyna). *» > » Corolla et stamina. 4 » » Semen. 5. , elegans (nob.). Sepala, capsula, et styli. 6. » » Semen. 7 » nigricaulis, Griseb. Sepala et capsula. 8. . , glabra(Schum.). Sepala et capsula. 9. » zeylanica (Vahl). Sepala et alabastrum (forma glabrior). 10. » " Sepala, capsula et styli (forma glandulosior). 11. , multiflora (Chois.). Sepala et capsula. 12. + graminifolia (nob.). Sepala et alabastrum. 13. » macrosepala (nob.). Sepala circa fructum persistentia. On a Species of Ipomæá, affording Tampico Jalap. By Dayret HaxsUny, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S. (Plate II.) [Read December 16, 1869.] Two centuries and a half have elapsed since Jalap, the tubercule of a convolvulaceous plant of Mexico, was introduced into the Materia Medica of Europe. The botanical origin of the drug long remained unsettled, evidence of which exists in the fact that two plants, neither of which yields jalap, have in succession received, and still retain, the specific name Jalapa. The veritable source of jalap, however, was brought to light between the years 1827 and 1830, in which latter the plant was described by Wenderoth as Convolvulus Purga. In 1883 it was figured by Hayne under the name of Ipomea Purga; but in 1889 it was transferred, on account of its tubular corolla and exsert stamens, to Choisy’s genus Eso- gonium. As this genus has been recently united to Ipomæa by Dr. Meisner, it appears best to return to the name proposed by Hayne, and to call the true jalap-plant Zpomea Purga. The unsettled condition of Mexico, and the fluctuations of com- merce, have alternately depreciated or enhanced the value of jalap, aud have led to the occasional importation of other roots possess- ing more or less of the characters of the true drug. Of such kinds 280 MR. D. HANBURY ON A SPECIES OF IPOMŒA. of jalap, one of the most remarkable is a tubercule imported a few years ago for the first time from Tampico, and thence called Tam- pico Jalap*. This drug has been extensively brought into the market (that is to say, by hundreds of bales); and though it is less rich in resin and less purgative than true jalap, yet, on account of its lower price, it has found a ready sale, chiefly in continental trade. — As the botanical origin of this so-called Tampico Jalap, and even its place of growth, were completely unknown, I addressed a letter, in November 1867, to my friend Hugo Finck, Esq., Prussian Vice- Consul at Cordova (Mexico), begging that he would, if possible, procure for me some information on the subject. Mr. Finck at first expressed strong doubts as to Tampico jalap being any thing else than the root of Batatas Jalapa, Chois., known in Mexico as Purga macho. Upon inquiry, however, he ascertained that such could not be the case, but that it is a production of the State of Guanajuato, where it grows along the Sierra Gorda, in the neigh- bourhood of San Luis dela Paz. At this town and in the adjacent villages, it is purchased of the Indians and carried by the muleteers to Tampico, where it is known as Purga de Sierra Gorda. All attempts to procure specimens of the plant were for some time fruitless, chiefly owing to the difficulty of finding any one in the district who could be induced to take the needful trouble. The perseverance of Mr. Finck and his friend Mr. E. Benecke, Consul General for Prussia in the city of Mexico, overcame at length this obstacle, but only to meet with others hardly less em- barrassing. The first lot of specimens dispatched from Guanajuato was stolen from the mail; the second shared the same fate ; while a third, which included live tubercules, was, by successive detentions on the way, fully five months in reaching England. The box, nowever, came to hand in June last; and amid a mass of damp earth and decaying matter, I had the satisfaction of discovering one solitary tubercule exhibiting signs of vitality. This, placed in a greenhouse and carefully nursed, soon began to grow with rapidity, and, on removal to an open border, produced a tall and vigorous plant, which towards September showed signs of flower- ing. It was then taken up and replaced in the greenhouse, where it blossomed freely in October last, but did not mature any seeds. Accompanying the tubercules, but of course in a separate box, * I cannot, at least, trace this jalap to have been offered in commerce as à di- stinct sort earlier than about five or six years ago. MR. D. HANBURY ON A SPECIES OF IPOM(EA. 281 my correspondent sent some pressed and dried specimens from Guanajuato, which corresponded perfectly with the growing plant. Having ascertained, from the study of these materials, that the plant belonged to the genus Zpomea, I endeavoured to identify it with some species described in the ‘ Prodromus’ of De Candolle, or in the subsequently published ‘ Annales’ of Walpers, but without success. Neither was I able to find any corresponding specimen in the herbaria of the British Museum or of the Royal Gardens of Kew. Inthe Paris Museum there is a plant, collected by Galeotti on the lofty Cordillera near Oaxaca, which, so far as a scanty specimen enables me to judge, accords precisely with that received from Mr. Finck. It bears a number which is not mentioned in the enumeration, by Martens, of Galeotti’s Convolvulacee (con- tained in the ‘ Bulletin de l’ Académie Royale de Bruxelles’ *); and I therefore conclude that it is unnamed. ` Under these circum- stances, I have drawn up the following diagnosis and description of the plant, which I propose to call Ipomæa simulans. The spe- cific name is chosen in allusion to the remarkable similarity which the plant bears in foliage and habit to the true jalap (Ipomea Purga, Hayne), not to mention the resemblance of its tubercules. The funnel-shaped corolla and pendent flower-buds of the Tampico jalap-plant are quite unlike the corresponding parts of T. Purga, and furnish a ready means of distinguishing the two species :— IpoM@a SIMULANS, sp. nov. Radice tuberosá, caule volubili herbaceo glabro, foliis ovatis, acuminatis, cordatis v. sagittatis, indivisis, pedun- culis unifloris solitariis, sepalis parvis. Hab. in Andibus Mexicanis Sierra Gorda dictis, prov. Guanajuato (fide cl. Finck); in regione frigidá ad ped. 8000 propé Oaxaca (H. Gale- otti, no. 1369 !). Radiz napiformis v. subglobosa v. elongata, carnosa, 2-3 poll. longa, basi fibrillosa. Caules herbacei, graciles. Folia glaberrima, 2-4-pol- licaria, 1-2 poll. lata, lobis baseos acutis v. rotundatis v. subtruncatis, petiolo tenui, 11-21-pollicari. Pedunculi axillares, petiolum subæ- quantes, penduli, uniflori v. in plantá vegetiore novelli alabrastra duo ferentes, altero semper (ut videtur) abortivo. Pedicelli incrassati, basi bracteis 2 minutis. Sepala ovata, obtusa, exteriora paullulum breviora. Corolla infundibuliformis, 11-2 poll. longa, glabra, rosea, pallidé striata. Stigma bilobum. Capsula calycem superans, conica, 2-locu- laris, valvis 4 coriaceis. Semina glabra. Tas. IT. fig. 1, Calyx and pistil; 2, Ovary ; 3, Mature capsule : all magnified, * Tome xii. pt. 2 (1845), p. 257. 282 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. A Revision of the Flora of Iceland. By CHARLES CARDALE BasrxarON, M.A., F.R. & LSS., Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. [Read January 20, 1870.] Tux following paper relates to the Phanerogamic flora of the large island of Iceland, which is situated in the Northern Ocean, at about 600 miles to the west of Norway, about as far to the north of Seotland, and not more than 60 miles from the ice-bound coast of Greenland. In size it is somewhat larger than Ireland, containing about 40,000 square miles. One of its two northern capes extends slightly to the north of the Arctic Circle; and the other very nearly approaches that latitude. The extreme length from east to west is about 180 miles, and breadth from north to south somewhat more than 100 miles. It is wholly of volcanic struc- ture; and the surface consists of beds of ancient and modern lava, basaltic rock, very extensive morasses, numerous lakes, and large tracts consisting of volcanic sand. Much also of the country is occupied by mountains, many of which rise to the height of 6000 feet, and are covered through fully their upper half with perpetual ice and snow, from whence extensive glaciers descend almost to the level of the sea. Notwithstanding its northern situation, the climate of the country is rendered com- paratively mild by the action of the Gulf Stream, which washes the coast, and often, as I am informed by Prof. A. Newton, deposits West-Indian productions on the western shore. The presence of this warm current also causes the rain-fall to be very great, and the summer sky to be often covered with clouds. There is therefore a deficiency of that direct sunlight which is required by many plants for their perfect development; and its absence is probably the cause of no forests like those of Norway existing now, or apparently at any previous date—also of the climate being unfit for the growth of grain and of most of the products of gardens, which are found even in Norway. It seems probable that at an early period, even since the island was settled by the Northmen in a.p. 874, there were many more trees than are now to be found; but of this there is no certainty, and it may be considered quite certain that no forests of Pine-trees ever existed. What the inhabitants call “ forests’? may now be found—the wood at Thingvellir for instance; but they are only tracts covered with low bushes of PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 283 Birch and Willow, about 10 or, possibly, 12 feet in height. The remains of Birch-trees (B. glutinosa, Fr.), which are said to have been 12 feet or more in height, and had trunks at least 2 feet in thickness, are to be found in several places. "They formed woods extending for several miles along the valleys where they grew. (See Betula glutinosa in the following Flora.) My friend Mr. E. Magnüsson, a native of the eastern part of Iceland, informs me that these valuable woods, which were destroyed by the carelessness of the inhabitants, are likely to be restored by natural growth now that attention is paid to them. The chief product of the country is hay, without which the horses, cows, and sheep could not be kept alive in the winter ; the extensive boggy meadows produce excellent hay, although the still more extensive bogs are unproductive. Arterial drainage would, I believe, have the effect of much ex- tending the available pasture-land, and thus adding to the pros- perity of the country, which depends so much upon the live stock which can be kept through the winter. Owing to the presence of an enormous mass of icy mountains (Jokuls) near the south coast, the northern parts of Iceland are the more productive portions of the island. I am informed that there large crops of excellent potatos are raised, more hay is made, and there is more garden-culture than exists in the neigh- bourhood of Reykjavik and in other south-western districts. The vegetation is essentially European; only 62 species are found which do not form part of the British flora. Of these a list is given, pointing out the other countries in which they grow. Nearly all the species inhabit Scandinavia; and not more than three are decidedly arctic, viz. Gentiana detonsa, Pleurogyne rotata, and Epilobium latifolium. This want of truly Arctic spe- cies may be partly caused by the Gulf Stream diverting the Arctic current from the Icelandic shores. It might perhaps be supposed that the flora of Iceland had received so much attention during the last hundred years that no further research was wanted, and no additional publication concerning it desirable. But, my attention having been directed to the subject by becoming possessed of a considerable number of Icelandic plants, I have found that much doubt still exists as to the presence in the island, or absence from it, of many species. The most recently published lists of the flora are not more, even 284 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. if quite as, satisfactory as the older ones. It therefore seems desirable to draw up a revised list, derived from all the sources of information now easily accessible. Fortunately I have been able to examine nearly all the books (some of them very rare) which treat of the flora of Iceland either expressly or inci- dentally—a greater number, apparently, than was accessible to any former compiler. Unfortunately, very few of the systematic lists take any notice of the localities of the plants they enumerate. This is the case with the only separate Flora of Iceland (Hjaltalin’s ‘Islenzk Grasafredi’). I have therefore collected together as many localities as possible, and in every case marked (!) those of them whence I have seen specimens, except where my own au- thority is given. The following is as complete an account of the authorities upon which the Flora depends as I have been able to prepare. It is true that Dr. Lauder Lindsay gives a longer list of writers, with many of whose works he is unacquainted; but in a few cases the titles of the books are repetitions, and in others the works seem to be of little value or consequence. He also enu- merates such books as Ida Pfeiffer’s ‘ Journal’ and Henderson's * Journal, in which there are a few incidental notices of plants. One book, Palson's * Grasafredi, written about 1800, may be valuable, as is the opinion of Dr. Lindsay; but neither he nor I have been able to find a copy of it in accessible libraries. The “List of Icelandic Plants, with their Linnean names," by Olaf Olafsen, contained in the ‘Transactions’ of the first Literary Society of Iceland (Rit pesz Islenska Laerdéms, i. 1-10), is simply a list of Linneean and Icelandic names of plants; in vol. viii. (pp. 193-212) of the same series is ^ A Paper on the Grasses and Grass-like Plants,” by the same author; the List was published in 1781, the Paper in 1788. Müller published the first Flora of Iceland in the * Nova Acta Acad. C. L. C. Nat. Curiosorum’ (vol. iv. pp. 203-215), in the year 1770. It is not the result of his own researches, but de- rived from the manuscripts of J. G. Kénig, M.D., who collected the plants enumerated in the years 1764 and 1765, but was pre- vented from publishing the list by his departure for India, where he settled as a medical practitioner at Tranquebar. It is entitled * Enumeratio stirpium in Islandia sponte crescentium." It is sometimes quoted as Müller's, but more correctly as Kénig’s Flora. This is the foundation of the Flora of Iceland. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND, 285 The next list is founded upon that of Kénig. It is the “ Flora Islandica ” of Johan Zoega, which first appeared in * Olafsen og Povelsen Reise igienem Island” (Soroe, 1772), and in the Ger- man translation entitled ‘Olaf. und Povel. Reise durch Island ’ (Copenhagen 1775), also, without the synonyms and the few de- scriptions, in ‘Troil’s Bref om Island.’ It contains much. new matter. The Danish original does not differ materially from the German translation, except by being more carefully printed and containing one species of plant (Angelica sylvestris) which was ac- cidentally omitted in the latter. There is also a French transla- lation of this work, or rather a book intended to convey the sub- stance of the contents of the original: the part relating to the reformation in religion is omitted; and it does not contain Zoega's Flora. "There is also a very much abridged translation into English in ‘A Collection of modern and contemporary Voyages and Travels,’ vol. ii. (London, 1805), which I have not seen, and concerning which I have no information. In the same year (1772) Dr. Dan. Solander accompanied Sir Joseph Banks to Iceland, where he collected plants. A consi- derable number of these specimens are preserved in the British Museum, perhaps all of them. He made a catalogue of the plants observed in Iceland by the party, and in many cases noted their localities. This catalogue is kept in the botanical department of the British Museum, and is entitled ‘Flora Islandica;’ it seems to contain the names of some plants not gathered during the jour- ney of Sir J. Banks, but derived from the Floras of König and Zoega. It is a very valuable list. The Journal of Sir J. Banks’s travels has not been published, and is inaccessible. N. Mohr's * Forsog til in Islandsk Naturhistorie’ (Copenhagen, 1786) contains a complete list of the plants known to grow there ` atthe time of its publication. It appears to be chiefly the re- sult of his own researches. Hooker's well-known * List," appended to Mackenzie's * Tra- vels in Iceland’ and to his own * Tour in Iceland,’ was published in 1811. It is chiefly derived from the old catalogues, but con- tains a few interesting additions made by himself. Some of the latter may admit of doubt, being recorded from memory alone; for his collections were destroyed by fire. Drs. Thienemann and Günther travelled through the north- eastern part and along the east and south coasts in 1820-21. They notice many of the plants observed on their route, and LINN. PROC.— BOTANY, YOL. XI. x 286 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. especially record that they saw the rose-bushes at Seljaland. The book is entitled ‘ Reise im Norden Europas, vorzüglich in Island,’ and was published at Leipzig in 1827. It does not contain a re- gular catalogue of the plants, but occasional notices ; neither is there any index. F. Gliemann's * Geographische Beschreibung von Island,’ pub- lished at Altona in 1824, is the next book which contains a cata- logue of the plants. It is the fullest list that we possess, if num- ber of names is to be the criterion ; but the many repetitions and mistakes in it show that it is not deserving of much confidence. If drawn up by a botanist, it was very carelessly done, and with the intention of swelling the list to the utmost. Mörck, who tra- velled in Iceland in 1820, is constantly quoted as an authority for plants by Gliemann. Prof. Joh. Lange has sent me the names of a considerable number of specimens collected by Mörck, which are preserved in the Herb. Hornemann at Copenhagen. Hjaltalin's *Islenzk Grasafraedi,’ published at Copenhagen in 1830, next occurs, It is a very rare book; but a copy will be found in the British Museum. It is written in the Icelandic language, and contains a complete Flora of Iceland and an intro- duction to botany. It gives short descriptions of the plants, re- marks upon their uses, but apparently no exact localities. In it the plants are arranged according to the Linnean system ; Ice- landie names stand first, and after them the scientific names. The Icelandic names are manifestly often only translations of the Latin names, not vernacular terms; nevertheless many of the true native names are also given. This book is a most admirable contribution to our knowledge of the flora of the island, and seems to be the result of much care and study. Between the years 1835 and 1840 MM. Vahl and Robert drew up and published an account of the plants obtained during the voyage of the French ship ‘La Recherche. The list was made by Vahl, and is entitled ‘Liste des plantes que l'on suppose exister en sande.’ The author marks those plants which he knew to grow there, and adds many others of doubtful nativity—many of them very doubtful indeed, as it appears to me. My short list of the plants actually gathered by myself in 1846 was publisked in the ‘ Annals of Natural History ’ for 1847 (ser. i. vol. xx. p. 30) and Trans. of Bot. Soc. Edin. (vol. iii. p. 15). In 1860 M. Benguerel observed a considerable number of plants in Iceland, He has published a list of them in the ‘ Bull. de la PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 287 Soc. des Se. Nat. de Neuchatel’ (vol. v. p. 449). He was chiefly occupied with the study of ornithology, and I fear that but little confidence can be placed in his list of plants. In 1861 Dr. W. Lauder Lindsay drew up his “Flora of Ice- land,” and published it in the‘ Edinb. New Philos. Journal’ of that year. He did not gather many phanerogamous plants, on account of his attention being chiefly devoted to the cryptogamic products of the island, and has founded his list of the former upon the works of his predecessors. Unfortunately he omitted to mark the plants resting upon his own authority, but bas most kindly presented all his specimens to my herbarium; and their localities are recorded in my list. At almost exactly the same time MM. Preyer and Zirkel printed a list of plants in their ‘ Reise nach Island.’ They in- clude a great many of Vahl’s “possible” plants, and do not inform us of their authority for doing so, but seem, in some cases, to have followed Lindsay’s list, of which they had a copy at the time when their book was being printed. They also give a catalogue of useful and ornamental plants noticed by them in their rather extended tour from Reykjavik to the Geysirs, the river Thjorsa near Hekla, Myvatn, and through the northern districts to Hrutafjord, and back by Kalmannstunga to Reykjavik. In the summer of 1861, Mr. E. T. Holland made a very long tour round the southern, eastern, and much of the northern coasts. Of this an account will be found in the ‘ Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers’ of the Alpine Club (ser. 2, ed. Kennedy). To that ` account I appended a catalogue of the plants gathered by him. He does not profess to be a botanist, but made his valuable col- lection at my request. In the same summer of 1861, Mr. Isaac Carroll, a well- known botanist, resident at Cork, visited part of the north coast about Akreyri and also the Geysirs. He kindly submitted his plants to my examination; and the result is incorporated in this catalogue. In August, 1862, Dr. A. Leared visited Iceland and obtained Some plants. He is not a botanist, but picked up such speci- mens as attracted his attention in the south-western part of the country. He also allowed me to catalogue his plants, and to incorporate the information derived from them with that which I already possessed. He obtained a few specimens from two x 2 288 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. young Icelandic botanists, MM. Gisleason and Gudmundson the names of which I have incorporated in the list. The only plant added to the flora by Dr. Leared is Blechnum boreale. Dr. Leared usually did not take note of the exact place where his specimens were gathered; and I have therefore in this, as in some other cases, been obliged to insert the plants as simply from Iceland. As such they and some few other specimens which I have seen, are proofs of the plants growing in Iceland, and thus are of considerable value, although of less than they might have been if a note of their localities had been made. Mr. A. J. Symington gathered a few plants between Reyk- javik and the Geysirs, and also obtained some from the north- east coast, especially near Seythisfjord. Unfortunately he got very few from the latter place, where no plants seem to have been previously gathered. The Rev. S. Baring-Gould made a long tour through the northern parts of Iceland in 1862. Botany was not his object, and he unfortunately lost most of the plants which he collected. He appended to his book upon Iceland a list of phanerogamous plants and ferns: with the exception of the names of the plants gathered by himself, it is avowedly a compilation from preceding authors, and includes all the errors introduced by them. Recently my valued friend Prof. Joh. Lange, of Copen- hagen, has extracted for me, from the herbaria preserved in that city, the names of the Icelandic plants and the localities of all those that are exactly localized in the island. They consist of the plants of Mörck, now in Hornemann's herbarium, those of the celebrated Prof. Steenstrup, collected in 1840 and 1841, and those of Dr. Krabbe, gathered in 1863. I take this opportunity of publicly thanking him for the very great trouble that he has taken to assist me in making my catalogue as complete as possible. In the catalogue, the capital letter placed in the same line as the scientific name of the plant is the initial of the author by whom the species was first recorded as a native of Iceland. The initial letter of the name of the authority for each locality is appended to it, in order to save the space which would have been oceupied by giving the name at full length. The following are the contractions employed :— PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 289 Alphabetical List of Authorities and the Contractions under which they are quoted, and their Dates. Babington, 1848. Ld. Leared, 1862. Benguerel, 1860. M. Mohr, 1786, Baring-Gould, 1863. Mk. Morck. Carroll, 1861. P. & Z. Preyer and Zirkel, 1861. Gliemann, 1824. S. Solander, 1772. Hooker, 1811. St. Steenstrup, 1840-41. Holland, 1862. Sy. Symington, 1863. Hjaltalin, 1830. T. & G. Thienemann and Günther, Konig and Müller, 1770. 1827. Krabbe. V. Vahl, 1840. Lindsay, 1861. Z. Zoega, 1772. List of Icelandic Plants not natives of Britain. Ranunculus glacialis. Alpine and Scandinavian. R. nivalis. Scandinavian and Arctic. E. lapponicus. Scandinavian and Arctic. R. hyperboreus. Scandinavian and Arctic. R. pygmeus. | Scandinavian and Arctic. R. polyanthemos. European. Papaver alpinum. Europæan. Arabis alpina. Alpine and Scandinavian. Cardamine bellidifolia. Scandinavian. Erysimum alpinum. Scandinavian. Draba muralis. Alpine and Scandinavian. D. hirta. Scandinavian. D. nivalis. Scandinavian. Arenaria arctica. Arctic and Alpine. Stellaria crassifolia. European. S. borealis. Scandinavian. Epilobium latifolium. | Arctic. Sedum villosum. Europzan. S. annuum. European. Bulliardia aquatica, European. Saxifraga Cotyledon. Alpine and Scandinavian. S. Aizoon. Alpine and Scandinavian. S. petrea. South-east of Europe. Crepis premorsa. European. Hieracium floribundum. European. H. Auricula. European. 290 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. Andromeda hypnoides. Scandinavian. Rhododendron lapponicum. Arctic and Lapland. Ledum palustre. European and Arctic. Gentiana detonsa. Arctic. G. involucrata. Arctic and Lapland. G. tenella. Arctic and Lapland. Pleurogyne rotata. Arctic. Diapensia lapponica. Arctic and Lapland. Myosotis stricta. Europæan. Pedicularis Œderi. Scandinavian. Primula stricta. Scandinavian. Atriplex hortensis. Scandinavian. Kenigia islandica. Arctic and Lapland. Betula intermedia. European. Salix myrtilloides. Arctic and Lapland. S. ovata. European. S. arctica. Arctic. S. pyrenaica, var. Arctic. Orchis cruenta. Arctic and Lapland. Platanthera hyperborea. Arctic. Nigritella nigra. European. Juncus alpinus. European. Luzula confusa. ? Eriophorum Scheuchzeri. Scandinavian. Carex capitata. European. C. norvegica. Scandinavian. C. cryptocarpa. Arctic and Lapland. C. hyperborea. Arctic and Lapland. C. anguillata. Arctic and Lapland. C. pedata. Scandinavian. C. fuliginosa. European. Calamagrostis varia. —— ? Agrostis rubra. Arctic and Lapland. Aira atropurpurea. Scandinavian. Trisetum subspicatum. European. Lycopodium complanatum. European. I trust that*excuse will be made for any mistake in the spelling of the names of places mentioned in this Flora. It is caused by the great difficulty that in many cases exists in discovering the correct mode of spelling them, PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 291 FLORA OF ICELAND. 1. THALICTRUM ALPINUM, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, S.! Vatusdalr, Skjalfanda, B.G. Oefjord, M. Akreyri Hd. Seythisfjord, Sy. Kiebleviig, Z. Myvatn, T. & G. 2. RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, in a pool of fresh water at about a mile to the west of the town, B. Vatusdalr, B. G. Seythisfjord, Sy. Esia, Mk. I have not seen Baring-Gould's plant. Mine is very much like R. confervoides (Fr.) ; but that plant has smaller flowers and smoother and blunter carpels, which want the persistent base of the style that is found on my plant. Prof. Lange refers the specimens gathered by Mörck and Krabbe to the R. Drouetit (Schultz), which differs from my plant by its greener leaves, capsules inflated at the end, and much shorter uniformly thick peduncles. My plant may be characterized as follows :— R. folis omnibus submersis petiolatis repetite trichotomis, petalis ob- ovato-oblongis 5-7-venosis calyce longioribus, staminibus ovariorum capitula excedentibus, carpellis 3-obovatis apice obtuso compresso sublateraliter apiculato. Folia eburneo-viridia. Stipula longe ad- nata vix auriculata. Alabaster oblongus. 3. R. uEDERACEUS, Linn.—K. Vithimyri, B. G. 4. R. craciALIS, Linn.—K. Mountains above Akreyri, C.! Mountain between Stadarhraun and Holbeinstadr, Sir J. Mackenzie, H. Zrekyllis Heidi and Reykjar- fjord, G. Near Holmar by Reydarfjord, and at Lonsheidi near Stafafell, T.§ G. Blaakulla and Thorgelshorne, M. Thorisengis- mule, S. Hnausir in Hunavatn Syssel, K. Robert found it near the top of Stafsheithi, near Holmar, in beautiful flower on the 25th of July, when the temperature of the air was below, but of the soil rather above, the freezing-point. 5. R. nEPTANS, Linn.—K. Lagarfljot, G. In the tun at Thingvellir, B. G.! Reykjavik and Seythisfjord, Sy. Reykholt, St. Baring-Gould records R. Flammula; but his specimens and written information showed that he really gathered R. reptans. The authority which he followed considered them to be forms of one species. Apparently that idea has arisen from small states of R. Flammula being mistaken for the R. reptans. The plants Seem to be abundantly distinct. Good figures of R. reptans 292 PROF. C; C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. will be found in the titlepage of Sibthorp’s ‘ Flora Scotica,’ in Sturm's * Deutschlands Flora’ (82-84), and Syme’s ‘ English Bo- tany’ (tab. 30). 6. R. NivALIS, Linn.—K. Esia near Reykjavik, Mk. Henderson quotes from Svend Paulsen's MS. that that bo- tanist had found this species at the edge of the perpetual snow on the ascent of Oraefa Jokul from Quisker [Kvisker] at the eastern side of the mountain. As Paulsen was an excellent bo- tanist, it is probable that he found the true plant. He adds that itis very rarely to be met with on the southern Alps of Iceland. Mohr states that it grows by the way from Trekyllisheidi to Reykefjord. 7. R. LAPPONICUS, Linn.—K. By Ness, Z. Between Haukadal church and Laugafjall, in the mo- rass, abundantly, H. Gliemann suspected that what Hooker found was the A. pygmeus (Wahl.), but apparently without much reason. T.& G. say that R. montanus grows at Eydar on the Lagarfljot. Did they find R. lapponicus or R. nivalis ? 8. R. HyPERBOREUS, Rottb.—K. Reykjavik (with R. aquatilis), B. Bessested, (Erebak, Hofsaa, Adner See, Z. Hrutefjord, G. Hafnarfjord, S.! Myvatn, T. & G. Reyk- holar, Hredavatn, Olafrdal, Hollafjordsheidi, S. This is the R. Ammannii (Kön.) of Fl. Dan. t. 331. 9. R. pyemaus, Sol.—P. & Z. On the mountains above Akreyri, at an elevation of about 3000 feet, C. Holar, B.G. Skagafjord, Sy. 10. R. acris, Linn.—K. R. sylvaticus, Fr. (not Thuill). R. Friesianus (Jord.). Reykjavik, Reinevallahals, B. Geysirs, C.! Between Reyniveller and Holker, Hd. Hafuarfjord, S.! Seidisfjord, Sy. ! Skagafjord, Sy. Hredavatn, St. ll. R. PoLyANTHEMOS, Linn.—G. Eydar on the Lagarfljot, T. & G. 12. R. REPENS, Linn.—K. Geysirs, B. Reykjavik, Mk. Eydar on the Lagarfljot, T. § G. 13. CALTHA PALUSTRIS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik and Thingvellir, B.! Seidisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 293 . This is apparently a common plant in Iceland, but has not been found in Greenland or Spitzbergen. [Berberis vulgaris, Linn., is recorded by G., but is not likely to be a native.] 14. PAPAVER ALPINUM, Linn.—K. Jokaldalr near Stafafell, and near Leera by Borgarfjord, Hd.! Ak- reyri, C. ! Garpsdal, Thorisengismule, and Breidabolstad, St. Stranda Syssel, G. Kollafjord, M. Hrutafjord, B.G. Near Holmar on Reydarfjord, T. § G. Preyer and Zirkel also record P. alpinum (Linn.), which is probably not distinct from P. nudicaule. Mohr and also Glie- mann give P. radiatum, which is another synonym of P. nudi- caule. Solander mentions doubtfully P. dubium on the autho- rity of Paulsen’s Herbarium. [Nasturtium officinale (R. Br.) is in Lindsay’s ‘ Flora,’ but in no other list. I much doubt its correctness. ] 15. Nasturtium PALUSTRE, DC.—K. Sisymbrium islandicum, F}. Dan. 409. S. terrestre, Hooker. S. palustre, var. islandicum, Hj. S. sylvestre, Mohr. By hot springs and in wet places about Krafie and Myvatn, Z. and also G. : Dr. Lindsay places the NW. amphibium (R. Br.) as a synonym of this species, and P.&Z. follow bim. There must be some mistake or misprint. Hjaltalin has N. amphibium, var. terrestre, which may be the W. amphibiwm, but is more probably the pre- sent plant. 16. ARABIS ALPINA, Linn.—K. Reinevallahals, B. Above Eyjafjord, C.! Sweinascaur, H. Siglu- fjord, T. & G. Thingvellir and Esia, St. Oxnedalrheidi, Kr. Ska- gafjord, Sy. ! Brassica alpina, which is not different from this plant, is also recorded by Gliemann. [Sinapis arvensis is considered a native by Gliemann.] 17. A. PETRÆA, Linn.—K. Cardamine faeroensis (G.). C. petrza (G.). - Reykjavik, B. Eyjafjord, C.! Hafnarfjord, L.! Geysirs, Hd. Vi- thivik in Skagafjord, B. G. Sletta, St. Seythisfjord, Sy. B. hispida is occasionally found, Mk. : 294 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 18. CARDAMINE BELLIDIFOLIA, Linn.—K. There is a specimen from Iceland, but without any exact locality, in the herbarium at Copenhagen, which was gathered by Steenstrup. The Erysimum alpinum of H., P. & Z., and L., is probably the same plant. 19. C. HIRSUTA, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. This is the true C. hirsuta. I have not seen a specimen of C. sylvatica from Iceland; but Dr. Lindsay includes it in his * Flora.’ C. intermedia (Horn.) is C. hirsuta, which is probably the plant intended by Vahl, although he also enumerates C. hirsuta separately ; Gliemann does the same. 20. C. PRATENSIS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Raud-nef-stadr and Volafell, Hd. Hafnarfjord, S. Sey- thisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy. ! 21. ERYSIMUM ALPINUM, Wahl.—St. E. hieracifolium, var., Lange. Stadarfell, St. 22. CocHLEARIA OFFICINALIS, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. It was gathered in Iceland by Ld.! 23. C. ANGLICA, Linn.—G. Videy, Breidabolstad, Reykjavik, Gronehlind, Gorpsdal, St. Grafaros, near Skagafjord, Kr. Near Kinnestadir, and between that place and Grimstadir, T. & G. Skagafjord, Sy. ! 24. C. DANICA, Linn.—S. There is a specimen in Solander's collection ! 25. ERoPHILA VULGARIS, DC.—K. Reykjavik, B. Akreyri, C.! Stadarfell, St. 26. DRABA MURALIS, Linn.—K. I know of no exact locality for this. It is included in the lists of K., Z., S., M., H., G., V. doubtfully, P. & Z., and L., but is, omitted by Hjaltalin, and may therefore admit of doubt. [D. aizoides (Linn.) is included in the list of P. & Z.] 27. D. incana, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Scalholt, H. Eyrarbakki, Ld.! Modrudalr, Hd. Ak- reyri, C. Lava near Hafnarfjord, L.! Kalfstundr, B. G.! Sey- thisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy.! Stiggesholm, Stadarfell, Thingvellir, Bessestad, Briam’s-loek, Grapsdal, St. Arnes-Syssel, on roofs, Mk. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 295 There are two forms of this plant in Iceland, (1) D. contorta (Ehrh.), and (2) D. confusa (Ehrh.) They seem to form one species, although several distinguished botanists have separated them. The latter, now considered the type of the Linnean spe- cies, is, I presume, the var. stricta of Lindsay's ‘ Flora.’ 28. D. RUPESTRIS, R. Br.—B. Reinevallahals, B. Near Akreyri and Thingvellir, C. Staderstad, Mk. This is certainly the D. rupestris of Fries, and apparently that of R. Brown. It is the D. hirta and oblongata of Vahl, and D. hirta (3. alpicola of Wahlenberg. The D. hirta of the Arctic flora seems to be quite distinct from it. 29. D. HIRTA, Linn.—M. Common, according to Mörck. Reykjavik, Alafsdal, &c., St. It is not included in many of the lists; for Mohr, Gliemann, Hjaltalin, and the manuscript lists of Mörck and Steenstrup alone contain it. 30. D. nivauis, Liljebl.—G. Gliemann, Preyer and Zirkel, and Lindsay record it, but give no localities. D. muricella (Wahl.) is the same plant. Gliemann has D. alpina also; and it is included in Horne- mann’s manuscripts, as I learn from Prof. Lange. 31. CAPSELLA Bunsa-PasTonrs, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Berufjord aud Modrudalr, Hd. Hafnarfjord, S.! Sey- thisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy. Reykholar, St. 32. TEESDALIA NUDICAULIS, R. Br.—S. There is a specimen of this plant, without any locality, amongst Solander’s Icelandic plants preserved in the British Museum. He called it Zberis nudicaulis. He saw it in Paulsen’s herbarium, and very probably obtained the specimen from that botanist. 33. LEPIDIUM CAMPESTRE, R. Br.—K. : This is found in Kénig’s and all the succeeding lists; but no localities are recorded. 34. SUBULARIA AQUATICA, Linn.—M. Vapnafjord, M. Arnardragur, St. 35. CAKILE MARITIMA, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfiord, S. Reykjafjord, G. Effersoe near Reyk- javik, Kr.! Seythisfjord, Sy. 296 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 36. VionA PALUSTRIS, Linn.—K. Reinevalla hals, B. Vatnsdal, B. G. Eyafjord, T. 4 G. Reykjavik, Mk. Olafsdal, St. 37. V. CANINA, Linn., Fr.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, S.! Hafnarfjordheidi, L.! Ina coppice by Tintron or Stelpahellir between Hrafnagja and Laugarvatn, S. Vi- thidal, B. G. Stikkisholm, Robert. Seythisfjord and Shagafjord, Sy. Blaakulle, Mk. Snaefellstrand, Olafsdal, St. B. MONTANA. Bredarshraun, Mk. 38. V. sYLVATICA, Fr.—St. Krisuvik, St. 39. V. TRICOLOR, Linn.—K. Akreyri, C.! and Hd.! Hof in Vatnsdal, B. G.! Stykkisholm, Sey- thisfjord, and Skagafjord, Sy.! Stadarfell, Garpsdal, St. Oefjord, Kr. The specimens which I have seen closely resemble the usual garden plant, which is considered the type of the species. 40. PARNASSIA PALUSTRIS, Linn.—K. Geysirs, B. Akreyri, C.! Between Reynivellir and Holtar, Hd. Havna- fjord and Granfell, S. ! Reykjahlith, Arnarvatn, and Myvatn, B. G.! Seythisfjord, Shagafjord, and Reykjavik, Sy.! Siglufjord and Eydar by the Lagarfljot, T. & G. 41. DROSERA LONGIFOLIA, Linn.—K, I have not seen a specimen. It is probably the D. anglica, Huds. 42. D. ROTUNDIFOLIA, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. Arnarvatn, B. G.! 43. SILENE MARITIMA, With.—K. Reykjavik, B. By the river near Valpjofstadr, and near Torfa Jokull, Hd. Hafnarfjord, Molar, and Granfell, S. Mithfjord, B. G.! Sta- darfell, St.! CErebakka, Kr. Skagafjord, Sy. ! Dr. Lindsay, Preyer and Zirkel, Hjaltalin and Gliemann in- clude S. inflata in their catalogues. I have not seen it from Ice- land, and suspect that they have been misled by Zoega and Ko- nig calling our present plant Cucubalus Behen. Benguerel enu- merates both species. 44. S. AcaAULIS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik and Reinevallahals, B.! In a wood by Bolar Fjord, H. Rand- nefstadr, at foot of Orefa Jokull and near Myvatn, Hd! Hafnarfjord, and Granfell,$.! — Seythisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy.! Siglufjord and Eyafjord, Myvatn, and Kinnoestadr, T. & G. Krisuvik, St. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 297 [S. RUPESTRIS, Linn.—G. This is found in Lapland ; but I have no evidence ofits presence in Iceland, although Gliemann includes it in his list and quotes Hornemann (vol. i. p. 490) as his authority. "Vahl is in doubt concerning it.] 45. LYCHNIS ALPINA, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Surstheller and Arnarvatns-heidi, Hd.! Above the Geysirs and at Akreyri, C.! Hafnarfjord, Granfell, and Hekla, S.! Skalholt, Mk. Stadarfell, St. Seythisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy. [L. VISCARIA, Linn. Hjaltalin includes this species, but gives no locality for it. Lindsay and Preyer and Zirkel follow him. Hooker does not admit it into the Arctie flora. Fries excludes it from that of Lapland.] 46. L. FLos-cvcuri, Linn.—K. Thingvellir, B. G. Bruara, Sy.! Holte, Z. 47. SPERGULA ARVENSIS, Linn., Reichenb.—K. Reykjavik, B. Geysirs, C. In the tun at Hnausir, B. G. 48. SAGINA PROCUMBENS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord and Laugarnes, S. Krisuvik and Reykir, St. 49. S. SUBULATA, Wimm.—G. I know nothing of this. Gliemann introduced it on the autho- rity of Mörck. Vahl considers it a certain native. 50. S. saxaTiLis, Wimm.—M. Armule, Reykir, and Olafsdal, St. 51. S. Noposa, Fenzl.— K. Reykjavik, B. 52. HoNKENEJA PEPLOIDES, Ehrh.—K. Reykjavik, B. (Elvesaa, Z. Laugarnes, S. Stafafell, Breithabolstadr in Suthersveit, and Myvatn, T. G. Skagafjord, Sy. 53. ALsINE RUBELLA, Wahl.—S. Reykjavik and Reinevallahals, B. North coast, C. Siglufjord, T. & G, I include here the var. hirta of some authors; also the Arenaria verna, A. rubella, and A. hirta of Lindsay’s ‘ Flora.’ Fries states that the A. hirta of the ‘Flora Danica’ is the A. rubella of very cold countries, where the flowers scarcely expand. A. Giesekii, which is stated by Gliemann to have been found by Mörck, is a variety of A. rubella. 298 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 54. A. ARCTICA, Fenzl.— K. On the mountains at Akreyri, at an elevation of about 3000 feet, C.! Hafnarfjord and Thingvellir, S. This corresponds tolerably well with the specimens of A. biflora (Wahl.) in the ‘Herb. Normale’ of Fries (cent. v. no. 37), from Norway, except in being much less luxuriant, and having much shorter and frequently single-flowered shoots. It also closely re- sembles the 4. arctica of Hooker's ‘ Fl. Bor.-Americana ’ (t. xxxiv. B). Dr. Hooker combines them ; and if this is A. bifolia, I fully agree with him. 55. A. HIRTA, Wahl.—Mk. Is this the same as (53) A. rubella? Leiraa, Mk. Reykjavik and Briamsllaek, St. 56. A. srRICTA, Wahl. Stadarfell, St. 57. ARENARIA NORVEGICA, Gunn.—S. ! Reykjavik, B. Breid-dals-heidi, Hd. In the tun at Hnausir, B.G. Seythisfjord, Sy. This is the Alsine trifolia of Baring-Gould's List. [Ar. CILIATA, Linn.—K. Ness, Bessastad, and Grimansfiadle, Z. Mohr refers these localities to A. serpyllifolia and A. ciliata ; but they belong to the latter. Is it not probable that the plant really intended by Zoega is the A. norvegica ? which is not included by Vahl and the earlier authors, although it is very common at Reykjavik.] 58. Ar. SERPYLLIFOLIA, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. 59. STELLARIA MEDIA, With.— K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, S. Skalholt, Mk. In the hot spring at Laugarnes, L. [S. Enwanpsr, R. Br.—V. Dr. Hooker considers this to be a form of S. longipes. Vahl marks it as a plant certainly to be found in Iceland. Lindsay only copies Vahl. I know nothing of it.] 60. S. GRAMINEA, Linn. Akreyri, C. ! : I have only a scrap of what seems to be the var. juncea of this species, the S. juncea of Fries (Mant. iii. 191), which is a native of Lapland. PROF. C. €. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 299 61. S. ULIGINOSA, Murr. A common plant, Mk. Stadarfell and Reykholtsdal, St. 62. S. CRASSIFOLIA, ÉEhrh.—G. Krisuvik, Reykhollar, Stadarfell, and Reykholtsdal, St. 63. S. BOREALIS, Big. Stadarfell and Borgarfjord, St. [S. nuMrFUSA, Rottb.—G. Gliemann records this plant without note or remark. Vahl considers it certainly a native. Itis rare in Spitzbergen, where itis apparently confined to the north and west coasts. I very much doubt its having been gathered in Iceland, and, if to be found there, should expect its place to be in the little-known north- western peninsula.] 64. CERASTIUM TRIVIALE, Link.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hnausir, Bg. Reykir, CElverid, and Reykholar, St. Skagafjord, Sy. Vahl and Lindsay also record the C. triviale, var. holosteoides (Fr.). Lange sends me the following note by Krabbe: “3. alpinum, Koch (?), robustum, petalis calyce longioribus. Arnaes Syssel.” 65. C. GLomERATUM, Thuil.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. Hnausir, B. G. Arnaes Syssel, Kr. 66. C. ALPINUM, Linn.—K. Reykjavik and Reinevalla-hals, B. Akreyri, Geysirs, Raud-nef-stadr, Reykjahlind and Kulmanstunga, Hd.! Vithivik, B. G. ! Kieblivik and Krisuvik, Z. Siglufjord, T. & G. Seythisfjord, Sy. The varieties lanatum and glabratum are found. 67. C. LATIFOLIUM, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, Nes, Bessested, and Œrebak, Z. Zoega had doubts about this species; Hooker adds it as a new discovery ; Vahl omits it; Krabbe says of it, ^ Islandia meridio- nalis;" and there is a specimen gathered by him at Copenhagen. 63. C. rricynum, Vill.—K. Reykjavik and Reinevallahals, B. Akreyri C. Rangarvalla, Mk. Olid, Reykholt, Garpsdal, and Thingmannaheidi, St. 69 C. ARVENSE, Linn. Fjallebaekkeveren, St. I am in doubt concerning the true spelling of this name, which I cannot find in the map. 300 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND, 70. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM, Linn.—G. em Gliemann inserts this plant on the authority of “Olavius, i. 36." [Islendsk Urtagardsbok ?]. 71. GERANIUM PRATENSE, Linn.— K. This is included in all the lists. I have seen a specimen ga- thered by Solander. 72. G. svLvATICUM, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, Ellithavatn, and Videy, B. Berufjord, and between Grim- stadr and Myvatn, Hd. Hafnarfjord, S. Seythisfjord and Skaga- fjord, Sy.! Thingvellir, Namarfjal, Vithidal, Northrardal, and Uthlid, B.G. Laugarvatn, Sy. Kalmanstunga, and between CEfjord and Myvatn, Kr. This is probably the G. sylvestre recorded by O. and P. as grow- ing about Steingrimsfjord. Gliemann adds G. fastigiatum (Fr.) on the authority of Mörck. I suppose that he means G. sylvaticum B. fastigiatum of the * Nov. Fl. Suec.’ (ed. 2, 211). 73. G. PHÆUM, Linn.— L. Lindsay gives no authority for introducing this plant into the list. The old lists, beginning with König, have G. montanum ; and P. and Z. add “ of Linnæus,” who has no such plant. G. mon- tanum fuscum of earlier botanists is G. pheum. Retz (Fl. Scan. Prodr. 161) names the plant of Zoega (Fl. Isl.) G. fuscum, which is a synonym of G. pheum; and Gliemann agrees with him. Hjaltalin called it G. fuscum s. montanum. I think that this evi- dence is in favour of including G. pheum in the flora of Iceland. Thienemann and Günther found what they call G. montanum by the Eyjafjord. Benguerel also records G. montanum. 74. Linum CATHARTICUM, Linn.—K. This is included in all the lists. Solander saw it in Paulsen's herbarium. [RADIOLA MILLEGRANA, Sm. Solander enumerates this plant, but does not name any locality for it. It is probably a mistake. | 75. PoLYyGALA VULGARIS, Linn.—K. Seythisfjord! Sy. [RHAMNUS CATHARTICUS, Linn. Solander saw a specimen in Jonsen’s herbarium, but without à PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 801 locality. No one else notices it. I suspect that there was some mistake. ] [MEDICAGO LUPULINA, Linn, There is a specimen in Solander’s collection, I doubt its being a native. | 76. TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE, Linn.—K. This is included in all the lists; but I have seen no specimen, and agree with Vahl in considering it to be a doubtful native ; but Preyer and Zirkel mention that T. pratense fl. albo is found in the parish of Reykholar in latitude 65° 41’, 77. T. ARVENSE, Linn.—K. Akreyri, B. G. I have not seen any specimens, and Vahl considers it to be a doubtful native. It is included in all the lists. /8. T. REPENS, Linn.— K. Heinaberg, Hd.! Hafnarfjord, S.! Myvatn, M. Uxahver, B. G.! Geysirs, Reykjavik, Seythisfjord, and Skagafjord, Sy. 79. Lorus conNICULATUS, Linn.—M. Mohr appears to have added this to thelist. Vahl marks it as doubtful. Hjaltalin includes it without any doubt. 80. ANTHYLLIS VULNERARIA, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. Mosfell, M. Kopavogr near Reykjavik, and Seythis- fjord, Sy.! Balandshofden, Mk. 81. Vicia cracca, Linn.—K. Raud-nef-stad, Hd.! Hafnarfjord, S. Eydar on the Lagarfljot, T. & G. Myvatn, M. Reykjavik, Seythisfjord, and Skagafjord, Sy. Oefjord- Elvan, Kr. 82. V. sepium, Linn. There is an Icelandic specimen in Steenstrup’s collection at Copenhagen. 83. V. ANGUSTIFOLIA, Roth. Bildadal, St. 84. LATHYRUS PRATENSIS, Linn.—K. There is an Icelandic specimen in Steenstrup's collection at Copenhagen. ; 85. L. Maritimus, Bigel.—K. Selsundsfjall, Kangaa, and at the foot of Hekla, Z. ' Granfell, S. On LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. Y 302 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. the islands in Alphtafjord, G. Skagafjord, Sy. Near Kinnaestadr, T.& G. Shore of Thingvalla Vatn, C. 86. SPIRÆA ULMARIA, Linn.—K. Geysirs, B. Between Reynivellir and Holtar, Hd. Hafnarfjord, S. In Fnioskedal, G. Borgar in Hordr-syssel, Ar. 87. SANGUISORBA OFFICINALIS, Linn.—K. Mossfells-heidi, Z., M., and G. Kaunesta Hraun, S. 88. ALCHEMILLA VULGARIS, Linn.— K. Reykjavik and Thingvellir, B. Akreyri and Raud-nef-stadr, Hd. Hafnar- fjord, S. ! Abundant near the north coast, C. Seythisfjord and Ska- gafjord, Sy. Olafsen and Povelsen say that “ Alchemilla (utrinque)? grow about Steingrimsfjord, by which they doubtless mean A. vulgaris and A. alpina. The A. montana of Gliemann is probably only a variety of this species. He records it on the authority of Mórck. 89. A. ALPINA, Linn.—K. Reykjavik and Reynivallahals, B. Kieblevik, Z. Geysirs, and between Reynivellir and Holtar, Hd. Hafnarfjord, S.! Abundant near the north coast, C. Siglufjord, T. & G. Krisuvik, S. Oefjord, Kr. Sey- thisfjord and Shagafjord, Sy. ! (A. ARVENSIS, Scop. Lindsay and Preyer and Zirkel add this to the list. They give no authority for it; and the plant is not noticed by any other author. I have much doubt concerning it. The peculiarities in their lists show that they derived information from a common source. | 90. SIBBALDIA PROCUMBENS, Linn.—K. Reynivallahals, B. Mountains at Akreyri, C.! Siglufjord, T. & G. Stappen, Mk. Snaefells-nes Syssel, K. 91. POTENTILLA ANSERINA, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord and Laugarnes, S.! Near the Geysirs, and at Seythisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy. ! 92. P. MACULATA, Pourr.—S. Reykjavik,B. Geysirs, C.! Skagafjord and Seythisfjord, Sy.! Breid- dals-heidi, Hd. Budnestad, Mk. Stadarfell, Krisuvik, and Breida- bolstad, St. Almannagja, Kr. P. verna and P. aurea are also included in most of the lists, but they appear to be synonyms of P. maculata in these cases. Gliemann records Hunavatns Syssel as the locality of the former. Hjaltalin has P. verna and P. aurea, but not P. maculata. Baring- PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 303 Gould records those two and also P. maculata, and gives localities for P. aurea at Norbradal, Longvatn, and Midfjord. His speci- mens are P. maculata. [P. ARGENTEA, Lina. Preyer and Zirkel include this, but give no authority.) 93. P. ToRMENTILLA, Sibth.—M. Seythisfjord, Sy. ! 94. P. Comarum, Nesl.—K. Reykjavik, B. Selsund, Reykholt, and Akreyri, Hd.! Hafnarfjord, S. ! Seythisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy. ! 95. Fracaria vesca, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Heckla, Z. Hafnarfjordarhraun, Seythisfjord, and Skaga- fjord, Sy.! Laugarvatn, B. G. ! Thordarhofdi, Olafsen. Leiraa and Skalholt, Mk. Stadarfell, St. I am convinced that the plant which I gathered is F. vesca. Vahl includes F. collina (Ehrh.); and Lindsay follows him. Is it not probable that there is some mistake here? F. collina is à very distinct species (see J. Gay in Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. viii.). It is stated that F. vesca does not usually produce fruit in Iceland. 96. RuBUS saxatilis, Linn.—K. Reykjavik and Geysirs, B. Hafnarfjord, S.! Thingvellir, Ljosvatn, and Laugarvatn, B. G.! Stadarfell, St. Seythisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy.! Common in the northern and eastern parts, G. Horrebow, in his * Natural History of Iceland’ (Tilforladelige Eftessetniger om Island), is in the English translation made to state that Blackberry Bushes are common in the island; in the French translation it is “quelques petits buissons tels que de ronces.” Inthe original “som Brombær” is the term used; and that is the name of the common Bramble in Gothland, as stated by Wahlenberg, and in Norway, according to Gunner. Tt is clear that Horrebow made a mistake ; for the only Rubus known to exist in Iceland is R. saxatilis. The plant which he had in view is the Empetrum nigrum, as I learn from my friend Eirikr Magniisson. 97. Dryas OCTOPETALA, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Geysirs and at Akrevri, C. ! Hallormstadr-hals, Hd. Krisuvik, Z. Hafnarfjord, S.! Hrafnagja and Seythisfjord, Sy.! Siglufjord and Eyafjord, T. & G. 98. GEUM RIVALE, Linn.—K. Hen Reykjavik, B. Sweinascaur, and by way to Krisuvik, H. Kalmanns- : Y2 304 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. tunga, Kr. Hvita and Skaptar-tunga, Hd. Seythisfjord, Skagafjord, and Ellitharvatn, Sy. ! Dr. Lindsay also records what he calls var. intermedium. 99. ROSA SPINOSISSIMA, Linn.—H. Discovered by Swein Paulsen, and sent by him to Hooker. He wrote with the specimen, * crescit in rupe unica ad villam Selja- land." Thienemann and Günther were directed to the spot by Paulsen, and * were fortunate enough to find the rose growing on a detached basaltic rock. There were altogether about twenty bushes, about two feet high. It was in fruit on Aug. 27." (Reise im Nord. Europ.p.332.) Seljaland is a farm between the foot of Eyjafjalla Jokull and the Markarfljot, in lat. 63? 36’. Lindley says that “its strong vigorous shoots led Mr. Hooker into the error of considering it R. hibernica.” Fries tells us (Nov., ed. 2, p. 157) * specimina Norvegica hujus speciei [R. spinosissima] cum Islandieis [ R. hibernica, Hook. It. Is.] a Mörck lectis et communicatis conveniunt." There can be no doubt that this is the R. canina which Solander saw in S. Paulsen's Herbarium. Morck seems, from Gliemann’s remark, to have originally sup- posed that his specimens belonged to the R. kamtschatica ; hence the introduction of that name into the Icelandic list. Gliemann apparently did not see the specimens, and so has both R. hi- bernica and R. kamtschatica in his catalogue. Lindsay, for the same reason, has two roses which he calls R. villosa, var. hibernica, and R. pimpinellifolia. Paulsen’s specimens in the Kew Herba- rium are certainly a state of R. spinosissima, of which R. pim- pinellifolia is a synonym. There are similar specimens given by Dawson Turner in the Herbarium at Neweastle-on-Tyne, as I learn from Mr. J. G. Baker. 100. Pyrus Aucuparta, Gaert.—H. Hafnarfjord, S. Husavik and Vapnafjord, G. Modrufelsjal, Robert. Henderson saw stunted trees in Morardal, near Skaptafell, by the Skeidara river. Budarhraun, Mk. Briamsloek, Kr. Hooker records P. domestica on the authority of a specimen obtained by Sir ŒG Mackenzie from atree eight feet high, which was growing out of a cleft of lava at Budirstad in Snaefell Syssel. Mackenzie also had it brought to him from Eyjasfjord, where we are told by Mohr that P. Aucuparia grows near Modru- fells Hospital. Robert says that the trees by the Hospital are P. Aucuparia, and denies the existence of P. domestica in Iceland. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 805 In all probability Sir W. J. Hooker and Sir J. E. Smith were wrong in their determination of the plant, about which we are told that they found much difficulty. 101. EPILOBIUM LATIFOLIUM, Linn.—K. Sandy river-bed to the south-east of Torfa Jokull, under Oroefa Jokul, and at Skeidarar Sandr, Hd.! In aravine near Akreyri, C.! Hruta- fjord and Kollfjord, M. Stafafell and Breithabolstad in Suthersveit, and banks of Jokulsa near Kinnaestad, T. & G. Gronnafjord, Mk. Hvita inMyrasyssel, Sy. ! 102. E. ANGUsTIFOLIUM, Linn.—K. Near Leera by Borgarfjord, H. Eyjafjord river, B. G. Breithabolstad in Suthersveit, T. & G. [E. FLEICHERI£, Hochst. Hjaltalin has this species ; but all the rest have excluded it, until recently Lindsay and Preyer and Zirkel have restored it to the flora. I doubt its being a native plant. There is a specimen of E. angus- tifolium which was named E. angustissimum ? (the name used by P. and Z.) by Paulsen in the Herb. Hooker.] 103. E. Montanum, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Eyjafjord river, B. G. Mr. Newbould has doubts concerning the correctness of the name. He has examined my specimens aud also that placed by me in the Herb. Hooker. Nevertheless I think that the plant is E. montanum. It is recorded in all the lists. [E. rTETRAGONUM, Linn.— K. : : This is included in all the lists ; but Vahl doubts if it is a native.] 104. E. PALUSTRE, Linn.—K. Reykjavik and Geysirs, B. Hafnarfjord and Granfell, S.! Head of Eyjafjord, B. G. Skagafjord, Sy. ! This is E. virgatum of my list. 105. E. ALPINUM, Linn.— M. Maria Haven* and Reykjavik, B. Hafuarfjord, S. Lonsheidi near Stafafell, T. & G. Snaefells Jokull, Mk. Armule, St. Gliemann records E. nutans on the authority of Mörck. It is probably E. alpinum or E. palustre. 106. E. ALSINIFoLIUM, Vill.—H. By a mountain-torrent above Akreyri, C.! Eyjafjord, B. Œ. Hafnar- * This place was so named for me by a pilot from Reykjavik ; but as it seems to be the bay called Laxarvogr on Olsen's map, I shall so name it in future. . . 806 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. fjordrhaun and Seythisfjord, Sy.! Skalholt, Mk. Sandlangadal, Stadarfell, and Garprdal, St. It appears to have been first found by Paulsen in 1809. 107. MvnioPHYLLUM SPICATUM, Linn.—XK. Reykjavik, B. There is a specimen in the British Museum, collected by So- lander. 108. M. ALTERNIFLORUM, DC. Steenstrup has a specimen from Holt. 109. M. vERTICILLATUM, Linn.— X. Hafnarfjord, S. 110. Hippuris vuLGaniS, Linn.—XK. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, S. Seythisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy. 111. Monria roNTANA, Linn.—K. i Reykjavik, B. In the hot spring at Laugarnes, L.! On the red soil above the Geysir, B. Œ. Skalholt and Thingvellir, Mk. Breidabol- stad, St. 112. SCLERANTHUS ANNUUS, Linn.—X. This is included in all the lists; but Vahl considers it to be a doubtfulnative. It does not oceur in Lapland, according to Fries ; nor is it in Hooker's Arctie list. 113. SEDnvM Ruoptrora, DC.—K. Reynivalla-hals, B. Alftafjord, Hd. Hraun near Reykjavik, H. Hafnar- fjord and Granfell, S. Olid and Reykholt, St. Almannagja, Sey- thisfjord, and Skagafjord, Sy. ! 114. S. ANGLICUM, Huds.—G. Gliemann introduced this into his list on the authority of Morck. Baring-Gould states that he found it at Reykir. Vahl considers it a doubtful native, and so do I. 115. S. ALBUM, Linn.—H}. Hjaltalin ineludes this in his Flora; and Solander states that he saw it in Paulsen's herbarium. It does not extend to Lap- land, and is not in Hooker's Aretie list. 116. S. vinLLosuw, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Akreyri and Geysirs, C.! Breiddalsheidi and to the south of Ok Jokul, Hd. Hafnarfjord and Thingvellir, S.! Krisuvik, Z. At the entrance of Hordardal, B. G. Seythisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy. Capella-hraun near Krisuvik, Mk. Stadarfeli, St. Oefjord, Kr. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 307 117. S. ACRE, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. On rocks in the eastern districts, G. Sletta and Sta- darfell, St. Near Skagastrand factory and Bulandsness, M. Skaga- fjord, Sy. ! 118. S. annuum, Linn.—K. Stadarfell and Armule, Sf. Hooker records S. saxatile. It is probably a synonym of S. annuum in this case, as in many others: or can it have been the true plant, the S. GEderi (Retz.) ? for Hooker gives S. annuum in addition, and marks the S. sazatile as added to the flora by him; also most of the lists include S. rupestre, meaning probably the plant of the * Fl. Danica,’ which is apparently the same as S. an- nuum; but Hjaltalin places them as S. annuum s. anglicum, and S. saxatile s. rupestre. It appears therefore that he thought that there are two species, but was doubtful concerning their names. 119. BULLIARDIA aquatica, DC.—K. By Laugarvatn, K. Steenstrup found it in Iceland. 120. Saxirraca CorTYvLEDON, Linn.—Z. Hekla, Z. Brunnir, B. G. Heydalir in Breithdal, T. & G. 121. S. Arzoon, Jacq.—V. Hafnarfell, St. Hooker does not separate this from S. Cotyledon, and did not know it as Icelandic. Vahl marks it, as well as S. Cotyledon, as certainly a native. I am informed by Lange that nothing is known at Copenhagen of S. Cotyledon (which rests mainly on the authority of Zoega) or S. cuneifolia as natives of Iceland. [S. CUNEIFOLIA, Linn.—G. This is almost certainly a mistake. It is difficult to tell what the S. punctata of K., Z., S., and H. may have been. It can scarcely be the S. cuneifolia, to which Hj., G., and P. & Z. apparently refer it, and is hardly likely to be the real S. punctata (Linn.), although that plant is a native of Siberia and North-west America.] 122. S. OPPOSITIFOLIA, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Skoulafjeld, H. Oxeraa, Z. Granfell, S. Siglufjord, M. Esia near Reykjavik, St. Knausir in Hunavatn Syssel, Kr. Olafsen found it with white as well as blue flowers on the upper part of Snaefels Yokul. 123. S. HYPNOIDES, Linn.—K. : s Reynivalla-hals, B. Above Akreyri, C. On the side of Ok, B. G. (he 308 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. names it S. cespitosa). Raudnestad, Hd. Olafsdal, Thingvellir, Kri- suvik, Raudamel, Stikkesholm, and Breidalbolstad, St. Icelandic specimens are figured in * Fl. Dan.’ t. 348. Probably S. palmata of Hooker’s list should be placed here ; but he arranged it between S. Hirculus and S. punctata. His S. punctata is probably the form of S. nivalis which is so named by Rottboll, the 8. tenuis of Wahlenberg. It does not seem likely that the true S. punctata (Linn.) grows in Iceland. 124. S. caspirosa, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, Reynivalla-hals, and Thingvellir, B. Breiddalsheidi and Selsund, Hd. Wafnarfjord and Granfell, S. Hrafnajia and Seythisfjord, Sy. Eyafjord, T. & G. Stappen, Mk. Krisuvik, Borgarfjord, and Hredavatn, St. Mosfell near Reykjavik, Ar. B. GRUENLANDICA. Reykjavik and Olafsvik, Mk. S. grenlandica (Linn.) is probably a form of this species, in- cluding many of the more compact maritime states “ foliis conglo- meratis corrugatis imbricatis." K., Z., M., and H. record it, and Sir G, Mackenzie is stated to have gathered it. S. decipiens of Gliemann’s list also belongs here. — S. tricuspidata (Retz.), of which there is a figure in * Fl. Dan.’ (t. 976), does not seem ever to have been gathered in Iceland. Hooker introduced the name. He saw what he thought might be it abundantly at Reykjavik, but found no flowers, and lost his specimens. I saw an abund. ance of the compact form of S. cespitosa at that place, but could not find S. tricuspidata; and others have been equally unsuccess- ful. Baring-Gould records Thingvellir as a locality for it; but his specimens are compact S. cespitosa. G., Hj., V., P. & Z., aud L. include it in their lists, but record no localities. Vahl expresses doubt concerning it. 125. S. PETRA, Linn. ? —K. Oxeraa, Z. and M. Hafnarfjord, S. Vahl does not know it to be a native, and Solander had doubts. Perhaps P. & Z. intend this single plant by the two names of S. petrea and S. geranioides. The true S. geranioides is a southern plant, and so is S. petrea. 126. S. rRIDACTY LITES, Linn.—XK. Oxeraa, Z. &y M. Granfell, $.! Thingvellir and Myvatn, B. G.! 127. S. cERNUA, Linn.—XK. Mountains near Akreyri, C.! Almannagja, H. Granbakken, M. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 809 Hnausir in Hunavatn Syssel, K. Adner-See, Saudafjall, Hratntinna- fjall, Krabla, Z. Zoega also records S. bulbifera ; and Lindsay adds var. racemosa. Theinemann and Günther mention S. bulbifera as growing at Husavik and between Kinnoestadr and Grimstadr. Hornemann also mentions it. Nothing is known of it at Copenhagen. 128. S. RIVULARIS, Linn.—K. Reynivalla-hals, B. Akreyri, C.! Hekla, Z. Granfell, $. Olid, Olafsdal, Gronahlid, Hredavatn, and Thorssengismule, St. Alman- nagja, H. Near Holmar by Reydarfjord, and at Husavik, T. & G. 129. S. GRANULATA, Linn.—G. Gliemann recorded this plant as a native on the authority of Mörck, who says that it is frequent. Vahl marks it as being really to be found. 130. S. NivaLrs, Linn.—K. Reykjavik and Reinevalla-hals, B. Krisuvik, Z. Hafnarfjord and Granfell, $.! Holmar, Reydarfjord, and Lonsheidi near Stafafel, T. & G. Breidabolstad and Briamsloek, St. Seythisfjord, Sy. Probably this is the plant intended by S. punctata in Hooker's list. Krabbe has a var. pumila also. 131. S. STELLARIS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Sandy bed of a river on the south side of Torfa Jokul, Hd.! Holmar on Reydarfjord and Lonsheidi near Stafafell, and Hu- savik, T. & G. Stappen and Granbakken, Mk. Sletta, Krisuvik, and Stadarfell, St. Oefjord, Skagafjord, Kr. 132. S. Hircuxvus, Linn.—M. Reynevalla-hals, B. Jokuldal and Stafafell, Breiddalsheidi, Hvita, aud Eldvatn, Hd.! To the east of Reykjavik, Æ. On the side of Ok Jokul, B: G. Holmar by Reydarfjord, and Lonsheidi near Stafafel, and between Kinnaestad and Grimstad, T. & G. Kollafjordrheidi and Reykholt, St. Oefjord and Skagafjord, Kr. Seythisfjord and Mans Sy.! 133. S. AIZOIDES, Linn.—K. dL and Jokuldal near Stafafell, Hd.! Near Holmar on the Reydarfjord, Lonsheidi near Stafafell, and between Kinnaestad and Grimstad, T. § G. This includes the S. autumnalis of several of the lists. 134. HYDROCOTYLE VULGARIS, Linn.—K. Skalholt and Reykium, 5. 310 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 135. ANGELICA SYLVESTRIS, Linn.—XK. Hafnarfjord, S. Berufjord, Hd.! Little Arnarvatn, B.G. Borgarfjord Syssel, Kr. Skagafjord, Sy. This is not included in Zoega’s Flora as published in the German edition of Olafsen and Povelsen’s work, but is found in the original Danish edition. 136. A. ARCHANGELICA, Linn.—K. Islands in Myvatn, B. G. Oefjord, Kr. Suthrey at the upper end of Breithifjord, Robert. Olafsen and Povelsen say that it inhabits the waste islands in Breithifjord. It is said to be abundant in the northern parts of the country. It is also much cultivated. 137. PEUcEDANUM OSTRUTHIUM, Koch.—K. Recorded as a native plant by all except Vahl, who doubts its claims. Olafsen and Povelsen state that it grows on the waste islands in the upper part of Breithifjord. 138. Haroscias scorica, Fr.—K. Near Leira by Borgarfjord, H. (i. 328). Slappen, Mk. 139. /EcoPoDtuM PODAGRARIA, Linn.—G. In Skalmersdale coppice, G. 140. Carum Carul, Linn.—K. Thingvellir (naturalized?), B.! Skagafjord and at Reykjavik, Sy.! Videy near Reykjavik, Mk. Hlitharende in Rangarvalla (Olafsen), G. ; but Mackenzie tells us that it was sown there. Also much cultivated in Iceland; but it may very probably be really a native plant. 141. Hepera HELIX, Linn.—G. Borg in Vithidal, B. G. Gliemann added it to the list on the authority of Mörck. There is a specimen in Hornemann’s herbarium. 142. CORNUS SUECICA, Linn.—G. Gronnefjord, M. Briamsloek, St. 143. GALIUM BOREALE, Linn.—K. : Thingvellir, Geysirs, Laxavohr in Hval Fjord, B. Selsund, Hd. Siglu- fjord, T. § G. Near Modrufels Hospital, M. Reykjavik and Seythis- fjord, Sy. Olafrdal, St. 144. G. APARINE, Lian.—P. & Z. : Preyer and Zirkel include this plant without doubt. Baring- PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 311 Gould says that itis abundant. I may be allowed to have some little doubt concerning it. 145. G. MorLvco, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. In great abundance near Modrufels Hospital, G. 146. G. VERUM, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Jokulsdalr and near Stafafell, and Selsund, Hd.! Hafnar- fjord, S. Myvatn, G. Seythisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy. Gliemann has a var. pallidum of G. verum, which is probably the cause of the addition of G. pallidum to the list by P. & Z. The true G. pallidum (Pr.), which is considered the same as G. cinereum (All.), is a very unlikely plant to be found in Iceland. 147. G. SsAXATILE, Linn.—G. In the southern parts, according to Gudmunson ; Ld. Vahl eonsiders it to be a true native. 148. G. SYLVESTRE, Poll.— G. Reykjavik, and near the Geysirs, B. Grimestunga, in Vatnsdalr, B. G. ! Kalmanstunga and Raudnefstadr, Hd. Thingvellir, Seythisfjord, and Skagafjord, Sy. ! This is the G. pusillum of my list. Apparently the plants named G. saxatile, var. pusillum and var. sylvestre, by Lindsay, are only the one form called usually G. sylvestre by modern botanists. Gliemann includes G. trifidum, and Vahl marks it as possibly native. Hornemann also includes it. G. pusillum (Lam.) is another plant unaccountably included. 149. G. uLnicinosum, Linn.—V. Here and there in marshes, Mk. 150. G. PALUSTRE, Linn.—K. ; : I have no locality to record ; but all the lists include it, and it is likely to be a common plant. 151. VALERIANA SAMBUCIFOLIA, Mikan.—K. Holte-Praestergaard, Z. Geysirs and Reykjavik, Mk. Steenstrup, as well as all the older authors, records F. ofi- cinalis; but Prof. Joh. Lange informs me that the specimens at Copenhagen are V. sambucifolia. 152. SCABIOSA succisa, Linn.—K. I have no locality to name; but all the lists include it. Gliemann adds S. alpina on the authority of Hooker; but I find no mention of it by him. P. & Z. also include it ; but it is not a likely plant to occur. 312 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 153. TusstuaGco Farrara, Linn.— V. Near Eyafjord, T. § G. Common in low spots, B. G. 154. EniGERON ALPINUS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, Widoe, and Garde-hraun, B. Akreyri and Thingvellir, C. ! Husevik, Z. Geysirs and Breiddalsheidi, Hd. Hafnarfjord, S.! Skagafjord, Sy.! Capellahraun, Ek. Armule, Stadarfell, Hreda- vatn and Briamsloek, St. Oefjord, Kr. This is probably the E. uniflorus of Z., S., and M.; but the var. uniflorus is also found, according to V. and K. and G. Both plants may have been found, but I do not possess any certain information to that effect. T. & G. state that the var. unifforus grows at Siglufjord and at Eydar by the Lagarfljot. 155. BELLIS PERENNIS, Linn. Seythisfjord, Sy. ! These are the only specimens that I have either seen or heard of from Iceland. They were sent by a collector of flowers, not a botanist, to Mr. Symington, who gave a few to me. 156. ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM, Linn.—K. Akreyri, C.! Hafnarfjord, S.! "Valthjof-stadr and Modrudalr, Hd.! Oefjord, G. Seythisfjord, Skagafjord, Hafnarfjord, and Thingvellir, Sy.! Solander also saw A. Ptarmica in Paulsen’s herbarium, and Hornemann likewise records it. [ANTHEMIS Coruna, Linn. P. & Z. record this plant. B. G. says that he found it at My- vatn.] 157. PMATRICARIA INODORA, var. BOREALIS, Hartm. Hafnarfjord, Mk. On walls and roofs at Reykjavik, Kr. Is this the same as the following ? 158. M. MARITIMA, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, S.! Nikliboer, Hd.! Akreyri, C.! Gey- sirs and Skagafjord, Sy. My specimens have the * involuerum basi truncatum subumbi- licatum " of the Tripleurospermum maritimum (C. H. Schultz), not the “ involucrum basi initio turbinatum " of his Z. inodorum. The only British specimen which I have seen, that appears to belong to the T. maritimum, was gathered in Orkney. The plant that grows at Cockbush, near Chichester, is not the T. maritimum, but has the involucre of T. inodorum. It is the no. 7 of Ray, and his no. 8 is possibly the Matr. maritima. All the oldest Ice- landie lists include M. znodora, not M. maritima; those com- PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 313 piled since that of Hooker enumerate both of them. Dr. See- mann’s specimens from Arctic North-west America are like mine from Iceland; and I consider them to be M. maritima. Benguerel enumerates M. Chamomilla—in mistake, I presume, for this form of M. maritima. 159. ARTEMISIA VULGARIS, Linn. Solander saw specimens of this plant in Paulsen’s Herbarium. No other author mentions it. [TANACETUM VULGARE, Linn.—B. G. ; Within the fence round the grassplot before the Governor’s house at Reykjavik, B. G. Most probably introduced. } 160. GNAPHALIUM ULIGINOSUM, Linn.—K. Geysirs, B. Akreyri, C. 161. G. NonvEGICUM, Gunn.—K. Breiddalsheidi, Hd.! Leiraa, Mk. Skagafjord and Skardsheidi in Myrasysla, Sy.! Rada and Skálürvik, S.! Between Thorskafjord and Thingmans-heidi, Olafsen & Povelsen. This is the G. fuscatum (Pers.), the G. sylvaticum of the Ice- landie lists, and is figured from Icelandic specimens in ‘ Fl. Dan.’ t. 254. Dr. Lindsay names the G. sylvaticum (Linn.) as a native plant, as do also P. & Z. Vahl did not know of it; and I have great doubts concerning its existence in Iceland. The G. nor- vegicum appears under this name in the older lists. Hooker includes both, and thought that he had added the G. sylvaticum to the flora. I am uncertain if he really meant to distinguish the plants. Mohr calls it G. norvegicum sylvatico affine. Hijal- talin has both G. sylvaticum and G. rectum. 162. G. supinum, Linn.—G. Eyjafjord, C.! Skagafjord, Sy. ! G. alpinum ( fuscum, W.) of Gliemann is probably this plant, although he has G. supinum. There is some confusion about the names in his list, which is not very carefully printed. 163. ANTENNARIA ALPINA, Gert.—K. Solander saw it in Paulsen's herbarium. Olafsen and Po- velsen say that it grows between Thorskafjord and Thingmans- heidi. It is the G. carpaticum of P. & Z. 164. A. DIOICA, Gert.--G. There is a specimen in Solander's collection. Gliemann re- 314 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. cords it without any remark. Olafsen and Povelsen found it between Thorskafjord and Thingmans-heidi. 165. SENECIO VULGARIS, Linn.—K. Solander saw this in Paulsen’s herbarium; and Baring-Gould says that it is common on the Heithies. It is included in all the lists. [S. svn vATICUS, Linn. Baring-Gould states that this grows on the Heithies; and Lindsay and Preyer and Zirkel record it, but without any loca- lity. I have not seen any specimen, and have much doubt con- cerning it. | 166. S. Jacopaa, Linn.—S. ` Reikium, S. On the Heithies, B. G. I have some doubt of its having really been found. [CENTAUREA Cyanus, Linn.—S. Solander saw this in Paulsen’s herbarium. I much doubt its being a native. | [CARDUUS ACANTHOIDES, Linn.—G. Gliemann records this plant. Vahl has doubts, and so have I, Hornemann gives Keenig as the authority. ] [C. LANcEOLATUS, Linn.—K. Vahl takes no notice of this plant, and I have great doubts about it. It is included in Kónig's ‘ Flora,’ and copied into the lists of all his successors. ] 167. C. arvensis, Curt.—K. Solander saw this in Paulsens’s herbarium. It is the Serratula arvensis of Kónig and others. 168. C. HETEROPHYLLUs, Linn.—M. Gliemann says that, according to Olafsen (p. 679), it grows at Oefjord. 169. APARGIA AUTUMNALIS, Willd.—K. : Geysirs, B. Berufjord, Hd.! Hafnarfjord S.! Thingvellir and Vatnskarth, B. G. — Wiglufjord, T. $ G. — Olafsdal and Snaefelsnes- Syssel, St. 8. Taraxact, Hook. Hedypnois Taraxaci, Hook. Reykjavik, B. Blaakulle, in Skarshedi, M. Krabbe says that it is common. An intermediate form was found by Mr. Holland at Berufjord. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 315 Gliemann has Ap. Turaxaci and Hedypnois Taraxaci, both on the authority of Hooker; but he is in error, for Hooker has only the latter name. 170. Leonropon Taraxacum, Linn.—K. Common nearly throughout the island, G. Reykjavik, B. Hafnar- fjord, S.; Holar, B. G. Seythisfjord, Sy. ! Gliemann has also L. palustre on the authority of Mörck. The plant which I gathered resembles the Tas. officinale obliquum of Fries. Its phyllaries are all nearly similar in shape. Those of the outer row are rather broader than the others ; they are erect with flowers, but become patent and lax with fruit. The leaves are broad, with two or three large runcinate teeth towards the tip, and many smaller ones below. Is it the Z. phymatocarpum of Vahl in * Fl. Dan.' (t. 2298)? Lange con- siders the specimen from Iceland in Herb. Hornemann to be Z. palustre. 171. CREPIS PRÆMORSA, Tausch.—K. Solander states that he found it at Hafnarfjord. It is included in all the lists from the time of Kénig; but no localities are recorded. Vahl doubts its claims to be in them. [Benguerel includes Hieracium (Crepis) sibiricum.] 172. HrkeRAcIUM PiLosELLa, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. Briamsloek, S. 173. H. FLORIBUNDUM, Wimm., Fr. Stadarfell, St. Snaefells-Syssel, Kr. 174. H. AunicuLA, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. ! Myvatn, M. H. aurantiacum (Linn.) is recorded by Gliemann on the au- thority of Mörck. Vahl doubts its presence. 175. H. ALPINUM, Linn.—K. Geysirs, B. Stappen, Mk. Stadarfell, St. My solitary specimen seems to belong to the H. holosericeum (Backh.), which I believe to be distinct from the true H. al- pinum. 176. H. cæsium, Fr.—Hj. This is the H. Lawsoni of my list, the H. murorum of most of the other lists. Reykjavik, Wiidoe, and Reynivalla-hals, B. Eyjafjord, C.! Seythis- fjord, Sy.! Groenahlid and Briamsloek, St. Almannagja, Kr. There seems no reason to doubt that we have all gathered the 316 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. same plant in Iceland; for we have all apparently visited the same districts. The specimens which I have seen all seem to be H. cesium. Hornemann records H. prenanthoides as probably found in Iceland. It seems unlikely to occur there. 177. CAMPANULA ROTUNDIFOLIA, Linn.—G. Berufjord, Hd.! Common in Mule Syssel, G. Seythisfjord and Ska- gafjord, Sy.! (this is the plant with lanceolate stem-leaves). Sletta and Groenahlid, St. [C. PATULA, Linn.—G. Gliemann says that this plant is very rare, and does not name any locality for it. He gives as his authority “ Olavius (437)." It is probable that Vahl is right in rejecting it. May not the plant of Olavius have been a large state of C. rotundifolia? Mohr says that Olavius found it between Vapnefjord and Fljotsdal.] 178. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS ALPINA, Spr.—K. Vahl doubts if this has been found; all the other authors record it without question. 179. A. Uva-unsr, Spr.—K. Thingvellir, B. Near Hekla, Ld. Surtshellir, Hd.! Hafnarfjord, S. Fnioskedal, G. Myvatn, T. G. Uxahver, B. G. Seythisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy.! Stappen, Mk. Kollafjorder-heidi, St. 180. ANDROMEDA HYPNOIDES, Linn.—K. Reynivalla Hals, B. Mountains above Akreyri, C.! Lava near Reykjavik, and a little beyond Hrafnagja on the way to the Gey- sirs, H. Between Kinnestadir and Grimstadir, T. § G. Geysirs, M. Reykum, Olid, Elverid, St. Abundant in the eastern part of the Island, G. 181. CALLUNA VULGARIS, Salisb.—K. Common. 182. Erica TETRALIx, Linn.—G. Lava districts, B. G. (?). Gliemann records it on the authority of Mérck. Vahl con- siders it certainly a native. [.E. cinerea, Linn., is included by Solander in a list of plants seen at Granfell. Mörck states that it is to be found in various places. | 183. AZALEA PROCUMBENS, Linn.—K. In many places. Abundant in the south, but rarer in the west, Mk. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 317 l have seen it from Oskjuhlid near Reykjavik, and Seythis- fjord, and Skagafjord, Sy. 184. RHODODENDRON LaAPPONICUM, Wg.—V. Kalmanstunga, B. G. Vahl records it as a certain native. 185. Lepum PALUsTRE, Linn.—V. Steenstrup found this in Iceland, but I do not know the exact locality. [Vahl considers Ledum latifolium certainly a native. | 186. Vaccinium MynRTILLUs, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. Thingvellir, Voxhuur, Gronnfjord, Mk. Siglufjord, T.& G. Skagafjord, Sy.! 187. V. uura1NosuM, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, Reinevalla-hals, Thingvellir, B. Granfell, S. Hekla, Ld. Siglufjord and Eyafjord, T. § G. Hafnarfjord, L.! Skjalfanda, B. G. Breid-dals-heidi, Hd. Seythisfjord, Skagafjord, Sy.! Okid, Olverind, Thingvellir, Reykir, St. 8. PUBESCENS, Wormlsk. Reykhollar, St. 188. V. Viris-1D £a, Linn.—G. Bogs near Uxahver, B. G.! 189. V. Oxvcoccos, Linn.—K. Bogs near Uxahver, B. G. 190. PvRorA Mepia, Sw.—K. By Oxnahver, and in several places near Myvatn, by Spakonufel above the factory at Skagastrand, M. Hafnarfjordrhaun, and Seythis- fjord, Sy. ! B. G. found it, but has lost the note of the exact spot. P. rotundifolia, * Fl. Dan.’ t. 110, is P. media, which is therefore the plant of Mohr; for hequotes that plate as his P. rotundifolia. Vahl records P. rotundifolia, but does not notice P. media. It is probable that all the authors refer to the same plant, which, under the name of P. rotundifolia, has had a place in the lists from the time of König (1770), long before the description of P. media by Swartz in 1804. 191. P. minor, Linn.—S., G. Thingvellir, Reinevalla-hals, B. A little beyond Hrafnagja on the way to the Geysirs, H. Rangarvalla, Gronnefjord, Ld. Hafnarfjord- rhaun, Sy. ! LINN. PROC.— BOTANY, VOL. XI. Z 818 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 192. P. SECUNDA, Linn.—K. Briamsloek, St. [MoNorRoPA Hypopritys, Linn.—S. Solander states that he saw it in Paulsen’s herbarium. I fear that there has been some mistake. ] [GENTIANA VERNA, Linn.—M. By Reykelaug, on the authority of Olafsen (p. 201), G. A very unlikely plant to have been found. According to Fries it is not known in Seandinavia. ] 193. G. nEToNsa, Fries.—K. G.ciliata and G.bavarica of Zoega's Flora are probably this plant. It is figured in * Fl. Dan.’ t. 317. Bessested and Ness, Z. Near the snow-line on Snaefellsjokul, Mk. Holar and Hvita, B. G. ! 194. G. INVOLUCRATA, Fries.—Z. G. aurea, Linn.?, G. quinquefolia, Zoega, * Fl. Dan.’ 844. Orebakka, Bessested, Rangervalla, Hliderendi, S.! Hvalsa by Hruta- fjord, M. Olafsvik, Mk. Sandlingsdal, Gronahlid, Thingmanna- heidi, Latrum, Sletta, St. 195. G. NIivALIs, Linn.—K. Geysirs, B. Krisuvik, Z. Steinhold, Leirknukr, Hd. Holar, B. G. Near Holmar on Reydarfjord, near Kinnestadr, T. & G. Olafsdal, St. Logbergat, Thingvellir, Blanda, K. 196. G. CAMPESTRIS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Berufjord, Selsund, Hd.! Skagastrand, G. Hvita, Hlitharfjall, B. G. Skagafjord, Melifell, Hjaltadal, Kr. Stadar- fell, St. Seythisfjord, Sy. 197. G. AMARELLA, Linn.—K. Selsund, Steinholt, Hraun, Hd.! Hafnarfjord, S.! Holar, B. G. Sr glufjord, near Holmar on Reydarfjord, T. $ G. Sletta, Latrum, Adelvik, St. Oefjord, Kr. This is probably the G. autumnalis of P. & Z. 198. G. TENELLA, Fries.—K. * Fl. Dan.’ t. 318. : In dry meadows at Bessested and Hlidarende, Z. Leiraa, Mk. Bri- amslok, Latrum, Adelvik, St. Myvatn, Kr. Siglufjord, T. & G. It is in Solander's collection as G. @deri, an unpublished name and without any locality. : Hooker thought it might be the Cicendia filiformis, which does not extend so far towards the north. [G. Pneumonanthe ( Linn.) is enumerated by P. & Z.] PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 319 199. PLEUROGYNE noTATA, Griseb.—K. Swertia sulcata, Rottb. S. rotata, Linn. * Fl. Dan.’ t. 343. Between Reykjavik and Thingvellir, Mk. Oefjord, Kr. Modrudal, Arnarvatnsheidi, Hd.! By Odde, not far from Oerebakke, at Bol- fjald near Hekla, Z. Hellam, Sellsund, Eigvindersmull, S. 200. MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA, Linn.—K. Common. Laxarvogr in Hvalfjord, B. Hafnarfjord, S.! Vithimyr, B. G.! Reykjavik, $y.! Seythisfjord and Skagafjord, Sy. [Benguerel records Villarsia nympheoides, but gives no loca- lity for it, and he has probably made a mistake.] 201. DrAPENSIA LAPPONICA, Linn.—G. c Stadarstad, Mk. In the ravine at about halfway from Reykjavik to Thingvellir, Sy. (Faroe and Iceland, 74). 202. ECHIUM VULGARE, Linn.—M. i : Solander saw a specimen in Paulsen’s herbarium. Hjaltalin and Gliemann, as well as Mohr, recognize it as an Icelandic plant. 203. MERTENSIA MARITIMA, Gray.—K. EE Reykjavik, B. Oelvesoa, Z. Myvatn, T. & G. Voxhuus, : s$- jostrand by Mogilsa, St. Oerebakka, Kr. Seythisfjord, Sy. 204. Myosorts PALUSTRIS, With.—K. Hafnarfjord, Granfell, S. Hof in Vatnsdal, B. G. 205. M. arvensis, Lehm.—S., M. M. intermedia, Link. Seide Reykjavik, B. Akreyri, C. ! Raud nef stadr, Hd. Laugarvatn, Seides- fjord, Skagafjord, Sy. ! 206. M. vensicoLon, Rehb.—G. Reykjavik, B. : : Gliemann enumerated it on the authority of Mörck. (M. couurna, Hoffm.—L. ES E Lindsay and Preyer & Zirkel enumerate this without any » cality. I recorded it in Holland's List by mistake. Holland's plant was M. arvensis.) 207. M. srricta, Link.—St. Stadarfell, Stikkesholm, St. 208. DIGITALIS PURPUREA, Linn.— Hornemann. An Icelandic specimen is in the Horn. Herb. at Copenhagen which was gathered by Brynjulfsson, Lange. z2 320 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 209. LIMosELLA AQUATICA, Linn.—K. Laugarvatn, Z. Fjallehaekkeveien, St. Berufjord, Thienemann in Herb. Horn. 210. PEDICULARIS (peri, Vahl, Fries.—XK. Krafle, Myvatn, Z. Not rare according to G. Geitarhlid, MA. Bri- amsloek, Olid, Garpsdal, St. Grimstungaheidi, Kr. Above Akreyri, C.! It seems nearly certain that this is the true name of our plant. It is the P. versicolor of Wahlenberg in his ‘ Fl. Suec., but not in his * Fl. Helv.’; and is the P. flammea of * Fl. Dan.’ t. 30, and the Icelandie Floras. 211. P. PALUSTRIS, Linn.—G. Mikliboer, B. G. 212. P. svLvATICA, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, Molar, S. Lagarfljot, G. According to B. G. this is a common plant. 213. RHINANTHUS CRISTA-GALLI, Linn.—K. R. minor, Ehrh. Reykjavik, B. Raudnefstadr, Knappavellir, Hd. Geysirs, B. G. Sletta, Kollafjordarstrand, St. Seythisfjord, Skagafjord, Sy. ! There is a specimen in Solander’s collection. Preyer and Zirkel also record R. major, Ehrh. 214. BARTSIA ALPINA, Linn.—K. Laxarvogr in Hvalfjord, B. Hafnarfjord, Granfell, S. Gestarlhid, nest Krisuvik, Mk. Reykjavik, between Kalmanstunga and Thingvellir, Kr. Husavik, Siglufjord, T. & G. Eyafjord, C.! Skjalfanda, B.G. SeythisfJord, Skagafjord, Sy. ! 215. EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS, Linn.—K. E. parviflora, Fr. Olafsvik, Mk. Bessested, Kr. Breiddalsheidi, Utsalir, Hd. ! Hafnar- fjord, S. Thingvellir, Sy.! Grimstunga, B. G. Two plants are recorded by Gliemann under the names of E. danica and E. hirsuta, on the authority of Hooker. No such names appear in Hooker’s catalogues, nor have I any idea of what plants are meant. [VERONICA PEREGRINA, Linn.—K. : If this plant of temperate North America was found by Konig it must have been accidentally introduced. But probably there was some mistake. No locality is recorded. All the authors, except Vahl, follow Konig. ] PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 321 LV. srrcara, Linn.—-P. & Z. This is very unlikely to be a native.] [V. ANAGALLIS, Linn.—K. Vahl doubts if this plant has really been found. It is enu- merated in all the lists without any doubt. I have not seen any specimen, and do not know of any locality for it. It does not occur in Lapland, nor in the arctic regions, and therefore I ven- ture to propose its omission. ] [ Benquerel records V. aquatica, of which I know nothing.] 216. V. SCUTELLATA, Linn.— K. Hafnarfjord, S. 217. V. BEccABUNGA, Linn.—XK. Abundant near Skagastrand, and other places in Hunavatos Syssel, M. Frequent in the north, G. Thingvellir, Sy.! Reykum, St. 218. V. OFFICINALIS, Linn.—K. * Fl. Dan.’ 570. Hafnarfjord, S. Common in the west and south, Mk. Seythisfjord, Hafuarfjordshraun, Sy.! Stadarfell, Olafsdal, Glamaheidi, St. 219. V. saxaTILIs, Linn.— K. V. fruticosa, K., &c. Oxeraa, Grimmans Fiadle, Reikium Fiadle, Torfa Jokul, Z. Thingvellir, Sweinascaur, H. Reykjavik, B. Eyafjord, C. Myvatn and many other places in Mule Syssel, M. Eydar on the Lagarfljot, T. § G. Myvatn, G. Hredavatn, Olid, St. Ascends to the height of 2000 feet in the west, Mk. 220. V. ALPINA, Linn.—K. Reynivalla-hals, B. By a mountain-stream above Akreyri, C.! Hall- ormstadrhals, Breiddalsheidi, Hd.! ^ Uxahver, Skjalfanda, B. G. Skagafjord, Sy.! Myvatn, T. $ G. Bitrufjord, Reykjarfjord, M. Kri- suvik, St. Oxnedalsheidi, Kr. Gliemann says that it is common in the north, and Mórck that it reaches the height of 2000 feet in tbe west. 221. V. seRPYLLIFOLIA, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, S$. Grenjatharstadr, Holar, B. G. Abun- dant near Skagastrand, and at other places in Hunavatns Syssel, M. Seythisfjord, Skagafjord, $y.! Common in Bogarfjord Syssel, rarer in Snaefells Syssel, Mk. Gardir, Kr. 299. Tuymus SERPYLLUM, Linn., Fries.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, S. Middalr in Strande Syssel, Olafsen and Povelsen. Keflavik, Mk. Geysir, Kr. Breiddalsheidi, Mikliboer, 322 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. Hd. Lagarfljot, G. Oxnardalr, B. G.! Seythisfjord, Skagafjord, Sy.! 223. PRUNELLA VULGARIS, Linn.—K. : Laugarness near Reykjavik, B. Myvatn, M. Near the south coast, Ld.! Kalmanstunga, Arnarvatn, B. G. Seythisfjord, Sy. ! 224. LAMIUM AMPLEXICAULE, Linn.—V. Iceland, St. There is a specimen in the Herb. at Copenhagen. 225. L. PURPUREUM, Linn.—K. Geysir, S. Hnausir, B. G. 226. L. ALBUM, Linn.—H]j. Hnausir, B. G. 227. GaLeopsis LaDANuM, Linn.—K. * Fl. Dan.’ t. 1757. This is recorded in Kénig’s Flora, and all except Vahl have followed him. I find no localities reeorded for it. 228. G. TETRAHIT, Linn.—K. Geysirs, B. Skalholt, S$. Reykjavik, Sy.! Holar, B. G. 229. STACHYS SYLVATICA, Linn.—G. Fnjorhadalr, B. G. ; Gliemann enumerates this plant without remark; but none ot the other lists include it. 230. PiNGUI1CULA VULGARIS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, Garde Hraun, B. Hafnarfjord, S. Myvatn, Arnarvatn, T. & G.! Selsund, Steinholt, Raudnefstadr, Knappavellir, Hd. 231. P. ALPINA, Linn.—M. Found at Borgarfjord by Petersen, M. : Baring-Gould's P. alpina from Arnarvatn (!) is P. vulgaris with the scape more glandular than is usual, and the plant small. 232. PRIMULA FARINOSA, Linn.—WM. Crossnaes, G. 233. P. stricta, Horn.—G. Eyjafjord, T. & G., who call it P. Hornemanni. [LYSIMACHIA NvuMMULAnIA, Linn.—S. Solander saw it in Paulsen’s herbarium. No other author mentions it. | [ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS. Linn.—S. Solander saw it in Paulsen’s herbarium. No other author mentions it. | PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 323: 234. TRIENTALIS EUROPEA, Linn.—Hj. Eydar on the Lagarfljot, T. & G. . The late M. J. Gay informed me that there is a specimen from Stykkisholmar by Breithifjord in the Paris Herb. 235. GLAUX MARITIMA, Linn.—M. Eyjafjord, Mithfjord, B. G. 236. ARMERIA MARITIMA, Willd.— K. A. pubigera 8. scotica, Bois. Common from the coast to the dry sands of the interior and up to the perpetual snow. My specimens from Reykjavik, and Sy- mington’s from Skagafjord, are the above-named plant of Boissier ; but probably other forms are to be found. 237. PLANTAGO MAJOR, Linn.—K. Geysirs, B. Hafnarfjord, S.! Laugarnes, Seythisfjord, Sy. ! [P. MEDIA, Linn.—L. Lindsay and Preyer & Zirkel enumerate this plant. I have much doubt concerning it. ] 238. P. LANCEOLATA, Linn.—K. Sandlaugsdal, St. Gliemann says that it is very common. 239. P. ALPINA, Linn. (?)—H. Thingvellir in plenty, H. (who has specimens). s Robert gives Iceland as a locality for it in DC. Prod. (xiii. i. 731). Gliemann thought the plant is probably P. maritima, var. glauca. Specimens are in Hornemann's herbarium at Copen- hagen ; and Lange considers that they are an undescribed species, which he purposes to publish in * Fl. Dan.’ with the name of P. borealis. [P. Coronopus, Linn.—K. König recorded this plant; and all, except Vahl, have fol- lowed him without doubt. It certainly requires confirmation. ] [LITTORELLA LACUSTRIS, Linn—$. There is a specimen of this, but without any locality, amongst Solander’s Icelandic plants in the British Museum. But that is scarcely sufficient authority for adding it to the flora. | 240. CHENOPODIUM ALBUM, Linn.— G. Brethedal, St. [ATRIPLEX HoRTENSIS, Linn. —G. Gliemann added this on the authority of Olafsen (p. 333). 324 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. Fries considers it a real native of Lapland and Finland. Can it have resulted from an attempt at cultivation ?] 241. A. RASTATA, Linn.—K. A. patula, Sm. Reykjavik, B. 242. A. ANGUSTIFOLIA, Sm.—S. A. patula, Linn. (?), Koch, Fries. Stadarfell, Bredehollir, St. There is a specimen in Solander’s collection, which seems to have grown on very rich soil. 243. A. BABINGTONII, Woods.—K. A. rosea, Bab., not Linn. A. crassifolia, Fr., not Mey. A laciniata, Zoega and most Icelandic botanists. Rodefjord, G. An Icelandic specimen from Hjaltalin is in Hornem. Herb. at Copenhagen. [RuwEx CONGLOMERATUS, Murr.—K. R. acutus, K. óc. This is a common plant, according to Gliemann. He also re- cords R. domesticus, or I should have suspected that he, and all the older Icelandic botanists, really intended the R. domesticus by R. acutus, and that R. conglomeratus is not to be found in Iceland. If really common, it is remarkable that no recent visitors have noticed it. I have no recollection of seeing any plant at all like R. conglomeratus. | 244. R. pomesticus, Hn. (?)—G. Reykjavik, B. Budnestad, Mk. Reykhollar, St. Found especially at Borgarfjord, according to Olafsen and Povelsen, who call it Patientia or Lapathum. lam unable to determine to which of the species into which the R. aquaticus (Linn.) is now divided, my specimen ought to be referred ; but it seems to be R. domesticus. The specimens ga- thered by Mörck and by Steenstrup, now at Copenhagen, are so named. Becquerel adds R. crispus, but probably means the same plant. Preyer and Zirkel record R. crispus and R. Patientia; but probably both names refer to the same plant. There is a probable specimen of R. domesticus in Solander's collection, but it has no leaves. Gliemann states, on the authority of Mórck, that E. do- mesticus is the plant of Iceland ; and Vahladmits it as a native species. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 325 245. R. Acrrosa, Linn.—K. This is a common plant. I have seen it from Reykjavik, B. Breid- dalsheidi, Hd. ^ Hafnarfjord, S. Steinstadr in Oxnadalr, B. G. Seythisfjord, Sy. 246. R. AcETOSELLA, Linn.—K. Common. I have seen it from Reykjavik, B., and Steinstadr, B. G. 247. OXYRIA RENIFORMIS, Hook.— K. Reykjavik, B. Stappen, Mk. Besserstad, Kr. Siglufjord, T. & G. Breiddalsheidi, Hd. ^ Grimstuuga, B. G. Saudarey (Suthrey) in Breithjfjord, Robert. Olafsfjord, G. Skagafjord, Sy.! 248. POLYGONUM viviPARUM, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. In great abundance at Thingvellir, H. Akreyri, Hal- lorm-stadr-Hals, at the foot of Orcefa Jokull, near Myvatn, Hd. Hafnarfjord, S.! Holar, B. G. Seythisfjord, Skagafjord, Sy. I have received specimens of it named P. Bistorta. [P. Bisrortra, Linn.—H. A very doubtful native.] 249. P. AMPHIBIUM, Linn.—K. T In all the lists. I have no knowledge of its localities. 250. P. Persicaria, Linn.—K. "e In allthe lists. I have no knowledge of its localities. 251. P. LAPATHIFOLIUM, Linn.— St. ; Steenstrup deposited an Icelandic specimen in the Herbarium at Copenhagen. 252. P. HvpnoriPzn, Linn.—K. In all the lists. I have no knowledge of its localities. Vahl had doubts concerning this plant and the two preceding being natives. 253. P. AviCULARE, Linn. Common. I have seen it from Thingvellir and the Geysirs, R. Ak- reyri, C.! Reykjavik, Skagafjord, and Seythisfjord, Sy. ! l Lange says that forms angustifolium and latifolium are in the Herbarium at Copenhagen. [P. ConvoLvuLus, Linn.—G. I know nothing of this, and it is not noticed by others. ] 254. KŒNIGIA ISLANDICA, Linn.— E. Reykjavik, B. Geysirs and north foot of Laugerfell and Skalholt, H. $ B. G. Bessested, Sir J. Banks in Brit. Mus. Herb. Rangar- vellir, Mk. Skagafjord, M. Stadarfell, St. Oefjord, Kr. My- 326 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. vatn, T. & G. Ness, Esia, Reikium, Nupterfjal, Oerebakka, Hide” rendi, Holte, S. Discovered in Iceland (on clayey ground at Ness, Z.) by J. G. Konig in a.p. 1765 (Linn. Mantis. 35). 255. EMPETRUM NIGRUM, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, Granfell, S. Siglufjord, Eyafjord, T. & G. Oreefa Jokull, near Myvatn, Hd. “Used by Bishop Pil for making sacramental wine. Päls Saga, cap. ix.” B. G. [EvPHonBrA PEPLvus, Linn.—S. Solander saw this in Paulsen's herbarium. A possible but not probable native. ] 256. CERATOPHYLLUM DEMERSUM, Linn.—X. In all the lists. I know of no localities. 257. URTICA URENS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Eyjafjord, B. G. Skagafjord, Sy.! It grows about the houses at Reykjavik, and was probably in- troduced. Solander saw itin 1772; but Mohr took no notice of it in 1786. Hooker observed it in 1811, and I saw it in 1848. 258. U. piorca, Linn.—K. Kalfanes in Steingrimsfjord, Paulsen in M. Vatns-skarth, B. G. Olafsen and Povelsen say that U. minor (* Brenn-nessel ") grew on Flatey in Breidifjord. 1 believe that they meant U. dioica, which seems to be the Brennu-netla of Iceland, and is the Bran- natsla of Sweden. 259. CALLITRICHE VERNA, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. Reykjavik. St. 260. C. sTAGNALIS, Scop.—St. Reykholt, St. 261. C. AUTUMNALIS, Linn.—K. Included in all the lists. I know of no localities. 262. BETULA NANA, Linn.—K. Thingvellir, B. Kreisuvik, H. Eylifr, Vithidal, Myvatn, B. G. Eya- fjord, T.§ G. Skagafjord, Sy. ! 263. B. INTERMEDIA, Thom. (in Rchb. Fl, Excurs.). B. alba 8. procumbens, Sol. MS. B. fruticosa, Vahi. Abundant near Thingvellir, B. Stadarstad, M. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 327 This appears to be the B. alba of Zoega, which, he says, formed a wood at Laugervatn. He states that the trees were mostly decumbent, and had stems 4 ells long, and 4 inches thick. l have failed in identifying my plant with those of other authors. lt is often mistaken for B. alpestris (Fr.), or B. hu- milis (Schr.); but the shape of its leaves and of the scales of its catkins is different from what it is in those plants. B. alpestris (Fr), B. humilis of his Herb. Norm. v. 60, has :—“ foliis sub- rotundis obtuse serratis, amentis terminalibus erectis pedunculo amentum subequante, squamis digitato-trifidis laciniis distantibus porrectis subzqualibus." B. humilis (Schrank), Fries, Herb. Norm. xiii. 72, has :—“ foliis subrotundo-ovatis (sepe basi sub- cordatis) acute crenato-serratis, amentis terminalibus erectis bre- viter pedunculatis pedunculo multo longioribus, squamis digitato- trifidis laciniis divergentibus subequalibus.” My plant may be described as follows :— B. folis rhomboideo-ovatis irregulariter acute crenato-serratis basi cuneatis integris, petiolis pubescentibus, amentis terminalibus erectis pedunculatis pedunculo amentum sub:zequante, squamis trifidis la- ciniis ciliatis latis apice rotundatis intermedio lateralibus paululum incumbentibus, nucibus obovatis ala cinctis latitudinem nucis zequante apicemque pilosam vix attingente. 264. B. GLUTINOSA, Fries.—G. B. alba of all the lists. Thingvellir, B. Granfell, S. Fnijoska-dalr, Northar-dalr, &c., B. G. Skagafjord, Sy. ! j As far as I can learn, there is only one kind of Birch-tree in Iceland; for the preceding species are shrubs. It is usually called B. alba, because the older botanists did not distinguish B. glutinosa from the Linnean species. I saw one small tree of B. glutinosa in the Almannagja, and obtained specimens of the leaves from it; nor have I seen any other. The Birch was formerly much more abundant than it is at present. Horrebow states that the wood in Fnijoskadalr was four miles long and half a mile wide at about the middle of the eighteenth century. Gliemann states that in 1824 only stumps and decaying stems remained there, and that some of these stumps were of considerable thickness. This fine wood was de- stroyed by the improvident conduct of the people. Henderson states that he saw, in 1814, the remains of this forest on the east side of the river, consisting of numerous stumps of Birch trees, 328 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. - some of which exceeded 2 feet in diameter. My friend Mr. E. Magniisson informs me that it has now renewed itself to some extent, and with ordinary care may again become a valuable forest. Gliemann informs us that to the east of Reykjalid, at the foot of Dalefjord, and by Ferjubakki, near the mouth of the river Jokulsa of Axarfjord, there were high and thick Birch trees remaining. Sir G. S. Mackenzie passed in 1810 through a wood of Birch trees, 6-10 feet high, by the Hvita of Bogarfjord. Hooker, in 1811, passed through a similar * forest" of these trees, some 11-12 feet high, near the south side of the entrance of Bogar- fjord. And Henderson, 1814-15, saw “numerous forests of birch," by the Lagarfljot. 205. SALIX PENTANDRA, Linn.—K. Thingvellir, B. G. S. ambigua, Ehrh. (S. versifolia of Gliemann) is probably a mis- take. 266. S. PUnPUREA, Linn.—G. Thingvellir, B. G. 267. S. LANATA, Linn.—K. Thingvellir, B. Eyafjord, T. $ G. Granbakka, Stikkesholm, Bud- nesstadt, Mk. Grimstungaheidi, Arnesvatn, Kr. It is remarkable that this plant is omitted by P. & Z., and also by B. G. 268. S. ovara, Ser. Reykjavik, Kr. 269. S. LAPPONUM, Linn.—K. Eysfjord, T. $ G. 270. S. ARENARIA, Linn.—K. Vahl-fjord, B. Leiruvatn, B. G. Gliemann states that it is not uncommon. 271. S. CAPRERA, Linn.— K. On the east side of the head of Eyjafjord, M. Seljadal, B. G. 272. S. PHYLICIFOLLIA, Linn.—B. Thingvellir, B. Voxhuus, Mk. Myvatn, Kr. 273. S. CINEREA, Linn.—P. & Z. Ljosavatn, B. G. I have some doubt of the correctness of the name, and have not seen any specimen. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 329 [S. GLABRA, Scop., Ledeb., Koch.—Hj. Hjaltalin includes this, but probably by mistake. It is said to have been found at Kola in Lapland, but not in Scandi- navia. ] 274. S. MYRTILLOIDES, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. 275. S. REPENS, Linn.—K. Eylifr, Ljosvatn, B. G. 276. S. cuauca, Linn., not of Sm.—K. Reinevalla-hals, B. Torrent near Eyjafjord, and between Thingvellir and the Geysirs, C.! Head of Leiravatn, B. G. Skagafjord, Sy. ! Apparently Lindsay combines this plant with the S. Lappo- num of Linnæus; but it is the S. glauca of Smith, which be- fongs to that species. This is the S. arenaria of the * Flora Da- nica,’ and is probably the S. arctica (R. Br.). 277. S. ARCTICA, Pall.—Robert. It grew on the old church at Thingvellir, and, according to E. Robert (Voy. 340), had a stem 6 feet long. 2/8. S. MvnsiNrITES, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S 279. S. ARBUSCULA, Linn.—K. Eyafjord, T. & G. 280. S. PYRENAICA, var. NonvEGICA, Fr.—B. S. E irs, And. ? Reinevalla-hals, B. lt is possible that this plant is included under the name of 5. Myrsinites in the lists. 281. S. RETICULATA, Linn.—K. Olatsvik, Mk. Gliemann states that this plant is moderately frequent. 282. S. HERBACEA, Linn.—K. Thingvellir, Reykjavik, Reinevalla-hals, B. Skoulafjeld, H. Hafnar- fjord, S.! Breiddalsheidi, Hd. Akreyri, C. Grimstungaheidi, Kr. Skagafjord, Sy. ! 283. JuNIPERUS NANA, Willd.— K. Hafnarfjord, S.! Myvatn, G. To the west of Skjaldbreid, Hd. Ar- narvatn, Grjot-hals, B. G. Skagafjord, Sy! This plant is recorded by König and all succeeding authors under the name of J. communis or J. nana. Some few late writers 330 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. : include both names ; but Robert tells us that J. nana is the only coniferous plant to be found in Iceland ; and Vahl confirms him. Mörck considered J. communis to be a common plant; but I am informed that there is no specimen of the species in the Museum at Copenhagen. [Pinus sylvestris and Abies Europea have been planted and also sown, but they do not long survive the rigour of the climate. Hooker was told that a single dwarf tree of P. sylvestris grew on an island in a lake which he passed between the head of Borgar- fjord and Reyholt (Hook. Tour, i. 306). ] 284. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S.! & Sy.! Seythisfjord, Sy.! Skaptafells-Syssel, G. 285. Oncuis Moniro, Linn.—K. Grimstunga, B. G. 286. O. MASCULA, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. On the way to Krisuvig, H. 287. O. MACULATA, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. Geysirs, B. Steinstadr, B. G.! Thingvellir, St. Sey- thisfjord and Hafnarfjordhraun, Sy. ! 288. O. LATIFOLIA, Linn.—K. mee I have not seen any specimen. The O. latifolia of my list 15 apparently O. maculata. 289. O. cruENTA, Müll., Fries.—G. Gliemann introduced this plant on the authority of Mórck, who found it at Rangarvalla. It is figured on tab. 876 of the ‘Fl. Danica.’ Fries considers it very closely allied to O. incarnata, but distinguished by its * foliis excurvis subfalcatis.” 290. PLATANTHERA HYPERBOREA, Lindl.—K. Geysirs, B. Oxeraa, S. Bessested, Ness, Reykjavik, Z. Skaga- fjord, Sy.! Akreyri, C.! Holtar, Selsund, Buland, Prestbakki, Steinholt, Hd. Knjoskadal, and near Myvatn, M. Pl. Konigii is recorded as found by Mörck at Geitarhlid, and by Krabbe in Hunavatn.Syssel; but it is scarcely a variety of Pl. hyperborea. 291. HABENARIA viripIs, R. Br.—K. Geysirs, B. Akreyri, C. At the opening of Horgasdal, B. G.' Geitarlhid, Mk. Hredavatn, St. 292. H. ALBIDA, R. Br.—K. Akreyri, C.! At the opening of Horgasdal, B. G. Myvatn, T. 5 G. Stappen, Mk. Hredavatn, St. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 331 293. LisTERA ovaTa, R. Br.—H. Found by Mr. Paulsen at Vik, according to Hooker, who has à specimen. Vahl also marks it as certainly a native plant. 294. L. CORDATA, R. Br.—St. Steenstrup gathered this in Iceland, and there is a specimen in the Museum at Copenhagen. 295. NEoTTIA Nipus-avis, Linn.—K.? Hjaltalin and Gliemann record this plant. Hooker received a specimen of “either this or a new species” from Sir G. Mac- kenzie. Reichenbach, the younger, has seen one from “ Islandia austr., fide Thienemann.” König records N. kamtschatea, and Gliemann includes it in addition to JN. Nidus-avis. Zoega and Solander insert W. kamtschatea doubtfully. In all probability they all refer to the same species, N. Nidus- avis. 296. NIGRITELLA NIGRA, Rchb.—K. Recorded in all the lists. 297. CoRALLORRHIZA INNATA, R. Br.—G. Fnjoskadal, M. Laugarvatn, B. G.! Skagafjord, Sg. ! Mohr thought that this was the plant intended by the P kamtschatea of König. [ANTHERICUM RAMOSUM, Linn.—B. An unlikely plant; but Gliemann recorded it without remark, and Hjaltalin retained it.] 298. MAIANTHEMUM BIFOLIUM, DC.—M. It is in most of the lists, and not an unlikely plant. Mohr and Gliemann called it Convallaria monophylla, and it is figured under that name in the * Fl. Danica,’ t. 291. 299. Juncus EFFUSUS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik and Eyjafjord, B. G. : Lindsay adds J. conglomeratus; and Baring-Gould includes both under the name of J. communis. Vahl has neither of them. 300. J. FILIFORMIS, Linn.— St. Reykhollor, Armule, Briamsloek, St. 301. J. BALTICUS, Willd.—H. : A careful examination of my specimens convinces me that the plant is J. balticus. I have not seen any specimens of J. arcticus 332 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. from Iceland, and think it probable that specimens of J. balticus have received that name from former writers upon this flora, e.g. Gliemann, Hjaltalin, Vahl, and Hooker. My specimens have a decidedly branched, although very small, panicle, like that of the Scottish plant, and therefore much resemble J. arcticus. I possess one stem bearing the remains of the fruit of the pre- ceding year, which, as far as I can judge, is that of J. balticus. The localities known for either one or the other of these species are :—Reykjavik, B. Laugarnes, S. Upsalir, Hd. Myvatn, B. G. Sandlingrdal, Sz. Oefjord, Kr. Voxhuus, M. 302. J. TRIGLUMIS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, Geysirs, B. Akreyri, C. ! Hafnarfjord, Granfell, Heckla, S. ! 303. J. sigLuMis, Linn.—K. * Most abundant, forming a considerable part of the herbage near Reyk- javik ;" Hooker (i. 24). Leiraa, Mk. Olafrdal, St. The only specimen which I have seen was gathered by So- lander. I did not observe it near Reykjavik, and suspect that Hooker's remark, made from memory, was intended to apply to J. triglumis. 304. J. CASTANEUS, Sm. Armule, Granahlid, St. 305. J. TRIFIDUS, Linn.—K. Geysirs, Reykjavik, B. Akreyri, C.! Hafnarfjord, Granfell, S.! Bud- nastad, Stadarstad, Mk. Sandlaugrdal, Olafrdal, S7. 306. J. ALPINUS, Vill. Olafrdal, Sletta, Snaefellstrand, St. 307. J. LAMPROCARPUS, Ehrh.—K. J. articulatus of Z., K., H., S. J. alpestris, of G. Laugarnes, S. Myvatn, B. G. Stikkesholm, Mk. 308. J. suPINUS, Monch.—M. J. articulatus of L. Geysirs, B. Reykholt, St. The Icelandic specimens are very small. 309. J. sauarrosus, Linn.— M. Arnarvatn, B. G. 310. J. GERARDI, Lois. —K. J. bulbosus of Z., K., H., S. J. compressus of L. Molar, Laugarnes, Geysirs, S. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 333 It remains to be determined what is the plant really found in Iceland. Lindsay’s J. compressus is apparently the aggregate species, including J. cenosus and J. Gerardi; that of Vahl is only a supposed native, and therefore of no authority. It is probable that the plant is J. Gerardi, as that is the name adopted by P. & Z., who do not enumerate J. compressus. There are no specimens of the plant found by Solander in the British Museum. 311. J. Burontus, Linn.—K. Geysirs, B. Hafnarfjord, Laugarnes, S.! Reykholt, St. a LJ. Jacquiaii is included in the flora by P. & Z., but it is a very unlikely plant to grow in Iceland. } 312. Luzura pitosa, Willd.—K. Eyafjord, T. & G. 313. L. camprstris, DC. coat There is a specimen at Copenhagen, gathered by Krabbe. 314. L. muLTIFLORA, Lej.—K. Reykjavik, Geysirs, Reinevallahals, B. Groenablid, Ovre Glamaheidi, Krisuvik, St. Probably this is the Z. campestris of most of the lists; for the true L. campestris appears to be rare, and replaced, as in other marshy countries, by the L. multiflora. 315. L. sercata, DC.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, Hekla, S. Akreyri, C. Sletta, Reyk- holar, St. 316. L. ARcUATA, Hook. Ho vue Mountains near Akreyri, C.! Adelvik, Thorisengismule, Okid, Kri- suvik, Hredavatn, Sletta, Briamsloek, St. 317. “L. confusa, Lindb.,” Lange.—St. L. hyperborea, Blytt. Stromsnesheidi, Sletta, Ovre Glamaheidi, St. * L. arctica (Blytt), L. hyperborea (Hartm. et Bot. Suec. nec Blytt), non vidi ex Islandia," Lange. 318. TorrELDiA PALUSTRIS, Huds. T. borealis, Wahl. : Reykjavik, Laxarvogr, B. Myvatn, T. § G. Geysirs, C.! Akreyri, Breiddalsheidi, Hd. Laugarnes, Skagafjord, Sy. ! Skjalfanda, B. 6. ! Ovre Glamabeidi, St. Arnes Syssel, Ar. Dod This is the true Z. palustris of Hudson, which is a much older name than 7' borealis, Wahl. LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. 2A 33-4 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. (T. cCALYCULATA, Willd. Baring-Gould informs me that he gathered two kinds of To- fieldia at Grimestunga, and considers one of them to be this species. I have not seen his specimens. K., & Z. include it in their lists Solander has the name, but his specimen seems to be the T. pa- lustris. I have seen other specimens named T. calyculata which are //. palustris. I doubt if the true plant has ever been found in Iceland.] 319. TrRIGLOCHIN PALUSTRE, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, S.! Akreyri, C.! Reykholt, Robert. 320. T. MARITIMUM, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, Gronnefjord, Mk. 321. SPARGANIUM MINIMUM, Fr.—S. My specimen, called S. natans, gathered near Reykjavik, ap- pears to belong to this species; but Lange says that the plant found near Reykjavik and at Rangarvalla is the S. angusti- folium (Mx.), the S. hyperboreum (Lestad.). 322. S. NATANS, Linn.—K. Myvatn, M. lt is in Solander's collection. 323. POTAMOGETON NATANS, Linn.—K. Laugarnes, S. Gronnefjord, Mk. Vithimyri, B. G. 324. P. RUFESCENS, Schrad.—G. Vithimyri, B. G. Laugarnes, St. 325. P. NITENS, Web., v. HETEROPHYLLUS, Fr. Reykjavik, Kr. 326. P. LANCEOLATUS, Sm. P. nigrescens, Fries ? A little to the west of Reykjavik, B. Above the hot springs at Laugar near Reykjavik, B. G.! I think that no reasonable doubt can exist of this being the plant of Smith. I have not seen the fruit, nor the floating leaves. It may be the P. lucens of Lindsay ; for I find that this species is regarded as a form of P. lucens by Bentham, whose views are generally adopted by Lindsay. 327. P. HETEROPHYLLUS, Schreb. P. gramineus, Fries. Arnardragur, Laugarnes near Reykjavik, St. 398. P. LUCENS, Linn.—K, - P. lucidum, König. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 335 Hafnarfjord, S. i Mörck says that this is a common plant. Vahl doubts its presence in the country; but all the best lists include it. 329. P. PERFOLIATUS, Linn.—M. Myvatn, G. Sandlaugrdal, St. 330. P. crispus, Linn.—K. Myvatn, G. All the best lists include it; but Vahl had doubts. 331. P. PUSILLUS, Linn.—K. Reykholt, St. Solander saw it in Paulsen’s collection. 332. P. PECTINATUS, Linn.—K. Laugafjord, Mk. Vithimyri, B. G. 333. P. FILIFORMIS, Nolte.—K. Laxarvogr, B. Arnardragur, Sandlangsdal, St. Hafnarfjord, S. ! K., Z., and S. have a P. maritimum ; M. and H. put P. marinum in its place. They all record P. pectinatum in addition. Can their P. maritimum be Zostera marina (a plant which does not appear in K. or Z. or S., but is recorded by Hooker, and seems to be abundant) ? 334. ZOSTERA MARINA, Linn.—S. Z. angustifolia, Rchb. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, S. Oefjord, in abundance, G. Hruta- fjord, B. G. Stikkesholm, St. The larger form is stated to have been found at Bugafjord by Mörck. 335. BLYSMUS COMPRESSUS, Panz.—K. Carex uliginosus, König. Mule Syssel, G. Hop, B. G. 336. B. rurus, Link.—V. Hop, B. G. 337. SCIRPUS MARITIMUS, Linn. Esia near Reykjavik, Mk. 338. S. LACUSTRIS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. G. Esia, Mk. 339. S. PALUSTRIS, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S.! Holt, M. Reykholt, St. [S. multicaulis, Sm., is recorded by Gliemann.] 242 336 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 340. S. UNIGLUMIS, Link.—B. Reykjavik, B. It is probable that this plant was ineluded under the name S. palustris by the older authors. 341. S. PAUCIFLORUS, Light. Stadarfell, Reykholar, St. Mosfell near Reykjavik, Ar. 342. S. ces PrTOSUS, Linn.—K. Fl. Dan. 167. Laxarvogr, B. Akreyri, C. Arnarvatn-heidi, B. G. 343. S. ACICULARIS, Linn.— K. There is a specimen, gathered by Steenstrup, at Copenhagen. 344. S. seraceus, Linn.—XK. Heradsvatn, B. G. Hafnarfjord, S. 345. En10PHORUM ALPINUM, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, H. Strande Syssel, M. Oxnardals-heidi, B. G. 346. E. vaciNATUM, Linn.—K. Hafnafjord, S. Eyafjord, T. & G. Hangakvisl, B. G. 347. E. SCHEUCHZERI, Hoppe.—8. E. capitatum of most of the lists. Reykjavik, Thingvellir, B. Eyafjord, C.! Foot of Laugarfell, H. Skagafjord, Sy.! Vidoe, Krisuvik, St. Oefjord, Kr. I incline to the opinion that all the so-called Æ. capitatum of Iceland are Æ. Scheuchzeri. 348. E. potysracnuion, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, Granfell, S. Geysirs, Seythisfjord, Skaga- fjord, Sy.! Upsalir, Grimstadr, Hd. Eyafjord, T. & G. Krisuvik, St. Oefjord, Kr. Lindsay also enumerates the E. angustifolium (Roth). Other authors mention it, but apparently mean the broad-leaved plant, as they include only one form. I did so in Holland's list. [E. triquetrum (E. gracile, Koch) is stated by T. & G, to grow at Eyafjord. I may be permitted to doubt their correctness.] 349. E. LATIFOLIUM, Hoppe.—V. Vahl, Lindsay, and Preyer and Zirkel record this as certainly a native. I know of no recorded localities. 350. KoBRESIA SCIRPINA, Willd.—S. Elyna spicata, Sckk.; Carex Bellardi, Hook.; Fl. Dan. 1529. Geysirs, Thingvellir, Reykjavik, Laxarvogr, B. Near Akreyri, C.! Hafnarfjord, Mk. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 337 351. CanEx* DIOICA, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Reykholt, Borgarfjord, St. 352. C. cariTATA, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, Reykholt, St. Gliemann adds in brackets “ Scirpus ovatus.” If he is cor- rect, all the other authors are wrong. I am inclined to believe that the error rests with him. There is a specimen of the true plant in Solander's collection. 353. C. PULICARIS, Linn.—XK. This is included in all the lists without doubt, except that of Vahl. 354. C. RUPESTRIS, All.—G. Near Stapi by Snaefell Jokul, Mk. Akreyri, C.' 355. C. MICROGLOCHIN, Wahlenb.—G. Reykholt, Borgarfjord, St. P. & Z. add C. pauciflora (Lightf.). Probably the only plant found is C. microglochin ; but C. pauciflora is not an unlikely species to occur. 356. C. cuonponnuiza, Ehrh.—B. Laxarvogr, B. Kollafjordasheidi, St. [C. stenophylla (Wahl) is stated by T. & G. to have been found at Siglufjord on the north coast. It isa plant of Arctic America and may really grow in the north of Iceland. | 357. C. ARENARIA, Linn.— K. 'This is enumerated in all the lists. 358. C. incurva, Lightf.— G. Thingvellir, Laxarvogr, B. 359. C. vuLpina, Linn.—K. All, except Vahl, include this in the list as a true native. 1t does not occur in Lapland or the arctic regions, and is there- fore a doubtful plant. 360. C. MURICATA, Linn.—K. The same may be said of this as of C. vulpina. 361. C. LOLIACEA, Linn.—K. Admitted into all the lists without doubt, except that of Vahl. It is found in Lapland. * My Icelandic Carices were named by the late Dr. Boott. 338 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 362. C. ELONGATA, Linn.—K. This also is admitted by all except Vahl. Fries marks it as just entering Lapland. 363. C. STELLULATA, Gooden. Olafrdal, Falknefjord, Stad under Snaefell, Sz. 364. C. CURTA, Gooden. C. canescens of König and some others. Laxarvogr, B. Stappen, Mk. Gaspsdal, Armule, St. The plant of M. and St. is named C. canescens (Gooden.) by Lange, but is probably this species. 365. C. LAcoPINA, Wahl.—G. Stadarstadt, Mk. Stad under Snaefell, Groenahlid, Olafrdal, St. 366. C. NonvEG1CcA, Wahl. Gronefjord, Mk. 367. C. ovaLis, Gooden.—K. C. leporina, Linds. All, except Vahl, give this as a true native; but it is rather an unlikely plant. 368. C. CRYPTOCARPA, Meyer.—B. C. filipendula, Drej. ! Laxavogr, B. Krisuvik, Reykholt, Breidabolstad, Garpsdal, Stad under Snaefel, Groenahlid, St. 369. C. acuta, Linn.—K. Gliemann considered it to be a common plant. Vahl doubts its existence; therefore I suppose that the French party did not find it. It is included without any doubt in all the other lists. 370. C. RIGIDA, Gooden.—M. C. saxatilis, Vahl. a Reykjavik, Geysirs, Reinevalla-hals, B. Akreyri, C.! Breiddalsheidi, Hd. Krisuvik, Thorisengismule, Grónahlid, Okid, Breidabolstad, Reykholt, St. B. pupica, Drej. Kollafjordarheidi, St. Hj. and G. include both C. saxatilis and C. rigida. 371. C. HYPERBOREA, Drej.—B. Reykjavik, B. 372. C. vULGARIS, Fries.—S. C. cespitosa, Drej. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 939 Reykjavik, Laxarvogr, B. Olafsdal, Armule, Krisuvik, Kollafjordar- heidi, St. 3/3. C. ANGUILLATA, Drej. Reykholt, St. Fries places this as a variety of C. aquatilis. 374. C. Vani, Schk.—G. On the mountains near Akreyri, C. Kollafjordarheidi, Briamsloek, Groenahlid, St. 3/5. C. ATRATA, Linn.—K. Thingvellir, B. Akreyri, C.! Rangavalla, Mk. Garpsdal, Latrum, Ovre Glamabeidi, St. 3/6. C. PALLESCENS, Linn.-—K. Gliemann states that this is common. All except Vahl admit it without doubt. 377. C. pepata, Linn.—K. All except Vahl admit this. It is a Lapland plant. (C. onNiTHorPopa, Willd. Gliemann added this to the list. None of the older authors follow him. Vahl doubts its having been found, and so do I.] 378. C. RARIFLORA, Sm.— B. Laxarvogr, B. Geysirs, Mk. Krisuvik, Reykholt, Stad under Snae- fell, Okid, Olafsdal, Groenahlid, Hafnarfell, St. 379. C. LIMOSA, Linn. Reykholt, St. Morck says that it is common. ‘i 380. C. IRRIGUA, Wahl. Here and there in Iceland, Mk. 381. C. vacinata, Tausch.—K. Reykjavik, Laxarvogr, B. Leiraa, Mk. Stadarfell, Sletta, Hreda- vatn, Reykholt, St. Lindsay includes C. panicea (Linn.) also; and P. & Z. appear to follow him, but exclude C. vaginata. Vahl has neither of them. König has C. panicea, but probably meant what is now called C. vaginata. 382. C. CAPILLARIS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Akreyri, C.! Olafsdal, Suaefellstrand, Sletta, Latrum, Groenahlid, Reykholt, St. [C. PILULIFERA, Linn.—G. C. globularis, König ? 340 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. Gliemann records this under the name of C. montana. All the other lists (except that of Vahl, which omits both) name C. montana and omit C. pilulifera. According to Fries neither of the plants so named extends to Lapland. We require specimens to settle this point. ] 383. C. FULIGINOSA, Sternb.—G. This rests on the authority of Kónig as quoted by Horne- mann, Lange. ltis probable that the C. nisandra (R. Br.) is the plant meant by Vahl, which is that of Fries (H. N. v. 80), and of the * Flora Danica,’ t. 2373. Hj. & G. have also C. atrofusca, by which name this plant is probably intended. 384. C. FLava, Linn.—K. This is in all the lists. Vahl alone has any doubts concern- ing it. (€. DEPAUPERATA, Gooden.—G. Gliemaun records this on the authority of Mörck. It is not a likely plant to occur.] (C. PSEUDO-CYPERUS, Linn,—K. Konig records this, and nearly all follow him; but Gliemann remarks that it is a doubtful native.] [C. HIRTA, Linn.— K. This also is included in all the lists except that of Vahl. It seems rather an unlikely plant to be found. In Seandinavia it scarcely extends to the northern part.] 385. C. PULLA, Gooden.—G. Strómsneshlid, Latrum, Armule, Reykholt, St. 386. C. AMPULLACEA, Gooden.—H. Gathered by Sir G. Mackenzie, H. A specimen gathered in Iceland by Brynjulfsson is in the Herb. Hornemann. 387. C. vEsICARIA, Linn.—K. Included in all the lists. 388. ANTHOXANTHUM ODORATUM, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, S. ' Siglufjord, Eyafjord, Eydar on the Lagarfljot, T. & Œ. Skagafjord, Sy. ! PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 841 389. HIEROCHLOE BOREALIS, R. & S.—K. Reykjavik, Mk. Briamsloek, Okid, Reykholar, St. Hafnarfjord, Thur- saholt, S. , I do not understand what G. means by H. glaucus, introduced on the authority of Hooker. It is clear that he has made some mistake. 390. PHLEUM PRATENSE, Linn.—XK. Laugarvatn, S. Reykholar, Olafsdal, St. The form called P. nodosum has also been found. 391. P. ALPINUM, Linn. P. commutatum, Bab. Reinevalla-hals, Geysirs, B. Akreyri, C. Skagafjord, Sy.! Stappen, Mk. Moelefellsdalen in Skagafjord, Kr. 392. ALOPECURUS GENICULATUS, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Common at Rodefjrd, G. Molar, S. Reykholar, Olafsdal, St. [Solander records Alopecurus (Polypogon) monspeliensis. It is an exceedingly unlikely plant to grow in Iceland. There is a specimen of A. pratensis in Solander’s Icelandic collection, but without any locality. It is a plant not noticed by any other traveller in the island, and was probably a mistake. ] 393. SESLERIA CÆRULEA, Ard.—K. Fl. Dan. t. 1506. Lava between Hafnarfjord and Reykjavik, B. 394. NARDUS STRICTA, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, Mk. Olafsdal, St. 395. MILIUM ErrusuM, Linn.—M. Fl. Dan. t. 1144. Near Kaldrananes, G. 396. PHRAGMITES COMMUNIS, Trin.—K. In all the lists except that of Vahl, who doubts its being a native. 397. PSAMMA ARENARIA, Beauv.—K. Near Kinnzstadt, T. & G. 398. CALAMAGROSTIS STRICTA, Nutt.— G Arundo Epigejos stricta, G. Geysirs, Laxarvogr, B. Stad under Snaefell, Olafsdal, Gronahlid, Stadarfell, St. It is probable that this is the plant called Arundo Epigejos by König and the older authors. 342 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 399. C. varia. Vahl.—V. Vahl records a plant under this name. It is doubtless the Agrostis arundinacea of König, &c., which is usually considered synonymous with C. montana (Host), to which the C. varia of Wahlenberg is referred. Vahl does not inform us if he in- tended to refer to C. varia of Host (C. Halleriana, DC.), or that similarly named by Trinius (C. montana, Host). 400. AGROSTIS CANINA, Linn.— K. Olafsdal, St. B. mutica, Hartm. Garpsdal, St. 401. A. VULGARIS, Linn.—K. A. capillaris, Kónig. Olafsdal, Hafnarfell, St. Mohr records A. pumila, which is only a state of A. vulgaris. 402. A. ALBA, Linn.—K. A. stolonifera, Auct. Geysirs, B. Eydar on the Lagarfljot, T. § G. Briamsloek, Olafsdal, Sandlangsdal, Reykholar, Groenahlid, St. [A. ALPINA. Gliemann records a plant by this name; and Vahl marks it as anative. I cannot determine it. | 403. A. RUBRA, Linn.—XK. Eydar on the Lagarfljot, T. $ G. Olafsdal, Reykholar, Orebakka, St. 404. HoLcus LANATUS, Linn.—M. A little below the Geysirs, Sy. ! 405. AIRA .CÆSPITOSA, Linn.—K. Olafsdal, Garpsdal, St. Borgarfjord Syssel, Kr. Skagafjord, Sy. ! B. PALLIDA Koch. Garpsdal, St. 406. A. ALPINA, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, B. Ovre Glamaheidi, St. 407. A. FLEXUOSA, Linn.—K. Eydar on the Lagarfijot, T. & G. Reykjavik, Mk. Stromsneshlid, Okid, Sandlangsdal, Reykholt, Hafnarfell, St. A. montana (Linn.), is a form noticed by König &c. 408. A. ATROPURPUREA, Wahl.—G. A. alpina, Fl. Dan. t. 961. Hornemann considered this plant a native; and Gliemann also was certain concerning it. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 343 409. A. pracox, Linn.—M. All since the time of Mohr record this plant. 410. TRISETUM suBsPICATUM, Beauv.—K. Reykjavik, Geysirs, B. Hafnarfjord, Granfell, S.! Akreyri, C. Scal- holt, Budnested, Mk. Armule, Snaefellstrand, Stad under Snaefell, St. 411. MoLiNIA C.ERULEA, Monch.—XK. Havn Ledelos, M. Eydar on the Lagarfljot, T. $ G. 412. Poa annua, Linn.—XK. Reykjavik, Geysirs, B. Hafnarfjord, S. Reykholar, St. Reykholtdal (Borgarfjord Syssel), Kr. 413. Poa taxa, Henke.—V. Steenstrup gathered this plant, and his specimen is at Copen- hagen. 414. P. rLexvosa, Wahl.—G. Vahl marks this as a true native. 415. P. ALPINA, Linn.—M. Reykjavik, Geysirs, B. Near the houses at Akreyri, C.! Granfell, S. Skagafjord, Sy.! Ovre Glamaheidi, Okid, Garfrsdal, Stromneslilid, Reykholar, St. 416. P. cas1a, Sm.—S. Reykjavik, Geysirs, B. Akreyri, C.! Thingvellir, Mk. Stromnes- hlid, Briamslok, Grónahlid, Reykholar, Ovre Glamaheidi, St. B. ASPERA. Stadarfell, Fjallabek, St. 417. P. NEMORaLIS, Linn.—K. P. angustifolia, Kónig, &c. In all the lists. B. FIRMULA. Thingvellir, St. 418. P. BALFoURII, Parn.—B. P. serotina, Mörck in Herb. Reykjavik, B. Geysirs, Mk. 419. P. TRIVIALIS, Linn.—K. Armule, Stromneshlid, Ovre Glamaheidi, Reykholar, Sandlangsdal, St. Solander brought a specimen from Iceland ! 420. P. PRATENSIS, Linn.- K. Reykjavik, B. Laugarnes, L.! Olafsdal, Armule, Ovre Glamaheidi, Sandlangsdal, Thingvellir, Reykholar, St. 421. P. COMPRESSA, Linn.—K. This is in all the lists without doubt, except that of Vahl. 944. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 422. GLYCERIA FLUITANS, R. Br.—K. Festuca fluitans, Konig &c. Steenstrup gathered this in Iceland. 493. SCLEROCHLOA MARITIMA, Lindl.— K. In all the lists. 424. Sc. DISTANS, Bab.—G. Glyceria distans, 8. arenaria, Wahl. ? Sletta, Reykholar, St. [Briza MEDIA, Linn.—P. $ Z. A very doubtful native.] 425. CATABROSA AQUATICA, Beauv.— K. Garpsdal, Sandlangsdal, St. 426. DACTYLIS GLOMERATA, Linn. Skalholt, Reykjavik, Mk. 427. FESTUCA OVINA, Linn.—K. Geysirs, B. Hafnarfjord, S.! Thingvellir, Sy. It is usually viviparous. F. duriuscula (of most of the lists) and F. heterophylla (of P. & Z.), are probably forms of this species. Mörck gathered the former at Voxhuus. 428. F. RUBRA, Linn.—K. Armule, Stromsneshlid, Reykholar, Garpsdal, Thingvellir, St. 429. F. ARENARIA, Osb. Olafsdal, Okid, Thingvellir, Reykholt, St. Reykjavik, B. Eydar on the Lagarfijot, T. & G. 430. F. ARUNDINACEA, Schr.—K. F. elatior, Kónig, &c. In all the lists. Vahl alone has any doubts concerning it. [Preyer and Zirkel add Bromus elisha but give no lo- cality or authority for it.] 431. TRITICUM caninum, Huds.—XK. Elymus caninus, Konig, &c. In all the lists, without any doubt, except that of Vahl. 432. T. REPENS, Linn.—XK. Oefjord, Kr. Steenstrup also gathered it. (T. CRISTATUM, Schreb.—K. This is in several of the older lists. Gliemann says, “ very un- certain.” Hooker omits it. Hjaltalin includes it. PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 345 Retz considered that this was the plant intended by König, who is the sole real authority for it.) 433. ELYMUS ARENARIUS, Linn.—K. On sand-hills in the deserts near Hekla, between Hekla and Modru- dalr, Grimstadr, Hd. Hafnarfjord, Skalholt, Granfell, S. Skagarnes, Mk. Grónahlid, St. Myvatn, Husevig, Vapnefjord, M. Efferso, Sy. ! Suthrey in Breidjfjord, Robert. Henderson saw the people cutting it on the Myrdalssandr. He states that it is nowhere more plentiful than amongst the sand and ashes which cover the ground along that part of the south coast. Horrebow (* Nat. Hist. Iceland,’ Engl. ed. 1758, p. 41) says that *in the district of Skaftafel grows a sort of wild corn, of which the inhabitants make bread, and, though growing wild, it is in every respect as good as the Danish. This grows in sand, and the seed that drops off sows itself. The straw they use to thatch their houses." 434. EQUISETUM ARVENSE, Linn.—XK. This is probably a common plant. It is very large at Uthlid, B. 6. Reykjavik, Krisuvik, St. B. RIPARIUM. Reykholt, St. 435. E. umsprosum, Willd.—B. E. pratense, Linds. Thingvellir, B. Reykjavik, Sy.! Skjald-breid, Hd.! 436. E. svLvaTICUM, Linn.—K. Copse near Laugarvatn, B. G. It is in all the lists. 437. E. pimosum, Linn.—K. Vithimyri, Herathsvatn, B. G.! Reykjavik, Kr. lt is probable that K. and Z., from whom H., perhaps, took the name, meant by E. fluviatile the form of E. limosum which is thus named by the northern botanists. It is doubtful what Vahl meant by E. fluviatile, which he mentions as a doubtful native. P. & Z. seem to copy from him, but, nevertheless, give “ Tjarnaellting " as its Icelandic name. Zoega calls his E. flu- viatile * Elting;" Solander does the same, and his specimen is E. limosum (Fries). I refer all the Icelandic E. fluviatile to E. limosum, notwithstanding both names being included in most of the lists. 346 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 438. E. PALUSTRE, Linn.—K. Reykjavik, Laxarvogr, B. Akreyri, C.! By the baths (Laugarnes) near Reykjavik, Mk. Briamsloek, St. 439. E. HYEMALE, Linn.—K. Hafnarfjord, S. Briamsloek, St. It grows here and there by the sand- way between Myvatn and Husavig, also to the east of the latter place, M. 440. E. VARIEGATUM, Schleich. In the northern and southern parts, C.! There is a specimen in Hornemann's herbarium. 441. IsoETES ECHINOSPORA, Dur. Laugarvatn, St. in herb. A. Braun. I suppose that this is a lake by the road from Reykjavik to the Geysirs. As I believe that that lake has a peaty bottom, it is a very likely place for this plant. Durieu has seen a specimen, and states that it is his Jsoetes echinospora (Bull. Soc. Bot. de Fr. viii.). 442. I. LACUSTRIS, Linn.?—G. Thingvellir-vatn, near the southern end of the Almannagja, sparingly, H. (i. 208). It has still to be determined if the plant found in that place is the true I. lacustris. Judging from my recollection of the shore of the Thingvellir-vatn I should expect to find the true plant there. It wil be remembered that Hooker lost his whole col- lection of plants, and that therefore there is no specimen by which to determine this question. 443. LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM, Linn.— K. Solander saw this in the Herb. Paulsen. B. G. says that it is common. All the lists record it. 444. L. ANNOTINUM, Linn.—K. Hraun near Reykjavik, H.; Hafnarfjord, S.: these are doubtless the same place. Briamsloek, St. 445. L. ALPINUM, Linn.—K. Common up to the perpetual snow, Mk. Hredavatn, St. Skagafjord, Sy.! 446. L. coMPLANATUM, Linn.—G. Gliemann, Hjaltalin, and Vahl record this as a true native. 4^ DUBIUM, Zoega.—Z. This plant was added to the list by Zoega, not König. Its not to be found in the ‘ Nova Acta,’ but in Olafsen and Povelsen's PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. 347 work. He expresses doubts concerning its really belonging to this genus, having seen no fructification. He says, “ L. surculis simplicissimis erectis compressis, foliis complicatis carinatis acutis alternis distiche imbricatis. Confertim nascitur et densis cespi- tibus obtegit rupes," &c. No locality is mentioned for it. No suc- ceeding author seems to have identified it. It was probably a state or variety of one of the known species. I am inclined to think that it may have been Z. complanatum.] 447. L. SELAGO, Linn.—K. Ascends to the perpetual snow, Mk. Breidabolstad, St. Stirts- hellir, Hd.! Hafnarfjord, S. ! Husavik, T. & G. 448. SELAGINELLA SPINULOSA, A. Br.—K. Lycopodium selaginoides, Linn. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, S.! Oroefa Jokul, Hd.! Thingvellir, C. Copse by Laugarvatn, B. G.! Seidesfjord, Sy.! Rangarvalla, Mk. Briamsloek, St. 449. CRvPTOGRAMME CRISPA, R. Br.—V. Vahl marks this as certainly found. He is the only ME for it, except Lindsay. 450. POLYPODIUM VULGARE, Linn. Hafnarfjord, S.! Almannagja, B. G. In a cave or grotto near Midalr, to the left of the road to the Geysirs, Ld.! 451. P. PuEcorrznirs, Linn.—K. Garde-hraun, Almannagja, B. 452. P. DRYOPTERIS, Linn.—K. Garde-hraun, B. In a wood by Borgarfjord, H. 453. P. ALPESTRE, Hoppe. Stad under Snaefell, St. 454. Woopsra Irvxwsirs, R. Br.—C. Garde-hraun, B. Hafnarfjord, S. Selsund, Hd. Almannagja, C.! 455. W. HYPERBOREA, R. Br.—H. Hooker records this as plentiful a “ few miles to the south ” of Reykjavik ; also as growing in the Almannagja. Unfortunately his specimens were lost. Krabbe gathered it in Iceland; and there is a specimen from him at Copenhagen, but without any exact locality. 456. LASTREA THELYPTERIS, Presl.—K. All the lists include this fern; and Vahl alone expresses any doubt about its really being a native. According to Fries, it 348 PROF. C. C. BABINGTON ON THE FLORA OF ICELAND. does not extend to Lapland, nor does it appear to have been found in Northern Russia. 457. L. Finix-mas, Presl.—K. Almannagja, Mk. 458. Potysticuum Loncuiris, Roth.— M. Capella-hraun, Mk. Snaefelstrand, Thorisengismule, St. Husavik, T.ó G. Skagafjord, Sy.! 459. CvsToPTERIS FRAGILIS, Bernh.—K. Reykjavik, B. Hafnarfjord, S.! Rustskeller, Reykjaliet, Mikli- boer, Selsund, Surts-hellir, Hd.! North coast, C.! At Bosa- vatn, half a Danish mile from Husavik, M. Skjalfanda, B. G. Skagafjord, Sy.! Laxaa near Reykjavik, Mk. Seljeland, Thing- vellir, St. Almannagja, Kr. 460. C. DENTATA, Sm. Garde-hraun, near Reykjavik, B. Hooker records it as a native of Iceland (Sp. Fil. i. 198). He considers it a variety of C. fragilis. It is probably the fern noticed in his list as undescribed. 461. ATHYRIUM Finix-ramina, Roth.—K. Garde-hraun, B. Hafnarfjord, S. Seythisfjord, Sy.! Armule, St. 462. ASPLENIUM FONTANUM, Presl.—K. Thingvellir, B. G. I presume that this is the plant which B. G. calls Polypodium Sontanum. 463. ASPL. SEFTENTRIONALE, Hull.—K. * Laugardal, B. G.! 464. AsPL. TRICHOMANES, Linn.—V. Budarhraun, Mk. 465. BLECHNUM BOREALE, Sw. In a wood near the farm (Neofrholt ?) nearest to Hekla, Ld. ! Solander saw it in Paulsen's herbarium. 466. BOTRYCHIUM LUNARIA, Sw.—XK. Reykjavik, Geysirs, B. Holar, Horgadal, B. G. Seythisfjord, Sy.! Myvatn, G. Thingvellir, Mk. 467. OPHIOGLOSSUM vuLGATUM, Linn.—K. This is in all the lists, and Vahl alone has any doubts concern- ing it. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACES. 349 A Revision of the Genera and: Species of erbaceous Capsular Gamophyllous Liliacew. By J. G. Baker, Esq., F.L.S. &c. [Read February 3, 1870.] I BELIEVE that I am quite safe in saying that there is now no Order of flowering plants in which, at any rate in proportion to the inherent and necessary complication of the subject, there is more difficulty and loss of time incurred in determining the name of an unknown plant, than in Liliacee. One principal reason of this difficulty is that it is now twenty-seven years since the last general handbook of the order, the fourth volume of the * Enumeratio ' of Kunth, was written, and that, of course, during those twenty-seven years a considerable number of new genera and species have been published, the accounts of which are scattered widely through local floras and periodicals, and have never been gathered together and worked up upon a uniform plan. And, for various reasons, the work just mentioned, which is the only one that is at all available for use as a working hand- book, is not well adapted for that purpose. It is the production of a very experienced and excellent botanist; but, even for that time, he does not seem to have had in this order an extensive command of material to work upon, and, in consequence, has often been obliged to compile his account of genera and species from his predecessors, who have not described them upon a uni- form plan, or used a uniform terminology. His descriptions of genera are very careful and elaborate, occupying frequently the greater part of a closely printed octavo page; but, as Dr. Lindley complained when the work was published, they are scattered all through the book, and no help is given to the student, either by means of italies or an analytical key, towards choosing out from the long array of characters those which are relied upon in each particular case for furnishing the characteristic distinction of the genus. When a number of closely allied genera are dealt with in this way, I need scarcely point out that it requires a very needless expenditure of time and trouble to settle in which an unknown specimen must be placed ; and not only so, but there is very great danger of an author who follows this plan making for himself, or adopting froin others, genera which do not possess any definite generic individuality. To illustrate this last propo- sition, I need not go further than the work with which we are LINN. PROC.— BOTANY, VOL. XI. 2B 350 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEA. now dealing. As I have lately had occasion to show elsewhere, between the extreme points of Scilla, as that genus is (as I believe rightly) constituted in the * Enumeratio, four other ge- nera which the author has adopted, must be placed, viz. Bar- nardia, Ledebouria, Eratobotrys, and Drimia. About half the species placed by Kunth in Scilla have two, and the other half have several ovules in each of the three cells of the ovary. Lindley separated, under the name of Barnardia, two Asiatic species, which only differ structurally from the plants just re- ferred to by having only a single ovule in each of the cells. This character seems quite insufficient to found a genus upon, and he either overlooked or did not know that a long-known species of Scilla from Barbary (parviflora of Desfontaines) is also uniovulate. Kunth, however, keeps up Barnardia, but retains the Barbary plant in Scilla, and in consequence this latter has since been made into a monotypic genus by Steinheil under the name of Stellaris. The other three genera quite coincide with one another in structure, and only differ geographically, Ledebouria being an inhabitant of India, Eratobotrys of Nubia and Abyssinia, and Dri- mia, as Kunth defines it, of the Cape of Good Hope. In the typical species of Scilla the divisions of the perianth spread from the very base when the flower is fully expanded; but in these plants, as in the Common Wild Hyacinth of our English woods (the Scilla nu- tans of Smith and Kunth), the divisions, though not properly con- nate at the base, as they are in the cultivated Hyacinthus orien- talis, yet cohere permanently in a cup, and spread only for the upper half or two-thirds. The intermediate gradation between these two shapes of flower may be easily studied in Scilla cam- panulata, which is a South-European subspecies of nutans very common in the gardens round London. But this is rather a di- gression from the main question. I believe that no one who has at all attended to the order will feel any doubt that a thorough revision both of its genera and species is needed, di- rected with a view to ascertain, from the consideration of all the species which are now known, what are the best limitations and diagnostic characters of the former, and to bring together the species in one view, and define them more explicitly upon 4 uniform plan. This is what, in the present paper, I have at- tempted to do for a section of the order as fully as the material at my command would permit. Liliaceew is an order in which, as a general rule, the distinction between allied species cannot MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE®. 351 be investigated satisfactorily with dried specimens. Unfortu- nately for the object of this paper, these plants, after having been once the fashion, have now gone out of fashion as general objects of cultivation, and at the present time have given place to Orchids and showy bedding-plants. In consequence of this state of things I am afraid that a large proportion, especially of smaller Cape species, which have been introduced into Euro- pean gardens, have been entirely, and some, I fear, irrevocably lost in a living state. On the other side of the account, we may congratulate ourselves that good figures (though often without dissections) of most of the species that have been cultivated are preserved in the ‘ Botanical Magazine,’ the ‘ Botanical Register, Sweet’s ‘Flower Garden,’ and the magnificent plates of Jacquin ; and it is to be noted also that what has just been said about dried Specimens, and the differences which characterize species, fortu- nately does not apply, or applies much less forcibly, to those structural differences which characterize genera and subgenera. For living specimens I have used for this paper almost solely the collection at Kew and that of Mr. Wilson Saunders. Of the Liliacee contained in the latter, a selection of figures of some of the most interesting is contained in the number of the * Refugium Botanicum’ which is now ready to appear, which is devoted entirely to the order, and contains plates and descrip- tions of eighteen new species, several of which are of great hor- ticultural interest; and, I believe, there are very few species now in cultivation in the country which these two collections do not contain. For dried specimens, I have relied mainly upon the three sets now amalgamated at Kew—those of Sir W. Hooker, Mr. Bentham, and M. Gay. The latter contains a very fine series of specimens of the European genera, especially of Allium, but little that is extra-European. I have consulted, when ne- cessary, the herbaria of Linneus and Sir J. E. Smith ; but neither of them contains much affecting that part of the order which is here dealt with. There is a fine series of the older-known Species (many of the specimens dried from Kew in the days of Aiton and Solander) at the British Museum, including several I have not elsewhere seen; and I wish to express my best thanks to Dr. Perceval Wright and the Trustees of the Herbarium of Trinity College, Dublin, for their courtesy in allowing me the loan, for leisurely examination and comparison with the Kew specimens, of the set of Cape Liliacez there gathered together 222 852 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE. under the superintendence of Dr. Harvey, which contains many unpublished species. The section of the order dealt with in the present paper is one that is circumscribed with tolerable definiteness. I have not thought it needful to enter upon any points connected with the general characterization and relationships of the order, because I believe that these may be regarded as settled quite satisfac- torily, and that any thing which I could say would only go to confirm what botanists appear to be already fully agreed upon. The great body of Endogens with a corolla-like perianth, with divisions in sixes, and stamens in sixes or threes, falls into two alliances, characterized, the one by a superior, and the other by an inferior ovary and fruit, so as to leave very few of its genera in a position at all doubtful or intermediate. In subdividing the former alliance, we get characters, which are universally re- garded as of ordinal value, in the extrorse anthers, separated styles, and septicidally dehiscent capsules of Colchicacez. Deducting also Pontederiaces, a small order of not more than thirty species, in which the perianth is twisted in estivation, there remain con- siderably over 1000 species, the great bulk of which agree closely in all important points of structure. It seems to be most natural to regard all these plants as constituting a single order, and to arrange the great bulk of the species in two series, in one of which the fruit is a berry, and in the other a capsule. Tn these two series the great bulk of the order will readily rank, and there will remain over only a few exceptional groups, each containing a few species only, such as Roxburghia, Lapageria, and Philesia, in which the ovary is 1-celled, with parietal pla- centation, Conanthere, which approximate to Amaryllidaceæ by their partially adherent ovaries, Uvulariew, which approximate to Colchicacee by their extrorse anthers, Parideæ, which approxi- mate to Colchicacew by their disunited styles, and a few others. Taking the capsular series of genera, the most natural and cov- venient method is, I think, to dispose them in two subseries, one characterized by having the segments of the perianth free from one another down to the very base, and the other by having them joined together for at least the lower third or quarter. If we follow this method there is no difficulty in deciding clearly in which of the two subseries each genus will fall; and if we use for tribal characters the general arrangement of the inflorescence and the nature of the root-stock, the tribes of the two ‘subseries will, MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE.E. 353 to a large extent, run parallel with one another—Hyacinthe, bulbs of the gamophyllous subseries with racemose inflorescence, an- swering to Scillee, in which the segments of the perianth are free, Hemerocallidee in the same way to Anthericese, Millez to Alliew, and the other tribes in each of the two subseries less closely. This is a general outline of what I believe to be the most natural classification of the order; and in this paper all the known genera and species of the gamophyllous capsular series are reviewed, with the exception of the tribe Aloinez, which has formed the subject of a beautifully illustrated monograph by Prince Salm-Dyck. Of the genera, I believe I have had an opportunity of exa- mining a more or less perfect specimen of every one that has been proposed. I have kept up all for which I thought I was able to find any clearly definable structural individuality ; but even as compared with the * Enumeratio, I have felt bound to erase a good many of the small ones from the list, finding, as I proceeded, that it was quite impossible to do otherwise and at the same time characterize genera with reasonable clearness. I must not pass this point without acknowledging my obligations to the fragment of Salisbury's * Genera Plantarum ' which Dr. J. E. Gray has lately so liberally printed and circulated. This order seems to have been a partieular favourite with that author ; and his researches upon it were made at a time when the cultiva- tion of these plants was at its highest point of popularity. His planning-out and definition of the genera show great care and acuteness ; but in circumscribing them he went upon a track the direct opposite of that which I have followed. It will be seen that, although I have only adopted one of his genera as a genus, I have used many of his names and groups for subordinate divi- sions. Indeed I may say that I have felt it only due to the sterling merits of the work, and of a botanist who left behind him no adequate memorial of his ability and industry, to incor- porate as many of his groups and names as I could possibly include. The total number of genera which I have defined is 26, and of species about 220, being an average of about eight Species to a genus. In this portion of the capsular series, a condition of things quite different from what we see in other parts of the order, both large genera and good monotypic genera are comparatively few in number, the rule being genera of small or moderate size, in most of the tribes clearly bounded, with 354 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE. species often very near to one another. Of the 220 species, about 40 are here described for the first time ; and I have placed as va- rieties a good many forms which may often deserve a higher rank, but which, if so, want their characters elucidated more fully from study in a living state. Half the 220 species belong exclu- sively to the Cape of Good Hope; one tribe, containing upwards of 80 species, belongs entirely to America; and the other 80 species are scattered over the Old World, very few of them extending beyond the bounds of the Temperate Zone. CLAVIS TRIBUUM ET GENERUM. | Ordo Littacez. Monocotyledones florideæ perianthio corollino regulari vel subregulari zstivatione recto, ovario supero tri- loculari, loculis ex angulo centrali ovuliferis, stylis connatis (raro nullis vel disjunctis vel rarissime ovario uniloculari placen- tis parietalibus), antheris introrsis, fructibus capsularibus vel baceatis, embryone in albumine immerso. Subordo 1. LrnrAcEx verx. Fructus capsularis, trilocularis. Styli connati. Series 1. Perianthium segmentis basi distincte connatis. Tribus 1. HEwzmocaLLIDEx. Herb: radicibus crasse fibrosis, floribus racemosis vel paniculatis pedunculis paullulum foliatis. * Inflorescentia paniculata. ]l. PHormium. Perianthium tubulosum. Folia rigida. Flores Co- piose thyrsoideo-panieulati. Nova-Zelandia et Insula Norfolk. 2. HEwERocALLIs. Perianthium late infundibuliforme. Folia grami- noidea. Flores sparse corymboso-paniculati. Regiones boreali-tem- perate veteris orbis. ** Inflorescentia racemosa. 3. KNiPHOrFIA. Perianthium tubulosum, limbo perbrevi. Folia an- gusta, dura. Cap. B. Spei et Africa trop. orientalis. 4. BLANDFORDIA. Perianthium infundibuliforme segmentis tubo 5- 6-plo brevioribus, staminibus supra medium insertis. Capsula longe stipitata, septicide trivalvis. Folia angusta dura. Australia. 5. FuNK1A. Perianthium infundibuliforme, segmentis tubo gequanti- bus. Stamina hypogyna. Capsula sessilis, loculicide trivalvis. Folia lata. Japonia, China borealis, Siberia orientalis. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE.E. 355 A e ad x " A Tribus 2. AGApANTHER. Herb: radicibus crasse fibrosis, floribus umbellatis pedunculis nudis. Capenses. 6. AGAPANTHUS. Perianthium infundibuliforme. Filamenta folii- formia, declinata. Capsula septicide trivalvis. 7. TuLBAGHIA. Perianthium rotatum. Filamenta nulla. Capsula loculicide trivalvis. Tribus 3. MirnEx. Herbe bulbose pedunculis nudis, floribus umbellatis vel raro solitariis. Americane. * Coronate. 8. ANDROSTEPHIUM. Tubus infundibuliformis, segmentis aquans. Filamenta prorsus in coronam concreta. Capsula loculicide trivalvis. Texas. 9. BEssERA. Tubus campanulatus, segmentis 4—6-plo brevior. Fila- menta dimidio superiore libera. Capsula septicide trivalvis. Mexico. ** FEcoronate. 10. Leucocoryne. Perianthium infundibuliforme vel subrotatum segmentis tubo zquantibus vel brevioribus. Antherx 3, in tubo subsessiles. Staminodia 3, caleariformia, ad faucem inserta. Chili, Peruvia. ll. Bropiaa. Perianthium infundibuliforme (vel in specie unica late tubulosum) segmentis tubo longioribus vel brevioribus. Antherz 3, ad faucem sessiles. Staminodia 3, petaloidea, cum antheris uni- seriata. Amer. borealis occidentalis. 12. MinLa. Perianthium infundibuliforme, tubo cylindrico vel cam- panulato, segmentis tubo szquantibus vel 2-4-plo brevioribus. Sta- mina 6, perigyna, uniseriata vel biseriata. Amer. borealis et australis precipue occidentalis. Tribus 4. Massonrez. Herbs bulbose pedunculis nudis bre- vibus vel subnullis, floribus congestis corymbosis raro solitariis. Capenses. 13. Massowia. Perianthium tubuloso-gamophyllum segmentis zequa- libus linearibus vellanceolatis. Folia 2. 14. BRAcHvscvPHa. Perianthium campanulato-gamophyllum, seg- mentis ligulatis interioribus paulo longioribus. Folia plurima. l5. DAauBENYA. Perianthium tubuloso-gamophyllum limbo subbila- hiato segmentis valde inzqualibus. Folia 2. 356 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE X. Tribus 5. HxaciwruEx. Herbe bulbos: pedunculis nudis, flori- bus racemosis raro spicatis vel solitariis. * Segmenta limbi distincte difformia. 16. Dipcapi. Perianthium viride vel flavo-virescens, tubuloso-ga- mophyllum. Filamenta brevia recta. Semina discoidea. Regiones precipue temperate veteris orbis. 17. LACcHENALIA. Perianthium albidum vel fulgens, campanulato- gamophyllum. Filamenta elongata, declinata. Semina parva, la- genzformüa. Capenses. ** Segmenta limbi conformia deltoidea. 18. VELTHEIMIA. Perianthium rubrum, longe tubulosum, filamentis filiformibus ad medium tubi uniseriatim insertis. Capenses. 19. Muscari. Perianthium ceruleum, oblougo- vel obovoideo-urceo- latum, filamentis brevibus prope medium tubi biseriatim insertis. Eur. merid. Barbaria, Oriens. 20. LrrANTHUS. Perianthium viridescens, perparvum, solitarium, tu- bulosum, staminibus ad faucem sessilibus uniseriatis. Capenses. *** Segmenta limbi conformia, ligulato-lanceolata. 21. Drimra. Perianthium campanulato-gamophyllum, segmentis li- gulatis cucullatis. Semina discoidea. Filamenta elongata, leviter declinata. Cap. B. Spei, Afr. trop. 22. HvacINTHUS. Perianthium infundibuliforme, segmentis planis ascendentibus vel falcatis. Filamenta recta. Antheræ versatiles. Semina parva, ediscoidea. Eur. merid., Oriens, Africa bor. et merid. 23. RHADAMANTHUS. Perianthium campanulatum, segmentis erectis. Filamenta recta. Antherz adnatz. Semina discoidea. Capenses. 24. PuscHKINIA. Perianthium rotatum, turbinato-gamophyllum, fauce tubo profunde 6-dentato coronatum. Antheree versatiles, filamentis brevibus intra coronam insertis. Semina parva, ediscoidea. Oriens. 25. CHroNoDoxa. Perianthium rotatum, turbinato-gamophyllum. Corona nulla. Anthere versatiles, filamentis brevibus petaloideis. Semina parva, ediscoidea. Oriens. Tribus 6. ODONTOSTEMONE®. Herba bulbosa floribus racemoso- paniculatis pedunculo sparse foliato, 26. OpowTosTrEMUM. Genus solum. California. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE. 357 1. PoHormtium, Forst. Forst. Gen. No. 24; Endl. Gen. No. 1101; Kunth, Enum. iv. 274 ; Hook. fil. Flo. Nov. Zel. 286 ; Salisb. Gen. 81.— Chlamy dia, Banks § Sol. in Gertn. Fruct. t. 18, p. 71. Perianthium tubuloso-infundibuliforme, marcescens, leviter cur- vatum, basi obconiea solum gamophyllum, segmentis exteriori- bus firmioribus, lanceolatis, acutis, interioribus longioribus apice subpatulis. Stamina 6, ad basin segmentorum inserta, Jilamentis filiformibus squalibus exsertis leviter curvatis, an- theris lineari-oblongis versatilibus. Ovarium sessile, oblongo- triquetrum, ovulis copiose biseriatis ; stylus filiformis, stamini- bus equans, subdeclinatus; stigma capitatum. Capsula cornea, cylindraceo-triquetra, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus oblongis complanatis alatis, testa nitida, nigra. Herbe elate radicibus crasse fibrosis, foliis rigidis equitantibus distichis, floribus copiose thyrsoideo-paniculatis, pedicellis apice articulatis. De impre- gnatione ovuli cfr. Schacht, Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. 4, viii. 275, t. 4. Folia 2-3 poll. lata, apice fissa ........ .. l. tenax. Folia 9-18 lin. lata, apice vix fissa ...... 2. Cookianum. l. P. TENAX, Linn. Suppl. 204 ; Cook, It. ii. 96, cum icone; Red. Lil. t. 448-449 ; Bot. Mag.t. 3199 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 2/4; Hook. fil. Nov. Zel. 986. Folia utrinque scapum 4-6, 4 pedes vel ultra longa, 2-3 poll. lata, supra subglauca, extrorsum intense glauca, margine et carina cite rubro-brunnea, apice fissa. Scapus cum panicula 5-7-pedalis. Perian- thium 18-21 lin. longum, flavo-coccineum. Capsula 3-6 poll. longa, 5-6 lin. crassa. Nova Zelandia, Insula Norfolk. Embryo sspe ante lapsum seminis germinans. 2. P. CookraNuM, Lejolis, Bull. Soc. Hort. Cherb. p. 71; Walp. Ann. iii. 630— P. Colensoi, Hook. fil. in Raoul, Choix, p. 41; Flo. Nov. Zel. p- 287.— P. Forsterianum, Hook. Journ. Bot. 1844, p. 8, 1851, p. 220. Minor ; scapus cum panicula 5-6-pedalis ; folia 2-3 pedes longa, 9-18 lin. lata, magis acuminata, apice vix fissa. Perianthium 12-15 lin. longum, magis flavum vel segmentis exterioribus virescentibus. Ca- psula gracilior, spe longior. Nova Zelandia. 2. HEMEROCALLIS, Linn. Linn. Gen. No. 433 (ex parte); Endl. Gen. No, 1143; Kunth, Enum. iv. 587 ; Salisb. Gen. p. 81. Perianthium late infundibuliforme, segmentis. oblongo-spathu- latis equilongis flore expanso recurvatis, interioribus paullulum 358 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEJ. latioribus, tubo multo longioribus. Stamina 6, ad faucem tubi inserta, filamentis filiformibus segmentis brevioribus decli- natis, antheris lineari-oblongis versatilibus. Ovariwm subsessile, oblongum, obtuse trigonum, ovulis copiose biseriatis; stylus filiformis, declinatus, staminibus longior; stigma capitatum. Capsula carnoso-coriacea, obtuse trigona, rugosa, basi angustata, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus in loculo 6-12, biseriatis, sub- compressis exalatis; ¢esta nitida, nigra. Herbe radicibus car- noso-fibrosis, foliis linearibus textura graminoideis, floribus speci- osis, magnis, sparse corymboso-paniculatis. Flores odori, vitellini. Segmenta interiora firma venis haud conjunctis. 1. flava. Segmenta interiora margine membranacea, venis paucis con- junctis. Folia 2-3 lin. lata ; pedicelli et tubi elongati. 2. minor. Folia 6-8 lin. lata; perianthium tubo brevissimo, segmentis interioribus 5-6 lin. latis.......... 3. Dumortieri. Folia 8-12 lin. lata; pedicelli subnulli ; perianthium tubo 5-6 lin. longo, segmentis interioribus 9-12 lin. latis. 4. Middendorfü. Flores inodori, fulvi, segmentis interioribus margine membrana- ceo-undulatis venis multis conjunctis .... 5. fulva. l. H. FLAVA, Linn. Sp. 462; Jacq. Hort. Vind. t. 139; Bot. Mag. t. 19; Red. Lil. t. 15; Kunth, Enum.iv. 588; Reich. Ic. t. 1112. Folia 18-24 poll. longa, 6-8 lin. lata, viridia. Scapus foliis excedens. Corymbus sæpe 6-9-florus, pedicellis 12-24 lin. longis, bracteis parvis lanceolatis. Flores odori, vitellini, 3-4 poll. longi, tubo cylindrico 6-15 lin. longo, segmentis omnibus firmis venulis haud anastomosantibus, exterioribus 6-8 lin. latis, interioribus paullulum latioribus apice minus angustatis. E Gallia per Europam meridionalem ad Siberiam occidentalem ; Japonia (an indigena ?). 2. H. minor, Mill. Dict. No. 2.—H. graminea, Andr. Bot. Rep. t. 244; Kunth, Enum. v. 588 ; Miquel, Ann. Mus. Lug. Bat. ii. 152.—H. gra- minifolia, Schlecht. Abh. zu Halle, neue Folge, Bd. i. quart. iv. p. 15. H. pumila, Salisb. Gen. p. 81. Folia 15-18 poll. longa, vix ultra 3 lin. lata, saturate viridia. Scapus foliis subzquans. Corymbus 3-6-florus, pedicellis 3-24 lin. longis, bracteis parvis lanceolatis. Flores odori, vitellini, 23-4 poll. longi, tubo cylindrico 6-12 lin. longo, segmentis exterioribus firmis 4-5 lin. latis, interioribus latioribus ob- ~ MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACER, 359 tusioribus, margine membranaceis, venulis paucis conjunctis. Siberia orientalis, China borealis, et Japonia. 3. H. Dumortieri, Morren, Hort. Belg. ii. p. 195, t. 43; Miquel, Ann. ii. 152; Baker in Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 213.—H. graminea B. hu- milior, Mazim. Prim. 285.—H. Sieboldii et rutilans, Hort.—H. grami- nea, Schlecht. loc. cit. Folia 12-15 poll. longa, 6-8 lin. lata, viridia. Seapus folis vix zequans. Corymbus 2-3-florus, pedicellis 3-6 lin. longis, bracteis late lanceolatis pedicellis subzquantibus. Flores odori, vitellini, 2-23 poll. longi, tubo perbrevi (2-3 lin. longo) vel subnullo, segmentis exterioribus firmis 4-5 lin. latis, interioribus 6 lin. latis obtusioribus margine membranaceis venulis paucis conjunctis. Siberia orientalis et Japonia. 4. H. Mippenporril, Traut. et Mey. Fl. Ochot. 94; Mazim. Amur. 283; Regel, Gart. t. 522. Folia 15-18 poll. longa, 8-12 lin. lata, viridia. Scapus folis subzquans. Corymbus 2-4-florus, pedicellis brevissimis, bracteis magnis deltoideis interdum 1 poll. longis sufful- Flores odori, vitellini, 3-4 poll. longi, tubo cylindrico 5-6 lin. ongo, segmentis exterioribus subacutis 6-9 lin. latis, interioribus 9-12 lin. latis obtusis, margine membranaceis venulis paucis conjunctis. Amurland, Maximowicz ! 9. H. ruLva, Linn. Sp. 462; Bot. Mag. t. 64; Red. Lil.t. 16 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 588; Reich. Ic. t. 1113.—H. disticha, Don in Sweet, Fl. Gard. t. 28; Kunth, loc. cit. —H. crocea, Lam. Gall. iii. 267. Fo- a 13-2 pedes vel ultra longa, 9-15 lin. lata, infra primum glauca. Scapus 2-3-pedalis. Corymbus 6-12-florus, pedicellis brevibus, bra- cteis parvis lanceolatis. Flores inodori, extus flavi, intus fulvo-rubri, 3-4 poll. longi, tubo 9-12 lin. longo, segmentis exterioribus firmis planis 6-9 lin. latis subacutis, interioribus sepe l poll. latis margine membranaceo-undulatis venis multis conjunctis. E Gallia per Euro- pam meridionalem ad Japoniam. | Lahul, Jaeschke! Khasia, Griffith ! —H. Kwanso, Hort. (Regel, Gart. t. 500) est forma magna hortensis flore pleno. Var. 8. ANGUSTIFOLIA, Baker.—H. longituba, Miquel, Ann. Mus. Lug. Bat. iii. 152. Multo minor; scapus subpedalis; folia 12-18 poll. longa, 2-4 lin. lata; segmenta perianthii angustiora, acutiora. Ja- ponia, teste Miquel, Khasia, regio temperata, Hook. fil.! Guriel et Kara- bagh, Fischer ! 2*. HESPEROCALLIS, A. Gray. 4. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 1867, p. 390. Perianthium infundibuliforme, segmentis erectis subequalibus ob- 360 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEJE. longo-spathulatis medio 5-7-nervatis flore expanso leviter im- bricatis, tubo eylindrico duplo longioribus. Stamina 6, ad faucem tubi inserta, filamentis filiformibus equalibus subrectis segmentis brevioribus antheris lineari-oblongis versatilibus. Ovarium subsessile, globosum, ovulis copiose biseriatis; stylus filiformis, staminibus longior, extrorsum leviter curvatus ; stigma capitatum. Capsula substipitata, subglobosa, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus in loculo 16-20 compressis exalatis; testa nigra, nitida. Herba caule foliato e * bulbo eduli"" (an cormo ?) oriente, foliis linearibus textura graminoideis, floribus speciosis laxe race: mosis pedicellis apice articulatis. Vix ab Hemerocallide generice separanda ? 1. H. UNDULATA, A. Gray, loc. cit. Caulis bipedalis; folia linearia, margine membranacea, valde undulata; pedicelli 2-3 lin. longi; bractez coriacez, lanceolate, pedicellis 2-3-plo longiores ; perianthium 24-27 lin. longum, pallide flavum, segmentis circiter 4 lin. latis centro solum verticaliter nervatis. California (Fort Mohave), Dr. Cooper! Mexico Nova, Prof. Newberry. 3. KwiPnHorrias, Wench. Mench, Meth. 631; Endl. Gen. 1114; Kunth, Enum. iv. 590; Harv. Gen. 2nd edit. 399.—Tritoma, Ker, Bot. Mag. t. 744.— Tritomanthe, Link, Enum. i. 333.—Triclissa, Salisb. Gen. 75.— Rudolphoremeria, Steud. in Schimp. Pl. Abyss. No. 752. Perianthium longe tubuloso-gamophyllum, leviter eurvatum, seg- mentis perparvis deltoideis subequalibus. Stamina 6, hypo- gyna, filamentis filiformibus inclusis vel exsertis, 3 paulo lon- gioribus, antheris parvis oblongis versatilibus. Ovarium sessile, oblongum, ovulis copiose biseriatis ; stylus filiformis, filamentis excedens; stigma trisulcatum. Capsula firma, oblonga, sessilis, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus copiose biseriatis subcompressis, arillo parvo pallido preditis. Testa atro-castanea, punctata. Herbe radicibus carnoso-fibrosis, foliis multis firmis angustis subtriquetris persistentibus, floribus flavo-coccineis dense race- mosis. Perianthium 3-4 lin. longum, subzqualiter tubulosum, staminibus omnibus demum exsertis. Bracte® floribus triplo breviores .......... 1. parviflora. Bracteæ floribus sesqui vel duplo breviores.. 2. breviflora. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACER. 361 Perianthium 6-7 lin. longum, tubo pergracili vix ultra 4 lin, [pu I tr M UE 3. gracilis. Perianthium 8-10 lin. longum, supra ovarium vix constrictum, exsiccatum 1-14 lin. crassum. Stamina inclusa; folia 1 lin. lata.......... 4. triangularis. Stamina longiora demum exserta. Folia 2-3 lin. lata, venis 2-3-jugis ...... 5. abyssinica. Folia 4—6 lin. lata, venis 6-8-jugis ...... 6. sarmentosa. Perianthium 15-18 lin. longum, exsiecatum 3-4 lin. crassum, supra ovarium valde constrietum ........ 7. isoetifolia. Perianthium 6-8 lin. longum, exsiecatum 21-3 lin. latum, supra ovarium valde constrictum. Bractez ovato-laneeolatz, 12-2 lin. longe .. 8. Quartiniana. Bracte: lineares, 4-6 lin. longe. Stamina VIE exserta o S e e 9. Grantii. Stamina omnia demum exserta .......... 10. pumila. Perianthium 15-18 lin. longum, supra ovarium leviter constrictum, exsiccatum 2-24 lin. latum. Folia viridia; stamina longiora vix exserta. Bractex oblongo-lanceolatz, pedicellis vix longiores. 11. Burchellü. Bractex lanceolate, pedicellis 2-3- plo longiores. Folia 1 poll. lata, venis utrinque costz 12-15. 12. precox. Folia 15-18 lin. lata, venis utrinque cost circiter 20. 18. Rooperi. Folia glauea ; stamina longiora demum exserta. 14. aloides. l. K. parvirLora, Kunth, Enum.iv. 553. Folia 2 lin. lata, margine lzevia. Racemus 3 poll. longus, pedicellis brevissimis, bracteis ovatis vix ultra llin.longis. Perianthium vix 4 lin. longum, tubulosum, staminibus exsertis. Loculi 4-5-ovulati. Cap. B. Spei, Drége, 4528 (non vidi). 2. K. previrtora, Harv. MSS. Folia 9-12 poll. longa, deorsum 1 lin. lata, levia, venis utrinque coste 2. Scapus foliis subzequans. Racemus 12-18 lin. longus, expansus | poll. latus. Bractez ovato- lanceolatze, 2-2} lin. longæ. Pedicelli infimi vix 3 lin. longi Perian- thium flavum, in floribus superioribus 2 lin., in inferioribus 3-33 lin. longum, exsiccatum 1 lin. latum, supra ovarium vix constrictum, sta- minibus omnibus demum exsertis. Loculi 4—5-ovulati. Cap. B. Spei (Draachensberg, Orange Free State), Cooper, 1029! 362 3. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE®. K. GRAcILIs, Harv. MSS. Folia bipedalia, deorsum 2 lin. lata, margine levia, venis utrinque costz 5-6. Scapus folis subequans. Racemus 21-3 poll. longus, expansus 12-15 lin. latus. Bractez ovate, naviculares, obtusz, 11-2 lin. longs. Pedicelli vix ultra 3 lin. longi. Perianthium albidum, 6-7 lin. longum, tubo pergracili (haud ultra } lin. crasso) ore dilatato, laciniis ligulato-spathulatis ] lin. longis, staminibus longioribus et stylo demum exsertis. Natal (Zulu), Gerrard et M‘Ken, 2140! . K. TRIANGULARIS, Kunth, Enum. iv. 551. Folia subpedalia, lzvia, vix ultra 1 lin. lata, vena solitaria utrinque cost, supra omnino triquetra. Scapus foliis subequans. Racemus 13-2 poll. longus, expansus l5-16 lin. latus. Bractez lineari-lanceolatz, 3—4 lin. longe, pedicellis multoties longiores. Perianthium 8-9 lin. longum, exsic- catum 1 lin. latum, staminibus inclusis. Loculi 8-9-ovulati. Cap. B. Spei, Drège, 3524! K. ABYSSINICA, Schwein. Beit, 249.—Veltheimia abyssinica, Red. Lil. t. 186. Folia 9-12 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata, levia, venis utrin- que coste 2-3. Scapus folis subzquans. Racemus 1 poll. vel in planta culta 2 poll. longus. Bractez lanceolate, 2-3 lin. longze, pe- dicellis 2-3-plo longiores. Perianthium 9-10 lin. longum, exsicca- tum | lin. latum, staminibus demum exsertis. Abyssinia, Dr. Roth! K. SARMENTOSA, Kunth, Enum. iv. 552.—Aletris, Andr. Bot. Rep. t. 54.— Veltheimia, Willd. Enum. 380.—Tritoma media, Gawl. Bot. Mag. t. 744; Red. Lil.t. 161. Folia glauca, lzevia, 12-18 poll. longa, 4-6 lin. leta, venis utrinque coste 6-8. Scapus foliis subzequans vel excedens. Racemus 2-4 poll. longus, densiflorus, expansus 2 poll. latus. Bractez lanceolate, 3-5 lin. longæ. Pedicelli 14-2 lin. longi. Perianthium 9-10 lin. longum, supra ovarium vix constrictum, exsiccatum 13-2 lin latum, stylo et staminibus longioribus demum ex- sertis. Loculi 10-12-ovulati. Cap. B. Spei; Natal, Sanderson, 416! 7. K. isoETIFOLIA, A. Rich. Fl. Abyss. ii. 324; Schwein. Beit. 294. —Rudolphorcemeria isoetifolia, Steud. in Schimp. Pl. Abyss. no. 721. Folia 6-8, magis herbacea quam in speciebus reliquis, 6-9 poll. longa, deorsum 2 lin. lata, dorso et margine scabra, venis utrinque cost 3-4. Seapus foliis distincte excedens, 12-15 poll. longus. Racemus 13-2 poll. longus, expansus 23-3 poll. latus. Bractez lanceolate, in- feriores 5-6 lin. longz, pedicellis multoties longiores. Perianthium 15-18 lin. longum, supra ovarium valde constrictum, exsiccatum 3—4 lin. latum, stylo et interdum staminibus longioribus demum exsertis, Loculi 6-8-ovulati. Abyssinia, Schimper, 511! 752! . K. QuanTINIANA, A. Rich. Fl. Abyss. ii. 324. Folia 12-18 poll. longa, deorsum 8-9 lin. lata, margine scabra, venis utrinque costs MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACES. 368 12-15. Scapus foliis excedens. Racemus 5-6 poll. longus, densi- florus, expansus 15-18 lin. latus. Bractez ovato-lanceolatz, 14-2 lin. longze, ad apicem acutum cite angustate. Pedicelli 13 lin. longi. Perianthium 7-8 lin. longum, ore exsiccatum 23 lin. latum. Styli et stamina omnia demum exserta, longiora l poll. attingentia. Abyssi- nia, Quartin-Dillon et Petit ! 9. K. GRANTI, Baker. Folia 7-8, 12-15 poll. longa, 5-6 lin. lata, ad apicem sensim angustata, margine lzvia, venis utrinque costz 10-15. Seapus foliis subeequans. Racemus densiflorus, 2-23 poll. longus. Bractez lineares, inferiores 4—6 lin. longz. Pedicelli vix 1 lin. longi. Perianthium 9-10 lin. longum, supra ovarium valde constrictum, ore exsiccatum 23-3 lin.latum, stylo exserto, staminibusinclusis. Africa tropicalis, lat. 6° S., long. 33° E., alt. 4400 pedes anglicane, Speke et Grant ! 10. K. PuMILA. Kunth, Enum. iv. 552 (excl. syn. Red.).— Aletris. Ait. Kew. i. 464.— Tritoma, Bot. Mag. t. 764.—Veltheimia, Willd. Sp. Plant. ii. 182. Folia 12-18 poll. longa, 6-8 lin. lata, venis utrinque costae 10-12, glauca, margine scabra. Scapus foliis excedens. Racemus 3-5 poll. longus, densiflorus, expansus 16-18 lin. latus. Bractez lineares, acuminatz, 4-6 lin. longe. Pedicelli vix 1 lin. longi. Pe- rianthium 6-8 lin. longum, supra ovarium valde constrictum, ore ex- siccatum 21-3 lin. latum. Styli et stamina omnia demum exserta, longiora perianthio sesqui excedentia. Cap. B. Spei. ll. K. BuncHELLII, Kunth, Enum. iv. 552.—Tritoma, Herbert, Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1745.—K. laxiflora, Kunth, loc. cit. Folia 2-3 pedes longa, 6-9 lin. lata, viridia, margine et carina nunquam scabra, venis utrinque coste 15-20. Scapus foliis subzquans. Racemus 3-4 poll. longus densiflorus, expansus 23-3 poll. latus. Bracteze oblongo- lanceolatæ, acutæ vel obtuse, 2-3 lin. longæ. Pedicelli 2-23 lin. longi. Perianthium 15-18 lin. longum, supra ovarium leviter con- strictum, exsiecatum 14-2 lin. latum. Stylus demum exsertus. Stamina longiora vix exserta. Loculi 10-12-ovulati. Cap. B. Spei, Thunberg ! Burchell! &c. Floret in Septembri in hortis nostris. 12. K. pracox, Baker in Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 168. Folia 2-2} pedes longa, deorsum 1 poll. lata, margine scabra, carina lævia, pallide viri- dia, haud glauca, venis utrinque costæ 12-15. Seapus 15-18 poll. longus. Racemus 3-4 poll. longus, densissimus, 3 poll. latus. Bractez lanceolate, acutz, 4-6 lin. longz. Pedicelli 13-2 lin. longi. Perianthium 16-18 lin. longum, supra ovarium leviter constrictum, exsiccatum 2-21 lin. latum. Stamina longiora fauce attingentia. Stylus leviter exsertus. Cap. B. Spei, Cooper (v. v. in Hort. Saun- ders). Floret in Maio in hortis nostris. 13. K. Roorrni, Lemaire, Jard. Fleur. t. 362.—Tritoma Rooperi, 364 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE.X. Moore, Gard. Comp. i. 113, cum icone. Folia 2 pedes longa, deorsum 15-18 lin. lata, pallide viridia, margine scabra, venis utrinque costz circiter 20, sursum sensim angustata. Scapus subpedalis. Racemus densus, 3-4 poll. longus, expansus 3 poll. latus. Bractez lanceolate, 3-4 lin. longe, pedicellis multoties excedentes. Perianthium 16-18 lin. longum, supra ovarium leviter constrictum, exsiccatum 2-2j lin. latum, staminibus haud exsertis. Kaffraria, Capt. Rooper (v. v. cult.). 14. K. ALorDES, Mench, Meth. 631; Kunth, Enum. iv. 551; Flore V des Serres, t. 1393.—K. Uvaria, Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 4816.—Aloe Uvaria, Linn. Sp. Plant, 460.—Aletris Uvaria, Linn. Mant. 308.— Tritoma Uvaria, Gawl. Bot. Mag. t. 758; Red. Lil. t. 291. Folia 2-3 pedes longa, 8-12 lin. lata, glauca, margine et carina scabra vel sæpe omnino lzvia, venis utrinque coste 12-15. Scapus foliis paul- lulum excedens. Racemus densissimus, in hortis szpe 5-6 poll. lon- gus, 23-3 poll. latus. Bracteæ lanceolate, 3-4 lin. longze, pedicellis 2-3-plo longiores. Perianthium 16-18 lin. longum, supra ovarium leviter constrictum, exsiccatum 2-23 lin. latum. Styli et staxama longiora demum exserta. Loculi 12-15-ovulati. Cap. B. Spei, Drége! Zeyher 113! &c. Floret in Septembri in hortis nostris. ar. 8. MINOR, Baker.— Minor, foliis vix ultra 3 lin. latis, margine levi- bus vel scabris, pedicellis brevioribus, perianthio graciliore pallide au- rantiaco, 10-12 lin. longo, staminibus inclusis. Zulu, Gerrard et M‘Ken 2141! (bractee ovate subobtuse), Mrs. Barber, 524 ! (bractee lanceo- late). Ab typoad K. sarmentosam vergens. 4. BLANDFORDIA, Smith. Smith, Exot. Bot. 54, t. 4; R. Br. Prodr. 295; Endl. Gen. No. 1104; Kunth, Enum. iv. 589; Hook. fil. Fl. Tasm. ii. 49; Salisb. Gen. 80. Perianthium rectum, infundibuliforme, marcescens, segmentis equalibus oblongo-deltoideis tubo'5—6-plo brevioribus. Stamina 6, ad vel supra medium tubi inserta ; filamentis filiformibus eequalibus haud exsertis, antheris lineari-oblongis versatilibus. Ovarium longe stipitatum, cylindrico-trigonum, ovulis copiose biseriatis, in stylum brevem rectum sensim attenuatum ; stigma trisuleatum. Capsula firma, longe stipitata, exserta, clavato- triquetra, septicide-trivalvis, seminibus parvis lineari-oblongis compressis copiose biseriatis; testa grisea, dense pubescens. Herbe radicibus crasse fibrosis, foliis numerosis duris persisten- tibus anguste linearibus venis exsculptis, floribus numerosis spe- ciosis breviter racemosis, pedicellis apice haud articulatis, flori- feris nutantibus, fructiferis erectis. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACES. 365 Filamenta supra medium tubi inserta, 3 lin. longa. Bractew Gnearikacuminatæa =- Seo 1. grandiflora. Filamenta ad medium tubi inserta, 6-10 lin. longa. Bracteæ lanceolatæ, pedicellis distincte breviores. Folia margine nullo modo serrulata ...... 2. Cunninghamt. Folia margine serrulato-scabra. Perianthium anguste infundibuliforme, 3—4-plo longius quam latum. e oe eG DIR o e 3. nobilis. Perianthium late infundibuliforme, vix 2-plo longius quam latum. Pedicelli infimi floribus equantes .... 4. aurea. Pedicelli infimi floribus multo breviores 5. flammea. l. B. GRANDIFLORA *, R. Br. Prodr. 296; Bot. Reg. 924; Kunth, Enum. iv. 590; Paat. Fl. Gard. vii. 219; Hook. fil. Fl. Tasm. ii. 249.—B. grandiflora, marginata et Backhousii, Lindl. Bot. Reg. 31, sub t. 18.—Aletris punicea, Lab. Nov. Holl. i. 85, t. 111. Folia 12-18 poll. longa, 3-41 lin. lata, margine serrulato-scabra, venis utrinque coste 6-8. Flores 10-30, pedicellis infimis floriferis 18- 24 lin. longis. Bractez inferiores lineares, longe acuminate, 12-18 lin. longs. Perianthium flavo-coccineum, 16-21 lin. longum, ore exsiccatum 5-6 lin. latum, segmentis tubo sensim ampliato 5~6-plo brevioribus. Filamenta supra medium tubi inserta, 3 lin. longa. Tasmania, Gunn, 241 ! Archer, &c. Var. 8. INTERMEDIA, Baker.—B. intermedia, Herbert, Bot. Reg. 31, Suppl. 64. Folia angustiora (2 lin. lata); bractez breviores; flores minores (12-18 lin. long); filamenta ad medium tubi inserta. Tas- mania, Gunn! Verisimiliter species vera, inter grandifloram et no- bilem medium tenens. 2. B. CUNNINGHAMI, Lindl. Bot. Reg. 31, sub t. 18; Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 5734. Folia 18-24 lin. longa, 3-4 lin. lata, margine haud serrulata, venis utrinque coste 5-6. Flores 10-15, pedicellis in- fimis floriferis 9-12 lin. longis. Bractez lanceolate, infimæ 6-9 lin. longs. Perianthium flavo-coccineum, 21-24 lin. longum, ore ex- siceatum | poll. latum, segmentis tubo spathulatim ampliato 5-6- plo brevioribus. Filamenta ad medium tubi inserta, 9-10 lin. longa. Cambria Nova Australis (Blue Mountains), A. Cunningham! 3. B. NoBrL1s, Smith, Exot. Bot. 5, t. 4; R. Br. Prod. 296;° Bot. Mag. t. 2003; Bot. Reg. t. 286; Reich. Exot. t. 91; Kunth, Enum. iv. 590; Lindl. Bot. Reg. 31, sub t. 18. Folia 12-18 poll. longa, saturate viridia, durissima, triquetra, į- lin. lata, margine leviter * Nomen nunc decipiens; flores sunt minores quam in 2, 4, 5. LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. 20 366 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEJ. serrulato-scabra, venis utrinque coste 2-3. Flores 4-9, pedicellis infimis floriferis 9-15 lin. longis. Bractez lanceolate, inferiores 3-6 lin. longz. Perianthium flavo-coccineum, 12-18 lin. longum, ore exsiecatum 4-5 lin. latum, segmentis tubo spathulatim ampliato 5-6-plo brevioribus. Filamenta ad medium tubi inserta, 6-8 lin. longa. Cambria Nova Australis, Sieber, 195! Backhouse ! &e. 4. B. aurea, Hook. fil. Bot. Mag. t. 5809. Folia 8-12 poll. longa. 3-2 lin. lata, margine serrulato-scabra, venis utrinque costz 3-4. Flores 3-6, pedicellis infimis 18-24 lin. longis. Bractez lanceolate, pedicellis multo breviores. Perianthium aureum, 18 lin. longum, ore exsiccatum 15 lin. latum, segmentis valde imbricatis tubo ob- conico 3-4-plo brevioribus. Filamenta ad medium tubi inserta, 8-9 lin. longa. Australia (N. S. Wales), (v. v. in Hort. Veitch). 5. B. FLAMMEA, Lindl. Paxt. Mag. xvi. t. 354; Hook. fil. Bot. Mag. t. 4819; Journ. Hort. ii. t. 1; Flore des Serres, vi. t. 585. Folia 12-18 poll. longa, 2-23 lin. lata, margine serrulato-scabra, venis utrinque costz 4-6. Flores 4-12, pedicellis infimis floriferis 9-15 lin. longis. Bractez lanceolate, acuminate, 3-4 lin. longe. Pe- rianthium flavum plus minus coccineo suffusum, 18-21 lin. longum, ore exsiccatum 1 poll. latum, segmentis valde imbricatis tubo spathu- latim ampliato quadruplo brevioribus. Filamenta ad medium tubi inserta, 8-9 lin. longa. Australia orientalis (lat. 25°-39° S.), Back- house ! Lady Parry ! C. Moore ! &c. 5. FUNKIA, Spreng. Spreng. Syst. ii. 41; Endl. Gen. No. 1100; Kunth, Enum. iv. 590. —Hosta, Tratt. Obs. ii. 56; Aschers, Bot. Zeit. 1863, 52, non Jacg.—Niobe et Bryocles, Salisb. Hort. Trans. i. 335, Gen. 81, 82.—Libertia, Dumort. Com. 9, non Spreng.—Hemero- eallidis sp., Thunb., Sc. Perianthium infundibuliforme, segmentis oblongo-spathulatis eree- tis tubo cylindrico subequantibus. Stamina 6, hypogyna, fila- mentis filiformibus subzqualibus leviter incurvatis perianthio sub:zquantibus, antheris lineari-oblongis versatilibus. Ova- rium sessile, oblongum, ovulis copiose biseriatis; stylus fili- formis, leviter exsertus, extrorsum incurvatus; stigma capi- tatum. Capsula coriacea, lineari-oblonga, trigona, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus complanatis, testa nigra nitida. Herbe radicibus crasse fibrosis, foliis latis textura herbaceis, distincte nervatis, floribus magnis albis vel cæruleis in racemis laxis sub- secundis dispositis, pedunculis elongatis sparse foliatis. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEA. 367 § Nromz (Salisb.). Bractee geminate ; tubus centro 2 lin. crassus, sursum sensim ampliatus. Species sola e. Vine el ee a 1. subcordata. § Bnvocrzs (Salisb.). Bractee solitarie ; tubus centro vix 1 lin. crassus, sursum cite ampliatus. Folia glauca, magna, venis utrinque cost» 19-13. 2. Sieboldiana. Folia viridia, basi plerumque late rotundata vel subcordata, venis utrinque costæ 0 a. e a ia Sets 3. ovata. Folia viridia, lanceolata, basi angustata, venis utrinque costs Lex cd e E MEL Uu COE 4. lancifolia. 1. F. suscorpata, Spreng. Syst. ii. 41; Kunth, iv. 591; Miquel, Ann. Mus. Bat. ii. 153; Baker, Gard. Chron. 1868, 1015.—Heme- rocallis japonica, Thunb. Linn. Trans. ii. 335; Red. Lil. t.3; Bot. Mag. t. 1433.—H. alba. Andr. Bot. Rep. t. 194.—H. plantaginca, Lam.—H. cordata, Cav.—F. grandiflora, Sieb. Fl. des Serres, t. 158, 159 (forma hortensis elatior).—Hosta japonica, Tratt. t. 52. Folia pallide viridia, cordato-ovata, 6-9 poll. longa, 3-5 poll. lata, petiolis 6-8 poll. longis, venis utrinque coste 6-8 deorsum 6-7 lin. inter sese distantibus. Scapus 13-2-pedalis. Racemus 9-15-florus. Bractez lanceolate, geminatz, erecto-patentes, majores 1-2 poll. longz. Pe- dicelli inferiores patentes 6-12 lin. longi. Perianthium album, 4-43 poll. longum, tubo sursum sensim ampliato, segmentis 6-9 lin. latis. Capsula 2 poll. longa. 4 lin. crassa, utrinque sensim angustata. Ja- ponia, Thunberg ! &c. ; China borealis, Sir G. Staunton ! 2. F. SIEBOLDIANA, Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3663 (mala); Kunth, Enum. iv. 592; Miquel, Ann. Mus. Lug. Bat. iii. 153; Baker, Gard. Chron. 1868, 1015.—Hemerocallis, Loddige, Bot. Cab. t. 1869.—F. Sie- boldii, Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1839, t. 50 (bona). Folia utrinque glauca, late cordato-ovata, majora 10-12 poll. longa, 7-8 poll. lata, petiolis 8-12 poll. longis, venis utrinque coste 12-13, deorsum inter sese 5-6 lin. distantibus. Racemus 10-15-florus cum scapo vix folia cum petiolo superans. Bracteæ solitarize, inferiores 13-3 poll. longs, demum subpatentes. Pedicelli 5-6 lin. longi, inferiores cernui. Pe- rianthium pallide lilacinum, 2-23 poll. longum, tubo pergracili sursum cite ampliato, segmentis 3-4 lin. latis. Capsule pendule, 15-18 lin. longe. Japonia. 3. F. ovata, Spreng. Syst. ii. 240; Baker, Gard. Chron. 1868, 1015.— F. ovata a, Kunth, Enum. iv. 591; Miquel, Ann. Mus. Lug. Bat. iii. 153.—Hemerocallis cerulea, Andrews, Bot. Rep. t. 6; Bot. Mag. t. 894; Vent. Hort. Malm. t. 18; Red. Lil. t. 106.—Hosta cerulea, Tratt. Tab. t. 189; Thes. t. 51. Folia viridia, late, sepe subcordato- 2c2 368 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEFE. ovata, majora 5-9 poll. longa, 3-5 poll. lata, petiolis 4-12 poll. longis, venis utrinque costz 6-8, deorsum 4-6 lin. inter sese di- stantibus. Scapus 1-14-pedalis. Racemus laxus, 10-15-florus, eum scapum foliis cum petiolo longe superans. Bractez solitarize, infimze raro ultra l poll. longz. Pedicelli 3-4 lin. longi, inferiores cernut. Perianthium pallide vel szepe saturate lilacino-ceruleum, 13-2 poll. longum, tubo pergracili sursum cite ampliato, segmentis 4-6 lin. latis. Capsule pendulz, 12-18 lin. long. Japonia; China borealis ; Siberia orientalis. Var. 8. INTERMEDIA, Baker. /Equaliter magna ac a, sed foliis duplo longioribus quam latis ovatis basi sensim subspathulatim angustatis, venis utrinque costze 6, deorsum 3-4 lin. inter sese distantibus. Ja- ponia, Wilford! Hodgson !—F. marginata, Siebold, est forma hujus varietatis foliis margine albo-cinctis. Var. y. MINOR, Baker. Multo minor, foliis ovatis 23-3 poll. longis basi late rotundatis venis utrinque coste 5-6 deorsum 2-91 lin. inter sese distantibus, scapo foliis 5-6-plo longiore. Insule Koreane, Oldham, 865 ! . F. LANCIFOLIA, Spreng. Syst. ii. 4l; Baker, Gard. Chron. 1868, 1015.—Hemerocallis, Thunb. Linn. Trans. ii. 335.—F. ovata B, Kunth, Enum. iv. 592; Miquel, Ann. Mus. Lug. Bat. ii. 153. Folia viridia, lanceolata, majora 4-5 poll. longa, 13-2 poll. lata, petiolis 6-9 poll. longis, venis utrinque costz 4-5, deorsum 3 lin. inter sese distantibus. Scapus subpedali. Racemus laxus, 6-10- florus. — Bractez solitarim. ^ Pedicelli 2-3 poll. longi, inferiores cernui. Perianthium pallide lilacinum, 1 -l4 poll. longum, tubo pergracili apice cite ampliato. Capsulæ pendulæ. Japonia. —F. albo- marginata (Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3663; Kunth, Enum. iv. 592) est forma magna hortensis hujus speciei foliis paullulum albo-cinctis. F. undulata (Otto et Dietr. Gartenzeit. 1833, p. 120, Kunth, loc. cit.) est forma altera hortensis foliis undulatis valde albo-variegatis pe- tiolis reductis undulato-alatis. 6. Acapantuus, L’ Hérit. D Hérit. Kert. Angl. t. 18; Endl. Gen. 1102: Kunth, Enum. iv. 478; Salisb. Gen. 82: Harv. Cap. Gen. 2nd edit. 898.— Abumon, Adans. Fam. ii. 54.— Crini sp., Linn.—Mauhlie Sp., Thunb. Perianthium infundibuliforme, tubo cylindrico sursum ampliato, segmentis oblongo-spathulatis zquilongis tubo subduplo lon- gioribus, inferioribus demum laxis. Stamina 6, ad tubi faucem inserta, filamentis filiformibus subzqualibus segmentis paulo brevioribus extrorsum leviter declinatis, antheris lineari-ob- MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEA. 369 longis versatilibus. Ovarium sessile, oblongo-triquetrum, ovulis copiosis; stylus filiformis, filamentis subequans et cum eis incurvatus; stigma trisulcatum. Capsula subsessilis, clavato- triquetra, septicide trivalvis, seminibus in loculis copiosis, di- Scoideis, uniseriatis, superne anguste alatis. esta nigra, ni- tida. Herbe radicibus carnoso-fibrosis, foliis anguste loratis numerosis carnoso-herbaceis, floribus speciosis numerosis umbel- latis, pedicellis apice articulatis. l. A. UMBELLATUS, L’Heérit. Sert. Angl. 18; Ait. Kew. i. 414; Bot. Mag. t. 500; Redouté, Lil. t. 4; Kunth, Enum. iv. 479.—Crinum africanum, Linn.—Mauhlia linearis, Thunb. Folia 6-8, 8-12 poll. longa, 6-8 lin. lata. Scapi foliis duplo longiores vel ultra. . Um- bellæ 12-30-floræ, pedicellis 9-15 lin. longis. Perianthium saturate cæruleum, 15-21 lin. longum, segmentis oblongo-spathulatis 3-33 lin. latis, 2-3-plo longioribus. Cap. B. Spei, Masson! Sieber, 238 ! Zeyher, 4267 ! &e. In hortis sæpissime culta, foliis 10-20 sesqui- vel bipedalibus 18-24 lin. latis, scapo 2-3-pedali (var. maximus, Bot. Reg. xxix. t. 7.—A. multiflorus, Willd. Enum. 353; Kunth, Enum. iv. 480). 2. A. PRÆCOX, Willd. Enum. 353; Kunth, Enum. iv. 480.—A. um- bellatus, var. minimus, Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 699. Folia 6-8, pedalia, in planta sylvestri 5-6 lin. lata. Scapus bipedalis vel ultra. Umbellæ 30-40-floræ, pedicellis elongatis (2-23 poll. longis). Perianthium pallide cæruleum, 12-14 lin. longum, tubo et segmentis angustio- ribus quam in precedente. Natal (ad altit. 0-1000 pedum angl.), Dr. Sutherland ! Kaffraria, Bowker! In hortis folia 12-20, 12-14 lin. lata; perianthium 2 poll. longum segmentis 4—44 lin. latis, et floratio paullulum præcocior (ad finem Junii) quam in aliis. 3. A. minor, Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 42 (pessima).—A. umbellatus, var. minor, Redouté, Lil. 403; Kunth, Enum. iv. 479. Folia 6-8, 4-6 poll. longa, 3-4 lin. lata. Scapi 12-18 poll. longi. Umbelle 12- 30-florz, pedicellis 3-9 lin. longis. Perianthium pallide czruleum. 6-9 lin. longum, segmentis oblongo-spathulatis tubo 3-4-plo lon- gioribus. Cap. B. Spei, Masson, Milne ! Dr. Hooker! Burchell, /138! &e. In hortis folia 10-12, pedalia, 3 lin. lata, perianthium 15-18 lin. longum, segmentis 3-4 lin. latis. Species 2. et 3. vix ultra varietates. 7. TULBAGHIA, Linn. Linn. Gen. 1300; Endl. Gen. 1159; Kunth, Enum. iv. 480; Salish. Gen. 87; Harv. Cap. Gen. 2nd edit. 398.—Omentaria, Salisb. Gen. 87. Perianthium infundibuliforme vel rotatum, tubo urceolato vel 370 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEEX. cylindrieo, segmentis biseriatis subsequalibus lanceolatis vel linearibus erecto-patentibus, vel patentibus tubo subzqualibus vel brevioribus. Anthere biseriatze, subsessiles, oblonge, in tubo vel corona inserts. Staminodia faucem tubi coronantia, 3, discreta, integra vel emarginata, vel in coronam concreta. Ovarium sessile, oblongum, ovulis in loculis paucis (ssepe 5-8) ; stylus brevis, rectus; stigma capitatum, trisuleatum. Capsula sessilis, membranacea, obovoidea, loculicide trivalvis, semini- bus in loculis paucis (2-6) oblanceolatis, parvis, exalatis, vix compressis. Testa nigra. Herbe radicibus crasse fibrosis, foliis numerosis anguste ligulatis, floribus parvis umbellatis, odore Sorti alliaceo. § EurunBAGHIA. Stamina carnosa, in coronam concreta, raro sub- libera. Staminodia profunde emarginata, libera vel basi solum connata. 1. capensis. Staminodia in coronam integram vel crenatam concreta. Corona 1-14 lin. alta. Folia carnoso-herbacea, 2-3 lin. lata vel ultra. 2. alliacea. Folia firma, filiformia, 4-1 lin. lata...... 3. acutiloba. Corona 4 lin. alta. Segmenta obtusa, coronam vix excedentia. 4. Dregeana. Segmenta linearia, corona 4-6-plolongiora. 5. hypowidea. 8 OxENTARIA (Salisb.). Staminodia parva, ligulata, inter sese omnino libera, Folia 3-1 lin. lata. Perianthium 5-6 lin. longum. 6. cepacea. Folia 2-8 lin. lata. Perianthium 8-9 lin. longum. 7. violacea. l. T. capensis. Jacg. Hort. Vind. ii. t. 115! Linn. Mant. 223.— T. alliacea, Bot. Mag. t. 806; Kunth, Enum. iv. 481. Folia 10-12, carnoso-herbacea, pedalia vel ultra, 4-6 lin. lata. Scapi 14-2 pedes alti. Valve spathe lanceolate, 6-9 lin. longe. Umbelle 6-8-flore, pedicellis 9-12 lin. longis. Perianthium viridi-purpureum, segmentis lanceolatis basi 1 lin. latis, tubo 14 lin. crasso duplo brevioribus. Staminodia obscure purpurea, segmentis subzequalia, profunde emar- ginata, basi concreta vel interdum inter se libera. Cap. B. Spei, Drége! &e. (v. s. cult. in herb. Linn. & Banks. a Jaquinio missum). Var. B. GRACILIS, Baker. Minor, foliis 3-4 poll. longis, 2-3 lin. latis, bo MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE®. 371 scapo subpedali, tubo graciliore, segmentis limbi linearibus, tubo duplo brevioribus. Cap. B. Spei, Zeyher, 4268 ! - T. ALLIACEA, Thunb. Prodr. 60; Fl. Cap. 306; Linn. Suppl. 193, non Kunth.—T. brachystemma, Kunth, Enum. iv. 483. Folia 5-6, carnoso-herbacea, 6-9 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata. Scapi 9-18 poll. longi. Valve spathe late lanceolate, 6-9 lin. longe. Umbell 4-12-florz, pedicellis flexuosis 6-15 lin. longis. Perianthium viridi- purpureum, 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis viridibus oblongis obtusis 1 lin. latis 12-2 lin. longis, tubo 13-2 lin. crasso. Corona carnosa, integra vel crenata, obscure rubra, 1-13 lin. longa. Stamina ad basin coronz biseriata. Cap. B. Spei, Drége! Macowan, 913! Bowker, 249! &e.; Natal, Fannin, 43! Namaqua-land, Rev. H. Whitehead ! (segmenta breviora). Var. B. AFFINIS, Baker.—T. affinis, Link, Enum. i. 310; Kunth, Enum. iv. 480. Robustior, foliis pedalibus vel ultra, 3-6 lin. latis, perianthio 5-6 lin. longo, segmentis tubo duplo brevioribus, angus- tioribus, acutioribus. Kaffraria Britannica, Mrs. Hutton! Natal, Sanderson, 429! Var. y. LupwiGiANa, Baker.—T. Ludwigiana, Harv. Bot. Mag. t. 3547 ; Kunth, Enum. iv.482. Folia lorata 6-8 poll. longa, 8-9 lin. lata. Scapi 13-2 pedales. Perianthium et éoronz typi. Kaffraria Britannica, Mrs. Hutton ! . T. AcuTILOBAa, Harv. Thes. Cap. t. 180. Folia 4-6, 2-3 poll. longa, firma, 2-1 lin. lata. Scapi graciles, 6-12 poll. longi. Umbella 4-6-florz, pedicellis 4-8 lin. longis. Valvæ spathe lineares, 5-6 lin. longs. Perianthium 4-5 lin. longum, viridi-purpureum, segmentis linearibus acutis 13-2 lin. longis, patentibus vel subreflexis tubo cy- lindrico 2-1 lin. crasso sesquibrevioribus vel subzquantibus. Co- rona atro-purpurea, l-l} lin. longa, crenata. Stamina ad faucem tubi, biseriata. Cap. B. Spei, Zeyher, 262! Pappe! Harvey ! Cooper, 463! &c. Var. 8. CURTA, Baker. Segmenta haud ultra 1 lin. longa, tubo triplo breviora. Cap. B. Spei, Drége, 2658, ex parte! 1516! Var. y. MAsor, Baker (Harv. t. 180 quoad flores). Elatior, pedalis vel sesquipedalis, foliis 6-9 poll. longis, 13-2 lin. latis, perianthio 5-6 lin. longo, tubo 13 lin. crasso, segmentis linearibus 1j-2 lin. longis. ‘Cap. B. Spei, Zeyher, Burchell, 1829, 4465! Natal, San- derson, 271! Fannin, 60! Inter typum et T. alliaceam medium tenens. . T. DREGEANA, Kunth, Enum. iv. 483. Folia 4-5, 4-6 poll. longa, l lin. lata. Scapi 6-12 poll. longi. Valve spathz lanceolate, 3-4 lin. longe. Umbella 4-8-florze, pedicellis 4-8 lin. longis. Perianthium 3-4 lin. longum, viridi-purpureum, tubo eylindrico j lin. crasso, segmentis oblongo-deltoideis obtusis 4 lin. longis. Corona crenata, 872 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACES. laciniis vix brevior. Stamina ad faucem tubi biseriata. Cap. B. Spei, Drége, 2658, ex parte! Zeyher, 645! 5. T. nvroxipEA, Smith in Rees’s Cylop.; Kunth, Enum. iv. 482. Folia subpedalia, 2-3 lin. lata. Scapi foliis subzequantes. Umbellze 6-8-florz, pedicellis 8-12 lin. longis. Perianthium 6 lin. longum, segmentis linearibus acuminatis tubo subequantibus. Corona sub- integra, segmentis 4-6-plo brevior. Cap. B. Spei (v. s. cult. in herb. Smithii). 6. T. cgPACEA, Thunb. Prodr. 60; Linn. Suppl. 194; Willd. Sp. ii. 34; Kunth, Enum. iv. 484 (excl. B).—Omentaria cepacea, Salisb. Gen. 87. Folia 4-5, 4-6 poll. longa, 3-1 lin. lata. Scapi 6-12 poll. longi. Valve spathe lanceolate, 4-6 lin. longee. Umbellæ 6-12- flore, pedicellis 3-6 lin. longis. Perianthium purpureum, 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis lanceolatis vel oblongis acutis vel subobtusis tubo: cylindrico à lin. crasso duplo brevioribus. Staminodia 3, l lin. longa, ligulato-lanceolata, integra vel emarginata. Stamina ad me- dium et faucem tubi inserta. Cap. B. Spei, Thunberg! Masson! Drége ! Burchell, 4741! Ecklon et Zeyher ! &c. 7. T. vioLAcEA, Harv. in Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3555 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 485. Folia 6-10, carnoso-herbacea, viridia, 8-12 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata. Scapi 1-2 pedes longi. Valvæ spathz lanceolate, 6-9 lin. longe. Umbelle 8-20-flore, pedicellis 3-18 lin. longis. Perianthium saturate purpureo-violaceum, 8-9 lin. longum, segmentis lanceolatis tubo cylindrico 1 lin. crasso duplo brevioribus. Stami- nodia ligulata, 1-14 lin. longa, emarginata. Stamina ad faucem et medium tubi inserta. Cap. B. Spei, Harvey! Macowan, 914! Bowker! Bunbury ! &c. Kaffraria Britannica, Cooper, 544 ! ad ripas fluv. Orange, Burke! Var. 8. MINOR, Baker. Multo minor, scapi 3-4 poll. longi; umbellz 5-6-flore, pedicellis 2-3 lin. longis: perianthium 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis lanceolatis acutis. Kaffraria, ad montes, Mrs. Barber, 41! Var. y. oBTUSA, Baker.—T. cepacea, var. robustior, Kunth, Enum. iv. 484. Statura et folia planta typice ; perianthium 7-8 lin. longum, tubo crassiore, segmentis oblongis obtusis, staminodiis longioribus. Cap. B. Spei, Drége ! 8. ANDROSTEPHIUM, Torrey. Torrey, Bot. Mex. Bound. 218.— Mille sp. Scheele, Linnea, xxv. 260; Walp. Ann. vi. 219. Perianthium infundibuliforme, segmentis lanceolato-spathulatis flore expanso subpatentibus tubo infundibuliformi sequantibus. Stamina 6, filamentis in coronam ad faucem tubi insertam seg- mentis breviorem prorsus concretis, antheris lineari-oblongis MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACER. 373 versatilibus. Ovarium sessile, oblongo-triquetrum, loculis 12- l4-ovulatis; stylus rectus filiformis ; stigma capitatum, trisul- catum. Capsula membranacea, sessilis, obovoidea, triquetra, lo- culicide trivalvis, seminibus in loculis pluribus, subcompressis ; testa nigra, nitida. Herba bulbosa habitu omnino Mille. l. A. VIOLACEUM, Torrey, loc. cit.—Milla cerulea, Scheele, Linnea, loc. cit. Bulbus globosus, tunicatus, 8-9 lin. crassus, membranis externis seorsum productis. Folia 4—6, synanthia, 6-8 poll. longa, vix ultra 3 lin. lata. Scapi 2-4 poll. longi. Valve spathze 3-4, lan- ceolatz, membranacez. Umbellz 3-4-florze, pedicellis 6-12 lin. longis. Perianthium violaceum, 10-12 lin. longum. Corona 3 lin. longa. Stylus 5-6 lin. longus, ultra coronam haud exsertus. Segmenta limbi 2-23 lin. lata. Texas, Lindheimer 544! C. Wright, &c. 9. BessERa, Schult. fil. Schult. fil. Linnea, iv. 121 ; Syst. vii. 58 et 996 ; Endl. Gen. 1112; Kunth, Enum. iv. 477 et 699; Benth. Pl. Hartw. 26.—Pharium, Herbert, Bot. Reg. t. 1546. Perianthium late infundibuliforme, segmentis oblongo-lanceolatis erecto-patentibus tubo campanulato 4-6-plo longioribus. Sta- mina 6, filamentis exsertis extrorsum leviter incurvatis pro di- midio superiore filiformibus liberis, pro dimidio inferiore in co- ronam ad faucem tubi insertam concretis, antheris lineari-ob- longis versatilibus. Ovarium sessile, oblongo-trigonum, loculis 15-25-ovulatis; stylus filiformis, staminibus æquans et cum eis paullulum incurvatus ; stigma capitatum, trisuleatum. Capsula sessilis, membranacea, oblonga, obtuse trigona, septicide trival- vis, seminibus in loculis pluribus complanatis. Testa nigra, membranacea. Herba bulbosa foliis paucis carnoso-herbaceis subteretibus post scapum maturis, floribus speciosis umbellatis pedicellis apice haud articulatis. l. B. ELEGANS, Schult. fil. loc. cit.; Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1839, t. 34; Kunth, loc. cit.—Pharium fistulosum, Herbert, Bot. Reg. t. 1546. Bulbus globosus, 1 poll. crassus, tunicatus, membranis externis seor- sum circa basin scapi et foliorum productis. Folia 2-3, demum 10- 12 poll. vel ultra longa. Scapus 1-2-pedalis, fistulosus, fragilis. Valve spathz 3-4, membranacez, lanceolate, 3—4 lin. longe. Um- bells 4—10-florz, pedicellis gracilibus 12-18 lin. longis. Perianthium 9-10 lin. longum, saturate rubrum, segmentis viridi carinatis 3-4 lin. latis. Corona 4 lin. longa, glabra vel scabra, filamentis deorsum an- 374 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE. guste alatis. Stylus demum 9-10 lin. longus. Mewico, Hartweg, 232! Bates! Karwinsky ! §c.—P. fistulosum, Herbert, loc, cit., est forma filamentis scabris, corona inter basin filamentorum margine dentata.—B. multiflora, Mart. et Gal. Enum. 14; Kunth, Enum. iv. 699, est verisimiliter forma robustior multiflora. 10. LEUCOCORYNE, Lindl. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1293; Endl. Gen. 1105; Kunth, Enum. iv. 472.—Brodixe sp., Hook. §ce.—Anthoceras, Bertero, MSS. Perianthium infundibuliforme vel subrotatum, segmentis æqua- libus lanceolatis vel linearibus tubo cylindrico subequantibus vel brevioribus. Stamina 3, ad medium tubi inserta, filamentis brevissimis, antheris lineari-oblongis dorsifixis. Staminodia 3, ad faucem tubi inserta, calcarata, erecta, segmentis equantia vel breviora, rarissime antherifera. Ovarium subsessile, oblon- gum, obtuse trigonum, loculis multiovulatis; stylus brevis, rectus; stigma capitatum. Capsula subsessilis, membranacea, oblonga, obtuse trigona, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus in loculis pluribus (5-6) parvis triquetris. Testa nigra, membranacea. Herbe bulbose foliis pluribus synanthiis anguste linearibus, floribus umbellatis, spathis bivalvatis, pedicellis haud articulatis. Staminodia segmentis lanceolato-spathulatis 3—4-plo breviora. 1. ixioides. Staminodia segmentis linearibus acuminatis subequantia. Segmenta tubo paullulum longiora. Perianthium 8-9 lin.longum .......... 2. alliacea. Perianthium 5-6 lin. longum .......... 3. angustipetala. Segmenta tubo duplo breviora............ 4. Gayi. l. L. ixtorpEs, Lindl. Bot. Reg. sub t. 1293; Kunth, Enum. iv. 473; C. Gay, Fl. Chil. vi. 121.— Brodisa ixioides, Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 2382. — L. odorata, Lind.Bot. Reg.t.1293 ; Kunth et C.Gay, loc. cit.—Autho- ceras odorata, Bertero, MSS.—L. narcissiflora, Phil. Flor. Atacam. 52. Bulbus 6-9 lin. crassus, brunneo-tunicatus, membranis externis basin scapi et foliorum arcte cingentibus. Folia plurima, viridia, carnoso-her- bacea, 8-12 poll. longa, 1 lin. lata, evanescentia. Scapi erecti, fragiles, fistulosi, 12-18 lin. longi. Valvæ spathz lineari-acuminate, 12-15 lin. longe. Umbellæ 3-12-flore, pedicellis 9-18 lin. longis. Peri- anthium 9-15 lin. longum, pallide lilacinum, segmentis lanceolato- spathulatis 23-3-lin. latis. Staminodia segmentis 3—4-plo breviora. Chili, copiose prope urbem Valparaiso, &c. Cuming 557 ! Bertero 806! Menzies 290! Bridges 75! C. Gay ! Philippi, &c. Guilli incolis dictum, MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACER. 375 Andes Peruviane, Bollaert! L. odorata est mera forma pedicellis brevioribus. Var. 8. PURPUREA, Baker.—L. purpurea, C. Gay, Fl. Chil. vi. 122; Atlas, t. 68. Elatior, perianthio 15-18 lin. longo tubo saturate pur- pureo segmentis obtusioribus 3-4 lin. latis. Chili, C. Gay! 2. L. ALLIACEA, Lindl. Bot. Reg. sub t. 1293; Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. 48; Kunth, Enum. iv. 474; C. Gay, Fl. Chil. vi. 123.—Bro- dizea alliacea, Miers, MSS.—Anthoceras ornithogaloides, Bertero, MSS. Bulbus ovoideus, 9-12 lin. crassus, brunneo-truncatus, mem- branis externis basin scapi et foliorum arcte longe cingentibus. Folia plurima, firmiora, viridia, 6-8 poll. longa, vix 1 lin. lata. Scapi 6-12 poll. longi. Valvze spathe lineari-acuminatze, 1 poll. vel ultra longe. Umbellz 2-4-florz,, pedicellis 3-24 lin. longis. Perianthium 8-9 lin. longum, pallide lilacinum, segmentis linearibus acutis tubo longiori- bus. Staminodia segmentis paullulum breviora (3-4 lin. longa). Chili, Bertero ! Macrae! Philippi 654! Germain ! $c. 3. L. ANGUsTIPETALA, C. Gay, Fl. Chil. vi. 124. Bulbus 8-9 lin. crassus, brunneo-tunieatus, membranis externis seorsum productis. Folia plurima, firmiora, 3-4 poll. longa, vix l lin. lata. Scapi 3-4 poll. longi. Valvæ spathe 8-9 lin. long. Umbellze 3—4-flore, pe- dicellis 3-6 lin. longis. Perianthium 5-6 lin. longum, pallide pur- pureum, segmentis linearibus acutis tubum paullulo excedentibus. Staminodia segmentis æquantia. Chili, Philippi! 4. L. Gavr, Baker.—Tristagma dimorphopetala, C. Gay, Fl. Chil. vi. 126; Atlas, t. 69 bis. Bulbum non vidi, membranis externis longe circa basin scapum cingentibus. Folia 6-9 poll.longa,carnoso-herbacea, li lin. lata. Scapi fragiles, fistulosi, 8-12 poll. longi. Valve spathæ lanceolatz, seorsum attenuate, 12-15 lin. longæ. Umbelle 6-8-flore, pedicellis 1-3 poll. longis. Perianthium 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis anguste linearibus tubo duplo brevioribus. Staminodia segmentis subeequantia. Chili, C. Gay! Petala difformia suspicata sunt sta- minodia generis. 11. Broprza, Smith. Smith, Linn. Trans. x. 2, t.l; Endl. Gen. 1106 ; Hooker, Fl. Bor. Amer. ii. 186 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 470.—Hookera, Salisb. Parad. Lond. t. 98.—Dichelostemma, Kunth, Enum. iv. 469.—Stropho- lirion, Torrey, Bot. Pac. Rail. iv. 149.—Brevoortia, Wood, Proc. Phil. Acad. 1867, 173. Perianthium infundibuliforme vel late tubulosum, segmentis ple- risque tubo longioribus vel subequantibus, raro brevioribus. Anthere 3, lineares, ad faucem tubi sessiles vel subsessiles, ex- 376 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACER. alate vel alate. Staminodia 3, complanata, membranacea, cum staminibus uniseriata. Ovarium sessile vel stipitatum, loculis 4—6-ovulatis ; stylus rectus, filiformis ; stigma capitatum. Cap- sula membranacea, oblongo-trigona, sessilis vel stipitata, locu- licide trivalvis, seminibus in loculis 2-4 parvistriquetris. Testa nigra, membranacea. erbe bulbose floribus speciosis umbel- latis spathis multivalvatis pedicellis apice articulatis, scapo in specie una longe volubili. $ EunRoDrXa. Seapierecti. Perianthium infundibuliforme, seg- mentis tubo equantibus vel excedentibus. Anthere exalate. Umbelle lax, pedicellis elongatis. Ovarium stipitatum. 1. grandiflora. Umbelle dense, pedicellis brevibus vel subnullis. Ovarium sessile. Staminodia quadrata, bifida................ 2. congesta. Staminodia lanceolata, integra ............ 3. multiflora. $ STROPHOLIRION (Torrey). Sċapi longe volubiles. | Perianthium infundibuliforme, segmentis tubo subequantibus. Anthere alate. Species Sola cM e QM E Di Neq iE 4. volubilis. $ Brevoortia (Wood) Scapi erecti. Perianthium late tubu- losum, basi 6-saccatum, segmentis tubo quadruplo brevioribus. Anthere exalate. Species A goa e n E MET 5. coccinea. l. B. GRANDIFLORA, Smith, Linn. Trans. x. 2; Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1183; Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 2877; Kunth, Enum. iv. 471; Wood, Proc. Acad. Phil. 1867, 172, non Nuttall nec Pursh. — Hookera coro- naria, Salisb. Par. t.98. Bulbus globosus, 8-9 lin. crassus, brunneo- tunieatus, membranis externis seorsum productis. Folia 4-6, ante scapum matura, 6-12 poll. longa, 13 lin. lata, subteretia, facie con- cava, saturate viridia, subglauca, evanescentia. Scapus erectus, fis- tulosus, fragilis, 6-18 poll. altus. Valve spathæ plurime, lineares, 4-6 lin. longz. Umbelle 2-8-flore, pedicellis inzequalibus 3-18 lin. longis. Perianthium 9-15 lin. longum, violaceum, segmentis oblongo- lanceolatis tubum ore 13-2 lin. crassum excedentibus. Antherz 3 lin. longz, filamentis filiformibus triplo brevioribus ad faucem tubi insertis. Staminodia ligulata, flavida, subintegra, antheris zequantia. Ovarium breviter stipitatum, stylo filiformi 3-4 lin. longo. Semina in loculo 3-4. Insule Vancouver et St. Juan, Lyall! Wood! Oregon et Co- lumbia Britannica, Menzies! Gairdner! Lyall! California, Douglas ! Coulter 742 ! Hartweg 2002! MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE®, 377 Var. B. MACROPODA, Torrey, Bot. Whipple, 93.—B. Torreyi, Wood, Proc. Phil. Acad. 1867, 172. Scapus brevissimus vel subnullus. Pedicelli elongati, 3-6 poll. longi. California, in locis paludosis, Bige- low ! Wood. Var. y. MAJorR, Benth. MSS.—B. californica, Lindl. Trans. Hort. Soc. iv. 84, cum icone. Elatior, robustior, perianthio 18-21 lin. longo, tubo ore 3-4 lin. erasso segmentis 12-15 lin. longis, pedicellis 6-24 lin. longis. California, Hartweg 1999! Fremont! Jeffray 1124! 2. B. coNGEsTA, Smith, Linn. Trans. x.3, t. 1; Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. ii. 186.—Dichelostemma congestum, Kunth, Enum. iv. 470; Wood, Proc. Phil. 1867, 173.—Hookera pulchella, Salisb. Par. t. 117? Bulbus globosus, brunneo-tunicatus, 8-9 lin. erassus. Folia 3-4, ante scapum matura, carnoso-herbacea, evanescentia, pedalia vel ultra, 13-2 lin. lata, subteretia, facie valde concava, glauca. Scapus fragilis, fistulosus, 1-2-pedalis. Valvæ spathze 3-4, lanceolate, 6-9 lin. longze. Umbelle 6-12-florze, congestze, pedicellis subnullis vel 1-3 lin. longis. Perianthium .8-9 lin. longum, saturate violaceo-ezruleum, segmentis oblongo-lanceolatis tubo 3 ore lin. erasso subzquantibus. Stamina 3, sessilia, 23 lin. lata, apice profunde emarginata. Staminodia 3, cucullata, profunde emarginata. Ovarium sessile, stylo filiformi 2 lin. longo. Semina in loculo 5-6. E Columbia Britannica ad Cali- forniam borealem, Menzies! Douglas! &c. 3. B. MULTIFLORA, Benth. Pl. Hartweg. 339.—B. parviflora, Torrey et Gray Bot. Pac. Rail. p. 125; Wood, Proc. Phil. Acad. 1867, 172. Bulbus fibroso-tunicatus, 1 poll. vel ultra crassus. Folia carnoso- herbacea, firmiora, 12-18 poll. longa, 13-2 lin. lata. Scapus fragilis, 1-2 pedes longus. Valvze spathe plurime, late lanceolata, 4-6 lin. long. Umbellz congestz, 6-20-florz, pedicellis subnullis vel 3-6 lin. longis. Perianthium 8-10 lin. longum, ceruleum, segmentis oblongo-lanceo- latis tubo ventricoso subsequantibns. Stamina sessilia 2 lin. longa. Staminodia lanceolata, integra, 13 lin. longa. Ovarium sessile, stylo 23 lin. longo. Semina in loculo 4-6. California, Hartweg 2001 ! Jeffray 1125! Lobb 237 ! Bridges 276 ! Utah, Fremont ! 4. B. voLuniLIs, Baker.—Stropholirion californicum, Torrey, Bot. Pac. Rail. iv. 149; Bot. Whipple, t. 23.—Rupalleya volubilis, Mo- riére, Bull. Soc. Linn. Norm. viii. cum icone ez Bull. Soc. Bot. France, xi. Bibl. 25.—Dichelostemma Californica, Wood, Proc. Phil. 1867, 173. Folia synanthia, carnoso-herbacea, 12-18 poll. longa, 3-4 lin. lata. Scapi volubiles, 4-12-pedales. Valvze spathze 4-5, lanceolate. Umbellz 15-20-florz, pedicellis 3-9 lin. longis. Perianthium roseo- purpureum, 5-6 lin, longum, segmentis oblongo-lanceolatis tubum ven- tricosum paullulo excedentibus. Staminodia ligulata, emarginata. Antherze sessiles, emarginato-alatze, 13 lin. longe. Ovarium breviter 378 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACER. stipitatum, loculis 3-4-ovulatis, stylo filiformi 14 lin. longo. Semina in loculo szepe solitaria. California, Hartweg 1992! Bigelow ! Bridges 271 ! &c. 5. B. cocctNEA, A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. 1867, 389.—Brevoortia Ida-Maia, Wood, Proc. Phil. Acad. 1867, 173. Folia carnoso-herbacea, pedalia vel ultra, 2-3 lin. lata, ante scapum evanescentia, glauca. Scapi fragiles, erecti, 2-3 pedes longi. Valve spathz 4-6, membra- nacez, lanceolatz vel lineares, saturate rubra, 6-12 lin. longe. Umbellz 4-12-florz, pedicellis 8-12 lin. longis. Perianthium 12-16 lin. longum, tubulosum, basi 6-saccato, tubo 3-4 lin. crasso saturate coccineo, segmentis lanceolato-oblongis, flavidis, 25-3 lin. longis flore expanso patentibus. Ovarium oblongum, distincte stipitatum, loculis 4-6-ovulatis; stylus filiformis, 8-9 lin. longus, interdum subexser- tus. Antherz lineares, basi emarginate, segmentis subzquantes, Staminodia flavida, latissima, quadrata, dentata, antheris duplo breviora. California, W. Lobb! Bolander! v. v. ez hort. Thompson. 12. Mizra, Cav. Cav. Icon. ii. 76, t. 196; Endl. Gen. 1109; Kunth, Enum. iv. 278.—Triteleia, Dougl. in Lindl. Bot. Reg. sub t. 1293; Endl. Gen. 1107 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 465.—Seubertia, Kunth, Enum. iv. 475.—Hesperoscordium, Lindl. Bot. Reg. sub t. 1293; Endl. Gen. 1110; Kunth, Enum. iv. 464,—Calliprora, Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1590; Endl. Gen. 1111; Kunth, Enum. iv. 476. —Themis, Salisb. Gen. 85. Perianthium late vel anguste infundibuliforme vel subrotatum, segmentis tubo infundibuliformi vel campanulato subequanti- bus, vel 2-4-plo longioribus, vel raro brevioribus. Stamina 6, semper distincte perigyna, uniseriata vel plus minus distincte biseriata, filamentis plerisque elongatis raro subnullis, antheris lineari-oblongis versatilibus. Ovarium obovoideum, sessile vel plus minus distincte stipitatum ; stylus rectus, filiformis ; stigma - capitatum, trisuleatum. Capsula membranacea, sessilis vel stipitata, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus in loculis 2-12 parvis triquetris laxis vel biseriatis. Zesta nitida, nigra. Herbe bulbose foliis angustis synanthiis floribus wnbellatis. § Bnoprxorsis, Baker. Tubus late infundibuliformis, segmenta superans. Stamina e basi et medio segmentorum biseriata. Species sola M TUA UU NE 1. grandiflora. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEA. 379 § Eumrnia. Tubus infundibuliformis, segmentis 11-9-plo bre- vior. Stamina e fauce tubi uniseriata. Stamina sessilia vel subsessilia. Flores 1—4 pedicellis elongatis. Stamina exalata. 2. biflora. Flores 5-9 pedicellis subnullis vel perbrevibus. Stamina al- terna emarginato-alata................ 3. capitata. Filamenta 2-3 lin. longa. Ovarium sessile, loculis 6-8-ovulatis ...... 4. andicola. Ovarium stipitatum, loculis 10-12-ovulatis. 5. macrostemon. $ TarrgnEgrA (Dougl.). Tubus infundibuliformis, segmentis equans vel 13-2-plo brevior, vel raro excedens. Stamina distincte bi- seriata, in tubo iud Pedicelli apice inartieulati. Ovarium sessile (Amer. merid.). Scapi uniflori. Segmenta linearia tubo duplo breviora .. 6. sessiliflora. Segmenta tubo subequantia. Perianthium pallide lilacinum. Folia filiformia ; segmenta linearia .... 7. patagonica. Folia plana ; segmenta lanceolata vel oblonga. 8. uniflora. Segmenta tubum duplo superantia. Perianthium flavum. 9. Sellowiana. Seapi bi- vel multiflori. Segmenta linearia, tubo cylindrico duplo breviora. 10. nivalis. Segmenta oblonga, tubo infundibuliformi subequantia. 11. Poppigiana. Pedicelli apice articulati. Umbelle multiflore. Ovarium longe stipitatum (Amer. bor.). Filamenta elongata, basi utrinque alata (Calliprora, Lindl.). 12. ixioides. Filamenta brevissima, exalata vel nulla (Seubertia, Kunth). Perianthium ceruleum, 15-18 lin. longum. 13. laza. Perianthium ceruleum, 8-9 lin. longum.. 14. peduncularis. Perianthium flavum, 9 lin. longum .... .. 15. crocea. § Hesrrrocorpium (Lindl) Tubus campanulatus, segmentis 3—4-plo brevior. Stamina in tubo plus minusve distincte bi- seriatim inserta. Pedicelli apice articulati. Ovarium longe stipitatum (Amer. bor) EG Oe i OX PAL EFE 16, hyacinthina. 380 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEEX. Pedicelli apice haud articulati. Ovarium sessile (Amer. merid.). Scapi semper uniflori. Folia setacea. Perianthium album scapo glabro........ 17. setacea. Perianthium flavum scapo hirtello ...... 18. hirtella. Scapi 1-2-flori. Folia 3 lin. lata ........ 19. subbiflora. Seapi 2-6-flori. l. Perianthium album. Folia 1-2 lin. lata. Pedicelli vix 1 lin. longi... oss 20. brevipes. Pedicelli 6-12 lin. longi. Perianthium 6-7 lin. longum, segmentis oblongis. 21. bivalvis. Perianthium 9-10 lin. longum, segmentis lanceolatis iT qup ET P pu M Ee 22. porrifolia. Perianthium flavum. Folia 4 lin. lata .. 23. aurea. M. GRANDIFLORA, Baker.—Triteleia grandiflora, Lindl. Bot. Reg. sub t. 1293 & 1685; Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. ii. 186, t. 198 B; Wood, Proc. Acad. Phil. 1867, 171. Bulbus globosus, 1 poll. crassus, fibroso-tunicatus, edulis. Folia synanthia, carnoso-herbacea, pedalia vel ultra, 3-4 lin. lata. Scapi 12-2 pedes alti. Valve spathæ plurime, lanceolate, 6-8 lin. longe. Umbelle 6-20-florze, pedicellis apice articulatis 6-18 lin. longis. Perianthium saturate czruleum, 8-10 lin. longum, segmentis oblongo-spathulatis obtusis erectis tubo late infundibuliformi ore 3-4 lin. crasso paullulum brevioribus. An- therz l lin. longze biseriatz, inferiores ad faucem tubi sessiles, su- periores ad medium segmentorum insertz, filamentis filiformibus brevibus. Ovarium distincte stipitatum, loculis 6-8-ovulatis, stylo filiformi 11-2 lin. longo. Columbia Britannica, Oregon et Missouri, Douglas ! Burke ! Geyer, 289 ! Lyall! &c. 2. M. BirLORA, Cav. Ic. ii. 76, t. 196; Willd. Sp. Plant. ii. 62; Lindl. Bot. Reg. 78, t. 1555; Kunth, Enum. iv. 478; Flore des Serres, t. 1459. Bulbus globosus, brunneo-tunicatus, 6-9 lin. crassus, membranis externis seorsum productis. Folia 4-6, filiformia, 6-12 poll. longa. Seapus fragilis, 6-18 poll. longus. Flores 1-4, pedi- cellis strictis 2-6 poll. longis apice incrassatis. Valve spathæ plu- rime, lineares, 3-6 lin. longs. Perianthium albidum, 15-18 lin. longum, segmentis oblongo-lanceolatis, carina viridi firmiore, tubo infundibuliformi ore 13 lin. crasso subduplo longioribus, interioribus angustioribus. Stamina ad faucem uniseriata, 2-23 lin. longa, sub- sessilia, exalata. Ovarium oblongum, stipite brevi obconico, stylo filiformi 5-6 lin. longo. Semina in loculo 5-9. Mexico, Pavon ! Schaffner! Hartweg, 233! Galeotti, 5508 ! Graham, 359! Coulter, 1545! &c.; Nova Mezico, C. Wright, 1913! MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEA. 381 3. M. CAPITATA, Baker.—Brodisa capitata, Benth. Pl. Hartw. 339.— Dichelostemma capitata, Wood, Proc. Acad. Phil. 1868, 173. Bulbus edulis, proliferus, globosus, 6-9 lin. crassus, brunneo-tunicatus, mem- branis externis paullulum productis. Folia carnoso-herbacea, pedalia vel ultra, glauca, 2 lin. lata, evanescentia. Scapi fragiles, 1-2 pedes alti. Valvze spathe plurime, lanceolate, violacez, 5-6 lin. longe. Umbelle congestze, 5-9-flore, pedicellis subnullis vel 1-3 lin. longis. Perianthium 7-8 lin. longum, saturate lilacino-czruleum, segmentis oblongo-lanceolatis erectis, tubum 2-21 lin. crassum paullulo exceden- tibus. Stamina 13 lin. longa ad faucem sessilia, alterna emarginato- alata. Ovarium basi angustatum, stylo 2 lin. longo. Semina in loculo 8-9. California, Hartweg, 2600! Bigelow! Jeffray, 1026! Douglas ! Coulter, 743! Var. B. PAUCIFLORA, Torrey, Bot. Mex. Bound. 218. Umbelle 2-4- flore, pedicellis spathz valvis subduplo longioribus. Novo-Mezico, Bigelow ; Sonora, Capt. E. K. Smith! ad ripas fluv. Gila, Parry. Habitu Brodieam congestam et multifloram arcte simulat: differt in- dole staminum. 4. M. ANDICOLA, Baker.—Nothoscordum andicola, Kunth, Enum. iv. 463. Bulbus 1 poll. crassus, brunneo-tunicatus, membranis externis circa basin scapi et foliorum longe productis. Folia 5-6, carnoso- herbacea, modice diuturna, scapos superantia, À lin. lata. Scapi firmi, 3-6 poll. longi. Valvee spathz 2, opposite, lanceolate, basi connate, 6-8 lin. longae. Umbelle 6-10-florz, pedicellis 3-6 lin. longis apice haud articulatis. Perianthium 5-6 lin. longum, pallide lilacinum, segmentis lanceolato-spathulatis erecto-patentibus tubo ore 1-1} lin. erasso duplo longioribus. Stamina e fauce uniseriata, filamentis 2 lin. longis deorsum applanatis. Ovarium sessile, loculis 6-8-ovulatis, stylo 2 lin. longo. Andes Peruvie et Bolivie ad ripas lacus Titicaca, Meyen, Pentland ! 5. M. MacnosTEMON, Baker.—Nothoscordum macrostemon, Kunth, Enum. iv. 463.—Sowerbza americana, Spreng. MSS. Bulbum non vidi. Folia carnoso-herbacea, subpedalia, 2-21 lin. lata. Scapi 13-2 pedes longi, basi interdum 3 lin. crassi. Valve spathe 2-3, lanceo- late, 6-10 lin. longe. Umbelle 12-20-flore, pedicellis 6-30 lin. longis. Perianthium 7-9 lin. longum, pallide lilacinum, segmentis lanceolato-spathulatis flore expanso erecto-patentibus tubo infundi- buliformi ore 13 lin. crasso duplo longioribus. Stamina e fauce uniseriata, filamentis 21—3 lin. longis, preecipue dimidio superiore ap- planatis, antheris oblongis vix ultra 3 lin. longis. Ovarium hasi in stipitem brevem sensim angustatum, loculis 10-12-ovulatis, stylo lin. longo. Montevideo, teste Kunth; Brasilia meridionalis ; St. Jago del Esterra, Tweedie, 1393 ! 1394 ! Var. 8. cnAciLIS, Baker. Gracilior, pedicellis €-10 lin. longis, pe- LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. 2D 382 7. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEJE. rianthio 6 lin. longo, tubo angustiore, ovario stipite gracili demum 13 lin. longo. Montevideo, Capt. King! Verisimiliter species vera sed bulbum et folia non vidi. . M. SESSILIFLORA, Baker.—Triteleia sessilis, Philippi, MSS. Bul- bus ovoideus, 3-4 lin. crassus, membranaceo-tunicatus, membranis externis longe productis. Folia 4-5, synanthia, carnoso-herbacea, filiformia, florem superantia. Seapus 12-15 lin. longus. Valve spathze 2, lineares, deorsum longe connate. Flores solitarii, in spathis ses- siles, albidi, 9-10 lin. longi, segmentis ascendentibus lanceolatis tubo pergracili 2-3-plo brevioribus. Stamina supra medium tubi bi- seriatim inserta, filamentis filiformibus antheras oblongas 3-4-plo ex- cedentibus. Ovarium sessile, stylo 5-6 lin. longo. Chili, Philippi! Germain ! M. rATAGONICA, Baker. Bulbum non vidi. Folia 4-5, synanthia, filiformia, modice firma, 6-9 poll. longa. Scapi uniflori, 4-6 poll. longi. Valve spathe 2, lanceolatæ, erectz, 8-9 lin. longs, basi connate. Pedicelli 6-9 lin. longi. Perianthium 10-12 lin. longum, pallide lilacinum, segmentis lanceolatis acuminatis erectis carina su- turatiore tubo anguste infundibuliformi duplo longioribus. Stamina in tubo biseriata, filamentis filiformibus 3-4 lin. longis. Ovarium sessile, stylo 3 lin. longo. Patagonia, Capt. Middleton! Habitu M. uniflore; differt folis filiformibus, segmentis lanceolatis 8. V. acuminatis. M. un1FLoRA, Graham, Edin. Phil. Journ. Dec. 1832; Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3327.—Triteleia uniflora, Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1293, t. 1921; Kunth, Enum. iv. 466; Flore Jard. ii. 177.— Milla bonariensis, Gillies, MSS. Bulbus ovoideus, proliferus, membranaceo-tunicatus, 6-9 lin. crassus, fibris carnosis, membranis externis sursum longe productis. Folia 6-9, synanthia, carnoso-herbacea, 6-12 poll. longa, 13-3 lin. lata, glauca. Scapi uni- vel in hortis rarissime biflori. Valve spathe 2, lanceolate, 9-15 lin. longe, deorsum connate. Pedicelli 1-2 poll. longi. Perianthium 9-18 lin. longum, pallide lilacinum, segmentis lanceolato-spathulatis flore expanso subpaten- tibus carina saturatiore tubo infundibuliformi ore 2-23 lin. crasso paullulum longioribus. Stamina in tubo biseriata, filamentis fili- formibus antheris paulo longioribus, superiora ad faucem attingentia. Ovarium sessile, stylo filiformi 3-4 lin. longo. Bonaria, Gillies ! Tweedie ! ar. 8. coNsPICUA, Baker.—Triteleia conspicua, Baker, in Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 43. Segmenta oblongo-spathulata, sursum minus an- gustata, flore expanso late imbricata. Pedicelli spe longiores. Montevideo, Tweedie, 1389 ! Gibert, 507 ! Var. y. TwEEDIEANA, Baker. Multo minor; folia vix ultra 4 lin. lata ; MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACER. 883 scapus 2-3 poll. longus; pedieelli 3 lin. longi, e spatho haud ex- serti; perianthium 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis oblongo-spathulatis tubo zequantibus ; stamina omnia e tubo distincte exserta, Bonaria, Tweedie! Verisimiliter species vera. 9. M. SELLowrANa, Baker.—Triteleia Sellowiana, Kunth, Enum.iv. 466. Bulbus globosus vel ovoideus, membranaceo-tunicatus, 4-6 lin. crassus, membranis externis breviter sursum productis. Folia 6-12, synanthia, firma, modice durantia, 2-4 poll. longa, 3-1 lin. lata. Scapi 1-3, 1-4 poll. longi. Flores semper solitarii, pedicellis 2-3 lin. longis. Valvæ spathe 2, lanceolatz, 4-6 lin. longs, basi con- nate. Perianthium 9-10 lin. longum, flavum, segmentis oblongo- spathulatis purpureo-carinatis 3—4 lin. latis tubo late infundibuli- formi duplo longioribus. Stamina leviter biseriata, prope faucem tubi inserta, filamentis filiformibus deorsum applanatis 2-23 lin. longis. Ovarium sessile, stylo 3 lin. longo. Brasilia meridionalis et Montevideo, Sello, 3664 ! Gibert, 512! 10. M. nivauis, Baker.—Tristagma nivalis, Póppig, Nov. Gen. ii. 28, t. 140; C. Gay, Fl. Chil. vi. 125. Bulbus ovoideus, mem- branaceo-tunicatus, membranis externis longe sursum productis. Folia 5-6, viridia, carnoso-herbacea, synanthia, 6-9 poll. longa, 13 lin. lata. Scapi foliis subzequantes. Valve spathze 2, lanceolate, 1 poll. longs, basi connate. Umbelle 2-3-florz, pedicellis 3-15 lin. longis. Perianthium infundibuliforme, 9-10 lin. longum, segmentis linearibus viridibus carnosis acutis flore expanso patentibus tubo cylindrico ore vix ultra 1 lin. lato duplo brevioribus. Antherzm in tubo distincte biseriatz, sessiles. Ovarium sessile, lanceolatum, stylo filiformi 13 lin. longo. Chili, Germain ! ll. M. PöPPIGIANA, Baker.—Triteleia Póppigiana, C. Gay, FI. Chil. vi. 117.— T. uniflora, Flore des Serres, ix. t. 283? Bulbum non vidi. Folia 6-8, synanthia, carnoso-herbacea, subplana, 8-12 poll. longa, 3-3 lin. lata. Scapi 2-3, flaccidi, foliis subszquantes. Valve spathz 2 (raro 3-4) lanceolate, 1 poll. longze, basi connate. Um- belle 4-8-floræ, pedicellis apice haud articulatis 12-15 lin. longis. Perianthium infundibuliforme, pallide lilacinum, 9-10 lin. longum, segmentis oblongo-spathulatis tubo infundibuliformi ore 2 lin. crasso paullulum longioribus. Stamina in tubo biseriata, filamentis fili- formibus 2 lin. longis, superiora ad faucem attingentia. Ovarium sessile, stylo filiformi 2 lin. longo. Chili, C. Gay! 12. M. iXIOIDES, Baker.—Ornithogalum ixioides, Ait. Hort. Kew. edit. alt. ii. 257.— Themis ixioides, Salisb. Gen. 85.—Calliprora lutea, Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1590; Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. 400; Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3588. Bulbus globosus, fibroso-tunicatus, 6-8 lin. crassus. Folia 2-3, synanthia, carnoso-herbacea, basin scapi 202 384 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEX. cingentia, 6-12 poll. longa, 2-6 lin. lata. Scapi erecti, fistulosi, 6-18 lin. longi. Valve spathz 3-4, lineares, 4-6 lin. longe. Um- bella 10-20-florz, pedicellis apice articulatis 1-2 poll. longis. Pe- rianthium infundibuliforme, flavum, 7-12 lin. longum, segmentis lanceolato-spathulatis distincte viridi vittatis subacutis tubo turbinato duplo longioribus. Stamina e fauce tubi leviter biseriata, filamentis complanatis apice tricuspidatis 2-2} lin. longis. Ovarium longe stipitatum, stylo filiformi 14 lin. longo. Semina in loculo 5-6. California, Douglas! Hartweg, 1996! Jeffray, 1124! Coulter, 741! Bridges, 294! &c. 13. M. taxa, Baker.—Triteleia laxa, Benth. Trans. Hort. Soc. i. 413, t. 15. fig. 2; Lindi. Bot. Reg. t. 1685; Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. 401.—Seubertia laxa, Kunth, Enum. iv. 475; Wood, Proc. Phil. Acad, 1868, 172. Bulbus globosus, 6-9 lin. crassus, fibroso-tuni- catus. Folia synanthia, carnoso-herbacea, subplana, 12-18 poll. longa, 2-4 lin. lata. Scapi fragiles, erecti, 12-18 poll. longi. Valve spathæ multz, lanceolate et lineares, 6-9 lin. longe. Umbella 8-20-florz, pedicellis apice articulatis 1-3 poll. longis. Perianthium infundibuliforme, saturate ceruleum, 15-18 lin. longum, segmentis lanceolatis acutis erecto-patentibus tubo infundibuliformi ore 3—4 lin. crasso distincte brevioribus. Stamina in dimidio superiore tubi bi- seriatim inserta, antheris linearibus filamenta excedentibus. Ova- rium stipite 6-9 lin. longo, loculis 12-15-ovulatis, stylo filiformi li lin. longo. California, Douglas! Hartweg, 1998! Bigelow! Bridges, 273! &c. 14. M. PEDUNCULARIS, Baker.—Triteleia peduncularis, Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1865; Hook. et Arn. Bot. Beech. 401; Kunth, Enum. iv. 469. Bulbum non vidi. Folia synanthia, carnoso-herbacea, 12-18 poll. longa, 3-4lin.lata. Scapi 14-2 pedes longi, erecti, fragiles. Valve spathze multze, lineares, 6-8 lin. longe, basi liberæ. Umbella 12-20- flore, pedicellis apice articulatis 2-3 poll. longis. Perianthium in- fundibuliforme, czruleum, 8-9 lin. longum, segmentis erecto-patenti- bus lanceolato-spathulatis acutis carina saturatiore tubo infundibuli- formi ore 2 lin. crasso paullulum longioribus. Anthere sessiles, 12 lin. longz, in dimidio superiore tubi biseriatim inserte. Ovarium longe stipitatum, stipite 2-23 lin. longo, stylo filiformi 14 lin. longo. Semina in loculo 3-4. California, Douglas! Fremont! 15. M. crocea, Baker.—Seubertia crocea, Wood, Proc. Acad. Phil. 1868, 172.— Folia linearia, scapo pedali breviora. Valve spathe 4, acuminate, pedicellis breviores. Umbelle 5-6-flore. Perianthium infundibuliforme, croceum, 9 lin. longum, segmentis obtusis. An- there oblongæ, biseriate. Ovarium longe stipitatum. Semina in loculo 5. California, Prof. Wood (non vidi). MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACES. 385 16. M. HYACINTHINA, Baker.—Hesperoscordium hyacinthinum, Lindl. Bot. Reg. sub t. 1293; Kunth, Enum. iv. 464.—H. Lewisii, Hook. Flo. Bor. Am. ii. 185.—Brodiwa grandiflora, Nuttall, non Smith. Bulbus globosus, 6-12 lin. crassus, fibroso-tunicatus. Folia 2-3, synanthia, carnoso-herbacea, 12-18 poll. longa, 3-6 lin. lata. Scapi firmi, erecti, 1-2 pedes longi. Valve spathe multe, lineares, 5-6 lin. longe. Umbelle 10-30-flore, pedicellis 6-12 lin. longis apice arti- culatis. Perianthium infundibuliforme, album, 6-7 lin. longum, seg- mentis lanceolato-spathulatis viridi-vittatis erecto-patentibus tubo Stamina e fauce subuniseriata, fila- campanulato triplo longioribus. Ovarium distincte mentis deltoideis petaloideis vix 1 lin. longis. stipitatum, stylo 1 lin. longo. Semina in loculo 2-3. Insule Van- cower et St. Juan, Lyall! Columbia britannica, Douglas! Hinds ! &c. Oregon, Nuttall! California, Bridges! Var. 8. LAcTEUM, Baker.—H. lacteum, Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1639; Kunth, Enum. iv, 464; Wood, Proc. Acad. Phil. 1868, 171. Graci- lior, floribus paucioribus, pedicellis elongatis (1-3 poll. longis). Cali- fornia, Douglas ! Hartweg 1994! 17. M. seracea, Baker. Bulbus ovoideus, 3-4 lin. crassus, membra- naceo-tunicatus, membranis externis sursum longe productis. Folia 5-6, synanthia, 3-4 poll. longa, setacea, modice firma. Scapus fili- formis, glaber, 2-3 poll. longus, semper uniflorus. Valve spathe 2, lineares, 3-4 lin. longe, basi connate. Pedicelli 13-2 lin. longi. Perianthium infundibuliforme, albidum, 43-5 lin. longum, tenerum, segmentis oblongo-spathulatis subacutis carina pallide brunnea tubum campanulatum 3-4-plo excedentibus. Stamina ad faucem tubi inserta, leviter biseriata, filamentis filiformibus 1}-2 lin. longis. Ovarium sessile, stylo filiformi 2 lin. longo. Tucuman, Tweedie! 18. M. HIRTELLA, Baker.—Triteleia hirtella, Kunth, Enum. iv. 465. Bulbus subgloboso-ovoideus. Folia 4-6, synanthia, 3 poll. longa, filiformia, vix } lin. lata. Scapus 3-33 poll. longus, hirtellus, uni- rus. Valvz spathe pedicellum brevem longe superantes. Perianthium luteum, parum minor quam in M. Sellowiana, segmentis ellipticis acutis tubo campanulato triplo longioribus. Stamina prope faucem tubi inserta, filamentis late subulatis. Ovarium sessile, stylo filiformi ovario longiore. Montevideo, Gaudichaud (non vidi). 19. M. suBBIFLORa, Baker.—Allium subbiflorum, Colla, Act. Taur. 39, p. 13, t. 52.— Triteleia Berteri, Kunth, Enum. iv. 467; C. Gay, Fl. Chil. vi. 116. Bulbus ovoideus, 4-6 lin. crassus, membranaceo- tunicatus, membranis externis productis. Folia 4-6, modice firma, synanthia, 3-5 poll. longa, 4 lin. lata. Scapi 133 poll. longi, uni- vel sæpe biflori. Valve spath 2, lanceolata, 4-5 lin. longe, basi con- 386 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEJE. nate. Pedicelli 1-2 lin. longi. Perianthium infundibuliforme, albi- dum, 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis oblongo-spathulatis subacutis di- stincte brunneo-carinatis tubum companulatum 3-4-plo excedentibus. Stamina e fauce tubi leviter biseriata, filamentis filiformibus 1j lin. longis. Ovarium sessile, stylo 1 lin. longo. Chili, Bertero! Bridges 3421 20. M. nnEviPES, Baker.—Triteleia brevipes, Kunze, Linnea, xx. 9. Folia 4-8, 3 poll. longa, 1} lin. lata. Scapus foliis paullulum brevior. Valvæ spathz 2, basi connatz, parte libera 6 lin. longa. Umbellæ 3-floree, pedicellis vix 1 lin. longis. Perianthium album, 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis lanceolatis brunneo-earinatis tubo quadruplo longi- oribus. Stamina biseriata, filamentis filiformibus deorsum complana- tis. Ovarium sessile. Chili (non vidi). 21. M. nivaLvis, Baker.—Triteleia bivalvis, Lindl. Bot. Reg. sub t. 1293; Kunth, Enum. iv. 468; C. Gay, Fl. Chil. vi. 117.—T. Gau- dichaudiana et violacea, Kunth, loc. cit. Bulbus ovoideus, 6-9 lin. crassus, membranaceo-tunicatus. Folia 4-6, synanthia, carnoso-her- bacea, 6-9 poll. longa, 1-2 lin. lata. Scapus tener, folis subæ- quans. Valvz spathz 2, lineari-lanceolatz, basi connate, 6-9 lin. longs. Umbelle 2-4-flore, pedicellis flaccidis 6-12 lin. longis. Perianthium infundibuliforme, album vel albido-violaceum, 6-7 lin. longum, segmentis oblongo-spathulatis distincte brunneo-carinatis tubum campanulatum quadruplo excedentibus. Stamina e tubo biser- iata, filamentis deorsum complanatis 13 lin. longis. Ovarium sessile, stylo filiformi 1-13 lin. longo. Semina in loculo 5-6. Chili, Beechey ! Cuming, 651! Bridges! óc. 22. M. PoRRIFOLIA, Baker.--Triteleia porrifolia, Pópp. Fragm. 10; Kunth, Enum. iv. 468; Pópp. et Endl. Nov. Gen. t. 139; C. Gay, Fi. Chil. vi. 118. Bulbus ovoideus, 8-12 lin. crassus, membranaceo- tunicatus. Folia 4-5, synanthia, carnoso-herbacea, 6-8 poll. longa, l-21in.lata, Seapus foliis subequans. Valve spathze 2, lanceolate vel lineares, basi connate, 8-12 lin. longe. Umbelle 4-6-florz, pedicellis 6-9 lin. longis. Perianthium infundibuliforme, albido- violaceum, 9-10 lin. longum, segmentis lanceolato-spathulatis tubo subtriplo longioribus. Stamina e tubo biseriata, filamentis 23-3 lin. longis. Ovarium sessile, stylo filiformi 4 lin. longo. Chili, Phi- lippi! Germain! Beechey ! 23. M. AUREA, Baker.—Triteleia aurea, Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1841, p. 78; Kunth, Enum. iv. 469; Baker in Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 42. Bulbus globosus, 4-6 lin. crassus, membranis albidis tunicatus. Folia 6-8, carnoso-herbacea, synanthia, filiformia, 3-4 poll. longa, 3 lin. lata. Scapi 1-3, erecti, 2-4 poll. longi. Valve spathe 2, lanceolate, basi connate, 4-6 lin. longa. Umbelle 2-6-florex, pedicellis 6-18 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEA. 387 lin. longis. Perianthium croceum, 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis ob- longo-spathulatis subobtusis viridi-vittatis flore expanso subpaten- tibus tubo previ 3-4-plo longioribus, Stamina e fauce tubi leviter biseriata, filamentis filiformibus 13-2 lin. longis. Ovarium sessile, stylo 13 lin. longo. Semina in loculo 5-6. Bonaria, Gillies ! Montevideo, Gibert ! Isabelle ! Entre Rios, Tweedie ! 13. Massonra, Linn. Linn. Gen. 1881; Endl. Gen. 1126; Kunth, Enum. iv. 295; Salisb. Gen. 17; Harv. Cap. Gen. 2nd edit. 395.—Polyxena, Kunth, Enum. iv. 294; Harv. loc. cit.—Podocallis, Salisb. Gen. 17.—Mauhlia, Thunb. Nov. Gen. iii. Prodr. 60, t. 1 (ex parte) ; Salisb. Gen. 17 (sphalmate Manlilia). Perianthium tubuloso-gamophyllum, segmentis linearibus vel lan- ceolatis æqualibus plerisque reflexis tubo :quantibus vel bre- vioribus. Stamina 6, ad faucem tubi uniseriatim inserta vel raro plus minus distincte biseriata e tubo, filamentis filiformibus basi sepe in eupulum melliferum connatis; antheris oblongis versatilibus. Ovarium sessile, oblongo-triquetrum, ovulis in loculis pluribus; s£ylus rectus, filiformis; stigma capitatum. Capsula membranacea, pro planta magna, sessilis, obovata, lo- culicide trivalvis, profunde trisulcata, acute angulata, semini- bus globosis parvis plerisque pluribus raro paucis vel solitariis. Testa nitida nigra. Herbe bulbose habitu proprio singulari, Jloribus corymbosis rarissime solitariis pedunculis nullis vel brevibus, foliis semper 2 synanthiis plus minus carnosis hu- mistratis. § Eumassonta. Corymbi sessiles vel breviter pedunculati, bracteis exterioribus magnis involucrati. Stamina e fauce uniseriata. Folia facie setosa. Segmenta tubo paulo breviora. Folia carnosa, dense setosa. Folia rotundata, 13-2 poll. longa .... 1. hirsuta. Folia ovata, 3-5 poll. longa .......... 2. echinata. Folia lanceolata, firma, sparse setulosa .. 3. setulosa. Segmenta tubo duplo breviora. Filamenta 4 lin.longa ..............-- 4. tenella. Filamenta 5-6 lin. longa ............-. 5. muricata. Folia facie pustulata. Folia lanceolato-elliptica. ........... ee 6. pauciflora. Folia rotundato-ovata. |... eere 7. pustulata. 888 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEÆ. Folia levia. Filamenta 1 lin. longa. Tubus 4 lin. crassus. Pedicelli 2-3 lin. longi. 8. jasminiflora. Tubus 1 lin. crassus. Pedicelli nulli.... 9. Bowker. Filamenta 3 lin. longa ........ «ess 10. Huttoni. Filamenta 6-9 lia. longa. Segmenta tubo subzsquantia. Filamenta saturate rubra. Folia subrotundata. Scapus subnullus. 11. latifolia. Folia anguste obovata. Scapus 13-2 poll. longus. 12. lanceafolia. Filamenta viridi-flavescentia ........ 13. obovata. Segmenta tubo duplo breviora. Folia oblongo-oblanceolata .......... 14. longifolia. Folia subrotundata. Filamenta saturate rnbra.......... 15. sanguinea. Filamenta flavescenti-rubra........ 16. cordata. Pilamenta RIDE. ee 17. candida. 8 AsrEMMA (Endlich.). Corymbus breviter pedunculatus exinvo- lucratus. Stamina e fauce tubi uniseriata. Stamina segmentis limbi subzquantia. Tubus cylindricus, 5-6 lin. longus ........ 18. angustifolia. Tubus filiformis, 15-18 lin. longus........ 19. comata. Stamina segmentis limbi duplo longiora. Segmenta patentia Segmenta erecta. Bractez minute, deltoidee ............ 21. Zeyheri. Bractex lanceolate, 3-4 lin. longe...... 22. Burchellit. § Porxxrwa (Kunth). Corymbus vel flos solitarius breviter ped- unculatus, exinvolucratus. Stamina plus minus distincte bi seriata. Folia graminoidea. Scapus uniflorus ...... 23. uniflora. Folia lata, subearnosa. Flores corymbosi. Bractex elongate. Segmenta tubo paulo breviora. 24. pygmea. Bractee minute. Segmenta tubo 4-6-plo breviora. 25. ensifolia. 1. M. HIRSUTA, Link et Otto, Abbild. t. 1; Roem. et Schult. vii. 987 ; ee ee TARTE 20. marginata. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACER. 389 Kunth, Enum. iv. 296.—M. pusilla, Masson, MSS., Salisb. Gen, 17. Folia carnosa, rotundata, 14-2 poll. longa et lata, obtusa, basi cor- data, utrinque setis albidis dense vestita. Scapi nulli. Bractez pubescentes, ciliate, exteriores oblongo-spathulate, 5-6 lin. longe. Corymbi dense 20—30-flori. Pedicelli 2-3 lin. longi. Perianthium albidum, 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis linearibus demum reflexis, tubo ore 5 lin. crasso paulo brevioribus. Filamenta filiformia, segmentis wquantia. Cap. B. Spei, Masson! Zeyher, 130 ! 4273! 2. M. ECHINATA, Linn. Suppl. 193; Thunb. Prodr. 60, Fl. Cap. 308; Kunth, Enum. iv.296. Folia tenuiter carnosa, ovata, 3-5 poll. longa, 3-2 poll. lata, utrinque setis albidis nitidis 2-23 lin. longis dense ve- stita. Scapi subnulli. Bractex exteriores lineares 8-9 lin. longz. Corymbi dense 20-30-flori. Pedicelli exteriores 6-9 lin. longi. Peri- anthium albidum, 7-8 lin. longum, segmentis linearibus reflexis tubo ore 3 lin. crasso paulo brevioribus. Stamina filiformia, 4-5 lin. longa. Capsula sessilis, oblonga, 4i lin. longa. Cap. B. Spei, Masson ! Zeyher, 1717! &c. 3. M. sETULOosA, Baker. Folia coriaceo-carnosa, lanceolata, acuta, ascendentia, 12-15 lin. longa, 43-5 lin. lata, basi sensim angustata, supra setis albidis brevibus sparse vestita. Scapi nulli. Bractesm exteriores oblongo-rotundatz, acute, 5-6 lin. longe. Corymbi 10-12-flori. Pedicelli exteriores 2-3 lin. longi. Perianthium albi- dum, 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis lanceolatis reflexis tubo gracili paulo brevioribus. Filamenta albida, 3-4 lin. longa. Cap. B. Spei, Ecklon et Zeyher ! 4. M. TENELLA, Soland. MSS. in Herb. Mus. Brit. Folia crasse carnoso-coriacea, lanceolata, acuta, 1 poll. longa, utrinque angustata, petiolata, petiolis scapum arcte cingentibus, supra setis robustis al- bidis dense vestita. Scapi 12-15lin. longi. Bractez exteriores oblongo- spathulatz, 5-6 lin. longæ. Corymbi pauciflori. Perianthium 4-43 lin. longum, segmentis lineari-lanceolatis erectis tubo gracili duplo brevioribus. Filamenta lanceolata, vix ultra 3 lin. longa. Cap. B. Spei, Masson ! Drége, 3509 ! 5. M. MURICATA, Gawl. Bot. Mag. t. 559; Ait. Hort. Kew. edit. 2, ii. 210; Kunth, Enum. iv. 296. Folia carnoso-herbacea, rotundato- cordata, 3-4 poll. longa et lata, extrorsum supra dense setosa. Scapi subnulli. Bractez exteriores oblongo-lanceolatz, | poll. longe. Pe- dicelli exteriores 5-6 lin. longi. Perianthium albidum, 1 poll. lon- gum, segmentis lanceolatis reflexis tubo subduplo brevioribus. Fi- lamenta albida, tubo subzequantia, basi connata. Cap. B. Spei. 6. M. PAUCIFLORA, Dryand. in Ait. Hort. Kew. edit. 2, ii. 210; Roem. et Schult. vii. 987; Kunth, Enum. iv. 296. Folia lanceolata 390 " MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEE. vel elliptica, tuberculata, tuberculis nudis. Segmenta limbi ovata. Cap. B. Spei (non vidi). M. PUSTULATA, Jacq. Coll. iv. 177; Hort. Schoen. t. 454; Re- douté, Lil. t. 183; Bot. Mag. t. 642; Kunth, Enum. iv. 296. Folia carnoso-herbacea, rotundato-ovata, 5-6 poll. longa, 3-4 poll. lata, subacuta, basi angustata, facie pustulata. Scapi semiunciales. Bracteæ exteriores ovato-lanceolatz, 1 poll. longe. Pedicelli exteriores 3-4 lin. longe. Corymbi 10-20-flori. Perianthium 1 poll. longum, segmentis lineari-lanceolatis reflexis tubo duplo brevioribus. Fila- menta alba, 6—7 lin. longa, basi connata. Cap. B. Spei. . M. JASMINIFLORA, Burchell, MSS.— Podocallis nivea, Salisb. Gen. 17?. Folia oblongo-rotundata, carnoso-herbacea, levia, subacuta, 2 poll. longa, 12-16 lin. lata, basi spathulatim angustata. Scapi nulli. Bractez exteriores ovate, acute, 3-4 lin. longe. Pedicelli exteriores 2-3 lin. longi. Corymbus 10-12-florus. Perianthium al- bidum, 6 lin. longum, segmentis lanceolatis reflexis tubo 3 lin. crasso duplo brevioribus. Filamenta 1 lin. longa, basi distincte connata. Cap. B. Spei, Burchell ! (v. s. cult.). M. Bowxert, Baker. Folia carnoso-herbacea, oblongo-rotundata, levia, obtusa, 12-15 lin. longa, 9-12 lin. lata. Scapi nulli. Bractez exteriores lanceolate, acuminate, 6-7 lin. longe. Corymbus 15-20-florus. Pedicelli subnulli. Perianthium albidum, 6 lin. lon- gum, segmentis lanceolatis erectis tubo cylindrico 1 lin. crasso duplo brevioribus. Filamenta 1 lin. longa, carnosa, complanata, basi di- stincte connata. Cap. B. Spei (Orange River Free State), Bowker ! 10. M. Hurront, Baker. Folia carnoso-herbacea, lzvia, ovato-rotun- data, 21-24 lin. longa, 15-16 lin. lata, subobtusa, basi in petiolum brevem cite angustata. Scapi 6-9 lin. longi. Corymbi 15-20-flori. Bractez exteriores rotundati, acutz, 7-8 lin. longs, 6-7 lin. late. Pedicelli exteriores 2-3 lin. longi. Perianthium albidum, 6-7 lin. longum, segmentis linearibus reflexis 3 lin. longis. Filamenta fili- formia, 3 lin. longa, basilibera. Cap. B. Spei (Albany) Hutton ! 1]. M. LATIFOLIA, Linn. Suppl. 195; Thunb. Fl. Cap. 307; Jacq. Schoen. iv. 28, t. 455; Kunth, Enum. iv. 296. Folia carnoso-her- bacea, levia, ovato-subrotundata, demum 8-10 poll. longa, 6-8 poll. lata, lineata, interdum purpureo-maculata. Scapus nullus vel bre- vissimus. Bractez ovato-lanceolate, exteriores 12-18 lin. longe. Corymbi dense 20-30-flori. Pedicelli exteriores 5-6 lin. longi. Pe- rianthium album, segmentis lineari-lanceolatis reflexis tubo sub- squantibus. Filamenta saturate rubra, basi connata, 8-9 lin. longa. Capsula obovoidea, 1. poll. longa. Cap. B. Spei, Masson! Bur- chell! Drége, 2683 c! Ecklon et Zeyher ! MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACES. 891 12. M. LANCE FOLIA, Jacq. Hort. Schoen. iv. 29, t. 436; Roem. et Schult. vii. 991; Kunth, Enum. iv. 297. Folia carnoso-herbacea, lævia, anguste obovata, 8-10 poll. longa, 4—5 poll. lata, lineata, basi sensim angustata, scapum cingentia. Scapus 13-2 poll. longus. Bractez exteriores ovato-lanceolate, 12-15 lin. longs. Corymbi 15-20-flori. Pedicelli exteriores 5-6 lin. longi. Perianthium album, segmentis lineari-lanceolatis reflexis tubo subzequantibus. Filamenta saturate rubra, /-8 lin. longa, basi connata. Cap. B. Spei. 13. M. oBovaTa, Jacq. Hort. Schoen. iv. 29, t. 458; Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 991; Kunth, Enum. iv. 297.—M. grandiflora, Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 958. Folia carnoso-herbacea, lzvia, obovata, subacuta, 6-7 poll. longa, 3-4 lin. lata, sublineata. Scapus brevis. Bractez ex- teriores lanceolate, 1 poll. longe. Pedicelli exteriores 5-6 lin. longi. Perianthium album, 1 poll. longum, segmentis lineari-lanceolatis reflexis tubo subzquantibus. Corymbi 10-12-flori. Filamenta vi- ridi-flavescentia, 6 lin. longa, basi connata. Cup. B. Spei. 13*. M. Nervosa, Hornem. Hafn. Suppl. 39; Kunth, Enum. iv. 298. Folia ovato-lanceolata, acuta, 15-nervata, levia. Tubus pallide vio- laceus. Segmenta pallide straminea, tubo æquantia, erecta. Sta- mina straminea, segmentis duplo longiora. Cap. B. Spei (non vidi). 14. M. LONGIFOLIA, Jacq. Hort. Schoen. iv. 29, t. 457 ; Roem. et Schuit. Syst. vii. 990 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 297. Folia carnoso-herbacea, ob- longo-oblanceolata, 10-12 poll. longa, 4 poll. lata, subacuta, levia, basi angustata, scapum cingentia. Scapus uncialis. Bractee ex- teriores ovato-lanceolatz, 1 poll. longz. Pedicelli exteriores 9-12 lin. longi. Corymbi 20-30-flori. Perianthium album, 1 poll. lon- gum, segmentis lineari-lanceolatis tubo 3 lin. crasso subduplo bre- vioribus. Filamenta albida, 8-9 lin. longa, basi connata. Cap. B. Spei. 15. M. SANGUINEA, Jacq. Hort. Schoen. iv. 31, t. 461; Roem. et Schult. vii. 989; Kunth, Enum. iv. 297.—M. latifolia, Bot. Mag. t. 848, non L. Folia carnoso-herbacea, subrotundato-cordata acuta, 4-6 poll. longa, 3-4 poll. lata, lineata. Scapus brevis. Bractez exteriores ovato-lanceolatz, circiter 1 poll. longe. Pedicelli exte- riores 5-6 lin. longi. Corymbi 15-20-flori. Perianthium album, 9-10 lin. longum, segmentis lineari-lanceolatis tubo ore 3 lin. crasso duplo brevioribus. Filamenta saturate rubra, 6 lin. longa, basi con- nata. Cap. B. Spei. Var. B. CORONATA, Baker.—M. coronata, Jacq. Schoen. iv. 30, t. 460; Kunth, Enum. iv. 297. Folia paulo minora, obtusiora, minus li- neato-nervosa. Flores pauciores. Cap. B. Spei. 16. M. CORDATA, Jacq. Hort. Schoen. iv. 36, t. 459; Roem. et Schult. 392 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEF. Syst. 989; Kunth, Enum. iv. 297. Folia carnosa-herbacea, levia, sublineata, subrotundata, acuta, 6-7 poll. longa, 43-5 poll. lata. Scapus subnullus. Corymbi dense 20-30-flori. Bractez exteriores lanceolate, circiter 1 poll. longz. Pedicelli exteriores 5-6 lin. longi. Perianthium album, 9-10 lin. longum, laciniis linearibus tubo ore 2-23 lin. crasso duplo brevioribus. Filamenta flavescenti-rubra, 6 lin. longa, basi connata. Cap. B. Spei. 17. M. CANDIDA, Burchell in Bot. Reg. t. 694. Folia carnoso-her- bacea, rotundata, levia, obtusa, lineata, 3-5 poll. longa et lata, basi cordata vel late rotundata. Scapi nulli. DBractez exteriores ovato- lanceolate, 1 poll. longz. Pedicelli exteriores 5-6 lin. longi. Co- rymbi 20-30-flori. Perianthium album, 9-10 lin. longum, segmentis lineari-lanceolatis reflexis tubo duplo brevioribus. Filamenta albida, 5-6 lin. longa. Cap. B. Spei, Burchell ! 18. M. ANGUSTIFOLIA, Linn. Suppl. 193; Ait. Kew. i. 105, t. 4; Bot. Mag. t. 736; Kunth, Enum. iv. 298.—M. lanceolata, Thunb. Fl. Cap. 308. Folia lanceolata, ascendentia, acuta, 3-4 poll. longa, circiter ] poll. lata. Corymbus breviter pedunculatus, 6-20-florus. Bractez lineari-lanceolate, 6-7 lin. longz. Pedicelli inferiores 4-6 lin. longe. Perianthium albidum, 8-9 lin. longum, segmentis linea- ribus reflexis tubo duplo brevioribus. Stamina filiformia, segmentis squantia, rubra, e fauce uniseriata, basi connata. Cap. B. Spei (v. s. cult. in Herb. Mus. Brit.). 19. M. comarta, Burchell, MSS. Folia carnoso-herbacea, lorato- lanceolata, in exemplis originalibus 3—4 poll. in cultis 9-12 poll. longa, 12-15 lin. lata, haud petiolata, basi scapum arcte cingentia. Scapus 3-1 poll. longus, foliis omnino occultus. Corymbus 20-30- florus. Pedicelli brevissimi. Bractez lineares, 6-9 lin. longe. Peri- anthium album, 15-21 lin. longum, tubo filiformi interdum 18 lin. longo, segmentis linearibus reflexis 3 lin. longis. Filamenta e fauce uniseriata, libera, segmentis subzquantia. Cap. B. Spei, Bur- chell, 2751! 20, M. MARGINATA, Willd. Herb. ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 299. Folia ob- longa, carnoso-coriacea, margine undulata, glabra, scapo vix longiora. Scapus brevis. Bractez lanceolatz, tubo breviores. Perianthium al- bidum, segmentis lanceolatis acutis patentibus tubo paulo brevioribus. Filamenta rosea, segmentis duplo longiora, libera. Cap. B. Spei (non vidi).—M. rugulosa, Lichst.; Kunth, loc. cit., e descriptione non potui distinguere. 21. M. ZEYHERI, Kunth, Enum. iv. 298.—M. angustifolia, Redouté, Lil. t. 392? Folia carnoso-herbacea, lanceolata, 3—4 poll. longa, 1 poll. lata, basi in petiolum scapum cingentia sensim angustata. Scapus 2 poll. longus. Corymbus 12-20-florus. Bractez parve, MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE®. 393 deltoidez. Pedicelli inferiores 3-4 lin. longi. Perianthium album, l poll. longum, segmentis linearibus erectis tubo duplo brevioribus. Filamenta filiformia, 8-9 lin. longa, purpurea, basi connata. Cap. B. Spei, Zeyher ! 22. M. BvncuELLri:r Baker. Folia carnoso-herbacea, levia, lanceo- lata, 5-6 poll. longa, 14-2 poll. lata, lzvia, basi in petiolum brevem sensim angustata. Scapus subpollicaris. Corymbus dense 10-12- florus. Pedicelli brevissimi. Bractez lanceolate, 3-4 longz. Perian- thium albidum, 10-12 lin. longum, segmentis lineari-ligulatis obtusis erectis tubo gracili duplo brevioribus. Stamina saturate rubra, 8-9 lin. longa, basi connata. Cap. B. Spei, Burchell! 23. M. vxwirLoRa, Soland. MSS.; Bot. Reg. sub t. 694 (nomen solum). Folia graminoidea, erecta, 31—4 poll. longa, vix 1 lin. lata, Scapus pollicaris, uniflorus. Perianthium pallide lilacinum, tubo pergracili 15 lin. longo, segmentis lanceolatis reflexis tubo quadruplo brevioribus. Stamina filiformia, valde biseriata, inferiora ad me- dium, superiora ad faucem tubi inserta, filamentis segmentis sub- duplo brevioribus. Cap. B. Spei (v. s. in Herb. Mus. Brit.). 24. M. PvGM.Ea, Schlecht. MSS.; Kunth, Enum. iv. 298. Folia coriaceo-carnosa, glabra, elliptica, obtusiuscula, basi angustata, co- rymbum paulo superantia. Scapus brevis. Bractez lineares, apice spathulato-dilatate, floribus zequantes. Pedicelli floribus subaquantes. Perianthium tubo elongato gracili segmentis linearibus tubo paulo brevioribus. Stamina inzqualia, superiora segmenta paulo supe- rantia. Cap. B. Spei (Mundt et Maire). 25. M. ENsIroLIA, Gawl. Bot. Mag. t. 554; Ait. Kew. edit. 2, ii. 211.— Mauhlia ensifolia, Thunb. Fl. Cap. 308.—Polyanthes pygmea, Jacq. Ic. ii. 15, t. 380.— Polyxena pygmea, Kunth, Enum. iv. 294.—Mas- sonia violacea, Andr. Bot. Rep.t.46; Red. Lil. t. 386. Folia car- noso-herbacea, lanceolata, 2—4 poll. longa, 12-18 lin. lata, basi sca- pum arcte cingentia. Scapus 3-1 poll. longus, occultus. Corymbus 3-12-florus. Pedicelli inferiores 6-9 lin. longi. Bractez minute. deltoidez. Perianthium lilacinum, 9-12 lin. longum, segmentis li- neari-ligulatis patentibus tubo gracili 4-6-plo brevioribus. Stamina leviter biseriata, segmentis subequantia. Cap. B. Spei, Drége! Zeyher, 757 ! &c. 14. BRACHYSCYPHA, Baker. Massonis sp., Zhunb.— Lachenalia, sp. Jacg. Perianthium campanulato-gamophyllum, segmentis ligulatis ere- etis tubo multoties longioribus, 3 exterioribus paulo brevioribus apice galeatis. Stamina 6, ad faucem tubi uniseriatim inserta, 894 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEX. filamentis filiformibus exsertis, antheris oblongis versatilibus. Ovarium sessile, oblongo-triquetrum, ovulis in loculis 6-8; stylus rectus, filiformis; stigma capitatum. Capsula membra- nacea, sessilis, obovato-triquetra, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus in loculis paucis. Semina matura non vidi. Herba bulbosa foliis pluribus lanceolatis coriaceis, floribus corymbosis pedun- culis brevibus. Inter Massoniam et Lachenaliam kabitu medium tenens. 1. B. UNDULATA, Baker.—Massonia undulata, Thunb. Prodr. 60; Fl. Cap. 308; Willd. Sp. Plant. ii. 28; Kunth, Enum. iv. 300.—Lache- nalia pusilla, Jacq. Ic. t. 385; Kunth, Enum. iv. 292. Folia 4-5, lanceolata, 12-18 lin. longa, glabra, undulata, basi in petiolos scapum cingentia sensim angustata. Scapus 6-18 lin. longus. Corymbus 6-12-florus. Bracteæ et pedicelli infimi 13 lin. longi. Perianthium -lilacinum, membranaceum, 31-4 lin. longum. Cap. B. Spei, Jacquin, cult. ! Drége, 2687! Ecklon et Zeyher, Asphod. 25! 15. Daupenya, Lindl. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1818; Endl. Gen. 1127; Kunth, Enum. iv. 300 ; Harv. Cape Genera, 2nd edit. 395. Perianthium tubuloso-gamophyllum, limbo in floribus omnibus vel precipue exterioribus bilabiato, segmentis labii superioris linearibus multo minoribus, labii inferioris majoribus oblongo- spathulatis. Stamina 6, ad basin segmentorum inserta, uni- seriata vel biseriata, filamentis filiformibus antheris oblongis versatilibus. Ovarium sessile, oblongo-triquetrum, ovulis in loculis pluribus; stylus rectus, filiformis; stigma capitatum. Capsulam non vidi. Herbe bulbose foliis et habitu Massonix sed floribus irregularibus speciosioribus. Flores aurei, exteriores 15 lin. longi ............ l. aurea. Flores rubri, exteriores 2-3 poll. longi Scapus perspicuus ; segmenta majora 142-2 lin. lata. 2, fulva. Seapus nullus; segmenta majora 5-6 lin. lata .. 3. coccinea. l. D. AUREA, Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1813; Kunth, Enum. iv. 301. Folia carnoso-herbacea, oblongo-lanceolata, 4 poll. longa. Scapus brevissimus. Corymbus dense multiflorus, floribus flavis subses- silibus. Flores exteriores ultra 1 poll. longi, segmentis labii infe- rioris oblongo-spathulatis tubum excedentibus, filamentis 3-4 lin. longis. Flores centrales segmentis erectis linearibus irregularibus MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEAS. 895 tubo multo brevioribus, filamentis basi leviter connatis. Cap. B. Spei. 2. D. ruLva, Lindl. Bot. Reg. 1839, t. 53; Kunth, Enum. iv. 300. Folia carnoso-herbacea, lanceolata, 3-1 poll. longa, basi in petiolos scapum cingentia angustata. Scapus 2-4 poll. longus. Corymbus 20—30-forus, floribus saturate rubris subsessilibus. Bracteæ exte- riores oblongo-spathulatz, 8-9 lin. longs. Flores exteriores 2-23 poll. longi, segmentis labii inferioris ligulato-spathulatis 6-9 lin. longis, 13-2 lin. latis, labii superioris minutis linearibus uniseriatis vel biseriatis, filamentis 1-3 lin. longis. Flores centrales segmentis irregulariter superpositis, suberectis linearibus 12-2 lin. longis. Cap. B. Spei ? (v. s. cult. in Herb. Saunders). 3. D. coccinea, Harv. MSS. Folia earnoso-coriacea, oblongo-spa- thulata, 4-5 poll. longa, 18-21 lin. lata, valde lineata, margine undu- lata, haud petiolata. Corymbus subsessilis, dense multiflorus, flori- bus coccineis subsessilibus. Bractez exteriores obovate, 1 poll. longe. Flores exteriores 3 poll. longi, segmentis labii inferioris oblongo- spathulatis 15-18 lin. longis 5-6 lin. latis, labii superioris linearibus minutis, filamentis l-14 lin. longis. Flores centrales segmentis li- nearibus minutis suberectis inzequalibus. Cap. B. Spei, Harvey! 16. Drrcanr, Medic. Medic. Act. Palat. vi. 431; Ust. Ann. ii. 18 ; Monch, Meth. 633 ; Webb, Phyt. ii. 840; Parl. Fl. Ital. ii. 491.— Uropetalum, Burch. MSS.; Ker, Bot. Reg. t. 156; Endl. Gen. 1122; Kunth, Enum. iv. 877; Harv. Cap. Gen. 2nd edit. 398.—Zuc- cagnia, Thunb. non Cav.—Polemannia, Berg. non Ecklon.— Tricharis, Salisb. Gen. 24.— Hyacinthi sp., Linn. &c. Perianthium tubulosum, viride vel albido- vel flavo-virescens, tubo cylindrico, segmentis difformibus, interioribus valvatis alte ap- proximatis apice patulis, exterioribus faleatis dorso sub apice gibbosis sepe longioribus caudatis. Stamina ad faucem vel medium tubi uniseriata, zqualia, filamentis nullis vel brevibus filiformibus, antheris linearibus versatilibus. Ovarium oblon- gum, sessile vel stipitatum, ovulis in loculis pluribus; stylus brevis, rectus ; stigma trilobatum. Capsula membranacea, ro- tundata vel late obovata, profunde trisulcata, sessilis vel stipi- tata, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus in loculis 6-20, complanatis alatis discoideis uniseriatis. Testa nigra, nitida. Herbe bul- bose floribus secundo racemosis, foliis sepissime carnoso-herbaceis anguste linearibus. 396 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACER. § Trtcuarts (Salisb.). Segmenta limbi equilonga. Ovarium sessile vel subsessile. Folia glabra anguste linearia, deorsum 2-3 lin. lata. Bractez pedicellis longiores. Folia 6-12 poll. longa. Perianthium 5-6 lin. longum ...... l. serotinum. Perianthium 7-8 lin. longum ...... 2. unicolor. Folia 13-2-pedalia vel ultra........... 3. longifolium. Bracteæ pedicellis subduplo breviores .. 4. Aydsuricum. Folia glabra, semiteretia, 1-1 lin. crassa .. 5. hyacinthoides. Folia deorsum rigide nels Folia recta: anthers ad faucem tubi sessiles. 6. setosum. Folia circinata; stamina infra medium tubi inserta fila- mentis brevibus 1... v EL. 7. ciliare. Ovarium distincte stipitatum. Perianthium 7-8 lin. longa, segmentis tubo subequantibus. 8. montanum. Perianthium 12-18 lin. longum, segmentis tubo 2-3.plo bre- vionbus S ul ssl ee 9. concanense. $ Urorgtatum (Burchell, Salisb.). Segmenta exteriora interior- ibus longiora, caudata. Foka teretia filiformia ...-...... ee 10. minimum. Folia anguste linearia, deorsum 3-6 lin. lata. Folia firma, striato-nervosa .............. 11. rigidifolium. Folia earnoso-herbacea, crispata .......... 12. crispum. Folia carnoso-herbacea, nullo modo crispata. Bracteæ 1-2 lin. longæ. Folium solitarium ; perianthium 44-5 lin. longum. 13. unifolium. Folia 2; perianthium 9-10 lin. longum. 14. Welwitschii. Bracteæ lanceolato-acuminatæ 5-6 lin. longæ. Capsula breviter stipitata Capsula sessilis. Segmenta exteriora 3-1 lin. Bade Perianthium 43-5 lin. longum.... 16. taccazeanum. Perianthium 7-8 lin. longum .... 17. erythreum. Segmenta exteriora 4—6 lin. longiora. 18. viride. Folia lorata, 4-5 poll. lata WEN E 15. wnbonatum. S. E TUR 19. glaucum. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEX. 397 l. D. segorINUM, Medic. et Mench. loc. cit.—Hyacinthus serotinus, Linn. Sp. Plant. 453; Cav. Ic. t. 30; Red. Lil. t. 202.— Scilla sero- tina, Bot. Mag. t. 859.—Uropetalum serotinum, Gawl. Bot. Reg. sub t. 156; Reich. Ic. x. t. 459; Kunth, Enum. iv. 378.—Tricharis serotina, Salisb. Gen. 24. Folia 5-6, carnoso-herbacea, glabra, an- guste linearia, facie canaliculata, 6-12 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata. Sca- pus 4-l2-pollicaris. Racemus laxe 4-12-florus. Pedicelli infimi 3-4 lin. longi. Bractez lanceolate, 4-6 lin. longe. Perianthium brunneo-viride, 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis zequilongis tubo 1-13 lin. crasso longioribus, exterioribus angustioribus margine convo- lutis flore expanso faleatis. Filamenta ad faucem inserta, an- theris breviora. Capsula 5-6 lin. longa et lata, basi angustata, se- minibus in loculo 8-12. Insule Fortunate ; Lusitania ; Hispania ; Barbaria ; Gallia meridionalis ; Liguria. D. ruLvuu, Webb, Phyt. Can. ii. 140 (Hyacinthus fulvus, Cav. Ann. ii. 47; Bot. Mag. t. 1185), est forma robusta floribus fla- vescentibus. 2. D. UNICOLOR, Baker.—Uropetalum unicolor, Stocks, Hook. Journ. iv. 180; Walp. Ann. vi. 119. Folia 5-6, carnoso-herbacea, glabra, anguste linearia, facie canaliculata, 6-8 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata. Seapus 4-8-pollicaris. Racemus laxe 4-6-florus. Pedicelli infimi 2-21 lin. longi. Bractez deltoideo-acuminate, 3-4 lin. longe. Pe- rianthium 7-8 lin. longum, gramineo-viride, segmentis zquilongis tubo l lin. crasso zquantibus, exterioribus ligulatis margine con- volutis flore expanso paullulum faleatis. Capsula 6-7 lin. longa et lata, basi angustata. India orientalis ; Scinde et Beloochistan, Stocks, 634! Ad preecedentem arcte affinis. 3. D. LONGIFOLIUM, Baker.—Uropetalum longifolium, Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 194; Kunth, Enum. iv. 378. Folia 5-6, carnoso-herbacea, glabra, anguste linearia, 18-24 poll. longa vel ultra, deorsum 3-4 lin. lata. Scapus l-2-pedalis. Racemus laxe 4-8-florus. Pedicelli 2-3 lin. longi. Bractez lineari-acuminatze, 3-6 lin. longz. Perianthium viride, 6-8 lin. longum, segmentis aquilongis tubo 1 lin. crasso sub- zquantibus, exterioribus margine convolutis flore expanso falcatis. Anthere ad faucem subsessiles. Capsula subsessilis. Africa tro- picalis ; Mozambique, Forbes! Zambesi-land, Dr. Kirk! Guinea, in ditione nigritana, Barter, 3441 ! 4. D. nvpsunicuM, Baker.—Uropetalum hydsurieum, Edgew. Linn. Trans. xx. 88. Folia 5-6, carnoso-herbacea, glabra, anguste li- nearia, canaliculata, 6-9 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata. Racemus laxe 5-8-florus. Pedicelli infimi 3-4 lin. longi. Bracteæ deltoideo- acuminate, 2-23 lin. longe. Perianthium 6 lin. longum, flavo-vire- scens, segmentis æquilongis tubum paulo excedentibus, exterioribus anguste ligulatis. Filamenta ad faucem inserta, antheris breviora. LINN. PROC.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. 2r 398 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACES. Capsula basi angustata, seminibus in loculo 8-9. India orientalis ; Punjaub, prope Loodiana, Edgeworth! D. HYACINTHOIDEs, Baker.—Uropetalum hyacinthoides, Spreng. Cur. Post. 135; Kunth, Enum. iv. 378.—Polemannia hyacinthoides, Berg. Linnea, 1826, 250.—Lachenalia graminifolia, Soland. MSS. Folia 2-3, carnoso-herbacea, semiteretia, 4-9 poll. longa, 3-1 lin. crassa, glabra. Scapus 6-12-pollicaris. Racemus laxe 4—9-florus. Pedicelli infimi 2-3 lin. longi. Bractez lanceolato-acuminate, 34 lin. longæ. Perianthium viride vel viridi-flavescens, 6-7 lin. longum, segmentis zquilongis tubo | lin. crasso subzquantibus, exterioribus angustioribus margine convolutis flore expanso falcatis. Antheræ ad faucem tubi sessiles. Capsula sessilis. Cap. B. Spei, Masson! Burchell! Drege, 1571! Zeyher, 1700! Natal, Mrs. Fannin! D. serosum, Baker. Folia 4-5, firma, linearia, deorsum 2-3 lin. lata, pracipue ad dorsum setis flavidis firmis instructa. Scapus 4-6- pollicaris. — Racemus laxe 5-8-florus. Pedicelli infimi 4-43 lin. longi. Bractez deltoideo-acuminatw, 2-3 lin. longs. Perianthium 8-9 lin. longum, viridi-flavescens, segmentis zequilongis tubo 13 lin. crasso subzquantibus, exterioribus lineari-ligulatis. Anthere ad faucem tubi sessiles. Capsula sessilis. Cap. B. Spei, Modder- fontyn, Namaqua-land, Rev. H. Whitehead! Var. 8. Reaput, Baker. Gracilior; folia similiter setosa, vix ultra 1 lin. lata, 3-4 poll. longa ; pedicelli 12-2 lin. longi, bracteis lanceo- latis breviores; perianthium 10 lin. longum, segmentis exterioribus magis convolutis, flore expanso falcatis. Cap. B. Spei, Fuller’s Farm, R. W. Reade, 94! Verisimiliter species vera. - D. cIıLIARE, Baker.—Uropetalum ciliare, Ecklon et Zeyher, MSS.; Harv. Thes. Cap. ii. t. 170. Folia 6-8, carnoso-herbacea, 4-6 poll. longa, deorsum 2-3 lin. lata, valde circinato-convoluta, basin scapi arcte cingentia, precipue deorsum ad marginem et dorsum setis firmis albidis vestita. Scapus 4-8-pollicaris. Racemus 4-S-florus. Pedicelli floriferi 13-2 lin. longi. Bracteze lanceolate, 2-3 lin. longze. Perianthium viride, 7-8 lin. longum, segmentis zequilongis anguste ligulatis tubo 1 lin. crasso subzquantibus, exterioribus lineari-su- bulatis. Filamenta infra medium tubi inserta, antheris breviora. Capsula sessilis, oblonga, seminibus in loculo 3-4. Cap. B. Spei, Zeyher, 48! Cooper, 474, 493! Bowker! ad ripas fluv. Aapages, Burke! D. MONTANUM, Baker.—Uropetalum montanum, Daizell, Kew Journ. ii. 152. Folia 5-6, carnoso-herbacea, glabra, lineari-subulata, sub- teretia, 4-6 poll. longa, basi vix ultra 1 lin. crassa. Scapus 6-9- pollicaris. Racemus laxe 6-12-florus. Pedicelli infimi 4-6 lin. longi. Bractez lanceolato-acuminatz, 3-4 lin. longe. Perianthium albido-virescens, 7-8 lin. longum, segmentis zauilongis tubo 1 lin. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACER. 399 crasso subsequantibus, exterioribus ligulatis. Stamina ad {aucem tubi inserta, filamentis antheris brevioribus. Capsula distincte stipi- tata, seminibus in loculo 5-6. India orientalis; Bombay, Dalzell ! Delhi, Vicary ! 9. D. coxcaxExsE, Baker.—Uropetalum concanense, Dalzell, Kew Journ.ii. 142. Folia 3-4, carnoso-herbacea, glabra, lineari-subulata, subteretia, 6-9 poll. longa, vix ultra 1 lin. crassa. Scapus 6-12-pol- licaris. Racemus 2-6-florus. Pedicelli floriferi 3-6 lin. longi. Bractez deltoideo-acuminatz, 1i-2 lin. longs. Perianthium albidum, 12-18 lin. longum, segmentis zequilongis tubo 1-2 lin. crasso 2-3-plo bre- vioribus, exterioribus ligulatis ecaudatis. Filamenta ad faucem in- serta 1} lin. longa. Capsula distincte stipitata, seminibus in loculo 6-8. India orientalis ; Concan, Dalzell! 10. D. MINIMUM, Webb, Phyt. Can. iii. 341.—Uropetalum minimum, Steud. in Schimp. Pl. Abyss. 1168. Folia 2-3, filiformia, carnoso- herbacea, glabra, 2-3 poll. longa, } lin. crassa. Scapus 12-18 lin. longus. Racemus 2-4-florus. Pedicelli 1-13 lin. longi. Bracteæ lanceolato-acuminatz, 2-3 lin. longe. Perianthium viride, 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis exterioribus 1 lin. longioribus tubum 2-3-plo ex- cedentibus. Antherz ad faucem tubi subsessiles. Ovarium sessile. Abyssinia, Schimper, 1168 ! 11. D. RIGIDIFOLIUM, Baker.—Folia 4-5, coriacea, linearia, glabra, 6-8 poll. longa, deorsum 5-6 lin. lata, basin scapi arcte cingentia, crebre lineato-nervosa. Scapus 6-9-pollicaris. Racemus 5-6-florus. Pe- dicelli 13-3 lin. longi. Bractez lanceolato-acuminate, 5-6 lin. longe. Perianthium viride, 7-8 lin. longum, segmentis interioribus tubo 1 lin. crasso brevioribus, exterioribus 1 lin. longioribus caudatis faleatis. Stamina ad faucem inserta filamentis brevibus. Ovarium sessile. Cap. B. Spei, ad ripas fluv. Aapages, Burke! 12. D. cnisPUM, Baker.—Uropetalum crispum, Burch. Gawl. Bot. Reg. sub t. 156 (nomen solum). Folia 5-6, carnoso-herbacea, li- nearia, glabra, 5-6 poll. longa, deorsum 5-6 lin. lata, marginibus valde crispato-undulatis, in exemplis cultis pedalia vel ultra multo minus crispata. Scapus 6-9-pollicaris. Racemus laxe 6-12-florus. Pedicelli 3-6 lin. longi. Bractez lanceolate, 2-3 lin. longe. Pe- rianthium viride, 8-9 lin. longum, segmentis interioribus tubo | lin. crasso subsquantibus, exterioribus 1-14 lin. longioribus caudatis falcatis. Anthere ad faucem subsessiles. Ovarium sessile. Cap. B. Spei, Burchell, 2682! 13. D. UNIFOLIUM, Baker.—Uropetalum taccazeanum, var. angusti- folium, Schweinf. Ezsic. 23. Folium solitarium, basin scapi arcte cingens, carnoso-herbaceum, glabrum, anguste lineare, 6-7 poll. longum, 2-23 lin. latum. Scapus 4—5-pollicaris. Racemus laxe 4-6- 2r2 400 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE.F. florus. Pedicelli 1-2 lin. longi. Bractex pedicellis subzequantes. Perianthium viride, 43-5 lin. longum, segmentis interioribus tubo li lin. crasso eequantibus, exterioribus caudatis l lin. longioribus. Antherz ad faucem subsessiles. Ovarium sessile. Callabat, Schwein- furth, 23! 14. D. WeLwiTscnürit, Baker.—Uropetalum Welwitschii, Baker in Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 16. Bulbus globosus, | poll. crassus. Folia 2, carnoso- herbacea, glabra, anguste linearia, 2 lin. lata. Scapus 6-8-pollicaris. Racemus laxe 4-6-florus. Pedicelli 12-3 lin. longi. Bractez lan- ceolatz, 13-2 lin. longæ. Perianthium viride, 9-10 lin. longum, seg- mentis interioribus tubo l} lin. crasso subæquantibus, exterioribus 3 lin. longioribus caudatis falcatis. Stamina ad faucem inserta, fila- mentis antheris subæquantibus. Ovarium oblongum sessile. An- gola, Welwitsch! v. v. in Hort. Saund.—Cfr. U. fesoghlense, H. G. Solms in Schwein. Beit. Fl. Æthiop. 204 ; Nubia, Cienkowsky. 15. D. umBonatum, Baker. — Uropetalum umbonatum, Baker in Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 17. Bulbus parvus, ovoideus. Folia 2-3, car- noso-herbacea, glabra, pedalia vel ultra, deorsum 3 lin. lata. Scapus 1-2-pedalis. Racemuslaxe6-12-florus. Pedicelli 2-3 lin. longi. Bra- cteæ lanceolato-acuminatæ, 4-6 lin. longæ. Perianthium viride vel vi- ridi-flavescens, 7-8 lin. longum, segmentis interioribus tubo 1-13 lin. crasso wquantibus, exterioribus 13-2 lin. longioribus caudatis fal- eatis. Stamina ad faucem inserta, filamentis brevissimis. Capsula breviter stipitata, seminibus inloculo 12-15. Natal, Hutton, Krauss, 437 ! Saunderson, 509 ! 16. D. TAccAzEANUM, Baker.— Uropetalum taccazeanum, Hochst. in Schimp. Pl. Abyss. no. 1696; A. Rich. Fl. Abyss. à 325. Folia 2-3, carnoso-herbacea, anguste linearia, 3-4 poll. longa, 3-35 lin. lata, glabra. Scapus 6-9-pollicaris. Racemus laxe 6-12-florus. Pe- dicelli 13-2 lin. longi. Bractez lanceolato-acuminatze, 3-5 lin. longz. Perianthium viride, 43-5 lin. longum, segmentis interioribus tubo subequantibus, exterioribus 1 lin. longioribus, breviter caudatis, de- orsum complanatis. Antheræ ad faucem tubi sessiles. Capsula sessilis, obtuse angulata. Abyssinia, Schimper, 1696 !—U.? de- pressum, A. Rich. loc. cit., planta altera Abyssinica, ob perianthium ignotum est omnino dubium ; Ab D. taccazeano differt foliis 4-5 la- tioribus longioribus et capsula angulis acutioribus. 17. D. egvTHR UM, Webb, Phyt. Can. ii. 341. Folia 3-4, carnoso- herbacea, glabra, 9-18 poll. longa, anguste linearia, deorsum 2-3 lin. lata. Scapus 4-9-pollicaris. Racemus 6-12-florus. Pedicelli infimi 2-3 lin. longi. Bracteæ lanceolato-acuminate, 5-6 lin. longs. Pe- rianthium viridi-flavescens, 7-8 lin. longum, segmentis interioribus tubo brevioribus, exterioribus 4-1 lin. longioribus caudatis falcatis. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEA. 401 Antherz ad faucem sessiles. Capsula sessilis, 6 lin. longa et lata, seminibus in loculo 12-15. Arabia, Schimper, 405! Lieut.-Col. Pelly ! ZEgyptus, Wiest, 659 ! 18. D. vrripe, Mench. Meth. Suppl. 267.—Hyacinthus viridis, Linn. Sp. 454; Jacq. Ic. t. 66; Red. Lil. t. 203.—Lachenalia viridis, Thunb. Prodr. 64.— Zuccagnia viridis, Thunb. FI. Cap. 328.—D. fila- mentorum, Medic. Ust. Ann. ii. 13.—Uropetalum viride, Gawl. Bot. Reg. sub t. 156; Kunth, Enum. iv. 379. Folia 5-6, carnoso-her- bacea, anguste linearia, glabra, sepe pedalia, deorsum 13-3 lin. lata. Scapus 1-2-pedalis. Racemus laxe 6-15-florus. Pedicelli infimi 2-3 lin. longi. Bracteze lineari-acuminate, 4-6 lin. longs. Pe- rianthium viride, 12-15 lin. longum, tubo 3—4 lin. longo 1 lin. crasso, segmentis interioribus tubo equantibus, exterioribus 8-10 lin. longis filiformibus pergracilibus. Stamina ad faucem inserta, filamentis antheris brevioribus. Capsula sessilis, 6-7 lin. longa et lata, semini- bus in loculo 15-18. Cap. B. Spei, Zeyher, 49! Burke! Harvey! Cooper, 1781 ! &c. Var. 8. NATALENSE, Baker. Robustior; folia firmiora, breviora, deor- sum 5-6 lin. lata; perianthium 9-]0 lin. longum, segmentis inte- rioribus magis flavescentibus, tubo lj lin. crasso, segmentis exte- rioribus crassioribus 6-7 lin. longis. Natal, Saunderson, 430! Mrs. Fannin, 20! Ab typo ad D. umbonatum accedens. 19. D. cn AvcuM, Baker.—Uropetalum glaucum, Burchell, Bot. Reg. t. 156; Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 619; Kunth, Enum. iv. 3/9. Folia 5-6, carnoso-herbacea, lorata, glauca, pedalia vel ultra, 23-3 poll. lata. Seapus 2-3-pedalis. Racemus 30-40-florus, 15-18 poll. longus, 4-5 poll. latus. Pedicelli stricte horizontales vel paullulum deflexi, 18-24 lin. longi. Bractez lineares, membranaceze, evane- scentes, 3 lin. longæ. Perianthium viridi-flavescens, 12-14 lin. lon- gum, segmentis interioribus tubo subzquantibus, exterioribus 3 lin. longioribus caudatis falcatis. Stamina prope faucem tubi inserta, filamentis brevibus. Capsula breviter stipitata, 9 lin. longa et lata, seminibus in loculo 15-20. Cap. B. Spei, Namaqua-land, Burchell, 2066! Ab speciebus reliquis omnibus habitu et magnitudine valde differt. 17. LACHENALIA, Jacg. Jacq. Ic. t. 383 ; Endl. Gen. 1124; Kunth, Enum. iv. 283 ; Harv. Cap. Gen. 2nd edit. 394.—Colanthus, Willd. MSS., Kunth, Enum. iv. 282.—Himas, Platyestes, Monoestes, Chloriza, Or- chiops e Lachenalia, Salisb. Gen. 21. Perianthium campanulatum vel tubulosum, tubo campanulato, segmentis inequalibus tubo multoties longioribus, 3 exteriori- 402 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE/E. bus ligulatis valvatis dorso sub apice gibbosis, 3 interioribus plerumque longioribus imbricatis ligulato-spathulatis ore plus minus distincte patulis. Stamina ad faucem tubi subunise- riatim inserta, filamentis filiformibus declinatis sepe exsertis, antheris oblongis versatilibus. Ovariwm sessile, oblongum, trisulcatum, ovulis in loculis pluribus; stylus filiformis, cum filamentis declinatus ; stigma capitatum. Capsula membranacea, obovata, trisuleata, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus in loculis 6-12 lagensformibus parvis haud compressis. Testa nitida, nigra. Herbe bulbose bulbis membranaceo-tunicatis, foliis syn- anthiüs plerumque 2 oppositis carnoso-herbaceis, rarius 1 vel multis, floribus racemosis sepe speciosis, superioribus racemorum sæpe parvis abortivis. $ EULACHENALIA. Perianthium equaliter tubulosum, quadruplo longius quam crassum, basi rotundatum. Segmenta exteriorainterioribus subequantia. 1. pendula. Segmenta exteriora interioribus distincte breviora. 2. rubida. Segmenta exteriora interioribus subduplo breviora. 3. tricolor. $ Carayruus (Willd.). Perianthium ventricoso-tubulosum, 3- 4-plo longius quam crassum, basi valde obliquum. Species sola oao an DoD. 4. reflexa. $ Orcmrors (Salisb). Perianthium tubulosum, 2-3-plo longius quam crassum. Flores subspicati. Folia plurima, subteretia.............. 5. orthopetala. Folia 2, raro 3, lanceolata. Perianthium 4-5 lin. longum .. ...... 6. orchioides. Perianthium 6-7 lin. longum ........ 7. glaucina. Perianthium 7-10 lin. longum ...... 8. pallida. Flores racemosi. Folium semper solitarium, lineare, basi dilatatum. 9. unifolia. Folia 2, lanceolata. Segmenta omnia subequalia ........ 10. isopetala. Segmenta interiora distincte longiora. Folia facie loris 21. solu «v 11. patula. Folia facie dense pustulata ........ ` 12. liliiflora. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEEX. 403 § Cutortza (Salisb. extens.). Perianthium tubuloso-campanu- latum vel campanulatum, 0—2-plo longius quam crassum. Flores subspicati. Folia plurima, subteretia .............- 18. contaminata. Folia 2, lanceolata. Bracte: minute, deltoidee .......... 14. pustulata. Bractez lineari-subulatz, 3-4 lin. longe. 15. carnosa. Flores racemosi. Folium solitarium. Folium lineari-subulatum, semiteres .. 16. Zeyheri. Folium lineare, deorsum 3-6 lin. latum. Folium glabrum ; perianthium campanulatum. 17. convallarioides. Folium setosum ; perianthium tubuloso-campanulatum. 18. hirta. Folium lanceolatum, deorsum 1 poll. latum. 19. anguinea. Folia 2 vel raro 3. Stamina inclusa. Folia facie levia. Folia lorata, subpedalia .......- 20. mediana. Folia lanceolata, semipedalia .... 21. lucida. Folia facie pustulata. Segmenta subeequilonga .......- 22. racemosa. Segmenta exteriora distincte breviora. 23. Cooperi. Stamina perianthio sesqui vel demum subduplo longiora. Folia lineari-subulata, semiteretia .. 24. juncifolia. Folia lanceolata. Perianthium campanulatum, segmentis interioribus fal- cato-patulis ...... stee 25. purpureo-ceru- lea. Perianthium tubuloso-campanulatum, segmentis inte- rioribus leviter patulis. Pedicelli 14-2 lin. longi ...... 26. versicolor. Pedicelli 4-5 lin. longi......-- 27. violacea. Folia ovato-oblonga, subduplo longiora quam lata. Folia lineato-nervosà ...-.--+--- 28. nervosa. Venez foliorum inconspicue.. .--- 29. Bowieana. l. L. penpuna, Ait. Kew. i. 461; Thunb. Fl. Cap. 328; Jacq. Ic. 404. 2. V MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEZ. t. 400; Red. Lil. t. 52; Bot. Mag. t. 490; Andr. Bot. Rep. t. 62; Kunth, Enum. iv. 291; Salisb. Gen. 2. Folia 22, carnoso-herbacea, lorato-lanceolata, 6-9 poll. longa, deorsum 13-2 poll. lata, interdum leviter maculata. Scapus 4-9 poll. longus. Racemus 2-4 poll. longus, 2-23 poll. latus, 6-15-florus. Bractez deltoidez. Pedicelli 2-3 lin. longi. Perianthium 12-15 lin. longum, 3-33 lin. crassum, equaliter tubulosum, saturate flavo-coccineo-purpureum, segmentis exterioribus ligulatis 8-9 lin. longis 23-3 lin. latis obtusis, interio- ribus ligulato-spathulatis 9-10 lin. longis. Stamina segmentis sub- equantia. Cap. B. Spei, Burchell, 8573 ! Zeyher! Harvey, 111 ! Dr. Prior, &c. Species maxima et speciosissima omnium. L. RUBIDA, Jacq. Ic. t. 398; Tratt. Tab. t. 145 ; Bot. Mag. t. 993 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 291; Salisb. Gen. 22. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, lanceolata, 5-6 longa, 1 poll. lata, acuta, basi angustata, plus minus distincte maculata. Seapus 6-8 poll. longus, maculatus. Racemus 2-3 poll. longus, 2 poll. latus, 6-15-florus. Bractez deltoidez. Pe- dicelli 3-1 lin. longi. Perianthium 12-13 lin. longum, 3 lin. cras- sum, zqualiter tubulosum, rubidum, segmentis exterioribus 7-8 lin., interioribus 9-10 lin. longis. Stamina segmentis longioribus sub- wquantia. Cap. B. Spei, Drége! Zeyher! Namaqua-land, Rev. H. Whitehead ! ar. B. TIGRINA, Gawl. Bot. Mag. sub t. 993.—L. tigrina, Jacq. Ie. t. 399; Kunth, Enum. iv. 291. Sepala exteriora pallida, lineis dorsalibus et punctis densissimis rubris maculata. Cap. B. Spei. Var. y. PUNCTATA, Gawl. loc. cit.—L. punctata, Jacq. Ic. t. 397 ; 3. 4. Kunth, loc. cit. Sepala exteriora incarnata, maculis densis san- guineis notata. Cap. B. Spei, Zeyher, 1697 ! L. TRICOLOR, Thunb. Prodr. 64. Fl. Cap. 327; Bot. Mag. t. 82; Red. Lil. t. 2; Kunth, Enum. iv. 290.—Phormium alooides, Linn. Suppl. 205. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, lorato-lanceolata, 6-9 poll. longa, 6-18 lin. lata, sursum sensim angustata, interdum maculata. Scapus 3-12 poll. longus. Racemus 2-4 poll. longus, 21-24 lin. latus, 6-18-florus. Bractez deltoidez. Pedicelli inferiores 2-3 lin. longi. Perianthium 9-12 lin. longum, 21-3 lin. crassum, squaliter tubulosum, saturate flavo-coccineo-viride, segmentis exterioribus lan- ceolatis 4-43 lin. longis, 2 lin. latis, interioribus ligulato-spathulatis 7-9 lin. longis, 3 lin. latis. Stamina segmentis longioribus sub- eequantia. Cap. B. Spei, Masson! Zeyher, 1696! Burchell! Drége, 8624 I—L. quadricolor, Jacg. Ic. t. 396; Andr. Bot. Reg. t. 148; vix differt nisi perianthio magis varie colorato.—L. luteola, Jacq. Ie. t. 395; Red. Lil. t. 297 (L. quadricolor, var. lutea, Bot. Mag. t. 1704) ; est forma perianthio omnino luteo. L. REFLEXA, Thunb. Prodr. 64, Fl. Cap. 327; Roem. et Schult. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIAQEX. 405 Syst. vii. 612, non Andrews.— Coelanthus complicatus, Willd. Herb. Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. xlvi, in adnot. ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 282. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, lanceolata, 3-4 poll. longa, faleata, scapi basin arcte cingentia. Scapus 1-3 poll. longus. Flores 3-6, subsessiles, vel breviter pedicellati ascendentes. Bractez lanceolate, 13-2 lin. longe. Perianthium flavidum, 9-12 lin. longum, medio 3 lin. cras- sum, ventricoso-tubulosum, basi valde obliquum, segmentis exteriori- bus lanceolatis, 23-3 lin. latis, interioribus paulo brevioribus. Stamina inclusa. Cap. B. Spei, Drége ! Harvey, 112! Zeyher, 4292! &c. 5. L. oRTHOPETALA, Jacq. Ic. t. 3856; Tratt. Tab. t. 164; Kunth, Enum. iv. 286. Folia 4-5, carnoso-herbacea, lineari-subulata, sub- teretia, 3-6 poll. longa, basi 3-4 lin. lata. Scapus 4-6-pollicaris. Flores 20-30 dense subspicati, erecto-patentes. Pedicelli brevissimi vel subnulli. Bractez minute, deltoidez. ^ Perianthium tubulosum, 4i lin. longum, 13 lin. crassum, albidum, segmentis exterioribus l lin. latis, dorso rubro tinctis, interioribus subrectis paulo breviori- bus. Stamina petalis interioribus subiequantia. Cap. B. Spei, Drége! 6. L. oncuiorpEs, Ait. Kew. i. 460; Jacq. Ic. t. 390; Bot. Mag. t. 854, 1269; Kunth, Enum. iv. 284; Baker, in Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 171.—L. pulchella, Kunth, Enum. loc. cit.—L. mutabilis, Sweet, Flow. Gard. ser. ii. t. 129; Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1076. Folia 2, raro 3, carnoso-herbacea, lanceolata, 3-8 poll. longa, deorsum 12-18 lin. lata, sepe maculata, margine cartilaginea. Scapus 3-9-pollicaris, sepe maculatus. Flores 12-50, subspicati. Spica 2-6 poll. longa, expansa 9-12 lin. lata. Perianthium albidum vel flavidum vel plus minus rubro vel ezruleo tinctum, breviter tubulosum, 4-5 lin. lon- gum, 2 lin. crassum, segmentis exterioribus brevioribus. Stamina in- clusa vel demum leviter exserta. Cap. B. Spei, Masson ! Drége, 8628! Burchell, 1534! 7478! Zeyher, 4286! 4289! &e. ; Namaqua-land, Rev. H. Whitehead ! 7. L. GLAUCINA, Jacq. Ic. t. 391; Willd. Sp. Plant. ii. 171; Hook. in Bot. Mag. t. 3552 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 234.—L. sessilifolia, Andr. Bot. Rep. t. 460. Folia 2, raro 3, carnoso-herbacea, lanceolata, 3-6 poll. longa, 9-12 lin. lata, margine cartilaginea, sepe maculata. Scapus 3-6-pollicaris. Flores 6-20, subspicati. Spica 13-3 poll. longa, ex- pansa 12-15 lin. lata. Perianthium albidum vel plus minus flavo vel rubro tinctum, tubulosum, 6-7 lin. longum, 2-23 lin. crassum, segmentis exterioribus distincte brevioribus. Stamina inclusa vel demum leviter exserta Cap. B. Spei, Masson! Niven! Drége, 1492 b! Zeyher, 4287-8! &c. Ad praecedentem arcte affinis. 8. L. PALLIDA, Ait. Kew. i. 640; Thunb. Fl. Cap. 327; Willd. Sp. ii. 172; Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1350 et 1945; Kunth, Enum. iv. 284 ; Baker in Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 170, non Bot. Reg. t. 287, uec Red. 406 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEX. Lil. t. 22. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, lanceolata, 6-12 poll. longa, margine cartilaginea. Scapus 6-9-pollicaris. Flores 6-20, subspi- cati. Spica 13-3 poll. longa, expansa 15-18 lin. lata. Perian- thium albidum vel plus minus rubro tinctum, tubulosum, 8-10 lin. longum, 2-23 lin. crassum, segmentis exterioribus 4—41, interiori- bus 6 lin. longis. Stamina inclusa. Cap. B. Spei, Drége, 11924! Villette! Vix aliud quam varietas major przecedentis. L. UNIFOLIA, Jacq. Schenbr. i. 43, t. 83; Bot. Mag. t. 766; Willd. Sp. Plant. ii. 178; Kunth, Enum. iv. 289.—Monoestes unifolia, Salisb. Gen. 21. Folium semper solitarium, carnoso-herbaceum, li- neare, 6-12 poll. longum, deorsum dilatatum, sanguineo-saturatum vel maculatum, basin scapi arcte amplectens. Seapus 4-15 poll. longus. Racemus 2-5 poll. longus, 15-18 lin. latus, 12-20-florus. Pedicelli 2-3 lin. longi. Bractez lanceolato-deltoidez, 1 lin. longe. Perianthium tubulosum, 6-7 lin. longum, 2 lin. crassum, albidum, segmentis exterioribus 2 lin. latis, interioribus paulo brevioribus. Stamina segmentis interioribus subzquantia. Stylus demum ex- sertus. Cap. B. Spei, Masson! Niven ! Drége, 477 ! Zeyher! &c. 10. L. rsoPETALA, Jacq. Ic. t. 401; Willd. Sp. Plant. ii. 179; Kunth, Enum. iv. 286.—L. rosea, Andr. Rep. t. 996; Kunth, loc. cit.— L. bifolia, Gawl. Bot. Mag. t. 1611; Kunth, l.c. Folia 2, carnoso- herbacea, lorato-lanceolata, acuta, 6-9 poll. longa, deorsum 6-9 lin. lata, immaculata. Scapus 4-8-pollicaris. Racemus 2-5 poll. longus, 12-30-florus. Bracteæ deltoideæ. Pedicelli inferiores 1-13 lin. longi. Perianthium campanulato-tubulosum, albidum vel plus minus rubro tinctum, 4—44 lin. longum, 2 lin. crassum, segmentis omnibus sub- æquilongis. Stamina inclusa. Stylus demum exsertus. Cap. B. Spei, Zeyher! Thom! Harvey ! Burchell, 6188! &c. ll. L. PATULA, Jacq. Ic. t. 384; Willd. Sp. Plant. ii. 175; Tratt. Tab. t. 156; Kunth, Enum. iv. 288. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, an- guste lanceolata, 4-6 poll. longa, immaculata. Scapus foliis ex- cedens, Racemus sublaxe 15-20-florus, 2-3 poll. longus, expansus circiter 2 poll.latus. Pedicelli erecto-patentes, infimi 3-4 lin. longi. Perianthium 8-10 lin. longum, 23 lin. crassum, albido-rubrum, seg- mentis exterioribus distincte brevioribus. Stamina inclusa. Cap.B.Spei. 12. L. LILIIFLORA, Jacq. Ic. t, 387; Tratt. Tab. t. 137; Willd. Sp. ii. 126; Kunth, Enum. iv. 286. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, lanceolata, 4-6 poll. longa, 9-12 lin. lata, facie dense pustulata. Scapus foliis subæquans. Racemus 12-20-florus, 3—4 poll. longus, 18-21 lin. latus. Pedicelli 1-14 lin. longi. Perianthium albidum, tubulosum, 8-9 lin. longum, 2-23 lin. crassum, segmentis exterioribus distincte breviori- bus. Stamina segmentis interioribus subæquantia. Cap. B. Spei. 13. L. CONTAMINATA, Ait. Kew. i. 460; Thunb. Prodr. 64; Bot. Mag. t. 1401.—L. hyacinthoides, Jacq. Ic. t. 382; Willd. Sp. ii. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACES. 407 173; Kunth, Enum. iv. 285.—L. angustifolia, Jacq. Ic. t. 381; Bot. Mag. t. 735; Red. Lil. t. 162.—L. albida, Tratt. Tab. t. 162.— Himas angustifolia et hyacinthoides, Salisb. Gen. 21. Folia 6-10, semiteretia, 3-8 poll. longa, basi 14-2 lin. crassa, facie canaliculata, sepe maculata. Scapus 2-6-pollicaris. Flores 20-40 dense sub- spicati. Spica 1-3 poll. longa, expansa 6-7 lin. crassa. Peri- anthium campanulatum, albidum, szpe plus minus rubro tinctum, 23-3 lin. longum, 13 lin. crassum, segmentis exterioribus vix bre- vioribus. Stamina segmentis exterioribus subzquantia. Cap. B. Spei, Burchell ! Zeyher, 4296 ! Cooper ! Admiral Sir F. Grey! &c. 14. L. PusTULATA, Jacq. Ic. t. 386; Bot. Mag. t. 817; Willd. Sp. ii. 176; Andr. Bot. Rep. t. 350; Kunth, Enum. iv. 287.—L. decli- nata, Dietr. Lez. iv. 292.—Chloriza pustulata, Salisb. Gen. 21. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, lanceolata, 6-9 poll. longa, 8-12 lin. lata, facie pustulata. Scapus foliis subequans. Flores 12-20 sub- spicati. Spica densa, li-2 poll. longa, 7-8 lin. crassa. Bractex minute, deltoidez. Perianthium albidum, 3 lin. longum, 1j lin. crassum, segmentis omnibus subzquilongis. Stamina haud vel vix exserta. Cap. B. Spei, Burchell! 15. L. canNosa, Baker. Folia 2, carnoso-coriacea, ovato-oblonga, margine cartilaginea, 3-4 poll. longa, 12-15 lin. lata, obtusa, lzvia, scapum arcte cingentia. Scapus pollicaris. Flores 30-40, dense subspicati. Spica 2-23 poll. longa, 1 poll. crassa. Bracteæ lineari- subulate, membranacez, rosez, 3-4 lin. long, ante anthesin ala- bastro longiores. Perianthium tubuloso-campanulatum, 35-4 lin. longum, 2 lin. crassum, segmentis exterioribus paulo brevioribus. Stamina inclusa. Cap. B. Spei, Drége, 2689a! 16. L. ZEYHERI, Baker. Folium semper solitarium, firmum, semiteres, 6-9 poll. longum, 1 lin. crassum. Scapus 6-9-pollicaris. Racemus 12-20-florus, 12-18 lin. longus, expansus 7-8 lin. latus. Bractex perminute, deltoidez. ^ Pedicelli 1 lin. longi. Perianthium cam- panulatum, albidum, rubro-tinctum, 2 lin. longum et crassum, seg- - mentis omnibus subzquilongis. Stamina distincte inclusa. Cap. B. Spei, Zeyher, 1694 ! : 17. L. coNvALLARIOIDES, Baker. Folium semper solitarium, car- noso-herbaceum, anguste lineare, 3-4 poll. longum, 2-23 lin. latum, deorsum scapum arcte cingens. Scapus 4-5-pollicaris. Racemus 6-12-florus, 9-12 lin. longus, expansus 8-9 lin. latus. Bractez per- minute, deltoidex. Pedicelli 2 lin. longi. Perianthium campanula- tum, albidum, plus minus rubro tinctum, 2 lin. longum, 143 lin. cras- sum, segmentis omnibus subzequalibus. Staminainclusa. Kaffraria, Bowker, 444! Var. 8. RoBusTA, Baker. Robustior, foliis 4-7 poll. longis, deorsum 5-6 lin. latis, raro geminatis, floribus 20-30 cum bracteis paulo ma- joribus. Albany, Williamson ! 408 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEE. 18. L. HIRTA, Thunb. Prodr. 64; Fl. Cap. 327; Willd. Sp. Plant. ii. 178; Kunth, Enum. iv. 289. Folium semper solitarium, lineare, 7-8 poll. longum, deorsum dilatatum et basin scapl arcte cingens, facie setis firmis brunneis dense vestitum. Scapus 8-10-pollicaris macu- latus. Racemus 12-20-florus, 2-3 poll. longus, 1 poll. latus. Bra- cteæ minute, deltoidez. Pedicelli infimi 3-4 lin. longi, Perianthium tubuloso-campanulatum, albidum, rubro tinctum, 4 lin. longum, 23 lin. latum, segmentis exterioribus distincte brevioribus. Stamina in- clusa. Cap. B. Spei, Masson ! 19. L. ANGUINEA, Sweet, Hort. Brit. 420; Flow. Gard. ii. t. 179; Kunth, Enum.iv. 289. Folium semper solitarium, lanceolatum, car- noso-herbaceum, 6-7 poll. longum, 1 poll. latum, maculatum, basin scapi arcte cingens. Scapus 5-6-pollicaris, maculatus. Racemus circiter 20-florus, 23-3 poll. longus, 2 poll. latus. Pedicelli infimi 5-6 lin. longi. Perianthium tubuloso-campanulatum, albidum, 4-43 lin. longum, 22—3 lin. crassum, segmentis subzquilongis viridi api- culatis. Stamina et stylus perianthio sesqui longiora. Cap. B. Spei. 20. L. MEDIANA, Jacq. Jc. t. 399; Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 604; Kunth, Enum. iv. 287.— Chloriza mediana, Salisb. Gen. 21. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, subpedalia, lorato-lanceolata, 1 poll. lata, facie lucida. Scapus gracilis, foliis subzquans. Racemus 20-30-florus, 2-3 poll. longus. Pedicelli infimi 1-13 lin. longi. Bractez del- toidew, 1 lin. longe. Perianthium albidum, plus minus viridi tinctum, 4 lin. longum, 2 lin. crassum, segmentis interioribus paulo longioribus. Stamina perianthio eequantia. Cap. B. Spei (v. s. in Herb. Mus. Brit. ez Hort. Kew. anno 1784). 21. L. LUCIDA, Gawl. Bot. Mag. t. 1372; Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 605 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 287.—L. pallida, Redouté, Lil. t. 22; Bot. Reg. t. 287.—L. fragrans, Andr. Rep. t. 302, non Jacq.—L. latifolia, Tratt. Tab. t. 142.—Chloriza lucida, Salisb. Gen. 21. Folia 2, car- noso-herbacea, lanceolata, 5-6 poll. longa, l poll. lata, facie lzvia. Scapus 4-6-pollicaris. Racemus 10-15-florus, 14-2 poll. longus, 9-10 lin. latus. Bractez minute, deltoidez. Pedicelli infimi 13-2 lin. longi. Perianthium albidum, flavo vel rubro tinctum, 4 lin. longum, 2 lin. crassum, segmentis exterioribus paulo brevioribus. Stamina segmentis interioribus zquantia. Cap. B. Spei, Drége, 8628! 22. L. RacEMosa, Gawl. Bot. Mag. t. 1517 ; Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 608; Kunth, Enum. iv. 287.—Platyestes racemosa, Salisb. Gen. 21. Folia 2, raro 3, carnoso-herbacea, lanceolata, 5—6 lin. longa, 10-12 lin. lata, facie dense pustulata. Scapus 3-4-pollicaris, vix maculatus. Racemus 12-20-florus, 2-3 poll. longus, ] poll. latus. Bractez del- toidez, 1 lin. longe. Pedicelli infimi 21-3 lin. longi. Perianthium albidum, vix rubro tinctum, 3-33 lin. longum, 2 lin. crassum, MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE®. 409 segmentis interioribus vix longioribus. Stamina demum distincte exserta. Cap. B. Spei (v. v. cult. in Hort. Saundersii). 23. L. CooPERI, Baker. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, lanceolata, 5-6 poll. longa, 9-10 lin. lata, faciei triente exteriore pustulato. Scapus 3-4-polliearis. Racemus 20—30-florus, 3-4 poll. longus, 15 lin. latus. Bracteze minutz, deltoideæ. Pedicelli infimi 3-4 lin. longi. Perian- thium albido-rubrum, 4 lin. longum, 2-24 lin. crassum, segmentis exterioribus distinete brevioribus. Stamina segmentis exterioribus zquantia. Cap. B. Spei (v. v. cult. in hort. Saundersii). 24, L. JUNCIFOLIA, Baker. Folia 2, semiteretia, carnoso-herbacea, levia, 4-8 poll. longa, deorsum 13-2 lin. crassa. Scapus 3-4-pol- licaris. Racemus 6-12-florus, 9-18 lin. longus, 9-10 lin. crassus. Bracteze minutz, deltoidex. Pedicelli 13-2 lin. longi. Perianthium albidum, rubro tinetum, tubuloso-campanulatum, 23 lin. longum, 13 lin. crassum, segmentis zquilongis. Stamina perianthio sesqui lon- giora. Cap. B. Spei, Ecklon et Zeyher, Asphod. 51 ! 95. L. PURPUREO-CJERULEA, Jacq. Ic. t. 388; Bot. Mag. t. 745 ; Andr. Bot. Rep. t. 951; Kunth, Enum. iv. 288.—L. botryoides, Tratt. Tab. t. 140.— Platyestes purpureo-cerulea, Salisb. Gen. 21. Folia 2, raro 3, carnoso-herbacea, lanceolata, pustulata, 6-8 poll. longa, 8-9 lin. lata. Scapus 6-9-pollicaris. Racemus 30-40-florus, 4-5 poll. longus, 12-15 lin. crassus. Bractez minutz, deltoidez. Pedicelli 1-2 lin. longi. Perianthium campanulatum, purpureo-ceruleum, 1-4 lin. longum, segmentis interioribus faleato-patulis paulo longi- oribus. Stamina perianthio sesqui longiora, divergentia. Cap. B. Spei. 26. L. VERSICOLOR, Baker. a. UNICOLOR, Baker.—L. unicolor, Jacq. Ic. t. 389; Schult. Syst. vii. 607 ;. Kunth, Enum. iv. 288. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, lan- ceolata, 3-5 poll. longa, 12-24 liv. lata, lævia vel raro paulo pustu- lata. Scapus 4-8-pollicaris. Racemus 2-4 poll. longus, 12-15 lin. latus, 30-60-florus. Bractez minute, deltoideze. Pedicelli 13-2 lin. longi. Perianthium tubuloso-campanulatum, 3-3i lin. longum, 2 lin. erassum, saturate rubrum, segmentis interioribus leviter patulis paulo longioribus. Stamina subrecta, perianthio demum sesqui lon- giora. Cap. B. Spei, Mundt! Burchell, 6346 ! Thom ! Ecklon et Zey- ther, Lach. 43! &c. B. PURPUREA, Baker.—L. purpurea, Jacq. t. 393; Willd. Sp. ii. 177 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 289. Segmenta exteriora albida ; interiora purpurea. Cap. B. Spei. y. FRAGRANS, Baker.—L. fragrans, Jacq. Schen. t. 82; Willd. Sp. ii. 176; Kunth, Enum. iv. 287. Gracilior, perianthio albido, leviter rubro tincto. Cap. B. Spei. 410 MR J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEA. 27. L. vioLACEA, Jacq. Ic. t. 394; Willd. Sp. ii. 177 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 289.—L. bicolor, Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1129; Kunth, loc. cit. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, lorata, 8-9 poll. longa, 18-21 lin. lata, levia, maculata. Scapus ultrapedalis. Racemus 4-5 poll. longus, 18-21 lin. latus, 30-50-florus. Bracteze minute, deltoidez. Pedicelli in- fimi 4-5 lin. longi. Perianthium tubuloso-campanulatum, 4-44 lin. longum, 2-23 lin. crassum, albidum violaceo et viridi tinctum, seg- mentis exterioribus paulo brevioribus. Stamina subrecta, perianthio sesqui longiora. Cap. B. Spei. 28. L. Nervosa, Gawl. Bot. Mag. 1497 ; Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 607; Kunth, Enum. iv. 288.—Platyestes nervosa, Salisb. Gen. 91. Folia 2, carnosa-herbacea, ovato-oblonga patula, immerse nervosa, obtusiuscula, 3-4 poll. longa, 2-23 poll. lata, lzevia vel rarius paulo pustulata. Scapus 3-6-pollicaris. Racemus 30-50-florus, 4-6 poll. longus, 15-18 lin. latus. Bractex minutz, deltoidez. Pedicelli 1-13 lin. longi. Perianthium tubuloso-campanulatum, albidum, viridi et rubro tinctum, 31-4 lin. longum, 2 lin. crassum, segmentis exterio- ribus paulo brevioribus. Stamina perianthio sesqui vel demum sub- duplo longiora. Cap. B. Spei (v. tab. ex exemplo in Hort. Kew. cult. a Bowie lecto). 29. L. BowtrEANa, Baker.—Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, ovato-oblonga, patula, vix lineata, 2-23 poll. longa, 12-15 lin. lata, lzvia, rubro maculata. Scapus 5-6-pollicaris. Racemus 20-30-florus, 3-4 poll. longus, 15-18 lin. latus. Bracte minute, deltoideæ. Pedicelli li lin. longi. Perianthium tubuloso-campanulatum, rubro tinctum, 3i-4 lin. longum, 2 lin. crassum, segmentis exterioribus paulo bre- vioribus. Stamina perianthio sesqui longiora. Cap. B. Spei (v. tab. ex ezemplo in Hort. Kew. cult. a Bowie lecto). 18. VErrHEIMIA, Gleditsch. Gleditsch, Act. Berol. 1769, p. 66; Endl. Gen. 1121; Kunth, Enum. iv. 281 ; Salisb. Gen. 22; Harv. Cape Gen. 2nd edit. 394. —Aletris, sp., Linn. &c. Perianthium longe tubuloso-gamophyllum, segmentis perparvis deltoideis squalibus erectis. Stamina ad medium tubi, uni- seriata, filamentis filiformibus, antheris parvis oblongis inclusis versatilibus. Ovarium oblongo-cylindricum, sessile, ovulis in loculis 2-3; stylus elongatus, filiformis; stigma trisulcatum. Capsula sessilis, magna, membranacea, obovoidea, acute tri- suleata, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus solitariis turbinatis haud compressis. Testa nigra. Herbe bulbose, foliis pluribus lo- ratis carnoso-herbaceis synanthiis, floribus speciosis dense race- mosis, MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEX. ~ 411 Bracteæ floribus equantes ........... esee 1. bracteata. Bractex floribus 2-3-plo breviores. Folia viridia. Perianthium 15-18 lin. longum. 2. viridifolia. Folia glauca. Perianthium 9-12 lin. longum. 8. glauca. l. V. BRACTEATA, Harv. MSS. Folia non vidi. Racemus primum conicus, demum 2 poll. latus. Pedicelli subnulli. Perianthium flavescens, 10-13 lin. longum, exsiccatum 23-3 lin. crassum. Bracteæ lineares, longe acuminate, 9-12 lin. longe. Kaffraria, Cooper, 320 ! 2. V. viniDIFOLIA, Jacq. Schoen. t. 78; Willd. Sp. ii. 181; Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 1245.—V. capensis, Red. Lil. t. 193.—4Aletris capensis, Linn. Sp. 456; Bot. Mag. t. 501. Folia 10-12, lorata, 8-12 poll. longa, 21—3 poll. lata, viridia, margine undulata. Scapus 12-18 poll. longus. Racemus 3-4 poll. longus, 3 poll. crassus, 40—60-florus. Perianthium rubidum vel flavescens, maculatum, 15-18 lin. longum, exsiccatum 3-3} lin. crassum. Pedicelli 2-3 lin. longi. Bractezx lanceolatz, 4-6 lin. longe. Cap. B. Spei. 3. V. GLAUCA, Jacq. Schoen. t. 77 ; Willd. Sp. Plant. ii. 182; Bot. Mag. t. 1091 et 3456; Red. Lil. t. 440; Kunth, Enum. iv. 282. Folia angustiora, glauca, valde undulata. Scapus pedalis vel ultra. Racemus 2-6 poll longus, 18-24 lin. latus. Pedicelli vix ultra l lin. longi. Bractez lineares, 3-4 lin. longe. Perianthium 9-12 lin. longum, rubro maculatum, vel flavescens, exsiccatum 13 lin. cras- sum. Cap."B. Spei, Pappe! Zeyher, 1719! Harvey! &c. ; Namaqua- land, Rev. H. Whitehead ! 19. Muscari, Tourn. Tourn. Inst. 847, t. 180; Mill. Dict. ; Endl. Gen. 1118 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 313.—Botryanthus, Kunth, Enum. iv. 310.— Leo- poldia, Parlatore, Fl. Palerm. i. 438; Webb. Phyt. Can. iii. 341. — Moscharia et Botryophile, Salisb. Gen. 25.— Hya- cinthus, Linn. ex parte. Perianthium urceolato-tubulosum, sub ore distincte constrictum, dentibus parvis deltoideis plerumque reflexis. Stamina in tubo biseriata, filamentis filiformibus vel deorsum complanatis, vix antheris parvis versatilibus oblongo-rotundatis longioribus. Ovarium sessile, globoso-trigonum, ovulis in loculis 2 super- positis; stylus filiformis; stigma capitatum. Capsula sessilis, globosa, acute trigona, seminibus in loculo 1-2, parvis haud 412 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEE. compressis. Testa nigra, nitida. Herbe bulbose, bulbis mem- branaceo-tunicatis, foliis semper synanthiis, floribus racemosis parvis saturate ceruleis vel albis vel viridescenti-ceruleis, su- premis sepissime abortivis. $ MoscnHanra (Salisb.). Perianthium tubuloso-wreeolatum, seg- mentis rotundatis crassis brevissimis stellatim patentibus. Eolia gubpedalia nee oan elu 1. moschatum. Bone 2-8-pollicaria 2 24 2 3 su 2. alpinum. § Leorotp1a (Parlatore). Perianthium obovoideo-urceolatum, sursum sulcatum, 3-4 lin. longum, segmentis deltoideis re- levis. Racemus laxus elongatus. Coma florum sterilium con- spicua. Pedicelli infimi brevissimi ................ 3. Cupanianum. Pedicelli infimi demum 2-4 lin. longi. Racemus expansus 2-4 poll. longus. Perianthium 3 lin. longum ............ 4. caucasicum. Perianthium 4—44 lin. longum ........ 5. bootanense. Racemus expansus 6-12 poll. longus. Coma corymbosa, pedicellis infimis florum sterilium 6-12 lin: longis 6. c soi coc 6. comosum. Coma racemosa, pedicellis infimis florum sterilium 1-2 lin. longis o e ei debo ioo 7. Pinardi. Pedicelli infimi demum 2 poll. longi ........ 8. longipes. $ Borryantuus (Kunth). Perianthium globoso- vel obovoideo- tubuloso-urceolatum, sursum teres vel sulcatum, 1-2 vel raro 3 lin. longum, segmentis deltoideis plerumque reflexis. Ra- cemus l-2 poll. longus. Coma florum sterilium inconspicua vel subnulla. Perianthium obovoideo-tubuloso-urceolatum, sursum sulcatum, duplo longius quam latum. Flores laxe subspicati. Folia filiformia subteretia. 9. Gussonii. Flores distinete racemosi. Folium loratum, solitarium .............. 10. latifolium. Folia plura. Racemus laxus; folia planiuscula, 2—4 lin. lata. Flores abortivi subnulli .... ....... 11, Bourgei. Flores abortivi pauci laxi .......... 12. maritimum. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEE. 413 Racemus densus; folia lineari-filiformia, profunde canalicu- lata vel subteretia. Odori, segmentis limbi deltoideis reflexis. Folia 5—6 poll. longa, 1-14 lin. crassa. 13. racemosum. Folia 9-12 poll. longa, 12-2 lin.crassa. 14. neglectum. Inodorum, segmentis limbi brevissimis haud reflexis. 15. commutatum. Perianthium globoso- vel obovoideo-urceolatum vix sulcatum, haud duplo longius quam latum. Folia lineari-lorata, plura, planiuscula, 3—6 lin. lata. Folia 15-18 poll. longa, 5-6 lin. lata ~... 16. grandifolium. Folia 6-12 poll. longa, 3-5 lin. lata .... 17. botryoides. Folia 2, lineari-lingulata, 2-3 poll. longa .. 18. Aucheri. Folia plura, lineari-filiformia, semiteretia. : Perianthium vix urceolatum .......... 19. pallens. Perianthium distincte urceolatum. Racemus laxus; perianthium 12-2 lin. longum. 20. parviflorum. Racemus densus; perianthium 23-3 lin. longum. 21. Heldreichit. l. M. woscnuaTuM, Willd. Enum. 378; Bot. Mag. t. 734; Kunth, Enum. iv. 313.—Hyacinthus Muscari, Linn. Sp. 454.—M. ambrosia- cum, Mench, Meth. 633; Red. Lil.t. 132. Folia 5-6, carnoso-her- bacea, planiuscula, subglauca, lineari-lorata, subpedalia, 6-9 lin. lata. Scapus 4-8-pollicaris. Racemus subdense 20-50-florus, expansus 1-3 poll. longus, 9-10 lin. crassus, floribus omnibus subsessilibus vel infimis brevissime pedicellatis. Perianthium fertile tubuloso-urceolatum, 33-4 lin. longum, 13 lin. crassum, flavescenti-viride, segmentis brevissimis carnosis stellatim patentibus. Flores steriles graciliores, cerulei, sessiles vel breviter pedicellati. Capsula 8-9 lin. longa et lata. Asia minor, Forbes! Caucasus, Ledebour, Kurdistan, Olgum !—Botryan- thus Saulii, Jaub. et Spach, Ill. Pt. Orient. t. 329, est forma minor floribus pedicellatis. Var. 8, rLAvuM, Lam. Ency. iii. 193; Bot. Mag. t. 1565.—M. macro- carpum, Sweet, Flow. Gard. t. 210; Parl. FI. Ital. ii. 508. Racemus laxior, 2-3 poll. longus, 1 poll. vel ultra crassus, perianthum fertile flavescens, 5-6 lin. longum, magis oblongum, dentibus purpureis. Sicilia (an spontanea ?), Oriens. 2. M. ALPINUM, Gay, MS. Folia 4-5, carnoso-herbacea, linearia, 2-3 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata. Scapus 1i-2-pollicaris. Racemus sublaxe 12-20-florus, 12-18 lin. longus, 5-6 lin. crassus, floribus infimis bre- LINN. PROC.— BOTANY, VOL. XI. 2r 414 MR. J. Œ. BAKER ON LILIACER. vissime petiolatis. Perianthium fertile viridescens, tubuloso-urceola- tum, 23 lin. longum. Flores abortivi czrulei, pedicellis 2-3 lin. longis. Cilicia; Taurus, in regione alpina, Balansa, 151. 3. M. Cupantanum, Gerb. et Tarant. Cat. 18; Guss. Fl. Sic. ii. 814; —Leopoldia, Parl. Fl. Ital. ii. 497. Folia late linearia, flaccida, cana- liculata, scapo longiora. Racemus elongatus, densiusculus, floribus fertilibus laxiusculis, subsessilibus, superioribus abortivis sessilibus, omnibus erectis, subadpressis. Sicilia (non vidi). 4. M. caucasicum, Baker.—Bellevallia caucasica, Griseb. Fl. Rumel. ii. 387.—M. pallens, Hohen. Ezsic. non Besser. — M. tubiflorum, Stev. Taur. 336? Folia 2-4, carnoso-herbacea, lineari-lorata, 6-9 poll. longa, 4-6 lin. lata, falcata. Seapus 6-8-pollicaris. Racemus laxe 20—40-florus, floriferus expansus 3-4 poll. longus, 1 poll.latus. Pe- dicelli floriferi infimi subpatentes, 13-3 lin. longi. Perianthium fer- tile obovoideo-urceolatum, livido-ezruleum, 3 lin. longum. Flores abortivi multi, parvi, conferti, breviter pedicellati. Georgia caucasica in montosis aridis ditionis Elisabethpol, Hohenacker ! 5. M. BooTANENSE, Griff. Ic. t. 980. Folia 5-6, carnoso-herbacea, linearia, dorso valde convexa, 5-6 poll. longa, 3-4 lin. lata. Scapus 5-6-pollicaris. Racemus 12-20-florus, expansus 2-23 poll. longus, 12-15 lin.latus. Pedicelli fructiferi patentes, 3-4 lin. longi. Peri- anthium oblongo-urceolatum, 4—43 lin. longum, 2 lin. crassum. Flores steriles pauci, breviter petiolati, decidui. Bootan, Griffith. 6. M. comosum, Mill. Dict. No. 2; Red. Lil. t. 231; Koch, Synops. 834; Gren. Fl. Franc. iii. 219; Ledeb. Fl. Ross. iv. 153.— Bellevallia comosa, Kunth, Enum. iv. 306.—Hyacinthus comosus, Linn. Sp. 455; Red. Iil. t. 231; Bot. Mag. t. 133.—Leopoldia comosa, Parlat. Fl. Palerm. i. 438. Folia 3-4, carnoso-herbacea, pallide viridia, lineari- lorata, 12-18 poll. longa, 6-12 lin. lata, e medio utrmque sensim an- gustata. Scapus pedalis vel ultra, fusco-maculatus. Racemus laxe 40-100-florus, floriferus expansus 6-12 poll. longus, 15-18 lin. latus. Pedicelli infimi herizontales, demum 3-5 lin. longi. Perianthium fer- tile obovoideo-urceolatum, olivaceo-amethystinum, 3-4 lin. longum, sursum 13-2 lin. latum. Flores steriles cerulei, 20-30, corymbosi, pedicellis elongatis arcuatis coloratis, infimis 6-12 lin. longis. Cap- sula 3-4 lin. longa et lata, haud emarginata. Ez insulis Fortunatis, Bourgeau 1004! Mann! et Algeria per Europam meridionalem ad Tauriam, Pallas ! et Euphratem, Chesney 162 !— Hyacinthus monstro- sus, Linn. Sp. 454 (H. paniculatus, Lam. Encyc. iii. 193.—Muscari monstrosum, Mill. Dict. No. 4) est monstrositas ssepe in hortis culta racemo ramosissimo floribus lilacinis exiguis omnibus abortivis pro- funde partitis.—M. Courtilleri, Boreau, Fl. Centre, edit. 3, ii. 621, est MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE. 415 varietas gracilis foliis magis serotinis primum cylindricis floribus bre- vioribus sterilibus laxioribus.—Leopoldia Calandriniana, Parl. FJ. Ital. ii. 496, est varietas gracilis floribus densioribus abortivis magis approximatis.—M. tenuiflorum, Tausch, Flora, 1841, p. 234 (M. co- mosum, Jacq. Austr. t. 126) est forma foliis angustioribus floribus abortivis angustioribus pedicellis brevioribus.—M. Clusianum,C. Koch, Linnea, xxi. 253 (Led. Ross. iv. 154; Bellevallia, Griseb. Spic. Rumel. ii. 387) est verisimiliter varietas floribus abortivis paucioribus confertioribus. . M. Prnarpt, Boiss. Diagn. vii. 110.—Bellevallia Pinnardi, Boiss. Diagn. v. 62.—Leopoldia Pinardi, Parl. Fl. Palerm.i.440. Folia 4-6, carnoso-herbacea, linearia, 6-9 poll. longa, 3-4 lin. lata. Scapus 6-8- pollicaris. Racemus laxe 50-80-florus, floriferus expansus 4-8 poll. longus, ] poll. latus. Pedicelli infimi fructiferi horizontales, 2 lin. longi. Perianthium fertile cylindraceo-urceolatum, 31-4 lin. longum, sursum vix lilin. crassum. Flores steriles 12-20, haud corymbosi, pedicellis inferiorum 1-2 lin. longis. Capsula globosa. Caria, Pi- nard ! Cappadocia, Balansa 1114! 8. M. LoxcrPEs, Boiss. Diagn. xii.; Walpers, Ann. vi. 113. Folia lineari-lorata, 4-11 lin. lata, scabrido-denticulata, scapo breviora. Perianthium saturate cxruleum, 33-4 lin. longum. Flores steriles pauci, brevissime petiolati. Racemus fructiferus pyramidalis, pe- dicellis infimis szepe 2 poll. longis. Capsula oblonga. Philistia, Boissier (non vidi). Habitu ad Hyacin. ciliatum accedit, sed floribus generis. 9. M. Gussoni, Baker.—Leopoldia Gussonii, Parlatore, Fl. Ital. ii. 498.— Muscari maritimum, Guss. Fl. Sic. 426, non Desf. Folia 3-4, lineari-filiformia, subteretia, 5-6 poll. longa. Scapus 3-4-pollicaris. Racemus sublaxe 20-30-florus, demum 2-23 poll. longus, 6 lin. latus. Pedicelli nulli vel brevissimi. Perianthium obovoideo-urceolatum, 2 lin. longum. Flores abortivi pauci, sessiles, decidui. Sicilia, E.& A. Huet du Pavillon 263! 10. M. LATIFOLIUM, Kirk, Edin. New Phil. Journ. April 1858.—Bel- levallia monophylla, Gay in Balansa, Pl. Orient. Easic. 1857.— B. muscarioides, Masters, Linn. Journ. iii. 113.—Folium semper sol- tarium, lorátum, carnoso-herbaceum, 9-12 poll. longum, 9-12 lin. latum, cite acutum, infra medium ad basin angustam sensim angus- tatum. Scapus gracilis, pedalis vel ultra. Racemus modice densus, 20-30-florus, floriferus expansus 13-2 poll. longus, Pedicelli infimi fructiferi 2-23 lin. longi, horizontales vel lev flexi. Perianthium fertile obovoideo-urceolatum, 25 lin. longum, ore Flores abortivi 6-10 multo pallidiores, sublaxi, Capsula globosa, 4 2r2 “I 9-10 lin. latus. iter de- 1 lin. erassum. superiores sessiles, infimi breviter petiolati. 416 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACES. lin. longa, apice emarginata. Phrygia, ad montem Mourad-Dagh, in pinetis, Balansa! Mysia, Mt. Ida, Dr. Armitage ! 1l. M. Bovna xt, Baker. Folia 3-4, carnoso-herbacea, falcata, lineari- lingulata, 2-3 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata, dimidio inferiore sensim an- gustata. Scapus 1j-2-pollicaris. Racemus sublaxe 6-10-florus, ex- pansus 6-9 lin. longus, 6-7 lin. latus. Pedicelli infimi 1 lin. longi, patentes vel leviter ascendentes. Perianthium saturate ceruleum, oblongo-tubuloso-urceolatum, 2 lin. longum, dentibus brevissimis. Flores abortivi subnulli. Lycia, ad nives deliquescentes montis Ak- dagh, Bourgeau 262! 12. M. MARITIMUM, Desf. Atl. i. 308, non Guss.—Bellevallia maritima, Kunth, Enum. iv. 307, ex parte.—Leopoldia maritima, Parl. Fl. Ital. ii. 498. Folia 3-4, carnoso-herbacea, linearia, 6-9 poll. longa, 3-4 lin. lata. Scapus 3-6-pollicaris. Racemus laxe 12-20-florus, demum 2-25 poll. longus, 7-8 lin. latus. Pedicelli infimi 1 lin. longi, plus minus ascendentes. Perianthium obovoideo-urceolatum, 21 lin. lon- gum. Flores superiores steriles pauci, distincte pedicellati. Algeria, Bove! Balansa 167 ! Creta, in arenosis maritimis, Von Heldreich ! 13. M. nAcEMOsUM, Mill. Dict. No. 3; Red. Lil. t. 232; DC. Fl. Franc. iii. 208; Boreau, Fl. Cent. 3rd edit. ii. 620; Eng. Bot. edit. iil. t. 1529.— Hyacinthns racemosus, Linn. Sp. 455; Jacq. Austr. t. 187; Bot. Mag. t. 122.—H. juncifolius, Lam. Encyc. iii. 194.— Botryan- thus odorus, Kunth, Enum. iv. 311; Parl. Ital. ii. Folia 5-6, junci- formia, viridia, semiteretia, 5-6 poll. longa, 1-12 lin. crassa. Seapus 4-6-pollicaris. Racemus dense 12-30-florus, expansus vix ultra 1 poll. longus, 8-9 lin. latus. Pedicelli 1-12 lin. longi, inferiores cernui. Flores odori. Perianthium saturate ceruleum, oblongo-tu- buloso-urceolatum, 2-21 lin. longum, superne leviter sulcatum, den- tibus albidis deltoideis reflexis. Flores abortivi pauci, pallidiores: breviter petiolati. Capsula 3-31 lin. longa, apice haud emarginata. Ex Anglia et Lusitania per Europam meridionalem et centralem ad Afghanistan, Griffith 357 ! 441! Kurdistan, Olgum ! Persiam, Stocks! —M. pulehellum, Held. et Sart. in Boiss. Diagn. ser. 2, iv. 109 ; Regel. Gartenfl. t. 377, e Parnasso, dicitur differre foliis minus junci- formibus, perianthii dentibus majoribus magis revolutis, M. Strang- waysii, Ten. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petr. 1837, p. 9 (Botryanthus, Kunth, Enum. iv. 679).— Byzantium, racemo laxo paucifloro et foliis erectis. M. atlanticum, Boiss. et Reut. Pug. 114, Willk. et Lange, Fl. Hisp. i. 206, Hispania et Algeria, ex exemplis authentieatis exsiccatis non potui distinguere. 14. M. NEGLECTUM, Gussone, Fl. Sic. i. 411; Gren. Fl. France, iii. 218 ; Boreau, Fl. Cent. 3rd edit. ii. 621.—Botryanthus neglectus, Kunth, Enum. iv. 679; Parl. Fl. Ital. ii. 502. Folia plura, carnoso-herbacea, MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACES, 417 9-12 poll. longa, lineari-filiformia, profunde canaliculata, 13-2 lin. crassa. Scapus 6-9-pollicaris. Racemus dense 30—40-florus, expansus 14-2 poll. longus, 9-10 lin. latus. Pedicelli 1-13 lin. longi, inferiores cernui. Flores odori. Perianthium saturate caruleum, 23-3 lin. longum, obovoideo-tubuloso-urceolatum, leviter suleatum, dentibus albidis deltoideis reflexis. Flores abortivi pauci, breviter petiolati. Capsula 4 lin. longa et paulo latior. Gallia, Germania, Italia. Vix aliud quam var. major preecedentis. 15. M. commutatum, Guss. Prodr. Fl. Sie. i. 426; Sweet, Flow. Gard. ser. ii. t. 369.—Hyacinthus commutatus, Ten. Syll. 176.— Botryanthus commutatus, Kunth, Enum. iv. 311; Parl. Fl. Ital. ii. 503. Folia 5-6, carnoso-herbacea, anguste linearia, canaliculata, flaccida, viridia, 5-6 poll. longa, 13-2 lin. lata. Scapus 4-6-pollicaris. Racemus dense 12-20-florus, expansus 9-12 lin. longus, 6-7 lin. latus. Pedicelli infimi 1 lin. longi, deflexi. Flores subinodori. Perianthium saturate ceruleum, 23 lin. longum, tubuloso-turbinato-urceolatum, sursum distincte sulcatum, dentibus brevissimis vix recurvatis. Flores abortivi subnulli. Hispania, Lange! Italia, Tenore ! Sicilia, Jan! Parlatore ! Tineo ! Grecia, Zuccarini ! Von Heldreich ! Palestina, Roth! Armenia, Huet du Pavillon ! (albiflora ut “ M. Aucheri ”), In monti- bus KassanOghlu, Kotschy,‘ Iter Cilicico-Kurdicum,’ 73! (** M.Strang- waisii ").—M. Lafarinæ, Tineo in Huet. du Pavillon, Pl. Sicil. Ezsic., vix differt.—Botryanthus albo-virens, Todaro, Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. iv. xx. 304, est verisimiliter forma albiflora. 16. M. GRANDIFOLIUM, Baker in Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 173. Folia 5-6, carnoso-herbacea, glaucescentia, 15-18 poll. longa, 5-6 lin. lata, line- ari-lorata, flaccida. Scapus 5-6-pollicaris. Racemus dense 15-20- florus, expansus 15-18 lin. longus, 7-8 lin. latus. Pedicelli infimi cernui, 1-13 lin. longi. Perianthium oblongo-urceolatum, livide cæ- ruleum, haud sulcatum, 3 lin. longum, 2 lin. crassum, segmentis del- toideis albidis reflexis. Flores superiores pauci, subsessiles, abortivi. Capsula 4 lin. longa. Patria ignota: v. v. in Hort. Kew. 17. M. sorryorpEs, Mill. Dict. No. 1; Red. Lil. t. 361; Sweet, Flow. Gard. t. 15.—Hyacinthus botryoides, Linn. Sp. 455; Bot. Mag. t. 157.— Botryanthus vulgaris, Kunth, Enum. iv. 311; Parl. Fl. Ital. ii. 499.—M. transilvanicum, Schur, Transyl. 676. Folia 3-4, carnoso- herbacea, lineari-lorata, flaccida, subglauca, 6-12 poll. longa, 3-4 lin. lata, planiuscula, deorsum angustata. Scapus 6-9-pollicaris. Race- mus dense 12-20-florus, expansus 12-18 lin. longus, 6 lin. latus. Pedicelli infimi deflexi, l lin. longi, foribus cernuis. Perianthium globoso- vel oblongo-urceolatum, 1-14 lin. longum, pallide caeruleum, haud suleatum, inodorum. Flores abortivi 6-9, sessiles vel breviter pedicellati. Capsula globosa, 34 lin. longa. A Lusitania et Sicilia ad Bosniam et Germaniam et Galliam septentrionalem. 418 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEJ. Var. B. LELIEVRII, Raker.—M. Lelievrii, Boreau, Flor. Cent. edit. 3, ii. 621; Gren. Fl. France, iii. 219. Racemus densior, expansus 7-8 lin. latus. Perianthium crassior, 14-2 lin. longum. Pedicelli inferiores minus deflexi. Floratio przcocior (ad finem Februarii in loco natali). Gallia occidentalis, Boreau ! 18. M. Avcnuznr, Baker.— Botryanthus Aucheri, Boiss. Diagn. v. 63. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, lineari-lingulata, 2-3 poll. longa, sursum 2-3 lin. lata, dimidio inferiore sensim angustata. Scapus gracilis, 2-4-polliearis. Flores 6-10, dense subspicati, inferiores brevissime pedicellati. Perianthium turbinato-urceolatum, vix 1 lin. longum. Asia Minor, Nikisar, Aucher Eloy, 5399 ! 19. M. PALLENS, Fisch. Cat. Gorenk. 1819, 9; Sweet, Flow. Gard. t. 259; Steven, Taur. 337, non Besser.— Hyacinthus pallens, M. Bieb. Fl. Taur. Cauc.i. 283. Folia plura, filiformia, semiteretia, 6-8 poll. longa, 1 lin. lata, facie glauca, dorso rotundata, viridia. Seapus 3-5- pollicaris. Racemus dense 12-20-florus, expansus 8-10 lin. longus, 6-7 lin. latus. Pedicelli infimi vix 1 lin. longi. Perianthium oblon- gum, minus urceolatum quam in speciebus reliquis, album, 2 lin. lon- gum, 13 lin. latum, dentibus lanceolato-deltoideis recurvatis. Flores abortivi 3-4, subsessiles. Caucasus et Iberia (v. v. in Hort. Kew.). 20. M. PAnvirFLORUM, Desf. Atl. i. 309; Guss. Prodr. i. 497 ; Bert. FI. Ital. iv. 167.— Hyacinthus parviflorus, Pers. Syn. i. 375.—Botry- anthus parviflorus, Kunth, Enum. iv. 319. Parl. Fl. Ital. ii. 505.— Muscari filifolium, Wahl. Isis, xxi. fasc. x. 971. Folia 6-8, lineari- filiformia, flaccida, subteretia, 4—5 poll. longa, 1 lin. lata, basi angus- tata. Seapus filiformis, flexuosus, 4-8-pollicaris. Racemus laxe 6-12-florus, demum 9-15 lin. longus, 8-9 lin. latus. Pedicelli in- fimi fruetiferi, patentes, 13-2 lin. longi. Perianthium pallide cæru- leum, oblongo- vel ovoideo-urceolatum, 1 2 lin. longum. Flores abortivi pauci, congesti, sessiles, decidui. Ex Hispania, Rambur! Algeria et Sicilia, Gussone! Tineo! Parlatore! ad 4Egyptum, teste Schweinfurth, et Syriam, C. Martens! Hooker et Hanbury ! 21. M. HELDREICHI, Boiss. Diagn. ser. 2, iv. 109; Baker in Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 172.—M. hymenophorum, Held. Herb. Norm. Grec. 662. Folia 5-6, junciformia, erecto-falcata, viridia, semiteretia, 8-12 poll. longa, 14 lin. crassa. Scapus flexuosus, 4-6-pollicaris. Race- mus subdense 8-12-florus, expansus 12-15 lin. longus, 10-12 lin. latus. Pedicelli infimi patentes, 1 lin. longi. Perianthium obovoideo- urceolatum, amethystinum, ore leviter constrictum, 23-3 lin. longum, dentibus albis recurvatis. ^ Flores abortivi, pauci, subsessiles. Grecia, Parnassus, Von Heldreich ! (v. v. in Hort. Kew.). MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE.E. 419 20. Lirantuus, Harv. Harv. Hook. Journ. 1844, p. 815, t. 9; Cape Gen. 2 edit. 399. Perianthium minutum, tubulosum, segmentis ovato-deltoideis æqualibus erectis tubo cylindrico fundo demum ventricoso 6-8- plo brevioribus. Stamina ad faucem tubi uniseriata, filamentis brevissimis filiformibus, antheris sagittatis versatilibus. Ova- rium ovoideum, sessile, leviter trisuleatum, ovulis in loculis plu- ribus; stylus rectus, filiformis, ad faucem attingens; stigma irisuleatum. Capsula ignota. Herba bulbosa, perpusilla, foliis filiformibus synanthiis, scapo unifloro bracteis duabus oppositis medio affixis. l. L. rusrLLus, Harv. loc. cit. Bulbus membranaceo-tunicatus, 2-3 lin. crassus. Folia 2-3, setacea, 6-12 lin. longa. Scapus filiformis, 9-18 lin. longus. Perianthium albo-viride, membranaceum, 2 lin. longum, 4 lin. crassum. Cap. B. Spei, Drége, 8514a! Zeyher; Kaf- fraria britannica in graminosis inundatis, H. Bowker and Mrs. Barber, 767 ! 21. Deri, Jacq. Jacq. Ic. t. 373-877 ; Endl. Gen. 1125; Salisb. Gen. 37; Baker in Saund. Ref. Bot. iti. App. 2, non Kunth nec Harvey.— Idothea, Kunth, Enum. iv. 841; Harv. Cap. Gen. 2nd edit. 397. Perianthium companulato-gamophyllum, segmentis ligulatis cu- eullatis squalibus mox irregulariter reflexis tubo 2-3-plo ex- cedentibus. Stamina ex fauce tubi subuniseriata, filamentis elongatis, deorsum complanatis, segmentis subequantibus, in- terdum leviter declinatis, antheris oblongis versatilibus. Ova- rium sessile, ovoideum, ovulis in loculis pluribus (6-20) ; stylus filiformis, interdum leviter declinatus ; stigma capitatum. Cap- sula sessilis, ovoidea, membranacea, profunde trisuleata, locu- licide trivalvis, seminibus in loculis paucis vel pluribus dis- coideis uniseriatis. Mesta nigra. Herbe bulbose, floribus nu- merosis racemosis, foliis synanthiis vel hysteranthiis. Species capenses, foliis synanthiis. Folia dura, angustissima. Bracteze 1-13 lin. longe ............-- 1. media. Bractee 3-4 lin. longe ............-- 2. rigidifolia. Folia lorata carnoso-herbacea. Racemus 9-12 lin. latus; pedicelli 2-3 lin. longi. 8. Burchellii. 420 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACER. Racemus 23 poll. latus; pedicelli 6-8 lin. longi. 4. robusta. Racemus 3 poll. latus ; pedicelli 9-12 lin. longi. 5. altissima. Species capenses, foliis hysteranthiis. Folia dura angustissima ................ 6. purpurascens. Folia linearia ciliata, 3—4 lin. lata. Pedicelli subpatentes, 3—4 lin. longi .... 7. ciliaris. Pedicelli erecto-patentes, 1-12 lin.longi.. 8. pusilla. Folia lorato-lanceolata, 6-9 lin. lata. Folia undique villosa ............. .. 9. villosa. Folia glabra. Racemus 2 poll latus 2 2. 10. elata. Hacemus 3 poll. tatus |... V... 11. concolor. Species tropicales, foliis ignotis, verisimiliter hysteranthiis. Perianthium 4-44 lin. longum, segmentis margine convolutis. 12. laxiflora. Perianthium 2 lin. longum, segmentis lanceolato-spathulatis, complanatis oS ed osos. 13. Barteri. l. D. mepia, Jacq. Ic. t. 375; Willd. Sp. ii. 166; Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 596.— Hyacinthus, Poir. Encyc. Suppl. iii. 120.—Idothea, Kunth, Enum. iv. 312. Bulbus ovoideus, membranaceo-tunicatus, 18-24 lin. crassus. Folia plura, synanthia, dura, nervosa, pedalia vel ultra, subtriquetra, 1-13 hn. lata, margine scabrida. Scapus gra- cilis, fragilis, 13-2-pedalis. Racemus 20-60-florus, 2-5 poll. longus, expansus 16-18 lin. latus. Pedicelli erecto-patentes vel subpatentes, 3-5 lin. longi. Bractew lanceolate, pedicellis 3-4-plo breviores. Perianthium 6 lin. longum, segmentis tubum 3-4-plo excedentibus. Cap. B. Spei, Drége, 1496! Burchell, 4593! 8322! Zeyher, 4250! Harvey ! &c. 2. D. RIGIDIFOLIA, Baker. Folia plura, synanthia, dura, nervosa, sesquipedalia, subtriquetra, deorsum 12-2 lin. lata. Seapus ultra- pedalis, Racemus 4-6 poll. longus, modice densus, 30—40. florus, expansus 2 poll. latus. Pedicelli stricti, patentes, 5-6 lin. longi. Bractez lineari-acuminate, 3—4 lin. longz. Perianthium 7-73 lin. longum, segmentis tubo 3-4-plo excedentibus. Cap. B. Spei, Harvey ex hort. Baronis Ludwigii ! Somerset, Bowker, 225! Ad przceden- tem affinis. 3. D. BurcHELLi1, Baker in Saund. Ref. Bot. i. App.2. Folia 3-4, synanthia, carnoso-herbacea, lorato-lanceolata, in exemplis nostris 7-8 poll. longa, deorsum 12-14 lin. lata, acuta. Scapus 3-4 lin. crassus, pedalis vel ultra. Racemus 8-9 poll. longus, 9-12 lin. `~ MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACES. 421 latus, modice densus. Pedicelli erecto-patentes, 2-3 lin. longi, bracteis subeequantes. Perianthium 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis tubo 3-4-plo excedentibus. Capsula 4j lin. longa, seminibus in loculo circiter 3. Cap. B. Spei, Burchell, 4769! Zeyher, 954! . D. ROBUSTA, Baker in Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 190. Bulbus ovoideus, 3-4 poll. crassus. Folia 6-8, synanthia, carnoso-herbacea, viridia, lorata, 2 pedes longa, 2 poll. lata. Scapus firmus, tripedalis, de- orsum 8-9 lin. crassus. Racemus modice densus, 8-12 poll. longus, expansus 22 poll. latus. Pedicelli 6-8 lin. longi, subpatentes, pedi- cellis linearibus subzquantes. Perianthium 7-8 lin. longum, seg- mentis tubum 3-4-pio superantibus. Stamina distincte declinata, segmentis paulo breviora. Cap. B. Spei, v. v. in Hort. Saundersü. D. AvTIssIMA, Hook. Bot. Mag. 5522, non Gawl. Bot. Mag. 1074, que est Urginez species. Bulbus ovoideus, 3-4 poll. crassus, triente superiore emerso squamoso. Folia 8-10, synanthia, carnoso-her- bacea, lorata, 12-18 poll. longa, 18-24 lin. lata, acuta, subglauca. Scapus firmus, 3-4-pedalis. Racemus modice densus, 8-12 poll. longus, expansus 3 poll. latus. Pedicelli 9-12 lin. longi, subpatentes vel leviter deflexi. Bracteæ lineares, pedicellis subiequantes. Pe- rianthium 9-10 lin. longum, laciniis tubum quadruplo superantibus. Stamina distincte declinata, 4-43 lin. longa. Cap. B. Spei, v. s. ex hort. Saundersii. . D. purpurascens, Jacq. fil. Eclog. t. 30; Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 598.—Idothea purpurascens, Kunth, Enum. iv. 349. Bulbus tunicatus. Folia 9-10, hysteranthia (post racemum producta) anguste linearia, semipedalia, 2 lin. lata, glaucescentia, subscariosa. Scapus subpedalis. Racemus circiter 30-florus. Pedicelli patentes, perianthiis zequantes, bracteis lineari-lanceolatis duplo lungiores. Cap. B. Spei (non vidi). 7. D. ciLramrs, Jacq. Ic. t. 377; Willd. Sp. ii. 165; Bot. Mag. t. 1444.— Hyacinthus, Poir. Encyc. Suppl. iii. 120,—Idothea, Kunth, Enum. iv. 343. Bulbus globosus, 2-3 poll. crassus, dimidio superiore emerso squamoso. Folia post scapum, 4-5, linearia, ciliata, 6-8 poll. longa, 3-4 lin. lata, pruinata. Scapus sesquipedalis. Racemus laxe 20-25-florus, 8-10 poll. longus, expansus 2 poll. latus. Pedicelli subpatentes, 3-4 lin. longi. Bractez minutz, lanceolate. Peri- anthium 8-9 lin. longum, segmentis tubo triplo longioribus. Cap. B. Spei. . D. PusiLLA, Jacq. Ic. t. 374; Willd. Sp. ii. 165; Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 598.—Hyacinthus, Poir. Encyc. Suppl. iii. 120.—Idothea, Kunth, Enum. iv. 344.—I. humilis, Kunth, loc. cit.? Bulbus sub- globosus, sursum squamosus. Folia post scapum, 4-6, linearia, 3-4 poll. longa, 3-4 lin. lata, glauca, ciliata. Scapus 2-3-pollicaris. 422 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE.E. Racemus 1-1} poll. longus, expansus l poll. latus, 10-20-florus. Pedicelli erecto-patentes, 1-13 lin. longi. Bractez deltoidez, 1 lin. longe. Perianthium 6-7 lin. longum, segmentis tubum triplo exce- dentibus. Stamina segmentis paulo breviora. Cap. B. Spei, Sir J. Banks ! Var. 8. serosa, Baker. Perianthium 4-4j lin. longum. Scapus setis albidis dense vestitus. Folia non vidi. Cap. B. Spei, Ecklon et Zeyher, Asphod. 28! 9. D. virLosa, Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1346.—Idothea villosa, Kunth, Enum. iv. 343. Folia hysteranthia, post scapum, lorata, 6-8 poll. longa, 8-9 lin. lata, acuta, glauca, valde undulata, undique villosa. Racemus modice densus, 4-5 poll. longus, expansus 2 poll. latus. Pedicelli floriferi patentes, 6-7 lin. longi. Bractez lineari-lanceo- latz, 2-3 lin. longe. Perianthium 7-8 lin. longum, segmentis tubo 3-4-plo longioribus. Stamina distincte declinata. Cap. B. Spei (non vidi). 10. D. ELATA, Jacq. Ic. t. 373; Willd. Sp. ii. 165; Red. Lil. t. 430; Bot. Mag. t. 822.—Hyacinthus, Poir. Encyc. Suppl. iii. 120.—Ido- thea elata, Kunth, Enum. iv. 343. Bulbus subrotundus, magnitu- dine pugni, squamosus. Folia hysteranthia (post scapum) lineari- lanceolata, glabra, pedalia vel ultra, 6-9 lin. lata. Seapus 14-2- pedalis. Racemus modice densus, 30-100-florus, 6-12 poll. longus, 2 poll. latus. Pedicelli ascendentes, 5-6 lin. longi. Bracteæ li- neares 3-4 lin. longi. Perianthium /-8 lin. longum, segmentis tubo J-4-plo longioribus. Stamina leviter declinata. Cap. B. Spei, Sir J. Banks! Zeyher, 1713! Burke! Natal, Sanderson, 464 ! Var. B, Cooprri, Baker. Folia ignota. Scapus tripedalis. Flores racemi multo pauciores et laxiores, pedicellis erecto-patentibus in- ferioribus 19-15 lin. longis. Perianthium 6 lin. longum. Kaffraria britannica, Cooper, 387 ! Verisimiliter species distincta. li. D. CONCOLOR, Baker. Bulbus 3 poll. crassus, sursum squamosus. Folia post scapum, anguste lanceolata, glabra, acuta (in statu juniore solum vidi). Seapus 25-pedalis. Racemus modice densus, 18 poll. longus, expansus 3 poll. crassus. Pedicelli floriferi subpatentes, 4—6 lin. longi, bracteis linearibus subzquantes. Perianthium viride, 8-9 lin. longum, segmentis tubo 2-3-plo longioribus. Stamina decli- nata. Cap. B. Spei (e tab, ex exemplo in Hort. Kew. anno 1823 culto depicta descripta). ; 12. D. LAXIFLORA, Baker. Folia non vidi. Scapus 15-]8-pollicaris, gracilis. Racemus 6-8 poll. longus, 15-18 lin. latus (deorsum laxis- sime), 10-15-florus. Pedicelli ascendentes, infimi 5-6 lin. longi. Bractez minute, lineares. Perianthium 4-43 lin. longum, segmentis MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEE. 423 tubum 2-3-plo excedentibus. Filamenta 2} lin. longa, cum stylo leviter declinata. Zambesi-land prope Quillimane, Dr. Kirk ! 13. D. BARTERI, Baker. Folia non vidi. Scapus 15-18-pollicaris, gra- cilis. Racemus laxus, ultra 2 pedes longus, 18-21 lin. latus. Pedi- celli stricti, horizontales, 6-8 lin. longi. Bractez perminute, del- toidez. Perianthium tubuloso-campanulatum, segmentis erectis lan- ceolato-spathulatis tubum duplo excedentibus. Filamenta complanata, segmentis subduplo breviora. Capsula 5 lin. lata, 3 lin. longa, se- minibus in loculo 8-9. Guinea; in ditione nigritana prope Nupe, Barter, 1183! Ab speciebus reliquis recedit floribus multo mi- noribus, segmentis complanatis, staminibus segmentis duplo bre- vioribus. 22. Hyacrytuvs, Linn. Linn. Gen. 1427, ex parte; Endl. Gen. 1120; Kunth, Enum. iv. 303.—Bellevallia, Lapeyr. Journ. Phys. 67, 425, t. 1; Endl. Gen. 1119; Kunth, Enum. iv. 306.—Peribeea, Kunth, Enum. iv. 293; Harv. Cap. Gen. 2nd edit. 394.—Strangweia, Bertol. Mem. Soc. Ital. t. xxi.—Foxia, Parlat. Nuov. Gen, 18.—Busbe- quia, Salisb. Gen. 25.—Hyacinthella, Schur, Oest. bot. Wochenbl. 1856, 227. Perianthium tubuloso-gamophyllum, ore nullo modo constrictum, segmentis lanceolatis complanatis faleatis vel subrectis tubo wquantibus vel brevioribus. Stamina uniseriata vel plus minus distincte biseriata, in tubo vel ad faucem inserta, filamentis plerisque filiformibus raro cuneatis, antheris oblongis vel li- nearibus versatilibus. Ovarium sessile, ovoideum, ovulis in loculis paucis vel pluribus ; stylus erectus, filiformis; stigma capitatum. Capsula membranacea, loculicide trivalvis, sessilis, oblonga vel rotundata, obtuse vel acute trigona, seminibus rotundatis vel triquetris numerosis vel paucis. Testa nigra. Herbe bulbose, bulbis semper membranaceo-tunicatis, foliis sem- per synanthiis, floribus racemosis vel subspicatis, bracteis. sepis- sime minutis. § EuuvaorNTHUs. Segmenta tubo subequantia, vel excedentia, lore expanso falcata vel suberecta. Capsula magna, obtuse tri- gona, seminibus in loculo 6-30. Stamina insertione varia. Elatze, foliis loratis bipedalibus. Segmenta erecto-patentia, tubo duplo longiora, filamentis lon- piora o esse sil oe 1. candicans. Segmenta patula, tubo subzequantia, filamentis breviora. 2. princeps. 424 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE.E. Mediocris, foliis 8-12 poll. longis, 4-6 lin. latis, segmentis limbi patentibus ot areas, 3. orientalis. Parvz, foliis 2-4 poll. longis, 1 lin. latis, segmentis limbi erecto- patentibus. Racemus confertus, pedicellis erecto-patentibus. 4. corymbosus. Racemus laxus, pedicellis cernuis ...... 5. brevifolius. § HyAcINTHELLA (Schur., extens.). Segmenta tubo 2-8-plo bre- viora, flore expanso suberecta. Loculi ovarii 9—4-ovulati. Capsula parva, obtuse trigona. Stamina in tubo inserta. Stamina subsessilia. Bracteæ 4-6 lin. longæ. Perianthium 4-5 lin. longum, səg- mentis ovans 45. a a 6. amethystinus. Bracteæ minutissimæ. Perianthium 2-23 lin. longum, seg- mentis lanceolatis cucullatis ........ 7. ledebourioides. Filamenta distincte obvia. Stamina prope basin tubi inserta ...... 8. azureus. Stamina prope medium tubi biseriata.... 9. pseudo-muscart. Stamina supra medium tubi subuniseriata. Folia coriacea, 14-2 lin. lata, lineato-nervosa. 10. leucopheus. Folia coriaceo-herbacea, 2-3 lin. lata, vix lineato-nervosa. 11. dalmaticus. § SrraNGWEIA (Parlat.). Segmenta tubum paulo excedentia, flore expanso falcata. Stamina ex fauce tubi, uniseriata, filamentis brevibus cuneatis bifidis, basi breviter connatis. Semina in loculo 5-6. apsces sola e M T 12. spicatus. $ Betievartta (Lapeyr.). Segmenta tubo sepissime 2-3-plo breviora, raro subequantia, flore expanso suberecta, filamentis brevibus ex fauce uniseriatis. Loculi 2—4-ovulati. Capsula parva, globosa, obtuse trigona, vel major acute trigona. Ñe- mina in loculo 1-2. Folia rigide coriacea, venis primariis distincte exsculptis. Flonapum o. o o o 18. sessiliflorus. Flores racemosi. Folia margine primum minute ciliata .. 14. lineatus. Folia margine diutine distincte ciliata. 15. hispidus. Folia carnoso-herbacea, filiformia, subteretia. 16. Sastigiatus. Folia carnoso-herbacea, planiuscula, linearia vel lorata. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEX. 425 Pedicelli infimi capsulis subzequantes vel breviores. Minores; perianthium 1-24 lin. longum. Flores dense spicati .......-.......- 17. micranthus. Flores dense subspicati ............ 18. nivalis. Flores laxe racemosi......... e... 19. pycnanthus. Majores; perianthium 4-7 lin. longum. Segmenta tubo subæquantia ........ 20. romanus. Segmenta tubo 2—4-plo breviora. Perianthium 6-7 lin. longum. Racemus laxus; segmenta tubo 3—4-plo breviora. 21. trifoliatus. Racemus densus; segmenta tubo duplo breviora. 22. Aucheri. Perianthium 33-5 lin. longum. Folia 2-8 lin. lata; racemus expansus densus. 23. densiflorus. Folia 3-6 lin. lata; racemus expansus laxus. Folia margine ciliata; perianthium viridescens. 24. paradoxus. Folia margine glabra ; perianthium livide cæruleum. 25. dubius. Pedicelli infimi stricti, capsulis 3-8-plo excedentes.. Pedicelli infimi demum 3-4 poll. longi; folia margine ciliata. Perianthium 44-5 lin. longum. . ...... 26. ciliatus. Perianthium 21-3 lin. longum. . ...... 27. Pallasianus. Pedicelli infimi demum 9-18 lin. longi; folia margine haud ciliata. Folia glauca ; pedicelli demum 15-18 lin. longi. 28. glaucus. Folia viridia; pedicelli demum 9lin. longi. 29. macrobotrys. l. H. canpicans, Baker in Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 174. Folia 4-5, lorata, carnoso-herbacea, planiuscula, glaucescentia, 2-23 pedes longa, 18-21 lin. lata. Scapus firmus, 3-3}-pedalis. Racemus subpedalis, 12-20-florus, deorsum 5-6 poll. latus. Pedicelli cernui, infimi 15- 18 lin. longi. Bracteæ lanceolate, 12-18 lin. longe. Perianthium album, 18 lin. longum, segmentis oblongo-spathulatis flore expanso erecto-patentibus tubo duplo longioribus. Stamina prope faucem tubi subuniseriata, filamentis 5-6 lin. longis. Capsula oblonga, sessilis, obtuse angulata, seminibus confertis triquetris. Cap. B. Spei, Drége, 3529 ! Natalia, ad fontem fluv. Fugela, In ditione Zulu, Gerrard et M°Ken, 2146! v. v. in hort. Saundersonii. 426 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEJE. 2. H. PRINCEPS, Baker in Saund. Ref. Bot. t. 175. Folia 4-6, lo- rata, carnoso-herbacea, planiuscula, viridia, 2 pedes longa, 15-18 lin. lata. Racemus 12-18-florus, 6-8 poll. longus, 5-6 poll. latus. Pe- dicelli erecto-patentes, infimi 11-2 poll. longi. Bractez lanceolate, 12-15 lin. longe. Perianthium album, fundo extrorsum viride, 14- 15 lin. longum, segmentis oblongo-spathulatis, flore expanso sub- patulis tubo subzquantibus, interioribus brevioribus, latioribus, ob- tusioribus. Stamina prope basin tubi leviter biseriata, filamentis 8-9 lin. longis, basi euneatis. Capsula oblonga, substipitata, obtuse angulata. Kaffraria, in locis inundatis, Mrs. Barber, 884! 3. H. ORIENTALIS, L. Sp. 454; Willd. Sp. ii. 167 ; Bot. Mag. t. 937; - Bot. Reg. t. 995; Red. Lil. t. 465; Kunth, Enum. iv. 303. Folia 4—6, carnoso-herbacea, viridia, 8-12 poll. longa, 4-6 lin. lata. Scapus 5-8-pollicaris. Racemus 6-12-florus, 3-4 poll. longus, expansus 2 poll. latus. Pedicelli floriferi cernui, 1-3 lin. longi. Bractez mi- nutz, deltoidez. Perianthium 10-12 lin. longum, segmentis ob- longo-spathulatis 2 lin. latis, flore expanso subpatentibus tubo in- fundibuliformi demum ventricoso paulo brevioribus. Stamina infra medium tubi, uniseriata, filamentis vix 1 lin. longis. Capsula de- presso-globosa, obtuse trigona, seminibus in loculo 8-12. Oriens; Syria, Libanus, Gaillardot ! Miss Osborne! Asia Minor, Kotschy, &c. Grecia, Barbaria, Dalmatia. Var. 8. PRoviNCIALIS, Baker.—H. provincialis, Jord. Pug. 39; Icones, t. 219.—H. orientalis, Reich. Ic. t. 1005, et auct. multi. Gracilior, folis viridioribus magis canaliculatis, floribus laxioribus paucioribus paulo minoribus, tubo demum ventricoso, segmentis ligulatis 13 lin. latis. Gallia meridionalis, Helvetia, Italia. Var. y. ALBULUs, Baker.—H. albulus, Jord. Pug. 140 ; Icones, t. 217 ; Gren. Fl. France, iii. 216. Gracilior, foliis erectioribus, floribus paucioribus albidis, tubo cylindrico haud ventricoso, segmentis ob- longis. Gallia meridionalis, Jordan.—H. precox, Jord. Pug. 141 ; Icones, t. 216, H. modestus, Jord. et Four. Icones, t. 218, et H. ri- gidulus, Jord. et Four. Icones, t. 220, sunt etiam varietates hujus speciei in sensu latiore. 4. H. corymposus, Linn. Mant. 993; Thunb. Fl. Cap. 325; Jacq. Coll. ii. 230, t. 19. fig. 2; Andr. Rep. t. 345.—Scilla corymbosa, Bot. Mag. t. 1885.— Massonia corymbosa, Bot. Mag. t. 991.— Pe- riboea corymbosa, Kunth, Enum. iv. 293. Folia 5-6, carnoso-her- bacea, semiteretia, 2-4 poll. longa, 1 lin. lata, pallide viridia. Scapus 2-3-pollicaris. Racemus confertus, 4-9-florus, pedicellis erecto-pa- tentibus, infimis 2-6 lin. longis. Bractez perminutz, deltoidee. Perianthium lilacino-roseum, 6-7 lin. longum, segmentis erecto- patentibus ligulatis tubo subzquantibus. Stamina distincte bise- riata, superiora e fauce, inferiora e medio tubi, filamentis filiformibus MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACER. ‘427 li lin. longis. Ovarium sessile, obtuse trigonum, loculis 6-8 ovu- latis. Cap. B. Spei, Masson! Nelson! Drége! Ecklon, 111! Zeyher, 1715! &c. . H. BnEviIFOLIUS, Thunb. Prodr. 63; Flor. Cap. 325.—Scilla bre- vifolia et brachyphylla, Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 574.—S. brevi- folia, Gawl. Bot. Mag. t. 1468.—Peribcea Gawleri et brevifolia, Kunth, Enum. iv. 293-94. Folia 4-5, carnoso-herbacea, semiteretia, 2-3 poll. longa, 1 lin. lata. Scapus folia superans. Racemus laxus, subsecundus, 6-8-tlorus, 13-2 poll. longus. Pedicelli cernui, infimi 5-6 lin. longi. Bractez perminute. Perianthium 6-7 lin. longum, segmentis ligulatis erecto-patentibus tubum paulo superantibus. Sta- mina prope faucem tubi leviter biseriata, filamentis filiformibus an- theras 4-6-plo excedentibus. Cap. B. Spei (non vidi). . H. ameruystinus, L. Sp. 454; Willd. Sp. ii. 167; Red. Lil. t. 14; Sweet, Flow. Gard. t. 135; Bot. Reg. t. 398; Bot. Mag. t. 2425; Kunth, Enum. iv. 304.—Brimeura amethystina, Salisb. Gen. 26.—H. hispanicus, Lam. Encyc. iii. 191. Folia 6-8, erecta, carnoso-herbacea, viridia, anguste linearia, 4-8 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata. Scapus 4-12-pollicaris. Racemus laxe 4-12-florus, expansus, 1-3 poll. longus, 12-15 lin. latus. Pedicelli floriferi erecto-pa- tentes, apice cernui, infimi 3-6 lin. longi. Bractez lineares, violacez, 4-6 lin. longi. Perianthium saturate azureum, 43-5 lin. longum, segmentis ovatis suberectis tubo ore 1-13 lin. crasso triplo bre- vioribus. Antherz prope medium tubi biseriatim subsessiles. Ova- rium sessile, loculis 3-4-ovulatis. Capsula globosa, sessilis, 3—4 lin. longa et lata. Hispania, Gallia meridionalis, Croatia, Bosnia. $5 HE LEDEBOURIOIDES, Baker. Folia 3-4, carnoso-herbacea, lamina lineari-lanceolata 3-6 lin. lata, 12-18 lin. longa, in petiolum sub- equilongum angustata. Scapus gracillimus, 2-3 poll. longus. Ra- cemus laxus, 12-20-florus, 12-18 lin. longus, 6-8 lin. latus. Pedi- celli 1 lin. longi, floriferi ascendentes. Bractez minutissimz, del- toidez. Perianthium 2-23 lin. longum, albidum, membranaceum, segmentis lanceolatis cucullatis erecto-patentibus tubo anguste in- fundibuliformi subduplo brevioribus. Stamina supra medium tubi, distincte biseriata, subsessilia. Capsula sessilis, depresso-globosa, profunde obtuse trisuleata, vix 1 lin. longa, seminibus in loculo solitariis. Africa austro-tropicalis orientalis, in ditione fluv. Zam- besi, Dr. Meller! Dr. Kirk! Ab speciebus reliquis recedit segmentis limbi, more Drimie, cucullatis. -H AZUREUS, Baker.—Muscari azureum, Fenzl, Delect. Sem. Vind. 1858, Tchih. As. Minor, Bot. ii. 539. Folia 2-5, carnoso-herbacea, incurvo-patula, late linearia, navicularia, triente superiore sensim ob- longo-dilatata, apice obtusissima, callose subfornicata. Scapus digi- 428 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE®. talis vel subpalmaris. Racemus densus, 4-12 lin. longus. Pedicelli sub anthesi cernui, fructiferi erecti. Perianthium campanulatum, azureum, fauce ampliatum, segmentis late ovatis porrectis concolori- bus tubo dimidio brevioribus. Stamina prope basin perianthii in- . serta, dimidio tubi vix longiora. Cilicia, Kotschy.— Leucopheo af- finis, teste Tchih. loc. cit. 9. H. PSEUDO-MUSCARI, Baker.—Bellevallia pseudo-muscari, Bois. Diag. ser. ii. iv. 110. Folia linearia, canaliculata, scapo longiora. Racemus densus, ovatus. Pedicelli cernui, floribus dimidio breviores. Perianthium ceruleum, campanulatum, apice haud constrictum, seg- mentis ovato-oblongis tubo subtriplo brevioribus. Stamina prope medium tubi biseriatim inserta, filamentis antheris subzquantibus. Capsula globosa, apice retusa. Habitu et magnitudine florum ad Muscari neglectum accedit. Persia, Buhse, feste Boissier (non vidi). 10. H. LEvcoPHuxus, Steven in Led. Ross. iv. 156; Reich. Ic. Crit. iv. p. 27, t. 511.—Muscari leucophzeum, C. Koch, Linnea, xxii. 254; Steven, Taur. 337.—Hyacinthella leucophza, Schur, Oest. bot. Wochenbl. 1856, p. 227.— Botryanthus stereophyllus, Herbich, Oest. bot. Wochenbl. 1855, p. 152; Walp. Ann. vi. 113.—Muscari pallens, Besser, non aliorum. Folia 2, anguste linearia, basin scapi cingentia, 4-6 poll. longa, 12-2 lin. lata, striato-nervosa, in dimidio inferiore angustata. Scapus gracilis, 4-6-pollicaris. Racemus sub- dense 20-30-forus, 9-24 lin. longus, 6-8 lin. latus. Pedicelli erecto-patentes, infimi ]-13 lin. longi. Bractez deltoide:e, perparvze. Perianthium 1 lin. latum, 2 lin. longum, album vel pallide cæruleum, segmentis erectis tubo duplo brevioribus. Stamina supra medium tubi, subuniseriata, filamentis filiformibus antheris zquilongis. Cap- sula depresso-globosa, 1 lin. longa, profunde obtuse trisuleata. Se- mina in loculo 2. Rossia meridionalis (Odessa, Podolia, Volhynia), Besser, &c! Georgia, Pallas ! Transylvania, teste Schur. 11. H. nALMarIcCus, Baker.—H. pallens, Vis. Fl. Dalm. i. 150, non M. Bieb. Folia 2, carnoso-coriacea, glabra, lineari-lanceolata, vix lineato-nervosa, 2--3 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata, faleata. Scapus erec- tus, gracilis, 2-3-pollicaris. Racemus subdense 12-18-florus, ex- pansus | poll. longus, 6-7 lin. latus. Pedicelli erecto-patentes, in- fimi 3-1 lin. longi. Bractez subobsolete. Perianthium pallide ceruleum, 23 lin. longum, segmentis ovato-deltoideis erectis tubo demum ventricoso lj lin. erasso triplo brevioribus. Stamina supra medium tubi, subuniseriata, filamentis filiformibus antheris zequilongis. Capsula immatura globosa, 1 lin. longa, loculis biovulatis. Dal- matia in subalpinis, Petter, Exsic. 338! sub nomine Scille bifolie. Ad precedentem arcte affinis. 12. H. spicarus, Smith, Prodr. Fl. Grec. 237; Lindl. Bot. Reg. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEÆ. 429 t. 1869.—Bellevallia spicata, Boiss. Diagn. vii. 110.—Foxia spicata, Parl. Nuov. Gen. 18.—Strangeveia hyacinthoides, Bertol. Mem. Soc. Ital. t. 21.—Puschkinia? dubia, Kunth, Enum. iv. 338.—Folia 6-8, linearia, carnoso-herbacea, 3-6 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata, basi angu- stata, subtiliter ciliata. Scapi 1-3-pollicares. Flores 6-12, dense subspicati. Bracteæ medio affixz, lanceolate vel deltoidex, 1-13 lin. longe. Perianthium obscure ceruleum, 3-4 lin. longum, seg- mentis oblongis subacutis flore expanso faleatis tubum excedentibus. Stamina ex fauce, uniseriata, filamentis deltoideis petaloideis bifidis basi breviter connatis antheris sequantibus haud 3 lin. longis. Ca- psula globosa, parva. Semina in loculo 5-6. Grecia, Creta, Insule lonice. 13. H. SESSILIFLORUS, Viv. Fl. Libyc. 21, t. 7. fig. 5.—Bellevallia sessiliflora, Kunth, Enum. iv. 311.—Muscari sessiliflorum, Spreng. Syst. ii. 66.—H. nervosus, Bert. Mise. i. p. 2.— B. aleppica, Boiss. Diagn. ser. 2, iv. ll. Folia 2, basin scapi cingentia, coriacea, lanceo- lata, acuta, lineari-nervosa, 2-4 poll. longa, 3-5 lin. lata, margine mi- nute ciliata. Scapus flexuosus, 2-6-pollicaris. Flores 6-20, dense spicati. Spica 6-21 lin. longa, expansa 6-8 lin. lata. Bractez minu- tissimz. Perianthium pallide czruleum, 23-3 lin. longum. segmentis erecto-patentibus lanceolatis tubo ore 1 lin. crasso triplo brevioribus. Stamina ex fauce, uniseriata, filamentis complanatis, ut antheris, vix ultra 4 lin. longis. Loculi biovulati.— Libya, Viviani ; Egyptus, Oli- vier, teste Kunth ; Aleppo, Kotschy, Pl. Alep. Kurd. 15 (sub nom. Mus- cari ciliati) ! ad ripas fluv. Euphrate, prope Port W illiam, Chesney ! 14. H. riNEATUS, Steud. in Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 584. —Belle- vallia lineata, Kunth. Enum. iv. 309.—B. Heldreichii, Boiss. Diagn. ser. 2, iv. 111. Folia 2, raro 3, basin scapi cingentia, coriacea, lanceo- lata, acuta, faleata, lineato-nervosa, 3-4 poll. longa, 3-6 lin. lata, pri- mum minute ciliata. Scapi 2-4-pollicares. Racemus 6-12-florus, expansus | poll. longus, 6-8 lin. latus. Pedicelli infimi erecto-pa- tentes, 1-14 lin. longi. Bractes minutissime. Perianthium saturate violaceum, 13-2 lin. longum, segmentis deltoideis erectis tubo 1 lin. crasso demum ventricoso 3-4-plo brevioribus. Stamina ex fauce, * uniseriata, filamentis complanatis antheris subeequantibus. Loculi 2- ovulati.—Smyrna, Fleischer ( Unio Itin. 1827, sub nomine falso H. ci- liati)! 4dalia, Heldreich ! Cappadocia, Montbret! Taurus, Aucher Eloy, 2116! 15. H. nisprpus, Baker.— Bellevallia hispida, J. Gay, Bull. Soc. Bot. France, iii. 240, ex parte. Folia 2 vel 3, basin scapi 2-3 poll. arcte cingentia, parte libera lanceolata, 2-3 poll. longa, 3-7 lin. lata, coria- cea, acuta, lineato-nervosa, margine conspicue ciliata, facie utrinque glabra, deorsum dorso subtiliter purpureo maculata. Scapi firmi, LINN. PROC.—BOTANT, VOL. XI. 268 430 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEA. erecti, 6-12 poll. longi, interdum geminati. Perianthium pallide cæ- ruleum, 1- 13 lin. longum, segmentis tubo triplo brevioribus. Race- mus 10-20-florus, fructiferus 1-2 poll. longus, deorsum 1 poll. latus pedicellis erecto-patentibus, infimis 3-4 lin. longis. Capsula globosa, l lin. longa, obtuse trigona. Semina in loculo 1-2. Phrygia, prope Ouchak, Balansa! Var. 8. PLATYPHYLLUS, Gay, Herb. Pars libera foliorum ovata, 2 poll. longa, medio 9-12 lin. lata, venis distincte exsculptis utrinque costam circiter 10. Phrygia, ad montem Mourad-Dagh, Balansa! Planta Cilicica Balansana sub No.815 in Exsic.ejus, sub nomine Gayano Scille hispide divulgata, est species alia, in statu fructifero tantum nota, ex vestigiis perianthii obviis verisimiliter ad Scillam referenda. 16. H. FASTIGIATUS, Bert. Ann. Stor. Nat. iv. 62; Fl. Ital. iv. 157; Gren. et Godr. Fl. Franc. iii. 217.—H. Pouzolzii, Gay in Lois. Not. 15; Parl. Fl. Ital. ii. 484.—Scilla fastigiata, Viv. App. Cors. 1. Folia 2-3, carnoso-herbacea, filiformia, subteretia, 3—4 poll. longa, ! lin. lata, sæpe inferne bulbifera. Scapus flaccidus, 1-2-pollicaris. Racemus dense subcorymbosus, 3-6-florus. Pedicelli erecto-patentes, infimi 3-6 lin. longi. Bractez ovate, cuspidate, 2-3 lin. longe. Perianthium lilaeinum, 31-4 lin. longum, segmentis oblongo-lanceo- latis barbulatis tubo turbinato subzquantibus. Stamina e fauce, uni- seriata, filamentis deorsum complanatis antheris eequilongis. Loculi 2-3-ovulati. Corsica, Pouzols! Kralik 802! Requien ! Soleirol! &c. Habitu ad Scillam vernam arcte accedit. 17. H. micrantuus, Baker.— Bellevallia micrantha, Boiss. Diagn. v. 63. Folia 2, basin scapi longe cingentia, carnoso-herbacea, glabra, falcata, linearia, 2-23 poll. longa, 1-13 lin. lata, obtusa. Scapus gracilis, 2-3 poll.longus. Flores 6-12, dense spicati. Spica 3-6 lin. longa, 2-3 lin. lata. Perianthium pallidum, 1 lin. longum, late infundibuli- forme, segmentis deltoideis erectis tubo 4-plo brevioribus. Antherz e fauce tubi, uniseriatz, subsessiles. Asia Minor, Aucher Eloy, 2115! 18. H. nivauis, Baker.—Bellevallia nivalis, Boiss. et Kotschy, Diag. ser. 2, iv. 110. Folia 3-4, carnoso-coriacea, anguste linearia, 3-4 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata, margine glabra. Scapus 13-2-pollicaris. Racemus subdense 8-12-florus, expansus vix l poll. longus. Pedicelli brevissimi, infimi vix ultra 4 lin. longi. Bractez minutissime. Pe- rianthium pallide exruleum, 2} lin. longum, segmentis lanceolatis tubo triplo brevioribus. Stamina ex fauce, uniseriata, filamentis brevibus complanatis. Capsula globosa, 1 lin. longa, obtuse trigona. Syria prope Damascum, Kotschy, Iter Syriacum, 1855, No. 58! Cyprus, Kotschy, 411. 19. H. pycnantuvs, Baker.—Muscari pyenanthum, C. Koch, Linnea, MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE.E. 431 xxii. 253; Led. Fl. Ross. iv. 154. Folia 2-3, carnoso-herbacea, line- aria, 4-6 poll. longa, 4-6 lin. lata, utrinque angustata, margine glabra. Scapus gracilis, 4-6-polliearis. Racemus 8-12-florus, expansus 1 poll. longus, 6-8 lin. latus. Pedicelli cerulei, infimi 13 lin. longi, patentes vel cernui. Bracteze minute, lanceolate. Perianthium saturate. diutine ceruleum, 2 lin. longum, segmentis deltoideis erectis tubo 3-4-plo brevioribus. Stamina ex fauce, uniseriata, filamentis antheris zquilongis. Caucasus, C. Koch. Armenia, Calvert 1366 ! 20. H. romanus, Linn. Mant. 224; Wilid. Sp. ii. 169; Red. Lil. t. 334; Sibth. et Sm. Fl. Grec. 340.—Bellevallia romana, Reich. Fl. Germ. 105 ; Ic. t. 1002; Parl. Ital. ii. 486; Kunth, Enum. iv. 307.— Scilla romana, Gawl. Bot. Mag. t. 939.—Bellevallia appendiculata et operculata, Lap. Folia 4-5, erecto-patentia, viridia, glabra, carnoso- herbacea, 12-18 poll. longa, 4-6 lin. lata, e medio utrinque sensim angustata. Seapus 6-12-polliearis. Racemus 20-30-florus, expan- sus 2-3 poll. longus, 1-2 poll.latus. Pedicelli floriferi erecto-patentes, infimi 3-6 lin. longi. Bractez parvæ, deltoidee. Perianthium album vel pallide cæruleum, 4-44 lin. longum, segmentis lanceolatis subacutis tubo æquilongis. Stamina ex fauce, uniseriata, filamentis cọmplana- tis 1 lin. longis. Capsula globosa, 6 lin. longa et lata, obtuse trigona. Semina in loculo 1-2. E Barbaria et Gallia meridionali ad Cyprum, Greciam, et "Egyptum. 21. H. TRIFOLIATUS, Ten. Neap. iii. 376, t. 136.—Bellevallia trifoliata, Kunth, Enum. iv. 308; Gren. et Godr. Fl. France, iii. 217; Parl. Fl. Ital. ii. 499. —H. abortivus, Cavalier, Notes, 14, t. 1. fig. A. Folia 3, lorata, carnoso-herbacea, basin scapi cingentia, 13-2 pedes longa, 6-9 lin. lata, margine minutissime ciliata. Scapus pedalis vel ultra. Ra- cemus 10-30-florus, expansus 2-3 poll. longus, 16-18 lin. latus. Pedicelli floriferi infimi patentes vel cernui, 2-3 lin. longi. Bractex parve, deltoidez. Perianthium 6-7 lin. longum, tubo infundibuli- formi violaceo ore 13-2 lin. crasso, segmentis oblongis obtusis viri- dibus tubo 3-4-plo brevioribus. Stamina ex fauce, uniseriata, fila- mentis complanatis l lin. longis. Capsula late elliptica, utrinque sub- truncata. Semina in loculo 1-2. Gallia meridionalis, Italia, Rhodus, Algeria, Grecia, Cyprus. 22. H. AvcnEnr, Baker. Folia 3, basin scapi cingentia, carnoso-co- riacea, linearia, 6-8 poll. longa, 4-6 lin. lata, margine glabra. Scapus firmus, 3- 4-pollicaris. Racemus dense 20-25-florus, expansus 1i poll. longus, 14-15 lin. latus. Pedicelli infimi floriferi cernui, 23-3 lin. longi. Perianthium 6 lin. longum, segmentis ovato-lanceolatis sub- erectis tubo ore 2 lin. crasso duplo brevioribus. DBractez minute, deltoideæ. Stamina ex fauce, uniseriata, filamentis basi cuneatis an- theras paulo excedentibus. Persia, prope Ispahan, Aucher Eloy, 5396! 2602 432 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEE. 23. II. DENSIFLORUS, Baker.—Bellevallia densiflora, Boiss. Diagn. vii. 109. Folia 2-3, linearia, carnoso-herbacea, glabra, 5-6 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata. Scapus 3-4-pollicaris. Racemus dense 20-30-florus, expansus 15-18 lin. longus, 1 poll. latus. Pedicelli infimi floriferi 3-4 lin. longi. Bracteæ minute, deltoideze. Perianthium pallidum, 3-5 Jin. longum, segmentis lanceolatis tubo ore 1 lin. crasso triplo brevioribus. Stamina ex fauce, uniseriata, filamentis complanatis vix ultra 3 lin. longus. Syria orientalis, Aucher Eloy, 2121! 24. H. PARADOXUS, Fisch. et Meyer, Ind. Sem. i. 30 (ex descriptione brevi).—Muscari paradoxum et montanum, C. Koch, Linnea, xxii. 253; Led. Fl. Ross. iv. 153.— Bellevallia flexuosa, Boiss. Diagn. xiii. 36! Folia 3-4, basin scapi cingentia, carnoso-herbacea, lorata, 6-12 poll. longa, 3-6 lin. lata, margine primum minute ciliata. Scapus firmus, 3-12-polliearis. Racemus sublaxe 6-20-florus, expansus 1-3 poll. longus, 12-18 lin. latus. Pedicelli infimi patentes vel ascendentes 3-4 lin. longi. Bractez minute, deltoidez. Perianthium 4-44 lin. longum, obscure coloratum, segmentis ovato-lanceolatis erectis tubo ore 13 lin. crasso 2-3-plo brevioribus. Stamina ex fauce, uniseriata, filamentis antheris subzquilongis. Capsula subglobosa, 4-41 lin. longa, acute angulata. Semina in loculo solitaria in exemplis nostris. Syria, Blanche 94! Magdala, Lowne! Hierosolyma, Dr. Roth! Miss Osborne 178! Caucasus, C. Koch (an eadem? non vidi). Var. 8. conrertus, Baker, Scapi 2-3 poll: longi. Racemi densiores, floribus superioribus sessilibus, inferioribus pedicellis erecto-patentibus vix ultra 2 lin. longis instructis. In Palestina, prope Jericho, Lowne! 25. H. pusius, Guss. Cat. 1821, p. 32; Prodr. 424.—Bellevallia dubia, Reich. Eacurs. i. 105 ; Kunth, Enum. iv. 308 ; Parl. FI. Ital. ii. 488. B. Gussoneana, Griseb. Fl. Rumel. ii. 387.—B. Webbiana, Parl. Nuov. Gen. 19; Fl. Ital. ii. 489. Folia 3-5, anguste lorata, glaucescentia, carnoso-herbacea, glabra, 9-15 poll. longa, 3-6 lin. lata, e medio utrinque angustata. Scapus 9-15-pollicaris. Racemus laxe 12-30- florus, expansus 2-3 poll. longus, ] poll. latus. Pedicelli infimi flo- riferi patentes, 2-3 lin. longi, fructiferi erecto-patentes, 3-5 lin. longi. Bractez minute, deltoideæ. Perianthium ceruleum, 31-4 lin. longum, segmentis ovato-deltoideis tubo ore 13 lin. crasso triplo brevioribus. Stamina ex fauce, uniseriata, filamentis deorsum complanatis antheris zquantibus. Capsula obovoidea, 4 lin. longa, acute trigona, semini- bus in loculo 1-2. Italia, Webb! Sicilia, Parlatore! Huet de Pavil- lon ! Gussone! &e. Creta, Zuccarini ! Dalmatia. 26. H. ciLrATUS, Cyrill. Neap. ii. 22, t. 10; M. Bieb. Fl. Taur. Cauc. i. 284; Ten. Neap. iii. 376, t. 135.— Bellevallia ciliata, Nees, Gen. iv. t. 8. fig. 4, 5, 22; Kunth, Enum. iv. 308; Parl. Fl. Ital. ii. 491.— MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEJE. 433 Muscari ciliatum, Gawl. Bot. Reg. t. 394; Ledeb. Fl. Ross. iv. 153. —H. sarmanticus, Pallas, Nov. Act. Petr. x. 309. Folia 4-6, lorata, carnoso-herbacea, 8-15 poll. longa, 6-12 lin. lata, margine primum distincte ciliata. Seapus firmus, 6-12-pollicaris vel ultra. Racemus laxe 30-60-florus, floriferus 4-8 poll. longus. . Pedicelli floriferi flex- uosi, infimi 1-3 poll. longi, fructiferi stricti, horizontaliter patentes, infimi 3-4 poll. longi. Bractez minute, deltoidex. Perianthium lividum, 43-5 lin. longum, segmentis erectis ovato-lanceolatis tubo ore 13 lin. crasso triplo brevioribus. Stamina ex fauce, uniseriata, fi- lamentis basi euneatis 1 lin. longis. Capsula obovato-oblonga, 6 lin. longa. Semina in loculo 1-2. Ex Algeria, Bové ! et Italia ad Tau riam, Iberiam, Kurdistan, Chesney, 88 ! 106! Brant! et Beloochistan, Stocks ! 27. H. PALLASIANUS, Stev. Taur. 337.—H. amethystinus, Pallas, Iter, iii. 589, non Linneus.—H. patentissimus, Pallas, MSS. Folia 4-5, carnoso-herbacea, lorata, 6-9 poll. longa, 6-8 lin. lata, margine pri- mum ciliata. Scapus 6—9-pollicaris. Racemus laxe 20—40-florus, floriferus 2-4 poll. longus. Pedicelli floriferi flexuosi, infimi 6-24 lin. longi, fructiferi stricti, subpatentes, infimi 3-4 poll.longi. Peri- anthium 21-3 lin. longum, purpureo-lividum, segmentis deltoideis tubo ore 1 lin. erasso subduplo brevioribus. Stamina ex fauce, unise- riata, filamentis antheris subzequilongis. Capsula oblonga, 43-5 lin. longa, acute trigona. Semina in loculo 1-2. Odessa et Caucasus, Pallas ! 28. H. aLAvucus, Baker.—Muscari glaucum, Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1085; Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 1709.— Bellevallia glauca, Kunth, Enum. iv. 309.—M. Wilhelmsii, Stev. Taur. 336? Folia 5-6, carnoso-herbacea, glauca, lineari-lorata, 6-12 poll. longa, 4-8 lin. lata, margine haud ciliata. Scapus firmus, 6-12-polliearis. Racemus laxe 30 -50-florus, floriferus 3-4 poll. longus. Pedicelli floriferi flexuosi, infimi 6-18 lin. longi, fructiferi strieti, subpatentes, infimi 15-18 lin. longi. Bracteze minute, deltoidez. Perianthium 4 lin. longum, purpureo- viride, segmentis erectis ovato-lanceolatis tubo ore 13 lin. crasso 2-3- plo brevioribus. Stamina ex fauce, uniseriata, filamentis basi cuneatis antheris subzquilongis. Capsula ovoidea, 5-6 lin. longa, acute tri- gona. Semina in loculo 1-2. Persia australis, Kotschy 23! Af- ghanistan, Griffith, 5798 ! Beloochistan, Stocks ! 29. H. MAcRonornRvs, Baker.—Bellevallia macrobotrys, Boiss. Diagn. xiii. 35. Folia lorata, viridia, scapo elato subzquilonga, margine pri- mum minute serrulata. Racemus laxus fructiferus pedalis vel ultra. Pedicelli floriferi floribus equilongi, fructiferi eis triplo longiores, tunc Perianthium 3 lin. longum, cæruleum, demum brevioribus. Filamenta basi dila- Palestina, Boissier (non vidi). arcuato-patentes. lividum, segmentis tubo subtriplo tata, antheris rubello-ferrugineis. 434. Mm. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACE2. 23. RuApAMANTHUS, Salisb. Salisb. Gen. 37.—Hyacinthi, sp., Zinn. Perianthium. campanulatum, segmentis ovatis obtusis «qualibus erectis tubo subequantibus. Stamina ad medium tubi, subuni- seriata, inclusa, filamentis brevibus erectis deorsum complanatis, antheris lineari-oblongis adnatis superne foramine obcuneato dehiscentibus. Ovarium ovoideum, sessile, leviter trisuleatum, ovulis in loculis 9-10; stylus brevis, rectus ; stigma capitatum. Capsula membranacea, sessilis, ovoidea, loculicide trivalvis, se- minibus discoideis uniseriatis alatis 6-8 in loculo. Testa nigra. Herba bulbosa, floribus laxe racemosis, foliis subteretibus hyste- ranthiis carnoso-herbaceis. 1. R. coNvALLARIOIDES, Salisb. Gen. 37.—Hyacinthus convallarioides, Linn. Suppl. 204 ; Thunb. Fl. Cap. 326 ; Jacq. Schoen. t. 81 ; Kunth, Enum.iv. 305. Folia 9-10, 21-3 poll. longa, lineari-subulata, facie canaliculata. Scapus ante folia productus, 3-6 poll.longus. Raeemus 6-20-florus. Pedicelli 3-4 lin. longi. Bractez minutze, deltoidez. Perianthium 3-31 lin. longum, albidum, viridi-purpureo vittatum. Cap. B. Spei, Masson ! 24. PUSCHKINIA, Adams. Adams, Nov. Act. Petr. xiv. 164, t. B; Endl. Gen. 1185; Kunth, Enum. iv. 837; Salisb. Gen. 27.—Adamsia, Willd. Berl. Mag. it. 16. Perianthium rotatum, campanulato- vel infundibuliformi-gamo- phyllum, segmentis ligulatis tqualibus flore expanso horizon- taliter patentibus tubo longioribus. Corona membranacea, ad faucem tubi imposita, profunde 6-fida, dentibus emarginatis vel integris. Stamina intra prope basin coron: imposita, filamentis brevibus, antheris lineari-oblongis versatilibus. Ovariwm ses- sile, oblongum, obtuse trigonum, ovulis in loculo 5-6; stylus filiformis, brevis ; stigma capitatum. Capsula sessilis, membra- nacea, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus in loculo paucis, parvis, haud compressis. Testa nigra. Herbe parve bulbose foliis planiusculis geminatis synanthiis, Jloribus paucis laxe racemosis raro solitariis. Tubus eampaqulatus, segmentis 2-3-plo brevior. l. scilloides. Tubus infundibuliformis, segmentis paulo brevior. 2. hyacinthoides. MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACEZ. 435 l. P. sciLLoipEs, Adams, Nov. Acta Petrop. xix. 164; Bieb. Pl. Ross. ii. t.91; Bot. Mag. t. 2244. Kunth, Enum. iv. 338.—Adamsia scil- loides, Willd. Enum. Suppl. 16.—P. libanotica, Zucc. Kunth, Enum. iv. 680. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, lineari-lorata, basin scapi longe cingentia, scapo subzquantia, viridia, 3-6 lin. lata. Scapus gracilis, 6—9-pollicaris. Racemus 1-6-florus. Pedicelli erecto-patentes, infimi 3-4 lin. longi. Perianthium 5-6 lin. longum, albido-czruleum, seg- mentis obtusis 13 lin. latis, tubum campanulatum 2-3-plo excedenti- bus. Corona segmentis 3-4-plo brevior, dentibus integris vel emargi- natis. Caucasus, Klustine! Hohenacker ! Karabagh, Fischer! Szovitz! Armenia, Aucher Eloy, 5392! Kurdistan, Capt. Garden ! Libanus, Erdl! . P. BYACINTHOIDES, Baker. Folia 2, carnoso-herbacea, lineari- lorata, basin scapi longe cingentia, scapum excedentia, 3-4 lin. lata. Scapus gracilis, 3-4-pollicaris. Racemi conferti, secundi, 4—6-flori, pedicellis infimis 1-13 lin. longis. Perianthium album, 4 lin. longum, segmentis 1 lin. latis tubum infundibuliformem paulo excedentibus. Corona 1 lin. longa, dentibus truncatis emarginatis. Kurdistan, Oroo- mah, Capt. Garden ! to 25. CHIONODOXA, Boiss. Boiss. Diagn. v. 61; Jaub. et Spach, Ill. t. 443.—Hyacinthi sp. Auct. Perianthium rotatum, campanulato- vel infundibuliformi-gamo- phyllum, segmentis ligulatis equalibus flore expanso patentibus tubum 2—3-plo excedentibus. Stamina ad faucem tubi, unise- riata, filamentis cuneatis petaloideis, antheris linearibus bifidis versatilibus. Ovarium globosum, obtuse trigonum, ovulis in loculo pluribus ; stylus subnullus; stigma capitatum. Capsula sessilis, membranacea, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus in loculo paucis, parvis, haud compressis. Testa nigra. Herbe parve bulbose foliis planiusculis geminatis, floribus paucis lave racemosis vel sepe solitariis. Scapi uni- vel raro biflori. Filamenta equalia. Perianthium 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis tubum 2-3-plo exce- m du MEN QC RM ae l. nana. Perianthium 7-8 lin. longum, segmentis tubum paulo exce- nO c DC MATE Qu e ee ee ene 2. cretica. Filamenta alterna longiora et angustiora ...... 3. Lucilie. Beapi efor: oe. ios cee o REN INIM 1. C. nana, Boiss. et Held. in Boiss. Diagn. xiii. 24.—Hyacinthus nanus, Roem. et Schult. Syst. vii. 581; Kunth, Enum. iv. 304.— Puschkinia scilloides, Sieber, Crete, ii. 319, t. 7, non Adams. Folia 3-4 poll. longa, 1-1} lin. lata. Scapus filiformis, foliis subaquans, 436 MR. J. G. BAKER ON LILIACER. uniflorus. Perianthium 5-6 lin. longum, segmentis 1 lin. latis tubum 2-3.plo excedentibus. Filimenta ? lin. longa, deorsum + lin. lata. Creta, in regione subalpina, Von Heldreich ! 2. C. cnETICA, Boiss. et Held. in Boiss. Diagn. xii. 24; Jaub. et Spach, Ill. t. 433. Folia 6-9 vel demum 12 poll. longa, 3-6 lin. lata. Scapus gracilis, 6-10-pollicaris, uni- vel raro biflorus. Pe- rianthium 7-8 lin. longum, segmentis ligulato-spathulatis 13-2 lin. latis tubo infundibuliformi vix ultra 1 lin. crasso paulo longioribus. Filamenta | lin. longa, 3-} lin. lata. Creta in regione subalpina, Von Heldreich ! 3. C. LuciLrs, Boiss. Diagn. v. 61. Folia 3-4 poll. longa, 13-2 lin. lata. Scapus gracilis, foliis subzequans, uni- vel raro biflorus. Pe- rianthium 7-8 lin. longum, segmentis ligulato-spathulatis, 12-2 lin. latis, tubo 2-3-plo longioribus. Filamenta inzequalia, alterna 14 lin. longa et 3 lin. lata, et 1 lin. longa et 3 lin. lata. Asia Minor; Tmolus ad nives deliquescentes, Boissier ! 4. C. Fonnazsit, Baker. Folia 6-8 poll. longa, 2-3 lin. lata. Scapus gracilis, foliis subzquans uni- vel sepe laxe 2-4-flori. Pedicelli erecto-patentes, infimi 9-21 lin. longi. Perianthium 6 lin. longum, saturate czruleum, segmentis 11-12 lin. latis tubum turbinatum pal- lidum triplo excedentibus. Filamenta zqualia, oblongo-ligulata, 1 lin. longa. Lycia, Prof. E. Forbes 695 ! Var. 8. inaa, Baker. Perianthium albidum, vix ultra 4-5 lin. lon- gum. Pedicelli breviores, infimi 6-9 lin. longi. Creta, ad verticem montis Ide, Lieut. Spratt! 26. Opontostemum, Torrey. Torrey, Bot. Whipple, 94, t. 24. Perianthium tubuloso-gamophyllum, segmentis sequalibus lanceo- latis demum reflexis tubo subequantibus. Stamina fertilia 6, ex fauce tubi, uniseriata, filamentis brevibus basi connatis cum staminodiis 6 linearibus alternantibus, antheris oblongis ver- satilibus. Ovarium sessile, globosum, obtuse trigonum, ovulis in loculo geminatis, collateralibus ; stylus elongatus, filiformis ; stigma stipitatum. Capsula sessilis, globosa, loculicide trivalvis, seminibus in loculo 1-2. Herba bulbosa, caule divaricatim ramoso deorsum foliato, foliis graminoideis, ramis Jloriferis ra- cemosis. 1. O. Harrweeu, Torrey, loc. cit. ; Wood, Proe. Acad. Phil. 1867, p. 174. Folia anguste linearia, 6-9 poll. longa, 3-5 lin. lata, sub- coriacea, acuta, persistentia. Caulis 1i-2-pedalis. Racemi laxe 10-30-flori, 3-6 poll. longi, 10-12 lin. lati. Bractez lineares, in- feriores 2-3 lin. longz. Pedicelli stricti, erecto-patentes, 3-6 lin. longi. Perianthium albidum, 5-6 lin. longum. Stamina segmentis 6-8-plo breviora. California, Hartweg, 2008! Lobb 165! Whipple ! MR. DALZELL ON ALTHJEA LUDWIGII AND CYSTANCHE TUBULOSA. 437 Note on Althea Ludwigii and/Cystanche tubulosa. By N. A. DarZÉrrL, Esq. [Read November 4, 1869.] Haviye had occasion to spend a month or so in the district of Mahine, on the Konkun coast, which is between the 19th and 20th degrees of latitude, I there discovered two plants which, as far as I am aware, have not been seen by any botanist, either in this Presidency or in any other part of the peninsula of India. These plants are the Althea Ludwigii and the Cystanche tubulosa of R. Wight. Both plants were well known to me as natives of the banks of the Indus, where I gathered them in 1859. This discovery led me to conjecture as to the manner in which these plants had reached this tract of country. This tract, for thirty or forty miles north and south, is a tolerably level plain raised a few feet above the highest tides. It is covered by a layer of the finest silt, variable in depth, and resting immediately on trap-rock. In this silt not a stone or pebble is to be seen, and in the rainy season it has the consistency of soft soap. I did not observe the Althea growing on the natural surface of the ground, but only where the surface soil had been removed, while the Cystanche was found growing in soft mud within a few yards of the salt water, and, if I recollect right, the plant on which it grew parasitically was the Calotropis. The seeds of these two plants are minute, and might easily be carried along by currents to long distances; and reviewing all the circumstances, I could come to no other oh lacs than that the soil of this district, as well as the seeds, had been brought down by the flooded waters of the Indus, and deposited on the spot where they are now found. This conjecture is borne out by independent evidence of the rising of the coast, there being raised beaches of sand and shingle in many parts of this coast; and in one place the coast-road passes through a cutting in this shingle. In fact, there is evidence of a rising of the coast from the Gulf of Cambay down to Rutnaghery, canoes having been found twelve miles inland on the Kattyawar coast, and marine shells in the mud when cleaning out inland fresh-water ponds. A reference to a map of India will show that the flooded waters of the Indus would pass along the smooth coast of Kattyaw ar, and, J keeping the direction thus given to them, would impinge on the very spot where the plants mentioned have been found. 438 MR. C. B. CLARKE ON Some persons will perhaps not easily accept this explanation, and they will not unnaturally express a doubt as to seeds so ex- posed to salt water, and lying for it is impossible to say how long in the mud, retaining any vitality ; but I see no other way in which to account for the appearance of these plants on the Konkun coast. On the Commelynacew of Bengal. By C. B. Cani: M.A., F.L.S., Officiating Superintendent of the Botanie Garden, Caleutta. Communicated by Dr. Anerson, F.L.S. [Read February 17, 1870.] Tuz present paper is intended to describe all the species of the Order Commelynacem which grow within the politieal area ad- ministered by the Lieut.-Governor of Bengal. With the ex- ception of three species, all are known to me growing wild. I have had three dried collections to work with, viz. my own, the Caleutta Herbarium collection, and the private collection of Mr. Kurz, the Curator of the Herbarium, which contains many Java specimens authoritatively named by Dr. Hasskarl. I am also in- debted to Mr. Kurz for selecting ready to my hand the modern literature bearing on the subject. The books which I have been able to consult are :— l. Roxburgh's * Flora Indica, Carey's edition. 2. Roxburgh's original figures preserved in the Calcutta Her- barium. 3. Wight’s * Icones Plantarum,’ vol. vi. 4. Kunth's * Enumeratio Plantarum,’ vol. iv. 5. Hasskarl in * Plant; J unghuhniane,’ published 1852. 6. Miquel’s ‘ Flora Batavis, vol. iii. 7. Hasskarl on Forrestia, ‘ Regensburg Flora,’ no. 40, 1864. 8. Hasskarl, “ Genera Commelynacearum," ‘ Regensburg Flora,’ no. 14, 1866. 9. Dalzell in Hooker’s ‘ Journal of Botany,’ vol. iii. 10. Thwaites’s ‘Enumeratio Plantarum Zeylaniz.’ 11. Bentham’s ‘ Flora of Hongkong.’ The main object kept in view in this paper is, not the creation of the largest possible number of new and imperfectly known species, but to clear up the synonymy of, and give definite cha- racters for, the commou Bengal species. I have been very careful not to overload the specific descriptions ; and I have taken my dis- tinctions from the number of cells and manner of dehiscence of the THE COMMELYNACEX OF BENGAL. 439 capsules, and from the number, form, and sculpture of the seeds. I do not assume that these characters are absolute; but I am satisfied that they are far more trustworthy than those usually depended upon by authors; and, moreover, they can readily be worked on dried specimens, unless, as is too often the case, the fruiting specimens have, in order to make the leaves prettily flat, been dried under such pressure as to crush the capsules and scatter all the ripe seeds. As I enumerate only twenty-five species in all, I have not attempted to rearrange the genera of the order or to discuss questions of nomenclature, but I have reduced my materials on Kunth's *Enumeratio' as a standard. This work is still the most useful catalogue of the order; and I hope that by adopting the genera and names in it I shall facilitate reference. The allegations in the following paper are stated absolutely, for brevity only; and with each must be supplied the limitation, “in my opinion," and “ so far as I have at present seen.” Genera and Species described. CoMMELYNA. C. communis, C. salicifolia, C. Bengalensis, C. Kurzii (n. sp.), C. Rajmahlensis (n. sp.), C. obliqua, C. Simsoni (n. sp.), C. rugulosa (n. sp.). ANILEMA. A. scapiflorum, A. herbaceum, A. nanum, A. nudiflorum, A. ensifolium, A. vaginatum, A protensum. - Portia. P. indica, P. subumbellata (n. sp.). Dirnyrocarpus. D. paniculatus. CvawoTis. C. axillaris, C. cristata, C. barbata, C. nodiflora. SrREPTOLIRION. S. volubile. Forrestia. F. Hookeri, F. glabrata. Comme tyna, Kunth, Enum. Heterocarpus, Wight, incl. Stamina 3 perfecta (quorum unum dissimile), 3 vel 2 sterilia dif- formia. Ovula 5 vel 3,2. Pedunculi 2 (quorum unus haud raro rudimentarius vel obsoletus) ex spatha complicata aut cucullata orti eaque subinclusi. Capsula 5-1-sperma. Sect. I. Capsulz loculi 3, quorum unus clausus. a. Ovula 5. Semina (nisi casu) 5; in C. salicifolia 8, semen abortu unicum. b. Ovula 3. Semina (nisi casu) 3; in Heterocarpo semen abortu unicum. Sect. II. Capsula loculi 3 aut 2, omnes dehiscentes. Ovula et semina tot quot loculi. 440 MR. C. B. CLARKE ON On both the peduncles the innermost flower expands first; and the tendency of each successively expanding flower to be- come male is greater than in its predecessor. Also the ten- dency to become male is far greater in the first-expanding long- peduncled lower raceme than in the upper one. The innermost flower on the upper raceme is always perfect, and generally the next to it, sometimes more. But on the lower raceme the inner- most flower even is generally male; and this lower raceme is often rudimentary, sometimes obsolete; and these three cases all occur in one species. Moreover, when the long peduncle exists carrying (as nearly always) male flowers only, it falls off at its articulation before the other peduncle comes well into flower ; and thus has been increased the discrepancy in the description of plants so well known and well marked as C. bengalensis. In the stamens a great change (as in most orders) takes place at the moment of expansion: the anthers are often all yellow and sub- similar till that moment; but then the two outside stamens’ anthers turn blue, and the middle stamens’ anthers enlarge, be- come divaricate, and twisted at the base. I have united (vide C. obliqua below) the most viscid hairy plant of the genus with a particularly glabrous form. Having thus discarded several marks relied on for specific distinctions in this genus, I have taken up characters derived from the fruit. It has been objected to me, by the highest authority, that in the Commelyna communis bundle of the Kew Herbarium the capsules are as often 4—3-seeded as 5-seeded. I have examined such a very large number of individuals of this spe- cies here, that I confidently state that no such amount of variation in the fruit will be found in C. communis as it grows in Bengal ; and from the state in which the genus Commelyna usually exists in herbaria, I am not disposed to attach much weight to this objection. Systematic books usually attribute to the order Commelynacex an embryo opposite the hilum. The seeds in this order are gene- rally so essentially unsymmetrical that it is hard to say where the axis of the seed is; but in the seeds of C. obliqua and other species where the axis is definite, I find the embryo not directly opposite the hilum, but placed very obliquely. The sections I have taken for the Bengal Commelyne repre- sent the three arragements of the capsule. In Sect. I. a, the capsule is essentially unsymmetrical. Two THE COMMELYNACEX OF BENGAL. 441 of its cells contain each two superimposed seeds and dehisce ; the third cell contains one much larger and differently shaped seed, and is strictly indehiscent ; it finally withers on the seed so firmly that it can hardly be removed with a knife; it remains a long time on the peduncle; and I much suspect some of the species described as 1-seeded. The 1-seeded cell is placed lower down the axis than the other two. The two seeds in one of the dehiscent cells fit very closely one upon the other, and form together a shape mimicking that of the solitary seed. I think it not improbable that some of those who have found but three seeds in C. communis have had not well-ripe specimens, and have counted the two superimposed seeds as one, instead of satisfying themselves as to the number of the embryos. Pictures of this type of capsule will be found in Webb and Berthelot’s ‘Canary Isles, plates 238, 239, and in Wight's * Icones," t. 2065. figs. 7, 8. In Sect. I. b, the capsule is slightly unsymmetrical; two of the cells containing each one seed dehisce; the third cell is placed slightly lower, is somewhat gibbous, and is strictly inde- hiscent, withering firmly on the seed and remaining a long time on the peduncle. The three seeds are nearly equal and similar, and like the solitary seed in Sect. I. a. The capsule and seeds, at first sight, appear exactly as in Sect. I. a, the two super- imposed seeds sticking a little closer together than usual. In Sect. II. the capsule is symmetrical in all respects, contains one seed in each cell; and all the cells dehisce. The seeds are in shape like the large solitary seed in Sect. I. a. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. 442 MR. C. B. CLARKE ON DESCRIPTION OF THE WOODCUTS. Fig. 1. Horizontal section of capsule of C. obliqua. 2. a C. rugulosa. 3. » 5 C. communis. 4. Two small seeds from one of the dehiscent cells of C. salicifolia. 5. Large seed from the indehiscent cell of C. salicifolia. 6. Horizontal section of a seed of C. obliqua perpendicular to its axis and through the embryo. H the hilum. Sect. I. a. l. CoMMELYNA COMMUNIS, Kunth, l.c. p. 36.—C. esespitosa, Roxb. Flor. Ind. i. p. 174. Folia subglabra, oblonga, acuminata. Spathe complicate, cordatis, acutze, sparse. Semina 5, reticulata. Hab. in Bengalia ubique. Lower pedicel with one or sometimes two flowers, occasionally bearing no flower. Upper pedicel with from two to four flowers. The innermost flower on the upper pedicel has an ovary, all the others being generally male; and hence there is generally but one capsule to each spathe. The lower pedicel nearly always carries male flowers only; but rarely I have seen a capsule on the lower pedicel, and once two capsules. The C. communis of Roxb. is certainly (vide infra) the modern C. obliqua ; and I judge, from his figure (t. 1307, in the Caleutta Herbarium) of C. cespitosa, that Roxb. so named our C. communis, though it is strange that he should give Chittagong as the only locality for it. Bth., in‘ Hongkong Flora,’ p. 376, reduces C. cespi- tosa, Roxb., to C. salicifolia, witha query. It is not C. salicifolia; and it would be very remarkable if Roxburgh overlooked alto- gether so common a plant as C. communis. 2. CoMMELYNA SsALICIFOLIA, Kunth, l. c. p. 39; Roxb. Flor. Ind. i. p. 172; Roxb. t. 1020, in Calc. Herb. Folia subglabra, anguste oblonga. Spathz complicate, basi cordate, longe acuminate, precipue subterminales. Semina 5, levia. Hab. in Bengalia ubique. Lower pedicel with one or two male flowers. Upper pedicel with from 3 to 5 flowers; of the inner, two usually are perfect; hence generally there are two capsules in each spathe. This species has much larger flowers than C. communis ; when it gets among grass or bushes it becomes subscandent, and throws out little branched succulent stems, running 6 feet or more. Bth., in ‘Hongkong Flora,’ p. 376, and Thwaites, in THE COMMELYNACEE OF BENGAL. 443 ‘Ceylon Enumeration,’ p. 321, lay stress on the shape of the odd petal in this species in separating it from C. communis ; I believe the seeds are infallible. Dr. Hasskarl, in ‘ Plante Junghuhniane,’ p. 136, reduces this species to C. agraria. Apart from the decisive differences in the seeds, the whole aspect and habit of C. salicifolia is so remote from that of C. agraria that I do not think Dr. Hasskarl can ever have seen C. salicifolia. At the same place Dr. Hasskarl has done his best to involve C. communis also in inextricable confusion : he says, ‘C. communis differt folis elongato-acuminatis, supra scabrius- culis, pedunculo altero 2-3- (nee 3—4-) altero subuni- (nec 2-) floro, floribus omnibus hermaphroditis;" a description that does not apply to 1 per cent of the Bengal C. communis, and in which he appears to me to have almost perversely fixed on the most variable characters in the order, while omitting all reference to the capsule and seeds. *2. COMMELYNA SALICIFOLIA 8. MONOSPERMA. Semen unicum. Hab. in sylvis Mudhopoor prope Daccam. The seed perfected is one of the upper ovules in one of the 2-ovuled cells. In the ripe fruit the three cells and four aborted ovules are easily seen. The capsule is necessarily quite altered in shape from the ordinary C. salicifolia capsule ; and, moreover, in my specimens the innermost flower on the lower peduncle had an ovary which I have never seen in C. salicifolia, though it is very likely to occur. The flowers in my specimens were white, and the spathes had at the lower end on the inside long white hairs. I only found it, on one occasion, in a remote place, and ar- range it as a variety of C. salicifolia. It is an interesting variety as helping us to a due appreciation of the genus Heterocarpus of Wight. 3. COMMELYNA BENGALENSIS, Kunth, l. c. p. 50; Roxb. Flor. Ind. i. p. 171; Rozb.t. 1019, in Calc. Herb.; Wight, Icones, t. 2065. Folia pilosa, ovato-elliptica. Spathz cucullatz, turbinate, sparse. Se- mina 5 rugoso-punctata. Hab. in Bengalia ubique. Lower peduncle usually with one male flower; often the pe- duncle is rudimentary, sometimes entirely wanting. Upper pe- duncle very constantly with two perfect flowers, producing two capsules on each spathe. Out of eight (and three more dubious) species of Commelyna given by Miquel in ‘ Flora Batavie,’ iii. p. 531, only in this 414 MR. C. B. CLARKE ON species does he describe the capsule or seeds; and he states of C. bengalensis, * Capsula 3-locularis, loculo uno minore, omni- bus dispermis." I should very much like to see a specimen of C. bengalensis (or of any other species of Commelyna) which ex- ' hibits a 6-seeded capsule. C. celestis, cultivated at Darjeeling, has spread much from gardens at an altitude of from 7000 to 8000 feet, and looks as if it could maintain itself. Sect. I.b. 4. COMMELYNA KURZII, D. sp. Folia anguste lanceolata, cum spathis villosa-hirsuta. Spathz com- plicatæ (at breves subcucullatz), subterminales aggregate. Semina 3, leevia. Hab. in collibus Rajmahl ad 500 ped. alt. Several eapsules are commonly perfect on each spathe. 5. COMMELYNA RAJMAHLENSIS, n. sp. Subglabra. Folia oblonga. Spatliz complicate, sparse. Semina 3, leevia. Hab. in collibus Rajmahl ad 500 ped. alt. One capsule is commonly perfected on each spathe. This species, with the preceding, was discovered by Mr. Kurz in the Rajmahl Hills, and, from the character of the section viz. “ 8-seeded 3-celled capsules with one closed cell," can hardly be mistaken for any thing else. It is, however, quite possible that the present plant (C. Rajmahlensis) is what Dr. Wight has figured (Icones, t. 2067) as Heterocarpus glaber. It is not un- likely that two out of three ovules are sometimes aborted (as in my C. salicifolia B. monosperma), or that Dr. Wight may not have had perfect specimens. Sect. II. 6. CoMMELYNA OBLIQUA, Don.—C. polyspatha, Wight, Icones, t. 2066.—C. paleata, Hasskarl in Plante Junghuhniane, p. 139.— C. communis, Roxb. Flor. Ind. i. p. 171 ; Roxb. t. 1018, in Calc. Herb. Folia elliptico-lanceolata. Spathz cucullate turbinatze (at plus minus secundz et uno latere producto-acutz), subterminales aggregate. Semina 3 aut 2 levia. Var. æ. GENUINA. Semina 3. Spathz cum foliis subglabre. Var. B. visciDa. Semina 3. Spathe rubro-viscido-pilose. Imo tota planta viscosissima manibus hærens. THE COMMELYNACEX OF BENGAL. 445 Var. y. PALUDOSA, Hassk. Semina 2. Spathe cum foliis subglabre. Hab. æ in Bengalia ubique; £ in collibus Khasiyze ad 3000-5000 ped.elev., in jugo Himalayensi ad 4000-8000 ped. elev. ; y in Delta gangetica. Lower peduncle often suppressed. Upper peduncle with from 3 to 5 flowers, of which the two inner at least are fertile. Plant generally large, with leaves 4-6 inches long ; but I have met with very small specimens in the Himalaya at 5000 feet elevation. As to the synonymy, the figure of Wight shows the capsules and seeds, which he also describes, and there can be no doubt that his C. polyspatha is the a. genuina form of the old C. obliqua. Dr. Hasskarl's laboured description of his paleata is much of it wholly vain; but it contains a description of the capsule and seeds, which makes me feel sure of the plant, though the whiten- ing of the edges of the seeds does not, as might be inferred from Dr. Hasskarl's language, take place at the hilum. Moreover it appears from the ‘ Regensburg Flora, no. 14, 1866, that Dr. Hasskarl has since discovered the identity of his C. paleata with C. polyspatha of Wight, though he does not appear to have heard of the old C. obliqua. Finally, as to the synonymy. C. communis of Roxburgh :—one glance at his figure, t. 1018, in the Cale. Herbarium is sufficient ; the figure is characteristic and unmistakable ; and he gives sepa- rate detailed drawings of the capsules and seeds. He says (Flor. Ind. i. p. 171) that his C. communis has the leaves with “ delicate parallel veins running lengthways on the underside," also that "the spathes are terminal or subfascicled semicordate;" also that the next species, C. bengalensis, is “ much smaller" than his C. communis, can be no other than our C. obliqua. C. obliqua is an abundant weed in this Botanie Garden, and is known to this day among the native gardeners by the traditional name of C. communis. Next as to the varieties :— B. viscida. The common typical Khasiya form of this is exceed- ingly unlike my a. genuina; but I find from the specimens issued from Kew that it has been reduced as a variety of C. obliqua. From the Himalaya a completely graduated series of specimens varying in hairiness can be obtained ; and I believe that the hand which reduced it at Kew was an able and judicious one. y. paludosa. Vide Hassk., in * Plante Junghuhnianse, p. 137, Who says that the flowers are exactly those of C. paleata, that the ripe fruit is wanting, but that the immature fruit is 3-celled. I have authorized Java specimens in which the fruits (very nearly ripe) are all 2-celled. Dr. Hasskarl says that his C. paleata LINN. PROC.— BOTANY, VOL. XI. 2n 416 MR. C. B. CLARKE ON has the fruits 3-celled, but sometimes by abortion 2-celled. Thwaites in * Ceylon Enumeration, p. 322, has already given paludosa as a synonym of C. obliqua. I have in my own collection a specimen (and I have met with many other examples) on which nearly all the capsules are 2- celled, but a few are 3-celled. The question is very difficult ; and Dr. Hasskarl may be right in thinking that C. obliqua is always 3-ovulate; but that would be very difficult to prove. Finally, C. paludosa appears to me identical with C. obliqua, except in the number of the seeds: there are intermediate speci- mens varying in the number of seeds; and whether species or variety it grows pretty frequently in the southern portion of the Gangetie delta. 7. COMMELYNA SIMSONI, n. sp. Folia subglabra, lanceolata. Spathz cucullatæ, turbinatz, subtermi- nales, adgregate. Semina 2, lacunoso-punctata. Hab. in sylvis Mudhopoor prope Daccam. Lower pedicel quite rudimentary in all my numerous speci- mens; upper with from 3 to 8 (and even 16) flowers, of which several are perfect, and produce capsules. A large plant, exceedingly like C. obliqua y. paludosa ; it has white flowers, and all the expanded perfect stamens have yeliow anthers; but the only mark of value lies in the large shallow pits on the seeds. [Name given in honour of the present Commissioner of Dacea, an excellent naturalist. ] 8. COMMELYNA RUGULOSA, n. sp. Folia subglabra, lanceolata. Spathe complicate, cordate, breves, acute, sparse. Semina 2, grosse punctata, quasi rugosa. Hab. in sylvis Terai dictis prope basin Himalayze ad 1000 ped. alt. Lower pedicel obsolete. Spathes small, usually containing one large capsule. Peduncles with several long lanceolate bracts. This species has been collected also in Pegu by Mr. Kurz. ANILEMA, Kunth, Enum. Stamina 6, vel 5,4; quorum 8 aut 2 perfecta similia, cetera sterilia difformia. Pedunculi ramosi, ad dichotomas bracteati. Capsula regulariter trilocularis. Sect. I. Ovula 9 vel plura. Semina (nisi casu) 9 vel plura. Sect. II. Ovula 6. Semina (nisi casu) 6. Sect. III. Ovula 3. Semina (nisi casu) 3. This genus is generally easily distinguished from Commelyna by the inflorescence being subpaniculate, and the pedicels being THE COMMELYNACEE OF BENGAL. 447 entirely exserted from the bracts at the branching of the pa- nicle. But Mr. Kurz has lately collected in Birma a remark- able Anilema with two perfect stamens (and moniliform hairs on the filaments), in which the bracts are subcucullate and the pe- dicels subincluded therein. Perhaps the only absolute distinc- tion remaining between the two genera is that in Anilema the stamens are either two or, if three, then the middle one has not larger anthers than the others. However, the only Commelyna (known to me) that has a regular trilocular capsule, viz. Comm. obliqua, differs widely in its bracts and inflorescence from all the 3-seeded Anileme. In the 3-stamened species of Anilema there are often only three, sometimes only two, sterile difformed stamens ; but in larger Specimens of the same species sometimes four sterile stamens are seen. So in the 3-stamened species the sterile stamens are often two or three on the same panicle. The pains often taken in describing these sterile stamens seems to me ill-bestowed. The number of perfect stamens in each species is tolerably constant. Thus 4. herbaceum has generally three perfect sta- mens; but occasionally it has the middle one of these three smaller than the other two, and sometimes this middle stamen is altogether absent. So, in 4. protensum, the fertile stamens are normally three, but not infrequently two only. In specific distinction, stress is laid on “ filamenta barbata " as opposed to “ filamenta imberbia." These moniliform hairs often are very difficult to find in the bud, being developed greatly at the time of expansion of the flower. But, further, though they are generally characteristic of 4. herbaceum, I have found fully opened flowers of A. herbaceum without a trace of these hairs. So R. Brown assigns to A. vaginatum bearded filaments (as 1 have always seen them), whereas Wight found them beardless, though it is clear from his figure that he had got the true plant. On the whole, I find that (as in Commelyna) the ovules and seeds supply the most constant characters. Sect. I. l. ANILEMA SCAPIFLORUM, Wight, Icones, t. 2073.—Commelyna sca- piflora, Rozb. Flor. Ind. i. p. 175, & t. 1521, Calc. Herb.—Auilema tuberosum, Hamilt. in Wall. Cat. n. 5207.—Murdannia scapitlora, Royle, Illust. t. 95. Folia ensiformia, subglabra, omnia radicalia. Scapa radicalis ; panicula . robusta. Stamina 3 perfecta. Semina 15-21, angulata, dorso livia. Hab. in sylvis Mudhopoor ad Daccam. The root is more or less bulbous, whence Hamilton's name. 22 448 MR. C. B. CLARKE ON The scape is 12-18 inches high, and, as Roxb. states, “ leafless, invested at each of the remote joints with a small solitary sheath." The leaves Roxburgh states to appear after the flowering is completed; but they are often simultaneous at Daeea. The seeds are peculiarly columnar, and unlike those of all the other Bengal Anilemas by the absence of punctulation or reticu- lation. A. Lourerii, Hance, in Seeman’s ‘ Journal of Botany,’ 1868, p. 250, is different, not merely by the stamens, but by the seeds. The plant distributed from Kew as A. scapiflorum is referred, in this paper, to A. herbaceum; it is, at all events, quite unlike the true A. scapiflorum ; and the Ceylon plant in Thwaites’s * Enu- meration,' p. 322, is therefore not A. scapiflorum, Wight. 2. ANILEMA HERBACEUM, Kunth, l. c. p. 66.—Commelyna herbacea, Roxb. Flor. Ind. i. p. 175, & t. 1770 in Calc. Herb.— Anilema lineo- latum, Hasskarl in Plant. Junghuhn. p. 146.— A. elatum, Dalzell in Hook. Journ. Botany, iii. p. 137.—A. latifolium, Wight, Icones, t. 2072. Suberectum, robustum. Panicula subterminalis. Stamina 3 (rarissime 2) perfecta. Semina 9-15 (ad 21 ex Rxb.), punctata, subrugosa. a. GENUINA. Folia subglabra, fere semper utrinque angustata, sspe albo-marginata. Panicula elongata, ramis robustis. Capsule magne, margaritaceo-chartaceze. (Huc synon. citata referunt.) B. DIVERGENS (scAPIFLORUM, Hk. & Th.). Folia lineari-lanceolata, basi vix angustata, plus minus pubescentia. Panicula quam in a multo tenuior, szepe depressa subcorymbosa. Capsule minores, vix margaritacez. y. viscipa. Folia lanceolata, utrinque angustata, pubescentia. Ochrez vix ulle. Panicula viscida, pedicellis ceraceo-albis. Hab. in montibus commune, Himalaya ad 500-8000 ped. alt. ; Khasiya ad 500-5000 ped. alt.; 8 in collibus Khasiya ad 5000-6000 ped. alt. ; y ad radices collium Khasiya. The typical plant, a. genuina, has the stems somewhat thickened at the joinings; it is a well-marked plant, and I feel pretty sure of the synonym adduced of Dalzell from his description only . Of A. lineolatum, Hasskarl, I have seen authorized Java speci" mens, and there can be no mistake. : p. divergens is the plant distributed by Hook. & Th. for A. scapi- florum, Wight, to which it bears no resemblance; but I think it 18 very probably a good species. I have placed it as a variety, from my inability to seize on tangible distinctions. The leaves in a are not always definitely narrowed at the base. The bracteolæ at the base of the pedicels in f are often linear; but they vary, and are sometimes as short ovate as in a. THE COMMELYNACE OF BENGAL. 449 y. viscida I only met with once, in a shady ravine; but Dr. Hooker tells me he has met with exactly the same plant in the Khasiya Hills. I suspect it is but a variety due to local in- fluences. 3. ANILEMA NANUM, Kunth, l.c. p. 65; Wight, Icones, t. 2077.— Commelyna nana, Rozb. Flor. Ind. i. p. 173, & t. 1107 in Calc. Herb. Repens, ramosum. Folia oblonga, basi haud angustata, subglabra. Pa- nicule terminales. Stamina 3 perfecta. Semina 9-18, punctata. Hab. in Bengalia ubique. A. paniculata, Wight, * Icones, t. 2075, is a good picture of a very common form of A. nanum ; and his A. pauciflorum, * Icones, t. 2077, though specially stated to be very distinct, would be named nanum by me. A. canaliculatum, Dalzell, in Hook. ‘ Journal Botany,’ iii. t. 137, appears to me a very accurate description of 4. nanum. Sect. II. 4. ANILEMA NUDIFLORUM, Kunth, l.c. p. 66.— Commelyna nudiflora, Rozb. Flor. Ind. i. p. 173, & t. 1108 in Calc. Herb. Repens, ramis erectis. Folia lineari-lanceolata, subglabra. Paniculz terminales. Capsule chartacee, brunnez, approximate. Stamina 2 perfecta. Semina 6, punctata. Hab. in Bengalia ubique. This common species varies from 3 to 18 inches in height, some of the hill large specimens being very near 4. ensifolium. Nevertheless several species have been intercalated between the two by Hasskarl and others. In the whole of the laboured de- scriptions of A. foliosum, A. radicans, and A. diversifolium, by Hasskarlin ‘Plante Junghuhn. pp. 142, 144, there is nothing to show that they are other than the forms classed here as va- rieties of A. nudiflorum. A. terminale, Wight, * Icones,' t. 2076, is another plant which I should refer to A. nudiflorum (assuming the picture 5, giving a horizontal section of the capsule, to be wrong). 5. ANILEMA ENsIFOLIUM, Wight, Icones, t. 2074.—A. loriforme, Hasskarl in Plante Junghuhn. p. 143, ex descript. Erectum, robustum. Folia linearia, subglabra. Panicule terminales. Capsule plumbeo-lucidz, remote. Stamina 2 perfecta. Semina 6, punetata. Hab. in collibus Khasiya ad 3000-5000 ped. alt. The capsules and seeds are larger those of .4. nudiflorum. The lower flowers on the branches of the panicle are usually barren; in fruit the branches are thickened, recurved, clothed 450 MR. C. B. CLARKE ON below with the imbricated empty bracts of the barren flowers, and terminated each by one or two capsules. Nevertheless the hill varieties (mihi) of A. nudiflorum are so very close that I can only separate them by the capsule, which, in this species, becomes finally of a slaty lustrous appearance. A. secundum, Wight, * Icones, t. 2075, is one of the forms which come in between this species and the large A. nudiflorum; Wight does not mention the lustre of the capsules ; but from the figure I guess it to belong to A. ensifolium. So Thwaites considers it, ‘Ceylon Enumeratio,’ p. 322. Sect. III. 6. ANILEMA VAGINATUM, Kunth, l. c. p. 67 ; Wight, Icones, t. 2076. —A pauciflorum, Dalzell in Hook. Journ. Bot. iii. p. 136. Suberectum, filiforme. Folia linearia, subglabra. Panicule terminales lateralesque depauperatz, 1-5-florz, basi vagina subcylindrica invo- lucrate. Stamina 2 perfecta. Semina 3, rugulosa, punctata. Hab. in oryzetis Bengaliz orientalis. Sometimes 18 inches high, more commonly 6 to 9 inches, and the panicle reduced to a solitary capsule. Dalzell states that his A. pauciflorum only differs from vaginatum k in having three seeds. But A. vaginatum always has three seeds.+ 7. ANILEMA PROTENSUM, Wall. Cat. n. 5218.—Dietyospermum pro- M - Jv tensum, Wight, Icones, t. 2071. Suberectum, ramosum, viscosum. Folial anceolata, subglabra. Paniculie terminales, subumbellate. Capsule viscoso-pilosz. Stamina 3 per- fecta. Semina 3, rugosa, punctata. Hab. in montibus commune; Himalaya, ad 3000-8000 ped. alt. ; Khasiya, ad 3000-5000 ped. alt. Porra, Kunth. Aclisia et Lamprocarpus, incl. Semina 6, quorum 8-6 fertilia. Capsula plumbeo-cerulescens, trilocularis, vix dehiscens, irregulariter rumpens. Semina 6-10 in quoque loculo, subbiseriata. Panicula terminalis. The fruit, when fresh, is a brilliant blue, and at a distance ap- pears a berry; on closer examination it is found that there is no pulp, but that the texture is chartaceous; the capsule is ovate- globose, and is marked longitudinally with the three lines along which it imperfectly dehisces. The genus Lampocarpus, Bl., is therefore bad; and, indeed, the*single species on which it is founded, L. thyrsiflorus, seems to me very doubtful, it is exactly like the common Pollia indica, but has the panicle closer; the denseness, however, of the panicle in Pollia seems very variable. THE COMMELYNACEJE OF BENGAL. 451 The genus Aclisia has already been reduced to Pollia by Bth., in ‘Flora Hongkong,’ p. 877; and the single species on which it was founded is, I believe, a mere variety of the common Pollia indica. The genus is reestablished by Hasskarl, in * Regensburg Flora,’ no. 14, 1866, though he gives no fresh characters to sepa- rate it; that residing in the number of the fertile stamens has been considered unsatisfactory by Bentham, and has been already discarded by Dr. Hasskarl in ‘ Plante Junghuhn.’ p. 148. l. PoLLIA INDICA, Thwaites, Ceylon Enum. p. 323.—P. japonica, Kunth, Enum. i. p. 75.—P. sorrogonensis, Bth. Flor. Hongkong, p. 377.—P. aclisia, Hasskarl in Plant. Junghuhn. p. 148.—Aclisia indica, Wight, Icones, t. 2068.—A. sorogonensis, Kunth, l. c. p. 74 (verisimiliter P. elegans, Hasskarl inPlant. Junghuhn. p. 149; Lam- procarpus thyrsiflorus, Kunth, l. c. p. 76). Folia lanceolata basi, in ochream angustata. Panicula exserta, pilosa, elongata, ramis rigidis rectis. a. Aclisia, sp. no. l. Stamina 3 perfecta. B. Aclisia, sp. no. 2. Stamina 4-6 perfecta. Hab. a & 8 in montibus communis ; Himalaya, ad 500-4000 ped. alt. ; Khasiya, ad 500-4000 ped. alt. The number of stamens in fj varies from 4 to 6 in the same panicle; but it is very remarkable that, in the large number of 3-stamened specimens which I have examined, I have never found the perfect stamens variable. Except in this particular, even Hasskarl admits a & () to be identical. I have no authorized specimen of Pollia (Anilema) didyma, said to grow in the Khasiya hills; but if it only differs from P. indica in the particulars mentioned by Benth. ‘ Flor. Hongkong,’ p. 878, it is not likely that I shall ever discover it. The degree to which the leaves of P. indica are narrowed at the base, is suf- ficiently variable. 2. PoLLIA SUBUMBELLATA, n. sp. Aclisia, sp. no. 3. Folia obovata, lanceolata. Panicula subglabra, haud exserta, depressa, subumbellata, ramis cernuis. Hab. in convallibus montium frequens; Himalaya, Khasiya, ad 1500 ped. alt. ad 1000 ped. alt. ; DITHYROCARPUS, Kunth, Enum. Stamina 6 perfecta. Panicula terminalis. Capsula bilocularis. Semina 2. l. DITHYROCARPUS PANICULATUS, Kunth, l. c. p. 79.— Floscopa pa- niculata, Bth. in Flora Hongkong, p. 377, cum syn. Indicis. Folia lanceolata, plus minus pilosa. Panieula plus minus rufescens, 452 MR. C, B. CLARKE ON , pilosa. Semina “ incano-cerulea, altero latere circa hilum radiatim sulcata, altero latere longitudinaliter plicato-sulcata "" (Hassk. bene). Hab. in montibus ad 500-7000 ped. alt., etiàmque planitie Bengaliz orientalis. Cranotis, Kunth, Enum. Stamina 6 perfecta. Flores in axillis foliorum congesti aut in scorpioideis racemulis intra bracteas geminatas nidulantes. Co- rolla monopetala. Capsula trilocularis. Semina 6. l. CYANOTIS AXILLARIS, Kunth, l. c. p. 105; Bth. in Flora Hong- kong, p. 378.—Tradescantia axillaris, Roxb. Flor. Ind. ii. p. 118, and Coromandel Plants, t. 107. : Folia linearia. Flores in axillis foliorum, 1—6, subsessiles, czrulei, albi aut purpurei. Semina rugoso-punctata. Hab. iu Bengalia ubique. 2. CYANOTIS CRISTATA, Kunth, l. c. p. 102; Wight, Icones, t. 2082. —Tradescantia imbricata, Roxb. Flor. Ind. ii. p. 120, and t. 1130 in Calc. Herb. Folia ovato-lanceolata. Racemuli scorpioidei, distantes, parum pilosi. Semina longitudinaliter striatula, in facie interiore quatuor magnis punctis notata. Hab. in Bengalia ubique. This species is well separated from all the neighbouring ones by the peculiar markings of the seeds. 3. CYANOTIS BARBATA, Kunth, l. c. p. 104. : Folia lineari-lanceolata. Racemuli scorpioidei, distantes, plus minus lanato-villosi. Semina rugoso-punctata. Hab. in montibus communis; Himalaya, ad 500-8000 ped. alt.; Kha- siya, ad 500-6000 ped. alt. There are several described plants very near this species, to which I have given the name found in the Calc. Herb., and which is also the name issued from Kew. But I question whether a large reduction of species ought not to be made here. C. barbata only differs from C. fasciculata (Bth., * Flora Hong- kong, p. 378) in that it has less woolly hairs on the involucral bracts. Hence, according to Thwaites, Enumeration of Ceylon Plants, p. 323, C. barbata ought to be a synonym of C. lanceolata, Wight, Icones, t. 2085. But, on turning to this figure, I find that C. lanceolata, Wight, is a species with axillary inflorescence, and so also prove the specimens of C. lanceolata in this herbarium (Bot. Gard. Caleutta). I suspect that C. barbata and C. fasciculata should be made varieties of one plant, and that then a long string of Wight’s species should be reduced— probably C. Lawiana and C. rosea, THE COMMELYNACEJE OF BENGAL. 408 Wight, t. 2086, C. sarmentosa and C. dichrotricha, Wight, t. 2087, and C. decumbens, Wight, t. 2088. The colour of the flowers in Cyanotis varies from blue to purple on the same plant, and the colour of the hairs on the filaments is eminently variable. 4. CYANOTIS NODIFLORA, Kunth, l. c. p. 136. Folia lineari-lanceolata. Racemuli scorpioidei, ad nodos dense congesti. Semina rugoso-punctata. Hab. in Assam; in collibus Khasiya, ad 500-4000 ped. alt. This plant has been issued from Kew as Cyanotis, sp. 17, and is no. 58 ex Herb. Hook. f. & Th. It has also frequently been collected in Assam. It agrees closely with a specimen of C. no- diflora from South Africa. It varies -considerably in hairiness. Finally, I still doubt whether it should not be made, with C. barbata, a variety of C. fasciculata. STREPTOLIRION, Édgew. Volubile. Stamina 6 perfecta. Panicule quasi terminales, ad basin cordato-ovatis bracteis suffulte. Capsula trilocularis. Semina 6. l. STREPTOLIRION VOLUBILE, Edgew. ; Wight, Icones, t. 2081. Folia longe petiolata, cordato-ovata, acuminata. Bractez ad basin pe- dicellorum corolloideo-albidz. Petala lineari-oblonga. Hab. in jugo Himalayensi, ad 4000-9000 ped. alt. Forrestia, Kunth, emend. Stamina 6 perfecta. Capsula trilocularis, trivalvis, subirregularis. Semina 2-6. Panicula dense conferta, vaginam suam integram perforans. : Cf. Hasskarl in ‘Regensburg Flora,’ no. 40, 1864. From a suggestive remark made to me in a letter by Dr. Hooker, I took an opportunity of carefully examining about 200 capsules and seeds of Forrestia Hookeri, when I lighted on it growing in quantity. I found nearly 75 per cent. of these cap- sules to contain five seeds; and they were constructed and ar- ranged in all respects exactly as in the Sect. I. a of Commelyna, in this paper, almost the only difference being that the capsule, though irregular, was 3-valved. About 4 per cent. of the cap- sules were 6-seeded ; and the remainder were 4-seeded and 3- seeded. But there was hardly a case of an aborted ovule in the whole 200 capsules. When the number of seeds was four, there were two loculi with one large seed in each, and one loculus with two superimposed small seeds in it, the small seeds differing from the large in shape and in the position of the embryo, exactly as 454 LETTER FROM DR. H. F. HANCE. in sect. I. a of Commelyna. The genus Forrestia, instead of being regarded as an outlying or questionable member of the order, thus comes exceedingly close to Commelyna itself. l. FonRESTIA HOOKERI, Hassk. l. c. Folia subtus glabrata, margine villoso-ciliata. Capsula trigona acutis- sima, ad apicem glabra, quam sepala demum multo longior. Hab. in convallibus montium frequens ad 500-3000 ped. alt.; Khasiya ; Sikkim ; Assam. 2. FoRRESTIA GLABRATA, Hassk. l. c. Folia subtus glabrata. Capsula ovoidea, ad apicem pilosa, quam sepala 2d apicem hirta demum multo brevior. Hab. in convallibus montium frequens ad 500-3000 ped. alt. ; Khasiya; Sikkim; Assam. | Flagellaria is plentiful in East Bengal. F. indica and F. an- gustifolia are, I believe, one plant.] Species recognoscende. — There are in the Cale. Herb. Wal- liehian specimens of a plant (the number unfortunately lost) which will form a new genus near Anilema equinoctiale, Willd. The habit and panicle are those of Anilema herbaceum; but the capsules are 2-celled, with three seeds in each cell, flattened, elongate, and broader upwards, ending in two prominent angles. Tradescantia tuberosa, Roxb. (Flor. Ind. iii. p. 119, & t. 108 in Coromandel Plants), is a species of Cyanotis, near C. barbata, Don, unknown to me. I have never visited the Mahanuddee country, whence it is probable Roxburgh obtained it. Extract of a Letter from H. F. HACK Ph.D., to Dr. HOOKER, V.EALS. [Read February 17, 1870.] * Whampoa, October 14, 1869. “Last week I spent a day on the White Cloud (Pakwan) Hills, outside Canton ; and, besides getting a lot of duplicates for distribution, found two good novelties—a very distinct new Archangelica or Angelica (I have not yet had time to make a very careful examination, but am almost sure the former), and a splendid new Pygeum, 70 feet high, with very glossy leaves and acute fruit. Islept at the Upper Monastery, and had a good scramble after plants. Simplocus lancifolia, S. & Z., was in flower ; Castanopsis chinensis in young fruit ; and I found, for the first time on my way out, Carpesium abrotanoides, a plant I had for years hunted for in vain. Here, as in Japan, it is ruderal. Eriocaulon heteranthum, E. truncatum, E.Wallichianum, E. australe, and Æ. echinulatum were all plentiful in flower, with Jsolobus radi- LETTER FROM DR. H. F. HANCE. 455 cans, and many Graminee. I have also got good fruiting speci- mens of my Rhamnus. oreigenes, confirming my surmise that it belongs to the section Frangula. How wonderfully little has been done for the investigation of this flora (or, rather, had been, up to the appearance of the ‘Flora Hongkongensis’), is convincingly shown by the fact that the hills here, on Dane’s Island, where I now write, are quite covered, towards the summit, with Apocopis Wightii, Munro, Aristida chinensis, Munro, and Eriachne chinensis, mihi,—all three grasses only described within the last few years. The latter is the “ Aira seminibus hirsutis, aristis terminalibus flore longioribus " of Osbeck’s Travels, who gathered it here; and I find, from a note of Munro's in the ‘Linnean Journal,’ that he had named it in MS. E. Hookeri, you having found the same species in Chittagong. Yet, not. withstanding, this place has been for more than a century the anchorage of ships trading to Canton; and, in the E. I. Co.'s time, their vessels carried surgeons, some of whom must surely have had a predilection for botany. Again, the temple where I slept is only six miles outside the walls of Canton, and is often visited by pie-nie parties; and yet, though the small wood sur- rounding it has plenty of Quercus fissa, Champ., some Casta- nopsis chinensis, mihi, and two trees of Liquidamber formosana, mihi, about 80 feet high, none of these species were known a few years ago; and the Pygeum I spoke of at the commencement, together with my P. pheostictum, are to this day undescribed. Botanists, indeed, have every reason to be grateful to the founders of these monasteries; for it is around them alone that are found the remnants of the arboreous and frutescent vegetation of China, and of such portions of the herbaceous flora as demand shade and shelter as necessary conditions of existence. Meyen, in his * Pflanzengeographie, expressed his opinion that the hills here were originally thickly clothed to their bases with Pinus; and I suspect the real state of the case to be, that this tree occurred thickly towards the bases and along the lower slopes, scattered and isolated on the exposed flanks, whilst the inner converging slopes, running down ravines and sheltered from the violence of the winds, were occupied by mized dense woods. At present the search for wood is so active, and every little shrub is so cut up, that the denuded hillsides give no juster idea of the original flora of China than a burnt moor would of our home vegetation. But I speak only of South China (which alone I know), and from direct personal observation. 456 DR. G. DICKIE ON SOME ALGX FOUND IN Notes on some Algæ found in the North-Atlantie Ocean. By G. Dicxié, M.D., F.L.S. [Read April 7, 1870.] (With a Woodcut). I am indebted to Captain Thomas Mitchell, commander of an Australian trader belonging to Aberdeen, for the materials which form the subject of this communication. The specimens were preserved in weak spirit; and along with them I received the following notes, which deserve to be re- corded. * The contents of the bottle were collected in the North At- lantic on the 24th of November, 1867. At 11 a.m. on that day and till 3 P.M., over a distance of fourteen miles, the ocean was closely studded with the green substance. I never saw weed of any description in this part of the world before, although I have passed through nearly the same place more than thirty times. The position of the ship at noon was lat. 12° 0’ N., long. 21? 40' W., the true bearings and distances of the following points of nearest land were:—Porto Prayo, Island of St. Jago, Cape-Verds, N.W. by N. 3 N., 112 miles; Cape Verd, Africa, N.E. by E., 288 miles; mouth of River Gambia, E. by N. 4 N., 290 miles ; mouth of the River Jeba, inside the Bijouga Islands, 340 miles. * I watched carefully during the time we were passing through this strange substance, and found that the breadth from N. to 8. was more than twelve miles; it extended from E. to W. as far as the eye could distinguish. There were strong tide rips, during the time, from S.E. to N.W., following each other at the distance of half a mile. ^ Considering our position, I concluded that the substance must have come from some part of the American continent or the West Indies within the influence of the Gulf-stream. It had probably been washed from some river or estuary by a flood, and subsequently carried by the southern branch of the Gulf-stream south of the Canary Islands, and then further southward by the African current to the place where it was found, probably passing between the Cape-Verds and the mainland. I came to this con- clusion from the fact that currents along the west coast of Africa continually sweep round in the direction of the coast-line ; at 300 miles from the mouth of any river on that coast, even in the event of a flood, the drifts could not have been so far seaward "*. * It may be worthy of notice, in reference to this, that the destructive hurri- cané in the West Indies occurred about the end of October. THE NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN. 457 The substance thus picked up by Captain Mitchell was in ex- cellent condition, and, besides three Algæ, contained :—numerous fragments, more or less decayed, of wood both exogenous and en- dogenous ; seedling plants several inches long, all with a pair of cotyledons, roots, and terminal bud, quite fresh ; small fruits par- tially decayed, evidently 1-seeded legumes; intermixed were vari- ous microscopical Crustacea, and a common oceanic insect, one of the Hydrodromidx, genus Halobates; on some of the pieces of drift wood were numerous elliptical ova of a deep orange-colour, mixed with which was growing the smallest of the three Alge now to be described. The largest and most abundant of the Algæ might be compared to pale green fleece; it evidently belongs to the family Ulvaceæ, different from any one known to me or described in any work to which I have access. It is a near ally to the plant described and figured in the ‘ Phycologia Britannica’ under the name Enteromorpha Ralfsii, authentic specimens of which I possess. The tubular frond is the main character of the genus Entero- morpha, hence the name; neverthess there are in the British list two usually included in that genus, although they are not tubular, viz. E. percursa and E. Ralfsii, the former having a flat frond, the latter being cylindrical. Areschoug, in his * Phycew Scandinavicw Marine,’ 1850, placed E. percursa in a new genus, Tetranema, characterized by a qua- drangular frond, composed of four series of cells—a character, however, chiefly in the young plant, there being more than four in maturer age; this same plant has been placed by Kutzing in Schizogonium. For the reason stated above, I consider that E. Ralfsii ought to be separated from Enteromorpha, and placed along with the new species in a genus which I propose to call Kallonema. Genus KALLONEMA. Character.—Fronds filamentous, simple or branched, solid and round, of four series of cells. 1. K. Rarrsir, Harv. “Frond capillary, simple, or having few short spine-like ramuli ”? (Phycologia Britannica, pl. 282). Loc. Sea-shore, Bangor, North Wales, Mr. Ralfs. Found also at Cher- bourg by M. Le Jolis. 2. K. PELLUCIDUM, n. sp. Frond simple, subclavate upwards, root- ing below. 458 - DR. G. DICKIE ON SOME ALGZ FOUND IN Loc. Floating in masses, Atlantic Ocean, lat. 12? N., long. 21? 40' W., Captain Thomas Mitchell. The general colour is pale green; under the microscope the filaments are remarkably hyaline, the endochrome consisting of a few spherical granules grouped together in the centre of each cell ; diameter of filaments about ‘001 (a thousandth) of an English inch. The specimens were for the most part so matted and entangled, that in only a few instances could their form and length be seen ; four short truncated rootlets, each of one row of cells, were ob- served at the base, the other extremity dilated and obtuse ; length 1 to 3 inches. Fig. | shows the general form of the entire plant; fig. 2, general ap- pearance under the microscope; fig. 3, transverse section, to show the number of cells. With respect to the true original habitat, I agree with Capt. Mitchell in the belief that the plant came in masses from some estuary, and the locality where it was found was merely accidental. The other two plants associated with it belong, one to the genus Spermosira, family Nostochines, the other to Schizo- siphon, family Rivulariacee. The former was free and mixed with the Kallonema; the latter was found in small quantity ad- hering to fragments of drift wood. SPERMOSIRA ATLANTICA, n. sp. Spores subquadrate, single; vege- tative cells mostly in pairs, plano-convex ; persistent cells single, elliptical. Loc. With Kallonema. Usually eight pairs of vegetative cells and a solitary persistent cell intervene between each spore. The sheath is very trans- lucent, but always sufficiently obvious under the microscope. The filaments have a diameter of ‘0004 of an English inch, and therefore less than half that of Kallonema. In the most recent authority known to me, viz. Rabenhorst’s ‘Flora Europea Algarum,’ which usually contains notes on extra- European species, there are four, described under two sections: the first includes those which have several spores in a series and usually no sheath, viz. S. turicensis, S. Vriesiana, and S. litorea; one form of the latter, however, has a sheath ; under the second section, where the spores are single or rarely binary, there is one species, viz. S. spwmigera, the spores of which are globose ; the species now described is an addition to the second section, and distinguished by the form of the spores. THE NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN. 459 Fig. 4 shows part of a filament, highly magnified; two spores and the intervening cells above mentioned are represented. SCHIZOSIPHON OBSCURUM, n. sp. Filaments straight, shorter than the sheath, gradually attenuate upwards from the large subspherical basal cell, usually torulose throughout; sheath distinct, obscurely ' lameliose. Forming a thin stratum on drift wood; filaments generally about ‘004 of an English inch in length, but variable in that respect (Fig. 5). en aon VDRO omen Cal B EJ i | i p 460 DR. LINDBERG’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO BRITISH BRYOLOGY. Contributions to British Bryology. By 8. O. Linpaére, M.D., Professor of Botany at the University of Helsingfors, Fin- land. Communicated by J. D. Hooxzn, M.D., V.P.L.S. [Read January 20, 1870.] I. On some Andreee. I have received for determination from Mr. G. E. Hunt some Andreææ with uerved leaves, which were only numbered; all these belonged to three species, viz. :— l. ANDREA FALCATA, Schimp., forma minor. Hab. Ben Voirlich, by Loch Lomond, in Scotland, July 1865 (G. E. Hunt, No. 4). This species is easily distinguished from the following by its very falcate leaves, from a broad, nearly round and concave base, very abruptly narrowed into a distinctly repand subula, but re- sembles it in the not at all glossy black colour of the whole plant, and in the rather ill-defined nerve, occupying only the middle third of the subula. By these characters they are both well distinguished from the probably more common A. crassinervia, Bruch. 2. ANDREXA Rornir, JW. & M. (A. rupestris, Roth, Neue Beitr. i. pp. 232-36, excl. synon. 1802). Hab. North Wales, Capel Curig, July 1863 (Whalley, No. 6); Dewer- stone rocks, Devon, May 1867 (Holmes, no. 8); Mazebeck Scars, Yorkshire, June 1856 (J. G. Baker, no. 10); Snowdon, Crib-y-Discl, June 1865 (W. P. Schimper, no. 14). Var. GRIMSULANA, C. Muell. (A. grimsulana, Bruch, MS.). Hab. Brandsby Falls, Yorkshire, May 1858 (J. G. Baker, no. 7). 3. ANDREJEA CRASSINERVIA, Bruch (in Denksch. Akad. Münch. 1828, p. 279. no. 1, tab. 10). Hab. Lancashire, Staley Brushes, April 1864 ( Whitehead, no. 1); Entwistle, December 1865 (Whitehead, no. 2); Snowdon, North Wales, May 1853 (Nowell, no. 5), August 1860 (Whitehead, no. 3) Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire, July 1865 (Hunt, no. 9) ; Soccoth Hill, Arrochar, June 1865 (M‘Kinlay, no. 11); Loch Kandor, Aber- deenshire, July 1868 (Hunt, no. 12); Beddgelaert, North Wales, August 1860 (Hunt, no. 13). Is easily distinguished from the foregoing by its being a more robust plant, somewhat glossy, and with the nerve much better defined, thicker and more prominent on the back, and also form- ing by itself the whole upper part of the subula. When it DR. LINDBERG’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO BRITISH BRYOLOGY. 461 is desirable to get a clear view of the structure of the leaves of mosses and Jungermannia, especially about the nerve, the object should be placed in a drop of a strong solution of caustic soda, and, after a minute, washed in distilled water. By this means we obtain a perfectly transparent object, with a sharp contour, so necessary when we examine the Andrece nervate, Pleuridia, Di- tricha (Leptotricha), Seligerie, &c., whose leaves are often badly described in books. II. Pottia intermedia. This moss has been regarded by all recent authors as a variety of P. truncatula, but has some important characters, from which it must be considered a distinct species (P. inter- media (Turner), Fuernr.), intermediate between P. truncatula (L.), Lindb., and P. lanceolata (Hed.), C. Mül. These characters are the size, the margin of the leaf more or less revolute up to the middle, the long, often cylindrieal cap- sule, which is, when dry, indistinctly constricted below the nar- rower orifice, the rudimentary peristome, and the compound annulus closely adhering to the margin of the capsule. P. truncatula is, compared with this, a smaller plant, with the leaves quite plane, and a short nearly globular capsule with wide mouth, which, in the dry state, is much constricted below the orifice, wanting also a peristome and annulus. P. lanceolata has a narrower mouth to the fruit, and a well-developed peristome. By the above characters P. intermedia bears to the other two spe- cies (Desmatodontes, Lindb.), the same relation that Physcomitrium eurystomum (a species probably occurring also in Britain) does to Ph. sphericum and Ph. pyriforme,—differing from the former in its more robust habit, in the broadly lanceolate acuminate leaves, which are serrate, not concave, but canaliculate, with cells twice as long as broad, and by the obtusely conie lid; from the latter by its hemispherical capsule with very wide mouth, simple annulus, short lid, &c. As the synonyms of Ph. sphericum and eurystomum are still very much confused, I add references which may aid in their extrication. l. Payscomirrium SPHÆRICUM (Lud.), Brid. Gymnostomum sphæricum, Ludw. MS.; Schkuhr, Deutschl. Moos. p- 26. no. 15 (1810); Schwgn. in Schrad. Jour. Bot. ser. 2, iv. p. 15 (1810), et Supp. i. pt. i. p. 21. no. 6 (1811); N. H. S. Bry. LINN. PROC.—- BOTANY, VOL. XI. 21 462 DR. LINDBERG’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO BRITISH BRYOLOGY. Ger. i. p. 124. no. 3 (1823); Hiibn. Musc. Ger. p. 43. no. 9 (1833). G. (Physcomitrium) sphericum, Brid. Bry. Un. i. p. 97. no. 42 (1826). Ph. sphæricum, Brid. op. cit. ii. p. 817 (1827); Fürnr. in Reg. Bot. Zeit. xii. pt. ii. Ergünz. p. 9 (1829); Hampe in eod. diar. xx. pt. i. p. 285. no. 1 (1837); B. S. Bry. Eur. fasc. ii. Monog. p. 10. n. 2 (1841); C. Mil. Syn. i. p. 115. no. 2 (excl. var. 8?), 1848; Raben. Deutsch. Krypt. Fl. ii. pt. iii. p. 87. no. 6140 (exel. var. 8?), 1848; Wils. Bry. Brit. p. 2/5. no. 4 (1855); Schpr. Syn. p. 314. no. l, pp. (1860); Berk. Handb. Brit. Moss. p. 174. no. 1 (1863); Milde, Bry. Siles. p. 192. n. 1 (1869). Ancctangium sphzricum, Spreng. in L. Sys. Veg. ed. 4, xvi. pt. i. p. 146. no. 2 (1827). Delin.—B. S. Bry. Eur. fasc. ii. Monog. t. 1; Eng. Bot. Sup. iii. t. 2830; N. H. S. Bry. Ger. i. t. 9. fig. 3; Schkuhr, Deutschl. Moos. t. 118; Schrad. Jour. Bot. ser. 2, iv. t. 2. fig. B.; Schwgn. Sup. t. 8; Sturm, Deutschl. Fl. fasc. ii. 15; Wils. Bry. Brit. t. 52. 2. PHyscoMITRIUM EURYSTOMUM (N. Es.), Sendt. Gymnostomum eurystomum, N. Es. MS. Phys. eurystomum, Sendtner in Denks. bot. Ges. Regen. iii. p. 142, no. 2 (1841); Milde, Bry. Siles. p. 193. no. 270 (1869). Ph. sphzricum, B. S. Bry. Eur. fasc. ii. Monogr. p. 10. no. 2, p. p- (1841).—Schp. Syn. p. 314. no. 1, p- p. (1860).—Var. 8. caulescens, C. Mil. Syn. Mus. i. p. 115 (1848) ?— Rab. Deutsch. kr. Fl. ii. pt. iii. p. 87 (1848)?— Var. cuspidatum, D. M. in Prod. Fl. Cat. ii. pt. i. p. 70 (1851).—Var. 8. Hübeneri, Rab. Kr. Fl. Sachs. i. p. 368 (1863). Ph. acuminatum, var. folis distincte sed obtuse denticulis, C. Mül. op. cit. i. p. 115, inter syn.—Var. B. denticulatum, Rab. Deut. kr. Fl. loc. cit. Ph. Neesii, Sendtner, MS. Delin.— Prodr. Fl. Cat. ii. pt. i. tab. 2. Exsie.—Rab. Bryoth. Eur. fasc. ii. no. 94, et fasc. x. no. 452. II. Tortula squarrosa. This species was first described under the name of Barbula squarrosa by Bridel in his ‘ Bry. Univ. i. Sup. p. 833. no. 55? (1827); but as he had seen only sterile specimens, he was un- certain about the genus. Owing to the kindness of Prof. Al. Braun, of Berlin, I have been enabled to examine the original specimens of B. squarrosa in the collection of Bridel, bearing the inscription “B. squarrosa. Patria ignota, Herb. Cand. 1825.” I can therefore positively confirm the judgment of Dr. C. Müller that it is the same species as Tortula squarrosa, De N. DR. LINDBERG'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO BRITISH BRYOLOGY. 463 The Zortula in question is highly interesting from its truly axillary fruit-stalk, not “lateral by the quick and continued growth of innovations,’ because the perichetia are, from the beginning, developed in the axils of the leaves, and not at the top of the stems; the bracts are also, as in pleurocarpous mosses, accrescent in size towards the middle of the perichetium. It must therefore be separated from the true acrocarpous Tortule, as a proper genus, Pleurochete, Lindb. (fv. V. Ak. Fórh. xxi. p. 253. no. 9 (1864), possibly including also some other Tortule with serrated leaves, as T. serrulata, H. G., robusta, H. G., and densifolia, H. f. & W., which I have not yet seen. This genus thus bears to Tortula, Hed., the same relation as Mielichhoferia, Leptochlena, amd Goniobryum, Lindb. in op. cit. xxi. p. 606. no. 9, 1864 (Photinophyllum, Mitt. in Jour. L. Soc. x. p. 175, 1868), do to Bryum—Anectangium to Zygodon— Ehizogonium and Mesochete* to Mnium—Hymenodon to Georgia—and Rhaco- carpus, Lindb. in op. cit. xix. p. 607. no. 8 (Harrisonia, Schpr. 1860, but not R. Br. 1825), to Braunia, &c. IV. Trichostomum diffractum, Mitt. I have received from Mr. G. E. Hunt an English moss, called by Mr. Mitten Zrichostomum diffractum, n. sp., and had previ- ously the same form (gathered by Mr. Nowell) from R. Spruce, Esq., who has most generously favoured me with the half of his collection of European mosses. This specimen was thus labelled : —“ Gathered with Mr. Wilson, who called it at first Didymodon brachydontius ? * The moss in question is, at first sight, easily recognized by the following charaeters:— The tufts are short, very dense, and nearly hemispherical, of black-green colour; the stems united below by masses of dark brown tomentum; the leaves closely * MzsocnzrE, n. gen., Lindb. Perichætium axillare, bracteis accrescentibus. Capsula horizontalis, obliqua, pachydermis, jugata. Peristomium duplex, ciliis interni teneri maxime appendiculatis. Calyptra? Andreecium gem- miforme, axillare.—Planta robustissima, elata, erecta, simplex, compressa ; foliis quadrifariis, conformibus, obliquis, catilagineo-limbatis, cellulis mi- nutis, rotuntis, lævissimis. 1. M. UNDULATA, n. sp., Lindb. Dioica, foliis undulatis. Hab. in New England, inter 30-32? lat. aust., Australie medio-orientalis (New South Wales): hane stirpem parce fructicantem misit cl. F. von Mueller. 212 464 DR. LINDBERG’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO BRITISH BRYOLOGY. crowded and fragile; in a dry state irregularly incurved, with a strong, whitish, very shining nerve, very prominent at the back, the large hyaline cells of the leaf-base not well defined in the centre from the upper small indistinct ones, but gradually be- coming fewer as they ascend obliquely to end in the margin, precisely as we find the areolation in all the Zortule tortuose ; and, indeed, it is no doubt most related to Tortula inclinata, Hed. f., but very distinct from it and all other species of the same group. It appears not to be rare (on limestone?) in the west and south of Europe, and North Africa, as the localities cited will prove, but has not yet been found in a fertile state. TorTuLA NITIDA, Lindb. Dioica, dense pulvinata; caule humili, ri- gido, ramoso, densifolio; foliis crassiusculis, fragililibus, erecto-pa- tentibus, siccis arcuato-curvatis, plus minusve elongate oblongis, obtusis, canaliculatis, integerrimis, margine planis, paullo undulatis ; nervo tereti valde crasso et dorso folii prominente, ut apiculo bre- vissimo excedente, sicco pallente, dorsoque nitidissimo ; areolatione laxa basilari cuneiformiter in marginibus sensim desinente, cellulis ceteris indistinctis, minutissimis, verrucosis ; bracteis perich:etii foliis simillimis ; pistillidiis et paraphysibus sequilongis, sat paucis. Tortula nitida, Lindb. Eur. Trichost. p. 45. no. 46 (1864), et in Gf. V. Ak. Fórh. xxi. p. 252. no. 46 (1864); Rab. Hedwigia, iv. p. 40 (1865). Barbula Alexandrina, Lor. in Abhan. Ak. Wis. Berl. 1867, pp- 32-35. no. 13. Trichostomum Barbula (haud Schwg.), M. T. Lange in Bot. Tids. ii. p. 235 (1868). Barbula nitida, Jur. MS. 1867. Trichostomum diffractum, Mitten in Seem. Jour. Bot. vol. vi. p- 97 (1868). Delin.—Seem. Jour. Bot. vol. vi. tab. 77 ; Abh. Ak. Wis. Berl. 1867, tab. 6. figg. 1-6, et tab. 7. figg. 7-20. Hab. Devonshire, Plymouth, &c., 1867, Holmes, hb. Hunt; Shoreham Beach, Nowell, hb. Spruce ; Gibraltar, 9, 1839, Dr. A. F. Regnell, July 1865, M. Brenner; Genoa, February 1867, Dr. P. T. Cleve; Pisa, S. Paulo, January (no. 29); Toscana, Ripafratta, February (no. 30), 9; Prato, April 1862 (no. 31), M. T. Lange; Neapoli, March 1867, P. T. Cleve; Dalmatia, Porto Rosaria in the peninsula Sabioncello, December 1866, 2, Dr. E. Weiss. (hb. Juratzka) 5 Capo Greco, in Cyprus, April 1862, Prof. F. Unger (hb. Jur.); Egypt near Alexandria, April 1823, Prof. E. G. Ehrenberg (hb. Akad. Sc. Berlin). DR. LINDBERG’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO BRITISH BRYOLOGY. 465 V. Orthotrichum leiocarpum. In describing this species (Bry. Eur, fase. 2 & 3, Monog. p. 28. no. 31, 1837) Messrs. Bruch and Schimper have written in a note (p. 29), “comme c'est la seule espèce du genre Orthotrichum qui ait la capsule dépourvue de raies, nous l'appelons O. leio- carpwm (à fruit lisse) en rejetant la dénomination ‘striatum?’ qu'on avait conservée jusqu'ici." This alteration of the specific name would be justified, if only the older authors, as Linné, &c., had really taken the deno- mination from the capsule ; but this they have not done, giving the species its name from the striated veil. In all his works the great Linné says positively “calyptris striatis "—2a character, indeed, rather common in the genus, but not to be altered when we retain e. g. Carex paludosa, Good., although nearly all sedges grow in bogs. We must therefore retain Orthotrichum striatum (L.) Smith, Fl. Brit. iii. p. 1262. no. 1 (1804). VI. Leucobryum glaucum. In ‘Tr. Bot. Soc. Edin.’ iii. p. 194. t. 12 (1849), the very acute observer, R. Spruce, first pointed out that there exist in the connate walls of the cells in the nerve of the leaf of Leucobryum glaucum large circular perforations; but he added that he was unable to find any holes on the surface of the leaf. And, indeed, the transparent margin of the base is constructed of only a single layer of cells, with so very thin a membrane, that without arti- ficial help the pores in their outer walls are quite imperceptible. If we place the leaf for some minutes in a strong solution of caustic soda, then clean it scrupulously in distilled water, and lay it in a solution of superiodate of zinc+iodide of potassium (or of nitrate of silver ; in which case the leaf must be dried in a dark place, and afterwards placed in full sunshine), we shall have an object with contour sharp enough to be observed under the mi- croscope. We then find that the thin cells in the margin of the leaf-base have very large pores, sometimes two in the same wall, and occasionally divided by a very narrow bridge, formed by the membrane itself, into two holes. Their form depends upon the form of the cell itself, and is of course very variable, being round, oblong, lanceolate, reniform, &c. Very often the pores on the upperside of the leaf coincide with others on its underside, but never perfectly so—the one being larger than the other, 466 DR. LINDBERG’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO BRITISH BRYOLOGY. and hence more easy to be seen. The pores observed not only on this beautiful moss, but also on other forms belonging to the same group, Leucobryacee, as also on different Hucalypte, Syr- rhopodontes, Calymperes, &c., are not very like those on SpAagna, being of very irregular form, without any trace of a thickened circumscribing border, and are not found in every cell. If we put the object between glasses in the same iodine solu- tion, it will remain unaltered for several years. These observa- tions have already been published in my essay on the Bog-Mosses (1862). VII. The British Dicranum strictum. I have received from Mr. Wilson a specimen of * Dicranum strictum — D. thraustum, Schpr.?” gathered on old oak rails, Staffordshire, 1864, by Mr. Bloxam. This specimen belongs to a moss already named, in 1850, D. thraustophyllum (Musc. Pyren. No. 257, “ wood between Pau and Gan "") by the acute Mr. Spruce, and later, by Sullivant and Lesquereux, Campylopus viridis. It is exceedingly rare in fruit, this having been found only in Bavaria by Mr. Arnold (only one capsule), and in Finland by Dr. Norrlin (about twenty capsules). Its synonymy is'as follows :— DicRANUM VIRIDE (S. L.) Lindb. D. thraustophyllum, Spruce, MS. 1850, et Musc. Pyren. hb. no. 257. Campylopus viridis, $. L., Musc. Bor. Amer. ed. 1, no. 72 (1856), et ed. 2, no. 91 (1865); Sull. Moss. U. S. p. 103. no. 4 (1856), et Ic. Musc. p. 30 (1864). D. viride, Lindb. in. Rab. Hedwigia, ii. p. 70 (1863), et ejus Bryoth. Eur. xxii. no. 1061 (1869); Schpr. Musc. Eur. Novi, fasc. 3 & 4. p. isl (1866) ; Mild. Bry. Siles. p. 65. no. 37 (1869). D. fulvum* D. viride, Lindb. in Hart. Sk. Fl. ed. 9, ii. p. 68. no. 13*. (1864). D. thraustum, Schpr. MS. 1862. Delin.—Schpr. Muse. Eur. Nov. fasc. 3 & 4. tab. 1; Sull. Icon. Muse. tab. 18 p. VIII. A British Seligeria. Since the publication in 1860 of * Synops. Muse. Eur.’ by Prof. Schimper, in which important work four species of Seligeria are described, the genus has been enriched by no less than four new forms, all from the north of Europe—viz. S. paucifolia (Dicks.) Carruth., S. diversifolia, S. crassinervis, and S. acutifolia, Lindb.,— DR. LINDBERG’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO BRITISH BRYOLOGY. 467 the first from England, the others from Scandinavia. To these may be added a form of S. trifaria (Brid.), called by me var. p. patula in my essay on the Scandinavian Seligerie ; Mr. Sullivant has given the same in his beautiful Muse. Alleg. ii. no. 142 (with a few individuals of S. Donii in a bad state), under the name of Weissia calcarea. It seems to be distinct from S. trifaria by its short stem with shorter setze, and the leaves not trifarious, longer, recurved, thick, entire, and not pellucid, and by the large and thick nerve occupying nearly the whole subula. It may be à good species (S. patula, Lindb. MS.) intermediate between S. trifaria and S. calcarea, but has not yet been sufficiently exa- mined. Mr. Wilson gathered, May 14, 1831, near Buxton, in Derby- shire, and sent to me, a variety (f. longiseta), of my S. acutifolia, which may now be described. SELIGERIA ACUTIFOLIA, Lindb. Autoica, perpauca ; foliis viridissimis, supremis ut et bracteis perichetii e basi plus minusve vaginante ab- rupte angustatis in subulam subteretem, setiformem, acutissimam et pungentem, fragilem, crenulatam, nervo totam fere subulam formante ; seta gracillima, brevissima, 1 mm. alta; capsula parva, apices bractea- rum orificio vix superante, leptodermi, pallida et pellucida, breviter pyriformi, collo brevi ; dentibus peristomii brevibus, fere obtusiusculis ; rostro operculi brevissimo, capsula quadruplo breviore, vix obliquo. S. ACUTIFOLIA, Lindb. in Hartm. Sk. Fl. ed. 9, ii. p. 75. no. 4 (1864), et in Not. Süllsk. F. Fl. Fenn. Forh. ix. p. 261. no. 4 (1868). Delin.—FI. Dan. (nondum edita). Var. 8. longiseta (Lindb.). Planta major, seta 2-3 mm. alta, capsula alte emergente, rostro operculi longiore et magis obliquo. S. pusilla, var. foliis perichetialibus longioribus setaceis, Wils. MS. S. acutifolia, var. 8. longiseta, Lindb. in Not. Sállsk. F. Fl. Fenn. Fürh. l c. This species has the leaves and bracts of S. paucifolia (Dicks.) Carruth. (S. calycina, Mitt., S. subcernua, Schpr.), but the fruit of S. pusilla (Ehrh.) B. S. IX. Neckera complanata. In his excellent Bry. Brit. p. 412, Mr. Wilson has noticed a var. B. obtusa (Brid.), Wils., distinguished from the typical form by its “stems shorter, irregularly branched, branches obtuse at the summit." It was found on the ground near Howth by Mr. Scott, and first commemorated by Mr. Turner in his Muse. Hib. Spic. p. 145, in a note, and afterwards called Leskea (Omalia) 468 DR. LINDBERG'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO BRITISH BRYOLOGY. complanata, var. B. obtusa, by Bridel in his Bry. Un. ii. p. 329 (1827). We have not seen the moss in question; so we can only put forth the conjecture that it may perhaps be Neckera Besseri (Lob.), Jur., not yet noticed as English. Neckera BESSERI (Lob.) Jur. Omalia Besseri, Lob. in Haiding. Naturw. Abh, i. p. 48, no. 1 (1847). N. leiophylla, Gümb. MS.; C. Mil. Syn. ii. p. 44. no. 6 (1851). N. Sendtneri, B. S. Bry. Eur. fasc. 44 & 45, Monog. p. 10. no. 6 (1850). N. Besseri, Jur. in Verh. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 1860, p. 368 (ubi fructus descriptus). Homalia Sendtneri, Schpr. Synop. p. 473. no. 3 (1860). Delin.—B. S. Bry. Eur. l. c, Var. B. rotundifolia (Hart.), Lindb. N. rotundifolia, Hart. Sk. Fl. ed. 5, p. 338. no. 5 (1849). Homalia rotundifolia, Schpr. Syn. p. 474. no. 4. Is easily recognized from JN. complanata by its rounded obtuse leaves, wholly composed of rhombic cells. X. Sphagnum curvifolium, Wils. Of this I possess only the male plant, collected by the author near Holyhead (March 1856 and October 1857) and at Vale Royal, Cheshire (September and October 1865), growing with S. subsecundum. It is the same as S. neglectum, Angstr. in (fv. V. Ak. Fórh. xxi. p. 201 (1864), as Mr. Sullivant first pointed out to me, a species found previously in North America and Scandinavia. It is a collateral species to S. subsecundum, but distinct by its cortex (rather cork, analogous to the velamen radicum on the aerial roots of epiphytical Orchidew, as I have already pointed out in my essay on Bog-Mosses) formed of two or three layers of cells, as also by its perichztial bracts. It is also a rather polymorphous species. SPHAGNUM NEGLECTUM, Angstr. in (Efv. V. Ak. Fürh. xxi. p. 201 (1864). S. subsecundum (haud N. Es. C. Mül. Synops. p. 234. no. 14 (1851). S. eontortum (haud Schultz), Sull. Moss. U. S. p. ll. no. 3 (1856). S. eurvifolium, Wils. MS. Delin.—Sull. Icon. Muse. Sup. (nondum publicatum). Helsingfors, 30 Dec. 1869. MRS. BARBER ON DUVERNOIA ADHATODOTDES. 469 a On the Fertilization and Dissemination of Duvernoia adhato- doides. By Mrs. Barber. (Communicated by Dr. Hooxer, V.P.L.S.) [Read April 15, 1869.] D. adhatodoides (E. Mey. in Drég. Comm.). Of this handsome species of Acanthacem, I received dried specimens and young plants from J. H. Bowker, Esq., of the Frontier Armed and Mounted Police. They were obtained from the forests near Fort Bowker, on the Bashee River, more than 200 miles beyond the colonial. boundary, where this fine plant was not uncom- mon, adding another charm to the many which adorn those lonely but most interesting woods, and forming, with its innumer- able snowy blossoms and broad dark-green leaves, a beautiful and conspicuous object amidst the surrounding scenery. The species is a fine evergreen shrub or small tree, attaining the height of from 8 to 10 feet, with numerous somewhat quadrangular jointed branches, and pink-striped white flowers. The season of its bloom, which commences rather late in autumn, extends in duration over nearly three months, until near midwinter. The simple erect flowering branches or spikes of this plant contain several rows of buds; these are arranged in threes, and placed alternately opposite on the inflorescence, the buds of these triflorate groups blossoming in succession; hence the protracted period of its flowering-season. The blossoms of D. adhatodoides are mainly, if not entirely, dependent upon insect agency for their fertilization; and this work is, as far as I have been able to ascertain, performed solely by the large black and yellow Carpenter Bee (a species of the genus Xylocopa): this bee, upon all bright and sunny days, is an assiduous labourer amongst the flowers of this plant, creeping into each in succession, and with its powerful wedge-shaped proboscis or beak (see fig. 4) forcing open the constricted tubes, which is done by inserting this wedge-shaped proboscis into the fold which envelops the style (fig. 5): to accomplish this, the bee seizes hold of the lobed projections of the lower divisions of the corolla, and, drawing its body up, forces its head and thorax into the flower; this movement brings the hairy thorax of the bee into the upper lip of the ringent corolla (fig. 3), beneath which are placed the style and stamens (fig. 3). The LINN; JOURN.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. 2K 470 MRS. BARBER ON DUVERNOIA ADHATODOIDES. insect when retiring from the flower brushes out and carries away upon its thorax great quantities of the pollen; and in enter- ing another blossom, in the same manner as described above, the thorax of the bee, laden with pollen-masses, is forced into another ringent blossom; and then coming into contact with the No. 1. A flower of Duvernoia adhatodoides, natural size. 2. The same, with the bee entering. 3. Flower after fertilization has taken place. The lower divisions of the co- rolla are removed. 4. The head of the bee. 5. Front view of corolla with the lower divisions removed. stigma (which projects somewhat beyond the stamens), secures its fertilization, and also obtains from the adjacent stamens a fresh supply of pollen to be carried on in like manner to the next blossom. No lepidopterous insect, small bee, or fly could possibly effect the fertilization of D. adhatodoides ; neither could they ob- tain nectar from its constricted tubes; for the cunning manner in which they are closed would defy their utmost efforts; and herein lies the mystery of this plant, its wonderful evidence of a divine guardianship, a protecting Power, which cares and pro- MRS. BARBER ON DUVERNOIA ADHATODOIDES. 471 vides for all. It is solely to this bee that this plant is indebted for its fertilization, and it is to this bee alone that she yields her honeyed stores. The bee, again, is rewarded with an abundant supply of nectar; in fact,he is paid for his work ; “ and the labourer is worthy of his hire." lt is interesting to watch these insects busily employing them- selves amongst the blossoms of this plant, whilst all other insects pass it by as utterly unworthy of their attentions ; surely the one was made for the other, the flowers for the bee, and the bee for the flowers. I tied a piece of muslin over a flowering branch of the Dwvernoia, which prevented the bees from entering its blossoms, and this branch produced no seed. I may likewise remark that the spikes which blossom late in the season, after the large bees have re- tired to winter quarters and have become dormant, also produce no seed. However, I think it not improbable that occasionally a flower or two may be fertilized by the wind blowing one branch against another. D. adhatodoides is not only remarkable for the manner in which its fertilization takes place, but likewise for the method of its dissemination; for the way in which the seeds of this plant are scattered abroad, isnot more curious than clever—although in this respect it is not singular; for many of the species of the order Acanthacee possess, to a certain degree, the same pecu- liarities. The erect wedge-shaped capsules of the plant in question usually contain four seeds ; these, by abortion, are often reduced to two; they are placed near the apex, above the long elastie portions of the capsule; each seed is subtended by a rigid, subulate, grooved process, which proceeds from the placenta (apparently a continuation of it), and is prolonged half-way round the seed, which is held in its upright position by this curved groove. When the seeds are matured and perfectly ripe, and the capsule has become hard and dry, a contraction takes place along the opposite sides of the long spring-shaped portions of the valves, causing each to bend diametrically against the other, until at length it explodes or bursts with great force, pro- ducing a sound like that caused by the explosion of a small per- cussion pistol-cap, and at the same time throwing the two valves of the seed-vessel to some distance away from the plant, often, if there are no intervening branches of trees to obstruct their 2x2 472 M. FRITZ MULLER ON THE MODIFICATION OF passage, six or seven yards, and, with a favouring wind, often much further. The seeds in their flight through the air, though dry and ripe, do not fall to the ground; they are held in their upright position by the grooved process until the apex of the cap- sule, overbalanced by its weight, turns in falling, giving the seeds, which are thus cleverly carried to their destination, a free pas- sage to fall to the earth, at some distance away from their parent plant, where, without incommoding it, there may be sufficient room for the future generations of D. adhatodoides to spring up and fulfil their destiny. x Highlands, Graham's Town, S. Africa. Nov. 12, 1867. On the Modification of the Stamens in a Species of Begonia. By Fnrrz Mérrzm (in a Letter to Mr. DAnwIN). (Read June3, 1869.] Itajanez, S. Catharina, Brazil. March 14, 1869. My DEAR Sra, In your book on * Variation under Domestication’ you mention a remarkable plant of Begonia frigida producing hermaphrodite flowers with inferior perianth. I have lately found an analogous wild plant of another Begonia, which is here a common weed. In this plant all the male flowers show a strong tendency to become hermaphrodite—one, two, or three of the central stamens being transformed more or less completely into pistils. No two of these male flowers appear to be exactly alike; and almost every day affords a new and surprising modification. Here are some cases :— THE STAMENS IN A SPECIES OF BEGONIA. 473 Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 1. A single stamen modified; connectivum much dilated; on either margin a short anther with good pollen; at the end, well-developed stigmatic papilla. Fig. 2. A single stamen modified; a well-developed stigma; neither anthers nor ovules. Fig. 8. Three modified stamens, united at the base. a, well-developed stigma ; no pollen; numerous ovules, differing in nothing from those of the normal 9 flowers. , club-shaped, without pollen, ovules, and stigmatic papilla. c, pollen on both margins of the connectivum ; ovules on the convex margin; apex of the connectivum smooth, without stigmatic papille, but one of the ovules trans- formed into a stigma. Fig. 4. Three stamens united. a, not modified ; b, connectivum much dilated, pollen on either margin, neither ovules nor stigmatic papilla; c, well-developed stigmatic papille, pollen (a small quantity) on one margin alone of the much- dilated connectivum, a few ovules. Fig. 5. Three stamens, modified and united: a and b without pollen, with large stigmas and numerous ovules; ¢ nearly normal, only the tip of the con- nectivum being somewhat enlarged and provided with small stigmatic papillz. Once I saw (fig. 3, s), in the midst of the white ovules, a dark yellow body of a club-shaped form, having nearly the size of an ovule, covered by club-shaped papilla exactly resembling in shape and colour those of the stigma; so that in this case an ovule appeared to have been transformed into a stigma! Since I found this plant, I have been looking out for others ; and yesterday I at length met with a second specimen (grow- ing within 2 yards distance from the first), which promises to offer still more curious modifications. Some of the male flowers of this second plant have been transformed completely into female ones with superior perianth, but distinguished from the normal 9 flowers by the perianth having (as in the male flowers) two large broad outer and two small narrow inner segments (whilst the female flowers have five segments, one being smaller), and by their having from four to five stigmas and as many ale 474 MR. J. E. HOWARD ON HYBRIDISM AMONG CINCHON X. on the ovarium (the female flowers have three). In one of these abnormal female flowers there were some naked ovules between the stigmas beside those included in the ovarium. In the first plant all the ovules of the male flowers are naked. There are some unripe pods on the second plant, all of which are produced by normal 9 flowers; as soon as they are ripe I shall send you seeds of this second plant also. Fritz MÜLLER. Introductory Remarks to Mr. Broventon’s Paper on Hybridism among Cinchone. By J. E. Howat, F.L.S. [Read March 3, 1870.] Ar the particular request of Mr. Broughton I engaged to read the accompanying paper. The author also wished that I should adduce any arguments that might occur to me against any point that he has mentioned. This his desire, I conclude, arose from my having frequently urged the study of the different kinds eultivated in India, in order to the selection of the sort most adapted for the production of Quinine, as a necessary point to be attended to by those who would cultivate with profit. Ihave also expressed my belief in the general permanence of the forms, even of the subspecies or varieties of the plant. Ihave nothing to urge, however, against the views expressed by Mr. Broughton as to the occurrence of hybrids, but, on the contrary, living specimens which have occurred in my own limited sphere of observation which seem to me to confirm their truth. Iam more doubtful about the occurrence of Lybridism in the native places of growth of the Cinchonz, as I do not think there can be in ge- neral the same favourable conditions for the interference of the pollen of different species that occur in their cultivated state. I have not, therefore, so much expectation of light being thrown on the botanical arrangement of the genus as is expressed by my correspondent. MR. J. BROUGHTON ON HYBRIDISM AMONG CINCHONE. 475 Note on Hybridism among Cinchone. By J. Bu eae B.Se., F.C.S., Chemist to the Cinchona Plantations of the Madras Government. Tue Cinchons have long been known as plants whose flowers show in each individual that singular difference in the respective prominence of the stamens and pistil which has since received the name of dimorphism. The special forms have been named by the Spaniards respectively macho and hembra, according as the male or female organs are prominent in the blossoms of any single tree. The researches of Mr. Darwin have shown the consequences of this peculiarity as it affects the fertilization of the seed in the parallel cases of Primula, Oxalis, &c.* On the Cinchona plantations of the Madras Government are now growing, blossoming, and fruiting nearly all the valuable febrifuge-yielding species. Individuals of the various species are, in very numerous instances, planted in close proximity. The seeds are produced in great abundance, and have been used for the purpose of obtaining seedling plants for the extension of the plantations: under these circumstances, it might have been pre- dicted beforehand that hybrids would appear, These considerations did not, however, occur to me as a che- mist. But as it is my duty to make a chemical examination of the bark of all varieties occurring on the plantations, some cir- cumstances occurred which brought the above prominently under my notice. Among some young trees raised from Neilgherry seed was a plant of great beauty, quite distinct in appearance from any of the elder or originally introduced kinds. It had the general aspect, pyramidal habit, and luxuriance of C. succirubra, but at the same time the lovely purple tints and velvety appear- ance which characterize the leaves of the * Grey Barks" when young. Its bark resembled that of C. succirubra, but was lighter in colour. But on analysis it yielded 1:45 per cent. of nearly pure cinchonine, instead of about 3°00 per cent. of alkaloid mainly consisting of quinine and cinchonidine, as was the general yield of its neighbours of C. succirubra of the same age. So unusual a result led me so repeat the analysis and to make full inquiries into the origin of the plant. I then learned from the Assistant Superintendent in charge of the plantation that the plant had * After numerous trials I have not succeeded in detecting any clear difference between the amounts of alkaloid contained in the bark of the macho and hembra forms. 476 MR. J. BROUGHTON ON HYBRIDISM AMONG CINCHON®. been picked up under a tree of C. micrantha as a natural seedling, its parent growing in proximity to trees of C. succirubra, which blossom at the same period. This circumstance set me examining young seedling planta- tions in order to find, if possible, other instances. I found among them forms which are not to be met with among the parent trees, and which are new to the plantations. One of these is a variety which combines resemblances to the very dissimilar species of ofi- cinalis and succirubra, having the large leaves and habit of the latter with the ovate-lanceolate leaves also of the texture character- istic of the former. Some of the leaves also possessed scrobicules. The bark of one individual yielded 2:8 per cent. of alkaloid consist- ing of Cinchonidine and Cinchonine, while that of another gave me 2:8 per cent. of alkaloid consisting of 1:3 of quinine and the remainder of cinchonidine and einchonine. Inthe latter case the quinine crystallized as sulphate with the ease which marks this alkaloid when obtained from C. officinalis. Y cannot but consider the chemical character of the bark an independent corroboration of the hybrid character of the plant. Other varieties are appearing among seedling trees, which, though their origin can be less clearly made out than in the former instances, can scarcely be explained without assuming that they are natural hybrids. Among the hundreds of thousands of trees of C. officinalis growing on the Neilgherries, very various and numerous differ- ences are to be found. If each of the characteristic forms were to be distinguished by name, more than twenty new varieties might be constituted possessing, in certain specimens, as distinct an identity as that attributed to the vars. Bonplandiana, Uritu- singa, &c., which are now recognized by botanists. These nume- rous varieties merge into one another by insensible gradations; and as it would be impossible to keep seedling plants of each se- parated, they are all mixed in the plantations. Isubmit that this natural confusion of varieties and subvarieties is a consequence of the interbreeding of the various kinds. As many of the kinds were introduced by seed into India, it appears to me to be highly probable that certain of these are not the pure descendants of plants possessing in all respects the recognized botanical charac- ters of the respective kinds. As a matter of practical experience, I find that the yield of alkaloids is tolerably constant in very Va- rious varieties of the same species, even when the difference 1m habit, foliage, &c. is marked. DR. CUNNINGHAM ON THE PERIANTH IN PHILESIA. 477 The variations are also clearly apparent in the species succirubra and calisaya. The object of this note is to call the attention of competent botanists to these facts as being well worthy of consideration in carrying out any future classification. I cannot forbear express- ing a hope that they may lead to a simplification in the botanical arrangement of the genus, which at present is so confused as to be in some cases almost a hindrance to the correct appreciation of the actual living realities. On the Occurrence of Finci of the Perianth in Philesia. By R. O. CunntNeuam, M.D., F.L.S. [Read April 7, 1870.] Tue recent perusal of Dr. Masters's valuable work on ‘ Vegetable Teratology’ has induced me to bring before the notice of the Members of the Linnean Society a form of monstrosity of which I have met with several examples in the flower of Philesia, a genus of Smilaceous endogens, in which no instances of double flowers appear to have been as yet recorded. This genus, it is hardly necessary to remark, consists of but one species, the beau- tiful P. buzifolia, which occurs plentifully in the damp wooded region of Fuegia and the western parts of the Strait of Magel- haens, extending up the west coast of South America, at least as far as Valdivia, to the north of which it is replaced by its still handsome ally Lapageria rosea, which possesses a much more limited range, not extending far to the north of Concepcion. The ordinary form of the flower of Philesia consists, as is well known, of a hexaphyllous perianth, furnished at the base with two or more small bracts. Of the six lacinie, the three outer, which vary very much in size in individual specimens, are both shorter and narrower than the inner, each of which is provided internally at the base with a greenish-yellow glandular pit secreting a sweet honey-like fluid. The stamens, six in number, and in- serted at the base of the perianth, have their filaments united into a tube for some distance upwards ; their anthers are of a linear form and of a yellow colour; and the contained pollen-grains are spherical, and under a moderate magnifying-power exhibit a hispid surface. Through the stamen-tube passes the elongated 478 DR. CUNNINGHAM ON THE PERIANTH IN PHILESIA. style, which bears at its extremity the obscurely three-lobed glu- tinous stigma. Of the abnormal form of the flower, I found at least three spe- cimens in the western part of the Strait of Magellan and the Channels on the west coast of Patagonia; and asthey do not ma- terially differ from one another in arrangement of parts, a very brief description of one of them, gathered in the month of March, 1868, at Playa Parda Cove, on the south-west of the Cordova Peninsula, may suffice. In that specimen, which was associated with two other flowers of the natural form, instead of six divi- Fig. 1. Double flower of PAilesia. Fig. 2. Section of ditto, exhibiting stamens of ordinary form adhering by filament to a petaloid stamen and pistil with two-cleft stigma: a, stigma ; b, ordinary stamen ; c, section of petaloid stamen ; d, its anther. Fig. 3. Ordinary flower of PAilesia, from a dried specimen. sions of the perianth being present, there were eighteen; and these all possessed the same general form, which, as a reference to the sketch will show, differed considerably from that ordi- nari exhibited. The colour was the same as usual, save that the tips of the greater number of the lacini: were provided with a light green mucro, and that a few of the most external were tinged with green at the base. On making a section of the flower, I found that there were only three perfect stamens, one of which was partially coherent with a fourth, which had become petaloid inits nature, though still retaining an anther-lobe. The pistil presented, instead of a three-lobed, a distinctly two-cleft stigma. It is a fact worthy of mention, as regards the growth of Philesia, DR. KIRK ON COPAL. 479 that while in general it forms a low suberect under-shrub, yet, like some other Magellanic plants, such as Prionotes, it frequently as- sumes a scandent habit, attaining a height of from 12 to 14 feet when supported by the trunk of a tree ; and in illustration of this, I may mention that on more than one occasion I have climbed a tree in order to reach its fine rose-coloured flowers. On Copal. By Dr. KIRK. (Extract from a Letter to Dr. HookER dated Zanzibar, November 13, 1869.)° [Read May 5, 1870.] Havre had a few days again at the coast, where I had to go in order to meet the Sultan, I had occasion to make a few observations that may interest you, and to collect plants, many of which I know are new, not only to me, but to the Kew Mu- seum; these I shall send through the F. O. by the first op- portunity. I must first premise that my excursions were limited to three miles from the coast, and that the Uzaramo country beyond is still, to all intents, a terra incognita to the botanist, rich in plants ; and I know of no more promising field for a three months’ excursion, if I only had the time, than the hill of Usawbara, 4000 feet high, and the Uraramo plains, both opposite the island of Zanzibar. Having already made some observations on the formation of copal (or Animi) and the tree which yields it now, I paid con- siderable attention to the subject this time. In the dense forest I was struck with the immense number and size of these trees, far exceeding any thing that I had before imagined. In no in- stance did I see the soft juice flowing: where found on the tree it was invariably hard. I send a fine specimen removed from the living tree; it will show you that now large masses, equalling in size the fossils, are still produced, and full of insects, as were those of the ancient forests. In the dense jungles, where these trees are found the largest, there is no under-grass to catch fire and to destroy the fallen trunks; when a tree dies it rots until, eaten by white ants, it falls piece by piece on the ground; any resinous masses would thus be preserved. Struck by the num- ber of these trees, I commenced turning up the sandy soil to the 480 DR. KIRK ON COPAL. depth of 10 inches, when I soon found small pieces of Animi, but not of the modern sort. There was no Copal-tree in the place where 1 dug; and the resin had lain there, it may be, for centuries. This led me to examine minutely the outer skin ; and I found, as you will see from the pieces when they arrive, that copal when dug up has no trace of the goose-skin upon it. I am now satis- fied that this is due to a change in the surface of the mass after exposure, when, to a certain depth, an oxidation takes place, or it may be a molelecular change, rendering the skin more brittle than the inner mass. When treated with a solution of caustic soda, this brittle crust softens, and, on drying, cracks to the full depth to which the change has taken place. After dry- ing in the sun, the friable crust may be removed with a hair brush, and then for the first time we see the goose-skin, cha- racteristic of good or fossil Animi. When cleaning copal, it may be that each merchant throws away as much as thirty pounds daily of this dusty resin brushed off the copal, and this they call sand; but I send you a speci- men to show you that it is genuine resin and, I suspect, of value, atleast worth more than being cast into the sea, as is here done. On my return home one evening I came upon an old Baobab tree that had been cut down in clearing the ground; the tree was, on the average, 6 feet in diameter ; it had been cut about two years, aud had lived for at least one year after being completely severed from the ground ; now it seemed to have been dead for a year, and was fast rotting. On tearing off the layers that gaped open and parted from one another far more easily than the bark of other trees from the wood, I found that the last vital act had been to give out a stiff lace-like network of rootlets between each annual layer ; so coarse were these at places as to resemble a fishing-net. These woody plates, separated by layers of matted roots, varied in thickness from 3-3 an inch; and this exactly corresponds with observations made by me on the growth of living trees of the same sort, which long ago convinced me that the huge Baobabs of Africa do not possess the great age usually ascribed to them; a tree of 6 feet may be 100 years old. In this instance the last-formed circumferential layers were fully as thick as the central. That the central layers are indications of annual growth, I think proved by my observations on young trees, of which I have examined many. BEV. J. M. CROMBIE ON NEW BRITISH LICHENS. 481 In the herbarium you will find my new plants, some, I think, new even to the Kew collections, and highly interesting. There is one which I should place not far from Cardiospermum, a moderate-sized tree ; this I can refer to no genus; it may, how- ever, be ex-African, and I have no time to dip into the genera just at present; but if this should prove new, please call it Ma- jidea, after our late Sultan, Seyd Majid *. Since collecting, I have had no time to examine my plants; but the little I did on the spot showed that this small collection is of considerable interest, and I have collected in each case a num- ber of specimens. J. KIRE. New Lichens recently discovered in Great Britain. By the Rev. James M. Cromer, M.A., F.L.S. and F.G.S. (Read June 2, 1870.) Amonast many rare and previously undetected British lichens, met with in the course of my botanical rambles, chiefly during the last five, and more especially the last three years, the follow- ing new species, which, with two exceptions, have been named by Dr. Wm. Nylander, of Paris, have rewarded my researches in several parts of the country far distant from each other. Asa considerable proportion of them are from well-known localities, such as Ben Lawers and the New Forest, which have been re- peatedly searched by some of our most zealous lichenologists, it is evident that Great Britain is still far from being exhausted, and that many hitherto undescribed species will be detected on further investigation. And, indeed, this is confirmed by my discovery of a new species last month near Hendon, in Middle- sex, a county the poorest in its list of lichens of any in Britain— though even here another new species was some years ago dis- covered by Mr. Currey, and duly reported in my recent ‘ Enu- meratio. The lichenology of large tracts of country both in Great Britain and Ireland is still but little known; while more espe- cially the western portions of the counties of Inverness, Ross, and Sutherland, in Scotland, are still almost a ferra incognita with respect both to our phenogamics and cryptogamics. There is every reason to believe that an examination of these tracts * Described as Majidea zanguebarica in * Icones Plantarum,' tab. 1097. 482 REV. J. M. CROMBIE ON NEW BRITISH LICHENS. would bring to light many additions and novelties to our Lichen- flora. 1. SPILONEMA scoricuM, Nyl. in Flora, 1869, p. 82. Thallus black, forming small, compact, convex, pulvinate patches: apothecia black, very minute, the epithecium impressed or convex ; spores 8 in thecz, colourless, oviform-oblong, l-septate, 010—014 millim. long, about "0045 millim. thick : paraphyses discrete, slender : epithecium vaguely obscure, hypothecium colourless : hymeneal gelatine blue with iodine. On damp mieaceous rocks of Ben Lawers above Loch-na-Cat, August 1867. Rare, and but very sparingly fertile, though, from the small size of the apothecia, almost invisible to the naked eye, these are very apt to be overlooked. It is allied to S. re- vertens, Nyl., from which, however, it is sufficiently distinguished by the size of the apothecia and the character of the spores. 2. PvnENoPsIs HoM«oPsis, Nyl. in Flora, 1868, p. 342. Thallus brown, thin, effuse, subgranulose: apothecia concolorous, lecanorine, small, epithecium colourless, paraphyses slender: spores '011—018 millim. long, ‘007-010 millim. thick: hymeneal gelatine reddish wine-coloured, or yellowish wine-coloured with iodine. On micaceous boulders on the summit of Ben Lawers, August, 1867. Apparently very rare, and seen only in small quantity, growing along with Lecanora frustulosa, Deks. It is most nearly allied to P. grumulifera, a Scandinavian species, but differs from this, amongst other characters, in its larger spores and gonima. 3. LECANORA HYPOPHÆA, Nyl. in Flora, 1870, p. 34. Thallus inde- terminate, greyish or greyish-green, thin, granulate, unequal; apo- thecia reddish black, lecidean, at first plane, margined, the proper margin black, subcrenulate or undulated, then somewhat convex, with excluded margin: spores innumerable, oblong, ‘005—006 millim. long, 0015 millim. thick: paraphyses of about medium thickness, articulated : hypothecium colourless, beneath slightly dark brownish : hymeneal gelatine wine- or tawny-red with iodine. On granitic stones of a wall near old Machar Cathedral, Aber- deen, August 1869. Not unfrequent in one or two spots in that locality, and often athalline, though, from the nature of the stone, only a single good specimen was obtained. It is allied to L. privigena, Ach., from which it is separated by the above characters. 4. LECIDEA LITHOPHILIZA, Nyl. in Flora, 1868, p. 473. Thallus greyish white, firm, unequally deplanate, areolate-diffractate or areo- late-rimose, thin: apothecia brownish black, brown when moist, REV. J. M. CROMBIE ON NEW BRITISH LICHENS. 483 somewhat plane or convex, immarginate, white within: spores 8 in theez, colourless, oblong, simple, ‘009-017 millim. long, :0035- 0045 millim. thick : paraphyses of medium thickness, lurid brown ` at apex: hypothecium chalky-white in the middle, and black in the lower stratum : hymeneal gelatine distinctly blue with iodine. On micaceous stones of a wall near Portlethen, Kincardine- shire, south of Aberdeen, August 1868. Apparently rare, and gathered but sparingly, notwithstanding a somewhat protracted search. Its specific name seems to indicate its propinquity to L. lithophila, Ach., a species not uncommon on the Welsh and Grampian mountains ; but Nylander observes that it ought rather to occupy a place amongst the Biatore of Fries, near to L. pheops, Nyl., a plant of Ben Lawers and Cader Idris. 5. LEcIDEA McSTULA, Nyl. in Flora, 1868, p. 344. Thallus greyish, thin, subgranulate or evanescent ; apothecia black, minute or small, plane or convex, numerous and crowded, usually immarginate, colour- less within; spores eight in thecz, colourless, elliptical, simple, :007- ‘008 millim. long, 0025-0035 millim. thick : paraphyses not discrete, epithecium colourless or obscure; hypothecium obscurely brown throughout: spermatia oblong, with short sterigmata: hymeneal gelatine wine-red with iodine. On old rails near Lyndhurst, in the New Forest, Hants, Sep- tember 1866. Abundant in the spot where gathered, and likely to occur elsewhere in that neighbourhood, as also no doubt in similar tracts at least in the south of England. Its systematic place is near L. turgidula, Frs. ; and itis nearly allied to L. myrio- carpoides, Nyl., a species not yet detected in Britain. 6. LECIDEA TENERA, Nyl. in Flora, 1869, p. 83. Thallus greyish green, thin, somewhat subgranulate, indeterminate, everywhere rimu- lose: apothecia pale, minute, plane, with paler margin : spores eight in thecz, colourless, oblong or subbacillar, simple or obsoletely l- septate, 008—010 millim. long, -0015—0025 millim. thick: para- physes of medium thickness, with clavate apex : epithecium and hy- pothecium colourless: spermogones with oblong spermatia : hyme- neal gelatine blue with iodine. On the smooth face of a granitic rock on the coast of Kincar- dineshire, south of the bay of Nigg, August 1868. Though occur- ring plentifully in one spot in a shady situation, it was seen by me nowhere else in the neighbourhood, at least in a fertile state. It is allied to Z. globulosa, Flk., from which it is distinguished by the above characters. 484 REV. J. M. CROMBIE ON NEW BRITISH LICHENS. 7. LEciDEA spopopss, Nyl. in litt.; Crombie in Seem. Jour. Bot. 1869, p. 233. Thallus greenish yellow, thin, granulose, somewhat evanescent: apothecia cinereous or sordid pale, small, convex, im- marginate : spores simple, oblong, 010—014 millim. long, ‘0025-0040 millim. thick (with hydrate of potass slightly or spuriously 3-septate): hymeneal gelatine blue, and then wine-red, with iodine. On old pales near Lyndhurst, in the New Forest, April 1869. Apparently rare and local. It is closely allied to L. denigrata, Frs., of which probably it is to be regarded as a subspecies, though externally in colour of thallus and apothecia it is readily distin- guished from this. 8. LECIDEA PARISSIMA, Nyl. in litt. Thallus sordid, greyish green when moist, granulose, indeterminate; apothecia blackish, reddish brown when moist, small, more or less crowded: spores oblong or fusiform-oblong, simple, ‘007-"011 millim. long, °0025—-0035 millim. thick (with hydrate of potass showing an obsolete septum), the epi- thecium also being obsoletely violet tinged with the same: spermatia oblong-cylindrical : hymeneal gelatine wine-yellow with iodine. On an old pale at Golder’s Green, Hendon, Middlesex, May 1870, Plentiful in one spot, and may be expected to occur else- where in similar situations near stagnant water. Like the pre- ceding, it is closely allied to L. denigrata, Frs., from which it dif- fers chiefly in the reaction with iodine as above. 9. LECIDEA SUBTURGIDULA, Nyl. in Flora, 1868, p. 343. Thallus greenish white, very thin, effuse: apothecia pale, more or less livid, opaque, convex, small, immarginate, hypothecium brownish: spores eight in thecæ, colourless, oblong, simple or slightly 1-3-septate, 008-014 millim. long, ‘003--004 millim. thick: paraphyses not dis- crete, epithecium yellowish white: hymeneal gelatine blue and then yellowish with iodine. On the decaying wood of old decorticated hollies in the New Forest, near Lyndhurst railway-junction, May 1868. Very rare and found sparingly only on two trees, notwithstanding a some- what extended search in different parts of the forest. Its sys- tematic place amongst British species is near to L. melena, Nyl. 10. Lecrpza pEDUCTA, Nyl. in litt.; Cromb. in Seem. Jour. Bot. 1869, p. 233. Thallus obscurely subgelatinous, but scarcely proper (traces of a greenish effuse thallus being here and there visible): apo- thecia blackish, small, usually margined : spores 8 in thecze, colourless or faintly blackish, elliptical or oblong, 3-septate, 010—013 millim. long, ‘0035-0045 millim. thick : paraphyses not discrete, thin layer REV. J. M. CROMBIE ON NEW BRITISH LICHENS. 485 of epithecium reddish (hypothecium more obscure in the middle) : hymeneal gelatine blue, then wine-red, with iodine. _ On decaying felled stumps of holly in the New Forest, near to Brockenhurst, April 1869. Very rare, and met with but in one spot. From the preceding, to which it is otherwise closely allied, and of which it may be but a subspecies, it differs chiefly by the apothecia being black and margined. ll. LECIDEA LEPTOSTIGMA, Nyl. in Flora, 1868, p. 344. Thallus (if proper) greyish white, rimulose: apothecia brownish black, innate, small, gregarious: spores eight in thecæ, globose or ellipsoid, *005- *009 millim. in diameter, uniseriate in the cylindrical thecz : para- physes of medium thickness, sordid yellow towards the apex ; hypo- thecium scarcely yellowish: hymeneal gelatine not coloured with iodine. On a micaceous weathered boulder near Loch-na-Cat, on Ben Lawers, August 1867. Apparently extremely rare, and gathered only very sparingly. It is allied to L. resine, Frs., and, as Ny- lander observes, may perhaps be only a small fungus, though I suspect fungologists would reject it from their list. 12. LEcIDEA INTERLUDENS, Nyl. in Flora, 1870, p. 35. "Thallus white or greyish white, thin, rimulose-areolate, limited by black lines : apothecia black, superficial, convex, immarginate, or often with a white epithalline margin, colourless within; spores eight in thee, co- lourless, ellipsoid, 010—012 millim. long, ‘006--008 millim. thick : paraphyses of medium thickness, with clavate brownish apex : sper- matia short: hymeneal gelatine blue with iodine, and the thecæ themselves wine- or violet-red. On calcareous boulders of Morrone, Braemar, August 1869. Rare, and but very sparingly gathered. It is allied to LZ. mollis, Whinb., a species not yet detected in Britain, from which it is distinguished by its larger elli ptical spores and the other charac- ters now mentioned. 13. LECIDEA mesorropa, Nyl. in Flora, 1867, p. 328. Thallus greyish, verrucose-areolate, indeterminate, of medium thickness : apo- thecia brownish black or black, opaque, somewhat plane, adnate, the margin obtuse or evanescent, white within : spores eight in thecze, ellip- soid, ‘009--013 millim. long, ‘005-006 millim. thick : paraphyses slender, usually not discrete: epithecium brownish: hypothecium colourless : hymeneal gelatine blue with iodine. On a gneissic boulder on the descent from Ben Lomond to Loch Ard, August 1865. This at first was regarded by Nylander LINN. JOURN.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. 2L 486 REV. J. M. CROMBIE ON NEW BRITISH LICHENS. as a distinct species belonging to the group of L. contigua, Frs. On further examination, however, and having regard to the thal- line reaction, he says, in a letter recently received, that it ought rather to be referred to L. tessellata, Flk., as a variety, if not merely an unusual state of this species. 14. LECIDEA sarcoGyniza, Nyl. in Flora, 1868, p. 475. "Thallus obscurely greyish green or subolivaceous, opaque, thin, indetermi- nate: apothecia black, plane, margined, the margin usually flexuose, obscure within : spores eight in theez, colourless, oblong, ‘007-'011 millim. long, about ‘003 millim. thick: thalamium colourless, para- physes of medium thickness, club-shaped and blackish at apex: hy- pothecium under the hymenium distinctly brown: perithecium blackish or black : hymeneal gelatine intensely blue with iodine. On granitic stones of wall by railway, a little beyond the Bay of Nigg, in Kincardineshire, August 1868. Apparently very rare in that locality, though I gathered it more plentifully, but athalline, in the subsequent autumn, on quartzose boulders of Morrone, Braemar. It follows the depressions and chinks in the stone, and is apt to be overlooked as a mere state of L. lithophila, Ach., to which it is closely allied. 15. LEcrpEA CROMBIEI, Jones in litt.; Nyl. in Flora, 1868, p. 245. Thallus greenish sulphur-coloured, of medium thickness, uneven, rimose diffractate or subareolate, limited by the black hypothallus, which is everywhere visible between the areole: apothecia black, of medium size, innate, somewhat convex, immarginate, obscurely greyish within: spores eight in thecze, colourless, elliptieal, 010—012 millim. long, ‘006-007 millim. thick : thalamium blue, epithecium bluish black, hypothecium colourless or faintly reddish : paraphyses not well discrete: hymeneal gelatine blue with iodine (the thecæ more intensely coloured at apex). * On serpentine rocks of the Khoil, in Braemar, July 1865. This species was first distinguished as such by the late Admiral Jones, and has subsequently been sparingly gathered by Mr. Carroll on Mangerton in Kerry, by Dr. Holl on Ben Lawers, and by myself in Glen Callater. Specimens from the last of these localities show its near affinity to L. aglea, Smmrf., of which, in my own opinion, it is to be considered only a variety. 16. LECIDEA APHANOIDES, Nyl. in Flora, 1868, p. 470. Thallus obscurely olive-grey, thin, subverrucose, or subgranulose, unequal, indeterminate, or subevanescent : apothecia black, small, convex, im- marginate, naked, white within: spores eight in thecz, colourless, REV. J. M. CROMBIE ON NEW BRITISH LICHENS. 487 elliptical, simple, 009—013 millim. long, *0045--0055 millim. thick : paraphyses not discrete: thalamium with the epithecium bluish, hypothecium colourless or vaguely reddish below : hymeneal gelatine blue, and then violet-red with iodine. s On calcareous rocks of Craig Guie, near Crathie church, in Braemar, August 1868. Apparently rare, and gathered only very sparingly beside the limestone quarry. It is allied to L. aphana, Nyl., a species found in Ireland by Mr. Carroll, both, with the following, belonging to the group of L. furvella, Nyl. 17. LECIDEA MELAPHANA, Nyl. in Flora, 1869, p. 83. Thallus black, thin, opaque, unequal, somewhat diffractate : apothecia black, small, convex, immarginate, obscure within: spores eight in thece, colour- less, oblong, simple, '011—019 millim. long, *0045-:0055 millim. thiek: paraphyses not discrete, epithecium with upper portion of thalamium blue, hypothecium slightly brownish below: hymeneal ge- latine blue with iodine, and then partly of a violet colour. On schistose boulders of Craig Guie, in Braemar, August 1868. Like the preceding, to which it is closely allied, this species oc- curred, but in very small quantity, amongst the boulders which lie thickly scattered on the lower slope of the hill, westward from the quarry. 18. LecipEA INSERENA, Nyl. in Flora, 1869, p. 84. "Thallus ob- scurely greyish, rimose-areolate ; the hypothallus black, visible, or denudate: apothecia somewhat tumid, black within, paraphyses not discrete, epithecium bluish brown, hypothecium with white opaque stratum beneath: spores eight in thecz, ellipsoid-oblong, *014—017 millim. long. 006—008 millim. thick: hymeneal gelatine blue with iodine. ; On calcareous rocks of Craig Guie in Braemar, August 1868. Very rare. This species, which belongs to the group of L. tene- brosa, Flot., occurs also very sparingly on Morrone, according to a small scrap in my herbarium, which was gathered there in 1861, but not then correctly named. 19. Lecip&A postuma, Nyl. in Flora, 1868, p. 345. Thallus greyish, thin, scattered, evanescent : apothecia black, minute, plane, margined, concolorous within: spores 6-8 in thecæ, colourless or brownish, elliptical oblong, 3-septate (often with the addition of oblique or lon- gitudinal septules), ‘015-016 millim. long, 006-007 millim. thick : epithecium brownish : hymeneal gelatine deep blue with iodine. On caleareous stones in gravelly places, near the summit of Morrone, in Braemar, July 1865. Probably not very rare, though 212 488 REY. J. M. CROMBIE ON NEW BRITISH LICHENS. but a single specimen was then gathered, and I have not since succeeded in finding others. It approaches very closely to L. pe- trea, Flot., but seems sutticiently distinct from all the states of that variable species. 20. LEcIDEA PR&CAVENDA, Nyl. inlitt.; Cromb. in Seem. Jour. Bot. 1869, p. 232. "Thallus obscure, thin, scarcely visible, but apparently blackish green: apothecia black, plane, or somewhat concave, mar- gined, small: spores 8 in thecz, faintly blackish, ellipsoid, 1-septate, 014—017 millim. long, °006--008 millim. thick : paraphyses slender : epithecium obscurely amber-brown, above more intense in colour: hymeneal gelatine blue, and then wine-red with iodine. On the decaying wood of an old holly near Lyndhurst in the New Forest, April 1869. Very rare and local, having been found only very sparingly on a single tree. Nylander observed that it is distinguished from L. myriocarpa, DC.,by the form of the pa- raphyses and the reaction with iodine, and from LZ. adpressa, Hepp, by the paraphyses, and the colour of the spores and hypo- thecium. 21. LECIDEA coMMACULANS, Nyl. in Flora, 1868, p. 476. Thallus greyish or brownish black, thin, subareolate, depressed, usually scat- tered, indeterminate, often wanting : apothecia black, small, convex, scarcely margined, concolorous within: spores eight in thecæ, colour- less, oblong, 008—011 millim. long, 003—004 millim. broad: para- physes not discrete, epithecium blackish, hypothecium thick, reddish brown : hymeneal gelatine blue with iodine. On hard felspathie boulders, near the summit of Morrone, in Braemar, August 1868. Apparently rare towards the north-west brow of the mountain; and from thé nature of the rock, speci- mens were with difficulty obtained. It belongs to the group of L. geographica, Lin. 22. LECIDEA SYMPHORELLA, Nyl. in Flora, 1870, p. 35. Thallus ob- scure, or but slightly visible: apothecia innate, black, minute, convex, immarginate, aggregated in heaps (each of which is composed of seve- ral apothecia), concolorous within , spores eight in thecz, colourless, oblong, simple, 010—018 millim long, ‘004-007 millim. thick : pee physes of medium thickness, or not always discrete: epithecium sordid blue or brownish: hypothecium dark brown: hymeneal gelatine and the thecz wine-red, or wine-violet, with iodine. On loose calcareous stones amongst detritus on the summit of Morrone, Braemar, August 1869. Apparently rare, and gathered sparingly in only a single spot not far from the Cairn. It is REV. J. M. CROMBIE ON NEW BRITISH LICHENS. 489 somewhat doubtful, as Nylander observes, to what genus this spe- cies belongs. There is present a white, thin, areolate, diffractate, evanescent, lecidean thallus; but this seems scarcely proper ; and also another obscure thallus nearly obsolete, adnate, or under the apothecia, with green elliptical gonidia (almost gonima), thickly involute, which would appear to be the real thallus, inasmuch as this is constantly present, while the other is frequently absent. 23. RIMULARIA LIMBORINA, Nyl. in Flora, 1868, pp. 346, 476. Thallus greyish, thin, rimulose or subareolate: apothecia black or brownish black, rugulose, somewhat depresso-convex, small, roundish, subradiately fissured, greyish within : spores eight in thecz, colourless, at length brownish, elliptical, simple, "018—025 millim. long, *011—016 millim. thick; paraphyses slender, irregular, and often branched: perithecium black above, brownish black below: hymeneal gelatine tawny red with iodine. On weathered calcareous stones on Craig Guie, Braemar, August 1865. This new genus and species was described by Nylander in the Flora from a specimen gathered about the same time as my own, by Ripart, in Haute Vienne. It is allied to the genus Mycoporwm, and along with it may be regarded as consti- tuting a separate tribe, which Nylander has called Peridiei, inter- mediate between the Graphidei and Pyrenocarpei. 24. ENDOCARPON CromBikl, Mudd, Brit. Clad. p. 36. Parasitic on thallus of Thamnolia vermicularis: apothecia verruceform, lateral, minute, at length emersed, confluent, each verruca containing many nuclei: ostiola very minute, punctiform, depressed, pale reddish brown : nucleus subgelatinous in yellowish brown subceraceous tunic : paraphyses slender, discrete ; spores 8 in thecze, very minute, elliptical, unilocular, occasionally obscurely bilocular, hyaline. Apparently not very rare on the higher Grampians of Scotland, as Ben Lawers, Morrone, Ben-na-boord, on which last mountain it was first discovered by me in August 1862. Though regarded by Mudd, Z. c., as a true lichen, Nylander considers it a fun- gillus ; and indeed it seems to be one of those anomalous things of which the systematie place is at present rather doubtful. In addition to these, I have also met with the following new forms of other lichens, which I may here briefly notice, viz. :— l. Parmelia lanata, var. subciliata, Nyl., with thallus depressed, suborbicular, the lacini and apothecia ciliated at the margins. Rare, on limestone-rocks of Morrone, in Braemar. 2. Lecanora umbrina,* prosechoides, Nyl., with small black or brown apothecia, 490 MR. J. T. MOGGRIDGE ON PETALODY ellipsoid simple spores 008—012 millim. long, °0045-"0055 millim. thick, and paraphyses usually somewhat thickish, clavate. Com- mon on maritime rocks on the coast of Kincardineshire, including L. lainea, Frs., and L. helicopis, f. dilutior, Nyl. 3. Lecanora varia, var. symmicta, f. livescens, Nyl. Distinguished chiefly by its small livid apothecia. Sparingly on trunks of old trees at High-beech, Epping Forest. 4. Lecanora ventosa, var. subfestiva, Nyl. with thallus greyish yellow, verrucose, granulate, thick, and apothecia rusty red, margined. Rare, on a schistose boulder at base of Mor- rone, Braemar, the apothecia having a close external resemblance to those of f. festiva, Ach., of Lecanora ferruginea. 5. Lecidea lapicida, * lithophiloides, Nyl., with evanescent thallus, apothecia white within ; spores oblong, '011—015 millim. long, *0035—0045 millim. thick, and black epithecium. On rocks on the Kincar- dineshire coast and on Ben-nahoord, Braemar. 6. Lecidea ocel- lata, * preponens, Nyl., with thallus yellow, areolate or granulate- verruculose ; apothecia subinnate, rugulose, immarginate ; spores ‘015-017 millim. long, "008—010 millim. thick. On stones of the railway-wall between Nigg and Cove on the coast of Kincar- dineshire. 7. Verrucaria cinerella, var. megaspora, Nyl., with spores -023—036 long, 009—013 millim. thick. On bark of hol- lies, not unfrequent in several parts of the New Forest. Petalody * of the Sepals in Serapias. By J. T. MoseenriDaz, Esq., F.L.S. (Puate III.) ( Read June 16, 1870.] Ir was in April, 1867,at Mentone, in the Département des Alpes Maritimes, that I first observed a plant of Serapias lingua, L., presenting the abnormal development which I am about to de- scribe. In this individual there were five expanded flowers, in all of which the lateral sepals were modified so as to become semilabelliform—that is to say, presenting all the characters of one half of the labellum along one side, and this the side ad- jacent to the true labellum, while the opposite or posterior side * I borrow here the term used by Dr. Masters in his ‘ Vegetable Teratology,’ which conveys the assumption of the petal structure by the sepals, stamens, OF carpels, It will be remembered that the labellum is itself a modified petal. OF THE SEPALS IN SERAPIAS. 491 of the lateral sepals remained of the ordinary sepal structure. One of these flowers is represented of the natural size at fig. 1, and its parts magnified below; and in this one the column was perfect, while in the other four flowers it was reduced to a mere rudi- mentary process above the callus or guiding-plates, neither anther nor stigmatic surface being traceable. In all the ovary was less than half its proper length; but otherwise the remaining parts of each flower were normal, though rather small, except that the sepals and petals were free, not forming a hood. During the past spring (April 20-23, 1870) I have again come across this curious form of monstrosity at Mentone, but this time in Serapias cordigera, L. I examined no less than six specimens of S. cordigera, L., all of which faithfully reproduced the kind of modification described and figured above in S. lingua, L., the column being perfect in all; while in one other specimen, having six expanded flowers, one flower corresponded with that figured in its abnormal details, one was perfectly formed, and the four remaining flowers exhibited different stages of the par- tial conversion of the lateral petals. It is instructive to note that in all the complete specimens it was the same part that was affected, and that both the kind and amount of change was the same in all: thus, both in S. lingua, L., and S. cordigera, L., it was always the anterior* half of the lateral sepals that became labelliform ; and so exactly was the line of demarcation observed between the changed and unchanged halves of these sepals, that in every case only one half of the callus or guiding-plate was deve- loped (figs. 15 and 1c, Plate III.). Inall these abnormal flowers, also, the ovary was reduced to less than one half its ordinary length; and in four out of the five flowers on the spike of S. lingua, L., the column was rudimentary. The exact reproduction of these semilabelliform sepals in eight distinet plants belonging to two species of Serapias surely indi- cates that this is no mere passing change brought upon the plant by the action of some temporary condition, but rather a deep-seated tendency forming a part of the constitution of these species, or perhaps of the genus, a tendency which may be always present in each individual, though usually in a latent condition. In order to realize the extent and the detailed nature of this * "Throughout I refer to the position of the parts of the flower as found in expanded blooms. 492 MRK, J. T. MOGGRIDGE ON PETALODY modification (which can in no sense be called a malformation), it is important to compare the structure in the normal and ab- normal flower. In the normal lateral sepal (fig. 2 a) the limb is free from the base of the labellum, in a lower plane, and not more or less confluent with it, as in the case of the abnormal sepals (fig. 14); the central nerve has on either side of it two bi- trifurcated nerves, the central and the lateral nerves springing from tie bundle of vessels which supply the adjacent side of the labelium, and form part of the group described by Mr. Darwin as the antero-lateral ; but the central and posterior nerves join this bundle at a common point close to its immersion in the ovary, while the anterior nerve unites with the same bundle of vessels at a point nearer to the base of the labellum ; this ante- rior nerve, in the abnorinal flower, undergoes a complete change, and, in place of being only once or twice branched, assumes in every respect the character of the adjacent lateral nerve of the la- bellum, sending out a qnantity of branched veins through the newly developed lateral lobe and along its whole course on the side away from the central nerve. Thus we have the following important changes in either lateral sepal of these abnormal flowers:—(1) the limb is confluent at one or more points with thelabellum; (2) the anterior nerve takes on the character of the much-branched adjacent nerve of the labellum ; (3) one of the guiding-plates is developed; (4) a lateral lobe and (5) a hairy-surfaced structure, precisely similar to the corresponding part of the labellum, replace the whole anterior longitudinal half. Mr. Darwin's hypothesis of Pangenesis enables us to form a coneeption of the mode in which tendencies of any kind may be transmitted through a lapse of time inecaleulably long either in a dormant or active state. I have lately, during my attempts to arrange and draw deductions from a series of observations on minute variation in wild plants, become more and more impressed with the belief that each individual includes within itself a great variety of latent tendencies, the development of which is occa- sionally facilitated by the disturbing action of changed surround- ing conditions. Thus in Arbutus Unedo, L., the fruits, when suffering from the attacks of white scale, do not usually become mere shapeless masses, but assume types well recognized as cha- racterizing entire trees, and often present two or three forms on the same branch, becoming ovate-acute, globose-depressed, sub- OF THE SEPALS IN SERAPIAS. 493 pentagonal, or the like. Here, since we find that both in normal and abnormal variation the fruits tend to assume similar types, it is hard to resist the conclusion that the production of these forms is due to tendencies which make a part of the constitution of the plant; for the disease which, in the case of the abnormal va- riation, might be taken for the cause of the modification, is ab- sent in the case of the normal variation. It would appear, from Dr. Masters’s * Vegetable Teratology,’ that petalody of the sepals is of rare occurrence, and that in- stances of the assumption of the characters of the inner by the outer perianth-segments of Orchidacee have not hitherto been recorded. It would seem more intelligible if the two upper petals had taken on the labelliform condition, as the labellum is itself a modified petal; and it is, at first sight, hard to form even a conjecture why the lateral sepals of Serapias should so systematically undergo this change. If, however, we turn to Mr. Darwin’s ‘Fertilization of Or- chids’ (p. 294 &c.), we learn something of the homologies of the labellum, which may perhaps supply us with a clue. Mr. Darwin, from a study of the course of the spiral vessels through the tissues of the flowers of Orchids, arrived at the conclusion that the two missing stamens of the outer whorl are combined with the labellum on either side of its central nerve, the evi- dence of which is found in the bundles of spiral vessels which I have called the lateral nerves. Now it is exactly these parts that are brought into contact with the modified portions of the lateral sepals ; and it does not seem a very improbable conjecture that the change observed in these latter may be due to the partial diversion or bifurcation of the spiral vessels belonging to the two missing stamens. It is very tempting to make one more suggestion, founded upon the preceding hypothesis, and to speculate whether (if it be true that the introduction of spiral vessels belonging to either stamen into the two lateral sepals suffices for the production in either of half a labellum, in place of the ordinary sepal-structure) the combination of the two stamens with the anterior petal may not readily account for its change into a labellum. I have twice seen forms of Ophrys insectifera, L., in each of which one of the flowers was entirely destitute of a labellum, and the lateral sepals were united along their anterior margins, so that they assumed the position of the missing labellum. In 491 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME one of these plants, which belonged to the subspecies Berto- lonii, Mor., at the base of the column of the monstrous flower, which was prolonged below the stigmatic cavity, three distinct spots served to mark the position of the three nerves or bundles of spiral vessels, of which the two lateral ones belong to the missing stamens, and the central one to the mid nerve of the labellum. At fig. 3 I have given a sketch of this flower, which was the lowest on its spike, but not placed in the axil of its bract. Dr. Masters * mentions several instances of similar modifications, which appear to be not uncommon in Orchidaces ; but I do not find any allusion to the presence of three spots at the base of the column which serve to illustrate the position of the spiral vessels traced by Mr. Darwin in thelabellum. These spots were entirely superficial. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATE. Fig. 1, abnormal flower of Serapias lingua, L., of the natural size; fig. 1a, upper sepal ; 1 4 and 1c, semilabelliform lateral sepals; 1d, labellum; le and lf, petals; 1g, the column; 1 h, basal portions of the lateral sepals and of the labellum, the column having been removed so as to show the course of the three groups of spiral vessels which enter the labellum, and of their branches which supply the lateral sepals: figs. 1 a to 1 A, all magnified. Fig. 2, normal flower of S. lingua, L., of the natural size; 2 a, lateral sepal of the same, slightly magnified. Fig. 3, abnormal flower of subsp. Ophrys Bertolonii, Mor., of the natural size. The Fungi of Ceylon. By the Rev. M. J. Bznxsrzx, M.A., F.L.S., and C. E. Broome, Esq., F.L.S. (Hymenomycetes, from Aga- ricus to Cantharellus.) [Read June 16, 1870.] The materials in our possession, beside others to which; we have access, are very considerable. We possess almost a com- plete set of those which were collected by the late Dr. Gardner; those transmitted by Mr. Thwaites comprise more than twelve hundred numbers, above three hundred of which have been beau- tifully figured; while those of Dr. Kónig, preserved in the British Museum, have already been described by one of us in the ‘ Annals of Natural History.’ Any general observations on the Fungi of Ceylon had better be reserved till we have had the whole collec- * ‘Teratology, p. 398 (Meiophylly of the Corolla). ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 495 tion under review; but meanwhile, as far as regards the species described in this first notice, it will at once be remarked how closely the Agarics, which comprise 302 species, resemble those of our own country. Though many species do not seem to be identical, still we have frequently had great difficulty in accu- rately estimating the difference. It is singular that every one of the subgenera of Fries is represented, though the number of spe- cies in one or two is greatly predominant. Lepiota and Psalliota alone comprise one-third of the species, while Pholiota, which one might expect to be well represented, offers only a single obscure species. It has frequently been a matter of doubt whether par- ticular species should be refered to Lepiota or Psalliota, since the colour of the spores sometimes changes in drying with the rest of the plant. We have therefore been obliged to be guided by what we know of European species, having merely drawings and dried specimens to help us. If, therefore, we have in this case com- mitted any errors, they must be left to the reconsideration of Ceylon botanists with fresh specimens before them. As the drawings will hereafter be returned to Ceylon, careful copies being reserved for this country, there will be no want of materials for the purpose. The figures have been made, under the superin- tendence of our indefatigable friend Mr. Thwaites, by a native artist (Mr. De Alwis), and are admirable, both as to execution and details. Indeed it would be difficult to point out any which so completely satisfy the most stringent requirements, with the single exception of microscopical matters, which, in most cases, we have been able to supply. Exception, perhaps, may be taken to so many of the specific names being derived from the Greek ; but in such an enormous genus the great point was to avoid the danger of using terms which are already appropriated, a matter of ex- treme difficulty even with the help of the best published lists. It will be well, indeed, if we have not sometimes suffered wreck on a rock nearer home. Specimens of a few of the more striking drawings have already been laid before the Society; and it is a matter of regret that it is simply impossible to publish the whole series. The copies, however, will ultimately be deposited in the library at Kew. 496 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME 1. AGARICUS (AMANITA) HEMIBAPHUS, B. & Br. in Linn. Tr. xxvii. p. 149, tab. 33a. (No. 700.) On the ground. Peradeniya. Sept. 1868. Spores *0003'—0004' long by :0002' wide *. 2. A. (AMANITA) VAGINATUS, Bull. (No. 777 mixed with some Vol- varia, cum icone.) On the ground. Peradeniya. Aug. Sept. 1868. No. 719 is a slate-coloured variety. 3. A. (AMANITA) ANOMOLOGUs, B. & Br. Pileo convexo umbonato glabro stipiteque e fareto cavo glutine hyalino (volva universali) ob- sitis; lamellis angustis adnexis (no. 1236, cum icone). On the ground. Jan. 30, 1869. Pileus 13 inch across, cinerous, strongly and obtusely umbonate, clothed, as is the straight stuffed stem, witii transparent mucilage; stem 3 inches high, 13-2 lines thick, slightly attenuated upwards ; gills 1 line broad, white, arched, free, or only slightly adnexed. Apparently a debased Amanita analogous to one of those in the last section of Fries, approaching Lepiota. 4. A. (LEPIOTA) PROCERUS, Scop. Carn. 418; Gardner, no. 99. On the ground in shady places. Peradeniya. Sept. 1844. 5. A. (LEPIOTA), DoLICHAULOS, B, § Br. in Linn. Tr. xxvii. p. 150. (No. 706, 694, cum icone.) Amongst grass. Peradeniya. July 1868, Jan. 1869. 6. A. (LEPIoTA) cowTINUUs, B. in Lond. Journ. Bot. vi. p. 480; Gardner, no. 29, On the ground in shady places. Peradeniya. June 1844. Spores *0005' long. 7. A. (LEPIOTA) oNcoPus, B. & Br. Albus; pileo e digitaliformi convexo subcarnoso verrucis minutis exasperato, margine crenato ; stipite podagroso verrucoso farcto; lamellis ventricosis postice at- tenuatis remotis (no. 792, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya. Nov. 1868. White; pileus 5 inches across, at first digitaliform, obtuse, then ex- panded, broadly umbonate, clothed with minute warts; flesh rather thick, except toward the crenate margin; stem 5 inches or more high, gouty below, clothed, especially above, with little superficial warts, stuffed ; ring ample, torn; gills nearly 3 an inch wide, ventri- cose, attenuated behind; spores very pale yellow, oblong, ‘00045’ long; mycelium delicate, white. : A. continuus may possibly prove to be a wartless form of this species. * The decimals in this paper are all parts of an English inch. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 497 8. A. (LEPIOTA) ZEYLANICUS, B. Lond. Journ. Bot. vi. p. 480; Gardner, no. 15; Thwaites (uo. 37).—A. theloides, B. § Br. in Tr. Linn. Soc. xxvii. p. 150. (No. 688, cum icone.) In shady places on the ground. Peradeniya. June 1844. Gardner, July, Sept. 1868; Thwaites. Spores subglobose, 0003 —0005' long. 9. A. (LEPIOTA) SUBCLYPEOLARIUS, B. & C. in Journ. Linn. Soc. x. p.283. (No.37 in part.) On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1867, July 1868. Spores *0003' long. 10. A. (LEPIOTA) RUBRICATUS, B. & Br. Pileoe campanulato plano- convexo obtuso vel umbonato, margine suleato parce squamuloso ; sti- pite subzequali, lamellis distantibus postice attenuatis approximatis (no. 37, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Sept. Nov. 1868. Pileus 2 inches or more across, campanulate, pale, but (like the whole plant and especially the gills) turning red in drying ; margin sulcate ; gills attenuated behind, varying in breadth, approximate, lemon-co- loured ; spores *0004/—0005' long ; stem 3 inches or more high, + thick, nearly equal, stuffed with cottony threads. ll. A. (LEPIOTA) 1NEBRIATUS, B. & Br. Pileo campanulato fortiter umbonato subcarnoso in squamulas parvas superficiales sericeas rupto, margine striato ; stipite sursum attenuato glabro; annulo mobili ; lamellis ventricosis subremotis postice attenuatis (nos. 701, 780, cum icone). On the ground. July, Aug. 1868. Pileus 2 inches or more across, at first campanulate, then expanded, strongly but obtusely umbonate, pale yellowish, broken up into flat silky scales; umbo smooth, darker, margin striate; stem 3 inches high, slightly attenuated upwards, stuffed, then hollow, whitish, smooth, sometimes rooting ; ring entire, moveable; gills white, ven- tricose, two lines wide, attenuated behind ; spores oblong, *0003'— *00035' long. Vinous when cut or in drying, but not so strongly as in some other species. No. 819 is a small variety. 12. A. (LEPIOTA) HoLosPrLoTus, B. & Br. Pileo plano subcarnoso striato pallide carneo fibrilloso squamulis atropurpureis notato; sti- pite clavato flexuoso ubique punctato ; annulo atro-purpureo angusto submobili; lamellis pallide stramineis ventricosis postice attenuatis approximatis (no. 1171, cum icone). On the ground. July 1869. Pileus nearly 13 inch across, plane, rather fleshy, pale pinkish, striate, fibrillose, with scattered brown-purple scales; stem 2 inches high, 13 line thick in the centre, clavate, sprinkled both above and below the 498 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME ring with dark specks; ring more or less moveable, brown-purple ; gills pale, straw-coloured, 1 line wide, ventricose, attenuated behind, approximate; spores ovate, ‘0003’ long. Whole plant dark when dry. Allied to A. biornatus. 13. A. (LepioTa) cARPHOPHYLLUS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo obtuso subearnoso subfulvo, centro pulveraceo, margine fibrilloso ; stipite recto concolori e fareto cavo; annulo descendente mobili candido ; lamellis stramineis ventricosis postice attenuatis approximatis (no. 1165, cum icone). On the ground. July 1869. Pileus 2 inches across, dull tawny, convex, dabei in the centre, fibrillose towards the margin ; stem 12 inch high, 1 thick, of the same colour, even; ring descending, moveable; gills 12-2 lines wide, ven- tricose, straw-coloured, attenuated behind, approximate; spores broadly ovate, *00025' long. Differs at once from all the forms of A. erythrogrammus in the different nature of the ring. 14. A. (LEPIOTA) LEPIDoPHonvus, D. $ Br. Pileo e campanulato papillato-umbonato plano subcarnoso obtuso squamulis minutis ob- sito; stipite sursum attenuato farcto ; annulo mobili; lamellis ventri- cosis approximatis citrinis (no. 36, cum icone) (no. 882). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1869. Pileus an inch or more across, campanulate, umbonate, then plane ob- tuse and slightly umbonate, white, clothed with minute reddish scales, striate when dry; stem 12 inch high, 14 line thick in the cen- tre, stuffed, pinkish ; ring entire, cup-shaped, moveable ; gills 1 line broad, ventricose, lnoi dolowred, rounded behind, approximate ; ; spores *0005/ long. Whole plant acquiring a yellowish tinge in dry- ing, and staining the paper bright yelllow. b. No. 883. “ Gills soon turning green when drying. Stem very pale ferruginous.” 15. A. (LEPIOTA) ERYTHROGRAMMUS, B. & Br. Pileo plano umbo- nato vinoso lituris fibrosis concoloribus notato ; stipite e basi clavi- formi sursum attenuato candido glabro albo-farcto ; annulo submo- bili, lamellis ventricosis approximatis (no. 1202, cum icone). On the ground. July 1869. Pileus 12 inch across, plane, umbonate, vinous, marked with radiating fibrillose lines ; stem 2 inches high, nearly } inch thick in the centre, smooth, stuffed ; gills 2 lines broad, white, ventricose, approximate ; spores ‘00025’ long, much broader than in A. alborusseus. b (no. 1187, cum icone) is a very pretty variety, of a bright brick-red, as is the edge of the erect ring. c (no. 1159, cum icone) is a large variety, in which the fibres are more ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 499 inclined to be disposed in scales, the pileus more campanulate, with little or no umbo, coloured as in 5, the ring somewhat move- able, with its edge clothed like the pileus. 16. A. (LEPIOTA) anopus, B. & Br. Pileo late campanulato papil- lato-umbonato membranaceo sulcato squamulis paucis superficialibus albis obsito ; stipite clavato extus intusque rubro, annulo medio per- sistente ; lamellis latissimis ventricosis ascendentibus postice attenu- atis approximatis (no. 688* cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus 2} inches across at the base, 14 inch high, white, campanulate sulcate, with a few scattered nearly white superficial scales; the ex- treme nipple-like umbo red; stem 3 inches high, 13 line thick in the centre, clavate, solid, red within and without, smooth; ring central, white; gills } inch wide, white, ventricose, strongly attenuated be- hind, approximate; spores *0003'—0004' long. 17. A. (LEPIOTA) AponEUS, B. & Br. Niveus; pileo campanulato subcarnoso latissime papillato-umbonato, umbone centro depresso, striato particulis furfuraceis obsito; stipite clavato grumoso-farcto, annulo angusto; lamellis arcuatis utrinque attenuatis remotis (no. 688 cum icone). On the ground. Nov. 1868. Pileus 1 inch broad and high; stem 3 inches high, flexuous, 13 line thick in the centre; gills nearly 2 lines wide. 18. A. (LEPIOTA) LEONTODERES, B. & Br. Pileo convexo umbonato fulvo verrucis paucis pallidis insperso ; stipite e basi truncata sursum attenuato maculato sursum liturato e farcto cavo, annulo descendente lacerato fugaci lamellisque latis postice rotundatis approximatis paili- dioribus (no. 1200 cum icone ). On the ground. Peradeniya, July 1869. Pileus 2} inches across, convex, umbonate, tawny, minutely tomentose, with a few scattered warts ; stem 3 inches high, } inch thick in the middle, truncate at the base, where there are a few transverse tawny scales, marked above with tawny streaks, stuffed, then hollow; gills i inch wide, ventricose, rounded, or sometimes slightly attenuated behind, very pale tawny ; spores ‘0003’ long. The flesh is so tender that the warts seem sunk into the substance when dry, as in an allied Cuban species A. hemisclerus, B. & C. 19. A. (LEP10TA) CEPÆSTIPES, Sow. (No. 1154 cumicone.) Gardner, no. 47. Amongst decayed herbs. Nov. 1867, July 1869. “Densely clustered, of a beautiful yellow, base of stipes tinged with orange.” 500 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME The plant of Nov. 1867 is a variety with an equal stem, such as occurs occasionally in our hothouses. 20. A. (LEPIOTA) LicmopHorus, B. & Br. Pileo plano depresso membranaceo citrino plicato-suleato, margine crenato; stipite gracili sursum attenuato fistuloso citrino; lamellis arcuatis distantibus can- didis remotis (no. 758 cum icone). On theground. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. Pileus 1 inch across, lemon-coloured, membranaceous, deeply plicato- sulcate up to the central disk, margin crenate ; stem 33 inches high, attenuated upwards, lemon-coloured, 1 line thick in the centre, fistu- lose, truncate at the base; ring about halfway up; gills distant, slightly arched, remote, interstices veined; spores lemon-shaped, *0005' long. This species, like the former, oecurs occasionally in our hot- houses. It is probable that they were originally introduced with exotie plants, as they never occur in the open air. The species approaches very closely to Fries’s genus Hiatula. 21. A. (LEPIOTA) PsELLIOPHORUS, P. é Br. Pileo plano depresso carnoso fusco diffracto-maculato, margine arcuato, stipite crassiusculo armillato solido; annulo descendente amplo striato ; lamellis ventri- cosis pallidis postice rotundatis approximatis (no. 798 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus 1$ inch across, plane, depressed, brown-spotted from the breaking up here and there of the cuticle, margin repand ; flesh thick, white ; stem 13 inch high, 3 inch thick, solid, clothed with transverse rings of scales; ring white, broad, descending, striate from the impression of the gills ; gills white, 1 inch wide, ventricose, rounded behind, ap- proximate ; mycelium white. 22. A. (LEPIOTA) THROMBOPHORUS, B. & Br. Pileo conico albo squamis grumosis brunneis obsito, margine fisso; stipite subzequali furfuraceo, annulo amplo descendente ; lamellis angustis utrinque at- tenuatis candidis (no. 903 cum icone). On the ground. Jan. 9, 1869. Pileus Ẹ inch wide, beset with dark brown grumous scales; stem l inch high, 1 line thick, smooth, reddish ; ring descending, ample; gills scarcely $ line broad, attenuated at either end, white, approximate ; spores *0005' long. No. 923 appears to be a variety with more pilose scales and broader ventricose gills. The spores agree exactly. Allied to A. albo-russeus. 23. A. (LEPIOTA) RHYPAROPHORUS, B. $ Br. Pusillus ; pileo con- ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 501 vexo subumbonato sulcato-striato albo maculis fuscis obsito; stipite clavato, annulo descendente; lamellis angustis postice attenuatis approximatis (ni* 1199, 887 cum iconibus). On the ground. Jan. July 1869. Pileus convex, slightly umbonate, 3 inch across, white, sulcate, spotted with dark brown patches; stem 3-1 inch high, reddish, smooth, cla- vate, stuffed; ring narrow, descending; mycelium thread-like; gills . 3 line wide, attenuated behind, white, distant, approximate; spores oblong, :0002' long. No. 885 (cum icone), Peradeniya, Sept. Nov. 1869, is a plane form with the stem 11 inch high and nearly equal; gills 1 line, wide, pinkish ; spores :0002' long. No. 953 is a still taller form with a well-developed ring ; spores same length. In some respects resembles the last species, but the spores are very different. 24. A. (LEPIOTA) PHLYCTANODES, B. & Br. Convexo obtuso car- noso verrucoso, margine squamoso ; stipite æquali fibrilloso-farcto, annulo amplo descendente ; lamellis ventricosis approximatis (no. 820, 1173 cum iconibus). On the ground or decaying vegetable matter. June 1869. Pileus 1-2 inches across, plano-convex, broadly umbonate or obtuse, clothed above with reddish-brown erect warts, and towards the mar- gin with fibrillose scales, flesh white with a slight pinkish tinge; stem 2 inches high, 2 lines thick, stuffed with white fibres, reddish within and without, slightly fibrillose; ring descending, ample; gills ventricose, 1 line wide, rounded behind, approximate; spores ob- liquely ovate, *0003' long. Mycelium fibrous. No. 1173* has the margin striate, and is cylindrical when young ; stem slightly scaly toward the base. Gills not rounded behind. We consider this a variety. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868, 25. A. (LEPIOTA) PSEUDO-GRANULOSUS, B. § Br. Pileo subeampa- nulato estriato verrucis erectis et pulvere obsito ; stipite claveeformi e farcto cavo, annulo amplo descendente; lamellis candidis angustis utrinque attenuatis (no. 823 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. i Pileus 1l inch across, white, clothed in the centre with upright mealy warts, pulverulent towards the margin; stem 1j inch high, 1 line thick in the centre, clavate, stuffed, then hollow, white, pulverulent ; ring ample, white, deseending ; gills narrow, subremote; spores 0002’ long. LINN, JOURN.— BOTANY, VOL. XI. 2M 502 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME No. 823* is a fawn-coloured form, with a narrower ring ; stem fawn-coloured, villous, with deflexed hairs. 26. A. (LEPIOTA) MuTICOLOR, B. § Br. Pileo subcampanulato ob- tuso candido squamis fibrillosis rufis hie illie picto ! stipite clavato albo, deorsum rufulo albo-farcto, annulo amplo descendente ; lamellis utrinque attenuatis approximatis (no. 714 cum icone). Onthe ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus 1 inch across, subeampanulate, obtuse, white, clothed, especially in the centre, with minute fibrillose rufous scales; stem 2% inches high, nearly 2 lines thick, clavate, white with a slight rufous tint below ; ring descending; gills 14 line wide, attenuated at either ex- tremity, slightly tinged with red; spores '0002' long. Allied to A. metabolus. 27. A. (LEPIOTA) BroRNATUS, B. ó Br. Pileo convexo carnoso sericeo squamulis punetiformibus rubris insperso estriato; stipite maeulato e farcto cavo maculato, radicante, annulo descendente; la- mellis ventricosis albis approximatis (no. 1168 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, July 1869. Cwspitose ; pileus 2 inches across, broadly campanulate, white, silky, with scattered minute dark-red scales, fleshy; flesh white or slightly tinged with yellow; stem oblique, 4 inches high, 3 inch thick, attenu- ated at the base, rooting, spotted with red, reddish within, stuffed, then hollow; ring descending, spotted at the edge like the pileus ; gills 2 lines broad, white, ventricose, approximate ; spores *0004 long by :0003'. Like A. rubricatus, the whole plant becomes dark in drying. 28. A. (LEPIOTA) paranus, B. $ Br. Pileo convexo albido piloso- squamoso ; stipite clavato fibrilloso fareto, annulo descendente fugaci ; lamellis arcuatis (no. 788). On the ground. Nov. 1868. Pileus 2-23 inches across, convex, dirty white, the surface broken up into pilose scales; stems 2 inches high, 2 lines thick in the centre, ring descending, fugacious; gills arcuate, attenuated behind ; spores 0002 long. Whole plant, but especially the gills, when dry, becoming of a deep vinous red. ; No. 914. A white or reddish grey form, with brown speckles. No. 876. Whole plant reddish grey with minute scales. Dee. 1868. 99. A. (LEprora), B. $ B. Eximie czspitosus; pileo e campanulato late umbonato convexo carnoso squamulis pilosis ex- ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 503 asperato; stipite longissimo farcto glabro, annulo erecto lacerato ; lamellis utrinque attenuatis approximatis (no. 843 eum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Densely gregarious ; pileus 1-13 inch across, at first campanulate, with a large nipple-shaped umbo, white, epidermis straw-coloured, broken up into pilose scales, fleshy; flesh red when cut; stem 6 inches or more high, 2 lines thick, smooth ; ring ragged, erect; gills arcuate, attenuated at either end, approximate, pale straw-coloured; spores 0002’ long. Whole plant red when dry. 30. A. (LEPIOTA) COLUMBICOLOR, B. $ Br. Pileo convexo umbo- nato sericeo-notato ; stipite subbulboso sursum attenuato albo-farcto, annulo erecto angusto; lamellis arcuatis angustis postice attenuatis carneis (no. 1208 cum icone). On the ground. June 1869. Dove-coloured ; pileus Ẹ inch across, convex, umbonate, marked with little silky specks ; flesh grey; stem 13 inch high, 1 line thick in the centre, slightly bulbous, grey within, stuffed with white; ring narrow, erect, ascending; gills 2 line broad, pink, attenuated behind, approxi- mate; spores oblong, *00025' long. his species, with some others, approaches Psalliota. The whole plant becomes dark in drying; and the slight vinous tint of the spores arises probably from the same circumstance. 31. A. (LEPIOTA) vrnIDI-TINCTUS, B. $ Br. Olidus; pileo convexo umbonato albo squamulis rufis obsito; stipite claviformi e farcto cavo glabro albo basi rufescente; lamellis ventricosis postice attenuatis approximatis (no. 1153 cum icone). On the ground. June 1869. Smell foxy ; pileus 1 inch across, convex, umbonate, white, clothed with dense, rufous, pilose scales; stem 2 inches high, 1 line thick in the centre, clavate, stuffed, then hollow, smooth ; ring erect ; edge rufous ; gills white, ventricose, attenuated behind, 1 line wide ; spores *0002" long. Turns of a greenish blue when cut. 39. A. (LEPIOTA) APALOcHROUS, B. $ Br. Pileoe convexo depresso tenui, centro fusco-notato, margine suleato ; stipite subzequali glabro radicante candido, annulo medio erecto; lamellis arcuatis postice rotundatis remotis candidis (no. 1213 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, June 1369. Pileus more than l inch across, thin, white, with a few brown dots at the apex; margin deeply sulcate; stem 1j inch high, 13-2 lines thick, smooth, white, stuffed, rooting ; ring erect; gills white, arched, 1j line wide, rounded bebind, remote; spores oblong, 00025’ long. A very delicate species. 2M 2 504 THE REY. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME 33. A. (LEPIOTA) ALBO-RUssEUS, B. $ Br. Pileo campanulato late umbonato rubro-fusco in lituras fibrillosas rupto, carne alba ; stipite e basi clavata attenuato albo-farcto, annulo erecto; lamellis ven- tricosis crenatis (no. 1183 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, June 1869. Pileus 13 inch across, campanulate, with an obtuse umbo, then ex- panded, subcarnose, of a rich red-brown, broken up into radiating fibrillose lines; stem 23-3 inches high, white, slightly furfuraceous below, stuffed; ring ereet; gills white, ventricose; spores clavate, 00025’ long. 34. A. (LEPIOTA) PYROCEPHALUS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo aurantio- rubro squamulis punctiformibus obsito; stipite gracili elongato, an- nulo erecto medio ; lamellis angustis postice attenuatis (no. 772). On the ground. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. Pileus 1 inch across, convex, orange-red, darker in the centre, beset with minute scales; stem 2 inches high, 1 line thick, stuffed, rim white, thin, erect, fugitive; gills narrow, very slightly ventricose, attenuated behind ; spores elongated, ‘00035’ long, white. 35. A. (LEPIOTA) FLAvIDO-RUFUS, B. & Br. Gregarius, decolorans ; pileo conico papillato-umbonato, epidermide diffracta; stipite gracili, annulo erecto demum lacero (no. 724). On grass. Peradeniya, July 1868. “Dull reddish yellow;" pileus 3-1 inch across, convex, with a large papilleform umbo, the surface broken up into little areola ; stem 23 inches high, nearly equal, ring at first erect; spores pallid, ‘C0025’. Whole plant, when dry, dull umber. 36. A. (LEPIOTA) EPICHARIs, B. 4 Br. Pileo conico obtuso albo estriato squamulis punctiformibus rubris fibrillosis notato; stipite flexuoso clavato, deorsum czrulescente, farcto, annulo erecto; la- mellis ventricosis stramineis approximatis (no. 1161 cum icone). On the ground. July 1869. Pileus 1 inch across, white, estriate, conical, obtuse, marked with little red scales, flesh thickish in the centre; stem 2 inches high, I line thick, slightly clavate, white, tinged below with blue; ring erect, distant; gills straw-coloured, ventricose, slightly attenuated behind, approximate. Spores ovate, ‘00025’ long. Whole plant becoming tawny when dry, and the pileus grooved. Allied to A. carphophyllus ; but the ring is different, in addition to other characters. o7. A. (LEPIOTA) SPODOLEPIs, R. & Br. Pileo e conico depresso albo, epidermide brunnea in squamulas fibrillosas rupta; stipite cla- vato deorsum rufescente farcto, annulo erecto; lamellis ventricosis distantibus approximatis (no. 886 cum icone) (no. 884). ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 505 On the ground. Peradeniya, Oct. Dec. 1868. Pileus ? inch across, conical, then depressed, white, epidermis dark brown, broken up into minute fibrillose scales; stem 1 inch high, 1 line thick, clavate, smooth, white, becoming rufous towards the base, stuffed, ring erect, edge brown; gills 1 line wide, distant, white, ventricose, approximate. Spores ‘00025’ long. Undoubtedly closely allied to A. erythrogrammus ; but the gills are far more distant ; no. 886* is a small form resembling 4. rhy- parophorus, and decidedly umbonate. 38. A. (LEPIOTA) MICROPHOLIS, B. & Br. Pileo conico albo squa- mulis minimis cinereis ornato striato; stipite flexuoso albo subzequali, annulo erecto; lamellis candidis ventricosis confertis approximatis, (no. 906 cum icone). On the ground. Jan. 1869. Pileus not 2 inch across, conical, white, covered in the centre with very minute cinereous scales, margin striate; stem 1 inch high, about 1 line thick, nearly equal, white; ring erect; gills 3 line wide, crowded, slightly ventricose. Spores :0002' long. No. 779 is a dull white or reddish-grey form, with the stem very pale ferruginous ; nos. 908, 909 appear to give two varieties of the same species. 39. A. (LEPIOTA) EAROCHROUS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo roseo pul- verulento-granuloso ; stipite gracili deorsum rufescente, annulo erecto ; lamellis pallide carneis postice rotundatis approximatis (no. 893 cum icone). On the ground. Dec. 1868, Jan. 1869. Pileus 1-2 inch across, at first subconical, then convex, rose-coloured, minutely granulated; stem 1 inch high, 3 line thick, stuffed, white, changing below to rufous, red within, nearly equal; ring erect, edge coloured; gills ventricose, rounded behind, pink. Spores ob- long, ‘00025’ long. A very pretty little species, resembling, when fresh, some forms of A. granulatus, becoming very dark in drying. 40. A. (LEPIOTA) ANTHOoMYcES, B. & Br. Pileo convexo candido membranaceo pulverulento usque ad discum striato; stipite gracili candido hic illie rubro-maculato e strato pulverulento oriundo, an- nulo erecto; lamellis angustis ventricosis postice rotundatis (no. 888 cum icone). On decayed vegetable matter. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868, Jan. 1869. Pileus 2 inch across, white, convex, striated up to the disk, which is tinged with red, pulverulent; stem l4 inch high, $ line thick, flexu- ous, white, here and there stained with red, stuffed, springing from 506 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME a white powdery stratum; ring erect; gills slightly ventricose, rounded behind, $ line broad. Spores slightly oblong, :0002' long. A very pretty and distinct species. 41. A. (LEPIOTA) oPsHJgMATUS, B. & Br. Pileo plano acute um- bonato usque ad umbonem striato pallide carneo; stipite zequali, an- nulo erecto; lamellis carneis falciformibus postice rotundatis ap- proximatis (no. 891 cum icone). On the ground. Dec. 1868. Pileus 2 inch across, plane, acutely umbonate, striate up to the red- brown umbo; stem 2 inch high, 3 line thick ; ring erect; gills falei- form, rounded behind, flesh-coloured. Spores ovate, ‘0002! long. The whole plaut becomes of a deep vinous-red when dry. 49. A. (LEPIOTA) sPoNGoDEÉs, B. & Br. Pileo convexo subcarnoso sericeo-squamoso ; stipite flexuoso lanato farcto, annulo suberecto ; lamellis arcuatis postice rotundatis remotis (no. 86 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1867. Pileus 2 inches across, convex or somewhat conical, at length depressed, vinous-red, clothed with silky scales; flesh white, thin towards the margin; stem 2} inches high, 2 lines thick, slightly attenuated up- wards, vinous; gills 2-23 lines wide, arched, white, with a pinkish tinge, leaving a circular space round the top of the stem, which does not penetrate the flesh ; mycelium fibrous; spores '00025' long. This description is taken from the specimen from which the drawing was made. There is, however, a specimen marked with the same number, which may possibly be distinct, though the spores are similar. The pileus is still more spongy, the stem shorter and dilated at the base; and, when dry, the coating of the pileus assumes the colour of sponge. 43. A. (LEPIOTA) DASYPEPLUS, B. Lond. Journ. of Bot. vol. vi. p. 482; Gard. no. 63. On old wood. Hautane, Ceylon. 44. A. (LEPIOTA) ALBUMINOSUS, B. l. c. tab. xx. fig. 3; Gard. no. 51. On the ground. Peradeniya, June 1844. 45. A. (LEPIOTA) LIGNYODES, B. § Br. Pileo hemispheerico carnoso stipiteque curto albo-farcto fuligine rubro fuscescente aspersis ; aN- nulo lacero appendiculato ; lamellis ventricosis approximatis (no. 745 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. Pileus 13 inch across, convex, clothed, as is the stem, with mulberry- red powder, which assumes a sooty tint in drying; flesh thick, white; stem 2 inch high, 2 lines thick, at first stuffed with white, furfuraceous (or nearly smooth, no. /45* cum icone), then hollow, ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 507 gills ventricose, attenuated behind, approximate, or in the variety much broader and rounded behind ; spores subglobose, ‘0003’ long. In no. 745* the edge is not appendiculate. 46. A. (LEPIOTA) MANICATUS, B. & Br. in Linn. Trans. xxvi. p. 150, tab. 335 (no. 691 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, July 1868. 47. A. (Lepiora) myxopicryon, B. & Br. Pileo hemisphzrico umbrino muco concolori reticulato carnoso; stipite æquali solido albo deorsum fibrilloso; cortina spongiosa; lamellis faleiformibus approximatis albidis (no. 793 cum icone). On the ground. Nov. 1868. Pileus 23 inches across, convex, broadly and very obtusely umbonate, dark umber, clothed with a network of similarly coloured mucus ; flesh thick, reddish beneath the cuticle ; stem 23 inches high, 5 lines across, solid, nearly white, clothed above with a spongy ring, fibrillose below; gills i inch broad, sickle-shaped, approximate, slightly tinged like the flesh with red. Allied to A. gliodermus, Fr. 48. A. (LEPIOTA) EUvcowNiATUS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo carnoso albo pulvere vinoso obsito estriato ; stipite sursum attenuato albo pulverulento farcto; lamellis ventricosis postice rotundatis remotis (no. 818 eum icone). On rotten wood. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus 3 inches or more across, convex, covered with little patches of vi- nous dust; stem 4 inches high, 4 inch thick, attenuated upwards, pul- verulent like the pileus, stuffed, sometimes rooting ; ring not distinct from the meal of the stem; gills slightly ventricose, $ inch wide ; spores oblong, :00015'—0002' long. Flesh thick, except towards the margin, white ; the white inner substance of the stem continued into the obtuse apex. Spores White; but there is a close affinity with .4. cretaceus. Some- times part of the stem is naked, sometimes the whole is mealy and less distinctly stuffed: 49. A. (LEPIOTA) GRANULOSUS, Batsch. (No. 1149 cum icone.) On earth, in flower-pots. June 1869. A minute form clothed with red granules. Spores ‘0002’ long. No. 901 (cum icone) Jan. 1869, is a larger form, with stem and pileus more or less clothed with brownish granules, the gills Sharply rounded behind, and one of an intermediate size, with the granules darker and conspicuous at the base of the stem as well as pileus. No. 902 (cum icone) comprises two varieties, one with cine- 508 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME reous patehes on the pileus and base of the stem, and the other with a smooth skin. The spores are similar in all. 50. A. (LEPIOTA) CERAMOGENES, B. & Br. Pusillus, stramineus ; pileo e campanulato convexo umbonato glabro vel parce granuloso margine appendiculato; stipite brevi, annulo fugaci; lamellis ven- tricosis candidis approximatis (no. 1191 cum icone). On the soil of flower-pots. June 1869. Pileus 2-3 lines across, campanulate, then plane and umbonate, straw- coloured, smooth, or slightly granulated, margin appendiculate, even ; stem 3 inch high, 3 line thick, having a few fragments of the ring above; gills white, ventricose, 3 line wide; spores oblong, ‘00025 long. The gills turn red in drying. This is a very distinct species from A. floralis, B. & C., which has totally different spores. 51. A. (LEPIOTA) PYRRHAES, B. & Br. Pileo convexo obtuso verruculis lateritiis obsito; stipite sublateritio farcto deorsum plus minus gra- nulato ; lamellis latis carneis postice rotundatis approximatis (no. 1163 cum icone). On the ground. June 1869. Pileus 3 inch across, obtuse or broadly umbonate, clothed with brick- red granules; stem 2 inch high, 1 line thick, stuffed, equal, mostly paler than the pileus, more or less scaly, smooth above, more rarely quite smooth, red within; gills l line wide, ventricose, rounded be- hind, flesh-coloured ; spores ovate oblong, -0003 long. There is a form (no. 1163* cum icone) strongly umbonate, the stem more scaly, the gills narrower, paler, and not so ventricose or rounded behind. 52. A. (LEPIOTA) ERYTHROSTICTUS, B. § Br. Pileo ex ovato he- mispherico lilacino cuticula in particulas concolores rupta; stipite lilacino e farcto cavo deorsum furfuraceo; lamellis leviter ventricosis approximatis; sporis elongatis (no. /55 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Sept. Dec. 1868. Pileus 1 inch across, at first ovate, lilac, with the cuticle, which is at first continuous, broken up into little darker specks; flesh tinged with pink; stem 1-13 inch high, springing from radiating threads, furfuraceous below the fugitive ring, or striate reddish, stuffed, the fibres at last forming a slender cord; gills ventricose, 14 line broad, white, rounded behind, approximate; spores oblong, narrow, “0003 long, without any nucleus, or 00025’ with a nucleus. 53. A. (LEPtoTA) russoceps, B. & Br. Pileo e campanulato plano- convexo fulvo pulverulento-maculato estriato, stipite subsequali pal- lidiore farcto; lamellis pallidis ventricosis approximatis (no. 1151 cum icone). On the ground. June 1860. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 509 Pileus $ inch across, at first subcampanulate, then plano-convex, um- bonate, tawny, rough, with little pulverulent specks: stem flexuous, nearly equal, 13 inch high, nearly 1 line thick, tawny, stuffed with white; gills more than a line broad, ventricose, slightly tinged with tawny; spores oblong, 0003’ long. Allied to the last, but, judging from the dried specimens, ap- parently distinct. 54. A. (LEPIOTA) POLYGLOMUS, B. & Br. Pileo subhemisphserico verrucis erectis pallidis obsito; stipite recto rufo furfuraceo albo- farcto ; lamellis latis postice truncatis rufulis (no. 907 cum icone). On the ground. Jan. 1869. Pileus l inch across, subhemispherical, pale, clothed, especially in the centre, with erect pyramidal warts; stem l-lł inch high, 1 line thick, nearly equal, reddish, stuffed, furfuraceous; gills nearly 2 lines broad, truncate and sinuated behind, dark-rufous when dry; spores *0002" long. Allied to A. granulosus. 55. A. (LEPIOTA) cITROPHYLLUS, B. & Br. Pileo obtuso vel late umbonato demum depresso citrino squamulis variis rufis obsito ; sti- pite citrino e farcto cavo squamuloso; lamellis ventricosis postice rotundatis vel attenuatis approximatis citrinis (no. 821 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868, Jan. 1869. Several forms of this species occur :— a. Campanulate, with transverse scales on the pileus, and a squamulose stem attenuated and slightly rooting at the base, or abrupt, with the scales less decidedly transverse, and the gills attenuated behind. . Pileus plane, then depressed, the margin striate, slightly squamu- lose in the centre or dotted ; stem reddish without and within, gills rather remote, rounded behind, broad (no. 824 cum icone). c. Pileus hemispherical, minutely squamulose; stem smooth, even, rather sunk into the pileus; gills rounded behind, here and there tinged with green (no. 1174 cum icone). This looks more distinct than the others. d. Pileus convex, strongly umbonate; stem fibrillose, dilated at the base; gills rounded behind. In all the spores are obliquely ovate, 0003' long (no. 1188 cum icone). e. Pileus campanulate, broadly umbonate, floccose; gills attenuated behind, yellow. No. 882estaius even the gum with which it is fastened bright yellow. No. 881. Peradeniya, Oct. 1868. ** Yellowish, clouded with ferruginous; gills yellow," seems to differ from the rest in more oblong spores, ‘00025’ long. Nearly allied to A. lepidophorus, but the general appearance of ex 510 THE REY. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME the dried plant is very different. All stain the paper in which they are dried with a yellow tint. 56. A. (LEPIOTA) PLUMBICOLOR, B. & Br. Pileo plano late um- bonato plumbeo verrucis erectis ornato; stipite flexuoso deorsum maculato albo-farcto ; lamellis ventricosis postice subsinuatis pal- lide carneis (no. 864 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus 1 inch across, plane, broadly umbonate, lead-coloured, clothed with dark warts, which pass into scales on the margin; stem 13 inch high, 1 line thick, flexuous, lead-coloured, spotted at the base ; ring white, consisting of a little down; gills 1 line broad, pale flesh- coloured ; spores obliquely ovate, *0003' long. 57. A. ALOPOCHROUS, B. § Br. Pileo e subcampanulato convexo fulvo villoso squamuloso; stipite gracili fibrilloso tomentoso con- colori; lamellis latis ventricosis approximatis; spores oblongis (no. 924). On the ground amongst fallen vegetable remains. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus $ inch across, at first subeampanulate, obtuse, then convex, tawny, clothed with minute villous scales ; stems 13 inch high, 5 line thick, fibrillose and tomentose, of the same colour; gills lj line broad, ventricose ; spores oblong, ‘00025’ long. 58. A. (LEPIOTA) REVELATUS, B. $ Br. Pileo convexo umbonato subter cuticulam brunneam laceratam striato; stipite subaequali e farcto cavo deorsum squamoso-punctato, sursum glabro; lamellis latiusculis ventricosis candidis (no. 922 cum icone, no. 910). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 14 inch across, convex, umbonate, white, striate beneath the brown even torn cuticule; stem 14 inch high, li line thick, ob- lique, nearly equal, stuffed, then hollow ; spotted below, white above; gills 2 lines wide ; spores oblong, *00025' long. 59. A. (LEPIOTA) PARDALOTUS, B. & Br. in Linn. Tr. xxvii. p. 150 (no. 693 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, July 1868. 60. A. (LEPIOTA) RHACODERMA, B. & Br. Pileo depresso striato; epidermide brunnea mox lacerata; stipite solido albo; lamellis latis carneis (no. 867 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus 1} inch across, depressed, thin, striate beneath the brown cu- ticle, which is soon broken up iuto various-sized patches; stem l inch high, nearly equal, solid, white ; gills nearly two lines broad, ventricose, approximate, flesh-coloured ; spores *0003' long. : The solid not obviously stuffed stem seems characteristic of ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 511 this little species. This and A. rhyparophorus and A. revelatus resemble each other externally as regards the pileus; but the spores are different. 61. A. (LEPIOTA) ALPHITOCHROUS, B. j Br. Pileo e campanulato plano subumbilicato subter epidermidem levem separabilem parti- culis farinosis candidis obsito ; stipite eequali farcto farinoso ; lamellis ex albo sordide carueis postice rotundatis (no. 771 cum icone). . On the ground. Peradeniya, Sept. Nov. 1868. Pileus 2 inches across, campanulate, then expanded, plane, slightly umbilicate, at first clothed with a smooth brownish cuticle, which peels off, except at the apex, where it forms a little cup with free edges, leaving a pale flesh-coloured stratum scattered with white mealy specks and striz towards the margin; stem 13 inch high, 23 lines thick, white, mealy like the pileus; ring appendiculate ; gills 13 line wide, rounded behind, at first white, than dull red; spores *0002'- *00025' long. Whole plant red when dry. No. 849 appears to be a very pale form: stem 54 inches high, * dull ochraceous gilvous, with pileus and base of the stem pale ferruginous." 62. A. (LEPIOTA) FLAGELLATUS, B.$ Br. Pileo e subcampanulato umbonato plano, squamulis liturisve rubris notato ; stipite sursum dilatato glabro farcto; lamellis latis faleiformibus pallide stramineis (no. 837 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus 1-13 inch across, subcampanulate, umbonate, then plane, white, marked with little red scales or streaks, bearing the powdery remains of the veil on the margin; stem 13 inch high, 2 lines thick in the middle, obversely conical, white, at length stained below with brown, reddish within; gills broad, 2-25 lines wide, falciform, pale straw- coloured, approximate; spores persistently white, 0002" long. Whole plant dark when dry, but not of so vinous a tint as in allied species, nor do the spores change colour. 63. A. (LEPIOTA) HEMICHLORUS, B. § Br. Gregarius; pileo semi- ovato stramineo squamulis minutis insperso subcarnoso ; carne rubro tincta; stipite gracili rufulo albo-farcto ; lamellis arcuatis postice attenuatis rufulis (no. 1160 cum icone). On the ground. July 1869. * Pileus half-ovate, 2 inch high, straw-coloured, clothed with minute scales; stem 2 inches high, l line thick, pale rufous without and within ; ring subpersistent towards the apex ; gills 1 line wide, arched, attenuated behind, approximate, pale rufous; spores ovate, *0002" long. Whole plant dark red in drying. 512 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME 64. A. (LEPIOTA) METABOLUS, B. & Br. Pileo plano citrino fibrillis brunneis picto; stipite basi truncato sursum attenuato rubro-lineato candido ; lamellis ventricosis candidis remotis (no. 1186 cum icone). On the ground. June 1869. Whole plant tinged with red when bruised. Pileus nearly 13 inch across, plane, lemon-coloured, marked with brown fibrille, which sometimes are disposed in scales; stem 13 inch high, thickened and truncate at the base, where it is marked with red streaks, attenuated and white upwards; gills 2 lines broad, white, ventricose, remote ; spores :00025' long. 65. A. (LEPIOTA) @NocEPHALUS, B. $ Br. Pileo subhemispherico vinoso centro obscuriore rimoso-areolato; stipite flexuoso pallidiore lineato basi brunneo farcto, intus carneque luteis; lamellis postice rotundatis subcarneis (no. 796 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus | inch across, hemispherical, obtuse, vinous, very dark in the centre, where it is areolate, flesh yellow; stem 13 inch high, more than a line thick, marked with little vinous streaks, and yellow- brown at the base, stuffed, yellowish within ; gills 13 line broad, ventricose, rounded behind, approximate, white shaded with pink, stained when bruised ; spores :00015'—0002' long. Whole plant dark when dry, the gills acquiring a deep red tint. Approaching, like some others, very closely to Psalliota. 66. A. (LEPIOTA) PUNGENS, B. $ Br. Pileo convexo carnoso fusco- ferrugineo appendiculato ; stipite zequali farcto concolori; lamellis livide ceruleo-purpureis (no. 781). On the ground. Nov. 1868. Pileus ] inch across, sometimes umbonate, fleshy; stem 1 inch high, li line thick, stuffed; spores pale, :0002' long. Odour very pun- gent in drying. Dark when dry. Other specimens are marked whitish, tinged with dark blue purple, Sept. 1868. Pileus pale dull purplish, Dec. 1868. 67. A. (LEPIOTA) METULÆSPORUS, B. $ Br. Pileo campanulato obtuso suleato squamulis pallidis ornato, margine appendiculato ; stipite subzequali pallido intus citrino; lamellis ventricosis albis; sporis metulzformibus (no. 1180 cum icone). On the ground. July 1869. Pileus 1 inch across, campanulate, rather fleshy, white, grooved, adorned with small pallid scales; margin appendiculate; stem 23 inch high, 1 line thick, nearly equal or slightly clavate, pallid, lemon- coloured, stuffed; gills nearly 2 lines broad, white, ventricose, ap- proximate ; spores ninepin-shaped, when seen from the back, ob- liquely clavate from the side, ‘0006’ long. Mycelium thread-like. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 513 This agrees, as to to the spores, with no. 6447 from Alabama, which is apparently a form of the same species, which occurs also in England. No. 802, Peradeniya, Oct. 1865, described by Mr. Thwaites as fragrant, is the same species. 68. A. (Leriora) LEPRICUS, B. $ Br. Pileo convexo centro ver- rucis pyramidatis margine depressis aspero ; stipite claveeformi fur- furaceo; lamellis ventricosis postice attenuatis (no. 820 in part). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus 2 inch across, convex, clothed in the centre with pyramidal warts, those towards the margin depressed and transverse; stem 1-1$ inch high, clavate; gills ventricose, attenuated behind; spores ninepin-shaped, ‘0005’ long. Specimens mixed with A. phlyctanodes. Allied evidently to the last. 69. A. (LEPIOTA) ERIPH.EUS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo obtuso car- noso glabro; stipite elongato glabro farcto; annulo fugaci; lamellis ventricosis postice attenuatis approximatis (no. 836). On the ground. Peradeniya, Oct. Nov. 1868. Pileus 13 inch across, white or very pale, ochraceous, convex, fleshy ; stem 2-23 inches high, 2 lines thick, smooth, white; gills white, densely crowded ; spores *0002' long. 70. A. (LEPIOTA) AULACERGATES, B. & Br. Pallide testaceus ; pileo campanulato umbonato delicato sulcato; stipite gracili; la- mellis latis ventricosis interstitiis venosis (no. 720). Pale testaceous; pileus 1i inch across, campanulate, with an obtuse papilleform umbo deeply sulcato-plicate, up to the umbo minutely pulverulent; stem 13 inch high, 1 line thick, equal: gills broad, ventricose, approximate ; interstices venous ; spores subglobose, white, *0003' long. There is also a small form half the size, Dec. 1868. 71. A. (LEPIOTA) MELICHROUS, B. & Br. Pileo hemispherico um- bonato pulverulento estriato; stipite gracili flexuoso pulverulento, annulo obsoleto; lamellis candidis (no. 743 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. Gregarious: pileus not $ an inch across, honey-coloured, pulverulent, as is the flexuous stem 3 inch high, j line thick; gills white, dark when dry; spores oblong, ‘0002’ long. 72. A. (ARMILLARIA) ASPRATUS, B. Lond. Journ. Bot. vi. p. 481; Gardner, no. 50; Thwaites (no. 832 cum icone). On the ground in shady places. Hautane range, June 1844. Clarence River (Mueller, Carol Inf. no. 1478). Peradeniya (on 514 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME wood), Oct., Nov., Jan. Neilgherries, Sept. 1864, Aug. 1869 (E. S. Berkeley). Spores :00035'—0004' long. 73. A. (ARMILLARIA) oMPNERUS, B. $ Br. Candidus; pileo con- vexo carnoso fortiter umbonato pulverulento estriato; stipite zequali albo-farcto ; annulo fugacissimo ; lamellis angustis confertis approxi- matis (no. 1211 cum icone). On the ground. June 1869. Pileus 3 inches across, convex, fleshy, with a strong umbo, which is slightly tinged with umber, pulverulento-squamulose, becoming smooth; margin even; stem 21 inches high, } inch thick, smooth, white, umber at the base; ring very fugitive; gills white, 1 line broad, rounded behind, free, crowded, approximate. The specimens are more delicate than those figured, which resemble in habit A. zylophilus (Weinm.). Spores :00015'— *0002' long. 74. A. (ARMILLARIA) RHODOMALUS, B. § Br. Pileo convexo sub- carnoso pallide citrino verrucis punctiformibus frequentibus roseis obsito; stipite crasso subzquali farcto roseo-lineato ; annulo supe- riore amplo lacerato citrino; lamellis angustis arcuatis postice at- tenuatis adnatis (no. 1212 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya. Pileus convex, l inch across, fleshy, pale lemon-coloured, sprinkled with minute rose-coloured warts; flesh nearly white; stem 1 inch high, ł thick, stuffed, obtuse, marked with rose-coloured lines, of the same colour within, except towards the centre ; ring broad, descend- ing, lemon-coloured, jagged ; gills 2 line broad, arched, attenuated behind, slightly adnate. The colours are just those of A. rutilans. 75. A. (ARMILLARIA) EURHIZUS, B. in Hook. Journ. Bot. vi. p. 483; Gard. no. 43. Peradeniya, June 1844, on the ground. Eaten by tbe Cingalese. 76. A. (TRICHOLOMA) RHACOPHORUs, B. & Br. Pileo convexo demum depresso carnoso innato-diffracto-fibrilloso estriato; stipite deorsum incrassato solido pallidiore squamis angustis fibrillosis ru- goso; lamellis pallide stramineis postice rotundatis attingentibus (no. 1166 cum icone). On the ground. July 1869. Pileus nearly 3 inches across, convex, at length depressed, fleshy, dark- brown, rough with innate fibres or minutely cracked ; flesh white ; margin even ; stem 23 inches high, 1 thick, slightly thickened below, paler than the pileus, rough, with brown shred-like scales; gills pale straw-colour, 23 lines broad, rounded behind and adnexed. Allied to A. impolitus. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 515 77. A. (TRICHOLOMA) crassus, B. in Lond. Journ. Bot. vi. p. 483; Gardner, no. 53. On the ground in shady places. Peradeniya, June 1844. 78. A. (TRICHOLOMA) PAcHYMERES, B. & Br. Czspitosus; pileo compacto convexo guttato ochraceo margine incurvo, carne crassa candida; stipite crasso squamoso tumido solido ; lamellis subliberis arcuatis stramineis (no. 797 cum icone). On the ground. Ambegamowa, Central Provinces, Nov. 1868. Caspitose; pileus 4 inches or more across, hemispherical, g.ttate ; margin involute; flesh white, l inch thick : stem 4 inches high, at- tenuated upwards, swollen in the centre, where it is nearly 13 inch thick, solid, clothed with small reflexed scales; gills arched, ł inch broad, rather attenuated behind and nearly free. Allied to A. gambosus, and probably esculent. It differs from A. crassus in the even not sinuato-plicate margin, the scaly stem, and other characters. Grows, like that, to a large size. 79. A. (TRICHOLOMA) rHEIOCHROUS, B. & Br. Sulfureus; pileo convexo umbonato carnoso: stipite subzquali farcto; lamellis an- gustis liberis vel breviter adnatis (no. 874 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus 3-3 inch across, convex, umbonate, sulphur-coloured, inclining to umber towards the umbo ; flesh reddish; stem 1 inch high, | line thick, curved, nearly equal; gills narrow, rounded behind and free, or attenuated and slightly adnate ; spores pale yellow, ‘0002’ long. There is a large form with no umbo when full-grown, and the gills slightly rounded behind and adnate. Allied to A. chry- senterus. 80. A. (TRICHOLOMA) RUBRO-CYANEUS, B. $ Br. Pileo e conico plano depresso lilacino subtiliter virgato carnoso; carne alba; sti- pite obconico farcto fibrilloso albido; lamellis angustis candidis (no. 747 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. Pileus 11-2 inches across, conical, obtuse, then convex, plane, or de- pressed, lilac, delicately virgate, fleshy; flesh white; edge at first involute: stem 13 inch high, obconical, 2 lines thick in the centre, fibrillose, dirty white, stuffed; gills arched, narrow, shortly adnate, white. Allied to A. onychinus. 81. A. (TRICHOLOMA) CHARISTERUS, B. & Br. Pileo plano umbo- nato earnoso lilacino, carne alba; stipite substricto basi attenuato e fibris radiantibus oriundo farcto; lamellis angustis leviter adnatis candidis (no. 847 cum icone). Amongst dead leaves &c, Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. 516 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME About À an inch across, strongly umbonate, of a delicate lilac, slightly clouded ; stem 1 inch high, 14 line thick, stuffed, at length slightly hollow, attenuated at the base, where it springs from white radiatmg fibres ; gills very narrow, white, slightly adnate. Allied to A. carneus. 82. A.(TricHoLoMA) NUDUS, Bull. t. 439 ; Gardner, no. 31 ; Thwaites, no. 203. In damp shady places on the ground. June 1844, July 1868. The specimens in general umbonate. 83. A. (CLITOCYBE) roPEPLUS, B. & Br. Totus violaceus ; pileo e convexo umbonato depresso striato; stipite sub:zequali striato; la- mellis confertis angustis longe decurrentibus (no. 203). On the ground. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. Pileus 2-3 inches across, at first convex, with a strong umbo, then depressed or almost cyathiform, margin striate; stem nearly equal or slightly thickened below, fibrillose, 21-3 inches high, } inch thick, solid; gills narrow, crowded, very decurrent. Allied to A. tyrianthinus. Mycelium not red as in that species. It is, moreover, not nearly so robust. 84. A. (CLITOCYBE) CROCOBAPHUS, B. & Br. Flavus; pileo e con- vexo umbonato plano fulvo-virgato levi; stipite subaquali e farcto cavo striato; lamellis angustis demum decurrentibus (no. 1176 cum icone). On the ground. July 1869. Pileus 3 inches across, at first convex, with a strong umbo adorned with tawny streaks, then nearly self-coloured and plane, margin even ; stem 23 inches high, } thick, stuffed, giving way in the centre, and at length hollow; gill 1} line broad, arched, at first slightly rounded behind, then very decurrent. Allied to 4. illudens. Stems sometimes connate. Mycelium fibrous. 85. A. (CLITOCYBE) Anisus, B. & Br. Pileo e convexo subuni- laterali depresso infundibuliformique leviter floccoso ; stipite elongato fistuloso ; lamellis crassiusculis latis ventricosis decurrentibus (no. 381 cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Czspitose, straw-coloured; pileus 1 inch across, slightly floccose, st first convex, unequal, subunilateral, then umbilicate or infundibuli- form; stem 2 inches high, 1 line thick, fistulose, very slightly thickened at the base, paler than the pileus; gills nearly 2 lines broad in the centre, ventricose, attenuated at either end, decurrent. Allied to the following species. Spores ‘0005! long. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 517 86. A. (CLITOCYBE) DIMORPHUS, B. & Br, Pileo convexo acute um- bonato, dein umbilicato striato; stipite sursum dilatato solido v. fistuloso ; lamellis candidis decurrentibus (no. 830, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov., Dec. 1868. Pileus i-l inch across, at first convex, with an acute umbo, lemon- coloured, streaked with darker lines, membranaceous, then unibilicate, retaining the umbo; stem # inch high, strongly dilated upwards, solid, then fistulose, lemon-coloured; gills arched, decurrent, white or yellowish. There appear to be two forms, a smaller, which is acutely um- bonate and the stem solid, and a larger, with a decidedly fistulose stem and yellower gills. Spores '0002—0003'. 87. A. (CLITOCYBE) METRIUS, B. $ Br. Gilvus; pileo subcyathi- formi angusto glabro; stipite elongato farcto ; lamellis arcuatis bre- viter decurrentibus (no. 926). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus } inch across, cup-shaped, with the margin arched, smooth ; stem 2-1 inch high, stuffed ; gills narrow, arched, moderately distant, shortly decurrent ; mycelium white, fibrous. — 88. A. (CLITOCYBE) HvaLopEs, B. § Br. Hyalinus, fragilis, albus ; pileo cyathiformi glabro estriato tenui; stipite deorsum attenuato fis- tuloso ; lamellis angustissimis postice attenuatis (no. 805, cum icone). On decaying vegetables, binding the soil with down. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Hyaline, extremely brittle; pileus 23 inches across, cup- shaped, smooth, very thin; stem 33 inches high, 4 thick, flexuous, irregular, fistulose, attenuated at the base; gills not a line broad, attenuated behind, but not running down further than the top of the stem, where the hollow commences, above which the flesh is not thicker than above the gills ; very dark when dry. 89. A (CLrrocvBE) canpicans, P. (No. 725, cum icone.) On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868, Jan. 1869. Spores 00025" long. 90. A. (CLitocyBe) EPIUS, B. & Br. Albus; pileo tenui e plano depresso stipiteque gracili glabris; lamellis angustissimis leviter decurrentibus (no. 947). On the ground. Jan. 1869. Pileus about 1 inch across, plano-convex, then more or less depressed, smooth, thin; stem l-l} inch high, | line thick, smooth; gills arched, slightly decurrent, 3 line broad. Whole plant ochraceous when dry. 91. A. (CLITOCYBE) coNsPURCATUS, B. & Br. Sordide albus, sub- tiliter tomentosus ; pileo depresso tenui carnoso toto particulis lineis- LINN, JOURN.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. 2N LI 5 18 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME que sordidis rugoso; stipite subzequali striato; lamellis angustis decurrentibus (no. 1205). On the ground. Pileus 23 inches across, depressed, thin but fleshy, obtusely umbonate— when dry, looking as if sprinkled with the dark excrement of some insect; stem 2 inches high, i thick ; gills not a line broad, decurrent. A very singular species, of very uncertain affinity. 92. A. (CLITOCYBE) PvRAcES, B. & Br. Pileo plano-depresso rufo, margine levi inflexo ; stipite deorsum attenuato ochraceo striato ; lamellis distantibus crassis subconcoloribus (no. 722). On the ground. Peradeniya, July 1868. Pileus 1 inch across, plano-depressed, smooth, rufous, margin inflexed ; stem 13 inch high, striate, nearly 3 an inch thick, smooth, ochra- ceous; gills distant, pallid, shortly decurrent. Somewhat resembling A. irrufatus. 93. A. (CLITOCYBE) Mvocunous, B. $ Br. Pileo convexo obtuso pulverulento-tomentoso estriato; stipite tenaci insititio pallidiore apice candido intus deorsum cinerascente; lamellis albidis adnato- decurrentibus, interstitiis reticulatis (no. 1178, cum icone). On dead sticks. July 1869. Pileus 2 inch across, convex, subeampanulate, mouse-coloured, clothed with pulverulent down, margin even; flesh white; stem 1 inch high, scarcely a line thick, solid, minutely velvety white above, cinereous within below; gills nearly horizontal, adnato-decurrent, nearly white, about 2 lines broad. This species belongs to Fries’s section Versiformes. 94. A. (CLITOCYBE) sPoporHonus, B. 4 Br. Rufulus; pileo sub- hemispherico umbilicato flocculis nigris obsito membranaceo ; stipite sursum dilatato solido floceulento ; lamellis adnatis denticulo decur- rente acie nigra serrulata (no. 1215, cum icone). On the ground. Sept. 1869. Pileus } inch across, subhemispherical, slightly umbilicate, beset with black flocculent specks, membranaceous; stem dilated upwards, solid, covered, especially above, with delicate black flocci; gills few, adnate, with a decurrent tooth; edge serrulate, marked with inter- rupted black specks. General colour dull flesh-colour. Allied to A. laccatus. 95. A. (CLITOCYBE) LAcCATUS, Scop. (no. 846). (No. 949, cum icone.) On the ground in the higher forests of the Central Provinces. Oct. 1868. * Deep sanguineous ; gills reddish yellow, sometimes red." No. 949 is a large form deeply and broadly sulcate ; gills very broad, ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 519 powdered with the echinulate globose spores ‘00035 inch in diam. ; stem striate, red-brown, dilated upwards. Var. AMETHYSTEUS (no. 203 in part). 96. A. (CLITOCYBE) suBLACCATUS, B. § Br. Pileo convexo laccato ; stipite sursum attenuato farcto lamellisque adnatis planis concoloribus (no. 894, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 3 inch across, convex, smooth, striate; stem 1 inch high, paler, dilated upwards, springing from a downy stratum which runs a little way up, stuffed; gills plane; spores subglobose, *0002' in diameter. No. 894* is rather larger, with a stouter stem and even pileus. 97. A. (CLITOCYBE) PorPHYRODES, B. § Br. Pileo depresso squa- muloso purpureo suleato; stipite subsequali fusco ; lamellis latis ad- natis crassis distantibus interstitiis levibus (no. 840). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. * Apparently very rare." Pileus 14 inch across, depressed or umbilicate, dark purple, sulcate, clothed with minute fibrillose scales; stem 1} inch high, 2 lines thick, brown ; gills broad, adnate ; spores subglobose, nucleate, -0002- “00025! in diameter. 98. A. (CLITOCYBE) vinoso-Fuscus, B. & Br. Pileo convexo de- presso suleato fuligine consperso ; stipite brevi glabro ; lamellis latis adnato-decurrentibus distantibus crassis, interstitiis reticulatis (no. 96.) On dead wood. Peradeniya, Nov. 1867. Pileus 1 inch or more across; stem l-l; inch high, 2 lines thick ; spores as in the last, to which it is closely allied. 99. A.(CoLLYBIA) ENDOCHORDA, B. $ Br. Pileo plano-depresso umbonato brunneo centro decolorante; stipite basi incrassato radi- cante sordide lilacino, medulla discreta ; lamellis undulatis ventricosis adnato-decurrentibus (no. 703, cum icone). On wood. Peradeniya, Aug. 1868. Pileus 3 inches across, plane, depressed, broadly umbonate, brown, be- coming paler in the centre, fleshy, flesh white; stem 6 inches or more high, 3 thick in the centre, thickened at the base, rooting, dull lilac, transversely spotted above, white at the apex, stuffed with a separable white substance ; gills 5 lines broad, ventricose, undulated, adnate, decurrent; spores ‘0008 long. Habit of A. radicatus. 100. A. (CoLLYBIA) MULTIJUGUS, B. & Br. Cæspitosus, lentus; pileo e companulato depresso sulcato-rugoso tenui; stipite subzequali fistuloso ; lamellis latis adnatis postice rotundatis, interstitiis reticu- latis (no. 692, eum icone). 282 520 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME On dead wood. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Czespitose, sometimes forked ; pileus 11-25 inches across, at first cam- panulate, umbonate, vinous red, gradually becoming depressed or um- bilicate, at length dirty white, strongly sulcate, and rugose ; stem very variable in thickness, fistulose, smooth, much paler than the pileus or white; gills 4—4 an inch wide, waved, reddish or white; mycelium filamentous. A very singular Agaric, apparently allied to A. schizoxylon, an undescribed species, of which we have a figure from the Swedish Museum. 101. A. (COLLYBIA) apaLosarcus, D. & Br. Totus tener; pileo plano-convexo usque ad centrum striato; stipite brevi solido sub- æquali; lamellis ventricosis latis postice rotundato-adnexis margine crenatis (no. 699, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, July, Aug., Nov. 1868. ** Very tender," dirty white; pileus 13 inch across, striate from the margin to the obtuse centre; flesh moderately thick, cinereous; stem l inch high, 13 line thick, solid, smooth, distinct from the flesh of the pileus, truncate at the base; gills } inch broad, rounded behind, ventricose, nearly free, pallid ; spores globose, :0008'—0006' in dia- meter. Undoubtedly allied to 4. magisterium; but the drawing shows that it is a very different species. In some specimens the spores vary from ‘0003’ to ‘0009’ in diameter. 102. A. (COLLYBIA) MAGISTERIUM, B. & Br. Totus albidus; pileo late expanso carnoso molli obtusissimo margine crenato plicato; sti- pite apice basique dilatato discreto ; lamellis latis serrulatis ventrico- sis crassis rotundato-adnatis (no. 768, cum icone). On dead bark. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868, : * Soft and tender ; " pileus 4-5 inches across, very obtuse, fleshy, mar- gin crenate and striate ; stem 13 inch high, } inch thick in the centre, solid, fibrous within, quite distinct from the pileus, dilated above and below, truncate at the base; gills 3 inch broad, thick, ventricose, rounded behind, and broadly adnate serrulate; spores globose, :0006- '0008' in'diameter. The pileus densely pulverulent from the spores, which look like a magisterium. When dry, ochraceous or fuliginous. 103. A. (COLLYBIA) EUPHYLLUs, B.& Br. Ochraceo-albidus; pileo convexo obtusissimo subcarnoso estriato leviter maculato pulveru- lento; stipite brevi e farcto cavo basi dilatato truncato ; lamellis latis- simis undulatis dente adnatis (no. 1201, cum icone) no. 731. On dead wood. August 1865, July 1869. Pileus 13 inch across, hemispherical, plane above, pulverulent, minutely ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 521 spotted ; flesh distinct from the stem, the substance of which, how- ever, spreads above the gills; stem 3 inch high, 1 line thick in the centre, at length hollow; gills 4 inch broad, undulated, ventricose, adnate, with a little tooth. Spores ‘0006-0008’ in diameter. A miniature form of A. magisteriwm, with several distinctive characters. 104. A. (COLLYBIA) CHRYSOROPHUS, B. $ Br. Pileo convexo tenui croceo lineato; stipite zequali pallidiore e fareto cavo; lamellis pal- lidis distantibus dente adnatis (no. 858, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus about 1 inch across, convex, with occasionally a minute central papilla, orange with darker streaks; flesh white, thin; stem nearly equal, 1 inch high, stuffed, then hollow, truncate at the base ; gills few, distant, very pale straw-colour, adnate, with a small decurrent tooth. Evidently allied to 4. velutipes, but with a smooth stem. 105. A. (ConLvBiA) NEPHELODES, B. $ Br. Pileo hemispherico centro leviter depresso subfulvo nebuloso estriato ; stipite recto glabro fistuloso; lamellis latis albidis truncatis leviter adnatis (no. 1172, eum icone). On the ground. June 30, 1869. Pileus 12 inch across, hemispherical, slightly depressed in the centre, sienna-brown, paler towards the margin, fleshy; flesh sienna-brown beneath the cuticle; stem 3 inches high, } thick, nearly white, fis- tulose; gills 4 inch broad. truncate behind, shortly adnate, pale straw-coloured. Allied to 4. maculatus. The pileus is curiously clouded. Spores oblong, ‘0005’ by ‘00025’. 106. A. (COLLYBIA) CUBISTES, B. § Br. Pileo plano umbonato pul- verulento estriato subcarnoso ; stipite obliquo æquali albo-farcto ; lamellis angustis postice rotundatis adnexis stramineis (no. 1158, cum icone). Probably on dead wood. July 1869. Pileus 12 inch across, plane, with the edge slightly turned up, ob- tusely and broadly umbonate, pulverulent, subcarnose, margin even, dirty white; stem 2 inches high, 2 lines thick, flexuous, slightly tinged without and within with rufous ; gills crowded, 1 line broad, straw-coloured ; mycelium rooting. Allied to A. magisterium and A. euphyllus. 107. A. (CoLLYBIA) DIMINUTUS, B. $ Br. Pileo e subeampanulato expanso subcarnoso albido pulverulento; stipite brevi farcto; la- mellis angustis adnatis (no. 1147, cum icone). 522 THE REY. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME On dead wood. June 1869. Dirty white; pileus 1 inch across, at first campanulate, then expanded, pulverulent, margin even; stem } inch high, 4 line thick, stuffed ; gills crowded, narrow, 3 a line broad. Allied to A. cubistes. 108. A. (COLLYBIA) vERTICOLOR, B. $ Br. Pusillus, albidus; pileo convexo subcarnoso estriato; stipite æquali solido e basi floccosa oriundo ; lamellis adnatis (no. 834, eum icone). On dead bark. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Gregarious; pileus 3 inch across, convex, slightly fleshy, dirty white ; extreme margin fulvous, as is the whole plant when dry, pulverulent ; stem # inch high, 1 line thick, solid, springing from an orbicular floc- cose base; gills moderately broad, adnate or slightly adnato-de- current. ; Allied, though distantly, to A. velutipes. Apparently, as in that species, the cuticle is of a gelatinous consistence. 108 bis. A. (COLLYBIA) cLARUS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo fulvo cuti- cula gelatinosa margine inflexo; stipite subzquali glabro; lamellis tenuibus ventricosis postice attenuatis flavis. On dead wood. Peradeniya, Nov. 1867. Pileus 123 inch across : stem 12 inch high. Allied closely to A. velutipes. No. 108, Garduer, is apparently the same species; but the speci- mens are in bad condition. 109. A. (ConrvBtA) scoropEs, B. § Br. Pileo convexo umbonato subcinereo subtiliter tomentoso ; stipite deorsum attenuato cavo albo fibrilloso ; lamellis ventricosis subliberis candidis (no. 205, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Oct. 1868, Jan. 1869. Pileus 13 inch across, convex, very obtusely umbonate, cinereous, paler towards the margin, not striate; stem 1 inch high, } thick in the centre, at length hollow, the cavity extending nearly to the top of the umbo, fibrillose, white; gills 2 lines wide, white, ventricose, nearly free; spores *000125' long. There is a form with the pileus chestnut-coloured (4. contra- rius, B. & Br., MSS.), the stem of the same colour and rooting, and the gills ochraceous sinuated behind. Nov. 1867. Pileus 2 inches across; stem 2 inches high, } thick. 110. A. (COLLYBIA) SPARSIBARBIS, B. § Br. in Linn. Tr. xxvii. p. 151. (No. 697, cum icone.) On the ground. Peradeniya, July, August 1868. Eaten by the Cingalese. Allied to A. eurhizus. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. : 528 11]. A. (CoLLYBIA) nuriPICTUS, B. & Cr. Pileo e campanulato plano striato umbrino subvirgato; stipite solido radicante intus um- brino ; lamellis angustis liberis (no. 707, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus nearly 2 inches across, at first campanulate, then plane, umber streaked with darker lines, margin striate ; flesh white except beneath the cuticle; stem 2 inches high, 13 line thick, solid, umber within ; gills crowded, 1 line broad, arched, rounded behind, free, pale umber. Without a sight of fresh specimens it may be doubtful whether this should not be referred to Marasmius. 112. A. (CoLLYBIA) DRYOPHILUS, Bull. (No. 702*, cum icone.) Amongst dead vegetable remains. Peradeniya, Sep. 1868. 113. A. (COLLYBIA) LEUCOPHÆUS, B. § Br. Tener, pileo plano de- presso tenuissimo subrugoso fusco, stipite fistuloso stricto subconco- lori glabro pilis brevibus cireumdato ; lamellis angustissimis arcuato- adnexis confertis (no. 204, cum icone). On the ground. Pileus l inch across, dark brown, plane, depressed, very thin, slightly rugose; stem 1} inch high, 7 line thick, fistulose; gills very narrow, crowded, nearly white, arcuate, adnexed. Allied to A. ocellatus. Contracts very much and loses its colour in drying. 114. A. (COLLYBIA) oMoTRICHUS, B. in Hook. Lond. Journ. vol. iii. p. 410; Gardn. no. 10. On the roots of plants. Peradeniya, May 1844. Uitenhage. 115. A. (COLLYBIA) STUPPARIUS, B. $ C. Linn. S. I. x. p. 285. (No. 101 in part. Cuba, no. 75.) On dead vegetables. Peradeniya, Nov. 1867. 116. A. (Mycena) MYODERMA, B. 5 Br. Pileo campanulato tenero subcinereo piloso; stipite concolori fibrilloso fistuloso; lamellis un- cinatis adnatis pallido-carneis (855 bis, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus 2 inch across, cinereous, clothed with short hairs; stem 13 inch high, fistulose, streaked; gills 1 line broad, ascending, uncinato- adnate. Allied to 4. coherens. 117. A. (Mycena) MELANATOMUS, B. § Br. Pileo campanulato- striato stipiteque solido particulis fuscis inspersis; lamellis antice lati- oribus, postice arcuato-adnexis (no. 855***, cum icone). On the ground. Dec. 1868. Pileus 3 an inch aeross, campanulate, grey, sprinkled with brown parti- 524 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME cles, as is the stem, 13 inch high, 3 a line thick; gills cinerous, ven- tricose, arched behind, and adnexed. 118. A. (Mycena) Æærrrıs, Fr. (No. 1194, cum icone.) On dead wood. July 1869. 119. A. (MvcENA) PALLIDO-RUBENS, B. $ Br. Rubidus: pileo campanulato membranaceo sulcato-striato, carne disci alba; stipite brevi truncato fistuloso; lamellis ventricosis postice sinuato-affixis (no. 1179). On dead wood. July 1869. Whole plant, with the exception of the flesh of the disk, dull reddish ; pileus 1 inch across, campanulate, sulcate ; stem } inch high, $ line thick, truly fistulose, truncate at the base, where it is slightly thick- ened ; gills ventricose, shortly adnate, 1 line wide. No. 937 is possibly the same species. Spores -0003' by 00025’, echinulato. 120. A. (Mycena) SruENus, B. $ Br. Pusillus, pileo campanulato striato rubro carnoso ; stipite brevi fistuloso pallidiore ; lamellis ven- tricosis breviter adnatis (no. 1162, cum icone). On dead wood. July 1869. Pileus £ inch across, campanulate, striate, dark vinous red, fleshy, with a minute papilleform umbo; flesh white; stem 4 inch high, $ line thick, paler than the pileus, fistulose ; gills ventricose, slightly ad- ` mate, deep red. Whole plant, when dry, with the exception of the flesh, deep red. 121. A. (MvcENA) nEMATERUS, B. $ Br. Sanguineus; pileo cam- panulato umbone papilleformi; stipite curvo farcto; lamellis ventri- cosis dente adnexis (no. 854, cum icone). On dead wood. Dec. 1868. Ciespitose, dark blood-red ; pileus scarcely } inch across, campanulate, with a large nipple-shaped umbo, smooth, even ; stem $ inch high, 4 line thick, witha slender cavity; gills narrow, ventricose, attenuated behind, adnexed, sometimes slightly decurrent. 122. A. (Mycena) riLoPzes, Bull. (No. 938.) On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. 123. A, (Mycena) acicuna, Scheff. (No. 816 dis, cum icone.) On rotten sticks. Nov. 1868, Jan. 1869. 124. A. (Mycena) CITRINELLUS, P. (No. 929, cum icone.) On dead wood. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. 125. A. (MycENA) STYLOBATES, P. On dead wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. The specimens are darker than usual, but have exactly the same radiated disk. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 525 126. A. (MvcENA) cLAvULIFER, B. & Br. Tenerrimus, albus ; pileo hemisphzrico setis clavuliformibus obsito ; stipite e disco orbiculari oriundo ; lamellis ventricosis (no. 803). On decayed vegetable matter. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Extremely delicate, white; pileus about a line across, convex, beset with clavate stiff hairs; stem } inch high, filiform, springing from an orbicular radiately striate base ; gills ventricose ; spores ovate, *0003' long. 127. A. (Mycena) TENERRIMUS, B. Outl. p. 129. (No. 861.) On dead wood. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Spores *00025' long. 127*. A. (MvcENA) CORTICOLA, Schum. (No. 1217, cum icone). On bark. Aug. 1869. A white variety with pale-brown flesh. 128. A. (Mycena) uLiscus, B. & Br. Pileo hemisphzrico suleato plumbeo stipiteque capillari albo pruinosis ; lamellis paucis crassis ad- natis (no. 944, cum icone). On dead twigs. Jan. 1869. Gregarious; pileus 1 line across, hemispherical, lead-coloured, deeply sulcate, pruinose; stem l inch high, white, thread-shaped, pruinose like the pileus ; gills few, thick, white, adnate. 129. A. (Mycena) PxDiscULUS, B. & Br. Candidus, minimus, pileo subgloboso sulcato; stipite capillari, lamellis adnatis (no. 828). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Oct. 1868. Pileus 3 line across; stem 1 line high. 130. A. (MvcENA) PERONE, B. $ Br. Pusillus, gregarius; pileo con- vexo umbonato pallido; stipite recto albo; lamellis ventricosis ad- natis (no. 898, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Densely gregarious; pileus scarcely 2 lines across, convex, umbonate, dirty white; stem straight, 3 inch high, not j line thick, white; gills ventricose, slightly adnate; spores '00018' long. ; 131. A. (OMPHALIA) HOLOCHLORUS, B. $ Br. Pileo membranaceo e convexo subinfundibuliformi flocculoso striato luteo; stipite dilatato fistuloso ; lamellis decurrentibus citrinis (no. 1146, cum icone). On dead wood. June 1869. Pileus 1 inch across, at first convex, umbilicate, then subinfundibuliform, membranaceous, flocculose, striate, brownish yellow; stem 2 inch high, dilated above, fistulose, yellow, like the distant arched decurrent gills. Certainly allied to 4. chrysophyllus; but the pileus is a dark 526 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. F. BROOME red-brown when dry, and the gills lemon-coloured rather than yelk-of-egg colour; the gills, moreover, are not so decurrent. Whole plant rufous when dry. 132. A. (OMPHALIA) VIRIDI-CARNEUS, B. $ Br. Pileo tenui crenato suleato carneo-virescente ; stipite curvo cartilagineo fistuloso fulvo; lamellis albo-carneis adnato-decurrentibus distantibus (no. 862, cum icone). On dead wood, Oct. 1865. Pileus 2-1 inch across, thin, umbilicate, crenate, sulcate, either entirely flesh-coloured or greenish with the margin pink ; stem curved, tawny, or pallid; gills 1 line broad, waved, adnato-decurrent. 133. A. (OmpHALIA) LycHNopEs, B. & Br. Pileo umbilicato, dein cyathiformi cinereo suleato ; stipite porrecto glabro fistuloso candido ; lamellis distantibus ventricosis adnato-decurrentibus (no. 1181 cum icone). On dead wood. July 1869. Pileus 13 inch across, at first umbilicate, then cyathiform, ash-coloured, suleato-striate ; stem 13 inch high, 13 line thick, subhorizontal or as- cending, smooth, white, fistulose; gills white, 13 line broad, slightly ventricose, attenuated behind, distant, subdecurrent. 134. A. (OMPHALIA) CIRRHOCEPHALUS, B. & Br. Pileo ex umbili- cato depresso nitide gilvo; stipite undulato solido pallidiore ; lamellis pallidis decurrentibus (no. 959, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus scarcely $ inch across, bright yellow-red, smooth; stem ł inch high, 1 line thick, undulated, smooth, paler than the pileus within and without; gills 1 line wide, pallid, decurrent, distant, interstices venose in front. A very pretty little species, closely allied to the following. 135. A. (Ou PHALIA) SALMONICOLOR, B. § Br. Pileo depresso mar- gine suleato arcuato pallide salmonicolori glabro; stipite brevi ipsi- titio fareto glabro ; lamellis angustis postice attenuatis breviter decur- rentibus (no. 782*, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 1 inch across, depressed, with the margin arched, sulcate, smooth, pale salmon-coloured; stem 3-3 inch high, 3-1 line thick, equal, at- tached by a little disk, truncate, paler than the pileus, smooth, stuffed ; gills very narrow, ofthe same colour as the pileus, attenuated behind, slightly decurrent, distant, interstices venous towards the margin. 136. A. (OMPHALIA) UMBELLIFERUS, L. Var. pileo nigro non hygrophano, stipite lamellisque candidis vel pallido- earneis (no. 951, cum icone). Jan. 1869. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 527 A larger form is Gardn. no. 37 and (monstrosus) no. 35, stem confluent. : 137. A. (OMpHALIA) ANTHIDEPAS, B. § B. Pileo depresso cyathi- formique suleato subtiliter fibrilloso; stipite sursum dilatato e fareto cavo; lamellis distantibus longe decurrentibus latis distantibus (no. 751, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868, Jan. 1869. Pileus 13-2 inches across, dirty white, suleate, marked with livid fibrils; stems 24 inches high, 1 line thick in the centre, smooth ; gills 2 lines broad, arcuate, distant, decurrent. Allied to A. lychnodes, but differing in the fibrillose pileus, and the border not being so strongly involute. Spores ‘00025’ long. 138. A. (OmpHaLiIA) Peri, B. & Br. Niveus; pileo membranaceo ex umbilieato infundibuliformi pulverulento estriato immutabili ; sti- pite deorsum attenuato filiformi; lamellis confertis angustissimis adnato-decurrentibus (no. 1192, cum icone). On the ground. July 1869. Gregarious, snow-white; pileus 2 inch across, membranaceous, pulve- rulent, even at first umbilieate, then infundibuliform, slightly undu- lated ; stem 3 inch high, not 3 a line thick, solid; gills scarcely à a line broad, erowded, adnato-decurrent. Closely allied to A. scyphoides ; but the pileus does not change colour in drying, the gills are much narrower, the stems more slender, and it is a more graceful species. There is sometimes a little down at the base of the stem. 139. A. (OMPHALIA) MICROMELES, B. & Br. Pusillus; pileo sub- infundibuliformi hyalino ; stipite brevissimo ; lamellis paucis angustis decurrentibus (no. 1177, cum icone). On dead wood. July 1869. White, with sometimes a tinge of yellow ; pileus scarcely 2 lines across, much depressed, striate; stem l line high, with a narrow central tube; gills few, very narrow, decurrent. Closely allied to A. microscopicus. 140. A. (OmpHALIA) DELICIA, B. & Br. Pileo campanulato umbi- licato, umbonato, striato, tomentoso; stipite brevi gracili basi in- crassato, e filis radiantibus oriundo sursum pulverulento; lamellis decurrentibus (no. 398). On dead sticks. July 1869. Pileus 2-3 lines across. 140*. A. (PLEuRoTUS) pryinus, P. Gard. (No. 88, cum icone.) On dead wood. 528 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME 141. A. (PLEuRoTUS) ANGUsTATUS, B. ó Br. Czspitosus; pileo excentrico flabelliformi glabro cinereo; stipite elongato cylindrico albo, deorsum incrassato reticulato; lamellis albis decurrentibus (no. 202). On dead wood. Nov. 1867. Czespitose; pileus 13 inch across, excentric, subflabelliform, smooth, cinereous ; stem l4 inch high, } thick, cylindrical, white, reticulate, often connate at the base ; gills white, thin, decurrent ; spores oblong, slightly curved, -0003' long. 142. A. (PLEUROTUS) RIGESCENS, B. $ Br. Pileo e suborbiculari flabellato lobato glabro rufo zonato, sicco rugoso; stipite distincto subzquali deorsum nigricante; lamellis angustissimis omnibus una decurrentibus (no. 695, cum icone; no. 97, 88, in part). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Nov. 1867, July 1868. Pileus at first suborbicular, then flabelliform and lobed, smooth, wrinkled and rigid when dry, rufous-zoned; stem short, distant, cylindrical, dark at the base ; gills very narrow, all ending abruptly. . 143. A. (PLEUROTUS) POLYCHROMUS, B. § Br. Pileo suborbiculari excentrico glabro variicolori, carne alba ; stipite brevi cylindrico albo farinaceo lamellisque angustis confertis postice attenuatis candidis (no. 960, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 2-1 inch across, excentric, sometimes quite lateral, convex, pale towards the margin, the disk, which is sometimes swollen, variously tinted with rufous and lilac ; stem 1-2 lines high, white, farinaceous 5 gills white, very narrow and crowded, attenuated behind. 144. A. (PLEUROTUS) GALEÆFORMIS, B. & Br. Pileo obliquo tenui striato galezeformi, postice rufo; stipite cylindrico, deorsum polito, fusco e basi orbiculari oriundo ; lamellis latis, interstitiis venosis (no. 1207, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, June 1869. Pileus 2 inch across, and as much high, helmet-shaped, thin, striate, pale in front, rufous behind; stem 2 lines high, cylindrical, po- lished, not a line thick; gills pale ochraceous, rather broad, inter- stices venous. 145. A. (PLEUROTUS) FLABELLATUS, B. Br. Pileo flabelliformi tenui eandido vel rubescente tomentoso glabrescente postice "m tenuato ; stipite brevissimo tomentoso ; lamellis angustis decurrenti- bus (no. 88, no. 92 in part). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Aug., Nov. 1867, Aug. 1868. Pileus 1-13 inch across, flabelliform, white, sometimes tinged slightly with red, attenuated behind, and ending in a very short tomentose ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 529 stem; gills white, narrow, decurrent; spores oblong, with a little point at the base, ‘0004’ long. Adhering to the wood by a spongy base. It occurs also in Venezuela. 146. A. (PLEUROTUS) scvTocEPHALUS, B. & Br. Candidus; pileo orbiculari galezformi glabro, margine involuto ; stipite brevi deorsum attenuato glabro; lamellis angustis decurrentibus (no. 20). On dead wood. Nov. 1867. Pileus 21-2 inch across, suborbicular, cuculliform, smooth; margin in- volute; stem about 1 line high and thick, smooth, distinet, incras- sated upwards ; gills narrow, decurrent; spores oblong, 00025' long. Distinguished at once from the last by the smaller spores. — * 147. A. (PLEUROTUS) LEPTOGRAMME, B. & Br. Pileo flabelliformi tomentoso lineis tenuibus versus marginem notato ; stipite obsoleto ; lamellis ventricosis candidis. On dead wood. Nov. 1867. Pileus 3 inches across, flabelliform, attenuated behind, tomentose, marked with little close-pressed fibrils in front; stem very short, almost obsolete, white, tomentose; gills ventricose, attenuated be- hind, white; spores -0002'—0003' long. Allied to A. serotinus. Margin involute. 148. A. (PLEUROTUS) VERSIFORMIS, B. in Hook. Lond. Journ, vi. p. 484. In forests, on mossy branches. Talagalla, Feb. 1846 (Gardner). 149. A. (PLEUROTUS) TESTUDO, B. l.c. p. 485; Gard. no. 41.— A. barbatus, B. & C. (no. 88) in part. On dead wood. Hautane. June 1844, Gardner. Peradeniya. Cuba, no. 44. 150. A. (PLEUROTUS) SUBBARBATUS, B. & C. in Linn. S.J. x. p. 288. Cuba, no. 808 (no. 89). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Aug., Dec. No. 391 is a tender variety, which comes very close to 4. striatulus. This at length collapses and clings close to the ma- trix as in a siate of A. applicatus, forwarded by Prof. Fries. 151. A. (PLEUROTUS) SEMISUPINUS, B. & Br. Pileo primum Pe- zizeeformi villoso demum semisupino ; lamellis ventricosis circa diseum tomentosum sitis (no. 181). On dead twigs and leaves. Peradeniya, Sept., Dec. Pileus 2 lines across, at first appearing under the form of a snow-white pezizeeform body, which gradually opens and exposes the gills, which are arranged round a central villous disk, at length half reflexed. The gills in age acquire a reddish tinge. Spores subglobose, *0004'- *0005' long. : 580 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME 152. A. (VOLVARIA) TERASTIUS, B. & Br. in Linn. Tr. xxvii. p. 151, tab. 34. (No. 689*, cum icone.) On the ground. Peradeniya, July-Nov. 1868. Specimens with perfect spores have lately been received, which show that it is not an Amanita as originally supposed. Spores *00025'—:0002' long. 153. A. (VOLVARIA) GËASTER, B. & Br. Pileo campanulato sericeo- striato fusco; volva levi lobata intus candida extus umbrina lobis reflexis (no. 822, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. The only speeimen is unfortunately in a young state, and the gills immature. It so closely resembles a Geaster that Mr. Thwaites thought that it was one till he divided it. Margin pale, closely striate. 154. A. (VoLvaniaA) voLvAcEUS, Bull. (No. 790.) On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. There is a pale variety with very broad gills. 155. A. (VOLVARIA) PsEUDO-VOLVACEUS, B. & Br. Pileo conico- convexo fibrilloso ; stipite sursum incrassato e volva bifida fuliginosa oriundo; lamellis ventricosis liberis; sporis minoribus (no. 709, 777, 790 in part). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov.-Dec. 1868, Jan. 1869. Differs from the last in the smaller size of the spores, which are '00015'—0002' long. 156. A. (VOLVARIA) piPLAsIUS, B. & Br. in Linn. Tr. xxvii. p. 151, tab. 33 c. (No. 689, cum icone.) On the ground, springing from rotten wood. Peradeniya, July 1868. Spores *00028'—:0003' long. 157. A. (VoLvARIA) APALOTRICHUS, B. § Br. Pileo convexo sub- carnoso subtiliter piloso virgatove cinereo, carne alba; stipite gracili e volva parva libera oriundo solido; lamellis ventricosis (no. /09, eum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus 1-1} inch across, delicately pilose or virgate subcarnose ; flesh white; stem 2 inches high, 1 line thick in the middle, smooth, solid, springing from a small bilobed free volva; gills slightly ventricose; spores ‘0002’ long. 158. A. (VoLvanRiA) conEATUS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo subcarnoso, subtiliter piloso, cinereo; stipite subzequali e volva vaginata oriundo solido ; lamellis angustis (no. 709*, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, July, Aug. 1868. : Pileus 13 inch across, convex, obtuse, clothed with delicate hairs, Cl- ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 531 nereous: stem là inch high, 14 line thick, rather contracted in the centre, undulated, with corresponding darker portions within, spring- ing from a close sheath-like volva; gills about a line broad, not ven- tricose, free; spores *00025' long. Closely alled to the last, but differing in several important particulars. 159. A. (VOLVARIA) Microcatius, B. § Br. Pileo e campanulato plano fibrillis sparsis obsito; stipite gracili; lamellis angustis ventri- cosis; sporis globosis (with no. 709). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus 3 inch across, livid, clothed with scattered hairs; stem 1 inch high, 4 line thick; volva dark; gills narrow; spores globose, ‘00025' in diameter. 160. A. (VoLVARIA) GLANDIFoRMIS, B. Dr. Pileo ovato obtuso 'estriato glabro; stipite sursum attenuato e volva cupulzformi multi- partita intus pubescente oriundo; lamellis tarde carneis (no. 946, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus 2 inch across, snow-white, smooth, ovate obtuse; flesh white; stem 3 inch high, 3 line thick, white, springing from a multifid cup- shaped volva, which is tomentose within; gills very pale flesh-colour ; spores ovate, ‘00025’ long. 161. A. (PLUTEUS) CERVINUS, Scheff.; Gardn. (nos. 22-98); Thwaites (no. 760***, cum icone). On dead wood and on the ground. Hautane (Gardner), Sept. 1844. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. Spores subglobose, ‘00025’ long. 162. A. (PLUTEUS) sUBCERVINUS, B.& Dr. Pileo convexo fibrilloso- picto cervino ; stipite subzequali albo fibrilloso solido ; lamellis ventri- cosis postice rotundatis; sporis ovatis (no. 917). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus livid-brown, 14 inch across; stem 1 inch high, about a line thick ; spores ovate, ‘0002 long. Smaller than the last, and with different spores. 163. A. (PLuTEUS) JEoLus, B. $ Br. Pileo convexo areolato parti- culis nigris obsito; stipite basi dilatato; lamellis falciformibus (no. 925). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus 2 inches across, convex, covered with sooty particles, which are so disposed as to leave paler spots; stem 3 inches high, 2 lines thick, solid, dilated at the base; gills falciform ; spores globose. 00025 in diameter. Allied to A. cervinus. 532 TIE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME 164. A. (PLUTEUS) PsrcHIoPHORUS, B. § Br. Pileo e campanulato plano fortiter umbonato lurido miculato ; stipite tenui basi incras- sato ; lamellis latis (no. 915). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 1 inch across, at first campanulate, then convex, expanded or slightly depressed, strongly umbonate, brown, clothed with scattered little scales or patches; stem 1 inch or more high, thickened at the base; gills broad, ventricose ; spores globose, *00025' in diameter. 165. A. (PLUTEUS) sPILOPUS, B.§ Dr. Pileo convexo, carnoso, ob- tusissimo, atro-fusco, floccoso-virgato, carne medio crassa candida ; stipite basi incrassato particulis nigris insperso solido; lamellis ventricosis latis postice attenuatis remotis carneis (no. 1167, cum icone). On sandy soil. July 1869. Pileus 2 inches across, convex, very obtuse, dark brown with paler streaks ; flesh white, thick in the centre; stem 12 inch high, 3 thick in the centre, solid, white within, sprinkled with black specks, thicker below ; gills 3 lines or more broad, ventricose in front, at- tenuated behind, and having a broad space round the top of the stem ; spores subglobose, with a large nucleus, *0003' in diameter. Remarkable amongst its allies for the gills being strongly at- tenuated behind. 166. A. (PLUTEUS) ALBO-LINEATUS, B. § Dr. Pileo campanulato umbonato atro-cinereo albo-lineato ; stipite flexuoso sursum attenuato solido in umbonem immerso; lamellis undulatis ventricosis postice rotundatis liberis remotis (no. 757, cum icone). On dead wood. Pileus 13 inch across, umbonate, livid-brown variegated with white lines; flesh brown under the cuticle; stem flexuous, 2 inches high, 2 lines thick in the centre, attenuated from the base upwards, sunk into the umbo ; gills pale pink, undulated, slightly ventricose, rounded behind, remote, nearly 2 lines broad; spores snbglobose, :00025' long. 167. A. (PLUTEUS) NANUS, P. (No. 760**.) On dead wood. Spores globose, :00025' in diameter. 168. A. (PLUTEUS) GLYPHIDATUS, D. §& Br. Pileo e campanulato plano l. depresso pallido particulis parvis pulverulento, margine striato ; stipite citrino solido ; lamellis remotis liberis crenulatis (no. /07, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Aug.-Dec. 1868. Pileus 1} inch across, campanulate, obtuse, or with an obtuse umbo, then plane or depressed, lemon-coloured, or tinged with cinereous, thin ; flesh white, dark beneath the cuticle ; stem 13 inch high, 2 lines ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 533 thick, generally attenuated upwards, solid, lemon-coloured, some- times slightly twisted; gills segmentiform, rounded behind, remote, at first white, slightly tinged with yellow, then rose-coloured ; spores globose, *00025' in diameter. Undoubtedly nearly allied to thelast; but, asappears from the numerous drawings, the campanulate pileus and crenate gills are distinctive. No. 860 is a variety, “ dull, transparent, white or pale gilvous." Pileus ? inch across. 169. A. (PLUTEUS) sTIGMATOPHORUS, B. $ Br. Pileo convexo um- bonato demum depresso fuliginoso stipiteque basi incrassato pallido particulis concoloribus obsitis ; lamellis ventricosis (no. 918, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869, Pileus 2 inches across, convex, then depressed, fuliginous, clothed with minute sooty particles; stem 13-2 inches high, dilated at the base, truncate, clothed like the pileus with dingy scattered particles ; gills broad, ventricose; spores globose, "00025' in diameter. 170. A. (PLUTEUS) EscHARITES, B.S Br. Pileo convexo umbili- cato squamulis minutissimis obsito, margine striato ; stipite sursum incrassato griseo-glauco basi truncato ; lamellis fuligineis falciformi- bus postice attenuatis (no. 868, cum icone). On dead wood. Jan. 1869. Pileus 2 inch across, convex, umbilicate, brown, covered with minute dot-like scales; margin striate; stem 1} inch high, dilated upwards, curved and truncate at the base, fibrillose, stuffed ; gills falciform ; spores globose, ‘00022’ in diameter. 171. A. (PLUTEUS) BRUNNEO-PICTUS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo for- titer umbonato lineis fibrillosis picto brunneo ; stipite candido; la- mellis ventricosis postice rotundatis (no. 916, cum icone). On dead wood, Peradeniya, Dec.-Jan. Pileus 2 inch across, convex, with a strongly developed papillaform umbo streaked with brown fibrillz ; stem nearly equal, white, stuffed ; gills pale, ventricose, rounded behind ; spores ovate, '00025' long. Differs from A. psichiophorus in the marking of the pileus, and in the ovate not globose spores. 172. A. (PLUTEUS) coNIZATUS, B. $ Br. Pileo plano tenui umbo- nato in particulas pulveraceas hic illic fracto, margine striato ; sti- pite sursum attenuato ; lamellis ventricosis postice rotundatis remotis ; sporis globosis (no. 757**, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Oet., Nov. 1868. LINN. JOURN.—BOTANY, VOL. XI. 20 534 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. 0. E. BROOME Pileus 3 inches across, plane, umbonate, pale gilvous, striate, the sur- face broken up into minute powdery patches, at length leaving the substratum exposed in parts; stem 3 inches high, 3 thick in the centre, attenuated from the base upwards, lemon-coloured, solid ; - gills 3 inch broad, ventricose, rounded behind, free, remote ; spores globose, ‘00028’ in diameter. ‘‘ Tough and elastie."' 173. A. (PLUTEUS) MARMORATUS, B. & Dr. Pileo convexo fortiter umbonato marmorato ; stipite recto truncato torto striato solido; lamellis segmentiformibus postice rotundatis approximatis (no. 754*, cum icone). On rotten wood. Dec. 1868. Pileus 1$ inch across, pale gilvous, marbled with darker lines ; stem 13 inch high, } thick, truncate at the base, twisted, striate, the stri following the twisting of the stem; gills nearly 4 inch across. 174. A. (PLuTEUS) PULVINUS, B. § Br. Pileo convexo fortiter um- bonato striato particulis pulveraceis consperso; stipite subzquali solido; lamellis latis ventricosis approximatis (no. 757***, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Spores *00025' long. The cuticle does not chip off as in A. conizatus ; gills nearly 4 inch broad. 175. A. (PLUTEUS) AGLÆOTHELES, B. & Br. Mollis, tener; pileo convexo expanso obtuso albido glabro; margine tenui estriato ; sti- pite horizontali subequali albo solido; lamellis rotundato-liberis (no. 1189, eum icone). On dead wood. July 1869. Subczspitose, soft, tender; pileus 3 inches or more across, convex, expanded, very obtuse, smooth, dirty white, slightly wrinkled at the apex; flesh thick in the centre, white; stem horizontal, 3 inches long, } thick, smooth, white, solid, nearly equal, a little thicker at the base ; gills 4 lines broad, ventricose, rounded behind, free ; spores ‘00025’ long, cystidia urn-shaped. Allied to A. roseo-albus. 176. A. (PLuTEUS) rFusco-NiGRICANS, B. & Br. Pileo tenui con- vexo fortiter umbonato atomato-pruinato striato; stipite obliquo albido fistuloso ; lamellis latis ventricosis postice rotundatis liberis (no. 1150, cum icone). On dead wood. June 1869. Pileus 1 inch across, dark brown, convex, strongly umbonate, striate, clothed with powdery particles; stem 1 inch high, scarcely 1 line thick, dirty white, fistulose; gills 2 lines broad, ventricose, rounded behind, free ; spores ovate, *00025' long. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 535 Differs from A. nanus in the umbonate pileus, fistulose stem, and ovate spores. 177. A. (PLUTEUS) GRANDINEUS, B. & Br. Pileo e convexo de- presso verruculis minutis pulveraceis obsito ; stipite subzquali; la- mellis latis ventricosis liberis (no. 919). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Piieus 1 inch across, fawn-coloured, convex, then depressed, beset with minute pulverulent granules; stem 13 inch high, downy at the base; gills 2 lines or more broad; spores ovate, *0003! long. 178. A. (PLUTEUS) PHLEBOPHORUS, Dittm. Gardner, no. 46. On dead wood. Hautane, 1844. 179. A. (PLuTEUS) kuGRAPTUS, B. & Dr. Pileo plano leviter um- bonato umbrino lineis obscurioribus radiato; stipite curvo sursum pallido basi umbrino farcto; lamellis leviter ventricosis umbrino- carneis (no. 1148, cum icone). On dead wood. June 1869. Pileus 2 inch across, plane, slightly umbonate, membranaceous, smooth, umber marked with radiating darker stris ; stem 2 inch high, not a line thick, pale above, umber below, stuffed; gills pinkish, slightly ventricose, about a line wide in the middle; spores subglobose or broadly elliptic, *00025' long. Allied to A. wmbrinellus. 180. A, (PLUTEUS) PELINUS, B. § Br. Pileo convexo argillaceo, carne alba; stipite subæquali concolore; lamellis latis ventricosis carneo-subconcoloribus (no. 920, eum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus 1 inch across, convex, dirty yellow-brown, mottled, obscurely pulverulent ; stem 1 inch high, 1 line thick, of the same coloar within and without, stuffed, nearly equal; gills nearly 2 lines broad, tinged with pink; spores ovate, ‘0003’ long. 181. A. (PLUTEUS) BALANATUS, B. & Br. Pileo glandiformi glabro ; stipite striato sursum attenuate farcto; lamellis ventricosis liberis (no. 943, eum icone). ; On dead wood. Peradeniya, Dee. 1868. Pileus acorn-shaped, 3 inch across in the middle, smooth, white. mot- tled with pink specks; stem 1 inch high, 1 line thick, white, stuffed ; gills 1 line broad, pale-pink; flesh white, except just above the gills, where it is red. 181*. A. (ENTOLOMA) ARDOSIACUS, Bull. Var. AGAvvs, B. & Br. Pileo pulveraceo amethystino, margine sul- cato; stipite czeruleo (no. 799, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. 202 536 THE REY. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME A very beautiful Agaric, approaching very near to a form of A. ardosiacus, of which we have a drawing from the Swedish Mu- seum, which Fries supposes may possibly be distinct. 182. A. (ENTOLOMA) curysaeis, B. § Br. Pileo convexo demum centro depresso tenui aureo striato; stipite basi dilatato striato S0- lido; lamellis postice truncato-sinuatis adnexis (no. 811, cum icone). On decaying wood. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Rare. ` Pileus 2 inches across, of a brilliant golden-yellow, slightly wrinkled at the depressed apex, striate ; flesh thin, white ; stem 2-22 inches high, about two lines thick in the centre, thickened at the base, striate, solid, white; gills arched, not ventricose, 1 inch broad, pale-pink, truncate and sinuated behind, almost free ; spores subglobose, with a large nucleus, *00025 in diameter. In many points resembling A. leoninus, but is not campanu- late, nor are the gills ventricose or rounded behind; they ap- proach rather to the type of Entoloma, to which it is accordingly referred. 183. A. (ENTOLOMA) GRISEO-CYANEUS, Fr. Var. coloribus saturatioribus (no. 799, eum icone). On the ground. Jan. 1869. Pileus and stem blue; flesh and interior of fistulose stem pale blue. 184. A. (ENTOLOMA) RETROFLEXUS, B. $ Br. Pileo convexo um- bilicato alutaceo glabro; stipite gracili subtiliter fistuloso concolori ; lamellis crassiusculis ventricosis postice rotundato-sinuatis adnexis, antice excedentibus (no. 948, cum icone). On wood. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus not 3 au inch across, convex, umbilicate, clay-coloured, darker in the centre, smooth; stem 12 incb high, 3 line thick, paler ; gills ventricose, sinuated behind, adnexed, buff, extending beyond the margin, so as to give the pileus the appearance of having its margin turned back ; spores angular. 185. A. (ENTOLOMA) RHODOPOLIUS, Fr. (No. 760, cum icone.) On the ground. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. Spores ‘0005’ long. 186. A. (ENTOLOMA) ropwEPHES, B. & Br. Pileo e campanulato subacuto cyathiformi violaceo pulverulento; stipite compresso con- colori cavo; lamellis falciformibus carneis (no. 749, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. Pileus 3-2 inch across, campanulate, rather acute, then cup-shaped, bright violet, pulverulent; stem 1-1} inch high, slender or rather stout, in the latter case compressed, hollow, paler than the pileus, ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 537 rather rooting; gills falciform, adnexed ; mycelium white, fibrous ; spores angular, *0003'—0004" by -0002’-0003’. L] 187. A. (ENToLoMA) sERICEUS, Bull. Var. stipite fibrilloso-farcto (no. 869, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. 188. A. (ENTOLOMA) MAZOPHORUS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo eximie umbonato subcarnoso glabro; stipite subzquali e farcto cavo; la- mellis areuatis adnexis (no. 1185, cum icone). On the ground. June 1869. Pileus nearly an inch across, convex, slightly fleshy, with a well-developed . obtuse umbo, smooth, pallid; flesh with a slight pinkish tint; stem l inch high, 13 line thick, smooth, stuffed, then hollow ; gills rather more than a line broad, arched, rounded behind, and slightly ad- nexed, pink ; spores angular, ‘00025’ across. Allied to A. elodes. 189. A. (ENTOLOMA) MicRocaAnPUS, B. & Br. Cespitosus, edulis, albidus; pileo convexo fisso acutissime umbonato; stipite farcto glabro; lamellis arcuatis pallide carneis liberis (no. 748, cum icone ; Gardn. uo. 71, cum icone). In large patches, on the flower-borders and on grass. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. Eaten by the natives. Czspitose; pileus 3-1 inch across, diy whi, darker towards the prominent umbo, soon split at the margin, even; stem 13-2 inches high, 3-1 thick, somewhat rooting, nearly equal, smooth, stuffed, at length partially hollow ; gills about a line broad, rounded behind, free, or nearly so; spores obliquely oblong, :0002'—00025' long; mycelium forming little granular masses. . 190. A. (ENTOLOMA) iwTERMIXTUS, B. & Br. Pileo e convexo umbonato plano fibroso-striato ; stipite elongato «quali radicante ; lamellis adnexis (no. 784 in parte). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 1 inch across, convex, sharply umbonate, streaked with dark fibres; stem 13-3 inches high, 1 line thick, more or less rooting ; gills slightly ventricose, adnexed ; spores *0003'—:0005' long, often adhering to each other. . 191. A. (ENTOLOMA) styLopHorus, B. & Br. Pileo conico sericeo- nitente, umbone elongato; stipite farcto subzequali; lamellis angustis ventricosis (no. /48*, cum icone). On the ground. - Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. ` Pileus $ inch across, conical, white tinged with pink, shining, umbo -538 THE REY. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME elongated cylindrical acute or truncate; stem l inch high, equal, stuffed; gills not a line wide ; spores angular. Differs obviously from A. microcarpus in the angular spores. 192. A. (ENTOLOMA) PALLIDO-GILVUS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo umbonato ; stipite brevi æquali e farcto cavo ; lamellis planis postice sinuatis (no. 863). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus 2 inch across, convex, umbonate, smooth; stem $ inch high, 1 line thick; gills plane, arcuate, sinuated behind, 1 line broad; spores angular. The whole plant becomes umber in drying. 193. A. (ENTOLOMA) ARGILOPHYLLUS, B.& Br. Pileo convexo cinereo pruinoso; stipite curvo particulis fuscis insperso ; lamellis tenuibus latissimis (no. 873). Pileus 1 inch high, dark grey, pulverulent; stem 1 inch high, l line thick, curved, beset with little dark particles; gills 2 lines wide, thin, pallid, argillaceous ; cystidia large. There may possibly be some doubt as to the proper position of this species, as we have not seen the spores. 194. A. (CLiroPILUS) TEPHRAS, B. & Br. Pileo e convexo plano subdepresso cinereo-glauco tenui pulverulento l. virgato; stipite sur- sum incrassato subconcolori cavo; lamellis arcuatis leviter decur- rentibus carneis (no. 747*, cum icone). Amongst decayed vegetable matter. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus } inch across, convex, then plane or depressed, bluish ash- colour, pee or minutely virgate; stem 3 inch high, dilated upwards, 3 line thick in the centre, hollow, nearly of the same colour as the pileus; gills narrow, flesh-coloured, decurrent 5 ae dingy, *0002’ inch long. 195. A. (CrLrroPiLus) suBGiLvus, B. § Br. Pileo plano-depresso subzonato membranaceo pallide gilvo estriato; stipite sursum dila- tato pallido fistuloso radicante; lamellis adnato-decurrentibus pileo concoloribus (no. 1184, cum icone). On the ground. June 1869. Pileus about 1 inch across, plane, depressed, slightly zoned, pale reddish, membranaceous; stem } inch high, 1 line thick in the centre, di- lated upwards, truly fistulose, much paler; gills 1 line broad, adnato- decurrent, of the same colour as the pileus. Allied to A. canerinus. Stem rooting, with a thread-like mycelium. 196. A. (LErroNIA) GNAPHALODEs, D. $ Br. Pileo tenui umbili- cato ; margine arcuato substriato flocculento ; stipite sursum attenuato ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 539 pallido; lamellis latis dente adnatis secedentibus (no. 921, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 1 inch across, umbilicate; border arched, faintly striate, pinkish- grey; stem $ inch high, minutely hollow, white within, externally pallid; gills 2 lines wide, adnate, with a small tooth at length seceding ; spores angular. * 197. A. (LEPTONIA) GNoPHopEs, B. & Br. Pileo convexo profunde umbilicato caliginoso ; stipite sursum dilatato solido, intus extusque brunneolo ; lamellis latis adnatis (no. 841, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov.-Dec. 1868. Pileus $ inch across, convex, deeply and acutely umbilicate, dingy ; stem 1i inch high, slender, dilated upwards, brown without and within, ex- cept at the apex ; gills 2 lines broad, arched, horizontal, adnate, edge entire. Mixed with A. serrulatus. 198. A. (LEPTONIA) SERRULATUS, P. (No. 841*, cum icone.) On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov.-Dec. 1868. No. 841**, cum icone, is a variety with a solid stem. 199. A. (LEPTONIA) INCANUS, Fr., var, POLYCHROUS. Pileo nitide zruginoso, lamellis e lilacino virescentibus (no. 801, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Spores *00025'— 0004" long. 200. A. (NoLANEA) FULVO-LANATUS, B. & Br. Pileo tenui convexo pilis fulvis strigoso ; stipite tubuloso deorsum fulvo-lanato ; lamellis carneis subliberis (no. 855, eum icone). On the ground. Dec. 1865. Pileus 3 inch across, convex, obtuse, yellowish or tawny, thin, clothed with fascicles of tawny hairs; stem 1} inch high, $ line thick, smooth above, clothed with tawny down below, equal or attenuated down- wards, tubular; gills ventricose, about a line wide, nearly free. Undoubtedly allied to A. Babingtonii, Blox. The stem is clothed as in Æ. campanulatus. 201. A. (NoLANEA) LAsIUs, D. $ Br. Pileo e campanulato umbili- cato griseo squamulis pilosis obsito; stipite sursum dilatato concolori hispidulo e farcto eximie fistuloso ; lamellis sinuato-affixis denticulatis (no. 855*, cum icone). On the ground. Jan. 1869. Pileus 3 inch across, at first campanulate, then convex, umbilicate, grey, clothed with little erect pilose scales; stem $ inch high, 1 line thick, dilated upwards, beset with little hispid specks, downy at the base, 540 THE REY. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME stuffed, then fistulose; gills rather broad, pink, serrated, sinuated be- hind; spores ‘0005’ long. : 202. A. (NOLANEA) ELAPHINES, B. & Br. Pileo campanulato cer- vino breviter lanato; stipite gracili concolori glabro; lamellis ventri- cosis postice attenuatis sinuatis breviter affixis e cervino carneis (no. 941). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1862. Pileus 4 inch across, campanulate, pale fawn-coloured, clothed with short down; gills ventricose, fawn-coloured, sinuated ànd attenuated be- hind, distant, at length sprinkled with the rosy angular spores. 203. A. (EcciLIA) HvALODEPAS, B. § Dr. Pileo ex umbilicato cya- thiformi pallido striato ; stipite flexuoso e farcto subtiliter fistuloso, lamellis ex albo carneis decurrentibus (no. 871, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus l inch across, deeply cup-shaped, striated ; margin waved, striate, white, shaded with pink; stem 1 inch high, stuffed, running through the flesh of the pileus to the bottom of the cavity, with a slender channel in the centre ; gills white, thin, narrow, slightly ventricose, decurrent, pink ; spores angular or subglobose, *0004'—0005' in dia- meter. 204. A. (PHOLIOTA) MICROMERES, B. & Br. in Linn. Tr. vol. xxvii. p. 152 (no. 690, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, July 1868. 205. A. (HEBELOMA) MICROPYRAMIS,' B. & Br. Pileo campanulato umbone prominente papillzeformi, verrucis pulvereque ferrugineis ob- sito; stipite gracili flexuoso ; lamellis latiusculis postice rotundatis adnexis olivaceo-fuscis acie albidis. On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1869. Sent without any number. Pileus 1 inch across, stem 2 inches high ; spores ovate, ‘00025’ long. Allied to Fries’s first section of Hebeloma. 206. A. (FLAMMULA) RUFIPUNCTATUS, B. & Br. Pileo depresso tenui punctato estriato; stipite subzquali liturato solido, lamellis ventricosis e pallido ferrugineis decurrentibus (nn. 207, 704, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, July-Aug. 1868. Pileus 15-2 inches across, soon depressed, pale rufous, with darker dots ; stem 1} inch high, lj line thick, pale, with short rufous streaks, nearly equal, solid ; mycelium white, thread-like ; gills 14 line broad, ventricose, decurrent, ferruginous ; spores ‘00025! long. . There is a form less distinctly dotted. Sometimes the stem 18 dilated above. Allied, but not very closely, to A. fusus. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 541 207. A. (FLAMMULA) Janus, B. § Br. Czspitosus, sulfureus; pileo convexo obtuso umbonatove subearnoso; stipite subzquali fistuloso glabro; lamellis angustis e subfusco ferrugineis (no. 759, cum icone). On dead wood. Dec. 1868. Crespitose, sulphur-coloured ; pileus 2-1 inch across, convex, obtuse, or umbonate, slightly fleshy, flesh lemon-coloured; stem about an inch high, 1 line thick, curved, smooth, fistulose; gills very narrow, arched, slightly adnate; spores :00025/—0003' long by :00015'- *0002'. Allied to 4. conissans. 208. A. (FLAMMULA) Goniosporus, B. $ Dr. Albidus; pileo con- vexo subcarnoso obtuso; stipite flexuoso cavo e basi suborbiculari tomentoso oriundo; lamellis subventricosis late adnatis; sporis angu- latis (no. 835, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Gregarious ; pileus scarcely } inch across, dirty white, with occasionally a darker zone which remains in drying, slightly fleshy, flesh white ; stem 1 inch high, flexuous, hollow, springing from a white suborbicu- lar base ; gills 1 line broad, slightly ventricose, broadly adnate ; spores ‘0002 across, angular. The spores are nearly square or spade-shaped, and different from any thing we have seen in this subgenus. 209. A. (FLAMMULA) ALUTIPHYLLUS, B. § Br. Pileo convexo au- rantiaco subtiliter tomentoso postice fuliginoso, stipite compresso pal lido; lamellis adnexis nitide alutaceis margine albo no. 405). On dead wood. ; There are unfortunately no spores in the specimens. It ap- pears to bea very beautiful species. The black matter looks, at first sight,like some mould; but the microscope shows it to be a part of the pileus. 210. A. (FLAMMULA) sAPINEUS, Fr. (No. 401, cum icone.) On dead wood, evidently of some Conifer. Possibly from imported deal. Peradeniya, Sep.-Nov. 1868. Far paler in colour than European specimens. Spores *00025'-:0003' long. 211. A. (FLAMMULA) HoLocROocINUS, B. in Lond. Journ. vol. vi. p. 485. ; On dead wood. Ambegamoa, Feb. 1846. Gills narrow. 212. A. (FLAMMuLA) oxvLEPis, B. § Br. Pileo plano depresso squa- mulis erectis acutis hispido, stipite gracili; annulo flocculoso e sporis fulvo ; lamellis arcuatis (no. 909*). 42 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME C On dead wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 3 an inch across, convex, then plane, tawny, clothed with erect acute scales; stem l inch high, 1 line thick; ring floccose, situated near the top, deflexed, tawny from the spores ; gills 1 line broad, ad- nate, arched, tawny ; spores obliquely ovate, *00025' long. . Belongs to the same section as the two foregoing species. 213. A. (FLAMMULA) DILEPIS, B. $ Br. Pileo e convexo umbonato depresso luteo squamulis obsito; stipite curvo glabro pallido farcto ; lamellis ventricosis postice sinuatis adnato-decurrentibus flavis (no. 878, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 2-1 inch across, convex, umbonate, then depressed, sulphur-co- loured, clothed with minute brown scales in the centre, and tawny to- wards the margin; flesh nearly white; stem 1j inch high, l line thick, pallid without and within, smooth, slightly swollen at the base ; gills 1 line broad, ventricose, sinuated behind, adnato-decurrent, yel- low; spores *00025' long. Resembles, in some respects, 4. heliocaes, B. & Br. 214. A. (FLAMMULA) cRocias, B. $ Br. Czspitosus; pileo convexo squamulis pilosis erectis obsito ; stipite squamuloso ; lamellis adnatis latiusculis croceis (no. 1126). 7 On dead wood. Central Provinces, Feb. 1869, We have no figure of this species, which appears to be very beautiful. Spores -00025' long. Stem sometimes attenuated be- low, sometimes above. 215. A. (NAvCORIA) PHÆDROPIS, B. § Br. Pileo e campanulato plano sulcato-striato fulvo; stipite clavato albido fistuloso ; lamellis postice rotundatis liberis fulvis (no. 890, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868, Jan. 1869. Pileus $ inch across, at first campanulate, then plane, bright tawny; margin suleato-striate, crenate ; stem 13 inch high, 1 line thick, pal- lid, fistulose; gills ventricose or falciform, rounded behind, free, bright tawny; spores obliquely ovate, *0003--0006' long by :0002'- '0003'. Turns to a vinous red in drying. It belongs to Fries's first section, and is a very pretty bright- looking species. 216. A. (NAUCORIA) MicROPHUES, B. & Br. Pileo plano albicante usque ad centrum striato; stipite filiformi albo basi substrigoso, la- mellis distantibus liberis (no. 1203, cum icone). On sandy soil. Peradeniya, July 1869. Pileus t inch across, plane, at length white, striate up to the centre ; margin erenate; stem $ inch high, } line thick, filiform; gills seg- mentiform, free, or nearly free; spores pure, *0003' long. Allied to A. centunculus. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 543 217. A. (NAUCORIA) ABJECTUS, B. & Br. Pileo e campanulato de- presso tenui striato livido griseove ; stipite gracili subtiliter fistuloso ; lamellis ventricosis luteis (no. 897, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus i-i inch across, campanulate, then plane or slightly depressed, brownish livid, deeply striate; stem 2-1 inch high, not half a line thick, of the same colour, fistulose ; gills about half a line broad, clay- coloured, ventricose, adnexed ; spores ‘0003’ long. There is a variety (no. 897*, cum icone) with a grey pileus and rather broader gills and a more slender stem, which is dark at the base. 218. A. (NAuconrA) PYGMJEUS, Bull. (No. 945.) On rotten wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 2-8 lines across; stem springing from a floccose disk. 219. A. (NAvcon1A) PELIDNUS, B. & Br. Pileo conico livido, margine plicato crenato ; stipite concolori sursum dilatato roseo-farcto ; lamellis ventricosis ascendentibus rubro-rufis (no 854*, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868, Jan. 1869. Pileus 4 inch across, conical, smooth, pinkish, shaded with livid blue ; margin plicate; stem $ inch high, of the same colour, stuffed with pink matter; gills ventricose, ascending, adnexed, reddish ; spores ‘0003’ long. Somewhat resembling a small form of A. cucumis. 290. A. (NAUCORIA) CERODES, Fr.; Gardner. (No. 713, cum icone.) On the ground. Peradeniya, May 1844. 221. A. (NAUCORIA) PEDIADES, Fr., var. MAJOR. (No. 713, cum icone.) On the ground. Peradeniya, Gardner, Thwaites, Aug.-Sep. 1868. Pileus 13-23 inches across, even, pitted, umbonate. It has a strong scent of meal. Spores ‘0005’ by ‘0004’. 222. A. (NAUCORIA) SEMIORBICULARIS, Bull. (No. 839, 930, cum iconibus.) On the ground amongst micaceous soil. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Spores ‘0004’ long. 223. A. (NAUCORIA) CROBULUS, Fr. (No. 857, cum icone.) On dead wood. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Spores :00035'—0004' long. 224. A. (NAUCORIA) FURFURACEUS, P. (No. 1182, cum icone; no. 93.) On dead wood. June 1869. Spores :00028' long. We consider this a form of the common species. 544 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME 225. A. (NAUCORIA) LoNcHoPHORUS, B. $ Br. Pileo hemisphzerico acute umbonato furfuraceo ; stipite subzequali farcto parce furfuraceo ; lamellis arcuatis cinnamomeis (no. 835, cum icone). On dead wood. Dec. 1868. Pileus 2-3 lines across, convex, tawny, with a very acute elongated umbo ; stem 3 an inch or more high, $ a line thick, of the same co- lour, dilated upwards, stuffed, then hollow ; gills arched, narrow, cin- namon ; spores ‘00025’ long. No. 835*** is a variety with a broader, paler pileus and stem, and broader gills. 226. A. (NavcoRiA) soBRius, Fr. (No. 854.) On the ground. Dec. 1868, Jan. 1869. 227. A. (Naucoria) GNAPHOLOPUS, B. $ Br. Pusillus; pileo con- vexo tabacino tomentoso quandoque particulis flavis obsito; stipite conico albido-velutino ; lamellis ventricosis tabacinis flavo-marginatis (no. 957, also with no. 814). On very decayed wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 3 lines across; stem very short, conical; spores ovate, -0003' long. 228. A. (NAUCORIA) FULVO-ALBUS, B. & Br. Pileo campanulato ob- tuso fulvo papillis pulverulentis obsito; stipite gracili subtiliter fistuloso candido ; lamellis ventricosis fulvis (no. 889, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 4 inch across, campanulate, sometimes contracted in the centre, tawny, darker above, clothed with minute pulverulent papillae; stem $ inch high, 3 line thick, white, pulverulent ; gills tawny, ventricose, 1 line broad; spores clay-coloured, *0002' long. Allied to 4. conspersus. 229. A. (Naucoria) ocHRus, B. § Br. Ocbraceus; pileo plano verrucis pulveraceis obsito; stipite e farcto cavo furfuraceo ; lamellis ventrieosis adnexis (no. 1175, cum icone). On the ground. June 1869. Pale ochre; pileus $ inch across, rough, with little pulveraceous warts ; flesh brownish ; stem 13 inch high, nearly a line thick, stuffed, then hollow, pulverulent ; gills a line broad, ventricose, rounded behind, slightly adnexed ; spores :0001'-:0002' long by :00015'. Allied to A. conspersus, escharoides, and limbatus. 230. A. (NAucorIA) HELIOCAES, B. § Br. Pileo convexo tarde de- presso subcarnoso punctato ochracéo ; stipite subzquali farcto glabro albido ; lamellis adnatis pallide — (no. 859, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 545 Pileus 1-13 inch across, convex, sometimes at length depressed, ochra- ceous, freckled, flesh white except immediately under the cuticle ; stem flexuous, 13-2 inches high, 1-2 lines thick, stuffed, but not me- dullate, nearly white, smooth; gills 1-2 lines wide, distant, ochra- ceous, segmentiform, adnate, sometimes slightly ventricose ; spores 0002’—-00025' long ; mycelium fibrous, white. 231. A. (NAUCORIA) SIENNOPHYLLUuS, B. & Br. Pileo plano um- brino pulverulento, margine crenato ; stipite gracili fistuloso ; lamellis adnatis nitide cinnamomeis (no. 833). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus å inch across; stem 1i inch high, not a line thick; gills 1 line wide; spores oblong, 00038! long. 239. A. (GALERA) GLAUCOPURPUREUS, B. 4 Br. Pileo plano depresso mucoso luride ezruleo-purpureo striato; stipite subzequali candido ; lamellis pallide fuscis, sporis elongatis metulaformibus (no. 952). On very decayed wood. Dec. 1868. Pileus 1 inch across, plane, at length slightly depressed, striate, mucous, dull blue-purple; stem 1 inch high, scarcely a line thick, white, stuffed; gills narrow, pale brown, free; spores *0006' long, clear ` yellow-brown, obliquely lanceolate. - 933. A. (GALERA) LATERITIUS, Fr. (No. 711, cum icone.) ‘On the ground. Peradeniya, Sep. 1868. A large form, approaching, in general appearance, A. apalus, but with tawny pileus and stem ; gills narrow, spores 0005’ long. 234. A. (GALERA) SILIGINEUS, Fr. ; Gardn. (No. 40, cum icone.) On fallen flowers of Caryota urens. Peradeniya, June 1844, 235. A. (CREPIDOTUS) HEPATIZON, B. in Lond. Journ. vi. p. 416; Gardn. (No. 52, cum icone.) On decayed wood. Hautane Range, June 1844. 236. A. (CREPIDOTUS) PHHOPHYLLUS, B. l.c. ; Gardn. (no. 36, cum icone) ; Thwaites (no. 87). On decayed wood. Hautane range, June 1844; Peradeniya, July, Dec. J868. Spores :00025'—0003' long. 937. A. (CREPIDOTUS) EPICROCINUS, B. 4 Br. Pileo e resupinato reflexo, supra nitide croceo tomentoso suborbiculari floccis albis affixo, . margine undulato-crenato ; stipite nullo; lamellis pallide ferrugineis (no. 954, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus 2-1 inch across, suborbicular or reniform, at first resupinate, then . reflexed, bright orange-chrome-yellow, tomentose, at first fixed by a 546 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME few white flocci, sometimes slightly lobed, suleate when dry; gills pale ferruginous; spores subglobose, ‘0004’ in diameter. A very beautiful species. There is a variety with a dull ferruginous pileus and broader gills. The spores are of the same size (no. 954 b). 238. A. (CREPIDOTUS) FLAVO-MARGINATUS, B. & Br. Pileo subor- biculari aurantiaco ; stipite brevissimo; lamellis latis distantibus pos- tice subtruncatis e sporis rufo-ferruginatis, margine floccoso flavo (no. 392). : On dead wood. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus 3 an inch across, nearly orbicular, orange-yellow ; stem very short or obsolete ; gills distant, broad, densely clothed with the bright ferruginous spores; margin like that of the pileus, yellow, floccose ; spores subglobose, :0004' long ; when seen laterally, as in many other Agarics, meniscoid. 239. A. (CREPIDOTUS) GRUMOsO-PILOSUS, B. 4 Br. Pileo suborbi- culari e resupinato reflexo albido pilis grumosis fasciculatis ferrugi- neis conspurcato, margine striato; stipite {brevissimo l. obsoleto; la- mellis latis ventricosis ferrugineis (no. 954 a, cum icone). On dead wood. Jan. 1869. Pileus 1-1$ inch broad, suborbicular or reniform, rarely flabelliform, at first resupinate, then reflexed, white, striate, at first marked with ra- diating matted hairs which gradually acquire a more or less ferrugi- nous tint and form scattered spots; stem very short or quite obso- lete; gills 2 lines or more broad, ventricose, pale ferruginous ; spores ovate or subglobose, *00028'—0004' long by :0002'—-00025' broad. 240. A. (PSALLIOTA) CROCOPEPLUS, B. § Br. Pileo conico carnoso squamulis erectis croceis obsito ; stipite subzequali dense fulvo-lanato ; annulo superiore; lamellis atro-rubentibus liberis, no, 696, 716 (no. 1210, cum icone). On the ground. July, Aug. 1868, May 1869. Pileus2 inches across, conical, fleshy, tawny, covered with erect scales of the same colour, which extend beyond the margin; stem 2 inches high, 2 lines thick, nearly equal, hollow, densely clothed, especially in the centre, with tawny down; ring ample, superior; gills 1j line broad, brown-purple, free; spores *0003' by *0002' obliouely ovate, curved. A magnificent species. 241. A. (PSALLIOTA) CAMPESTRIS, L.; Gardn. (No. 19.) On the ground in open places. Peradeniya, June 1844. Var. pileo nitide piloso-squamoso, annulo amplissimo descendente, sti- pite albo-farcto ; lamellis postice rotundatis (no. 763, cum icone). ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 547 Var. pileo squamis basi fibrilloso-radiantibus; stipite farcto demum cavo deorsum brunneo fibrilloso (no. 1155, cum icone). July 1869. 242. A. (PsALLIOTA) DIDACTYLUS, B. $ Br. Pileo convexo carnoso piloso-squamoso squamis superioribus erectis ; stipite bulboso deor- sum floccoso-maculato candido penetrante annulo amplo descendente duplici; lamellis utrinque attenuatis (no. /06, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, July 1868. Pileus 4 inches across, convex, fleshy, clothed with pilose scales, of which those in the centre are erect, brownish; stem 5 inches high, à inch thick, bulbous, attenuated upwards, stuffed, sunk above into the flesh of the pileus, clothed with transverse patches of white flocci ; ring large, superior, reaching halfway down, double; gills mode- rately broad, attenuated at either end, brown. Resembling A. arvensis in the double ring, A. cretaceus in the penetrating stem. 243. A. (PSALLIOTA) SPILOCEPHALUS, B. & Br. in Linn. Tr. xxvii. p. 152. (No. 698, cum icone.) On the ground. Inside of the stem consisting of loose intricate threads; spores ‘0002! long. 244. A. (PSALLIOTA) TRACHODES, B. in Lond. Journ. vi. p. 487; Gardn. (no. 64, cum icone); Thwaites (no. 911, cum icone). On the ground in shady places. Peradeniya, July 1844, Jan. 1869. 245. A. (PSALLIOTA) LASIOPHRYS, B. $ Br. Pileo conico lateritio squamulis floccosis ubique obsito, stipite concolori subzequali annulo- que fibrillosis ; lamellis pallidis ventricosis postice rotundatis (no. 913, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 33 inches across, broadly conical, fleshy, thin towards the mar- gin, clothed with little, brick-red, pilose scales; stem 3 inches high, 4 thick in the middle, truncate at the base, stuffed, clothed with red fibrillæ, ring fibrillose ; gills 33 lines broad, pale purple-brown, ven- tricose, rounded behind ; spores 0002’ long. Whole plant dark red when dry. 246. A. (PSALLIOTA) HEMILASIUS, B. & Br. Pileo carnoso convexo dilatato squamulis pilosis sublateritiis toto obsito ; stipite irregulari deorsum tumido glabro ; annulo ascendente amplo lacerato ; lamellis utrinque attenuatis remotis cinereis (no. 912, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 4 inches across, convex, fleshy ; flesh white, slightly stained ; stem 5 inches high, nearly 1 inch thick in the middle, swollen and 548 THE REV. M. J BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME undulated below, white, slightly tinged or striated with umber, stuffed ; gills 2 lines wide, attenuated at either end, leaving a free space round the top of the stem ; spores ‘00015’ long. Compared with A. simulans, the ring is different, the spores more minute, nor does it become tawny in drying. A. spiloce- phalus has broad gills, a descending ring, and is stuffed with loose intricate threads. 247. A. (PSALLIOTA) ENDOXANTHUS, B. $ Br. Pileo e companulato plano-depresso. Epidermide brunnea in squamas squamulasve rupta ; stipite sursum attenuato fibroso-farcto, carne basis nitide flava ; annulo amplissimo, lamellis postice rotundatis atro-purpureis (no. 787, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus 3 inches across, at first campanulate, then plano-depressed, pinkish, the brown cuticle broken up into broad or minute scales; flesh moderately thick, white, stained with brown; stem 2-3 inches high, 3-3 inch thick, rather dingy, attenuated upwards, truncate at the base, stuffed with white threads, bright yellow within towards the base ; ring large, deflexed, persistent ; gills moderately broad, ventri- cose, purple-brown ; spores ‘0002. Nos. 761, 762 agree in all points except that the stem is not yellow within. The spores vary from :0002' to :0008' long. Sep. 1868. 248. A. (PsaLLioTa) AcTINORACHIS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo car- noso, epidermide in fragmenta radiantia punctata rupta ; stipite valido radicante glabro farcto ; annulo magno descendente; lamellis arcuatis postice attenuatis (no. 875, cum icone). On the ground. Jan. 1869. Pileus 3 inches across, convex, slightly depressed, fleshy, cuticle brown- ish, broken up into radiating minutely squamulose patches, interstices and flesh white; stem 5 inches high, nearly equal, 7 lines thick, smooth, rooting, not truncate, white, pinkish within, stuffed; ring large, white, descending; gills arched, nearly 3 lines broad, attenu- ated behind, pinkish ; spores ‘00025'—-0003' long. Resembles in many respects the last; but the rooting base and gills are different. 249. A. (PSALLIOTA) simuLans, B. Lond. Journ. vi. p. 487 ; Gardn. (no. 79); Thwaites (no. 764, 698, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Aug. 1844, Sep. 1868. Whole plant tawny when dry. Spores -0003’ long. 250. A. (PSALLIOTA) TORNOCEPHALUS, B.& Br. Pileo campanulato nitido demum plano glabro margine incurvo ; stipite sursum atte- ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 549 nuato furfuraceo, annulo descendente amplissimo ; lamellis angustis utrinque attenuatis fuscis (no. 789, cum icone). On the ground. Jan. 1869. Pileus 3-4 inches across, campanulate, regular, very pale lemon-colour, quite smooth, at length plane with the edge incurved; stem 5 inches high, 4 thick in the middle, rather swollen at the base, white, densely floccoso-furfuraceous ; ring large, white, descending; mycelium fibrous, white; gills narrow, 13 line wide, attenuated at either end ; spores ‘0002! long. Turns tawny in drying, but differs from the last in the gills and ring. 251. A. (PSALLIoTA) NvMPHIDIUS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo umbo- nato candido subtiliter squamuloso ; stipite flexuoso granulato farcto, annulo descendente amplissimo ; lamellis falciformibus postice rotun- datis pallide atro-purpureis (no. 872, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. White. Pileus 14 inch across, convex, umbonate, fleshy, clothed with very delicate scales; stem flexuous, equal, den sely stuffed, almost solid, becoming pinkish at the base; ring very broad, descending; mycelium ample, fibrillose, white; gills 14 line broad, rounded behind, pale brown-purple. 252. A. (PSALLIOTA) ARVENSIS, Scheff. ; Gardn. (no. 27, cum icone). On the ground in woods. Hautane, June 1844. A small form. 253. A. (PsaLLIoTA) siLvATICUS, Scheff.; Gardn. (no. 28, eum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, June 1844. 254. A. (PsaLLIoTA) BoLoRHIZUS, B. & Br. Pileo e convexo plano umbonato squamuloso; stipite elongato albo-farcto basi marginato- bulboso; lamellis angustis brunneis (no. 753, cum icone). On the ground. Pileus 23-3 inches across, convex, then plane or depressed, broadly um- bonate, dirty pinkish-white, with little brown floccose scales; stem 3 inches high, 23 lines thick, pinkish, floccose, stuffed, nearly equal, with a subglobose base, which gives out white fibrils ; gills not a line broad, brownish ; spores *00025' long. The substance of the stem, which is brownish, penetrates that of the pileus, from which it is distinguished by its different tint. There is a form with a nearly smooth pileus. 255. A. (PsALLIoTA) pyspines, B. § Br. Pileo convexo striato albido maculis punctisve brunneis sordido; stipite clavato, annulo erecto ; lamellis carneo-lividis postice rotundatis liberis (no. 717, cum icone). LINN. JOURN.—BOTANY, VOT.. XI. 2D 550 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 1} inch broad, French-grey, striate, thin, stained with dark specks or blotches, especially in the centre, which is slightly umbonate, but dimpled ; stem 23 inches high, l line thick, stuffed; ring narrow, white, erect, pinkish grey; gills ventricose, pink, inclining to cine- reous, 13 line broad; mycelium filamentous; spores ‘00025’ long. There are two forms, one of which is less squamulose and even with narrower paler gills. 256. A. (PSALLIOTA) LITURATUS, B. & Br. Pileo plano tenui late umbonato liturato; stipite clavato albo-farcto albo fulvo-tincto ; la- mellis angustis utrinque attenuatis cinereis (no. 717*, cum icone). On the ground. Dec. 1868. Pileus 1i inch across, French-grey, marked with little brown fibrillz, darker in the centre ; stem 23 inches high, 1 line thick in the centre, white, stained with tawny; ring descending ; gills narrow, attenuated at either end, cinereous ; spores ‘0002’ long. Closely allied to the last, but apparently distinct. 257. A.(PSALLIOTA) cELIDOTUS, B. $ Br. Pileo convexo umbonato piloso-squamuloso brunneo ; stipite clavato radicante fulvo-tincto albo- farcto penetrante; lamellis faleiformibus postice attenuatis brunneis (no. 717**, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Sep. 1868. Pileus l} inch across, convex, umbonate brown, with darker pilose squamules; flesh pallid, except above the head ofthe stem, where it is dark umber ; stem 3 inches high, about 2 lines thick in the centre, clavate, rooting, stained with tawny spots, stuffed with white; ring small, descending; gills broad in front, attenuated behind. There is a dwarf variety, with the pileus whitish, shaded into dark greyish purple, stem white. 258. A. (PSALLIOTA) cHRYSOCYCLUS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo pa- pillato-umbonato squamuloso, margine floccis aureis picto appendicula- toque; stipite gracili subzequali nitide aurantiaco-flavo flocculoso e fareto cavo, annulo angusto ; lamellis ventricosis approximatis (no. 708, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Aug. 1868. Pileus l} inch across, convex, with a prominent papilleform umbo, white, marked with little seales, which become orange-yellow towards the appendiculate margin; stem 2 inches high, 1 line thick, flexuous, stuffed, then hollow, thickly clothed with orange-yellow flocci, root- ing; gills 13 line broad, French-grey, approximate, at length nearly black. The yellow margin reminds one of Hygrophorus chrysodon. In some respects it resembles A. crocopeplus. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON 551 259. A. (PSALLIOTA) LEPIOTOIDES, B. & Br. Pileo campanulato tenui squamis minutis sursum nigris deorsum dilutioribus vestito ; stipite curvo basi bulbilloso, annulo erecto; lamellis ventricosis po- stice attenuatis liberis (no. 1196, cum icone). On the ground. July 1869. Pileus 1 inch or more across, campanulate, thin, clothed with small scales, which are black at the apex and brownish towards the margin ; stem lj inch high, 1j line thick, equal, with the exception of the bulb-like base, nearly white, reddish within, hollow ; gills 1 line or more wide, brown, slightly ventricose, attenuated behind, free; spores *00025' long. It has somewhat the habit of a Coprinus. 260. A. (PsALLIoTA) RHODocHROUS, B. $ Br. Pileo primum ovato dein conico-campanulato umbonato subearnoso carneo; stipite glabro albo-farcto intus extusque rubro ; lamellis liberis sanguineis (no. 744, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Sep. 1868. Pileus 11-13 inch across, at first ovate, then conico-campanulate, um- bonate, fleshy, of a beautiful flesh-colour; stem 2 inches high, 1 line or more thick, red within and without, stuffed with white ; ring ample, descending; gills blood-red, more or less ventricose, attenuated be- hind in the more conical form, truncate in a form in which the pileus is more expanded, the stem equal, and the ring far more fugitive ; spores ‘0002 long, brown-purple. 261. A. (PSALLIOTA) ARGINEUS, B. & Br. Pusillus; pileo campa- nulato umbonato glabro substriato albido; stipite flexuoso filiformi concolor ; lamellis ventricosis carneis (no. 900, cum icone). On the ground. Jan. 1869. Pileus 5 lines across, campanulate, umbonate, dirty white, smooth, slightly striate; stem 1} inch high, not } line thick, flexuous, fistu- lose; gills narrow, ventricose, flesh- iun nearly free; ring fuga- ceous, situated in the middle of the stem ; spores *0002 long. Turns red in drying. Habit that of a Mycena. No. 723 appears to be a var., gregarius pileo candido subfloc- coso, lamellis pallide umbrinis. Peradeniya, Aug. 1868. 262. A. (PsALLIoTA) MicROCOSMUS, B. § Br. Pusillus, gregarius ; pileo campanulato late umbonato glabro; stipite curvo cavo, annulo descendente; lamellis ventricosis pallide rubris (no. 1156, cum icone). Onthe ground. July 1869. Gregarious; pileus 2 lines high, white, campanulate, strongly umbo- nate, umbo reddish brown; flesh thick in the centre, very thin to- 2 P2 552 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME wards the even margin; stem $ inch high, j line thick, at length hollow, smooth, white or tinged with red; ring proportionally large, descending; gills ventricose, } line wide, reddish ; spores ‘0002’ long. The gills are very dark when dry. 263. A. (PSALLIOTA) PLUMARIUS, B. $ Br. Pusillus; pileo e cam- panulato convexo papillato-umbonato floccoso-squamuloso; stipite gracili flexuoso subtiliter fistuloso, annulo erecto; lamellis ventricosis umbrino-carneis (no. 19], cum icone). On banks. Peradeniya, July-Aug. 1868. Gregarious ; pileus 1—1 inch across, at first campanulate, then convex with a little umbo, greyish white, minutely floccoso-squamulose, even ; stem l inch high, 4 line thick, white above, slightly umber below, flexuous, minutely fistulose; ring white, erect; gills piukish umber ; spores ‘0002 long. Whole plant dark when dry. - Closely allied to the last. This is just one of the cases in which the spores may have changed colour in drying. 264. A. (PsALLIOTA) CALLIPEPLUS, B. $ Br. Pusillus; pileo con- vexo obtusissimo fuligine violaceo obsito; stipite gracili albo; lamel- lis carneis ventricosis (no. 853, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Gregarious; pileus } inch across, convex, very obtuse, clothed with violet meal; stem å an inch high, 1 line thick, white, curved, with a narrow cavity springing from radiating white threads; gills 7 line broad, pinkish, ventricose ; spores 0002 long. Allied to A. fumoso-purpureus ; gills much paler. Dark when dry. 265. A. (PSALLIOTA) CHLOROCONIUS, B. & Br. Pusillus; pileo con- vexo umbonato pulvere viridi farinaceo; stipite gracili subtiliter fistu- loso pulverulento ; lamellis ventricosis carneis liberis (no. 892, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus j-$ inch across, at first subeampanulate, then convex, with a papilleform umbo, clothed with green meal; stem 3-13 inch, equal, or slightly dilated below, pale, clothed here and there with a little green meal; gills ventricose, 1 line broad, rounded behind, free; spores ‘00025 long. There are two forms, one taller with a very slender stem and campanulate pileus, the other with the pileus more expanded and a short, stouter, paler stem. 266. A. (PsALLIoTA) 1LLoTUs, B. $ Br.$ Pileo convexo umbonato carneo-fuligineo carne alba; stipite tenui rubro albo-farcto ; lamellis rubris postice rotundatis (no. 896, cum icone). ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 553 On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 2 inch across, convex, subconical, umbonate, red, clothed more or less partially with fuliginous particles; stem 1} inch high, 1 line thick, red, stuffed with white; gills 1 line across, red, rounded be- hind, slightly ventricose; spores ‘00015 long. As in the last case, there is a form with a shorter stem and the margin of the pileus fimbriated. Var. THYSANOPHORUS. Pileo convexo rubro fimbriato-appendiculato ; stipite extus intusque concolori albo-farcto; lamellis angustis. Pileus 4 inch across; stem 4 inch high; gills scarcely 3 a line across. 267. A. (PSALLIOTA) SUBCITRINUS, B. & Br. Pusillus, gregarius ; pileo convexo minute umbonato citrino particulis nigris consperso ; stipite filiformi citrino particulis citrinis obsito; lamellis ventricosis rubris (no. 852, cum icone). On decayed vegetable matter. Dec. 1868. Gregarious; pileus 4 inch across, convex, minutely umbonate, yellow- ish, sprinkled with minute black specks ; stem i inch high, 4 line thick, curved, yellow, dusted with yellow particles ; gills ventricose, red; spores ‘0002 long, brown-purple. Plant red when dry; ring very fugacious. 268. A. (PSALLIOTA) MYRIOSTICTUS, B. & Br. Gregarius; pileo hemisphzrico obtuso stramineo verrucis minutis pulveraceis obsito ; stipite elongato concolori furfuraceo cavo ; annulo minute furfuraceo ; lamellis stramineis postice rotundatis (no. 833, cum icone). On the ground. Nov. 1868. Pileus scarcely ł inch across, convex, obtuse, straw-coloured, covered with minute pulveraceous brown warts ; stem 2-21 inches high, 3 line thick, of the same colour, but paler, with brown specks; gills straw- coloured, rounded behind, free ; spores 0002 long. 269. A. (PsanLiorA) EPIPASTUS, B. § Br. Pileo convexo tenui squamuloso flavo-olivaceo pulvere olivaceo insperso ; stipite concolori stricto pulverulento fistuloso lamellis brunneolis (no. 756, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. Gregarious; pileus ł inch across, convex, thin (except in the centre), yellow-olive, sprinkled, as is the straight fistulose stem (13 inch high, 3 Jine thick), with olivaceous powder ; ring narrow ; gills slightly ven- tricose, | line broad, free; spores :0002 long. 270. A. (PSALLIOTA) ERYTHROSPILA, B. & Br. Pileo convexo ob- tuso albido punctis rubris pulveraceo ; stipite stricto candido ; annulo erecto ; lamellis liberis brunneolis (no. 850, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Sept., Dec. 1868. 554 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME Pileus } inch across, convex, subconical, powdered with red particles; stem l inch high, $ line thick, hollow, white; ring narrow, erect; gills slightly ventricose, brown, free; spores ‘0002 long, brown. Dark when dry. 271. A. (PSALLIOTA) RUFO-ALBUS, B. in Journ. of Bot. vi. p. 488; Gardn. (no. 23, cum icone). Onthe ground. Peradeniya, June 1844. 272. A. (PSALLIOTA) suB;ERUGINOSUS, B. ó Br. Pileo convexo umbonato viscidulo demum depresso carnoso ex zrugineo flavo-fusco, carne rubescente; stipite glabro candido, annulo angusto; lamellis e subcarneo fuscis adnexis (no. 756, cum icone). On the ground. Dec. 1868. Czespitose ; pileus 12 inch across, convex, obtusely umbonate, at length depressed, greenish at first, then yellow-brown, minutely scaly; flesh reddish ; stem 13 inch high, 4 thick, equal or attenuated below, white, smooth, reddish within, stuffed with white; ring narrow; gills rounded behind, adnexed, brownish. We have no specimens of this species; but the two drawings show very clearly that it is distinct from A. eruginosus. 273. A. (HyPHOLOMA) sUBLATERITIUS, Fr.; Gardn. (no. 89, cum icone). On old wood. Hautane Range, Aug. 1844. 2/4. A. (HYPHOLOMA) FASCICULARIS, Huds. (no. 746, 759 cum iconi- bus); Gardn. (no. 45, cum icone). On dead wood and chips. Peradeniya, June 1844. 2/5. A. (PsrLocvBE) cernuus, Müll.; Gardn. (no. 26, cum icone). On the ground and attached to twigs. Peradeniya, June 1844. 276. A. (PsILOcYBE) CANO-RUBER, B. & Br. Pileo plano depresso pellicula atro-rubra e margine striato sericeo pallido deglubato; stipite e farcto cavo ; lamellis pallidis horizontalibus postice rotundato-ad- natis (no. 842, cum icone). On the ground. Dec. 1868. Pileus 2-1 inch across, plane, slightly depressed, at first clothed with a smooth brown-red skin, which separates from the pale striate silky margin, forming a patch in the centre; stem about l inch high, $ a line thick, brownish or reddish, within reddish, stuffed with white ; gills 13 line wide, horizontal, rounded behind, slightly adnate ; spores 00025 long. Allied to A. cano-brunneus, Fr. Whole plant dark red when dry. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 555 277. A. (PsiLocvBE) BULLACEUS, Bull. (No. 838, cum icone.) On dung. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. A widely distributed species. We have it from Secunderabad and the United States. The Ceylon specimens have a perfect ring, but the spores are the same as in the ringless specimens. The species evidently varies in this respect as regards European specimens. 278. A. (PSATHYRA) SPADICEO-GRISEUS, Scheff. (Nn. 712***, 754, eum iconibus.) On dead wood. Peradeniya, Aug.-Sep. 1868. Spores :00028" long. 279. A. (PsarHyRa) oBTUsATUS, Fr. (Nn. 711 *, 712, 829, cum iconibus.) On dead wood. Two forms are figured—one with broader ventricose gills and more conical pileus, the other more campanulate. Spores :0003- ‘0004 by *0002—:0008. 280. A. (PSATHYRA) AMAURUS, B. § Br. Pileocampanulato brunneo tenui glabro profunde striato-suleato ; stipite brevi albido glabro e farcto fistuloso; lamellis ventricosis adnatis purpureo-fuscis (no. 829, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 1-2 inch across, campanulate, smooth, thin, deeply sulcato- striate; stem 2 inch high, 1 line thick, smooth, fistulose, nearly white; gills ventricose, adnate, 13 line broad, brown-purple; spores *0003 lon g. 281. A. (PsaTHYRA) ocHREATUS, B. § Br. Pileo conico-subeampa- nulato umbonato e griseo candicante hygrophano subcarnoso:; stipite subseyuali e farcto cavo cinereo ; lamellis angustis adnexis atro-pur- pureis (no. 835****, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya. Pileus inch high, conico-subeampanulate, then expanded, umbonate, grey-brown, turning white above, so as to leave a broad zone near the somewhat lobed margin, smooth, not striate; stem 1 inch high, 1 line thick, cinereous, nearly equal, or slightly dilated above, smooth ; gills 3 line broad, brown-purple ; spores “00025 long. 282. A. (Psa THYRA) EFFLORESCENS, B. $ Br. Gregarius ; pileo he- misphzrico materie saccharina obsito; stipite curvo tenui e strato tomentoso candido oriuudo ; lamellis adnatis. On dead mossy trunks. Peradeniya, Nov. 1867. 556 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME Pileus j inch across; spores brown-purple, :0003 long. Habit of A. corticolor. 283. A. (PsaTHyRA) AscEUUS, B. & Br. Pileo ex hemisphzrico plano l. depresso sulcato carneo-griseo ; stipite curvo gracili subtiliter fistu- loso albo; lamellis latis postice rotundatis adnatis (no. 8/0, cum leone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus 1 inch across, of a dull pinkish grey, sulcate; stem 1 inch high, 3 line thick, curved, white; gills 11 line wide, pinkish ; spores brown- purple, ‘00025 long. Allied to A. obtusatus, veilless. No. 718 appears to be the same species with a brownish pileus and whitish stem. Aug. _1868. j 284. A. (PSATHYRA) LucirETUS, B. $ Br. Pileo subhemispherico pallide carneo estriato: stipite curvo glabro fistuloso ; lamellis an- gustis ventricosis postice rotundatis adnatis (no. 895, cum icone). On dead sticks. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Gregarious ; pileus 3 inch across, nearly hemispherical, white, tinged with pae darker in the centre, margin slightly crenate; stem 1 inch high, 3 line thick, curved, of the same colour as the pileus, smooth, fistulose ; gills narrow, ventricose, rounded behind, adnate; spores ovate, 0003-0004 long. There appears to be no trace of a ring; and, like the last, it allied to A. obtusatus. 285. A. (PSATHYRA) PORPHYRELLUS, B. $ Br. Pileo subcampanulato membranaceo atro-purpureo estriato ; stipite gracili tubuloso pallido e basi floccosa oriundo; lamellis ventricosis adnatis (no 1152, cum icone). On the ground. June 1869. Pileus j inch across, subeampanulate, purplish, thin; stem 1} inch high, not j a line thick, pallid, with a central cavity ; gills ventricose, l line broad, adnate, purplish ; spores "0002 long. Allied to A. strictus, Lasch. 286. A. (PSATHYRA) rvTHvs, B. & Br. Pileo convexo atro-purpureo atomato; stipite flexuoso pallido tubuloso; lamellis ventricosis di- stantibus adnexis carneis (no. 1169, cum icone). On the ground. July 1869. Pileus å inch across, convex, obtuse, at length inverted; flesh rose-co- loured ; stem $ inch high, 3 a line thick, pallid, yellowish within, with a narrow central channel; gills few, ventricose, nearly free, pinkish ; spores 00025 long. This appears, at first sight, to be a dwarf form of the last ; ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 557 but the spores are larger. It might perhaps be doubted whether this is not one of those Lepiote whose spores turn to a dark purple in drying; but there is not a trace of a ring, either in the drawing or in the specimens. 287. A. (PANZEOLUS) PAPILIONACEUS, Bull. (No. 746*.) On dung. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Spores vary from :0007 to ‘0001 long. 288. A. (PAN4EOLUS) CAMPANULATUS, L.; Gardn. (no. 2, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, June 1864. 989. A. (PAN.EOLUS) CYANESCENS, B. & Br. Albidus cyanescens ; pileo hemisphzerico glabro subcarnoso ; stipite recto radicante umbrino farcto; lamellis ascendentibus ventricosis leviter adnatis cyaneo-nigris (no. 746**, cum icone). Onrich manured soil. Peradeniya, Sept., Nov. 1868. Pileus 1} inch across, hemispherical, smooth, dirty white, tinged with yellow-blue, slightly fleshy; flesh turning partially blue; stem 4 incbes high, 1} line thick, straight, rooting, whitish, deeply tinged below with blue, with a few reddish dots at the apex, stuffed with reddish brown, the outer coat turning blue; gills ventricose, ascend- ing, rounded behind, shortly adnate ; spores lemon-shaped, :0004— “0005 long. 290. A. (PANJEOLUS) CALIGINOSUS, Jungh. (No. 746***, cum icone.) On dung. Sept. 1868. With 4. papilionaceus. Pileus semiovate to hemispherical, membranaceous, livid ; stem straight, livid; gills ventricose, ascending; spores lemon-shaped, ‘00035 long. 291. A. (PSATHYRELLA) TIARELLA, B. $ Br. Pileo conico pal- lido membranaceo estriato ; stipite flexuoso fistuloso pallido; lamellis ascendentibus angustis purpurascentibus (no. 1193, cum icone). On decayed vegetable matter. July 1869. Pileus 4 inch across, l inch high, dirty white, with the disk umber-co- loured, membranaceous ; flesh of disk umber; stem 13 inch high, j line thick, pale umber, flexuous, fistulose ; gills ascending, adnexed, about 1 line broad, purplish, at length nearly black; spores elongated, 00057 long. Allied to A. disseminatus. 292. A. (PSATHYRELLA) ACHNOUS, B. & Br. Gregarius ; pileo co- nico-campanulato albo striato glabro umbone papilleformi umbrino aucto; stipite curvo fistuloso glabro; lamellis angustis ex albo nigris postice attenuatis (no. 774, cum icone). On dead wood. Jan. 1869. id 558 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME Densely gregarious; pileus } inch across, white, campanulate, with a papillacform umbo, of a pale umber, deeply striate; stem 1 inch high, curved, fistulose, smooth, with a few reddish hairs at the base ; gills at first white, narrow, attenuated behind. Habit that of A. disseminatus. 293. A. (PSATHYRELLA) HIASCENS, Fr.; Gard. (no. 25, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, June 1844. 294. A. (PSATHYRELLA) LEPTOSCELES, B. § Br. Pileo hemispherico acute umbonato subtiliter tomentoso usque ad umbonem striato; stipite gracili (no. 770). On the ground. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. Pileus 1 inch across, striated up to the acute or elongated and truncate umbo; stem 23-3 inches high, 4 line thick ; gills ventricose, shortly adnate; spores egg-shaped, ‘0003 long. Allied to A. hydrophorus. 295. A. (PSATHYRELLA) AvcTUs, B. $ Br. Pileo campanulato hi- spidulo subcinereo umbone papilleformi albo aucto; stipite piloso flexuoso fistuloso ; lamellis angustis adnatis (no. 774, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya. Sept. 1868. Pileus 3 inch across, campanulate, very pale cinereous, clothed with a few short hairs; umbo white, prominent, papilleform ; margin in- clined to split; stem 11 inch high, not a line thick, fistulose, flexuous, white, pilose; gills narrow, ascending, slightly ventricose, adnate; spores elongated, ‘0005 long. Allied to A. disseminatus. There is a smooth, more gregarious form, deeply striate, with the umbo pale umber. Jan. 1869. 296. A. (PSATHYRELLA) cTENODES, B. 4 Br. Pileo campanulato usque ad umbonem plicato-striato ; stipite curvo e basi strigosa oriundo subtiliter piloso fistuloso ; lamellis carneis adnatis (no. 942**, cum icone). On dead wood. Jan. 1869. Pileus 3 inch across, campanulate, of a delicate grey, plicato-sulcate up the small smooth umbo; delicately pilose, as is the fistulose curved stem, which is strigose at the base; stem l inch high, $ line thick; gills slightly ventricose, ascending, shortly adnate; cystidia large, cylindrical; spores ovate, ‘00025-00035 long. Dark when dry. 297. A. (PSATHYRELLA) DissEMINATUS, P. (no. 776; no. 942, cum icone) ; Gard. (no. 61, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, July 1844, Sept. 1868, Jan. 1869, Spores *0005 by :0003. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 559 298. A. (PSATHYRELLA) LEPTOMERES, B. 4 Br. Pileo late campa- nulato usque ad centrum striato; stipite elongato glabro solido ; lamellis angustis adnexis (no. 775). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Sept. 1868. Pileus 2-1 inch across, broadly campanulate, then expanded, striate almost to the apex ; stem 13 inch high, smooth, solid; gills narrow, adnexed ; spores narrow, *0003-:0004 long by :00015—0002. Allied to A. subtilis, but the gills are not adnate. 299. A. (PSATHYRELLA) FURFURELLUS, B. & Br. Gregarius, mi- nimus; pileo hemisphzrico furfurello ; stipite capillari tomentoso ; lamellis adnatis e pallido nigris (no. 944). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus not a line across, hemispherical, clothed with delicate fur- furaceous particles, as is the thread-like stem 7 inch high. Spores *0002 long. 300. HraTULA FLOoscuLUs, B. § Br. Candida; pileo plano usque ad centrum plicato, fibrillis hic illie obsito; stipite brevi e basi orbiculari oriundo ; lamellis niveis (no. 905, cum icone). On dead wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. White ; pileus 2-5 lines across, plicato-sulcate, clothed with a few scat- tered fibrils; stem 1-2 lines high, springing from an orbicular base ; spores ovate, :0003 long. RHACOPHYLLUS, n. g. Pileus tenuissimus, tenerrimus; lamelle in fragmenta oblongo- obtusa flexuosa divise. 301. R. LILACINUS, B. & Br. (No. 825, cum icone.) On dead wood, twigs, &c. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868, Jan. 1869. Pileus cylindrical or digitaliform, lilac, striate, or even split more or less at the margin; stem dilated at the base, attenuated upwards ; gills replaced by numberless oblong, irregular, waved, obtuse lobes, of the same colour as the pileus. It is possible that there may be two species ; but the number of specimens gathered at present is very small. Pterophyllum, Mont., agrees somewhat in character; but it is closely allied to Panus, while this is more closely to Coprinus. 302. CopRINUS FUSCESCENS, Fr. (No. 1001, cum icone.) On manured soil. No specimens were preserved of this deliquescent fungus; but the drawing agrees with C. fuscescens, Fr., except that the flesh is very thin at the apex of the stem. The gills, as in that, are strongly attenuated to the margin of the pileus. 560 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME 303. C. FIBRILLOSUS, B. 8 Dr. Pileo semiovato squamis innatis fibrillosis obsito; stipite curvo subfloccoso ; lamellis ascendentibus arcuatis fuscis adnexis (no. 940). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. ; Pileus 3 inch across; stem 13 inch high; gills narrow; spores ‘0002 long. 304. C. microsporus, B. & Br. Pileo campanulato obtuso squa- mulis innatis fibrosis vestito; stipite incurvo fistuloso; lamellis seg- mentiformibus pallidis tarde nigricantibus; sporis minimis (no. 1197, cum icone). On soil. July 1869. Pileus about 3 an inch across, dirty-white, campanulate, obtuse, clothed with scattered, innate, fibrous, pale-umber scales ; stem 13 inch high, about a line thick, flexuous, smooth, fistulose; gills 1 line broad, ascending, at first white, with a tinge of red, free; spores subelliptic, pale, ‘00016 long. 305. C. kxriNcTORUs, Fr. (No. 844 in part; no. 848, cum icone.) On fragments of decaying vegetables. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. This appears to be a small form of the European species. At least we can find no distinctive characters. The gills are at length of a deep red-brown; spores narrow, :0004 long; stem obtuse at the base. 306. C. romENvosus, Fr. (No. 844 in part, no. 773.) On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. 307. C. macropus, B. & Dr. Pileo campanulato striato brunneo floccis albis secedentibus primum obsito; stipite candido fistuloso subradicante glabro ; lamellis angustis segmentiformibus adnexis brun- neis (no. 783, cum icone). On the ground. Deliquescent; pileus nearly 3 inches across, at length turned up at the edge; stem 6 inches high, $ inch thick ; gills 2 lines broad. 308. C. RUBECULA, B. & Br. Pileo juniore ovato squamulis acutis castaneis ornato, seniore campanulato vix striato; lamellis ventricosis liberis ; stipite fistuloso (no. 1216, cum icone). On decaying vegetable matter. Aug. 1869. Pileus at first broadly egg-shaped, covered with chestnut-coloured acute scales, and resembling a robin's egg, then campanulate, 3 an inch high, and nearly as much across ; margin scarcely striate, white, with a cinereous tinge, squamulose above; stem l inch high, 1 line thick, white, smooth, fistulose; gills ventricose, free, tinged with red below. 309. C. PALLIDUS, B. $ Br. Pileo inaquali subcylindrico pallido, ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 561 disco levi umbrino; stipite flexuoso fistuloso paliido; lamellis sub- liberis fuscis (no. 1157, cum icone). On dead wood. July 1869. Pileus 3 lines across, 5 high, pale umber, disk even, much dark, its edges reflected; stem flexuous, 13 inch high, 1 line thick, fistulose, equal, smooth, pale umber, truncate at the base; gills 1 line wide, umber, then dark brown, slightly ventricose, nearly free; spores ‘0003 long. 310. C. seruLosus, B. & Dr. Pileo cylindrico campanulato obtuso usque ad discum striato setis fulvis undique obsito ; stipite fistuloso candido sursum attenuato; lamellis angustissimis adnexis (no. 845, cum icone; no. 936). On dead vegetable matter. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868, Jan. 1869. Pileus 5 lines high, 2 broad at the base, cylindrico-campanulate, obtuse, striate up to the pale broad disk, beset everywhere with short tawny bristles ; stem 1 inch high, 3 line thick in the middle, white, fistu- lose; gills ascending, very narrow, not perfectly developed in the specimens, where they are white and without spores. 311. C. CASTANEUS, B. & Br. Pileo digitaliformi pallide castaneo glabro ; stipite sursum attenuato basi truncato glabro eximie fistuloso ; lamellis angustis ascendentibus adnatis (no. 935, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 4 inch across, 3 high, pale chestnut, smooth, slightly fleshy ; flesh of the same colour; stem 3 inches high, 2 lines thick in the centre, incrassated and truncate at the base, smooth, fistulose, white without and within; gills scarcely 1 line broad, pallid. As in the last, the spores are not developed. The pileus be- comes of a bright chestnut when dry. 312. C. FIMBRIATUS, B. & Br. Pileo campanulato tomentoso, mar- gine albo-fimbriato ; stipite zequali fistuloso ; lamellis adnatis (nos. 705, 808). On dung. Peradeniya, Aug. 1868. Pileus 3 an inch or more across, campanulate, tomentose, splitting along the back of the gills, fringed with white hairs; stem 2 inches high, white, equal, fistulose ; gills moderately broad, adnate; edge white; spores ‘0003 long. Allied to C. stercoreus. 313. C. PACHYTERUS, B. § Br. Pileo persistenter campanulato pli- cato-sulcato ; stipite firmiore; lamellis arcuatis adnexis (no. 806). On the ground. Peradeniya, Oct. 1868. Pileus 2 inches across, smooth, plicato-sulcate; stem 23-3 inches high, stouter than in C. plicatilis ; gills arcuate, adnexed; spores -0006 long, darker, larger, and longer than in that species. 562 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME There are two different species sent under the same number, with spores ‘0003; but we are unable to characterize them without figures. 314. C. PLIcATILIS, Fr. (No. 715, cum icone.) On the ground. Peradeniya, Aug.-Sept. 1868. Spores :0003-:00045 by :0002—:00035. 315. DonBrTIUs rissus, B. $ Br. Pileo e campanulato umbonato plano pallido striato margine fisso; stipite fistuloso sursum at- tenuato l. subzequali candido; lamellis ventricosis argillaceis (no. 931, cum icone). On dung. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 13-1] across, very pale gilvous, at first campanulate, papil- lato-umbonate, then plane; margin striate, splitting ; flesh very thin, except in the centre; stem 13-23 inches high, incrassated at the base, nearly equal, fistulose, white; gills clay-coloured, ventricose, rounded behind, nearly free ; spores ovate. 0003 long. It has not the slightest gamboge-yellow tint. 316. HvGRoPHORUS CINERASCENS, B. & Br. Pileo irregulari flexuoso depresso glabro levi subcinereo; stipite sursum dilatato compresso e farcto cavo albo; lamellis ventricosis decurrentibus albidis (no. 1198, cum icone). On the ground. July 1869. Subewspitose; pileus {-1} inch across, undulated, irregular, even, smooth, pale cinereous; flesh brownish, especially towards the mar- gin; stem $ inch high, 1 thick at the apex, li line at the base, stuffed, then hollow, compressed, white, smooth ; gills white, or dirty white, slightly ventricose, truly decurrent, ‘0003 by :00015. 317. H. MULTICOLOR, B. & Br. Pileo convexo umbonato glabro, margine tenui estriato livido, carne czrulescente; stipite subzequali flexuoso anguste cavo; lamellis ventricosis lividis adnato decurrenti- bus (no. 899, cum icone). On the ground. Jan. 1869. Pileus $ inch across, greenish, shaded with pink, umbonate; flesh blue; stem 1$ inch high, | line thick, with a narrow cavity, flexu- ous, somewhat attenuated at the base, greenish above, straw-coloured below ; gills ventricose, greenish, adnate, decurrent. Analogous to H. psiftacinus. This is perhaps another repre- sentative of Fries's second section, and, indeed, makes a near ap- proach to Hygrocybe. 318. H. patus, Fr. (No. 1209, cum icone.) On the ground. July 1869. Spores 00035-0004 long by *00025—0003 wide. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 563 319. H. ALLICIENS, B. & Br. Pileo convexo centro depresso carneo- striato subcarnoso; stipite glabro equali farcto demum cavo; la- mellis carneis decurrentibus (no. 815, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus 3-1 inch across, pink, with darker striz, convex, depressed in the centre, fleshy; flesh white; stem li inch high, 1 line thick, smooth, red above, yellowish below, stuffed, then hollow; scarlet within above, gills arched, shortly decurrent, rose-coloured. A very beautiful species, near H. cantharellus and sciophanus. 320. H. PRAsINUS, D. & Dr. Exstus intusque viridis; pileo depresso subearnoso striato; stipite recto glabro cavo; lamellis ventricosis decurrentibus (no. 866, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus inch across, depressed, striate; stem 1-1} inch high, l line thick, nearly equal, hollow; gills 1 line wide, slightly ventricose, decurrent. 321. H. nivosus, B. § Br. Niveus; pileo e convexo plano tenui subumbonato striato; stipite flexuoso farcto ; lamellis angustis utrinque attenuatis subdecurrentibus (no. 904, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Snow-white; pileus 3-1 inch across, at first campanulate, then plane, subumbonate, thin, smooth, shortly striate, not the least umbilicate ; stem 1 inch high, ł line thick, stuffed ; gills 3 line broad, attenuated at either end, scarcely decurrent. No. 877 is apparently a large form of the same species, “ dull transparent white." Rather allied to H. letus and H. vir- gineus. 322. H. ALvTACEUS, B. & Pr. Pileo umbilicato glabro; margine arcuato striato; stipite obconico ; lamellis arcuatis longe decurrenti- bus alutaceis (no. 800*). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 1 inch across; stem 2 inches high, attenuated at the base, di- lated upwards, stuffed ; gills arched, truly decurrent, tan-coloured. 323. H. rirmus, B. $ Br. Flavus; pileo depresso subtiliter tomen- toso; stipite sursum dilatato cavo ; lamellis segmentiformibus decur- rentibus (no. 880). On the ground. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Yellow, minutely tomentose; pileus 1 inch or more across, umbilicate, margin arched; stem 14 inch high, obconical; gills strongly de- current. Under the same number is another species, or variety, with the pileus less decidedly yellow, the gills arched, very decurrent, and pale buff. 564 THE REY. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME 324. H. cERACEUS, Fr. Var. moschatus, B. & Br. (No. 812). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. The only point in which this differs from the European species is the strong musky scent; “ but this may possibly be due to a musk-rat having passed over the plat." 325. H. evaw.Eus, B. & Br. Pusillus; pileo coecineo glabro viscoso ; stipite subequali lamellisque paucis arcuatis decurrentibus palli- dioribus (no. 928, cum icone). On very rotten wood. Peradeniya, Jan. 1869. Pileus 1-4 lines across, convex, bright scarlet, viscid ; stem 13-3 lines high, 3 a line thick, a little incrassated at the base, smooth, pale, as are the distant, arched, decurrent gills. 326. H. miniatus, Fr. (No. 816, cum icone.) On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. A small form resembling Agaricus coccinellus, Ehrb. Spores *0003 long. 327. H. RosEo-sTRIATUS, B. $ Br. Pileo hemisphzrico subcarnoso tenui toto roseo-striato; stipite compresso fistuloso levi; lamellis paucis adnatis planis (no. 812, cum icone). On the ground. Dec. 1868. Pileus hemispherical, 1 inch across, yellowish, pink marked with salmon- coloured streaks; stem 2 inches high, } thick, nearly equal, slightly flexuous, yellowish, with a red tinge; gills of the same colour as the stem, nearly plane, adnate, few in number. The habit is nearly that of H. chlorophanus. 328. H. oprusseus, Fr.; Gardn. (no. 70). On the ground in woods. July 1844. 399. H. conicus, Fr. (No. 813, eum icone.) On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Var. pileo campanulato carnoso obtuso luteo nigro-virgato, carne sub cuticula cinerascente; stipite zquali concolori solido; lamellis at- tenuato-liberis citrinis. 330. H. cinereus, B. $ Br. Pileo conico obtuso cinereo glabro; carve alba; stipite deorsum attenuato farcto glabro candido; la- mellis attenuato-adnexis (no. 1195, cum icone ; no. 205). On the ground. Jan. 1869. Pileus $ inch across, conical, obtuse, smooth, cinereous; flesh in the centre thick, white; stem 1} inch high, 1 thick in the centre, stuffed, white; gills pallid, shghtly ventricose, even, attenuated behind, ad- nexed. ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 565 Not closely allied to any described species. No. 235 is paler than no. 1195. 331. H. BICOLOR, B. & Br. Pileo e conico-campanulato coccineo, margine lobato, carne alba; stipite zequali e farcto cavo glabro; la- mellis pallidis undulatis attenuato-adnexis (no. 702, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, July, Aug. 1868. Pileus 1 inch or more across, conico-campanulate, obtusely umbonate, then expanded, scarlet, becoming paler above; flesh thin, white; stem 23 inches high, about 2 lines thick, smooth, striate, equal, stuffed, then hollow, white within; gills pallid, undulated, narrow, attenuated behind, adnexed. Allied to H. calyptreformis. Spores ‘0002 by :0001. 332. H. ELEGANTISSIMUS, B. & Br. Roseus; pileo conico-campanu- lato, umbone acuto, margine extremo undulato rufescente; stipite fistuloso ; lamellis undulatis attenuato-adnexis (no. 865, cum icone). On the ground. Jan. 1869. Rose-coloured ; pileus 1 inch or more across, conico-campanulate, streaked, umbo acute; extreme margin rich sienna-brown, slightly undulated; stem 3 inches high, 23 lines thick, smooth, fistulose, attenuated below, smooth; gills ventricose, undulated, uneven, at- tenuated behind, adnexed. Allied to the last. 333. H. APALUS, B. $ Br. umbonato tenui; stipite zequali solido candido cosis adnexis niveis (no. 1204, cum icone). On the ground. July 1869. Pileus 1-1} inch across, conical, rather acutely umbonate, smooth, even, fleshy, thin towards the margin, of a delicate clear lemon- colour, darker at the umbo ; stem 13 inch high, 2 lines thick, even, smooth, white, solid; gills broadly ventricose, slightly undulated, adnexed, white; flesh very pale lemon-coloured. A. very delicate species, differing from any with which it might be confounded in its strictly solid stem, which is distinct in colour from the flesh of the pileus. Spores :0005 by :0003. 334. H. Arwisir B. & Br. bido, margine crenato; stipite sulcato glabro æquali solido; lamellis attenuato-adnexis antice ventricosis candidis (no. 814, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus 2 inches across, conical, white, here and there tinged with yellow- brown, especially at the obtuse fleshy umbo ; stem nearly 3 inches 9 4R Pileo conico estriato carnoso subacute lamellis late ventri- Pileo conico carnoso tenui virgato al- LINN. JOURN.—BOTANY, VOL, XI. 566 THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY AND MR. C. E. BROOME high, } thick, twisted, sulcate, smooth, white, solid; gills white, broad in front, attenuated behind, adnexed. Habit like that of H. conicus. The specific name refers to Mr. W. De Alwis, who has drawn the fleshy fungi of Ceylon 80 exquisitely. 335. H. casius, B. $ Br. Pileo campanulato obtuso demum apice rupto livido striato, carne cæsia ; stipite glabro eximie fistuloso basi dilatato ; lamellis undulatis adnexis cæsiis (no. 856, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus campanulate, 1 inch across, livid, smooth, striate, splitting at the apex; margin lobed; flesh thin, glaucous; stem 14 inch high, 4 thick, dilated and truncate at the base, fistulose, sometimes pervi- ous above from the rupture of the flesh of the pileus, smooth, even, white, with a livid glaucous tinge; gills undulated, blue, distant, adnexed. 336. H. TRICOLOR, D. & Dr. Pileo primum digitaliformi demum ex- panso umbonato glabro; stipite candido subeavo glabro; lamellis versicoloribus truncato-adnexis (no. 794, cum icone). On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus 13-14 inch across, at first obtusely conical, yellow in the centre, scarlet towards the lobed margin, then expanded, umbonate, slightly striate, smooth; flesh reddish beneath the cuticle; stem 2 inches high, 1-3 thick, nearly equal, white, smooth, stuffed ; gills ventricose, truncate behind, adnexed, variously shaded with yellow and red. Allied to H. puniceus, but a much smaller species. Spores *00035—0004 long, broadly elliptic. 337. H. cHLonoPHawvs, Fr. (No. 812.) On the ground. 338. H. GLANDULÆFORMIS, B. & Br. Cespitosus ; pileo campanu- lato obtuso estriato glabro demum centro depresso aurantiaco ; sti- pite fistuloso basi attenuato glabro citrino; lamellis postice rotun- datis citrinis (no. 879, cum icone). On the ground. Jan. 1869. Pileus 1 inch across, at first acorn-shaped, then depressed in the centre, bright orange, smooth, not striate ; flesh thin, lemon-coloured ; stem 2 inches high, 3 or more thick, fistulose, attenuated and obtuse at the base, with a little rooting down; walls rough, with little sbreds ; gills rounded behind, free, lemon-coloured. This seems to be a distinct type. 339. RUSSULA rERIGLYPTA, D. $ Br. Candidus; pileo hemisphærico viscido umbilicato sulcato ; stipite deorsum angustato solido: la- mellis arcuatis postice acutis attingentibus (no. 800, cum icone). ON THE FUNGI OF CEYLON. 067 On the ground. Peradeniya, Nov. 1868. Pileus 23 inches across, hemispherical, viscid, margin regularly and strongly sulcate; stem nearly 3 inches high, $ thick in the middle, attenuated at the base, somewhat swollen in the centre, solid; gills regular, arched, 1 inch wide, acute behind, reaching to the top of stem ; interstices reticulate. Very regular in form. Spores globose, echinulate, ‘00025 in diameter t. 340. R. EMETICA, Fr. ; Gardn. (no. 87, cum icone). On the ground. Hautane, Aug. 1844. 341. CANTHARELLUS STOLONIFER, D. & Br. Pileo convexo umbili- cato cinereo tomento adpresso insperso; stipite recto candido cavo; plicis angustis candidis decurrentibus, interstitiis parce reticulatis ; mycelio crasso filiformi (no. 751*, cum icone). Peradeniya, Dec. 1868. Pileus 1 inch across, convex, umbilicate, dark, cinereous, rough, with adpressed matted fascicles of down, thin, at length pallid; stem li inch high, 2 lines thick, smooth, white, compressed, hollow, throwing out at the base stringy threads, which occasionally bear reproductive knots ; folds narrow, decurrent, white ; interstices slightly reticulated or nearly even. T The decimals in this paper are all parts of an English inch. IN DEX. Page Agaricus (Naucoria) siennophyllus 545 540 —-—- (Nolanea) elaphines . Page Agapanthus, species of . 369 Agaricus . Pes 496-559 (Amanita) anomologus . . 416 | ——( ) fulvo-lanatus . 539 —— (Armillaria) ompnerus . . 514 | —— (——)lasius . . . . 589 ——— (Clitocybe) iopeplus 516 | —— (Omphalia) anthidepas co BOT ——— (——) vinoso-fuscus pid | == ) cirrhocephalus 526 —— (Clitopilus) subgilvus 538 | —— (——) delicia . 527 ce )tephras : . 938 | — — (——) holochlorus 525 —— (Collybia) endochroa 519 | —— (——) lynchnodes 526 —— (——) leucophlæus . 523 | —— (——) micromeles 527 —— (Crepidotus) epierocinus . 545 | — — (———) Peri : 527 —— (——) flavo-marginatus 5046 | ——( ) salmonicolor . 526 eee ) grumoso-pilosus 546 | — ( ) viridi-carneus 526 —— (Eecilia) hyalodepas. . . 540 | --— (Paneolus) cyanescens . . 557 — — (Entoloma) mi ium . 538 | —— (Pleurotus) angustatus . . 528 —— (——) chrysægis . . 586 | —— (——) flabellatus . 528 —— (—) intermixtus $37 | —— (——) galesformis 528 Seat ) iodnephes 536 | —— ( ) leptogramme . 529 —— (——) mazophorus . 537 | —— (——) polychromus . 528 TE em. microcarpus . 537 | ——(——)rigescens . . 528 VES pallido-gilvus $38 | ——( ) seytocephalus 529 some du TEES RE Ric 541 | —— (——) semisupinus . 529 TM ) erocias . 542 , —— (Pluteus) Æolus . 531 —— — (——) dilepis . 542 | —— ) agleeothelus 534 ——— (——) goniosporus . 541 | —— (—~-) albo-lineatus 532 —— (——) Janus . 541 | —-— (——) balanatus . . 535 —— (——) oxylepis 541 | —.— (——) brunneo-pictus . . 533 ——— ( ) rufipunctatus 540 | —— (——) conizatus . 533 — (Galera) glaucopurpureus . 545 | —— ( ) escharites . 533 ——— (Hebeloma) micropyramis. 540 | —— ( ) eugraptus 535 —— — (Lepiota) oncopus 496 | ——( ) fusco-nigricans 534 XT ) mellichrous 513 | ——— (——) glyphidatus 532 —— (Leptonia) gnaphalodes 538 | — — (———) grandineus 535 ——— (——) gnophodes 539 | — — (——) marmoratus . 534 —— (Mycena) clavulifer . 525 | — —— (——-) pelinus . 535 —— (——) hematerus 524 | — — (——-) psichiophorus . 532 —— (——) heliscus 525 | — — (——) pulvinus . 534 —:— (—-—) melanotomus 523 | ——( ) spilopus . . 532 —— (——) myoderma 528 | ——( )stigmatophorus . . 533 —— (——) pedisculus 525 | ——— (Psalliota) crocopeplus . . 546 —— (——) pallido-rubens 524 | —— ) subsruginosus 554 —— (——) perone 525 | — — (Psathyra) amaurus . 555 —— (———) Silenus 524 | —— )tythus . . 556 —— (Naucoria) abjectus . 548 | — — (Psathyrella) furfurellus 559 —— (——) fulvo-albus 544 | ——( ) tiarella : 557 —— (——) gnapholopus . 544 | ——— (Psilocybe) cano-ruber . 554 —— (——) heliocaes 944 | — — (Tricholoma) rhachophorus 514 —— (——) lonchophorus 544 , ——- (Volvaria) apalotrichus 530 —— (——) microphues 5042 —— ( ) eoleatus : 530 —-— (——) ochrus . . 544 | —— (———) geaster 530 —— (——) pelidnus . 543 | — — (——) glandiformis . 531 570 Page | Agaricus (Volvaria) mierocolius 531 | INDEX. ae Caryota urens 7 — )pseudo-volvaceus . 530 | Cascarilla, remarks on n thename . 185 Algæ, North- Atlantic . 456 Castanopsis chinensis . 454 Althea Ludwigi . . . .437 | Chemical reaction as a specifi Amazon n Palm- oy of character in Lichens . the Chionodoxa Forbesii . c. 486 Andree. : . 460 | Cinchone, peers ds an, ; Androstephium violaceum . 973 | Cladonia Angelica, n. sp. of . 454 | Cocos orinocensis . . . . E Anilema 446-450 | Commelyna 439-446 Anisosperma, characters of . 258 Kurzii . 444. Archangelica, n. sp. of . . 454 | —-— Simsoni . 446 Areca gracilis. . . . . . . 5 | Commelynaces of Bengal . . 438 Astrocaryum acaule. . 159 | Copal n. 1, 479 —— Munbaca . 159 | Coprinus : 559-562 Attalea Humboldtiana . . 163 | Cultivated palms . SR ORO racemosa : . . 166 | Cyanotis 462, 453 Bactris balanophora 146, 153 axillaris . . 492 bicuspidata 146, 152 | —— barbata . 452 —— bidentula 146,151 | —— cristata . 452 —— bifida 146, 150 | —— nodiflora 453 brevifolia 144, 147 | Cystanche tubulosa . 437 Carolensis . 145, 149 | Daubenya coccinea . 395 —— concinna 147, 154 | Desmoncus macracanthus . 156 — — floccosa . 146, 151 riparius . . 156 — — hylophila 146, 152 | Dicranum strictum, t the British . 466 —— microcarpa . 146,153 | Dipeadi. . : 395-401 —— Negrensis 145, 147 rigidifolium . 399 simplicifrons 145, 148 setosum . EAE . 398 —— tenuis 145, 149 | Dithyrocarpus paniculatus . 541 turbinata 146, 152 | Drimia . . . 419-423 —— Uaupensis . 145, 150 Barteri . . 423 Begonia, stamens of . 472 concolor . 422 Bessera elegans . . 978 laxiflora . . 422 Betula intermedia 326, 327 rigidifolia . . . .420 Blandfordia aurea . 966 | Duvernoia adhatodoides, fertiliza- —— Cunninghami . . 965 tion and dissemination of . . 469 —— flammea . 866 | Endocarpon Crombiei . . 489 —— grandiflora . . 869 | Eophylon Lobbii . 23 —— nobilis : . 865 | —— tenellum : 23 Bolbitius fissus : . 562 | Equatorial- American Palms . 65 Brachyscypha undulata . 394 | Eriocaulon . . o. 454 Brazilian plants, notes on . . 263 | Euterpe catinga . . io 137 Brodiæa coccinea - 878 | Forretia . . . . . . 463, 454 — — congesta . 377 | Fungiof Ceylon . . 0. 494 —— grandiflora . . 876 | Funkia lancifolia . 368 —— multiflora = SU nde . 367 volubilis . . 377 | —— Sieboldiana 367 Bryology, British . 460 subcordata . 367 Calamus flagellum . . . . . 8 | Geonoma 98 inermis . : 1l | — embigus —. . . . . . HI ——— Jenkinsianus 11 | ——aspidiifolia. . . . 112,119 ——leptospadix . . . . . 8 | ——Appunians. . . . . .112 macranthus 10 | —— baculifera 105, 113 —— montanus . . . . . . 9 | —— chelidonura 111, 117 —— schizospathus. . . . . 7 | —— congesta . 112 Cantharellus stolonifer . . 567 | —— cuneata . . 104 Carludovica, sp. . 182 densa. vs ME Carpesium abrotanoides . 454 | —— densiflora 112, 118 Geonoma discolor —— edulis elegans . . — — ferruginea ——— flaccida . —— Fendleriana -—— gracilis hexasticha . —— Hoffmanniana . — — Lindeniana . longevaginata . —-— macrospatha —— — Martiana membranacea . Mexicana microspatha —— microspadix Negrensis obovata . . paniculigera Paraensis pauciflora personata Porteana procumbens —— pumila —— — Purdieana . . Saga . : === Schomburgkiana : Schottiana . ——— tuberculata . -—— undata versiformis . flava. . : fuys . se —— Middendorfii . —— minor . Hesperocallis undulata . Hiatula flosculus . Hüshiarpur flora . Hyacinthus —— Aucheri . ledebourioides . Hydrolea corymbosa elegans glabra ——— graminifolia macrosepala ——— megapotamica . —— multiflora nigricaulis . ovata . —— paludosa —— quadrivalvis —— spinosa . —— zeylanica Hygrophorus . Iceland, flora of . Hemerocallis Dumortieri . INDEX 571 Page , Page 110,117 | Ipomea simulans . 281 . 106 | Iriartea setigera . . 135 104 | —— ventricosa : . 133 110 | Kallonema pellucidum . . 457 108 | Kniphofia abyssinica . 962 108 aloides XU . 864 . . 105 | —— breviflora . 961 110, 116 | —— Burchellii . 963 : 106 gracilis B su oOo 106 | — — Granüt < . . . . $ 868 2:109 isoetifola . . | . 962 105 | —— parviflora ». . 961 . 109 preecox . 963 . 106 | —— pumila . 363 . . 109 | —— Quartiniana . 362 108, 116 Rooperi . . 363 . 110 | —— sarmentosa . . 962 113, 120 triangularis . 362 . . 104 | Lachenalia . 401-410 108, 114 Bowieana . 410 112, 120 | —-— carnosa . . . 407 110,116 | —— Cooperi . . 409 112, 118 | —— juncifolia . 409 2 2-00 Zeyheri . SU ADT 105 | Lancaster Sound, plants do 110 | Lecanora Se MEA 109 hypophea . . 482 109 | Lecidea, species of 482-488 111 | Leopoldinia major . 125 >- -108 Piassaba . 127 112,119 | Leucobryum glaucum . . . 465 . . 107 | Leucocoryne, species of. . 374, 375 109 | Lichens, chemical reaction in. . 36 359 ,new British . 481 358 | Licuala. . 13 359 Liliaces, revision of herbaceous 2 s 509 capsular gamophyllous . 349 358 , tribes and genera of. 354 360 Liquidamber formosana 455 . . 559 | Litanthus pusillus 419 2; 17 | Invistona - . 13 423-433 | Magellan, plants of the Strait of. 187 . 431 | Massonia . . AE AC T nd . 427 | Mauritia aculeata . 169 275 armata 168 271 Carana . . 1714 273 Casiquiarensis . 173 274 | flexuosa . 168 277 | gracilis . 169 273 | —— Guainiensis . 174 £76 | —— pumila . ; 168 272 | —— quadripartita . 172 270 | subinermis . rae ya! 270 | tenuis . 169 - 271 | —— vinifera . . 168 269 | Maximiliana Inajai . . 163 . 275 | Mesocheete undulata . 463 562- 566 | Milla andicola . 381 . 282 | aurea . 986 572 INDEX. Page Page Milla biflora . 980 Pygcum)nssp.oR = = - -464 bivalvis . . 386 | Pyrenopsis homeopsis . 482 brevipes . . 386 | Ranunculus aquatilis 291 capitata . . 381 Rhacophyllus lilacinus . 559 crocea . 384 | Rhadamanthus convallar ioides . 434 grandiflora . . 380 | Rimularia limboina . 489 hirtella . . 885 | Roccella : 47 hyacinthina . 385 Rosa arvensis . 241 ixioides . . 883 ——— canina 225 laxa . : . 884 | ——— hibernica 209 ——— macrostemon . . 981 involuta . 204 = nivalis . . © . 383 — micrantha 221 patagonica . . 982 mollissima . 211 peduncalaris . 384 pomifera . 210 Poppigiana . 883 | —— pulverulenta 223 porrifolia . 886 | —— rubella 203 Sellowiana . . 883 rubiginosa . 219 ——— sessiliflora . . 882 spinosissima 201 setacea . 985 stylosa 203 —— subbiflora . 885 tomentosa . 215 uniflora . . 982 | Russula periglypta . 566 Morenia Poppigiana . 123 | Saxifragee, stamens of 31 Mosses, synonyms of . . 240 | Scaly-fruited palms . 76 Muscari. Se 411-418 | Schizosiphon obscurum 459 Bourgeei . . 416 | Seligeria acutifolia . 467 grandifolium . 417 | Serapias, petalody of ‘sepals i in . 490 Myriocarpus frondosus . . 263 | Sikkim palms . 4 Neckera complanata . 467 Simplocus lancifolia . 454 Nunnezharia fragrans . 121 | Southern-Indian palms 14 geonomoides . 122 | Spermosira atlantica . 458 Odontostemum . 436 | Sphagnum curvifolium . . 468 CGEnocarpus minor . 141 Spilonema scoticum . . 482 multicaulis . . 142 | Stamens of Saxifrage : zT Orthotrichum leiocarpum . . . 465 | Stictei in the Kew Museum 243 Palms 4, 14, 65, 76 | Streptolirion . 453 alternation of function i in. 95 | Tortula nitida. . 464 ; classification of 84 | squarrosa . 462 i ; scaly-fruited ‘ 76 | Trachylobium mosambicense. . 1 Parmelia Mi s 50 | Trichostomum diffractum . 463 Parnassia palustris . . 24 | Tulbaghia acutiloba . 371 Philesia, pleiotaxy of perianth i in. 477 | alliacea 371 Phoenix rupicola . oo Im capensis . 370 Phormium Cookianum . . 457 | cepacea 372 tenax. : 5 dod Dregeana 371 Physcomitrium 461,362 , — — hypoxidea 372 Phytelephas æquatorialis <- 180 | violacea 372 macrocarpa . . 178 + Umbilicaria | 52 microcarpa . . 178 Veltheimia . : 410, 411 Plectocomia himalayana STE Wallichia disticha PG Pollia Indica . : . 491 | —— qblongifolia. 6 ——— subumbellata . . 491 | Wettinia augusta 130 Pottia intermedia . 461 | Maynensis . 130 Puschkinia hyacinthoides . . 435 | Zanzibar copal 1 END OF THE ELEVENTH VOLUME. Linn. Soc. Journ. Bot. Vol. JN Fitchimp. .AW Bennett del. Fitch hth. Jamn. Soc. Journ. Bot. Vol XL tab. 2 J.N Bitch tmp. WH Fitch, dz. ct hth. Linn. Soc. Journ Bot WLX tab3 Germen se. J'TMoggridge del.