Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. ?5 f _ .V.4 ^}ic^ru.c.<. .^.3 /• 4 *. ' ’tX^i'-'''"' '3 f H,J., W.;,.> ^. . V 3 €t^ 3^- Missouri Botwical George Engelmann (SARDEff Papers, BoTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden 01 23456789 10 cm copyright reserved -f 763 M Y U : x^V •Y’''" /'■^^ ^ ^ ;.-5 -""' V' ■ -'- » - -fZ^, ^ t-c ..-f> / t=-v^ -■'^'• .- - -'• .'Y»£>> , .. /c ; , ^.••' /-£■. , Av,vs-. 5 ' vjj. ( ^,,,, j 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden !vi!SSOUW GEORGE goTRNlCAt Emgelmaks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 1 tZk~, : T’ .. ft ',\/^-^ )c4 b^-ki* im ■U"/> V/ A (1 .i, /: ^^vr/-:-.:, ./ ■7 7 8 9 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL copyright reserved garden BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garde BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garde A/^!.^ /^y< , Cc/y,.^ P.A^^ v^£l. (’^£y\p L <1 A/ ^/^%‘A <^'A.> . J»4,»^^-- =, j 6 . yi.-eL^^'£ 4^- t ^ /*.^.XZy ■A , 4 ,, ^ ,f^ ^ "; / ~ '' 44 /t. ;A4:4 ^/-d- /^l-r. : . .. ./c .-. : . .7 . 4 4> - -\ . ^ . y /A. A/U: ^ , zr; jk^ Ax AA JAfc e: ^ a ; /^-e, i*® ^ t^xsyAtt do in 3 ‘ best double or single sorts 6 00 and 8 GO GERANIUMS— Zonale— 75 sorts 8 00 do Double — 25 sorts 8 00 do Var. Silver and Bronze 10 00 and 12 00 do Scented — lo sorts 8 00 PANSIES— Extra fine sorts 5 00 PELARGOI?^IUMS— 20 sorts .10 00 and 12 00 VERBENAS— 50 sorts, named 5 00 do 50 sorts, mixed 4 00 33 . GOOD MIXED PANSY. SIDNEY WILKINSON, Lock Box xl. PROVIDENCE, R. I. 10 The Horticultural AdveHiser SEEDS AND BULBS. I LLUSTRATED SPRING CATALOGUE FOR 1875, NOW READY, sent, with a specimen copy of The American Oar- xlen, a new Illustrated Journal of Garden Art, edited by James Hogg, on receipt of ten cents, janl2 BEACH, SON & CO., Seedsmen, 76 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. WALTER ELDER, Aisrx> j-obbizstq 1231 Rodman Street, Philadelphia Attends to all branches o his business on reasonable terms. mALmAGE’S )xcepted.” I each subscriber is presented i beautiful premium, a own paper vel, unique, Portfolio of Gems, BY A. HENDSCHEL. Twelve charming sketches for the parlor table, in an Illuminated Portfolio, 8^x1 in. Subscription price, including postage on the Portfolio, and al I the paper, asreqnirer ' ’ nuary 1st, 1875, $3 2-i. ) extras of any kind. A CHOICE of” premiums. Subscribers who may prefer our splendid Chromo, aft<^ r 1 andseer’s great animal painting, “ The Twin Lambs,” size 22x28 inches can have it (unmounted) at the same price. Without Premium $3.00 1=5. I St T I A a - 1 'W O FL K. . Agents wanted. Liberal commls- SionS. Exclusive teriitory guaranteed. Samples and circulars sent on application to HORATIO 0. KIHG, Publisher, mayU Box 5105, New York:. LONDON GARDENER’S CHRONICLE Will be furnished, mailed direct to subscribers in United States tor $7.25 per aiiunm. Apply to tnovtf CHA8. H. MAROT, 814 Chestnut St., Phila. ENNIS & PATTON, Nurserymen and Florists, CLINTON, IOWA. We are extensive growers of General Nursery Pr^ucts, Seedlings of Apple. Pear. Osage. Honey Lo^. Trees. Evergreens, Small Fruits and Hardy Ornamentals. Also, of Stove. Greenhouse and Bedding Plants. Our new conservatories will compare favorably with a^y in the country. To the trade in the South aud West we can offer many items at low rates. -OUR CATALOGUES:— No. 1. RETAIL— Descriptive Hothouse and Greenhouse Plants, ^^d General Products. Issued semi-aunnally. . -m * No 3 WHOLESALE— Hothouse, Greenhouse* Bedding Plants. Issued semi-annually. Wii 1 be mailed free to all applicants. We shall have to offer this Spring 1,000,' 00 Osage, 2 year. 200.000 Honey Locust, 1/ear as- sorted Evergreens, 10 to 20 in., all transplanted. 500,090 Timber Tress, 1 and 2years. 10,000 Roses 20,000 Horse Chestnut, 1 year 20,000 Concord Vines, 1 year. 20,000 Pear Seedlings 2(W 000 Apple Grafts. Also imported Mazzard and Mahaleb Stocks. Stock and packing fully up to best Easieru Standard. A French and German Correspondent attached to our house. Respectfully, 5anl2 ENNIS A PATTON. To Nurserymen & Dealers. 25,000 Houghton Seedling oooseben y Plants— 2 years old, fine. loOfO Siberian Arhorvitse — 15 to 18 it ches. 6.0U0 Irish Juniper— 15 inches to 3 feet. For sale in quantities to suit, and at Low Prices. >0^No circulars issued, but correspondence solicited. BOARDMAN & PECK, Nurserymen^ mar3 ROCHESTER, NEW YORK. f^uaranteed using our $].00 per month paid to Good Agents. IMFOETBES OF Dutch Bulbs and Flower Roots WISHING TO EEOEIVE SOON E. H. Krelage & Son’s Catalogue. SEEDSMEN IN NEED OF E. H. Krelage & Son^s Seed Test- ing Plants. amateurs Bzsntraa to be sebtei with Van Eeden’s Album of Dutch Bulbs or Bulbous Plants IN COLORED PLATES, are requested to apply to O. R^OUX, SB Maiden Lane, N E W Y O R K . Or EOS 2956. jnne Geraniums, Roses, Carnations, BEDDING & MISCELL ANIOUS PLANTS. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. CHARLES J POWER, Framingham Nurseries., may2 South Framingham, Massachusetts. 01 23456789 10 cm copyright reserved Missouri Botanical Garden '/f. <,/f- A /l...^.rr; (p* X to ‘' V vV - '^..y /?■:' -h- $ " T« n W " • ■' 1 1 1 : ; /. '77i h /"-C r,^^:/..--, ^ ‘ _ /t « 7 ^.‘? ^'yyy- Y/c^^y 9y>f-yy Missou^^^ ,M- pp,?£RS. 775 Missouri »C ' • George Cr;.;;.:,- BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garde