Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number displayed online refers to the sequentially created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. cm Missouri Cor George Engelmamn Fai I 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri . . Botanical copyright reserved garden 7 P>) . . >9l~ -y(. ' Q ... ;; 667 %YO ' b itpu jLzfc- ^ K '~ v ^ -> f «~) Sjn&dtt, — ' >/ r'* e y*7^ /^UA /H. y f ib *- H-^ 4»i4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri . , ' Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 668 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden A . rcr r ~A~~ ZCO 669 Editorial Department. UfA n - > v. REVIEWS AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. PAGET'S SURGICAL PATHOLOGY. [Continued.] Mr. Paget embraces in bis theory the doctrine of complemental nutrition, first taught by C. F. Wolff, illustrating the subject as follows : “ A great change in nutrition rarely takes place in a single organ at a time ; for example, the growth of the beard at the period of puberty in man, the growth and perfection of the plum- age of the bird at breeding time ; but as in man, when the development of the genital organs is prevented, that of the beard and all other external sexual characters is, as a consequence, hindered, so in birds, when the breeding season ends, and the sexual organs pass gradually into their periodic atrophy, at once the plumage begins to assume the pale and more sober colors, which characterizes the barrenness of winter.” He next refers to certain interesting specimens presented to the museum by Sir Philip Eger ton, showing the interesting fact, “ that if a buck be castrated while his antlers are still covered with velt, their growth is checked, they remain as if truncated, and irregular nodules of bone project from their surfaces,” “The fact is not, hitherto, explained ; it is inexplicable, by believing that the materials which, in the formation of these organs of external sexual character, are removed from the blood, leave or maintain the blood in the state necessary for the further development, growth and active function of the proper sexual or reproductive organs.” “ The concurrent development of the thymus gland and air breathing organs during the body’s growth of the thyroid gland and the brain, (instances 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden SCIENTIFIC DEPARTMENT. 189 -Monthly Mean of Temperature , Fahrenheit. JANUARY. „ 4E . 6 A. M. 12 M. 3 P. M. 6p. m. 9p. H 1861 26.9 | 29 6 35.3 37.4 33.5 30.8 1862 27.1 j 27.3 30.1 30.7 29.5 28*9 1863.... 31.9 34.0 39.4 41.2 38.3 36.1 36.8 1864....... 22.6 25.2 32.6 35.1 31.5 28.0 29^2 1865 21.9 24.2 31.5 33.1 30.2 27.9 28.1 1866. .27.0 29.1 34.8 36.8 33.8 31.5 Mean 26.2 28.2 33.9 35.7 32.8 30.5 31.2 1861.. 1862.. 1863.. FEBRUAR1 46.7 35.9 39.4 45.5 30.1 32.8 39.5 3 . — Monthly Mean pf Relative Humidity. JANUARY. 1864.. .. 1865.. .-. 1866.. .. Mean.. 79.8 79.1 82.9 FEBRUARY. “ destination ” read declination . Missouri Botanic.au SardO* George 5mgel:.iahn .Pafe&§.> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Cp. OV, /Hy 6 TO X'O . ^ <£ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden & 'KEffiOMr. Missouri Botanical G,\ George Engelmann Papers Botanical cm copyright reserved garden fflSSCUW p -' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Editorial Department. \o <=S X 4 OM REVIEWS AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. PAGET’S SURGICAL PATHOLOGY. [Continued.] Mr. Paget embraces in his theory the doctrine of complemental nutrition, first taught by C. F. Wolff, illustrating the subject as follows : “ A great change in nutrition rarely takes place in a single organ at a time; for example, the growth of the beard at the period of puberty in man, the growth and perfection of the plum- ’ age of the bird at breeding time ; but as in man, when the development of the genital organs is preyented, that of the beard and all other external sexual eharaetess *is^ as - a ^eens-equenee f - hindered, so in birds:, when the breeding season ends, and the sexual organs pass gradually into their periodic atrophy, at once the plumage begins to assume the p&le-and more sober colors, which characterizes the barrenness of, winter.” He next refers to certain interesting specimens presented to the museum by Sir Philip Egerton, showing the interesting fact, “ that if a buck be castrated while his antlers are still covered with yelt, their growth is checked, they remain as if truncated, and irregular nodules of bone project from their* surfaces . 55 “ The fact is not, hitherto, explained ; it is inexplicable, by believing that the materials which, in the formation of these organs of external sexual character, are removed from the blood, leave of maintain the blood in the state necessary for the further development, growth and active function of the proper sexual or reproductive organs . 55 u The concurrent development of the thymus gland and air breathing organs during the body’s growth of the thyroid gland and the brain, (instances 189 JANUARY. JANUARY. YEAR 1861 72.2 85.3 81.7 75.6 74.6 75.1 91.5 94.1 ini 87.5 83.9 79.3 77.5 77.1 78.5 75.0 65.9 64.3 67.2 79.0 71.9 62.8 65.3 85.2 79.3 75.4 73.7 74.6 90.0 86.0 79.8 79 9 79.1 1863 . ini-, 1886 87.1 Mean 90.6 81.1 70.2 68.3 77.6 82.9 77.4 FEBRUARY. BofftWC'-’- EHSfiUMAiiS (SWDEfl papers MMBKMGT & SUf,