Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. 0 BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden 3133 W/SSOUf?! BCTAfJic.V_ ScORGE Engel.;,, A;-;. V f,, 01 23456789 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden I . 1 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden 713 ^ 01 23456789 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL copyright reserved garden cm the surve/^ Vti^ai tiered. September 2, 1861. The President, Dr. Engelmann", in the chair. Seven members present. The following donation to the library was received: Bull, de la Soc. Imper. zool. d’Acclimatation, Paris, iSTo. 7, Juillet, 1861, from the Society, Mr. Holmes presented from Dr. B. F. Shumard the follow- ing skulls from Texas : Felis pardalis^ Linn. (Tiger-cat), from Travis Co.; Felis onza, Linn. (Jaguar), from Hays Co., and Dicotyles torquatiis (Peccary), from Travis Co. Dr. Engelmann made some remarks on the temperature and humidity of the past three summer months. June and August were by more than two degrees warmer than the averages for these months, while July was cooler. The quan- tity of rain for each of these months was below the average _ iJ # 0 1 s >3 4 5 6 ; ^ 8 9 10 SSOU R 1 BOTAN ICAL cm cop tyright reserved garden V i'li M yees oi; tne ^ ^ 'he ii rtality wou e been far 2 jr but t ^^isbio {9 y ,. Evans, who, tlK u^h himself laooring under an e .du^uuj^ .ctirhoea, ^ - allowed himself no rest, but in the triple capacity of physician, nurse and / 3 companion, was ever at the bed-side of the sick, administering to their wants, and encouraging them by his cheering words. From Fort Pierre, Dr. Evans again visited the Mauvaises Torres, where in a short time he succeeded in obtaining a large collection of the fossil fauna of that region, even more extensive than his former one, and embracing a considerable number of new and interesting species. On his return to the Fort he set about preparing for his long journey, which from the hostility of the BlackCeet and other Indian tribes, to- gether with the difficulties incident to the route, was regarded by the Indian traders as extremely hazardous ; hence it was exceedingly diffi- cult to find either guides or hunters willing to accompany him. After much persuasion, however, he succeeded in procuring the services of two hunters and a half-breed guide, they agreeing to go with him as far as the Flathead Village. With this meagre escort he started from Fort Pierre, but scarcely had he reached the borders of the Blackfeet country ere his hunters became alarmed, and unceremoniously left his camp during the night and returned to the Fort. Under these discouraging circumstances a person less courageous than Dr. Evans would have turned back ; but difficulties served only to develope the indomitable * To Dr. Hiram A. Prout is justly due the credit of having first called attention to the existence of such remains in that region by his excellent memoirs of Palaeotheroid and other bones, published in Silliman’s Journal. BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden ^72t . ^ *— » t«S<<.^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K ' ' i - : ^ i/^ ^ --■ ^ ^ ;; ^ ^ AkJ^ A. , Jx i j4rvAl^ /- ,y w,.^ € .... .— .S S> ^A^'i-^t--'^ ^ ! f i / / I ^1'^ ■1i tfi^ 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 3 l 3 i f^’ssoum Georgs EOTANfcflL ^^'ISELMANN (^‘iRDERf' BoTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden cm copyrij / 2 _ W/sso0Rf Georgs V.-v,J,.,.7v-r,.; - / ' ' ■•■-■■ SfhL^L ' ,, ' ^ ^ ^ - A: M'S- t 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden M. W. ALEXANDER, SOUTH-EAST CORNER EOURTH AND MARKET STREETS 3h\ / /i'3 xt '■ ■ Co ■ ■ Si /I^Ch or^Uf. C /J'A S tf^iL sTl.’-.' vf- q., K"; G?..„i,U, -ft y/r3 iiii -5 ". -T-'- q q ' '-''A vl^ r'^>" p-=---k. .' ■ ..'. ;■• \rt.y3 xt^ _ ■'■- ■ ‘■■J si^d. '-\0 tck£. f~J’xo ^ ]>' M. W. ALEXANDER, SOUTH-EAST CORNER EOURTH AND MARKET STREETS L .4 — ^ • 4^-4 i f ^ 7’ ’^^--.., / ^ 4// ^ tj 5. ,Lv . 4 7;^ h . ,■ 7' ^ C -^ j ^- " y7 . ‘>^'^ 3 4’ >'-/ >15 , ; , .' i .- L ^ n , • ■‘'" xti;4‘4 /{irif/y T,>.v fo®, ' 0 ■- ' 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden cm 3IH3 Missouri 6 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved Missouri Botanical Garden 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 2 3 W;SS0URI e^ORGE EmzuZm ^ ^ 0^od^0,ozy j 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 3IHS /<^— Xc^ 1^^-^- ^ ^ _ _ ‘C^ ^-4 ..t^-XZ^,' ;/^. ^~/4 4 . ^ «A*K_ 2 3 3/H^ Qa,;d:.-n George £iiGEL;»iAh'?i A \