Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. ■4p. - V -/^ Jc^6^ 7^«t--^ r -C^ J'-^ ^ y^^xr-i 'iT-»--^ ^ y'i-'999- * c=^^l — -V c^-- .^ _ JL-^z^T^S 0123456789 10 cm copyright reserved v!5z Missouri BOTAN ICAL 5"2 ■J:: / MiSSOURI BOTANICAL GARDK*» qeors^EngeUaann paper? cm 23456789 10 copyright reserved ^>. 2 ^; r.-^r /^C^./ 2 :—^ t. 7^ ZZ^' ^ ^ CS-:^ r~^a-^ jn ^ ^z,:^ Z^^;.-.^'/- I'f^-Z ^ y (D^,\ ft-^f C ^ e iB^ yZr/^ "^A e,^*-»i_^ — ' ^7 ^ >---7 T' ZT/^ /- /^Z»->r'^^v^ >?-C/ jf.^- ‘ K (2-^ Z'^,/ ZZ:/ copyright reserved i'a 5“? MISSOURI BOTANIC/VL EN.GELMAN.N GARDEN papers \ \ BOTAN ICAL 4 ^: o>_vz- -^z:: — ^ ^ x/^r^ ' 355 ' 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical copyright reserved garden Si[,'ssoyp( mmicKi. gardeh BiSftSi mSLMAHN PAPERS fi^J\\ ^;A.z