Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number displayed online refers to the sequentially created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. f: MU bu? *j n*£y< A'^j) £r -r w ^ 2 ? /«*>*_ — • ^ 2 . ^ v ~/. . ; y^r , 01 23456789 10 Missouri ... . Botanical cm copyright reserved garden Missouri ®«0fi 6£ Both me m £ "geujaam Papers Missouri Botan ical Garden 6 7 8 9 10 copyright reserved S238 ... . Botanical cm copyright reserved garden 5^3 1 Missouri George jjot^hicW- EhgelW^h GFkROEtf PAPERS Missouri Botan ical Garden cm 234567 89 10 copyright reserved 01 234567 89 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved r'r^— — — jy^S ^ *— ~^- r 4 #*£?£& ' /* r^iCiCdZ. £Ls^^ //««*» 6H3&6E. PABEES Ja^ /?/e George Ehgeeb ^ 11 GARDEN papers 01 234567 89 10 cm copyright reserved