/ $-U'P P-L: E MEN T MEDICAL BOTANY, OR; TARE THE SECOND: PLATES wits ba ca palin cnet OF MOST OF THE - PRINCIPAL MEDICINAL PLANTS NOT INCLUDED IN THE MATERIA MEDICA OF THE COLLEGIATE PHARMACOPGIAS OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH: ACCOMPANIED WITH A - CIRCUMSTANTIAL DETAIL OF THEIR MEDICINAL EEFECTS, = AND OF THE DISEASES IN WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFULLY EMPLOYED, By WILLIAM WOODVILLE, M.D. F.L.S. ‘Phyfician to the Small Pox and Inoculation Hofpitals. Scire poteftates herbarum ufumque medendi Maluit, et mutas agitare inglorius artes. Vire. En, |. xu. LONDON: PRINTED AND SOLD FOR THE AUTHOR, a) See Games Phillips, GEORGE TARD, LOMBARD STREET. =a ene ne M.DCC,XCI¥. * Ir will be eeaihly porrinlid that. the plan, ahen which. this volume was begun, has been confiderably contra&ted. To illuftrate all the natural orders with an adequate number of medicinal plants, which was my original intention, would, as I found upon more fully invefligating the fubject, lead to the introduétion of a great many vegetables, which, in a medical point of view, might be thought unin portant, or entirely ufelefs ;— Influenced by this confi. ideration, and at the Jame time finding that the more immediate duties of my profeffion afforded ; me but little leifure for profecuting a work of this kind, I did not hefitate to reduce this part to the narrow compafs in which it is here prefented.—This volume is therefore rather to be regarded as a Supple- ‘ment to the three former, than as a Second Part; and more efpecially as containing an appendix to the Materia Medica, and the following articles admitied into one or both of the collegiate pharmacope@ias, Viz. : _ agaricus, angelica fylvefiris, ari iftolochia tenuis, cajeputa, cafcarilla, curfuta, laétuca virofa, fantalum rubrum, & citrinum, Seolopendrium, and winteranus cortex. Ow taking. a 2 final leave of Medical Botany, which owes : much of the merit it may poffe of rather to the execution of the artift than to the compiler, rg am happy i in the opportunity of acknowledging, with gratitude, the favourable manner in which 1 , piled in oe eae oad, iy medical I gentlemen ia particular. ae Aas been received by the ms = —— a A QUESTION has been afked, to which it may be neceflary here briefly to reply, viz. Why we have not figured all the Plants enume- | rated in the Catalogues of the Firft Part of MepicaL Botany, but have omitted Hordium di/ichon, Triticum hybernum, Avena fativa, Piper Cubeba, Santalum album, Amyris Elemifera, Myroxylon peruj- 7 Serum, Stalagmitis Cambogioides, Boletus iguiarius, Cocos butyracea. Tue three firft, barley, wheat, wed oat, are fo well known, and have fo little claim to a place in Medical Botany, that it was fuppofed a majority of our readers would deem their figures fuper- fluous. Befides, their feeds are unqueftionably to be confidered as articles of food rather than of medicine. Of Piper Cubeba, Santa- lum alii, Myroxylon peruiferum, Stalagmitis Cambogioides, and Cocos butyracea, we have not been able to procure proper {pecimens, nor are there any perfect figures of them publithed ; fo that the plates of thefe were unavoidably omitted. Refpecting the Amyris Elemifera Lin, we have to obferve, that after fully inveftigating the authorities for admitting this to be the tree which produces the officinal drug Elemi, we are convinced of their infufficiency, and that the name Elemifera is diene erroneoufly applied; and therefore, though we obtained a good fpecimen of this fpecies, we had no plate of it engraved, : BoLetus igniarius, or agaricus chirurgorum, is not properly a medicinal article, nor is it of much importance in furgery; and No. 1,—Part II, | A it ; Sa it may be further obferved, that it is a fungous fubftance, varying in its appearance, and: not eafily admitting of being charateriftically reprefented by a drawing; it is prefumed therefore that our worl fuftains no difadvantage by its omiffion. Tue Author takes this opportunity of obferving, that all the figures which he has publifhed, were taken either from dried or recent fpecimens, excepting in very few inftances, where he was: under the neceflity of reforting to the plates of others; this, how- ever, was never done but upon unqueftionably good authorities, — And whenever future difcoveries fhall fhew that he has been mifled, he will not fail to acknowledge it: the only inftance that has yet occurred to him is the following of Cafcarilla. % as : CLUTIA ELUTERIA. CASCARILLA CLUTIA, SYNONYMA. Cafcarilla. Pharm. Lond, & Edinb. Elutheria et Eluteria, Auctoruin. Clutia (Elutheria) foliis cordato-lan- ceolatis. Mill. Didt. Aman. Acad. vol. 5. fr Aut. Sa Clif: 486. Flor. Heyl 306, Clafs Dioecia. Ord. Geatandela Lin, Gen, Plant. 1 11404 Gen. Ch. Mase. Cals 5-phyllus. Cor. 5-petala. pce #em. Cal. 5-phyllus. Cor. 5-petala. Styli 3. CGapss — 3-locularis, Sem, 1. aes Sp. Ch. C, foliis cordato-lanceolatis, | eh es | THIS” Pablijhed ky Di Weadvilie, Tan" 4, MIG4. 4443 ‘THIS fmall tree grows feveral feet in height, and fends off ~ numerous branches, efpecially towards the top: the bark which covers the branches is brown and fmooth, but that of the trunk is externally more white and rough: the leaves are entire, lanceolate, - fomewhat cordate, and elongated towards the apex, which is blunt, on the upper fide of a bright green, on the under fide paler, and placed alternately upon long footftalks. Both the male and female flowers ftand in fpikes, and are compofed of a calyx divided into five ovate leafits, enclofing an equal number of fmall whitith petals, and within thefe the neCtaria are placed. ‘The female flower produces a_ roundifh germen, fupporting three bifid {preading ftyles, terminated by obtufe ftigmata: the capfule is globular, rough, marked with fix furrows, and divided into three cells, epotalniaty: a a oval fhining feed. We have been defirous of introducing the annexed plate into early notice, in order to. determine what was left doubtful in the former part of this work, where the Croton Cafcarilla is figured, on the authority of Linnzus;* though at the fame time we obferved that it did not appear “ fufficiently afcertained” whether or no it furnifhed the officinal Cafcarilla, ‘This point however we can now confidently =~ decide in the negative. Among other circumftances, which tended to involve the paren tal fource of Cafcarilla long in uncertainty, was the affertion of fome authors,’ that it was a native of the Spanifh Main, and was thence imported into Europe; thus founding a prefumption, that the Cafcarilla and Elutheria Barks were different, and that the latter only was the produce of the Bahama Iflands. But this affertion we have difcovered to be contrary to fact; for, upon inquiry, we do not find that this drug was ever exported from Spanifh America, but that tthe Bahamas have conftantly fupplied the European markets with Cafcarilla bark, a parcel of which was fent here from one of thofe Iflands, along with {pecimens of the tree producing it; of which the figure here given is a faithful reprefentation, as may be feen by com-_. paring it with the original inthe herbarium of Sir Jofeph Banks. * The bark of this plant, according to Dr. Wright, has none of the fenfible .quali« ties of Cafcarilla. * See Boulduc, Hift, de 1’ Ae, des Se. 1719. p- 14. Spielmann AL, AL p. 249. ‘ | But ( 4) But it will be nécetfary to obferve here, that Dr. Wright, in is account of the medicinal plants growing in Jamaica,® gives the name Croton Elutheria to a tree, the bark of which he fays “is the fame as the Cafcarilla or Elutheria of the fhops:” it feems therefore pro- bable, that different fpecies of Clutia may produce bark of the fame, or of fimilar qualities to that of Cafcarilla,as we find feveral inftances in which the fame drug is produced by various fpecies of plants. That the tree here called by Dr. Wright Croton does not belong to. this genus, but it is evidently a Clutia, appears by the dioicous fpe- cimens of it fent by him to the Prefident of the Royal Society; a part of which, with the male flowers, is delineated in the prefent plate, in order that the Jamaica and Bahama Cajfcarilla may be compared together; the former being diftinguifhed by figure I. The Clutia Eluteria feems to have been firft introduced into Britain by Mr. P. Miller; but it is not to be found in the King’s garden at Kew, nor have we {een it cultivated any where near the Metropolis. According to a late German author,’ it grows abundantly in the Bahama Iflands, where the bark, which forms a principal export, is fold at the very low rate of 105, 6d. a @. Refpecting the medical hiftory, qualities, and ufes of Cafcarilla bark, we have nothing to add to what is given in the firft volume of” Medical Botany. _ © Med. Fourn. vol. 8. p. ‘ 4 Vide Je D, Schepf. Reife durch einige der mittlern und fudlichen vereinigtem pordameritanifchen fiaaten nac oft-Florida undden Bahamh deft MEDICAL BOTANY, Pikiifhed b Di Woodville Tan 4, AJOt. 212 24 MEDICAL BOTANY—PART SECOND, s RCM en Le See oe: titer a AF ET TS phy \ ASPERIFOLIE. [The following ‘fi fix Plants, as belonging to this natural order, are publi bed | together; an arrangement which we fhall conftantly adopt in future, as Sar as the limited number of plants coming within our province will conveniently admit.] PULMONARIA OFFICINALIS. ~ - COMMON LUNGWORT, SYNONYMA. pakecnaaic fix Elesouccs maculofa, Pharm, Geoff. M. M. Dale, 135. Lewis, 525, Edinb. New Di ifp. 261. Bergius, 83. Murray, vol. 2, p. 97. Gerard, Emac. 808. Raii Syn. 226. Park. Parad. 448. Symphytum maculofum five pul- -monaria latifolia. Baub. Pin. 259. Pulmonaria officinalis: Hud/, Flor. Ang. 81. With. Bot. Arr. 193. roses Eng, Bot, 118. t, 118, Flor. Dan. 482. Pentandria Monogynia. Lin, Gen, Plant. 184, Gen. Ch. Cor. infundibulif. fence pervia, Cal. prifmatico 5-gonus, Sp. Ch. P. foliis radicalibus ovato-cordatis {cabris, THE root is perennial: the ftems fimple, erect, angular, rough, and frequently rife above a foot in height; the ftem leaves are fome- No. 1.—Part II. B what re) what ovate, or rather lanceolate, broad pointed, hairy, alternate, and on the upper fide fpeckled with whitifh maculz: the radical leaves are broader, and more elongated towards the bafe : the flowers appear in terminal fafciculi, and are reddifh and purple: the calyx is a prifm _ of five fides, rough, and divided at the mouth into five fhort pointed fegments: the corolla is funnel-fhaped, confifting of a cylindrical tube, open at the mouth, and a fpreading limb, cut at the margin into five obtufe fegments: the five filaments are very fhort, placed at the mouth of the tube, and furnithed with fimple yellow antherz : the germen is quadrifid, fupporting a tapering ftyle of the length of the calyx, and crowned with a blunt notched ftigma: the feeds are four, roundifh, and lodged at the bafe of the calyx. This plant i is rarely found to grow wild in England, but is very commonly cultivated in gardens, where its leaves become broader, and approach more to a cordate fhape, as appears by the detached leaves reprefented in the plate. The figure itfelf, however, exhibits a {peci~ men of the fpontaneous growth of this country. The leaves, which are the part medicinally ufed, have no peculiar fmell, but in their recent ftate manifeft a flightly aftringent and mu- cilaginous tafte ; hence it feems not wholly without foundation, that they have been fappofed to be demulcent and pectoral. They have been recommended in hemoptoés, tickling coughs, and catarrhal deflu€tions upon the lungs. The name Pulmonaria, how- ever, feems to have arifen rather from the {peckled appearance of thefe leaves, refembling that of the lungs, than from any intrinfic quality which experience difcovered to be ufeful in pulmonary com- plaints. LITHOSPERMUM . 213 ‘2? LITHOSPERMUM OFFICINALE.. COMMON GROMWELL. . "d - a a ‘ SYNONYMA. Lithofpermum, feu Milium Solis. Pharm. Vide Geoffroy. Trad. de M. M. vol. 3. p. 742. Dale. Pharmacol. 139. Alfion. M. M, vol. ii, 361. Lewis, M. M. 399. Edinb. New Difpenf. 223. Murray, App. Med. vol. ti. p. 98. Ray, Synop. 228. Lithofpermum majus erectum. Bauh. Pin. 258. L. mi- nus. Gerard, Emac. 609. L.vulgare minus. Park. Theat. 432. L. officinale. Audfon Flor. Ang. 79. With. Bot. Arr. 189. Relb. Fil. Cant..76. Sowerby. Eng. Bot. 134. ¢. 134. Pentandria Monogynia. Lin. Gen. Plant. 181, | Gen. Ch, Cor. infundib. fauce perforata, nuda. Cal. 5-partitus. Sp. Ch. L. feminibus levibus, corollis vix calycem fuperantibus, foliis lanceolatis. , THE root is perennial, fending forth along ftalk, which is erect, - ftrong, round, branched, and befet with fhort briftly hairs: the leaves are alternate, feflile, lanceolate, entire, pointed, hairy beneath, above clofely ftudded with minute cartilaginous tubercles, which render them rough to the touch: the flowers are {mall, of a pale yellow colour, and are placed irregularly near the ends of the branches, which are | recurved, but become ftraight on the maturation of the feeds: the calyx is divided into five fegments, which are tapering, narrow, pointed, and permanent: the corolla is monopetalous, funnel-fhaped, mouth naked and nearly clofed; the tube is fhort, cylindrical; the limb is divided at the border into five blunt teeth: the filaments are fhort, and furnifhed with oblong antherz: the germen is quadrifid : ftyle filiform, of the length of the tube, terminated by a blunt cloven » ftigma: the feeds are four, but feldom more than two arrive at per- fection, when they are egg-fhaped, fhining, extremely hard, and of a grey or yellowifh hue. * It f §) It is found in various parts of England, affeCting a dry gravelly foil, Its flowers appear in May and June, ity This plant, according to Haller,* poffeffes narcotic powers ; but its feeds only have been employed for medical purpofes. Thefe feeds, which we have defcribed above, by their exquifitely polithed furface, and ftony hardnefs, (from which latter cireumftance the name Litho- fpermum is taken,). have long excited the attention of naturalifts. Pliny confidered them as the greateft curiofity in the vegetable world : * Nec quicquam inter herbas majore quidem miraculo afpexi. Tantus eft decor, velut aurificum arte alternis inter folia candicantibus mar- garitis: tam exquifita difficultas lapidis ex herba nafcentis.” ° Grew relates, that the hard ‘cruftaceous part effervefces with acids;° but the experiment has been fince tried by others without effe&: the internal fubftance of the feed is fofter, and feems to confift of a fari- naceous, {fweet, and oily matter, becoming rancid on being long kept. Formerly, when medicine was under the dominion of fuperftition and abfurd conceits, a notion prevailed, that nature pointed out remedies for different complaints, by bearing a certain refemblance and fign of the difeafe or part affeted: hence the ftony appearance of thefe feeds was deemed a certain indication of their efficacy in calculous and gravelly diforders. And though modern writets on the Materia Medica give no credit to the lithontriptic charafter of fem. milii folis, yet they generally afcribe to them a diuretic quality, a power of cleanfing the urinary paflages, and of obviating ftranguary, efpecially when employed in the form of an emulfion ;* but probably the free ufe of any bland diluent would anfwer thefe purpofes equally .well. e The abforbent virtue attributed tp thefe feeds is wholly without foundation, being irreconcileable to the principles of chemiftry. + * Hift. Stirp. Helv, n. 595+ » Pling Uiln-27: ts, 11. © Grew. Mixt. corp. p. 22. ¢ Lotum movere hifce quidem credo, et in ftranguria efficere aliquid pofle, quum ob nucleum emulfive nature fit, Adurray, 1. ¢. See others alfo of this opinion. $ ANCHUSA ~~ 24 F. Publifred by D! Woodville, Jan? 4.4794. { 9 y. ANCHUSA OFFICINALIS. OFFICINAL BUGLOSS, | eclid 0% Or ALKANET. SYNONYM, Bugloffum. Pharm. Park. Parad. 249., Geoff. w, iii. 226. Dale. 136... Alfon, vol. ii.gt. Lewis. 167. Bergius. 79. Murray. vol. ii. 98. New Edinb. Difpenf. 152. Bugloffum anguftifolium majus. Baub. Pin. 256. Bugloffla vulgaris. Ger. Emac. 798, Flor, Dan. t, 572.) “3% 8) % ? Pentandria Monogynia. Lin. Gen. Plant. 182. ! Gen. Ch. Cor. infundibulif, fauce claufa fornicibus, Sem. bafi ee infculpta. ena e : Sp. Ch. A. foliis lanceolatis firigofis, fpicis fecundis imbricatis, calycibus quinquepartitis, Hort. Kew. — * ' ROOT perennial, large, tapering. Stem about two feet high, ered, angular, ftrong, rough, hairy branched towards the top. Leaves. alternate, narrow, lanceolate, pointed, rough, hairy, edges eroded, and fomewhat undulated. Flowers purple, produced in corymbi, both lateral and terminal. Calyx rough, cut into five acute ere& fegments. Corolla funnel-fhaped, tube long, cylindrical: limb divided into five obtufe fegments: mouth of the tube clofed by five neGtarious feales. Filaments five, fhort, placed in the upper part of the tube, and furnifhed with fimple ‘brownith anthere. Germen quadrifid: ftyle nearly as long as the tube, tapering, and terminated by an emarginated ftigma. Seeds four, hollowed out at the bafe.— The flowers appear in fucceffion from June till OGober. It is a native of the Continent of Europe, but not indigenous to this Ifland. Mr. P. Miller cultivated it here in 1748, and we now find it in moft gardens where variety of herbaccous ornamental plants is an objet of attention, 3 , 7 No. 1.—Part I. ee eee : The Geo The root, leaves, and flowers of this plant have all been admitted of the Materia Medica, though it would feem without any juft claim. to that diftinétion. -To the tafte they difcover no other quality than that of being fweetith and glutinous, excepting only a flight bitter- ~ nefs of the flowers. Bergius afcribes an aperient and refrigerant virtue to this plant, and ftatés its ufe to be in “ ardor vifcerum,” and alfo in hypochon- driafis. However, as all the common oloraceous plants are cooling and laxative, thefe properties are no Pe recommendation of | Buglofs. * The utility. of this herb in tnelancholic and hypochondriacal diforders has been afferted ever fince the time of Diofcorides ;* and when it is confidered that wine was generally the vehicle in which - the plant’ was adminiftered, we are not furprifed that it fo long man- tained the character of exhilerating the fpirits. In this way likewife may be explained why the flowers of Buglofs have been reckoned one of the Sour cordial flowers. * ee quo vino inditum animi voluptatis augere, hilaritatemque offer credia tur,” &c. Disf. t. iv. le 128, . 5 * ae : “ oe 'SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE. — ‘COMMON COMFREY. eae em SY. N ONY MA. Confelida. Pharm. Geof. wol. tii, 353. Dili: I 338. Alfton. vol. 1.525. Lewis. 248. Edin. New Difp. 176. Bergius. 85. Murray. vol. ti..92. Cullen, v, ii. 413. Symphytum. Hall. - Stirp. Helv. No. 600. Scop. Flor. Carn, No. 195. Symphytum Confolida major. Bauh. Pin. 259. Gerard. Emac. 806. Symphy- tum majus vulgare. Park. Theat. 523. aii. Synop. 230. S. officinale. Hudf: Ang. p.81. With. Bot. Arr.195. Curt. Flor. Lond. Flor. Dan. 664.00 SS _ Pentandria Vieng each Pentandria Monogynia. Lin. Gen. Plant. 185. Gen. Ch. Cor. limbus enlnildinaventiioalus: fauce claufa radiis fubulatis. Sp. Ch, §. foliis ovato-lanceolatis decurrentibus. ag ROOT perennial, large, branched, on the outfide blackith, within whitifh. Stalk about two feet high, ere&t, branched, fomewhat angular, - covered with fhort rigid hairs. Leaves. large alternate, thofe below ftanding on footftalks ; thofe above feflile, decurrent, ovate, pointed, entire, rough, and fringed with fhort hairs. Flowers tubular, of a yellowith white, placed in fpikes, which turn inwards in a fpiral - manner. Calyx divided into five fegments, which are rough, ered, | and pointed. | Corolla funnel-fhaped, confifting of a fhort thick tube, . and a limb flightly cut at the edges into five fhort obtufe reflexed fegments ; the mouth of the tube clofed by: five narrow pointed nec- tarious teeth. Filaments five, fhort, terminated by yellow erect bifid anthere. Germen divided:into four parts. Style tapering, longer. than the corolla, and furnifhed with a fmall blunt ftigma. Seeds _ four, angular, blackifh, fhining, and lodged in the bottom of the calyx. It is a common Britith plant. about ditches, Se from - June till September. A fuppofed vulnerary efficacy, for which this plant was foesty in great repute, and to which it feems to owe its name, will now be confidered as nothing in its recommendation. . However, the root of Comfrey, though rarely ufed, promifes all the advantages to be derived from that of marfhmallow ; for accord- ing to Lewis ‘“ the dried root, boiled in water, renders a large pro- portion of the fluid flimy; and the decoétions infpiflated, yield a {trong flavourlefs mucilage, fimilar to that obtained from althza, but fomewhat ftronger-bodied, ‘or more tenacious, and in fomewhat. larger quantity, amounting to about three-fourths the weight of the © Comfrey.” Hence it is inferred, that the confolida is rather fuperior to the althza in the feveral intentions for which that root is employed; the mucilaginous matter being in both roots the only medicinal - principle. aaa as the root of this plant is eafily obtained, it may ( s ‘y) | : : may be conveniently fubftituted for that of althza in all the compo- fitions in which the latter is officinally directed, or extemporaneoully, for the general purpofes of an emollient and demulcent. This opinion feems alfo to have the authority of Dr. Cullen, who fays, “ while. mucilaginous matters are retained in our lifts, Ido not perceive why both the Britith Colleges have entirely omitted the Symphytum. It may be of {fervice as alleged in diarrhoeas and dyfenteries.’ CYNOGLOSSUM OFFICINALE.. COMMON HOUNDS- de aa! : TONGUE, SYNONYIMA. Cynogloffum, Pharm. Geoff: v. 3.394. Dale. 135, Afton. v. 1: 428. Lewis. 268. Ed. New Difpenf. 181. Bergius.82. Murray. V. 2.102. Cullen. v. ii. 413. Cynogloflum majus vulgare. Baub. Pin, 257. Ger. Emac. 804. Park. Theat. 511. Raii. Hifi. 489. Synop. 226. Cynogloffum foliis ellipticis lanceolatis, _ - fericeis, caule foliofo. Hall. Hift. Stirp. Helv. nh. 587. C. offici- nale. Scop. Flor. Carn. 191. Hudfon. Fl. Ang. 80. With. Bot. Arr. 192. Curt. Fl. Lond, - : Te Pentandria Monogynia, Lin. Gen. Pl. 183. - Gen. Ch. Cor. infundibuliformis, fauce ¢laufa fornicibus. Semina : _ depreffa, interiore tantum latere ftylo affixa. Sp. Ch, C. ftaminibus corolla brevioribus, foliis lato-lanceolatis bafi | attenuatis tormentofis feffilibus, laciniis calycinis oblongis, : Hort. Kew. oe Sats: : ROOT perennial, long, tapering, blackith on the outfide, whitith within, Stalk two or three feet in height, ereét, grooved, villous, leafy, branched. Radical leaves large, on long footftalks, exceeding a o - a foot AN YY A ANN SA ~. Ss \ i\ i {'13°) a foot in length, ovate, pointed, covered with a fhort fhining greyith Sustnd cauline leaves feflile, numerous, lanceolate, broad towards the bafe. "Flowers of a dull red, changing to a bluifh colour, and placed on flender peduncles, in fpikes. Segments of the calyx five, deeply divided. Corolla monopetalous, funnel-fhaped: tube cylindrical, thick, half the length of the calyx: limb concave, cut into five roundith fegments; neCtary confifting of five purple fcales, clofing together, and inferted at the mouth of the tube. . Filaments five, very fhort. Antherz oblong, green. Germens four, fmooth, of a yellowifh green colour, fupporting a tapering ftyle, terminated by a blunt emarginated ftigma. Capfules four, roundith, rough. Seeds folitary, ovate, gibbous, pointed, {mooth. It is common in this country, and ufually found in watte grounds, » gr fides of roads, and flowers in June and July. Hounds-tongue, thus named from the fhape of the leaves, like moft of the other plants of this natural order, is fucculent, and fomewhat mucilaginous, efpecially its root, which, "for medicinal purpofes, has -een generally prefered to the leaves. ‘Fhe tafte of the plant is bitterifh, and its fmell is difagreeable, refembling that. of mice. Cynogloffum i is reported to be deleterious, and the dingy lurid ap-" bag ke of its leaves, peculiar to poifonous: herbs. of the narcotic ind, feems to favour the opinion ; nor are fa&ts wanting to confirm 400A relation 4s given of a whole family at Oxford, who, by miftake, ate the boiled leaves.of this plant for thofe of comfrey: foon afterwards they were all feized with vomiting, ftupor, fleepinefs, &c. which fymptoms continued alternately for almoft forty hours, and with fuch feverity, that one perfon died.* But what degree of nar- cotic power Hounds-tongue poffefles, or to what quantity it may be ‘fafely employed as a medicine, experience has not yet determine The pil. de cynogloffo~ of the Wirtemburg and Danifh Pharfhaco- peeias contain fo {mall a proportion .of this root, that their com- mon ufe cannot be confidered as affording fufficient proof of its innocence.. Ray however informs us, that Dr. Hulfe frequently ® Vide Morifon Hift. Oxon. iii. . 450. Haller alfo, (Hi if. Stirp. Helv. me 587%)" -ecites a fimilar inftance, icntidnat: y Dr. Blair; but the plant ufed:does not appear to- have been the cynogloffum, See Blair’s Mifcellanesus Obfervations, pe 55« No, 2.—Part II, Doe a pee. Cw) prefcribed a decoétion of the roots of Hounds-tongue for internal ufe, and at the fame time applied. the roots as a poultice to {crophulous tumours with fafety and advantage.’ Hence it appears that this part of the plant at leaft cannot be confidered as an active poifon. The leaves and roots of Cynogloffum have been employed with the fame intention, and principally with a view to their mucilaginous, aftringent, and fedative qualities, as in coughs, hemoptyfis, diarrhceas, dyfenteries, &c.° Their external ufe is alfo recommended in ill-con- ditioned ulcers'and tumours. | | A SS ieao: 1) MUSE Beh sa | ’ © Vide Schreckius Diff. de Cynogloffa.. BORAGO OFFICINALIS. COMMON BORAGE. SYNONYMA. Borago. Pharm. Geoff. v. 3. 201. Dale. 136. ‘Alfion. v. ii. gt. Lewis..158. Ed. New Difpenf 150. Bergius. 86. Murray. v, ii. 95. Bugloffum latifolium, Borrago. Baxh. Lin, 256. Borrago hortenfis, Gerard. Emac. 797. Borago floribus caruleis & albis. Raii. Hif. 493. Synop. 228. B. offici- nalis. Hudfon. Flor. Ang. 82. With. Bot. Arr. 196. Ic. Hort. Roman. 7, 2 ; 20. 2t. Eng. Bot. 36. ie c Pentandria Monogynia. Lin. Gen. Pl. 188. Geh..Ch. Cor. rotata: fauce radiis claufa. ‘Sp. Ch. B. foliis omnibus alternis, calycibus patentibus. ROOT divided, fibrous, and in Britain fcarcely more than biennial. Stalks branched, round, fucculent, hairy, erect, rifing to the height of two feet. Leaves ovate, alternate, undulated, hairy, ciliated, irre- gularly defined at the edges, and at their bafes embracing the ftem. ; Flowers Viublfhed by DF Woodville, Bab? 4. ATIF: 34 Flowers large, blue, placed in loofe panicles, upon rough peduncles turning downwards. Calyx divided into. five narrow. ovate rough permanent fegments. Corolla monopetalous, wheel-thaped: tube fhort: limb deeply cut into five {preading pointed divifions, which _ are longer than the calyx; faux or mouth of the tube clofed by five prominences, which are blunt, and notched at the.end. Filaments five, tapering, converging: anthers. oblong, approaching, and fixed ‘to the middle and inner fide of the filaments. Germens four: ftyle filiform, longer than the ftamina, and furnithed with a fimple ftigma: the calyx fupplies the office of capfule, oentamimg the feeds, which are four, of an irregular roundifh fhape.. The Borage, although commonly found growing about rubbih, and in wafte grounds, is however not originally a native of this Ifland, but has now been long. enough naturalized here to be con- fidered as a Britith plant. Its flowers, which appear from June till September, are of a beautiful blue colour: hence this plant, in many gardens, is cultivated for ornament, as well as for its popular ufe as an ingredient in that grateful fummer-beverage, known by the name of Cool Tankard. This plant appears to be the bugloffum of the ancients ;* and its reputed medicinal charaéter feems alfo to correfpond moft exactly with that of our common buglofs, or anchufa officinalis L. The flowers of both have been termed cordial, and hence, formerly, much recommended in melancholia, and other affections of the nervous fyftem ;” and as thefe flowers were found to poflefs neither warmth, pungency, nor fragrance, their cordial efficacy has ,been afcribed to a faline quality, which, by abating inordinate heat, was {aid to be peculiarly grateful and refrefhing. But though the herbaceous fubftance of Borage has been difcovered to contain a faline matter, there is no evidence of its exiftence in the flowers; fo that the ad- vantages fuppofed to be derived by a vinous infufion of thefe, like thofe of buglofs, can only be imputed to the menftruum. — - & The following lines therefore apply to this plant : Vinum potatum quo fit macerata buglofla, Merorem cerebri dicunt auferre periti. Fertur convivas decoétio reddere latos. Sede Salen Ce 216 _» Hence the trite remark, Borago, gaudia femper ago.” res The © { 16 } ‘The leaves of Borage manifeft nothing remarkable either to tha fmell or to the tafte; but they abound with a juice, which, in its expreffed: fate, is faid to be faltifh, and which, on being boiled a fufficient time, forms cryftals of nitre :* fimilar ‘cryftals: have alfo been obtained from a decodtion of the leaves ;* and hence it may be inferred, that this plant has a peculiar claim to the poffeffion of re« frigerating and aperient virtues. Dr. Withering obferves, that the _ young and tender leaves are good in fallads, or as a pot-herb. _ Cordia Myxa, whofe fruit is of the drupaceous or plumb kind, and “was formerly known in the fhops by the name (defen, is the only remaining medicinal plant placed by botanifts in this natural order - which we have not figured. The leaves of the Myxa, however, unlike thofe of the other fpecies of Cordia, are {mooth and naked; it therefore cannot properly belong to the afperifoliz; and as febeftens feem to have no medical advantages over many other dried fruits, we hall, without further apology, proceed to the order Perfonata. © Marcgraf in Mem. de L* Acad. des Sc. de Berlin. 1747. p. 79. * Boulduc Mem. de L’ dead, des Sc. de Paris, 1734..p. 101. PERSONATE. “> > “Aa Aiblifhed ky DI Weodelle. Feb%. 4. ATF x ( 47.) PERSONATE. a ao ee en : = spore VERBENA OFFICINALIS. © COMMON VERVAIN. SYNONYMA. Verbena. Pharm, Dale. 148. Alflon. vol. ii. 242. Lewis. 660.. Murray. ii. 209. Verbena communis czruleo flore. Baubh, Pin. 269. V. mas feu reéta et vulgaris. Park. | Theat. 674. V.communis. Gerard. Emac. 718. Raii. Hift. 535. - Synop. 236. V. officinalis. Hudf: Flor. Ang. 505. With. Bot. Arr. 595. Flor, Dan, 628. Flor. Lond. i. 5. Didynamia Gymnofpermia.* | : Gen. Cb. Cor. infundib. fubsequalis,: curva. Calycis unico dente _ truncato. Semina 2.6.4. nuda. Stam. 2. s. 4. . 8. Ch. V. tetrandra, fpicis filiformibus paniculatis, foliis multifido- laciniatis, caule folitario. — ROOT perennial, tapering, fibrous, of a yellowith colour. Stalks above a foot high, ereét, tapering, obtufely quadrangular, befet with fhort prickles: the branches are oppofite, flender, and fimple. Leaves oppofite, feffile, pinnatifid, or deeply and -irregularly indented. Flowers numerous, purplifh, placed in long flender fpikes. Calyx * Linnzus places the Verbena in the clafs diandria, dividing the different {pecies into the diandrous and tetrandrous; but our Englifh fpecies, included among the latter, has . the characters of the fourteenth clafs, and is arranged accordingly by Britith No. 2.—Part II. ~~ | | {mall, { 18») fmall, tubular, five-toothed, angular, permanent. Corolla thonope- talous, unequal: tube cylindrical, towards the top bent inward; limb expanding, divided into five fegments, which are rounded, and nearly equal. Filaments extremely fhort: anthere commonly four, two. of which are placed above the others. Germen fquare: ftyle thread- fhaped, terminated by an obtufe ftigma. Seeds ufually four, oblong, — obtufe, on the infide flattifh, and white, and on the outfide brown, convex, grooved, and reticulated. ; Mr. Curtis obferves that “ the Vervain may be confidered as a kind of domeftic plant, not confined to any particular foil, but growing by the road fides, pretty univerfally aw the entrance into towns and villages”; and Miller declares that it is never found more. than a quarter of a mile from a houfe: hence it has been alfo called Simpler’s Joy. 7 : : : Ancient writers have diftinguifhed this plant by the names Verbena, Verbenaca, and Perifterium.* It is deftitute of odour, and to the tafte manifefts but a flight degree of bitternefs and attringency. % In former ,times the Verbena feems to have been held facred, and was employed in gelebrating the facrificial rites ;” and with a view to this more than the natural power of the plant, it was worn fufpended about the neck as an amulet. This practice, thus founded in fuperftition, was, however, in procefs of time, adopted in medicine; and there- fore to obtain its virtues more effectually, the Vervain was directed to be bruifed before it was appended to the neck; and of its good effects thus ufed for inveterate headaches, Foreftus relates a remarkable inftance.* In ftill later times it has been employed in the way of cataplafm, by which we are told the moft fevere and obftinate cafes ‘ * Vide Plin. 1.25. c. 9s b It appears to be the Inga foray, or aeeisteewve of Diofcorides. - Alton fays, Verbena | * quafi herbena, becaufe all herbs ufed in facred rites were fo called. Hence Virgil, Verbenafque adole pingues & mafcula thura. Ecl. viii. v.65. And Terence in Andria, Ex ara hac fume Verbenas tibi. But Virgil alfo ufes the word to denote a particular plant. Vide Georg. iv. 131. — . : © Oper. Omn. L. 9. Obj. 52. | : = of 219. Pablijthed by D Woodville Feb”, + AZO4. ( 19 ) of cephalalgia have been cured; for which we have the authorities of Etmuller, Hartmann, and more efpecially De Haen.* Notwithftanding thefe teftimonies in favour of. Vervain, it has defervedly fallen into difufe in Britain; nor has the pamphlet of Mr. Morley, written profefledly to recommend its ufe in fcrophulous affections, had the effe€&t of reftoring its medical chara&er. This gentleman direéts the root of Vervain to be tied with a yard of white jattin ribband round the neck; where it is to remain till the patient ~recovers.. He alfo has recourfe ‘to infufions and ointments prepared from the leaves of the plant; and occafionally calls in aid the moft active medicines of the Materia Medica. “ De Haen Rat. Med. P. 6. p» 304. © See his Effay on Schrophula. = ss RS IT VERONICA OFFICINALIS, OFFICINAL VERONICA; | we Or, MALE SPEEDWELL, ‘ SYNONYMA. Veronica. Pharm. Dale. 186. Alfton. ii. 244. ‘Bergius. 17. Murray. ii. 205. Rutty. 535. Lewis. 660. Edinb. — New Difpenf. gol. Veronica mas fupina et vulgatifima. Bauh. Pin. 246, V. vera et major. Gerard. Emac. 626. V. mas vul- garis fupina. ‘Park. Theat. 550. Raii. Hiff. 851. Synop. 281. Hall. n. 540. V. officinalis. Hudfon. Ang. 4. Lightf Scot. 27. Withering. Bot. Arr.9. Flor. Dan. 248. Flor. Lond. n. 33. Diandria Monogynia. | Lin. Gen. Plant. 25. Gen. Ch. Cor. Limbo 4-partito: ‘lacinia infima anguftiore. Capfula bilocularis, Sp. Ch. ¥ | ( 2) Sp. Cb. V. fpicis lateralibus pedunculatis, foliis oppofitis, caule procumbente, > ROOT perennial, fmall, ftbrous, Stalks about fix inches. in length, procumbent, creeping, firm, hairy, or woolly. Leaves oblong, obtufe, flightly ferrated, or toothed, rough, placed in pairs, {eflile, or on very fhort footftalks, Flowers purplith, in fpikes, either terminal or axillary, each flower ftanding upon a fhort peduncle, fupported by a linear bracteal leaf. Calyx divided into four feg- ments, which are ovate, obtufe, and befet with glandular hairs. Corolla monopetalous, wheel-fhaped, confifting of a fhort tube, ter- minated by a {preading limb, of a pale blue colour, and divided into - four unequal portions. Filaments two, white, furnifhed with blue heart-fhaped anthere. Germen roundith, depreffed, vifcous, and at the bafe glandular. Style filiform, purplifh, and furnifhed with a ftigma, of a truncated appearance. Capfule irregularly heart-fhaped, divided into two valves, containing numerous {mall brown compreffed feeds. - | It is not unfrequent on dry barren grounds, and heaths, as that of Hampftead, flowering in,June and July. “ The leaves of Veronica have a weak not difagreeable fmell, which in drying is diffipated, and which they give over in diftillation with water, but without yielding any feparable oil. To the tafte they are bitterifh, and roughiih: an extract made from them by rectified {pirit is moderately bitter and aftringent.” * This plant, a century ago, was much recommended, efpecially in Germany, as a fubftitute for tea; and the French ftill diftin- guith it by the name of Thé d’ Europe. _ But though this European tea has a roughnefs and a flight bitternefs, which is not ungrateful to the tafte, yet thefe qualities are fo unlike thofe which we difcover, in the foreign tea, that the extremely high’ price of the latter, at that time, muft have been the chief reafon for caufing a contrary opinion, and of reconciling Europeans to a fubftitute fo imperfect as the leaves ef Veronica. * Lewis. 1. ¢. > 4 As 220 Liblifhed by D? Woodville. Fab? 4.4794. “4 Asa Heatape alfo this plant has had a confiderable fhare of fame. Francus" and Hofimann ‘ afcribe to it numerous virtues, the former calling it Polychrefia herba Veronica. ‘The diforders in which it has been efteemed moft ufeful are thofe of the lungs, as coughs, afthmas, confumptions, é&c. in which it is faid not only to prove expectorant, but by its extraordinary vulnerary power to heal internal ulcers. = Its ufe has likewife been recommended by feveral authors i in various other complaints requiring medicines of very different charaéters ; but if we judge of the utility of the Veronica by its fenfible qualities, it is only to be recognized as an aftringent; and not fufficiently power- ful as fuch to produce any confiderable effect, and is therefore now difregarded by medical practitioners, _ » Vide 2 Palycbrefta herba Veronica, publihed in abot ¢ Vide Fr. Hoffmann in aes de infu, f Veronica fiegea preferenda herbe Thea.— Alfo Haller. 1. c. _ EUPHRASIA ae ta ze soe EYEBRIGHT. SYNONYMA. Eup Bioen. Ge of. iit. 454. Dale. 196. Alfien. it. 138. Rutty. 189. Bergiio. 543. Murray. ui. 186. » Lewis. 292. Cullen. i. 42. Edinb. New Difp. 187. Euphrafia officinarum. Bauh, Pin. 233. Ger. Emac. 663. Park. Theat. 1329. Raii. Hi ift. 773. Synop. 284. Euphrafia officinalis. Hud/. Ang. 268, With. Bot. Arr. 635. Curt. Flor. Lond, 335. Didynamia Angiofpermia. Lin. Gen. Plant. ah Gen. Ch. Cor. 4-fidus cylindricus. Caps. 2 2-locularis, ovato-ablonga,. Anthere inferiores altero lobo bafi fpinofz. Sp. Ch. E. foliis ovatis lineatis argute dentatis, No. 2.—Part II. F a ROOT {22 j _ ROOT annual, flender, divided, furnifhed with numerous minute - fibres: ftalk about three or four inches high, branched, round, fome- what hoary, reddith. Leaves feflile, oppofite, ovate, deeply ferrated, concave, rather hairy, and on the upper fide marked with linear impreflions. Flowers without peduncles, in racemi, arifing at the alz of the leaves: Calyx pentagonal, permanent, divided at the brim into four fegments, which are unéqual, of a dingy purplith colour, and befet with {mall glands. Corolla monopetalous, bilabiated, white: tube cylindrical, crooked, fomewhat hairy, at the mouth yellowith: limb feparated into two lips: upper lip ered, bifid, toothed, ftreaked with three purple lines: lower lip largeft, divided into three emargi- | nated lobes, of which thofe placed laterally are painted with purple ftreaks, and that in the middle tinged with yellow. Filaments four, tapering, purplifh. Anthere brown, bilobed, bearded’ with a few white hairs at the bottom. Germen egg-fhaped, hairy. Style fili- form, downy. Stigma blunt, fringed with minute glands. Capfule egg-fhaped, notched at the end, divided into two cells, containing feveral whitith ftriated feeds. _ ! It is common on barren meadows, heaths, and paftures, producing its flowers from July till September. 3 Eyebright, without any fenfible odour, is fomewhat bitterifh and ‘aftringent, communicating a black colour to a folution. of ferrum vitriolatum. It derives its name from its reputed efficacy in various diforders of the eyes, for which it was ufed both externally* and in- ‘ternally, and has long” been fo much celebrated as to be confidered almoft in the character of a {pecific, the “ verum oculorum folamen.”— But as there cannot poflibly be a general remedy for all difeafes of the eyes, the abfurd and indiferiminate recommendation of Euphrafia as fuch, muft receive but little credit from thofe who practice medicine on rational principles. It muft be acknowledged however, that fome authors have ftated peculiar complaints of the eyes, in which the ufe . _* The ufual way of employing it as an external application was by mixing its juice ‘with wine, and then adding a {mall quantity of honey. 2 » It is mentioned in this character by Gordon, (Lilium Medicina. Fol. 146. ed. i 305) Alfo by Arnoldus de Villa Nova, Sylvaticus, and others, 2 <4 3 | of 2 ae of this hes was cere more remarkably evident; and, judging by thefe, we fhould fay, that eyes weakened by a long continued exer- tion, and thofe that are dim and watery, as in a fenile ftate, are the cafes in which Euphrafia promifes moft advantage; nor areold people — to defpair, for according to Hildanus* and Lanzonus’ feveral, at the age of feventy and ciety: years, were recovered almoft from entire blindnefs. But though the great reputation sitet Eyebright formerly fup- ported for feveral ages, muft have induced fome practitioners of later days to have tried its opthalmic power; yet we do not find a fingle inftance of its efficacy recorded in modern times. How far this remark ought to invalidate the pofitive teftimonies in its favour, we leave others to determine.* The Icelanders are faid to be in the conftant habit of ufing the juice of Euphrafia in all affetions of the eyes.‘ - ; In common with many other plants, ihe: Euphrafia ‘has alfo. been recommended in the jaundice. © V. cent. epift. n. 59: t, 4 Oper. Omn, ed. 1738. Tom.'2. p. 394. ® The charafter of Euphrafia was not unknown to Milton: « then purged with euphrafy and rue, . The vifual nerve, for he had much to fee.” _ * Bergius fays, “¢ Ego ex propria: experientia nihil certi de hac herba adhuc fcio, fed tamen non {pernenda arbitror teftimonia prifcorum.”” ee £ Eggert Olafsen. Reife, Se. vel. i. pe 433. ae z ANTIRRHINUM eee 8 ANTIRRHINUM LINARIA. | COMMON TOAD-FLAX. SYNONYMA. Linaria. Pharm. -Geoff. iii. 730. Dale. 193. Rutty. 2809. Bergius. 545. Murray. ii. 183. Lewis. 395. Ed, New Difpenf. 222. Linaria vulgaris lutea, flore majore. Baub. Pin. 212. Linaria lutea vulgaris. Gerard, Emac. 550. L. vul- garis noftras. Park. 458. Rai. Hit. 752. Synop. 281, Antirr- hinum Linaria. Hud/ Ang, 238. Withering. Bot. Arr. (048. Curt. Flor. Lond. i. §. Didynamia Angiofpermia. Lin, Gen. Plant. 750 Gen. Ch. Cal. 5-phyllus. Cor. bafis deorfum prominens, netarifera. Caps. 2-locularis. Sp. Ch. A, foliis lanceolato-linearibus confertis, caule credo, fpicis | | terminalibus feffilibus, floribus imbricatis. ROOT perennial, woody, eboked, creeping, white, fibrous. Stalks round, erect, fimple, tapering, fmooth, from one to two feet in height. Leaves nearly linear, pointed, fmooth, entire, thiokly feattered over the flalk. Flowers large, ‘yellow, and partly orange, crouded over each other in a terminal {pike. Calyx divided into five {mall oval fegments, of which the uppermoft is the largeft. Corolla monope- talous, bilabiated, or ringent, yellow, confifting of a fhort tube, and a limb compofed of two lips; upper lip bifid, having its fegments bend- ing down, afterwards turned back, and clofing together ; lower lip divided into three ferments, of which that in the middle is the leaft ; the mouth is clofed by a palate, which is bifid, prominent, villous at the bottom, and of a faffron colour. Filaments four, white, two long and two fhort, glandular at the bafe: anther yellow, bifid, joined in pairs. Germen round. Style filiform. Stigma clubbed. Gules of-a cylindrical form, opening by feveral divifions at the top, , ( 25 ) top, divided into two cells, containing numerous black irregularly fhaped feeds. ee re : It is frequent in barren paftures, hedges, and fides of roads, flowering from July till September. The leaves of Linaria have a bitterifh and fomewhat faline tafte, _ and when rubbed betwixt the fingers yield a faint fmell, refembling that of elder. They are reported to be diuretic and cathartic, and in both characters to act fo powerfully as to give names to this plant expreflive of thefe qualities.» Hence they have been recommended internally in dropfies, and other diforders requiring copious evacua- tions. The Linaria has alo been ufed as a refolvent in jaundice, and in fuch difeafes as have been fuppofed to proceed from vifceral obftruc- tions. But the plant has been chiefly valued for its effe€&s when exter- nally applied, efpecially in hemorrhoidal affeGtions;® for which both the leaves and flowers have been employed in the various forms of ointment, fomentation, and cataplafm.* _ An infufion of the flowers is faid to be very efficacious in cuta- neous diforders; and Hammerin‘ gives an inftance in which thefe flowers, with thofe of verbafcum, ufed as tea, cured an exanthema- tous diforder, which had refifted various other remedies tried during the courfe of three years. — An Unguentum de linaria is to be found in the Wirtemburg, Brandenburg, and Danifh Pharmacopeias.’ ; | a Viz. Urinalis, Harnkrout, Kreutterbuch. 6 » Vide Horft. Od/. et epift. meds lib. 4. obf. 50. Sim. Paulli. Bot. 415. Chefnane bf. 360. ts * See Chomel. Pl. Ufuell. Tom. 3. 34. Geaff: Ll. c. © Cited by Alurr. lic. . ¢ The inventor of this ointment, for the piles, was a Dr. Wolph, who at that time was phyfician to the Landgrave of Hefle, by whom the doétor was continually interro- gated to difcover the compofition of this ointment; but Wolph obftinately refufed, till the prince promifed to give him a fat ox annually for the difcovery. Hence to the fol- lowing verfe, which was made to diftinguifh the Linaria from the Efula, viz. “© Efula laéefcit, fine la¢te Linaria crefcit,”” The Hereditary Marfhal of Heffe, added: © : “ Efula nil nobis, fed dat Linaria taurum.”” Horft, l. c. @ Murr. cit. Linnzus (Flor. Suec.) fays this plant is ufed as a poifon for flics. No, 3.—Part II. oe VITEX VITEX AGNUS CASTUS. ._ CHASTE-TREE. SYNONYMA, Agnus caftus. Pharm. Geof. iti. Age Dale, 297: Alfion, ti. 321. Bergtus. 559. Murray. it. 195. Lewis. "27. Edinb. New Difpenf: 119. Vitex foliis ‘anguftioribus cannabis modo difpofitis. Bauh. Pin. 475. Vitex five Agnus caftus. Ger, Emac. 1387. Vitex folio angutto. Park, sceiewe 1437- emu, tes folio non — Raii. Tift. 1696. Didynamia Aaptotpermié. Te Gen. Plant. T98 Gen. Ch. Cal. 5-dentatus. oak limbus 6-fdus, Bacca 4-fperma. B Sp. Ch. W.foliis digitatis itratts, fists veccictllabec: = “ THIS fmall tree or fhrub divides into numerous branches; is eovered with a greyifh bark, and the young fhoots are clothed. with a downy fubftance. Leaves digitated, oppofite, on long footftalks, feparating into five or feven portions, which are long, narrow, elliptical, entire, pointed, on the upper fide fmooth, under fide downy. Flowers purplith, on fhort peduncles, in whorled {pikes. Calyx fhort, tubular, downy: margin irregular, toothed. Corolla monopetalous, ringent ; tube fhort, cylindrical: limb divided into four fegments, of which the undermott i is the largeft. Filaments four, two - Jong, and two fhort, of the length of the tube, capillary. Antherz vefatile. Germen roundifh. Style filiform, ahout the length of the tube. Stigmata two, tapering, fpreading. Capfule a roundith berry, divided into four parts, each containing a folitary ovate feed, of a blackith grey colour, The Lublijhed ty DE Woodville March 4 apep. ( 27 ) The Chafte-tree is a native of Sicily, affeQing humid and thady places. It has long been introduced into the gardens of this coun- try,* where it is found to brave the cold of winter in the open ground. | ie - Miller fays that he has feen it in full flower in O@ober, when it ‘made a beautiful appearance; but we have not been fortunate enough to meet with it in that ftate, and therefore had the annexed ‘figure taken from a dried fpecimen in the Herbarium of Sir Jofeph Banks. The feeds, which have long been medicinally ufed, and were formerly received as an article of the Materia Medica, have a pungent acrid tafte, and an unpleafant aromatic odour. Thefe, from the days . of Diofcorides, have been highly celebrated for poffefling a power of fubduing the inclination natural between the fexes. Hence the name Agnus caftus;* and from being therefore thought more efpecially ufeful to thofé leading a monaftic life, thefe feeds have been called Piper monachorum, or Monk’s pepper. The feeds of the Chafte-tree are, however, fo far from being thought antiaphrodifiac, that writers of later times have afcribed to them an oppofite quality ; and their aromatic pungency feems to favour this opinion, and alfo that of Bergius, who ftates them to be carminative and emmenagogue. We are aware that Lewis fays, “ the feeds in fubftance, as met with in the fhops, have little tafte, and fearcely any {mell ;” but Dr. J. E. Smith, who examined them in their recent ftate, obferves, that they have an unpleafant aromatic fmell:”* it is therefore probable that on being long kept they lofe much of their fenfible qualities, nor is this to be regretted from any medical advantage they feem to promife in our Ifland; and the plant has been figured here rather with a view to illuftrate this natural order, by its variety, than to ferve the purpofes of medicine. . * It was cultivated here in 1570. Lobel. Adverf. 423. * Agnos, (i. €. caftus) nominatur, quod, in Thofmophoriis (i. e. facris Cereris} matrone caftitatem cuftodientes, eo ad ftrata uterentur : Lygos vero (quafi vimen) propter virgarum ipfius firmitatem. Diofcor. J. 1. ¢. 135. Gal. Sim. vi. p: 40. and cited by Alfton, 1. ¢. * Sketch of a tour on the Continent. v9/, i. p. 223, Having, (a8 3. Having, in the firft part of Medical Botany, publifhed a plate of Gratiola and Beccabunga, we have now figured all the medicinal plants clafled by Profeflor Murray in the order Perfonate, except Scrophularia nodofa and aquatica, Avicennia tomentofa, or Anacar- dium orientale, and Acanthus mollis. The two firft are both natives of this country, and known by the names of Great or knobby-rooted Figwort, and Water Figwort. They have an ungrateful {mell, re- fembling that of the Linaria, and like it alfo have been chiefly em- ployed, with a view to their fedative and antiphlogiftic effects, as an application to hemorrhoidal tumours. The fynonyma of the Avicen- nia tomentofa Sy/. Veg. are Bontia germinans Sf. f/. Bontia foliis fubtus tomentofis. Facg. Sel. Stirp. dmer. Anacardium orientale off. The Malacca Bean. a _ Jacquin, however, contrary to the opinion of Linnzus, thinks that this tree, which is a native of both Indies, does not produce the Malacca bean, but that the parent of this fruit is ftill undefcribed. It may alfo be added, that the medicinal qualities of Anacardium orien- tale are not yet fufficiently afcertained. _ Acanthus mollis, Smooth Acanthus, or Bear’s-breech, or Branca urfina, of the foreign pharmacopceias, is a native of Italy and Sicily; and, as containing a mucilaginous matter, has been recommended in the character of an emollient and demulcent; but we do not find any inftances of its efficacy recorded, ‘y SOLANACEZ. 2238 0 hy sat My oe | yj i, h = Ww : bi Cy E March. 4.4794. y & DI Woodville, « Publifhect —€ 29 ) SOLANACE #&, stu LURIDZA. a a STRYCHNOS NUX VOMICA. —- ~——«VOMIC._ NUT, 3 : Or, POISON-NUT. SYNONYMA, Nux vomica. Pharm. Dale. 327. Alfton. ii. 37. Lewis. 453. Bergius. 144. Murray. i. 477. Edinb. New Dif. 239. Nux yomica officinarum. Bauh. Pin. 511. Ger. Emac. 1546. Park. Theat. 1601. Raii. Hiff. 1661. & 1814. Caniram. Hort. Malab. T. i. t. 37+ p-67. Burm, Thef. Zeyl. 171. Pentandria Monogynia. Lin. Gen. Plant. 253. Gen, Ch. Cor. 5-fida.. Bacca 1-locularis, cortice lignofo. Sp. Cb. §. foliis ovatis, caule inermi. - THIS large tree fends off numerous ftrong branches, covered . with dark grey fmooth bark. ‘The young branches have {welled articulations, or a knotty jointed appearance, {candent, and covered _ with bark of a dark green colour. The leaves arife at the joints in pairs, upon fhort footftalks, and are ovate, broad, pointed, entire, with three or five ribs, and on the upper fide of a fhining green colour. ‘The flowers terminate the branches in a kind of fafciculated umbel. Calyx fmall, tubular, five toothed. Corolla monopetalous : tube cylindrical, or rather inflated at the middle, very long, and at the limb cut into five {mall ovate fegments. Filaments five, fhort, fixed at the mouth.of the tube, and furnithed with fimple antherz. Germen roundifh, fupporting a fimple ftyle, terminated by a blunt ftigma, Fruit a round {mooth large pulpy berry, externally yellow, es containing round depreffed feeds, covered with downy radiated alrs, we No, 3.—Part I. se Gee ; i ght ( 30 ) It is a native of the Eaft Indies, and, according to the Hortus Kewenfis was introduced into England in 1778, by Dr. Patrick Ruffell ; but it has not yet been cultivated with fuccefs in this coun- try. The plate prefixed is taken from a very perfe@ {pecimen in the _ poffeffion of Sir Jofeph Banks, to whofe liberality every branch of natural knowledge is much indebted, and this work for fome of its moft valuable figures. : 2 The mux vomica, lignum colubrinum, and faba fanéi Ignati, have been long known in the Materia Medica as narcotic poifons, brought from the Eaft Indies, while the vegetables which produced them were unknown, or at leaft not botanically afcertained. ‘ é By the judicious difcrimination of Linnzus, the Nux vomica was found to be the fruit of the tree defcribed and figured in the Hortus - Malabaricus under the name Caniram, now called Strychnos. To this genus alfo, but upon evidence lefs conclufive, he likewife juftly referred the colubrinum.* But the faba fanéti Ignatii he merely con- jectured might belong to this family, as appears by the query az Strychni fpecies?° which fubfequent difcoveries have enabled us to decide in the negative; for in the Supp. plant. it conftitutes the new genus Ignatia, which Loureiro has lately confirmed, changing the {fpecific name amara to that of philippinica.‘ The Strychnos and Ignatia are however nearly allied, and both rank under the order Solanacez. nee : SS 2 We have thought it neceffary to inquire thus far into the botanical origin of thefe productions, from finding that by medical writers they are generally treated of under the fame head, and in a very confufed — and indifcriminate mannet. 7 . The feed of the fruit or berry.of this tree is the officinal nux vomica : it is flat, round, about an inch broad, and near a quarter of an inch thick, with a prominence in the middle on both fides, of a grey colour, covered with a kind of woolly matter, and internally hard and tough like horn; to the tafte it is extremely bitter, but has no remarkable fmell. It confifts chiefly of a gummy matter, which. is moderately bitter; the refinous part is very inconfiderable in quan- - - * Contendunt Indie Botanici hanc aS. Nuce vomica non effe diverfam. Supp. Plant. 149. _* Vide Mat. Med. Lin. © Flor. Cochin. 125. tity See, tity, but intenfely bitter; hence reCtified fpirit has been confidered. its beft menftruum.* ia | Nux vomica is reckoned amongft the moft powerful poifons of the narcotic kind,’ {pecially to brute animals, nor are inftances wanting of its deleterious effets upon the human f{pecies. It proves fatal to dogs in a very fhort time, as appears by various authorities.* Hillefeld and others found that it alfo poifoned hares, foxes, wolves, cats, rab- bits, and even fome birds, as crows and ducks ;‘ and Loureiro relates that a horfe died in four hours after taking a dram of the feed in an half-roafted ftate. ‘The effets of this baneful drug upon different animals; and even upon thofe of the fame {pecies, appear to be rather uncertain, and not always in proportion to the quantity of the poifon ‘given.® With fome animals it produces its effects almoft inftan- taneoufly ; with others not till after feveral hours, when laborious refpiration, followed by torpor, tremblings, coma, and convulfions, ufually precede the fatal fpafms, or tetanus, with which this drug. commonly extinguithes life. | From four cafes related of its mortal effets upon human fubjedts,* we find the fymptoms correfponded nearly with thofe which we have_ here mentioned of brutes; and thefe, as well as the difleGions of dogs, killed by this poifon, not fhewing any injury done to the ftomach, or inteftines, prove that the Nux vomica acts immediately upon the nervous fyftem, and deftroys life by the virulence of its: narcotic influence. ; The quantity of the feed neceflary to produce this effe& upon a — ftrong dog, as appears by experiments, need not be more than a {cruple :* a rabbit was killed by five anda cat by four grains: and of the four perfons to whom we have alluded, and who unfortunately’ perifhed by this deleterious drug, one was a girl ten years of age, to whom 15 grains were exhibited at twice for the cure of an ague. Lofs,. 4 Junghanns dif de Nuce vom. Se. © Heyde. Objferv. 50. p. 116. Seutter. Diff: de Nuce vomica. Courten. Phil. Tranf. Wepfer. De Cicuta. 194. Brunner. ibd. Lofs. Diff. de Nuce vomica. Hillefeld. Dif. Experim. circa venena. Gener. Epift. 33-—! Hillef- 1c. Lofs. lc. Brunner. 1. ¢. & It was given in a large quantity to a fwine without producing any effect. Lo/5./. c. -* Vide Matthiol. in Diofcor. Lib. 4. Fred. Hoffman. Phil. corp. human. morbos. ag ii. ¢. Viti §, 8, Seutter.h c. Linn. & Tilleus de feb. intermit. cur. p. 40.” Hillef. . however, © #3 however, tells us that he took one or two grains of it in fubftance | without difcovering any bad effect; and that a friend of his fwallowed a whole feed without injury. : : In Britain, where phyficians feem to obferve the rule /altem non - nocere, more ftri€tly than in many other countries, the Nux vomica — has been rarely if evér employed as a medicine. On the Continent, however, and efpecially in Germany, they have certainly been guided more by the axiom “ what is incapable of doing much harm, is equally unable to do much good.” The truth of this remark was lately very fully exemplified by the pra@tice of Baron Stoerck; and is farther illuftrated by the medicinal character given of Nuxwomica, _ which, from the time of Gefner till that of a modern date, has been _ recommended by a fucceflion of authors, as an antidote to the plague,’ as a febrifuge,* as a vermifuge,' and as a remedy in mania," hypochon- drialis,” hyfteria,* rheumatifm,? gout,’ and canine madnefs.' In Sweden it has of late years been fuccefsfully ufed in dyfentery;* but Bergius,’ who tried its effeéts in this difeafe, fays, that it fup- prefled the flux for twelve hours, which afterwards returned again. A woman, who took a feruple of this drug night and morning, two fucceflive days, is faid to have been feized with convulfions and ver- tigo, notwithftanding which the dyfenteric fymptoms returned, and the diforder was cured by other medicines ; but a pain in the ftomach, the effet of the Nux vomica, continued afterwards for a long time. Bergius therefore thinks it fhould only be adminiftered in the cha- racter of a tonic and anodyne in {mall dofes, (from 5 to 10 grains) and not till after proper laxatives have been employed. Loureiro recommends it as a valuable internal medicine in fluor albus, for which purpofe he roafts it till it becomes perfeétly black and friable, which renders its medicinal ufe fafe without impairing its efficacy. : i — Epift. p. 144. * Wedel. Ameen. Mat. Med. p.337. Buchner. Ph. Brand. 61. Hartman. De Cicuta. Se. p. 17. ' Schulz. M. M. 404. —™ Albinus, cited by Alfton. loc. — ® Buchner. l. c. ° lbid. _ » Wiel, Diff: de ufu Nuce vom. et vitr. alb. p.17, 4 Ibib, * Schultz. lc. * By Hagftrom, Odhelius, Dahlberg. * Lic. -PHYSALIS » 224 Ss ye SSK — < . \ HW =i] Ase YW {WO : 4 = Z ZmY tifhed by DI Woodville ee ( 4&4 PHYSALIS ALKEKENGI. | COMMON WINTER CHERRY. SYNONYMA. Alkekengi feu Halicacabum. Pharm. Geoff. iii. 55. Dale. 172. Alfton. ii. 254. Rutty. 13. Cullen. ii. 553. = Bergius. 130. Murray. i. 463. Lewis. 30. Ed. New Difpenf. 120. Gerard. Emac. 342. Ray. Hi iff. O81. Hall. Stirp. Helv. | 2. 597 Solanum veficarium, Bauh, Pin. 166. Parks Theat. 462. Pentandria ea bin Gen Pl. : 2 50. Gen. Ch. Cor. rotata. Stam. conniventia. Bacca intra calycem inflatum, bilocularis. ise * 3 Sp. Ch. P foliis geminis integris isthe; ‘caule herbaceo inferne fubramofo. | se a THE root is perennial, ‘long, creeping, ‘fibrous. Stalks annual, round, crooked, {mooth, fimple,-about a foot high. Leaves in pairs, — upon footftalks, of an irregular fhape, undulated, pointed, veined, entire. Calyx perfiftent, becoming a large orbicular inflated pen- _ tangular membrane inclofing the fruit; fegments five, pointed. Corolla monopetalous, wheel-fhaped ; tube very fhort; limb five- parted ; fegments five, broad, fhort, pointed. Filaments. five, {mall, tapering, approaching together : anthere erect: germen 1 oundifh : -ftyle filiform, longer than the filaments, terminated by a blunt ftigma. Fruit a red round two-celled berry, inclofed in the calyx, and con- taining numerous flat kidney-thaped feeds. tna This plant, which is a native of the South of Europe, is not un- frequently found in the gardens of this country, in which it has been _ cultivated ever fince the days of Gerard, in 1597. It flowers from July till September, and ripens its fruit in Ofober. No. 3.—Part II. 7 “oe The ( 34 ) The berries of the Alkekengi, commonly called Winter Cherries, were well known to the ancients, and are chara¢teriftically defcribed by Diofcorides.* : ‘They have an acidulous and not unpleafant tafte, followed by a flight bitternefs, which ‘they are faid to derive in a confiderable de- gree from the invefting calyx, if not gathered with great care.* Winter Cherries, though efteemed to be detergent and aperient, have been chiefly recommended in the charaéter of a diuretic in fuppreflions of urine, and for removing obftructions occafioned by gravel or mucous. ‘With this intention, from fix to twelve cherries, or an ounce of their expreffed juice, have been the dofe ufually employed: there feems, however, to be no danger from a much larger quantity; for in fome parts of Germany we are told that the _ country people eat them by handfuls with much benefit :” and in Spain and Switzerland‘ they frequently fupply the place of other eatable fruits. Ray informs us, that a gouty perfon prevented the returns of the diforder by taking eight of thefe cherries at each change of the moon ;* we find alfo inftances related of their good effects in dropfical and calculous complaints,* but at prefent they are wholly difregarded. : * See Lrevxyvoy arimanaBore. * * Lewis. lc. * C. Hoffinan. De Medicam. off. L.2. 0.217. — © Quer. Flor. Efpann. Tom. ii. p, 224. ‘Hall. 1. ¢. | q Pe c. ee ® See Lifeke, Arnold. de Villa Nova, & Lifer, as cited by Murr. 1. c. ATROPA \\ Wig RY >) Vin SO NE Nh Pub ifthod 3p DE Woedrille, Marek 4, 1794. Cw 2 | ATROPA _ MANDRAGORA. oe MANDRAKE. SYN on YMA. ras avid da? Pharm. Geoff. iit. 808. Bie 170. Alfton. i. 478. Rutty. 306. Bergius. 126. Murray. i. 441. Edinb. New Difp, 225. _Mandragora fructu rotundo. Baub. Pin. 169. Ray. Hift. 668. M. fructu majore. flift.. Oxon, iti. § 31. fac. 35% Park. 7 beat. 343 Conf. Mandragoras mas. Ger. q fag Miller’s Figures, i 1 173: ev 2 eg -Pentandria Monogynia yy ee Plant. 249. Gen. Ch. Cor. Endoites Stam. diftantia. Bacca globota, 2-locularis.. “3 Se ie 4 Sp. Ch. A. acaulis, fi unitlors ROOT perennial, large, ja Fa three or ay ae feet et exter- nally brown, internally whitifh. Leaves radical, feffile, ovate, entire; veined, pointed, waved, fmooth, at firft ere€t, but on attaining their full fize refting upon. the ground. There is no ftem., Flowers whitith, each ftanding upon a fimple ftalk, or feapus, which rifes from the crown of the root. Calyx quinquifid; fegments pointed, perliftent. Corolla bell-thaped; tube very. fhort; limb divided into five acute {preading fegments. Filaments five, tapering, hairy, inferted at the bafe of the corolla, at the top diverging, and furnifhed with erect _ yellow antherz. Germen round: ftyle filiform, of the'ler filaments, and crowned with a gound ftigma. Fru two-celled berry, of an orange colour, SaprIe aay Kiney- fhaped feeds. : Sy Be Its lowers appear in “March and April. ee This plant is a native of the fouthern parts of en itis not a ftranger to our Englith gardens, in witeh:! it was sa ep by Turner in 1562." . Hart. iw ke 363 The fuperftitious and abfurd ftories, formerly told of the Mandrake, would not now for a moment impofe upon the moft credulous and . ignorant: the great refemblance of fome of the roots to the human form, the danger of taking them out of the ground, and their fur- prifing effects, were all the invention of charlatanical knavery and impotture.” Bo i 3 | The roots of Mandrake vary both in form and colour, being either divided or entire, and externally brown or black; hence they have been diftinguifhed into male and female: the internal fubftance is white, and to the tafte fomewhat vifcid, bitter, and naufeous. All the ancient writers on Mandrake reprefent this root to be an anodyne and foporific, but in large dofes it is faid to excite maniacal fury.“ They employed it principally in continued watchings, and in thofe more painful and obftinate affeCtions which were found to ~ -refift lefs powerful medicines.“ se oe : It was alfo ufed in melancholia, convulfions, rheumatic pains, {crophulous tumours, &c. and to anfwer thefe purpofes, either the exprefled juice of the cortical part of the root, infpiffated, or a vinous decoction, or infufion of the root, was directed. The leaves of Mandrake, boiled in milk, and ufed as a cataplafm, are, according to Boerhaave, likewife to be confidered as an ufeful application to indurated tumours." es = The root alfo, employed externally, from the later and lefs equi- vocal experience of Hoffberg,’ was found extremely efficacious in difcufling various glandular tumefaétions. And in fome cafes of gout _ this author tried its effects internally ; from which we find that in a » Ferunt has praftantiffimas radices ex urina fufpenfi hominis fub.patibulo morientis irrigatas tales efformari, & ideo adeo raras effe, eafdem non fine vite periculo manu — effodi, quapropter eas primum circumfodiendas effe, ita ut minimum ex radice terra fit conditum, deinde ab ea religandum canem, a quo poftea fugiente radix extrahitur & fequitur, fed non adeo Jonge, quandoquidem ftatim atque effofla eft, canis moritur > nujlum poftea accipientibus amplius metum efle, imo fumme proficuas efle, maleficia & ~ infortunia quacunque avertendo, &-felicitates quafcunque defiderabiles afferendo.. Geoff: le a alfo Matthiol. and others. e ee Ft i © Hippocr. de locis in hom, Ed. Foes. p.240. Areteus. Acut. curat. L.i. cap. 6. Cel. Aurel. si 1. +4. © Diofeord. M. tt ; pase 76. © Diof. 1. c. _ | a eee gt ierh! Lege: Dae. we 2. CMR t Vet. Acad. Handl. 1763. vol. 24.p..229. - Pallas alfo mentions it as of frequent ufe for chronic difeafes in fome parts of Rufia. See Reifed, Ruff. 1. Th. p. 49. dofe Liligjhed by D? Weodsille Aprils apgt. HA dofe of three grains it mitigated the pains, which afterwards returned. A fimilar effe& was produced in other cafes by a proportionate quan- tity of the root in the form of a tincture. Thefe experiments thew that the Mandrake a¢ts as an opiate, which confirms the opinion entertained of it by the ancients; and hence it may be concluded, that, if not adminiftered with great care, it may prove a deleterious and mortal narcotic. This caution is the more neceflary, as the berries of Mandrake are faid to have been eaten without producing any bad effect. * . +See Ray. I. cy " 80LANUM NIGRUM, . . GARDEN NIGHTSHADE. SYNONYMA, Solanum. Pharm, Dale. 170. Rutty. 489. . Bergius. 149.° Murray. v.i: 427, Lewis. 608. Solanum offici- narum, Bauh, Pin. 166, Solanum vulgare, Park, Theat. 346, Solanum hortenfe. Gerard. Emac, 339. Ray. Syn. 254. Hift. 672, Solanum nigrum. Hail. Helv. n. 579+ Hudfon. Flor. Ang. 78. With. Bot. Arr. 236. Flor, Dan, 460. Gurt, Flor. Lond. ii. 16, Pentandria Monogynia, Lin. Gen. Pl. 251. Lf: Gen. Ch, Cor. rotata. ~Auther@ fubcoalite, apice poro putes dehifcentes. Bacca 2-locularis, a Sp. Ch. S. caule inermi herbaceo, fol. ovatis dentato-angulatis, rae cemis diftichis nutantibus. No, 4—Part Tl K ROOT . ~~ ¢ - ROOT annual, branched, whitith, hung with nunicrous {mall fibres. Stalk above a foot in height, alternately branched, formed into angles by a foliaceous membrane, {welled at the bafé of each branch, rough, and of a dingy purple colour, Leaves on footftalks, alternate, irregularly ovate, finuated, or indentated, and clothed with foft hairs. Flowers in a fpecies of umbel, upon 4 common lateral flower ftalk. Calyx divided into five {mall fhort permanent fegments. Corolla feparated into five fegments, which are oval, pointed, fpread- ing, and of a whitifh colour. Filaments five, fhort, downy, ter minated by yellow oblong contiguous antherz. Germen roundith, fupporting a tapering downy ftyle, furnifhed with a round ftigma. Fruit a round two-celled berry, changing from a green to a black colour, and containing feveral kidney-fhaped yellowith feeds. ' It is common about rubbifh, dunghills, and in negleéted gardetis, producing its flowers during all the fummier months. . The {mell of this plant is faint and difagreeable; to the tafte it manifefts no peculiar flavour, being fimply herbaceous. It appears to -poffefs the deleterious qualities of the other Nightfhades in a very confiderable degree; even the odour of the plant is faid to be fo powerfully nareotic as to caufe fleep.* 3 The berries are equally poifonous with the leaves. Three children, upon eating them, were fuddenly feized with cardialgia and delirium, accompanied with fpafms, and remarkable diftortions of the limbs: and to poultry they proved fatal in a fhort time.‘ The plant, or rather the leaves which were boiled and eaten by 4 mother and four children, produced fwellings of the face and limbs, followed by inflammation -and gangrene; but the hufband, who likewife ate of this vegetable at the fame time, found no confequent - diforder.* : = Its deleterious effects appear fill more certain from the experiments * Boccones Mufeo di fis. ps 284 > Vide Wepfer De cicut. p. 226. : © Haller: les ‘ Rucker. Commeres Norics 173%. ps 3725 f | 0. é Cia) of Mefirs. Gatakef and Bromfield ; the latter afferts that in dofes of ¢ one grain it had a mortal effe& upon one of his patients.* ‘ As this fpecies of Nightfhade is thought to be the trevor xn&me of ‘Diofcorides, its external ufe was reforted to in ancient times as a difcutient and anodyne in various affeétions of the fkin, tumefaétions of the glands, ulcers, and diforders of the eyes; nor does the utility of this practice want the confirmation of later experience.’ Of its internal ufe we find very little eviderice in the writings of the ancients; though, according to Cefalpinus,” it appears riot to have been wholly neglected. In the year 1757, Mr. Gataker, furgeon to thé Weftminfter Hof- pital, called the attention of the faculty to this plant, by a publication’ recommending its intertrial ufe in old fores, {erophulous, and cancerous ulcers, cutatieous eruptions, and even in dropfies; all of which were much relieved, or completely eured, by the Solanum. It appears from his experiments, that one grain of the dried leaves of the plant, in- fufed in an ounce of water; fometimes produced a confiderable effe@ ; *that in the dofe of two ot three-grains it feldom failed to evacuate the firft paflages, or to increafe very fenfibly either the difcharge by the fkih, or that by the kidneys, and it not unfrequently occalioned head-ach, giddinefs, dimnefs, and.drowfinefs. Mr. Gataker’s pamphlet “was foon followed by another, publifhed on the famie fubject by Mr. » €Tt onght to be remarked; however; that Diofcorides and Theophraftus mention it as an efculent plant; and Guerin (dé vegetat. venen. Alfatic, 1766. p. 66.) relates that he drank an infufion of fifteen grains of the Solanum nigrum without fuffering ‘any confequent complaint ; and that an epileptic patient took from half a dram to two drams of the exprefled juice of the plant without perceiving any narcotic fymptom to follow; not with fome foldiérs; to whom a ftill larger dofe was given, together with two dratns of the juice of the berries, was any other effect produced than that of an. increafed quantity of urine. See Murray. J. ¢.. a : § Mat: Med. Lib. 4. ¢. 71: & With the Arabians it is a common application to burns and ulcers. See Forfkal. . Deferi : plant. c. 2. p. 46, Ray alfo fpeaks highly of its effects in indurations of the ee y breaft, ee Hips 3 ee : 2 & De plant. 213. | - - - * Obfervations on the internal ufe of Solanums : Bromfield, € 40 ) Bromfield, « who declares that the cafes i ia whielt he tried the Solanum were much aggravated by it, and therefore he contends that its ut s is prejudicial and dangerous. Which of thefe contradictory accounts may be moft bade of credit it is not for us to determine; but if we judge from the diiufe of the Solanum, the opinion of Mr. Bromfield feems to have been tacitly confirmed. However, in the year 1764, Mr. Gataker again renewed his aflertion of the efficacy of Nightfhade,' which he does not attribute to any {pecific power, but to the evacuation it Produces * See his Account of the Englifh Nightfhades. ! Effays on Medical Subjedts. See Introduction, and p. 38. CONTORTE. ASCLEPIAS VINCETOXICUM. OFFICINAL SWALLOWe - WORT, | SYNONYMA. Vincetoxicum, Afclepias, Hirundinaria, Pharm, ~~ Dale. 179. Alfton. v. i. 536. Bergius. 172. Murray. i. 543- Lewis, 661. Ed. New Difpenf. 301, Afclepias albo flore, Baubh, Pin. 303. Gerard. Emac. 898. Park. Theat. 387. Ray. Hift. 1091. Flor, Dan. 849. & Afclepias foliis ovatis acutis, caule. infirmo, umbellis fimplicihus. Mill. Did. Hort, Kew. | Pentandria Digynia. Lin. Gen. Plant. 306, Gen. Ch. Contorta. NeGaria 5, ovata, concaya, corniculum exferentia, is Sp. Ch, A, foliis ovatis bafi barbatis, caule erecta, umbellis proliferis, | oe | : ROOT Publjhed by DIWeodville. pret. 4. 17g? . ( 41 ) ROOT perennial, large, knobbed, from which iffue a number of -{mall, flender, yellowith fibres. Stalks above a foot in height, ereé, round, fimple, fomewhat downy, jointed, at the bafe purplith, above green. Leaves on fhort footftalks, oppofite, ovate, long, pointed, and bearded with fhort hairs at the bafe. Flowers white, arifing,in clufters at the axille of the leaves. Calyx downy, divided into five narrow pointed fegments. Corolla monopetalous, divided into five ovate, obtufe, fpreading fegments. Nedtaria five, flefhy, adhering to the filaments; from the bottom horn-fhaped, and bent inwards. Fila- ments five, of a tubular appearance. Antherz oblong, erect, within the fcales of the ne€tary. Germina two, oblong, tapering. Styles two, fhort, tapering. Stigmata fimple. Follicles two, large, oblong, - pointed, ventricofe, one-celled, one-valved. Seeds numerous, crowned ‘with pappus. sae? : This plant, which is not uncommon in the northern parts af Europe, has been cultivated in Britain fince the time of Parkinfon, in 1640. Its root, which is the part medicinally employed, has, “‘ when frefh, a moderately ftrong not agreeable fmell, approaching to that of wild valerian, which, in drying, is in great part diflipated; chewed, it impreffes firft-a confiderable fweetnefs, which is foon fuc- ceeded by an unpleafant fubacrid bitterifhnefs,” * ; : Bergius ftates the virtues of this root to be pullens, diuretica, fudo- rifica, emmenagoga, alexipharmica. a. 3 , By F.. Hoffman it was found to poffefs an anodyne quality;’ but we are told by others that it fometimes excites naufea and yomiting.* It has been chiefly ufed in dropfical diforders; and feveral ‘cafes are related in which it was given with great fuccefs ;° but as other medi- cines were at the fame time employed, the good effects of the Vin-— cetoxicum may not be yet thought fufficiently eftablifhed. The fame obfervation will apply to Stahl’s pulvis antihydropicus, a compofition in which the Vincetoxicum is an ingredient.* * | 2 Lewis. lc. % Med. Syft. T. 4. P. 3- po 305- © Durr. Eph. Nat. Cur. Dec. 2. 4.7. p. 105. See alfo Geoff, 4 Vide Baub. hift. ii. p. 139. Durr. 1. ce * Stahl made alfo other compofitions of the Vincetoxicum, which were received in the Pharm. Wurt. S Bran. ~ : ~' No. 4.—Part II. L This Cw Sy This root has alfo been recommended in malignant fevers, and even in the plague,® efpecially by fome German authors; hence it has — been called Contrayerva Germanorum. Other diforders, in which it is faid to be ufeful, are {mall-pox,’ {crophula, and uterine obftruc- tions. : The dofe, in powder, is from a féruple to a dram, or an infufion of three or four drams. ! ome : _ Vinca minor, (Vinca peruinca, or Periwinkle) Nerium antidyfen- tericum, (Profluvii cortex, or Tili-cherry bark) if we except the cinchona already noticed, are the only two remaining medicinal plants belonging to the order Contorte, ‘The former is a native of Britain, and has been ufed in the charaGter of an aftringent, efpecially in hemorrhagic diforders: The latter is a native of the Eaft Indies. . Its bark, which poflefles an aromatic bitter aftringent, and, accord ing to Dr. Brocklefby, an anodyne quality, has been employed in dyfenteries, diarrhoeas, and in intermittent fevers, occuring in warm climates.* : : © Palmar. de feb; peft. c.18. Antuer. Antid: peft. L. 23 7 * Linn. Fl; Suec: p: 77. * See Monro, fen. Med: Effays. 3. p. 32. Brocklefby: Obferv. on camp: difeafes: pi 194. Lind. on difeafes in hot climates. p+ 308. yf ibs difeafes 96 PUTAM INE #. CAPPARIS SPINOSA. | COMMON CAPER:BUSH.* SYNONYMA. Capparis. Pharm. Geoff. iii.256. Dale. 324. Alfroti. i. 370. Bergius. 449. Murray. it. 305. Edinb. New Difp. 160. Kawnzgs, Diofcor. Capparis fpinofa fructu minori, folio rotundo. Bauh. Pin. 480. Capparis rotundiore folio. Ger. Emac. 895. Park, Theat; 1023. Ray. Hift. 1629. Ic. Smith. Specileg. Bot. ts 208 * The only medicinal plant of this order, | Polyandria 228 J is A ty & Mh \ \ \ , if ‘ta | : W\\ \ ‘ | Wf 4 aN a Q it 4 i ee ~~ ~ ty Z UA , \ \ ; on ] Y , / Wit al Yj ti, AY | Mm iff» Hy) } j : , | | | Lf Y Yy il Pi yy y | WZ / : “if , i) Publejhed by DOWee dville: prt 4 Ajgt a ee Polyandria Mesogyais,. Lin: Gen. Plant. 644. Gen. Ch. Cal. 4-phyllus, coriaceus. Petala 4: Stam, fonge Bacca corticofa, unilocularis, pedunculata. Sp. Ch. C. pedunculis folitariis unifloris, ftipulis fpinofis, foliis annuis, capfulis ovalibus. ROOT woody, crooked. Stem trailing, miuch branched, round, {mooth: branches alternate, {preading, often downy, leafy, many flowered. Leaves alternate, on fhort footftalks, fpreading, oval, or roundifh, in the wild plant often terminated by a little fharp point, which difappears by culture, entire, veiny, fucculent, bright green, deciduous. Stipule none: but in their ftead are two fpines at the bafe of the footftalks, acute, fomewhat recurved, yellowifh, which are nearly obliterated in the cultivated plant. Flowers numerous, axillary, folitary, on footftalks, without bractex, large, handfome, inodorouss Flower-ftalks round, longer than the leaves. Calyx of four unequal concave leaves, tipped with purple. Petals much larger _ than the calyx, {preading, obovate, waved, white, with a faint tin@ure of red. Stamina very numerous, the length of the petals, {preading, flender, in the upper part, pale purple like the anthere. Germen oval, {mall, green, ftanding on a round purplith footftalk, which is longer than the ftamina. Stigma fmall, blunt. Capfille oblong, oval, coriaceous. It is a native of the fouth of France, Italy, and the Levant. Dr. Smith, of whofe figure and defeription of the Caper-buth we have here availed ourfelves, fays, “it is furprifing that this beautiful fhrub, which is as common in the fouth of France as the bramble with us, ard which grows luxuriantly in the open air, when trained again{t a wall, even at Paris, fhould be almoft unknown in the Eng- lith gardens, where it can {carcely be made to flower, except in a ftove, with all poffible care.” * * Specil. Bot. t. 20. The © ( 44°) The buds, or unexpanded flowers of this plant, are in common ufe as a pickle; and for this purpofe the {maller or younger buds are mott efteemed. : This grateful pickle has the charaéter of an ‘antifcorbutic, and of removing hepatic and other vifceral obftructions ; but the part of the plant which has been chiefly recommended, for medicinal purpofes, is ‘the bark of the root. This is of confiderable thicknefs, externally of an afh colour, and tranfverfely wrinkled ; on drying it rolls up into - quills of shia a third of an inch in diamatier 5 its tafte is fomewhat aromatic, bitterifh, and acrid. By Diofcorides, and other ancient writers, it was thought of great efficacy as a deobftruent, and was generally employed in obftruétions of the liver and fpleen, ‘menfrual fuppreffions, and {ciatica; in this view it has alfo been ufed by Foreftus’ and Sennertus ;* and on the _ prefumption of its deobftruent power, it is reckoned one of the five lefs aperient roots: at prefent, however, its ufe is wholly laid afide. > Oper. Lib, 20, Obf, 2. & 3. * Prad. Lib. 3. P.4.¢. 2. F 3. Son de oP eR Tal EB Me - MELALEUCA LEUCADENDRON. — CAJEPUT-TREE, Or AROMATIC MELALEUCA, - ae Cajeput (cleum.) Pharm. Murray. iii. 3 19. Bergius. 6 539. Ed. New Difpenf. 153. . SYN ON YMA. Arbor alba (major) Caju Puti. ~ Rumph, Herb. Amb. vol. 2. p. 72. t. 16. Melaleuca Kajupoetie. Houttuyn Na- tuurlyke. Hiftorie. P. 2. Sed. 3. p. 212. t.15. Melal. senicl dendra. De Loureiro Flor. Cochin. p- 468. « M. latifolia, fol. falcatis lanceolatis acutis majoribus. a M. anguftifolia, fol. anguftioribus oblongis Vix falcatis brevioribus obtufis glaucis. Polyadelphia Polvandria. Lin. Mois I ‘ ee Gen. Ch. \\ \ MT Tah Sw BF / - S f se aS i 2 al whoes As 4 Lubijhed by DIW eo dvitle Apritsings. ta 229 ( 4s.) Gen. Ch. Cal. 5-partitus, fuperus. Cor. 5-petala. Filam. multa, ~ connata in ¢ corpora. Stylus 1. Caps. femiveftita calyce baccato, 3-valvis, 3-locularis. ee Sp. Ch, Mz. polyadelphia, foliis alternis lanceolatis beige: quin- quenerviis, {pica elongata, THIS tree rifes with a long flexible trunk, Sesilins off irregular afcending branches, covered with a pale thick lamellated tough bark. Leaves linearly-lanceolate, entire, fmooth, denfe, five-nerved, afh-coloured, odorous, alternate, on fhort footftalks, Flowers white, feffile, in long fubterminal fpikes. Bractez floral, minute, ovate, pointed. Calyx tubular, five-parted, deciduous, of a brownith red. Corolla of five petals, roundifh, concave, much longer than the calyx. Filaments about forty, uhited at the bafe in five or fix bundles, long, capillary, unequal, inferted in the tube of the calyx, and fur- nifhed with {mall ovate incumbent anthere. Germen below, roundith, Style filiform, fomewhat fwelled at the ftigma. Capfule roundith, three-celled, three-valved, opening at the apex, and half inclofed by the calyx. Seeds numerous, oblong, fmall, compreffed, angular.* It is a native of India, where it commonly , grows in the woods: the annexed figure was drawn from a very perfect botanical fpecimen of it in the herbarium of Sir Jofeph Banks. The narrow leaved variety of this fpecies was introduced into the Royal Garden at Kew, in 1775, from New Caledonia, by J. R. Forfter, L, L.D.° The origin of Cajeput oil, or the vegetable from which it is ob- tained, was long unknown, and continued a matter of conjecture. As this effential oil is faid to be fomewhat fimilar in flavour and odour to the cardamom, an opinion very generally prevailed, that it was procured from a fpecies of it, It is now however clearly proved to be derived from the Melaleuca Leucadendron, as obferved by Linnzus in 1772,° and fince confirmed by his fon in the fupp. plant. That the leaves of this tree have an aromatic odour, refembling _ that of cardamom feed, and afford, by diftillation, a fragrant effential . This defcription i is given on the authority of De Loureiro, |. c. > Hort. Kew. * Diff, obf. in M.M., p. § . ; No. 4,—Part IT, M oil, ( 46: ) oil, manifefting this aromatic principle flill more ftrongly, 18 aflertéd ~ by Valentynus and Rumphius; but as they called the oil by no pecu- liar name, it was not recognized as the Cajeput oil until fome of thefe leaves were fent to Amfterdam, where, upon being fubjected to diftillation, an oil was obtained, agreeirig, in every refpeat, with that of the beft Cajeput.* ~ This effential oil appears to be lodged in the _ minute glands or veficles of the leaves, analogoufly to that noticed of the hypericum perforatum.* _ . ter? Cajeput oil, (called alfo Oleum Wittnebianum, from Wittneben, who gave an account of the procefs for obtaining it,) though un- known in Britain, is now admitted into the Materia Medica of all the principal foreign pharmacopozias. Se at 3s It is imported into Europe from the Eaft Indies, and is diftilled chiefly in the Iland of Banda. Thunberg ‘ fays that it has the ap- pearance of an inflammable fpirit, of a green colour, and fo com- pletely volatile that it evaporates entirely, leaving no refiduum ; its odour is of the camphoraceous kind, with a terebinthinate admixture: when it is applied to the noftrils copioufly, its {mell is at firft ungrate~ ful, but in a {mall quantity, or at a diftance, its odour is very agree- able. Goetz,’ on the contrary, fays that it is limpid, or rather yellowifh, and that on being kept in a vial not ‘clofely corked, it diffufes at firft a pleafant odour, which gradually changes to one fome- what like that of turpentine, and at length becomes fimilar to that of favine. Its tafte, he fays, is aromatic, and approaching to that of the oil of rofemary. A fingle drop, applied to the temples, produces a peculiar fenfation in the interior canthus of the eyes, and excites tears, which he confiders as the moft certain criterion of the genuinenefs of the oil. From its exorbitant price it is frequently adulterated, and therefore is feldom found in perfect purity in Europe. | _ Cajeput oil appears to be a powerful medicine, and is much efteemed in Germany, as well as in India, in the charaéter of a general remedy 4 Vide Nieuwe vaderland{che Letter-Oeffningen. P. 3. n. 3. bladz: 104. * The leaves of this melaleuca, according to De Loureiro, are an ufeful medicine; he- fays, they are “ attenuant, ftrengthening, ftomachic, diuretic, emmenagogue, and of fer4 ¥ice-in obftructions of the liver, dropfy, debility of the ftomach, and dyfpnoea. ‘In Vet. Acad. Handl: 1782. p. 2236 © Comm. Nor: 173%. ps 5. eS 4 in tw i | : in chronic and painful complaints; it is ufed for the fame purpofes for which-we employ the officinal zthers, to which it feems to have a confiderable affinity; the Cajeput however, is more potent and pungent: taken into the ftomach, in the dofe of five or fix drops, it’ heats and ftimulates the whole fyftem, proving at the famé time a very certain diaphoretic, by which probably the good effects it is faid to have in dropfies and intermittent fevers, are to be explained. For its efficacy in various fpafmodic and convulfive affections, it is highly efteemed ; and numerous inftances of its fuccefsful employ- ment are publifhed by different authors." It has been alfo ufed both internally and externally with much advantage in feveral other obfti- nate diforders, as palfy, hypochondrical and hyfterical affetions, deafnefs, defective vifion, tooth-ach, gout; theumatifm, menftrual obftructions, ‘herpetic eruptions, . 8c. of which Thunberg gives a particular relation.’ : : : The dofe is from two to fix and even twelve drops. The berries and leayés of Myrtus communis, and the bark of Myrtus. caryophyllata, or cafie caryophyllate cortex, referable to this order, have alfo been admitted into the Materia Medica; the former in the character of an afomati¢ and aftringent, and the latter as a fubftitute for cloves. wifh for a fuller account of this article. | 4 Dre The odour of cajeput oil: is remarkably deftructive to infeéts: a few drops, in a cabi« het or drawer, wherein animal or vegetable fpecimens of natural hiftory are kept ina dtied ftate; have on this account been found very ufeful. & Thefe are refpectively cited by Murray, to whofe work we refer thofe readers who CYMOSE. ( 48 ) CY MOS £&. COFFEA ARABICA. : COFFEE TREE. SYNONYMA. Euonymo fimilis zgyptiaca, frudu baccis lauri fimili. Baub. Pin. 498. Coffee frutex, ex cujus frudtu fit potus. , Ray. Hif. 1691. Bon. Alpin, Pl. “i gypt. 63. Jaf{minum arabi- .cum, lauri folio, cujus femen apud nos Coffé dicitur. Fuffieux. Mem, | de L’ Acad, des Sc. de Paris. 1713. p. 388. 4,7. Conf. Monogr. in Linn, Amoen, Ac. T. 6. p. 160. Alfo Ellis. Hiftor. Account of Coffee. 1774. a ee Correa, (femen) Pharm. Dale. 317. Alfton. ii. 274. Murray. i. — 386. Bergius. 111, Lewis. 243. Edinb, New Difpenf. 174. Pentandria Monogynia. Lin. Gen. Plant. 2306 Gen. Ch. Cor. hypocrateriformis. Stamina fupra tubum., | Bacca infera difperma. Sem. arillata. 3 Sp. Ch. C, floribus quinquefidis difpermis. A TREE of low ftature, feldom exceeding twelve feet in height, flender, at the upper part fending off long trailing branches: bark brown, and almoft {mooth. Leaves nearly elliptical, {mooth, entire, pointed, waved, three or four inches in length, oppofite, on fhort footftalks. Stipule in pairs, pointed. Flowers white, axillary, on fhort fimple peduncles, or feffile, two or three together. Calyx bee fmall, tubular, five-toothed. Corolla monopetalous, funnel-fhaped, cut at the limb into five reflexed oval or lanceolate fegments : tube long, narrow, almoft cylindrical. Filaments five, tapering, inferted at the mouth of the tube: antherz linear, incumbent, of the lenge ‘ ’ : (@) (49) the filaments. Germen roundifh. Style fimple, longer than the ftamina. Stigma cloven, reflexed. Fruit a round flefhy red berry, containing two feeds, invefted by a cartilaginous arillus: the appear- ance of the feed is well known. - pa The Coffee tree is a native of Arabia Felix and Ethiopia, and was firft noticed by Rauwolfius in 1573; but Alpinus, in 1591, was the firft who defcribed it, It was cultivated in Britain by Bifhop Compton in 1696," and is now to be found in many of the well ftored hot- houfes of this country. For the fpecimen of it here figured we are obliged to Dr. Lettfom, who pofleffles the beft plant of this fpecies which we have feen, and which was highly valued by its late owner Dr. John Fothergill. | | The ufe of Coffee, or the feed of the fruit of this tree, appears ta have originated in Ethiopia, but the practice of drinking it in Arabia was introduced from Perfia by the Mufti of Aden in the fifteenth century. ‘In 1554 its ufe firft began at Conftantinople. From whence it was gradually adopted in the weftern parts of Europe, At Marfeilles it was begun in 1644. At Paris, if we except the family of Monf, Theyenot,’ it was unknown till the arrival of the Turkith Ambaflador, Soliman Aga, in 1669; and in 1672 the firft coffee- houfe was eftablifhed in Paris by an Armenian, named Pafcal, but he met with little encouragement, and therefore came to London, where this beverage had been previoufly introduced in the year 1652, when Mr. Edwards, a Turkey merchant, brought from that country a Greek fervant, of the name of Pafqua, who underftood the method — of preparing coffee, and firft fold it in London in a houfe which he kept for that purpofe, in George-yard, Lombard-ftreet. Eight years after this it contributed to the public revenue, by a duty of four- pence laid upon every gallon made and fold here.* The general confumption of Coffee in Europe fuggefted the idea of cultivating it for the advantage of commerce; and in this view ~ the Dutch took the lead, and firft planted it at Batavia in 1690; and 2 Vide Douglas. Hiffory of the Coffee tree. p. 21+ ; * This gentleman had refided fome time in the Eaft, and returned to Paris in 16 57s € See Ellis. 1. cy No.4.—Pat Il, = = N . (50) at Surinam in 1718. This example was followed by the French at Cayenne, and in Martinico; nor were our Colonies neglected, for in 1732 it was cultivated in Jamaica, and patronized by ac of par- liament. | ; ae _, But whether from mifmanagement, or from caufes unavoidable, it is a lamentable truth, that our colonial coffee is of lefs eftimation than that of other ftates, and the Mocha coffee is fuperior to all others. © We fhall therefore prefent our readers with an account of the culture and management of Coffee, praGtifed in Arabia Felix, and related by La Roque, who fays, ‘‘ that the Coffee tree is there raifed from feed, *« which they fow in nurferies, and plant them out as they have - occafion. “They chufe for their plantations a moift fhady fituation, ‘* on a {mall eminence, or at the foot of the mountains, and take ‘< great care to conduét from the mountains little rills of water, in ‘* {mall channels, to the roots of the trees; for it is abfolutely ** neceflary that they fhould be conftantly watered, in order to pro= ** duce and ripen the fruit. For that purpofe, when they remove or “* tran{plant the tree, they make a trench three feet wide, and five feet deep, which they line or cover with ftones, that the water may the more readily fink deep into the earth with which the trench is filled, in order to preferve the moifture from evaporating. When - they obierve that there is a good deal of fruit upon the tree, and that it is nearly ripe, they turn off the water from the roots, to leflen that fucculency in the fruit which too much moifture would occafion. In places,much expofed to the fouth they plant their Coffee trees in regular lines, fheltered by a kind of poplar tree,. which extends its branches on every fide toa great diftance, afford-" ing a neceflary fhade when the heat of the fun is teo intenfe. When they perceive the fruit advanced to maturity, they {pread- ** cloths under the trees, which they fhake, and the ripe fruit readily ** drops off. ‘They afterwards fpread the berries upon mats, and expofe them to the fun until they are perfeQly dry: after which. they break the hufk with large heavy rollers, made either with wood or ftone. When the Coffee is thus cleared of its hufk, it is again dried in the fun, and laftly winnowed with a large ifan.”’ * 4 See La Roque. Voyage de } Arabic heureufe. Pp: 285. of which we have followed — > Ellis’s tranflation. = Both ‘ce ee é< ée ce €é ~ ee fn) Both the outer pulpy part of the berry, and the inner membrane immediately invefting the feed, are prepared for ufe by the Arabians; the former is much efteemed, atid conttitutes the Coffee 4 /a Sultane: the latter is chiefly employed by the common people, and fold under the name of Ki/cher:* The feeds ufed by us, and which by the Arabians are thought too heating, are principally imported into Europe from Yemen, where the Coffee is moft abundantly cultivated; they are fmaller than the other kinds produced in the Colonies, of a yellow hue, and more grateful in tafte and odour. The manner of foafine and preparing Coffee for ufe is too well known to require being de- tailed here ; we hall therefore “gee to confider its effects of the human body. ate From various experiments jafituted by Dr. Parcival upon Coffee, be infers. that this beverage ‘‘ is flightly aftririgent and antifeptic ; ** that it moderates alimentary fermentation, and is powerfully feda- | ‘* tive. Its ation upon the nervous fyftem probably depends on the *¢ oil it contains; which receives its flavour, and is rendered mildly «* empyreumatic ‘by: the procefs of roafting: . The medicinal qualities “* of Coffee feem to be derived from the grateful fenfation which it ‘* produces in the ftomach, and froth the fedative powers it exerts on “* the vis vita. Hence it affifts digeftion, and relieves the head- ** ach; and is taken in large quantities with peculiar propriety by the Phil. Tranf. v. 376 p. 163. © &f 4 Vide Langrifh. Phil. Experiments upon brutes, to which is added a courfe of experiments with the Laurocerafus. ; : Diff: de Lauracerafi indole venenata. Alfo inhis Progr. de olei animal. contra yar ope € See Skinner's Tranflation. ii. p. 180. «~~ Dr. Cullen Ge, Dr. Cullen obferves, that the fedative power of the Laurocerafus acts upon the nervous fyftem in a different manner from opium and other narcotic fubftances, whofe primary ation is upon the animal functions: for the Laurocerafus does not occafion fleep, nor does it produce local inflammation, but feems to aét dire@ly upon the vital powers. Abbé Fontana fuppofes that this poifon deftroys animal life, by exerting its effets upon the blood; but the experiments and obfervations from which he draws this opinion are evidently incon- clufive. It may alfo be remarked, that many of the Abbé’s experi- ' ments contradic each other. Thus it appears, from the citation given above, that the poifon of this vegetable, when applied to wounds, does not produce a fatal _ effedt s but future experiments led the Abbé to affert, that the oil of the Laurocerafus, “ whether given internally, or applied to the wounds of animals, is one of the moft terrible and deadly poifons known.” Though this vegetable feems to have efcaped the notice of Stoerck, yet it is not without advocates for its medicinal ufe. Linnzus informs us, that in Switzerland it is commonly and fuccefsfully ufed in pul- monary complaints. Langrifh mentions its efficacy in agues; and as Bergius found bitter almonds to have ‘this effet, we may from analogy conclude, that this power of the Laurocerafus is well eftablifh- ed. Baylies found that it poffeffed a remarkable power of diluting the blood, and from experience recommended it in all cafes of difeafe fuppofed to proceed from too denfe a ftate of that fluid; adducing particular inftances of its efficacy in rheumatifm, afthma, and in _ fchirrous affections. Nor does this author feem to have beén much afraid of the deleterious quality of the Laurocerafus, as he directs a pound of its leaves to be macerated in a pint of water, of which he gives from thirty to fixty drops three or four times a day. Of the other fpecies of Prunus, or Cherry, we find nothing de- ferving of particular attention. : * The Sorbus aucuparia, or Mountain Afh, belongs to this order. Its berries, which appear in large beautiful clufters, are by fome writers efteemed for their cathartic and antifcorbutic qualities. ‘No. 7—ePart I. U VERTICILLATE. Ce? VERTICILLATE. BETONICA OFFICINALIS. _ WOOD BETONY. SYNONYMA. Betonica. Pharm. Geoff. iii, 183. Dale. 151. Alfion. ii. 88. Lewis. 146. Edinb. New Difp. 146. Murray. zi. 158. Bergius. 524. Cullen. ii. 145. Betonica purpurea. Bauh. Pin. 235. Gerard. Emac. 714. Raii. Synop. 238. Hall. Stirp. Helv. 264. Park. Theat. 238. B. officinalis. Hudfon. Flor. Ang. 258. Withering. Bot, Arr. 611. Ic. Flor. Dan, 726. Flor. Lond. 154. Didynamia Gymnofpermia. Lin. Gen, Plant. 718. Gen. Ch. Cal. ariftatus. Corolla lab. faper. adfcendens, planiufculum. Tubus cylindricus. Sp. Ch. BB. fpica interrupta, corollarum labii Jacinia intermedia emarginata. : : ROOT perennial, tapering, woody, brownith, furnifhed: with long white fibres. Stalks ufually more than a foot in height, erect, . {quare, fimple, channelled towards the top, nearer the bafe hairy. Lower leaves on footftalks, cordate, or lance-fhaped, notched, obtufe, veiny, fomewhat hairy, and wrinkled: upper leaves narrower, op+ noite, reflexed. . Flowers purple, in {pikes compofed of feveral whorls. Brattex’ abundant, placed under the flowers, of the lengtit of the calyx. Calyx permanent, tubular, divided at the edge into five narrow teeth. Corolla manopetalous; tube longer than the calyx, bending inwards, below fmooth and white, above purple, downy: upper lip roundifh, entire, ere; lower one divided into three fegments, of which the middle one is the broadeft. Filaments four, vneled S N % Bebighedt tv Te? Wawdville Feely. 4. 179+ - C22 four, longer than the tube, two long and two fhort, furnifhed with purple antherz. Germen divided into four parts. Style tapering, white, longer than the filaments, and terminated by a bifid ftigma, Seeds four, of an irregular fhape, and lodged in the calyx. It is common in woods and heaths, flowering in Auguft and September. . | : The ‘defcription of the 3m by Diofcorides applies equally to many of the other verticillated plants: he alfo ftates it to be purga- tive, fo that it feems very doubtful if by that name he meant the plant here figured. The leaves and tops of the Betony have an agreeable but weak fmell: to the tafte they difcover a flight warmth, accompanied with fome degree of aftringency and bitternefs, They yield very little effential oil, infomuch that only a few drops can be obtained from a large quantity of the herb. Betony, like many other plants formerly in great medical eftima- tion, is at this time almoft entirely difregarded. Antonius Mufa, phyfician to the Emperor Auguftus, filled a whole volume with enumerating its virtues, ftating it as a remedy for no lefs than forty- feven diforders; and hence in Italy arofe this proverbial compliment You have more virtues than Betony,* Simon Paulli alfo afcribes to it powers, which may be confidered as rather miraculous than natural, and which did not feem to require contradiction from the experiments of Alfton .” Modern writers do not allow the Betony to poffefs any confiderable efficacy: Scopoli indeed fays that he experienced its cephalic and corroborant effects ; but its fenfible qualities fhow it to be more inert than moft of the other verticillatez. Both this plant and Eyebright enter into the compofition of Rowley’s Britifh herb tobacco and fhuff, | | | _ & The Italians alfo introduced the maxim Vende 4a tonica et compra la Betonica, : ® See Aiton. I. c ; + 2 © Flor. Carn. Edy I+ p. 4606 ORIGANUM, te ORIGANUM DICTAMNUS. DITTANY of CRETE. ———SS— ee SYNONYMA. Di&amnus creticus. Pharm. Geoff. it. 272. Dale. 148. -Aifon. ii, 129. Lewis. 274. Edinb. New Difpenf. 183. Murray. ii. 139. Bergius. 529. Bauh. Pin. 222. Park. Theat. 27. Ray. Hift. 537. Ger. Emac. 795. - Didynamia Gymnofpermia. Lin. Gen. Plant. 726. Gen. Ch. Sirobilus tetragonus, fpicatus, calyces colligens. Sp. Cb. OQ. foliis inferioribus tomtentofis, fpicis nutantibus. - ROOT fibrous, perennial. Stalk about a foot in height, branched, downy, ligneous. Leaves ovate, blunt, oppofite, on fhort foorftalks, thick, covered with foft white hairs. Flowers purple, in fpikes. Braétez roundifh, {mooth, coloured, numerous, forming quadrangular fpikes. Calyx fmall, five-toothed, concealed by the braétez. Corolla monopetalous, confifting of a long tube, divided at the limb into two lips, of which the upper is ftraight, and enclofes the filaments: the under lip is cut into three obtufe lobes, of which the middle one is the largeft. Filaments two long and two fhort,. filiform, longer than the corolla, and furnifhed with fimple antherz. Germen divided into four parts. Style flender. Stigma bifid. Seeds four, of an irregular ovate fhape, and lodged at the bottom of the calyx. It flowers from June till Auguft. Dae: This plant, which is a native of the Ifland of Candia, appears from Turner to have been cultivated in Britain previous to the year 1568, by Mr. Riche. The fpecimen here delineated grew in the Royal garden at Kew. The sy » X Salljlead be Dt Wiadei le, Vale 4.479%. ( 8 ) - The leaves of this plant are apparently very watm and aromatic; of an agreeable fmell, and hot biting tafte. They impart their virtues both to water and rectified fpirit. Diftilled with water, they give over a moderately ftrong impregnation to the aqueous fluid ; from which, if the quantity of Dittany be large, there feparates, as Neuman obferves, a {mall portion of a yellowith effential oil, of a highly pungent aromatic tafte and {mell, and which ¢ongeals in the cold into the appearance of camphor.* Both the Greek and Roman writers have fabled this plant into great celebrity ; of which a fingle inftance, related by the Latin Poet, affords a beautiful illuftration.” | Though rarely ufed at this day, it certainly poffeffes, in a very con- fiderable degree, the ftimulant and aromatic qualities which characterize this clafs of plants; and has at leaft an equal hare of emmenagogue, carminative, and ftomachic virtue. : «Lewis. dec. , > Hic Venus, indigno nati concuffa dolore, Di&amnum genitrix Creted carpit ab Ida, Puberibus caulem foliis, et fore comantem Purpureo: non illa feris incognita capris — Gramina, cim tergo volucres hefére fagitte. 9 : 7 fen. Ly, xat. grt. No. 7.—Part II. TEUCRIUM cS / ‘ (R) TEUCRIUM CHAMEDRYS, . COMMON GERMANDER. SYNONYMA. Chamedrys. Pharm. Geoff. iii, 296.° Dale. 145, Alfton. ii, 105, Lewis. 219. Cullen, it. 82. Ed, New. Difpenf. 169. Murray. ii. 119. Bergius. 506. Chamzdrys minor repens. Baub. Pin. 148. Ger, Emac, 656.. Chamedrys vulgaris. Park, Theat. 104. Ray. Hift. 527. Synop. 2 31. Hudfon, Flor. dag, | 248. With. Bot. Arr. §92. ‘Ie. Flor. Dan. p. 448. | Didynamia Gymnofpermia. ~ Lin. Gen. Plant. 706. een Ch. Corolle \abium fuperius (nullum) -ultra bafin 2-partitum, divaricatum ubi ftamina, # tne | Sp. Cb. 'T. foliis cuneiformi-ovatis incifis crenatis petiolatis, floribus ‘ ternis, caulibus procumbentibus fubpilofis, = ROOT perennial, branched, fibrous. Stalk about a foot in height, decumbent, roundifh, branched, rough. Leaves in pairs, on foote ftalks, ovate, narrow, irregularly toothed, veined, hairy. Flowers — purple, placed in whorls at the ale of the leaves. Calyx rough, - quinquifid. Segments pointed. Corolla confifts of a fhort curved tube, at the limb divided into two lips, of which the upper is fhort, and cut in the middle in fuch a manner as to difappear: the lower lip feparates into fpreading lobes, of which the middlemoft is large, and of a roundifh form. Filaments two long and two fhort, flender, white, and furnithed with fimple antherz. Germen four, parted. Style filiform. Stigma bifid. Seeds four, enclofed in the calyx. It is a native of England, flowering in June and July. The annexed figure is taken from a garden fpecimen. : The leaves and tops of Germander have a moderately bitter tafte, © accompanied with a weak aromatic flavour, which is diminifhed but not totally diflipated when the plant is dried, They give out their -virtues both. to watery and fpirituous menftrua. Water feems to diffolve the bitter matter more perfeQly than pure {pirit, the watery , extract %) Piet lifhod by Bi! Wome Iuly.4 ager. ti extract being ftronger in tafte than the fpirituous;* though the quan- tity of both extraGs, according to Cartheufer’s experiments, is very nearly alike. . : . The Chamedrys has been efteemed chiefly in the charafter of a . mild aperient and corroborant : it is recommended in uterine obftruc- tions,” intermitting fevers,*and in the rheumatifm and gout, Of the laft mentioned complaint, Charles the Vth is faid to have been cured by a vinous decoétion of this, with fome other herbs, taken daily for fixty fucceflive days.* | | _ Other and lefs equivocal evidence of the good effects of the Chamzdrys, in this diforder, are recorded by different authors, who appear to have employed it in various forms and combinations, of which the celebrated. antiarthritic, or Portland powder, is an’ inftance. , : : : According to Murray the virtues of this plant fhould be nearly allied. to thofe of the Marrubium, and therefore promifes to be equally ufeful in afthinatic affeCions, coughs, and infarctions of the Jungs. However, while we admit this conclufion, we contider the virtues of both as fomewhat problematical, ~§ Lewis, be ce... > See Ray. I. ¢. © Alpinus. Med. Hegypt. p. 316. Riverius, Obferv. Cent.4.—82.. Chomel. Us, ii, 339. Seguier. Pi. Veron. T, i. p. 319. * Veal. Rad. Chin. 111, Many other medicinal plants of the order VER TICILLATA fil} remain ubnoticed ; but confidering the great number of this clafs figured in our former volumes, it has been thought that the medical reader will not regret the fuppreffion of the following; _ Lan. Name, ~- OwricinaL. ENa@uisn. Ajuga pyramidalis. Confolida media Mountain Bugle Teucrium creticum » Polium creticum Poley of Candia osueeers _Chamepitys Chamapitys _ Ground pine ....-.-- Montanum Polium montanum Mountain poley Melittis Meliffophyllum — Melifflophyllum Battard balm Meliffa Calamintha alamintha Calamint _ ~_ Lavendala Stoechas — Stoechas é _ French Lavender Satureja hortenfis se feaban eo 2° 3c: _ Sammer Savory _ Nepeta Cataria Nepeta ‘ Catmint , Origanum creticum Origanum creticum | Marjoram of Candia Leonurus Cardiaca _ Cardiaca Mother. wort Prunella vulgaris Prunella Selfheal Lamium album Dead-nettle Lamium album ERYSIMUM. ( 8% ) SILIQUOSE. ERYSIMUM OFFICINALE. ” HEDGE MUSTARD, SYNONYM4A. Eryfimum, Pharm. Geof. iti. 444. Dale. 204. Alfton. ti. 135. Lewis. 289. Cullen. ii. 166. Edinb. New Di/p. 186. Murray. ii. 315. Bergius. 561, Hall. 478. Eryfimum vulgare. Bau. Pin. 100. Eryfimum Diofcoridis Lobelij. Ger. Emac. 254. Itio five Eryfimum vulgare. Park. Theat. 8338 Eruca filiqua cauli apprefla, Eryfimum di@a. Ray. ‘Hiff, 810, Synop. 298. .Eryfimum officinale. Hudfon. Ang. 286. Wither. Bot. Arr. 695. Ie. Flor. Dan. 560, Curt. Flor. Lond, — Tetradynamia Siliquofa. Liz. Gen. Plant. 814. Gen. Ch. Siliqua columnaris, exact tetraédra. Cal, claufus. Sp. Ch. E. filiquis fpicze adpreffis, foliis runcinatis. ROOT annual, tapering, furnithed with long fibres. Stalk from one to two feet in height, ered, round,’ branched; hairy. Leaves on footftalks, rough, downy, pinnatifid fegments, oppofite, ovate, toothed, terminal one the largeft.. Flowers yellow, fmall, placed in long racemi or fpikes. Calyx of four leafits, which are ovate, nar- row, blunt, hairy. Corolla compofed of four petals, placed oppo- fitely, inverfely ovate, ftanding upon long claws. Filaments {ix, SPeHps two of which are fhorter than the others, and having at the bafe two ne@tarious glands. Antherez heart-fhaped. Germen cylindrical, ftriated. Stigma roundifh, compreffed, notched. Pods neatly conical, obfcurely quadrangular, hairy, prefled to the ftalk. Seeds of a dingy yellow colour, obliquely truncated at each end. It 244 + deen ys Cf) coepile 43 Phebe be LE Wendkeille Daly 4 47G4- € 8h) It is common on dry banks and wafte places, and flowers from June till September. The tafte of this herb is fomewhat acrid, efpecially the tops of the flower fpikes. Its feeds are confiderably pungent, and appear to be nearly of the fame quality with thofe of muftard, but weaker. The Eryfimum is faid to be attenuant, expectorant, and diuretic, and has been ftrongly recommended in chronical coughs and hoarfe- nefs. Rondeletius informs us, that the laft mentioned complaint, occafioned by loud fpeaking, was cured by this plant in three days. Other teftimonies of its good effects in this diforder are recorded by writers on the Materia Medica, of whom we may mention Dr. Cullen, who, for this purpofe recommends the juice of the Eryfimum to be mixed with an equal quantity of honey or fugar. In this way alfo it is faid to be a ufeful remedy in ulcerations of the mouth and throat. In moft cafes of difeafe, perhaps the feeds of Eryfimum, as more pungent, fhould be preferred to its leaves. No. 7.—Part II. y ERYSIMUM. sah % ( 86 ) ERYSIMUM ALLIARIA. SAUCE-ALONE, Or, - | | = STINKING HEDGE-MUSTARD, SYNONYMA. Alliaria. Pharm. Geoff. ii. 58. Dale. 200. Alfion. ii. 79. Lewis, 31. Edinb. New Difpenf, 120. Murray, 2. 317. Burgius. 564. Bauh. Pin. 110. Gerard. Emac. 794s Park. Theat. 112. Ray. Hifl. 792. Synop. 293. Hall. Hifi, Stirp. Helv. 480. Eryfimum Alliaria. Hud. Ang. 286. With. Bot. Arr. 696. Ie. Curt. Flor. Lond. 144. so Tetradynamia Siliquofa. Lin. Gen. Plant. 814. Gen. Ch. Siliqua columnaris, exacte tetraédra. Ca/. claufus. Sp. Ch. E, foliis cordatis, | ROOT biennial, whitith, tapering, fibrous. Stalk erect, two or three feet in height, round, fmooth, channelled, fparingly branched. Leaves alternate, heart-fhaped, on footftalks, unequally toothed, veiny: on the upper part of the ftalk they are pointed, and narrower; at the root kidney-fhaped, and ftanding on long footftalks, Flowers . white, in terminal {pikes. Calyx of four leafits, which are ovate, concave, of a pale green. Corolla confifts of four petals, which are inverfely ovate, and placed in oppofite diretions upon ered claws. Filaments fix, tapering, four efwhich are long and ere&t, two fhort, _ and bent inwards. Antherz yellow, oblong, incumbent. Germenlong, — quadrangular, Style very fhort. Stigma roundifh. Pod two inches long, obfcurely quadrangular, marked with a prominent line between each ° angle; the cavity divided into two cells, containing oblong fhining brown feeds, which appear obliquely truncated at each end. It is common on hedge banks, and flowers in May and June. The leaves of this plant have a moderate acrimony, and a ftrong flavour, refembling that of garlic or onions ; they give the fame kind of taint to the breath as thofe roots, and have been ufed for the fame culinary Me ATGH Piblijeed ty DD Warcheille Tels (8) | culinary purpofes : hence the name Alliaria, On drying, however, their fenfible qualities are confiderably diminithed, or entirely loft. _“ The juice, expreffed from the freth leaves, is ftrongly impreg- nated with their active matter, but lofes the greateft part of it on being infpiffiated to an extra& with the gentleft warmth: in its liquid ftate, duly fecured from the air, it may be kept uninjured for many months. On diftilling the frefh herb with water, there arifes a {mall portion of effential oil, which taftes and fmells exceeding ftrongly.”’ * The medicinal charaCter of Alliaria 1s that of a powerful diaphore- tic, diuretic, and antifcorbutic ; and as partaking of the qualities of gatlick it has been deemed ufeful as an expeCtorant and deobftruent, in humoral afthmas, and other cafes of dyfpnoea. It has alfo been much efteemed as an external application, to promote fuppuration ; and Boerhaave informs us, that he cured a gangrene of the leg, arifing from a neglected fraGture and contufion, by applying the bruifed leaves of Alliaria with wine.” Ss : It has been thought unavailing to publifh figures of the remaining medical plants of this order, not only becaufe they appear unim- portant, but becaufe they are nearly allied to each other both in their medicinal and botanical charaéters, and are fufficiently exemplified here and in the former volumes of this work.—See Cochlearia, Sinapi, Cardamine, Raphanus rufticanus, Nafturtium aquaticum. - @ Lewis. hi cs > Hift. Plant. Lugd. Bat. 437. Thofe omitted are _ Lin. Name. | OFFICINAL. ENCLIsH. Sifymbrium Sophia Sophia -chrurgorum Flix-weed ee Rites sen Source rhe Winter Hedge-muftard : Raphanus fativus Raphanus Garden-Radith Braflica oleracea Braflica Cabbage meso! sas \ Rapestor Wild-Cabba ee Napus e, OF ape roasts tens Bac Garden-Rocket * Cheiranthus Cheiri Cheiri Wall-Flower Lepidium fativum Nafturtium hortenfe Garden-Crefs Thlafpi.arvenfe Thiafpi Battard-Crefs ->ae.- Burfa paftoris Burfapaftoris . Shepherd’s-Purfé MULTESILIQUZ. ( 88 ) MULTISILIQUZ. RANUNCULUS ACRIS. UPRIGHT MEADOW 7 : CROWFOOT. SYNONYM4. Ranunculus pratenfis. Pharm. Murray. iii. 75. Ranunculus foliis hirfutis femitrilobis, lobis lateralibus bipartitis, foliis caulinis femitrilobis. Hall. Stirp. Helv. n. 1169. Ranun- culus pratenfis ere€tus acris. Bauh, Pin, 178. Ger. Emac. 951. Park. Theat. 329. Ray. Synop. 248. R.acris. Hudf. Flor. Ang. 211. Withering. Bot. Arr. 576. Scop. Flor. Carniol. 398. Ie. Curt. Flor. Lond. Polyandria Polygynia. Lin. Gen. Plant. 699. Gen, Ch. . Cal. 5-phyllus. Petala 5 intra ungues poro mellifero, Sem. nuda, | Sp. Ch, RB. calycibus patulis, pedunculis teretibus, foliis tripartito- multifidis, fummis linearibus,. ROOT perennial, confifting entirely of long white flender fibres. Stalk erect, branched near the top, round, hairy, about two feet in height. Leaves on long upright footftalks, trifid, fubdividing into {maller laciniated lobes, marked beneath with {mall prominent reticu- Jated veins: at the baie of the peduncles, the leaves are fimple, linear, and fringed with hairs. Flowers yellow, terminal, on long round hairy peduncles. Calyx of five leaves, which are ovate, {preading, hairy, yellowifh. Corolla of five petals, yellow, fhining, heart-fhaped, commonly notched at the top. Filaments numerous, fhort, furnifhed with yellow inclining anther. Neétatarium, a fmall feale at the bafe of each petal. Germina numerous, forming an orbicular head. Styles none. Stigmata reflexed. Seeds numerous, roundifh, of a brown colour. It 24 Pad jot ra DE Weedville: hug tA, A99*- ( 8 ) It is a native of meadows and moift paftures, flowering in June and July. re | _ The great acrimony of this, and many of the other, fpecies of Ranunculus, is fuch, that on being applied to the {kin they excite itching, rednefs, and inflammation, and even produce blifters, tum efac- tion, and ulceration of the part. On being chewed they corrode the tongue; and, if taken into the ftomach, bring on all the delete- rious effects of an acrid poifon. ; : Thecorrofive acrimony, which this family of plants poffeffes was not unknown to the ancients, as appears from the writings of Diofcorides; but its nature and extent had never been inveftigated by experiments before thofe inftituted by C. Krapf * at Vienna, by which we learn that the moft virulent of the Lirinean fpecies of Ranunculus are the bulbofus, i{celeratus, acris, arventis, thora, and illyricus: The effects of thefe were tried either upon himfelf, or upon dogs, and fhow, that the acrimony of the different fpecies is often confined to certain parts of the plant, manifefting itfelf either in the roots, {talks, leaves, flowers, or buds: the exprefled juice, extraét, decoction, and infufon © of. thefe plants were alfo fubjefted to experiments. | ‘m , In addition to thefe fpecies, mentioned by Krapf, we may alfo notice. the R. Fammula, and efpecially the R. Alpeftris, which, -according to Haller, is the moft acrid. of this genus: However, as the fpecies here delineated is a common Englith plant, and pofledles this active principle diffufed in a very confiderable degree throughout the whole herb, it has been judged proper to fele& it for this work as a fufficient example and repreientative of the whole tribe. Mr. Curtis obferves that even pulling up this plant, and carrying it to fome little diftance, excited a confiderable inflammation in the palm of the hand in which it was held. ~ . It is neceflary to remark, that the acrimonious quality of thefe _ plants is not of a fixed nature; for it may be completely diffipated by @ Vide Experimenta de nonnullorum Ranunculorum venenata qualitate, horum externo et interno ufu. 1766. ae : 3 - The R: fceleratus feems more corrofive than the R. acris; and we are told by Dr, Withering, that “* beggars are faid to wfe it to ulcerate their feet, which they expofe in that {late to excite compaffion.”” No. 8.—Part II. - ; heat ; * ( 90 ) heat; and the plant on being thoroughly dried, becomes perfealy bland. - | Krapf attempted to counteract this venomous acrimony of the Ranunculus by means of various other vegetables, none of which was found to anfwer the purpofe, though he thought that the Juice of forrel, and that of unripe currants, had fome effeé in this way}; yet thefe were much lefs availing than water; while vinegar, honey, fugar, wine, fpirit, mineral acids, oil of tartar, p. d. and other fapid fubftances manifeftly rendered the acrimony more corrofive, It may be alfo noticed, that the virulency of this plant, as well as of moit others, depends much upon the fituation in which they grow, and is greatly diminifhed in the cultivated plant. This and fome other fpecies of Ranunculus have, for medical pur- pofes, been chiefly employed externally as a veficatory, and are faid to have the advantage of a common bliftering plafter, in producing a quicker effe&t, and never caufing ftranguary. But, on the other hand, it has been obferved, that the Ranunculus is lefs certain in its opera- tion, ‘and that it fometimes occafions ulcers, which prove very troublefome and difficult to heal. Therefore their ufe feems to be applicable only to certain fixed pains,” and fuch complaints as tequire a long continued topical ftimulus, or difcharge from the part, in the way of an iffue, which in various cafes has been found to be a ‘powerful remedy. _ b Cafes of its fuccefs in Pe rheumatifm,. and other complaints, are related by ~Chefnau (ob. med). Bagliy. (oper. p. 113), "Stoerck (ann, mets ii. i sou. __ ‘The manner of ufing the plant is to bruife it in a- mort ly it to the fkin as a poultice or sinter: PSS ee. ~ ans E : ey , -PAONIA PHONIA OFFICINALIS. == COMMON PEONY, SYNONYMA. Pezonia. Pharm. Dale. 17 . see ifien. i. 485. Lewis. 470, Edinb. New Difp. 246. Murray. ii. 37. - Bergius. 477. Pzonia folio nigricante fplendido, que mas—et. Pzonia foemina, &e. Baub. Pin. 323. Ger. Emac. 980. Park. Theat. 1381. Ray. Hit. 693. Pzonia foliis. lobatis ex cn tingel Hall, Helv, Miller. Dia, Le, Mill. Mlupe. ae Digynia. Lis, Gen, Plant, 678. _ Gen, ba Cale s-phylus, Palo Ss Syl 0 ce Oops polyfperme, Sp. Ch, P. foliolis cbongis, pee 4 RS jane ‘. ROOT perennial, ane iene asternsiles ‘ial, “intekdlly white, compact. Stalks two feet in height, thick, fmooth, Kisieaic: branched. Leaves pinnated, or cut into lobes, which are: oblong, few, terminated by an odd one, Flowers large, terminal, folitary, red. Calyx compofed of five. unequal ovate concave leaves. Corolla naturally confifting of five large petals, which are roundith and concavé, Filaments about thirty, thort, flender, fupporting oblong quadrangular anthere. Germina two, ovate, erect,. . hairy. Styles none, Stigmata hooked, — Capfules two, opt ‘oblong, inclining outwardly, fi ngle-celled, fingle-valved,, and d epataming numerous {mall feeds. Peony is a “native of Swrierecbaritt it has been. cultivated i in Britain fince the time of Turner, and i is now a common plagt 4 in the P Englith prdene, where i it flowers | in Me and Funes, i This Cogs 5 This plant has long been confidered as a powerful medicine; and, till the late revifion of the Pharmacopeeia by the London College, it — had a place in the catalogue of the Materia Medica; in which the two common varieties of this plant are indifcriminately dire¢ted for ule, and, on the authority of C. Bauhine, improperly diftinguifhed into male and female Peony. “ The roots and feeds of Peony have, when frefh, a faint un- pleafant fmell; fomewhat of the narcotic kind; and a mucilaginous fubacrid tafte, with a flight degree of bitternefs and aftringency. » In drying they lofe their fmell, and part of their tafte. Extraéts made from them by water are almoft infipid, as well as inodorous; but extracts made by rectified fpitit are manifeftly bitterifh and con- fiderably aftringent.” | “* The flowers have rather more {mell than any of the other parts of the plant, and a rough fweetifh tafte, which they impart, together with their colour, both to water and fpirit.” * ‘The roots, flowers, and feeds of Peony have beeri efteemed in the character of an anodyne and corroborant, but more efpecially the roots; which fince the days of Galen” have been very commonly employed as a remedy for the epilepfy. For this purpofe it was ufual to cut the root into thin flices, which were to be attached to a ftring, and fufpended about the neck as an amulet; if this failed of fuccefs, the patient was to have recourfe to the internal ufe of this root, which Willis* directs to be given in the form of powder, and in the quantity of a dram two or three times a day, by which, as we are informed, both infants and adults were cured of this difeafe. Other authors recommend the exprefled juice to be given in wine, and fweetened with fugar, as the moft effectual way of adminiftering this plant. Many writers," however, efpecially in modern times, from repeated trials of the Peony in epileptic cafes, have found it of no ule whatever; though profeflor Home, who gave the radix pzoniz to * Lie bee > De fimp: lib. 6. p. 807. Ricer : | © Pathol. Cerebri. caps 3 ¢ Boerhaave, Haller, Tiffot, and others. two ( og ) two Epileptics at the Edinburgh Infirmary, declares that one received a temporary advantage from its ufe.° . Of the good effects of this plant in other diforders we find na inftances recorded. | . § See Clinical Experiments, &c. p. 20g. The following are the remaining medicinal plants of this order which we have not thought fufficiently important to require any particular confideration ; Systematic Names, OFFICINAL, Enc.iisu. Aquilegia vulgaris Aquilegia Columbine Aconitum Anthora Anthora Wholefome Wolf’s-bane Delphinium Confolida Confolida regalis Branched Larkfpur Nigella fativa Nigella Fennel-flower Ranunculus fceleratus — R. paluftris ; Marth Crowfoot —- Flammula Flammula Spearwort Crowfoot bulbofus R. bulbofus Bulbop Crowfoot - Ficaria Chelidonium minus Pilewort Crowfoot Anemone nemorofa Ranunculus albus Wood Anemone Hepatica Hepatica nobilis Blue Hepatica Thali@rum flavum ThaliQrum Meadow Rug ( o# ): + "COMPOS IT £. ao CICHORIUM INTYBUS. WILD, or BLUE SUCCORY: SYNONYMA. Cichoreum. Pharm. Geoff. iti. 319. Dale. 84 Alfton. i. 412. Lewis. 227. Edinb. New Difp.171. Murray. i. ioo. Bergius. 650. Cichorium fylveftre, five officinarum: Baubh, Pin, 126. Gerard, Emac. 284. Park. Theat. 776... Ray. Hifts 255. CsIntybus. Hudfon. Flor. Ang. 348. Withering. Bot. Arrs 862. Curt. Flor. Lond. 241. Syngenefia Polygamia Aqualis. Lin. Ger. Plant. g2ts Gen. Ch. Receptaculum fubpaleaceum: Gal. calycuilatus. —- Pappus fub-s5-dentatus, : obfolete pilofus. Sp. Ch. C. ftoribus geminis feflilibus, foliis runcinatis. | ROOT perennial, long, tapering, branched, or fpindle-thaped ; externally yellowish, internally white, laCtefcent. Stalk ere€t, roughy branched, angular, from one to two or even three feet in height Leaves at the root numerous, pinnatifid, or cut into irregular feg- ments like thofe of dandelion: on the ftalk they are alternate, feffile, fomewhat f{pear-fhaped, but indented and rough at the bafe. Flowers. compound, large, blue, commonly in pairs. Calyx common to all the florets, compofed of a double fet of leaves, of which the outer are in number five, ovate, fpreading, and fringed with glandular hairs; the inner fet confifts of about eight. Corolla compofed of hermaphrodite florets, which are regular, blue; and about twenty in number, each confifting of a fhort white tube, from which arifes'a long flat ribbed limb, divided at the extremity into five tecth. Fila-_ - ments 248 . Inty (itd LDiblijteel bp TE Woedtoill dag ld, A994 u i i (a : Ouchorium E C3 “ments white, flender, unconneéted. Antherz blue, forming a hollow angular cylinder. Germen conical, crowned with fhort hairs. Style filiform. Stigmata two, rolled back, blue. Seeds numerous, naked, angular, lodged at the bottom of the calyx. ; ; It commonly grows about the borders of corn fields, and flowers in July and Augutft. , . This plant belongs to the fame family with the garden endive, and by fome botanifts has been fuppofed to be the fame plant in its un+ cultivated ftate; but the endive commonly ufed as fallad is an annual, or at moft a biennial plant, and its parent is now known to be the Cichorium Endivia, eee It appears from Horace and others," that the Cichorea was com- monly eaten by the Romans; and according to Pliny * this name fignified the wild {pecies of the plant. The Intybus and Seris are ae mentioned as its congeners, the latter implying the cultivated ecies, | , Wild Succory, or Cichory, as it has been called, “ abounds with a milky juice, of a penetrating bitterifh tafte, and of no remarkable fmell, or particular favour: the roots are bitterer than thé leaves or ftalks, and thefe much more fo than the flowers.” By culture in gardens, and blanching, it lofes its bitternefs, and may be eaten early in the {pring in fallads. The roots, if gathered before the ftems fhoot up, are alfo eatable, and when dried may be made into bread.* The roots and leaves of this plant are ftated by Lewis to be “ very ufeful aperients, ating mildly and without irritation, tending rather to abate than to increafe heat, and which may therefore be given with fafety in he€tic and inflammatory cafes. Taken freely, they keep the belly open, or produce a gentle diarrhea; and when thus * ~ ——— Me pafcunt olive Me cichorea; levefque malvz. Hor. Od. 31. «« Cichoreay & teneris frondens laCtucula fibris.” Fuvenal: Sb Lil, wx. es 8. © Withering. l. ¢. continued (ON ee continued for fome time, they have often proved falutary in begin« ning obftru@tions of the vifcera, in jaundices, cachexies, hypochon- driacal and other chronical diforders.” ¢ A decoction of this herb, with others of the like kind, in whey, and rendered purgative by a fuitable addition of polychreft falt, was found an ufeful remedy in cafes of biliary calculi,° and promifes — advantage in many complaints requiring what have been termed attenuants and refolvents: The virtues of Succory, like thofe of dandelion, refide in its milky juice; and in moft of the plants of the order Semiflofculofe, a juice of a fimilar nature is to be found: therefore what has been before obferved of the effects of taraxacum, | will, in a great meafure, apply to the Cichorium; and we are war- ranted in faying, that the expreffed juice of both thefe plants, taken in large dofes, frequently repeated, has been found an efficacious remedy in phthifis, pulmonalis, as well as in the various other affections above mentioned. The feeds of the Cichorium, which are fmall, angular, and of a brown colour, are reckoned among the four fmaller cooling feeds, @ Lewis. 1. c. * Van Swieten. Comment. T, iii. p. 137 MATRICARIA | “tte _ MATRICARIA PARTHENIUM. COMMON FEVERFEW. SYNONYMA. Matricaria. Pharm. Geoff. iit. 825. Dale. 97. Aifton. ti. 175. Lewis. 414. Ed. New. Difpenf. 227. Murray. 4.148. Bergius. 687. Cullen. it. 362. Matricaria vulgaris five fativa. Baub. Pin. 133. Gerard. Emac. 652. Park. Theat. 8 > Ray. Hift. 357: Synop.. 187. Hall. Hi/t. Stirp. Helv. n. 100. M. Parthenium. Hudfon. Flor. Ang. 371. fh beoivt Bot. Arr. 931. Ic. Flor. Dan. 192. | “ Syngenefia, Poiyeaita Superflua. ‘Lin. Gen. Plant. 967. Gen. Ch. Recept. nudum. “Pappus nile Cal. Pg gee od imbricatus: marginalibus folidis, acutiufculis. Sp. Ch. M. foliis compolitis plains folighs a ovatis inci pedun- culis ramofis. ROOT perennial, compofed of numerous ae fibres: “Stalk etedt, firm, much branched, ftriated, round, {mooth, rifing above two feet in height. Leaves alternate, hairy, pinnated ; lobes irregular, toothed, blunt; terminal lobe bifid. Flowers large, compound, at the centre yellow, at the radius white, upon long peduncles, forming a kind of umbel. Calyx common to ail the florets, hemifpherical, and compofed of numerous ovate {quamz, which are membranous at the border. Florets at the radius, female, oblong, about two lines in breadth, terminated by three fmall teeth. Stigma bifid, turned in ~ oppofite direGtions. Florets of the difk numerous, tabular, hermaph- rodite, five-toothed. Filaments five, capillary, very fhort. Anthere forming a hollow cylinder. Seeds egg-fhaped, truncated at the bafe, furrowed, whitifh, without pappus. ~ It is common about hedges, walls, and wafte ‘grounds, flowering in June and July. No. 8.—Part II. 28 "The ( 8) “ The leaves and flowers of Feverfew have.a ftrong not agreeable {mell, and a moderately bitter tafte, both which they communicate, by warm infufion, to water and rectified fpirit. The watery infufions, inf{piflated, leave an extract of confiderable bitternefs, and which difcovers alfo a falime matter both to the tafte and in a more fenfible manner by throwing up to the furface {mall cryftalline efflorefcences in keeping: the peculiar flavour of the Matricaria exhales in the evaporation, and impregnates the diftilled water, on which alfo a quantity of effential oil is found floating. The quantity of {pirituous extract, according to Cartheufer’s experiments, is only about one-fixth the weight of the dry leaves, whereas the watery extract amounts to near one-half,” _ ; This plant is evidently the Parthenium of Diofcorides, fince whofe. time it has been very generally employed for medical purpofes. In natural affinity it ranks with camomile and tanfy, and its fenfible qualities fhow it to be nearly allied to them in its medicinal chara¢ter, Bergius ftates its yirtues to be tonic, ftomachic, refolvent, and emme- _ nagogue. It has been given fuccefsfully as a vermifuge, and for the cure of intermittents; but its ufe is moft celebrated in female difor- ders, efpecially in hyfteria ;* and hence it is fuppofed to have derived the name Matricaria.° Its fmell, tafte, and analyfis prove it to be a medicine of confider- able activity; we may therefore fay with Murray, ‘** Rarius hodie “* prefcribitur, quam debetur.” * According to Sim, Paulli, its efficacy in this diforder was very remarkable.—- Quadrip. p. 432. ; >» “ TapSeney, quafi virginalis, quod morbis mulierum uterinis medeatur, ‘hinc vulgo matricaria.” &c.—C, B. gee” : LACTUCA Vublijhed by DI Woodville Aug !s. 19g¢6.. ( 99 ) ; LACTUCA VIROSA. STRONG-SCENTED WILD LETTUCE, SYNONYMA. La@uea virofa, Pharm, Edinb. nov. New Ed, Difpenf. 217, Murray. App. Med. vol. 6. 13, Lactuca fylvettris, odore virofo. Baub. Pin. 123. Lattuca fylveftris major, odore opii. Gerard. Emac. 309. Lattuea Endiviz foliis, odore virofo. ~ Park. 813. Ray. Hift. 219. Synop. 161. Haller. Hift. 15, L. virofa. Hudfon. Flor. Ang. 337. Withering. Bot. Arr. 835. Ic. Collin. Of, vi. pref Syngenefia. Polygamia Aiqualis. Lin. * HS. Plant. Jog. Gen. Ch. Recept. nudum, Cal. imbricatus, cylindricus, margine . gmembranaceo. Pappus fimplex, ftipitatus, Sem. levia. Sp. Ch. L. foliis horizontalibus carina aculeatis dentatis, ROOT biennial, 5 Seo ‘branched, firm, furnifhed with long fibres. Stalk from two to four feet high, flender, ereét, round, prickly near the bafe, above fmooth, branched. Branches {preading, Leaves at the root oblong, wedge-fhaped, entire, or cut into winged _ clefts, toothed, commonly prickly at the underfide of the midrib, feffile, horizontal: leaves onthe ftem arrow-fhaped, embracing the ‘ftalk, either entire or cut into pinnated lobes: upper and floral leaves arrow-fhaped, entire, pointed, embracing the branches at which they are placed. Flowers compofed of numerous equal yellow florets, ‘Calyx oblong, confifting of feveral {mall {pear-fhaped unequal {cales, Florets numerous, uniform, hermaphrodite, each compofed of narrow petals, cut at the extremity into four or five minute teeth. Filaments - frve, very fhort, hair-like. Anthere forming a cylindrical tube. ‘Germen egg-thaped. Style filiform. Stigmata two, reflexed. Seeds ovate, compreffed, lodged upon the naked receptacle, and furnifhed with a fimple hairy feather placed upon a footftalk. It grows about ditch banks, borders of fields, and old walls, flowering in July and Auguft. | 3 This { apo) ). This plant has 4 ftrong ungrateful {mell, refembling that of opium, and a bitterifh acrid tafte; it abounds with a milky juice, in which its fenfible qualities feem to refide, and which appears to have been noticed by Diofcorides, who defcribes the odour and tafte of this Juice as nearly agreeing with that of the white poppy; its effects are alfo faid, according to Haller, to be powerfully narcotic. Dr. Collin, at Vienna, (whofe name has been frequently men- tioned in the courfe of this work) firft brought the Laétuca virofa into medical repute," and its charaéter has lately induced the College of Phyficians at Edinburgh to infert it in the catalogue of the Materia Medica, More than twenty-four cafes of dropfy are faid by Collin to have been fuccefsfully treated, by employing an extra@t prepared from the expreffed juice of this plant; which is fated not only to be - powerfully diuretic, but by attenuating the vifcid humours to promote all the fecretions, and to remove vifceral obftru@ions. In the more fimple cafes, proceeding from debility, the extra, in dofes of eigh- teen to thirty grains a day, proved fufficient to accomplifh a cure; but when the difeafe was inveferate, and accompaiiied with vifceral obftru€tions, the quantity of extraé&t was increafed to three drams : nor did larger dofes, though they excited naufea, ever produce any other bad effe&; and the patients continued fo {trong under the ufe. of this remedy, that it was feldom neceflary to employ any tonic medicines. = Though Dr. Collin began his. experiments with the La@uca at the Pazman hofpital, at the time he was trying the arnica’in 1771, yet very few phyficians, even at Vienna, have fince adopted the ufe of this plant. _ oe Plenciz indeed has publifhied a folitary inftance ® of its efficacy, while Quarin ‘ informs us that he never experienced any good effet from its ufe, alledging that thofe, who were defirous of fupporting ite cha- racter, mixed with it a quantity of extraétum {cillx, Under thefe circumftances we fhall only fay, that the recommendation of this medicine by Dr. Collin, will be fearcely thought fufficient to eftablith its ufe in England. : ies . * Obferv. circa Morb. P. vi, es » Jofeph de Plenciz. Aa. & Ob: Med. p. 107. * Animadv: Praé. a isk ; re ‘The | 4 € on 3 ‘The remaining medicinal plants of the ofilet Compofite, which have not been figured in this work, are Shitiiea rid NaMEse Carduus marianus Onopordon Acanthium Carlina acaulis . Carthamus tinCtorius Centaurea Cyanus : Centaurea Calcitrapa Cichorium Endivia_ Scorzonera humilis ‘Tragopogon pratenfe. Lactuca fativa * Sonchus oleraceus Hieracium Pilofella Gnaphalium arenarium: Gnaphalium dioicum Artemifia rupeftris _- Tanacetum Balfamita Eupatorium cannabinum - Santolina Chame-Cypariflus Spilanthus Acmella Tuffilago Petafites Xanthium ftrumarium ~ Matricaria Chamomilla -Ovviciwal: Carduus Marie Carduus tomentofus Carlina Carthamus Cyanus Calcitrapa: - Endivia Scorzonera Tragopogom _ Lad&tuca _. Sonchus - Pilofella Stoechas citrina: - ~Gnaphalium. Genipi album. Balfamita mas: Eupatorium. Santolina. Acmella _ Petafites ‘Xanthium Chamomilla noftras: ChryfanthemumLeucanthemum. Bellis major Anthemis Cotula et tennis nula erica « pea Pardalianches Achillea Ptarmica — Achillea Ageratum Solidago Virgaurea. Senecio vulgaris _ Erigeron acre Calendula oneal aes = ONo. gPart - Cotula foetida - - i be minor = | amedia. Dackicon Ptarmica ~ a sod Virga aurea. , Senecio Conyza coerulea Calendula 2c ENGLISH. Milk Thiftle Cotton Thiftle - % _ Dwarf Carlina -. Baftard Saffron Blue-bottle Star Thiftle — Common Endive _ Dwarf Viper’s-grafs. - Yellow Goat’s-beard _ Garden Lettuce Common Sow-thiftle ~ Moufe-ear Hawkweed German Cudweed - Cat’s-foot Cudweed . Creeping Wormwood. Coft-mary Hemp. Agrimony Lavender Cotton 3 Balm-leav’d Spilanthus. - Butter-bur. Leffler Xanthium _ Gorn Feverfew Ox-eye Daify - Stinking Camomile - €ommon Daify Middle Elecampane Great Leopard’s-bane- is Sneeze-wort Milfoil Sweet Milfoil Golden-rod ~ Common Grouhdlel: Blue Erigeron mare Marygold. CARYOPHYLLEE. ( 102 ) | CARYOPHYLLEE. oe. SAPONARIA OFFICINALIS. SOARWORT. SYNONYMA. Saponaria. Pharm. Dale. 230. Rutty. 463. Lewis. §84. Edinb. New Difpenf. 277. Murray. iii. 505. Bergius. 369. Hall. Hift. Helv. n. 980. Saponaria major levis. Baub. Pin. 206. Gerard. Emac. 444. Saponaria vulgaris. Park. 641. Ray. Hift.999. Lychnis Saponaria didta. Ray. Synop. 339. S. officinalis. Hud/: Ang. 183. With. Bot. Arr. 438. Ic. Flor. Dan. 543. Flor. Lond. cis oe ee of geet Decandria Digynia. | Lin. Gen. Plant. 564. “ Gen. Ch. . Cal. 1-phyllus nudus. Petala 5» ungui cula ae Caps. oblonga, 1-locularis. — Beh ace ae Sp. Ch. &. calyc. cylindricis, fol, ovato-lanceolatis, . ROOT perennial, fpreading, widely branched, covered with a reddifh cuticle. Stalks about a foot in height, ere, firm, round, — jointed, fending off oppofite branches. Leaves oval, entire, pointed, connate, furnifhed with three ribs. ° Flowers numerous, terminal, of a pale flefh or white colour. Calyx oy! eae ys at the apex into five pointed teéth.. Corolla compofed of five petals, which are furnifhed with long angular claws: the limb is inverfely heart-fhaped, and at its bafe fupplied with two ne@arious teeth, placed in the centre. Filaments ten, tapering, longer than the calyx, ~ furnifhed with oblong anthere. Germen oblong, befet with tranf- verfe ruge. Styles two, tapering, white. Stigmata fimple. Capfule one-celled, containing numerous black kidney-fhaped feeds. . It is a native of England, affecting moift fituations, and flowerin o in July and Auguft. Gan. ee : A double-flowered variety of this plant is not unfrequently met with in gardens. ees ; The > ical, rigid, oblong, divided =~ Pubiifid ty DeWeodvilte, Auguft 41°A7 94» { 103 ) The root has no peculiar fmell; its tafte is fweetifh, glutinous, and fomewhat bitter; on being chewed for fome time, it is faid to difcover a degree of acrimony, which continues to affe& the mouth a con- fiderable time. According to Neuman, two ounces of the root yielded eleven drams of watery extra; but Cartheufer, from a like quantity, only obtained fix drams, and twenty-four grains. This extract manifefted a fweetifh tafte, followed by an acrid quality. The fpirituous extract is lefs in quantity, but of a more penetrating acrid tafte. Decoétions of the root, on being fufficiently agitated, produce a faponaceous froth; a fimilar foapy quality is obfervable alfo in the extra, and ftill more manifeftly in the leaves, infomuch that they have been ufed by the mendicant monks as a fubftitute for foap in wafhing of their clothes; and Bergius, who made feveral experiments with the Saponaria, declares that it has all the effe@s of foap itfelf.* , eee wees 4 | From thefe peculiar qualities ° of the Saponaria there can be little doubt of its poffefling a confiderable fhare of medical eflicacy, which we could with to find faithfully afcertained. | . The difeafes for which the Saponaria is recommended, as fyphilis, gout, rheumatifm, and jaundice, are not perhaps the complaints in which its ufe is moft availing; for a fancied refemblance of the roots _of Saponaria with thofe of farfaparilla, feems to have led phyficians to think them fimilar in their effe€ts, and hence they have both been adminiftered with the fame intentions, particularly in fixed pains, and venereal affections. Bergius fays, “ in arthritide, cura mercu- - yiale, &c, nullum aptiorem potum novi.” — : However, according to feveral writers, the moft ‘inveterate cafes of fyphilis were cured by a decoétion of this plant, without the ufe of mercury© wees j 4 I Haller informs us, that Boerhaave entertained an high opinion of . its efficacy in jaundice, and other vifceral obftructions. © He obferves alfo, that the Saponaceous quality is not injured by acids, like that f {i a : =e % 2 . ar * © iS eee foal d except the kernels of the fruit of the Sapindus Saponaria, the root of Gypfophila Struthium, and the flowers of the Lychnis chalcedonica. © Vide edie De morb. occult. et venenat. L. 5. ¢- 18. p.215._ Septalius, dnimady. et caut, med. p» 275. Zapata, Memorab. medico-chir, Werner. Diff: de virtute faponar. . : CAMPANACEZ, ( 104 ) CAMPANACEA. VIOLA ‘TRICOLOR. PANSIE, Or : Bees _THREE-COLOURED VIOLET. SYNONY MA, Viola tricolor... Pharm. Dale. 239. Bergius. 708. Murray. vi. 33. ° Viola tricolor arvenfis, Baub. Pin, 200. V. tricolor fylveftris. Park. 755. Ger. Emac. 854. Jacea tricolor five Trinitatis flos. F. Bauh. iii. 546. Ray. Synop. 336. Hall. Hit. Stirp. Helv. 569. Hudf.. Fh. Ang. 331. Withering. Bot. | Arr.gs7. Curt. Flor. Lond. Flor. Dan. 623. B Viola teiealoe hortenfis Seas 7 C. Be - Syngenefia Monogainia. Lin, Gen, Plant, 1007. Gen. abe Pig 5-phyllus. Cor. 5-petala, irregularis, piling cor= atta: “Caps, fupera, Ebi tS t-locularis, Sp. Ch. V. caule ‘wiguetro ait, ‘fol. oblong incif is, pe : __ piinatifidis. °° ee : : ROOT annual, fimple, especie” fibrous. ‘Stalk from four to fix inches high, branched, thick, angular, fucculent, Leaves various fhaped, ovate, or ‘elliptical, crenated, narroweft at the upper part of. the plant, often three- together, on. ‘Tong. footftalks, Stipule‘com- — pound, cut into linear feoments. Flowers folitary, tricoloured,, ee placed on long angular footftalks furnifhed with a. pair of membra- _ nous ftipule near the flower. Calyx of five pointed leaves, of which the three uppermoft are fomewhat finaller than the others. Corolla pentapetalous, irregular. _The two. uppermoft petals roundith, erect, dark purple; the two lateral petals elliptical, obtufe, yellowith, ’ rough at the bafe, and marked with purple lines; lower petal broad, notched. in the middle, yellow, tinged with dark. radiated lites, forming behind © Vs / Arecotor Pub liphed by DP Windet lle S gpl 4, 479+. Unies behind a fpur-like procefs or nectarium. Filaments five, very thort. Antherez fealy, lax, united, two-celled, terminated by an orange- coloured membrane. Germen conical. Style twifted at the bafe. Stigma round, obliquely perforated, permanent. Capfule one-celled, three valved, containing numerous, oval fhining feeds. It grows in corn fields, wafte and cultivated grounds, flowering all — the fummer months. _ | ' This plant varies much by cultivation, and by the vivid colouring Of its flowers often becomes extremely beautiful in gardens, where it is diftinguifhed by various names, _ PS 7 To the tafte this plant, in its recent flate, is extremely glutinous, or mucilaginous, accompanied with the common herbaceous flavour and roughnefs. By diftillation with water, according to Haafe,* it affords a {mall quantity of odorous effential oil, of a fomewhat-acrid tafte. The dried herb.yields about half its weight of watery extract, the frefh plant about one eighth. Though many of the old writers on the Materia Medica reprefent this plant as a powerful medicine in epilepfy, afthma, ulcers, {cabies, ~and cutaneous complaints, yet the viola tricolor owes its prefent cha- racter as a medicine to the modern authorities of Starck,” Metzger, Haafe,* and. others,’ efpecially as a remedy for the crufta lactea. For this purpofe, a handful of the freth herb, or half a dram ofit dried, and boiled two hours in milk, is to be ftrained and taken night and morn- ing, Bread, with this decoction, is alfo to be formed into a poultice, and applied to the part. By this treatment it has been obferved, that the eruption during the firlt eight days increafes, and that the urine, when the medicine fucceeds, has an odour fimilar to that of cats ; but on continuing the ufe of the plant a fufficient time, this {mell goes off, the fcabs difappear, and the fkin recovers its natural purity. : 2 De viola tricolare. Erlang. 1782. > De crufta ladtea infantum ejufdemque remedio differtatio, quam Acad. feient. Lugd. Gall. er se. fp ad Moen. 1779. See alfo London Medical Sournal. vol, it. : Poe Med. Schriften. vol. 2. tL, t : one’s publication on this fubject we have not feen. In Sweden many tefti- peg aye effeds of this ate have been publifhed. See Murray. 1. c. ~ monies of the good . No. 9.—Part Hl. 2D Inftances ~ {100° 3 Inftances of the fuccefsful exhibition of this medicine, as cited by thefe authors, are very numerous ; indeed this remedy, under their management, feems rarely, if ever, to have failed. It appears, - however, that Murfinna, Ackermann# and Henning,’ were lefs fortunate in the employment of this plant; the laft of whom, — declares, that in the different cutaneous diforders in which he ufed. it, no benefit was derived. Haafe, who adminiftered this fpecies of violet in various forms, and large dofes, extended its ufe to many chronic diforders; and fiom the great number of ‘cafes in which it proved fuccefsful, we are. defirous of recommending it to a further trial in this country. 3 It is remarkable that Bergius {peaks of this plant as a ufeful muci- laginous purgative, and takes no notice of its. eflicacy 1 in the crufta lactea, or in any other difeafe. _ € Med. chirurg. Beobacht. 2. Samml. p-- 107. See. ® See Comment. de rebus, Sc. vol. 27. 170. * See Beob. iiber einige Arzneymittel, p- 65». ==. : ——as The remaining medicinal plants, belonging to this order, are the fpecies of the convolvulus, officinally called Mechoacanna, convol- vulus major, Turpethum and Soldanella; Dentaria or Plumbago europea: Viola canina, or dog’s violet, the roots of which have: lately been difcovered’to be both emetic and cathartic. PAPILONACEE. ee | PAPILONACEA. | ASTRAGALUS EXSCAPUS. | STEMLESS MILK VETCH. Cacia ne le poem SYNONYMA. Aftragalus exfcapus. Of: Murray. vi. 83. Sacquin Colled. ad bot. vol. 2. p. 269. Icon, ejufd. Plant. rar. vol. 2. fafe. 1.¢,17. Cf. Winterl. Ind, Hort. bot. Peftin. p. 14. Aftragalus perennis {upinus, foliis et filiquis hifpidis, flore luteo. Knauth. Fl. Hal. p. 41. - Buxbaum. Pl. Hal. p- 32. Cicer montanum auxron, Baub. Pin. 341. Glayx lanuginofa montana acaulos, Rupp. Fi. Jen. ed. Hall. 270. Ic. Girtauner. lc. inf. : Diadelphia Decandria. Lin. Gen. Plant. 892. Gen. Ch. Legumen biloculare, gibbum.. - : Sp. Ch. A. acaulis exfcapus, leguminibus lanatis, foliis villofis. ROOT perennial, fimple, or generally branched towards the extremity; very long, flender, running deeply in the ground. Leaves all radical, long, pinnated, confifting of numerous pinnz, which are tegular, ovate, oppolite, villous, entire, gradually {maller towards. the top of the leaf, at which ftands a fingle leafit. The flowers are large, of a pale yellow colour, and placed at the crown of the root. Calyx tubular, deeply cut into five long pointed teeth. Corolla papilionacious, confifting of the vexillum, which is large, ftraight, clofing, emarginated at the apex, two alz or oblong lateral petals,, and a fhort blunt carina or keel-fhaped under-petal. Filaments ten, . nine of which are united, and all furnifhed with. {mall roundith * anthere. Germen oblong. ~ Style tapering, bent upwards, and: fupplied with a blunt ftigma. Pod oblong, hairy, two-valved, con- taining kidney-fhaped feeds. 3 (ie This fpecies of Aftragalus is a native of Hungary, growing in mountainous fituations, It was firft introduced into the Royal Garden. at Kew by Jacquin in 1787 sah ae dss 4 | The. ce Fy The root, which is the medicinal part of the-plant, is, in its dried ftate, rough, and wrinkled, in long flender pieces, externally brown, internally white, and eafily dividing longitudinally into filamentous _ fibres. It is deftitute of odour, but to the tafte it is bitterith, and fomewhat aftringent. In decoéion its tafte approaches to that. of liquorice; fome however compare its flavour to that of bitter almonds.” It yields about a third part of its weight of extract by means of water, but by fpirit a very inconfiderable quantity is obtained. _ Since the year 1786 this plant has been much celebrated as a remedy in fyphilitic complaints. It was firft brought into notice by Profeffor Winterl, at Peft, who wrote to his friends in Vienna, that on the borders of Hungary it was in common ufe 4s a remedy for the vene- real difeafe ; in confequence of this information it was tried with fuccefs at the General Hofpital by Quarin.* From Vienna its repu- tation {pread over all Germany; nor does its character reft wholly on the teftimony of foreigners, as Dr. Crighton,t during his refidence at Vienna had occafion to witnefs its efficacy. This root is employed — in decoétion in the proportion of half an ounce to a pint of water, and taken warm night and morning: it is alfo occafionally to be ufed externally. ‘By perfevering a few weeks in the ufe of this decoétion, we are told that, without mercury, the various fymptoms of the moft inveterate fyphilis, as nodes, exoftofes, tophi, fcabies, venereal blotches, buboes, ulcers, &c. have been effeQtually cured. Befides the authors above noticed, we may remark, that the fubfequent publications of Endter,* Wegerich,” Girtanner,’ Werner,® Tietz," Carmanti,’ all tend in fome meafure to confirm the efficacy of this root. Its ufe is perfectly fafe ; and Carmanti and others found it necef- {ary to make the decoétion much ftronger than that before mentioned. *Profeflor Hunczowfky, though unable ‘to difcover its anti-venereal “powers, admits it to be an ufeful remedy in rheumatifm. _ _ _ Its fenfible effefts are an increafe of the cutaneous and urinary difcharges. | : | | » Endter. Diff de Aftrag. exfeapo. b. 12. Dr, C’s let rf hed b rey: Arima prac Zs } Dr. C’s letter is publithed by Girtanner, and in the London Med. «Ve Qe 405- © be ts © Diff. de Afrragali exfcapi radice. Erf. A sg VSS: * Abb. iiber d. vener. krankh. vol. i. p. 406. & eq. & See Diff de virtute Saponaria of. 1789. * Vide Diff. de virtute Aftrag. Sc. 1790. + Vide Opufe. therapeut. v. 2. PTEROCARPUS Y, 474 f HIN U} th Sy h ca ( 109 ) PTEROCARPUS SANTALINUS. RED SAUNDERS TREE. ~ SYNONYMA. Santalum rubrum. Pharm. Lond. & Edinb. San- dalum rubrum... Rumph. Amb, vol. 2. p. 47. Moutouchi fuberofa, Aublet. Guian. vol. 2. p. '74.2+ ts 200. Conf. Supp. Plant. 318.. Diadelphia Detandria. Lin. Gen. Plant. 854. Gen. Ch. Cal. s-dentatus. Caps. falcata, foliacea, varicofa. Sem. aliquot folitaria. *> Le A Sp. Ch. P. foliis ternatis fubrotundis retufis glaberrimis, petalis cre- natis undulatis. e A LARGE tree, fending off lofty alternate branches, and covered with rough bark, refembling that of common alder. Leaves alternate, on footftalks, in our fpecimen placed in pairs, -and divided into three fimple leaves, but according to the Supp. plant. the leaves are three together, and each feparating into four or five alternate pinnz: fimple leaves roundith or ovate, blunt, retufe, or fomewhat notched at the apex, entire, veined, above fmooth, beneath hoary. Flowers yellow, in axillary fpikes. Stipule none. Braétex none. Calyx rough, cut at the brim into five fhort fegments. Corolla papilionacious; vexillum obcordate, erect, fomewhat reflexed at the fides, dentated, waved, yellow, ftriated with red; ale fpreading,’ edges appearing toothed ; carina oblong, a little inflated, fhort. Filaments ten, ‘diadelphous, fur- nifhed with white round anthere. Germen on.a footftalk, oblong, compreffed, hairy. Style curved. Stigma obtufe. Pod roundith, compreffed, fmooth, falcated upwards, lower margin keel-fhaped, containing a round comprefied feed. This tree is a native of India, affecting mountainous fituations.. Its cliaraéters were firft afcertained by K6nig, who fent a {pecimen and defeription of it to the younger Linnzus, by whom it is pub- lithed in the Species plantarum. » sire No. 9.—Part I. 2E The { aap 9 The annexed figure, which fhould have been given in the fir part of Medical Botany, is taken from a very perfed {pecimen in the Herbarium of Sir Jofeph Banks.* There is reafon to believe, that feveral red woods, capable of com- municating this colour to fpirituous liquors, are fold as Red Saunders; but the true officinal kind appears, on the beft authority, to be of this tree, which is extremely hard, of a bright garnet red colour, and bears a fine polifh. It is only the inner fubftance of the wood that is ufed as a colouring matter, and the more florid red is moft efteemed. On being cut it is faid to manifeft a fragrant odour, which is more efpecially perceptible in old trees. According to Lewis, this wood “ is of a dull red almoft blackith colour on the outfide, and a deep brighter red within; its fibres are _ now and then curled, as in knots. It has no manifeft fmell, and little or no tafte: even of extracts made from it with water, or with {pirit, the tafte is inconfiderable. To watery liquors it communicates only a yellowith tinge, but to rectified {pirit a fine deep red: a {mall quantity of an extract, made with this menftruum, tinges a large one of freth {pirit of the fame elegant colour ; though it does not, like moft other refinous bodies, diffolve in expreffed oils: of diftilled oils, there are fome, as that of lavender, which receive a red tin@ture from the wood itfelf, and from its refinous extra@, but the greater number does not.” Red Saunders has been efteemed as a medicine; but its only ufe attaches to its colouring property. The juice of this tree, like that of fome others, affords a fpecies of fanguis draconis. @ The fpecimen is accompanied with a pibce of the wood, which anfwers to the defcription here given. » M. M. 579. The medicinal glans of this order, which remain unnoticed, are Systematic NaMgs, | OrFicinaL, ‘EnGLisu; Lupinus albus Lupinus White Lupine Genifta canarienfis Rhodium lignum Rhodium Wood Ononis arvenfis Ononis” Reft-harrow Vicia Faba Faba Garden-bean Ervum Lens Lentes ‘Lentil, or flat Tare Ervam Ervilia Ervum — : Officinal Tare Cicer arietinum, Cicer. ven Chick Pea ‘Galega officinalis Galega eeteree ‘Trifolium melilotus off, Melilotus heli Melilot Trefoil sy TRICOCCE. LFS, +9 ? Publphed ty DT Woodville Soplls, 4994. ( a1 3 TRICO CC 2 SIPHONIA ELASTICA. INDIA RUBBER; Or ELASTIC RESIN TREE. SYNONYMA. Hevea guianenfis. Aublet, Hifore des plantes de la Guiane Frangoife. tom. 2. p. 871. tab. 335. Caoutchouc, Richard, in Rozier obf. fur la phyfique. tom. 27. p. 138. t. 2. Jatropa elattica. Supp. Plant. ‘The figute by Frefnau in Mem, de L’Acad. des Scien. a. 175. t. 20, is erroneous. 3 Oia | Monoecia Monadelphia. Schr. Gen. Plant. 1465. Gen. Ch. Mase. Coro. Cal. globofo-campanulatus, femiquin- - quefidus. Filament. colum. Anthere 5, adnate. . FEM Cor. o. Cal. s-fidus, patens, folitarius; racemum terminans. Stylus 0. Stigmata 3. Caps. 3-locu- laris, lignofa, duriffima, ae | Sp. Ch. §. foliis ternatis ellipticis integerrimis fubtus canis longe petiolatis. Supp. Plant ug A LARGE ftraight tree, growing to the height of fifty or fixty feet ; at the upper part fending off numerous branches, covered with rough bark, Leaves on long foot{talks, ternate, elliptical, fomewhat pointed, entire, veined, fmooth, on the underfide whitifh. Flowers male and female on the fame tree, fmall, in dividing racemi at the ends of the branches. Male flowers numerous: calyx globofo- campanulate, five-cleft, fegments ere€t, pointed. Corolla none. Filaments in a column, fhorter than the calyx. Antherz five, united, Female flower folitary, larger than the male, and placed at the extre- mity of the racemus: calyx bell-fhaped, cut into five teeth, which are acute, patent, or recurved, deciduous, Germen roundifh, fhorter than the calyx. Style none. Stigmata three, deprefled. Capfule large, three-parted, woody, very hard, covered with fibrous bark, three-celled, valves opening. Seeds ovate, f{potted. : j : his : (. aa2 ) This tree is a native of South America, growing abundantly in the woeds of Guiana, in the Province of Quito, and along the borders of the River of Amazons, in the kingdom of Mexico. The younger Linnzus admitted this tree into the Supp. Plant. under the genus Jatropa, to which its fruit feemed to bear a greater affinity than to that of any other; but by the diligence of Richard’ its cha- racters have been found fufficiently different to conftitute a new genus, which Schreber calls Siphonia. This we have therefore adopted, ftill preferving the {pecific name elaftica. ! The fubftance, known by the names India rubber, elaftic gum, Cayenne refin, cautchuc, and by the French caoutchouc, is prepared from the juice of this tree: as fubfervient to feveral medical or chirurgical purpofes, it comes within the fcope of this work, and muft therefore prove fufficiently interefting to the medical reader. _ This fingular fubftance was little known in Europe till long after the commencement of the prefent century ; and its origin and com- pofition was firft learned from M. de la Condamine,” who by travelling into the interior parts of South America had an opportunity of acquir- ing the neceflary information. This active and enterprizing member — of the French Academy found that the Caoutchouc was formed from the juice of a large tree, which has fince been botanically examined and afcertained to be that here reprefented.‘ The manner of obtaining this juice is by making incifions through the bark of the lower part of the trunc of the tree, from which the fluid refin iffues in great abundance, appearing of a milky whitenefs as it flows into the veflel placed to receive it, and into which it is conducted by means of a tube or leaf- fixed in the incifion, and fup- ported with clay. On expofure to the air this milky juice, according: to Aublet, gradually infpiffates into a foft reddith elaftic refin ; but M. de la Borde, and fome others, affert that the juice: undergoes a certain preparation before its infpiffation, which is effe@ted: by a pecu- * Vide Rozier obf. ; i Be 8 > ge: d’un voyage dans Pintaric f a in Mem. de P'Acade 1751. p. 322. oni i rz hit ge from a very complete fpecimen in the poffeffion of Sir Jofeph Banks. We muft remark however, that fome other vegetable juices admit bei into a {pecies of caoutchouc, of which Frefnau has given ~ accoun ‘§ a er — : 4 3 : : li: gy Tiar procefs, which the Indians keep a profound fecret.’ To fuit the different purpofes for which it is employed in South America, the ~ Caoutchouc is fhaped into various forms;* but it is commonly brought to Europe in that of pear-fhaped bottles, which are faid to be formed by {preading the juice of the Siphonia over a proper mould of clay, and as foon as one layer is dry another is added till the bottle be of the thick- nefs defired. It is then expofed to a denfe fmoke, or to a fire, until it becomes fo dry as not to ftick to the fingers, when by means of certain inftruments of iron or wood it is ornamented on the outfide with various figures. This being done it remains only to. pick out the mould, which is eafily effe€ted, on being firft foftened with water. The fubftance, thus manufactured, is fo well known as to render any particular defcription of it unneceflary. It may be fubje@ed to the ation of fome of the moft powerful menftrua without fuffering the leaft change, while its pliability and elafticity are eminently peculiar to itfelf. It is true that the lactefcent juice of feveral vege- tables may be converted into a fubftance refembling the Caoutchouc, but no art has yet been difcovered to give it the fame properties. The Chinefe elaftic refin is faid to be prepared of caftor oil and lime;'‘ or, according to Retzius, it is nothing but a certain exprefled — oil evaporated by heat :* hence its eafy folubility. ‘With a view to inveftigate the interefting nature of the Caoutchouc, and to render it of more general utility, feveral able chemifts have been diligently employed, efpecially Macquer,” Achard,' Juliaans,* and Berniard,' from whom its chemical hiftory is to be learned: our duty however is to ftate only fome of the principal facts. | Se 4 Vide Rozier obf et. mem. fur la phyfique. tom. 1. p. 464. ; © The curious diverfity of figures in which this fubftance was fold in Portugal is noticed by Mr. Twifs. See Travels through Portugal and Spain. 323. fy. Faujas de Saint-F ond Suite de la defeription des experiences aéroflatiques tom. 2. — . ' ; a Pharm. reg. veg. p. 60. : * Mem. de LV’ Acad. des Sc. de Paris, pour 1768. 5 Chymifch phyf. Schriften cap. De refina elaflica. * Diff. de Refina elaflica Cayennenfi. ; 1 See Rozier Ob. fur la Phyfique. tom. 17. No. 19.—Part II. 2F Though ¢ 4 ) Though it appears that neither water nor alcohol, aided by all the heat capable of being produced in Papin’s digefter, could diffolve this fubftance, yet its folution was effected not only by the concentrated mineral acids, but in a confiderable degree even by moft of the unctuous, diftilled, and empyreumatic oils.. However, as it was found that the folutions of this infpiflated juice by thefe menftrua irrecover- ably loft their elafticity, and became ufelefs, the great defideratum of | re-forming the Caoutchouc was not attained till ether was employed as its folvent; which was firft done by Macquer, who for this purpofe found it neceflary to ufe the vitriolic ether in a highly rectified fate. The Caoutchouc, cut into finall pieces, and put into.a proper veflel with as much of the ether as was fufficient to cover it, was completely diffolved without the application of heat. This folution, which was tranfparent, and of an amber colour, on being thrown into water did not produce a milky liquor; but there arofe to the furface a folid membrane, poffeffing the elafticity and other properties of the Caout- chouc. This experiment was alfo executed with fuccefs by Theden;” therefore thofe with whom it failed muft have ufed ether in a lefs concentrated ftate.. According to Theden one dram of the Caoutchoue requires for its perfec folution at ounce of ether. Nitrous ether diflolves but a fmall proportion of the Caoutchouc, and at the fame time deftroys its elaftic power. Stand ed} on fi __ It has been afferted that the elaftic refin not only diffolves in oil of -guaiacum by digeftion, but-that on evaporating the oil, the refin in a little time recovers its elaftie property. By the induftry of Achard, who made this difcovery, we likewife learn that folutions of this fubftance, made by the etherial oils, may be decompofed by the addition of fpirit of wine, when the Caoutchouc feparates from the oil in the form of mucilage, and on being fufficiently expofed to the air, is reftored to its former firmnefs and elafticity. ‘a | However Juliaans, who attempted this. procefs, meas “anaie te re-produce a fubftance poffefling the charaéters of the elaftic refin: it is therefore to be feared that this method, which feemed to promife an eafy and cheap way of forming various inftruments of the Caout- chouc, has been prematurely recommended :. nor does the method of = N. Bemerk. a. d. Wundarzneyh. P.2. p. 152. i . =~ foftening ag 3 foftening the elaftic refin with the animal oil of Dippelius, or with oil of turpentine, as propofed by Heriffant, for the purpofe of forming it into probes, &c. produce the effect defired. It appears therefore that Macquer’s procefs of diffolving this fubftance in ether, by which he was enabled to give a coat of Caoutchouc 6f confiderable thicknefs to a cylindrical mould of wax, is the beft way yet difcovered of adapting this fubftance to furgical and other purpofes: for on immerling the waxen mould, thus covered with the elaftic refin, in boiling water, the wax foon melts and rifes to the furface, leaving behind a regular tube of Caoutchouc. . In order to render the tubes of fufficient firmnefs to be ufed as catheters, it has been recommended that gold or filver wire, rolled in a clofe {piral manner, fhould be coated with the elaftic refin, and thefe, as poflefling both pliability and firmnefs, are faid to fucceed very well. Various other methods of forming catheters, bougies, peflaries, truffes, &c. of this fubftance, are to be found in the Journal de Medicine,” efpecially by Durand and Juville; and by its remarkable flexibility and elafticity it accom- modates itfelf to the motion of the body, and thereby poffeffes peculiar advantages. For a fyringe, or injeéting machine, the common form in which it is brought here is exceedingly well adapted, and only requires that a proper pipe be fixed-to the neck of the elaftic bottle to render it fit for ufe, which is now well known. - We are told that in Quito one of thefe bottles, faftened to a hollow reed, and filled with water, is always prefented at entertainments to each of the guefts, who ufe it as an injection before eating. The Indians make boots of the Caoutchoue; alfo a kind of cloth which they ufe for the fame purpofes as we ufe oil cloth. Flambeaux are likewife made of this chia, which yield a beautiful light without any difagreeable fmell. In this country it is much ufed for rubbing _ out black-lead pencil marks. . age _® See-toms 60. & 620. THEA,. | ( ta6..) SRT EA oo ie Sab A ACER BE is he SYNONYMA. Thea. Pharm. V. Dale, Geoffroy, Alfton, Lewis, . Ed. New Difpenf. Bergius, Murray, Cullen,: &c, Chaa. Bauh. Pin. The Sinenfium feu Tha Japonenfibus. - Breyn,. Exot. Plant. Tsja, Thea frutex folio Gerafi flore Rofz fylveftris. Kampfer. Aman. exot, Le Thee. Fougeroux de Bondaroi in Rozier, Obf. et Mem. fur la Phyfique. tom. 1.f. 1, See Lettfom's Natural Hiftory Of the Tea-tree. = * gece met gt) cousin dR 4 a Sion-houfe. Ped bijhed by Di: Woodville Oot? 1.479%- fap) All the various kinds of Tea imported here come under the deno- mination of Bohea and Green, and even thefe are fuppofed to be the produce of the fame fpecies of the plant. Linnzus however has de- {cribed them as fpecifically different, founding the diftin@ion in the number of their petals. Others have alfo obferved, that the leaves of Tea plants differ confiderably both in form and colour, and this diffe- rence we have frequently noticed in the Tea growing in the vicinity of London; but whether thefe which the gardeners fell by the name of Bohea and Green Tea plants are to be regarded as permanent varieties, or diftin& fpecies, we have not the means to decide. De Loureiro * has defcribed three fpecies of Thea, viz. Thea cochin- chinenfis, Thea cantonenfis, and Thea oleofa. The firft is'a native of Cochin-China, where it is alfo cultivated, and ufed medicinally in hot weather as a fudorific and refrigerant. The Thea oleofa grows . wild in the neighbourhood of Canton, where an oil obtained from its feed is ufed for various domeftic purpofes. The Thea cantonentis, which Loureiro carefully examined in its native foil, was found to bear a clofe refemblance to another variety called Siaéd chong cha, and by the Europeans Souchong. Both thefe are brown, but more fra- grant and valuable than the common green Tea, which grows in the province of Fo den. Notwithftanding that this author has defcribed the three fpecies of Thea above mentioned, he fays that on examining | the dried flowers of the green Tea, brought from the province of Kiang fi, he obferved a great diverfity in the number of the parts of the calyx and corolla: hence he concludes that all the various Chinefe Teas are taken from the fame botanical f{pecies, and that the different flavour and appearance of Teas depend upon the nature of the foil, the culture, and method of preparing the leaves. _ | _ This opinion, which is founded on the fportive tendency of the ‘flowers of the Tea plant, clearly fhows the fallacy of diftinguifhing the bohea and green Tea trees by the number of their petals, which even in this country have been found to vary from three to nine; yet this circumftance, though it proves the infufficiency of the Linnean charaéters, by no means determines the botanical identity of the green and bohea Teas; and while the prefent narrow and jealous policy of - * Flor, Cochinchinefis. No. 10.—Part IL. 2G ein ( 118 ) the Chinefe continues, many interefting particulars refpecting the natural hiftory of Tea muft ftill remain unknown to Europeans: hence JI have thought myfelf unauthorized to add a fpecific name to the plate of the Tea plant here annexed, *which reprefents the variety 8 in the Hort. Kew. or the Thea viridis of the London gardeners. The various Teas imported into Europe are obtained both from the wild and cultivated plant. The manner of gathering and pre- paring the leaves, as practiced in Japan, is very fully defcribed by Kempfer, and is, as far‘as our information extends, conformable to the method ufed by the Chinefe. | | The firft gathering of the Tea-Jeaves, according to this author, | commences ‘about the latter end of February, when thé leaves are young and unexpanded. The fecond colle€tion is made about the beginning of April, and the third in June. The firft collection, which confifts only of the fine tender leaves, is moft efteemed, and is “called Imperial Tea. The fecond is called Tootsjaa, or Chinefe Tea, becaufe it is infufed and drunk after the Chinefe manner. The lait, which is the coarfeft and cheapeft, is chiefly confumed by the lower clafs of people. Befides the three kinds of Tea here noticed, it may be obferved, that by garbling or forting thefe, the varieties of Tea become {till farther multiplied. As many Tea plants grow on cliffs and places of difficult accefs, the Chinefe Tea gatherers are faid} to have occafional recourfe to the affiftance of monkies, which are chafed up the Tea trees, and fo much irritated that in their fury they bite off the branches, and throw them down in refentment: the branches are then taken up, and the leaves picked off. “The leaves are not colle&ted from the cultivated plant till it is three years old; and after growing feven or ten years it is cut down, in order that the numerous young fhoots may afford a greater fupply of leaves. The leaves fhould be dried as foon as poffible after they are col- lected ; and for this purpofe Kempfer relates, that publick buildings are erected, containing from five to ten and even twenty {mall fur- naces about three feet high, each having at the top a large iron pan. There is alfo along table covered with mats, on which the leaves are * Taken from the plant now in flower in the ftove of ohn Liptrap, Ef + See Lettfom. 1. c. J Ss ‘ laid ( 119 ) laid and rolled by workmen who fit round it. The iron pan being heated to a certain degree, by a fire made in the furnace beneath, a few pounds of the leaves are put upon the pan, and continually turned and fhifted by the hands till they become too hot to be endured ; they are then thrown upon the mats to be rolled, which is done be- tween the palms of the hands, after which they are cooled as {fpeedily as poffible. — 4 , In order that all the moifture of the leaves may be completely diffipated, and their twifted form be better preferved, the above pro- cefs is repeated feveral times with the fame leaves, ‘but lefs heat is employed than at firft. The Tea ‘thus manufaétured is afterwards forted according to its kinds or goodnefs. Some of the young tender leaves ara never rolled, and are immerfed in hot water before they are dried. - e At te viidesid From this account of the Japanefe method of curing their Teas it appears, that a prompt and complete exficcation: is the chief art employed. We fufpect however, that the C hinefe are more indebted to art than to nature for the various kinds of Tea with which they fupply this country. Many of their Teas are fo widely different in tafte, odour, colour, and form, that inftead of appearing to be the leaves of the fame fpecies of plant, they are fo much difguifed as fearcely to manifeft any refemblance to each other. It is true that fome fpecies and varietiés of the Tea, as appears by Loureiro, are naturally more odorous than others; yet we cannot fuppofe that nature ever made them totally different. ‘The fame obfervation will be equally applicable to the various flavours and colours of this exotic. We may therefore infer, that the Chinefe method of curing their fine Teas is not quite fo fimple as that practifed by the Japanefe. Tea was firft introduced into Europe by the Dutch Eaft India. Company, and into England about the year 1666, when it fold for fixty thillings ¢ Ib, and for many years its great price limited its ufe only to the moft opulent. However, for a long time paft it has been the common beverage of both the rich and poor ; and its effects have. been very varioufly reprefented; but as to enter fully upon this fub- jee would far exceed the limits of this work, I fhall refer the reader for a more full account to Dr. Lettfom’s elaborate hiftory of the Tea.’ tree; and conclude this article with a tranfcript of its medicinal powers, as ( 120 ) as given by Dr. Cullen, whofe opinion in this place cannot fail to be well.received.... cae hes wi heer ani | “ With refpect to its qualities as a medicine, that is, its power of changing the ftate of the human body, we might fuppofe it afcer- tained by the experience of its daily ufe; but from the univerfality of this ufe in very different conditions of the plant, and in every poflible condition of the perfons employing it, the conclufions drawn. from its effets muft be very precatious and ambiguous, **.and we mut attempt by other means to afcertain its qualities with more certainty, : ¢¢ ‘ce (a3 ce ‘6 ‘“« To this purpofe it appears, from the accurate Dr. Smith’s expe- riments De Aétione Mufculari, No. 36, that an infufion of green Tea has the ‘effe& of deftroying the fenfibility of the nerves, and the irritability of the mufcles; and from the experiments of Dr. Lettfom, it appears that green Tea gives out in diftillation an odorous water, which is powerfully narcotic. — *« That the recent plant contains fuch an odorous narcotic power, we might prefume from the neceflity which the Chinefe find of drying it with much heat before it can be brought into-ufe; and that, even after fuch preparation, they muft abftain from the ufe “¢ of it for a year or more, that is, till its volatile parts are ftill far- ** ‘ther ee oe and it is faid, that unlefs they ufe this precaution, — ** the Tea in a more recent ftate manifeftly fhows ftrong narcotic powers. Even in this country, the more odorous Teas often fhow *« their fedative powers in weakening the nerves of the ftomach, and «* indeed of the whole fyftem. __ on ** From thefe confiderations we conclude very firmly, that Tea is to be confidered as a narcotic and fedative fubftance; and that it is efpecially fuch in its moft odorous ftate, and therefore lefs in the bohea than in the green Tea, and the mof fo in the more odorous, or what are called the finer kinds of the latter, ‘« Its effe€ts, however, feem to be very different in different per- fons; and hence the different, and even contradiGtory accounts, «< that are reported of thefe effedts. But if we confider thé difference «* of conftitution, which occafions fome difference of the operation «* of the fame medicine in different perfons, and of which we have ** a remark- ae ae €¢ C4 “e a3 es é6 “« €€ €¢ «€¢ €¢ €<¢ “¢ La4 tc c¢ €¢ t¢ 6 ¢ 66 “¢ ce S¢ «ef “ cs Cie) a remarkable proof in the operation of opium, we fhall not be furprifed at the different operations of Tea. “¢ If to this we add the fallacy arifing from the condition of the Tea employed, which is often fo inert as to have no effects at all ; .and if we ftill add to this the power of habit, which can deftroy the powers of the moft powerful fubftances, we fhall not allow | the various and even contradictory reports of its effects to alter ‘our judgment, with refpe& to its ordinary = more general qualities in affeQting the human body. ** Thefe, from the experiments above mentioned, aid from the obfervations which I have made in the courfe of fifty years, in all forts of perfons, I am convinced that the oanees of Tea are ' narcotic and fedative. ‘* It has been often alleged, that fome of the bad effets “imputed to Tea are truly owing to the large quantity of warm water which * commonly accompanies it ; and it is poflible that fome bad effects may arife from this caule: but from attentive obfervation I can affert, that wherever any confiderable effeéts appear, they arein nine of every ten perfons entirely from the qualities of the Tea ; and that ‘any like effeéts of warm water do not appear in one of a hundred who take in this very largely. ‘< But while we thus endeavour to eftablith the poifonous nature of Tea, we do not at the fame time deny that it may fometimes fhow ufeful qualities. It is very poflible, that in certain perfons, taken in moderate quantity, it may, like other narcotics in a moderate dofe, prove exhilirating, or, like thefe, have fome effect in taking off irritability, or in quieting fome a eee of the nervous fyftem. — “© As its bad effeéts have been often imputed to the warm water that accompanies it, fo we have no doubt that fome of its good effeéts may alfo be afcribed to the fame caufe, and “xtigerrn # its being fo often grateful after.a full meal.’’* = Mat: Med. vol. 2. +P» 309. No. 10.—-Patt IL. 2H WINTERA ( 122 )} WINTERA AROMATICA, ~ WINTER’s BARK TREE, ame : SYNONYMA. Winterana- aromatica. Solander in Med. Obfer- vations &F Inquiries. vol. 5. p. 41. ¢.1. Drimys Winteri pedunculis aggregatis terminalibus. Forfer i in Nov. AG, Upfal. vol. 3, p. 18%. . Laurifolia magelliana, cortice acri, Banh. Pin, -Periclymenum redtum foliis laurinis cortice acri aromatico. Sloane in Phil. Tranf- vol. 17. p. 923. tab. 16 ft 1. 2. _ Winteranus cortex. Pharm. Edinb. . Polyandria Tetragynia. Schreb. Gen. Plant. 929. Gen. Oh. ‘Cal. 3-lobus. es ~ f. Qe ———* — oO Baca clavata. ese : ; a o o. W. peduneats segrezt teins, itil g quatuor. THIS very large: bake of the trunk branches. is green anc obtufe, flat, {mooth, derneath, and placed ight of fifty feet. The inkled, but that on the e oval, or “elliptical, entire, en, of a pale bluifh colour un- \ thick footftalks. Flowers white, placed on long pedu proceed from the alz of the leaves. at thé tops of the branches. Bratex oblong, entire, concave, pointed, whitith, placed at the bafe of the peduncles. Calyx of one leaf, firm, pi dividing i into three irregular pointed lobes. Corolla of feven petals, | which are unequal, oval, obtufe, concave, ereét, white. Filaments. ~ numerous, (from 15 to 30) much fhorter than the petals. Antherz large, oval, divided longitudinally. Germina from three to fix, turbinated. Styles none. Stigmata divided, flat. Capfules flefhy, containing four triangular feeds. It is a native of the Streights of Magellan and Terra del Fuego. Dr. Solander thud br UE Weodleille Ot! 4.49G% 79 (. 3) Dr. Solander relates that “ the tree which produces the Winter’s ‘** Bark was utterly unknown to the Europeans till the return of “* Captain John Winter, who, in the year 1577, failed with Sir “« Francis Drake, as commander of a fhip called the Elizabeth, “ deftined for the South Seas; but immediately after they had got “ through the Streights of Magellan, Captain Winter, on the 8th “ of October, was obliged, by ftrefs of weather, to part company, * and to go back again into the Streights, from whence he returned “ into England in June 1579, and brought with him feveral pieces “* of this aromatic bark, which Clufius called after him Cortex Win- “* teranus. Several authors have mentioned it fince in their botanical “‘ works ; but all they have faid has been copied from Clufius. No | “* more was heard of this bark till the Dutch Fleet, under Admiral * ‘Van Nort, returned from the Streights of Magellan, in the year en “1600. Afterwards all the navigators who pafied through the. . ~ P “ Streights of Magellan took notice of the tree, on account of the ~ “* ufefulnefs of its bark: but none furnifhed any defcription that “ could make it botanically known before Mr. George Handafyd “ came back from the Streights of Magellan in 1691, and brought “ with him fome dried fpecimens, which he gave to Sir Hans Sloane, “* and are now preferved in the Britith Mufeum. From thefe fpeci-. ** mens, and the account Mr. Handafyd gave of this tree, Sir Hans _ “ Sloane drew up a hiftory, and gave a figure in the Philofophical “ Tranfactions. Still the fyftematical botanifts could not give it a “ place in their catalogues, being unacquainted with its flowers: and © fruit.” However this lofs was fupplied by the induftry of Mr. Wallis, Captain of the Dolphin, who returned from the South Seas in 1768, bringing with him feveral botanical {pecimens of the Winter’s Bark. Tree, one of which came into the poffeflion of Dr. John Fothergill, . who caufed an engraving of it to be made by Ehret, which is pub- lifhed, together with its botanical defeription written by Dr. Solander, — in the fifth volume of the Medical Ob/ervations and Inquiries. From the plate here alluded to, the annexed figure is taken. ae Though Winter’s Bark has been very generally confounded with the canella alba, yet they are well known to be totally different, as we have already ftated, when fpeaking of the latter. See Med. Bot. p. 320.) - ; _ 320) Winter’s / (ag) Winter's Bark is:of a dark brown'cinnamon colour, with an aro- -maticifmell when rubbed, and of a pungent hot fpicy tafte, which ‘is lafting on the palate, though imparted flowly. _ This bark has been thought to be a ufeful antifcorbutic ; ‘but in this character it feems to poflefs no advantage over the other pungent | _ aromatics, and is now generally fuperfeded by the canella alba, the ufes of which we have before noticed. In natural order the Wintera has been ranked with the oleracez, but to this clafs it feems to have very little affinity. SENTICOSZ. | AGRIMONIA EUPATORIA. COMMON AGRIMONY. Sa. “- -SYNONYMA. Agrimonia. Pharm. Geoff: iii. 46. Dale. 112. | Afton. i 76. Lewis: 28. Edinb. New Difpenf. 119. Bergius. 386. Murray. iii. 147. Eupatorium veterum feu Agrimonia. Bauh. Pin. 321. Agrimonia. Gerard. Emac. 712. Agrimonia vulgaris. Park. 594. Ray. Syz.202. Agrimonia foliis pinnatis, _Pinnulis alterne minimis. Hall. Hifl. Stirp. Helv.gg1. A. Eupa- — » toria. Hudfon. Flor. Ang. 206. Withering. Bot. ? yi ries , ee eo eS arr. + Ie. Elor, Dan. $88. Curt. Flor, Lond, Mill. Muft, = eee eee SS oS nia. Lin. Cen. Plant. 659, te, , altero obvallatus. Pesala 5. Sem, 2. in Sp. Ch. “A. folis caulinis pinnatis, impati petiolata, fructibus hifpidis. ROOT perennial, reddith, fealy. Stalk erect, round, hairy, reddith, varying from one to three feet in height. Leaves alternate, interruptedly pinnated, compofed of five or fix pair of Pinne, with an odd one at _ the a 4 SS Vt / y “ Sy LOIPLOVUEA Cup OLAV Peblithed by PYWoudella Ot 24.4754 (ass). the end; the large pinnz are commonly feffile, oppofite, ovate, deeply ferrated, rough. Stipule two, oppofite, ferrated, {preading. Brattez trifid. Flowers yellow, on fhort peduncles, in long fimple fpikes. Calyx permanent, divided into five fegments, which are ovate, pointed, externally furrounded with rigid hairs, internally clofed with a-yellow fubftance of a glandular appearance: involucrum at the bafe of the germen, compofed of two dentated leaves. Corolla compofed of five petals, which are ovate, yellow, {preading, inferted into the glandular fubftance of the calyx. Filaments eleven or twelve, yellowith. Antherz two-lobed. Germen beneath the calyx, fupporting two ftyles, with blunt ftigmata. Capfule formed of the calyx, containing two roundifh {mooth feeds. | {t is common in fields about hedges and fhady places, flowering a5 in June and July. : “ The leaves of Agrimony have a flightly bitterith roughith tafte) ee accompanied with an agreeable though very weak aromatic flavour : the flowers are in {mell ftronger and more agreeable than the leaves, and in tafte fomewhat weaker. ‘They readily give out their virtues both to water and to: reétified fpirit. In diftillation with water the leaves afford a {mall portion of a yellowith effential oil, which fmells ftrongly and agreeably of the herb.’’* aos | This plant has been. principally regarded in the charaGer of a mild-aftringent and corroborant, and many authors recommend it as a’ deobftruent, efpecially in hepatic and other vifceral obftructions. Chomell relates two-inftances of its fuccefsful ufe in cafes where the liver was: much enlarged and indurated.* It has been ufed: with advantage in hemorrhagic affections, and to give tone to a lax and weak ftate-of the folids. In cutaneous diforders, particularly in fcabies, we have been lately told that it manifefts great efficacy ;’ for this - purpofe it was given infufed with liquorice-in the form of tea: but according to Alfton. it fhould be always exhibited in the ftate of powder. , . * Lewis. l.c. * Ufuelles. t. 2. p. 165. > Becker Diff, de.Eupatorio Grecorum feu Agrimonize viribus, Erf. 1783. No,. 10.—Part IT.. ee eS GEUM: t -306 3 | GEUM URBANUM. _ COMMON AVENS. — SYNONYMA. Caryophyllata. Pharm. Dale. 160. Geoff iii. 263. Alfon.i. 404. Lewis. 205. Edinb. New Difpenf. 164. Bergius. 445. Murray. iii. 122. Caryophyllata vulgaris. Banh, Pin. 321. Park. Theat. 136. Ray. Hift. 606. Synop..253. Ger. - — Emac. 995. G.urbanum. Audfon. Flor. Ang. 198. With. Bot. 5 a - Arr. 537... le. Curt. Flor. Dan..t. 672.. Icofandria Polygynia. Lin. Gen. Plant. 636. Gen. Ch. Gal, 10-fidus. Petala 5. Sem, arifta geniculata. Sp . Ch. G. flor. erectis, fruct. globofis villofis, ariftis uncinatis nudis, foliis lyratis. , =“ 3 ; ROOT perennial, fibrous, brown. Stalks branched, fomewhat angular, hairy, about two feet in height. Leaves varying, commonly pinnated, hairy,- toothed; pinne two pair, of which the lower are almoft circular; the upper pair elliptical ; terminal leaf the largeft, and frequently cut into three lobes. Flowers terminal, on long hairy peduncles, Calyx divided into ten fegments, which are alternately large and fmall. Corolla compofed of five roundith yellow petals, widely fpreading from each other. Filaments numerous, yellowith, — tapering, inferted into the calyx. Antherz roundifh. Germina many, hairy, collected into an orbicular fhape.-_ Styles jointed in the middle, enlarged at the top, and furnifhed with fimple ftigmata. Seeds numerous, comprefied, rough, crooked near the.extremity, terminated by a long arifta. eB ee ee phage It is a common Britith plant, in woods and hedges ; flowering from June till Auguft. yee The root, which is the part of this plant medicinally employed, has an aromatic and fomewhat aftringent tafte, and a pleafant fmell — of the clove kind, efpecially when it is produced in dry and warm : 2s aa : 2 foils. al XN xy N Mitlejhed by PE Wieedville OF M4 47G4 i JG ee | e foils. “ It gives out its aftringent matter equally to watery and {pi- rituous menftrua; its aromatic part moft perfectly to the latter. In diftillation with water it yields a {mall quantity of a whitifh concrete oily matter, of a very grateful fragrance.” * According to Buchhave it yields a greater proportion of watery than of refinous extract. - 3 This plant, though little ufed in Britain, is held in great eftimation on the Continent, where its virtues have been long confidered as extremely various: but the character in which it has been lately received, and moft particularly celebrated fince the year 1780, is that of a febrifuge; thus Buchhave,’ Aafkow, Callifen, Bang, Schénheyder, and Tode, alfo Weber and Koch, Anjou,‘ &c. all bear teftimony of . its efficacy, adducing numerous inftances of its fuccefsful exhibition in obftinate intermittents, many of which yielded to the root of this plant, after the Peruvian bark had failed. , It is faid that a tincture of this root, made in the proportion of four ounces of the root digefted with a quart of brandy in a fand heat, and given tothe quantity of half an ounce or more, two, three, or four times a day, feldom failed to cureagues. Others gave it with equal fuccefs in decoction, powder, or eleCtuary, in the proportion in which the Cinchona bark is commonly employed. © This root has alfo been found an ufeful medicine in feyeral chronic — diforders, as a general tonic and aftringent ; and experiments made. by Buchhave fhow its antifeptic power to exceed that of Peruvian bark. a Lewis. l..c. > Ob. circa radicem Gei urb. © Diff. de nonnullorum febrifugorum virtute, et peciatim Gei urbani redicis efficacia. « Diff. de radice Caryophyllata. ~ Medicinal planes of this order not introduced into this work, are SYSTEMATIC . OFFICINAL Encuisn NAME 3 ilipendula. Filipendula Dropwort ee Come Ulmaria Meadow-fweet Geum rivale oe Geum rivale: Water Avens Potentilla Anferina — ted Cinquefoil ia vefca _Fragaria Strawberry phn cai ee Alchemilla TY aities- Mantle Alchemilla vulgaris DUMOSE. - ("4928.5 DUMOS A. SAMBUCUS EBULUS. DWARF ELDER. SYNONYMA. Ebulus. Pharm. Geoff. iii. 415. Dale. 319. Alfom i. 485. Lewis. 370. Ed, New Dif. 184. Cullen. it. 534. Bergius. 240.. Murray. iv. 22. Sambucus humilis feu Ebulus. Baub. Pin. 456. - Ebulus five Sambucus humilis. Gerard. Emac. 1420. Park. 209. Ray. Syn. 461. Hall. Stirp. Helv. n. 671. S. Ebulus. Hudf. Ang. 130. Withering. Bot. Arr. 319. Flor. Lond. 213. Pentandria Trigynia. Lin. Gen. Phin: 372s Gen. Ch. Cal. g-partitus. Cor. 5-fida. . Bacca 3-fperma. Sp. Ch. S. ie sme fiipulis rolinciéle, caule herbaceo. ROOT tone creeping. Stalk fin feet in ieieh ieeiccous, erect, roundith ,{mooth, channelled, fwelled at the joints, fending off oppofite branches. Leaves oppofite, ‘pinnated, compofed of four or five pair, with an odd oneat the extremity: pinng fomewhat lanceolate, unequal at the bafe, ferrated, veiny, downy underneath. Stipulz quadruple, nearly heart-fhaped. Flowers in a terminal corymbus, divided into three branches, compofed of numerous cymz. Calyx divided into five teeth; which are fhort,. ereét, pointed. Corolla monopetalous, wheel-fhaped, divided into five fegments, which are ovate, pointed, hollow, reflexed. Filaments five, thick, white, of the length of the corolla. Antherez large, double, chan; colour. Germen below the corolla, ovate, fomewhat angular, fmooth. _ Style none. Stigmata three, glutinous, reniform. Fruit a roundifh black fingle-celled berry, containing three irregularly-thaped feeds. It is not unfrequent in hedges, inane in Bae and July, but feldom ledge 3. its fruit to ee 3 Every - ging from a reddith to ablackifh _ SS AN \ RQ ~ UG, “WN NG he = Jambuctd Cxbulits Xd. : SS Bublijhed by Woods illa OLE". GG4- 260 ( 19 2 Bevery part of the plant v7 a faint difagreeable fmell, refembling | that of common elder, but ftronger and more ungrateful; and when taken into the ftomach manifefts a greater fhare of active power. The root of the Ebulus, which is white, flefhy, and of a naufeous bitter tafte, was formerly very generally employed in dropfies. A- decoétion of two drams of it, or a {mall quantity of its expreffed juice, promotes both the alvine and urinary difcharges ; and if the decoc- — tion is prepared from the bark of the freth root, its a@tivity is fo much increafed, that it commonly proves both emetic and cathartic. The inner bark of the ftalk, when recent, is equally powerful in’ evacuating the prime viz; and its effects, as a diuretic, on the teftimony of Dr. Brocklefby,* were found to bg very confiderable ; but its operation is fo violent and. precarious, that it is now very rarely employed. The berries, in their recent ftate, according to Seaipoli prove a gentle cathartic, though Haller * fays that he never experienced this effe& from their ufe. The feeds are faid to be diuretic, and to bine been: given with advantage in. dropfical complaints; they alfo afford an oil, which — Haller applied with fuccefs in painful affetions of the joints. — _ The leaves,’ boiled in wine, and formed-into a cataplafm, have — been recommended in France as a difcutient application to contufions and tumours. : es Oecon. & Med. pik pe 277. : b Flor. Carn. | © Hift. Stirp. Helv. n. 671. « ‘The odes of the green leaves drives away mice from granarics ; and the Silcfane ftrew thefe leaves where their pigs lie, eg a perfuafion that net prevent fome of the difeafes to which thefe animals are liable, ‘ Now rr Part Pee eo eA SRS is ¢ 130) RHUS CORIARIA. 3 ELM-LEAVED SUMACH, 7 SYNO N YMA. Sumach. Pharm. Dale. 314. Ai Aon it. pas Lewis. 630. ‘Ed. New Difpenf: 292. Bergius, 237. Murray. iv, 25. Rhus folio ulmi. Baxb. Pin. 414. Rhus Coriaria. | Ger. Emac. 1474. Sumach five Rhus obfoniorum & coriariorum. Park. Theat. I450. Pes Grecis, Ic. Du Hamel, Traité des arbrese sures A ra 218. tab. 54. | ae -Pentandria Trigynia. Lin. Gen. Plant. 369. Gen. Cb. Cal. 5~partitus. Petala 5. ‘Bacea 1-fperma, | Sp. Gb. R. foliis pinnatis obtufiufeule ferratis ovalibus fubtus villofis. A SMALL tree rifing to the beight'« of ten Foie, atta, off many -divaricating bianches, and, covered with a brown hairy bark. Leaves -pinnated, alternate, confifting of feveral' pair of pinnz, which are ‘ovato-lance-fhaped, obtufely ferrated, fmooth, above, hairy beneath, on fhort footitalks. Common, footftalk fomewhat winged, and ter- minated by a fingle leafit. Flowers often dioicous, numerous, {mall,. white, placed in large branched fpikes, Calyx five toothed, ered, perliftent, placed below the germen. Corolla of five petals, which are ovate, white, moftly ere. Filaments five, very fhort. Antherz _ fmall. Germen roundifh, about the length of the corolla. Style fcarcely vifible. Stigmata three, fomewhat cordate. Fruit a roundifh, one-celled red berry, containing a folitary round hard feed. ‘This fpecies of Sumach is a native of the South of Europe, and appears from the Catalogus horti Oxonienfis to have been cultivated in. that garden previous to the year 1648, though it is ftill a fcarce plant in this country. » oe The genus, to witch this {pecies belongs, comprehends feveral 3 {pecies which are known to be extremely poifonous, efpecially the: pes Toxicodendron, -radicans, and Vernix ; but the Coriaria is. | , | perkedtly jad: SAC SACS \ Wael 4. 47gF - Prblijreal dy 12° Waele lle ie 7 perfedtly innocent, and its berries are in fome places ufed for culinary purpofes. : Its medicinal qualities are wholly to be afcribed to its ftypticity or aftringency ; a property which it poffeffes in a fufficient degree to _ render it ufeful in dyeing, and alfo in tanning of leather, for which it was ufed in the time of Diofcorides. Both the leaves and berries have been employed in medicine, but the former are more altringent and tonic, and have been long in common ufe in various complaints indicating this clafs of remedies. The berries, which are red and of a roundifh compreffed figure, contain a pulpy matter, in which is lodged a brown hard oval feed, manifefting a confiderable degree of aftringency. The pulp, even | when dry, is gratefully acid, and has been difcovered to contain an effential falt *{imilar to that of wood-forrel, or perhaps more nearly allied to cryftals of tartar. ae An infufion of the dry fruit is not rendered black by a folution of iron ; hence it appears to be deftitute of aftringency: but its acidity is extremely grateful, which has caufed the tree to be called by the French le Vinaigrier. Therefore like many other acid fummer fruits thefe berries ° may be advantageoufly taken to allay febrile heat, and _ to correct bilious putrefcency. : Lately the Rhus Toxicodendron and radicans have been recom- ' mended in’ paralytic affeCtions; the latter by Monf. Frefnoi, and the former by Dr. Alderfon, of Hull; but the cafes in which thefe virulent plants were employed are but few and indecifive. 2 See Trommfdorff in 42. Mogunt. 1778-9. Comment. Chem. p.25- > In eaftern Countries they are commonly ufed as a pickle. _ © See an Effay on the Rhus Toxicodendron. _ The medicinal plants of ehis order not figured in Medical Botany,, are, Systematic NAMES. OFFICINAL, ; ENGLISH. xs Rhamnus Frangula _ _ Frangula - Berry-bearing Alder. _ Rhamnus Zizyphus. — Jujuba=——s—~—Ssé«S hining-leav’d Rlhamnus. - Aguifolium. = = = Common Holly. Ulex aquifolium. g ROTACEZ. t 43%.) ROTACE £. GENTIANA PURPUREA. ' PURPLE GENTIAN. SYNONYM~A. Curfata. Pharm. Edinb. Gentiana major pur- purea. Baub. Pin. 187. Gentiana major flore purpureo. Flor. Dan. t. 50. Gentiana corollis campaniformibus verticillatis, foliis _ imis petiolatis ellipticis.. Hall, Helv. Gentiana purpurea. Ait. Hort, Kew. Facquin. Obf. 2. t. 39. | _ Pentandria Digynia. Lin. Gen. Plant. 322. Gen>Ch. Cor. monopetala. Caps. 2-valvis, 1-locularis: Receptacults 2, longitudinalibus. Sp. Ch. G. corollis fubquinquefidis campanulatis verticillatis, caly- — cibus truncatis. ROOT perennial, cylindrical, flender, branched; externally brown, internally yellowifh. Stem ereét, fimple, fmooth, ftrong, fucculent, rifing to a foot in height. Lower leaves nearly elliptical, tibbed, entire. Upper leaves in pairs, fheath-like, concave, embracing the ftem, pointed, ribbed, enclofing the flowers. - Flowers large, purple, ftanding in whorls, upon fhort peduncles. C alyx a deciduous fpatha. Corolla bell-fhaped, purplith, plicated, divided at the limb into five ovate dotted fegments. Filaments commonly five, of the _ length of the germen, and furnithed with conical anthere. Germen oblong. Style cleft, points reflexed, furnithed with blunt ftigmata. Capfule ovate, two-celled, containing numerous fmall feeds. — It is a native of the Alps, and was firft introduced for cultivation in this country by Profeffor de Sauflute ih-1768." 882". _* See Hort Kew. isp. 320, - Tht 2 262. j Hl | I abijhed by DEW a dvilles Nav 4 AZGH- (33) @ The annexed plate is given on the authority of the Edinburgh - Pharmacopeeia, in which the Curfuta, or root of this plant, has been lately received into the Materia Medica. | This root, both in-appearance and tafte, fo exaétly refembles that of the yellow or common officinal Gentian, that they are not to be diftinguifhed from each other; and in fome northern countries, where the latter is fcarce, the former is ufually employed in its ftead.” Its medical charaéter is therefore to be regarded as the fame with that of the gentiana lutea, of which an account is given in Medical Botany poAB3ec16i 4 ost ’ » See Linn. Flor. Suec. 9 Haller. l. ¢. —————————— The remaining medicinal plants of the order Rotacez, are, Systematic NaMEs. OFFICINAL. ys Encuisn. Anagallis arvenfis . ss Amagallis Pimpernel Lyfimachia Nummularia = Nummularia = = Money-wort . Primula vers = (si(»... Cranberry coe Myrtillys: og. Ss iviyreilla)! 5. ° 2S Bleaaberpy,,: | Ledum paluftre - Rofinarinius fylveftris Wild Rofemary Pyrola rotundifolia 2 cake oy Pyrola. Winter-green a Lawfonia inermis’ > *<¢, Allkanna Vera<- Smooth Lawionia Tamarix gallica Le : -. Tamarifcus _ French Tamarifk sii X 4 * came % ee e i Af. * * ; roe ‘ ‘ a .# . os ee ee = c ax a: * : shat z rind ‘ ee : = a Ck: Nt 4 Sen aoe i AR) Pub led by DE Wevdkeille Whur 4. 4 AIOE. of 139 ) UMBELLATE ANGELICA SYLVESTRIS. “wILD ANGELICA. ee = : vig Sick: a; SYNONYM4. Angelica fylveftris. ‘Pharm. Edinb, Ger, Emac. 999. Raii. Hy. 437. ‘Synop. 208. “Park, Theat. 940. _Ange- lica fylveftris major. Bauh, Pin. 1 5 $3: A: fylveftris. Hudf: Flor. . Ang. 118. Withering. Bot. ar. oe ae Helv. n.806. Lor. Dan. t. 178. — Pentandria Diep. Lin, Gen. Plant. 347+ Gen, Cb. Frudus fubrotundus angulatus folds, ftylis reflexis. Corolle cequales, a incurvis. : a Ch. Bo Soli ali ovato-lanceolatis ferratis. » ie Pg ROOT. peek Tong, ick” fapetaig: fadincd externally brown, internally white. ‘Stalk thick, hollow, jointed, fcored, branched, round, {mooth, feveral feet in pliers Leaves onan sas awe Oe leaves. tall of five petals, which are nearly equal, ovate, pointed, bent inwards. _ Filaments five, fpreading, longer than the pet -Antherz roundifh. Germen beneath. Styles two, bent downwards. Stigmata blunt. Fruit furnifhed with four i: sEREOIAE ag? and on each fide three iris. Seeds we re : ape ( 140 ) fhaped, plano-convex, with a membranaceous border, convex fide, marked with three ridges. : It grows in marfhy woods and hedges, flowering i in June and July. As the root of this fpecies of Angelica is ftill retained in the | catalogue of the Materia Medica of the Edinburgh Pharmacop@ia, ‘we have judged it expedient to prefent a figure of the plant; and it -is only in compliance with this authority that we have been induced to do fo: for the garden Angelica, of which a plate is given in the firft volume of Medical Botany, not only poffeffes all the medicinal properties of this pores in ina eipeHer degree, but may always be more readily procured. : Rk | PHELLANDRIUM AQUATICUM. FINE LEAVED | _ WATER-HEMLOCK. Se 2 $ F. N ONY MA. PS SaneMcamn: Pharm, Murray. App. Med. i. p: 267. Rivin. Pent. tab. 65» Ernflingii Phellandrolo- gia. Lange, vom Wafferfenchel. 1771. -Cicutaria paluftris tenui- folia. Baub. Pin. 161. Park. -933- Cicutaria paluftris. Ger. Bowie. 1063. Ray. Hift. 452. Synop. 21 5. Petiv, t. 28. f. 4+ Hall. n. 757. P.aquaticum. Hudfon. Flor. i 122. Light if. Flor. Scot. 16 3: Wi ithering. Bot. Arr. 298. 3 Pentandtia Digynia. Lin, Gem Plant. 525%, Gen. Ch. -Flo ofculi difei minores, _ Fruédtus ovatus levis coronatus — ferenibie et rae Bs eat ae take: oS - Ch. P, foliorum ramicationibs divas, “ROOT 266 Libighed ty TP Wivedtle Iieo?4, AFG . \ ( 14 he | ROOT biennial, thick, tapering, jointed, fending off numerous: long flender fibres. Stalk thick, hollow, {mooth, jointed, branched, . fcored, ufually about two feet in height. Leaves large, triply pin- nated, ramifying at right angles, or divaricating ; leafits irregularly pinnatifid; leaves under the water filiform. Flowers fmall, white, in terminal umbels. General involucrum none. Partial involucrum of feven leaves, which are pointed, and about the length of the proper umbel. Calyx five-toothed, permanent. Flowers all fertile, and forming a flat uniform furface. Individual florets unequal, {maller at the centre. Petals five, heart-fhaped, bent inwards. Filaments five, capillary longer than the petals. Antherx roundifh, Germen ovate. Styles two, tapering, upright, permanent. Stigmata blunt. Fruit ovate, {mooth, divifible into two parts or feeds, . : It grows in rivers, ditches, and pools, flowering in June and uly. 3 : This plant is generally fuppofed to poflefs deleterious qualities. Horfes, on eating it, are faid to become paralytic; but this effec fhould not be afcribed to the Phellandrium, but to an infect which refides, within its ftalks, viz. the Curculio parapleéficus. The feeds of the plant, however, according to Dr. Lange,” when taken in large dofes, produce a remarkable fenfation of weight in the head, accompanied with giddinefs, intoxication, &c. and therefore may be deemed capable of proving an active medicine. They are oblong, ftriated, of a greenifh yellow, about the fize of thofe of dill, and manifefting an aromatic acrid tafte, approaching nearly to that of the feeds of lovage. Diftilled with water they yield an effential oil, of a pale yellow colour, and of a ftrong penetrating fmell., One pound of the feeds affords an ounce of watery extra&t, but nearly double this quantity of fpirituous extract, of which more than three. drams confifts of refin.° : Pliny * ftates the feeds of Phellandrium to be an efficacious medi- eine in calculous complaints, and diforders of the bladder; and in this opinion he is followed by Dodonzus,* who mentions them alfo as poflefling diuretic and emmenagogue powers. Bufon thefe autho- * 4 . *See Rem. Brunfi 235. Ernflingius, lc. © Lib. 17. ¢. 133 * Pempt, sors x No. 12.—Part II. Ps ets sai ( 142 ) rities little reliance is to be placed; fo that the efficacy of this plant refts chiefly on the teftimonies of Ernftingius and Lange, by whom various cafes of its fuccefsful ufe are publithed, efpecially i in wounds and inveterate ulcers of different kinds, and even in cancers ;° alfo in phthifis pulmonalis, afthma, dyfpepfia, intermittent fevers, &c. About two feruples of the feed, two or three times a day, was the ordinary dofe given. Though the diforders here noticed are fo Etelbifirious and diffi- milar as to afford no fatisfa@tory evidence of the medicinal qualities of . thefe feeds, yet they appear to us well deferving of farther invet- tigation, according to the maxim ‘ Ubi virus ibi virtus.’ * Boerhaave alfo fpeaks highly of its difcutient power in all kinds of tumours. “Hif. é beaks Hort. Ludg. Bat. t. p. ot OENANTHE CROCATA. HEMLOCK WATER-DROPWORT. SY NON YMA. ‘Genaiiche Cherophylli foliis. Bauh. Pin. 162. Filipendula cieutz facie. Ger. Emac. 1057. Oenanthe, fucco virofo, cicute facie Lobelii, Baub. Hi it. ut. 193. Park. Theat. 894+ Raii. Synop. 210. Morris, Seét. 9. tab. 9. Watfon. Phil. Tranf. v. 44. 2. 480. tab. 3- Oenanthe crocata. Hudf. Flor. Ang. 121. | Withering. Bot. Arr. 297. es ifoot. Flor. Scot.162. Ic. Facquine. Hert Ute te 55. " Pentandria Digynia, Lin. Gen. Plant. 352. Gen. Ch. Flofeuli difformes: in difco fefliles, fteriles. Fruéfus aailyee et piftillo coronatus. 33 Sp. Ch. e. foliis omnibus eaultsfidis obtufis fubequalibus. * ROOT perennial, divided into numerous parts, or oblon tuber- cles, furnifhed with long flender fibres. Stalks erect, shinee’, round, fmooth, branched, of a yellowith red colour, two or three 7 feet - 267 ( 143 ) feet in height. Leaves fimply and doubly pinnated ; {maller pinnz wedge-fhaped, {mooth, ftreaked, jagged at the edges: larger pinnz _three-lobed, indented, refembling thofe of fmallage. Flowers in umbels, which are terminal, fpreading, and almoft globular. General invo- lucrum none. Partial involucrum compofed of many {mall leaves. Calyx permanent, five-toothed. Florets unequal, thofe at the circum- ference often fterile. Petals five, heart-fhaped, broad, bent inwards, emarginated. Filaments five, flender, tapering, twice the length of the petals. Anthere oblong, brown.. Germen beneath the corolla. Styles two, awl-fhaped, reddith, permanent. Stigmata pointed. Fruit _ oblong, ftriated, divifible into two parts or feeds, which are convex on one fide, and flat on the other. It grows on the banks of rivers, and in ditches, flowering in June and July. We have felected this plant, to record it as a powerful poifon, rather than as medicine. Its root, which is not unpleafant to the tafte, is, by Dr. Poultney, efteemed to be the moft deleterious of all the vege- tables which this country produces. 7 Mr. Howell, furgeon at Haverfordweft, relates, that “ eleven “* French prifoners had the liberty of walking in and about the town “* of Pembroke ; three of them, being in the fields a little before noon, “ dug up a large quantity of this plant, which they took to be wild “© celery, to eat with their bread and butter for dinner. After wafhing “ it, they all three ate or rather tafted of the roots. As they were “* entering the town, without any previous notice of ficknefs at the “‘ ftomach, or diforder in the head, one of them was feized with “ convulfions. The other two ran home, and fent a furgeon to him. “* The furgeon endeavoured firft to bleed, and then to vomit him; but ** thofe endeavours were fruitlefs, and he died prefently. Ignorant. — “ of the caufe of their comrade’s death, and of their own danger, “« they gave of thefe roots to the other eight prifoners, who all ate “ fome of them with their dinner. A few minutes afterwards the *¢ remaining two, who gathered the plants, were feized in the fame “« manner as the firft; of which one died; the other was bled, and “ a vomit, with great difficulty foreed down, on account of his jaws “* being as it were locked together. This operated, and he recovered, “‘ but was fometime affected with dizzinefs in his head, though not | oe “ fick ( 44) «© fick or the leat difordered i in his ftomach. The other eight being “ bled and vomited immediately, were foon well.” * At Clonmel, in Ireland, eight, boys miftaking this plant for water= parfnep, ate plentifully. of its roots: about four or five hours after, the eldeft boy became fuddenly convulfed, and died; and before the _next morning four of the other boys died i in a fimilar manner. Of the other three, one was maniacal feveral hours, apasber loft his hair and nails, but the third efcaped unhurt.” Stalpaart vander Wiel mentions two cafes of the fatal effects of | this root; thefe, however, were attended with great heat in the throat and ftomach, ficknefs, vertigo, and purging. They both died in the courfe of two or three hours after eating the root. ; Allen, in his Synopfis Medicine, alfo relates that four, children fuffered greatly by eating this poifon. In thefe cafes great agony was. experienced before the convulfions fupervened; vomitings likewife came on, which were encouraged by large draughts of oil and warm: water, to which their recovery is afcribed. . The late Sir William Watfon,° who cakes to the a sices here. cited, alfo fays that a Dutchman was poifoned by the /eaves of the plant boiled in pottage. It appears from various ativan that moft brute apps are not — lefs affected by this poifon than man ; and Mr. Lightfoot informs us that a {poonful of the juice of this plant, given to a dog, rendered him fick — and ftupid; but a goat was obferved to eat the plant with impunity. The great virulence of this plant has not however prevented it from being taken medicinally. In a letter from Dr. Poultney to Sir William Watfon,’ we are told that a fevere and inveterate cutaneous diforder was cured by the juice of the root, though not without exciting the moft alarming fymptoms. Taber in the dofe of a - f{poonful, in two hours afterwards the head was affected in a very extraordinary manner, followed with violent ficknefs and vomiting, cold fweats and rigors; but this did not deter the patient from con- tinuing the medicine, in fomewhat lefs doles, till it effected acure. . @ Phil. Tranf, vol. 44. ; > Ibid. 1. * Sir William likewife inform us, that Mr: Miller knew a whole family at Batterfea, who were poifoned with this plant. And that Mr. Ehret, while drawi Fag freth plant, was affeéted with univerfal uneaiinefs and vertigo, @ * Phil. Tranf, vol. : Cee CICUTA VIROSA. Debs, 47.94 - {! See. <4 J (. 145 ) ’ CICUTA VIROSA. WATER HEMLOCK. - SY.NONYMA. Cicuta aquatica. Pharm. Murray.i.271. Bergius. 212. Wepfer. Hift. Cicute Aquat. p. 4. Sium alterum olufatri facie. Lobel. Ic. 208. | Ger. Emac. 256. Ray. Hift. 450. _ Synop. 212. Sium eruce folio. “ Baub. Pin. 154. Sium majus angutti- folium. Park. Theat. 1241. Conf. Phil. Tranf. v. 44. 242. tab. 4. . Hall. n. 781. Flor. Dan. 208. Cicuta virofa. Hudf. Flor. Ang. 122, Lightfoot. Scot. 164. With. Bot. Arr. 299. Pentandria Digynia. Lin, Gen. Plant. 354. ~ Gen Ch. Fruétus fubovatus, fulcatus. - Sp. Ch. C. umbellis oppofitifoliis, petiolis marginatis obtufis. ROOT perennial, thick, fhort, hollow, befet at the joints with numerous flender fibres. Stalk thick, round, fiftular, ftriated, fmaoth, fparingly branched, about four feet in height. Leaves pinnated, leafits tifually placed in ternaries, fpear-fhaped, ferrated ; ferratures white at the points. Flowers in large expanding umbels. Partial involucrum compofed of feverak fhort briftle-thaped leaves. Calyx” fearcely difcernible. Florets all uniform, fertile, each confifting of five petals, which are ovate, turned inwards, of a greenifh white. Filaments five, capillary, longer than the petals. Anthere fimple, purplifh. Styles two, at firft clofe, afterwards divaricating. Stigmata fimple. Fruit egg-fhaped, divifible into two feeds, which are ribbed and convex on one fide, and flat on the other. — near. Pes It grows on the borders of pools and rivers, flowering in July and This plant, which in its recent ftate has a {mell refembling that of {mallage, and a tafte fomewhat like that of parfley, is well known to be a powerful poifon. Haller fuppofes it to be the Ke» of Diofcorides ; but whether it is the Athenian cicuta, or the plant of which the No. 12.—Part IL 2 + poifonous ( 146 ) poifonous potion of the Greeks was compofed, cannot poffibly be afcertained. | The root has a {trong fmell, and a warm fomewhgt acrid tafte; by . diftillation with water it yields a volatile matter, which is of a narcotic quality, and of a very ungrateful odour. It appears from Bergius, that. Water-Hemlock, in its dried ftate, may be taken in a confiderable quantity without producing any bad effect ;* but of the fatal effects of its root when frefh, numerous inflances are recorded. Of two boys and fix girls, who ate of this root for that of parfnep, the greater part-died in a fhort time after- wards, thofe only efcaping who were enabled to difcharge it by vomiting. The fymptoms it produced were intoxication, vertigo, great heat and pain in the ftomach, convulfions, and even epilepfy, diftortions of the eyes, vomiting or retching, a difcharge of blood from the ears, {welling of the abdomen, hiccup, fpafms, &c.° In the cafe of a man who had eaten of this poifonous root, we are told the fymptoms were vertigo, fucceeded by delirium, with conftant heat at the ftomach, and inextinguifhable thirft: thefe fymptoms were of ae | | continuance, and followed by an eryfipelatous tumour of the fieck. | Pe 3 ; : To cite all the inftances related of the deleterious effects of this root would be unneceffary, as thofe here ftated from Wepfer will fufficiently fhow the train of fymptoms which ufually follow the _ taking of this poifon. It may be obferved however that in moft of the cafes in which it proved fatal, the patients died in a convulfed or epileptic ftate, and that whenever the root was rejected by vomiting, only a flight degree of ftupefaction was for a few hours experienced.° + Recentem cicutam nunquam adhibui; pilulas vero e fucco cicute expreffo & in- fpiffato, cum pulvere foliorum formatas, dedi foeminz,. cancro vero mammarum labo- ranti, incipiendo a parca dofi, fenfim adfcendendo ad dracm. 3. quotidie; fed nullum’ effectum inde fenfit, neque bonum, nec malum, Prefcripfi famulo cuidam decoét. faturat. herbe cicutze ficcatze libr. 4- quod -externe adhiberet, fed per errorem intra binas horas totam ebibit lagunculam, abfque ullo tamen infequente damno.” Vide l¢e » Wopfer. he * See Eph. Nat. Cur. Cent. vo. Of. 58. p. 355: ¢ See Brefl. Samml. 1722, p- 286, Schwencke ¢ ives an account of four boys who had the misfortune to eat this root, three of whom died in convulfions; the other was faved by the timely adminiftration of an emetic, ~ : ; oe ged sad » ty = = at a = “ : “ On ist On examination of the bodies of thofe who perithed by eating this root, we are told that the ftomach and inteftines were difcovered to be inflamed, and even in a gangrenous or eroded ftate, and the blood-veflels-of the brain much diftended.‘ To feveral brutes this plant has likewife proved mortal ; but the fats upon this point are fomewhat vague and various. Though faid - be a fatal poifon. to SOW, it is eaten with epapualty, by goats and ~ fheep.® As an internal medicine the Ga aquatica is univerfally fuperfeded by the common hemlock ; but externally employed in the way of a poultice, it is faid to afford relief in various fixed pains, ee oe gh thofe of the rheumatic and arthritic kind. * Vide Wepfer, Schwencke, Brefl. Samml: 1722. ‘p» 286. Eph. Nat. Cur. Dee 2. a. 6 p. 321. & ——videre licet pinguefcere feepe cicuta Lucrer. Barbigeras pecaies, hominique eft acre venenum, Other medicinal plants of this Order, are SysTEMATIC Namzs. - OFFICINAL. _. ENGLIsH, Sanicula. europea ‘Sanicula : Common Sanicle Tordylium officinale - Sefeli creticum Hartwort Athamanta cretenfis = =» Daucus creticus — - Cretan Spignel Athamanta Oreo‘elinum Oreofelinum Divaricated Spignel Peucedanum officinale ~ © Peucedanum. Sulphur-wort Laferpitium Jatifolium - Gentiana alba | Broad leav’d Laffer-wort Laferpitium Siler _ Siler montanum. Mountain Laffer-wort Heracleum Sphoneyihaik, = * Branca urfina Cow Parfnep Sium Ninfi Ninfi _ Baftard Ginfeng Sifon Ammi . Ammi verum ‘True Bifhopfweed - Bubon macedonicum Petrofelinum macedon.. Macedonian Parfley Aethufa Meum ~ Meu | Common Spignel Scandix Cerefolium . Cerefolium Chervil Chzerophyllum fylveftre Cicutaria Common Cow-weed ‘Sefeli tortuoflum Sefeli maffilienfe. Hard Meadow Saxifrage Paftinaca fativa Paftinaca Garden Par{fnep Apium graveolens Apium- Smallage Bupleurum meen Perfoliata. Thorow-wax. GALUM ( 148 ) STELLATE. _ GALIUM APARINE. CLEAVERS, or GOOSE GRASS. SYNONYMA. Aparine. Pharm. Murray.vi.24. Dale.133. Rutty. 321. Aparine vulgaris. Bawh Pin. 3 34. Aparine. Ger. Limac. 1122. Park. Theat. 567. Ray. Syn. 225. Galium caule ferrato, foliis fenis linearibus lanceolatis ferratis, petiolis unifloris. Hall. Hit. Stirp. Helv. n. 723. Galium Aparine. Scop. Fl. Carn. 2. 157. Hudfon. Flor. Ang. 57. Withering. Bot. Arr.157. Lightfoot. Flor. Scot, 117. Flor. Dan, Icon. 495. Curt. Flor. Lond. , Tetrandria Monogynia. Liz. Gen. Plant. ‘125. Gen. Ch. Cor. 1-petala, plana, Sem. 2, fubrotunda. Sp. Ch. G, foliis o€tonis lanceolatis ‘Garinatis feabris retrorfum acu- _ leatis, geniculis villofis, fruGtu hifpido. | ROOT branched, fibrous, annual. - Stalk quadrangular, three or four feet in height, weak, climbing, jointed branched: angles befet with fhort prickles, which are bent backwards, and faften hold of ‘neighbouring plants, Leaves ftanding at the joints of the ftalk fix or eight together, lanceolate, narrow, finely pointed, on the upper fide rough, with {harp prickles. Flowers {mall, white, on rough footftalks. Calyx none. Corolla very fmall, wheel-thaped, divided into four oval pointed fegments. Filaments four, white, fhorter than the corolla. Anthere yellow. Germen below the corolla, double, rough. Styles two, fhort. Stigmata globular. Fruit two dry roundifh berries, flightly adhering together, covered with hooked prickles. Seeds folitary, kidney-fhaped. ce Jt is common in cultivated ground and hed roducing its flowers from June till Septembage: aint - : et ae Pe 269 : € 149) This fucculent plant is deftitute of odour, but to the tafte it is: bitterifh, and fomewhat acrid. Diofcorides * fpeaks of an ointment made of the bruifed herb, mixed with lard, as an ufeful application to difeufs ftrumous fwellings; and Gafpari,” an Italian, adopted a fimilar practice with great faccefs. He alfo informs us, that a decoc- tion of the plant, employed i in the,way of fomentation, was found to. be very efficacious in {wellings of the glands of the neck; which followed a certain epidemic at Verona. Dr. Cullen, howctet, relates that he tried the Aparine in fome glandular acme but without deriving any advantage,° It is faid by Mayerne, .that tliree ounces of the j juice. of the plant, taken twice a day in wine, were experienced to be an ufeful aperient and diuretic in incipient dropfies. But the character in which the Aparine has of late been chiefly efteemed, is that of an antifcorbutics, for this purpofe, a tea-cupful of its exprefed j juice is. to be taken, every morning for nine or ten days. When the frefh plant cannot be procured, it may be ufed in a dried ftate as tea.’ Other fpecies of Galium have been ufed: for the purpofes of medi-- cine, efpecially the G. verum, or yellow lady’ s bed-ftraw, the flowers: of which have been recommended in hyfteric and epileptic complaints. It has been afferted, that thefe flowers contain an acid, which coagu- lates milk; but neither Bergius, Cullen, nor Young, obferved this. effedt from them,, after repeated'trials.. * M. M. Lib. 3. cap. 104. » See Offervazioni Storiche,. Mediche, Sc. 173%. p. 17: te A, AG week 2s e375 * See Med. &F Phil. Commentaries. vol..5. p. 326. Alfo Edward’s Treatife on the> Goofe-grafs, or Clivers, and its efficacy in - cure of the moft inveterate Scurvy. ee . Gis aiedictonl plants of this Order, are’ SysreMmaTic NAMES: Orricitat.. ss Wo rsu. Galium verum -Galium luteum _ Yellow Ladies bedftraw- Galium Mollugo. Galium album White ditto Afperula odorata : Matrifylva Sweet Woodroof. N .12— Patt Ik 2P CONGLOMERATZ.. ( ¥90.-) CONGLOMERATE. ‘VISCUM am - __ MISSELTOE. SYNON YMA, ° Vifeus: Phaba: Dale. 313. Alftom. it. 53. Lewis.666. Edinb. New Difpenf. 302. Cullen, ii. 47. Murray. 4199. Bergius. 788. Ger. Emac. 153. Ray. Syn. 464. Hif 1583. Vifcum baccis albis. Baub. Pin. 423. Vifcum vulgare. Park. Theat. 1392. Hall. n. 1609. V. album. Hudfon. Flor. Ang. 431. Withering. Bot. Arre 1112. Ie. Mill. Illuft. Dioecia Tetrandria. Liz. Gen. Plant. 1105. ‘Sa Ch. Masc. Cal. 4-partitus. Cor. o. Filamenta o. Anthera | calyci: adnate. Feu. Cal. 4-phyllus, ‘fuperus. Cor. 0. Stylus 0. Bacca 1-fperma, Sem. cordatum. | Sp. Ch. v. foliis lesen obtulis caule dichotomo, {picis axillaribus A PARASITICAL Sprain fhrub,, infinuating ite radical fibres into the wood of the trees on which it grows. Branches numerous, regularly dichotomous; covered with {mooth bark, of a’ yellowith green colour. Leaves fpear-fhaped, blunt, entire, fiviated, ftanding in pairs upon fhort footftalks.. Flowers male and female in different plants, {mall, axillary, in clofe fpikes. Calyx of the male flower divided into "fbar: ovate equal fegments. Corolla none. Filaments none. Antherz four, oblong; attached to the calyx. Calyx of the Semale flower divided into four leaves; which are {mall, ovate, deci- duous, placed on the common germen. Corolla none. Germen beneath, oblong; three-edged, indiftin@ly crowned with a border with four clefts, Style none. Stigma —: and fomewhat notched. Fruit 270 o Pubigfhed ly BD” Weedrlia Deo? 4479+. Sie Fruit a globular white fmooth one-celled berry, containing a flefhy feed, which is inverfely heart-fhaped, blunt, compreffed. It grows on various kinds of trees, producing its flowers in May; but its berries remain throughout the winter. This fingular parafitical plant moft commonly grows on apple trees, alfo on the pear, hawthorn, fervice, oak, hafel, maple, ath, lime-tree, _ willow, elm, hornbeam, &c. It is fuppofed to be propagated by birds, efpecially by the fieldfare and thrufh, which feed upon its berries, the feeds of which pafs through the bowels unchanged, and along with the excrements adhere to the branches of trees where they vegetate.* : : | The Miffeltoe of the oak, has, from the times of the antient druids been always preferred to that produced on other trees; but it is now well known that the vifcus quernus differs in no refpe&t from others. This plant is the + of the Greeks, and was in former times thought to poflefs many medicinal virtues; however, we learn but little con- cerning its efficacy from the ancient writers on the Materia Medica ; nor will it be deemed neceflary to ftate the extraordinary powers afcribed to the Miffeltoe by the crafty defigns of druidical knavery. «© Both the leaves and branches of the plant have very little fimell, and a very weak tafte of the naufeous kind. In diftillation’ they impregnate water. with their faint unpleafant fmell, but yield no effential oil. Extraéts, made from them by water, are bitterith, roughith, and fubfaline. The {fpirituous extra@ of the wood has the greateft aufterity, and that of the leaves the greateft bitterneds. The berries abound with an extremely tenacious molt ungrateful fweet mucilage.” § 7 The Vifcus Quernus obtained great reputation for the cure of epilepfy ; and a cafe of this difeafe, of a woman of quality, in which it proved remarkably fuccefsful, is mentioned by Boyle.* Some ears afterwards its ufe was ftrongly recommended in various con- vulfive diforders by Colbach, who has related feveral inftances of * Or if the berries, when fully ripe, be rubbed on the fmooth bark of almoft any tree, they will adhere clofely and produce plants the following Winter, § Lewis. 1. c. # See Ufefulne/s of Nat. & Exper. Philof. I74e. a its > ( 352-) its good effedts.”. He adminiftered it in fubftance im dofes of half a dram, or a dram, of the wood. or leaves, or an infufion of an ounce. This author was followed by others, who have not only given teftimony of the efficacy of the Mifleltoe in different convulfive affections, but alfo in thofe complaints denominated nervous, in which it was fuppofed to act in the character of a tonic. But all _ that has been written in favour of this remedy, which is certainly well’ deferving of notice, has not prevented it from ‘falling into general neglea ; ; and the Colleges of London and Edinburgh have, perhaps not without reafon, expunged it from their catalogues of the Materia Medica. > Diffirtation concerning the Miffiltee, a moft, wonderful fpecifick* remedy for the cure of convuliiue diftempers.. ~ Other: medicinal plants’ of this Order; are SysTEMATIC NaMEs,. OFFICINAL. __ENGLIsH. Poterium Sanguiforba. Pimpinella italica (berba): Common Burnet. Sanguiforba officinalis Pimpinella italica (eax) « Burnet Blood-wort. Plantago Pfyllium — Pfyllium. Clammy Plantain. “Cufcuta europza: Cufcuta cates Common Dodder: guts epithymum Epithymum, Leffler Doddes, FILICES. tiny Bish Lk be dee POLYPODIUM VULGARE. COMMON POLYPODY. SYNONYMA. Polypodium. Pharm. Dale. 63. Alfon.i. 496. Rutty. 405. Lewis. 519. Edinb. New Difpenf. 259. Bergius. 844. Murray. v.449.. Gerard. Emac. 1132. Raii. Hift..137. Synop. 117. Polypodium foliis pinnatis lanceolatis radice {quamata. Hall, Hiff. n. 1696. Polypoditim vulgare. Bauh. Pin. 359. Park. Theat. 1039.. Hudfon. Ang. 387. Withering. Bot. Arr. ii. 55. tc. Curtis. Lond, Bolton, Fil. Brit. t. 18. -Cryptogamia Filices.. Lin. Gen. Plant. 1179. Gen. Ch. Fruétif. in pundiis fubrotundis, fparfis per difcum frondis. Sp. Ch. P. frondibus pinnatifidis : pinnis oblongis fubferratis obtufis, - radice {quamata. ROOT perennial, creeping, in an horizontal direction, fomewhat thicker than a goofe’s quill, externally yellowith, internally greenifh, covered with brown feales, and befet with fmall tubercles, from which iffue numerous ‘fibres. Stalks or ftipites {mooth, tapering, grooved on the upper fide. Frondes or leaves from half a foot to a foot in length, pinnated ; pinnz oblong, flightly ferrated, obtufe. Capfules placed in a row on each fide of the midrib of the leaf: they are of a roundifh form, and granulated appearance, furnithed with footftalks,and opening horizontally into two hemilpheres, which are furrounded by an elaftic ring. Seeds numerous, oval or reniform, yellow. It grows on old walls, ftumps and roots of trees, and various fhady | places, fructifying from June till October. ee ** The leaves of Polypody have a weak ungrateful fmell, and a naufeous {weet tafte, leaving a kind of roughnefs and flight acrimony in the mouth. They give out their {mell and tafte, together with a yellow colour, both to water and retified {pirit : the fpirituous tinéture is fweeter than the watery; but in infpiffation its fweetnefs is in great | part deftroyed, or covered by the other matter ; the fpirituous extract, as Cartheufer obferves, being to the tafte only fubaftringent and fuba- crid, with very little fweetnefs, while the watery extraét retains the Ma full fweetnefs of the polypody.’ The root of the Polypodium quercinum, or thofe that grow on the oak, has been moft efteemed for medicinal ufe, though no juft reafon can be afligned for this preference. By the ancients it was employed as a purgative, and thought to be peculiarly ufeful in expelling bile and pituitous humours; therefore much ufed in maniacal melancho- lical diforders ; but to aét as cathartic the root muft be exhibited in its recent ftate, and in a large dofe. Another character in which it has been recommended, and for which from its fenfible qualities it feems to promife more advantage, is that of a demulcent or pe¢toral ; thus joined with liquorice its good effeéts have been experienccd in. . coughs and afthmatic affections. However it is now rarely ufed in this country; nor have the French - authors, Poiffoner and Malouin,” who have cited inftances of its fuc- cefs in mania, been able to reftore to it its antient reputation in this _ calamitous diforder. * Lewis. 1. c. Gmelin tried to obtain fugar from this root, but without fuccefs. See Differt. Confideratio generalis filicium. p. 38. > See Med. de L’ Acad. de Scien. de Paris. 1751. ASPLENIUM | SS) ——— a SSS SS Se = eam a iy i Wy “iY RY) Mf Lif Oy YY) Ss —— Sener SS ——_——- —. en — SS SS LN] it Li at \ pty = a. Pubiithed be D2 Weodvlle, Fant 4.4708» C £55 ASPLENIUM SCOLOPENDRIUM. HARTS-TONGUE. * SYNONYMA. Scolopendrium feu Lingua cervina. Pharm. id. Lingua cervina Offcinarum. Bauh. Pin. 350. Ger. Emac. 1138. Park. Theat. 1046. Ray. Hift. 134. Synop. 116. Afplenium petiolis hirfutis, folio longe lineari, lanceolata, integerrimo circa petiolum exficco. Hall. Hiff.n. 1695. Afplenium, Frondes lan- ceolate, &c. Scop. Fl. Carn. A.Scolopendrium. Hudjon. Flor. Ang. 384. Withering. Bot. Arr. iii. 51. Ic. Bolten. Fil. Brit. t. 11, Curt. Flor. Lond. . : Cryptogamia Filices. Lin. Gen. Plant. 11 78. Gen. Ch. Fruitific. in Vineolis difci feondis {parfis. Sp. Ch. A. frondibus fimplicibus cordato-lingulatis integerrimis, fti- tibus hirfutis, — ge ROOT perennial, furnifhed with numerous fibres, which are brown and fubdividing. Stipites or ftalks fimple, befet with mofly hair, extending along the midrib. Leaves long, tongue-fhaped, pointed, entire, f{mooth, often a foot in length, of a fhining yellowith green colour, and waved at the margin. Fruttifications placed in oblique lines on each fide of the midrib of the leaf. Involucrum a membra- nous linear-fhaped veficle, opening longitudinally. Capfules nume- rous, on footftalks, globular, furnifhed with an elaftic ring like thofe of Polypodium. The feeds, which are exceedingly minute, and very numerous, are thrown to a confiderable diftance by the veffel con- taining them, being violently forced open by the elaftic power of the zing. ==, It eee on moift fhady rocks, old walls, and at the mouths of wells and caverns, producing its frudtifications in Auguft and : ptemover. tae Befides nn ee: ec ok ee» { 256 .) Befides the names above-mentioned, this plant has alfo been called hemionitis and phyllitis: it is fwppofed to poffefs medicinal qualities in common with feveral other fpecies of the fame genus, as golden - antl common maiden hair, wall-rue, and common {pleen-wort, which were termed the five capillary herbs, and formerly held in great efti- mation. ‘To the tafte they are flightly aftringent, mucilaginous, and fweetifh ; and they change a folution of iron to a black colour ; their {mell is inconfiderable, except the feolopendrium, which, when recent, and rubbed, manifefts a difagreeable odour. ; They have been formerly ufed to ftrengthen the vifcera, reftrain hemorrhages, and alvine fluxes, expel gravel, and to open obftruc- tions of the liver and fpleen; as well as for the general purpofes of demulcents and peétorals, as noticed when fpeaking of common maidenhair, which with the prefent plant are the only two of the five capillary herbs retained in the Materia Medica of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia. ls = The other Medicinal Plants of this Order, are SvsTEMATIC NAMES. . | OFFICINAL. | - Encursm. Pteris aquilina _ Filix femina - SF _ Common Fern Adiantum capillus veneris Capillus veneris True Maidenhair Afplenium Ceterach - _——Ceterach Common Spleenwort _ Afplenium ruta muraria -—-—Ruta muraria - », +. Wall-me se Equifetum arvenfe Equifetum of Corn Horfe-tail t ALG - at CA, ‘ witches ee cents Likhiprod ty DE Woodville, Sand, 4. “798. ( 42-6 LICHEN CANINUS. = ASH-COLOURED GROUND ongh LIVERWORT, SYNONYMA. Lichen cinereus terreftris. Pharm. Dale. 59. Alfton. 353. Lewis. 386. Ed. New Difpenf. 219. Murray. v. 524. Rait. Hift.117. Synop. 76. Hall. Hift. n. 1988. Lichen caninus. Hud/on. Flor. Ang. 546. Relban. Flor. Cant. 434. Withering. Bot. Arr. iii, 203. Ic. Blackw. 336. Dill. Hift. Mufc, p. 200. 4.27. f.102. Flor. Dan. 767. , | Cryptogamia Alge, Lin. Gen. Plant. 1202. Gen. Ch. Mase. Receptaculum fubcotandum; planiufculum, nitidum, Fem. Farina foliis adfpeniias be E. Cor Se Lee Sp. Ch. L. coriaceus repens lobatus obtufus planus : fubtus venofus villofus, pelta marginali adfcendente. GROWING on the ground, confifting of creeping leaves, of a leather-like fubftance, greenifh, or afh-coloured, and appearing as if covered with a farinaceous fubftance, about a fpan in length, one or two inches in breadth, widening towards their extremities, feparated into lobes, which are fhort, blunt, fingle, or’ in ftrata; beneath woolly, veined, and attached by flender white fibres. Peltz or targets round or oblong, terminal, hard, folid, afcending, of a reddith brown colour. It grows on heaths, dry paftures, and woods. This vegetable has a weak faint fmell, and a mucid fharpith tafte. It was for a long time highly extolled as a medicine of fingular virtue in preventing and curing that dreadful diforder which is produced by No. 13.—Part IL. 2R the ( x58 ) the bite of rabid animals. The pulvis antilyffus, a powder compofed of equal parts of this lichen and black pepper,* was firft recommended as a prefervative againft the rabies canina by Mr. Dampier, brother of the celebrated circumnavigator of that name; and by the authority of Sir Hans Sloane it was publifhed in the Philofophical Tranfadtions.” This powder was afterwards adopted in the London Pharmacopeeia in 1721, at the defire of Dr. Mead, who appears to have had repeated experience of its good effects, and who declares that he had never known it to fail where it had been ufed, with the affiftance of cold bathing before the hydrophobia came on. He dire¢ts the patient to be blooded to the extent of nine or ten ounces; afterwards a dram and a half of the powder is to be taken in the morning fafting in half a pint of cow’s milk warm, for four mornings fucceflively. After thefe four dofes are taken, the patient is directed to go into the cold bath every morning for a month, and then three times a week for a fortnight longer. On the charaéter of Mead the pulvis antilyflus was long retained in the London Pharmacopeeia; but on the revifion of that book in 1788 it was defervedly expunged. * This was the original compofition; but the quantity of pepper rendering thé medi- cine too hot, the powder was prepared of two parts of the lichen and one of pepper. » Val. 20. p49. In the Hi, difters of the Royal Society we are told that a dog became rabid, and bit feveral other dogs belonging to the Duke of York ; but by the timely vj of this lichen, they were all preferved from madnefs, Vol. 492. and v 3 19. % FUNGL i Publijned by DI Weodsille, Tats, A798 . € to ) FU NGL BOLETUS IGNIARIUS. = TOUCHWOOD BOLETUS, Or AGAR, SYNONYMA. Agaricus chirurgorum. Pharm. Edinb. Agaricus. quernus. Pharm. gener. Fungus in caudicibus nafcens, unguis equini figura. Bauh. Pin. 372. Polyporus feflilis, convexo-pla- nus, duriffimus, cinereus, inferne albus. Aa//. Helv. n. 2288. Rati. Synop. 22. n. 7. B. igniarius. Audfon. Flor. Ang. 625. Withering. Bot. Arr. iii. 425. Lightfoot. Flor. Scot.1034. Ic. Flor. Dan. 953. Bulliard. 82. 491. Scheffer.137, 1 38 Battarra. 37: foes | te Cryptogamia Fungi. Lin. Gen. Plant. 1210. Gen. Ch. Fungus horizontalis :. fubtus porofus. i ‘ a rere rrr. SA..Ch. B. acaulis pulvinatus levis, poris tenuiflimis, pete TUBES green, grey, red, or brownifh. Pores yellowith, changing to red brown, very fine. Pi/eus fhaped like a horfe’s hoof, fmooth, blackith. With. 7. c. ea This fungus is feflile, horizontal, confifting of a very hard woody fubftance, fhaped fomewhat like a horfe’s hoof; on the upper fide fmooth, but marked with circular ridges of different colours: the under fide is flat, white, or yellowith, full of very minute pores: the internal fubftance is fibrous, hard, tough, of a tawny brown colour. Seeds oval, contained in the tubes. Tubes very flender, equal, colour of tanned leather; in old plants ftratified, a frefh layer being added every year. Pileus very hard, : admitting ( 160 ) admitting of a polith by rubbing; marked with concentric bands or ridges, each broad ridge indicating a year’s growth, and three or four {mall ones that of the different feafons of the year, varying extremely in colour. Fie/b fibrous. Bulliard. ; It grows on the trunks of trees, and varies in fize from two to feven or eight inches in diameter. This fungus has been {pecifically named Igniarius, from being ufed in fome places as tinder. For this purpofe the Germans boil it in ftrong lye, dry it, and boil it again in a folution of faltpetre.* This Agaric has been much ufed by furgeons as an external ftyptics and that produced on the oak has been generally preferred. Its ufe was firft borrowed from the French; and it was fucceflively recom- mended by Broflard, Morand, Bouquot, Faget, Rochard, De Mey, who employed it not only to reftcain the bleedings 1 in wounds, but to prevent hemorrhages after amputations, which it is reported to have done as effectually as the ligature. Several Englifh furgeons have alfo publithed cafes in which the Agaric was fuccefsfully ufed, as Sharp, Warner, Gooch, and others. It muft not be concealed, however, that feveral others, foot after the introduétion of the ufe of the Agaric i in this country, declared it to be an ineffeCtual application ; and at this day, though it may be ufeful in certain cafes, yet in hemorrhages from the larger arteries, the ligature is the only remedy depended on both in France and England. To prepare the Agaric for furgical purpofes, the hard outer part is cut off, and the foft inner fubftance is divided into pieces of different - fizes, and beat with a hammer to render it ftill fofter. 2 We are informed by Gleditch, that in Franconia they beat pieces of the inner fubftance of this fungus, fo as to refemble foft leather, and few them together to form ee _ APPENDIX ( 161 ) In order that this work foould contain the whole of the vegetable Matzria Mepica, included in the Lonpon and Epinsurcu Puarmacopogtas, it has been thought necefjary to add the following APPENDIX. AmmMoNIAcUM (gummi refina) Pharm. Lond. &F Edinb. pe concrete gummy-refinous juice is compofed of little lumps, Hor tears, of a milky whitenefs: the external parts of the mafs are yellowith or brownith, and the white tears change to the fame colour on being expofed for fome time to the air. 3 We have hitherto had no information concerning the plant which - produces this drug, nor of the manner in which it is obtained : judging however from the feeds and pieces of an umbelliferous plant, with which it is often intermixed, there is no doubt of its . being the produce of a vegetable of this kind; and as Ammoniacum is very analogous to galbanum, the former, as well as the latter, is probably procured from a fpecies of the Bubon. According to the antient account of this drug, it was produced in the weft of Egypt, where the famous temple of Jupiter Ammon formerly ftood, now the kingdom of Barca, At prefent'it is brought here from Turkey, and from the Eaft Indies. | Ammoniacum has a ftrong and fomewhat ungrateful fmell, and a naufeous fweetith tafte, followed by bitternefs. Its effets are fimilar to thofe of galbanum, or rather of aflafoetida, but it has been generally preferred to either of thefe for refolving obftrutions of the lungs ; hence it is chiefly employed in afthmas and difficulty of expectora~ tion. In large dofes it opens the bowels. No. 13+ 2s ANGUSTURA (f 1627) ANGUSTURA (cortex) Pharm. Edinb. ANGUSTURA Bark is imported here in thin convex pieces, of about an inch and an half or lefs in breadth, and about fix inches in length. It is not fibrous, but hard, compact, of a yellowith brown colour, and covered with a whitifh uneven epidermis. Reduced to powder it has the yellow appearance of rhubarb. To the tafte it manifefts a bitterifh and an aromatic quality, leaving a fenfation of heat upon the tongue, which continues for fome time. Its odour, when recent, is faid to be ungrateful, but in its dried ftate this is not perceptible. An ounce of this bark affords, by means of alcohol, about two drams of a refinous bitter extract ; and nearly three drams and an half of a gummy extract may be obtained from the like quantity, by water. Some have contended that this drug fhould be called Auguftine, _ from St. Auguftin in Eaft Florida; but it feems more properly named Anguftura, which is a place in South America, whence it was brought by the Spaniards to the Ifland of Trinidad. From what tree it is obtained we find no certain account. It has been fuppofed to be the bark of the Magnolia glauca; but, with more probability, it has been fince thought to be that of the Brucea antidy- fenterica; (fee Bruce’s Travels, Fc. vol. 5. p. 69. and F. F. Miller, tab, 25.) or Brucea ferruginea of L’ Heritier and Aiton: (Hort. Kew. iii. 397) for the defcription of the bark of this tree, given by Mr. Bruce, agrees very well with the cortex angufture ; and as far as can be judged by the bark of a living plant of this fpecies, now growing in the Royal Garden at Kew, this opinion is ftill further confirmed. During the laft five years, in which the Anguftura bark has been known as a medicine in this country, it has been fuccefsfully ufed in the characters of a febrifuge, tonic, and aftringent. In intermittents it has been found equally effe€tual as Peruvian bark, and generally more acceptable to the ftomach ; and in cafes of diarrhza, dy{pepfia, - _ {crophula, and great debility, it has been found to be an ufeful remedy. (See Brande, in Landon Med. Journal for 1790.) see BALSAMUM ( 163 ) BALSAMUM PERUVIANUM. Pharm. Lond. t? Edinb. _ THE tree which produces this balfam was not botanically afcer- tained till the year 1781, when a fpecimen of it was fent by Mutis, from Terra Firma, to the younger Linnzus, who has defcribed it in the Supplementum plantarum under the name of Myroxylon peruiferum, Its fynonyma are Hoitziloxitl. Hernand. Thef rer. Med. Nov. Hifp. p. 51. cum fig. and Cabureiba Pif. Ind. Hift. Nat. et Med. p. 19. It grows in Peru, Brafil, Mexico, and Terra Firma. Two kinds of this balfam are imported here; the common or black, and the white. The firft, which is chiefly ufed, is about the confiftence of a fyrup, of a dark opake reddifh brown colour, in- clining to black, and of an agreeable aromatic {mell, and a very hot pungent tafte. Balfam of Peru is a very warm aromatic medicine, hotter than any of the other natural balfams; hence, in cold phlegmatic habits, it has been given to warm the conftitution, ftrengthen the nervous _fyftem, and attenuate vifcid humours. It has been alfo ufed by furgeons in certain wounds and ulcers. The White Balfam of Peru, or white ftorax, is brought here in gourd fhells, and is of a pale yellow colour, thick, and tenacious, be- coming by age folid and brittle. This balfam is lefs hot than the former, but of a more agreeable fragrant {mell, approaching fomewhat to that of ftorax. BALSAMUM CANADENSE. — Pharm. Lond. & Edinb. THIS balfam is the refinous juice of the Pinus Balfamea, or Balm of Gilead Fir ; a tree now well known in this country: which fhould have been figured with the other pines, but the drawing of it was at that time unfortunately miflaid. Hees This balfam, which is tranfparent, of a light amber colour, an ~ tolerably firm confiftence, is brought to this country from Canada ; and hence receives the name of Canada balfam, It may be con- ; 7 fidered ( 164 ) fidered as one of the pureft of the turpentines; and on this account it has lately been received into the Materia Medica; and from being lefs offenfive to the ftomach, promifes to fuperfede the balfam of Copaiva. : 55 TAS ee Qe Cassia LIGNEA. (cortex, flores nondum explicata.) Pharm, Edinb. IN the Edinburgh Pharmacopeeia this is, referred to the Laurus Caffia ; but we have already ftated the caffia to be only a variety of the Cinnamomum, and late obfervations tend to confirm this opinion, As a medicine it is certainly in every refpect inferior to cinnamon. CoLom BA (radix) Pharm. Lond, & Edinb. Srvonrma. Calumba, Redi, Exp. circa varias res naturales, 1685. p. 142. Rais de Mofambique of the Portuguefe. WE have no botanical account of the vegetable which furnifhes this root. It is brought from Colomba in Ceylon in knobs, or circular pieces, brown, and wrinkled on the outer furface, yellowith within, and confifting of cortical, woody, and medullary Jamina. Its {mell is aromatic; its tafte is pungent, and naufeoufly bitter. Pradiitioners in the Eaft Indies firft borrowed the ufe of this root from the natives of thofe countries where it is produced, and found it of great fervice in moft diforders of the ftomach and bowels, and efpecially in the cholera, fo fatal in hot climates. It ftopped the _ vomiting in this complaint, more fpeedily and effectually than any other medicine ; an effec attributed to its property of correcting the putrid difpofition of the bile. With this intention its ufe has been recommended by Dr. Percival; and-it has been fuccefsfully ufed in this country, not only in bilious complaints, but in various cafes of -\ CUBEBA ~ , 85 3) Cuspesa. Pharm. Lond. & Edinb. | _IT is generally admitted that this is a {pecies of pepper, and in the Supplementum plantarum a defcription of the Piper Cubeba, a fhrub - growing in the woods of Java, is given: but we have no certain account that this is the fpecies which furnifhes the officinal cubebs ; nor have we any information of the manner in which this fruit is collected. : The long footftalk attached to the Cubeba diftinguithes it at firft fight from the other kinds of pepper, and hence it has been called Piper caudatum. Though ftill retained in both the Britifh Pharma- ot aa it is much inferior to pepper, and has juftly fallen into | difufe. | —, Evemi (refina) Pharm. Lond, THE London College refers this refin to the Amyris Elemifera of _ Linnzus; but this celebrated naturalift, in applying the name Elemi-- fera to Catefby’s Frutex trifolius refinofus floribus tetrapetalis albis racemofis, has fince acknowledged himfelf to have been miftaken; as appears in the Amcen. Acad. vol. 7. where he fuppofes the Elemi to be produced by a fpecies of Burfera. _ However, the parent plant of this refin is ftill unafcertained. Elemi is brought here from the Spanifh Weft Indies; it is moft. efteemed when foftith, fomewhat tranfparent, of a pale whitith colour, inclining a little to green, and of a ftrong, though not unpleafant {mell. _ Its ufe is confined to ointments and plafters.. — Gamsocia (gummi-refina) Pharm, Lond. & Edinb, BY the induftry of Koenig, a phyfician who refided many years. at Tranquebar, it has been lately difcovered’ that the genuine Gam- boge is the concrete juice of a tree which conftitutes.a new genus,. under the name Stalagmitis (Schr. Gen. 1585). It belongs to the elafs a moneecia, and is fully defcribed by Profeflor Murray in the Comment. Gotting. (9. p. 175.) and App. Med. Vol. 4.. No. 13.. a1 The: ( 166 ) The Cambogia gutta of Linnzus, according to Keenig, alfo affords a yellow juice; but this, on drying, acquires a brownith hue, and is confidered as a fpurious kind of Gamboge. Gamboge is brought from the Eaft Indies, and is well known to operate powerfully both upwards and downwards. Geoffroy fays, that its emetic tendency is counteracted, if given in combination with mercurius dulcis, and that it may be given with lefs danger from its violence, in a liquid form than.in fubftance. In hydropic cates it is often ufed to quicken the operation of other purgatives. Though the ordinary dofe of this cathartic is two or three grains, yet for the expulfion of the tape worm it has been given, with an a quantity of vegetable anal, to the extent of fifteen grains. Kino (refina) Pharm. Lond. & Edinb. | Seu gummi rubrum aftringens gambienfe. THE tree, from which this refin is obtained, though not yet _ botanically afcertained, is known to grow on the banks of the river Gambia, in Africa. Fhe firft account of this drug is related by Moor in his “ Travels into the interior parts of Africa,” Ed. 2. p. 113. by which we learn, that on wounding the bark of the tree, the fluid Kino immediately iflues drop by drop, and by the heat of the fun is formed into a hard mafs. This, which was for fome time confidered as a fpecies of fanguis draconis, was afterwards fully explained, and its medical character eftablithed, by Dr. John Fothergill. ( Med. Obf: & Ing. vol. 1.) Kino has a confiderable refemblance to. catechu, but redder, and is . more firm, refinous, and aftringent. It is now in common ufe, and is the moft aes vegetable aftringent, or ftyptic, i in the Materia Medica, . | “Myrria Seeinuisidetias) Pharm. Lond: e Rai nb. oo “THOUGH Mr. Bruce (Lravels to di iieoter. the. Source. of the Ni ley vi. 3 27) was unable to obtain a botanical {pecimen. of the tree which . { i167 } which produces Myrrh, yet, from his account of it, we have no doubt in referring it to the genus mimofa; for in his opinion it very nearly refembles the acacia vera, which is the mimofa nilotica figured by us in the fecond volume of Medical Botany; and this correfponds with the defcription of the tree given by Diofcorides, The trees producing Myrrh grow on the eaftern coaft of Arabia Felix, and in that part of Abyffinia which is fituated near the Red Sea, and called by Mr. Bruce Troglodyte. The fame author fays, ** In order to have.Myrrh of the firft or more perfeé fort, the “* Savages chufe a young vigorous tree, whofe branches are without ** mofs or any parafite plant, and above the firft large branches give ** the tree a deep wound with an axe. The Myrrh which flows the ** firft year through this wound is Myrrh of the firft growth; and ** never is in any great quantity. This operation is performed fome- - §* time after the rains have ceafed, that is, from April to June, and ** the Myrth is produced in July and Auguft. The fap, once — ** accuftomed to iflue through the gath, continues fo to do fpon- ** taneoufly at the return of every feafon: but the tropical rains, ** which are very violent, and continue fix months, wath fo much “6 dirt, and lodge fo much water in the cut, that in the fecond year ** the tree has begun to rot and turn foul in that part, and the Myrrh “* is of a fecond quality, and fells in Cairo about a third cheaper than ** the firft. The Myrrh alfo produced from gathes near the roots, ** and in the trunks of old trees,.is of the fecond growth and quality, ** and fometimes worfe. This, however, is the good Myrrh of the ** Italian fhops every where in Venice. It is of a black red foul ** colour, folid, and heavy, lofing nothing in weight, and eafily “* diftinguifhed from that of Arabia Felix. The third and worft kind. ** is gathered from old wounds or gafhes formerly made in old trees, “© or Myrrh that, pafling unnoticed, has hung upon the tree a whole | _** year, of a black earth-like colour, heavy, with little {mell or bit- “* ternefs.” (Phil. Tranf: vol. 65.)—Mr. Bruce alfo fays, that fafa gum is fraudulently mixed with the Myrrh. _ The medical effe@ts of Myrrh are warm, corroborant, and antifep- tic; it has alfo been fuccefsfully employed in phthifical cafes as a pectoral ; and though allied to fome of the balfams, it is found to be more efficacious amd lefS “irritating to the fyftem. | ae Ete ALMA + yor 3 Parma (fructus oleum expreflum) Pharm. Edinb. PALM Oil is produced chiefly from the Cocos butyracea, thus {pecifically named from the butter-like appearance of the oil which it ields: It is well known, however, that other palms furnifh this un@tuous fubftance, as the Elaeis Guineenfis L. (fee Facguin) ; alfo * The palm-oil tree” of Sloane, or Palma oleofa of Hughes. To thefe we may add the Palma daétylifera aculeata fructu corallino major of Barrere (de la France equinoxiale), and the fpinous palms (Palmiers Avoira) mentioned by Aublet (Guiane Franc. tom. 2. App. p.95.) In the Supplementum plantarum we find not only a full defcrip- . tion of the Cocos butyracea, on the authority of Mutis, but alfo an account of the method ufed to obtain the oil by the inhabitants of the warmer parts of America, where this palm is a native: The fruit of this palm, which is triangular, yellow, and about the fize of a plum, is bruifed and thrown into water, by which the kernels are gradually diffolved without the aid of heat; the oil then rifes to the furface, and on being wafhed two or three times is ren-. dered fit for ufe. | re When brought to this country, it is of the confiftence of an oint+ ment, and of an orange yellow colour, with little tafte, and of a ftrong. though not difagreeable {mell. When it becomes white it is rancid, and ought to be rejected. In the countries where this oil-is pro- duced, it is ufed for culinary and dietetic purpofes; with us it has been confined to external application, in pains, tumours, and fprains;. but it feems to have no advantage over the other bland oils.. SAGAPENUM (gummi-refina) Phanti: Lond. & Edinb.. IT is conjectured that this concrete juice is the produ@tion of an’ umbelliferous plant, like ammoniacum, and for the fame reafons.. It is brought from Perfia and Alexandria in large maffes,, externally yellowith, internally paler, and of a horny clearnefs. Its tafte is hot and biting, its fmell of the alliaceous or foetid kind. Its virtues are fimilar to thofe which we have afcribed to affafoetida, but weaker, and confequently it is lefs powerful in its effects. | SARCACOLLA (169 ) SARCOCOLLA (gummi-refina) Pharm. Lond. - LINNEUS fuppofes this to be produced by the Pena mucronata, an Ethiopian fhrub of the order conglomerate. Others however have, in this inftance, doubted his authority, and the fat is ftill undetermined. 5 Sarcocolla is a concrete juice, brought from Perfia and Arabia in {mall grains of a paie yellow, having alfo fometimes mixed with them a few of a deep red colour. Its tafte is bitter, but followed with fome . degree of fweetnefs. It has been chiefly ufed for external purpofes, and, as its name imports, has been thought to conglutinate wounds and ulcers ; but this opinion now no longer exifts. It is an ingredient in the pulvis é ceruffa. Rapix INDICA LoPezIANA. Pharm. Edinb. THIS root is called after Lopez, a Portuguefe, who, according to Redi, found it growing in the province of Zanquebar in Africa; but Gaubins ftates it to be a native of Afia, and brought from Goa i in Malacca to Batavia. To what tree this root is to be referred we have not the means to determine. _ The root is brought in pieces of eight or nine inches in length, and from one to two inches in thicknefs, though generally fmaller, confifting of a whitith or ftraw-coloured light wood, having a brownifh firm medullary fubftance. Its bark is foft, wrinkled, brown, fome- what fpongy, and covered with a thin yellowith epidermis. This root, which poffeffes no remarkably fenfible qualities, is re- garded i in the Eaft Indies as a medicine of extraordinary efficacy in diarrhoeas; and the numerous trials of it, made by Gaubius and others, have tended greatly to confirm its reputation. : Its dofe, in powder, is from 15 to 30 grains, repeated three or four times a day. : No, 13¢ Mee 35 ee eee re INDEX. al fatetiong Ah My bin Ln elt. SEL Yoh B, Avi MS MS Page ing lid DB? .. Jee Wed 3. I Xtr, Auf INDEX TO THIS VOLUME. SysTEMATIC NAMES. OFFICINAL. __ ENGLIsH. Pace + ~Clutia Eluteria + Cafcarilla fF Cafcarilla a+ ASPERIFOLIA, T Pulmonaria officinalis Pulmonaria : z Common Lungwort 5 Lithofpermum officinale Lithofpermum | Common Gromwell 7 ~ Anchufa officinalis + Bugloflum + Officinal Buglofs —- < Symphytum officinale Confolida f Comfrey 10" F. Cynogloflum officinale %Cynogloffum + _ Hounds-tongue 12 ~Borago officinalis +Borago 3 + Borage 3 14 PERSONATE. : | + Verbena officinalis *~ Verbena . + Common Vervain 17 #., “Veronica officinalis + Veronica + Male Speed-well 19 Euphrafia officinalis + Euphrafia + Common Eyebright 21 + Antirrhinum Linaria +, Linaria ~ Common Toad-flax 24 Vitex Agnus Ca/tus + Agnus caftus ” + Chafte-tree + 3 ee SOLANACEZA. . : + Strychnos Nux vomica + Nux vomica ¥~ Vomic Nut 29 ' ~ is Phyfalis Alkekengi + Alkekengi _ f Winter Cherry 33 4 - Atropa Mandragora Mandragora y¥ Mandrake 35 1 Solanum nigrum Solanum + Garden Nightfhade 37 CONTORER, os: : | + & Afclepias Vincetoxicum ++ Vincetoxicum t -Officinal Swallow-wort 490 : 7 PUTAMINEX : +L Capparis fpincfa ++ Capparis -f Caper-Buth 42 a HESPERIDEZ. | : et £ Melaleuca Leucadendron - Cajeputa. + Cajaput-tree 44 . Tee er | ee WORN I< = : A | Coffea arabica +4, Coffea = + Coffee-tree » 48 me | SUCCULENTA. — Se = —~ = =& Sedum acre ~# Sedum acres. minus * Wall Stone-crop = 54 + sa reee: sf Saxifraga alba _ # White Saxifrage 56 . TRIHILATA. : = sy Mr opaalun majus _- ¥ Nafturtium indicum F Nafturtium 58 ae: a, ~seecr vulgaris + Berberis Common Barberry 60 hagons an Swietenia . : - Mahogany ; | 62 tent - NE Do Be x SARMENTACEA. Systematic NaMEs. Orricinan, Encursn. +e Smilax China -} China +» % Chinefe Smilax $2 Rufcus aculeatus - Rufcus — % Knee Holly 4 1, Ariftolochia Clematitis + Ariftolochia tenuis Ft Climbing Birthwort , POMACEA. £ v Amygdalus Perfica “v Perfica + Peach-tree ~} Prunus Lauseaar afi + Laurocerafus . 4 Cherry Laurel VERTI CILLATE. 7 L. Betonica officinalis + Betonica + Wood Betony « Origanum Didétamnus +4 DiGamnus creticus # Dittany of Crete ~- & Teucrium Chamadrys + Chamedrys F Common Germander SIL ee OS &. # +-~ Eryfimum officinale ap {imum + Hedge Muftard «_ 1. i Eryfimun Alliaria ~ A iaria ++ Sauce-alone MULTISILIQUA.: | ae Ranunculus acris - *F Ranunculus pratenfis + Meadow Crowfoot 4 + Pegonis officinalis si _Pzonia gy Common Peony gi OMPOSITHR : # }& Cichorium Intybus Cichoreum + Wild Succory + te Matricaria Partbeniagy Matricaria " Common Feverfew H~ we Lattucaviria __- fp Lactuca virofa + Stinking Wild Lettuce | CARYOPHYLLEAE. ~$ & Saponaria officinalis = =t Sapofiaria | - gs gate CAMPANACEG, , ee Viola tricolor =f Violatricolor = | a Panfie 2 ‘PAPILIONACEA, J, Aftrogalus exfcapus + Aftragalusexfcapus + Stéinlels Milk Vetch 2 & Pterocarpus fantalinus to Santalum rubrum: -- Red Saunders: eT RICO cc Big be Sipk honia ia elafica : . Refina ‘claftica . 7S Elaftic refin-tree _ +} LThea a L Thea + Tea-tree toe L Winters aromatica fu Winteranus (cortex) #~' Winter’s eckteg: SENTICOSA : t Agrimonia 5 Sees + Agrimonia + Common Agrimony he L = urbanum iz st Rercchaiete - t- Common Ayens Iz Nz Di E: xX DUMOS &. SysremMATiIC NAMES, OFFICINAL. ENGLISH. Pace -- c- Sambucus Ebulus 4 Ebulus + Dwarf Elder > Seyge + Rhus coriaria + Sumach ~+ Elm-leav’d Sumach 130 ROTACEAZA. . ~{ & Gentiana purpurea F Curfuta + Purple Gentian 132 RHOEADES. | + 4 Chelidonium majus + Chelidonium majus + Greater Celandine 134. BICORNES. £ tL. Santalum album ‘f Santalum citrinum -$ Yellow Saunders 136 : UMBELLATA, r | | Angelica /ylveffris + Angelica fylveftris Wild Angelica I Bs . Prints aquaticum - Feeniculum aquaticum + Fine-leav’dWaterHemlock a es « Ocnanthe crocata Oenanthe crocata f Water Dropwort 142 ~ Cicuta virofa + Cicuta aquatica ~} Water Hemlock 145 STELLATE. we ~ Galium Aparine # Aparine ms Cleavers 148 CONGLOMERATZ,*. + #Vifcum album + Vifcus : +- Miffeltoe 150 2 | of 29 8 : A “ Polypodium vulgare. .# Polypodium Common Polypody z toe Afplenium Scolopendrium “h Scolopendrium es Hart’s Tongue ae | cre ee : | 3 ~ ZL Lichen caninus ~# Lichen cinereus terreftris + Ground Liverwort 157 ¢ ’ ed _A GENERAL INDEX TO THE PLATES, In which the Puants are arranged according to their NaruraL Orpers. ROE ST SU ESI rsa SysTEMATIC NAMEs. Pinus /)/vefris” Picea —— Abies Larix Juniperus communis Lytia Sabina Salix fragilis Juglans regia Quercus Robur Piftacia Terebinthus Lentifeus Pd E Arctium Lappa Centaurea benedifa Cynara Scolymus Leontodon Taraxacum. Artemifia 4brotanum : Abfinthium vulgaris maritima Santonia Tanacetum vulgare Tuffilago Farfara Anthemis zobilis Pyrethrum Chicorium Jntybus Matricaria Parthenium Latuca viro/a Inula Helenium Arnica montana Achillea Millefolium Waleriana officinalis major Vifcum album I—CONIFERZ. OFFICINAL» Pix liquida d _. Terebinthina vulgaris _ Pix Burgundica Terbinthina veneta Juniperus Olibanum gummi refine Sabina I.—AMENTACEZ. Salix Juglans uercus Terebinthina chia Mattiche Iil—COMPOSIT2Z, Bardana — Carduus benedictus Cinara ‘Taraxacum Abrotanum Abfinthium - Artemifia Abfinthium maritimum Santonicum IV.—AGGREGATA. Valeriana fylveftris V._CONGLOMERATAZ, Plantago Vifcum ae Common Yarrow "OC Sicinal Valerian, Great Plantane © Miffel ENGLISH. PLATE Scotch Fir 207 Silver Fir Tree 209 Norway Spruce Fir Tree 208 Common White Larch Tree 210 Common Juniper 95 Olibanum Juniper 206 Common Savin 94 Crack Willow 198 Common Walnut Tree 127 Common Oak Tree 126 Common Turpentine Tree 153 Common Mattich Tree 152 Commoa Burdock 15 _ Holy Thiftle 43° Artichoke 199 Common Dandelion 3 Common Southernwood 119 Common Wormwood ~ 120 Common Mugwort 125 Sea Wormwood 122 - ‘Tartarian Wormwood 135° Common Tanfy 115 Colt’s Foot 13 Common Camomile: 103 Pellitory of Spain 104 Wild Succory : 248 Common Feverfew 249 - $tinking Wild Luttuce 250 Elecam 108 Mountain Arnica 4 64 270 GENERAL INDEX TO THE PLATES. VI—UMBELLATA. SysTeMATIC NAMES. — OFFICINALs ENGLISH, Pirate > é Eryngium maritimum Eryngium Sea Eryngo 102 - vets Carota Tae fylveftris Wild Carrot 16a —Conium maculatum Cicuta —- €ommon Hemlock 22 Ferula Affa fetida Afafetida, gummi refing Afafectida Gigantic Fennel 8 Angelica Archangelica Angelica Garden Angelica 50 Angelica /y/veffris Angelica fylveftris = = = Wild Angelica 265 Phellandrium aguticum Feeniculum aquaticum Fine-leav’d Water Hemlock 266 CEenanthe crocata Cnanthe crocata Water Dropwort 26 Cicuta vire/a ' Cicuta aquatica Water Hemlock 26 Bubon Galbanum ' Galbanum, gammi refine Lovage-leaved Bubon 12 Caminum Cymynum Cuminum Cann 191 Coriandrum /ativum Coriandrum Common Coriander 181 Sium xodiflorum. -Sium Creéping Water Parfnep 18z- Imperatoria Ofruthium Imperatoiia ‘ ~ Common Mafterwort 35 Paitinaca Opopanax Opoponax, gummi refina Rough Parfnep 113 Anethum graveolens Anethum . Common Dill ; 15g ‘Feniculum Feniculum ‘Common Fennel 160 Carum Carui Caruon Common Carraway 45 Pimpinella Saxifraga Pimpinella | Small Burnet Saxifrage 179 ———— Anifum Anifum pos Anife . 180° Apium Petrofélinum Petrofelinum Common Parfley _ a = Ligufticum Lewifticum Levifticum Lovage 190. _VILE—HEDERACEA, me 4 Vitis vinifera Vitis ‘Common Vine “795 Panax guingefolium Ginfeng _ Ginfeng * 99 VIIIL—SARMEN TAC EA, ‘Smilax China China ‘Chinefe Smilax 236 Smilax Sar/apariila Sarfaparilla : Sarfaparilla Smilax — 194 Ciffampelos Pareira Pareira brava Pareira brava Ciflampelos 82 Ariftolochia Serpentaria Serpentaria virginiana ©. -Snakeroot Birthwort 106 —————- longa Ariitolochia rotunda » Leng-rooted Birthwort 10; —_———- Clematitis Ariftolochia tenuis Climbing Birthwort 23 Afarum europzum Afarum Afarabacca + 86 Rufcus aceleatus Rufcus ‘Knee Holly 237 <3 IX.—S TELLATZ. ; | Rubia tindorum Rubia tin@orum Dyer’s Madder i ee Galium Aparine ~~ wack ro, ht a ee Spigelia marilandica Spigelia marilandica -—Perennial Worm-grafs 105 XCYMOSAZ, | | Coffea arabica Coffea Coffee-tree 24970: - GENERAL INDEX TO THE PLATES. : eg XLCUCURBITACES. Sysrematic Names, OFFICINAL. ENGLIsH, PLate Cucumis Colocynibis Colocynthis —_- Bitter Cucumber 175 Momordica Elaterium Cucumis agrettis Wild Cucumber 43 Bryonia a/ba Bryonia White Briony = 189 : _XIL—-SOLONACEA, i Solanum nigrum Solanum Garden Nightthade 226 Solanum Dulcamara _ _ Dulcamara Woody Nightfhade 33 Atropa Belladonna: — Belladonna __ Deadly Nightthade I Atropa Mandragora Mandragora Mandrake 225 Hyofciamus ziger Hyofciamus Black Henbane 52 Datura Stramonium , Stramonium _ Common Thorn Apple 124 Nicotiana Tabacum Nicotiana Tobacco 60 Capficum annuum Piper indicum Annual Capficum 144 Phyfalis Alkekengi Alkekengi ‘Winter Cherry pes Verbafcum Thap/fus Verbafcum Common Mullein io ae Digitalis purpurea Digitalis Common Foxglove 24 Strychnos Nux vomica -Nux vomica Vomic Nut 223 : | -XTI.—CAMPANACEA. Convolvulus Scammonia Scammonium _ Scammony Bindweed ie Convolvulus Falappa Jalapium Jalap Bindweed 24 Lobelia /philitica Lobelia Blue Lobelia 63. Viola odorata Viola — Sweet Violet 81 Viola tricolor Viola tricolor Panfie 252 XIVHCONTORTA | Cinchona officinalis Peruvianus cortex Peruvian Bark Tree 200 Cinchona rubra Cortex per. rubs Red Peruvian Bark © 201 Afclepias Vincetoxicum Vincetoxicum Officinal Swallow-wort 227 XV.-—-ROTACEZ, Gentiana /utea Gentiana Yellow Gentian 156 Gentiana purpurea Carfuta Purple Gentian 262 Chironia Centaurium _ Centaurium minus Leffler Centanry 157 Menyanthes ¢rifoliata — ‘Trifolium paludofum Buck Bean a XVI—-SEPIARIZA, Olea europea : Oliva Common European Olive 136 s — XVIL—BICORNES, Bs : Santalum albam ‘Santalum citrinum - Yellow Saunders 264 Arbutus Uva urf Uva see = ey 5 Styrax Benzoin — -_Benzoe, — Gum Benjamin Tree 72 Rhododendron Chry/antbum — n _._ ¥ellow Rhododendron 149 GENERAL INDEX TO THE PLATES. XVIL—ASPERIFOLIA. Systematic NAMEs. Anchufa tin&cria’ Anchuia officinalis -Pulmonaria officinalis Lithofpermum officinale Symphytum officinale Cynogloffum officinale . Borago officinalis Teucrium Marum Teucrium Scordium Teucrium Chamedrys Thymus vulgaris ~ _ Thymus Serpyllum Meliffa officinalis Hyflopus oficizalis Lavandula Spica Origanum vulgare Origanum Marjorana Origanum Di@amaus Mentha piperita -Mentha viridis Mentha Pulegium Marrubium vulgare . Salvia officinalis Rofmarinus officinalis Glecoma hederacea ' Betonica officinalis Gratiola officinalis Veronica officinalis Veronica Beccabunga Verbena officinalis _ Euphrafia officinalis Antirrhinum Lizaria Vitex Agnus Caftus Papaver Rheas Papaver /omniferum Chelidonium majus Capparis Spinofa OFFICINAL. Anchufa Bugloflum Pulmonaria | Lithofpermum Cofolida » Cynogloffum _ Borago XIX—VERTICILLATA. Marum fyriacum ’ Scordiun’ Chamedrys Thymus ' ' Serpyllum Melifia Hyffopus Lavendula Origanum Marjorana Dictamnus creticus Mentha piperitis Mentha fativa Hedera terreftris Betonica XK.—PERSONATA., Gratiola ' Veronica _Becabunga Verbena Euphrafia ‘Linaria Agnus Caftus XXI—RHOEADES., Papaver erraticum Papaver album, Opium Chelidonium majus XXIIL—P UTAMINEA, _ Capparis ENGLIsH. — Dier’s Buglofs Officinal Buglofs — Common Lungwort Common Gromwell Comfrey Houndftongue Borage Herb Maftich Water Germander ‘Common Germander Garden Thyme Wild Thyme Common Balm _ Common Hyflop Common Lavender Common Marjoram Sweet Marjoram Dittany of Crete Pepper Mint Spear-Mint Pennyroyal-Mint Common Horehound Garden Sage Rofemary Ground Ivy Wood Betony Hedge-Hyffop Male Speedwell Brooklime Common Vervain Common Eyebright Common: Toadflax ‘Chafte-tree Red Poppy Common White Po y Greater Celanding é Caper-Buhh i ets. GENERAL INDEX TO THE PLATES. XXIII.—_SILIQUOS&, Systematic Names OFFICINAL. . ENwLiss. Pirate Sifymbrium Nafturtium Nafturtium aquaticum Water- Crefles 48 Cardamine praten/fis - Cardamine Ladies Smock 30 Sinapis nigra Sinapi Common Muttard 15 - Cochlearia officinalis Cochlearia hortenfis Scurvy -Grafs 29 Cochlearia Armoracia Raphanus rufticanus _ Horfe-Radith 150 Eryfimum officinale Eryfimum _ Hedge Muftard 244 Eryfimum Alliaria Alliaria Sauce-alone 245 XXIV.—_PAPILIONACES, Dolichos pruriens _ Dilichos Cowhage Dolichos =—s3772 Geoffroya inermis Geoffrza Smooth Baitard Cabbage-tree 112 Spartium /coparium Genilta Common Broom 89 Glycyrrhiza glabra - Glycyrrhiza Common Liquorice 167 Aftragalus Tragacantha Tragacantha, gummi Goats Thorn Milk Vetch 98 Aftragalus ex/capus - Aftragalus exfcapus Stemlefs Milk Vetch 253 ‘Trigonella Faxicum grecum Fonum grecum _ Common Fenugreek 153 Pterocarpus /antalinus Santalum rubrum ~ Red Saunders 254 XXV.—_LOMENTACEA, - Caffia Senna _ Senna Senna Caflia 162 Caflia Fiftula Caffia fiftularis Purging Caffia 163 Mimofa Catechu _ Cetechu, extrad@um Catechu Mimofa 66 Mimofa xilotica Arabicum, gummi Egyptian Thorn Mimofa 67 ‘Tamarindus indica ‘Tamarindus Tamarind Tree 166 Hematoxylum campechianum Lignum Campechenfe Logwood Tree 17 Polygala Senega Seneka Ratilefnake- Root Milk-Wort 93 Fumaria officinalis Fumaria Common Fumitory : _ XXVI-—-MULTISILIQUA. - Aconitum Napellus _ Napellus Common Wolf’s boa 6 Delphinium Sraphifagria Staphifagria : Stavefacre - 154 Helleborus ziger Helleborus niger Black Hellebore | 18 - Helleborus fatidus Helleboratter : Bear’s Foot 49 Anemone pratenfis Pulfatilla nigricans Meadow Anemone 148 Ranunculus aeris Ranunculus pratenfis Meadow Crowfoot 246 - Peonia officinalis _ Pzonia Common Peony 247 Clematis reZa Flammula Jovis Upright Virgin’s Bower 62 Digamnus albus Diétamnus albus Baftard Dittany — 116 Ruta graveolens Ruta Common Kue 37 XXVIIL—S ENTICOS2Z, Potentilla reptans Pentaphyllum Cinquefoil 59 Rubus ideus : Rubus idzus Rafp-Berry ge tifoli - Rofa damafcena Hundred-leav’d. Rofe “140 Rofa rubra Cor ge Red Officinal Rofe NGE Cynofbatus, frufus Hip, or Dog Rofe 139 Agrin ; _~ Common Agrimony 258 Caryophyiiata Common Avens 259 GENERAL INDEX TO THE PLATES: XXVIIIL—POMACEAZ. Systematic Names — Orricrnat. Excuisn, PLate Pyrus Cydonia - Cydonium malum Quince Tree =~ 79 Prunus domeftica ~ Prunum gallicum ~~ Prune, or Plum Tree 85 Prunus /pinofa Prunum fylveftre Sloe Tree 84 Prunus Leurocera/us Laurocerafus — Cherry Laurel — 240 _ Amyegdalus communis Amygdala © ’- Common Almond “Sz Amygdalus Perfica . Perfica Peach Tree 239 _ Punica Granatum Granatum é Pomegranate ee Citrus Medica Limon Lemon Tree 184° Citus Aurantium Aurantium hifpalenfe Orange Tree 183 Ribes rubrum - .... Ribes rubrum Red Currant 74 Ribes xigrum Ribes nigrum ; Black Currant 1 oe ; XXIX.-H ES PERIDEA. Myrtus Pimenta Pimento All-Spice — 26 4 Caryophyllus aromaticus Caryophyllum aromaticum = Clove Tree goad St _ Melaleuca Leucadendron Cajeputa ; Cajeput-tree 229 XXX.—S UCCULENTA, Sedum acre Sedum acre s. minus Wall Stone-crop : el Saxifraga granulate Saxifraga alba _ White Saxifrage 232 XXXI.—COLUMNIFERA, $, MALVACEA. | Althea officinalis Althea Marfh Mallow sy ' Malva fy /veftris Malva Common Mallow 54 : XXXIL—G RUINALES. Guaiacum officinalis Guaiacum a Guaiacam . e 16 - Quaflia amara Quafiia Bitter Quaffia : 76 er Quaflia Simaruba - Simarouba see Simaruba Quaflia ies 2 Linum sftatifimum _ Linum — Common Flax on gat Oxalis Acetzella Acetofella Wood-Sorrel 20 p -sXXXI.—C ARYOPHYLLEAZ, : ee. Dianthus Caryophyllus Caryophyllum rub. - Clove Pink i pe BQ Saponaria officinalis Saponaria | Soapwort ; 250 XXXIV—C ALYCANTHEMA. : oe XXXV—-ASCYROIDEZ. | - Ciftus creticus ie Ladanum, refna . __— Cretan Ciftus Hypericum perforatum © Hypericum _ St. John’s Wort Fraxinus Orzus Manna © _ . Flowering Ath iatees XXXVI—COADUNATA, _ GENERAL INDEX TO THE PLATES. “Stsrematic Names. Rhamnus catharticus Sambucus xigra Sambucus Ebulus = og myris gileaden Cc opaifera fel Toluifera Balfamum S: | feulus Hippo-caftanum - 'Tropzolum majus Berberis vulgaris Swietenia ie So Sook Cafcarilla — Clutia Eluteria - Ricinus communis _ Siphonia —- _ Thea Wintera aromatica Solfola Kali Chenopodium Vulvaria Rumex aquaticus Rumex Acetofa ' Rheum palmatum Polygonum Biforta — Laurus Cinnamomum Laurus nobilis — Laurus Safafras Laurus Camphora Canella alba Myriftica Mofchata Ficus Carica Urtica dicica Morus nigra Ulmus erie XXXVIL—D UMOSA2. OFFICINAL. Spina cervina Sambucus -Ebulus Sumach Balfamum gileadenfe Balfamum Copaiva - Balfamum tolutanum * XXXVIIL—TRIHILATA. Hippocaftanum -Nafturtium indicum _ Berberis -. Swietenia “XXXIX._TRICOCCAZ. Cafcarilla Cafcarilla Ricinus — Refina elaftica Thea Winteranus cnt “XL—OLERACEA 2 Barilla, Natron Atriplex foetida Hydrola um” ‘Acckofs il Rhabarbarum G Sais tune nae Cinnamomum z Laurus — Saffafras Camphora Canella alba . Nux mofchata —XLL-SCABRIDA. Parietaria Contrayerva Carica Urtica Morem Ulmus abe: =VERPECULA. Mezereum | XLIII.—P ALM &. ENGLisH. PLaTE Purging Buckthorn 4114 Common Plack Elder 7 . Dwarf Elder 260 Elm-leav’d Sumach 261 Balfam of Gilead Tree 192 Balfam of Capaiva Tree 137 Balfam of Tolu Tree 193 Horfe-Chefnut 128 Nafturtium 233 Common Barberry 234 Mahogany 235 Willow-leaved Croton 4h Cafcarilla 2te Palma Chrifti 61. Elaftic Refin-tree 255 Tea-tree 256 Winter’s Bark-tree 257 Prickly Salt-Wort 143 Stinking Goofefoot 14! Water Dock ea act a ~ Common Sorrel Officinal Rhubarb 40 Briftort Snakeweed Cinnamon -T ree 27 Sweet Bay 32° Saffafras Tree 38 Camphor Tree as Laurel-leaved Canella 1i7 Nutmeg Tree 134 Wall Pellitory Contrayerva Fig Tree ‘Common Nettle 146 Mulberry Tree ia6. Common Elm 1907 Mezereon 23 GENERAL INDEX TO THE PLATES. XLIV.—PIPERIT ZA. Systematic Names, OFrFICINAL. ENGLISH. | Prats Piper nigrum Piper nigrum Black Pepper 187 Piper longum Piper longum Long Pepper 183 Acorus Calamus Calamus aromaticus Sweet Flag 473. * Aram maculatum © Arum Common Arum 25 XLV._SCITAMINEZ, — Amomum Z/ngiber Zingiber Ginger rr Amomum Cardamomum Cardamomum minus _ Cardamom 138 Curcuma /onga Curcuma Turmeric 132 Kempferia rotunda Zedoaria Zedoary 133 XLVL—LILIACER. : 3 Lilium candidum Lilium album Common White Lily 10k Scilla maritima Scilla Officinal Squill — 118 Allium /ativum Allium Common Garlick 168 Veratrum album Helloborus albus White Hellebore 1oo Colchicum auiumnale Colchicum Common Meadow Saffron 177 Crocus /ativus Crocus Saffron = oa Aloés /pecies varie _ Aloe Aloe 202 Convallaria Polygonatum Convallaria Solomon’s Seah hh XLVIL—ENSATS, : r Iris florenting Iris florentina Florentine Orris 39 Iris Pfeudo-acorus Iris paluftris Yellow Water Flag 40 | CS _ XLVUL—O 2 C HERR Gg Orchis ma/cula Satyrium Male Orchis ‘90 2 = XLIX.—TRIPETALOIDEAZ. veers = Calamus Rotang _ Sanguis draconis * Dragon’s Blood Tree 874 , L—CALAMARIA, | 3 LI—GRAMINA, ied Saccharum officinarum Saccharum Sugar Cane 196 LI—FILICES, Sek Polypodiam wulgare Polypodium Common Polypod 271 Polypodium Filix mas Filix “Male Fern : a ‘ yp res Trichomancides _'Trichomanes Maidenhair 204 fplenium Scolopendrium Scolopendrium Hart’s Tongue 272 3 : LII.—MUSCI, ‘ 2 LIV. —A L G 7; On : j : Lichen fandicus — Lichen iflandicus Eryngo-leaved Lic Lichen caninus Lichen cinereus terreftris Geeek dina toes LV.—FUNGI. ae Boletus igniarius Agaricus chirurgorum : Agaric