BULLETIN OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOÖLOGY HARVARD COLLEGE, IN CAMBRIDGE. VOL. XXX. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. 1896 -- 1897. Reprinted with the permission of the original publisher KRAUS REPRINT CORPORATION New York 1967 Printed in U.S.A. CONTENTS. No. 1.— The Early Development of Asplanchna Herrickii de Guerne; a con- tribution to Developmental Mechanics. By H. S. Jnnnines. (10 Plates.) October, 1896 . No. 2. — Some Variations in the Genus Eucope. By A. Agassiz and W. M. WoopwonTu. (9 Plates.) November, 1896 No. 3.— Reports on the Results of Dredging in the “Blake” XXXVII. Supplementary Notes on the Crustacea. By W. Faxon. (2 Plates.) No- vember, 1896 No. 4. — On the Colors and Color-patterns of Moths and Butterflies. By A. G MAYR. (10 Plates). February, 1897 No. 5. — The Mesenteries and Siphonoglyphs in Metridium marginatum Milne Edwards. By G. H. Parker. (1 Plate.) March, 1897 . No. 6. — Photomechanieal changes in the Retinal Pigment Cells of Palae- monetes and their relation to the central nervous system. By G. H. PARKER. (1 Plate.) April, 1807 PAGE 119 Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Von. XXX. No. 1. THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF ASPLANCHNA HERRICKII DE GUERNE. A. CONTRIBUTION TO DEVELOPMENTAL MECHANICS. By HERBERT S. JENNINGS. Wırn Ten PLATES. CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A: PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. Ocronxkn, 1896. No. 1.— The Early Development of Asplanchna Herrickii de Guerne. A Contribution to Developmental Mechanics] By HERBERT S. JENNINGS. CONTENTS. PAGR PAGE Introduction . 2| 2. Maturation . » " 19 Part First. Developmental Mechantos . 4| 3. Orientation of the Developing I 1 I. Statement of Problemm 4 biyot Wo 1608 og 14 1. Clea vage boss uw ae eden, eerie en EH 16 A. Direction of Cleavage «is ric Nomenclature . . . + + + 16 (1) Berthold’s principle of least s sur- First Cleavage . « « 18 faces . . 4 Second ‘ Diu DESTIN M (2) Hertwig's lew of the apial in Third: ut 1 ood e o 2M the longest axis of the proto- Fourth“ „ ne mass RR, Bin S 33 (3) Braem's theory of separation in Sixth S . 95 the direction of least resistance 5 Seventh and Later Cleavages 45 (4) Roux's theory of a compromise The Ectoderm. x « + + + 8 between the tendency imma- The Entoderm . » . 54 nent in the nucleus and the III. Discussion of the Bearing of the tendency due to the form of Observations on the Problems . 58 the protoplasmic mass . + 6| 1. Cleavage . » - H onov 88 (5) Heidenhain's problem of a defi- A. Direction of Cleay age 58 nite angle of rotation 6 (1) Berthold's theory of least siii 58 (6) Sachs’s law of the right- Jangted (2) Hertwig's law of the nn in arrangement of cell walls. . 7 the longaxis . i~i 60 (7) Rauber's theory of inter-attrac- (3) Braem's theory of least alben 69 tion of asters . ERA. ° (4) Roux’s theory . . . 70 (8) Braem’s principle of equi re- (5) Heidenhain's problem ot a defi- sistance at the two ends of the nite angle of rotation . . . 72 spindle " 7 (6) Sachs's law of the right-angled B. Equality or Tosanality of Cleav age 7 arrangement of cell walls .. 73 C. Rate of Cleavage . 1 (T) Rauber's theory of the inter- D. Differentiation during Cleav age. 9 attraction of asters . . . . 74 2. Later Developmental Processes . 9 (8) Braem's principle of equal re- II. Descriptive Portion . . 10 sistance at the two ends of the 1. Form and Structure of the E gg . 10 Some « 1 € xoa co Ae 1 Contributions from the Zoölogical Laboratory of the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy at Harvard College, under the direction of E. L. Mark, No. LXX. Contribution No. LXIX., under the direction of E. L. Mark, was published under the following title: “Descriptions of Three Species of Sand Fleas (Amphi- pods) collected at Newport, Rhode Island. By Sylvester D. Judd." Proceed. U. S. Nat. Museum, Vol. XVIII. No. 1084, pp. 593-603, 11 Figures, August [1], 1896. VOL, XXX. — NO. 1. 1 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. PAGE PAGE B. Equality or Inequality of Cleav- 2, Development 89 age Products . . . „ „ 74 = Maturation « e + « 89 C. Rate of Cleavage. . 4 14 3. Cleavage e « v v. 04 D. Differentiations ^ accompanying " Summary on Maturation and Cleavage 6 o e o o T Cleavage in the Rotifera . . 100 2. Gastrulation . © . . . . . . 80 Part Third. Material and Methods. . 101 3. General Considerations . . . 88 General Summary , 106 Part Second. Discussion of Matters A, Observationgs 106 bearing upon the Morphology of B. Conclusions «e s 1 108 the Rotifera . . + . 8T | Literature Cited ^ v. e. 111 1. Previous Knowledge of Asplanchaa Explanation of Plates . .117 Herſekkll 8 INTRODUCTION. Tue following pages contain a study of the early development of an organism, with especial reference to recent theories in regard to the laws of cleavage and the relation of cleavage to morphogenesis. Many theories and so called laws have been set forth concerning tho factors determining the manner and rate of cleavage. These have taken the form chiefly of theories in regard to the causes of the direc- tion of the spindle, of the equality or inequality in size of the products of division, and of the relative rapidity with which the different cleav- age cells divide. Yet few attempts have been made to interpret con- sistently the cleavage of any given organism with relation to any or all of these theories. The sketch of Braem (794) with regard to the Echinoderm egg, and the recent studies of Ziegler ('95) and zur Stras- sen (^96)! on the Nematode egg, are almost the only works that can be cited in which an attempt has been made to show the relation of any theory or theories to the series of normal cleavages in any animal. In other discussions the theories have been based upon experimental evi- dence or upon scattered observations. Yet it is, of course, the normal processes for which explanations are desired ; scattered observations may be adduced for almost any view. It seems of the greatest importance, therefore, to show clearly the exact relation which the theories hitherto proposed have to the actual series of cell divisions in the development of particular organisms. 1 In view of the close similarity of some of my conclusions with some of those in the more recent (96) of two papers by zur Strassen, it may be proper to state that a copy of the present paper, exactly as here published, with the exception of some verbal alterations and the addition of a few references, was deposited with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Harvard University on April 80, 1896, while zur Strassen's (90) paper was not received here till May 13. JENNINGS: DEVELOPMENT OF ASPLANCHNA HERRICKII. 3 Furthermore, there is much discussion of the question as to whether cleavage is a mere quantitative separation of a single mass into smaller masses similar in nature to each other and to the original egg, or whether it is accompanied by a differentiation of the separated blasto- meres, — as a result either of qualitative division or other changes. A third question of theoretical interest, somewhat related to the last, is whether the method of cleavage has a direct mechanical relation to future morphogenetie processes, or whether it is merely the passing of partitions through a mass of protoplasm, the order in which this occurs and the arrangement of the partitions being immaterial. For examplo, Ts gastrulation a process independent of cleavage and merely requiring the latter as a prerequisite, — as the planting of seeds must be preceded by ploughing, — or is gastrulation in some way connected with or depend- ent upon the manner of cleavage? Stated in the most general terms, this is the question: Is cell division a direct morphogenetic factor, or are the real formative processes dependent upon the introduction of other factors after the cleavage is finished ? With these questions in mind, I have studied the development of an organism of the class Rotifera throughout those stages of development in which it is possible to make the cells the units of observation, — that is, through cleavage and gastrulation and somewhat later. Broadly stated, the object of the work may be expressed as the analysis of the early development of an organism into the simplest factors possible. The development of Asplanchna Herrickii has not been studied previ- ously, and in the course of this paper it will be necessary to discuss some matters which are of importance primarily to persons who are engaged particularly with the morphology of the Rotifera, and which are not of especial interest from a morphogenetic standpoint. In order to dis- tinguish these two lines of discussion, I shall divide the work into two main portions. Part First will contain all matters bearing upon devel- opmental mechanics. Here will be found the minute description of the cleavage, gastrulation, and other processes, as well as a discussion of their bearing upon the problems of morphogenesis. Part Second will contain a brief review of previous knowledge of the organism studied, a comparison of the development, 80 far as traced, with the develop- ment of other Rotifera, and a discussion of some of the conditions de- scribed by other authors. These principal parts will be followed by a third, on material, methods, and other subordinate matters, and the whole will be closed by a summary of the more important conclusions arrived at. BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOÖLOGY. PART FIRST.—DEVELOPMENTAL MECHANICS. I. Statement of Problems. We shall deal in the following pages with (1) cleavage, (2) gastrula- tion, and (3) the relation of these to each other. 1. CLEAVAGE. It will be necessary, in studying the cleavage and the factors deter- mining it, to enter into minute details as to the movements of asters, the form and dimensions of cells, and other similar matters; the effort of following this, in itself somewhat laborious, description will be much lightened by holding in mind the problems upon which it bears. I shall therefore give first a statement of the main theories which have been advanced as to the determining factors in cell division. Cell division presents three aspects, in each of which its nature is in some way determined. (A) As to the direction of cleavage : the posi- tion in which the new septum is to appear. Since this bears a definite relation, in general, to the position of the spindle leading to the cleav- age, we may speak of this aspect as the determination of the direction of the spindle. (B) As to the relative size of the two products; whether the division is equal or unequal. (C) As to the relative time of division, or the interval between successive cleavages. Besides these, we have (D) the question of the qualitative nature of cleavage. Are all the cells that are produced of similar structural and material character, or is cleavage accompanied by qualitative differentia- tion of the blastomeres, — either as a result of qualitative karyokinesis or otherwise A. Theories as to the Factors determining the Direction of the Spindle and the Position of the new Cell Wall. The theories as to the factors determining the direction of cleavage are numerous, and have been much discussed of late. General reviews of these theories will be found in Driesch (792, p. 26), Braem (794, p. 340), Ziegler (94, p. 136), and McMurrich ('95). I shall give here as brief and precise a statement of each theory as possible, first in my own words, then, so far as practicable, in a quotation from the author. (1) Berthold’s principle of least surfaces. — Berthold ('86) holds that the form and relative position of cells, and as a consequence their direc- | | JENNINGS: DEVELOPMENT OF ASPLANCHNA HERRIOKII. 5 tion of cleavage, is determined, partially at least, by the same factors which determine the form and relative position of soap bubbles in a mass. As a result of surface tension, the cells take such forms as to occupy the given space with the least possible surface areas. New septa will appear in such positions that their surfaces will be the least possible areas that could divide the cell into parts of the required size. “Die Lamellensysteme ordnen sich so an, die einzelnen Lamellen krümmen sich in der Weise, dass die Summe der Oberflächen aller unter den ge- geben Verhältnissen ein Minimum wird.” (Berthold, '86, pp. 219, 220.) (2) Hertwig’s law of the spindle in the longest axis of the protoplasmic mass. — According to Hertwig’s well known view, as a result of the inter- action of nucleus and protoplasm, the spindle during division comes to lie in such a position that its longitudinal axis coincides with the axis which passes through the greatest protoplasmic mass. “ Es lässt sich hier das zweite allpemeine Gesetz aufstellen, dass die beiden Pole der Theilungsfigur in die Richtung der grössten Protoplasmamassen zu liegen kommen, etwa in derselben Weise, wie die Lage der Pole eines Magneten durch Eisentheile in seiner Umgebung beeinflusst wird.” (Hertwig, ’93, p. 175.) (3) Braem’s theory of separation in the direction of the greatest space ‚for development. — This is a modification of the principle of least pres- sure, first enunciated by Pflüger (84). Since Pflüger's principle, con- sidered from a purely mechanical standpoint, seems irreconcilable with the nature of the material on which it was supposed to act, and since Braem’s view is based on an essentially different conception of the na- ture of the phenomena, I have not thought it necessary to take into direet consideration Pflüger's view. Braem holds that when an egg is subjected to unequal pressure, the spindle places itself in such a position that the resulting products shall have the freest opportunity for development; that is, in the direction of least resistance. The rule is not the expression of a purely mechanical force, but is to a certain extent teleological in character. “Die Spindel eines ungleichem Druck unterliegenden Eies stellt sich in derjenigen Richtung ein, in welcher der räumlichen Entfaltung der Zelle und ihrer Teilprodukte der freieste Spielraum geboten ist. Ich glaube, dass diese Fassung trotz oder vielmehr gerade wegen ihres teleologischen Gehaltes dem Wesen der Sache besser entspricht als die rein mechanische Deu- tung.” (Braem, ’94, pp. 341, 342.) The result is held to be due to a sort of sensory power resident in the egg, “eine Art Tastsinn, durch den es der Zelle möglich wird, sich 6 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOÖLOGY. über ihre unmittelbare Umgebung zu orientieren und demgemiüss ein- zurichten." (p. 342.) (4) Loux’s theory of a compromise between the tendency immanent in the nucleus and the tendency due to the Jorm of the protoplasmic mass. — Roux holds that the spindle places itself in one of the positions of stable equilibrium in relation to the protoplasmic mass, — therefore, at least generally, in the longest axis of the protoplasmic mass, though sometimes at right angles to that axis, the factor that decides which of these positions shall be taken being an immanent tendency in the nu- cleus to divide in a certain direction. “Richtiger ist es zu sagen: Die Kernspindel der Furchungszellen stellt sich in die, resp. in eine Richtung festesten Gleichgewichtes der tractiven Einzelwirkungen der Protoplasmamasse. Diese Richtung entspricht überwiegend häufig annähernd oder ganz der grössten durch den Mittelpunkt der Protoplasmamasse gehenden Dimension. “Diese Richtung des Gleichgewichtes wird aber nicht vollkommen vom Protoplasma allein bestimmt, sondern sie kann, wie ich bereits 1884 und 1885 auf Grund von Experimenten erschlossen habe, von der Lage der immanenten Teilungsrichtung des Kernes zu den Hauptrichtungen des Protoplasmakörpers abhängig sein ; denn ich erhielt bei symmetrisch ge- stalteten ‘linsenformig’ deformirten, mit den grössten Fläche senkrecht stehenden Froscheiern zwei Prädietionsrichtungen der Spindeleinstel- lung: die Richtung der grössten und der kleinsten durch den Massenmit- telpunkt gehenden Dimension, erstere allerdings wieder die überwiegend häufige.” (Roux, ’94, p. 152.) It is to be noted that this theory does not attempt to give any rule by which the position of the spindle is necessarily determined ; the ten- dency of the nucleus is simply “immanent,” and its factors unknown. In addition to these four well characterizod theories, a number of less definite or partial views have been set forth, — some proposing fac- tors which may influence, though not alone determine, the position of the spindle. A number of the more important of these will be mentioned. (5) Heidenhain’s problem of a definite angle of rotation ( Prob- lem der gesetzmässigen Drehungswinkel ). — Heidenhain (94, p. 719) thinks it probable, or at least possible, that careful investigation will show that in a given tissue the position which the spindle takes at the time of division is a result of its rotation through a definite angle, de- terminable for the given tissue, after the first formation of the spindle by the separation of the asters. This Separation of the asters is held | | | JENNINGS: DEVELOPMENT OF ASPLANCHNA HERRICKII. 7 to be at first in a line at right angles to the axis of the preceding spin- dle; then, by a rotation through an angle characteristic for the tissue, the definitive position is reached. The position which the spindle is finally to take is therefore determined at the time the asters separate. “Soweit ich indessen die Lage übersehen kann, ist die schliessliche Stellung der Spindel von dem Moment an fest gegeben, in welchem die Theilung des Muttermikrocentrums stattfand." (Heidenhain, ’95, pp. 555, 556.) (6) Sachs’s view, that the walls separating the cells meet one another at right angles. — This (Sachs, ’78, p. 1070) can hardly be considered as more than a statement of a condition commonly found, Berthold (’86, p. 252) and Hertwig (793, p. 177) have endeavored to show that the condition is explainable as a result of the theories proposed by them. (7) Rauber (83, p. 276) holds that there is evidence that the asters of the different blastomeres exercise an attraction for each other in such a way that, in a given area-composed of a number of cells, the spindles must take such positions as to bring about a condition of equilibrium among the asters. — “ Beurtheilt man die Verschiedenheiten der Furchennetzes von der Stellungen der karyokinetischen Achsen aus, so gewinnt es den Anschein, als ob die neu entstehenden Centren eines Blastomers auf diejenigen der angrenzenden Blastomeren einzuwirken vermógen und die Richtung ihrer Achsen beeinflussen." (Rauber, ’83, p. 280.) (8) Braem’s principle of equal resistance at the two ends of the spindle. — Subordinate to his principle of least resistance, Braem holds that the spindle tends to take such a position that the pressure at the two ends is the same. “Es ist das Prineip des gleichen Widerstandes, wodurch die horizontale Lage der Spindel bedingt wird. Wir müssen annehmen, dass der Kern von vornherein das Bestreben hat, sich gleichmässig nach bei- den Seiten hin auszudehnen und somit auf eine äquale Zellteilung hinzuwirken.“ (Braem, ’94, p. 345.) In the following deseription these theories will be kept in mind, and the bearing of the observations upon them pointed out. It will appear that, for certain of the theories, the conditions in the egg of Asplanchna present crucial tests. B. Equality or Inequality of Cleavage. The second aspect under which cleavage is determined is with regard to the relative size of the two products. What is it that determines whether the division shall be equal or unequal ? Concerning the factors which determine the equality or inequality of 8 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOÖLOGY. cleavage, two theories have been proposed. According to the view which is perhaps that most generally known, the cause of unequal cleavage lies in the relative distribution of yolk material and formative protoplasm. The interaction between nucleus and cell contents, which determines the position of the dividing nucleus, exists only between the nucleus and the formative protoplasm, not between the nucleus and the yolk material. As a consequence of this interaction, the nucleus tends to take a position in the centre of the mass of Jormative proto- plasm. When one region of the cell is composed largely of yolk material, in a mere meshwork of protoplasm, while another region is made up entirely of protoplasm, the dividing nucleus must separate equal masses of formative protoplasm, and thus may divide the entire mass into very unequal parts, —one containing a certain mass of proto- plasm only, the other an equal mass of protoplasm and a large additional mass of yolk material. The theory has recently been formulated by Hertwig as follows : “Die Folge dieser Wechselwirkung aber ist, dass der Kern stets die Mitte seiner Wirkungssphüre einzunehmen sucht.. . . Wechselwirkungen finden zwischen dem Kern und dem Protoplasma, nicht aber zwischen ihm und dem Dottermaterial statt, wolches boi allen Theilungsprocessen sich wie eine passive Masse verhält. Ungleichmässig- keiten in den Protoplasmavertheiluug müssen sich daher auch auf Grund des obigen Satzes in der Lage des Kerns geltend machen, und zwar muss derselbe nach den Orten der grósseren Protoplasmaansammlung hin- rücken." (Hertwig, ’93, pp. 172 and 174.) Braem’s principle of equal resistance at both ends of the spindle is in character related to this view of Hertwig. Besides the effect of it in determining the direction of the spindle, this supposed principle is like- wise of effect in determining the equality or inequality of cleavage, as appears from the quotation from Braem given on page 7. C. Determination of the Time of Division, or the Interval between Successive Cleavages. The same factor which is held to determine the relative size of the cells was also held by Balfour, with whom Hertwig agrees (Hertwig, '93, p. 180), to determine the relative rapidity of cleavage. The greatest interval between successive cleavages is found in cells which contain the greatest amount of yolk relative to the amount of contained protoplasm. “The rapidity with which any part of an ovum segments varies ceteris paribus with the relative amount of protoplasm it contains; and the size of the segments formed varies inversely to the relative amount of the protoplasm.” (Balfour, '80, p. 99.) JENNINGS: DEVELOPMENT OF ASPLANCHNA HERRICKIL 9 D. Differentiation during Oleavage. Besides these questions in regard to the form and rate of cleavage, we have also the question of the qualitative nature of cleavage. ls cleavage merely a quantitative process, or is it accompanied by a differentiation of the separated cells? And if the latter is the case, by what means is this differentiation accomplished ! The view once maintained, that cleavage is entirely unaccompanied by differentiation of the separated cells, may be said to be nearly or entirely given up; the questions which remain relate to the means by which this differentiation is brought about. In regard to this several well defined views exist. 1. Roux holds that the differentiation aecompanying cleavage is a result of qualitative karyokinesis; i.e. at a given cell division the two products receive nuclear material of different nature. 2. Driesch maintains that the differentiation which may accompany cleavage is due to the specific cytoplasmic structure of the egg, different parts of the egg being of different constitution, so that when this differentiated mass is separated into parts, these parts receive different sorts of cytoplasm. That is, the qualitative division is in the cytoplasm, not in the nuclear material. “Ich habe schon oben gesagt, dass ich ein Verschiedenwerden der Furchungszellen während der Furchung gern zugebe, aber hierin nichts anderes als die Folge eines spezifischen Plasmabaus des Eies sehe." — (Driesch, '94, p. 100.) 3. According to Wilson and Hertwig the differentiation accompanying cleavage is duo, largely at least, to the interaction of the blastomeres, after division has taken place. This does not exclude the possibility of the existence at the same time of a qualitative division of the cytoplasm, as stated above (2). 9. LATER DEVELOPMENTAL PROCESSES, With regard to the later developmental processes, it will not be necessary to give here a review of the various factors and theories which have been set forth by different authors. Driesch (94) gives an extended analysis of the morphogenetic process and its factors, and Davenport (95) presents a detailed list of the different processes concerned in development. It is sufficient here to propose a single question : What is the relation of the cleavage process to the secondary morphogenetic processes? Driesch's well known experiments indicate that, in the caso of the sea-urchin, the manner of cleavage is entirely 10 BULLETIN: MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. unimportant for the later morphogenetic processes. Gastrulation, for example, occurs in the same manner, after the most varied and fundamental alterations of the cleavage. Is this a fact which is capable of generalization, — of application to different animals and different methods of gastrulation? Doubtless the only positive answer to this question must come from experimental studies; but a care- ful descriptive analysis of the process in Asplanchna gives results which, if the egg were a mechanism of the ordinary physical sort, would be definite and conclusive. II. Descriptive Portion. 1. Form AND STRUCTURE OF THE ÉGG. The development of the embryo in Asplanchna Herrickii takes place within the body of the mother, the egg lying enclosed in the enlarged oviduct, close to the ovary. The chief axis of the developing embryo bears no relation to the position of surrounding organs of the mother, the egg lying in the oviduct as it might within a protecting sac of any foreign material, its position determined by chance circumstances. In cases where two embryos are present, their axes may make any angle with each other. For study it is necessary to dissect out the eggs.