Missouri Botanical Garden PETER H. RAVEN LIBRARY Pagination Note: Since many of the items lack a specific page number, the page number dispiayed oniine refers to the sequentiaily created number each item was given upon cataloging the materials. ,«™ _5l ^^zr-f'-zT'^^^’^ -^ — ' '^•* ' ^ ^ .“7^^ . ^ <^T SH3dVJ-3 ~~i^^ 4-'*^ ^ X>«-, ^ ^^ 2rf|-, //L^ y<<'- — 9 v,,v^ *^~ y^, ^4/^ y, if; . ' '^■*5a^^■^4^*-7 ^ U'^'^\ zC^ -«s^^ 4m0^ ■ ^ 7«=«<««_ ^ ^'55' §t,'t — /• Mi^ - f . v>i^ ^t-^*^P^..^^e4e^ ^Xyyg,e^c ,^^ ^ ^ yf.^ ^ ^ *y^ Tit C~»J^> ^^ * yk^. /^ J_ -2fC<: ,^4r ^_J '35? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Missouri Botanical cm copyright reserved garden • ■ '*'■ *'■■ ■ '•* '' . •’ ■■■ ^ ■' 'WlS^pURI BOWNJCAt GRRDEI?' . . George ENGEfe^iANN Papers £^n^rnC^Z33 e , <20<^ C'Zl^'X^