Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. copyright reserved Missouri Dotwicai' Ga ?eorge Engelmann P,,. WAR DEPARTMENT, Office of jExplorations and ^Surveys, fA^: - 0iie^ ot^d u^an &a)^/oi-aliond> a97c/ S^ii'lve'y^d ^aT’ a 0l)ai/^oac/ 0l)ouie ^tom 0^ive9-^ /o ^dPaci^tc Ocean Lo itan^miiiee/ '^oa io-e/ay 4 maid ^tam idid o^ice. ‘f'o« ate te(j^ueAicc/ io ac^now/ec/^e ....aZl tecei^l anc/e^^ caveyr lo /Z <^S'onota'^/e /Z SCecteJat^ ^Fat, • m. ^ '^et'^ teA^eci:^a//y', '^otiT- o^ec/ien^ detvcml, A. A. HUMPHREYS, Captain Topographical Engineers, in charge. 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden Ji . ^44^* <7 ^. 04 '? _. 0-. a^/ 01 2 3456789 10 Missouri . . . Botanical copyright reserved garden cm 2202 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden ':r/ . 2-i^ OdCf^ n ' ■ / o . ofy - c 2 -^ fz-C ■f^-z. 0 , 0 ^^ ^ o' . o/'/ J 0.0 0 ^ 0 '} ^ o 0.0 J'2. o ,a ry 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 320 ^ Missouri BoTwncAt- GEckG£ LT.On’J.GG'-'J PAPERS 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden /O ff 4/Z. X 2 ^.^3 / r^ 2^ 6i:^^ J^ ^.0^4 ' 4/^ jLt- ^^Tz, '^,r cf,C 'I^o , i < 0^^33 6 7 8 9 10 Missoi . . . Botanical copyright reserved garden , . , Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Missouri Bc GEORGE En- - papers 01 23456789 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden cm 330 -? 01 23456789 10 Missouri , , . Botanical cm copyright reserved garden ;c,® vwr>V/. 'r^ 01 23456789 10 Missouri , , , Botanical copyright reserved garden cm Pf^pERa 01 23456789 10 Missouri . . . Botanical copyright reserved garden cm -/L-/.. ^ ^ ' ' - ' • .' ^/ 5 >' ^ £ ^,-Zl 'YY , /; 01 2 3456789 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved Garden cm 320 ^ 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri , , . Botanical copyright reserved garden - / / Ca /^€ru ^ V j/^ — v''fi^ 9’/ . (i?C^jx > ^ I^SOURI BcynvmcAi- Gardej >/,.^ /- //^ ^ // // j' / X y T 1 < ^ y?-^ < ^ yc ^ y^ac. y 7 ^ y yy r^ O ^1 e- - y ^ y 7- / /r^ y ^ j / & y ^ yy^ y ir:-f X y ' y > T^- y T^ye^ ^ y^CPC Ty;^ ^ yH;tTt 7 y>r e<« ^ ^ /7 y^:?' ■■ /^yz- ^iC ~ r yif y'yi^y z^^y z-cyT'^— «_ . ^z/Tf^^t/'/'Tz / j> /3 ^ 7^ y-?K:- y >*-<^7 _ici 2^ ^y/y /z:Y^-.^-y j) tt^ •- o-f^'f^ 7y^~7~^ ^ Yc.y,^ . - c ' ' ^«.. — t^^yi m^-... k ~/7~Z7 ^

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