occasional papers of the Farlow. Herbarium of cryptogamic botany No. 17 August, 1982 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts Donalc H. Pfister A Nomenclatural Revision of F.J. Seaver’s North American Cup-Fungi (Operculates) Edited by: Donald H. Pfister Carolyn S. Hesterberg ISSN: 0090-8754 occasional papers of the Farlow HerbariuM of cryptogamic botany No. 1. No. 2 No. 3 No. 4. No. 5. No. 6 No. 7. No. 8. No. 9 No. 10. Sylvia A. Earle: Hummbrella, a New Red Alga of Uncertain Taxonomic Position from the Juan Fernandez Islands (June 1969). . |. Mackenzie Lamb: Stereocaulon arenarium (Sav.) M. Lamb, a Hitherto Overlooked Boreal-Arctic Lichen (June 1972). . Sylvia A. Earle and Joyce Redemsky Young: Siphonoclathrus, a New Genus of Chlorophyta (Siphonales: Codiaceae) from Panama (July 1972). |. Mackenzie Lamb, William A. Weber, H. Martin Jahns, Siegfried Huneck: Calathaspis, a New Genus of the Lichen Family Cladoniaceae (July 1972). |. Mackenzie Lamb: Stereocaulon sterile (Sav.) M. Lamb and Stereo- caulon groenlandicum (Dahl) M. Lamb, Two More Hitherto Over- looked Lichen Species (March 1973). _ 1. Mackenzie Lamb: Further Observations on Verrucaria serpuloides M. Lamb, the Only Known Permanently Submerged Marine Lichen (April 1973). Bruce H. Tiffney and Elso S. Barghoorn: The Fossil Record of the Fungi (June 1974). Donald H. Pfister: The Genus Acervus (Ascomycetes, Pezizales). |. An Emendation. II. The Apothecial Ontogeny of Acervus flavidus with Comments on A. epispartius (May 1975). . Donald H. Pfister: A Synopsis of the Genus Pulvinula. A New Combination in the Genus Gymnomyces. Norton G. Miller: Studies on North American Quaternary Bryophyte Subfossils. |. ANew Moss Assemblage from the Two Creeks Forest Bed of Wisconsin (July 1976). Emmanuel Sérusiaux: Some Foliicolous Lichens from the Farlow Herbarium (August 1976). Continued on back cover A NOMENCLATURAL REVISION OF F.J. SEAVER'S NORTH AMERICAN CUP-FUNGI (OPERCULATES) DONALD H. PFISTER The North American Cup-fungi (Qperculates) (Seaver 1928) has been a standard reference for more than 50 years. It was revised by Seaver in 1942 and has stood as an author- itative source since that time. No modern work on the Pez- izales fails to cite it and, though there are some mono- graphs for genera and some regional floras, one invariably still turns to this book when one is identifying Pezizales. In the years since Seaver's work, the Pezizales have been reworked at the generic level and important cytologi- cal, histochemical, and developmental work has been done on the group. Several major monographs of genera have been written as well as checklists and regional reports. It is not surprising that, when using Seaver's treatment, one is often able to identify a species without having any idea of where the species belongs in modern generic systems. Seaver's treatment was a highly artificial one. I have set about annotating Seaver's nomenclature. Modern currently accepted names for his concepts or Names are provided in the list which follows. These are opinions. Certainly one can turn to Seaver's list of synonyms and find other opinions. I have tried to follow a conservative pathway and have listed binomials which for the most part are now in common usage. In a few cases some rearrangement is proposed but generic concepts are _ those which are found in Eckblad!s (1968) revision, Rifai's (1968) treatment of the Austral-Asian Pezizales, Dennis's (1978) recent revision, or Korf's keys (1972, 1973a). I have not tried to provide all of the synonyms but rather to fit Seaver's taxa into recognizable modern genera. This has been easier in some groups than in others as_ the listing which follows will amply show. Some genera have been well worked; others are woefully understudied. Still it is hoped that those using the book will find this annota- tion helpful. The annotation is made up of three parts. Part I lists the name used by Seaver, the page number in North American Cup-fungi (Operculates) revised edition, and the equivalent name where known. Comments on some of the names are made in numbered notes referred to in the revised list. Those Seaver names which are underlined were listed as doubtful by Seaver. The Seaver names marked with a "+" represent names which for sundry reasons were not possible to verify in North America. Part II is an index to the revised names as listed in Part I. The page numbers refer to Seaver's book. With each generic name, reference to recent monographic work is given. Part III is a bibliography. Most recent treat- ments containing references to North American taxa are listed. I wish to thank several curators who have seen to it that I had specimens for study. These are Clark T. Rogerson (NY), David Farr (BPI), John H. Haines (NYS), and Richard P. Korf (CUP). My debt to Prof. Korf is a profound one. He reviewed this manuscript, made suggestions, and gave encouragement. He provided many of the clues which lead to the solution of some of the tangles. He also got me started on discomycetes as a graduate student. This research was supported in part by National Science Foundation grant DEB 8023018 to the author. Page 43 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 51 6 a2 53 56 58 58 59 PART I NAME USED BY SEAVER Sphaerospora trechispora S. flavovirens S. perplexa S. brunnea S. hinnulea S. monilifera Pseudoplectania vogesiaca P. nigrella P. fulgens Sphaerosoma hesperium Boudiera areolata B. echinulata B. marginata Lamprospora crouani L. laetirubra L. dictydiola L. areolata REVISED NAME Scutellinia trechispora (Berk. & Broome) Lambotte Scabropezia flavovirens (Fuckel) Dissing & Pfister Lamprospora fide Denison (1960) Trichophaea brunnea (Alb. & Schw.) Batra in L. R. and S. T. Batra T. confusa (Cooke) Berthet T. hinnulea (Berk. & Broome) Batra in L. R. and S. T. Batra T. monilifera (Berk. & Curtis) Pfister Pseudoplectania melaena (Fr...) Sacc.. (1) P. nigrella (Pers.) Fuckel Caloscypha fulgens (Pers.) Boud. Ruhlandiella berolinensis P. Hennings Boudiera areolata Cooke & Phill. B. echinulata (Seaver) Seaver Ascobolus nodulosporus Brum. Lamprospora miniata De Not. "L. laetirubra (Cooke) Lagarde" L. dictydiola Boud. L. areolata Seaver 60 60 61 62 63 63 64 65 66 66 67 67 68 69 69 70 70 70 71 iz 72 ascoboloides annulata spinulosa crec'hqueraultii macrantha brevispinosa tuberculata maireana . wrightii tuberculatella amethystina carbonaria . haemastigma constellatio wisconsinensis gemmea discoidea salmonicolor trachycarpa detonia nigrans L. ascoboloides Seaver L. annulata Seaver L. spinulosa Seaver L. crec'hqueraultii (Crouan & Crouan) Boud. L. macracantha (Boud. ) Seaver L. brevispinosa Seaver L. tuberculata Seaver L. maireana Seaver L. wrightii (Berk. & Curtis in Berk. & Br.) Seaver L. tuberculatella Seaver ?Pulparia amethystina (Quel. ) Donadini Pulvinula carbonaria (Fuckel) Boud. P. convexella (P. Karst.) Pfister P. convexella (P. Karst.) Pfister P. laeterubra (Rehm) Pfister P. archeri (Berk. & J. D. Hooker) Rifai P. discoidea (P. Henn. & E. Nym.) Batra P. salmonicolor (Seaver) Pfister Plicaria trachycarpa (Curr. ) Fuckel Scabropezia flavovirens (Fuckel) Dissing & Pfister Plicaria nigrans (Morgan) Pfister (2) 73 74 74 73 75 76 77 78 a2 80 82 83 83 84 85 85 86 86 87 87 58 89 89 90 L. Tes leiocarpa planchonis lobata exasperata polytrichina Pithya pithya P. Pe lacunosa cupressi Ascodesmis microscopica A, porcina Ascobolus stercorarius immersus glaber winteri americanus leveillei viridulus candidus magnificus carbonarius geophilus subglobosus albinus xylophilus Plicaria endocarpoides (Berk.) Rifai Pulparia planchonis (Dun. ex Boud.) Korf, J. K. Rogers, Pfister Lamprospora lobata (Berk. & Curtis) Seaver Plicaria recurva (Berk. ) Rifai Lamprospora polytrichina (Rehm) Seaver Pithya vulgaris Fuckel P,. vulgaris Fuckel P. cupressina (Batch) Fuckel (3) Ascodesmis sphaerospora Obrist (4) A. porcina Seaver Ascobolus furfuraceus (Pers.) W. J. Hooke A. immersus (Pers.) Pers. Saccobolus glaber (Pers.) Lambotte A. elegans J. Klein A. amoenus Oudemans (5) A. crenulatus P. Karst. A. aglaosporus Heimerl A. scatigenus (Berk.) Brumm, A. carbonarius P. Karst. A. geophilus Seaver A. subglobosus Seaver A. albinus A. xylophilus Seaver 90 A. striisporus A. epimyces atrofuscus viridis purpurascens brunneus cubensis vinosus . major [> [> [> I> I> I> I> I> conglomeratus A. trifolii A. pusillus Saccobolus kerverni S. portoricensis S. violascens S. depauperatus S. globuliferellus S. obscurus Aleuria aurantia A. wisconsinensis A. cestrica A. bicucullata A. rhenana A. foliicola Berk. & Broome A. epimyces (Cooke) Seaver A. carbinarius P. Karst. (6) (7) (8) A. cubensis Berk. &Curtis (9) A. scatigenus (Berk.) Brumm, Angelina rufescens (Schw.) Inby fide Seaver (not a member of the Pezizales). Pseudopeziza trifolii (not a member of the Pezizales) A. pusillus Boud. (10) S. glaber (Pers.) Lambotte S. portoricensis Seaver S. versicolor (P. Karst.) P., Karst. S. depauperatus (Berk. & Broome) E. C. Hansen S. globuliferellus Seaver (rd) Aleuria aurantia (Pers.) Fuckel A. aurantia A. cestrica (Ellis & Everh.) Seaver A. bicucullata Boud. A. rhenana Fuckel 100 101 102 103 104 104 106 106 107 107 108 108 Log 109 Lo LEZ Je Lis Hl A. rutilans Aleurina atrovinosa A. aquehongensis Melastiza charteri [sic] M. asperrima Melastiza pennsylvanica Psilopezia nummularia P. hydrophila P. deligata P. trachyspora P. flavida P. aquatica P. mirabilis Pyronema omphalodes P. leucobasis Ascophanus Holmskjoldii A. isabellinus A. sarcobius A. bermudensis Leucoscypha rutilans (Fr.) Dennis & Rifai Peziza atrovinosa Gerard (12) Melastiza chateri (W. G. Smith) Boud. Scutellinia asperrima (Ell. & Everh. ex Seaver) Le Gal S. pennsylvanica (Seaver) Denison (13) Pachyella hydrophila (Peck ex Sacc.) Pfister Psilopezia deligata (Peck) Seaver Pachyella adnata (Berk. & Curtis) Pfister Acervus flavidus (Berk. & Curtis) Pfister Miladina lechithina (Cooke) Svrtek Aleurodiscus, a Basidio- mycete Pyronema omphalodes (Bull.) Fuckel Psilopezia deligata (Peck) Seaver Thecotheus? cinereus (Crouan & Crouan) Chenan- tais T. cinereus (Crouan & Crouan) Chenantais Iodophanus sarcobius (Boud.) Kimbr. I. bermudensis (Seaver) Kimbr. 114 114 115 bm Be) 116 A le cat 118 118 bah 120 120 120 a2. 121 124 124 124 A. vicinus A. lacteus A. argenteus A, aurora A. carneus A. granulatus A. granuliformis A. ochraceus A. gallinaceus A. cinereus A. tetraonalis A. lilacinus Cooket A. cinerellus (Karst. ) Speg.t A. microsporus A. cesatii A. glaucellus Humarina axillaris H. ithacaensis H. pallens (14) Coprotus lacteus (Cooke & Phill.) Kimbr., Luck-Allen, and Cain Coprotus argenteus (Curr.) Kimbr., Luck-Allen, and Cain C. aurora (Crouan & Crouan) Kimbr., Luck-Allen and Cain Iodophanus carneus (Pers.) Korf Peziza humosoides in syn. = immature Iodophanus Coprobia granulata (Bull.) Boud. Coprotus granuliformis (Crouan & Crouan) Kimbr. C. ochraceus (Crouan & Crouan) Larsen (15) Thecotheus cinereus (Crouan & Crouan) Chenantais (16) (17) (18) Coprotus glaucellus (Rehm) Kimbr. Octospora axillaris (Nees) Moser (19) Thecotheus pallens (Boud.) Kimbr. (20) 125 fa) 127 i127 L27 128 128 129 130 130 i3t 13} pas 132 132 Lao 135 134 134 134 135 136 clausat testacea orthotricha Glenenteit” rubens convexulat lilacina leucoloma araneosa’ semiimmersa ochroleucat rufat wisconsinensis nectriodes deligata glumarumt peckii H. phyllogena tetraspora permuda |sic] ollaris* - aggregata Iodophanus testaceus (Moug. in Fr.) Korf Octospora orthotricha (Cooke & Ell.) Khare & Tewari Octospora sp. O. rubens (Boud.) Moser in Gams Octospora sp. (21) Octospora leucoloma Hedwig and 0. Humosa (Fr.) Dennis included in synonymy Geopyxis carbonaria O. semiimmersa (Karst.) Khare & Tewari Iodophanus testaceus (Moug. in Fr.) Korf (22) I. testaceus (23) Octospora peckii (House) Khare & Tewari (24) Byssonectria tetraspora (Fuckel) Korf B. fusispora (Berk.) Rogerson and Korf in Korf Byssonectria aggregata (Berk. & Broome) Rogerson & Korf 10 136 137 137 138 138 139 139 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 141 141 141 141 141 142 143 H. fusispora H. coccinea H. cookeina H. gerardi H. purpurea H. hepatica H. trachyderma* Humaria bella [x - scatigena salmonicolort olivatrat [a | + fuscocarpa vitigenat subcrenulatat . Im [me fm |x secretat groenlandica* iat ie microspora H. xanthomela americana Peziza elachroa Humaria subgranulata Pseudombrophila deerata Streptotheca crouani S. woolhopensis B. fusispora (Berk. ) Rogerson and Korf in Korf Octospora coccinea (Crouan & Crouan) Brumm, Hymenoscyphus sp. Peziza gerardi Cooke and Gerard (25) Fimaria hepatica (Batsch) Brumm, Nanoscypha bella (Berk. & Curtis) Pfister Ascobolus scatigenus (Berk. & Curtis) Brumm. an inoperculate disco- mycete Acervus epispartius (Berk. & Curtis) Pfister Peziza elachroa Berk. & Curtis Iodophanus subgranulatus (Berk, & Curtis) Pfister Pseudombrophila deerata (Karst.) Seaver Ascozonus crouani (Renny) Schroet. A. woolhopensis (Berk. & Broome) Boud,. 143 144 145 145 146 147 147 148 149 150 151 152 152 ios 154 155 156 159 160 Ss. obscura Ryparobius sexdecimi- sporus Re R. R. R. crustaceus hyalinellus polysporust monascus niveus Thecotheus pelletieri Sepultaria arenicola Sis S. Se S. longii arenosa aurantia pellita Pseudopithyella minuscula Perrotia flammea Lasiobolus equinus L. ruber Patella scutellata Ps pilisetat 11 Thelebolus obscurus (Seaver) Eckblad Coprotus sexdecimisporus (Crouan & Crouan) Kimbr. Thelebolus crustaceus (Fuckel) Kimbr. Thelebolus sp. Thelebolus sp. Thelebolus stercoreus (Tode) Fr. Coprotus niveus (Fuckel) Kimbrough, Luck-Allen and Cain Thecotheus pelletieri (Crouan & Crouan) Boud. Geopora sepulta (Fr.) Korf & Burdsall G. longii (Seaver) Burdsall & Korf G. arenosa (Fuckel) Ahmad Scutellinia aurantia (Clements) Waraitch (26) Geopora pellita (Cooke & Peck) T. Schumacher Pseudopithyella minuscula (Boud. & Torrend) Seaver An inoperculate disco- mycete Lasiobolus equinus (Mil11.) P. ReEst. L. ruber (Quel.) Sacc. Scutellinia scutellata (L) Lambotte 12 160 161 162 162 163 163 164 165 165 166 166 167 167 168 169 270 171 re es 172 173 cubensis umbrorum lusatiae miniatat albocincta ovilla hetieri ricciophila puniceat gilva setosa sequoiae melaloma crucipila stercorea theleboloides coprinaria maculosa* pulcherrima raripila Scutellinia cubensis (Berk. & Curtis) Gamundi S. texensis (Berk. & Curtis) Le Gal S. umbrorum (Fr.) Lambotte S. lusatiae (Cooke) 0. Kuntze Leucoscypha vivida (Nyl.) Dennis L. ovilla (Peck) Harmaja L. hetieri (Boud.) Rifai (27) Tricharina gilva (Boud.) Eckblad Scutellinia setosa (Nees) Kuntze (28) Anthracobia melaloma (Albertini & Schw.) Boud. Cheilymenia crucipila (Cooke & Phill.) Le Gal in Denison C. ciliata (Bull.) Maas C. theleboloides (Alber- tini & Schw.) Boud. C. coprinaria (Cooke) Boud. (30) C. pulcherrima (Crouan & Crouan) Boud. C. raripila (Phill.) Dennis 173. ~P. fimetariat 174 P. paludosa 174 tuberculata 175 P. albida 176 P. gregaria 177 Ps irregularist 1 WY av P. abundans 178 P. erinaceus 178 P. albospadicea 179 P. pygmaea 17 Lachnea vitellina 179 L. crispata 180 Neottiella spraguei 180 Lachnea lividat 180 Neottiella albotecta 180 Lachnea hirta 180 Neottiella sericeovillosat 180 Lachnea fissilist 180 Neottiella callichroa 180 Neottiopezis macrosporat EOL Wynnea gigantea 181 W. americana i3 Trichophaea paludosa Boud. T. tuberculata (Seaver) Kanouse Humaria hemispherica (Wigg.) Fuckel Trichophaea gregaria (Rehm) Boud. T. abundans (P. Karst.) Boud. Scutellinia erinaceus (Schw.) Kuntze Trichophaea albospadicea (Grev.) Boud. -- a species complex Trichophaea pygmaea (Clements) Waraitch (31) Cheilymenia vitellina (Pers.) Dennis Phillipsia crispata (Berk. & Curtis) Le Gal Peziza spraguei Berk. & Curtis a lichen Scutellinia hirta (Schum. ) Lamb. Octospora callichroa (Boud.) Arpin Wynnea gigantea Berk. & Curtis W. americana Thaxter 14 182 Phillipsia domingensis Phillipsia domingensis Berk. 183. P. gigantea P. domingensis 183 P. chardoniana P. domingensis 184 P. dochmia Aurophora dochmia (Berk. & Curtis) Rifai 185 Scodellina leporina Otidea leporina (Fr.) Fuckel 185 S. auricula Wynnella silvicola (Berk. in Sacc.) Nannf. 186 S. grandis Otidea grandis (Pers. ) Rehm + 187 Otidea obtecta 187 Cookeina tricholoma Cookeina tricholoma (Mont.) Kuntze 188 C. sulcipes C. sulcipes (Berk.) Kuntze 189 C. tetraspora Nanoscypha tetraspora (Seaver) Denison 190 C. colensoi C. venezuelae (Berk. & Curtis) Le Gal (Denison 1967) 191 Plectania coccinea Sarcoscypha coccinea (Scop.) Sacc. 192 P. floccosa Microstoma floccosum (Schw.) Raitviir 193. +P. occidentalis Sarcoscypha occidentalis (Schw.) Sacc. 193 P. hiemalis Microstoma protractum (Fr.) Kanouse 194 Sarcoscypha roseotincta* 195 Bulgaria globosa Sarcosoma globosum (Fr.) Casp. in Rehm 196 B. rufa Galiella rufa (Schw.) Nannf. & Korf 197 B. melastoma Plectania melastoma (Sow.) Fuckel 204 205 205 206 207 208 208 209 210 7! a. 211 212 Peziza aurantiopsis Urnula craterium U. U. geaster terrestrist Paxina acetabulum P. Py P.. Macropodia schweinitziit macropus platypodia leucomelas sulcata barlae hispida subc lavipes dupainii corium nigrella semitosta fusicarpa olivaceat Plectania rimosa Peckt Geopyxis cupularis 15 Wolfina aurantiopsis (Ellis) Eckblad Urnula craterium (Schw.) Fr. Chorioactis geaster (Peck) Eckblad Helvella acetabulum (L.) Quel. H. macropus (Pers.) P. Karst. H. queletii Bres. H. leucomelas (Pers.) Nannf. H. solitaris (P. Karst.) P, Karst, H. acetabulum (L.) Quel. H. villosa (Hedw.) Dissing & Nannf. H. macropus (Pers.) P. Karst. H. queleti Bres. H. corium (Weberb. ) Massee Plectania nannfeldtii Korf Jafnea semitosta (Berk. & Curtis) Korf J. fusicarpa (Gerard) Korf Tarzetta cupularis (L.) Korf and J. K. Rogers 16 213 213 214 214 214 214 214 y i He 215 216 216 217 218 218 221 222 222 223 224 224 yaa) Pa ae 226 op) Ia |Q [a [a bronca - catinus vulcanalis nebulosa* nebulosoidest cinerascenst verruculosa Hicksiit Rhizina inflata R. spongiosa Discina ancilis D. D. D. apiculata convoluta leucoxantha Peziza badia . brunneoatra spissa succosa pustulata emileia melaleuca melaleucoides violacea T. bronca (Peck) Korf & J. K. Rogers T. catinus (Holmsk.) Korf and J. K. Rogers Geopyxis vulcanalis (Peck) Sacc. Helvella acetabulum (L.) Quel. Rhizina undulata Fr. Galiella spongiosa (Berk. & Curtis) Pfister Gyromitra perlata (Fr.) Harmaja Peziza apiculata Cooke Gyromitra leucoxantha (Bres.) Harmaja G. leucoxantha (Bres.) Harmaja Peziza badio-confusa Korf (32) P. brunneoatra Desmaz. P. spissa Berk. P. succosa Berk. P. petersii Berk. P. emileia Cooke Gyromitra melaleuca (Bres.) Donadini G. melaleucoides (Seaver) Pfister Peziza praetervisa Bres. (33) va re | P. griseorosea P. proteana P. concentrica P. abietina P. venosa . domiciliana - repanda P 2 P. vesiculosa P. fimeti P - sylvestris P. clypeata P. caeruleomaculata Humaria lacteocinereat Peziza brunneovinosa ‘ chrysopelat + roseolilacina caliganst irrorata [ho [rd [to | |td repandoides P. irregularis* P. convoluta Sarcosphaera coronaria Morchella crassipes M. esculenta Li P. griseorosea Gerard P. proteana (Boud.) Seaver P. concentrica Seaver Otidea propinquata (Karst.) Harmaja Disciotis venosa (Pers.) Boud, Peziza domiciliana Cooke P, repanda Pers. P. vesiculosa Bull. P. fimeti (Fuckel) Seaver P. sylvestris (Boud.) Sacc.. -& Trett. Pachyella clypeata (Schw.) Le Gal Peziza caeruleomaculata Rehm (34) Peziza michelii (Boud.) Dennis P. irrorata Berk. & Curtis P. repandoides (Rehm) Sacc. & Trott. P. vesiculosa Bull. Sarcosphaera coronaria (Jacq.) Schroet. in Cohn Morcella crassipes (Vent.) Pers, M. esculenta (L.) Pers. 18 239 240 240 241 242 243 244 245 245 246 247 247 248 249 249 250 250 251 251 252 253 253 254 254 255 M. conica M. deliciosa M. angusticeps M. hybrida Durandiomyces phillipsii Verpa conica V. bohemica Y. atroalbat V. perpusillat Elvela mitra E. crispa E. palustris - atra - elastica E E E. klotzschiana E. adhaerens E - californica ica - umbraculiformis - infula . + brevissima . albipes SH HH mH . caroliniana E. underwoodii E. sphaerospora Underwoodia columnaris M. conica Pers. M. deliciosa Fr. M. angusticeps Peck M. semilibera DC. Peziza proteana forma sparassoides (Boud. ) Korf Verpa conica (Mull.) Swartz V. bohemica (Kromb.) Schroet in Cohn Helvella lacunosa Afzel. H. crispa (Scop.) Fr. H. lacunosa Afzel H. atra Oed. H. elastica Bull. H. elastica Bull. H. elastica Bull. Gyromitra californica (Phill.) Raitviir G. californica (Phill.) Raitviir G. infula (Schaeff.) Quel. Helvella leucopus Pers. Gyromitra caroliniana (Fr.) Fr. G. brunnea Underw. Pseudorhizina sphaero- spora (Peck) Pouz. Underwoodia columnaris Peck 304 306 306 307 SLL 314 315 318 a 325 326 332 x Ps 333 337 19 New taxa listed from the revised section Boudiera walkerae Lamprospora sphagicola P. pyrophila Cubonia bulbifera Humarina waterstonii Patella contradicta P. michiganensis Sarcoscypha imperialis Wolfina aurantiopsis Paxina compressa P. recurva Peziza pseudoclypeata P. waltersii Sarcosphaera ammophila Daleomyces phillipsii Boudiera walkerae Seaver Lamprospora sphagicola Seaver ?Pulvinula archeri (Berk. in Hook.) Rifai Nanoscypha waterstonii (Seaver) Pfister (35) Trichophaea contradicta (Seaver) H. J. Larsen Cheilymenia coprinaria (Cooke) Boud. Sowerbyella imperialis (Peck) Korf Wolfina aurantiopsis (Ellis) Eckblad Helvella compressa (Snyder) Weber Gyromitra melaleucoides (Seaver) Pfister Pachyella adnata (Berk. & Curtis) Pfister Peziza waltersii Seaver Peziza ammophila Dur. & Lév. Peziza proteana forma sparassoides (Boud.) Korf 20 NOTES REFERRED TO IN PART I (1) This species is still widely known as Pseudoplectania vogesiaca. Though the name Peziza vogesiaca was proposed in 1818, Fries in 1822 did not use it but rather proposed Pez- iza melaena and listed P. yogesiaca as a synonym. Under the ICBN, Fries's name should be used. Saccardo and Boudier treated the species in the genus Melascypha. (2) Plicaria nigrans (Morgan) Pfister comb. nov. = Peziza nigrans Morgan, J. Cinn. Soc. Nat. Hist. 18: 43. 1895. The Plicarias in North America have never been completely worked out. Lamprospora nigrans is a distinctive Plicaria. The asci and hymenium blue faintly, the paraphyses are agglu- tinated, the spores are heavily warted and are 7-8 um. (3) Pithya cupressina and P. vulgaris have been considered identical by many recent authors but Denison (1972) thought them distinct. (4) Ascodesmis microscopica (Crouan & Crouan) Seaver was based on material with sphaerical spores which Obrist (1961) renamed A. sphaerospora. (5) According to van Brummelen's (1967) study of type speci- mens, Ascobolus leveillei is correctly named A. boudieri Quél, but it is known only from Europe. It is not clear to which species Seaver was referring. (6) Ascobolus viridis, according to van Brummelen (1967), has not been recorded from North America. This was also Seaver's decision when he redescribed the species as A. geo- hilous, an accepted species. (7) This may refer to a misprint of "furfuraceus." (8) According to van Brummelen's (1967) study of the type specimen, this is a species of Rhyparobius. There is no re- port of the species from North America. (9) No North American collections are definitely known under this name. (10) van Brummelen (1967) has studied the Dodge specimen re- ferred to by Seaver and finds it to be Ascobolus pusillus. 21 It is the only collection of this species which van Brum- melen reported from North America. (11) Seaver reported the name from Clements! Crypto. Form. Colo. no. 301 but excluded it because no specimens could be found. Van Brummelen (1967) accepts the species but lists no North American collections. (12) This and several other species are very like Peziza badia. The apothecia are dark colored and the spores are reticulate. The detailed study necessary to properly place taxa in this complex has not yet been done. (13) Psilopezia nummularia is known from North America but the description Seaver gives seems to refer to Pachyella ba- bingtonii, a name listed by Seaver among the synonyms but considered distinct by Pfister (1973a; 1973b). (14) The specimen upon which Seaver based his conclusions does not seem to have been recently examined. Van Brummelen (1967) suggests that this is close to Ascophanus granuli- formis (= Coprotus granuliformis). (15) The type collection was examined but no ascocarps could be found. (16) Type material was examined. The species is very close to Peziza fimeti; it differs in the habitat, partridge or grouse dung, and the ascospore size. The ascospores are 16-18 um in length, a range which is slightly larger than that of Peziza fimeti. (17) Type material has not been seen. Van Brummelen (1967) states that this is a very common species of "Ascophanus." (18) Van Brummelen (1967) says this is Ascophanus micros- porus (Berk. & Broome) E. C. Hansen. (19) Rifai (1968) briefly discussed this taxon, which has been variously placed in the Pezizales, he writes, "Neot- tiella crozalsiana, Humaria ithacaensis and Peziza ricciae differ from the other species of Leucoscypha in their small (usually less than 1.3 jim diam.) apothecia, in the poorly developed medullary excipulum and in the _ possession of vegetative mycelium of a mildew, which is probably due_ to their peculiar habitat, growing directly on hepatics rather than among mosses." Rifai suggests a separate genus. North 22 American materials need to be critically examined. I do not agree with the inclusion of this species in OQctospora as done by Khare (1975). (20) Kimbrough (1969) stated that Thecotheus pallens was not known in North America but he had overlooked Seaver's report of it under the genus Humarina. The specimen in NY which was examined agrees with Boudier's original description. The large spores which reach a length of more than 40 um and unusual habitat, on soil among mosses, makes this a distinc- tive species. The habitat is unusual for a Thecotheus which has been known to occur primarily on dung and occasionally on water soaked wood; T. phycophilus Pfister is similar (see Pfister 1981). (21) Type material has been examined but is fragmentary. No conclusive placement could be made. (22) I have examined Seaver's type material and found apothecia of Iodophanus testaceus. (23) See Pfister (1979c) (24) This is a member of the Sarcoscyphaceae, perhaps be- longing to an undescribed genus. Khare and Tewari (1978) placed it in Octospora, a position with which I cannot agree. (25) Material from the type locality shows asci which are faintly J+. Little material is available but based on Seaver's slide and description, this is most likely a small species of Peziga. (26) I have not examined the material of Clements! type which was apparently not examined by Waraitch (1977) when he combined Clements! name in Scutellina. (27) See note 21. Seaver's name is a later synonym being predated by Peziza ricciae Crouan and Crouan. (28) Denison (1959) could not properly place this species. (29) There is a difference of opinion; see Maas Geestranus (1969). (30) Cheilymenia dalmeniensis placed by Seaver in synonymy has been recognized as a distinct species. Zo (31) Material has been examined but resolution of generic placement remains. It differs from Trichophaea. (32) Both Peziza badia and P. badio-confusa exist in North America. Elliot & Kaufert (1974) discuss these and cite various collections. (33) Peziza praetervisa has lightly ornamented spores as described by Seaver for P. violacea. The spores of P. violacea are completely smooth. Though P. violacea exists in North America, it is infrequently collected. Most col- lections under that name are P. praetervisa. (34) See Pfister (1979b) (35) Khare & Tawari (1978) included this species in Octo- spora, a view with which I cannot agree. 24 PART IL Morchellaceae H. macropus p. 203, 206 pissiocia H. queletii p. 203, 207 Te aaa 929 H. solitaris p. 204 ene _ H. villosa Morchella Pseudorhizina Hy ae Beaee Re. De aay P. sphaerospora p. 254 M. conica p. 239 M. crassipes p. 23/7 Rhizina M. deliciosa p. 240 R. undulata p. 215 ey — ea Underwoodia a Ps U. columnaris Verpa V. bohemica p. 244 iba V. conica p. 243 W. silvicola p. 185 oo oo eee Ascobolaceae Ascobolus ref. Van Brummelen (1967) A. aglaosporus p. 86 A. albinus p. 89 A. amoenus p. 85 A. carbonarius p. 87, 92 Gyromitra ref. Kempton & Wells (1973) McKnight (1969, 1971, 1973) and Pfister (1980). G. brunnea p. 254 G. californica p. 251 carolinae p. 253 G. G. anfula.- oy 251 A. crenulatus p. 86 A. cubensis p. 92 G. leucoxantha p. 218 A. elegans p. 84 G. melaleuca p. 225 G. melaleucoides 225 soe . ee , A. foliicola p. 90 326 G. pevlata p. 216 A. furfuraceus p. 82 : A. geophilus p. 88 Helvella ref. Weber (1972, A. immersus p. 83 1975) and Dissing (1966) A. nodulosporus p. 53 Dissing & Lange (1967) Kemp- A. pusillus p. 92 ton & Wells (1970). A. scatigluses p. 87, H. acetabulum p. 202, 205, 92, 140 214 A. subglobosus p. 89 H. atra p. 248 A. xylophilus p. 90 ee aa ca Saccobolus ref. Van Brum- H. corium p. 208 melen (1967) H. crispa p. 247 ; S. depauperatus p. 95 H. elastica p. 249, 250 S. @leber O. 835.93 H. lacunosa p. 246, 247 S. globuliferellus H. leucomelas p. 204 95 H. leucopus p. 253 Ps S. obscurus p. 96 S. portoricensis p. 94 S. versicolor p. 94 Pezizaceae Boudiera ref. Dissing & Schumacher (1979) B. areolata p. 52 B. echinulata p. 52 B. walkerae p. 304 1979) Iodophanus ref. Kimbrough, Luck-Allen, and Cain (1969) I. bermudensis p. 113 I. carneus p. 115 I. sarcobius p. 113 I I « Bestdeeue p,. 125, 132 . subgranulatus p. 141 Pachyella ref. Pfister (1973b) Fr. sonate ps Ls, 332 P. babingtonii p. 106 P. clypeata p. 233 P. hydrophila p. 106 Peziza P. ammophila p. P. apiculata p. 217 atrovinosa p. 101 badio-confusa p. 101 brunneoatra p. 222 caeruleomaculata p. concentrica p. 228 domiciliana p. 230 elachroa p. 141 emileia p. 224 fimeti p. 232 gerardii p. 138 grislorosea p. irrorata p. 235 michelii p. 234 petersii p. 224 praetervisa p. P. proteana p. 227 var. sparassoides Hs 262,..33) P. repanda p. 333 234 227 guowitir sew 226 eal 25 P. repandoides p. 235 P, spissa p. 222 P. spraguei p. 180 P., succosa p. 223 P. sylvestris p. 233 P. vesiculosa p. 231 P. waltersii p. 332 Plicaria P. endocarpoides p. 73 P, nigrans p. 72 P. recurva’ pb. 75 P, trachycarpa p. 71 Ruhlandiella ref. Dissing and Korf (1980) R. berolinensis p. 51 Sarcosphaera S. crassa p. 235 Scabropezia ref. Dissing and Pfister (1981) S. flavovirens p. 44, 72 Thecotheus ref. Kimbrough (1969) T. cinereus p. 112, 118 T. pelleturi p. 148 T. pallens p. 124 Acervus ref. Pfister (1975a) A. epispartius p. 141 A. flavidus p. 108 Aleuria A. aurantia p. 97, 98 A. bicucullata p. 99 A. cestrica p. 98 A. rhenana p. 99 Anthracobia A. melaloma p. 167 Ascodesmis ref. Obrist (1961) A. porcina A. sphaerospora 26 Ascozonus Seaver treated two species: A. crouani p. 142 A. woolhopensis p. 143 Byssonectria ref. Dennis & Itzerott (1973) under the name Inermisia. B. aggregata p. 136 B. fusispora p. 134, 136 B. tetraspora p. 134 Caloscypha C. fulgens p. 50 Cheilymenia ref. Denison (1964) C. ciliata p. 169 C. coprinaria p. 171, 315 C. crucipila p. 168 C. pulcherrima p. 172 C. raripila p. 173 C. theleboloides p. 170 C. vitellina p. 179 Coprobia C. granulata p. 116 Coprotus ref. Kimbrough, Luck-Allen and Cain (1972) C. argenteus p,. 114 - aurora p. 115 - glaucellus p. 121 granuliformis p. - lacteus p. 114 - niveus p. 147 - ochraceus pp. C. sexdecmisporus 117 AAQAQAAANOD 117 p. 144 Fimaria ref. Van Brummelen (1962) F. hepatica (p. 139 only) Geopora ref. Burdsall (1968) G. arenosa p. 151 G. longii p. 150 G. pellita p. 152 G. sepulta p. 149 Geopyxis G. vulcanalis p. 214 Humaria H. hemispherica p. Jafnea ref. Korf (1960) J. fusicarpa p. 210 J. semitosta p. 209 Lamprospora - annulata p. 60 - areolata p. 59 L L L. ascoboloides p. 60 L. brevispinosa p. 63 L . crec'hqueraultii p. 62 L. dictyiola p. 58 . laetirubra p. 58 lobata p. 74 Macrantha p. 63 maireana p. 65 miniata p. 56 sphagnicola p. spinulosa p. 61 tuberculata p. 64 tuberculatella p. L. wrightii p. 66 CPHerr rr ee er Lasiobolus ref. Bezerra & Kimbrough (1975) L. equinus p. 155 L. ruber p. 156 Leucoscypha L. albocincta p. L. hetieri p. 164 L. ovilla p. 163 L. rutilans p. 100 163 Melastiza ref. Lassueur (1980) M. chateri p. 103 Miladina ref. Pfister & Korf (1974) M. lechithina p. 108 Octospora ref. Khare & polytrichina p. 75 306 175 66 Tewari (1978), Dennis and Itzerott (1973). O. axillaris p. 124 O. callichroa p. 180 O. coccinea p. 137 O. leucoloma p. 129 QO. orthotricha p. 127 O. peckii p. 133 O. rubens p. 127 O semi-immersa p. 130 Otidea ref. Kanouse (1950) O. grandis p. 186 O. leporina p. 185 O. propinquata p. 228 Pseudombrophila P, deerata p. 141 Psilopezia ref. Pfister (1973a) P. deligata p. 107, 110 Pulparia ref. Donadini (1976) P. amethystina p. 67 P. planchonis p. 74 Pulvinula ref. Pfister (1975b) Po areneri 2. 70 P. carbonaria p. 67 P. convexella p. 68 P. discoidea p. 70 P., laeterubra p. 69 P. slamonicolor p. 71 Pyronema ref. Moore & Korf (1963) P. omphalodes p. 109 Scutellinia ref. Denison (1959) S. asperrima p. 104 aurantia p. 152 cubensis p. 160 erinaceous p. 178 hirta p. 180 lusatiae p. 162 pennsylvanica p. scutellata p. 159 setosa p. 166 texensis p. 160 trechispora p. 43 umbrorum p. 161 104 AWMnNNNNNNNAHANN . 27 Sowerbyella S. imperialis p. 318 Tarzetta iy Dronca ps Z2L5 T. catinus p.. 213 T. cupularis p. 212 Thelebolus T. obscurus p. 143 T. stercoreus p. 147 Tricharia T. gilva p. 166 Trichophaea ref. Kanouse (1958) T. abundans p.- 177 T. brunnea p. 46 T. contradicta p. 314 T. gregaria p. 176 T. hinnulea p. 46 T. monilifera p. 47 T. paludosa p. 174 T. pygmaea p. 179 T. tuberculata p. 174 T. woolhopeia p. 178 Sarcosomataceae Chorioactis C. geaster p. 200 Galiella G. rufa p. 196 G. spongiosa p. 216 Plectania ref. Korf (19562), Paden & Tylutki (1969) P. melastoma p. 197 P. nannfeldtii p. 208 Pseudoplectania P. melaena p. 48 P. nigrella p. 49 Sarcosoma S. globosum p. 195 Urnula ref. Kempton & Wells (1974) U. craterium p. 199 28 Wolfina W. aurantiopsis p. 198, $21 Sarcoscyphaceae Aurophora A. dochmia p. 184 Cookeina ref. Denison (1967) C. colensoi p. 190 C. sulcipes p. 188 C. tricholoma p. 187 C. venezuelae p. 190 Microstoma ref. Kanouse (1949) M. floccosum p. 193 M. protractum p. 193 Nanoscypha ref. Denison (1972) N. bella p. 140 N. tetraspora p. 189 N. watersonii p. 311 Phillipsia ref. Denison (1969) P. crispata p. 179 P, domingensis p. 182, 183 Pithya ref. Denison (1972) P. cupressina p. 78 P. vulgaris p. 76, 77 Pseudopithyella P. minuscula p. 153 Sarcoscypha ref. Denison (1972) S. coccinea p. 191 S. occidentalis p. 193 Wynnea ref. Pfister (1979a) W. americana p. 181 W. gigantea p. 181 29 PART III Bezerra, J. L. and J. W. Kimbrough. 1975. The genus Lasiobolus (Pezizales, Ascomycetes). Can. J. Bot. 53: 1206-1229. Brummelen, J. van. 1962. Studies on Discomycetes. II. On four species of Fimaria. Persoonia 2: 321-330. - 1967. A world monograph of the genera Ascobolus and Saccobolus (Ascomycetes, Pezizales). Persoonia (Suppl.) 1: 1-260. Burdsall, H. H., Jr. 1968. A revision of the genus Hydno- cystis (Tuberales) and of the hypogeous species of Geo- pora (Pezizales). Mycologia 60: 496-525. Cain, R. F. and J. W. Kimbrough. 1969. Coprobolus, a new genus of the tribe Thelebolus (Pezizales). Can. J. Bot. 47: 1911-1914. Denison, W. C. 1959. Some species of the genus Scutel- linia. Mycologia 51: 605-635. __- 1964. The genus Cheilymenia in North America. Mycologia 56: 306-317. __+ 1965. Central American Pezizales. I. A new genus of the Sarcoscyphaceae. Mycologia 57: 649-656. - 1967. Central American Pezizales. II. The genus Cookeina. Mycologia 59: 306-317. - 1969. Central American Pezizales. III. The genus Phillipsia. Mycologia 61. 289-304. - 1972. Central American Pezizales. IV. The genera Sarcoscypha, Pithya, and Nanoscypha. Mycologia 64: 609-623. Dennis, R. W. G. 1978. British Ascomycetes. Revised Edi- tion. J. Cramer. 585 pp. and H. Itzerott. 1973. Octospora and Inermisig in Western Europe. Kew Bull. 28: 5-23. Dissing, H. 1966. The genus Helvella in Europe with spe- cial emphasis on the species found in Norden. Dansk Bot. Arkiv 25(1): 1-172. and R. P. Korf. 1980. Preliminary studies in the genera Ruhlandiella, Sphaerosoma, and Sphaerozone (order Pezizales). Mycotaxon 12: 287-306. and M. Lange. 1967. Notes on the genus Helvella in North America. Mycologia 59: 349-360. and D. H. Pfister. 1981. Scabropezia, a new genus of Pezizaceae (Pezizales). Nord. J. Bot. 1: 102-108. and T. Schumacher. 1979. Preliminary studies in the genus Boudiera, taxonomy and ecology. Norw. J. Bot. 26: 99-109. 30 Donadini, J.-C. 1976. Le Genre Pulparia Karsten en France. Rev. Mycol. (France) 40: 255-272. Eckblad, F. ~E. 1968. The genera of the operculate discomycetes, a re-evaluation of their taxonomy, phy lo- geny, and nomenclature. Nytt Mag. Bot. 15: 1-191. Elliot, M. E. and M. Kaufert. 1974. Peziza badia and Pez- iza badio-confusa. Can. J. Bot. 52: 467-472. Kanouse, B. B. 1949. The genus Plectania and its segre- gates in North America. Mycologia 40: 482-497. _. 1950. Studies in the genus Otidea. Mycologia 41: 660-677. _* 1958. Some species of the genus Trichophaea. Mycologia 50: 121-140. Khare, K. B. 1975. On Humaria ithacaensis. Norwegian J. Bot. 22(2): 111-113, 4 fig. ______ and V. P. Tewari. 1975. The genus Octospora and its typification. Mycologia 67: 972-979, 17 fig. and V. P. Tewari. 1978. Taxonomy and relationship within the genus Octospora. Can. J. Bot. 56: 2114- 2118. Kempton, P. E. and V. L. Wells. 1970. Studies on the fleshy fungi of Alaska. IV. A preliminary account of the genus Helvella. Mycologia 62: 940-959. and _. 1973. Studies in the fleshy fungi of Alaska. VI. Notes on Gyromitra. Mycologia 65: 396- 400. _ and _- 1974. Studies on the fleshy fungi of Alaska. VII. Urnula in Alaska. Norw. J. Bot.21l: 217- ya Kimbrough, J. W. 1969. North American species of Thecotheus (Pezizeae, Pezizaceae). Mycologia 61: 99- 114. » E. R. Luch-Allen, and R. F. Cain. 1969. lJodophanus, the Pezizeae segregate of Ascophanus (Pezizales). Amer. J. Bot. 50: 1187-1202. oe _. 1972. North American species of Coprotus (Thelebolaceae, Pezizales). Can. J. Bot. 50: 957-971. Korf, R. P. 1956a. Two bulgaroid genera: Galiella and Plectania. Mycologia 49: 107-111. - 1956b. Daleomyces, Durandiomyces, and other sparas- soid forms of operculate Discomycetes. Mycologia 48: 711-718. - 1960. Jafnea, a new genus of Pezizaceae. Nagaoa 7: 4-8. _. 1972. Synoptic key to the genera of the Pezizales. Mycologia 64: 937-994, 31 —___-+ 1973a. Discomycetes and Tuberales in the Fungi: An Advanced Treatise edited by G. C. Ainsworth, F. K. Sparrow, A. S. Sussman. 4a: 249-319. ° LO73b4 Sparassoid ascocarps in Pezizales and Tuberales. Rept. Tottori Mycol. Inst. (Japan) 10: 389-403. Larsen, H. J. and W. C. Denison. 1978. A checklist of the operculate cup-fungi (Pezizales) of North America west of the Great Plains. Mycotaxon 7: 68-90. Lassueur, R. 1980. Revision du Genre Melastiza Boudier. Doc. Mycol. ll: 1-45. Maas Geesteranus, R. A. 1969. Studies in Cup-fungi. II. Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetenshappen. Ser. C. 72: 311- ae McKnight, K. H. 1969. A note on Discina. Mycologia 61: 614-630, —____+ 1971. On two species of false morels (Gyromitra) in Utah. Great Basin Naturalist 31: 35-47. - 1973. Two misunderstood species of Gyromitra (False Morel) in North America. Michigan Botanist 12: 147- 162, Moore, E. J. and R. P. Korf. 1963. The genus Pyronema. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 90: 33-42. Obrist, W. 1961. The genus Ascodesmis. Can. J. Bot. 39: 943-953. Paden, J. W. and E. E. Tylutki. 1969. Idaho Discomycetes. II. Mycologia 61: 683-693. Pfister, D. H. 1973a. The psilopezioid fungi. III. The genus Psilopezia. Amer. J. Bot.60: 355-365. ° 1973b. The psilopezioid fungi. IV. The genus Pachyella. Can. J. Bot. 51: 2009-2023. - 1974. Notes on Caribbean Discomycetes. V. A. prelim- inary annotated checklist of Caribbean Pezizales. J. Agri. Univ. P. R. 58: 352-378. - 11975a. The genus Acervus (Ascomycetes, Pezizales). I. An emendation, II. The apothecial ontogeny of Acervus flavidus with comments on A. epispartis. Occ. Pap. Farlow Herb. 8: 1-ll. - 1975b. A synopsis of the genus Pulvinula. Occ. Pap. Farlow Herb. 9: 1-19. - 1979a. A world monograph of the genus Wynnea (Pez- izales, Sarcoscyphineae). Mycologia 71: 144-159. - 1979b. Type studies in the genus Peziza. V. Species described by Rehm. Mycotaxon 8: 187-192. ae OL ETI Cs Type studies in the genus Peziza. VI. Species described by C. H. Peck. Mycotaxon 8: 333-338. 32 - 1980. On Peziza melaleucoides, a species of Gyromi- tra from the Western United States. Mycologia 72: 614-619. - 1981. A new noncoprophilous species of Thecotheus, T. phycophilus. Mycologia 73: 1001-1004. and R. P. Korf. 1974. The Psilopezioid fungi. V. Miladina lechithina. Can. J. Bot. 52: 1643-1645. Rifai, M. A. 1968. The Australasian Pezizales in the Her- barium of the Royal Botanic Garden, Kew. Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk. II. 57: 1-295. Seaver, F. J. 1928. The North American Cup-fungi (Opercu- lates). Published by Seaver, New York. - 1942. The North American Cup-fungi (Operculates) revised edition. Published by Seaver, New York. Reprinted by J. Cramer. Trappe, J. M. 1979. The orders, families, and genera of hypogeous Ascomycotina (truffles and their relatives). Mycotaxon 9: 297-340. Waraitch, K. S. 1977. Some Indian Scutellinia species. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 68: 37-44. Weber, N. S. 1972. The genus Helvella in Michigan. Michi- gan Botanist 4: 147-201. _+ 1975. Notes on Western species of Helvella. I. Nova Hedwigia Beih. 51: 25-37. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 11. 12. 13. 14. qf. Robert K. Edgar: An Annotated Bibliography of the American Microscopists and Diatomist Jacob Whitman Bailey 1811-1857). Donald H. Pfister: A Note on Phaeofabraea and its Placement in the Leotiaceae Subfamily Encoelioideae (Discomycetes) (February 1977). Gayle |. Hansen: Cirrulicarpus Carolinensis, A New Species in the Kallymeniaceae (Rhodophyta). A Comparison of the Species of Cirrulicarpus (Kallymeniaceae, Rhodophyta). Monte G. Manuel: Studies in Cryphaeaceae Ill. Sphaerotheciella Fleisch. New to the Americas (April 1977). Norton G. Miller and Robert R. Ireland: A Floristic Account of the Bryophytes of Bathurst Island, Arctic Canada. Martha A. Sherwood: New Ostropales from the Collections of the Farlow Herbarium (July 1978). Carroll W. Dodge: Edward Angus Burt (1859-1939). Robert K. Edgar: Jacob W. Bailey and the Diatoms of the Wilkes Exploring Expedition (1838-1842). Martha A. Sherwood: New Phacidiales and Ostropales from the Collections of the Farlow Herbarium (July 1979). . Martha A. Sherwood: Taxonomic studies in the Phacidiales: The genus Coccomyces (Rhytismataceae) (April 1980). . A Volume in Honor of Geneva Sayre on the Occasion of her 70th Birthday (June 1981). Donald H. Pfister: A Nomenclatural Revision of F. J. Seaver’s North American Cup-Fungi (Operculates) (August 1982). Pas .