a V: I L-: Si IMMMMII^^ THE Botanical Magazine; O R, Flower-Garden Difplayed : IN WHICH The raoft Ornamental Foreign Plants, cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green-Houfe, and the Stove, are ac- curately reprefented in their natural Colours. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according to the celebrated Linnaeus ; their Places of Growth, and Times of Flowering : Together with THE MOST APPROVED METHODS OF CULTURE. A WORK Intended for the Ufe of fuch Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gardeners, as wiih to become fcientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate* By WILLIAM C U R T I S, Author of the Flora Londinensis. vol. h ./.-* j£ *« A Garden is the purcft cf human Pleafures." VtHULAM. L O N D O N: . Printed by CotrcHMAN and Fry, Throgrnorton-Street, For)V. CURTIS, at his Botanic-Garden, Lambeth-Mai.'a; And Sold bv the principal Bookfellers in Great- Britain and Ireland. M DCC XC. «y* f^> ^cifif '^inf %/* «ysi p*^ ^'W > fi^ PREFACE. r ~T , HE prefent periodical publication owes its cora- * mencement to the repeated fblicitations of feveral Ladies and Gentlemen, Subfcribers to the Author's Botanic Garden, who were frequently lamenting the want of a work, which might enable them, not only to acquire a fyftematic knowledge of the Foreign Plants growing in their gardens, but which might at the fame time afford them the beft information refpecling their culture — in facl, a work, in which Botany and Gardening (fo far as relates to the culture of ornamental Plants) or the labours of Linn.eus and Miller, might happily be combined. In compliance with their wifhes, he has endeavoured to prefent them with the united information of both authors, and to illuflrate each by a fet of new figures, drawn always from the living plant, and coloured as near to nature, as # . the imperfection of colouring will admit. He does not mean, however, to confine himfelf folely to die Plants contained in the highly eftcemed works of thofe luminaries of ^Botany and Gardening, but PREFACE. but fhall occafionally introduce new ones, as they may flower in his own garden, or thofe of the curious in any part of Great-Britain. At the commencement of this publication, he had no delign of entering on the province of the Florift, by giving figures of double or improved Flowers, which fometimes owe their origin to culture, more frequently to the fportings of nature ; but the earneft entreaties of many of his Subfcribers, have induced him fo far to deviate from his original intention, as to promife them one, at leaft, of the Flowers mofl efteemed by Florifts. The encouragement given to this work, great beyond the Author's warmer! expectations, demands his moft grateful acknowledgements, and will excite him to perfevere in his humble endeavours to render Botany a lafling fource of rational amufement, and public utility. Botanic Garden, Lambeth-Marfh, »78 7 . j ■ C » 1 Iris Persic a. Persian Iris. C/^/} . [5 1 Erythronium Dens Canis. Dogs-Tooth, or Dogs-Tpoth Violet. • t * % % t % Z % * i ^^ ^^W^ Clap- and Order. Hexandria Monogvnia. Generic Character. Corolla 6-petala, campanulata: NeQario tubercubs 2-petalorum alternorum bad adnatis. Specific Character and Synonyms. ERYTHRONIUM Dens Cams. Linn. Syfi. Vegetal, p. 269. Sj?.Pl.p. 437 . Dens Canis latiore rotundioreque folio. Bauh. Pin. 87. Dogs-Tooth with a pale purple flower. Park. Par ad. p. 194. Of this genus Mr. Miller makes too fpecics; Linnaeus, per- haps with more propriety, only one, for breadth of leaves or colour of flowers can fcarcely be considered as iuflicient to conflitute a fpecific difference. It is found in the gardens with purple flowers of two different tints, alfo with white and yellow bloffoms, grows naturally in Hungary and fome parts of Italy, and blows in the open border at the beginning of April. " They are propagated by offsets from their roots. They " love a fhady fituation and a gentle loamy foil, but fbould not " be too often removed. They may be tranfplanted any time " after the beginning of June,' when their leaves will be quite " decayed, till the middle of September; but the roots fliould " not be kept very long out of the ground, for if the 7 fhrink " it will often caufe them to rot. The roots of thefe flowers " fhould not be planted fcattering in the. borders of the flower- garden, but in patches near each other, where they will make " a good appearance." Miller's Card. Dift. J'ui&hl.u tkeJ^Jir^-h^ty^rBcmnic^rJaiZamigAXpi'h J7S6. C 6 3 Narcissus minor. Least Daffodil* Clajs and Order. Hexandria Monogynia. Generic Charafter. Petala 6, aequalia: Ne&ario infundibuliformi, l-phyllo. Sta- mina intra neftarium. Specific CharaBer and Synonyms, NARCISSUS minor fpatha uniflora, neaario obconico ereSo crifpo fexfido aequante petala lanceolata. LtfM* Sp. PL p. 415. Syjl. Vegetab. p. 262. NARCISSUS parvus totus luteus. Bauhin. Pin. 53. The leaft-Spanifh yellow baRard Daffodil. Park. Parad.p. 105. We are not a little furprifed that Mr. Miller fhould have taken no notice of the prefent fpecies, as it muft have been in the Englifti gardens long before his time, being mentioned by Parkinfon in his Garden of Pleafant Flowers : it is nearly *g lated to the Pfeudo-Narcijfus, but differs from it in many parti- culars except fize; vid. Linn. Sp. PL and Parkinfon above quoted. Though its bloflbms are not fo large as tbofe of the other fpecies, yet when the roots are planted in a clutter, they make a very pretty fhow, and have this advantage, that they flower fomewhat earlier than any of the others. Like the common Daffodil it propagates very fad by the roots, and will thrive in almoft any foil or fituation. Though a native of Spain, it is feldom injured by the feve- nty of our climate. MlvAtfa/tfuAeeduiecfrij'fF&r/isJfotiinie CardenLamiatflMkKr/u^S C 7 ] Cynoglossum Omphalodes. Blue Navelwort. $♦ jl ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Clafs and Order. Pentandria Monogynia. Generic Charatler. Corolla infundibuliformis, fauce claufa fornicibus. Semina deprefla interiore tantum latere ftylo affixa. Specific Charatler and Synonyms. CYNOGLOSSUM Omphalodes repens, foliis radicalibus cord at is*. Linn. Sp. PL p. 193. Syfi. Vegetab. p. 157. ScopoliFl. Cam. p. 124. '•3- SYMPHYTUM minus borraginis facie. Bauh. Pin. 259. BORAGO minor verna repens, folio lasvi. Morif. hi/I. 3. P> 437- / **• u * 6 ' fig- 3- A native of Spain, Portugal, and Carniola, and an inhabi- tant of woods and fhady fituations ; flowers in March and April. In the autumn it puts forth trailing moots, which take root at the joints, whereby the plant is moft plentifully pro- pagated ; thrives bell under a wall in a North border. * " Stolones repunt non caulis florifer, cui folia ovalia, et minime cordata. " TOURNEFORTIUS feparavit aSYMPHYTo, et dixit Omphallodem ** pumilam verxam, fymphyti folio, fed bene monet LINN-5LUS folam fruftu3 •• afperitatem aut glabritiem, non fuflicere ad novum genus conftruendum,'* Scopoli Fl» Cam. p. 134. C 8 J Helleborus Niger. Black Hellebo or Christmas Rose. Oafs and Order. PoLYANDRIA PoLYGYNlA. Generic Characler. Calyx nullus. Petala 5 five plura. Ne&aria bilabiata, tub lata. Capfulse polyfpermse, ere&iufculae. Specific Characler and Synonyms. HELLEBORUS nigerfcapo fub-bifloro fubnudo, foliispeC lis. Linn. Syji. Veg. ^.431. Sp. PI. p. 783. HELLEBORUS niger flore rofeo. Bauh. Pin. 186. The true Black Hellebore, or Chriftmas flower. Parkin Par ad. ^.344. As our Publication feems likely to fall into the hands or fuch as are totally unacquainted with Botany, or botanical writings, it muft plead as an apology for our often explaining many circumftances relative to plants, which may be veil known to adepts in the fcience. This plant derives its firft name from the black colour of its roots, its fecond from its early flowering and the colour of ^ petals, which, though generally milk-white on their firft ap- pearance, yet have frequently a tint of red in them, which increafes with the age of the bloffom, and finally changes to green j in fome fpecies of Hellebore, particularly the virMtji the flower is green from firft to laft. Black Hellebore grows wild on the Appenine and other mountains, preferring fuch as are rocky. If the weather be unufually mild, it will flower in our gar- dens in the open borders as early as December and January ; & may indeed be confidered as the herald of approaching fpring- Like moft other alpine plants, it loves a pure air, a fituation moderately moift, and a foil unmanured : as the beauty of it* flowers is apt to be deftroyed by fevere frofts, it fhould be co- vered during the winter with a hand-glafs, or if it be treated 111 the manner recommended for the round-leav'd Cyclamen, it may be had to flower in ftill greater perfeBion. It is propagated by parting its roots in autumn : neither this fpecies nor the hyemalis thrive very near London, J""A COttkUm .V [ 9 ] Iris Pumila. Dwarf Iris. Cla/s and Order. Triandria Monogynia. Generic Character. Corolla fex-partita : Petalis altemis, reflexis. Stigmata pe- taliformia. Specific Characler and Synonyms. IRIS pumila corollis barbatis, caule foliis breviore unifloi Linn. Syji. Vegetab. p. 78. Sp. Plant, p. 56. Jacq. Aujlr. t. 1. CHAMjEIRIS minor flore purpureo. Bauh. Pin. 33. The leffer purple dwarf Flower-de-luce. Park. Parad. p. i86» Gardeners, in former days, not having that profufion of plants to attend to and cultivate, which we can at prefent boaft, appear to have been more folicitous in increafing generally the varieties of the feveral fpecies; accordingly we find in the Paradifus terrejlris of the venerable Parkinson, no lefs than fix varieties of this plant*, moft of which are now ftrangers to the Nurfery Gardens. We may obferve, that varieties in general not being fo ftrong as the original plant, are confe- quently much fooner loft. The Iris pumila grows wild in many parts of Hungary, af- fe&s open and hilly fituations, and flowers in our gardens in the month of April ; it is a very hardy plant, and will thrive in almoft any foil or fituation ; is propagated by parting it* roots in autumn. * The leffer purple dwarf Flower-de-lace with white bloflbms, ■ ■ ftraw-colour ditto, . — ■ ■ ■ ■■ pale blue ditto, " — ' ■ ■ . ■ blulh-coloured ditto, ' — yellow variable ditto, and the purple dwarf Sea Flower-de-luce of the fame author, is probably no other than * variety. 7V?9 -PuA&ihd as die^tctdimc& ty /rthrtij .ftelanu: isortitrt £ t irrU>f/hJforyh2jS;. u 10 ftlbiukdas C 10 1 Anemone Hepatic a. Hepatic a, or Noble Liverwort. ■W Vj» >■> VJT jv* #• 9ft Sjji •> *vC /N y; T'jvT'i'* «■£» /> VK TPJli' iji? C/. 1. /. 1. ?«m £iw/. /. 12. AURICULA urfi virginiana floribas boraginis inftar roftratis, cyclaminmn more reflexis. Pink. aim. 62. /. 79. /. 6. This plant grows fpontaneoufly in Virginia and other parts of North America, from whence, as Miller informs us, it was fent by Mr. Baniftcr to Dr. Compton, Lord Bifliop of London, in whofe curious garden he firft law it growing in the year 1709. It is figured by Mr. Catefby, in his Natural Hiftory of Caro- lina, among the natural productions of that country, who be- ftowed on it the name of Meadia, in honour of the late Dr. Mead, a name which Linnaeus has not thought proper to adopt as a generic, though he has as a trivial one. " It flowers the beginning of May, and the feeds ripen in J u ty> f°on after which the {talks and leaves decay, fo that the roots remain inactive till the following fpring. '* Jt is propagated by offsets, which the roots put out freely " when they are in a loofe moid foil and a fiiady lituation ; the belt time to remove the roots, and take away tflc offsets, " is in Auguft, after the leaves and ftalks are decayed, that they may be fixed well in their new fituation before the froft comes on. It may alfo be propagated by feeds, which the " plants plants generally produce in plenty; thefe fhould be fown in autumn, foon after they are ripe, either in a fhady moift border, or in pots, which mould be placed in the fhade ; in the fpring, the plants will come up, and muft then be kept clean from weeds ; and, if the feafon proves dry, they muft be frequently refrefhed with water : nor fhould they be ex- pofed to the fun ; for while the plants are young, they are very impatient of heat, fo that I have known great numbers of them deftroyed in two or three days, which were growing to the full fun. Thefe young plants fhould not be tranf- planted till the leaves are decayed, then they may be care- fully taken up and planted in a fhady border, where the foil is loofe and moift, at about eight inches diflance from each other, which will be room enough for them to grow one year, by which time they will be itrong enough to produce flowers, fo may then be tranfplanted into fome fhady borders in the flower-garden, where they will appear very ornamental during the continuance of their flowers." Miller's Gard. Ditt. E *3 ] CORONILLA GLAUCA. SEA-GREEN, Or Day-smelling Coronilla. Clajs and Order. DlADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Generic Character. Calyx bilabiatus: \\ dentibus fuperioribus connatis. Vexillum vix alis longius. Legumen ifthmis interceptum. Specific Character and Synonyms. CORONILLA glauca fruticofa, foliolis feptenis, obtufiffimts ftipulis lanceolatis. Linn. Syft. Vegetal), p. 557* Sp. PI. 1047. CORONILLA maritima, glauco folio. Tourtuf, injl. 650. COLUTEA fcorpioides maritima, glauco folio. Bauh. rfl Ztf.prodr. 157. Tbis cbarming fhrub, which is almoft perpetually in bloffom, and admirably adapted for nofegays, is a native of the fouth o» France, and a conftant ornament to our green-houfes. Linnaeus has obferved. that the flowers, which in the da}' time are remarkably fragrant, in the night arc almoft without fcent. M It is propagated by Cowing the feeds in tbe fpring, either " upon a gentle hot-bed, or on a warm border of light earth: " when the plants are come up about two inches high, they " mould be tranfplanted either into pots, or inta a bed of frelh " earth, at about four or five inches diftance every way, where " they may remain until they have obtained ftrength enough * to plant out for good, which mould be either in pots filled " with good frefh earth, or in a warm fituated border, in which, " if the winter is not too fevere, they will abide very weft " provided they are in a dry foil." Miller's Gard. Diet. • Tt3 C 14 3 Primula villosa. Mountain Primu Clafs and Order. Pentandria Monogynia. Generic Character. Invokcrum umbellulae. Corolla: tubus cylindricus : ore patulo. Specific Character and Synonyms. PRIMULA villofa foliis obovatis dentatis villofis, fcaj breviffimo multifloro. PRIMULA villofa. Jacauin Fl. Aufir. app. t. 27. Mr. Miller, in the Sixth Edition of the Abridgment of his Gardener's Diftionary, mentions only four Primulas, exclunve of the Auricula, 1 the two firft of which are named erroneoufly, and of the two lalt not a fyllable is faid either as to their place of growth or culture. The plant here figured, has been introduced pretty generally into the Nurfery-Gardens in the neighboured of London within thefe few years: Mr. Salifbury informs me, that a variety of this plant with white flowers, brought originally from the Mp s of Switzerland, has for many years been cultivated in a garden in Yorkshire. It is not noticed by Linnaeus: ProfefTor Jacquin, in "*• Flora AuRriaca, has figured and defcribed a Primula, ^bich, though not agreeing fo minutely as could be wiflied with the one we have figured, is neverthelefs confidered by fome of the firft Botanifts in this country as the fame fpecies; he gives it the name of villofa, which we adopt, though with us it U fo flighty villous as fcarcely to deferve that epithet. It varies in the brilliancy of its colours, flowers in Apr" and will fucceed with the method of culture recommended fo the Round- Leaved Cyclamen. I ■// C *5 3 Narcissus Jonquilla. Common Jonquil, ■ »» » » ♦ ♦ ♦ i$ ♦■♦ ♦ fr* ♦ ♦ ♦"♦ fr Hexandria Monogynia. Generic Character. Petala fex. Neclario infundibuliformi, monophyllo. Stamina intra ne£larium. Specific Ghardtler and Synonyms. NARCISSUS Jonquilla fpatha multiflora, neBario hemil phserico crenato, breviore petalis, foliis femi teretibus. Ii»». Sp^c. P/. p. 417. The fragrant Jonquil is a native of Spain, flowers in the open ground, about the latter-end of April, or beginning 01 May, and will thrive in almoft any foil or fituation, but pre- fers, as moft bulbs do, a frelh loamy earth ; indeed fuch a foil is favourable to the growth of moft plants, as being exempt from a variety of fubterraneous infers, which are apt to infeft ground which has been long cultivated. It is found in the gardens with double flowers. Our plant accords exaaiy with the defcription of Linnae^ above quoted, but muft be carefully diftinguiflied from fa 111 * others very fimilar to it. Pu&iffiX h fr.air/i. Botanic <^r/ifr»Zmt*fA .V.*y/ii?S/ y°t6 A.fi&-AJ$, TT.thrti, y?.* wi- tarda, Zamtet/, . C 16 ] Iris variegata. Variegated Iris. Clafs and Order. Triandria Monogynia. Generic Character. Corolla 6-partita; Petalis alternis, reflexis. Stigmata petali- iormia. Specific Character and Synonyms. IRIS variegata corollis barbatis, caule fubfoliofo longitudine foliorum multifloro. Linn. Spec. PL p. 56. IRIS Iatifolia pannonica, colore multiplied Bauh. Pin. 31. The yellow variable Flower-de-Luce. Parkin/on Parad.p. 182. This fpecies of Iris, inferior to few in point of beauty, is a native of the hilly paftures of Hungary, and flowers in our gardens in the month of May, and beginning of June. It is a ardy perennial, requires no particular treatment, and may be y propagated by parting its roots in Autumn. [ ij ] Cactus flagelliformis. CreepingCereus. Oafs and Order. ICOSANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Generic Char after. Calyx l-phyllus, fuperus, imbricatus. Corolla multiplex.' Bacca i-locularis, polyfpenua. Specific Charofter. CACTUS flagelliformis repens decemangularis. Linn. Syjl- Vegetab. ed. 14. p. 460. CEREUS flagelliformis. Miller's Gard. Dicl. ed. 6. 4I0. Grows fpontaneoufly in South-America, and the Weft- Indies, flowers in our dry Moves early in June, is tolerably hardy, and will thrive even in a common green-houfc. that has a flue to keep out the fevere frofts. It is fuperior to all its congeners in the brilliancy of i» colour, nor are its blofibms fo fugacious as many of the other fpecies. No plant is more eafily propagated by cuttings; thefc Miller recommends to be laid by in a dry place for a fortnight* or three weeks, then to be planted in pots, filled with a mixture of loam and lime rubbifh, having Tome (tones laid in the bottom of the pot to drain off the moifturc, and afterwards plunged into a gentle hot-bed of Tanners bark, to facilitate their rooting, giving them once a week a gentle watering: tins bufmeis to be done the beginning of July. It is feldom that this plant perfeds its feeds in this country: Miller relates that it has borne fruit in Chelfea gardens. r, £ i8 ] Geranium Reichardi. Dwarf Geranium, | * % *% &%%* to* ***** * *** Clafs and Order. MONADELPHIA DeCANDRIA. Generic Character. Monogynia. Stigmata 5. FraSus roftratus, 5-coccus. Specific Characicr and Synonyms. GERANIUM Reichardi fcapis imifloris, floribus- pentandris, , foiiis fubreniformibus incifo-crenatis. GERANIUM Reichardi fcapis unifloris, foiiis plcrifque ob- longis trilobis vel quinquelobis incifo-crenatis. Linn. Syjl. Vegclab. ed. Murr. 14./'. 618. 1 This fpecies of Geranium, fo ftrikingly different from ail others at prefent cultivated in our gardens, has been known for feveral years to the Nuilery-men in the neighbourhood ot London, by the name of aiaxde, a name we fhould gladly have retained, had not Profeffor Murray defcribed it in the 14 th edition of Linnseus's Syjlema Vcgelabiliim, under the name or Reichardi, a name he was difpofed to give it in compliment to a French gentleman, who firfl di [covered it in the ifland of Minorca, and introduced it into the gardens of France. Linnaeus describes many of the Geraniums, as having only five anther*, though feveral of thofe he thus defcribes have to our certain knowledge ten, the five lowermoft of which fhedding their pollen fir It, often drop off, and leave the filaments apparently barren: but in this fpecies (with us at f leaf!) there never are more than five, but betwixt each fiamen, there is a broad pointed barren filament or fquamula, fcarcety to be jJiftinguifhed by the naked eye. The ufual and bed praBice is to make a green-houfe plant of this fpecies, though it has been known to remain in the open ground, during a mild winter, unhurt. It continues to have a fucceffion of blofloms during the greateft part of the Cummer, and may be propagated either by leed or parting its roots. AeMM/i WOrt*. M*m* *" mJHlJfm* 1 ,^ [ *9 ] Hemerocallis Flav a. Yellow Day-Lily. Clafi and Order, Hexandhia Monogynia. Generic Character. Corolla campanulas, tubus cylindraceus. Stamina declinata. Specific Character and Synonyms. HEMEROCALLIS Jlava foliis Hneari-fubulatis carinatis, co rollis flavis. Linn. Syjl. Veg. ed. 14- P' 339' LILIUM luteum, afphodeli radice; Bauh. Pin. 8o. The Yellow Day-Lily. Parkin/. Par ad. p. 148. This Genus has been called Hemerocallis, in Englifh> ^°T lily, from the fhort duration of its bloffoms, but thefe are no quite fo fugacious in this fpecies as in die fulva. It very rarely happens that Linnaeus, in his fpecific chara c c of a plant, has recourfe to colour, be has however in l * inftance J but this feems to arife from his confidering tiiem r ** ther as varieties, than fpecies. To us they appear to be p* '■' feQly diftin£r, and in addition to feveral other characters, t flava is diftinguifhed by the fragrance of its bloflbms. This fpecies is an inhabitant of Hungary and Siberia, & confequently bears our climate exceedingly well ; it requires moift foil, and a fituation fomewhat ftiady, and is eafily p r pagated by parting its roots in autumn. / ' is *Jhilp Vo 1 Ftth/uhtf/'V Tr(UrfitBt>mni<-r«r/rl ( '""' i '" '■""> , " // C 22 ] NlGELLA DAMASCENA. GARDEN FENNEL- flower, Love in a mist, Devil in a Bush. Clafs and Order. POLYANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. Generic Character. Cat. nullus. Petala 5. Neclaria 5. trifida, intra corollam. Capful a 5 connexae. Specific Character and Synonyms. NlGELLA damafcena floribus involucro foliofo cin&is. Linn. Syji. Veg. ed. 14. Murr. p. 506. Sp. PL p. 753- NlGELLA atigufti folia, flore majore fimplici caeruleo. Bam. Pin. 145. The great Spanifh Nigella. Park. Parad. p. 287. Is an annual, and grows wild among the corn in the fouthern parts of Europe ; varies with white and blue flowers, both fingle and double. " May be propagated by fowing their feeds upon a bed 01 ' ♦*♦♦♦♦ Oafs and Order. OdANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Generic Character. Calyx l-phyllus, calcaratus. Petala 5 in aequalia. Bacc un« guiculata. Capfula cylindrica, 1-locularis. Specific Charatler and Synonyms. DIANTHUS cbinenjis florihus folitariis,' fquamis calycinis fubulatis patulis, tubum aequantibus, corolhs crcnatis. Linn. Syji. Veg.p. 418. Sp. PL 588. CARYOPHYLLUS Bnenfii fupinus, leucoji folio, flore unico. Taurnef. aft. 1705. p- 348- /• 5* This fpccics, unknown to the older Botanifts, is a native 01 China, hence its name of China Pink ; but, in the nurferies, it is in general better known by the name of Indian Pink. Though it cannot boaft the agreeable fcent of many of 1 it eclipfes molt of them in the brilliancy of us colours ; there are few flowers indeed which can boaft tW richnefs and variety found among the mod improved vari of this fpecies; and as thefe are eafily obtained from feed, 10 they are found in moft collections, both fingle and double. It is little better than an annual, but will fometimes con- tinue two years in a dry foil, which it afFe&s. Attempts have been made to force it, but, as far as * c have learned, with no great fuccefs. Rihluhi*brJr&uTif/iotam:rCrarct»riZ^zs>iJ><*AM~arsh JStmerby lUlttfiuif/ [ 26 ] Stapelia Variegata. Variegated Stapelia. •^5 ■}(? ^r

>j« >J» CAz/} £»ttfLjfars/i . C 28 ] Passiflora ccerulea. Common Passion- Flower. Clqfs and Order. Gynandria Hexandria. Generic Charatler. Trigyna. Cal. 5-phyllus. Petala 5. Neclarium corona, Bacca pedicellata. Specific Character and Synonyms. PASSIFLORA caruha foliis palmatis integerrimis- Linn. Syfi. Vegetal, p. 823. Sp. PL p. 1360. GRANADILLA polyphyllos, fru&u ovato. Tour n. In/}. 241. TLOS PASSIONIS major pentaphyllus. Sloan. Jam. 104. hijh 1. p. 229. The Paflion-Flower firft introduced into this country, was tjie incarnata of Li n n m u s, a native of Virginia, and figured by Parkinson, in his Paradifus < TerreJlris i who there ftyles it the furpaffing delight of all flowers : the prefent fpecies, which, from its great beauty and fuperior hardinefs, is now by far the moft common, is of more modern introduction ; and, though a native of the Brazils, feldom differs from the feverity of our climate; flowering plentifully during moft of the fum- mer months, if trained to a wall with a fouthern afpecl, and, in (ach fituations, frequently producing ripe fruit, of the fize and form of a large olive, of a pale orange colour. This moft elegant plant may be propagated by feeds, layers, or cuttings j foreign feeds are moft to be depended on ; they arc to be fown in the fpring, on a moderate hot-bed, and when the plants are grown to the height of "two or three inches, they are to be carefully taken-up, and each planted in a fepcirate fmall pot, filled with good loam, then plunged into a moderate hot-bed, to forward their taking new root; after which they mould be gradually inured to the common air: the younger the plants the more fhelter they require, and if ever fo old or ftrong, they are in danger from fevere frofts. The layers and cuttings are to be treated in the common way, but feedling plants, if they can be obtained, are on many accounts to be preferred. T28 iitlr&i/t'd a, M<-. C 29 ] Reseda odorata. Sweet-scented Reseda, or Mignonette. ■ - > $$♦♦»» ♦»»»♦♦ ♦»♦♦♦♦♦ ' Cla/s and Order. DODECANDRIA TRIGYNIA. Generic Character. Cal. l-phyllus, partitus. Petala laciniata. Cap/, ore dehifcens, l-locularis. Specif c Cbaracler and Synonyms. RESEDA odorata foliis integris trilobifque, calycibus florem sequantibus. Linn. Syjl. Vegetab. p. 449. RESEDA foliis integris trilobifque, floribus tetragynis. Mill.Difi.t. 217. Mignonette grows naturally in Egypt, it was unknown to the older Botanifts ; Miller fays, he received the feeds of it from Dr. Adrian Van Royen, ProfefTor of Botany at Leyden, fo that it is rather a modern inhabitant of our gardens. The luxury of the pleafure-garden is greatly heightened by the delightful odour which this plant diffufes ; and as it is mod readily cultivated in pots, its fragrance may be con- veyed to the parlour of the reclufe, or the chamber of the valetudinarian; its perfume, though not fo refrefhing perhaps as that of the SweeuBriar, is not apt to offend on continuance the mod delicate olfa&ories. Being an annual, it requires to be raifed yearly from feed ; when once introduced on a warm dry border, it will continue to fow itfelf, and grow very luxuriantly, flowering from June to the commencement of winter ; but as it is deferable to have it as early as poffible in the fpring, the beft way is either to fow the feed in pots in autumn, fecuring them through the winter in frames, or in a greenhoufe, or to raife the feeds early on a gentle hot-bed, thinning the plants, if they require it, fo as to have only two or three in a pot. . I [ 30 3 LlLIUM CHALCEDONICUM. ChALCEDONIAN Lily. Clafs and Order. Hexandria Monogynia. Generic Characler. Cor. 6-petala, campanulata: linea longitudinali neftarifera- Cap/, valvulis pilo cancellato connexis. Specific Characler and Synonyms. LILIUM ehakedonicum foliis fparfis lanceolatis, floribus rc- flexis, corollis revolutis. Linn. Syfi. Vegetab. p. 324. LILIUM byzantium miniatum. Bauh. Pin. 78. The Red Martagon of Conftantinople. Park. Parad. p. 34* * This fpecies is beft known in the nurferies by the name of the Scarlet Martagon ; but as it is not the Martagon of Lin- N/eus, to avoid confufion, it will be moft proper to adhere to the name which Linnjeus has given it. It is a native not only of Perfia, but of Hungary ; Profef- for J acq u in, who has figured it in his moft excellent Flora Aujlriaca t defcribes it as growing betwixt Carniola and Carin- thia, and other parts of Hungary, but always on the tops of the largeft mountains. It varies in the number of its flowers, from one to fix, and the colour in fome is found of a blood red. Authors differ in their ideas of its fmell : Jacquin de- scribing it as difagreeable, while Scopoli compares it to that of an orange. It flowers in June and July ; and is propagated by offsets, which it produces pretty freely, and which will grow in almoft any foil or fituation. The beft time for removing the roots is foon after the leaves are decayed, before they have begun to fhoot. FmM uAX tr rra i rrirji*tm<- fojrrt*n/.'*A JfanrA C 31 ] Jasminum Officinale. Common Jasmine or Jessamine. ■vjrvs - viC'v,^ *?» Vj^r vjf» '>,«•>,<•■>,<■■?,«" w - #{»• vj. «. arillata. Anther* intra tubum. Specific Charatler and Synonyms. JASMINUM oJfoVwfefoliisoppofitis; foliolis dift.in8.is. £f**« 6V/?. Vegetab. p. 56. JASMINUM vulgatius flore albo. J9tf«/j. P/«. 397. Jafmine or Gefmine. Park. Parad. p. 406. There is an elegance in the Jafmine which, added to its fragrance, renders it an object of univerfal admiration. " It grows naturally at Malabar, and in feveral parts of •' India, yet has been long inured to our climate, fo as ** to thrive and- flower extremely well, but never produces " any fruit in England. It is eafily propagated by laying tf down the branches, which will take root in one year, and rt may then be cut from the old plant, and planted where they " are defigned to remain: it may alfo be propagated by cut- 14 tings, which mould be planted early in the autumn, and " guarded againft the effe&s of fevere frofts. " When thefe plants are removed, they mould be planted " either againft fome wall, pale, or other fence, where the " flexible branches may be fupported. Thefe plants mould •' be permitted to grow rude in the fummer, otherwife ihere u will be no flowers ; but after the fummer is paft, the luxu- •* riant fhoots mould be pruned off, and the others muft be " nailed to the fupport. w There are two varieties of this with variegated leaves, " one with white, the other with yellow ftripes, but the latter " is the moftcommon : thefe are propagated by budding them w on the plain Jafmine ; they require to be planted in a warm •• fituation, efpecially the white-ftriped, for they are much " more tender than the plain, and in very fevere winters " their branches fhould be covered with mats or ftraw to pre- " vc. ng killed," Miller s Card, DitJ. J:jw. 470. 1 humilis, fohis cornuaccrvi rcferentibus, .lislutei- >ra. Br.: I . />. 1 1. /• lO. 191. /. i TtkOUfffa many Latin names of plants, as Geranium, Hepetk** are more familiar to :': :nd more gc- n their Englifh ones, >t:bemuM t thou illy adopt- ubtiefs to bt d. Tt* numerous tribe, 1 bita; hrcc ork the the fhelar of a com- lelvcj to our of their fo «hc : f their flower of the. vourtc I plants with many. of Good H< and 11 1 particularly dii - leaves fomewhat re- fcmbling a batcbet, . is as hardy as moft, and 8cm reely, but its bl d in the It is vc . > "32 . P/i/>/is/tf.J3 ',M,u r/n-JrrJi/f-a'^ r 'amJti*m-f**nJ'M iM J&»»* . [ 31 3 Browallia ILATA, Tall BftOWALLlA* Claft and Oi DlOYNAMIA CyMNOSPLRN Generic CbaraBcr. ( Cmr. limbus 5-fidus, aequalis, patens: umbi< Anthem 2, nujoribus. Cap/'. l-locula: :ific CbarafJer and Synonyms. BROW W. I pedunculis unitloris multiflorifque. / .p. 571. Sp. PL 880. Mil!. Of ihi* genus there are only two fpecies, both natives of . mcrica, the elata % fo called from its being a much taller plant than the Jemijfa, is a very beautiful, and not un- I grcen-houfe plant ; it is impofiible, by any colours we have, to do jufticc to the brilliancy of its flower*. HI annual, it require* to be raifed yearly from i h mull be town OH a hot-bed in the fpring, and the plant* : Ight forward on another, oil they will not pel tbeir feedi in thu couDln -.(planted into the binders of the flower-garden which ate warmly fittJ- ihe feafon prove favourable, they will I! and np<-n th ; but, for fecurilys fake, it will be pru- de, plants in the (lo. cn-houfc. c plants have not been diftin^uifhed, by any pa*"' cula: h name, Miller \ .perly ufes its I :h (hould as much as poffiblc be adhered Ui, .ius is named in honour of a Botanift of ,V^34c ;/,, P:,/* ' C 35 ] Crepis barbata. Bearded Crepis, or PURPLE-EYED SuCCORY-HaWKWEED. j,J.Jii1.J.J.AXi1iiLAAJ.X XiLA*4 ,-..,.._.....>... j and Order. SyNGEN'ESIA POLYGAMIA jEqUALIS. Generic Character. Rccpt. nudum. Cil. calyculatus fquamis deciduis. Pappiu plumolu.>, iiipitatus. Spei'ie Cbaracler and Synonyms. CREPIS bar l\it a involucris calyce longioribus : fquamis fetaccis fparfis. Lin. Syfi. Vcgctab. p. 719. IIIERAC1UM prolifcrum falcatum. Bauh. Pin. 128. HIERACIUM calyce barbato. Col. ecphr. 2. p. 28. /. 27./. 1. IIIERACIUM bocticum medio nigro. Herm. Parad. Bat. 185. /. 185. Grows fpontaneoufly in the Couth of France, about Mont- r ; alio, in Spain, Italy, Sicily, and clfewhere in the ibuth of Europe : is one of the moll common annuals culti- vated in Qur gardens. It begins flowering in July, and con- tinues to bloubm till the froit lets in. Xo other care is necefTary in the cultivation of this fpecies than towing the feeds in the fprin^, in little patches, on the borders where they are to remain, thinning them if they prove too numerous. M 1 1. 1. k r calls this fpecies beciica, and improperly defcribes the centre of the flower as black, as alio does Herm an I in all the fpecimens we have feen, it has evidently been of a deep purple colour, or, as L 1 N relies it, alroput- ^■' fAmrntf «w crjuf,. JhibluhH iry >Yfitrizs,3etank fitrrdsrt 7 \7mfaA Marjti . C 36 ] LlLIUM BULBIFERUM. ORANGE LlLY. ■ »»»»»» MMMMM hHhE- Clafs and Order. Hexandria Monogykia, Centric Ch . Cor. 6-petala, campanulata: liura longitudinal! ncclarifcra. Cap/, valvulis pilo cancellato conne Cbarattcr and Synonyms. LILIUM / : foliis fparfis, corollis campanulatis ctis : intus fcabris. Lin. Sxjl. Vcgclab. p. 324. Ja :ujir. t. 226. LILIUM purpurco-croceum majus. Daub. Pin. 76. LILIUM aureum, the gold red Lily. Park. Farad, p. 37. " Hie COOIIBOIl orange or red Lily is as well known in the fh gardens as the white Lily, and has been as long ft cultivated tWi naturally in Anftria and fone " parts of Italy. It multiplies very fait by offsets from the " roots, and is now fo common as al mo ft to be rejected j " however, in 1 rdeiu thefc mould not be wanting, " for they make a good appearance when in flower, if they " are properly difpofed ; of this fort there are the following " varieties : The orange Lily with double flowers. Orange Lily with variegated leaves, " The fmaller orange Lily. " Thefc varieties have been obtained l>v culture, and are " preferved in the gardens of florifls. They all flower in " June and July, and their (talks decay in September, when nay be tianfplantcd and their offsets taken off, " which fhould be done once in two or three years, Otherwifc " their branches will be too large, and the flower-ftalks " weak. This doth not put out new roots till towards fpring, " i'o that the roots may be tranfplanted any time after the " (talks decay till November. It will thrive in any foil or " iituation, but will be ftrongefl in a foft gentle loam, not too •' moifi Bears the fmoke of London better than many plants. Varies with and w uhout bulbs on the ftalks. ^"""■bdtiHfaitp. 2hbL>/itfbi:rr(h/tHJfctamc6frrrte7>.Dwrf>etJ>3fi7rj?i. INDEX. In which thfe Latin Names of the Plants contained in the Firji Velume^zre. alpha- betically arranged. PL 24 10 33 34 *7 27 »3 25 4 7 2 5 12 ii 5 i3 20 3 8 *9 8« 1 9 16 21 3° 36 3 2 22 28 2 9 2 26 «3 Agroftemma Coronaria. Anemone Hepatica. After tenellus. Browallia elata. Ca£rus flagelliformis. Convolvulus tricolor. Coronilla glauca. Crepis barbata. Cyclamen Cou?n. CynoglofTum Omphalodes. Dianthus cbinenfis. Dodecatheon Meadia. Erica herbacea. Erythronium Dens Canis. Geranium Reichardi. Geranium peltatum. Helleborus hyemalis. Helleborus niger. Hemerocallis flava. Jafminum officinale. Iris perfica. Iris pumila. Iris variegata. Iris verficok>r. Lilium chalcedonicum. Lilium bnlbiferum. Mefembryanthernum dolabri- forme. Narciflus minor. NarcifTus Jonquv'la. Nigella damaicena. Paffiflora ccerulea. Primula villofa. Refeda odorata. Rudbeckia purpurea. Stapelia variegata. Troppeolum n; $ V 5 $ J •> J V q J J J $ J i J INDEX. In which the Englifh Names of the Plants contained in the Firji Volume, are al- phabetically arranged. PL 33 34 *7 24 '3 27 35 4 6 »9 12 5 22 3 2 18 20 11 8 3 10 3« 2 3 *4 9 21 1 16 3° 36 7 28 2 5 H 29 2 2cT After briftly-leav'd. Browallia tall. Cereus creeping. Cockle rofe. Coronilla fea-green. Convolvulus fmall. Crepis bearded. Cyclamen round-leav'd. Daffodil lefl'er. Day-lily yellow. Dodecatheon Mead's. Dog's-tooth. Fennel-flower garden. Fig-marigold hatchet-Ieav'd. Geranium dwarf. Geranium ivy-leav'd. Heath herbaceous. Hellebore black. Hellebore winter. Hepatica. Jafmine common. Jndian-crefs greater. Jonquil common. Iris dwarf. Iris particoloured. Iris perfian. Iris variegated. Lily chakedonian. Lily orange. Navel-wort blue. Pafiion flower common. Pink china. Primula mountain. Refeda fweet-fcented. Rudbeckia purple. Stapelia variegated. THE Botanical Magazine; O R, Flower - Garden Difplayed : IN WHICH The mod Ornamental Foreign Plants, cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green- Houfe, and the Stove, are ac- curately reprefented in their natural Colours. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according to the celebrated LinnjEU6 ; their Places of Growth, and Times of Flowering: TOGETHER WITH THE MOST APPROVED METHODS OF CULTURE. A WORK Intended for the Ufe of fuch Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gardeners, as wifh to become fcientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate. Bv WILLIAM CURTIS, Author of the Flora Londinensis, VOL. II. " FloweVs, the fole luxury which nature knew, " In Eden's pure and guiltlcfs garden grew. " To loftier forms are rougher talks affign'd ; " The fhcltering oak refills the ftormy wind, " The tougher yew repels invading foes, ' " And the tall pine for future navies grows ; " But this foft family to cares unknown, " Were born for pleafure and delight alone. " Gay without toil, and lovely without art, " They.lpring to cheer the fenfe and glad the heart." Mrs. Barbaulb. LONDON: Printed by Couchman and Fry, Throgmorton-Street, For W. CURTIS, N° 3, St. George' s-Crefcatt, Black-Friars-Road; And Sold by the principal Bookfellers in Great-Britain and Ireland. M DCC LXXXVIJI. C 37 ] Chironia frutescens. Shrubby Chironia. ^(S 7>"V,» TR-VjS /i* •■»».» •,» >,v" y.V V; Tijfc V,* •* <» «,» >J» TflT C/rf/jr i&dhMaKm C 38 ] Viburnum Tinus. Common Laurustinus. *> *V »V ■*!* *V SV Vjf K*/ v# \^ •»*'*■'' <' *v >'*.>'•*. >'t .> V -.-5''t. >,* V^">A*^i 1|V>.V >>">;* "V.O* •> rf> ^* V,* *> *y» «* ^ A> Ck/jr #// . g-peUla. . , (ocularis. TK II I.II'M Core fcffili n-nt... / :ab. p. 349- PARIS foliis ternatiftj florefeffil ►. Grwr. MH.AMM triphyllufn, t ... . aim. 352./. m.f, o. . . . Of this genus there arc three fpecics, all of which arc na- h-America, and defcribed by Miller, it 1 the genus is called American Herb a the I\;ris and Trillium, though fomewhat fimilar in the flyle of their foliage, are very different in their parts of fruditkationj we have thought it ntoft expedient to ;i i- ifc Trillium, it being to the full as cafily pronounced as -, and many other Latin names now familiar to the lifh ear. ia fpecies takes it trivial name of fcjfile, from the flowers <> footllalk, but fitting as it were immediately on the end vt~ the {talk. Tl here exhibited was taken from a plant which red in my garden laft fpring, from roots lent me the prc- Mi. Robert Squib*, Gardener, of 1 Hefton, 5 na, who is not only well vcrlcd in plants, but ind te in difcovering and collecting the , and with which the gardens of this are likely loon to be en: l{ ns, m a light foil, and requires the 1 ittnentasthe tmtm I had a fair opportunity of obferving "whether this : pens its feeds with us : though of as long ftand- :i this country as the D* ., it is far lefs common; e one is led to conclude that it is either not fo readily propagated, or moi deftroyed. . / 10 Fubhsh d b V WCurtuPotame(koximlajrU>ethUarsh C 4i ] Calceolaria pinnata. Pinnated Slipper- wort. Clafs and Order. DlANDRlA MONOGYNIA. Generic Characler. Cor. ringens inflata. Caps. 2-locularis, 2-valvis. Cal. 4-partitus sequalis. Specific Characler and Synonyms. CALCEOLARIA pinnata foliis pinnatis. Lin. Syjl. Vegetal, p. 64. CALCEOLARIA foliis fcablof*e vulgaris. Fezvill Peruv. 3, /. 12. fig. 7. There being no Englifh name to this plant, we have adopted that of Slipper-zvort, in imitation of Calceolaria^ which is de- rived from CalceohiSy a little fhoe or flipper. This fpecies of Calceolaria is one of the many plants intro- duced into our gardens, fince the, time of Miller: it is an annual, a native of Peru, and, of courfe, tender : though by no means a common plant in our gardens, it is as eafily raifed from feed as any plant whatever. Thefe are to be fown on a gentle hot-bed in the fpring ; the feedlings, when of a proper fizc, are to be tranfplanted into the borders of the flower- garden, where they will flower, ripen, and fcatter their feeds; but being a fmall delicate plant, whofe beauties require a clofe infpeclion, it appears to moll advantage in a tan ftove, in which, as it will grow from cuttings, it may be had to flower all the year through, by planting them in fucceflion. This latter mode of treatment is ufed by Mr. Hoy, Gardener to his Grace af Northumberland, at Sion-Houfe, where this plant may be feen in great perfection, J*41 Pubtish d by.WOirOj, Botanic 6cuvlen£ambeth Marjh Reprefentations of this flower are frequently met with in Chinefe paintings. With us, the Camellia is generally treated as a ftove plant, and propagated by layers ; it is fometimes placed in the greenhoufe ; but it appears to us to be one of the propereft plants imaginable for the confervatory. At fome future time it may, perhaps, not be uncommon to treat it as a Laurufiinus or Magnolia: the high price at which it has hitherto been fold, may have prevented its being hazarded in this way. The bloffoms are of a firm texture, but apt to fall off long before they have loft their brilliancy; it therefore is a practice with fome to flick fuch deciduous bloffoms on fome frefh bud, where they continue to look well for a confiderable time. Petiver confidered our plant as a fpecies of Tea tree; future observations will probably confirm hi? conjecture. C 4* ] Camellia Japonica. Rose Camellia, •JHJHfe * ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ft ♦,&♦!♦ ♦ Clafs and Order. MQNADELPHIA POLYANDRIA, Generic Qjaraflcr. Cjlyx imbricatus, polyphyllus: foljolis interioribus majoribus. Specific Cbaratler and Synonyms, CAMELLIA japonic* foliis acute ferratis acuminatis. Lin. Syjl. Vegeitib. cd. 1 4. p. 632. ^hunberjr E. Japon, t. 273. TSUBAKI Kempfcr Am,>■*■,*• ?j«-7.>;-v ) 'r V *i* ^! c ift?^ *r *P 1* ™ vW ■ Clafs and Order. Pentandria Monogynia. Generic Characler. ■ Corolla rotata, reflexa, tubo breviflimo : fauce prominente. Bacca tecla capfula* Specific Characler^ CYCLAMEN perficum foliis cordatis ferratis. Millers DicJ. 4/0. cd. 6. Linnjeus in this, as in many other genera, certainly makes too few fpecies, having only two; Miller, on the contrary, is perhaps too profufe in his number, making eight. The afcertaining the precife limits of fpecies, and variety, in plants that have been for a great length of time objects of culture, is often attended with difficulties fcarcely to be furmounted, is indeed a Gordian Knot to Botaniits. Ourplant is the Cyclamen perficum of Miller, and has been introduced intooUr gardens long iince the European ones; be- ing a native of the Eaft-IndieSj it is ofcourfe more tender than the others, and therefore requires to be treated more in the ityle of a green-houfe plant. It is generally cultivated in pots, in light undunged earth, or in a mixture of loam and lime rubbifh, and kept in frames, or on the front fheif of a green-houfe, where it may have plenty of air in the fummer, but guarded againft too much moilture in the winter. May be raifed from feeds in the fame manner as the round- leaved Cyclamen already figured in this work, p. n. 4. Flowers early in the fpring, and is admirably well adapted to decorate the parlour or ftudy. Varies with fragrant flowers, and the eye more or lefs red. . ' 44 fub&hdfo- WG**miktm*6ar'-i.,.j25s •&.. ^1* V^?» ''!• w vs^yj* v> •,* /o. v.* *,» <^» Jp <;\ v,» vjtvs»

-;> ■£- ■♦ 4H|l $#$ C/tf/} K A «l » «b._«,V •55* t^» Tyr v,« w v t c v,r v> «.» *> •,-» ipTj; The prefent fpecics of Daffodil is the largeft of the genus, and bears the mod magnificent flowers, but, though it has long been known in this country, it is confined rather to the gardens of the curious, ^ It is a native of Spain, and flowers with us in April. As its roots produce plenty of offsets, it is readily propagated. It approaches in its general appearance very near to the fus P/c;. {Tus t but differs in being a much taller plant, hiving its leaves more twilled, as well as more glaucous, its flowers (but cfpecially its NeCfcary) much target, and its petals more fpreading; and thefe characters are not altered by culture. It anfwers to the hicolcr of L1MXAUI in every refpeft but colour, and wc fhould have adopted that name, had not the flowers with us been always of a fine deep yellow; we have therefore taken Bauius's name as the moil expreflive. It varies with double flowers. . J'uA'it/id M H~ /'tertts , Setimn- (rardsn Ztvr>t>/t/l MaKrh . [ 52 ] Gentiana Acaulif Large-Flowered Gentian, or Gentianella. **%% • * * ■ * ♦ ♦ *: < E4 &$ ♦ ♦ ft ♦ ■ %■ CZo/s and Order. Pentandria Digynia. Generic Character. Corolla monopetala Capfula bivalvis, i-locularis. Receptaculis 2-lunguudinalibus. Specific Charafler and Synonyms. GENTIANA acaulis corolla quinquefida campanulata caulem excedente. Linn. Syfl. Vegetab. p. 267. GF.YTIANA alpina latifolla magno flore. Banh. Pin. 187. Small Gentian of the Spring. Park,. Par. p. 352. t. 351-/. 3» Plants growing in mountainous fituations, where they are conftantly expofed to flrong-blowing winds, are always dwarfifh; in fuch fituations, the prefent plant has no ftalk, whence its name acaulis, but cultivated in gardens it acquires one- Moft of the plants of this family are beautiful, and, cultivated in gardens, in brilliancy of colour none exceed the prefenc fpecies. As moft Alpine plants do, this loves a pure air, an elevated fituation, and a loamy foil, moderately moid ; it is however fomewhat capricious, thriving without the leaft care in fbme gardens, and not fucceeding in others ; at any rate it will not profper very near London. It flowers nfually in May, and fometimes in the autumn. Is propagated by parting its roots at the clofe of fummer ; but Miller fays, the ftrongeft and belt plants are produced from feed. I I *J1 FUbErkdh JrOufi, Ikhmi.Onnf,?/ f.m»/> Ifc,*/, L 53 ] Cineraria Lanata. Woolly Cineraria, Clafs and Order. Syngenesia Polygamia Superflua. Generic Character, Receptaculum nudum. Pappus fimplex. Calyx fimplex, poly- phyllus, aequalis. Specific Character and Synonyms. CINERARIA lanata caule fuffruticofo, foliis fubquinque- lobis, fubtus tomentofis; foliolis ad pedun- culos lanatis. In the beauty of its bloffoms, this fpecies of Cineraria, lately introduced from Africa, by far cclipfes all the others culti- vated in our gardens ; its petals exteriorly are of a moft vivid purple, interiorly white; this change of colour adds much to the brilliancy of the flower. What renders this plant a more valuable acquisition to the green-houfe, is its hardinefs, its readinefs to flower, and the facility with which it may be propagated. It flowers early in the fpring, and, by proper management, may be made to flower the whole year through ; it is fome- times kept in the ftove, and may be made to flower earlier by that means ; but it fucceeds better in a common green-houfe, with no more heat than is jutt neceflary to' keep out the froft, indeed it may be preferved in a common hot-bed frame through the winter, unlefs the weather prove very fevere. Certain plants are particularly liable to be infefted with Aphides, or, in the vulgar phrafe, to become loufy, {his is one : the only way to have handfome, healthy > ftrong-flowering plants, is to procure a conltant fucceflion by cuttings, for there is no plant flrikes more readily ; thefe fhould be placed in a pot, and plunged into a bed of tan. J ruUMd tyWCumsActnc GcntodimhJLVirJ* E 54 J Anemone Sylvestris. Snowdrop An E MO NY. '% &#*& X 't aMaMc ♦♦♦♦♦ ■ ♦♦♦ Clafs and Order. POLYANDRIA PoLYGYNIA. Generic Character, Calyx nulius. Petala 6 — 9. Semina plura. Specific Char abler and Synonyms. ANEMONE fylveflris pedunculo nudo, feminibus fubrotundis, hirfutis, muticis. Linn. Syft. Vegetal, p. 510. ANEMONE fylveflris alba major. Bank. Pin. p. 176. The white wild broad-leafed Wind-Flower. Park. Par. 202. Parkinson very accurately notices the ftriking characlers of this fpecies of Anemone, which are its creeping roots, its large white flowers (landing on the tops of the flower-flalks, which fometimes grow two together, but mod commonly fingly ; the leaves on the ftalk, he obferves, are more finely divided than thofe of the root, and its feeds are woollv. * j Miller defcribes it as having little beauty, and therefore but feldom planted in gardens ; it is true, it does not recom* mend itfelf by the gaudinefs of its colours, but there is in the flowers, efpecially before they expand, a fimple elegance, fomewhat like that of the Snowdrop, and which affords a pleafmg contraft to the more fhewy flowers of the garden. It flowers in May, and ripens its feeds in June. It will grow in almoft any foil or fituation, is propagated by offsets from the root, which it puts out moft plentifully, ib as indeed fometimes to, be troublefome. Is a native of Germany, ItoMVbv.n'CurtisJ*^*6anl'«l<»»** M » vh - C 55 1 Geranium striatum. Striped Geranium, ♦♦♦♦♦ft* ♦'♦♦,♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Clafs and Order. MONADELPHIA DtCANDRIA. Generic Cbaratler. Monogynia. Stigmata 5. FruEIus roftratus 5-coccus. Specific Characler and Synonyms. GERANIUM firiatum pedunculis bifloris, foliisquinquelobis: lobis medio dilatatis, petalis bilobis venofo- reticulatis. Linn. Syft. Vegctab. p. 616. GERANIUM firiatum pedunculis bifloris, foliis c'aulinis trilo- bis, obtufe crenatis. Miller's Dift. GERANIUM Romanum verficolor five ftriatum. The variable ftriped Cranefbill. Park. Parad. p. 229. This fpecies is diftinguifhed by having white petals, finely reticulated with red veins, and the corners of the divifions of the leaves marked with a fpot of a purplifti brown colour, which Parkinson has long fince noticed. Is faid by Linnaeus to be a native of Italy, is a very hardy plant, flowers in May and June, and may be propagated by parting its roots in Autumn, or by feed ; prefers a loam^ foil and fhady fituation. I'tMirfiMyW&alvJiotaruc Ga/Y/fiJ.a//i6rt/> Mr\r/t C 56 ] Geranium Lanceolatum. Spear-Leaved Geranium. Clafs and Order. MoNADELPHIA DeCANDRIA. Generic Character. Vfoncgyna. Stigmata 5. Frucius roftratus 5-coccus. Specific Character and Synonyms. GERANIUM glaucum calycibus monophyllis, foliis lanceola- tis integerrimis glaucis, caule ere6to fuffruticofo. Linn. Syjt. Vegctab.p. 614. Supp. Pip. 306. This elegant and very Angular fpecies of Geranium appears to have been fir ft cultivated in this country ; its introduction was attended with circumftances rather unufual. Mr. Lee, Nurfcryman of the Vineyard, Hammerfmith, in looking over fome dried fpecimens in the PorTeffion of Sir Joseph Banks, which he had recently received from the Cape of Good Hope, was ftruck with the lingular appearance of this Geranium, no fpecies having before been feen in this country with fpear- Ihaped leaves ; on examining the fpecimens attentively, he per- ceived a few ripe feeds in one of them, thofe he folicited, and obtained; and to his fuccefs in making them vegetate, we are indebted for the prefent fpecies* The fhape of the leaf readily fuggefted the name of lanceo- latum, an epithet by which it has been generally diftinguifhed in this country, and which, from its extreme fitnefs, we have continued, nctvvithftanding young Profeffor Linnaus has given it that of glaucum, though, at the fame time, his illuftrious father had diftinguifhed another fpecies by the fynonymous terra of glaucophyllum. This fpecies rarely ripens its feeds with us, and is therefore to be raifed from cuttings, which however are not very free to ftrike. It has been ufual to keep it in the ftove, but we have found by experience, that it fucceeds much better in a common green- houfe, in which it will flower during the whole of the fummer. Small young plants of this, as well as moft other Geraniums, make the belt appearance, and are therefore to be frequently obtained by cuttings. , ( 1 fi l m^i,/h\lirii:*i.fii/ l r,Ot/n/ r nJ.^i l /> Glaftum of the old Botanifts. In this plant we have an excellent example of the Folium decurrens and Calyx fear iof us of Linnaeus; the leaves alfo exhibit a curious phenomenon, having veins prominent on both their fides ; the fcales of the calyx are moreover diftin- guifhed by a beautiful filvery appearance, which it is difficult to reprefent in colours. It is a native of the Eaft, as well as of Siberia j flowers with us in July, in the open border, and is readily propagated by parting its roots in Autumn, which are of the creeping kind : requires no particular treatment. Miller, in the laft 4to edition of his Dictionary, enume- rates a Cent, glajlifolia; but his defcription in detail, by no means accords with the £lant. / fe^ nOktilit ■■'■ fPOn/i.-: BcOaiit &** /,n r £rsrr,/>r//' [ 6 3 ] Fragaria monophylla. One-Leaved Straw- berry, or Strawberry of Versailles. Oafs and Order. ICOSANDRIA POLYGYNIA. Generic Character. Calyx 10-fidus. Petala 5. Receptaculum feminum ovatum, baccatum. deciduum. Specific Character and Synonyms, FRAGARIA w0K^ty//# foliisfimplicibus. Linn. Syjl. Veg.p.i^§. Le Fraifier de Verfailles. Duchejhe Hiji. nat. des Frais, p. 124. The firft mention made of this Strawberry, we find in Duchesne's Hijloire naturelle des Fraifiers, where we have its complete hiftory, and from which we learn, that it was originally raifed by him at Verfailles, in the Year 1761, from feeds of the Wood Strawberry. From France this plant has been conveyed to moft parts of Europe; how it has happened we know not, but it is certainly very little known in this country : in the 14th edit, of the Syjl. Veg. of Linn.*, us, it appears as a fpecies under the name of monophylla, originally impofed on it by Duchesne; Linnaeus, however, has his doubts as to its being a fpecies diftinft from the vefca, and, in our humble opinion, not without reafon ; for it can certainly be regarded as a very lingular variety only; its origin indeed is a proof of this ; in addition to which we may obferve, that plants raifed from the runners will fome- times, though very rarely indeed, have three leaves inftead of one : and it is obferved by the very intelligent author of the Hift. nat. above mentioned, that feedling plants fometimes produced leaves with three divifions, like thofe of the Wood Strawberry. Befides the remarkable difference in the number of the leaves in this plant, the leaves themfelves are obferved to be much fmaller in the winter feafon, and their ribs lefs branched; the runners alfo are flenderer and more productive, and the fruit in general more oblong or pyramidal. As an object of curiofity, this plant is deferving a place in every garden of any extent ; nor is its angularity its only recom- mendation, its fruit being equal to that of the fineft Wood Strawberry, with which it agrees in the time of its flowering, fruiting, and mode of treatment. ^4^£ Htt&Aiity Wfertir/lo C 6 4 D Hemerocallis fulva. Tawny Day-Lily. $ j 4t ft ifr ft : ft ft ftft ftft ft ft - frft ft ft ft CAz/ir V,,j"i_>'^.^fe..^»„>'t..>!*,,>'<..^<..ft'Ajfe..>«. 5j«"VK "Jrf Vjv V.i - Vj» >,■«• >j« VjTVjrw Vjf Vj. 7»V AS «*» *?* ^T 4* C/^/}- aWii Order, ICOSANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. Generic Character. Cal. 5-fidus. Petala numerofa, linearia. Cap/, carnofa infera polyfperma. Specific CharatJer, MESEMBRYANTHEMUM pinnatifidum foliis pinnatifidis, Lin. Syjl. Vegetab.p. 470. Suppl. p. 260. This fpecies of Mrfem&ryanthemum, fo different in the fhape of its foliage from all the others hitherto introduced into this country, is firft defcribed in the Supplementum Plant arum of the younger Linn.eus, from which we learn that it grew in the Upfal Garden, into which it was raoft probably introduced by profeffbr Thunberg, as on his authority it is mentioned as a native of the Cape of Good Hope. Mr. Zair, Apothecary, of Caftle- Street, was fo obliging as to prefent me this fummer with the feeds of this curious plant, I lowed them in a pot of earth, plunged in a tan pit, whofe heat was nearly exhaufted ; they quickly vegetated, and though the fummer was far advanced, they proceeded rapidly into flower, and bid fair to produce ripe feeds, as the Capfules have long fmce been formed. The whole plant is fprinkled over with glittering particles like the ice plant, to which it bears fome affinity in its duration, being an annual and requiring the fame treatment. The blofToms are fmall and yellow, and if the weather be fine, open about two or three o'clock in the afternoon, the flalks are of a bright red colour, and the foliage yellowiih green. b 7 ^-m^dhm********* ** i-*" * 1 ™ 1 **-*: L 68 ] Sempervivum arachnoideum. Cobweb houseleek. Clafs and Order. DODECANDRIA DODECAGYNIA. Generic Characlcr. Cat. 12-partitus. Petala 12. Caps. 12. polyfpermae. Specific Character. SEMPERVIVUM arachnoideum foliis pilis intertextis, pro- paginibus globofis. Lin. Syft. Vegetab. p. 45 6 - SEDUM montanum tomentofurn. Bauh. Pin. 284. By the old Botanifts, this plant was confidered as a Sedum ; and to this day it is generally known in the gardens by the name of the Cobweb Sedum> though its habit or general appear- ance, independent of its fructification, loudly proclaims it a Houfeleek. In this fpecies the tops of the leaves are woolly; as they expand they carry this woolly fubftance with them, which being thus extended, afTumes the appearance of a cobweb, whence the name of the plant. Like moft of the Houfeleeks it is beft kept in a pot, or it will grow well and appear to great advantage on a wall or piece of rock-work; the more it is expofed to the fun, the more colour will enliven its {talks and foliage, and the more brilliant will be its flowers; the latter make their appearance in July. It is propagated by offsets which it fends forth in abundance. It is no uncommon practice to treat this beautiful fpecies of Houfeleek, as a native of a warm climate; under fuch an idea we have feen it nurfed up in ftoves, while the plant fpontane- oufly braves the cold of the Switzerland Alps. OS Jn/>*V / r JPi/iUrh'd l>y. tKdatis, Hotmric Garden J^amfit&i Mat^Ji C 6 9 ] Rosa muscosa. Moss Rose. Clafs and Order, IcOSANDRIA PoLYGYNlA* Generic Cbaracleu Petahi 5. Cal. urceolatus, 5-fidus, carnofus, collo coar&atus. Sem. plurima, hifpida, calycis interiori lateri affixa. Specific CharaBler and Synonyms. ROSA mufcofa caule petiolifque aculeatis, pedurcculis calyci- bufque pilofiffimis. Mill. Dicl* If there be any one genus of plants more univerfally admi- red than the others, it is that of the Rofe — where is the Poet that has not celebrated it ? where the Painter that has not made it an object of his imitative art? In the opinion of Miller, the Mofs Rofe, or Mofs Pro- vince, as it is frequently called, is a perfectly diftinct fpecies; Linn/eus confiders it as a variety only of the centifolia: as it is found in our Nurferies in a double ftate only, and as we are ignorant of what country it is the produce, the decifion of this matter muft be left to future obfervation and inquiry. Though it may not increafe fo faft by fuckers, nor be increafed fo readily by layers, as the centifolia, there is no difficulty in propagating it either way; the latter mode is ufually adopted- ,f<-tV'./: [ 7° ] Mesembryanthemum Barbatum. Bearded Fig-Marigold. C/^/jt #W Order. ICOSANDRIA PeNTAGYNIA. Generic CharaRer. Cal. 5-fidus. Petala numerofa, linearia. Cap/, carnofa, in- fera, polyfperma. Specific Character and Synonyms. MESEMBRYANTHEMUM barbatum, foliis fubovatis papu- losis diftin6tis, apice barbatis. Linn. Syjh Vegetab. p. 469. MESEMBRYANTHEMUM radiatum, ramulis prolixis recumbentibus. Dillen. Hort. Elth. 245. /. 190./. 234, The leaves of this fpecies have fmall hairs, ifluing like rays from their points, whence the name of barbatum g there are two others figured by Dillenius, whofe leaves have a great fimilarity of ftruflure, and which are confidered by LinnjEus as varieties of this fpecies ; our plant is the Stellatum of Miller's Din. ed. 6. 4/0. Like mofl of this tribe it inhabits the Cape, flowers in July, and is readily propagated by cuttings. 7° Tub feu tkejlctJirectoTeliaM W&fl* i,m&>*^*mieCanlm ^^ *M > [ 7i ] Statics sinuata. Purple-cup't Statice, or Thrift. Qafs and Order. Pentandria Pentagynia. Generic CharaEier. Cat, i-phyllus, integer, plicatus, fcariofus. Petala 5. Sent, i« fuperum. Specific CharaEier and Synonyms. STATICE fimiata caule herbaceo, folks radicalibus alterna- tim pinnato-finuatis : caulinis ternis triquetris fu- bulatis decurrentibus. Linn. Syft. Vegeiab. p. 301. LIMONIUM peregrinum foliis afplenii. Bauh. Pin. 192. LIMONIUM Rauwolfii. Marfh Buglofie. Parkin/. Parai. p. 250. That this fingular fpecies of Statice was long (ince an inha- bitant of our gardens, appears from Parkinson*, who in his Garden of Plea/ant Fltnvers, gives an accurate description of it, accompanied with an expreffive figure ; fince his time it ap- pears to have been confined to few gardens : the nurferymen have lately confidered it as a newly-introduced fpecies, and fold it accordingly. It is one of thofe few plants whofe calyx is of a more beautiful colour than the corolla (and which it does not lofe in drying) ; it therefore affords an excellent example of the calyx coloratus, as alfo o$fcariofus> it being* fonorous to the touch. Being a native of Sicily, Paleftine, and Africa, it is of courfe liable to be killed with us in fevere feafons, the com- mon practice is therefore to treat it as a green-houfe plant, and indeed it appears to the greateft advantage in a pot ; it is much difpofed to throw up new flowering Items ; hence, by having feveral pots of it, fome plants will be in blotTom throughout the fummer ; the dried flowers are a pretty orna- ment for the mantle-piece in winter. Though a kind of biennial, it is often increafed by parting its roots, but more advantageoufly by feed; the latter, how- ever, are but fparingly produced with us, probably for the want, as Parkinson exprelfes it, w of fufhcient heate of the Sunne." 1^- 2M< a ,teJ#- INDEX. ■ I In which the Englifh Nam I of the Plants contained • I the Second Volume are alph k betically arranged. I PI $ 47 Amaryllis Jacobean. v q\ Anemone Snow-drop. ¥42 Camellia Rofe. f 43 Centaurea woad-leaved. $ 37 Chironia (hrubby. *? 53 Cineraria woolly. J 43 Ciftus, hoary or rofe. I 65 Clematis, or Vi rgin's-bo wer £ entire-leaved. i 45 Crocus fpring. I 44 Cyclamen Perfian. k 51 Daffodil great. A i[S ■ reflexed. $ 64 Day-lily tawny. B 39 Franklin's Tartar, v yo Fig-marigold bearded. *f 67 jagged-leaved, I . __ two-coloured. 'f 52 Gentian large-flowered, or Gentianella. }i 56 Geranium fpear-Ieaved. I 53 — ftriped. & 68 Houfeleek cobweb. I 72 Hellebore, livid or purple. 1 50 Iris Siberian. >* 58 fpurious. O61 tail. $ 38 Lauruftinus common. # 66 Paflion-flower winged. ->* 60 Pea, or Vetch ling iweet. *t 57 I* Ppy eaftern. y 69 Role mofs. ^41 Slipperwort pinnated, a 46 Snow-fiake fpring. k 49 Soldanella alpi a 63 Strawberry one-leav'd. 40 Trillium feflile. e 71 Thrift purple-cuo':.