Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. MISSOURI SOTANICAL GARDEN GEORGE ENGELMANN PAPERS n ’ "fs* ■■ >*• i I ^. y^/ji^ /yyy ^ BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garde rti o m 0 : H s ^0 cm 6 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved Missouri Botanical Garden D E J Bi r, ^ s= n i to o B 0 S « o H i « H 3113 w IS ^! i ^0 MISSOURI B0TW1C,^L GEORGE ENGEUMARM garde* papers Missouri BOTAN ICAL Garden 6 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved /r4/'~ 7 8 9 10 Missouri , , , Botanical copyright reserved garden gerBCf. eNGELM^HH '^u Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 cm copyright reserved 2223 — ^ . •— y- -^x ~ ^ ^^x:tZ3 c^. ^ ^ . — 5? ^ cm copyrigi Missouri Botanical GardBK’ George Engelmann Papers '! V \ji:/ 4/r.r \i.^u ^ iff--' L-u., fu. Botanical cm copyright reserved garden M. W. ALEXANDER BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden g Missouri GEORGE ENGEL1.1ANN GWOET# PAPERS Zz-X^ .1—5^ jZ ^ Zz^ ZZ*-^ e-. iZ^ZZ Z~~ '\J ^ 7^:z. . ~Z^ZZ-<^ . ZZZZ^Z^ c/z/^^ _.e-<^-.-«-^ C^-Zt^v-C ’•> 5-