Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. rr /z. o ^ _ fty^y/ \s^ rr ^2-^ J^'r^ c^ S , /// k //V o^T^'^. /L*>^ur-c^ ^7r:yr: z/r ^/Atr^ Pu:2i£fM>i ■ ^S^^.Or^. • .yi^^‘^ ( ^2r Ji>/ y. . y-r-. / ' y,-r^^A.'^ /■■^. '^^2. <2^—/. Af-y y /^jy /. -. . y Z<, y>Cy ■r<^<'-Y>'‘^ 'y^'''^ 1 o 7^ rr^ ^11 -J 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved Missouri Botanicai Garden ^ C>'i■'^^<^lf-^i^ ^ <£2___S p^iifst^t^r-c^'cLs^ ^5__9-^ ih^^>~^ T^Cr G_^ ^ ef'A ^ ^ ■i^^.«S)~»^j-,^ ^^ce*S~ C~iv<<^ t? <~3^ ^ IQ MiSSOU R I copyright reserved do93 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden / 00 ~^ - 40 0 -/-^^ - >-- 5 . ^> --- 01 23456789 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden 30 f S ^ (^j. . V / //^ /y^ 01 23456789 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden W/ssouRj ^^ORGB ^OTAmCkL ^^PERS. 1 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical m copyright reserved Garden 2 ^ ^ ^ ffj- fK6- X 'ZXf^X^X XX 3 XZ^,3C. J r /^'~^ '2^_ ^ r^jor, ' <^5^-^— _rtr~' ''"^ ^ZZ4- ’^rry^rry^r.,/^.^ A^X \ -rf- ■^‘ — yjXXrr 7 8 9 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL copyright reserved garden ^ ^ e-^ -ciV^^ /'A' cC zr 01 23456789 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden ^^ssoun, , 4 ,., . . iipiiiu u u u U ""' m 01 23456789 10 Missouri BOTAN ICAL cm copyright reserved garden Z! /ifc copyright reserved 3