Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. i/U 7 01 23456789 cm coDyriqht rese 7 8 9 10 Missour Botanicai copyright reserved garden \ ■ i \ \ I \ A [ L ' Missouri Botanicau ’ I /?(A/ r .\ V/ .-ry-*4 , \i ' fr J 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden cm 7t A * vyt^' / 01 23456789 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden 213 S Geo. Mnffelmann^ 31. D. y*/ - ' / ' ■ ' ' /- y ‘ /j-.. ti: c/cAd^^ 7 >v - ^ . Ol^ /.. .-' Botanical cm copyright reserved garden I ;i737 W'.ssouw GE0R6£ GardM Missouri Bofwr.Ai George Engeu'..--- 01 23456789 10 Missouri . Botanical cm copyright reserved garden MlSSOyRt BOTANICA'. ' rl EmsmiAm- Missouri Botanical Garden 6 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved A ^il tO Cf - yWcsn <.\(/J c_«» X ^/ / j/lA. lo 3d ,? //x. /)^6 t£^ X. /^ ^ 5 ' ec ^. ^ /f ^ Slt. (f 1 ^ lO^^A xe 'i £tt / ^•; c^ ^ . JL . ^ i.4A^ r^t\ U.L ^}. I^Cu^ ^i)'i>u< ^ /e/^ '~t2^ /5 ij, eM^'-i <; , 2*3^ . i/7^1^ . t— f 2^"^ V>c>^ -?,y6t-:^^ Jj^-~-~ ^ ^ 2*331^^ / /'p^ c S tv c^ \,/t/( 0^ <- ^1Ly^r»<.'-. ^ ."TW**^! ,.y .^j. 2 ^ ^ 72 (/ V" <■' ^ 'Tv /i^xyr ^ 'X-^-X——i^'y--^ X/LpiX V -C^' , 5 A ’'■ A^V -3 ^-J-.^ ,vi^: \ AT^' ^ f ' ' r"V::T V t' 0 \ 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden ( 1 ' T I J cm ,^ 2 ^-— ^- • / .' ./a f'i 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden ;^7H3 ?0T/.1KJCA!. GARDEfr "" ^'-‘GELMAKN Papess 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden .,