MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN LIBRARY Conservation of this volume cotnpUted through a grant from the Camelot Fund 1 97^^79 p. "L I ■f--* «w- 0/i^j^ii } A^d V k ^0i Vi '>' *5» November; houferthe only meS^ we p eW ' by wtcL^t o' n^ '^""^ ^^^ ^^'""^ ^^^*- «*' '^^ dfewherc. It Is propag;ted S eafe by cuttings ^ "'"'^'' '° ^'^""' " "" ^^^^^ "-- '^^ '^ of pknt W"z;ic:d htVordflpMl'tt • W 1^'^.IP °5 ^J""^"^' ^^-^ '^ P^- ^^- ^"b^ berg, &c. have thrown it u Pen^andr k R.u ^' ^'r^^ ^^'^i^'''"^ ^^ ^illdenow. Schreber, Tliun- man. in claflifying t^his own fvftem Lf. ""J' ^''Y^T'^^ "^^^"^^ °f the capability of that great fionedourre,3LinVu,'rd:^f:iddlt%'ftrLt^^^ "^'^^ ^"^ ^^^"^^ '^^^''^' ^^^ '- Wi«S,sJUflf» 0OTAN .At 7 \if/lf///^ *'.-■ PLATE CCXIX. GLADIOLUS CUSPIDATUS. rar. p^uiu cri/tu Spear-fpotted Gladiolus, rar.withcnfpedpetau. CLASS III ORDER I TRIANDRIJ MONOGYNIji. Three Chives. One Pointal ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corolla fex-partita^ ringens. Stamina adfcendentia. Blossom fix divifions, gaping. Chives afcending. See Gladiolus roseus, Plate XL Vol.1 SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus folus linean-cnfiformibus,glabns; co- rolla ringente ^ laciniis longiflimis, acurai- natis^ crifpatis, fubsequalibus, tribus inferi- oribus in medio macula oblonga notatisj corolHs albicantibus. Gladiolus with linear - fword - fhaped fraooth leaves; bloflbtn gaping, fegments very long, tapered to thepoint^crifpedand nearly equal, the three lower ones in the middle have an oblong fpot 3 bloflbms whitifli. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two valves of the Enipalement. 2. The Bloffom cut open, with the chives. 3. The Seed -bud. Shaft and Summit, one divifion of the fumrait magnified. Although this fpecies of Gladiolus is as old in our gardens as, almoli any, we have; yet, it is not much known, from the uufrequency of its flowering, of which there is no certainty. The befl method to affift it With a vigorous growth, is to place it in a confiderable degree of warmth, fuch as the heat of the hot-houfc, the pot being kept in a pan, with water. With this affiflance, it may be made to flower, fomctlraes, about the end of M-r^y. It is a very hardy bulb, in what regards the root, and its prefervation. Our figure was made in May, 1800, from a plant which had been treated in the above mauuer, at the Hammerfmith nurfeiy. ^ \ (juii/i^«fa iiiii iniiTagiT PLATE CCXX. MASSONIA SCABRA. ^T ^ijft; ^^T ^ Rough-leaved Maffbnia. CLASS YL ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. CoKOLLA infera, limbo 6-partito. Filamenta jcoUo tubi impofita. Capfula 3-alata, 3-lo- cularisj polyfpernia. Blossom beneath, border ^-divided. Threads pladed on the neck of the tube. Capfule 3-winged, 3 -celled, many-fecded. M SPECIFIC CHARACTER, MalTuina foliis cordato-orbiculatis, fupra fcabro- fis } laclniis corollae refiexis. Maffonia with leaves between heart-lhaped and round, rough on the upper fide 5 the feg- ments of the bloflbm reflexed. ? REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A fktnny flieath, one being attached to each flower^ at the lower part of the foot-ftalk. 2. A Flower complete- 3. The BlolTom cut open, to fhew the infertion of the chives into the mouthy juft withiij the honey-cups. ^ 4. The Seed bud, fhaft and fummit. The rough-leaved Maffonia is, as well as all the hitherto difcovered Ipecies of the genus, a native of Good the vear 1 706* bv Meffr 800 time, in this kingdom- It is a hardy greenhoufe bulb 5 propagates from the root, and perfetls its feeds; Marcl I M. latifo ppearance that fpecies. A loamy foil lightened by a fraall mixture of fandy peat is that it moft approves. The roots Ihould not be taken from the pots after the decay of the leaves, but kept rather dry till the leaves begin to re-appear. Much per fmooth'leaved ; as unfortunately, the other fpe ended ? '7^ d friend^ I i -h^ ^■''^ -'. \ i -1 / y 4 f /nrZ-jr' PLATE CCXXI. WURMBEA CAPENSIS Cape Wunnhea, Far. /3. 2. Far. : CLASS VI. ORDER III. HEXANDRIA TRIGYNIA. Six Chives. Three Pointals GENERIC CHARACTEli. Calyx nullus. Corolla monopetala, fexfida, infera ; lacinlis lanceolatis, acutis, eredlis. Stamina. Filamenta fex, filiformia, ereda, fauci corollas Infertae. Antherae eredae, didymae. PtsTiLLA. Germen triquetrum, apice triparti- tnra, glabrum^ fuperum. Styli tres, triquetri, iubulati, incimi, longitudine ftamlnum. StiV. mata obfoleta, ** Pericahpium. Capfula oblonga, triquetra, trl- fulca, trilocularis, a medio tripartita. 1 Semina plurima, rotunda. Empalement none, Bi-ossoM one petal, fix-cleft, beneath 5 fegments lance Ihaped, pt>inted and upright. Chives. Threads iix, thrtrad-ihaped, upright, in- ferted into the mouth of the bloffom. Tips Upright, double- Pointals. Seed-bud three-fided, three-divided at the top, fmooih and above. Shafts three, three-fided, awl-lhaped, turned inwards, the length of the Chives, Summits obfolete- Seed-vessel. Capfule oblong, three-fided, three- furrowed, three-celled, three-divided from the niiddle. SiiEDs many, round. Wurmbea SPECIFIC CHARACTER. titloraj floribus feffilibus, atro-purpureis. Wurmbea vinth hooded, lance-ihaped leaves; fpike many-flowered; flowers fittincr clofe to the flemand dark-purple. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Bloflbm cut and fpread open, with the Chives in their place 2. The Pointals, natural fize. 3. The fame, magnified. r'Zfp? 7'' ^7 ""^^ by Thunberg as diflina from Melanthium. in his Dljerlatio Nova faZZA f/""^"'";"^ ""^^f ^\« '''\^ Wurmbea, from the conftruaion of the bloflbm ; wHich in this, is lornieci 01 one oetai. hut m thTt i^^r^r^^^^r^A ^f /:„ . ^ i.n! o- t . . 1 , ? ^ , ' tiMr^hiu IVrlf ;r ^J-V'"" ^''^u P''°P"^*y' renewea its claims to particular diftinaion, under the firft name o^ canenk S! ^f^'^""'?' '^'' °"t f the four varieties given by Thunberg, all under the fpecific he feco^d W of Th V"' %'^'^^ ^P'^^'V '•^^^^^■'"g his opinion on the fourth, our prefent plant, and not ?xaat wTh W^M ''^' V'^T' '^^^ ''^^^''^'' ""^ P^'^P^^ documents. Now, as our ideas run nlmtrall^e .nS rhi 7''" 'r'" f^^^"V°" ' ^ut thinking with Thunberg, whomuft have feen the drtv^niof\wnm f.f '""-^ ^^^ h^^'^ the rather followed him 5 as we pofl-eis d fferen^e of chnrTt^^ '"^ "^""u ^^ ^''"'' ''^"" *"'°^' '^'^"^ Tpecimens, and whofe trifling r eti« of each o ber " '"'"'"' '° ^' '""^"''^ "' fpecifically diifcrent, but as mere va- rnYnX*\ljt8m^t^;;TK''r ' °^^^"'^f,^h'<^h we have drawings, were received by G. Hibbert, iq. tj,e year 1 800, from the Cape of Good Hope. The bulbs are folid like thofe of Ixia, &c. but appenda prod M ccr- ff^^,.. '7 nfieNr^ ra/7r//rjt dung/ earth. iTgKSake occurs, in the Cv haned Brnwr'l" ^"-i^^fr^'^f E^it on of the Didionary; where, the petals are defcribed as th^c peSs ' cochleata," or (hell-.lhaped, a moft expre" ^ - - - from Barbadoes. It is term « a rM/r.j//>]re^a PLATE CCXXVI. MAGNOLIA UM LA. L-^^-r*. -*i- i Dwarf Magnoli CLASS XIII. ORDER VII. POLYANDRIA POLYGYNIA. Many Chives. Many Pointals GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx. Perlanthlnm triphyllumj follolis ovatis, concavis, petaliformibus, deciduis. C0ROL1.A. Petala novem, oblonga^ concava, ob- tufa^ bafi anguftiora. Stamina. Filamenta numerofa, brevia, acumi- nata, compreffa, receptaculo comrauni pif- tilloruni infra germina inferta, Antherae linearesj margini filanieutorum utrinque adnata^, PisTiLLA. Germina numerofa, ovato-oblonga, bilocularia, receptaculum clavatum tegen- tia, Stylirecurvi, contortijbreviffimi. Stig- mata longitudinalia styli, villofa. Pericarpium. Strobilus ovatus, te6lus capfulis compreflis, fubrotundis, vix imbricatis^ con- fertis, acutis, unilocularlbus, blvalvibus, fef- filibus, extrorfum dehifcentibus, perfiften- tibus. Semina bina feu folitaria, lubrotunda, baccata, filo pendentia ex linu fingulae fquamae llro- blH. Empalement. Cup three-leaved j leaflets egg- fhaped, concave, the form of the petals, fall- ing off. / Blossom. Nine petals, oblong, concave, obtufe, narrower at the bafe. Chives. Threads numerous, fhort, tapered, flat- tened, inferted below the feed-buds into the common receptaclp of the Pointals. Tips linear, fixed on fide to the margin of the threads. PoiXTALS. Seed-buds numerous, oblong-egg- fhaped, two-celled, covering a club-ftiaped • receptacle. Shafts turned backward, twifted, very fliort. Summits grow out of the fliafts longitudinally, hairy. Seed-vessel, Cone egg-fliaped covered with capfules which are flattened, roundifh, fcarcely tiled, crowded, pointed, one-celled, two-valved, fitting clofe to the receptacle, fplitting from the outfide and remaining. Seeds by twos or folitary, roundilh, like berries, hanging by a thread from the infide of each fcale of the cone. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Magnolia foliis elipticis, undulatis, acuminatis, fubglaucis; floribus nutantibus, albisj pe- talis camulis, obovatis, concavis. Magnolia with eliptic, waved leaves, tapered to a point, rather glaucous; flowers hanging down and white; petals thick, invcrfely egg-(haped and concave. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1 - One of the outer petals. 2. An inner petal. 3. 4. The Cliivesand Pointals, on the receptacle The outfide of one of the Chives. 5. The infide of ihe fame. 6. 7. The fame, magnified. The Pointals. / iHB Magnolia pumila. (as are, generally, all plants upon their firft arrival from China,) has been hitherto treated as a hothoufe plant j by which means, a continued foliage has been preferred : but, frorn every appearance of the plant, it is by nature deciduous, and, certainly hardy enough to be pre- ferred m U>e grwnhoufe, ,f not to bear the expofure of the open ground. It grows to the height of about two feet, flowers m the hot-houle about September or later, and is propagated by cuttings. The bloffoms are very fragrant, but of fhort duration. To the late J. ....c, r..^ ux ^.y.onuone, wc uw. this plautj which was one of that rich cargo brought home in the Carnatic, for him, by Captain Connor, m the year 1^93. Our figure was taken at the Hammerfmith nnrfery. The acceffion to this magnihccnt Genus has been coufidcrable within a very few years: to the fpecies formerly culti- vated mBntnm y,z Xh^ grandiftora with its four varieties, the glauca and its two varieties, the acuminata and tritiPtnln ar#* n/%«f ^aa^a. •u-. •.. / . % ^- .. . . . * .. / The fliort '^„„^' .^ ^ I, -I , 1° . — --"""• J '""■^I'lg lu rtji, wiui lue varieiies, niiecn. ine iiiori rT^ZfT. T ^"'a '^^ '^"^ ^^ ^'"""^ ^*^'"^' '^^ '^^ knowledge of what part of that extenfive ^t* «^^« ^« Vu * r * - ^^^^^^, «iiv.i4jc;i uicy will ciiuurc our winters: aiiaou^ii OY W^ n^j^f . ^vfH • tt ^ ^^rfa /////////, ^matm^m ms^ VL. PLATE CCXXVir. GLADIOLUS RINGENS. Far. multifloTus Gaping Gladiolus. Many-Jlowered Far. CLASS III. ORDER L TKIANDRU MONOGYNIJ. Three Chives. One PointaL ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTEE. Corolla fex-partita, ringens Stamina adfctndentia. Blossom fix-divided, gaping. Chives afcending. See Gladiolus roseus, Plate XL Vol. L SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis fub-linearibus, coftatis^ floribus ringentibus cineriis, odoratiflimisi fcapo muhifloro. ribbed foms gaping, aih-coloured, and very fweet fcented] ftem many flowered. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 4 1. The two-valved Sheath. 2. A BloiTom, with the chives in their place, fpread open 3. The Pointal complete. This 13 a fine variety of the Gladiolus ringens, given on Plate XXVH. Vol. L of this work) the only fpeamen we have ever feen of it, is in the Hibbertian colleaion, from whence our figure was frr.?* f ^T.:'^''\: "' '^" ""^'^^ °^ ^^y- ^' ''' ^ «r°»g variety, but we cannot confider the dif. -n TiK ' ""'^ ^'^ ^Sure, of fufficient prominence to warrant a fpecific diftindion. rhe bulbs were received at Clapham, in the autumn of 1800, from the Cape of Good Hope; they rattier delicate, and the treatment muft be fuch as direaed for the former vnnVfv nf this foecies. ffl\ 7 i t//a^4if/rf rrn^r//^^ / J PLATE CCXXVIII. HIBISCUS MUTABILIS. Far. Jlore pleno. *V' Change able- Rofe Hihifciis. Douiu-jiowered Far. CLASS XVI. ORDER VI. MONADELPHIA POLYANDRIA. Threads united. Many Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Caiyx. Perianthium duplex, Exterius polyphyllum, perfiftens^ follolis linearlbus, rarius monophyllum, raultifi- dum. Interius monophyllum, cyathiforme, femi- quinquefidum^ perfillensj feu quinqueden- tatum, deciduum. Corolla. Petala quinque, fubrotundo-oblon- ga, bafi anguftiora, patentia, tubo ftami- num inferne adnata. Stamina. Filamenta plurima, inferne coalita in tubum, fuperne t^in hujus apice et fuper- ficie) divifa et laxa. Antherae reniformes. PisTiLLUM. Gernien fubrotundum. Stylus fili- formis, ftaminibus longior, fuperne quin- quefidus. Stigmata capitata. Pericarpium. Capfula quinquelocularisj quin-' quevalvis; diflepinientis contrariisj dupli- catis. Semina folitaria feu plura, ovato-reniformia. Ols. Capfula aliis ovata^ aliis longa 3 calyx exterior 3-12-phyllu5. Empalement. Cup double* The outer many-leaved, permanent^ leaf- lets linear, more rarely one-leaved^ many- cleft. The inner one-leaved, cup-fhaped^ half five- cleft^ permanent; or five toothed^ and de- ciduous. Blossom. Petals five, roundifh-oblong, nar- rower at the bafe, fpreading, fattened at bottom to the tube of the chives. Chives. Threads numerous, united at the bafe into a tube, at top (in its apex and furface) divided and loofe. Tips kuiney-fhaped. PoiNTAL, Seed-bud roundiih. Shaft thread- Ihaped, longer than the chives, at top five- cleft. Summits headed. ^ Seed-vessel. Capfule five-celled, five-valved;. partitions contrary, doubled. Seeds folitary, or many, between egg and kid- ney-fhaped. Ohs. The capfule of fome fpecies is egg- Ihaped, of fome long j 12-leaved, the outer cup, 3- SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hibifcus foliis cordatis, angulatis, quinquelobis, acuminatis, dentatis; calyce exteriore o6to- phyllo; capfula villofaj caule arboreoj flo- ribus pleuis. Hibifcus with heart-fhaped leaves, angled, five- lobed, pointed and toothed; outer cup eight-leaved J capfule hairy j ftem growing to a tree; flowers double. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. 2. The double cup with the Seed^bud, Shaft, and Summits in their place. The Threads cut and foread ooen. with thofe which are nerfpc^- ?»nd hai v% iin»n givi^ nic ^mui lut; uuuuic iiu wci cu v-udia^^tcr uciiig cui away 5 Oir 3. The Seed- bud, cut tranfverfcly to Ihew the perfei5t feeds in their cells. and Wilts produced from fome Jamaica fetds, which were fown at Bowden, another adjoining feat of that gentleman, and where they have flowered for feveral years. Although the flowers are double; yet good feeds are pro- duced, which is common to moft plants of this natural order, fuch as Alcea Malva, &c. the fullnefs of the blolfoms being, as ufual, formed from fome of the cbives becoming petals, many neverthelefs re- maining pcrfeft; which in th^fe plants Itand particularly djlUn6t from the poiutal, being feated on the upper part of the tube, formed by the connexion of the lower part of the threads, leaving the pointal as perfed as in a fingle flower. It is alfo propagated by cuttirig, and thrives in rich earth. It may be confidered rather a tree, than fiirub, as even in this country, it acquires the height of from 15 to 20 feet. It is a native of Japan, China, and the Eaft Indies; where it is much efleemcd for the extreme beauty of its flowers, as well as in our Weft India iflands, where it is also cultivated- The Single- flowered has been known in England above a century, having, fayi the Kew Catalogue, been intro-. duced by Mr. Bentinck in the year 1690, The fpecific title is aflumed on the fingulai change of the flower, from white to flefh colour, before its decay, as fiicwn in our figure; which was taken from a fine branch received In a perfeft ftate from Bowden in the month of November 1801, and obligiogljf □Quuicated, to the author, bv Mrs. Dickinfon. .ns \ i ■^, \ ^!ML ^ 'i ^\ f i. PLATE CCXXIX. MAGNOLIA FUSCATA. Brown-Jlemecl Magnolia. CLASS XIIL ORDER VIL of Schreh Gen. PUuL POLYANDRIA FOLYGYNIA. Many Chives. Many Pointals, ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx 3-phyllus. PetalaS 12, Capfulae 2-valves, imbricat^e. Semina baccata, pendula. Cup 3 leaved. Petals 6-12, Capfules 2-valved, tiled. Seeds, berries, pendulous. See Magnolia pumila, PL 226. Vol. IV. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Magnolia foliis elipticis, fenioribus glabrls, ju- nioribus ramulifque tommtofis, fufcatis; petalis interne fubalbidis^ marginibus ele- gantifllnae coloratis. Magnolia with eliptlcal leaves^ the old ones fmooth, the younger as well as the fmall branches are downy, and browned3 petals whitifh within, the margins elegantly co- loured. ^Vt*tf*5^*^ REPEREXCE TO THE TLATE. 1- The outer fence of the flower, which falls off before the flower expands, 2. An outer petal of the bloflbm. 3. A Chive, with the parts complete, before the pollen has been emitted, a little magnified, 4. The fame Ihcwn from the outfide. 5- A Chive fliewn from the mfide with the tips burft, magnified. 6. The Chives and Polntals, natural fize. 7. The PointaU, as they are placed on the columnar Ihaft, the Chives being removed, natural fize. Of all the Magnolias with which we are as yet acquainted, this fpecles is the moft elegant; whe- ther for the growth of the plant, the brilliancy of the foliage, or the extreme delicacy, fragrance, and beauty of the flowers. It u a native of China; from whence it was firft introduced to us, in the year 1796, by T. Evans, Efq. of Stepneys from a plant in whofe colleaion, our figure was taken, tfii> \ ar, 1802, in the month of February, the general feafon of its flow^ering in tliis climate if kept in the hot-houfcj to which ftation it has, as yet, been doomed, although, from the general charafter of the Genus, we fliould be led to treat it more hardily. It is increafed by cuttings '^"^ layers; but the firft is the betl method, as, in the latter mode the branches do not take root under two years- The plant from which our drawing was made, did not exceed a foot and a half in height, which leads u> to fuppofe it nev-r becomes a large ibrub, even in China, It thrives in leaf mould, and light loam. We believe this plant has not hitherto come under the review of anv botanical author. * // rr /f. ////'/•yyr PLATE CCXXX. D O D O N ^ A QUETRA Three-Jtded Dodonaa. CLASS VIIL ORDER I. OCTJNDRIA MONOGYNIJ. Eight Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx. Perianthium letraphyllum, planum j foHoUs ovatis, obtufisj concavls, deciduis. Corolla nulla. Stamina. Filamenta ofto, brcvimnia. Antherae oblongae, arcuatae, connlventes, longitudine calycis. PisTiLLUM. Gernien triquetrum, longitudine calycis. Stylus cylindricus, trifiilcatus, erec- tus. Stigma fubtrifidum acutiufculum. Pbricahfium. Capfula trifulca, inflata, trilo- cularis; angulis membranaceis, magnis. Sbmina binn, fubrotunda. Empalement. Cup four-leaved, flatj leaflets - egg-fliaped, obtufe, concave^ falling off. Blossom^ none. Chives. Eight threads, very ihort. Tips oblong curved, approaching. the length of the Seed -bud three- fided, the length of cup. Pointal. the cup. Shaft cylindrical, three-furrowed, upright- Summit nearly three-cleft ra- ther pointed. Seed-vessel. Capfule three-furrowed, fwelled out, three cells, angles skinny, large. Seeds by twos, nearly round. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Dodonaea foltis lanceolatis, utrinque attenuatis, glaberrimis 3 ramulis triquetris 5 floribus dioicis. Dodonnea with lancc-fhaped leaves, tapered to both ends, very fmoothj the fmall branches three-fided} flowers with chives and poin- tals diftin6t. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. Male Flower. 1. The Empalement, magnified. 2. The Empalement and Chives, before the burfting of the tips, magnified. 3. The fame, when the tiPhave emitted the pollen, magnified. Female Flower. 1. The Empalement, magnified. 2. The Empalement, feed bud, fhaft and fummit, magnified. 3. A ripe capfule, natural fize. 4. -^ ' - - 5. One of the divrfions of the capfule. npe Thf fpcaes here figured of Dodonoea is from New Holland; where, Forfter fays he found it, as wr have given It, with the chives and pointals diftina; but, that the fame fpecies was hermaphrodite, when growing m New Zealand, which may perhaps be the faft, though we fliould fufpeft, from luch cucumftance, they were different fpecies. Martyn in his Ed. of Miller's Dift- mentions this Willdenow fpe as parts of fruaificationj which leaas us to fuppofe, he had not feen flowering fpecimens. It is as hardy as any grecnhoufe plant we poffcfs, but will not refilt the feverity of our frolt^ « eafily propa- ated by cuttings and thrives in alraoft any earth. It is fo very common in New Holland, that, carce a parcel of feeds has arrived from thence, but has contained feme of the feeds. The two figures rcrc taken from two plants at the nurfery Hammerfmitb PLATE CCXXX. N^ A Three-Jided Dodo?icea, u TRA. CLASS VIIL ORDER I. OCTANDRIA MO NOG YNIA. Eight Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx. Perianthium letraphyllum, planum 3 foHoHs ovatis, obtufis, concavis, deciduis. Corolla nulla. Stamina. Filamenta o6to, brmffima. Antherse oblongae, arcuatse, conniventes, longitudine calycis. PiSTiLLUM. Germen triquetrum, longitudine calycis. Stylus cylindricus, trifulcatus, erec- tus. Stigma fubtrifidum acutlufculum. Pericarpium. Capfiila trifulca, inflata, trilo* cularjsj angulis membranaceis, magnis. Semina bina, fubrotunda. Emfalement, Cup four-leaved, flat; leaflets - egg-ihaped, obtufe, concave^ falling off: Bl.ossoMj none- Chives. Eight threads, very fhort. Tips oblong, curved, approaching, the length of the cup. Pointal. Seed-bud three- fided, the length of the cup. Shaft cylindrical, three-furrowed, upright. Summit nearly three-cleft ra- ther pointed. Seed-vessel, Capfule three-furrowed, fwelled out, three cells, angles skinny, large, Seeds by twos, nearly round. * Dodonaea foliis lanceolatis, glaberrimis j ramulis dioicis. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. utrinque attenuatls, triquetrisi floribus Dodonrea w^lth lance-fhaped leaves, tapered to both ends, very fmooth ; the fmall branches three-fided ; flowers with chives and poin- tals diflin6l. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. Male Flower. 1. The Empalement, magnified. 2. The 3. Empalement and Chives, before the burftlng of the tips, magnified The fame, when the tipi have emitted the pollen, magnified Female Flower. 1. The Empalement, magnified. 2. The Empalement, feed bud, Ihaft and fummit, magnified 3. A ripe capfule, natural fize. 4. One of the divrfions of the capfule. 5. A ripe feed^ natural fize. Dodonaea aswr phroditC; fuch cfrcnmftfnr ^ 2^=^^^^"^' ^^^^^h may perhaps be the fac^, though we niould fufpea, from S TnHZ'- f^ ^vere different fpecles. Martyn in his Ed. of Miller's Did- mentions th.. Wnidcnow \nZ t P, '^f ^^^^^'^-^^^^^d fpecies found in the tropical climates of America and Aha. its partrj 'il^^ '"'■ Jr; ^1- ^- '• P- 3-^^' has made it a fpedes, without any obfervation on wSy i, iv^tllhlT \"''^^^ ^"'i' ^' ^^ ^"PP"*"^' he had not lien flowering fpecimens. It 1. =«» ga S W cutUnl and' fh "' '"■ ^f^^ ^"* "^" "*^' ''^''' ^^e feverity of our fVolb; is eafily propa- W 7parcel o?r.e3. ) '^- ''! ;^^™°\^"y ^^^th. It is fo very common in New Holland that. .9^ t$e <'^/cr/r PLATE CCXXXI. I CERB RA AH Ovahleaved Cerhera, u \ CLASS V ORDER I PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. CoNTOUTA. Drupa monofperma. Corolla in- fundibuliformis. Flowers contorted. Pulpy feed-veffel, onc- feeded. Bloflbm funnel-fluped. See Plate V60, Cerhera undulata, FolIL SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Cerbera foliis ovatis, acutis, hciniis corollse un- dulatls; calycis loliolis reflexis. Cerbera with egg-fliaped, pointed kaves; feg- menis of the bloflbra waved ^ leaflets of the cup reflexed. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, 2. A Bloffom cut open, the Chives in their place, 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summit; with the fummit detached, magnified. Thb oval leaved Cerbera is a native of the continent of South America, in Brazil and the other pro- vinces withia the tropics; therefore, muft be treated as a tender hothoufe plant. It is increafed by cuttings, delights raoft in a rich foil, and flowers in July, or Auguft. It is faid to acquire the height of ten feet, in its native clime, but. with us, It iHdom attains to three; becoming a handfome, budiy ftmib. The flowers haire a faint fmell, as have moft of this natural order; the whole plant is replete with a whitim juice, of a moft deleterious quality; and the wood when rubbed emits a difagreeable odoar. The fruit Is confidered by the indians as a deadly poifon .^gauift which there is no antidote. Our figure was taken from a plant in the Hlbbertian Colledion, Ciapham. Introduced to England, (or rather cultivated about that period) fays the Kew Catalogue, bv Mr. Miller, in the year 1739- ^. .9%:- 93( 6.v/r/;r ,///^,y/ i''"ced ,0 the Ke,.. colleaion, by Mr. F. M.ffbn, in the which were .ccei.ed W MrN v™ ' f '""' '" '*"= '^'^P''^'" '=°"'^«'''° """"S" ""'" '"'"'^ drawing „ . ,„.,. ' '^ ^ .f/™ 'l.t/T''-'"^ " T"" ""= '"''"'''"' '^^"' ""''" °" nor ,lo we think whh.., , t^ T , ' " " '" "° °"'='' "^ollwlion than that of Mr. Hibbert; introdtJe . :; ;,:^^': ,: .'^■:": ,^""P >■•. =■ -■"' Oe long fee„ in this countr,:, a., it has been often TOturcJ in tbUconTr ' . J T """"'''' ""'' "* ''>' "" '°'"- '"^ ">- ^^''^ have not, as /et, comitry; „ appears to grow luxuriantly in fandy pea. earth, and flo«ers in July. .t- » r U L . ?53 ' i ■\ \ + ^^v^'^ rr^y, 9f' nac / PLATE CCXXXIV. PR TEA ATA. Spike-flowered Frotea. CLASS IV. ORDER I. TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA, Four Chives. One Poinfal ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER- CoROLLA 4.ficli feu 4-petala. Antherae lineares, infertae pctalis infra apicem. Calyx pro- prlus nullus. Semina folitaria. Blossom 4-cleft or 4-p'^talled. Tips linear, in- ferted Into the petals below the point. Pro- per cup none. Seeds folitary. See Protea Formosa, PlateXVII. Vol.L SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Protea foliis bipinnalis, fubfiliformibus, pinnulaj canaliculatae, apice glandulofae j capitula fpi- cata, quadriflora. Protea with twice-divided leaves nearly thread- fliaped, fmall divilions channelled and glan* dular at the end; fmall heads in fpikes and four-flowered. I REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empaleraeiit. 2. 3. 4. 5. Oiie of the fmaU heads of flowers, not yet expancled. The famn, with the flowers open Th^mJiTl ^T '^' S'"^""^^ ^"P' ^^^ °"- «f the petals The Pomtal, the Summit detached, magnified. detached, magnified o;ire1:L';:: ':^::^7^^'^^' "^^^-^^- -"-^'-^ -- ^S-e was taken. U is one the title w. h,.. „:..L . .^ "^ ^'' Diflertatio de Protea. n. 1 1, and in his Prodromus 25. under the flowers grcrnh<:ufc: plant 111^7^^ ""^ ^^'^''- ^'^ ^"^^ ^-nedy in the year' ifgo. It h a hardy peat eatth. Native of »h. r ^ ^""'"S^- ^nd thrives in a fandy loam with a fmall portion of faiidj * '"^ vape ol Good Hope. r /> ^' r 1. ( I F J c ll L- i l- *' I > f * J I ■ ■1*. ■-. * ;, r L. I ^i'. .<* ,!^<^ S5/ /. -^ fr'. '^ /- ^/ ■ 4 ^ PLATE CCXXX V. MIMOSA DISCOLO Two- coloured leaved Mimofa. CLASS XXIII. ORDER I. FOLYGAMIA MONOECIA Various difpofi ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Upon one pi Hekmaph. Calyx 5-dentatus. Cor. 5 -fi da. Stamina 5 feu plura. Fift. l. Legumen. Masc. Calyx 5-dentatus. Cor. 5-fida. Stamina 5, 10, plura. Hermaph. Cup 5-toothed. Bloifom 5-cleft Chives 5 or more. Pointal 1. Apod. Male. Calyx 5-toothed. Bloflbm 5-cIeft. Chives 5, 10, or more. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Mimofa incrmisj foliis bipinnatis, fexjugis, bi- coloribus; pinnis acutis, sequalibusi fpicis axiUaribus; capitulis globolisi filiquls latif- timis, planis. Mimofa in fix pairs, and two coloured; wings fliarp pointed and equal ; fpikes grow from the infertioa of the leaves; fmall heads globu- lar; pods very broad and flat. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1 . The Empalcment, natural fizc. 2 The fame, magnified. 3. A Bloflbm. 4. A Chi\'e, magnified. 5. The Pointal natural fize, from an hermaphrodite flower. Q. The fame, magnified. In the year 1783 the feeds of this plant were received, from New South Wales, by a nu:nber of per- fons; and were raifed, the fame year, by moft of thofe who fowed the fecd«. The charaaer of the pldiit from whence ii derives its fpecific title is much loll in its advanced fiate; but in the firft tA'o or three years of its growth, it is extremely powerful; the under part of the young leaves being oi a bri htpurp'e. It is extremely difficult to propagate from cuttings; and it has not, as yet, peifefted its feed-i in England. It grows to the height of fix or feveu feet; is a hardy green-houfe plant; and thrives mod in land) pear earth. Our figure was made from a very fine fpecimen. communicated by the Hon. W. H. Irby, in September 1801, from his elegant colleaion at the Parfonage, Farnham Boyal, near Windfor, Bucks. &^. je3.f I \.\ J J 3 ^. // - * ^aa n/,i^'/>ny J «^ PLATE CCXXXVI. HYPOXIS STELLATA. ^J- Siar-Jlozvered Hypoxis. Vat, flore alio. TFhite Far. CLASS VL ORDER I. IlEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corolla fexpartlta, perfiftens, fupera. Cap- fula bafi anguftior. Spatha 2-valvis. Blossom fixparted^ remaining, above. Capfule narrower at the bafe. Sheath two valves. See Hypoxisjlellata. Pi 101. Vol II SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hypoxis fcapo unifloro; foliis fublinearibus. laxis, ftnatisj petalis roUa intus alba. co- Hypoxis with but one blolTom on the flower- ftem ; leaves nearly linear,flexible and fcored; the petals fpotted at the bafej bloflbm white within. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1- A Petal of the BlolTom, Ihewn from the outfide. 2. The Chives and PointaL 3. One of the Chives. 4. The Pointal, cleared of the chives. troduced bv Mr MaiTc roots of ihis plant are rather more tender, or delicate, than thofe of the yellow variety 3 which n It fcarcer, and much lefs known. The nurfery, Hammerfmith, is the only place at which we fccn itj and, we believe, they have it not in Holland. The root from which our fi?ure was t have be planted decayed. ported ure was taken, J ftiould r-t i >.■ s , F I ^ ftv-r a/rff PLATE CCXXXVII. CYTISUS TOMENTOSUS Downy-leaved Cytifus. CLASS XVII ORDER IV, DIABELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads in two fets. Ten Chives. GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx. Perianthium monopbyllum, campanu- Jatum, breve, bafi obtufumj ore bilabiato; labio fuperiore bifido, acurainatoj inferiore tridentato. Corolla papillionacea, Vexillum ova turn, alTurgens^ later! oribus reflexis* Al^ longitudlne vexilli, re^ae, obtufse. Carina vcntriculofa, acuminata. Stamina, Filanienta diadelpha (fimplex et no- vemfidum) affurgentia. Antherae fimplices. PiSTiLLUM, Germen oblongum. Stylus fim- plex> aflurgens* Stigma obtufum. Pericarpium. Legumen oblongum, obtufum, bafi attenuatum, rigidum. Semina nonnulla, reniformia, compreffa. f Empalement. - Cup one-leaved, bell-fliaped, fliort, blunt at the bafej mouth two-Hpped; upper lip two cleft, tapered} lower tip three- cleft. Blossom butterfly-lhaped. Standard egg-lliaped^ rifing upwards,turned back at the fides. Wings the length of the ftandard, ftraight, blunt. Ked a little bellied, tapered. Chives. Threads in two fets (one fingle, the other nine-cleft) turned upwards. Tips iimple. PoiNTAL. Seed-bud oblong. Shaft firaple, turned upwards. Summit obtufe. Seed-vessel. Pod oblong, obtufe, tapered at thebafe, (lifF. Seeds a few, kidney-fliape, flattened. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Cyttfus racemis lalerallLus, ere^lisj ramis tere- tibus, divaricatisj foliolis ovatis, tomen- tofisj. vexillo crenulato^ corollis luteis. Cytifus with the bunches of flowers growing from the fides of the branches, which are round and ftraddlc} leaflets egg-fliaped and downy; ftandard a litUe fcolloped; blof- foms yellow. \ REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, 2. The flandard. 3. One of the Wings. 4. The Keel. 5. The Empalement, Chives, and Pointal, a little magnified 6. The Seed-bud, magnified. 7. A ripe Pod. 8. The fame, fplit open, to expofe the fituation of the feeds, This pretty Cytifas, a native of the Cape of Good Hope, was raifed from feeds at the HammerffflUh the year 1798. It is rather a weak, and loofe growing flirub, attaining the height of a lalf, and flowering about Auguft. It delights in a light foil, and is propagated with eafe } it likcwiie perfects its feeds. The whole habit of the plant much more refembles Croto- laria th-tn Cytifusj but the feed-vcflel and empalement preclude its admillion to that Genus. cutting £37 '/ 1 S V /. /f 'wr//u>t///d *"' PLATE CCXXXVIII. m% A D U N De current -leaved Roella. CLASS V. ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal GEXERIC CHARACTER. Calyx. Perlanthium monophyllum, turbina- tum, quinquepartltum, perliftensj laciniis lanceoiatis, acutis, deutatis, magnis. Corolla monopctala, infundibuliformis, deci- duaj tubus calyce paulo brevior; limbus erefto- parens, quinqucpartitus, calyce lon- gior. Nectarinm e fquamis quuique, conniven- tibus, in fundo coroUae. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, fubulata, nec- tario infidentia. Antherae fubulatse, coniil- ventes, longUudltie filamentorum, altltudine calycis. PiSTiLLUM. German oblonguni, inferum. Sty- lus filiformis, longitudiue flamhium. Sti^- mata duo, oblonga, depreffa, patcntia. * Pericarpium. Capfula cyliudracea. calyce bre- vior, corona t a calyce patenli majoreque fado, biloculans. •- -i > Semina plurima, angulata. Obi. Campanuke valde affinis. Empalement. Cup one leaf, toplhaped, five- divided, remaining; fegments lance-fhaped, pointed, toothed, large; Blossom one petal, funnel-ftiaped, deciduous, tube a little fliorter than the cup; border between upright and fpreading, five-divided, longer than the cup. Honey-cup formed of five fcales, approach- ing, at the bottom of the bloffom. Chives. Five threads, awl-fhaped, placed upon the honey-cup. Tips awl-fliaped, approach- ing the length of the threads, the height of tlie cup. Pointal. Seed-bud oblong, bene.ith. Shaft thread-fliaped, the length of the chives. Summits two, oblong, flattened, fpreading. Seed-vessel. Capfule cylindrical, fliorter than the cup, crowned with the fpreading cup which has become larger, two celled. Seeds many, angled. Obf. This Genus is very nigh affined to campa- nula. Roella foliis lanceolatis, ciliatis, integerrimis longillmus, axillaribus. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Roella with lance-fhaped leaves, fringed, quite entire, decurrentj flowers folitary, foot- f^alks very long, growing from the bafe of the leaves clofe to the flem. 1. 2. 3. 4. BEPERENCE TO THE PLATE t" rrl'J^li- --„« beautiful little times, from the Cape of Good'Honi ^ ^ •? •' ^"^' ^^^<>^%^ the feeds have been received feveral 1/87, fcnt by ISIr. F. MafTon • vet hU if'*' '* \ ""^''''^' ^"^ firft at the Royal Gardens, Kew, in themipraaicabilityof procuri^irLfeed^n^"^^ been feen the fecond year; owing, we fuppofe, to may meet with a hnpjier itfuf The 1^ *'"'' ''^^^^' ^^'^^^' future trials, by different treatment, ^^^l^" the plant had annnr.r,»i,. :...rJl^ VS"^^ ^vas taken at the Clanham Garden. Jn Ancmfl 1800: may meet with a happier itfue " TheXf *'"'' "'"'^*^' ^^^^^P^ future trials, by different t .vl... .K. „,__. , , ently at Jned1r.V?A*'^? "' '^^ ^^'^^'"^^ ^aVden, in Aug s no vefJic? r'u P^^^^'^^J but unfortunately, no feeds ripen e^nYn'^lirfumtSn ^"^^^"^ '' ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^'^^^^ ^° ''^'' peat be believe cd; \ * ^:,ij^^^^^^ ['m^^-'^^^^^ifS^^^M'^'^ii^*^ i/'c -* ^ t fjy (^ 5 ^ • -^Z* V'//V7 F a^^ffrrend PLATE CCXXXIX. GERAN UM NUM. Rock-ParJley-leaved Geranium. CLASS XVI. ORDER IV. MONADELVHIA DECANDRIA, Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. MoNOGYNA. Stigmata quinque. Fructus roftratus, penta-coccus. One Pointal. Fiv^e Summits. Fruit furniflied with long awns, five dry berries. See Geranium GRANDiFLOKUM. Vol.1. PI. XII. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis pinnatis, foliolis alternis, laci- niatis, Lhfutis; petala bina fuperiora re- fracta, 3 inferiora concava, connlventia, reaa; ftamiiiibus 5 fertilibus^ radice tube- rofa. ■ Geranium with winged leavesj leaflets alternate, ragged, and hairy 5 the two upper petals appearing broke back, the 3 lower concave, approaching and flraight j five fertile chivcsj root tuberous. liEPERENCE TO THE PLATE 1. The Empalement. 2. The Chives, cut open and magnified. 3. The Pointal and Seed^bud magnified. 1 or G nrolifir,™ IT t'^'"**™"' """d md flemlefi, not including llie G. trifle, G. lobatum, "s h;ndr ! rl' """^ °f,f "^>'' ^'O-^S'' w= have given many figures, ^e flill polTcft drawing, of r.!"". "! ."f"?' ''=''''" "m>beriel-s varieties. It was introduced iu 1788 by Meffr,. Lee and npens likewife. Oix Garden, in 1800. As ) Kenn^v. , h r T "^"^'^^'"^^^^ ^'''"'^ties. It was introduced in 1788 by Meffrs. Lee aoTof1l;co nL n ^ ' T" f P^'"*' "^^^^ lefs fnbjea to rot, after the decay of the leaves, ..- ny ib congeners, flowers freely about Jnn. ,.d is propagated by the rootj the feed (fometiuies „„.„^„ ,1, ,„uu A 11 k - ^'^-' whofe root had been received at the Clapban monly accepted nam^ I -v ^^'''^'^ '"^ *^^ Botanill's Repofitory, are titled with the coro- fnrue oUkt DubHrntlnn ' l"^' "' England; and, as many have been given unJer different names, in of this VoluC Xnnr" 'rT^^ ''"'"'""^ ^^ ^^" ^^^^^ -" -"empt at ij-nouim, till the end work, for the ufe of thofe who il'^f Tf ""r ^'" ^' P"^"*^^^^ "^ ^" ^^^ P^^"^^ ^^"''^^ "' '^' un lor luch authorities* 1,1, L \ / y^ / y :s PLATE CCXL. GLADIOLUS CARNEUS. FleJIi' coloured Gladiolus, CLASS IIL ORDER TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. I. Three Chives. One Polntal. CoKOLLA fcxpartita, ringens. Stamina adfcendentia. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Blossom fix divisions, gaping. Chives afcending. See Gladiolus ROSEus, PI. 11. Vol.1. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis enfiformibus, coftatis, glabrisj floribus fccundis, cernuis, cameis) petalis tribus fuperioribus divergentibus, inferio- ribus fupra medium punaatis. I Gladiolus with fword-fhaped leaves, ribbed, and fxnooth^ flowers pointing one way, nodding and flelh-colouredj the three upper petals diverge, the three lower are dotted upon the middle. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The 2, The 3. The Pointal, complete. the Chives In their place Oum prcfent plant has a nigh affinity with r as a variety of itj but, as upon a clof ' ™'^"°'^' «"^ i"^eed might, perhaps, be confidered have adopted the name, quoted bv WM^l^'"^^''*" ""' ^'^^ ^^ ^°''''^ *° ^'^^^> '^ «^^"X refpcds, we native of the Cape of Good Hone nnH T' ^'''™ '^^^'i^^"' ^^ ^^ Roche, Burraan, &c. It is a made at Xhr Hamraerfmith Nurfen; T "'^''^"^^*^' ^^""^ thence, to us. In 1800. Our figure was . verr h«r^. k.,,u ._. . . ^^ ""^ year, beina th. fifft ^f its flowering in this countrv. It is Flowers ia May. JAT 3 4 i- i 1" H S 11 ' *^' h - " J h1~ r. S ir ity j^f^/^ ' PLATE CCXLL GLADIOLUS ORCHIDlFLORUSe Orchis-like-flowered Gladiolus, CLASS in. ORDER L TRIJNDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. Corolla fexpartita, ringens Stamina adfcendentia. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Blossom fix divifions, gaping. Chives afcending. See Gladiolus ROSEUS, PL II. Vol. I. / SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis linearibus; fcapo polyftachio; » • floribus fpicatis, fecundisj laciniis binis lateralibus coroUse latiffimis, fumma erefta, tribus inferioribus dependentibus, maca- latis. Gladiolus with linear leaves 5 flower-ftem branch- ed; flowers grow in fpikes. all from one fide J the two fide fegments of the bloffom are very broad, the top one upright, the three lower hang down, and are fpotted.- m KEFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two valves of the fheath, 2. A Bloffom fpread open, with the Chives in their place. 3. The Pointal, one of the divifions of the fummit magnified As a fingtilarity among its fellows, this Gladiol us ftands prominently diftinft; and the uncommon and curiom formation of its flowers will, undoubtedly, counterbalance, in the eye of the botanift, what they want in brilliancy of colour. It is a hardy bulb, and appears to require only the ufual treatment of the hardier fpccies of the genus. The Clapham colkaion is, we beUeve, the only one in which it is to tie found in England; to which it was introduced, by Mr. Niven, in the fpring of tlie year 1801, and whine our drawing was made, this prefent year, in the month of March 1S02. \ U'c ^ 9^ ?: I > U€i PLATE CCXLII. XERANTHEMUM FASCICULATUM. Bundle d-leaved EverlaJling-JiQwer, CLASS XIX. ORDER 11. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA, Tips united. Superfluous Pointals. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. m Receptaculurn paleaceam. Pappus fetaceus. Calyx irabricatus, radiatusj radio colorato. Receptacle chaffy. Feather briftly. Cup tiled, rayed; the ray colored. 1 SeeXERANTHEMUM sPECiocissiMUMj PLLI.Vol.L SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Xeranthemum foliis caulinis linearibus fab- teretibiis, fafciculatis^ longiirirnis} floribus folitariisj fquamis calycinis lanceolatis, pallide-luteis. Everlafting.flower, with the ftem leaves linear, roundifh, bundled, very long; flowers foli- tary; the fcales of the cup lance-ftiaped, and pale yellow. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1, A fcale of the cup* 2. An hermaphrodite floret, with its feed, magnified. 3. A female floret, with its feed, magnified, 4, The Pointal of a female floret, magnified. Ir 4 Amongst the iramber of very beautiful plants introduced by Mr, Niven, and which now enrich that fund of botanical rarity, the Clapham colleaion, this fpecies of Xeranthemum does not ftand the leaft confpicuous. Twelve years fince we poffeired but four fpecies of tliis genus, viz. X. fulgiduro, X. retortum, X. veftitum, and X. fpeciociirimumi now they extend to fourteen. The others, as well as the foregoing, arc all (but one, the X. lucidum of Port Jackfon, New South Wales) from the Gape of Good lIot?e, and introduced to us from thence, by various hands, in the following order; X. prolife- rum, through Holland, by Mflfrs. Lee and Kennedy; X formofum and X. candicans by the fame, from . Cipe feeds; X. fetVamoides by Mrs. Goftling, of Hounflow; X. filiforme by Mr. Donn, of Cambridgej X .afciculatum and X. truncatum by G. Hibbert, Efq. X. argenteum and X. fpirale by Montague Burgoyne, Rfq. of Mark Hall, EflTex. They are very fubjeft to damp in the leaves, frotn a confined air; therefore, fliould be kept in the window, or moft airy part of the greenhoufe. The moft fandy peat bell-glafs the fize of the pot; plunge it in a north or eaft border ■/ o— "— "* --"t jy^jv; piunge nm a nortn or ealt twrder, ana let tne wnoie uc cu*.-.^" a b^nd g!afi, which muft be kept quite clofe till the cuttings are rooted; then the inner glafs mull be removed, and in about a week the pot may be taken from under the outer one. when the plants maj September [er one, when the plants maj rtnight. Oar prefent plant feldora grows higher than two ftalks of the flowers: it cnnfmnes in flower from March till ■ e^? in L^^'^^^^'^V^^ '///^ r€^fSc^i'^fiir/jmf PLATE CCXLIir. PROTEA LAGOPUS Woolly-leaved Protea. CLASS IV. ORDER TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. I. Four Chives. One Pointal ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corolla 4-fida feu 4-pf.tala. Antherae lineares, infertae petalis infra aplcem. Calyx pro- prius nuUus.. Scmina folitaria. Blossom 4-cleft or 4-petalled. Tips linear, in- ferted into the petals below the point. Pro- per Cup none. Seeds folitary. See Protea Formosa, PI. XVII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Protea foliis bipinnatis, filiformibus; capitulis fpicatis, aggregatisj quadriflorisj corollis intus purpureis. Protea with doubly winged leaves, tbread- fhaped; fmall heads grow in fpikes clofe together, four flowers in eachj bloilbms purple within. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE 1 . The fcales of the cup of one of the {mall heads. 2. A fniall head of flowers, one of the flowers open, the reft not yet expanded 3. A floret, with the petals expanded. 4. A petal, with it^^chive, magnitied. 5. A Pointal, natural fize, with the fummit detached and magnified. This handfome Protea we owe to Mr. R. Williams, of Turnham-green, nurferyman, who raifed it by feeds received from the Cape of Good Hope in the year 1797. It is one of tlie handlbineft v*e yet poffefs of the winged-leaved kind of Prcteasj of which divifion, in this large family, there are now m the Hibbcrtian colkaion eighteen dil:ina fpecies. This p.ant grows to the height of three feet, m ikes a ^ ▼cry bufl)y head, and, when in flower, has a handfome appearance j as there are fmetimes twent>- fpikes of flowers on it at one time. It is propagated by cuttings, thrives in fandy loam^ and flowers in June} la which month this year. 1802. our drawincr wa* marif- at rir^r.h'im. 0>/' 2^3 J"' V i •Ar/ ^J> '\ ^ PLATE CCXLl V. HEMEROCALLIS GRAMINEA Grafs-leaved Day-Lily, CLASS VI. ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGVJVIA. Six Chives. One Pointal ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corolla campanulata^ tube cylindrlco. Stamina decllnata. Blossom bell-fliaped; tube cylindrical. Chives declining. See Hemerocallis c^rulea, PI. VI. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER Hemerocallis foliis linearibus, carinatis, grami- neisj petalis tribus interioribas majoribus undulatis, exterioribus mlnoribusj extus bruneis. Hemerocallis with linear leaves, keeled and grafly^ the three inner petals larger, waved, the outer fmaller, brown on the outfide. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, 1 . An outer leaf of the Bloflbm, lliewn from the outfide 2. The Chives and Pointal. The Pointal and Seed-bud^ cleared of the chives. 3 We have little doubt but that this is the fpecies of Day-Lily known to botanifts, fince the days of Parkinfon and Gerarde, under the charaaer of a fmall leaved variety of the Yellow Day-Lily, although It ha, been many years loft to the country. It is one amongft the many plants introduced by the l.^te Dr. Sibthorpe to the Oxford botanic garden. As a native of the northern parts of Europe, it is as hardy as either the H. flava or H. fulva, to both which fpecies it bears ftrong affinity j although, we conceive, fuffiaently d.ftina from either, to conflitule a fpeciesj which however we fhould not have done, but that the plant is now known m our gardens, under our fpecific title. The flowers of this plant laft. in before thrives in aJmoii any foil. r. ^^-i- 1^ ^m^^ivc^r//^^ ara??un€a^. PLATE CCXLV. IXIA PUSILLA Dwarf blue Ixia. i \ CLASS m. ORDER L TRIANBRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corolla Gpnrtita, patens, jEqualis. Stigmata tria, erediufculo-patula. Blossom 6-divided, fpreadini^j equal. Summits three^ between upright and Ipreading. . See IXIA REFLEXAj PL XIV. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia foliis fubllnearibus, coftatis, craffis; fcapo fi Ixia with nearl/ linear leaves, ribbed, thick? bifloro, longitudine, folionim; floribus dif- tantibus, caeruleis. flower-ftem two-flowered, the length of the leaves J flowers grow diilant, and are blue. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two valves of the fheath. 2. A Flower cut open, .with the Chives in their place. 3. The Pointal, one of the fummits detached and magnified This pretty little Ixia h quite new to our gardens, never having, as far as we'can learn, been feen to flower before dm year. It is the moft delicate in fliape and charaaer of any we have as yet examined; and as we could not trace it as defcribed in any author, we have given it the trivial name it here bean. Tlie fitrure exhibits n lartTP rr»....;t^^« ^r.t.. , , . . ,. . r _ . ,^ ,^ i.i v. fupport the rf ^r'"' Ti-^^'^ 'u^ ^^' ^""^ ^^^^^"g ^^^ ^^^'^ i° '^J^e month of Aprii:7rom a plant ia Clapham coMion, where only it is to be found; tlie roots havdn^ been fent from the Cape of Good Mr. Allen has Hope in the autumn of the preceding year. peat From the conllruftion of the root, which has a ery abundant \ f^ ^/ ^4-5 ^jfcf>^y m i year, ivnji, ai jweiirs, ^oivuie s nuriery, Jvuig s moau, ^^n»^4i^", — is ftill in high pcrfeaion, this prefent month of July. We have every reafon to believe, from al authoritits we are mafters of, that tills plant has not, till now, flowered in Europe. ^ large tuberous root, by the dividing of which it is to be propagated; as we fufpea the feeds will no^ ripen on this fpecies more tlian moft of its congeners. It has the fame manner with the reft o t tnberoas fpecies, lofing its leaves in winter, when they are fubjea to rot, if much watered. ApF^ to flourifh In fandy peat, with a fmall portion of rotten dung. &>d »e r 3 ^ ■i:\ IC y ^ ;*^'^ ^uu^m^ 4/ncrct/dafa:9^/2y PLATE CCXLYII. GERANIUM CILIATUM. Fringed-leaved Geranium. ^«^- CLASS XVI. ORDER IV. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives; ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. MoNOGYNA. Stigmata quinqae. Frudus rof- tratus, pentacoccus. I One Pointal. Five fummlts. Fruit furnifhed with long awns, five dry berries. SeeGEttAMUM grandiflouum, PL XII. Vol.1. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis intigerrimis, concavis, knceo- tis marginibus ciliatis ; floribuspentandris: radjce tuberofa. w Geranium with quite entire leav'cs, concave, lance- fliaped, and fringed at the edgej flowers with five fertile chives : root tuberous. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE ■ 1. The Empalement. 2. The Chives fpread open, magnified. 3. The Pointal, magnified. pc and number of the between lance and estg-ftaned an^ f • 7 . ^ ' '^^'^^ ^^^ ^"* ^^°> '^''Sc> concave, thickiin, 3t poirefles; the flower and oth '^ ^^^''' ^«"«^tute the moft eflential fpecific difi-ereocc Good Hope, and introduced to ^Jr^^l^^^'lt ''!?^^^^ "^'°>^ °^ '^' ^^"°^«- ^' '* ^'^ '^^ ^^^^f received it, fr •III Geranium Geran . "^^ '-^^ ■P^ -y^ X. £^, f It 1 1 f / /^ ^V ///^/z^^ C^^€l/u //iy PLATE CCXLVIII PRO EA UMBELLATA Umhellated Protea. m ( CLASS IV. ORDER L TETRANBRIA MONOGYNIJ. Four Chives. One Pointal. EvSSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corolla 4 fit! a feu 4-petaIa. Aniherai Hncares, infertae petalis infra apitem. Calyx pio- prius ntiUus, Se mina loliUrla. Blossom 4 cleft or4-peta1s. Tips linear, infcrt- e J into the petals below the point. Cup proper none. Seeds foliiar)'- See PilOTEA FOKMOSA, PI. XVII. Vol.1. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea foliis lineari fpathulatis, glabris; cnpitu- lis terminalibusj bradeis multifitlisj flori- bus luteis. Protea with linearly-fpathulate leaves, fmoothj heads of flowers terminate the branch^., floral leaves many cleft > flowers yellow. i REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. One of the floral leaves or fcales of the general empaleinent, magnified. 2. A flower, magnified. 3. One of the heads of flowers, diveftedof the fcales, or floral leaves. 4. ThePohital and feed bud, of one of the florets, magnified. The Protea umbellata has been cultivated in England fince the year rai 1777, at which time kwaiM MelTrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hammerfmuh. not at all fubjed to the very common 800- It IS a very May, and treated** do« not make Liao^us in Plant. 118, and by Thunberg in his Diifertatio de Protea, n. 34, and his Prodromti^ 20- umbel ternis iTft^ -^■J ^ti aWB^'^ «!4e I F I r .? 1 f r f 1 9. r* r ? /^ ^ PLATE CCXLIX. PITCAIRNIA SULPHUREA. ^^ ,' Sulphur - colour e d Pitcairnia. CLASS VI • ORDER L HEXANDRIA MONOGVNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx. Perianthlum monophyllum, feml-fape- rum, tubulofunij bafi ventricofum, trifidum, perfiftens; laciniis lanceolatis, ereilis. Corolla tubulata^ calyce duplo longior, mar- cefTens^ trifida, demum tripe tala; laciniae lineari-oblongae, fubereftae. Stamina. Filamenta fex, filiformia. Antherae oblongse, eredae. PjSTiLLUM Germen fuperam, ovato-trique- trura. Stylus filiformis longltudlne ftaml- num. Stigmata tria, contorta, T Pekicarpium. Capfula ovatis, obtufe trique- tra, trilocularisi loculis fub-cyliadraceis, fub-diOindis. Semina numerofa> alata, linearia. Empalement. Cup one leafed, half fuperior, tubular, fwelling at the bafe, three-clcftj fegments lance-fliaped, erefl. Blossom tubular, twice the length of the cup, withering, three-cleft^ at laft three pctallcdi fegments linearly-oblong, nearly upright. Chives. Threads lix^ thread-fliaped. TIpi oblong, ere£l. PoixTAL. Seed-bud above^ three-fided-cgg- fhaped. Shaft thread-lbaped the length of the chives. Summits three, twiftcd. Seed-vessel. Capfuleegg-lhaped, bluntly three cornered, three valved^ cells nearly cylin. drical, not very diftinft. Seeds numerous, w^inged, linear. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Pitcairnia foHis non fpxnolis, flaccidis, longiffi- raisj corollis fulphureis. Pitcairnia with leaves without fpines, weak and very longj bloflbms fulphur coloured. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The 2. luc iLinpaicmeni ana norai leat- One of the Petals fliewn from the infide to expofe the Honey-cup at its baft. 3* The Chives and Pointal. 4. The Pointal and Seed-bud, the three fummits detached and untwifled. 5. The Seed-vefTfcl cut acrofs. ^ _^_„. ._^, .... .Hand of St. Vincent, by Mr. Ander: ■ to T. Evans, Efq. Stepney; at whofe gardens the plant has flowered, for the firft time, m n^ this year, in the month of April, and at which time our figure was taken. The ritcairw ^ ^ natives of Weft India Iflands, and fland, as the link, between the Broraelia or Pine apple P'^n . laod J of of the leaves, only, would confign i^^. ^ — ^ fpecies are now in Britain, and we do not doubt, but the fpecies are as numerous, as The cultivation of all the fpecies is perfedly eafy, as they require no particular foi if kept in the hot-houfe; where they grow luxuriantly and throw out, from the roots, a fuckersj which fhould be taken off, to encourage the flowering of the central flioot. mana ickite d ff^^ ^9 P ■' I- I L- I: I J" I I T 1 r //./,. / ^rf /^.- -. j PLATE CCL. IXIA COLUMNARIS. ColiLm?iar- chived Ixia. Far. grandijloTa, Large flowered Vat, CLASS in. ORDER L TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Polntal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corolla fex-petala, patens, aequalls. Stigmata tria, erediufculo-patula. Blossom fix petals, fprciding, equal. Summlti three, upright-fpreading. See IXIA REFLEX.A, PI. XIV. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Txia filamentis bafi cohaerentibus ; floribus fub- capitatls corollis purpureo-violaceis, maxi- luis. Ixia with threads united at the bafe; flow« violrt; very large. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The two valves of the fheaih. " », mdrf 2. An intlre flower cut open in the tube only, which is extended nearly to the the threads. 3. The Chives cut open, magnified. ■ 4. The Pointal complete, one of the Summits detached and magnified. 5. The Seed-veflel cut acrofs. We ktfbO* nar nave nottimg tarther to fay upon this fine variety of the CJolumnar-cmvcu .-.-• ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ orx the other varieties of this fpecies; but, that it was introduced from^ ^'^ / ^^ drt««|«* able coloured variety in 1799; and that it flowers the end of June; in which month ou made, this year, at the Hammerfmith Nurfeiy. ^•' i^/. ^oC d -j- 'K ^ / PLATE CCLI LACHENALIA PURPUREO-C^RULEO Sweet violet-colour d Lachenalia. CLASS VL ORDER L HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal ESSENTIAL GENEKIC CHARACTER. Corolla G-petala^ infera; petalis tribus inte- rioribus longionbus. Stamina erefta. Capfula fubovata, trialata. Seraina globofa. Blossom 6-petals, beneathj the three inner pe- tals the longeft. Chives ered. Capfule nearly egg-lhaped, three winged. Seeds globular. See Lachenalia pendula. PLXLL Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Lachenalia corollis campanulatis^ pedunculatisj petalis obtufis, revolutis; flaminibus co- rolla longioribusj foliis lanceolatisj floribus purpureo-caeruleis," odoratiffimis. Lachenalia with the bloflbnis bell-ftiapcd, and with foot-ftalksj petals obtufe and rolled backj chives longer than the bloflbra; leaves lance-fhaped; flowers of a purplifh blue Colour, and very fweet-fcented. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE 1 . A flower (hewn from the outfide. 2. The fame fliewn from the infide. 3. The Pointal and feed-bud. Tms very fine fpecies of Lachenalia, with its variety, have been figured by Prof. Jacquin in bis Iconcs, and Collectanea^ but whether from dried fpecimens or not we cannot determine. As yet there is no figure, of eltlier, in any Britiih publication. Mr.WiUiams, of Turnham Green, nurferyroan, ^vas the firft who had it to flower in this kingdom, and to his kindnefs in fending us a fine fpecimen, this year, in April, we are indebted for our prefent figure. It is equally hardy with the reft of the fpecies of the Genus, and propagates abundantly by the root : delights moft in a fandy peat foil. ^^^.. £ V "T**^-^ '-.«^r,^.^.r. I ^ ^ V ^ V PLATE CCLIL HEBENSTREITI AUREA Golden-flow ere d Hehenflreitia. CLASS XIV. ORDER IL DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA. Two Chiv es longer GENERIC CHARACTER. Seeds covered. Calyx. Perianthlum monophyllum, tubulo- fum, membfnnaceum, eranrginatunij fubtus longitudinaliter dehifcens. Corolla raonopetala, iinilabiata^ tubus cylin- dricus, calyce longior, latere inferlorc ad dimidium dehifcens; limbus unilabiatus^ adfcendens.planiufculus, quadrifidus, fubse-' quails. Stamina. Filnmcnta quatuor, horumduopriora fub fauce niargini corollae inferta, extan- tia; duo feriora, interiora, luferiora, re- flexa ad latera. Antherae lunares, com- preflae, extrorfum truncatae, PisTiLLUM. Germen minimum. Stylus fili- forniis, per fiffuram corollae reflexus. Stigma limplex. Peeicaepium. Capfula oblonga, unilocularis bivalvis. Semina duo, oblonga, hinc convexa, trifulca. Empalement. Cup one-leafed, tabular, mem- branaceous, notched at the end, fplitting lengthways from beneath. Blossom one-petalled, one-lipped; tube cyllu- dric, longer than the cup, fplitting from the lower fide halfway; border one-lipped, afcending, flattilh, four -cleft, the clefts nearly equal. Chives. Threads four, of which the upper pair is inferted into the edge of the bloflom under the throat, Handing out; the lower anterior pair is bent back to the fides. Tips crefcent-lhaped, flattiih, appearing cut off on the outfide. # mde plana. PoiNTAL. Seed-bud very fniall. Shaft thrcad- fhaped, bent back through the filTure of the bloffom. Summit fimple. Seed-vessel. Capfule oblong, one-celled, two- valved. Seeds two, oblong, convex on one fide, three- furrowed and fiat on the other. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hebenftreitia foliis linearibus,integris, fub-tere- tibus, obtufis, glabris; floribus congeftis, racemofis, aurantiis. Hebenftreitia with linear leaves entire, roiindiih, blunt, fmootb; flowers grow crowed toge- ther in long bunches, of a gold colour. 1- A flower. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 2. The Empalement magnified. 3. A Bloffbm cut open with the chives remaining attached 4. The Pointal natural fize. 5. The fame, magnified. magnified trodu<;ed was made this year m the month of March. They moftly flower in fpring, and autumn are very fragrant at night. They are natives of the Cape of Goad Hope. : flSQ 9 H ^ '- -: " f ^\ '^rr/f, ^ arrrra \ PLATE CCLIII TALINUM PAT N r ' 4 Panicled Purjlane. CLASS XI. ORDER !• DODECANBRIA MONOGYNIA. Twelve Chives. One Pointal GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx. Perlanthium diphyllura, parvum^ fupe- rum, apice compreffura, perfiflens. Corolla. Petala quinque, plana, ere6ta, ob- tufa, calyce majora. Stamina. Filamenta multa, capillaria, corolla dimidio breviore. Antherse fimplices- PiSTiLLUM. Germen fubrotundum. Stylus fira- ^ plex, brevis. Stigmata quinque, oblonga, Jongitudine ftyli. Pekicarpium. Capfula teda, ovata, trivalvis, Receptaculurn liberum. Semina plurima, parva. Empalement. Cup two-leaved, fmall, above, comprefled at the tip, remaining. Blossom. Five petals, flat, fmooth, upright, blunt, larger than the empalement. Chives. Thready many, hair-like, Ihorterby half than the bloflbm. Tips fimple. Pointal. Germ roundifh. Shaft fimple, fhort. Summits five, oblong, the length of the Ihaft. Seed-vessel. Capfule covered, egg -fbaped, three-valved. Receptacle free. Seeds numerous, fmall. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Talinum foliis lanceolatoovatis, feffilibus, pla- n PurQane with leaves between lance and egg- • ' * " ihaped, without foot-ftalks, flat; panicle nis; panicula ramofa, terrainali^ floribus rubris. branching and terminal; flowers red. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement and Pointal. 2. A Chive, magnified, 3. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit. 4. The Seed-veflel nearly ripe, and the cup 5. A ripe Capfule, cut tranfverfeiy- Q- A Seed, magnified. of Portulaca, rather winLii uave capmies ot a different conftruaion, from the old generic chara^" C . Un,i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ ^^1 ^ ^au^^^. n/€m A^r/^z/j PLATE CCLIV. GERANIUM PROCUMBENS. Tl ^ ri ' '"■T" Proaimhent Geraniuin. CLASS XYL ORDER IV. MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. MoNOGYNA. Stigmata quinque. Frudus rof- tratus, 5-coccus. OsE PoiNTAL. Five fummits. Fruit farnifticd witli long awns^ five dry berries. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium caule fubcarnofo, proftrato^ foliis cor- datis, lobatis, crenato-dentatis; calycibus pentaphyllis i floribus tetrandris, corollis irregularibus. Geranium with the ftem rather flefliy, and prof- Irate 3 leaves heart-fhaped, lobed, between fcolloped and toothed; cups with five leaves; flowers with four fertile chives; bloflbms irregular. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. a The Empalement. The Chives fpread open^ and magnified 3. The Pointal, and Seed- buds^ magnified 1. This pretty Geranium is rather a delicate plant, and mull be kept very dry In the winter; as, from the fituatlon of its branches, which are prefled to the earth, and rather fle%, they, will be ver)' apt to rot, if loo often watered, or placed in a damp part of the green-houfe. It was introduced in the the year 178I, by G. Hibbert, Efq. in whofe colieaion, only, we have as yet feen it. Mr. Allen in- May tbref Geranium an Genera, which, juftly, formed but divifions of Linnaeus's original genus j agreeing w v^u.auiuui and Erodium in the neftariferous cup; with Pelargonium in the bloflbm and feed; but • fering from all tJiree, in having but four fertile chives, with (lyi abortive ones. A fad afccrtaincd bf the examination of above fifty flowers, taken from four different plants. &>^^ \ \ \ \ c i^ ■ %f MO PLATE CCLV. A NORTH I ANA. Northian Morcea. CLASS IIL ORDER L TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One PolntaL ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corolla hexapetala; petala tria interiora pa- tentia, anguftiora. Stigma trifidum. Blossom fix petals; the three inner petals fprcad- ing, narrower. Summit three-cleft. See MoKJEA tricolor- PL LXXXIII. Vol. II. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Moraea fcapo foliifque falcatis, glaberrirais, dif- tichisj floribus tcrminalibusj petalis tribus exteriorlbus ovatis, concavis, pendulis, tri- bus interioribus lub ereftis, medio retro- ixTxQXs, apicibus revolutis. t n Moraea with the flower-ftem and leaves fcymi- tar-Ihapedj very fmooth, pointing different ways; flowers terminal; the three outer pe- tals egg fhaped, concave^ hanging down, the three inner ones nearly ere6l, broke back about the middle, and rolled back at the ends* REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The whole plant in miniature. i. The outer valve of the iheath. 3. The inner valve of the iheath. 4. The Seed-bud, Chives, and Pointal, as they fland in the flower 5. The Pointal only, the Chives being removed. Moraea cle Mrs. North. Indv to ihe. R^aht Hon the. T.nrd BlflioD of Winchefter ; to whofe fen-or and liberality In botanical purfuits we owe much of the prefent prevailing tafte for the fcience Th Mr a number, which he had procured from the gardens of the late Queen of Portugal} immedlatelj on its Meflxs o ood hich it It IS a native of the Brazils, floweiS about July or Augufl, propagates itleit oy iuckci^, malces from the root, ihould be planted in light rich earth, and fhould be treated as a tender hot-liouc plant. The leaves grow frequently to the length of two feet, or morej forming the appearance o^^ large fan ; the flower- ftem proceeding from nearly the centre. The flowers furpafi, in ^^^f^^^^^^ beauty of pencilling, any of tliis very handfome tribe, and are as tranfitory as beautiful, '"^^''^/^^ It feldom happens that more than one flower is open a a r being but the plant from which our drawing was made, in 1797, at the Right Hon. the Marq ford's, thea refident m.. { ,> /y. ^ "• purpUTeo. Spotted-flowered Ixia. SmaiiFar. wUhapurph ^ flower. CLASS III. < ORDER I. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. CoKOLLA 6-partita, patens, aequalis. Stigmata tria^ erefliufculo-patula. Blossom fix divifions, fpreading, equal. Sum- mits three, between upright and Tprcading. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ixia folils enfiformlbus, glabris, fcapo duplo brevioribus; floribus alternis, fub-fpicatis, minoribus, purpureis; petalis bafi obfcuris, ovatis, concavisj ftigmatlbus bifidis. twice ahernafe rather fpiked, fmaller, and purplej pc(ali dark at the bafe, egg-lhaped, concarc; fummits two-cleft. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Flower cut and fpread open. 3. The Seed-bud, Chives, and Summits, one fummit magnified. Tunej and, like the reft of this fpecies, continues flower 1 -- .- ^..^ ^^ tjj.^ iiaiuicii, aau ccriauieu uiuwcrs, at freely J no particular tieatmeot is neceflary for it, but what mcnt of thefe plants. P ivMff^ :peated -^^^^mm^-^^^' v^'" - ^0 h i i i i i ^ .^■ft > * PLATE CCLVII. AL A RE N Creeping Falkia. * r CLASS V. ORDER 11. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA Five Chives. Two Pointals. GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx- Perlanthium monophyllumj fub-infla- turn, corolla duplo brevius^ quinquangula- tum, quinquepartitura; angulis medio di- latatis, compreffis extantibus; laciniis ova- tis, acutis. CoKOLLA monopetala, campanulata^ crenato- dec^m-partitaj limbo patente. Stamina FiJamenta quinque, filiformia, tubo corollae inferta, eredta, inaequalia, corolla breviora. Antherae ovatae, compreffae. PiSTiLLA. Gerraen quatuor, fupera, glabra. Styli duo, capillares, divaricati, longitudine corollas. Stigmata orbiculata, lanata. Pericarpium nullum, Semina quatuor, globofa, arilkta, in fundo ca- lycis. Empalement. Cup one leaf, a little inflated, Ihorter by half than the bloflfom, fiyc-cor- nered, five-parted ; the angles widened in the middle, flattened, ftanding outj fcg. ments egg-lhaped, pointed. Blossom one-petal, bell-lhaped, ten-parted bj fcollopsj border fpreading* Chives. Threads five, hair like, infertcd into the tube of the blolfom, ered, unequal, fhorter than the bloffom. Tins eerg-ft] flattened. pcd Pointals. Seed -buds four, above, fmooth. Shafts two, hair-like, flraddling, the Icneili of the bloffom. Summits orbicular, woolljr. Seed-vessel none. Seeds four, globular, covered by a coat, a bottom of the cup. the SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Falkia foHis cordatis, petiolis longiflimisj caule 11 Falkia with heart-fiiaped leaves, and veo'l*^! repente. foot-ftalksj creeping ftem. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, J. The Cup. 2. A Bloflbm fpread open, with the chives in their place, 3. A Chive magnified. 4. The Pointals, natural fize. 5. The fame, magnified. This pretty little plant was firft found by MafTon and Thunberg, when on their journey together in the interior of the country of the Cape of Good Hope, and was named by Thunberg after Pro:-^: It was introduced to the Kew gardens in the year 1774. Much as it refcrabw r , „ ^ greater affinity to Nolana in all its outward parts, but efpecially in the cap ot the flower, and the fituation and charader of the feeds. Although the plant is not fhrubbj, Falk of Peterlburgh . Convolvulus, it ftill has tk ftems booie, July Aug be planted in fandy loam, and kept in the grcen-Dw^ : • r i'.. .„u:-,k fl^,ir^rpH in the COlle««l fig • » ' Aoold have 325, Vol. I> of J. Vere, Efq. Kenfin^.v.^ v^uic. It is rather fingular that the Indefatigable, and generally accurate, Willdenow, juuu.u .-.- - tinned this plant in the fixth clafs. when he had fuch authority, as may be found, page 325, Vol J. in the Catalogue of the Kew Garden (where it unqueftionably has flowered) for the removal ot «t » us proper one, the fifth. It is true, he had reafon to fuppofe, that no man would be raft enoogfiw t a due examination of the plant, on which he grounds bi^ 3"^^*^"^^ ha« been DlU- than any other. the delcribcr cbamftcr h»^ f..^"' «"•. '^"^ ^^' followers into error. Indeed, the whole plant in u. ua..^ — - , -^ ^ Utile affinity to any hexandrous genus, that, although Thunberg might have found a fingle no*^ even a whole plant, whofe flowers had fix chives (a circumftance we have not been able to d.l^T; upon an exannnation of the flowers from four different plants), in fuch a cafe, as a ^^amft, be ^ to have looked flirther. before he made fo violent a decifion; and Willdenow ought to have uK» w granted the alteration would not have been made, but upon due confideration. iJI- :y^/: n -1 t i i I I -. I »Tfn them^ Seeds winged. SeeBANKSTA serrata, PLLXXXII.Vo1.il SPECIFIC CHAKACTEK. Bankfia foliis cuneatis prsemorfis, ferratis, fubtus albo-pundlatisj fupra glabrisj floribus ex- texne purpurels. Bankf5a with wedge-iliaped leaves, appearing bitten at the ends, fawed, dotted witli ^'hitc on the under part, fmooth on the upper; flowers purple on the outfiJe. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower not yet expanded, with the germ at the bafe. % The fame open, the extremities of one of the petals magnified, to fhew the fituation of the Chive in its place. 8. The Pointal complete, the fummit magnified. The firft plants which were feen of this plant in England, were raifed from feeds, at the Royal G^r- dens, Kew, in 1 788. It is a handfome growing ihrub, and the plant from which our figure was made had grown to the height of feven feet; it having been planted in the confer\'atory of the Clapbatn colkaion, where it flowered, for the firft time, this year, in July, continuing in high beauty near two months. It is a plant of moa difficult increafe, rarely that it is to be propagated by cuttings; ••« the wood rots, if laid into the earth. A light foil, of fandy peat, and a finali portion of fandy ioaai, appears moft congenial to Its growth. There are hopes, from the perfeft flate of the cones, that npe feeds may be procured in this country. o/^£^. / 5 '^ /" >'//'. >'t>''r. fi PLATE CCLIX. GERANIUM PILOSUM. ^ t *fcl-*^' Hairy Geranium. CLASS XYL ORDER IV. MONABELPHIA DECANDRIA. Threads united. Ten Chives. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. MoNOGYNA. Stigmata 5. Frudus roftratus. S-coccus One Pointal. Five fummits. Fruit furniftied with long awns, five dry berries. See Geranium grandiflorum, PI, XII. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER Geranium foliis pilolis, pinnatis; foliolis pro- funde laclniatis, acutls; umbella 4-6 flora j pedunculis calycibufque pilofisj floribus pentandris) radice tuberofa. Geranium with hairy winged leaves^ leaflets deeply torn, and fliarp pointed 3 umbel from 4 to 6 flowers^ foot-llalks of the flowers and cups hairy? flowers with five fertile chives 5 root tuberous. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement cut open, to fliew its tubular charafter. 2. The Chives and Pointal. 3. The Chives cut open, and magnified. 4. The Pointal, with the five Glands, or Honey-cups, at the bafe. 5. The fame, magnified. This very pretty Geranium was introduced to the Clapham coUeaion, in the year 1 SOI, by Mr. Niven, from the Cape of Good Hope. It is as hardy as any of the family, which have tuberous roots; nviy be iiicrcafed by cutting a portion off the old root, in fpring, and giving it the heat of ^^^ "^f^ houfe, at that feafon of the year. It rarely produces ripe feed; fo fays Mr. Allen the manager of t recommends &^€..s. \ ft AM 4 "^ S \ \ I I \ 4 ffr I J /W( -ftMlSl. PLATE CCLX. ORNITHOGALUM ODORATUM. Sweet'fcented Star of Bethlehem. CLASS VI. ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chives. One Pointal Calyx nullus. Corolla. Tetala fex, lanceolata, infra medium ere6tn, fupra medium patentia^ perfiftentia, colorem demittentia. Stamina, Filamenta fex, ereaa, alterna bafi dilatata, corolla breviora. Antherx fim- pllces. PisTiLLUM. Germen angulatum. Stylus fub- ulatus, perfillens. Stigma obtufum. Pekicarpium. Capfula fubrotunda, angulata^ trllocularls, trivalvis. Semina plura, iubrotunda. Obs. Filamenta in aliis plana, ereda, alterna GENERIC CHARACTER. ap'ice trifido, media Jacinia antherarum fuflinentei in aliis alterna, iimplicia. Empalement none,, Elossom. Petals fix, lance-fliaped, below the middle upright, above the middle fpreading, remaining, lofing their colour. Chives. Six threads upright, each alternate one widening at the bafe, Ihorter than the bloffom. Tips fimple. ' Pointal. Seed-bud angular. Shaft awl-fhaped, remaining. Summit blunt. Seed-vessel. Capfule roundilb, angular, three- celled, three-valved. r Seeds many, roundiih, Obs, The threads in fome are flat and upright, the alternate ones trifid at top, the middle fegment fupporting the tipj in others the alternate ones are fimple. Ornithogalum racemo elongato^ filamentis fub- ulatis; petalis lanceolatis, obtufis, apice callofo-inflexis; foliis depreffis, linearibus, planis. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Star of Bethlehem with the bunch of flowers lengthened j threads aw^-fhaped j petals lance-fliaped, blunt, thick, and turned in- wards at the point; leaves bent downward, linear, and fmooth. * REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1 . A Flower prop. 2. The Chives and Pointal, the petals being removed 3. The Pointal. 4. The fame, magnified. I ._■■ • ^ flowered't' a11-'' V ^'}^^'^'''^' ^'^^ '^^ Cape of Good Hope, is a rival in fragrance to the great- ^Xhl tI;tt"';/^T' '^ "^"^^ '' '' "^"^^ ^^-^ - eve'y part but the colour of the bloflbm, o Ike It W 'Tl?: '?^ '" '^''' '' '' "^^^^ -Jtl^ ^ ^-k eye It is rather a delicate bulb, and drawin' IT J f^^^ '? ^'^' ^" ^'^ ^^"^-^°"^^> -h^^e^ Jt will blofTom about May or June. Oar cZZTrTsco T ' "'"V"'"' ^'^ ^^^" ---^^^ ^™ *h^ Cape, by Mr. Hibbert, the pre- fidered asV^ferlnt- Tir '^ T'^ ^''' "^^^'^^^'^ ^^^"^ ^'''^ of the greal-flowered fpecles, may be con- We have n . ' '^,f ^° ^° ^^''' ^'^- ^hat the bulbs never flower, but the firft year after iniportation. has led ns to th"'' i° ^'''''^ *^^ appearance of a flower, from any of the bulbs, this year, which nartirnl.,! .. r ^°"J^*^"''^' ^""^^^d, many df the fpecies of this genus have this charaaerj more particuiaily, thofe from Africa. tab. 432. has been figured by Profeflbr J . vol. ii. I ■41 .^A^, ! f r I » I ^^ H m 4 <- - ^ m tm #■#*- % {^ rmt/uNi^rrp ^erd'/zi^rn/ ■i.f- PLATE CCLXI. CAMERARIA LATIFOLIA. Bajiard MajigeneeL CLASS V. ORDER L rENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal. GENERIC CHARACTEK, Calyx. Perianthium quinquefidum, acutum, counivens, minimum. Corolla monopetala, infundibuliforraisj tubus cyllndricus, longus, bafi apiceque ventri- cofus; limbus quinquepartitus, planus; la- ciniis lanceolatis, obliquis. Stamina. Filamentaquinquej minima, e medio tubi. Antherae conniventes, iilo longo ter- muiatae. PiSTiLLUM, Germina duo, cum appendicibus ad latera. Stylus cylindricus. Stigma ca- pitatum^ apice acutum, bifidum. Pericarpium. Follicull duo, horlzontaliter re- flexi, oblongi, juxta latera bafeos utrinque lobum emittentes, uniloculares, univalves. Semina numerofa, ovata, membranse majori ovat3e ad bafin infert3ej imbricata. I Empalement. Cup five-cleft, pointed, con- verging, very fraall. Blossom one-petal, funnel-fliaped; tube cylin- drical, long, bellied out at the bafe and top, border five-parted, flat; fegmeiits lance- Ihaped, oblique. Chives. Threads five, very fmall from the middle of the tube. Tips converging, terminated by a long thread. Pointal. Seed-buds two, with lateral appen- dages. Shaft cylindrical. Summit headed, pointed at top, and two-cleft. Seed-vessel. Seed-pods two, horizontally rc- flexed, oblong, fending forth a lobe each way near the fide of the bafe, one-celled, one-valved. Seeds numerous, egg-ibaped, inferted on the larger egg-fliaped membrane at the bafe, tiled. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Camerariafoliis ovatis, nitidis, acuminatis, paral- lelocoftatis; floribus corymbofis, termina- libus. Baftard Mangeneel with egg-(haped leaves, ihin- ing, tapered,and ribbed traniVerfely; flowers grow in broad-topped fpikes, terminal. REFEREN^CE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Flower cut open, magnified, with the Chives in their place. 2. The Cup, magnified. 3. The Pointal and Cup, the fummit magnified. 4. One of tlie Seed-pods, natural fize. The genus Cameraria, feems to have been rather hafl:ily taken up by Plumier, as a *^^^^" |^°i^ from Neriumi for certainly, the fmall difference in the fliape of the feed^pod, in which confifts ^ whole difl:in£live chara6ter of this genus, can hardly be thought of fufficient moment to that cD . we have found it, we leave it; but could not refrain from the foregoing remark, as it ^PP^*^* ^^^ gular, that amongft fo many who have publiflied the plant, not one fhould have dilcovercd «^^ rounding nedary, or honey-cup, to tlie mouth of the bloflbm, and the long threads at the en o ^ tips 3 two fuch very powerful features J res, which diflinguifliNeiiura, from all the reft of this natural_«- , and Domingo; grows to the height of thirty feet, and '^^°f .-^ „,. . , . . ^ ,. ^ .1. • •_„ /:«,;Ur tr. what IS 10""" as a timber tree in thofe illands. The whole plant is full of a milky juice, fimilar to woai moft plants of this natural order. In England, it muft be treated as a hothoufe plant j OW creafed by cuttings; flowers in Auguft, and fliould be planted in rich earth. Our figure was taken from a plant in the Stepney coUcaion, belonging to Thos. Evans, bcio- u6}. \ \ » I I ^n ^^ i u ^> m^w^y^^^ PLATE CCLXII. XERANTHEMUM SPIRALE. »**- * -" -", ' Spir al4 e av e d Kverlajling-Flower. N * CLASS XIX. ORDER II. SYNGENESIA POLYGAMIA SUPERFLUA, Tips united. Superfluous Pointals. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Receptaculum paleacem. Pappus fetaceus. Ca- lyx imbricatus, radiatus; radio colorato. Receptacle chafFy. Feather briftly. Empale- raent tiled, rayed, the ray coloured. SeeXERANTHEMUMSPEClOCISSIMUMjVoLLPLLL SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Xeranthemum foHis fpiraliter-Imbricatis, cari- natis, fub-obliquisj floribus folitariis^ maxi- mis. Everlafting Flower with fpi rally-tiled leaves, keeled, rather obliquej flowers folitarf, very large. HEFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. An outer fcale of the Empalement. 2. An Hermaphrodite Floret, with the Feather of the Seed 3. A Female Floret, a little magnified. 4. The Pointal, magnified. This fpecies of Everlafling Flower is very common near Cape Town; yet, *till the year 1800, it m> never been introduced to Britain. Montague Burgoyne, Efq. of Mark Hall, Eflex, was the 6rft to procure feeds of it, and it has flowered with him, this year 1802. Our drawing wa^ made m Jul}% but the flower lafts near three months; it is the largeft of the genus we have as yet feen, and certain/ one of the moft beautiful. All the fpecies, from the Cape, are very liable to rot from damps* lo t c winter; they fliould be kept on an airy, dry fhelf, as near the glafs as pgflible, during the WflsT months. They, in general, ripen feeds with us. but are with difficulty increafed by cuttings,- ^^^ ihould be made early in fpring, planted in pots of fand, and kept quite dry for fome time alter uicj are planted. The grown plants thrive beft in a very fandy peat earth. i^'{ . t6* T Si^:- II ^ /: ^w/,,. ^^<^ ?H '->/<' / /tr/(^ 1 *. \ ;,/» 1^ v^^ Ift ^ ■\. ^ %% / ■ -J- J> I -Ob y* — « \ f .« *->' ii i-^^ ^^ !. -4 PLATE CCLXIII. VACCINIUM STAMINIUM. Green-wooded JVhor tie-berry. CLASS VIIL ORDER L OCTANDRIA 3I0N0GYNIA Eight Chives One PointaL ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx fiipcrus. "Corolla monopetala. Fila. mcnta receptaculo inferta. Bacca quadri- locularls, polyfperma. Cup fuperior. BlolTom of one petal Threads fixed to the receptacle. A berry with four cells and many feeds. SeeVAcciNiuM aretostaphyllos,Vo1.I. Pl-XXX. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Vaccinium foliis oblongo-cvatisj acutis, integer- rimis, fubtus fubglaucis) pedunculis nudisj antherisexfertis; floribusfolitariisj ftamina decern. Whortleberry with oblong-oval leaves, pointed, quite entire, and rather fea-green under- neath 3 fruit ftalks nakedj tips without the bloflbmj flowers folitaryj ten chives. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE 1 . A Flovt^er complete. 2. The Chives and Pointal. 3. The Chives, Pointal, and Seed-bud, magnified. r f The fpecies here figured of Whortle-berrj^ according to the Kew catalogue, was introduced, ^"^^'J^^^ North America, to us, by Mr. William Young, in the year 17/0. It is a hardy, deciduous Ihru^ grov/s to the height of three feet} very bufhy, with the flowers but thinly fcattered over itj ^'^^^ _ white, and deeply cut in the border, which is rather inclined to fpread. It is increafed by a)e^^ the berries feldom rlpenfUg in England. A light, fandy peat foil, with a fmall portion of loam, is fitteft for its growth; and it acquires a higher degree of beauty, when (heltered from the ^^^'^'^'""^^^J; Our figure was taken in June, 1801, at the nurfery of Meffrs. Lee an ^^^^^ nedy, from a plant which had been imported in February, the fame year, from Pennfylvania; of the fun, in fummer. North America . ■■' '"r"'^.' MP--*****' i-f ^^ e/3 I i t I f i r > -^/z. '- / ^^ffifmmn. £r^. PLATE CCLXIV. OTE A GL MERATA Woolly-headed Protea, CLASS IV. ORDER L TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One PomtaL ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corolla 4-fida feu 4-petala. Antherae Hne- ares, infertas petalis infra aplcem. Calyx proprius nullus. Semina folltaria. Blossom 4-cleft or 4 petals. Tips linear, In- ferted into the petals below the point. Cup proper, none. Seeds folitary. See Protea Formosa, Vol. I. PI. XVII. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea foliis bipinnalis, filiformibusj pedunculo communi elongate, nudo, pedicellis capi- tulis longioribus; corollis extus lanatis. r Protea with doubly winged leaves, thread- fhaped) common foot-ftalk lengthened, naked, partial foot-flalks longer than the heads of flowers : blofforas woolly witbool. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1 . A Floret, natural fize. / 2. The Eloflbm, magnified, 3. The Pointalj natural fize, with the fummit detached, 4. A Cone^ after the flowers have all fallen off. magnified. from feeds J received at the Hammffto* Emperor's gardens at Schonbrun, atKin- , plants have fince been '^'^'^'^.^^^ coUedlons ; and our prefent figure was made, from a fine fpeclmen, in the Hibbtrtian L Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy. Many fr IS rath( to five ItwaJ ery pretty appe xm^ by cuttings, but with difficulty, and mufl: be planted in light yellow loam [ i \ i * « * ' ^ I U ■^-N^Vkkl PLATE CCLXV. CYRTANTHUS OBLIQUUS Oblique-leaved Cyrtanthus. CLASS VI. ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Six Chiv es. One Pointal GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx. Involucrum polyphyllum^ foliolislan- ceolatls^ perfiftentibus. Corolla monopetala, clavata^ curva, apice fex- fida; laciniis ovato-oblongiSj incurvis, con- , cavis> tribus alternis apice glandulofis. Stamina. Fllamcnta fcx, tubo coroUce inferta, ere6ta, fubnlata, corolla dimidio breviora. Antherae Aigitatoe, eredlce, inclufae. PiSTiLLUM. Germen inferum^ obtufe-trigo- num. Stylus filiformis, longitudlne floris. Stigma obfolete-trifidum. Peeicarpium. Capfula fubovata, trllocularis, trivalvis. Semina plura, plana, oblonga, incumbcntia. Emfalement- Fence many-leaved; leaflfti lance-ftiaped, remaining. Blossom one petal, club-fliaped, bent, fu-clefl at top 3 fegments oblong egg-fhaped, turned inwnrds and concave, the three outer glandular at the end. Chives, Six threads inferted into the tube of the bloflbni, upright, awLiliaped, halfllic length of the bloirom. Tips arrow-fhapcd, upright, within the bloflbm. Pointal. Seed-bud beneath, obtufely three- cornered. Shaft thread-lhaped, the length of the flower. Summit obfcurely thrcc- cleft. Seed-vessel. Capfule nearly egg-lhaped^ three* celled, three-valved. Seeds many, flat, oblong, lying upon one aoo- ther. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Cyrtanthus foliis linearibus, obtufis planis, oblique flexis, floribus pendulis, tricolo- ratis. Cyrtanthus with linear, obtufe leaves, flat, aod bent obliquely; flowers hanging down and three-coloured. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. Part of the Bulb, and the leaves of the plant in miniature. 2. A Flower, cut and fpread open, with the Chives in their place. 3. The Pointal and Seed-bud, natural fize, Summit magnified. ^ «.p i.auiL u^aLiniua, mm iu*c piaiiL, logcuicr wuH \^. anguiiifolius, (the other fpecies) were intr • in the year 1774, to the Kew Gardens, by Mr. F. MalTon, from the Cape of Good Hope. ^ ^'^ • L'Heritier, when in England, procured drawings of both fpecies, and figured them hi his Anglicum, tab. 15 and \6, under the names of Amaryllis cylindracea, and A. umbrella: but, » have had formerly occafion to mention our obiectlons, in following that gentleman in his altera Marty pref< : this Genus. It is true, Thunberg, in his Prodromus Plantarura Capenfium, P. I- ^/^' nder the Genus, Crinum j and, as Crinum pendulum, our prefent fubject, was ^^°^^^ ^ , It is a very fcarce plant, and is to be found but in few collections; the incrcafc oc»08^ ^ The feeds do not come j^ maturity with us, of this fpecies; although thofe of the C. anguftifolius are confbutly P<^*^' \^ yea rs from the root, and the Importation of the bulbs has been but feldom. be loam, and have plenty of room in the pot. Flowers In July and Auguft. From the choice collection of Jofeph Cowper, Efq. of CLspton, we w the plant, from which this figure was taken. lOreJ ¥ ♦!i r" ^ 7^ ^., ^'^^^W/^ PLATE CCLXVI. PLATYLOBIUM OVATUM > _ Oval-leaved Flat-Pea. CLASS XYIL O R D E R IV. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA. Chives in two Sets. Ten Chives ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx campauulatus, quinquefidusj laciniis duabus fupremis maximls^ obtufis. Stamina omnia coalita. Legumen pedicillatunij compreflura, dorfo alatum, polyfpermum. Cup bell-fliaped, five-cleft j the two upper feg' merits very large and obtufe. The Chives all united. Pod on a foot-ftalk, comprefled, winged along the back, many feeded- See Platylobium scolopekdrum. PI. CXCI. Vol. II r. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Platylobium foil is ovatisj glaberrlmls^ diftichis; floribus folitariis, axillaribus; ramis tere- tibus. Flat-Pea with egg-lhaped leaves, very fraooth and pointing oppofite ways j flowers grow folitary from the infertion of the leaves; branches cylinder-fhaped. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, 1. The Empalement of the Flower. 2. The Standard, or upper petal of the bloflbm. 3. One of the Wings, or fide petals of the fame. 4. The two lower Petals, or Keel of the bloffom.' 5. The Chives, magnified, 6. The Seed-bud, magnified. Wal and P. lanceolatum, to which laft it has much affinity; but, we think, pofleffes a fufficient number of differing characters to conftitute a diftina fpecies. It has not as yet been increafed, we believe, in Britain; any attempt, to that end, has hitherto proved abortive; from which circumflance the plants are at prefent fcarce, and are to be found in few collections. The fame treatment to preferve, and render the plant flourifhing, is required for this, as for the other fpecies. Our Drawing was made in 1801, at the Nurfery of Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy. Hammerfmlth. who firfl introduced it. m. 96ir f ■I t 4 \ \ /y « ^^ii^am^ ] PLATE CCLXYIL JATROPHA PANDUR^FOLIA Fiddle-leaved Phyjie-Nut CLASS XXL ORDER vin. MONOECIAMONADELPHIA. Chives and Pointals feparate. Threads united GENERIC CHARACTEE. fl^ Caltx. Penanthium vix manifeftum. Corolla monopetala infundibuliformis^ tubus breviflimusj linibus quinquepartitus, laci- mis fubrotundis/patentibus^ convexis^ fub- tus concavis. Stamina. Filamenta decern, fubulata, in medio approximata, quinque alterna breviora, erefla, bafi connexa. Antherse fubrotundse, verfatiles, PJSTJLLUM. Rudimentum debile in fundo floris latet. Feminei Jlores in eadem umbella cum Maf- culis. Calyx nullus. Corolla pentapetala, rofacea. PxsTiLLUM. German fubrotundum, trifulcatnm. Styli tres, bifidi. Stigmata fimplicia. Pericarpium. Capfula fubrotunda, tricocca, trilocularisj loculis bivalvibus. Semina folitaria, fubrotunda. Male Jloivers, Empalement. Cup fcarcely perceptible. Blossom one petal, funnel-fhapedj tube verf fliort 3 border five-parted jfegmentsroundifb, fpreading, convex, concave beneath. Chives. Ten threads awl-fliaped, clofe toge- ther in the middle, the five alternate ones fliorter, upright, conne6ted at the bafe. Tips roundifli, verfatile, PoiNTAL. A weak rudiment lies hid in the bottom of the flower. Female Jlowers in the fame umbel with the males, Empalement none. Blossom five-petalled, rofaceous. PoiNTAL. Seed-bud roundiih, three furrowed. Three fliafts, two-cleft. Seed-vessel. Summits fimple. Capfule roundifli, three-feeded, three celled j cells with two valves. Seeds folitary, roundifli. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Jatropha calyculataj foliis pandura^formibus, apice acutis, bafi inequaliter acute-lobatis- floribus atro-coccineis. ' Phyfic-Nut with a flower cupj fiddle-fliaped leaves, fharp-poiuted at the end, and une- qually fliarp-lobed at the bnfej flowers deep crimfon. 1. 2. 3. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. The Cup and Pointal of a female flower. The Gup and Chives of a male flower. The Pointal and Seed-bud of a female flower, without the cup. L'aXS^?n't^eyl;^\o^^ ^"^'''^ I?' V^P-*^^ ^-- »!-"-, by Mr. J. Frafer, King> vated in our hot hn,irJ ^ •? ^^ ''' unqueftionably, as handfome a plant as any at prefent culti- mouths of the v;LS.%'-;^ commuing to produce frefli umbels of flowers, during at leaft nine is in a ficklv fl^tJ tl ^A ^^ ^^''^' ^'^ extremely irregular in their form, and, when tlie plant a proper fubieS for tt^!l u r' °[ "^"""^ ' "everthelefs, we have not any hopes, of its ever becoming dedrurin ir It fl^ f r'^r^'\ ^'^^ "^ yet our experience on that point will not permit us to be propagted b7 cuKs %f'^''\'^ ^ "^^xture of leaf mould, rotten Sung, and loam, and m this vear - thev hn^^ ^^ i "^ P''''"* ^- ^^^^ Hammerfmith nurfery. ripe feeds have been procured :„ LI ^'', r^y have the exad appearance of the feed, nf ^h. \.iT.r vi\rr.. ChrMY. hui rather fmaller Berk fli ire. f - 'v ^ ***5 4. / ■t i A?W. 4^ ^^nry^rOyr ..^5«*^«***^ PLATE CCLXYIII. \ GLADIOLUS PLICATUS Plait ed-leaved Gladiolus. CLASS m. ORDER L TRIANDRIA MOMQGYNIA, Three Chives. One Pouita! ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corolla fexparlita, rlngens. Stamina adfcen- )} Bioflbm fixdivided, gaping. Chives afcending. dentia. See Gladiolus roseus^ PI. XL Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis enfiformibus, plicatis, villofisj corollis regu]aribus> fpatha trivalvij fcapo latcrali. Gladiolus with fword-fliaped leaves, plaited and hairy J bloflbms regular j flicath thrce- valved] flower-ftem lateral. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The three-valved Sheath. 2. A Bloffom fpread open, to Ihew the fituation and dire6tion of Tips 3. The Pointal^ aud Seed-bud, one of the Summits magnified. , urabcr. " \^ J t - - ^ — - t — — — — — -- — - - . - ^ beyond any others with which we are, as yet, acquainted, of this esteufive genus. Already, wr have drawings of 22; and many more, certainly, there are^ even in this kingdom; but we fliall content ourfelves with figuring, ifi the Bet. Rep. 3 or 4, of the men: curious. One of the varieties c£ this plant, has been in cultivation with us fince the year 1757, when it was raifed by Mr. IMiHer frof" Cape feeds. The one reprefented in our prefent figure, was received, from Holland, in the year 1/9^. by Meflrs. Lee and Kennedy, Hamraevfnilth; it is one of the hardleft, and fureft flowering vancti. of the fpeclesj for there are but few of them which bioflbm freely. The bulbs (l.ould be planted m fandy peat, about Odtober, and taken into the hot-houfe, or placed on a hot-bed, in January, to encourage a rapid aud early growth,- by which means, they are more frequently induced to ibrow out their flower-ftems the beginning of April, which otherwife> often prove abortive. Ihould not be removed from the pots, till the leaves are fomewhat decayed. roott t .-« ...w^ ^v- *v.njufcv,vi .iiuiu Liic j^juvs. 111! iiic leaves aic luiucwiiut uccajfk,^.i« This is the Glad, pllcatus of Linn. Sp. PI. p. 53; Thunb. Diflf. de Glad. n.2i; Jac- Ic- ^^- ^' oacbcs T. 1 . p. 220; yet, we cannot refrain from joining in opinion with the late IMr. Curtis that it approac^ But we cannot fo readily laloonify our ] reforming author, that a new genus was n Plantarum, of the incompetent I Linnccus. fpcc aify this part of the Spec: 9/'- i<*^ 1 1 i I / \\ /, / ^'/tf ^a^/r/ ^ PLATE CCLXIX. GERANIUM LACINIATUM P^aT. licolor. Ragged4eaved Geranium Two colour ed-Jiower Var^ CLASS XYI. ORDER IV MONADELPHIA DECANDRIA Threads united. Ten Chives, ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. MoNOGYNA. Stigmata quinque, Fru£tus roflratusj pentacoccus. One Pointal. Five Summits. Fkuit furnilhed with long awns; five dry ber- ries. *• SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Geranium foliis radlcalibus integiis laciniatifque ; laciniis acutis; petiolis filiformibus ; caly- cibus monophyllis ; ftamiuibus quinque fer- tllibusj radice tuberofa^ floribus blcolo- ribus. Geranium with the leaves growing from the root entire and jagged ; fegments pointed j foot ftalks thread-ihaped ; cups one-leaved; five fertile chives; root tuberous; flowers two- coloured. 1. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE The Empalement, a little magnified. 2. Chives, natural fize. 3. 4. The fame, magnified and fpread open. The Poiutal and feed -bud, magnified. This very handfome variety of the ragged-leaved geranium, is but little difi?erent from the purple- flowered \ar. figured No. CCIV. of this work, Vol. Ill, except in the colour of the flowers, and that me leaves are rather more cut. It was Introduced the fame year to the Hibbertlan colkaion, flowers in the fame month and requires the fame treatment, as the above variety. #^ ^3 A » ^"^''^'^tuni A ,jf ■'..* PLATE CCLXX. PROTEA PULCHELLA Waved-leaved Protea. i CLASS IV. ORDER 1. TETRANBRIAMONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER, Corolla 4-fida feu 4-petala. Antherae lineares, inferte petalis infra apicem. Calyx pro- prius nuUus. Semina folitaria. Blo ssom 4-cleft or four petalled. Tips linear, inferted into the petals below the point Cup proper, none. Seeds folltary. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea folils lanceolatis, undulatis, rubro mar- ginatis, pilofisj fquamis calycis tricolo- ratis3 capitulo ere£lo, terminal!. Protea with lance-fhaped leaves, waved, mar- gined with red and hairy; fcales of the cup three-coloured ; flower head upright, and terminal. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. A Floret complete with the feed-bud- 2. The four Petals of the fame, with the Tips fhewn at their ends. 3. Pointal and Seed-bud. This Protea, from the Cape of Good Hope, merits the attention of thofe who wi A to ^^^^ ^^^. colkaions, with dininguifhed objects; as. It flowers the third year fromthe feed, ^""^^^^^^J.^^,^ gnd It feme with Protea mellifera. The cone for two months before it opens is extreme y ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ is in flower nearly one morej and this, at a time when the plant has, fcarce y, a^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ height. It is not inclined to branch till it has flowered, but from Uie lower par . ^, , . . ^ , _, , ....,._:.. i,„:,:„^rc T,^v^ a whitifli appearance, a> ^^ branches begin to extend. edged with a light pink, and are flightly waved. It is innefs have a wnu.u. -IT—- ^ ^j „, propagated by cuttings <"°f .''^;,i,^ ^ . , ^ , _ - , . ..jbbert*» light fandy loam, and flowers in September. Our drawing w feeds C^JilCCLlUH^ lU WiiH-U IL WaU 1111 1 UUL were fent, by him, from the Cape. *^, y / \\ k 2 \ V ^■r PLATE CCLXXI. ASCLE A G Gio'antic Sivallow-wort *s G ANTE Auricula tree. CLASS V. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA ORDER Five Chives- IL Two Pointals. Calyx. Perianthlum quinquefidum^ acutum, parvum^ periiftcns. Corolla. Monopetala, plana vel reflexa, quin- quepartUai laciniis ovato-acuminatis, levi- ter cum fole flexis- Ncctaria quinque, tubo filamentorum infra antheras adnata, carnofa feu cucullata, e fundo corniculum acutmn introrfuni flexum txferentia. Stamina, Filamenta quinque, in tubum, bafi ventricofum^ connata. Antherse oblongae, crei5loe, biloculares, membrana inflexa, ftig- mat! incumbente terminatce, utrlnque ala reverfa deorfura latefcente. Pollen con- natus in corpufcula decern, obverfe-lan- ceolata, plana, ia loculis antherae depen- • dentia e fills brevibus, foepe flexuofis^ quae per paria annexa fant tuberculis quin- qne,cartilagmeis,didyniis,angulisftigmatis, intev antheras^ adhaerentibus, Ti STILL A. Gennina duo, oblonga, acuminata. Styli duo, iubulati. Stigma utrifque com- mune, magnum, craffum, pentagonum, fupra apicibus antheiarum teftum, medij umbilicatum. PEKiCAKPiuM.Folliculiduo,magni,oblongi,acu- minati, ventricofi, uniloculares, univalves. Semina numerofa, imbricata, pappo coronata. Receptaculum membranaceunij liberum. GENERIC CHARACTER. Empalemexp. maunng. re- Blossom one petal flat or reflexed, five-parted? divifions pointedly egg-fliaped, flightlj bending with the fun. Honey -cups five, growii threads below the tips7 flefhy or hooded', protruding a fliarp horn from the bottom which bends inwards. Chives. Five threads' coUeded into a tube fwelling at the bafe. Tips oblong, upright, two-celled, terminated by an inflex mem- brane lajing on the fummlt, having a re- verfed wing on each fide, growing broader downwards. The pollen is coUedcd inta ten fmall bodies inverfely Jance-fhipcd, the tips by fliort threads, often flexible, which are fixed by pairs to five fkinny twin tubcr- cules, adhering to the angles of the funimit. between ihe tips. Pointals, Seed-buds two, oblong, tapered.. mon- Shafts two, awl-lhaped. Sun to both, large, thick, five-cornered, covered at top by the ends of the tips, umbilicatc in the middle. Seed-vessel. Two pods, large, oblong, tapered, bellied, one celled, one valved. Seeds numerous, tiled, crowned with a fealhcn Receptacle fkinny, free. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Asclepias foliis candidis, obovato-oblongisj pe- tiolis breviffimisi laciniis corollas reflexis. t Swallow-wort with whitened leaves, between In- verfely egg-fliaped and oblong ; foot-ftalks very ihort; fegraents of the blotfom reflexcd. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. The Chives and Pointal, natural fize. ' ^ 3. The Chives and Pointal, without the five outer fcales or honey -cups, magnified. 4. One of the outer fcales, magnified. 5. One of the inner, upright fcales, which furround the feed-buds, mngnified. 6. The Seed-buds, Shafts and Summit, with the chives attached to the fummit, magnified. The Gigantic Swallow-wort, a native of the Eaft Indies, is a very tender hot-houfe pl^"^/J^J^ fubjea to lofe its leaves in winter, and requires the affifiance of the bark-bed to kee^ it in V^^~\ In the Kew Catalogue, it is faid to have been cultivated fo long ago as the year l6ijO, at the Koya^ " " "" fhould be planted in rich cartfli •f^ Gardens, Hampton Court. To render it vigorous and flourllliing, it ^-- . - compofed of, one half rotten dung, and the other leaf mould and loam; and watered but O'l^JlS'^ "J winter. It is feldom propagated but from feeds, which are frequently procured from the Ea'^'.'J" as often from the Weft Indies. In the ifland of Jamaica, it is known by the name of the Auricoa tree, where it attains to the height of fix or feven feet. Our drawing was taken from a mofi ^-o ficent fpecimen, obligingly fent us by Mrs. Methuen, (of which our figure reprefents but a iic-iH n bunch), meafaring above a foot in diameter. The plant, we believe the fiueft in England, is m u»^ colleaion of Paul Methuen, Efq. Corfliam, Wilts. . ,,.], Much as we are inclined to tread m the beaten path of our predeceObrs, and, more parti^u.^v that of the greateft luminary of this intricate fcience, Linnaeus, yet can we, but with r^g^^.^' ' ^ an alteration we think fo neceflluy, in the claffification of this genus. That the clafs Gynan^ ' V^ or ought to be excluded from the twenty-four, we fliall not be forward to give our ^"'J^^jg conjunaion with fome modern reformers j and, as they term therafelves, improvers upon the uu^ ^^^ fyftem} but, whiltl it is retained, this genus has ftronger claims, in our opinion, upon it. ^^ which has hitherto been thrown to it. Indeed we had lb claifed it, upon fuch grounds liaa i*"- .^_ i.cverthekls, we fludl confider as neceiiarv for fome boldei hand than ourfelves to uudertasf m^-"^-^. W.TT. ■"■ • I f ^^f 7 V a- fr-n/m # u s ^ PLATE CCLXXII EMBOTHRIUM LINEARE. Narrow-leaved Embothrium. CLASS IV. ORDER I. TETRANBRIA MONOGYNIA. Four Chives. One Pointal ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx nullus. Corolla tetrapetala. Stamina limbo petalorum inferta. FoUiculus poly- fpermus. Semina alata. Empalement none. Bloflbm four-petalled. Chives infcrted into the limb of the petals. A one-celled pod many feeded. Seeds winged. See Embothrium sekiceum^ PL C. Vol. 11- SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Embothrium foliis linearibus, fubtomentofis, uninerviis; florum racemis axillaribus; co- rollis albis. Semina nuda. Embothrium with linear leaves rather downy, one-nerved; the fmall heads of flowers grow from the infertion of the leaves; the bloflbms white. Seeds naked. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. -1. 1. A Flower, complete. 2. One of the petals, with the chive at the end. 3- The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit, magnified. 4. A ripe Seed-pod burft and ^mpty. 5. A ripe Seed. f 1 This fpecies of Embothrium was introduced to Britain at the fame time as the Silky Embothrium 100 ■I in his Firft Number of New Holland Botany, page 23. But the total difference in the habit of the plant, except in the fliape of the flowers, has induced us to give it a fpecific title. It grows to the height of five or fix feet, not very bushy j abounding through the whole year In a fucceffion of flowers, i»hlch proceed from the young branches? ripe feed being produced upon the plant at the fame time. It fhould be planted in light fandy peat, and kept in a dry part of the green-houfe, as the younger branches arc apt to fuffer from damps in the months of December and January. Our drawing was * made at the Hammcrfmith nurfury, in the year ISOO 0" ^/.e. ^: ) i ■/ \r ^yfmi n/'u/f «• PLATE CCLXXriI. LOBELIA PINIFOLIA V-w Pine-leaved Lobelia. CLASS XIX. ORDER VI ' SYNGENESIA MONOGAMIA. Tips united. Flowers fimple GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx, Perlanthium monophyllmn, qninque- dentatum, raininum, germini circumna- tum, marcefcens; deniicalis fubaequalibus. Corolla monopetala, irregulans 5 tubus cylin- draceus^ calyce longior, fupernc longitudi- naliter divifusj limbus quinquepartitas; laciniis lanceolatis, quarura fuperiores duae minores, magis reflexae, profundius divdlae, conftituentis labium fuperius; tres reliqu^ infrriores magis patentes,fepias majores. Stamina. Filamenta quinque, fubulata, longi- tudine tubi petali. Antherae coihiat^e "in cylindruin oblongum^ bafi quinquefariam dehifcentem. PisTiLLUM. Germen acuminatum, inferum. Stylus cylindraceus, longitudine flarainum! Stigma obtufura, hifpidum. Pericarpium. Capfulaovata^biloculariis, apice dchifcens, ciudta calyce. Semina plurima, minima. Empalemext. Cup one leaf, five-toothed, very fmall, growing round the feed-bud^ wither- ing; toothlets nearly equal. Blossom one petal, irregular; tube cylindric longer than the cup, divided longitudinally above; border five-parted; fegments lance- fhapedj of which the two upper ones are fmaller, more reflexed, deeper divided and form the upper lip; the three other lower ones fpread more, and often are larger. Chives. Five threads, awl-fhaped, the length of the tube of the petal. Tips joined to- gether forming an oblong cylinder, fplitting into five divifions at the bafe. Pointal. Seed-bud tapered, beneath. Shaft cylindrical the length of the chives. Sum- mit blunt, hairy. Seed-vessel. Capfale egg-fliaped, two-celled, fplitting at top, girt by the cup. Seeds numerous, fmall. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Eobella foliis lanceolato-linearibus, confertis, in- tegerrimis; denticulis calycinis - lono^iffi- mis; floribus caeruleis. ^ Lobelia with leaves between lance and' linear- ihapcd, crowded together, and quite en- tire; toothlets of the cup very long; flow- ers blue. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Bloffora fpread open, with the chives in their place. 3. Ahalf ripe feed-pod. 4. The Pointal, with the fummlt detached and magnified. 5. A npe feed-veflel, cut tranfverfely. uTJtV JT' 'r^ '' P-'^^V'^^^^ ^^"^ by ^rr. F.Maflbn, to the royal gardens at Kew; as we find our bot^nt 1^^^^^^ Neverthelefs a finale plant of it'waf not to be found in any of ^heHiS^^^^^ ?' '-'^'-f'^^ ^^^'^ ^""^' ""^'^ '^^' ^'^^^"^ introduction of it, by Mr. Niven; to the Hibberuan Collection m 1 ^Ro ]t is a very delicate (l.rab; grows to the height of eighteen inches; :..rti. *,... ^..,. u . .. . ch branch. It may of thU^nu« t if ^'IF 'l " from the feed, »hich ripens in this country; bt,t, like moll of the fpeci-i "are of loin. ' „i , K °"f •'""*f '""'v " "^'P""''' "">" of a lightVandj- pent, with a fmall mil- o7,le°"rbi™fi." FI^:?;sTa Jtt" ' '""" ■""' " '"°P°"'°° '° *= Senegal fizo ufed for plant. # - 9.'/Q V^ \ "% z^^^. -/ -*. PLATE CCLXXIV. ORNI .lOGALUM LACTEUM _ Y arge Wiite-flowered Star of Bethlehem. CLASS YL ORDER I. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA Six Chives. One Pointal ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHAKACTEK, Corolla 6-petala> ereaa, perfiftens, fupra me- dium patens. Filamenta bafi dilatata, Capfula 3-locularis. Seraina fubrotunda, nuda. Blossom G.petals, upright^ remaining, fpread- ing above the middle. Threads widened at the bafe. Capfule 3-celled. Seeds round- lih, naked. See Orn[thogalum odoratum. PI. CCLX. Vol. IV. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Ornithogalum racemo longo; filamentls fubu- mem- latis, alternis fub-lanceolatls^ bradeis branaceis, ovatis, pedunculo duplo bre- viorlbusj foliis lanceolatis, acutis, nd villofisj floribus albidis. oras Star of Bethlehem with a long flower fpike; threads awl-ihaped, alternate ones nearly lance-fhapedj flower props ikinny^ tgg- fhaped, twice as ihort as the fruit-flalkj leaves lance-ihaped^ acute, finely haired at the edges } flowers white. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, 1. One of the Flower-props. 2. The Chives and pointal, the petals being removed 3. The Seed bud. Shaft, and Summit. This fine fpecles of Star of Bethlehem, from the Cape of Good Hope, was first introduced to Britain, 796. It is a very nardy Dulb, but does not flower every year, in this country. It will live with 3 very fliglit protection trom the fevereft frofts in wlnterj ihould be planted in fandy loamj kept rather dry after the decay of le leav-es J and only removed from its pot to renew theearth. It propagates by the root, and flowers in i'n „ '''■ °''^^>"g ^^'^s made from a plant which had been received from the Cape, in the Hibber- tian Collection, *^ s- ^: I PLATE CCLXXV. GLADIOLUS RINGENS. ,■*/*■ Var, undulatus. G aping-flowered Gladiolus. Waved-Jlowered Var^ CLASS III. ORDER I. TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Three Chives. One Pointal. ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Corolla sexpartitOj ringens. Stamina adfcen- dentia. Blossom fix divifions, gaping. Chives afccnd mg. See Gladiolus roseus^ PI. XI. Vol. I. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Gladiolus foliis linearlbus, coftatis; floribus rin- gentibus, cineriisj petalis undulatis. Gladiolus with linear leaves, ribbed j flowers gaping, afh coloured } petals waved. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. !♦ The two valves of the Empalement. 2. A Bloflbm fprcad open, with the chives in their place. 3. The PointaL one of the divifinns nf th*» fnmmit mao-ni believe to be the onlv one which, at nrefent- Doflefres this handfomc variety of the Gaping Gladiolus. soo above analogy, fliould be as a tender Gladiolus. The flower is without fmell. It increafes by the root, and fhould be treated \ 3 PLATE CCLXXYI. MONSONIA FILIA. Hairy -leaved Mojifonia, CLASS xviir ORDER II TOLYABELPHIA DODECANDRIA. Threads in many Sets. Twelve Ch GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx, PerlantLIum pentaphyllum ere£tumj foliolis lanceolatis, fub apice mucronatis^ aequalibus, perfiftentibus* CoKOLLA," Petala quinque, obovata aequalia, flaccida, plicata, margine inequali ter den tata. J Stamina. Filamenta quindecim, ere(!^a, con- nata in quinque corpora, e 3 fingula. An- theroe oblongae, verfatiles. PisTiLLUM. Germen pentagonum, breve. Sty- lus columnaris. Stigt-nata quinque, recurva, oblonea. Pericarpium nullum, Fruflus roftratus, pen- tacoccus* Semina folitarla, arillata) arifla loncriffirna de- mum fpirali. h Empalement. Cup five-]eaved uprightj leaflets lance- {haped^ pointed at the end, equal, and remaining. Blossom. Five petals, inverfely egg-fhaped, equal, flaccid, plaited, unequally toothed at the margin. Chives. Fifteen threads, upright, formed intb five bodies, three to each. Tips oblong, verfatile. ' - ' PoiNTAL. Seed-bud five-fided, fliort. Shaft columnar. Five fummits, recurved and oblong. Seed-vessel none. Fruit furniflied with long awns, five dry berries. Seeds folitary, in a feed-coat with a very long awn, becoming fpiral. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. * Monfonia folits incifo-lobatis, hirfutisj lobi inequalitcr dentatis. Monfonia with deeply. cut lobes, hairy j lobes unequally toothed. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement. 2. A Petal of the flower, fliewn from the brfckfide. : ^i. ^^, . '^^^ ^'^^^'^'■' ^^^'" from the infide. ^' ^.^^i^'!'^'^^^"d Pointal divefted of the petals. ine Chives fpread open, to flievv the number of diftina bodies into which they are divided. The Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summits. A Seed-bud cut tranfverfely. One of the berries, taken from Its coat, a little advanced to maturity 5. 6. T / • 8. enthufiafra in Durf.iin^ P^^^ ^"^^ ^°^"^- This fpecies in the Hibbcrtian colleaion. ^^""^dy m the year 1788. Our drawing was made from a plant isci'; aU'' WildlnoT i^his'^W '"g '1 the fecond part of his Prod. Plant. Cap. publifhed in fhould both.intheclaffiticationnffi;- • l"^^ ^^^ ^^^'"^^ P^^"^ ^> publiflied the fame year, had done before them than - ^*t""' "^^^' "^'^ ^'^ ^^^^^ ^^s clafs, as Schreber and Cavanilles placed, by the founder of the LI "' , '''°'"^'' ""^^^ ^^^ *^'^^^ ^"^^ ^i^'e where it was originally the Kew gardens; where unaSon.M.^'] r^P-""" *\e ^"thority of the catalogue of the plants in .tion of that work BuMnK I , 1 /' u''° ^^^'''^'' =' ^^""^^ ^^^ flowered antecedent to the publica- have adapted to the threrfW; i' ^^™' ^^"'^ fo jumbled the different fynoniras which they M. lobata, and M filh th-, iff/ T"^ ^^ Vl^^^nt in our gardens under the names of M. fpeciofa, has but'^d^no-e^thrdnrrin^^ and thus, has made his altera tion°compieTe ....„ -— ciofH he has been oblia;d\o ,.; ve S^ "''^ fpecific title^ but by new naming that which is our U. fpe- as given by Linncsus To tliis ala f^r^"'^ f ^""^^^ ^° our prefent plant, and place the fpecificj?/" mua prefun^e, had never fe'enmoreT""^ *" i^^ ^^^"''''' "?"" '^'^ ^"t^^«"*7 «^ Cavan we fliall not pretend to clear nnM?. ^/'^^.f^^d fpecmiens of any fpeclcs of this genus. Rut however, attempt to throw any ?hrSr uJhV ^evvildcred ftate, in which we there find this tribe of plants; or puzzle to two fuch eminent bo^tanrftc "* uT '^'^ ^'''''^^ *" ^""''^ b^^"* ^'°'^ as it is. a complete fufficiently well anancred unctr thl fi a !- ""^'f'^' ^^""^^ °"'" '''^^^^' ^^'''^ "^^ t'^Sk thefe plants were fpccific t itles. ^ "^ "^'^" '^^ fi^ft ^fi^^^ed clafs, and eciunliy readily to be known by their o!J publ As for Tbunberg, he has thrown them all to a, we '^^^^^f^^'^^-^'^i^iAi^- ■ ^^_'T^< ^ N c^^-...' «7^ \^ ) \ / s: L ] \ k. PLATE CCLXXVII. PR TEA PE r^- A rj Far.foliis glalris. Smooth-leaved Shewy Protea, GLASS lY. .K- TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA. ORDER I Four Chives, One Pointal ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER Corolla 4-fida fen 4-petaIa. Antherce line- ares, inferta petalls infra apicem. Calyx proprius nullus. Semina folitaria. Blossom 4-cleft or 4 petals. Tips linear^, in- ferted into the petals below the point. Cup proper none. Seeds folitary. See Protea Formosa, PI. XVII. Vol.T. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Protea foliis lanceolatis, glabris ; fquamae calj- cin£E interlores barbatae, apice incurvatse, fufcee. Protea with lance- ihaped fmooth leaves; the inner fcales of the empalement are bearded, turned inward at the point and brown. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Seed-bud and Pointal. 2. A Flower fpread open, with the tips in their places. d % This fine variety cf the Shewy Protea might, indeed, almoft pafs for a diftina fpecies. It was intro- duced to Britain, in the year 1794, by Mr. Williams, Nurferyman, of Turnham Green. The only living fpecimen in Britain, we believe, of this plant, is at prefent in the Hammerfmith colleaion. As yet no mcreafe has been produced from it, either by cuttings, or feeds ; for although the plant flowers everj' year, and the feeds in the cone, or ratlier flower-cup, feem perfeA, they never vegetate. It is a fiardy. and handfome growing Protea, requiring little attention, and may be placed in any part of tbc green-houfej grows about three feet high, very bulhy, and flowers near the month of Oaober. f/Y. v/ \ \ 1 I / /■^ / rm^ / S k. Y^^c-m I^aL ^^^ t PLATE CCLXXVIII. MELALEUCA CORONATA. Flax-leaved Melaleuca. CLASS XVIII. ORDER IV. POLYADELPIITA POLYANDRIA. Threads in many Sets. Many Chives ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHAIIACTER. Calyx quuiquefidus, feraifuperus. Petala quin- que. Filatncnta multa longiffima, connata in quinqne corpora, Pillillum unum. Cap- fula 3-loculans. Cup five-cleft, half above. Petals five. Threads numerous, very long, united into five bo- dies. Polntal 1. Capfule S-celled. SceMcLALEUCA EHIC^FOHA, PI. 1/5. Vol.lII. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Melaleuca foliis oppofitis, lanceolatis, enerviis, glaberrimis j florlbus feffilibus, ad bafin ra- mulorum confertis ; filamentis pinnatis, in- curvatls, purpurcls. Melaleuca with oppofite, lance-ihaped leaves, without nerves and very fmooth; flowers grow clofe to the branches, and crowded together at their bafej threads winged^ turned inward, and purple. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empaleraent and Seed-bud. 2. The fame, fiiewn in a front view. 3. A Petal. 4. One of the five bundles of Chives^ magnified. 5. The Seed-bud with the ftiaft remaining, the cup cut ofF. Mr gularly Jt is rather more lender than moft of the plants we have, as yet, received from thence; requires to be kept in a drj^ and air>' part of the grecD-houfe and watered but feldom, in the winter. It grows to the height of about two fed, ttingsj fliould be planted in very fandy peat earth, and Our figure was taken from the branch of a plant, in the perfect prq>ortionally confervatory, at the Hammer fmith Nurfery, in the month of Au^uft. ISOO xT. /St

we mufi refer our readers to the figure juft alluded to; as its habits, time of flowering, &c. in nothing differ. c/ C. ?,V9 ft* y; ^'^^^/^. ^^^w^/m /ojcia^/a^m y^ "or A- <» "»*= «..».,. Our folJ ,.?!""" ^r ""'f "^.^ ">'- ft« tigt a^d Sower, the firtl year from Our figurr; was taken at the Hammerfmith Nurfcr, ,!^^ x/u m r '-^^^^/U(Z * cf/aSu _ - --"— r-J-^-hS^. ^1.^ PLATE CCLXXXIV. CHIO^CCA RACEMOSA. Oppofite-leaved SnowbetTy-tree, CLASS V. ORDER I. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Five Chives. One Pointal GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx, Perianthium quinquedentatum, fupe- rum, perfiftens. Corolla monopetalaj infundlbuliformisj tubus longns, patens; lirabus quinqaepartitus; laciniis aeqnalibus, acutlsj refle>is. Stamina, Filamenta qulnque, fiUforraia, lon- gitudine corollae. Antherseoblongoe^ereiSlae. Pjstillum. Germen inferum, fubrotundum, comprefTum. Stylus filiformis, longitudine flaminum. Stigma limplex, obtufum. Peuicarfium. Bacca fubrotunda, comprefla, coronata calyce, bilocularis. Empalement. Cup five- toothed, above and • « Semina duo, fubrotunda, comprefTa, diftantia. I! remaining. -Blossom one petal, funnel-fliaped; tube long, fprending; border five divided; fegments equal, pointed and reflexed- Chives. Five threads, hair-like, the length of the bloffom. Tips oblong, upright. • Pointal. Seed bud beneath, roundith, flat- tened. Shaft thread-lhaped, the length of the chives. Summit fimple, blunt. Seed-vessel. A roundifii berry, flattened, crovt^ned with the permanent cup, two- celled. Seeds two, roundifli, flattened, and at a dif- tance from each other. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Chiococca foliis oppofitls, ovatis, acuminatis; ramis horizontalibus; floribus racemofis, pendulis. Snowberry-tree with oppoCte leaves, egg-ftiaped, tapered} branches grow horizontal; flowers grow in bunches hanging down. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Empalement, natural fize. 2. The fame, magnified. 3. A Flower. 4. The Chives and Pointal, natural fize 5. The fame magnified. The Snowberry-tree is a native of Jamaica, and fome of the other Wefl: India iflands; requiring the temperature of the hothoufe to preferve it; growing to the height of four or five feet; but the fiera being too weak to fupport itfelf, mull be aflilted. It is propagated by cuttings, and delights in a rich foil. We are informed in Miller's Diftionary, treating of this plant, that it was introduced to us, in the year 1729, by Mr. Warner, of London; and that it was cultivated, in the garden of Mr. Sherard, at Eltham, about that time* The root of this plant is ufed medicinally, and has a very bitter, acrid tafte, . It is a very free blowing plant, flowering the firft year from the cuttings; but but never produces its fine white berries in this country, which conftitute its greateft beauty, and whence its generic title. Our figure was made from a plant in the Hammerfmith Colledion. Flowers in September. ^- -- a. -. 'ri^^ftr PLATE CCLXXXV FERRARIA VIRIDIFLORA Gree7i'Jlowered F err aria. • CLASS XYI. ORDER I. MONADELPHIA, TRIANDRIA. Threads united. Three Chives ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. MoNOGYNA. Spathae uniflorae. Petal \ fex, undulato-crifpata. Stigmata cu- cuUata. Capfula 3-locularis, infera. One Pointal. Sheaths one-flowered. Petals fix^ waved and crifped. Summits cowled. Capfole three-celled beneath. SeeFERRARiAPAVONiA.PKCLXXVIII.VoUir. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Ferraria foliis diftichis, raginantibus, coftatis} petalis lanceolatis aequalibus, interioribus immaculatlsj anguftioribiis, vlrefcentibus. Ferraria with leaves pointing oppofite ways flieathing the ftem and ribbed j petals lance- fliaped, equal, the inner ones without fpots, narrower and greeniih. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. 1. The Seed-bud, Chives and Pointal. F 2. One of the Chives, a little magnified, as feen from the infide 3. The fame feen from the outfidc. 4. The Seed-bud, Shaft and Summits, the Chives removed. 5. One of the Summits magnified* ■^''i*a' Our figure reprefents the Moraea Ferrariola of Jacquin's Colleaanea 4. p. 141 ; but, as we conceive Ferraria a good, and diijinft genus, we have not followed either him. or Thunberg-. who has like- wife thrown thefe plants to Moraea. At firft fight we did not think this plant poffeired of fufficient dininaive charafter to be treated as a different fpecies from the F. undulata; but upon clofer infpeaion found it to vary nearly in every part; in the ihape of the flower, the leaves and the root. The Angular character of this, and the other Cape Ferrarias, of making but one growth in two, and fometimes three years; is hardly to be traced in any other plants, but conflantly fo in thefe. They produce their flowers about July, the feafon of their flowering; the flowers are as tranfitory as thofe of the F. pavonia; that is to fay, the duration of about fix hours. Our figure was taken from a plant bbertian CoUeaion, which flowered in the month of July The root ; and flaould be //>r' 9*$ ( J I ^ I rr A * PLATE CCLXXXVI HIBISCUS PATERSONIUS ^%- <» ^*^ Norfolk IJland Hihifciis. CLASS XYL ORDER Vi. MONADELFHIA POLYANDRIA: Threads united. Many Chives ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx duplex; exterior polyphyllus. Stigmata 5. Capfala 5-locularis^ polylperma. Empalement double 3, outer^ out many-leaved. Five Summits. Capfule five-celled, raany- feeded. See Hibiscus MUTABiLis, PI. CCXXVIIJ% Vol. IV. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Hiblfcus foliis acuminato-lanceolatis, coriaceis, fupra punctatisj fubtus tomentofis; floribus axillaribus; calycibus monophyllis^ quin- quedentatiP. Hibifcus with tapering lance-ihaped leaves, leathery, dotted above and downy under- neath 3 flowers grow from the infertion of the leaves^ cups one-leaved, five-toothed. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE, 1. The Cuf) with its foot-flalk. 2. The columnar part of the Chives cut open, the pointal taken away- 3. The Pointal. 4. A Ikinny membrane, which furrounds the feed-bud at the bafe. 5. A ripe capfule, with the enlarged cup attached. 6. The fame, cut through the middle horizoatally. 7. A ripe feed. The Norfolk Idand Hibifcus is a tender greenhoufe plant; was introduced to Britain, in the year 1792, having been raifed from feeds communicated by Col. Paterfon, then ftationed on that Ifland. It attains the height of 12 feet, or more, becoming a fmall tree; may he increafed readily from cut- tings, and fhould be planted in a mixture of loam and fandy peat. Our figure Is from a fpecimen received from the Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Courtenay, in whofe coUeftion at Powderham, near Exeter, it flowered for the fir ft time in the year 1800; and where alfo the feeds ripened. We have no doubt but this plant belongs to the Genus Lagunsea, of Schreber ; but as he propofes himfclf, and as UHeritier as juftly obferves, the fimplicity of the cup is not a fuflScient ground, on which to found a new genus; fo we have rather given our prefent fubjed, the name under which it unwarrantable* acknowled I'll 9d,. h \ n ^r/e rjo^e^f^'j "Si^ PLATE CCLXXXVII. STYPHELIA PARVIFLORA. Small -flowered Styphelia, CLASS V. ORDER I. PENTANJDRIA MONOGYNIA. *Five Cliives. One Pointal ESSENTIAL GENERIC CHARACTER. Calyx imbricatus. Corolla tubulofa. Stamina fauci inferta. Drupa quinquelocularis. Semina bina. Empajlement tiled. Bloflbm tubular. Chives inferted into the mouth of the bloflbm. A five celled berry. Seeds by twos. See Styphelia triflora, Pl.LXXIL Vol.1. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. styphelia foliis lanccolalis, oppofitisj floribus capitatis terminalibus; corollis minutis, albis* Styphelia with lance-lhaped, oppofite leaves; flowers terminate the branches in heads ; bloflbm fmall and white. 1. REFERENCE TO THE PLATE. The Empalement magnified. M 2. A Flower, natural fize. 3. The fame, magnified. 4. A Bloflbm, cut open, with the Chives attached. 5. The Pointal, natural fize. 6. The fame, magnified. This Styphelia, as are all the known fpecies of the genus Is a native nf ivr tj n ^ a«o„g« U,. fi.fl p,.„. whi.H were raifed fro. feeds 'tZ' LI c^^ nla ^"teljf: paga ed by camng, raade from .he tender (hoot,, about the month of April ; and tr ated a/d rec,™i for other plants nnt.ves of the fame dime. Should be planted in fandy peat earth Oar fi cm re was tatpn f^^™ „ r„„„: ._ .... __ •' f"-'"^ ^"^i-". Our figure was taken from a fpecimen communicated bv Mr M 4|[« 1802 9^'.. 7 yy^^y V ^_ '. n" * * f I . i^i ^/J-r/ •'• N D X TO THE PLANTS CONTAINED IN VOL. I\ Plate 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 231 233 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 U48 250 251 552 U53 254 255 250 258 25Q 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 ■^77 278 279 280 281 282 2 83 2 84 285 286 287 288 PaiTiflora maliformis , Embothrium buxifolium Gladioluscufpidatusj/^r.^cmZfscmp/s MafTonia fcabra Wurmbea capenfisj Far. /? Geranium radiatum Clufia flava Geranium reflexum Gnidia oppofitifolia , Magnoha pumila , , . Gladiolus ringens. Far. multijiorus . . Hibifcus mutabilis, Far, Jlore plena.. Magnolia fufcata Dodonsea triquetra Cerbera Ahouai Ixia capitata. Far, sfeUata Melanthium viride Protea fpicata Mimofa difcolor Hypoxis lldlata, Far.Jlore alio Cytifus tomentofus Roella decurrens , 'Geranium felinum Gladiolus carneus Gladiolus orchidiflorus Xeranthemum fafciculatum Protea lagopus Hemerocallis graminca Ixia pufilla Geranium incraffatum Geranium ciliatum Protea umbeUata Pitcairnia fulphurea Ixia columnaris. Far, gratidijlora . . . Lachenalia purpureo-caerulea , Hebenftreitia aurea Talinum patens • Geranium procumbens Moraea Northiana l^^^rrx'SiCul^tVif Far, minor,Jlo.purpureo Falkia repcns , ^ , Bankfia prEemorfa Geranium piiofum Omithogalum odoratum Cameraria latifolia Xeranthemum fpirale Vaccinium flaminium , Protea glomerata Cyrtanthus obliqua • -. . . Platylobiura ovatum Jatropha pandursefolia ^ , . , Gladiolus plicatus • . . ' Geranium laciniatum, Far. Mcolor , , Protea pulchella Afclepias gigantea ;. Embothrium lineare Lobelia pinifolia Ornithogalum la6leum Gladiolus ringens. Far, undulatiis .. . Monfonia filia Protea rpeciofa, Far.foUisglalris... Melaleuca coronata Xeranthemum fafciculatum, Far.^.a/, Perfoonia latifolia Metrofidera hirfuta Geranium fpathulatum. Far. curviflo, Pogonia glabra Chiococca racemofa Ferraria viridiflora Hibifcus Paterfonius Styphelia parvifiora Protea cynaroides Apple-fruittd PafTion-flowcr FL II. Box-leaved Embothrium G. H. Spear-fpotted Q\'A6Ao\\x%F.with cri/pedpetals G. H. Rough-leaved Maflbnia J G.U. Cape Wurmbea, Far. 2 G. IT. Rayed-leaved Geranium G. FI. Yellow-flowered Balfam-tree fl, II. Reflexed-Ieaved Geranium G. 1 1. Oppofitc-leaved Guidia G. II. Dwarf Magnolia G. I L Gaping Gladiolus, ma?iy Jlowercd Far. ... G. IT. Changeable-rofe Hibifcus, DouMe-Jiow, far, ]\, H. Brown-ftemed Magnolia G. II, Three-fided Dodonaea G. 1 1, Oval-leaved Cerbera T ! . H. Bunch-flowering Ixia, Star-Jloivered Far, . G H. Green -flowered Melanthium G. H. Spike-flowered Protea G. H. Two-coloured-leaved Mimofa G. II. Star-flowered Hypoxis, White Fariefy ... G. H, Downy-leaved Cytifus G, H. Dec urrent- leaved Roella G,\l, Rock-parfley-leaved Geranium . , G. H. Flefh-coloured Gladiolus G. H. Orchis-like-flowered Gladiolus . ^ G, IT. Bundled-leaved Everlafting-flower G. IT. Woolly-leaved Protea G. H. Grafs-leaved Day-Lily ITar. Dwarf-blue Ixia G. H. Flefhy-leaved Geranium G. H. Fringed-leaved Geranium , . * G, H. Umbellated Protea G. H. Sulphur-coloured Pitcairnia H. H, Columnar-chived Ixia, Lar^e-Jlowered Far. G. H. Sweet violet-coloured Lachenalia G. H. Golden-flowered Hebenftreitia G. FT. Paniclcd Purflane ♦ IT. H. Procumbent Geranium G. H, Northian Moraea H. IT, Spotted-flowered Ixia, Small Far. piirp.Jio. G. 11. Creeping Falkia G. H. Bltttn-ended-leaved Bankfia G. IT. Flairy Geranium • G. II. Sweet-fcented Star of Bethlehem G. IT. Baftard Mangeneal FI. II. Spiral-leaved Everlafling-flower G. H. Green-wooded Whortle-berry Har. Woolly-headed Protea G. H. Oblique-leaved Cyrtanthus G. H. Oval-leavL'd FlatJ^ea G. FT. Fiddle-leaved Phyfic-Nut H. H. Plaited-leaved Gladiolus G. IT. Ragged-leaved Geranium, Two-colour ed- fiower Far G- H. Waved-leaved Protea. . . ••.......• G. H. Gigantic Swallow-wort " H. H, Narrow-leaved Embothrium G. H. Pine-leaved Lobelia. . G. H. Large White-flowered Star of Bethlehem • G. H. Gaping-flowered Gladiolus, ffaved-Jlowered Far. • G. H. Tlairy -leaved Monfonia G. H. Smooth-leaved Hiewy Protea G. TL Flax-leaved Melaleuca G. H. Bundle-leaved Ever]afting-flower,^/ij/ef(3r G. H. Broad-leaved Perfoonia G. H. Hairy Metrofidera ....,....,-. G. H- Spatula-leaved Geranium, Curlcd-Jio. Far^ • G. H. Smooth-leaved Pogonia • G. H. Oppofite-leaved Snowberry-tree U,ll, Grccn-flowered Ferraria G. H. Norfolk Ifiand Flibifcus G. H. Small-flowered Styphelia G. H Artichoke-likC'flowcred Protea G. IF Shrub. July, Shrub, September. Bulb. May. Bulb, March. Bulb. M ay. Herb. .luly. Shrub. September. Herb. July. Shrub. April. Shrub, September. Bulb. May. Shrub. November. Shrub. April. Shrub, March. Shrub. July. Bulb. May. Bulb. July. Shrub. May, Shrub. September. Bulb. April. Shrub. Augufl. Ann. Auirufl. Herb. June. Bulb. May. Bulb. March. Shrub. May, Shrub. June. Herb. June, Bulb. April. Herb. July. Herb. July. Shrub. Auguft. Herb. April. Bulb. June. Bulb. April, Shrub. Augufl. Ana. Augufl:. Shrvib. May. Herb. July. Bulb. June. Herb. Auguft. Shrub. July. Herb. July. Bulb. June. Shrub. Augufl, Shrub. July. Shiub. June. Shrub. Auguft. Bulb. July, Shrub. July. Shrub, July- Bulb. May. I frrb. July. Shrub. September. Shrub. Aujoift. Shrub. July. Shrub. July. Bulb. July. Bulb. June. Herb. July. Shrub. 06t*)ber. Shrub. Auguft. Shrub. Auguft. Shrub. November. Shrub, November, Herb. July. Shrub. March . Shrub. July. Eulb. July. Shrub. Auguft. Shrub. May. Shrub. January. h V ERRATA Plate 217, 2X8, 220, 233, 235, 245, 257, 270, 276, Paffiflora maliformis. For Plate CCVII, put, CCXVII. To No, 1 and 2 of the reference to the plate, add^ magnified. Gen, Char, Chives, line 4, for, fixed on fide, read, j£red on eachjtde. For, Older I, read, Order HI, for monj-gynia, read, trigynia, and for One Pointa!, read. Three Pointals. BioflTom, after claws put a comma. Englifh name. For, two coloured leaved, read, two-coloured-Ieaved, Char. Spec, line 2, dele (,) poft loiigitudine. Gen. Char. Pift, Pro Germen, lege, Germina, Specific Char* line 3,. for flower head, T€a.df JJower-head, Gen. Char. Corolla, Pofl obovata pone comma. 282, Geranium fpathulatum, for, Plate CCLXX, put, CCLXXXII.