CURTIS’S BoTANICAL MAGAZINE; OR, Flower-Garden Difplayed: IN WHICH The moft Ornamental Forercn PLants, cultivated in the Open Ground, the Green-Houfe, and the Stove, are accurately reprefented in their natural Colours. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and Specific Characters, according to the celebrated Lrny-zus; their Places of Growth, and Times of Flowering: TOGETHER WITH : THE MOST APPROVED METHODS OF CULTURE, A > WD. Re K Intended for the Ufe of fuch Lapits, GENTLEMEN, and GARDENERS, aS with to become feientifically acquainted with the Plants they cultivate. By JOHN SIMS, M.D. FeLLow oF THE ROYAL AND LINNEAN SOCIETIES. VOL. XXXIX. ©) The FLowers, which grace their native beds, Awhile put forth their blufhing heads, But, eer the clofe of parting day, They wither, fhrink, and die away : But tuHRs£, which mimic fkill hath made, Nor fcorched by funs, nor killed by fhade, Shall blufh with lefs inconftant hues. Which arr at pleafure can renew. Lioyp. : ~b ON DON: Printed by SrepHEN Coucnman, T hrogmorton-Street. Publifhed by SHERwooD, Nee ty, & Jones, 20, Paternofter-Row 3 And Sold by the principal Bookfellers in Great-Britain and Ireland, MDCCC XIV. * M7592. a Af Sarsfom Ae Pub bi-f Cearles Wabyarl Nov 1 1043 S 9d? Edw ard Del. C 1592 J CENOTHERA MISSOURENSIS. Missouri EVENING PRIMROSE, Tee eR RE eee eee Clafs and Order. Ocranpria Monocyrnia. Generic Charaéer. Cal, 4-fidus, tubulofus, Petala 4. Cap/. 4-locularis, 4-Valvis, infera, Sem. nuda. ‘Specific Charafter. CENOTHERA miffourenfis ; foliis lanceolatis marginatis dif- tanter glandulofo-denticulatis, petalis ferrulatis, capfulis ellipticis quadrialatis pedicellatis, The flowers of the Miffouri Evening Primrofe are large and fhewy. In the denticulation of the leaves, and the length of the tube of the calyx, it refembles Joxgifora, but is a much {moother plant, and differs materially in the fruit, which is {mooth, oval, four-winged, and ftands ona footftalk inftead of being feffile, cylindrical, and hifpid. The root is faid to be perennial. Found by Mr. Nurtatx in the neighbourhood of the Miffouri in North-America, who brought many novel and curious plants from that country; fome of which that flowered at Liverpoo} laft year, he kindly tranfmitted us recent fpecimens of. But our draughtfman being unfortunately abfent on a journey into Wales at the time, we had no opportunity of availing ourfelves of them for this work. We do not find that this fpecies has been before noticed : it feems to differ from every one defcribed by Micuaux or by Pursu, whofe valuable Flora, fpeedily to be publifhed, we have been favoured with the opportunity of confulting. Flowers in June and July. Communicated from the Sloane-Square Nurfery by Meffrs, J. and J. T. Fraszr. «9 L 1593 J CENOTHERA C&SPITOSA. MatTrep EVENING PRIMROSE, eR EE eek eee eee Clafi and Order. OcTANDRIA MONOGYNIAs Generic Charafer. Cal. 4-fidus, tubulofus. Petala 4. Capf. 4-locularis, 4-valvis, infera, Sem, nuda, Specific Charaéer. CENOTHERA cefpitofa; acaulis, foliis lanceolatis incifo- dentatis, capfulis feflilibus, calycis tubo longiffimo, petalis bilobis diftantibus. At firft fight, this fpecies appears to have a near affinity with CEnotuera fetraptera (No. 468). The flowers, as in that, are perfeétly white on their firft expanfion, and change in fading to a purplifh red. But the germens in this are feffile, not obovate, and nearly cylindrical, with {mall undulated wings at the four angles ; the tube of the calyx is three times longer than the petals, refembling in this refpeét /ongiflora, No. 365. Root perennial. In the evening CGEnotTHERA ca/pitofa is a beautiful flower, and agreeably fcented. Native of Upper Louifiana in North- America: difcovered we believe by Mr. Nutrrary. Our drawing was taken from a plant communicated by Mefirs. Fraser, of the Sloane-Square Nurfery. Flowers in June. Has not, we believe, been defcribed before, LL anfom so. St. Carlin Wadworlt, Mov. 2. 1898 [ 1594 ] LACHNAA PURPUREA. PURPLE-FLOWERED LACHNZA. Jeeeisssuseisbeiedeteae Claf and. Order. OcTANDRIA MoNOGYNIAe Generic CharaGer. > Cal. 0. Cor. a-fida: limbo inaquali. Nux fubdrupacea. Specific Charatter and Synonyms. LACHN€A purpurea; foliis lineari-lanceolatis quadrifariam oppolitis patentibus. LACHN A purpurea ; foliis oppofitis quadrifariam imbricatis, capitulis glabris. Hort. Kew. ed. alt, 2. p. 415. LACHNA purpurea. Bot, Repof. 293. This fpecies is, in the Hortus Kewenfis, attempted to be diftinguifhed from eriocephala by the fmoothnefs of its capitula; but this chara€ter by no means holds, the woolinefs being very variable in degree in both fpecies; for though the corolla is lefs hairy in purpurea, yet the infide of the fcales of the involucre is often covered with a denfe wool; and fometimes in eriocephala this woolinefs is much diminifhed by the almoft total want of . the involucre, as in our figure, No. 1295. In the prefent {fpecies we have obferved the woolinefs to remain long alter the flowers have difappeared. The chief diftinétion is, the leaves of purpurea being far lefs clofely imbricated, longer, and more pointed: the laciniz of the corolla too are both longer and more acute. The filaments are inferted at the fuperior edge of the tube, as in PasseRINA. > The Lacuna purpurea is a handfome greenhoufe fhrub, and takes up but little room. It requires plenty of frefh air, being very apt to damp off in the winter if kept too clofe. Flowers in June and July. Introduced by Grorce Hrs- BERT, Efq. from the Cape of Good Hope. Our drawing was made at Meffrs. Lez and Kennepy’s, Hammerfmith; we re- ceived it alfo from Meffrs. Loppices and Sons, ” Kdwardse Del. Fi Fi Pub by SL bale Walworlt Now.r 1843 Llanfom Se. a [ 1595 J VIOLA MONTANA. MounTAIN VIOLET. Re Clafs and Order. PeENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. (Syncenes1a Monocamia Linn.) Generic Charafer. Cal. 5-phyllus. Cor. 5-petala, irregularis, poftice cornuta. Anth, cohezrentes. Cap/. fupera, 3-valvis, 1-locularis. Specific Charaéier and Synonyms. VIOLA montana; caulibus ereftis, foliis cordato-lanceolatis, ftipulis femipinnatis. | VIOLA montana; caulibus ere€tis, foliis cordatis oblongis. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 2. p. 46. Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. p. 1164. Fi. Suec. 2.787. Gmel. Sib. 4. p.97- Willich Obf. n. 94. Krocker Silef. No. 1485. Villars Daupb. 1. p. 669. VIOLA montana; caulibus ere€tis foliis cordato-lanceolatis, floribus ferioribus apetalis, Roth, Germ. 1. p. 105 ef 2 . 270. VIOLA caule lato, ere€to, foliis ellipticis, crenatis, ftipulis femipinnatis. Hall. Helv, n. 567. VIOLA fylveftris longifolia. Tabernem. 305. ed. Germ, 682 ? VIOLA martia furreétis cauliculis. Lod. Icon. 610. VIOLA martia arborefcens purpurea. Baub. Pin. 199. Garid. Aix. t. 99. jig. pelfima. VIOLA eretta flore ceruleo et albo. Hort. Ey. Morif. Hift. 2. p. 475. §. §. 4. 9- fF. eae MATER VIOLARUM Dalechampii. Hi. Lugd. 1. p. 690. ed, Gallic. VIOLA arborefcens. Cam, Epit. 911. VIOLA elatior. Clu/. Hifl. 1. 309. jine icone. VIOLA cerulea longifolia. Rivin. Pentap. 121. JACEA tricolor furreétis caulibus, quibufdam arborea difa, Baub, Hift. 3+ p. 547+ =i This fpecies was well known to the older Botanifts; but, owing to the imperfeftion of their wooden cuts, has frequently been confounded with iricolor,. It is a native of Siberia, Swit- zerland, and of moft mountainous diftri€ts in fouthern Europe. The term arbore/cens was applied to it, not from any woodinefs — inthe ftem, which is perfe€lly herbaceous, but merely on account of its gigantic ftature, when compared with the common violet : a loofe way of fpeaking not unufual in thofe times. : It varies in height from fix a foot and half; is ufually without feent; but MarrxHzoxius mentions his receiving a violet, apparently of this fpecies, from CatzoLarius, who gathered it on Monte Baldo, and which had a charming odour. Wrtticu, in his obfervations, remarks that the corollas, which in the lower flowers are large and fhewy, become fmaller in the fuperior ; and that the uppermoft flowers have none at all ; and Roru obferves, that the inferior flowers with large corollas are frequently barren, but that the fuperior apetalous flowers which continue blowing later in the fummer, are conftantl fertile. This circumftance, of fertile flowers without corollas continuing to be produced after all the fhewy bloffoms aye over, is common to feveral fpecies of violets. A hardy perennial ; propagated by parting its roots; flowers in May and June. Cultivated by Mr. James SutHeRtannD, in* the Edinburgh Garden, in 1683... Communicated by the Hon. Mr. Hearperr. PY) M1596. Syd” Edwarde Deb Liab. by Sharh WalbwarllNin 4113. LE Sanjim So [ 1698 -] LopHIOLA AUREA. _GOLDEN-CRESTED LopHIOLA. | Clafs and Order. ee HeExanpDRiA MONOGYNIAe Generic Charaéfer. Infor. ere&ta, divifa, draéeolis fingularibus pedunculo fingulo fuboppofitis fquamata. Cal.o. Cor. infera, hexapetalo-partita, yegularis, zqualis, radiato-refraéta, difco barbata. Siam. im- mediate hypogyna, ereéto-patentia; fi/. nuda; anh. oblong, introrfe, ereéto-reclinate. Pi. fublongius, inclufum ; germ. ovato-pyramidatum, 3-loc., loculis biferiate polyfpermis ; /ly/us continuus, 3-ftriato-fubulatus (3-partibilis Pux/2) ; fligma punclum fimplicifimum. G, Oss. Hertha fa/ciculatim cafpitofa; radix perennis, repens; folia pauca, collaterali-difticha, lineari-enfata, pilis raris adfperfa, firiatula, firmula ; caulis altior, teres, fret Jubuniarticulatus cum folio in nedo, Aanatus ; flores cymofo-paniculati, ramuli erecto-patentes, peduncults paucis unifloris fubfafciculato-fecundis terminati ; foliolo braéteaceo {phacelate ad divifuras ; corolla parva, fufco-fSulvefcens, ante anthefin imbricato-cvata, laciniis lanceolatis, intus fuperne glabris; barbe pili flavi, fimplices, ad lentem infar TRADESCANTIARUM articulofi; anth. aurantiaca, fila- mento barba@ fubifometro aliquaties breviores ; cyma braéieole et corolla externe pilis albis fimplictbus non articulofis lanate. Ex punétis nonnullis collineat NartHecium. A Conosty ibe (Brown Prod. Fl. Nov. Holl. 1. 300 ab ANiGOZANTHO difficulter Jejunéia) ut eta LANARIA (ARGO-~ LASIA Fuff. ) fignis pluribus, prafertim corolla non fupera, aperte diftante. G. Specific Character and Synonyms. LOPHIOLA aurea. G. CONOSTYLIS americana. Purfo Fl. Bor.-Amer. 1. 2243; cum icone. ee. ARGOLASIA aurea. P. Desc. Leaves 2—4, fhorter by the half than the flower- flem, about two lines broad, reddening towards the lower part ; Jiem flem fomewhat thicker than a crow-quill, about a foot and half high, thickly pubefcent upwards, thinly downwards ; we did not perceive that the bloom had any {cent ; pifil green ; upper races nearly obfolete ; in our fpecimen the flem was 2-trichotomous. The drawing was made from a plant fent us by Mr. Kent, from his colle€tion at Clapton, in Auguft laft. Native of North- America, Introduced by Mr. Lyon in 1812. Hardy. G. N11 597 ly” Fdwords Ded Prud, by S° Cutler Wabaraplh Mow 1.1942 ; Lf Soufom Se [ 1597 ] TRADESCANTIA SUBASPERA. LYON’s NEW SPIDERWORT-. eee See 2 Generic Charatter.—Vide No. 1435. Specific Charaéer and Synonyms. TRADESCANTIA /ubafpera ; (diftachya; corolla rotata; flamina uniformia ;) radice perenni; foliis recurvo-divaricatis, paucisy ovato-lanceolatis, complicato-patentibus, longius acuminatis, carinatis, nervofis, villo breviflimo afperiufculis, margine ciliato-fcabratis, deorfum laxe undulatis, ore petioli vagi- nantis pilis aliquot adfperfis; caule erefto, patule ramofo, pauciarticulato, compreffo-tereti, glabro, internodiis lon- giufculis ; racemis plurifloris, umbellato-contraétis, invo- Jucro bifoliaceo aliquoties brevioribus ; bratteis occultatis ; pedicellis flore brevioribus, craffiufculis, villofis, poft anthefin rugofis; calyce villofo, fegmentis ovato-oblongis ; corolla triplo majore, laciniis ovatis, obtufis; filamentis duplo brevioribus, nifi prope apicem hirfutis; antheris tranfverfe renato-didymis ; ftylo ftamina alterna fubbreviora equante ; ftigmate pufillo, fubcapitellato, aperto. G. TRADESCANTIA criflata? erefta, fublevis, ramofior, foliis longioribus, recurvis, fubciliatis, floribus czruleis, con- geftis, antheris aureis, pedunculis lateralibus terminalibuf- que. Walt. Flor. Carol. 120; (nec aliorum.) Desc. Root foboliferous, fems many growing in a tuft or fafcicle, two feet or more high, about the thicknefs of the finger towards the bafe ; Aranches ({ometimes only one) flightly patent ; leaves of an opaque dark green colour, roughifh to the touch, efpecially at the edge, about fix inches long, one and half broad ; in the fpecimens we faw, the wmdels were two, decuflately difpofed, the one terminating the {tem, the other the branch; pedicles purple, fearcely an inch long; corella violet-coloured ; anthers deep yellow ; jfrigma white, Evidently diflinct from es Virginita virginica (vide Jupra No. 105), which has a narrower longer fome- what grals-like foliage, of a clear bright green colour, entirely finooth as*well as even-edged and not undulate, an exadlly rounded ftem, and longer pedicles which are neither purple nor finally wrinkled. Native of North-America. Grows luxuriantly in the open ground in the Nurfery of Meffrs. Ler and Kenne DY, at Hammer{mith, where our drawing was made, Introduced by Mr. Lyon in 1812. G. N16 98. ~~ AOA “ml 4, paw bo anfir Put. by 2 Qerhir Wabororh Non p 1949 Syd” E dovardde D ol. L 1598 J] TRADESCANTIA CRASSIFOLIA. TuBEROUS« ROOTED SPIDERWORT. SERIE EE Re a etek etek ek ae ak ak Generic Charaéter.—Vide No. 1435. Specific Charaéer and Synonyms. TRADESCANTIA crafifilia; (diftachya ; corolla rota!a ; famina uniformia ;) radice tuberofa, perenni; foliis multis, divari- Catis, ovato-oblongis, acuminatis, decrefcentibus, coriaceo- craflis, a fupino papillofo-nitentibus, a prono et margine denfe fericeis, nervis pellucidis, vagina petiolari brevi 5 caule procumbente, multiarticulato, tereti, lanuginofo, ramofo; racemis umbellato-aggregatis, plurifloris; invo- lucro flores «quante vel breviore, caulis bifoliaceo; bra€teis occultatis; pedicellis calycibufque villofis; corolla Jaciniis ovato-orbiculatis ; ftaminibus quarta circiter bre- vioribus, alternis fublongioribus; filamentis nifi- apice hirfutis, antheris tran{verfis, lunulatis, diflepimento com- preflo, loculis latiore ; germine hirfuto; ftigmate fubtrilobo- explanato, glandulofo-pruinato. G. : TRADESCANTIA crafffolia. Cavan. Ic. 1. 54. tab. 75. Parad, Lond. tab. 59. Hort, Kew. ed. 2.2. 204. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2.17. In the fpecimens we have feen, the flems have been from two to four, about three feet long, and about as thick as a large quill; branches from the axils of the upper leaves, fhort, patent; of thefe the inflorefcence was monoftachyous, of the fiem diftachyous ; /eaves of a dark green colour when the plant has been kept during the fummer in an airy greenhoufe, but the reverfe when it has been continued in the ftove, lower nearly three inches long and one and half broad, upper two- thirds lefs 5 joints of the {tem 2—g inches long ; calyx and pedicle green; corolla purple-violet, about an inch in diameter, opening early in the day, of only three or four hours duration; anihers yellow. Blooms from July to November. Natiye of Mexico. : Introduced | Introduced by the late Lady Bure, in 1796. A ftove plant. ‘The drawing was made from the colletiion of Mr. Joun Hatz, at Notting-Hill. G. ERRATA. No. 1576, 1. 10, pro ‘{patha univalvi?” lege « fpatha bivalvi.’* 1, 5 from bottom, expunge “ and,” N1E99. rf” E dwundse Deb Lihtoit ek he hae Pe, See C 1599 J HELONIAS GRAMINEA. GRASS-LEAVED HELONIAS. TERE eae aeak aieae ses atte se a ite Generic Charafer.—Vide No. 1540. Specific Charafter and Synonyms. HELONIAS graminea ; (bermaphrodita ;) foliis a plano obverfis, flaccidius gramineis, radicalibus paucis, fafciculato-diver- gentibus, recurvis, ligulato-attenuatis, canaliculatis, cari- natis, dorfo glaucefcentibus, caulinis pluribus, fparfim diftantibus, amplexicaulibus, decrefcentibus; caule radi- calibus aliquoties altiori, culmiformi, ftriGtiufculo; racemo compofito, diffufius paniculato, numerofo, laxiufculo, ra- cemulis plurimis, fparfim diftantibus, divaricatis rachide filiformi flexili, infimis fubcompofitis, terminali {picatim eretto; foliolo bra€teaceo ad divifuras; pedicellis flore duplo brevioribus; corolla bra&eolam fingularem ovato- convolutam parum fuperante, recurvo-ftellata, laciniis eglandulofis, oblongo-acuminatis, interioribus fubangufti- oribus, fubulatis ; ftaminibus 3-plo brevioribus, ereétis, apice recurvatis; filamentis fetaceis ; antheris pufillis, ovato-globofis ; germine femiinfero, flylofo-triroftri. G. si Desc. Radical aves about four, 6—7 inches long, about half an inch broad, of a clear green on the innerfide ; fem about the fize of a common oat-ftraw, about two feet and half high ; panicle a foot or more in length; {pikelets -15—30-flowered, 2—g inches long ; flowers fmall, flightly fragrant, white, fuffufed with purple on the outfide ; fegments about two lines long ; germen more deeply immerfed in the corolla than ufual in the genus, polyfpermous ; ovula afcendent. Native of North. America, The drawing was made from a plant which flowered in Mr. Kent's colle@tion at Clapton, in Auguft laft; and had been purchafed by that gentleman of Mr. Lyon, by whom it was introduced. in 1812. Hardy. We can find no traces of the fpecies in any work known to us. It has much of the habit of the Zicapenus glaberrimus of Micsaux ; but differs in the charaéter of the flower. G. S ya! "Edward Ded, Pith by S Cob Walwortt Deo.t SINS. [ 1600 ] SABBATIA CALYCOSA. DicuoTomous SABBATIA. j sede sh desea dese Clafs and Order. PENTANDRIA Monocynia. Generic Charaéler. Cal. 5—12-fidus. Cor. rotata, 5—12-partita. Anibere demam revolute. Svigmaia 2, ftylo ere€to longiora, mox fpiraliter con- torta. Cap/. 1-locularis, receptaculis feminum , lateralibus, bifidis, revolutis, oo TF ae iy bese Specific Charaéer and Synonyms. SABBATIA calycofa; caule diffufo dichotomo, foliis ovato- lanceolatis, floribus folitariis, calyce fubfexfido foliaceo — corollam excedente. i” SABBATIA calycofa. Purfh Fl. Bor.-Am. 3 CHIRONIA calycofa ; foliis oblongo-obovalibus : floribus fo- litariis fubfeptempartitis: calyce foliaceo corollam fuperante, Michaux Fi. re pe pi aal- Perfoon Syn. 1. p. 283. CHIRONIA? dichotoma; foliis feffilibus, ovato-lanceolatis, caule fubtereti dichotomo, floribus folitariis pedunculos longos terminantibus :_calyce longiore quam corolla, que ~ purpurea fundo flavo, “Walter Fl. Carol. p. 95. Desc. Stem diffufe, branched, fomewhat angular, femidicho. — tomous, or having one branch of the dichotomy frequently want- ing. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, narrowed downwards, fpreading, fmooth. Flowers folitary on long ere&t peduncles. Calyx inferior : bafe cup-fhaped : fegments for the moft part fix, feldom more, fometimes five, leaflike, {fpreading, longer than the Corolla, which is one-petaled : tube fhort: limb divided into as many obovate _ /acinie as the calyx, with the fegments of which they alternate, _ . Stamens 5—6 : filaments ere&t, inferted in the margin of the tube, anthers rolling back after the difcharge of the pollen. Germen nearly round : fly/e ere€t, dividing into two long {preading figmas, which are finally twifted {pirally. Cap/ule one-celled: receptacles of the feeds 2, lateral, divided into two revolute branches. Seeds globular. Sa The genus Sassaria was firft propofed by Apanson, and named in honour of two Italian Botanifts, Constantine and LiseratTus SAsBATI. Linnaus united it with Cuironfa, from which Mr. Saxrispury has, we think, very properly feparated it. All the American fpecies hitherto referied to Curronia appear to belong to this genus. Native of Carolina. A hardy perennial, or perhaps biennial. Propagated either by feeds or parting the roots. Flowers moft part of the fummer. Introduced by Mr. Knicur, of the Exotic Nurfery, King’s-Road. M7601. Syd” Edward Del. Pub. by S Curie Wabaorle Dot 1 £14. FV agfore Se. iG RUDBECKIA COLUMNARIS. HIGH-CROWNED ~Rupsecxia, JHEHHH Hest ote Clafs and Order. SYNGENESIA FRUSTRANEA. Generic Chara@er. Recept. paleaceum, conicum. Pappus margine 4-dentato. Cal. — duplici ordine fquamarum, Specific Character and Synonym. RUDBECKIA columnaris ; foliis pinnatifidis: foliolis lanceo- latis, exterioribus ordinatim majoribus, receptaculo cylin- draceo elongato. RUDBECKIA columnaris ; caule ftrio fimplici fummitate paucifloro, pedunculis elongatis, foliis pinnatifidis incifis, laciniis linearibus, calyce fimplici, 5-phyllo, radiis 5—8, difco cylindraceo elongato. | re ae This new fpecies of Rudbeckia was introduced, we believe, _ by Mr. Nurract, from the country of the Miffouri; our drawing was taken at the Nurfery of Mefirs. J. and J.T. Fraser, in Sloane-Square. _ It is fweet-{cented, of low flature, and but little. branched. Flowers in Augult and September. Root perennial and hardy, but it may be fafeft to preferve fome under _ a frame during the winter. oe M7002. = ean ou — 4S anfim Ss SL: Curle Walworll Does 1912. Syd” Edward D +2. f 1602 | GALARDIA BICOLOR. Two-coLouRED GALARDIA. Aedes ae ae sek se aes ae ae se sak de ok ae Clafs tnd Order: | SYNGENESTA. Frustranea. (Steric CharaGer, Receptaculum paleaceum, hemifphericum. Pappus paleaceus, polyphyllus. Cal. imbricatus, polypayecs, planus, Cor, radii tripartite. Specific Charager and Synonyms. GALARDIA 2icolor ; caule ramofo, foliis caulinis lanceolatis fubdentatis: radicalibus dentato-pinnatifidis, paleis pappi integerrimis ariftatis. GALARDIA Bicolor ; caule emalo, foliis lanceclatis, paleis pappi integerrimis ariftatis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p. 2245. Hori. Kew. ed. alt. 5. p. 129. Borji Syn. 2. p. 476. GALARDIA dZicolor. Lamarck Encyc. 2. p. 585. Iluft. Gen. t. 708. Purfh Fl. Bor.-Am. 572. GALARDIA lanceolata ; foliis angufte cuneato-lanceolatis fub- integris, radiis pallidis paucioribus aut nullis, paleis pappi integris ariftatis. Michaux Fl. Bor.-Am. 2. p. 142. GAILLARDA pulchella. Fougeroux Mém. de I’ Acad. des Se. de Paris. 1980, p. 1 8 6. <3 , CALONNEA pulcherrima. Buebor Icon. t. 126. ) VIRGILIA pelitades. LT Herit. Momog. Smith Exot. Bot. ta. The Gararota bicolor isa handfome helbareoas: Plant with fragrant flowers, which appear to vary conliderably both in fize and colour, as alfo in the number of florets in the radius; if more than one {pecies are not in reality confounded under this name. Micuaux defcribes the ray as pale-coloured, few- flowered, or even totally wanting. L’Herrtier gave the appellation of VircGitia to this plant, in which he has been followed by our friend Dr. Smita; but Lamaxckx’s name, having t pate of priority, has been adopted in the Hortus Kewenfis, © _ . Native of the Carolinas and “Flow ers in May, June, and July. Communicated from ibe kalkeaion of James VERE, Efq. at "Kenfington- -Gore, by Mr. ANDERSON, who informs us that the root is perennial, not aoa, as it is wae faid to be, ad 71003. Syd Kh dararde Dl Pub by Sk! Curhiic Wadworth PD wc SFB, F ities sts + [. a6og J CONVOLVULUS CANDICANS. TENASSEE _ BINDWEED, (Ree dee Clafs and Order. PENTANDRIA Monocynia. Generic Charaéter, Cor. campanulata, plicata, Stigmata 2. Capf- 2-locularis : loculis difpermis, Specific Charatter and Synonyms. ‘ 3 = CONVOLVULUS flore maximo albo, tubo intus purpureo, ormibus et nonnullis cordatis. Clayton Several fpecies of this genus are fo prone to vary in the form of their leaves, degree of pubefcence, and even in the ipon the fame peduncle, that no gre: ftrefs number of flowers a . can be laid upon any of thefe charaéters feparately, yet perha there are often no better to be found, to eftablith a {peci diftin@tion upon. ~ This variablenefs of charaéter often renders it extremely dik ficult to afcertain the fynonymy, and leaves us in doubt whether fome ’ fome of the fynonyms applied to Convotvutus panduratus of Linnzus do not really belong to this fpecies. From the one figured by DicLEenius, however, which is always referred to panduraius, our plant appears to be fufficiently diftin& in all | the above-mentioned charaéters; having many more flowers on one peduncle, and being quite fmooth in every part, except a very minute tomentum on the underfide of the leaves. It ap- pears too to be a much larger plant than panduratus, and the bloffoms exceed in fize thofe of every other {pecies that we have feen. This fpecies feems to have a very near affinity with Convotvutus Jalapa (No. 1572) and is perhaps the fame as that defcribed under this name in the fixth edition of Miiuzr’s Diétionary. - oe - We are indebted to the Honourable Mr. Hersert, for the opportunity of prefenting our readers with a reprefentation of this beautiful plant, from whom we learn that it has a large tuberous root, and is probably fufficiently hardy to bear our winters without protection; but our fummers are {fcarcely warm enough to make it bloffom well. The fpecimen from which our drawing was made was aided by artificial heat in the fpring, and it was obferved that the flowers in the latter part of the fummer were not nearly fo large and fhewy as thofe pro- duced in the warm funny weather. For the confervatory, Mr. Hersert obferves, it is a magnrficent plant, growing about fifteen feet high, and flowering abundantly moft part of the fummer. It produced no feeds, but may be propagated by cuttings of the root. Tn the Bankfian Herbarium, we find a very good fpecimen of our plant which flowered at Kew, in the year 1776; at which time it was defcribed, and named by Dr. SoranveEr ; but has not been taken up in either edition of the Hortus | Kewenfis, ies | M1004. rl?” Bb ode Ded} LS Corks Noleeithua ee ee | di 1008. IRIs SIBIRICA (y.)SANGUINEA. Mr. Hisaert’s IRIs. isbn Ree ee Generic Charafier.—Vide No. 1496. Specific Charafer and Synonyms. Ss IRIS fibirica. Vide Char. Spec. fupra No. 1163. G. (a.) Vide fupra No. 50. ae 2 i (8.) Vide fupra No. 1163. | | (y-) foliis primo fanguineo-rubentibus, demum viridibus; co- — rolla majore, czrulea puniceo-fuffula. G. IRIS fanguinea. Donn Hort. Cant. ed. 6. 17. IRIS orientalis. Thunb. in Linn. Tranf. 2. 328.? Willd. Sp. Pl. 1. 237° Vabl Enum. 2. 127; (ubi male collocatur in fedione barbatarum ; ef pro /ynonymo I. fibiricee 2 Flora japonica, alind _ habet germanice quod non extat in ditto opere.) ? IRIS fibirica. Thunb. Fap. 33 ? Differs from all the known varieties of /iirica in the rednefs of the foliage during the earlier ftage of growth, in the fize, colour, and fugitivenefs of the flowers, which are faid not to laft more - than an hour or two, as well as by a fhorter peduncle and ftriate. ftem. Probably a diftin& fpecies. We have added a mark of doubt to the fynonyms adduced to this plant, merely on ac- count of the uncertainty of its habitat. It agrees in all points with the defcription of Tuunsexc’s orientalis, at firft confidered by him to be the fame with /idirica. Introduced by Grorese Hissert, Efg. about 1790; faid to have come from Siberia; but upon inquiry, that circumftance appeared doubtful. Our drawing was made from a plant derived from Mr. Hissert’s original ftock, which flowered in June laft, at Mefirs. Wuititey and Bramer’s Nurfery, King’s-Road, Ful- ham. If really from Siberia, it is moft probably to be found alfoin Chinaand Japan, Ge ae { 1605 A&B. Y CRINUM AMABILE. Sir ABRAHAM Hume’s : CrINUM. JHE RHEE Hrdebiniier Clafs and Order. Hexanpria Monocynia. ‘Generic Charatter. AmARYLurpD1s fpecies, uf. Bursine. Gertn, Umsetca ramentis braéteaceis interftin@ta, /patham generalem, bivalvem excedente. Ca/. 0. Cor. fupera, regularis, tubulofo-fex- fida, tubo ftri€to, limbo fexpartito, radiato, fubequali. Stam.tubum decurrentia, inde divergentia ; anth. lineares, vibrate. Stylus re- clinatus. Cap/ membranacea, oblato-fpherica, pulvinatim 3- loba, 3-loc. ; /em. numerofa, horizontalia, ferie duplici congefta, fepti margini interiori utrinque annexa, angulofo comprefla, vel nunc in loculo quem replet precociufve dirumpit unum aut et alterum emollefcente albumine tuberofo-laxatum. G. Oss. 4b AMARYLLIDIBUS Jongius tubulofis fola regularitate corolle diverfum ; a PANCRATIO defectu membrane ftaminilege. H&MANTHO peraffne. Bulbus nunc humo infidet infar caudicis vel fiipitis prolongatus. Folia fafciculate-divergentia, oblongo-laratove-lanceclata, canaliculate-expli- canda. . : Specific Chara&er and Synonyms. CRINUM amabile; foliis numerofis, recumbentibus, lorato- lanceolatis, glauciufculis, margine integerrimo; umbella numerofa, laxa; pedicellis tereti-trigonis, germine lon- gioribus, tubo floris pluries brevioribus; germine ovali, rotundato, exfulco, levi; corolla tubo laciniis ligulato- lanceolatis fubbreviore; filamentis limbo ferme duplo brevioribus ; antheris obliquo-vibratis, longitudine dimidii filamenti; ftylolongiori, inclufo; ftigmate obtufo, fubaperto, puberulo. G. CRINUM amabile. Donn Hort. Cant. ed. 6. 83. age Desc. Leaves four feet or more in length, nearly four inches broad; wméel in our {pecimen twenty-four flowered; flowers exceedingly exceedingly fragrant, white fuffufed with crimfon, rather more than nine inches long, azfhers about an inch long, purple as well as the filaments and ftyle. Comes very near to the Crinum latifolium of Linn £vs, injudicioufly transferred to the genus Amaryiuiis by Wittpenow; bat isa far larger plant, and differs in the form of the leaves. That fpecies we believe has ‘not yet found its way into our colleétions :_ but there is a figure of it among Dr. Roxsurcu’s unpublifhed drawings of Co- romandel plants in Sir Josep Banxs’s library. The fpecimen from which our drawing was made, flowered laft July, in Sir ApRAHAM Hume’s hot-houfe at Wormleybury. Introduced by Dr. RoxsurGH, in 1810, from the Eaft-Indies. We have thought it right to add a diminifhed outline of the whole of this magnificent plant, in a feparate plate, which ac- convenes that of a part of its inflorefcence of the natural fize. .G. - M1000. ZU anforn Te: c -S buts Wabworlh Jarnt, *80¢ Prag 5 A « Syd” Edwards Del, [ 1606 }j CENOTHERA GLAUCA. GLAUCOUS-LEAVED E\VVENING-PRIMROSE. Cla/s and Order. OctanpRriaA MonocynNiA. Generte Charaéer, Cal. 4-fidus, tubulofus. Pesala 4. Cap/. 4-locularis, 4-valvis, eylindrica, infera. Sem, nuda. Specific Charaéer and Synonyms. CENOTHERA glauca ; glaberrima, foliis lato-ovalibus repando- fubdentatis levigatis, capfulis ovatis tetragonis pedicellatis, Purfo Flor. Bor.Am, 262. Michaux Fl. Bor..Am. 1. p. 224. Mott of the Evenrtnc-Primroses grow in a rambling un-— fightly: manner, to which the CEnotuera glauca makes a happy exception, the ftems being only about a foot high, fimple, and growing many together. They are well clothed with fine glaucous-green oval leaves, not very unlike thofe of Androfe- mum, though fmaller. The flowers are large and fhewy, and have the unufual advantage of remaining open by day, as well as by night, unlefs expofed toa hot fun. So that altogether, this is one of the moft defirable of the whole genus. It has, we believe, been never before figured, nor does it occur in the new edition of the Hortus Kewenfis. Native of the moft weftern parts of North-America towards the country of the Illinois, near the Miffifippi. Seems to be perfeétly hardy, and may, we fuppofe, be eafily propagated by parting its roots, if it fhould not produce ripe feeds. Introduced _ by Mr. Lyons. Our drawing was made from a plant com- municated by Meffrs. Duncarr and Wooster, Nurferymen, at Brixton. It is alfo an inhabitant of the Botanic Garden, Sloane-Street, NE 160 ig Fi Sanford ce LS Curbs WobuortheIant. 18t4. [ 1607 VAGCINIUM DIFFUSUM. SHINING-LEAVED 7 WuortT_Le-BERRY. SHE eee Clafs and Order. Ocranpria [Decanpria potius] Monocynia,_ Generic Charaéer. Cal. fuperus. Cor. 1-petala, Filam, receptaculo infertas Bacca 4—5-locularis, poly{perma. | pe. rad Specific Charaéter aud Synonyms. it ¢ VACCINIUM difiifum; pedunculis axillaribus folitariis (in racemo fecundo) corollis. campanulatis nutantibus, foliis ovatis acutis obfolete glandulofo-denticulatis. VACCINIUM diffi/um; pedunculis folitariis nudis_unifloris, foliis ovatis acutis obfolete ferratis villofiufculis. Ait. Hort. Kew. ed, pr. 2. p. 11. ed. alt. 2. p. 356. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. p- 351. Perfoon Syn. 1. 2-479 VACCINIUM aréboreum ; foliis petiolatis, obovalibus, mucro- natis: racemis brafteatis: corolla campanulata acute quinque- fida: antheris dorfo ariftatis. Michaux Fl. Bor.-Am. 1. p. 230. Perfoon Syn. 1. p- 479: VACCINIUM arlboreum ; foliis petiolatis obovalibus utrinque acutis mucronatis glandulofo-ferrulatis, fupra nitidis reti- culato-venofis, fubtus fubpubefcentibus, racemis brac- teatis nutantibus, pedicellis axillaribus folitariis filiformibus, corollis ¢ylindrico-campanulatis ; laciniis acutis, antheris inclufis dorfo ariftatis. Purfh Fl. Bor-Am. 285. That the plant here reprefented is the Vaccinium diffufum of the Hortus Kewenfis, we have the authority of the fpecimen from the Royal Garden at Kew, preferved in the Bankfian Herbarium. ‘ Our drawing was taken from a plant imported from South- Carolina, by Mr. Lyons, and purchafed from his collection, by — by Meffrs. Lopprczs and Sons, under the name of ardoreum ; and we fee no reafon to doubt that it really is the arboreum of Micuaux. The apparent difference in the charatters feems to arife from a different mode of conceiving the fame thing : Dr. Soranper confidering the peduncles, which grow fingly from the axils of each leaf, as being folitary ; whilft Micuaux regards the flowering extremities of the branches as racemes, and the leaves at the bafe of each pedicle as brates. According to the laft-mentioned author, this {pecies grows into a tree fifteen or twenty feet high. With us it forms a diffufe irregular fhrub, with red flexuofe dranches. Leaves al- ternate, elliptical, pointed, fhining on the upper fide and flightly pubefcent underneath, margins recurved and befet here and there with little glands, giving an obfoletely toothed appearance : foot{talks very fhort. Tafte of the leaves agreeably acid. The flowers grow from the extreme branches on folitary filiform peduncles curved at the point, one from the axil of each leaf, alternate, yet looking all one way. Or, perhaps, thefe leaves may as properly be confidered as braétes; though they differ not from the other leaves on the fame branches. On the branches without flowers the leaves are nearly twice the fize, but are in other refpeéts fimilar. Corol/as campanulate with the lacinix recurved at the point: in our fpecimen pure white. Stamens included: Anthers two-awned. Native of North and South-Carolina; and is confidered as hardy, but will fcarcely bear the feverity of our fprings without fome protection, Flowers from May to July. Propagated by cuttings or layers. Introduced into the Kew Garden in 1765, by Mr. Joun Creg, 8 Female D eb. Pub. by S Corks Wabworlhe/ar.t SST. NI0608. ES anfime le £ 1608 J] : ANCHUSA OCHROLEUCA. PALE-FLOWERED ALKANET. Sete tele ee REE ETE EE HE EE EE Clafs and Order. PENTANDRIA MonocyYNIA. Generic Charaéfer. Cor. infundibuliformis, fauce claufa fornicibus. Sem. bafi infculpta. : Specific Charaéter and Synonyms. . ANCHUSA ochroleuca; floribus zqualibus calycibus quinque- fidis: fru@tiferis campanulatis nutantibus, foliis lineari- lanceolatis fubundulatis hifpido-ciliatis, bra&eis calyce bre- vioribus. Marfeball 4 Bieb. Fl. Taur.-Caucaf. 1. p. 125. BUGLOSSUM ffylveftre flore albo, folio anguftiore. Gerb, Tanaic. in Gmel. Sib. 4. p. 74- ™ 13 . BUGLOSSUM orientale flore luteo. Tourn. Cor. p. 6. ? This fpecies of Alkanet, which has fometimes been con- fidered as a variety of officinalis, was communicated to us by Mr. Satissury, from his Botanic Garden, in Sloane-Street, in Auguft laft. He received it in the fpring, from the garden of Count ALEx1s pz Razoumowsky, at Gorenki, near Mof- cow, by favour of Dr. Fiscuer. We know of no prior figure of this rare plant. — Native of the Cafpian Caucafus, and of the neighbourhood of the Volga, growing among the herbage in the open campaign countries. : Biennial ; propagated by feeds, or parting the roots in the autumn, Syd” Ldwardy De ~ — ee, A } | —— Pub by Sf liglu Calworlh. Fart. 1074 FLanfom Se fu L. 1609 J _HELIOTROPIUM CORYMBOSUM, LARGE- FLOWERED TURNSOLE. THIS HEHE iia Clafs and Order, PEenTANDRIA MonocYnta. | Generic Charaéler. Cor. hypocrateriformis, 5-fida, interjeAis dentibus : fauce: nuda. Specific Charaéer. HELIOTROPIUM corymbofum ; caule fruticofo, foliis lan- ceolato-ovatis bafi anguftatis, {picis compofitis dichotomis, tubo corolla calyce bis longiore. HELIOTROPIUM corymbofum ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis, caule fruticofo fpicis terminalibus aggregato-corymbolis, laciniis calycinis longis fubulatis. Flor. Peruv. 2. p. 2. t. 107. J. a. Perfoon Syn. 1. p. 156. HELIOTROPIUM grandifiorum. Donn Fl. Cant. ed. 6. p. 42. The Hetrorropium corymbofum, as a flowering fhrub, is far more pleafing to the eye than the common fragrant fort (H. pe- ruvianum, Bot. Mag. No. 141.) but then it is devoid of that — delightful perfume, for which the other is fo et prized, — the {cent of this, though fweet, being not very agreeable. We have obferved this plant for four or five years paft in— fome of our more curious colle&ions, where it has gone by the name of grandiflorum ; butit is undoubtedly the {pecies defcribed by Ruiz and Pavon in the Flora Peruviana. We were for fome time inclined to regard it as a mere accidental variety of H. peruvianum, with which it bears a near affinity ; upon a careful comparifon of the two, however, we were foon con- vinced of their being fpecifically diftin€t. The flowering /pikes of our prefent plant inftead of being crowded together, as in : Be peruvianum, peruvianum, are more diffufe, and fometimes, when fully ex- panded, even form a large dichotomous panicle; the teeth of | the calyx are longer, narrower, and le{s hifpid, as is the whole plant; the ude of the corolla nearly twice the length of the calyx, and expanded upwards; faux clofed by means of five green foldings; the leaves are longer, far more narrowed to- wards the footftalk, the tranfverfe veins not half fo numerous, nor running fo parallel. This fpecies is not taken up in the new edition of the Hortus Kewentfis, Native of Peru. Flowers moft part of the fummer. Re- quires the fame treatment, and is as eafily propagated, as the common Heliotropium. ‘ Our drawing was taken at the Hammerfmith Nurfery, Mefirs, Lez and Kennepy, in September 1812. M1070. dyd? Edwarde D et: Pad. by S Curlep Walworthdan 4197. F Larfom/ e [ 1610 J H.&=MODORUM PLANIFOLIUM. DINGY- FLOWERED H&MODORUM. MEME TE TERETE TE IE He TEE TERE RE EE EE Cloft and Orider! TrRrANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Generic Chara@er. Cor. fupera (femiinfera G.), fexpartita, perfiftens, glabra. Stamina bafi laciniarum interiorum impofita. Germ. 3-loc., loculis difpermis. Stylus filiformis. Stig. 1 (£3. G.). Cap/ femifupera, 3-loba, g-loc., loculis difpermis. Sem. peltata, compreffa, mar- ginata, Oss. Herbe glabre. Radix e tuberibus fafciculatis, fufiformibus, eoccineis. Caules fimplices (f. ramofi G.), foliati. Folia averfa, plana, JS: teretiufeula, bafi femivaginanti. Flores corymbofi, raro fpicati, Brown Prod. Fl. Nov. Holl. 1. 299. Specific Charafler and § S yMOnyNISe HAMODORUM Planifolium; foliis collaterali-diftichis, lineari- enfatis, firmulis, equato-nervolis, radicalibus paucis(4—6 ?), caulinis alternatim diftantibus, ere€tis, decrefcentibus; caule plurimum altiori, ereéto, compreffo-tereti, flexuofo, ramofo; floribus ereétis, corymbofo-paniculatis, pedunculis in ra- mulo fupernis, fafciculatis, unifloris, fingulo bratteolis fub- binis, remotis; corolla turbinatim continua, imbricato- connivente, oblonga, fubaquali; laciniis re¢tiufculis, ob- longatis, parum attenuatis, lineolatis, obtufis, tribus extimis una tertia parte ferme brevioribus ; ftaminibus intimarum et germinis junftioni infertis, inclufis; filamentis tereti- fubulatis, ftri€tis, apice incurvulis; antheris ereétis, fagit- tato-oblongis; germine femifupero, depreffo-orbiculato, obfolete trilobo, triftriato ; flylo trifulco-fetaceo, filamentis triplo graciliori ; ftigmatibus brevibus, replicatis, antheras + fubfuperantibus; receptaculo feminum fingulo in fraud — adolefcenti \oculum replente, bilaterali, fungofo-carnofo, — purpureo-fuccofo, utringue femen peltato-lenticulare in foveola ferente. G. HEMODORUM planifolium. Brown Prod, Fl. Nov. Holl. 1. 300. Desc. Leaves of a dull greyifh green, radical ones nearly a foot in length, about the third of an inch broad ; /em more than two feet high, with the thicknels of a {mall quill; dranches fhort, adprefled ; corolla of a dufky olive green, about half an inch long; filaments and fiyle crimfon; anthers vermillion; pollen yellow; germen green, fhining, foon acquiring a reddifh brown colour. Native of New-Holland, where it is found in the neighbourhood of Port-Jackfon. Our drawing was made from a fpecimen that flowered laft November in Meffrs. Lez and Kennepy’s Nurfery at Ham- merfmith, and which had been raifed from feeds imported by Mrs. Parerson. A hardy greenhoufe plant. We had no opportunity of examining the ripe feed nor the roots. G. np * or ft y r JS lurker Wa Froth fiat 7h LD’ Sz : orl Bet PITA LIB form S Po goik 7 LACHENALIA BIFOLIA. COWLED Two- LEAVED LACHENALIA. BER ee aR eae ae eae eae ake oh te oe Generic Charaéter.—Vide N'*- 745, 854, et 993. Specific Charaétter and Synonyms. F LACHENALIA difalia ; (flos medice longitudinis ;) —attenuatis. cartilagineo-marginatis, nervofo-ftriatis, exter re deorfum cucullato-vaginante, fcapum fuperante, interiore aliquoties minore, convoluto-concavo ; racemo remoto-multifloro ; pedicellis flore duplo brevioribus, bra&team ovato-acumi. natam fubfuperantibus ; corolla nutante, curtim cylindrica, bafi tubulofo-conftriata, laciniis interioribus rotundo-obtulis, bilabiato-patulis, exterioribus una quarta circiter breviori- bus; ftaminibus lacinias interiores equantibus, declinato- affurgentibus. G. * —.. Seems to be intermediate between wmjfolia and pallida (mediana Jacq.), differing from the former, in having two leaves inftead of one, far fhorter pedicles in proportion to the flower, and a corolla not ventricofely campanulate ; from the latter, in the form and relative proportions of the two leaves, by longer pedicles, and a more open-mouthed corolla; from both in colour of the inflorefcence. But as we did not fee the plant in bloom while under the hand of our draughtfman, we can fpeak with little confidence of its other differences, indeed with but little of its being really diftin& fro: pallida. There isa Lacuenatia roea in the Botanift’s Repofitory that comes near to this and pallida ; but which, according to our judgment, can fcarcely be a variety of either, = M1672. Ib ade Dad Pub by S Curler Welwarlte Jans 4 ME & Sonforn Se sitOr2..] MOR #A COLLINA\(a) MINIATA MINOR. LESSER EQUAL-FLOWERED Mora. ~ Clafs and Order. TriaAnpriA Monocynia. Generic Charaéer.. Inflor. fafciculata, pauci-pluriflora, /pathis commuhi bivalvi involutis diftin&ta ; raro in fpicam feparata. Cor. fupera,. ereéta involuto-decidua, hexapetalo-partita f. tubulofo fexfida, laciniis obverfis, rotatis f. inferne conniventibus, alternis confimilibus ; exterioribus ungue haud raro barbato, fape foveola in bafi, la- mina nunquam eretta; s#ferioribus angultioribus, raro parviflimis, | vel nullis, totis interdum ereétis. Séy/us triquetro-filiformis, ere€ius liberus. Stig. 3, petaliformia, trifaria, antice fornicata, poftice carinata, bilabiata labio inferiore bifido reflexo exterius breve retufum multoties f. fere non excedente: raro lineari- radiata, bipartita, fegmentis filiformi-convolutis. [/. corolle limbiye difco-impofita, libera f. partim vel omnino connata. Anth, erefle, extrorfa, lineari-oblonge, ftigmatum faciebus ap- preffa, fegmentifve interfertee. Cap/. membranacea, ovato-glo- bofa ad prifmatico-columnarem, 3-loc., loculis biferiato-poly- {permis, 3-valv., valvis medio feptigeris. Sem. fepti_ margini interiori utrinque annexa rotundata {. angulofo-prefla; albumen corneum, G. Oss. Radix bulho-tuber, integumento exteriore fencfcente putamines- fibrofo, reticulato-rimofo, folia radicalia pauca, tranfverfe bifaria, fifiulafo- vaginantia, inde convoluto-lorata, fepius caudato-cufpidata: raro plura acute canaliculata, carinata, ne unquam collaterali-difticha ; caulis culna- ceus, vaginofo-foliatus, fimplex ad ramofiffimum, rami e vagina ad grticulos, » folitarii, fape plures aggregati, rare divifi; flores in caule aut ramo termi- nales, fepius fugaces. ‘Fampridem in nota N?. 1407 monuimus MoRZAM iridioidem N?- 693 converfis appellationibus in LRIDEM transferendam effz, In [ripe radix nunquam bulbs-tuberofa, in MoRr&A conflanter. G. Specific Characfer ai d Synonym. MOREA ocollina; (fafciculus 2—4 florus 3 Cor. bipartita, uniformis, imberbis ; fil. in unum connata ; fli. imminuto-petaliformia ;) folio folioi mo convoluto-lorato, ftriatulo, caulem pauci- (bi- ?) articulatum ramofum faperante, ramis fimplicibus folitariis vel fupremis paucis (2—4?) aggregatis; fpatha generali fufiformi-elongata, ariflaio culpidata ; germine pedicellato, exferto, lineari prifmatico; corolla late turbinato-rotata, fupra recurva, laciniis ifometris; exterioribus duplo la- tioribus, obovato-oblongis cum acumine, foveola in bafi; interioribus fpathulato-ligulatis ; filamento tubulofo, villofo, antheris feffilibus fubequali; ftigmatibus vix altioribus, corolla duplo brevioribus, fubcuneatis, laxius ftriétiufve conniventibus ; labiis fubaqualibus, exteriore retufo-trun- cato, revoluto, intus hirfuto, interioris fegmentis divergen- tibus, acuminatis? capfula pergamea, prifmatico-colum- nari. G. MOREA oollina. Thunb. Diff. 11. 2.13. Prod. g. Facq. Ic. Rar, 2. tab. 220. Fragm. 14. 2. 51. Nobis fupra N*- 1033, 1103. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 1. 110. MORAA miniata. Bot. Repofit. tab. 404. . MOREA j#riopetala. (a.) Willd. Sp. Pl. 1.224. Vahl Enum, 2. 158; (exclufis in utroque fynonymis preter Linnei et Milleri.) var. 3. ad Mormam triftem pertinet. G. MOREA juncea, Linn. Sp. Pl. ed.2..1. 59.. Mill. Did. ed. 8. n. 2. ve SISYRINCHIUM collinum. Cavanill. Diff. 6. 346. Willd. Sp. Pl. 9.578. Lil. a Redoute tab. 250. S.. elegans. Lil. a Redoute tab. 171 ; (nec aliorum, cui inflorefcentia Jpicatim edudia. G.) HOMERIA. Ventenat. Decas Nov. Gen. 5.0.2. Paris 1808. For a further account of the fpecies, we refer to No. 1033; for an enumeration of the other genus, to No. 1103. The drawing of the prefent variety was made from a plant that had been imported. by Mr. Grirrin, from the Cape of Good Hope, and flowered in his confervatory in the month of Sep- tember, G, W°1073. " 4 FS aps igor “Carle Waby arth, J: P Sar i the Edbwardr Di Pub. by i toch Walwarl Jatt 1977. | : [ 1613 ] ALSTRGMERIA SALSILLA. POTATOE- ROOTED ALSTRG:MERIA. eR ER a eae ie ea ae aa ae sea Clafs and Order. HexanpbrRIA MoONOGYNIA, Generic Charaéler. Cal.o. Cor. fupera, ere€ta ad cernuam, hexapetalo-partita, imbricato-connivens, cyathoidi- f. cucullato-campanulata, re- gularis f. ringens; laciniis obverfis, g (rarius 2) interioribus ungue convoluto-canaliculato. Stam. imz corolle inferta, in- clufa, ereéta f. inclinato-curva, alterna fubbreviora ; auth. ere oblonge. Sty/us decurfu confimili. Svig. 3, linearia, replicata. Fruétus capf. varie {pheroidea, coftato-hexagona, f. trifulco- trigona, 3-loc., g-valv., valvis medio feptigeris, feptis bafi coadunatis: raro (foetus pulpa et evalvis) dacca. Sem. globofa, receptaculis angulos internas decurrentibus annexa: raro nidu- lantia; albumen corneum, G. Oss. Plantzx herbacee, perennes; rhizoma flagelliforme f. iruncum, fibris tuberofo-turgidis f. tuberiparts ; caules plures, fimpliciffimi, foliati, erecti f. affurgentes, fcandentes { volubiles ; folia fimplicta, omnia caulina, Jparfa f. alterna, obliqua f. refupinata ; inflor. umbellata, involucro ex foliolis totidem quot radii; peduncul fimpliciffimi, J. dichotomo-biflori vel paniculato-pluriflori, braciea in divifurts: rara corymbofa braéters fingu- Jaribus feparata. G. fide Flore peruviane quoad pleraque. | Specific Character and Synonyms. ALSTRCEMERIA Saljilla ; (volubilis ; regularis ;) rhizomate trunco f. flagelliformi-produtto, fibris globofo-tuberiparis ; foliis alternis, diftantibus, patentiflimis, anguftius ovato- lanceolatis, a fupinato dorfo pruinulofis, petiolo torto pluries longioribus ; umbella eretta pedunculis (g—15) dichotomo-bifloris f. paniculato-plurifloris pedicellis fupra flexis ; germine turbinato-triquetro; coroila nutante, fub- cyathoidi-campanulata; Jaciniis exterioribus obovato-ob- Jongis acumine brevi ; interioribus fublongioribus, fpathu- : latis, latis, lamina orbiculata, unguis canaliculo pruinofo-labrato; filamentis laxius fafciculatis, villo vix fenfili te€tis, ftylo triquetro-fubulata ; capfula fubglobofa, fexcoftata, umbone (fiyli reliquo) mucronato ex areola deglubita prepilata. G. ALSTRO&SMERIA Saljilla. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2.1. 462. Willd, Sp. Pl. 2.196. Ruiz et Pavon. Flor. Peruv. 3. 61. A. edulis. Tuffac flare des Antilles: 28 cum ic. pit. Bot. Repofit. jab, CI HEM EROCALLIS fcandens floribus purpureis vulgo Salfilla. Feuillée Peruv. 2. 719. tab. 6. COYOLXOCHITL, f. Martagon volubilis mexicanus. Her- nand, EHift. Pl. 267, quoad fig. tertiam. BOMARES: fpecies. Lam. Encyc. Suppl. fub Bomanta. Desc. Rooiflock about the thicknefs of a common quill; inbers produced at the end of each fibre from the fize of a pea to that of a cherry, flattifh or completely globular, white; flcm 3—4 feet high, of about the thicknefs of a wheaten ftraw ; leaves many, about three inches long, little more than half an inch Bibad 3 corolla rofe-coloured, about an inch in Jength, _Tamina of the inner fegments green with deep crimfon fpots. Said to have acquired the name of Sarsitia among the Spanifh colonifts of South-America, from the refemblance of © the root{tock to that of the Sarfaparilla. Native of South- America and the Ifland of St. Domingo, where it grows in the fhady {pots of the mountain, twining itfelf round the next fhrub for fupport. According to Monf. Tussac, the tubers are known in St. Domingo, by the appellation of ¢ Topinambours blancs,” and are ufed for food in the way of potatoes. Intro- duced from the Botanic Garden in the Ifland of St. Vincent’s, about 1801. | eae Our drawing was made from a plant which flowered in the ftove at Comtefle de Vanpx’s, in O&ober laft. About three and twenty fpecies of this beautiful genus are recorded in that moft valuable work the “ Flora Peruyiana ;” among which the formoyfiffima appears to rival even the Amaryu.ts of that name, and the Ticrip1a pavonia (its compatriots) in fplendour. We are told in the Supplement to LAmakex’s Encyclopedia, that Mon!. Minsex has feparated the twining-ftemmed {pecies of ALsTR@MERI£ into a feparate genus, which he calls Bo- MAREA, G, : pee. N4614. Lab. by Gurbar Walworth FA 1.1919. Saryoret ‘ P1654. 2 CoLUMNEA SCANDENS. CLIMBING CoLUMNEA. Bee HE a EE RE EE EE EE Clafs and Order. DipyNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA. Generic Charaéer, Cal. g-partitus, Cor, tubulofa, incurva, ringens : labio fuperiore’ indivifo, fornicato: inferiore 3-partito, breviore. Cap/. 1- locularis. Sem, nidulantia. : = Specific Charaéfer and Synonyms. COLUMNEA fcandens ; foliis ovatis acutiufculis integris fub- villofis pedunculo folitario longioribus, calycis laciniis corollifque pubefcentibus: labio fuperiore indivifo. Hort. Kew. ed alt. v. 4. p. 68. COLUMNEA /candens ; foliis ovatis acutis integerrimis fub- villofis, laciniis calycis integris corollifque pubefcentibus, labio fuperiore indivifo. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p. 396. Swartz Obf. 249. Perfoon Syn. 2. p. 164. COLUMNEA /fcandens. Facq. Hort. Vind. 3. p.27. t. 48. COLUMNEA fcandens pheeniceo flore; fruftu albo. Plum. Gen, 28. Icon. 8g. f. 1- COLUMNEA rotundifolia, Salifb. Parad. Lond. 29. — * Desc. Stem knotted, downy. Leaves oppofite, elliptical, more or lefs round, margin reflexed and fomewhat crifped, which gives an appearance of being crenulate, thick, fhining, and roughifh with fhort ftiff hairs on the upper furface, paler and downy on the under: when dry the under fide becomes white. Peduncles axillary, folitary, one-flowered, rounded, villous, longer than the petiole. Calyx five-cleft : segments equal, deeply toothed, clothed with red hairs towards the bafe. Corolla tubular, hairy, bright {carlet: /imb two-lipped : upper ip quite : : entire, entire, arched, Jower lip three-cleft : laciniz lanceolate, lower- moft more deeply feparated. (Some authors defcribe the upper lip as three-cleft, confidering the two lateral lacinize as belonging to it, and the lower lacinia only as the undivided lower lip.) Stamens 4, didynamous : filaments {mooth, half the length of the tube : antbers two-lobed, glandular at the back. Germen {pindle- fhaped : /fy/e as long as the corolla: /igma two-lipped, gaping. Our drawing is imperfect, being taken before the flower was fully expanded. We fee no reafon to think the rotundifolia of SarisspuRy, in the Paradifus Londinenfis, to be different from our plant, or from JAcguin’s above referred to. We have obferved that the leaves vary confiderably in length in different {pecimens, and though they appear to be ferrafed in Jacgutn’s figure, in his defcription he fays they are entire or only obfoletely cre- nulate: an appearance which fome of the leaves have alfo in our drawing, and which we have accounted for in the above de- fcription. _ eee Native of the Weft-Indies. Cultivated, not without difficulty, in the bark ftove. Said in the Hortus Kewenfis to flower in Auguft and September. Our drawing was taken from a plant communicated by Meflrs, Loppices and Sons, the latter-end of ec ber. aa PP anfom SH. Wabsy orl ad 1. 127-4 v Pr ubi:-by h tudir ee, had 4 EAN Gc) BARLERIA CRISTATA. CRESTED BARLERIA. Tee RR eRe eae Clafs and Order, DipyNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA,. Generic Chara@er. Ca]. 4-partitus. Stam. 2 longe minora. Cap/. 4-angularis, 2- locularis, 2-valvis, claftica abfque unguibus, Sem. 2. Specific Charaifer and Synonyms. BARLERIA criflata ; foliis oblongis integerrimis, calycis fo- liolis duobus latioribus, [ciliato-fpinulofis] duobufque li- nearibus acutis. Sp. P/. 887. Willd. 3. p. 378. O/b. It. 225. 2.8. Bot. Repof. 625. Perfoon Syn. 2. p.179. It is not improbable but that more fpecies than one have been taken’for Barteria criflata; we are inclined however to believe that our plant is the fame as that defcribed and figured by Ossecx, from whofe fpecimens we fuppofe that Linnzus made his defcription. The fynonym quoted by the laft-men- tioned author, and continued by Wi_ttpENow from Morison, appears to belong to Prionitis, certainly not to this fpecies. - Our plant grew with an upright branched flem between two and three feet high, {welled at the divifions of the branches, rounded, ftriate, pubefcent. Leaves oppofite, on fhort foot- ftalks, ovate-lanceolate, quite entire, on both fides fomewhat hifpid with fhort ftiff hairs, and ribbed underneath by ftrong tranfverfe veins. Braces 2, at the bafe of the calyx lanceolate and ciliated. Calyx of four leaflets: the two outermoft ovate- acuminate with pettinated teeth hardly fpinous, ftriate, pu- befcent : the two innermoft awl-fhaped, quite entire, terminated in a fharp rigid point, much fhorter than the outer ones, patent. Corolla funnel-fhaped: tude long, ftraight: Jims five-cleft, lobes nearly equal, obtufe, the two upper ones ereét and the bottom one more deeply feparated, violet-coloured with fome paler | cee po Oe fpots fpots about the faux. Stamens four, two of them the length of the tube, with perfeét anthers, two very fhort, with imperfe& anthers. Germen ovate: flyle longer than tube: figma dilated upwards and gaping. Communicated by Meffrs. Loppices and Sons. Native of the Eaft-Indies. Flowers from June to Ofober. Propagated by feeds and cuttings. or eae eae 3 DT sagt Pg Valacnth Fiber Sig Push. by SP) Corba oa DiosMA OVATA. OVAL-LEAVED Diosma.’ “GSS Heeitarda Clafs and Order. PENTANDRIA Mownocynia. Generic Charaéer. Cor. 5-petala, Necfaria 5, fupra germen. Capf. 3, feu 5» coalite. Sem. calyptrata, ‘ Specific Charaéier and Synonyms. DIOSMA ovata ; foliis oppofitis glabris ovatis integerrimis margine revolutis fubtus ferrugineo-pun€tatis, floribus axil- laribus folitariis geminifque. ) DIOSMA ovata; foliis ovatis glabris marginatis, floribus axil- laribus folitariis et geminis. Thunb. Prod. 43. Willd. Sp. Pl.1. p. 1139. Perfoon Syn. 1. p. 247+ Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 2. p. 33. Bot. Repof. 464. : . DIOSMA pulchella. Hottuyn Linn. Pf. Syft. 3. p. 288. t.21.f. 2. This fpecies of Drosma has confiderable affinity with pulchella (No. 1357), but its Jeaves are oppofite, quite entire at the margin, are more obtufe, and, efpecially when dry, are rolled back at the fides, which makes them appear much narrower than they really are ; the dotting underneath confifts of ferru- gineous, not, as in that of pu/chella, of pellucid glandular points : the flowers are more fcattered and not collected towards the ex- tremities of the branches; petals white within fide, but being tipped with red on the outfide, the plant looks the prettieft when many of the flowers are yet unexpanded, _ The leaves both of ovata and pulchella are particularly ftrong- - feented, and are, with perhaps feveral other {pecies of Diosma, — ‘indifcriminately ufed by the Hottentots, under the name of ~ Bucku, za Bs f with greafe, to perfume their bodies with. . i ee Communicated — Communicated by Mefirs. Loppices and Sons, in March 1812: but is faid, by Mr. Arron and in Donn’s Catalogue, to flower in May, June, and July; by Mr. AnpRews, in the winter months. Native of the Cape of Good Hope. Introduced by Mr. Masson. Requires the fhelter of a greenhoufe, and the fame treatment as other Cape evergreen fhrubs, N767 ‘7: Sid” Edwards Dek Pub Barbie od : . oy Car a Be 2 Pub. by S: Gertie VWabaarltr Feb.t.7219¢- Ll oxfam ve Cm? .) STATICE SPATHULATA. SPATULA-LEAVED SEA-LAVENDER. TERE aE aR EE aR a eae ae Clafs and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Generic Chara@er. Cal. 1-phyllus, integer, plicatus, feariofus. Petala 5. Sem. 15 fuperum, Specific Character and Synonyms. STATICE /pathulata; foliis radicalibus fpathulatis obtufis glaucis integerrimis longe petiolatis, {capo tereti, floribus racemofis fecundis. Desfont. Ail. 1. p.275. Perfoon Syn. 1. P- 333+ Statice cordata, auriculefolia, oleefolia, and /pathulata, feem to be very nearly related, and perhaps are fometimes miftaken for one another. The firft, however, is eafily diftinguifhed by its leaves being always obcordate or emarginate at the point; the fecond comes very near to our plant; but the leaves are defcribed as acute and terminated witha fharp mucro and an unbranched fcape ; the third, peccording? to WILLDENOw, has winged branches. In /pathulata, the leaves are glaucous, without veins, obfoletely three-nerved towards the bafe e only, quite obtufe without any mucro, except a very minute one, hardly vifible to the eye but fenfible to the touch, on the under furface a fmall diftance from the end of the leaf; the fcape and branches are perfelly round; the {pikes of flowers in two tows; the calyx thie with red ftreaks; the petals obcordate, of a lively red, and larger than the calyx. ; Communicated the latter-end of Auguft 1811, by Mr. W. Prinece, Nurferyman at Sydenham, to whom we are in- debted for the communication of feveral other curious and rare plants, Native of = Hardy. LLE-FO7# rage Saxe «Der L.A ttf ott! C: a FY 1618. |] H&MANTHUS ROTUNDIFOLIUS. RoOuUND= LEAVED BLOODFLOWER. ee Re ER ea eae ae eS Cla/s and Order. Hexanpria MonocyNiA. Generic Charaéer: Infor. wmbellata ; /patha plurivalvis, corolleformis, rara bivalvis atque reflexa. Cal.o. Cor. fupera, ereéta, regularis, eequalis, tubulofo-fexfida, limbo 6-partito, connivente aut di- varicato, longiore quam tubus. Svam. fammo tubo infita, erecta, exferta. Stylus fetiformis. Stig. fimplex, v. 3 brevia replicata- Bacca globola v. oblongata, levis, exfulca, 3-loc., loculis mono- fpermis, uno v. duobus fterilefcentibus ; /emen ereCtum, loculo conforme; aléumen carnofum, durum. G. Oxs. Herbz bulbofe, fates bulbus funicatus v. fquamofus, [quamis amplis fape bifariam im ricatis, ovatus, nudus v. membranis involutus ; rhizoma fepe infra extans, raro multiplex ex adnatis fobolibus concretum torofum ; fibrae tuberofo- incrafjate ; folia pauca, a plano bifaria, cortacea- craffa, angufte canaliculato-lorata ad latiffima et plano-orbiculata, rara petiolato-vaginantia lamina tenuiore, medio coftata ; fpatha afque bacca fape colorate s umbella congefia inclufa ad laxam exfertam ; coroliz tubus nune in faucem fexgibbam dilatatus, A multifloro ad Crinum accedit, ab albifloro ad MassoniamM. G. Specific Charaéter and Synonyms. ~ HAMANTHUS rotundifolius ; bulbo fquamofo, compreffe ovato, nudo, fquamis amplis rotundatis difticho-conniven- tibus ; foliis duobus, feapo tardioribus, divaricatis, rotun- datis acumine obfoleto, nervis parallelis creberrimis obfoletius ftriatis, a fupino ta€tui fubafperis (/cabritie- quadam nudo oculo wvix percipienda), a prono glabratis, cartilagine ferrato-denticulata marginatis, altcro paulo lon- - giore, oblongo-rotundato, altero orbiculato ; {patha corol- Jeformi, quadrivalvi, ventricofo-campanulata, valvis al- ternis exterioribus cordatis; umbella congelta, parum ex- ferta; corolla cucullato-infundibuliformi. G, ie ~H/JEMANTHUS orbicularis, Donn Hort. Cantab, ed. 6. 81. ? sa Desc. : Desc. Leaves on the upper furface of an opaque dull green, rough to the touch; on the under, of a fhining yeliowifh green, longeft of the two about five inches long and four broad; /cape about fix inches high, together with the wmbel and /pathe of an uniform deep {carlet colour. Blooms in Auguft; foliage full grown in November and December. We loft the opportunity of examining any part of the plant, but the bulb and leaves. A new and undefcribed {pecies, lately introduced by Mr. Grirrin, from the Cape of Good Hope, in whofe con- fervatory at South-Lambeth it flowered for the firft time in Auguft laft. We fufpeét that this gentleman’s colleétion con- tains more rare and beautiful Liliacee and En/fate, than alt the private collections round London together, while the liberal communications of the poffeffor renders it a benefit to fcience. We omitted to mention in No. 1611, of the fafciculus for laft month, that the {pecies there given (LacHENALIA Oyfolia) had been introduced from the Cape of Good Hope by the fame > seller ge and that our drawing was made from a fpecimen that lowered in his garden laft fummer. G. [ 1619 | BRUNSVIGIA MULTIFLORA. ‘The SCARLET Brunswic-Lity, or CHANDELIER-FLOWER. HSH ued aish deat Generic Chara@er.—Vide No, 1443. Specific Charatier and Synonyms. BRUNSVIGIA muliiflora ; (corolla ringens ;) bulbo - ovato- {fpherico, integumentis cruftaceo-membranaceis, rhizomate infra extante, fibris tuberofo-craffis ; foliis pluribus di- varicato bifariis, . lingulato-obverfis v. obovato-oblongis, rotundato acuminatis, crafliufculis, planis, {capo compreflo- columnari inflorefcentiam longitudine parum excedente tardioribus, exterioribus humi recumbentibus ; umbella numerola, bra€teato-interftinéta, brachiato-difpanfa ; pedun- culis craffis, ftriétis, cum germine clavato-continuis, ro- tundato-trigonis, fulcatis, flore aliquoties longioribus, germine turbinato, lobato-triquetro lobis comprefiis, poly- {permo, corolla decurvo-aifurgente, hexapetalo-partita, urceolato-campanulata, ad junfturam cum germine con- ftriGa, antice gibba, ore obliquata, recurva, laciniis fub- zequalibus, oblongo-acuminatis, quatuor lateralibus falcato- aflurgentibus, concavis, fumma paulo majori, revoluto- incumbente, plana; ftaminibus una fexta circiter breviori- bus, fafciculato-affurgentibus ; filamentis cavitati neétari- fere fundi adnatis, filiformi-fubulatis, firmis, alterne lon- gioribus; ftylo triquetro-fubulato, parum craffiori, apiculo {tigmatofo trifido puberulo; capfula obcordato-turbinata, alato-trigona, divaricato-venofa, angulis coftatis ; feminum tefta nigra. G. — 7 BRUNSVIGIA multifora. Dryander in Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2. 230. Nobis fupra No. 1443, ver/o folio fecundo, in Spec. Enum. AMARYLLIS. Fofephine. Lil. a Redoute, 7. tab. 370, 3713 372- AMARYLLIS orientalis. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2.1. 422. Syft. Veg. ed. 14. 320. Burm, Prod. Fl. Capenf. 9. Mill. Did. ed. 8. n. 11. L’Heritier Sert. Angl. 14. Hort. Kew. 1. 420. Facq. Hort. Schaub. 1. tab. 39. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. 58. oe . A. multiflora foliis \inguetormibus, corolla inaquali. Biitner Enum. Meth, Pl, in: Carm, Cuno, 215. ee oe : “ae ae HEMANTHUS : HEMANTHUS orientalis. Thunb. Prod. Fl. Capen/. 59. NARCISSUS indicus orientalis. Swert. Floril. tab. 3. f. 1. fine flore. N. indicus flore liliaceo fphericus. ferrari Flor. 125. tab. 129, 130, 131. LILIO-NARCISSUS indicus phoeniceus {phzricus vulgo po- lyanthos. Barrelier. Ic. 1037, 1038. L.-N. indicus maximus {phericus floribus pluribus rubris lilia- ceis. Morif. Hiff. 1. 368. /edt. 4. tab. 10. fig. 35- BRUNSVIGIA. Heifer. Monogr. cum iconibus. CRINUM Candelabrum. Hortulanis colonicis C. B. Spei. Desc. Bulb tunicate, attaining the fize of a child’s head, in- teguments brown, fibres as thick as a common quill ; /eaves 5——8 inches long, 2—3 broad, fmooth, ftriate; /cape 8—12 inches high, an inch or more in diameter ; peduncles fix inches long, as thick as a large quill; corolla rather more than two inches long, of a bright fcarlet colour, fegments half an inch broad ; anthers black-purple ; cap/ule nearly two inches long, femitrant{- parent, of a light brown colour, deeply depreffed at the fummit. In the prefent fpecies, as well as in falcata (fee No. 1443 of the prefent work) the ftem is very fhort in proportion to its thicknefs, as alfo to the other parts of the plant. Spontaneous {pe- cimens have been known to have a capfule four inches long, a ftem a foot and an half high, with the other parts in proportion. Native of the Cape of Good Hope, whence it is faid in the Hortus Kewenfis to have been introduced by Mr. Matcoim, in 1767; it had however been cultivated by the author of the Gardener's Dilionary, previous to'that period. Known in the Dutch and Italian gardens nearly a century and an half ago. ° The older Botanifts fuppofed it to be an Eaft-Indian vegetable, an error that mifled Lrnw us into the adoption of the fpecific name of orientalis. Monf. Repoure, in his fplendid work on the Liliaceous plants (ignorant of its having been already re- corded) has named it after the Emprefs Josrpuine of France. The Bulbs, when of a proper age, are conftant and regular in the produétion of bloom; but thefe being rare in our colleétions, and immature ones not unfrequent in them, and the laft re- maining years without fhewing any -fign of flowering, have caufed the plant to be deemed to be difficult of fuccefsful cul- tivation, Our drawing was made from a f{pecimen that bloomed in September laft, and which had been kept in the tan-bed of the hot-houfe, at the Nurfery of Meffrs. Loppices and Sons; at Hackney, by whom the bulb had been imported ; the leaves were grown out in November, The bloom has no fcent. G. Lyd” Eduard Ded. = Se Gute WalworlhTib2.18 tf Paes: ne STRUMARIA GEMMATA. JEWELLED- FLOWERED STRUMARIA. Se RARE RG eee ae ie a sea testes ae sek se ah ake Generic Chara&er.—Vide No. 1363. Specific Charatter and Synonyms. STRUMARIA gemmata ; (gynandra ;) bulbo ovato ; foliis {capo tereti tardioribus, fubtrinis, lanceolato-loratis acumine brevi, glabris, ciliolatis, lateraliter fubfalcatis; umbella pluriflora, laxa, diffufa; pedunculis gracilibus, ftriétis, lavibus, fpatha acuminata floreque pluries longioribus ; corolla fubnutante, micante, hexapetalo-ftellata, bullis fenis chryftallino-glandulofis proftrato-ovatis in difco; la- ciniis oblongis, crifpis, utrinque inflexis, exterioribus api- culo puberulo; genitalibus gynandris, punéticulato-pruino- fis, inclufis; filamentis imo ftylo infertis, fetiformibus, patentiflimis, gutta limpida in axillis, alterne fubbreviori- bus ; antheris ere&is, ovato-rotundis ; ftylo ftaminibus ifometro, ovato-pyramidali, inferne inftar bulbi ventricofo exfulco, fuperne fubulato-attenuato trifulco ; ftigmatibus claufis v. replicatis ; capfula tenuiffime membranacea, ob- Jato-globola, trigibba, femine bulbaceo-laxato fingulum loculum (plerumque ad debifcentiam ufque) replente. G. Desc. Bulb tunicate, in the prefent fpecimen naked, about the fize of a pigeon’s egg; /eaves 2—3, about three-parts of an inch broad ; fem about a foot high, rather thicker than a crow- quill ; peduncles {traight, elaftic, about four inches long; corolla fcarcely an inch in diameter, whitifh within, pale-rofe-coloured without, ‘having a green keeled line down the centre of the back of each fegment ; parts of frucification white, and, when viewed through a magnifier, plainly frofted over with clofe minute points. _An unrecorded fpecies, differing from all yet known to _ us, in being completely gynandrous; we had already noted in our generic charatter, in No. 1363, that others were partly fo _as well as monadelphous. A native of the Cape of Good Hope. Lately introduced by Meffrs. Lez and Kennepy, in whole ee ee ee confervatory conlervatory at the Hammerfmith Nurfery our drawing was made from a {pecimen that flowered in Auguft laft; probably the firft ever feen in any European garden. This colle&tion, we are glad to hear, has been lately enriched with fome bulbs of that fine plant the Litrum japonicum, fo that we may now hope that our gardens will be much fooner in poffeffion of that very ornamental fpecies than we expected they could be, at the time we publifhed the account of it in a late number. G. ) ERRATA, No. 1416, 1.22, pro ** Schwartz” lege ** Savartz.’” No. 1612, 1, 18, pro ‘* difco-impofita” Jege ** difco impofita.” ) No. 1612, 1.2, a calce pag. pro * cor, bipartita,” lege * cor. hexapetale-partita,”* No, 1612, verf. fol. 1. 1, pro falioi mo” /ege ** folio imo.” 13, pro punto interrogationis fone femicolon. 5» from the bottom, for ** of the other genus” read ‘ of the others of the Genus.” “No. 161g, on the other fide the leaf, 1.6, from the bottom, for « rival even the AMaRyLL1s of that name, and the Trcrip1a pavonia (its compatriots) in fplendour.” read ‘rival in fplendour even its compatriots the Amarytuxis of the fame name and Ticrip1a pavonia.” N7627 ail ip Syd” Ldwardr De. Lub by P Curbr Walaorke Mart. 1814. A Siafem Se. a mk, 3021 | J MAGno.tiA conspicua. Li.y-FLOWERED MaGNo.Lia, or YU-LAN. SHER HMM dobsta Clafs and Order. PoLtyANpDrRiA PotycyNniaA. Generic Charafer. Cal, 3-phyllus. Petala 9, Cap/. 2-valves, imbricate. Sem. bac- eata, pendula. Specific Charatter and Synonyms. MAGNOLIA con/picua ; foliis obovatis obtufis cum acumine poft anthefin prodeuntibus. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. v. 3. p. 330. MAGNOLIA con/picua ; foliis poft flores prodeuntibus, petiolis gracilibus laminis late obcuneatis: petalis 9, 3 exterioribus vix minoribus: germinibus ovato-lanceolatis, Salib, Parad. 38. LE YU-LAN. Mem. Chin. v. 3. p. 441. Native of China, where we are told by the author of the above-quoted memoirs that it forms a pyramidal tree thirty or forty feet high; but with us it hitherto appears only as a ftraggling fhrub, which bloffoms freely before it arrives at any confiderable fize. The flowers are ufually produced fingly at the extremities of the branches, and for the moft part fall off before the leaves make their appearance ; and on this account it is far lefs agreeable to the eye than the Macnotia grandiflora, whofe magnificent bloffoms are beautifully contrafted, by being embofomed in large fhining leaves. Two other varieties are faid to be known in China, one with pale rofe-coloured, and the other with double bloffoms; but neither has found its way into our gardens, and indeed are extremely rare even in China, ae pa As moft deciduous trees are lefs impatient of cold than thofe that are evergreen, it is not improbable but that the Macno ta con/picua may bear our winters in the open ground; but our fprings are generally too rough to allow us to expeét that the bloffoms which appear fo early in the year will arrive at tolerable perfeétion without fhelter. Propagated by cuttings or by inarching on fome of the more common fpecies. Flowers in February, March, and April. Introduced in 1780, by the Right Hon. Sir Joszpu Banksy Bart. K. B. Our drawing was taken at Mr. Knicut’s Exotic Nurfery, King’s-Road, Little-Chelfea, / Vy A” Bd wards D Pp ‘ * 4 Lud. by LS Gorbar Walworlte Mart 487 7. ZL San few f> [. g0a2 .) DiaNTHUS CARYOPHYLLUS (y.) IMBRICATUS, WHEAT-EAR CARNATION. deseo desea seeskstesb de sede setae Cla/ and Order. DecanpriaA DicynNia. Generic Charaéfer. ~ Cal. cylindricus, 1-phyllus: bafi fquamis 4. Pefala By. guiculata, Cap/, cylindrica 1-locularis. — DIANTHUS Caryophyllus ; floribus folitariis, fquamis calycinis * ovatis acutis breviffimis, petalis crenatis imberbibus, ad. Sp. Pl. 2. p. 674. Hort: Kew. ed. alt. 3. p. 79. («.) flore fimplici. Eng. Bot. 214. (B.) flore pleno. Vide fupra No. 39. (y.) imbricatus ; {quamis calycinis multiplicatis. DIANTHUS Caryophyllus. 3.—flore pleno ex folis f{quamis ca- lycinis longiflime imbricatis. Hort. Cliff. 164. Sp. Pl. 587. CARYOPHYLLUS fpicam frumenti referens. Epb. Nat. Cur. Cent. 3. p. 368. ¢. 9. CARYOPHYLLUS peregrinus fpica triticea. /Feinm, Phyt. f. 339- : 2 As long as any attention has been paid to the flower-garden, the Carnation or double variety of Clove-Pink has been at all times a favourite objeé& of cultivation in this country; and innumerable names have been given by Florifts to as many trifling varieties, differing only in colour, degree of multiplica- tion of the petals, or in the form and manner of their opening. The increafe of the number of the petals, frequently to the exclufion of the ftamens, is the moft ufual deviation from nature, and makes that kind of monftrofity which, for want of a more appropriate name, we fomewhat improperly call a double flower, The The variety we have here given, arifes from the multiplica- tion of the four fcales at the bafe of the calyx, continued fome- times the length of the finger, to the exclufion of the other parts of the flower, and forming a four-fided {pike, not unaptly compared to an ear of wheat. When the multiplication of the {cales is lefs extenfive, a more or lefs perfect flower is produced. In all the plants that we have feen, the flowers were double; but in that defcribed by Linn vs in his Hortus Cliffortanus, it was fingle. A monftrofity, occafioned by the multiplication of the parts of the calyx, is fo extremely rare, that Linnaus remarked he had hardly feen another inftance of it; and he thought it of fufficient importance to induce him to affix to this variety the trivial name of imbricatus. We do not find this fingular monftrofity mentioned by Parx1n- SON, nor is any notice taken of it, except the mere quotation of the Linnean name in Martin’s Mixver’s Diétionary ; and it is altogether omitted in both editions of the Hortus Kewenfis. Our drawing was made from a plant communicated by Mr. M‘Kirx, in September laft, and we received {pecimens exa€tly fimilar fome years fince, from Mr, Davy, Nurferyman and Florift, King’s-Road, Chelfea. W210 23. Syl" Edwardr Del Pub byt lurker Wa pe onda? IS7H san fore. So [ 1623 ARNOPOGON DaLeEcHAMPIIL GREAT-~ -FLOWERED SHEEPS-BEARD. KEE EEE EEE EE Clafs and Order. SYNGENESIA PotyGaMiA ALQUALIS. Generic Charaéer. Recept. nudum. Pappus plumofus, ftipitatus. Cal. 1-phyllus, ofto-partitus, turbinatus. Specific Chara&er and Synonyms. ARNOPOGON Dalechampii ; calycibus pubefcentibus inermi- bus, foliis runcinato-dentatis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3. p. 1496. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 4. p. 433- Perfoon Syn. 360. TRAGOPOGON Doalechampii ; calycibus monophyllis corolla brevioribus inermibus foliis runcinatis. Sp. P/. 1110. Hort. Clif. 382. Mart. Mill. Dit. n.9. Gert. Frué. 2. p. 369. t.159. f. 4. Desfont. Atl. 2. p. 218. Villars Dauph. 3. 70. Allion, Pedem. n. 843. Martyn Mill. Di. UROSPERMUM Dalechampit. Scop. Fuff: Gen. p.170. Lam, et Decand. Fl. Franc. 4. p. 62. TRAGOPOGONOIDES perennis, Calthz folio magno flore..__ Vaill. Acad. 1721. p. 204. TRAGOPOGON verticillatum. Lam. Fl. Fr. 74. Sec leM afperum, flore magno dentis leonis. Baub. Pin. Dalech, Hifl. 569. Ic. HIERACIUM foliis et floribus dentis leonis bulbofi. Lob. Ic. 238. Park. Theat. 788 ? HIERACIUM fulphureum incifis foliis montanum. Barrel, Rar. 1043. t. 209. HEDYPNOIS monfpeffulana five Dens leonis monfpeffulana. Baub, Hift. 2. p. 1036. Gefu. Ic. Lig. t. 7. f. 63. Arnopocon has been feparated by modern Botanifts from Tracorocon, on account of the calyx being of one. entire entire piece, divided upwards into eight fegments; whereas in the latter the calyx confifts of feveral difting& leaflets. Scopori firft made a diftin€t genus of it, and gave it the name of Urospermum, which was adopted by Jussieu, and has been fince retained by Lamarcx and Decanpotir. We do not know why Wiiipznow thought fit to rejett it for that of Annopocon; butas the latter name is adopted by Persoon and in the new edition of the Hortus Kewenfis, we think it beft to deviate from our general plan of giving a preference to the right of priority. A hardy perennial, native of Spain and of the fouthern parts of France, growing efpecially about Montpelier. Cultivated by Purtie Miter before 1739. Communicated by Mr. Wu1t- Ley, from the Fulham Nurfery. : ee Be si wWLdwarde Del Pub. by S Garh Wabvorlh Mac po dbag oS: 8 ntlys HovEA LANCEOLATA. LANCE-LEAVED | Hovea. a Seek abi eek Cla/s and Order. DiapELPHIA DECANDRIAs Generic Charaéer, Cal. bilabiatus: labio fuperiore femibifido retufo. Stam. omnia connexa. Carina obtufa. Legum. feffile, fubrotundum, ventri- cofum, difpermum. Sem. ftrophiolata. Brown in Hort. Kew. Porretia. Smith in Linn. Tranf. vol. 9. p- 304. Specific Charaéter and Synonym. HOVEA lanceolata ; ramis vimineis, foliis lanceolatis mucro- natis fubtus pubefcentibus, floribus axillaribus geminis, POIRETIA ‘diverjifolia. Herb. Bank/. ? Dr. Smitu, in the gth volume of the Tranfaétions of the Linnean Society, dedicated this genus to M. PoiretT, * the able continuator of the botanical part of the French Encyclos pedie, fince it was given up by M. Lamarck.” But M. Ven- TENAT had, fome time prior to this, eftablifhed another genus in honour of the fame Botanift; on which account Mr. Brown, yielding to right of priority, thought fit to apply anew name to this genus, which he has dedicated to ANTON. PANTALEON Hove, a Polifh naturalift, author of a manufcript journal to Guzerat, in the years 1787 and 1788, preferved in the Bankfian library. We regret, however, that Mr. Brown did not rather pre- ferve the name of Porreria; becaufe VENTENAT' genus Is little known, and has not, we believe, been taken up by any other author, and being taken out of one long-eltablifhed, would probably, on that account, be lefs agreeable to M. - Potrert himfelf. But as the Hortus Kewenfis will be regarded as thé moft authentic fource for the nomenclature of pa plants, ; cultivat cultivated in our gardens, we relu€tantly yield up Porretia, rather than run the rifk of occafioning confufion of names. The plant here figured, is certainly a diftinct fpecies from either of thofe recorded in the Hortus Kewenfis; but we are not quite certain that it is the diverfifolia of the Bankfian Her- barium, which Mr. Brown propofes to call by the name that we have adopted for our plant. Nor, indeed, for want of an opportunity of examining the original, either ina living or ina dried ftate can we be altogether certain of the identity of the genus, as Mr. Brown has favoured us with a fight of fpecimens not very unlike our plant, which he confiders as belonging to a diftin@, though nearly related genus. Our plant was communicated in the beginning of April 1813, by Meffrs. Matcotm and Sweet, from their extenfive col- le€&tion at Stockwell-Common. Native of New-Holland. Re- quires the fhelter of a greenhoufe, NM} VO 25, lyd gs Pe Bibs ware lt Ded. Pub. 3 A w 0 Corley Wa ne ca fh Ae L984. eye MyLocARYUM LIGUSTRINUM. PRIVET-LEAVED MyLocaryuM, OR Bucx-WHEAT-Teex, ee. ee ae Clafs endonieel2 ai DEcANDRIA MoNoGYNIAs Generic Charafer. Cal. 5-partitus : foliolis fuborbiculatis. Petala 5s unguiculata. Stigma capitatum, trigonum, feffile. Cap/ 3-alata, 3-locularis, Sem, {olitaria. Specific Name and Synonyms. MYLOCARYUM liguftrinum. Willd. Enum. p. 454. Purfo Fi. Amer. Sept. p. 302. CLIFTONIA. Herb. Bank. WALTERIANA carolinienfis. Frafer's Catal. The Bucx-Wueat-Tree, which gets this name from the fimilarity of its feed-veffels to thofe of Po.yconum Fagopyrum, is an elegant evergreen fhrub, which in its native foil: grows to the height of eight feet and upwards. It is fo well defcribed by Mr. Pursu, that it is needlefs to repeat a defcription of it here. In one refpeét only our ob- fervation does not agree with this author, which is that he defcribes the pedicles as having two braétes in the middle, whereas we found only one at the bafe of each. Found in Carolina and Georgia, by the late Mr. sony Fraser, who was very defirous of dedicating it to his friend, Mr. Tuomas Wa ter, author of the Flora Caroliniana, the accuracy of whofe defcriptive charaéters we have had frequent opportunities of witnefling. But there being already a Wat- THERA and a GuatTueRtA, he was driven to the inadmiffible expedient of giving an adjettive termination to the name. _ As many collettors may have the plant under the appella- tion given to it in Fraser’s Catalogue, the quotation of it as as a fynonym may have its ufe ; and we embrace with pleafure the only opportunity, afforded us of complying, in fome degree, _ with the with of the difcoverer, in making it the means of re- cording his grateful attachment to his botanical friend. Native of the dry borders of fwamps in Georgia and South- Carolina. Propagated by cuttings. Will hardly bear the fe- verity of our winters, without the fhelter of a greenhoule, Flowers in May and June. Communicated by Meflrs. Fraser, from their Nurfery in Sloane-Square, N62 0. (iP Edwarde De. ' Pub. by LF sentir Walworth Mar tI9g. FA Sanforn S¢ [ 1626 ] Erica TOGATA. Larce-Currep HEATH. Speeds siesta ae ae ie sea ae Clafs and Order. OcTANDRIA MoNOGYNIA. ‘ Generic Charaéfer. Gal. a-phyllus. Cor. perfiftens: limbo 4-fido. Anthere ante anthefin per foramina duo lateralia connexe. Capf. 4—8-locu- laris, 4—8-valvis. (IV. Calycine A. Anthere criftate. Hort, Kew.) Specific Charaéfer. ERICA ogata ; foliis oppofitis adpreffis, braéteis a calyce re- motis, calycibus cyathiformibus magnis: foliolis orbicu- latis mucronatis, corollis urceolatis, antheris fubcriftatis. Desc. A delicate /orub, with flender twiggy branches. Leaves keeled, acute, appofite, clofely adpreffed to the ftem, equal in length to the fpaces between the pairs. Mowers terminal, in bunches of from four to fix together. Braétes bright red, a {mall one at the bafe of each peduncle, and a pair larger near the middle, remote from the calyx. Calyx cup-fhaped, larger than, but not fo long as, the corolla: Jeaflets nearly round, concave, mucronate. Corolla urceolate : tube conical: limb fpreading, acute. Anthers fo minutely crefted, that they are hardly vifibly fo to the naked eye. Germen fluted, nearly cy- lindrical. Style longer than the filaments. Stigma club-fhaped, fhining. This beautiful little fhrub, covered with a profufion of flowers of a fine red colour, we have feen only in the fuperb colle&tion of Meffrs. Lez and Kennepy, at — where where our drawing was made in July laft. It does not appear to us to have been before defcribed. Belongs to the fame divifion as corifolia (articularis, Bot. Mag. No. 423) elegans, No. 966, andromedeflora, No. 1250, and glauca, No. 580; but has the neareft affinity with the one figured by Mr. AnpRrews, under the name of oppojfitifolia ; in which however the bra€tes are not remote from the calyx, and the anthers are naked, as defcribed by Mr. Anprews, and confirmed by our own examination. Mr. Dryanper has remarked, that all the fpecies of this feftion, except /quamo/a, have ternate leaves ; but our prefent plant and oppo/itifolia of ANDREws, make two other exceptions to this rule. Native of the Cape of Good-Hope. V7027, ae ? y : hohe Walworl Mart 1?4¢ [eA verthr DO ad- [ 1627 ] SPILANTHES CROCATA. SAFFRON-FLOWERED ; SPILANTHES. Sete okededeskedesese deabstet Clafs and Order. SYNGENESIA PoLyGaAMiIA ASQUALIS. Generic Chara@er. Recept. paleaceum, conicum. Sem. comprefio-plana, mem- branaceo-marginata. Pappus ariftis 2; altera fepe minore. Cal. fubzqualis. : Specific Character and Synonyms. SPILANTHES crocata ; foliis oppofitis erofo-dentatis decur- _sentibus, floribus globofis, calyce polyphyllo imbricato, feminibus alatis. 5 BIDENS crocata; caule alato foliis pinnatifidis, Cav. Ic. v. 1. eS mh ORE 66... BIDENS crocata ; floribus difcoideis, calyce imbricato, foliis {cabro-canis erofo-dentatis, caulinis fublyratis, radicalibus ovatis, caule quadrialato. Wild, Sp. Pl. 3. p. 1723. Perfoon Syn. 2. DP. 394. Spirantues and Bipens do not appear to have been defined with fufficient accuracy to allow of all the fpecies being _ decifively arranged; and Versesina differs from neither, except in the prefence of a radius to the flower. At prefent it feems fafeft to arrange fuch fpecies as have flat marginated feeds under the former, and thofe with angulated feeds under the latter. It is upon this principle that we have referred our pre- fent plant to SertantueEs. It is probable however that future obfervations will feparate all the South-American from the Eaft- Indian fpecies, with which they have little fimilarity of habit. The Calyx in Sp1tantTues crocata confifts of many leaflets, imbricated, the lower feries fhorter than the upper ones, The palez palez are keeled and terminate in an acute point. Florets funnel- fhaped, contraéted below into a filiform pedicle : /imé five-cleft, reflexed. Svyle longer than the florets, and ftigmas revolute. Leaves oppofite, hairy, varioufly cut at the edges, decurrent down the footftalk, and continued thence down the ftem to the next joint, which makes the fem four-winged. The /eeds are flat, with a broad, white, membranaceous margin, emarginate, and crowned with two equal, ereét briftles. Has not a conical receptacle. It is a lofty hot-houfe plant. Native of Mexico. The fpe- cimen from which our drawing was made, was communicated by Meffrs. Wuitiey, Brame, and Mitne, of the Fulham Nurfery, in February 1813. The fame plant was raifed by Ayumer Burxe Lampert, Efq. by whom we were favoured with a fpecimen with mature feeds, . =2628*) GomPHOCcARPUS FRUTICOSUs. WILLOWs LEAVED GOMPHOCARPUS. SARE TR IE aR ae ah ae ae a ae se ae sea sa abe ak ake Cla/s and Order, PenTANpDRIA DicyNntaA. Generic Chara@er. Afclepiadea. Majfe pollinis eves, 10, pendule. Corona fia- minea fimplex, §-phylla: foliolis cucullatis, utrinque unidentatis. Cor. reflexa. Folliculi echinati {pinis innocuis. Brown Afelep. et in Hort. Kew, . pecific Charaéter and Synonyms. GOMPHOCARPUS fruticofus ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis gla- bris. Hort. Kew. ed. alt, 2. p. 80. ASCLEPIAS fruticofa ; foliis revolutis lanceolatis, caule fruti- cofo. Spec. Pl. 315. Willd. 1. 1271. Thunb, Prod. 47. ASCLEPIAS caule ere@o fruticofo, foliis lanceolatis, umbellis nutantibus, conceptaculis inflatis pilofis. Hort. Chiff. 78. APOCYNUM ere&um africanum, villofo fru€tu, falicis folio. Mill. Icon. t. 45. Hem, Parad. 23. t. 24. APOCYNUM ereétum elatius, falicis angufto folio, folliculis pilofis. Pluk. Alm. 36. t. 138. fig. 2. __ Native of the Cape of Good-Hope and an old inhabitant of our greenhoufes, where it thrives well and frequently ripens its _ feeds. But the plant fhould be removed out of the greenhoufe or the feed-veffels be plucked off before they burft, otherwife the down of the feeds being blown about the houfe, and ad- hering to whatever it touches, is apt to disfigure all the fur- rounding foliage, SPE 2 eared z Pub. By SL Curhr Wabworite. Apri tire. PS anon Sc Salle ¥ (y.< Nl EdwardDed Lub. by Le Curb Wabworddes Gor 6-481 f- LF Sizilbma Le [ 1629 ] STATICE CONSPICUA. SHEWY SEA- LAVENDER. De SS ee ee Clafs and Order. PENTANDRIA PENTAGYNIAs Generic Charaéfer. Cal. 1-phyllus, integer, plicatus, fcariofus. Petala 5. Sem. 1. fuperum. Specific CharaGer. STATICE confpicua ; {capo fubfoliofo, ramis triquetris alatis, floribus aggregatis interrupte {picatis, braéteis acuminatis calyce longioribus. This fpecies has a very near affinity with Sratice /peciofa (No. 656), and we obferve the fame plant in Mr. Lamgert’s Herbarium, under that name, with Patvas’s own fignature. But upon a careful comparifon of this {pecimen, which appears to have been fent by Pauias to Profeflor Murray, with others of /peciofa, and even with the one preferved in his own herbarium, now in Mr. Lamserv’s poffeffion, we cannot help confidering them as diftin&. The aves, which however vary ‘much in fize, are not only fmaller but much more acute, and terminate gradually in a fharp mucro; the /cape is always much lefs branched ; the /i/pule longer, more pointed, and leafy, not {cariofe as in /peciofa, where they grow at the divifions of the branches only, and were on that account termed braétes in our defcription; the ranches are winged, but the wings are narrower and not curled. But perhaps the moft important dif- ference is, that the Jvaées have a much broader membranaceous border, and are elongated to an awl-fhaped point, extending beyond the calyx. The flowers grow in diftiné clufters, making an interrupted fpike. Raifed by Mr. Loppicrs, about ten years fince, from Siberian feeds: but to whom we are indebted for the communi- cation of the plant from which our drawing was made, having loft our memoranda, we cannot now afcertain. Flowers in May and June. Both this and /pecio/a, although fufficiently hardy with refpe@ to cold, are preferved with the greateft difficulty ; and are perhaps not at prefent to be met with in this country. — { 26g0 |] CIMICIFUGA PALMATA. PALMATE-LEAVER Buc-wort. sese-sealedese dk sles se steaks shoe shale ale de ate Cla/s and Order.- PoOLYANDRIA TETRAGYNIA, Generic Charaéfer. Cal. 4—5-phyllus. Pet. 4—8, cartilaginea. Capf 1—s, feu plures, oblonge, futura laterali dehifcentes, poly{perme. Specific Chara&er and Synonyms. CIMICIFUGA palmaia; foliis fimplicibus palmatis, floribus apetalis dichotome fubpaniculatis polygynis. CIMICIFUGA palmata; foliis fimplicibus palmatis, floribus dichotome-paniculatis fubcorymbofis polygynis, capfulis breviflimis fubglobofo-capitatis. Pure Fl. Am. Sept. p- -373- CIMICIFUGA palmata ; foliis fimplicibus, palmatis : floribus dichotome fubpaniculatis, polygynis. Michaux Fl. Bor. Am. 1. p. 316. | Cimiciruca palmata was firft deferibed by Micuaux, and was brought to this country by Mr. Lyons. We received it from Mr. Wittiam Kenz, of Clapton, but our drawing was taken from a fpecimen communicated to our draughtfman by the Honourable Wittram Herpert. : The fpecies of this genus muft be very puzzling to young ftudents of the Linnean fyftem; no two of them according in the number of piftils, which vary from one to twelve and up- wards. Nor are the other parts of the flower at all conftant; our prefent plant, in all the fpecimens which we have examined, is perfeétly apetalous, NYO2 Syd” Litvards Del. Pub. by SF Gerber Walworte Aort 131g. e LO Sarfom ie M7031. Lud by SL Curlin Walworlt.tpr 4 tITE. f 1} SAGITTARIA SINENSIS. CHINESE ARROW-HEAD. ee Clafs and Order. Monccia POLYANDRIA- Generic Character.—Vide Nm 1632. . Specific Character and Synonym. SAGITTARIA /men/is ; foliis trifidis tripartitifve: lobis fub- gequalibus nervofis, {capo ramofo polygono, flore mafculo terminali. SAGITTARIA /agittifolia. Lour. Cochin. p. 570. We had the honour to receive fpecimens of this plant from the Right Honourable the Countess or Essex, in O€ober jaft, from her Ladyfhip’s aquarium in Cafhiobury-Park. It is anative of China and Cochinchina; and, upon con- fulting Loureiro, we find an exaét defcription of it, under the name of Sacitrarta /agiliifolia of Linnaus, which he fuppofed it to be, but from which it differs very materially. The /eaves are very large, ftrongly nerved, three-lobed, fub- fagittate : Jobes nearly equal, patent, the middle one fomewhat broadeft and moft obtufe ; the /cape is longer than the petioles, branched, fluted or many-angled : flowers in whorls of three together, on fhort pedicles; male flower at the extremity of the {pikes. a the Species Plantarum, there is a SacitTaria irifolia from China, for which a figure in Petiver’s Gazophylacium is quoted; but that figure is fo unlike to our plant, that we cannot fuppofe them to be the fame, although we have been informed that in this the lobes of the leaves are fometimes divided quite to the footftalk, in which cafe they would become ternate, ‘ Mee” LAhwarde Ti of ane » Wats ; Be pore SC eee L Birlhy Yaluworhh . For 7. TITHE. FS an for [1632 J SAGITTARIA RIGIDA. BRITTLE-STALKED_ ARROW-HEAD. ethos ae ete Siete pee Clafs and Order. Moncacia PoLYANDRIAs Generic Charaéer, Masc. Cal. 9-phyllus. Cor. 3-petala. Filam, fere 24. Fem. Cal. 3-phyllus. Cor. 3-petala. Pifilla multa. Sem. multay nuda. ; Specific Character and Synonyms. SAGITTARIA rigida ; foliis lanceolatis carinatis, petiolis tri- quetris, fcapis teretibus fimplicibus, capitulis femineis feffili- bus, ftolonibus reptantibus. | SAGITTARIA rigida ; foliis angufto-lanceolatis inferne cari- natis rigidis utrinque acutiffimis, {capo ramofo, floribus mo- noicis. Pur/o Fl. Amer. Sept. 397- SAGITTARIA Zulbofa. Donn Hort. Cant. ed. 6. p. 246. ? This fpecies of SaciTTARIA increafes very faft by runners, infomuch that in a fhort time it overran the aquarium in Mr. Vere’s garden at Kenfington-Gore. The ftems are remarkably _ brittle, whence our Englifh name. The female flowers are feffile, a chara€ter which Mr. Pursu mentions as being peculiar to his heterophylla. We are informed by this Botanift, that our plant is the fame as the one defcribed by him under the name of. rigida, of which he brought no {pecimen, and had only a fhort: ~ imperfeét defcription taken at the time of obferving it, to frame his character from. As in fome other fpecies, in this genus, bulbs are occafionally produced, but thofe not being peculiar to our plant, and Mr. Donn’s dulbofa not having been any where defcribed, we have have only traditional evidence of the identity of his plant with ours, and have therefore not adopted his name. Not having had an opportunity of examining this plant in a living ftate ourfelves, we are indebted to Mr. ANpERsON for the knowledge of its increafing by runners, and of its remarkable brittlenefs ; by whom we are alfo informed that it is a native of Canada; and that it was introduced by the Right Honourable Sir Josern Banks, Bart. who received it from the late Mr. Francis Masson, in 1806. Donn gives 1798 for the year of introduétion of his dulbo/a, It is a perfetily hardy perennial. a“ } é 7 O33 wt E 5 A eer hides Lo t A & { 1633 J PAPAVER NUDICAULE (6.) YELLOW- FLOWERED, NAKED-STALKED Poppy. sestesesese se se esle se skate leak ak ale se aeae Clafs and Order. PoLtyANDRIA MonocGyNIA. Generic Charaéier. Cor. 4-petala. Cal. 2-phyllus. Cap/. 1-locularis, fub ftigmate perfiftente poris dehifcens. Specific Character and Synonyms. PAPAVER audicaule ; capfalis (ere€tis) hifpidis, fcapo unifloro nudo hifpido, foliis fimplicibus pinnato-finuatis. Willd. Sp. Pl. 2. p. 1145. Hort. Kew. ed. alt. 3. p. 289. Gmel. Sib. 4. p.180. Flor. Dan. t. 41. Knipb. Cent. 10. 0. 68. PAPAVER erraticum nudicaule, flore flavo odorato. Dill, Elth. 302. t. 224. f. 291- PAPAVER erraticum luteo flore, capite oblongo hifpido. Amman, Ruth, 61. 1. 81. -(a.) floribus albis. (G.) floribus flavis. Papaver mudicaule and alpinum approach fo near to each other, that Haxrer and other Botanifts have fuppofed them to be the fame; and Linnavs himlelf doubted whether the former might not be a mere offspring of cultivation. To us, however, it appears that our plant, a native of Siberia, is fuffi- ciently diftin€&t from the one which Harver and Jacquin have defcribed. It is much larger, leaves more hairy and pin- natifid, not bipinnate, There feems indeed to be two varieties of the yellow-flowered mudicaulis, as we have received from Mr. Loppices a fpecimen exaétly correfponding with the figure in Flora Danica, with a feape about {ix inches high, and | the — the pinnule crowded together. Our plant grew to the height of a foot and half, had generally five petals, and the lower pin- nule diftant, alternate, and unequal; differences. which might however arife from the latter being cultivated in a good foil, in the open border, the former ina pot. Native of Siberia. A hardy biennial. Communicated by Mr. Knicut, of the Exotic Nurfery, King’s-Road. Flowers from June to Auguft. Cultivated by Dr. James SHERARD, in 1730. [1634 J Littum MartTAGon (a.) SMOOTH-STALKED Martacon, oR Lurx’s-cap-LiLye Se ERIE Ra ae ae Clafs and Order. HexaANDRIA MonocGyNIAs Generic Charaéer. Inflor. terminalis, uni-multiflora : racemo/a braéteis foliaceis fimplicibus geminifve feparata: smdellata iftis in verticillum cinéta. Cal. o. Cor. infera, cernua ad erettam, hexapetalo- partita, : mbricato-connivens, turbinato-campanulata, fubzqualis, decidua, laciniis re€tis {, revolutis, fulco verticali nudo f. ciliato carine dorfi refpondente infculptis. //. ime corolle adnata, fafciculato-divergentia, inclufa, rarius partim connata ; anth. oblong, verfatiles, Stylus cum fligmate craffo capitato-trigono “clavatus, nunc vage curvandus. Cap/. cartilaginea, ere€ta, tur- binata vel oblonga, rotundato-trigona, fexfulca, fexcoftata, 3:loc., 3-valv., valvis medio {eptigeris ; /em. numerofa, . bi- feriatim cumulata, plana, orbiculato-attenuata, fubmarginata ; alb, carnofum. G. : Oss. Herbe bulbofe, caulefcentes ; bulbus fquamzus, thizomate haud infrequenter in flagellum fobsliferum ab infra excurrente ; racemus erecius, rarius fubpaniculato-divifus ; pedunculi robuftiores facie fere ramorum ; folia evato-lanceolata ad lineari-fubulata, feepius fola caulina, modo tam in bulbo quam caule, bie verticillata diftantia vel fparfa confertiora, illic fafciculato- ambientia, nunc in axillis bulbifera ; capfularum valve plexu fibrofo inter- gerino connexe ; fem, fufca, glabra. Proxime FRITILLARIZ fundus corollce latior et fepius rotundatus foveis fenis neGlariferis, fligmata replicato- difereta, canaliculata, bulbus e laminis amplioribus compactior, communiter collaterali-duplicatus. G. = Specific Character and Synonyms. LILIUM Martagon ; (flores cernut, reflexi ;) bulbo flavefcente ; ~ caule tereti eftriato ; foliis cun@tis caulinis, diftanter verti- cillatis (verticillis nunc duplicatis), obovato-lanceolatis, acumine brevi, deorfum longius attenuatis, immerfe fub- feptemnerviis, venolis, firmulis, fummis fparfis; racemo _ ee ae i Ee laxe fparfo f. partim verticillato, pauci-multifloro ; pedun- culis recurvis, florem equantibus f. excedentibus; braéteis fepius geminis, ineequalibus; corolla turbinato-revoluta, glabra; canaliculis tubulatis nudis ; laciniis difco dorfi vel tantum in carina pubefcentibus, exterioribus margine bre- viflime inflexis, extra apicem bullula callofa prefixis, in- terioribus obtufioribus carina quadrata; ftaminibus quarta circiter brevioribus; germine breviore quam ftylus ; -fligmate obfolete tricolli, depreffo, pruinofo ; capfula > turbinata. G, : Ss) LILIUM Martagon. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2. 1. 435. Lil. a Redoute, tab. 146. Brotero Flor. Lufit..1.522. Bieberflein Flor. Taur. Cauc. 1. 267. Lamarck et Decand. Flore Franc. 3. 210. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. 2, 242. Nobis fupra No. 893, ubi reliqua _ . _fynonynta. oS (w.) caule glabro, G. in numero prafenti. (8.) caule villofo-hirfuto. G. /upra No. 893. For a further account of the fpecies, fee No. 893 of this work, The prefent variety with a fmooth ftem is ufually a lefs robuft plant than @, which has a pubefcent ftem. The prefent is the variety figured by Jacquin, in his Flora Auftriaca. Native of Germany, France, Siberia, Spain, and Portugal. G. APAFO3S. [ 1635 ] PHALANGIUM LILIAGo (g.) MAJOR. LARGER GRASS-LEAVED PHALANGIUM, TERETE ER ae aie a ae cleske sk ae ak sede Clafs and Order. | HExAnvDRiA MonoGxyNiAs Generic Chara@er. Infor. racemofa, brafteis fimplicibus interftin@a. Cal. o. Cor, infera, hexapetaloideo-rotata fubeequalis, perfiftens. il. - corolla difco impofita, ere€to-divergentia, inclula; antb. oblonge, incumbentes. Sty/us triquetro-filiformis, decurvo-affurgens, cum Stigmaie trigono obtufo pruinofo clavato-continuus. Czp/- per- gamea, rotunda f. ovata, trifulco-trigona, polyfperma, 3-loc., 3-valv., valvis medio feptigeris ; /em. margini interiori diffepi- menti utrinque annexa, obverfe attenuata, angulofo-preffa ; alé, carnofum, durum. G. , ° ° Oss. Herbz perennantes, caulefcentes ; radix Fafciculato-fibrofa, fibris Subfufiformi-craffis ; folia plura, radicalia, ambientia, graminea, ligulato- attenuata, canaliculato-explicanda, nervulofa, ereéto-divergentia » racemus Simplex v. divifus, laxus ; pedunculi uniarticulati; corollx lacinie interiores modo crifpate ; fil. nune barbata; feminum tefta nigro-fufea, excavato- punéticulata. ANTHERICUM (PHALANGIUM. Red.) Liliaftrum ad HEMEROCALLIDEM, ef ferotinum ad GaGeam (fupra No. 1200) referenda funt. ANTHERICO fylus rectus, aitenuatus, pedunculi non arti- culati, herba craffa aut ffulofa, HeMeRocALxip! corolla connivens, famina decurvo-afjurgentia, herba fere PHALANGII. G, Specific Charatler and Synonyms, — PHALANGIUM Lihago ; (fil. mda;) racemo fimplici bifidove; corollz laciniis omnibus explicatis. G. PHALANGIUM Liliago. Nobis fapra No. 914. Lil. a Redoute, tab. 269. Lamarck et Decand. Flore Franc. 3. 210. ANTHERICUM Liliago. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 2. 1, 445. Hort. _ , Kew. ed. 2. 2. 269. Alia fynonyma fupra in No.gih. (a) major; in prefenti numero, ' (8.) minor ; fupra No. 914. | Aas The whole plant is larger than @, already given in No. 914. Its flowers are tinged with green down, the back of their fegments. Cultivated by Gerarp in 1596. Blooms in May and June. For further account of the f{pecies, and for the other fynonyms fee the above-cited number. G. —— NOTES | Actiium Cepa.§. bulbiferum, Trex Onton. Supra No.1469. ** A plant called the oxoz-tree, which is met with in the Canadian ** gardens, is of a curious nature. Its ftalks run up to the fame height, and it has much the fame appearance, as the common onion when in feed; but it contains feveral branches, and at the end of each a clufter of moderate-fized onions. Thefe are “ its feed and if left in the clufter will frequently branch out, and & each bear other clufters, but of a more diminutive fize.” Lambert's Travels in Canada, ce, ed. 2. Vs 1. ?- 439. The vegetable Mr. Lampert has defcribed,, is the variety of the common onion, publifhed in No. 1469 of this work. Upon reading this paflage, it occurred to us as probable, that the bulbiferous habit which diftinguifhes the variety, has been in- duced by the culture of the parent-fpecies in a region fo much colder than its natural one, as that of Canada may juftly be prefumed to be; and that proving in this form an uleful addi- tion to the kitchen-garden, fciops have been remitted thence to Europe, and thus given rife to its appellation of “ the Canada- onion,” and confequent confufion with ArLium canadenfe (fee No. 1469); the origin of which name and error is otherwife a myftery to us. We-fcarcely need obferve, that many bulbous plants are known to become viviparous (i. e. to bear bulbs in the place of feed) when tranfplanted ‘into fituations colder than thofe to which they naturally belong. G. ScILLA ROMANA, Supra No. 939- The following fynonym may be fubjoined to thofe already given in the above article ; 4 : ee Betrevatia operculata. Picot de la Peyroufe, in Fourn, de Phy/. de Delaméth, 67. 4253. et in neues Fourn. fur die Bot. vom Schrader. v. 3. pars 4. Ps 121. Monf. Prcor pz 1a Perrouse, having lately found this plant in the vallies of the Pyrennees, had deemed it /wi generis and nondefcript, G, Sore eer tas) me ee he she Wise she she ee IND EX In which the Latin Names of the Plants contained in the Lhirty-Ninth Volume are alpha- betically arranged. Pi. 1619 Alftroemeria Salfilla. 1608 Anchufa ochroleuca. 1623 Arnopogon Dalechampii. 1615 Barleria criftata. 1619 Brunfvigia multiflora. 1630 Cimicifuga palmata. 1614 Columnea fcandens. 1603 Convolvulus candicans, 1605 Crinum amabile. 1622 Dianthus Caryophyllus (y.) im. bricatus. 1616 Diofma ovata, 1626 Erica togata. 1602 Galardia bicolor. “3628 Gomphocarpus fruticofus. 1618 Hamanthus rotundifolius. 1610 Hemodorum planifolium. 1609 Heliotropium corymbofum, 1599 Helonias graminea. 1624 Hovea lanceolata. 1604 Iris fibirica (y.) /axguinea. 1611 Lachenalia bifolia. 1594 Lachnza purpurea. 1634 Liliam martagon (2.) 1596 Lophiola aurea. 1621 Magnolia confpicua. 1612 Morza collina(a.) miniata minor. 1625 Mylocaryum liguitrinum, 1593 CEnothera cefpitofa. 1606 glauca. 1592 miffourenfis. 1633 Papaver nudicaule (8.) 1635 Phalangium Liliago («.) major. es Rudbeckia columnaris. 4600 Sabbatia seeds 4692 Sagittaria rigida. ai : finenfis. 1627 Spilanthes crocata. 1629 Statice confpicua. 1617 ——— fpathulata. 1620 Strumaria gemmata. 1598 Tradefcantia craflifolia. 1597 : fubafpera. 1607 Vaccinium diffufum. 1595 Viola montana. PEOPSHOFOLOHOH OF OLOE SHE OHOFOF OFS OFOH OL SHOFOHOHOFOFOLOFOHOFOFOFOFOHOHO - oN EAS In which the Englifh Names of the Plants contained in the Thirty-Ninth Volume are alpha- betically arranged, Fi. 1608 Alkanet, pale-flowered. 1613 Alftroemeria, Potatoe-rooted. 1632 Arrow-head, brittle-ftalked. 1631 Chinefe, 1615 Barleria, crefted. 1603 Bindweed, Tanaffée. 1618 Bloodflower, round-leaved. 1619 Brunfwick-Lily, or Chandelier- Flower. 1625 Buckwheat- Tree, or Privet- leaved Mylocarium. 1630 Bug-wort, palmate-leaved. 1622 Carnation, wheat-ear. 1614 Columnea, climbing. 1605 Crinum, Sir Abraham Hume’s. 1616 Diofma, oval-leaved. —— 1606 Evening -Primrofe, glaucous- 1593 Evening-Primrofe, matted. 1592 miffouri. - 1602 Galardia, two-coloured. 1628 Gomphocarpus, willow-leaved. 16:0,Hemodorum, dingy-flowered. 1626 Heath, large-cupped. 1599 Helonias, grafs-leaved. 1624 Hovea, lance-leaved, © 1604 Iris, Mr. Hibbert’s. 1611 Lachenalia, cowled two-leaved. 1594 Lachnza, purple-flowered, 1634 Lily, fmooth-ftalked Martagon or Turk’s-Cap. : 1596 Lophiola, golden-crefted. [lan, 1621 Magnolia, Lity-fowered, or Yu- 1612 Morza, leffer equal-flowered. 1635 Phalangium, larger grafs-leaved. 1633 Poppy, naked-ttalked. 1601 Rudbeckia, high.crowned, 1600 Sabbatia, dichotomous. 1629 Sea-Lavender, fhewy. 1617 fpatula-leaved. 1629 Sheeps-beard, great-flowered. 1597 Spider-wort, Lyon’s new. 1598 tuberous-rooted. 1627 Spilanthes, faffron-flowered. 1620 Strumaria, jewelled-flowered. 1609 Turnfole, large-flowered. 1595 Violet, mountain. 1607 Whortle-berry, thining-leaved. ————————_—_—_—_ mame: Trinted by §, Couchman, Throgmorton-Street, Londons