Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number displayed online refers to the sequentially created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. Th ¥0 ^Xff# i T) f ** \X> ■ -'CnJfaet f&.X>-6r‘V*- 633 '* 1 / cm 23456789 10 copyright reserved 508 Leffingwell Avenue, G. F. EJVGLEMAN, M.D., 3003 Locust Street. 508 Leffingwell Avenue, G. F. EJVGLEMAN, M.D., 3003 Locust Street. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden iU - _ _ ^ m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved Missouri Botanical Garden fata r //JBf ^L\, 6&7 j| y - *y "^J'\ y* ^AU j^ u*4 yi**-* <~4* ^ l WC~4~v .7^ *" c ,v«g y^: ( ^ 4 -u £^JLA+&h -;,>, ? ** JL fUk f Cyt^£**^ '£ &*££ t*L~rr*«r ^Can^e^r y *yO &£Zi? /-/Jt /A^r ~^C&rr'/>t4~t. 4 - yHr*-**- . MBsrjs^s^ — (^l f « /fc-*r >y' £*•**— *— %pki£jg%~~ 7 8 9 10 Missour Botanical copyright reserved garden 64:3 /&•*} ^ ,-.>. 5 ^ 7 -, /-^<~j^ --<54J 7 g g 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden /f 2-*- fC~^ c%~ &yf, -r/v-J^ £. »4,-V '*~2~, - / ^-~' ">~ j ~ 7T — 7^- ^ ^ * V^ ' ^ " y^ ^ * T' <2-. ^3ry 7 ' 7' a-rf^?, . ,^, r „ / £ - >