Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. \ — I [ — j 7 8 9 10 Missour Botanicai copyright reserved c a r d e h S) s (1^ X^/f tit-yv 1 l4 7i^,y -:J / --'J^ /" ✓'*y^ . >y 'ohCL-Tk r^l:^ k*^, ^ £(UL^ A^h M< ~ ^>y<^‘’':> I '5c:=3^ fk^ X CA.'^ «»v^ A--^* 2258 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden ARNOLD ARBORETUM, HARVARD UNIVERSITY. 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Vi 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden EUG^'-' PKPEB* < 7 ^., 2-f /^yo ,y^ L. 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden Pi g 0 i w I 3 § . <1 H . 3 ” ^ I O S I r'r.-.«»r ^ ‘yl ie ^ "^t^ O Q,a»,— ^ ^^a-a-s/ ^A-t>*L K.. yj 4~^ -: - tyTtU^ ^e ,.v. a* A-^^ <- / '^“->^ y/^yv 5 /I . ' Jy^ f X-*^X a'^' Ig-V'^^ ... yjEoRss tN 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden <^amcej /ade ^/ace anc/ K^y^nc/am o/ eao4^ monM. Missouri Botanical ^ ' GEO ROE ENGELMANN ^unc^ua/ a^/en(/ance u ie^ued^ec / «■/ dee<^ am/ ej/zeaa//^ at Me nea:t cm uMtc/ dci// /e Ac// neect ^M>ne/a^y ^ at ^ at t/e^^ct^tec/mc '^^a//. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden cm Rhipi^IS Houllettii.— T he genus Rhip- salis affords several examples of plant mimicry ; R. sali- cornioides, for instance, bears a very marked resem- blance to our native Marsh Samphire, and others might be mistaken (when out of flower) for plants belonging i to widely different natural orders. R. Houllettii is a ; distinct and desirable plant, with long leaf-like | branches from the axils of the teeth, of which the pretty straw-coloured scented blossoms are freely pro- I duced. Nothing definite is known of the history of ; this species, though it is probably a native of Brazil. ' A figure appeared in the Botanical Magazine some : half-dozen years ago, and the incidental remarks of Sir Joseph Hooker as to the difficulty in running down , the names of garden plants, may be reproduced with advantage at the present time. This difficulty, he says, “is, through obvious causes, becoming immense, ■ and will soon be insuperable. I can recommend no ; more useful object to a Horticultural Society, than / the organising a committee for the collection and \ classification (with references) of the names of all ^ plants introduced into cultivation, together wdth the Lcountries the plants come from, and their date of t Int roduction^ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden cm . RhiPsalis Cassytha.— I n the succulent- 1 house at Kew this singular, and moreover rather pretty, I plant is now bearing a crop of its pretty Mistleto-like ferries. It has fleshy-jointed, cylindrical, leafless l^ranches and white flowers. Although it succeeds I perfectly under cultivation, grown just like other [succulents in any sandy, well-drained loam, yet in the ' West Indies it is found as an epiphyte suspended from the branches of trees. In that charmingly written and , wonderfully interesting book of travel, Kingsley’s At Last y the author thus alludes to the species: — “And last, but not least, that strange and lovely parasite, the Rhipsalis Cassytha, which you mistake at first for a plume of green sea-weed, or a tress of mermaid’s hair, which has got up there by mischance ; and then for some delicate kind of pendent Mistleto ; till you are told, to your astonishment, that it is an abnormal * form of Cactus— a family which it resembles, save in its tiny flowers and fruit, no more than it resembles the Ceiba tree on which it grows, and told, too, that, strangely enough, it has been discovered in Angola— r the only species of the Cactus tribe in the Old i World.” In the English edition of Li Maout and » Decaisne, the editor (Sir J. D. Hooker) mentions the i plM:t that a Rhipsalis has been discovered in Ceylon. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved Missouri Botanical Garden l^ougamviiiea speciosa ; auu uicsc, Niel, with PassiEoras and Bignonia, also go partly over the girders. The permanent subjects below are large Palms, Camellias, and Orange trees, in boxes or tubs, and the spaces between these are filled up with i0pvy(^ring plants as they come .on ip their season, Numfeer^'of plants also are grown and used foi embellishing the hall, staircase, apd^ rooms of th^ man^on, ^d the houses for cultivating these in ar^ at the kitcll^n garden, where small semi-span struc- tures 'are filled with a lot of young useful stuff that will , afford a quan^ of flowers during the winter. The principal thing^grown for this season are Eucharis amazonica, EuXorbia/' jacquimse flora, Poinsettias, Browallias, Sericocraphis Ghiesbreghtii, Gesneras of sorts, ^nd Iletero^ntron roseum. The stove is a span-rpofed houses s^ut tjo feet long and 15 feet wide, and h4^ a bed ift the^iddle, in which, at equal dis- tancespthree ^lants of^usa Cavendishii are grown ; and these/ besides yie^ing huge clusters of fruit, ■ are valuable on accountV their bold foliage, which gives character and is al^^ys handsome to look on. The shelves and stages oX the north side are filled with Ferns, among them beir^ numbers of Adiantum for cutting from, and, as they get plenty of light, the * fronds are hard, and therefore last well in water. On ^ the sunny side of the house Dracaenas, Crotons, and 226 J 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Missouri Botanical GEORGE ENGELMANN ©ARDSf papers. - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden y<^r'//'^> ' JJ __ / — - '-^ . ■’ /^L^'py ^^i^^ r ^ 2265 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden MISSOURI BOTANICAL GEORGE ENGELMANN PAPERS i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden P-(^-r~C^ /9^lqomoDOi ami) DinjitmoiX QS -qui jiasg •!«??«» -jidSArBaS r 30OA3®«s4q4-n 1)4^ onoTr-OOS i^Pm ia(i; nil mi% '^nrtis 34 tt3|ig}ll)q U3 u38utjjJ3gg Jno 'uattotjuamt® aun )U13iJl45J^s'WM®0^ ■rS'0!!H))!ih)S ! *9T ^iJoBtUvUq^ |]nrp0ut?"u3qi?(W^ i :iicu cj /uaupipSiKiG m au94333gg3i(^o^aqn|i|U}ts g " ° nujasan? 9intq mn^vQ, cun lajdjuapcii® *\2 H^n\(po<$ '^jjtaaaa^re im T 4?oqa3qa304iojg 'a3^3^ *4 % a3||i3miit)qiA»|® v.m^(^ 0ti3am?p.i3q uanaiJiaa liuna^ni §jO(5'aaa^3i4)t>ad® 'luoiniioa: *i =3i® anan 'a^soatt© afel#i«)iS '91 tnqu3?|»^ 't^d *pn«o wu ijpqi n?0||3^cuiaag ii30u(|»t‘'t3 oun 3qj)au4»i33d3aio(fc 'd *d asq tJU|mra^‘ 3‘iq 0un|}3a3qaos l^iuaisin ’30t)|D 'T '-9T 5ii»9 ]|q n? 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Snn}i3i3pag inJ ; ^ 1 a a 3 M 11 9§8C ai?nui?g *9 ^^aq 'a|q?f ’iiajqcjdma quaajaq iiutaajq uaaa tc^ u.uajun giun a m uan»q qun ^^uiaj <45?l0||a3|3^ -^Og n)a timing tt^Diaaqeiq aaq xnym ^tjq i^aq ^uaqium nV a^ia^itj^ a-aa-iaBaa ^tq waqunaaj?ijoW30 !ia|aqa30 waaajun 'pm aim uaqttcpa ^laifeng •3i3||©linVqt? juoq; U3|J9|UU| uaaa) m\i 'iq>|a ajm maOutmaa 'uaiajpjaS aup^a^tijg itai^ai a3U!3i aa|yg uaqan uaaajun s^pjam^ 'iraimtti|3^ qmi naiquvmaagg uag^uat ua q it3iiJi% ^ amiutjg *9 «aq 'uiq^ ^XMV^^xiou^ auuoqog qun aoqoaq^ t vxni^ uaiqnajaqia}! atq U3|«ut^i3(j qun uaq ;u«aag uaaqi qimqas^^ wa|iad?aa |<|JiaqiU2j(s ajaja uaqaj^ ^jana^j ^aqjiaa^BunuJioq 0 ) pm an} up) '0iinqu»?ja^#a3aat^g ua6)|jaq aaiiia m0iog uaq m> 'ijtj ^aqug ii 'uiiasi^ u^,o0 aa^up^ 33|n9 aajmt apqua a^tt Z ua^a9 amaT? iiaojiqaS a0unj pmC *© uoa •qjlIiiqqmaB 3im ^n] •»anD aaqijnBuD *21 *a^ uaimaquapag asfun 'uoq .U05 gn,, nm% |^|aa3}iiti a3^|i]8u^ •U3]}3a(fc U93i$|][)it aa .aaq ua^) 'qpiOs uaqunjaB maup uca 'u » q d a 1 0 *qa 0 'u a qi »ti 3 ^ n»ag naqpi aauput 0 utt*;mqtu 0 ^-019 at^ io jaa a qn I um quagt^ uaat^a 8 3)^ ■ “u3?aa‘^(B ug -D ” ’ 998 T amtuug uaq 'ujof •uaquuqpta uaqjqu^^g uaiau^ uaqunJaB maitja uoq mH 'dog aq 'qaB 'ati|m 0 im§ aqan 3 uum^ *^\ox^ -qaB 'aapaa ujnqd@ vax\% 'aajiac^. *4|UKE *4og ♦9991 atuuug *9 'aaipmnuag *it jacq^aaiutaag •ua9p?nt?mj ^t:iaqa0aa imaatq uamutps qun uaqunaag ^un atm U3aiiaq|^ Bunqaiqiag aqjipqa. aitaBo^noq djnaq aaajuH *ua|aqa9 paqaqpS Amt ilp® in uaqai^uaqnui© $uq anj 'uaqnr5i0 maq ^m? 0un6tp3]tq}at(? atq ani ua9 ^unijauiucj, uatiqjijnuqaa 'ii3||ncailp9'ua||q)tiAuna9 aaq auta pmuq ^nu tji ^a uaaquoj 'tp}B|qauaaa waauidmaaii uaaatuiucuj00am uca uajnoq •aaip4J0 urm tuq uicjg itg maquyn^ino aqam iqjju qun uaqunmqsjtaq 0inqq yt 93 'aiq?om upj ptpaqtaq ^uqi) inqipcgi atq aaqn qjtt^ ^uq uaaoidmaai) quajnui uaptq oj tig •4:^ *q *a ‘^3 uiaup uca ppcmxca3q qun ua0ua|aaqn aqtjinacj; ^u) c^patjjjutBpQ *pi) ?3q 0un0niui5 33iun 'uaquniaOjnu aaqaim aBqpqiuu^ ni yqtlinau 0unt4))uaa^aaqjti?uu0 aa^tpupmaaa $t>l^ ttaqttt^I^ luaq $ttt> 0|q at?) PU 7 8 9 10 Missouri , , , Botanical copyright reserved garden ^•1?" ‘ 3 eiri) 0 f bie Maui unb gcfbe ih “fS ®(^af.§uttcr gefmibtn; tb lie «6et mcbt oon et^cblic^et (Bute. Son btercffe tottb ba^er bie aRitt^citung fcin, bo6 1 (I^'^pinus Cruikssohanskii), eine >?ier5 Su6tonomifd&en 3®Itfen Nbo^nem?lcten an gutietinett^ met? fiber* Sorfimict^e ten 8uttet>aSerfiii^e8 ^tetoon juetfi Slnjetae t fett^cr bon bemfelben miebec^clt morbeni ^rii8f«nfc8upine non alien Iwv, f — bie Siege nit^t auSge* ® .2 bem Mtnb. r in? ©rfinfulter ni nifn.f^ I •^flrfere Stengel bet hnin^ m ' genannte Slgronom balb finmin^w ^'®«e n8 in bet ffiifel einffi^rte, BOTemScjtelung feliji an falieten ©teOen (Lupinus albu6) bet mofllK^ mat. ®ieStfi8fanf* Jt^e Staffen bon Slattern unb3meiqen, unb gleic^ ben anberen gebaebten ^eia^ bfitftigem ©anbboben fotl J!rnnJt^ '"i'l"" entf(t)etben met* fnfAifc? JBunft^) au8, fo i|tbet«anb* unft^afebaten (SSematbS betci(t)ert, meltbeS ■ ben gropten SBert^ befifet. ^ ?r?tS/ h* t*’®' a.bgeorbnete Bubmig r bent Sfitgcrmeijtet bap bief? ©umme f n%e""' Utiierfi^ieb bet (SonfefPon (Sleoe untcr aOen S^tei enommen f)at. 3)tefer ^cei3 jidblte @nbe b @nbe 1855 48,911 ©tntoo^ner, 2)er §I6ganq «»«« P* batau8, baP bet I?ei8 3nbuftnc treibt r4?^^ bcinfelben nad) ben inbuflrie?* teten ftd& gemanbt ^aben. 3n aQen nbigen 9eftiegen : am meiflen im j^ceife ihZr 120,249 unb @nbe 1855 i^ner betrug alfo urn 20,064 (Sinmo^ner a«^ augleit^ nac&fl ©elbern, bet «n grdc^)entn^alt ber gropte abeatrfS @c umfa^t 11,78 Ouabratmeilen. I auf bic CiuabratmeUe 11.911 ©intpo^ner. epung mtrb cr pon anberen i^teifen uber. ber S3ePoIferung auf bie Cluabrab i^retfe Srefelb Ife (SJlabbadb 15,858, im j^reife eolmaen 13,870 ! «enneb 12,914 ©inmo^ner. Sim menigften eoolferung im i^reife ©elbern: ^ier fommen Ouabratmeile. Sim menigfien ber Stxzii ©refelb mit 3,93 Ouabratmeilen. afi^Keffinbe 1852 1855 999,324 ©mmo^ner, ^at alfo urn 47,452 ^enommen. ’ n fd)reibt «ns au3 Bremen: .5)ic bremer a? tm oerfloffemn 3a^re urn 12 6eefcbiffe M oerme^rt; fie befie^t jefet au« 264 6ec^ ^ammen 69J94 Slioggeniafien |alten. $)arunter |ia?iffe, 65 gregatten, 108 S8arfen, 54 SSrigg^ 9Jfonatg.Ilebet]iu;t vict preu^tfiS^Tn 'Sanf**» SI e 1 4 p a« 1) ®eprdgte3 ®elb unb SSarren , * * . . 15,539,300 ZbU 2) (Saffen-Slnmeifungen . 803,100 . 3) SiBeci)fel-S3e)Hnbe 36,816,200 4) Sombarb-S3e|lanbe 10,574,400 5) Perfe^ieb. gorbecungen u. SlctiPa 11,162*300 ^ a f f i p a, 6) S3anfnoten im Umlauf 20,379,600 SlhL 7) 5Depoftten*(5apitalien 24,028,400 8) ©ut^aben ber ©taatscaffen, 3n|ittute u. gJriPat- sperfonen, mit ®infct)luf be3 ®iro.S3erfe^r3 15,513,900 „ SBeilin, 31. ^ec. 1855. ,^gl. .^aupt»S3anf.3)irectortum. etfttihts wti^ 4 Del« 9 >teife. ^m^etbam, 4. 3an. S^oin. SBeiaen Perfauft. — 0ioggcn au ^bb^ren ^reifen mit gutem ^)anbel. — 4Coblfa. men pcei«l)altenP. — Seinfamen o^ne |)anbel. •— 9iab5i gleicf) tpie feuber, auf Bitfecung fe^r preiebaltenb. — - geinbl etrnae angenebmet. — ^ a n fo I auf 6 SBoeb. ji. 531/2 ; effect, ji. 52. Stflff el, 4 3^111 gl. ®. SBeiaen(V2$ect.)10 — i 10 8 9ioggen ... 7 10 A 7 I2 ^afec A tRubSl compt. 90 1/2 A . pr. 3an. 90 — A . pr. gtbr. 89 A ' , pr. Sllara 88 1/2 A JiubSl pr. Slprii -A ,, pr. 3)iai — — a — — , pr. 3uni A , pr. 3ua A SeinSl compt. 78 1/2 A 0iubiud)8n . 136 — A ^einfueben .200 — A — — (S^otirungen ber Peretbeten s^aaren*S?lagIer.) : *5tn, 6,3an SBaare. @elO. SBaare. (S^elo. : pr 6cbeffel. 3:blr. 3:blr. pr. ecbeffel. ZUt. %r. ! SBeiacn birect . 4,19, 6 — ®erfle, bi^fS^ 2, 6, 6 i pt. 3an. . . — — Otep^ — — pt. aHarj . — — SpirituS, effect. 35 bito 89pfb. . . pr 5, 3, 6 5, 2, 6 pr.ipartieen . pr - Sfloggen birect . 3,28,- — gcreinigter . 43 pr. 3an. . . — — Stubol, effect. . 47 pr. ajiara . 4,—, 6 — in ^artieen .^afer, neuer . 1,10,— — pr. Mai . ; . 461/4 46 1/8 6a bito alter . — — pr. Oct. . . 411/4 416ea. bito .... — gereinigter . - ! - 3anuat. iteieptplogif^e Wt^^a^inn^tn* 4. abbs. 9 U. 27 3- 10,6 B. 4- J,5 eo 6. SRgS. 7 U. 27 3- 10,3 S. — 1,5 eo asts. 1 u. 27 3. 9.7 8. + 2,0 BO beO. h tcube. ?Slheinhi>1)t, om 5 3an«at: 6 gup 11 goO tbln. Seqet (6 gup 10 goU tpeinl) ' SBaffetflttitH s Jlac^riii&lcn. Obetmefel, 4. 3an, 12 Upc SOiittagS. Son bet Sotelei) bi« untetpalb «ammettcf ifi ba« IRpeinbett ge- i^loffen unb »on ba bi« obeipalb ©teuetgtunb et»a e(n ®tittet beSfelben offen. ^egel 5 g. 11 g. ®et tribbrneifiet, gambett. n. . . . Soblens, 4. Son, 10 Upc SDtorgenS, ®et gipein unb bie SRofel fmb feei son ©!«. ®ie ©cpiffbriitfc ip felt 91/4 Upt ttiebet oufgefapten. ®a8 ffiii Pept obetpalb 6t ©oat bis *ammeiei* nocp feP ; son ba bis Saub ip bie Sis. berfe burcpgetenbelt. ®et 3BaPetbau.3nfpectot, ^ipp. ai5ln, 5. 3an., 7 Upt SKotgenS. ®ie Sturfe »itb aufgefopten. pjegel 6 gup 11 goD. ®et SrudtenmeiPec, ^upt. ■=>a039 M.V (@le5e ben ©wfolg in bet Seilagf.; • \ ** * 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden 2269 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden a /a/e 6^0^ ^ Me ^(^Ma/uie, cel^am e/ieeia/ ^aeeee yzaiM /a^m^ JMaM Wi/?,e m ^eai^ can /e ieaweieM ^cm Me ^ /aee-dane^j. am cieeMM^ i^^imeM Ma^ ^ca Aam a c/atm Mu na/aie^ anM Mica/M /e ^/eaeeM /c am/ei^ade Me cM/ec^tcn a/ a mcMeia^ TO BE PAID WHEN TOUR CLAIM IS COLLECTED. (M dam anaeua/ jdeMe^iee jdi a//enMn^ /c Mce Memejej anM da'ce ^ie^aleM a ccm/zMe 4:eeciM 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 271 scient/fic department. *• 2.— Monthly Mean of Temperature, Fahrenheit. MARCH. YEAR. 6A. 3L MONTH 1861 37.1 41. 1 48.2 51.6 47.6 43.4 44.8 1862 36.0 40.1 46.9 48.0 45.6 42.5 43.2 186B 36.7 40.9 47.5 49.5 46.1 42.3 43.6 1864 i 34.1 38.7 44.6 45.9 42.2 38.6 40.7 1865 38.9 43.8 50.3 52.5 49.7 45.0 46.7 Mean ...... 36.6 40.9 45.1 49.5 46.2 42.4 43. 8 1861 49.6 46.5 56.5162.7 53.3 59.5 65.1 60.8 59.8 57.6 55.1 52.3 58.1 55.0 1863 47.3 55. 7 62.9 64.4 60.0 54.4 57.4 1864. 45.0 50. 8 55.3 56.6 54.1 49.5 51.4 1865 48.7 55. 0 60. 8 62.9 59.2 54.5 56.8 Mean 47.4 54.3160.2 62.0 58.1 53.2 55.7 -Monthly Mean of Relative Humidity. MARCH. year. 6'A. M. 1861 - 1862 83.3 85.1 63.7 76.2 58.9 64.4 52.4 60.4 58.9 65. 5 70.1 73.0 64. 5 70. 8 1863 87,7 71.5 57.8 55.4 63.0 73.0 68.1 1864 85.6 69.5 59.3 58.8 68.8 78.1 70.0 1865 81.8 67.2 59.8 55.5 60.2 72.2 66.1 Mean 84.7 69.6 60.0 56.5 63.3 73.3 67.9 APKIL. 1861 77.4 82. 0 62.4 68.3 53.2 51.7 57. 3|67. 2 61.5 57.3 55.9 63.0 75,8 67.0 1863 76.5 57.8 46.9 43.9 53.0 65.4 57. 2 1864 85.1 72.7 62.2 57.6 63.2 77.8 69.8 1865 80.4 66.3 57.3 56.3 63.5 77.2 66.8 Mean 80.3 65.5 55.4 53.1 60.0 72.7 64.5 7 8 9 10 Missour Botanicai copyright reserved c a r d e ^ ■' ' /^rV' .' •>-. . ■■'■;, ''"-'i '• ,;■'" ■■'■ ..... -, -. -■•■-..V.v..-,, '' ' ■ -'"■ , .V5 A«vaA»-\ .:. - .miU.H. ' ^ ' ' • *'1 „ ■ . ' * •H.n:i..f.!.''6.r4io.j'.&.Rt[£.n,{.rfc‘ i* .5.4, ,1 .1;]. (j .£5^10 ..;i;t; ..t'4 , fc , . . , ' ;. ; , T.^fc,^S;L‘A4.1o.,-4‘;>..^4.r.Hi; r,i' ' T.H0.,<4-;T.tfk4AV.'K£;^. ... 1 .;^ ..,’4^,1.- . ■ * ' -*> . .J.Lil'l,' : , . . ;‘ / , ; '4^? 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