HARVARD UNIVERSITY Ki) ES) = LIBRARY OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology DEELEFINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY * VOL. XXXVI k 1957-1958 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U S A CONTENTS OF VOLUME ХХХУШ Bulletin No. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. Notes on the Cabo Blaneo Area, Venezuela ру Nornan E. ЗӘР. Variation in American Oligocene Species of Lepidocyelina Ву №. Storrs Cole ...... The Ostracoda of the Yorktown Formation in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia (With notes on the colleetions made by Denise Mongin from the area) By James io МӨ 0. і Stratigraphy of the New Providence Formation (Mississippian) in Jefferson and Bullitt Counties, Kentucky, and fauna of the Coral Ridge member By James E. Conkin ..... Springvaleia, a Late Miocene Xenophora-like Turritellid from Trinidad By W. P. Woodring ........ Names and Variation in Certain Larger Foram- inifera—No. 1 Ву W. 5005 Сое Larger Foraminifera from Carriacou, British West Indies By Wr Store Cole siren sees New Mollusks from Tropical West America БУ eA IV PRIS аен Names of and Variation in Certain American Larger Foraminifera—No. 2 By W. Storrs Cole . The American Species of Asterophyllites, Annularia, and Spenophyllum By Maxine L. Abbott The Geology of Carriacou By Р. М. Martin-Kaye ... Names of and Variation in Certain American Larger Foraminifera, Particularly the Discoeylinids—No. 3 ШОО WW SOL е аин Index . Plates 1- 6 13-16 32-34 35-49 50-53 Pages 52-103 104-157 158-174 175-213 214-233 234-255 256-284 285-390 391-405 406-430 431-448 > MUS. fou Жї] Қр LIBRARY = APR 4 17 | i f HARVARD | | UNIVERSITY | BULLETINS OF "AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL. XXXVIII NUMBER 165 1957 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New. York U. S. A. ; PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1955-56 PRESIDENT lil шымнан далады ЛЫП Moris ны Зо SOLOMON С. ELOUEISTER VICE-PRESIDENT. ....... ..NORMAN Е. WEISBORD SECRETARY-'REASURER КЕВЕССА S) HARRIS DIRECTOR ени KATHERINE |V. W. PALMER COUNSEL А hs ARMAND L, ADAMS Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) W. STORRS COLE (1952-58) RALPH А. LIDDLE (1950-56) WINIFRED GGOLDRING (1955-1961) AXEL A. OLSSON | (Life) КЕВЕССА S. Harris (Life) NORMAN E. Weisporp (1951-57) SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER (1953-59) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY | апа PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA / KATHERINE У, W. PALMER, Editor ГЕМРІ Н. SINCEBAUGH, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER А. MYRA KEEN JAY GLENN MARKS G. WINSTON SINCLAIR Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes ‘available except vols. I-III, V, VI, VIII, X, XII and XIV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontograpliica Americana. Subscription may be entéred at any time by volume or ycar, with, average price of $10.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced «per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax, For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 38 No. 165 NOTES ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE CABO BLANCO AREA, VENEZUELA By Norman Е. Weisbord Research Associate in Geology The Florida State University March 15, 1957 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. |APR 4 1957 p.50 BUARSITY Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 57-501 Printed in the United States of America TABLE OF CONTENTS О о a paa 5 Е A oe, EE 6 Topography NGL CAIDA UE ооо ec 7 Stratigraphy er аға M Ue 8 Cabo Blanco group .............. cu um NM E ee ee 8 АЗ нт тз ч e E D уы 0. 8 АС Т М1. a, 8 ШОК UNO: оол олым оез у тз» P d o 9 ЫШТ б cmd le e EU ETT та ОША ШО РОЛ ШЕ О Age and correlation ....... A к е, 10 БУ АЙЧ О ОН а эы Mame 11 CHEN ie erp eae a hee tute GRE AST 11 О оо hid rd Cro d d 11 EOS ee ae 16 VEREIN о a a Туре ааа о Но ra en Da e ce e не ое 18 НС det А ne een 18 НЕШЕ... 0 nee 5219 ABSTAND ТЫ” A а E I Me eee 20 a nn en mant oM бозу ee erp 20 ЮСТА TORUS oc 0. 220 21 АЕ MM tus. N. ue MESE EN CHORI oO SR TAG eU ver Le cO AB нкү cop O 22 Canne лор adm en UI Mr Am WHITE EM 22 EMO ОЕ 24 КЕГШ ДИ Мы ое NOTES ON THE GEOLOGY ОЕ THE CABO BLANCO AREA, VENEZUELA NORMAN Е. WEISBORD Research Associate in Geology The Florida State University ABSTRACT This paper describes the Tertiary and Quaternary sediments of the Cabo Blanco area and discusses briefly their structural involvement and geologic history. Two new names, Catia and Maiquetía, are proposed as members or facies differ- entiates of the Playa Grande formation, and a new formation name, the Abisinia, 1$ proposed for Quaternary deposits immediately pre-dating the Recent ones. INTRODUCTION Cabo Blanco is a small, low-lying cape fronting the Caribbean Sea 15 kilometers (9 miles) northwest of Caracas, Venezuela. Just south of the cape, and extending parallel with the shore in an east-west direction, аге а series of hills composed of Tertiary and Quaternary sediments to Which the name Cabo Blanco was first applied by Humboldt in 1801 and which are still so designated (under the classification of group) by Present-day geologists. The oldest formation of the group is not fos- Siliferous but several of the younger formations are, and some of the fossils contained in one or another of the younger formations have been Mentioned or described by a number of writers ever since the publication of Humboldt's "Relation historique du voyages aux régions equinoxi- ales du Nouveau Continent" in 1814-1825. It seems, however, that the fossils from a particular locality or formation have been determined as Опе age by some authors and a different one by others, whereas converse- ly, an identical age has been assigned in some instances to formations oc- Cupying widely different positions in the stratigraphic column. Geolo- gists in Venezuela have long been aware of these conflicting interpre- tations. As a preliminary step in resolving the problems, the Cabo Blanco area was mapped in 1947-1948 by Gabriel Dengo (1953) and then in more detail in 1954 by professors and students of the Department of Geology and Mines, Central University of Venezuela. The results 6 BULLETIN 165 of the latter work are contained in a student thesis, parts of which have been summarized in the “Léxico Estratigráfico de Venezuela” (1956) by Prof. Royo y Gómez (Cuaternario en Venezuela, p. 199-209) and Prof. Frances de Rivero (Cabo Blanco, Grupo, p. 116-121). A geologic and topographic contour тар", scale 1:5,000, accompanies the thests, and it is that informative map, revised to accord with this writer's ob- servations, which appears in the present paper. Since the whole of the area shown was surveyed by the writer with pace and compass only, the planimetry of the map presented is of limited accuracy even though all traverses were adjusted to certain points previously established on the thesis map. In 1955 and 1956, the writer spent a number of weekends mapping the geology of the Cabo Blanco area, and in this paper the results of the investigation are discussed. My remarks are based on independent field work, but I have been guided by the contributions of my predecessors, especially those affiliated with the Central University of Venezuela, who are to be commended for doing a job that had to be done and in doing it well. I also wish to thank the Socony Mobil Oil Company de Vene- zuela for permission to publish this article. GENERAL REMARKS The area discussed in this paper lies north and west of the Mai- quetía airfield which is 19 kilometers (11.5 miles) by road from the out- skirts of Caracas. South of the airfield is the Cordillera de La Costa, or Venezuelan Coast Range, which is composed for the most part of met- amorphic rocks and attains a maximum elevation at Pico Naiguatá of 2,765 meters (9,072 feet). Аз shown on the geologic map by Dengo (1953), the seaward flank of the metamorphics is fringed by Tertiary and Quaternary deposits, and these comprise the terrain around Cabo Blanco from which locality they extend westward toward Catia La Mar, and eastward toward Maiquetía. The maximum width of this belt is only 2.4 kilometers, but this small area cradles such a wealth of geologic phe- nomena that it may harbor the key for unraveling the late Cenozoic his- tory of northern Venezuela. For example, the attitudes of the strata and Мара Geolögico-Topogräfico del Area de Cabo Blanco, 1954. The authors’ names appearing on the map are: A. Alarcon, C. Alcantara, P. Gamboa Bauza, A. Menendez, J. V. Solis, and M. Tello Campodonico. GEOLOGY CABO BLANCO, VENEZUELA: WEISBORD 7 the unconformities between formations suggest several periods of move- ment and erosion since mid-Tertiary time, while the character of the sedi- ments indicates deposition in nonmarine, paralic, and marine environ- ments during the intervals of their accumulation. The ages of the forma- tions should eventually be determinable from a study of the fossils (now being undertaken by the writer), and the chronology of tectonic events should be deducible from a detailed investigation of the folds and faults. The faults noted seem to be of a normal, reverse, and strike-slip variety, and the latest of them may well have developed in Quaternary time, Finally, the slightly inclined terraces at successively lower levels document the process of marine abrasion and of differential uplift or eustatic change during Pleistocene and Recent times. TOPOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE Topographically, the most dominant features of the Cabo Blanco arca are the hills paralleling the coast and the terraces at Playa Grande and the Maiquetía airfield. ‘The Maiquetía airfield, at an elevation of some 35 meters (115 feet)?, is built on a plain composed of outwash from the mountains. As pointed out by Royo y Gómez (1956, p. 200), the plain seems to have originated through aggradation of the piedmont and by scour and fill of the sea before the terraced surface attained its present elevation. A higher and somewhat older terrace is present at the village of Playa Grande. At the east end of the village, the terrace surface has an elevation of about 62 meters (203 feet), and the red, sandy and gravelly clay composing the terrace contains occasional large corals and some small gastropods which resemble those inhabiting the Strand today. Thus, the Playa Grande terrace is of marine origin and was probably developed in the Pleistocene. Still older but smaller ter- Faces are present at levels between 80 and 110 meters (262 and 361 feet) south and east of Playa Grande, while the oldest and highest terrace may be represented by the small gravelled surface 135 meters (443 feet) above sea level on which the Cabo Blanco lighthouse is situated. The youngest marine terraces are displayed along the present seashore. The Coast road here and there follows an elevated beach some 3 to 5 meters above sea level, while the lowest and most recent bench is just awash of 2All elevations mentioned are from the Mapa Geológico-Topográfico del Area de Cabo Blanco, 1954. BULLETIN 165 high tide. This bench consists of conglomerates (containing occasional Recent shells) and is being formed through the cementation of present- day beach debris, The largest stream in the Cabo Blanco area is Quebrada Las Pailas, the headwaters of which are in the Coast Range 4.5 kilometers due south of Cabo Blanco. The quebrada is generally dry except during heavy rains. А narrow watershed separates Quebrada Las Pailas from the coast, and the highest point of this drainage divide is occupied by the Cabo Blanco lighthouse at an elevation of approximately 135 meters. The short streams flowing north to the sea, and south to Quebrada Las Pailas, have steep gradients. The channels are usually dry, but when it rains torrentially, as it does occasionally in the wet season, run-off is rapid, and a considerable amount of sand and gravel is washed down them. STRATIGRAPHY CABO BLANCO GROUP Except for Recent deposits, the entire group of sediments lying north of the Coast Range metamorphics in this area has long been re- ferred to as Cabo Blanco, and this name is retained even though a mid- Tertiary to Quaternary time span is involved. The Cabo Blanco group is made up of a heterogeneous array of strata which from bottom to top are divided into the following units: Las Pailas formation Playa Grande formation Mate formation Abisinia formation. LAS PAILAS FORMATION ТҮРЕ LOCALITY The Las Pailas formation outcrops on both sides of the watershed between Quebrada Las Pailas and the coast. The type section is exposed along the coastal side of the watershed and extends from the mouth of Quebrada Las Pailas westward for a distance of 2.6 kilometers. The for- mation was first described by Frances de Rivero (1956). GEOLOGY CABO BLANCO, VENEZUELA: WEISBORD 9 DESCRIPTION The outstanding characteristic of the Las Pailas formation is the light gray color of the coarser clastics which are present throughout the section but more abundantly so in the upper part of it. The succession of strata within the Las Pailas formation is conform- able from bottom to top. Тһе lower half of the formation consists of mudstones, siltstones, and fine sandstones, interbedded with occasional coarse sandstones and conglomerates. The upper half of the formation Consists largely of conglomerates and coarse sandstones with occasional intervals of the same type of fine-grained sediments that make up the lower half of the formation. At whatever position they occur, the siltstones and fine sandstones of the Las Pailas formation аге soft, gray to tan in color, and generally highly micaceous. These fine sediments may occur in well-defined beds, they may be intermingled with coarser material, or they may be homo- geneous and massive. Parting planes of the siltstones are often coated with a soft, soapy textured mudstone which is also found interbedded Or interlaminated with the fine sandstones. At W-9, the siltstone con- tains peatlike plant fibers, and at several localities, it contains irregular nodules, some three centimeters or so in diameter, of fine-grained, indur- ated sandstone, Іп some places, there are soft, gray sandstones dis- seminated with rusty brown particles. The mudstones of the Las Pailas formation are also distributed throughout the entire Las Pailas section but are thinner and not so abundant as the siltstones. The mudstones are soft to moderately com- Pact, are either dull gray or chocolate brown in color, and are often soapy textured or glazed in appearance. ‘They usually occur interbedded or in- termingled with the siltstones or fine sandstones but are sometimes in- tercalated with coarser sediments. Near the headwaters of the two Streams 900 meters and 1,300 meters southwest of the lighthouse, there are several feet of pure mudstone at the top of the Las Pailas section Where they immediately and unconformably underlie the basal conglom- Crates of the Playa Grande formation. Elsewhere, the mudstones often Contain nests of light gray silt and sand, just as the siltstones and sand- Stones contain pockets of the greasy mudstone. The coarser clastics of the Las Pailas formation consist of granular sandstones and conglomerates. ‘These are rather poorly cemented and BULLETIN 165 are generally light gray in tone although there 1$ a zone some 700 meters long and 20 meters wide just north of and paralleling the fault between section lines C-C’ and D-D’ where the conglomerates are brown іп color. The Las Pailas conglomerates are composed of subangular to subrounded granules, pebbles, and cobbles embedded in a coarse, somewhat friable sandstone which may contain a little disseminated gypsum. The larger constituents of the conglomerates are mainly quartz, gneiss, and schist, and these were in all probability originally derived from the Coast Range whose present foothills lie a short distance south of the Maiquetia airfield. The quartz is usually milky white but some of it is smoky blue. The gneiss is light-colored and streaked with black femic min- erals, and the schists are green and black and often highly micaceous. Although the coarse clastics of the Las Pailas formation exhibit a little lenticularity and cross-bedding, individual beds are generally evenly disposed and separated by clean-cut parting planes. THICKNESS Along section line C-C’, where the Las Pailas formation is exposed at the shore and extends southward to the Bruscas fault, the thickness of the Las Pailas section is 375 meters (1,230 feet). The maximum thickness of the formation is undoubtedly greater than this and depends in part on how far out to sea the south-dipping beds extend. STRATIGRAPHIC BOUNDARIES The base of the Las Pailas formation has not been observed, and its relationship to the rocks immediately underlying it is not known. On the other hand, uplift and erosion of the Las Pailas prior to the deposi- tion of the overlying Playa Grande formation has resulted їп a marked angular unconformity between the two formations, with a difference in dip between them of as much as 40 degrees. In mapping, this uncon- formity is considered the upper boundary of the Las Pailas formation. AGE AND CORRELATION The Las Pailas formation is devoid of shelly organisms although it does contain a little vegetable material, The formation is probably of continental origin and may have been laid down in a fresh-water or brackish water lagoon. The conglomerates contain reworked rocks which are the same as those composing the nearby Venezuelan Coast GEOLOGY CABO BLANCO, VENEZUELA: WEISBORD 11 Range, and it is inferred that the Las Pailas material was derived from this range, if not in the immediately preceding cycle, then from a forma- tion which itself was made up of debris from the then existing moun- tains, The absence of determinable fossils precludes a definite age assign- ment for the Las Pailas formation. However, its position below upper Tertiary beds, and its resemblance to certain formations whose age has been bracketed elsewhere in Venezuela, suggest that this formation was laid down in mid-Tertiary time. PLAYA GRANDE FORMATION OCCURRENCE The Playa Grande formation was first described by Frances de Rivero (1956). It takes its name from the village of Playa Grande Where part of the formation forms the slopes below the terrace on which the village is situated. From Playa Grande, the formation extends west- ward to the beach resort of Catia La Mar. East of Playa Grande, it is Exposed along the upper part of the lighthouse scarp and in the low hills just north of the Maiquetía airfield, DESCRIPTION The Playa Grande formation consists of a variegated assemblage ОҒ rocks and starts at the base with a brown conglomerate. The type locality of this basal conglomerate is the scarp below the lighthouse where it attains its maximum thickness of about 65 feet. In the western Part of the area, it occurs as a ribbon along the northern and upper flank of the coastal scarp and, near the Costa fault, it is only a foot or two in thickness. Тһе deposit is a lenticular body lying with pronounced angular unconformity on the Las Pailas formation but in general con- formability with overlying members of the Playa Grande formation. The Conglomerate is composed mainly of quartz, gneiss, and mica Schist in gtanule to boulder dimensions. The quartz is white to yel- lowish brown, and some of the schist pebbles are flattened as they may be elsewhere throughout the Playa Grande formation. Near the head- waters of the gully 70 meters west of the lighthouse, a large block of Stay, banded sandstone lies erratically within the conglomerate, and Inasmuch as this sandstone, as well as some of the other fragmental BULLETIN 165 material, is identical with that in the Las Pailas formation, there is little doubt that some of the constituents of the basal conglomerate have been reworked from the Las Pailas formation. ‘The conglomerate 1s haphazardly sorted, poorly cemented, and nonfossiliferous. It marks the base of the Playa Grande formation, but in view of the lenticular nature of the Playa Grande deposits, it is probable that the conglomerate as such is not always present at this position. Since there is no connecting stratigraphic sequence between the Playa Grande formation in the northern part of the Cabo Blanco atea and that of the south, it may be appropriate to divide the Playa Grande formation into two members for which the names Catia and Maiquetia are proposed, The Catia member, which is much the thicker of the two, is exposed north of the Bruscas fault, whereas the Maiquetía member 18 exposed south of the fault and extends from the vicinity of Abisinia westward along the north edge of the Maiquetía airfield, The Maiquetia facies with its characteristic dull gray rocks has not been observed north of the Bruscas fault although south of the fault the Maiquetia member is interfingered with certain sediments that are lithologically identical with those of the Catia member. However, since the Catia beds immediately overlie the basal conglomerate of the Playa Grande for- mation, they are believed to occupy the lower part of the formation, whereas the Maiquetia beds which unconformably underlie the Mare formation are presumed to occupy the upper part of the Playa Grande formation. Nevertheless, nowhere is there a continuous section across the grain of the Playa Grande formation, and the relationship of the two members as given above is suggestive rather than definitive. The thickest development of the Catia member is on the Litoral anticline near the village of Playa Grande and along the scarp south of the coast road leading to Catia La Mar. Here and elsewhere, the Catia member consists mainly of siltstones, sandstones, and conglomerates which are interbedded with a number of coquinas, an occasional mud- stone, and sporadic limestones. Macroscopic and microscopic fossils are generally present in greater or less abundance throughout the Catia member, and many of the rocks are calcareous. The siltstones of the Catia member are usually massive but in places they are poorly bedded. The massive variety has a yellowish tan appear- ance, and this color is distinctive of the member particularly at Playa Grande where the formation is exposed in new road cuts. The bedded GEOLOGY CABO BLANCO, VENEZUELA: WEISBORD 13 variety, on the other hand, is generally gray to tan in aspect. The silt- Stones are soft or hard, the former often grading irregularly into hard, fine-grained sandstones which are both calcareous and gypsiferous, and produce the knobby surface so characteristic of certain beds throughout the Playa Grande formation. Another feature of the siltstone-sand- stone deposits is the occurrence, normal to the bedding, of long, roughly cylindrical sandstone bodies as much as four centimeters in diameter. The branching nature of some of these casts and the tapering conical form of others lead the writer to surmise that they are the fillings of plant stems, perhaps of mangrove. Although many of the sandstones of the Catia member are massive, fine-to-medium-grained, and calcareous or gypsiferous or both, a few of them are hard, flaggy, and sparkling, while others are coarse-grained to Conglomeratic. Fossils are rare or absent in the more siliceous sand- stones but are present in the calcareous ones. The conglomerates of the Catia member are of two types. One ts Poorly consolidated but well sorted, and contains rounded cobbles and boulders of metamorphic rocks in a coarse earthy matrix. The other Variety is a heterogeneous one containing large and small fragments of gneiss, schist, and quartz, and rough, irregular chunks of coarse sand- Stone. "These latter conglomerates are thicker and more extensive than the well-sorted variety but both of them may be overlain or underlain by Siltstones, sandstones, or shell beds, The shell beds occur at various levels within the Catia member, and in places the fossils are so abundant that they form impure coquinas. Examples of these are at W-21 and W-22, and the Ostrea bed east of W-22. The Ostrea bed is about 6 feet thick and directly overlies a well-sorted boulder conglomerate. Other coquinas composed largely of the barnacle Balanus are present in the scarp east of the Costa fault where they lie a short distance above the basal conglomerate of the Playa Grande formation. However, a similar barnacle coquina is present in the Maiquetía member in the scarp Southwest of W-1 1, and this bed could be much higher in the Playa Grande section than the foregoing. The total thickness of the Catia member of the Playa Grande for- Mation is not known. On the Litoral anticline, the thickness from the Costa fault to the contact with the Abisinia formation is 525 feet, and from the Costa fault to the west end of section line F-F’, it is 770 feet. These are believed to be minimum thicknesses. BULLETIN 165 The Maiquetía member as defined їп this paper refers to the assemblage of shales, siltstones, sandstones, and conglomerates outcrop- ping north and west of the Maiquetía airfield and lying unconformably below the Mare formation. The rocks are generally drab gray and dull tan in color, and produce a rather cheerless looking terrain. Associated with these rocks, however, are lighter colored sediments similar to those of the Catia facies. The easternmost outcrop of the Maiquetía member is near Abisinta at W-25 where it projects through talus on the south flank of the Punta Gorda anticline and unconformably underlies boulder gravels of the Abisinia formation. From this unconformity downward, the Maiquetía member is composed of the following strata: Feet Description E Cobble conglomerate ; matrix of coarse earthy sand. 2 Dull tan, fine-grained sandstone. 5 Lenticular pebble conglomerate with dull tan to drab gray, fine-grained sandstone. 3 Drab gray and tan, fine-grained sandstone. 1 Blue-black, gritty siltstone grading down to pebble conglom- erate. 10 Yellow-tan, fine-grained sandstone interbedded with pebble conglomerate; gray, soapy textured mudstone; tan, finely micaceous siltstone; and drab gray siltstone. 5 ‘Talus, At W-23 on the north flank of the Punta Gorda anticline, the Maiquetia member is unconformably overlain by three feet or so of fossiliferous Mare sandstone which in turn is capped disconformably by 15 feet of Abisinia gravels. From the unconformity at the base of the Mare wedge, the Maiquetía member consists at the top of about 20 feet of boulder to pebble conglomerates whose contained fragments аге larger above than they are below. ‘The rocks which make up this conglo- merate аге mostly greenstones, gneiss, mica schist, graphite schist, and garnetiferous schist, together with a little quartz. Below this poorly sorted conglomerate is a one-foot bed of evenly sorted, flattened, and elongated cobbles resting directly on a 7-foot reef composed of Litho- thamnium which is garnished with a fair assortment of mollusks. Under GEOLOGY CABO BLANCO, VENEZUELA: WEISBORD 15 the reef is another heterogeneous conglomerate some two feet thick down to the bottom of the outcrop at road level. The Lithothamnium reef is exposed along the south side of the coast road for a distance of 150 meters and is the largest of such reefs observed in the Cabo Blanco area, Somewhat farther west, and along the same general strike, there are other outcrops of Lithothamnium-bearing strata, and these seem to be Stratigraphically close to the reef described above. In Quebrada Mare Abajo and on the lower slopes of the hills adjoining it, the Maiquetia member is made up of soft, dull gray and dull brown clay shales interbedded with, or grading into, dull gray 8ypsiferous siltstones and sandstones, and interlensed with dull-toned argillaceous grits and rather loosely cemented pebble conglomerates. Near W-1 2, the clay shales are encrusted with a rusty yellow substance which is believed to be the mineral jarosite and, in the small tributary Cast of W-12, the grits contain platy selenite layers a few millimeters іп thickness. The pebbles of the conglomerates consist mainly, as they do in both older and younger conglomerates of the Cabo Blanco area, of &ray-black mica schist, olive-green schist, white quartz, gneiss, and other Metamorphic rocks. The schist pebbles are the most abundant, and many of them are flattish, smooth, and rounded at the edges. It is estimated that the thickness of the Maiquetía member at Quebrada Mare Abajo is 100 feet. At the south, the Maiquetía member is directly оуег- lain, with angular unconformity, by the basal fossiliferous grits of the Mare formation, Downdip and to the north, the Maiquetía member 15 blanketed with Quaternary sediments beneath which there may be another 100 feet or more of Maiquetía sediments lying above the Exposed 100 feet. The thickness of the Maiquetia section below the lowest exposed bed is not known. Approximately 280 meters west of Quebrada Mare Abajo, Mai- quetia strata reappear in the bed of a small stream where they are again unconformably overlain by basal fossiliferous grits of the Mare forma- tion. Here, the average dip of the Maiquetia beds is 30 degrees north (as contrasted with four degrees north of the Mare grits), and it is estimated that the exposed Maiquetía section is about 85 feet thick, In this Stream, the Maiquetía member is made up of alternating pebble Conglomerates and gray to chocolate brown siltstones overlain by soft Marly sands, ‘The matrix of the conglomerates is a coarse, friable Sandstone in which are embedded flattened pebbles of schist, subangular BULLETIN 165 to subrounded pebbles of white quartz, and minor amounts of gneiss. The siltstones are soft and drab gray to chocolate brown in color, and contain, in one place or another, thin shale partings with nests of ashy gray silty sand, and lamellae of decayed vegetable material. The silt- stones here are reminiscent of those in the upper part of the Las Pailas formation at W-9. A partial but continuous section of the Maiquetia member is ex- posed in the stream-cut scarp 50 meters southwest of Well, At this locality, the lower 50 feet consist of drab gray and dull brown granule, pebble, and cobble conglomerates with some dark gray clay shales and silty shales at the base. The top of this sequence is conformably over- lain by a coquina-like bed containing many barnacles, and this in turn is overlain by marly sandstones and knobby calcareous sandstones which are identical with such sandstones in the Catia member north of the Bruscas fault. Similar calcareous sandstones underlie the conglomerates and are exposed on both flanks of the Maiquetia anticline. Maiquetia beds, some of them steep, are also exposed in Quebrada Las Pailas just west of the Maiquetia airfield. Here, there are at least two separate Lithothamnium banks interbedded with selenite-bearing gray sandstones, bleached gypsiferous clays, micaceous sandstones, peb- ble conglomerates, and massive gray mudstone containing nodules of hard white chalk. FOSSILS Macroscopic and microscopic fossils are present throughout the Playa Grande formation, and these indicate that the beds were laid down in shallow marine waters. One of the most interesting of the fossil occurrences is the calcareous alga Lithothamnium. ‘This occurs in both the Catia and Maiquetia facies but has been observed more fre- quently in the latter. The largest Lithothamnium teef observed is at Punta Gorda (W-23) and consists of pinkish, subovate colonies of algae averaging about four centimeters or so in diameter. On top of the reef, and associated with it, are a number of mollusks of which Oliva, Venericardia, Glycymeris, and a beautifully ornate Codakia have been identified. Along the scarp west and east of W-15 at Playa Grande, and particularly in the gully west of W-15 is Pecten arnoldi Aguerrevere which is the largest and most robust of the bivalves collected in the GEOLOGY CABO BLANCO, VENEZUELA: WEISBORD 17 Playa Grande formation. At W-1 5, the following Foraminifera have been recognized: Textularia, Liebusella, Quinqueloculina, Pyrgo, Robu- lus, Marginulina, Saracenaria, Lagena, Nonion-Nonionella, Elphidium, Buliminella, Bulimina, Virgulina, Bolivina, Uvigerina, Reusella/Tri- Jarina, Discorbis, Eponides, Rotalia, Siphonina, Amphistegina, Cassi- dulina, Globigerina, Orbulina, Globorotalia, Cibicides, and Planulina. With these Foraminifera occur some ostracods. At W-21 are the mangrove (?) casts mentioned earlier, and these are immediately underlain by strata containing many specimens of Ostrea cf. haitensis Sowerby. Farther east, at W-22, and stratigraphi- cally lower than the foregoing, is another fossil bed which is filled with Ostrea cf. haitensis, Spondylus, Pecten, and Balanus, as well as an Occasional thick-shelled Chama. ‘The Ostrea bed east of W-22, whose trace is shown on the geologic map, is а near-coquina and lies about 60 feet stratigraphically lower than the W-22 bed. : Coquinas consisting principally of the barnacle Balanus are present In discontinuous reefs in the scarp east of the Costa fault. These may be as much as four feet thick and have been observed in an interval 20 to 60 feet above the basal conglomerate of the Playa Grande formation, Another Balanus bed, a foot or so thick, outcrops in the cliff 50 meters Southwest of W-11 (Cross Section В-В-В”), but its position with reference to the basal conglomerate is not known, It may be consider- ably higher stratigraphically than the ones referred to above. At W-4 in the south bank of Quebrada Las Pailas, and at stream level, is a dark blue, slightly gritty mudstone overlain by soft, tan silt- stones which contain, among other fossils, Dosinia, Venericardia, Conus, Architectonica, and Turritella, The same species of Turritella (often to the exclusion of all other shells) occurs in many localities around W-4, and although some of these Turritellas are from the same horizon, others of the same species аге from different horizons within the Playa Grande formation of this area. AGE Many of the fossils in the Playa Grande formation closely resemble those of the overlying Mare formation although there аге some which Seem to be restricted to one or the other of these formations. A careful study will be required to establish the age of the Playa Grande formation, but the Writer tentatively considers it to be Miocene-Pliocene. BULLETIN 165 MARE FORMATION TYPE LOCALITY The type locality of the Mare formation is the area adjacent to Quebrada Mare Abajo where it constitutes part of the hills overlooking this small stream. From the Mare Abajo drainage system, the formation extends along the edge of the Maiquetía airfield and continues north- westward for a distance of 500 meters. Here it disappears, as it does east of Quebrada Mare Abajo, under a mantle of younger debris, although farther east small wedges of the formation are exposed south of the village of Mare Abajo and on the south flank of the Punta Gorda anticline. The Mare formation was first described by Frances de Rivero in the “Léxico Estratigráfico de Venezuela” (1956). DESCRIPTION The Mare formation is a shallow-water marine deposit. It is about 40 feet thick at the type locality but attains a maximum thickness of per- haps 60 feet elsewhere. The lower 10 to 15 feet are made up of іпсо- herent grits and sands containing many well-preserved fossils. This lower member starts as a pebble to granule gravel or "grit" (with occa- sional stringers of cobbles) and grades upward to a sand of decreasing coarseness. ‘The upper 30 feet ог so of the Mare formation consist of tan, homogenous, and slightly compacted silts of a fine and even texture. These silts conformably overlie the coarser sediments at the base of the Mare formation, but the contact between them is usually rather sharp. Like the grits, the silts of the Mare formation are also highly fossili- ferous, albeit more so below than above, and, at the top of the formation, the silts may be barren of visible fossils. STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS By definition, the fossiliferous grit represents the base of the Mare formation, and this lies unconformably on one member or another of the Playa Grande formation. At the type locality, where the Mare for- mation is in contact with the Maiquetía beds, the unconformity is markedly angular. With respect to its upper boundary, the Mare forma- tion is overlain disconformably by nearly horizontal deposits of the Abisinia formation. Near the edge of the Maiquetia airfield where the GEOLOGY CABO BLANCO, VENEZUELA: WEISBORD 19 Mare and overlying Abisinia formations are in contact, the Mare beds ate also nearly flat although northward therefrom they dip locally to the north, FOSSILS A distinguishing feature of the Mare formation is its many well- Preserved shells. One of the most striking of these is the bivalve Macrocallista maculata (Linné) which occurs abundantly in the silts Just above the contact with the lower grits, but is rare, if not absent, in the grits themselves. Other mollusks, however, are present in both the silts and the grits, and some of these are Architectonica, Conus, Oliva, Terebra, Marginella, Distorsio cf. clathratus (Lamarck), Glycymeris, and Trigoniocardia. Additional to the mollusks, the Mare formation contains corals, isolated spheres of Lithothamnium, echinoids, Bryozoa, and barnacles as well as many Foraminifera and some ostracods. Тһе Foraminifera identified from samples W-13 and W-14 are given in the following list. W/-13 refers to genera found in the grit, and W-14 to those in the silt. All others, and these are in the majority, occur in both members: Cornuspira (W-14), Textularia, Quinqueloculina, Spirolo- culina, (2) Triloculina (W-13), Pyrgo (W-14), Lagena, Nonion-No- nionella, Elphidium, Buliminella, Bulimina, Bolivina, Uvigerina, Vir- gulina (W-14), Angulogerina (W-13), Reusella (W-14), Discorbis, Pulvinulinella, Siphonina (W-13), Amphistegina, Cassidulina, Glo- borotalia, Cibicides (W-13), Cibicidella (W-13), Cibicidina (W-14), and Anomaling (W-14). In comparing the faunas of the Mare formation with those of the Playa Grande, the similarity of many of the fossils as contrasted with the relatively few restricted ones, is notable. This might indicate that the two formations are not so widely separated in geologic time as the Angular unconformity suggests. AGE AND CORRELATION Although the presence of fossils in the Mare formation has been Noted in several papers as far back as 1887 (Lorié), and as recently as 1956 (Frances de Rivero), the results of a comprehensive study of the larger forms have not yet beeen published. So far as this writer can determine, the Mare formation as defined and limited in the present Paper has been called middle Miocene, Miocene-Pliocene, Pleistocene, or BULLETIN 165 Quaternary. At one time, Wendell Р. Woodring (in Kehrer, 1939) was of the opinion that a collection of fossils from Cabo Blanco, which he examined for the Caribbean Petroleum Company, was middle Mio- cene in age. In his discussion, he stated that Macrocallista maculata is the most abundant species in the collection, and I feel reasonably certain that the formation he referred to is the Mare. In a later paper (1954), Woodring wrote that the lower Pliocene of Venezuela is represented by the Cabo Blanco formation, but I do not know if Woodring’s Cabo Blanco formation included several units of Cabo Blanco group as des- cribed herein or referred specifically to the Mare formation. Frances de Rivero (1956) suggested “that the Mare is probably Pleistocene, although the presence of the gastropod Strombina may indicate an older age”. The age of the Mare formation cannot yet be precisely established, although an integrated study of the many different fossils should be productive of significant results. Іп the meanwhile, the writer is іп- clined to consider the Mare formation as Pliocene in age, and that it was deposited at about the same time as the Punta Gavilan formation at Punta Gavilan in the State of Falcon, Venezuela (Suter, 1937). ABISINIA FORMATION OCCURRENCE This formation is named after the small settlement of Abisinia? which lies along the east foot of the Maiquetía airfield. ‘The formation underlies the airfield and forms many of the terraces in the Cabo Blanco atea. DESCRIPTION The Abisinia formation, as introduced and here defined, consists of clays, silts, sands, and gravels which post-date the Mare formation and pre-date Recent sedimentation. The clays and silts are reddish in the western part of the Cabo Blanco area, and are gray to mottled gray and tan as well as highly micaceous in the east. The sands are fine to coarse and are reddish brown or brown in'color. ‘The gravels are made up of quartz, sandstone, schist, greenstone, gneiss, and miscellaneous metamorphics in a matrix of sand, Razed in 1956 for new constructions. GEOLOGY CABO BLANCO, VENEZUELA: WEISBORD 21 and the constituents are of pebble to boulder size. The coarser gravels are generally more heterogeneous than the finer ones which in places ate nearly exclusively quartz-bearing. Schist cobbles are often flattened like those in the older Playa Grande conglomerates, The thickness of the Abisinia formation probably does not exceed 40 feet, STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS The Abisinia formation is conformable to disconformable with the underlying Mare formation, At W-25, near the northeast corner of the Maiquetia airfield, boulder gravels of the Abisinia formation discon- formably overlie a thin wedge of the Mare formation, and where the latter is absent, they overlie folded Playa Grande beds with angular unconformity. South of Quebrada Mare Abajo, highly micaceous clays of the Abisinia formation seem to be nearly conformable with the light tan silts of the Mare formation, and in this area, the contact between the two formations is difficult to establish. At the east end of the village of Playa Grande near W-30, the base of the Abisinia formation is a horizontally disposed red, pebbly sand, and this overlies a low-dipping Marl of the Playa Grande formation. There is an irregular contact between the two formations, and this indicates a period of erosion prior © the accumulation of the Abisinia deposit. At W-30, the two forma- tions contain fossils, the Playa Grande with some cemented with the Marl, the Abisinia with an occasional large, red-stained coral head as well аѕ a number of small gastropods and a few larger bivalves. The Abisinia deposit which is about 12 feet thick at this locality, grades up to а red, sandy clay on which there is a terraced surface at an elevation of Approximately 62 meters (207 feet). The occurrence of the geolo- Btcally "young" fossils suggests that the terracing was caused by marine abrasion and deposition in fairly late time (Pleistocene ?), while the Presence elsewhere of lower terraces developed on the Abisinia forma- tion Suggests that there have been several stages of uplift or eustatic Change since the Pleistocene. AGE е Primarily from its stratigraphic position above the Mare formation, utg " т = а c А свв t also from the character of the few fossils observed, the Abisinia Олин. 5 : | Mation is believed to be Pleistocene in age. BULLETIN 165 Small gastropods identical with those at W-30 have been collected at W-10 on the watershed 140 meters southwest of the lighthouse. The Abisinia formation at the latter locality 1s at an elevation of 100 meters (328 feet) or so, and contains, in addition to the small gastropods and some ostracods, the following genera of Foraminifera: Bathysiphon, Textularia, Oninqueloculina, Nonion, Elphidium, Rotalia, Eponides, Discorbis, Amphistegina, Globigerina, Globorotalia, Cibicides, Plan- ulina, Cibicidella, and Anomalina. Although these Foraminifera suggest that the Abisinia formation was laid down in late geologic time, they are not in themselves diagnostic, and it ts primarily from its stratigraphic position that the Abisinia formation is presumed to be Pleistocene in age. RECENT Included in the Recent category are weathered surficial deposits, present day stream debris, re-transported clays, sands, and gravels, and the flat conglomerate reefs occuring along the shore and in some of the stream beds near the shore. It is often impossible to differentiate Re- cent gravels from those of the Abisinia formation, and in such areas, the ensemble has been mapped as undifferentiated Quaternary. STRUCTURE The most striking structural feature of the Cabo Blanco area 15 the coastal monocline which extends from the Costa fault eastward toward Quebrada Las Pailas for a distance of 2.5 kilometers. The monocline is composed for the most part of Las Pailas beds which dip 25 to 56 degrees to the south. At the lighthouse scarp, the Las Pailas formation is unconformably overlain by the Playa Grande formation which also dips south but at lower angles. South of the lighthouse ridge, the Las Pailas formation reappears and terminates against the Bruscas fault. Ehe monocline is believed to be the south flank of a high whose crest is beneath the sea at an unknown distance north of the present shoreline. The “crest” of the “high” may be the axis of an anticline, it may be a fault, or it may be a buried ridge of pre-Las Pailas rock, possibly of the same metamorphics that constitute the present Coast Range. The largest fault of the Cabo Blanco area is the Bruscas. ‘This fault crosses Quebrada Las Pailas at W-27, and continues therefrom in an east-northeast direction to the small stream 250 meters west of the mouth GEOLOGY CABO BLANCO, VENEZUELA: WEISBORD 23 of Quebrada Las Pailas. At W-27 where the Las Pailas formation is in Juxtaposition with knobby fossiliferous limestone of the Playa Grande formation, the Las Pailas is squeezed nearly vertically against a narrow syncline of the Playa Grande at the fault itself. The fault plane seems to dip northward at perhaps 70 to 80 degrees, and one gets the impres- sion that the Bruscas fault is a high angle reverse, dipping north and under the upthrown side. In the stream near section line В’-В”, the Bruscas fault cuts only the Las Pailas formation, with the fault plane forming the axis of a sharp syncline. The Bruscas fault continues west of W.27 although its position is difficult to determine because of heavy Vegetation and Quaternary cover. The prolongation as shown on the geologic map is inferred from occasional outcrops of Las Pailas rocks оп the north side, and from the trenchlike valley of Quebrada Las Bruscas. This stream has been converted into a drainage ditch along the side of the road and has been dug deep enough through a low divide to connect with a small stream flowing in the opposite direction. At One place along the road, there is a boggy area which the writer thinks might be due to sag along the fault. The Bruscas fault undoubtedly Continues still farther to the west although it cannot be traced because of surface cover. Although its fault plane has not been observed, the location and APproximate strike of the Costa fault are inferred from the disposition of the adjacent formations. South-dipping Las Pailas beds on the east have been brought into contact with Playa Grande beds on the west, the | Southwest near the fault itself. From the geologic pattern on either side atter displayed on an anticlinal nose plunging rather steeply to the of it, the Costa fault is presumed to be downthrown to the west, or to be a strike-slip fault with the northwest side having been displaced to the tight or northeast. ‘The Costa fault undoubtedly extends farther to the Northeast where it is hidden by the sea, and to the southwest where it is Covered by terrace deposits. Minor faults have been observed at a number of localities. One of them lies 350 meters east of W-15, another about 100 meters south of the axis of the Litoral anticline, and a third some 300 meters east of Section line D-D’, The second of these is a small normal fault striking N 10° W, down to the east, with 18 inches of throw. This fault was noted near the headwaters of a gully which has since been bulldozed away and can no longer be seen. The third fault is also a normal one BULLETIN 165 and 15 downthrown to the south. Тһе clearly exposed fault plane dips 48 degrees to the south. Still another fault is the one cutting across Quebrada Las Pailas west of the Maiquetía airfield. The trend is generally east-west, and its extent is probably greater than is evidenced at the surface. Three anticlinal reversals, all of them developed in the Playa Grande formation, have been observed, and these are, from east to west, Punta Gorda, Maiquetía, and Litoral. The difference in the strata on the south and north flanks of the Punta Gorda feature indicates that it is faulted along the axis. Little is known about the Maiquetía anticline, and the northwest trend is inferred from the attitude of the beds on the flanks. The conjectured configuration of the fold is shown on section line В-В’-В”. To the north, the Maiquetía anticline is truncated by the Mare Abajo fault, and to the south, it is presumed to continue below the terrace deposits of the airfield. The Litoral anticline is a southwest- plunging nose diverging off from the Costa fault. The beds dip as high as 52 degrees a short distance away from the fault, but they flatten out rather rapidly down the plunge as portrayed graphically on cross section Е-Е. GEOLOGIC HISTORY Prior to the. deposition of the Las Pailas formation, the Cabo Blanco area is visualized as having been an east-west depression, framed on the landward side by the then existing Coast Range and separated from the sea by a barrier on the north, Into this depression was deposited the nonmarine Las Pailas formation which consists of clastics derived from the metamorphic complex of the Coast Range. Following the accumulation of the Las Pailas deposits, there were several cycles of uplift, erosion, and marine incursion, these events having taken place in post-Las Pailas time (Miocene ?) and during the intervals represented by the Playa Grande, Mare, and Abisinia formations (late Miocene to Quaternary). Since the Coast Range was involved in these events, it is Clear that this segment of northern Venezuela is tectonically unstable, and that the Cabo Blanco area itself has been involved in movement and rejuvenation from at least as far back as mid-Tertiary up to the present. GEOLOGY CABO BLANCO, VENEZUELA: WEISBORD 25 REFERENCES CITED For a complete bibliography relating to the geology of Venezuela, the reader is referred to the “Léxico Estratigráfico de Venezuela” listed below, Dengo, 6. 1953. Geology of the Caracas Region, Venezuela. Geol. Soc. Ámerica, Bull., vol. 64, No. 1, p. 7-40. Humboldt, A. von 1801. Esquisse d'un tablean géologique de l'Amérique méridionale. Jour. de Phys., de Chimie, d'Hist. Nat., Paris, vol. 53, p. 30-60. 1814-1824. Rélation historique du voyage aux régions équinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, fait en 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803 et 1804 par A. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland, redigé par A. Humboldt. Paris, 3 vols. Spanish translation by Lisandro Alvarado, Caracas, 1941-1942, Viajes a las regiones equinocciales del nuevo continente. Biblioteca Venezolana de Cultura, Ministerio de Educación Nacional, 5 vols. Kehrer, L. 1939. Cabo Blanco beds of Central Venezuela. American Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Bull., vol. 23, No. 12, p. 1853-1855. Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos, Direccion de Geologia [Various authors] 1956. Léxico Estratigráfico de Venezuela. Bol. Geol., publicación espe- б No. 1, 728 р. Lorié, J, 1887-1889. Fossile Mollusken von Curacao, Aruba und der Kiiste von Venezuela. Geol. Reichs-Museum Leiden, Samml., ser. 2, vol. 1; р. 111-149, Rivero, F. de, 1956. Cabo Blanco, grupo. Léxico Estratigráfico de Venezuela, p. 116- 12 Royo y Gomez, J. 1956. Cuaternario en Venezuela. Léxico Estratigráfico de Venezuela, p. 199-209, Suter, H. M. 1937. Geologic notes on the Punta Gavilan formation in the eastern part of the State of Falcon. Bol. Geol. y Min. (Venezuela), vol. 1, No. 2-4, p. 269-279. Woodring, W. P. 1954. Caribbean land and sea through the ages. Geol. Soc. America, Bull., vol. 65, No. 8, p. 719-732. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 165 о о о 2 3 3 3 S A e ~N o wo : > 4 N x z CAM E 212 и ЛЕ ТА Legend Recent CARIBBEAN SEA САВО BLANCO AREA ede] Quaternary undiff. o La Guaira o Abisinia fm. CARACAS Higuerot Cobo Blanco MAGNETIC | DECLINATION » айыы west | 42° e? [ | More fm. Breokwoter 2 1 : 7 м 10 а Pia овде fm. 117227. members ФМогасау REO Th PLAYA GRANDE E Basal Conglomerate - Pécg YACHTING CLUB —_ 5 (Lee | Las Pailas fm INDEX MAP ga p A А я * North-Central Venezuela } ) р += Cross Section;horizontal and vertical scales equal Е Sonne Ne | 0 50 С 7 ? С ia - de Los Morros M res — саак Beet a ” | ——--- Contact; dashed where inferred ү, Fd © Beacon 2 p =. PG E YEE By „шы === == Sa — { б/у" 0 2 ЖАС, Я Y 457 i p Ы» / Ante - 5 А c« W- 6. 58 Ñ ie d 25 4 Y 6 / А B chi E % m : 2 ighthouse A є 56 58 We iN di E | NY X 2. LARA Ж 4 wre 100 “ J 38 | 77,7% LEA И М. Playa ary = | AE, 2 Punta Gorda 7 Grande р 200 m и W 15 у М. 11,000 E 250 1 D D TN 26 [nE 1 = i Cross Section 0-0” 7 x 55 8 ZH у = 45 ў tee E ае 55 - dec x < || ы ET E а. 5 è % Turritella ` Фр ical, Р o o р $ Ы 100 (abundant) N S Fi X қ 53 a 127% =. : 50 Turritella J 2 к NE AG у > =, \ A^ | o A gi Ne. \ a N 2 N SL с c x è > \ 2 S A SS bs x = LP - % x a 50 a 50 w 2 | 5 | PG | 8 ' ғұ | у = ЧИ \ 100 A | | PEL its E " 5 > е” А PR А = ko M E E LP p шыш n i -E' $ Ecc s Cross Section E : 3 NR o 3 i E] К \ x % E . 7 a 5 a: 2775 Ed Cross Section A-A % < 100 A! 9 У | \ А 3 50 " қ о U E nr ы” S M A GEOLOGIC SKETCH MAP SL ^ 5 ] S Y з — P etm R ы қ < © ; о е = со зе к z peor i N AP E i 55 COMES: 3 ae раз CUN Б; Е nen ae CABO BLANCO AREA / | ғ T: LP / | T ғ” / lin ғ " pv cdi ud i = Бай ТЕ й V ZUELA А , pss 2 = Cross Section F-F N = = mo | % w | кР. 8 : Does Зе a е | LP ір 150 e TU ud ~ s Ih " p i METERS 250 SS 100 = 9 Marsus Em | \ о 100 200 300 400 500 LEMP ро леса; в | в” в” INE —_ A Oa 300 С / с” Cross Section В-В’- В” Кол о 500 1000 1500 - FEET Cross Section C-C’ Origin of Coordinates Cajigal Observatory, Caracas қ | 1 | Dec..1956 Nis e iip 10 KARL UNIVERSITY | OF | MÁ ONTOLOGY VOL. XXXVII N 1957 \ Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U, SA. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1956-57 | ОО SoLOMON С. HOLLISTER и. NORMAN Е. WEISBORD e a ray уы йоу REBECCA S. HARRIS DIRECTOR oi ena a ; KATHERINE У. W. PALMER СОРМ aa o cada Nl tud м ARMAND L./ADAMS Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) W. STORRS COLE (1952-58) RALPH А. Lippe (1956-62) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) AXEL А, OLSSON (Life) КЕВЕССА 5. Harris (Life) | NoRMAN E. WEISBORD (1951-57) SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER (1953-59) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY ' and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor ГЕМРІ Н. SINCEBAUGH, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER | Hans KUGLER А. MYRA КЕВМ | Jay GLENN MARKS С. WINSTON SINCLAIR Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. АП volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, Х, XII and XIV of | Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $10.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers. of Paleontographica invoiced рег issue. Purchases in U.S,A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York USA, BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 38 No. 166 VARIATION IN AMERICAN OLIGOCENE SPECIES OF LEPIDOCYCLINA By W. Storrs Cole Cornell University, Ithaca, New York May 10, 1957 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U. S. A. ИЕН EN a en ve mn A BE a ———————— RU Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 57-302 | T Sup, ДИ LIBRARY MAY 2 4 1957 wu 3 ба ЫТ Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Page EE o oL ыса аа ы 31 Fundamental characters of American Oligocene species of о (ШЕЕ УШИН Му A on OR OR 2. 32 Key to megalospheric specimens of American Oligocene and MIOCENE Гаросу esee ант, уи 29% E ТЕ шаш. у. уол... 2.34 Description QN амен ТТТ жаа и 37 Amphistegina bullbrooki CV AURA and COLE) Dear ове aire) Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) mantelli (Morton) 22022225000. 38 Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) giraud: В. Douvillé une Al Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) waylandvaughani Cole ...... > Literature ЖОШ Л o EE 4 Plates . E 45 'TABLE “currence of Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) mantelli at selected ШО ccs eG ara NI AD ео чөл 40 en AP — ВЕНЕ РАНЕНЫ Т: Svcs ти ЕТЕШ ИРКЕ сағана eee een eee VARIATION IN AMERICAN OLIGOCENE SPECIES OF LEPIDOCYCLINA* W. STORRS COLE Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. ABSTRACT Three species of American Oligocene lepidocyclines belonging to the sub- genus Lepidocyclina are discussed, illustrated, and a summary of their strati- graphic and geographic distribution is presented. A key for the recognition of all the known American Oligocene and Miocene species of this subgenus is given. Operculinoides bullbrooki Vaughan and Cole which occurs in association with Some of these species is transferred to the genus Amphistegina. INTRODUCTION Variation between individuals of the same species in various genera of larger Foraminifera has been known for some time. Vaughan (1928; 1933) was one of the first American workers to emphasize that many of the specific names in the genus Lepidocyclina had been given to specimens which were individual variants of a limited number of Species, He stated (Vaughan, 1933, р. 6) “Тһе amount of variation in many species of orbitoids is bewildering.” As more information has accumulated, it has been possible to sub- stantially reduce the number of specific names which had been used to designate specimens which could be proven to belong to only one Species. This reduction in names has been advantageous in the inter- Pretation of the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of the basic Species, Cole (1944, р. 60) demonstrated that Lepidocyclina (Poly- lepidina) ап са Cushman, specimens of which had been recorded under several different specific names in Mexico and the Gulf Coast of the United States, was a geographically widespread, middle Eocene Species, Likewise, L. (Nephrolepidina) chaperi H. Douvillé which had been known by numerous specific names represented one widely dispersed upper Eocene species (Cole, 1953a, p. 23). Vaughan (1928, p. 155) argued for the retention of subspecific Dames for variants of certain species of Lepidocyclina. He cited the L. ocalana series as an example. However, it now appears that such a *The cost of the printed plates has been contributed by the William Е. Е. Gurley Foundation for paleontology of Cornell University. Drs. Н. С. Kugler and W, P, Woodring kindly read the manuscript. LAMA тонера ct BULLETIN 166 nomenclatural device does not serve any useful purpose either in ex- plaining the stratigraphic or geographic distribution of this species and its variants. Therefore, all the variants of L. ocalana should be com- bined under this specific name. To this list should be added L. georgiana Cushman which is a synonym of L, ocalana. Recently, Dr. Hans G. Kugler, consulting geologist to Trinidad Oil Company, Ltd., kindly sent me two samples from Morne Diablo quarry, one of the classic localities in Trinidad, B.W.I. As certain specimens from these samples were studied they appeared to resemble other well- known American species. But, as specimens from localities elsewhere were compared with the specimens from Trinidad, certain specific dif- ferences which had been used previously seemed to disappear. Тһеге- fore, a detailed study was undertaken to ascertain if certain established species could not be combined. The samples from Morne Diablo quarry contain the following species: Amphistegina bullbrooki (Vaughan and Cole) Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) girandi В. Douvillé mantelli (Morton) waylandvanghani Cole Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) stauff eri Koch Kugler (personal communication, February 1, 1957) wrote that Bolli believes that the sample from Morne Diablo quarry probably “тер- resents the Globigerinatella insueta zone and slightly older.” FUNDAMENTAL CHARACTERS OF AMERICAN OLIGOCENE SPECIES OF LEPIDOCYCLINA (LEPIDOCYCLINA) The subgenus Lepidocyclina is represented in the American Oligo- cene by species with two types of equatorial chambers. The species L. (L.) yurnagunensis Cushman has diamond-shape or rhombic equatorial chambers, whereas the other species assigned to this subgenus have hexa- gonal-shape equatorial chambers. Species with hexagonal equatorial chambers can be differentiated in part into three groups of species on external appearance. One group represented by L. (L.) asterodisca Nuttall has a distinctly rayed test, another assemblage, characterized by Г. (L) giraudi В. Douvillé, has large, distinct, raised pustules, and the final group, characterized by AMERICAN OLIGOCENE LEPIDOCYCLINAS: COLE Ds L. (L.) canellei Lemoine and R. Douvillé, either is without pustules or they are small. The specific determination within these groups depends on the features of the vertical section except in the case of those with rayed tests. Although L. (Nepbrolepidina) dartoni Vaughan has a rayed test, Г. (L.) asterodisca is the only rayed species of L. (Lepidocyclina) known to date from the American Oligocene, The other species of L. (Lepidocyclina) with hexagonal equatorial Chambers can be subdivided into three basic types on the character of the lateral chambers. L. (L.) mantelli, of which L, (L.) forresti and L. Miera are synonyms, has lateral chambers with low openings between thick roofs and floors arranged in overlapping tiers, L. (L.) caneller, of which L, (L.) matleyi and L. (L.) pancanalis are synonyms, has latera] chambers with open rectangular cavities with thin roofs and floors arranged in regular tiers. L. (L.) giraudi, of which L. (L.) parvula 1$ à Synonym, has lateral chambers with more or less open cavities with Moderately thick roofs and floors crowded irregularly between strong Pillars, L. (L.) waylandvanghani Cole is related to Г. (L.) mantelli and 1. (L) giraudi, whereas L. (L.) miraflorensis Vaughan belongs to the Г. (L.) canellei group. А key to the megalospheric specimens of species L. (Lepidocyclina) in the American Oligocene and Miocene follows: KEY TO MEGALOSPHERIC SPECIMENS OF AMERICAN OLIGOCENE AND MIOCENE LEPIDOCYCLINA A - ; B DEED ono tao OR end. asterodisca Nuttall . Test not stellate: 1. Equatorial chambers rhombic or diamond-shape cnn L. yurnagunensis Cushman* 2. Equatorial chambers except near the center hexagonal a. Vertical section with numerous, strong, irregularly distributed ЮШДЕ lo adt er N L. giraudi R. Douvillé b. Vertical section without pillars or with small or moderate pillars 1.’ Lateral chambers in definite regular tiers with open cavities: a.’ Lateral chambers short..L. сале е? Lem. and К. Douvillé b.’ Lateral chambers long ............L. miraflorensis Vaughan 2.' Lateral chambers not in definite tiers: a.’ Cavities low, slitlike ...... ced, mantelli (Morton) b." Cavities open... secs Waylandvaughani Cole * $ А i 7 Ж Synon L. Jurnagunensis morganopsis Vaughan and L. sanluisensis Gravell are WINS OF L, yurnagunensis, BULLETIN 166 AGE OF THE SEDIMENTS Vaughan and Cole (1941, p. 28) recorded the following species of orbitoids and miogypsinids from Morne Diablo: Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) forresti Vaughan [— L. (L.) man- tell; (Morton) ] canellei Lem. and В. Douvillé girandi В. Douvillé Miogypsina hawkinsi Hodson (= probably М. (Miolepidocyclina) staufferi Koch) The samples sent by Kugler from Morne Diablo quarry contained these species, except L. (L.) canellei, and had in addition specimens of L. (L.) waylandvanghani. The stratigraphic range of L. (L.) mantelli (including specimens previously identified as L. (L.) supera in the southern United States) is from the Marianna limestone into the Suwannee limestone, that is, from Rupelian to Chattian (Cooke е/ al., 1943, table). On the basis of larger Foraminifera Gravell and Hanna (1938, p. 987) proposed four zones for the Oligocene of the southern United States, namely, 1. the L. (L.) mantelli zone, 2. the L. (L.) supera zone, 3. the L. (Eulepidina) zone, and 4, the Miogypsina-Heterostegina zone. Inasmuch as L. (L.) mantelli and L. (L.) supera are considered to be the same species, the L. (L.) supera zone either must be eliminated or com- bined with the L. ( Eulepidina) zone. Moreover, Vaughan (1933, р. 41) found Г. (L.) supera (= L. (L.) mantelli) іп the Alazan shale of Mexico in association with Г. (Eulepidina) favosa, and Cole (1944, p. 17) found L. (L.) mantelli ina well in Florida associated with L. (L.) undosa. At Duncan Church, Florida, (Cole, 1934, p. 22) L. (L.) supera occurred with L. ( Eulepi- dina) undosa. 'Therefore, it would appear that the L. (L.) mantelli and the L, (Enlepidina) zones should be combined. Cole (1938, p. 44) assigned beds in a well in Florida which con- tained M. (M.) hawkinsi and M. (M.) venezuelana (= M. (M.) stanfferi Koch) (Cole, 1957, 9, 323, 324) 10 the Suwannee limestone. These Miogypsina-bearing beds occurred in this well above beds con- taining Lepidocyclina (Enlepidina) and below others assigned to the Tampa limestone. The data to date suggest that neither orbitoids or AMERICAN OLIGOCENE LEPIDOCYCLINAS: COLE 35 Miogypsinids occur in the ‘Tampa limestone of Florida. ‘This limestone 15 thought to be lower Miocene, Aquitanian, in age (Cooke e/ а/., 1943, table). Іп Trinidad (Vaughan and Cole, 1941, р. 22) and Venezuela (Gravell, 1933, p. 35) Miogypsina occurs with L. (Enlepidina). There- fore, in the Caribbean region only two zones which apparently overlap can be recognized, a lower one with L. ( Lepidocyclina) and L. ( Eulepi- dina) and an upper one with L, (Lepidocyclina) and Miogypsina. Miogypsina, however, may survive longer than does Lepidocyclina in Which case a third zone of Miogypsina without Lepidocyclina may be present. . In Panama orbitoids and miogypsinids occur in the Culebra forma- tion (Cole, 1953b) (L. (L.) miraflorensis, L. (L.) waylandvaughani, L. (L.) yurnagunensis and М. (M.) antillea) and in the La Boca member 9f the Panama formation (1. (L.) giraudi, Г. (L.) miraflorensis, and Mio gypsina (Miolepidocyclina) staufferi). These formations are assign- ed by Woodring (1955) to the lower Miocene, Stainforth (1948, p. 1311) placed the Morne Diablo limestone in the Chattian. This assignment agrees with the stratigraphic occurrence 9t L, (L.) mantelli and M. (M.) staufferi in Florida and L. (L.) way- landvanghani in Mexico. However, Г. (L.) waylandvaughani іп Pan- ama occurs in the upper Oligocene part of the Bohio formation (Cole, 1957, р. 314, 315, 327) and also in the upper Oligocene part of the Caimito formation and in the Culebra formation of Miocene age. Eames (1953, p. 388) was of the opinion that all the beds in Snezuela and Peru containing Miogypsina should be placed in the Mio- “ene, This concept was disputed by Stainforth (1954, p. 175). . ln Panama Miogypsina occurs abundantly in the Bohio and Caim- Ito formations (Cole, 1953a, p. 7; Cole, 1957, p. 314, 315). Woodring (1955) placed parts of these formations that contain Miogypsina in the Чррег Oligocene, However, if Eames’ concept was followed a part of the Lepidocyclina (Enlepidina) beds of the Caribbean region would have 9 be placed in the Miocene. Drooger (1952) reported Miogypsina basraensis (— М. (M.) белен) and М. tani (= М. (M.) antillea) from the Kapur limestone Trinidad and М. bronnimanni (= М. (M.) staufferi) from the ‘tne Diablo limestone, These limestones are “slip-masses” in the Cipero formation (Cushman and Renz, 1947, p. 3; Kugler, 1950, p. 48). EEE EEE EEE TER EAT BEE | | | | | 36 BULLETIN 166 Recently, Kugler (1954, p. 413) suggested that the base of the Miocene should be placed at the base of the Globorotalia fohsi zone. The stratigraphic occurrences of the miogypsinids in the Kapur and Morne Diablo limestones are similar to those found in Florida and in Panama (Cole, 1957, p. 326). However, in Panama Miogypsina does occur in the Culebra formation and the La Boca member of the Panama formation, both of which are assigned to the Miocene (Wood- ring, 1955). Akers (1955, p. 651) assigned zones in Louisiana con- taining Miogypsina and Heterostegina to the Miocene, but these zones apparently are stratigraphically older than the Globorotalia fohsi zone. Therefore, if Kugler's assignment of the G. fohsi zone to the basal Mio- cene is correct, the Miogypsina-Heterostegina zone in Louisiana may be Oligocene. Although Kugler (1954, p. 413) suggested that the base of the Caribbean Miocene should be placed temporarily at the base of the Globorotalia fohsi zone, Drooger (1956, р. 186) concluded that the zones characterized Бу С. fohsi "and Globogerinatella insueta, and at least the major part of the zone of Globigerina dissimilis must be placed in the Miocene.”* If this suggestion were followed the Caribbean Oli- gocene would consist almost entirely of the zones characterized by Glob- igerina cf. apertura and Globigerina ciperoensis. In this same article (p. 188) Drooger plotted the stratigraphic ranges of the miogypsinids, showing their major development in the G. dissimilis zone. However, there has been little information recorded to date in the literature regarding the relationship of the faunas of larger Foraminifera to the various zones established by means of planktonic Foraminifera. Moreover, Kugler (1954, р. 411) stated that most of the post-Eocene occurrences of larger Foraminifera in Trinidad are in “slipmasses” and, therefore, their exact stratigraphic position is difficult to determine. Thus, the final correlation between the zones of planktonic Fora- minifera and the ranges of the larger Foraminifera must be determined from other areas of the Caribbean region. Even when this is done, it is extremely doubtful if the ranges of the benthonic larger Foraminifera will correspond to any world-wide planktonic zonation as the time of *Kugler (personal communication, February 1, 1957) wrote that an article on the biostratigraphy of the Cipero formation is to be published soon by H. Bolli. In this article Bolli places the base of the Miocene at the base of the Globigerina dissimilis zone. AMERICAN OLIGOCENE LEPIDOCYCLINAS: COLE 37 tadiation of the benthonic types from centers of development should be longer, If the Suwannee limestone, the Bohio formation, and a part of the Caimito formation are correctly assigned to the upper Oligocene, it would Seem that in the Caribbean region the miogypsinids were well estab- lished before the Miocene regardless of their development in Europe and Africa. From this summary it would appear that the Oligocene-Miocene boundary in the Caribbean area cannot be defined upon larger Foramin- ifera alone as may be done in the case of the Eocene-Oligocene bound- aty where numerous genera, such as Asterocyclina, Pellatispira, and Psendophragmina, appear to be restricted to the Eocene. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina), L. (Nephrolepidina), L. (Enlepidina), and Miogyp- Sina occur in the Oligocene, but L. (Lepidocyclina) and Miogypsina ex- tend into the Miocene. However, L. (Nephrolepidina) and L. ( Eulepi- dina) appear to be restricted to the Oligocene. Шо date 2. (2,) miraflorensis appears to be the only species re- Stricted to the Miocene as this species 18 known with certainty only in the Culebra formation and in the La Boca member of the Panama forma- tion. Such species as L. (L.) giraudi, L. (L.) waylandvanghani, and M. ( Miogypsina) antillea seem to range from Oligocene into the Mio- Cene, DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES Amphistegina bullbrooki (Vaughan and Cole) PICS nes 6, 7 1941, Operculinoides bullbrooki Vaughan and Cole, Geol. Soc, Amer., Sp. Paper 30, p. 44, 45, ph Ll, AES. 6 7: BI 12 gs 4,5, Remarks.—This species superficially resembles compressed speci- Mens of the genus Operculinoides. However, transverse sections show “symmetry characteristic of Amphistegina. Moreover, the extreme re- Urvature of the chamber walls near their distal ends is a character of Mbhistegina, | It is easy to confuse specimens of Operculinoides and Amphiste- 8a. At the request of Dr. Lloyd Henbest I examined thin sections "om Hawaii in which he (Henbest in Stearns, 1938, p. 620) recorded Camering sp. These specimens are not Camerina but Amphistegina. 38 BULLETIN 166 Earlier, Cushman (1919, p. 51) described Nummulites parvula from St. Bartholomew. This is also an Amphistegina. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyelina) mantelli (Morton) pl;4, figs. 152, 7509 Pl. 2, figs. 1, 6; РІ. 3, figs. 1-4; Pl. 4, figs. 1, 4, 6,7; Pl, 5, 5.5, 55 Pl. 6; figs. 3-7 ar Nummulites mantelli Morton, Amer. Jour. Sci., v. 23, p. 291, pus ig 9. 1865. Orbitolites supera Conrad, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., No. 2, р. 74. 1924. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) supera (Conrad), Vaughan, Geol. Soc. Amer., Proc., у. 35, р. 797, pl. 33, fig. 4. 1927. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) forresti Vaughan, U. 5. Nat. Mus., Proc., у. 71, att. 8, p. 1, 2, pl. 1, figs. 1-4; pl. 2, figs. 1-6. ae ы Mares (Lepidocyclina) mantelli (Morton), Vaughan, idem, p. 3, Dl: ЭД. 1. 1927. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) supera (Conrad), Vaughan, idem, p. 4, pl 35,58. д; 1927. Lepidocyclina mantelli (Morton), Vaughan, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- phia, Proc., v. 74, p. 299, 300, pl. 23, figs. 14, Oped 1927. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) mantelli var. papillata Vaughan, idem, р. 300. 1933. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) supera (Conrad), Vaughan, Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., v. 89, No. 10, p. 12, 13, pl. 29, figs. 1-3. 1934. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) supera (Conrad), Cole, Journ. Paleont., v. 8, No. 1, p. 23, 24, pl. 3, figs. 7-15; pl. 4, figs. 6, 7. 1944. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) mantelli (Morton), Cole, Florida Geol. Survey, Bull. 26, p. 70, 71, pl. 19, fig. 5; pl. 22, figs. 13-15. 1953. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) mantelli (Morton), Cole, U. S. Geol. survey, Prof. Paper 244, р. 21, pl. 18, fig. 13. 1953. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) supera (Conrad), Cole, idem, p. 244, pl. 18, fig. 12. 1953. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) forresti Vaughan, Cole, idem, p. 244, pl. 18, fig. 11. Occurrence.—Florida to Mississippi in the Marianna limestone as L. (L.) mantelli and L. (L.) mantelli papillata, in the Byram marl as bi (L.) supera, in the Suwannee limestone as L. (L.) supera; Tampico Embayment, Mexico, in the Alazan shale as L. (L.) supera; Antigua 10 the Antigua formation as L. (L.) forresti; Jamaica, B.W.L, in the Mon- eague formation as L. (L.) forresti and Г. (L.) supera; Trinidad as L. (L.) forresti and L. (L.) supera; Venezuela in the San Luis series as Dia) Ош, Remarks.—Vaughan (1927a, p. 3, 4; 1927b, p. 299, 300) іп stud- ies of L. (L.) mantelli and L. (L.) supera was the first to record that certain specimens in a given population of Г. (L.) mantelli possessed AMERICAN OLIGOCENE LEPIDOCYCLINAS: COLE 29 “small but well developed pillars" (1927a, p. 3). He noted that “This Variety lies between the usually accepted L. mantelli and L. supera” (Vaughan, 1927a, p. 3). Later (1927b, p. 300) he proposed the Varietal name papillata for specimens which "are not typical L. mantelli, but possess pillars and have minute papillae on the outer surfaces. Vaughan (1927a, p. 2) separated typical L. mantelli from L. supera by this characterization: “L. mantelli is a larger species and has longer lateral chambers; L. supera has well-developed pillars and papillae. . s Cole (1953b, p. 334) separated these two species in a key by the Nature of the lateral chamber cavities. He stated that Г. mantelli had Cavities long, slit-like,” whereas L. supera had "cavities low, slightly arched, but with a distinct opening.” These statements seemed to be COrrect when applied to selected individuals of these species as may be Seen if the illustrations given by Cole (1953a, pl. 18, figs. 12, 13) аге examined. As additional thin sections were prepared, it became more and more doubtful if these species could be separated. A specimen (fig. 4, Pl. 1) ftom near Duncan Church, Washington County, Florida, is nearly iden- tical to the specimen of L. mantelli illustrated as figure 1, Plate 1. Yet, other Specimens (Cole, 1934, pl. 3, figs. 8-13) from near Duncan Church were identified as L, (L.) supera. The specimen (fig. 3, Pl. 1) from Robinson’s Quarry is intermediate between typical L. (L.) mantelli (fig. 1, PI. 1) and the topotype of L. (L.) supera. Vaughan (1927b, р. 300) identified the specimens from Robinson's Quarry as Г. (L.) Supera, There is apparently complete gradation between specimens which ave been named L. (L.) supera and others which have been called La (L) mantelli, Stratigraphically, therefore, L. (L.) mantelli extends from the Marianna limestone into the Suwannee limestone. Previously, Cole (1953a, p. 21) demonstrated that L. (L.) forresti aughan was a synonym of L. (L.) supera. Therefore, it is possible RON. to recognize only one species, L. (L.) mantelli, where previously three Species were thought to be. The following table gives the geo- Sraphic and stratigraphic distribution of L. (L.) mantelli and the species Of Le bidocyclina which occur with it. OCCURRENCE ОЕ 1. (L.) MANTELLI AT SELECTED LOCALITIES Gulf Coast of U.S.A. | Мехїсо Trinidad | Venezuela Jamaica, B.W.I. : Morne Diablo 15. with San Luis series Moneague fm. with Suwannee ls. with L. (L.) yurnagunensis L. (L.) canellei | with Г. (L.) canellei GL] dise giraudi | L. (L.) canellei giraudi waylandvaughani ev] e ES Е кі 4 = 2 — о о Byram marl Marianna 15. with | Alazan sh. with L. (L.) giraudi L. (E.) favosa (E.) undosa AMERICAN OLIGOCENE LEPIDOCYCLINAS: COLE 41 Lepidoeyelina (Lepidoeyelina) giraudi В. Douvillé РІ. 4, fig. рік; баз, 2 B6 Аш 2 1907. Lepidocyclina girandi В. Douvillé, Soc. Géol. France, Bull., ser. 4, v. 7, р. 305-311, pl. 10, figs. 9, 10, 15, 16. 1919. Lepidocyclina parvula Cushman, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Publ. 291, P. 28, pl. 3, figs. 4-7. 1933. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) parvula Cushman, Vaughan, Smithsonian Miscell. Coll, v. 89, No. 10, р. 16, 17, рі. 7, figs. 1-5; pl. 8, figs. 3-5; РІ. 9, figs. 1-4; pl. 10, figs. 1-6. 1953, Lepidocyclina parvula crassicosta Vaughan and Cole in Vaughan, idem, E 17219, m fgs 1.2 pL 10, 02-7: Bh 24, Ёд. 1. 1933. Lepidocyclina antiguensis Vaughan and Cole in Vaughan, idem, p. 19, 20, pl. 10, fig. 8; pl. 24, figs. 2, 3. 1933, Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) giraudi В. Douvillé, Vaughan, idem, p. “0 21,51. 10; figs, 9, 10; pl. 24, fip. å. 1944, Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) parvula Cushman, Cole, Florida Geol. Survey, Bull, 20.8, 74, 75; Dl, 3, ЕД4, Bl. 10,65. 1.2 700120, figs. 1, 2; pl. 22, figs. 1-11. 1953, Lepidocyclina ( Lepidocyclina) parvula Cushman, Cole, U. S. Geol. Sur- Уеу, Prof. Paper 244, p. 20, pl. 15, figs. 6-10. 1955, Lepidocyclina ( Lepidocyclina) parvula Cushman, Cole, Journ. Paleont., V. 27, No. 3, p. 335, 336, pl. 44, figs. 11, 12. Occurrence.—Widespread in the Caribbean Oligocene; Florida in the Marianna and Suwannee limestones; Mexico in the Meson forma- Hon; Antigua in the Antigua formation; Panama in the Caimito forma- Hon and the La Boca member of the Panama formation; ‘Trinidad; Ja- Maica, BWI.: Martinique. Remarks. — The types of this species are from Martinique, French “st Indies, where it occurs in association with Spiroclypeus bullbrooki aughan and Cole, It was reported later from Trinidad (Vaughan and 06, i941. р, 71) also in association with 5, bullbrooki and other Species of larger Foraminifera including Heterostegina ап Теа and Г. (N.) lournoneri, Vaughan (1933, p. 21) discussed this species stating “L. girandi "Presents ° Canelle end of + 8rad an extreme development of the costulation of the surface. 7 without pillars and with very small papillae, stands at one Me series; L, parvula occupies an intermediate position with ation toward L, giraudi which stands at the other end of the series.” Althou Costul he w gh Vaughan recognized the relationship between the heavy е Specimens (L. giraudi) and those with papillae (L. parvula), 48 Inclined to over emphasize the importance of surface sculpture in © recognition of species. ‘This is demonstrated in the remarks under 42 BULLETIN 166 the species L. antiguensis Vaughan and Cole (in Vaughan, 1933, p. 20) where he wrote “Тһе general aspect of L. antiguensis is somewhat like that of L. giraudi В. Douvillé. The costae іп L. antiguensis, except at the margin of the apical area, are broad and low and become obsolete at the inner edge of the marginal rim. The costae in L. giraudi ate more numerous, more trenchantly developed, and extend to the edge of the test." Internally, L. antiguensis is identical to L. giraudi and L. parvula, and the external sculpture is intermediate between the types of L. giraudi and L. parvula. The degree of development of pillars, papillae, and surface costula- tion are individual rather than specific characters. This is shown, not only by the L, girandi-L. parvula series, but also by the L. yurnagunensis- L. yurnagunensis morganopsis series. The varietal name morganopsis should be suppressed. Lepidocyelina (Lepidoeyelina) waylandvaughani Cole Pl 1, 4g. 6; PI 2, figs, 2-5, 7-95 Pl. 4, figs. 2, 5; Pl. 5, бр. 4; PL 6, fig. 8 1928. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) waylandvaughani Cole, Bull. Amer. Pal- eont., v. 14, No. 53, p. 21, 22, pl. 4, figs. 1-8. 1942. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) californica Schenck and Childs, Stantord Univ. Publ., Geol. Sci., у. 3, No. 2, р. 1-59, pls. 1-4. 1953. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) waylandvaughani Cole, Cole, U. S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 244, p. 20-22, pl. 18, figs. 1-10, 16, 17. 1953. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) waylandvanghani Cole, Cole, Journ. Pale- ont., v. 27, No. 3, p. 336, pl. 44, figs. 13, 14. Occurrence.—Meson formation of the Tampico Embayment, Мех- ico; Antigua formation of Antigua, B.W.I.; Bohio formation, the Que- brancha limestone member of the Caimito formation and the Culebra formation, Panama; Cipero marl formation of Trinidad, В.М. ; Va- queros formation of California (as L. (L.) californica.) Remarks.—This species differs from L. (L.) mantelli in having lateral chambers with open cavities between relatively thin roofs and floors. It is probably derived from L. (1.) mantelli by а reduction in the thickness of the floors and roofs of the lateral chambers. Specimens assigned to L, (L.) girandi have thicker roofs and walls and less open cavities to the lateral chambers. Although the develop- ment of pillars is an individual rather than a specific character, speci- mens of L. (L.) giraudi consistently have pillars better developed and more evenly distributed through their tests than do specimens of L. (L.) waylandvanghanı. AMERICAN OLIGOCENE LEPIDOCYCLINAS: COLE 43 LITERATURE CITED АКегв, үү. H. 1955. Some planktonic Foraminifera of the American Gulf Coast and suggested correlations with the Caribbean Tertiary. Journ. Paleont., v. 29, No. 4, p. 647-664, рі. 65, 2 text figs. Cole, W. Storrs 1954. Oligocene orbitoids from near е Church, Washington Coun- ty, Florida. Joutn. Paleont., v. 8, No. 1, p. 21-28, pls. 3, 4 1938. Stratigraphy and one ef two deep wells in Florida. Florida Geol. Survey, Bull. 16, p. 1-73, 12 pls. 3 text figs. 1944, Stratigraphic апа paleontologic lie of wells in Florida-No. 3. Florida Geol. Survey, Bull. 26, p. 1-168, 29 pls., 5 text figs. 1953a. Eocene and Oligocene larger Foraminifera from tbe Panama Canal Zone and vicinity. Ч. $. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 244, p. 1-41, 28 pls., 2 text figs. 1953b. Some late Vent larger Foraminifera from Panama. Journ. Paleont., v. 27, No. 5, p. 332-337, pls. 43, 1957. Lor Oligocene larger Foraminifera from Barro: Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zone. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 37, No. 163, p. 309-338, pls. 24-30. \ Cooke, €, W., Gardner, Julia, and Woodring, ҮҮ. Р. 1943, Correlation of the Cenozoic formations of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain and the Caribbean region. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., у 34, Хо. 11, р. 1713-1724, chart 12. 1 Cushman, J. A, 1919. Fossil Foraminifera from the West Indies. Carnegie Inst. Wash- ington, Publ. 291, р. 21-71, pls. 1-15, 8 text figs. =, and Renz, Н. Н. 1947. The foraminiferal fauna of the Oligocene Ste, Croix formation of Trinidad, B.W.I. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., Sp. Publ. 22, p. 1-46, 7 PIs. Drooger, С, үү. 1952. Study of American Miogypsinidae, Doctor's Diss. Utrecht, p. 1-80, 3 pls., 18 text figs. 1956. Transatlantic (мшш, En the чы Miocene by means of For- aminifera, Micropaleont., , NO. 2, 183-192, 1 pl, 1 text Ag. Eames, F, E. 1953. The ея boundary and the use of the term Адий- атап. Geol. Mag., у. 90, No. 6, р. 388-392. Graven, D. үү, M Teeny los ‚ger Foraminifera of Venezuela. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., v. 89, No. 11, p. 1-44, 6 pls. BULLETIN 166 Gravell, D. ҮҮ. and Hanna, М. А, 1938. Subsurface Tertiary zones of correlation through Mississippi, Ala- bama, and Florida. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Bull., v. 22, No. 8, p. 984-1013, abel Henbest, Г. б. in Stearns, Н. T. 1938. Ancient shore lines on the island of Lanai, Hawaii. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., v. 49, No. 4, p. 615-628, 3 pls., 1 text fig. Kugler, Н. 6. 1950. Resumen de la historia geologica de Trinidad. Bol. Associacion Venezolana Geol., v. 2, No. 1, p. 49-79, 1 table, 1 map. 1953. Jurassic 10 recent sedimentary environments in Trinidad. Ass. Suisse des Géol. et Ing. du Pétrole, v. 20, No. 59, p. 27-60, 2 text figs. 1954. The Miocene/Oligocene boundary in the Caribbean region. Geol. Mag., у. 91, No. 5, р. 410-414, Stainforth, R. M. 1948. Description, correlation and paleoecology of Tertiary Cipero marl formation, Trinidad, B.W'.I. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Bull., v. 32, No.7, р. 1292-1390, 2 text figs, 1954. Comments on the Caribbean Oligocene, Geol. Mag., v. 91, No. 2, р, 172% Vaughan, T. W. 1927a. Larger Foraminifera of the genus Lepidocyclina related to Lepi- docyclina mantelli, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., v. 71, att. 8, p. 1-5, 4 pls. 1927b. Notes on the types of Lopidotyclima mantelli (Morton) Giimbel and on topotypes of Nummulites floridanus Conrad. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., v. 79, p. 299-303, pl. 23. 1928. New species of Operculina and Aa E et from the-Ocala lime- stone. Florida Geol. Survey, 19th Ann Rept., p. 155-165, 2 pls. 1933. Studies of American species of N tens of the genus Lepi- docyclina. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., у. 89, No. 10, р. 1-53, 32 pls. ___,and Cole, W. Storrs 1941, Preliminary report on the Cretaceous and Tertiary larger Foramini- fera of Trinidad, British West Indies. Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper 30, p. 1-137, 46 pls., 2 text figs. Woodring, W. Р. 1955. Geologic тар of Canal Zone and adjoining parts of Panama. U. S. Geol. Survey, Miscell. Geol. Investigations Map 1-1. PLATES BULLETIN 166 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Figure Page 1-5, 7-9. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyelina) mantelli (Morton) .................... 38 All views are vertical sections. 1,8. Views of the same specimen to illustrate small pillars and slit- like cavities of the lateral chambers; 1, x 40; 8, x 20; from the Marianna limestone on the Chipola River, one-half mile east of Marianna, Fla. 2,7. Views of the same topotype, representing specimens previously called 1, (L.) supera, to illustrate lateral chambers with thick roofs and floors and slightly arched openings; 2, x 40; 7, x 20; Byram marl, National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Miss. 3. Specimen previously called L. (L.) supera which is interme- diate between the specimens illustrated as figures 1 and 2; x 40; Robinson’s quarry, 4 miles east of Brandon, Miss., USGS loc. 6548. 4. Specimen previously called L. (L.) supera which is similar to figure 1; x 40; near Duncan Church, Washington County, Fla. . Specimen which is similar to figure 2; x 40; Kugler loc. 11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I. 9. Specimen previously identified as L. (L.) supera; x 20; V-296, Vale Royal-Hampshire Road, Trelawny, Jamaica, B.W.I., collected by Н. К. Versey. VA 6. Lepidocyclina: (Lepidocyclina) waylandvaughani Cole ....... 42 The lateral chambers have open, rectangular cavities with thin roofs and floors; x 20; Kugler loc. 11398, Morne Diablo: quarry, Trini- dad, B.W I. B ) PLATE ] ULL, Амик, PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 1 PLATE 2 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 8 Figure І5 0; 2-5, 7-9. AMERICAN OLIGOCENE LEPIDOCYCLINAS: COLE 47 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 2 Page Lepidocyelina (Lepidocyelina) mantelli (Morton) .......... SER 38 All views are vertical sections. 1. Specimen illustrated as figure 9, Plate 1, enlarged; x 40. 6. Specimen similar to topotypes of L. (L.) supera; x 20; Kugler loc. 11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I. Lepidocyelina (Lepidoeyelina) waylandvaughani Cole ........ 42 All views are vertical sections to show variation between individuals all of which have open, rectangular cavities to the lateral chambers between thin roofs and floors. 2. x 40; 500 meters east of Rancho Abajo which is near kilometer 9 on the Huasteca Petroleum Company's narrow gauge railroad between San Geronimo and Cerro Azul, Tampico embayment area, Mexico. 3, 9. The same specimen; 3, x 40; 9, x 20; Kugler loc. 11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I. 4, 8. 'The same specimen; 4, x 40; 8, x 20; Kugler loc. 11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I. 5. Kugler loc. 11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I.; x 20. 7. x 20; Kugler loc. 11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I. BULLETIN 166 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 3 Figure Page 1-4, Lepidoeyelina (Lepidocyclina) mantelli (Morton) All views are vertical sections of microspheric specimens, x 20, to show variation between individuals. 1. Kugler loc. 11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I. Byram marl, National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Miss. 2 3. Robinson's quarry, 4 miles east of Brandon, Miss. ‚ Matianna limestone on the Chipola River, one-half mile east of Marianna, Fla. Burr. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 3 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 4 ы + 927 b kx Zr, AX, ETT Байы Figure 1, 4.6.0 2,5. 3. AMERICAN OLIGOCENE LEPIDOCYCLINAS: COLE 49 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 4 Page Lepidoeyelina (Lepidoeyelina) mantelli (Morton) 2220-54 1. Same specimen, x 40, illustrated as figure 6, Plate 2. 4,6. Specimen to illustrate individual variation; 4, x 40; 6, x 12.5; Kugler loc. 11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I. 7. Part of an equatorial section, x 20; Marianna limestone on the Chipola River, one-half mile east of Marianna, Fla. Lepidocyelina (Lepidocyelina) waylandvaughani Cole ............42 2. Same specimen, x 40, illustrated as figure 7, Plate 2. 5. Same specimen, x 40, illustrated as figure 6, Plate 1. Lepidocyelina (Lepidoeyelina) giraudi R. Douvillé Enlargement, x 40, of part of figure 2, Plate 6; Kugler loc. 11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I Figure Oy г, BULLETIN 166 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 5 Page Lepidocyelina (Lepidocyelina) giraudi В. Douvillé ................41 1,2. Vertical sections; 1, x 20; 2, x 12.5; Kugler loc. 11398, Могпе Diablo quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I. Lepidocyelina (Lepidoeyelina) mantelli (Morton) ................93 3. Same specimen, x 20, illustrated as figure 5, Plate 1. 5. Part of an equatorial section, x 20; Kugler loc. 11398, Могпе Diablo quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I. Lepidocyelina (Lepidocyelina) waylandvaughani Cole ............42 Part of an equatorial section, x 20; 500 meters east of Rancho Abajo which is near kilometer 9 on the Huasteca Petroleum Company's narrow gauge railroad between San Geronimo and Cerro Azul, Tam- pico embayment area, Mexico. Amphistegina bullbrooki (Vaughan and Cole) ........................ 8 6. Transverse section, x 20, to illustrate the slight asymmetry of the test; Kugler loc. 11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I. 7. Median section, x 20, from the same locality as figure 6. | T | i B : ULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 5 м OD Gy ОА бә 09900000 i < 70000060 S. Oy Node CO * *. э? 2 + сар 555. “Ы 22222256455 > 2999-5 5-45 os A CORAM CE Lu opt 111485262 КАНА М, an vun 25842992004. LA: AO Ща, ST AO ESA IE Cx UROL TY SAN y AS 20% RNS, * АСА ДА лаам Burr. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 6 и. (5 ИУ Ow Gee оз: HM з хат °. 29 59 st с a ул $ 00 e. * 8 as e je e > 8% tes М Sa mus "rv 5 2% ш: E 297 $ км AMERICAN OLIGOCENE LEPIDOCYCLINAS: COLE 51 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6 Figure Page 1,2. Lepidoeyelina (Lepidoeyelina) giraudi В. Douvillé ................ 41 1. Equatorial section, x 20, of a specimen similar in external ap- pearance and from the same locality as the specimens illustra- ted as figures 1, 2, Plate 5. 2. Vertical section, x 20, of a specimen with large embryonic cham- bers; Kugler loc. 11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad, BWI 3-7. Lepidoeyelina (Lepidocyelina) mantelli (Morton) .................... 38 3. Equatorial section, x 20, of a specimen similar in external appear- ance and from the same locality as figure 2. 4, 5. Parts of equatorial sections, x 20, of topotypes of L. (L.) supera; Byram marl, National Cemetery, Vicksburg, Miss. 6. Vertical section, x 12.5, of a small, lenticular microspheric specimen; Robinson’s quarry, 4 miles east of Brandon, Miss., USGS loc. 6548. 7. Part of an equatorial section, x 20; Kugler loc. 11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad, B.W.I. 8. Lepidoeyelina (Lepidocyclina) waylandvaughani Cole ............ 42 Part of ап equatorial section, x 20, of a specimen similar in external appearance and from the same locality as figure 4, Plate 2. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. Volume 1 п. ш. Ту, XXIV. XXV. (NOS, 80:87). (334 pp, 27рІ нк. Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca (Nos. 86-048). 306 Pp, 30 BIS, A nen Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California’ Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks. (Nos. 90-100); |420 Бр, 58 pls, 002220 Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology "of Ecuador. (Nos. 101-1069), 976 DD, 36 DIE т Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos, 109-114). 412 pp.) 54 pls, uni etes | Paleozoic cephalopods, Devoniah of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nos. LILLO) 728 Өр, 90 PIB Daa aa ules, Bowden forams and Од cephalopods. (NO, 111), {1569 PD бр Jackson Eocene mollusks, (Nos: 1185198), 448,727 pls. а. Venezuelan and California ЖОШ. Chemung and Реппвуі- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent Pins Cuban and Е loridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- (Nos. 129. 188), IA BD, 39 pls) и Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Nos. 134- 139). 448 рр. 51 BIS зз и Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran steal labia and paleontolog у. (Nos. 140-145). 400: pp. 19 pls. N. ehe: Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods, and conularid bibliography. (Nos, 146-184). 386 pp, 31 pls. ы нуу. б. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordo- vician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Vol- utidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nos. 100-100). 1412 рр, 52р]... у... аы Globotruncana ‘in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian-Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies, (Nos 101, 108) S2 pb. 7 ply. о. Non Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera UNO 100). ен ‚ Venezuela geology r^g | PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp. 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. МОН, бй) 551: Вр Зр ин. Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spo ondyli, Pale- ozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. (Хов 19:90) —— S13, pp) OL pls. ni a Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- strophia, and Venericardia. (Noso ФО, \48 Db 7 DIS aa a Дд Rudist studies. 9.00 11.00 10.00 13.50 1.45 479 20.00 20.00 2.50 | CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY ‚AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I. (Nos, 1-5). 354 pp. 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca, П. (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. ( Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. TIL (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. V. (Nos. 22-30). 427 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils, mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- ozoic fossils. ҮІ. (No. 31). 268 pp. 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. ҮП, (010/800). ODE, 99 BIB. duds i een pee idas os, 13.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. VII. (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp., 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IX. (Nom 9090). A A 12.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp., 54 pls. Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. ХЕ (Nos. 43:46)... 272 Bp. Пи. 9.00 (cid Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Vene- uela. XII. Хо. “ат.48). 494 pp., 8 Venezuela and Trinidad. Pos and Mesozoic invertebrate bibliography. XII. (Nos, 40:50). 7 264 рр. 47 pls. ш. phe ол enr eri 9.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca q Tertiary Mammalia, XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306 рр, 44 p Mexican Tertiary forams ш "Tertiary mollusks of Peru and | { Colombia. / XV. (Nos. 0208), 314 PB, Won... 10.00 ' Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. XVIL (NOs. 9961), 140. pb, 48 bla. el do no 5.00, Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. ЖҮП, (Nos, 02:09)... 283/90, 92 PSI en cn Т атлы 9.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. ХҮШ. (Non BAHN. - 986 ср, 29 plc о Ad 8.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. ЖҮК No. 68). 27200, 34 Bla л eed oer on 51 BOO | "Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. KX (Nos 6000). 266. pp. о... 10.00 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. XXL Nos. 1122), — 221] PD, ызасы 8.50 Paleózoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. ЖАН, (Мов, 18516), 256 pp Барін lo ыл reete йлы 9.00 Paleozoic Paleontology 'and Tertiary. Foraminifera. ' ЖАНТ) (NOS. 41-19), -251 pps 35 Ple u. nenn 7.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL. XXXVIII ` NUMBER 167 1957 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York USS. А. ШЕШІЛДІ. AUG 1 91957 HARVARD | UNIVERSITY | MUS. COMP. is { | PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1956-57 PRESIDENT e a as SOLOMON ©, HOLLISTER VICE-PRESIDENT l o Su ы dear боксе e ces NORMAN E. WEISBORD SECRETARY TREASURER оо Dies REBECCA ©, FARRIS DIRECTOR ne AL. a ee CATHERINE: У, W. PALMER COUNSEL сол ылу debe л л ko ARMAND EA ADAMS Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) W. STORRS COLE (1952-58) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1956-62) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) AXEL А, OLSSON (Life) КЕВЕССА S. Harris (Life) NORMAN E. WEiSBORD (1951-57) SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER (1953-59) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Lemp1 Н. SINCEBAUGH, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E, CASTER Hans KUGLER А. Myra KEEN JAY GLENN Marks G. WINSTON: SINCLAIR Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may Бе /had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, ХП and XIV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $10.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax, { For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL. 38 No. 167 THE OSTRACODA ОЕ THE YORKTOWN FORMATION IN THE YORK-JAMES PENINSULA OF VIRGINIA (With notes on the collection made by Denise Mongin from the area) By James D. McLean, Jr. July 16, 1957 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 57-303 MUS. COMP. 100L LIBRARY AUG 1 91957 HARVARD UNIVERSITY _ і Printed in the United States of America | CONTENTS PAGE N че E 57 General БАСЕ тоа уоона е 57 O e Hose eds 59 Deposition of species s ANE 59 Comments on the Choctawhatchee as correlated with the LORETO А inopi TEE S Î 60 The collections of Dr. Denise Mongin ................... 64 MA д (ЧЫНЛЕ алле NK ee 69 Ба? ДО DDR шан ВО ини аи 69 Paracypris choctawhatcheensis Puri „aaa. 70 Cytheromorpha cf. warneri Howe and Spurgeon ........................... 70 Loxoconcha purisubrhomboidea Edwards 71 liano contem В США Bd wATQS а а ea 72 DLAI UIT РЕП ШЕ ШЕКЕН HRS een een 73 КОЛОН ФАШ Л ет ИУ PULL e hy Clithrocytheridea diagonalis Malkin 74 Clithrocytheridea virginiensis Malkin 74 EOP ACY ИИ: ЖИТЕЛИ PUG S ЫН ее 15 A бек тея 76 Cushmanidea ashermani (Ulrich and Bassler) үт Cushmanidea echolsae (Malkin) URS 78 Cushmanidea ulrichi (Howe and Johnson) cnn 79 ата талан алалы барыла тк т 80 Pterygocythereis americana (Ulrich and Bassler) 222222222222. a 9) Actinocythereis exanthemata (Ulrich and Bassler) 82 Actinocythereis exanthemata gomillionensis (Howe and Ellis 83 Echinocythereis clarkana (Ulrich and Bassler) 84 Murrayina howei Puri 222222222. | 85 Murrayina martini (Ulrich and Bassler) 86 Murrayina barclayi McLean, п. sp. 87 Orionina vaughani (Ulrich and Bassler) 88 Puriana rugipunctata (Ulrich and Bassler) 89 Acuticythercis laevissima Edwards 222222222222. voi lr В Cytheretta burnsi (Ulrich and Bassler) s 91 Cytheretta ulrichi Puri 92 Hemicythere schmidtae Malkin ... 92 ла Cony aes (OWE ANG NOTO ТС Т... Uy TIPO IDOLOS PUN Onde К was cha A 08 Bibliography 95 БЕДЕ: 22222. 96 Charts Comparison of Yorktown ostracode fauna with other recorded Miocene faunas E 60 Species recorded from samples collected by Dr. Denise Mongin .................... 65 Chart showing locality data on Ostracoda and ecological data ........................ 68 THE OSTRACODA OF THE YORKTOWN FORMATION IN THE YORK-JAMES PENINSULA OF VIRGINIA (WITH NOTES ON THE COLLECTION MADE BY DENISE MONGIN FROM THE AREA) James D. McLean, Jr. ABSTRACT Thirty species of Ostracoda from the Yorktown formation and lower beds in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia are described; one species, Murrayina barclayi, is new. The combined ostracode-foraminiferal assemblage of the Yorktown seems to be closer to the Ecphora-Cancellaria facies of the Chocta- whatchee formation of Florida, than to any other fauna. А collection of Mollusca, Foraminifera, and Ostracoda made by Dr Denise Mongin is tabulated and discussed in terms of Mansfield’s two York- town zones, and the fauna of the Powell’s Lake, Virginia, outcrop is confirmed in its St. Marys age by the mollusk identifications of Mongin. GENERAL BACKGROUND The study is an extension of the author’s foraminiferal one (McLean, 1956) and was undertaken because the ostracode fauna was so strikingly developed in the Yorktown formation, that to ignore it would have been equivalent to leaving a job half done. The author tried without success to interest an ostracode specialist in the project; the result was that it was necessary to attempt the study alone, which was done with the generous assistance of Dr. Henry V. Howe. I would like to stress that this study is by no means complete. In the first place, picking of Ostracoda was not the primary interest of the author, hence the earlier samples (on which much of the foraminiferal paper is based) did not include slides of Ostracoda. Secondly, in my obvious unfamiliarity with Ostracoda, it is possible that I have overlooked some forms, although I tried to acquire as complete a collection as possible. Thirdly, І am convinced that the shifting environments of the Yorktown formation are more extensive than first believed, and it appears that the Ostracoda іп particular may be represented in other samples by species that neither I nor Dr. Doris Malkin Curtis have yet encountered. This, I believe, will be even more true of the Ostracoda than is the case with the Foraminifera. BuLLETIN 167 The collections of Dr. Denise Mongin of the Institut Catho- lique, Paris, are of special interest. They serve as an interesting check of the material collected by me, and confirm certain points that my material could only suggest. Any collection comprising 123 species of animals would be of considerable comparison value but what makes the Mongin collection more important is that it was done at a time when erosion damage to the Yorktown forma- tion outcrops had exposed material to which I originally had no access. This exposure gave us an interesting bed of Pecten chntonius at Carter’s Grove, Virginia, which completely confirmed the fact that here we have all three major divisions of the Yorktown as originally set up by Mansfield and his cohorts. I do not believe Mansfield's zones are stratigraphically valid; the microfaunas rather suggest that these “zones” are ecological in nature. The basal portion of the Yorktown (at Carter's Grove) does indeed seem to contain an “older” fauna than the upper portion of the Carter's Grove outcrop and those of the York River side, if we may believe that the present state of knowledge is such as to permit us to say that these are indeed "older" assemblages. I prefer to reserve judgment on the validity of Yorktown "zones" until more can be known about the ecological situations involved. The Ostracoda give little on which to “zone” with. On the other hand, 11 of the 30 species of Ostracoda here studied are apparently limited to the Yorktown and equivalent beds, and five other species seem to be limited to the pre-Yorktown. I have been informed by Philip Brown (personal communication) that the North Carolina ostracode situation may be negative to the results obtained by Dr. Malkin and myself (who are so far the only serious workers on Virginia Yorktown Ostracoda), so this must be considered in application of these results. Notwithstanding my own reservations about the Mansfield zonations, І have used these “zones” as a method of separation for tabulation and discussion purposes. The reason for this action is that most students of the Yorktown are familiar with the Mansfield concept and some still accept it as valid. The fact remains that the Yorktown could have been easily separated into other “zones” and YORKTOWN OsrRACODA YORK-JAMES PENINSULA: McLean 59 that some of them might prove considerably more significant sta- tistically. However, I am afraid that the significance of statistical conclusions as drawn from data to hand would again be more apparent than real. In erecting statistical criteria, one must first inquire as to the completeness of data; in the case of the York- town formation, the evidence of shifting environments is too strong to allow one to put much faith in such statistical conclusions as might be drawn. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The reader is referred to the foraminiferal part of this report for the acknowledgments to many of the people involved; their services as enumerated there (McLean, 1956, p. 263) equally apply to the present paper which is but a continuation of the first part. The National Science Foundation allowed an extension of the Grant for illustrations for this ostracode paper; Dr. Katherine V. W. Palmer, Mrs. Archibald McCrea, Mrs. Edna Dove, the author’s parents, and others have all continued the assistance previously acknowledged. Mrs. Sally D. Kaicher illustrated the Ostracoda in her usual superb manner. Dr. Henry V. Howe of Louisiana State University most gen- erously assisted the author by reviewing the preliminary taxo- nomic notes of this study and the finished manuscript, and thereby prevented many errors of identification and classification. There may be errors, but they must be imputed to the author, who 18 the only one responsible for them. Dr. Denise Mongin is owed the author’s thanks for allowing use of her mollusk lists and her stratigraphic notes on these forms. I take full reponsibility for the stratigraphic conclusions, for the views set forth in this paper are based upon data and considerations not available to Dr. Mongin; her conclusions were, however, most helpful. DEPOSITION OF SPECIES All Ostracoda collected by the author are deposited at the Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York, and are listed under Р. R. I. numbers 22,486 to 22,645 inclusive. The material 60 BULLETIN 157 listed іп the Mongin collections (mollusks, Foraminifera, and Ostracoda) are deposited in the collections of the Laboratoire de Geologie, Institut. Catholique, 21 Rue d'Assas, Paris (6) France, where they may be studied by obtaining the permission of Dr. Denise Mongin or Dr. A. F. de Lapparent. COMMENTS ON THE CHOCTAWHATCHEE AS CORRELATED WITH THE YORKTOWN FORMATION The closest correlation of the Foraminifera (McLean, 1956) and Ostracoda of the Yorktown formation is with the Choctawhat- chee formation of Florida. Since more is known of the Florida Choctawhatchee than is known of the Duplin marl or other possible equivalent faunas, this close correlation may be more apparent than real. COMPARISON OF YORKTOWN OSTRACODE FAUNA WITH OTHER RECORDED MIOCENE FAUNAS. NOTES: Meli facies (Puri 1954) ) 2) ) ( ( ( (4) 5) o m e => о o o 79 = — 0 a ZONE I 954): (1604): Malkin (1953) MALKIN'S YORKTOWN YORKTOWN ZONE I CHOCTAWHATCHEE CHOCTAWHATCHEE CHOCTAWHATCHEE CHOCTAWHATCHEE EDWARD'S DUPLIN PRE-YORKTOWN YORKTOWN. 2 Bairdoppilata triangulata....... ivi Paracypris choctawhatcheensi Cytheromorpha cf. warneri.. Loxoconcha purisubrhomboide Loxoconcha reticularis..... Cytheropteron talquinensis. ‘ Cytherura ге{1си!а{а....................., ‚|... шшш. Paracyther idea vandenboldiovesessseseceveres ales BUCVENGRG: аре ata tesis . . Cushmanidea la Cushmanidea echolsae. Cushmanidea ulrichi, Leguminocythereis cf. "whitei. n Prermosythere d- Ambr CO еее PET LEFT р Actinocythereis exanthemata..... n nnn А. exanthemata дот! | | 1опепв15.............. Echinocythereis ЮЛ nnd 484464, Murrayina howei. Murrayina martini. Murrayina barclay Orionina vaughani. Puriana rugipunctata . Acuticythereis Ігеуіввіпг.................. Cytheretta ЧЫ И, Cytlerettau ӨҤ Осии пот таза rare 5 Hemicythere schmidtae AAN AGREES CONCA dear tates ce НҮ td Cytherella ШІН» 27419 v ra erp) Creer Ps "ER PUR | | | | YORKTOWN Овткасора YORK- JAMES PENINSULA: McLean 61 However, it is of interest to note that there is a statistical rela- tionship between Choctawhatchee Foraminifera and Ostracoda and those of the Yorktown formation that is closer than that of any other recorded Miocene fauna in the Atlantic region. In the case of the foraminiferal study (McLean, 1956) І did not feel justified in placing any great emphasis on this relationship, as I believed the evidence too inconclusive and incomplete to note any trend or real relationship. However, in considering both the foraminiferal record in my last paper, and the ostracode record as here developed, it appears that a definite trend emerges which is worthy of notice. Not only is the record still in favor of a Choctawhatchee-Y ork- town relationship, but the relationship may be said to be between the Ecphora-Cancellaria “facies” of the Choctawhatchee and the Yorktown fauna, a significant narrowing of the stratigraphic and /or ecologic boundaries. Therefore, it is important to consider the signficance of the Ecphora-Cancellaria “facies” in terms of the Yorktown formation. The older references, such as the Mansfield and Cushman and Ponton Miocene publications on the Choctawhatchee formation regarded the Yoldia, Arca, Ecphora, and Cancellaria assemblages as “zones”. Later authors, such as Puri and Vernon, experienced dif- ficulty in tracing these “zones”, and, as developed by Puri (1954) the concept has grown that these assemblages are of facies rather than zonal significance. It may be added that at least one mollusk worker has told me that he still feels there is reason to regard these same assemblages as valid zones. It is my opinion, based upon growing ecological data, that Puri and his cohorts have the better viewpoint. It is clear that ecological differences can be mistaken for stratigraphic ones, since the differ- ence between contemporary ecologies of different environmental settings is so pronounced that the faunas, if encountered in the subsurface, would be ascribed to different formations or zones. Puri (1954, p. 40-41) said the following: “Sediments referred to Arca facies were deposited off shore under outer neritic conditions. These sediments are mostly gray, sandy shell marls. Arca facies in its lower portion is contemporaneous 62 BULLETIN 167 with the Yoldia facies but the upper portion is contemporaneous with the Cancellaria facies. “Ecphora facies was deposited under conditions similar to those of the Arca facies but the fauna is from deeper water. The sediments consist of shell marls deposited during the regression of the Choctawhatchee sea. The succeeding advance of the Chocta- whatchee sea deposited the Cancellaria facies. “Cancellaria facies is in part contemporaneous with the Arca and Ecphora facies and in part younger. The only known occurrence where the Cancellaria facies is known to overlie the Ecphora facies is in the vicinity of Jackson Bluff.” Puri’s characterization of these facies is quite similar sedi- mentationally to observed Yorktownian conditions. He character- ized the Arca, Ecphora, and Cancellaria facies as progressively deeper from Arca to Cancellaria, and these three facies were called by him “outer neritic” as opposed to the inner neritic, muddy-bottom, Yoldia facies. (Puri, 1954, pp. 49-51). I have not here repeated his observations on the Yoldia facies in detail, because the Yorktown faunas do not show an assemblage analogous to this facies. Ac- cording to Puri’s chart on page 15, the Yoldia and Arca facies are the updip equivalents of the downdip Ecphora and Cancellaria facies, with the Yoldia and Ecphora facies being basal respectively to the Arca and Cancellaria facies. The depths of Puri’s facies may be somewhat deeper than is the case with some of the Yorktown outcrops, but by no means entirely so; these depth fluctuations in the Yorktown formation are to be expected, and should not be considered as negating the essential facies equivalencies between the Yorktown formation and the Ecphora-Cancellaria facies of the Choctawhatchee formation. The total faunas of the Yorktown and the two Choctawhatchee facies reveal that there are more species not common to the two formations than are common. These divergences may be provincial, climatic, or ecologic, and probably arise from a combination of these factors plus others as yet unknown. I do not think the dif- ference is stratigraphic; indeed, I believe that study of the Miocene sediments between Florida and Virginia will eventually reveal a slowly changing fauna from the Yorktown of Virginia to the Choc- YORKTOWN ÖSTRACODA YORK-JAMES PENINSULA: MCLEAN 63 tawhatchee of Florida with environmental controls determining the transition from the one fauna to the other. I find, however, that the ostracode fauna of the Duplin marl of North Carolina shows disappointingly few species in common with the Virginia Yorktown, and the Duplin ostracode fauna was fairly completely described by Edwards. Only three species seem to be restricted to the Yorktown, Duplin, and Choctawhatchee formations and not ranging into the Pre-Yorktownian. The remaining six species common to the Yorktown and the Duplin also range into the Pre- Yorktown and cannot be regarded as guides for the uppermost Miocene. This would indicate that the majority of the Yorktown Ostra- coda are too long-ranging stratigraphically to be of much value as zonal guide species, since a number of them are rare and may have been overlooked in older sediments. Their potential value as ecolo- gical indices may be considerable, but as Malkin indicated (1953, p. 772), more work must be done to narrow the ecologies of modern Ostracoda before fossil ones can be properly evaluated. Malkin made the following observations about Yorktown Ostra- coda: (Malkin, 1953, р. 772) “... The Yorktownian ecology, on the other hand, encouraged the existence of an abundant and varied fauna that indicates normal continental shelf environment. The presence in the Yorktownian of abundant relatively smooth forms, compared with the predominance of tuberculate forms in the Cal- vertian, may indicate more open sea conditions for the Yorktownian оеро 22: All of the fossil evidence so far presented, therefore, seems to agree on the open-sea environment for the Yorktown formation, in relatively shallow waters. I should add that Malkin’s Yorktown fauna and that collected for this study involve a number of species not common to our respective collections. The difference is rather startling, but it stems in great part from the differences of samples, as I have noted a great difference in ostracode assemblies from sample to sample; certainly this study cannot be said to be based on inadequate samples, as my samples were both numerous and large. BULLETIN 157 The Yorktown formation is one of shifting environments; such shifting involves differentiation of faunas from locality to locality and from level to level. It would, therefore, require great numbers of samples of large size to arrive at a “representative fauna” for the Yorktown. While the fauna 15 excellently preserved, І have found it necessary to wash and float large quantities of material to get good representative assemblages of Foraminifera and Ostracoda. If Dr. Malkin notes with surprise that some species she found num- erous in her Yorktown material are not included here, 1 can add that I was equally surprised to find species of common occurrence in my material not mentioned by her in her study. I would be inclined to think that this difference is not due to lack of study or sampling by either of us—but rather to the environmental differ- ences of the Yorktown beds. THE COLLECTIONS OF DR. DENISE MONGIN In the spring of 1955, Dr. Denise Mongin of the Laboratoire de Geologie, Institut Catholique, Paris, France, went with the author on a collecting trip in the Yorktown formation outcrop area. The localities were markedly modified by erosion since the author’s previous trips (mainly from hurricane damage). Dr. Mongin visited an outcrop at the Moore House Beach, Virginia, unaccessible to the author on the original collection trips. The material from Dr. Mongin’s collections was first isolated from mollusks and sent to the author for microfossil examination. The tables above contain the results of these labors, covering the macrofossils (identified by Mongin) and the microfossils identified by the author. Results are summarized below, under the labels as furnished by Dr. Mongin. The numerical order of treatment corres- ponds with the numbers on the charts. (1) “Fossils collected at Moore House Beach, (Chlamys and Venus beds).” Of the listed fossils, three are restricted to Zone II of the York- town, six others are restricted to the Yorktown formation, and the rest have longer ranges. YORKTOWN OSTRACODA YorK-JAMES PENINSULA: MCLEAN 65 (2) “Chlamys bed, Moore House Beach” The sand furnished under this label is a Yorktown Zone II aggregation and was separated from (1) above only because the | label restricts it more than the above list of fossils. y | | Е SPECIES RECORDED FROM SAMPLES COLLECTED ВУ DR. DENISE ul x ш m = ^ | | > MONGIN. SH - al à N Ш N < МОТЕ: The. numbers in parenthesis following localities 5 [Е | ed at the head of this chart refer to sample ri TR Seo ESSEN notes in the body of this paper. ПП All species listed іп this chart аге deposited at en ут У the Institut МБ Paris, France. E ES 2E 55 "rid ك‎ ыы ыыы шш р, оо х rica ж 915 |13 | [ol «0| n 1 «|а! | шш кікікін ccc 44 El oo Chlamys jeffersonia edgecombensis Arca incile.. ox Glycymeris $ Crucibulum | Turritella a Quinqueloculina seminu 1а, Rotalia limbatobeccar pM. kaicherae Le i a tet Ur oculina whes doni quadrans... s.s. a quadrans carteri: pseudosulcata. Guttulina pseudocostatula Sigmomorphina nevifera.. iobatulus, Puriana rugipunctata. Bairdoppilata triangulata. terygocythereis ame Aurilia conradi.. і Cytheropteron talquin 66 (3) “Carter’s Grove, top Chama bed” This assemblage also is Zone II from the microfossil evidence. It is the uppermost Chama bed at Carter’s Grove and not the basal one that Mansfield noted at the base of Zone II. (4) “Carter’s Grove (Chama bed), lower bed” This is the basal Chama bed of Mansfield and the bed at six feet above the cliff of McLean (1956). As Mansfield designated it, this is the base of Zone II. MONGIN. ( Chlamys i Anguloger А He SPECIES RECORDED FROM SAMPLES COLLECTED BY DR. DENISE PART 11) н ZONE | OR 2 (5) GROVE GROVE CARTER'S GROVE R TERS | CARTER'S GROVE CARTER'S effersonia. Placopecten)” с occidente w x я pa] LA J J ш ЕЗ о а | | | YORKTOWN OsTRACODA YORK-JAMES PENINSULA: McLean 67 (5) “Carter’s Grove” This is an undifferentiated list of fossils identified by Mongin. It contains species that are variously restricted to either Zone I or Zone II, and the collection is, therefore, a composite one from both Yorktown zones of Mansfield. It is of importance in that it confirms the presence of both zones at Carter's Grove, Virginia, and because the presence of Pecten clintonius is confirmed for the outcrop at the base of the cliff, where for the first time an assemblage of this species was found. Previously, a single specimen, found by the author and identified by Richards, furnished the only indication that the base of the cliff at Carter’s Grove corresponds to Mans- field’s Pecten clintonius zone. A single specimen of Turritella pilsbryi Gardner, another important Zone I guide, was also found by Dr. Mongin; previously this species was not found there by the author. Тһе Pecten clintonius assemblage (a bed containing the species with a sandstone matrix) was evidently uncovered by hurricane erosion. (6) “Chlamys jeffersonia bed, Carter’s Grove” The microfossils of this sample and of the remainder of the Carter’s Grove samples (7 to 12) are all Zone I assemblages. (7) “Carter’s Grove, Chlamys jeffersonia bed” (8) “Carter’s Grove, Chlamys jeffersoma bed, Cliff base” (9) “Carter’s Grove, Chlamys jeffersonia bed, bottom of cliff” Rotaha limbatobeccaru McLean is found in Zone I for the first time. (10) “Carter’s Grove, basal bed” (11) “Chlamys clintonia bed, Carter’s Grove, (water's edge) bottom of cliff” One noteworthy thing about this and the following sample is that no ostracods and few Foraminifera were found associated with Pecten clintonius. Whether lithification or leaching is responsible is not known. The few Foraminifera found seem to indicate an ecology favorable to Ostracoda. (12) “Between two valves of Chlamys clintonia (Carter's Grove)” (13) “Powell’s Lake Spillway” DISTRIBUTION OF OSTRACODA N] GENERAL COLLECTIO PECTEN BED |" ВЕАСН 10 ЕТ. UP [MIDDLE = = ND |57 jo UFFS AT YORKTOWN uP ENUS SAND PANQPEA SAI FELGATER'S CREEK B 10 FT. UP | UPPER BASE ECPHORA SAND OSTREA BED ECPHORA BED Bairdoppilata Paracypris choctaw Cytheronorpha cf. warner! Loxoconcha puri Loxoconcha reticulari na martin Acuticythereis Cytheretta burns Cytheropteron talauin reticulat ДЕНЕНІ slanena lie maiki Clithrocytheridea vir si Paracytheridea vandenboldi man idea ashermani зе ва echolsa өсуіне Pterygocythereis americana (Ulrich nocythereis ulric чене, ЕТЕНЕ И Favor г exanthem emáta gomillionensis hereis glarkana ayina howei GEOLOGIC RANGE [3 z » 3 3 м|- 1% Я шш «15157 АЕР ша 912151" эр Ix ЗЕЕ 2552 а? 7 а EcotogicaL Ranges (ПЕРТН) оғ FAUNAS Daseo ON SS eet 4 < > ж > с 200 100 Data (McLean 1956) ТА AVAILABLE] AMPL |5. DA FATHOMS CHART SHOWING LOCALITY DATA ON OSTRACODA AND ECOLOGICAL DATA YORKTOWN Ostracopa York-James PENINSULA: McLean 69 Dr. Mongin's mollusk identifications confirm the St. Marys age of the Powell's Lake, Virginia, outerop postulated by McLean (1956). Foraminifera and Ostracoda continued to be sparse and nondiagnostic, with no forms restricted to (or absent from) the Yorktown formation faunas. The sparsity of these forms indicates an unfavorable environment which also coincides with present ideas of the St. Marys formation. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Order OSTRACODA Latreille Suborder PODOCOPA Sars Family BAIRDIIDAE Subfamily BAIRDIINAE Sars, 1923 Genus BAIRDOPPILATA Coryell, Sample, and Jennings, 1935 Bairdoppilata triangulata Edwards Pl. 7, figs. 1а-а Bairdoppilata triangulata Edwards, 1944, Jour. pal. vol. 18, Б. 507, pl. 85, figs. 5-7.; Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull, $6. p.;225, 225, Dl 1, figs. 3-4, text figs. la-b. Carapace subtriangular in side view, right and left valves very dissimilar. Right valve subtrapezoidal, posterior margin produced in subacute beak like extension. Left valve larger, subtriangular, overlaps right valve most promin- ently in middle portion of ventral margin, dorsal margin strongly arched, posterior more pointed than anterior, geatest height at middle. Viewed dorsally carapace thickest in middle, tapering evenly to both ends. Surface smooth except for numerous small punctae and a low swelling in middle of each valve. Short serrate denticulations frequent on anterior and posterior ventral margins. Hinge of left valve consists of groove along inrolled surface of dorsal margin just posterior to highest point of valve. Groove continues on under side of dorsal edge but disappears within half of total length of anterior and posterior dorsal slopes. Teeth and sockets taxodontoid 6 or 7 at each end of hinge line just dorsal to anterior and posterior angulations and underneath overlapping portion of valve. Corresponding ridge with faint groove along its dorsal edge present on dorsal margin of right valve. Left dorsal edge of this valve fits into groove of dorsal slope, bears at each end of this slope taxodon- toid teeth fitting into those of other valve. Muscle scars ten, irregularly rounded, in circular group just below center of valve, two more located just below and behind this group and a few others located above and before primary area. Two forms, one higher than the other; may represent the sexes, possibly the higher is female. (Edwards, 1944.) Dimensions.—Length, 0.72-0.83 mm.; height, 0.48-0.52 mm. Holotype, 0.81 mm., long, 0.49 mm., high. Occurrence.—Carter's Grove, bank base, lower beach, four and six feet up bank, midbeach, 10 feet up bank on upper part of beach; Langley Field house excavation; Camp Wallace; Powell's Lake Spillway. BULLETIN 167 cal of Edwards’ form except that the muscle scars were not ob- served in open valves, and most specimens from the Yorktown are still articulated. Family CYPRIDAE Genus PARACYPRIS Sars, 1866 Paracypris choctawhatcheensis Puri Pl. 7, figs. 2a-d Paracypris choctawhatcheensis Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 227-228, pl. 1, figs. 10-12, text figs. 2a, b, d. Carapace large, elongate, two and a half to three to one. Dorsal margin arched; ventral margin gently concave. Anterior end oblique in the upper half; broadly rounded in the lower half. Posterior end sharply angular. Surface of the carapace smooth. Viewed from inside, the valves are moderately deep. An- terior margin broad with long, broadly spaced, bifurcating, marginal pore canals. Posterior margin narrow, with ten to twelve radial pore canals. Hinge normal to the genus. There is a well-pronounced projecting flange in front of the hinge line in the left valve. (Puri, 1954). Dimensions given.—Length, 0.963 to 1.030 mm.; height, 0.338 to 0.422 mm. Occurrence.—Rare. Carter’s Grove, midbeach, six feet up bank; Carter's Grove base of bank; Moore House Beach, six feet up the bank. Remarks—Opened valves of this form do not seem to show the pore canals mentioned by Puri, but otherwise the forms from the Yorktown are identical with his species. Family Cytheridae Subfamily LOXOCONCHINAE Sars, 1926 Genus CYTHEROMORPHA Hirschmann, 1909 Cytheromorpha cf. warneri Howe and Spurgeon Pl. 7, figs. 3a-b Cytheromorpha warneri Howe and Spurgeon, 1935, Howe et al. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 13, pp. 11-12, pl. 2, figs. 5, 8-9, pl. 4, fig. 4.; Swain, 1951, (C. cf. avarneri) О. $. Geol. ‘Sut, Prof. Paper 234-A, p. 49, Ply 7, figh 15-10: Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal., vol. 27, р. 787, pl. 80, figs. 18-19.: Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 277, pl. 6, figs. 5-7, text figs. 11f-g. Carapace oblong ovate in outline, the males being more elongate than the females. Dorsal and ventral margins are nearly straight and converge gently toward the posterior, the upper third of the anterior end is obliquely truncate, the remainder regularly rounded; the upper two-thirds of the narrower posterior end is obliquely truncate, the lower one-third rounded so as to form an obscure angulation below the middle. Greatest height at the anterior cardinal angle, thickness approximately equal throughout most of the length; surface finely and regularly reticulate, the reticulations being roughly hexagonal in outline and arranged in rows more or less parallel to the margins. There is a faint tendency to a median sulcus. Viewed from the inside, the valves are YORKTOWN OSTRACODA YORK-JAMES PENINSULA: MCLEAN 71 moderately shallow, shiny, translucent. The marginal area which is broad around the anterior end, narrows considerably in the middle of the ventral margin, widens again in the posterior half of the ventral margin and becomes narrower around the posterior end. The line of concrescence lies near the outer margin around the anterior end, but elsewhere coincides with the inner margin. The hinge of the right valve consists of a small, button-shaped tooth below the dorsal margin; on either side of this tooth there is a small pit for the reception of the two anterior teeth of the left valve. The dorsal margin 18 nearly straight and grooved for the reception of a bar in the opposite valve. The posterior cardinal angle is occupied by an oval, oblique socket which has a bulbous swelling on either side of it and a raised rim above it. The hinge of the left valve consists of an anterior socket in front of which lies a small, knob-like tooth and behind which lies the swollen anterior end of the hinge bar. The posterior cardinal angle is occupied by a small, knob-like tooth with depressions in front of and behind it. The tooth and depressions are flanked above by the raised postero-dorsal margin. The pore canals are few in number and regularly spaced around the anterior end. (Howe and Spurgeon, 1935). Dimensions. 0.24 mm. Occurrence.—Felgater’s Creek; Moore House Beach, bank base. Length, 0.58 mm.; height, 0.30 mm.; thickness, Remarks.—Compared with a topotype sent the author by Howe, the ornamentation of the Yorktown specimens referred to this species 15 considerably weaker and may be sufficiently so to differentiate this from C. warneri. The Yorktown specimens consist of two badly weathered valves from two localities, and it is inad- visable to describe them as new. Genus LOXOCONCHA Sars, 1866 Loxoconcha purisubrhomboidea Edwards Pl. 7, figs. 4a-e Loxoconcha purisubrhomboidea Edwards, in Puri, 1953, Jour. Pal, vol. 27, р. 750.; Puri 1954, (1953) Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, р. 274, pl. 10, fig. 8, text fig. 10h. Loxoconcha subrhomboidea Edwards (not Brady, 1880), 1944, Jour. Pal., vol. 18, No. 6, p. 527, pl. 88, figs. 28-32.; Swain (?), 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof, Paper 234-A, p. 25, pl. 2, figs. 18-19.; Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal., vol. 27, No.6, p. 787, and pl. 80, figs. 13-17 (figured as L. reticularis). Carapace subrhomboidal. Dorsal outline slightly arched; ventral outline sinuate, concave just anterior to middle; anterior rounded below, somewhat obliquely truncated above; posterior obliquely rounded, faint caudal process above center. Valves moderately convex, thickest in middle. Surface covered with minute pits and widely spaced, normal pore-canals, bears small, low, glassy tubercule at antero-cardinal angle. Interior of valves moderately deep, marginal area widest anteriorly and in posterovental region. Line of concrescence at inner margin along midventral border, about halfway in, anteriorly and posteriorly. Anterior and posterior radial pore-canals few, evenly spaced, straight. Margin of right valve with small furrow for reception of sharp edge of left valve. Muscle scar pattern consists of four elongate scars in ventral row with one elongate anterior scar. BULLETIN 167 Hinge of right valve consists of anterior, double socket, in front of the cardinal angle, open to interior; serrate furrow, double posterior tooth with posterior part strong, elongate, anterior part weak, serrate. Left valve fitted with corresponding sockets, serrate bar, teeth. —[ Edwards, 1944]. Dimensions given.—0.47 to 0.51 mm., long; height, 0.27 to 0.32 mm. Occurrence.—Moore House Beach at bank base and at four feet up bank: Carter’s Grove, bank base and at four and six feet up bank at midbeach. Rare. Remarks.—Malkin (1953, p. 786-787) has confused L. puri- subrhomboidea and L. reticularis: the forms she figured are closer to L. purisubrhomboidea than to L. reticularis which has a straighter hinge line and conspicuously coarser reticulate ornamentation. Howe (personal communication) said that in his experience the surface reticulation in Loxoconcha is constant for a given species which is at variance with Malkins’ views as expressed in her description of L. reticularis. I have found only two specimens which answer to the requirements for L. reticularis; both are from a well at Ft. Eustis, and their Yorktown age must remain in doubt pending further information. Loxoconcha reticularis Edwards РІ. 7, figs. 5a-b Loxoconcha reticularis Edwards, 1944, Jour. Pal., vol. 18, No. 6, p. 527, pl. 88, figs. 26-27.; Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 274, pl. 10, fig. 7, text fig. 10e. Carapace subovate in side view. Dorsal outline nearly straight, very slightly concave just posterior to middle; ventral outline straight, converging slightly posteriorly; anterior broadly rounded below, obliquely rounded above middle, posterior obliquely rounded below, very slight caudal process above middle. Externally, flattened marginal border widest anteriorly and posteriorly, forms slight keel on dorsal margin. Surface reticulated concentrically about center of valves. Hinge in right valve consists of elongate anterior socket deepest in anterior half, crenulate groove, double posterior tooth enclosing shallow socket, posterior part more elongate. Left valve with anterior tooth higher in front half, crenu- late ridge, double posterior socket divided by low, rounded wall. Radial pore- canals, line of concrescence characteristic of genus. (Edwards 1944.) Dimensions given.—Length, 0.44 to 0.52 mm.; height, 0.27- 0.29 mm. Occurrence.—Fort Eustis Well from 37 to 160 feet deep. Remarks.—The figured form referred to L. reticularis is dis- tinguished from the preceding species by having a straight hinge line and considerably coarser reticulation. It agrees with Edwards” form YORKTOWN OSTRACODA YORK-JAMES PENINSULA: McLean 73 and is not L. purisubrhomboidea. From her descriptive paragraphs, it seems doubtful that Malkin found the species in her Yorktown material. As I have found it only in a well of doubtful stratigraphic delineations, it may be that this species is not characteristic of the Yorktown, although it is found in the Duplin marl of North Caro- lina. 3enus CYTHERURA Sars, 1866 Cytherura reticulata Edwards РІ. 7, figs. 7a-b Cytherura reticulata Edwards, 1944, Jour. Pal., vol. 18, p. 526, pl. 88, figs. 13-16.; Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, р. 50-51. Cytherura forulata Malkin (not Edwards), 1953, Jour. Pal, vol. 27, pl. 80, figs. 23, 24? (not fig. 22). Carapace small, elongate, ovate in side view. Dorsal outline of right valve slightly arched; anterior evenly rounded, but with marked concavity near dorsal margin where left valve overlaps, depth of concavity varies slightly; ventral outline concave in middle, posterior with caudal processes characteristic of genus. Dorsal outline of left valve slightly arched, merging gradually with posterior; anterior obliquely rounded; ventral outline slightly concave іп middle. Carapace slightly inflated in ventral region. Surface covered with reticulate pattern of ridges forming rectangular pits near margin, square pits іп middle of valves. Anterior border, caudal process smooth. Hinge characteristic of genus. Marginal area broadest anteriorly, of moderate width, crossed by few widely spaced, slightly irregular radial pore- canals. (Edwards, 1944.) Length, 0.38-0.42 mm.; height, 0.20-0.40 mm. Holotype, length, 0.40 mm.; height, 0.22 mm. Occurrence.—A single specimen from Camp Wallace. Dimensions. Remarks—This specimen from the Yorktown formation seems identical to Malkin's figure for Cytherura forulata (Malkin, 1953, pl. 80, fig. 23). The distinct elongate and square pitting of the surface serves to separate this form from C. forulata and C. elongata whose ornamentation consists of longitudinal ridges with weaker cross ribs. The Yorktown specimen has a more pronounced reticula- tion than the holotype but is otherwise the same. Subfamily CYTHERURINAE G. W. Muller, 1894 xenus CYTHEROPTERON Sars, 1866 Cytheropteron talquinensis Puri Pl. 7, figs. 6a-c Cytheropteron talquinensis Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Surv., Bull. 36, p. 243, pl. 5, figs. 5-7. Carapace medium, wedge-shaped in dorsal view. Dorsal margin arched; ventral margin sinuous, Anterior end broadly rounded; posterior end sub- triangular and sharply produced. Surface of the carapace coarsely reticulate. The ventral ala is subcentral in position; slightly moved toward the posterior. BULLETIN 167 It is very sharp, pointed and well-developed and coarsely reticulate. Viewed from inside, the valves are deep, marginal areas wide. Hinge normal to the genus. (Puri, 1954.) Dimensions —Length, 0.625 mm.; height, 0.371 mm. Occurrence.—Carter's Grove, base of bank, and also at four feet up bank at midbeach. Remarks.—This form from the Yorktown formation seems to be like Puri’s species. It appears so far to be restricted to the Carter’s Grove outcrop but persists there through both “zones” of Mansfield; its presence in Zone II is possibly limited to the basal Chama bed of that zone which has several other faunal character- istics suggestive of a transitional facies between Zones I and II. С. talquinensis appears to be limited to the Ecphora-Cancellaria facies of Puri in the Choctawhatchee of Florida, and it may be a valuable stratigraphic or ecologic marker, probably of more ecologic than other significance. Subfamily CYTHERIDEINAE Sars, 1925 Genus CLITHROCYTHERIDEA Stephenson, 1936 Clithrocytheridea diagonalis Malkin Pl. 8, figs. 1a-b Clithrocytheridea diagonalis Malkin, 1953, Jour, Pal., vol. 27, p. 782-783, pl. 79, figs. 18-19, 21-22, 24. A specimen from the Crisfield, Maryland, well from a depth of 248-287 feet, is here illustrated to show the similarities and differ- ences between C. diagonalis and С. virginiensis. Clithrocytheridea diagonalis may be ancestral to Clithrocytheridea virginiensis. Clithrocytheridea virginiensis Malkin Pl. 8, figs. 2a-g Haplocytheridea sp. aff. H. israelskyi Swain, 1953, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, p. 20, pl. 1, figs, 15-17, Clithrocytheridea virginiensis Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal., vol. 27, p. 783-784, pl. 79, figs. 23, 25-28. Carapace ovate; shell thick, translucent; dorsal margin arcuate with blunt, rounded cardinal angulation just anterior to midheight; anterior broadly rounded ; posterior rounded, oblique, passing into dorsal margin with a very gradual decrease in slope in right valve; change in slope of posterior margin more abrupt in left valve. In right valve, posterior margin meets ventral at a right angle; in left valve posteroventral angle is more rounded. Greatest extension of posterior is aboye ventral edge; greatest length of carapace about one-third the distance from ventral edge, measured parallel with ventral margin; ventral margin straight. Greatest height through anterior cardinal angle; greatest convexity central or just posterior of center. Convexity of valves rises more gradually from margins than in С. diagonalis. Six or more small but prominent marginal spines on anterior margin. Surface densely pitted; many YORKTOWN Ostracopa York-James PENINSULA: MCLEAN 75 of the pits in central part of valve in pairs; spaces between the pits form ап irregular reticulation. Anterior, ventral and posterior edges of valve orna- mented by three low, unprominent plications parallel with margins. Vertical median sulcus slightly above center of valves. From the interior, valves deep; thick flanges around free margins, with central sinuosity in ventral flange. Lip-line in flange of left valve. Marginal area thick, not wide, with radial pore canals not closely spaced, tending to occur in pairs. Line of concrescence coincides with inner margin ventrally; in the posterior it is just outside inner margin, and further removed from inner margin at anterior end, Hinge taxodont. In right valve a prominent anterior denticulate cusp, followed by a short shallow denticulate groove that merges gradually with a less prominent posterior denticulate cusp, which merges in turn with the posterior marginal flange (ТСТ) ; in left valve a deep anterior elliptical denticulate socket, a low denticulate ridge that is higher anteriorly, separated from dorsal margin by a thin depressed line, and a shallow posterior elliptical denticulate socket (SbgS). Muscle scar pattern not observed, Several molt stages can be recognized, but they are difficult to distinguish from young forms of Anomocytheridea floridana unless they are from instars advanced enough to have the deep pitting characteristic of С. virginiensis. Young forms figured as Leptocytheridea mariannensis Stephenson are similar in shape. (Malkin, 1953.) Length, 0.80 mm. to 0.89 mm.; height, 0.48 to Dimensions. 0.50 mm. Occurrence.—Moore House Beach, base of bank and six feet up bank; Carter's Grove, upper and lower beach bank bases; Carter's Grove, midbeach, 4, 6, and 10 feet up bank; Felgaters Creek; Camp Wallace; Ft. Eustis well at 101-135 ft. deep. Remarks—My specimens agree with Malkin's descriptions and figures for this species which she described from the Yorktown formation. The form is possibly diagnostic for the Yorktown forma- tion, but the similar C. diagonalis should be studied before decision as to the identity of suspect specimens is made. Genus PARACYTHERIDEA Muller, 1894 Paracytheridea vandenboldi Puri РІ. 8, figs. 4a-b Cytheropteron nodosum Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, p. 129-130 (vol. I), pl. 38, figs. 37-40 (Vol. II). Paracytheridea nodosa Howe et al., 1935, Florida Geol Sur, Bull. 13, p. $7, pl. 3, fig. 7.; Van den Bold, 1946, Contrib. Study Ostracoda w/spec. reference to Tertiary and Cretaceous of Caribbean, р. 86, pl. 16, fig. 7.; Swain, 1951, U. 5. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, р. 51, pl. 3, figs. 19-22. Paracytheridea vandenboldi Puri, 1953, Jour. Pal, vol. 27, p. 751.5 Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal, vol. 27, р. 780, pl. 79, fig. 5.; Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 238-240, pl. 3, fig. 7, text figs. 5a-b; Swain, 1955, Jour. Pal., vol. 29, p. 625, pl. 62, figs. 2a-b. Of this remarkable species a single right valve only has been observed. It is strongly but very irregularly convex, with a low and broad swelling in the anterior half, another large protuberance in the postcardinal fourth, a third smaller node just within the depressed and somewhat produced posterior ex- BULLETIN 167 76 tremity, and a fourth, wing-like prominence, that attains a greater altitude than the other nodes, on the posterior end of a well-defined ventral ridge. In addition to these there is a small spine near the posteroventral angle and a small knob just within the anterodorsal angle. The outline is elongate, sub- trapezoidal, the ends subequal, with the anterior slightly the wider, obliquely truncate, converging dorsally. The ventral outline is gently convex and slightly overhung by the posterior third of the ventral ridge. The dorsal outline is slightly concave, the concavity being due chiefly to the projection of the post- cardinal node. The central part of the surface is depressed, forming a broad though not sharply defined sulcus. A sharply outlined, bevelled border encloses the ends, the posterior border continuing forward to about the middle of the ventral edge where the bevel is reversed and turned inward to form the small concave area that is more or less readily distinguished on the majority of the Ostracoda of this family. The anterior border does not meet the border coming from the opposite end but passes on above it as an impressed line which gradually becomes obsolete a short distance behind the middle of the ventral side. The surface ornament consists of somewhat scattered pits of moderate size. (Ulrich and Bassler, 1904.) Dimensions of holotype.—Length, 0.68 mm.; height of both ends about 0.30 mm.; greatest thickness of a single valve, 0.25 mm. Hinge of right valve consists of an anterior elongate, low, crenulate tooth. Hinge of left valve comprises an anterior shallow crenulate socket, a narrow interterminal crenulate bar, and a posterior, shallow crenulate socket. Inner lamellae not well defined; inner margin and line of concrescence coincide throughout. Muscle scar a submedian vertical row of four spots, with possibly some anterior spots that were not observed clearly. Radial canals few and widely spaced. [Swain, 1951.] Occurrence.—A single valve from four feet up the bank at the Moore House Beach. Remarks—This form was originally described by Ulrich апа Bassler (1904) from an undetermined locality on the James River, indicating that it is possibly a Yorktown species. So far as I can determine, the species may be diagnostic for the Yorktown and correlate formations; its rarity makes it a rather unsatisfactory guide species, however. My specimen, as figured, agrees with Ulrich and Bassler’s original specimen of Cytheropteron nodoswm, the holotype for this form. Subfamily EUCYTHERINAE Puri, 1954 Genus EUCYTHERE Brady, 1866 Eucythere sp. Pl. 8, figs. 3a-b Dr. Н. V. Howe kindly compared the form with Hucythere triangulata Puri and noted that Puris form is thicker posteriorly and that the shape is different. As only a single valve of the York- Yorktown Овткасорл York-James PENINSULA: McLean 77 town form was found, it seems best not to name the specimen but to figure it for future reference. Dimensions of figured specimen. 0.25 mm. Occurrence. Length, 0.55 mm.; height, Single valve from Carter’s Grove, base of bank, > > › general collection. Genus CUSHMANIDEA Blake, 1933 Dr. Henry V. Howe kindly furnished the author with the fol- lowing information concerning the inavailability of the genus Cytherideis and its replacement by С ushmamdea: “Sylvester-Bradley and Harding (Jour. Pal. vol. 27, No. 5, рр. 753-755, 1953) designated for Cytherideis as the type, Cytherideis unicornis which is a young molt of Cypridea Bosquet 1852. The first available name is Cushmanidea Blake 1933, with Cytheridea semi- muda Cushman 1905 as genotype." This unfortunate destruction of Cytherideis as a valid genus will be dealt with in full detail by Dr. Howe in his forthcoming publications. I cite (with his kind permission) Howe’s data as a basis for my adoption of the genus Cushmanidea for forms now in the literature as Cytherideis. y Cushmanidea ashermani (Ulrich and Bassler) РІ. 8, figs. 5a-f Cytherideis ashermani Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur, Miocene, p. 126 (vol. I), pl. 37, figs. 10-16.; Howe et al., 1935, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 13, p. 14, pl. 3, figs. 8-10.; Edwards, 1944, Jour. Pal., vol. 18, p. 514, pl. 86, figs. 1-4.; Swain, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines and Water Res., Bull. 2, p. 195, pl. 13, fig. 1.; Puri, 1952, Jour. Pal. vol. 26, p. 910, pl. 130, figs. 4-8, text figs. 1-2.; Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal, vol. 27, p. 778, pl. 78, figs. 1-13., Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 286-287, pl. 9, figs. 4-8. Cytherideis longula Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur. Miocene р. 133 (vol. Г), pl. 37, figs. 21-27. (vol. 11).; Swain, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines and Water Res., Bull. 2, p. 195, pl, 15-Й 2. Cytherideis semicircularis Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, p. 127 (vol. 1), pl. 37, figs. 18-20 (vok ID. Carapace elongate, subcylindrical, slightly curved with broadest portion just posterior to middle, Ventral outline almost straight in left valve, slightly sinuate in right, dorsal margin arcuate, ends rounded with posterior more acute than anterior, particularly in right valve; surface strongly pitted and slightly reticulate. Left valve slightly larger than right and overlapping it except along posterior half of dorsal margin. Right valve, viewed from interior, moderately deep; marginal area narrow except around anterior end апа flanged from point anterior to dorsal margin around anterior, ventral, and 78 BULLETIN 167 posterior margins; the flange being distinctly removed from ошег margin along anterior end and around acute basal tip of posterior end. This flange fits into a lipline which parallels the outer margin of the left valve. The hinge of the right valve consists of an elongate narrow groove on the inrolled dorsal margin and extends from a point just anterior to the middle to the posterior cardinal angle and is terminated at both ends by the projection of the flange previously mentioned. The hinge of the left valve consists of an elongate groove or socket open to the anterior and situated below the dorsal margin just anterior to the middle. A similar, but much smaller, socket is situated at the posterior cardinal end. Between these sockets the dorsal margin is flattened and pro- jecting and fits into the groove of the right valve. The line of concrescence coincides with the inner margin except for short distance around the anterior end, where it lies just inside of it. Normal pore canals are inconspicuous; radial pore canals not well enough preserved to establish pattern, but in several specimens appear to be numerous and grouped in bunches about anterior end. (Howe, 1935,) Dimensions given.—Length, 0.90 mm. to 1.00 mm.; height, 0.41 mm. to 0.46 mm.; thickness, 0.40 mm. Occurrence.—Moore House Beach, four ft. up the bank; Lang- ley Field house excavation; Carter’s Grove, lower beach portion, base of bank; Camp Wallace; Powell’s Lake Spillway. Remarks.—Yorktown specimens are typical for the species which has a rather extended range in the Miocene and cannot be regarded as diagnostic for Yorktown. Cushmanidea echolsae (Malkin) РІ. 9, figs. 1a-c, 2a-d Cytherideis echolsae Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal. vol. 27, р. 778-779, pl. 73, figs. 14-17, Mature carapace thick-shelled, elongate, compressed; dorsal margin low arcuate; ventral margin slightly incurved in anterior half; anterior broadly rounded; posterior much more sharply rounded, extended. Height similar throughout, about one-third the length. Anterior and posterior bordered by compressed clear area. Surface marked with coarse angular pits; narrow curved pre-median sulcus. Interior shallow; marginal area broad with prominent sharp raised lip in right valve that fits into sharp groove inside of free margins of left valve. Dentition desmodont, as in Cytherideis, but with high toothlike projection on anterior end of posterior dental ridge. (Malkin, 1953.) Dimensions —Length, 0.69 to 0.74 mm.; height, 0.29 to 0.31 mm. Occurrence.—Moore House Beach at base of bank and six ft. up the bank; Camp Wallace; Carter’s Grove, midbeach 10 feet up the bank. Rare. Remarks.—M y specimens seem identical with those of Malkin who described this species from the Yorktown formation. So far as is known, the form is restricted to, and diagnostic of, the Yorktown. YORKTOWN Ostracopa York-James PENINSULA: MCLEAN 79 Cushmanidea ulrichi (Howe and Johnson) Pl. 9, figs. 3a-d Cytherideis ulrichi Howe and Johnson, 1935, in Howe et al., Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 13, p. 16, pl. 3, figs. 11-14.; Puri, 1952, Jour. Pal., vol. 26, р. 911, pl. 130, figs. 11-3, text figs. 5-6.; Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur, Bulle SB 267, pi 9, gs. Lledo. Cytherideis subaequalis ulrichi Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal., vol. 27, р. 779, pl. 78, figs. 18, 21. Carapace elongate, inflated particularly towards the posterior end. The dorsal margin gently arched, the ventral margin nearly straight, slightly concave just in front of the middle. The anterior and posterior ends obliquely rounded, subequal in the right valve, the posterior slightly larger in the left. Surface of the carapace smooth, but marked with fairly numerous white spots where the normal pore canals approach the surface. Viewed from the inside, the valves are moderately deep, flanked by a well defined marginal area, which is broadest around the anterior end, where, for a short distance, the line of concrescence leaves the inner margin and approaches the outer. Radial pore canals moder- ately numerous and occurring in bunches of two or three around the anterior end, fewer in number along the ventral and posterior margins. The marginal area of right valve bears a low, sharp flange except for a short distance along the hingeline, where the dorsal margin is grooved. This groove starts at the middle and extends about one-third the distance to the posterior extremity. The marginal area of the left valve bears a faint lipline near the outside and the hinge consists of a sharp infolding of the dorsal margin from the center one-third the distance to the posterior extremity. Behind and below this fold is a short, horizontal gash, in front of it and below the dorsal margin is an elongate, shallow socket. (Howe and Johnson, 1935.) Dimensions given.—Length, 1.03 to 1.04 mm.; height, 0.47 mm. Occurrence.—Moore House Beach, bank base; Carter’s Grove, bank base, lower beach; Camp Wallace; Fort Eustis well at 101 to 135 feet deep. Remarks.—Most of my specimens seem undistinguishable from a topotype specimen slide of this species furnished by Dr. Howe. Unfortunately only one specimen from the Yorktown is unarticu- lated at this writing, and while it is close to the other forms, it differs from them somewhat in outline. In all other respects, the single loose valve agrees with C. ulrichi. The hinge structure is somewhat exaggerated in the drawing and suggests Paracyprideis according to Howe. I would admit that I would find it difficult to separate the genera Cushmanidea and Paracyprideis as they are described in the literature, but my forms (even the figured loose valve) appear to me to be closer in outline to Cushmanidea than to Para- cyprideis. BULLETIN 167 Subfamily BRACHYCYTHERINAE Puri, 1953 Genus LEGUMINOCYTHEREIS Howe, 1936 Leguminocythereis (?) whitei Swain РІ, 9, figs. 4a-b Leguminocythereis whitei Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, p. 43, pl. 3, figs. 14, 16-18, pl. 4, fig. 1.; Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal., vol. 27, р. 785-786, pl. 80, figs. 7-12. Carapace subtrapezoidal in side view; dorsal margin straight; ventral margin almost straight, protruding slightly in posterior half, converging toward dorsal; anterior margin gently rounded; posterior straight with greatest extension at ventral end; end margins converge towards dorsal edge so that greatest length of carapace is close to ventral margin. Cardinal angles both prominent in left valve; posterior cardinal angle rounded in right valve. Free margins with narrow thickened border most prominent anteriorly and post- eriorly; ends denticulate in ventral half on some specimens. Greatest height through anterior cardinal angle; greatest convexity in posteroventral region where the convexity of the valve rises abruptly towards the dorsal edge. Small rounded muscle area anterior of center is present in most valves, obscure in some. Entire surface except marginal borders covered with heavy coarse reticulations that vary in size and pattern. In specimens from younger beds the reticulations tend to be obscured by rugose irregular dendritic plications generally vertical in trend. Form A; Young molt; archidont hinge; thin shell, small reticulations; prominent muscle spot; very narrow marginal area. Few radial pore canals. Form B; Moderately thick shell; archidont hinge; few radial pore canals; surface reticulate; reticulations obscured by rugose plications in some speci- mens. (Malkin, 1953.) Length, 0.61 to 0.70 mm.; height, 0.29 to 0.34 Dimensions. mm. Remarks.—This species probably belongs to a genus other than Leguminocythereis. As it seems to me that the species may also be in doubt (1.е., it is not L. whitei Swain) and as only one valve of the form was found, it is thought best that a revision of the genus and species be left to some one having better material. The descrip- tion given by Malkin as cited above seems to agree with the speci- men found. The specimen found seems to agree with the form figured by Malkin as figure 10, plate 80. Occurrence.—Base of the bank, Powell’s Lake Spillway, in association with /sognomen sp. Genus PTERYGOCYTHEREIS Blake, 1933 Pterygocythereis americana (Ulrich and Bassler) Pl. 9, figs. 5a-d, 6a-e Cythercis cornuta var. americana Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, ». 122 (vol. 1), pl. 37, figs. 29-33 (vol. II). Cythereis alaris Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur,, Miocene, р. 123-124 (vol. Т), pl. 33, figs. 34-36 (vol. IT). YORKTOWN ÖSTRACODA Yonk-JAMEs PENINSULA: MCLEAN 81 Cythereis (Pterygocythereis) cornuta var. americana Howe et als 1935, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 13, p. 26, pl. 2, figs. 19, 21-24, pl. 4, fig. 24.; Swain, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol. Mines, and Water Rosy Bulk 2 D. 206-207, pl. 14 (13), fig. 4. Pterygocythereis cornuta americana Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sure Prof Paper 234-A, p. 41-42.; Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 96; n. 261, pl. 13, figs. 1-5, text figs. 9d-f. Pterygocythereis americana Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal., vol. 25 D. (095, ph. 80, figs. 26-29, Carapace obliquely subquadrate, the dorsal margin straight and equaling a little more than half the entire length, the ventral edge straight in the middle and at the ends, curving more rapidly into the anterior margin, which is most prominent in the lower half, than into the posterior outline. The latter is the most prominent at a point about a third of the height of the left valve beneath the line of the dorsal edge, and from this point the outline turns anteriorly, at first at a right angle, then with a gentle upward curve on to the well defined post-cardinal angle. The anterio-cardinal angle is sometimes indistinct and always blunter than the posterior angle. The right valve differs from the left principally in this, that both of the cardinal angles are indistinct. Both valves bear a fluted crest, always divided about its mid-length, along the cardinal mar- Ein; and a ventral ridge that begins about the middle of the anterior margin with a gradual coalescing series of spines and continues to rise posteriorly until it terminates in a prominent sharp spine, projecting obliquely downward and backward, about one-third of the length of the valve from the posterior ex- tremity. The inner slope of this ridge is fluted like the dorsal crest. From the terminal spine the ridge turns upward toward the postcardinal angle, gradually growing obsolete before reaching it. Two-thirds of the distance intervening between the two points are marked by prominences, the first being a rather prominent node, the second much more obscure. The compressed posterior end terminates in a series of strong spines, six on the left valve and five on the right, while a fringe of smaller spines forms the anteroventral edge. Surface of valves smooth and depressed between the marginal ridges, the valves being on the whole very shallow. Length of a relatively short valve 1.10 mm.; greatest height of same 0.60 mm.; length of a proportionally long valve 1.20 mm., greatest height of same 0.58 mm. . . . (Ulrich and Bassler, 1904.) The hinge of the right valve is rather delicate and consists of a moderately small, knob-like tooth on the anterior end, behind which is a small, circular depression which continues as a narrow groove below and parallel to the dorsal margin to the anterior cardinal angle, where is located a low, oval, blunt tooth. The hinge of the left valve is slightly more robust and consists of an anterior socket open below, behind which is a small sharp tooth situated im- mediately below the dorsal margin. 'The dorsal margin is thin and sharp and fits into the groove of the opposite valve. The posterior cardinal angle is oc- cupied by an elongate socket open in the interior. The marginal areas are moderately broad on the anterior and posterior ends and carry a few widely spaced radial pore canals. These pore canals tend to be grouped in pairs, particularly on the anterior end. (Howe et al., 1935.) Occurrence. Carter's Grove, bank base, upper and lower b sach; 10 feet up the bank at midbeach: Moore House Beach, bank base; at 101-135 ft. in Fort Eustis well, 82 BULLETIN 167 Remarks.—Ulrich and Bassler’s Cythereis alarıs is the young molt of P. americana, and my specimens are identical to the types of C. alaris with which they were compared. P. americana and molts have a distinctively glassy test that serves to assist in relating them, and the hinges of the molts are simple but evolvable into the complex hinge of the adult form. Puri’s figure of the hinge structure of P. americana leaves something to be desired so far as Yorktown specimens are concerned, the figures here made are decidedly more accurate representations of this feature. Fimbria Neviani, 1928 has been proposed as the proper name for the genus Pterygocythereis on the basis of priority, but the name Fimbria has been preoccupied several times for animals other than Ostracoda (Howe, p. 78, 1955). Subfamily TRACHYLEBERINAE Sylvester-Bradley, 1948 Genus ACTINOCYTHEREIS Puri, 1953 Actinocythereis exanthemata (Ulrich and Bassler) РІ. 10, figs. la-c Cythere exanthemata Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, m 117 (vol Г), pl. 36, figs: 1-5 (vol; 1). Cythercis exanthemata Swain, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines and Water Res., vol. 2, p. 204, pl. 12, figs. 14-15. Trachyleberis exanthemata Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, 797 Bb 6, 119 5; NIRIEID, 1955, Tour, Pal. vol 2/7; 0.791, ТІК Bly 1198, 16, 19-20. Actinocythercis exanthemata Puri, 1953, Amer. Midland Naturalist, vol. 49 p. 179-181, pl. 2, figs. 4-8, text figs. 3-f.; Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur. Bull, vol. 36, p. 252-253, pl. 13, figs. 6-13. A ctinocythereis aff. exanthemata Swain?, 1955, Jour. Pal., vol. 29, p. 634, pl. 63, figs. 5a-b, text figs. 37c, 38, 7a-c. Carapace oblong subquadrate or elongate subovate, obliquely rounded at the ends, the greater curvature and prominence in both cases being in the ventral half. Entire outline, excepting the straight or slightly concave ventral edge, fringed with flattened spines, those along the dorsal edge being of larger size than those on the ends. Posterior end compressed and carrying a double series of spines, the outer row sometimes occupying a low marginal ridge. Anterior end with a thick border or marginal ridge within the spiny fringe, but this ridge also breaks up into node-like spines in its lower third. Surface of valves between these two end ridges covered with fifteen to eighteen large irregular blunt spines or excrescences. These spines at first sight may seem to be arranged wholly without regard to any system, but on closer inspection they arrange themselves into three longitudinal rows, a rather irregular one pro- jecting over the dorsal line, a second regular series beginning with the nodes on the lower end of the anterior marginal ridge and continuing in an increasing curve across the ventral and posterior slopes, and a third and much less regular row lying between the other two. Several of the nodes of the middle series are YORKTOWN OsTRACODA YORK-JAMES PENINSULA: McLean 83 grouped on the summit of a broad anterior swelling of the valves. Hingement strong, typical for the genus. The interior marginal plate is usually wide. (Ulrich and Bassler, 1904.) Length, 0.90 mm.; height, 0.50 mm. Marginal area broad, with a lipline and many paired marginal pore canals which generally are straight, sometimes are wavy, but are never thickened. Muscle scar pattern consists of four oval spots in a vertical row, a fifth is in front of the middle and a sixth is below it. Hinge line of the right valve con- sists of an anterior tooth, a postjacent socket and a posterior tooth connected with a shallow median groove.—(Puri, 1954, p. 252.) Occurrences.—Confined to Carter’s Grove, bank base upper and lower part of beach and at middle part of beach, four, six, and ten feet up bank. Rare. Remarks.—Yorktown specimens are typical. Aetinoeythereis exanthemata gomillionensis (Howe and Ellis) Pl. 10, figs. 2a-d Cythereis exanthemata var. gomillionensis Howe and Ellis, 1935, Howe el al., Florida Geol Sur, Bull, vol. 13, p. 19, pl. 1, figs, 6-12, pl. 4, fig. 3; Edwards, 1944, Jour. Pal., vol. 18, p. 521, pl. 87, figs. 31-32. Trachyleberis exanthemata gomillionensis Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal., vol. 27, p. 792, pl. 81, figs. 15, 17-18. Actinocythereis exanthemata var, gomillionensis Puri, 1953, Amer. Midland Naturalist, vol. 49, p. 181, pl. 2, figs. 1-2.; Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur, Bull, 36, p. 253, pl. 13, figs. 16-17. Variety differing from the preceding (C. exanthemata var. marylandica Howe and Hough) in its much smaller size, more elongate form, more delicate ornamentation and in the greater number of nodes which decorate the central portion of the carapace. In particular there are usually three additional nodes in front of the central row of spines placed approximately equidistant between the muscular tubercle and the anterior rim. In addition this variety possesses a supplementary row of very fine, globular nodes situated above the dorsal row of spines along the hinge-line of the right valve. In most specimens this line of nodes extends the entire distance from the anterior cardinal angle to the posterior cardinal angle, but in some specimens is found only on the anterior half of the hinge-line. This supplementary row of nodes easily separates this variety from either the preceding variety or from the typical species. (Howe and Ellis, 1935.) Dimensions. Length, 0.73-0.79 mm.; height, 0.39-0.48 mm.; thickness, 0.43 mm. Another feature which seems to separate this form from the typical species and the subspecies marylandica is the restriction of radial pore canals to the posterior and anterior marginal areas, as figured by Howe and Ellis and on my figured specimens. Occurrence.—Camp Wallace; Carter's Grove at base of bank along entire outcrop and at 10 feet up the bank at upper part of BULLETIN 167 84 beach; also at Moore House Beach, bank base and six feet up the bank. Remarks. —Malkin (1953, р. 792) called this form an “allo- chronic subspecies” of A. exanthemata and A. exanthemata mary- landica. As far as I can ascertain, the form A. gomillionensis may be restricted to the Yorktown formation and its correlate formations. Genus ECHINOCYTHEREIS Puri, 1953 Echinocythereis clarkana (Ulrich and Bassler) РІ. 10, figs. 3a-c Cythere clarkana Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, Dy 98, (voL LJ, ply 33, ties 1410 ol Di Cythere clarkana var, miniscula Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur. Miocene, p. 99 (vol. I), pl. 35, figs. 11-14 (vol. II). Leguminocythereis clarkana Swain, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol. Mines and Water Res., Bull. 2, p. 207, pl. 14, fig. 6.; Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, p. 43, pl. 6, fig. 18. Trachyleberis clarkana Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal., vol. 27, p. 792, pl. 82, figs. Carapace rather irregular in outline but usually elongate-ovate, about 1.30 mm. in length, 0.65 mm. high and 0.6 mm. thick. Valve well-rounded, the greatest convexity towards the posterior end, unequal, the left overlapping the right at the cardinal angles and in turn overlapped by the right along the ventral edge. Position of anterior hinge teeth marked by an oblique dorsal swelling. Hinge straight, the length being about three fifths that of the entire carapace. Left valve obliquely rounded posteriorly, most prominent in the lower half; ventral edge straight or slightly arcuate; the posterior edge rather narrowly rounded, the curve generally straightened in the upper half, and the junction with the extremity of the hinge line sometimes obtusely angular, In the right valve the ends are more equal in breadth and curvature, although the ventral half of the anterior is also more strongly curved, and the ventral out- line is faintly sinuate instead of arcuate. Surface of both valves coarsely reticulate, the meshes arranged somewhat concentrically about a subcentral point. The ridges forming the raised part of the network bear, especially at their junction angles, spines, the size and number of which vary with age. In the old condition, the surface is quite rough with these spines, the ridges thicker and the reticulation less obviously concentric. The lower two-thirds of the anterior and posterior margins of the left valve bear a series of small spines but on the right valves such spines have been observed only on the anterior edge and they are often wanting even there. Edge view lanceolate with the ends a little blunt or truncate. Hingement consists of a rather large anterior lateral tooth connected by a bar with a somewhat smaller posterior tooth and corresponding sockets in each valve. (Ulrich and Bassler, 1904.) Hinge of left valve consists of the following elements: a small, deep, rounded, anterior socket, supported ventrally by a pronounced, ridgelike, sub- vertical shell-thickening; a larger, deep, rounded, posterior socket; and an intervening heavy bar, formed of the thickened valve edge, bluntly club- shaped at its posterior end, expanded and with slightly depressed surface at its posterior end; dorsally the ridge is defined by a weak furrow, Hinge of right valve not observed here, but according to Ulrich and Bassler, it consists of terminal, rounded teeth connected by a bar; the relationship of the connecting bars is not clear, but it appears that in the right valve, the thin valve-edge slightly overlaps the strong bar on the left valve. YORKTOWN Оѕтклсорл York-James PENINSULA: McLean 85 Muscle scar slightly anterior to midlength; it consists of a curved, sub- vertical row of four spots, together with two more anterior spots that lie adjacent to one another; between the two groups of spots is a deep, rounded pit. Inner surface bears numerous, small, rather widely spaced pits that repre- sent the positions of the pore canals. Marginal pore canals numerous; inner margin and line of concrescence not quite coinciding, either terminally or ventrally, Ventral margin of left valve impressed medially, where it seems to be overlapped slightly by the edge of the right valve. (Swain, 1948.) Occurrence.—Crisfield well (Maryland) at 287 to 388 feet; Fort Eustis well at 101-160 feet; W. bank of Fishing Creek 11 miles north of Tarboro, N. C. Ulrich and Bassler reported this form from Yorktown, Virginia, but neither Miss Malkin nor I have found any specimens either at Yorktown or in the Yorktown formation. Swain (1951) found it in the upper Miocene of the Bogue, North Caro- lina well, but the Bogue fauna available to the author is not cor- relative with the Yorktown formation faunas as far as can be de- termined at present. Remarks.—So far as I am able to determine, this species is diag- nostic of the pre-Yorktown; it has not been found in Yorktown formation outcrops. Genus MURRAYINA Puri, 1954 Murrayina howei Puri Pl. 10, figs 4a-e Cythere producta Ulrich and Bassler (not Brady), 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur. Miocene, р. 115 (vol. I), pl. 36, fig. 17, pl. 38, figs. 28-30 (vol. II). Cythereis products Howe, 1935, in Howe et al., Florida Geol. Sur. Bull. 13, р. 22, pl. 1, figs. 31-32, 35, 37, pl. 4, figs. 11-12. Trachyleberis martini Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal., vol. 27, p. 793, pl. 82, figs. 6-9 ?, 11-13?, Murrayina howei Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur. Bull., 36, p. 255-256, pl. 12, figs. 9-10, text figs. 8g-h. Carapace in side view elongate ovate, dorsal and ventral margins slightly sinuous and nearly parallel, the anterior end broadly and obliquely rounded and forming a distinct and prominent angulation with the dorsal margin, pro- duced ventrally, faintly rimmed and decorated with eight to ten small marginal teeth below the middle. The posterior end rounded, but tending to a slight angularity just above the middle. It, too, tends to be faintly denticulate. The remainder of the surface is reticulate with a tendency for the reticulations to be elongated longitudinally. "There is a low swelling marking the position of the muscle attachment just anterior to the middle and the eyespots are small, circular and very clearly defined. Greatest height at the anterior cardinal angle; greatest thickness near the posterior end, but it is only slightly more than the thickness near the anterior end. Viewed from the inside, the valves are moderately shallow, particularly at the anterior ends and fringed with a fairly wide marginal area. 'The line of concrescence lies between the inner and outer margins, around the anterior end and around the central portion of the posterior end. The marginal area of the right valve bears a broad, shallow lip-line near the outer margin, into which the acute outer margin of the left BULLETIN 167 valve fits. The ventral margin of both valves are incurved and flanged just anterior to the center, the flange of the left valve being bifid. The hinge of the right valve consists of a high, sharp anterior tooth, whose base curves posteriorly downward below a deep anterior socket which is situated, im- mediately above and behind, a small circular, ocular pit. The inner edge of the dorsal margin appears to be faintly grooved and the posterior cardinal angle is occupied by a large, oval, mushroom-shaped tooth. The hinge of the left valve consists of a deep, circular, anterior socket, situated above and behind a small, circular, ocular pit and separated from it by a low, thick septum. The dorsal margin projects in a tooth-like manner immediately in front and behind the socket, otherwise it is straight, narrow and sharp to the posterior angle, where is situated an ovate pit, partially open to the interior. The radial pore canals are numerous; normal pore canals are few and widely spaced and mostly obscured by the reticulate ornamentation. (Howe et al., 1935.) Dimensions —Length, 0.90 mm.; height, 0.42 mm.; thickness, 0.37 mm. Occurrence.—Powell’s Lake Spillway; Fort Eustis well at 101- 135 feet; Crisfield (Maryland) well at 248 to 287 feet deep. Rare. Not encountered in outcrop material from the Yorktown formation, though the Fort Eustis interval is believed to be in the Yorktown formation. Remarks.—Miss Malkin believed this form to be a phenotypic variant of M. martini, but I find the hinge structure and the orna- mentation somewhat different from M. martim. These features plus a difference of outline of the test seem to separate the forms in question. Murrayina martini (Ulrich and Bassler) РІ, 11, figs. 1a-c, 2a-b, 3a-d Cythere martini Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur. Miocene, p. 112-113 (vol. 1), pl. 36, figs. 11-15 (vol. 11). Cythere micula Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur. Miocene, p. 116 (vol. I), pl. 36, figs. 18-20 (vol. II). Cythereis martini Swain, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines, and Water Res, Bull; 2, р. 196, pl.-12, figs, 16-17; Trachyleberis ? martini Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, p.29, pb-3, tige, 8,15. Trachyleberis martini Malkin, 1953, (Part), Jour. Pal., vol. 27, р. 793, pl. 82, fig. 10?, (not other figures). Murrayina martini Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, р. 256, pl. 12, figs. 11-13, text figures 8e-f. Carapace small, suboblong, widest anteriorly though the difference between the heights of the two ends is variable and sometimes does not exceed the difference between five and six. Right valve with a long, straight dorsal edge, terminating anteriorly and posteriorly in rather distinct angles; anterior edge with a thick border, obliquely subtruncate, and usually with a fringe of short spines in the middle and lower thirds; posterior outline sometimes uniformly curved backward from the anterodorsal angle and then forward again into the nearly straight ventral margin, the curve into the latter being gradual. YORKTOWN Овткасора YorK-JAMES PENINSULA: McLean 87 More commonly, however, especially when the posterior fringe of five or six spines is well developed, there is a small excision in the upper third of the outline. Often a small prominence is noticeable about the middle of the ventral edge. Left valve generally a little higher than the right, which it overlaps ventrally, and enclosed, except along the dorsal edge, by a thick rim, heaviest anteriorly and barely distinguishable in the anteroventral region. Usually there are no marginal spines at either end of this valve. Both valves exhibit a broad swelling, occupying the greater part of the anterior half, but it is nearly always more conspicuous on the left valves. The surface of the right valves, on the contrary, seems to be more protuberant near the posterior margin than the left. Occasionally the right valve bears also a small central protuberance. Surface of both valves reticulate or simply pitted, the pattern, as shown by the illustrations, being somewhat variable. (Ulrich and Bassler, 1904.) Dimensions —Length, 0.75 mm. to 0.80 mm.; height, 0.39 mm. to 0.42 mm. Hinge of right valve consists of an anterior, strongly elevated, pointed tooth, a postjacent rounded socket, a posterior, strongly elevated, pointed tooth, in front of which is a small, subtriangular, shallow socket, and between these terminal dental areas, the valve edge bears a very faint groove .... Marginal pore canals arranged in pairs, about 30 on each end. Inner lamellae fairly broad, the inner margin and line of concrescence coinciding. Muscle scar lies anterior to midlength and consists of a compact group of four spots; addi- tional spots may be present dorsal and anterior to the main group, but could not be observed clearly.” (Swain 1948). Hinge of left valve the antithesis of right, but interterminal bar is only faintly crenulate in a few places. (Swain, 1951.) Occurrence.—Camp Wallace; Carter’s Grove throughout sec- tion; Moore House Beach at base of bank and four feet up bank; Fort Eustis well at 135-160 feet deep. Murrayina barelayi McLean, п. sp. Pl. 11, figs. 4a-£ Carapace elongate, subtrapezoidal, dorsal and ventral margins slope slightly towards posterior end; dorsal margin straight, ventral margin with a distinct incurving midportion. Anterior end broadly rounded, with numerous small spines extending from just below the anterior angle to and around the ventral portion. Posterior end slightly rounded to straight, forming distinct angles with the dorsal and ventral margins and with several well-developed spines in lower half. Ornamentation strikingly and strongly reticulate; reticulae arranged in concentric curves anteriorly, arrangement over rest of test is de- termined by several well-developed longitudinal ridges which occupy the mid- part of the test and fan out downward posteriorly. Greatest height at the anterior cardinal angle which projects a bit above the dorsal margin. Internally the valves are moderately deep, with broad mar- ginal areas which show numerous fine radial pore canals. The marginal area of the right valve has a relatively broad, shallow lip line to receive the left valve. 'The hingement of both valves are strongly developed and typical of the genus, Normal pore canals, line of concrescence, and muscle scars not observed in holotype or paratype specimens. The form figured as a molt seems close to this species in shell texture and is primitive in character as befits a young molt which modifies into the more complex, fully detailed, adult form, The hinge is simple and straight but begins to show signs of the more complex adult hinge structure. i BULLETIN 167 Dimensions.—Length of holotype, 0.80 mm.; height, 0.40 mm. Occurrence.—Moore House Beach, base of bank. Remarks.—This species is quite close to М. howei, from which it differs in the distinctive ornamentation, slenderer test, and some- what stronger hinge details. It may be a descendant or variant of M. howet. Named in honor of Mr. George Barclay of Newport News, Virginia, who kindly helped the author in locating collection spots, and who has been unfailingly encouraging and helpful in other ways. Murrayina barclayi could possibly be referred to Malkin’s Trachyle- beris radiata, but her description leaves much to be desired and her figures show a coarser ornamentation that is not developed in the fashion of M. barclayi. Genus ORIONINA Puri, 1954 Orionina vaughani (Ulrich and Bassler) Pl. 11, figs. 6a-b Cythere vaughani Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, р. 109-110 (vol. 1), pl. 38, figs. 25-27 (vol. II). Cythereis vaughani Howe et al., 1935, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 13, p. 24-25, pl. 3, figs. 24-26, pl. 4, fig. 12.; Coryell and Fields, 1937, Amer. Mus. Nat, Hist. Novitates, No. 956, p. 9, fig. 10a.; Edwards, 1944, Jour. Pal., vol. 18, р. 522, pl. 87, figs. 27-28.; Van den Bold, 1950, ibid., vol. 2570250 Trachyleberis vaughani Swain, 1951, U. 8. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, р. 37, pl. 6, figs. 6-7.; Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal., vol. 27, р. 794, pl. 82, fig. 14. Orionina vaughani Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 254, pl. 12, figs. 15-16, text figs. 8a-c. Carapace elongate with an obliquely rounded anterior end and a posterior end that is rounded below the middle and concave above. The dorsal margin is nearly straight, the ventral subparallel to it and slightly sinuous. The anterior, ventral and lower half of the posterior margins are finely and evenly denti- culate, particularly in the right valve. Viewed from the outside, the anterior end carries a thin marginal rim. Surface with three or four longitudinal ridges and an irregular number of transverse raised bars, forming an angularly reticulate pattern which is somewhat variable. In addition to the pattern of ridges, the valves bear a small, round, almost glassy knob just in front of the center and a somewhat similar glassy tubercle at the ‘eyespot’ just below the anterior cardinal angle. Viewed from the interior, the valves are moderately deep and are fringed with a fairly broad marginal area, which, in the right valve, carries a deeply grooved lip-line near the outer margin to receive the rather acute marginal edge of the opposite valve. Radial pore canals are numerous and closely spaced around the anterior end, becoming fewer and wider spaced along the ventral and posterior margins. The hinge of the right valve consists of a small, knob-like anterior tooth, in front and below which lies a small ocular pit and behind which is a large, shallow depression open to the interior. This pit is situated below a long, straight, narrow, oblique hinge bar, which term- inates at the posterior cardinal angle above a small, round, knob-like tooth which is situated on the posterior margin. The hinge of the left valve consists of a small anterior socket, situated above and behind a deep ocular pit and separated from it by a low rim, and with two tooth-like projections, one just in YORKTOWN OsrRACODA YORK-JAMES PENINSULA: McLean 89 front, formed by an overlap of the dorsal margin, the other immediately behind and below the dorsal margin. The dorsal margin is nearly straight and oblique and faintly grooved. The posterior cardinal angle is occupied by a large, shallow socket, which is elongated parallel to the posterior slope. (Howe et al., 1935.) Occurrence.—Sporadically throughout the Carter's Grove ош- crop; at base of the bank at the Moore House Beach; Langley Field house excavation. Remarks.—This form is reported as low as the middle Miocene of North Carolina and the Arca Zone of Florida Miocene. The form in the York-James Peninsula seems to be restricted to the York- town formation, and it is also reported to be living off the coast of Haiti. Genus PURIANA Coryell and Fields, 1954 Puriana rugipunetata (Ulrich and Bassler) Pl. 11, figs. 5a-d Cythere rugipunctata Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, p 118 (yol U, Pl 58, figi 16*17, vole М), Cythereis rugipunctata Howe et al., 1935, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 13, р. 23, pl. 1, figs. 13, 20-22; pl. 4, figs. 22-23. Favella rugipunctata Edwards, 1944, Jour. Pal., vol. 18, р. 524, pl. 88, figs. 5-6.; Malkin 1953, Jour. Pal., vol. 27, p. 797, pl. 82, fig. 24.; Van den Bold, 1950, Jour. Pal., vol. 24, р. 86.; Van den Bold, 1946, р. 100, pl. 10, fig. 3. Trachyleberis ? rugipunctata Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, р. 88, pl 6, TN 8. Puriana rugipunctata Coryell and Fields, (in Puri, 1953), Jour. Pal., vol. 27, p. 751.; Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 257-8, pl. 12, figs. 18-19, text fig. 8 k. Carapace in side view elongate ovate; highest at the anterior cardinal angle; thickest at the muscular protuberence. Anterior end broadly and obliquely rounded with a distinct rim and with four or five small marginal spines in the ventral half; posterior end concave in the dorsal half, convex and orna- mented with three or four prominent spines in the ventral half, Dorsal margin nearly straight, ventral margin sinuous, with two margins tending to converge posteriorly. Ornamentation of the central portion of the carapace consisting of a prominent node just anterior to the center, behind and below which is a curved sulcus. The surface of the posterior half of the carapace is a complex of oblique plications which tend to produce a divaricate effect along the median line of the valves. Anterior to the central node, the plications are irregularly distributed. There is a small, ocular spot just below the anterior cardinal angle. Viewed from the inside, the valyes are moderately deep and are bordered with a wide marginal zone, widest along the posterior half of the ventral margin. The marginal area of the right valve possesses a well-marked ‘lip line’ just inside the outer margin, into which the acute outer margin of the left valve articulates. The radial pore canals are moderately few in number, being most abundant around the anterior end. The hingement of the right valve is elongate and consists of a small, high anterior tooth, behind which is a deep socket, tending to be open to the interior. From this socket a narrow, straight groove parallels the dorsal margin to the oblique, blunt, recurved posterior tooth. There is also a second groove below the first, which starts at the anterior socket and continues back about one-fifth the distance to the posterior cardinal angle. The 90 BULLETIN 167 hinge of the left valve consists of a small anterior socket behind which is a moderately high tooth, followed by a straight bar parallel to and separated from the dorsal margin by a faint incised line. This bar terminates at its posterior end in a small swelling and is in turn followed by a wide, oblique socket, which is open to the interior of the valve. (Howe et al., 1935.) Dimensions —( Howe et al.). Length, 0.65 mm.; thickness, 0.36 mm.; height, 0.38 mm. (Ulrich and Bassler); Length, 0.71 mm.; thickness, 0.20 mm. (single valve); height, 0.38 mm. Occurrence.—Rare; Langley Field house excavation; Carter’s Grove six feet up the bank at midbeach section; Powell’s Lake Spillway, Camp Wallace. Remarks.—This form seems to be restricted to the Miocene but appears in all parts of the Miocene according to recorded occur- гепсев. Genus ACUTICYTHEREIS Edwards, 1944 Acuticythereis laevissima Edwards Pl. 12, figs. 4a-g Acuticythercis laevissima Edwards, 1944, Jour. Pal., vol. 18, No. 6, p. 519- 520, pl. 87, figs. 4-11. Camplocythere laevissima Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal., vol. 27, No. 6, р. 785, pl. 80, figs. 4-6. Carapace ovate to pyriform in side view, posterior pointed, dorsal outline straight, anterior obliquely rounded, ventral outline concave just anterior to middle. Posterior of right valve pointed, left more rounded. Surface smooth, but marked by irregularly spaced, normal pore-canals. Hinge, marginal area and radial pore-canals characteristic of genus but in immature molts, radial pore-canals not grouped nor do they indent line of concrescence. (Edwards, 1944.) Dimensions —Length, 0.70 to 0.77 mm.; height, 0.31 to 0.38 mm. Occurrence.—Felgater’s Creek; Moore House Beach at base of bank; Carter’s Grove, lower part of beach at bank base and also at midbeach section six feet up the bank, Langley Field house ex- cavation. Remarks.—The figures here made of Yorktown specimens indicate a somewhat stronger hinge development than is actually the case, but the essential details are correct. I see no reason to transfer this form to Camplocythere as Malkin has done. The pores of the holotype are more prominent than is the case with Yorktown specimens. Edwards’ paratypes had the same type of pores as York- town specimens. YORKTOWN Ostracopa Yonk-JAMEs PENINSULA: McLean 91 Subfamily CYTHERETTINAE Triebel, 1952 Genus CYTHERETTA Muller, 1894 Cytheretta burnsi (Ulrich апа Bassler) РІ. 12, figs. 1а-а Cythere burnsi Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, p. 103 (vol. I), pl. 36, figs. 34-39 (vol. II). Cythere nitidula Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Зиг. Miocene, p. 107 (vol. 1), pl. 36, figs. 21-28 (vol. 11). Cythere nitidula var. calvertensis Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, p. 108 (vol. I), pl. 36, figs. 24-25 (vol. II). Cythere paucipunctata Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, р. 105, (vol. I), pl. 38, figs. 7-9 (vol. II). Cytheretta burnsi Howe et al., 1935, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 13, p. 99 ple-2, figs. 12-14, 17, pl. 4, figs. 14, 21; Puri, 1952, Jour. Pal, vol. 26, p. 205-206, pl. 39, figs. 5-6.; Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 282, pl. 7, figs. 1, 2.5 Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal, vol. 27, p. 789-790, pl. 81, figs. 7-8, 10-11. Carapace elongate ovate, highest and thickest near the posterior end, the dorsal margin straight, the ventral margin sinuous, the anterior and posterior ends broadly rounded. The central part of the valves is ornamented by a reticulate pattern of pits and ridges; many of the pits occurring in pairs and tending to be hexagonal in outline and the sculpture being longitudinal in its arrangement. The left valve is larger than the right and overlaps it, particu- larly at the cardinal angles. Viewed from the inside, the valves are moderately deep with a broad marginal area, the interior margin of the anterior end pos- sessing the characteristic ‘5’ shape of the genus. The radial роге canals are very elongate and fairly numerous. On the anterior end they radiate from a point just in front of the muscle scars. The outer edge of the right valve is thickened and sharp and slightly keeled toward the center of the ventral margin. In the left valve there is a faint lipline which lies just within the outer margin. The hinge of the right valve consists of a strong anterior tooth, shaped like a pointed triangular pyramid. Behind it lies a deep socket open to the interior. From the posterior side of this socket, a shallow groove extends half-way back along the hinge line. The edge of the dorsal margin is straight and carries a faint groove. The posterior tooth is strong rounded, oblique and recurved in the direction of the posterior extremity. The hinge of the left valve consists of large terminal sockets which are at least partially open to the interior. The anterior socket is flanked in front by a strong, tooth-like projection of the dorsal margin; behind by a heavy, blunt, inwardly deflected tooth. The posterior socket is flanked behind and partially covered by a long pointed fold of the margin. Between the sockets there is а narrow, minutely crenulate, straight bar, separated from the dorsal margin by a faintly incised line. (Howe et al., 1935.) Dimensions given by Howe et al. are: left valve, length, 1.28 mm.; height, 0.66 mm.; right valve, length, 1.24 mm.; height, 0.63 mm. Occurrence.—Langley Field house excavation; throughout the section at Carter’s Grove but rare in all cases. Remarks.—Doris Malkin (1953, р. 789-790) gave several molt stages of this species a detailed description. Our specimens were rare and did not include these different stages, although I am inclined 92 BULLETIN 167 to agree with Malkin's synonymy and descriptions of this form. Cytheretta ulrichi Puri РІ. 12, figs. 3a-d Cythere plebeia Ulrich and Bassler (Not Reuss), 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur. Miocene, p. 102-103 (vol. I), pl. 35, figs. 20-29 (vol. II). Cythere plebeia var. capax Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, p. 103 (vol. 1), pl. 35, figs. 30-33 (vol. II). Cythere porcella Ulrich and Bassler, 1904, Maryland Geol. Sur., Miocene, p. 106-107 (vol. 1), pl. 36, figs. 26-33 (vol. 11). Cytheretta plebcia Swain, 1948, Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines and Water Res., Bull. 2, p. 212, pl. 14, figs. 3-4.; Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal, vol 27, р. 790, pl. 81, figs. 1-6, 9. Cytheretta ulrichi Puri, 1952. Jour. Pal., vol. 26, p. 204-205, pl. 39, fig. 3, text figs. 5-7. Cytheretta porcella Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, p. 45, pl. 4, fig. 7. Carapace elongate, outline approximately a parallelogram. Valves mod- erately and evenly convex, greatest height slightly posterior to center, Dorsal margin straight, slightly convex; ventral margin straight, slightly concave just anterior to middle, but gemerally parallel to dorsum. Anterior end blunt, obliquely rounded, more so in upper half, Posterior end narrow, obliquely rounded in ventral half, oblique above. Surface smooth with shallow, rounded, scattered pits having no regular pattern except that they tend to occur in pairs. As viewed from inside, valves moderately deep, thick. Marginal areas very broad. Line of concrescence coincides with inner margin, forms the characteristic S-line of genus. Radial pore canals fairly numerous, straight, slender, with tendency to occur in pairs, more numerous along anterior than posterior or ventral margins, where they are scanty. Hinge in left valve consists of anterior and posterior sockets flanked by tooth-like projections of dorsal margin connected -by a bar-like ridge. Hinge in right valve consists of an anterior conical tooth, almost vertical in front and sloping steeply behind, a postjacent socket and a somewhat smaller posterior conical tooth connected by a deep, narrow groove. (Puri, 1952.) Dimensions —( Puri.) Length, 0.952 mm. to 0.980 mm.; height, 0.490 mm. to 0.540 mm. Occurrence.—Moore House Beach, base of bank; Langley Field house excavation; Carter’s Grove, in upper part of beach at base and 10 feet up the bank; Powell’s Lake Spillway, top and bottom beds; Fort Eustis well at 101-135 feet deep; Crisfield (Maryland) well at 248-287 feet. Subfamily HEMICYTHERINAE Puri, 1953 Genus HEMICYTHERE Sars, 1925 Hemicythere schmidtae Malkin Pl, 12, figs. 2a-d Trachyleberis ? cf. Т. angulata, Swain, 1951 (not Sars) U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, 29-30, pl. 3, figs. 9-12. Trachyleberis ? reesidei Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur. Prof. Paper 234-A, ри 30, Ply, 3, fig 13, Hemicythere schmidtae Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal., vol. 27, p. 796-797, pl. 82, figs. 16-18 YORKTOWN ОвткАСОрА York-James PENINSULA: MCLEAN 93 Carapace elongate subovate; dorsal margin slightly arched; ventral margin slightly sinuous, tending to converge with dorsal; anterior broadly rounded and curving into ventral margin, may be finely denticulate; posterior almost straight, oblique, with blunt short caudal extension, which may be denticulate, near ventral edge. Cardinal area extends above rest of dorsal margin. Greatest height through anterior cardinal angle; convexity similar throughout. Entire margin with a thickened, rounded clear border, broadest anterior and posterior; the thickened border rises from the margin to form a rounded rim on anterior and posterior ends. Surface, except rims and borders, covered with соагзе, irregular, angular reticulations, arranged in a roughly radial pattern, and with normal pore canals in the large inter-reticular spaces. Eye spot in anterior cardinal area; large rounded muscle area anterior of center. Clear ventral ridge extends between anterior and posterior rims parallel with ventral margin at the edge of the convexity of valve, and terminates posteriorly in a low acumination. А similar ridge branches from dorsal border ridge, about one- third of the distance from posteriorcaudal acumination, ending in a blunt spine before reaching the rim. Form A: Young molt; similar in all respects except hinge and marginal area, to adult form, but more fragile, thinner, more delicately ornamented. Hinge simple, weak, archidont, consisting of thin, rounded elliptical to blade- like very delicately cuspate terminal teeth and faintly denticulate groove in right valve; corresponding shallow sockets and faintly serrate ridge in left valve. Marginal area narrow, radial pore canals few, widely spaced. Form В: Adult carapace; interior of valves moderately deep; marginal area wide; line of concrescence almost coincident with inner margin; radial pore canals numerous. A fine, thread-like lip near outer edge of marginal area of right valve fits into a fine lip-line near outer edge of left valve. Hinge strong; in the right valve a large knob-like elliptical two-cusped tooth in front of a small socket occupies anterior cardinal angle; long subdorsal groove shallow posterior socket and elliptical tooth fit into the complimentary struc- tures of the left valve. In left valve a large deep elliptical anterior socket with a narrow opening into interior; behind the socket a low elliptical tooth continuous with a thin finely crenulate ridge that ends in a low rounded prom- inence in front of an elliptical posterior socket in posterior cardinal angle. Length 0.63 to 0.69 mm.; height 0.35 to 0.45 mm. (Malkin, 1953.) Occurrence.—Powell's Lake Spillway; Moore House Beach at base, at four and at six feet up bank; throughout the section at Carter's Grove. Remarks.—This form may be the Hemicythere howei Puri (19532, р, 176, pl. 1, figs. 709), but as Puri’s form is figured, the caudal extension is much more pronounced than Malkin’s species and my specimens indicate. It is important to note, however, that both authors differen- tiated their species from H. conradi (Howe and MeGuirt) in almost the same manner, so that there is reason to suspect that the two are synonyms. If this be so, Puri’s name for the species has priority. On the other hand, the inner details of Swain’s Trachyleberis ? cf. T, ? angulata from the North Carolina Miocene are close to 94 BULLETIN 167 H. schmidtae from the Yorktown formation. Also, the Trachyleberis ? reesidei from Swain’s North Carolina material seems to be the same as И. schmidtae. In his original description of T. reesidei, Swain stated that the species was based on a specimen found in the Cretaceous level of a Maryland well. The presence of this same species in the Miocene is explained by Swain as being possibly due to redeposition of Cretaceous material into Miocene beds. It seems that the presence of the single specimen (holotype) of T. reesidei is open to suspicion as being a contaminating element from upper beds of the Maryland well. One would expect to find more than one specimen in a given bed where it died. This species seems to be restricted to the Yorktown and its correlate formations, although the questions of species noted above may change this distribution somewhat if И. schmidtae is found to be equivalent to them. Genus AURILIA Porkorny, 1955 Aurilia conradi (Howe and McGuirt) Pl. 11, figs. Ta-b Hemicythere conradi Howe and McGuirt, 1935, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 13, p. 27-28, pl. 3, figs. 31-34, pl. 4, fig. 17.; Edwards, 1944, Jour. Pal, vol 18, р. 518, pl. 86, figs. 17-18.; Swain, 1951, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 234-A, р. 42, pl. 6, figs. 9-12.; Puri, 1953, Washington Acad. Sci., Jour., vol. 43, р. 176, pl. 2, figs. 1-2.; Malkin, 1953, Jour. Pal. УОЛ D 110: Dl. ey figs. 16-18.; Swain, 1955, ibid., vol. 29, р. 635, pl. 62, figs. За-с. Carapace small; thickest near the middle, greatest thickness being slightly less than one-half the length; highest at the anterior cardinal angle; in side view subovate, Dorsal margin faintly arched, ventral margin with a slight concavity near the middle; both margins converging posteriorly. Anterior end broadly rounded, dorsal portion oblique; posterior end narrow, compressed and with distinct angles where it meets the dorsal and ventral margins; both anterior and posterior ends possess a low, rounded rim. Surface of the valves reticulate, the reticulations being somewhat linear in arrangement. Interior of the valves deep, nearly smooth. The inner margin projects around the anterior, ventral and posterior ends, and the line of concrescence lies nearer the outer margin on the anterior end, and nearer the inner margin on the posterior end. The marginal area of the left valve possesses a faint groove into which is fitted a low, sharp ridge in the marginal area of the right valve. The ventral margins of both valves are slightly flanged just anterior to the middle. The hinge of the right valve consists of a large, high, knob- like tooth on the anterior end, behind which is a large broad pit, followed by a narrow groove which parallels the dorsal margin and is terminated at a large, oval, oblique, projecting tooth at the posterior cardinal angle. ‘The hinge of the left valve consists of a deep, nearly circular socket, behind which is a low, broad, blunt tooth, the upper edge of which joins a low, sharp bar, which parallels the dorsal margin and which is separated from the dorsal margin by a broad, depressed area. The posterior end of the hinge is occupied YORKTOWN Овткасорл YORK-JAMES PENINSULA: McLean 95 by a large, shallow, oval socket. The muscle scar pattern із situated some- what anterior to the middle of the carapace and consists of eleven, irregular, small, lucid spots. (Howe and McGuirt, 1935.) Dimensions —Length, 0.58 to 0.68 mm.; height, 0.34 mm. to 0.40 mm.; thickness, 0.26 mm. Occurrence.—Carter's Grove; Moore House Beach; Camp Wal- lace; Ft. Eustis well at 135-160 ft.; Langley Field; Felgaters creek; Remarks.—The Yorktown specimens were compared with topo- types furnished me by Dr. Howe, and, except for slight variations in the ornamentation, were found to be identical; many specimens were identical in ornamentation. Family CYTHERELLIDAE Genus CYTHERELLA Jones, 1849 Cytherella chipolensis Puri РІ, 12, figs. 5a-b Cytherella chipolensis Puri, 1954 (1953), Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 36, p. 300- 301, pl. 17, figs. 5-6, text figs, 14e-g. Carapace medium, oblong in dorsal view; fusiform anteriorly; oblong- ovate in side view. Dorsal margin slightly arched; ventral margin slightly concave in the middle. Both the anterior and posterior ends broadly rounded. Posterior end conspicuously thicker in the female; not so in the male. Sur- face of the carapace smooth, porcellanous. Viewed from the inside, the valves are shallow. There are well-developed ventral and dorsal flanges. Both the anterior and posterior margins are very narrow; marginal pore canals not observed. (Puri, 1954.) Dimensions —Length, 0.659 mm.; height, 0.422 mm. (largest dimensions given). Occurrence.—Fort Eustis well at 135 to 160 feet deep. Remarks.—The single valve figured from the Ft. Eustis well is identical to a topotype furnished me by Howe, except that the topotype was the opposite valve. It seems diagnostic of the pre- Yorktown Miocene of Florida and Virginia. BIBLIOGRAPHY Cushman, J. A. and Ponton, G. M. 1932. The Foraminifera of the upper, middle, and part of the lower Miocene of Florida. Florida Geol. Surv., Bull. 9, р. 1-147, pl. 1-17. Edwards, R. A. 1944, Ostracoda from the Duplin marl (upper Miocene) of North Caro- lina. Jour. Pal, vol. 18, No. 6, p. 505-528, pl. 85-88. Howe, H. V., et al. 1935. Ostracoda of the Arca zone of the Choctawhatchee Miocene of Florida. Geol. Bull. No. 13, Florida Dept. Conservation, Geol. Dept., p. 1-47, pl. 1- 96 BULLETIN 167 Howe, Н. Y. 1955. Handbook of ostracod taxonomy. Louisiana State Univ. Studies, Physical Sci. Ser., No, 1, р. 1-386. Malkin, D. $. 1953. Biostratigraphic study of Miocene Ostracoda of New Jersey, Mary- land, and Virginia. Jour. Pal., vol. 27, No. 6, p. 761-799, pl. 78-82, Mansfield, W. C., and Ponton, G. M. 1932. Faunal zones in the Miocene Choctawhatchee formation of Florida, Jour. Washington Acad, Sci., vol. 22, p. 84-88. MeLean, J. D., Jr. 1956. The Foraminifera of the Yorktown formation in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia, with notes on the associated mollusks. Bull. Amer. Pal., vol. 36, No. 160, p. 261-394, pl. 35-53. Porkorny, V. 1955. Contribution to the morphology and taxionomy of the subfamily Hemicytherinae Puri. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, III, Geological Ser., Karlova, Prague, p. 1-35, 19 text figs. Puri, Н. $. 1952а. Ostracode genera Cytheretta and Paracytheretta in America. Jour. Pal., vol. 26, No. 2, p. 199-212, pl. 39-40, 14 text figs. 1952b. Ostracode genus Cytheridea and its allies. Jour. Pal., vol. 26, No. 6, p. 902-914, pl. 130-131, 14 text figs. 1953а. The ostracode genus Hemicythere and its allies. Jour. Washing- ton Acad. Sci., vol. 43, No. 6, p. 169-179, pl. 1-2. 1953b, Taxonomic comment on: “Ostracoda from wells in North Carolina part 1. Cenozoic Ostracoda” by F. М. Swain. Jour. Pal., vol. 27, No. 5 р. 750-752, 1954. (1953) Contribution to the study of the Miocene of the Florida panhandle, Part III. Ostracoda, Florida Geol. Surv., Bull. 36, p. 221- 345, pl. 1-7, Stephenson, М. В. 1938. Miocene and Pliocene Ostracoda of the genus Cytheridea from Florida, Jour. Pal., vol. 12, No. 2, p. 127-148, pl. 23-24. Swain, F. М. 1948. Ostracoda in the Hammond W ell. Maryland Dept. Geol., Mines and Water Resources, Bull, 2, p. 187-213, pl. 12-14. 1951. Ostracoda from avells in North Carolina; Part 1, Cenozoic Ostra- coda. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 234-A, р. 1-58, pl. 1-7. 1955. Ostracoda of San Antonio Bay, Texas. Jour. Pal., vol. 29, No. 4, p. 561-646, pl. 59-64, 14 text figs. Ulrich, E. 0., and Bassler, R. S. 1904. Ostracoda. Maryland Geol. Surv., Miocene, (vol. 1, text, vol. 2 plates) p. 98-130 (vol, 1), pl. 35-38 (vol. 2). Van den Bold, W. A. 1950. Miocene Ostracoda from Venezuela. Jour. Pal, vol. 24 No. 1, p. 76-88, pl. 18-19. Vernon, R. 0. 1942. Geology of Holmes and Washington Counties, Florida. Florida Geol. Surv., Bull. 21, p. 1-161. , ERRATA Page 64, line 25, read “below” for “above” Page 85, line 25, read “producta” for “products” Page 99, line 3, read la-b for la b; read “Clithrocytheridea” for “Clithroeytheridea” 1a-d. 2a-d. 3a-b. 5a-b. ба-с. Ta-b. All magnifications of this and the following plates approximately 43.5% BULLETIN 167 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 7 Figure Page Bairdoppilata triangulata Edwards 69 la, left valve exterior; 1c, left valve interior; 1b, right valve interior; 1d, dorsal view; all of P.R.I. No. 22,486 plesiotype. Paracypris choctawhatcheensis Puri 70 2a, right valve interior; 2b, right valve exterior of two sepa- rate specimens on plesiotype slide P.R.I. No. 22,494; 2c, dorsal view; 2d, right valve of plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,495. ‚ytheromorpha cf. warneri Howe and Spurgeon .......................... 70 3a, exterior view, right valve; 3b, dorsal view, plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,497. Loxoconcha purisubrhomboidea Edwards Тї 4a, exterior view of right valve; 4b, dorsal view of P.R.I. No, 22,499 plesiotype; 4с, interior view of right valve; 4d, interior view of left valve; 4e, exterior view of left valve of plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,500. Loxoconcha reticularis Edwards 72 Ба, exterior view of right valve; 5b, interior view of right valve of plesiotype P.R.I. №. 22,504, (Ба inverted) Cytheropteron talquinensis Puri .............. ‚78 ба, dorsal view; 6b, exterior view of right valve: 6c, interior view of left valve of plesiotype P.R.I. No, 22,506, Cytherura reticulata Edwards 73 Та, exterior view right valve; 7b, dorsal view of plesiotype DR No. 22,509. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 7 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 8 о. pm YORKTOWN Ostracopa YorK-JAMES PENINSULA: McLean 99 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 8 Figure Page lab. Clithroeytheridea diagonalis Malkin ................................... 74 la, interior view, right valve; 1b, exterior view of same valve, plesiotype P.R.I. Хо. 22,510. This species seems to be restricted to the pre-Yorktown and is here figured for comparison with С. virginiensis. 2a-g. Clithroeytheridea virginiensis Malkin ........................................ 74 2a-c, interior and exterior views of valves of plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,511. (2e right valve; 2a,b, left valve); 2d-e, exterior and interior views of left valve of plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,512; 2 f-g, interior and exterior views of right valve of a juvenile form plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,513. 3a-b. Eucythere sp. 76 Interior and exterior views of P. 5923, a single right valve which is the only specimen. found of this small species. 4a-b. Paracytheridea vandenboldi Puri .................................................. 75 Interior and exterior views of a single left valve plesiotype P.R.I. Хо. 22,524, Ба-?. Cushmanidea ashermani (Ulrich and Bassler) ............................... “7 5a, exterior view right valve; 5b, interior view same valve plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,525; be, exterior view of right valve; 5d, interior view of same valve P.R.I. No. 22,526, this speci- men has considerably finer ornamentation than usual; 5e, dorsal view; 5f, exterior view left valve P.R.I. No. 22,527. Figure 1а-с, 2a-d. 3a-d, Ба-а, 6a-e. BULLETIN 167 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 9 Page Cushmanidea echolsae (Malkin) la, exterior view of right valve; 1b, interior view of same valve; 1c, interior view of another valve showing varia- tion of the form, both valves from slide P.R.I. №. 22,533; 2a-b, interior and exterior views of a left valve; 2c-d exterior—interior views of a left valve; both forms juvenile specimens, P.R.I. No. 22,534. Cushmanidea ulrichi (Howe and Johnson) ............................ За, exterior view, left valve; 3b, dorsal view of plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,538; 3c-d, exterior and interior views of right valve of plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,539. Leguminocythereis (?) whitei Swain қ), Exterior and interior views of a right valve plesiotype P.R.I. №. 22,548. Pterygocythereis americana (Ulrich and Bassler) .............. 5a, interior view left valve; 5c, exterior view of same valve; 5b, interior view of right valve; 5d, dorsal view of left valve; all views from same specimen plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,544; 6a-b interior and exterior views of a right valve of a juvenile form plesiotype P.R.I, No. 22,545; 6c-d, interior and exterior views of a right valve of a juvenile form; 6e, dorsal view of a left valve all from plesiotype slide P.R.I. No, 22,546. 78 79 80 80 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 9 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 10 YORKTOWN Ostracopa York-James PENINSULA: McLean 101 | | EXPLANATION OF PLATE 10 ) Figure Page | 1а-с. Actinocythereis exanthemata (Ulrich and Bassler) ........... 82 la, dorsal view; 1b, exterior of left valve; 1c, interior of same left valve plesiotype P.R.I. №. 22,554, 2а-а. Actinocythereis exanthemata gomillionensis (Howe and Ellis) 83 2a, 2c, interior and exterior views of right valve; 2b, dorsal view; 2d, interior view of left valve; all views of plesiotype P.R.I, No, 22,559. 3a-c. Echinocythereis elarkana (Ulrich and Bassler) ......... ааа 84 3a, interior view of right valve; 3b, 3c, interior and exterior views of left valve; all views of plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,569. The exterior of this species is covered with small spines that are not fully indicated by the figure of the exterior here pictured. | 4a-o, Murrayina howel Pur... eerte АТЫ NIB АП | 4a, exterior view of left valve; 4b, dorsal view, both views of plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,572. 4c, interior view of a right valve; | 4d, dorsal view; 4e, exterior view of a left valve, all views from plesiotype slide P.R.I. No, 22,571, | | Figure 1a-c, 2a-b, 3a-d. Ба-а. 6a-b. 7a-b. BULLETIN 167 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 11 Murrayina martini (Ulrich and Bassler) ....................... la, dorsal view; ІР, 1c, exterior and interior views of a right valve all of plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,575. 2a, exterior view of a left valve; 2b, dorsal view, both of plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,576; 3a, interior view of a right valve; 3b, dorsal view; 3c, 3d, ex- terior and interior views of a left valve, all of plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,574. These figures show the variations common in this species. Murrayina barelayi McLean, n. вр. ............................... 4a, 4b, exterior and interior views of right valve; 4с, interior view of same specimen left valve, all of holotype P.R.I. Мо. 22,588. 4d, 4f, exterior and interior views of left valve of juvenile form; 4е, interior view of right valve of same specimen, para- type P.R.I. No. 22,587. Puriana rugipunetata (Ulrich and Bassler) ................ 5a, exterior view of left valve; 5b, dorsal view of same specimen, plesiotype P.R.I. Мо. 22,596; Бо, 5d, ex- terior and interior views of left valve of a juvenile form plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,597. Orionina vaughani (Ulrich and Bassler) 2222222. Exterior and interior views of a left valve, plesio- type P.R.I. No. 22,590, Aurilia conradi (Howe and Мебшігі) ............................ 7a, dorsal view; 7b, exterior view of right valve, both of plesiotype P.R.I. No, 22,636. 89 94 JULL. AMER. PALEONT., Vou. 88 PLATE 11 3ULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 12 Figure la-d. Cytheretta burnsi (Ulrich and Bassler) 1 2a-d. 3a-d. 4a-g. 5a-b. YORKTOWN OSTRACODA YorK-JAMES PENINSULA: EXPLANATION OF PLATE 12 a, 1b, exterior and interior views of left valve; 1с, interior view of right valve; 14, dorsal view, all from plesiotype slide P.R.I. No. 22,605. Hemicythere sehmidine Майи... наанаа 2a, dorsal view; 2b, 2d, exterior and interior views of a left valve; 2c, interior view of a right valve, all views from plesio- type slide P.R.I. No. 22,619. СУЕТА MEON DUTI oe сысы аны ы Dee rU ds 3a, dorsal view; 3b, interior view of left valve; 3c, 3d, exterior and interior views of a right valve, all views from plesiotype slide P.R.I, No, 22,611. Acuticythereis laevissima Edwards .................................................. 4а, 4b, dorsal view and an exterior view of a left valve of juvenile specimen plesiotype P.R.I. No, 22,601; 4c, exterior view of right side of plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,602; 4d, dorsal view; 4e, 4f, exterior and interior views of left valve; 4g, interior view of right valve, all of plesiotype P.R.I. No. 22,600. The hinge structure is not quite as prominent as the figures indicate, P.R.I. No. 22,645, McLean 103 Page 92 92 90 XXIV. XXY. XXVI. XXVII. XXVII. XXIX. XXX. XXXL XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. ХХХҮ. ' XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVII. Volume I. п. ш. IV. (Nose 80-873, 884рр:., 27 pl8 а.а s: 960 Mainly Paleozoic faunas and T ertiary Mollusca а. (Хов, 88-948). $06 DD, 30 DIE ое 9.00 ‚ Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Mesozoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Mary- land Miocene mollusks. (Nos. 95-100). 420 pp., 58 pls. 2.2222... e. 11.00 Florida Recent marine shells, Te сав “Cretaceous fos: 8118, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eo- gene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecua- dor. (Nos. 101-108). 376 pp., 36 pls. ........4 means ИСО Tertiary, Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, ‘Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos. 109-114)... 412 pp., 54 pls. 00. 10.00 Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian. of Idaho, C retaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nos. 115-116). 738 pp., 52 pls. ....... 13.00 Bowden forams iy Ordovician cephalopods, UNO, 117)» 0603 DD, 00 DIS? ou see al il 12.00 Jackson Hocene eae (Nos. 118.198) 468 Dp, 21 DIS? anne aeree 1100 Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung. and Pennsylvanian crinoids, Cypraeidae, Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil localities. (Nos. 199-183).. 294 pp., 39 pls. .. 9.25 Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary. ‘forams, and Mytilarca. (Хо 184,180; 448 ppo ре Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. (Nos. 140-145). 400 ppa 19 pls. ..... 9.50 Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician "Enopleura, "Tàs- manian Ordovican cephalopods and Tennessee Or- dovician ostracods, and conularid bibliography. (NOS. 140.104), 380 pp. 91 DIS. Аана. 10.00 G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleo- cene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoies, Aus- tralian Ordovician cephalopods, California Pleisto- cene Eulimidae, Volutidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nos 1655160) 24102 рр, 99 DIB, |. enin ree teo 13.50 Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian- Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies, (Nos. 161-168). 848 py. 80 рів. ace denen о $.45 Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, Devonian Stromatoporoidea (Nov. 165; 106), 49. Dp, 512220... 1.65 Venezuela, geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina \ PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. (№08. 6-19): 581, рр, 87 DIS. еее 20.00 Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spon- dyli, Paleozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias a Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. (Nos. 19-95). 513 pp., 61 pls. .. 20.00 к cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleo- zoie siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Creta- ceous jellyfish, Platystrophia, and Venericardia. (Nos. 26, 97). 48 рр. 7 pls. ...... 2.50 Rudist studies CONDENSED TABLE or CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY L (Nos. 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls, Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. п. e 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. ІП. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp. 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161'pp., 26 pls, .. (Ma е Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and Y. (Nos 99 2:30). 437 рр. 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic, and Paleozoic fossils. ҮІ, (№. 81). 268 рр., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. | ҮП: (NO. 82), 780 рр, 99 DIS. и le ши . 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, апа cephalopods, | ҮШ. (Nos. 33:36). 257 pp. 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IX. (NOS. 947-99). 462 Dp. 85 418, cll 12.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. 1 X. (Nos, 40-429).' 382 pp., 54 pls. Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from. Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. XL. (Nos 18-19 272 BD, 41 pis ord elei шыны 9.00 Tertiary, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Venezuela. XII. (Nos. 47-48), 494 pp., 8 pls. Venezuela; and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic inverte- prate bibliography. ХШ, (Nos, 49-50). 264 pp., 47 pls. ....... . 9.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp. 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia: ХУ (Nos. 55.58). BLE DD, 80 рін, innen 11.00 . Mainly, Ecuadoran, Peruvian, and Mexican -Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. XVI. (Nos: 59-01). 140 pp., 48 pls. . dead id BOD | Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary “Mollusca. | XVIL (№5. 62-68). 293 Dp. 38 DIS) ае huge 9.00 | Peruvian Tertiary Mollúsca. ! XVIII. (Nos, 64-67). 286 pp., 29 pls... AD Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and “Стек taceous ‘corals, | KIS. (0,68). 272. pp 124 он ca deeper ӨЛІ ; Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. XX. (Nos. 69-700). 266 рр., 26 pls... 8.75 уз me and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru ‘and Cu XXL . (Nos, s 9), 221 pp. 12 ра... ee БП Palaczoie Paleontology, and Stratis graphy. . | XXII. (Nos, 13-76), 356 pp, 31 pls. ... Eun 09.50 291607016 FORO and Tertiary т 'oraminifera. | XAN (Хо 7200), 251 Dp. 90 BIS. ем 8.50 Corals,/Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Con: rad. | y Dome a‏ مض aL ا‎ (ША (vp “..-. [ nÁ | ПА, \ BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL. ХХХУШ NUMBER 168 1957 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U.S. А. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1956-57 PRESIDENT СН ea cres vales Dr dr а SOLOMON С. HOLLISTER VICE-PRESIDENT, «ob une diets kin eter „УЛ ыйы) |... NORMAN E. WEISBORD SECRETARY LREASURBR ЫА) io r ны \.. REBECCA 5. HARRIS DIRECTOR Ид ere ed а KATHERINE У. W. PALMER COUNSEL ARMAND L, ADAMS | Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V, W. PALMER (Lite) W. STORRS COLE (1952-58) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1956-62) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955- 1961) AXEL А. OLSSON (Life) ВЕВЕССА 5. Harris (Life) NORMAN E. WEISBORD (1951-57) SOLOMON С. HOLLISTER (1953-59) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and | PALAFONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE У. W. PALMER, Editor LEMPI Н. SINCEBAUGH, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER Hans KUGLER A. MYRA KEEN _ JAY GLENN MARKS ' С. WINSTON SINCLAIR Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. І-УІ, УШ, X, ХИ and XIV of Bulletins and:vol. I of Paleontographica Americana, Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $10.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue, Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. | For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York USA, | BULLETINS | OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY | Vol. 38 ше | No. 168 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION (MISSISSIPPIAN) IN JEFFERSON AND BULLITT COUNTIES, KENTUCKY, AND FAUNA OF THE CORAL RIDGE MEMBER By James E. Conkin Department of Geology and Geography University of Cincinnati August 10, 1957 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U. S. A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 57-304 Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Page ADA ы ыл. E A RN сас Ue ater e A 109 JnuogumWons MN ТЫС t КЫ ТІП e О ее 110 КЕЛШ dcn миче о eC do i 110 Present work A ыы кру е D ныса НЫ бле RD АЗОВ 2222... . нь, DUM M onc a cdd cem ur н ен NA 114 Proposed division ef the New Providence formation in the Silver Hills AGS кеа Уви т W ita einan е Stratigraphic conclusions based on mes визе sections PO à ros co vag iue tr Т Composition of the Coral Ridge fuss. Se they Range O1 the genera im NOn -ATEA и i Range of the genera in the European section Age of thé Coral Ridge алпа... 3 Correlation of the New Providence formation УЗ ШАШСА o ақ РОКИ аз сомы ; ЛАЗО нао - 33 DEIA HDI ыл л Rein 2 : Оу” тет еі Ар 137 Orbitremites oppelti Rowley emend. Conkin NOES EO сул rds кке {siren asics c M Ore ud cuia e : OMOEA ELIRU DD лә сулар eda O ARRON ON edb ыл ркен бе AG wat ў КЕ ӨПСӨ = i A DER И varê o d И EE ДО p O I MM АК 153 CHARTS 1. Columnar sections of the New Providence formation in Jefferson and Bullitt counties, Kentucky ................ ИАР 2. Comparison of part of the North Americ an Mississippian with part of the European Lower Carboniferous (after Moore, LUCY еме SITMET BARI 3. Correlation of the New Providence formation 222222220000. 134 TABLES 1. Fossils in the Coral Ridge fauna at Coral Mes and Kenwood Hill ОС «i ылыо: ab 2. North American Mississippian 1 ranges УЗ вепега Important dee age determination of the Coral Ridge fauna rn nn 128 3. Detailed analysis of three species of Orbitremites ... .. folded i in n between 136-137 4. Measurements of types of Bembexia ellenae, n. sp. in a millimeters men CNN EL] 5. Measurements of Sinuitina anneae, n. sp., in millimeters ................. и 147 TEXT-FIGURES 1. Hydrospire folds of Coral Ridge fauna blastoids .......... ТН etie Ы 138 2. Sections of gastropods from Coral Ridge fauna ................ oui 141 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION (MISSISSIPPIAN) IN JEFFERSON AND BULLITT COUNTIES, KENTUCKY, AND FAUNA OF THE CORAL RIDGE MEMBER James E. CONKIN Department of Geology and Geography, University of Cincinnati ABSTRACT The Silver Hills facies of the New Providence formation in Jefferson and Bullitt counties, Kentucky, is divided into three members: New Providence formation Kenwood sandstone member (of Stockdale)—containing the Productus wortheni zone, Button Mold Knob member (new stratigraphic name)—divided into upper, mid- dle, and lower parts—containing the Button Mold Knob fauna. Coral Ridge member (new stratigraphic name)—divided into upper and lower parts—containing the Coral Ridge fauna in the upper part. The recognition of the herein proposed Productus wortheni zone, Button Mold Knob fauna, and Coral Ridge fauna, allows more detailed and practical stratigraphic division of the New Providence formation in the Silver Hills facies than has pre- viously been possible, Іп the upper part of the Coral Ridge member, the writer found the unique and heretofore unknown megafossil fauna, the Coral Ridge fauna. This fauna is of primary importance for understanding age relationships of the Lower Mississippian of Kentucky and Indiana, and for comparison of the Lower Mississippian succession of North America with the Lower Carboniferous deposits in Europe. The fossils of the Coral Ridge fauna are pyritized, marcasitized, or silicified, and consist dominantly of mollusks, with some blastoids, crinoids, corals, and trilobites, Thirty-two genera are recognized. Fossils judged to be of primary importance for age determination of the Coral Ridge fauna are: the goniatites, Pericyclus, Beyrichoceras, and Merocanites; the blas- toid, Orbitremites, and the crinoid, Wachsmuthicrinus. The first undoubted specimens of Pericyclus from North America are herein record- ed from the Coral Ridge fauna. Information derived from a consideration of the geologic ranges of the genera and species of the Coral Ridge fauna, coupled with the stratigraphic position of the fauna (20 to 30 feet below the lower Osagian so-called "Fern Glen-Burlington" correlative in the New Providence formation, the Button Mold Knob member), proves that the age of the Coral Ridge is Osagian. The Coral Ridge fauna is slightly older than previously known faunas which have been referred to the Osagian of North America and slightly younger than previously known faunas which have been referred to the upper Kinderhookian of North America. Thus the lower age limit of the New Providence formation is lowest Osagian. The age of the lower part of the Coral Ridge member is not determined, whether Kinderhookian or Osagian, as no megafossils have been found in this part of the member. Two new species of gastropods, Bembexia ellenae and Sinuitina anneae, and two new species of blastoids, Orbitremites coralridgensis and O. kentuckyensis, are des- cribed, and the description of one species, O. oppelti, is emended. BULLETIN 168 INTRODUCTION 3 PURPOSE 'This paper presents the results of a stratigraphic and paleontologic study of the Silver Hills facies of the New Providence formation in Jeffer- son and Bullitt counties, Kentucky. Emphasis is placed upon the proposed division of the Silver Hills facies into three members each with its distinc- tive fauna. Particular attention is given to the description of the singular and heretofore unknown fauna, the Coral Ridge fauna, from the upper part of the Coral Ridge member (of this paper) of the New Providence for- mation. The Coral Ridge fauna is of primary importance for understand- ing age relationships of stratigraphic units within the Lower Mississippian succession of Kentucky and Indiana and for correlation of the Lower Mississippian of North America with the Lower Carboniferous deposits in Europe. PREVIOUS. WORK The Lower Mississippian of Kentucky and Indiana has long been sub- ject to stratigraphic study, but little effort has been expended upon paleonto- logic aspects of the series. A detailed account of the history of division and classification of the Lower Mississippian (including the New Provi- dence formation) in Indiana and Kentucky was given by Stockdale in 1931 (pp. 11-44) and 1939 (pp. 7-33). The New Providence “shale” was so named by Borden in 1874 (р. 161) from a locality near the town of Borden, then New Providence, in Clark County, Indiana. However, the classic collecting localities for the formation are at Button Mold Knob in Bullitt County, Kentucky, and Ken- wood Hill in Jefferson County, Kentucky. In 1931, Stockdale changed the name of the New Providence shale to the New Providence formation, and he divided the formation in Indiana into three facies: Broomhill facies, Dowell Hill facies, both in Indiana ; and Silver Hills facies of Floyd County, Indiana, with its extension into Jefferson County, Kentucky. In his comprehensive work of 1939, Stockdale extended his investiga- tions throughout Kentucky and divided the New Providence formation into nine facies; some of the facies were further divided into named members. The Silver Hills facies was extended into northern Bullitt County, Ken- tucky. NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN НН The Silver Hills facies differs from Stockdale's type facies of the New Providence formation (Broomhill facies, from Broomhill in southwestern Clark County, Indiana) by the presence of the Kenwood sandstone mem- ber in the uppermost part of the Silver Hills facies. In 1931 (p. 94) and 1939 (pp. 110, 111) Stockdale stated that the Kenwood sandstone extends only a few miles northward into Indiana and southward only to about Shepherdsville in Bullitt County, Kentucky; he concluded that the Ken- wood sandstone was not a separate formation as proposed by Butts (1915, p. 148), but only a member of the New Providence formation in the Silver Hills facies. The age of the New Providence formation has been accepted by most recent workers as Osagian (Fern Glen-Burlington), based on the Button Mold Knob fauna from the well-known crinoidal bioherms and fossiliferous shales in the Button Mold Knob member (of this paper) of the formation, Campbell (1946, p. 905) noted that evidence is lacking for either an Osagian or Kinderhookian age for the lower shales (which would be the herein proposed Coral Ridge member), and he indicated the inadvisability of assuming the New Providence formation to be a single stratigraphic unit. J. M. Weller, el al. (1948, Chart 5) placed the New Providence for- mation mostly in the Osagian, but indicated the possibility of a Kinder- hookian age for part of the lower New Providence formation. Recently two important papers concerning Lower Mississippian faunas have appeared. The posthumus work of Hyde, edited by Marple (1953), presented the only recent attempt at comprehensive stratigraphic and faunal coverage of the Lower Mississippian of Ohio. Miller and Garner's (1955) report is the first up-to-date publication on the cephalo- pods of the Coldwater and Marshall formations of Michigan. Both the Coldwater and Marshall formations and the Lower Mississippian of Ohio contain faunas with close affinities to each other and to the Coral Ridge fauna. PRESENT WORK The Silver Hills facies of the New Providence formation in Jefferson and northern Bullitt counties is included in this study. Only minor struc- tures are present within the studied area so that for purposes of this inves- tigation the New Providence formation may be considered nearly indepen- dent of structural influence. Sections іп the studied area which reveal the nature of the New Pro- vidence formation were measured and collections of fossils were made from KON er KENWOOD SANDSTONE MEMBER Location of Jefferson and Bullitt counties UPPER PART Location of measured sections LEGEND shale sandstone or siltstone 891 NILATING large ironstone concretions BUTTON MOLD KNOB MEMBER small ironstone concretions EREN LOWER PART limestone layers and lenses NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION ironstone cone-in-cone| layers and lenses discoidal ironstones Falling Run phosphate nodules MEMBER Coral Ridge Fauna CORAL RIDGE covered interval rn... HA socos UNDERWOOD- Section Section Section Section FALLING RUN 1 2 3 = 5 ШЕШІ Chart 1.—Columnar sections of the New Providence formation in Jefferson and Bullitt counties, Kentucky (Vertical Scale—14” = approximately 15’) New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 113 the critical upper part of the Coral Ridge member. The best available datum for comparison of sections was judged to be a zone of greenish-gray shale and phosphatic nodules constituting the Underwood-Falling Run interval (Campbell, 1946) which underlies the New Providence formation and overlies the black New Albany shale in this part of Kentucky. The measured sections and the columnar sections (Chart 1) indicate irregularity of the New Providence sedimentation, but these sections also call attention to natural stratigraphic units into which the New Providence formation is divisable in the Silver Hills facies area. Differentiation of the formation into members and parts of members, and the recognition of defi- nite faunal divisions, as proposed in this paper allow more accurate strati- graphic placement of sections in outcrop and afford a means of tracing individual parts of the formation in the field. No two of the measured sections were found to have all members and parts of members and all faunal elements at the same levels above the Underwood-Falling Run in- terval; in some sections certain parts of the members are present in abbre- viated form. The dominantly molluscan Coral Ridge fauna, which begins about 20 feet above the top of the Underwood-Falling Run interval, was found by the writer in the upper part of the Coral Ridge member at Coral Ridge and Kenwood Hill in Jefferson County, Kentucky, Description and discussion of this fauna comprise the paleontologic portion of this paper. All recognized new species of fossils are described with the exception of the goniatites which have been turned over to Drs. A. K. Miller and William Furnish of the University of Iowa for description. The Coral Ridge member in the Silver Hills facies in Floyd and Clark counties, Indiana, should be seatched for possible occurrences of the Coral Ridge fauna. That the fauna may be present in these counties is suggested by the report of Orbitremites op pelts Rowley in the Knobstone shale north of New Albany, Indiana (Greene, 1902, p. 87). Further, Springer reported (1912, p. 205) specimens of Orbitremites granulatus (Roemer) “... direct from the Knobstone shale at Stone’s Farm, Clark County, Indiana, in layers 40 to 50 feet above the ‘Black Slate’. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study in thesis form was accepted as partial fulfillment of the degree of Master of Science at the University of Kansas in 1953; further work on the paper has continued up to the present time. BULLETIN 168 The writer is grateful to Ог. R. С. Moore for his valued aid in direct- ing the thesis. The writer is also happy to acknowledge the help of the following: Dr. К. Е. Caster, who aided in later stages of development of the manuscript for publication; Drs. Arthur Bowsher and С. А. Cooper who encouraged the writer to finish the work for publication; Mr. Guy Campbell who critically read the manuscript and made helpful suggestions based on his wide knowledge of Lower Mississippian stratigraphy; Prof. Robert O. Fay who aided with the photography; Dr. J. Brookes Knight who gave helpful aid on the gastropods; Dr. L. R. Laudon who checked the writer's determinations of the crinoids; Mrs. Mildred Fisher Marple who loaned some of Hyde's types for study; Dr. А. К. Miller who identified the goniatites ; and especially Mrs. Barbara Conkin who prepared the plates and figures, and who aided with constructive criticism of the manuscript. The cost of illustrations has been met by The Faber Fund for Paleonto- logic Research of the University of Cincinnati Geology Museum. STRATIGRAPHY PROPOSED DIVISION OF THE NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION IN THE SILVER HILLS FACIES IN KENTUCKY The division of the New Providence formation in the Silver Hills facies in Kentucky into three members, and the division of two of these members into parts is proposed as follows: New Providence formation—Silver Hills facies Kenwood sandstone member (Productus wortheni zone) Button Mold Knob member Upper part (rare Button Mold Knob fauna) Middle part (Button Mold Knob fauna) Lower part (Button Mold Knob fauna) Coral Ridge member Upper part (Coral Ridge fauna) Lower part (no megafossil fauna) The new stratigraphic names introduced in this paper are the Button Mold Knob member and the Coral Ridge member. The name Kenwood sandstone member (type locality at Kenwood Hill) has already been ap- plied to the upper sandstones, siltstones, and intercalated shales of the Silver Hills facies by Stockdale. NEw PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 1:15 The type locality for the Button Mold Knob member is herein desig- nated as the well-known, fossiliferous outcrop of the New Providence for- mation at Button Mold Knob, Bullitt County, Kentucky. Only the lower and middle parts of the Button Mold Knob member are well exposed at the type locality. The upper, middle, and lower parts of the member are well developed and exposed at Kenwood Hill, Jefferson County, Kentucky. The type locality for the Coral Ridge member is herein designated as the east quarry of the Coral Ridge Brick and Tile Company, Coral Ridge, Jefferson County, Kentucky. The upper part of the member is best de- veloped at Coral Ridge. Approximately the basal half of the lower part of the member is covered at the type locality. More complete sections of the lower part of the Coral Ridge member can be seen at the Button Mold Knob and В. С. Miller's Farm sections (Sections 4 and 6). The most complete section of the New Providence formation in the studied area is at Kenwood Hill where all individual members and parts of members can be seen, with the exception of the lower part of the Coral Ridge member which was exposed in an excavation in 1951. The Button Mold Knob fauna and the Coral Ridge fauna are also well developed at Kenwood Hill. Were it not for the facts that the Button Mold Knob fauna is irrevocably and justifiably associated with the Button Mold Knob locality in Bullitt County, and that the Coral Ridge fauna is best developed at the Coral Ridge locality, Kenwood Hill would have made a good type locality for the proposed division of the New Providence formation. The division of the New Providence formation in the Silver Hills facies atea is based on lithology as well as on the contained faunas. The Kenwood sandstone member is lithologically distinct and also contains a brachiopod-fucoid fauna, hereby designated the Productus wor- theni zone. This zone contains P. wortheni, the fucoid Taonurus caudi- galli, and worm tubes. The Button Mold Knob member contains the Button Mold Knob fauna which has given the “Fern Glen-Burlington” age to this portion of the formation. The term Button Mold Knob fauna is hereby proposed; the fauna is typically developed at Button Mold Knob. Characteristic fossils of the fauna are: Amplexus fragilis, Cladochonus sp., Cyathaxonia spp.,Platycrinus spp., Synbathocrinus spp., Fenestrellina spp., Rhombopora incrassata, Athyris lamellosa, Chonetes shumardianus, Rhipidomella oweni, Spiriferina subel- liptica, Platyceras sp., Phillipsia sp., Taonurus caudigalli, and other fucoids. BULLETIN 168 The Coral Ridge member contains in its upper part the Coral Ridge fauna which is named from Coral Ridge. The Coral Ridge fauna is shown in this paper to be low Osagian. All members proposed in this paper can be recognized in the Silver Hills facies type locality area in Floyd County, Indiana, А summary description of the proposed division of the New Provi- dence formation based on all measured outcrops in the Silver Hills facies іп Kentucky, follows: New Providence formation—Silver Hills facies Kenwood sandstone member Sandstone, siltstone, and intercalated green-gray shale, with ironstone concretions; Productus wortheni zone Button Mold Knob member Upper part Shale, green-gray, with rare ironstone concretions; But- ton Mold Knob fauna rare Middle part Shale, green-gray, with large-to medium-sized ironstone concretions, some limestone and ironstone lenses; But- | ton Mold Knob fauna Lower part Shale, green-gray in upper portion, becoming blue-gray | in lower portion, fossiliferous, crinoidal bioherms, iron- stone lenses, rare and smaller ironstone nodules; But- ton Mold Knob fauna | Coral Ridge member Upper part Shale, green-gray to blue-gray, with ironstone lenses, ironstone cone-in-cones, flat, variously shaped, dark gray to blue-gray, small ironstone nodules, some phos- phatic nodules, rare and thin ferruginous and fossili- ferous limestone lenses; pyritized, marcasitized, and rarely silicified, Coral Ridge fauna Lower part Shale, green-gray, virtually free of ironstones of even the smallest size, with worm markings; no megafossils noted NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 117 MEASURED SECTIONS Section 1. Kenwood Hill, north and northwest sides, southern Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky This is a composite section and the most complete section of the New Providence formation measured in the studied area. The lithologic variation of the New Providence formation may be seen at Kenwood Hill. On the north and northwest sides of the hill the Button Mold Knob member con- tains numerous fossiliferous limestone lenses with the Button Mold Knob fauna; on the south side, the limestone lenses are absent and there only two crinoid columnals were found during an intensive search of the Button Mold Knob member. New Providence formation Kenwood sandstone member Top few feet of member covered Thickness Beet. Inches 36. Sandstone, buff . 12 0 35. Shale, olive- -gray 4 8 34. € Sandstone, buff, upper half with worm markings, lower half with ironstone septarians SEA ENT BA Cr AXE ON ТТІ dietaya kiv 0 7 OA có oo с л LR Ue cog x 32. Sandstone, buff, with ironstained concretionary rings . A UN 6 6 34 2 Button Mold Knob member Upper part 31. Shale, olive-gray, gray-green near bottom nennen 27 1 Middle part 30. Shale, pale olive, with ironstone concretions; no fossils 21 8 29. Shale, pale olive, with ironstone concretions; first fossil, one crinoid columnal, top of Button Mold Knob fauna ........... 2 0 28. Shale, olive-gray, with ironstone concretions and rare crinoid SUEITS ы я ге ЕЕ. 4 37 0 Lower part 27. Shale, olive-gray; rare crinoid stems and Rhipidomella oweni 0 8 26. Shale, olive-gray; frequent crinoid stems and К. owez 3 9 25. Shale, olive-gray ; ola stems and rare К. owen ......... 1 8 24. Shale, olive-gray; crinoid stems and rare to frequent К. owen? 12 1 25. Shale, olive-gray; crinoidal limestone, with Platyceras sp., Cyathaxonia sp. and fragments of pectinate bivalves and bryozoans er ne tre ten LAU а-а она 0 3 22. Shale, olive-gray; crinoid stems and other fossils ... 0 159 21. Ironstone lenses, containing crinoid stems and brachiopods . 0 0.5 20. Shale, olive-gray; crinoid stems, brachiopods, and bryozoans.. 5 3.5 19. Shale, olive-gray; crinoid stems ............. ЖЕ мне eee 3 0 18. Ironstone lenses; crinoid stems . ; s [ ER 0 3 BULLETIN 168 Thickness Feet Inches 17. Shale, olive-gray; crinoid stems, fragments of Brachythyris orbicularis Pe ED oe tt ine 8 5 TO SDAL, ОШУ ДСУ, СОШО SES ее ER е 24 11 1%; Limestone [ens CHOIR Dane ое SHELL RM 0 14. Shale, olive- “gray, crinoid stems; base of observed Button ОШ OD EA UA. улуу но оюн меште уи een 1 0 Ta GOV ETE ТОЕТ Е RS TNR MIR BIEN S EORR ANT 10 10 ПА ӘНІН ҚОНУ Ы ТАТЫ, мулук oed bte cu бесатар SLOT DD UA 8 5 81 0.5 Coral Ridge member Upper part | 11. Shale, olive-gray, with silicified cone-in-cone structures... 0 0.5 | 10. Shale, olive-gray; no fossils ............... 13 9, Shale, olive-gray; one Beyrichoceras sp.; ‚ top of Coral Ridge MU a o EU АЛАТЫ A е 0 6 8. Limestone lens, ferruginous and crinoidal ; Coral Ridge fauna 0 2 7. Shale, olive-gray; worm markings and Coral Ridge fauna..... 1 7 6. Limestone lens, phosphatic; Coral Ridge fauna ..... 0 0.5 5. Shale, olive-gray; worm markings and Coral Ridge 1 D 4, shale, olive grays Coral Ridge PAUNA AIO o onere 1 10 3. Shale, olive-gray, mixed with colluvium; base of visible Goral OE ОИС eeu M unu neben 6 19 4 Lower part 2. Covered IMENU Шаға а ет еН 21 3 15. Shale, OIN S ТАУ эЛ онты корр OR ан í 0 10 22 1 Datum: Underwood-Falling Run interval; shale, gray to olive-gray, with phosphatic nodules total 220 6.5 Section 2. Kenwood Hill, south side, southern Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky New Providence formation Kenwood sandstone member Thickness Top few feet of member covered. Feet Inches 25. Sandstone, massive, gray-green to buff, partly covered at top; | ШИ ооо it ee AE оа 10 0 Г 24. Sandstone, massive, gray- green to buff, medium- grained, with ironstone concretions and septarians; fucoids 1 8 23. Shale, olive-gray .. TOM 0 22. Sandstone, massive, buff, with fewer ironstone concretions... 2 2 21. Shale, olive- „ДИЕ УЛЫ. Heb Lees Levee Revi Е кад, 0 6 | 20. Sandstone, massive, buff, medium- grained, with ironstone septarian band through middle of bed; fucoids abundant .. 1 4 | 19. Shale, olive-gray, a few limonite concretions; fucoids .. т О 5 18.8 Sandstone, buff, with ironstone septarians ; fucoids ............. 1 0 17, Shale, olive- -gray, with ironstone concretions; fucoids .......... 6 ; Sandstone, BUM S И MEN, New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 119 Thickness Feet Inches Button Mold Knob member Upper part 13. Shale, ОШУВ DTP LUCO о м pH. 17 9 Middle part 14. Shale, bluish-gray, numerous medium and large ironstone concretions up to 1.5 feet in diameter; no fossils cinei 28 1 Lower part 13. Shale, bluish-gray; first fossil, one crinoid columnal .............. 5 5 12. Shale, bluish-gray ; ЫН. ee aid 1 11. Shale, bluish-gray, small ironstone concretions ; no fossi 9 10. Shale, bluish-gray, becoming bluer downward ..................... (5410 0 52 2 Coral Ridge member Upper part 9. Ironstone cone-in-cone lenses locally developed ............. 0 2 8. Shale, purer, plastic, bluish-gray, with few ironstone con- iino ае UNE pO deas ei dove ue oto 167 1 E Shale, bluish-gray ; no fossils ....... 8 3 . Shale, gray-blue; one coral and one * conularid in “ironstone nodules; top of observed Coral Ridge fauna ....... Vedi 0 11 2. ONTON Cone-in-cone, locally developed cocci 1 1 4. Shale, bluish-gray ; Coral Ridge fauna ........ 9 ii 5. Shale, olive-gray; Coral Ridge fauna consisting of rare Bem- bexia ellenae ........... 1 6 2. Shale, olive-gt ray, with ironstone cone-in- cone; Coral. | Ridge fauna: Bembexia ellenae, Re ИТ ү» у.е 5 6 22 2 Lower part 1. Shale, olive-gray; no fossils; remainder of lower part covered 4 0 total 189 8 Section 3. East quarry of the Coral Ridge Brick and Tile Company, Coral Ridge, Jefferson County, Kentucky This is the type locality for the Coral Ridge member of the New Providence formation and for the Coral Ridge fauna. The middle part of the Button Mold Knob member contains a trilobite zone about 85 to 87 feet above the base of the exposed section, dominated by Phillipsia sp., with lesser numbers of Grzflubides sp. The west quarry of the brick company has its floor in the upper zone of large ironstone cone-in-cones (bed. 13), but no element of the Coral Ridge fauna has been found there. ‘The west quarry floor barely reaches the upper part of the Coral Ridge member, so it is probable that the Coral Ridge fauna is present a few feet below the surface of the floor. BULLETIN 168 New Providence formation Button Mold Knob member Middle part Top of section covered. 19. Shale, olive-gray, with ironstone concretions and rare fos- sils of the Button Mold Knob fauna; beds slumped, mea- semental е м те ccr BU EE UTE 18. Shale, olive-gray, large ironstone concretions ; fewer fossils UB ЗА ECL L7 e a ttn eames cabal enu a TE Lower part 17. Shale, olive-gray, fossiliferous; abundant crinoid stems Dow imestone, CEB OLA AL AS с ie 15. Shale, olive- -gray, писи abundant crinoid stems ...... 14, Shale, gray, partly covered .............. И Coral Ridge member Upper part 13. Shale, bluish-gray, with lenses of double cone-in-cones of ironstone, 5 inches thick; top of Coral Ridge fauna ......... 12. Shale, bluish-gray, with a thin bed of ironstone lenses; Coral Ridge fannan o s O КҮЛСЕ ісінде 1. Ironstone lenses, source of some fossils fauna LO Shale, itis ЖУ Об т 9. Shale, bluish-gray, with bed of thin ironstone lenses; throughout this unit there are many large to medium-sized geodized corals, their subsurface position marked on the surface by streaks of yellow hydrated marcasite ............... 8. Shale, bluish-gray with thin bed of ironstone lenses ........ 1 Shale, bluish-gray, with bed of 0.5 inch thick discoidal ironstone nodules; geodized corals А 3E 6. Shale, bluish-gray, with a thin bed of discoidal ironstone nodules ; fossils in nodules and in shale en 5. Shale, bluish- gray, with yellow streaks on surface marking subsurface position of marcasitized Bembexia ellenae; base of observed Coral Ridge fauna ... 4. Shale, bluish-gray MA 3. Ironstone cone-in-cone ТОЛЫ Lower part f Shale, ВИШЕ Уо ен. ‚ Covered interval, not measured total Thickness Feet Inches 12 0 26 5 38 3 15 10 0 ү; 3, 0 24 8 44 1 4 6 1 0 0 0.5 2 6.5 1 0 0 (OF; 1 0 0 6 1 Ее 9 0 0 2.2 15 10.5 5 9 104 1:5 Section 4. Button Mold Knob, one mile south of the Jefferson County- Bullitt County line, Bullitt County, Kentucky This is the classic locality from which most of the fossil collections from the New Providence formation have been made. The Button Mold Knob fauna is widely known and is of primary importance for correlation l | | New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 121 of the Button Mold Knob member of the formation. There should be a detailed restudy made of the Button Mold Knob fauna. This is also the type locality for the Button Mold Knob member. The Coral Ridge fauna disappears somewhere between the Coral Ridge and Button Mold Knob sections which are about one mile apart. Rare, platey shaped, small to medium-sized, gray ironstone nodules are found about 16 feet 8 inches above the Underwood-Falling Run interval. These nodules are characteristic of the upper part of the Coral Ridge mem- ber at Coral Ridge and Kenwood Hill. New Providence formation Thickness Kenwood sandstone member Feet Inches 19. Sandstone and siltstone ......... profe PN IN EAT oS 22 0 Button Mold Knob member hon part 18. Shale, partly covered in upper portion; rare Button Mold tinis] ua Мо лез мари ее : 91 0 Middle part 17. Shale, pale olive, with scattered limestone patches; Button Mold Knob fauna ana. НЕ 0 16. Shale, pale olive, with. crinoidal limestone ра tches, large ironstones ; Aulopora Ss MEQUON ne ае ТО 5% > Lower part 15. Shale, pale olive, fossiliferous ..... 10 3.5 14. Limestone lens, crinoidal, with bryozoans and Anlopora sp. 0 3.2 13. Shale, pale olive, fossiliferous .............. SO T adas 1 > Reo ақауды NG ONIN ДЕ SE ei T TOSS S uer 5 11. Shale, pale olive, fossiliferous ........ Sr ra a AN 1 1 ША Limestone lang, ОСЫН оион ен 0 > 9. Shale, pale olive, crinoidal ....... era 5 6 8. Ironstone lens .. SUR E Ue as се о колт чш, 3 7. Shale, pale olive, with ironstones; crinoidal limestone lenses 910 2 LEC CHICK vices, 11 9 6. Shale, gray-green; at top is a crinoidal limestone lens with Rhipidomella oweni а мы 21 1 5. Limestone, crinoidal, with calcareous olive-green shale with crinoids and other fossils ................. Nn р 1 1 21 T Coral Ridge member т part Covered interval 8 0 3, Shale, olive-gray, with platey ironstone nodules (lithologic associate of Coral Ridge fauna) ; no fossils ..... олы 0 4 2. Covered interval 7 9 16 1 Lower part 1. Shale, pale olive; no fossils 8 11 total 233 0 Datum: Underwood-Falling Run interval Section Section сала С New Providence formation Kenwood sandstone member i Datum: Underwood-Falling Run interval BULLETIN 168 5. Brooks Hill, immediately west of Brooks, 2.5 miles southwest of Button Mold Knob, Bullitt County, Kentucky Thickness Feet Inches 16. Sandsione, greenish-gray 0 5.5 15. Shale, greenish-gray 2 0 14. Siltstone, with large ironstc ӨК sd 0 13. Shale, greenish-gray, with four thin sandstone LEVELS: em еа Wk p 12. Sandstone, yellowish-gray " 0 2 11. Shale, greenish-gtay зинои ‘ inte A 0 10. Sandstone, dusty yellow 0 2.5 9. Shale, greenish-gray А 9 0 8. Siltstone, with ironstone layer ................... 0 29 7. Shale, greenish-gray, with a few ironstones p 0 6. Sandstone, greenish-gray to yellow-brown, medium-grained.... 0 6 9 6.5 Button Mold Knob member Upper part 5. Shale, greenish-gray, with large ironstones . 2 0 4. Shale, greemish-gray sasha 7 0 9 0 Middle part 3. Shale, greenish-gray, with large ironstones; shale becoming more silty upward to top of section... 5 0 Lower part 2. Shale, greenish-gray cis 4 0 1. Covered НЕА Jo rei кімі rine eo der oe norem rin 74 0 total 168 6.5 Datum: top of Underwood-Falling Run interval 6. B. C. Miller's farm, one mile north of Bullitt Lick Church on secondary road leading to Bullitt Lick School, Bullitt County, Kentucky The Falling Run nodules crop out in the hog lot of the Miller farm. The lower part of the Coral Ridge member 18 exposed in this section. New Providence formation Button Mold Knob member Thickness Lower part Feet Inches Upper portion covered and not measured. 7, Shale, olive-gray to bluishagtay occ 10 29 Coral Ridge member Upper part . Ironstone double cone-in-cone lenses ......... ano ía 0 2 ‚ Shale, bluishegtáy | [errem une 12 2,5 . Ironstone lenses . ҚДИ E MADE e TU 0.5 „Shale, bluish«gtay н nn 16 L0 ORO LENSES ooo ана eran iere rl e eR ГӨ 0 0.5 32 sp Lower part Shale, BIuisl-gray sree eere leeren 5 7 total 48 6 | | | | I | > New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 12 At Coral Ridge and Kenwood Hill this upper part of the Coral Ridge member contains the Coral Ridge fauna. The geographic restriction of the fauna to southwestern Jefferson County and the rapid change in the nature of the New Providence sediments indicate that only small niches were suitable for invertebrate life (excepting foraminifers and sponges, Conkin, 1956) on the bottom of the lower New Providence sea in this part of Kentucky. The dominantly molluscan aspect of the Coral Ridge fauna suggests a shallow sea environment of deposition. The lower part of the Button Mold Knob member, which carries the best development of the typical fauna, is at Button Mold Knob in Bullitt County. Fossiliferous shale and crinoidal bioherms are developed in the lower part of the Button Mold Knob member in all the sections in Jefferson County with the exception of that at the south side of Kenwood Hill. This lower part of the member does not contain fossils in the section exposed at В. C. Miller’s farm (Section 6) near Shepherdsville, Bullitt County. Section 7. Bullitt Lick Church, first road cut into the front of the Missis- бірріап escarpment, 2.7 miles west of Shepherdsville on Ken- tucky Highway 44, Bullitt County, Kentucky Gradational contact with Brodhead formation New Providence formation Thickness Feet Inches Kenwood sandstone member 11. Siltstone, buff; possible top of New Providence formation 0 2.5 10. Shale, bluish- BEY. diar ao уен E 0 9 9, Siltstone, buff, with ironstone concretions through center of BOG) iss od A а WOO rA m А i 9 8. Shale, bluish- gray | 4 Ta Siltstone, buff . WE we cce Ree ua ee 0 7 6. Shale, bluish- -gri ay A ек ends S >. 0 2. Siltstone, PU ena sienes a M ac i 0 8.5 Lö 4 Button Mold Knob member Upper and middle parts undifferentiated. 4. Shale, bluish-gr: Шуу ОВО Е A n 22:16 2 3. Ironstone concretions, discoidal, up to 3 feet in diameter 0 0:5 2. Shale, bluish-gray, with some large ironstone concretions.. 10 10 i Shale, bluish-gray, with a few ironstones ..................... 5 $ 52 Ll total 43 3.5 124 BULLETIN 168 STRATIGRAPHIC CONCLUSIONS BASED ON MEASURED SECTIONS The lower part of the Coral Ridge member 1s present throughout the studied area, but is best seen in outcrop at the B. C. Miller's farm section (Section 6). Мо megafossils were found in this lower part, and thus its age, whether Osagian or Kinderhookian, is uncertain. The upper part of the Coral Ridge member 15 present throughout the studied area, although at Button Mold Knob it 1$ present only as a remnant in the form of a thin bed of discoidal ironstone nodules in shale exposed about 16 feet 8 inches above the Underwood-Falling Run interval. The upper part of the Coral Ridge member in Jefferson County, Kentucky, and in the Goetz Quarry in the northwestern part of New Albany, Floyd Coun- ty, Indiana, can be recognized by the presence of the large double cone-in- cone lenses of ironstone, and discoidal ironstone nodules. ‘The cone-in- cones in the upper part of the Coral Ridge member are unique in that they have the characteristic cone-in-cone structures developed on both the lower and the upper surfaces of the lenses with the inner portion free of any secondary disturbance in most instances; these unique cone-in-cones are herein termed “double cone-in-cones”. The cone-in-cones are not seen at Button Mold Knob, but they are weakly developed at the В. C. Miller's farm section near Shepherdsville, Bullitt County. The middle part of the Button Mold Knob member is present through- out the studied area. The Button Mold Knob fauna is present in this unit in the sections at the north side of Kenwood Hill, Coral Ridge, and Button Mold Knob, but is absent in the Brooks Hill and Bullitt Lick Church sec- tions (Sections 5 and 7). The upper part of the Button Mold Knob member is noted at Brooks Hill where the presence of large ironstone concretions in this upper part of the member shows that here the contact between the upper and middle parts of the member is not sharp. This upper part cannot be differentiated from the middle part of the member in the Bullitt Lick Church section where together they consist of green-gray shale with ironstone lenses and large ironstone concretions. The Button Mold Knob fauna was observed in the upper part of the Button Mold Knob member only at Button Mold Knob. The Kenwood sandstone member extends southward to Shepherds- ville in Bullitt County; beyond Shepherdsville this member loses its iden- tity and the sandstone grades upward into the Brodhead siltstones, as is seen in the Bullitt Lick Church section, making the contact between the New Providence formation and the Brodhead formation obscure, NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 125 PALEONTOLOGY COMPOSITION OF THE CORAL RIDGE FAUNA The Coral Ridge fauna has been found only at two localities, Ken- wood Hill and Coral Ridge, both in Jefferson County, Kentucky. Variation in the distribution of the genera and species of the Coral Ridge fauna at the two localities is shown in Table 1. Common genera in the Coral Ridge fauna at Coral Ridge, in order of their abundance, are: Bembexia, Amplexus, Pericyclus, Sinuitina, Lox- onema, Merocanites, Nuculana, Michelinoceras, Orbitremites, Phillipsia, Rhynchopora, Conocardium, Spiriferina, Griffithides, Favosites, Beyrich- oceras, Conularia, and Striatopora (Acaciapora) . Common genera in the Coral Ridge fauna at Kenwood Hill, in order of their abundance, are: Bembexia, Pericyclus, Amplexus, Merocanites, Sinnitina, Nuculana, Beyrichoceras, Conocardium, Retispira?, Michelino- ceras, Grammysia?, and Conularia. The Coral Ridge fauna at the type locality is richer in variety and more prolific in number of specimens than it is at Kenwood Hill. Of the fossils listed in the faunal list (Table 1) only new species (except new species of goniatites) and Orbitremites oppelti Rowley are des- cribed and figured in this paper. RANGE OF THE GENERA IN NORTH AMERICA Many genera of the Coral Ridge fauna have long stratigraphic ranges; the following are known to range throughout the entire Mississippian in North America and thus have little value in age determination. Corals: Favosites, Michelinia, Neozaphrentis, and Striatopora Bryozoans: Rhombopora Brachiopods: Enmetria, Girtyella, Rhipidomella, Rhynchopora, and Spiriferina Pelecypods: Conocardium and Nuculana Gastropods: Loxonema (or related genus; Loxonema, s. 5, тау range only into the Lower Mississippian) Cephalopods: Michelinoceras Trilobites: Grifhthides Uncertain position: Connlaria BULLETIN 168 Table 1.—Fossils in the Coral Ridge Fauna at Coral Ridge and Kenwood Hill Localities Faunal List Amplexus fragilis Favosites divergens Michelinia sp. Neozaphrentis sp. Striatopora (Acaciapora) sp. Rhombopora incrassata Cyrtina sp. Eumetria sp. Girtyella sp. Rhipidomella sp. Rhynchopora beecheri Spiriferina subelliptica Spiriferina sp. Conocardium cancellatum Edmondia? sp. Grammysia? sp. Nuculana sp. Bembexia ellenae, n. sp. Loxonema delphicola Orthonynchia sp. Retispira? sp. Coral Ridge ж HW ере и си M. ad iH с 4 м | | Kenwood Hill mS A Mw A ра x x New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 127 Table 1.—(Continued) Faunal List Coral Ridge | Kenwood Hill Sinuitina anneae, п. sp. а м Beyrichoceras sp. Merocanites sp. Michelinoceras sp. Pericyclus sp. PS. Ие мом Б а м м Codaster jessieae Orbitremites coralridgensis, n. sp. O. kentuckyensis, n. sp. O. oppelti, emend. Synbathocrinus cf. $. dentatus Wachsmuthicrinus sp. Griffithides sp. Phillipsia sp. HOM MOM MOM мом X Conularia sp. The North American stratigraphic ranges, known previous to this paper, of the genera which are important for age determination of the Coral Ridge fauna are listed in Table 2, in terms of the type Mississippian section in North America, The goniatites, blastoids, and the crinoid Wachsmuthicrinus ate of first value in age determination. The trilobite Phillipsia, the gastropods Bembexia and Sinuitina, and the brachiopod Cyrtina are of secondary im. portance. Loxonema was thought by Knight (1930, p. 4) to range no higher than the Devonian. As the nuclear whorls are not preserved in the Present specimens it is uncertain whether the Coral Ridge individuals should be referred to Loxonema, s. s. BULLETIN 168 Reviewing the North American occurrences of the genera of goniatites present in the Coral Ridge fauna, itis noted that the Coral Ridge fauna con- tains the first undoubted specimens of Pericyclus yet reported from North America. Pericyclus? blairi (Miller and Gurley) (Miller and Youngquist, 1947, p. 115) has been recorded from both the Caballero formation (Kinderhookian) of New Mexico and the Chouteau limestone (Kinder- hookian) of Missourt. Beyrichoceras is known in North America from B. hornerae Miller (1947, p. 21) apparently from the Boone chert (Osagian) of Missouri and from B, allei Miller and Garner (1955, pp. 144-149) from both the Cold- water and Marshall formations (Osagian) of Michigan. Merocanites is known from North America from M. sp. (Miller and Garner, 1955, р. 154) from the Reeds Spring limestone of Missouri; from Table 2.—North American Mississippian Ranges of Genera Important for Age Determination of the Coral Ridge fauna T‏ س Genera | Kinderhookian | Osagian Meramecian Cyrtina | Bembexia Sinuitina Beyrichoceras Merocanites Pericyclus Phillipsia Wachsmuthicrinus Codaster Orbitremites NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 129 М. houghtoni Miller and Garner (1955, рр. 150-154) and from М. mar- shallensis Miller and Garner (1955, pp. 154-157) both from the Coldwater and Marshall formations of Michigan. Collinson (1955, рр. 434-436) described M. drostei from the Brodhead formation of Madison County, Kentucky. Among the blastoids, Orbitremites is characteristically an Osagian genus (especially prominent in the Burlington limestone) ; one species, O. chouteauensis Peck (1938, p. 69) is known from the Chouteau limestone (Kinderhookian) of Missouri; one doubtful species, О. grandis Rowley (Greene, 1902, р. 97) is known from the Fort Payne formation (Osagian, and probably partly Meramecian) of Kentucky. Codaster, characteristically a Devonian blastoid genus, ranges through- out the Kinderhookian and Osagian, Wachsmuthicrinus is restricted to the Osagian. Among the fossils judged to be of secondary importance in age deter- mination, the trilobite Phzllipsia, as emended by Weller (1936, pp. 704- 706) is a Lower Mississippian genus (Kinderhookian) ; although, as un- restricted, the genus has been reported in the Upper Mississippian and the Pennsylvanian of North America. Bembexia is characteristically a Devonian genus occurring particularly in the beds of the Hamilton group, but the genus ranges into the lower part of the Mississippian, and also occurs in the Logan formation of Ohio (Osagian). Sinnitina is recorded by Hyde (Marple, 1953, pp. 319, 320) as Tropidodiscus from the Bedford shale (Kinderhookian) and the Byer mem- ber of the Logan formation (Osagian) of Ohio. The type species of Smuilina is from the Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma. As for the range of Cyriína, Stuart Weller said (1914, р. 286) that the ". . . genus Cyrtina has its greatest development in the Devonian faunas, being represented in only the earlier portion of Mississippian time." Weller gave the range of Cyrtina as Louisiana limestone to Keokuk. RANGE OF THE GENERA IN THE EUROPEAN SECTION The Dinantian section of Europe is subdivided into faunal zones de- fined by cephalopods, corals, and brachiopods (see Chart 2). A review of the stratigraphic ranges of important genera of the Coral Ridge fauna in terms of the European section is given here. BULLETIN 168 Orbitremites: undifferentiated Viséan. Codaster: Yournasian and Viséan. Wachsmuthicrinus: upper Tournasian. Pericyclus: late Tournasian (С sub zones) (П a and II Û) ; lower Viséan (C, and S,) (Пу and II д). Beyrichoceras and Merocanites: middle Viséan (S, and D,) (B, and В.) and lower part of (III). Moore (1948, pp. 397-400) has observed: The zone of Beyrichoceras is very clearly established in western Europe, both in the British Isles and on the Continent, as middle Viséan in age (figs. 1, 15, 16). Beds belonging to this zone and containing its diagnostic fossils have been found to interfinger with strata of the coral-brachiopod zones in a manner to show that the В, subzone corresponds to the S, subzone containing numerous Lithostrotion and other characteristic Upper Mississippian corals, brachiopods, and other fossils (Hudson and Turner, 1933a) ; the В, subzone is found to correspond in age to the D, subzone, which very surely is not older than Meramecian deposits of North America and possibly belongs to the Lower Chesterian. Discovery of representatives of Beyricboceras in Osagian rocks of North America, as reported by Miller (1947), constitutes the record of a single identification of a representative of this genus in a stratigraphic position that can hardly fail to be far below that of the Beyrichoceras zone as defined in Europe. Beyrichoceras may have become differentiated as a genus in Tournasian time, and the region in which it first became differentiated is unknown. As pointed out by Miller, the distinction between Beyrichoceras and Muensteroceras is extremely small, and the latter genus is very well developed in Tournasian deposits. Overwhelming evidence supplied by cri- noids, echinoids, brachiopods, corals, and probably other fossils, is utterly in conflict with the supposition that the European D zone can possibly be equiva- lent to pre-Meramecian deposits of North America. It is unfortunate that, as yet, numerous representatives of the European D zone have not been found on the western side of the Atlantic. Until such evidence is found, the record of Beyrichoceras in early Mississippian rocks of this continent cannot be per- mitted to outweigh abundant evidence of a differing sort. Since 1948, the presence of Beyrichoceras and Merocanites in the Lower Mississippian of North America has been established. ‘Thus, as far as present records are valid, it seems certain that both Beyrichoceras and Merocanites were differentiated earlier in North America than in Eur- ope; or as Miller and Garner (1955, p. 119) suggest, The upper Tournasian of Belgium carries Imitoceras rolatorium, several species of Münsteroceras, and Protocanites lyoni, just as does the upper Kinder- hook Rockford limestone of Indiana. It seems logical to correlate these strata from opposite sides of the Atlantic, even though the European beds have not yet yielded Prodromites, which is a characteristic and striking form in the Rockford and in the stratigraphically equivalent strata in Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois. Acceptance of such a correlation leads to the conclusion that in the European section the approximate correlative of the Mississippian goniatite- bearing beds of Michigan is the lower Viséan. (Imitoceras, Münsteroceras, Beyrichoceras, and Merocanites all occur in the lower Viséan, together with سے NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 131 Pericyclus, which, as we interpret that genus, is not present in Michigan). If this conclusion is correct, the American Osage strata are the approximate strati- graphic equivalent of the European lower Viséan, rather than of the upper Tournasian, as commonly stated. We are, of course, not the first to advocate this view. Miller and Garner continue (1925, p: 120), In Middle Asia (north Kazakhstan) Librovitch (1940) recognized several Carboniferous “cephalopod complexes”. One, the oldest of these “complexes”, contains representatives of Gattendorfia, Kazakhstania, Imitoceras, Karagando- ceras, and the species Protocanites lyoni; and it is to be correlated in a general way with the fauna of the American upper Kinderhook. The second of Libro- vitch's Kazakhstanian "complexes" consists of species belonging in Múnstero- ceras, Pericyclus, and probably Merocanites; it presumably does not differ шн | > .!, LOWER © KINDERHOOKIANTOSAGIAN| / MERAMECIAN — УЕН > TOURNASIAN VISEAN © х N о Qo O 5 z о CLEISTO|ZAPHREN-| c ANINIA SEMINULA |DIBUNOPHYLLUM || OE PORA | TIS ve ол ARAN] о V1; 4 рә |е | о | ШЕ № ge m m гә ІТ N о DA © CD Y = BEYRICHO- CERAS. [POSIDONIA = о > юл 5 E © 4 ні E м PROTO- PERICYCLUS GONIATITES О CANITES < WOCKLU- |GATTEN= a a E on А 6 w MERIA |DORFIA EN i z Chart 2.—Comparison of part of the North American Mississippian with part of the European Lower Carboniferous (after Moore, 1948, p. 375, fig. 1) BULLETIN 168 greatly in age from the Lower Mississippian Michigan fauna we are studying. To the east, in the Tien Shan, there occurs a prolific goniatite fauna that con- tains a variety of representatives of Pericyclus in association with Münstero- ceras and Merocanites; it also seems to be about the same general age as the Michigan assemblage. Librovitch, however, was inclined to place the Kazakh- stanian “complex” containing Merocanites in the upper Tournasian and the Tien Shan fauna in the lower Viséan. Pericyclus, although previously known in North America from only the Kinderhookian, is associated in the Coral Ridge fauna with definitive Osagian cephalopod, blastoid, and crinoid genera. Although Pericyclus is known from the upper Tournasian of Europe, its characteristic occurrence there is in the lower Viséan. Pericyclus may have appeared earlier in North America (upper Kinderhookian) than in Europe (upper Tournasian) . Among the blastoids, Orbitremites is known from Europe from the undifferentiated Viséan. With the exception of the somewhat doubtful О. pd Rowley (described from a cast in the Fort Payne chert of Kentucky —Osagian and probably partly Meramecian) , Orbitremites has not been re- ud above the Osagian. О, chonteauensis Peck constitutes the only record of the genus in the Kinderhookian rocks of North America. "Thus it also seems that Orbitremiles arose earlier (Kinderhookian) in North America than in Europe (undifferentiated Viséan). AGE OF THE CORAL RIDGE FAUNA In conclusion, the age aspect of important genera in the Coral Ridge fauna is as follows: Genus Known Range in N. A. Known Range (prior to this paper) in Europe Pericyclu$ . . . . upper Kinderhookian. upper Tournasian, but es- pecially lower Viséan Beyrichoceras . . . lower to middle and Озан <. middle Vistan Merocanites Codaster . . . . Kinderhookian and Оз. 2272. ШОВ айа Уве Orbitremites . . . upper Kinderhookian, Osagian, and probably lower Meramecian. . undifferentiated Viséan Wachsmutbicrinus '. Osagian. . . . . upper Tournasian New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 133 When considered from a specific point of view, the geologic ranges of the fossils of the Coral Ridge fauna center around the Kinderhookian- Osagian boundary, Information derived from a consideration of the geologic ranges of the genera and species in the Coral Ridge fauna, coupled with the strati- graphic position of the fauna (20 to 30 feet below the lower Osagian so- called “Fern Glen-Burlington” correlative in the New Providence forma- tion, the Button Mold Knob member) proves that the age of the Coral Ridge fauna is Osagian. The Coral Ridge fauna is slightly older than previously known faunas which have been referred to the Osagian of North America and slightly younger than previously know faunas which have been referred to the upper Kinderhookian of North Ametica. CORRELATION OF THE NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION The present state of knowledge of the New Providence formation indicates the following correlation based on other studies and on the pale- ontologic and stratigraphic information presented in this paper (Chart 3). SYSTEMATIC PART BLASTOIDS The species of Orbitremites from the Coral Ridge fauna possess all typical characters of the genus: a deep basal concavity, two hydrospire folds under each ambulacrum, hydrospire pores throughout the entire length of the ambulacrum, radials longer than deltoids, and five spiracles with one spiracle piercing the apex of each deltoid. Ornamentation is highly organized on the Orbitremites from the Coral Ridge fauna. Prominent ridges are developed on the radials parallel to the radial deltoid suture and the interradial suture; these ridges are herein termed "dalaths" after their resemblance to the Hebrew letter dalath. There are V-shaped ridges on the deltoids parallel to the radial deltoid suture, and these ridges are herein termed “chevrons” after their resem- blance to chevrons. Etheridge and Carpenter (1886, p. 249) noted the alignment of nodes and tubercles (to form dalaths) on certain species of Lower Carboniferous Orbitremites, such as О. campanulatus of the Bri- tish Isles. Dalaths and chevrons are well developed on some species of Cryptoblastus which thus superficially resemble some species of Orbitre- miles. BULLETIN 168 Specimens of each species of Orbitremites from the Coral Ridge fauna were sectioned and two hydrospire folds were noted under each am- bulacrum, The presence of two hydrospire folds under each ambulacrum is characteristic of the genus. Among all the known species of Orbitre- mites which have been sectioned only one exception is known, O. norwoodi, which has four hydrospire folds under each ambulacrum. This observation casts suspicion on the relationship of O. norwood: to true Orbitremites ; the solution to this problem must await a synthesis of the genus Orbitremites along the line of Cline's papers on Schizoblastus (1936, рр. 260-281) and Cryptoblastus (1937, pp. 634-649). Chart 3. Correlation of the New Providence formation | SERIES | CORRELATIVES | NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION меннен на —— | Keokuk?- Kenwood sandstone member Burlington? (Productus wortheni zone) | | | 4 | Button Mold Knob member © Upper part (rare Button Mold Knob o d 7 fauna) © Burlington- Denis Middle part (Button Mold Knob fauna) Lower part (Button Mold Knob | | fauna) Coral Ridge member | Upper part (Coral Ridge fauna) LOW OSAGIAN Coral Ridge member Lower part (no megafossils noted; OSAGIAN OR e 127323, sectioned subglobose left, 113 right depressed bands ambulacrum narrow, 6.4 ambulacrum side plates and deltoids depressed depressed apparently slit-like 0. cf. O. oppelti, hypotype, subglobose 15.0 15,0 6.3 Тең 11 V's and tubercles 131 center, 112 6.5 9.0 7 slender D's, and somewhat depressed, but | deep, fairly 13 - 39 2.0 in outer side plates ditto moderately large linea moderately depressed elongate slit , т g ear ong s 127322; now nearly destroyed left, 117 right tubercles not below ambulacrum narrow relation to deltoids obscure 0. kentuckyensis, holotype, subglobose 18.2 20.8 10.7 8.5 l Vts апа cubero les 120 center, 120 12.9 11.3 6 D's, 2 minor ones арісев moderately deep, broader, 13 - 15.5 2.2 in outer side plates ditto very large 14 deeply de»ressed 1 te 511% = ғ near, compara- anre elongate s 127316 minor V fused left, 120 right fused, tubercles depressed 9.5 быа: deltolda е vely narrow 9. kentuckyensis, unfigured slightly more ob- 15.8 20.6 32.2 8.5 6 V's, 3 minor V's 117 center, 123 11,9 11.0 41%%0 ditto deep, fairly 13 - 41 2.2 in outer side plates ditto large ait ditto b tr . 1 я to obscure, apparently paratype 1, retained by writer} late than holotype and tubercles left, 120 right narrow, 6.0 relation to deltoids obscure E 1. Е е з о 5 -like 0, kentuckyensis, paratype, subglobose 11.7 14.6 0 6.6 l V's fused and 122 center, 120 8.7 8.0 l Dts and trace of 5, | depressed, but not deep, broad, 1 - 30 1.9 in outer side plates ditto fairly large broader 1 moderately depressed ditt . 1 roader іп е Y D 127317 tubercles left, 119 right tubercles below ambulacrum 5.4 gets à middle 0. kentuckyensis, paratype, subglobose 10.0 10.5 6.1 hes 5 V's, 2 minor ones 137 center, 113 8.0 6.2 5 D's and few somewhat depressed, but | deep, moderately 15 30 1 ditto ditto ditto ditto ditt . ditto о 127318 and tubercles left, 110 right tubercles not below ambulacrum broad, 3.7 0. kentuckyensis, paratype, subglobose 9.6 11,2 5.6 5.1 10 V's; no tubercles | 140 center, 110 6.7 5.9 8 D's, по tubercles, ditto deep, distorted, 264-557: 356 ditto ditto cast; tubercles ditto, di ditt b ‘i Н о storted o obscure 127319 distorted preserved (cast) left, 110 right (cast) broad, 4,6 & A : А not preserve 0. kentuckyensis, Paratype, subglobose 14.0 17.0 8.3 8.1 not preserved obscured 9.0 10.0 | попе preserved ditto deep, fairly not preserved 1577 in outer side plates ditto ditto 11 Dub ditto ditt I , near, bu о 2 ior broad, 6.6 relation to deltoids obscure broader at apex O, kentuckyensis, unfigured subglobose 8.0 9. 4.7 3.4 2 Уіз and tubercles 121 center, 116 5.5 4.9 2 D's and tubercles raised above moderately deep ly - 22 1.5 ditto ditto moderately large broad ditto 1 te slit Е roader near elongate s paratype 2, retained by writer left, 123 right ambulacrum and broad, 3.1 middle New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 137 Seemingly there is a tendency toward fewer side plates per unit am- bulacral length in the larger specimens. Smaller specimens possess 14-16 side plates per 5 mm. whereas larger specimens possess 13-15 side plates per 5 mm. Although ambulacral width becomes slightly greater with increase іп size of the specimens, the ambulacrum become more linear in outline in the large specimens. Orbitremites kentuckyensis is similar to O. granulatus (Roemer) in the shape of the calyx and the possession of a profusion of tubercles, but in con- trast to O. granulatus the calyx of O. kentuckyensis is more oblate and the ornamentation of O. kentuckyensis is highly organized into chevrons and dalaths. The affinities of Orbitremites kentuckyensis to the doubtful O. grandis Rowley (Greene, 1902, р. 96) cannot be determined as O. grandis is a cast. Orbitremites kentuckyensis is somewhat similar to О, chouteanensis Peck but is specifically distinct in that O. kentuckyensis possesses strongly developed dalaths, tuberculated calyx, and moderately inflated radials. Deposition of !ypes.— The holotype, U. S. М. M, No. 127316, and five figured paratypes, U. $. N. M., Nos. 127317-127321, are deposited in the U. S, National Museum in Washington, D. C. Occurrence.—The holotype and all paratypes are derived from the Coral Ridge fauna of the upper part of the Coral Ridge member of the New Providence formation, in the east quarry of the Coral Ridge Brick and Tile Company, Coral Ridge, Jefferson County, Kentucky. Orbitremites coralridgensis Conkin, n. sp. Pl. 14, figs. 8-11; Text-fig. 1-A Description. —Calyx melon-shaped (prolate) ; greatest length, 12.0 mm.; greatest width, 11.1 mm.; cross section polygonal; theca 0.2 mm. thick; base deeply covered and basals not seen; stem column round and attached to base in single known specimen. Deltoids 5.0 mm. long and 6.5 mm. wide at radial deltoid suture; each deltoid ornamented by 13 slightly tuberculated chevrons; 132 degree angle formed by radial deltoid suture: five furrows, 1.0 mm, wide and 1.5 mm. long lead into the five spiracles at the apices of the deltoids. Radials 8.0 mm. high and 6.4 mm. wide at radial deltoid suture, 2.3 mm. wide at base; radials ornamented by 11 dalaths, none tuberculated. Ambulacra extend full length of calyx and appear petaloid іп outline when viewed ventrally; hydrospire pores extend full length of ambulacra; BULLETIN 168 E т Textfig. 1.—Hydrospire folds of Coral Ridge fauna blastoids. А, Orbitremites coralridgensis, п. sp., holotype, U. S. М. M., No. 127324, X 11. В, Orbitremites kentuckyensis, п. sp., paratype, U. S. М. M., No. 127318, X 16. С, Orbitremiles kentuckyensis, paratype, U. S. N. M., No. 127321, X 10. D. Orbitremites oppelti Rowley, emend., hypotype, U. S. N. M., No. 127323, X 11. E, Orbitremites ken- tuckyensis, paratype, U. S. М. М., No. 127320, X 15. New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 139 width of ambulacrum at radial deltoid suture 1.8 mm.; side plates present, 15 I5 MEM; hydrospire folds are present, two under each ambulacrum (Text-fig. 1-A) hydrospire folds stalklike and slightly sigmoidal in hori- zontal section; hydrospire sacs oval to subcircular. For a detailed analysis of the species, see Table 3. Remarks.—This species differs from its closest ally, Orbitremites ken- Inckyensis in having a melon (prolate) shape, petaloid appearance of the ambulacra as viewed ventrally, and deep depression of the apices of the deltoids below the surface of the calyx. This species differs from all other species of Orbitremites in possessing petaloid shaped ambulacra and a pro- late calyx. The hydrospire folds of Orbitremites coralrid gensis are similar to those of О. oppelti Rowley (compare Text-figs. 1-A and 1-D). Deposition of type.—The holotype, the only specimen, U. $. М. М., No. 127324, is deposited in the U. S. National Museum, Washington, BG Occurrence.—This species was derived from the Coral Ridge fauna of the upper part of the Coral Ridge member of the New Providence formation in the east quarry of the Coral Ridge Brick and Tile Company, Coral Ridge, Jefferson County, Kentucky, Orbitremites oppelti Rowley, emend. Conkin Р]. 14, figs. 1-7; Text-fig. 1-р Radials 16.9 mm. long, ornamented with 12 dalaths; edges of radials and deltoids along ambulacrum are tuberculated throughout their length; first two dalaths below radial deltoid suture are small and smooth; third dalath slightly tuberculated; next three dalaths tuberculated and subequal їп size; seventh dalath is of large size, 3.0 mm., with three rows of tuber- cles; last five dalaths alternate in size; width of radials varies from 13.2 BULLETIN 168 mm. at radial deltoid suture, to 4.0 mm. at base of calyx; radials incurved to help form basal concavity. Ambulacra 2.4 mm. wide at radial deltoid suture and 1.0 mm. wide at base of calyx; side plates number 14 in 5 mm. of ambulacral length; hydro- spire pores extend full length of ambulacrum. There are two hydrospire folds under each ambulacrum; in section, hydrospire stalks curve gradually and moderately away from axis of ambu- lacrum, but otherwise are nearly straight and parallel to axis of ambula- crum ; hydrospire sacs oval to pyriform. For a detailed analysis of the hypotypes (U. S. N. M., Nos. 127323 and 127322) see Table 3. Remarks.— Description of O. oppelti is emended on basis of the hypo- type (U. S. N. M., No. 127323) which is the best preserved specimen of the species. Rowley (Green, 1902, pp. 86, 87) described O. oppelti from three fragments of one individual found in the lower Knobstone shale at a locality two miles north of New Albany, Indiana. The specimens here discussed are the second and third known. The hypotype (U. S. N. M., No. 127323) varies from the type of Orbitremites oppelti only in having a deeper basal concavity, less lobed shape of the calyx, and more sunken ambulacra. Only slight differences in ornamentation can be noted. The hydrospire folds of O. oppelti (hypo- type, U. S. N. M., No. 127323) are figured and described for the first time (Text-fig. 1-0). Although there are the aforementioned differences, the writer refers the hypotype (U. S. М. M., No. 127323) to O. oppelti; the hypotype (U. S. N. M. No. 127322) is somewhat doubtfully compared to О. oppelti. Orbitremites oppelti has affinities to O. granulatus (Roemer) and to O. grandis Rowley, but it is closest in its affinities to O. Rentuckyensis. О. oppelti differs from all other species of Orbitremites іп the possession of a depressed band (dalaths and chevrons їп a bundle) at the radial deltoid suture. The hydrospire folds resemble those of O. coralridgensis іп shape. Deposition of types.—The hypotypes (U. S. М. M., Nos. 127323 and 127322) аге deposited in the U. $. National Museum, Washington, D. С. Occurrence.—Both specimens are from the Coral Ridge fauna of the upper part of the Coral Ridge member of the New Providence formation in the east quarry of the Coral Ridge Brick and Tile Company, Coral Ridge, Jefferson County, Kentucky. New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 141 GASTROPODS Genus BEMBEXIA Oehlert, 1888 »embexia ellenae Conkin, n. sp. РІ. 15, figs. 1-14; Text-fig. 2-A Description. —Modetate to large, rounded, dextral shell consisting of probably eight whorls; first 1-11/, whorls are never preserved; aperture subcircular to subquadrangular and possesses an outer lip with a deep sinus which generates a selenizone on periphery of shell; upper surface of whorl slightly convex and slopes toward upper carina bordering concave seleni- zone; selenizone is also limited by a catina at lower edge; selenizone wide, with growth lines curved apically; areas on each side of selenizone slightly concave, subequal in width to selenizone, and ornamented only by fine growth lines curving apically; whorl suture moderately deep; nucleus not observed but presumedly smooth since the initial part of the third whorl and terminal part of second whorl lack sculpture; columella straight; lip reflected over the rimate umbilicus in better preserved specimens, but in other specimens is missing so that narrow umbilicus (less than 1 mm.) may be seen; inductura not observed. See Table 4 for measurements of Bembexia ellenae. Text-fig. 2.—Sections of gastropods from Coral Ridge fauna, X 7. A, Bembexia ellenae, п. зр., paratype, U. S. М. М. No. 127328. B, Sinuitina anneae, n. Sp., paratype, U. $. М. M., Хо. 127315. BULLETIN 168 The number of revolving lines on each whorl is difficult to express by a written description, and most writers have made little attempt to do so. The number of revolving lines on the whorls above the periphery varies due to the intercalation of revolving lines. No attempt is made to make a detailed analysis of the revolving lines on the bases of all the whorls of the shell of Bembexia ellenae; only the revolving lines on the bases of the seventh and eighth whorls are given. The body whorl, the eighth, has a rounded base with 16 to 18 strong revolving lines, each bearing a single row of nodes; fine transverse growth lines occur on the base, and descend into the umbilicus after crossing the lower carina of the selenizone ; these lines at first describe an arc aperturally, then gradually bend apically and plunge into the umbilicus. The base of the seventh whorl is rounded and has slightly more than 14 revolving lines. Above the selenizone, the eighth whorl possesses five to seven revol- ving lines; the faint seventh revolving line originates at a point about 1 mm. from the aperture. Above the selenizone, the seventh whorl has three revolving lines at the initial portion with a set of strong nodes on each revolving line, and five revolving lines at the terminal portion; two of the revolving lines had been intercalated. between the initial portion and the terminal portion of the seventh whorl, Above the selenizone, the sixth whorl has two revolving lines at its ini- tial portion and at its terminal portion three revolving lines. Above the selenizone, the fifth whorl has two revolving lines at both its initial portion and its terminal portion. Two rows of nodes on the fifth whorl enlarge and lengthen and curve obliquely apically. Near the aper- ture of the fourth whorl the two rows of nodes begin to coalesce to form an elongate ridge, but the two rows are still distinct. At the initial end of the fourth whorl coalescence of the aforemen- tioned nodes forms one evenly rounded, oblique ridge directed apically. Near the aperture of the third whorl the oblique ridge becomes faint and no sculpture is noted on the rest of the third whorl, or on what is preserved of the second whorl. The first 1-11/, whorls are not preserved. Carrying the pattern exhibited on the whorls to its conclusion, the oblique ridge near the aperture of the third whorl probably disappears at about the aperture of the third whorl. New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 143 Table 4.—Measurements of types of Bembexia ellenae, п. sp. in millimeters Specimen Holotype, No. 127325 Figured paratype, No. 127326 Figured paratype, No. 127327 Unfigured paratypes, No. 127329 Height 16.4 16.0 18.4 18.0 18.8 12.2 9.0 6.8 Width 15,5 129 18.6 Aperture Height Width Y^ 9.2 448. 10:7. 7.4 8.2 Lid 10.9 7.8 10.2 10.5 9.1 9.2 93 Fad 6.5 5.0 4.7 3.2 | 3.6 name Mourlonia? stellaeformis. this species and has concluded that this form is a species of Bembexia. r NO BULLETIN 168 The second whorl, when preserved, is unsculptured. Remarks.—Bembexia ellenae is closely related to В. stellaeformis stellaeformis is given here, (Hyde), (Marple, 1953, pp. 325, 326, pl. 46, figs. 1-4). Hyde described a new species of gastropod from the Logan formation of Ohio under the The author has examined the types of Hyde’s description is adequate so that no further description of Bembexia Bembexia ellenae is closely related to В. stellaeformis in its overall following comparison, Bembexia ellenae . Mature shell presumedly of eight whorls definite flattened area on periphery 3. Slightly convex above periphery . Sutures distinct . Umbilicus minutely phanerom- phalus . Five to 7 revolving lines above the presumed 8th whorl; 3 dis- tinct revolving lines above peri- phery on 6th whorl . Figured types average 15.4 mm. in height . Sixteen to 18 revolving lines on base of 8th whorl ы س‎ 6. shape and in the kind of ornamentation. There are, however, several dis- tinct differences that set the two species apart specifically as is shown in the Bembexia stellaeformis . Mature shell of 5 to 6 whorls . Definite flattened area оп peri- phery . Flattened above periphery . Sutures indistinct . Umbilicus open Above periphery, one distinct and one to two indistinct revol- ving lines on 6th whorl . Shells average 8 to 9 mm. in height . Eight to 10 revolving lines on base This new species of Bembexia is named for the writer's wife, Barbara publication. Deposition of types. Ellen, їп recognition of her valued help їп completing the manuscript for The holotype, U. S. N. M., No. 127325; fig- ured paratypes, U. $. М. M., Nos. 127326 and 127327; seven unfigured paratypes, U. 5. М. M., No. 127329; and one sectioned figured paratype, NEW PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 145 О. S. М. M., No. 127328, ate deposited in the U. S. National Museum, Washington, D, С. In addition, six unfigured paratypes are deposited in each of the fol- lowing institutions in the United States. Department of Geology: American Museum of Natural History, New York, No. 27954. Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, No. 34421. Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., No. 975. Univ. of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind., No. 5556. Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, Ia., No. 2322. Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., No. 14255. Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., No. 12864. Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., No. 445. Museum of Paleontology, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., No. 33460. Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York, Мо. 1832, three unfigured paratypes. Six unfigured paratypes are also deposited in each of the following institutions in other countries. Dept. of Geology, British Museum (N. H.), London, England, Nos. PG-2561-2566. Institut und Museum für Geologie und Paläontologie der Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, No. GA 1087/1. Zaklad Paleozoologii, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, No. G 101. Occurrence.—The holotype, figured paratypes, and unfigured paratypes deposited in the U. S. National Museum are all from the Coral Ridge fauna of the upper part of the Coral Ridge member of the New Providence forma- tion in the east quarry of the Coral Ridge Brick and Tile Company, Coral Ridge, Jefferson County, Kentucky. This species also occurs in numbers in the Coral Ridge fauna at Kenwood Hill, Jefferson County, Kentucky. In addition, a few casts of large gastropods (with all ornamentation absent) which are probably Bembexia ellenae, ot a new and related species, have been noted in the Button Mold Knob fauna at Jacobs Hill and Findley Knob, Jefferson County, Kentucky. BULLETIN 168 Genus SINUITINA Knight, 1945 Sinuitina anneae Conkin, п. sp. РІ. 16, figs. 1-13; Text-fig. 2-B Description —Planispiral shell, consisting of two and one half whorls, nearly involute; shell cross section subcardiform, with an open umbilicus; dorsum only faintly trilobed even in old individuals; growth lines in forra of coarse lirae develop a deep median sinus on dorsum, but no selenizone is present ; lateral face of shell convex ; umbilical slope divided into two parts by circum-umbilical carina: 1) upper convex slope, and slope concavity forming a furrow bordered by the circum-umbilical carina at edge of um- bilicus, and 2) below circum-umbilical carina, whorl base becomes parallel to nearly vertical umbilical opening and overlaps three-fourths of preceding whorl. From circum-umbilical carina, moderately coarse growth lirae are developed which bend apically all along furrow and upper concave slope; at top of umbilical slope, intercalation of lirae occurs and lirae bend aper- turally until at midpoint of lateral face they turn abruptly apically forming 120 degree angle, and then continue until reaching the moderately acute dorsum where lirae of both lateral faces join and describe a 60 degree angle; each lira produces an ornamental pattern resembling a chevron on each lateral face of the shell and on the dorsum. In addition to moderately coarse growth lirae, sets of minute chevron- shaped lirae (about 160 per 5 mm.) occur in bundles between the coarser growth lirae. The chevron bundles tend to line up aperturally apically to give the appearance of interrupted revolving line sculpture with the points of the chevrons directed aperturally. These small chevron bundles are some- what more raised in the center than on the flanks and where they touch the coarser lirae they produce a beaded pattern. ‘The chevron-shaped bundles cover the entire shell surface although in the present material weathering has stripped most specimens of their ornamentation. See Table 5 for measurements of Sznuitina anneae. Remarks.—Sinuitina anneae is most closely related to a form which was identified as Tropidodiscus cyrtolites Hall by Hyde (Marple, 1953, pp. 319, 320, pl. 46, fig. 32). However, this species of Hyde's is a species of Sinuilina, Whether a new specific name for Hyde's form will be necessary rius? awat a study of the original material of Hall, if it is now available. New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 147 The differences between 8774774 anneae and Tropidodiscus cyrtolites as described and figured by Hyde, are given below. Sinuilina anneae 1. Angle at middle of lateral face is smaller, about 120 degrees, and is chevron-shaped. 2. Angle on dorsum more acute, about 60 degrees. 3. More coarse transverse lirae per unit area, 4. Intercalation of transverse lirae dorsad to middle of lateral face of whorl and also at top of um- bilical slope. Ma Tropidodiscus cyrtolites of Hyde Angle at middle of lateral face is larger, about 160-170 degrees, and is broadly loop-shaped. . Angle on dorsum not so acute, about 80-85 degrees. Less coarse transverse lirae per unit area. Intercalation at top of umbilical slope. Table 5.— Measurements of Sinnitina anneae, n. sp., in millimeters Diameter of umbili- Specimen end D. S Ісі, atin ici cit- cum-umb. ridge to N. M. No. ; : و‎ | other. | | | Holotype 0.92 127310 Paratype 1.39 127511 Paratype 1.68 127312 | Paratype | 2.00 127313 | Paratype | about 2.0 | | 127514 to 3.0, obscured | Aperture Number of segue | (none complete) con бае | Т | in middle of | Height | Width | lateral face. 7.8 4.8 4.9 6-8 11.9 8.3 6.6 4-6 | US dad 725 4-6 | 158 | 8.0 8.7 4-6 23.1 14.0 14.1 215-3 BULLETIN 168 Sinuitina anneae is also closely related to the type species, 5. cordi- formis (Newell) (1935, pp. 349, 350) from the Lansing beds (Upper Pennsylvanian) of Oklahoma. The differences between 5, anneae and 5. cordiformis are given below. Sinuitina anneae Sinuitina cordiformis 1. On small specimens the регі- 1. Peripheral ridge well developed pheral ridge is not easily seen and in small individuals. is seen only moderately well when specimen has width of 10 mm. and length of 15 mm. 2. Angle formed by the coarse trans- 2. This corresponding angle is ob- verse growth lines at the middle tuse. of the lateral face is acute. 3. Coarse growth lines form a dis- 3. There is a less discrete and not crete and acute angle over the so acute angle formed over the dorsum. dorsum. 4. Greater number of transverse 4. Lesser number of transverse lirae lirae per unit area. per unit area. 5. Intercalation of coarse transverse 5. Intercalation of coarse transverse lirae occurs at the middle of la- lirae at umbilical shoulder. teral face of whorl and also at top of umbilical slope. 'This delicate ornamentation can- 6. Whorl surface ornamented by 6. minute chevron bundles as well not be seen in figures of Sinni- as by transverse lines. tina cordiformis. 7. Larger size of shell. 7. Smaller size of shell. Newell (1935) made no mention of the intercalation of coarse lirae at the middle of the lateral face nor of the presence of chevron-shaped bundles in Sinuitina cordiformis, Тһе size of the shell is not regarded as a specific character in the present discussed species of Sinuitina. This new species of Sinuitina is named for the author's younger daugh- ter Anne. Deposition of types.—The holotype, U. S. М. M., No. 127510, five figured paratypes, U. S. М. М., Nos. 127311-127314, and one sectioned figured paratype, U. S. N. М., No. 127315, are deposited in the U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. | New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 149 In addition, two unfigured paratypes are deposited in each of the fol- lowing institutions in the Ц. 5. A. Department of Geology: American Museum of Nat. History, New York, No. 27955. Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, No. 34422. Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., No, 976. Univ. of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana, No. 5557. Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, No. 2321. Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., INo. 14356. Univ. of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., No. 12865. Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., No. 446. Museum of Paleontology, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., No. 33461. Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York, No. 1831, two unfigured paratypes. Also, two unfigured paratypes are deposited in each of the following institutions in other countries. Dept. of Geology, British Museum (N. H.), London, England, Nos. PG-2567-2568. Institut und Museum für Geologie und Paläontologie der Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany, No. GA 1087/2. Zaklad Paleozoologii, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, No. G 101. Occurrence.—The holotype and figured paratypes are from the Coral Ridge fauna of the upper part of the Coral Ridge member of the New Pro- vidence formation in the east quarry of the Coral Ridge Brick and Tile Company, Coral Ridge, Jefferson County, Kentucky. This species also occurs in some numbers in the Coral Ridge fauna at Kenwood Hill, Jef- ferson County, Kentucky. Тһе unfigured paratypes are from both Coral Ridge and Kenwood Hill. BULLETIN 168 REFERENCES 3orden, W. W. 1874. Report of a geological survey of Clarke and Floyd counties, Indiana. Indiana Geol. Surv., Sth Ann. Rept., р. 134-189. Butts, С. 1915. Geology and mineral resources of Jefferson Co., Ky. Kentucky Geol. Surv., ser. 4, vol. 3, pt. 2, 248 p., 65 pls., 3 text-figs. Campbell, Guy 1946. New Albany shale. Geol. Soc. Am., Bull., vol. 57, p. 829-908, 3 pls., 7 figs. Cline, L. M. 1936. Blastoids of the Osage group, Mississippian: Pt. 1. The genus Schi- zoblastus. Jour. Paleont., vol. 10, р. 260-281, pls. 44, 45. 1937. Blastoids of the Osage group, Mississippian: Pt. 2, The genus Crypto- blastus. Jour. Paleont., vol. 11, p. 634-649, pls. 87, 88. Collinson, С. W. 1955. Mississippian prolecanitid goniatites from Illinois and adjacent states. Jour. Paleont., vol. 29, p. 435-438, pl. 45, 2 text-figs. Conkin, J. К. 1956. Hyalostelia ancora Gutschick in the Mississippian of Indiana and Ken- tucky. American Midl. Nat. vol. 56, р. 430-433, 9 figs. Etheridge, R., Jr., and Carpenter, P. H. 1886. Catalogue of the blastoids in the British Museum. London, 332 p., 20 pls. Green, б. К. 1902. Contribution to Indiana paleontology. vol. 1, pt. 10, p. 86, 87, 96, 97, pl. 29, figs. 15-20: Ewing and Zeller, New Albany, Indiana. Hyde, J. E. 1953. The Mississippian formations of central and southern Ohio, Ohio Geol. Surv., Bull. 51, 355 p., 54 pls., 19 figs. (edited by M. F. Marple) Knight, J. Brookes 1930. The gastropods of the St. Louis, Missouri Pennsylvanian outlier: The Pseudozygopleurinae. Jour. Paleont., vol. 4, suppl. 1, p. 1-88, 5 pls., 4 figs. Miller, A. K. 1947. A goniatite from the Mississippian Boone formation of Missouri. Jour. Paleont., vol. 21, p. 19-22, pl. 10, figs. 1-3. n , and Garner, H. F. 1955. Lower Mississippian cephalopods of Michigan, Pt. 3, Ammonoids and summary. Contr. Mus. Paleont., Univ. of Michigan, vol. 12, р. 113- 173, 7 pls., 16 figs., 1 table. New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CON KIN 151 ^ , and Youngquist, W. 1947. The discovery and significance of a cephalopod fauna im the Missis- Sippian Caballero formation of New Mexico. Jour. Paleont., vol. 21, ps 121251155 518-27. .28. Moore, R. C. 1948. Paleontological features of Mississippian rocks т North America and Europe. Jour. of Geol., vol. 56, р. 373-402, 17 figs. Newell, N. D. 1935. Some Mid-Pennsylvanian invertebrates from Kansas and Oklahoma: Stromatoporoides, Anthozoa, and gastropods, Pt. 4. Jour. Paleont., vol. 9, р. 341-355, pls. 33-36. Peck, К. E. 1938. Blastoidea from the Chouteau of Missouri. Univ. Missouri Studies, vol. 13, p. 57-69, pl. 26. Springer, Е, 1912. The crinoid fauna of the Knobstone formation. United States Na- tional Museum, Proc., vol. 41, (No. 1850), p. 175-208. Stockdale, Р. В. 1931. The Borden (Knobstone) rocks of southern Indiana. Indiana Dept. Сопзегу., Pub. 98, 319 р., 7 pls., 72 figs. 1939. Lower Mississippian rocks of the east-central interior. Geol. Soc. Am., Spec. Paper No. 22, 248 p., 25 pls. Weller, J. М. 1936. Carboniferous trilobite genera. Jour. Paleont., vol 10, рг 704-714, pl. 95. et al. 1948. Correlation of the Mississippian formations of North America. Geol. Soc. Am., Bull., vol. 59, р. 91-196, 2 pls., 7 figs. Weller, S. 1914. The Mississippian Brachiopoda of the Mississippi Valley Basin. Illinois State Geol. Surv., Mon. 1, 508 p. 87 pls, 36 105, BULLETIN 168 ADDENDUM Since submitting the manuscript for publication, the writer has dis- covered the first occurrence of the Coral Ridge fauna in Indiana. The Coral Ridge fauna was found in the Louisville Cement Company quarry on State Highway 60, 2.6 miles northwest of the intersection of Highway 60 and U. 5. Highway 31W, or about 8 miles north of New Albany, in Clark County, Indiana. This finding considerably increases the known geographic distribution of the Coral Ridge fauna. The lithologic character of the lower and upper parts of the Coral Ridge member is the same as at the type locality, the east quarry of the Coral Ridge Brick and Tile Corp., Coral Ridge, Jefferson County, Kentucky. The upper part of the Coral Ridge member carries the Coral Ridge fauna. Only Bembexia ellenae, п. sp., Sinuitina аппеае, п. Sp., Amplexus, and coprolites were noted, PLA TES BULLETIN 168 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 12 АП figures approximately X 2 except where noted 1-4, Interambulacral, ambulacral, ventral, and basal views of holotype, U.S. М. М., No. 127316. 5-8. Interambulacral, ambulacral, ventral, and basal views of paratype, U. S. М. M., No. 127318. 9-12. Interam- bulacral, ambulacral, ventral, and basal views of paratype, U. $. N. М., No. 127319. 13-16. Interambulacral, ambulacral, ventral, and basal views of paratype, U. S. М. M., No. 127317. 17-20. Interambulacral, ventral, and basal views, and sectional view ( X 14) showing two hydrospire folds under one ambulacrum, of paratype, U. $. М. M., Хо. 12/920; Figure Page 1-20. Orbitremites kentuckyensis, п. вр. ................................2.2....... 21. 135 PLATE 18 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 “5 7 20 14 "| 0] B a = A | | | МЕХ Figure 1-4. 5-7. 8-11. PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 155 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 14 All figures approximately >< 2 Page Orbitremites cf. 0. oppelti Rowley .................................. 139 Interambulacral, ambulacral, ventral, and basal views of hypotype, U. S. N. M., No. 127322. Orbitremites oppelti Rowley, emend. .............................................. 139 Interambulacral, ventral, and basal views of hypotype, U. S. N. M., No. 127323. Orbitremites coralridgensis, n. sp. ................ 137 Interambulacral, ambulacral, ventral, and basal views of holotype, U. S. N. M., No. 127324. BULLETIN 168 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 15 All figures approximately X 2 Figure 1-14. Bembexla .ellomne; n. SD A а ы А акыны АРА re ple ua air 1-4. Top, apertural, side, and basal views of paratype, U. S. N. M., No. 127327. 5-8. Top, apertural, side, and basal views of paratype, U. S. М. М. No. 127326. 9-12. Тор, apertural, side, and basal views of holotype, U. S. N. M., No. 127325. 13. Siliceous geode with a pyritized specimen of Bembexia ellenae. 14. Large ironstone nodule with three ironstone specimens of Bembexia ellenae. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 Piara 15 р | | } BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 Рьлтв 16 New PROVIDENCE FORMATION & CORAL RIDGE FAUNA: CONKIN 127 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 16 All figures approximately X 2.5 except where noted Figure Page 1-18. Sinuitina Annot, n. Sp. ............................. Алы е re ees 1 1-3. Side, dorsal, апа apertural views of holotype, О. 5. №. M,, Хо. 127310. 4-6. Side, dorsal, and apertural views of paratype, U. S. М. M., No. 127311. 7-9. Side, dorsal, and apertural views of paratype, U. S. М. M,, No. 127312. 10-12. Side, dorsal, and apertural views of paratype, U. S. N. M., No. 127313. 13. Side view of largest specimen, paratype, U. S. М. М., No. 127314. 16. COTO AHO Lese oneris erase err nra tnn РАНЕ er | Small piece of ironstone double cone-in-cone lens with undisturbed layer between cone-in-cone layers X 1.7. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII, XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. | XXXVII. . Volume T. TI. \ (Мов, 80-81) 834 BBC 270016, Lebe улул. A 9.50 ‚Машу Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca (Nos, 88-948). 306, pp. 30) pls. ааа а. iy 9.00 Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- | zoic, echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks, (Nos, 95-100), 420 рр. 58 pls. cel decay 11.00 (Nos. 1014108) 576 рр, 86 pls: dia Аы» 9.75 (NOS. 100-114), 412 pp., 34 pls у... у A 10.00 Nos, 110-116). 738 рр, BS N о... Ku 18,00 (NO. dd). 63 ppl GSS io К eer dS 12.00 "Nos, 118-198)... 458 рр 2 Мз улуы NER 11.00 ities. (Nos, 129-135), 294 ppi, 39 bli а 9.25 Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary fotams, and Mytilarca. (Nos, 184-189). 448 pb, ЗЫ, а 11.00 (Nos. 146-154). 386 pp. 31 pls. una. ten 10.00 ‚С. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). | 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. (NOS 0719), 7 591 рр 37 plan a a hay. 20.00 Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale- | ozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. i (NOUS. 19-25). ST3.pp 61 pls. a 20.00 (Nose 80,27), 68 pp, 7 р en 2.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY $ Т. (Nos. 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IL (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. ІШ. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp, 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. V. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- ozoic fossils. VI. (No. 31). 268 pp. 59 pls. Claibornian Еосепе pelecypods. ҮП (No. 32), 2750 pp, 09 ple |... ило ari Дый уй 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. ҮШ. (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp. 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. | б EX. (Nos. 37-39). 462-рр,95-ріІБі5.2, һала tenen 12.00 1 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 рр. 54 pls. i Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. XL (NUS, 48.46). /272)PB. 41 pli o ол оная 9.00 Tertiary, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from , Vene- zuela. ХП. (Nos, 47-48). 494 pp., 8 yt j Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic invertebrate bibliography. 5 XIII. (Nos. 49-50). 264 pp., 47 pls. ......... o da RN 9.00 T Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. үр XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp., 44 pls. ) ; Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. ХУ. (Nos. 55-58). 314 рр. 80 pls. ssec не 10.00 | Mainly Еспадогап, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams ` | and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. 1 | XXL (Now 09-01)e 140. PD. 48 pls. ceo hte 6.00 . Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. j | ХҮП. (Nos, 62-63). 283 pp, 33 pls. seed И 9.00 | * Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. | б i ХУ /(Nos 04-01)... 286 BUS 29 PI anne ce 8.75 | Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. | | XIX. (Мо. 68). 279-85, 24 Bg a dried сене 8.75 | Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. | XX. (Nos, 00-710)... 266 PR. 26 pls. Linn RD онц, 8.75 E Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. M XXL/ (Nos, 71-12). 321 рр. 12 рй Л илаш ecce est o i Paleozoic. Paleontology and Stratigraphy. | XXIL (Nos 19-10)... 356 бө AT ple, ур lin pei kan 9,50 ' i Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifeta. k XXIIL (Nos. 11:19). 251 рр 35 DIS. у а 8.50 [ Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography óf Conrad. | ҮТ UE ТҰР CTA И O PERI. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN _ PALEONTOLOGY VOL. XXXVIII NUMBER 169 1958 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U. S. A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1957-58 / PRESIDENT. лл xo ali Aa Se ro ое. SOLOMON С. HOLLISTER VICEPRESIDENT Уо ш videa da DAE Comers NORMAN E. WEISBORD SECRETARY TREASURER, u Seu ЛЕЛ оо REBECCA S. HARRIS DIRECTOR уы л Б р ge ры KATHERINE У. W. PALMER ан ARMAND L. ADAMS : Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) W. STORRS COLE (1952-58) RALPH А. LIDDLE (1956-62) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) AXEL А. OLsson (Life) ВЕВЕССА 5. Harris (Life) NORMAN E. WEISBORD (1957-63) SOLOMON С. HOLLISTER (1953-59) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE У. W. PALMER, Editor Lempr Н. SINCEBAUGH, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH Е. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. MYRA KEEN Jay GLENN MARKS G. WINSTON SINCLAIR Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, Х, ХП, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $10.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. | | j BULLETINS ОЕ AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY SPRINGVALEIA, A LATE MIOCENE XENOPHORA -LIKE TURRITELLID FROM TRINIDAD By W. P. Woodring U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. Janua ty 30, 1928 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U. S. A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 58-300 Printed in the United States of America } CONTENTS Page A ae ee ee 163 ИШ ШОЛ Меи o 163 Description Of РИН EUR eA. ТОРО occ vn пене 166 Agglutinating architecture in gastropods ............... асин ане (0 Literature cited .. Ж 170 Ріше SPRINGVALEIA, A LATE MIOCENE XENOPHORA-LIKE TURRITELLID FROM TRINIDAD* W. P. Woodring U. S. Geological Survey ABSTRACT Springvaleia is a remarkable turritellid characterized by a Xenophora-like agglutinated facade—the only slender gastropod having such architecture. Tt is found on the north slope of the Central Range of Trinidad in the upper part of the upper Miocene Springvale formation; in the glauconite sandstone exposed at Spring- vale quarty, in the same sandstone at localities between Springvale quarry and Savan- eta River, and in the Melajo clay member of the Springvale formation at the foot of the Northern Range. Some Devonian euomphalid gastropods (Philoxene) have a sparse sprinkling of agglutinated objects. A Miocene Mexican modulid (Psammodulus) and a Recent diastomid (?) (Scaliola) are selective in using only sand grains. Xemophora and Springvaleia have a dense assortment of coarse agglutinated objects. The polytypic Xenophora has been widely distributed since Late Cretaceous time, whereas the mono- typic Springvaleia survived only during part of late Miocene time and had a restricted distribution, INTRODUCTION In 1867 R. J. Lechmere Guppy (1867, p. 168), Chief Inspector of Schools in Trinidad and pioneer paleontologist of that island, described as Scalaria leroyi a Miocene gastropod found in the “Caroni beds at Savonetta”. The description is brief and is not accompanied by an illustration, Guppy (1873, p. 75, pl. 1, fig. 10) redescribed and illustrated the species a few years later, That description and illustration, however, represent an irrele- vant digression, for they were based on an epitonid from the late middle Miocene Bowden formation of Jamaica. There is no reason to suppose that the species from ‘Trinidad and the Jamaican species have anything to do with each other. ‘Therefore, Машу (1925, р. 242) renamed the Jamaican species Epitoninm (Acrilla) pseudoleroyi. Yt was later (Woodring, 1928, p. 402, pl. 32, figs. 3, 4) described and illustrated as Ferminoscala pseudo- leroyi, but the generic name Ferminoscala since then has been supplanted by the earlier name Scalina (Palmer, 1937, p. 102). Guppy’s description and illustration of 1873 were repeated in a paper he published in 1874 (Guppy, 1874, p. 406, pl. 16, fig. 10). The 1874 paper, however, also included a plate of Trinidad fossils, and a specimen of Scalaria leroyi from Trinidad was illustrated (pl. 18, fig. 2). Maury (1925, p. 241) thought that speci- men should be rejected as Scalaria leroyi but gave no reasons for her deci- sion, In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the illustration is to be *Publication authorized by the Director, 17. S. Geological Survey. 164 BULLETIN 169 accepted as an illustration of Scalaria leroyi. In 1910 Guppy (1910, p. 451, 453) recorded Scalaria leroyi from the same formation іп Trinidad—now known as the Springvale formation—as his original lot and from the same fossiliferous sandstone in the formation, but from a different locality: Springvale [Springvale quarry}. Не added nothing further than the ге- mark that “the surface characters of the shells are so much destroyed by fossilization that a doubt rests on the correctness of the determination”. The current concept of Scalaria leroyi is based on Maury’s interpreta- tion (1925, p. 241, pl. 41, figs. 8, 11) 58 years after Guppy proposed his name. Her identification was based on 20 specimens from Springvale {Springvale quarry}: preserved shells, not molds as she described them. Though her fossils are not well preserved, she had no difficulty in recog- nizing that the shells are pitted and faceted by agglutinated foreign objects —a remarkable feature for a many-whorled slender shell. Maury realized that her shells have no epitonid affinities but did not know what their affini- ties are and so let the species go as Epitonium 2 leroy: Her intention would have been expressed better by “Scalaria” leroyi ог “Epitonium” leroyi. My suggestion (Woodring, 1928, p. 403) —made before specimens were examined—that Maury's fossils may be Opalia-like was ill-founded. Vokes (1938, р. 5) listed Epitonium 2 leroyi from Springvale {Springvale quarry} without comment. Finally Rutsch (1942, p. 133) proposed the generic name Springvaleia for Scalaria leroyi as identified by Maury and illustrated a shell from a locality close to, if not at, the type locality: the first illustrations clearly showing the unusual features. Guppy’s description, remarks, and illustration reveal inconsistencies and suggest that he not only was dealing with poorly preserved material, but also that he may have included fossils of different affinities under Scalaria leroyi. His original description of "longitudinal ribs few, indis- tinct” does not agree with the 1873 and 1874 remark that "my original description of this shell was drawn up from an examination of the speci- mens found in Trinidad which are so much altered by fossilization that the character of the surface is not determinable” or with the 1874 illustra- tion. Not much can be made out of the illustration. It suggests a mold of a small, slender, many-whorled gastropod with a restored unconvincing aperture. Moreover, the original account included the statement that “the example figured [the original account has no illustration} is a small one, but like nearly all the Mollusca of the Caroni series in Trinidad, the shell appears to have grown to a very large size, for another specimen in my SPRINGVALEIA IN MIOCENE, ‘TRINIDAD: WOODRING 165 cabinet is upwards of 6 inches long". That dimension is improbable for Maury's Epitonium ? leroyi and perhaps may be equally improbable for Guppy's Scalaria leroyi, The small specimen mentioned in the original account as the one illustrated is presumed to be the specimen illustrated in 1874. It, therefore, evidently was selected from the type lot and may be considered the type, or at least would be chosen as the lectotype, if it were available and recog- nizable, even though the illustration does not agree with the description. The type lot, however, was destroyed. In 1893 W. H. Dall purchased, for the U. S. National! Museum, Guppy's collection of Caribbean Tertiary fossils. Мо specimens of Scalaria leroyi from Trinidad were forwarded, although the Jamaican specimen Guppy described and illustrated as that species (the type of Scalina psendoleroyi) was included in the shipment. The type lot of Scalaria leroyi presumably was in the Guppy collection at the Royal Victoria Institute Museum at Port-of-Spain. Mr. J. А. Bullbrook, Curator of that institution, informed me that the original Museum and its contents were destroyed by fire in 1920. In the absence of primary type material Guppy's species is unrecog- nizab'e. It would have been better had Maury considered his name a nomen dubium, which it is, and had described her specimens as a new species. Rutsch accepted Maury's identification, although he realized Guppy's species is unrecognizable. The same course is adopted in the pre- sent paper but is adopted under protest. Nevertheless renaming of Maury's species is to be avoided as long as there is a remote possibility that her identification is correct, even though the possibility cannot be proven or disproven. Guppy's description of "longitudinal ribs, few, indistinct" may be a description of the irregular faceting produced by impressions of agglutinated objects. If Maury's identification is accepted, a name-bearer is needed. Rutsch designated one of Maury's figured specimens as the neotype. It 1s improbable, however, that her specimens were collected at the type locality. Guppy's original locality, the type locality, is “Savonetta”, whichits presumed to mean a locality near Savaneta River. Не did not pub- lish.the occurrence of the species at Springvale quarry until 43 years later and then cast doubt on his identification. A neotype from a locality near Savaneta River is designated in the present paper. I am indebted to Dr. H. G. Kugler, of the Trinidad Oil company, Ltd. (formerly Trinidad Leaseholds, Ltd.), for stratigraphic and locality data and for collections of Springvale fossils, and to Mr. R. I. Levorson, of 166 BULLETIN 169 Dominion Oil, Ltd., for the collection of fossils containing the well-pre- served specimen herewith illustrated. Dr. К. У. W. Palmer, Director of the Paleontological Research Institution, kindly loaned Maury's specimens. The drawings were prepared by Mrs. Elinor Stromberg and the photo- graphs by N. W. Shupe. DESCRIPTION OF SPRINGVALEIA LEROYI Family TURRITELLIDAE Genus SPRINGVALEIA Rutsch, 1942 Rutsch, 1942, Naturforsch. Gesell. Basel, Verh., Bd. 54, p. 133. Type (orthotype 1) —Scalaria leroyi Guppy, Miocene, Trinidad. Springvaleia leroyi (Guppy ) Pl. 17, figs. 1-5 Scalaria leroyi Guppy, 1867, Sci. Assoc. Trinidad, Proc., у. 1, р. 168, (reprinted, Bull. Am. Paleont., v. 8, No. 35, p. 47, 1921); Guppy, 1873, Sci. Assoc. Trinidad, Proc., v. ge Йыр (comments on specimens from Trinidad only, not description or pl. 1, fig. 10) (reprinted, without illus., Bull. Am. Paleont., 7, 9, NO, D. 9: 1921); Guppy, 1874, Geol. Mag., dec. 2, у. 1, р. 406, pl. 18, fig. 2, (comments on specimens from Trinidad, not description or pl. 16, fig. 10); Guppy, 1910, Agri. Soc. Trinidad and Tobago, Proc. v. 10, р. 451, 453, (reprinted, Bull. Am. Paleont., v. 8, No. 35, p. 148, 150, 1921). Epitonium? leroyi (Guppy), Maury, 1925, Bull. Am. Paleont., v. 10, No. 42 p. 241, pl. 41, figs. 8, 11; Vokes, 1938, Am. Mus. Novitates, No. 988, p. 5. Springvaleia leroyi (Guppy), Rutsch, 1942, Naturforsch. Gesell. Basel, Verh., 5 Bd. 54р, 133 Play, fasc la ИБ, Of medium size to moderately large (50 mm. to estimated 80 mm. ), moderate'y thin-chelled to thick-shelled, turritelloid, apical angle narrow, all except earliest whorls strongly inflated. Protoconch apparently consisting of about 11/4 moderately inflated whorls, earliest half whorl not preserved. Early post-protoconch whorls relatively high and narrow, first two moder- \ ately inflated. Sculpture not apparent on earliest post-protoconch whorls (all of which are somewhat worn), except a few indistinct narrow spiral threads on anterior part of first. All post-protoconch whorls bearing agglu- tinated bits of rock, shells, Bryozoa, and barnacles, all small and flat or almost flat, or showing pits of varying depth marking sites of agglutinated objects dislodged before fossilization. Sculpture between agglutinated ob- ) jects and pits consisting of closely spaced microscopic spiral threads of two ranks, frosted by still finer axial threads. Aperture turritelloid, but lips not preserved. Growth line not clear owing to gaps, but sinus apparently 1 An orthotype is an originally designated type species. | SPRINGVALEIA iN MIOCENE, TRINIDAD: WOODRING 167 wide, shallow and located about at middle of whorl. Growth-line angle (angle between axis of shell and line extending from posterior end of growth line to anterior end) apparently moderately wide. Base sculptured with closely spaced microscopic spiral threads of two poorly defined ranks. Dimensions —Height (incomplete), 51.8 mm.; diameter (including agglutinated flat objects), 10 mm. (larger figured specimen). T'ype.—Primary type material destroyed. Neotype (herewith desig- nated): specimen illustrated by Rutsch, Naturhist. Mus. Basel 471/190. Туре locality.—" Savonetta" Trinidad (evidently a locality near Savan- eta River, Montserrat Ward, Caroni County, on outcrop of fossiliferous sandstone exposed at Springvale quarry). Locality of neotype: Trinidad Leaseholds, Ltd., locality R. R. 124, Rutsch’s Brechin Castle Estate locality, 450 feet south of Savaneta River (Couva River of Rutsch, 1942, text fig. 1) and 125 feet south of Couva Road. In his 1942 publication Rutsch did not use family headings and did not assign his new genus to a family. The systematic position, however, immediately following Turritella indicated that he thought it is allied to that genus. Springvaleia is a turritellid—a remarkable turritellid that acquired a Xenophora-like facade. It is the only genus of slender gastro- pods that has an architecture like that of Xenophora. The thickness of the shell depends on the depth of the pits where the agglutinated objects were lodged. Through 30 specimens, showing growth stages from a diameter of .35 mm. to 20 mm. are available, the development of the sculpture is unknown, as the early post-protoconch whorls are worn and pitted. The smallest specimen (height of 51/4, whorls, 3.5 mm., diameter, 1.3 mm., U.S.G.S. locality 18255) includes the later part of the protoconch (diameter .35 mm.) and the earliest post-protoconch whorls (diameter of first .5 mm.). Most of the 30 specimens are somewhat worn and show only traces of the narrow spiral threads. The strongly inflated whorls, narrow spiral threads and the growth line, as far as it can be made out, suggest that Sprzngvaleia was derived from à species of Turritella similar to T. gatunensis Conrad (Woodring, 1957, Р. 108, pl. 23, figs. 4, 5, 9, 14), which is widely distributed in the Miocene deposits of the southern part of the Caribbean region from Panamá to Venezuela. The early post-protoconch whorls of T. gatunensis, however, bear a strong median spiral, which develops into the posterior primary Spiral of later whorls. T. caronensis Mansfield (1925, ро pl 8, ups, 168 BULLETIN 169 12-14), a middle Miocene species from Trinidad, 15 a more likely predeces- sor. Its early sculptured whorls lack the strong median spiral of T. gatunen- sis. T. caronensis was described as a subspecies of Т. gatunensis. Though it is closely related to Т. gatunensis, the development of the sculpture 1s so different that it is given specific rank. ‘The spiral threads of Springvaleia leroyi are of two ranks, but the primary and secondary spirals are not so strongly differentiated as those of Т. caronensis and Т. gatunensis, and they are narrower. It is unfortunate that the type of Т. caronensis was selected from a float collection. That species is represented in five collections now in the U. S. National Museum, but all were gathered as float along Caparo River in the outcrop area of the middle Miocene Manzanilla formation. Mansfield thought that his species is the same as Maury's Т. gatunensis from outcrop localities іп the Manzanilla formation (Maury, 1925, p. 229, pl. 42, fig. 12). Maury's specimens, however, are fragments of late whorls, and early whorls are needed to confirm her species as Т. caronensis. Whether T. caronensis is the predecessor of Springvaleia leroyi wil! remain uncertain until the development of the sculpture and the entire growth line of S. leroyi are known. The Melajo clay member is the most promising part of the Springvale formation for specimens showing those features. The Springvale formation (Kugler, 1956, p. 97), which has a maxi- mum thickness of 4,500 feet, overlies the Manzanilla formation. The fossiliferous, glauconitic, clayey sandstone exposed at Springvale quarry (also known as Mt. Pleasant quarry), about a mile northeast of Forres Park, is in the upper part of the formation below the Mamural clay member. Owing to oxidation of the glauconite, outcrops of the sandstone and its fossils have a characteristic ocherous color. Four lots of fossils in the U.S. National Museum, collected at localities in the 4l/5-mile stretch between Springvale quarry and Savaneta River contain eight specimens of Spring- valeia leroyi and Maury's collection from Springvale quarry consists of 20 specimens, some of which are fragments of a few whorls or less than a whorl. Several of her fossils (Paleont. Research Inst., No. 4090 lot no.), including those illustrated (Paleont. Research Inst., Nos. 1084, 1087) show the microscopic sculpture and others show the sculpture of the base, Two fragments of less than a whorl (diameter of larger 20 mm.) represent the largest known specimens, indicating an estimated height of about 80 mm., which is far short of the six inches (152 mm.) mentioned by Guppy for his Scalaria leroyi. The best preservation 1s shown by a specimen from the Melajo clay SPRINGVALEIA IN MIOCENE, TRINIDAD: WOODRING 169 member of the Springvale formation (Pl. 17, figs. 2-5). Only small patches of sculpture are shown on a smaller specimen in the same collection. The early whorls are not preserved on either, The Melajo clay member (Kugler, 1956, p. 71, 76) is exposed on Melajo River at the foot of the Northern Range of Trinidad, 30 miles northeast of Springvale quarry. The strata, consisting in ascending order of a basal conglomerate, fragmental pebbly limestone and silty clay, rest directly on the low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Northern Range. ‘The clay contains a molluscan fauna of some 120 species. Though many of the species are found in the sandstone exposed at Springvale quarry, the fauna of the Melajo indicates deposition at greater depth. The Springvale formation contains the largest and most completely described late Miocene molluscan fauna in the Caribbean region. Rutsch (1942, p. 101-104) listed 153 species and subspecies found at Springvale quarry and his Brechin Castle Estate locality. Some 20 additional species, collected at localities in a distance of 10 miles between Springvale quarry and Quebrada Grande, north of Savaneta River, are in collections recently deposited in the U. S. National Museum by H. С. Kugler. Three collections from the Melajo clay add at least 50 other species. Other parts of the Soringvale formation are fossiliferous, but Turritella montserratensis Mans- field (1925, p. 53, pl. 9, figs. 5, 6; properly T. altilira montserratensis), found in glauconitic silty sand about 1,000 feet below the sandstone at Springvale quarty, is the only form so far described. Material examined: The locality numbers in the following list, other than Paleont. Research Inst. numbers, аге U.S.G.S. Cenozoic numbers. 275, 553. Paleont. Research Inst, Springvale [Springvale quarry]. G. D. Harris, 1920 (275); R. A. Liddle, 1920 (553); 20 specimens. 18255. Springvale quarry, abandoned overgrown quarry about a mile northeast of Forres Park, on east side of stream east of road. Н. М. Bolli, К. Rohr, and W. P. Woodring, 1951; 3 specimens. 9224. ‘Springvale, 2 miles(?)” [probably error in locality register; Mansfield (1925, p. 7) cited the locality as the same as that for 9195: near Couva, Mt. Pleasant road, about 34 to 1 mile south of Milton]. J. A. Bull- brook, 1918; 3 specimens. 20428. Trinidad Oil Company, Ltd., К.9871 (В.В. 124). Savaneta River area, Boutakoff's Brechin Castle Estate locality. Received from Н. С. Kugler, 1957; 1 specimen. 20429. Trinidad Oil Company, Ltd., K.9872. Savaneta River area, 1,700 feet southwest of Philippine Estate house and 250 feet northwest of K.9871 (U.S.G.S. 20428). Received from Н. С. Kugler, 1957; 1 specimen. 18634. East bank of Melajo River, about 10,000 feet upstream from Toco Main Road, foot of Northern Range, about 5 miles inland from east coast. Received from Dominion Oil Company, Ltd., 1953; 2 specimens. 170 BULLETIN 169 AGGLUTINATING ARCHITECTURE IN GASTROPODS Many marine animals build tests or shelters of agglutinated material picked up from the sea floor or construct a facade of such material. Though agglutinating architecture is rare in gastropods, it appeared fairly early in gastropod history. My colleague Е. L. Yochelson points out that the Devonian genus Philoxene Kayser, 1889, (Knight, 1941, p. 241) was based on agglutinating architecture. According to Knight (1941, p. 242), the type lot of the type species does not show this feature, although it 1s shown by probably conspecific specimens. Philoxene has been treated as a genus or as a subgenus of S/raparollus. Some species that bear agglutinated objects, however, have the outline of Enomphalus. These Paleozoic gastro- pods have only a sparse sprinkling of agglutinated objects. Two genera are selective in using only sand grains: the middle Mio- cene Mexican modulid Psammodulus Collins (1934) and the Recent min- ute diastomid (?) Scaliola A. Adams (1868, p. 52-54, pl. 4, fig. 6), found in the western Pacific Ocean. The well-known Xenophora Fischer von Waldheim and Springvaleia build a facade of coarse assorted material, principally shells and rocks. A slender high-spired shell like Springvaleia would be immobilized if it at- tempted to use the large objects almost habitually used by Xenophora. Xenophora has been widely distributed in tropical and warm temperate seas since Late Cretaceous time, but Springvaleia survived only during part of late Miocene time and had a restricted distribution. Xenophora has been "successful", whereas Springvaleia was notably "unsuccessful". The middle Miocene mollusks of the Caribbean region are fairly well known, and there are no intermediates between Tarritella and Springvaleia. As far as the record goes, Springvaleia arose in a single step. Its gene pool evi- dently included lethal genes or genes that were genetically lethal through control of fertility. It did not take long for either set to build up into a homozygous condition in the small restricted population. LITERATURE CLLED Adams, Arthur 1868. Note sur quelques nouveaux genres de mollusques du Japon. Jour. Conchyliologie, v. 16, p. 40-56, pl. 4 Jollins, R. L. 1934. Psammodulus, а new middle Miocene modulid from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico. Nautilus, v. 47, p. 127-130, pl. 13. SPRINGVALEIA IN MIOCENE, TRINIDAD: WOODRING 171 Guppy, В. J. L. 1867. On the Tertiary fossils of the West Indies, with especial reference to the classification of the Kainozoic rocks of Trinidad. Sci. Assoc. Trinidad, Proc., у. 1, p. 145-176. (Reprinted, Bull. Am. Paleont., у. 8, No. 35, Р. 24-25, 1921.) 1873. On some new Tertiary fossils from Jamaica. Sci. Assoc. Trinidad, Proc., v. 2, р. 72-88, pls. 1-2. (Reprinted, without illus., Bull. Am. Paleont., v. 8, No. 35, p. 57-72, 1921.) 1874. On the West Indian Tertiary fossils. Geol. Mag., dec. 2, v. 1, p. 404-411, 433-446, pls. 16-18. 1910. On a collection of fossils from Springvale, near Couva, Trinidad. Agti. Soc. Trinidad and Tobago, Proc., у. 10, р. 447-461 (Paper 440). (Re- printed, Bull. Am. Paleont., v. 8, No. 35, p. 144-157, 1921.) Knight, J. B. 1941. Paleozoic gastropod genotypes. Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper 32, 510 p., 96 pls., 32 text figs. Kugler, Н. G. 1956. Trinidad. XX Internat. Geol. Cong. Comm. Stratigraphie, Lexique Stratigraphique International, v. 5, fasc. 2b, p. 41-116, map. Mansfield, W. C. 1925. Miocene gastropods and scaphopods from Trinidad, British West Indies. Ч. $. Nat. Mus., Proc., у. 66, art. 22, 65 p., 10 pls. Maury, С. J. 1925. A further contribution to the paleontology of Trinidad (Miocene horizons). Bull. Am. Paleont., v. 10, No. 42, 250 p., 43 pls. Palmer, К. V. W. 1937. The Claibornian Scaphopoda, Gastropoda, and dibranchiate Cephalo- poda of the southern United States, Bull. Am. Paleont., у. 7, No. 32, 730 p., 90 pls. Rutseh, В. 1942. Die Mollusken der Springvale-Schichten (Obermiocaen) von Trinidad (Britisch-W est-Indien). Naturforsch. Gesell, Basel, Verh., Bd. 54, р. 96- 182, pls. 3-9. Vokes, Н. E. 1938. Upper Miocene Mollusca from Springvale, Trinidad, British West Indies, Am. Mus. Novitates, No. 988, 28 p., 29 figs. Woodring, W. P. 1928. Miocene mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica; pt. 2. Gastropods and dis- cussion of results, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pub. 385, 564 p., 40 pls. 1957. Geology and paleontology of Canal Zone and adjoining parts of Pan- ата. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 306-A, p. 1-145, pls. 1-23, 4 text figs. PLATE 174 BULLETIN 169 | EXPLANATION OF PLATE 17 ) Figure Page | b 1-5. Springvaleia leroyi (Guppy) «mmm 166 | 1. U. S. С. S. locality 9224, U. S. М. M. 562494; X 4. 2-5. U. S. С. S. locality 18634, U. S. М. M. 562491, 2, X 10; 3-5, X 2. | (Figures 3 and 4 are slightly too large for X 2 and figure 5 is slightly | too small.) | | BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 1 -л XXIV. XXV. XXVI. | XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. \ XXXVII. XXXVIII. Volume T. (Nop, 80-819, -334 pp., 27 p.05. ee 9.50 Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca (Nos, 88-048), 209 рр. ОР O 9.00 Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks. (NOS. 95-100) 420 pp, 5B pls Sac оло УЛАТ. Ga, 11.00 Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. (Nos. 1015108), 376 рр. 36 гы, М2... 9.75 Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. o Nos. 109-114); 412 ppu 54 pls; е. ш... 10.00 Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and | Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nos. Гб), 73825-02. 13.00 Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. (Noi X19). 563 PB 69.018 уш tear Rl lates 12.00 ackson Eocene mollusks. (Мов, MIB 128). 458 р. 27 pl en 11.00 Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- ities, (Nos, 1904198), 294 Pp 39-815 o ы... 9.25 Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca, i (Nos, 134-139). 448 pp. 51 pls. „Nu chen 11.00 evonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. (Nos. 140-145), 400 pp, в oes eee 9.50 ae 140:104).- 386 BB, AL pls. SS 10.00 (Nos. 150-160). 412 рр, 55.pls. ne. 13.50 (Nos. 101-104). 486 pp., -37 pls... а. 13.00 Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, Stromatoporoidea. ; (Nos. 165-168). 156 pp., 16 В да. 4.25 PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. | (Nos. 612). о О 20.00 Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale- ozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent ETA (Nos. 183-95). 513 PP» ПӘ 222 52.2 20.00 Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- strophia, and Venericardia. (Nos. 20, 27). 48рр.,7рі5.............. ее 2.50 Rudist studies. CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I. (Nos, 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IK, (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp. 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. ІП. (Nos, 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp. 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. V. (Nos. (22-30). 437 рр. 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- | ozoic fossils, VI. (No. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian' Eocene pelecypods. VIL 1 (No. 39): 7 730) Bp. 90 pls, и delo tents 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. ҮШІ, (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp. 15 pls. | Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. j IX. (Nos, 37-89). , 462 Бр, 25 pls, liegen an 12.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. ри X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp. 54 pls. Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. XL (Nos. 4846) 1) 272 pp. WE BEN du idee fhe 9.00 Tertiary, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Vene- zuela. ХІІ. (Nos, 47-48). 494 pp, 8 pe | Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic invertebrate bibliography. ХШ, (Nos, 49-50), 1264 pp., 47 pl, wusa gelele keme 9.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos, 51-54). 306 pp., 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and | Colombia. | | XV. (Nos. 55-58). 314 рр, 80 pls у... шыл ftne . 10.00 Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. NVI. (Nos. 59-61). |. /140 pps 48 BIS, odere ене 6.00 Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca, | XVIL | (Nos, 62-03), 283 pp. 35 pls. ne meinung ebrei 9.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. ХУШ. (Nos. 04-07)... 286 pp 29 pls. pssst 8.75 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. ЖҮК, (№0. 68), 272 pb, 24 Bleed doeet Lhd аба онан ed 8.75 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. XX. (Nos, 09-100), 466 ppt, 26 pls. ли. Дн eve 8.75 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. | ЖАНЫ (Nob 7112), > 321 6,12 PIS ииине 8.50 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigtaphy. XXII. (Nos. 73-26). 1356 рр, 31 pls, .......... о аи 9.50 Paleozoic Paleontology апа Tertiary Foraminifera, EXIT (NOS. 1719)... 251 рр, PS DIS Gs eee es 8.50 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. ee , 4,47? y f Пей) | ie мы яя | i BULLETINS: cm OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY * VOL. ХХХУШ NUMBER 170 1958 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U.S. А. .PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1957-58 PRESIDENT 1... o la aere ede erit tor. SOLOMON, С. HOLLISTER VIO PRESIDEN нт ba del Procul NORMAN E. WEISBORD SECRETARY TREASURER ER lan Neth pn O REBECCA S. HARRIS DIRECTOR о O нб KATHERINE V. W. PALMER COUNSEL тал Medo CHAR IUS ARMAND L. ADAMS Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE: V. W. PALMER (Life) W. Storrs COLE (1952-58) RALPH А. Ілррів (1956-62) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) AXEL A. OLSSON (Life) REBECCA S. Harris (Life) NORMAN E. Weisporp (1957-63) SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER (1953-59) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. Par Editor | Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. MynA KEEN Jay GLENN MARKS G. WINSTON SINCLAIR } Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with avetage price of $10.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from, income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. BULLETINS ОЕ AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 38 No. 170 NAMES OF AND VARIATION IN CERTAIN AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA — №. 1 By W. Storrs Cole Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Match 28, 1958 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U. 5. А. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 58-301 Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Abstract ИШ И О TEILT OC T TI UST Localities of the figured specimens ............... e МЗ. kinda ies scs 052 Mexico (Tampico embayment) VAN 5 Jameıch, №, WET sen St. Bartholomew, French West Indies ..... "e das Cuba O Ман оош кыыс. E RE шы зо eU E E Panama Canal Zone .... pt Middle Eocene specimens Specimens from St. Bartholomew ............. е Mexican specimens .. Ве Jamaican РОСНО 222. еее : Associated foraminiferal faunas Mexican localities .. St. Bartholomew localities ................. : uns Jamaican locality ............ а Ecological implications Upper Eocene specimens Floridian and Texan specimens Ecological implications Combination of the middle and upper Eocene species . Operculinoides sabinensis (Cole) . Operculinoides dia (Cole and Ponton) Comments Stratigraphic range Amphistegina parvula (Cushman) Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) asterodisca Nuttall Associated species Asterocyclina penonensis Cole and Gravell ны д ed oed ыл trl e нер Plates .. Page 179 179 181 181 181 181 181 18! 181 182 182 182 182 182 183 186 187 189 190 190 190 191 191 191 194 195 195 196 198 200 200 201 201 «201 202 202 ‚ 492 NAMES OF AND VARIATION IN CERTAIN AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA—No. 1% W. Storrs Cole Cornell University, Ithaca, New York А ABSTRACT The synonyms and variation in the following species are discussed: Opercu- linoides floridensis (Heilprin), Operculinoides dia (Cole and Ponton), O. sabinensis (Cole), Amphistegina parvula (Cushman), Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) astero- disca Nuttall, and Asterocyclina penonensis Cole and Gravell. Several middle and upper Eocene species are combined with О. floridensis and numerous Oligocene species are referred to Operculinoides dia (Cole and Ponton). The suggestion is made that minor differences between individuals living in different environments are caused by environmental factors, thus producing ecological variants of a species to which individual variants specific names have been applied. INTRODUCTION Although many species of American larger Foraminifera were de- scribed and illustrated inadequately, subsequent studies have shown not only the fundamental characteristics by which the species could be recog- nized, but also the variation which can occur between individuals of the same species. However, there are still specific names in the literature which cannot be used satisfactorily because the characteristics of the types of these species are not known adequately, or the variation which may occur is not understood. Cushman (1919) described from the West Indies a number of species of larger Foraminifera among which were Nummulites antillea (p. 51), М. parvula (p. 51), and Orthophragmina antillea (p. 55). Although Vaughan (1924, p. 787) recognized early that N, antillea belonged to another genus, this specific name has not been used since. The best illustrations of the internal structures of the types of these three species are those of N. parvula which is an Amphistegina (Cole, 19576, p. 38). O. antillea is illustrated by ап external view and two thin sections. At least one of the thin sections illustrating this species represents Psendophrag- mina (Proporocyclina). cushmani (Vaughan) (Cole and Gravell, 1952, p. 723). Certain Eocene species belonging to the genus Operculinoides were described and illustrated better than the species cited above, but they still require more study. Among these are: Operculina oliveri Cushman (1925, * The cost of the printed plates has been supplied by the William Е. E. Gurley Foundation for paleontology of Cornell University. I am indebted to Dr. Pedro J. Bermudez, Dr. Wendell P. Woodring, and Mr. E. Robinson for sending me Specimens. BULLETIN 170 р. 298), Operculina cushmani Cole (1927, р. 23), and Operculinella sabinensis Cole (1929, p. 62). Moreover, the relationship between well- described species, such as, Operculina ocalana Cushman (19216, р. 129), Operculina vanghani Cushman (1921b, р. 128), and Nummulites flori- densis Heilprin (1885, p. 321) required additional study. This study is an attempt to elucidate the characteristics of these and other species and to suggest their relationship to other species, certain of which were named later, but are obviously synonyms of earlier described species. When characters of species become known so that the species can be identified with certainty wherever it is encountered, it will be possible to use this species for correlation, At present many of these species are useless names in the literature, as the species is imperfectly known and recorded only from its type locality. Many species of Operculinoides have been distinguished from other species by such statements as “Operculinoides vaugbani has a somewhat similar form, but it is a larger species and has relatively fewer chambers" (Vaughan and Cole, 1941, р. 41) or “Sections show the septa to be sharply recurved, somewhat as in Operculinoides antiguensis and O. semmest, but the curvature is not so abrupt, the coiling is less regular, and the test 15 consistently smaller and thicker in proportion to the diameter” (Barker, 1939, p. 314). Many other statements of this type could be cited. Yet, the majority of such comparisons were made on observations of relatively few specimens and even fewer thin sections. Little attention has been given, moreover, to the reaction of individuals to environment. ‘Thus, specimens recovered from fine-grained clastic deposits which normally have a different external appearance from others recovered from limestone have been given different specific names. Many species are thus "form" species rather than natural species. Although it must be admitted that “form” species and even "form" genera must be recognized and are useful in paleontology, every attempt should be made to understand and evaluate species as biologic units so that geo- graphic and stratigraphic distribution may be better understood. In too many cases "form" species have been designated because it was believed that the species must be restricted to a given stratigraphic unit, therefore, these specimens were given specific names and distinguished from other named species by subjectively evaluated characteristics. 'The fact that certain species of larger Foraminifera may have longer stratigraphic ranges than formerly was assumed has been discussed by Cole AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 181 (1952, р. 4, 5) among others. Therefore, it is not unexpected to find representatives of O. floridensis occurring in sediments assigned both to the upper middle Eocene and the upper Eocene, and Operculinoides dia ranging throughout the Oligocene. NAW 1 2й, р. 1 25 d. LOCALITIES OF THE FIGURED SPECIMENS FLORIDA . Ocala limestone on the bank of the Chipola River at Marianna, Jackson County. . Roof and wall of cave exposed in road-cut on Florida State Road No. 1, about 150 yards east of bridge over Chipola River just east of Marianna, Jackson County. Locality 7 of Cole and Ponton (1930, p. 21). . United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners well about 2 miles north of Lakeland, Polk County, at a depth of 250-258 feet. . Granberry well, southeast corner of the SW of the МЕМ of Sec. 15, T. 15 N., R. 9W., Jackson County, at a depth of 220-240 feet. . Same as loc. 3 at a depth of 240-260 feet. MISSISSIPPI . Road below National Cemetery, Vicksburg. TEXAS ‚ 0.75 mile below Robinson's Ferry on the Sabine River, Sabine County. . Deering eż al well No. 1 Freund, Grimes County, at a depth of 2700—2720 feet (cutting). MEXICO (TAMPICO EMBAYMENT) . Guayabal formation, type locality, 12 kilometers west of Potrero del Llano. . Hacienda Romance, east side of Rio Moctezuma at Soledad. . Rio Panuco near Rancho Romance opposite El Chote. . Rio Tempoal 14 kilometers north of El Higo. . Bend on Rio Vinazco about 200 meters southwest of the Penn-Mex Fuel Company's camp, La Pita. JAMAICA B WAR . About one mile northwest of Port Maria, St. Mary Parish. ST. BARTHOLOMEW, FRENCH WEST INDIES Northern slope of promontary separating Anse des Cayes and Baíe de St. Jean. 134. ЗВ 18—coatse bedded compact algal limestone with rare Camerina (base somewhat tufaceous at the top of the vertical limestone cliff). 135. SB 19—coatse bedded Lithothaminm and foraminiferal limestone with Camerina, Discocyclina, and Asterocyclina overlying SB 18. Promontory separating Anse des Lézards and Anse des Cayes on the north coast of the island. 13c, SB 12—0.2 meters of marly tuff with matrix free specimens forming transition between the lower horizon of cross-bedded tuffs and the overlying limestones, 13d. SB. 13—small bands of brown marly tuff (1.2m. and Im.) with matrix free specimens alternating with the massive limestone beds, directly overlying the lower horizon of cross-bedded tuffs. 182 BULLETIN 170 14. At the bifurcation of the path leading from Gustavia to Anse de Cayes and to Colombier. SB 22—greenish conglomeratic tuffs with limestone nodules. CUBA 15. Bermudez sta. 112—8.2 kilometers east of Colón, Matanzas Province. TRINIDAD 16. Kugler loc. 11,398—Morne Diablo quarry (Cole, 1957, p. 32). PANAMA CANAL ZONE 17. Woodring loc. 55—Panama Railroad, east side of cut southeast of Bohio Peninsula (Cole, 1952, p. 6). DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin) Pl. 18, 1251, 2,774316). PI 19, figs. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7-14; Pl. 20, figs. 5-9, 13-15, 17-20; Pl. 21; Pl. 22, figs. 4, 5. 1885. Nummulites floridensis Heilprin, Nat. Acad. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., p. 321, 322, text fig. 1919. Nummulites antillea Cushman, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Publ. 291, p.51, Bl 09/1, 2, 1921. Operculina cookei Cushman, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 128-E, p. 127, 128, ph 19-089 1,2, 1921. Operculina vaughani Cushman, idem, p. 128, pl. 19, figs. 6, 7. 1921. Operculina ocalana Cushman, idem, р. 129, pl. 19, figs, 4, 5; pl. 20, fig. 8, 1921. Operculina floridensis (Heilprin), Cushman, idem. р. 130, pl. 20, fig. 12. 1925. Operculina oliveri Cushman, Bull, Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., vol. 9, No. 2, p. 298, 299, pl. 6, figs. 1, 2. 1927. Operculina cushmani Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 14, No. 51, p. 23, 01.2, 06 15. 1927. Operculina bartschi plana Cole, idem, р. 23, 24, pl. 2, fig. 20. Not Operculina bartschi plana Cushman, 19214. 1935. Operculina vaughani Cushman, Gravell and Hanna, Jour. Paleont., vol. 9, No. 4, р. 334, pl. 29, figs. 6, 9, 12, 16-21. 1939, Operculinoides oliveri (Cushman), Barker, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 86, No. 3052, p. 318, 319, pl. 11, fig. 1; pl. 15, fig. 13. 1939. Operculinoides vaughani (Cushman), Barker, idem, p. 319, pl. 11, figs, 2, 2. 1941. Operculinoides ocalanus (Cushman), Vaughan and Cole, Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper 30, р. 38-40, pl. 8, figs. 8, 9; pl. 9, figs. 1-4; pl. 10, fig. 11. 1941. Operculinoides soldadensis Vaughan and Cole, idem, p. 40, 41, pl. 9, figs. 5-8; pl. 10, figs. 1, 2. 1941. Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin), Cole, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 19, p. 30, 31, pl. 9, fig. 8; pl. 10, figs. 1-3. 1941. Operculinoides ocalanus (Cushman), Cole, idem, p. 31, 32, pl. 10, figs. 4-7. 1951. Nummulites (Operculinoides) oliveri (Cushman), Cizancourt, Soc. Géol. France, Mém. 64, n.s., vol. 30, pl. 3, fig. 6. 1951. Nummulites (Operculinoides) jennyi Barker, Cizancourt, idem. pl. 3, fig. 10. 1952. Operculinoides ocalanus (Cushman), Cole, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 244 Б. 10, pl. 2, tgs. 2-11. 1952. Operculinoides vanghani (Cushman), Cole, idem, p, М, pl. 2, figs, 12-16, 1956. Operculinoides cushmani Cole, Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 36, No. 158, р. 214, pl. 30, figs. 11-13; pl. 31, figs, 5, 6, The synonomy given above is not complete, but it contains most of the specific names which have been applied to this species. As this study AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 183 developed, the middle Eocene species (O. antillea, O. cushmani, O. oliver; and О. bartschi plana of Cole, not Cushman) were studied first. Eventually, it was concluded that these names had been applied to one species. Later, certain upper Eocene species (O. cookei, О. floridensis, О. ocalana, and О. vaughani) were studied, and it became apparent that these names had been applied to one species. However, as comparisons were made between the suites of middle and upper Eocene specimens, there did not seem to be any single character or combination of characters by which the two basic species which were recognized in the preliminary study could be distinguished, Thus, all these specimens ate placed in a single species which has been designated Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin), 1885, as this was seemingly the first name to be used. This species has a stratigraphic range from middle into the upper Eocene. The discussion which follows will be divided into three sections with the middle Eocene specimens treated first, followed by remarks on the upper Eocene specimens and, finally, the reasons for combining the basic species will be given. MIDDLE EOCENE SPECIMENS Cushman (1919, p. 51, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2) gave the name Nummulites antillea to specimens, the types of which came from USGS station 6924, а “bed of limestone at top of described section, point on northwest side of St. Jean Bay, St. Bartholomew, collected by T. W. Vaughan.” The type specimen is a large, apparently microspheric individual, with a maximum diameter of about 16 mm. and the surface somewhat weathered. Cushman illustrated also a part of a median section of a specimen from another locality, Vaughan (1924, p. 787) listed this species and expressed the opinion that it should be transferred to the genus Operculina. After this one casual reference to this species, it has not been discussed apparently in detail by any other author, In 1925 Cushman (p. 298) described a foraminiferal fauna from Mexico, from the “east bank of Moctezuma River, on the eastern portion of the bend which makes its way into Hacienda Romance and near the mouth of the Rio Tamuin." Among the species which he described was Operculina oliveri, Не stated (p. 299) that, "This species belongs in the general gtoup of Operculina antillea Cushman, O. cookei Cushman, and O. 184 BULLETIN 170 vaughani Cushman. It is smaller than the first and in many characters 15 midway between the last two. О. oliveri, however, has more chambers іп the adult than any of the others, the walls and sutures are thicker, and the whole test heavier than in either O. cookei or O. vau ghani.” Barker (1939, p. 318) redescribed and figured an external view and a median section of specimens that are probably topotypes of Operculina oliveri, and he transferred this species to the genus Opercnlinoides. Cole (1927, p. 23) named a species from the type locality of the Guayabal formation of the Tampico Embayment area Operculina cushmani. He referred other specimens from this same locality to Operculina bartschi plana Cushman (19214, р. 377), a Recent species described from the Philippine Islands. However, he recognized that these two species came from approximately the same horizon within the Guayabal formation as did Operculina oliveri because of the associated smaller Foraminifera. Although Barker (1939, р. 319) considered that О. cushmani was probably the same as O. oliveri, he qualified this assignment by writing". . . it is possible that Cole also included in his species forms referred by the wtiter to Operculinoides vaugbani (Cushman) , egy Barker (1939, pl. 11, figs. 2, 3) figured two specimens from the Guayabal type locality which he identified as Operculinoides vaugbani (Cushman). These specimens according to Barker differ "from О. oliveri (Cushman) in being of smaller size, rather more tightly coiled, and narrower and more numerous chambers and in having more regularly beaded sutures.” Cole (1944, p. 48) stated that “These specimens are not О. vaughani which is confined to the upper Eocene, but represent O. cushmani (Cole) .” In 1951 Mrs, Cizancourt illustrated (pl. 3, figs. 6, 9) specimens from the middle Eocene of Venezuela which she referred to Nummulites (Oper- culinoides) oliveri and others which she identified with Nummulites (Oper- culinoides) jennyi (Barker). Cole (1956, p. 214, pl. 30, figs. 11-13; pl. 31, figs. 5, 6) illustrated specimens from the middle Eocene of Jamaica, B.W.I., which he identified with O. cushmani. For comparison with the Jamaican specimens he illu- strated a topotype of O. cushmant. Thus, four names, O. antillea, O. cushmani, O. oliveri and O. bartschi plana, were established in the literature for middle Eocene species of Operculinoides which differ from each other in a slight degree when the type illustrations are compared. However, they seemingly come from approximately the same horizon in the middle Eocene. In all the descrip- AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 185 tions of these species little, if any, emphasis was placed on the internal characters which can be seen only in thin section, Inasmuch as the writer has had in his possession for a number of years numerous thin sections made from samples collected by the late Dr. Alfred Senn in St. Bartholomew, a study was made to discover if any of these thin sections had specimens which could be identified as O. antillea. То supplement observations made on these thin sections Dr. Raymond Douglass of the U. 5. Geological Survey kindly sawed the limestone frag- ment on which the type specimen of O. antillea appears and sent the writer the piece which was removed. Although the thin sections in the Senn collection did not contain any accurately oriented thin sections of O. antillea, there were numerous un- Oriented sections (РІ. 19, fig. 7; Pl. 21, figs. 2, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15) of which certain ones (Pl. 21, figs. 8, 9, 14) immediately were identified as O. antillea, The certainty of this identification was established when a polished surface of the fragment removed from the block on which the type appears showed similar unoriented transverse and median sections. As transverse sections of topotypes of O. oliveri and as neither trans- verse nor median sections of O. cushmani had been published, thin sec- tions of these were prepared. Іп addition thin sections were made of Specimens from two other Mexican localities which were suspected of being either O, cushmani or О. oliveri, although most of these specimens were much smaller than topotypes of O. oliveri. As this study progressed Mr. E. Robinson of the Jamaican Geological Survey sent a sample which contained among other species of larger Foraminifera specimens which appeared to be О. antillea, although these Specimens were smaller than the type specimen. These Jamaican specimens are illustrated (РІ 21, fgs: 5, 10, 15; Ph 22, figs. 4, 5). The largest Jamaican specimen had a diameter of 6.7 mm., and the sutures are raised and prominent, The late Mr. Donald Gravell had sent many years ago from a Texas well specimens which he had identified tentatively as O. cushmani. Two of these specimens (РІ, 20, figs. 8, 15) were sectioned for comparison with the Mexican specimens. As the illustrations and the measurements demonstrate, all the speci- mens referred to О, antillea, O. cushmani, and O. oliveri form a completely Integrated series and represent one species. To these three may be added the Mexican specimens which Cole identified as O. bartschi plana. 186 BULLETIN 170 Measurements of middle Eocene specimens assigned in the preliminary study to O. antillea are given on pages 187 to 189. SPECIMENS FROM ST. BARTHOLOMEW In the specimens from St. Bartholomew the best median section (РІ. 21, fig. 12) of a probable megalospheric specimen has a height of about 4 mm. and a width of about 2.9 mm. There аге 19 chambets in the final volution. The best median section (Pl. 21, fig. 14) of a larger specimen, which could be either megalospheric or microspheric, has an incomplete height of 5.9 mm. The best transverse section (Pl. 21, fig. 15) of a small specimen has a height of 2.4 mm. and a thickness through the center of 0.4 mm. А larger specimen (РІ. 19, fig. 7) has a height of 4.37 mm. and a thickness through the center of 0.75 mm. Another specimen (Pl, 21, fig. 2) which is apparently sectioned through the center has a height of 4.15 mm. and a thickness through the center of 0.85 mm. The sections which on size and appearance would correspond seemingly to one made from specimens similar to the type specimen of О. antellea аге illustrated as figures 8, 9, Plate 21. One of these sections is through the initial part of the test. It has a height of 5.0 mm. and a thickness of 0.75 mm. The other section through the margin of the test has a length of 6.0 mm., a thickness between the nodes of 0.2 mm., and a thickness at the nodes of 0.35 mm. Several specimens which are not illustrated resembled the marginal section described above except in dimensions. One of these had a length of 5.1 mm., a thickness between the nodes of 0.14 mm., and a thickness at the nodes of 0.33 mm. Another specimen had a thickness between the nodes of 0.1 mm. and at the nodes of 0.25 mm. ‘Thus, there is considerable variation in dimensions between specimens. MEXICAN SPECIMENS Median Sections : | | | | After Locality | 7(1) 10 9 | 8(2) |Barker (2) | | | | (1939) Sal | PL 20, | РІ. 19, | PL 20, | PL 20, | РІ. 20, | РІ. 20, | PL 20, | PL 19, | PL.15, > er er) шышы menia LL Е Ha м а | 35 1.9 їп I ois 2.6 8 | 49 | 44 Е — е > E — | ا‎ | Ae TN = a a ie — | —— > Wi с... ilc c AE | 2.0 EJ) 1.4 21 am = E A 4.65 3.85 2 Embryonic chambers: | | > | | | | DA Diameters of initial | | | | A dambe M 80x85 | 70x76: | 110х130 90x95 | 110x120 | 110x160 | 110x120 | 90x80 | Eum El Ze E re nd je wa nes ser en en > Diameters of second | | | | | E chamber ..... уса: Иик и 60x130 | 40x70 70x170 | 50x120 80x120 60x145 | 70x150 60x120 — 3 A за Сусе боны И pre Екен cue) ары аа ШУ НЕЗ ue cud A INE ete E SÉ эг. Quer DIUI ar eee аі: te ere per T RE > Distance across both | | | | | = cadem 7 RF B DO |. 125 E 200 _ dO 200 200 195 160 | 185 Z E ET 2284 | 2% 2 2% | 2% 3e | 3% 3% 3 = Chambers in first | | ; | | | | La rn. м к яте орле d л | р, 5 6 O Chambers in final | | | E УН o o 17 18 O Hn 19 26 | 523 4525225 2 Total number of | | CHAIRS a ca 28 35 | 21 26 30 38 37 71 51 (1) Specimens previously called O. cushmani Cole (2) Specimens previously called O. oliveri Cushman LST MEXICAN SPECIMENS (CONTINUED) a & Transverse Sections Е d | | Locality | 7(%) а | 9 | 8(2) Specimen РІ. 21, Pl. 20,| Pl. 19,| Pl. 21, | PL 20, РІ. 20,| Pl. 19,| Pl. 20,|PL 21, | Pl. 19, hz. 4| fie 9 | fis: 2 | fe 11] fie. 7 | [Не а | he 9. he G | he б he 4 Height ? mm. | 1.8 1.75 239 22 23 EE 2.1 | 3.1 3.0 3.4 3.9 SN, Thickness at | Center Сы. mm.| 0.31 | 0.42 0.4 0.41 0.65 0.38 | 0.35 05 _ 0.45 0.52 0.4 0.55 Diameter umbonal = Beten, д 90 | 120 150 230 300 110 | 190 | 300 150 180 160 200 = (+) Specimens previously called O. cushmani Cole 2 (2) Specimens previously called O. oliveri Cushman F o AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 189 JAMAICAN SPECIMENS Median Sections Locality | 12 | Specimen .. елен Ph wily Mau doe В Oey 4 Bl 22 т | MODE Ba Ns жад mm. 4.5 51 6.2 | | WO TE 3.95+ 3.9 4.6 Embryonic chambers: Diameters of initial Gh DED rei сй 170x220 70x80 140x170 | | Diameters of second | CAIDO a e шщ 120х220 65х110 110х200 Distance across both chambers ....... en 320 150 270 | лы MNA 3 | 3+ 3% | Chambers in first VOO LAT PL т, 8 ч Chambers in final ООШ ORE 23 22 | 21 Total number of ШЕШЕН Е 3; 47 4 | 55 І Transverse Sections Locality 12 а: S PI al, A 10 Ph 21, 28793 Een n хло mm. 5.6 6.7 Thickness at селіег ш Шр. N. 0.72 0.9 | Diameter of umbonal | | Bldg tie a | 150 | 240 | 190 BULLETIN 170 ASSOCIATED FORAMINIFERAL FAUNAS Mexican localities.— Loc. 7. See Cole, 1927. 8. See Cushman, 1925. 9, 10. Smaller Foraminifera only, all of which occur at locs. 7 and 8. St. Bartholomew localities. — 134. Amphistegina parvula (Cushman) Asterocyclina habanensis Cole and Bermudez penonensis Cole and Gravell Camerina guayabalensis Barker Ferayina coralliformis Frizzell Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) cushmani (Vaughan) | psila (Woodring) teres Cole and Gravell 150. Amphistegina parvula (Cushman) Asterocyclina habanensis Cole and Bermudez | monticellensis Cole and Ponton penonensis Cole and Gravell Camerina guayabalensis Barker Discocyclina (Discocylina) marginala (Cushman) Eoconuloides wellsi Cole and Bermudez | Fabiania cubensis (Cushman and Bermudez) Helicostegina gyralis Barker and Grimsdale Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) antillea Cushman Pseudophragmina (Proporoc yclina) convexicamerala Cole and Gravell cushmani (Vaughan) teres Cole and Gravell 14. Asterocyclina habanensis Cole and Bermudez penonensis Cole and Gravell Cymbalopora irregularis Keijer Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) antillea Cushman \ Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) teres Cole and Gravell AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 191 Jamaican locality.— 12. Asterocyclina monticellensis Cole and Ponton Dictyoconus cookei (Moberg) Enlinderina semiradiata Barker and Grimsdale Fabiania cubensis (Cushman and Bermudez) Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) convexicamerala Cole and Gravell cushmani (Vaughan) compacta Cole and Gravell ECOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS The Mexican specimens occur in clastic sediments, mainly a clay-shale, whereas those from St. Bartholomew occur in limestone, and those from Jamaica were found in marl. The Mexican specimens at locality 7 are associated with Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) perpusilla (Vaughan), extremely rare specimens of Lepidocyclina and rather abundant specimens of smaller Foraminifera, The specimens at localities 8 and 9 occur with smaller Foraminifera, but other kinds of larger Foraminifera were not found. The specimens from St. Bartholomew аге accompanied by numerous and varied kinds of larger Foraminifera. The sample from Jamaica is dominated by Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) compacta Cole and Gravell. However, Operculinoides occurs in abundance, and there аге other kinds of larger Foraminifera. These associations, as well as the abundance and size of the specimens, Suggest that there were ecological controls. Locality 7 with few specimens, all of which are small in size, was the least favorable for the development of larger Foraminifera. ‘The limestone of St. Bartholomew was deposited under conditions which were most favorable with the next best environment, the one which occured in Jamaica, Thus, the Mexican specimens are normally smaller, and their tests are More delicate and fragile. The largest, most robust tests occur in the favorable environment which occured in St. Bartholomew. The Jamaican Specimens developed in an environment which more nearly resembled that of St. Bartholomew. BULLETIN 170 UPPER ЕОСЕМЕ SPECIMENS Heilprin's (1885) description of Nummulites floridensis is inade- quate, but when sufficient Floridian samples are examined it is possible to determine fairly exactly the kind of specimens he was describing. Cushman (19215, pl. 20, fig. 12) illustrated a probable topotype which shows the exterior excellently. Cole (1941, pl. 10, fig. 3) illustrated from a well a Floridian specimen which externally is a duplicate of the specimen illustrated by Cushman. In addition (Cole, 1941, pl. 9, fig. 8; pl. 10, figs. 1, 2) gave illustrations of the internal features of the specimens from this well. Additional illustrations of specimens from this well are given as figure 1, Plate 18 and figures 10, 14, Plate 19, At the same time Cole (1941, pl. 10, figs. 4-7) identified smaller specimens from the same sample as Operculinoides ocalanus (Cushman). Although he recognized (p. 31) that these specimens also resembled those called O. floridensis, he believed at that time that a separation was possible. Cushman (19210) had named other specimens from the Ocala lime- stone Operculina cookei, O. ocalana, and O. vaughani. Тһе types of both O. cookei and O. vaugbani are natural median sections, and that of О. ocalana is an external view. Gravell and Hanna (1935) in a study of larger Foraminifera from the Moody's Branch marl stated (p. 333): “Our specimens of Operculina resemble Operculina ocalana in size, number of chambers, and general form, but appear to differ in that they are more delicately constructed, the walls of the test being thinner." They referred the specimens to O. vaughbani and gave a sequence of excellent photographs. The specimens from the Moody's Branch marl normally are preserved excellently and have the appearance of specimens dredged from the Recent seas. Specimens from the Ocala limestone have dull white tests which resemble the limestone matrix from which they came. If the type of preservation is ignored, there does not appear to be any fundamental character which will distinguish specimens from the Ocala limestone normally identified as O. ocalana from those from the Moody's Branch marl called О, vanghani. The well-preserved specimens from the Moody's Branch marl often have more consistent beading along the sutures (Pl. 18, figs. 11, 12), whereas many specimens from the Ocala limestone do not have this beading AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 193 (РІ. 18, fig. 9). However, other specimens do have beading (РІ, 18, figs. 7, 10) which is similar to that which is found more typically on the specimens from the Moody's Branch marl. It is suggested that the degree of beading Is an individual rather than a specific character and is controlled to some extent by environmental factors. Although little information is available regarding O. cookei, it appears to be within the range of the O. ocalana—O. van ghani series. In 1941 Vaughan and Cole (р. 37) erected the name O. soldadensis for upper Eocene specimens from Trinidad. They compared this species with O. ocalana but separated it from that species on the number of cham- bers in the final volution. All of these species have costate surfaces, the spire expands in the final volution, the chambers are long, narrow, the chamber walls recurve regularly, the final whorl is expanded into a marked, thin flange, and the test in the umbonal area is normally compressed, although some speci- mens may have a small umbo. They have been separated from each other on size, degree of develop- ment of the costae, development of sutural beading, and the number of chambers particularly in the final volution. These are individual rather than Specific characters, It is possible to arrange these species in a completely integrated series representing only one species, Measurements of upper Eocene specimens assigned in the preliminary study to O. floridensis follow: BULLETIN 170 FLORIDIAN AND ТЕХАМ SPECIMENS Median Sections Locality After Cole (1941) Sbecimeft: a ceni EL 210, Pi T0. FEL AO, fig. 5 al а mm. 2.8 Diz 4.5 WIN о, mm 2,5 eat 29 Diameters of initial chamber ....p --- -- жен Diameters of second chamber... -- — тті Distance across both chambets......1 — — — Number of coils 215 5 2 Chambers in first ТОШОП aria 9 — 9 Chambers in final УМНОЙ ocn 22 31 29 Total number of CAMS mn 43 62+ 35 Transverse Sections After Localit Cole ocality (1941) 2 SPECIMEA sa... dim ieee Pl. 10; Р, 19, | 5. 2 fig. 14 Height mm. 46 48 Thickness at | (ШӨ a ma). 0,72 0.62 | Diameter of | umbonal plug ...... Al - 300 2 PL 10% fig. 10 5.1 4.3 90х100 60х140 170 374 64 Ы) РІ. 19, fig. 5 2 0.8 420 100x100 80x170 210 2% РІ. 19, fig. 8 39 0.78 300 3.8 a 70x70 50x110 120 2% РІ. 21, fig. 7 4.1 0.6 300 AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 195 ECOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS These are the same as suggested for the middle Eocene specimens. Specimens previously called О. vaughani developed under ecological condi- tions which favored the formation of delicate, highly ornamented tests, whereas those called O. ocalana lived in an environment which seemingly caused the development of strongly costate tests. Specimens called O. floridensis represent larger specimens which grade into the kind called O. ocalana. COMBINATION OF THE MIDDLE AND UPPER EOCENE SPECIES The illustrations should be compared in the order given below to understand the complete gradation of the previously recognized species into one species: O. bartschi blana to O. cushmani to O. oliveri to O. ап ей. Median Sections Pl, 20, figs. 17, 18, 13, 14, 20; PI. 21, fig. 12; РІ. 22, Az, 4; Pl. 19, ngoli; PL 21, ig 1% Transverse Sections Pl..21, fig. 4; Pl. 20, fig. 9; Pl. 21, fig, 15; Pl. 20, figs. 5, 6; Pl. 21, fgs 6, 10, 8, 2, В, 9. О. ocalana to О. vanghani to O. floridensis Median Sections Pl, 19, figs. 13, 1; Cole, 1941, pl. 10, figs. 5, 6; РІ. 19, fig. 10. Transverse Sections Pl 19 fg 8; PI 20, ue 7 Bl 19,005 s Tu. O. floridensis to O. oliveri Median Sections Р 10, os 10 11 Transverse Sections Pl. 19, figs. 14, 4. Illustrations given in other publications may be inserted in the sug- gested series above for completeness, but the illustrations given prove that Only one species can be recognized. 196 BULLETIN 170 Operculinoides sabinensis (Cole) Pl. 18, figs. 3-6; Pl. 19, figs. 3, 6; Pl. 20, figs. 1-4, 10-12, 16 1929. Operculinella sabinensis Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 15, No. 56, Di 02 2, ASS 9, 61 1938. Operculinoides sabinensis Cole, Cole, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 16, р. 38, Pleo, tgs, 15/2 1939. Operculinoides prenummulitiformis Barker, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 86, No. 3052, p. 311, pl. 12, figs. 1, 2; pl. 17, fig. 4; pl. 21, fig. 2. The type illustrations of this species from the middle Eocene of Texas are not satisfactory. Cole (1938, p. 38) later redescribed and illustrated this species using specimens from Florida for this purpose as additional specimens from the type locality could not be found. However, as these specimens from Florida were similar to the type, and as they were associated with Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) antillea, it was believed they represented the same species. Barker (1939) published an important article on Mexican species of camerinids in which among other species he described О. premummuliti- formis from the Guayabal formation (upper middle Eocene) of Mexico. Unfortunately, Cole’s second article (1938) on О. sabinensis reached Barker during the time his Mexican paper was in press. In the collection available to the writer specimens from locality 11 appeared to be the same as О. prenummulitiformis (compare fig. 4, РІ. 18 with Barker's (1939) illustrations, fig. 1, pl. 12). Moreover, certain of these specimens (fig. 6, Pl. 18) compared favorably with the type illustra- tion and specimens from Florida assigned to O. sabinensis. Therefore, it appears as if these two species should be combined. AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE Median Sections of Operculinoides sabinensis Locality 11 m 9 Specimen PL 20, 2120820 PI 20, Pl. 19 } Ян 16 feio fig, 12 | fig. 11 fig. 3 ICD ШІП. 2207 ШЫ 31 АУАСЫ 2.55 Width тт, 2.3 24 2.65 2.6 2.4 = 1 | Embryonic chambers: Diameters of initial | chamber И 90x100 80х80 70х70 | 80х80 90х110 айгы | | Diameters of second | chamber ... ..al 90x110 40x120 30x70 | 50x100 | 90x100 Distance across | ; both chambers. 160 120 100 140 160 = | Number of | ОО 222222. 4 4 4 | 31% 3% Chambers in first | volution 8 Y 8 7 8 Chambers in final volution 24 25 26 22 23 Total number of СШ и 1 69 70 54 58 Transverse Sections of Operculinoides sabinensis T Т | | Locality | 11 3 3a | BEES ya eda в Но Жағар БОШ, LS, | fig, 1 ng 2 fig. 3 fig. 4 | fig. 6 ў | Height mm. 30 27 225 275155039 Thickness at | | COMET o uw ШІ, 00 0.72 0.4 0.6 | 0.5 i | Diameter of | | umbonal plug... 150 230 — м0 | — n | \ 197 27 After Barker (1939) BULLETIN 170 Operculinoides dia (Cole and Ponton) Ph 22, НЫ, LO, Pl 24, ВВ. 97 Р]. 25, figs. 3-13, 16 1930. Operculinella día Cole and Ponton, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 5, p. 37, pl. 6, ix. 75 5b 7, HES 11,192, 1936. Operculinoides vicksburgensis Vaughan and Cole, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 83, No. 2996, p. 493, pl. 37, figs. 1-3. 1936. Operculinoides semmesi Vaughan and Cole, idem, p. 491, 492, pl. 37, figs. 10-14; pl, 38, figs.-1, 2, 5, 6, 1936. Operculinoides antiguensis Vaughan and Cole, idem, p. 492, 493, pl. 38, figs. 7-10. 1936. Operculinoides forresti Vaughan and Cole, idem, р. 493, pl. 37, figs. 1-3. 1937. Operculinoides ellisorae Gravell and Hanna, Jour. Paleont., vol. 11, No. 6, p. 522, 523, pl. 60, figs. 1-6. 1937. Operculinoides howei Gravell and Hanna, idem, p. 523, 524, pl. 61, figs. 2-6. 1938. Operculinoides forresti Vaughan and Cole, Cole, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 16, p. 37, pl. 5, figs. 8-13. 1939. Operculinoides muiri Barker, U. $. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 86, Мо. 3052, pL 14,05, 4: pl. 20, 05. 13 pl, 22, 08. 1. 1939. Operculinoides antiguensis Vaughan and Cole, Barker, idem, p. 313, 314, pl, 1 has, 2 Pl LO, OS: 9, В 07, ШШ 15 19215 TES 1051]; 1939. Operculinoides semmesi Vaughan and Cole, Barker, idem, p. 314, pl. 19, figs. 1-6. 1939. Operculinoides palmarealensis Barker, idem, р. 314, pl. 13, fig. 8; pl. 18, he, 0501.22, 129,7, 8. 1939. Operculinoides vicksburgensis Vaughan and Cole, Barker, idem, p. 318, PL 12 fg 6, Bb 19242 2, PL 19, 158, 8,9, 1941. Operculinoides bullbrooki Vaughan and Cole, Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper 30, p. 44, 45, pl. 11, figs. 6, 7; pl. 12, figs. 4, 5. 1941. Operculinoides semmesi Vaughan and Cole, Vaughan and Cole, idem, p. 50, $1, ple 14, tgs. 599: ply 15, figs, 19.2, 9. 1941. Operculinoides semmesi ciperensis Vaughan and Cole, idem, p. 51-53, pl. 15, figs. 3-8. 1941. Operculinoides vicksburgensis Vaughan and Cole, Vaughan and Cole, idem, p. 53, 54. 1 1944. Operculinoides antiguensis Vaughan and Cole, Cole, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 26, p. 40-42, pl. 6, figs. 13, 14. 1944. Operculinoides dius (Cole and Ponton), Cole, idem, p. 42, 43, pl. 6, fig. 6; РІН 19, figs. 4, 10, 12, 15, 1944. Operculinoides vicksburgensis Vaughan and Cole, Cole, idem, p. 49, 50, 417922 ties, 7, 10; PL 5, has, DS, 11,12, 15, ТТ 1@ plo 19) HELL, 1945. Operculinoides vicksburgensis Vaughan and Cole, Cole, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 28, p. 26-30, pl. 1, figs. 12, 13; pl. 5, figs. 1-10; pl. 11, figs. 4, 5. 1957. Amphistegina bullbrooki (Vaughan and Cole), Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., 701.28, No. 166; р. 97, 38, PL. oy 10880 7, Barker (1939, p. 314) expressed doubt whether О, antiguensis and O. semmesi represented separate species. Gravell and Hanna (1937, p. 524) stated that O. howei and O. ellisorae were close to O, vicksburgensis, and that O. howei resembled O. semmesi. Cole (1944, p. 40) placed O. Роше! AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 199 in the synonomy of O. antiguensis and at the same time (1944, p. 49) placed O. muiri in the synonomy of-O. vicksburgensis. ‘Therefore, the validity of several of these specific names has been questioned. Later, Cole (1945, p. 26) restudied specimens of O. vicksburgensis and О. muiri and concluded that these.represented only one species. At that time Cole (1945, pl. 5, figs. 1, 4) «demonstrated that individuals of O. vicksburgensis from a single population varied from compressed to lenti- cular shape as seen in transverse section. Earlier, Gravell and Hanna (1937, р. 524) had written " . . . from the type Byram marl. Both О. vicksburgensis Vaughan and Cole and O. dia (Cole and Ponton) are present in the material." However, Cole in his study did not recognize that the compressed individuals which he assigned to O. vicksburgensis wete the same as O. dia. As the present study progressed the writer arranged a large suite (over 200 specimens) from the type locality of O. vicksburgensis in a continuous series. "This series ranged from compressed individuals (О. dia, O. forresti, O. bullbrooki) to moderately inflated individuals (О. semmesi, О. ellisorae, О. muiri) to strongly inflated individuals (O. howei, О. antiguensis). The type transverse section of O. vicksburgensis was made from a specimen intermediate between О. bullbrooki and O. semmesi. Thus, nine specific names and one varietal name have been applied to one Species. Sufficient illustrations have been published so that anyone interested can duplicate the results obtained from observation on actual specimens by arranging these illustrations in a continuous series. Although median sections were not made, several new transverse sec- tions were prepared. These are illustrated on Plate 25. Тһе series should be compared in the following order: 1) topotype of О, dia, fig. 4; 2) small topotype specimen of O. vicksburgensis, fig. 7; 3) large topotype specimen O 0. vicksburgensis, fig. 6; 4) compressed specimen of O. bullbrooki, fig. 9; 5) moderately inflated specimen of O. vicksburgensis, fig. 13; 6) inflated specimen of O. vicksburgensis, fig. 8; 7) inflated specimen of O. semmesi, fig. 5. Most of the compressed specimens have small embryonic chambers and are seemingly the microspheric forms, whereas the inflated specimens 02505 PI 25) are megalospheric forms, Certain of the microspheric Specimens resemble externally and internally certain large specimens of Amphistegina and could readily be mistaken for specimens that should be BULLETIN 170 referred to that genus. However, the symmetry and apertures (fig. 12, Pl. 25) of the inflated specimens are the same as those found in Oper- culinoides. Although the question might be raised that there are two genera represented in these specimens, it is not considered to be so as the type of the chamber walls, the curvature of the sutures and other features are constant between specimens of the two types, therefore, they are micro- spheric and megalospheric. Four new illustrations (fig. 1, 2, 14, 15, Pl. 25) of Operculinoides panamensis (Cushman) are given for comparison with O. dia. These small Operculinoides are similar to O. dia, but seemingly are a distinct species. Careful study of these illustrations, as well as those given by Vaughan and Cole (1941, pl. 10, figs. 13-16; pl. 11, figs. 1-5) and Cole (1952, pl. 2, figs. 1-4), will demonstrate the differences by which О. panamensis may be separated from O. día. O. panamensis has an excep- tional well-developed marginal cord (fig. 15, Pl. 25). However, it should be recorded that Vaughan and Cole (1941, p. 44) stated concerning O. bullbrooki " . . . there is no definitely marked axial Comments. tubercle as іп O. panamensis and О. tamanensis.”’ These specimens do have an umbonal plug which shows clearly in figure 9, Plate 25. If the type illustration (fig. 7, pl. 11) of this species given by Vaughan and Cole (1941) is examined with a hand lens similar umbonal plugs may be ob- served with the larger one on the left side. Тһе umbonal plugs do not show as distinct in their illustration as іп the adjacent illustration of О. lamanensts because the thin section of O. bullbrooki was thinner, and the walls of the test were not stained. Such statements as these, here proven wrong, indicate how incom- pletely many species were described and the necessity for their revaluation by means of numerous thin sections. It also demonstrates why so many specific names were erected, often on non-existent differences, whereas fundamental relationships were ignored. Stratigraphic range.—ln a study of variation in Lepidocyclina Cole (19575) demonstrated that Lepidocyclina mantelli, L. forresti and L. supera should be combined into a single species ranging in Florida from the Marianna limestone into the Suwannee limestone. The range of О, dia is the same with specimens from the Marianna limestone (О, dia) and those from the Suwannee limestone (O. vicksburgensis) combined into a single species. ÁMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 201 Amphistegina parvula (Cushman) Pl. 25, figs. 17-19 1919. Nummulites parvula Cushman, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Publ. 291, p. 51, pl. 4, figs. 3-6. 1934. Amphistegina lopeztrigoi D. К. Palmer, Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat., vol. SNO А, Do 255, pl, 15. HEN 0| 5 1952. Amphistegina lopextrigoi D. К. Palmer, Cole and Gravell, Jour. Paleont., vol. 26, No. 5, p. 714, pl. 91, figs. 6-8 (references). As Cole (19570, p. 37) stated, it is easy to confuse certain species of Amphistegina either with Camerina or O perculinoides. Cushman’s illustra- tions of Nummulites parvula show clearly that it should be referred to the genus Amphistegina. Moreover, in the Senn collection from the middle Eocene limestone from St. Bartholomew there are numerous matrix-free specimens, as well as those in the thin sections, which are identical with the specimens figured by Cushman. It is impossible to distinguish these specimens from St. Bartholomew from topotype specimens of A. lopeztrigoí from Cuba, therefore, the two species are combined. Associated species. —Dictyoconns americanus (Cushman), Fabiania cubensis (Cushman and Bermudez), and Lepidocyclina (Polylepidina) antillea Cushman. Lepidocyelina (Lepidoeyelina) asterodisea Nuttall Р]. 22, fig. 6; PL 28; Pl. 24, figs. 6, 7 1932, Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) asterodisca Nuttall, Jour. Paleont., vol. 6, Br 08,52, bl. 7.098: 5, 8s BL 5 hg. 10, 1952. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) asterodisca Nuttall, Cole, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 244, p. 17, 18, pl. 17, fig. 4 (references). Several years ago Dr. Pedro J. Bermudez sent me a Cuban sample (loc, 15) with abundant specimens of this species from the Cuban Oli- gocene. Selected specimens from this sample are illustrated to demonstrate the variation in size, shape, and number of rays which may occur in indivi- duals in a single population, The specimens with rays are megalospheric specimens, but in this sample there are numerous large, circular, compressed lenticular specimens without trace of rays either externally or in the arrangement of the equa- torial chambers, These specimens are microspheric, and without question represent the sexual generation, whereas the megalospheric specimens with Гау are the asexual generation, The Cuban specimens (PI. 23, figs. 2, 6, 7) should be compared with Nuttall’s illustrations (1932, pl. 7, figs. 5, 8) of L. (L.) asterodisca for BULLETIN, 170 external appearance, and the equatorial section (Pl. 24, fig. 7) should be compared to his illustration (1932, pl. 9, fig. 10) of an equatorial section. In a similar manner the specimens (Pl. 23, figs. 1, 4, 5) should be compared with Gorter and Van der Vlerk's illustration (1932, pl. 11, fig. 5) of L. (L) falconensis. Finally, the specimens (Pl. 23, figs. 2, 6) should be compared with Gravell and Hanna's illustrations (1937, pl. 65, figs. 4, 5) of L. (L.) texana. Associated species —Helterostegina israelskyi Gravell and Hanna (abundant) ; Operculinoides dia (Cole and Ponton) (common). Н. ¿srael- skyi (Pl. 24, figs. 1-4) is not discussed as Cole (19574, p. 327) has given recently a key to American Oligocene species of Heterostegina. Asterocyelina penonensis Cole and Gravell Bl 22, 49 7 PL 25 18.20 1952. Asterocyclina penonensis Cole and Gravell, Jour. Paleont., vol. 26, No. 5, p. 718, 719, pl. 96, fig. 1; pl. 98, figs. 1-8. Cushman (1919, р. 55) described Orthophragmina antillea from the middle Eocene of St, Bartholomew. Although the type is an uncut specimen (pl. 1, fig. 1), he illustrated several thin sections. Some of these thin sections may represent this species (for example, fig. 4, pl. 4), but others do not as Cole and Gravell (1952, p. 723) have stated. Several years ago I examined the type specimen and discovered that it is not a single specimen as Cushman apparently assumed. ‘There are several specimens of Asterocyclina superimposed on each other in such a manner that a large, many rayed appearance, as shown by the illustration, is pro- duced. As several species of Asterocyclina occur in the Senn material, it is impossible to know which might be A. antillea. It might be either A. penonensis Cole and Gravell or A. habanensis Cole and Bermudez. ‘Thus, at this time, it is impossible to reinstate the name A. antillea. LITERATURE CITED Barker, R. Wright 1939. Species of the foraminiferal family Camerinidae in the Tertiary and Cretaceous of Mexico. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., vol. 86, No. 3052, p. 305- 330, pls. 11-22. Cizancourt, M. de 1951. Grands Foraminiferes du Paléocóne, de l'Éoceme inférieur et de l'Éocéne moyen. Géol. Soc. France, Мет. 64, п. s., у. 30, p. 1-68, 6 pls., 19 text figs. AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 203 Cole, W. Storrs 1927. A Ре fauna n 4 the Guayabal formation in Mexico. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 14, No. 51, p. 5-46, pls. 1-5. 1929. Three new шары eas Bull, Amer Paleont, v. 15, №, 56, p. 60-66, pls. 7, 8. 1938. Stratigraphy and micropaleontology of two deep wells im Florida. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 16, р. 1-73, 12 pls., 3 text figs. 1941. Stratigraphic ine pe air as studies of wells in Florida. Florida Geol. биг., Bull. 19, р. 1-91, 18 pls., 4 text figs. 1944, Sivasigraphit and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida—No. 3. Florida Geol, Sur., Bull. 26, p. 1-168, 29 pls., 5 text figs. 1945. Stratigraphic and paleontologic Studies of wells in Florida—No. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 28, p. 1-160, pls. 1-22, 8 text figs. 1952 (1953). Eocene and Oligocene larger Foraminifera from the Panama Canal Zone and vicinity. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 244, p. 1-41, 28 pls., 2 figs. 1956. Jamaican larger Foraminifera. Bull. Amer Paleont., v. 36, No. 158, p. 205-233, pls. 24-31. 19574. Late Oligocene larger Foraminifera from Barro Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zone. Bull Amer. Paleont., v. 37, No. 163, p. 313-338, pls. 24-30. 1957b. Variation in American Oligocene species of Lepidocyclina, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 38, No. 166, p. 31-51, 6 pls. с . 4, and Gravell, Donald W. 1952. Middle Eocene Foraminifera from Peñon Seep, Matanzas Province, Cuba. Jour. Paleont., v. 26, No. 5, p. 708-727, pls. 90-103. Cushman, Joseph A. 1919. Fossil Foraminifera from the West Indies, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Publ. 291, p. 21-71, pls. 1-15, 8 text figs. 19214. Foraminifera of the Philippine and adjacent seas. U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 100, p. 1-608, pls. 1-100, 50 text figs. 19210, American species of Operculina and Heterostegina and their faunal relationships. U.S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 128-E, p. 125-137, pls. 18-21. 1925. An Eocene fauna from the Moctezuma River, Mexico. Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., v. 9, No. 2, p. 298-303, pls. 6-8. Gorter, Х. E., and Van der Vlerk, Т, М. 1932. Larger Foraminifera from central Falcon (Venezuela). Leidsche Geol. Meded., v. 4, pt. 2, р. 94-122, pls. 11-17. Gravell, Donald W., and Hanna, Mareus A. 1935. Larger Foraminifera from the Moody's Branch marl, Jackson Eocene, of Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Jour. Paleont., v. 9, No. 4, p. 327-340, pls. 29-32, 1937. The Lepidocyclina texana horizon in the Heterostegina zone, upper me of Texas and Louisiana. Jour. Paleont., у. 11, No. 6, р. 517-529, pls. 60-65, 1 text fig. BULLETIN 170 Heilprin, Angelo 1885. Notes on some new Formainifera from the nummulitic formation of Florida. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., у. 36, р. 321-322 (1884). Nuttall, W. L. F. 1932. Lower Oligocene Foraminifera from Mexico. Jour. Paleont., v. 6, INO. 1, р. 3:55, Pls 159. Vaughan, T. Wayland 1924. American and European Tertiary larger Foraminifera. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., v. 35, p. 785-822, pls. 30-36, 6 text figs. „ and Cole, W. Storrs 1941. Preliminary report on tbe Cretaceous and Tertiary larger Foraminifera of Trinidad, British West Indies, Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper 30, p. 1-137, \ 46 pls., 2 text figs. PLATES BULLETIN 170 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 18 Figure Page 1, 2, 7-16. Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin) еее 182 External views, x 10. 1. Loc. 2, specimen identified as this species. 2, 7-10. Loc. 1, specimens identified as O. ocalana of which fig. 9 is the most typical. 11, 12. Loc. 5, specimens identified as О. vaughani. 13, 16. Loc. 9, specimens identified as О. cushmani. 14, 15. Loc. 8, specimens identified as O. oliveri. 3-6. Operculinoides sabinensis (Cole)... 196 Loc. 11, specimens with and without beaded sutures. BULL. Amer. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 18 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 19 AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE EXPLANATION OF PLATE 19 Figure 1, 2, 4, 5, 7-14. Operculinoides floridensis (Ieilprin)...... ee 1, 10-13. Median sections, x 12.5. 1. Loc. 5, specimen called O, vaugbami. 10. Loc. 2, specimen called O, floridensis. 11. Loc. 8, specimen called O, oliveri. 12. Loc. 7, specimen called O. cusbmani. 13. Loc. 1, specimen called O. ocalana. 2,4,5, 7-9. Transverse sections, all x 20 except 4, x 12.5. 2. Loc. 7, specimen called O. cush- mani. 4. Loc. 8, specimen called O. oliveri. 5. Loc. 5, specimen called O. vaughani. 7. Loc. 134. 8. Loc. 1, specimen called O. ocalama. 9. Loc. 9. 14. Loc. 2, specimen called O. floridensis. 3, 6. Opereulinoides sabinensis (Сое). 3. Median section, x 12.5, loc. 3. 6. Transverse sections, x 20, loc. 3a. 207 j- 9, Figure 1-4, 10-12, 16. 13-15, 17-20. BULLETIN 170 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 20 Operculinoides sabinensis (Cole)... 1-4. Transverse sections, x 20; 1-3. Loc. 11, specimens called O, prenummulitiformis Barker. 4. Loc. 3, specimen identified as this species. 10-12, 16. Median sections, x 12.5. 10, 12, 16. Loc. 11, specimens called O, prenummuliti- formis Barker. 11. Loc. 3а. specimen identified as this species. Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin) mmm i 5-9. Transverse sections, x 20 except 7, x 40. 5, 0:009, 7, Loc. 10, 6, LOG 0-9; Loc. 7, specimen called O. cusbmani. 13-15, 17-20. Median sections, x 12.5, except 13, 14, x 20,15, 18:20, Loc. 9. 14, Loc. 7, specimen called O. cusbmani. 15. Loc. Oi 17, LOG: 101 Page ‚ 190 PLATE 20 BULL, AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 21 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 209 ! EXPLANATION OF PLATE 21 | Figure Page | 1-15. Operculinoides floridensis (Шеїїргїп).. eem 182 1, 12-14, Median sections, x 12.5. 1. Loc. 8, microspheric specimen called O. oliveri, 12. Loc. 136, specimen called О. antillea. 13. loc. 12. 14. Loc. 13а, specimen called О. antillea. 2:11. 12. Transverse sections. 5 20, except 5, 10, X 12:5, 2 EOC | 14, specimen called O. antillea. 3. Loc. 8, microspheric specimen called О. oliveri, 4. Loc. 7, specimen called О. bartschi plana. 5, 10. Loc. 12. 6. Loc. 8, megalospheric specimen called О. oliveri. 7. Loc. 1, specimen called O. ocalana. 8. Loc. 14, umbonal part of a specimen called О. 7 antillea. 9. Loc. 13a, peripheral part of a specimen called | O. ап еа. 11. Loc. 7, specimen called O. cusbmani. 15. | Loc. 13a, specimen called O. antillea. | BULLETIN 170 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 22 Figure 1-3. Operculinoides dia (Cole апа ропот)... 2 AO ® 20.06. 1%, › 2 1-3. Transverse sections; 1 4, 5. Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin)......... mmm Median sections, x 12.5; loc. 12. 6. Lepidocyelina (Lepidoeyelina) asterodisea Nuttall Part of an equatorial section, x 12.5; loc. 15. 7. Asterocyclina penonensis Cole and Gravel cece Median section, x 20; loc. 134, 202 PLATE 22 8 ONT, VOL. S R. PALE BULL. AME 4. CA A e. cos e, E ә 22%, 9,9. ss BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL, 38 PLATE 23 Ww: RO HAN, art B. zit. LIN s } $ өк | | AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 211 EXPLANATION ОЕ PLATE 23 Figure Page 1-12. Lepidocyelina (Lepidoeyelina) asterodisea Nuttall... 201 1-7. External views, x 3.5, 8-11. Transverse sections, x 20, of megalospheric specimens. 12. Transverse section, x 20, of a microspheric specimen. All specimens from loc. 15. Figure 1-4. 5. 90 BULLETIN 170 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 24 Page Heterostegina israelskyi Gravell and Hanna. eer 202 1, 2. Median sections, x 12.5. 3,4. Transverse sections; 3, x 20; 4, x 12.5. Operculinoides dia (Cole and Ponton) nennen 198 Median section, x 20. Lepiodoeyelina (Lepidocyelina) asterodisea Nutlall........................ 201 6. Part of an equatorial section, x 40, of a microspheric individual. 7. Equatorial section, x 12.5, of a megalospheric individual. All specimens from loc. 15. PLATE 24 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 e" : „© бу) T 7 JT BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 25 „р —=. — ———. AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE EXPLANATION OF PLATE 25 Figure 1, 2, 14, 15. Operculinoides panamensis (Cushman )......... eem 1, 2,15. ‘Transverse. sections; 1, 2, x 20: 15, х 40; › introduced for comparison with O. día; 15, an enlargement of fig. 1; loc. 17. 14, Median section, x 20; loc. 17. 3-13, 16. Operculinoides dia (Cole and ропот)... Transverse section, x 20, except 10-12, x 40. 3, 6-8, 11-13. Specimens called O. vicksburgensis; 11, enlarge- ment of fig. 7; 12, enlargement of part of fig. 8 to show apertures; Loc. 4. 4, 10. Specimens called O día; 10, enlargement of fig. 4; loc. 14; 5. Specimen identified as O. semmesi; loc. 16. 9. Specimen identified as O. bullbrooki; loc. 16. 16. Cuban specimen with a compressed, fragile flange; loc. 15. 17-19. Amphistegina parvula (Cushman )................. eere 17,18. Transverse sections, x 20, to show numerous radiating pillars; 17, centered; 18, not cen- tered; loc. 13c. 19. Median section, x 20; loc. 13d. 20. Asterocyelina penonensis Cole and Gravell....................... Vertical section, x 20; loc. 135. 215 Page 200 198 201 202 XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. Volume T. ПІ, Тү. Nos. 80:81). 5 334 DP. 27 DILS eeu lla Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca (Nos, 88-948), ' 306 pp., 30 pls. ice oie ete hw: Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland. Mio- cene mollusks. (Nos, 95-100)... 420 pps 58 pls, i. eese laret decer ' Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. (Nos. 101-108). 376 әр, 26 pls. u kennen Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Мов. 109-114). 412 pp. $4 pls, у уш... Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Focene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nos. 115116). 738) PDS 32 BIS. all MA у Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. | (Хо, 117). 363 DD, OS DIE Ld о ackson Eocene mollusks, (Nos. 118-128). 458 pp, 27 pls. ............. ANS acti ык a Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil Jocal- ities, (Nos, 129-138). 294 Бру 39 різ... ыы, Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and ytilarca. (Nos, 1844189), 448 pb, 51 pls, ІЛ ee Sed Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. | (Nos. 140-140), 400 pp., 19 ple... cc oeste ee iced Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods, and conularid bibliography, (Nos. 146-154). 386 pp. 31 E c TOR ме G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordo- vician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Vol- utidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (NOB. 155-100). 412 pp. 53 рі... zuela. PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. | Monogtaphs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. (Nos, 612). 921 BN, 59 DIS. уул rds bees Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale- ozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. (Хон) 18-80). 513 рр, 68 pls. and ann Léo ДЫ Paleozoic Cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- strophia, and Venericardia. \ Сов, 00, 21). + 48 DDT DIS ly аллы Î Rudist studies. 9.50 9.00 11.00 9.75 10.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 9:25 11.00 9.50 10.00 13.50 13.00 4.75 20.00 20.00 2.50 PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I. (Nos. 1-5). 354 pp. 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. И. (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollüsca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. ПІ, (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. E Mollusca and vy ы sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. Mainly "Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. V. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- ozoic fossils. VI. (№. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods, VEL (No, 82). 730 pp. О o ra Л een ama Claibornian Eocene ч егы gastropods, and cephalopods. ҮШІ. (Nos, 33-36). 357 рр. 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IX. (Nos. 81.20); 462 рр, 35 pls... ns Ы TN ud Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 рр. 54 pls. Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. ХТ - (Nos, 48:10) 3 272. pp. AL pl$. oed ee teer TA Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Vene- XII. (Nis. AB). 494 pp., 8. pls. CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN 14.00 ‚ 12. 00 9.00 Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic invertebrate ; bibliography. XIII. (Nos. 49-50). - 264 рр. 47 pls... niert 454 Venezuelan Tertiary Uer: түгі and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 506 pp., 44 p Mexican Tertiary forams «id "Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. XV. (Nos. 55-58). 314 pp., 80 pls. Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary fosiles and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. y XVI. (Nos. 59-61). 140 pp., 48 pls. une Qi Nor NE Venezuela and "Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. | XVII. (Nos. 62-63). 283 pp., 33 pls. ....... ен api Tertiary Mollusca. XVIIE (Nos, 64:67). 286 pp, 29 pls. н. Mainl "Téttiery Mollusca aad Cretaceous corals. XIX. (No. 6 68). 2/2 BAM ДШ. ideo улыл л Л мы. Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. XX. (Nos, 60-700). - 1266 pps, 26 pls, (sede le Cretaceous and Tertiary елдо of Peru and Cuba. XXL (NOS 11-72). 7221 pp4 12 BIS иа j Paleozoic Paleontology. and *Stratighaphy. ЖАТ (14080-70440), 390 рр, Э plsi sea suret Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. XXIIU (Nop 41-19) AIL PPS 35 pl u. у нел ааа нн Corals, Cretaceous cried and biography of Conrad. 9.00 9.00 8.75 8.75 8.75 BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AS‏ سىت * NES‏ سا NUMBER 171‏ 1958 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York 0. 5. А. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1957-58 PRESIDENT ves ne hb wah Ne Ga SU SOLOMON С. HOLLISTER VICE-PRESIDENT ......... SE bind ӘЙ eeu Аа е NORMAN Е. W'EISBORD SECKBTARY-TREASURBR |, Qus А dis Utere iO ea ali enn REBECCA $. HARRIS DINBOTOR in қартаны ai KATHERINE V. W. PALMER GCOUNSBUO cobi QD ENA or RE оа ARMAND L. ADAMS Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) 57. Storrs COLE (1952-58) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1956-62) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) AXEL А. OrssoN (Life) REBECCA S. HARRIS (Life) NORMAN Е, WEIsBORD (1957-63) SOLOMON С. HOLLISTER (1953-59) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W, PALMER, Editor Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER А. MynA KEEN JAY GLENN MARKS G. WINSTON SINCLAIR Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, УШ, X, XII, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. 1 of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $10.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced) per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. | BULLETINS ОЕ AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 38 No. 171 LARGER FORAMINIFERA FROM CARRIACOU BRITISH WEST INDIES By W. Storrs Cole Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. April 18, 1958 Paleontological Research Institution ' [thaca, New York, U. S. А. —À Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 58-302 Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Page оле A д 219 STINE ж UR линии иши кеи уш не 219 IO а N ТУТУЛ 220 а о лы Eocene ...... Oligocene mee КЫ Ёё сл тт. уча 223 КЕШ Wich me 22100022220 adas СОС ОВ ОБ зрее за нь а 224 Operculinoides cojimarensis (D. К. Palmer) ......... eese Кош 227 ША Ra a Plates LARGER FORAMINIFERA FROM CARRIACOU, BRITISH WEST INDIES* W. Storrs Cole Cornell University, Ithaca, New York ABSTRACT . The occurrence of larger Foraminifera in 14 samples from the island of Car- tlacou, British West Indies, is discussed, and critical species are illustrated. One sample had an upper Eocene fauna, five had upper Oligocene species and eight had Species which are seemingly of Miocene age. Correlations with other areas are Suggested. Names of and variation in Operculinoides cojimarensis (D. K. Palmer) are discussed. This species is illustrated by specimens from Carriacou and else- where. INTRODUCTION Last year. (1957) Mr. P. H. Martin-Kaye, government geologist of the Windward Islands, British West Indies, sent me 14 samples of fossili- ferous limestone collected on the island of Carriacou. The Island is the largest of the Grenadines, a group of some 600 small islands within the Windward Islands, One of the samples had an upper Eocene fauna of larger Foraminifera, five had upper Oligocene species and eight had species which are seemingly of Miocene age. Trechmann (1935, p. 533) in a brief account of the geology of Car- Facou noted the presence of Amphistegina and a “few Lepidocyclinae" near the base of the Carriacou limestone of Kendeace Point. He stated (р 200) Moreover, that Н. Nageli recognized that “the microfauna of the orbitoidal marl and of the pteropod marl, which both lie close together and not far below the Carriacou Limestone series” is Oligocene, but the Carriacou limestone is probably Miocene. The localities from which the samples were collected follow: EOCENE Locality 4064.—Near Hillsborough Rectory. OLIGOCENE 4206.—North end of Windward village. 4207.—One-fourth mile north of Windward village. 4214.—Loose blocks, one-fourth mile north of Bogles. 4120.—Meldrum. 4223.—Limlair (Baie а l'Eau). MIOCENE 4050.— Near summit of Top Hill road. 4071.—Top Hill road, one-half mile south of Belair. 4090.— Coast, north side of Kendeace Point. 4145 and 4146.— Dumfries, Mount Royal road. „ "The cost of the printed plates was supplied by the William Е. E. Gurley Foundation for paleontology of Cornell University. BULLETIN 171 4199 and 4202.—North side of Point St. Helaire. 4227,—Belvidere road, one-third mile from Windward. Through the courtesy of Dr. C. W. Merriam of the U. S. Geological Survey thin sections of the limestone were prepared. These thin sections will be deposited in the U. S. National Museum. FAUNAS AND CORRELATION EOCENE The one sample (loc. 4064) with Eocene larger Foraminifera con- tained the following species: Asterocyclina minima (Cushman) Heterostegina ocalana Cushman—rare Lepidocyclina (Pliolepidina) macdonaldi Cushman—rare pustulosa H. Douvillé—rare pustulosa tobleri H. Douvillé— abundant Cushman (1918, p. 94, 96) recorded megalospheric specimens which he named Lepidocyclina panamensis (= L. (P.) pustulosa tobleri) and microspheric specimens of this same species which he called Lepidocyclina duplicata (= L. (P.) pustulosa tobleri) from U. S. G. S. sta. 6586e from near the mouth of the Tonosi River, Panama. His illustration (pl. 39, fig. 6) of a part of a thin section from this locality 18 identical with parts of thin sections from Carriacou (loc. 4064). Although the abundance of specimens of Г. (P.) pustulosa toblert corresponds to that of the Tonosi River locality in Panama, the association of species is the same as that found in the Gatuncillo formation of the Panama Canal Zone and vicinity (Cole, 1952, p. 4). OLIGOCENE The distribution of the nine recognizable species in the five samples rare from the Oligocene is shown in the table. The association of species in these samples is the same as that found in samples from the upper part of the Caimito formation of Panama (Cole, 19574, р. 315). This part of the Caimito formation is placed in the Г. (Lepidocyclina) —L. (Enlepidina) zone (Cole, 19575, р. 35). Although І. (Eulepidina) was not found in the samples, L. (Nephrolepidina) vanghani, another species which seemingly 1s characteristic of the upper part of this zone, was present in abundance. Moreover, the upper part of the Г. (Lepidocyclina) —L. (Enlepidina) zone contains abundant Mio eypsina. OLIGOCENE SPECIES Locality number 4120 4206 4207 4214 4223 Heterostegina antillea Cashman с г с г Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) canellei Lemoine and В. Douvillé r Ж г giraudi В. Douvillé r r f waylandvaughani Cole 3107) :УЯЗЯЛІМІМУМОД ЧЧОЧУТ NODVIAUVO £ r (Nepbrolepidina) vaughani Cushman r a r a tournouerí Lemoine and R. Douvillé І г Miogypsina (Miogypsina) ап Пеа (Cushman) с с Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis (Cushman) с с € r Operculinoides dia (Cole and Ponton) r г a=abundant; c= common; r= rare N N — BULLETIN 171 MIOCENE Samples (locs. 4050, 4071, 4090, 4145, 4146, 4199, 4202 and 4227) representing the Carriacou limestone contained an Amphistegina sp. and Operculinoides cojimarensis (D. К. Palmer). In addition, two samples (locs. 4145 and 4146) contained rare specimens of Miogypsina (Miolepi- docyclina) staufferi Koch, and two samples (locs. 4146 and 4202) had rare specimens of Coskinolina floridana Cole. Samples from four localities (locs. 4071, 4199, 4202 and 4227) con- tained abundant Amphistegina sp., probably species of Asterigerina, and rare specimens of Operculinoides cojimarensis, whereas the samples from the other four localities (locs. 4050, 4090, 4145, 4146) had abundant O. cojimarensis, and the amphistegines were relatively infrequent. O. cojimarensis was known only from the Cojimar formation of Cuba. However, this study demonstrates that O. Inxpanensis (Thalmann) and О. tamanensis Vaughan and Cole are synonyms of О. cojimarensis. Mrs. D. К. Palmer (1934, р. 260) stated that О. cojimarensis Occurs commonly at the type locality of the Cojimar formation. Bermudez (1950, p. 277), following Mrs. Palmer, assigned this formation to the upper Oligocene. He listed among other species of smaller Foraminifera, Sipho- generina transversa Cushman and 5. lamellata Cushman. He considerered that S. /ransversa characterized the lower faunal zone of the Cojimar forma- tion and $, lamellata marked the middle zone. S. transversa was described from specimens from the La Boca marine member of the Panama formation. Woodring (1957, p. 42) assigned the Panama formation to the early Miocene. 8. lamellata was described from Choctawhatchee marl near Red Bay, Florida. The Choctawhatchee forma- tion is assigned to the middle and upper Miocene (Cooke el al., 1943). Thalmann (1935) and Barker (1939, p. 312) reported specimens called О, tuxpanensis from the Miocene of Mexico. Vaughan and Cole (1941, p. 46) reported this species from the Miocene of: Trinidad, and Cole (1938, p. 18) recovered this species in association with Siphogenerina lamellata from a sample from a well in Florida in the Choctawhatchee for- mation. Vaughan and Cole (1941, р. 44) reported specimens called О. tamanensis from the Miocene of Trinidad. Inasmuch as О, Inxpanensis and O. tamanensis are considered to be synonyms of О. cojimarensis and as the associated species of Siphogenerina are known to occur in the Miocene, the Cojimar formation is believed to be Miocene in age. N N чө CARRIACOU LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE The Carriacou limestone on foraminiferal evidence would correlate roughly with the Cojimar formation of Cuba, the Tuxpan formation of the Tampico Embayment area, Mexico, and the Brasso clay formation of Trinidad. The infrequent specimens of Coskinolina floridana are thought to be reworked from the Eocene. The rare specimens, represented only by three vertical sections, of a Miogypsina identified as М. (Miolepidocyclina) staufferi Koch could be either reworked or indigenous. Cole (19574, р. 325) stated recently that M. (M.) staufferi probably occurs іп the La Boca marine member of the Panama formation. Не noted also (р. 325) that М. (M.) stanfferi occurs in Florida at a higher strati- graphic level than does М, (M.) panamensis. Inasmuch as М. (M.) panamensis occurs on Carriacou Island in samples with Oligocene Lepidocyclina, the stratigraphic distribution of these two species of. Miogypsina are seemingly the same as in Florida and Panama, The Carriacou limestone seemingly should be placed in the upper part of the L, (Lepidocyclina) —Miogypsina zone (Cole, 19575, р. 35, 37). The upper part of this zone from the data at hand has Miogypsina present, but Г. (Lepidocyclina) has disappeared. SPECIES WHICH ARE ILLUSTRATED The following ctitical species are illustrated but are not discussed as these species are so well known that additional comments are not needed. As it was impossible to separate specimens from the matrix, all the illustra- tions are from thin sections made at random through the sample of lime- Stone, "Therefore, it was impossible in many cases to obtain correctly oriented thin sections. For each species listed there is a citation to a published figure which Most nearly resembles the specimens from Carriacou, EOCENE SPECIES “bidocyelina (Pliolepidina) macdonaldi Cushman M UT DI 20, ng 2 : Cushman, 1918, pl. 40, figs. 2-5. as P PER pun cM Donna диб в eB See: Cole, 1952, pl. 13, fig. 18. Lepidocyclina (Pliolepidina) voter tobleri Н. Douvillé Megalospheric specimen ..... Die te Mi AA cce de ER 26, Ha. 6 See: Cole, 1952, pl. 13, fig. 21. iik Microspheric селен OU nS Some UO РІ, 20,195. 5, б See: Cushman, 1918, pl. 41 ‚ figs. 3,4. BULLETIN 171 OLIGOCENE SPECIES Heterostegina antillea Cushmaty у i hse pete ls edad dis РОО fbl See: Cole, 1957a, pl. 25, fig. 4. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) сапе Ме? Lemoine and R. Douvillé ..... „Р 20, ig 12 See: Cole, 1952, pl. 16, figs. 10, 12. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) giraudi R. Douvillé ....... Pl. 26, fig. 10; РІ. 28, fig. 4 See: Cole, 1945, pl. 7, figs. 2-13. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) waylandvanghani Cole ...Pl. 27, fig. 4; Pl. 28, H8. 2, 2 See: Cole, 19570, pl. 4, figs. 2, 5. Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) tournouert Lemoine and К. Douvillé .....Pl. 28, fig. 8 See: Cole, 1952, pl. 19, fig. 10. Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) vanghani Cushman .. РІ. 26, fig. 12; РІ. 27, figs. 5, 6 See: Cole, 1952, pl. 21. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) antillea (Cushman) ......................... aed: Bi 26, 0862 See: Cole, 19574, pl. 26, figs. 6, 7. Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis (Cushman)........... PI. 26, tee Oy BIER, figs. 1-3 See: Cole, 19572, pl. 26, fig. 5; pl. 27, figs. 2-8. MIOCENE SPECIES Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) stanfferi Koch 222222222222. p LOB RSEN ҰБ See: Koch, 1926, pl. 28, fig. 2. Coskinolina floridana Cole (reworked Eocene specimen) ................ ЖАР 20: u, | See: Cole, 1941, pl. 5, figs. 4, 5. DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES Opereulinoides cojimarensis ( D. К. Palmer) Pl 28, figs № 27 В 29 1934, Operculinella cojimarensis D. К. Palmer, Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat., v. 8, No. 4, p. 259, 260, pl. 15, figs. 1, 3, 4, text fig. 18. 1935. Operculina tuxpanensis Thalmann, Eclogae geol. Helvet., у. 28, р. 603-605, text figs. а, b. 1956. Operculinoides tuxpanicus Vaughan and Cole, U. S. Nat. Mus, Proc., v. 83, No. 2996, p. 494, pl. 37, figs. 4-9. 1938. Operculinoides tuxpanensis (Thalmann), Cole, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 16, p. 38, 39, pl. 5, figs. 14-17. 1939. Operculinoides tuxpanensis (Thalmann), Barker, U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., v. 86, No. 3052, p. 311, 312, pl. 16, fig. 2; pl. 17, fig. 2. 1941. Operculinoides tamanensis Vaughan and Cole, Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper 30, p. 43, 44, pl. 10, figs. 9, 10; pl. 11, figs. 8-10; pl. 12, figs. 1-3. 1941. Operculinoides tuxpanensis (Thalmann), Vaughan and Cole, idem, р. 45, 46, pl. 14, figs. 1-4. The specimens trom Carriacou were identified first as О. coymarensis because of the inflated tests with thick revolving walls and the curvature of the sutures. However, certain specimens (fig. 8, Pl. 29) resembled O. Inxpanensıs as these specimens were small and compressed. Other specimens (fig. 10, Pl. 29) resembled specimens of О. tamanensıs although they had slightly thicker revolving walls. CARRIACOU LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 225 Therefore, several thin sections were prepared from topotype speci- mens of O. tamanensis and O. cojimarensis. ‘There were abundant speci- mens of O. tamanensis, but only four specimens of О. cojimarensis, which had been sent to the writer by the late Mrs. D. К. Palmer, were available. A transverse section (fig. 5, Pl. 29) made from one of these is illustrated. The type transverse section (D. K. Palmer, 1934, pl. 15, fig. 4) was made from a specimen with an approximate height of 3.9 mm., a thick- ness through the center of about 1.5 mm. and with well-developed umbonal plugs. A transverse section of a topotype with the same shape has a height of 3.1 mm., a thickness through the center of 1.1 mm., and umbonal plugs with a surface diameter of 250 и. The transverse section (fig. 5, Pl. 29) of another topotype has a height of 5.1 mm., a thickness through the center of 1.2 mm., and umbonal plugs with a surface diameter of 500 u. This Specimen is larger than the type, is more compressed umbonally, and has а wider flange. The Carriacou specimen (fig. 7, Pl. 29), which resembles the type transverse section, has a height of 3.65 mm., a thickness through the center of 1.07 mm., and umbonal plugs with a surface diameter of 200 и. The type median section (Palmer, 1934, pl. 15, fig. 1) should be compared with the median section of O. tamanensis (fig. 16, Pl. 29), and the illustration (fig. 13, Pl. 29) of the sutural pattern of a specimen from Carriacou should be compared with the external view of O. cojimarensis (Palmer, 1934, pl. 15, fig. 3). The similarity between these specimens will be apparent. Measurements of topotypes of O. tamanensis follow on page 226. The compressed specimen (fig. 8, РІ. 29) from Carriacou at first assigned to О. tuxpanensis has a height of 2.0 mm., a thickness through the center of 0.4 mm., and umbonal plugs with a surface diameter of 70 y. The measurements of this specimen are nearly identical with those of the Specimen (fig. 1, Pl. 29) from Trinidad. The specimen from Trinidad (fig. 1, Pl. 29) is one end of a series (О, luxpanensis), the other end of which is represented by larger, more inflated specimens (O. famanensis). Ina similar manner the compressed Specimen from Carriacou (O. tuxpanensis) is one end of a series, the other end of which is represented by large, strongly inflated specimens (О. coji- marensis) . As the same gradation occurs in the median sections, these three Species are combined. BULLETIN 171 O. TAMANENSIS VAUGHAN AND COLE Median Sections Locality Trinidad Specimen WN PAGE Е 15 Pl. 29, fig. 14 Шаш s cu sen UPS mm.| 2.0 2.85 | ҰЛТАНЫ збен ПШІ 1209 2.2 Embryonic chambets: Diameters of initial chamber na. ‚| سس‎ 80х90 Diameters of initial chamber и — 50x80 Distance across both chambers . Ш 150 150 СШ ы an vr ertt 3 4 Chambers in first volution . 9 8 Chambers in final volution ... 21 27 Total number of chambers P 43 72 Locality Specimen Meng suo тт. Thickness at center ....... mm. Diameter of umbonal PUR o al Embryonic chambers: Distance across both CAN ween se oh Ш Height Transverse sections Trinidad 2.4 2.4 | 3.05 0.4 Шы» 0.61 100 110 | 160 120 100 | 125 | Pl. 29, fig. 16 2d 2.7. 70х80 45х70 125 475 7 i Pl. 29, fig. 1| PI. 29, fig. 2 | PI. 29, fig. 3 | Pl. 29, fig. 4 | 3.38 | | 0.67 210 N N = CARRIACOU LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE Ecological implications —Cole (1958, р. 191) demonstrated recently that in the formation of the test in specimens of O. antillea (Cushman) there was environmental influence with the thinner walled, less robust tests developed in situations where clastic sediments were accumulated, whereas more robust tests were produced in situations where limestones were formed. Thus, the specimens of O. cojimarensis from Trinidad, Mexico, and Florida developed in an environment which favored the formation of relatively thin-walled tests, whereas the specimens from Carriacou рго- duced thick-walled tests. The same conditions were reported recently by Sachs (1957) for the species, О. bermudezi. He was able to demonstrate that thin-walled specimens (О. georgianus) merged into thick-walled lenticular specimens (O. antillea) although at that time the ecological implications were not appreciated fully either by Sachs or the writer. Comments.—In the Carribbean region there are seemingly in the upper Oligocene two recognizable species of Operculinoides, namely, O. dia (Cole and Ponton) and O. panamensis (Cushman) (EOS 1958, р. 198, 200). Unless other species are found eventually, there is only one Species of Operculinoides present in the Miocene. LITERATURE CITED Barker, К. Wright 1939. Species of the foraminiferal family Camerinidae in the Tertiary and Cretaceous of Mexico. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, v. 86, No. 3052, p. Анд 330, pls. 11-22. Bermudez, Pedro J. 1950. Contribucion al estudio del Cenoxoico Cubano. Hist. Nat., v. 19, No. 3, p. 205-375, numerous tables. Mem. Soc. Cubana Cole, W. Storrs 1938. Stratigraphy and micropaleontology of two deep wells in Florida. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 16, р. 1-73, 12 pls., 3 text figs. 1941. Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida. Geol. Sur., Bull. 19, p. 1-91, 18 pls., 4 text figs. 1945. Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida—No. 4. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 28, p. 1-160, pls. 1-22, 8 text figs. 1952. (1953). Eocene and Oligocene larger Foraminifera from the Panama Canal Zone and vicinity. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 244, р. 1-41, 28 pls., 2 figs. Florida BULLETIN 171 19574. Late Oligocene larger Foraminifera from Barro Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zone. Bull Amer. Paleont., v. 37, No. 163, p. 313-338, pls. 24-30. 19576. Variation in American Oligocene species of Lepidocyclina. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 38, No. 166, p. 31-51, 6 pls. 1958. Names of and variation in certain American larger Foraminifera— No. 1. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 38, No. 170, p. 175-213, 8 pls. jushman, J. A. 1918. The larger fossil Foraminifera of the Panama Canal Zone. U.S. Nat. Миз., Bull. 103, р. 89-102, pls. 34-45. Cooke, С. W., Gardner, J., and Woodring, W. P. 1943. Correlation of the Cenozoic formations of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain and the Carribbean region. Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., v. 54, No. 11, р. 1713-1723, 1 chart. Koch, R. 1926. Miogypsina staufferi, nov. spec., from northwestern Venezuela, Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, у. 19, No. 3, p. 751-753, pl. 38. Palmer, Dorothy K. 1934. Some large fossil Foraminifera from Cuba, Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat., у. 8, No. 4, р. 235-264, 5 pls., 19 text figs. Sachs, К. N., Jr. 1957. Restudy of some Cuban larger Foraminifera. Contrib. Cushman Found. Foram. Res., v. 8, pt. 3, p. 106-120, pls. 14-17, 3 text figs. Thalmann, Hans E. 1935. Mitteilungen über Foraminiferien II. Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, v. 28, No. 2, p. 592-606, 2 text figs. Trechmann, C. Т. 1935. The geology and fossils of Carriacou, West Indies. Geol. Mag., v. 72, No. 858, p. 529-555, pls. 20-22, 3 text figs. Vaughan, T. Wayland, and Cole, W. Storrs 1941. Preliminary report on tbe Cretaceous and Tertiary larger Foraminifera of Trinidad, British West Indies. Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper 30, р. 1-137, 46 pls., 2 text figs. Woodring, Wendell P. 1957. Geology aud paleomtology of Canal Zone and adjoining parts of Panama. U.S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 360-A, p. 1-145, 23 pls. PLATES Figu 10. BULLETIN 171 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 26 ire Page Coskinolina floridana Cole 2222222... nnne 224 Horizontal section, x 40; loc. 4202. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) antillea (Cushman) nennen 224 Vertical section, x 40, with apically situated embryonic apparatus with the equatorial layer developed only on the distal side; loc. 4214. Lepidocyclina (Pliolepidina) macdonaldi Cushman... 228 Vertical section, x 20; loc. 4064. Lepidocyelina (Pliolepidina) pustulosa H. ПО ОШ өн өн 228 Vertical section, x 40, of a specimen of the kind called Г. (P.) sub- globosa Nuttall; loc. 4064. Lepidoeyelina (Pliolepidina) pustulosa tobleri H. Douvillé.......... 223 5. Part of a vertical section, x 20, of a microspheric specimen of the kind called L. duplicata Cushman to show the subdivision of the equatorial layer at its distal end; loc. 4064. 6. Vertical section, x 20, of a megalospheric individual with a part of a vertical section, upper right, of a microspheric individual; this kind of a megalospheric individual called L. panamensis Cush- тап; loc. 4064. Miogypsina (Miolepidoeyelina) staufferi Koch. 224 Vertical sections, x 20; 7, loc. 4145; 8, loc. 4146. Miogypsina (Miolepidoeyelina) panamensis (Cushman)... 224 Vertical section, x 40, which shows the subapically situated embryonic apparatus; loc. 4206. Lepidoeyelina (Lepidoeyelina) giraudi R. Роу еее 4 224 Oblique section, x 20, to show embryonic chambers, equatorial cham- be and part of the lateral chambers; loc. 4214. Heterostegina antillea Cushman Part of a transverse section, x 20; loc. 4207. Lepidocyelina (Nephrolepidina) vaughani Сазаны шс неее 994 Vertical section, x 12.5, to which is attached, upper left, a part of vertical section of L. (Lepidocyclina) сапе е) Lemoine and R. Dou- villé; loc. 4120. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 26 4 р AP ls re at ER Av: =e ‘oH es оо eo ы © > E a © a = < A ci a = < = a um ea CARRIACOU LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 231 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 27 Figure Page 1-3. Miogypsina (Miolepidocyelina) panamensis (Cushman)... 994 1. Part of an equatorial section, х 40, to show the subcentrally located embryonic chambers and the coil of periembryonic chambers; loc. 4206. 2. Equatorial section, x 40, which is thought to represent the micro- spheric form of this species; loc. 4206. 3. Vertical section, x 40; loc. 4214. 4. Lepidocyelina (Lepidocyclina) waylandvaughani ColC.................... 224 Vertical section, x 40, not centered, to show the equatorial layer and lateral chamber; loc. 4214. 5,6. Lepidoeyelina (Nephrolepidina) vaughani Сакра 224 5 Equatorial sections, x 20; 5, loc. 4223; 6, loc. 4206. BULLETIN 171 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 28 Figure Page 1,2-7. Operculinoides cojimarensis (D. К. Palmer) «nnnm 224 1. Part of the transverse section illustrated as fig. 3, Plate 29, x 40, to illustrate the marginal cord, an aperture and the umbonal plugs; Guaico-Tamana Road, ravine east of mile 1315, Trinidad, Ww 5. Part of the median section illustrated as fig. 16, Plate 29, x 20; same loc. as fig. 1. 6. Median section, x 12.5; same loc. as fig. 1. 7. Part of a median section, x 40; same loc. as fig. 1. 2,3. Lepidoeyelina (Lepidocyelina) waylandvaughani Cole... 224 2. Part of the vertical section illustrated as fig. 3, x 40. 3. Vertical section, x 20; loc. 4206. 4. Lepidocyelina (Lepidoeyelina) giraudi R. Douvillé........................ 224 Vertical section, x 40, of a small individual; loc. 4206. 8. Lepidocyelina (Nephrolepidina) tournoueri Lem. and R. Douv. 224 Part of an oblique equatorial section, x 40, to show the elongate hexagonal equatorial chambers and the large, open lateral cham- bers; loc. 4207. d PLATE 28 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 29 CARRIACOU LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE EXPLANATION OF PLATE 29 Figure 1-18. Operculinoides cojimarensis (D. К. Palmer). Sequence of transverse and median sections to illustrate the gradation from O. tuxpanensis (Thalmann) through O. tamanensis Vaughan and Cole to O. cojimarensis (D. K. Palmer). 1-12. Transverse sections, x 20. 1, 8. Specimen similar to O. tuxpanensis (Thal- mann). 4. Topotype similar to types of O. tamanensis Vaughan and Cole. 5. Topotype of O. cojimarensis (D. K. Pal- mer). 7. Carriacou specimen which should be com- pared with the type illustration 2. Js. Palmer, 1934, pl. 15, fig. 4). 13-18. Median sections; 13-16, 18, x 12.5; 17, x 20. 13. Section parallel to, but above median plane to illustrate sutural pattern; compare with fig. 3, pl. 15, D. K. Palmer, 1934. 15. Specimen similar to O. tuxpanensis (Thal- mann). 16. Topotype similar to types of O. tamanensis Vaughan and Cole. 1-4, 14-16. Guaico-Tamana Road, ravine east of mile 1314, Trinidad, В. W. I. 5. Two kilometers south-west of Cojimar on the Hershey railroad, Habana Province, Cuba. 0418,17, 18. Gärtiacon, Б. Ws 150,59; 11,142; 17,18 loc. 3145: 7, 106, 4050; 10, 15, 100 4146. 255 ON 1 Т XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII, XXXVIII. Volume I. п. Ш. (Мов. 6-12 (Коз, 80:87). 334 рр, 27 PIS иль. Mainly Paleozoic faunas апа Tertiary Mollusca (Nos. 88-94B). 306 pp., 30 pls. esses Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks, (Nos. 95-100). > 420°рр. 58 різ... Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. (Nos, 11015108), 376 pp 36 pip лу... ns Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and `, Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos. 109-114); 412 pps, $4 рів... ah Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nos. 110-116), 738 ppg 425400... ork in Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. (NO. 117): 563 ppa 6$ pls. Mirono SS L enn ipe Jackson Eocene mollusks. (Хов. 118128) | 458 ры) 27 ls eee Ne eset Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- ities. (Nos. 129-133). ' 294 рр., 39 рі... Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Nos. 134-139). 448 pp, 51 pls. 0... ER TV Ы Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. (Nos. 140-148). / 400 pp. 19 pls. eee Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods, and conularid О (Nos. 146-154). 386 pp, 31 pls. ш. С. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordo- vician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Vol- utidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from lowa. (Nos. 165.160). 412 pb. 53 pls. Lenses ce ones PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 рр. 75 pls. : Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. E 391 pp, 97 pls. iiis ies eee Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale- ozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. | (Nos. 13-25). 513 Рр» 61 pls енот, Девон Paleozoic cephalo structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- strophia, and Venericardia. (Nos: 26, 37). 48 ppu 7 рів ллу: Rudist studies. 9.50 9.00 11.00 9.75 10.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 9,25 7 11.00 9.50 10.00 20.00 20.00 2.50 PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I. (Nos, 15). 354 рр., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. П. (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. ІП. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos, 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. У. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp. 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly/Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- ozoic fossils. УГ (No. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN ' VIL (No: 82)7 730. ppu. 90 ple. nn ee 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and oh sepia and УШ. (Nos, 33-36). 357 pp. 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. Ға” (NOS, 20900), 482 рр. Э Вв a id 12.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly fróm Costa Rica. X. (Nos, 4042). 382 pp., 54 pls. Tertiary forams апа кым mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils, XL (Nos, 48-46). 272 ұр, АР edis scho Nee 9.00 a Tem Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Уепе- zuela, ХІІ, (Nos, 47-48). 494 pp., 8 = í Venezuela and, Trinidad forams and Mesozoic invertebrate biblio via ХИТ. (Nos. 49- 264 M AI оноо. 9.00 Venezuelan "Tertia ollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306. pp., 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. ХУ. (Nos. 55-58) . 314 рр., 80 pls. Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. XVI. (Nos. 59-61). 140 РР» 49 Bs A oe as 6.00 Venezuela апа Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. | ХҮН. (Nos; 62-68). .283 pp, 33 Pls. clic atacada, 9.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. ХУІ. (Мов, 04-67), 2286 рр., 29 pls: Asse lan. 8.75 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca add Cretaceous corals. ХІХ, (No. 08). 272 pp, 24 р ео. 8.75 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. XX. (Nos, 69-100). | 266 pp../26 pls; и 8.75 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. ‚ ЖМ, UNOS. (DOS S21 bby 12 В Ss cE 8.50 Paleozoic Paleontology. and Stratigraphy. AATE \ (Nos. 7340), 336 рр, 31 pls... tea 9.50 Paleozoic Коо in) Tertiary Foraminifera. AXXHE (NOB 41401. 7291 БЫР as оу лы Л ee os 8.50 BULLETINS OF AMERICAN E. PALEONTOLOGY VOL. XXXVII NUMBER 172 1958 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U. S. A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1957-58 PRESIDENT. A Де та Йа муш. SOLOMON С. HOLLISTER VICE-PRESIDENT .................. í ..INORMAN Е. WEISBORD SECRETARY- TREASURER д onran mos hatos eli ih asliy REBECCA S. HARRIS a ce Ne A atto og sg KATHERINE V. W. PALMER COUNSBL ¿a иии udo iai hN ARMAND L. ADAMS Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1954-1960) | KATHERINE У. W. PALMER (Life) W. STORRS COLE (1952-58) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1956-62) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) AXEL A. OLssoN (Life) REBECCA S. Harris (Life) NORMAN E, WEISBORD (1957-63) SOLOMON С. HOLLISTER (1953-59) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and | PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE У. Y. PALMER, Editor Advisory Board. KENNETH E. CASTER | HANS KUGLER А. MYRA KEEN JAY GLENN MARKS С. WINSTON SINCLAIR | Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had оп application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, УШ, X, XII, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. 1 of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price ‚ of $10.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue, Purchases іп U,S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York Au U.S.A. BULLETINS ОЕ AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 38 No. 172 NEW MOLLUSKS FROM TROPICAL WEST AMERICA By А. Myra Keen Stanford University, California May 23, 1958 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U. 5. A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 58-303 Printed in the United States of America TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ОЛЫ алын та Тан оле: E pub US i . 239 О VEO Ie UM I CAT MM 239 Systematic descriptions u... UNUM AU ҮЗ Sae bts А 239 СУРЕНИ NURS, (ПЫН 1889) ni eod Goo тете aca з ДОЙ AE LS UL A КЕФ DIE SIS кнтте he etait 240 Adrana cultrata Keen, п. Sp. ............. Seno en OE .. 240 Plicatula anomioides Keen, п. SP. ............. CUM M dee ccr et er Add Chione (Golom) Keen, O SUD EROS ini dia A 242 Macoma (Psammacoma) elytrum Keen, п. sp. 2222222. о: 244 Leptomya А. Adams .............. ео ее Кожо луы өле ӨШ Leptomya americana Keen, n. SP. ................ а. 246 Crucibulum personatum Keen, n. sp. „nennen SEM m e EE OT Abella (Dermomurex) perplexa Keen, n. 5р... 248 Gaudia: (Narona) DABE КЕЙ, n. Spe oeste анон 249 ЖЕЛЕ SI Kons т pO E tO рст ha ые 12220 Acknowledgments ........ зала eg TM кунын ЖОП К о ш о n M 7 | NEW MOLLUSKS FROM TROPICAL WEST AMERICA A. Myra Keen Stanford University, California ABSTRACT Six homonymous names are cited, of which four are replaced. One new sub- genus of Chione is named—Chionista—and a type species is formally selected for Crucibulum. In addition, four new species are described, one representing a genus— Leptom ya—not previously recorded in the Eastern Pacific. INTRODUCTION During the preparation of a handbook on tropical West American marine mollusks, it was perhaps inevitable that I should find a few homo- nyms, but I did not expect so many as six. The type specimens of all six species had been in the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) a safe enough reposi- tory, —but one not accessible to American workers, who, by their proximity to the Panamic province should have something of a vested interest in the fauna, "Therefore, the opportunity has been taken here, insofar as possible, to select new type specimens by treating the replacements not as mere new names but as new species. The new type specimens are deposited in museums that may be visited without the necessity of a trip abroad. As satisfactory coverage of taxonomic problems cannot well be given in the cramped confines of a semi-popular handbook— such as the one in press— separate publication of the new descriptions is made here in ad- vance of the book. Descriptions of four new species from the Panamic marine province, the selection of a type species for one genus, and the pro- posal of a new subgenus are also included. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Class PELECYPODA Family NUCULANIDAE Genus Nueulana Link, 1807 Beschreib. Nat.-Samml. Rostock, Abt. 3, p. 155. Type species (monotypy), “Arca rostrata Chemnitz" [non-binomial] = А. pernula Müller, 1779. Nuculana excavata (Hinds, 1843) Nucula excavata Hinds, Proc. Zool. Soc. London for 1843, p. 100 [not №. excavata Goldfuss, 1837]. Type locality, Panama, in 30 fathoms. Hinds' type specimen could not be located at the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) upon recent search, but the curator of the molluscan collection, Mr. I. С. J. Galbraith, is unwilling (letter dated Nov. 22, 1957) to consider it lost. There seems no point in renaming this homonym until the type or good replacement material comes to light, Тһе species has not been re- ported since its original discovery. 240 BULLETIN 172 Subgenus Saceella Woodring, 1925 Carnegie Inst. Washington, Publ. 366. р. 15. Type species (original designation), “Arca fragilis Chemnitz" [non-binomial] = Lembulus deltoideus Risso, 1826. Nuculana (Saceella) fastigata Keen, п. sp. Pl. 31, figs. 1, 2 Nucula gibbosa Sowerby, 1833, Proc. Zool. Soc. London for 1832, p. 198 [not N. gibbosa Fleming, 1828}. Type locality, Tumbez, Peru. Nuculana (Saccella) gibbosa (Sowerby), Hertlein and Strong, 1940, Zoologica, vol. 26, pt. 4, p. 395, pl. 2, figs. 5, 8. Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. Description.—Shell thick, elongate, posteriorly sharply pointed, white under a greenish periostracum, sculptured with strong concentric and some- what upturned ribs, the interspaces being smooth-bottomed grooves. Hinge with about 30 teeth in the anterior series, 25 in the posterior series, Dimensions —Holotype, length, 36.8 mm., height, 18.9 mm.; con- vexity, one valve, 8.2 mm. Туре locality.—Off Ballenas Bay, Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica, dredged in 35 fathoms (64 meters), lat. 9° 44’ 52" — 9° 42’ N., long. 84° 51’ 25” --849 56’ W. Repository.—California Academy of Sciences Paleontological Type Collection, No, 9149. Discussion —The species ranges from Acapulco, Mexico, to Tumbez, Peru, and is not an uncommon one in the offshore fauna, In addition to other specimens in the California Academy of Sciences collection, the species is represented in West Coast collections by two specimens at Stan- ford University dredged in Panama Bay; one of these, received from the U. S. National Museum, was dredged by the Albatross Expedition in 47 fathoms. They formed part of U. S. Nat. Mus. lot No. 212, 519. The specific name is a Latin adjective meaning "sloping up to a point,” in reference to the shape of the posterior end of the valves. Genus Adrana Н. and А. Adams, 1858 Gen. Rec. Shells, vol. 2, p. 547. Type (subsequent selection, Stoliczka, 1871) Nucula lanceolata Lamarck, 1819. Adrana cultrata Keen, n. sp. Nucula elongata Sowerby, 1833, Proc. Zool. Soc. London for 1832, p. 197 [not М. elongata Bosc, 1801, or Defrance, 1825]. Type locality, Xipixapi, Ecuador. Adrana elongata (Sowerby), Hertlein and Strong, 1940, Zoologica, vol. 26, pt. 4, p. 409, pl. 2, fig. 16. Champerico, Guatemala. Description.—Shell white, elongate, the dorsal margin nearly straight, the ventral margin smoothly arched and nearly symmetrical except for a slight ventral sinuosity ; surface ornamented by fine concentric striae. | | | New MOLLUSKS TROPICAL WEST AMERICA: KEEN 241 Dimensions.—Holotype, length, 49.8 mm.; height, 12 mm.; convexity (both valves), 5.5 mm. Туре locality.—Seven miles west of Champerico, Guatemala, in 14 fathoms (25 meters), lat. 14° 13^ N., long. 92° 02” W. Repository.—California Academy of Sciences Paleontological Type Collection, No. 9155. Discussion.—As the specimen chosen as holotype was well figured by Hertlein and Strong, no additional figure is given here. The range of the species seems to be from Acapulco, Mexico, to Ecuador. Additional material is in the California Academy of Sciences collection. The specific name is a Latin adjective meaning "knife-formed," in reference to the bladelike outline of the shell, Family SPONDYLIDAE Genus Plicatula Lamarek, 1801 Systéme des Anim. s. Vert, p. 132. Type (subsequent selection, Anton, 1839), Spondylus plicatus Linné, 1767. Plieatula anomicides Keen, n. sp. PI 31, Hus, 27.8 Description.—Shell nearly circular in outline, white, thin, with faint divaricating radial ribs, especially near the beaks; interior shining white, with, on most specimens, one or more greenish blotches. Lower valve firmly cemented to substrate and, therefore, tending to reproduce the irregularities of its surface. Hinge strong, with two serrate crura in either valve, difficult to disengage without damage to the shell. Coalesced adduc- tor muscle scars large and slightly posterior to a line drawn vertically through the beaks. Dimensions. Holotype, major diameter (length), 33 mm.; minor diameter (height), 30 mm. ; convexity (both valves), about 6 mm. Largest paratype, diameter, 50 mm. ; convexity, 10 mm. Type locality.—Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico, on breakwater in front of Miramar Hotel. Repositories, —MHolotype, Stanford University Paleontological Type Collection, No. 8500; paratypes, Nos. 8500-a-b (on same piece of rock), 8501, Other paratypes to be deposited in collections of: U. S. National Museum, California Academy of Sciences, British Museum (Natural His- tory), San Diego Society of Natural History, Paleontological Research Institution, No. 25352, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris, and Dr. 8. S. Berry. BULLETIN 172 Discussion.—This form is apparently common at the type locality and has been overlooked because of its close resemblance to the abundant Anomias that occupy the same habitat. It is readily distinguished from the other three tropical West American Plicatulas by its pure white exterior, internal patches of greenish-brown color, and nearly obsolete ribbing. P. penicillata Carpenter, 1856, is thin and white but has radiating stripes of brown, and the surface is scaly to spinose. P. spondylopsis Rochebrune, 1895 (of which P. ostreivaga Rochebrune, 1895, is the juvenile form), is pinkish-brown in color, rounded, with numerous well-developed divaric- ating radial ribs. The type specimen has not been figured, but a photo- graph recently received from the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris shows that it is not the form so identified Бу authors and figured by Hertlein and Strong (Zoologica, vol. 31, pl. 1, figs. 15-16, 1946). The latter, a coarsely ribbed, triangular to ovate form, brownish outside and streaked around the margin with brown within, may be assimilated to Р, inezana Durham, 1950 (Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. 43, p. 68, pl. 13, as во), which was described as a Pleistocene fossil from the Gulf side of Lower California. The name anomioides has been applied in reference to the Anomia-like appearance of this shell. Family VENERIDAE Subfamily CHIONINAE Genus Chione Megerle von Mühlfeld, 1811 Mag. Ges. Freunde Berlin, vol. 5, р. 51. Type (subsequent selection, Gray, 1847), “Venus dysera Linné” of Gmelin, 1791 (not of Linné, 1758) = Venus cancel- lata Linné, 1767. Subgenus Chionista Keen, п. subg. Type species, Chione (Chionista) fluctifraga (Sowerby) =Venus fluctifraga Sow- etby, 1853. Description. —Lacking the bevelled escutcheon and incised lunule of Chione but otherwise similar. Shells rounded to trigonal, medium to large in size, with concentric sculpture predominating, of smooth, rounded ribs ; internal margin denticulate through its entire length. Discussion,—The subgenus includes two Recent species, C. fluctifraga and one that has been called by some collectors Chione gibbosula (Desh- ayes). Deshayes’ name was applied only in manuscript and was published Yu NEW MOLLUSKS TROPICAL WEST AMERICA: KEEN 24 by Reeve, 1863, over the figure of a shell (from an unknown locality) that seems to be С, fluctifraga. Carpenter іп 1864 (Suppl. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1863, р. 570), in a review of Reeve's monograph, commented: Venus gibbosula Desh, MS in Mus. Cum. Hab.?—[Guaymas: =V. cortezi Sloat. This is the more rounded and porcellaneous form of V. fluctifraga . . . Interior margin very finely crenated on both sides of hinge.]. Although the name thus introduced—V. cortezi Carpenter, ex Sloat MS. comes close to being a nomen nudum, I think a case could be made for it within the framework of the International Code, for Opinion 52 rules that a'though statement of a type locality is insufficient as description of a species, if there is supplementary citation of morphological characters, the locality may then be taken into account in recognition of the form. Carpen- ter's mention of Guaymas favors the separation of the two species. C. flacti- fraga occurs there only sparsely, the more porcellaneous С. cortezi being the dominant form, which I should describe as trigonal, however, rather than rounded in shape. С. fluctifraga ranges from southern California, where it is fairly common, to Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico, where it is rare. C. cortezi (Carpenter), distinguished by its larger size, greater solidity, and more ovate outline, has been recorded from near Magdalena Bay, on the outer coast of Lower California, and in the northeastern part of the Gulf of California, from San Felipe to Guaymas. Parker (Jour. Paleont., vol. 23, р. 593, 1949) considered that С. fluctifraga should be classed as a Protothaca because it lacks an escutcheon. However, the small pallial sinus and the form of the hinge teeth are those of Chione. A relationship to the New Zealand Austrovenus Marwick was Suggested by Hertlein and Strong (Zoologica, vol. 33, p. 193, 1948), but this group has an incised lunule and the posterior margin of the right valve laps over the left, as in Chione, whereas in these two species the valves meet squarely. A new subgeneric name thus seems to be warranted, Family TELLINIDAE Genus Масота Leach, 1819 In Ross, Voy. Discovery Baffin Bay, App. П, р. Ixii. Type species (monotypy), M. tenera Leach = Tellina calcarea Gmelin, 1791. Subgenus Psammacoma Dall, 1900 Proc, О. $. Nat. Mus., vol. 23, No. 1210, р. 292. Type species (original designa- tion), "Psammotaea candida Lamarck of Bertin" = Psammotaea candida Lam- arck, 1818, BULLETIN 172 Macoma (Psammacoma) elytrum Keen, п. sp. Р]. 30, fig. 14 Tellina elongata Hanley, 1844. Proc Zool. Soc. London for 1844, p. 144 [not Т. elongata Dillwyn, 1823, ex Solander MS.]. Type locality, Chiriqui, Panama. Description.—Shell white, under a grayish-green periostracum, elong- ate-quadrate, with a radial depressed area on the lower middle part of the anterior end; surface nearly smóoth, with fine concentric growth lines coarser posteriorly and with slight irregular oblique striations along the posteriur umbonal ridge. Hinge with two cardinal teeth in either valve, the right anterior cardinal a little roughened in large specimens, the right posterior and the left anterior slightly bifid. Pallial sinus rounded in front, rising higher behind, projecting to the anterior third of the shell, confluent along the base for about half its length. Dimensions —Holotype, length, 47 mm. ; height, 25.5 mm. ; convexity, (both valves), 13.2 mm. Hypotype (here figured), length, 48.2 mm. ; height, 27 mm.; convexity, 13.7 mm. Type locality.- _South-southwest of Maldonado Point, Mexico; locality of hypotype, Monypenny Point, Gulf of Fonseca, Nicaragua, in 4-7 fathoms. Repository.—Holotype, California Academy of Sciences, Paleontolo- gical Type Collection, No. 10503; hypotype, No. 10504. Discussion —Several additional lots from other localities are in the California Academy collection. According to Hertlein and Strong (op. cit., vol. 34, p. 90), the range is from Lower California to Panama. The species is an offshore form rarely if ever found on the beach. A hypotype 15 figured here, and the holotype will be figured in the forthcoming handbook. This specimen shows patches of the periostracum that is characteristic of this form, which gives the illustration а mottled appearance. The specific name is from the Greek noun elutron, meaning "sheath" or “cover,” referring to the outline of the shell, which somewhat resembles the wing-covers of a large beetle. Family SEMELIDAK Genus Leptomya А. Adams, 1864 Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 3, vol. 13, p. 208. Species included: Scrobicularia adunca Gould, 1861, and Neaera cochlearis Hinds, 1844. Type species (selected by Stoliczka, 1871 ), N. cochlearis Hinds. Shell somewhat triangular in outline, the posterior end pointed. Lig- New MOLLUSKS TROPICAL WEST AMERICA: KEEN 245 ament in two parts, the outer ligament small, the inner ligament in a narrow resilifer that is embedded in the hinge plate and does not project below the hinge margin. Left valve with one, right valve with two small cardinal teeth and no laterals, Pallial sinus large and confluent with the pallial line. A review of the known species of Lepfomya has been given by Lamy (Jour. de Conchyl., vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 243-368, 1914) which may be summarized briefly, with subsequent additions, as follows: adunca (Gould, 1861). Japan. Figured by Habe, 1952, figs. 518-519. aucklandica Powell, 1955. New Zealand. Subspecies of L. retiaria, bracheon (Sturany, 1901) [Raeta]. Red Sea.—L. cochlearis, fide Lamy. cochlearis (Hinds, 1844). Japan, Philippines. Type figured by Hanley, 1882. cuspidariaeformis Habe, 1952. Gen. Japanese Shells, Pelecypoda, No. 3, р. 209, figs. 505-507. Japan. gravida Hanley, 1879. Loc. —? lintea (see retiaria) luzonica Preston, 1906. Philippines. nitida (Adams and Reeve, 1850) [Poromya]. Borneo. perconfusa (see retiaria) psittacus Hanley, 1882. Queensland. retiaria (Hutton, 1885) [Tellina]—T. lintea Hutton, 1873 [not T. lintea Conrad, 1837]; needlessly renamed L. perconfusa Iredale, 1915. rostrata (H. Adams, 1868) [ Scrobicularia]. Seychelle Islands. spectabilis Hanley, 1882. Japan, Siam. =L. subrostrata, fide Lamy. subrostrata (Issel, 1869) Syndosmya}. Red Sea. A variety of L. rostrata, fide Lamy. trigonalis (Adams and Reeve, 1850) [Thracia]. Sulu Seas. It is interesting to notice that eight different generic names were in- Voked by authors for the 15 species listed above. The distribution of these Species, where known, was in the southern and western Pacific and westward to the Red Sea. No Atlantic or eastern Pacific forms are recorded. The Specimens here to be described were collected by a Stanford graduate, Robert van Vleck Anderson, in Panama in 1913. "These two valves had been set aside as an unidentified Macoma, and not until a few months ago, When I took a second look at the hinge, did I realize the true relationships. А second set of specimens—also labelled Macoma sp.—has since come to light at the California Academy of Sciences. BULLETIN 172 Leptomya americana Keen, п. sp. Pl. 30, figs. 9-10; Pl. 31, figs. 3, 5, 6 Description.—Shell thin, yellowish white, inequilateral, somewhat in- flated anteriorly, rounded trigonal to oblique, the anterior margin smoothly rounded, the posterior ventral margin somewhat angulate but not so pointed as in most other species of the genus, with a low ridge along the posterior dorsal margin; surface smooth except for incremental lines. Hinge with the nymph for the exterior ligament weak and the resilium more deeply embed- ded in the right than in the left valve, the hinge plate relatively narrow. Dimensions.—Holotype, a left valve, length, 33 mm.; height, 22.7 mm.; convexity, 6.5 mm.; paratype, a right valve, length, 26 mm. [incom- plete}, height, 19 mm.; convexity, 6 mm. — Hypotypes: six unmatched valves, with the following dimensions (length, height, and convexity being given in order): a) 27/19.5/5.7 mm.; b) 24.5/16.5/5 mm.; c) 23/ 16,3/5 аша; d) 22/16/46 mm.; e) 19.2/13.2/4 mm.; Т), 16/ 1222200 Type locality.—East side of Punta Alegre, San Miguel Bay, Panama. Collector, Robert van Vleck Anderson, 1913. Hypotypes from a muddy arca near the mouth of Rio Esmeraldas, Ecuador, collected by R. Hoffstetter, about 1950, Reposities.—Holotype, Stanford University Paleontological Type col- lection, No. 8504; paratype, No. 8504a; hypotypes, California Academy of Sciences, Nos. 10505, 10505 а-е. Discussion. — The hypotypes form a growth series, none being as large as the holotype and paratype; some of them are more pointed than others but all are more ovate than the western Pacific Leptomyas. Ав compared with the type species of the genus, a specimen of which is in the Stanford collection, L. americana is a thinner and more fragile shell, less pointed posteriorly. Specimens of Г. retiaria, also available for comparison, are smaller, with relatively longer hinge teeth. Study of figures of the other named species reveals none that are identical in form with this, although L. rostrata and Г. gravida somewhat approach it, both being, however, relatively longer posteriorly. Although the genus has not been reported hitherto in the eastern Pacific, it is possible that specimens have been taken by collectors апа have been misidentified as either Macoma or Apolymetis, for the exterior resemblance to these is close. New MOLLUSKS TROPICAL WEST AMERICA: KEEN 247 Class GASTROPODA Family CALYPTRAEIDAE Genus Crucibulum Schumacher, 1817 Ess. Nouv. Syst. ver, Test., p. 182. Species included: C. rugoso-costatum and С. planum. Type species (here selected), C. planum Schumacher—Patella auricula Gmelin, 1791. West Indies. Previous selections of the type species, so far as I can discover, have been of species not mentioned in the original list; for example, Hermann- sen, March, 1847--Р, chinensis: and Gray, Nov. 1847— P. auriculata. Other authors, such as Wenz, 1940, have cited P. scutellata Gray, a West American species not then described and, therefore, unknown to Schu- macher. Crucibulum personatum Keen, n. Sp. Pl. 30, figs. 6-8 Calyptraea radiata Broderip, 1834, Proc. Zool. Soc. London for 1834, p. 36 [not C. radiata Deshayes, 1830]. Type locality, "Bay of Caraccas." Description.—Shell conical, white or with faint brownish radial markings, finely sculptured with radiating threads of two sizes. Apex sub- central, brownish, not recurved. Interior white mottled with brown, the cup flattened, partially attached to the outer wall, and well removed from the margin. Dimensions,- —Holotype, length, 17 mm.; width, 14 mm.; height, 10 mm. Туре locality.—Panama. Collector, James Zetek. Repositories. —MHolotype, Stanford University Paleontological Type Collection, No. 8498; paratype, No. 8499. Additional paratypes to be deposited in collections of U. S. National Museum, California Academy of Sciences, Paleontological Research Institution, No. 25351, San Diego Society of Natural History, Muséum d' Histoire Naturelle de Paris, Dr. 5, S. Betty. Discussion.— This has been confused with С. spinosum by some work- ers, but the two are separable on several counts: the radiating ribs are never spinose and have none of the oblique secondary patterning so characteristic of C. spinosum ; the apical whorls are bluntly tapering, not recurved, and are nearly central; and the internal cup is partially appressed to the wall of the shell, not free-standing. Тһе range seems to be from Acapulco, Mex- ico, to Panama. BULLETIN 172 The specific name, personatum, is а Latin adjective meaning "masked" or "counterfeit," chosen in reference to the confusion of this shell by some collectors with the much more common C. spinosum. Family MURICIDAE Genus Aspella Mórch, 1877 Malak. Blitter, Bd. 24, p. 24. Туре species (monotypy), Ranella anceps Lamarck, 1822. Shell with two or more varices, the surface of the whorls cancellately ribbed, with fine overlying spiral striae that give a worn look to the fresh shell. Subgenus Dermomurex Monterosato, 1890 Poweria Monterosato, 1884, Nomencl. Conch. Medit., p. 113 [not Bonaparte, 1840]. Dermomurex Monterosato, 1890. Natural. Sicil, vol. 9, р. 181. Type species (original designation), Murex scalarina Bivona, 1832=M. scalarioides Blain- ville, 1829. Mediterranean. Varices more than two per whorl, normally three. Aspella (Dermomurex) perplexa Keen, п. sp. Pl. 30, figs. 11-13 Description.—Shell white, biconic, with varices that run diagonally up the spire, seven on the body whorl, the four alternate varices larger; nuclear whorls two, smooth, post-nuclear whorls six; sculpture somewhat nodose rather than cancellate, the surface finely spirally striate; aperture ovate, the outer lip smooth within, the canal open. Dimensions.—Holotype, length, 30.5 mm., diameter, 15 mm. ; length of aperture, 14 mm.; hypotypes, height 19.8 and 15 mm., diameter 12 and 8 mm., respectively. Type locality.—Perlas Islands, Panama. Holotype collected by Walter D. Clark, 1943. Hypotypes, Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, Mexico, collected by Jeanne Frisbey, 1956. Repositories. —Holotype, Stanford University Paleontological Туре Collection, No. 8496; hypotype, Мо. 8497; a second hypotype in the col- lection of Mrs. W. C. Frisbey, Port Isabel, Texas. Discussion.—Vrom Aspella erosa (Broderip) this is separated by the number of varices and the biconic outline. It is closer to the A. alveata (Kiener, 1843) of authors, supposedly a Caribbean form, but is larger, with sculpture not markedly clathrate. Until more material comes to light one cannot be sure whether a single species, two subspecies, or two separate New MOLLUSKS TROPICAL WEST AMERICA: KEEN 249 species are represented by the material here illustrated ; hence, the conserva- tive view is taken that the two hypotypes, which are badly worn, comprise a stubby variant. These two specimens are not cited as paratypes, not being from the type locality. Rather, they probably indicate the northern term- inus of range of the species—Zihuatanejo, Mexico. If these two specimens are conspecific with the Panama holotype, they show also that under the uniform grayish-white surface layer there are several brown color bands (five to six in the larger hypotype) .' Family CANCELLARIIDAE Genus Caneellaria Lamarck, 1799 Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 1, p. 71. Type species (monotypy), Voluta reticulata Linné, 1758. Subgenus Narona H. and A, Adams, 1854 Genera Rec. Moll., vol. 1, p. 277. Type species (selected by Cossmann, 1899), Cancellaria. clavatula Sowetby, 1832. Differing from Cancellaria, s. s., in having a tapering spire and nar- rower aperture. First spire whorl bicarinate, adult sculpture with swollen axial ribs. Cancellaria (Narona) jayana Keen, п. sp. Pl. 30, fig. 5 Description. — Shell nearly biconic, spire slender, aperture pear-shaped, widest above center; color pinkish-buff ; sculpture of strong axial ribs Cr on body whorl of the holotype), crossed by several spiral cords (4 on spire whorls, 10 on body whorl) that form low nodes at the intersections, the second cord below the suture larger, standing out as a slight shoulder. Whorls about seven in number. Columella with three folds, the upper most more that twice as wide as the next. Dimensions. —Holotype, height, 24.3 mm.; diameter, 12.5 mm. Type locality.—Panama Bay, about 1 mile off entrance to Panama Canal, depth about 10 fathoms. Collector, Walter D. Clark, 1944. Repositories —Holotype, Stanford University Paleontological Type Collection, No. 8502; paratype, No. 8503. Other paratypes to be deposited ‘Additional specimens from Mexico, seen while this paper was in press, indicate that the Mexican variant is consistently shorter, with color banding in the adult, and that it ranges north at least as far as Mazatlan. Only beachworn specimens have been available for study, however, not of a quality to warrant bestowal of a new name at this time. BULLETIN 172 in collections of California Academy of Sciences, U. S. National Museum, and Paleontological Research Institution, Мо. 25353. Discussion —C. jayana differs from the other Panamic Naronas in the strongly latticed sculpture; it is larger than С. (N.) elata Hinds, smaller than C. clavatula Hinds апа C. exopleura Dall. It is perhaps nearest to the Ecuadorean Pliocene form C. (N.) pajana Pilsbry and Olsson, 1941 (Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 93, p. 25, pl. 3, fig. 6) but is larger, has a more definite shoulder to the whorls, and has fewer axial ribs. The six speci- mens of the type lot form part of a collection of uncommon material salvaged during World War II by Mr. Clark from dredgings in Panama Bay when the entrance to the Сапа! was deepened. Two previous reports on the material from this unusual station are by Li (Bull. Geol. Soc. China, vol. 9, рр. 249-296, pls. 1-8, 1930) - who thought that the specimens were well-preserved Miocene (Gatun) fossils—and by Pilsbry (Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 83, pp. 427-440, pl. 41, 1931), who recognized their true affinities. All of the specimens seem to be dead shells, although some of them are only recently so. Other species collected by Mr, Clark at this locality are: Cancellaria balboae Pilsbry, Clathrodrillia inaequistriata (Li), Cosmioconcha modesta (Powys), Metula amosi Nanatta, Phos crassus Hinds, T'erebra cracilenta Li, and T. melia Pilsbry. The species is dedicated to Dr. Jay Glenn Marks, who first recognized it as new and whose report on the family Cancellariidae (Jour. Paleont., vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 453-464, 1949) greatly facilitated the writing of this description. Family TURRIDAE Genus Gemmula Weinkauff, 1875 Jahrb. deutsch. malak. Ges., vol. 2, p. 285. Туре species (selected by Cossmann, 1896): "Pleurotoma gemmata Reeve, 1845." Posterior apertural notch forming a beaded slit-band that stands out as a slight carina. Gemmula. sp. Pl. 30, figs. 1-4 Pleurotoma gemmata Reeve, Apr., 1843, ex Hinds MS., Conch. Icon., vol. 1, Pleurotoma, pl. 10, fig. 83 [not P. gemmata Conrad, 1835]. Magdalena Bay, Lower California, in 7 fathoms. Also described by Hinds, Proc. Zool. Soc. London for 1843, p. 37 (Oct., 1843) and figured in Zool., Voyage of the Sul- phur, 1844, p. 15, pl. 5, fig. 4. | [ [ | 1 NEW MOLLUSKS TROPICAL WEST AMERICA: KEEN 251 Discussion.—1t is unfortunate that the name of the type species of Gemmula must be abandoned, but since it is a primary homonym, no other course is open. As Dr. S. S. Berry has a replacement name in manuscript?, I include here only a mention of the homonym and some notes upon and figures of two specimens collected by the Orca Expedition in 1950 that are in the collection of the San Diego Society of Natural History. The smaller of the two specimens is the closer to the original figure and has the nuclear whorls complete, The larger shell has one more whorl and its greater relative diameter suggests that some variation in proportions within this rare species may be expected. Mr. I. С. J. Galbraith (letter dated November 12, 1957) reports that Hinds’ specimen is in the British Museum (Natural History) , under the register No. 1897 2.26.34 and that it is slightly smaller than the figures given by Reeve and by Hinds. It must therefore be not far from the size of the specimens figured here. Mr. E. P. Chace (in litt.) states that the locality label of the dredge lot from which this material came was badly scutfed and only partially legible but that the station was probably off Angel de Guarda Island, Gulf of California. In any case, they prove incontestibly that the species occurs in moderately shallow water along some part of the Lower California coast, a locality that was questioned by Tryon. Dall described several other species from deep water (more than 100 fathoms) off the Central American coast, but in the main the genus is western Pacific in distribution. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to express my thanks to the California Academy of Sciences for supplying the photograph of Macoma and for access to their collections; to Dr, $. Stillman Berry, Mr. Emery Р. Chace, and the San Diego Society of Natural History for the loan of specimens; and to Mr. Robert Robertson for reference work at Harvard University library. My greatest debt, of course, is to the collectors, Mrs. W. C. Frisbey, Robert van Vleck Anderson (deceased), Walter D. Clark, and John P. Strohbeen,—whose donation of material to Stanford University gave me the privilege of publishing these new records. ? Published while this paper was in press as Gemmula hindsiana Berry, Leaflets in Malac., vol. 1, No. 15, p. 86 (March 28, 1958). BULLETIN 172 REFERENCES Anton, Hermann E. 1839. Verzeichniss der Conchylien. Halle. Pp. xvi + 110. Cossmann, Maurice 1895-1924. Essais de Paléoconchologie Comparée. Paris. 13 vols. [Dates of publication of separate parts in vol. 13.] Gray, J. К. 1847. "А list of the genera of Recent Mollusca, their synonyma and types,” Zool. Soc. London, Proc., Pt. 15, pp. 129-219 (Nov. 10). Herrmannsen, А. № 1846-1849. Indicis Generum Malacozoorum Primordia. Cassel. Two vols. іп 12 pts, 717 pp. [A Supplement, of 140 pp., issued in 1852, lists corrections and additional names and gives exact dates for the publication of the parts. | Reeve, Lovell 1863-1864. [Monograph of] Venus, in Conchologia Iconica, vol. 14, 26 pls. London. Sowerby, George S., II 1853. [Monograph of] Venus, in Thesaurus Conchyliorum, vol. 2, pp. 703-762, pls. 152-163. London. Stoliezka, Ferdinand 1870-1871. “Cretaceous fauna of southern India: vol. 3, The Pelecypoda, with a review of all known genera of this class, fossil and Recent,” Mem. Geol. Sur. India, Palaeont. Indica, pp. v-xxii, 1-537, 50 pls. [Pp. 1-222, Sept., 1870; pp. 223-408, Mar. 1871; pp. 409-537 and tables, Aug. 1871.] Wenz, W. 1938-1944. “Gastropoda,” in Handbuch der Paläozoologie, Bd. 6, Teils 1-7, 1639 pp., 4211 figs. Berlin. [Dates of publication in introduction of Teil 1.1 PLATES BULLETIN 172 Figures by dotted lines; x 6. сл Panama Bay, іп about 10 fathoms. 6-8. Crucibulum personatum Keen, n. sp. interior view. SU, No. 8499; x 2. 9,10. Leptomya americana Keen, п. яр. =-= Miguel Bay, Panama. Mexico. Hypotype, Calif. Acad. Sci., No. 10504 Gulf of Fonseca, Nicaragua. 1. Hypotype, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., type, SDSNH, No. 12986; x 2. Off Angel de la Guarda Island, Gulf of California. 3. Apical whorls of hypotype, No. 12986 x 9. 4. Labial profile of same specimen, broken margin restored Cancellaria (Narona) jayana Keen, n. 11-13. АѕреПа (Dermomurex perplexa Keen, EXPLANATION OF PLATE 30 No: 12087; x 2, 2 Apo" 8р. ection Holotype, Stanford Univ. Paleo. Type Coll, No. 8502; x 1.5. 6. Holotype, viewed from above. Stanford Univ. Paleo. Type Coll., Мо, 8498, x 2. 7, Detail of sculpture; % 10. 8. Paratype, Panama. 9. Paratype, right valve, Stanford Univ., No. 8504a, x 1.5. 10. Holotype, left valve, SU, No. 8504; x 1.5. Punta Alegre, San 11. Holotype, Stanford Univ. No. 8496; x 1.5. Perlas Islands, Panama. 12. Hypotype, SU, No. 8497. 13. Hypotype, collec- tion of Mrs. W. C. Frisbey; x 1.5. Both from Zihuatanejo, 14. Macoma (Psammacoma) elytrum Keen, n. Sp. m ; x 1.1. Monypenny Point, 1-4, NO AO rinnen 250 249 246 248 244 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 30 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 31 New MOLLUSKS TROPICAL WEST AMERICA: KEEN 222 | | | EXPLANATION OF PLATE 31 | Figures Page | 1,2. Nueulana (Saccella) ГАЗО АСЯ Keen, Th SD. ernennen 240 | Holotype, Calif. Асад. Sci. Paleo. Type Coll, No. 9149. 7. Ex- | terior of left valve; 2. Interior of right valve; x 1.1. Off Ballenas | 4 Bay, Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. | | 8,5,6. Leptomya americana Keen. n. яр. 946 | 3. Interior of holotype, x 0.9; 5. Hinge of right valve, x 4; 6, | Hinge of left valve, holotype; x 4. Panama. 4,7,8. Plicatula anomioides ОЕШ. SUCCO ңеле кын оз ds al as 241 4. Holotype, interior of left valve, Stanford Univ. Paleo. Type Coll., No. 8500, x 1.5. 7. Interior of right (attached) valve; x 1.5. 8. Holotype and two paratypes (Nos. 8500 a-b) іп place, holo- type cleaned of encrusting algae, Bryozoa, and annelid worm tubes [Spirorbis sp.]; paratypes (at left and lower right) in natural state; x 1, Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico. ) | y b XXIV. XXV. ¡XXVI XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII, XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII, Volume I. ІП. ПІ. Iv (Nos. 80-81). 334 pp. 27, Pls, Л... улам he rag Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tert (Nos, 88-948), | 506 pp. 30 pls К... аа аа Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma ahd Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- сепе mollusks, | (Nos, 90-1009, 4205188 pls add Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene' corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. (Nos. 101-108)... 376. pp,136.pls. М deese Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos. 100-114); 412 ppii$4 pls. o o АЛ. Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nos. 1156:0100). 798 Bp. 52 BIS. я. Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. (Ха. 111). 563 bp. 65/ pls a eee educi ackson Eocene mollusks. (NOS. 118-128), 458 Бр.) 27 pls. ри ал Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidaé Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent ‘corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- ities. (Nos. 129-188), 294 pp, 39 BIS el из cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and ytilarca. (Nós, 134-139). 448 рр) S1 pls ула lee л... Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. (Nos, 140-145). 400 рр.,19рі5............ на, Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods, and conularid hagais dp Pog dua m ЛЕТТІ Тт (Nos: 146-154). 386 pp, 31 p Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordo- vician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Vol- utidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nos, 150-100). 412 рр. 53 pls. lesus ete tees Globotruncana in Colombia, Еосепе fish, Canadian-Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies. (Nos, 161-164). 486. Pp., 37 pls. cn) Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, Stromatoporoidea. s (Nos. 186-171). 253 ер. 29 pls. eoe edes edere na Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostra- cods, dnd Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Vene- zuela, larger forams. PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 рр. 75 pls. | Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. (Nos. 612). 331- BS. ТЫН. ate doe bes JR Heliophyllum balli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale- Ozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida, | (Nos. 13-25). 513 Рр» бі різ, diee Paleozoic cephalopod structure апа phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy-' Wap and Venericardia, (Nos. 20, 22). 48 pp, 7 plS.......... Rudist studies. 9.50 > 11.00 9.75 10.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 9.25 11.00 9.50 10.00 13.50 13.00 6.75 20.00 20.00 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY (Nos, 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 p Mainly Tertiary Mollusca ud Paleozoic sections and faunas, (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- ozoic fossils. (No. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. (NU; 92) 5. 720 PB, 90. BIS асы. алал ала meten 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp. 15 pls, Mainly Tertiary Mollusca, (Nol. 81-80), A62 pp. 83 рів. 12.00 Reeser Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp., 54 pls. Tertiary forams and alle mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. (Nos, 4346): 272.99, АЙ plsj ш ыра ЛШ а: 9.00 oct Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Vene- (Nos. 41-48). 494 pp., 8 Venezuela and Trinidad fiet and Mesozoic invertebrate hn a | (Nos. 49 26000. АЛ О ин өне Ле ч, 9.00 er Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp., 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. (Nos. 55-58).314 pp., 80 pls. ainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and agg yr Хон» (Nos, 59.61). 140-рр, 48 pl. fica hanes 6.00 Venezuela апа Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos. 62-63). 283 pp. 33°р18.............................. ктө 9.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos, 64-61). 7.286 рр, 29 pls nennen 8.75 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca Жу Cretaceous corals. (NO. 06); 272 рр) 24-616. an. een era 8.75 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. (Nos; 09-700): , 266 рр, 26) PIS. ш. шылд. ы eise 8.75 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of pere and Cuba. (Хов, 11:12), 321 рро 12 ples cs o dovere ore 8.50 ‚ . Paleozoic Paleontology and "Stratigraphy. (Nos, 18:70). 296 PP DL DI анон 9.50 Paleozoic Paleontology апа РЕ Foraminifera. (Nose 11-197. 251 рр 95 рік eri шын нл 8.50 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. | BULLETINS | ei | | Тл OF AMERICAN | PALEONTOLOGY * МОТ. ХХХУШ NUMBER 173 1958 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U.S, А. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1957-58 м SOLOMON С. HOLLISTER VICE PRESIDENT о one NORMAN E. WEISBORD, SECRATARY“TRBASURER А о aee oi) КЕВЕССА 5. HARRIS DIRECTOR ........ NG ге A edt KATHERINE У, W. PALMER COUN u urs ober ter PAD i del or ARMAND L. ADAMS Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE У. W. PALMER (Life) W. Storrs COLE (1952-58) RALPH А. LIDDLE (1956-62) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) AxEL A. OLSSON (Life) REBECCA 5. Harris (Life) NORMAN Е. WEISBORD (1957-63) SOLOMON С. HOLLISTER (1953-59) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY апа PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA ; KATHERINE V. W, PALMER, Editor Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS’ KUGLER А. Myra KEEN Jay GLENN MARKS G. WINSTON SINCLAIR Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, УШ, X, ХИ, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. | Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $10.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases іп U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. nee BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 38 No. 173 NAMES OF AND VARIATION IN CERTAIN AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA, PARTICULARLY THE CAMERINIDS — No. 2 By W. Storrs COLE Cornell University, Ithaca, New York May 29, 1958 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U. S. A. | Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 58-301 Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Page Abstract . 261 Introduction IS GY Ве I оон Uu TT кеу to American species OL ООН ОНО un оон 263 OO ое ЕИ O TTE M E T 265 QU aaae n ane 2 1 алы тты 21.2 dU 276 AL Тан езбе о ее 276 Heterostegina ТЫМ AR UNS ue O 276 Spiroclypens Literature cited nen de олан о КО ШУ Plates OSA s NAMES OF AND VARIATION IN CERTAIN AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA, PARTICULARLY THE CAMERINIDS—NO. 24 W. Storrs Cole Cornell University, Ithaca, New York ABSTRACT Most of the American Paleocene to Miocene species of camerinids are re- viewed and a key for the identification of species of Operculinoides is given. The following genera are represented by only one species each: Operculina, Paraspiro- clypeus, and Spiroclypens. There are two species of Camerina, four species of Heterostegina, and eight species of Operculinoides. А new generic name, Plano- camerinoides, is proposed for specimens generally referred by authors to Assilina d'Orbigny, 1839, as Ағ шта is a synonym of Operculina d'Orbigny, 1826. Plano- camerinoides is not known to occur in the American Eocene. Asterocyclina geor- grana (Cushman) is a synonym of A. asterisca. INTRODUCTION Although American larger Foraminifera have been studied intensively over the past 30 or so years, there are many points which still need clari- fication. Du ring that time many specific names were erected which upon detailed study prove to be synonyms. Such a pattern is to be expected as many of the species were described either from inadequate material or from few thin sections. Moreover, most authors believed that species of larger Foraminifera had limited stratigraphic range. Slight differences in in- dividuals caused by environmental factors, such as thickness of walls, were magnified to a degree that these were interpreted as genetically produced characters which could be used to define a species. For many years Asterocyclina georgiana (Cushman, 1917) and Astero- cyclina asterisca (Guppy, 1866) have been recognized as distinct species. Although these species are similar and occur at the same stratigraphic horizon, no one has to date questioned their separate identities. How- ever, it is obvious that only one species should be recognized. If the vertical section (РІ. 33, fig. 13) of a specimen from Trinidad identified as A, asterisca by Vaughan and Cole, (1941, р. 60) is compared with a vertical section identified by Cole (1949, pl. 55, fig. 4) as A. georgiana, it will be observed that the internal structure is identical. Thus, A. georgiana is a synonym of A. asterisca, During the past few years the writer has been studying American Species of camerinids. ‘This article is a continuation of those studies in which an attempt is made to summarize certain conclusions formulated to this time. Material already reviewed (Cole, 1953; 19560; 19584; 19580, Sachs, 1957) will not be repeated. The cost of the printed plates was supplied by the William Е. E. Gurley Founda- tion for paleontology of Cornell University. BULLETIN 173 Four basic facts have evolved from these studies: 1) there are few American species of camerinids; 2) certain species have much longer stratigraphic ranges than were assigned to them previously; 3) indivi- duals within a species show decided minor structural differences which are apparently caused by environmental factors; and 4) most of the species have a wide geographic distribution around the Caribbean area. A key to the genera of American Paleocene to Miocene camerinids follows: KEY TO GENERA A. Median chambers without chamberlets 1. Evolute, normally compressed a. Chambers of the median section always showing a marked esse Uh Kei gm л О Ь. Chambers of the median section increasing gradually іп Е a E 0299 Tnt 2. Involute, compressed or inflated a. Without vacuoles in the spiral sheet (revolving wall) 17, Chambers of the median section always showing a marked increase in height ............ .... Operculinoides 2’. Chambers of the median section increasing gradually in height, never with a marked increase in height........ Camerina b. With vacuoles in the spiral sheet ........ ..... Paraspiroclypeus B. Median chambers with chamberlets 1. Without lateral chambers оон. see Heterostegina 2. With well-developed lateral chambers ..................... Spiroclypeus АП the genera, with the exception of Planocamerinoides, are found in parts of the Tertiary of America. This genus, however, is known to-date only from Europe, Africa, and Asia. *Planocamerinoides, new generic name, the type of which is here designated as Nummulites exponens Sowerby, 1840, is given to those evolute, compressed camerinids which have been referred generally by authors to Assilina d'Orbigny, 1839. Cushman (1927, p. 189) designated Nummulina discoidalis d'Orbigny as the type of Assilina. However, it is well established that М, discoidalis is a Recent Operculina (see: Chapman and Parr, 1937, p. 290). Therefore, Assilina becomes a synonym of Operculina d’Orbigny, 1826. AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 263 А key to the species of Paleocene to Miocene Operculinoides fol'ows: KEY TO AMERICAN SPECIES OF OPERCULINOIDES A. Marginal cord, prominent, coarse ...... dd ‚О catennla (see: Cole, 1953, pl. 2, fig. 4; pl. 3, fig. 11) 1. Chambers of final volution typically high, marrow, forming a distinct wide rim .............. (see: Cole, 19584, pl. 19, figs. 10, 14) a. Test small, up to 1.75 mm., with 13% to 216 volutions O. gravelli (see: Cole, 1944, pi. 7, mos 1, 12) b. Test large, 2 to 16 mm., with 214 to 34, volutions О. floridensis (see: Cole, 1958a, pl. 19, figs. 1, 10) 2. Chambers in final volution increasing in height, but not typically high, narrow, either without a rim or with a small rim ................ Pl. 33, figs. 9-12 a. Typically without a rim Г’. Chamber walls in median section without a marked, sharp distal recurvature ................ „o Pi 33, Ва. 9 a’. Test small, up to 2.5 mm. in diameter 1". Marginal cord broadly rounded ............ О panamensis (see: Cole, 19584, рї 25, fig. 15) 2". Marginal cord bluntly angulated ............ O. trinitatensis (see: Vaughan and Cole, 1941, pl. 13, figs. 1-5) b’. Test typically more than 2.5 mm. in diameter ‚ О. willcoxt (see. Pl. 33, figs. 1, 3-12) 2' Chamber walls in median section with a marked, sharp distal recurvature ........... O. dia (see: Vaughan and Gols, 1956 51587. Tips. 2, 7) Б, Typically with a tim u... O. cojimarensis (Pl. 34, fig. 7) This key to the species was formulated in an attempt to understand the internal features of average adult specimens. Reference has been made in each case to an illustration which shows a typical individual. Ав speci- mens within a given species vary widely in size and detail, and as the internal structures of all the species are similar, a number of specimens must be analyzed to satisfactorily identify a given species by use of the key. BULLETIN 173 The known stratigraphic range of the American camerinids to-date is: | PALEOCENE AND LOWER EOCENE | Operculinoides catenula (Cushman and Jarvis) | MIDDLE ЕОСЕМЕ | Camerina macgillavryi М. С. Rutten | . B 4 ~ > Operculinoides gravelli Cole Camertna striatoreticulata (L. Rutten) Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin) willcoxt (Heilprin) | UPPER MIDDLE EOCENE TO UPPER EOCENE | \ | UPPER ЕОСЕМЕ Heterostegina ocalana Cushman Operculina mariannensis Nau ghan Operculinoides trinitatensis (Nuttall) ) OLIGOCENE Heterostegina antillea Cushman israelskyi Gravell and Hanna panamensis Gravell Operculinoides dia (Cole and Ponton) panamensis (Cushman) Spiroclypens bullbrooki Vaughan and Cole MIOCENE Operculinoides cojimarensis (D. К. Palmer) Paraspiroclypens chawneri (D. К. Palmer) Although this study is directed mainly to the names of and variation in Tertiary species of camerinids, attention should be called at this time | | to the large number of specific names which have been given to specimens т of the Cretaceous genus Sulcoperenlina. Cole (1947) has discussed varia- | tion in this genus. If the various illustrations which have been given of the species which have been proposed in this genus are arranged in sequence, it is doubtful if more than one or two species could be selected | from the series. Yet, more specific names are constantly being given.’ | AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 265 REVIEW OF SPECIES Genus Camerina Bruguière, 1792 Camerina maegillavryi М. G. Rutten 1935. Camerina macgillavryi М. С. Rutten, р. 530 (Cuba), Remarks.—This species has a megalospheric generation with excep- tional large embryonic chambers. The microspheric specimens are large and compressed. The species was described from Cuba. Recently, the writer has seen specimens from Costa Rica through the courtesy of Richard Weyl and from Паш through the kindness of J. Butterlin. Jamerina striatoreticulata (L. Rutten) Pl, 32, figs. 1-16 19284. Nummulites striatoreticulatus L. Rutten, р. 1068 (Curacao). 1932. Nummulites vanderstoki М. С. Rutten and Vermunt, р. 240 (Curacao). 1935. Camerina petri М. С. Rutten, р. 530 (Cuba). 1935. Camerina malbertii М. С. Rutten, р. 531 (Cuba), microspheric specimens. 1938. Camerina striatoreticulata (L. Rutten), Barker, p. 49 (Cuba). 1939. Camerina guayabalensis Barker, р. 325 (Mexico). 1939. Camerina vanderstoki (М. С. Rutten and Vermunt), Barker, р. 322 (Mexico). 1940. Camerina barkeri Gravell and Hanna, р. 412 (Mississippi). 1940. Camerina mississippiensis Gravel and Hanna, p. 413 (Mississippi). 1941. Camerina vanderstoki (М. С. Rutten and Vermunt), Cole, p. 28 (Florida). 1941. Camerina striatoreticulata (L. Rutten), Vaughan and Cole, p. 31 (Trini- dad). 1942. Camerina vanderstokí (М. С. Rutten and Vermunt), Cole, р. 27 (Florida). 1944. Camerina guayabalensis Barker, Cole, р. 39 (Florida), pl. 17, fig. 4; not Bled figs EDL 5, fig. 175 pl. 7) figs. 25-9, 10, 215 ply 17, fig. 5, which are О. floridensis (Cushman). 1945. Camerina vanderstoki (М. С. Rutten and Vermunt), Cole, p. 103 (Florida). 1947. Nummulites (Nummulites) dorotheae Cizancourt, р. 513 (Cuba), micro- spheric specimens. 1947. Nummulites (Nummulites) rutteni Cizancourt, p. 515 (Cuba). 1949. Camerina striatoreticulata (L. Rutten), Cole, р. 269 (Panama Canal Zone). 1952. Camerina striatoreticulata (L. Rutten), Cole, p. 8 (Panama Canal Zone). 1953. Camerina striatoreticulata (L. Rutten), Cole, р. 31 (general). 1956. Camerina striatoreticulata (L. Rutten), Cole, p. 207 (Jamaica). 19584. Camerina guayabalensis Barker, Cole, p. 190 (St. Bartholomew). In 1928 L. Rutten described Camerina striatoreticulata from the Seroe di Cueba limestone (upper Eocene) of Curacao, Dutch West Indies. This species was characterized by the possession of Y-shaped processes on 266 BULLETIN 173 the proximal ends of the chamber walls which are observed in median thin sections parallel to but not centered in the median plane, Later, M G. Rutten and Vermunt (1932, p. 240) described from this same upper Eocene limestone Camerina vanderstoki, They stated "Apart from the fact that the anteriorly directed processes at the septa are entirely wanting the diameter of 5 whorls of N. striatoreliculatus exceeds the diameter of N. vanderstoki,” In 1935 M. G. Rutten described from the upper Eocene of Cuba Camerina petri and Camerina тети. Rutten (1935, p. 532) stated concerning C. malberti ‘This form is closely related to the much com- moner C. petri, but is flatter, larger and has higher chambers." His illustrations show that С. petri is based on megalospheric specimens, and that С. malbertii represents microspheric specimens. ‘Therefore, it is obvious these two species should be combined, Barker (1938) restudied topotypes of C. petri from Cuba and con- cluded that С. petri was a synonym of C. striatoreticnlata. He stated “The figures of M. G. Rutten are taken from sections cut in the median plane, and the writer's experience, as also Professor L. Rutten's, show that in such sections the 'anteriorly directed processes” considered characteristic of the species are not visible." In 1939 Barker (p. 322) referred specimens from the Guayabal form- ation (upper middle Eocene) of Mexico to C. vanderstoki stating ". . . . although it occurs at a lower horizon in Mexico (Claiborne) than in Curacao (Jackson) it is considered to be at most only a minor variant of Rutten and Vermunt's species." Cole (1941, p. 28; 1942, p. 27; 1945, p. 103) assigned specimens from the Ocala limestone of Florida to С. vanderstoki, Mrs. Cizancourt (1947) described from the upper Eocene of Cuba megalospheric speci- mens which she named Nummulites (Nummulites) rutteni and micro- spheric specimens from the same locality which she called N. (N.) dorotheae, As Cole (1955, p. 31) has stated С. rutteni (Cizancourt) =C. petri М. С. Rutten=C. striatoreticulata (L. Rutten) and С. dorotheae (Cizan- court) =C. malbertii М. G. Rutten. As С. malbertii is here considered to be the microspheric form of С. striatoreticnlata, there remains only the prob- lem of the relationship of С. vanderstoki to C. striatoreticulata. A thin section (РІ. 32, figs. 10, 14) of a specimen similar to those previously assigned to С. vanderstoki shows certain chamber walls with | AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 267 Y-shaped processes on the proximal ends of the chamber walls. As these specimens are similar in all other features to the types of С. vander- stoki, it is concluded that all the American upper Eocene species referred to С. vanderstoki are С. striatoreticulata. However, certain species of Camerina from the upper middle Eocene resemble C. striatoretienlata. They are C, guayabalensis Barker (1989, 15 325) from the Guayabal formation of Mexico, and C. barkeri and С. mississippiensis, described by Gravell and Hanna (1940) from the upper middle Eocene of Mississippi. C. barkeri and C. mississippiensis are obviously the same species as they are separated largely on the presence or absence of beads or nodes which is an individual rather than a specific character, Moreover, these specimens from Mississippi are the same as specimens from Mexico which were named С. guayabalensis. Thus, in the upper middle Eocene there would appear to be two species: С. guayabalensis and the other Mexican specimens which Barker assigned to the upper Eocene C. vanderstokí. In his description of С. guayabalensis Barker (1939, р. 325) stated “This species is in many respects similar to С. vanderstoki (Rutten and Vermunt), both in exterior and in section, but the latter is generally larger and thicker, does not show such a heavily developed keel (with truncation of the periphery), and in section shows more chambers in the final whorl . .. .” Specimens from St. Bartholomew and Jamaica at first identified as C. guayabalensis are illustrated on Plate 32, figures 1-9. As these speci- mens were studied and compared with specimens previously called С, barkeri, C. mississippiensis, С. guayabalensis and С. vanderstoki, it was discovered that an integrated series was formed, representing only one species, which in turn merged with the series which results from a com- parison of the various illustrations which have been given of C. striatore- ticulata. Measurements of the specimens illustrated follow: Locality Specimen Height Wal. x s o Embryonic chambers: Diameters of initial chamber Diameters of second chamber ..— Distance across both chambers .. P. Winkels ыы Chambers in first o с o ое Chambers in final volution Total number of chambess .. Р MEASUREMENTS OF CAMERINA STRIATORETICULATA (1. RUTTEN) 5 Median sections* W-448, Fla. Near . Wd 174, Mayo, Fla. van pn St. Bartholomew 1.32, fig. 10| Р1. 32, бв.15| PL.32,8g.16 | PI. 32, fig.6| Pl.32,68.7| — PL32,8g.5 3 3.05 2.55 2.35 2.53 1.8 3. 3.05 2.55 2.4 2.45 1.45 S 100x120 120x135 - 110x120 60x70 60x70 90x80 > 90х150 95х150 | 80x130 50x90 45x90 60x80 = | m 220- | 2300.57 200 130 110 170 Р PX F CA 44, 5% 4% 4 | | 5 8 | 8 8 | 8 8 8 е = sow ur OT = 5 Be 26 Е = ER 27 22 19 17 90 80 78 73 Ga 3 45+ MEASUREMENTS ОЕ CAMERINA STRIATORETICULATA (L. RUTTEN) Transverse sections* = 448. Fl | жатта v А | ph Bartholomew Locality W-448, Fla. E Mon Pla. -109, Jamaica | zi 2 2. Sd |. o. ға PL 32, | РІ. 32, Pl. 32, РІ. 32, Ре зә. 4 (ВЕ 32 РІ. 32, fig. 12 fig. 13 ея fig. 9 fig. 8 fig. 4 ig: 2 fig. 3 Height |... mm.| 1.88 34 251 2.6 ous." | 205 263) 4 o 2.38 "Thickness at | | | | | center .... mm. | 1.05 1.6 | 13 Ef. 1.0 | LES | 0.9 0.96 Surface diameter of | | umbonal plugs ...и| 400 1000 | 600 700 | 2380 550 350 500 * For locality description see explanation of plates. 810) :УИЯЛІМІМУМОД NHONVT NVOhISA Y N ON NO BULLETIN 173 Genus Operculinoides Hanzawa, 1935 | Operculinoides catenula (Cushman and Jarvis) 1932. Operculina catenula Cushman and Jarvis, p. 42 (Trinidad). 1957. Operculinoides bermudezi (D. К. Palmer), Sachs, р. 107 (references). Remarks.—Although Cole (1953, p. 37) hesitated previously to place O. bermudez іп the synonomy of О. catenula, these studies demonstrate that it is logical to do this now. Although O. catenula is known only from | its external appearance, it so resembles typical specimens of O. bermudez that these species cannot be separated. | Operculinoides cojimarensis (D. К. Palmer) Pl, 34, fib. 7 | | f 1934. Operculinella cojimarensis D. K. Palmer, p. 259 (Cuba). 1935. Operculina tuxpanensis Thalmann, p. 603 DE 1936. Operculinoides tuxpanicus Vaughan and Cole, p. 494 (Mexico). | 1938. Operculinoides tuxpanensis (Thalmann), Cole, р. 38 (Florida). 1939. Operculinoides Inxpanensis (Thalmann), Barker, р. ЭМ (Mexico). 1941. Operculinoides tamanensis Vaughan and Cole, p. 43 (Trinidad). | 1941. Operculinoides tuxpanensis (Thalmann), Vaughan and Cole, р. 45 (Trini- dad). | 19586. ше de cojimarensis (D. K. Palmer), Cole, p. 224 (Carriacou). | Ке) The transverse section of a topotype which was described deeviously (Cole, 19585, p. 224) is illustrated. Opereulinoides dia (Cole and. Ponton) Pl. 34, figs. 2-4, 6, 9 1930. Operculinella dia Cole and Ponton, p. 37 (Florida). 1936. Operculinoides vicksburgensis Vaughan and Cole, p. 490 (Mississippi). 1936. Operculinoides semmesi Vaughan and Cole, p. 491 (Mexico). 1936. Operculinoides antiguensis Vaughan and Cole, р. 492 (Antigua). | 1936. Operculinoides forresti Vaughan and Cole, p. 493 (Antigua). | 1937. Operculinoides ellisorae Gravell and Hanna, p. 522 (Texas). 1937. Operculinoides bowei Gravell and Hanna, р. 523 (Texas). 1938. Operculinoides forresti Vaughan and Cole, Cole, p. 37 (Florida). 1939. Operculinoides muiri Barker, p. 312 (Mexico). 1939. Operculinoides antiguensis Vaughan and Cole, ser p. 313 (Mexico). 1939. Operculinoides semmesi Vaughan and M Barker, 314 (Mexico). 1939. Operculinoides palmarealensis Barker, 314 (Mexico). 1939. Operculinoides vicksburgensis Vaughan qe Cole, Barker, p. 318 (Mexico). | 1941. Operculinoides bullbrooki Vaughan and Cole, р. 44 (Trinidad). | 1941. Operculinoides semmesi Vaughan and Cole, Vaughan and Cole, p. 50 (Trinidad). | 1941. Operculinoides semmesi ciperensis Vaughan and Cole, р. 51 (Trinidad). ; 1941. Operculinoides antiguensis Vaughan and Cole, Vaughan and Cole, p. 53 (Trinidad). 1944. Operculinoides antiguensis Vaughan and Cole, Cole, p. 40 (Florida). 1944. Operculinoides dius (Cole and Ponton), Cole, p. 42 (Florida). 1944. Operculinoides vicksburgensis Vaughan and Cole, Cole, p. 49 (Florida). 1945. Operculinoides vicksburgensis Vaughan and Cole, Cole, р. 26 (Florida). | 1957). Amphistegina bullbrooki (Vaughan and Cole), Cole, p. 37 (Trinidad). 19584. Operculinoides día (Cole and Ponton), Cole, р. 198 (general). ыш | | | | AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 271 Remarks.—This species has been discussed in detail recently (Cole, 19584, р. 198-200). Mexican specimens from two localities are illustrated, and a median section of a topotype of О. vicksburgensis is introduced for comparison, One suite of these Mexican specimens (Pl. 34, figs. 3, 6) had been identified previously as O. semmesi. These illustrations should be com- pared with Barker's (1939, pl. 19, figs. 1-6) illustrations and with the type illustrations (Vaughan and Cole, 1936, pl. 37, figs. 11-13). The other suite of Mexican specimens (Pl, 34, figs. 4, 9) had been identified pre- viously as O. antignensis. Barker (1939, p. 314) in discussing similar suites of Mexican вресі- mens had written “. ... since both have the same range in Mexico and have not yet been found to occur in the same localities, suggesting that the differences may be due to local changes in environment," Study of various species of Operculinoides (Cole, 19584, b) demonstrates that this sug- gestion of Barker was correct. The increase in height of the chambers in the final volution in O. día is variable and is an individual rather than a specific character. This may be obsetved if the illustrations (Pl. 34, fig. 2; pl. 5, fig. 3, Cole, 1945; pl. 19, figs. 8, 9, Barker, 1939; and РІ. 34, fig. 9) are compared. All of these sections with the exception of Pl. 34, fig. 9 were made from speci- mens identified previously as O. vicksburgensis. Opereulinoides floridensis ( Heilprin) Pl. 33, fig. 2 1885. Nummulites floridensis Heilprin, p. 321 (Florida). 1918. Nummulites davidensis Cushman, p. 98 (Panama). 1919. Nummulites ай са Cushman, p. 51 (St. Bartholomew). 19210, Operculina cookei Cushman, p. 127 (Georgia). 19210. Operculina vaugbani Cushman, p. 128 (Georgia). 19210, Operculina ocalana Cushman, p. 129 (Alabama). 19216. Operculina floridensis (Heilprin), Cushman, р. 130 (Florida). 1925. Operculina oliveri Cushman, p. 298 (Mexico). 1927. Operculina cushmani Cole, р. 23 (Mexico). 1927. Operculina bartschi plana Cole, p. 23 (Mexico), not О. bartschi plana Cushman, 19214. 1932. Operculina floridensis (Heilprin), Rutten and Vermunt, p. 238 (Curacao). 1932. Operculina curasavica Rutten and Vermunt, p. 239 (Curacao). 1935. Operculina vanghani Cushman, Gravell and Hanna, р. 334 (Texas). 1936. Operculina vaugbani Cushman, Vaughan, p. 250 (Louisiana). 1939. Operculinoides jennyi Barker, р. 315 (Mexico). 1939. Operculinoides ocalanus (Cushman), Barker, p. 316 (Mexico). 1939. Operculinoides ocalanus minor Barker, p. 317 (Mexico). 1939. Operculinoides oliveri (Cushman), Barker, р. 318 (Mexico). 1939. Operculinoides vaughani (Cushman), Barker, р. 319 (Mexico). 1941. Operculinoides curasavicus (Rutten and Vermunt), Cole, р. 29 (Florida). 272 BULLETIN 173 1941. Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin), Cole, р. 30 (Florida). 1941. Operculinoides ocalanus (Cushman), Cole, p. 31 (Florida). 1941. Operculinoides ocalanus (Cushman), Vaughan and Cole, р. 38 (Trinidad). 1941. Operculinoides soldadensis Vaughan and Cole, р. 40 (Trinidad). 1944. Camerina guayabalensis Cole, p. 39 (Florida), pl. 1, fig. 4; pl. 5, fig. 17; pl. 7, figs. 2, 9, 11, 21; pl. 17, fig. 5; not pl. 17, fig. 4 which is Camerina striatoreticulata (L. Rutten) 1944. Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin), Cole, p. 43 (Florida). 1944. Operculinoides jennyi Barker, Cole, p. 45 (Florida). 1944. Operculinoides nassanensis Cole, p. 47 (Florida). 1944. Operculinoides ocalanus (Cushman), Cole, p. 48 (Florida). 1945. Operculinoides cookei (Cushman), Cole, p. 104 (Florida). 1945. Operculinoides vanghani (Cushman), Cole, р. 104 (Florida). 1947. Nummulites (Operculinoides) soldadensis (Vaughan and Cole), Cizan- coutt, p. 517 (Cuba). 1949. Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin), Cole, p. 270 (Panama Canal Zone). 1949. Operculinoides ocalanus (Cushman), Cole, p. 270 (Panama Canal Zone). 1952. Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin), Cole, p. 9 (Panama Canal Zone). 1952. Operculinoides ocalanus (Cushman), Cole, p. 10 (Panama Canal Zone). 1952. Operculinoides vanghani (Cushman), Cole, p. 11 (Panama Canal Zone). 1956a. Operculinoides cusbmani (Cole), Cole, p. 214 (Jamaica). 19564. Operculinoides jennyi Barker, Cole, p. 220 (Jamacia). 1958a. Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin), Cole, p. 182 (general). Remar&s.— This species is not discussed as Cole (19584, p. 182) has already considered it їп detail. However, another vertical section of a specimen previously identified as O. jennyi Barker (Cole, 1956a, p. 220) is illustrated (Pl. 33, fig. 2). This species was separated from other Jamaican specimens by Cole because of the large size of the embryonic chambers. However, it is obvious that it is the same as Jamaican speci- mens (Cole, 19584, pl. 21, figs. 5, 10, 13; pl. 22, figs. 4, 5) which are identical with O. antillea. As O antillea is a synonym of О. floridensis, O. jennyi is placed in the synonomy of О. floridensis. Operculinoides gravelli Cole 1944. Operculinoides gravelli Cole, р. 44 (Florida). Remarks.—This small species from the middle Eocene of Florida re- quires more study. Ав far as сап be determined at present, it seemingly is a distinct species. Operculinoides panamensis (Cushman) 1918. Nummulites panamensis Cushman, р. 98 (Panama Canal Zone). m 1941. Operculinoides panamensis (Cushman), Vaughan and Cole, p. 46 (Trini- dad). 1952. Operculinoides panamensis (Cushman), Cole, p. 10 (Panama Canal Zone). 19584. Operculinoides panamensis (Cushman), Cole, p. 200 (Panama Canal Zone). | | ae AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE N Y “9 Operculinoides trinitatensis (Nuttall) 1928. Operculina trinitatensis Nuttall, p. 102 (Trinidad). 1935. Camerina jacksonensis Gravell and Hanna, p. 331 (Texas). 1939. Camerina jacksonensis Gravell and Hanna, Barker, p. 324 (Mexico). 1939. Camerina jacksonensis globosa Barker, p. 324 (Mexico). 1941. Operculinoides kugleri Vaughan and Cole; p. 42 (Trinidad). 1941. Operculinoides trinitatensis (Nuttall), Vaughan and Cole, p. 47 (Trini- dad) 1942. Camerina jacksonensis Gravell and Hanna, Cole, p. 26 (Florida). 1945. Camerina jacksonensis Gravell and Hanna, Cole, p. 101 (Florida). 1952. Operculinoides jacksonensis (Gravell and Шал), Cole, р. 9 (Panama Canal Zone). 1952. Operculinoides kugleri Vaughan and Cole, Cole, р. 9 (Panama Canal Zone). 1952. Operculinoides trinitatensis (Nuttall), Cole, р. 11 (Panama Canal Zone). Operculinoides willeoxi (Heilprin) Pl. 33, figs. 1, 3-12 1882. Nummulites willcoxi Heilprin, p. 321 (Florida). 1921b, Operculina willcoxi (Heilprin), Cushman, p. 129 (Florida), 19284. Operculina nummulitiformis L. Rutten, р. 941 (Peru). 1929. Operculinella sabinensis Cole, p. 62 (Texas). 1932. Operculina nummulitiformis L. Rutten, М. б. Rutten and Vermunt, р. 239 (Curacao). 1935. Camerina moodybranchensis Gravell and Hanna, p. 322 (Texas). 1936. Operculinoides advenus Vaughan and Cole, p. 489 (Mexico). 1937. Operculinella nummulitiformis (L. Rutten), Vaughan, p. 159 (Ecuador). 1938. Operculinoides sabinensis (Cole), Cole, р. 38 (Florida). 1939. Operculinoides willcoxi (Heilprin), Barker, p. 309 (Mexico). 1939. Operculinoides nummulitiformis (L. ЖЫЕП), Barker, р. 310 (Mexico). 1939. Operculinoides prenummulitiformis Barker, р. 311 (Mexico). 1939. Camerina moodybranchensis Gravell and Hanna, Barker, р. 323 (Mexico). 1941. Camerina mood ybranchensis Gravell and Hanna, Cole, р. 28 (Florida). 1941. Operculinoides willcoxi (Heilprin), Cole, р. 32 (Florida). 1942. Camerina moodybranchensis Gravell and Hanna, Cole, p. 27 (Florida). 1945. Camerina moodybranchensis Gravell and Hanna, Cole, р. 102 (Florida). 1945. Operculinoides willcoxi (Heilprin), Cole, р. 106 (Florida). 1952. Operculinoides moodybranchensis (Gravell and Hanna), Cole, р. 10 (Panama Canal Zone). 19584. Operculinoides sabinensis (Cole), Cole, р. 196 (general). Remarks.—Cole (1952, р. 10) recognized that Camerina moody- branchensis Gravell and Hanna (1935, p. 332) possesses all the charac- teristics of Operculinoides willcoxi (Heilprin). However, at that time he did not combine the two species. Study of abundant specimens from Panama referred to O, moodybranchensis and specimens from Florida assigned to O. willcoxi prove that only one species can be recognized. Additional specimens from Florida (РІ. 33, figs. 1, 3, 4, 9, 12) and from Panama (РІ. 33, figs. 5, 10, 11) are illustrated to show the character- istics of O. willcoxi. Measurements of these specimens follow: 274 BULLETIN 173 MEASUREMENTS OF OPERCULINOIDES WILLCOXI (HEILPRIN) Median Sections Locality 4.5 miles west of Williston, Fla. 108, Panama б ШӘЙ о HAL eer det soy > EL 32 МЕ 22; fig. 9 йд. 12 | LO ОЕЕО оли, Inm 217 | 3:2 Dur сер. 3.35 | УЛАШ ушш ош оу ШШ „18 2.8 al AE 3.25 Embryonic chambers: | Diameters of initial | | | CHAR О, ш 100x130 | 100x130 | 175x175 | 130x140 90x90 Diameters of second | | | | ЛИ Ө oda кл n М 100x160 705 19200. TUN O у2М120 | 50х90 Distance across | | | | both chambers ....... Дер 00 250 | 230 140 | | NOS дулу s pp a А 410 4% 4% 51% Chambers in first тоо | 10 10 10 8 11 Chambers in final | ОО з ai не | E 27 26 36 29 Total number of CHamlseis dolida de 85 87 23 110 119 *See: pl. 1, fig. 12, Bull. Amer. Paleont., у. 35, No. 147, 1953 Transverse Sections E uu DN А 108 Locality 4.5 miles west of Williston, Fla. 32d Panama мы лл. Pl. 33, | Pl. 33, | Pl. 33, : рі. 33, fig. 3 fig. 1 fig. 4 fig. 5 ПЕН O ‚m 2405 2:1 212 EU 242 Thickness at | | velles Dor nubis mna 0609 OSE 11 ІЗІ?! Surface diameter of | | umbonal: plug ................ 330°: |. 500 |. 400 350 400 *See: pl. 2, fig. 2, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 35, No. 147, 1953 AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 275 In the upper Eocene specimens, which on detailed study cannot be separted from Floridian specimens assigned to O. willcoxi, have been named Operculina nummulitiformis (L. Rutten) from Peru and Curacao, Operculinoides advenus Vaughan and Cole, О, nummulitiformis, and Camerina moodybranchensis from Mexico, and O, moodybranchensis from Panama. ‘Thus, this species 18 widely distributed in the upper Eocene. Recently, Cole (19584, р. 182) demonstrated that numerous pre- viously recognized species should be combined with O. floridensis (Heil- prin), a species with a stratigraphic range from upper middle Eocene into the upper Eocene. Therefore, the possibility was investigated that cer- tain previously recognized species from the upper middle Eocene might be in reality О. willcoxi, The questionable species were O, sabinensis (Cole) from the upper middle Eocene of Texas and Florida, and O. prenummuiliti- formis Barker from the Guayabal formation of Mexico. Cole (19584, Р. 196) has demonstrated that these two species should be combined under the name O. sabinensis. In the original description of О. sabinensis (Cole, 1929) the state- ment was made “This species is nearest O. willcoxi (Heilprin) from the Ocala limestone, but differs in the smaller number of chambers, smaller size and greater wave-like appearance of the sutures.” At that time such criteria appeared to be valid for separating species. However, as it has been demonstrated by studies of numerous specimens of a given species from a single population that wide variation may occur in size, thickness and number of chambers, such criteria are no longer valid. Therefore, O. sabinensis is believed to be a synonym of О. willcoxi, and this species ranges from upper middle Eocene into the upper Eocene. The specimens previously called О. sabinensis from the upper middle Eocene and those from the upper Eocene which were named O, moody- branchensis were found in clastic sediments, whereas the specimens from the upper Eocene which were called O, willcoxi were recovered from lime- stone, As Cole (1958a, p. 191) demonstrated with regard to О. floridensis, specimens from limestone normally are larger and have thicker revolving walls. This same development occurs in the specimens here assigned to O. willcoxi so that minor structural and size differences between popula- tions are the result of ecological control rather than genetic development. Nummulites costaricensis К. Palmer (1923, Bull. Amer. Paleont., V. 10, No. 40, p. 9) may be another synonym of this species. The 276 BULLETIN 173 types were glued to slides, but during the years intervening, as the glue dried, they dropped from the slides and were lost, So far, Dr. Palmer, Director of the Paleontological Research Institution, has not been able to find additional specimens іп the collection. Genus Operculina d'Orbigny, 1826 Operculina mariannensis Vaughan 1928. Operculina mariannensis Vaughan, p. 158 (Florida). 1956. Operculina tuberculata Vaughan and Cole, p. 488 (Mexico). 1939. Operculinoides tuberculata (Vaughan and Cole), Batker, p. 319 (Mexico). 1939. Operculina barkeri Vaughan and Cole, р. 538 (new name for O tuberculata preoccupied by O. costala tuberculata Douvillé, 1911). 1945. Operculina barkeri Vaughan and Cole, Cole, p. 107 (Florida). 1945. Operculina mariannensis Vaughan, Cole, р. 108 (Florida). Remarks.—lf the illustrations of specimens called О. mariannensts and О, barkeri are compared, they show a continuous series. Specimens called O. barkeri have more and heavier beading, otherwise there is no difference. Genus Paraspiroelypeus Hanzawa, 1957 Paraspiroclypeus ehawneri (D. К. Palmer) Рі. 34, figs. 1,5, 8,10, 11 1934. Camerina chawneri (D. K. Palmer), p. 261 (Cuba). Remarks.—Although the type illustrations of this species are excellent, additional illustrations are given to demonstrate the internal structures. Genus Heterostegina d'Orbigny, 1826 Remarks, —For a key to the American Eocene and Oligocene species of Heterostegina, see: Cole, 19574, р. 326. Genus Spiroelypeus H. Douvillé, 1905 Spiroelypeus bullbrooki Vaughan and Cole 1941. Spiroclypeus bullbrooki Vaughan and Cole, р. 54 (Trinidad). Remarks.—This is the only described American species of a genus which is well represented and wide-spread іп the Miocene (Tertiary e) of the Indo-Pacific region. AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 277 LITERATURE CITED Barker, R. Wright 1938. On Camerina petri M. G. Rutten and Nummulites striatoreticulatus L. Rutten.. Geol. Mag., v. 75, No. 884, p. 49-51, pl. 3. 1939, Species of the foraminiferal family Camerinidae in the Tertiary and Cretaceous of Mexico. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc., у. 86, No. 3052, р 305-330, pls. 11-22. Chapman, F., and Parr, W. J. 1937. Australian and New Zealand species of the foraminiferal genera Operculina and Operculinella. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Proc, v. 50, Pt. 1, 1.54 D. 279-299, pls, 16, 17, 1 text Mg. Cizancourt, M. de 1947. Quelques Nummulitidés om non encore signalés de I’ Éocóne de Cuba. Soc. Géol. France, Bull, ser. 5, v. 17, p. 513-522, pls. 24, 25. Cole, W. Storrs 1927. A foraminiferal fauna from the Guayabal formation in Mexcio. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 14, No. 51, p. 5-46, pls. 1-5. 1929. Three new Claiborne fossils. Bull. Amer. Paleont., у. 15, No. 56, р. 60-66, pls. 7, 8. 1938. Stratigraphy and micropaleontology of two deep wells in Florida. Florida Geol. Survey, Bull. 16, p. 1-73, 12 pls., 3 text figs. 1941. Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida. Florida Geol. Survey, Bull. 19, p. 1-91, 18 pls., 4 text figs. 1942. Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida-No. 2. Florida Geol. Survey, Bull. 20, р. 1-89, 16 pls., 4 text figs. 1944. Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida-No. 3. Florida Geol. Survey, Bull. 26, p. 1-168, 29 pls., 5 text figs. 1945. Stratigraphic and paleontologic Studies of wells in Florida-No. 4. Florida Geol. Survey, Bull. 28, р. 1-160, pls. 1-22, 8 text figs. 1947. Internal structure of some Floridian Foraminifera. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 31, No. 126, p. 227-254, pls. 21-25, 1 text fig. 1949, Upper Eocene larger Foraminifera from the Panama Canal Zone. Jour. Paleont., v. 23, No. 3, p. 267-275, pls. 52-55. 1952 (1953). Eocene and Oligocene larger Foraminifera from the Panama Canal Zone and vicinity. Ч. $. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 244, р. 1-41, 28 pls., 2 figs. 1953. Criteria for the recognition of certain assumed camerinid genera. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 35, No. 147, p. 27-46, pls. 1-3. 19564. Jamaican larger Foraminifera. Bull. Amer Paleont., у. 36, No. 158, p. 205-233, pls. 24-31. 19560, The genera Miscellanea and Pellatispirella. Bull. Amer Paleont., v. 36, No. 159, p. 239-254, pls. 32-34. 19574. Late Oligocene larger Foraminifera from Barro Colorado Island, Pana- ma Canal Zone. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 37, No. 163, p. 313-338, pls. 24-30. BULLETIN 173 19570. Variation in American Oligocene species of Lepidocyclina. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 38, No. 166, p. 31-51, 6 pls. 19584. Names of and variation in certain American larger Foraminifera- No, 1, Bull’ Amer. Paleont, v. 39, No. 170, р. 175:213, pls. 18:25. 19580. Larger Foraminifera from Carriacou, British West Indies. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 39, No. 171, p. 214-233, pls. 26-29. , and Ponton, ©. М. 1930. The Foraminifera of the Marianna limestone of Florida. Florida Geol. Survey, Bull. 5, p. 19-69, pls. 5-11. Cushman, J. A. 1917. Orbitoid Foraminifera of the genus Orthrophragmina from Georgia and Florida. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 108-С, p. 115-124, pls. 40-44. 1918. The larger fossil Foraminifera of the Panama Canal Zone. U.S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 103, p. 89-102, pls. 34-45. 1919. Fossil Foraminifera from the West Indies. Carnegie Inst. Washington, Publ. 291, p. 21-71, pl. 1-15, 8 text figs. 19214. Foraminifera of the Philippine and adjacent seas. U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 100, p. 1-608, pls. 1-100, 52 text figs. 19215. American species of Operculina and Heterostegina and their faunal relationships. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 128-E, р. 125-137, pls. 18-21. 1925. An Eocene fauna from the Moctezuma River, Mexico. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Bull., v. 9, No. 2, p. 298-303, pls. 6-8. 1927. The designation of some genotypes in the Foraminifera. Contrib. Cushman Lab. Foram. Res., v. 3, Pt. 4, p. 188-190. ы i ‚ and Jarvis, Р. W. 1932. Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera from Trinidad. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc. v. 80, Aft. 14, р, 1-60, 16 pls, Gravell, Donald W., and Hanna, Marcus A. 1935. Larger Foraminifera from the Moody's Branch marl, Jackson Eocene, of Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Jour. Paleont., у. 9, No. 4, р. 327- 340, pls. 29-32. 1937. The Lepidocyclina texana horizon in the Heterostegina zone, upper Oligocene of Texas and Louisiana. Jour. Paleont., v. 11, No. 6, p. 517- 529, pls. 60-65, 1 text fig. 1940. New larger Foraminifera from the Claiborne of Mississippi. Jour. Paleont., v. 14, No. 10, p. 412-416, pl. 57. Heilprin, Angelo 1882. On the occurrence of nummulitic deposits in Florida, and the assocta- tion of Nummulites with a fresh-water fauna. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila- delphia, Proc., р. 189-193. 1885. Notes on some new Foraminifera from the nummulitic formation of Florida. Acad, Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, Proc., р. 321-322, 2 text figs. (1884). seme AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 279 Palmer, Dorothy K. 1934. Some large fossil Foraminifera from Cuba. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat., Mem., v. 8, No. 4, p. 235-264, 5 pls., 19 text figs. Rutten, L. 1928а. On Tertiary rocks and Foraminifera from north-western Peru. Konin. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam, Proc, v. 21, No. 9, p. 931-946, 2 pils, 29 text figs. 19280. On Tertiary Foraminifera from Curacao. Konin. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam, Proc., v. 31, No. 10, p. 1061-1070, 1 pl., 50 text figs. Rutten, M. G. 1935. Larger Foraminifera of northern Santa Clara Province, Cuba. Jour. Paleont., v. 9, No. 6, p. 527-545, pls. 59-62, 4 text figs. - — —...., and Vermunt, L. W. J. 1932. The Seroe di Cueba limestone from Curacao. Konin. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam, Proc., v. 35, No. 2, p. 228-240, 3 pls., 2 text figs. Sachs, К. N., Jr. 1957. Restudy of some Cuban larger Foraminifera, Contrib. Cushman Found. Foram. Res., v. 8, pt. 3, p. 106-120, pls. 14-17, 3 text figs. Thalmann, Hans E. 1935. Mitteilungen uber Foraminiferien П. Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, v. 28 No. 2, p. 592-606, 2 text figs. Vaughan, T, W. 1928. New species of Operculina and Discocyclina from the Ocala limestone. Florida Geol. Sur., 19th, Ann. Rept., р. 155-165, 2 pls. 1936. Helicolepidina nortoni, a new species of Foraminifera from a deep well in St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. Jour. Paleont., v. 10, No. 4, p. 248- 252, pls. 39, 40. , and Cole, W. Storrs 1936. New Tertiary Foraminifera of the genera Operculina and Oper- culinoides from North America and the West Indies. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ргос., у. 83, No. 2996, р. 487-496, pls. 35-38. 1939. Operculina barkeri, a new name for O. tuberculata Vaughan and Cole, 1936. Jour Paleont., у. 13, No. 5, р. 538. 1941. Preliminary report on the Cretaceous and Tertiary larger Foraminifera of Trinidad British West Indies. Geol. Soc, Amer., Sp. Paper 30, р. 1-137, 46 pls., 2 text figs. PLATES BULLETIN 173 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 32 Figure Page 1-16. Camerina striatoreticulata (IL. Киеп ) eH 265 1-4, 11-13. Transverse sections, х 20. 5-7, 10, 15, 16. Median sections, х 12.5, except 5, х 20. 14. Part of the median section, x 40, illustrated as fig. 10, to show the Y-shaped processes on the proximal ends of the chamber walls (first volution to the upper left beyond the embryonic chambers). 1-3, 5. From locs. 174 and 174, collected by the late Alfred Senn, from brown limestones between the coast and a vertical limestone cliff on the northern slope of the promontory separating Anse des Cayes and Baie de St. Jean, St. Bartholomew, Fr. W. I. 6-8. From loc. V-109, coll. H. R. Versey, from a marl pit at the foot of Swanswick Hill, Trelawny, Jamaica, B Wodi 10, 12-15. From a depth of 258-265 feet from the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners well (W-448), located about two miles N. Lakeland, Polk Co., Fla. 11,16. From а quarry north of Florida highway 5-А, 5.2 miles NW. Mayo, Lafayette Co., Fla., coll. H. Naegeli. SS BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 88 PLATE 82 qms PLATE 33 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 Figure 1, 3-12. 2 2. 18. AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 283 Operculinoides EXPLANATION OF PLATE 33 Page WAMBOSI СЕЕ ora Ae лн 273 1, 3-5. Transverse sections, x 20. 6-8. Parts of transverse sections, x 40, to show apertures and marginal cord. 6, upper part of May, lower part of fig. 3; 8, upper part of fig. 2, pl. 2, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 35, No. 147, 1952. 9-12. Median sections, x 12.5. Operculinoides floridensis (Heilprin) unse. 271 | Transverse section, x 40. Asterocyclina asterisem (@тпрру)................................. шии. 261 Part of a transverse section, x 40. 1/8 6270019, 2 S001 From 4.5 miles west of Williston, Levy Co., Fla., coll. W. S. Cole. . From loc. V-109 coll. Н. R. Versey, from a marl pit at the foot of Swanswick Hill, Trelawny, Jamaica, Bu wi Th . From loc. 108, collected by Т. Е. Thompson and W. P. Woodring, from road to Madden Airfield, 0.5 miles NE. Calzada Larga, Madden Basin, Panama. 13. From loc. К. 2854, coll. Н. Kugler, from Soldado Rock, Trinidad. BULLETIN 173 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 34 Figure Page 1,5,8,10,11. Paraspiroelypeus chawneri (D. К. Palmer) „un 216 1. Part of the transverse section, x 40, illustrated as fig. 8, to show the marginal cord and the vacuoles developed in the spiral sheet. 5,8. Transverse sections, X 120» 10. Median section, x 12.5. 11. Part of the median section, x 40, illustrated as fig. 10 to show the embryonic chambers and the canal within the chamber walls. 2-4, 6,9. Opereulinoides dia (Cole and Ponton) enm 270 2. Median section, x 20, previously illustrated as fig. 2, pl. 5 (Cole, 1945), of O. vicks- burgensis Vaughan and Cole, 1936. 3. Transverse section, x 20, of a Mexican spec- imen similar to certain topotypes of O. sem- mesi Vaughan and Cole, 1936. 4. Transverse section, x 20, of a Mexican speci- men of the kind originally called O. anti- guensis Vaughan and Cole, 1936. 6. Median section, x 20, of a Mexican specimen of the same kind as the one shown as fig. 3. 9. Median section, x 20, of a Mexican specimen of the same kind as the one shown as fig. 4. т. Operculinoides cojimarensis (D. К. Palmer) men 270 Transverse section, x 20, of an umbonally inflated specimen with a narrow flange. 1, 5, 8, 10, 11. Topotypes from 2 km. S. from Km. post 5.5 on the Cardenas-Varadero road, thence 800 m. NW. to trail, thence 400 m. W., Matan- zas Prov., Cuba; coll. the late Mrs. D. K. Palmer. 2. Near Byram, Miss. 3, 6. From Arbol Grande, near Tampico, Tamauli- pas, Mex., coll. W. S. Cole. 4,9. From road cut on the road to the Chairrel Club, Tampico, Tamaulipas, Мех, coll. МУ. № СОЕ 7. Two km. SW. of Cojimar on the Hershey rail- road, Habana Prov., Cuba; collected by the late Mrs. О. К. Palmer. PLATE 34 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 XXVI. XXVIL XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. Volume 1. п. (NOS. 80-87). 7334 pp., 27 pls. л... Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca (Nos. 38048). 306 рр, 30 BIS. san Ду. denter res Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks. (Nos. 95-100). 420 pp. 58 pls. nun DLL PA Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. (Nos. 101-108); 376 рр, 36 pls. Luna Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Хов, 109-114), 412 bp 54 pls: d.e eese te: Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Хош 5416). 738 рр, 52 рғы. атары, Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. (No. 111) x 560 рр) 65 BIS Sai an. Jackson Eocene mollusks. (Nos, 118-128), 458 pp. 27 pls sese ao do eios Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- ities, (Nos, 129-133): 294 pp4 39 Blend ieh. Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca, | (Nos. 194,180), 448 рр, 810 Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. (Nas. 140-145) .. 400 Pp. 19 різ... не Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and ‘Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods, and conularid bibliography. (No8. 140415435 1386 pp, BL BS. Чула. ЧУ ын б. D, Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordo- vician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Vol- utidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nos. - 155-160). 412 фр, 58 різ. д). be ee elected Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian-Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies. (Nos. 161-164). 486 pp., 37 АОИ Antillean Cretaceous’ Rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera, Stromatoporoidea. | (Nos. 168-172). 235 ЛЫҚ ыы de Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostra- cods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Vene- zuela, larger forams, West Coast mollusks. PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). ` 519 pp., 75 pls. | Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. (Nos. 612). 591 рр, 37 PIE олш piene fret: Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale: ozoic céphalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and . | Recent Hexactinellida. (Nos. 13-25). 513 рр» ЛТТЫ ТІ Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- ia a and Venericardia. (Nos. 26, 27). 48 pp, 7 pls. ... Rudist studies. 9.00 11.00 9.75 10.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 9.25 11.00 9.50 10.00 13.50 13.00 7.35 20.00 20.00 2.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY X. (Nos. 1-5). 354 pp. 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IK (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp. 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera: Paleozoic faunas. ІП. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. рага. Mollusca апа Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. V. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp., 68 pls Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- | ozoic fossils. ҮІ. (No. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. ҮШ; (No. 32), 720: pps 90. PIS. ineo date one lee tho 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. УШ. (Nos. 33-36). 357 рр. 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IX. (Nos. 37-39). 462 pp., 35 pls. .. | 12.00 | Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 рр. 54 pls. Tertiary forams and ны mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. XI (Noss 48-46). 292 Dp. 41 pls; eserin Rel 9.00 Sn Mesozoic and Вос fossils mainly from Уепе- uela, XII. (Nos. 41-48). 494 pp., 8 pls. Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic invertebrate bibliography. ХШ. (Nos. 49-50), 264 pp., 47 pls. >... 9.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp., 44 p Mexican Tertiary forams an Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. XV. (Nos. 55-58).314 pp., 80 pls, Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. XVI. (Nos: 596192. 140 pp, 48 pls; Ni. 6.00 Venezuela and Trini ad Tertiary Mollusca. XVII. (Nos. 62-63). 283 pp. 33 pls. .......... à 9.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. ХҮШ. (Nos, 64-67). "1286 pps 29 pls... aneignen 8.75 Mainl Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. XIX. (No. 68). 272 pp. 24 pls. 8.75 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. ХХ; (Nos: 69-100); 266 рр. 20 DI i ds Nees 8.75 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. XXL (Nós. 11412). 321 рр, 12 pl. 2.20 н dd oia зе 8.50 à Paleozoic Paleontology and ЕНД, i XXI. (Nos. 4316). 356 pp, AL рі... 9.50 / 2 Paleozoic Paleontology "and Tertiary Foraminifera. XXII. (Nos. 17-19). 251 pp. 35 pls. isses 8.50 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. RERAN | "JAN 19.1959 | | { Ec В | BULLETINS | мы | OF AMERICAN | PALEONTOLOGY VOL. XXXVII 1958 | | : Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York ‚ U.S. A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1958-59 PRESIDENT SOLOMON C, HOLLISTER VICE-PRESIDENT NORMAN E. WEISBORD SECRETARY= TREASURER REBECCA S. HARRIS DIRECTOR KATHERINE У. УУ. PALMER COUNSEL ARMAND. L. ADAMS Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) RALPH A. LmpLE (1956-62) КЕВЕССА S, Harris (Life) AXEL А, OrssoN (Life) SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER (1953-59) NORMAN E. WEISBORD (1957-1963) Joun W. WELLS (1958-64) Sustaining Members Humble Oil € Refining Company, Houston, Texas Jersey Production Reseárch Company, Tulsa, Okla. Magnolia Petroleum Company, Dallas, Texas Superior Oil Company, Los Angeles, Calif. Socony Mobil of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs, Елу BRIGGS, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANs KUGLER А. MYRA KEEN JAY GLENN ‘MARKS С, WINSTON SINCLAIR Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers, may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII and XIV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica ‘Américana. Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $10,00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional’ purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. М т AN BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 38 No. 174 THE AMERICAN SPECIES OF ASTEROPHYLLITES, ANNULARIA, AND SPHENOPHYLLUM By Maxine Langford Abbott University of Cincinnati December 30, 1958 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. JAN 1 91959 | RT М Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 58-305 Printed in the United States of America nn nu, — $ ROW, 0L "p у idiota] JAN 1 91959 CONTENTS ТО; ШЕ: ji Page A es ы е DENS Acknowledgments 290 INTO on а кыч а И Taxonomic treatment . а Қ а лу. TOV to: THO БЕ зс: ' ERE 2295 L1. ASPEROFHSELERES a лу Ы ea 295 Кеў to CHE рл 2222 2296 Chart 1 of the species ... RR ры Жу ии о ОЙ Description of the species _.......... ...296 1. Ast. characformis .... : ipe ы Абы cepe а з 296 E ANC E UIC ОЛИ) ТН. И ы SAL ОО O Terre LTE ma Е 008 4. Ast. longifolius . тае ЧӨ d ied 303 D ANNWEARTA O la U Кеў to Пе расов о и: сга Oe: Chart 2 of the species а E „307 Description of the species а SÓ DANN ИЕ аа ЕЕ e ене а ОВ 6. Алп. aculeata : е Ои 308 7. Ann. asteris 2020 T де Se GR cre ES S „43910 8. Ann, galioides . А Аы. 311 9. Ann. latifolia 2.13 LOCH ТІЛ ТІЛЕ ATA к TAE AS ORE к ов ELTE) Tl ARNG PALAIA жоо. oed à 317 12. Ann. sphenophylloides í ERBEN i TER VS UTE МЕ ДШ cupi enim eine Do өзел RII аа 321 US O ОО о ое Ne Я a6 III. SPHENOPHYLLUM NOR NCC “327 БӨУ ID UE Пысы ыы Ene: ЗАТ Chart S to UNE В ШЕЙ 20052 2 э а. c ON Chart 4 to the species 333 Description of the species aD LS ОИ u н аны М oleae AIG IE S LN des eR DR Cru. 329 16. Sph. arkansanum . 590 17, SPA cornutum 22... 520 18. Sph. cuneifolium .... -336 УИ u a ИЛ Аке сазара таннен O ал лы 589 20: SDV TAN CLOMID e dede не Канан tan a ...342 21. Sph. gilmorei sun. m P pies 2345 22. Sph. lescurianum O 23. Sph. longifolium 347 A ШК ны кыы ы ем 25. Sph. oblongifolium ы 351 26. Shh. obovatum в 354 7. 92 ОЕ аа ааа. ARAS 28. SPA, EROTU es e ENE multu p E LEA 29. Sph. tenuifolium A ааны 559 SU SDA, MOM зекте A A ое m .360 31. Sph, trichomatosum - SE: bees E о. 32. SPh. werticillatum naa cS O TT and excluded species He AA ыдан; 365 СУРА FICHTE елле к дека ази өн ише инине аы: uo UE 2 Sph. latifolium .. 4 diane 00 3. Sph. vetustum 366 Chart 5. Geographical and geological distribution = Oy References ... а. Plates Тае List of the species described, figured, ‹ or г mentioned . at id DOY | | \ | bl THE AMERICAN SPECIES OF ASTEROPHYILITRS 9 1959 | VI ANNULARIA, AND SPHENOPHYLLUM ЕУ з] Maxine Langford Abbott ЕТЕ University of Cincinnati ABSTRACT Organ genera based on roots, stems, leaves, and fructifications of both herbaceous and arborescent sphenopsids are common in the collections of Pennsylvanian fossils. In a large part the sterile foliage may be referred to Asterophyllites, Annularia, and Sphenophyllum, and less frequently to Lobatan- nularia or Equisetites. There is considerable taxonomic confusion concerning these genera and this paper is an attempt 1) to re-evaluate North American species of Asterophyllites, Annularia, and Sphenophyllum; 2) to present means of their identification; 3) to determine the geological range and geographical distribution; and 4) to present some new morphological data concerning the mucro, sheath, epidermal pattern, stomata, and hairs which have been obtained by using transfer methods. Asterophyllites and Annularia are foliage shoots of probable calamitean affinity represented by branched or simple, articulated, delicate stems bearing whorls of leaves at each articulation. These genera are similar in that they have leaves which are usually linear-lanceolate, uninerved, and more or less conspicuously united at the base. Distinctive features of the leaves of the two genera include the type of lateral margins, the width, and the position of the leaves in the whorl with relation to the axis. In Asterophyllites the leaves are of equal length, are usually cupped around the axis, while in Annularia the leaves, which are equal in length in some specres and unequal in others, radiate from the node, Determination of the individual species within the two genera is based upon details of the width-length ratio, number of leaves in a whorl, shape of the leaf, and size and position of the widest portion of the leaf. It is necessary to use a combination of characters rather than a single feature in order to separate one species from another in either genus. The leaves of Sphenophyllum occur in verticils or whorls usually of six leaves at the articulations of the axes and do not alternate with those of the verticil below but are superposed, The leaf varies from cuneate to elongate-oval, from more or less entire with pointed or blunt teeth to laciniate or to deeply lobed or filamentous. The kind and degree of dissection of the leaves may vary greatly from the apex to the base of the plant, but the overall pattern of leaf dissection is consistent for the species. The leaves of each verticil form the same angle to the axis and give a radial symmetry and are usually oriented so that they lie in a plane parallel to the axis, Most of the species bear verticils of leaves of equal length but in some they are in pairs of unequal length. Sphenophyllum is readily distinguished from 4sterophyllites and Annularia by the venation of the leaf. In Sphenophyllum one vein enters the base of the leaf and undergoes one to eight dichotomies before the resulting veinlets ter- minate at the distal margin in the lobes or teeth. It has been found in North America that 1) Asterophyllites includes four species namely. Ast. charaeformis (Sternberg) Geoppert, 1884, Ast. equiseti- formis (Schlotheim) Brongniart, 1828, Ast. grandis (Sternberg) Geinitz, 1855, and Ast. longifolius (Sternberg) Brongniart, 1828; 2) Annularia includes ten species, namely, Ann. acicularis (Dawson) White, 1900, Ann. aculeata Bell, 1944, Ann. disteris Bell, 1944, Ann. galioides (Lindley and Hutton) Kidston, 1891, Ann. latifolia (Dawson) Kidston, 1886, Ann. mucronata Schenk, 1883. 290 BULLETIN 174 Ann. radiata (Brongniart) Sternberg, 1825, Ann. sphenophylloides (Zenker) Gutbier, 1837, Ann. stellata (Schlotheim) Wood, 1860, and Ann, vernensis (Arnold) Abbott, 1958; and 3) Sphenophyllum includes 18 species, namely, Sph. angustifolium (Germar) Geoppert, 1848, Sph. arkansanum White, 1936, Sph. cornutum Lesqquereux, 1870, Sph. cuneifolium (Sternberg) Zeiller, 1880, Sph. emarginatum Brongniart, 1828, Sph. fasciculatum (Lesquereux) White, 1899, Sph. gilmorei White, 1929, Sph. lescurianum White, 1899, Sph. longifolium (Germar) Geinitz, 1843, Sph. majus Втопп, 1835, Sph. oblongifolium (Germar and Kaulfuss) Unger, 1850, Sph. obovatum Sellards, 1908, 80). tenerrimum (Ettingshausen) Stur, 1887, Sph. tenue White, 1900, Sph. tenuifolium Fontaine and White, 1880, Sph. thoni Mahr, 1868, Sph. trichomatosum Stur, 1887, and Sph. verticillatum (Schlotheim) Zeiller, 1885. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper 18 dedicated to the memory of the late Dr. J. Н. Hoskins who directed the study of the three genera. The writer is grateful to Dr. Margaret Fulford for reviewing the manuscript, and to Dr. H. R. Muegel for various translations, Dept. of Botany and Bacteriology, University of Cincinnati; to Dr. W. A. Bell, Ottawa, Canada, for the gift of several paratypes of Ann. aculeata; to Dr. С. A. Arnold, Botany Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, for the gift of a paratype of Ann. vernensis; to Dr. J. W. Wells, Geology Department, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, for the loan of the type specimen of Sph. (?) vetustum; to Dr. К. Н. Baxter, Botany Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, for the loan of one of the syntypes of Sph. obovatum; to Dr. L. С. Hertlein, Assoc. Curator, Department of Geology, Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California, for the loan of one of the syntypes of Carpannularia americana; to Dr. A. J. Miklausen, West Allegheny Senior High, Oakdale, Pennsylvania, for the loan of several specimens of Spheno- phyllum thom and Sph. longifolium; to Dr. A. Т. Cross, West Vir- ginia Geological Survey, Morgantown, West Virginia, for the loan of specimens of Sph. tenuifolium, Sph. tenerrimum, Sph. oblongi- folium, Sph. cf. cuneifolium, and Ast. charaeformis and for the opportunity to study his personal collections; to Dr. A. H. Blickle, Botany Department, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, for the loan of specimens of Ann. asteris and for the opportunity to study the fossil plant collections at that institution; to Dr. P. H. Price, Di- rector, West Virginia Geological Survey, Morgantown, West Vir- Asterophyllites, Anmularia < Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 291 ginia, for the opportunity to study the plant collections of the survey; to Dr. S. Н. Mamay, Paleobotanical Department, U. 5. National Museum, Washington, D. C., for the opportunity to study the Lacoe Collection and part of the David White Collec- tion; to the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., for photo- graphs of the type specimens of Sph. fasciculatum (Ast. fasciculatus Lesquereux), Sph. tenerrimum, Sph. angustifolium (Sph. bifurca- tum Lesquereux), Ann. asteris (Ann. minuta Lesquereux), and Ast. charaeformis (Ast. gracilis Lesquereux); and to Dr. М. К. Elias, Nebraska Geological Survey, Lincoln, Nebraska, for helpful infor- mation concerning the type specimens of Carpannularia americana. INTRODUCTION Organ genera based on roots, leaves, and fructifications of both herbaceous and arborescent sphenopsids are common in the col- lections of Pennsylvanian fossils. Іп a large part the sterile foliage may be referred to Asterophyllites, Anmularia, or Spenophyllum and less frequently to Lobatanmularia or Equisetites. In the process of describing the fossil fora of the Upper Freeport (No. 7) Coal in Athens County, southeastern Ohio, it was found necessary to re- view the reported North American species of these genera, as there is considerable taxonomic confusion concerning them. This paper is an attempt 1) to re-evaluate the North American species of the genera Asterophyllites, Anmularia, and Sphenophyl- lum; 2) to present means of their identification; 3) to determine the geological range and geographic distribution; and 4) to present some new morphological data concerning the mucro, sheath, epi- dermal pattern, stomata, and hairs which have been obtained by using transfer methods. Two transfer techniques (Abbott, М. L., 1950; Abbott, К. Е., and M. L. Abbott, 1952) were employed with excellent results in this study. The entire compression is removed from the rock, washed in hydrofluoric acid and water, and studied under trans- mitted or reflected light. Small specimens were permanently mounted in balsam on standard slides. Asterophyllites (Pl. 35, fig. 4) and Annularia (Pl. 35, fig. 6) are genera of probable calamitean affinity represented only in the 292 BULLETIN 174 collections by articulated, branched or unbranched delicate stems bearing whorls of leaves at each articulation or node. These genera are similar in that they have leaves which are usually linear-lanceo- late, uninerved and more or less conspicuously united at the base by a sheath which is sometimes not recognized as such. Distin- guishing features of the leaves of the two genera include the width- length ratio and position of the leaves in the whorl with relation to the axis. In Asterophyllites the margins of the leaves are essentially straight or parallel, the leaves thus tapering gradually to an acute apex. The width-length ratio is usually great (Chart 1), averaging 1:10 and may be as high as 1:100. In only one species, Asterophyl- lites charaeformis, is it less than 1:10. The general effect is that of a linear or acicular leaf. In Anmularia (Chart 2), on the other hand, the leaves are lanceolate to obovate or spatulate, so that the posi- tion of the maximum width is an important diagnostic character. When the maximum width occurs near the apex, the leaves taper to a point or mucro (a short prolongation of the midvein). When the maximum width is near or at the middle, the leaves taper much more gradually. In Asterophyllites the leaves, which are of equal length, are usually cupped around the axis (РІ, 35, fig. 4); that is, they form an angle of approximately 60° with the axis and then bend abruptly upwards to lie parallel to the axis. The compressed sheath, which 15 frequently difficult to observe but is always present to a greater or lesser degree, may appear elliptical in outline. In Annularia, the leaves, which are equal in length (РІ. 35, fig. 7) in some species and unequal in others (PL 35, fig. 5), radiate from the node. Here the sheath appears circular in outline. These leaf orientations are not always constant, as Asterophyllites leaves have been observed which were flattened in the plane of the axis and Anmularia leaves cupped around the axis. These are excep- tions and are probably due to diagenesis of the sediments. Separation of the individual species within the two genera is based upon the details of the width-length ratio, numbers of leaves in a whorl (5-50), shape of the leaf, and the position of the widest portion of the leaf. It is necessary to use a combination of characters rather than a single feature in order to separate one species from another in either genus. Asterophyllites, Annularia ES Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 293 The leaves of Sphenophyllum (Pl. 44, figs. 66-69) also occur in verticils of usually six leaves at the nodes or articulations of the axes, and do not alternate with those in the verticils above and below, but are superposed. Sphenophyllum is readily distinguished from Asterophyllites and Annularia by the venation of the leaf. One vein enters the base of the leaf and undergoes one to eight dichotomies before the resulting veinlets terminate at the distal margin, often in the teeth or lobes. The first bifurcation of the single vein may be immediate on entering the leaf (Charts 3-4), or it may be traverse 1-2 mm. before dichotomising. In those spe- cies in which the leaves are broadly obovate rather than cuneate- truncate, it is difficult to determine where the distal margin ends and lateral margins begin. Some of the veins do not reach the apex of the distal margin, but end along the lateral margins. The leaves of each verticil stand out at the same angle to the axis, giving a radial symmetry, and are usually oriented so that they lie in a plane parallel to the axis. Most of the species bear verticils of leaves of equal length (Pl. 44, fig. 66), but some bear leaves іп pairs of unequal length (Pl. 44, fig. 69). In the anisophyllous species, the leaves are bilaterally symmetrically paired іп three pairs in each verticil (РІ, 38, fig. 30). Each pair may be a different length or only one pair may be shorter than the other two. In either case, the shortest pair is directed toward the base of the plant and the other two pairs nearly at right angles to the axis leaving a gap of 90-180° in the upper part of the verticil. Usually there are six leaves in a verticil, but there may be eight or nine (РІ. 38, fig. 29). As many as eighteen leaves have been reported by European authors, but this high number has not been reported in any North American species. The shape of the leaf varies from cuneate to broadly ovate. Most species are cuneate and the distal margins are straight or nearly so; however, some species are characterized by rounded distal margins giving an ovate shape to the leaves. The general appearance of the leaves varies with the nature of the dissection of the distal margin. Some species are undivided and the distal margin is set with pointed or blunt teeth (Pl. 38, fig. 32); others are laciniated or fringed (Pl. 38, fig. 39), while still others are 294 BULLETIN 174 deeply lobed or even filamentous (Pl. 37, fig. 22). The kind and degree of dissection of the leaf may vary greatly depending on its position on the axis, whether near the apex or the base of the plant, but the overall pattern of leaf dissection is consistent for the species. For example, in the upper portions of the axis, the distal margin may be entire or toothed, while іп leaves progres- sively lower on the same axis the margin is more and more deeply dissected until the ultimate in dissection results in a filamentous leaf (PL 37, fig. 22). The reverse of this is seen in at least one of the species, Sph. angustifolium, and to some degree in Sph. fascicul- atum (РІ. 37, fig. 27), in which the most deeply dissected leaves occur at the apices of axes and less dissected to entire leaves to- ward the base. The lateral margins of the leaves of Sphenophyllum are usually straight (РІ. 38, fig. 30), but in some species they are strongly concave (Pl. 38, fig. 32), while in others they are convex ula incom "The cells of both the adaxial (Pl. 38, fig. 44) and abaxial ( Pl. 38, figs. 37-42) epidermis are relatively thin-walled, elongated in the direction of the long axis of the leaf, with the lateral walls somewhat thicker than the more or less inclined undulate end walls. 'The size and shape of the cells and the thickness of the cell walls vary within a species to such an extent that they may not be used for specific determination. Stomata, (Pl. 38, figs. 44-45) observed only on the abaxial epidermis, һауе two kidney-shaped sunken guard cells surrounded by approximately three to five irregular accessory cells. Minute hairs, some of 135 mu long, occur on the margins of the leaves of Sph. angustifolium (Pl. 38, figs. 40, 41; Pl. 44, fig. 65), are simple, and appear to be an extension of an epidermal cell. Much longer marginal hairs up to 1 mm. in length have been ob- served on an isolated whorl of leaves doubtfully referred to Sph. cuneifolium. Marginal hairs on the leaves of that species, however, have not otherwise been observed or known on other species. The axes are usually slender and flexuous (Pl. 44, fig. 66), but some are quite stout and rigid (Pl. 44, fig. 66). Branching in some species is sparse but in others is frequent, the branches oc- Asterophyllites, Annularia 6 Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 295 curring singly, opposite, or whorled at the nodes. The internodes are from 1 to 80 mm. long, but most commonly are about 1 cm. The axes are seldom over 5 mm. wide, although the largest known 18 more than 1 cm. wide and the smallest branches may be only a third of a millimeter wide. — TAXONOMIC TREATMENT KEY TO THE GENERA Leaves falcate, linear or linear-lanceolate, uninerved, united basally by a sheath. / Leaves overlapping the upper internode only and cupping the axis, leaf margins parallel, area of leaf attachment apparently elliptical I. Asterophyllites AA. Leaves radiating from the node, more or less covering both upper and lower internodes, leaf margins convex, area of leaf attachment apparently circular..................... II. Annularia Leaves cuneate to broadly ovate, one vein enters the base of the leaf and undergoes one to several dichotomies IH. Sphenophyllum I. 'ASTEROPHYLLITES Brongniart, 1822 Asterophyllites Brongniart, 1872, Classification, Memoires Museum His- toire naturelle, VIII, р, 210. Schlotheimia Sternberg, 1823, Flora der Мохе Jy fuso. 2| p. 91. Myriophyllites Sternberg, 1824, Flora der Vorwelt, I, fasc. 3, р. 39. Bornia Sternberg, 1825, Flora der Vorwelt, fasc. 4, p. xxviii. Bruckmannia Sternberg, 1825, Flora der Vorwelt, I, fasc. 4, р. xxix. Volkmannia Sternberg, 1825, in part, Flora der Vorwelt, fasc. 4, р. xxix. Bechera Sternberg, 1825, Flora der Vorwelt, I, fasc. 4, р. xxx. Hippurites Lindley and Hutton, 1836, Fossil Flora, 3:105, London, Calamites Ettingshausen, 1851, in Haidinger's Naturwissenschaftliche ADA, LV, 1172, Calamocladus Schimper, 1869, Traite, 1:323. Asterophyllum Schimper, 1880, in Zittel, Handbuch Paleontologie, II, Lief, бу D. 175 The leaves occur in verticils at the nodes, forming an angle of approximately 60? with the axis. They are falcate to linear with an acuminate apex; fused basally into a sheath. The leaves are uni- nerved, with the vein occupying one-fourth to one-half the width of the leaf. In compression the nodal area to which these leaves are ¡From Jongmans, Fossilium Catalogus, П. Plantae, Pars 4, 1914, 296 BULLETIN 174 attached is usually conspicuously elliptic. The leaves are of equal length with a width-length ratio averaging 1:10, are openly spread apart, and are either as long as the internode or overlap one or more whorls above. The leaves are dorsi-ventral; the abaxial epi- dermis is composed of about eight to ten rows of elongate cells on either side of the midvein. The lateral сей walls are straight to slightly undulate; the end walls are straight and are variously at right angles or inclined. The adaxial epidermis 18 composed of elon- gate cells with strongly undulate to nearly straight lateral walls; the end walls are straight and inclined or tapering. Stomata occur occasionally on the adaxial epidermis but are more frequent and scattered on the abaxial epidermis. Each is surrounded by two kidney-shaped guard cells, and the aperture is approximately parallel to the midvein. KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Leaves 30-40 in a whorl, averaging 7-10 cm. long; width-length ratio 1:30-1:100 4, Ast. longifolius AA. Leaves 4-20 in a whorl a. Leaves 12-20 in a whorl; up to 2 cm. long; width-length ratio 1:15 2. Ast. equisetiformis aa. Leaves 4-8 in a whorl b. Leaves 4-5 in a whorl; not more than 2.5 mm. long; width- length ratio 1:5 1. Ast. charaeformas bb. Leaves usually 8 in a whorl; up to 1 cm. long; width-length ratio 1:10 3. Ast. grandis 1. Asterophyllites charaeformis (Sternberg) Goeppert Pl, 35, fig. 2; Pl. 48, figs, 85, 86; Chart 1 Bechera charaeformis Sternberg, 1825, Flora der Vorwelt, I, 4:30, р. ххх, pi 53, м. Asterophyllites charaeformis (Sternberg), Goeppert, 1844, in Wimmer, Flora von Schlesien Preuss, und Oster. anth., Breslau, p. 198. Asterophyllites gracilis Lesquereux, 1860, Second Report of a Geol. Recon- : naisance of the Middle and South Counties of Arkansas, p. 310, pl. 2, figs. 4, 4a. ‚Asterophyllites ? minutus Andrews, 1875, Ohio Geol. Report, II, Geol. and Paleont., p. 424, pl. 51, figs. 4, 4a. Additional references.—]ongmans (1914, 96-98, bibliographic), Bell (1940, 129, pl. 10, fig. 3; 1944, 108, pl. 63, fig. 2; pl. 68, fig. 1 in part; pl. 70, fig; 1). Asterophyllites, Annularia €S Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 297 CHART | CHARAEFORMIS GOEPPERT 1884 ASTEROPHYLLITES| ASTEROPHYLLITES EQUISE TIFORMIS BRONGNIART 1828 ASTEROPHYLLITES GRANDIS STERNBERG 1825 ASTEROPHYLLITES LONGIFOLIUS STERNBERG 1825 NO OF LEAVES PER WHORL 4-10 12-20 16-20 30-40 LEAF FORM falcate widest at base linear- lanceolate widest at middle linear -falcate widest at base LEAF MARGINS І margin concave | margin concave linear widest at middle LEAVES TO AXIS convex straight | margin convex | margin convex 6-20mm; LEAF LENGTH 1.5 - 3mm d 5-ІОтт 2.5 -14 ст 1.5 -4ст WIDTH- LENGTH 1:4; 1:6 1:12 ; 1:20 1:10, 1:15 1:50;1:100 RATIO VARIATION ОЕ none none none none LEAVES IN WHORL INCLINATION OF 90° 309-909 90% 45% MEDIAN VEIN 1/2width of leaf \4-\/2.width of leaf V2 width of leaf V2 width of leaf DIAGRAM <= .-5тт-- “----5тт---- L—— 5mm ——3À 4cm Chan № Species of Asterophyllites. 298 BULLETIN 174 Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville to lower Allegheny. The leaves, 4 to 10 in each verticil, are spread apart, may be as long as the internode or may slightly overlap the whorl above. They are attached to the axis at an angle of approximately 90° but curve abruptly upwards parallel to the axis. While the leaves vary in length from 3 mm. on the larger branches to 1.5-2.5 mm. on the ultimate branches, the width, which is approximately 0.5 mm. at the base, with a midvein of about 0.2 mm., is essentially the same. 'The larger axes are 8 mm. broad with slightly raised flat con- tinuous ribs, with internodes up to 3 cm. long. Much smaller axes or ultimate branches (Pl. 35, fig. 2) are found more frequently. 'They vary from 0.5 to 4.0 mm. in width, are longitudinally striated, and have internodes from 15 mm. long near the juncture with the next higher rank axis to 2 mm. long near the tip. Horizon and distribution?.—Canada: Nova Scotia, Pictou Coal- field, Pictou and Stellarton Series—lower Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1940); Northern Nova Scotia, Cumberland group—Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944), Riversdale group—lower Pottsvilie (cited by Bell, 1944). United States: Arkansas, Males Coal Bank—lower Allegheny (cited by Lesquereux, 1860); Ohio, Rushville, Perry County—Pottsville (cited by Andrews, 1875, the original of Ast. ? minutus, and WVA-C); Indiana; Georgia, Dade; Alabama, Wood- worth Coal Mine—no exact locality or horizon is available for the last three localities (cited by Lesquereux, 1880, 1884). 2 The species cited have been described and figured in sufficient detail so that their identity is beyond reasonable doubt. The following abbreviations have been used to designate the localities of the specimens in the citations under the individual species -- US—United States National Museum, Washington, D. C. CINC—Botany and Bacteriology Department, University of Cincinnati, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. CINC-T—Abbott Collection, Cincinnati, Ohio. OU—Botany Department, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. WVA-G—Geology Department, University of West Virginia, Morgantown, West Virginia. WVA-S—West Virginia Geological Survey, Morgantown, West Virginia. WVA-C—A. T. Cross Collection, Morgantown, West Virginia. CAS—Department of Geology, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California. AJM—A. J. Miklausen Collection, West Allegheny Senior High School, Oak- dale, Pennsylvania. HBL—Harvard Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. س Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 299 2. Asterophyllites equisetiformis (Schlotheim) Brongniart, 1828, Pl. 85, fig. 4; РІ. 36, figs. 12, 15, 19, 20; РІ, 89, figs. 46, 47, 49-51; Ро 49 ПЕ 05, PL 47 78 Casuarinites equisetiformis Schlotheim, 1820, Petrefactenkunde, Gotha, p. 397 Asterophyllites equisetiformis (Schlotheim), Brongniart, 1828, Prodrome, Paris, р. 159, 176, Asterophyllites trinervis Dawson, 1866, Geol. Soc. London, Fours 221152; pl. 13, fig. 90. Annularia erectifolius Andrews, 1875, Geol. Rept. Ohio, Paleontology, 2:425, pl. 49, fig. 3. Other references —Jongmans (1914, 105-115, bibliographic; 1923, 757-758, bibliographic), Jongmans (1935, 407, 410, pl. 32, fig. 103), Bell (1938, 86, pl. 87, figs. 3, 4; pl. 88, fig. 1), Janssen (1939, 88, fig. 71), Bell (1940, 128), Bell (1944, 103, pl. 70, fig. 2; pl. 71, figs. 1, 3), Arnold (1949, 183, pl. 17, figs. 2, 4-5). Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville through the Allegheny. The leaves of both the larger and the ultimate axes are in verticils of 12 to 20 (the number varying and often indeterminate because of preservation factors). The leaves are linear-lanceolate with nearly parallel margins and a sharply pointed apex. The lower leaves on the axis are attached at approximately a right angle (fig. 46) and at about the middle curve upward; the intermediate and upper leaves are attached at successively smaller angles, the small- est angle being approximately 30% (Pl. 35, fig. 4; Pl. 39, fig. 46). The upper leaves are less curved and are essentially straight for the most of their length. The leaves on the larger axes are approximately 15 mm. long, while the leaves on the branches of these axes are 6-20 mm. long and 0.5-1.0 mm. wide. In both, a single vein occupies from one- fourth to one-half the width of the leaf. In their ascending progression, the leaves become smaller and more appressed and/or erect until the verticils overlap, are com- pact and cupulate at the apices (Pl. 39, figs. 47, 49-51). Due to the extreme shortening of the internodes, the stem has an overall "paint brush" appearance. Neither spores nor sporangial structures, which would indicate that this portion of the axis was fertile, have been found. Plate 39, figure 49 (young plant ?) and its enlarge- ment at figure 50 shows the grouping of the “paint brush" apices. BULLETIN 174 The adaxial epidermis of this species shows eight to ten rows of cells on either side of the vein which are elongated in the direc- tion of the long axis of the leaf. The lateral walls (РИ 56 15. 12) are straight to slightly undulate and the end walls are straight to inclined. The abaxial epidermis (PL 36, fig. 19; PI. 43, fig. 63) shows cells with strongly undulate to nearly straight lateral walls and straight to inclined and tapering end walls. Stomata occur occa- sionally on the adaxial surface (PI. 36, figs. 19, 20; Pl. 43, fig. 63) but are more frequent on the abaxial surface (el 50, ie 12); Each is surrounded by two kidney-shaped guard cells (CEL 6 fg. 20); accessory cells are absent. The aperture of the stoma is ap- proximately parallel to the midvein. The stomata do not appear to be arranged in any pattern but are scattered over the surface. The midvein, although incompletely preserved in transferred specimens, possesses seven to eight elongate parallel elements (Pl. 36, fig. 19 ; Pl. 43, fig. 63), all of which are approximately the same width and have the same lateral wall thickness. Pitting or other markings indicative of cell types have not been observed. The epidermal cells of the leaf sheath decrease in size toward the node. А series of short cells with greatly thickened walls (Pl. 36, fig. 15) occupies the angle formed by the union of two leaves. No stomata have been found in the sheath area. Two, possibly more, ranks of branches occur, the larger are 45 cm. long and bear as many as eighteen internodes. These latter are up to 4 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide. They are striated to conspicu- ously ribbed, the ribs or ridges being 0.2-0.3 mm. wide with grooves correspondingly wide. A larger axis bears at each node at least two lateral branches and a verticil of leaves (2.7 cm. long); the com- plete lateral branches may be up to 14.5 cm. long and bear as many as fifteen whorls of leaves (2 cm. long). The internodes of the lateral branches are 1.3-0.3 cm. long and decrease successively and proportionately in length and width from the base to the apex. The nodes on both ranks of branches are usually conspicuously en- larged and on the ultimate branches 0.5-1.0 mm. wider than the internodes to which they are adjacent. The nodal line is usually straight but in some cases is slightly inclined. Asterophyllites, Annularia © Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 301 Asterophyllites equisetiformis is usually represented in col- lections by ultimate branches, with internodes averaging 1 cm. long and nodes with leaf whorls whose leaves average about 1.2 ст. long (Pl. 39, fig. 46). Four exceptionally large axes, bearing these typical ultimate branches, have been studied. One was collected from the Cherokee shale, Clinton, Missouri (Lacoe Collection, U. S. National Mu- seum). This axis is 45 cm. long and has nine internodes, those at the base are 4 cm. long and those in the upper part 3 cm. long. At each node this axis bears both leaves (2.7 cm. long) and com- plete lateral branches (14.5 cm. long). The lateral branches have internodes 13 mm. long at the base and 9 mm. long in the upper part. They bear fourteen whorls of leaves, the basal ones being 17 mm. long. The second specimen, from the Brookville clay near Мс- Arthur, Ohio, (Abbott Collection, No. 3575), is 35 cm. long with 18 internodes. These are 5 mm. wide in the basal region and 3.5 cm. long and 2 mm. wide and 2.5cm. long in the upper part. This axis bears at almost every node (incompletely preserved) leaves which are 1.5 cm. long and complete lateral branches 11 cm. long. The third specimen, from the Upper Freeport near Kimberly, Ohio, (Abbott Collection, No. 5606) has six internodes. These are 3.9 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide in the lower part of the axis and 3.5 cm. long and 0.4 ст. wide in the upper part. Occasionally, axes with extremely shortened and thickened internodes (Pl. 39, figs. 47, 49-51), probably young branches or plants, bear lateral branches whose internodes are also shortened and thickened. On these specimens, the leaf whorls on the lateral branches enclose several superior internodes with their unopened whorls which give these lateral branches a “paint brush" ap- pearance. The absence of spores and sporangial structure indicate that this portion of the axis was not fertile. Figure 50 (Plate 39), an enlargement of part of Figure 49, shows a series of lateral “paint brush” structures attached at about a 30° angle in whorls around an axis. One of these lateral elements bears basal leaves which are almost as long as the usual leaf (PI. 39, fig. 46). They are close together, appressed, and enclose and overlap the shortened superior internodes and almost all of the 302 BULLETIN 174 superior leaf whorls. In this respect, the structure is essentially bud- like in character. In Figure 51 (Plate 39), the internodal length of the axis bearing the budlike structure is about the same as that in Figure 49, although the budlike structures appear more mature. They form a wider angle with the stem (about 90°) and are more open because the leaves are not so closely appressed. The leaves which occur at the nodes with the lateral “buds” are more robust, and they are essentially parallel to the axis. Figure 47 (Plate 39) shows a detached lateral “bud” which appears to be somewhat more mature than those in Figure 51. The more or less mature basal leaves are as long as the basal ones of the open verticils of Figure 46. The internodes are about 3 mm. long, much longer than those of the lateral “buds” of Figure 51, and the basal leaves enclose only about one-half of the “bud.” Horizon and distribution.—Canada: Nova Scotia, Pictou Coal- field, Pictou-Stellarton series—middle Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1940); Northern Nova Scotia, Cumberland group—Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944), Riversdale group—Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944) Cansco group—lower Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944), Sydney Coalfield from below the Tracey to the top of the Morien series— Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1938). United States: Ohio, Rushville, Perry County—Pottsville (cited by Andrews, 1875, the original of Ann. erectifolius), Kimberly, Athens County—uppermost Alle- gheny (CINC-T), McArthur, Vinton County—lower Allegheny (CINC-T); Michigan, Cycle “A”—middle Pottsville (cited by Arnold, 1949); Illinois, Mazon Creek—Allegheny, Morris—Alle- gheny (cited by Noé, 1925); Missouri, Clinton, Henry County— lower Allegheny (US), Gilkerson's Ford and Owens Coalbank— Allegheny (cited by White, 1899); Pennsylvania, Cannelton and Gate vein—Allegheny (cited by White, 1889), ‘Tipton, Blair County—Allegheny (CINC); Kentucky, Perry County, Blue Dia- mond Mine—Pottsville (CINC). 3. Asterophyllites grandis (Sternberg) Geinitz, 1855 Chart 1 Bechera grandis Sternberg, 1825, Flora der Vorwelt, Regensburg, І, 4:42, P. xxx, pl. 49, fig, ib Asterophyllites grandis (Sternberg), Geinitz, 1855, Die versteinerungen der Steinkohlenformation in Sachsen, pp. 8-9, pl. 17, figs. 4-5. Va T ahe — Asterophyllites, Annularia 6 Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 303 Other references —Jongmans (1914, 124-128, bibliographic; 1923, 759, bibliographic; 1935, 407, pl. 32, fig. 102), Bell (1944, 104, pl. 67, fig. 5; pl. 69, fig. 4; pl. 70, figs. 3-4; pl. 72, figs. 1-4; pl. A ТІР) Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville to middle Allegheny. The diffuse, linear faleate leaves, 5-10 mm. long, 0.5-0.75 mm. wide, occur in verticils of 16 to 20 on the larger axis and verticils of 8 to 10 on the ultimate branches. Leaves borne on the larger axes are shorter than the internodes; leaves borne on the smaller axes are longer than the internodes, their apices reaching the suc- ceeding higher nodes. The midvein is relatively strong, occupy- ing approximately one-half the width of the leaf and is elevated and striated. The largest axes, with leaves no longer present, are 12-20 mm. wide and internodes 3-4 ст. long. The branches of these axes are 3-8 mm. wide with internodes 5-20 mm. long and are finely longi- tudinally ribbed or striated. They vary from 2 to 8 cm. in overall length and their internodes, which are usually 2 mm. long, may be up to 4 mm. long and 0.5-1.0 mm. wide. Horizon and distribution—Canada: Northern Nova Scotia, Cumberland group—Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944), Riversdale group—Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944). United States: Jowa, near Bloomington (cited by Goeppert, 1851); /llinois, Morris Coal—Al- legheny (cited by Lesquereux, 1880); West Virginia, locality un- known—upper part of Kanawa series—lower Pottsville (cited by Jongmans, 1935); Ohio, near Albany—middle Allegheny ( CINC-T); Rhode Island, horizon and locality unknown (cited by Lesquereux, 1880). 4. Asterophyllites longifolius (Sternberg) Brongniart, 1828, PL 40, Hg. 58, PL 42.118, 60; Chart i Bruckmannia longifolia Sternberg, 1825, Flora der Vorwelt, Regensburg, I, 4:45, p. xxix, pl. 58, fig. 1. Asterophyllites longifolius (Sternberg), Brongniart, 1828, Prodrome, Paris, pp. 159, 176, Other references.—]ongmans (1914, 133-137, bibliographic; 1923, 760, bibliographic), Read (1934, 83, pl. 16, fig. 8), Bell (1938, 86, pl. 92, fig. 5), Janssen (1939, 88, fig. 72), Bell (1940, pl. 3, fig. 5). Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville to upper Allegheny. BULLETIN 174 The linear leaves number 30 to 40 in a verticil and form an angle of 45% with the axis and curve upward (Pl. 40, figs. 53, 60). They аге 2.5-14.0 cm. long, 0.5-1.5 mm. wide, and form a sheath at the node 1 mm. in height. The verticils are 1.5 to 3 times longer than the internode and sometimes overlap several nodes. The striated carinate midvein is conspicuously shown only on the adaxial surface of the leaf and averages 0.5 mm. in width. The striated axis has internodes 12-35 mm. long and 2-7 mm. wide. Branching has not been observed on this species. Bell, in 1940, described Ast. tongifohus forma striata from the Pictou Coalfield based on prominent longitudinal striation on both the axes and leaves. The midveins of the leaves were not preserved, but the description agrees with the species in all other respects. Specimens of Ast. equisetiformis from various horizons also show these striae on occasion. These striations coincide with the parallel lateral walls of the cells of the epidermis; that is, the lateral walls of the cells which are aligned parallel to the long axis of the leaf, appear as more or less prominent continuous lines unbroken by the end walls of the cells. Horizon and distribution.—Canada: Nova Scotia, Sydney Har- bour, between the Bouthillier and Harbour coal seams—in the lower one-half of the Ptychocarpus unitus zone—upper Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1938), Pictou Coalfield, Cumberland group—upper Potts- ville (cited by Bell, 1940). United States: Illinois, Mazon Creek— Allegheny (cited by Janssen, 1939); Pennsylvania, Pittston, Wilkes- barre, Cannelton—Allegheny (cited by Lesquereux, 1880); Mis- souri, Henry County, near Clinton—lower Allegheny (CINC), Gil- kerson’s Ford, Pitcher’s Coal bank, Owens Coalbank—Allegheny (US); Ohio, Athens County, Kimberly—uppermost Allegheny (CINC-T); Colorado, Mosquito Range, Weber formation—Potts- ville (cited by Read, 1934). II. 3 Annularia Sternberg, 1823 Casuarinites Schlotheim, 1820, Petrefactenkunde, p. 397, Gotha, Annularia Sternberg, 1823, Flora der Vorwelt, I, fasc. 2, pp. 28, 31, 32, 36. Bornia Sternberg, 1825, Flora der Vorwelt, I, fasc. 4, p. xxviii. Trochophyllum Wood, 1860, Acad, Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Proc. р. 438. 3From Jongmans, Fossilium Catalogus, II, Plantae, Pars 2, 1936. — a Asterophyllites, Annularia © Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 305 The leaves occur in verticils at and radiate from the nodes. They are lanceolate to ovate or spatulate, uninerved, and are basally fused into a sheath. In compression the nodal area to which these leaves are attached is usually conspicuously circular. А single vein occupies one-seventh to one-half the width of the leaf. The leaves are equal in length in some species and unequal in others, have a width-length ratio of 1:8 on the average, and are seldom longer than the internode. The leaves аге dorsi-ventral; the abaxial epi- dermis over the midvein is composed of five or six rows of thin- walled cells elongated parallel to the midvein, with end walls more or less at right angles to the lateral walls. ‘There are no stomata in this area. Between the midvein and the margin of the leaf, the abaxial epidermis is composed of thin-walled cells with essentially straight walls. The cells are elongated toward the margin of the leaf at less than a right angle from the midvein. Stomata are quite crowded between the midvein area and the margin of the leaf and not confined to a groove or narrow band. Each stoma is sur- rounded by two guard cells and two accessory cells. The guard cells are inconspicuous, small, sunken, and often not visible. The accessory cells are conspicuously kidney-shaped. Simple hairs occur on the abaxial epidermis. The adaxial epidermis is composed of cells similarly arranged as those of the abaxial epidermis, except that the surface is devoid of stomata. KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Leaves widest at the middle a. Leaves 6-15 mm. long b. Leaves 8-18 in a whorl, of equal length, width-length ratio 1:10-1:15 5. Ann. acicularis bb. Leaves 10-14 in a whorl, of equal length, width-length ratio 1:6-1:12 11. Ann. radiata aa. Leaves 1.5-4 mm. long, with blunt apex, width-length ratio 1:3-1:5 8. Ann. galioides AA. Leaves widest above the middle c. Leaves spatulate and strongly mucronate d. Leaves 12-22 in a whorl, of approximately equal length; the whorl occasionally acentric with the lower leaves shorter, width-length ratio 1:6-1:8 13. Ann. sphenophylloides BULLETIN 174 dd. Leaves 10-24 in a whorl, lateral leaves much longer, width- length ratio 1:3-1:7 10. Ann. mucronata cc. Leaves oblanceolate e. Leaves 6-12 in a whorl, less than 1 cm. long f. Leaves averaging 5-7 mm. long g. Width-length ratio 1:5 9. Ann. latifolia gg. Widthelenoth ratio Ое 14. Ann. vernensis ff. Leaves 1.5-5 mm. long h. Leaves 3.5-4 mm. long, width-length ratio 1:4-1:7 nsn 6. Ann. aculeata hh. Leaves 1.545 mm. long, width-length ratio 1:6............... 7. Ann. asteris ee. Leaves 16-32 in a whorl, 2.5 cm. long, width-length ratio 1:5-1:10 12. Ann. stellata 5. Annularia acicularis (Dawson) White, 1900 Chart 2 Asterophyllites acicularis Dawson, 1862, Geol. Soc. London, Quart, Jour., 18:310, pl, 13, figs. 16a, b. Asterophyllites lenta Dawson, 1871, Geol. Sur. Canada, p. 29, pl. 5, fig. 60. Asterophyllites (аха Dawson, 1878, Acadian Geology, 3d ей, р. 539, London. Annularia acicularis (Dawson), White, 1900, United States Geol, Sur., 20th Ann. Rept., 2:898. ?Annularia recurva Matthew, 1906, Royal Soc. Canada, Trans, 12:128, pl. 2, figs. 1-3. Asterophyllites spp. Stopes, 1914, Geol, Sur. Canada, Mem. 41:20, pl. 4, fig. 5. Other references.—Dawson (1868, 537, figs. 194H, Н, (not fig. H,); 1871, 28, pl. 5, figs. 54a-c, ?57 (not figs. 55-56); 1888, 82, fig. 31H (not fig. H,), Matthew (1906, 127, pl. 5, fig. 1, (not figs. 2-3); p. 122, pl. 5, figs. 6, 7; 1910, 94), Jongmans (1914, 6, bibliographic), Bell (1944, 101, pl. 58, figs. 2, 5; pl. 60, fig. 6; pl. 63, fig. 3; pl. 64, fig. 5; pl. 65, fig. 2; pl. 69, fig. 5). Stratigraphic range. Lower Pottsville to lower Allegheny. The leaves number 8 to 18 in a verticil and are 6-15 mm. long, 0.5-1.0 mm. wide, with the maximum width approximately median. They are lanceolate, with the lateral ones slightly longer than those more or less parallel to the axis. The verticils are flattened in the plane of the axis. Although the leaves of a verticil generally radiate from the node, the leaves, ajdo4225 y tapers apically tapers to a point tapers apically tapers basally tapers basally tapers apically tapers apically ANNULARIA ANNULARIA ANNULARIA ANNULARIA ANNULARIA ANNULARIA ANNULARIA ANNULARIA ANNULARIA ANNULARIA CHART 2 Jacıeurarıs ACULEATA ASTERIS GALIOIDES LATIFOLIA MUGRONATA RADIATA SPHENOPHYLLOIOES| STELLATA VERNENSIS (DN)O.WHITE 1900| BELL 1944 BELL i944 (L.AH)KIDSTON 1891 |(DN)KIDSTON 1886| SCHENK 1883 |(BGT)STERNB.I825 (ZN.) GUTBIER 1837 | (SCH.)WOOD 1860 | (ARNOLD) ABBOTT NO. OF LEAVES B 8 -18 5-12 8 -12 8-12 7-12 10-24 8-20 10-20 8-52 орош 12 РЕЯ WHORL LEAF FORM lanceolate linear-lanceolate | linear-lanceolate} oblanceolate oblanceolate spatulate linear-lanceolate spatulate oblanceolate lanceolate acutely pointed : қ blunt to mucronate distinctly ба er mucronate mucronate ig ЕЕ” өсінен pied | елше m— rounded rounded mucronate |9cutely pointed | broadly rounded lobtusely pointed neute widest at middle parallel nearly parallel widest at middle widest above middie} КЕДЕ манги: widest ab dle widest above mid: dest above middle widest above middid widest above middle muuy “521016 Chart 2. Species oí Annularia. and basally above middle and basally анын and basally Ru er, and basally — LEAF LENGTH 6-15mm 1-ІОтт 1.5- 5mm 1.5-5mm 7-10mm 4-25mm 7-30mm 3-12тт 14-75 тт 5тт 8 IOTH -LENGTH m GG H2 . 5 E4 ET 1:6 ЕЗ; 1-5 1:5 +3; 1:7 +6; 1:12 1:6; 1:8 ES; 1:10 1:5 a RATIO Б VARIATION OF lateral leaves lateral leaves | lateral leaves lateral leaves | lateral leaves 2 Э equal equal арргох. equal equal equal r LEAVES IN WHORL longer tonger longer longer longer $ САГ їп рїапе оЁ ахїз > INCLINATION OF [in plane of axis up-curved іп |in plane of axis |in plane of axis |in plane of axis |in plane of axis jin plane of axis | in plane of axis jin plane of oxis about 90° % LEAVES TO AXIS rarely cupped young stems = © i > MEDIAN VEIN 1/4 width of leaf |1/3-1/2width of leaf] i/3width of leaf | 1/4 width of leaf | I/7width of leaf | l/5width of leaf |/4-L/5width ofleaf | |/Swidth of leaf |1/3-1/5width of leaf] 1/3width of leaf = = = \ \ 5 \ / | | \ PRA 3 / | \ / 1 | | \ ki: 11 | 1 / | AÑ | ] || |] | | | AÑ ] К ad ! > DIAGRAM Е Ж | le Е Е | le | | | Me ы = 5 ТЕ = 5 Е B RE: | = ms = | " ! ii}, © | 19| | [Е 1 о | ү / | | | | | "n | 3 | | / \ / | 1 1 Үр | / Т ү | Т! y / | өз о M BULLETIN 174 especially in the verticils near the tip of the branch, are arched and have a “cupped” aspect. The midvein, which is marked by longitudinal striae, occu- pies about one-fourth of the width of the leaf. The epidermis, although not well preserved in available specimens, apparently has the same cell pattern as that of the adaxial surface of the leaves of Ann, stellata (Pl. 36, fig. 9). Matthew (1906) included Ast. lenta and Ast. laxa of Dawson under Ast. lentus. He did not mention the sheath or midvein in his study of Ast. lentus. In the same paper he later transferred the Ast. acicularis of Dawson to Amnularia. Bell (1944) concluded Ast. lentus is identical with Ann. acicularis. Specimens from Harlan County, Kentucky, support Bell’s conclusion. Bell (1944) also suggested that Ann. recurva probably was synonymous with Ann. acicularis. Based on relatively few specimens of isolated leaf verticils, many authors, including Jongmans in his *Fossilium Catalogus”, consider Ann. acicularis synonymous with Ann. radiata. Studies of collections from the United States and Canada demonstrate that Ann. acicularis is quite distinct from Ann. radiata. The width- length ratio of Ann. acicularis is 1:12 to 1:15, while that of Ann. radiata is 1:6 to 1:12. The basic form of the leaf of Ann. acicularis is linear, whereas that of Ann. radiata is linear-lanceolate. The lateral leaves of Ann. acicularis are longer than the others in a whorl; those of Ann. radiata are equal. Horizon and distribution—Canada: Northern Nova Scotia, Riversdale group—lower Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944); Cumber- land group—upper Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944). United States: Pennsylvanıa, Lincoln Mine and Pottsville Gap, Sewanee zone Pottsville (cited by White, 1900); Kentucky, Harlan County, Yokum Mine—Pottsville (CINC); Ohio, McArthur, Vinton County—lower Allegheny (CINC-T). 6. Annularia aculeata, Bell, 1944 Chart 2 Annularia aculeata Bell, 1944, Сео]. Sur. Canada, Mem. 238: 101, pl. 60, figs. 3, 4; pl. 62, fig, 2; pl. 63, fig. 4; pl. 65, figs. 1, 4; pl..66, fig. 1, 34 pl. 68, figs: 1 (in part), 2, 3, 4! pl.-69,- £198. 1, 2, 3, бї pl. 74, figs 47. Asterophyllites, Annularia < Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 309 Other references.—None. Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville. The leaves, 5 to 12 in a verticil, are linear-lanceolate, acutely pointed at the apex and not constricted at the base. They are 1-10 mm. long and 0.25-0.75 mm. wide, of equal length, and usually flattened in the plane of the axis, although occasionally the leaves of the ultimate axes curve upward and due to an unusual split of the shale matrix the axes appear to be asterophyllitean in longi- tudinal section, especially when only two leaves are visible. The midvein occupies one-third to one-half the width of the leaf. The ultimate branches are lax, flexuous, opposite, and attached both obliquely and «nearly at right angles to larger branches. The internodes of the ultimate branches are 1-3 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, while the internodes of the larger axes are 7-10 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide. In transfer preparations, the cells are found to be longitud- inally oriented over the rather wide midvein, from which the cells curve away toward the leaf margin just as they do in Ann. stellata. Variation in the size and the number of the leaves in a verticil is rarely found in other species of Annularia. The five leaves, and the total diameter of the verticil may be no more than 3 mm. wide, with 3-4 mm. common. On the axes bearing the ultimate branches, however, the verticils may be composed of nine to ten leaves with a diameter of up to 20 mm. This great variation in the size and the number of leaves in a verticil immediately separates Ann. aculeata from Ann. galoides, which also is more robust in appearance and whose leaves gradu- ally diminish in size. Ann. asteris has more leaves in a verticil than Ann. aculeata and the gradual decrease in the size of its leaf whorls separates it from Ann. aculeata. Similarly between Ann. aculeata and Ann. acicularis lies only in the lax appearance of the leaf whorls. Ann. aculeata has 5 to 12 linear-lanceolate leaves of equal length in a verticil, while Ann. acicularis has 8 to 17 lanceolate leaves of unequal length in a verti- cil. The leaves of Ann. aculeata are never longer than 1 cm., while those of Ann. radiata may be up to 3 cm. long. BULLETIN 174 Horizon and distribution.—Canada: Northern Nova Scotia, Cumberland group—upper Pottsville; Riversdale group—Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944; CINC-T). Known only from Canada. 7. Annularia asteris Bell, 1944 Pl, 35, fig. 7; Pl. 89, fig. 48; Pl. 40, fig. 54; Pl. 49, figs. 88, 89; Chart 2 Annularia minuta Brongniart, 1828, Prodrome, рр. 155, 176 (nomen nudum), Paris. Annularia minuta Wood, 1866, American Phil. Soc., Trans., 13:347, pl. 8, TID 2 Annularia sp. Arnold, 1934, Univ. Michigan, Mus. Paleont., Cont., 4:187, pl. 1, figs. 2, 4. Annularia asteris Bell, 1944, Geol. Sur. Canada, Mem. 238: 102-103, pl. 67, 119,33 ph 08, 5. Other references. —None. Stratigraphic range. —Pottsville to lower Dunkard. The leaves, 8 to 12 in a verticil, are all of equal length, and linear-lanceolate, with sides more or less parallel. The apices are acuminate, the bases slightly constricted. The leaflets on the larger axes are up to 5 mm. long and slightly less than 0.5 mm. wide; those on the ultimate axes are 1.5-2.5 mm. long and 0.25-0.4 mm. wide (figs. 7, 48). The midvein occupies approximately one-third of the leaf (Chart 2). The largest known North American specimen is an axis (desig- nated first order for convenience) which has internodes 6 cm. long апа 7-8 mm. wide, and the nodes are enlarged. It bears two lateral branches (second order) at each node with internodes near the base 2 cm. long and 3 mm. wide. These branches bear leaves 5 mm. long and two branches (third order) at each node 5 cm. long with seven whorls of leaves. The internodes of these latter are 5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide near the base. The branches of the third order also bear two lateral branches (fourth order) 2.5 cm. long and five whorls of leaves. The nodes of the branches of the third and fourth orders are not noticeably enlarged. All of the branches are opposite and distichous and are at- tached at wide angles. The internodes are rather short and the adjacent verticils of leaves do not overlap. The general effect is an appearance of sparse leaf verticils and lax branches. Іп this respect, the plant is much different from Ann. galioides. In Ann. asteris, six whorls of leaves occur over a span of 4 cm. of the axis, Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 311 while in Ann. galioides five whorls of leaves occur in a 2 cm. span of the axis. The leaves are wider in proportion to length in Ann. galioides and more linear-lanceolate in Ann. asteris, as a compari- son of figure 52, with figure 54, Plate 40, will show. Brongniart listed an Annularia in his Prodrome without figures or description, as Ann. minuta. Wood (1886) stated “as there ap- pears to be a good deal of obscurity hanging over this species, M. Brongniart, as far as I can learn, never having published either description or figure, I give for an Anmularia* from the coal-fields of West Virginia, to which the name may be applied.” In the foot- note he states further “Prof. Lesquereux informs me that it is the same species as the plant found by him in the Gate vein, Potts- ville, and mentioned by him in his catalogue under the name. A. minuta, Brongn.” Lesquereux (1884) redescribed Wood’s species and other speci- mens of the same form from the Gate vein near Pottsville, Penn- sylvania, as Ann. minuta. Since the original name Ann. minuta Brongniart, 1828, is a nomen nudum, the reference to it by Wood and Lesquereux cannot be maintained. A study of the original material collected by Wood has revealed that it is identical with Ann. asterts, and the species Ann. minuta, therefore, is reduced to synonymy. Horizon and distribution.—Canada: Northern Nova Scotia, Cumberland group—Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944). United States: Ohio, McArthur, Vinton County—lower Allegheny (CINC-T); Jackson, Jackson County—Pottsville (OU, CINC-T); Pomeroy, Meigs County—Monongahela (OU); Michigan, Grand Ledge, Cycle “B”—Pottsville (cited by Arnold, 1949); Pennsylvania, near Pottsville, Gate vein—Pottsville (US); West Virginia, Brown’s Mill, Monongalia County—Washington (WVA-G); Worley, Mo- nongalia County—Dunkard (WVA-G). 8. Annularia galioides (Lindley and Hutton) Kidston, 1891 Pl. 40, fig. 52; Chart 2 Asterophyllites galioides Lindley and Hutton, 1832, The Fossil Flora of Great Britain, London, 1:79, pl. 25, fig. 2. Annularia microphylla Sauveur, 1848, Végétaux fossils des terrains houillers de la Belgique, pl. 69, fig. 6. Annularia emersoni Lesquereux, 1880, Second Geol. Sur., Pennsylvania, Rept. Progress P, 1:50-51. BULLETIN 174 Annularia sphenophylloides var. minor Lesquereux, 1880, Second Geol. Sur., Pennsylvania Rept. Progress P, Atlas, pl. 3, fig. 13. Annularia cuspidata Lesquereux, 1884, Second Geol. Sur., Pennsylvania, Rept. Progress P, 3:725, pl. 92, figs. 7, 7a. Annularia galioides (Lindley and Hutton), Kidston, 1891, Royal Physical Soc, Proc, 107556: Other references—Jongmans (1914, 15 in part, bibliographic), Walton (1936, 229-230, pl. 31, fig. 11), Janssen (1939, 86, fig. 70). Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville to lower Dunkard. The leaves, 8 to 12 in a verticil, are approximately equal in length, oblanceolate, with blunt to rounded apices, and widest above the middle, tapering toward the base. Leaves at the same node with branches may be 4-5 mm. long and 0.5-1.0 mm. wide, and somewhat larger than the leaves on the lateral branches which may be as small as 1-3 mm. long and 0.3 mm. wide ( Pl. 40, fig. 52). On the abaxial surface, the midvein occupies one-fourth of the width of the leaf (Chart 2). Anmularia galioides was first described by Lindley and Hutton as an Asterophyllites. Kidston placed it in the genus Anmularia. Both Kidston (1911) and Jongmans (1911) considered Ann. micro- phylla, figured but not described by Sauveur, a synonym. An ex- amination of the original material of Ann. emersoni Lesquereux in the U. S. National Museum showed that there is no essential dif- ference between it and Ann. galicides. The single specimen of An- nularia cuspidata Lesquereux, which bears eight verticils of leaves, is for the same reason also synonymous with Annularia galioides. Potonié (1893) considered the Ann. emersoni of Lesquereux to be synonymous with Ann. spicata. Jongmans (1911) held that Ann. spicata is, in all probability, identical with Ann. galioides. Anmularia spicata (Gutbier) Schimper, 1869, was refigured and re- described by Zeillr in his Brive paper (1892). This European plant is quite distinct from the American specimens of Ann. galtoides and in the absence of the European type specimens I hesitate to place Ann. spicata in the synonymy of Ann. galtoides. Horizon and distribution.—United States: Pennsylvania, Gates vein, near Pottsville—Pottsville (cited by White, 1900); Lykens Coal No. 1 at Lincoln Mine below Twin Coal in Pottsville Gap— Pottsville (cited by White, 1900; this collection lost); Ohio, Rush- Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 313 ville, Perry County—Pottsville (type of Ann. cuspidata Lesquer- eux, US); St. Clairsville, Belmont County—Pottsville (type of Ann. emersoni Lesquereux, US); West Virginia, Brown's Mill, Monongalia County—Washington (WVA-G, US); Illinois, Mazon Creek—Allegheny (US); and CINC No. B4106—horizon and lo- cality unknown. 9. Annularia latifolia (Dawson) Kidston, 1886 Pl 80, 08,85 Ph 97 die SL: Chart 2 Asterophyllites latifolia Dawson, 1862, Geol. Soc. London, Quart. Journ., 15:911, Oly 13, Lies а b, ©, Annularia dawsoni Schimper, 1869, Traité, 1:359. Calamites ramifer Lesquereux (in part), 1884, Second Geol. Sur. Pennsyl- vania, Rept. Progress P, 3:703-706, pl. 91, figs. 4, 4a. Annularia latifolia (Dawson), Kidston, 1886, Catalogue of Paleozoic Plants, р, 226, Annularia sphenophylloides (non Zenker), Stopes, 1914, Geol. Sur. Canada, Men 41121; pi 5; Die 7 Other references —Dawson (1868, 538, figs. 187A, D; 1871, 28, pl. 5, figs. 50-51а; 1888, figs. A, О), Lesquereux (1880, 51), D. White (1900, 898), Matthew (1906, 125, pl. 7, figs. 2-3; 1906, 126, pl. 7, figs. 4-5), Jongmans (1913, 16-17, bibliographic), Stopes (1914, 23, pl. 6, figs. 10-12; pl. 13), Bell (1914, 100). Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville to uppermost Allegheny. The leaves, 7 to 12 in a verticil, occur on alternately branched axes, are openly spread apart and rarely touch or overlap the suc- ceeding verticil (РІ. 35, fig. 3). They are oblanceolate, mucronate, widest above the middle, with a more or less rounded apex. The lateral leaves are usually somewhat longer than those parallel to the axis. The leaves usually vary from 7 to 10 mm. in length, but the variation may be from 15 to 22 mm. All are 2-3 mm. wide. The midvein is narrow and occupies approximately one-seventh of the leaf (Chart 2). The larger striated foliate axes have internodes 13 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, and the nodes are slightly enlarged, Incomplete lateral branches curve upward and have approximately five inter- nodes, ranging from 13 mm. wide at the attachment near the base of the axis to only 1 mm. wide near the tip of the axis. Dawson based his description of his species, Ast. latifolia, on isolated whorls of leaves. Schimper (1869), in reviewing Dawson’s BULLETIN 174 data, recognized that 16 belonged to the genus Anmularia and re- named the species, Ann. dawsom. Lesquereux (1880) concurred with Schimper that the species belonged to Annularia and cited it as Ann. dawsoni. Іп 1884, he described Calamites ramifer (?) based on large axes, 6-12 cm. in diameter, which bore branches with attached whorls of leaves. The description and figures of the leaves agree with the description of the leaves of Ann. latifolia. Kidston (1886) upheld the generic designation, Annularia, and re-established Dawson's original specific name, Ann. latifolia, and cited Ann. dawsom as a synonym. David White (1900) agreed that the leaves of Calam'tes rami- fer, described by Lesquereux in 1884, belonged to the species, Ann. latifolia. Matthew (1906) separated a smaller form, as An». latifolia var. minor; but Bell (1944) indicated clearly that the normal size variation of Ann. latifolia includes all of the features of Matthew's variety. The branches of Ann. latifolia which bear smaller leaves re- semble Ann. sphenophylloides in habit and branching; however the inequality of leaf length in a verticil of Ann. latifolia separates it from Ann. sphenophylloides. Annularia latifolia (Pl. 35, fig. 3) with 7 to 12 oblanceolate leaves in each verticil with their maximum width approximately mid-length of the leaf, can be distinguished from the somewhat similar Ann. stellata (Pl. 35, fig. 1), because 16 to 32 lanceolate leaves are widest nearer the apex. Horizon and distribution —Canada: Northern Nova Scotia, Cumberland group—upper Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944); New Brunswick, Lancaster, “Fern Ledges”—Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944); St. John, Cumberland group—Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944). United States: Pennsylvania, Pottsville Gap, below Twin Coal, Upper Lykens—Pottsville (cited by White, 1900); Camp- bell’s Ledge, Pittston—Pottsville (cited by White, 1900); Virginia, Fayette formation—Allegheny (cited by White, 1900); Ohio, Kim- berly, Athens County — upper Freeport — upper Allegheny (CINC-T). Asterophyllites, Annularia Y Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 315 10. Annularia mucronata Scherk, 1883 PRESO Ne OF Pi. 86, figs. 10, 11, 18, 14, 16-18; PL 41, fig. 67; Pl. 42, fies. 59, 61: Chart 2 Annularia mucronata Schenk, 1883, in Richthofen, F. Р. W., China, Pal- "ontologisch^r Thoil 4:226, pl. 30, fig. 10, text figure 10. Annulari» sphenophylloides var. intermedia Lesquereux, 1884, Second Geol. Sur. Pennsylvania, Rept. Progress Р, 3:724. Annu! rir stell t* Zoiller (in part), 1888, Étudés des Gites minéraux de la France, pp. 399 403. Annularia stellata forma mucronata Bell (in part), 1938, Geol. Sur. Canada, Mem. 215:85, pl. 89; pl. 91, fig. 1. Other references.—Potonié (1893, 161, 164), White (1899, 159-162, pl. 24, fig. 3b), Jonemans (1911, 239, 248) and Halle (1927, 32-34, pl. 7, figs. 1-8, tfig. 9). Stratigraphic range.—Throughout the Allegheny to mid- Dunkard. The spatulate leaves, 10 to 24 in a verticil, are 4-25 mm. long and 1.5-3.5 mm. wide and widest near the apex. The lateral leaves, those lying more or less at right angles to the axis ( Pl. 39, na 5% Pl. 41, fig. 57) are almost twice as long as those lying more or less parallel to the axis. This arrangement gives the verticil an elliptical shape with the greatest diameter at right angles to the axis. The margins of the leaves are straight and strongly divergent. The leaf increases in width from the sheath to the broad, rounded and strongly mucronate tip (Chart 2; Pl. 35, fig. 4). Some of the leaves may appear to be retuse or obcordate at the tip due to a partial burial in the matrix. The abaxial leaf surface and the sheath bear simple, sharply pointed hairs about 1 mm. long (PL 42, fig. 59). The conspicuous sheath is 1.5-2.0 mm. wide. The mid- vein is strong, 0.35 mm. wide and flares out at the tip. The leaves are borne on hairy (Pl. 42, fig. 61), obscurely stri- ated, alternately branched axes. Ihe nodes are prominent and the internodes are 10-25 mm. long and 0.5-3.0 mm. wide. Transfer preparations show that the abaxial epidermis (PI. 36, fig. 14) is essentially like that described for Ann. stellata (Pl. 36, fig. 19) except for the presence of many simple, long-tapering, acutely pointed hairs (Pl. 42, figs. 59, 61) on Ann. mucronata. The hairs, although more numerous near the midvein and on the sheath, are scattered over the whole of the lower lamina (Pl. 42, fig. 61). They are more or less straight to falcate, averaging 1 mm. 316 BULLETIN 174 in length, although they may be as long as 1.3 mm. No septa are visible, and the hairs appear to be extensions of single epidermal cells (Pl. 36, figs. 11, 13). In some transfer preparations the midvein area below the epidermis includes about four rows of annulate (perhaps spiral) tracheids (Pl. 36, fig. 18), 8.75-12.5 mu wide, bordered on the right and left by uniformly thickened cells, some of which are barrel- shaped, averaging 81 mu long and 38 mu wide, others rectangular, about 118 mu long and 31 mu wide. Toward the base of the leaf the midvein area includes several rows of scalariform tracheids ( Pl. 36, figs. 10, 16), each 35-40 mu wide, with barrel-shaped and rectangular cells to the right and left as shown in Figure 18 (and probably encircling it). The variation in the length of the leaves is conspicuous not only within the single verticil but also between the verticils which increase in size toward the base of the axis. For example, in one small axis (РІ. 41, fig. 57) consisting of eight verticils, the leaves of the apical whorl are 4-7 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, leaves of adjacent whorls are proportionately larger until those of the fifth whorl are 7-11 mm. long and 2 mm. wide. The internodes аге 11 mm., 12 mm., and 13 mm. long, and 0.5-1 mm. wide. Larger specimens bear lateral leaves to 24 mm. long and 3.5 mm. wide. The number of leaves in a whorl increases from 10 in the small apical verticils to 24 in the larger verticils. Ann. mucronata was first described by Schenk (1883) from plants collected in China. Lesquereux (1884) described Ann. sphenophylloides var. intermedia from Lawrence, Kansas, (now in the Lacoe Coll. in the National Museum) and it is not dif- ferent from Ann. mucronata Schenk. Bell (1938) described Ann. stellata forma mucronata from Canada, and this plant agrees also with Ann. mucronata. Other authors, Zeiller (1888), Potonié (1893), and Jongmans (1911), although not unconditionally, in- clude this species in Ann. stellata. The leaves of Ann. mucronata are intermediate in size be- tween those of Ann. sphenophylloides and Ann. stellata. The max- imum leaf length in Ann. mucronata is 25 mm. while that in Ann. spenophylloides is 12 mm. and Ann, stellata is 50 mm. Asterophyllites, Annularia 3 Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 317 The form of the leaves of Ann. mucronata is unlike that of Ann. stellata. They are widest near the apex, while those of Ann. stellata are widest near the middle. Ann. mucronata has a maxi- mum of 24 leaves in a verticil and Ann. stellata may have up to 36. The verticils of Ann. mucronata differ from those of Ann. sphenophylloides in that the former are progressively larger from the apex to the base of the axis, while those of Ann. sphenophyl- loides are approximately uniform in size throughout (compare fig. 57 with 55, Pl. 41). The leaves of a single whorl of Ann. mucro- nata are more widely spaced and the margins seldom touch one another, while in Ann. sphenophylloides the margins of adjacent leaves are typically approximate and parallel. Horizon and distribution—Canada: Nova Scotia, Sydney Coalfield, from the Tracey seam to the roof shales of the lower Point Aconi seam, Linopteris zone—Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1938). United States: Missouri, Pitchers Coal Bank and near Clinton, Henry County—Allegheny (US); Illinois, Mazon Creek— Allegheny (US); Pennsylvania, Jollytown—Dunkard (US); West Virgima, Wiseville, Monongalia Co., “Jollytown” Coal—Dunkard (US); Brown's Mill, Washington shale—Dunkard (US); near Cassville, Cassville shale—Dunkard (US); west of Price, shale near Washington Coal—Dunkard (WVA-G); northwest of Price, Washington shale below Washington Coal—Dunkard (WVA-G); Worley, Washington shale below Washington Coal—Dunkard (WVA-G); Ohio, Athens Co., Lodi township, Pittsburgh 8A Coal —Monogahela (WVA-G, OU, CINC); Kimberly, upper Егее- port—uppermost Allegheny (CINC-T); Kansas, Fairgrounds in Lawrence—upper Allegheny (US); Rhode Island, locality unknown —Allegheny (US). Also known from Europe and China. 11. Annularia radiata (Brongniart) Sternberg, 1825 РІ 41, fig. 56; Chart 2 Asterophyllites radiata Brongniart, 1822, Memoirs du Museum d'histoire Naturelle, Paris, 8:35, 89, pl. 2, figs. 7a-7b. Annularia radiata (Brongniart), Sternberg, 1825, Flora der Vorwelt, I, 4, Tentamen, p. xxxl. Annularia ramosa (Weiss), D. White, 1893, United States Geol. Sur. Bull. 98:17. Other references —White (1899, 158), Jongmans (1914, 28-32, in part, bibliographic; 1923, 747, 748, іп part, bibliographic), Noé BULLETIN 174 (1925, 13, pl. 4, fig. 2), Jongmans (1935, 405, 409, pl. 33, figs. 104- 106; pl. 26, fig. 71; pl. 25, fig. 68), Walton (1936, 232, pl. 31, figs. 16, 17), Bell (1938, 85, pl. 88, fig. 2), Janssen (1939, 68), Arnold (1949, 183-184, pl. 17, fig. 3). Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville to Conemaugh. The linear-lanceolate leaves 8 to 20 in a verticil, are commonly 14-15 mm. long and about 1.25 mm. wide but may vary from 7-30 mm. long and from 0.5-2 mm. wide. They are more or less uniform in width except for the tapering ends. The apex is acutely pointed. The leaves, radiating from the node, are lax and of equal length. They are usually flattened in the plane of the axis, often overlap those of the succeeding whorl. The midvein occupies one- fourth to one-fifth the width of the leaf. The ultimate branches are lax, flexuous, alternate, and form both oblique and nearly right angles with the larger branches. The axes of the largest branches are striated, with the internodes 15-30 mm. long and 0.5-3 mm. wide. The ultimate branches are 7-15 mm. long and 0.5-2 mm. wide. Annularia radiata is distinctive because of its lax habit (PL 41, fig. 56). The leaves are often bent in the plane of the whorl, usually near the middle. This disarray of the leaves gives each whorl a pattern quite different from the symmetrical patterns displayed Бу Ann. sphenophylloides (Pl. 41, fig. 55) or Ann. galioides (Pl. 40, fig. 52). Weiss (1881) and Stur (1887) independently discovered that certain forms of Ann. radiata were attached to Calamites ramosus. Both gave this foliage the name Ann. ramosa and initiated the dif- ficult problem of determining whether all specimens described as Ann. radiata belong to this species of Calamites or whether there are two similar species; namely, Ann. radiata based on the type described by Brongniart, which has never been found attached, and the Ann. ramosa Weiss based on the leaves attached to Cala- mites ramosus. Another problem is that if two species exist, do both occur in American collections? D. White, 1893, discussed this prob- lem at length and expressed the opinion that all of the American specimens of Ann. radiata are essentially similar to the European material which is attached to Calamites ramosus and is thus recog- Asterophyllites, Anmularia 6 Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 319 nized as Ann. ramosa. According to White the material of Weiss and Stur differs from that of Ann. radiata of Brongniart. He quoted Weiss and Stur to the effect that Brongniart’s Ann. radiata had a verticil diameter of 3.5 cm., while the verticils attached to Calamites ramosus were about 2.5 cm. in diameter. He also suggested that the width-length ratio of the leaves of Ann. radiata Brongniart is less than in that of leaves of Ann. ramosa. А review of many specimens in the U.S. National Museum, in part identified as Ann. ramosa and in part аз Ann. radiata by both Lesquereux and by White, indicates that they all belong to one species. They are like Ann. radiata as described by Brongniart. The specimens examined from Ohio, ranging in age from the lower to the upper Allegheny, also belong to the species Ann. radiata. All of these agree in being isolated verticils or branchlets unat- tached to any calamitean stem and all agree in having verticils of the larger size, 3.5-5.5 cm. in diameter. The other characteristics also closely approximate those of Brongniart’s Ann. radiata. There is no basis for the introduction of the species Ann. ramosa for any American material described thus far. Whether the attached Euro- pean foliage is sufficiently distinct from Ann. radiata to require separate consideration is doubtful. Horizon and distribution.—Canada: Nova Scotia, Sydney Coal- field, Bouthillier seam—Conemaugh (cited by Bell, 1938). United States: Missouri, Deepwater, McClelland's shaft near Bellville, and Lawrence Co. near Aurora—Pottsville (US); Michigan, above Grand Ledge Coal—upper Pottsville (cited by Arnold, 1949); Zli- nots, Mazon Creek and Will Co., Wilmington strip mine, Carbon- dale formation—Allegheny (US, CINC, and cited by Noé, 1925); Ohio, Athens Co., Kimberly—uppermost Allegheny (CINC-T); Carbondale—middle Allegheny (CINC-T); Vinton Co., McArthur —lower Allegheny (СІМС-Т); Pennsylvania, Lorberry Gap, Yoder's drift, Lykens No. 4—Pottsville (cited by White, 1900); Tennessee, near Sharon, horizon unknown (cited by Lesquereux, 1880). 12. Annularia sphenophylloides (Zenker) Gutbier, 1837 Р]. 87, fig. 24; Chart 2 Galium sphenophylloides Zenker, 1833, Neues Jahrbuch, pp. 398-400, pl. 5, figs. 6-9, 320 BULLETIN 174 Annularia sphenophylloides (Zenker), Gutbier, 1837, Isis von Oken, р. 436 Annularia brevifolia Newberry, 1853, Ann. Science, Cleveland, 1:97. Other references —Jongmans (1914, 35-39, in part, biblio- graphic; 1923, 749-750 bibliographic), Walton (1936, 228-229), Bell (1938, 84, pl. 85, fig. 3; pl. 87, fig. 1), Janssen (1939, 86, fig. 69), Bell (1940, 129). Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville to Dunkard. The spatulate leaves number 10-20 in a verticil which on smaller branches may touch or overlap the next higher verticil (PL 35, fig. 6; Pl. 41, fig. 55). The whorls of leaves also occur at the nodes of axes from which one or two branches arise (PL 41, fig. 55). The verticils are spread apart with the margins of ad- jacent leaves nearly parallel and approximate (Pl. 35, fig. 6). Within a verticil the leaves directed away from the axis may be slightly longer than those which are more or less parallel to it. The sheath is narrow and inconspicuous and is but one-third to опе-һа а millimeter wide. The margins of the leaves are straight (Chart 2), the leaf in- creasing in width to the broad, rounded, mucronate tip. The ends of some of the leaves appear retuse ог obcordate at the tip due to a partial covering by the matrix. Leaves vary from 3-12 mm. long and from 0.5-1.5 mm. wide in different verticils. The midvein, іп transfer preparations, is strong and flares out at the tip and ос- cupies one-fifth the width of the leaf. The epidermis, both adaxial and abaxial, is like that described for Anmularia stellata. This species bears a general resemblance to Ann. stellata but may be distinguished from it by the form of the leaf. The latter is widest at or near the middle, while Ann. sphenophylloides is wid- est at the tip. The lateral margins of the leaf of Ann. sphenophyl- loides are straight while those of Ann. stellata are convex. The verticil of Ann. sphenophylloides is essentially symmetrical even though there may be some variation of individual leaf length, while that of Ann. stellata is conspicuously asymmetrical. Also, the num- ber of leaves per verticil in Ann. stellata is usually greater. Horizon and distribution.—Canada: Nova Scotia, Sydney Coal- field, about 200 feet below the Tracey seam to the top of the Morien Asterophyllites, Anmularia & Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 321 series at Point Aconi—throughout Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1938); Pictou Coalfield, Thorburn member of the Stellarton series—Alle- gheny; Pictou series—Allegheny (both cited by Bell, 1940); New Brunswick, St. John, Cumberland group—Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944). United States: Missouri, Belleville, Cartersville, Deepwater, Gilkerson’s Ford, and Owens Coalbank—Pottsville (US); Penn- sylvama, Cannelton and Pottsville—Pottsville (US); Fayette Co., German township, Pittsburgh Coal—Monongahela (WVA-C); Illinois, Braidwood—Allegheny (cited by Noé, 1925), Mazon Creek —Allegheny (US, CINC, and cited by Noé, 1925); Oklahoma, Мс- Alester Coal—Allegheny (US); Kansas, Lawrence, Lawrence shales —Allegheny (US); Ohio, Vinton Co., Elk township, McArthur— lower Allegheny (CINC-T), Athens Co., Kimberly—uppermost Allegheny (CINC-T), Athens Co., Lodi township, Shade Creek, Pittsburgh 8A—Monongahela (WVA-C, OU, CINC, CINC-T), Athens Co., near Nelsonville, above lower Freeport Coal—Alle- gheny; Meigs Co., Pittsburgh 8A Coal—Monongahela (WVA-S), Munroe Co., Center township, above Jollytown “A”—Dunkard (WVA-S); West Virginia, Monongalia Co., Worley—Dunkard (WVA-G), near Kempton, mostly in Granite Co., Pittsburgh Coal Monongahela (WVA-G), Cassville—Dunkard (WVA-G); Indi- ana, Friar Tuck pit, Duggar formation—upper Allegheny (CINC); Rhode Island, neither locality or horizon known (US). 13. Annularia stellata (Schlotheim) Wood, 1860 PL $5 Ue 1 РІ, 36, figs. 8-9; Pl. 41, fig. 58; РІ, 43, figs. 62, 64; Pl. 49, fig. 87; Chart 2 Casuarinites stellatus Schlotheim, 1820, Die Petrefactenkunde, Gotham, p. Annularia spp. Hitchcock, 1841, Geol, Massachusetts, Final Report, 11: 542, 75%, lg. 286; Pl, 22, ПЕ, 2! pl. 23, НЕ, 1. Annularia stellata (Schlotheim), Wood, 1860, Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadel- phia, Proc., 12:236. Annularia longifolia Lesquereux, 1866, Geol. Sur. Illinois, Report, II, Paleontology, p. 444. Annularia inflata Lesquereux, 1870, Geol. Sur. Illinois, IV, 2:423, pl. 20, figs. 1-3. Carpannularia americana Elias, in part, 1931, Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull, 20(5) :115-159, pl. 12, pl. 13; pl. 14, figs. 1а-с, 3a (leaves only); pl. 15, fig. 1 (leaves only), fig. 2. Annularia stellata forma mucronata Bell, in part, 1938, Geol. Sur. Can- ada, Mem. 215:85, pl. 90, figs. 1-2. Annularia stellata forma longifolia Bell, 1944, Geol. Sur. Canada, Mem, 238:102, pl. 70, fig. 5. BULLETIN 174 Other references —Jongmans (1914, 41-46, bibliographic; 1923, 751-752, bibliographic), Noé (1925, 13, pl. 3), Walton (1936, 233- 235, pl. 32, figs. 24-29), Bell (1938, 85, in part, pl. 90, figs. 1-2), Janssen (1939, 84, fig. 67; 1940, 9-12, pl. 1, fig. 1), Bell (1944, 102, pl. 70, fig. 5), Arnold (1949, 184, pl. 17, fig. 1). Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville to Dunkard. The leaves, 13 to 32 in a verticil, are oblanceolate and mu- cronate. They are 1.4-7.5 cm. long, most commonly 2.5-3 cm. long, and 0.5-3 mm. wide, with the greatest width at or slightly above the middle of the leaves. The midvein is 0.3-0.5 mm. wide and occupies one-fifth to one-third of the width of the leaf. The sheath is up to 1.5-2 mm. wide. The leaves are borne on obscurely striated distichous and op- posite branched axes whose nodes are only slightly enlarged. The internodes are 1.2-3.5 cm. long and 2-5 mm. wide. On smaller axes, the whorls overlap. The leaves of a verticil are rarely of equal length (Pl. 35, fig. 1; PL 41, fig. 58). Usually the lateral leaves, those lying more or less at right angles to the axis, are longer than those lying more or less parallel to the axis and the verticil is elliptical in outline with its greatest diameter at right angles to the axis. On occasion, the lateral leaves may be but slightly longer than the others so that the verticil appears circular. Again the lower leaves may be shorter than the upper leaves of the verticil, although both are shorter than the lateral leaves, so that the verticil appears acentric. All of these variations may occur on the same branch. Transfer preparations show that the adaxial epidermis 18 composed of thin-walled cells elongated parallel to the midvein and devoid of stomata. On the abaxial epidermis (Pl. 36, fig. 9; Pl. 43, fig. 62) the area above the midvein is composed of 5-6 rows of thin-walled cells elongated parallel to the midvein, with their end walls more or less at right angles. There are no stomata in this area. On this surface the epidermis of the lamina from the midvein to the leaf margin is composed of thin-walled cells with walls straight or essentially so. In contrast to the cells over the midvein, these are usually elongated in the direction of the leaf margin at an oblique angle to the midvein (РІ. 36, fig. 9; Pl. 43, Asterophyllites, Annularia © Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 323 fig. 62). Stomata are abundant in this area and are not confined to a groove or narrow band as many have previously assumed. Each stoma is surrounded by two guard cells and two accessory cells. The guard cells are inconspicuous, small, sunken, and often not readily discernible. The accessory cells are conspicuously kidney- shaped and average about 60 mu long and 20 mu wide. The outline of the verticils of Ann. stellata shows more vari- ation than that of other species of the genus. This is largely due to the varying lengths of the leaves in a verticil, to the variation in size and to some extent to the form of the leaves, to the size of the branch which bears them, and to variations in preserva- tion which have been erroneously interpreted in terms of “ab- sence” of a midvein or to an atypical appearance. Anmularia longifolia Brongniart has been placed in synonymy with Ann. stellata. A study of the specimens of Ann. longifolia Lesquereux (1866) from Cannelton, Pennsylvania, in the Lacoe Collection in Washington, shows that this species belongs to Ann. stellata. Lesquereux (1870) proposed the species, Ann. inflata, for a specimen from Mazon Creek, Illinois, in which he assumed that the leaves had a rounded or subcylindrical form, and in which the leaf margins incurved toward the adaxial surface, and the mid- veins were obscure. Because of this and a variation in preserva- tion, the plants were erroneously considered to be different from the typical Ann. stellata. A study of the specimens of Ann. inflata in the Lacoe Collection at the U. S. National Museum demonstrates that this species belongs to Ann. stellata. One of the specimens on which Elias (1931) based his de- scription of Carpannularia americana, loaned for this study by the California Academy of Sciences, shows that the leaves of this plant agree with Ann. stellata. The photomicrographs of Elias (1931, pl. 15, fig. 2 at 1 o’clock) shows the same cellular arrange- ment on the adaxial epidermis as that seen in figure 9, Plate 36, and figure 62, Plate 43. Elias observed the parallel arrangement of the cells over the midvein and the general orientation of the cells in the remainder of the lamina; that is, at angles of less than 324 BULLETIN 174 90° with the midvein. He believed that “hairs” covered the entire surface of the leaf and that the “hairy”covering perhaps reflected the arrangement of the epidermal cells below. Many of the cells in chainlike series have dark-colored contents. These are the ones that Elias interpreted ав hairs with blunt ends. І have not been able to observe a hair, with certainty, on the lamina, the sheath, or the axis. One of the specimens from Kimberly, Ohio, also shows a globular structure similar to those found on the plant that Elias described from Missouri. Bell (1938) described Ann. stellata forma mucronata based on leaves with mucronate apices. Transfer preparations of speci- mens of Ann. stellata, collected from Pottsville through Monon- gahela horizons, have been made. Whenever the preservation of the apex is complete, it is mucronate. I believe that Bell had material of both Ann. mucronata and Ann. stellata under this forma, and I have considered those specimens which have spatu- late leaves with broad rounded apices and a mucronate tip to belong to Ann. mucronata. The rest remain in Ann, stellata. Bell (1944) described and figured a specimen of Ann. stellata which, although conforming to the general description for this species in numbers of leaves in a whorl and general outline, pos- sesses leaves which exceed the usual length. They are 7.5 cm. long and 1.5-2 mm. wide. He suggested that since this form is from the upper part of the Cumberland group only, it could be used as a horizon marker and should be designated as Ann. stellata forma longifolia. Walton (1936), in discussing the factors which influence the external form of plants, especially those which affect the appear- ance of Annularia leaves, demonstrates how various local factors during fossilization and the condition of the leaf before fossiliza- tion help to explain the many difficulties involved in identification. Stur (1887) proposed dividing Ann. stellata into three species based on the following leaf characteristics, all of which can be explained as variations of the leaf before and during fossilization: Ann. stellata with thickened leaf margins; Ann. westphalica with crowded lateral leaves and none covering the axis; Ann. geinitzn Asterophyllites, Annularia Y Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 325 with the abaxial surface chagrined or “hairy” in appearance. In respect to the hairy appearance, the transfer methods (Walton, 1936 and Abbott, 1950, 1952) show that a chagrined or “hairy” leaf surface 18 merely a condition of the epidermis. Many leaves are heavily carbonized and the epidermal pattern is partly obscure. There, the so-called hairs and their arrangement are nothing more than the epidermal pattern. To date, true hairs, which Walton (1936) shows on Ann. fimbriata, plate 32, figures 20-21, or those of Ann. mucronata at figure 69, have not been observed on Ann. stellata. Horizon and distribution—Canada: New Brunswick, St. John, Lancaster, “Fern Ledges,” Cumberland group—upper Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1944) and Nova Scotia, Sydney Coalfield, Pictou- Stellarton series—middle Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1938). United States: //linois, Mazon Creek—Allegheny (CINC, US); Wilming- ton strip mine, Will Co., Carbondale formation—Allegheny (WVA- G); Braidwood—Allegheny (cited by Noé, 1925); Missouri, Pitch- er’s Coal Bank, Hobb’s Coal Bank, Owens Coalbank, Deep- water, Gilkerson’s Ford—all Pottsville (all at US), Henry Co., Windsor, above Crowberg Coal—Allegheny (WVA-C); Pennsyl- vama, Cannelton—Allegheny (US), Mahoney City, Plymouth, and Shainokin—horizons unknown (US); Oklahoma, McAlester Coal—Allegheny (US); Indiana, locality unknown, Coal Measures —Allegheny (US); Michigan, between cycles “В” and “E”—mid- dle Pottsville (cited by Arnold, 1949); Ohio, McArthur, Vinton Co.—lower Allegheny (CINC-T), Kimberly, Athens Co.—upper- most Allegheny (СІМС-Т), Lodi township, Pittsburgh 8A—Cone- maugh (CINC, WVA-C, CINC-T), near Carbondale, Clarion Coal—lower Allegheny (CINC), near New Straightsville, Hock- ing Co., middle Kittanning—middle Allegheny (WVA-S), Bares Run, Munroe Co., rider “В”, Jollytown “A”—Dunkard (WVA-S), Center township, above Jollytown “A”—Dunkard (WVA-S), Galia Co., Glenwood quadrangle, Pittsburgh Coal—Monongahela (WVA-G, WVA-S); West Virginia, West Union, Doddridge Co., Waynesburg “A”—lower Dunkard (WVA-S), Lincoln District, Marion Co, Cassville shale—Dunkard (WVA-S), near Price, Monongalia Co., Washington shale below Washington Coal—Dun- 326 BuLLETIN 174 kard (WVA-C), near Worley, shale near Washington Coal— Dunkard (WVA-C), Wetzel Fish Creek horizon—Dunkard (WVA-C), near Kempton, mostly in Granite Co., Pittsburgh Coal—Monongahela (WVA-S); Kansas, Thayer, Neosho Co.— horizon unknown (US). 14, Annularia vernensis (Arnold) Abbott, comb. nov. Pl, 37, fig. 24; Chart 2 Asterophyllites vernensis Arnold, 1949, Univ. Michigan Museum Paleonto- logy, Cont., 7(9) :182-183, pl. 16, figs. 6-9. Other references.—None. Stratigraphic range.—Lower Pottsville. The leaves, averaging 12 in a verticil, are 5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide. Each leaf is longer than the internode. They are con- spicuously lanceolate (Pl. 37, fig. 24), more or less uniform in width, taper basally, and to the acute apex. They are of equal length, radiating from the node, spreading, and are straight or slightly curved. The midrib is 0.3 mm. wide and longitudinally striated. The stem is 1 mm. wide with internodes 3-4 mm. long (PI 37 np. 24), This description is based оп а specimen of Asterophyllites vernensis kindly supplied by Dr. С. A. Arnold. The specimen 18 a branch tip consisting of parts of approximately 15 verticils of leaves each of which is longer than the internode. Arnold inter- preted the arrangement of the leaves in each verticil as forming an open cup and his selection of the generic designation Astero- phyllites is based on this interpretation. It appears to me that the leaves radiate from the node (РІ. 37, fig. 24) in a single plane characteristic of the habit of Annularia, and that they possess a width-length ratio (Chart 2) and form more consistent with that of Annularia than with Asterophyllites. I agree with Arnold in the belief that this specimen represents a species not heretofore recognized, although in size and general ap- pearance it most closely resembles Ann. galioides. It differs from Ann. galioides, in that it has a lanceolate leaf while Ann. galioides has a spatulate leaf. The leaves of Ann. vernensis more or less cup the axis, while those of Ann. galioides radiate from the node. Asterophyllites, Annularia < Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 327 Horizon and distribution.—United States: Michigan, Grand Ledge, below Cycle “A”—lower Pottsville (CINC-T, and cited by Arnold, 1949). Known only from the United States. III. Sphenophyllum Brongniart, 1822 Sphenophyllum Brongniart, 1822, Memoirs du Museum d'histoire Natur- elle, Paris, 8:209, 234. Rotularia Sternberg, 1823, Flora der Vorwelt, 1, 2:33. Trizygia Forbes Royale, 1839, Illustrations of the Botany of the Himalayan Mountains and the Flora of Cashmere, I, p. xxix. The leaves occur in superposed verticils of six, eight or nine at a node and all stand out at the same angle to the axis. The verticil is radially symmetrical and in compressions all of the leaves usually lie in a plane parallel to the axis. The leaves are cuneate to broadly ovate with lateral margins convex, straight or concave. The distal margins may be straight to arching, undivided, set with pointed or blunt teeth, to laciniate or fringed, to deeply lobed or even filamentous. One vein enters the base of the leaf and undergoes one to several dichotomies before the resulting vein- lets terminate at the distal margin. The leaves are dorsi-ventral; the cells of both the adaxial and abaxial epidermis are relatively thin-walled, elongated in the direction of the long axis of the leaf, with undulate lateral walls somewhat thicker than the more or less inclined undulate end walls. Stomata occur on the abaxial leaf surface where two kidney-shaped, sunken guard cells аге sur- rounded by approximately three to five irregular accessory cells. In two species, minute hairs, some to 135 mu long, others to 1 mm., occur on the margins of the leaves. KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Leaves in a verticil of equal length a. Leaves with width-length ratio 1:2 b. Lateral margins slightly to strongly concave c. Distal margin without a central cleft d. Leaf symmetric, 8 mm. wide, 10-20 mm. long, widest near distal margin 27. Sph. tenue dd. Leaf asymmetric, 8-10 mm. wide, 10-15 mm. long, widest near the middle 26. Sph. obovatum 328 BULLETIN 174 cc. Distal margin with a median cleft e. Cleft less than one-third the length of the leaf, teeth blunt- obtuse, leaf 4-6 mm. wide, 8-10 mm. long ss 19. Sph. emarginatum ee. Cleft more than one-half the length of the leaf, lobes widely spreading, leaf 3 mm. wide, 5 mm. long, 31. Sph. trichomatosum bb. Lateral margins straight to convex f. Distal margins straight to convex р. Lobes 2 to 4 h. Teeth of distal margin sharply pointed i. Leaves 2-5 mm. wide, 5-10 mm. long ....18. Sph. cuneifolium ii. Leaves 2,5-8 mm. wide, 12.5-20 mm. long ....24. Sph. majus hh. Teeth of distal margin blunt, leaves 4-6 mm. wide, 8-10 mm. long 19. Sph. emarginatum рр. Lobes 7-9, long, narrow, extending to the middle of the leaf; leaf 9-12 mm. wide, 15-18 mm. long uss 17. Sph. cornutum ff. Distal margins strongly rounded to ovate 1. Distal margin entire to slightly erose; leaf 4-8 mm. wide, 15-50 mm. long 21. Sph. gilmorei jj. Distal margin with numerous short, acute teeth to fimbri- ate; leaf 7-25 mm. wide, 15-50 mm. long munii 30. Sph. thoni aa. Leaves with width-length ratio 1:3 or more k. Distal margin of leaf with 6 or more short, sharp teeth; lateral margins convex; leaves 1-2 mm. wide, 10-11 mm. long 29. Sph. tenuifolium kk. Distal margin of leaf lobed 1. 2-lobed т. Median cleft less than one-half the length of the leaf, lobes short, blunt to sharp, leaf 1-1.75 mm. wide, 3.4 mm. long 22. Sph. lescurianum mm. Median cleft extending halfway or more to base of leaf n. Leaf cleft to middle, teeth broad, sharp pointed; leaf 1.5-3 mm. wide, 5-10 mm. long 20090000. 15. Sph. angustifolium nn. Leaf cleft two-thirds or more to base of leaf o. Lobes broad, blunt, with a varying number of sharp teeth; leaves average 10 mm. wide and 30 mm. long... 23. Sph. longifolium Asterophyllites, Annularia GS Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 329 оо. 2 elongate-tapering, acute lobes; leaf 1-1.5 mm. wide, 2.5-4 mm. long 20. Sph. fasciculatum ll. More than 2-lobed p. Leaf cleft to one-fourth the length, lobes mostly 3-toothed 15. Sph. angustifolium pp. Leaf cleft more than one-fourth the length q. Lobes of unequal length r. Lobes long-tapering to a point, lobes 0.25-0.33 mm. wide 28. Sph. tenerrimum rr. Lobes broad, blunt, each with a shallow cleft, lobes 1 mm. wide 31. Sph. trichomatosum qq. Lobes of equal length s. Center cleft almost to base of leaf t. Outermost clefts to lower one-third of leaf, lobes widely spreading, pointed, 0.25-0.33 mm. wide, leaf up to 9 mm. long sun 18. Sph. cuneifolium (Sph. myriophyllum) tt. Outer clefts to the upper one-third of leaf, lobes 1 mm. wide, blunt; leaf to 4 mm. long suns 16. Sph. arkansanum ss. Center clefts one-third to one-half the length of the leaf; lobes 2.5 mm. wide, tapering, with sharp-pointed teeth; leaf 10-11 mm. long en 18. Sph. cuneifolium (Sph. saxifragaefolium) AA. Leaves in a verticil of unequal length u. Leaves of verticil of 2 lengths, deflexed pair shorter than other four; distal margin of leaf more or less straight, 2-4 lobed with 2-8 sharp teeth; leaf 4-5 mm. wide, 3-5-18 mm. long 25. Sph. oblongifolium uu. Leaves of verticil of 3 lengths, deflexed pair shortest; distal margin arching to rounded with short, blunt teeth; leaf 3-5 mm. wide, 5-20 mm. long 32. Sph. verticillatum 15. Sphenophyllum angustifolium (Germar) Geoppert, 1848 Pl. 38, figs. 35, 40-41; Pl. 44, fig 65, Pl. 49, fig. 90; Chart 3 Sphenophyllites angustifolius Germar, 1845, Die Versteinerungen des Steinkohlengebirges von Wettin und Lóbejün іл Saalkreise, Halle, 2-3:18, pl. 7, figs. 4-7, ?8. Sphenophyllum angustifolium (Germar), Geoppert, 1848, in Bronn, Index paleontologicus, Stuttgart, 1:1166. Sphenophyllum trifoliatum Lesquereux, 1858, in Rogers, Geol. Sur. Pennsvl- Vania, 2:055, pl. I, fig 7. BULLETIN 174 Sphenophyllum bifurcatum Lesquereux, 1878, 1880, Second Geol. Sur. Pennsylvania, Rept. Progress P, Harrisburg, 1:55-56, Atlas, pl. 2, figs. 10-10a. Other references —Fontaine and White (1880, 37, pl. 1, figs. 7, 7a), Jongmans (1936, 1086-1088 bibliographic). Stratigraphic range.—Allegheny to Dunkard. The leaves, six in a verticil, are elongate-cuneate to bifid, 3-14 mm. long and 1.5-3 mm. wide at the distal margin. The sides are straight to more or less convex and the distal margin 15 essen- tially straight with 2-5 tapering, sharp-pointed teeth; when present, the central cleft may be 1.5-2 mm. deep with minor clefts on either side, 0.7-1.5 mm. deep. The leaves of the main axis and at the bases of lower axes are for the most part undivided, while in their progression toward the branch apex, they become smaller and more deeply cleft. One vein enters the base of the leaf and after several bifurcations each lobe or tooth at the distal margin con- tains a veinlet. (Chart 3). The larger axes are 4 mm. wide with internodes 3.5-3.7 cm. long; lateral branches, perhaps secondary, are 1-2.5 mm. wide with internodes 3-10 mm. long; ultimate or third order branches are 1 mm. wide with internodes 5-7 mm. long. The internodes of all three orders of branches are longitudinally striated between the slightly enlarged nodes. The abaxial epidermis (РІ. 38, fig. 35) is composed of elon- gated, thin-walled cells, averaging 35 mu long and 8 ти wide. The undulate lateral walls are elongated in the direction of the long axis of the leaf. End walls are usually inclined but some may be more or less straight. No stomata were observed. Hairs which occur along the sides of some of the leaves (Pl. 38, figs. 40, 41; Р]. 44, fig. 65) are simple, to 135 mu long and appear to be an ex- tension of an ordinary epidermal cell. The more deeply dissected leaves of Sph. angustifolium are the ones usually figured, since these are more commonly seen than are the toothed or entire leaves. On smaller axes, the leaves cup around the axis and the entire whorl is seldom flattened in the plane of the axis. In most heterophyllous species of Sphenophyllum the more чө Ез Asterophyllites, Annularia 6 Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 3 deeply dissected leaves occur toward the base of the axis (cf. Sph. cuneifolium) and the more nearly entire leaves toward the apex. The reverse of this situation occurs in Sph. angustifolium, where the almost entire leaves occur toward the base and progressively more deeply lobed leaves toward the apex. Lesquereux (1880, pl. 93, fig. 8) showed one branch only of a large specimen of Sph. angustifolium bearing a cone at Из apex. The leaves of the lower part of this branch are narrowly 4-lobed or toothed and those of the upper part are bi-lobed. The type specimen from which Lesquereux’s drawing was made (Lacoe Col- lection, U.S. National Museum, No. 18710) shows three orders of branches in organic connection. No leaves are present on the main or largest axis. The leaves on the first lateral branch are 4-lobed and grade into bifid leaves at Из apex. Ultimate branches occur at the same nodes with leaves of this lateral branch and bear whorls of smaller leaves. Even on the ultimate branches, in a series of seven whorls of leaves, the range from more or less dissected leaves is seen. The basal whorl of leaves is composed of six more or less acutely toothed leaves, the next two whorls away from the base are 4-3 lobed, the next four whorls are 4-3-2 lobed, and the seventh and successive whorls are all bifid leaves. Lesquereux (1858) described and figured Sph. trifoliatum in which the leaves are bi-trilobed, but two years later he trans- ferred this species to Sph. angustifolium. In 1880, he described Sph. bifurcatum (Lacoe Collection, U.S. National Museum, No. 59) whose leaves are deeply bilobed and each of these lobes is again shallowly lobed or toothed. This specimen merely герге- sents a median portion of the axis of SpA. angustifolium. Jongmans (1911) correctly includes SA. trifoliatum in the synonymy of Sph. angustifolium, but his figure 359 does not be- long to Sph. angustifolium. This figure shows a trizygia leaf type with the leaves of a verticil of unequal length. In none of the American specimens of Sph. angustifolium or in available illustra- tions of European material have leaves of the trizygia type been observed. l Horizon. and distribution —United States: West Virginia, Ran- dolph Co., Dry Fork District—Allegheny (WVA-G), Monongalia BULLETIN 174 “----атт ---5тт-- ——— ل --5тт-- ------5тт--- SPHENOPHYLLUM | SPHENOPHYLLUM |SPHENOPHYLLUM | SPHENOPHYLLUM | SPHENOPHYLLUM | SPHENOPHYLLUM | SPHENOPHYLLUM | SPHENOPHYLLUM | SPHENOPHYLLUM CHART 3 ANGUSTIFOLIUM | ARKANSANUM CORNUTUM CUNEIFOLIUM EMARGINATUM |FASCICULATUM | GILMORE! LESCURANUM LONGIFOLIUM GERMAR 1845 |0. WHITE 1936 |LESQUEREUX 1876| STERNBERG 1879 | BRONGNIART 1822 |(LX)O.WHITE 1889 | D.WHITE 1929 |D.WHITE 1897 [GERMAR 1828 No. of leav Pi whorl 6 (24) 6 6 6-12 6 6-12 6 6 6 6 | narrow broadly wedge, broadly d day narrow ovate to narrow. large peo ашы elongate triangular cuneiform Kenya Т elongate spatulate elongate elongate straight arching arching straight pointed, acute i 2 shall arching Upper margin 2 lobes split straight 8 narrow lobes dentate to 2 lobes separated} БЫЛЫМ ГҮ 2-4 unequal above middle split to middle | to lacinate arching almost to base | rounded eee lobes 2-6 8 lobes 8-12 entire 2-4 Teeth sharp | major cleft none mucronate blunt sharp- acute to erose ТЕКЕ sharp - acute 2 minor clefts convex straight to Sides stroight concave straight lo concave funnel-form straight convex slightly convex convex 9-12 тт Width 1-1,75 mm major lobes-Imm gt middle 2-5mm 4-Ттт tapers to арех 4-8тт 1-1,75mm Lom Length 3-5mm 4mm 15-18mm 5-10mm 7-8mm 2.5-8mm 15-50mm 2-5mm 3cm Veins entering І І | 1 | 1 M?) il 1 | Vein dichotomies 2-3 1 2 2-4 3-4 1-2 2-5 1 4-5 1-7тт Stem width 2-3mm Imm 4-5mm 1-5mm ,5-2mm branches freely up to 8mm 2-3mm 2-4mm а | Internode length 8-12mm, 1-2ст 3-4cm 7-20mm 7-15 тт 1-бтт 12-80тт 5-12тт 1.5-3,5cm deratel slight! i Nodes enlarged moniarge d. enlarged nlarged dur ged enlarged prominent оиа тата (е 5 Diagram | A 3. 50M ——————3À Chart 3. Species of Sphenophyllum. Co., Cassville, and West Union, roof shales of Waynesburg Coal and 400’ above the Waynesburg Coal—Dunkard (WVA-S), near Core—Dunkard (WVA-G); Ohio, Meigs Co., Pomeroy, Pittsburgh Coal—Monongahela (WVA-C), Hocking Valley, shale over Pome- roy Coal—Monongahela (WVA-C), Athens Co., Kimberly, Upper Freeport—uppermost Allegheny (CINC-T); Jackson Co., Jack- (OU); Kentucky, Hazelgreen, Harmon Coal— son—-Pottsville Monongahela (CINC); Pennsylvania, Gate vein—Allegheny (US); ————— Jemen Зы Asterophyllites, Annularia © Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 333 t 4, Species of Sphenophyllum (continued). SPHENOPHYLLUM | SPHENOPHYLLUM | SPHENOPHYLLUM |SPHENOPHYLLUM |SPHENOPHYLLUM |SPHENOPHYLLUM |SPHENOPHYLLUM | SPHENOPHYLLUM |SPHENOPHYLLUM CHART 4 MAJUS OBLONGIFOLIUM | OBOVATAUM TENERRIMUM TENUE TENUIFOLIUM THONI TRIGHOMATOSUM | VERTICELLATUM BRONN 1828 |GERMARAKAULFUSS| SELLARDS 1908 | ETTINGSHAUSEN |0. WHITE 1900 |FONTAINE A WHITE | MAHR 1868 |STUR 1887 | SCHLOTHEIM 1820 1831 1880 No. of leaves рег whorl 6-9 6 6 6-9-12 6 6 6 6-8 6-9 large narrowly broadly elongate broadly narrowly fon- norrowly General outline wedge triangular obovate triangular cuneate elongate obovate shaped triangular x stroight to dichotomoush rounded dichotomously arching Upper margin arching arching rounded М truncated orching highly arching lobed undulated 2-4 lobes blunt sharp-pointed 12-24 short narrow, elongated Teeth vorying varying none none broad, rounded 8 shallow spreading lobes none broad, blunt straight to one straight straight strongly straight to straight to Sides МӘЛЕ опе сопсауе to concave concave TD eon convex Width .5-іст 3mm 8-І0тт various 8mm 1-2 mm 15-2cm 3 mm .4-.5ст Length 2ст Lom 10-15 тт 5 -9mm 1-2 ст 10- И mm 3-5cm 5mm 1.2 cm Veins entering | 1 1(P) | 1 | 1 1 1 Vein dichotomies 4-5 2-3 4-7 2 4-5 3 4-8 3 4-5 I—— — Stem width Imm 1,5-5 тт 2mm Imm 1-3 mm 1-2 mm 5mm 3.5mm 5 mm | Internode length 2cm 5-I5mm 10 mm 3-5mm 1-5ст | om 2-4 ст 6.5 тт 8-І0тт [-— lightl sli ghtl slightl slightly N slightly ghtly ghtly odes enlarged enlarged prominent prominent enlarged prominent enlarged enlarged enlarged | | : / Е Diagram 8 1 - i | | / | س‎ Char Arkansas, Male’s Coal and James Fork of Poteau—Allegheny (US); Missouri, Henry Co., near Clinton—Allegheny (US). 16. Sphenophyllum arkansanum D. White, 1936 Chart 3 Sphenophyllum arkansanum D. White, 1936, U.S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 186-С:55, pl. 14, figs. 10, 12, 14, 19, 20. Other references. None. Stratigraphic range.—Lower Pottsville. BULLETIN 174 The leaves, six in а verticil, are broadly cuneate in outline. They are bifurcate to one-half the length with the lobes again cleft. They are 2-3 mm. wide and 2.5-3 mm. long and are attached to the axis at approximately a right angle. The lateral margins of the leaves are concave. The central cleft is up to one-half to two- thirds of the length of the leaf and the two lateral clefts are shal- low. A single vein enters the base of the leaf and branches dicho- tomously, once in the lower third of the leaf and again in the upper third of the leaf (Chart 3). Internodes of the largest axes are 1-2 cm. long and 2.5 mm wide; those of the smaller axes are 6 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide All nodes are slightly enlarged. The type specimen, which 18 in two parts and carries the U.S. National Museum Nos. 39443 and 39444, shows flattened leaf whorls in which complete leaves may be seen. Other specimens, as noted by White (р. 55), contained various stem fragments bearing parts of leaves at the nodes. Preservation is poor and the leaves are almost the same color as the sandy matrix, but in strong reflected light, they clearly showed the venation pattern. No indi- cation of epidermal cells could be seen. Nothing is known of the branching. Sphenophyllum arkansanum with its four rounded lobes is dis- tinct from Sph. lescurianum, which usually has only two, but may have three or four obtusely pointed lobes. (Compare diagrams on Chart 3). Sph. arkansanum is distinct from Sph. trichomatosum, since the latter is characterized by having four more or less equal lobes, each of which may again be shallowly cleft and sharply acuminate, Horizon and distribution.—United States: Arkansas, Gillman, lower Pottsville (US). Known only upper part of the Stanley shale from the United States. 17. Sphenophyllum cornutum Lesquereux, 1870 Pl. 44, figs. 66B, 68; Chart 3 Sphenophyllum cornutum Lesquereux, 1870, Geol. Sur. Illinois, ТУ, 2:421, pl. 19, figs. 1-5. Other references —Jongmans (1936, 1090-1091, bibliographic), Janssen (1939, 12-13, pl. 1, fig. 2b). Stratigraphic range —Allegheny to Monongahela. Ww 3 vi Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT The leaves, six in a verticil, have a fanlike symmetry with straight sides and slightly arching distal margin. They are deeply laciniate from one-third to one-half their length, forming eight or more, usually eight or nine, nearly equal, linear, spreading lobes (РІ. 44, figs. 66, 68). The leaves are 8-11 mm. wide at the base of the lobes. The lobes vary from 6-11 mm. long and 0.5-1 mm. wide and each lobe terminates in a mucronate tip. The total length of the leaf is 1-2 cm. A strong vein enters the base of the leaf (Chart 3) and immediately branches 2-3 times by more or less symmetric bifurcations. All subsequent bifurcations are completed before the veins reach the midportion of the leaf or enter the lobes. A single vein enters each lobe and continues without further divi- sion to form the apex of the lobe. The thin-walled epidermal cells of both the lobes and the lamina are elongated in the direction of the long axis of the leaf, and the end walls are sharply inclined. Both lateral and end walls are undulate, with the long lateral walls thicker than the shorter end walls, giving the surface of the leaf a wavy, ribboned ap- pearance in optical view. The cells forming the margins of the sinus between two lobes are irregularly rounded and extremely thick-walled (the same condition is seen in Sph. oblongifolium, Pl. 38, fig. 37). The cells which adjoin the veins are narrower than those near the margins of the leaf. The larger stems (Pl. 44, fig. 66), quite stout in comparison to the stems of many other species of Sphenophyllum, are 4-5 mm. wide, and the internodes 3-4 cm. long. The nodes are slightly en- larged and are 6-7 mm. wide. Smaller stems may have internodes 1.5 ст. long and 3 mm. wide. A study of transfer preparations, in which the venation of the leaf can be traced with accuracy (Chart 3), demonstrates that neither Lesquereux” account of 4-5 veins entering the leaf, nor Janssen’s (1939) “correction” to but two veins, is correct. A single vein enters the base of the leaf, but since bifurcations take place immediately, this point is difficult or impossible to observe on the rock surface. But by the transfer method of observation, the occur- rence of six leaves in a verticil was determined. It is possible that this number of leaves is not constant and certainly many verti- 920 BurLETIN 174 cils seem to exhibit but four or, for that matter, sometimes only two leaves, due to the plane of splitting on the shale. The number of lobes per leaf shows some variation, although eight 1$ the most common number. Janssen (1939) is quite correct in denying any affinity of Sph. cornutum with Cingularia where Jongmans (1936) had placed it in the synonomy of Cingularia. Cingularia is a fructification of uncertain affinity. Sph. cornutum 18 in no way connected with a fructification nor is it a part of a fructification. The relationships of Sph. cornutum probably lie, not with Sph. cuneifolium Stern- berg as suggested by Janssen, but rather with Sph. emarginatum and will be considered in the discussion of that species. Horizon and distribution.—United States: Illinois, Colchester, Morris Coal—Allegheny (cited by Lesquereux, 1870, and Janssen, 1939); Ohio, Kimberly, Athens Co., upper Freeport Coal—upper- most Allegheny (CINC-T); Arkansas, Allegheny and Washington Cos., Pittsburgh Coal—Monongahela (US). 18. Sphenophyllum cuneifolium (Sternberg) Zeiller, 1880 BL ӨТ, lig. 22; PL 8%, Ш, 00; Chart & Rotularia cuneifolia Sternberg, 1823, Essai d'un expose geognostico-botani- que de la flore du monde, Leipsic et Prague, I, 2:33, 37, pl. 26, figs. 4a, b. Rotularia saxifragacfolia Sternberg, 1826, Versuch einer geolognostisch- botanischen darstellung der flora der Vorwelt, I, 4:49, pl. 55, fig. 4, p. xxxii. Sphenophyllum saxifragaefolium Geoppert, 1848, in Bronn, Index paleon- tologicus, Stuttgart, 11:1166. Spenophyllum erosum Dawson, 1868, Acadian Geology, 2d ed., London, p. 480, figs. 165 C, Ci. Sphenophyllum cuncifolium (Sternberg), Zeiller, 1880, Végétaux fossiles du terraine houiller de la France, Paris p. 30, pl. 161, figs. 1-2. Sphenophyllum myriophyllum Crepin, 1880, (in part), Société royale de botanique Belgique, XIX (2) :26. Sphenophyllum gemma Matthew, 1910, Royal Soc. Canada, Trans, 3 (3) 96, pl; 6, fig. 7. Sphenophyllum latum Matthews, 1910, Royal Soc. Canada, Trans, 3 (3) :95, figs, 5,:6. Other references —Jongmans (1936, 1092-1099, bibliographic), Arnold (1934, 184-185, pl. 2, figs. 2-4; pl. 3, fig. 6; pl. 4, figs. 3, 6), Bell (1938, 89, pl. 92, figs. 6-8; 90, pl. 93, figs. 4-6), Janssen (1939, 94, figs. 79b and d), Bell (1940, 129-130; 1944, 105-106, pl. 75, figs. 5-6; pl. 76, fig. 10), Arnold (1949, 185, pl. 18, figs. 1, 3, 5, 8, 9). Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville to Monongahela. Asterophyllites, Annularia © Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 337 The cuneate leaves, six in a verticil, are 5-15 mm. long and 2-10 mm. wide, with the distal margin straight to slightly arching and the lateral margins straight to slightly convex. The distal margin varies from dentate with sharply pointed teeth to deeply laciniate with sharply pointed lobes. The leaves near the apex of the axis are dentate and those occurring farther down on the axis are centrally and laterally cleft in progressively deeper clefts until four finger-like, sharply pointed lobes form the leaf (РІ. 37, fig. 22). A single vein enters the base of each leaf (Chart 3) and after two to four asymmetric dichotomous divisions one vein enters each tooth or lobe of the distal margin. Internodes аге 4-20 mm. long and 1-10 mm. wide and possess prominent nodes. The cells of the abaxial epidermis (Pl. 38, fig. 36) average 8 mu wide and 42 mu long. They are elongated in the direction of the long axis of the leaf and are thin-walled, with the undulate lateral walls thicker than the highly inclined end walls. The distal margin of the leaves in the apical region of the plant is sharply toothed. It becomes more and more dissected in a progressive series away from the apical region except possibly on branches which bear fructifications. A leaf may have only a central cleft up to 5 mm. in depth or a central cleft plus lateral clefts on either side of the central cleft. The distal margin of each of the resulting four lobes may have two or more acutely pointed teeth. These are of equal length in any given whorl but are of various lengths in different whorls. Further down on the axis or on larger axes, the depth of the central cleft is approximately 9 mm. or almost to the base of the; leaf and that of the lateral clefts 5-8 mm. This results in a leaf of four slender finger-like lobes 0.5 mm. wide which taper to an acute apex. The lobes are usually divergent and generally increase the width of the leaf at its distal margin. According to the depth of dissection, the leaves of Spheno- phyllum cuneifolium have been given various specific names, e.g., Sph. erosum, Sph. gemma, Sph. trifoliatum, Sph. latum, Sph. myrio- phyllum, Sph. costulatum, Sph. dichotomum, and Sph. saxifragae- foliwm. As more complete specimens have been described, the various dissection types were found to belong to one species rather than to several. BULLETIN 174 А specimen from Kimberly, Ohio, shows an excellent series of variations in depth of dissection. One specimen, about 25 cm. long (shown in part in Pl. 37, fig. 22), bears on the lateral branches both dentate leaves of Sph. cuneifolium and laciniate leaves of Sph. saxifragaefolium, while the main axis bears the most dissected leaves of all, each of which consists of four long-tapering narrow lobes like those of Sph. myriophyllum Crepin. This type of lobed leaf has been figured many times by various authors. A figure by Stur (1887) for example, copied by Seward (1889), Kidston (1893), and Jongmans (1911), shows leaves of such diverse dissection that they were the basis for the statement that Asterophyllites and Sphenophyllum leaves occurred on the same axis. Kidston (1893) pointed out the error of this statement. Figures c and d on plate 56 by Renier (1910) show excellent examples of this extreme dissec- tion in Sph. cuneifolium. Isolated whorls of leaves of the Sph. myriophyllum type can not be attributed solely to Sph. cuneifoliwm since they also occur on other species. This has been shown in illustrations (Germar, 1844, pl. 6, fig. 3, and 1845, pl. 6, fig. 3, as well as in Jongmans, 1911, fig. 355) where they occur on larger axes which also bear leaves of Sph. verticillatum and Sph. angustifolium. Jongmans (1911) states that this lobed form of leaf is not clearly distinct from that of the European Sph. angustifolium. As there is no evi- dence that the leaf of the Sph. myriophyllum type occurs other than in association with SpA. cuneifolium, Sph. angustifolium or Sph. verticillatum, it cannot be considered a valid species in itself. Sph. myriophyllum is here reduced to synonymy. Sph. cuneifolium is distinct from Sph. verticillatum in that the leaf has a more or less truncate distal margin and acutely pointed teeth, while that of Sph. verticillatum has a rounded distal margin and short blunt teeth. Sph. angustifolium is distinct from Sph. cuneifolium in that its leaves are more narrowly cuneate and sometimes only tri-lobed. The leaf of Sph. cuneifolium with its sharply pointed teeth is distinct from Sph. emarginatum since the latter has short blunt teeth. Horizon and distribution —Canada: Nova Scotia, Sydney Coal- field, 1000’ below the Tracey seam to the roof shales of the McRury >- > "uM Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 339 seam or throughout the Linopteris zone—Pottsville (cited by Bell, 1938); Sydney Harbour, 100” below the Black Pit seam or Ptycho- carpus zone—upper Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1938); Pictou, Coal Brook (very rare) and Thorburn member of the Stellarton series— middle Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1940). United States: Pennsyl- vania, several mines near Cannelton, Stockton Coal—upper Alle- gheny (US), Plymouth, Orchard mine—Allegheny (US), Avaco, Brown’s colliery—Allegheny (US); West Virginia, Saint Clair, Eagle mine, Eagle Coal or Kanawha—Pottsville (cited by White, 1895), Morris Creek, Cedar Grove, Handley, Riverside—middle Allegheny (cited by White, 1895); //linois, Murphysboro, Zone 3—Pottsville (cited by Janssen, 1939), Mazon Creek—Allegheny (cited by Stew- art, 1950); Kentucky, Perry Co., Blue Diamond mine, Hazard Coal No. 6—Pottsville (CINC), Christian Co., Crofton—Pottsville (CINC); Michigan, Grand Ledge, below cycle “A”—upper Potts- ville (cited by Arnold, 1949), St. Charles, Big Chief No. 8 mine— Pottsville (cited by Arnold, 1949); Ohio, St. Clairsville, Pittsburgh Coal—Monongahela (cited by Lesquereux, 1880), Kimberly, Athens Co., upper Freeport—uppermost Allegheny (CINC-T), Lodi town- ship, Athens Co., Pittsburgh Coal—Monogahela (CINC, СІМС-Т, OU), Athens Co., road cut near Albany, Kittanning Coal—middle Allegheny (CINC-T), Athens Co., near Buctel, Kittanning Coal— middle Allegheny (OU), McArthur, Vinton Co.—lower Allegheny (CINC-T), Power Run near Youngstown—horizon unknown (US); Kansas, Lansing, Cherokee shales, Cherokee stage—lower Alle- gheny, Thayer, Cahnute shales—upper Allegheny, Lawrence, Le- Roy and Lawrence shales, Douglas group, lower Virgil—Monon- gahela (cited by Sellards, 1908); Arkansas, Washington Co.— Pottsville (US); Missouri, Lawrence Co., Aurora and McClelland’s shaft—horizon unknown (cited by White, 1893). 19. Sphenophyllum emarginatum Brongniart, 1828 Pl. 88,11g8 29, 84; Pl. 44, fig. 66; Pl 45, fie 72; Chart 8. Sphenophyllum emarginatum Brongniart, 1828, Prodrome, р. 68, Paris. Sphenophyllum schlotheimii Lesquereux, 1880, Second Geol. Sur. Penn- sylvania, Rept. Progress P, 1:52, pl. 2, figs. 6-7. Other references.—]ongmans (1936, 1102-1109, bibliographic), 340 BULLETIN 174 Bell (1938, 89, pl. 93, figs. 1-3), Janssen (1939, 92, 94, figs. 79a, 80), Bell (1940, 130), Arnold (1949, 185, pl. 18, fig. 40). Stratigraphic range.—Lower Allegheny to Monongahela. Leaves, of equal length, six or nine in a verticil (Pl. 38, fig. 29), are 5-16 mm. long and 2.5-10 mm. wide. The sides are straight to concave and the distal margin is gently arched and may be entire but usually is finely dentate with obtusely rounded teeth, but it may or may not be further dissected. The distal margin when further dissected has a central cleft 2 mm. or more in depth, usually extending not more than one-half the length of the leaf, and two or more lateral clefts which are not so deep as the central cleft. The four lobes resulting from, the clefts in the distal margin may also be finely dentate with obtusely rounded teeth. Leaves near the apex of the axis are less dissected than those near the base or those occurring on larger axes, so that there is a progression away from the apex of dentate to notched to deeply lobed leaves. A single vein enters the base of each leaf (Chart 3) and after three to four asymmetric dichotomous divisions, one vein enters each tooth where it becomes enlarged at the margin and appears as a submucronate tip. The internodes are 7-15 mm. long and 0.5-2 mm. wide with the nodes slightly enlarged. Cells of the abaxial epidermis (Pl. 38, fig. 34) average 10.5 mu wide and 57 mu long and are elongated in the direction of the long axis of the leaf. They are thin-walled with the undulate lateral walls thicker than the highly inclined end walls. Sphenophyllum emarginatum occurs at a number of localities in America. As delimited by Zobel (1910), the species includes only those forms with leaves of equal length in a verticil. Sph. verticil- latum is delimited from Sph. emarginatum since its leaves are unequal in a verticil, although there is a strikingly close resemblance of distal margin dissection. Sph. emarginatum may, on occasion, have nine leaves in a verticil. This condition is rare but at least two specimens are known, one from Kimberly, Ohio, from the uppermost Allegheny and another (Pl. 38, fig. 29) from Clinton, Missouri, from the middle Allegheny (Lacoe Collection). a 0 > = Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 341 The leaves of Sph. emarginatum, as seen in Figure 66, Plate 44, show a progression series in the dissection of the distal margin from entire or dentate at the apex of the axes, to gradually deeper dissected leaves further away from the apex. All of the leaves of a single whorl are in the same stage of dissection. In the leaves which show the most dissection the lobes spread out or separate to such an extent that the width of the leaf at its distal margin is greatly increased. From the dissection series displayed in the other species of the genus, the last probable step іп the dissection series in Sph. emargi- natum should be a leaf with eight symmetrical spreading lobes, such as seen in Sph. cornutum. However even after three summers of collecting from the strip mines near Kimberly, Ohio, where both species are numerous and occur together, no single specimen in which the two species were unquestionably organically connected was found. Although leaves of both Sph. emarginatum (Pl. 44, fig. 66) and Sph. cunetfoliwm (Pl. 37, fig. 22) show dissection in a progressive series from entire leaves at the apex of the axis to deeply dissected leaves toward the base; the two are easily distinguished, as the teeth and lobes of all of the leaves of Sph. emarginatum (Chart 3) are obtusely rounded, while those of SpA. cuneifolium (Chart 3) are acutely pointed. Again, Sph. emarginatum is distinct from Sph. oblongifolium, as this species has a trizygia leaf arrangement, and the leaves of Sph. emarginatum are all of equal length. Numerous transfer preparations of this species were made, but none showed the abaxial epidermal stomatal structure because of the poorly preserved material. The epidermal cells of the abaxial surface are in longitudinal rows (Pl. 38, fig. 34). The cells are up to 65 mu long, the average is about 57 mu; the width of the cells also varies, but the maximum width between undulations is 13 mu and the narrowest about 8 mu with an average of 10.5 mu. The noticeable feature of these cells is their thin end walls which are inclined at a sharp angle from the vertical. Horizon and distribution.—Canada: Nova Scotia, Sydney Coalfield, 200” above the Tracey seam to the top of the Morien 342 BULLETIN 174 series at Point Aconi—Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1938), Pictou Coalfield, Thorburn member of the Stellarton series—Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1940). United States: Michigan, Grand Ledge, West Bay City, Cycle “F”—late Pottsville (cited by Arnold, 1949); Pennsylvania, throughout southern Anthracite Coal Field—lower, middle, and upper Allegheny (cited by White, 1900), Mohanoy City—horizon unknown (US); West Virginia, along the Kanawha River Basin, Stockton Coal and 300-400’ above the Black flint— upper Allegheny (cited by White, 1895); Illinois, Mazon Creek— upper Allegheny (CINC, and cited by Darrah, 1935), Braidwood— Allegheny (cited by Noé, 1925), Murphysboro, lower Des Moines— lower Allegheny (cited by Noé, 1925); Kansas, Lawrence, Leroy shales, Douglas stage—upper Conemaugh or lower Monongahela (cited by Sellards, 1908), Greene Co., Vicksburg mine, Des Moines —lower Allegheny (CINC); Missouri, Henry Co., Owens Coalbank and Pitcher’s Coal bank—upper Allegheny (cited by White, 1899); Ohio, Athens Co., Kimberly, upper Freeport—uppermost Allegheny (CINC-T), Meigs Co., Pomeroy—Monongahela (OU), Athens Co., Lodi township—Monongahela (OU, CINC), Jackson Co., Jackson— Pottsville (OU), Athens Co., near Albany, Clarion Coal—Allegheny (OU), Athens Co., Trimble township, upper Freeport—uppermost Allegheny (OU); Oklahoma, McAlester—horizon unknown (US). 20. Sphenophyllum fasciculatum (Lesquereux) D. White, 1899 P1. 37, figs. 25-28; Pl. 46, fig. 74; Pl. 48, fig. 84; Chart 3. Asterophyllites fasciculatus Lesquereux, 1880, 2d Geol. Sur. Pennsylvania, Rept. Progress P, 1:41, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2. Sphenophyllum fasciculatum (Lesquereux), D. White, 1899, United States Geol. Sur., Mon. 37:183-187, pl. 50, figs. 1-4. Sphenophyllum fontinalis Round, 1927, Botanical Gazette, 83 (1) :65. Other references. —None. Stratigraphic range —Allegheny. Leaves, six in a verticil, are 1-4 mm. long (1-8 mm. ?) and 0.5-2 mm. wide. The leaves at the apex of an axis are bilobed from one-half to two-thirds the length of the leaf (Pl. 37, figs. 25, 27, 28), so that they often appear as 12 leaves in a verticil. These lobes are long-tapering, sharply pointed and erect falcate. The lower leaves (РІ. 37, fig. 27) are more or less reflexed and are further irregularly divided into 3 or 4 lobes. The length of the lobes decreases pro Asterophyllites, Annularia < Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 343 gressively downward on the axis, so that the lower leaves are often undissected and merely short lobed. The dissection of the leaves becomes progressively deeper from the base to the apex of the axis. A single vein enters the base of the leaf and divides to traverse each segment or lobe of the leaf (Pl. 38, fig. 41; Chart 3). The branching is irregular with one or two branches at a node. They are flexuous to rigid (Pl. 37, fig. 27). The internodes are 1-3 mm. long at the apex and up to 10 mm. long on the older parts of the axis. The older axes (?) are 1 cm. in diameter with internodes 3 cm. long. The original specimen of Asterophyllites fasciculatus, figured Бу Lesquereux (1878, Atlas, pl. 3, fig. 2) and now at the U. 5. National Museum (No. 18292), is 14.5 cm. long, rigid in appear- ance ‘and shows two ranks of branching with mostly opposite branches at a node. These branches form an angle of about 45° with the axis. Lesquereux’s figure 1 does not show the leaves at the nodes bearing branches, although they are present. The larger axis is 4 mm. wide at the base, with internodes 1 cm. long, and decreases in width and internode length toward the apex. In the upper 6 cm. of the specimen (PI. 48, fig. 84), the lateral branches are progres- sively shorter toward the apex, the longest being 2 cm. long with eleven whorls of leaves and the shortest 4 mm. with three whorls of leaves. At the apex of the larger axis as well as near the tips of the lateral branches, the leaves are small, about 1 mm. long and increase to 2.5 mm. long lower on the larger axes and near the bases of the lateral branches. A second specimen, also identified and figured by Lesquereux (1878) as Sph. fasciculatum, figure 1, differs in the following res- pects: it is less rigid in appearance, the branching is not opposite, and the lateral branches ascend at a narrow angle. While this illus- tration would indicate that both branches and leaves are some- what larger and stronger than those on the axis in figure 2, they are in fact approximately the same size. D. White (1899, 183) in reviewing this species assigned it, although questionably, to the genus Sphenophyllum. He agreed that figures 1 and 2 of Lesquereux belonged to one species. In his re- description of the species, he stated that the length of the leaf 344 BULLETIN 174 varied from 2.5-8 mm. However, an isolated large axis 1 cm. wide with internodes some 3 cm. long occurs on the original, specimen No. 18292 U. S. National Museum. At the nodes of this isolated axis the leaves are 8 mm. long, and while they are deeply lobed, the exact nature of the lobes could not be determined because of incomplete preservation. In all probability, White used this leaf measurement as the basis for his statement that the leaves occur as long as 8 mm. The size of the axis would indicate either a large species or an older and much larger stem. If the latter is true, then Sph. fasciculatwm bore deeply dissected leaves on the largest axes. Another specimen at the U. S. National Museum which White determined but did not figure or describe, bore three lateral branches each 14 cm. long, which were attached at regular intervals at an angle of 70°. These branches are more or less rigid; one branch is like the one on Lesquereux’s plate 2, figure 2. The leaves are small, 1.5-2 mm. long and coincide with those of Lesquereux’s description. Material from McArthur, Ohio, (lower Allegheny) in plate 37, figures 25-28, has leaves up to 5 mm. long. The leaves are typically bifurcate near the tip of both the main and lateral branches and are 3 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide. The form changes rapidly to irregularly bifurcated leaves lower on the axes (PI. 37, fig. 26). Specimens from Kimberly, Ohio, (uppermost Allegheny) have bifid leaves, some of which are falcate and very similar to those shown on White’s figure 1. Associated branches, not attached to axes bearing characteristic leaves of Sph. fasciculatum and otherwise not identified, bear leaves with entire, four-toothed distal margins (Pl. 46, fig.74). Since the dissection is less deep in all of the leaves borne on small axes, it would seem improbable that the deeply lobed leaves (8 mm. long) on the axes in association with type specimen No. 18292 actually belongs to the same plant. Again, the nature of the irregular lobing of the McArthur and Kimberly specimens seems to indicate that the entire (symmetrically toothed) leaves in associ- ation but not in connection do not belong to Sph. fasciculatum. Horizon and distribution.—United States: Pennsylvania, Swar- tara Gap, Twin Coal—Allegheny (cited by White, 1900); Missouri, Asterophyllites, Аттшата < Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 345 Henry Co., Owens Coalbank—Allegheny (US); Ohio, Athens Co., Kimberly, upper Freeport—uppermost Allegheny (CINC-T), Vin- ton Co, McArthur—lower Allegheny (CINC-T). Known only from the United States. 21. Sphenophyllum gilmorei D. White, 1929 Chart 8 Sphenophyllum gilmore? D. White, 1929, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Pub. 405 44-47, pl. 9, figs. 1-4; pl. 10, figs. 1-6; pl. 21, fig. 5. Other references —None. Stratigraphic range—Lower Permian. The leaves, six in a verticil, are of equal length. They are ovate to spatulate, not crenate, widest at or a little above the middle, but narrowed toward the obtuse distal margin and toward the base. The distal margin is convexly rounded, entire, erose or faintly emarginate. Leaves at the apices of branches are 15 mm. long and 4 mm. wide; those lower on the axis or on larger axes are 50 mm. long and 8 mm. wide. The venation is generally obscure and according to Dr. White is “apparently fasciculate from the thickened base, forking 2-5 times at an extremely narrow angle in passing nearly erect, parallel, equidistant, and with slight out- ward curving to the border.” The outermost or lateral veins end at the lateral margins approximately midway of the length of the leaf (Chart 3). Axes are rarely branched and are up to 8 mm. in diameter with internodes 12-80 mm. long and the nodes prominent. The type specimens in the U.S. National Museum indicate that this species is one of the largest of the genus both in length of leaf and in length of internode. D. White observed that the plant must have been at least three feet in height. Another characteristic of this species is the shape of the leaf. The leaves are not cuneate as is the general rule for Sphenophyllum but are ovate to spatulate. In this respect they approach the situ- ation seen in the longer leaves of a verticil in Sph. speciosum, a species readily distinguished from SpA. gilmorei by its trizygia pairing of the leaves. The leaves at the apex of the axis are some- 346 BULLETIN 174 what broader in proportion to length than those further down the axis. White stated that the basal leaves also are short and ovate, although this kind was not among the specimens in the U. S. Na- tional Museum. The specimens from which he observed that “here and there along the stems densely placed, small verticils concealed the numerous relatively large sporangia” were not seen. A third distinguishing characteristic is the venation pattern which is well illustrated by White (1929, pl. 10, fig. 2). It cor- responds in general to that in Sph. speciosum, Sph. verticillatum, Sph. obovatum, and Sph. thom. However Sph. gilmore: is clearly distinct from them by larger size and the form and arrangement of the leaves of а verticil. The venation pattern of Sph. gilmorei, because of the length of the leaf, gives the impression of close, parallel, rarely bifurcated veins; in fact, the veins bifurcate 2-5 times and in part arch toward the margin of the leaf. Horizon and distribution.—United States: Arizona, Grand Canyon, Hermit shale—near top of the lower Permian (US). Known only from the United States. 22. Sphenophyllum lescurianum D. White, 1899 Chart: 8 Sphenophyllum spp. D. White, 1897, Geol. Soc. America, Bull., 8:297. Sphenophyllum lescurianum D. White, 1899, United States Geol. Sur., Mon. 979182193 pl 50, tig, OD; pl, 51, НЕ by pl, 24 НЕ 20 Other references —None. Stratigraphic range.—Allegheny. Known only from the United States. The leaves, six in a verticil, are narrowly cuneate, 3-5 mm. long and 1-1.75 mm. wide. The lateral margins of the leaves are slightly convex and the distal margin is generally cut by a central cleft into two blunt lobes. In the lower portion of some of the branches the leaves have additional lateral clefts which result in the formation of three or four more or less equal, obtusely pointed lobes. One vein enters the base of the leaf and divides dichotomously in the lower one-third of the leaf; when there are 3-4 lobes present, a second bifurcation occurs in the upper one- third of the leaf and one vein enters each lobe. Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 347 The slender axes branch freely and are marked by narrow, distant angular ribs. D. White's type specimen, U. S. National Museum, No. 10874, shows three orders of branching. The largest axis is 3 mm. wide with one complete internode 3.5 cm. long. The largest branch from this axis is 1 mm. wide with internodes 5-6 mm. long; ultimate branches аге 0.33 mm. wide with internodes 4 mm. long. The nodes on all three orders of branching are slightly enlarged. The small size of the leaves and their notched distal margin (Chart 3) distinguish this species from other species of Spheno- Phyllum. Sph. lescurianum has been confused with Sph. angusti- foliwm (under Sph. angustifolium var. bifidum), but it differs from this species not only in its small size but also in its rounded lobes. Leaves of Sph. angustifolium are more deeply lobed and the lobes are acutely pointed. Also in Sph. angustifolium the single vein which enters the base of the leaf bifurcates near the base. In Sph. lescurianum the single vein remains undivided for one- third to one-half the length of the leaf. Horizon and distribution.—United States: Missouri, Henry Co., near Clinton—Allegheny (US). Known only from the United States. 23. Sphenophyllum longifolium (Germar) Geinitz, 1843 PL 4b, 1188, T0, 78; Chart 8 Sphenophyllites longifolius Germar, 1837, Isis von Oken, р. 426, pl. 2, figs, 2а, в. Sphenophyllum longifolium (Germar), seinitz, 1843, Gaea von Sachsen, р. 72; Other references.—]ongmans (1936, 116-118, bibliographic), Janssen (1939, 94, fig. 79e). Stratigraphic range.—Allegheny to Monongahela. The leaves are large, 4-6 in a verticil, 2.5-4 cm. long and 0.8-1.3 cm. wide, longer than the internodes (Pl. 45, figs. 70, 73), and in many specimens overlapping. The lateral margins are more or less straight; the distal margin (Pl. 45, fig. 70) is essentially straight and bluntly toothed to laciniate in the upper one-fifth to one-third of the leaf. One vein enters the base of the leaf (Chart 3) and after 4-5 asymmetric dichotomous divisions a vein enters each of the teeth or lacinae of the distal margin. BULLETIN 174 The internodes range from 1.5-3.5 cm. long and 2-5 mm. wide, and the nodes are slightly enlarged. Definite ribs are lacking even on the shorter internodes. The epidermal cells are narrow and elongated in the direction of the long axis of the leaf and the cell walls are undulate. Coemans and Kickx (1864) stated that the leaves of this species may be up to 5 cm. long, but none of the American speci- mens are over 4 cm. long. The available specimens show only 8-10 internodes, and there is little variation in the dissection of the distal margin on any one specimen. However, there were some more or less entire leaves in the collections which probably occurred toward the apex of the plant. Highly dissected leaves probably occurred toward the. base. According to Zobel (1910) and Zeiller (1906) the least dis- sected leaves are bifid to one-fifth or a little more of their length, and the resulting two segments or lobes are bluntly toothed. In the American specimens an average leaf dissection shows that each division of the bifid leaf is again asymmetrically cleft so that the distal margin is quite irregular. The lateral clefts may assume various depths but are as deep as the central cleft. The ultimate dissection is a deeply asymmetrically dissected leaf, well illus- trated in Schimper (Atlas 1874, pl. 25, fig. 22). A specimen (Chart 3) from Burgettstown, Pennsylvania, kindly loaned by Dr. A. J. Miklausen, shows leaves with more ot less entire distal margins and Figure 70, Plate 45, another specimen from the same locality, shows the average amount of asymmetric division of the distal margin. Jongmans (1911) commented that Lesquereux (1880, pl. 7, fig. 10 and 1884, pl. 91, fig. 6) showed leaves which are correct for this species; but felt that his figure 11 (1884) was probably Sph. majus. Jongmans might have come to this decision because of the amount of dissection shown in the leaf. The leaf exhibits greater dissection than those from Pennsylvania. I believe the leaf, in figure 11 (1884), because of its size and shape, is the extreme in the “dissection series” of SpA. longifolium and similar to that shown in Schimper, /.с. Janssen recognized the species in the nodules from Mazon Asterophyllites, Annularia Y Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 349 Creek and illustrated the more or less typical leaf, i.e., one of moderate dissection in his figure 79e. He stated that the central cleft extended to the middle of the leaf or beyond. He was in- correct in stating that four veins enter each leaf, since the speci- mens plainly show that only one vein enters (Chart 3), although two bifurcations are in close approximation to it. Where the leaf has been broken at that point or is buried in the enclosing matrix up to this point, it then appears as if four veins entered the leaf. Since no transfer preparations were made from Dr. Mik- lausen’s specimens, the details of the stomatal apparatus are not known. Horizon and distribution.—United States: Illinois, Mazon Creek—Allegheny (cited by Janssen, 1939); Pennsylvania, Cannel- ton, Florence, and Burgettstown, Pittsburgh Coal—Monongahela (AJM); Ohio, Barnesville, horizon unknown (cited by Lesquer- eux, 1884); Missouri, near Clinton, Henry Co.—Allegheny (US West Virgima, Cassville and West Union, roof shales of the Waynes- burg coal—Monongahela (WVA-G). 24. Sphenophyllum majus (Bronn) Bronn, 1835 PL 87, fig. 28; P1, 35, ПЕВ, 44-40; Pl. 46, fig, (0; PL 47, fig. 79; Chart 4 Rotularia major Bronn, 1828, in Bischoff, Kyptogamenflora Gewächse, 2:39, pl. 13, figs, 2a, b. Sphenophyllum majus (Bronn), Bronn 1835, Lethaea geognostica, Stuttgart, 1:32, pl. 8, figs, 98, b. Other references —Jongmans (1936, 1119-1121, bibliographic), Bell (1938, 90, pl. 94, figs. 1-2), Janssen (1939, 94, figs. 79c, 81), Bell (1940, 130), Arnold (1949, 185, pl. 18, fig. 7). Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville to Dunkard. The cuneate leaves, six in a verticil (Pl. 46, fig. 75), (eight according to Jongmans, 1911, and Bell, 1938) are from 1.2-2 cm. long and 0.5-1.3 cm. wide, and widest at the distal margin. The lateral margins are straight to convex. The distal margin is straight to slightly arching (Pl. 37, fig. 23) and vary in dissection. from bluntly pointed and irregularly toothed to deeply laciniate. The central cleft of the distal margin may be shallow to 0.5-1 mm. or deep to one-half the length of the leaf. There may be pronounced 350 BULLETIN 174 lateral dissections of varying depths although the distal span or width is not increased by them. A single vein enters the base of the leaf (Pl. 37, fig. 23; Chart 4) and may bifurcate as many as five times before a vein enters a tooth or lacinia of the distal mar- gin. The bifurcations are symmetrical, and the veins are rela- tively thin. The internodes average 2 cm. long and 1 mm. wide, and the nodes are slightly enlarged. The cells of both the abaxial (PI. 38, fig. 44; Pl. 47, fig. 79) and adaxial epidermis are approximately 42-58 mu long and 8-14 mu wide, thin-walled, and elongated in the direction of the long axis of the leaf. The end walls diverge slightly from the vertical. Both the lateral and end walls are undulate. Stomata, limited to the abaxial surface (Pl. 38, figs. 44, 45; Pl. 47, fig. 79), are numerous and without a definite pattern of distribution. The stomatal ap- paratus (Pl. 38, fig. 45), elliptical in outline, 31 mu long and 22 mu wide, consists of two kidney-shaped guard cells and five or six accessory cells, the outer walls of which are undulate. Jongmans (1911) illustrated a dissection series of the leaves of Sph. majus from Europe. The sharply dentate leaves are be- lieved to occur at the apex of the plant and the more deeply dis- sected leaves toward the base. In American collections the cuneate leaves are sharply dentate and centrally, shallowly cleft. The leaves occur most frequently in isolated whorls; but in rarer instances where the leaves are attached to internodes, the leaves are up to 2 cm. long and 1 mm. wide and the nodes are enlarged. Sph. majus, due to its large size of 1.2-2 cm. in length and 0.5-1.3 cm. in width, is usually distinct from the other species of Sphenophyllum. Only three other species are conspicuously larger. The leaves of Sph. longifolium are often 2.5-4 cm. long and narrowly cuneate in form, whereas those of Sph. majus are only about one-half this length and broadly triangular in form. The leaves of Sph. thoni in its more or less entire leaf form may be as large as 3.5-4.5 cm. long and obovate in form, whereas those of Sph. majus are only about one-third this length and broadly triangular in form. The leaves of Sph. gilmorei are 1.5-5.0 mm. long and 4.8 mm. wide and ob- ovate to spatulate and never cuneate in form, whereas those of Sph. majus are always cuneate in form. Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 351 Horizon and distribution—Canada: Nova Scotia, Sydney Coalfield, throughout the uppermost zone of the Morien series— Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1938), Pictou Coalfield, Thorburn mem- ber of the Stellarton series—Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1940). United States: Missouri, Clinton, Henry Co., Owens Coalbank, Deepwater, Pitcher’s Coal bank, Gilkerson’s Ford—Allegheny (US); Mlinois, Mazon Creek—Allegheny (cited by Noé, 1925 and Janssen, 1939); Michigan, Grand Ledge, below Cycle “A”—Potts- ville (cited by Arnold, 1949); Kentucky, Crofton, Christian Co.— Pottsville (CINC); Pennsylvania, Perry Township, Green Co.— Dunkard (WVA-S). 25. Sphenophyllum oblongifolium (Germar and Kaulfuss) Unger, 1850 P1..38, figs. 88, 87, 42, 48; Pl. 44, fig, 69; Pl. 47, figs. 80, 81; Chart 4 Rotularia oblongifolium Germar and Kaulfuss, 1831, Nova Acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae naturae curiosorium, xv, 2:225, pl. 65, 5, Sphenophyllum oblongifolium (Germar and Kaulfuss), Unger, 1850, Genera et species plantarum fossilium, Vindobonae, p. 70. Sphenophyllum filiculme Lesquereux, 1858, (in part), Geol. Pennsylvania, Government Sur., 2:853. Other references. —Jongmans (1936, 1124, 1128, bibliographic), Bell (1938, 91, pl. 94, figs. 3-7; pl. 95, figs. 1-2), Janssen (1939, 90, toy 79b). Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville to Dunkard. The narrowly obovate to cuneate leaves, six in a verticil ( PI. 44, fig. 69; Chart 4), are arranged in three bilaterally symmetri- cal pairs in each verticil. Two of the pairs are approximately at right angles to the axis, and the third pair is deflexed. The leaves are attached close together; but the leaves of a verticil are not evenly spaced around the node, with the result that a vacant arc of some 90? or more is left opposite the deflexed pair. The upper two pairs of leaves are of equal length, average 1 cm. long and 3 mm. wide, the deflexed pair is shorter, and average 5 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide. All of the leaves are narrowly obovate, and widest in the middle with noticeably convex lateral margins. The distal mar- gins are straight to slightly arching and variously toothed to lobed. Smaller axes bear leaves with short, acutely pointed teeth and may or may not have a shallow, central cleft. Leaves of larger 352 BULLETIN 174 axes are more deeply dissected by a median cleft and lateral clefts, so that the distal margin may be 4-lobed. The lobes may have as many as six, seven, or eight sharply pointed teeth of varying lengths. The shorter, deflexed pair of leaves is dissected and veined exactly as the others of a verticil. A single vein enters the base of each leaf (Pl. 38, fig. 43; Pl. 47, fig. 81, Chart 4) and immediately bifurcates twice. Other bifurcations may occur at approximately the mid-portion of the leaf, and a single vein enters each tooth and terminates in the mucronate apex. The internodes are 5-15 mm. long and 1.5-5 mm. wide with the nodes slightly enlarged. The axes are sparingly branched and bear 1-2 lateral branches at each node. The cells of the abaxial epidermis are elongated in the direc- tion of the long axis of the leaf (Pl. 38, fig. 42; Pl. 47, fig. 81). They average 100 mu long and 15 mu wide (PI. 38, fig. 33), are thin-walled, with the lateral and highly inclined end walls undulate. The cells at the base of the clefts (Pl. 38, fig. 37) are small, almost as broad as long, and have thick walls. Away from the immediate area of the cleft, the cells are more elongate and typical of those described above. Cells along the veins and along the margin of the leaf are approximately the same size as those toward the interior of the lamina. The leaves of Sph. oblongifolium form a dissection series, den- tate to deeply lobed, similar to those in SpA. cuneifolium and Sph. verticillatum. According to Coemans and Kickx (1864), Zeiller (1880, 1892, 1906), Zobel (1910), Jongmans (1911), and Halle (1927), the entire leaves and those with a central cleft are borne on lateral branches or apices of larger axes and the deeply lobed leaves are borne on larger axes. The American specimens are dis- sected up to one-half their length, therefore, they are not so deeply dissected as those from Europe. Sph. oblongifolium with its trizygoid leaf arrangement is dis- tinct even in its deeply laciniate forms from Sh. cuneifolium and Sph. angustifolium since the leaves of the latter species are all of equal length. Sph. oblongifolium is similar to Sph. speciosum. in leaf arrangement but is quite distinct since its leaves average 1 cm. in length, and those of Sph. speciosum average twice that length. Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 353 Some specimens (HBL) from the type locality, which were identified and labeled Sphenophyllum filiculme by Lesquereux, agree with Sph. oblongifolium in leaf arrangement, shape, size, and venation. Other specimens (HBL), which were also labeled Soph. filiculme by Lesquereux, do not agree exactly, although they might be considered a variety of SpA. oblongifolium. Horizon and distribution.—Canada: Nova Scotia, Sydney Coalfield, roof shales of Harbour seam (rare) but abundant at top of Morien series—Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1938), Pictou Coalfield, Thorburn member of Stellarton series—Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1940). United States: Kansas, Blue Mound, Chanute shale, Kansas City group—upper Monongahela (cited by Sellards, 1908); Illinois, Murphysboro, lower Des Moines—lower Allegheny (cited by Janssen, 1939), Mazon Creek—Allegheny (cited by Darrah, 1935, and Janssen, 1939); Missouri, Henry Co., near Clinton—Alle- gheny (cited by White, 1899); West Virginia, Cassville and West Union, Waynesburg Coal—top of Monongahela (WVA-G), Brew- егу beds and Salem beds—Pottsville (WVA-G), Mason Co., Le- tart, Letart Power Plant Zone, Washington series—Dunkard (WVA-S), Monongalia Co., Cass District, Waynesburg—top of Monongahela (WVA-S), near Kempton, mostly in Granite Co., Pittsburgh Coal—Monongahela (WVA-S); Pennsylvania, Cannel- ton—Allegheny (US), Green Co., Perry township—Dunkard (WVA-S), Green Co., Dunkard township, Waynesburg Coal—top of Monongahela (WVA-S), Fayette Co., German township, Gate’s Mine, Pittsburgh Coal—Monongahela (WVA-G), Burgettstown, roof shales of Pittsburgh Coal—Monongahela (AJM), Salem seam at Pottsville—lower Allegheny (US); Ohio, Athens Co., Kimberly, Upper Freeport—uppermost Allegheny (CINC-T), Lodi township, Pittsburgh coal—Monongahela (WV ASC, GING МСТ. OD Meigs Co., Pomeroy—Monongahela (WVA-C), Munroe Co., Ohio township, Washington “A”—Dunkard (WVA-C), Athens Co., Bern township, Waynesburg roof shales, Cassville—Dunkard (WVA-S), Munroe Co., near New Martinsville, along O’Possum Creek, Washington “A”—Dunkard (WVA-C), Jackson Co., Jack- son—Pottsville (OU), Athens Co., near Albany, Clarion Coal— Allegheny (OU). 354 BULLETIN 174 26. Sphenophyllum obovatum Sellards, 1908 Pl. 38, figs. 32; Pl. 44, fig. 67; Chart 4. Sphenophyllum obovatum Sellards, 1908, Univ. Geol. Sur., Kansas, 9:456- 458, pl. 61, figs. 17, 18; pl. 64, fig. 4. Other references —None. Permian. Stratigraphic range. The broadly obovate leaves, six in a verticil (Pl. 44, fig. 67), are 3-5 mm. long on the apical part of an axis, the largest 10-15 mm. long and 8-10 mm. wide, widest at or near the middle. The lateral margins are entire, short and slightly concave. The distal margin is broad, rounded, extends to about half of the length of the leaf, and is inconspicuously blunt toothed. The distal margin usually extends further toward the base of the leaf on one side than on the other and the leaf is asymmetrical. One (?) vein en- ters the base of the leaf (Pl. 38, fig. 32) and after 4-7 irregular dichotomous divisions, 25-28 veins reach the distal margin; the lower veins strongly arch before reaching the margin at or near the middle of the leaf. Internodes are from a few millimeters to 1 cm. long and 1 mm. wide at or near the apices of small axes; on larger axes they are up to more than 4 cm. long and 6 mm. wide with the nodes enlarged. Preservation was so poor that a transfer could not be made, and nothing is known of the epidermal pattern and stomatal organization. The above -description includes information, not only from the observations of Sellards in the original description of the species, but also from a study from one of his original specimens and shown in his plate 61, figure 17. This specimen, No. 5368, kindly loaned by Dr. К. W. Baxter from the University of Kansas Museum Col- lection (Pl. 44, fig. 67), consists of a small axis with two internodes and parts of three whorls of leaves. The internodes are 10 mm. long and 2 mm. wide with the nodes enlarged to 3 mm. Sellard’s figure 17 shows only four leaves in the verticil, but he illustrated the central one of the three whorls which are present. This one is crowded in part by the leaves of the whorl below, in which there Asterophyllites, Anmularia &3 Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 355 are six leaves as figure 67, Plate 44 indicates. There is no reason to suppose that any of the verticils of this species consisted of only four leaves. Sellards noted that, although the leaves vary in size on dif- ferent parts of the plant, their shape and form 15 consistent. The form of the leaf, as well as that of the verticil, is distinct. In most species of Sphenophyllum the leaves are symmetrical and the ver- ticil is symmetrical. Sph. obovatum is different from other species in that the two sets of three leaves in the verticil are mirror images of each other. The general effect is one of a vertically divided ver- ticil composed of three asymmetric leaves. The lower lateral mar- gin of the leaf is slightly longer and less concave than the upper margin. The basal portion of the leaf is narrow, approximately 1 mm. near its attachment, and in this it agrees with most species of the genus. However, in Sph. obovatum, the leaf appears to be stalked due to the concave lateral margins and the rapidly expanding width of the leaf (8 mm. near the middle). The actual point of attachment of the leaf to the axis is dif- ficult to observe. The arrangement of the verticil indicates that the leaves probably were attached to the axis at an acute angle, and then curved away from the node to lie in a plane perpendicu- lar to the axis. In all of the specimens, the leaves are either broken or folded 0.3-0.5 mm. from their point of attachment. Apparently only one vein entered a leaf. However, in only one leaf of the type specimen could the presence of as few as two veins entering the leaf base be established; other leaf bases are broken further back so that three or four veins are present. In transfer preparations of many other species of Sphenophyllum only one vein enters the base of the leaves and, depending upon the species, the single vein may bifurcate immediately or remain undivided for as much as 1 mm. before subdividing. Subsequent bifurcations may be at some distance, again depending upon the species. It is probable that only one vein entered the base of the leaves of Sph. obovatum also and that it divided on leaving the node to produce the two veins on the fractured edge of the leaf base. Divisions of these two veins continue until a total of about seven bifurcations have 356 BULLETIN 174 taken place by the time the veins reach the top of the leaf. There may be as few as three bifurcations along the margins of the leaf. Sellards noted that this species is abundant in the Chase formation and in the Wellington shales. In a large axis 20 cm. long the internodes were 4 cm. long and 6 mm. wide, with no increase in width to the apex. He also noted that the larger axes bore one branch at a node “partly below but mostly above” the node (see Sellards’ text figure, р. 457) and that these axes were devoid of leaves. There may have been leaves which were either deciduous or lost in some manner. Sphenophyllum obovatum has been compared to the smaller leaved form of Sph. thoni from Europe and China. The asymmetric nature of the leaf, and the round and blunt teeth of the distal mar- gin of Sph. obovatum are in sharp contrast with the symmetric leaf and pronounced acute teeth of the distal margin of SpA. thoni. Sph. gilmorei 1s somewhat similar in leaf form, but the leaves are ovate to spatulate rather than broadly obovate, and the lateral margins are convex rather than concave. Also, Sph. gilmorei is a larger form with the leaves up to 5 cm. in length, while in Sph. obovatum they are only 1.5 cm. in length. Horizon and distribution.—United States: Kansas, Banner City, Dickinson Co., Wellington shales—Permian (mid-Continent) and near Washington, Chase formation—Permian (in the Univer- sity of Kansas Museum). Known only from the United States. 27. Sphenophyllum tenue D. White, 1900 Chart 4 Sphenophyllum tenue D. White, 1900, United States Geol. Sur. 20th Ann. Rept., 2:900-901, pl. 191, figs. 6, 7. Other references —None. Pottsville. Stratigraphic range. The leaves, six in a verticil, are 1-2 ст. long, 8 mm. wide and widest near the distal margin. They are broadly cuneate with slightly to strongly concave lateral margins and taper to a long, slender, stalklike, somewhat thickened base. The distal margin is slightly to strongly arching, crenulo-dentate with 12-24 short, broad, rounded or obtuse teeth, or more rarely with two, more or less dissected, broad, obtuse, usually bi-tridentate lobes. A single | | i ! Asterophyllites. Annularia < Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 357 vein enters the base of the leaf (Chart 4) and divides dichoto- mously 4-5 times before a vein enters a tooth of the distal margin. The ridged axes have internodes 1-5 cm. long and 1-3 mm. wide with the nodes only slightly enlarged. The axes branch freely, with one to three branches at a node. Chart 4 shows а broadly cuneate leaf, with crenulate- denticulate, rounded distal margin, conspicuous concave lateral margins and a tapering long slender base. Of the many speci- mens observed at the U.S. National Museum from various locali- ties, including the type specimen, Number 18500 in the Lacoe Col- lection which was figured by White on plate 191, figure 6, most showed the type of leaf just described. A dissected type also oc- curs. This type is divided into lobes by a shallow central cleft up to one-third of the length of the leaf, and by additional lateral clefts. The lobes are broad, obtuse, of irregular length, and each is bi- or tridentate. Sph. tenue is distinguished from Sph. majus by the rounded distal margin, the concave lateral margins, and stalked base of the leaves. Sph. tenue is similar to Sph. obovatum in the rounded dis- tal margin and the concavity of the lateral margins of the leaves. In Sph. tenue the distal margin continues down the sides of the leaf for less than one-fourth of the length of the leaf, whereas, in Sph. obovatum the distal margin 18 unevenly continuous down the lateral margins, %.e., it extends further down one side than the other. Also in Sph. obovatum the six leaves in a verticil are arranged in two opposite groups of three each (Pl. 44, fig. 67), while in Sph. tenue the six leaves are equally spaced. Horizon and distribution.—United States: Pennsylvania, Potts- ville Gap, New Lincoln Mine, Brookside and Lincoln Collieries, Kimble Drift and the Northside shaft, all Lykens coal No. 4—mid- Pottsville (US); Alabama, Sydneyton and New Castle—Pottsville (US). Known only from the United States. 28. Sphenophyllum tenerrimum Ettingshausen, 1877 Pl. 48, figs. 82, 83; Chart 4. Sphenophyllum tenerrimum Ettingshausen, in Stur 1877, Abh. К. К. ресі. Reichsanstalt, Wien, Abh. viii, 2:108, pl. 7, text-figs. 21-24. BuLLETIN 174 Other references —Jongmans (1936, 1142-1144, bibliographic), Lesquereux (1884, 728-729, pl. 92, figs. 9-10а). Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville. The leaves, 6, 9, or 12 in a verticil, are from 5-7.5 mm. to (ex- ceptionally) 9 mm. long, and once or twice bifurcate into 3-6 linear lobes ог lacinae 0.25-0.33 mm. wide and 5-6 mm. long. The leaf may be dissected to slightly above the middle, to the middle, or to the base of the leaf. Entire leaves are unknown. The leaves are united at their bases by a sheath which may be as much as 1 mm. wide. Toward the apices of branches the leaves are erect and some- what incurved at the tips. On the lower part of the branches, and on larger axes, the leaves are at approximately right angles to the axis. A single vein enters the base of the leaf (Chart 4) and divides dichotomously once to three times with one veinlet enter- ing each lobe. The ribbed internodes on larger axes are 2 cm. long; on lateral branches 3-5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide. The nodes are enlarged and prominent. This species bears leaves which are dissected into long, linear or filamentous lobes. An isolated verticil of leaves is occasionally found spread out on the shale matrix so that its habit, venation, and number of leaflets can be determined (Pl. 48, fig. 83), but this condition of preservation is not typical, and the lobes are usually twisted or may overlap. This is the condition seen on the type specimen of Lesquereux from Rushville, Ohio, at the U.S. National Museum. While the leaves are only of approximately equal length in the verticil, they are not trizygoid in arrangement as are those in Sph. oblongifolium. Sph. tenerrimum is separated from Sph. trichomatosum by minor but distinct differences. Sph. tenerrimum has leaves wtih acute lobes, while Sph. trichomatosum has leaves with broad emar- ginate lobes. The lobes of Sph. tenerrimum are linear; longer and narrower than those of Sph. trichomatosum. Horizon and distribution—United States: Ohio, Rushville, Waverly formation (?)—Pottsville (US); Alabama, Pratt Mine all Pottsville (US). near Birmingham, Coalburg, near Gasden Asterophyllites, Annularia G Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 359 29. Sphenophyllum tenuifolium Fontaine and White, 1880 Pl. 46, fig. 77; Chart 4 Sphenophyllum tenuifolium Fontaine and White, 1880, Second Geol. Sur. of Pennsylvania, Rept. Progress, р. 38, pl. 1, fig. 9. Other references. —Jongmans (1936, 1144, bibliographic), Jans- sen (1939, 94, 96, figs. 79f, 82). Stratigraphic range.—Monongahela. The leaves, six in a verticil (Pl. 46, fig. 77), are equal in length, narrowly elongate-cuneate and 1-2 mm. wide and 7-16 mm. long. In each verticil there is a group of three leaves on each side of the axis. The groups are arranged so that there is an angle of approximately 90° between the groups toward the apex of the axis and approximately 145° between the groups toward the base of the axis. The lateral margins of the leaf are straight to slightly convex, and the distal margin is straight to slightly arched and shallowly dentate with as few as four to as many as eight sharp teeth. Leaves near the apex of an axis are not divided, but the leaves on the branches have a central cleft 1 mm. in depth and two shorter lateral clefts, resulting in an unequally 4-lobed leaf. The lobes end in one or two sharply pointed teeth (Pl. 46, fig. 77). One vein enters the base of the leaf (Chart 4) and dichotomises 2-4 times before reaching the teeth of the distal margin. The internodes are 10-12 mm. long and 1 mm. wide and the nodes are slightly enlarged. Sph. tenuifolium more closely resembles Sph. angustifolium; in the latter the teeth of the leaves are rounded and blunt, while the former has sharply pointed teeth. Further, in Sph. angusti- folium, all forms of leaves in the dissection series may be seen on a branch less than 10 cm. in length, or in 10-12 consecutive inter- nodes. In Sph. tenuifolium, on a branch of similar length and number of internodes, the leaves are unchanged in size and dissec- tion. Sph. tenuifolium does not have a trizygoid leaf habit and is therefore, distinct from species bearing leaves of unequal length but of similar form, e.g., Sph. oblongifolium. Horizon and distribution—United States: West Virginia, Cassville and West Union, Waynesburg Coal—upper Monongahela 360 BULLETIN 174 (WVA-G), near Kempton, mostly in Granite Co., Pittsburgh Coal —Monongahela (WVA-S). Known only from the United States. 30. Sphenophyllum thoni Mahr, 1868 Е 85, tig, 80, 2]. 45, tig, TL, PI 46,28, 76; Chart 4 Sphenophyllum thoni Mahr, 1868, Zeitschrift Deutsch. Geol. Geschichte, 20:433, pl. 8, figs. 1-4. Sphenophyllum thoni var. minor Sterzel, 1895, Mitteilungen der Grotberzogl. Badischen Geol. Landesanstalt, III, 2:322-324, pl. 10, figs. 26-27, pl. 11, figs. 1-4. Other references.—Jongmans (1936, 1144-1146, bibliographic). Monongahela. Stratigraphic range. The leaves, six in a verticil, are obovate and of equal length. They are 3-5 cm. long and 1.5-2 cm. wide, widest above the middle of the leaf. The lateral margins are straight to slightly concave and the distal margin is rounded (Pl. 38, fig. 39; Pl. 46, fig. 76). It often extends down to or below the middle of the leaf, and is usually deeply lobed or laciniated but may be entire. The length of the lobed or fringed portion is 3-6 mm., and each linear division is about 0.5 mm. wide. The lobes or laciniae are spreading, with a few, approximate or overlapping (Pl. 38, fig. 39; Pl. 46, fig. 76). A single vein enters the narrowed base of the leaf and branches by bifurcations 4-8 times. Some of the lower veins curve before reaching the apices of the lobes of the distal margin. The internodes are 2-8 mm. long and 3-6 mm. wide and the nodes are enlarged (Pl. 45, fig. 71). The epidermal cells as seen under reflected light are narrow and elongated in the direction of the long axis of the leaf. The cell walls are undulate. The leaves of the material of Sph. thomi, kindly loaned by Dr. A. J. Miklausen, are all of the fimbriate or fringed type of leaf. The leaves are commonly widest just above the mid-portion, but they may be wider just below the apex of the leaf. The distal margin 18 dissected into as many as 40-50 lobes or laciniae, and the lobes may spread so that the width of the leaf is increased as much as ] mm., particularly in the most dissected leaves. The lobes are linear and may be as wide as 0.5 mm. although they may be narrower. The general consensus of opinion in the past has been that [ | Asterophyllites, Anmularia SE Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 361 more than one vein enters the base of the leaf, however, speci- mens from Pennsylvania (Pl. 38, fig. 39; Pl. 46, fig. 76) show that опе vein enters and immediately bifurcates twice. Since no transfer preparations were made, the details of the stomatal apparatus are not known. The species Sph. thoni was based upon leaves with the dis- tal margins laciniated or fringed. Later, Zeiller (1892) observed that smaller leaves occurring on smaller axes were not laciniate but were acutely toothed at the distal margin. Sterzel (1895) also noted this fact and proposed a variety name—var. minor for the entire leaves. In both leaf types, the veins follow a similar di- verging course toward the distal margin and bend toward the sides of the leaf. Both Zobel (1910) and Jongmans (1911) believed that since the two leaf types had been found on one plant (Zeiller, 1892) the var. minor should be reduced to synonymy. Halle (1927), іп his “Plants from Central Shansi”, although recognizing that this plant bore two types of leaves, as Zeiller had indicated, considered that some of the isolated leaf whorls were distinct from those of Zeiller’s plant and more closely re- sembled Sph. thoni var. minor as originally described and figured by Sterzel (1895). He recognized this variety which he described as having a leaf 1) as large as the fimbriate leaves of Sph. thoni and larger than the usual entire-leaved form; 2) with an entire distal margin, diverging venation, and more pronounced triangular shape; and 3) occurring not only in the same horizons together with Sph. thoni in the lower Shihhotse series, but also in the upper Shihhotse series where Sph. thoni had not been noted. Halle gave a leaf length of 1.5-3 cm. for his variety from China, which is smaller than that of the Pennsylvanian specimens, which are 3-5 cm. long and occur relatively high in the stratigraphic column of the Monongahela. Sph. thoni is larger than any other Carboniferous species with the exception of SpA. gilmorei which occurs in the Permian of Arizona. Leaves of both species may reach a length of 5 ст.; however, they differ greatly in width of the leaves since the leaves of Sph. thoni are 15 mm. wide, and those of Sph. gilmorei are only 6-8 mm. wide. BULLETIN 174 Horizon and distribution.—United States: Pennsylvania, near Burgettstown, above the Pittsburgh Coal—Monongahela (А]М). 31. Sphenophyllum trichomatosum Stur, 1887 Chart 4 Sphenophyllum trichomatosum Stur, 1887, К. К. Geol. Reichsanstalt, Wien, Abh. xl, 2:202, pl. 15, figs, 1, 4, Other references —Jongmans (1936, 1147-1148, biblio- graphic), Bell (1938, 90, pl. 93, figs. 7-8). Stratigraphic range.—Pottsville to Monongahela. The leaves, mostly nine in a verticil, are 5-13 mm. long, and are two to three times dichotomously divided and fan-shaped. The 4-6 linear lobes are 0.5 mm. wide, and the broad apices are emarginate to bluntly 2-toothed. The base of the leaf is broad. One vein enters the base of the leaf (Chart 4) and divides dichotomously two or three times and a single vein goes to each tooth. The leaves are as long or slightly longer than the internodes and form a wide angle to 90° with the axis. The ахев аге 0.5-3.5 mm. wide, with internodes 4-7 mm. long. and the nodes are slightly enlarged. They are ribbed and the surface is finely punctate. The number of leaves in a verticil varies from six to nine in the specimens from Pennsylvania and Ohio. Jongmans” figure 396 (1911) indicates eight leaves occurring in a verticil. Bell, page 90, stated that there were up to eight leaves in a verticil in the Canadian specimens. Sph. trichomatosum is similar to Sph. tenerrimum in that they both bear only deeply segmented leaves. Sph. trichomatosum is separated from Sph. tenerrimwm by having leaves with broad emarginate lobes, while the leaves of the latter species has lobes which are linear, longer, and narrower than those of Sph. tricho- matosum. Horizon and distribution—Canada: Nova Scotia, Sydney Coalfield, 50’ above the Tracey seam, and roof of Mullin’s seam— Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1938), Backpit seam—upper Allegheny (cited by Bell, 1938). United States: Pennsylvania, Pottsville Gap, below the Twin Coal and at Lincoln, upper Lykens division, Asterophyllites, Anmularia © Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 363 coals 2 апа 3—Pottsville (cited by White, 1900); Ohio, Athens Co., Lodi township, Pittsburgh Coal —Monongahela (OU). 32. Sphenophyllum vertieillatum (Schlotheim) Zeiller, 1885 Pl, 88, figs, 80, 81, 88, Chart 4 Palmacites werticillatus Schlotheim, 1820, Die Petrefactenkunde auf ihrem jetzigen Standpunkte, Gotha, p. 396. Sphenophyllum werticillatum (Schlotheim), Zeiller, 1885, Société Geol. de France, Bull. (3) XIII: 140, pl. 8, fig. 4. Other references. —None. Stratigraphic range —Allegheny to Monongahela. The cuneate leaves, six in a verticil (Pl. 38, fig. 30), are 8-15 mm. long and 4-6 mm. wide and widest at the distal margin. The leaves on a node are anisophyllous with the longest pair at the top of the verticil, the intermediate pair in the middle, and the shortest pair deflexed. The leaves are attached close together; but the leaves of the verticil are not evenly spaced around the node, with the result that a vacant arc of some 140-145° is left opposite the deflexed pair. All of the leaves have lateral margins straight to convex, and the distal margin half turbinate or rounded. It may be variously dissected. The dissection series varies from leaves which are obtusely dentate on small branches and apices of larger branches, to those with a central cleft and finally to those deeply dissected or 4-lobed on larger axes. A single vein enters the base of each leaf (Pl. 38, figs. 31, 38; Chart 4) and branches dichotomously 2-5 times before a vein enters a tooth or lobe of the distal margin. The internodes are slender, flexuous, striated to deeply fur- rowed, and 8-15 mm. long and 1-4 mm. wide, with the nodes slightly enlarged. The cells of the abaxial epidermis average 10 mu wide and 50 mu long, and are thin-walled, with the undulate lateral walls thicker than the highly inclined end walls. They are elongated in the direction of the long axis of the leaf. Sph. verticillatwm is unusual because of the anisophyllous condition of the three pairs of leaves in each verticil. Figure 30, Plate 38, (a promar projection tracing of slide No. K#3 CINC-T) shows four complete whorls of leaves on an axis. There are three 364 BULLETIN 174 pairs of leaves in a verticil, and the opposite pairs are similar with the leaves of a pair of unequal length. The upper leaf is 12 mm. long and 6 mm. wide, while the lower leaf is 10 mm. long and 6 mm. wide. The deflexed pair of leaves is 9 mm. long and 5 mm. wide. Other specimens show variation in size, but the three pairs of leaves are in the same proportion. The leaf whorls of Sph. verticillatum are similar to those of Sph. oblongifolium in that each is trizygoid in habit. They differ in that the lateral pair of leaves of a whorl in Sph. oblongifolium are the same length, while the lateral leaves of a pair in SpA. verticillatum are of unequal length. Leaves of Sph. verticillatum have bluntly rounded teeth and those of Sph. oblongifolium have sharply pointed teeth (Compare figs. 31 and 43, Pl. 38). Figures 31 and 38, Plate 38, show that only one relatively heavy vein enters the base of each leaf, a condition found in all of the species. This is in agreement with Zobel (1910). Jongmans (1911) stated that as many as 3-4 veins entered the base of the leaf. He used this characteristic as a basis for including several species under the synonoymy of Sph. verticillatum. Since the point of attachment of any leaf is often lost in preservation, and since the early bifurcations take place so close to the point of attachment that when the latter is broken, several veins “appear” to enter the leaf, it would seem that the character of the number of veins entering a leaf is not a good diagnostic character. The leaves of Sph. verticillatum are similar to those of SpA. emarginatum in that both have an obtusely dentate distal margin. They differ markedly in that Sph. emarginatum has leaves of equal length symmetrically arranged and equally spaced around the node, while the leaves of Sph. verticillatum are anisophyllous. Horizon and distribution.—United States: Missouri, Henry Co., near Clinton—lower Allegheny (US); Illinois, Mazon Creek— Allegheny (US, CINC); Ohio, Athens Co., Lodi township, Pitts- burgh Coal—Monongahela (OU, CINC), Athens Co., Kimberly, upper Freeport—uppermost Allegheny (СІМС-Т), Athens Co., near Albany, Clarion Coal—Allegheny (OU); Pennsylvama, Bea- ver Co., Cannelton, Kittanning—middle Allegheny (US). | | | | | | | Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 365 DOUBTFUL AND EXCLUDED SPECIES 1. Sphenophyllum filiculme Lesquereux Sphenophyllum filiculme Lesquereux, 1858, Geol. Pennsylvania, Govern- ment Survey, 2 : 837, The type specimen of SpA. filiculme is not available for study, and the illustration of the type (pl. 1, fig. 6) is not adequate for identification purposes. Dr. E. S. Barghoorn, Harvard Biological Laboratories, kindly loaned me specimens for study, which Lesquereux identified and labeled Sph. filiculme. Some of these specimens are from the type locality, but they agree with SpA. oblongifolium in leaf shape, size, and arrangement. Other specimens in the collection, also labeled Sph. filiculme by Lesquereux, do not conform with Sph. oblongifolium; however they approach the latter to such a degree that they might be considered a variety. The most important digression from Sph. oblongifolium occurs in the shape of the leaves. Specifically, the sides of the leaves are more nearly straight, and the leaves are widest near the distal margin. This contrasts with Sph. oblongifolium, in which the lateral margins of the leaves are conspicuously convex, and the leaves are widest in the middle. Since there is a variation in the leaves of the various speci- mens in the Harvard Biological Laboratories collection, all of which Lesquereux identified and labeled SpA. filiculme, and since the type is not available for study, it is impossible to determine whether the species should be placed unconditionally in Sph. oblongifolium or in a variety of the latter. 2. Sphenophyllum latifolium Wood Sphenophyllum latifolium Wood, 1866, American Phil. Soc, Trans., 13:347, pico; ПЕ, 3, А T : Lesquereux (1880, p. 53) and Jongmans (1936) considered Sph. latifolium synonymous with Sph. longifolium. The type has not been available for study and is probably lost, but small 366 BULLETIN 174 fragmentary isolated leaf whorls at the U. 5. National Museum labeled Sph. latifoliwm (apparently determined by D. White) do not belong to SpA. longifolium, as both the distal margin and the venation are quite different. However, in the absence of the type of Sph. latifolvum Wood, it is impossible to state that the specimens in the Museum labeled Sph. latifolium are the same as the type. 3. Sphenophyllum vetustum Newberry Sphenophyllum vetustum Newberry, 1889, Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., Jour., р, Oy 12. le A study of the type specimen, kindly loaned by Dr. Wells, Geology Department of Cornell University, and now in the U. 5. National Museum, shows that it does not belong to the Articu- lateae. The figure in Newberry (1889, pl. 6, fig. 1) shows all of the details observable on the type. The organic fragments of leaves, which are incompletely preserved on limestone, indicate from the leaf arrangement that the plant is a fern or pteridosperm and not a species of Sphenophyllum. Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 367 | A | ER EEE = ed ! 499 ar É UEM ч E T BETH ji ч o камен Бела 5 = | е „Фә ө » = | ~~ * o | аана S lcg | P ве = e 2 zis & ۴ wS $ Y е ‚ «а о оо 2 X wS и 2 ta دا‎ 5 5 ` } а $^ 9 ^ m pem © Yg = 8 9 a 12410253 | . е ее e 036 = | фе» е . ы | $ | e e ©. ` | NX u чч я © П ee | е ese" 9 өө © | — ж ( E erer eerie ee е, - — з E e е. 9 2 s m TY — -— — = == er адр E EX E» c BE RERBA RES риши as 888-75 VT а 7 а 1 тур SON SE... e 125.2 de Bu m NM — — NS SA S ша! К ee e» ө ө - er ч 5 — or е er e.” by --- © е > oo... 9 > - ae oS > e e > rm | — — = МИЕ BEI: Was | 3 \ < | “Т чё = eu eeo ее ер» © е ч © e er > ee em ье е Фоо e a X a len ME E е е Pro ө r 2 \ алы кене Ша О-о) — def ° ° ee © | A Ф | ° ВЕ eee о } > > | gm | UT кыен > ее» - 5 а ln к=н CR o 8 m o a 9 z ч ù E Я $ © и s k Е a 5 H 4 ж ГУ © ых = 5 E 3 s Е o °з ЕЕ 2 ojiz z a 5 Ed > E ® ыы | зы т Е > Hj a 0 | M * BU ы > 5] e س‎ © 5 ¥ y e ш | Y % < Sek ш в $ 2 2 3 5 Е Gg wy fie ^ uv NNN 3 o " > 10305 ROB x o 2.2 g^ L5 8 | Bom az 5 5 5 "| за о а < © z| & Б 3 о > а 0 S| = 5 bal | ш 2 Ф S © = 3 Ув 3 е 8 9 Lib E В 2| 7 2 w z о оро 2 ID 9| 2 а 2 5 а i >! б 4 Е 5 BULLETIN 174 REFERENCES Abbott, М. L. 1950, 4. paleobotanical transfer method. Jour. Paleo., 24: 619-621, Ло, В. Е., апа М. Г. Abbott 952. A simple paleobotanical transfer technique. Ohio Jour Sci., 52(5): 258-260. Andrews, E. В. 1875. Descriptions of |, fossil plants from the Coal Measures of Ohio. Geol. Sur. 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S. Geol. Sur., 19th Ann. Rept., pt. 3, pp. 457-543, pls. 67-68. 1899. Fossil Hora of the Lower Coal Measures of Missouri. U. S. Geol. Sur., Mon. 37:1-467. 1900. The stratigraphic succession of the fossil floras of the Pottsville formation in the southern Anthracite Coal Field, Pennsylvania. U. S. Geol. Sur., 20th Ann. Rept., 2:755-953. 1903. Summary of the fossil plants recorded from the upper Car- boniferous and Permian formations of Kansas. U. S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 211:85-117. Wood, Н. С. 1860. Contributions to the Carboniferous flora оў the United States. Acad. Nat, Philadelphia, Proc., vol. 12. 1866. A contribution to the knowledge of the flora of the Coal Period in the United States. American Phil. Soc, Trans. Ser. 2, 13:341-349, pls. 8-9. Zeiller, R. 1880. Végétaux fossiles du terrain houiller de la France. Paris. 1885. Note sur la flore ct sur le niveau relatif des couches houilléres de la Grand'-Combe (Gard). Bull. Société géologique de France, 3d Ser. 13:131-149, pls. 8-9. Paris. 1888. Bassin houiller de Valenciennes. Description de la flore fossiles. Études Gites Minéraux de la France. Paris. 1892. Bassin houiller et permien de Brive, Etudes Gites Minéraux de la France, Paris. 1906. Bassin houiller et permien de Blanzy et du Creusot. Études Gítes Minéraux de la France. Paris. Zenker, F. €. 1833. Beschreibung von Galium sphenophylloides Zenk. Neues Jahrb. für Min. AW oit Geologie und Petrefactenkunde, pp. 398-400, pl. 5, figs. 6-9. Stuttgart. Zobel, A. 1910. In Potonié, H., Abbildungen und Beschreigungen fossiler Pflanzen: Reste. Lieferung 7, nr. 121-140. €——— DÓ— PLATES The cost of the engraving of the plates has been met by the Faber Fund for Paleontologic Research at the University of Cincinnati Museum, research fund from the Graduate School of Arts and Science of the Uni- versity of Cincinnati, and the author. BULLETIN 174 Explanation of Plate 35* * Figures 1-45, unless otherwise stated, are all Promar projection tracings of transfers or camera lucida tracings of slides derived from transfers. Figures 46-81 are photo- graphs of specimens on shale, transfers or slides. They are deposited at CINC unless otherwise stated in each figure. Figure 1. Annularia stellata (Sch. Wood 1860 ........... аа Kimberly, Ohio, transfer, В 5607. 2. Asterophyllites charaeformis (Stb.) Geoppert, 1884 .--.-222.2................. Rushville, Ohio, camera lucida tracing of specimen on shale, US No. 18117 (a part). 3, Аппа Tatiiolıa (Dno) Kidston; 1886 nenne “Fern Ledges”, Canada, slide, В 5612. 4. Asterophyllites equisetiformis (Sch.) Brongniart, 1828 ............ueseeeeeene Kimberly, Ohio, transfer, B 5606. 5. Annularia mucronata Schenk, 1883 Athens, Ohio, transfer, B 2474. 6. Annularia sphenophylloides (Zn.) Gutbier, 1897..222...................222222... Kimberly, Ohio, transfer, B 5608. 7. Annularia asteris, Bell, 1944 .... Jackson, Ohio, slide, B 5611. 319 310 a a ы сше; ж с EV 120u — = Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 375 Explanation of Plate 36 ligure Page 8. Annularia stellata (Sch.) Wood, 1860 321 9. 321 10. 815 ШП 315 12, 299 19, 815 14, 315 15, 299 16. 315 d. 315 18. Annularla mucronata Schenk, 1888 .................................................................. 315 Vein area showing part of the bundle sheath and annular (spiral ?) tracheids, Athens, Ohio, slide, B 2474. 19. Asterophyllites equisetiformis (Sch.) Brongniart u. 299 Entire width of upper surface of a leaf showing scarcity of stomata on this surface and the general cellular organization, Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5606. 20. Asterophyllites equisetiformis (Sch.) Brongniart 222222222222 20 299 BULLETIN 174 Explanation of Plate 37 Figure 21. 22. 23. Annularia latifolia (Dn.) Kidston, 1886 Kimberly, Ohio, slide, В 5612, Sphenophyllum cuneifolium (Stb.) Zeiller, 1880 Kimberly, Ohio, transfer, B 5614. Sphenophyllum majus (Bronn) Bronn, 1835 Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 4131. Annularia vernensis (Arnold) Abbott, comb, nov. Grand Ledge, Mich., transfer, B 5610. Sphenophyllum fasciculatum (Lx.) White, 1899 McArthur, Ohio, slide, B 5613. Sphenophyllum fasciculatum (Lx.) White, 1899 .................. McArthur, Ohio, slide, B 5613. Sphenophyllum fasciculatum (Lx.) White 1899 McArthur, Ohio, transfer, B 5613. Sphenophyllum fasciculatum (Lx.) White, 1899 .................. Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5613. ге 1191 у є > < м à.‏ سسس M nn‏ د 2| | МУ = SS j SS N SN \ Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 377 Explanation of Plate 38 Figure Page 29. Sphenophyllum emarginatum Brongniart, 1828 339 30. Sphenophyllum vertieillatum (Sch.) ООО МӘН 2222 368 Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5616. 81. 363 32. Sphenophyllum obovatum Sellards, 1908 354 Camera lucida tracing of single leaflet of type, near Washington, Kan., Univ. of Kansas Coll. No. 5368. 33. Sphenophyllum oblongifolium (G. € a а. 351 Epidermal cells, Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5617. 34. Sphenophyllum emarginatum A nenn. 339 Epidermal cells, Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5615. 35. Sphenophyllum angustifolium (Ger.) Goeppert, 1848 000 329 Epidermal cells, Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5618. 36. Sphenophyllum cuneifolium (Stb.) Zeiller, 1880 s 336 Epidermal cells, Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5614. 37. Sphenophyllum oblongifolium (С. € K.) ШШ ОЙ, 1560 aee petere сы 351 Cellular arrangement at base of cleft in distal margin in upper part of Fig. 43, Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5617. 38. Sphenophyllum verticillatum (Sch.) Zeiller, 1885 363 Enlarged deflexed leaves of lowest verticil in Fig. 30 slide, B 5616. 99: Sphenophyhum thoni Mahn, 1868 es 360 Camera lucida tracing of specimen on shale, near Burgettstown, Pa., un- numbered from A. J. Miklausen Collection. 40. Sphenophyllum angustifolium (Ger. Goeppert, 1848 0c. 329 Enlargement of hairs shown on leaflet in Fig. 41, Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5618. 41. Sphenophyllum angustifolium (Ger. Goeppert, 1848 329 Arrangement of hairs on the margin of the leaf, Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5618. 42. Sphenophyllum oblongifolium (G. & К.) Unger, 1850... 351 Cellular organization in area of a bifurcation of vein shown in lower box in Fig. 43, Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5617. 43. Sphenophyllum oblongifolium (G. & К.) UNSER geo ыы. 351 Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5617. 44. Sphenophyllum majus (Bronn) Bronn, 1835 ...................................................... 349 General cellular organization Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5619. 45. Sphenophyllum majus (Bronn) Bronn, 1885 222222222222 222 349 Detail of stomatal organization, Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5619. Figure 46. 47. A 49. 50. 51. 8; BULLETIN 174 Explanation of Plate 39 Page Asterophyllites equisetiformis (Sch.) Brongniart, 1828 sss 299 Transfer, Kimberly, Ohio, B 5606. Asterophyllites equisetiformis (Sch.) Brongniart, 1828... 299 Apex of young branch, Kimberly, Ohio, B 5606. Analia asterio Bell 1041 mess evn а eS 310 Enlarged from Fig. 7. Asterophyllites equisetiformis (Sch.) Brongniart, 1828... 299 Young plant showing closely placed lateral buds, Kimberly, Ohio, B 5606. Asterophyllites equisetiformis (Sch.) Brongniart, 1828 ................................ 299 Enlarged portion of Fig. 49 showing opposite and distichous arrangement of the lateral buds. Asterophyllites equisetiformis (Sch.) Brongniart, 1828... 299 A more mature plant than that shown in Fig. 50 showing buds arranged at nearly right angles to the axis, Kimberly, Ohio, B 5606. Ir Amp 90 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 39 PLATE 40 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 Asterophyllites, Annularia € Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT 379 Explanation of Plate 40 Figure Page 92. Anmularia galloldes (L. & Hi) Kidston, 1891 аа 311 Locality unknown, B 4106. 53. Asterophyllites longifolius (Stb.) Brongniart, 1828 nn 303 Kimberly, Ohio, B 5605. pz Annularin Asteri Dol dud aa 20 310 Jackson, Ohio, B 5611. BuLLETIN 174 Explanation of Plate 41 Figure 55. Annularia sphenophylloides (Zn.) Gutbier, 1837 Transfer, Kimberly, Ohio, B 5608, Annularia radiata (Bgt.) Sternberg, 1825 Slide, Kimberly, Ohio, B 5609. 57. Annularia mucronata Schenk, 1883 Shade Creek, Athens, Ohio, B 4546. Annularia stellata (Sch.) Wood, 1860 Transfer, Kimberly, Ohio, B 5607. BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 eran س‎ т=з a rd Сено ее od p ІШІШІ ela нь о PLATE 41 PLATE 42 | BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 Asterophyllites, Annularia ES Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 381 Explanation of Plate 42 Figure Page 59. Annularia mueronata Schenk, 1883 315 Enlarged hairs and cells along the midvein area, slide, Shade Creek, Athens, Ohio, B 2474. 60. Asterophyllites longifolius (Stb.) Brongniart, 1828 1308 Near Clinton, Henry Co., Мо., В 86. 61. Annularia mucronata Schenk, 1883 315 Showing general distribution of the hairs on the lower leaf surface and the matted hairs on the axis, Shade Creek, Athens, Ohio, B 2474, BULLETIN 174 Explanation of Plate 43 Figure 62. Annularia stellata (Sch.) Wood, 1860 Showing epidermal pattern and stomatal arrangement on the lower leaf surface, slide, near New Straightsville, Ohio, B 5607. 63. Asterophyllites equisetiformis (Sch.) Brongniart, 1828 Showing epidermal pattern and stomatal arrangement on the upper leaf surface, slide, Kimberly, Ohio, B 5606. 64, Annularia stellata (Sch.) Wood, 1860 Enlarged portion in the same area as in Fig. 62 showing stomatal organiza- tion. PLATE 48 88 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. ULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 44 Figure 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. tu 8: ә Asterophylhtes, Annularia € Sphenophyllum: ABBOTT Explanation of Plate 44 Page Sphenophyllum angustifolium (Ger. Goeppert, 1848 2 329 Enlarged portion of one member of a bifid leaf showing hairs and their arrangement on the leaf margin, Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5618. A. Sphenophyllum emarginatum Brongniart, 1828 339 howing dissection series of distal margin from almost entire apical leaves to deeply dissected leaves lower on the axis, Kimberly, Ohio. В. Sphenophyllum cornutum Lesquereux, 1870... 22222222222 22 334 Showing typical laciniated leaves on a large axis, B 5620. Sphenophyllum obovatum Sellards, 1908 ............................................................. 354 Near Washington, Kans., Univ. of Kansas Collection 5368. Sphenophyllum cornutum Lesquereux, 1870 22 334 Kimberly, Ohio, B 5620. Sphenophylum oblongifolium (G. & К.) Unger, 1850 .00ccccccc cc cccceeeeee eee. 351 Showing trizygoid arrangement of leaves, Shade Creek, Athens, Ohio, B 2474, BULLETIN 174 Explanation of Plate Figure 70. Sphenophyllum longifolium (Ger.) Geintz, 1843 .... 45 Showing bilobed leaves with toothed distal margins, Burgettstown, Pa, A. J. Miklausen Collection unnumbered. 71. Sphenophylium thoni Марг, 1868 ; Showing leaf arrangement and enlargement of the nodes, Burgettstown, Pa., A. J. Miklausen Collection unnumbered. 72. Sphenophyllum emarginatum Brongniart, 1828 Transfer, Kimberly, Ohio, B 5615. 73. Sphenophyllum longifolium (Ger.) Geinitz, 1843 ...... Showing leaf arrangement and enlargement А. J. Miklausen Collection unnumbered. of nodes, Burgettstown, Pa., Page 347 360 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 45 | | BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 Figure Asterophyllites, Annularia €S Sphenophyllum: Аввотт 385 Explanation of Plate 46 Page 74. Sphenophyllum fasciculatum Das WIM, 1600 220200 342 Showing the bifid leaves and at a. the entire leaves in association, Kim- berly, Ohio, B 5613. 75. Sphenophyllum majus (Bronn) Bronn, 1838 - Qu 340 Kimberly, Ohio, B 5619. AA A Lie 360 Showing laciniate distal margin and venation, Burgettstown, Pus Ah Miklausen Collection unnumbered. 77. Sphenophyllum tenuifolium Fontaine and White, 1880 u. 359 386 BULLETIN 174 Explanation of Plate 47 Figure 78. Asterophyllites equisetiformis (Sch.) Brongniart, 1828 ee Enlarged portion of Fig. 63 showing cell arrangement and one stoma. 79. Sphenophyllum majus (Bronn) Bronn, 1835 .......................2...а esses eet Enlarged portion near the base of the leaf showing cellular arrangement and stomatal organization, Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5619. 80. Sphenophyllum oblongifolium (G. & К.) Unger, Ие Near vein in upper portion of leaf showing cellular organization, Kimberly, Ohio, slide, B 5617. 81. Sphenophyllum oblongifolium (С. & К.) Unger, 1850 Near base of leaf showing cellular organizaton of upper leaf surface, a single vein entering and immediately bifurcating, and absence of sheath or connective tissue between leaves, same slide as Fig. 80. 351 351 PLATE 47 VOL. 38 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 3 PLATE 3, س‎ 2-------. MÀ un рна ا‎ Figure 83. 84, 85. 86. [251 со N Asterophyllites, Annularia & Sphenophyllum: Аввотт Explanation of Plate 48 tution. Sphenophyllum tenerrimum Ettingshausen, 1877 Rushville, Ohio, WVA-C, under xylol. Asterophyllites charaeformis (Stb.) Goeppert | US 18122, photograph courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution. 342 296 296 BULLETIN 174 Explanation of Plate 49 Figure 87. Annularia stellata (Sch.) Wood, 1860 Syntype of Carpannularia americana Elias, California Academy of Sci- ences Collection, No. 87. 88. Annularia asteris Bell, 1944 Original material of the synonym, Ann. minuta Wood US 7860, enlargement of Fig. 89, X 2, taken under water, Courtesy of the Smithsonian Institutoin. 89. Annularia asteris Bell, 1944 Same as Fig. 88, natural size. 90. Sphenophyllum angustifolium (Ger.) Geoppert, 1848 Original material of the synonym, Sph. bifurcatum Lx., showing 4 orders of branching and leaf dissection series, US 59. Courtesy of the Smith- sonian Institution. 310 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 49 "тЇ со N р LIST. OF THE SPECIES DESCRIBED, FIGUR ЕР Р ү ! JAN 1 9 1959 Esi.:3g гі а OR MENTIONED Page references to specific A Ааа u... 291, 304,-306 Chart 2, 5 Ann. acicularis ........ 805, 306-308, 309, Chart 2, 5 aculeata ......... .. 806, 308-310, Chart 2, 5 eene 306, 309, en Ann. Ann. asteris 311, Pls. 85, 89, 49, Chart 2, Ann. brevifolia S 3 20 Ann. cuspidata ....... 819,818 Ann. dawsoni ........ ALB 814 Ann. emersonl 915 942, 918 Ann. erectifolius 22800. Ann. Morath 925 Ann. galioldes. .......... 305, 309, 310, 311-313, 818, 826, Р]. 40, Chart 2, 5 АТП, ӨП В Ann. inflata 821 Ann ВОН 2... 306, 219-212, PIS. 80,07, Chart 2,5 Ann, longifolia ..........521, 898 Ann. microphylla . 811,819 АЙП, ПЫ 2222221 810,811 Ann. mucronata ...... .806, 815-817, 824, 825, Pls. 85, 36-41, 42, Chart 2, 5 7 Ann. recurva ............306, 308 Ann, radiale 005, 008,800, 816, 317-319, Pl. 4l, Chart 2, Anh, POMIOSE 2... ӨТІ, 819,8 19 Ann. sphenophylloides ....305, 313, 314, 816, 317, 818; 319-821, Pls, 35, 41, Chart 2, Б Ann. sphenophylloides intermedia | Ann. sphenophylloides 812 ININOT о. Ann. spicata ... ENIM Ann. stellata 306, 308, 314, 315, 316, 317, 320, 321- 326 PIs, 35, 36, 41, 43, 49, Chart 2, 5 Ann. stellata forma ОЛЫ 2... 821, 824 Ann. stellata forma MULA nn 315, 316, 321, 324 Ann. vernensis ............306, 326-327, РІ 91, Chart 2, 5 descriptions are in italies. Ann, westphalica Asterophyllites ............291, 295-296, 388, Chart 1, 5 Ast. acicularis .............. 306, 308 Ast. charaeformis ......296-298, Р], 48, Chart 15 Ast. equisetiformis ..299- 302, Pis; Bd, 86, 29 43, 47, Chart 1, 5 Ast. fasciculatus ........ 842, 343 Ast. galioides ... ІІ Ast. gracilis .. 296 Ast. grandis nn CO OE, Chart 1, 5 Ast. latifolia 3818 Ast, laSa ou... ....806, 308 Ast, lenta ..... ....906, 308 rg ТЕЙИШ eed 808 Ast, longifolius 2221 303-304, Pls. 40, 42, Chart 1, Ast. longifolius forma ВАА e 804 Аай (1) mmus з. 296 Ast. radiata : Ast. trinervis . 29€ ASt. Зы oo. 826 Asterophyllum aa 295 B BETONGI a 295 Bercheria öharsoformis eoe 296 Bercheria grandis ....302 BOTNE Ta 295, 304 Brückmännis 22222 295, 318 Bruckmannia у uer 303 С CHAM aan 295 Calamites ramifer ...... 313, 314 Calamites ОИ 22220-22 318,319 Calamocladus .............295 Carpannularia ALSINA Ссс. 321, 323 ЯН on. 304 Casuarinites equisetiformis ........ 299 Casuarinites ӨЛЕН enana 321 GOES Gon ends 336 389 E-R Boausetites enden 291 Galium sphenophylloides ....319 Einpurstes wenn 295 Linopteris zone ...999 Lobatannularia .291 Myriophyllites ........... 295 Palmacites verticillatus an 009 Ptychocarpus unitus ZONE cala BA 889 Во. 827 Rot. cuneifolia а BE ҚОРДЫҢ ТОЙ er a ‹ Rot Оол 851 Rot. saxifragaefolia ..336 5 Schlotheimig ains 295 Sphenophyllites angustifolius ............ 329 Sphenophyllites longltolus 22502222 347 Sphenophyllum ......... 291, 327, 338, Chart 3, 4, i Sph. angustifolium ....328, 429-34: 888, 347, 852, 295, Pls. 88, 44, Chart 3 Sph. angustifolium DPI UA c M AR 347 Sph. arkansanum ......329, 333-334 hy Chart 3, 5 Sph. bifurcatum ........ 330, 331 Өр» cODDUDUM re 328, 884-386, 841, Pl, 44, Chart 3 59 SPH. COS BUE no. 887. Sph. cuneifolium ........ 828, 829, 331, 336-339, 341, 352, РІ, 87, 38, Chart 3, 5 Sph. dichotomum ........ 337 Sph. emarginatum ....328, 356, 339- 222, 864, 365, Pls, 38, 44, 45, Chart 3, 5 МОЛ, ВИО oue cnet 886, 887 . fasciculatum TE 329, 342 е Pls. 37, 46, 48, Chart 3, Sph. fasciculatus su iris 291 So Tuus. op om 351, 858, 365 Sph. fontinalis .......042 Sph. gemma ...... 2.886, 887 Бри, Сотер 2...2. 328, 345- D 350, 856, 861, Chart 3 го SOL ВИ лі 3 n Sph. latifolium ...966 Sph. lescurianum ..... .828, 334, 346- 347, Chart 8, 5 Sph. E RO 847-949, 366, . 45, Chart 8, 5 Spa. MAJUR nr 328, 349-351, 857, PIs. 37, 38, 46, 47 Chart 4, 5 Sph. myriophyllum ...329, 886,887, 338 Sph. oblongifolium. ....329, 341, 351- 858, 858, 359, 864, 865 Pls. 88, 47, Chart 4, 5 SPA. обоа 2. 327, 846, 354- 856, 857, Pls. 38, 44, Chart 4, 5 Sph. xitsapaefoi in 12:920, 886,887, 338 Sph. schlotheimii ........ 839 Sph. speciosum 122204, 846, 852 Sph. tenerrimum ...... 329, 357-358, 862, PL 48, Chart 45 SD: О 827, 856-857, Chart 4, 5 Sph. tenuifolium ...... 328, 359-360, Pl. 46, Chart 4, 5 Spi. ИО 2. en. 328, 346, 356, 360-362, Pls. 38, 45, 46, Chart 4,5 epi ДОП MINOT ee 360, 361 Sph. trichomatosum ..328, 329, 334, 858, 362-363, Chart 4, 5 Эри. tritoliatum л. 329, 33 1,997 Sph. verticillatum 899; 338, 340, 346, 352, 363- du Pl. 38, Chart 4 Sph. (?) vetustum ....866 TZ Mo eerie ына Trochophyllum ОАА cea 390 XXIV. XXY. XXVI. XXVI. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXI. XXXIII XXXIV. XXXY. XXXVI XXXVII. XXXVII. Volume I. п. ш. IV. (Nos. 80-87). 334 pp., 27 pls. 9.50 Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos. 88-94B). 306 pp., 30 pls. 9.00 Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Mesozoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Mary- land Miocene mollusks. (Nos. 95-100). 420 pp., 58 pls. 11.00 Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fos- sils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Wo- gene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecua- dor. (Nos. 101-108). 376 pp., 36 pls. 9.75 Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos, 109-114). 412 pp., 54 pls. 10.00 Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nos. 115-116). 738 pp. 52 pls... Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. (ND, Чё), 6607004 BO DIS Neal. eh tees 12.00 Jackson Eocene mollusks. (Nos. 118-128). 458 pp., 27 p 11.00 Venezuelan, and eue Шашы, Chemung, апа Pennsylvanian erinoids, Cypraeidae, Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil localities. \ y (Nos. 199-198). 294 pp., 39 pls. 9.25 Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Nos. 134-189). 448 pp., 51 pls. 1 11.00 Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. (Хон 1404145) .400 ру), 19 pls, еее 12.00 Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tas- manian Ordovican cephalopods and Tennessee Or- dovician .ostracods, and conularid и (Nos. 146-154). 386 pp., 31 pls. ......... 10.00 G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia aleo- cene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoies, Aus- tralian Ordovician cephalopods, California Pleisto- cene Eulimidae, Volutidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nos. 155-160). 412 pp., 53 pls. 13.50 Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian- Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies, (Nos. 161-164). 486 pp., 37 pls. 13.00 Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foramini- fera, Devonian Stromatoporoidea (Nos, 165-176). 420 PD.) 53 DIS. ra © 18.50 Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostracods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Venevuela, larger forams, new mollusks. PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. (Nos: GIR). 631 pp, 87 DE ен 20.00 Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spon- dyli, Paleozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. (Nos. 13-25). 518 pp., 61 pls. 20,00 Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleo- zoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Creta- ceous jellyfish, Platystrophia, and Venericardia. (Nos, 26-28). 128 pp., 18 pis. 6.50 Rudist studies CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND, PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY L (Nos. 1-5), 354 рр., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IL (Nos. 6-10), 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. ІШ; (Nos. 11.15). 402 pp., 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. пике TT Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faun У. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils. УТ. (№0, 31). 268 pp. 59 pls, Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. УП. (Хо. 32). 730 pp. 99 pls. | 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, ¡gastropods, and cephalopods. ҮШ. (Nos, 33-36). 957 pp., 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IX. (Nos. 37-39). 462 pp., 35 pls, 13.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. Х. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp., 54 pls. Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. XL (Nos. 43-46). 272 pp., 41 pls. 9.00 Tertiary, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Venezuela. | XIL (Nos. 47-48). 494 pp., 8 pls. Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic inverte- brate bibliography. XIIL (Nos. 49-50). 264 pp., 47 pls. 9.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp. 44 pls. Mexican ‘Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. XV. (Nos. 55-58). 314 рр., 80 pls. Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian ‘and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. XVI. (Nos. 59-61). 140 pp., 48 pls. 6.00 Venezuela and Trinidad ‘Tertiary Mollusca, XVII. (Nos. 62-63). 283 pp., 33 pls. Gals 9.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. XVIII. (Nos. 64-67). 286 рр., 29 pls. 8.15 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals, XIX. (No. 08). 272 pp., 24 pls. 8.75 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. | ХХ. (№5. 069-706). 266 pp., 26 pls. 8.75 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. / XXL (Nos, 71-72). 321 рр. /12 pls. 8.50 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. XXIL (Nos. 73-76). 356 pp., 31) pls. 9,50 : Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. XXI | (Nos. 77-79). 251 pp; 35 pls. 8.50 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Con- rad. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL. XXXVII f | | NUMBER 175 1958 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York U. S. А. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1957-58 PRESIDENT: sa 4 SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER VICE-PRESIDENT ААА Re LUI e as NORMAN Е. WEISBORD SECRETARY TREASURER el A ПА е ЛЛ. КЕВЕССА $. HARRIS рл же бә ЕТ suu АЕ ee KATHERINE V. W, PALMER COUNSEL ds E asd, A ARD ш, ARMAND 1, ADAMS Trustees ' KENNETH E. CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE У, W, PALMER (Life) W. Storrs COLE (1952-58) RALPH А. LiDDLE (1956-62) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) AXEL A. OLssoN (Life) „REBECCA S. Harris (Life) NORMAN E. WEISBORD (1957-63) SOLOMON С, HOLLISTER (1953-59) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE У, W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. FAY, Bricos, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E, CASTER Hans KUGLER A. MYRA KEEN JAY GLENN MARKS С. WINSTON SINCLAIR t Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, XV. of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $10.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers. of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY THE GEOLOGY OF CARRIACOU By Р, Н. Ma гїп-Кауе Government Geologist, Windward Islands October 15, 1958 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U. S. А. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 58-306 Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Page Арнасы НЫ АНД LC A аса 395 О тен, т er ek а ПМ а ака ыла ы тд 395 СОТА ЧЕ ой: этш ы N QUEE o albe 395 Generale Geol gay ое 395 кушкеш оруду ОА. 396 Bower QUIS О о: 397 Toe aANT NES CLICSH а ыды ерй UE Ла айыы ты 398 O лр ое 401 Bowen Plhioccneror upper MIOCERE лал Аи 401 Supertcialed poster ттш и a aus 402 SEO US LO GRO А Сыма тошке окы ERE S 402 GORG К Rr c OS 405 а о E ны рыл NE Nu со осы ter pd 405 MA Е р ы ae ary е зк осе ус сс ы ЛС 406 THE GEOLOGY OF CARRIACOU Р. Н. МАктім-Клүв Government Geologist, Windward Islands ABSTRACT The Lesser Antillean Grenadine Island of Carriacou is described particularly in relation to recent paleontological evidence. The succession is largely of andesitic and variably agglomeratic and stratified tuffs with some limestones for the most part of upper Eocene, upper Oligocene, and lower Miocene age with some younger horizons. Andesitic to basaltic flows and dikes occur. А geological map of the island is given. INTRODUCTION GENERAL DESCRIPTION Carriacou 18 the largest of the Grenadine islands which lie between St. Vincent and Grenada in the southern Lesser Antilles. It may be visited by means of the mail schooner service from Grenada from which it is administered. The chief settlement is Hillsborough, situated on a fine bay on the western side, but the population of about 8,000 is well dispersed throughout the island, ‘There is an ample system of roads and tracks and more or less every part is readily accessible. The shape of the island can be seen in the accompanying map. It is some 71/5 miles between furthermost extremities and is mostly a little less than two miles wide. An axial range of hills approaches 1,000 ft. in its two highest summits, Chapeau Carre and High North, and in its central section is in escarpment form with dip slope to the east. Relatively sizeable coastal flats terminate some of the lower slopes particularly in the Hills- borough vicinity, and these commonly possess splendid sandy beaches, Elsewhere as at Kendeace, Cistern, and S. W. Points the coastline is cliffed and rugged, GENERAL GEOLOGY Geologically the island is of particular interest because of the evidence that it supplies on the history of the Grenadines and the southern end of the Lesser Antillean arc. It has been briefly discussed by Harrison (1896), at greater length by Earle (1924), and in excellent accounts in some detail by Lehner, and elsewhere by Trechmann (1935). Some further brief description seems called for, however, on account of the work kindly undertaken on the Foraminifera by Professor W. Storrs Cole of Cornell University who has recently published his conclusions (Cole, 1958), and Бу Dr. Н. Bolli of the Trinidad Oil Company who also re- examined some of Lehner's material, Moreover of the published works which give an account of the general geology only Trechmann's can be 596 BULLETIN 175 rated as generally accessible and this, whilst outlining the stratigraphy and describing and figuring many of the megafossils, contains only an outline sketch map of the island. The present fieldwork and map is far from complete, however, and more work is certainly desirable. In brief Carriacou's geology consists of a series of calcareous tuffs and limestones overlying a usually stratified and commonly tuffaceous series of volcanics, all being fossiliferous, at least in part, and ranging in age from Upper Eocene to Miocene. Andesitic to basaltic flows and sills range through the succession which has been folded and which is patchily and unconformably overlain by ? Pliocene and more recent superficial deposits. Lehner adopted a threefold subdivision for the main sequence: The Upper Tuffs Series and the Lower Tuffs Series, separated by the Carriacou limestone series. This convenient arrangement was followed by Trech- mann and 15 used again here, although not as originally defined. The most prominent and readily mappable structure 15 a NE-SW elongated basin in the East but showing only in part, the remainder being cut off by the coast. Overall the dips are mainly to the S.E. at moderate angles although strikes in many directions are encountered. Тһе strati- graphy is tabulated below: STRATIGRAPHY OF CARRIACOU Recent Beach sands, alluvium, valley ВИ Pliocene or Upper Tuffs Tarlton Point beds and Upper Miocene Point St. Helene beds (Pt. St. Hilaire) Unconformity Grand Bay beds with Globorotalia fohsi fohsi Upper limestones Lower Miocene ? Unconformity e Royal beds Carriacou limestone Calcareous tuffs (of Lehner) with Globigerinatella insueta Belmont beds with Catapsydrax staimforthi Limestone lenses Carriacou Limestone Series ? Unconformity Upper Oligocene Tuffs, agglomerates with fossiliferous lime- stone lenses. Lower Tuffs ? Unconformity Hillsborough Rectory limestone Upper Eocene GEOLOGY CARRIACOU : MARTIN-KAYE 397 LOWER TUFFS The oldest rocks occur in the western part of the island and consist mainly of agglomeratic tuffs of andesitic character. They are often bedded, sometimes calcareous, and occasionally develop limestone lenses. The series includes both upper Eocene and Oligocene rocks which will ulti- mately need to be differentiated by further mapwork. Upper Eocene has been established so far in only one. locality in the Hillsborough Rectory limestone, north of Hillsborough and outcropping on the Hillsborough-Craigston road as a hard, blocky, buff to brown lime- stone, in part crowded with larger Foraminifera and elsewhere containing some rather fragmented molluscan remains. Professor W. Storrs Cole (Cole, 1958, p. 220) noted amongst the Foraminifera abundant specimens of Lepidocyclina (Pliolepidina) pustulosa tobleri H. Douvillé, rarer specimens of Lepidocyclina (Pliolepidina) pustulosa Н. Douvillé, and Lepidocyclina (Pliolepidina) macdonaldi; and a few fragments of Astero- cyclina minima (Cushman) in all suggesting an upper Eocene age. Lehner mentioned other orbitoidal limestones as occurring in the northwest part of the island at the cliff west of Anse la Roche Estate house and at the southwest end of Petit Carenage cliff, but unfortunately I have not examined these, ‘They may be the same age as the Hillsborough limestones as Lehner evidently supposed, although he regarded them all as probably Oligocene. Oligocene limestone lenses do occur at various points in the northern part of the island. North of Windward Village thin rather hard white algal limestones with scattered larger Foraminifera outcrop at the shore and dip southward, А hard semisilicified splintery foraminiferal limestone occurs in blocks below Meldrum, and other loose blocks may be found by the Anse la Roche road and also near the road between Bogles and Belvidere. Doubtless there are more occurrences else- where, More to the south, a lens crossed by the Brunswick road may also be of the same age. Professor Storrs Cole's composite list for the foramini- feral assemblages of the Windward, Meldrum and Bogles—Anse la Roche limestones (Cole, 1958, р. 221) is Lepidocyclina (Nepbrolepidina) vanghani Cushman, L. (N.) towrnoueri Lemoine and В. Douvillé, L. (Lepidocyclina) waylandvaugbani Cole, L. (L.) canellei Lemoine and В. Douvillé, L. (L.) giraudi В. Douvillé, Heterostegina antillea Cushman, Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis (Cushman), and M. (Mio- gypsina) ал са (Cushman). Тһе stratigraphic determination is upper Oligocene, equivalent to part of the Caimito formation of Panama. 398 BULLETIN 175 In addition to these harder limestones some of the ashes are foramin- iferal. One of Lehner's samples recently re-examined by Dr. Н. Bolli showed a rich assemblage of mainly calcareous Foraminifera including Globigerina cf. venezuelana, Globorotalia орта opima, and Catapsydrax dissimilis, suggesting the Globorotalia opima opima zone of Trinidad's Oligocene. Unfortunately the precise localities of Lehner's samples cannot now be ascertained. The limestones only occupy a small proportion of the succession which is mainly composed of agglomeratic tuffs calling for no particular comment. Exposures are good in coast sections north of Hillsborough to Petite Carenage, and in the SW peninsula. А fairly frequently encountered type contains blocks of pink and grey andesite speckled with numerous rather lathlike felspars this being а common rock throughout the Lesser Antilles but particularly noticeable in St. Kitts and Nevis. At Cistern Point well-bedded purplish and brown calcareous volcanic sands are found. In the promontory to the southern side of Tyrrel Bay, blocks of coarse-grained basic rocks are clustered in some of the agglomerates, These are of gabbro and eucrite and are similarly found on Mabouya island which lies about half a mile north of Cistern Point. Rocks of this descrip- tion are found under like circumstances or as occasional stream or beach pebbles in many of the West Indian islands and are also common amongst the material erupted in 1902 by Soufriere volcano in St. Vincent. THE CARRIACOU LIMESTONE SERIES The Oligocene and older Lower Tuffs pass upwards into the Miocene Carriacou limestone series as they become increasingly calcareous. ‘The Miocene boundary occurs some way below the main limestones, but for the most part its precise position remains to be established. It may be, however, that there is some unconformity between the Oligocene and Mio- cene of Carriacou, local folding and erosion being recorded for this period in Trinidad. Certainly some of the lower horizons of the Miocene here are pebbly and amongst the pebbles of conglomeratic layers at Belmont are some of a green limestone similar to those mentioned by Lehner as found on Bogles beach, Greenish limestones, presumably Oligocene but perhaps older, do outcrop near Bogles and probably form the source of the beach pebbles. GEOLOGY CARRIACOU : MARTIN-KAYE 399 The main outcrops of the Carriacou limestone series are found be- tween Pt, St. Hilaire and Kendeace Pt. by way of the Top Hill Ridge. The structure in the vicinity of Limlair, Meldrum, and Dover, and northwards to Windward is complicated by faulting and amphisteginal limestones such as form the most prominent member of the series outcrop again near Windward Village. Miocene rocks also extend as far as Belmont towards the south of the island, The Belmont beds are apparently basal Miocene and consist of a series of ashy rocks, in various parts marly, sandy, clayey, and sometimes pebbly. In the low cliff sections south of the point where the road from Harvey Vale reaches the coast brown, variably clayey, and calcareous, part agglomeratic, part conglomeratic ashy sandstones are at least locally fossiliferous. This seems to have been a previously unnoticed megafossil locality, lamellibranchs being fairly common but were not collected. Dr. Bolli encountered fairly rich and predominately planktonic foraminiferal fauna in a sample from Belmont sea cliff. He records Globorotalia mayer? (coiling at random in either direction), Globigerinoides triloba group, Globoquadrina altispira group, ? Globorotalia fohsi barisanensis, Globigerina venezuelana, Catapsydrax unicavus and Catapsydrax stain- forthi (scarce). This assemblage belongs either to the Catapsydrax dis- similis zone or Catapsydrax stainforthi zone of the Trinidad C pero forma- tion and which are regarded as lowermost Miocene. Lehner’s samples also include material from C. dissimilis zone s. 1, The exact locality is not known, however, although he described from the general vicinity of Belvi- dere a richly fossiliferous bed containing numerous pteropods, other Mol- lusca, some echinoids and fish teeth, tentatively determined as Miocene by H. Nageli whilst a close-by orbitoidal marl was taken as Oligocene. This megafossiliferous bed may well correlate with those at Belmont. In terms of Trinidad Cipero formation zonation there is a gap between the Belmont beds and the next zone assemblage positively determined in the recent sampling. However Lehner's material includes assemblages of the Globigerinatella insueta zone. А sample collected on the Top Hill Road from the marls below the Carriacou limestone was questionably placed in the stratigraphically higher Globorotalia fohsi fohsi zone. Con- firmation of this is needed since the Grand Bay beds overlying the Car- riacou limestone series are indisputably in this zone. The Carriacou limestone outcrops on the crest of the Belair-Mt. D'Or ridge, down to Bretache Bay and thence to Kendeace. Included are various 400 BULLETIN 175 flaggy or more blocky limestones, white to buff or yellow in colour and generally not notably megafossiliferous but characteristically crowded with Foraminifera, These include abundant Amphistegina sp., Oper- culinoides cojimarensis (D. К. Palmer), and rare Miogypsina (Miolepi- docyclina) staufferi Koch. Professor Cole places the assemblages as Mio- cene and correlating roughly with the Cojimar formation of Cuba, the Tuxpan formation of Mexico, and the Brasso clay formation of Trinidad. Lehner on grounds of the lithology and position of the Carriacou limestone had earlier suggested a correlation with the Tamana-Guaracara limestones of the lower Miocene of Trinidad’s Central Range. Kendeace Point provides excellent exposures. Тһе upper beds as shown in the cliffs near the shore on the northern side consist of rather sandy limestones and marls, fairly well-bedded and in part even flaggy. They apparently belong to the upper limestones and not to the Carriacou limestone series. Here some faulting is shown and angular unconformity between stratified limestones is also to be seen at one point, The junction between upper limestones and the Carriacou limestone series may belong here. A small basalt dolerite intrusion is found nearby, Seawards, bedded limestones continue, sometimes with shell fragments or algal nodules and with some pebbly horizons. ‘Towards the tip of the promontory the Carriacou limestone proper is encountered, this being fine grained and carrying scattered echinoids. At the point the Carriacou limestone passes downwards into well-stratified sandy and clayey beds, some of which are crowded with molluscs. Occasional terebratulids may be found. At the base the series becomes conglomeratic. These latter rocks are stratigraphi- cally below the Carriacou limestone proper although conformable with it, and on his map Lehner put them in the Lower Tuff series. They are pre- sumably Miocene and may possibly be as old as the Belmont beds. On the north coast of Pt. St. Hilaire (Or Helene) cross-bedded calcarenites and some pebbly horizons alternate with amphisteginal lime- stones. One more marly horizon gave a smaller foraminiferal assemblage that Dr, Н. Bolli regards as questionably referable to the Globigerinatella insueta zone of Trinidad. Ав indicated on the map this and the adjacent areas around Limlair, Meldrum, and towards Belair need elucidation, Conglomerates tentatively termed the Mt. Royal beds overlie the main amphisteginal layers and apparently run from Belair to Bretache and whilst mostly suggested only by surface strewn blocks are to be well seen at Mt. Royal and fairly well in the roadside between Bretache and Grand Bay GEOLOGY CARRIACOU : MARTIN-KAYE 401 behind Kendeace. In the actual promontory at Kendeace they may be represented by some of the pebble hands. This horizon is probably Dr. Trechmann's volcanic agglomerate member noted as carrying а Pleurotoma fauna and lying below his Grand Bay beds. He placed the thickness at 30 ft. UPPER TUFFS Apart from superficial deposits and a young limestone near Craigston the youngest rocks in Carriacou are found in the axis of the basin-structure and are well exposed in the Grand Bay area and at various parts of the coast between Kendeace and Pt. St. Hilaire. The Mt. Royal beds are suc- ceeded upwards by white, in part rather flagey, somewhat pulverent lime- stones containing scattered grains of ferromagnesian and other minerals and which are tentatively termed the Upper Limestones. ‘These cap the higher hillside spurs above Grand Bay and Mount Pleasant, Despite their mappable extent they are probably less than 50 ft. thick, I have no fossils from them, but they are probably better placed with the Upper Tuffs of Lehner and Trechmann's Grand Bay beds than with the Carriacou lime- stone, The Grand Bay beds are rather variable ashy rocks, often highly fossiliferous. Trechmann placed them as lower Miocene (? Burdigalian) and equivalent to the Cercado or Baitoa beds of the Dominican Republic. They frequently carry a good predominantly planktonic foraminiferal fauna of the Globorotalia fohsi fohsi zone of Trinidad's Cipero formation. Amongst the assemblage Dr. Bolli records Globorotalia fohsi fobsi, С. praemenardit, С. mayeri, G. obesa, Globigerinoides triloba group, G. rubra G. obliqua, Globoquadrina altispira altispira, Sphaeroidinella grimsdalei, and Globigerina venezuelana. Lithologically they are composed of rather irregularly stratified, carthy-looking brownish clayey or sandy marls and limestones alternating with more shaley layers. Parts are pebbly. They are usually but not always calcareous. Molluscs are sometimes common and have been described and figured by Trechmann. Plant remains also occur. ‘The beds seem to be 50 or 100 feet thick. LOWER PLIOCENE OR UPPER MIOCENE Trechmann referred a megafossil assemblage derived from the higher tuffs of Pt, St. Hilaire (St. Helene) and ‘Tarlton Point to the lower Plio- cene (or Plaisancian) noting it as containing a curious mixture of land é O BULLETIN 175 and marine forms. Lehner considered all the Upper Tuffs to be ques- tionably upper Miocene, Some further mapping is required since I did not separate these later beds satisfactorily and yet collected a sample yielding a Globorotalia fohsi fohsi fauna from Tarlton Point, although possibly reworked. SUPERFICIAL DEPOSITS Superficial deposits are extensive, particularly in the neighbourhood of Hillsborough and Harvey Vale. ‘They are poorly exposed but do not seem to call for particular comment except for the beds exposed in the sea cliffs towards Bretache below Dumfries. Here low cliffs gradually increasing in height northwards expose relatively incoherent generally brown clayey sands with marly beds, or with layers of algal nodules and pebbly bouldery horizons containing both volcanic and limestone blocks, They are tolerably well stratified with a low dip seaward, Some black sand layers suggest beach deposition and the general appearence is that of a late formation. Nearby, however, numerous basalt blocks scatter the surface of a rather conglomeratic somewhat calcareous volcanic sandstone series which is likely to be pre-Carriacou limestone. IGNEOUS ROCKS The igneous ‘rocks of Carriacou are mainly of basalt and basic andesites. At Mount Royal scattered boulders of olivine basalt are strewn about the hillside and carry much olivine and pyroxene as often somewhat irregularly shaped phenocrysts up to 1.5 mm. in a murky groundmass. The boulders scattered on Tarlton Point are also basalt, olivine forming the main phenocrysts which are, however, smaller and less numerous than at Mount Royal. Granules of pyroxene and flow oriented laths of by- townite form the groundmass, Approaching Cistern Point on the south side there is a dark-coloured rock with abundant 3-4 mm. ferromagnesian phenocrysts, It seems to be a somewhat more basic variety than usual of the augite andesite with the prominent augite phenocrysts which 15 so noticeable at points in the islands from St. Vincent southwards and particularly in Grenada. It seems deba- table whether it should be termed an andesite or a basalt as a general type. Here the large augites are set amongst small phenocrysts of labradorite and fairly frequent but relatively subsidiary olivine, the base being of pyroxene granules and feldspar. GEOLOGY CARRIACOU : MARTIN-KAYE 403 Between Harvey Vale and Belmont and also about 1/3 mile north of Bogles by the Anse la Roche road are fine-grained dark rocks com- posed largely of feldspar but with widely scattered euhedral augite pheno- ctysts and a little pyroxene in the base. Plagioclase phenocrysts about labradorite, fresh in appearence and displaying a moderate degree of normal zoning, occupy about 20% of the slide. On the western coast in the Hermitage region the cliffs display a sec- tion of nearly horizontal, slightly calcareous rather roughly bedded vol- canic sandstones overlain by a flow about 25 ft. in thickness. The under- lying sandstones are cut by dikes of similar composition to the flow. ‘The flow is of a pyroxene basalt with numerous labradorite phenocrysts and large green augites, the phenocrysts in all occupying about 50% of the slide. Numerous vesicles containing zeolites occur, The groundmass is heavily dusted with Opaque grains, Basalts also occur on the western side of the point between Belmont and Bretache Bays, in a small exposure and cutting the limestones on the north side of Kendeace Pt. and at Belair, and elsewhere. Andesites are less common except in the pyroclastics. They are generally mid to pale grey rocks with normally or oscillatorily zoned plagioclases about andesine-labradorite. Quartz is inconspicuous. Augite and sometimes orthopyroxene form further phenocrysts, sometimes of large size. These rocks occur in the promontory between Gt. and Lt. Bretache Bay, as blocks at Belmont, in the Hermitage area and doubtless elsewhere. A hornblende andesite is found on Chapeau Carre, the hornblendes with a pronounced corona largely of opaque dust, but basalts also occur here. Dikes occur at Hermitage Pt., St. Hilaire, and near Craigston striking at 125°, 150° and 083° respectively. CONCLUSION The Carriacou region has thus been the site of recurrent volcanic activity at least since the upper Eocene, relative quiescence in part of the upper Eocene, upper Oligocene and lower Miocene favouring the dev elop- ment of reefal and lagoonal conditions at these times. The upper Oligo- cene reefal limestone faunas suggest correlation with part of the Caimito formation of Panama whilst the Globorotalia opima opima, Catapsydrax BULLETIN 175 dissimilis or С. stainforthi, Globigerinatella insueta, and Globorotalia fohsi fohsi zones of the Trinidad upper Oligocene and lower Miocene are represented by assemblages from more marly layers. ‘The Globorotalia fohsi fohsi beds (Grand Bay beds) have been correlated with the lower Miocene Baitoa formation of the Dominican Republic. Further fossili- ferous beds have been placed as lower Pliocene or upper Miocene, These latter have been cut by dike rocks but the Grenadine region has not been the scene of any major later Tertiary to Recent volcanic activity such as occurred over much of the remainder of the агс. There is some suggestion of unconformity between Oligocene and Miocene but decisive evidence is yet wanting. Main deformation was induced by the Plio-Miocene Andean orogeny. Lehner and Trechmann suggest a larger land mass as indicated by the Plio-Miocene fauna, and it is quite probable that the Grenadines and per- haps Grenada were at one time connected. The other Grenadine islands аге largely of volcanics and no similarly fossiliferous succession has yet been recognised in them. The interesting island of Canouan is a further exception possessing a diorite which has metamorphosed a basement sedi- mentary series, including foraminiferal limestones. The latter were noted by Jukes-Brown in 1893 and compared with the upper Eocene San Fer- nando beds of Trinidad. Professor Cole’s preliminary opinion of recent samples is that they are probably of much the same age as the Carriacou limestone. Of the neighbouring major islands St. Vincent has no fossiliferous beds so far as is known. Grenada, however, has the rather sharply folded Levera formation which has recently yielded Foraminifera and appears to be upper Eocene in age. Other fossiliferous localities have yielded Oligo- cene and Miocene assemblages still under study. GEOLOGY CARRIACOU : MARTIN-KAYE 405 REFERENCES Jukes-Brown, А. 5. 1893. Foraminiferal limestones from the Grenadine Islands, Geol. Mag., vol, X, р. 270-272. Harrison, J. В. 1896. The rocks and soils of Grenada and Carriacon. London. Karle, K. W. 1924. Geological Survey of Grenada and the Grenada Grenadines. Grenada Government Printing Office. Lehner, E. 1935. Report on the possibilities of establishing an Artesian water supply for the Island of Carriacon, with appended notes on the general geology of Carriacon. Grenada Government Printing Office. Trechmann, С. Т, 1935. The geology and fossils of Carriacon, West Indies. Geol. Mag. vol. LX XII, No. 858, p. 529-555 Cole, W. Storrs 1958. Larger Foraminifera from Carriacou, British West Indies. Bull. Amet. Paleont., v. 38, No. 171, 20 р. 8 pls. Bulletin of American Paleontology, vol. ХХХУШ, No. 175 PROVISIONAL GEOLOGIC MAP Gr CARRI ACOU WEST INDIES P.H. A. MARTIN-KAYE RECENT ALLUVIAL AND LITTORAL DEPOSITS. LOWER PLIOCENE ? Е- МІОСЕМЕ TARLTON PT. 8 PY. ST, HILAIRE (HELENE) BEDS. m GRAND ВАУ BEDS UPPER LIMESTONES Dikes JACK A DAN 2 MT. ROYAL BEDS CARRIACOU LIMESTONE AND OTHER MIOCENE OR PROBABLY MIOCENE LIMESTONES SANDY ISLAND MABOUYA 1. HILLSBOROUGH BAY нїш 5во CISTERN РЛ LESTERRE BAY TYRREL BAY = x V NY A 74 MO Lae cnc x AN 3 .. 1 О хх : x e Vv x AR D хох ууу Ы APGYLE ikes ху АУД ы, МУ е ххх ууу NY о AAA Me v. “Л MANCHIONEAL BAY коса лгу л ш. Dikes HEMITAGE Каб v V/v A, Хх У А х у/.\х, АУ С NETS Ут ү к XL: ae v MR! жы S.W. POINT WHITE I, SALINE ISLAND ANSE LA ROCHE BAY GT. BRETACHE BAY BAY ID BELMONT BEDS AND OTHER DIFFERENTIATED LOWER MIOCENE PRE-CARRIACOU LIMESTONE HORIZONS MIOCENE AND OLDER FE UNDIFFERENTIATED VOLCANICS . E LIMESTONES: Опр. OLIGOCENE, бос. EOCENE. VOLCANIC BRECCIAS у AGGLOMERATES, ETC. ЕЕ /GNEOUS ROCKS | BASALT- ANDESITE SUITE x х х 0 / a 27, Miles RAPID POINT Nf ITE CARENA / = WINDWARD у о v PET ۷ JIL wv ANSE LA ROCHE ы Y > : WATERING V OGLES tee РГ. ST, HILAIRE W BAY B т Dikes /0 ett To. JEWS tos us BAY + AA + gts foulting Y TARLTONS PT. o о 15 سسب‎ бо x MT PLEASANT 00 о A o9 J$ cm oo| UD оо : Т 54 оо ea LANE Ы оо . ROUGH * > | д IU = h o9 ж e o о » o9 р jo 5 GRAND ВАУ er 2 N DESIRE 7/2 ТОР HILL 790 lol” i оо/ ЖӘ GRAND BAY 5 оа 25 9o of \ Ооо ое fe оо А MT. DOR? о A 830! о 000 520 faults о —\ооо Ке о e ^ = о ETE (55 о? Dike Ў ] DUMFRIES KENDEACE PT. | “хх AS L7. BRETACHE Е а: XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVII. XXIX. XXX. XXXI. XXXII, XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVII. Volume 1. (UE (Nos, 80-87). 334 pp., 27 pls. ........... jose eb en Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca (Nos. 88048). 306 pp. 30 plici dissidia crol hatten Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks. (Мов, 85-100). 420 Dp. 5B BB, nenne Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. (Nos. 101,108), 376 pp. 36 pls. оа. Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos. 100-114). “412 рр.) 34 pls. i... Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (Nos, 11-118), 738 Bb. SA BI nn ин mene Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. (Мо, 1), 286659 BOL OS DIS. и Jackson Eocene mollusks. (NOR. 1134148) u 498 рр 27 pl. en a ette Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- ities, (Nos, 129-138)... 294 bp, 39 pls. ушл. а. M rien cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and ytilarca, (Nos. 191-189) 7. 448 pp, $1 pls, аи Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. (Nos, 140-146), 400 bp, 19 pls. 22222222211... MW. Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods, and conularid bibliography. (Хов. 146-104). 386 BE, Sl pli, sessile б. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordo- vician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Vol- utidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Мов, 165-160). 412 pp, 53 BIR д... PALEONTOGRAPHICA ÁMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp, 75 pls. Des s y of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. (Nos; 0-12). Эл BB. 37 DIE нь Heliophyllum halli, Tertiaty turrids, Neocene Mtm Pale- оос cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. (Nos. 13-25). 515 рр» ll CENCE O Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- strophia, and Venericardia. (NOS, 90, 28). 128 pp, 18 Det o a. Rudist studies, Busycon, 9.50 9.00 11.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 14.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 13.50 13.00 8.10 20.00 20.00 6.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I. (Nos, 1-5). 554 рр. 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca, IL (Nos, 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. ІП. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. IV. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp. 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. V. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- ozoic fossils. VI. (Хо. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. VIE (No 92); 730 pp, BO т ои е 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods, VIII. (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp., 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IX; (Nop. 81-80). 402 PBS 35 DIE yi de toros Sa 13,00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp., 54 pls. Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. XL (Nos. 48.46). 272 ppu 41 р айма менн 9.00 Tertiary, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Vene- zuela. ХП. (Nos, 47-48). 494 pp. 8 pls. Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic invertebrate bibliography. ХШ, (Nos. 49.00. 204 Әр, 47 WIS, era ыда 9,50 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp., 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. XV. (Nos. 55-58). 314 рр. 80 pls. Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. XVI. (Nos, 59-01). — 140, pp., 48 pls. sees 6.00 Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. XVIL (Мов, 02405), 289 BP 33 BI они Depos eid 10.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. ХУШ. (Nos. 64-67). 286 рр. 29 pls. „u... Иа A Dedi 9.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. : АТА (Nor 08). 272 үр, OE BIS, 5o sooo ан 9.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. : XX. (Nos. 69-100)... 266 pp. 26 618, лии 9.00 a Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. P AXL (NOS DURS 921 BPD 12 Dios nd ое. 9.00 | Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. {\ XXI. (Nos. 73-76). 356 рр., 31 pa 22222. 9.50 | Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. ЖАП (No&. 7170), 281 рр. Admin 9.00 | | | Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL. XXXVII NUMBER 176 1958 de Paleontological Research Institution | Ithaca, New York qu U. S. A. PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1958-59 PRESIDENT uni В. SOLOMON С. HOLLISTER VICEPRESIDENT NA A rn Nell .JNORMAN Е. WEISBORD SECRETARY: ERBASURER оо fie gs irs el REBECCA S. HARRIS DIRECTOR: large ale. KATHERINE У. W. PALMER ARMAND L. ADAMS Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINB V. W. PALMER (Life) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) RALPH A. Lippe (1956-62) ВЕВЕССА 5. Harris (Life) AXEL A. OLSSON (Life) SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER (1953-59) NORMAN E. WEIsBORD (1957-63) Joun W. WELLS (1958-64) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Mrs. Fay BRIGGS, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER А. MYRA KEEN JAY GLENN MARKS G. WINSTON SINCLAIR Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII, XIV, XV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana, Subscriptions may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $10.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. T BULLETINS ОЕ AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY NAMES OF AND VARIATION IN CERTAIN AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA, PARTICULARLY THE DISCOCYCLINIDS —No. 3 By W. STORRS COLE Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. November 15, 1958 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. | | | | Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 58-308 Printed in the United States of Ámerica ————————— анньа аршы =н... n йш — 0 _ CONTENTS Page ADSL ACU ome nee E MMC АКАК Ила р И акы 411 Introductionibo Er nho es ee аід Aree. ЫА 411 LOCA s аа et a E M SNe M b RI E NE LER 412 Discussion of the species of the subgenus Proporocyclina Узнал ава oleae К ЫИ ERR Wut t LE SEM DER 413 аур О NUS е ET MU LEE Ка EXE E 414 INCY CRUG Melby Dep elles а E IM Eee tm 416 БШШ БЕШ ИНД элле но DUREE a КОКА ААО 417 E а ИТ Nae 418 АЕ ANA зал OR 418 Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) clarki (Cushman) ................................. 419 Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) flintensis (Cushman) .......................... 420 iini tote tis M Тере ко ао оне еен 424 РІНЕ IET e NO ESN IR TON EN 425 e mn ی ی ی ی ی ی ی ن‎ n a NAMES OF AND VARIATION IN CERTAIN AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA, PARTICULARLY THE DISCOCYCLINIDS—NO. 3 + W. STORRS COLE Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. ABSTRACT. Discocyclinids found in the Orocopia Mountains of southern California are discussed and illustrated. The names of and variation in the two species to which these specimens are assigned are analyzed. In addition, another Californian species, Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) clarki (Cushman), is considered. The species of the subgenus Proporocyclina are analyzed and keys to the valid species are given. INTRODUCTION Recently, during field work in the Orocopia Mountains (Crowell, 1957, p. 1712) of southern California John C. Crowell found beds with abundant discocyclinids at two localities. Specimens were sent to me for identification. Although it was impossible to remove these specimens from the matrix, they were identified readily from random thin sections. The abundant specimens are Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) psila (Woodring). These are accompanied by occasional specimens of Asterocyclina aster (Woodring), Fabiania cubensis (Cushman and Ber- mudez) and an Operculinoides similar to the one found at the type locality of P. (P.) psila by Woodring (1930, pl. 14, fig. 1) and identified by him as Operculina cf. ocalana Cushman. Although the species immediately demonstrated that the fauna was identical with the one described by Woodring (1930) from the south slope of the western Santa Ynez Range, there remained the problem of the relationship, if any, of the species of discocyclinids to similar species elsewhere in the Americas, In the original description of P. (P.) psila Woodring (1930, p. 151) had written: "D. psila is most closely allied to D. perpusilla Vaughan found in the Guayabal formation (upper middle Eocene, according to Vaughan) at several localities in the State of Vera Cruz, Mexico. . . . If the Guayabal formation were upper Eocene, psila would be regarded as a California race of perpusilla” Later, Berthiaume (1938, p. 496) sug- gested that P. (P.) psila was a subspecies of P. (P.) perpusilla. Cole and Gravell (1952, р. 725) identified specimens found at Peñon Seep, Matanzas Province, Cuba, with P, (P.) psila. Although numerous discocyclinids were found at Peñon Seep, none of the specimens appeared to be identical with P. (P.) perpusilla, The cost of the printed plates was supplied by the William Е. E. Gurley Foundation for paleontology of Cornell University. Locality 1. BULLETIN 176 As certain specimens in the material from the Orocopia Mountains appeared to resemble Р. (P.) psila, whereas others were similar to Р. (P.) perpusilla, a study was made not only of these species but also of related species. Recently, Cole (1958 4; 1958 b) emphasized not only the varia- tion in certain American larger Foraminifera, but also the influence of environment upon the external and internal features of the test. Therefore, it was desirable to evaluate these and related species to ascertain the varia- tion which might occur. Specimens from the localities which follow were used for this study: LOCALITIES CALIFORNIA Brown limy sandstone layers, two to eighteen inches thick, interbedded in sandstone and siltstone sequence with orange-brown hard sandstone layers containing the most fossils, 2.87 miles south 34° west of Shaver Summit and 1.45 miles north 27° west of Hill 2650, Canyon Spring Quadrangle (Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, 1944), Riverside County; UCLA loc. 3797. Similar lithology to that at locality 1, 2.75 miles south 35° west of Shaver Summit and 1.52 miles north 23° west of Hill 2650, Canyon Spring Quadrangle, Riverside County; UCLA loc. 3798. Near base of silt member of the Las Llajas formation about 800 feet north and 300 feet west of the southeast corner sec. 30, T 3 N, К 17 W, Santa Susana Quadrangle (USGS, 1951), Chivo Canyon, Ventura County; UCLA loc. 3832. Left side of canyon between Las Llajas and Tapo canyons, a few hundred feet up the main canyon from the mouth of a branch canyon at an abandoned oil well, north side of Simi Valley, Ventura County, collected by W. P. Wood- ring; sample courtesy of the late Т. W. Vaughan. South slope of western Santa Ynez Range, Santa Barbara County, west side of Canada de los Sauces, 1.2 miles above coast (in center of first “О” in Concepcion” on Guadalupe Sheet; Cal. Inst. Tech. loc. 595; specimens available through the courtesy of W. P. Woodring and C. Merriam. AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 413 MEXICO 6. Guayabal formation (middle Eocene) type locality, 12 kilo- meters west of Potrero del Llano, Tampico Embayment area. FLORIDA 7. Ocala limestone (upper Eocene) on the bank of the Chipola River near Marianna, Jackson County. TEXAS 8. Moodys Branch marl (upper Eocene), 0.75 mile below Robinson's Ferry on Sabine River, Sabine County. PERU 9. East of Punta Arenas, Peru, 0.75 mile, at the base of the Talara formation; courtesy of the late T. W. Vaughan. DISCUSSION OF THE SPECIES OF THE SUBGENUS PROPOROCYCLINA VAUGHAN AND COLE Vaughan in 1945 (p. 114, 115) listed 24 American species referred to the subgenus Proporocyclina of which he considered four to be syno- nyms. Therefore, at that time there were 20 supposedly valid species. Since that time five additional species were described. These are: P. (P.) habanensis Cole and Bermudez (1947, p. 207), P. (P.) compacta Cole and Gravell (1952, p. 720), P. (P.) convexicamerata Cole and Gravell (1952, p. 721), P. (P.) penonensis Cole and Gravell (1952), p. 723), and P. (P.) teres Cole and Gravell (1952, p. 725). However, the original 20 supposedly valid species listed by Vaughan should be reduced by two as Cole and Gravell (1952, p. 714) transferred P. (P.) marginata (Cushman) to the genus Discocyclina, and stated (p. 724) that P. (P.) hannai Cole (1944, p. 84) was a synonym of P. (P.) cedarkeysensis Cole. Thus, there were 23 supposedly valid species retained in the subgenus Proporocyclina at the time this study was undertaken. These 23 species seemingly can be divided into three groups on the appearance of the equatorial chambers. Туре I.— Certain species have equatorial chambers which have complete, nearly straight, radial chamber walls, and the chambers are radially elongate (Pl. 50, fig. 1). P. (P.) flintensis characterizes this group. Type II.—A second group, characterized 414 BULLETIN 176 by P(E) tobleri (Vaughan, 1945, рі 37, fig, 4) or P. (Р.) clarki (PI. 52, fig. 10), has equatorial chambers with thin undulatory radial chamber walls, and the equatorial chambers are not radially elongate. Type ЇП.— The final group, typified by Р. (P.) advena (Vaughan, 1945, pl. 42, fig. 1), has narrow annuli throughout and more or less imperfect radial chamber walls. A grouping of the supposedly valid species of Proporocyclina follows. To this has been added the year the name was proposed, the type area, and the assigned geologic age. ТУРЕ SPECIES Р. (P.) blumenthali (Gorter and | үл Чер Viene), 1932 1, -- Venezuela —Upper Eocene | citrensis (Vaughan), 1928 —Florida —Upper Eocene | convexicamerata Cole and Gravell, 1952 —Cuba —Middle Eocene cusbmani (Vaughan), 1929 —Mexico —Middle Eocene flintensis (Cushman), 1917 —Georgia —Upper Eocene mirandana (Hodson), 1926 — Venezuela —Upper Eocene palmerae (Vaughan), 1945 —Cuba —Upper Eocene penonensis Cole and Gravell, 1952 —Cuba — Middle Eocene perpusilla (Vaughan), 1929 — Mexico —Middle Eocene psila (Woodring), 1930 California —Middle Eocene teres Cole and Gravell, 1952 —Cuba — Middle Eocene TYPE 11 SPECIES P. (P.) clarki (Cushman), 1917 — California —-Middle Eocene babanensis Cole and Bermudez,, 1947 — Cuba —-Middle Eocene peruviana (Cushman), 1922 —Реги — Middle Eocene tobleri Vaughan and Cole, 1941 — Trinidad —-Upper Eocene (2) ТҮРЕ Ш SPECIES Р, (Р.) advena (Cushman), 1921 —Louisiana --Мі4 е Eocene cedarkeysensis Cole, 1944 -- Florida —Lower Eocene AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 415 cloptoni (Vaughan), 1929 —Lower --Мі4 е Eocene California compacta Cole and Gravell, 1952 —Cuba — Middle Eocene palenquensis (Vaughan), 1929 —Mexico —Middle or upper Eocene perkinsi (Vaughan), 1928 — Jamaica —Upper Eocene schomburgki (Vaughan), 1945 —Barbados | —Middle Eocene zaragosensis (Vaughan), 1929 --Мехісо —Lower Eocene Cole (1957, p. 35) suggested that in the Type I group P. (P.) citrensis and Р. (P.) mirandana were synonyms of P. (P.) flintensis. This suggestion is analyzed fully in the systematic part of this report, and the conclusion is reached that not only are these two species synonyms of P. (P.) flintensis, but also that six other species are synonyms of this species. They аге: P. (P.) blumenthali, P. (P.) convexicamerata, Р, (P.) cushmani, Р, (P.) palmerae, Р, (P.) perpusilla and P. (P.) psila. Thus, the recog- nizable species in the Type I group are: P. (P.) flintensis, P. (P.) pen- onensis, and P. (P.) teres. The four species of the Type II group are reduced to three as Р, Се.) peruviana is considered to be a synonym of P. (P.) clarki. This species is discussed in detail later in this report, Although the species of the Type ІП group аге not discussed in detail, study of specimens and illustrations demonstrate that the eight species must be reduced to five. It is impossible to separate P. (Р.) perkinsi from P. (Р.) clopton and P. (P.) compacta. Тһе illustrations of P. (P.) schom- burgki Vaughan (1945, pl. 16, figs. 1-44) are not adequate, Although there 15 doubt, this species is similar to Р. (P.) palenquensis and has been combined with it. However, more study may prove this to be incorrect, Thus, there are seemingly 11 readily recognizable species in this sub- genus instead of 23. Keys to these species follow, Each statement of the key contains a reference to illustrations which are typical of the character- istic chosen to represent the particular species. Before these keys can be used, the specimens should be classified to type on the characteristics of the equatorial chambers. BULLETIN 176 KEY ТО TYPE 1 SPECIES A. ‘Test nurmally with a large, distinct, dimpled umbo, and a bordering narrow relatively thin rim—P, (P.) penonensis (see: Cole and Gravell, 1952, pl. 103, figs. 3-5). B, Testumbonäterto sae, (sees Pl. 51) 1. Floors and roofs of lateral chambers flat—P. (P.) teres Cole and Gravell (see: Cole and Gravell, 1952, pl. 100, figs. 10-12, 14). 2. Floors and roofs of lateral chambers arched or curved—P. (P.) flintensis (Cushman) (see: Pl. 51). KEY ТО ТҮРЕ I, SPECIES A. Test normally umbonate with a rim—P. (P.) clarki (Cushman) (see: PL 52, fgs 2-6, B, 9): B. Test normally compressed lenticular—(see: Vaughan, 1945, pl. 37, ng 2). 1. Lateral chambers with thin floors and roofs, numerous (eight to fourteen) in rude tiers—P. (P.) habanensis Cole and Bermudez (see: Cole and Bermudez, 1947, pl. 19, figs. Day ye 2. Lateral chambers with thick floors and roofs, few (eight or less), overlapping—P. (P.) tobleri Vaughan and Gole (ste: Vaughan, 1945, pl. 37, fig. 5). KEY TO TYPE TI SPECIES A. Test normally compressed lenticular—(see: Cole and Gravell, 1952, pl. 100, figs. 4, 5). 1. With pronounced pillars—P. (P.) zaragosensis (Vaughan) (see: Vaughan, 1929, pl. 4, fig. 3). 2. Without pillars or with small scarcely noticeable pillars— (see: Cole and Gravell, 1952, pl. 100, figs. 6, 7). a. Lateral chamber cavities low, but open— (see: Cole and Gravell, 1952, pl. 100, fig. 9). 1^ Lateral chambers with thin floors and roofs in rude tiers—P. (P.) palenquensis (Vaughan) (see: Vaughan, 1929, pl. 7, 110, 2). 2’. Lateral chambers with thick roofs and floors, overlapping—P. (Р.) advena (Cushman) (see: Cole and Gravell, 1952, pl. 100, 065.9). | | | nn AA LLL AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 417 b. Lateral chamber cavities slitlike—P. (P.) perkinsi (Vaughan) (see: Cole and Gravell, 1952, pl. 100, figs. 6-8). B. Test normally umbonate with a distinct rim—*P, (P.) cedarkeysensis Cole (see: Cole, 1944, pl. 26, figs. 1-3). STRATIGRAPHIC RANGE The largest number of species seemingly occur in sediments assigned at present to the middle Eocene where six apparently recognizable species are recorded, Two species occur in supposedly lower Eocene sediments, and two other species range from middle into the upper Eocene. Finally, the stratigraphic position of one species is in doubt. The following table lists these species in stratigraphic order: LOWER EOCENE Р, (P.) cedarkeysensis Cole zaragosensis (Vaughan) MIDDLE EOCENE Р. (P.) advena (Cushman) clarki (Cushman) habanensis Cole and Bermudez palenquensis (Vaughan) penonensis Cole and Gravell teres Cole and Gravell MIDDLE TO UPPER EOCENE Р, (P.) flintensis (Cushman) perkinsi (Vaughan) UNCERTAIN POSITION (Caudri, 1944, р. 35) Р, (P.) toblerí Vaughan and Cole The two species which have been recorded both from the middle and upper Eocene have the same stratigraphic range as do certain species of camerinids (Cole, 19580, р. 264). Therefore, extreme caution must be used in dating sediments which contain these species, ES * Originally, these specimens were identified as P. (P.) zaragosensis (Cole, 1942, p. 46). As only one vertical section of P. (P.) zaragosensis has been published, it is impossible to determine its variation. The internal features of the two species are similar, therefore, Р, (Р.) cedarkeysensis probably is а synonym of Р, (P.) zaragosensis. 418 BULLETIN 176 REVIEW OF SPECIES Genus Asteroeyelina Gumbel, 1870 Asteroeyelina aster (Woodring) Р]. 55 1930. Actinocyclina aster Woodring, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., "Trans, v. 6, No. 4, p. 1527155; pl. 14, figs. 5-6; pl. 165 pl. 17. 1938. Aktinocyclina aster Woodring, Berthiaume, Jour. Paleont, v 12, Ко, 2, р. 496, 497, pl. 61, figs. 1-7. 1952. Asterocyclina aster (Woodring), Cole and Gravell, idem, у. 26, Мо. 5, p. 717, pl. 101, fig. 9. 1952. Asterocyclina penonensis Cole and Gravell, idem, р. 718, 719, рі. 96, fig. 1; pl. 98, figs. 1-8. 1958. Asterocyclina penonensis Cole and Gravell, Cole, Bull. Amer. Paleont., т, 58, Мо, 170, 9,202, В], 22. НЕ. 74 pl. 29, 180200 Discussion —The vertical section (Pl. 53, fig. 3) of a topotype of A. aster should be compared with one of the illustrations given by Cole and Gravell (1952, pl. 98, fig. 3) of A. penonensis. ‘There are no essential differences in internal structure, Externally, the two species apparently are distinct. The type illustra- tions (Woodring, 1930, pl. 14, figs. 3, 5, 6) of A. aster show compressed, many rayed specimens with the rays extending from the periphery to a small central umbo, whereas 4. penonensis is illustrated (Cole and Gravell, 1952, pl. 98, fig. 8) by inflated specimens with a few marginal rays. Although the illustrations of the external appearance of these specimens are typical, they do not show the entire range of variation, Topotypes of 4. aster used іп this study are smaller than the specimens illustrated by Woodring. Although many of these are similar in external appearance to the illustrated specimens, there are several specimens which have nearly the same external appearance as do typical specimens of A. penonensis. Such specimens can not be distinguished from each other by external appearance. The number, length of, and prominence of the rays represent an indi- vidual variation in a given species of larger Foraminifera. This same variation, found in species of Asterocyclina, has been demonstrated pre- viously to occur in species of Lepidocyclina (Cole, 1958 a, p. 201). The equatorial section reflects the external appearance inasmuch as the arrangement of the equatorial chambers is dependent on the number of rays. Therefore, individuals from the Cuban population show in equa- torial section five to six rays, whereas those from the Californian popula- tion show five to thirteen rays with many individuals possessing eight rays. Such a difference between two localities is thought to be a racial variation | | AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 419 rather than a specific distinction and to be ecologically rather than geneti- cally controlled, In the description of A. aster Woodring (1930, p. 155) noted the similarity between this species and A. calita (W. Berry) (1929, p. 143). A, calita is imperfectly described, therefore, it is impossible to relate it to А. aster, However, externally the two species seem to be the same. If the internal structure of A. calita is the same as that of A. aster the name A, calita will have priority. Genus Pseudophragmina H. Douvillé, 1923 Subgenus Proporoeyelina Vaughan and Cole, 1940 Pseudophragmina (Proporoeyelina) elarki (Cushman) Pl. 52, figs. 3-11 1921. Orthophragmina clarki Cushman, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Pap. 125, р. 41, 42, pl. 7, figs. 4, 5. 1922. Orthophragmina peruviana Cushman, in Bosworth, Т. О p. 158, 139, pl. 24, fig. 3. 1929. Orthophragmina (Discocyclina) salensis Berry, Jour. Washington Acad. SOS У, 19, МО, В IMO) 055. aly a 1932. Discocyclina restinensis Todd and Barker, Geol, Mag., v. 69, No. 822, В. 2805221. ph 39, ugs, 3, 4 5, 7: text fig, 2. 1932. Discocyclina peruviana (Cushman), Todd and Barker, idem, p. 533-535, Pl. 29, 056. 1,2, 6, 8; text fg. 1. 1936. Discocyclina clarki (Cushman), Vaughan, Jour. Palsonty v. 10. No: 4 BAD, 2506, pl, 5: DES. 1 2. 1938. Discocyclina clarki (Cushman), Berthiaume, idem, v. 12, No. 5, p. 496, Bl OL u 12: 1945. Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) bernviana (Cushman), Vaughan, Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. 9, p. 95, 96, pl. 39, figs. 1-4. , Discussion.—The equatorial section of Р. (P.) clarki (Cushman) (PL 52, fig. 11), Р, (P.) peruviana (Cushman) (Pl. 52, fig. 10; Vaughan, 1945, pl. 39, figs. 3, 4), P. (P.) habanensis Cole and Bermudez (1947, pl. 19, fig. 8) and P. (P.) tobleri Vaughan and Cole (1941, pl. 22, figs. 3, 4) are nearly identical. Although Vaughan (1945, p. 88) placed P. (P.) tobleri in the "group of Pseadophragmina (Proporocyclina) flintensis,” he separated it from the other species which he included in this group by the characteristic "Peripheral equatorial chambers not elongate radially.” The embryonic chambers of P, (Р.) clarki and the three other species similar to it are consistently larger than those in Р. (P.) flintensis. The equatorial chambers are less elongate radially, the radial chamber wa!ls are less complete and more irregular than those of P. (P.) flintensis (compare fig. 10, Pl. 52 with fig. 1, Pl. 50). "Thus, in equatorial section it is possi- ble to separate these four species from Р. (P.) flintensis. If the illustration of P. (P.) peruviana given by Vaughan (1945, pl. BULLETIN 176 39, fig. 2) is compared with the figure 5, Plate 52 the similarity between a typical specimen from Peru, and one from California, identified as P. (P.) clarki, will be apparent. The two vertical sections (Pl. 52, figs. 6, 8) of specimens from near Punta Arenas, Peru, were made from specimens identified by the late T. W. Vaughan. These specimens are thicker through the center and have a slightly larger umbonal area than does the specimen from El Alto, Peru, illustrated by Vaughan (1945, pl. 39, fig. 2). The specimen from El Alto is similar to specimens named Discocyclina restinensis by Todd and Barker (1932 P 229), Vaughan (1945, р. 95) correctly placed Р, (P.) restin- ensis in the synonymy of P. (P.) peruviana. As Р, (P.) peruviana has the same characteristics as does P. (P.) clarki these species are combined. As P. (P.) habanensis and Р. (P.) tobleri (see Key to Type II species) apparently can be separated from each other and from P. (Р.) clarki, they are retained as valid species. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyelina) flintensis (Cushman ) 2]. 50: Pi- 51; PL 52, 18801, 2 1917. Orthophragmina flintensis Cushman, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Pap. 108-G, р. 115, 116, pl, 40, gs, 1, 2, 1919. Orthophragmina antillea Cushman (part), Carnegie Publ. 291, p. 55, 56, pl. 2, figs. 2 (center), 3 (lower left). 1921. Orthophragmina flintensis Cushman, Cushman, U. S. Geol. Sur., 125, p. 44, pl. 9, figs. 3-6. 1926. Discocyclina mirandana Hodson, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 12, No. 47, р. 8, pod. 1295 2, 10у 12, 1927. Discocyclina clarki Cole (not Cushman), idem, у. 14, No. 51, р. 36, pl. 2, D 51. 1928. Discocyclina (Discocyclina) citrensis Ann. Кері, p. 159, 160, pl. 2, figs. 1-5. 1929. Discocyclina cushmani Vaughan, U. S, Nat. Mus, Proc, р. 11-13, pl. 3, figs. 1-4. 1929. Discocyclina perpusilla Vaughan, idem, р. 9-11, РА 1930. Discocyclina psila Woodring, San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist, Trans, v. 6, No. 4, p. 148-151, pl. 14, figs. 2, 4-6; И E 1932. Discocyclina (Discocyelina) blumenthali Gorter and van der Vlerk, Leid- sche Geol. Meded., v. 4, р. 111, pl. 16, figs. 2-4. 1932. Discocyclina (Discocyclina) flintensis (Cushman), Gorter and van der Vlerk, idem, p. 111, 112, pl. 16, figs. 5, 6. 1936. Discocyclina psila Woodring, Vaughan, Jour. Paleont, v. 10, Хо. 4, р. 256, pl, 42, fig: 7, 8. 1938. Discocyclina perpusilla psila Woodring, Berthiaume, ‘dem, v. 12, No. 5, p. 496, pl. 61, figs. 8-11. 1941. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) citrensis (Vaughan), Cole, Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 19, p. 47, pl. 17, figs. 6, 7. 1941. Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) flintensis (Cushman), Vaughan and Cole, Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Pap. 30, p. 61, 62, pl. 20, figs. 8, 9. 1942. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyclina) pertenuis Bronnimann, | Schweiz. Paläont. Abh., v. 63, p. 1-13, pls. Inst, Washington, Prof. Pap. Vaughan, Florida Geol. биг, 19th SEO Ah «Oy AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 421 1944. Psendophragmina | (Proporocyclina) citrensis (Vaughan) Cole, Florida Geol. Sur, Bull. 26, p. 83, 84, pl. 1, fig. 9; pl. 18, fig. 10; pl. 25, figs. 1-6; pl. 28, fig. 6. 1944. Pseudophragmina | (Proporocyclina) flintensis (Cushman), Cole, idem, р. 84, pl. 25, figs. 7-9. 1945. Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) blumenthali (Gorter and van der Vlerk), Vaughan, Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. 9, p. 94. 1945. Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) citrensis (Vaughan), Vaughan, idem, p. 89. 1945. Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) cushmani (Vaughan), Vaughan, idem, p. 94, 95, pl. 38, figs. 1-3 a. 1945. Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) flintensis (Cushman), Vaughan, idem, p. 89-92, pl. 36; pl. 37, fig, 1. 1945. Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) mirandana (Hodson), Vaughan, idem, p. 92-94, pl. 37, figs. 2, 2 a, 3. 1945. Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) palmerae Vaughan, idem, p. 97, pl. 41. 1947. Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) cushmani (Vaughan), Cole and Ber- mudez, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 31, No. 125, p. 206, 207, pl. 6, figs. 1-4; pl. 7, fig. 9. 1949. Pseudophragmina | (Proporocyclina) flintensis (Cushman), Cole, Jour. Paleont., v. 23, p. 274, pl. 54, figs. 1-4. 1952. Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) convexicamerata Cole and Gravell, idem, v. 26, No. 5, p. 721, 722, pl. 101, figs. 1-3; pl. 102, figs. 12-19. 1952. Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) cushmani (Vaughan), Cole and Gra- vell, idem, p. 722, 723, pl. 99, figs. 1-5. 1952. Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) psila (Woodring), Cole and Gravell, idem, p. 725, pl. 101, figs. 4, 5; pl. 102, figs. 1-10. 1952. Psendophragmina (Proporocyelina) perpusilla (Vaughan), Cole and Gra- vell, idem, p. 722, pl. 102, fig. 11. 1957. Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) flintensis (Cushman), Cole, U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Pap. 244, p. 35, pl. 28, figs. 7-16. Discussion Тһе following middle and upper Eocene species of Psendophragmina (Proporocyclina) have identical equatorial sections. In each case a reference is given to a typical illustration. MIDDLE EOCENE Р, (P.) convexicamerata Cole and Gravell (1952, pl. 101, figs. 1-3), Cuba. cushmani (Vaughan) Cole and Bermudez, 1947, pl. 6, fig. 1), Cuba. perpusilla (Vaughan) (Pl. 50, fig. 7), Mexico. psila (Woodring) (Pl. 50, figs. 2, 4), California. UPPER EOCENE P. (P.) blumentbali (Gorter and van der Vlerk) (1932, pl. 16, fig. 4), Venezuela, citrensis (Vaughan) (PL 50, fig. 5), Florida. flintensis (Cushman) (PL 50, figs. 1, 3), Florida and Texas. mirandana (Hodson) (Bronnimann, 1942, pl. 2, figs. 11-14), Venezuela. BULLETIN 176 The recognition of these species has been based mainly on the external form and the internal structures shown in vertical section inasmuch as they have similar equatorial sections. If these are distinct species, readily recog- nizable, it should be possible to prepare a key based on external appearance and the characteristics of the vertical section, Such a key was prepared and is given to demonstrate that several of the so-called species have the same features: A. Test normally compressed, nonumbonate 1. Lateral chamber cavities open—P. (P.) blumenthali, Р. (P.) mivandana, Р. (P.) perpusilla 2. Lateral chamber cavities slitlike—P. (P.) psila В. Test with a flat rim and sharply demarcated large umbo—P. (P.) cusbmani C. Test with a small, not sharply demarcated umbo—P. (P.) flintensis D. Test evenly lenticular—P, (P.) citrensis, P. (P.) convexicamerata As the spectes are studied in more detail the confusion becomes com- pounded. If the illustrations (Cole and Gravell, 1952, pl. 102, figs. 15, 16) of P. (P.) convexicamerata ftom the middle Eocene of Cuba are compared with the illustration (Pl. 51, fig. 15) of a specimen of P. (P.) citrensis from the upper Eocene of Florida, it will be observed that they are practically identical. Moreover, if the shape of the floors and roofs and the cavities of the lateral chambers only are compared, it will be observed that they are the same in Р, (P.) citrensis (Pl. 51, fig. 15), P. (P.) convexicamerata (Cole and Gravell, 1952, pl. 102, figs. 15, 16) and P. (P.) perpusilla (Pl. 51, figs. 9, 10). "Therefore, the only difference between P. (P.) perpusilla and the other two species is in the number of lateral chambers developed on each side of the equatorial layer. А difference of this kind is more readily explained as an environmentally or individually controlled one than a genetically produced one. In the camerinids it was postulated that the thin fragile Operculin- oides of the kind previously called О, cusbmani were the same as the robust kind called O. antillea (Cole, 1958 а, р. 191), but under different environ- mental conditions the development of the test varied. ‘This same explana- tion appears to account for the development of more numerous lateral chambers in Р, (P.) convexicamerata and P. (P.) citrensis. If the illustration of a part of a vertical section (Vaughan, 1929, pl. 3, fig. 3) through the umbonal area of P. (P.) cusbmani is compared with a AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 423 similar section (Cole and Gravell, 1952, pl. 102, fig. 14) of P. (P.) con- vexicamerata, the similarity of internal structure will be observed. Thus, there is a series of specimens to which different specific names have been given although these specimens have the same internal structure, If the specimens were compressed, they have been called P. (P.) perpusilla, whereas lenticular specimens have been named Р. (P.) con- vexicamerala if they occurred in the middle Eocene or P. (P.) citrensis if they occurred in the upper Eocene. If the specimens had a strong umbo, they have been referred to Р. (P.) cusbmani. Although specimens of P. (P.) perpusilla from the Guayabal forma- tion normally have open lateral chamber cavities ЧО ST). other specimens have slitlike lateral chamber cavities (fig. 6, Pl. 51). Other specimens (fig. 3, Pl. 51) are intermediate. This same development oc- curred in the specimens from the Orocopia Mountains (compare fig. 1 with fig. 7, Pl. 51) which were identified as P. (P.) psila. Р, (P.) mirandana from Venezuela (Vaughan, 1945, pi. 37, fg. 3) is identical with specimens of P. (P.) perpusilla (Pl. 51, fig. 9). Cole (1957, p. 35) has suggested that P. (P.) citrensis and P. (P.) mirandana are synonyms of P. (P.) flintensis. This suggestion is strengthened if the shape and the arrangement of the lateral chambers are compared between specimens illustrated in this article as follows: P, (P.) perpusilla (fig. 10, РІ, 51) to P. (P.) citrensis E 1 lL SI) ЮР, ELM (te, 13 bi, 51) В. (P.) flintensis (fig. 14, Pl. 51). Thus, it would appear that Р. (P.) citrensis, P. (P.) convexicamerata, Р. (P.) cushmani, Р. (P.) mirandana, Р. (P.) perpusilla and P. (Р.) psila are synonyms of P, (P.) flintensis and that this species ranges from middle to upper Eocene. Р. (P.) blumentbali is inadequately illustrated, but it apparently is another synonym of P. (P.) flintensis. LITERATURE CITED Note: see Vaughan, 1945, for additional references. Berry, W. 1929. Two new species of “Orthophragmina” from Calita Sal, Peru. Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., v. 19, No. 7, p. 142-145, 1 pl. Berthiaume, 5, A. 1938. Orbitoids from the Crescent formation (Eocene) of Washington. Jour. Paleont., v. 12, No. 5, p. 494-497, pl. 61. BULLETIN 176 Bronnimann, P. 1942. Eine Propoporcyclina aus dem Eocaen von Venezuela. Schweiz. Paläont. Abh., v. 63, p. 1-13, 2 pls., 7 text figs. Caudri, С. М. Б. 1944. The larger Foraminifera from San Juan de los Morros, State of Gua- rico, Venezuela. Bull. Amer. Paleont., у. 28, No. 114, р. 355-404, pls. 50-54. Cole, W. Storrs 1942. Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells т Florida—No. 2. Florida Geol. Sur., Bull. 20, p. 1-89, pls. 1-16, 4 text figs. 1944. Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of wells in Florida—No. 3. Idem, Bull. 26, p. 1-168, 29 pls., 5 text figs. 1957. Eocene and Oligocene larger Foraminifera from the Panama Canal Zone and vicinity. U. S. Geol. Sur., Prof Pap. 244, р. 1-41, 27 pls., 2 text figs. (1958). 19584. Names of and variation in certain American larger Foraminifera— No. 1. Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 38, No. 170, p. 179-213, pls. 18-25. 1958b. Names of and variation in certain American larger Foraminifera, particularly the camerinids—No, 2. Idem, No. 173, p. 261-284, pls. 32-34. , and Bermudez, P. J. 1947. Eocene Discocyclinidae and other Foraminifera from Cuba, Bull Amer. Paleont., v. 31, No. 125, p. 191-224, pls. 14-20. ‚ апа Gravell, D. W. 1952. Middle Eocene Foraminifera from Pehon Seep, Matanzas Province, Cuba. Jour. Paleont., v. 26, No. 5, p. 708-727, pls. 90-103. Crowell, John С. 1957. Structure of Orocopia Mountains, southeastern California, (Abstract). Geol, Soc, Amet., Bull, v. 68, No. 12, pt, 2, p. 1712. Gorter, N. E., and van der Vlerk, I. M. 1932. Larger Foraminifera from central Falcon (Venezuela). Leidsche Geol. Meded., v. 4, No. 2, p. 94-122, pls. 11-17. Vaughan, T. W. 1929. Descriptions of new species of Foraminifera of the genus Discocyclina from the Eocene of Mexico. U.S. Nat. Mus., Proc., у. 76, Art. 3, р. 1-18, 7 pis, 1945. American Paleocene and Eocene larger Foraminifera, Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. 9, p. 1-175, 46 pls., 11 text figs. _, and Cole, W. Storrs 1941. Preliminary report on the Cretaceons and Tertiary larger Foraminifera of Trinidad, British West Indies. Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Pap. 30, p. 1-137, 46 pls., 2 text figs. Woodring, W. P. 1930. Upper Eocene orbitoid Foraminifera from the western Santa Ynez Range, California, and their stratigraphic significance. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist., Trans., v. 6, No. 4, p. 145-170, pls. 13-17. NE шш ЧАШ 0) ad — < і A, BULLETIN 176 | EXPLANATION OF PLATE 50 | | Figure Page 1-7. Pseudophragmina (Proporoeyelina) flintensis (Cushman)... 420 | 1-7. Equatorial sections, x 40. 1,3. Originally identified as this species. 2,4. Topotypes of P. (P.) psila (Woodring). | 5. Originally identified аз Р. (Р.) citrensis (Vaughan). | 6. Originally identified as Р, (P.) psila (Woodring). 7. Topotype of P. (Р.) perpusilla (Vaughan). 1,5. Loc. 7 (Fla.)—see text for locality descriptions. 2, 4, Loc (Galo) | 2, LOC ¢ CTS) | 07 Loo 1 (Gal) (Mexico) BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 ANNA f, n А ILLU A. LA S И у Hr? í ha EN ск, УА Rae AM de E (95%) d h y ы Mad № Ен mine BULL, AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 51 AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE 427 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 51 Figure | | | | 1-15. Pseudophragmina (Proporoeyelina) flintensis (Cushman).......... 420 | 115. | | 2, 12-14, Vertical sections, x 40, except 4, x 20. Originally identified as P. (P.) psila (Wood- ring). Dill, Originally identified as this species. 3, 6, 9, 10. Topotypes of P. (P.) perpusilla (Vaughan). 8. Topotype of P. (P.) psila (Woodring). | 15. Originally identified as P. (Р.) i (Vaughan). citrensis Loc. 1. (Cal.)—see text for locality descrip- tions. Loc. 7 (ЕА) Loc. 6 (Mexico) Loc. 5 (Cal) 515-1008 LE) BULLETIN 176 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 52 3-9, Vertical sections, 3-6, x 40; 7-9, x 20. 3,7. Originally identified as this species. 4,5,9. Specimens identified by Vaughan as this species. 6,8. Specimens identified by Vaughan as P. (P.) peruviana (Cushman). 10,11. Equatorial sections, x 40. 10. Specimen identified by Vaughan as P. (P.) pernviana (Cushman). 11. Specimen identified by Vaughan аз this species. (Note: Fig. 3 is the same specimen as the top one of fig. 7 and fig. 4 is the same specimen as fig. 9). 1,2. Loc. 1 (Cal.)—see text for locality descrip- tions, 9:7, Loc 3 (СШ) 4,5,9,11.. Loc. 4 (Cal.) Loc. 9 (Peru) Figure Page 1,2. Pseudophragmina (Proporoeyelina) flintensis (Cushman). 420 1. Vertical section, x 40. 2. Vertical section, x 20, in matrix. 3-11. Pseudophragmina (Proporocyelina) clarki (Cushman ) ................ 419 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 52 са, Xp NA Era emat BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 38 PLATE 58 | 1 | | | AMERICAN LARGER FORAMINIFERA: COLE EXPLANATION OF PLATE 53 Figure 1-0, Asteroeyolina aster (Woodring). серость р 1-6. Vertical sections; 1, 5, 40; 2-4, 6, x 20. 1. Small specimen, not centered, to illustrate the lateral chambers, pillars and equatorial layer, 2-4,6. Topotypes. > 5. Part of the specimen, fig. 4, enlarged, to show details. 7-9. Equatorial sections; 7, 8, x 40; 9, x 20. 7,8. Parts of equatorial sections of topotypes to illustrate embryonic chambers; 8, part of fig. 9, enlarged. 9. Topotype to illustrate embryonic and equatorial cham- bers and the pattern of the rays. 1. Loc. 1 (Cal.)—see text for locality descriptions. 29, Loc. > (Cal) 429 INDEX FOR VOLUME ХХХУШ Note: plates. Light face figures refer to the pagination. This index includes that of all numbers except number For locality names has its own species index, each species. A Abbott Collection Abbott, Maxine I The American Species of Asterophyllites, Annularia, and Sphe- nophyllum Abisinia И Abisinia formation Acaciapora ‘ Acapulco, Mexico едені TT Actinocythereis Acuticythereis Adams, Ar. Adrana | adunca, Leptomya . Scrobicularia advena, Porporocyclina Pseudophragmina AIM ne Bel ain PAIS a Alarcon, A alaris, Cythereis Alazan shale Alcantara, C. allei, Beyrichocer: ras altilira, Turritella altilira’ montserrantensis, Turritella dec altispira, Globoquadrina alveata, Aspella ............ American Museum of Natural History ........ americana, Cythereis .... Leptomya 30, 31 Pterygocythereis .....9 americanus, Dictyoconus amosi, Metula Amphistegina к 21-24, 971 Amplexus anceps, Ranella BIER os mines iris Anderson, К. van Vleck Angel de Guarda Island, Gulf of California.. cf. angulata, NUR о us 80, i 38, 41 39 14 8 4, 9, “ 5, 1, 19, 179, 12 201/215. 22 iD, 123, 298 Angulogerina е - Ann Arbor, Michigan i аппеае, Sinuitina unt Anomalina cn anomiodes, Plicatula 31 Anomocytheridea Anse des Cayes, St. Bartholomew Anse des Lézards, St. Bartholomew Anse la Roche Estate, Carriacou &nüclina 22. Antigua, B.W.I. . Antigua formation antiguensis, Lepido- cyclina a Operculinoides ..... ia antillea, Hetero- ее o 26 Lepidocyclina ......., Miogypsina ... 226 Miolepidocyclina Nummulites Operculina Operculinoides оаа 5s Polylepidina cf. apertura, Globigerina Apolymetis Aquitanian Arca Architectonica Arnold, C. А... arnoldi, Pecten ashermani, Cushmanidea ......... 8 Cytherideis Aspella БЛЕЗ aster, Asterocyclina ....53 asterisca, Astero- CURE сны 88 Asterocyclina Bold face figures refer in Number -. 261, 397, 411, 174 Which 174 see under 19 145; 149 146-148, 152 109, 38, 41, 41, 42 180, 198, 199, 270,271 11, 221, 224, 264, 397 31, 201 35, | 37, 221, 24, 397 35 179, 183, 271 184, 185 195, 227, 422 179, 202 261, 262 411, 418 261 27, 181, 210, 418 asterodisca, Lepodicyclina ....22-24 32, 33,179, 201 Athyris 115 Atlantic M MET 51, 130 aucklandica, Leptomya.. 245 Aulopora 121 Aurilia 94 Austrovenus 243 B Baie de St. Jean, St. Bartholomew 181 Bairdoppilata 69 Валоа formation ..... 404 Balanus en 19: 27. balboae, Cancellaria . 250 Barclay, George j 88 barclayi, Murrayina ..11 7028/21588 barisanensis, Globorotalia .. 399 BA №, Ме 182 Багкей, Camerina ......., 265, 267 Operculina 276 Barnacles е 19 bartschi, Operculina en 182, 183 bartschi plana, Operculina : 102, 189, 195 basraensis, Miogypsina.. 22 Bathysiphon " 29 Bay of Caraccas 247 Basten R, Н. 290 Bedford shale ... i 129 Belair-Mt. D'Or ridge, CARACOL ios 299 Belgium à ih 130 Ве WIA 290 Belmont, Carriacou ...... 399 Bembexia ........ 109, 119, 120, 129, 127, 129, 141, 142, 144, 145, 152 Bermúdez, P. Ji ince 179) 201, 228 bermudezi, Operculi- ПО ue ME 227, 270 Betty, 5, Sy cn 241, 247, 250 Berthiaume, $.. 411 Веугїсһосегаз 109, 118, 125, 128, 130, 132 Bivalvds o eee oe “Black Slate” хо blairi, Pericyclus ............ blastoid ...... Jic blo ч Blickie, 117 2 128 109, 127, 129, 290 ÍNDEX 432 Bloomington, Indiana... blumenthali, Discocyclina Porporocyclina Pseudophragmina Bogles, Catriacou 2.2... Bogue, North С; urolina ; Bohio Bohio formation Bohio Peninsula, Panama Canal Zone Bolivina Bolli, H. M. Borden, W. W.. Borneo 2 Boulder, Colorado Bowsher, Arthur . bracheon, Leptomya . brachiopod-fucoid fauna .. : brachiopods Brachycytherinae Brachythyris Brandon, Miss. Е Brechin Castle Estate, Trinidad ү Bretache Bay, Carriacou. British Isles а British Museum (Natural History) formation Mio- Brodhead bronnimanni, Ша. Brooks, Kentucky .. x Brooks Hill, Kentucky ; Broomhill facies ............ Brown, Philip .... Bruscas fault . DIVO Agency Bulimina Buliminella .... Bullbrook, J. A. 149 145, 420 414, 421-423 414, 421-423 215, 397, 398 85 I WERE" 166, 169 299 150, 133 145, 149, 239, 251 123, 124, 129 35 122 122, 124 110, 111 58 (217192703 19, 117,225 17, 19 17, 19 165,166 bullbrooki, Amphistegina ..........5 02. 27,470 Operculinoides ......31 198, 199, 264, 270 нове 41, 276 Bullitt County, КӨПШЕ nass. 109, 110, 111, 113, 120, 122-124 Bullitt Lick Church ...... 122-124 Bullitt Lick School 122 INDEX Burlington limestone .. 129 burnsi, Cythere .............. 91 СУШ а. 12 91 Button Mold Knob ТО, JR М 118, 120,121;124, 133 Button Mold Knob fauna 145 Button Mold Knob, Kentucky .. бы 112 Button Mold Knob - member ..... = 109, 115-117, 119, 121-125 БШ Ба ГІЛ Byer member ma. 129 Byram marl . ie 38, 40, 46 G Caballero formation i 128 Gabo Bland: ese 20124 Cabo Blanco area 5-8, 12, 15, BA a Blanco, Grupo .... 6 Cabo Blanco lighthouse 8 Caimito formation 254271, 42, 220, 397 calcarea, Tellina ..... 243 California Academy of Sciences 241, 246, 250, 290, 298 californica, Lepido- Е о, i 42 calita, Asterocyclina 419 calvertensis, Cythere .... 91 camellei, Lepidocyclina.. 397 37, 181, 201, 261, 262, 264 САТИ 222222224 campanulatus, Orbitremites cc 133 Сатре Guy as. Ш, 113, 114 ШУЫ o o 90 Gamp Wallace лень, 589 7075, 78,70, 83,0 87 90, 95 Canada de los Sauces, БЕНЕН о 412 Cancellaria 977 01. 02, 74, 249 cancellata, Venus .......... 242 candida, Psammotaea .... 243 canellei, Lepidocyclina ....... 26 33, 34, 40, 211, 224 pde Springs, САО no 412 Caracas, Venezuela 22219 Carboniferous . 2 109, 110, 131 Caribbean Petroleum Company.. 20 Caribbean region ........ 35-37, 41 caronensis, Turritella .... 166, 168 Caroni beds 163 roni County, Trinidad 167 4 5 ST 164 o 215, 395 Carriacou limestone 222, 223, 396, 398, 400 Carter's Grove ne 66, 67, 5% 70, 74, 75 83, 87, 77-79, 81, 89-93, 95 Carter's Grove, Virginia 58 Cassidulina T 17, 19 Caster, К. E. . 114 Catapsydrax . .. 396, 398, 403 catenula, Operculinoides 264, 270 Catia * 5, 12-14, 16 Caua BW UE ados E caudigalli, Taonurus 113 cedarkeyensis, > oporocyclina 413, 414, 417 Pseudophragmina ..... 413, 414, 417 СШ een 6 Central Range, $ tinidad 163 Central University of Venezuela UM 2:265 Cephalopods 2... Sox. Ell AIS GUACE К. Р... ae 251 AMA S донсо 17, 00 74 Champerico, Guatemala 240, 241 Chapeau Garre, Carriacou 395 chaperi, Lepidocyclina. en 31 Nephrolepidina toda 31 ОЛЫП Soon ts 34, 35 chawneri, Camerina ...... 276 Paraspiroclypeus ....34 264, 276 GIONS о, im 239, 242 GODS n м 239, 242 Chipola River, Florida.. 46, 181, 413 chipolensis, Уеа can l2 95 Chivo Canyon, Gum V. 412 "EUR TM uo 60-63, 74 Chlamys Choctawhz atchee, Fh... Choctawhatchee formation choctawhatcheensis, ВСУ ro ripio 7 70 7 001.222 433 Chonetes . chouteauensis, Oibithemites e Chouteau limestone Cibicidella Cibicides Cibicidina .. Cincinnati, Ohio . ciperensis, Operculinoides ciperoensis, Globigerina Cipero formation Cipero marl formation.. Cistern, Carriacou . citrensis, Discocyclina.... Pseudophragmina ics Cizancourt, M. de .. MIRA. Т? Clark, Walter D. clarkana, Cythere .. Echinocythereis ...10 Leguminocythereis Trachyleberis clarkana var. miniscula, Cythere ... Clark County, Indiana clarki, Discocyclina Orthophragmina ........ Proporocyclina ......52 Pseudophragmina ..52 cf. clathratus, Distorsio.. clavatula, Cancellaria .... Cline, Г.М салы clintonia, Chlamys . clintonius, Pecten .. Clithrocytheridea cloptoni, Proporocyclina Pseudophragmina ...... Coast Range cochlearis, Leptomya Neaera Codakia ..... Codaster cojimarensis, Operculinella Operculiniodes 28, 29 15 129, 132, 137 128, 129 145, 149 198 36 27, 20, 399 42 395, 398 420 421-425 184, 266 115 248, 249, 251 414, 110, 111 419 411,414, 415, 417,419 411,414, 415, 419 12 248, 250 129, 130, 132 224, 270 30.914227, 224, 227, 263, 264, 270, 400 Cojimar formation 222, 400 INDEX 434 Cole, Wi I ымға таты Cole, W. S. Larger Foraminifera from Carriacou Brit- ish West Indies ........ Names of and Varia- tion in Certain Ameri- can ud Foramini- tera NO 1 ou Names of and Varia- tion in Certain Ameri- can Larger Foramini- fera, particularly the Camerinids-No. 2 Names of and Varia- tion in Certain Ameri- can Larger Foramini- fera, particularly the Discocyclinids-No. 3.. Cole, W. Storrs Variation in American Oligocene Species of Lepidocyclina Coldwater formation Collinson, ©, Colon, Сира. Columbia, Missouri compacta, Proporocyclina Pseudophragmina Conkin, Barbara Conkin, James E. Conkin, James E. Stratigraphy of the New Providence For- mation (Mississippi- an) in Jefferson and Bullitt Counties, Ken- tucky, and Fauna of the Coral атын Mem- DED ae oos Conocardium Солта Wy A, 2249. contadi, Aurilia Hemicythere чанта Сопшагіа Conus convexicamerata, Proporocyclina Pseudophragmina 33-39, 42, 184, 186, 395, 404 127) 407 145, 149 185, 413, 415 185, 413, 114, 144 £23, 135, 141, 109 125 38 94 93, 94 125 in d 190, 413-415, 421 190, 413, 421- 423 INDEX CODE C WS o Ras 34, 35 cookei, Dictyoconus ...... 191 Ор en 182, 183, 192, 193, 271 Cooper, G. А. 114 coprolites 192 OQUINGS р ане имез 17 coralliformis, Ferayina.. 190 Coral Ridge Brick and Tile Company, Coral Ridge, Kentucky e SF LUNDY, 139, 140, 145, 149, 152 Coral Ridge fauna 110, 116, 121, 129,129: ШЕТ 120; 1326135 137, 139, 140, 149, 152 Coral Ridge, Kentucky... 113, 115, 116, 119, 121, 129-123, 137, 139, 145, 149, 152 Coral Ridge member .. 109, 113, 114, 118-120, 122, 124 coralridgensis, Orbitremites ..........14 109 Corals i 19, 125, 129, 135, 137, 139, 140 cordiformis, Sinuitina 148 Cordillera de La Costa 6 Cornell University, Geology Dept. . 5,179, 290 Cornuspira ren 19 cornuta, Cythereis ..... 80, 81 Pterygocythereis . 81 cornuta americana, (GUI SEIS сы 80, 81 Pterygocythereis 81 cortezi, Venus 243 Costa ШР e 5. 195 U 22-24 costata, Operculina . 276 costata tuberculata, Operculina ..... 276 Couva River, Trinidad.. 166 cracilenta, Terebra .... 250 crassicosta, Lepidocyclina 41 CODOS nen 250 crinoids 117.127 Crisfield, Maryland 74, 86, 92 Crisfield well ... vA 85 (Gross. AL UD edes 290 A. T. Cross Collection. 298 Crowell, John C. . Á11 Crucibulum 239, 246 Cryptoblastus 133, 134 2222” 222, 400 cubensis 191, 201, 411 Culebra formation ..... Curacao, Dutch West Indies i x curasavicus, Operculinoides . ic Curtis, Doris Malkin .... CURTEA, J AS з. ле 41, 61, Cushman, J. A. and Renz, Н.Н ые. cushmani, Discocylina.... Operculina ВОО auaa Pseudophragmina Cushmanidea . cuspidariaeformis, Leptomya Cyathaxonia Cymbalopora Cypridae Cyrtina cyrtolites, Tropidodiscus ... Cythere Cythereis Cytherella Cytheretta Cytherideis Cytheromorpha Cytheropteron Cytherura Dall, W. HL dartoni, Lepidocyclina Nephrolepidina de Lapparent, A. F. deltoides, Lembulus . Dengo, Gabriel . Dermomurex Devonian ; is dia, Operculinella .... Operculinoides 22, 24, 25, 34 diagonalis, Clithrocytheridea ....8 Dictyoconus D Dinantian 435 265 271 57 91*99, 38, 77, 183, 186 35 420 182, 184, 185, 187, 188, 195 179, 190, 414, 421, 423 179, 190, 414 421-423 77-79 245 1124 117 190 709, TA 127, 129 146, 147 82, 84-86, 92 Wl; dé. 03 86 95 91: 292 7» 49 AM 71 163 33 99 60 240 5, 6 248 127, 129 270 179, 181, 198, 221, 263, 270 74, 75 191, 201 129 Discocyclina discoidalis, DISCOS dissimilis, C atapsydrax. Globigerina . ; Distorsio dius, Operculinoides Dominican Republic . Dominion Oil Company dorotheae, Nummulites. Dosinia Douville, H. Douville, ИА Dove, Mrs. Edna . Dover, Carriacou Dowell Hill facies 0210056 Wes drostei, Merocanites ...... Duncan Church, Florida Duplin marl dysera, Venus Nummuli ites Eames E; Е. Earle, K. W. E chinocythereis Echinoids " echolsae, Cushmanidea 9 Cytherideis и Ecphora ..... Ecphora-Cancellaria “facies” Edwards, elata, Cancellaria El Chote, Mexico Bi igo, 18506220) Elias, М, К. ат: ellenae, Bembexia ...15 ellisorae, Operculinoides elongata, Adrana Cytherura Nucula Tellina Elphidium à elytrum, Macoma ......30 Psammacoma Eocene Epitonium Бб ШЧ oem rer егоза, АзреПа A Etheridge, КУЙ, and Carpenter, Р.Н. jh 181, 415, 419 175 398, 399, 404 2 34, 34, 60, 109, 1 198, 2 262 LI; 22 291 19, 120, 141, 142, 144, 145, 192 198, 199, 270 17 31, 240 79 240 244 19, 22 244 244 36, 27 162 17. 222 248 122 ÍNDEX 436 Eucythere sp. ...........68 Eulepidina Eumetria Euomphalus Europe ШОРА 222 exanthemata, Actinocythereis ......10 Cythere Жы Cythereis Trachyleberis exanthemata gomillion- епсіз, Actinocythereis 10 Cythereis . B Trachyleberis exanthemata marylandi- ca, Actinocythereis Cythereis б excavata, Nucula Nuculana is exopleura, С ancellaria exponens, Nummulites.. The Faber Fund Юг loci Rescarch of the University of Cincinnati Geology Museum Fabiania Falcon, Venezuela falconensis, Lepidocyclina Falling Run fastigata, Nuculana....31 БАСЕ es al Favella favosa, Eulepidina ; Lepidocyclina О Bay, INO Welle iene Felgater's Creek Fenestrellina Ferayina Ferminoscala Fern Glen-Burlington.... Fimbria Р Findley Knob, Kentucky Fishing C reek, NG. 109, 111, 170 37, 109, 129- 132 130 84 82 82, в) 82 83 83 83 84 83 229 259 250 262 INDEX flintensis, Discocyclina 420 | Gemmula i3 250 Orthophragmina ... 420 Gemmula, sp. . 30 250 Proporocyclina 50-52 413,414, 417, georgiana, Asterocyclina 261 419, 421 Lepidocyclina .......... 32 Pseudophrag- georgianus, MAE козе: ....50-52 413, 414, 417, Operculinoides 227 419, 421 QUEM neuen 145, 149 Florida ; 34-36, 38, gibbosula, Chione 242 39, 41, 57, 60, 62, 63, giraudi, Lepidocyclina 4 PES hd" 74, 89, 95 26, 28 54540, 27% Florida State University а 40-42, 211, 224, 397 floridana, Girtyella 125 Anomocytheridea 75 Globigerina lj. x4. 30. Coskinolina ............26 222,225 398, 401 floridensis, Nummulites 180, 182, 186, — Globigerinatella 32 192,271 Globigerinoides 401 Operculina dlc 182 Globogerinatella 36 Operculinoides 18-21 33. 179, 182, Globoquadrina 399. 401 183, 264, 271, 275 Globorotalia . e Тч ie Floyd County, Indiana.. 110, 113, 116, 36, 396, 398, 401 124 Glycymeris 15... 19 fluctifraga, Chione . 242, 243 Goetz Quarry 124 Chionista . ^ 242, 243 gomillionensis, fohsi, Globorotalia ....36 396, 399, 401, Actinocythereis 83, 84 404 Trachyleberis 83 Foraminitera 22... 17, 19, 22, goniatite 132 31-94. 56 375905 1235 goniatites 109, 1132, 545 60, 61, 64, 67, 69 127, 130 Forres Park, Trinidad . 169 Gonen N Ben 202 forresti, Lepidocyclina 33, 34, 38, Grammysia .... : 125 39, 200 Granberry well, Florida 181 Operculinoides 198, 199,270 Grand Bay beds 396, 401, 404 Fort Eustis 72, 79, 81, grandis Drbiternites .. 129.192.127 85-87, 92, 95 140 Fort Eustis Well . 72, 75 granulatus, Orbitremites 113, 137, 140 Fort Payne chert ... 122 Gavel BB oe An 20 159 Fort Payne formation . 129 Gravell, D., and forulata, Cytherura 73 Hanna, M. A... 34 fragilis, Amplexus 115 gravelli, Operculinoides 263, 264, 272 АС Ce eA edid 240 gravida, Leptomya 245, 246 French West Indies 41 Green, G. K. (correct Frishey, Jeanne nu... 248, 251 bibliography) 113, 129, 137, Fulford, Margaret ........ 290 140 Furnish, William . 113 Grenada ai 395 Grenadine Island .... 395 G Grenadines . 215 Griffithides 119. 123 Galbraith, 1. С. J. 239,251 Grimes County, Texas 181 Gamboa Bauza, P. 6 grimsdalei, Sphaeroidella 401 Gardner, Julia . 67 guayabalensis, Camerina 190, 265-267 Gattendorha ..... Е 131 Guayabal formation . 413 gatunensis, Turritella 167,168 Guaymas, Mexico 241, 243 gemmata, Gemmula ...... 250 Guerrero, Mexico 248 Pleurotoma 250 Qut CORE so. 31, 40 Gulf of Fonseca, Nicaragua ....... gunteri, Miogypsina b Miole T4 docyclina Grupos ве. gyralis, Helicostegina . H habanensis, Asterocyclina Proporocyclina Pseudophragmina cf. haitensis, Ostrea Haiti Hamilton group Hanna, M. А. hannai, Pseudophragmina . Haplocytheridea . Hattis, G. ES Harrison, J. I Harvard Bio ы Laboratories Harvard University . Harvey Vale, Carriaco PONA сене hawkinsi, Miogypsina Heilprin, А. Hemicythere Hemicytherinae Henbest, Lloyd G. Hermitage Point, Carriacou Dese DOT Heterostegina High North, Highway 60, Highway 44, Hillsborough, Carriaco Hinds, R ОЕ hindsiana, Hoffstetter, R. hornerae, Beyrichoceras Hoskins, J. H. Indiana Proporocyclina.. ң u 202, 220, 262, 264, Carriacou.. Kentucky.. u Gemmula ... houghtoni, Merocanites.. Howe, Henry V. . howei, Hemicythere Murrayina E Operculinoides 163- 169 190 190, 202 413, 414, 416, 417, 419 413, 414, 416 417, 419 17 89 129 186 413 413 74 169 292 298 298 402 37 34 186 92, 34, 36, 276 395 152 123 398 239 251 246 128 290 129 76- 95 93 85, 88 199, 270 392, 198, INDEX 438 A. von H zd Hyde, je E ARET, 144, 146, Illinois Imitoceras . 120; inaequistriata, Clathrodrillia incrassata, Rhombopora Indiana 109-111, 140, inezana, Plicatula ...... Institut Catholique, PETS ERU EMEN ы 58, 60, Institut and Museum fiir Geologie und Paläon- tologie der Universität Tübingen 145, insueta, Globigerinatella Globigeri inella 396, 399, Globogerinatella .. Iowa ; Iowa City, Iowa .... 145, irregularis, с »ora Isognomen » israelskyi, Haplo- Cytlveriden adas Heterostegina ........24 202, Ithaca, New York . |) Jackson Bluff jacksonensis, Camerina.. Jacobs Hill, Kentucky JAMAICA We coments 38, 40, 163, James River .. JAPA. o O jayana, Cancellaria ... 30 249, Narona aio) Jefferson County, EDUC ne 109, 110, 112, 117, 118-120, 125 135, 137, 139, 140, 145, jeffersonia, Chlamys jennyi, Nummulites 182, Operculinoides .......... 182, 184, Kaicher, Sally D. ... Я 129, 147 130 ШӨЛІ 250 115 130, 152 242 64 149 24 404 36 130 149 190 80 74 264 149 62 233 145 41, 184 76 245 250 249 113, 12%, 149, 152 67 184 271 59 Kapur limestone Karagandoceras . Kazakhstan Kazakhstania Kazakhstanian Keen, А. M. New Mollusks Tropical West America Kehter.. pene Kendeace, Carriacou Kendeace Point, Carriacou from Kentucky S 117 119, 120; kentuckyensis, Orbitremites 13 Kenwood E Kenwood Hill, “Kentucky 1273 118, Kenwood sandstone Keokuk Kinderhook Kinderhookian Knight, J. Brookes Knobstone shale kugleri, Operculinoides.. кыре E.G. Ln OUR. La Boca formation La Boca member Laboratoire de Geologie, Institut. Catholique, Paris laevissima, Acuticythereis 12 Camplocythere Lagena Lakeland, lamellata, Siphogenerina lamellosa, Athyris Langley Field .. Florida Mexico La Pita, 121, 25 46 395, 399, 400 INDEX Lepidocyclina 439 36 Las Llajas Canyon, 131 California 131 Las Pailas 131 Las Pailas beds 132 Las Pailas formation... Laudon, L. R. Leguminocythereis 235 Lehner, E. 20 Lembulus A ae 38, 41 i) 109, 110, 113- lepidocyclines 123, 129, 132, Leptocytheridea 135, 140, 152 Leptomy: 1 leroyi, Scalaria 109, 135-137, Springvaleia 139, 140 116 Деуолот К.Т. 110, 113-115, “Lexico Estratigrafico de 123-125, 145, Venezuela" у 149 PBP, Kentucky 109, 111, 114 118, 121-124 Liddle: R. А T 129 1 iebusella р 130, 131 limbatobeccarii, , Rotalia 109, 111, 124, Linlair, Carriacou 129, 132,133 lintea, Leptomya 114, 127, 146, Lithostrotion 170 Lithothamnium 113, 140 273 . Litoral anticline 31, 32, 34 Logan formation , 165, 167,168 London, England longula, C yther ideis lopeztrigoi, Amphistegina 35-37 Lorié, Js 222. 223 Louisiana 1522 j 4] Louisiana State E University М Louisville Cement. 60 Company quarry Louisville, Kentucky 90 Lower Carboniferous . 90 Lower Chesterian . 17, 19 lower Tuffs . 7, 181 Loxoconcha .. T 555 Loxoconchinae 115 Тохопета ур 69, 78, 89- Loxonema sandstone 92, 95 luzonica, Leptomya 181 lyoni, Protocanites 2 395, 3 46, 239, 163, 398, 1-35, 179. 200, 244, 163, 166, 165, VA VA 36, 130, NAN 41: 24 Ed 16, 24 114 80 404 240 25i 185 418 21 re 245 166 168, 169 167 152 118 122 130 398 131 M macdonaldi, Lepidocyclina 20- а Pliolepidina .26 220, 229 macgillavryi, Camerina.. 264 Macoma = 243, 245 Macrocallista 19, 20 macrofossils .. 64 maculata, Macrocallista. 4 19 М: adison County, Kentucky Е 129 Magdalena Bay, Lower California 243, 250 Maiquetia sks Lib 7 10, 12, Meio, 020, 124 Maiquetía airfield 18, 215-24 malbertii, Camerina 265, 266 Maldonado Point, Mexico 2. 244 МЕШ, DONIS 2 27, 058/62, 64: 72, 735, 78, 80, 84 86, 88, 90, 91, 93 Mamay, S. H. . 291 Mamural clay . 168 Mansfield, W ы 57, 580 бА 66, 67, 74, 169 mantelli, Lepidocyclina 12,3; 4,5,6 32-34, 35 38, 39, 40, 46, 200 Nummulites 38 mantelli papillata, Lepidocyclina 38 Manzanilla formation 168 Мара Geologico-Topo- grafico del Area de Cabo Blanco . 6 Mare formation 8, 14, 17- 19, 24 marginata, Discocyclina 190 Proporocyclina 413 Pseudophragmina ...... 413 ВЕН нн: 19 Marginulina ои 17 Marianna, Fla, «s 46, 181, 413 Marianna limestone 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 46 mariannensis, Leptocytheridea 75 Operculina in 264, 276 Marple, М. Е. эле»... “МИЛ, 114, 129, 144, 146 Marshall. formation ..... 111, 128, 129 marshallensis, Merocanites 129 INDEX 440 Martin-Kaye, P. H. ...... Martin-Kaye, P. H. The Geology of Car- riacou martini, Cythere Cythereis Түй Murrayina dL Trachyleberis Vn Martinique, French West Indies Marwick, J. Maryland marylandica, Actinocythereis matleyi, Be men d Maury, C. J. mayeti, © loborotalia.. КМ, Archibald ёш; McLee in, 61, McLean, James D., Jr. 'The Ostracoda of the Yorktown Formation in the York-James Peninsula of Virginia (with notes on the collection made by Denise МШШ from the area) megafossil Melajo clay Meldrum, Carriacou melia, Terebra ... Menendez, A. Meramecian Merocanites Merriam, C. W. Meson formation ... Mexico Michelinoceras Michigan Sepak ya micula, Cythere Miklausen, А Де mn Miller Uk rao Ме №, ере Milton, Trinidad . minima, Asterocyclina.... 275 66, 59; 67, 60, 69 2 114 163, 168 99737200 250 б 132 128- 219; 129, 109, 130, 142, 113, 114; 128, 130 122-124 169 397 ІШІ; INDEX miniscula, Cythere 84 Muegel, Nes 290 Miocene A tM 81961; ee OPERE 130-132 24, 31, 33, 35-37, 61 muiri, Operculinoides. 198, 199, 270 DB TA. В. Өз DU, 93- 95 Мшех 248 Miogypsina 32, 34-37, Murrayina 25. 62, 57 210 88 miogypsinids 35-37 Muséum d'Histoire Miolepidocyclina 32, 54,55 Naturelle de Paris.. 241, 242, 247 miraflorensis, Lepido- суола uu. ; 33. 39. 324 mirandana, Discocyclina 420 N Proporocyclina 414, 421120 Warona 248 Pseudophragmina . 414,441442 ү] Cemetery, ic Mississippi 38 Vicksburg, Mississippi 16, 181 Mississippian... : 109-111, 114, National Science Oe ice, 1625 125, 127, 129, 130, 132 Foundation 59 HS Depas Peete sy Nebraska Geol. Sur 291 Camerina _ 265,267 Neozaphrentis 125 Missouri. ] s 128, 129, 130 Nephrolepidina 21,08,47, modesta, Cosmioconcha.. 250 710 Mollusca МАТЫ 57, 600 New Albany, Indiana... 113, 124, 140, Moneaque formation 38, 40 152 Mongin, Denise 57-60, 64, New Albany shale 113 4 i 67, 69 New Mexico 128 monticellensis, New Providence 123 Asterocyclina 190 New Providence montserratensis, formation ` OM IS Turritella о... 169 118, 120-122, 133, 135, 137 Montserrat Ward, 139, 140. 145. 149 Trinidad S 167 New York, New York. 145, 149 Monypenny Point, New Zealand . 243, 245 Nicaragua : 244 Newell, N. D. ` 148 moodybranchensis, Newport News CANA ie 473,472 Vireini: з n 2, ginia 88 Moody's Branch marl... 186, 6159 Navi. 394 Moore House Beach, 1 nitida, Leptomya 245 Va, 22 ба, 62, 70- РОА. 245 ТЕ 75 16 7% 79, 81, nitidula, Cythere . 91 . 84, 87-90, 92, 93, 95 nodosa, Paracytheridea 7 Moore, К. C. sss 114,130 nodosum, Cytheropteron 75, 76 morganopsis, Nonion i EKS es Lepidocyclina ............ 33, 42 Nonionella 12, 19 Morne Diablo limestone 35, 36, 40 Norman, Oklahoma. 145, 149 Morne Diablo quarry, North America ......... 109, MOIS, Trinidad 32, 34, 46, 127-130,132,133 182 North Carolina 58, 63. 75. Mount Pleasant, 89, 93, 94 СЕСИИ. ао 401 Northern Range, Mt. Pleasant quarry, Trinidad Eh 163, 169 Trinidad _.............ф... d 168 — norwoodi, Orbitremites.. 134 Mt. Royal beds .............. 990,900. NUCE ceres cos 240 Mount Royal Road, Nuculana 125, 239, 240 Carriacou 215 Nummulites ick 38, 186, 262, тұқ Қаны eoe sour 144 275 441 nummulitiformis, Сеа rs 279, 272 Nuttall, W. L. F. ...... 32, 33,201 O obesa, Globorotalia ..... 401 obliqua, Globigerinoides 401 Ocala limestone СУЛАП 181,180, 1001 266, 413 ocalana, Heterostegina 216 Lepidocyclina 2 910292 Обаси и 180, 182, 192, 271,411 ocalanus, Operculinoides 182, 192, 271 Оһо ІШІ, 129 Ohio University, Botany Dept. . 290, 298 Oklahoma 129 Oligocene = 32-37, 41 QUINA e = 16, 19 oliveri, Nummulites. 182 Operculina 179, 182, 183, 2/1 Operculinoides 182, 185, 187, 188, 195 Ор СПИ ous 261, 262, 264, 411 Operculinoides .. 31, ‚ 179, 180, 215, 261, 262, T 411, 422 opima, Globorotalia. 398, 403 oppelti, Orbitremites 14 109, 113, 125, 135, 139, 140 orbicularis, -Brachythyris 118 ОШ ИЕ tei oie 34 О НОЙ о, 38 Orbitremites ....... 400909, 119, 125, 129, 130, 132-137, 139, 140 (OTIO: rd otn : 17 Orca Expedition 250 Orionina > 88 Orocopia Mountains, California 411, 412 2-2” ЖАН 419, 420 OPES О, е т 131 Osagian ..... LO о 124, 128-130, 132, 133 Ostracoda ; 57-61, 63, 64, 67, 69, 82 (ii i 19, 22 Viele. ҮЗІ” ostreivaga, Plicatula ..... 242 oweni, Rhipidomella 115: 1175 121 INDEX 442 P pajana, Cancellaria ........ palenquensis, Proporocyclina Pseudophragmina Paleontological Research Institution т 29; 168, 169, 241, palmarealensis, Operculinoides Palmer, D. K. Palmer, Katherine EA T ^ р palmerae, NO 415, 250 416, 417 415, 416 145, 149, 247, 250 198, 270 222 163, 166 Proporocyclina 414, 421 Pseudophragmina 414, 421 Panama Aon») 35, 36, 41, 42, 210, 239, 247, 397 Panama Bay ...... 249 Panama Canal | 249 Panama formation .. г 33, 37, Ue 4%, 229 Panama Railroad, Panama Canal Zone.. 182 panamensis, Heterostegina 264 Lepidocyclina 220 Miogypsina O ЕВР 224, 397 Miolepidocyclina ОТАЦ 224, 397 Nummulites 272 Operculinoides . 200, 263, 272 pancanalis, (s epidocyclina : => papillata, L epidocyclina. 38, 39 Paracypr ideis . 79 Paracypris 70 Paracytheridea te 75 Paraspiroclypeus ........... 261, 264, 276 Paris, France 58, 60 Parker, Poa 243 parvula, Amphistegina 22,222 179, 190, 201 Lepidocyclina ........ 33, 41, 42 Nummüulltes 222... 38, 179, 201 parvula crassicosta, Lepidocyclina 41 paucipunctata, Cythere.. 91 РЕЛЕ O 10, 1754 25, 67 Pellatispit 222222...” 37 penicillata, Plicatula...... 242 Pennsylvanian 129 INDEX penonensis, Asterocyclina ..22, 25 179, 190, 202, 418 Proporocyclina 413, 414, 415 Pseudophragmina 413, 414, 415 Peñon Seep, Cuba .. 411 perconfusa, Leptomya 245 Pericyclus | 109, 125; 128, 1 30- 5% perkinsi, Proporocyclina 415, 417 Pseudophr: EM 1 415, 417 Perlas Island, Panama... 248 pernula, Atca eee 239 perplexa, Aspella ......30 248 Dermomurex 30 248 perpusilla, Discocylina 411, 420 Proporocyclina 185, 191, 411 412, 414, 421 Pseudophragmina 185,191, 411, 112, 414, 421 personatum, Crucibulum 30 247 pertenuis, en cyclina .. 420 Pseudophragmina 420 POI ec е rend eH 35 peruviana, Orthophragmina 419 Proporocyclina 414, 419 Pseudophragmina 414, 419 Petit Carenage . 397, 398 petri, Camerina 265, 266 Philippine Estate house, Trinidad 169 Philippines 245 Phillipsia 115. 119. 125 127. 129 Philoxene 163, 170 Pico Naiguatä 6 pilsbryi, Turritella . 67 plana, Operculina 182, 183 Planocamerinoides 261, 262 Planulina ior Mw 15. 722 planum, Crucibulum . 247 Platyceras LS 1 Platycrinus 115 Playa Grande Te AL 16 19.2144 Playa Grande beds 2: Playa Grande formation 5, 8-13, 17, 18, 22-24 jn Cythere 92 СУША. 92 plebeía сарах, Cythere.. 9 Pleistocene Pleurotoma Plicatula plicatus, Spondylus Pliocene Podocopa Point St. Helaire Point St. Helene beds. Poland Polylepidina Ponton, ЛЕ S porcella, Cythere i Cytheretta Port Isabel, Port Maria, B. W. Potrero del Llano қ Powell's Lake Spillway.. 80, Virginia Texas Jamaica Powell's Lake, Poweria praemenardi, Globorotalia prenummulitiformis, Operculinoides . PIE M. Prodromites producta, Cythere .. producta (corrected), Cythereis . Productus Proporocyclina Protocanites Protothaca Psammacoma Psammodulus pseudoleroyi, Epitontum Ferminoscala Scalina Pseudophragmina Acrilla psila, Discocyclina Proporocyclina . Pseudophragmina psittacus, Leptomya Pterygocythereis Pulvinulinella .. e Punta Alegre, Panama... Punta Arenas, Peru Punta Gavilan formation 86, 67, 90, 196, 275, 2 109, 114- 411,4 414, 4 130, 189, 27, 163, 411, 411, 414 190, 411, 80, Рипїа Согда. Pati HM S: 74-76 Puriana purisubrhomboidea, Loxoconcha pustulosa, Lepidocyclina ....... 26 Pliolepidina 26 Pliolepina . pustulosa tobleri, Lepidocyclina ........26 Pliolepidina 26 Pyrgo Quaternary Quebrada Grande, Trinidad Quebrada Las Bruscas Quebrada Las Pailas...... Quebrada Mare Abajo.. Quebrancha limestone .. Queensland Quinqueloculina radiata, Calyptraea Trachyleberis Ranella Ned SER Reeds Spring limestone.. reesidei, Trachyleberis.... restinensis, Discocyclina Proporocycl ina Pseudophragmina retiaria, Leptomya ....... reticularis, Loxoconcha 7 reticulata, — Retispira 2.22 i Reusella Rhipidomella Rhombopora 2. } Richards, Ста, Rio td, Ecuador Rio Moctezuma, Mexico Rio Panuco, Mexico ..... Rio Temporal, Mexico.. 14, 16, 24 61, 62, 70 82, 92, 93 89 71-73 210, 223, 397 210, 223 397 220,225 220, 223 17,19 92, 94 419, 420 420 420 245, 246 Val Ta INDEX Mexico ... Frances de ........ Rio Vinazco, Riveto, Robertson, В... Robinson, E. ... Robinson's Ferry, Texas Robinson’s Quarry . Robulus RS Rockford limestone Rohr, K. М rostrata, Атса L eptomy: 1 Rotalia rotatorium, Imitoceras Royal Victoria Institute Royo y Gomez, José ... rugipunctata, Cythere Cythereis 4 Favella Сз UNI c ee ГІ Trachyleberis rugoso-costatum, Crucibulum Rupelian Rutsch, В. 5 rutteni, Nummulites. 5 Sabine River, Texas sabinensis, Operculinella Operculinoides 18-20 Saccella Pu St Bartholomew, French West Indies SOCII Жа St. Matys age .... S St. Marys formation . BU VICE o salensis, Orthophrag- - mina San Diego Society of. Natural History .... San Felipe, Mexico sanluisensis, Lepidocyclina ч Luis series ....... San Miguel Bay, Panama Santa Ynez Range, California Saracenaria POC Шу ни Savaneta River, Trinidad 196, 163, 181, 273, 179, 180 38, 275 09 99 38, 40 246, 251 411, 412 69-71 Ор 169 INDEX WARE rer 163 scalarina, Murex ....... 248 scalarioides, Murex 248 Scalina 163, 165 Scaliola 170 Schizoblastus 134 schmidtae, Hemicythere 12 92, 94 schomburgki, Proporocyclina 415 Pseudophragmina 415 Scrobicularia 244, 245 semicircularis, Cytherideis 77 seminuda, Cytheridea 2v semiradiata, Eulinderina 191 semmesi, Oper- culin: sides 180, 198, 199, 470922474 semmesi ciperensis, Operculinoides . 198 Seroe di Cueba limestione 22507 265 Seychelle Islands 245 Shaver Summit, California 412 Shepherdsville, Kentucky ; 111, 123, 124 shumardianus, Chonetes tia EXPO NOW asc: 166 Silver Hills facies... 109-111, 113, 114, 116 Simi Valley, California. 412 Sinuitina 109, 122,127; 129, 146-148, 152 › "S Siphogenerina Ps Siphonina Те Lc 19 Smithsonian Inst. 291 Socony Mobil Oil Com- pany de Venezuela . 6 soldadensis, Operculina 186 Operculinoides 82, 198, 272 Sols, Ду. Var чә 6 Soufriere volcano DNA 398 spectabilis, Leptomya 245 Sphaeroidinella 401 spinosum, Crucibulum 247 ПП... Hi 115, 145 Spiroclypeus onia VERSES 41, 261, 262, 264, 276 SPLLOLOCULINE 22220 19 spondylopsis, Plicatula.. 242 Spondylus 17 Springen Boa 113 Springvale formation .... Springvale quarry, Trinidad Springvaleia Stainforth, В. M. . stainforthi, Catapsydrax Stanford University staufferi, Miogypsina 26 Miolepidocyclina ..26 Stearns, H. 1 ER. Mourlonia T Stockdale, P. B. ... Bembexia Stone's Farm, Clark County, Indiana . Straparollus Striatopora striatoreticulata, Camerina striatoreticulatus, mulites Strohbeen, J. P. Stromberg, Elinor Strombina subaequalis ulrichi, Cytherideis subelliptica, Spiriferina subrhomboidea, Loxoconcha subrostrata, Leptomya Sulcoperculina Sulu Seas supera, Lepidocyclina Nr Num- Suter, Н. М. Suwannee limestone Swain, F. M. . Sylvester-Bradley, Р. С. Synbathocrinus a Syndosya talquinensis, суш ООЙ und Tamana-Guaracara limestone tamanensis, Operculinoides . Tampa limestone . 163, 168 163, 166, 169 163, 166, 168, 169 35 396, 399, 404 241, 246-248 32, 34, 35, 222, 223, 400 32, 34, 33, 222, 223, 400 ЭЯ 144 144 109, 110, TII 114 113 170 129 264, 265-269 265 291 166 20 34, 38, 46, 200 20 34, 37-41 15:199. 94 77 112 245 444, £4 Tampico Embayment, Mexico tani, ТЕТЕ. Lm Taonurus ur e Таро, Canyon, California 'arboro, N. C. - Tarleton Point beds...... Tello Campodonico, M. tenera, Macoma Terebra rad їегез, Proporocyclina Pseudophragmina Tertiary . texana, Lepidocyclina Textularia Tien Shan Tien Shan fauna " tobleri, Lepidocyclina Pliolepidina Poroporocyclina Pseudophragmina 'Toco Main Road, Trinidad Топові River, Tournasian tournoueri, Lepidocyclina 28 Nephrolepidina 28 Trachyleberinae : Trachyleberis Pan: uma transversa, Siphogenerina Trechmann, С.” Trelawny, Jamaica, BEN. е triangulata, Bairdoppilata 7 Eucythere An asm eers Nas trigonalis, Leptomya ..... Trigoniocardia Trilobites Triloculina ШАҒУ, led 38, 40-42, Trinidad Oil Company, а. Trinidad, 38, 42,181, 185, 413 35 115 412 190, 413-415, 417 415, 417 я б, 8, 11, 24 202 15, 19, 44 д IDE 210, 397 210,397 , 416, 417 414, 416, 417 413, 414, 169 220 130-132 41, 221,224 41, 221, 224 82 82, 85, 86, 88, 92-94 222 215, 395, 401, 404 46 32,.92, 20, 46, 163, 398 32, 166, 395 INDEX 446 trinitatensis, Operculina Operculinoides ... Tropidodicus .. n tuberculata, Operculina.. Operculinoides Tübingen, Germany . Turritella Tuxpan formation . tuxpanensis, Operculina Operculinoides tuxpanicus, Operculinoides ..... е Те Вау inane U ulrichi, Cushmanidea ..9 Cytheretta Cytherideis Wadi в O amd Bassler, R, S Underwood-Falling Run undosa, Eulepidina . Lepidocyclina unicavus, Catapsydrax unicornis, Cytherideis... Universitat Tubingen University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati Dept. Botany um University of Colorado.. University of Indiana University of Iowa University of Kansas . University of Kansas, Botany Dept. University of Kentucky.. University of Michigan.. University of Michigan, Dept. Botany University of Missouri University of Oklahoma University of Warsaw... Upper Tuffs United States . U. S. Highway 3W . i U. S. National Museum 145, U. S. National Museum, ا‎ ar il Dept... Uvigerina 148, 169, 241, 273 263, 264, 273 129, 146, 147 276 276 149 167 145, ур 122, 124 145, 109, 114, 290, 298 145, 149 145, 149 145, 149 Kal) 113, 290 149 149 145, 145, 290 145, 149 145, 149 145, 149 396, 401 31, 34, 40 152 129, 140, 247, 250 157, 291, 298 17, 19 INDEX У Vale Royal- cana Roed Hon ; 46 vandenboldi, Paracytheridea ........8 72 Van der Vlerk, Г. М..... 202 vanderstoki, Camerina.. 265-267 ТЫП тайт a 265 Vaqueros formation... 42 VUE, М ое 50 35, 5% 38, 39, 42,183, 411-413 Vaughan, Т. d and Cole, W.S = an 31, 34, 35, 37, 41, 42 vaughani, Cythere ....... 88 GUISO ос. 88 Lepidocyclina ..26, 27 220, 224, 397 Nephrolepidina 26, 27 220, 221, 224, 397 Operculina . 180, 182, 183, 192, 193, 271 180, 182, 184, 192, 193, 195 Operculinoides ОШОЛ soe ual 88 Trachyleberis н 88 Veneticardia ................. 16, 17 VOR о 20 35, 38, 40 Venezuelan Coast Range о 19; 11 venezuelana, Globigerina A des 398, 401 ОВУ. 34 MEDIUS cc А 64 Vera Cruz, Mexico ...... 411 СУ ШОЛ, ВМ. 61 VSS ЛЫН № о 46 УС ро, М. 46 vicksburgensis, Operculinoides . 198, 199, 270, 271 И о о 53, 64, 67, 95 virginiensis, Clithrocytheridea .. 8 74 ҮШ ИШ 102022220... in 19 Viscan . Su 130-132 ху Wachsmuthicrinus ........ 109, 127, 129, 130, 132 warneri, Cytheromorpha 30 71 Washington NEN, Florida .. a 39, 46 Washington, D. С. . 137, 139, 140, 145, 148 waylandvaughani, Lepidocyclina ..27, 28 ие б, 32-33; 37; 38, 40, 42, 221, 224, 397 Weisbord, Norman E. Notes on the geology of the Cabo Blanco area, Venezuela ..... 5 Wellen JoMo wen. 111 Wellen Stuart o 129 Wells, УЙ... 290 wellsi, Eoconuloides . 190 West Allegheny Senior ISN Schön... 290, 298 West та Geol. SR 290, 298 White, Davids eG 291 whitei, Legumino- Са. 9 80 willcoxi, Nummulites 415 OPTED ee Fo 273 Operculinoides ......33 263, 264, 273- 275 William Е, E. Gurley Found: un y" P: ix TOLORY. мос eee 31, 179, 215, : 261,411 Windward Island 275, 395 Woodring, Wendell Р... 20, 31. 55, 90,103, 166, 179, 182. 222 Woodring, W. P. Springvaleia, a late Miocene Xenophora- like Turritellid from Trinidad . AR 159 worm tubes .... ue 112 wortheni, Productus 109, 114-116 X Xenophora 163, 167, 170 ү Yochelson, E. L. = 170 Оа сыс j 61, 62 York-James Peninsula, Virginia ... SY 57, 89 York River, Virginia 58 Yorktown formation 24 58 6L 64, 70, 73, 74, 78, 85 86, 89, 94 447 INDEX Yorktown, Virginia ... 58, 62, 63, OUS 0 TU TO 18,- 82, 83, 90, 92 yurnagunensis, APIO ana т 22 35: 30. 40, 42 yurnagunensis morgan- opsis, Lepidocyclina 33, 42 zZ Zaklad Paleozoologii, University of Warsaw 145, 149 zaragosensis, Proporo- СУСИДА ЫЛЫ 415, 416 Pseudophragmina ...... 415, 416 Zetek, James с... 247 Zihuatanejo, Mexico .... 248, 249 Zipixapi, Ecuador ...... 241 448 XXIV. XXV. XXVL XXVII. XXVIII. XXIX. pu XXX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXIII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. Volume I. IL ПІ. Тү қ \ (NOS, 8058400: 838 BD. 2716021... ы rn run Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary, Mollusca (Nos, 88-948), 1306 pp. 502222222222... Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Meso- zoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Maryland Mio- cene mollusks, (мов, 95-100): 420 рр, 58-618 a essere. Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fossils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eogene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecuador. (Nos. 101-108). 376 рр. 36 pls. sss mM Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos. 109-114) :412-pp. 54 pls, isses deese es Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. (NOR. 110-110). 738 pp, 52 PIS a ebenen Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. UNO, LIX). 256 ірр, ӨЗІ не Jackson Eocene mollusks. (Nos. 118-128): 458 рр, 27 pla ioo ees рл. 9.00 11.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 14.00 12.00 Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsyl- ` vanian crinoids, Cypraeidae Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil local- ities, (NOS. 129-138), 0294 BB; 39 pler а ыы Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Nos, 191-130). 448 pp, 51 pls. ¿anio llar do ас. Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. (Nos, 240ЛДАБ), “400 pha 19 pls ао Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tasmanian Ordovician cephalopods and Tennessee Ordovician ostra- cods, and conularid bibliography. (Nos: 146-154), 7386 рр., 31 Bls. nen сш. G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleocene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Australian Ordo- vician cephalopods, California Pleistocene Eulimidae, Vol- utidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nos. 156-160). 412 Бр, 83 pls. nn. аА Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian-Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies. (N08, 161-164). 486 pp. 87 PIS. и Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Сапа! Zone Foraminifera, | Stromatoporoidea. (Nas. 168-178, 1785), 294 BB, 34 PIS. e м... Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina, Miocene ostra- cods, and Mississippian of Kentucky, turritellid from Vene- zuela, larger forams, new mollusks, geology of Carriacou. PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. (1-5). 519 рр. 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. (Nos, 612). SO DB I7 PIE 0 Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spondyli, Pale- ozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. (Nos: 18400) 1518 Bp. 61 pls. Aoi la al Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleozoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Cretaceous jellyfish, Platy- strophia, and Venericardia. (Nos: BO, 48), ^| 128 ppy 18. plo ылым Rudist studies, Busycon. 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 13.50 13.00 8.10 20.00 20.00 6.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I. (Nos, 1-5). 354 рр. 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. IL (Nos. 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. ПІ. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. ТУ. (Nos. 16-21). 161 pp., 26 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas, У. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Pale- ozoic fossils, УТ. (№. 31). 268 pp. 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. | ҮП; (Хо; 80) 730 рр, 90-ші», 20222. 14.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. VIII. (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp. 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. EX. - (Nos, 87-80), 4629 pp, 35 618. у 13.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp., 54 pls. | j Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. Xl» (Nos. 4940). 272 pp} dL pls. 122052 шы... 9.00 zuela. ХП. (Nos, 47-48). 494 pp, 8 p Venezuela and. Trinidad forams and Mesozoic invertebrate bibliography. XIII. (Nos. 49-50). 264 рр. 47 pls. ........ b. satin] Reali a 9.50 XIV. (Nos. 51-54). + 306 рр. 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and ; Colombia, ХУ. (Nos. 55-58). 314 pp., 80 pls. Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils, AVI. (Nos; 50401), 140 pp 48 pls, а 6.00 Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. ЖҮП. (Nos. 42418). /283. PD, 38 BS le 10.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. ZVHL . (Мов 64-87). 286 pp, 29 ple ш s 9.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals, АҒА, Nor 083), 7272 pb. 24 BI S S ur у мы. 9.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. XX, (Nos. 69-100); 266 pp, 26-pls. à. м лл уд 9.00 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. XXL (Nos 2192), 321Ppa 12 pls, Wo ыл. ыы a Ка. 9.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. 4 5. ertiary Foraminifera. XXIII. (Nos. 77-19). 251 pp., 35 A A 9.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Conrad. XXIX (Nos. 73-76). 356 рр., 31 pl 1 еже = ПИ HER f s a Pc 197 8 06891987 eT ее Su