Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number displayed online refers to the sequentially created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. // r <$ \ ^ t . ; j % r&? **^±? ^ W ^ & C^u **J±~4 -&4k! A~y ^4ke-^--t^-^-p ■ y^Zkzs-*--^ (s->i-t4 y-e^' t 4*-4 s ^ i^m-, .> - yy <4. -&j< y £ s &49 s 4~ ' ^ / ^ c ' t v? y ~?*r*** 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden 77 ^^/' ~z£- Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 01 23456789 10 Missouri 7 Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 2 ^ 5 ' 2 - 01 23456789 10 m.ssouri j Botanical cm copyright reserved garden (0 . J (7 - i ^ & < £/' xftSV^l ^Uv/'?*'?' ( 7 / fn^m- a JUlC: ^ >~fc-V ~ti • , ' iV. # M,. p&ii * — " j^e^=* *^£w / £=L - y^i'/Cy^ 2 V ^ j ^~7y ■TTtr’J" Jpy ■&>- y /dy /**£- Tp, j/-~~p /H./K f^iML 01 23456789 10 m.ssouri 7 Botanicai cm copyright reserved garden 9651 6£ „ A, <1.. A -^- f*-*— ^r-^ V , ' /"I Z^ yfSfc^.' / #/fr *; 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden .%x, ^ £«-- i f [sJtzzr **&r* 0-* syC^/ ^ ^/< //a/' j> TZ ^ ? 2 / "^^. / /J? —£Sl Cr-rC Lj0-K-y^, //tcX- cj ✓/ x ^yzr-K^e_ ="*- 5^~- (^ ts^yyyCA~ r sc n '7^ / siy*U>yk^Z'' ^cJ^~-~~^ J Z, &yy r /&■ <^W c^jy~ st^n^ ^ ^ 0 $sjy2 C-*~-r y c*J-r f J^=L_ <=- — -* 3~~C-*yZ J - ^p < y*z^U^~&*x=y- < y^tP^^r *y#~ -y?%^ Cy^C yy 7 8 9 10 M j s sou r Botanicai copyright reserved garden w Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 2ao Missouri 'Botanical Garden George Engelmann Papers