POSTILLA PEABODY MUSEUM YALE UNIVERSITY NUMBER 170 21 OCTOBER 1976 SPECIALIZED SCALES IN THE CLOACAL REGION OF TWO PALEOZOIC FISHES (CROSSOPTERYGII) KEITH S. THOMSON JEROME S. RACKOFF JOAN S. DARLING POSTILLA Published by the Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University Postilla includes results of original research on systematic, evolution- ary, morphological, and ecological biology, including paleontology. Syntheses and other theoretical papers based on research are also welcomed. Postilla is intended primarily for papers by the staff of the Peabody Museum or on research using material in this Museum. Editor: John H. Ostrom Managing Editor: Zelda Edelson Editorial Board: David R. Pilbeam, Charles L. Remington, James E. Rodman Postilla is published at frequent but irregular intervals. Manuscripts, orders for publications, and all correspondence concerning publications should be directed to: Publications Office Peabody Museum of Natural History New Haven, Conn. 06520, USA Lists of the publications of the Museum are available from the above office. These include Postilla, Bulletin, Discovery, and special publica- tions. Postilla and the Bulletin ate available in exchange for relevant publications of other scientific institutions anywhere in the world. Inquiries regarding back numbers of the discontinued journal, Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection, should be directed to: Kraus Reprint Co. Route 100 Millwood, New York 10546 SPECIALIZED SCALES IN THE CLOACAL REGION OF TWO PALEOZOIC FISHES (CROSSOPTERYGII) KEITH S. THOMSON JEROME S. RACKOFF JOAN S. DARLING Peabody Museum of Natural History Yale University New Haven, Connecticut 06520 (Received 8 September 1975) ABSTRACT Modified scales in the cloacal region of two osteolepid rhipidistians are described for the first time. A specimen of Megalichthys sp. (from the Penn- sylvanian of Ohio), consisting of an isolated portion of the pelvic region, shows five enlarged scales along the ventral midline: two sets of paired flanking scales and one unpaired central scale. There is no direct evidence of the cloaca in this specimen. In the only known specimen of Sterroptery- gion brandei (from the Upper Devonian of Pennsylvania), the cloacal posi- tion is preserved, and there is one pair of enlarged scales flanking the opening. The modified scales in both genera are interpreted as being second- ary sexual characteristics. The apparent absence of scales modified for repro- ductive functions in other fossil taxa is discussed. POSTILLA 170: 6 p. 21 October 1976 POSTILLA 170 Very few fossil fishes show any evidence of differentiation of structures in the ventral region of the body that could be interpreted as sexual character- istics. Fossil sharks and some placoderms do, however, show clear evidence of claspers in the pelvic fins (for example, in Rhamphodopsis, Miles, 1967) by which males are identified. In the bony fishes, one would expect that the elaborate squamation, which is often extremely well preserved even in fossils of great age, might be expected to show evidence of differentiation in the cloacal “region, but this has not hitherto been observed. The purpose of the present communication is to describe the occurrence of modified scales in the region of two osteolepid Rhipidistia (Osteichthyes, Crossopterygii). These modified scales are interpreted as sexual characteristics. The Rhipidistia is a group of Paleozoic fishes comprising forms of small to rather large size, all of which have well-developed bony scales. In one family in particular, the Osteolepidae, the squamation is especially well developed and bears a thick external coating of shiny cosmine (see Thom- son, 1975) and can be studied with great precision. The pattern of squama- tion of Devonian Osteolepidae has been extensively studied by Jarvik (e.g., Jarvik, 1948) and others, who have provided detailed descriptions of De- vonian genera, particularly Osteolepis. In none of the existing accounts, however, is there any evidence of modification of the ventral scale pattern in the cloacal region and, indeed, the position of the cloaca is usually diffi- cult to establish in fossil Rhipidistia. Recently, study of two well-preserved specimens of osteolepid Rhipidistia has yielded new information on this subject. The most striking evidence comes from a Pennsylvanian osteolepid. The specimen consists of an iso- lated portion of the pelvic region of the trunk, showing both pelvic fins. Because the specimen is incomplete, it can be identified only as Megal- ichthys sp., but it seems essentially identical with Megalichthys macropomus Cope. It was collected in the Upper Freeport Shale (Pennsylvanian) at Lis- bon, Ohio, by a party from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History (Specimen Number CMNH 8151). As Figure 1 shows, the ventral side of the pelvic region is completely ex- posed in this specimen. The ventral surface of the right pelvic fin and the dorsal surface of the left pelvic fin are visible, along with the specialized elongated basal scutes associated with the median side of their insertions on the trunk. It will be observed that, contrary to previous accounts of the rhipidistian exoskeleton (Jarvik, 1948; Andrews and Westoll, 1970), these basal scutes are not part of the fin exoskeleton but are modifications of the squamation of the trunk at their bases. It may be noted also that, although these scutes are close to the cloacal opening, they are not directly associated with it. The distribution and significance of basal scutes is discussed in de- tail by Rackoff (1976). In the midline there are five scales that are clearly distinguishable from the rest of the squamation. There is one very large central scale located in SPECIALIZED SCALES 3 Fig. 1. Megalichthys cf. Macropomus. Pelvic region showing specialized scales around the cloaca. afs = anterior flanking scales; cs = central scale; pfs = posterior flanking scales.) CMNH 8151. x 1.2. Inset shows diagrammatic reconstruction. the ventral midline (Fig. 1, cs) that is apparently modified from a normal member of the ventral scale row of the midline. It bears a prominent antero- posterior ridge along the posterior portion of its exposed surface. Anterior to this scale is a pair of anterior flanking scales (Fig. 1, afs) that are mod- erately enlarged in comparison with adjacent scales and have a modified shape. The posteromedian border of each anterior flanking scale is strongly concave where it overlaps the central scale. Flanking the central scale posteriorly and overlapped by both the central scale and the anterior flank- ing scales is a pair of posterior flanking scales (Fig. 1, pfs). These are elongated scales that reach posteriorly to an extent equivalent to the length of more than two of the normal scales adjacent to them. In the specimen at hand, the right posterior flanking scale is missing, but its presence can easily be inferred from the shape of its complete left partner. The posterior part of the posterolateral border of each posterior flanking scale is concave. These two scales overlap a small median scale that, although it cannot be seen in its entirety, seems unmodified. POSTILLA 170 We interpret these structures as specialized scales surrounding the cloacal aperture which is presumed to lie immediately posterior to the central scale, between it and the unmodified median scale just mentioned. In the specimen of Megalichthys there is no direct evidence of the pres- ence of the cloacal opening. It is fortunate therefore that we are able to confirm our conclusions from a second osteolepid rhipidistian. Sterroptery- gion brandei Thomson is an osteolepid rhipidistian from the Upper De- vonian of Pennsylvania. The single known specimen from the Yale Peabody Museum (YPM 6721) has been described briefly by Thomson (1972) and a fuller description of the fish is now completed (Rackoff, 1976). The squamation in the pelvic region of the specimen of Sterropterygion brandei is quite well preserved, although certain of the most posterior scales are broken into fragments, making their shape difficult to establish. The relevant portion of the pelvic region is shown in Figure 2. The region of the fish bearing the pelvic fins and cloacal structures is exposed from both sides, the inner surface of the specimen having been prepared so as to reveal the pelvic girdle. Between the two halves of the pelvic girdle there is clearly visible a small cylinder of green matrix set off from the general red sand- stone in which the fossil is preserved. It leads directly downwards, and from the other side of the specimen it can be seen to lead to a small opening between the pelvic fins. It is a natural cast of the rectal region of the ali- mentary tract, leading to the cloaca. The position of the cloaca can thus be fixed with certainty. Immediately flanking the cloaca anteriorly are two scales that are con- siderably larger than the other scales in this ventral region. They seem to be homologous with the anterior flanking scales seen in Megalichthys. There is, however, no sign of a central scale or posterior flanking scales in Ster- ropterygion brandei. The modified cloacal scales of both Megalichthys and Sterropterygion are interpreted as being adaptations connected with the reproductive function, but we cannot make any firm conclusions concerning the relationship of the two described patterns, or the apparent absence of such modified scales in other Rhipidistia. Several possible explanations can, however, be explored. First, the absence of specialized scales in the cloacal region of most known osteolepid Rhipidistia may represent a juvenile condition. This is unlikely, we have examined a very broad size range of specimens of the Permian osteolepid Ectosteorhachis nitidus Cope and have found no modified scales even in the largest specimens. Secondly, it is possible that modified scales are characteristic of only one sex. If most known rhipidistians do indeed lack specialized cloacal scales, this would imply a great imbalance in the sex ratio of populations of fossilized fish. However, a third possibility is that modified scales, especially of the weakly modified type seen in S. brandei, are in fact present in many fossil specimens but have been over- looked or have not been generally recognized due to displacement (of the SPECIALIZED SCALES 5 Fig. 2. Sterropterygion brandei Thomson. Pelvic region showing specialize scales to the left of the cloaca, displaced to the left, matching ri missing. pfs = posterior flanking scales. YPM 6721. x 2.0. Inset shows diagra: n matic reconstruction. POSTILLA 170 anterior flanking scales). In that case, it could be possible either that all members of a species may possess modified scales, or that sexual differences in presence and in degree of modification may occur. Fourth, the modified scales reported on here may represent a pathological condition, but we do not think that to be the case. There is thus a great need for reexamination of all taxa of Rhipidistia to see whether modifications of the scale pattern in the cloacal region may in fact be present. We have searched the record of modern fishes for parallels to the develop- ment of modified scales in the cloacal region and have been disappointed to find no analogues that would assist us in the interpretation of the struc- tures described here except possibly that reported by Page (1976) in Percina. In summary, modified scales associated with the cloacal region are de- scribed for the first time in fossil fishes. In two genera of Osteolepidae, modified scales are found that may be interpreted as secondary sexual char- acteristics. The apparent absence of such modified scales from specimens of other fossil taxa is an unsolved puzzle. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to Dr. D. H. Dunkle for the loan of a specimen from the collections of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. Linda Price Thomson prepared the drawings. This study was supported by National Sci- ence Foundation Grants GB 28823 and GB 42726. LITERATURE CITED Andrews, S. M. and T. S. Westoll. 1970. The postcranial skeleton of Eusthenop- teron foordi Whiteaves. Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 68: 207-329. Jarvik, E. 1948. On the morphology and taxonomy of the Middle Devonian osteolepid fishes of Scotland. K. Sven. Vetenskapakad. Handl., Ser. 3, PLA eh UN, Miles, R. S. 1967. Observations on the ptyctodont fish, Rhamphodopsis Watson. J. Linn. Soc. London, Zool. 47: 99-120. Page, L. M. 1976. The modified midventral scales of Percina (Osteichthyes; Percidae). J. Morphol. 148: 255-262. Thomson, K. S. 1972. New evidence on the evolution of the paired fins of Rhipi- distia and the origin of the tetrapod limb, with description of a new genus of Osteolepidae. Postilla (Peabody Mus. Natur. Hist., Yale Univ.), No. eels Thomson, K. S. 1975. The biology of cosmine. Peabody Mus. Natur. Hist., Yale Univ. Bull. 40. 59 p. Unpublished Reference Rackoff, J. S. 1976. The osteology of Sterropterygion (Crossopterygion: Osteole- pidae) and the origin of tetrapod locomotion. Ph. D. dissertation. Yale Univ. REVIEW STYLE FORM TITLE ABSTRACT NOMENCLATURE ILLUSTRATIONS FOOTNOTES TABLES REFERENCES AUTHOR’S COPIES PROOF COPYRIGHT INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS The Publications Committee of the Peabody Museum of Natural History reviews and approves manuscripts for publication. 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