JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM HARVARD UNIVERSITY EDITORIAL BOARD C. E. KOBUSKI, Editor I. W. BAILEY I. M. JOHNSTON R. A. HOWARD KARL SAX C. E. WOOD VOLUME XXxXV vi ie ‘ee 3 3) Ss SES JAMAICA PLAIN, MASS. 1954 Reprinted with the permission of the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University KRAUS REPRINT CORPORATION New York 1968 No No A Jo No T1693 VEC 1 21969 Ge DATES OF ISSUE . 1 (pp. 1-86) issued January 15, 1954. . 2 (pp. 87-202) issued April 15, 1954. - 3 (pp. 203-274) issued July 15, 1954. . 4 (pp. 275-390) issued October 15, 1954. Printed in U.S.A. TABLE OF CONTENTS STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, X XVI. FurTHER REVALUATIONS OF THE GENERA OF THE LITHOSPERMEAE. By Ivan M. Johnston Some DETAILS OF THE STRUCTURE OF RHODOTHAMNUS CHAMAECIS- tus. With one plate. By Herbert F. Copeland Two NOMENCLATURAL CHANGES IN THE CHINESE Fora. By Albert N. Steward STUDIES IN THE KUHNIINAE (Eupatorigak) II. With five plates. By L. O. Gavser MiscELLANEOUS MataysIAN Notes. With one plate. By E. D. Merrill STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, X XVII. Some GENERAL OBSER- VATIONS CONCERNING THE LITHOSPERMEAER. By Ivan M. John- ston Ecotypic VARIATION OF THE PHOTOPERIODIC RESPONSE IN Popu- Lus. With eight text-figures. By Scott S. Pauley and Thomas O. Perry Notes ON THE Fiora oF Cuina, III. With two plates. By Shiu- RTI ERE acs Beste goles dnp ies cuxvde'vaclcsa ek tavdes THE CYPERACEAE COLLECTED IN NEw GUINEA BY L. J. Brass, IV. With one plate and two text-figures. By S. T. Blake .................. PREVERNAL LEAFING OF ASPEN IN UtaH Mountains. With two plates. By Walter P. Cottam THE ConTROL OF TREE GRrowTH BY PHLOEM Biocks. With one plate. By Karl Sax CRYPTOGAMS OF THE 1948 ARCHBOLD CAPE YORK (QUEENSLAND) ExpepITIon. By P. Bibby AppITIONAL Nore on NotuHoracus. With one text-figure. By C.G.G. J. van Steenis New ZEALAND Conirers. With one plate. By Vivienne Dellow Cassie A MOoNoGRAPH OF THE GENUS PHILADELPHUS. With six plates. By Shiu-ying Hu PoLyPLOIDY AND APOMIXIS IN CoTONEASTER. By Hally J. Sav ........ THE Director’s REPORT ON THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM DURING THE FiscaL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1954 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PUBLISHED WRITINGS OF THE STAFF AND STUDENTS JULY 1, 1953—J UNE 30, 1954 STAFF OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 1953-1954 INDEX TO VoL. XXXV TITLE-PAGE AND TABLE OF CONTENTS JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM VoL. XXXV JANuARY 1954 NUMBER 1 STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI FURTHER REVALUATIONS OF THE GENERA OF THE LITHOSPERMEAE IvAN M. JOHNSTON PREPARATORY TO A GENERAL DISCUSSION of the Lithospermeae to be published in the near future, seventeen genera of the tribe are given indi- vidual treatment in the present paper. These, along with six genera dis- cussed previously, Jour. Arnold Arb. 34: 258-299 (1953), include all the genera which can be referred to the tribe if that is to be a homogeneous division of the Boraginoideae. Of the seventeen genera here discussed only one, Lithospermum, has representatives native to both America and the Old World or has direct relations with genera in both regions. Since the dis- tribution and relationships of all other genera are confined within one or the other of these major regions, the primary division in my key to the genera has been deliberately based on geography. For most uses this will be a convenience. Furthermore, it also has the advantage of permitting sharper contrasts of immediately related genera. A synopsis of all the genera of the tribe and technical keys for their identification will be provided in the following paper of this series. KEY TO THE GENERA PLANTS NATIVE TO AMERICA. Anthers completely exserted from the throat; filaments elongate, 6-70 mm. long, exserted 1-65 mm. from the corolla mouth; corolla large, 39-90 mm. long, trumpet-shaped, lobes usually ascending or recurved or reflexed; pollen ellipsoidal to ovoid or ovoid-oblong, 23-33 K 15-28 w ....1. Macromeria. Anthers completely included in the throat or only partially exserted from the corolla mouth; filaments at most 10 mm. long and usually very much shorter, completely included or exserted less than 1 mm.; corolla smaller, usually less than 25 mm. long and never more than 50 mm. in total length, tubular to salverform, lobes erect to spreadin Flowers precociously sexual, corolla opening and exposing stamens and style before attaining full size; corolla-lobes erect, sharply acute or acute with an attenuate tip, very narrowly imbricate in the bud, usually evidently longer than broad; sinus between the corolla-lobes plicate and inflexed and thickened at the base; pollen ovoid, 16-24 X 13-22 p....2. Onosmodium. 2 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM __ [vot. xxxv Flowers not precociously sexual, corolla opening only when 7 abies corolla-lobes obtuse or rounded, frequ ently a s broad as long or ev broader than long, broadly abricate in the art sinus between oe corolla-lobes neither plicate nor thickened nor inflexed at the base. Filaments about half the total length of the corolla, twice as long as the anthers, arising low in the corolla, towards the base shaggy with slender multicellular gland-tipped hairs; anthers borne high in the corolla-throat with its sterile tip exserted; tip of anther 1-2 mm. long; pollen ovoid, 25-28 K 21-33 wm. 2.1... .3. Nomosa Filaments less than a third of the total length of the ‘corolla and usually much shorter than the anther, usually arising at or above the middle of the tube, glabrous or bearing only a few inconspicuous stipitate glands; anthers without a sterile tip or the tip less than 1 mm Filaments broadening upwards from a narrow attachment; anthers with a ll but definite sterile tip, with a well-developed sinus at the base. Corolla lacking faucal appendages, corolla-lobes deltoid; filaments oblanceolate, almost as long as the anthers; anthers conspicuously hairy on the back, with an erect tip, thecae without darkened margins; pollen ovoid, ais 16-20 “; coarse plant with broad strongly veined leave 4. Lasiarrhenum. Corolla with evident faucal eas -corolla- lobes rounded; filaments triangular or obovate-triangular, half as long as the anther: anther glabrous, with a recurved tip, thecae with darkened margins; pollen oy oniy 24-25 X 20 »; small slender-stemmed plant with very ow veinless leaves........................ 5. Perittostema. ics pie or subulate or unguiculate: anther only very rarely bearing a sterile tip, base emarginate or roun Corolla-throat angulate, externally with a small swelling directly below sinus; corolla-lobes strictly ascending; filaments partially exserted from the throat; anthers one half to three fourths exserted from the throat; inside of corolla completely glabrous and bearing neither faucal appendanges i racial glands; style exserted; pollen ellipsoid, 23-26 K 16-22 uw. .... 1... 6. Psilolaemus. Corolla-throat not angulate, not haat externally below each sinus of the limb; corolla-lobes usually spreading; filaments and anthers always included in the throat; corolla inside with faucal appendages or stipitate glands or both ‘and sometimes — style usually included; pollen diverse as to size and form. ..12. Lithospermum. PLANTS NATIVE TO THE OLD Wor Lp, Anthers without a sterile tip or with the tip small and inconspicuous and rising abruptly from the emarginate, truncate or rounded summit of the anther; base of anther usually rounded or simply emarginate; base of theca not pointed, usually rounded; anthers always distinct, never joined together; pollen inconspicuously if at all colpate, pores in one or sometimes two rows, 6-9 or Nutlets narrowed upwards into a prolonged beak, conspicuously paras with the apex hamate; cymes bractless above the base; upper ves very ample and evidently veined; corolla-throat inside abundantly ae pues villose-strigose; Japan............... Ancistrocarya. Nutlets not conspicuously rostrate, apex not hamate; cymes Pie through- 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 3 out; upper cauline leaves not conspicuously ample, usually veinless; corolla-throat inside not villose-strigose. Corolla-throat inside bearing 5 well-developed elongate vertical guide-lines for insect visitors; guides consisting of vertical inflexed plaits bearing hairs or stipitate glands or both, or consisting merely of elongate vertical bands of crowded hairs and stipitate glands; anthers usually with small sterile tips; style usually with a prolonged bilobed sterile apex, always short, always shorter than the mature nutlets............ Dera e tear e agin eee As 5s ssi AE 8. Buglossoides. Corolla-throat lacking guide-lines, bearing localized faucal appendages or bearing stipitate glands which are scattered or are in localized congrega- tions, or sometimes naked; anthers only very rarely bearing a minute sterile tip; style only very rarely with a prolonged bilobed sterile apex, short to elongate, usually becoming much longer than the nutlets .Nutlet attachment not on the true base of the nutlet, borne ventral to the nutlet base at the lower end of a stipe which is directed downward from the ventral side of the ascending nutlet- eae pollen with biseriate pores; Mongolian... .9. Stenosolenium. Nutlet attachment on the base of the erect ‘nutlet- body. Pollen bearing 2 rows of pores, one about each end of the elongate grain, grains oblong or medially oe upper and lower halves of the same size and configuration; corolla without faucal append- ages, its inner surfaces prevailingly devoid of stipitate glands, such glands when present scanty, inconspicuous, and confined to the corolla mouth; flowers heterostylic or monomorphic; stamens usually whorled, affixed at unequal heights above the corolla base only in one monomorphic species; Asia extending into Africa... Sree es gemmiage ree a Se aR 6-0iky So A ee 10. Arnebia. Pollen bearing a single row of pores either about the equator or below the equator about the lower half of the grain; grains globose, oblong-ellipsoidal or with the upper and lower halves dissimilar in size and configuration Corolla inside without faucal appendages or stipitate glands; annulus absent; stamens borne at very unequal heights on the corolla- tube; flowers heterostylic; Caucasus, Armenia, and adjacent BPN ie) 2.5255 ee Es a ee oe so 11. Echioides. Corolla inside with faucal appendages or stipitate glands or both; annulus present; stamens whorled, all borne at the same level above the corolla base; flowers heterostylic or monomorphic; Eurasia, Africa, and America.............. 12. Lithospermum. Anthers narrowed into a prolonged evident sterile tip; base of anther usually an open sinus and hence somewhat sagittate; basal tip of theca usually pointed or narrowly prolonged; anthers usually joined to form a synandrium; pollen evidently colpate, pores in a single row. Nutlets bilocular; calyx-lobes very unequal, strongly imbricate; anthers distinct or joined by the entangling of the tail-like appendages borne at the base of the theca; pollen barrel-shaped or ellipsoidal, pores 8, borne in a well- developed equatorial groove; plant nearly glabrous, leaves with a cordate- aMIplexicaul base. <. isxcradeee hea eee wae tas wads 13. Cerinthe. Nutlets unilocular; calyx-lobes equal or practically so, not imbricate; anthers usually coherent at the base or along the sides or both; pollen ovoid or 4 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [voL. xxxv globose or cylindric or ellipsoidal, pores 3, suprabasal or equatorial, not in an equatorial groove; plants evidently hairy, middle or lower leaves never with a cordate-amplexicaul base. Nutlets bent 90° below the middle, strongly incurved, attachment small and substipitate appearing to be lateral but actually basal on the short erect lower section of the nutlet; gynobase with elevated pulvinate lobes each bearing a small attachment face; indument on herbage with inter- mixed slender gland-tipped hairs; bracts ag large and bape fruiting calyx frequently on decurved pedice 14, — bdo and erect or nearly so, with a analy broad snd evidently attachment; gynobase not bearing the attachment faces on elevated ie lobes; indument containing no gland-tipped hairs; bracts rarely becoming conspicuous and foliaceous; fruiting calyx borne on t or ascending pedicels. Corolla-lobes well developed, as long as or much longer than the tube, spreading or decurved; anthers coherent only along the margins of the terminal appendage, the appendage evidently longer than the theca; filaments very short and usually bearing a hairy basal append- age; throa t of corolla frequently a southern Arabia, Socotra, Somaliland to Angola............ Sibteeeas . Cystistemon. a. Vaupelia. Corolla-lobes short, commonly about as long as broad, conspicuously much shorter than the tubular part of the corolla, erect or loosely recurved (or, in one species, Onosma longilobum, with the lobes elongate, longer than the tube, but erect); anthers usually coherent at the base and frequently also along the margins of the thecae and the append- ages, the appendage almost always shorter than the theca; filaments usually elongate, not appendaged at the base; throat of ee never with spreading hairs; North Africa and Europe to eastern Asi Calyx-lobes narrow and elongate, more or less parallel, eee ta by a very narrow or closed sinus; corolla having no puffed-out ribs pro- jecting between the calyx-lobes : filaments within a corolla all similar; anthers included to completely exserted from the corolla; nutlets smooth to rough with the surface only very rarely evidently are or muriculate; pollen ovoid to spheric or transversely ellips 16. Onosma Calyx- apes more or less triangular, ascending, separated by an open triangular sinus; corolla with puffed-out ribs projecting between the calyx-lobes ; filaments within a corolla differing in the shape of their base and i in the orientation of their attachment on the corolla; antly and minutely papillate or muriculate; pollen cylindric or vertically ellipsoid; Himalaya and mountains of southwest China. Ss bS bs FASS ee da bee Pea os PEN Gea das ok ek eee 17. Maharanga. 1. Macromeria D. Don, New Edinb. Philos. =i 13: 239 (1832). Based upon M. longiflora Don and M. exserta Philonomia DC. in Steud. a ed. 2, 2: 320 ne Meisner, Pl. Vasc. Gen. 2: 189 (1836-43), in m. Onosmodium § ce Gray, Synop. Fl. N. Am. 21: 205 (1878). Type species, Macromeria viridifiora A. DC. 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 5 Macromeria § Macromerioides (Gray) Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 13 (1924). Plant perennial. Stems coarse, erect, simple or bearing a few leafy fer- tile branchlets in the upper axils, hispid or sometimes hispid-villose or strigose. Leaves well developed, all cauline, lowest ones smaller than the upper, hispid, velvety or strigose (hairs on upper surface usually with dis- coid or bulbose bases), with evident midrib and usually two or more pairs of well-developed evident assurgent veins. Cymes scorpioid, simple or some- times geminate, terminating the main stems and frequently also arising di- rectly from the uppermost leaf-axils and sometimes terminating leafy branch- lets arising from the upper axils, relatively loose, with the flowers not evi- dently biseriate, after anthesis becoming straight, very loosely flowered, and very elongate; bracts numerous, conspicuous and foliaceous, usually somewhat accrescent in age, lanceolate to broadly ovate. Flowers at an- thesis borne on strict pedicels at the summit of the straightened portion of the cyme and hence erect, or borne on the still curved portion of the cyme and directed backwards over the top of the cyme with the abaxial side uppermost and the corolla accordingly resupinate. Calyx 5-fid, the lobes elongate, usually evidently unequal, linear to narrowly lanceolate; pedicels elongating at maturity, strict or ascending. Corolla yellow, yellowish or greenish, straight and regular or curved and having the throat prolonged on the two-lobed adaxial side, elongate, somewhat trumpet-shaped, having a slender tube which gradually or abruptly expands into an elongate, sub- cylindric or conic-cylindric throat once to twice as long as the tube, the outer surface always evidently hairy, the inner surface glabrous or rarely inconspicuously hairy in the tube and on the lobes and along the veins in the throat, usually glanduliferous in the throat and sometimes on the lobes; faucal invaginations evident in one species but usually absent or only very obscurely developed, when present decorated with glands. An- nulus absent or represented by a very narrow, continuous or interrupted lineate ridge just above the base of the tube, glabrous, or in one species with very inconspicuous tufts of minute hairs. Corolla-lobes equal, elliptic to deltoid, erect to ascending or reflexed at the base or rarely loosely re- curved, shorter than the throat, imbricate, apex tending to be acute. Fila- ments equal, terete or distinctly flattened or even strap-shaped, glabrous or somewhat hairy in one species, arising well above the middle of the corolla-throat and always exserted from it but in only one species extruded more than the length of the corolla-lobes, affixed all at the same altitude on the corolla or at three superimposed levels with the medial adaxial one highest, the abaxial pair lowest, and the adaxial laterals at an intermediate level. Anthers straight or sometimes weakly falcate, elongate, oblong or oblong-linear, several to many times shorter than the filaments, affixed at or slightly below the middle, commonly in a groove in the connective, strict and erect or becoming horizontal by a subapical bend of the filament or sometimes versatile, apex usually rounded or obtusish and with a small inconspicuous tip formed by the prolongation of the connective tissue, but in one species emarginate and bearing a subapical gland; thecae parallel 6 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [voL. xxxv but unjoined for a short distance above the unappendaged, apparently emarginate base of the anther; connective evident on the back of the anther, especially above the middle, glabrous or in one species bearing short stout hairs above the middle. Pollen broadly to narrowly ellipsoidal or somewhat ovoid or ovoid-oblong, 25-33 > 15-28 p, sometimes con- stricted near the middle, upper and lower half of the grain equal or more or less dissimilar, pores borne eight or nine in a single row at the equator or below it and sometimes very low on the grain just above its rounded base, grain in polar profile circular or obscurely polyhedral. Style filiform, glabrous, longer than the corolla and becoming evidently exserted; stigmas two, very small, juxtaposed and terminal on the tip of the style or sub- terminal and separated (though scarcely if at all surpassed) by an apical prolongation of the style. Nutlets smooth, ovoid or ellipsoidal, usually smooth, lustrous and white, straight, erect or more commonly diverging from the pyramidal gynobase; ventral keel weak or absent, suture com- pletely closed or represented (sometimes only on the upper half of the nutlet body) by a lineate groove; attachment scar broad, basal, flat or convex, usually bearing the projecting end of the tubular bony funicular canal. Gynobase somewhat pyramidal, usually broadly so and commonly terminated by the thickened four-angulate base of the style; attachment faces nearly as broad as long, at maturity each surrounded by an elevated cartilaginous margin, usually sloping and the basifixed nutlets borne upon them usually divergent. A genus obviously related to Lithospermum and most closely so to its Mexican species. It is distinguished only by the form and large size of its corollas and by having filaments elongate and exserted from the corolla- throat. Its eight species are well marked and form a very natural as- semblage. They range between northern Guatemala and Arizona and New Mexico in southwestern United States, with most of them confined to very restricted areas in the mountains of Mexico. Macromeria, as originally defined and established by David Don, in- cluded two species, M. longiflora and M. exserta. The most detailed sub- sequent treatments of the genus have been by De Candolle, Prodr. 10: 68 (1846) and by Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 13 (1924). Of the species which have been referred to the genus, only M. cinerascens DC. (1846) is to be excluded, that being a species of Lithospermum. Both Gray, Synop. Fl. N. Am. 2': 205 (1878), and Macbride, Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 19 (1917), have suggested that the genus should be reduced to one species, M. exserta, and that the remaining species be treated as a section of Onos- modium. As previously noted by me, Contr. Gray Herb. 75: 16 (1924), such procedure would do violence to natural relationships by separating M. exserta from its evident relative M. hispida. It would also destroy the homogeneity of Onosmodium. The eight species of Macromeria are obvi- ously more closely related to one another than any of them are to any species of Lithospermum ot Onosmodium, From the latter genus they differ in size and form of the corolla, length of filaments, shape of the anthers, and tardily exserted style. 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 7 The species of this genus are coarse perennials having few to numerous stems usually over half a meter tall and frequently approaching and rarely even surpassing a meter in height. The leaves are all cauline, the lower- most being smaller and proportionately more elongate than those on mid- dle sections of the stem. The leaf-blades have a strong midrib and also several well-developed assurgent lateral veins. In foliage, as well as in general habit, Macromeria is suggestive of Onosmodium and Laszar- rhenum, and to a somewhat less degree also of such American species of Lithospermum as L. viride, L. oblongifolium, L. guatemalense, and L. cinerascens. The corollas, 35—90 mm. long, are among the largest in the Boraginaceae, with those of M. exserta the very largest in the family. They are more or less trumpet-like in form, having an elongate subcylindric or conic-cylindric throat usually several times longer than thick and commonly about as long as the slender tubular portion of the corolla supporting it. The equal, rela- tively short lobes are ellipsoidal, deltoid, or triangular ovate and com- monly pointed. They may be straight and ascending or loosely recurving or abruptly reflexed at the base. In most of the species the corolla is regu- lar or practically so, but in M. hispida and M., exserta it is curved, the throat is oblique and evidently prolonged on the adaxial side, and the stamens are affixed at superimposed levels in the throat, with the adaxial medial member highest. The corolla in these two species having a very distinct bilateral symmetry is clearly zygomorphic. This condition is usu- ally most obvious in the bud of the corolla just before it opens. For most of its length the bud is gracefully curved adaxially, but in the thickened apical portion it becomes curved in the reverse direction. The outer thick- ened portion of the bud, formed of the unexpanded lobes, is evidently swollen on the two-lobed adaxial side. The bud has its tip not central but closest to its abaxial side. These zygomorphic corollas of M. exserta and M. hispida have their two-lobed lip and their medial stamen both on the adaxial side of the flower. In most species of the genus, both before and after anthesis, the corolla stands erect, being borne on strict pedicels at the summit of the straightened portion of the cyme. In M. hispida and M. exserta the corolla at anthesis, and also as a mature bud, is borne at a relatively higher position on the scorpioid cyme, mostly developing on the curve between its arched sum- mit and the point at which it becomes straight and vertical. Since the pedicels are strict and borne on the curved portion of the cyme, the flowers are directed ascendingly backwards over the arched top of the cyme. The backward direction of the flowers in M. exserta is given further accentuation by the marked adaxial curving of the throat and tube. As a combined re- sult of all this, at anthesis the outer parts of the corolla achieve a nearly horizontal position. By leaning backwards over the tip of the cyme the corolla has become resupinate. The corolla in all species except M. viridiflora bears at least scattered stiped glands in the upper parts of the throat and usually also on the ad- jacent portions of the lobes as well. In M. leonotis the salient mouth of 8 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM __ [vot. xxxv the corolla is encircled by a band of glands. In species such as M. barbigera, M. hispida, and M. exserta, the glands are more scattered, less evident, and may be distributed from above the level of the filament attachments upward onto the lower half of the corolla-lobes. In M. Pringlei and less clearly in M. longiflora the glands are restricted to obscure congregations associated with small, weak, ill-defined circular or elliptic convexities, one located at or slightly below each of the corolla-lobes. In M. notata the association of glands and invaginations is much clearer. In that species there are five inflexed plaits, cuneate in outline, which have their broad end (1—1.5 mm. wide) about 2 mm. below the summit of the throat, and from thence, gradually narrowing, extend outward along the midline of each corolla- lobe with their pointed end about 2 mm. below the lobe apex. Stipitate glands are abundant on these elongate swollen areas but practically absent elsewhere on the corolla. A unique feature of M. viridiflora is the presence of minute hairs on the inner surface of the corolla. The corolla is villulose inside the slender tube and may be scantily and minutely strigulose below the middle of the throat along the vein leading from each corolla-lobe. Though hairy the corolla bears no glands. The corollas of Macromeria have no annulus or at most only a weakly developed one ca. 0.5 mm. above the base of the tube. In M. notata the annulus is represented by an inconspicuous narrow encircling ridge, and in M. barbigera by an obscurely five-lobed one, but in all other species it is obscure or absent. Hairs, these very minute and inconspicuous, were noted in association with the annulus only in M. leonotis. The stamens are affixed in the corolla-throat and within an individual flower are all at about the same distance (4-10 mm.) below the base of the corolla-lobes. In regular corollas the filaments arise at equal distances above the corolla-base. In zygomorphic corollas, however, the throat is prolonged on the adaxial side and the mouth of the throat is oblique. Be- cause the stamen attachments have a fixed relation with the summit of the throat, those on the prolonged adaxial side of the corolla accordingly have a position at a greater distance above the corolla-base than those on the abaxial side. This is the condition in M. exserta and M. hispida. The filaments are well developed. In M. exserta they may become 70 mm. long, and accordingly are very conspicuously long-exserted from the corolla. The shortest ones (6-9 mm.) occur in M. notata. In other species, however, the filaments are mostly 10-20 mm. long. They are clearly ex- serted from the corolla-throat but do not surpass the corolla-lobes when the latter are in an erect position. In most species the filaments are slightly compressed. In M. viridiflora, however, they are strongly so, being strap- shaped, 1.2-1.5 mm. broad just above their base, and then gradually nar- rowed upwards to become 0.5—1 mm. wide at the apex. In M. leonotis the filaments may be sparsely hairy below their middle and sometimes also on their decurrent bases, but in all other species they are always glabrous. The anthers are Slongate and have an oblong outline. They are affixed to the filament at or perceptibly below the middle, usually in an elongate depression in the connective. Although past authors have stated that they 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 9 are usually versatile, that condition exists, if at all, only in M. exserta. In M. hispida, M. longiflora, M. Pringlei, and probably M. leonotis also, the anther may assume a position at right angles to the filament, but that appears to be the result of a ninety-degree bend of the filament just below its apex. In M. viridiflora and apparently also in M. barbigera the anthers are strictly and firmly affixed to the filament and are erect. The connective is glabrous in most species, but in M. viridiflora, in which the structure reaches its maximum development, it may bear numerous stout hairs on the back side of the anther above the middle. In most species the connective is slightly prolonged to form a minute, usually thickish, truncate or subulate apicule on the broad summit of the anther. In M. viridiflora the connective is thickened, apparently glandular, and locally very hairy just below the anther tip. It is not prolonged beyond the thecae. The anthers in this species, accordingly, are emarginate at the tip. The connective is not only broadest but also most readily observed in M. viridiflora, M. Pringlei, and M. longiflora. In these species the thecae, after shedding pollen and becoming explanate, are displayed obliquely on the ventral side of the anther. The back side of the anther is nearly plane, and the broad connective and the filament attachment are fully exposed to view. In the five other species of the genus, however, the explanate thecae have reflexed lower halves, and their surfaces become parallel and face left and right in opposite directions. Such mature anthers are strongly compressed laterally. Their back appears to be strongly conduplicate with the narrow connective and the filament attachment hidden in the depth of the fold. The style is filiform and sufficiently elongate to bear its stigmas com- monly about 5 mm. beyond the anthers. The minute stigmas are sub- terminal, being separated and surpassed by the tip of the style in M. Pringlei, M. leonotis, and M. notata, but in the other species they are ter- minal and juxtaposed upon the apex of the style. As in most other genera of the Lithospermeae, in herbarium specimens I have found the anthers of Macromeria dehiscent and the pollen shed in those flower-buds in which the corolla is nearly ready to open. Just previ- ous to the opening of the corolla, the stigma in seven of the eight species is pushing against the very top of the bud-cavity, and hence is above the anthers. The stamens have attained almost full development before the corolla opens. In M. exserta, however, the very elongate, eventually long- exserted filaments and style are not completely lengthened before the corolla expands. The filaments have their middle portion lying pressed against the curve of the swollen adaxial side of the outer half of the bud. At the tip of the bud cavity the distal portion of the filaments curves back- wards for 180° to 360°. The anthers usually lie within the adaxial half of the most ample part of the bud cavity. The style, shortened by undulate contortions, bears its stigmas appressed against the tip of the bud cavity or against the abaxial side of the cavity close to the tip. In Echium, in which elongate filaments and style are also curved and contorted inside the flower bud, the stigmas before the corolla opens may have a position 10 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [vot. xxxv amidst the clustered dehiscent anthers. In the bud of Macromeria, how- ever, the stigmas have a position above or beyond the anthers and so de- cidedly less accessible to any pollen set free in the bud. The stigma is not precociously exserted. It escapes from the flower bud only when the im- bricate corolla lobes have begun to loosen — just before the corolla opens, or, in many cases, not until the corolla is almost completely open. Macromeria has pollen similar to that of Lithospermum, and especially like that of the Mexican members of that genus. Each species of Macro- meria has distinctive pollen with the grains recognizable if not by shape at least by size. Related species agree more closely in the length of their grains than in the form of them. The pollen bears eight or nine pores in a single row. Its pores are fre- quently detectable as minute swellings on the outline of the grains when the latter are viewed in lateral profile. Frequently they are sufficiently prominent to give the sides of the grains a somewhat obtusely angled sil- houette. The polar profile of the grain is usually circular, and only very rarely are the pores sufficiently evident to produce a vaguely polyhedral outline. Evidences of possible shallow furrows on the grain have been detected only in M. barbigera. The pores are equatorial, and the upper and lower halves of the grain are equal in M. leonotis (grains globose ellipsoidal, sides angulate, 25-26 & 23 »), M. barbigera (ellipsoidal, sides rounded or angled, 30-33 25-28 »), M. notata (ellipsoidal, sides tending to be angled, 28-30 « 23-25 »), and M. Pringlei (ellipsoidal, sides rounded to nearly parallel, 25-26 15-18 ,). In two species, M. exserta and M. hispida, the grains bear the pores very slightly but still perceptibly below the middle. The lower half of the grain has a more evenly and broadly rounded curve than the upper half. Macromeria exserta has ovoid-ellipsoid grains (38-41 X 25-28 n), and M. hispida globose-ovoid grains (38-41 & 33— 37 «). The pollen of the two remaining species of the genus is elongate, perceptibly constricted below the middle, and bears its row of pores above its broad rounded base, where its diameter is greatest. Constrictions of the grain begin directly above the row of pores and form “shoulders” of a type previously noted in grains of a similar type in Lithospermum, cf. Jour. Arnold Arb. 33: 310 (1952). Such elongate, medially constricted grains are characteristic of M. longiflora (25-28 & 16-18 p) and M. viridi- flora (28-33 >< 18-22 y). Of these two species with constricted pollen, M. viridiflora has no close relatives. Macromeria longiflora, however, is obviously most closely related to M. Pringlei and species having ellipsoidal grains with equatorial pores. The only agreement is in the length of the grains, The nutlets of Macromeria are smooth, shiny, and usually white, and are symmetric or nearly so and nearly circular in transverse section. In general appearance they closely resemble those of most American species of Lithospermum. The venter of the nutlet is only obscurely if at all keeled. The ventral suture may be represented by a very narrow lineate groove (sometimes not half the length of the nutlet) or it may be com- pletely fused and obliterated. It may be present or absent or vary in 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 11 length not only within the species but also among the nutlets produced by a single plant. The large, nearly circular attachment scar, horizontal or very slightly oblique, is flat or slightly convex and is always distinctly basal. In all species towards its ventral margin the scar bears a prominence com- posed of the slightly protruding broken end of the well-developed bony tubular funicular canal. In the detached nutlets of M. viridiflora, M. bar- bigera, and M. notata, the scar also bears another process, this small and obliquely ascending and apparently representing protrudent tissue about the base of one of the vascular traces leading to the dorsum of the nutlet body. This dorsal prominence on the scar appears to be absent on the nutlets of M. exserta. Since thoroughly mature, self-detached nutlets of M. longiflora, M. Pringlei, M. hispida, and M. leonotis have not been seen, the nature of the scar in these species is unknown. The gynobase in all species is well developed, broadly pyramidal, and terminated by a persist- ing, more or less thickened four-angulate base of the style. The attach- ment surfaces of the mature gynobase are usually each encircled by a coarse thickened and elevated cartilaginous margin. When all four nutlets are matured, the gynobase has more or less distinctly sloping attachment faces, and the nutlets they bear, being straight and basifixed, are accord- ingly divergent. KEY TO THE SPECIES Corolla with erect or ascending lobes. Back of anthers hairy above the middle; filaments strap-shaped; corolla without ca on the inner surface, villulose in the tube; stigmas terminal Yh Cr ee oe ab Sake bn ee RO 1. M. viridiflora. Back of ates glabrous; filaments not strap-shaped; corolla glanduliferous in the throat, tube glabrous inside; stigmas usually subterminal, separated by the sterile tip of the style. ashe bearing 5 evident cuneiform plaits, these glanduliferous and extend- g from below the corolla-lobes upward upon the net to ste rite PUGOIE? «<2, 35:4 ee ee wae kk ae ee M. notata. Corolla without cuneiform glanduliferous plaits, bearing ae rarenaeeiaaeies small circular or elliptical congregations of glands at or below the base of each corolla-lobe; upper face of lobes glandless Upper surface of leaves without evident hairs, suet and very minutely verrucose or muriculate and hence at most scabrellous; pore eas below the middle and bearing the pores above the PUNGOt DASE: vc 5S es ee Roo a ane ed 3. M. longiflora. aes surface of leaves bearing evident stiff appressed hairs usually arising from evident pallid dot-like bulbose or discoid bases, surface scabrous; pollen ellipsoidal, broadest at the middle, pores equatorial. 4. M. Pringlei. Corolla with lobes reflexed or (in no. 6) loosely recurved. Mouth of corolla densely glanduliferous in a continuous band; stigmas sub- terminal, ae and surpassed by the short sterile apical prolongation OTe EO SEVIS icc 5 i eo I ee cae als 5. M. leon Mouth of ai not conspicuously glanduliferous; stigmas terminal. Corolla-lobes loosely recurved, deltoid, about as long as broad; corolla 12 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [voL. xxxv regular, symmetric in the bud, stamens all affixed at the same distance above the corolla-base; pollen ellipsoidal, pores equatorial.......... eT OT ee Pe ere ee ee ee . M. barbigera. Corolla-lobes becoming reflexed, elongate; corolla zygomorphic, asymmetric in the bud, throat oblique, stamens on adaxial side affixed higher than those on the opposite side of veges — bearing the row of pores slightly below me middle of the gra Filaments 10-15 mm. long; corolla 50-55 mm. long; middle stem leaves usually lanceolate; pollen globose-ovoid .............. 7. M. hispida. Filaments 55-70 mm. long, conspicuously long-exserted; corolla very large, 60-90 mm. long; middle stem leaves oblanceolate: pollen ovoid- CUIDSOIGAL 56.5.5. dc¢ aay acks s BY sak pawn eg ors eee vi 8. M. exserta. Macromeria viridiflora DC. Prodr. 10: 68 (1846); Sessé & Moc. Calq. Fl. Mex. t. 904 (1874); Johnston, — Arnold Arb. 30: 110 (1949). Type from Mexico, Sessé & Moci Macromeria longiflora sensu Johnston, Contr. ae Herb. 70: 14 (1924). — Stems 5—10 dm. tall. Cymes terminal on the stems and frequently gemi- nate and commonly borne also on short leafy branchlets arising from the uppermost axils. Calyx becoming 25 mm. long, largest lobe up to 2.5 mm. broad and the smallest 1-1.5 mm. broad. Corolla greenish yellow, 65-80 (usually 70-75) mm. long, regular or nearly so, outside with abundant appressed and scattered spreading hairs 0.7—2 mm. long, inside sparsely and inconspicuously strigulose along the veins below the lobes and villulose inside the narrow tube, stipitate glands very few or absent, annulus absent or very imperfectly developed. Corolla-lobes triangular-ovate, acute, as- cending, 8-10 mm. long, 5—~7 mm. broad above the base, usually greenish and sometimes strigose along the middle of the upper surface. Filaments equal, 16-20 mm. long, borne 8-10 mm. below the base of the corolla sinus, broad and strongly compressed, strap-shaped, broadest (ad 1.5 mm.) slightly above the base and then very gradually narrowed towards the apex (ca. 1 mm, wide). Anthers 4—5.5 mm. long, affixed at or slightly below the middle, strictly erect, apex emarginate, base shallowly lobed; connec- tive on upper half of dorsum broad and bearing scattered coarse appressed hairs usually most abundant below the gland at its summit. Pollen elongate, 28-33 > 18-22 pu, somewhat constricted below the middle, bearing the row of pores where broadest 8-10 » above the base of the grain. Stigmas two, distinctly terminal. Nutlets 3-3.5 mm. long, with an obscure ventral keel, suture absent or represented by a lineate groove. Mountains of northern Mexico, in the states of Chihuahua and adjacent Durango, Sinaloa, and Sonora, and extending north into the United States only in the mountains (Chiricahua and Huachuca Mts.) of southeastern Arizona. la. Macromeria viridiflora var. Thurberi (Gray), comb. nov. Onosmodium Thurberi Gray, Synop. Fl, N. Am. 21: 205 (1878), Type from western New Mexico. Macromeria Thurberi (Gray) Mack. Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl. 32: 496 (1905). 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 13 Flower smaller than in typical M. viridiflora. Calyx becoming 20 mm. long, lobes 1—1.5 mm. broad; corolla 35—50 (usually 40-45) mm. long; fila- ments 12-14 mm. long, borne 6-8 mm. below the corolla sinus; anthers 3—4.5 mm. long. Occurring in the mountains from middle eastern New Mexico west to central Arizona in an area to the north of that occupied by typical M. viridi- flora. A very well marked species readily recognized by its strap-shaped fila- ments and dorsally hairy anthers, and also by the villulose inner surface of its corolla-tube. The typical form of the species has slender, very elongate corollas. Like many other plants of the Sierra Madre Occidental, true M. viridiflora has a range that extends north into the Chiricahua and Huachuca mountains, just north of the United States-Mexican boundary, but no further to the northward. Some collections from the Chiricahua and Huachuca moun- tains are indistinguishable from those of Mexican origin, but others have their flowers somewhat smaller. Even in these latter, however, the corollas are larger than those on plants referable to var. Thurberi which occur further northward in New Mexico and central Arizona. The differences in flower size are geographically correlated and sufficiently striking to merit nomenclatorial recognition. 2. Macromeria notata, sp. nov. Planta perennis 4—5 dm. alta e radice valida purpureo-tincta erumpens; caulibus simplicibus foliosis erectis breviter hispidis basim versus ad 5 mm. crassis; foliis numerosis lanceolatis evidenter venosis acutis, eis medium versus caulis gestis majoribus 6—8 cm. longis 16—20 mm. latis, pilos rigidos adscendentis 0.2-1 mm. longos e basi bulboso vel discoideo minuto non rariter pallido erumpentibus proferentibus, facie inferiori pallidioribus venis prominulis ornatis; cyma scorpioidea solitaria caules simplicos terminanti; calyce 15-18 mm. longo, lobis inaequalibus 1-2.5 mm. latis, pedicellis sub anthesi 0-5 mm. longis maturitate 10-15 mm. longis; corolla flavescenti regulariter 50 mm. longa extus hispidula pilis 0.5—-1 mm. longis plus minusve curvatis ornata, intus glabra et solum in appendiculis faucium glandulifera; tubo 2—2.5 mm. longo 1—-1.5 mm. crasso; annulo anguste annulato; faucibus 1.5—-2 cm. longis gradatim ampliatis apicem versus 5—6 mm. crassis; ap- pendiculis faucium depressis elongatis a 2 mm. infra basim loborum corollae sursum fere ad 2 mm. infra apicem loborum corollae prolongatis cunei- formibus leviter invaginatis prominulis dense glanduliferis basi 1-1.5 mm. latis truncatis; lobis corollae triangularibus adscendentibus viridescentibus ca. 5 mm. longis et latis summum ad apicem rotundis secus medium appen- diculi faucium glanduliferi decurrenti notatis alibi minute sparseque strigu- losis; filamentis 6-9 mm. longis ca. 5-7 mm, infra basim sinuum limbi affixis: antheris 2—2.5 mm. longis rectis apice haud appendiculatis; pol- linis ellipsoideis 28-30 * 23-25 yp, poris 8 secus equatorem dispositis; stigmatibus 2, terminalibus; nuculis 4 mm. longis laevibus albis ovoideis obscure asymmetricis obscure carinatis, late basaliter affixis, cicatrice con- 14 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [voL. xxxv vexo; gynobase — pulvinis distinctis margine cartilagineis promi- nulis ‘circumdatis MEXICO (Nuevo Leon): Ascent of Sierra Infernillo, ca. 15 miles south of Galeana, 9-10,000 ft., common over small areas just below peak, fl. yellow, June 16, 1934, C.H. & M.T. Mueller 830 (type, Gray Herb.) ; canyon below Las Canoas on Cerro Potosi, scattered in dense shade on arroyo bank, July 20, 1935, C. H. Mueller 2238 (G). The distinctive features of this species are the weakly invaginate elong- ate densely glanduliferous plaits which extend from the upper part of the throat out upon each of the corolla-lobes. These glanduliferous plaits are the closest approximation in the genus to the localized well-developed faucal appendages present in many species of Lithospermum. In M. longiflora and M. Pringlei there are small vague convex areas bearing glands at or below each lobe of the corolla, but in other congeners of M. notata, even this suggestion of faucal invagination is lacking. The present species is cer- tainly a very distinct one. Its closest relations are possibly with M. Pringlei and M. longiflora. 3. Macromeria longiflora [Sessé & Moc.] D. Don, Edinb. New Philos. Jour. 13: 239 (1832); Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 92: 93 (1930). Type from Mexico, Sessé & Mocino. Lithospermum longiflorum Sessé & Moc. ex D. Don, Edinb. New Philos. Jour. 13: 239 (1932), in synonym. Onosmodium longiflorum (Don) Macbr. Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 21 (1917). Lithospermum flavum Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mex. 32 (1893): Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 30: 109 (1949). Type from Michoacan, Mexico, Sessé & ocino. Macromeria discolor Benth. Pl. Hartw. 49 (1840). Type from Mexico. Onosmodium discolor (Benth.) Macbr. Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 20 (1917). Cymes terminal on the stems and frequently also arising directly from the uppermost axils. Calyx 13-15 mm. long, lobes slender, 1-1.5 mm broad, unequal. Corolla 45-55 mm. long, regular or very obscurely pro- longed on the adaxial side, outside clothed with slender spreading or loosely appressed hairs up to 1 mm. long, inside bearing inconspicuous elliptic congregations of glands on obscurely convex areas below each corolla-lobe and sometimes glands also along the decurrent base of the filaments, an- nulus not developed. Corolla-lobes elongate, lance-oblong, acutish or the tips obtusish, 11-15 mm. long, 4—7 mm. broad, ascending, upper face with- out hairs or glands. Filaments 14-15 mm. long, affixed ca. 4 mm. below limb-sinus, anthers 2-4 mm. long, affixed at or near the middle, erect, apex minutely appendaged. Pollen elongate, 25-28 16-18 ,, constricted below the middle, broadest and bearing the row of pores about 8 » above the base. Sivas 2, usually subterminal. Nutlets ovoid, erect, symmetric, 4 mm. tall, 3 mm. thi ck. Mountains of western Mexico from Colima to Oaxaca. A species probably most closely allied to M. Pringlei, from which it dif- fers in its more herbaceous stems and its larger leaves devoid of evident 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 15 hairs on the upper surface. Although at first glance the upper leaf face appears to be smooth and glabrous, close examination under the microscope shows it to be actually dotted with minute mineralized warts or conic muriculations. When the minute roughenings are pointed, the surface may be perceptibly scabrellous. The minute mineralized roughenings on the leaf of M. longiflora are evidently homologous with the very much coarser bulbose or discoid hair bases present on the upper lea‘ face of M. Pringlet. The lower face of the leaves in M. longiflora is strigose with an abundance of short, stiff, closely appressed hairs. It is usually cinereous and contrasts very strongly with the upper surface, which in most her- barium specimens dries a chocolate brown. 4. Macromeria Pringlei Greenm. Proc. Am. Acad. 34: 570 (1899). Type, Sierra de Pachuca, Hidalgo, Pringle 11044. Onosmodium Pringlei (Greenm.) Macbr. Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 20 (1917). Macromeria guatemalense Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 29: 232 (1948). Type, Volcan Tajumulco, dept. of San Marcos, Guatemala, Steyermark 35898. Cymes terminal on the stems and frequently also terminating short axillary branches arising from the uppermost axils. Calyx 12-15 mm. long, lobes slender, 0.5—1.2 mm. wide. Corolla pale yellow-green, 35-53 mm. long, regular, straight, outer surface bearing slender ascending hairs ca. 1 mm. long, inside glabrous bearing very scattered glands, or these only in very vague slightly swollen areas at or below the base of the corolla- lobes. Corolla-lobes triangular, acute, erect or ascending, 9-10 mm. long, 5.5—7.5 mm. broad, apex obtusish, upper face usually without hairs or glands. Filaments 9-12 mm. long, equal, affixed in the throat 3-4 mm. below the base of the corolla sinus. Anthers 2—3.5 mm. long, medio-affixed, apex minutely appendaged. Pollen ellipsoidal, sides rounded or nearly parallel, 25-26 & 15-18 yw. Stigmas 2, subterminal. Nutlets erect, sym- metric, pointed, ca. 4 mm, tall, 3—3.5 mm. thick, without a ventral keel. Mountains of Mexico in the states of Hidalgo, Guerrero, and Oaxaca. Closely related to M. longiflora but a less vigorous plant with more slen- der fruticulose stems and smaller, usually more elongate leaves bearing evident appressed hairs on the upper surface. Macromeria guatemalense of northern Guatemala appears to differ from Mexican M. Pringlei only in its more elongate, more decidedly fruticose stems and smaller (to 35 mm. long) corollas. Possibly it may represent a southern variety of M. Pringlei, but hardly a species distinct from it. 5. Macromeria leonotis Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 16: 188 (1935). Type, ascent into Taray, Sierra Madre ca. 15 mi. s.w. of Galeana, Nuevo Leon, Mueller 754. Cymes terminal on the stem. Calyx 19-25 mm. long, lobes unequal, very slender, 1—-1.5 mm. wide. Corolla yellow, 55-75 mm. long, slightly zygo- morphic, straight or somewhat curved, outside hispidulose-villulose, densely clad with short curly hairs 0.3-0.7 mm. long, inside glanduliferous on the 16 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [voL. xxxv lower part of the lobes and over the upper half of the throat and most abundantly so in a band at the throat summit; annulus a very narrow interrupted ring bearing five groups of short, very inconspicuous hairs. Corolla-lobes triangular-oblong, 7-12 mm. long, 5—8 mm. wide, becoming reflexed, apex rounded, upper surface minutely strigulose or rarely glabrous, glanduliferous at the base. Filaments 14-20 mm. long, compressed, affixed 7-8 mm. below the corolla sinus, sometimes hairy below the middle and on the decurrent base. Anthers 2—3.5 mm. long, affixed just below the middle, apex minutely appendaged. Pollen broadly globose-ellipsoidal, sides angulate, 25-26 23 mw, pores 8, equatorial. Stigmas apparently sub- terminal. Nutlets not seen. Mountains of northeastern Mexico in states of Nuevo Leon and Tamauli- as. A species notable for its short soft indument and abundantly glandu- liferous summit of the corolla-throat. The corolla appears to be slightly zygomorphic, being somewhat curved and perhaps also slightly prolonged on the adaxial side. The elongate lobes are strongly reflexed at the base and the opening into the throat is accordingly the most forward part of the corolla. The rounded lip surrounding this opening to the throat is densely glanduliferous. Some glands are present on the lower part of the corolla- lobes and also inside the throat down at least to the level of the stamen attachments, but only on the lip about the opening into the throat are they extremely abundant. No other species of the genus has corollas with glands so numerous. The species is a very distinct one, but seems to share more characters with M. longiflora and M. Pringlei than with other con- geners. 6. Macromeria barbigera Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 16: 189 (1935). Type, slope of Sierra Tronconal, ca. 15 mi. s.w. of Galeana, Nuevo Leon, Mueller 741. Cymes terminal on the stem and also arising from the uppermost leaf axils. Calyx 15-20 mm. long, lobes very slender, 1—1.5 mm. broad, un- equal. Corolla (“cream-white” but when dry with a distinctly reddish throat and somewhat greenish lobes) 45-65 mm. long, regular, with a very slender tube 15-30 mm. long which abruptly expands into a cylindric throat that is 20-30 mm. long, 5-10 mm. thick, and sometimes perceptibly broadest below the middle, outer surface of corolla villose, the hairs slender, white, and 2~3 mm. long, inner surface glanduliferous above the level of the filament attachments and especially so on the upper face of the lobes, annulus an interrupted ring. Corolla-lobes deltoid, 4-5 mm. long, loosely aie distinctly recurved especially beyond the middle. Filaments 12-15 m. long, affixed 8-10 mm. below the base of the corolla sinus. Anthers 3 mm. long, medio-affixed, apex minutely appendaged. Pollen ellipsoidal, sides rounded or angled, 30-33 X 25-28 p, pores 9, equatorial. Stigmas terminal. Nutlets ellipsoidal to ovoid, 3—3.5 mm Northeastern Mexico in the mountains of Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. A very distinct species notable for its coarse habit, bristly indument, and 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 17 broad leaves, as well as for the form of its large corollas. The corollas have a very slender tube, an abruptly expanded elongate throat, and loosely recurved deltoid lobes glanduliferous on the upper surface. The immediate relatives of the species are obscure. 7. Macromeria hispida Mart. & Gal. Bull. Acad. Brux. 11: 339 (1844). Type, near Morelia, Michoacan, Galeotti 1917. Macromeria longiflora var. hispida (M. & G.) A. DC. Prodr. 10: 68 (1846). Onosmodium longiflorum var. hispidum (M. & G.) Macbr. Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 21 (1917). Macromeria longiflora sensu DC. Prodr. 10: 68 (1846). Cymes terminal and commonly also arising directly from a number of the uppermost axils to form an elongate thyrse. Calyx with very unequal lobes, the abaxial one largest and becoming 18-22 mm. long and 1.5-—2.5 mm. broad. Corolla yellow, 50-55 mm. long, zygomorphic, usually some- what curved and the throat prolonged on the adaxial side, in the bud thickly clavate with the outer half swollen and evidently more rounded on the adaxial side, outer surface of corolla bearing numerous ascending or loosely appressed hairs 0.5—1 mm. long, inside bearing scattered incon- spicuous slender gland-tipped hairs in the throat above the stamen attach- ments and also on the upper face of the lobes; annulus not developed. Corolla-lobes equal, elongate, ovate-elliptic, 8-10 mm. long, 6—7 mm. broad below the middle, becoming reflexed, apex rounded, margins revolute. Filaments equal, 10-15 mm. long, affixed at slightly unequal heights above the corolla base, the medial adaxial filament ca. 2 mm. higher than the abaxial pair and ca. 1 mm. above the adaxial pair, all attached 4-5 mm. below the oblique summit of the throat. Anthers 2-3 mm. long, affixed slightly below the middle, erect, apex frequently bearing a slender minute appendage. Pollen globose-ovoid, 38-41 * 33-37 ym, upper and lower halves of the grain slightly unequal, pores eight in a row and borne slightly below the middle. Stigma terminal. Nutlets not seen. A Mexican plant known only from the state of Michoacan, especially near Morelia and Patzcuaro. In floral organization this species most resembles M. exserta, but in general habit it is more suggestive of WM. Pringlei and M. longiflora. 8. Macromeria exserta D. Don, Edinb. New Philos. Jour. 13: 239 (1832); Lindley, Bot. Reg. 33: t. 26 (1847). Type from Mexico, Sessé & Mocino. Echium longiflorum Sessé & Moc. Pl. N. Hisp. 20 (1888); Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 30: 109 (1949). Macromeria exserta var. imparata Macbr. Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 22 (1917). Type from Oaxaca, 1842, Ghiesbreght. Cymes terminal and commonly also arising from the uppermost axils to form a loose thyrse. Calyx 20-30 mm. long, lobes very unequal, 1-7 mm. broad. Corolla very large, 60-90 mm. long, yellow, zygomorphic, with the 18 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [voL. xxxv tube curved and the throat prolenged on the adaxial side, in the bud with its thickened distal half conspicuously distended on the adaxial side, out- side of corolla bearing abundant spreading hairs usually ca. 0.5 mm. long, inner surface of throat and lobes bearing scattered, usually inconspicuous slender gland-tipped hairs; annulus not developed. Corolla-lobes elongate, equal, 15-28 mm. long, 5-8 mm. broad, becoming reflexed, apex rounded or obtusish, margins revolute. Filaments very slender, elongate and long- exserted, 55-70 mm. long, usually curved, affixed in the corolla-throat 4—5 mm. below its oblique summit at three superimposed levels, the odd medial stamen 5-8 mm. higher above the corolla base than the abaxial pair and 3-4 mm. above the adaxial pair. Anthers 3—4 mm. long, frequently curved, affixed below the middle, becoming versatile, apex usually bearing a minute appendage. Pollen ovoid-ellipsoidal, 38-41 > 25-28 p, upper and lower halves of grain slightly dissimilar, pores 8, slightly inframedial. Stigmas terminal. Nutlets 4—5.5 mm. long, 2.5-4.5 mm. thick, weakly keeled Mountains of western Mexico from Nayarit to Oaxaca. A very distinct species notable for its very coarse habit and extremely large zygomorphic corollas with excessively long-exserted stamens. Be- cause of the curved adaxially swollen buds and the eventually long-exserted curved stamens the corolla has a form and appearance more suggestive of some of the Verbenaceae, e.g., Clerodendron, than of other members of the Boraginaceae. In size the corolla of M/. exserta surpasses that of all other species in the whole of the Boraginaceae. 2. Onosmodium Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 132, t. 15 (1803). Based upon O. hispidum Michx. |= O. virginicum L.| and O. molle Michx. Osmodium Raf. Med. Repos. N. Y. 5: 353 (1808); Merrill, Index Raf. 203 (1949). A substitute name for Onosmodium Michx. Purshia Spreng. Anleit. ed. 2, 2: 450 (1817); Lehm., Asperif. 2: 382 (1818). A substitute name for Onosmodium Michx. Osmidium Walp. Ann. 3: 134 (1853). Apparently a printers’ mistake for Onosmodium Michx. Plants perennial, with few to many frequently coarse, erect stems, strigose or more commonly hispid, glanduliferous in one species only, simple or bearing ascending leafy fertile branches above the middle. Leaves mostly cauline, numerous, bearing several pairs of strong assurgent veins; lowest leaves usually larger and more elongate than the middle and upper ones, usually shed before the time of flowering, persisting in only a few spécies. Cymes scorpioid, single or paired, borne terminal on the main stem and its branches, usually many-flowered, at first dense and coiled and later in the fruiting condition becoming straight, greatly elongate, and loosely flowered. Bracts numerous, one adjacent to each flower, lanceolate to y lobes attenuate or broadly linear or slightly spathulate, acute to obtuse or rounded at the apex, usually evidently unequal, after maturity of the 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 19 fruit usually disarticulating at the base. Pedicels short to elongate. Corolla opening (and its style exserted and its anthers mature) while incompletely developed. Mature completely developed corolla white to cream or yellow, usually with the lobes more or less green or greenish, subtubular, two to three times as long as broad, regular, straight; outside hairy, usually strigose or with appressed hairs; inside glabrous (or a few hairs near the tip of the lobes in one species), without any glands or true faucal append- ages; annulus evident, consisting of a narrow flange or ten lobules, gla- brous; throat usually about twice the thickness of the corolla-base, broadest (and in lateral silhouette somewhat angulate) a short distance below its summit, bearing ten externally protrudent gibbose convexities, five below the base of the corolla-sinus and five lesser ones below the corolla-lobes. Corolla-lobes nearly one half to nearly one fifth (but most commonly about one third) the total length of the corolla, erect, more or less elongate, very narrowly imbricate in the bud, cuneate or triangular or ovate-triangu- lar with the apex acute or acute with an attenuate tip; sinus between the lobes narrow, acute, thickened and inflexed at the very base. Stamens borne at equal heights in the thickest part of the throat, affixed at or dis- tinctly above the middle of the corolla; filaments short, usually somewhat unguiculate, one third the length of the anthers or less; anthers oblong- lanceolate, with their tips reaching up to or slightly beyond the base of the corolla-sinus, affixed between the base and the middle usually at about one third of its total length above its base; apex of anther bearing a minute appendage (appendage semicircular or quadrate or three-lobed or sometimes attenuate, composed of prolongations of the thecae and the nar- row connective, with the portion prolonged from the connective frequently darkened and perhaps glandular); base of anther emarginate or lobed, reaching downward in the corolla-throat to or distinctly below the point of attachment of the filaments; connective narrow, glabrous; thecae below the anther attachment distinct and usually spreading, their basal tips very obscurely if at all thickened. Pollen small, 16-24 * 13-22 p, ovoid to globose-ovoid, lower half rounded more broadly and evenly than the upper half, always longer than broad, though at times only slightly so; pores inframedial, six or seven in a single row, usually obscure; grains in polar profile circular or rarely somewhat polygonal. Style filiform, pre- cociously long-exserted, emerging from the incompletely developed corolla when the latter has not yet attained half of its eventual size; stigmas two, minute, terminal on the style. Ovules four but usually only one maturing and very rarely more than two. Nutlets ovoid or ellipsoidal, white or tawny, lustrous, smooth or pitted, gradually narrowed to the base or some- times with a suprabasal constriction, nearly circular in transverse section, lacking a prominent ventral keel or any evidence of a ventral suture; attachment-scar flat, basal, nearly as broad as long, towards ventral edge bearing the slightly prominent broken end of the bony tubular funicular canal and towards the dorsal edge a small, attenuate, obliquely ascending prominence representing a thickening of scar tissue about the base of a vascular strand leading to the dorsum of the nutlet body. Gynobase de- 20 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM __ [VOL. xxxv pressed, nearly flat, attachment surface plane, distinct, lacking strongly thickened upturned margins. A genus confined to middle and eastern sections of the United States and to northeastern Mexico. Most authors have recognized seven species within the United States, cf. Mackenzie, Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl. 32: 495-506 (1905); Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 17-18 (1924); and Fernald, Manual Bot. 1200-1201 (1951). Two additional species are endemic to northeastern Mexico. Of the total only four are sharply definable and always positively recognizable, viz., O. unicum Macbr. and O. dodrantale Johnston of Mexico, O. Helleri Small of Texas, and O. virginianum (L.) DC. of the eastern border of the United States. The other five “species” intergrade and are incapable of sharp definition. There is O. hispidissimum Mack., ranging in the Ohio Valley and the Middle Atlantic States, O. occi- dentale Mack., widespread in the region between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains, and O. bejariense DC., confined to Texas. These three are habitally similar and obviously related, and over the larger portion of the area in which they are found they seem relatively constant in their characters. Another group of related plants is practically confined to Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas and Missouri. These have slender stems and an indument usually closely appressed and frequently scanty. Representative of them are O. molle Michx. and O. subsetosum Mack. Embarrassing transitional forms between these two groups, as well as between their members, appear to be frequent in Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois, where the ranges of the various species converge or even overlap. Analysis will probably reveal evidence of much hybridization and intragression affecting O. Aispidissimum, O. occidentale, and O. molle in that area The genus has general relations with Macromeria and Lasiarrhenum but is more closely related to the American and particularly to the Mexi- can species of Lithospermum and, along with the two genera mentioned, is probably derived from them. It is a sharply defined and thoroughly natural group readily recognizable by a number of strong characters. Par- ticularly noteworthy are its precociously sexual flowers. In these the an- thers mature and the style becomes long exserted in corollas that have opened before they have attained half their eventual size. The subtubular corolla is also distinctive in having very narrowly imbricate, erect, sharply acute or acuminate corolla-lobes and sinuses between the lobes which are distinctively thickened and inflexed at the very base. The corolla-throat may have five to ten gibbose swellings outside, but inside is devoid not only of faucal appendages but also of any hairs or glands. The included glabrous anthers are attached between base and middle to very abbreviated filaments and are appendiculate at the apex and lobulate at the base. Most of the species commonly referred to Onosmodium are obviously congeneric. To be excluded, however, are O. revolutum (Robins.) Macbr., Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 21 (1917), the type of the genus Psilolaemus, and Onosmodium strigosum (HBK.) Don, the type of the genus Lasiarrhenum. Gray, Synop. Fl. Am. 2': 205 (1878), and later Macbride, Contr. Gray 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 21 Herb. 49: 19 (1917), have suggested that all species of Macromeria ex- cept M. exserta should be accommodated in an enlarged Onosmodium. Justification for this apparently rests solely on general vegetative similari- ties and in the fact that corolla-lobes of Macromeria may be acute. In size, form, and behavior of the corolla and in structures inside the corolla the species of Onosmodium are extremely different from those of Macro- meria. Indeed, the two genera differ more from each other than they do individually from Lithospermum. If generic values are not to be lowered, Onosmodium and Macromeria must be kept distinct. In the Mexican O. dodrantale, the plant not only has very short stems, 1-3 dm. long, but also has the leaves smallest at the base of the stem and gradually increasing in size upward along it. In the other species of the genus, all of them with much longer stems (usually 5-12 dm.), the leaves at the base of the stem are larger and more elongate than those on its middle sections. The indications are that the stems elongate from the center of a winter rosette of leaves and not directly from a bud on the caudex, as in O. dodrantale and in most species of Lithospermum., ‘The large lowermost leaves have usually fallen away in herbarium specimens of most species. Indeed, only in those of O. bejariense and O. Hellert are they commonly found dried up and still persisting in some numbers crowded at the base of the stem. In most species the foliage has reached full size and has become firm before anthesis. This is not the case, how- ever, in O. Helleri. In that species the plant flowers while it is still growing vigorously and before it has attained full stature and the upper leaves have attained their maximum size and mature firmness. Plants of O. Helleri at anthesis and those maturing fruit have a very different appearance. In fruiting plants of this species the bracts become unusually large and con- spicuous. The cymes in O. dodrantale are weakly developed and hardly more than three- to six-flowered bracteate glomerules terminating the short stems. In the other species of the genus, however, they are distinctly scorpioid and abundantly flowered and eventually become straight, extremely elongate, and very loose at extreme maturity. The flowers maturing their corollas are borne crowded on the arched summit of the cyme, those with com- pletely grown corollas just above the point where the rachis begins to straighten. Since the pedicels are strict, the corollas incline backwards towards the summit of the cyme, and those near its summit become nearly horizontal. After the corolla is shed the rachis straightens, its internodes elongate, and the abundant bracts, previously inconspicuous, increase in size and become very conspicuous. The indument on the herbage may be either strigose or bristly. Onos- modium subsetosum is unusual in having the stems glabrous or nearly so. A very distinctive feature of the Mexican O. unicum is the presence of very slender multicellular, gland-tipped hairs intermixed among the stiff ascend- ing hairs on the leaves, stems and rachis of the cyme and even on the calyx. I know of no other American herbaceous borage having generally dis- tributed hairs of this type. 22 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [VOL. xxxv The flowers of Onosmodium are precociously sexual. The corolla opens and its anthers are matured and its style is exserted long before the corolla has attained full size, commonly when it is less than half its eventual size or even sufficiently elongate to surpass the calyx. In this behavior of the corolla the genus differs from all other American Boraginaceae, and among the Lithospermeae, at least, has a parallel only in the monotypic Halacsya of Albania and Montenegro, cf. Jour. Arnold Arb. 34: 276 (1953). On the densely flowered arched summit of the scorpioid cyme in Onosmodium, as in Halacsya, the styles are to be seen projecting not merely from the fully developed conspicuous corollas but also above the latter from a series of gradually less well developed corollas on younger and higher parts of the cyme. The style may first emerge when the corolla is so small as to be overtopped by its calyx lobes. When the corolla is sufficiently large to equal or slightly surpass the calyx, the style is long exserted, the corolla-lobes have unfolded completely, and the anthers have attained nearly full size and in herbarium specimens are dehiscent. At this stage, above the level of the filament attachments the corolla is ap- proaching mature form and has attained about seventy-five per cent of its eventual size. Below the level of the filament attachments, however, growth has lagged, for the tube is still very short and scarcely developed. It is after the corolla opens and the anthers and style are exposed and func- tioning that the tube elongates and increases in diameter and the corolla achieves full size and mature proportions. The early emergent, eventually long exserted style evidently makes self-pollination in this genus prac- tically impossible. How the corolla may function in pollination during the period in which it doubles its size after opening and maturing its anthers is a subject deserving investigation. The fully developed corolla in this genus may be 8-12 mm. long, as in O. virginianum and O. hispidissimum, or as much as 12-18 mm., as in O. occidentale. From a base 1.5—2.5 mm. thick they gradually expand upwards to just below the summit of the tube where they are broadest, ca. 4 mm. in O. virginianum and 6—7 mm. in most other species. The lobes are a third to a fifth (usually about a third) the total length of the corolla. They are cuneate to triangular or ovate-triangular, and from the base or just above it contract with rie nla sides to the sharp apex, which is acute or sometimes (in O. cum) acute with an attenuate tip. The lobes, except near the very ae (i.e., on all surfaces exposed while folded in the bud), have their outer face hairy, as elsewhere on the outside of the corolla. The inner face of the lobes is usually completely glabrous. In- deed, the only exception is in the corolla of O. dodrantale, which is unique in having the inner surface of its lobes always inconspicuously hairy just below their tip. In the bud the lobes are imbricate very narrowly and only sufficiently to produce a very narrow glabrous margin, narrowing upward, on the dorsum of each lobe. It is this very narrow imbrication of the lobes, becoming negligible towards the tip of the bud, that facilitates the early egress of the precociously elongating style that has pushed upwards inside the very immature flower bu 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 23 The base of the acute sinus between the erect corolla-lobes is distinctly plicate, inflexed, and thickened. A somewhat similar condition occurs in the flowers of some species of Heliotropium, but among the Litho- spermeae in no other genus save Onosmodium is it present or at least so well developed. In most species the corolla is locally distended outwardly by convex gibbose swellings, one directly below the plicate base of each sinus. These gibbosities make the corolla more or less five-angled just below the summit of the throat where it is broadest. Gibbosities of a similar sort may also be present below the base of each corolla-lobe and alternate with those below the sinus, but are usually less conspicuous than the latter. Inside the corolla-throat, except for the inflexed bases of the sinus, there are no intrusive appendages or invaginations. Faucal appendages and stipitate glands, common features in the corolla-throat of other Litho- spermeae, are completely absent. Pubescence of any sort is also absent inside the corolla, even on the annulus. The annulus is clearly developed, either as a narrow thickish continuous flange or as ten lobes. The anthers, 2.5—-3.5 mm. long, are attached to a very short filament at about a third of their length above their base, and hence very definitely below their middle. The filaments, a third the length of the anther or less, are attached in the corolla commonly about 2 mm. below the summit of the throat. The anthers, accordingly, usually reach up to about the base of the sinus above them or at most have their tips only a millimeter beyond. The base of the anther projects downward to the same level as the attach- ment of the filament on the walls of the throat or slightly below it. In the lower quarter of the anther the thecae are not united. They may remain parallel and the base of the anther appear emarginate, but usually, par- ticularly in age, they tend to spread, making the anther lobulate at the base. The thecae are only slightly narrowed above the middle. The anther is always minutely appendiculate at the apex. The very diminutive ap- pendages appear to be formed not merely by a prolongation of the narrow connective but also by apical prolongations of each theca. These parts may be confluent or distinct. The appendage is variable in form within the species, and even according to the age of the anther bearing it. It may be three-pronged, it may be quadrate with either truncate or toothed summit, or occasionally, in O. dodrantale and O. unicum, subulate or lanceolate. In O. virginianum the anther summit may be even broadly emarginate and the thecae each tipped by a minute appendage and distinct from the third small appendage arising from the depth of the sinus between them. The pollen of the various species of Onosmodium differs slightly in size but very little in shape. It is ovoid, or at times, even in the same species, very broadly so and even globose-ovoid in form. The grains are always perceptibly longer than broad with the upper and lower half differing to some degree in outline. In lateral profile the pores are at most very weakly protrudent. Usually they are very obscure. They are borne in a single row perceptibly below the middle of the grain and are usually six but not infrequently seven in number. In polar profile the grains are 24 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [VOL. XXXV almost invariably circular in outline. The size of the grain seems to be roughly correlated with corolla-size. Species with large flowers usually have grains larger than those in species with small flowers. Small-flowered O. virginianum produces the smallest pollen, 15-18 & 13-16 p». In O. subsetosum, O. molle, O. hispidissimum, and O. Helleri the grains measure 16-18 & 15-16 p, in O. unicum, 16-22 15-18 pn, in O. occidentale, 18-22 « 16-20 p, in O. bejariense, 20-22 16-20 p, and in O. dodrantale, 22-24 X 20-27 u. As in the case of all genera of the Lithospermeae previously examined, pollen production in Onosmodium was found to be prevailingly normal and abundant, with imperfect pollen very scanty and infertile anthers rare. Worthy of note, therefore, is the fact that the reverse condition seems prevalent in O. occidentale over the northern parts of its range, in the northern Plains and adjacent Rockies. The species deserves cytological examination. The nutlets of the genus are generally similar to those of Lithospermum. Unlike those of Macromeria their ventral suture is always closed and com- pletely obliterated. There is no appreciable ventral keel. Although the ovary is four-ovulate, flowers of the genus seldom mature more than a single nutlet. Only in O. occidentale are the exceptional fruits, frequently present in limited numbers, found to be maturing two nutlets. In that species fruit with three nutlets may be encountered very rarely, but none with four nutlets have been found. Accordingly I have not seen a sym- metrically developed gynobase. In those maturing one to three nutlets, the attachment faces are nearly horizontal and plane or nearly so. The faces are not concave, nor do they have strongly thickened upturned margins as in Macromeria. The attachment scar on the nutlet is flat, not convex as in Macromeria, but, like the scar in that genus, it does bear a projecting end of the broken tubular funicular canal, and also another more dorsal projection in the form of an obliquely ascending protuberance. 3. Nomosa, gen. nov. Lithospermeae. Planta perennis herbacea strigosa. Caules hornotini erecti simplices foliosi ut videtur e caudice ex caulibus vetustis 3-4 mm. crassis procum- bentibus laxe ramosis composito orientes. Folia breviter strigosa cinerea vel plus minusve argentacea supra basim triplinervia. Folia basalia oblanceolata in fasciculos steriles aggregata. Folia caulina numerosa sessilia a basi caulis sursum gradatim majora, superiora anguste oblonga vel lanceolato- oblonga apice acuta vel plus minusve obtusa. Cymae terminales geminatae laxe scorpioideae pauciflorae tandem rectae racemosae. Bracteae numerosae foliaceae haud conspicuae calycem haud superantes. Flores sub anthesi in parte curvato supremo symae gesti erecti vel horizontales vel declinati. Calyx 5-fidus; lobis evidenter inaequalibus firmis costatis elongatis lin- earibus vel cuneatis. Pedicelli crassiusculi stricti modice elongati. Corolla ut videtur alba regularis crasse tubularis, calyce subduplo longior, a basi sur- sum lente gradatimque ampliata (haud faucibus distinctis donata) in tertia parte superiore crassissima, triplo longior quam lata, extus dense brev- 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI rae) iterque strigosa, intus inter basis decurrentis filamentorum pilis gracilibus glanduliferis praedita alibi glabra; faucibus nec appendiculas nec glandulas stipitatas proferentibus; lobis imbricatis parvis quam longitudine corollae 10-plo brevioribus erectis late ovatis infra medium latissimis basi ali- quantum contractis tam longis quam latis vel paullo latioribus quam longis; annulo nullo. Filamenta angusta elongata sursum gradatim at- tenuata crassiuscula, in quarta parte inferiore corollae affixa, supra medium teretia et glabra, infra medium plus minusve compressa et pilis gracilibus glanduliferis abundanter donata, basi breviter decurrentia incrassata pilis glanduliferis vestita. Antherae elongatae lanceolatae, supra basim affixae, filamentis duplo breviores, in parte suprema tubi corollae gestae, basim versus latissimae deinde sursum gradatim angustatae, appendiculis steril- ibus pallidis gradatim attenuatis e tubo corollae exsertis sed lobos corollae haud superantibus terminatae, dorso connectivum pallidum laeve latum (latitudine quam antheram triplo angustius) pilis paucis (1-4) rigidis valde adpressis praeditum proferentes; thecis basim versus distinctis sed parallelis infra medium apicem versus angustatis, basi imo acutiusculis apiculo inconspicuo incrassato donatis sed nullo modo appendiculatis. Granulae pollinis late ovoideae 25-28 & 21-23 » infra medium latissimae et ibi 7 vel 8 poris obscuris instructae, a latere visae late ovatae ca. 8 mm. supra basim semicircularem latiores deinde sursum per margines rectos convergentes in apicem latum abrupte rotundum contractae. Stylus gracilis glaber tandem evidenter exsertus; stigmatibus 2 distinctis termi- nalibus. Nuculae ignotae.— Nomen a Onosma litteris interversis de- sumptum. Nomosa Rosei, sp. nov. Planta 25-30 cm. alta; caulibus erectis basim versus ad 3 mm. crassis pilis rectis antrorsis laxe adpressis ad 1 mm. longis vestitis, internodiis brevibus ca. 5 mm. longis; foliis strigosis (pilis valde adpressis rectis 0.2-0.6 mm. longis), margine inconspicue ciliolatis (pilis strictis vel ad- scendentibus 0.5-1 mm. longis), costa 10-20 mm. supra basim nervos 2 assurgentes validos conspicuos perelongatos proferenti donatis; foliis bas- alibus 40-60 mm. longis supra medium 8-12 mm. latis; foliis caulinis superioribus 40-55 mm. longis medium versus 8-10 mm. latis; cymis ca. 10-floris maturitate rectis ad 8 cm. longis; lobis calycis strigosis margine hispido-ciliatis, sub anthesi 8-11 mm. longis tandem 10-15 mm. longis, lobo majore 1—3 mm, lato quam lobis minoribus 3-5 mm. longiore; pedi- cello sub anthesi 3-5 mm. longo tandem ad 8 mm. longo recto; corolla crassa; lobis corollae 2 mm. longis medium versus 2—2.5 mm. latis,. basi ima 2 mm. latis; filamentis 9.5-10 mm. longis, 5 mm. supra basim corollae orientibus, basim versus 1 mm. latis, apicem versus ad 0.5 mm. lIatis, infra medium pilos 0.5 mm. longos proferentibus; basi decurrente filamenti incrassato 2-3 mm. longo ca. 0.8 mm. lato pilis glanduliferis vestito; antheris 5 mm. longis ca. 1.4 mm. supra basim affixis, thecis 3.5 mm. 26 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM __ [voL. xxxv longis basi 3—3.5 mm. infra basim loborum corollae gestis; appendiculo terminali antherae 1.5 mm. longo imam ad basim ca. 0.5 mm. lato; stylo 23-25 mm. longo. MEXICO: in Sierra Madre near the southern border of the state of Durango, Aug 16, 1897, J. N. Rose 2360 (type, Gray Herb.). This remarkable plant is known only from a collection made over a half- century ago by J. N. Rose during his first expedition to Mexico. In general appearance it mimics Onosma to a remarkable degree. The original collec- tion was distributed with locality data given merely as “Durango.” Ac- cepted as a member of the large and diverse Old World genus Onosma, and believed to have been introduced into Mexico, presumably at Durango City, the plant attracted no careful study, particularly since no plant similar to it was subsequently found in America. Only recently, when it was dissected and carefully compared during a study of Onosma and related genera, were the very many distinctive features of this neglected Mexican plant fully recognized. Upon investigation it was found that the specimens were made not at Durango City, but rather in the Sierra Madre, ca. lat. 22° 15’ N., at the extreme southern end of the state of Durango, in a wild and infrequented area. It was discovered by Rose when on horseback and with pack-animals he journeyed through Nayarit across the southern tip of Durango and on eastward into Zacatecas, crossing the Sierra Madre in a section not subsequently visited by a botanist. Our plant is apparently endemic in the mountains of this particular region. Although extremely suggestive of Onosma in external features, Nomosa is actually a very close ally of the Mexican Lasiarrhenum. Its affinities are with such American genera as Lasiarrhenum, Macromeria, and Onos- modium, which appear to be derivatives of American Lithospermum rather than of the strictly Old World Onosma. Along with Lasiarrhenum, No- mosa is distinguished from Onosma by its 7—8-porate pollen, unequal calyx-lobes, triple-nerved leaves, and free anthers with hairy connectives. From Lasiarrhenum it differs in having very elongate gradually narrowed filaments which are attached very low in the corolla and, below the middle, are densely clothed with an abundance of slender elongate multicellular gland-tipped hairs. The anthers, only half as long as the filaments, are carried higher in the corolla and have their elongate terminal appendage exserted from the mouth of the corolla. Unlike the anthers of Lasiar- rhenum, which are abundantly and conspicuously hairy on the back, those of Nomosa bear only a very few closely appressed, much shorter incon- spicuous hairs on the connective. The corolla of Nomosa, coarsely tubular, does not swell into a campanulate throat as in Lasiarrhenum. Its lobes are ovate rather than deltoid, and the inner surface of the throat bears no hairs nor stiped glands. The annulus, very well developed in Lastarrhenum, in Nomosa is absent or obscure. The plant is not bristly. The foliage is closely strigose with the minute hairs abundant but not extremely crowded nor overlapping. The thin indument is tidy and smooth and gray or somewhat silvery. The leaves 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 27 usually have only two strong elongate veins. These arise from the midrib 1—2 cm, above the leaf-base. They are assurgent and nearly as strong as the midrib and are frequently prolonged almost to the leaf-tip. Occasion- ally less well developed veins may also be present, but these are never as conspicuous as the major veins. The corolla, if not perfectly regular, departs from that condition only by having its two adaxial lobes perhaps very slightly larger than the other three. The lobes are involutely curved, and the upper half of the tube directly below each of them is somewhat swollen. The upper half of the corolla, accordingly, has five weakly inflated ribs. The filaments are attached unusually low in the corolla. The posi- tion of their thickened short decurrent base is marked on the outside of the corolla by five oblong-elliptic glabrous areas extending 2.5—-5 mm. above the corolla-base. The slender, elongate, gradually narrowed fila- ments are glabrous above the middle, but below the middle and on their thickened decurrent base they bear multicellular gland-tipped hairs in great abundance. This shaggy indument on the filaments is a distinctive feature of Nomosa. Some of the multicellular gland-tipped hairs occur also on the walls of the corolla immediately adjacent to the stamen bases. Else- where the inner surface of the corolla bears no hairs or stipitate glands. The anthers are carried high enough in the corolla-tube to have their ter- minal appendage exserted from the corolla-mouth. From below the middle the anthers narrow towards an attenuate tip. The terminal 1.5 mm. of the anther, its appendage, consists of a sterile prolongation of the con- nective. This is narrowed to a slender point and is frequently curved to one side. It is the only part of the anther exserted from the corolla-tube. Although exserted, it does not become conspicuous, since it remains hidden behind the erect corolla-lobes which overtop it. The back of the anther has a broad, smooth, weakly convex connective which bears a very few stout closely appressed hairs. These hairs, unlike those on the anther in Lasiarrhenum, are few and inconspicuous and must be looked for under the microscope. At the base of the anther the thecae, though distinct for 0.6 mm. above the base, are not spreading but parallel. The lower end of each theca is acutish. Its tip never becomes appendaged or distinctly thickened as in Onosma. The style emerges from the fully developed corolla as its lobes unfold and soon bears its two stigmas 5—6 mm. beyond the tips of the erect corolla-lobes. Fruit of the plant is unknown. I am con- fident, however, that the nutlets will prove to be very similar to those of Lasiarrhenum. 4. Lasiarrhenum Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 15 (1924). Type species Onosma strigosum HBK, Plant perennial, prevailingly strigose, with spreading hairs only on the stem and veins of the leaf. Stems coarse, erect, several or more, simple or bearing ascending leafy floriferous branches above the middle. Leaves all cauline, numerous and usually crowded, elongate, triple-ribbed, narrowly lanceolate or the lower ones oblanceolate, those near the middle of the stem usually largest, those near the base of the stem small and even 28 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [VoL. xxxv imperfectly developed. Cymes scorpioid, always terminal, geminate on the main stem but usually single on the branches, in age straightening and elongating but remaining moderately crowded. Bracts numerous, linear to lanceolate, ascending, not very conspicuous even in fruiting inflores- cences, scarcely if at all overtopping the adjacent fruiting calyx. Calyx 5-fid; lobes unequal with the abaxial one largest, acute, usually slightly more than half the length of the corolla, moderately accrescent in fruit; pedicel slender, straight, strictly ascending, half as long to as long as the calyx. Corolla white, regular, below the middle coarsely tubular and above the middle swelling to form a somewhat campanulate throat, the outer surface strigose; lobes erect, relatively small, more or less deltoid with the apex frequently rounded, as broad or broader than long, imbricate; throat on inner surface bearing scattered stipitate glands, frequently inconspicu- ously strigose along lines below the corolla-lobes, without faucal append- ages; the annulus well developed, glabrous, a thick ridge or narrow collar, obscurely lobed. Filaments affixed at the base of the throat, nearly as long as the anther, thickish and somewhat fleshy, broad, dorsiventrally compressed, narrowly obovate to oblanceolate, usually bearing some stiped glands especially below the middle, but otherwise glabrous, below the at- tachment narrowly decurrent and forming thickened ridges on the walls of the corolla-tube. Anthers lanceolate, deeply included in the corolla- throat, attached distinctly below the middle, appendaged at the apex; terminal appendage evident, narrow, attenuate, compressed, base as broad as the connective of which it is an attenuate prolongation, with a length not exceeding and usually less than the maximum width of the dehiscent anther; base of anther lobed; thecae narrowing towards their apex, free for a short distance above the base, parallel or somewhat spreading at the lower end, the basal end usually acutish with a thickened tip; venter of anther glabrous, bearing the thecae closely juxtaposed, with the connec- tive exposed only at the apex; dorsum of the anther with a broad connec- tive, conspicuously hispid-villose both on the connective and on the back of the thecae, the hairs slender, white, loosely and antrorsely appressed. Pollen broadly but distinctly ovoid, 20-23 16-20 ,, broadest and bear- ing the pores about 8 » above the broadly rounded base; lateral profile ovate, above the pores with the converging sides nearly straight and the apex abruptly rounded; polar profile circular; pores 7 or 8, usually obscure. Style emerging from the well-developed corolla-bud as the lobes unfold, shortly but distinctly surpassing the erect corolla-lobes; stigmas evidently two, diverging from the summit of the style. Nutlets smooth, white, lus- trous, ovoid, narrowed at the base, all four frequently developing, diver- gent, on the venter bearing a low, rounded, weakly developed keel but no evidences of a ventral suture, dorsum convex; attachment scar basal, horizontal, nearly as broad as long. Gynobase broadly pyramidal, sur- mounted by the thickened persisting 4-angulate base of the style; attach- ment faces sloping, distinct, with thickened margins. A very well marked genus with a single species, endemic to south central Mexico (Michoacan to Puebla and adjacent Jalisco to Oaxaca). 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 29 Lasiarrhenum strigosum (HBK.) Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 70: 15 (1924). Onosma strigosum HBK. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 3: 93 (1818). Onosmodium strigosum (HBK.) Don, Gen. Syst. 4: 317 (1837). Onosma trinervium Lehm. Asperif. 2: 378 (1818) and Icones 1: 11, t. 9 (1821). Lithospermum longifolium Willd. in R. & S. Syst. 4: 742 (1819). Plant 5—10 dm. tall; stems abundantly short hispid with hairs 1-2 (—3) mm. long. Leaves at middle of stem 5—10 cm. long, 6-22 (usually 8-15) mm, broad, paler beneath, triple-ribbed, the strong midrib producing (about 10 mm. above its base) two evident strong, greatly prolonged assurgent veins, the veins nearly as strong as the midrib and extending almost to the leaf tip, evident on both sides of the leaf, hairs on the upper surface of the leaf provided with minute discoid bases but these seldom conspicuous. Corolla 15-23 mm. long, below the middle 3—4.5 mm. thick and subcylindric or slightly ampliate, at or slightly below the middle ex- panding into a campanulate throat 6-12 mm. broad at the top; corolla- lobes 3.5—5 mm, broad at the base, 2-3 mm. long. Filaments 3-5 mm. long, from the narrow attachment gradually expanding to become 1.3—1.5 mm, broad between the middle and the acute apex, arising 5-10 mm. above the corolla-base. Anthers 4—5.5 mm. long, 1-1.3 mm. broad below the middle, affixed 1.2-1.5 mm. above the base, reaching up to 1-3 (usually 2) mm. below the base of the corolla-sinus; terminal appendage 0.4-1 mm. long and 0.2-0.3 mm. wide at the base; base of anther held 1.5-3 mm. above the base of the filament; thecae free 0.5-1 mm. above the anther-base; dorsum of anther bearing hairs 0.6—-1.3 mm. long, connective one third of the width of the anther. Style 16-23 mm. long, surpassing the corolla-lobes 1-5 mm. Nutlets ovoid, usually ca. 3 mm. long and 2.5 mm. thick, in transverse section with the ventral side broadly obtuse but elsewhere nearly circular in outline. This monotype is particularly notable for its broad, fleshy, usually oblanceolate filaments and for its large lanceolate appendaged anthers which are coarsely and abundantly white-hairy on the back. In gross habit the plant is very suggestive of Onosmodium, a genus with which it was long confused. In floral structure, however, it is extremely different. The closest relations of Lasiarrhenum are with Nomosa. Details concerning this relationship are treated in the discussion of the latter genus. The anthers of Lasiarrhenum have a somewhat less well developed terminal appendage than those of Nomosa, but otherwise are very similar as to form and size. Unlike the anthers of Nomosa, which bear only a few inconspicuous hairs on the connective, the whole of the dorsal surface of the anthers in Lasiarrhenum bears slender ascending white hairs in con- spicuous abundance. The presence of hairs on the back of the anther is no common feature. Among American Lithospermeae they occur only in Lasiarrhenum, Nomosa, and one species of Macromeria, M. viridiflora DC. The terminal appendage on the anther of Lasiarrhenum (and Nomosa) is very suggestive of that in Onosma, and because of this the possibility 30 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [vot. xxxv has been recognized that our plant might have close affinity with that genus of the Old World. In structures other than the anthers, however, Lasiarrhenum and Nomosa have much more in common with Onosmodium and Macromeria The indications are that all these four genera are Ameri- can derivatives of either Lithospermum or Lithospermum-like ancestors and so probably have no direct affinity with Onosma. The well-developed anther-appendages of Lasiarrhenum and Nomosa appear to be simply the extreme expression of the same tendency towards prolongation of the connective that is to be observed less well expressed in Onosmodium and Macromeria. In Onosmodium the connective is narrow, and the maximum prolongation of it, as in O. unicum Macbr. and O. dodrantale Johnston, is slender, weak, and at most 0.5 mm. long. The connective is also narrow in most species of Macromeria. In the one species of that genus, M. viridiflora DC., in which the connective approaches in width that of Lasiarrhenum and Nomosa, its prolongation is very short and stout. In Macromeria the thecae are equally broad from base to tip, and the anthers, accordingly, are more or less distinctly oblong in outline and have a broad summit. In Onosmodium the thecae are slightly narrowed above the middle and usually have an apiculate tip. The anther tends to have a lanceolate outline. In Lasiarrhenum and Nomosa the thecae are gradually narrowed to the apex. The anther as a whole is narrowed to the width of the broad connective at the level of the anther-tips, and the attenuate prolongation of the connective provides the pointed tip and thus completes the lanceolate outline of the whole anther. 5. Perittostema, gen. nov. Herba parva perennis. Caules graciles erecti simplices strigosi foliosis- simi. Folia gracilia lineari-subulata medio-costata sed enervata margine valde revoluta. Cymae scorpioideae solitariae glomeratae terminales. Brac- teae lineares calyce breviores inconspicuae. Calyx 5-fidus; lobis ut videtur paullo inaequalibus cuneatis corolla plus quam duplo longioribus. Corolla lutea extus strigosa; tubo infra medium cylindraceo, supra medium in fauces subinflatos differentiato summum ad apicem (i.e., infra basim loborum corollae) paullo constricto; lobis tubi (faucibus inclusis) 5-plo brevioribus stricte adscendentibus paullo longioribus quam latis rotundis, in alabastro late imbricatis; faucibus quam parte inferiore cylindrico tubi subduplo crassioribus aequilongis, intus medium versus appendiculas in- vaginatas arcuatas glandulis stipitatis obsitas gerentibus; annulo. vix elevato adpresse villuloso. Stamina in faucibus profunde inclusa. Filamenta basi faucium affixa, valde compressa, medio-costata, a basi angusta sursum valde gradatimque expansa, apicem versus latissima deinde abruptissime contracta, obovata vel deltoidea, subduplo longiora quam lata. Antherae oblongo-ellipticae filamento subduplo longiores paullo infra medium affixae apiculo attenuato recurvato terminatae basi bilobatae; thecis atro-margi- natis quartem partem inferiorem distinctis et ibi sinu acuto separatis; con- nectivo late glabro laevi. Granulae pollinis ellipsoideae 24-25 20 p, a latere visae ellipticae lateris angulatae, desuper visae circulares: poris 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 31 aequatorialibus 6-8 sed saepissime 7. Stylus gracilis lobos stricte adscend- ents corollae superans; stigmate terminali parvo obscure bilobo. Fructu ignoto.— Nomen derivatur a zepirros, insolitus, et ornya, stamen, quia filamenta formam anomalem habent. Perittostema pinetorum (Johnston), comb. nov. Lasiarrhenum pinetorum Johnston, Jour. Arnold Arb. 16: 187 (1935). Stems 10-15 cm. long, 2.5 mm. thick towards the base, internodes very short; leaves very numerous, 1-2 mm. broad above the base and very gradually narrowed towards the apex, linear-subulate, 10-30 mm. long, becoming gradually smaller upwards along the stem, bearing appressed stiff pallid hairs 0.3-0.5 mm, long, on lower surface all but the midrib hidden by the inrolling of the strongly revolute leaf-margins; cymes 3—7- flowered; calyx 4-4.5 mm. long, lobes ca. 0.7 mm. wide at the base, gradually narrowed; pedicel about 1 mm. long; corolla ca. 10 mm. long; tubular portion of corolla ca. 8 mm. long, below the middle cylindric and 2-2.5 mm. thick, above the middle expanding to form a swollen throat which becomes 3-4 mm. broad near its middle and then contracts to be- come 2-3 mm. thick at the summit; veins in the cylindric tube rather prominent; corolla-lobes ca. 2 mm. long and 1.8 mm. broad, rounded; faucal appendages arcuate, ca. 1 mm. broad, prominent, thickened and weakly invaginate, bearing some stipitate glands, included, borne 1.5 mm. below the constricted summit of the throat; anthers ca. 2 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, obtusish summit bearing a strongly compressed narrowly ligulate and strongly recurving terminal appendage which is 0.2 mm. long and nearly 0.1 mm. broad at the base; thecae free for 0.4-0.5 mm, above their base, in age somewhat spreading to form an open acute sinus at the base of the anther; base of anther held ca. 0.3 mm. above the base of the filament; apex of anther held 0.6-0.9 mm. below the summit of the corolla-throat, surpassing the faucal appendages 0.6—-0.8 mm.; style 17-18 mm. long, surpassing the strict corolla-lobes ca. 2 mm. A plant known only from the type collection now preserved in the herbarium at Paris. The specimen was collected by Ghiesbreght, no. 311, in September [? 1841] in temperate montane pine forests somewhere in Mexico. No geographical data were provided by the collector. Until the plant has been rediscovered, its home must remain subject to conjecture. I suspect that it is in the mountains of Oaxaca. Although originally described as a species of Lasiarrhenum, the plant has no close relationship with that genus. Its closest affinities are with Lithospermum, and particularly with its Mexican species. It differs from the latter chiefly in its unusual filaments and in the form of the anther. From Lasiarrhenum it differs not only in habit and very narrow veinless leaves, but also in its rounded corolla-lobes, its faucal appendages, its ellipsoid pollen, and its glabrous anthers with dark-margined thecae and recurved terminal appendage. Since the type collection is not a generous one and has only a relatively 32 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [voL. xxxv few flowers, only two corollas have been available for dissection and close examination. Changes in the maturing corolla have not been studied, and the possibility that the corolla may be slightly zygomorphic has not been eliminated. The corolla-bud just before opening is ellipsoidal and at the base is prolonged downward into a short cylindric tube. At this early stage the swollen throat near its middle has a diameter about twice that at the summit of the throat (i.e., at the base of the broadly overlapping corolla- lobes), and more than twice that of the tube below the throat. The form of this corolla-bud is unusual in the Lithospermeae, indeed is approximated only in Onosma and Maharanga. The mature corollas retain their swollen throat, but this appears to be less constricted above the middle than pre- viously. In the dissections available I find some indication that the mature corolla may possibly be somewhat prolonged on one side and may possibly have two of its lobes slightly larger than the other three. Inside the throat there are evident arcuate faucal appendages. These are formed partially by invagination and partly by thickening of tissue. They are dark in color and bear numerous but not crowded stipitate glands. It is to be noted that the appendages are borne not at the mouth of the corolla, at the summit of the throat, as in Lithospermum, but rather distinctly below the corolla- mouth, slightly above the middle of the throat, and hence are not exposed but are distinctly included in the throat. The filaments of Perittostema are unique. They are firm in texture, dark in color, and very strongly dorsiventrally compressed. They gradually broaden upward from the narrow attachment and are broadest just below their truncate or broadly obtuse summit. In shape they are triangular or obovate-triangular. They measure usually about 1 mm. long and about 0.6 mm. broad across their summit. On the ventral side they have a small ridge down their middle. They are attached to the anthers by a small tip arising from the middle of their broad upper edge. These filaments of Perittostema are extremely different from those of Lithospermum, for in the latter genus the filaments are never laterally expanded and never other than linear, subulate, or unguiculate. The only member of the Litho- spermeae with filaments even suggestive of those of Perittostema is the genus Lasiarrhenum, In the latter genus the filaments are compressed and are broadened upward, but are much larger and more elongate, being oblanceolate rather than triangular. The anthers in Perittostema are relatively large for the size of the corolla and are accommodated within it largely because the throat is somewhat inflated. Although the anthers project above the level of the faucal ap- pendages, their tips still fail to closely approach the mouth of the corolla. They are completely included. The open thecae have a dark-colored margin, an unusual feature which I have encountered among the Litho- spermeae only in the genus Halacsya. For the lower quarter of their length the thecae are not joined together, and in age these tend to diverge, opening a deep acute sinus at the base of the anther. The broad summit of the anther is appendaged by a small but definite prolongation of the connec- tive, which is unusual in being not straight but strongly recurved. In no 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 33 species of Lithospermum do the anthers evidently surpass the faucal appendages, nor do the anthers have a distinctly bilobed base. A few species of that genus have their anthers terminally appendaged, but when present the appendage is always straight and erect. The pollen is ellipsoid, having the upper and lower half equal and the usually obscure pores, commonly seven in number, equally spaced about the equator. It is very similar to the pollen produced by species of Litho- spermum, Macromeria, and Psilolaemus. That of Lasiarrhenum differs in its ovoid form. The style is early elongate and before the corolla-bud opens is pressed upward and decurved against the still tightly imbricate corolla-lobes. It is promptly exserted and surpasses the corolla-lobes as soon as the latter unfold, In Lithospermum this behavior is duplicated in only a few species, all Mexican. In addition to its floral structures Perittostema is also notable as a small plant with slender stems. Indeed, in these regards, among the Lithosper- meae it is surpassed only by members of Buglossoides § Rhytispermum. Among American members of the tribe its slender stems and very slender leaves are approximated only by the Mexican Lithospermum strictum. The habit of Macromeria, Onosmodium, Lasiarrhenum, and most species of Lithospermum is very coarse and vigorous when compared with that of Perittostema. The leaves of our plant are extremely narrow and, Laven- dula-like, have strongly revolute margins that roll back and cover all but the midrib on their lower surface. 6. Psilolaemus, gen. nov. Planta perennis strigosa scabrella. Caules foliosi fruticulosi simplices vel laxe ramosi decumbentes vel adscendentes adpresse hispiduli e radice valida palari lignosa purpureo-tincta erumpentes. Folia omnino caulina sessilia firma valde costata enervata vel obscurissime paucissimeque nervata margine angusto-revoluta, facie superiore lucentia pilis rigidis brevibus saepe valde adpressis e discis pallidis erumpentibus instructa, facie in- feriora breviter hispidula pilulis non rariter retrorsis donata, inferioribus oblanceolatis, superioribus lanceolatis. Cymae scorpioideae multiflorae solitariae caulibus ramisque foliatis terminatae maturitate rectae valde elongatae. Bracteae foliatae abundantes foliis supremis gradatim minores lanceolatae vel lanceolato-ovatae acutae pleraque calyce breviores. Calyx 5-fidus; lobis inaequalibus linearibus vel lanceolato-linearibus erectis, eo exteriore maximo. Corolla lutea (‘‘armeniacea”’) tubulosa 3-plo longiore quam lata in parti tertiaria superiore gradatim ampliata alibi cylindracea, extus pilis minutis sparsis pleraque retrorsis donata, intus glaberrima nec appendiculis faucialis nec glandulis stipitatis praedita; lobis ovatis stricte adscendentibus supra basim latissimis quam longitudine corollae 6-plo brevioribus; sinibus limbi clausis basi nec incrassatis nec plicatis; faucibus angulatis lobis aequilongis, extus apice infra bases sinuum limbi gibbosis et infra bases gibbarum areolas depressas verticaliter elongatas apice max- ime invaginatas gerentibus, inter areolas 5 depressas venis 3 prominulis 34 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [vot. xxxv donatis; annulo obscuro glabro. Filamenta attenuata apicem versus fau- cium e plicis invaginatis faucium orientia supra medium exserta basi an- guste breviterque decurrentia. Antherae oblongae 3—4-plo longiores quam latae utroque emarginatae nullo modo appendiculatae paulo infra medium affixae filamentis duplo longiores solum tertiam vel quartam partem in- feriorem in faucibus inclusae, parte majore exsertae. Granulae pollinis ellipsoideae vel globoso-ellipsoideae 23-26 % 16-22, desuper visae cir- culares vel obscurissime polygonales, a latere visae ellipticae margine saepissime convexae poris obscurissime aequatorialibus (7 —) 8 donatae. Stylus gracilis evidenter exsertus, stigmatibus 2 distinctis terminalibus. Nuculae erectae parvae ellipsoideae albo-griseae laeves vel perinconspicue tuberculatae carinam ventralem versus utrinque profunde punctatae vel interrupte profundeque sulcatae, dorso convexae, ventre obtuse angulatae carinam latam vix prominentem proferentes, sutura obscura vel non rariter praesertim supra medium carinae inconspicue lineato-sulcata donatae. Gyn- obasis pyramidalis facies 4 planas adscendentes angulis prominentibus pyra- midis separatas gerens basi incrasso styli terminata. — Nomen derivatur ab yros, calva, et Aapos, fauces, propterea quod fauces corollae glaberri- mae et nec elandulis stipitatis nec appendiculis faucialis ornatae sunt. Psilolaemus revolutus (Robins.) comb. nov. Lithospermum revolutum Robins. Proc. Amer, Acad. 27: 182 (1892). Onosmodium revolutum (Robins.) Macbr. Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 21 (1917), Plant at first simple and erect but becoming branched and spreading in age; stems pale, 1-3 mm. thick, slightly fruticulose; leaves all cauline, with a strong conspicuous midrib which is sulcate above and prominent below; lower leaves largest, 3-7 cm. long, 6-15 mm. broad; cymes elongat- ing, becoming 10-25 cm. long in age; Talve at anthesis 7-10 mm. long, weakly accrescent; pedicels ca. 1 mm. long at anthesis, becoming 2-4 mm, long in age; corolla 9-15 mm. long; tubular portion of corolla 7-12 mm. long, lower 9-10 mm. cylindric and 2—2.5 mm. thick, upper 2.5-3 mm. expanding to form a short throat 3-5 mm. thick at the summit; sinus be- tween lobes closed above the base by the overlapping margins of adjoin- ing corolla-lobes, neither thickened nor plicate at the base; corolla-throat outside with rather prominent veins and bearing five swellings and five depressions and hence somewhat angulate, bearing a small swelling directly below the base of each sinus of the corolla and bearing a small elongate depression (the complement of an inflexed plait inside the corolla) located directly under each swelling; stamens borne 0.4—0.5 mm. below the summit of the throat, arising from a small plait-like invagination of the siiama’ wall; Haaehte 0.5—-1.1 mm. long, exserted from the throat 0.1—0.5 mm. anthers 1.4—2 mm. long, 0.4—-0.6 mm. broad, oblong or slightly broader above the middle, emarginate at both ends, exserted from the throat 0.7— 1.5 mm. but overtopped by the strictly ascending imbricate corolla-lobes and hence not conspicuous; style surpassing the corolla 1-2 mm.., , frequently emerging from corollas which have not yet attained maximum size; nut- lets 2 mm. long and 1.5 mm. thick. 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 35 A plant known only from the gypseous saline marshes in southeastern San Luis Potosi, Mexico. As has been suggested by Macbride, Contr. Gray Herb. 49: 21 (1917), it shares characters with both Lithospermum and Onosmodium. Its closest relations, however, are with Lithospermum, with its Mexican species in particular. Psilolaemus is distinguished from Lithospermum by the form of the corolla and the form and behavior of its stamens. The corolla-throat is angulate as in Onosmodium and as in that genus bears localized external swellings between the filament-attachments and the base of the corolla- sinus above. The stamens arise from small invaginations which are com- plementary to small elongate depressions on the outside of the corolla- throat directly below the subsinal swellings. In Lithospermum the corolla- throat bears invaginate appendages or stipitate glands or both, and the corolla-tube, sometimes hairy inside, always bears a basal annulus mod- erately to well developed. In Psilolaemus the annulus is very obscure and the inside of the corolla is completely glabrous and devoid not only of faucal appendages but also of all stipitate glands. The exserted style and the nearly erect corolla-lobes of the present genus are features duplicated in only a few of the many species of Lithospermum. The plant has flowers resembling those of Onosmodium in being glabrous inside and devoid of stipitate glands and faucal appendages, as well as by having erect corolla-lobes, an exserted style, and an angulate throat with swellings below each corolla-sinus. It differs from Onosmodium in having elliptic pollen, oblong non-apiculate strongly exserted anthers, longer fila- ments, broadly and persistently imbricate ovate corolla-lobes, and closed corolla-sinus not thickened or plicate at the base. The leaves of Onos- modium are strongly veined. Those of Psilolaemus, as in most species of Lithospermum, are veinless or practically so. The style may be early ex- serted, but the flowers of Psilolaemus are not precociously sexual as in Onosmodium. A a Maxim. Bull. Acad. St. Petersb. 17: 443 (1872) and Mel. Biol. 8: 543 (1872). Type species A. japonica Maxim. Plant perennial, minutely strigose, stems fistulose, erect, simple. Leaves alternate, oblanceolate, evidently veined, all cauline; on lower half of stem small and imperfectly developed, deciduous at flowering time; on upper half of stem becoming very large and ample. Cymes scorpioid, 3—5, loosely disposed at the top of the stem, lowest one axillary, the others extra-axillary or terminal, simple, pedunculate, bracteate only towards the base, at ma- turity becoming stiff, straight elongate and loosely racemose. Calyx 5- parted, usually evidently pedicellate at least at maturity; lobes linear or sometimes oblanceolate, acute, erect, weakly costate, subequal or the abaxial one longest, about half as long as the corolla tube. Corolla laven- der (becoming orange in drying), minutely strigose outside; tube sub- cylindric, length greater than the diameter of the limb, abruptly con- stricted at the base, upper portion not differentiated into a distinct throat, bearing no faucal appendages or glands, inside abundantly and antrorsely 36 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [voL. xxxv villose-strigose above the middle; annulus represented by 10 tufts of hairs just above the base of the tube; lobes ascending, rounded, elongate, ellip- tic, imbricate in the bud; stamens included; filaments unguiculate, affixed at equal heights near the middle of the corolla tube, a third to a half the length of the anthers; anthers linear-oblong, affixed between the base and the middle, borne in the hairy upper middle third of the corolla tube, ends emarginate. Pollen small (20 x 12-13 » long), elongate with rounded ends, constricted at the middle, encircled by a single row of 6 (— 8) incon- spicuous pores about the broadest part of the broader lower half of the grain, polar profile circular or sometimes very obscurely polygonal. Style reaching up to the middle of the corolla-tube; stigmas 2, terminal, erect and ellipsoidal, juxtaposed and usually connate on the back below their middle. Ovary at anthesis 4-lobed, the lobes ellipsoidal. Nutlets smooth, lustrous, gray, elongate, obliquely lanceolate and conspicuously rostrate with the tip hamate, only one or two maturing, broadest just above the base and then very gradually attenuate into a very conspicuous slender laterally flattened strongly out-curving subulate beak with a hooked tip; venter of seminiferous lower half of nutlet distinctly convex, weakly or not at all keeled, lacking an evident suture; dorsum obtusish; attachment scar basal, large, slightly broader than long, flabelliform, bearing a conspicu- ous pit formed by the open funicular canal and (paralleling the dorsal edge) an arc of about 6 minor vascular strands. Seeds asymmetric, the lower end appearing obliquely truncate. Gynobase pyramidal when matur- ing more than a single nutlet, nearly as high as broad, with cartilaginous thickenings between the attachment faces and at the apex. A very distinct monotypic genus of Japan especially notable for its very ample veined cauline leaves, its nearly bractless cymes, its corollas with the tube densely villous-strigose inside, and its elongate nutlets which are gradually attenuate into an elongate putcurved beak hooked at the apex. It appears to be most closely related to Lithospermum, which it re- sembles in pollen and in having broadly basifixed nutlets with a lustrous smooth pericarp. Ancistrocarya japonica Maxim. Bull. Acad. St. Petersb. 17: 444 (1872) and 20: 471 (1875); Mel. Biol. 8: 544 (1872). Ancistrocarya japonica var. albiflora Honda, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 790 (1935). Endemic to middle and southern Japan. The stems, branched only in the apical inflorescence, are 3-10 dm. tall. The underground parts are unusual and merit description from fresh material. They apparently con- sist of a congested sympodial rhizome that forms a crowded cluster of short, ascending, thickened, bulbose branches, each producing an aerial stem. No radical leaf-clusters are developed. The stems arise directly from the rhizome. The leaves are imperfectly developed at the base of the stem but rapidly increase in size as they are produced higher up along it and above the middle of the stem become unusually large and ample for an herbaceous borage, as much as 20 cm. long and 7 cm. broad. The 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 37 leaves of Ancistrocarya not only differ from other Lithospermeae in their large size but also in being conspicuously and loosely veined with the veins anastomosing. Among the Lithospermeae the genus is also aberrant in its nearly bract- less cymes. The lowermost flowers in the scorpioid cyme may be opposed by a small foliar bract 10-20 mm. long, and the second flower in the cyme may be subtended by a bract 1-3 mm. long, but the numerous later flowers are borne on a completely bractless rhachis. The cymes themselves have differing relations to stem-leaves. When more than two cymes are produced by the stem, the lowermost one is distinctly axillary and the others either distinctly supra-axillary or not at all intimately associated with a leaf. The two terminal cymes are usually about equal in development and may appear to be geminate. However, since no flower is borne in the fork at their base, they are simple cymes and not formed by the basal forking of a terminal cyme. Superficially the corollas of Ancistrocarya much resemble those of the American species of Lithospermum, particularly so when seen in the her- barium. When dried they even assume an orange tonality similar to that presented by the orange or yellow corollas of the American plants in the same state. Unlike the American plants, however, Ancistrocarya has corollas that are lilac or bluish (or rarely white) when fresh, The radially symmetric corolla (11-14 mm. long in total length) has a well-developed tube 7-10 mm. long and 2.5-3.5 mm. thick, which is abruptly constricted to 1-2 mm. thick at the very base. At the summit it abruptly expands into the ascending corolla-limb. There are no markings nor constrictions of the tube to delimit the throat. The lower half of the tube is glabrous in- side except for the ten tufts of hairs representing the undeveloped supra- basal annulus. The inner wall of the upper half of the corolla tube is clothed with abundant, antrorsely appressed, slender white hairs 0.5— 1 mm, long. The filaments (0.8 mm. long), all equal and all affixed at the same altitude on the corolla, arise from amongst the hairs near the base of the villose-strigose upper portion of the corolla-tube. The anthers (1.5-2 mm. long) are accordingly mattressed dorsally by the dense indu- ment on the corolla-walls; a condition paralleled among the Boraginoideae only in Echiochilon, Sericostoma, and one species of Lithodora. Another feature distinguishing the corolla from that of most species of Lithosper- mum is the complete absence of faucal appendages and stipitate glands. In form, the nutlets of Ancistrocarya are unique, and furthermore the most bizarre in the family. They have a broad basal attachment and are broadest (ca. 2.5 mm.) about 1 mm. above their base. Above their broad- est part they become gradually attenuate and prolonged into a strongly out-curving, laterally compressed subulate beak bearing a hook at the tip. Of their total length (7-9 mm.), only the lower half is seminiferous. Al- though the ovary is 4-lobed, only one or two of the lobes mature into nut- lets, either a solitary abaxial one or an abaxial one and its adjacent axial companion. When two are developed they are somewhat divergent, for they are basifixed on adjacent faces of a pyramidal gynobase. The slender 38 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [vot. xxxv hooked beak is strongly curved outward (away from the center of the flower), but the lower lanceolate seminiferous body of the nutlet is only very slightly so. The ventral side of the nutlet body is more rounded and swollen than the dorsal side. It develops no longitudinal ventral keel and furthermore bears no trace of a suture. The elongate, curved, subulate beak is a sterile apical prolongation of the pericarp, completely without parallel elsewhere in the Boraginaceae. Hooked at the tip it may function as an adaptation useful in animal dissemination. 8. Buglossoides Moench, Meth. 418 (1794). Type species B. ramosis- stma Moench. (= Lithospermum tenuiflorum L.) Aegonychon S, F. Gray, Nat. Arrang. Brit. Pl. 2: 354 (1821). Based upon 0 species, Lithospermum purpureo-caeruleum L. and L. arvense L. Khytispermum Link, Handb. 1: 579 (1829). Based upon eight species, of which the first and third (Lithospermum arvense L. and L. pur pureo- caeruleum L.) represent the present genus. The other six species mentioned belong to Neatostema (1 sp.), Lithodora (2 spp.), Alkanna (2 spp.), and Rochelia (1 sp.). Margarospermum Opiz in Berchtold & Opiz, Oekon.-techn. Fl. Béhmens 2°: 73 (1839). Although Opiz cites Lithospermum § Margarospermum Reichenb. (1831) as a synonym, the description of his genus is based solely upon Lithospermum purpureo-caeruleum L. Plant annual or perennial, herbaceous or fruticulose. Leaves veinless or nearly so, Cymes unilateral, simple or geminate or ternate, usually elongate, conspicuously bracted, usually racemose at maturity. Calyx 5-parted or 5-lobed, lobes narrow, at times united at the base to form a short cupulate tube, equal or unequal. Corolla blue, bluish, or white, funnelform or hyper- crateromorph, outside usually bearing some appressed hairs, inside from the base of the corolla-lobes downward to between the tips of the anthers bearing five distinct longitudinal bands of hairs and/or glands or five hairy and/or glanduliferous inflexed plaits, below the insertion of the fila- ments naked or with five congregations of glands and sometimes with in- vaginate swellings, lobes spreading or ascending, imbricate; annulus near the base of the tube consisting of a narrow collar or ten scale-like lobes, frequently weakly developed and sometimes apparently absent; stamens borne at or below the middle of the corolla, included; filaments equal, affixed at equal heights on the corolla, shorter than the anther (usually about half as long); anthers lance-oblong or oblong, affixed at or slightly below the middle, base cordate, apex appendaged by a short prolongation of the connective; pollen small (15-25 » long, 12-16 in diameter), cylin- dric or somewhat ovoid or rarely slightly elliptic, bearing the inconspicuous pores in a single row on or distinctly below the equator, in lateral profile with the sides usually straight or nearly so and either parallel or some- what convergent towards the upper end; style not much if at all surpass- ing the anthers, usually much shorter than the calyx; stigmas two, rounded, borne laterally at the summit of the simple style or at the base on opposing sides of a short bilobed sterile apex of the style, usually evidently sub- 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 39 terminal; nutlets 1-4, erect to strongly divergent, smooth or rough, rounded or angulate, attachment basal or obliquely basal, ventral suture fused, obscure, sometimes prominent; gynobase flat or depressed pyramidal. This genus is closely related to Lithospermum and is distinguished only by the structure of the corolla. In Lithospermum the corolla-throat may bear hairy and glanduliferous, invaginate, gibbose appendages or be vari- ously glanduliferous or glabrous. The distinctive feature of the corolla of Buglossoides is the well-developed guides for insect visitors in the form of five distinct vertical bands of glands and stout hairs or five hairy and glanduliferous inflexed plaits. These guide-lines may be traced from the base of the corolla-lobes downward along a vein to between the anther tips or slightly above them. The gibbose invaginate faucal appendages present in many species of Lithospermum are also a feature of the flowers in many other genera of the Boraginaceae. The elongate inflexed plaits or the well-developed vertical bands of hairs and glands occur only in Buglossoides. Several other developments in the genus distinguish its species from most members of Lithospermum. These are the prevalence of blue as a corolla color, the apiculate anthers, the lobed sterile tip of the style, and the small size of the usually cylindric or ovoid-cylindric pollen grains. Singly, these latter features may occur here and there in species of Lithospermum, but never together nor in any species possibly a close relative of any species of Buglossoides. Floral dimorphy, in the form of heterostyly or cleistogamy, well developed in Lithospermum, does not occur in the present genus. Since the group gives every evidence of being a natural one, and since it can be readily distinguished from Litho- spermum by well-marked, very unusual features of its corolla, it seems to merit generic recognition. The stamens of Buglossoides are deeply included in the tubular portion of the corolla in all species except B. purpureo-caeruleum. In Lithosper- mum, stamens are borne at or below the middle of the tube only in species with a very abbreviated tube or in corollas of long-styled flowers of some heterostyled species. The anthers are oblong or narrowly oblong and several times longer than broad and are borne on filaments half to a third of the anther length, in all species except B. Gastoni. In the latter the anthers are broadly ob- long and only about twice as long as broad, and are borne on filaments nearly as long as the anther body. The largest anthers are those of B. purpureo-caeruleum and B. Zollingeri. These are 1-1.5 mm. long, twice the length of the anthers in other species. In all species the connective is prolonged to form a minute but definite tip on the anther. This tip may be subulate, cuneate, deltoid, or quadrate. It becomes as much as 0.2 mm. long in B. purpureo-caeruleum, but in other congeners it is usually only 0.1 mm. or less in length. It is least developed in B. Gastoni, in that species being stout, quadrate or deltoid, and scarcely projecting beyond the sum- mits of the thecae. This tip on the anthers in species of Buglossoides is a character that separates the genus from practically all species of Litho- spermum. The connective is prolonged apically in only a very few species 40 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [voL. xxxv of Lithospermum, noticeably only in L. tschimganicum Fedtsch. of Central Asia and L. papillosum Thunb. and L. cinereum DC. of South Africa. Some of the Mexican species of Lithospermum have the anthers obscurely thickened at the apex but never to the degree found in Buglossoides. In most species of Lithospermum there is not even a vague suggestion of a terminal appendage. The style is short. At anthesis it never reaches upward beyond the tips of the anthers. Rarely it may bear its stigmas between the anthers, but more commonly they are held below the level of the anther bases. In fruit the style is never more than half the length of the mature nutlets. In Lithospermum such short styles occur only in cleistogamic flowers or in the short-styled flowers of some heterostylic species. The two stigmas are separated by the sterile tip of the style and are accordingly lateral and borne at or more commonly obviously below the style apex. The sterile tip of the style is commonly prolonged above the stigmas and is usually evidently bilobed. This condition is extremely well developed in B. purpureo-caeruleum and B. Zollingeri. In these two species the style tip projects beyond the stigma for a distance equal to or sur- passing the diameter of the latter, and consists of two attenuate lobes. In B. calabrum and B. Gastoni the lobes of the style tip are shorter, stouter, and obtusish, but even so, they evidently project above the stigma. In the four species named, all members of the section Margarospermum, the stig- mas are Clearly subapical and well separated. Frequently the two stigmas are not equally well developed, and not uncommonly one may be borne slightly lower on the style than its companion. Among the species of the section Eubuglossoides the style tips show greater variation, The two stigmas tend to be less sharply defined than in the section Margarospermum. In typical B. arvense the terminal lobes of the style may be cylindric or narrowly conic and always evidently sur- pass the stigmas. In B. incrassatum the lobes are evident, but usually less well developed than in B. arvense and its allied forms (e.g., Litho- spermum Sibthorpianum Gris.) in the eastern Mediterranean area. In B. tenuiflorum, in most allies of B. arvense in northern Africa, as well as in plants referable to L. minimum Morris, the sterile tip of the style ex- tends up between the stigmas but projects weakly if at all above them. The sterile tip of the style in these plants has either an unlobed truncate apex or an apex that is only obscurely lobed or merely notched. The prolonged lobed sterile tip of the style in this genus needs investi- gation. Superficially the stigmas and the tip of the style, taken together, are very Suggestive of the stigmatic head of the Heliotropioideae. It re- mains to be determined if the course of the vascularization is similar, cf. Hanf. Beiheft Bot. Centralbl. 544: 126 (1935). Among the Lithosper- meae lobed style-tips are best developed in the present genus. In almost all species of Lithospermum the stigmas are terminal on the style, or if there is a prolongation of the style-tip between the stigmas it is only moderate and does not surpass the stigmas. Only in a few Mexican species (L. Nelsoni, L. Berlandieri, L. mediale, L. oblongifolium, L. calci- 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 41 cola, L. sordidum, and L. distichum) does the somewhat lobed style-tip ever project above the stigmas. However, in most of these species the style-tip is actually short and becomes prominent only because the oblong stigmas are widely spreading. The pollen of Buglossoides is small and shows little variation in size from species to species, Though sometimes ellipsoidal or ovoid, its usual form is subcylindric or barrel-shaped, being circular in polar outline and commonly straight-sided or nearly so in lateral profile. Its pores, always in a single row, are extremely small and obscure, so much so that I have been unable to determine their number. In the section Exbuglossoides the pores are distributed around the grain exactly half-way between the poles, i.e., on the equator. The upper and lower halves of the grains are always similar in size and outline. In lateral profile the sides are usually straight and parallel and only occasionally somewhat convex. With proper light- ing the grains may show a vague but definite narrow band about the equator. This equatorial band in which the pores are located has not been detected in any pollen of the other section of the genus. In the section Margarospermum the pores are borne perceptibly below the middle of the grain. The shorter lower portion of the grain (that below the line of pores) is usually perceptibly broader than the upper portion. In lateral outline the grains vary from oblong to more or less ovate, even within a single species. In profile they may have their straight sides practically parallel or very slightly convergent towards the upper end. Sometimes the sides are evidently convergent and the grain obviously somewhat ovoid. Fre- quently the grains show a very localized contraction just above the pores, with the result that they tend to develop short sloping shoulders which, though very much less well developed, are still recognizable as similar to the shoulders developed on the asymmetric pollen of Lithospermum, cf. Jour. Arnold Arb, 33: 310 (1953). Such grains, narrowed very slightly in a zone above the pores (to form the shoulders), usually have their upper half with straight paralleling sides, but this portion is discernibly narrower than the shorter rounded basal portion. Accentuation of these tendencies would produce the strongly asymmetric grains of the footprint and hour- glass type known in Lithospermum. In the genus Buglossoides, however, this tendency to develop shoulders on the grains is only very weakly ex- pressed and frequently must be looked for before it is detected. The distinctive corollas of Buglossoides have been illustrated and com- pared by Spengler, Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 68: 110 and 116, ff. 1, 2, 23-26 (1919). Synonymy for most of the species has been compiled by Stroh, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 58 ®: 203-4 and 206 (1938). Section Eubuglossoides. Lithospermum § Rhytispermum (Link) Reichenb. Fl. Germ. Excur. 336 (1831). Plant annual or biennial, herbaceous; corolla small, 4-9 mm. long, white to blue, regular, inside bearing 5 vertical bands of glands or hairs but no 42 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [vot. xxxv strongly inflexed plaits, lacking congregations of glands or invaginations directly below the stamen attachments; pollen symmetric, bearing the pores about the equator; style with or without a prolonged bilobed sterile tip; nutlets rough, usually all four developing, ventral keel prominent. The corollas of species belonging to this section are more simply organ- ized than those of the section Margarospermum. In the present section the walls of the corolla are only very slightly swollen beneath the five vertical bands of hairs and glands on its inner surface. Complementing these bands on the outside of the corolla are merely five shallow lineate grooves. Only an incipient tendency for invagination along the hairy ver- tical bands is accordingly present. In the section Margarospermum the invagination is very pronounced, and the hairs and glands clothe well- developed inflexed plaits that form the five intruding ridges on the inside of the corolla. To be included in the section Eubuglossoides is Lithospermum tenui- orum L.., as well as L. arvense L. and the undetermined number of critical species all closely related to it. Buglossoides tenuiflorum (L. f.) comb. nov. Lithospermum tenuiflorum Linn. f. Suppl. 130 (1781). A well-marked species which ranges from Greece east to Irak. The nut- lets are distinctive. They have a very fragile pericarp. They are erect or slightly incurving and when in situ have their tips proximate and their ventral keels parallel. These nutlets are also smaller than those of B. arvense and its allies and are further differentiated by being distinctly constricted just above their smaller attachment surface. The cymes are short (even in maturity seldom more than 8 cm. long) and obviously geminate or ternate at the ends of the branches. The flowers (with a very small blue corolla) are always crowded and evidently biseriate on the The calyx does not develop a cupulate tube nor does it become enlarged abaxially as may be the case in B. arvense and its allies. Buglossoides arvense (L.) comb. nov. Lithospermum arvense L. Sp. Pl. 1: 132 (1753). This species is either exceptionally variable or is a complex of minor species awaiting analysis by a monographer. The typical form is that with the largest flowers. Its white corollas are decidedly funnelform and evi- dently longer than the calyx. It is the form prevalent in middle and north- ern Europe and thence extends across Asia. In southern Europe and north Africa there are a number of distinguishable closely related plants, some of which are certainly geographically correlated and deserve specific recog- nition. Among these only B. incrassatum can be mentioned in the present paper. Others seem to merit recognition. Useful in distinguishing them from true B, arvense are differences not merely in habit but also in size, form, and color of corolla, size and form of the calyx lobes, degree of de- 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 43 velopment of the sterile style tip, and the presence or absence of a band of scattered short ascending hairs on the inner surface of the corolla just below the attachment of the stamens. The fruit of B. arvense and its allies presents a number of very interest- ing features. The bony, hard, rough nutlets are straight and have a broad basal attachment which tends to become oblique. In the Boraginaceae nutlets with oblique attachments ordinarily have the attachment surface sloping upward towards the center of the flower and hence transgressing on the ventral side of the nutlet body. In B. arvense and its allies the re- verse condition is true. If the nutlets are held in a vertical position, it is to be seen that the scar slopes upward, not towards the ventral but towards the dorsal side, and that as a consequence the nutlets are shorter on the dorsal side than on the ventral. Nutlets with an oblique attachment sur- face of this sort, when affixed to a low-pyramidal or nearly flat gynobase, are not erect with paralleling ventral keels, but are necessarily strongly divergent. This strong divergence of the nutlets of B. arvense and its allies is a development late in ontogeny. When they are young the nut- lets are erect and parallel. They become noticeably divergent only as they approach full maturity. Buglossoides incrassatum (Guss.) comb. nov. Lithospermum incrassatum Guss. Ind. Sem. Hort. Boccad. yi or Siculae Prodr. 1: 217 (1827); Fl. Siculae Synop. 1: 217 (18 A close ally of B. arvense notable chiefly because of its remarkable calyx. After the fall of the corolla, the calyx, as it increases in size and the ensheathed nutlets mature, gradually becomes greatly modified in form as a result of excessive abaxial prolongation. At first the calyx is very similar to that of B. arvense at the same stage of development. It is affixed centrally on its symmetric base to the pedicel. At this early stage the central axis of the flower (or for all practical purposes, the style) points away from the leaf axil and is hence divergent from the stem. In later development, because of excessive growth on the abaxial side of the calyx-base, the axis of the flower is gradually shifted in an arc as great as 90° and finally points, not away from, but actually towards the adjacent stem. In other words the calyx is shifted from a central basal attachment to one that is distinctly lateral. The central line up the pedicel, if pro- jected outward, no longer passes up the style but rather across the low gynobase, where it meets the style at an angle of as much as 90°. The ma- ture nutlets are accordingly borne on a low gynobase which is now adaxial and which actually faces the adjacent stem. Because of the dislocation, the distorted calyx-base faces outward and so becomes the most conspicu- ous part of the fruiting calyx. The condition is unusual but not unique among the Boraginaceae. A very similar development is found in the genus Pectocarya, cf. Jour. Arnold Arb. 20: 400 (1939). Various authors have dismissed the remarkable fruiting calyces of this species as teretological. With this I cannot agree. In B. arvense and other 44 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [voL. xxxv near relatives of B. incrassatum, there is also a tendency for some en- largement of the fruiting calyx on the abaxial side and also a slight but definite tendency for the transverse axis of the gynobase to slope down- wards towards the adjacent stem. In the present species these tendencies, merely incipient in its relatives, are developed excessively. The wide dis- tribution of B. incrassatum about the Mediterranean area, where in many localities it appears to be the only representative of its group, is evidence that it is not a casual freak. Section Margarospermum (Reichenb.) comb. nov. Lithospermum § Margarospermum Reichenb. Fl. Germ. Excur. 337 (1831). Founded to include four species of which the first listed was Lithospermum purpureo-caeruleum L.; the other three are representatives of the genera Lithodora and Moltkia Plant perennial, herbaceous or fruticulose; corolla larger, 15-19 mm. long, blue or purple, the limb slightly oblique with the three abaxial lobes more spreading than the posterior two, inside bearing 5 vertical glandu- liferous and/or hairy inflexed plaits and below each filament attachment bearing a congregation of glands and sometimes an invaginate swelling; pollen slightly asymmetric, the pores borne below the equator; style always with a bilobed sterile tip; nutlets smooth and lustrous or rugose, not strongly keeled, usually only one maturin This section includes only the four extremely well marked species enum- erated below. Buglossoides purpureo-caeruleum (L.) comb. nov. Lithospermum purpureo-caeruleum L. Sp. Pl. 1: 132 (1753). Ranging from western Europe to Iran. Leaves usually broadest below the middle. Flowering stems clustered, arising from a densely branched rhizome, terminated by a pair of leafy racemose cymes. Corolla bear- ing faucal plaits 2-3 mm. long which originate 6-9 mm. above the base of the tube; also bearing distinct invaginate swellings 2 mm. long below each stamen; plaits glanduliferous but not hairy. Filaments attached 5—8 mm. above the base of the corolla; anthers ca. 1.5 mm. long, elongate, apiculate, twice as long as the filament. Style 8-9 mm. long, the sterile tips attenuate. Nutlets ellipsoidal, smooth, white, 3.5-4 mm. long, 3-3.5 mm. thick, back convex, venter obtuse The nutlets of this species are usually slightly larger but otherwise very similar to those of B. Zollingeri and B. calabrum. In being smooth, white, and porcelain-like, they much resemble the type of nutlet prevalent in Lithospermum., Unlike the nutlets of the other species of Buglossoides those of the present species have a relatively small basal attachment- surface which is located not at the center of the nutlet-base but rather on its ventral half. For notes on the habit of growth of this species see White, Jour. Bot. 22: 74-76 (1884). 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 45 Buglossoides Zollingeri (A. DC.) comb. nov. Lithospermum Zollingeri A. DC. Prodr. 10: 586 (1846). A plant of Japan, China, and Korea. Leaves usually broadest above the middle. Flowering stems arising from procumbent stems persisting from the previous season, terminated by a simple unilateral cyme. Corolla on inner surface bearing glanduliferous, short-hairy inflexed plaits 4-5 mm. long which originate 5—6 mm. above the base of the tube, and also provided with short glanduliferous invaginate plaits below the attachment of each stamen. Filaments attached 3-4 mm. above the corolla base; anthers 1.5 mm. long, elongate, apiculate, several times as long as the filaments. Style 2-4 mm. long, the sterile tips attenuate. Nutlets ellipsoidal, 3-3.5 mm. long, smooth, white, back convex, venter obtuse or weakly keeled. Collectors appear to have been aware of this plant only in its flowering state. Nearly a hundred collections of the species in American and Euro- pean herbaria have been examined, but in this large suite only five collec- tions show the plant in the fruiting state, and none of them bear nutlets that are completely mature. Buglossoides calabrum (Tenori) comb. nov. Lithospermum calabrum Tenori, Fl. Nap. 3: 174 (1824-29). Endemic in southern Italy. Leaves broadest at the middle. Flowering stems arising from slender procumbent stems persisting from the previous season, terminated by a simple racemose cyme. Corolla with a tube evi- dently much surpassing the calyx, inside bearing hairy, sparingly glandu- liferous plaits 7-8 mm. long which arise 4-6 mm. above the base of the tube, below the filament attachments obscurely if at all invaginate. Fila- ments attached 2 mm. above the base of the tube; anthers almost 1.5 mm. long, elongate, apiculate, twice as long as the filaments. Style 1-2 mm. long, the sterile tips stout and obtuse. Nutlets ellipsoidal, smooth, white, 3.5 mm. long, 2.5 mm. thick, back convex, venter obtuse. Buglossoides Gastoni (Benth.) comb. nov. Lithospermum Gastoni Benth. ex DC. Prodr. 10: 83 (1846); Bot. Mag. 47: t. 5926 (1871). Known only from the French slopes of the western Pyrenees. Leaves broadest below the middle, lanceolate. Flowering stems clustered, arising from a densely branched rhizome, terminated by a crowded densely flowered forked cyme. Corolla with hairy and glanduliferous inflexed plaits 3—4 mm. long which arise 2.5-3 mm. above the base of the tube, bearing no invaginations below the filament attachments. Filaments borne 1-1.5 mm. above the base of the corolla; anthers oblong, less than 1 mm. long, weakly apiculate, about as long as the filaments. Style 0.5—1 mm. long, the sterile tips stout. Nutlets yellowish, punctate and abundantly rugulose, very stout and plump, 4.5 mm. long and nearly as thick, keeled only about the sharp apex, attachment broad and basal. 46 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [voL. xxxv A very distinct species differing from the other members of its section in having small anthers, very congested forked cymes, and very large, very plump, short-beaked, yellowish rugulose nutlets. 9. Stenosolenium Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 13: 253 (1840); DC. Prodr. 10: 103 (1846). Type species Anchusa saxatilis Pallas. Plant a hispid annual herb with one to many erect or decumbent stems. Leaves costate but veinless, lower oblanceolate, the upper ones becoming lanceolate. Inflorescence scorpioid, elongate, bracted throughout (lower bracts foliaceous), distinctly racemose in age. Calyx short-pedicellate, S-fid, hispid; lobes slenderly lanceolate, attenuate, slightly unequal with the abaxial one usually the longest. Corolla violet or purple, salverform, outer surface with minute, short, usually spreading hairs, inner surface with a villulose annulus but otherwise glabrous, bearing no stipitate glands; limb spreading, breadth less than the length of the tube, rounded lobes slightly broader than long, imbricate in the bud; tube elongate, about twice as long as the calyx, subcylindric, upper third to half broadest and forming an ill-defined throat, above the base bearing a short thickish collar-like villulose annulus; throat unappendaged. Stamens borne at unequal heights in the throat, included, the uppermost one usually abaxial; filaments slender, a half to a third as long as the anther; anthers elongate, laterally compressed, affixed near the middle. Pollen elongate with rounded ends, symmetric, constricted at the middle, 38-41 x 22-25 » (16-20 p» thick at the middle), bearing two rows of 8 or 9 in- conspicuous pores one at each end of the grain, polar profile circular. Style shorter than the calyx, forked below the apex; stigmas two, distinct, compressed, obovate-spathulate. Gynobase flat or concave, with four triangular attachment faces, usually maturing four nutlets. Nutlets tuber- culate, usually brownish, ascending, supported on a stout, laterally affixed inframedial vertical stipe; axial edge angulate, vertical, nearly straight, above the middle formed by the short ventral keel on the nutlet-body and below the middle by the ventral side of the stipe; seminiferous body of the nutlet ovoid, inclined at an angle of 40-45°, its pointed apex held above the nutlet-attachment and its rounded base abaxial to it; stipe stout, usually partially hollow, expanding abruptly at the base, sides minutely verrucose; funicular canal ascending vertically inside the stipe and enter- ing the oblique nutlet-body near the middle of its ventral side; ventral keel short, supramedial, formed of a usually completely fused ventral suture. Seed straight, funicular attachment slightly above the middle. A monotypic genus of eastern Asia. In most characters it shows close similarities with the Asiatic species of the genus Arnebia and is probably most closely related to them. Its fruit, however, is very different, not only from Arnebia but from all other members of the Lithospermeae. Stenosolenium saxatile (Pallas) Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou 13: 253 (1840). Anchusa saxatilis Pallas, Reise 2°; 718, t. “F”, f. 1 (1773). 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 47 Onosma saxatile (Pallas) Lehm. Asperif. 2: 371 (1818). Arnebia saxatilis (Pallas) B. & H. ex Forbes & Hemsl. Jour. Linn. Soc. 26: 155 (1890). Ranging from the mountains near Pekin and northwestward across east- ern Mongolia towards the Baical region. The corolla is 12-19 mm. long in total length and has a spreading limb 7-10 mm. broad. The tube is 8-12 mm. long and its lower half or two thirds averages ca. 1 mm. thick. The upper half or third of the tube, how- ever, is perceptibly thicker (ca. 1.5 mm.) and so forms an ill-defined cylin- dric throat. This elongate throat bears no hair nor glands on its inner surface and no appendages. The stamens vary as to their distribution in the throat. In some plants they are affixed all at evidently different altitudes in the throat along most of its length, while in others they tend to be grouped below the middle of the throat, most of them with very slight differences in height of attach- ment and only one obviously higher than the others. When the stamens are loosely distributed, the uppermost stamen may be affixed 2-3 mm. above the lowermost one, but when crowded towards the base of the throat, the maximum difference in height of attachment may be reduced to 0.5— 1 mm. The distribution of the stamens seems best described as spiral. Except that the uppermost one always appears to be on the abaxial side of the tube, the relative heights of the stamens seem to have no relation to any possible plane of symmetry in the corolla. The behavior of the androecium is suggestive of that in forms of Arnebia decumbens, cf. Jour. Arnold Arb. 33: 322 (1952). In that species the stamens may have a loose spiral arrangement in the corolla-throat or be grouped near the summit of the tube, sometimes with only one stamen attached obviously lower than the others. This grouping, when present, is at the top of the throat rather than at the bottom as in Stenosolenium, but the extreme range of variation in stamen attachment is otherwise very similar. Although there are differences among plants as to the distribution of the stamens in the throat, the variation seems to be independent of any dif- ferences in style length. The forked style is always short, 3-5 mm. long, and reaches up into only the narrow lower half of the corolla-tube. The two compressed, somewhat spathulate stigmas are borne, accordingly, al- ways well below the level of the lowest stamen. There is no evidence that either heterostyly or cleistogamy are ever present. The pollen of Stenosolenium is elongate, constricted at the middle, with the upper and lower halves similar in size, form, and other details. At both ends, where broadest, it is encircled by a set of eight or nine equally spaced very conspicuous pores. These elongate, medially constricted, symmetric grains with biseriate pores closely resemble those of the species of Arnebia. Indeed, the only striking difference appears to be in the number of pores in each encircling row, eight or nine in Stenosolenium and four or five in Arnebia. The nutlets of Stenosolenium are very distinctive. Viewed laterally, their seminiferous body (2 mm. long) is inclined about 45° and is supported 48 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM __ [voL. xxxv ventrally by a stout downwardly directed vertical stipe. This stipe is affixed obliquely below the middle of the sloping (ventral) under side of the nutlet-body and is short-columnar with the base ampliate and flaring. In lateral profile the nutlet has a vertical, nearly straight ventral edge (2 mm. high) which is formed above the middle by the short vertical ventral keel and below the middle by the ventral side of the stipe. Because of this the stipe appears to be a downward projection from the base of the short supramedial ventral keel. This keel, formed of a prominent fused ventral suture, ends abruptly. There is no suggestion of a downward pro- longation onto the stipe below it. The stipe is minutely verrucose on all sides. Although distinct from the nutlet-body for most of its length, it remains close to the latter and its lower attachment end is in the same horizontal plane as the lower end of the body. Superficially, at first glance, the nutlet seems to have a strongly excentric but still basal attach- ment. A study of the course of the funicle, however, proves this is not the case. The funicle in its tubular canal is conducted upward from the gynobase inside the partially hollow stipe and then through the pericarp near the middle of the sloping ventral side of the nutlet-body. The im- portant fact here is that the funicle enters the nutlet-body not at the base but below its middle on the side. In the strict morphological sense, the nutlets of Stenosolenium are laterally attached! Were the stipe on these nutlets suppressed and the attachment scar sessile, the latter would have a position almost half-way up on the venter of the nutlet. Steno- solenium, accordingly, has a character of the Eritrichieae. The position of the attachment on the nutlet-body usually has phylo- genetic significance and is the most important single character used in assigning genera to the tribes of the subfamily Boraginoideae. As an in- dicator of natural relationships it is prevailingly satisfactory, but as with all single characters, there can be expected to be instances in which its indications are not acceptable. Such seems to be the case as regards Stenosolenium. Only in the position of its nutlet attachment does that Among the Boraginaceae distinctly stipitate nutlets are developed in only a relatively few genera, in Stenosolenium and Alkanna of the Litho- spermeae, in Caryolopha of the Anchuseae, and in Plagiobothrys § Echi- diocarya of the Eritrichieae. Because it is partially hollow and has a dilated base, the stipe on the nutlets of Stenosolenium obviously differs in struc- 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 49 ture and appearance from those of the other genera mentioned. Surpris- ingly, the closest approximation is found in the obconic obliquely affixed attachment on the fossilized nutlets of the extinct Prolithospermum John- stonii Elias, Special Paper Geol. Soc. Amer. 41: 105, t. 15, f. 10 (1942) and Am. Midland Nat. 36: 374-77, f. 3 (1946). These remarkably pre- served nutlets, all that is known of the species, are found in middle Plio- cene deposits of Kansas and Nebraska in middle United States. Thanks to Prof. Maxim K. Elias of the Nebraska Geological Survey, I have had a series of them for close study and comparison. They have a smooth, nearly erect, ovoid, slightly asymmetric body 2—2.5 mm. long, and on their con- vex side below the middle and above the rounded base bear a short, hol- low, downward directed, basally expanding appendage with the attachment- surface on its horizontal base. This appendage is structurally similar to the stipe on the nutlets of Stenosolenium. Indeed, it differs only in originat- ing less high on the side of the nutlet, in being shorter, and in being laterally adnate to the nutlet-body rather than free and slightly divergent from it. If the appendage on the nutlet of Prolithospermum were free rather than completely adnate laterally, it would be shorter, but would otherwise closely resemble the stipe in Stenosolenium. The homologies are so very clear that I am content to believe that the fossil plant belonged in a group ancestral to Stenosolenium and possibly even congeneric with it. The nutlets of the extinct Prolithospermum give us an early stage in the evolution of the medio-lateral stiped attachment of the nutlets of Steno- solenium, and furthermore are suggestive of the manner by which it could have been originally evolved from a truly basal attachment on a Litho- spermum-like nutlet. The attachment in our plants was probably evolved from a broad, horizontal, exactly basal attachment by shifting its center first to the ventral side of the nutlet-base and subsequently to a buttressed projection on the ventral side of the latter. As the attachment-surface, still large and still in relatively the same horizontal plane, became more and more to one side of the nutlet-base, the latter would cease to be trun- cate and would become more and more convex. The laterally dislocated attachment-surface could remain in the same relative plane only by but- tressing its support higher on the ventral side of the nutlet-body. The combined results would place the attachment at the base of an obliquely affixed outgrowth to one side of the rounded base of the nutlet-body, pre- cisely as is to be seen in the nutlets of Prolithospermum. A still further horizontal shift of the attachment would produce a still higher buttress on the nutlet venter and eventually even a “flying buttress’ (i.e., the stipe) on the nutlets of Stenosolenium. The peculiar feature of this support of the attachment in Stenosolenium and Prolithospermum is that it is more or less hollow. It is a tube-like or somewhat funnel-like organ which conducts the funicular canal from the flat gynobase upward to the point where it enters the nutlet-body. Accordingly it appears to be appendicular on the pericarp and not formed by constriction of the pericarp above the attachment or by localized gibbose prolongations of its walls, as in other stipitate nutlets. In various species 50 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [VvoL. xxxv of Lithospermum and its relatives the attachment scar is surrounded by a projecting rim of pericarp. The nutlets of Lithospermum incisum provide one of the best examples of this. In that species the abscission is about the edge of the collar-like rim surrounding the centrally depressed scar. By modification of such a rim attachment the obliquely affixed suprabasal attachment support in Prolithospermum and the tubular support in Steno- solenium might have been evolved. If the ancestors of these two genera had such a rimmed attachment, the attachment, as it was shifted to a posi- tion off the nutlet base, could remain in the same horizontal plane by in- creasing the height of the rim, particularly so on the off side. Certainly the laterally adnate, more or less funnelform support of the attachment in Prolithospermum is very suggestive of some such origin. If such is the case, then the tubular support of the attachment in Stenosolenium is only a more advanced modification by which a rim about an attachment scar has become transformed into a hollow stipe. The gynobase of Stenosolenium is flat and horizontal, or its four attach- ment pads slope slightly towards its center. On this gynobase a basifixed nutlet would be erect. A nutlet with a sessile lateral attachment would be oblique or horizontal. The peculiarities of the nutlets of Stenosolenium and Prolithospermum appear to be those modifications necessary if the large attachment on an originally basifixed Lithospermum-like nutlet was shifted from the base to a more and more lateral position while at the same time the body of the nutlets maintained an erect or nearly erect orientation and the flat gynobase continued unaltered. As the attachment shifted, the funicular canal within it would also be displaced and would enter the nutlet no longer at the base, but laterally. An increasing development of tubular stipe would be required for conducting the funicular canal upward from the flat gynobase, for the greater the horizontal shift of the actual attach- ment, the higher up on the venter of the nutlet body would become the point at which the funicular canal pierced the pericarp. Change in position of attachment from basal to lateral, and even apical, is a progressive evolutionary trend responsible for much of the diversity of the fruit in the Boraginaceae. The various stages represent increasing de- grees of specialization and in general are associated with the phylogeny of the groups in which they are illustrated. The tribe Eritrichieae has nut- lets usually with lateral attachments. The fact that it has a higher evolu- tionary position than the Lithospermeae is suggested also by its more specialized corollas and other floral structures. In the Eritrichieae the development of lateral nutlet-attachment has been concomitant with the development of a pyramidal, spire-like or columnar gynobase. Steno- solenium and Prolithospermum have a funicle that enters the nutlet-body laterally, and hence, certainly in a morphological sense, have a lateral attachment. This character, however, appears to have had an origin in- dependent of that in Eritrichieae, most likely as an aberrant development in the genus Lithospermum. It is an example of parallel evolution and not an indicator of relationships in the Eritrichieae. Unlike the condition in.that tribe, the lateral attachment of Stenosolenium was developed un- 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 51 accompanied by compensating alterations of the gynobase, which has con- tinued primitively flat as in Lithospermum. 10. Arnebia Forsk. Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 62 (1775). Type species A. tetra- stigma Forsk. Dioclea Spreng. Syst. 1: 502 and 556 (1825), not HBK. (1823). Type species Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm.) DC. Strobila G. Don, Gen. Syst. 4: 327 (1837). A renaming of Dioclea Spreng., t HBK. no Meneghinia Endl. Gen. 648 (1839). A renaming of Dioclea Spreng., not HBK. Macrotomia DC. in Meisner, Gen. 1: 281 and 2: ae (1840); DC. Prodr. 10: 26 (1846). Type stg o a (Wall.) D Munbya Boiss. Diag. ser. 1, 11: 114 (1849). Based on oe species, the first two being forms of See a (Royle) Johnston and the last three forms of Arnebia densiflora Lede Toxostigma A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 86, t. 77 (1851). Based on T. luteum A. Rich. and T. purpurascens A. Rich., both forms of Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm.) DC. Leptanthe Klotzsch, Ergebn. Reise Prinz Waldemar 95, t. 63 (1862). Type dale macrostachya Klotz., a synonym of Arnebia Benthami (Wall.) Johnst Phan ‘Chiov. Fl. Somala 227, t. 24, f. 1 (1929). Type species Arnebiola migiurtina Chiov., a form of Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm. Plants annual or perennial, herbaceous. Stems simple or loosely branched, arising from a taproot. Leaves all cauline or some in a basal cluster, numerous, veinless or in a few species with a few well-developed, greatly prolonged assurgent veins that parallel the midrib. Cymes scor- pioid, simple or forked, terminal on the main stem and leafy branches and frequently also arising directly from the upper leaf-axils along the main stem, few to many, loosely to densely disposed, at times aggregated in dense corymbose or cylindric thyrsoid clusters terminating the main stems, in age remaining densely flowered or becoming loosely flowered. Bracts nu- merous, only rarely surpassing the adjacent calyx. Flowers heterostylic or monomorphic. Calyx lobed nearly to the base or 5-parted, weakly to strongly accrescent, in age sometimes developing a short swollen tube en- closing the ripening fruit, persistent or deciduous when the enclosed fruit is matured, usually shorter than the corolla-tube; calyx-lobes slender to coarse, linear, ligulate, subulate or lanceolate, in age sometimes promi- nently and coarsely veined and crested or papillate towards the base. Pedicels short, erect. Corolla regular or nearly so, yellow, cream, blue or purple, sometimes yellow with the limb conspicuously spotted with blue or black, salverform or rarely tubular, outer surface hairy or at least so on the outer surface of the limb; tube elongate, gradually ampliate or en- larging above the middle to form a cylindric throat; limb. usually well developed, flat or broadly funnelform, narrow to broad;. lobes strongly imbricate in the bud, usually rounded and about as broad as long, usually spreading or widely ascending, entire or sometimes with the margins LY JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [voL. xxxv lacerate, erose or crisped; throat inside without hairs or faucal appendages and usually without any stipitate glands (stipitate glands when present very scattered and few, occurring about the mouth of the corolla, present only in some heterostylic species and usually only in the short-styled flowers); corolla-tube glabrous within or strigulose or villulose in two species only; annulus a papery collar, a thickened ring or completely absent, usually hairy. Filaments linear or unguiculate, usually very much shorter than the anther but in the short-styled flower of one heterostylic species nearly as long as the anther, affixed in the corolla-throat all at the same level or in one species at different levels. Anthers oblong to narrowly oblong, affixed at or slightly below the middle, in short-styled flowers and some monomorphic flowers borne high in the throat and fre- quently with their tips exserted, in long-styled flowers usually borne low in the throat and deeply included, apex emarginate or rounded or rarely acute, base rounded or rarely with the thecae somewhat pointed at the lower end, thecae usually joined down to the very base, connective narrow to relatively broad, not sulcate. Pollen elongate, 25-75 x 14-43 un, in lateral outline oblong with rounded ends, the sides straight or more or less strongly incurving and the grains medially constricted, encircled by a row of pores at both the upper and the lower end of the grain, upper and lower half of the grain equal in size and configuration, polar outline circular, pores four or five in each row, obscure; in all heterostylic species the grains of long-styled flowers conspicuously smaller and more con- stricted medially than those of the short-styled flowers. Style slender, simple or simply forked or bis-bifid, included or shortly exserted; stigmas two or sometimes four, capitate, oblong or flabellate or rarely cylindric, simple or somewhat bilobed, juxtaposed and either strict or divergent at the apex of the simple style, or solitary and terminating the individual branches of the style. Nutlets one to four developing, erect, gray, brown, fulvous, greenish or rubiginous, never white nor porcelain-like, rough, never perfectly smooth, usually evidently tuberculate, verrucose, rugose or rugulose, surface usually dull, frequently minutely verruculose, papil- late or muriculate; body of nutlet usually narrowing and more or less rostrate above the middle, sometimes conic-ovoid, conic-lanceolate or lance- ovoid and usually broadest below the middle and longer than broad, or sometimes more or less dorsiventrally compressed, much broadened below the middle and as broad or nearly as broad as long and ovate, triangular- ovate, or even cordate in dorsal outline; venter usually decidedly angulate, keel well developed or more or less obscure or well developed only above the middle of the nutlet; suture usually absent, when present usually ob- scure; dorsum frequently carinate above the middle, below the middle convex or medially depressed (in one species the dorsum plane or slightly concave and the venter convex) ; attachment basal, large, usually flabellate or ovate, rarely lobed, horizontal or somewhat oblique, occasionally pro- longed upward for a short distance on the venter of the nutlet body, plane on the truncate base of the nutlet or sometimes margined by the downwardly prolonged pericarpial walls, rarely convex and protrudent 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 53 and visible even when the nutlet is viewed laterally. Gynobase flat or broadly pyramidal; attachment surfaces separated by lineate grooves, not margined by prominent cartilaginous tissue, plane or somewhat concave and sometimes very strongly upcurved ventrally to form a side of a frustum-like prominence at the center of the gynobase. Arnebia as here defined includes the first fifteen species keyed and de- scribed in my recent study of Lithospermum, Jour. Arnold Arb. 33: 315— 316 (1952), as well as four others discussed in a supplementary paper, op. cit. 34: 10-15 (1953). The well-known garden plant Arnebia Echioides (L.) DC. is excluded and assigned to the monotypic genus Echioides. As here accepted, therefore, the genus includes most of the species that have been traditionally assigned to Arnebia or its segregate Macrotomia. A few species of Arnebia extend into the drier portions of northern Africa, but most of the species in the genus are confined to Asia. Over a year ago Arnebia was considered only in relation to Lithosper- mum, and after an evalution of its characters it was merged with that genus. Returning to Arnebia and Lithospermum after having critically examined all the other genera of the Lithospermeae, I find myself judging the two genera not merely by the number and decisiveness of characters useful in distinguishing them, but also according to the degree of phyletic divergence they represent as compared with that given generic recognition elsewhere in the Lithospermeae. It is now apparent that the amplified Lithospermum includes greater morphological extremes and is accordingly a relatively more comprehensive unit than other genera recognized within the tribe. Since I believe that genera within a natural circle of relationship should be roughly equivalent in value, it now seems best to abandon my broad concept of Lithospermum and reclassify its species under three smaller, more homogeneous genera (Lithospermum, s. str., Arnebia, and Echioides) that represent units of evolutionary divergence comparable with those given generic recognition elsewhere within the tribe. Arnebia and Lithospermum are very closely related but evidently repre- sent diverging phyletic lines. The characters they share are more numerous than their differences. The intimacy of their relationship is evidenced by unusual morphological features present in precisely the same form in both genera. Especially notable is the heterostyly in many of their species. This heterostyly, occurring in diverse species-groups in both genera, is of the most advanced sort, involving not merely dimorphy in corolla-form, stamen-attachment, anther-size, style-length, and pollen-size, but also pol- len-form. The latter feature is unknown in other heterostylic plants and may be unique. This unusual development as an indicator of affinity be- comes especially significant when it is recalled that heterostyly is un- common in the Boraginoideae and that elsewhere in the Lithospermeae it is developed in only one other genus, in a very simple form in Litho- dora. A minor feature, also rare in this family and among the Lithosper- meae, developed only in Arnebia and Lithospermum, is the lobulate, Jacerate, or strongly crisped margins of the corolla-lobes. A few very dissimilar species in both genera share this character. 54 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM _ [voL. xxxv The difficulties in separating Arnebia from Lithospermum have been dis- cussed at length, Jour. Arnold Arb. 33: 310-315 (1952). As has been noted, the only decisive character useful in distinguishing them involves pollen morphology. Other possible differences have occasional exceptions or are difficult to express. The fruit has evolved differently in the two genera, but the differences cannot be concisely stated. The corolla-throat in Arnebia is never decorated with faucal appendages as is frequently the case in Lithospermum, and seldom, and then only very sparingly, does it bear stipitate glands comparable to those always present, usually in abundance, on the corolla-throat of Lithospermum. Some developments present in only some species of a genus are also indicative. The annulus inside the corolla, extremely well developed in some species of Arnebia, is completely lacking in others. In Lithospermum the annulus, weak to moderately well developed, is always present. The forked style, frequently present in Arnebia, is unrepresented in Lithospermum. The subterminal stigmas, frequent in Lithospermum, do not occur in Arnebia. The evanes- cent dark-colored spot on the corolla limb, developed by various yellow- flowered species of Arnebdia, occurs also in Echioides but not in Lithosper- mum, With only one exception, all species of Lithospermum have corollas that are yellow, orange, or white. In Arnebia the corolla has a greater range of colors, including not only yellow and orange, but also blue, pink, and brown, Seven of the eighteen species of Arnebia are very definitely herbaceous annuals. Of the forty-four species of Lithospermum only two are plants of short duration, and these may be biennials or very short-lived perennials. Since I discovered that Arnebia has very different pollen from that of Lithospermum, cf. Jour. Arnold Arb. 33: 308-311, f. 1-32 (1952), I have examined the pollen in all the other genera of the Lithospermeae. I am now of the opinion that the differences in pollen are much more important than previously realized. Pollen of a type similar to that of Arnebia has been encountered only in Stenosolenium. It differs from that in all other genera of the Lithospermeae in bearing two rows of pores, one at each end of the grain. The grains are always elongate and are symmetrical with the upper and lower half similar in size and configuration. In all other genera of the tribe, including Lithospermum, the pores are in a single row and the grains vary from symmetrical to very asymmetrical. The lower half of the grain is frequently much larger and more rounded than the upper half and hence different in configuration. No evidences of transition between the two types have been detected. The pollen in Arnebia (and Stenosolenium) has unusual and distinctive features and is the most extreme type in the Lithospermeae. During my study of the Lithospermeae I have become increasingly im- pressed by the prevailing constancy as to type that is exhibited by the pollen within the various genera of the tribe. Within a given genus pollen may be very uniform in all species or it may present a limited number of variations which are all modifications of a single basic type. Closely re- lated genera usually show close similarities in pollen. Other than in the 1954] JOHNSTON, STUDIES IN THE BORAGINACEAE, XXVI 55 amplified Lithospermum (including Arnebia), now abandoned, I found a single type of pollen or modifications of a single type in all genera except Moltkia. In that genus § Echianthus has globose-ellipsoidal grains with six to eight equatorial pores. In § Eumoltkia, however, the globose grains appear to have about twenty pores, these not lined up about the equator but arranged, rather, in a strongly undulate line that crosses the equator diagonally at four places. The precise description of the pollen of § Eumoltkia is impossible with my technique, but in any case I am sure that the pollen in this section differs more from that in § Echianthus than is customary within the genera of the Lithospermeae. Even so, the dif- ferences are less fundamental than those between the pollen of Arnebia and that of Lithospermum. It is therefore not inconsistent to emphasize the pollen differences separating Arnebia and Lithospermum and to use them in bolstering the less decisive macroscopic differences in justifying my present recognition of both these genera. The eighteen species of Arnebia have been described and discussed, their synonymy listed, and keys provided for their identification, in two previous papers of this series, Jour. Arnold Arb. 33: 315-334 (1952) and 34: 7-16 (1953). In the reports mentioned the species were treated as members of the genus Lithospermum. Their correct names as members of Arnebia are given below. Section Euarnebia. Corolla subtubular; lobes erect, triangular, acute, longer than broad. Stigmas four, elongate, cylindrical. Nutlets plano-convex with a cordate base, dorsum plane or very slightly concave, venter broadly convex, lack- ing a ventral keel; attachment surface three-lobed, the scar of the dorsal vascular traces located in the sinus of the cordate nutlet-base much more conspicuous than that of the funicular canal. Plants annual. Corolla with- out annulus. 1. Arnebia tetrastigma Forsk. Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 63 (1775); Johnston op. cit. 321 (1952). Section Strobilia (G. Don), comb. nov. Corolla with a well-developed spreading limb, lobes rounded, spreading, about as long as broad. Stigmas usually two, capitate or oblong or flabel- late. Nutlets with a rounded back, an angulate keeled venter, and a broad base, attachment surface not lobed, the scar of the dorsal vascular traces less conspicuous than that of the funicular canal. * PLANTS ANNUAL; COROLLA WITH ANNULUS. 2. Arnebia decumbens (Vent.) Coss. & a Bull. Soc. Bot. France 4: 402 (1857); Johnston, op. cit. 322 (1952). 3. Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm.) DC. Prodr. 10: 94 (1846); Johnston, op. cit. 325 (1952). 56 JOURNAL OF THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM __ [voL. xxxv . Arnebia Griffithii Boiss. Diag. ser. 2, 3: 135 (1856); Johnston, op. cit. 326 (1952). as un Arnebia fimbriopetala Stocks in Hook. Jour. Bot. & Kew Miscl. 3: 180, t. 6 (1851); Johnston, op. cit. 7 (1953). ON . Arnebia minima Wettst. in Stapf, Denkschr. Acad. Wiss. Wien 50: 30 (1885); Johnston, op. cit. 327 (1952). ~I Arnebia linearifolia DC. Prodr. 10: 95 (1846); Johnston, op. cit. 328 (1952). ** PLANTS PERENNIAL. x COROLLA WITH ANNULUS. oo Arnebia fimbriata Maxim. Bull. Acad. St. Petersb. ser. 3, 27: 507 (1881); Johnston, op. cit. 328 (1952). oO . Arnebia obovata Bunge, Mem. savants étrang. St. Petersb. 7: 407 (1851); Johnston, op. cit. 329 (1952). _ oO . Arnebia Szechenyi Kanitz, Pl. Exped. Szecheny 42, t. 5 (1891); Johnston, op. cit. 329 (1952) and 8 (1953). — —s Arnebia guttata Bunge, Ind. Sem. Hort. Dorpat. p. vii (1840) ; Johnston, op. cit. 330 (1952). — bo Arnebia Lindbergiana (Rech. f.), comb. nov. Macrotomia Lindbergiana Rech. f. Ann, Naturhist. Mus. Wien 58: 58 (1951); Johnston, op. cit. 10 (1953).