Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number displayed online refers to the sequentially created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. f Missouri Botanical Garden George Engelmann Papers Botanical cm copyright reserved card in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden cm - (sHORGE Enc'I. ' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved card e n 2 r ' s-~'% - rfc <^Ltr *>■ *' K " :i^:~- yLsCt^ 'y 43 ^ <£«4 5 s /i /4 .'£ . ? Vt- ov;.. d-*6 al '•'£*+ - ^«f- 621 ,/^«f _ ^,^7 .-, •• fc / ' - «-*> cT- ■3/ r ~i*Cti &~-> •?;**• — jfifrfrC-? C./^/rCZ c^jfc^; 'jfrjUA-Mj (\ &^fvd4 ?*yl > jb*4jtz~ jr~ £ ~ CKpSrr-v yb^Y-r? CL-r'e.Kv* \ ^CC f V '**? . 0-4rv» & <"' ' ■ /-*')'£« ^-4 »w4 a At,c - /^:y ca^ I ^ /«-;/•'«<* J r . 4 <- 4 /. * ^ / 7 '- X/i..K | a *-? «• • ■ M4 . /h* „■* 3 r.^j^cL 4^—3 rx $“>**' 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden f C^^jy*** ^ ^ $€ ^>p^- | " *~-J <^,,^0^ < Ay /sj,.£f /?*^~> y ?t*-~4:/Z^f . ■ I e *WL . ; * A tfifru-C ^ > ! A. .*-&?& tftr*} ft-,4 ^ «.yr+rty «~w_. I %%- /fe ■ r c^^- £ —, ' /£ ’h<2>/^ ^ i ^-p A***~ * ,, * ' / / f'f-i / 7 I *.67 ,- / ^ 1 , ^>«_ sfy-c, . 1 . ' ’ i ' ■ • , ' * t • [, '■ — • ,/ ~6^£t //v >„- */» ^ . ^---» jjL. ... ^^2£rh/ '"* - , } 0&ir%* J/+ - ■' / //l &*-)\% U : V »‘jr 1 | . "2. #-t*. ^ »...V fit*** -jESJT (.'.&zr**' : £~& -s-lfy &* c*y e/ ’dtL+rry k#w- *4?Atoc a£ 3 - 5 ^ >'■•■. e ? 4p~‘ /-•■ f'--r^ ‘ '^' €feg^ r^; : *’r ;* : W~ ^ “ ' v r* 1 "" . M \ ; J 2~S~j>Z m ' * § r ^§B 4 , J k ~ r ~ ? y *^u- /a, e/^ 7'r /> *YY> dZy^yji ^=s^' *~ 9_ v *7 y 90» y ^ 4 «, wf~ «n~~ .-' r, , 'Y'+ 34 - trto*r<- * * £ C*ryj±~&> u*+^S f / r >pM— | jbr*' L j{ $i 2. >» / &.«*e ^^'^/-,-ji: ^ vw£ ; 622 # t □ □ y □ — u □ □ 01 23 4 5 6789 cm copyright rese 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden cm iOTANJCAL (SARDS# J — I —] LJ m 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri . B . Botanical copyright reserved garden