UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE UNITED STaTEsS NATIONAL HERBARIUM VOLUME 31 THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA By EMERY C. LEONARD Associate Curator of Phanerogams United States National Museum SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION e WASHINGTON, D. C. © 1958 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED States NATIONAL MusEUM UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1958 Publications of the United States National Herbarium The United States National Herbarium, which was founded by the Smithsonian Institution, was transferred in the year 1868 to the Department of Agriculture and continued to be maintained by that department until July 1, 1896, when it was returned to the official custody of the Smithsonian Institution. The Department of Agri- culture, however, continued to publish the series of botanical reports entitled “Contributions from the United States National Herbarium,” which it had begun in the year 1890, until, on July 1, 1902, the Na- tional Museum, in pursuance of an act of Congress, assumed respon- sibility for the publication. The first seven volumes of the series where issued by the Department of Agriculture. REMINGTON KE.LLOoGa, Director, United States National Museum. III ERRATA—PART 8 Page 426, line 9 from bottom: For “ultimal” read “ultimae.” Page 487, line 9 from bottom: For “adhatoda” read “hyssopifolia.” Page 770, after line 1 insert the following line: Page 3, line 17: For “Jacobinia magnifica” read “Jacobinia carnea (Lindl. ) Nicholson.” Page 772, line 14: For “Page ii” read “Page iii.” Page 776, Index : For “Cyphaeanthus” read “Cyphacanthus.” Iv CONTENTS Page Part 1. The Acanthaceae of Colombia, I: Subfamilies Nel- sonioideae, Mendoncioideae, Thunbergioideae, Acanthoideae. (Published June 8,1951) . . . 1-117 Part 2. The Acanthaceae of Colombia, II: Subfamily Acanthoideae, continued. (Published Novem- ber 10,1958)... eee ee 119-322 Part 3. The Acanthaceae of Colombia, III: Subfamily Acanthoideae, completed. (Published February 4,1958) 0. 323-781 Vv The Acanthaceae of Colombia 5 * / (. , 3| Sy CONTRIBUTIONS Yo, © a uh! nae wt - FROM T — O HE » Withd: UNITED STATES NATIONAL HE! BARIUM VotumeE 31, Part 1 THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, I By EMERY C. LEONARD SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM WASHINGTON, D.C. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE Unttep States NATIONAL HERBARIUM Votum_E 31, Part 1 THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, I By EMERY C. LEONARD UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1951 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25,D.C. - Price 50 cents BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM PREFACE Tux present paper, by E. C. Leonard, associate curator of the De- partment of Botany, U. S. National Museum, is the first of three parts of a critical account of the Acanthaceae of Colombia. Mr. Leonard has studied this family over a period of many years and has prepared various systematic and regional revisions. The family is divided into four subfamilies, of which the first three are treated in their entirety in this first part ; of the fourth and largest subfamily, 5 of its 18 tribes are covered in the present paper. The Acanthaceae include many showy and beautiful plants, which are or should be in cultivation; the family is cosmopolitan in the tropical and subtropical parts of the world and is especially well developed in Andean America. In Colombia the family demonstrates a high percentage of specific endemism. Fourteen genera, including 72 species, of which 30 are described as new, are discussed in the present treatment. J. R. SWALLeEN, Head Curator, Department of Botany, United States National Museum. II CONTENTS Page Introduction_______--_-------------------------------------------- 1 Systematic treatment ---.------------------------------------------ 4 Subfamily Nelsonioideae_-.-.----------------------------------- 4 Staurogyne...----------------------------------------- 5 Elytraria_....---------------------------------------- 7 Nelsonia...__.---------------+------------------------ 10 Subfamily Mendoncioideae------------------------------------- 10 Mendoncia__.______---_--------------------------+---- 11 Subfamily Thunbergioideae_-__-_-_-.----------------------------- 40 Thunbergia_...--------------------------------------- 40 Subfamily Acanthoideae___-----_------------------------------- 44 Series Contortae_._._......--_-------------------------------- 44 Tribe Trichanthereae_.____.._-_--------------------------- 45 Bravaisia.____.____----------------------------------- 45 Trichanthera__.._._----------------------------------- 47 Sanchezia_...-.-.-------------------------------------- 51 Tribe Hygrophileae______---------------------------------- 57 Hygrophila_......------------------------------------- 58 Tribe Petalidieae_______._-__------------------------------- 60 Blechum__...__.__------------------------------------- 60 Phaylopsis___-.--------------------------------------- 64 Tribe Rucllieae__.-.__------------------------------------- 65 Ruellia_._.......-------------------------------------- 66 Tribe Barlerieae__.___-_---_------------------------------- 109 Barleria_..._.._--------------------------------------- 109 Teliostachya__._-.------------------------------------- 111 Index_______________---------------- +--+ -- = - -- ee 115 ILLUSTRATIONS Page 1. Staurogyne lepidagathoides Leonard._____.__.___________________. . 6 2. Elytraria imbricata (Vahl) Pers. ._.-------- 9 3. Nelsonia brunelloides (Lam.) Kuntze___.____.______...____.______. 11 4. Mendoncia cordata Leonard_.______.._________________________... 17 5. Mendoncia mirabilis Leonard____.__.._________________..___..... 19 6. Mendoncia glabrescens Leonard____..-__--_____________._..______- 24 7. Mendoncia pennellii Leonard______-.--.._--______-_ 26 8. Mendoncia glomerata Leonard__-__..___-.-_-__-___ 27 9. Mendoncia rosea Leonard._______-_-.-_-_____________....___..._.... 29 10. Mendoneia litoralis Leonard. __..--2----- a 31 11. Mendoncia gilva Leonard________-____.-__.-_-_-___- 33 12. Mendoncia odorata Leonard__....--_._._________...__............ 35 13. Afendoncia mutisit Leonard._...-..--..-_--8 37 14, Mendoneia cuatrecasasti Leonard_________________..._.____....... 37 15, Mendoncia microchlamys Leonard___--________________..____...... 40 16. Thunbergia fragrans Roxb. __.-.-.---------- 43 17. Bravaisia integerrima (Spreng.) Standl. _________ oe ee 47 18. Trichanthera gigantea (Humb. & Bonpl.) Nees__________.__________ 49 19. Sanchezia lutea Leonard__...._.._-_______._________......... 54 20. Sanchezia putumayensis Leonard.__________________________....... 56 21. Hygrophila guianensis Nees__...._..-....____._______.._.__..__.. 59 22. Blechum brownei Juss. forma puberulum Leonard....._____________.. 61 23. Blechum haughtit Leonard_________ wee ee 63 24. Phaylopsis parviflora Willd. _-----..______.._..__................ 65 25. Ruellia tolimensis Leonard___...-_________._______._............. 70 26. Ruellia potamophila Leonard__________- Wee eee 72 27. Ruellia chariessa Leonard_._-_.___.--_____._____.._.__........... 75 28. Ruellia grisea Leonard___...-.-_.-__________...__... 81 29. Ruellia ischnopoda Leonard_____________.________._....__........ 83 30. Ruellia caucensis Leonard____..------_-____ 85 31. Ruellia rusbyi Leonard___-..-._________._......... eee eee 87 32. Ruellia viridiflora Leonard__.-.--_-_________________......... 99 33. Ruellia pennellii Leonard_.---.--------- 101 34. Ruellia colombiana Leonard__-.--..________..__________.......... 103 35. Ruellia aquatica Leonard___....--___________..______............ 104 36. Ruellia lasiostachya Leonard__.________________.__._.___......_.. 106 37. Ruellia putumayensis Leonard________________._______.._........ 106 38. Ruellia uribei Leonard_______________- wee eee 108 39. Barleria cristata LL. _....-- 2 111 40. Teliostachya lanceolata Nees__.._________.__._____________....... 114 VI THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, I By Emery C. LEONARD INTRODUCTION Prior to this present revision no attempt has been made to bring together taxonomic considerations of all the Colombian Acanthaceae. In DeCandolle’s Prodromus (vol. 11, 1847), Nees published the then known Colombian species. Subsequently, a number of isolated ones were described by Lindau and other botanists, but no general work containing keys has yet been attempted. This present paper is by no means the final word, for almost any fair-sized new collection will still produce undescribed material, especially in the genera Af endoncia, Ruellia, Aphelandra, and Dicliptera. The specimens studied so far seem to indicate that botanical exploration is still needed in eastern Colombia. The new Putumayo material, for example, has furnished abundant novelties. What further or extensive collections will reveal from Amazonas, Vaupés, Arauca, eastern Caqueta, Meta, and Boyaca can be left only to conjecture. The purpose of this paper is to discuss, in an orderly fashion, all the known Colombian species of the family as a ready reference for botanists, so that they may identify their collections of acanthaceous plants or use the keys for detecting further undescribed species. Ex- cept for brief discussions to indicate the possible relationship of novelties to allied species, no attempt has been made in this paper to consider the phylogeny of the family. A thorough treatment of this subject is required in monographiec works but is extraneous in a re- vision. For the same reason detailed morphological discussions, except for the formal descriptions, will also be omitted. Full synonomy has not been attempted. Only the name-bringing synonyms or those based wholly or partly on Colombian species, as a rule, have been included. In tropical and subtropical regions, the family as a whole is cosmo- politan, although a number of genera are confined to one hemisphere only. Strange as it may seem, with the exception of a few species of Acanthus in the Mediterranean region, no Acanthaceae are to be found in Europe, even though Africa abounds in them. The following list will show in a general way the distribution of the genera treated in Part I of my revision : 1 2 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Staurogyne: Both hemispheres. Elytraria: Tropical America. Nelsonia: Both hemispheres. Mendoncia: Tropical America. Thunbergia: Old World, but mostly African. Bravaisia: Tropical America. Trichanthera: Tropical America. Sanchezia: Tropical America. Hygrophila: Both hemispheres. Blechum: Both hemispheres. Phaylopsis: Eastern hemisphere. An escape in America. Ruellia: Both hemispheres, Barleria: Both hemispheres. Teliostachya: Tropical America and west Africa. In view of the mountainous nature of Colombia, endemism is to be expected; many of the new species treated here are based on a single collection, and the range of others is limited to a single department or to a few adjacent ones. Colombian species seldom occur in Peru. There is, nevertheless, some affinity along the eastern border to the plants of northwestern Brazil and western Venezuela. But, again, there is scarcely any affinity to the Panamanian flora except in the case of a few species that follow the mountain ranges of Panama down through El Chocé. This large and complex group of plants has been placed by Engler, in his System,’ between the small families Globulariaceae and Plan- taginaceae, but it is near the larger and more complex family Ges- neriaceae. Because of a superficial resemblance, confusion sometimes arises in distinguishing these two families. Certain characteristics are almost always present, however, by which an acanthaceous plant can be recognized. The most prominent and easiest to detect of these characters is the presence of cystoliths, small mineral concretions ap- pearing as minute short lines on the upper surface of the leaf blades, the upper portions of the stems, on the branches of the inflorescence, and on the calyx. Similar cystoliths do occur in a few other distant families such as Urticaceae. In Acanthaceae they are lacking only on the members of the first three (relatively small) subfamilies (Nel- sonioideae, Mendoncioideae, and Thunbergioideae), and for some un- accountable reason in the large genus Aphelandra of the fourth sub- family (Acanthoideae). In Mendoncioideae raised stelliform mark- ings at the bases of the hairs on the upper surface of the leaf blades may appear to be of the nature of cystoliths. Bremekamp,? however, contends that they are merely large raised epidermal cells so elevated by differential shrinkage. A more general earmark of the family, and * Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, ed. 5, 201, 1907. * Rec. Trav. Bot. Néerl. 35: 141. 1938. LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, I 3 peculiar to it, is the unusual subulate hook-shaped extension of the funicle (retinacula), which supports the seed. This character is again lacking in the fruit of the first three subfamilies. Superficially there are actually few traits that associate these subfamilies with typical Acanthaceae. Probably the best-known acanthaceous plants in cultivation belong to the genus Acanthus (axavOos, thorny plant). This name was also given to bear’s-breech or Acanthus mollis. A conventionalized form of the leaf of A. mollés may have been the one used so extensively in Roman architecture. That ornamenting Corinthian columns was sup- posed to have been derived from A. spinosus Li. Some of the plants of the family are reported to have medicinal qualities but are not included in the standard works of materia medica. Many others have beautiful and conspicuous flowers, especially in the genera Sanchezia, Ruellia, and Aphelandra, but most of these are dif- ficult to grow, thrive only in greenhouses, and even there require espe- cial care. Jacobinia magnifica Benth. & Hook., Aphelandra auran- tiaca Lindl. or some of its forms, and Sanchezia speciosa Leonard are perhaps the species most often met with in greenhouses. Recently Beloperone guttata Brandeg., from Mexico, has become popular as a pot plant. In tropical regions a number of species of Thunbergia are encouraged as garden plants. The sequence of subfamilies and tribes is that of Dalla Torre and Harms’ Genera Siphonogamarum. The specimens cited are chiefly those deposited in the U. S. National Herbarium. > _.... Wg Systematic treatment -------------------------------- Woe eee eee 119 Subfamily Acanthoideae (continued from Part 1)... __.-.---.------ 9 Series Imbricatae..-...----------------- oo eee ee ----- _.. 119 Tribe Aphelandreae-_----------------- ee 120 Neriacanthus____---------- ue e ee ee © Stenandrium_.._-.-----------.----------------7+ cc 124 Aphelandra-_----------------- ee eee nee eee 127 Encephalosphaera- - - ---- - - 8 eee eee ---- =: 280 Cyphacanthus.-.-----------.--- ~~ ------- 205-2 rr torre 282 Tribe Rhombochlamydeae- - --. ee eee eee eee -+ 285 Rhombochlamys. -- - - - - - eee eee eee. 285 Tribe Asystasieae__----- -.------ ------- =e eee rrr 287 Asystasia_..--------------- = <5 ==) ener 287 Tribe Graptophylleae-~.-.---------- Wo eee eee ----- 289 . Pachystachys_--------.--- ------- 5-05 0-500 rr te _... 290 Tribe Pseuderanthemeae----------------------------> woe ee 291 Pseuderanthemum_..--.--------------------- Wee eee 292 Index__._.___--_- eee eee ee enn eee rt 321 172485 peppeet —- Nov oa ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURES . Neriacanthus grandiflorus Leonard_-------------------------------- _ Stenandrium dulce (Cav.) Nees_--------------------------------7> . Aphelandra mutisii Leonard _- -------------------------------77>> _ Aphelandra euopla Leonard_-_----------------------------7-05007> . Aphelandra porphyrocarpa Leonard-- --- - - (eee eee ------- . Aphelandra phobera Leonard------------------------ one eee . Aphelandra huilensis Leonard------- - Wo eee eee ---- a . Aphelandra porphyrolepis Leonard-----_------------ one -- _ . Aphelandra crispata Leonard - - - - -------- (oo eee ------ a . Aphelandra botanodes Leonard -- --------------------------->>>> _. . Aphelandra silvicola Leonard. - - -------------- . Aphelandra adscendens Leonard. - - - - - 8 nee eee eee . Aphelandra ochrolarynx Leonard. - - ~~~ ----- Wo eee eee . Aphelandra uribet Leonard - - -------- — _. . Aphelandra lonchochlamys Leonard. --------------- ~~ =-=-"- >>> _ . Aphelandra puberula Leonard------ - - oo eee eee . Aphelandra leiophylla Leonard-- ------------------- a Woe . Aphelandra nana Leonard----------- eee eee . Aphelandra sneidernit Leonard.--.------------- (eee a . Aphelandra lamprantha Leonard - - ------------------ Woo ee eee -ee . Aphelandra lasia Leonard------------ - . Aphelandra taborensis Leonard----- ------ oe ee --- . Aphelandra anomala Leonard----------------- owe eee ool ee . Aphelandra glischrochlamys Leonard__.___._---------------------- . Aphelandra phlogea Leonard.---------------------------7 55000077 . Aphelandra lasiophylla Leonard - - ------------------------>--707- . Aphelandra conformis Leonard----------------------------0070077 . Aphelandra colombiensis Lindau ex Leonard _ - --- (eee eee . Aphelandra boyacensis Leonard - - - -----------------------> 777077 . Aphelandra arisema Leonard_----------------------------007 7700" . Aphelandra killipii Leonard - - --- ------------------------ 007007 . Aphelandra cuatrecasasii Leonard - - - ------------------------7 7077 . Aphelandra craura Leonard_---------------------------0 50 rrr . Aphelandra pilosa Leonard --------------------------5 0050 rtreee . Aphelandra schieferae Leonard - -- ------------------------->7>7777 . Aphelandra parvispica Leonard - - - ------------------------070 7077 . Aphelandra mildbraediana Leonard - - -------------------------7777 . Aphelandra barkleyi Leonard - - - -------------------------70007077 . Aphelandra daemonia Leonard - - -------------------------77-77777 . Aphelandra grandis Leonard_----------------------------75777777 . Aphelandra aristet Leonard --------------------------- 5-50 500 0707 . Aphelandra trianae Leonard - - ------------------------525 000 c 00 VIII 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94, 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114, 115. 116. 117. 118. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Aphelandra albert-smithii Leonard._...-..-_._.___.__._......_... Aphelandra macrophylla Leonard.___........._.._............... Aphelandra schultesti Leonard_--......-.-...___._.............. Aphelandra sericantha Leonard... _. ........ ss ae Aphelandra zanthantha Leonard-..- ss! Soe Aphelandra straminea Leonard._.... =. oe Aphelandra scolnikae Leonard........_........_......._. oe Aphelandra sericophylla Leonard... ______...____. re Aphelandra garciae Leonard _____- ~ oe ene eee eee, Aphelandra crenata Leonard._______.______._..._____. oe Aphelandra lingua-bovis Leonard_..___..........__.__. oo Aphelandra fernandezii Leonard........_.. .... st a Aphelandra chaponensis Leonard_. =... ne Aphelandra pharangophila Leonard_________ ee Aphelandra arborescens Leonard_-_..._...... ne Encephalosphaera vitellina Lindau. _- wo Cyphacanthus atopus Leonard_.-___._._._._.....____._ Rhombochlamys rosulata Lindau_._......... oo. Asystasia gangetica (L.) T. Anders... ©... Leen ee Pachystachys riedeliana Nees.......... ....... .... Pseuderanthemum haughtii Leonard....._._.....__............._. Pseuderanthemum idroboi Leonard...______ - eee, Pseuderanthemum hylophilum Leonard..............__.......__.. Pseuderanthemum chaponense Leonard THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II By Emery C. LEONARD INTRODUCTION Ten tribes are listed by Dalla Torre and Harms (Genera Siphono- gamarum) in the series Imbricatae. Eight of these tribes are repre- sented by one or more genera from Colombia. The following five tribes are discussed in the present treatment: 6. Aphelandreae 7. Rhombochlamydeae 8. Asystasieae 9. Graptophylleae 10. Pseuderanthemeae The remaining. three tribes, Odontonemeae, Isoglosseae, and Justi- cieae, will be reserved for treatment in Part III of the Acanthaceae of Colombia. SYSTEMATIC TREATMENT Subfamily 4. ACANTHOIDEAE (continued from Part 1) * Series B. IMBRICATAE Imbricatae Lindau, Bot. Jahrb. Engler 18: 46. 1893. The following artificial key will serve to separate the Colombian genera represented in the five tribes listed above: Anthers 1-celled. Corolla lobes subequal, spreading. Bracts pink or white; plants shrubby_----------------- 15. Neriacanthus Bracts usually green; plants herbaceous--------------- 16. Stenandrium Corollas 2-lipped. Calyx 3-parted__-------------------------~------------ 19, Cyphacanthus Calyx 5-parted. Pollen grains spherical, the surfaces divided into tetragons. 18, Encephalosphaera Pollen grains elongated, cleft. Spaltenpollen (ellipsoidal grains with 3 longitudinal clefts, often with a pore in each cleft) -------------------------- 17. Aphelandra Daubenpollen (differing from the spaltenpollen in having the clefts much broader and flatter (i. e., stave-shaped ) and each containing @ pore) ----------------------------------- 20. Rhombochlamys 1B. C. Leonard, Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., 31, pt. 1: 44, 1951. 119 120 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Anthers 2-celled. Stamens 4__-_-_-___-_-- 21, Asystasia Stamens 2. Corolla large, 2-lipped; staminodes, if present, rudimentary ; bracts large. 22. Pachystachys Corolla usually small with a limb of 5 subequal spreading lobes; staminodes well developed; bracts small_________________ 23. Pseuderanthemum Tribe 6. APHELANDREAE Nees Aphelandreae Nees, DC. Prodr. 11: 279. 1847. Herbs or shrubs; leaves various; flowers borne in bracted spikes; calyx 5-parted, the segments subequal, membranaceous-chartaceous, striate; corolla hypocrateriform or infundibular, the limb subregular, bilabiate, or ringent; stamens 4, subdidynamous; anthers 1-celled, often connected by their hirsute tips; capsules clavate, 4-seeded. KEY TO THE GENERA Corolla lobes subequal, spreading, the tube narrow. Plants shrubby ; bracts rather large, toothed, white or pink ; staminodes slender. 15. Neriacanthus Plants herbaceous, often subacaulescent; bracts small, usually lanceolate, entire (in Colombian species), green ; staminodes none__ 16. Stenandrium Corollas 2-lipped, the tube usually infundibular, although narrowly go, but the mouth always appreciably broader than the base. Calyx 3-parted_________-_-_-- 19. Cyphacanthus Calyx 5-parted. Pollen grains ellipsoidal bearing 3 longitudinal clefts, each of these often bearing a pore________---- 17. Aphelandra Pollen grains spherical, the markings forming 6 tetragons. 18. Encephalosphaera 15. NERIACANTHUS Benth. Neriacanthus Benth., in Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 2: 1096. 1876. This is one of the many generic names in the family Acanthaceae formed by adding a prefix to Acanthus. Here the prefix Neri, from vnpés, means wet, in allusion, undoubtedly, to the high damp mountain slopes, the natural habitat of the species. Type species: Neriacanthus purdieanus Benth. Type locality: Jamaica. Aphanandrium Lindau; Engl. & Prantl, Planzenfam. IV, 3b: 328. 1895. The hame is derived from agav#s, invisible, and avépés male sex, in allusion, no doubt, to the deeply included stamens. Type species: Aphanandrium lehmannianum, Plants shrubby; leaves opposite, the blades entire or undulate ; flowers borne in terminal or axillary peduncled spikes; bracts im- bricate, entire, usually colored, conspicuous; bractlets shorter than the calyx; calyx deeply 5-parted, the segments narrow, the posterior one slightly wider than the others, all striate-nerved, their margins subhyaline; corolla tube subcylindric, the lobes imbricate, the posterior LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 121 lobe borne innermost and slightly larger than the others, the anterior pair borne outermost; fertile stamens 4, included; staminode filiform ; anthers narrow, 1-celled, terminated by a slender tip; capsules short- stipitate, glabrous, nitid, finely punctate, 4-seeded, the basal portion solid; seeds flattened, suborbicular, subtended by blunt-tipped reti- nacula. Previous to the present paper only two species have been proposed in this genus, V. lehmannianus, from Colombia and Pert, and ¥. purdieanus Benth. from Jamaica. The genus is easily recognized by its white, whitish or pinkish bracts, slender-tubed corollas, and 1-celled anthers. KEY TO THE SPECIES Corolla lilac, 4 em. long__--------------------------------- 1. WN. grandiflorus Corolla white or yellow proximally, 2 cm. long_---------- 2. N. lehmannianus 1. Neriacanthus grandiflorus Leonard, sp. nov. Fieurn 41 Suffrutex, caulibus quadrangularibus, glabris; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, apice acuminata, apice ipso obtuso, basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, glabra, vel in venis parce puberulenta et in marginibus parce et minute hirsuta ; petioli glabri; pendunculi glabri; spicae terminales; bracteae albae vel subvirides, minute punctatae, glabrae, oblongo-ellipticae, subacutae, basi angustatae, in marginibus minute serratae; bracteolae anguste lanceolatae, striatae, glabrae; calycis segmenta anguste lanceolata, glabra, basi carinata et indurata ; corolla lilacina, supra puberula, infra glabra, tubo angusto, lobis rotundatis vel leviter emarginatis; capsulae glabrae, minute punctatae. Suffrutescent plants up to 1 meter high; stems subquadrangular, glabrous, the basal portion about 5 mm. thick; leaf blades oblong-ellip- tic, 3 to 10 cm. long, 1.5 to 4.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate at apex (the tip itself blunt), gradually narrowed from middle or slightly above middle to base and decurrent on the petiole, the upper surface drying brown, the lower surface greenish brown, glabrous except the minutely and sparingly hirsute margins and the sparingly puberulous costa and veins (8 or 9 pairs), these fairly prominent ; petioles 1 to 1.5 cm. long, «labrous; spikes terminal, about 8 cm. long and 3 cm. broad; peduncles 3-4 em. long, glabrous; bracts greenish white, or at maturity white, glabrous, minutely and distantly punctate, oblong-elliptic, about 23. mm. long and 9 mm. wide, acutish, narrowed to 3 mm. at base, 10- or 12- veined, the margins minutely serrate toward tip, the teeth about 0.25 mm. long and 1.5 mm. broad at base; bractlets narrowly lanceolate, un- equal, the larger 8.5 mm. long and 1.25 mm. wide, the smaller one 8 mm. long and barely 1 mm. wide, both acute, parallel-nerved and glabrous, the costa prominent; calyx segments subequal, narrowly lanceolate, 1 em. long, 1 to 1.5 mm. wide, acute, glabrous, finely parallel-nerved, the basal portion carinate and indurate; corolla lilac, 4 cm. long, glabrous without from base to middle of tube, thence minutely puberulous, gla- 122 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM brous within except the medial region, this minutely hirsute, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, white, spreading, the tube narrowly cylindric, 1.5 mm. broad except at the regions of the anthers, here enlarged to 2mm., the limb 1.5 cm. broad, the lobes spreading, obovate, about 1 em. long and 6 to 8 mm. wide, rounded or shallowly emarginate; stamens inserted about 2 cm. above the base of the corolla tube, the filaments 1 mm. long, pilosulous; anthers 3 mm. long, their tips adherent ; capsules glabrous, clavate, 1.5 cm. long, 5 mm. broad, 2.5 mm. thick, minutely punctate; retinacula 2.5 mm. long, nearly straight, the tips cucullate; mature seed not seen. Ficure 41.—WNeriacanihus grandifiorus Leonard (Cuatrecasas 15625): a, Tip of stem showing inflorescence and uppermost leaf blades; 4, bract; c, bractlet; ¢, calyx opened to show lobes; ¢, valve of capsule showing retinacula. (a, Halt natural size; b-e, natural size.) Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1852711, collected in forest of La Laguna, on the left bank of Rio Sanguinin{f, Department of El Valle, Colombia, 1,250 to 1,400 meters altitude, December 10 to 20, 1943, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 15625). Neriacanthus grandiflorus is a well-marked species definitely dis- tinct from V. lehmannianus and easily separated from it by its large lilac flowers and by the nearly glabrous leaf blades. In V. lehman- LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 123 néianus the flowers are white and do not exceed 2 cm. in length and the leaf blades are generally puberulous. Likewise the bracts of this new species are much larger than those of WV. lehmannianus. At least some of them are as much as 23 mm. long, instead of only 15 mm. ® Neriacanthus lehmannianus (Lindau) Lindau Aphanandrium lehmannianum Lindau; Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenfam IV, 3b: 398. 1895. Named in honor of F. C. Lehmann, a collector of Costa Rican, Guatemalan, and Colombian plant specimens. -Neriacanthus lehmannianus Lindau, in Urb. Symb. Antill. 2: 209. 1900. Here, in an observation under WN. purdieanus Benth., Lindau combines the genus Aphanandrium with Neriacanthus, and cites Lehmann’s 7852 from Ecuador as type of the species. Herbs, sometimes woody at base; stems usually simple, erect or ascending, terete or subquadrangular at tip, glabrous below, the upper portions more or less puberulous, the hairs minute, sordid, variously curved; leaf blades oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate, up to 13 em. long and 4 cm. wide, acuminate or acute, narrowed at base, chartaceous, entire or undulate, the upper surface drying blackish, glabrous, minutely faveolate under lens, the costa and lateral veins (8 to 12 pairs) obscure, the lower surface drying olive, puberulous, the hairs sordid; petioles 1 to 1.5 cm. long, puberulous; flowers borne in peduncled spikes 3 to 6 cm. long and 1 to 1.5 cm. broad, the spikes terminal, solitary or in 2’s or 3’s, the peduncles 1 to 4 cm. long, these and the rachis quadrangular, glabrous or nearly so; bracts obovate, the larger and lowermost about 15 mm, long and 7 mm. wide, successively smaller toward tip of spike, all obtuse, more or less chartaceous, glabrous, irregularly and sparingly serrate, pink in living plants, drying reddish brown; bractlets narrowly lanceolate, 5 to 5.5 mm. long, about 0.75 mm. wide, gradually narrowed to a subulate tip, glabrous, carinate, striate-nerved, the costa prominent ; calyx 6 to 6.5 mm. long, the segments linear-lanceolate, gradually narrowed to a subulate tip, the posterior segment 1 mm. wide, the lateral ones 0.5 mm. wide, and the anterior pair 0.75 mm. wide, all glabrous and striate-nerved; corolla white, or yellow proximally, glabrous, 1.5 to 2 cm. long, the tube 12 mm. long, 1 mm. broad at base, enlarged to 1.75 mm. at 3 mm. above base, thence gradually narrowed to 1 mm. at mouth, the upper portion subcylindric, the limb about 1 cm. broad, the lobes elliptic or obovate, emarginate, the posterior lobe 6 mm. long, 5 mm. wide, the lateral and anterior ones 6 mm. long, and 2.25 to 2.5 mm. wide; stamens inserted about the middle of the corolla tube, the filaments about 2 mm. long, these and the portion of the corolla tube in the vicinity of their insertion pubescent, the anthers 2 mm. long, 0.20 mm. broad, affixed midway between middle and base, their tips recurved; pistil about 1 cm. long, glabrous; capsules 12 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, pointed at apex, gla- 124 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM brous, nitid, minutely punctate, 4-seeded, the solid basal portion about 3mm. long and 2 mm. broad, the seed brown, the retinacula 2 mm. long, rounded and cucullate at tip. Damp woods or clearings on the higher mountain slopes or summits. The specimens cited were collected from 1,700 to 2,900 meters. Colombia to Peru. Catpas: La Linea, Quindio, Dryander 2140 (US). Cauca: Between Timbiqui and Micay, Lehmann B. T. 449 (NY). Ei VALLE: La Cumbre, Hazen & Killip 11152 (Ph, NY, US); Pennell & Killip 5789 (Ph, NY, US). San Antonio, Dryander 2288 (Valle); Killip & Garctu 33678 (US), 38889 (US). Calf, Lehmann 2966 (US). Cuesta de Tocotad, on road from Buenaventura to Calf, Pittier 610 (US). DEPARTMENT (?) : Sommet de la Cordillera Occidental, Langlassé 44 (US). 16. STENANDRIUM Nees Stenandrium Nees, in Lindl. Intr. Bot., ed. 2, 444, 1886. The name comes from orevés, Darrow, and avydpés, male sex, and alludes to the narrow anthers, a character common to the tribe Aphelandreae. Type species: Stenandrium mandioccanum Nees. Small perennial, caulescent or acaulescent herbs, the leaves often radical; flowers borne in spikes, these sessile, subsessile, pedunculate or borne on slender scapes, the peduncles or scapes simple or branched; bracts ovate to lanceolate, herbaceous, entire or occasionally toothed ; calyx segments 5, narrow, subequal, usually striate-nerved; corollas pink, white or purple, the tube slender, cylindric, more or less incurved and briefly ampliate at throat, the limb oblique, spreading, 5-lobed, the lobes obovate, rounded or retuse, imbricate ; Stamens 4, didynamous, affixed in the throat of the corolla tube, included, the filaments very short, the anthers oblong, 1-celled, conniving or subcohering in pairs, sometimes barbellate at tip, muticous at base; style subclavate at apex, briefly 2-lobed ; ovules 2 in each cavity ; capsules oblong to subfusiform, subterete ; seeds 4 or fewer by abortion, plano-compressed, orbiculate, minutely hispid or muricate, subtended by rather long retinacula. The species of this genus are widely distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of America. The acaulescent ones are easy enough to recognize by virtue of their habit alone; the stemmed plants may confuse one at first sight by their very different appearance, but they always possess the characteristic flowers of the genus. More than 60 species are now recognized. KEY TO THE SPECIES Plants caulescent. Stems glabrous; spikes borne in terminal trichotomous corymbs; leaf blades long-cuspidate___-..------ 1. S. corymbosum Stems pubescent; spikes borne on simple or forked peduncles; leaf blades acutish_-----_-- 2. 8S. radicosum LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 125 Plants acaulescent. Peduncles shorter than or but slightly exceeding the leaves; leaf blades ovate to oblong-ovate or oblong-elliptic, obtuse at apex_-—---------- 3. 8S. dulce Peduncles much exceeding the leaves; leaf blades oblong, acuminate. 4, 8S. humboldtianum 1. Stenandrium corymbosum Nees Stenandrium corymbosum Nees, DC. Prodr. 11: 727. 1847. Type collected in Colombia by Lobb (No. 171) (Hooker Herbarium, Kew). Corymbosum alludes to the flat-topped inflorescence, this contrasting with the usually peduncled spikes of the genus. Herbs; stem about 30 cm. high, simple, more or less succulent, glabrous; leaf blades oblong, 10 to 12 cm. long, 2 to 2.5 cm. wide, obtusish and long-cuspidate at apex, acute at base, entire; petioles up to 18 mm. long; flowers borne in short spikes, these in turn borne in a spreading, 3-parted corymb; bracts oval, much longer than the calyx, obtuse, membranaceous, sessile, spreading; bractlets shorter than the calyx; corolla about 13 mm. long. Not seen. Description compiled from the original. Endemic. 2. Stenandrium radicosum Nees Stenandrium radicosum Nees, DC. Prodr. 11: 283. 1847. Type locality : “Prope S. Martha et Maracaybo in Colombia in silvis montanis humidis (h. Hooker), Moritz n. 1273 in h. gen. berol.” A photograph of the type material from the Berlin Herbarium is in the U. §. National Herbarium (Field Mus. photograph No. 8686). Radicosum alludes to the numerous roots supposedly produced by the plant. Stems rooting at base, leafy toward tip; leaf blades elliptic-oblong, up to 16 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, acutish at apex, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole; petioles slender, up to 4 cm. long; peduncles up to 8 cm. long, simple or forked; spikes lax, up to 5 cm. long, the bracts lanceolate, spreading, acuminate, bearing a pair of small marginal teeth near the apex, ciliate. Specimen not seen. Description compiled from the original and the dimensions computed from the photograph. The type locality as given by Nees is confusing. As Moritz is not known to have collected in Colombia his No. 1273 most likely came from the Venezuela side in the general vicinity of Maracaibo, Zulia. Since the species however may actually occur in the adjacent Santa Marta Mountains of Colombia, it has been included in the present treatment. 3. Stenandrium dulce (Cav.) Nees Figure 42 Ruellia dulcis Cav. Icon. Pl. 6: 62. pl. 585, fig. 2, 1801. Type collected near Taleahuano, Chile, by Cavanilles. Dulcis, sweet, alludes, no doubt, to the esthetic appeal of the plant. This specific name was evidently suggested to Cavanilles by its vernacular name “canchelahua dulce.” 126 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Stenandrium dulce Nees, DC. Prodr. 11: 282. 1847. Based on Ruellia dulcis v. ceraria dulcis Blake, Contr. Gray Herb. 52: 101. 1917. Based on Ruellia dulcis Cav. Rootstocks 1 to several cm. long, 3 to 5 mm. in diameter ; roots thick- fibrous; stem very short or lacking; leaf blades ovate to oblong-ovate or oblong-elliptic, up to 5 cm. long and 2.5 cm. wide, obtuse at apex, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, rather firm, entire or slightly crenate, minutely punctate, more or less hirsute, the hairs spreading, up to 1 mm. long, confined mostly to costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs) ; petioles up to 4 cm. long, both pilose and puberulous, or sometimes glabrous and sparingly ciliate, or, rarely, subtomentose ; Ficure 42.—Stenandrium dulce (Cav.) Nees (a, Pérez-Arbeldex 3031; b, c, Conde Hugo de Tarragon, Araque-M. & Barkley 18Cu.100): a, Plant; b, bract and bractlets; c, calyx segment. (a, b, Natural size; c, twice natural size.) flowers borne in sessile, subsessile or peduncled spikes, usually 2 to 3 cm. long or occasionally up to 6 cm. long, the peduncles, if present, both hirsute and puberulous; bracts oblong-lanceolate, 8 to 12 mm. long, 1.5 to 3.5 mm. wide, acute to acuminate, imbricate, inconspicu- ously 3-nerved, more or less punctate, ciliate, pilose, the hairs up to 2 mm. long, or sometimes both pilose and puberulous; bractlets nar- rowly lanceolate, about 5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, 3-nerved, ciliate; calyx segments narrowly lanceolate, 6 to 7 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, striate-nerved, minutely ciliolate, the margins subhyaline; corolla purple, glabrous, up to 2 cm. long, the tube slender, about 1 mm. broad, * The genus Gerardia L. commemorates John Gerard, a famous English herb- alist (1545 to 1607). This genus, however, belongs to the family Scrophulari- aceae, notwithstanding the fact that the first species treated by Linnaeus under Gerardia (Sp. Pl. 610. 1753) is of the family Acanthaceae. (Mon. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 1: 419, 1935.) LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 127 slightly enlarged at base, the limb about 1.5 cm. broad, the lobes sub- equal, obovate, obtuse; capsules oblong, 2.5 mm. in diameter, glabrous or puberulous at tip; seeds flattened, ovate, 3 mm. long and 2.5 mm. broad, appressed-pilose. A variable species inhabiting the grassy, upper slopes of the Andes. Colombia, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina. CunpINAMARCA: Péramo de Choachi, vicinity of Bogota, Gabriel 6 (US). La Picoté, Pérez-Arbeldez 3031 (US). Southwest of Las Cruces, Pennell 2191 (NY, US). Sabana de Bogoté, Dawe 201 (US). San Cristébal, Sabana de Bogota, Pring 36 (Mo). Sabana de Bogota, near Madrid, Conde Hugo de Tarragon, Araque & Barkley 18Cu.100 (US). Hacienda de Tequendama, Triana s. n. (Col). 4. Stenandrium humboldtianum Nees Stenandrium humboldtianum Nees, DC. Prodr. 11: 284. 1847. Type collected at Atures, Venezuela, by Humboldt and deposited in the Berlin Herbarium. Photograph in the U. 8S. National Herbarium (Field Mus. Photograph No. 8683). Named in honor of Alexander von Humboldt. Acaulescent; leaf blades oblong, acuminate, gradually narrowed to a short petiole, hirsute, entire; peduncle 15 to 20 cm. long; spikes loose ; bracts lanceolate, slightly longer than the calyx, decussate, spreading; bractlets lanceolate, 2.5 to 3mm. long, 1 mm. wide, acuminate, ciliolate ; calyx segments lanceolate, about 4 mm. long, 0.5 to 1.5 mm. wide, puberulous at tip, striate-nerved; corolla 1.5 cm. long, the tube sub- cylindric, about 1.5 mm. broad, the segments obcordate, emarginate. Colombia, Venezuela. DEPARTMENT (7?) : Without locality, Claes (US). 17. APHELANDRA R. Br. Aphelandra R. Br. Prodr, Fl. Nov. Holl. 475. 1810. Here under Justicia Robert Brown proposed the generic name Aphelandra to include the following species: Justicia puleherrima Jacq., J. scabra Vahl, and J. cristata Jacq. Type species: Justicia pulcherrima Jacq. Aphelandra is from the Greek dgeAqs, smooth, and apvSpés, anther. Hemisandra Scheidw. Bull. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles. 9: 22. 1842. Type species: H. Gurantiaca Scheidw. Hemisandra is derived from two Greek words, 7p, half, and avSpés, anther. Lagochilium Nees, in Mart. Fl. Bras. 9: 83. pl. 10. 1847. Six species are described here by Nees. The first of these, L. mazrimilianum Nees, by virtue of its being illustrated, can be chosen as the type species. When compared with Aphelundra, the genus Lagochilium is characterized, according to Nees, by its nearly regular (subbilabiate) corolla limb and generally by its herbaceous nature. It seems in a way to be intermediate between Aphelandra and Stenandrium. The epithet is derived from the Greek words, Aayws, hare, and xetdos, lip, evidently from a fancied resemblance of one of the corolla lobes to a hare’s lip. Shrubs or suffrutescent herbs; leaves opposite, petiolate, the blades usually large, oblong to elliptic, toothed, lobed, entire, or crenate; © PA 228609—53 128 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM flowers of various shades of red, yellow, orange or occasionally white or cream, borne in terminal usually large-bracted spikes; flower- bracts entire or toothed, those of certain species bearing dorsally on either side a group of ocelli, these few, oval, brownish, rather con- spicuous or very numerous and minute appearing even under magni- fication as a more or less irregular alveolar area; bractlets various, in a few species rudimentary; calyx divided nearly to the base into 5 segments, these usually lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, coriaceous or chartaceous, striate-veined, the posterior segment usually broader than the others and sometimes toothed at tip (in a few species the calyx is rudimentary) ; corolla tube straight or curved, the limb usually bilabiate, the upper lip erect, bilobed or entire, the lower lip reflexed- spreading, 3-lobed, the middle lobe often larger than the lateral ones, these sometimes very small and adnate to the base of the upper lip; stamens 4, usually slightly exserted, but rarely if ever exceeding the upper lip of the corolla; anthers narrow, one-celled, often pilose dorsally and adhering at tips by webby hairs; capsules usually ovoid or cylindric, 4-seeded. A phelandra, one of the larger genera of the family, is restricted to tropical America. The flowering spikes are often large and beauti- fully colored, even to the bracts, and in certain species varigated or colored leaves occur. In spite of its attractiveness, however, these plants are rarely met with in cultivation, possibly because of culture difficulties. This may be explained by the fact that many of the species are shade plants from damp forests. In contrast to most genera of the family, there are no cystoliths. Important characters in the genus A phelandra, linking large series of species, are the presence of spiny interpetiolar bracts, the presence or absence of teeth, spiny or otherwise, on the margins of the leaf blades or flower bracts, and the presence or absence of ocelli on the flower bracts. These ocelli may be represented by one to several rather large oval brownish or blackish glands plainly visible under a lens or even to the unaided eye, or again they may be very numerous and minute, visible only under a high magnification. Without aid of a lens, these minute ocelli appear as more or less irregular dark alveo- lar areas on the bracts. In one large group of species, chiefly the pulcherrima-tetragona complex, the lower lip of the corolla is apparently entire and seems to consist of a single segment. . Pseuderanthemum idroboi Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 108 Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel sursum bifarium hirtellis, cystolithis minutis, parallelis; lamina foliorum ovata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi in petiolum alatum graci- lem subito angustata, membranacea, integra, glabra vel parce hirtella, supra costa et venis lateralibus obscuris, subtus aliquanto prominenti- bus; petioli graciles, alati; racemi terminales, simplices, graciles, pedunculo et rhache aliquanto hirtellis; pedicelli breves; bracteae infimae foliis similes, suborbiculares, obtusae, basi cordatae, bracteae supremae minutae, anguste triangulares, acutae, subcarinatae, ali- quanto ciliatae, glabrae vel apice minute hirtellae, marginibus sub- hyalinis; bracteolae anguste lanceolatae, acutae, apice minute hirtellae ; 296 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM calycis segmenta lineari-lanceolata, acuminata, apice minute hirtella et ciliolata; corolla purpurea, tubo praegracili, limbo patulo, lobis oblongis, obtusis vel rotundatis; stamina vix exserta; capsulae ignotae Simple erect herbs up to 60 cm. high; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or the upper portions hirtellous in 2 lines, the cystoliths par- allel, 250 » long; leaves crowded at the tip of stem, the blades ovate, up to 14 cm. long and 8 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), abruptly narrowed into a slender, winged petiole, membrana- ceous, drying bright olive-green, entire, glabrous or sparingly hir- tellous, the hairs of the upper surface coarse, about 0.5 mm. long, those Ficure 108.—Pseuderanthemum idroboi Leonard(Id robo 536): a, Inflorescence; 5, leaf; c, flower bract; d, bractlet; ¢, calyx. (a, b, Half natural size; c, 4 times natural size; d, 6 times natural size; ¢, 444 times natural size.) on the lower surface smaller and finer, confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins (usually 8 pairs), the venation of the upper surface ob- scure, that of the lower more prominent and drying a bright yellowish green, the cystoliths slender, inconspicuous, 250 » long; petioles 4 to 10 cm. long, including the wings, about 10 mm. wide at base of blade, thence gradually narrowed to base; raceme terminal, simple, slender, the peduncle 12 cm. long, the lowermost internode 7 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip, both peduncle and rachis moderately hirtellous, the hairs mostly spreading, straight or curved, 0.25 mm. long, the pedicels up to 1 mm. long; bracts subtending the spike and lowermost branches of the inflorescence leaflike, suborbicu- LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 297 lar, obtuse, cordate, the lowermost pair about 4 cm. wide, the second pair 2 cm. wide, the upper flower bracts lanceolate, 4 mm. long or less, 0.75 mm. wide at base, acute, subcarinate, moderately ciliate, minutely hirtellous at tip, the margins subhyaline; bractlets narrowly lanceolate, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, acute, sparingly and minutely hirtellous at tip, otherwise glabrous; calyx segments linear-lanceolate, 2.5 mm. long, 0.25 to 0.5 mm. wide at base, acuminate, minutely hirtel- lous and ciliolate at tip; corolla 2.5 cm. long, purple (morada), the tube slender, 0.75 mm. in diameter except at mouth, here 1.5 mm. broad, the limb spreading, the lobes oblong, 9 mm. long, up to 4.5 mm. wide, rounded or obtuse, the stamens slightly exserted; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2025691, collected on the margin of the Rio Guejar, Sierra de La Macarena, Intendencia of Meta, Colombia, 500-1,000 meters altitude, August 29, 1950, by J. M. Idrobo (No. 536). Pseuderanthemum idroboi is closely related to the preceding species, differing chiefly in color of flower and in the shape of the flower bracts. 3. Pseuderanthemum leiophyllum Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 109 Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, sursum bifariam hirtellis, deorsum glabris, subpunctiformi-cystolithigeris; lamina foliorum lanceolata, apice acuminata, basi angustata, subauriculata, integra vel leviter undulata, subchartacea, supra glabra, subtus glabra vel minute et parce hispidula, cystolithis nigris, costa et venis aliquanto promi- nentibus; petioli breves; racemi terminales, rhache puberula, pilis pro parte glandulosis; pedicelli graciles, puberuli, pilis glandulosis et eglandulosis intermixtis; bracteae parvae, anguste triangulares, glabrae vel parce puberulae, aliquanto pilos glandulosos raros ferentes ; bracteolae minutae; calycis segmenta lineari-lanceolata, acuta, pube- rula, pilis glandulosis et eglandulosis intermixtis; corolla alba vel purpurea, plus minusve curvata et ventricosa; stamina et staminodia glabra, inclusa; capsulae clavatae, puberulentae, apice obtusae ; semina plana, verrucosa. Suffrutescent plants up to 30 cm. high or more; stems subquadrangu- lar, hirtellous in two lines (the hairs about 0.25 mm. long), the lower portions glabrate, the cystoliths subpunctiform; leaves subsessile, the blades lanceolate, up to 10 cm. long and 2.5 cm. wide, acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed from about middle to a subauriculate base, entire or undulate, subchartaceous, the upper surface glabrous, the lower surface glabrous or minutely and sparingly hispidulous (the hairs about 100p long), the cystoliths appearing black, the costa and lateral veins (7 or 8 pairs) rather prominent; petioles about 1 mm. long; flowers borne in terminal racemes up to 7 cm. long, the peduncles 298 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM up to 3 cm. long, puberulous in two lines, the rachis puberulous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, some of them gland-tipped, the pedicels slender, the lowermost up to 8 mm. long, successively shorter toward tip, all puberulous with both glandular and eglandular hairs; bracts narrowly triangular, the largest and lowermost up to 1 cm. long and 3 mm. wide at base, narrowed to an obtuse tip, bractlets similar but about half as large, both bracts and bractlets glabrous or sparingly puberulous, sometimes bearing a few additional glandular hairs; Ficure 109.—Pseuderanthemum leiophyllum Leonard (Toro 943): a, Tip of plant; b, node of inflorescence to show bracts and bractlets; c, calyx; d, pubescence of calyx; ¢, capsule (right valve complete). (a, ¢, Natural size; b, c, twice natural size; d, about 20 times natural size.) calyx 6 mm. long, the segments linear-lanceolate, 5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, acute, ending in a blunt tip, puberulous, the pubescence a mixture of glandular and eglandular hairs up to 150, long; corolla white or purple(?), about 15 mm. long, the tube about 2 mm. broad at base, gradually expanded to 8 mm. at mouth, somewhat curved and ventricose, minutely and sparingly pubescent, the lobes ovate, about 6 mm. long and 4 mm. wide; stamens 4 mm. long, attached at 5 mm. above base of corolla, the anthers 2 mm. long, the staminodes 1 mm. long, both stamens and staminodes glabrous; capsules clavate, 21 mm. LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 299 long, puberulous, 4-seeded, the solid basal portion about 6 mm. long and 3 mm. broad, the tip blunt, the seed-bearing cavity 4 mm. broad, the seed flattened, about 3.5 mm. long and 3 mm. broad, verrucose, the retinacula linear, curved, about 3 mm. long, thin and acute at tip. Type in the herbarium of the Facultad de Agronomia, Medellin, Colombia, No. 1905, collected at Tamesis, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, February 1, 1928, by Rafael A. Toro (No. 943). Pseuderanthemum letophyllum is well marked and has no close re- semblance to any other Colombian species. The color of the corolla is not apparent in the herbarium material. The name leiophyllum is derived from Xefos, smooth, and piryov, leaf. 4. Pseuderanthemum poecilanthum Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 110 Herba erecta, caulibus subteretibus, glabris vel sursum parce puber- ulis, pilis minutis et appressis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, subacuta (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, submembranacea, marginibus leviter et crasse crenatis, supra glabra, costa et venis lateralibus obscuris, subtus parce puberula, pilis praeci- pue in costa et venis positis, costa et venis magis prominentibus; petioli puberuli; racemi solitarii, terminales, rhache et pedunculis glandu- loso-pubescentibus, pilis patulis, albidis; pedunculus prope basin brac- teas lineari-subulatas, carinatas, parce puberulas ferens; bracteae flores subtendentes similes sed minores; bracteolae minutae, subulatae, anguste triangulares; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuminata, sub- tiliter 8-nervata, plus minusve glanduloso-puberula; corolla alba, lobis purpureo-maculatis; ovarium parce glanduloso-puberulum. Erect herbs about 30 cm. high; stems subterete, glabrous or the upper portions sparingly puberulous, the hairs minute and appressed ; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 18 em. long and 4.5 cm. wide, acutish, the tip blunt, gradually narrowed from middle or slightly above the middle to base and decurrent on the petiole, rather thin, the margins shallowly and coarsely crenate, the upper surface glabrous, the costa impressed, this and the lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) obscure, the lower surface sparingly puberulous, the hairs confined chiefly to costa and veins, these slightly more prominent than on the upper surface; petioles 5 to 10 mm. long, puberulous; flowers solitary, borne in a terminal, peduncled raceme about 12 cm. long, the peduncle (5.5 cm. long) and rachis glandular-pubescent, the hairs spreading, barely 0.25 mm. long, whitish, the lower pair of bracts borne on the peduncle about 1 cm. above its base, linear-subulate, carinate, 0.5 mm. broad at base, sparingly puberulous, those subtending the flowers similar but smaller, 3 to 1.5 mm. long; bractlets subulate, narrowly triangular, the lowermost 1.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide at base; calyx 6 mm. long, the segments glandular-puberulous without, the hairs spreading, the tube 0.5 mm. long, the segments lanceolate, 1 mm. wide at base, 300 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM acuminate, delicately 3-nerved; pedicels up to 3 mm. long, glandular- puberulous; corollas 1.5 cm. long, sparingly puberulous, white, the lobes purple-spotted, the tube 10 mm. long, 2 mm. broad near the base, contracted to 1.5 mm. at 3 mm. above base, abruptly expanded at sum- mit, the mouth 5 mm. broad, 2-lipped, the lobes of the upper lip oblong, Ficure 110.—Pseuderanthemum poecilanithum Leonard (Cuatrecasas 10671): a, Tip of plant; b, small portion of leaf blade (upper surface) to show cystoliths; c, pubescence of peduncle; d, bract; ¢, bractlet; f, calyx, spread to show lobes. (a, d, Natural size; b, about 30 times natural size; c, about 25 times natural size; ¢, f, about twice natural size.) 9mm. long and 4 mm. wide, those of the lower lip ovate, 7 mm. long, the lateral 4 mm. wide, the middle 4.5 mm. wide, all rounded; stamens about 1 cm. long, attached in the throat of the corolla, exserted, re- curved, glabrous, the anthers 2 mm. long; staminodes 1.5 mm. long; style about 2 cm. long, sparingly puberulous near base, otherwise glabrous; stigma minute, about as broad as the style; ovary ovoid, 1.5 mm. long, sparingly glandular-puberulous; capsule not seen. LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 301 Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1798582, collected in wet forests of the Rio Putumayo, at Puerto Porvenir, Comisaria de Putumayo, Colombia, 230 to 250 meters altitude, November 19, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 10671). The name poecilanthum is derived from zroixidos, speckled, and av6os, flower. Pseuderanthemum poecilanthum is a distinct species easily recog- nized by its glandular inflorescence and orchidlike blossoms. 5. Pseuderanthemum ellipticum Turrill Pseuderanthemum ellipticum Turrill, Kew Bull. 1920: 69. 1920. T’wo cotypes are cited by Turrill, one collected in lanes and paths between coffee planta- tions at Fusagasugdé, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, April, by Mrs. J. A. Tracey, the other in forest shade at Arizal, 1,700 meters altitude, May, by Kalbreyer. The epithet ellipticum, elliptic, alludes to the shape of the leaf blades. Erect herbs 0.5 to 1m. high or more; upper portion of the stem sub- quadrangular, rather densely hirsute, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long and more or less appressed, the lower portion of the stem terete and glabrous; leaves 8 or more, borne on the upper portion of the stem, the blades elliptic or elliptic-oblanceolate, up to 8 cm. long and 2.5 cm. wide, acuminate, the tips curved and blunt, narrowed at base and de- current on the petiole, glabrous above, the costa and lateral nerves barely conspicuous, the cystoliths conspicuous under a lens, the lower surface glabrous except the costa and veins, these rather sparingly puberulous and conspicuous, the tertiary veins coarsely reticulate, the cystoliths less conspicuous than above; petioles up to 1 cm. long, channeled, puberulous; flowers several, crowded in clusters in a nar- row terminal raceme up to 16 cm. long, the rachis and peduncle (about 6cm. long) rather densely hirsute, the hairs barely 0.5 mm. long, loosely appressed or ascending, the first internode 1.5 cm. long, the others suc- cessively shorter, the lowermost pair of bracts borne at about the mid- dle of the peduncle, linear-subulate, 6.5 mm. long, about 1 mm. wide at base, carinate, the keel and margins sparingly ciliate, the bracts sub- tending the flower clusters similar but smaller, 3 to 4 mm. long; bractlets subulate, 1.5 mm. long, ciliate; pedicels up to 2 mm. long, glandular-puberulous; calyx glandular-puberulous, the hairs spread- ing, up to 0.25 mm. long, the calyx tube about 1 mm. long, the segments lance-linear, acute, 6 to 7 mm. long, obscurely nerved; corolla white, about 2 cm. long, puberulous, the hairs spreading, up to 0.25 mm. long, the tube about 12 mm. long, slightly curved, 1.5 mm. broad at base, 2.5 mm. broad at throat, the upper portion slightly ampliate, the lobes ovate, subequal, rounded, about 6.5 mm. long and 3 to 4.5 mm. wide; stamens inserted at about the middle of the tube, the filaments 1.5 mm. long, the anthers about 2 mm. long, the lobes minutely apiculate at base; staminodes subulate, 0.5 mm. long; ovary about 2 mm. long, 302 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM glabrous, the style about 1 cm. long, the lower portion minutely hir- sute; mature capsules not seen. The specimens cited were collected at altitudes from 1,100 to 2,300 meters. CaLpAs: Tabeja, west of Armenia, Pennell, Killip, & Hazen 8630. (GH, NY). CUNDINAMARCA: Albin, Guevara-Amértegui 267 (US). Forest above Fusa- gasuga, Pennell 2700 (GH, NY, US). Between the quebradas of La Marfa and La Victoria, Sasaima, vicinity of San Bernardo, Garcia-Barriga 12589 (US). Wooded border of Laguna de Pedro Palo, Municipio de Tena, Uribe-Uribe 1754 (US). 6. Pseuderanthemum ewanii Leonard, sp. nov. Fiaure 111 Suffrutex, caulibus parce ramosis, deorsum teretibus, sursum sub- quadrangularibus, aliquanto hirtellis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ellip- tica, breviter subacuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, subchartacea, integra vel undulata, supra sub- nitida, glabra, costa et venis obscuris, cystolithis prominentibus, in costa parallelis, subtus glabra (glandulis rotundis, sessilibus parce dissitis exceptis), costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus aliquanto hirtellis, venulis crasse reticulatis; petoli aliquanto breves; racemus angustus, terminalis, interruptus, pedunculo et rhache dense hirtellis; bracteae anguste lanceolatae, falcatae, carinatae, hirtellae; bracteolae lanceolatae, parvae, acutae, subcarinatae, hirtellae; pedicelli graciles, teretes, pilis subbrunneis, patulis, glandulosis et eglandulosis inter- mixtis praediti; calycis segmenta angusta, acuminata, hirtella, basi puis glandulosis et eglandulosis intermixtis praedita; corolla pallido- rosea, minute pubescens, marginibus loborum glabris, lobis patulis, ovatis, obtusis vel rotundatis; stamina inclusa; staminodia parva, curvata; ovarium et stylus glabri; capsulae ignotae. Sparingly suffrutescent plants up to 1 meter high; stems terete below, subquadrangular above, moderately hirtellous, the hairs curved, as- cending, about 0.25 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 13 cm. long and 4.5 cm. wide, short-subacuminate (the tip obtuse), narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, subchartaceous, entire or undu- late, the upper surface subnitid, glabrous, the venation obscure, the cystoliths prominent, 125 to 175 uw long, those on the costa parallel, the lower surface with scattered sessile glands, otherwise glabrous, except the costa and lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs), these rather prominent, moderately hirtellous, the hairs appressed or ascending, about 0.25 mm. long, the veinlets coarsely and rather prominently reticulate; petioles up to 2 cm. long, hirtellous; raceme narrow and spikelike, terminal, up to 20 cm. long, the peduncle up to 9 cm. long, the lower- most internode 3 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward the tip, the peduncle and rachis rather densely hirtellous, the hairs more or less spreading, up to 0.5 mm. long, the flowers crowded into fascicles LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 303 of 10 to 15 flowers each at the nodes of the inflorescence; floral bracts narrowly lanceolate, long-acuminate, falcate, up to 6 mm. long, carinate, 1.5 mm. wide at base, hirtellous; bractlets lanceolate, up to 3 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, acute, subcarinate, hirtellous; pedicels up to 4 mm. long, terete, densely puberulous, the hairs brown- ish, spreading, up to 175 » long, many of them gland-tipped; calyx segments up to 6 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, thence gradually nar- rowed to the slender tip, hirtellous, some of the hairs toward the base Ficure 111.—Pseuderanthemum ewanit Leonard (Ewan 15629): a, Tip of plant; b, leaf blade; ce, bract; d, bractlet; ¢, calyx; f, pubescence of lower portion of calyx segment. (a, b, Half natural size; c-e, twice natural size; f, 20 times natural size.) of the segments gland-tipped; corolla 2 cm. long, pale pink, finely pubescent but the margins of the lobes glabrous, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, enlarged to 2.5 mm. and again narrowed to 1.5 mm. at 5 mm. above base, the throat 3 mm. broad, the lobes spreading, ovate, up to 7 mm. long and 5 mm. wide, obtuse or rounded at tip; stamens in- cluded, about 3 mm. long; staminodes 0.75 mm. long, curved; ovary and style glabrous, the style about 12 mm. long; capsules not seen. Type in the Tulane University Herbarium, collected on moist slope above stream in relict mountain rain-forest, Quebrada Chiniata, 7 km. 228609—53——13 304 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM east of Hilo, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,430 meters altitude, May 1, 1944, by Joseph A. Ewan (No. 15629). 7. Pseuderanthemum pennellii Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 112 Herba suffrutescens, caulibus subquadrangularibus, sursum plus minusve bifariam pilosis, deorsum glabratis; lamina foliorum ob- longo-lanceolata, acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, marginibus integris vel undulatis, supra glabra vel parce hirtella, subtus mediocriter hirtella, pilis appressis, praeci- pue in costa et venis positis, cystolithis nigris; petioli plus minusve hirtelli; racemi simplices vel bifurcati, floribus (1-6) in fasciculis dis- Ficure 112.—Pseuderanthemum pennellii Leonard (Pennell 10684): a, Tip of plant; b, node of inflorescence; c, bract; d, bractlet; ¢, calyx; f, pubescence of calyx; g, corolla; A, stamen and staminode. (a, Half natural size; b-e, h, twice natural size; f, about 22 times natural size; g, natural size.) positis; pedunculi et rhaches hirtelli, pilis brunnescentibus; bracteae et bracteolae subulatae, carinatae, parce hirtellae, pilis pro parte glan- dulosis; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, hirtella, pilis rectis et patulis, pro parte glandulosis; corolla pallide violacea, pubescens, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; filamenta glabra; staminodia minuta. Herbs up to 30 cm. high or more, suffrutescent at base; stems sub- quadrangular, the angles rounded, the lower portions glabrate, the upper parts pilose, the hairs about 0.75 mm. long, confined chiefly to two lines; leaf blades oblong-lanceolate, drying dark olive, up to 11 em. long and 3.2 cm. wide, acuminate (the tip itself blunt), gradually narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, the margins entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the lower LEONARD! THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 300 surface moderately hirtellous, the hairs appressed and confined chiefly to costa and veins (7 or 8 pairs), these rather prominent, the cystoliths blackish and inconspicuous except under lens; petioles 1 to 2 cm. long, more or less hirtellous; flowers borne in fascicles (1 to 6 flowers each) in simple or forked spikelike racemes up to 10 cm. long, or longer at maturity, the peduncles up to 4 cm. long, these and the rachis hirtel- lous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, upwardly ascending, brownish, the lower internodes about 1.5 cm. long (flowering stage), the others suc- cessively shorter toward tip of raceme, the lower pair of bracts lance- subulate, up to 6 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base, carinate, the others gradually reduced in size toward tip of spike, the bractlets similar but much smaller, both bracts and bractlets rather sparingly hirtellous; pedicels up to 3.5 mm. long, hirtellous, the hairs spreading, up to 175 p long, some of the shorter ones gland-tipped; calyx 4.5 mm. long, the segments narrowly triangular, 4 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, hirtel- lous, the hairs straight, spreading, 75 to 100 » long, some of them glandular; corollas pale “hortense violet” (Pennell), 15 mm. long, pubescent (hairs spreading, up to 175 » long), the tube 8 mm. broad at mouth, the lobes ovate, 3.5 mm. long, 2.5 to 3 mm. wide, rounded ; stamens about 4 mm. long, the filaments glabrous, the anthers 1.25 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, the staminodes minute, 0.3 mm. long; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1143046, collected at edge of woods near San Clemente, Department of Caldas, Colombia, 1,800 to 2,200 meters altitude, September 16, 1922, by Francis W. Pennell (No. 10684). An isotype is in the Gray Herbarium. Another specimen of this species is Mutis’ No. 1500 (US). Pseuderanthemum pennellii closely resembles P. ellipticum 'Tur- rill, differing chiefly in its violet flowers, those of P. edlipticum being a pure white. 8. Pseuderanthemum lanceum (Nees) Radlk. Eranthemum lanceum Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 451. 1847. Type collected at Cuello, Department of Tolima, Colombia, by Goudot (Hooker Herbarium, Kew). The specific epithet, lancewm, lance or spear, alludes to the shape of the leaf blades. Pseuderanthemum lanceum Radlk. Sitzungsb. Math. Phys. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen 13 286.1883. Based on Eranthemum lanceum Nees. Medial leaf blades lanceolate, 7.5 to 9 em. long, 12.5 to 15 mm. wide, acuminate, gradually narrowed to base and decurrent on the petiole, glabrous above, the costa on the lower surface scabrous, the lower blades a little shorter and wider than the upper; petioles short; flowers borne in short axillary and terminal spikes; bracts, at least the lower, lanceolate or linear; calyx short, glabrous, the segments subulate; corolla 10.5 mm. long, white; capsule 12.5 mm. long. No specimens seen. Description compiled from the original. 228609—53 14 306 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 9. Pseuderanthemum sneidernii Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 113 Suffrutex, caulibus ascendentibus, subquadrangularibus, sursum gracilibus, parce puberulis, deorsum glabratis albidis, crassis; lamina foliorum lanceolata vel oblongo-lanceolata, acuta vel acuminata (apice ipso obtuso, plus minusve curvato), basi angustata vel rotundata, sub- auriculata, marginibus integris vel undulatis, supra glabra, cystolithis minutis subpunctiformibus, subtus puberula, pilis subappressis, minu- tis, brunnescentibus; petioli breves, glabri vel parce puberuli; pani- culae terminales, pedunculis et internodiis leviter complanatis, parce Ficure 113.—Pseuderanthemum sneidernii Leonard (Sneidern 5042): a, Inflorescence; b, leaf; c, pubescence of rachis; d, node of inflorescence to show bracts and bractlets; e¢, calyx; f, calyx segment; g, corolla; h, stamen and staminode; 1, valve of capsule. (a, b, Natural size; ¢, about 15 times natural size; d, é, 8, t, twice natural size; f, 5 times natural size; h, 3 times natural size.) puberulis, floribus solitariis vel fasciculatis; bracteae et bracteolae parvae, subulatae, glabrae vel parce puberulae; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, acuta, parce puberula; corolla alba(?), tubo angusto, subcylindrico, limbo patulo, lobis ovatis, subobtusis; stamina glabra; staminodia minuta, sigmoidea; semina plana, verrucosa; retinacula apice tenuia et truncata. Suffrutescent herbs up to 30 em. high or more; stems ascending, subquadrangular, the upper portions slender, 1.5 mm. in diameter, sparingly puberulous, the older portions thickish, up to 3.5 mm, in diameter, whitish, glabrate; leaf blades lanceolate or oblong-lanceo- LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 307 late, the lowermost leaves up to 8 em. long and 3 cm. wide, early deciduous, the upper leaves smaller and persistent, up to 5.5 em. long and 1.8 em. wide, all acute to acuminate (the tip itself blunt and more or less curved), narrowed or rounded, and more or less auriculate at base, the margins entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous, the cystoliths numerous, minute and subpunctiform, the lower surface puberulous, the hairs subappressed, brownish, about 175 to 375 p, long, the venation (lateral veins 6 or 7 pairs) more prominent beneath than above; petioles up to 2 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly puberu- lous; flowers borne in terminal panicles up to 10 cm. long and 5 cm. broad, the peduncles up to 2.5 em. long, the lowermost internodes about 15 mm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip of inflores- cence, both peduncles and rachis slightly flattened, sparingly puberu- lous, the flowers solitary or several, borne in bracted fascicles, the bracts subulate, the largest and lowermost pair about 2 mm. long; bractlets similar, up to 1 mm. long, both bracts and bractlets carinate, glabrous or bearing a few minute hairs; pedicels slender, up to 2 mm. long, puberulous; calyx 2 mm. long, the segments narrowly triangular (their tips slenderly acute), 0.5 mm. wide at base, sparingly puberulous; corolla about 1 em. long, white(?), minutely puberulous or the lobes glabrous, the tube narrow, subcylindric, 1.5 mm. in diameter, the limb spreading, the lobes ovate, obtusish, about 4 mm. long and 3 mm. wide; stamens 3 mm. long, attached at 3 mm. above base of corolla tube, glabrous, the filaments slender, the anthers slightly more than 1 mm. long, 0.75 mm. broad, the staminodes minute, filiform, 0.5 mm. long, more or less sigmoid; capsules clavate, puberulous, about 15 mm. long, 4-seeded, the seed-bearing portion about 8 mm. long, 4 mm. broad and 2 mm. thick; seed light brown, flattened, about 8 mm. in diameter, verrucose; retinacula 3 mm. long, curved, thin and truncate at tip. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1954100, collected at Pueblo Rico, Department of Caldas, Colombia, 1,700 to 1,900 meters altitude, February 15, 1946, by Kjell von Sneidern (No. 5042). The salient characters of Pseuderanthemum sneidernié are its small, lanceolate leaves, graceful panicles, minute calyx, and broad-limbed corollas abruptly contracted to narrow subcylindric tubes. The color of the flower is not apparent in dried material. It is probably white but possibly faint purple. 10. Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum (Bull) Bailey Eranthemum atropurpureum Bull, Gard. Chron. 1: 619, 1875, not Hook, f. 1902. Type grown in the Establishment for New and Rare Plants, King’s Road, Chelsea, London, 8S. W., by William Bull. Although publishing the species in an advertisement, Mr. Bull gives an adequate description and, inasmuch as the Gardener’s Chronicle is a periodical well known to botanists and available in most botanical libraries, Dr. L. H. Bailey agrees that Franthemum atrovurpureum is a legitimate name. (Gentes Herb. 4: 351. 308 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 1940). The specific epithet alludes to the purple leaf blades (ater, dark, and purpureum, purple.) Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum Bailey, Gentes Herb. 1: 130. 1923. Based on Hranthemum atropurpureum Bull, Shrubs or small trees up to 2 meters high; stems glabrous except for a tuft or band of small yellowish hairs borne on or near the stipular ring, the cystoliths subpunctiform ; leaf blades ovate or oval to oblong, up to 15 cm. long and 7 cm. wide, short-acuminate to obtuse and apiculate at apex, narrowed at base, purple, glabrous, the margins entire, undulate or sometimes obscurely lobed, both surfaces bearing numerous minute subpunctiform cystoliths; petioles up to 1.5 em. long, glabrous; flowers rather numerous, crowded in subsessile fas- cicles, these forming narrow terminal racemes or sparingly branched panicles, the peduncles (usually up to 4 cm. long), rachis and pedicels (up to 6 mm. long) glabrous or nearly so; bracts oblong, the lower- most about 5 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide, the others successively smaller toward the tip of the inflorescence, all ciliolate; calyx seg- ments narrowly triangular, up to 2.5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base, acute, ciliolate; corolla 15 to 20 mm. long, glabrous, purple or white with purple spotted throat, the limb 15 to 20 mm. broad, the lobes ovate, about 1 cm. long and 7 mm. broad, rounded; ovary glabrous; mature capsules not seen. VERNACULAR NAMB: San Joaquin (Ariste-Joseph s. n.); San José (Dugand 3605). The native country of Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum is not definitely known, but was probably somewhere in Polynesia. It is found frequently in tropical America, either under cultivation or as an escape. Pickel (No. 2361, Brazil) states on his label that the capsules are purple. ATLANTICO: Barranquilla Bro. Elias 143 (US) ; 234 (US); Bro. Paul 25 (US), Miramar, Puerto Colombia, Dugand 3605 (US). Borivar: Cartagena, Bro. Apolinar-Angel 762 (US); Bro. Hilarino-Angel 109 US). CUNDINAMAKCA : Girardot, Pérez-Arbeldez 885 (US). La Esperanza, Pérez- Arbeldez 3148 (US). La Mesa to San Javier, Garcia-Barriga 12049 (US). Torima: Honda, Bro. Ariste-Joseph A875 (US) 3s. n. (Bog). 11. Pseuderanthemum potamophilum Leonard, sp. noy. Figure 114 Frutex, caulibus elabris vel sursum puberulis, cystolithis numerosis, minutis, subpunctiformibus; lamina foliorum oblonga-elliptica, acuta vel subacuta, basi sensim angustata in petiolum decurrens, supra glabra, costa et venis obscuris, subtus glabra, costa et venis aliquanto prominentibus, pilis paucis, minutis, in costa positis, cystolithis num- erosis, linearibus, conspicuis; petioli breves, parce puberul; thyrsi angusti, terminales, floribus in fasciculis condensatis positis, pedunculo et rhache pubescentibus; bracteae et bracteolae parvae, lineares, cilia- LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 309 tae; pedicelli breves, puberuli; calycis segmenta lineari-lanceolata, ciliata; corolla alba vel pallide lilacina, minute puberula, lobis sub- aequalibus, patulis, anguste ovatis, apice rotundatis vel leviter emar- ginatis; stamina glabra; staminodia minuta, filiformia ; ovarium parce puberulum. Shrubs; stems glabrous or the uppermost internodes puberulous, the cystoliths numerous, minute, subpunctiform, conspicuous under a Ficure 114.—Pseuderanthemum potamophilum Leonard (a, b, d, Cuatrecasas 11086; c, eh, Cuatrecasas 10629): a, Tip of plant; b, leaf and one of the lower nodes; ¢, small portion of leaf blade (lower surface) enlarged to show cystoliths; d, pubescence of rachis; ¢, calyx; f, bract; g, bractlet; 4, corolla. (a, b, Half natural size; c, h, natural size; d, about 18 times natural size; ¢, 5 times natural size; f, g, twice natural size.) lens; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 13.5 cm. long and 5.5 cm. wide, acute or subacuminate (the tip itself blunt), gradually narrowed to base and decurrent on the petiole, thin, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous, the costa impressed, this and the lateral veins (6 to 8 pairs) scarcely prominent, the lower surface glabrous with a few minute hairs borne on the costa, the venation rather prominent, the cystoliths of both surfaces numerous, linear, about 0.25 mm. long, con- spicuous under a lens; petioles up to 5 mm. long, sparingly puberulous; racemes narrow, terminal, spikelike, up to 10 cm. long, peduncled, the 310 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM flowers rather numerous, crowded in sessile or short-peduncled fasci- cles, the peduncle up to 6.4 cm. long and, as is the rachis, rather densely pubescent with whitish, more or less ascending hairs up to 0.25 mm. long, the lower internode about 4 em. long, the others becoming suc- cessively shorter toward tip of raceme, the uppermost flowers becom- ing contiguous; bracts narrowly linear, the lower pair 5.5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base, the others successively smaller toward tip of raceme; bractlets narrowly lanceolate, 1.5 to 2 mm. long, acute or acuminate; calyx about 4 mm. long, the segments narrowly lanceolate, 0.5 mm. wide at base, ciliolate, the pedicels up to 1 mm. long, minutely puberulous; corolla white or pale lilac, minutely puberulous, the tube 12 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad at base, 2.5 mm. broad at mouth, the lobes subequal, spreading, narrowly ovate, about 1 em. long and 3.5 mm. wide, rounded or shallowly emarginate at tip; stamens inserted at about the middle of the corolla tube, glabrous, the filaments 1.5 mm. long, slender, the anthers 1.5 mm. long, the staminodes filiform, about 1 mm, long; ovary about 2 mm. long, puberulous; style reaching the mouth of the corolla tube, puberulous, the stigma minute, capitate; capsules not seen. Type in the Herbario Nacional Colombiano, collected in a wet forest along the Rio Putumayo at Puerto Porvenir, Comisarfa of Putumayo, Colombia, 230 to 250 meters altitude, November 17, 1940, by J. Cuatre- casas (No. 10629). Fragment of type in the U. S. National Herbar- ium, No. 1995427. Cuatrecasas’ No. 11086, collected in wet forests of Quebrada de la Hormiga, Rio San Miguel, Putamayo, 290 meters altitude, December 16, 1940, is also of this species (Col). The leaf blades of Pseuderanthemum potamophilum are large for the genus and, under a lens, the cystoliths are noticeably numerous and conspicuous on both surfaces of the blades. The species is further marked by the dense, crowded sessile or short-pedunculate fascicles of white or whitish flowers, these forming a narrow, spikelike raceme. The specific epithet is derived from orayés, river, and ¢udéw, to love. 12. Pseuderanthemum hylophilum Leonard, sp. nov. Fraurr 115 Herba vel frutex gracilis, caulibus subteretibus, deorsum glabris, sursum pubescentibus, pilis ascendentibus, curvatis; lamina foliorum lanceolata, anguste acuminata, basi angustata, subauriculata, firma, integra vel undulata, supra glabra, costa impressa, venis obscuris, subtus parce puberula, pilis praecipue in costa et venis positis, venis prominentibus, cystolithis minutis et inconspicuis; petioli breves, puberuli; racemi terminales, puberuli, angusti, simplices vel bifurcati, pedunculo et rhache pubescentibus, pilis curvatis, ascendentibus, brunnescentibus; bracteae parvae, subulatae, ciliatae; bracteolae minutae, subulatae, ciliatae; calycis segmenta angusta, lanceolata, LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 311 acuminata, puberula; pedicelli breves, puberuli, graciles; corolla (im- matura) parva, alba (?), pubescens. Suffrutescent herbs or shrubs up to 1 meter high or more; stems sub- terete, glabrous below, pubescent at tip, the hairs curved, ascending, about 0.25 mm. long; leaf blades lanceolate, up to 18 cm. long and 4 cm. wide, slenderly acuminate, narrowed gradually from about the middle to base, there abruptly narrowed and subauriculate, drying dark olive-green, firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous, the costa impressed, the venation obscure, the lower surface sparingly Ficure 115.—Pseuderanthemum hylophilum Leonard (Cuatrecasas 15317): a, Inflorescence; b, leaf; c, pubescence of rachis; d, node of inflorescence; ¢, calyx; f, calyx lobe. (a, b, Half natural size; c, about 10 times natural size; d, about 1% times natural size; ¢, 3 times natural size; f, 4 times natural size.) puberulous, the hairs confined chiefly to the costa and lateral veins (8 to 10 pairs), these rather prominent, the cystoliths minute and in- conspicuous even under a lens; petioles up to 1 cm. long, puberulous; flowers solitary or several borne in fascicles in narrow spikelike termi- nal simple or forked racemes up to 18 cm. long, the peduncle up to 6.5 cm. long, this and the rachis pubescent, the hairs brownish, curved, ascending, about 0.25 cm. long, the lowermost internode of the rachis about 2 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward the tip of the raceme, the lowermost pair of bracts leaflike, narrowly lanceolate, up to 1.5 em. long, the others subulate, 2 mm. long and about 0.5 mm. 312 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM wide at base, ciliate, reduced in size toward tip of raceme; bractlets similar but slightly smaller than the bracts; calyx 3 to 3.5 mm. long, puberulous, the segments narrowly lanceolate, slightly more than 0.5 mm. wide at base, acuminate at tip; pedicels slender, about 2 mm. long, puberulous; corolla (immature) about 8 mm. long, white (?), pubescent, the hairs more or less spreading, about 0.38 mm. long; capsules not seen. Type in the U. 8. National Herbarium, No. 1852697, collected in woods at La Elsa, on the right bank of Rio Digua, Department of El Valle, Colombia, 1,000 to 1,200 meters altitude, November 9, 1948, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 15317). An isotype is in the herbarium of the Chicago Natural History Museum. Such characters as its slender, simple or forked racemes and its lanceolate, slenderly acuminate, chartaceous leaf blades serve to iden- tify Pseuderanthemum hylophilum. Only immature corollas are pres- ent on the type material; the color of these is not apparent. The specific epithet is derived from Xn, forest, and ¢:déw, to love. 13. Pseuderanthemum chaponense Leonard, sp. nov. Fiaure 116 Suffrutex, caulibus deorsum teretibus, glabris, sursum subquad- rangularibus, aliquanto puberulis, pilis sursum curvatis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata, acuminata (apice plus minusve curvato), basi angustata, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, supra glabra, costa et venis lateralibus obscuris, subtus parce hirtella, pilis ascenden- tibus, costa et venis lateralibus aliquanto prominentibus; petioli glabri vel puberuli; thyrsi angusti, interrupti, in ramis axillaribus terminales vel paniculam terminalem formantes, pedunculis et rhachibus puberu- lis, pilis minutis, curvatis; bracteae infimae foliaceae; bracteae su- premae lineares, acutae, parce puberulae et ciliolatae; bractolae subulatae, acuminatae, subglabrae vel parce ciliolatae; fasciculi 4—8- flori; pedunculi breves, puberuli; calycis segmenta linearia, acuminata, glabra vel parce ciliolata et hirtella; corolla alba, tubo angusto, basi glabro, sursum dense glanduloso-papilloso, lobis oblongis subobtusis; stamina inclusa, filamentis brevibus, glabris; staminodia brevia; cap- sulae ignotae. Suffrutescent plants up to 1 meter high or more; stems simple or branched, the lower parts terete and glabrous, up to 2.5 em. in diameter, the upper parts subquadrangular, moderately puberulous with curved hairs about 0.25 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 9 em. long and 5 em. wide, acuminate, the tip often curved, narrowed at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous, the venation obscure, the cystoliths minute, blackish, 125u long, the lower surface sparingly and inconspicuously hirtellous, the hairs ascending, about 100u long, the costa and lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) more promi- nent than above; petioles mostly 1 to 3 em. long, 1 mm. thick, glabrous LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 313 or puberulous with curved hairs; panicles up to 6 cm. long and 1.5 em. broad, interrupted, the peduncle up to 4 cm. long, the lowermost internode about 2 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip, both peduncles and rachises puberulous with upwardly curved hairs up to 175u long, the lowermost branches of the inflorescence subtended by leaves appreciably smaller than the stem-leaves, the uppermost flower clusters subtended by linear bracts up to 4.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide at base, sparingly puberulous and ciliolate; bractlets subu- late, up to 2mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide at base, acuminate, subglabrous, Ficure 116.—Pseuderanthemum chaponense Leonard (Lawrance 441): a, Tip of plant, half natural size. Pseuderanthemum chaponense f{. lilacinum Leonard (Lawrance 501): 6, Portion of fascicle showing bract, bractlet and calyx; c, pubescence of calyx segment; d, corolla; ¢, pubescence of corolla tube. (b, d, 3 times natural size; ¢, 20 times natural size; ¢, 30 times natural size.) sparingly ciliolate; flowers usually about 4 to 8 to a cluster, the pedicels 1 mm. long, sparingly puberulous; calyx 4 mm. long, the segments linear, 3 to 4.75 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, acuminate, glabrous or sparingly ciliolate and hirtellous, the hairs up to 125y long; corolla white, the tube narrow, 0.75 mm. broad at base, gradually enlarged to 1.5 mm. at mouth, the basal portion glabrous (1.5 mm.), the remainder of the tube densely glandular-papillose, the lobes oblong, about 4 mm. long and 1 to 1.5 mm. wide, subobtuse; stamens included, 3 mm. long, the filaments 1.5 mm. long, glabrous; staminodes minute, barely 0.25 mm. long; ovary glabrous; mature capsules not seen. 314 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Type in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, collected on bank of stream in forest, El Umbo region, the vicinity of Mount Chapon in the western part of the Department of Boyacé, Colombia, “3,000 ft.” altitude, September 19, 1982, by A. E. Lawrance (No. 441). Pseuderanthemum chaponense can be easily recognized by the slen- der, densely glandular-papillose corolla tube, and narrow corolla lobes. 13a. Pseuderanthemum chaponense Leonard f. lilacinum Leonard, f. nov. A forma typica corolla lilacina recedit. Type in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, collected on the bank of a stream in dense forest in El Umbo region, western part of the Department of Boyaca, Colombia, “2,500 ft.” altitude, October 1, 1982, by A. E. Lawrance (No. 501). The type specimen of Pseuderanthemum chaponense f. lilacinum was collected from a plant “2-4 ft.” high with stems up to “14 inch” in diameter. Mr. Lawrance states that it was “beautiful in the forest and similar to lilac.” The label on Lawrance 441, the typical white- flowered form, states that the plant was 15-20 feet high, with stems up to an inch in diameter. These data are probably erroneous. The specimen indicates that the plant is subherbaceous, slender-stemmed, and probably only a meter high or less. 14, Pseuderanthemum stenosiphon Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 117 Herba, caulibus simplicibus, subquadrangularibus, pilosis, pilis septatis, patulis vel ascendentibus; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, plus minusve falcato-acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, supra glabra, sub lente minute alveolata, cystolithis pluribus, conspicuis, subtus aliquanto hirtella, pilis praecipue in costa et venis prominentibus positis, venulis crasse reticulatis; petioli hirtelli, pilis brunneis, curvatis; paniculae ter- minales, parce ramosae, fasciculis dispositis, pedunculis et rhachibus hirtellis, pilis ascendentibus, septatis; bracteae infimae foliaceae; bracteae supremae anguste lanceolatae, acutae, glabrae vel parce hir- tellae et ciliolatae; bracteolae bracteis similes sed minores; pedicelli graciles, puberuli; calycis segmenta anguste lanceolata, acuta, parce puberula; corolla dilute caerulea, puberula vel marginibus loborum glabra, tubo angusto, limbo lato, lobis ovatis, obtusis vel rotundatis; stamina brevia; staminodia minuta; ovarium puberulum; capsulae ignotae. Herbs up to 80 cm. high or more; stems simple, subquadrangular, pilose, the hairs septate, spreading or ascending, about 0.5 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 11 cm. long and 3.5 em. wide, more or less falcate-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed to rounded LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 315 at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface gla- brous, minutely alveolate under Jens, the cystoliths numerous, con- spicuous under lens, 175y long, the lower surface moderately hirtel- lous, the hairs ascending or appressed, confined chiefly to costa and veins (6 to 7 pairs), these more prominent than above, the veinlets rather prominently and coarsely reticulate; petioles 1.5 cm. long, hirtellous with brownish, curved hairs; flowers arranged in fascicles of usually 2 to 8 flowers each, forming sparingly branched terminal panicles up to 7 cm. long, the peduncles up to 5.5 cm. long, the lower- Figure 117.—Pseuderanthemum stenosiphon Leonard (Pennell 4436): a, Tip of plant; }, leaf; c, pubescence of rachis; d, bract; ¢, bractlets; f, calyx; g, pubescence of calyx segment. (a, b, Half natural size; c, 22 times natural size; d, e, 6 times natural size; f, 244 times natural size; g, 20 times natural size.) most internode 2.5 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip, both peduncle and rachis hirtellous, the hairs ascending, up to 0.5 mm. long, septate; bracts subtending the lowermost branches of the inflorescence linear to narrowly lanceolate, leaflike, 1 to 2 cm. long, 1 to 6 mm. wide; bracts subtending the fascicles narrowly lanceolate, up to 3 mm. long, about 1 mm. wide at base, acute, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous and ciliolate; bractlets similar to the bracts, but slightly smaller; pedicels slender, up to 38 mm. long, 0.25 mm. in diameter, puberulous; calyx segments narrowly lanceolate, about 3 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, acute, sparingly puberulous; corolla 12 316 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM mm. long, white tinged with blue (PennelZ), puberulous or the lobes glabrous toward margins, the tube narrow, 1.25 mm. broad near base, narrowed at 1.5 mm. above base to 0.75 mm., thence abruptly enlarged from about the middle to 1.5 mm., the limb 8 mm. broad, the lobes ovate, 5 mm. long, subobtuse or rounded; stamens attached at middle of tube, 2 mm. long, the anthers 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, the staminodes 0.5 mm. long; ovary puberulous, mature capsules not seen. Type in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, collected at edge of forest about Antizales, Department of Bolivar, Colombia, 1,500-1,800 meters altitude, February 25 or 26, 1918, by Francis W. Pennell (No. 4436). Pseuderanthemum stenosiphon can be recognized among its close relatives by the bluish flowers with very narrow corolla tubes. Hence the specific epithet, orevds, slender, and cidwr, tube. 15. Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 118 Frutex, caulibus subscandentibus, subquadrangularibus, glabris vel pilis plus minusve bifariam pilosis; lamina foliorum lanceolata, an- guste et aliquando falcato-acuminata, basi angustata, marginibus saepe recurvata, supra subnitida, glabra vel basi hirtella, costa et venis la- teralibus aliquanto obscuris, cystolithis minutis et inconspicuis, subtus parce hirtella, pilis praecipue in costa et venis positis, costa et venis aliquanto prominentibus; petioli subtus glabri vel hirtelli, supra pi- losi; panicula terminalis, valde ramosa, ramis interruptis, floribus paucis in fasciculis dispositis, pedunculis et rhachibus hirtellis; brac- teae infimae parvae, subulatae, glabrae vel parce hirtellae; bracteae supremae parvae, anguste triangulares, glabrae vel subglabrae; brac- teolae similes sed minores; pedicelli graciles, puberuli; calycis seg- menta anguste triangularla, acuta, glabra vel parce ciliolata; corolla alba, minute puberula, pilis pro parte glandulosis, lobis ovalibus, ro- tundatis vel obtusis; stamina brevia, filamentis glabris, basi cum sta- minodium parvum curvatum adnatis; capsulae clavatae, minute pu- berulae, stipitibus gracilibus; retinacula lanceolata, tenuia, acuta; semina suborbicularia, plana, glabra, tuberculata. Shrubs up to 2 meters high, the branches vinelike, subquadrangular, glabrous or sparingly pilose, the hairs more or less disposed in 2 lines, up to 0.75 mm. long, spreading or ascending, septate, the larger stems glabrous, subnitid, clothed with a light brownish bark; leaf blades lanceolate, up to 12 cm. long and 3 cm. wide, slenderly acuminate or falcate-acuminate, narrowed at base, the edges often recurved (giving the leaf the appearance of being hastate), rather firm, entire or un- dulate, the upper surface subnitid, glabrous or hirtellous at base, the costa and lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) barely prominent, the cystoliths minute and inconspicuous, the lower surface sparingly hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, ascending or subappressed, confined chiefly LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 317 to costa and lateral veins, these more prominent than above; petioles 5 to 10 mm. long, glabrous or hirtellous or the channels pilose with spreading straight or curved hairs up to 0.75 mm. long; panicles ter- minal, rather freely branched, up to 12 cm. long and 9 mm. broad, the flowers more or less secund, 2 to 8 at each node, the peduncle (up to 8 cm. long) and rachis (lowermost internode 2 or 3 cm. long, the Ficure 118.—Pseuderanthemum cuairecasasit Leonard (a-d, g, Cuatrecasas 21646; ¢, f, h, Cuatrecasas 23848): a, Panicle; b, portion of panicle to show bract, bractlets and calyx; c, node with leaf blade; d, pubescence, edge of calyx segment; é, corolla; f, pubescence of corolla; g, stamen and staminode; h, valye of capsule. (a, c, Half natural size; b, twice natural size; d, 34 times natural size; ¢, 114 times natural size; f, 23 times natural size; g, 4 times natural size; 4, natural size.) others successively shorter toward tip) hirtellous with ascending sep- tate hairs up to 0.75 mm. long; bracts subtending the lowermost branches of the inflorescence subulate, 4 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous; bracts subtending the flower clusters narrowly triangular, 2 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, acute, glabrous or nearly so, the bractlets similar to the bracts but slightly smaller; pedicels slender, 2 to 3 mm. long, puberulous; calyx segments narrowly triangular, 2 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, acute, glabrous 318 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM or sparingly ciliolate; corallas white (or the buds purplish white) (Cuatrecasas), 12 mm. long, minutely puberulous with glandular and longer eglandular hairs intermixed, the tube 1.5 to 2 mm. broad at base, slightly narrowed at 2 mm. above base, thence gradually enlarged to 3mm, at throat, the lobes oval, 5 to 6 mm. long, 2.5 to 3.25 mm. wide, rounded or obtuse; stamens attached at 4.5 mm. above base of corolla tube, 3 mm. long, the anthers 1.25 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, the filaments glabrous, united at base with curved staminodes 0.5 mm. long; capsules clavate, 18 mm. Jong, 3.5 mm. in diameter, the stipe slender, 11 mm. long, 1 mm. broad at base, 2.5 mm. broad at base of seed-cavity, the surface of the capsule sparingly and minutely pu- berulous, the retinacula lanceolate, thin, 2.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to an acute tip; seeds 2 in each cavity, sub- orbicular, flat, about 38 mm. in diameter, glabrous, the surface strongly tuberculate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1950028, collected at Los Carpatos in the valleys of the Cali and Pichindé rivers, Depart- ment of El] Valle, Colombia, 1,900-2,100 meters altitude, September 28, 1946, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 21646). Cuatrecasas’ No. 23848 (US) (fruiting specimen), collected below Queremal along the Rio San Juan in the Rio Digua Valley, El Valle, 1,300-1,500 meters altitude, March 19, 1947, is also of this species. Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii is very closely related to P, dawei Turrill and may prove after more material can be examined to be only a form or variation of that species. It differs chiefly in the size of the plant and the color of the flower. 16. Pseuderanthemum dawei Turrill Pseuderanthemum dawei Turrill, Kew Bull. 1920: 69. 1920. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected in the Cauca Valley, Colombia, July 5, 1920, by M. T. Dawe (No. 847). Isotypes in the U. 8. National Herbarium (No. 142565) and the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden. An erect herb; tips of the stems sparingly hirsute, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, arranged more or less in two rows, the cysotoliths sub- punctiform, inconspicuous; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, 8 to 16 cm. long, 2.5 to 5.7 cm. wide, slenderly acuminate (the tip itself blunt, more or less curved), narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, the upper surface glabrous, bearing subpunctiform cystoliths conspicuous under a lens, the costa (impressed) and lateral veins (about 9 pairs) rather prominent, the lower surface glabrous except costa and veins, these prominent and sparingly puberulous, the hairs curved, the cystoliths less abundant and conspicuous than those of the upper surface; petioles (unwinged portions) up to 1.2 cm. long, the channel sparingly puber- ulous, glabrous beneath; flowers one to several, borne in fascicles in sparingly branched terminal panicles about 16 em. long and 12 cm. LEONARD: THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 319 broad, the peduncles up to about 8 emi. long, the lower internode 1 to 1.5 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward the tips of the panicle, both peduncle and rachises more or less flattened, sparingly puberulous, the hairs curved; bracts linear-lanceolate, acute, gla- brous or nearly so; bractlets minute, linear-lanceolate, barely 1 mm. long; calyx segments lanceolate, 2.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, puberulous, 3-nerved; pedicels up to 2 mm. Jong, puberulous; corolla purplish, 7 to 8 mm. long, puberulous, some of the hairs glandular, the tube 1.5 mm. broad at base, 2.3 mm. broad at mouth, the lobes subequal, elliptic-ovate, 2.5 to 3 mm. long, 1.5 to 2 mm. wide, rounded at tip, sta- mens attached at about the middle of the corolla tube, the filaments about 0.5 mm. long, the anthers 1 mm. long, the staminodes subulate, about 0.25 mm. long; ovary cylindric, about 1.5 mm. long, minutely puberulous; style 8 mm. long, the lower portion puberulous; capsules not seen. Usually found in wooded ravines or in dense, damp woods of moun- tain slopes between 1,400 and 1,800 meters altitude. The flowering season extends from June to August. Killip notes that the corollas are purple-red (No. 5692). Lehmann gives the following field note: “Weed with thin weakly ramified stems up to 1 meter in height. Leaves thin, skinny, dark green, with a greasy sheen. Flowers white, softly washed with lilac violet.” Ex VALLE: La Cumbre, Killip 5692 (US). Roldanillo, Lehmann 8534 (K). EXCLUDED SPECIES Pseuderanthemum cordatum (Nees) Radlk, Type collected at Atacamas, Ecuador, by Sinclair. Erroneously cited as from Colombia by Nees (DC. Prodr. 11: 450. 1847) and from Panama in Index Kewensis. INDEX [Synonyms in ttalics. Page Acanthoideae_________-------- 119 Andrographideae________-_-__- 285 Aphanandrium__-_----------- 120, 123 lehmannianum____._--___- 120, 123 Aphelandra___------ 119, 120, 127, 128 acanthus_____ 129, 141, 142, 144, 147 acutifolia_...-.------------- 168 adsecendens______-_-_-- 129, 158, 160 albert-smithii_____ 132, 232, 238, 234 alexandri___________-_- 131, 191, 192 anomala____.___-- 130, 185, 186, 190 arborescens_ ------ 134, 277, 278, 279 arisema____---------- 131, 290, 201 aristei____ 132, 228, 229, 230, 232, 280 arnoldii______------------ 129, 153 aurantiaca____._...--- 180, 164, 166, 168, 169, 1760, 173 barkleyi__-------- 132, 221, 222, 223 blandii_____------ 133, 259, 267, 268 botanodes_____--- 129, 155, 156, 157 boyacensis__..---- 131, 198, 199, 200 chaponensis____-_-- 133, 273, 174, 275 cirsioides._.__-------------- 139 colombiensis- - ~~ -- 131, 196, 197, 198 conformis....-------- 131, 194, 195 craura___-------- 131, 207, 208, 209 erenata_________-_ 133, 259, 260, 261 crispata_____--------- 129, 151, 152 cuatrecasasii_______-_- 131, 204, 205 daemonia___-_- 130, 132, 223, 225, 226 deppeana___---------- 130, 181, 183 dolichantha___ 131, 204, 206, 207, 209 euopla___------------ 129, 138, 139 fascinator..__--_--------- 131, 191 fernandeazii___-------- 138, 270, 272 flava___------------------ 230, 279 garciae______- 133, 256, 258, 259, 270 glabrata_...._._._---------- 133, 254, 256, 261, 262, 268 glischrochlamys - - ~~ ~~ - 130, 186, 188 grandis_____------ 132, 226, 227, 228 haenkeana__---------------- 183 hartwegiana_____- 133, 246, 261, 268 haughtii_..._____- 132, 234, 239, 241 hodgei___-_------ 133, 252, 262, 264 huilensis_...--------- 129, 146, 147 impressa__ _-- 130, 168, 175, 178, 179 incarnata___...--- 132, 242, 243, 244 killipii_._ 131, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206 lamprantha__.______--- 130, 176, 178 lasia_____-------- 130, 179, 180, 181 lasiophylla_.__-------- 131, 192, 193 lawranceae_______---- 131, 192, 195 Page numbers of principal entries in boldface] Aphelandra—Continued Page leiophylla__------ 130, 169, 170, 171 lingua-bovis___ 188, 223, 268, 270, 275 lonchochlamys--—_----- 130, 165, 166 longispica____ 138, 252, 265, 266, 267 lyrata_...-._------------- 129, 159 Ivrata y arguta____-----_-_-- 15 lyrata 6 laxior____----.--_-- 150 lyrata a latibractea___.-_-_-- 150 macrophylla__._.------_-.- _. 182, 218, 234, 236, 237, 239 melgariensis._._---------_-- 280 mildbraediana____—_-- 132, 218, 220 mollis__.....--------- 129, 154, 158 mutisii____.---------- 129, 136, 137 nana_..__------------ 130, 171, 173 ochrolarynx_.--------- 129, 160, 162 parviflora___------------- 129, 153 parvispica_------- 132, 216, 218, 237 pectinata...---------------- 183 pharangophila__.. 134, 275, 276, 277 phlogea__------------ 130, 189, 190 phobera__-------- 129, 143, 144, 145 pilosa__---------- 131, 209, 211, 212 porphyrocarpa-------- 129, 140, 141 porphyrolepis. - ~~~ 129, 148, 149, 150 prismatica_..-.------------- 200 puberula. - --- 130, 166, 167, 168, 175 pulcherrima-----_---- 131, 183, 212, 216, 218, 220, 226, 228, 262 quercifolia__....---------- 129, 150 runcinata___...----------- 129, 134 runcinata var. pilosa___-- --- 129, 135 runcinata var. straminea__. 129, 135 schiedeana_______----------- 280 schieferae_—-_----- 131, 213, 215, 216 schultesii____----- 132, 237, 238, 239 seolnikae____-_------- 133, 252, 254 sericantha___--------- 1338, 245, 246 sericophylla__.__------ 133, 254, 256 silvicola__....-------- 129, 157, 158 sinclairiana___..------------ 243 sneidernii_-_-_-__---- 130, 167, 174, 175 straminea____ 133, 250, 252, 264, 267 taborensis.__. 1380, 181, 182, 183, 277 trianae_..-------- 132, 230, 231, 232 uribei____--.--------- 130, 162, 164 xanthantha__------ 1338, 248, 249, 250 Aphelandreae_._.----------- 119, 120 Asystasia____.-------------- 120, 287 coromandeliana___----------- 288 gangetica___.--------------- 288 intrusa_____.__------------- 287 322 Page Asystasieae. 2222222 119, 287 Babosa__... ~~. 2-2 eee 207 Canchelahua dulee___._---___- 125 Cresta de gallo_____ eee ee 135, 2138 Cyphaeanthus__-_-_---- 119, 120, 282 atopus_...-.------------- 283, 284 Encephalosphaera___ 119, 120, 280, 286 vitellina__~ 2-22 ee 280, 281 Vranthemum__....-.------__- 292 alatum 2.22222 ee 292 atropurpureum. 2... ..-- 307, 308 lancewm_ 2222 305 Gerardia_ 222222 ee 126 duleis. 2-2 ee 126 Graptophylleae____ 2-2 119, 289 Graptophyllum__._----------. 289 Hemisandra_..022 2-2 ee 127 aurantiaca.._..-___-_-_-__- 127, 168 Imbricatae_____--_--- 118 Isoglosseae___-- ee 119 Justicia. 2.2 ee 127 asystasia_....----..--.----- 288 crtstata_....2--.------ eee . 127 gangelica._.------------__.- 288 pulcherrima_....------- --. 127,212 scabra_.__--.------.__.-___- 127 Justicieae. 2-2-2 ee 119 Lagochilium___------------- 127, 286 maximilianum__...--- ~~. 127 molle.......-.-...---------- 154 Neriacanthus__________- 119, 120, 123 grandiflorus.__...__..-__._- 121, 122 lehmannianus- - - ~~ _-- 121, 122, 123 purdieanus___________ 120, 121, 123 Odontonemeae________________ 119 Pachystachys___..---__- 120, 289, 290 albiflora..._-...-2--- ~~ --- ee 290 coccinea______-----------__- 291 riedeliana_........--____- 290, 291 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Page Picigallo.......-..--__----_____- 213 Pié de gallo___-_------__-______- 213 Pisigallo___.-_..--.------2-- 213 Pseuderanthemeae___________ 119, 291 Pseuderanthemum___---- 120, 291, 292 alatum___...------- 2 _- 295 atropurpereum________ 293, 307, 308 chaponense_-- ~~~ - 293, 312, 313, 314 chaponense f. lilacinum. - _ __- 314 cordatum.....---2-2--2--_-- 319 cuatrecasasii_-____ 293, 316, 317, 318 cuspidatum_______- won -eeee 295 dawei__._._______-__-_____- 298, 318 ellipticum. __-._2_22 2 _ 292, 301, 305 ewanli___-__-_ 2 - 292, 302, 303 haughtii__________ 292, 293, 294, 295 hylophilum_--_____ 293, 310, 311, 312 idroboi____._____- 292, 295, 296, 297 lanceum____--.-.-.-----__ 293, 305 leiophyllum____-_- 292, 297, 298, 299 pennellii_...---..22___ 292, 304, 305 poecilanthum _____ 292, 299, 300, 301 potamophilum.__- 2938, 308, 309, 310 sneidernii_____._______ 293, 306, 307 stenosiphon_______ 293, 314, 315, 316 Rhombochlamydeae ________- 119, 285 Rhombochlamys________- 119, 285, 286 elata_..-_._----- 2. 285, 286, 287 rosulata_.._..-__- 160, 285, 286, 287 Ruellia dulcis__._.-.-----_--- 125, 126 San Joaquin. _..--_..-.-_-____- 308 San José___-.---_-- ee 308 Stenandrium_______- 119, 120, 124, 286 corymbosum__--.._______- 124, 125 dulece__ 22-8 125, 126 humboldtianum_____.____- 125, 127 mandioccanum_____________- 124 radicosum..--_---------_- _ 124, 125 Titirigallo._.----.-..--___-____- 213 Wi ithe 7 * ie LiakaR® 7 ART ~ — Votume 31, Parr 3 Book Witherawn THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III By EMERY C. LEONARD SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM WASHINGTON, D. C. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL HERBARIUM VoLuME 31, Part 3 THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III vA By EMERY C. LEONARD NT, PECOLUMBUS O\ Ya 7\} Vir. ivstradd & i “J too a BY ji Li} Shae A4 ik ¥ ; awd f “ope A \ S e ' { oa ae, : a ‘eae. . Rt ah er rE EN UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1958 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25,D.C. - Price $1.75 (paper) BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM PREFACE Part I of the Acanthaceae of Colombia, comprising the subfamilies Nelsonioideae, Mendoncioideae, and Thunbergioideae and the five tribes of the first series, Contortae, of the subfamily Acanthoideae, was published as Part 1 of Volume 31, Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, pp. 1-117, June 8, 1951. Part II, Con- tributions from the United States National Herbarium, Volume 31, Part 2, pp. 119-322, 1953, included the first five tribes of the second series, Imbricatae, of the subfamily Acanthoideae. Part III consists of a treatment of the remaining three tribes of the second series, Imbricatae, of the subfamily Acanthoideae. These tribes consist of 17 genera and 160 species, of which 126 species are described as new. Also included in Part III are supplements to Parts I and II. The supplement to Part I includes 10 new species, while that of Part II has 20 new species. Part III concludes the treatment of the Colombian Acanthaceae. JASON R. SwALLEN, Head Curator, Department of Botany, United States National Museum. II CONTENTS Page Introduction.......--..-____-_------------------------------------ 323 Systematic treatment ___.....-------------------------------------- 323 Subfamily Acanthoideae (continued from Part 2)._...------------- 323 Series Imbricatae (continued from Part 2)_--------------------- 323 Tribe Odontonemeae__________.---------------------------- 325 Subtribe Diclipterinae__-__.----------------------------- 325 Tetramerium_.....---------------------------------- 325 Dicliptera____-.-.---------------------------------- 327 Subtribe Odontoneminae___......------------------------ 387 Odontonema_._..------------ woe eee eee eee ee eee eee 388 Razisea_........------------------------------------ 400 Siphonoglossa_._------:----------------------------- 402 Tribe Isoglosseae__....---.-------------------------------- 404 Subtribe Porphyrocominae- --.--------------------------- 404 Fittonia.__.____-----------.------------------------ 405 Kalbreyeriella..........------------------------------ 408 Syringidium......---------------------------------- 415 Megaskepasma_____..--------------------------------- 417 Subtribe Isoglossinae___...------------------------------ 418 Habracanthus__-.----- oe eee eee ee eee nnn ee nee eee 419 Hansteinia________---------.------------------------ 484 Stenostephanus___.---------------------------------- 486 Tribe Justicieae_____.________--...------------------------- 487 Justicia______..-_------__-------------------------- 487 Pelecostemon._____---------------------------------- 648 Jacobinia____________--_---------------------------- 650 Chaetochlamys_.......-------------------------------- 659 Chaetothylar__.....--------------------------------- 662 Supplement_____.___._-.------------------------------------------ 671 “Part 1______________--_-__------------------------------------- 671 Part 2_.___-__________ ee == - +e 698 Appendix__.___...__---------------------------------------------- 751 List of Numbered Specimens, Parts 1-3_---.----------------------- 751 Errata, Parts 1 and 2_______-_----------------------------------- 770 Index_________________-__-_-_---_---_------------------------------ 775 ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURES Page 119. Tetramerium nervosum Nees - - -------- Woe eee ee Woe eee 326 120. Dicliptera trianae Leonard_------------------------------------ _ 833 121. Dicliptera sciaphila Leonard-_----------------------------------- 335 122. Dicliptera uribet Leonard...------------------------------------ 338 123. Dicliptera bogotensis Leonard ----..----------------------------- 340 124. Dicliptera caucensis Leonard_----------------------------------- 342 125. Dicliptera conformis Leonard -----.---.-------------------------- 344 126. Dicliptera ochrochlamys Leonard - ----~.---~---------------------- 347 127. Dicliptera cuatrecasasit Leonard_------.------------------------- 348 128. Dicliptera killipii Leonard_...---------------------------------- 351 129. Dicliptera driophila Leonard_-_---------------------------------- 353 130. Dicliptera garciae Leonard_..-..-------------------------------- 355 131. Dicliptera ewanti Leonard..-..-..------------------------------- 357 132. Dicliptera haughtit Leonard_-- -- Woe eee eee eee --- 359 132a. Dicliptera koiet Leonard. ------------ Woe ee eee eee eee eee 361 133. Dicliptera danielii Leonard ----.-------------------------------- 363 134. Dicliptera scandens Leonard ------------------------ _2---------- 365 135. Dicliptera sarcochroma Leonard --.------------------------------- 367 136. Dicliptera hazenit Leonard ------------------------------------- 370 137. Dicliptera inamoena Leonard. ----..---------------------------- 372 138. Dicliptera megalochlamys Leonard - -- --------------------------- 374 139. Dicliptera batilliformis Leonard - --- -~--.-------------------------- 377 140. Dicliptera sanctae-martae Leonard -.----.------------------------- 379 141. Dicliptera rhombochlamys Leonard. ------------------------------ 381 142. Dicliptera nanodes Leonard_---..-------------------------------- 382 143. Dicliptera columbiana Leonard. --------------------------------- 384 144, Dicliptera compacta Leonard.----------------------------------- 386 145. Odontonema coccineum Leonard ---------.----------------------- 389 146. Odontonema stenostachyum Leonard_-.-_...----------------------- 392 147. Odontonema ampelocaule Leonard_-_.---..------------------------ 394 148. Razisea spicata Oerst.----.------------------------------------- 401 149. Siphonoglossa calcarea Leonard._..-__.-------------------------- 403 150. Fittonia argyroneura Coem._------..-.-------------------------- 406 151. Kalbreyeriella cabrerae Leonard --_...-------------------------- 409 152. Kalbreyeriella gigas Leonard_--._-------------------------------- 414 153. Syringidium atropurpureum Lindau._---.------------------------ 416 154. Megaskapasma erythrochlamys Lindau-_-_-------------------------- 418 155. Habracanthus syscius Leonard ------.--------------------------- 422 156. Habracanthus trichotus Leonard_-_------------------------------ 424 157. Habracanthus cuatrecasasit Leonard___--------------------------- 427 158. Habracanthus aglatis Leonard_---------------------------------- 429 159. Habracanthus pycnostachys Leonard_--- ~~~ ----------------------- 431 VII ILLUSTRATIONS Page 160. Habracanthus hispidulus Leonard..___.._-..--------------------- 433 161. Habracanthus heliophtlus Leonard__-...-----..--.-.-.-------_-_-- 435 162. Habracanthus erythranthus Leonard__.__........_-______________. 438 163. Habracanthus putumayensis Leonard_._._._..-_..-_--------.----- 440 164. Habracanthus floriferus Leonard_.__..---------------------.----- 442 165. Habracanthus callianthus Leonard_-_._..-_-----_--------.-.-_-_- 444 166. Habracanthus pilosus Leonard_____.._-----------------_-__----- 446 167. Habracanthus killipit Leonard_.__....._-----------------___-_-- 448 168. Habracanthus charien Leonard__.......--.-.--.---------_-_-------- 450 169. Habracanthus smithii Leonard__._._...-........----_---_----_-__- 453 169a. Habracanthus xanthothriz Leonard.______.___...----------.---_- 455 170. Habracanthus zantholeucus Leonard_.__-_-.-.--------..----_____- 457 171. Habracanthus ampelinus Leonard.____.---------..---.---------_- 459 172. Habracanthus caucensts Leonard_._..-.--------.----------------- 461 173. Habracanthus antipharmacus Leonard._..........---------_------ 463 174. Habracanthus oresbius Leonard___.......-.._._-----_---_----_--___ 467 175. Habracanthus coret Leonard_..-...-.-.------------------------_- 469 176. Habracanthus lamprus Leonard_...._....--------------------__-_- 471 177. Habracanthus congestus Leonard___...._-.---------.----------_-_- 473 178. Habracanthus pennellit Leonard___.___-_-_-_---.-..--------____- 475 179. Habracanthus microcalyxr Leonard___._.-.----.-.-.---------_-_-- 478 180. Habracanthus hylobius Leonard_.-._-_-.----.-- woe eee e eee eee 480 181. Habracanthus scolnikae Leonard_......-.--.....--_-_-_-------___- 482 182. Hansteinia charitopes Leonard. __....--- Doe ee ee ee eee sees esse eee 485 183. Justicia cystolithosa Leonard_.........-...-.-_------_----_-_-_____ 494 184. Justicia chlorostachya Leonard_.._.....-.--_-_-_-----_-_-_______ 496 185. Justicia ischnorhachis Leonard__._....._...--------------______. 499 186, Justicia charadrophila Leonard__._....-.-.---_-.-------_-_-____- 502 187. Justicia oreopola Leonard_-___._..---------------------------_-_- 504 188, Justicia archert Leonard_______- eee eee -----ee wee eee eee eee eee 507 189. Justicia blackit Leonard_..__...._-_.----_--.-.----_---___-____- 509 190. Justicia infeliz Leonard_______......----.--------__---___-____- 511 191. Justicia fuchsiifolia Leonard___..___..-.-.-.-_.-----_---___-____. 516 192. Justicia neurochlamys Leonard_____...-_-_.-.-..-._._-_-_______.. 518 193. Justicia rhodoides Leonard______.-_._..-.---_----_---_----_____. 520 194. Justicia daidalea Leonard______________-__-_---.------__________- 522 195. Justicia aéthes Leonard____._______.___-_-___.------ 525 196. Justicia chrysocoma Leonard and J. rohriit Vahl_.________________- 527 197. Justicia chrysea Leonard_____._.___._-__-_____.__-___--_______._- 530 198. Justicia croceochlamys Leonard_...__........__.---_-__----____._- 533 199. Justicia chaponensis Leonard_________._.--_-__.______________._. 537 200. Justicia unguiculata Leonard____...._....._-..._-__-_--__--_____. 539 201. Justicia pampolystachys Leonard____.__.....-.-_-___-____________. 542 202. Justicia hyperdasya Leonard_______._.-_._-____________________. 544 203. Justicia schultesti Leonard______.__.__-_-...-.._-______________- 546 204. Justicia erythrantha Leonard________._.__.-...._-_-___-________. 550 205. Justicia leptochlamys Leonard________.-_-._.-.-....------_--_____ 552 206. Justicia gutterrezit Leonard.______._____-__--_-____.___________. 554 207. Justicia macarenensis Leonard____._.__.____-_---.----.---______ 556 208. Justicia pharmacodes Leonard..._.........-----------_-________- 559 209. Justicia phytolaccoides Leonard__...._....--_-----.---.-________. 561 210. Justicia xanthostachya Leonard__.___._____.-__-______.__________ 563 UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE UNITED StatTEs NaTIONAL HERBARIUM Vo.tumeE 31 THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA By EMERY C. LEONARD Associate Curator of Phanerogams United States National Museum SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION e WASHINGTON, D.C. * 1958 BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MusEuM UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1958 Publications of the United States National Herbarium The United States National Herbarium, which was founded by the Smithsonian Institution, was transferred in the year 1868 to the Department of Agriculture and continued to be maintained by that department until July 1, 1896, when it was returned to the official custody of the Smithsonian Institution. The Department of Agri- culture, however, continued to publish the series of botanical reports entitled “Contributions from the United States National Herbarium,” which it had begun in the year 1890, until, on July 1, 1902, the Na- tional Museum, in pursuance of an act of Congress, assumed respon- sibility for the publication. The first seven volumes of the series where issued by the Department of Agriculture. REMINGTON KELLOGG, Director, United States National Museum. III ERrata—Part $3 Page 426, line 9 from bottom: For “ultimal” read “ultimae.” Page 487, line 9 from bottom: For “adhatoda” read “hyssopifolia.” Page 770, after line 1 insert the following line: Page 3, line 17: For “Jacobinia magnifica” read “Jacobinia carnea (Lindl.) Nicholson.” Page 772, line 14: For “Page ii” read “Page iii.” Page 776, Index : For “Cyphaeanthus” read ““Cyphacanthus.” Iv CONTENTS Page Part 1. The Acanthaceae of Colombia, I: Subfamilies Nel- sonioideae, Mendoncioideae, Thunbergioideae, Acanthoideae. (Published June 8,1951) . . . 1-117 Part 2. The Acanthaceae of Colombia, II: Subfamily Acanthoideae, continued. (Published Novem- ber 10,1953) . 2. 2. 2 2 ee ee ee ee 119-322 Part 3. The Acanthaceae of Colombia, III: Subfamily Acanthoideae, completed. (Published February 41958)... ee 323-781 The Acanthaceae of Colombia 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244, 245. 246. 247. 248. ILLUSTRATIONS Justicia cabrerae Leonard. .------------------------------------ Justicia leucerythra Leonard------------------------------------ Justicia enarthrocoma Leonard ---------------------------------- Justicia sanchezioides Leonard - --------------------------------- Justicia homoea Leonard_-_-.----------------------------------- Justicia porphyrocoma Leonard -- - ------------------------------ Justicia sciota Leonard__..------------------------------------- Justicia phlebophylla Leonard_---------------------------------- Justicia malacophylla Leonard - - - - ------------------------------ Justicia pelianthia Leonard------------------------------------- Justicia anabasa Leonard _.-.------------------------------------ Justicia aurantiaca Leonard. ----------------------------------- Justicia jacobinioides Leonard _--------------------------------- Justicia novogranatensis Leonard-_---.---------------------------- Justicia atacta Leonard... -------------------------------------- Justicia ephemera Leonard. - - ------------------------------7---- Justicia chloanantha Leonard. --------------------------------- Justicia helonoma Leonard_-_------------------------------------ Justicia namatophila Leonard. - --------------------------------- Justicia idiogenes Leonard_--_--------------------------------7--- Justicia fusagasugana Leonard_--------------------------------- Justicia scytophylla Leonard------------------------------------ Justicia killipit Leonard --------------------------------------- Justicia graphophylla Leonard - - - ------------------------------- Justicia petraea Leonard. - -------------------------------7-7777 Justicia sterea Leonard.__-.------------------------------------- Justicia sciera Leonard_------------------------------------7--- Justicia stereostachya Leonard_---------------------------------- Justicia hodgei Leonard_-------------------------------------7- Justicia hygrobia Leonard -----------------------------------7-7-- Pelecostemon trianae Leonard_---------------------------------- Jacobinia axiologa Leonard------------------------------------- Jacobinia amphibola Leonard _---.------------------------------- Chaetochlamys columbiensis Leonard -- - - ------------------------- Chaetothylax leucanthus Leonard_.-.----------------------------- Chaetothylax haughtii Leonard - - - ------------------------------>- Chaetothylax huilensis Leonard-.-.- ------------------------------- Staurogyne leptocaulis Leonard. --------------------------------- 248a. Mendoncia trichota Leonard_-_-_-.-------------------------------- 248b, Mendoncia phalacra Leonard. - -------------------------------- 248c. Mendoncia garciae Leonard -.---------------------------------- 249. Hygrophila tyttha Leonard_---------------------------------777- 249a. Ruellia aurantiaca Leonard-.----------------------------------- 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. Ruellia grantii Leonard ----------------------------------777777 Ruellia macarenensis Leonard... = ------------------------------- Ruellia gorgonensis Leonard - - -- --------------------------7-777- Teliostachya petraea Leonard.-.---------------------------77-77-- Stenandrium humboldtianum Nees- -------------------------77-7-77 Aphelandra grangeri Leonard - - -------------------------------7- Aphelandra gilva Leonard. ----------------------------------->> Aphelandra andrei Leonard_------------------------------------ Aphelandra quadrifaria Leonard-------------------------------7-- x ILLUSTRATIONS Page 259. Aphelandra fosbergit Leonard_...._.___.___...__....-........... 711 260. Aphelandra phalacra Leonard_____.__._______..__........_...... 713 261. Aphelandra diachyla Leonard_..-..______._..................... 715 262. Aphelandra pinarotricha Leonard_....________................... 717 263. Aphelandra grantii Leonard_..__._____.._.__................... 719 264. Aphelandra coccinantha Leonard__..__.______....._....._....... 722 265. Aphelandra trichota Leonard__......_____._...__................ 724 266. Aphelandra atecmarta Leonard._..__....________................ 727 267. Pseuderanthemum ctenospermum Leonard_._....._...____......... 732 268. Pseuderanthemum chilianthium Leonard____...._......_..__.._... 735 269. Pseuderanthemum diachylum Leonard_._.-..____.__.....__....... 738 270. Pseuderanthemum cladodes Leonard...--_..___................... 740 271. Pseuderanthemum galbanum Leonard._--_....._.................. 742 272. Pseuderanthemum micranthum Leonard______.._........__.__.... 744 273. Pseuderanthemum thelothriz Leonard...._______.........._...... 747 274. Pseuderanthemum chocoense Leonard__--.___.-...-............... 749 THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III By Emery C. LEONARD INTRODUCTION The remaining three tribes of the series Imbricatae, which are treated in this part of “The Acanthaceae of Colombia”, are as follows: 11. Odontonemeae 12. Isoglosseae 13. Justicieae SYSTEMATIC TREATMENT Subfamily 4. ACANTHOIDEAE (continued from Part 2) ! Series B. IMBRICATAE The following artificial key will separate the genera of the Series Imbricatae, which are treated in Parts I and III of this monograph. Anthers with 2 fertile cells. Stamens 4.___------------------------ or 21. Asystasia Stamens 2. Staminodes present. Corolla limb equally or subequally 5-lobed - - - - - 23. Pseuderanthemum Corolla limb 2-lipped. Bracts small and inconspicuous--- - - -------------- 26. Odontonema Bracts large and conspicuous- - - ----------------- 22. Pachystachys Staminodes absent. Stems 6-angled; calyx subtended by two partially unit d bracts; placenta separating from the mature capsule valves_-.-------- 25. Dicliptera Stems subterete or subquadrangular; bracts distinct; placenta remaining attached to the capsule valves. Costa and veins of the leaf blades conspicuously colored.. 29. Fittonia Costa and veins of the leaf blades not conspicuously colored. Flowers borne in short spikes, these forming a congested head ter- minating the tips of the branches- ------- 39. Chaetochlamys Flowers variously disposed, if forming spikes these not contracted into a dense terminal head. Corolla tube very slender, not exceeding 1 mm. in diameter. 28. Siphonoglossa Corolla tube not noticeably slender, usually more than 1 mm. in diameter. —— ee IE, C. Leonard, Contr, U. 8. Nat. Herb. 31, pt. 2:1 119-322, 1953, 323 324 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Anther lobes superposed, often obliquely affixed and at least the lower one apiculate or calcarate..___ 36. Justicia Anther lobes slightly, if at all, superposed, parallel, muticous. Bracts large and brilliantly colored... 32. Megaskepasma Bracts, if large, not brilliantly colored. Spikes 4-angled, the bracts quadrifarious, conspicuous, ciliate, cuspidate__...______._______ 24, Tetramerium Spikes, if present, not as above_____..___ 38. Jacobinia Anthers with 1 fertile cell. Lower cell of anther vestigial. Vestigial cell similar to the upper fertile cell but much smaller and sterile or in some species reduced to a short hairlike organ... 40. Chaetothylax Vestigial cell represented by a thin triangular wing._ 37. Pelecostemon Lower cell of anther lacking. Stamens 2. Upper lip of the corolla relatively long and narrow. Inflorescence spicate; lower lip of the corolla triangular, the tip acute and minutely trilobate._.-.-....______..____ 30. Kalbreyeriella Inflorescence paniculate; lower lip of the corolla oblong-cuneate, with a rounded trilobate tip..._.-__-___.___._____ 33. Habracanthus Upper lip of the corolla relatively short and often lobelike. Upper lip of the corolla abruptly bent, the corolla appearing obliquely truncate; flowers borne in a narrow spikelike raceme. 27. Razisea Upper lip of the corolla more or less erect, not abruptly bent; flowers borne in panicles. Tip of the upper lip of the corolla 2-lobed______ 31. Syringidium Tip of the upper lip of the corolla entire. Panicles loose; corollas relatively long, the expanded portion oblong. 34, Hansteinia Panicles dense and narrow; corolla short, the expanded portion subeylindric_____.___--___________.__. 35. Stenostephanus Stamens 4. Corolla lobes subequal, spreading. Bracts pink or white; plants shrubby__________ 15. Neriacanthus Bracts usually green; plants herbaceous________ 16. Stenandrium Corollas 2-lipped. Calyx 3-parted__---_...______..... --...-... 19. Cyphacanthus Calyx 5-parted. Pollen grains spherical, the surfaces divided into tetragons. 18. Encephalosphaera Pollen grains elongated, cleft. Pollen grains with 3 longitudinal clefts, often with a pore in each eleft__-.-- 2-2 17. Aphelandra Pollen grains with the clefts much broader and flatter (i. e., stave- shaped), each containing a pore______ 20. Rhombochlamys LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 325 Tribe 11. ODONTONEMEAB Odontonemeae Lindau, Bot. Jahrb. Engler 18: 47. 1893; Engl. & Prantl Pflanzenf. IV, 3b. 287. 1895. Lindau defines this tribe as having “Spangenpollen”’ (9 longitudinal ribs arranged in 3 groups, the middle one of each group broader than the flanking ones and containing a pore) and 2 or occasionally 4 stamens. Subtribe 11a. Diclipterinae Diclipterinae Lindau; Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenf. IV, 3b: 287, 331. 1895. Herbs or shrubs; flowers (in Dicliptera) subtended by 2 pairs or more of partly united bracts forming an involucre, the bractlets often indistinguishable; calyx of 4 or 5 segments, these usually hyaline or colored; corolla 2-lipped, the anthers 2-or 1-celled (2-celled in Tetramerium and Dicliptera); capsules 2- or 4-seeded, the placenta separating from the capsule walls at maturity. Of this subtribe 2 genera are represented in Colombia: 24, Tetramerium 25. Dicliptera 24. TETRAMERIUM Nees Tetramerium Nees in Benth. Bot. Voy. Sulph. 147. 1844. The epithet is from the Greek rerpapep}s, 4-parted, and refers to the closely imbricated quadrifarious bracts of the spikes. Tetramertum is a nomen conservandum, with the type designated as T. polystachyum Nees. Fruticose or suffruticose; stems usually much branched, the pubes- cence often disposed in 2 opposite lateral lines; leaves sessile or petioled, the blades linear to ovate, entire, glabrous or pubescent; flowers borne in terminal or axillary 4-angled spikes, the bracts conspicuous, usually closely imbricate, opposite, ciliate, cuspidate at tip; calyx 4- or 5- parted, the segments ciliate; corollas infundibuliform to tubular, the tube straight or slightly curved, the upper lip entire or emarginate, the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes nearly equal; stamens 2, included, the anther sacs slightly converging toward the apex, one a little longer than the other; capsules obovate, apiculate, contracted below into a solid base, usually hispid and 4-seeded (sometimes 2-seeded); seeds flat- tened, tuberculate or muriculate. About 25 species have been established in this genus. Its range extends from the southern United States to Colombia and Ecuador. 1. Tetramerium nervosum Nees Figure 119 Tetramerium nervosum Nees, in Benth. Bot. Voy. Sulph. 148, pl. 48. 1844. Type collected at Puna, near Guayaquil, Ecuador, by Sinclair. The specific epithet alludes to the strongly nerved bracts. 326 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Blechum angustius Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 467. 1847. Type collected at Cartagena, Department of Bolfvar, Colombia, January-February 1826, by Billberg (No. 1) (Isotype 8). Cf. Leonard, Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb. 31: 63. 1951. Branched suffrutescent herbs up to 1 meter high, the branches spreading, slender; stems subterete, pubescent to glabrate, the hairs white, spreading, up to 1 mm. long but usually shorter, sometimes disposed in two rows, the younger portions of the stems bearing numerous subpunctiform cystoliths, the bark, with age, separating into thin strips or shreds; leaf blades ovate, up to 6 cm. long and 3 cm. wide, acute to acuminate (the tip itself obtuse or acute, some- times subapiculate), subcordate or rounded at base, the upper surface oe N _ > ( a c* ii Zabees fo x Na £ YH, . ALY ND) HS \ Figure 119.—Tetramerium nervosum Nees (a-c, Haught 4760; d-f, Pennell 4026): a, Tip of plant; b, bract; c, bractlet; d, corolla; ¢, valve of capsule; f, seed. (a, Half natural size; b-d, natural size; ¢, f, about twice natural size.) sparingly hirsute with ascending straight or curved hairs about 0.5 min. long, the costa and veins (4 or 5 pairs) rather prominent and more or less puberulous with minute appressed hairs, the lower surface sparingly hirsute to glabrate; petioles slender, up to 2.5 cm. long, pilose (the hairs spreading, up to 1 mm. long) or the channel puber- ulous; spikes terminal, up to 20 cm. long or more, 2 cm. broad, the rachis densely hirsute to glabrate; bracts rotund-ovate to ovate, up to 12 mm. long and 9 mm. wide, short-acuminate and cuspidate (the tip LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 327 more or less recurved, the cusp 0.5 to 1 mm. long), rounded or abruptly contracted below the middle to a subpetiolate base, sparingly hispid- ulous, the smaller hairs intermixed with white spreading or ascending ones up to 2 mm. long, the margins strongly hispid-ciliate, the hairs jointed, white, up to 2.5 mm. long, the costa and 2 pairs of lateral veins prominent; bractlets narrowly lanceolate, about 2 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide at base, acuminate, hispid-ciliate; calyx lobes 4, linear- lanceolate, 2 to 3 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base; corolla white or purplish white, 10 mm. long, essentially glabrous, the lips about 5.5 mm. long, the upper one oblong-obovate and emarginate, the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes oblong-obvate, 5 to 5.5 mm. long and 1.8 mm. wide, rounded at tip; capsules clavate, 5 mm. long, 1.8 mm. broad, 1.5 mm. thick, minutely hirsute, the narrowed base about 2 mm. long; seeds 4, whitish to dark brown, flattened, 1.5 mm. long and 1.2 mm. broad, strongly papillose. Plants of this species are variable in aspect. During the earlier stages they are leafy, the bark firm, and the spikes moderately long, varying from 2 to 5 cm. in length. With age the leaves usually drop, the spikes often elongate, and the bark parts from the stem in thin shreds. Partial to thickets or open hillsides either in dry or damp situations. Limited apparently to low altitudes. Central America to northern South America. Bottvar: La Popa, Billberg 1 (S$). San Ldzaro, Billberg s. n. (S). Sincé, Pennell 4026 (GH, US). Macapauena: Barro Blanco, Haught 4760 (US). Bonda, H. H. Smith 1408 (GH, Ph, NY, S, US). Gaira, H. H. Smith (NY). La Paz, Haught 3931 (US). Playa Brava, H. H. Smith 1973 (GH, Ph, NY, US). SANTANDER: Bucaramanga, Araque & Barkley 188.316 (US), 188.321 (US). 25. DICLIPTERA Juss. Dicliptera Juss. Ann. Mus. Paris 9: 267. 1807. ArxXls, double-folding, i. e., having two valves and rrepév, wing, alluding to the two recurved apparently winged valves of the dehisced capsules. Dicliptera is a nomen conservandum, the type of which is designated as D. chinensis (L.) Juss. (Justicia chinensis L.). Stems more or less hexagonal in cross section; leaf blades entire or undulate, mostly ovate, petioled; flowers 1 to several, borne in often contracted cymes, these forming spikes or panicles subtended by a involucre of 2-4 pairs of conspicuous bracts; calyx 5-parted, hyaline; corollas narrow, slightly ampliate, the limb 2-lipped; stamens 2, the anther sacs often unequal, the longer one sometimes calcarate at base; staminodes none; capsules ovate or suborbicular, the placentae separating elastically from their walls and rupturing, on dehiscence, the cell wall of the capsule valve; seeds 2 or 4. 328 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Nearly 300 species of this genus have been described from the tropical and temperate regions of the world. The species are easily recognized by the hexagonal stems and the flattened bracted reduced cymes. KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Bracts subtending the cymules narrow, cuneate. Flowers secund, borne in lax spikes, these forming large branched terminal panicles. Outer pair of bracts subtending the flowers subulate_____ 1, D. assurgens Outer pair of bracts subtending the flowers oblong to oblong-spathulate, abruptly acute at tip-_-.--_._.__.--. 2-8 2. D. vahliana Flowers borne in peduncled or subsessile flattened compound cymes. Cymes loose, 3-parted, the peduncles slender, up to 4.5 cm. long. 3. D. trianae Cymes compact, usually composed of 5 or more cymules, sessile or subsessile, crowded in dense axillary clusters. B. Bracts subtending the cymules conspicuously ciliate, the hairs 0.75 to 1 mm. long. C. Outer bracts subtending the cymules acute, not cuspidate; corollas 2 to 3 cm. long, often red. Capitula axillary; corollas 3 cm. long__._________ 4, D. sciaphila Capitula axillary and terminal, the uppermost aggregated; corollas 2 cm. long. Outer bracts of the cymules densely ciliate, 12 mm. long. 5. D. uribei Outer bracts of the cymules sparingly ciliate, 15 mm. long. 6. D. bogotensis C. Outer bracts subtending the cymules cuspidate; corollas usually light purplish, 1 to 2.5 em. long. Leaf blades, at least the uppermost, obtuse or rounded, conspicu- ously mucronate________________-_____________. 7. D. pilosa Leaf blades acute, subobtuse or acuminate, not conspicuously mucronate, D. Stems hirtellous or pilosulous, the hairs 0.5 mm, long, the angles acute or narrowly winged, light greenish. Outer bracts subtending the cymules lanceolate, the cusp 1.5 mm. long, acute.________._--._________. 8. D. caucensis Outer bracts subtending the cymules oblanceolate, subobtuse, the cusp 0.75 mm, long_-_______________ 9. D. conformis D. Stems sparingly pubescent or glabrate, the hairs 0.25 mm. long or less, the angles rounded. Outer bracts subtending the cymules thin, whitish except the tip, the posterior one about 9 mm. long 10. D. ochrochlamys Outer bracts subtending the cymules firm, green, except the whitish base, the posterior bract 13 mm. long. 11. D. cuatrecasasii B. Bracts subtending the “eymules not conspicuously ciliate, or if so, the hairs mostly less than 0.5 mm. long. E. Stems pilosulous or hirtellous, the hairs spreading or retrorsely curved. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 329 Outer cymule bracts cuspidate. Tip of the cymule bracts abruptly cuspidate- --- 12. D. killipu Tip of cymule bracts gradually narrowed to cusp- - 13. D. driophila Outer cymule bracts acute or apiculate, not cuspidate. Posterior cymule bract oblanceolate, 2.25 mm. at its widest part; basal portion of the cymules yellowish green..-- 14. D. garciae Posterior cymule bract lanceolate, 3.5 mm. at its widest part; basal portion of the cymules green or greenish white. Costa of smaller cymule bract bearing at least a few spreading hairs up to 1.25 mm. long------------ 6. D. bogotensis Costa of cymule bracts not long-pilose. Lower surface of leaf blades glabrous or sparingly puberulous. Corollas dull carmine, yellow in throat. 15. D. ewantt Lower surface of leaf blades rather densely puberulous or sub- tomentose. Outer bract subtending the cymule subobtuse and api- culate_____.-------------------------- 16. D. haughts Outer bract subtending the cymule acute.-.. 17. D. kotet E. Stems glabrous or sparingly puberulous, the hairs minute, curved or appressed. Outer bract subtending cymule cuspidate---. 11. D. cuatrecasastt Outer bract subtending cymule acute, not cuspidate. Nerves of the outer cymule bract prominent, hirtellous, intercostal area subglabrous_------------------------- 18. D. danielit Nerves of the outer cymule bract obscure, the pubescence evenly distributed. Capitula mostly terminal, forming a rounded headlike thyrse. 19. D. scandens Capitula mostly axillary, only the uppermost aggregated to form a narrow spikelike thyrse. Leaf blades large, up to 16 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, thin. 20. D. sarcochroma Leaf blades smaller, up to 8 em. long and 3 cm. wide, firm. Inner surface of the outer bracts subtending the cymule moderately to densely puberulous - ----- 21. D. hazenis Inner surface of the outer bract subtending the cymule glabrous or sparingly hirtellous- - - --- 22. D. inamoena A. Bracts subtending the cymules broad, ovate. Posterior cymule bract up to 23 mm. long and 25 mm. wide. Basal portion of peduncle below joint up to 15 mm. long, the cymes usually 3-parted_---------------------------- 23. D. megalochlamys Basal portion of peduncle below joint up to 5 mm. long, the cymes 2-parted_.-.---------------------------------- 24. D. batilliformis Posterior cymule bracts up to 16 mm. long and 17 mm. wide. Cymule bracts thin, rounded or obtuse and apiculate. 25. D. sanctae-martae Cymule bracts firm, acute to obtuse. Cymule bracts narrowed at base. Stems and peduncles puberulous-_------------- 26. D. rhombochlamys Stems and peduncles glabrous----------------------- 27. D. nanodes 888179—57—_—2 330 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Cymule bracts truncate or shallowly cordate at base. Cymes solitary, mostly 2-parted__..___________ 28. D. columbiana Cymes several, crowded in the axils; usually 3-parted. 29. D. compacta 1. Dicliptera assurgens (L.) Juss. Justicia assurgens L. Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 850. 1759. Type locality: Jamaica. The specific epithet is from the Latin “assurgere,” to rise up, in allusion to the ascending stems. Dicliptera assurgens Juss. in Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 9: 269. 1807. Based on Justicia assurgens L. Herbs up to 1 meter high; stems erect or ascending, up to 5 mm. thick toward base, hexagonal toward tip, sulcate, the angles narrowly winged, prominent, the internodes glabrous, the stipular lines bearing a few small hairs; leaf blades ovate, up to 5 em. long and 2.5 em. wide or the lowermost larger, all acute or short-acuminate at tip, narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, both surfaces glabrous or the costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs) bearing a few scattered hairs, the cystoliths rather prominent; petioles slender, up to 2 cm. long or more, the channel sparingly pubescent with small curved hairs; flowers usually solitary, more or less secund in lax spikes, these forming large terminal much branched panicles, the rachis glabrous or bearing a few minute scattered whitish disk-tipped hairs, the basal internodes 1 to 2 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip of branches, the branches of the panicles subtended by leaves similar to the main stem leaves but smaller, the flowers subtended by a pair of subulate bracts 1.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide at base, glabrous or minutely ciliolate near base with papular hairs ; involucre bracts 6, the two outermost lanceolate, 5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, acuminate, puberulous, the papular hairs intermixed with a few typical ones about 0.25 mm. long, the margins of the bracts subhyaline, the 4 innermost segments lanceolate, 2.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, densely papillose, the papillae intermixed with occa- sional larger mushroom-like glandular hairs; calyx subhyaline, 2.5 mm. long, the segments triangular, 1 mm. long, acute, ciliate, the hairs about 115 yw long, the midrib of the bracts prominent, green; corollas red or orange-scarlet, finely pubescent, 3.5 em. long, slightly curved, the tube 2 em. long, 1.5 mm. broad at base, thence gradually enlarged to 6 mm. at mouth, the lips about equal, 1.5 em. long and about 6 mm. wide at base, thence gradually narrowed to 1.5 mm, near tip, the upper lip erect, rounded and entire at tip, the lower lip recurved, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes low, about 0.75 mm. long, the middle one 0.5 mm. wide, the lateral ones somewhat narrower, all rounded; stamens reaching almost to the tip of the upper lip of the corolla, the filaments adhering to the dorsal portion of the tube to a distance of about 15 mm., minutely pilose, the hairs becoming less LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 331 numerous towards the tip, the anthers oblong, 2.6 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide; capsules oval, 6 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide, 1 mm. thick, the sides flattened, the basal portion solid and 1.5 mm. long, obtuse at tip, hirtellous, 2-seeded; seeds reddish brown, flattened, oval, about 2 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, the surface roughened, bearing numerous flat-tipped papilliform hairs; retinacula about 1 mm. long, subacute at tip. Pastures, meadows, waste places in general. Partial to more or less damp sandy soil. West Indies and northern South America. Att&ntico: Barrio del Prado, Barranquilla, Fosberg 21438 (US). Puerto Colombia, Barkley & Gutiérrez 1857 (US). Hacienda Cachubana, Usiacurf, Dugand & Garcta-Barriga 2371 (US). MaapaLena: Rfo Frio, Santa Marta, Walker 1282 (US). 2. Dicliptera vahliana Nees Dicliptera vahliana Nees in DC. Prodr, 11: 489. 1847. A number of cotypes are cited, the first mentioned being that of Bertero collected at Santa Marta, Colombia. The species was named in honor of Martin Vahl, a Swedish botanist of the 18th century and a student of Linneaus. Vahl traveled extensively in the West Indies and northern South America. Herbs up to 1 meter high; stems erect or ascending, hexagonal (the angles narrowly winged), drying green, thinly puberulous, the papular hairs interspersed with scattered amber or whitish disk-tipped ones; leaf blades oblong-lanceolate, up to 5 cm. long and 2 cm. wide or the lowermost larger, obtuse or short-acuminate at tip, apiculate, nar- rowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, both surfaces glabrous except the costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs), these sparingly hirtel- lous with appressed hairs; petioles 1 to 1.5 cm. long, the channels hirtellous, the hairs 0.25 mm. long or less; flowers usually solitary, more or less secund in lax spikes, these forming large much branched panicles, the internodes glabrous or the uppermost thinly puberulous, the papular hairs interspersed with minute glandular ones, the branches of the panicle subtended by leaves similar to those of the main stem but smaller, the flowers subtended by a pair of triangular subulate bracts 1.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide at base, glabrous; involucre bracts 6, the outermost pair oblong to oblong-spathulate, 3 to 4 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, abruptly acute at tip, puberulous, the papular hairs intermixed with scattered larger disk-tipped ones, the innermost bracts lanceolate, 2.5 to 3 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, acuminate, densely papular-puberulous; calyx subhyaline, 2.6 mm. long, campanulate, the segments triangular, 1 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, papular-puberulous or glabrous toward base; corollas red, finely pubescent (the hairs 0.25 mm. long), 28 mm. long, the tube 15 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 1 mm. at 1.5 mm. above base, thence enlarged to 5 mm. at mouth, the lips about equal, 12 mm. 332 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM long, the upper one erect, lanceolate, 6 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to 1.5 mm. near tip (the tip itself obtuse), the lower lip recurved, 4 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to 2 mm. near tip, the tip itself terminated by 3 low rounded lobes about 0.25 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide; stamens partly enclosed by the upper lip of the corolla and reaching to its apex, the filaments minutely pilose toward base, the hairs retrorsely curved, about 0.25 mm. long, the anthers 2.5 mm. long and 1.5 mm. broad, bearing a few minute marginal hairs; capsules ovoid, 5 to 6 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad, 1 mm. thick at base, narrowing to 0.5 mm. at tip, the solid stipitate basal portion 2 mm. long, the tip of the capsule emarginate and apiculate, the entire surface except the basal portion rather densely pubescent, the hairs retrorse, about 0.5 mm. long; seed light brown, oval, flattened, about 2 mm. long and broad, sparingly puberulous, the hairs papular and retrorsely barbed. Vernacular names are “canilla de laura,” and “canilla de golero”’ (Dugand & Jaramillo 2798). Dicliptera vahliana is closely related to D. assurgens, but can be easily separated by its oblong spathulate outer pair of involucre bracts. In D. assurgens these are strictly subulate. Fields, thickets and waste places in general. Southern United States to northern South America and in the West Indies. Occurs in low altitudes usually at or below 200 meters. ATLANTICOo: Barranquilla, Bro. Paul B-26 (US); Lehmann 7849 (K). Arroyo de Megua, Dugand & Jaramillo 2798 (US). Botivar: Cartagena, Schott 5 (NY). Ro Sint, Pennell 4779 (NY). Sincé, Pennell 4037 (NY). Turbaco, Pennell 4750 (NY). Macpa.ena: Playa Brava, vicinity of Santa Marta, H. H. Smith 1488 (Ph, NY, US). 3. Dicliptera trianae Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 120 Herba, caulibus rectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis, glabris vel parce hirtellis, pilis minutis, arcte adpressis; lamina foliorum lanceolata vel ovato-lanceolata, acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi rotundata vel angustata, in petiolum breviter decurrens, integra vel undulata, chartaceo-membranacea, utrinque glabra vel parcissime hirtella, subtus sub lente minute papillosa, costa et venis aliquanto pro- minentibus; petioli graciles, glabri vel canale minute hirtelli; panicula terminalis, laxa, cymis praecipue in paribus, tripartitis, pedunculis usque ad 4.5 cm. longis, hexagonis, dense hirtellis, pilis rectis, patulis, pilis glandulosis intermixtis; bracteae cymas subtendentes anguste triangulares, acuminatae, carinatae, glabrae vel parce hirtellae, pedunculis cymularum inaequalibus, subhexagonis, dense hirtellis, pilis acutis et pilis glandulosis intermixtis; bractea major exterior cymulam subtendens triangulari-ovata, acuta, carinata, costa promi- LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 333 nente, utrinque aliquanto dense hirtella, pilis rectis, patulis; bractea minor exterior cymulam subtendens lanceolata, acuminata (apice saepe recurvato), costa prominente, utrinque hirtella, pilis acutis et glandulosis intermixtis, bracteis ambis viridibus, marginibus deorsum albidis; bracteae intimae anguste lanceolatae, acuminatae, marginibus albidis, puberulae, pilis acutis et obtusis intermixtis; calycis segmenta triangularia, acuta, albida, minute hirtella; corolla parva, hirtella, tubo angusto, labiis subaequalibus, labio inferiore trilobato, lobis parvis, suborbicularibus, subobtusis. Herbs; stem erect or ascending, subhexagonal, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the hairs closely appressed, minute; leaf blades lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, up to 4 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide, acuminate Ficure 120.—Dicliptera trianae Leonard (Triana, El Cauca): a, Second node from base of inflorescence; b, one of a pair of bracts subtending the cyme; c, the larger of the outer bracts subtending the cymules; d, marginal hairs of same; ¢, the smaller of the outer bracts; f, one of the innermost bracts; g, calyx; h, marginal hairs of one of the segments. (a, Natural size, b, c, e-g, twice natural size; d, 12 times natural size; A, 8 times natural size.) (the tip itself blunt), rounded or narrowed at base and briefly de- current on the petiole, entire or undulate, firmly membranaceous, both surfaces glabrous or very sparingly hirtellous, the lower surface minutely papillate under lens, the costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs) moderately conspicuous; petioles slender, up to 4 mm. long, glabrous or the channels minutely hirtellous; flowers borne on narrow open panicles up to 18 cm. long and 5 cm. broad or more, the cymes, usually in pairs, loosely 3-parted, their peduncles up to 4.5 cm. long, hexagonal, densely hirtellous, the hairs straight, spreading, up to 0.25 mm. long, some of them gland-tipped; bracts subtending the cymes narrowly triangular, 334 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM acuminate, carinate, about 2 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide at. base, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous; peduncles of the cymules unequal, the middle one up to 8 mm. long, the lateral ones about half as long, all subhexagonal, densely hirtellous with a mixture of glandular and eglandular straight spreading hairs up to 0.25 mm. long; outer bract subtending the cymule triangular-ovate, 7 mm. long, 3 mm. wide at base, acute (the costa prominent), carinate, both surfaces rather densely hirtellous, the hairs straight, erect, up to 0.25 mm. long; smaller outer bract subtending the cymule lanceolate, 6 mm. long, 2 mm. wide at about 2 mm. above base, acuminate (the tip often recurved), the costa prominent, both surfaces of the bract hirtellous with a mixture of glandless and erect straight glandular hairs about 0.25 mm. long, both the outer bracts green except their white basal margins; innermost bracts narrowly lanceolate, 5.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near base, green with whitish margins, acuminate, puberulous with a mixture of sharp and bluntish hairs up to 0.2 mm. long; calyx 5 mm. long, puberulous with stoutish hairs rarely more than 125 long, the segments of the calyx narrowly triangular, 3 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, acuminate, whitish; ovary minutely hirtellous; corolla about 12 mm. long, hirtellous, the hairs spreading, about 0.2 mm. long, the tube narrow, about 2 mm. broad at mouth, the lips subequal, about 4 mm. long, the lobes of the lower lip suborbicular about 0.75 mm. long and broad, obtusish; capsules not seen. Type in the Herbario Nacional Colombiano, collected in the De- partment of Cauca, 1,000 meters altitude, February 1853, by J. Triana (No. 4093.1-1). Isotype: K. When compared with other Colombian species of the genus, Dieliptera trianae is strikingly distinct in the character of its in- florescence. The color of the corolla was not apparent in the dried material of the type. 4, Dicliptera sciaphila Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 121 Suffrutex, caulibus obscure hexagonis, crasse sulcatis, glabris vel bifariam pubescentibus, pilis curvatis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata, acuminata, basi angustata, in petiolum breviter decurrens, membrana- cea, integra, parce pilosa, pilis saepe in costa et venis positis; petioli graciles, subtus glabri, canali pubescente, pilis minutis et curvatis; capitula axillaria, pedunculis aliquanto brevibus, bifariam pubescen- tibus, pilis curvatis; cymula 5-flora, subsessilis; bracteae aliquanto magnae, bractea exterior oblongo-elliptica, acuta, viridis, basi angusta, albida, subtus parce et minute hirtella, supra puberula, marginibus ciliata, pilis patulis, bractea interior similis sed minor; bracteae interiores subulates, lanceolataec, acuminatae, ciliatae, pilis albis et patulis; calyx (siccus) fulvus, segmentis anguste lanceolatis, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, LI 335 acuminatis, puberulis; corolla rubra, minute et parce pubescens, labio superiore ovato, subacuto, labio inferiore trilobato; stamina v1x exserta, filamentis glabris. Suffrutescent; stems obscurely hexagonal, drying olive green, coarsely sulcate, glabrous or pubescent, the hairs disposed in 2 lines, curved, about 0.75 mm. long, the lowermost internodes about 10 cm. Figure 121.—Dicliptera sciaphila Leonard (Cuatrecasas 214): a, Tip of branch; }, outer bract; c, inner bract; d, hair from margin of inner bract; ¢, innermost bracts; f, calyx segment; g, small portion of calyx segment enlarged to show pubescence. (a-c, e-f, Natural size; d, about 15 times natural size; g, about 25 times natural size.) long, the others successively shorter toward tip of stems; leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 12 cm. long and 7 cm. wide, acuminate (the tip ending in a sharp point or bluntish), narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, thin, entire, drying green, sparingly pilose, the hairs straight or nearly so, up to 0.5 mm. long, confined chiefly 336 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM to costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs), the cystoliths inconspicuous, 125 to 175 u long; petioles up to 4 cm. long, the lower surface glabrous, the channel pubescent, the hairs small, recurved; flowers borne in axillary peduncled cymes, the peduncle up to 1 cm. long, pubescent in two lines, the hairs curved, about 0.25 mm. long, the cymules 5-flowered, subsessile; bracts rather large, the outer bract oblong- elliptic, 17 mm. long, 5 mm. wide near the middle, acute, narrowed at base, the inner bract smaller, lanceolate, 12 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, acuminate, both inner and outer bract green except at base, this whitish and somewhat indurated, the lower surface of the larger bract minutely hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, the upper surface of the larger bract and both surfaces of the smaller puberulous, the margins more or less densely ciliate, the hairs up to 1 mm. long, white, spreading, the middle and inner bracts about equal, lanceolate, 8 to 10 mm. long, 1.25 to 1.5?mm. wide, acuminate, puberulous toward tip and ciliate, the marginal hairs up to.0.5 mm. long, white, spreading; calyx 6 mm. long, drying dull brown, the segments nar- rowly lanceolate, 5 mm. long, 1.75 mm. wide, acuminate, puberulous, sparingly ciliate, the hairs about 0.5 mm. long, the hairs of the inner surface appressed; corollas red, finely and rather sparingly pubescent (the hairs up to 0.5 mm. long), 3 cm. long, the tube 2.5 mm. broad near base, narrowed at 6 mm. above base to 1 mm., thence enlarged to 7 mm. at throat, the lips about 1 cm. long, the upper ovate, about 5 mm. wide near base, acutish, the lower lip 3-lobed; stamens reaching nearly to the tip of the upper lip, the filaments glabrous, the anthers about 2 mm. long, the cells unequally attached; ovaries (eaten by insects) and capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1772775, collected in dense forest of La Hondonada, Salto de Tequendama, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,250 to 2,300 meters altitude, October 2, 1938, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 214). The flowers of Dicliptera sciaphila are large for the genus. The strongly ciliate bracts and dull lead-colored puberulous calyx (dried material) furnish further diagnostic characters. The specific epit het “sciaphila” (cxd, shade, and ¢iXos, loving) alludes to a preference to dense forests. 5. Dicliptera uribei Leonard, sp. nov. Fiaurp 122 Herba, caulibus subhexagonis, bifariam hirtellis, pilis_ parvis, retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum anguste ovata, acute vel sub- acuminata, basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, integra vel un- dulata, subcoriacea, utrinque parce hirtella, pilis minutis, praecipue in costa et venis aliquanto prominentibus positis, cystolithis minutis, subnigris; petioli breves, subtus glabri, canale dense adpresso-piloso ; LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 337 capitula axillaria et terminalia, sursum ageregata, thyrsum densum angustum formantia, pedunculis brevibus angulatis, bifariam hirtellis; bracteae cymulas subtendentes parvae, lanceolatae vel triangulares, acutae, glabrae vel parce hirtellae, plus minusve ciliolatae; bractea exterior cymulas subtendens oblanceolata, subacuta, basi angustata, subcoriacea, ciliata, viridis (vel deorsum margine albida), supra dense puberula, subtus subglabra vel in costa et nervis parce hirtella, bractea interior lineari-lanceolata, acuta, basi leviter angustata, aliter bracteae exteriori similis; bracteae intimae anguste lanceolatae, apice acuminatae, puberulae, ciliatae, marginibus albidis et subhyalinis; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, acuta, utrinque puberula; corolla 2 cm. longe, parce pilosula, pilis patulis, rectis vel leviter curvatis, tubo anguste hypocrateriformi, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore apice obtuso, inferiore trilobato, lobis parvis rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis deorsum parce pilosulis; capsulae ovatae, planae, apice obtusae, apiculatae, hirtellae, pilis rectis, patulis vel deorsum retrorsis. Herbs up to 30 cm. high or more; stems subhexagonal, hirtellous in 2 lines, the hairs up to 0.25 mm. long, retrorsely curved; leaf blades (only the uppermost present) narrowly ovate, up to 6 cm. long and 2 cm. wide below middle, acute or subacuminate, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, entire or undulate, firm, both surfaces sparingly hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.25 mm. long, curved, ascending, confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins, these moderately con- spicuous, more so beneath than above, the cystoliths obscure, minute, blackish, up to 250 » long; petioles up to 8 mm. long, glabrous beneath, the channel densely appressed pilose, the hairs light greenish yellow, about 0.25 mm. long; capitula axillary and terminal, the uppermost forming a spikelike terminal thyrse 5.5 cm. long and 2.5 to 3 cm. broad, the peduncles up to 3 mm. long, angular, hirtellous in 2 lines, the lowermost capitula sometimes compound, the secondary capitula borne on peduncles up to 2.5 cm. long, these subhexagonal and pilos- ulous in 2 lines; bracts subtending the cymes small, those of the lowermost cymes leaflike, lanceolate, 4 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, acute, petioled at base, firm, veiny, sparingly hirtellous and ciliate, the bracts subtending the upper cymes smaller, narrowly triangular, about 3 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base, glabrous, sparingly ciliate, the posterior outer bract subtending the cymules oblanceolate, 12 mm. long, 4 mm. wide at 5 mm. below tip, subacute, narrowed at base, firm, green or with a narrow whitish marginal area near base, ciliate (the hairs up to 1.2 mm. long, spreading, straight), the inner surface densely puber- ulous, the outer subglabrous or the costa and predominating pair of lateral veins sparingly hirtellous, the anterior outer bract linear- lanceolate, 1 cm. long, 2.25 mm. wide at middle, acute, slightly 338 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM narrowed at base, in other respects similar to the posterior bract, the innermost bracts narrowly lanceolate, 5 to 6.5 mm. long, 1 to 1.25 mm. wide at 3 mm. above base, the tip slender, puberulous, the margins ciliate, the hairs white, spreading, up to 1 mm. long, the marginal area of the bracts, except at tip, whitish and subhyaline; calyx 4mm. long, the segments narrowly triangular, 3 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, slenderly acute at tip, both surfaces minutely and rather densely puberulous; corollas 2 cm. long, pale yellow (“naranja palido,” Hernindez-C.), sparingly pilosulous, the hairs straight or slightly Figure 122.—Dicliptera uribei Leonard (Uribe-Uribe 343): a, Inflorescence at tip of stem; b, leaf; c, portion of leaf blade at costal region (lower surface) in detail to show venation, pubescence and cystoliths; d, one of a pair of bracts subtending a lowermost cyme; ¢, one of a pair of bracts subtending a cyme toward tip of inflorescence; f, the larger of the outer pair of bracts subtending a cymule; g, marginal hairs of same; h, pubescence of inner surface of same; i, the smaller of the outer pair of bracts subtending a cymule; j, one of the innermost bracts; k, calyx; 1, pubescence of calyx. (a-c, Natural size; d-f, 1, 7, twice natural size; & about 12 times natural size; A, 9 times natural size, k, 214 times natural size; J, 15 times natural size.) curved, spreading, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 1.25 mm. at 2.5 mm. above base, thence gradually enlarged to 4.25 mm. at throat, the lips subequal, ovate, the upper lip obtuse at tip, the lower 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, 0.5 mm. long and wide, rounded at tip; stamens reaching tip of the upper lip, the filaments sparingly pilosulous toward base; capsules ovate, 7 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, 1 mm. thick, obtuse and apiculate, hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, straight, spreading or the basal hairs slightly retrorse; seeds not seen. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 339 Type in the U. 5. National Herbarium, No. 1997178, collected in the mountains east of Santandercito, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 1,800 to 2,000 meters altitude, 1939, by Lorenzo Uribe- Uribe (No. 343). A specimen collected by Jorge Hernandez-C., No. 809 (US), in woods at Laguna de Pedropalo, Municipio de Tena, Department of Cundinamarca, 2,100-2,200 meters altitude, July 21-25, 1953, is also of this species. 6, Dicliptera bogotensis Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 123 Herba, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis, glabris vel bifariam hirtellis, pilis retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum oblongo- ovata, acuminata (apice ipso plus minusve obtuso), basi angustata, in petiolum breviter decurrens, subcoriacea, integra vel undulata, supra glabra vel parce hirtella, costa et venis aliquanto hirtellis, pilis ascendentibus, plus minusve curvatis, subtus parce hirtella vel prope basim puberula, cystolithis minutis; petioli glabri, canale dense hirtelli, pilis subbrunneis, plus minusve curvatis; capitula axillaria et terminalia, pedunculis brevibus, hexagonis, plus minusve bifariam parce hirtellis; bracteae cymas subtendentes anguste triangulares, acuminatae, glabrae, costis prominentibus; bractea major exterior cymulam subtendens lanceolata, acuta, basi angustata, marginibus albidis, ciliata, pilis brevibus et longis intermixtis, extus parce hirtella, intus aliquanto dense hirtella; bractea minor cymulam subtendens lanceolata, acuminata, costa prope basim pilosa, aliter bracteae exteriori similis; bracteae intimae anguste lanceolatae, acuminatae, intus glabrae, extus hirtellae; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, hirtella; corolla (immatura) dense hirtella, labiis aequalibus, labio superiore obtuso, inferiore trilobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis. Herbs up to 30 cm. high or more; stems erect or ascending, sub- hexagonal, glabrous or hirtellous in two lines near the nodes, the hairs retrorsely curved, 0.25 to 0.5 mm. long; leaf blades (only the uppermost present) oblong-ovate, up to 4.5 em. long and 2 em. wide, acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, firmly thin, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous or very sparingly hirtellous except the densely hirtellous costa, the hairs ascending, mostly curved, 0.5 to 1.75 mm. long, the lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs) sparingly hirtellous, the lower surface sparingly hirtellous or puberulous toward base, the cystoliths on both surfaces minute, about 175 » long; petioles up to 1 cm. long, glabrous except the channel, this densely hirtellous, the hairs brownish, mostly curved, up to 0.6 mm. long; capitula axillary and terminal, the lowermost peduncle 1 cm. long, the others suc- cessively shorter toward tip of inflorescence, all hexagonal, sparingly 340 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM hirtellous, the hairs sometimes arranged in 2 lines, the capitula subtended by small leaves, the cymes (often 3-parted) subtended by a pair of narrowly triangular bracts up to 4 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide at base, slenderly acute, glabrous, the costa prominent; cymules borne on short quadrangular peduncles 0.5-1.5 mm. long; larger outer bract subtending the cymule lanceolate, up to 15 mm. long and 3.5 mm. wide near the middle, acute, narrowed and concave near base, green except narrow basal marginal whitish areas, ciliolate or some of the small hairs, especially towards base of bract, intermixed with long slender ones up to’0.75 mm. long, the outer surface of the \ > p FicurE 123,—Dicliptera bogotensis Leonard (T; riana, Salto de Tequendama): a, Inflores- cence; b, base of cyme to show subtending bracts; ¢, larger outer bract subtending the cymule; d, marginal hairs of same; ¢, smaller outer bract subtending the cymule; f, costal hairs of same; g, one of the innermost bracts; h, calyx; 1, marginal hairs of one of the calyx segments. (a, Natural size; b, slightly over natural size; c, ¢, g, twice natural size; d, 12 times natural size; f, 10 times natural size; h, 245 times natural size; 1, 23 times natural size.) bract sparingly hirtellous, the inner surface rather densely so, the hairs erect, 75 to 125 u long; smaller outer bract subtending the cymule lanceolate, 11 cm. long, 2 mm. wide near the middle, slenderly acute, the costa, at least toward base, often bearing slender spreading hairs up to 1.25 mm. long, in other respects the smaller exterior bracts similar to the larger ones ; Innermost bracts narrowly lanceo- late, 6 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near base, slenderly acute, glabrous within, hirtellous without, whitish toward base; calyx 4.5 mm. long, hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, the segments narrowly triangular, 3 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, acute, whitish; corollas (immature) densely hirtellous, the lips equal, the upper lip obtuse, the lower 3-lobed, the lobes rounded, the middle lobe broader than the lateral ones; capsules not seen. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 341 Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected in the ‘‘Province of Bogota, en el Salto,”! 2,500 meters altitude, August 1855, by J. Triana (No. 4093-3). Isotype: Col. 7. Dicliptera pilosa H. B. K. Dicliptera pilosa H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2: 237. 1817. Type locality: “prope Gonzanama, Malacates et Loxa Novo-Granatensium.” Herbs up to 30 em. high or more; stems erect or ascending, green, moderately hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, retrorsely curved; leaf blades (only the uppermost present) ovate or obovate, up to 4 em. long and 2 cm. wide, obtuse or rounded at tip, mucronate (the mucro slender, up to 2 mm. long), narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, entire or undulate, ciliolate, thin, both surfaces sparingly hirtellous, the hairs curved, ascending, about 0.25 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs) moderately prominent, the veinlets coarsely reticulate, the cystoliths conspicous under a lens, up to 0.5 mm. long, straight or slightly curved; petioles slender, up to 1.5 cm. long, sparingly hirtellous or the channel densely so, the hairs up to 0.35 mm. long, ascending or subappressed ; capitula ageregated to form terminal spikelike thyrsi up to 19 cm. long and 2.5 em. broad, or the lowermost axillary, the cymes subsessile, some of the capitula of the terminal racemes subtended by obovate leaflike bracts up to 2.5 cm. long and 13 mm. wide, these conspicuously mucronate; bracts subtending the cymes subulate, up to 4 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide at base, carinate, sparingly hirtellous, the outer pair of bracts subtending the cymules unequal, thin, green, mucronate, ciliate, both surfaces hirtellous, the marginal hairs up to 0.75 mm. long, straight, spreading, the surface hairs minute, ascending, the venation conspicuous, the costa and 2 pairs of lateral veins pre- dominating, the veinlets parallel or coarsely reticulated, prominent, the posterior bract subrhombic, 1.5 cm. long, 6 mm. wide, acute at tip, cuneate at base, the anterior bract rhombic-obovate, 8 mm. long (mucro 2 mm. long), 3.5 mm. wide at 6 mm. above base, obtuse at tip, cuneate at base, the innermost bracts narrowly lanceolate, 2 to 2.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, acuminate, ciliolate; calyx 2 mm. long, the segments narrowly lanceolate, 0.25 mm. wide, ciliolate; corollas lavender, 12 mm. long, sparingly and minutely pubescent, the tube slender, about 1 mm. in diamter, the lips ovate, about 4 mm. long and 3 mm. wide; capsules 4 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, 0.5 mm. thick, obtuse and apiculate, pilose, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, spreading at tip of the capsule, retrorse toward base; retinacula narrowly triangular, 0.75 mm. long, 0.25 mm. broad at base, acute at tip; seed light brown, flattened, suborbicular, 1.25 mm. in diameter, 1 Salto de Tequendama, which often is called merely “El Salto” by the residents of Bogota. 342 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM about 0.25 mm. thick, densely hirtellous, the hairs straight, spreading, retrorsely barbed. The nature of the lobes of the lower lip of the corolla was not apparent in the few badly crumpled flowers present on the specimens examined. Ki VatLe: Roadside at Cali, Killip 8335 (GH, NY). 8. Dicliptera caucensis Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 124 Suffrutex, caulibus sursum hexagonis, angulis anguste alatis, subviridibus, pilosulis (pilis rectis, patulis), deorsum subteretibus, glabratis; lamina foliorum ovata, acuta vel obtusa, basi angustata, z ——— Vag WES AS = TT ee . Ficure 124.—Dicliptera caucensis Leonard (Pérez-Arbeldex &3 Cuatrecasas 5977): a, Tip of plant; 6, one of a pair of bracts subtending cyme; c, outer bract subtending cymule; d, inner bracts ¢, a hair from the margin of one of thes bracts; f, g, inner bracts subtend- ing flowers; h, calyx segment; ?, hair from margin of calyx segment; 7, anther (dorsal view); k, anther (ventral view); 1, valve of capsule; m, seed. (a, b, Natural size; c, d, f-h, twice natural size; e¢, about 10 times natural size; 1, about 18 times natural size; 7, k, 4 times natural size; 1, 244 times natural size; m, about 3 times natural size.) in petiolum breviter decurrens, membranacea, utrinque parce hirsuta, costa et venis lateralibus aliquanto prominentibus; petioli graciles, subtus glabri, canale dense pubescente; cymae axillares et terminales, cymae superiores confluentes, thyrsos densos terminales formantes; cymulae pleurumque 3-florae; bracteae virides, bractea exterior lanceolata, acuta et cuspidata, basi angustata, marginibus dense LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 343 ciliata, pilis patulis, utrinque parce pilosa, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus, bractea interior similis sed aliquanto minor; bracteae interiores anguste lanceolatae, costatae, pilosae et ciliatae (pilis patulis), marginibus albidae; calycis segmenta parva, anguste lanceolata, hirsutula, pilis patulis; corolla parva, purpurascens, subtiliter pubescens, tubo angusto, labio superiore ovato, rotundato, labio inferiore oblongo, apice trilobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis; capsulae parvae, clavatae, pilosulae; retinacula parva, subulata; semina plana, nigra, glabra vel marginibus papillosis. Suffrutescent plants up to 60 cm. high or more, branched, erect or ascending, the upper portions of the stems hexagonal, the angles narrowly winged, greenish yellow, pilosulous, the hairs straight, spreading, up to 0.5 mm. long, the lower portions of the stems sub- terete, glabrate; leaf blades ovate, up to 5 em. long and 2.5 cm. wide, acute to obtusish, narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, membranous, entire, both surfaces sparingly hirsute, the hairs up to 1 mm. long, spreading or ascending, the costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs) rather prominent, the cystoliths prominent under a lens, up to about 0.25 mm. long, blackish; petioles slender, up to 2 cm. long, glabrous beneath, the channels densely pubescent, flowers borne in axillary and terminal cymes, the uppermost confluent, forming dense spikelike thyrsi up to 3 cm. long and 2 cm. broad, each cymule usually 3-flowered; bracts green, the outer one lanceolate, 13 mm. long, 3.5 mm. wide slightly above middle, acute and cuspidate, the cusp up to 1.5 mm. long, the base narrowed, the margins densely ciliate, the hairs about 1 mm. long, spreading, both surfaces sparingly pilose, the hairs somewhat shorter than the marginal ones, the costa and lateral nerves (1 pair) prominent, the inner bract similar but slightly smaller (10 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide), the interior bracts lance-subulate, 5 to 7 mm. long, 0.5 to 0.75 mm. wide, costate, pilose and ciliate, the hairs white, spreading, up to 1 mm. long, the margins whitish; calyx 3 mm. long, the segments lance-subulate, subhyaline, hirsutulous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, spreading; corollas 15 mm. long, purplish (“rosado-violacea,” Pérez-Arbeliez), finely pubescent, the hairs about 0.5 mm. long, spreading or retrorse, the tube 7 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad near base, narrowed at 5 mm. above base to 1 mm., 2 mm. broad at mouth, the posterior lip ovate, 9 mm. long, 4.5 mm. wide, rounded, the lower lip oblong, 8 mm. long and 3.5 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes about 0.5 mm. long and wide, rounded; capsules 5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, pilosulous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, white, spreading; retinacula subulate, about 1 mm. long; seed black, flattened, about 1.5 mm. long and broad, glabrous or the margins sparingly papillose. 344 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Type in theU. S. National Herbarium, No. 1774439, collected between Puracé and Coconuco, Department of Cauca, Colombia, 2,300 to 2,400 meters altitude, July 12, 1939, by E. Pérez-Arbeléez and J. Cuatrecasas (No. 5977). Kjell von Sneidern’s No. 1032 (S), collected in thickets at El Tambo, Department of Cauca, altitude 1,700 meters, August 15, 1936, is also of this species. 9. Dicliptera conformis Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 125 Herba debilis, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis, parce pilosulis, pilis retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum ovata, acuta, Figure 125,—Dicliptera conformis Leonard (Triana, Almaguer, El Cauca): a, Inflorescence; b, cross-section of stem; ¢, one of a pair of bracts subtending a cyme; d, the larger outer bract subtending a cymule; ¢, marginal hairs of same; f, the smaller outer bract sub- tending the cymule; g, one of the innermost bracts; A, calyx; 7, marginal hairs of one of the segments. (a, Natural size; b, 3 times natural size; ¢, d, f-h, twice natural size; ¢, 10 times natural size; 1, 15 times natural size.) basi angustata, in petiolum breviter decurrens, membranacea, integra vel undulata, parce ciliolata, pilis curvatis, supra parce hirtella, cystolithis sub lente conspicuis, costa et venis lateralibus obscuris, subtus parce hirtella, costa et venis aliquanto prominentibus, venulis reticulatis; petioli graciles, subtus glabri, canale aliquanto dense hirtelli, pilis minutis, curvatis, subappressis; capitula axillaria et terminalia, sursum ageregata, thyrsos densos terminales formantia, pedunculis brevissimis, glabris vel parce hirtellis; capitula paribus LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 345 foliorum suffulta; cyma 3-partita, paribus bractearum lanceolato- subulatarum suffulta; cymulae pedunculus brevissimus, aliquanto hirtellus, pilis flavidis, ascendentibus; bractea exterior cymulam subtendens oblanceolata, subobtusa, cuspidata, basi angustata, convexa, viridis, marginibus basi albidis, extus hirtella, pilis rigidis, sursum curvatis, costa prominente, intus parce et subtiliter hirtella, paribus nervis basi prominentibus; bractea minor exterior cymulam subtendens bracteae superiori similis; bracteae intimae lanceolato- subulatae l-nervatae, ciliatae, pilis patulis, extus parce hirtellae, intus glabrae; calycis segmenta albida, anguste triangularia, puberula; ovarium apice hirtellum, basi glabrum. Weak herbs up to 15 cm. high or more; stems erect or ascending, 0.75 mm. in diameter, subhexagonal (the angles acute), sparingly pilosulous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, retrorsely curved; leaf blades ovate, up to 3 cm. long and 13 mm. wide, acute, narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, firmly membranaceous, entire or undulate, sparingly ciliolate with curved hairs, the upper surface sparingly hirtellous, the cystoliths conspicuous, the costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs) obscure, the lower surface sparingly hirtel- lous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, the costa and veins more promi- nent than above, the veinlets reticulate; petioles slender, up to 1 cm. long, glabrous beneath, the channel rather densely hirtellous with subappressed hairs about 0.25 mm. long; capitula axillary and ter- minal, the uppermost aggregated in a dense thyrse about 2.5 cm. long and 15 mm. broad, the peduncles up to 1 mm. long, glabrous or spar- ingly hirtellous, the capitula subtended by a pair of leaves, the cymes, mostly 3-parted, subtended by a pair of lance-subulate bracts about 5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide near base; cymules supported by peduncles 0.5 mm. long, moderately hirtellous with yellowish, re- trorsely ascending hairs 0.5 mm. long, the larger outer bract sub- tending the cymule green except a narrow marginal basal whitish area, oblanceolate, 1 cm. long, 3.5 mm. wide at 5 mm. below tip, sub- obtuse, cuspidate (the cusp 0.75 mm. long), gradually narrowed from above middle to base, the basal portion convex, ciliate, the hairs mostly 0.75 mm. long, the outer surface hirtellous, the hairs stiff, upwardly curved, 0.5 mm. long, yellowish, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves obscure, the inner surface sparingly and finely hirtellous, the venation obscure except the basal portion of a pair of lateral sub- marginal nerves, the smaller outer bract subtending the cymule 9 mm. long, 2.25 mm. wide at 3 mm. below tip, in other respects similar to the larger outer bract; innermost bracts lance-subulate, up to 6.25 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, 1-nerved, ciliate, the hairs spreading, up to 0.5 mm. long, the outer surface sparingly hirtellous, the inner glabrous; calyx 2.5 mm. long, whitish, puberulous, the segments narrowly tri- 388179—57——-3 346 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM angular, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base; corolla not seen; ovary hirtellous toward tip, glabrous toward base; capsules not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected at Almaguer, Province of Popaydn, Department of El Cauca, Colombia, 2,000 meters altitude, August 1855, by J. Triana (No. 4093-2). Isotype in the Herbario Nacional Colombiano. The bracts are marked by scattered minute black dots which may possibly represent parasites. 10. Dicliptera ochrochlamys Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 126 Herba, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, glabris vel parce et sub- tiliter puberulis; lamina foliorum anguste oblongo-elliptica vel lanceo- lata, apice acuta vel subacuta, basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, membranacea, marginibus integris vel undulatis, supra glabra, subtus costa parce puberula, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus; petioli glabri vel parce pubescentes; cymae summis confluentes, thyrsos densos terminales formantes, infimae breviter pedunculatae, alterae sessiles vel subsessiles; cymulae pluriflorae, rhache et pedunculis plus minusve puberulis, bracteis exterioribus ellipticis, apice acutis et apiculatis, basi angustatus, plus minusve puberulis, ciliatis; bracteae intermediae lanceolatae, acuminatae, subhyalinae, apice virides, plus minusve puberulae; bracteae intimae parvae, anguste lanceolatae, albidae, puberulae; calycis segmenta parva, anguste lanceolata, subhyalina, minute et parce pubescentia; corolla (immatura) parva, subtiliter et parce pubescens, labiis oblongis, labio posteriore subobtuso, labio inferiore apice trilobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis, lobo medio sub- cucullato; stamina vix exserta, filamentis parce pilosis. Herbs about 40 cm. high; stems erect or ascending, hexagonal, finely and rather sparingly puberulous or glabrate, the angles rounded, the lower nodes somewhat swollen; leaf blades narrowly oblong- elliptic to lanceolate, 3 to 7 em. long, 1 to 2.5 cm. wide, acute to sub- acute at tip, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, thin, entire or undulate, ciliolate, the upper surface glabrous, drying olive green, the lower surface drying to grayish green, glabrous or the costa sparingly puberulous, this and the lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs) prominent, more so beneath than above, the cystoliths of both surfaces slender, 0.25 mm. long, rather scattered; petioles slender, up to 2 em. long, sparingly and minutely pubescent or glabrate; flowers borne in dense terminal and axillary thyrsi 1 to 3 cm. long and 1 to 1.5 cm. broad, these composed of verticillasters of 4 to 5 cymes each, the lowermost cymes of the thyrse short-peduncled, the others sessile or subsessile, the cymes usually several flowered, the rachis and peduncles more or less puberulous, the bracts subtending the cymules elliptic, 9 mm. long and 4 mm. wide, acute and cuspidate, thin, narrowed toward LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 347 base, puberulous, the lower half whitish, the upper light green, ciliate, the marginal hairs up to 1 mm. long, the intermediate bracts lance- olate, 7 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide, acuminate, subhyaline, greenish toward tip, more or less puberulous, the innermost bracts lance- subulate, 4.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, whitish, puberulous; calyx 3.5 mm. long, the segments narrowly lanceolate, 3 mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide, subhyaline; corolla (immature) 12 mm. long, red (?), finely j Ficure 126.—Dicliptera ochrochlamys Leonard (Garcia-Barriga 5177): a, Tip of stem; b, cross-section of stem; c, portion of leaf blade (upper surface) enlarged to show cystoliths; d, outer bract subtending cymule; ¢, inner bract; f, marginal hairs of same; g, one of the bracts subtending flower; h, calyx segment; 1, marginal hairs of same; j, corolla. (a, Natural size; b, about 442 times natural size; c-e, g, h, j, twice natural size; f, about 1114 times natural size; 7, 25 times natural size.) pubescent, the hairs spreading, up to 0.25 mm. long, the lips oblong, 5 to 6 mm. long, the posterior lip 3 mm. wide, subobtuse at tip, the anterior lip 2.5 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes rounded, 0.25 mm. long, the middle one subcucullate; stamens reaching the tip of the upper lip, the filaments sparingly pilose, the hairs spreading, about 0.25 mm. long, the anthers cells attached one above the other, oval, each barely 2 mm. long; ovaries and capsules not seen. 348 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1830673, collected at Restrepo, Intendencia of Meta, Colombia, January 1937, by H. Garcia-Barriga (No. 5177). Isotype in the Herbario ? Nacional Colombiano. The specific epithet (4xpés, whitish, and xAq@uis, military cloak) alludes to the characteristic whitish bracts, which give a whitish appearance to the entire inflorescence. 11. Dicliptera cuatrecasasii Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 127 Herba, caulibus ramosis, subhexagonis, sursum puberulis, deorsum glabris; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, apice acuta vel acuminata, ) Oe ; as Wy [) ia NW), sip i iy ( Vy g aa “s WW Al LAME, Z NZS ¢ 7 Figure 127.—Dicliptera cuatrecasasii Leonard (Cuatrecasas 18783): a, Tip of plant; 5, cymule; ¢, marginal hairs of the inner and outer cymule bracts; d, one of the inner bracts subtending the flower; e, calyx segment; f, hairs from the margin of the calyx segment. (a, Natural size; b, d, ¢, twice natural size; c, about 25 times natural size; f, about 40 times natural size.) LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 349 basi angustata, in petiolum breviter decurrens, integra vel undulata, ciliolata, supra glabra vel pilos paucos minutos ferens, in costa pubes- cens, costa et venis lateralibus obscuris, subtus glabra vel parce pubescens, costa et venis lateralibus mediocriter prominentibus; petioli graciles, subtus glabri, canale puberulenti, pilis curvatis; capitula axillaria et terminalia sursum confluentia, thyrsum densum angustum terminalem formantia, pedunculis brevibus, puberulis, pilis retrorse curvatis; bracteae capitula subtendentes foliiformes; bracteae cymulas subtendentes parvae, lanceolatae, acuminatae, 1-nervatae, majores exteriores oblanceolatae, subobtusae, apice spina parva terminantes, basi angustatae, glabrae vel puberulae, marginibus ciliolatis vel ciliolatis et ciliatis; bracteae intimae anguste lanceolatae, albidae apice subviridi exceptae, tenuiter ciliolatae, obscure 1-nerva- tae; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, obscure 3-nervata, albida. Dull green branching herbs; stems subhexagonal, the angles rounded, the tips puberulous, the lower portions glabrous, the base of the plant 7 mm. in diameter or more; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, acute or acuminate, narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, thin, entire or undulate, ciliolate, the upper surface glabrous (or bearing a few minute hairs) except the costa, this puberulous and like the lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs) obscure, the cystoliths inconspicuous, the lower surface glabrous or bearing a few scattered minute hairs, the venation moderately conspicuous, the cystoliths conspicuous under a lens but not numerous; petioles slender, up to 4 cm. long, glabrous beneath, the channel puberulous with curved hairs; flowers borne in axillary and terminal capitula, the uppermost confluent, forming a narrow spike-like thyrse, the peduncles up to 5 mm. long, or the lowermost longer, puberulous, the hairs retrorsely curved; bracts subtending the cymes leaflike, lanceolate, about 10 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide; bracts at base of cymules lance-subulate, usually up to 2.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide at base, acuminate and 1-nerved, the pair of larger and outer bracts subtending and enclosing the cymules oblanceolate, the posterior bract 13 mm. long and 4 mm. wide slightly above middle, subobtuse and tipped by a spine about 1 mm. long, gradually narrowed from above middle to base (the base 2 mm. wide), firm, green, or whitish at base, glabrous or puberulous, ciliolate or both ciliolate and sparingly ciliate, the longer hairs up to 1 mm. long, the anterior bract similar but somewhat smaller, the inner bracts narrowly lanceolate, 7 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide, whitish except toward tip, finely ciliolate, faintly 1-nerved; calyx segments narrowly triangular, 3 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, faintly 3-nerved, white; corollas and capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium No. 1853821, collected near the confluence of the Rio Pichindecito and the Rio Pichindé, valley 350 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM of the Rio Cali, Department of El Valle, Colombia, 1,580 to 1,640 meters altitude, November 7, 1944, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 18783). Dicliptera cuatrecasasii, as represented by the type specimen, is very robust for the genus. It is nearly glabrous and the entire plant is dull green in color. Many of the larger bracts subtending the cymules are merely ciliolate but others bear in addition to the minute marginal hairs a few or sometimes mumerous long spreading ones. 12. Dicliptera killipii Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 128 Herba, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis, pilis retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum ovata, apice acuta, basi angustata, in petiolum breviter decurrens, membranacea, integra vel undulata, ciliata, supra parce hirsuta, costa et venis lateralibus obscuris, cysto- lithis parvis et obscuris, subtus hirsuta, pilis praecipue in costa et venis (eis aliquanto conspicuis), cystolithis obscuris; petioli graciles, parce hirtelli; capitula axillaria et terminalia, sursum confluentia, thyrsum densum angustum terminalem formantia, pedunculis brevibus, hirsutis; bracteae cymulas subtendentes parvae, lineares, lanceolatae, tenuiter acuminatae, marginibus et costa ciliatae; bracteae majores capitula subtendentes oblanceolatac, subobtusae et cuspidatae, basi angustatae, subcoriaceae, venosac, costa et nervis infimis magis prominentibus, ciliatae, utrinque parce hirtellae, sursum virides, basi albidae; bracteae intimae ciliatae, apice hirtellae et subvirides, deorsum albidae; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, ciliolata, hirtella; corolla lilacina, parva, tubo gracili, sursum minute pubes- cente, labiis minute pubescentibus, labio superiore ovato, acuto, labio inferiore oblongo, apice 3-lobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis; stamina exserta, filamentis parce pilosis; capsulae parvae, apice obtusae, apiculatae, retrorse et minute pilosae; retinacula triangularia, minuta, acuminata; semina suborbicularia, nigra, marginibus parce papillosa. Herbs, stems weak, erect or ascending, up to 30 em. high or more, subhexagonal, hirtellous, the hairs retrorsely curved, about 0.25 mm. long; leaf blades ovate, up to 7 cm. long and 3 em. wide, acute, narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, membranaceous, entire or undulate, ciliate, the upper surface sparingly hirsute, the hairs ascending, up to 0.75 mm. long, the venation obscure, the cystoliths minute and obscure, about 0.25 mm. long, the lower surface hirsute, the hairs spreading or ascending, up to 0.75 mm. long, confined mostly to costa and veins (4 or 5 pairs, these barely con- spicuous but more so than above), the reticulation of the veinlets conspicuous under a lens, the cystoliths inconspicuous; petioles slender, up to 2.5 cm. long, sparingly hirtellous; flowers borne in LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 351 axillary verticillasters, the uppermost confluent, forming a narrow spikelike thyrse, the peduncles up to 1.5 mm. long, hirsute, the bracts subtending the cymes narrowly lanceolate, about 7 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, slenderly acuminate, costate, the margins and costa ciliate, the larger and outer pair of bracts subtending the cymule oblanceolate, subobtuse and abruptly cuspidate (the cusp 1.5 mm. long), narrowed gradually from above middle to base, rather Ficure 128.—Dicliptera killipit Leonard (Killip 6818): a, Tip of branch; b, leaf; c, bract subtending cymes; d, marginal hairs of the larger outer bract subtending the cymule; e, the larger of the outer pair of bracts subtending the cymule; f, the smaller bract of the large pair; g, one of the innermost bracts subtending the cymule; h, one of the calyx segments; 1, marginal hairs of same; j, disrupted valve of calyx; k, seed; /, marginal papillae of same. (a, Natural size; ¢, e-A, j, twice natural size; d, 15 times natural size; 1, about 20 times natural size; k, 4 times natural size; /, about 30 times natural size.) firm, veiny, the costa and the lower pair of nerves predominating, the margins ciliolate, the hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, both surfaces rather sparingly hirtellous, the larger bracts 13 mm. long, and 5 mm. wide, the smaller one 11 mm. long and 3.5 mm. wide, both green toward tip, whitish toward base; innermost bracts narrowly lanceolate, the larger of these 9 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at 2.56 mm. above base, the smaller pair 5 to 6 mm. long, about 0.75 mm. wide above base, both pairs costate, ciliate, the tips hirtellous and ereenish, whitish toward base; calyx segments narrowly triangular, 2.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide 352 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM at base, whitish, ciliate and hirtellous, the hairs about 150 u long; corollas lilac, about 8 mm. long, the tube about 2 mm. broad, narrowed near mouth to 1.5 mm., its upper portion and the lips finely pubescent, the hairs straight and spreading, about 0.25 mm. long, the upper lobe ovate, about 7 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, acute at tip, the lower lip oblong, about 6 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide, 3-lobed at apex, the lobes rounded, about 0.75 mm. long and wide ; Stamens exserted about 4mm. beyond the mouth of the tube, the filaments sparingly pilose; capsules 5 mm. long, about 2 mm. broad, 0.75 mm. thick, obtuse and apiculate at tip, retrorsely pilose, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, whitish: retinacula triangular, acuminate, about 1 mm. long; seed suborbicular, flattened, 1.5 mm. in diameter, 0.5 mm. thick, black, sparingly papillose near margins, the papillae about 50 » long. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1142190, collected between Canaan and Coconuco, Department. of Cauca, Colombia, 2,300 to 2,800 meters altitude, June 17, 1922, by E. P. Killip (No. 6818). Isotypes: GH, NY. Triana’s specimens (Col, N Y), collected at Almaguer, Department of Cauca, are also of this species. 13. Dicliptera driophila Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 129 Herba vel suffrutex, caulibus ramosis, erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis, striatis, sursum subtiliter pubescentibus, pilis plus minusve retrorse curvatis, praecipue in angulis positis, deorsum glabratis; lamina foliorum ovato-lanceolata, acuta vel acuminata, basi angustata, in petiolum breviter decurrens, membranacea, integra vel undulata, viridis, supra aliquanto hirtella, costa et venis lateralibus gracilibus, obscuris, cystolithis inconspicuis, subtus aliquanto dense hirtella, pilis praecipue in costa et venis (eis gracili- bus sed conspicuis); petioli graciles, subtus glabri, canale hirtelli; capitula praecipue axillaria, pedunculis brevibus, hirtellis; bracteae cymas subtendentes parvae, subulatae, 1-nervatae, parce ciliolatae ; bracteae majores cymulas subtendentes sursum virides, deorsum albidae, acutae, cuspidatae, subcoriaceae, ciliatae, parce hirtellae, costa et nervis infimis magis prominentibus, bractea posterior oblan- ceolata, inferior lanceolata, bracteae intimae anguste lanceolatae, tenuiter acuminatae, albidae, I-nervatae, ciliolatae; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, parva, albida, ciliolata; corolla pubescens; capsulae parvae, minute hirsutae, pilis patulis vel retrorsis; retinacula minuta, subulata. Herbs, sometimes suffrutescent toward base, up to 40 em. high or more; stems branched, erect or ascending, subhexagonal, striate, the upper portions finely pubescent, the hairs more or less retrorsely curved, up to 0.25 mm. long, confined chiefly to the angles, the lower portions of the stem glabrate; leaf blades ovate-lanceolate, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 353 up to 9 cm. long and 3 cm. wide, acute to acuminate, narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, membranaceous, entire or undulate, drying green, the upper surface moderately hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.75 mm. long, ascending or slightly curved, the costa and lateral veins slender, obscure, the cystoliths up to 0.5 mm. long, the lower surface rather densely hirtellous, the hairs ascending, up to 0.75 mm. long, confined chiefly to the costa and lateral veins; petioles slender, up to 2 cm. long, glabrous below, the channel hirtellous; capitula mostly axillary, a few of the uppermost some- times more or less confluent, the peduncles up to 2.5 mm. long, Ficure 129.—Dicliptera driophila Leonard (Cuatrecasas 20947): a, Tip of branch; }, portion of leaf blade (upper surface) to show reticulation of veinlets; c, one of a pair of outer bracts subtending a cyme; d, the larger of a pair of outer bracts subtending a cymule; ¢, marginal hairs of same; f, the smaller of the two outer bracts subtending the cymule; g, one of a pair of inner bracts of a cymule; h, one of the innermost pairs of bracts; i, calyx spread to show lobes; j, tip of calyx lobe to show pubescence; k, valve of capsule. (a, Natural size; ¢, d, f-i, k, twice natural size; ), 144 times natural size; ¢, 34 times natural size; 7, 14 times natural size.) hirtellous; bracts subtending the cymes subulate, up to 6 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide at base, strongly 1-nerved, sparingly ciliolate, the larger outer pair of bracts subtending the cymule oblong-lanceolate, up to 12 mm. long and 3.5 mm. wide slightly above the middle, acute and cuspidate (the cusp 1.5 mm. long), green toward tip, whitish toward base, subcoriaceous, ciliate and sparingly hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, the costa and a pair of lateral nerves predomi- nating, the smaller bract lanceolate, up to 8 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, in other respects similar to the larger bract; innermost bracts 354 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM narrowly lanceolate, 6 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide at 1.5 mm. above base, the smaller ones 3.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide near base, both pairs whitish, slenderly acuminate, 1-nerved, ciliolate; calyx segments narrowly triangular, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, whitish, ciliolate; corolla (immature) pubescent; capsules about 6 mm. long, clavate, pubescent, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, spreading or retrorse, the retinacula subulate, nearly straight, 0.75 mm. long. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1900475, collected at Quebrada de los Osos, valley of the Rio Bugalagrande, Department of HI Valle, Colombia, 2,170 meters altitude, April 20, 1946, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 20947). Isotype: US. A specimen collected in thickets at Rioblanco, vicinity of Popaydn, Department of Cauca, Colombia, 1,800 meters altitude, July 9, 1939, by Pérez-Arbeliez and Cuatrecasas, No. 5788 (US), is also of this species. The color of the corolla is not apparent in the dried material. Only immature flowers were present and, judging from the complete- ness of the specimens in other respects, this absence of expanded corollas may have been due to cleistogamy. The specific epithet is derived from Sdptos, thicket, and ¢ios, loving. 14, Dicliptera garciae Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 130 Suffrutex, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis, sulcatis, sursum pubescentibus, deorsum glabratis; laminae foliorum (verti- cillasteres subtendentes) ovatac, subacutae, basi rotundatae vel obtusae, integrae, subcoriaceae, utrinque pubescentes, pilis praecipue in costa et venis positis, costa et venis lateralibus supra obscuris, subtus aliquanto prominentibus; petioli breves, pubescentes; capitula axillaria, pedunculis brevibus; bracteae cymulas subtendentes parvae, lanceolatae, acuminatae, carinatae, parce pubescentes, 1-nervatae, majores exteriores oblanceolatae, acutae vel acuminatae, coriaceae, virides, ciliatae, parce hirtellae, costa et venis lateralibus obscuris, majores interiores aliquanto minores quam exteriores, lanceolatae, acuminatae, coriaceae, sursum virides, deorsum subflavo-virides, ciliolatae, hirtellae; bracteae intimac anguste lanceolatae, deorsum albidae, minute hirtellae, 1-nervatae; calycis segmenta triangularia, acuminata, subhyalina, sursum hirtella; corolla rubra, plus minusve pubescens, tubo anguste hypocrateriformi, labiis ovatis, labio superiore apice rotundato vel leviter emarginato, labio inferiore aliquanto longiore quam labio superiore, apice trilobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis planis, parce pilosis; capsulae planae, ovatae, pubescentes; retinacula parva, cucullata; semina plana, suborbicularia, plus minusve minute rugosa. Suffrutescent herbs; stems branching, erect or ascending, sub- hexagonal, grooved, the tips pubescent, the hairs spreading or re- LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 355 trorsely recurved, barely 0.5 mm. long, the lower portions of the stem glabrate; leaf blades (only those subtending the verticillasters present) ovate, up to 3 cm. long and 1.6 cm. wide near base, subacute, rounded or obtuse at base, entire, rather firm, hirtellous on both sides, the hairs straight or nearly so, spreading or ascending, slightly less than 0.5 mm. long, confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs), the venation obscure above but fairly prominent beneath; petioles up to 4 mm. long, pubescent; flowers borne in axillary Ficure 130.—Dicliptera garciae Leonard (Cuatrecasas €$ Garcta-Barriga 9820): a, Tip of plant; 6, cymule; c, portion of one of the larger bracts of the cymule enlarged to show pubescence; d, one of the innermost bracts; ¢, one of the calyx segments; f, hairs from margin of calyx segment; g, disrupted capsule expanding from base; h, disrupted capsule expanding from tip. (a, Natural size; b, d, ¢, g, h, twice natural size; c, about 20 times natural size; f, about 25 times natural size.) verticillasters, the internodes about 2 cm. long, the basal bracts sub- tending the cymes narrowly lanceolate, 2 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, acuminate, keeled, sparingly pubescent, the larger of the outer bracts subtending the cymule oblanceolate, 14 mm. long, 2.25 mm. wide at 5 mm. below tip, acute or acuminate, gradually narrowed from above middle to base, firm, green, ciliolate and sparingly hirtellous, the hairs stiff, more or less curved, about 150 u long, the costa and lateral veins obscure, the inner bract subtending the cymule lanceolate, 356 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM about 10 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide toward base, acuminate, firm, the upper half green, the lower half light yellowish green, the costa barely prominent, the pubescence that of the outer bract, the inner- most bractlets narrowly lanceolate, about 6 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near base, whitish at least toward base, minutely hirtellous, 1-nerved ; calyx segments triangular, 3.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, acumin- ate, white and subhyaline, 3-nerved, minutely ciliolate, hirtellous toward tip; corollas red, sparingly to rather densely pubescent, about 3 cm. long, 2mm. broad at base, narrowed to 1 mm. at 5 mm. above base, thence gradually expanded, the throat 5 mm. broad, the lips ovate, the upper lip 6 mm. long and 4 mm. wide at base, rounded or shallowly emarginate at tip, the lower lip 8 mm. long and 5 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes rounded, about 0.5 mm. long and broad; stamens barely reaching tip of the upper lip, the filaments flat, spar- ingly pilose, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long; capsules ovate, strongly flattened, about 5 mm. long and 4 mm. broad and 1 mm. thick, pubescent, the hairs up to 165 u long, spreading or retrorsely curved, the capsule dehiscing and rupturing either from base or tip, the retina- cula cucullate, about 0.5 mm. long; seeds suborbicular, strongly flattened, about 3.5 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide and about 0.75 mm. thick, more or less minutely roughened. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1799084, collected in dry thickets on the left slope of the valley of the Rio Chicamocha, between Soatd and Tipacoque, Department of Boyac&é, Colombia, 1,700 to 2,000 meters altitude, July 18, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas and H. Garcfa-Barriga (No. 9820). The main stem leaves, deciduous and lacking on the type specimen, may prove to be somewhat larger than those subtending the verti- cillasters. The stem is woody at base and the plant probably affects a sprawling habit. The exact height of the plant cannot be approx- imated from the type material, probably a basal portion. The branches are about 20 cm. long, but the main stem may reach 1 meter or more. 15. Dicliptera ewanii Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 131 Herba vel suffrutex, caulibus ascendentibus, subquadrangularibus, sparse et retrorse bifariam hirtellis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata, acuminata, basi angustata, aliquanto firma, undulata, utrinque parce hirtella, costa et venis lateralibus conspicuis, cystolithis minutis ; petioli subtus glabri, supra in canale dense hirtelli, pilis subappressis; capitula axillaria et terminalia, sursum aggregata, paribus foliorum suffulta; cymae planae, 3-5-partitae, breviter pedunculatae vel subsessiles, paribus bractearum subulatarum subglabrarum suffultae; bractea exterior cymulam subtendens herbacea, lanceolata, acuta, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 357 extus parce et minute hirtella, intus puberula, costa et nervis sub- marginalibus prominentibus; bractea minor exterior cymulam sub- tendens anguste lanceolata, acuminata, extus parce hirtella, intus puberula, basi albida et striata, costa prominente; bracteae intimae lanceolatae, parvae, puberulae, ciliolatae, basi albidae; calycis segmenta parva, angusta, albida, dense hirtella; corolla atrococcinea, pubescens, tubo hypocrateriformi, labiis ovatis, labio superiore obtuso, inferiore apice trilobato, lobis rotundatis, parvis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis planis, marginibus pilosis. Ficure 131.—Dicliptera ewanii Leonard (Ewan 15628): a, Tip of the stem; b, the larger of the outer cymule bracts; c, pubescence of its inner surface; d, the smaller of the outer cymule bracts; ¢, one of the larger innermost bracts; f, one of the smaller; g, calyx spread to show segments; h, pubescence of segments. (a, Half natural size; b, d-g, twice natural size; c, 15 times natural size; h, 13 times natural size.) Herbs or suffrutescent plants 30 cm. high or more, the stems ascending, subhexagonal, sparingly and retrorsely hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, bifarious; leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 13.5 cm. long and 4.5 cm. wide, slenderly acuminate, narrowed at base, rather firm, undulate, both surfaces glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (6 to 8 pairs) prominent, the cystoliths minute, 125. long; petioles slender, up to 2 cm. long, glabrous beneath, the channel densely hirtellous, the hairs subappressed; capitula axillary or the 2 uppermost confluent forming a short thyrse about 3 cm. long and 2.5 cm. broad, the leaves subtending the capitula similar to the lower stem leaves 358 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM but smaller (2 to 10 em. long and 1 to 3 em. wide), the cymes flat, composed usually of 3 to 5 cymules, subsessile or short-peduncled (the peduncle up to 4 mm. long, hirtellous in 2 lines), subtended by a pair of subulate subglabrous bracts up to 5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base; bracts subtending the cymules unequal, rather thin, her- baceous, the larger bract lanceolate, up to 2 cm. long and 4.5 mm. wide, acute, the outer surface sparingly and minutely hirtellous, the inner surface rather densely puberulous, the hairs spreading, 75 to 100y long, the costa and a pair of lateral submarginal nerves prominent, the smaller bract subtending the cymule narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, whitish, indurate and coarsely striate at base, the pubes- cence that of the outer bract, the costa prominent, the veinlets of both bracts rather coarsely but obscurely reticulate, the innermost bracts lanceolate, 3 to 8 mm. long, 0.75 to 1.5 mm. wide near base, puberulous and ciliolate, the lower half or sometimes the lower marginal areas whitish; calyx segments linear, 3.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, acute, whitish, densely hirtellous, the hairs ascending, 0.3 mm. long, the calyx tube campanulate, 1 mm. long, whitish, subhyaline, glabrous; corollas dull carmine with yellow throat (Ewan), 3 cm. long, moderately pubescent, the hairs up to 275u long, spreading, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 5 mm. above base to 1 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 5 mm. at mouth, the lips ovate, 7 mm. long, the upper lip 3 mm. wide, obtuse, the lower 4 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes ovate, obtuse, 1 mm. long, the middle one 1.25 mm. wide at base, the lateral ones slightly narrower; stamens slightly exceeding the lips, the filaments flat, their margins bearing a row of curved hairs up to 250 long, the anther lobes slightly superposed, 1.5 mm. long; ovaries and capsules not seen. Type in the Tulane University Herbarium, collected in relict mountain rain forest at edge of Quebrada Chiniata, 7 kilometers east of Hilo, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,430 meters alti- tude, May 1, 1944, by Joseph A. Ewan (No. 15628). Isotypes: K, US. The ovaries of the type material have been destroyed by insects. 16. Dicliptera haughtii Leonard, sp. nov. Ficurp 132 Suffrutex, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis, pilis minutis, retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum ovata, acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi obtusa vel rotundata, supra aliquanto hirtella, subtus dense hirtella, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus; petioli breves, dense hirtelli, pilis parvis, curvatis ; capitula axillaria et terminalia, sursum aggregata, racemos densos terminales formantia, pedunculis brevibus, dense retrorse hirtellis; bracteae cymas sub- tendentes subulatae, carinatae, pilosulae, et ciliatae, marginibus albidae; LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 359 bractea major exterior cymulam subtendens anguste obovata, apice subobtusa et apiculata, basi angustata, carinata, marginibus albidis, utrinque dense hirtella; bractea minor exterior cymulam subtendens lineari-lanceolata, apice acuminata, basi angustata, marginibus albidis, costa prominente, utrinque dense hirtella; bracteae intimae anguste lanceolatae, acuminatae, ciliatae, albidae (vel costa viridi), utrinque hirtellae; calycis segmenta anguste lanceolata, acuta, albida, minute ciliolata et puberula, pilis marginis rectis, ascendentibus apice acutis, pilis superficium erectis, apice truncatis; corolla punicea, subtiliter pubescens, tubo anguste hypocrateriformi, labiis suberectis Ficure 132.—Dicliptera haughtii Leonard (Haught 6179): a, Inflorescence; b, one of a pair of bracts subtending the cyme; ¢, the larger of the outer bracts subtending the cymule; d, marginal hairs of same; e, the smaller of the outer bracts subtending the cymule; f, one of the innermost bracts; g, calyx; 4A, pubescence of calyx. (a, Natural size; b, c, e, f, twice natural size; d, 6 times natural size; g, 244 times natural size, h, 12 times natural size.) subaequalibus, labio superiore apice subobtuso, inferiore apice trilobato, lobis parvis, apice subobtusis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis planis, glabris vel deorsum pilosulis. Suffrutescent herbs up to 50 cm. high; stems erect or ascending, subhexagonal, moderately branched, hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, retrorsely curved; leaf blades (only the uppermost present) ovate, up to 2.5 em. long and 1.5 cm. wide at 1 cm. above base, acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), obtuse or rounded at base, entire or undulate, both surfaces hirtellous, the lower densely so, the costa and 360 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM lateral nerves (4 or 5 pairs) rather prominent; petioles up to 3.5 mm. long, densely hirtellous with small curved hairs; capitula axillary and terminal, the uppermost aggregated to form a spikelike thyrse up to 4 cm. long and 3 em. broad, the peduncles up to 2 mm. long, densely hirtellous with retrorsely curved hairs about 0.25 mm. long; bracts subtending the cymes subulate, up to 5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base, carinate, pilosulous and ciliate, the margins whitish; larger outer bract subtending the cymule narrowly obovate, 12 mm. long, 4 mm. wide at 4 mm. below tip, subobtuse and apiculate, gradually narrowed from above middle to base, green or the narrow marginal areas near base whitish, the basal portion (about 4 mm. long) carinate, both surfaces rather densely hirtellous, the hairs spreading or ascend- ing, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves obscure; smaller outer bract subtending the cymule linear-lanceolate, 1 cm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, acuminate at tip, narrowed at base, the costa prominent, the pubescence that of the larger outer bract, a narrow marginal basal area whitish; innermost bracts narrowly lanceolate, 6 to 7 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near base, acuminate, ciliate, whitish or the costa ereenish, both surfaces hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long; calyx 4 mm. long, the segments narrowly lanceolate, 3 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, acute, minutely ciliolate and puberulous, whitish, the marginal hairs up to 250u long, straight, ascending, sharp-pointed, the surface hairs 125y long, erect, blunt at tip corolla; bright red, finely pubescent, 2.5 cm. long, the tube about 1 mm. broad at base, 4.5 mm. broad at mouth, the lips suberect and subequal, about 9 mm. long, the upper lip 3.5 mm. broad at base, subobtuse at tip, the lower lip 5 mm. wide at base, 2-lobed at tip, the lobes ovate, 1 mm. long and wide, subobtuse at tip; stamens equaling or slightly exceeding the upper lip of the corolla, the filaments flattened, glabrous or pilosulous toward base; capsules not seen. Type in the U.S. National Herbarium, No. 1995097, collected along gully on highway between Ubaté and Susa, Department of Cundina- marca, Colombia, 2,600 meters altitude, September 15, 1947, by Oscar Haught (No. 6179). 17. Dicliptera koiei Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 132a Suffrutex, caulibus deorsum subteretibus, parce subtomentosis, sur- sum subhexagonis, pilis albidis, curvatis; lamina foliorum siccitate laete viridis, ovata, subacuta vel subobtusa, basi cuneata vel ro- tundata et in petiolum breviter decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra, supra parce hirsuta, pilis ascendentibus, subtus dense tomentosa, pilis albidis, costa et venis lateralibus obscuris; petioli dense hirsuti, pilis albidis, ascendentibus; inflorescentiae cymosae subsessiles, axillares et terminales, cymis flabelliformibus, supremis confluentibus thyrsos LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 361 densos terminales formantibus; cymulae saepe 3; bracteae cymas subtendentes foliiformes;. bracteae cymulae subtendentes inaequales, exteriores oblanccolatae acutae, interiores breviores, anguste lanceo- latae, acuminatae, extus dense hirsutae, pilis patulis vel ascendentibus, intus puberulae, costa obscura; bracteae calyces subtendentes anguste lanceolatac, acuminatae, ciliatae, puberulae, costa prominente; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, longe acuminata, subglabra, ciliolata, subhyalina; corolla parce pubescens, labio superiore anguste ovato, apice obtuso vel rotundato, labio inferiore anguste ovato, apice 3- lobato, lobis brevibus, rotundatis; stamina exserta. Suffruticose plants up to 0.5 meters high or more, drying bright green; stems subterete, 2.5 mm. in diameter at base, hexagonal and subtomentose toward tip, the pubescence dense at tip of plants, be- Ficure 132a.—Dicliptera koiet Leonard (Kgie 5056): a, Tip of plant; b, outer bract sub- tending cymule; c, inner bract subtending cymule; d, one of inner bracts subtending calyx; ¢, calyx segment; f, corolla. (a, f, Natural size; b-d, twice natural size; ¢, 344 times natural size.) coming sparser towards base, the hairs whitish, variously curved, up to 0.5 mm. long; leaf blades ovate, up to 4.5 cm. long and 2 cm. wide, subacute to subobtuse at tip, cuneate to rounded at base and decur- rent on the petiole, moderately firm, the upper surface sparingly hirsute, the hairs ascending, up to 0.8 mm. long, the lower surface densely subtomentose, the hairs whitish, up to 0.75 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs) rather obscure; petioles up to 5 mm. long, densely hirsute with whitish, ascending hairs about 0.45 mm. long; cymes axillary and terminal, the uppermost confluent, forming a thyrse up to 3 cm. long and 1.5 cm. broad, the cymes sub- 388179—57——-4 362 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM sessile, fanlike, usually composed of 3 cymules; bracts subtending the cymes leaflike, mostly about 12 mm. long and 5 mm. wide, the pubes- cence that of the leaves; bracts subtending the cymules unequal, the outer oblanceolate, that of the middle cymule 15 mm. long, 3.5 mm. wide, acute, those of the lateral ones 11 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide, sub- acute, the inner bracts narrowly lanceolate, that of the middle cymule 12 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, acuminate, those of the lateral cymules 10 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, acute, the outer surface of all of the cymule bracts rather densely hirsute with spreading or ascending yel- lowish hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, the inner surface of the cymule bracts puberulous, the costa obscure, the bracts (2 pairs) subtending the calyx narrowly lanceolate, 7 mm. long, 1.25 mm. Wide, acuminate, puberulous and ciliate, the hairs spreading or ascending, up to 0.25 mm. long, the costa prominent, the margins subhyaline; calyx 5.5 mm. long, the segments narrowly triangular, sharply acuminate, 3 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base, subglabrous, ciliolate, subhyaline; corolla rather sparingly pubescent, the hairs mostly spreading, up to 0.25 mm. long, some of them gland-tipped, the tube about 2 cm. long, 5 mm. broad at mouth, the lips 1 em. long, the upper one narrowly ovate, 5 mm. wide at base, obtuse or rounded at tip, the lower lip narrowly ovate, 5.5 mm. wide at base, 3-lobed, the lobes about 1 mm. long, rounded; stamens exserted 6 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anther lobes linear, about 1.75 mm. long and 0.25 mm. broad, apiculate at tip, one superposed about 0.75 mm. above the other; ovary and capsule not seen. Type in the Herbarium of the Botanical Museum of the University of Copenhagen, collected at Ubaté, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2600 meters altitude, June 1, 1952 by M. Kgie (No. 5056). The color of the corolla is not apparent in the dried material. 18. Dicliptera danielii Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 133 Herba, caulibus debilibus, subhexagonis, glabris vel ad nodos pilos paucos retrorse curvatos ferentibus; lamina foliorum ovato-lanceolata, graciliter acuminata, basi angustata, membranacea, integra vel undulata, supra glabra vel parce hirsuta, costa et venis pubescenti- bus, obscuris, subtus glabra, costa et venis lateralibus aliquanto prominentibus, venulis prominente reticulatis, cystolithis utrinque subnigris, obscuris; petioli aliquanto breves, subtus glabri, canale pubescente, pilis subbrunnescentibus, curvatis; capitula fere ter- minalia, pedunculis brevibus, bifariam pilosulis; bracteae cymas subtendentes parvae, subulatae, carinatae, costa et marginibus parce ciliolatis; bracteae majores cymulas subtendentes inaequales, lance- olatae, acutae, deorsum rotundatae et carinatae, sursum planae, subcoriaceae, ciliolatae, supra minute hirtellae, subtus parce hirtellae, pilis praecipue in costa et venis positis; bracteae intimae parvae, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 363 anguste lanceolatae, acutae, subalbidae, 1-nervatae, ciliolatae, glabrae vel ad costam pilos minutos ferentes; calycis segmenta anguste tri- angularia, acuta, 3-nervata, subtiliter pubescentia, pilis ascendentibus; corolla 2.5 em. longa, angusta, labiis subaequalibus, labio posteriore ovato, subobtuso, labio inferiore oblongo, apice 3-lobato, lobis parvis, triangularibus, obtusis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis planis, deorsum parce pilosis. Ficure 133.—Dicliptera danielii Leonard (Bro. Daniel 2970): a, Node showing leaf and inflorescence; b, portion of leaf blade (upper surface) to show reticulation of veinlets; c, one of the pair of bracts subtending the cyme; d, cymule; ¢, pubescence of margin of the larger outer bract subtending cymule; f, one of the larger of the innermost bracts; g, one of the smaller of the innermost bracts; A, calyx lobe; 1, pubescence near tip of calyx lobe. (a, b, Natural size; ¢, d, f, g, twice natural size; ¢, 18 times natural size; h, 5 times natural size; 1, about 30 times natural size.) Herbs; stems weak, ascending, 30 em. high or more, subhexagonal, glabrous or bearing a few minute retrorsely curved hairs near the nodes; leaf blades ovate-lanceclate, up to 9 cm. long and 3 cm. wide, slenderly acuminate, narrowed at base, membraneous, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous or sparingly hirsute except the costa and lateral veins, these more or less densely pubescent, the venation obscure, the lower surface glabrous or nearly so, the costa and lateral veins rather prominent, the veinlets prominently reticu- lated, the cystoliths blackish, inconspicious even under a lens; petioles up to 1.5 em. long, glabrous beneath, the channel pubescent with brownish curved hairs similar to those of the costa; capitula mostly axillary or only the very uppermost more or less confluent, the peduncles up to 3 mm. long, pilosulous in 2 lines; bracts subtending the cymes subulate, 4 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, carinate, the costa and margins sparingly ciliate; bracts subtending the cymule unequal, the larger 10 to 15 mm. long and 3 to 3.5 mm. wide, the smaller one 7 to 8 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, both lanceolate, acute, 364 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM rounded and carinate toward base, flat toward tip, subcoriaceous, ciliolate, the inner or upper surface minutely hirtellous, the lower surface sparingly hirtellous, the hairs curved and confined chiefly to costa and veins, these prominent, the larger pair of the innermost bracts 7 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, the smaller 4.5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, both pairs narrowly lanceolate, acute, whitish, l-nerved, ciliolate, glabrous or the costa bearing a few minute hairs; calyx 4 mm. long, the segments narrowly triangular, 3 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, acute, 3-nerved, finely pubescent, the hairs ascending; corolla 2.5 cm. long, the tube 1.5 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 1 mm. at 6 mm. above base, 4 mm. broad at mouth, the lips subequal, about 8 mm. long, the upper one ovate, 5 mm. broad toward base, subobtuse, the lower lip oblong, 3 mm. wide, 3-lobed at apex, the lobes triangular, about 1 mm. long and broad, obtuse; stamens reaching the tip of the upper lip, the filaments flat, sparingly pilose toward base; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1879088, collected in Jardin, southwest of Antioquia, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, July 1942, by Brother Daniel (No. 2970). Isotype: US. The color of the corolla is not apparent in the dried material studied. 19. Dicliptera scandens Leonard, sp. nov. Iicure 134 Suffrutex diffusus, ramosus, caulibus subhexagonis, deorsum glabris, sursum puberulis, pilis curvatis, praecipue in angulis positis; lamina foliorum oblongo-lanceolata, acuta (apice ipso obtuso vel subacuto), basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, membranacea, (sicca) saturate viridis, utrinque glabra vel in costa ct venis lateralibus plus minusve hirtella; petioli graciles, glabri vel canale plus minusve hirtelli ; capitula fere terminalia, confluentia, racemum densum latum brevem forman- tia, pedunculis brevibus, parce hirtellis, pilis curvatis; bracteae cymas subtendentes parvae, subulatae, hirtellae; bracteac majores cymulas subtendentes inaequales, lanceolatae, acuminatae, aliquanto dense hirtellae, virides; bracteae intimae anguste lanceolatae, albidae, ciliolatae, marginibus hyalinis; calycis segmenta triangularia, 3- nervata, dense pubescentia, pilis ascendentibus; corolla pallide salmonacea, subtiliter pubescens, tubo aliquanto angusto, labiis acqualibus, labio superiore ovato, obtuso, labio inferiore ovato, trilobato, lobis parvis, obtusis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis planis, deorsum parce et minute pilosis. A clambering suffrutescent herb up to 13 meters high; stem sub- hexagonal, glabrous or the upper portions puberulous, the hairs minute, curved, confined more or less to the angles; leaf blades oblong- lanceolate, up to 12 cm. long and 3.5 em. wide, acuminate (the tip itself obtuse or acutish), narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 365 petiole, thin, drying dark olive green, glabrous on both sides or the costa and lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) more or less hirtellous; petioles slender, up to 2 cm. long, glabrous or the channels more or less hir- tellous; capitula mostly terminal, forming short compact thyrsi up to about 2 cm. long and 3 cm. broad, the cymes 3- to 5-parted, the peduncles up to 4 mm. long, flattened, puberulous, the subtending bracts subulate, up to 2.5 mm. long, and 1 mm. wide, connate at base, sparingly hirtellous and ciliolate; cymules borne on hirtellous pedun- Ficure 134.—Dicliptera scandens Leonard (Archer 1354): a, Tip of plant; 5, base of cyme to show subtending bracts; ¢, the larger outer bract subtending the cymule; d, marginal hairs of same; ¢, smaller outer bract subtending the cymule; f, one of the larger pair of innermost bracts; g, one of the smaller pair of innermost bracts; h, calyx spread to show segments; i, upper portion of calyx lobe enlarged to show pubescence (outer surface); j, portion of leaf blade (lower surface) enlarged to show venation and pubes- cence. (a, j, Natural size; b, 14 times natural size; c, e-h, twice natural size; d, 11 times natural size; i, 14 times natural size.) cles about 1 mm. long, the larger outer bracts of the cymule unequal, lanceolate, acute, ciliolate, sparingly hirtellous, the larger bract 14 mm. long and 4 mm. wide at middle, the costa and a pair of lateral nerves predominating, the smaller bract 9 mm. long and 2 mm. wide near base, the costa prominent, the innermost bracts narrowly lanceolate, slenderly acuminate, whitish, ciliolate, the hairs ascending, up to 250 » long, the margins hyaline, the larger pair 6 mm. long and 1 mm. wide near base, the smaller pair 4 mm. long and slightly less 366 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM than 1 mm. wide at base; calyx 5 mm. long, the segments triangular, 3 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide at base, acute, strongly 3-nerved, ciliolate and densely hirtellous, the hairs ascending, up to 250u long; corolla pale salmon, finely pubescent, the hairs up to 0.7 mm. long, spreading, a few of them gland-tipped, the tube about 2 em. long, 2.5 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 5 mm. above base to 1 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 6.5 mm. at mouth, the lips subequal, about 1 cm. long, the upper lip ovate, 7 mm. wide near base, the lower lip oblong, 7 or 8 mm. wide at throat, 3-lobed at apex, the lobes ovate, 2.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, obtuse; stamens reaching the tip of the lips, the filaments flat, glabrous near tip, sparingly and minutely pilose toward base, the hairs spreading or retrorsely curved, up to 550u long; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1515091, collected at La Sierra, 18 kilometers north of Medellin, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 2,000 meters altitude, January 1931, by W. A. Archer (No. 1354). 20. Dicliptera sarcochroma Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 135 Herba luxuriosa, caulibus ramosis, ascendentibus, foliosis, sub- hexagonis, deorsum glabratis, crassis, sursum puberulis, pilis minutis et retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum ovato-lanceolata, acuminata, basi angustata, membranacea, integra vel undulata, (sicca) saturate oleo-viridis, utrinque glabra vel subglabra, costa et venis lateralibus gracilibus sed aliquanto prominentibus, cystolithis sub lente con- spicuis, fere albidis; petioli graciles, glabri vel in canale parce puberuli, pilis curvatis; capitula axillaria, pedunculis brevibus, puberulis; bracteae cymas subtendentes parvae, subulatae, glabrae; bracteae majores cymulas subtendentes inaequales, ciliolatae, glabrae, graciliter venosae, costa plus prominente quam venis lateralibus ; bractea superior rhombeo-ovata, acuta, inferior lanceolata, acuta, cuspidata; bracteae intimae anguste lanceolatae, acuminatae, minute ciliolatae, I-nervatac, sursum hirtellae, marginibus subhyalinis; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, parva, ciliolata, acuta, 3-nervata, sursum hirtella, subhyalina; corolla incarnata, parce et minute pubescens, tubo aliquanto angusto, labiis subaequalibus, ovatis, labio superiore obtuso, inferiore trilobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis. Herbs up to 1 meter tall; stems ascending, branched, leafy, sub- hexagonal, the upper portions puberulous, the hairs minute and retrorsely recurved, the lower portions glabrous, stout, up to 7 mm. in diameter or more; leaf blades ovate-lanceolate, up to 16 cm. long and 6 cm. wide slightly below the middle, narrowed at base, acuminate, thin, entire or undulate, drying dark olive green, both surfaces glabrous or nearly so, the costa and lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) slender LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 367 Ficure 135.—Dicliptera sarcochroma Leonard (Cuatrecasas 15468): a, Node showing in- florescence; b, basal portion of stem leaf (upper side); ¢, tip of same (lower side); d, portion of leaf blade (lower surface slightly enlarged to show cystoliths); ¢, basal portion of cyme to show subtending bracts; f, the larger of the pair of bracts subtending a cymule; g, the smaller one; A, one of a pair (larger) of innermost bracts; 7, one of a pair of smaller innermost bracts; j, calyx, spread to show lobes; k, pubescence from margin of bract (f, above); J, tip of calyx lobe to show pubescence; m, tip of lower lip of corolla (immature). (a@-c, Natural size; d, 7, 114 times natural size; ¢, 3 times natural size; f-i, twice natural size; &, 12 times natural size; 1, 18 times natural size; m, 5 times natural size.) but rather conspicuous, the cystoliths conspicuous under a lens, about 0.25 mm. long, usually whitish; petioles slender, 5 cm. long, glabrous or the channels sparingly puberulous with curved hairs; capitula axillary, the lowermost peduncles up to 7 mm. long, puber- ulous, those of the thyrsi up to 0.5 mm. long, puberulous; bracts 368 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM subtending the cymes subulate, usually up to 3.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, glabrous; outer bracts subtending the cymules unequal, glab- rous, ciliolate, delicately veined, the costa more pronounced than the lateral veins, the superior bract rhombic-ovate, 12 mm. long, 5 mm. wide near the middle, acute, the inferior bract lanceolate, 7 mm. long and barely 2 mm. wide slightly below the middle, acute, cuspidate; innermost bracts narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, thin, minutely ciliolate, 1-nerved, hirtellous toward tip, the margins subhyaline, the larger pair 5 to 6 mm. long and 1 mm. wide near base, the smaller pair 4 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide near base; calyx 3 mm. long, the segments narrowly triangular, 2 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide at base, 3-nerved, acute, ciliolate, hirtellous toward tip, subhyaline; corolla flesh-colored, sparingly and minutely pubes- cent, the lower portion of the tube 1 mm. broad, the throat 4 mm. broad, the lips subequal, ovate, about 4 mm. long, the upper lip obtuse, the lower one 3-lobed, the lobes about 0.5 mm. long and wide, rounded; capsules not seen. Type in the U. 8S. National Herbarium, No. 1852703, collected in forest at La Laguna, on the left side of the valley of the Rio San- juniquin, Department of El Valle, Colombia, 1,250 to 1,400 meters altitude, December 10-20, 1943, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 15468). Dicliptera sarcochroma is very closely realted to D. cuatrecasasii, resembling it in many respects. Both are lush growers, have large thin and nearly glabrous leaf blades, thick subglabrous stems and similar bracts. In D. sarcochroma, however, the long marginal hairs of the larger bracts subtending the cymules are entirely lacking. The inflorescence of D. cuatrecasasii is much more crowded than that of D. sarcochroma, forming dense terminal spikelike thyrsi. The epithet sarcochroma (cdpé, flesh, and xpaya, color) alludes to the color of the corollas. 21. Dicliptera hazenii Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 136 Herba vel suffrutex, caulibus ascendentibus, subramosis, subhex- agonis vel deorsum teretibus, glabris vel sursum praeccipue in nodis minute et parce hirtellis; folia reflexa, laminis ovato-lanccolatis, acuminatis (apice ipso obtuso vel acuto), basi angustatis, in petiolum breviter decurrentibus, membranaceis, integris vel undulatis, (siccis) saturate oleo-viridibus, supra glabris vel parce hirtellis, costa et venis lateralibus aliquanto dense hirtellis, pilis curvatis et sub- adpressis, subtus glabris vel parce hirtellis, costa et venis aliquanto hirtellis, venulis majoribus parallelis, minoribus crasse reticulatis, prominentibus, cystolithis albidis, parvis; petioli breves, pubescentes, pilis minutis adpressis; capitula praecipue axillaria vel sursum aggregata, thyrsos densos terminales formantia; pedunculi inaequales, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 369 hexagoni, glabri vel aliquanto et minute hirtelli, pilis retrorse subad- pressis; bracteae cymas subtendentes anguste lanceolatae, carinatae, 1-nervatae, ciliolatae, glabrae vel pilos paucos minutos ferentes; bracteae majores cymulas subtendentes inaequales; bractea superior lanceolata, acuta, basi angusta, 3-nervata, viridis (vel basi marginibus albida), minute et aliquanto hirtella extus et in marginibus pilos sursum adpressos subtus ascendentes ferens; bractea inferior oblonga, acuminata, ciliolata, 3-nervata, sursum subviridis, deorsum albida, utrinque minute hirtella; bracteae intimae anguste lanceolatae, acuminatae, ciliolatae, albidae vel apice subvirides; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, acuminata, obscure plurinervata, minute ciliolata, glabra vel apice minute hirtella; corolla rutila, subtiliter pubescens, pilis patulis, tubo anguste hypocrateriformi, labiis subae- qualibus, ovatis, labio superiore obtuso, labio inferiore apice trilobato, lobis rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis planis parce pilosis, pilis retrorse ascendentibus; capsulae parvae, complanatae, dense puberulae, pilis patulis vel basi retrorse ascendentibus; semina brunnea, suborbicularia levia vel obscure aspera. Suffrutescent herbs up to 1 meter high or more; stems ascending, sparingly branched, subhexagonal (or the lower portions terete), glabrous or the tips minutely and sparingly hirtellous especially at the nodes; leaves usually reflexed, the blades ovate-lanceolate, up to 8 em. long and 3 cm. wide, acuminate (the tip itself blunt or sharp), narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, firmly mem- branacous, entire or undulate, drying dark olive green, the upper surface glabrous or sparingly hirtellous except the costa and lateral veins (5 or 7 pairs), these rather densely hirtellous, the hairs curved and subappressed, the lower surface glabrous or sparingly hirtellous except the costa and lateral veins, these moderately hirtellous, the hairs curved and subappressed, up to 0.5 mm. long, the veinlets coarsely reticulate, the cystoliths whitish, 375u long; petioles up to 5 mm. long, pubescent, the hairs minute, appressed; capitula mostly axillary but several of the uppermost confluent, forming a short terminal spikelike thryse, the peduncles of the capitula unequal, up to 6 cm. long, successively shorter toward summit of the plant, all subhexagonal, glabrous or moderately and minutely hirtellous, the hairs retrorsely subappressed ; cymes usually 5-parted, the subtending bracts narrowly lanceolate, 2.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, carinate and 1-nerved, glabrous or bearing a few minute hairs, ciliolate, the larger of the outer bracts subtending the cymules lanceolate, 8 to 10 mm. long, 1.5 to 2.25 mm. wide slightly above the middle, acute, gradually narrowed from above the middle to the base, 3-nerved, green (or the basal marginal area whitish), minutely and moderately densely hirtellous, the hairs about 350 long, upwardly appressed on 370 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM the outer surface and margins, erect on the inner surface, the smaller outer bract subtending the cymules oblong, about 6.5 mm. long and 1.25 mm. wide, acuminate at the tip, ciliolate, 3-nerved, the upper half greenish, the lower half whitish, the pubescence that of the outer bract, the innermost bracts narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, ciliolate, whitish, the larger pair 6 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, the inner pair 4.5 to 5 Vicure 136.—Dticliptera hazenit Leonard (Pennell, Killip & Hazen 8695): a, Node to show inflorescence; b, larger, outer bract subtending the cymule; c, marginal hairs of same; d, the smaller of the outer pair of bracts subtending the cymule; e, one of a pair (larger) of the innermost bracts; f, one of the pair of the smaller innermost bracts; g, calyx, spread to show lobes; Af, portion of calyx lobe enlarged to show marginal hairs; 1, tip of corolla, spread to show lobes of lower lip. (a, Natural size; b, d-g, twice natural size; c, 12} times natural size; 4, 10 times natural size; 2, 2!% times natural size.) mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide near base; calyx 4.5 mm. long, the segments narrowly triangular, 3 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide near base, acuminate, obscurely several-nerved, glabrous except the tips, these minutely hirtellous; corolla peach red, up to 12 mm. long, finely pubescent, the hairs spreading, about 0.25 mm. long, the tube 2.25 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 3 mm. above base to 1 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 4.5 mm. at mouth, the lips subequal, ovate, 7 mm. long, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 371 and 5 mm. wide near base, the upper lip obtuse, the lower 3-lobed, the lobes suborbicular, 0.75 mm. long and wide, rounded; stamens reaching the tip of the upper lip, the filaments flat, sparingly pilose, the hairs about 0.5 mm. long, retrorsely ascending; capsules 9 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, 2 mm. thick, densely puberulous, the hairs 375y long, spreading, or the lowermost retrorsely ascending; seed brown, smooth or obscurely roughened, flat, suborbicular, barely 3 mm. in diameter, about 0.5 mm. thick. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1142664, collected on the bank of Rio Quindio, above Armenia, Department of Caldas, Colombia, 1,300 to 1,500 meters altitude, July 25, 1922, by Francis W. Pennell, Ellsworth P. Killip, and Tracy E. Hazen (No. 8695). Isotype: Ph. A specimen collected in a clearing along the Rio San Rafael below Cerro Tatami, Department of Caldas, Colombia, 2,200 to 2,400 meters altitude, September 7-11, 1922, by Francis W. Pennell (No. 10320) (G) is also of this species. Pennell states that the corollas are jasper red externally and jasper pink internally. He tells us, furthermore, that this plant is a “‘tall herb,” but there is no mention of its exact height. 22. Dicliptera inamoena Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 137 Herba, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis, glabris vel parce puberulis, pilis retrorse curvatis, appressis, minutis; lamina foliorum (infima non visa) oblongo-ovata, acuta vel acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi obtusa, in petiolum breviter decurrens, integra vel undulata, subcoriacea, supra glabra, costa et venis lateralibus obscuris, costa dense puberula, pilis curvatis, subtus (sub lente) minute punctata, glabra vel parce hirtella, costa et venis lateralibus aliquanto prominentibus, cystolithis subnigris; petioli breves, glabri vel parce puberuli, pilis curvatis; capitula axillaria et terminalia, sursum aggregata, thyrsum densum formantia, pedunculis brevibus (vel infimis elongatis), hexagonis, puberulis, pilis retrorse curvatis, minutis, pedunculis cymularum brevibus, quadrangularibus, puberulis, pilis retrorsis, minutis; folia cymas subtendentes parva; bractea major exterior cymulam subtendens lanceolata, acuta, deorsum angustata, extus minute et aequaliter puberula, pilis minutis, arcte appressis, venulis obscuris, intus glabra vel minute hirtella, costa et venis ac venulis reticulatis, prominentibus; bractea minor cymulam subtendens lanceolata, acuminata, aliter bracteae superiori similis; bracteae intimae anguste lanceolatae, acuminatae, pallidae vel sursum virides, extus minute adpresse puberulae, intus subglabrae; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, minute puberula, albida; corolla minute pilosa, tubo aliquanto angusto, labiis aequalibus, 372 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM labio superiore ovato, acuto, inferiore late ovato, apice rotundato, trilobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis planis, glabris vel deorsum parce pilosis; ovarium minute hirtellum. Herbs up to 30 cm. high or more; stems erect or ascending, subhex- agonal, glabrous or sparingly puberulous, the hairs retrorsely curved, appressed, 375 long; leaf blades (only the upper ones present) oblong-ovate, up to 5.5 cm. long and 2.2 cm. wide, acute or acuminate (the tip itself blunt), obtuse at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, entire or undulate, firmly membranaceous, the upper surface glabrous except the costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs), these obscure, puber- Ficure 137,.—Dicliptera inamoena Leonard (Triana, Taquerres): a, Tip of branch to show inflorescence; b, enlarged portion of leaf blade (lower surface) to show minute punctae; e, the larger of the outer pair of bracts subtending the cymule; d, marginal hairs of same; ¢, the smaller of the outer pair of bracts subtending the cymule; f, one of the innermost bracts; g, calyx; h, marginal hairs of one of the calyx segments. (a, Natural size; b, about 10 times natural size; c, e-g, twice natural size; d, 13 times natural size; h, 20 times natural size.) ulous with minute curved hairs, the costa sometimes densely so, the lower surface minutely scurfy under lens, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the hairs about 0.2 mm. long, the venation more prominent than above, the cystoliths up to 0.2 mm. long, blackish; petioles up to 5 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly puberulous with curved hairs; capitula axillary, the uppermost aggregated to form terminal spike- like dense thyrsi about 2 cm. long and 1.5 em. broad, the peduncles up to 5 mm. long (or the lowermost elongated, up to 6.5 cm. long), LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 373 hexagonal, puberulous, the hairs retrorsely recurved, about 125y long, the cymules subsessile, their peduncles 0.5 mm. long, quadrangular, retrorsely puberulous; cymes 5-parted, subtended by small leaves up to 2.5 cm. long and 12 mm. wide, similar, except in size, to the lowermost stem leaves, the larger outer bract subtending the cymule lanceolate, 12.5 mm. long, 4 mm. wide (measurements made from middle cymule), acute, narrowed from middle to base, the outer surface minutely and evenly puberulous, the hairs 150u long, closely appressed, the venation obscure, the inner surface glabrous or minutely and sparingly hirtellous, the costa, lateral veins and reticulated vein- lets more prominent than on the outer surface, the smaller outer bract subtending the cymule lanceolate, 9 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, long-acuminate, the lower half not appreciably narrowed, pale toward base, in other respects resembling the larger bract; innermost bracts narrowly lanceolate, up to 8 mm. long and 1.25 mm. wide, acuminate, pale or greenish toward tip, the outer surface minutely appressed puberulous, the inner surface essentially glabrous; calyx 4.5 mm. long, minutely puberulous, whitish, the segments narrowly triangular, 3 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide at base; corolla about 2 cm. long, pilose, the hairs spreading, about 0.25 mm. long, the tube 1.5 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 4.5 mm. above base to 0.75 mm., 3 mm. broad at mouth, the lips equal, 4 mm. long, the upper lip ovate, 2.5 mm. wide at base, acute, the lower lip broadly ovate, 3.25 mm. wide near base, the rounded tip 3-lobed, the lobes 0.25 mm. long and wide, obtuse; stamens barely exserted, the filaments sparingly and retrorsely pilose toward base; ovary sparingly and minutely hirtellous; capsules not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected at Tuiquerres, Department of Narifio, Colombia, 1,700 meters altitude, June 1853, by J. Triana (No. 4093-1). Isotype: Col. The color of the corolla is not apparent in the dried material of the type. The specific epithet alludes to the weedy appearance of the plant. 23. Dicliptera megalochlamys Leonard, sp. nov. FicurE 138 Herba luxurians, caulibus subhexagonis, retrorse puberulis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata, acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, tenuis, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra, costa et venis lateralibus puberulis, cystolithis minutis, inconspicuis, atrobrunneis; petioli graciles, puberuli; cymae axillares pleurumque 3-partitae, pedunculis hexagonis, puberulis; bracteae cymas subtendentes subulatae; cymulae pedunculatae, bracteis cymulam subtendentibus magnis, duobus subsimilibus, late ovatis, obtusis et apiculatis, basi truncatis, firmis, integris, ciliolatis (pilis curvatis), glabris vel parce puberulis, costa et 374 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM venis lateralibus prominentibus, venulis conspicuis, crasse reticulatis; flores plures, conferti, sessiles; bracteae intimae plures, parvae, triangulares, acutae, ciliatae et parce hirtellae; calyx tenuis, sub- albidus, intus glaber, extus dense puberulus, pilis glanduliferis et eglanduliferis instructus, segmentis anguste triangularibus, acuminatis; corolla alba, deorsum glabra, sursum hirtella, bilabiata, labio superiore lanceolato, apice obtuso, inferiore oblanceolato, apice minute trilobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis; stamina leviter exserta; antherae loculi superpositi; filamenta subglabra vel deorsum parce hirtella; ovarium apice parce hirtellum, basi annulum striatum, glabrum, minute lobatum ferens; capsulae ovatae, planae, acutae, puberulae; retinacula oblique acuta. Ficure 138.—Dicliptera megalochlamys Leonard (a-e, i, Pennell 4499; f-h, Herb. Bayén): a, Tip of plant; b, cymule bracts; ¢, one of the inner bractlets; d, calyx; ¢, pubescence of calyx; f, corolla; g, tip of stamen; A, ovary and disk; i, disrupted capsule valve. (a, Half natural size; b, f, natural size; c, 3 times natural size; d, twice natural size; ¢, 40 times natural size; g, i, 3 times natural size: A, 5 times natural size.) Coarse herbs up to 60 em. high or more; stems subhexagonal, retrorsely puberulous, the lower portions 5.5 mm. or more in diameter; leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 14 cm. long and 8 em. wide, acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base, sometimes obliquely so, thin, entire or undulate, both surfaces glabrous except the costa and lateral veins (4 to 6 pairs), these puberulous, the hairs 125 to 200u long, curved, subappressed, the cystoliths minute, inconspicuous, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 375 dark brown, up to 250u long; petioles slender, up to 6 cm. long or more, puberulous; cymules axillary, peduncled, usually in 3-parted peduncled cymes, these solitary or in pairs, the inflorescence of mature plants forming a loose panicle up to 30 cm. long and 10 cm. broad; peduncles of the cymes up to 15 mm. long from base to fork, above fork up to 1 cm. long (lateral) and 15 mm. long (middle), ascending hexagonal, puberulous with curved hairs; bracts subtending the cyme subulate, up to 4 mm. long and about 0.25 mm. wide at base; bracts subtending the cymules similar in size or one slightly smaller than the other, both broadly ovate, 1.2 to 2 cm. long, 2 to 2.5 cm. wide, obtuse and apiculate at tip, truncate at base, firm, entire, ciliolate with curved hairs, otherwise glabrous or sparingly puberulous near base, the venation prominent, the costa and the 3 or 4 pairs of lateral nerves predominating, the veinlets coarsely and conspicuously reticulate, the intercostal areas if viewed under lens and against light, minutely reticulate; flowers 8 or more, crowded, sessile, the subtending bracts (several pairs) triangular, 1.5 mm. long and wide, acute, ciliate and sparingly hirtellous; calyx thin, whitish, 6 mm. long, subglabrous within, densely puberulous without a mixture of straight stout truncate or gland-tipped hairs 50u long and longer straight or curved pointed ones up to 200y long, the calyx segments narrowly triangular, 3 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base, acuminate; corolla white, 2 cm. long, the lower half glabrous, the upper hirtellous, the hairs spreading, 125u long, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 1 cm. above base to 1.5 mm., the mouth about 2.5 mm. broad, the upper lip lanceo- late, 14 mm. long, 5 mm. wide, obtuse at tip, the lower lip oblanceolate, about 12 mm. long, 3.5 mm. wide near tip, minutely 3-lobed, the lobes rounded, about 0.5 mm. long and broad; stamens exserted about 6 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anther lobes super- posed, 1.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, the filaments subglabrous or sparingly hirtellous toward base; ovary sparingly hirtellous at tip, the basal portion enclosed by a striate glabrous minutely lobed coroniform disk 1.25 mm. long and 1 mm. broad; capsules ovate, 1 em. long, 5 mm. broad, 1.75 mm. thick, acute, puberulous; retinacula 1 mm. long, obliquely acute; seed not seen. Type in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, collected in forest at Boca Antizales, on Rio Esmeralda, Department of Bolivar, Colombia, 800 to 1,100 meters altitude, February 26, 1918, by Francis W. Pennell (No. 4499). A specimen collected at Tocarema, 2,200 meters altitude (ex Herb. Bay6én) (Valle), is also of this species. 376 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 24. Dicliptera batilliformis Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 139 Herba diffusa, caulibus ascendentibus, subhexagonis, deorsum glabris, sursum bifariam puberulis, pilis curvatis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata, acuminata (apice ipso subacuto), basi angustata, tenuis, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra, costa et venis lateralibus basi dense puberulis, pilis subbrunneis et curvatis, cystolithis sub lente conspicuis; petioli aliquanto graciles, subtus glabri, supra puberuli; cymulae solitariae vel in paribus, axillares; pedunculi glabri vel bifariam puberuli, apice complanati, prope basim geniculati, aliquando bifurcati, in nodis bracteas parvas subulatas ferentes; bracteae cymulas subtendentes subsimiles, ovatae, apice rotundatae vel late obtusae et apiculatae, basi truncatae vel rotundatae, sub- chartaceae, glabrae, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus, venulis crasse reticulatis, prominentibus; flores plures, subsessiles; bracteae intimae parvae, triangulares, subcostatae, acutae, ciliatae; calyx basi glaber, sursum dense puberulus, pilis conicis vel subtruncatis et gracilibus acutis intermixtis instructus, segmentis triangularibus, acutis; corolla alba labio purpureo-maculato, tubo deorsum glabro, sursum hirtello, limbo bilabiato, labio superiore obovato, rotundato vel obtuso, labio inferiore anguste ovato, apice trilobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis; stamina exserta, filamentis planis, hirtellis; antherae loculi superpositi; ovarium glabrum, annulo cupuliformi. Rambling suffrutescent herbs up to 1.3 meters high; stems up to 2 cm. in diameter at base, ascending, subhexagonal, glabrous or the tips puberulous, the hairs curved and confined chiefly to the grooves; leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 15 cm. long and 6.5 cm. wide, acuminate (the tip itself subacute), narrowed at base, thin, entire or undulate, both surfaces glabrous except the costa and basal portions of the lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs), these and the costa densely puberulous, the hairs brownish and curved, the cystoliths 125 to 175u long, conspicuous under a lens; petioles rather slender, up to 5.5 cm. long, glabrous ventrally, the channel puberulous as is the costa; cymes solitary or in pairs, axillary, the peduncle glabrous or bifariously puberulous, flattened and 3 to 3.5 mm. broad at tip, forked at 3 to 5 mm. above base, the portion above the node up to 3 cm. long, bearing at node a pair of minute subulate bracts about 1 mm. long, these often deciduous; the large cymule bracts similar but. slightly different in size, the posterior bract up to 23 mm. long and 20 mm. wide, the anterior up to 18 mm. long and 15 mm. wide, both ovate, rounded or broadly obtuse and apiculate at tip, truncate or rounded at base, subchartaceous, glabrous, bearing prominent cystoliths, conspicuously veiny, the veinlets coarsely reticulate, the costa extended through the flattened portion of the peduncle; flowers LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 377 several, subsessile, subtended by several pairs of thin subcostate triangular acute ciliate bracts about 1 mm. long and wide; calyx 3.5 mm. long, densely puberulous except the glabrous basal portion of the narrowly campanulate tube, the pubescence a mixture of conical or subtruncate and more slender sharply pointed hairs, the calyx segments triangular, 1 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide at base, acute; corolla white with purple-mottled lip, glabrous except the medial portions and outer surface of the lips, these hirtellous, the hairs spreading, about 0.25 mm. long, the tube 12 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad, the mouth 4 mm. broad, the upper lip obovate, about 11 mm. long and 5 mm. wide, rounded or obtuse, the lower lip narrowly ovate, 14 mm. long and 4 mm. wide, 3-lobed at apex, the lobes about 1 mm. long, rounded, the middle one 1 mm. wide, the lateral ones i Lih Ficure 139,—Dicliptera batilliformis Leonard (Lawrance 258): a, Node showing portion of inflorescence; b, stem leaf; c, cymule; d, one of the inner bracts; ¢, calyx; f, pubes- cence of calyx; g, pistil; A, corolla; 1, tip of stamen. (a, 6, Half natural size; ¢, A, natural size; d, ¢, 1, 2}4 times natural size; f, about 25 times natural size; g, 344 times natural size.) slightly narrower; the stamens slightly exceeding the upper lip of the corolla, the anther lobes superposed, 2 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, the filaments flattened, dorsally hirtellous, the hairs up to 80u long; ovary glabrous, the disk low and cupuliform; capsules not seen. Type in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, collected along a stream in thick forest in the region of Mount Chapon, De- 388179—57——5 378 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM partment of Boyact, Colombia, ‘3,400 ft.” altitude, June 28, 1932, by A. E. Lawrance (No. 258). Isotype: US. The specific epithet alludes to the shovel-shaped cymule bracts. Dieliptera batilliformis is closely related to D. megalochlamys differing chiefly from that species in its rounded ovate cymule bracts definitely longer than broad, and the short-stalked simple or forked cymes. The cymule bracts of D. megalochlamys are broader than long and cymes 3-parted instead of forked, the subtending bracts of the node larger, and the basal segment of the peduncle considerably longer. 25. Dicliptera sanctae-martae Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 140 Herba, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis, glabris vel sursum aliquanto puberulis, pilis curvatis; lamina foliorum oblongo-lanceolata’ vel oblongo-ovata, subacuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, tenuis, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra vel in costa et venis lateralibus minute et parce hirtella, cystolithis sub lente conspicuis, supra in costa densis et parallelis; petioli glabri vel parce hirtelli; cymae solitariae vel binae, axillares, plerumque 3-partitae; pedunculi leviter complanati, glabri vel parce _hirtelli, pilis plus minusve curvatis, cystolithis sub lente prominentibus; bracteae cymas subtendentes subulatae vel aliquando anguste lanceo- latae, parvae, glabrae vel parce hirtellae; bracteae cymulam sub- tendentes aliquanto parvae, bractea inferior aliquanto minor quam superior, ambae suborbiculares, rotundatae et apiculatae, basi cordatae, virides vel basi albidae, glabrae vel parce ciliatae, costa aliquanto prominente, venis et venulis reticulatis aliquanto obscuris; flores plures, conferti, subsessiles; bracteae intimae parvae, lanceo- latae, acuminatae, subhyalinae, glabrae vel parce ciliolatae; calyx tenuis, subalbidus, subhyalinus, minute hirtellus, pilis ascendentibus, segmentis triangularibus, acutis; corolla rosea, tubo deorsum glabro, sursum hirtello, pilis retrorsis ascendentibus, bilabiata, labio superiore ovato, rotundato, labio inferiore oblongo, apice trilobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis; stamina exserta; antherae loculi superpositi; filamenta complanata, sursum glabra, deorsum parce pilosa; ovarium glabrum vel parce hirtellum, basi annulum obliquum ferens. Herbs up to 30 cm. high; stems erect or ascending, subhexagonal, glabrous or moderately puberulous, the hairs curved; leaf blades oblong-lanceolate to oblong-ovate, subacuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base, thin to moderately firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces glabrous or the costa and lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) sparingly and minutely hirtellous, the cystoliths conspicuous under a lens, about 0.5 mm. long, crowded and parallel on costa of the upper surface; petioles up to 4.5 cm. long, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous; cymes solitary or in pairs, axillary, mostly 3-parted, the peduncles LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 379 from base to node up to 2 cm. long, from node to cymules, up to 2.2 cm. long, subhexagonal, slightly flattened, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the hairs more or less curved, the cystoliths prominent under a lens; bracts subtending the cymes subulate or sometimes narrowly lanceo- late, up to 4 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous; cymule bracts suborbicular, up to 13 cm. long and wide, the posterior bract about 2 mm. longer and wider than the anterior bract, both bracts rounded and subapiculate at tip, cordate at base, thin, green (or in a small basal area whitish), glabrous or sparingly ciliatae, the costa rather prom- inent, the lateral veins and reticulations of the veinlets rather obscure, the cystoliths prominent under a lens; flowers several, subsessile, the subtending bracts lanceolate, 2.25 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, acumin- Ficure 140.—Dicliptera sanctae-martae Leonard (H. H. Smith 1411): a, Inflorescence; b, one of a pair of bracts produced at peduncle node; ¢c, cymule bracts; d, one of the inner- most bracts subtending flowers; ¢, calyx; f, tip of calyx segment to show pubescence; g, corolla; A, tip of stamen; i, pistil. (a, Half natural size; b, d, e, 3 times natural size; c, g, natural size; f, 40 times natural size; A, 414 times natural size; 7, 7 times natural size.) ate, subhyaline, glabrous or sparingly ciliolate; calyx 2.25 mm. long, whitish, subhyaline, minutely hirtellous except the glabrous basal portion, the hairs ascending, the calyx segments triangular, 1.25 mm. long, about 0.5 mm. wide at base, acute; corolla 15 to 20 mm. long, rosy, moderately hirtellous (the basal portion glabrous), the hairs retrorse, up to 250 long, the corolla tube 2 mm. broad at base, nar- rowed at 2 mm. above base to 1 mm., the mouth 2.5 mm. broad, the upper lip ovate, about 1 cm. long and 6 mm. wide, rounded at tip, the lower lip oblong, up to 11 mm. long, and 2.5 mm. wide, 3-lobed 380 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM at tip, the lobes rounded, about 0.5 mm. long and broad; stamens barely reaching tip of the upper corolla lip, the anther lobes super- posed, about 1 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, the filaments flattened, glabrous at tip, sparingly pilose toward base; style slightly shorter than the stamens, the stigma bilobed, the lobes linear, obtuse, about 0.5 mm. long; ovary glabrous or very sparingly hirtellous, the basal disk oblique, about 0.5 mm. long; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 703911, collected along stream in damp woods, near Cacagualito, vicinity of Santa Marta, Department of Magdalena, Colombia, ‘1500 feet”’ altitude, December 1898, by H. H. Smith (No. 1411). Isotypes: GH, K, Mo, NY, S. Dreliptera sanctae-martae, when compared with other Colombian species, is well marked by its small suborbicular cordate cymule bracts. According to Smith, it was not observed anywhere except in the type locality. 26. Dicliptera rhombochlamys Leonard, sp. nov. FicurE 141 Herba, caulibus ascendentibus, subhexagonis, puberulis, _pilis curvatis; lamina foliorum ovata vel subacuminata (apice ipso obtuso) vel aliquando acuta, basi angustata, satis firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra vel subglabra, costa et venis lateralibus puberulis, pilis curvatis, cystolithis pluribus et conspicuis; petioli aliquanto graciles, puberuli vel subtus glabri, pilis curvatis; cymae solitariae vel binae, axillares, 3-partitae, pedunculis subhexagonis, puberulis, pilis sursum curvatis et subappressis; bracteae cymas subtendentes subulatae; bracteae cymulam subtendentes rhombicae, bractea inferior aliquanto minor quam superior ambae acutae vel subobtusae, glabrae vel parce puberulae; bracteae intimae parvae, anguste tri- angulatae, acutae, puberulae, pilis subappressis; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, hirtella, pilis acutis, eglanduliferis et pilis glanduliferis intermixtis; corolla violacea, deorsum glabra, sursum pilosula, pilis patulis vel recurvatis, tubo angusto, labio superiore anguste ovato, subobtuso, labio inferiore subsimili, apice trilobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta; antherae loculi super- positi; filamenta complanata, deorsum parce et retrorse pilosula; capsulae ovoideae, complanatae, dense et retrorse pilosulae, pilis albis; retinacula parva, oblique cucullata. Herbs up to 40 cm. high or more; stems erect or ascending, sub- hexagonal, puberulous with curved hairs; leaf blades ovate, up to 8 cm. long and 3 cm. wide, obtuse or subacuminate with blunt tip or sometimes acute, narrowed at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces glabrous or nearly so except costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs), these more or less puberulous with curved hairs, the cystoliths numerous and conspicuous, up to 0.5 mm. long; petioles LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 381 rather slender, up to 2 cm. long, puberulous with curved hairs or sometimes glabrous bencath; cymes solitary or in pairs, axillary, 3-parted, the peduncles up to 5 mm. long from base to fork and 3 to 12 mm. long above fork, subhexagonal, puberulous, the hairs upwardly curved and subappressed; bracts at fork of peduncle subulate, 3 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide at base; cymule bracts rhombic, the posterior bracts up to 15 mm. long and 13 mm. wide, the inferior slightly smaller, both acute or subobtuse, narrowed at base, firm, glabrous or sparingly puberulous toward base; interior bracts subtending the Ficure 141.—Dicliptera rhombochlamys Leonard (Rusby & Pennell 487): a, Tip of plant; b, bracts subtending cyme; c, one of the innermost bracts subtending flower; d, calyx; ¢, pubescence of tip of calyx segment; f, corolla; g, capsule valve disrupted. (a, f, Natural size; 6, g, twice natural size; c, d, 4 times natural size; ¢, 25 times natural size.) flowers narrowly triangular, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, acute, puberulous, the hairs subappressed; calyx 3 mm. long, hirtellous except the glabrous base, the slender pointed hairs (up to 100u long and ascending) intermixed with gland-tipped hairs about 25y long, the segments narrowly triangular, 1.75 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, acute; corollas up to 17 mm. long, violet, finely and rather densely pilosulous except the basal portion, the hairs spreading or retrorsely curved, up to 0.25 mm. long, the tube 1.25 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 1.5 mm. slightly above base, thence gradually narrowed to 2 mm. at mouth, the upper lip narrowly ovate, 9 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, subobtuse, the lower lip lightly longer and narrower 382 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM than the upper, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes 0.75 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens exserted 6 mm. beyond mouth of corolla tube, the anther lobes superposed, 1 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad, the filaments flattened, retrorsely and sparingly pilosulous toward base ; capsules ovoid, flattened, 8 mm. long, 4 to 5 mm. broad, 1 mm. thick, densely and retrorsely pilosulous, the hairs white, up to 0.2 mm. long; retinacula 1 mm. long, obliquely cucullate and acute; seed not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1041359, collected in quebrada thicket east of Neiva, Department of Huila, Colombia, 700 to 1,500 meters altitude, July 31, 1917, by H. H. Rusby and F. W. Pennell (No. 487). Isotypes: GH, NY. A specimen collected at Anolaima, Department of Cundinamarca, 2,200 meters altitude, August 1855, by J. Triana (K), is also of this species. The specific epithet is derived from AéySos and xauyts, in allusion to the rhomboid cymule bracts. 27. Dicliptera nanodes Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 142 Herba parva, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis, glabris; lamina foliorum ovata, acuta vel subacuminata (apice ipso Ficure 142.—Dicliptera nanodes Leonard (Pérez-Arbeldez 3106): a, Tip of plant; 2, base of cyme to show bracts; c, one of the innermost bracts subtending the flowers; d, calyx; ? é, tip of calyx segment to show character of pubescence; f, retinaculum. (a, Natural size; b, 3 times natural size; c, f, 5 times natural size; d, 444 times natural size; e¢, 40 times natural size.) subobtuso), basi angustata, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra, costa et venis lateralibus obscuris, cystolithis sub lente pluribus et prominentibus; petioli aliquanto breves, glabri; cymae solitariae, 2- vel 3-partitae; pedunculi glabri; bracteae cymas LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 383 subtendentes subulatae, glabrae; bracteae cymularum rhombico- ovatae, acutae vel subacutae, basi angustatae, subchartaceae, elabrae, costa et venis reticulatis sub lente prominentibus, bractea inferior aliquanto minor quam superior; flores plures, sessiles; bracteae intimae lanceolatae, acutae, ciliatae, costa prominente; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, acuta, ciliata, puberula, pilis brevibus, glanduliferis; corolla matura ignota; capsulae ovoideae, complanatae, puberulae, sursum pilis patulis vel ascendentibus, deorsum pilis retrorsis; retinacula parva, oblique cucullata, glabra vel prope basim parce puberula; semina suborbicularia, complanata, subbrunnea, leviter rugosa. Low weak herbs up to 12 cm. high; stems erect or ascending, subhexagonal, glabrous; leaf blades ovate, up to 6 cm. long and 3 cm. wide, acute to subacuminate (the tip itself subobtuse), narrowed at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces glabrous, the costa and lateral veins (3 or 4 pairs) obscure, the cystoliths numerous and prominent under a lens, up to 375y long, straight or slightly curved; petioles up to 5 mm. long, glabrous; cymes axillary, solitary, 2- or 3-parted, the peduncles glabrous, 1.5 to 2 mm. long from base to fork, 5 to 7 mm. long from fork to base of the cymule bracts, the pair of bracts produced at the peduncle nodes subulate, about 2 mm. long, glabrous; cymule bracts rhombic-ovate, acute to subacute, narrowed at base, firm, subchartaceous, glabrous, the veins coarsely reticulate, the costa and _ reticulations moderately prominent under a lens, the posterior bract up to 12 mm. long and 10 mm. wide, the anterior up to 10 mm. long and 5.5 mm. wide, more sharply acute at tip than the posterior bract; flowers several, sessile; bracts subtending the flowers lanceolate, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide near base, acute, ciliate, the hairs up to 75. long, ascending, the costa prominent; bractlets similar to the bracts but smaller; calyx 2 mm. long, the basal portion glabrous, the lobes narrowly triangular, 1.5 mm. long, 0.3 to 0.4 mm. wide at base, acute, ciliate, the hairs ascending, 75u long, the costa bearing a few hairs similar to the marginal ones, the outer surface of the calyx segments mod- erately puberulous with subpapilliform glandular hairs about 25u long; mature corolla not seen; style slender, about 17 mm. long, the stigma oblong and rounded, slightly broader than the style, sparingly puberulous toward base; capsules ovoid, 5 mm. long, 3 to 4 mm. broad, 1 mm. thick, puberulous, the hairs spreading or ascend- ing at tip of capsule, but retrorse towards base; retinacula 1 mm. long, obliquely cucullate, glabrous or bearing a few minute hairs toward base; seed suborbicular, flattened, about 2.5 mm. in diameter, light brown, slightly and minutely roughened. 384. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1830088, collected at Tocaima, Department of Cundinamarca, July 22, 1934, by E. Pérez-Arbeliiez (No. 3106). Dicliptera nanodes is characterized by its small size, glabrous or nearly glabrous parts and relatively broad leaf blades. The specific epithet is from the Greek vavwédns, meaning dwarfish. 28. Dicliptera columbiana Leonard, sp. nov. Fictre 143 Herba, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis, glabris vel parce vel dense bifariam hirtellis, pilis recurvatis; lamina foliorum ovata, subacuta vel subacuminata, apice ipso obtuso, basi angustata’ satis firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra, costa et venis lateralibus plus minusve puberulis, pilis recurvatis, cystolithis pluribus sed inconspicuis, atroviridibus vel subnigris; petioli aliquanto graciles, Ficure 143.—Dicliptera columbiana Leonard (Garcia-Barriga 12355): a, Tip of plant; 5, node at base of cyme to show bracts and winged peduncles; ¢, one of the innermost bracts subtending flowers; d, calyx; ¢, pubescence of calyx; f, capsule valve; g, seed; h, surface of seed to show roughening. (a, Natural size; b, twice natural size; ¢, 5 times natural size; d, 4 times natural size; ¢, 35 times natural size; f, 244 times natural size; g, 3 times natural size; h, 30 times natural size.) glabri vel supra puberuli; cymac plerumque solitariae, axillares, 2- vel 3-partitae; pedunculi hexagoni, anguste alati, hirtelli, pilis recurvatis; bracteae cymas subtendentes lineari-subulatae, acutae vel obtusae; bracteae cymulam subtendentes aliquanto magnae, bractea inferior aliquanto minor quam superior, ambae late ovatae, obtusae, basi truncatae, tenues, virides, glabrae vel parce puberulae, costa prominente, nervis lateralibus inconspicuis, venulis crasse reticulatis, sub lente prominentibus; bracteae intimae parvae, ovatae, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 385 parce hirtellae, puberulae, pilis glanduliferis et eglanduliferis inter- mixtis; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, acuta, puberula, pilis glanduliferis et eglanduliferis intermixtis; corolla subpurpurea, bilabiata, labio superiore ovato, obtuso, labio inferiore anguste obovato, apice minute trilobato; antherae loculi superpositi; filamenta complanata, parce hirtella; capsulae ovoideae complanatae, apice subobtusae, dense et retrorse puberulae; retinacula oblique bilobata; semina complanata, atrobrunnea, minute scabra. Herbs up to 30 cm. high; stems erect or ascending, subhexagonal, glabrous or sparingly to densely puberulous in 2 lines, the hairs recurved; leaf blades ovate, up to 5.5 cm. long and 2.5 cm. wide, subacute or if subacuminate, the tip itself obtuse, narrowed at base, drying dark olive green, rather firm, entire, undulate, both surfaces glabrous except costa and basal portions of lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs), these sparingly to rather densely puberulous with recurved hairs, the cystoliths numerous but inconspicuous, dark green or blackish; petioles rather slender, up to 1.5 cm. long, glabrous or the channels more or less puberulous; cymes mostly 2-parted (sometimes 3-parted), the peduncles below the node 2 mm. long, hexagonal, hirtellous, above node, 6 to 10 mm. long, hexagonal and narrowly winged, hirtellous, the hairs recurved, 0.2 mm. long, the bracts borne at the node of the peduncle linear-subulate, 2 to 4.5 mm. long, acute to obtuse, the larger cymule bract up to 16 mm. long and 17 mm. wide, the smaller up to 13 mm. long and 13.5 mm. wide, both broadly ovate, obtuse, truncate at base, firm, green, glabrous or sparingly puberulous, the costa rather prominent, the lateral nerves inconspicuous, the veinlets coarsely reticulated, rather obscure unless viewed with a lens; innermost bracts ovate, about 1.25 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, acute to sub- acute, sparingly hirtellous; calyx 3 mm. long, puberulous with a mix- ture of glandular and eglandular hairs, the calyx segments narrowly triangular, 2 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide at base, acute; corolla purplish (lilas o moradas), finely pubescent, about 10 mm. long, the upper lip ovate, about 7 mm. long and 2 mm. wide, obtuse, the lower lip about 8 mm. long and 4 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes broadly ovate, rounded, 0.5 mm. long; anther cells superposed, 1.25 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad; filaments flattened, sparingly hirtellous; capsules ovoid, 8 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, 1.5 mm. thick, flattened, obtusish at tip, densely and retrorsely puberulous, the retinacula usually bilobed, 1 mm. long; seed suborbicular, flattened, 2.5 to 3 mm. in diameter, 1.5 mm. thick, dark brown, roughened by minute retrorse prickles. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1931893, collected along trail between Guaduas and Alto de Aguaclara, at the Hacienda Paramillo, west of Guaduas, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 386 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM altitude 1,040 to 1,320 meters, July 24, 1947, by H. Garcfa-Barriga (No. 12355). Garcia-Barriga’s No. 12347 (US), collected at the same time and place, is also of this species. Diclhiptera columbiana is related to D. megalochlamys and resembles it in many ways; however, D. columbiana can be recognized by its much shorter peduncles, and smaller stature, cymule bracts, and leaf blades. 29. Dicliptera compacta Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 144 Suffrutescens, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subhexagonis, glabris vel nodis puberulis; lamina foliorum lanceolata, subacuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra, costa et venis aliquanto obscura, cystolithis sub lente prominentibus; petioli glabri vel in marginibus canalis puberuli, Ficure 144.—Dicliptera compacta Leonard (Triana, Copéd): a, Node to show inflorescence and leaf blade; }, tip of cymule bract to show venation and cystoliths; ¢, a pair of the innermost bracts; d, calyx; e, tip of calyx segment to show pubescence. (a, Natural size; b, twice natural size; c, 344 times natural size; d, 3 times natural size; é, 20 times natural size.) pilis curvatis; cymae plures, axillares, compactae, 3-partitae; pedunc- uli infra nodum breves, glabri, hexagoni, apice complanati, angulis acutis; bracteae cymas subtendentes parvae, subulatae; bracteae cymulam subtendentes aliquanto magnae, bractea inferior aliquanto minor quam superior, ambae late ovatae, obtusae, plus minusve apiculatae, basi truncatae vel leviter cordatae, glabrae, subchartaceae, costa et venis prominentibus, venulis crasse reticulatis; bracteae intimae basi connatae, anguste triangulares, acutae, ciliatae, sub- hyalinae, cystolithis prominentibus instructae; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, acuta, puberula, pilis glanduliferis et eglandu- liferis intermixtis. Suffrutescent plants up to 30 cm. high or more; stems erect or LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 387 ascending, subhexagonal, glabrous or the nodes puberulous with curved hairs; leaf blades lanceolate, up to 10 cm. long and 3 cm. wide, subacuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base, glabrous, the costa and veins (5 or 6 pairs) rather obscure, the cystoliths prominent and numerous under a lens, 250 to 375 long; petioles up to 2 cm. long, glabrous or the margins of the channel puberulous with curved hairs; cymes 3-parted, usually several in each axil, the peduncles 2 mm. long from base to fork, 10 to 12 mm. long from fork to base of cymule bracts, glabrous, hexagonal, flattened toward tip, the angles acute, the cystoliths parallel, prominent under a lens; bracts produced at the fork of the cyme subulate, 2.5 mm. long, 0.25 mm. broad at base; cymule bracts ovate, obtuse and more or less apiculate, truncate or shallowly cordate at base, glabrous, firm, subchartaceous, the costa and the coarse reticulations of the veins prominent, the cystoliths numerous and conspicuous under a lens, the upper bract about 15 mm. long and wide, the lower 10 mm. long and wide; innermost bracts subtending the flowers connate at base, narrowly triangular, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, acute, ciliate, subhyaline, bearing prom- inent cystoliths; calyx 3 mm. long, puberulous or glabrous near base, the pubescence a mixture of acute ascending hairs up to 100u long and shorter gland-tipped ones; corollas, ovaries and capsules not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected at Copo near Tequendama, Department of Cundinamarca, 500 meters altitude, July 1833, by J. Triana (No. 4093-4). Isotype: Col. Dicliptera compacta can be distinguished from D. columbiana, possibly its closest relative, by the crowded inflorescences and the relatively longer leaf blades. The specific epithet alludes to the crowded cymes. Subtribe 11b. Odontoneminae Odontoneminae Lindau; Engl & Prantl, Pflanzenf. IV. 3b: 287, 334. 1895 Shrubs or herbs; inflorescence variable; flowers mostly large and brightly colored; bracts and bractlets small; calyx mostly 5-parted, rarely 4-parted or more or less 2-lipped; corolla 2-lipped, the tube frequently long; stamens usually 2; staminodes 0 or 2; anther cells equally or unequally affixed, muticous or spurred; capsules 4-seeded. In Colombia the following genera are represented: 26. Odontonema 27. Razisea 28. Siphonoglossa 388 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 26. ODONTONEMA Nees Odontonema Nees in Linnaea 16: 300. 1842. The epithet is derived from the Greek words ééovr0-, tooth, and vaya, thread, referring to toothed filaments. Type species: Odontonema lucidum Nees (Justicia lucida Andr.). Type locality: “in Insula Barbados.”’ Thyrsacanthus Nees in Mart. Fl Bras 9: 97, pl 13. 1847. The epithet is derived from 6@tpcos, thyrse, and &xavOos, acanthus. Type species.: Thyrsacanthus barlerioides Nees. Herbs or shrubs; leaves often rather large, opposite, entire or undulate; flowers borne in narrow terminal panicles or racemes; calyx 5-parted, the segments subulate; corollas white, red, or yellow, the tube relatively slender, the throat only slightly enlarged, the limb 2-lipped, the lips subequal, the upper lip 2-lobed, the lower 3-lobed, the lobes usually rounded; stamens 2, the anther lobes parallel, narrow, blunt at base; staminodes 2; capsules clavate, the solid basal portion slender; seeds 4. The genus consists of 40 species or more, limited to tropical regions of the Western Hemisphere. QOdontonema strictum (Nees) Kuntze (also known as Justicia coccinea) is often found in cultivation. It is frequently difficult to distinguish between Odontonema and Pseude- ranthemum, especially if the specimens offer only immature flowers. The flowers of both genera possess two stamens and two staminodes. The corollas of Pseuderanthemum, however, are usually smaller with very small regular lobes, the tube very narrow, and the stamens included. Those of Odontonema are larger, often several centimeters long, the limb definitely 2-lipped, the lobes rather large and the stamens exserted or at least reaching the mouth of the corolla tube. KEY TO THE SPECIES Leaf blades reduced from above middle to a narrow rounded or subauriculate base. Flowers scarlet; panicle relatively broad (5 em.)___-. 2-2 ee 1. O. coccineum Flowers white; panicle narrow (2cm.)_______.._______.. 2. O. stenostachyum Leaf blades cuneate at base. Vines ___ wee ee eee ee 3. O. ampelocaule Shrubs Corolla lobes suborbicular.______._..________ ween eee _.. 4. O. rubrum Corolla lobes oblong or oblong-lanceolate. Corolla up to 16 mm. long; leaf blades up to 7 cm. long. 5. O. interruptum Corolla up to 3.5 cm. long; leaf blades up to 15 cm. long. Corollas 2.5 to 3.5 em. long_.___________..._____. 6. O. bracteolatum Corollas 1.5 to 1.7 em. long_______ 6a. O. bracteolatum var. parviflorum 1. Odontonema coccineum Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 145 Frutex gracilis, erectus, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris, lenticellis parvis, orbicularibus vel ellipticis, plerumque in angulis instructis, cystolithis parvis, subpunctiformibus, inconspicuis; lamina LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 389 foliorum oblonga, acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, rotundata, firma, integra vel undulata vel leviter crenata, glabra, supra costa et venis obscuris, subtus minute albo-punctata, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus, venulis crasse reticulatis, cystolithis minutis, inconspicuis; petioli breves, glabri; panicula terminalis, pedunculata, aliquanto densa, pedunculis et rhachibus parce hirtellis; Ficure 145.—Odontonema coccineum Leonard (a-i, Haught 2055; j, Haught 2841): a, Leaf blade; b, basal portion of panicle; c, tip of panicle; d, calyx and pistil; ¢, corolla; f, pubescence of corolla enlarged to show shape of hairs; g, stamen and staminode; h, pubescence of anther; i, one of the hairs from the anther enlarged to show shape; j, valve of disrupted capsule. (a-c, Half natural size; d, 3 times natural size; ¢, a little more than natural size; f, 20 times natural size; g, 3 times natural size; h, 25 times natural size; i, 50 times natural size; j, three-fourths natural size.) 390 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM bracteae subulatae, carinatae, parce hirtellae et ciliatae; pedicelli parce hirtelli; calycis segmenta subulata, glabra vel parce hirtella; corolla coccinea, puberula, subventricosa, bilabiata, labiis subaequali- bus, superiore bilobato, lobis anguste ovatis, apice rotundatis, in- inferiore prope basim trilobato, lobis oblongis apice rotundatis, subcucullatis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis complanatis, glabris vel basi parce hirtellis, antheris oblongis, lateribus puberulis; stamin- odia inchoata; ovarium glabrum; stylus gracilis, glaber; lobi stigmatis minuti, recurvati, angusti; capsulae clavatae, glabrae, obtusae et apiculatac; retinacula subobtusa et subcucullata; semina suborbi- cularia, plana, brunnea, rugosa. Shrubs up to 2 meters high, slender, erect; stems subquadrangular, glabrous, bearing scattered circular or elliptical corky lenticels mostly about 0.5 mm. in diameter, these borne chiefly on the angles, the cystoliths minute, subpunctiform, inconspicuous; leaf blades oblong, up to 24 cm. long and 7.5 cm. wide slightly above middle, acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed to a rounded base about 1 cm. wide, firm, entire, undulate, or shallowly and indistinctly crenate, glabrous, the cystoliths numerous, inconspicuous except under high magnification, 1254 long, the lower surface minutely white-punctate, the costa and lateral veins (9 or 10 pairs) obscure above, prominent beneath as are also the coarsely reticulate veinlets; petioles up to 5 mm. long, stout, glabrous; panicles terminal, peduncled, rather dense, up to 15 cm. long and about 5 cm. broad, the branches flattened, ascending, 1 to 3 pairs at each node, the lowermost up to 4 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip of panicle; peduncles 2 to 7 cm. long, secondary peduncles up to 2.5 cm. long, both rachis and peduncles sparsely hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, ascending; lowermost branches of the panicle subtended by small leaf blades: bracts subulate, up to 3 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, carinate, sparingly hirtellous and ciliolate; pedicels 3 to 5 mm. long, sparingly hirtellous; calyx 5 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the segments subulate, 3.5 to 4 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base; corollas bright scarlet, puberulous (the hairs flattened, triangular, 25 to 75u long), subventricose, 2.5 em. long, the tube 3 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 4 mm. above base to 2 mm. thence enlarged to 5 mm. at throat, the lips subequal, 12 mm. long, the upper lip 2-lobed, the lobes narrowly ovate, 6 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide, the lower lip 3-lobed nearly to base, the lobes oblong, 3 mm. wide, these and the lobes of the upper lip rounded at tip, subcucullate; stamens slightly exserted, 7 mm. long, the filaments 4 mm. long, flattened, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous at base, the anthers oblong, 1 mm. broad, their lateral surfaces puberulous, the hairs erect, 75 long, the staminodes 0.5 mm. long, glabrous; ovary glabrous; style about 2 cm. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 391 long, slender, glabrous, the stigma lobes recurved, 0.25 mm. long, as broad as the style; capsules clavate, glabrous, 2.5 cm. long, 6 mm. broad, 4.5 mm. thick, obtuse and apiculate; retinacula 3.5 mm. long, subobtuse and subcucullate; seed suborbicular, about 6 mm. in diam- eter, 1.5 mm. thick, brown, furrowed. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1742321, collected along Viscaina Creek, 31 km. south of El Centro, in the vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Valley, between the Rio Sogamoso and the Rio Carare, Department of Santander, Colombia, 100 meters altitude, November 3, 1936, by Oscar Haught (No. 2055). Antioquia: Dense woods along the Savaletas railway line between Puerto Berrio and Rio Nuz, 300 to 500 meters altitude, Dec. 12, 1884, Lehmann 4104 (K). SANTANDER: Damp place in lowland windfall along Margarita Creek, vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, 100 to 500 meters altitude, October 7, 1934, Haught 1379 (US). Along stream in forest about El Centro, vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, 100 meters altitude, June 11, 1939, Haught 2841 (US). Wirnovut Locauity: Purdie s.n. (KX). Odontonema coccineum is a well-marked species easily recognized by its tall slender habit, by its large glabrous firm leaf blades narrowed to a small rounded base and supported by a short stout petiole, and by its rather large and compact panicle of brilliant showy crimson flowers. The leaf blades resemble those of Odontonema amplexicaule (Nees) Kuntze of Brazil, but that species has a racemose inflorescence and pubescent stems. 2. Odontonema stenostachyum Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 146 Frutex gracilis, caulibus subquadrangularibus, (siccis) nigris, aliquanto puberulis; lamina foliorum sessilis vel subsessilis, late lanceolata vel oblongo-obovata, acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, plus minusve auriculata, aliquanto firma, undulata, supra (sicca) subnigra, glabra vel costa parce hirtella, cystolithis obscuris, minutis, subtus (sicca) atroolivacea, glabra, costa et venis lateralibus parce hirtellis, conspicuis, venulis subtiliter sed crasse reticulatis; panicula (sicca) nigra, terminalis, solitaria, longa, angusta, pedunculo et rhache hirtellis; bracteae parvae, acuminatae, glabrae vel parce hirtellae; pedunculi secundarii breves; pedicelli puberuli; bracteolae subulatae, acuminatae, carinatae, glabrae vel parce puberulae; calycis segmenta subulata, acuminata, glabra vel apice parce puberula; corolla alba, glabra, lobis ellipticis, rotundatis, venosis; stamina (immatura) brevia; staminodia parva; capsulae clavatae, basi solido gracili, (siccae) nigrae, obscure puberulae vel glabratae; semina atrobrunnea, plana, rugosa. Slender, sparingly branched shrubs up to 1 meter high or more; stems subquadrangular (the angles rounded), drying blackish, moder- ately puberulous, the hairs ascending, about 0.25 mm. long, the basal 392 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM portion of the stem 7 mm. in diameter or more; leaves sessile or sub- sessile, the blades broadly lanceolate or oblong-obovate, up to 26 cm. long and 8.5 cm. wide, acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed to a more or less subauriculate base, moderately firm, undulate, the upper Ficure 146.—Odontonema stenostachyum Leonard (Lopex €¥ Sanchez 63): a, Tip of plant; b, node of inflorescence; ¢, calyx; d, tip of a calyx segment; ¢, a lobe of the corolla limb; f, stamen and staminode; g, valve of a disrupted capsule. (a, Half natural size; b, g, natural size; c, f, 3 times natural size; d, 15 times natural size; ¢, twice natural size.) surface drying blackish, glabrous or the costa sparingly hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, the cystoliths obscure and minute, 125 long, the lower surface drying dark olive green, minutely rough- ened, glabrous except the costa and lateral veins (about 20 pairs), LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 393 these sparingly hirtellous, conspicuous, the veinlets delicately and rather coarsely reticulate; panicles drying black, terminal, solitary, narrow, up to 47 cm. long and 2 em. broad, the peduncle up to the first pair of bracts as much as 20 cm. long, the lowermost internode up to 9 cm. long, the other successively shorter toward tip of panicle, the lowermost nodes (1 or 2) sterile, the others bearing fascicles of crowded short branches, the peduncle and rachis moderately hirtel- lous, the lowermost pair of bracts lanceolate, up to 7 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, acuminate, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the others similar but successively smaller toward tip of panicle; secondary peduncles up to 2 mm. long, pedicels up to 6 mm. long, both peduncles and pedicels puberulous; bracts of the panicle branches subulate, up to 3 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, carinate, acuminate, glabrous or sparingly puberulous; calyx 4 to 5 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments subulate, 0.25 mm. wide at base, acuminate, glabrous or nearly so; corollas white, glabrous, about 1 cm. long (immature), the lobes elliptical, 8 mm. long, 3.5 mm. wide, rounded, the veins prominent; stamens 3 mm. long, the anthers 2 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, the staminodes 0.5 mm. long, rounded at tip; capsules clavate, 20 mm. long, 4.5 mm. broad, 3.5 mm. thick, drying black, obscurely puberulous or glabrous with age, the solid stipitate portion 12 mm. long, slender; retinacula 4 mm. long, minutely striate, 0.75 mm. thick at base, the tip thin and suberose; seed brownish black, flattened, about 3 mm. in diameter, roughened. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1995100, collected in rain forest along Carretera al Mar near Villa Arteaga, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 150 meters altitude, December 26, 1948, by F. Lépez and M. J. Sanchez (No. 63). Isotype: US, 1995101. Hodge’s No. 7034 (US), collected in the same locality, August 4-8, 1947, is also of this species. Odontonema stenostachyum is easily recognized if compared with other Colombian species by its long slender panicle of relatively small white corollas and by its subauriculate leaf blades. The specific epithet is from the Greek, orevés, slender, and oraxus, spike, i. @. inflorescence. 3. Odontonema ampelocaule Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 147 Frutex scandens, caulibus glabris vel parce et minute strigosis, cortice pannoso; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, breviter acumi- nata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, supra glabra, cystolithis minutis, subtus glabra, costa et venis prominentibus parce strigosis exceptis, venulis crasse reticulatis; petioli breves crassi, glabri vel parce strigosi; racemi terminales, graciles, pedunculo parce hirtello, pilis patulis vel ascendentibus, 388179—57 6 394 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM rhache dense hirtella, pilis antrorse curvatis, septatis; bracteae lineari- lanceolatae, subcarinatae, dense vel parce hirtellae et ciliatae; brac- teolae anguste triangulatae, acutae, parce hirtellae et ciliatae; flores in nodis plures, pedicellis gracilibus, hirtellis, pilis fere patulis; calyces Ficure 147.—Odontonema ampelocaule Leonard (Garcia-Barriga 12473): a, Section from lower part of stem showing leaves; }, tip of branch showing inflorescence; ¢, portion of leaf blade (upper surface) showing veinlets and cystoliths; d, node of raceme showing bracts and bractlets; ¢, portion of internode of the raceme enlarged to show pubescence; f, calyx; g, stamen and staminode, (a, Half natural size; b, c, natural size; d, twice natural size; ¢, 18 times natural size; f, 4 times natural size; g, 6 times natural size.) parce hirtelli, tubo campanulato, segmentis triangularibus, graciliter acuminatis; corolla aliquanto magna, rubra, puberula, tubo infundi- bulari, leviter ventricoso, intus basi dense retrorse piloso, labiis sub- aequalibus, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 395 planis, glabris vel pilis rectis ascendentibus praeditis, lobis antherarum divergentibus, dense dorso puberulis, pilis rigidis patulis; staminodia quam stamina brevioria, filamentis planis, glabris, antheris sterilibus pilosis; stigma minute bilobatum, lobis obtusis; ovarium glabrum. Vine; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or sparingly and minutely strigose, the bark sometimes separating in shreds loosely attached to the stems; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 19.5 cm. long and 6.8 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed and acute or subacute at base, rather firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous, the cystoliths minute, up to 0.8 mm. long, the lower surface glabrous except the costa and veins (6 pairs), these sparingly strigose, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, the venation prominent, the veinlets coarsely reticulate; petioles up to 5 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly strigose; racemes terminal, slender, up to 25 cm. long, the peduncle 4 cm. long, 1 mm. in diameter, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs 0.25 mm. long, spreading or ascending, the lowermost internode of the raceme 6 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward the tip of the racemes, all rather densely hirtellous with curved ascending septate hairs up to 0.28 mm. long; bracts (the lowermost pair sterile) linear lanceolate, up to 5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide near base, hirtellous and ciliate; bractlets narrowly triangular, 1.5 mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide at base, acute, sparingly hirtellous and ciliate; flowers several at each node, the pedicels slender, up to 8 mm. long, hirtellous; calyx 3 to 4 mm. long, sparingly hirtellous, the tube campanulate, the segments triangular, 0.5 to 0.75 mm. wide at base, slenderly acuminate; flowers 2.5 em. long, red, puberulous with hairs up to 1 mm. long, the tube 3 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 4 mm. above base to 1.29 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 6 mm. at mouth, slightly ventricose, densely and retrorsely pilose within near base, the lips subequal, 4 to 5 cm. long, the lobes 4 to 5 mm. long and 2.5 to 3 mm. wide, rounded, the margins rugose (dried flowers) ; stamens reaching the tip of the upper lip of the corolla, the filaments flattened, glabrous or bearing a few straight ascending hairs up to 0.24 mm. long, the anthers 3.25 mm. long and 1 mm. broad near base, the cells diverging, densely puberulous dorsally, the hairs stiff, spreading, up to 0.6 mm. long, the staminodes about two-thirds as long as the filaments of the fertile stamens, their filaments flat and glabrous, bearing sterile pilose an- thers, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long; style somewhat shorter than the stamens, the stigma bilobed, the lobes minute, obtuse; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1932293, collected at the Hacienda Curiche, El Pefién, between the Rios Bunque and Murca, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 1,050 to 1,420 meters alti- tude, August 1-3, 1947, by H. Garcfa-Barriga (No. 12473). 396 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM The similarity of the leaf blades and inflorescence of Odontonema ampelocaule and O. schomburgkianum (Nees) Kuntze of British Guiana suggests a relationship between the two species. 0. schom- burgkianum, however, is a shrub only about 1 meter high and has a glandular inflorescence and larger flowers (up to 4 cm. long). The type material consists of a section of stem about 45 em. long bearing toward the lower end two short branches, one of which is terminated by the raceme. Both branches are noticeably reflexed. Garcia-Barriga states in his label notes that the stems are quite thick (“tallos gruesos”), so the entire plant must reach a considerable height. Its scandent nature suggests its specific epithet which is from the Greek, dyedos, vine, and xavdés, stem. 4, Odontonema rubrum (Vahl) Kuntze Justicia rubra Vahl, Eclog. Amer. 2: 1. 1798. Type collected at Santa Marta, Department of Magdalena, Colombia, by Rohr. Thyrsacanthus ruber Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 326. 1847. Based on J usticia rubra Vahl. Odontonema rubrum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 492. 1891. Based on Justicia rubra Vahl. Suffrutescent, the branches spreading, the upper portions subte- tragonal, rather sparingly hirtellous, the hairs spreading or ascending, up to about 0.5 mm. long, more or less curved and disposed in two lines, the lower portions subterete, light gray, subnitid; leaf blades lanceolate to elliptic, up to 10 cm. long and 5.2 cm. wide, short- acuminate, narrowed at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces glabrous or sparingly hirsute toward base, the hairs 1 mm. long, the upper surface drying dull olive, the costa and lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) obscure, the lower surface lighter and nitid, the venation, including the coarsely reticulated veinlets, rather prominent; petioles up to 5 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly hirsute; spikes terminal, slender, the flowers more or less secund, the peduncle up to 2.5 cm. long, this and the rachis hirtellous, the hairs spreading, 0.5 mm. long; bracts lanceolate, the lowermost pair 10 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, the others successively smaller toward tip of spike, all acuminate, glabrous or sparingly hirsute; bractlets similar to the bracts but much smaller; pedicels slender, ca. 4 mm. long, hirtellous, the hairs 125y long; calyx 5 mm. long, the segments narrowly triangular, 4 to 4.5 mm. long, 1 to 1.25 mm. wide at base, acute, sparingly to moderately puberulous, the hairs up to 50u long; corollas 2.5 em. long, red, finely and moderately puberulous, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 5 mm. above base to 1.25 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 6 mm. at 15 mm. above base and constricted again at throat to 3 to 4 mm., the lips 5 mm. long, subequal, the upper deeply 2-lobed, the lower 3-lobed, the lobes suborbicular, 4 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, obtuse; LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 397 filaments about 9 mm. long, glabrous; anthers 3.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad; staminodes 4 to 5 mm. long, glabrous; ovary glabrous; style about 2 cm. long, glabrous, the stigma linear, but slightly broader than the style; capsules not seen. The largish red flowers more or less secund in terminal loose racemes suggest, as Nees points out in his description of Thyrsacanthus ruber, the species Odontonema schomburgkianum from British Guiana. The above description was drawn from Smith’s No. 1390, a plant which differs in several respects from Rohr’s type. The leaf blades of Smith’s specimen are broadly lanceolate or elliptic (5.2 cm. wide) instead of narrowly lanceolate (2 cm. wide) as in Rohr’s collection, and the racemes are hirtellous instead of glabrous. The large red corollas, however, with their short lips divided into obtuse suborbi- cular lobes, typical of both Rohr’s and Smith’s specimens, leads one to include them in the same species. O. bracteolatum also varies in the relative width of the leaf blades and in the amount of pubescence on stems and inflorescences. The following notes accompany H. H. Smith’s sheet in the New York Botanical Garden: “Shrub, 2-4 ft. with few branches, and often drooping or procumbent; air roots are frequent. Flower scarlet. Locally common in damp mountain forest about 5000 ft. The specimens were collected above Las Nubes, Dec. 17.” MacpaLena: Santa Marta, H. H. Smith 1390 (NY, GH, Ph, 8); Rohr s.n., represented by photograph Field Mus. No. 22203 (US). 5. Odontonema interruptum (H. B. K.) Kuntze Justicia interrupta H. B. K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2: 232. 1817. Type collected near Santa Ana, Colombia, by Humboldt. Thyrsacanthus interruptus Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 326. 1847. Based on Justicza interrupta H. B. K. Odontonema interruptum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2: 484. 1891. Shrub; branches terete, smooth, bearing scattered minute appressed hairs; leaf blades oblong, acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base, the upper surface blackish green, the lower pale, both sur- faces reticulately veined, nitid, glabrous except the costa, this strigose- hirsute; petioles 4 to 6 mm. long, pubescent; racemes terminal, pedun- culate, 7.5 to 10 cm. long; peduncles hirsute; flowers solitary, short- pedicelled, opposite, distant; bracts linear, hirsute, longer than the pedicels; calyx hirsute, the segments linear, equal; corolla 2-lipped, the upper lip 2-lobed, the lower 3-parted; stamens included, the anthers oblong, the locules approximate, parallel. No specimens seen. The description is drawn from the original and that of Nees. The included stamens and small size of the corolla indicate a possibility that this may be a Pseuderanthemum. A photograph of Humboldt’s specimen in the Berlin Herbarium is in 398 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM the U.S. National Herbarium (Field Mus. No. 9515); this shows that the leaf blades are 5-7 cm. long and 2—2.6 cm. wide, and that the corollas are about 1.6 cm. long, measurements somewhat larger than those given by Nees. 6. Odontonema bracteolatum (Jacq.) Kuntze Justicia bracteolata Jacq. Coll. Bot. 3: 253. 1789. Odontonema bracteolatum Kuntze, Rev. Gen, Pl. 2:492. 1891. Based on Justicia bracteolata Jacq. Suffrutescent plants up to 3 meters high, sometimes becoming diffuse and subscandent with age; stems erect, simple or sparingly branched, the lower portions terete, 7 mm. in diameter or more, glabrous, bearing minute subpunctiform cystoliths and low parallel elongated lenticels (up to 3: mm. long), the upper portion and rachis quadrangular or subquadrangular and more or less hirsute, the hairs whitish, spreading or ascending, up to 0.5 mm. long; leaf blades lanceolate or oblong-elliptic, up to 15 cm. long and 4.5 em. wide but usually narrower, acuminate, narrowed at base, moderately firm, dull to subnitid, entire or undulate, both surfaces sparingly hirsute or glabrous, the hairs ascending or spreading, up to 0.5 mm. long, the cystoliths of the upper surface numerous, conspicuous under a lens, up to 225» long, the costa and lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) obscure to rather prominent, the veinlets coarsely reticulate; petioles up to 1 cm. long but usually only about 5 mm. long, hirtellous to hirsute, or sometimes subglabrous; flowers borne in racemes or narrow terminal loose to dense panicles usually 10 to 20 cm. long and 1 to 5 cm. broad, the lateral branches of loose panicles usually basal, solitary or in pairs, up to 2 cm. long, several-flowered, the upper portion of the panicle often racemose, the flowers solitary in the axils of the bracts, the basal nodes of the inflorescence often bearing a pair of small leaves; peduncles of the lateral branches and pedicels slender, flattened, hirtellous, up to 5 mm. long; bracts subending the flowers subulate or narrowly tri- angular, curved, up to 3 mm. long, carinate, hirtellous, the hairs ascending, 0.25 mm. long; calyx 2 to 3.5 mm. long, hirtellous to subglabrous, the segments lanceolate, slenderly acuminate, 0.5 to 0.75 mm. wide at base; corollas scarlet, 2.5 to 3.5 cm. long, moderately pubescent, the hairs mostly spreading, 100 to 125 long, the tube 3.5 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 6 mm. above base to 1.5 mm., thence enlarged to 5 mm. at throat, the upper portion subventricose, the upper lip oblong, 10 to 15 mm. long, 4 to 5 mm. wide, 2-lobed at tip, the lobes oblong, 4 to 5 mm. long, 2 to 2.5 mm. wide, obliquely obtuse at tip, the lower lip equaling or slightly longer than the upper, deeply 3-lobed, the lobes oblong-lanceolate, up to 13 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, obliquely obtuse at apex; stamens reaching notch of the upper lip of the corolla, the filaments flattened, hirtellous near base, the hairs LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 399 up to 150u long, the anthers 4 mm. long and 1.5 mm. broad; staminodes up to 1 cm. long, tipped by rudimentary anthers; ovary glabrous; capsules clavate, up to 25 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, 4 mm. thick, the solid stipe slender, 1.5 mm. broad at base, 3.5 mm. broad at base of cavity, the tip of the capsule acute; retinacula 3 mm. long, subulate; seeds 4, suborbicular, 3.5 mm. long and broad, 1 mm. thick, light brown, deeply muricate. Odontonema bracteolatum varies greatly in the relative width of leaf blades, the amount of pubescence of the rachis and upper portion of the stems, and in the amount of branching of the panicle. The leaf blades of Dugand & Garcia-Barriga’s No. 2493 do not exceed 21 mm. in width whereas in Allen’s No. 866 they are as much as 4.5 cm. wide. Smith’s Bonda specimen possesses a densely hirsute stem and rachis but a slender, lax, almost racemose inflorescence, only the lowermost flowers borne on sparingly branched peduncles. At the other extreme, Haught’s No. 3946 has a rachis and upper stem portion almost glabrous and a compact crowded panicle, its lateral branches produced several in a cluster from the base to the tip of the inflores- cence. Variation between these extremes are exhibited by the other specimens cited. The species is usually found growing along shaded streams in forests at 70 to 800 meters altitude. It produces showy panicles of bright red corollas and blooms more or less throughout the year. Endemic. AtLANTIco: Piojo, vicinity of Barranquilla, Bro. Elias 742 (US). Botfvar: Between Cartagena and Turbaco, Dugand & Jaramillo 2852 (US). Maapatena: Bonda, H. H. Smith 1389 (in part) (NY, US). Cincinati, Giacometto 94 (US). Codazzi, Haught 3727 (US). Jiracasaca, H. H. Smith 1389 (in part) (NY, Ph). Manaure, Haught 3946 (US). Poponte, Allen 866 (Mo). Rfo Ariguanf, near Caracolicito, Dugand & Garcia-Barriga 2493 (US). Rio Hacha, Haught 4484 (US). Minca, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, alt. 600 m., Cardona, Gutiérrez & Barkley 18C. 089 (Med, US). Norte pe SANTANDER: La Esmeralda, Killip & Smith 20932 (GH, NY, US). Wirnout Locauity: Photograph (Field Mus. No. 32704) of Jacquin Herbarium sheet from Vienna Herbarium (US). 6a. Odontonema bracteolatum (Jacq.) Kuntze var. parviflorum Leonard, var. nov. Folia angusta, lanceolata; corolla parva, 15-17 mm. longa, cetera formam typicam similis. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2028723, collected at Cacaguilito, region of Santa Marta Mountains, Department of Magdalena, Colombia, ‘1500 ft.” altitude, May 1899, by H. H. Smith (No. 1389, in part). Isotypes: Ph, NY. The variety is also represented by the following collections: AtiAntico: Hacienda Riodulce, vicinity of Los Pendales, 20 to 50 meters altitude, Dugand & Jaramillo 4153 (US). 400 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM MaqpaLEena: Rinecédn Hondo, Allen 368 (Mo). Tucurinea, Romero 608 (Ch). Donama, Giacometto 78 (US). Wirnovut Locauitry: Linden 703, represented by photograph Field Mus. No. 32706 (US). Odontonema bracteolatum var. parviflorum differs in no way from the typical form except in the size of the corolla, this being 15 to 17 mm. long instead of 25 to 35 mm. long. The leaf blades of the specimens examined are predominantly narrow, not exceeding 3 cm. in width. However, narrow-leafed plants of the typical form with large corollas are common. Nees’ Thyrsacanthus bracteolatus is based on Jacquin’s plant and Linden’s No. 703. Linden’s collection, as can be readily seen from the photograph (No. 32706), is of the small-flowered form. 27. RAZISEA Oerst. Razisea Oerst. Vid. Medd. Nat. For. Kjébenhavn, 1854: 142. 1854. Named for Razis, an Arabian botanist of the 10th century. Type species; Razisea spicata Oerst. Type locality: Aguacate, Costa Rica Shrubs bearing rather large, oblong-ovate, mostly glabrous leaves and terminal peduncled spikelike racemes of brilliant red flowers; pedicels short; bracts and bractlets lanceolate, small; calyx small, deeply segmented, the segments 5, narrowly triangular and short-acu- minate; corolla narrowly infundibular, slightly curved, the lips short, the upper one narrow and acute, the lower lip broad, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes small and suborbicular; stamens 2, exserted, the filaments flattened; anthers 1-celled, blunt at each end; style exserted, the stigma 2-parted; ovary glabrous; capsules clavate, 4-seeded. Distribution: Costa Rica, Panamé, and Colombia. The genus consists of a single species. 1. Razisea spicata Oerst. Ficure 148 Razisea spicata Oerst. Vid. Medd., Nat. For. Kjébenhavn 1845: 142. 1845, Type collected in dense mountain woods of Aguacate, Costa Rica, by Oersted. Shrubs up to 3 meters high; stems subquadrangular, nitid, glabrous or puberulous, the hairs minute, white, curved, disposed more or less in two rows; leaf blades oblong-ovate to elliptic, up to 21 em. long and 9 cm. wide, short-acuminate, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, rather thin, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous, subnitid, the cystoliths minute, obscure, the lower surface minutely white-papillose, drying a lighter green than the upper surface, glabrous or the lateral veins (8 to 12 pairs) and margins of the costa puberulous, the cystoliths sometimes numerous and con- spicuous under a lens, up to 150y long, the venation rather prominent, more so than above; petioles up to 5 cm. long, glabrous; flowers LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 401 borne in narrow terminal spikelike racemes up to 20 cm. long and 6 cm. broad, the flowers erect or ascending, usually numerous, the peduncle up to 3 cm. long, glabrous or bifariously puberulous; rachis puberulous; pedicels up to 1.5 mm. long, puberulous, the hairs curved; lower- most bracts narrowly triangular, up to 3 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide at base, acuminate, glabrous, the other bracts similar but successively smaller toward tip of inflorescence; bractlets triangular, up to 2 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide at base, acute, glabrous; calyx 5 mm. long, Ficure 148.—Razisea spicata Oerst. (Lawrance 198): a, Tip of plant; 6, portion of the leaf blade to show cystoliths and minute papillae of the lower surface; c, bract and bractlets; d, calyx; ¢, tip of expanded corolla; f, tip of corolla before expansion; g, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, 23 times natural size; c, 3}4 times natural size; d, 144 times natural size; ¢, f, natural size; g, 2}4 times natural size.) deeply segmented, the segments narrowly triangular, 1 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, glabrous, bearing numerous minute cystoliths, these conspicuous under a lens; corolla brilliant red, glabrous or sparingly and minutely hirtellous, up to 4 cm. long, the tube 2.5 mm. broad near base, gradually enlarged to 7 mm. at mouth, the tip, before expansion, obliquely truncate, the upper lip ovate, 6 mm. long and about 4 mm. wide, abruptly bent before expansion of flower to cover the broad short more or less saccate 402 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM lower lip, this 3-lobed at tip, the lobes suborbicular, about 1 mm. long and broad; stamens exserted about 10 mm. beyond mouth of corolla tube, the filaments winged, glabrous; anthers glabrous, rounded at each end; style about as long as the stamens; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Although limited in range in Colombia, this species seems to be rather widespread in Costa Rica and Panama&. In the last-named regions the species varies greatly in size of leaf blades, amount of pubescence, length of pedicels, and number of flowers. Boyack: Thick forested region of Mount Chapén, Lawrance 198 (K, NY. S, US). Coniwananca: Forests of Pancho on the La Palma Highway, 1,000 meters altitude, Haught 6013 (US). Sasaima, Herbarium of Fidel Pombo (Col). 28. SIPHONOGLOSSA Oerst. Siphonoglossa Oerst. Vid. Medd. Nat. For. Kjébenhavn, 1854: 159 1854. From the Greek cigwy, tube, and yAéooa, tongue, in allusion, probably, to the slender-tubed corollas. Type species: Siphonoglossa ramosa Oerst. Type locality: Province of Tehuacdn, Santa Lucfa, México. Shrubs or suffrutescent herbs; bracts none; bractlets small; leaf blades entire; flowers sessile, solitary or few, borne in the axils of the uppermost leaf blades or occasionally on short peduncles; calyx segments 4, narrow, short-acuminate; corollas white, blue, or purple, the tube slender, elongated, terete, the limb 2-lipped, the upper lip entire or 2-lobed, the lower lip 3-lobed, spreading; stamens 2, adnate to the mouth of the corolla tube, included or exserted but not reaching beyond the upper lip of the corolla, the anthers 2-celled, the cells more or less superposed; staminodes none; stigmas slightly 2-lobed; capsules clavate, usually 4-seeded. Siphonoglossa is small genus of tropical or subtropical plants consisting of about a dozen species, ranging from the southern United States to northern South America. 1. Siphonoglossa calcarea Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 149 Suffrutex parvus, caulibus striatus, teretibus, dense _hirtellis, pilis albis, curvatis; lamina foliorum ovata, subacuta, basi rotundata, in petiolum breviter decurrens, supra glabra vel parce hirtella, costa dense hirtella, subtus mediocriter hirtella, costa et venis magis prominentibus, venulis subtiliter reticulatis; petioli graciles, breves, dense hirtelli, pilis curvatis; flores solitarii et axillares, vel pauci in pedunculis brevibus, dense hirtellis; bracteolae subulatae, parvae, hirtellae; calycis segmenta acuminata, hirtella; corolla purpurea, tubo angusto, cylindrico, hirtello, pilis patulis, bilabiata, labiis subglabris, labio superiore ovato, rotundato, labio inferiore trilobato, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 403 lobis ellipticis, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis brevibus, glabris, loculis antherarum plus minusve superpositis; stylus sursum glaber, deorsum minute hirtellus; stigma lineari-lanceolatum; cap- sulae clavatae, dense hirtellae, pilis patulis; retinacula brevia, apice truncato-rotundata; semina 4, plus minusve complanata, tuberculata. Small branched suffrutescent plants up to 8 cm. high; stems up to 2 mm. in diameter, terete, striate (at least the upper portions), densely hirtellous, the hairs white, variously curved, about 0.25 mm. long; internodes mostly 1 cm. long, occasionally up to 2.5 cm. long; leaf Ficure 149.—Siphonoglossa calearea Leonard (Haught 3929): a, Portion of plant; b, portion of stem to show pubescence; ¢, leaf; d, node from upper portion of stem to show inflores- cence; ¢, calyx and one of a pair of bractlets; f, anther. (a, c, Natural size; 5, d, twice natural size; ¢, 244 times natural size; f, 4 times natural size.) blades ovate, up to 2 cm. long and 1.2 cm. wide, subacute, rounded at’ base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, the upper surface glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the costa more densely so, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, white, curved, the costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs) delicate and rather obscure, the lower surface moderately and finely hirtellous, especially the veins, the hairs similar to those of the upper surface, the costa and lateral veins more prominent than those above, the veinlets rather finely and delicately reticulate; petioles slender, up to 4 mm. long, densely 404 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM hirtellous, the hairs similar to those of the leaf blades; flowers one to several, sessile in the axils of the uppermost leaves or terminating axillary peduncles up to 4 mm. long, these as are the stems, densely hirtellous; bractlets subtending the calyx subulate, up to 2.5 mm. long, 0.25 to 0.5 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender point, hirtellous; calyx 5 mm. long, hirtellous, the segments narrow, 0.75 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip; corollas purplish red (Haught), 15 to 17 mm. long, hirtellous (the lobes sparingly so), with spreading hairs about 0.25 mm. long, the tube cylindric, 1.5 mm. in diameter at base, reduced at 3 mm. above base to 1 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 1.5 mm. at mouth, the upper lip ovate, about 5 mm. long and 2 mm. wide near base, the tip rounded, the lower lip 3-parted, the lobes elliptic, about 6 mm. long and 3.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens inserted near the mouth of the corolla tube, the filaments 2.5 mm. long, glabrous, the anthers 1.5 mm. long, their lobes more or less superposed; style about 15 mm. long, glabrous toward tip, minutely hirtellous from about the middle to base, the stigma linear-lanceolate; capsules clavate, 7 to 8 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad, about 1.5 mm. thick, densely hirtellous, the hairs spreading, 1004 long, mostly straight and spreading, the capsule narrowed to a blunt tip, the solid basal stipe about 2.5 mm. long; retinacula 0.75 mm. long and nearly as broad, concave, rounded-truncate at tip; seeds 4, about 1.25 mm. in diameter, somewhat flattened, tuberculate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1708760, collected on very dry limestone soil at La Paz, Department of Magdalena, Colom- bia, 200 meters altitude, January 14, 1944, by Oscar Haught (No. 3929). Tribe 12. IsoGLOSsSEAB Isoglosseae Lindau, Bot. Jahrb. Engler 18: 47. 1893; Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenf. IV, 3b: 287. 1895. This tribe has Giirtelpollen (pollen grains usually lens-shaped or ellipsoidal with a pore at each of the poles and a prickly belt around the equator), and 2- or 1-celled anthers. Subtribe 12a. Porphyrocominae Shrubs or herbs; flowers often borne in thick spikes, the bracts imbricate; calyx 5-parted, the segments equal or unequal; corolla 2-lipped ; stamens 4 or 2; anthers 2-celled, the sacs equally or unequally affixed; capsules 4-seeded. Four Colombian genera are represented: 29. Fittonia 30. Kalbreyeriella 31. Syringidium 32. Megaskepasma LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 405 29. FITTONIA E. Coem. Fittonia E. Coem. FI. des Serres 15: 185. 1865. Named for Elizabeth and Sarah Mary Fitton, authors of ‘Conversations on Botany” and friends of Robert Brown. Type species: Fittonia verschaffeltit (Lem.) E. Coem. Herbs; leaves petioled, ovate, the blades rounded, cordate at base, the costa and veins colored; spikes peduncled, terminal, the flowers borne singly in the axils of the rather conspicuous ovate rounded overlapping 4-ranked bracts; calyx 5-parted, the segments lanceolate, ciliate; corolla hypocrateriform, 2-lipped, the upper lip narrow, entire, incurved, the lower one recurved, 3-lobed; stamens 2, included, at- tached to the corolla tube near its throat, the anthers 2-celled, the cells equal; capsules 4-seeded. In addition to the type species, two others, F’. argyroneura E. Coem. and F. gigantea Linden, have been described, both based on Peruvian material. Because of their attractive foliage with its brightly colored veins they are often found cultivated in greenhouses. KEY TO THE SPECIES Veins of the leaf blades white_-_-_------------------------ 1. F. argyroneura Veins of the leaf blades purple-_--------------------------- 2. F. verschaffeltii 1. Fittonia argyroneura E. Coem. FicureE 150 Fittonia argyoneura E. Coem. FI. des Serres 16: 103. 1865-1867. Originally described from cultivated material whose source was probably Pert. Repent herbs; stems pilose or subtomentose, the hairs dull whitish, more or less spreading, up to 2.5 mm. long, more or less disposed in two lines; leaf blades ovate, up to 6 cm. long and 4.5 em. wide, obtuse or rounded at apex, rounded and subcordate at base, rather thin, entire or undulate, ciliate, the hairs up to 0.75 mm. long, spreading; the upper surface glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, nitid, drying bright green, marked by conspicuous white coarsely netted veins, the lower surface drying dull green, the costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs) pilose, not colored as above; petioles up to 2.5 cm. long, pilose except the more or less glabrous channels, the hairs spreading, up to 1.75 mm. long; flowers borne in terminal peduncled spikes up to 3 cm. long or more and about 1 cm. broad, the peduncles (up to 6 cm. long) and rachises pilose, the bracts quadrifarious, ovate, up to 8 mm. long, and 5 mm. wide, obtuse to subacute, apiculate, ciliate and sparingly pilose, the hairs whitish, spreading or ascending, up to 1 mm. long, some of them gland-tipped; bractlets subhyaline, lanceolate, up to 5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, rather sparingly hirtellous; calyx 5 mm. long, sparingly hirtellous or the basal portion glabrous, the segments narrowly lanceolate, 4 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to slender tips; corolla pale yellow, 12 to 13 mm. long, the throat 2.5 mm. broad, the 406 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM upper lip ovate, 2.5 mm. long, rounded, the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes similar in size to the upper lip; stamens reaching the tip of the lobes, the anthers 2.5 mm. long, the lobes narrow, parallel, rounded at base, the filaments 4 mm. long, pubescent; ovary glabrous or sparingly hirtellous at tip. Style as long as the stamens, glabrous, the stigma bilobed, the lobes about 0.1 mm. long; capsules not seen. Fittonva argyroneura, a forest plant, is mostly prostrate with only the tips ascending, the nodes rooting and the leaves often resting flat on the ground. All the species of the genus are distinguished by the conspicuous colored netted veining of the upper surface of the leaf blades. This one prefers rather low altitudes (300 to 760 meters). Specimens from Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia are in the U. S. National Herbarium. Ficure 150.—Fittonia argyroneura Coem. (a, b, Killip 35534; c-e, h, i, Allard 22279 (Pera); Ff, g, J, White 2348 (Bolivia)): a, Tip of sterile plant; b, pubescence of stem; c, spike; d, bract; ¢, marginal hairs of bract; f, one of a pair of bractlets; g, calyx; h, corolla lobes; 1, stamen; j, pistil. (a, c, Natural size; b, j, 5 times natural size; d, f, g, 1, 3 times natural size; e, 7 times natural size; A, twice natural size.) Lehmann gives the following field notes: ‘No. 4985: Weeds with thin stems up to 50 em. in length, creeping on ground and ramified in form of a broad tail. Leaves paper-like, dark green with a network of milky white nerves. Flowers a delicate sulphur yellow. Colombia. Grows very frequently in small islands in dense damp forests around Las Juntas del Dagua, western littoral region of Buenaventura, 0-500 meters. Flowers in September and October.—Note: This species also occurs on the coast of Barbacoas and on the East Andes of Cuenca in the district of Gualaquiza Jabaros up to an altitude of 1000 meters.” “No. 5600.—Weed with procumbent stems up to 50 cm. in length. Leaves dark green with silver-white nerves. Flowers yellow. Colom- LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 407 bia. Grows on slate rubble in dense forests around Las Juntas del Dagua, West Andes of Cali, 200-400 m. March.” Ex Vauue: Cisneros, Killip 35534 (US). La Margarita, Rio Digua Valley, Killip 34892 (US). Dagua, Lehmann 4985 (K), 5600 (K). LocALITY INDEFINITE: “Prov. del Chocé i Barbacéas i Buenaventura,” 10 meters altitude, March 1852. Triana s.n. (K). 2. Fittonia verschaffeltii (Lem.) E. Coem. Gymnostachyum verschaffeltii Lem. Ilustr. Hort. 10: pl. 372. 1863. Based on cultivated material originally from Pert or Colombia. Fittonia verschaffeltii E. Coem., Fl. des Serres 15: 186.1865. Based on Gymno- stachyum verschaffeltia Lem. Repent or ascending herb up to 30 cm. long; stems pilose to sub- tomentose; leaf blades ovate to elliptic, up to 10 cm. long and 7 cm. wide, rounded or obtuse at tip, cordate at base, the upper surface dull green, the costa and conspicuously reticulated veins purple; spikes up to 8 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide; peduncles up to 12 cm. long, pilose or subtomentose, the hairs disposed more or less in two rows; bracts oval, up to 13 mm. long and 8 mm. wide; corolla white or yellow. Herbarium specimens of Fittonia argyroneura and F. verschaffeltu are very similar and dried specimens are extremely difficult to separate, especially since the purple coloring of the veins invariably fades. The habit of growth, pubescence, inflorescence, and corollas of the two species are practically identical. The upper surface of the leaf blades of F’. verschaffeltti has been described as duller, the epi- dermis composed of more densely placed conical cells so as to present a velvety appearance in fresh plants. In contrast, the leaves of /. argyroneura are smoother and of a nitid green color. This contrast, strong as it may be in live plants, is weak indeed if herbarium material is studied and unless there yet remains a slight trace of the purple coloration in the veins, or the specimen is accompanied by proper field notes, it is practically impossible to decide to which of the two species any given specimen might belong. In the Putumayo region, according to Schultes, the plant is called “Mee-ni-ku-ru” by the Kofén natives and is used medicinally. The two species treated here, as well as the suffrutescent /. gigantea Linden of Pert, are found in cultivation. Cauca: Between Juntas and La Pefiita, Dagua Valley, Pittier 1506 (US). Caquert: Florencia, Pérez-Arbeldez 733 (US) PutruMayo: Quebrada Conejo, Schultes 3480 (GH). 408 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 30. KALBREYERIELLA Lindau Kalbreyeriella Lindau, Notizbl. Berlin 8: 143. 1922. Named in honor of W. Kalbreyer, the collector of the type species, K. rostellata Lindau. Type species: Kalbreyeriella rostellata Lindau. Type locality: Near Plateado, Antioquia, Colombia. Herbs or shrubs; leaves petioled, usually ovate or oblong-lanceolate ; flowers borne in spikes, racemes or narrow panicles, these spicate or racemose toward tip; bracts and bractlets shorter than the calyx; calyx deeply segmented, the segments 5, lanceolate, thin, slenderly acute; corolla broadly tubular, slightly ventricose, scarlet, glabrous or hirtellous, rostrate at tip before the expansion of the lips, the upper lip in expanded flowers erect, narrow, embracing the stamens and pistil, the lower lip triangular, recurved, minutely trilobate at tip; stamens 2, exserted; anthers 1-celled (one of them 2-celled in K. cabrerae) ; ovary glabrous; mature capsules not seen. The genus Kalbreyeriella is closely related to Razisea, differing mainly in its rostrate corollas (before expansion). Lindau described K. rostellata as having a 4-parted calyx, but I have found only 5- parted ones in the many specimens that I have examined of this genus, including the isotype material in the Kew Herbarium of Lindau’s species. KEY TO THE SPECIES Corolla yellow____--__-.-___.--22 288. 1. K. cabrerae Corolla bright red. Herbaceous or suffrutescent; corollas glabrous or minutely strigose at tip; leaf blades narrowed at base; flowers borne in spikes or racemes (spicate toward tip)_.-_..__________ 2. K. rostellata Shrubs; corollas densely hirtellous toward tip, the hairs spread- ing or ascending, more or less septate; leaf blades notice- ably large, rounded and cuneate at base; flowers borne in narrow panicles, these spicate or racemose toward tip___- 3. K. gigas 1. Kalbreyeriella cabrerae Leonard, sp. nov. FicureE 151 Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, deorsum glabris sursum plus minusve dense et minute puberulis, pilis appressis; lamina folio- rum oblongo-obovata vel oblonga, plus minusve abrupte acuminata, apice gracilis et aliquando curvata, basi cuneata et in petiolum decur- rens, aliquanto tenuis, integra vel undulata, supra parce hirsuta, pilis subappressis, subtus in costa et venis minute strigosa, cystolithis subintegris; petioli alati, glabri; racemi terminales, angusti, floribus ad nodos 2 vel pluribus, rhache et pedunculo plus minusve dense hirtellis, pilis adpressis vel ascendentibus; bracteae et bracteolae similes, lanceolatae, acutae, subcarinatae, glabrae vel subglabrae, marginibus ciliolatae; pedicelli glabri vel parce et minute hirtelli; calycis segmenta rubra, lanceolata, acuta, graciliter nervata, minute ciliolata; corolla lutea, tubo anguste campanulato, deorsum glabro, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 409 sursum puberulo, pilis plerumque patulis et curvatis, apice rostrata, labio superiore lanceolato, labio inferiore ovato, conduplicato, apice minute trilobato, lobis apice rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, glabra, antheris apice rotundatis vel mucronatis, una uniloculari, altera biloculari; capsulae glabrae; semina plana, brunnea, muricata. Ficure 151.—Kalbreyeriella cabrerae Leonard (a-f, Schultes & Cabrera 19093; g-l, Schultes €£$ Cabrera 19095): a, Inflorescence, b, basal part of leaf blade; c, tip of same; d, same leaf drawn on small scale to show general shape; ¢, node of inflorescence showing bracts and bractlets; f, calyx; g, tip of corolla; A, 1-celled anther, i, 2-celled anther of the pair; j, tip of pistil showing stigma; &, capsule valve; l, seed. (a-c, Half natural size; d, one-sixth natural size; ¢, twice natural size; f, 1}4 natural size; g, natural size; h-j, 4 times natural size; 4, 144 times natural size; /, 5 times natural size.) Suffrutescent plants up to 1.3 meters (type 5 ft. high, Schultes and Cabrera) ; stems subquadrangular, glabrous below, the upper portions more or less densely and minutely puberulous the hairs appressed, up to 0.16 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-obovate to oblong, up to 32 cm. long and 13.5 cm. wide, more or less abruptly acuminate, the tip slender and sometimes curved, cuneate at base and decurrent on the 388179 —57——7 410 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM petiole, rather thin, entire or undulate, the upper surface sparingly hirsute, the hairs 0.5 mm. long, subappressed, the lower surface minutely strigose on costa and veins, the hairs mostly closely ap- pressed, up to 0.16 mm. long, the venation moderately prominent (lateral veins 12 to 14 pairs); cystoliths blackish, up to 0.2 mm. long; petioles up to 7 cm. long, winged nearly to the base, the width of the wing expanse 1 to 2 cm. at base of leaf blade; glabrous or nearly so; flowers borne in narrow racemes (up to 20 cm. long and 3 cm. broad), several to a node or in pairs near tip of inflorescence, the rachis and peduncle (up to 2.5 cm. long) minutely and densely hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, appressed to ascending; bracts lanceolate, up to 6 mm. long and 2 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, subcarinate, glabrous or nearly so, ciliolate; bractlets similar to the bracts in size and shape, glabrate; pedicels up to 5 mm. long, sparingly and minutely hirtellous to glabrous; calyx red, the segments lanceolate, 25 mm. long, 3 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, glabrous, delicately nerved, minutely ciliolate; corolla yellow (Schultes and Cabrera), up to 4 cm. long (probably longer when fully expanded), the tube narrowly campanu- late, 3mm. broad at base, 6 mm. broad at throat, the lower part glabrous, puberulous above, the hairs more or less spreading and curved, up to 0.32 mm. long, the tip of the corolla rostrate, the upper lip lanceolate, 11 mm. long, 3.5 mm. wide at base, the lower lip ovate, conduplicate, 12 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to an obtuse tip, this 3-lobed, the lobes 1 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens 2, glabrous, exserted several mm. beyond mouth of corolla tube but slightly shorter than lips (perhaps more exserted in fully expanded flowers) ; anthers 5.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad, rounded at both ends, the connective extended at tip, forming a small mucro, one of the anthers 2-lobed, the extra lobe about 4 mm. long; style reaching tip of corolla lips, the stigma oval, obtuse, about 0.75 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide; capsule glabrous, about 2 cm. long, 4-seeded, the seed-bearing portion 11 mm. long, 4 mm. broad and 3 mm. thick; retinacula 2.5 mm. long, the tip lacerate and rounded ; seed brown, flattened, ovate, 4 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, 0.5 mm. thick, the tip bearing an undulate rounded crest, 0.5 mm. long at middle, the sur- face of the seed muricate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2124645, collected at Mocoa, Comisaria of Putumayo, Colombia, ‘1,800-2,400 feet”? altitude, March 16, 1953, by Richard Evans Schultes and Isidoro Cabrera (No. 19093). Schultes and Cabrera’s No. 19095, collected nearby on the same day, is also of this species. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 411 Kalbreyeriella cabrerae is a well-marked species differing from the other two Colombian species in its large oblong to oblong-obovate leaves and the yellow flowers. 2. Kalbreyeriella rostellata Lindau Ka'breyeriella rostellata Lindau, Notizbl. 8: 143. 1922. Type collected in shady woods near Plateado, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 2,300 meters altitude, March 31, 1880, by W. Kalbreyer (No. 1524). Suffrutescent plants up to 1 meter high; stems erect or ascending, simple or sparingly branched, glabrous to moderately hirtellous, the hairs appressed, ascending or recurved, up to 0.25 mm. long, septate; leaf blades oblong-lanceolate, oblong or oblanceolate, up to 24 cm. long and 10 cm. wide but usually about 10 cm. long and 4.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate, narrowed at base, moderately firm, entire or un- dulate, the upper surface glabrous to moderately pilose with curved ascending red-septate hairs up to 1 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (9 or 10 pairs) moderately prominent, sometimes red, the lower surface glabrous or the costa and lateral veins hirtellous, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, mostly curved and ascending, the venation more prominent than above, the cystoliths conspicuous under a lens, mostly straight or slightly curved, up to 225y long, these often absent on the upper leaf-surface; petioles usually about 2 cm. long but oc- casionally reaching 4 cm., glabrous or sparingly hirtellous; flowers borne in terminal loose peduncled spikes or racemes (spicate toward tip) up to 20 cm. long, the peduncles up to 2 cm. long, these and the rachises glabrous or sparingly or even densely hirtellous, the hairs variously curved, up to 0.25 mm. long, sometimes septate, the lower- most internodes 10 to 15 mm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip of inflorescence, the pedicels of the lowermost flowers slender, up to 4 mm. long, minutely hirtellous in two lines; bracts lanceolate, the lowermost 5 to 10 mm. long, and 2 to 3 mm. wide, the others becoming smaller towards tip of inflorescence, all acute, glabrous to moderately pilose; bractlets similar to the bracts but somewhat longer; calyx 16 mm. long, 5-parted, deeply segmented, the segments lanceolate, 10 mm. long, 3 mm. wide at middle, acute, thin, minutely and sparingly ciliolate, faintly nerved; corollas a bright showy red, up to 5.5 cm. long, glabrous or sparingly and minutely strigose at tip, this rostrate and recurved before expanding, the tube about 2.5 mm. broad at base, enlarged rather abruptly at 5 mm. above base to 12 mm. at middle, thence reduced to 10 mm. at mouth, the upper lip lanceolate, acute, 13 mm. long, 4 mm. wide at base, erect in expanded flowers, the tip straight or recurved, the lower lip triangular, recurved, 14 mm. wide at base, narrowed to an acute 3-lobed tip, the lobes about 1 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide; stamens attached near base of corolla tube, 412 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM about 5 cm. long, exserted 15 mm. beyond mouth of corolla tube and slightly exceeding the upper lip which partially enfolds them, the anthers 5 mm. long and 1 mm. broad at middle, narrowed toward both ends to bluntish tips, both anthers and filaments glabrous; disc 1 mm. long, this and the ovary glabrous; style slightly shorter than the stamens, glabrous; capsules not seen. There is variation in the amount of pubescence and the size of the leaf blades. The type material is strictly glabrous except the very young leaves. In Ariste-Joseph’s No. 1085, the upper surfaces of the leaf blades are conspicuously covered with red-septate hairs; other specimens show the same character to a more or less marked degree. Again, the leaf blades of Ariste-Joseph’s material do not exceed 9 cm. in length nor 2.8 cm. in width, whereas those of Cuatre- casas’ No. 15160 are as much as 24 cm. long and 9 em. wide. The type material possesses leaves intermediate between these two extremes. The specific epithet alludes to the acutely tipped unexpanded corollas. The species is endemic in Colombia; it is partial to thick shady forests, usually of the middle altitudes (900 to 1,600 meters), although Haught’s No. 4723 was collected as low as 100 meters. Its dark green leaves and brilliant red flowers make it an especially beautiful and conspicuous species. Antioquia: Shady woods near Plateado, Kalbreyer 1524 (isotype, K). Low wet forest along the Rfo Chigorodo, 10 km. northeast of Chigorodo, Haught 4723 (US). Boracd: High thick forests in the region of Mount Chapén, Lawrance 234 (US); 367 (K, Mo, NY, 8, US); 694 (GH, US). Caupas: La Selva, von Sneidern 5293 (US). Cauca: Quebrada Aguaclara, near its junction with Rfo Plateado, Core 1377 US). Crocé: Dauro, Toro 1175 (NY). Cunpinamarca: Albén, Guevara-Amértegui 315 (US). Paime, Ariste-J oseph 1085 (NY, US). Ex Vatve: Chorrera La Elsa in the densely forested valley of Rfo Digua, Killip 34807 (US); Rfo Digua Valley between La Elsa and Rfo Blanco, Killip 34738 bis (US). Woods about La Laguna, on the left bank of Rfo Sanquininf, Cuatrecasas 15388 (Ch, US). Piedra de Moler, left bank of Rio Digua, Cuatre- casas 15160 (US). Quebrada de San Juan, below Queremal, Rio Digua Valley, Cuatrecasas 22728 (US). 3. Kalbreyeriella gigas Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 152 Suffrutex, caulibus glabris vel subtiliter bifariam puberulis, pilis albis, appressis vel ascendentibus; lamina foliorum ovata, grandis, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso?), basi rotundata et cuneata, in petiolum decurrens, crenata, supra subnitida, glabra vel parce hirtella, costa et venis aliquanto dense puberulis, pilis appressis, evstolithis paucis minutis inconspicuis, subtus glabra, sub lente minute papillosa, cystolithis pluribus et conspicuis, costa et venis LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 413 lateralibus prominentibus, venulis crasse reticulatis; petioli crassi, subtus glabri, canale pilosa; paniculae terminales, angustae, floribus apice panicularum sessilibus et solitariis, pedunculo subtiliter bifariam hirtello, rhache dense hirtella, pilis subbrunneis, varie curvatis; bracteae lanceolatae, calyce breviores, glabrae vel parce hirtellae, ciliatae; bracteolae similes sed minores; calycis segmenta coccinea, lanceolata, acuta, nervata, glabra vel apice hirtella, cystolithis eracilibus, parallelis; corolla coccinea, parce punctata, basi glabra, apice dense hirtella, labio superiore erecto, anguste lanceolato, labio inferiore triangulari, recurvato, acuto, apice minute trilobato; stamina exserta, filamentis planis, glabris vel basi parce pilosis; antherae glabrae, basi et apice rotundatae; ovarium glabrum. Shrub; stems glabrous or finely and bifariously puberulous, the hairs white, appressed or ascending, up to 0.25 mm. long; leaf blades ovate, up to 35 cm. long and 10.5 cm. wide or more, short-acuminate (the tip probably blunt), rounded near base to a width of 3 cm., thence gradually narrowed and decurrent on the petiole, rather thin, crenate, the upper surface subnitid, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous except costa and lateral veins (about 15 pairs), these rather densely puberulous with appressed hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, the scattered hairs of the intercostal areas ascending, the cystoliths minute, in- conspicuous and scattered, 100 to 150, long, the lower surface glabrous or nearly so, minutely papillose under a lens, the cystoliths numerous and conspicuous, the costa and lateral veins prominent, much more so than above, the veinlets coarsely and rather conspicuously reticu- late; petioles (wingless portion) up to 5 cm. long, glabrous beneath, the channel pilose, the hairs ascending, septate, up to 0.5 mm. long; flowers borne in narrow spikelike panicles up to 20 cm. long and 5 cm. broad (near base), the peduncle up to 4 cm. long, its pubescence that of the stems, the rachis densely hirtellous, the hairs brownish, variously curved, up to 0.5 mm. long, the lowermost internode about 12 mm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip of the in- florescence, the lowermost flowers several, borne on branches about 10 cm. long, the uppermost flowers sessile, solitary, the pedicels about 2 mm. long, hirtellous, the lowermost pair of bracts leaflike, lanceo- late, up to 14 mm. long and 6 mm. wide, acuminate, the succeeding pair of bracts firm, narrowly lanceolate, keeled, 13 cm. long, 3 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, glabrous or spar- ingly hirtellous, ciliate, the marginal hairs about 0.25 mm. long, ascending, the other bracts thin, lanceolate, 9 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, successively smaller toward tip of inflorescence, all acute, with about 3 pairs of delicate nerves, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, ciliate, the lateral pair of bracts, those subtending the flowers, similar 414 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM but somewhat smaller; calyx crimson, 25 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments lanceolate, 5 mm. wide, sharply acute, thin, delicately nerved, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous at tip, marked by slenderly linear parallel cystoliths; corollas 5 to 6 cm. long, crimson, distantly punctate, sparingly hirtellous except towards tip, here densely so, Figure 152.—Kalbreyeriella gigas Leonard (Cuatrecasas 11271): a, Base of leaf blade; 4, tip of same; ¢, enlarged portion of lower surface to show cystoliths and minute papillae; d, base of inflorescence; ¢, tip of same; f, lower bract; g, one of the upper bracts; A, one of a pair of lateral bracts; 1, calyx; j, anther; &, stigma; /, pubescence of tip of corolla. (a, b, d, e, Half natural size; c, 7 times natural size; fh, 7, k, twice natural size; i, 134 times natural size; /, 12 times natural size.) the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, some of them septate, the corolla tube about 1 cm. broad from near base to mouth, the upper lip erect, narrowly lanceolate, 2 cm. long, 5 mm. wide at base, the lower lip triangular, recurved, 12 mm. wide at base, narrowed to a slender 3-lobed tip, the lobes ovate, about 1 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide; stamens exserted 15 mm. beyond mouth of corolla tube, the filaments flat, glabrous or bearing several minute hairs near base; anthers 6 mm. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 415 long, 1.5 mm. broad, rounded at tip and base, glabrous; style reaching tip of the upper corolla lip, glabrous, the stigma conical; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1798547, collected in damp forests between Achipayaco and Mocoa, Comisaria of Putu- mayo, Colombia, 450 to 500 meters altitude, December 25, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas, No. 11271. When compared with K. rostellata, Kalbreyeriella gigas is easily recognized by its dense narrow panicle, large crimson calyces and remarkably large leaf blades. The specific epithet, gigas, is from the Greek yiyas meaning giant, in allusion to the large size of the plants of this species. 31. SYRINGIDIUM Lindau Syringidium Lindau, Notizbl. 8: 142. 1922. Diminutive of odpwé, a little pipe, apparently in allusion to the nearly tubular corolla. Type species: S. atropurpureum Lindau (Colombia). Small herbs; stems subquadrangular; leaves medium-sized, lanceo- late, hirtellous; flowers borne in terminal hairy raceme-like panicles exceeding the uppermost leaves; bracts small, lanceolate; calyx 5-lobed, the segments lanceolate; corolla subcylindrical, 4-lobed at tip, the posterior lobe or lip minutely 2-lobed at tip; stamens 2, the anthers 1-celled; pollen grains subelliptical, aculeate, 2-pored; seeds 4. Lindau places his genus after Porphyrocoma. Its subtubular corolla and lax inflorescence separate it from Stenostephanus. Both genera have 4-lobed (indistinctly 2-lipped) corollas and exserted stamens with 1-celled anthers, but in Stenostephanus the corolla tube is markedly ventricose and the inflorescence dense and spikelike. The genus Syringidium is represented by a single species. 1. Syringidium atropurpureum Lindau Figure 153 Syringidium atropurpureum Lindau, Notizbl. 8: 142. 1922. The specific epi- thet alludes to the dark purple corollas. Type collected in open place in forest at Espfritu Santo, vicinity of Ocaiia, Norte de Santander, Colombia, November 18, 1879, by W. Kalbreyer (No. 1252). Type in the Berlin Herbarium. Photograph in U. 8S. National Herbarium (Field Mus. No. 8802). Small repent herbs up to about 30 cm. long; stems subquadrangular, hirtellous, the hairs mostly upwardly curved, mostly about 0.3 mm. long or a few up to 0.5 mm. long; leaf blades lanceolate, up to 10 cm. long and 2.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed at base, moderately firm, entire, both surfaces hirtellous, the hairs curved, ascending, 0.2 to 0.5 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (8 to 9 pairs) rather prominent; petioles 5 to _15 mm. long, 416 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM hirtellous; flowers borne in lax racemelike panicles up to 10 cm. long and 1 to 3 cm. broad, the peduncles (up to 3.5 cm. long) and the rachis densely hirtellous, the hairs mostly spreading, up to 0.25 mm. long, whitish, the branches of the panicle (lowermost up to 1 cm. long) slender, densely hirtellous, bearing at tip a pair of small bracts sub- tending a mature flower and 2 flanking immature ones; bracts sub- tending the branches of the inflorescence lance-subulate, the lower- most up to 5mm. long and 0.75 to 1 mm. wide, gradually narrowed to a subacute tip, hirtellous; pedicels of mature flowers about 1 mm. long, Ficure 153.—Syringidium atropurpureum Lindau (Kalbreyer 1252): a, Tip of plant; b, node of inflorescence; ¢, corolla; d, hairs from corolla; e, posterior lip of the corolla; f, one of the anterior lobes; g, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, 3 times natural size; c, 14 times natural size; d, 50 times natural size; ¢, f, 5 times natural size; g, 7 times natural size.) hirtellous; calyx 5 mm. long, densely hirtellous, the segments 5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a subacute tip; corolla 2 cm. long, densely white-pubescent (except the narrow glab- rous portion), the hairs spreading or ascending, up to 0.64 mm. long, the corolla tube geniculate, 2.5 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 3 mm. above base to 1.5 mm., thence rather abruptly enlarged into a sub- cylindric subventricose tube 5.5 mm. broad near middle and 3.5 mm. broad at throat, the posterior lobe (or lip) broadly ovate and rounded, 2mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide, minutely 2-lobed at tip, the 3 anterior lobes (lower lip) ovate, 1.5 mm. long and broad, rounded; stamens exserted LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 417 8 to 10 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous, the anthers 2.5 mm. to 3 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, rounded at both ends; style about 15 mm. long, the stigma minute; ovary glabrous; mature cap- sules not seen. NorvTE DE SANTANDER: Espfritu Santo, Kalbreyer 1252 (K, isotype). 32. MEGASKEPASMA Lindau Megaskepasma Lindau Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5: 666. 1897. Derived from the Greek péyas, large, and oxéxacua, a covering, in reference to the large bracts. Type species: M. erythrochlamys Lindau. Suffruticose; leaves large, oblong, abruptly acuminate with a blunt tip and cuneate at base, petioled; flowers borne in a terminal spike, the bracts and bractlets large, conspicuous, colored; calyx segments 5, equal; corollas narrowly hypocrateriform, the upper lip minutely bifid, the lower 3-lobed; stamens 2, the anthers bilocular; stigma subcapicate; capsules unknown. The genus is monotypic. 1. Megaskepasma erythrochlamys Lindau FicureE 154 Megaskepasma erythrochlamys Lindau, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5: 666. 1897. The specific epithet is from the Greek épupés, red, and xAapis, bract. The type was collected in the Province of Mérida, Venezuela, by Funck & Schlim (No. 1171). Suffruticose, up to 2 meters high; stems quadrangular, brown- puberulous; leaf blades oblong, up to 19 cm. long and 7 cm. wide (the lowermost probably larger), short-acuminate (the tip itself rounded and apiculate), cuneate at base, rather firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces sparingly and minutely hirtellous, the hairs confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins (12 to 15 pairs), up to 0.56 mm. long, cysto- liths none; spikes solitary, terminal up to 18 cm. long and 4 cm. broad, the peduncle (about 3.5 em. long) and rachis brown-puberulous, the hairs up to 0.32 mm. long, usually variously curved; bracts ovate, up to 44 mm. long and 17 mm. wide, subobtuse and mucronulate at tip, narrowed at base, purple or red, sparingly and finely strigose, the hairs up to 0.56 mm. long, confined chiefly to the costa; bractlets ovate- lanceolate, subfalcate, up to 36 mm. long and 8 mm. wide, acute, the pubescence similar to that of the bracts; calyx segments lanceolate, up to 15 mm. long and 3 mm. wide at base, narrowed to a slender blunt tip, rather densely hirsute, the hairs upwardly curved, brown, vitreous, up to 0.48 mm. long, some of the shorter ones gland-tipped; corolla white (Lindau) (becoming deep pink when young, Killip & Smith), pilosulous, the hairs mostly retrorsely curved, up to 0.4 mm. long, white, the corolla tube about 22 mm. long, 2 to 3 mm. broad, 418 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM straight or slightly curved, the upper lip lanceolate, 36 mm. long and 5 mm. wide, bilobed at tip, the lobes oblong, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, recurved, the lower lip narrowly cuneate, 32 mm. long, 9 mm. wide near the middle, 3-lobed, the lobes 7 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, PPI, = + M, ten - —— : See & SN Se” gape! = WY N = S, J ie eat Figure 154.—Megaskepasma erthyrochlamys Lindau (Killip &F Smith 14979): a, Spike; b, leaf; c, bract; d, bractlet; ¢, calyx segment; f, portion of calyx segment enlarged to show pubescence; g, upper lip of the corolla; h, lower lip of same; i, anther. (a, b, g, h, Half natural size; ¢, d, natural size; ¢, f, about 35 times natural size; i, 4 times natural size.) obtuse; stamens exserted about 3 cm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anthers 4.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad, the bases of the lobes mucronulate; ovary 2 mm. long, glabrous; capsules not seen. SANTANDER: Bucaramanga (cultivated), Killip & Smith 14979 (US). Subtribe 12b. Isoglossinae Shrubs or herbs; inflorescence and bracts variable; calyx 5-parted; corolla 2-lipped; stamens (in Colombian genera) 2; anthers 1-lobed, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III A419 muticous; capsules 4-seeded. Three Colombian genera are repre- sented: 33. Habracanthus 34. Hansteinia 35. Stenostephanus 33. HABRACANTHUS Nees Habracanthus Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 312. 1847. (From 4§pés, graceful, and &xavOos, acanthus). Type: Habracanthus silvaticus Nees. Type collected between San Bartolo and Pueblo Nuevo, Chiapas, México, by Linden. Herbs or shrubs; leaves usually ovate to oblong, moderately firm, usually entire, hirtellous to glabrate, the venation usually prominent at least on the lower surface; flowers borne in terminal loose to dense panicles, the branches usually forked, the pedicels erect, the pubes- cence consisting of acute hairs or these mixed with gland-tipped trichomes; calyx deeply 5-parted, the segments narrowly lanceolate, those of some of the species bearing glandular trichomes; corolla glabrous or pubescent, blue, red, yellow, hypocrateriform, ringent, the lower portion of the corolla tube narrow, the upper part rather abruptly enlarged, tubular or subventricose, the upper lip narrow, entire, often contorted in dried material, the lower lip usually oblong- cuneate, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes rounded; stamens 2, exserted, di- vergent, the anthers 1-celled, the filaments attached below the middle of the anther; style exserted, the stigma minute; ovules 4; capsules 4-seeded, clavate, the lower half sterile and stipiform; seeds ovate- subrotund, discoid, more or less tuberculate, truncate and somewhat oblique at base, the angular raphe prominent. Habracanthus consists of about 40 species, these found in México, Central America, and northern South America. KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Corollas blue or lavender. Pedicels and rachilla hirtellous, the hairs minute and eglandular; corolla pale lavender. .____---_-_-_-------------------------------- 1. H. syscius Pedicels and rachilla pilose or pubescent; corollas blue. Panicles rather dense, ovoid; the longer hairs of the pedicels, rachilla and calyx segments conspicuous, spreading and gland-tipped. 2. H. trichotus Panicles elongate and very lax; pedicels, rachilla and calyx segments pubes- cent, the hairs not conspicuously long and gland-tipped 3. H cyaneus A. Corollas variously colored, red, yellow, sulphur, purple, or bicolored. B. Calyces without gland-tipped trichomes. Panicles dense. Corollas greenish yellowish white....-.-------------- 4. H. cuatrecasasit Corollas violet-purple or wine-red. Leaf blades ovate; panicles conical___-_..-------------- 5. H. aglatis Leaf blades oblong; panicles cylindric_-.-...-.---- 6. H. pycnostachys 420 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Panicles open. Calyces hispidulous._.-..-...--..--------.----- .... 7. H. hispidulus Calyces glabrous to hirtellous, the hairs soft and septate. Calyces rather densely hirtellous. Panicles acute at tip-___.____...._......_..._.. 8. Hl. heliophilus Panicles rounded at tip-_-.....-..._....-....--- 9. H. erythranthus Calyces nearly glabrous, bearing a few hairs on the margins or tips. Upper surface of the leaf blades conspicuously pilose. 10. H. putumayensis Upper leaf surface nearly glabrous or sparingly and inconspicuously hirtellous. Calyx segments lanceolate, up to 7 mm. long, drying greenish, the nerves more or less conspicuous; bracts subtending the branches of the inflorescence ovate to suborbicular, 1 to 1.5 cm. long. 11. H. floriferus Calyx segments linear, up to 12 mm. long, drying blackish, the nerves inconspicuous; bracts subtending the branches of the inflorescence cordate, up to 3 cm. long.____ 12. H. callianthus B. Calyces bearing at least a few gland-tipped trichomes. Panicles lax, their branches few; leaf blades small, usually less than 10 cm. long. Branches of the inflorescence densely and conspicuously pilose. 13. H. pilosus Branches of the inflorescence hirtellous. Corollas up to 2.5 em. long, bright red......_.___-- 14. H. killipit Corollas up to 1.5 cm. long, rose___.._.______--.---- 15. H. charien Panicle branches numerous and crowded. Inflorescence conspicuously pilose. Hairs of inflorescence whitish, glandular; corolla red, conspicuously ventricose at middle, narrowed to throat, long-pilose. 16. H., smithiz Hairs of inflorescence yellowish, jointed; corolla yellow, not ventricose, broadened to throat, minutely pubescent_.-... 17. H. xanthothriz Inflorescence not conspicuously soft gray-pilose. Corollas, at least the tips, more or less pilose or hirtellous. Corollas lemon yellow__._....._-_-----_--_---- 18. H. xantholeucus Corollas orange-red -_-__-.-.--.-------.--------- 19. H. ampelinus Corollas strictly glabrous. C. Calyces with numerous glandular trichomes. Panicles open and diffuse. Corolla wine red__....._-_.__-____- pene nee 20. H. caucensis Corolla scarlet with yellow tip.____._____- 21. H. antipharmacus Panicles compact. Leaf blades 4 to 7 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. wide__ 22. H. macrochilus Leaf blades 12 to 19 em. long, 5.5 to 7 cm. wide. 23. H. oresbius C. Calyces with few trichomes, these mostly at the tips of the seg- ments. Panicles dense to rather dense, narrowly ovoid or subcylindric. Leaves and the leaf-like bracts subtending the branches of the inflorescence slenderly acuminate. _.....-.__- 24. H. coret LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 421 Leaves and leaf-like bracts subtending the branches of the inflorescence short-acuminate. Leaf-like bracts subtending the branches of the inflorescence relatively large and conspicuous, the lowermost up to 4 cm. long and 3 em. wide_----------- 25. H. lamprus Leaf-like bracts subtending the branches of the inflorescence, relatively small, the lowermost about 10 mm. long and 16 mm. wide____-------------------- 26. H. congestus Panicles rather open, broadly ovate or indefinite, many of the branches axillary and extending for some distance down the stems, Acute hairs of the rachis 0.3 to 0.4 mm. long. Corollas red with yellow tinge------------ 27. H. diversicolor Corollas lake-red.-..--------------------- 28. H. pennellit Acute hairs of the rachis up to 0.16 mm. long. Calyx segments subulate, gradually narrowed into slender recurved tips----------------------- 29. H. microcalyx Calyx segments narrowly triangular or lanceolate, the tips erect. Corollas bright red_-_--------------------- 30. H. hylobius Corollas sulphur yellow...------------- 31. H. scolnikae 1. Habracanthus syscius Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 155 Herba vel suffrutex, caulibus ascendentibus, basi in nodis radicanti- bus, subquadrangularibus, glabris vel sursum minute strigosis, nodis tumidis; lamina foliorum ovata vel oblongo-ovata, apice graciliter acuminata, basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, vel lamina ultima acuta vel breviter acuminata, basi obtusa vel rotundata, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, supra ubique appresso-hirsuta, subtus fere omnino glabra, costa et venis lateralibus aliquanto conspicuis et hirsutis exceptis, cystolithis inconspicuis vel nullis; petioli graciles, vulgo appresso-hirsuti, paniculae axillares et terminales, saepe multae, rigidae sed graciles, aliquanto parvae, pedunculis gracilibus, hirtellis, ramis inflorescentiae gracilibus, hirtellis, pilis ascendentibus; bracteae parvae, anguste triangulares, acutae, parce hirtellae; calycis segmenta anguste linearia, aliquanto hirtella, pilis minutis, ascendentibus, aliquando pilis paucis longis glandulosis intermixtis; corolla lilacina pallida, minute puberula, tubo subcylindrico, labio superiore lineare, apice angusto, contorto, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, ovato, apice 3-lobato, lobis parvis, obtusis; stamina erecta, exserta, fila- mentis glabris, antheris purpureis; capsulae clavatae, glabrae; semina plana, suborbiculata, minute tuberculata. Herbaceous or suffrutescent plants up to 1 meter high; stems ascending and rooting at the lower nodes, branched, subquadrangular, glabrous or minutely strigose, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, upwardly appressed, the nodes of the stem swollen, the internodes 1 to 5 cm. long, those of the lower part of the stem 5 mm. in diameter; leaf 422 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM blades ovate to oblong-ovate, up to 9 cm. long and 2.5 em. wide, the larger and lower blades slenderly acuminate at the tip, narrowed and decurrent on the petiole at base, the uppermost blades acute to short- acuminate (the tip itself subacute), rounded at base, all moderately firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface evenly appressed-hirsute, the hairs about 0.16 mm. long, the lower surface essentially glabrous, the costa and lateral veins (7 or 8 pairs) moderately conspicuous, Ficure 155.—Habracanthus syscius Leonard (Fosberg €9 Fassett 21733): a, Node showing lateral panicle and leaf blade; b, portion of tip of leaf blade (upper side enlarged to show pubescence); ¢, node of inflorescence enlarged to show bracts and pubescence; d, calyx; e, corolla; f, anther (cell dehisced). (a, Natural size; b, about 10 times natural size; c, 4 times natural size; d, 244 times natural size; ¢, 2}4 times natural size; f, 64 times natural size.) appressed-hirsute, the hairs similar to those of the upper surface, the cystoliths inconspicuous or lacking; petioles slender, 1.5 cm. long (unwinged portion), appressed-hirsute; panicles axillary and terminal, becoming rather numerous, rigid but delicate, up to 5 cm. long and 2 to 4 cm. broad, the branches in pairs or solitary near the tip of the panicle, the peduncles slender, up to 3.5 cm. long and slightly over 0.25 mm. in diameter, the internodes of the panicle slender, up to 13 mm. long, hirtellous, the hairs ascending, about 0.16 mm. long, the lowermost branches subtended by small leaves, the others by small bracts, these narrowly triangular, 1.5 mm. long, barely 0.5 mm. wide at base, acute, sparingly hirtellous; calyx 8 mm. long, the segments LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 423 narrowly linear, 7 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, faintly 3-nerved, acute, moderately hirtellous with sharply ascending rigid hairs up to 0.1 mm. long and sometimes also bearing a few slender spreading elongate-glandular trichomes about 0.5 mm. in length; corolla pale lavender, minutely puberulent, 12 to 15 mm. long, the upper lip 8 mm. long, linear, about 2 mm. wide at base, narrowed to a slender con- torted tip, the lower lip ovate, 5 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes about 1 mm. long and 0.5 to 0.75 mm. wide, obtuse at tip, stamens erect, exserted 10 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anthers 2 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, purplish, the filaments glabrous; style slightly exceeding the stamens, the stigma minute, subcapitate, the style glabrous; capsules clavate, flattened, 9 mm. long, 3 mm. broad and 1 mm. thick, g'abrous; seed flat, suborbicular, about 2.25 mm. long and 2 mm. wide, white, minutely tuberculate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2059037, collected on a steep, densely wooded slope of Quebrada Riocito, on the Hacienda San Luis, 6 km. northwest of Gramalote and 35 km. west of Cucuta, Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia, 2,400 meters altitude, April 8, 1944, by R. F. Fosberg and N. C. Fassett (No. 21733). Fosberg states in his label data that the Quebrada Riocito is on the headwaters of Rio Peralonso and that the woods where his specimen was collected were rather dry, at least during the season of his visit, and that it was not a typical rain forest. Only one plant was seen. The salient characters of Habracanthus syscius are the numerous, axillary, rather small, graceful but rigid panicles with their rather densely hirte'lous rachises and pale lavender flowers, the slenderly petioled and tipped leaves, and the tumid, swollen jointed, ascending stems, glabrous below and minutely strigose toward tip. The specific epithet is from the Greek word ctcxos, meaning “in deep shade” in allusion to the habitat of the plant. 2. Habracanthus trichotus Leonard, sp. nov. FicurE 156 Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, pilosis, pilis ascendentibus, septatis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata, acuminata (apice ipso subobtuso), basi acuta vel (in foliis superioribus) rotundata, mem- branacea, integra vel undulata, utrinque nitida, aliquanto hirsuta, pilis ascendentibus, septatis, praecipue in costa et venis lateralibus positis, cystolithis prominentibus; petioli hirsuti, pilis ascendentibus, septatis; panicula terminalis, aliquanto densa, rigida, ovoidea, basi foliata, ramis plus minusve patulis vel ascendentibus, 1-vel 2-furcatis, cymas laxas helicoideas formantibus, rhachibus pilosis, pilis patulis vel leviter ascendentibus, septatis, pilis longioribus apice glandulosis; bracteae parvae, lineares, apice subobtusae, aliquanto pilosae; calycis segmenta anguste linearia, apice subobtusa, subtiliter 3-nervata, 424 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM aliquanto pilosa, pilis brevibus eglandulosis et pilus Jongioribus glandulosis intermixtis; corolla parva, caerulea, glabra, subventricosa, labio superiore ovato, apice rotundata, labio inferiore ovato, 3-lobato, lobis triangularibus, apice rotundatis; capsulae clavatae, glabrae vel deorsum parce pilosae; retinacula apice erosa; semina suborbicularia, plana, tuberculata. Ficure 156.—Habracanthus trichotus Leonard (Cuatrecasas, Schultes, & E. Smith 12419): a, Tip of plant; 4, portion of lower surface of leaf blade enlarged to show pubescence and cystoliths; c, portion of inflorescence enlarged to show calyx and bracts; d, portion of rachis enlarged to show pubescence; ¢, section of calyx segment (inner surface) enlarged to show veins; f, corolla; g, capsule valve. (a, Half natural size; b, § times natural size; c, twice natural size; d, ¢, 6 times natural size; f, 6 times natural size; g, twice natural size.) Herbs; stems subquadrangular, pilose, the hairs ascending, septate, up to ca. 0.4 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 12 cm. long and 3.8 cm. wide, acuminate (the tip itself subobtuse), obtuse or rounded at base (the larger lower leaves acute), rather thin, entire or undulate, both surfaces nitid, moderately hirsute, the hairs ascending, up to 0.5 mm. long, septate, more numerous on the costa and lateral veins (8 or 9 pairs) than in the intercostal areas, the cystoliths prom- LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 425 inent, up to 0.16 mm. long, the venation moderately prominent; petioles up to 2 cm. long, rather densely hirsute, the hairs similar to those of the costa and leaf blades; panicles rather dense, ovoid, rigid, 14 em. long, 8 cm. broad just below the middle, rounded at tip, the lower half leafy, the branches few-flowered, usually once or twice forked, forming loose helicoid cymes, the rachises densely pilose, the hairs spreading or slightly ascending, septate, up to 1.25 mm. long, the longer ones tipped by elongate glands, the lowermost branches subtended by typical oblong-ovate acutely based leaves, the middle branches by smaller ovate subsessile, round-based leaves about 2.5 cm. long and 1 to 1.5 cm. wide, the uppermost branches and the flowers subtended by linear bracts 1 to 2 mm. long and about 0.25 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a bluntish tip, rather spar- ingly pilose; calyx 9 to 11 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments narrowly linear, 0.75 mm. wide near the base, gradually narrowed to a bluntish tip, faintly 3-nerved, rather sparingly hirsute, the shorter hairs eglandular, about 0.5 mm. long, the longer glandular ones up to 1.5 mm. long; corollas blue, glabrous, 6 mm. long and 2.25 mm. broad (immature), subventricose, the upper lip ovate, 2 mm. long, rounded at tip, the lower lip ovate, 3-lobed, the lobes triangular, about 1.25 mm. long, rounded at tip; capsules clavate, 1 cm. long, 4 mm. broad, 2 mm. thick, glabrous or the solid stipe (4 mm. long) bearing a few hairs (?); retinacula 2 mm. long, about 1 mm. wide, the tip rounded and shallowly erose; seeds suborbicular, flattened, tuber- culate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1850282, collected in forest between Alto del Loro and Alto de Santa Inés, Region del Sarare, Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia, 1,800 to 2,200 meters altitude, October 18 to 21, 1941, by J. Cuatrecasas, R. E. Schultes, and E. Smith (No. 12419). Habracanthus trichotus agrees with H. cyaneus Lindau in having blue flowers but differs in other respects. Contrasting sharply is the rigid, ovoid, and much denser panicle of H. trichotus. Those of H. cyaneus are very slender and lax, with only a few branches. Further- more, the leaves of this new species are considerably larger than those of H. cyaneus, the corollas are glabrous instead of pilose, and the rachises densely pilose with spreading septate hairs instead of inconspicuously pubescent. The height of the plant cannot be determined from the herbarium specimen, a lateral branch, but, judging from the thickness of the small section of main stem (about 5 mm.) represented, it could reason- ably be as much as a meter. The plant was probably somewhat clambering in habit. Since the few corollas available are apparently immature or poorly developed, no complete description can be given. 388179—57——8 426 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM The specific epithet is from the Greek word rprxw7ds, furnished with hairs, in allusion to the densely pilose inflorescence. 3. Habracanthus cyaneus Lindau Habracanthus cyaneus Lindau in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5: 668. 1897. Type collected in “paramos,” in the province of Ocafia, Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia, 2,700 to 3,300 meters altitude, by Schlim (No. 381). Suffrutescent plants; young branches pubescent, becoming bi- fariously pilose, the lowermost portions glabrate; leaf blades ovate, up to 8 cm. long and 2 cm. wide, but mostly smaller, long-acuminate, narrowed at base, sparingly pilose, the cystoliths conspicuous; petioles 5 to 15 mm. long, pubescent; panicles lax, the peduncles and pedicels long and pubescent; bracts filiform, 3 to 5 mm. long; calyx segments 8 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, becoming about 12 mm. long in fruit, pubescent; corolla blue, ventricose, the tube 9 mm. long, 5 mm. broad at middle, 4 mm. at mouth, pilose without, the upper lip obtuse, 4 mm. long and 2 mm. wide, the lower lip 5 mm. long, 5 mm. wide at middle, trilobate, the middle lobe 2 mm. long and wide, the lateral lobes 1.5 mm. long and wide; filaments 12 mm. long, attached near the base of the corolla tube; anthers 3 mm. long, slightly exserted; style 15 mm. long; capsule 14 mm. long, 3 mm. wide, glabrous, the stipe 5 mm. long; seeds 4. Herbarium material not seen. Description compiled from the original. 4. Habracanthus cuatrecasasii Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 157 Herba, caulibus quadrangularibus, glabris, nodis plus minusve tumidis; lamina foliorum aliquanto magna, apice acuta, plus minusve falcata, basi cuneata, marginibus obscure et leviter crenatis, ciliatis, pilis curvatis, ascendentibus, valde septatis, utrinque glabra, costa et venis subtus prominentibus, supra obscuris, cystolithis minutis et obscuris; petioli saepe longi, glabri; paniculae floriferae terminales, glabrae, ramis subhelicoideis, rhache at rhachilli cystolithos minutos subpunctiformes gerentibus; paniculae inferiores parvae, forsan steriles, apetalae, calycibus reductis, parvis; bracteae ramos panicularum subtendentes ovatae, sessiles, breviter acuminatae; bracteae ultimal (bracteolae) lanceolatae, parvae; calycis segmenta lineari-lanceolata, acuta, glabra; corolla glabra, viridi-flavido-alba, apice sordido-violacea, tubo subcylindrico, labio superiore lineari, apice acuta, recurvato vel cincinnato, labio inferiore patulo, ovato, conduplicato, apice 3-lobato, lobis brevibus, obtusis; stamina longe exserta, antheris muticis; ovarium glabrum. Herbs up to 1 meter high or more; stems quadrangular, glabrous, the nodes more or less tumid; leaf blades lanceolate, up to 20 cm. long and 5.3 cm. wide, gradually narrowed from below middle to an LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 427 acute more or less falcate tip, cuneate at base, one side attached to petiole about 5 mm. above the other, rather firm, shallowly and obscurely crenate, glabrous except the ciliate margins, their hairs curved, ascending, conspicuously septate, the cystoliths minute and obscure, the costa and lateral veins prominent beneath, less so above, the veinlets coarsely reticulate; petioles up to 3 mm. long, glabrous; panicles terminal, about 8 cm. long and 5 cm. broad, the Ficure 157.—Habracanthus cuatrecasasii Leonard (Cuatrecasas 8740): a, Leaf blade; d, inflorescence; ¢, node of stem showing small axillary and usually sterile panicles; d, calyx and bracts of same; ¢, calyx and bracts from flowering panicle; f, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, c, natural size; d, ¢, 3 times natural size; f, 6 times natural size.) nodes of the stems below the terminal panicle bearing for some distance small apparently abortive cymose inflorescences up to 2 cm. long, the branches of the terminal inflorescence subhelicoid, the entire panicle strictly glabrous, the pedicels 1.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. thick, bearing minute subpunctiform cystoliths, the bracts sub- tending the branches of the inflorescence ovate, about 8 mm. long and 5 mm. wide, short-acuminate, the ultimate bracts lanceolate, 498 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM about 4 mm. long and 1.25 mm. wide, acute; calyx 9 mm. long, glabrous, marked by slender linear cystoliths up to 0.2 mm. long, the calyces of the sterile axillary branches about 3 mm. long; corolla about 2 cm. long, glabrous, greenish-yellowish-white, the tips a sordid violet, the tube 3 mm. broad at mouth, slightly narrowed just below mouth, the upper lip linear, about 2 mm. wide, acute at tip, curled, the lower lip spreading, about 9 mm. long and 8 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes about 1 mm. long, obtuse; stamens exserted 15 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous, the anthers 4 mm. long and about 1 mm. broad, muticous at both ends; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the Herbarium of the Chicago Natural History Museum, No. 1273513, collected in open woods of Cajén de Pulido, Quebrada del Rio Hacha, Cordillera Oriental, Comisaria del Caqueté, Colombia, 1,700 meters altitude, March 26, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 8740). 5. Habracanthus aglaiis Leonard, sp. nov. Fiagure 158 Herba erecta, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris, cystolithis numerosis, parallelis; lamina foliorum ovata (ultimae suborbiculares), apice breviter acuminata, basi obtusa, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, parce et minute hirtella, costa et venis et venulis crasse reticulatis, conspicuis, cystolithis nigris, obscuris; petioli subtus glabri, in canale parce hirtellis; panicula terminalis, ovoidea, rhache et rachillis glabris; pedicelli breves; calycis segmenta linearia, acuta, glabra vel apice paucos pilos gerentia, cystolithis conspicuis; bracteac ramos panicularum subtendentes suborbiculares, glabrae, ultimae ovato-lanceolatae, acutae, glabrac; corolla glabra, rubra, tubo sub- cylindrico, labio superiore erecto, anguste lineari, graciliter 3-nervato, apice obtuso, contorto (sicco), labio inferiore patulo, ovato, condupli- cato, apice 3-lobato, lobis rotundatis; stamina exserta, antheris muticis; stylus exsertus, glaber, stigmatibus rotundatis, minutis; ovarium glabrum. Erect herbs or suffrutescent plants probably up to 1 meter high or more; stems subquadrangular, glabrous, the cystoliths numerous and parallel, up to 0.25 mm. long, conspicuous under a lens; leaf blades ovate, up to 17 cm. long and 9 cm. wide (the uppermost pair sub- orbicular, about 6 cm. in diameter), short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), obtuse at base, entire or undulate, rather thin, minutely hirtel- lous, the hairs up to 0.3 mm. long, ascending, confined chiefly to costa and veins, the venation (lateral veins usually 12 pairs) prominent, the cystoliths obscure, blackish; petioles up to 5 cm. long, or those of the uppermost pair 1 cm. long, 1.5 to 2 mm. thick, glabrous or the channels sparingly hirtellous, the cystoliths similar to those of the stem; panicle terminal, dense and conical, about 13 cm. long and 7 cm. broad, the LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 429 3 nodes below the dense flowering portion of the inflorescence bearing sterile inflorescence branches about 1 cm. long, the upper leaves sub- tending similar branches up to 4 cm. long, the branches of the panicles forming helicoid cymes, the rachis and rachilla glabrous, bearing numerous cystoliths like those of the stems, the pedicels erect, about 2 mm. long, glabrous; calyx segments linear, 6.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, acute, glabrous or bearing occasionally a few minute acute hairs at tip, the cystoliths conspicuous under a lens; bracts ty off f ify Aca fo ANH any B, 4AM Ae Ficure 158.—Habracanthus aglatis Leonard (Cuatrecasas 11435): a, Leaf blade; }, tip of panicle; c, node from just below tip of panicle; d, node at base of panicle; ¢, calyx segment; f, corolla. (a, Half natural size; b-d, natural size; ¢, 5 times natural size; f, about 144 times natural size.) subtending the branches of the panicle suborbicular, sessile, about 5 mm. in diameter, glabrous, the ultimate bracts ovate-lanceolate, 3mm. long and 1 mm. wide near base, acute, glabrous; corolla wine-red, glabrous, the tube 17 mm. long, 4.5 mm. broad near base, narrowed at 7 mm. above base to 3 mm., thence enlarged to 6 mm. at mouth, the upper lip erect, narrowly linear, 12 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide, delicately 3-nerved, obtuse at tip, coiled or contorted when dry, the lower lip spreading, ovate, 12 mm. long, 10 mm. wide, conduplicate, 430 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM rounded and 3-lobed at tip, the lobes 1 mm. long and wide, rounded; stamens exserted 1 to 2 cm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous, the anthers 6 mm. long and 1.5 mm. thick, muticous at both ends; style exserted about 2 cm. beyond mouth of the corolla tube, the stigmas minute and rounded; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the National Herbarium of Colombia, collected at Planada de Minchoy, between Sachamates and San Francisco de Sibundoy, Comisarja del Putumayo, Colombia, 2,100 meters altitude, December 30, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 11435). The specific epithet is from the Greek dyads, Meaning bright or beautiful. 6. Habracanthus pycnostachys Leonard, Sp. nov. Ficure 159 Herba robusta vel suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, puber- ulis vel deorsum glabratis, pilis fere appressis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica vel oblongo-ovata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi acuta vel subacuta, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, pilis praecipue in costa et venis positis, venis et venulis crasse re- ticulatis subtus prominentibus, cystolithis conspicuis; petioli aliquanto longi, minute hirtelli; paniculae longae strictae, ramulis brevibus sub- helicoideis praeditis; bracteae infimae foliaceae, ovatae, acutae vel acuminatae, basi rotundatae; bracteae flores subtendentes lineares, subulatae, acutae, parce hirtellae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuta vel subacuta, parce hirtella, pilis plerumque apice positis; corolla retrorse curvata, violaceo-purpurea, glabra, tubo aliquanto lato et brevi, labio superiore erecto, lineari, apice subacuto, labio inferiore patulo, ovato trilobato, lobis brevibus, rotundatis; stamina exserta, recurvata, glabra; stylus exsertus, glaber; stigma minutum, lobis ovatis; ovarium glabrum. Robust herbs up to 1.5 meters high, becoming more or less shrubby; stems subquadrangular, puberulous or the lower portions glabrate, the hairs up to 0.08 mm. long, mostly appressed; leaf blades oblong- elliptic or oblong-ovate, up to 22 cm. long and 8.5 cm. wide, short- acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), acute to subacute at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces minutely hirtellous, the hairs confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins (12 to 14 pairs), the hairs up to 0.13 mm. long, appressed or ascending, the costa, lateral veins and the coarsely reticulated veinlets prominent beneath, less so above, the cystoliths prominent, up to 0.2 mm. long; petioles up to 4 cm. long and 1.5 thick, minutely and inconspicuously hirtellous; flowers borne in short subhelicoid cymes, 4 to 8 at each node, these forming dense cylindric terminal panicles up to 22 cm. long and 4 cm. broad, the lowermost node of the inflorescence bearing a pair of ovate leaves up to 9 cm. long and 4 cm. wide, these sharply acuminate at tip, rounded LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 431 at base, the node above this separated by an internode as much as 6 cm. long and subtended by ovate foliose acuminate subsessile bracts up to 2.5 cm. long, the subsequent internodes successively shorter and the corresponding foliose bracts smaller toward tip of panicle, the lower internodes of the rachis puberulous, the upper rather densely hirtellous with subappressed or ascending septate hairs up to 0.32 mm. long, the pedicels stout, 1 to 3 mm. long, appressed hirtellous, Ficure 159.—Habracanthus pycnostachys Leonard (Cuatrecasas 18515): a, basal node of inflorescence; b, section of inflorescence near its base; c, tip of inflorescence; d, leaf; ¢, portion of leaf blade (lower surface) to show venation; f, calyx segment; g, corolla. (a-c, Natural size; d, half natural size; ¢, g, about 132 times natural size; f, 4 times natural size.) erect; bracts subtending the flowers linear-subulate, up to 5 mm. long and about 0.5 mm. wide, acute, sparingly hirtellous; calyx segments lanceolate, 6.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to an acute tip, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs subappressed, mostly borne toward the tip, 0.2 mm. long; corolla violet-purple, recurved, glabrous, the tube 8 mm. long, about 4 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 2.5 mm. at throat, the upper lip erect, linear, 1 cm. long, 1.25 mm. wide, 432 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM subacute, the lower lip spreading-ovate, 1 cm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, rounded and subtruncate at tip and 3-lobed, the lobes low, 0.75 mm. long and 1 to 1.5 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens glabrous, re- curved, exserted 7 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube; anthers 5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. thick; style exserted 2.5 cm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, violet-purple, glabrous, the stigma lobes ovate, minute; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. 5S. National Herbarium, No. 1853812, collected at Los Carpatos, in the valley of the Rio Cali, Department of El Valle, Colombia, about 2,000 meters altitude, November 3, 1944, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 18515). Also of this species are Cuatrecasas’ No. 23929, collected at Las Colonias, above Queremal, valley of the Rio Digua, Department. of El Valle, 1,950 to 2,050 meters altitude, March 20, 1947, and J. M. Duque’s No. 1660 collected at El Recuerdo, valley of the Rfo Cali, 1,600 to 1,800 meters, June 15, 1938. Habracanthus pycnostachys should be easy to recognize by its narrow cylindric panicles with recurved, violet-red flowers. The label of the type bears the following field notes: “Hierba robusta, 1.5 m. Hoja verde haz, verde envés. Bracteas verdes. Raquis, pedinculo y cAliz purptreo violiceo oscuro. Corola violeta rojiza oscuro. Fila- mentos y estilo id.””. The label on Duque’s sheet bears the following data: ‘“Arbusto de 1 metro de altura, lefiosos, y notable por sus bellas flores rojizas y digno de ser cultivado en jardines.” The specific epithet is from the Greek words zuxvés, close and com- pact, and ordxus, spike, in allusion to the narrowed dense panicle. 7. Habracanthus hispidulus Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 160 Herba erecta vel ascendens, caulibus subquadrangularibus, plus minusve bifariam puberulis, pilis appressis vel ascendentibus; lamina foliorum lanceolata, breviter acuminata (apice ispe obtuso), basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque puberula, pilis curvatis, subappressis vel ascend- entibus, pilis subtus praecipue in costa et venis lateralibus positis; petioli graciles, puberuli; paniculae terminales, modice densae, ramis cymosis 1-vel 2-furcatis; rhachillae et pedicelli plus minusve complan- ati, aliquanto vel dense hispiduli, pilis rigidis, plus minusve patulis, rectis vel leviter curvatis, septatis; bracteae subulatae, parce hir- tellae; calycis segmenta linearia, apice acuta, recurvata, extus ali- quanto dense hispidulo, pilis rigidis rectis vel leviter curvatis, albidis, septatis, intus parce et minute hirtella; corolla punicea, pubescens, pilis septatis, tubo anguste hypocrateriformi, leviter ventricoso, labio superiore erecto, lineari, conduplicato, apice obtuso, integro, labio inferiore ovato, apice 3-lobato, lobis ovatis, apice rotundatis; LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 433 stamina exserta, glabra; capsulae clavatae, glabrae; retinacula leviter curvata, apice truncata et erosa; semina (immatura) tuberculata. Herb; stems erect or ascending, subquadrangular, sparingly and more or less bifariously puberulous, the hairs appressed or ascending, up to 0.25 mm. long; leaf blades lanceolate, up to 10.5 em. long and 3.3 mm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed at Ficure 160.—Habracanthus hispidulus Leonard (Hodge 6585): a, Tip of plant to show inflorescence and leaves; b, portion of leaf blade (under surface) enlarged to show pubescence and cystoliths; c, node of inflorescence enlarged to show bracts; d, calyx; e, portion of calyx tube enlarged to show pubescence; f, anther. (a, Natural size; b, c, about 5 times natural size; d, 34% times natural size; ¢, 14 times natural size; f, 5 times natural size.) base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces puberulous, the hairs curved, subappressed or ascending, up to 0.32 mm. long, septate, those of the lower surface confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins (8 to 10 pairs), the venation scarcely prominent, but more so beneath than above, the cystoliths promi- nent, up to 0.16 mm. long; petioles slender, up to 3 cm. long, puber- 434 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM ulous; panicles terminal and also axillary, the terminal ones about 8 cm. long and 6 cm. broad, moderately dense, the branches cymose, once- or twice-forked, the lowermost internodes 1 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip of panicle, the pedicels rather slender, up to 5 mm. long, these and the internodes of the panicle more or less flattened, moderately to densely hispidulous, the hairs rigid, more or less spreading, straight or somewhat curved, septate; bracts subulate, up to 6 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, sparingly hirtellous; calyx segments linear, up to 8 mm. long and 1.25 mm. wide, the tip acute and recurved, ciliolate, the outer surface rather densely hispidu- lous, the hairs rigid, straight or slightly curved, whitish, septate, up to 0.25 mm. long, the inner surface of the segments sparingly and minutely hirtellous; corolla scarlet, minutely pubescent, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, spreading or ascending, septate, the tube nar- rowly hypocrateriform, 2.3 cm. long, about 2 mm. broad from base to about 8 mm. above base, thence first rather abruptly then gradually enlarged to 5 mm. at throat, the upper lip erect, slender, linear, conduplicate 1 cm. long, about 0.5 mm. wide from costa to margin, obtuse at tip, the lower lip slightly spreading, ovate, 7 mm. wide, rounded and 3-lobed at tip, the lobes about 0.75 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, obtuse or rounded at tip; stamens exserted 11 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers linear, slightly curved, 4.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. broad; style about 5 mm. longer than the stamens, glabrous, retinacula 2 mm. long, slightly curved, truncate and erose at tip, seed (immature) whitish, tuberculate. Type in the Gray Herbarium, collected in woods at base of a peak near Santa Elena, on the road from Medellin to Rfo Negro, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 2,300 to 2,500 meters altitude, October 13, 1945, by W. H. Hodge (No. 6585). Habracanthus hispidulus is characterized by its mostly spreading, slenderly petioled, lanceolate leaf blades, its noticeably though mi- nutely hispidulous calyces and axes of the inflorescence, and its bright scarlet corollas. 8. Habracanthus heliophilus Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 161 Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, puberulis, pilis retrorse curvatis, subappressis vel ascendentibus: lamina foliorum oblongo- elliptica vel leviter oblanceolata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, puber- ula, pilis appressis vel ascendentibus, septatis, subtus pilis praecipue in costa et venis prominentibus positis, cystolithis prominentibus; petioli graciles, puberuli, pilis praecipue appressis; paniculae termi- nales, longae, angustae, ramis infimis panicularum foliis suffultis ; rami panicularum furcati; rhachis strigoso-puberula, pilis rigidis; rhachillae LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 435 hirsutae, pilis patulis, septatis; pedicelli erecti, dense hirtelli, pilis patulis, septatis; bracteae anguste lanceolatae, parce hispidulae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuta (apice saepe recurvata), obscure trinervata, extus aliquanto dense hirtella, pilis rigidis, acutis, patulis vel ascendentibus, septatis, intus papillosa; corolla aliquanto pubes- cens, tubo angusto, labio superiore erecto, angustissimo, apice integro, Ficure 161.—Habracanthus heliophilus Leonard (Molina 35): a, Node of stem showing small axillary panicles and leaf; b, portion of leaf blade (lower surface) enlarged to show pubescence and cystoliths; c, portion of inflorescence from about the middle; d, tip of inflorescence; ¢, node of branch of inflorescence to show bracts; f, calyx; g, tip of calyx segment enlarged to show pubescence; h, portion of pedicel enlarged to show pubescence; i, corolla. (a,c, d, Half natural size; b, ¢, about 4 times natural size; f, 3 times natural size; g, 30 times natural size; h, 12% times natural size; i, natural size.) labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, ovato, apice 3-lobato, lobis ovatis, apice rotundatis; stamina exserta, glabra, antheris angustis; capsulae clavatae, glabrae. Herbs up to 1 meter high; stems subquadrangular, puberulous, the hairs retrorsely curved, appressed or ascending, 0.1 to 0.2 mm. long; J 436 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM leaf blades oblong-elliptic or slightly oblanceolate, short-acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, puberulous, the hairs appressed or ascending, up to 0.3 mm. long, septate. those of the under surface more numerous on costa and lateral veins (10 to 12 pairs) than on the intercostal areas, the venation beneath prominent, less so above, the cystoliths prominent, up to 0.25 mm. long; petioles slender, up to 4 cm. long, 1 mm. thick, puberu- Jous, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, mostly appressed; flowers borne in short, forked panicles (1 to 2 cm. long), the lower axillary, the upper forming a narrow terminal acute panicle (about 2.5 em. broad), the rachis and rachilla rather densely pubescent, the hairs of the rachis appressed, those of the rachilla spreading; pedicels 1 to 1.5 mm. long, erect, densely hirtellous, the septate hairs about 0.3 mm. long; primary branches of the inflorescence subtended by small subsessile ovate leaves 4 to 15 mm. long and 3 to 19 mm. wide, the pedicels subtended by linear-lanceolate bracts up to 10 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, these sparingly hispidulous; calyx segments lanceolate, acute, 8 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide, acute (the tips often recurved), obscurely 3-nerved, the outer surface rather densely hirtellous with rigid sharp septate spreading or ascending hairs up to 0.25 mm. long, the inner surface papillose; corolla moderately pubescent, the hairs more or less spread- ing, septate, up to 0.25 mm. long, most numerous on the lips and on the dorsal portion of the tube, this narrow, 2 mm. broad, 12 mm. long, the upper lip linear, erect, 10 mm. long, about 1 mm. wide, the lower lip more or less spreading, ovate, about 3 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes 2.5 mm. long, the middle one 1.5 mm. wide, the lateral 1.25 mm. wide, all obtuse and subcucullate; stamens exserted slightly beyond the upper lip of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers 3 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad; style about 8 mm. longer than the stamens, the stigma minute; capsules clavate, 8 mm. long, 3 mm. wide and about 2 mm. thick, glabrous; retinacula 2.5 mm. long, the tip obtuse, suberose; seeds not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1951403, collected in the vicinity of Envigado, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 1,600 meters altitude, October 1945, by Felix Molina (No. 35). The color of the corolla is not apparent in the dried material. Molina states in his label notes that the plant was in an open and very sunny place, whence its specific epithet #dos, the sun, and ¢idos, loving. 9. Habracanthus erythranthus Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 162 Herba erecta, caulibus subquadrangularibus, aliquanto parce puber- ulis vel deorsum glabratis, pilis curvatis, subappressis vel ascend- entibus, septatis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata vel oblongo-elliptica, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 437 breviter acuminata, basi cuneata, vel superiores basi rotundatae vel obtusae, membranacea, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra vel parce puberula, costa et venis lateralibus vix prominentibus aliquanto dense puberulis exceptis, cystolithis vix prominentibus; petioli foliorum inferiorum graciles, puberuli, superiorum breves; paniculae terminales et laterales, ramis 1-vel 2-furcatis semi-helicoideis, foliis parvis suffultis, rhachibus et pedicellis aliquanto dense hirtellis, pilis patulis vel re- trorse curvatis, conspicue septatis; segmenta calycis lineari-lanceolata, aliquanto hirtella et ciliata, pilis septatis; corolla rubra, subtiliter pubescens, tubo anguste hypocrateriformi, labio superiore oblongo- ovato, erecto, apice obtuso et minute apiculato, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, ovato, 3-lobato, lobis brevibus, apiculatis; stamina exserta, glabra, antheris linearibus, utrinque muticis; capsulae clava- tae, glabrae; semina, plana, ovata, tuberculata. Erect herbs up to 1 meter high; stems subquadrangular, rather sparingly puberulous or the lower portions glabrate, the hairs curved, subappressed or ascending, about 0.2 mm. long, septate; leaf blades oblong-obovate or oblong-elliptic, up to 9 em. long and 2.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself acute), cuneate at base or the uppermost rounded or obtuse, thin, entire or undulate, both surfaces glabrous or sparingly puberulous except costa and lateral veins, these more densely puberulous with appressed or ascending septate hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, the veinlets coarsely reticulate, these and the costa and lateral veins scarcely prominent but more so beneath than above, cystoliths scarcely prominent, up to 0.2 mm. long; petioles of the lower leaves slender, up to 1 cm. long, puberulous, those of the upper leaves very short (about 1 mm. long); flowers borne in terminal and axillary round-tipped panicles up to 20 cm. long and 5 cm. broad, the branches of the panicles once- or twice-forked, subhelicoid, the lowermost branches subtended by typical stem leaves, these becoming gradually smaller and more ovate with rounder bases toward the tip of the inflorescence, the rachis, rachilla and pedicels (1 to 5 mm. long) rather densely hirtellous with spreading or retrorsely curved and conspicuously septate hairs; calyx segments linear-lanceolate, up to 8 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, moderately hirtellous and ciliate with sep- tate hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, these spreading or ascending; corollas red, finely and moderately pubescent (the hairs ascending, septate, 0.2 mm. long), about 23 mm. long (from base to tip of the upper lip), the tube 1.5 mm. broad at base, thence enlarged to 2 min. at 5 mm. above base, and from that point gradually enlarged to 5 mm. at mouth, slightly saccate, the upper lip narrowly oblong-ovate, erect, about 9 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, the tip obtuse and minutely apiculate, the lower lip slightly spreading, ovate, 6 mm. long, about 8 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes 0.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, sharply 438 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM apiculate; stamens exceeding the upper lip of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers linear-oblong, 3 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, blunt at both ends; capsules clavate, 4-seeded, 12 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, about 2 mm. thick, glabrous; retinacula 2 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad at base, nar- rowed to a subacute tip; seed (immature) whitish, flat, ovate, tuber- culate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1995127, collected in damp forest at base of La Cumbre de Santa Elena, on the road from Ficure 162.—Habracanthus erythranthus Leonard (Scolnik, Araque-M., 9 Barkley 19An. 340): a, Tip of plant; 4, portion (under surface) of leaf blade enlarged to show trichomes and cystoliths; c, calyx and bracts; d, portion of pedicel enlarged to show trichomes; e, one of the trichomes; f, corolla. (a, Natural size; b, 8 times natural size; c, twice natural size; d, 17 times natural size; ¢, 65 times natural size; f, about half natural size.) Medellin to Rio Negro, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, about 2,500 meters altitude, April 2, 1949, by Rosa Scolnik, Jorge Araque Molina, and Fred A. Barkley (No. 19An.340). Habracanthus erythranthus bears a general resemblance to H. scolnikae and may be closely related to it. The two species, however, should be easy to separate. The corollas of H. scolnikae are sulphur yellow, the segments of the calyx are tipped by several conspicuous LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 439 glandular trichomes, the pedicels inconspicuously and very sparingly hirtellous, and the leaf blades, even the lowermost, are of an ovate type, whereas in H. erythranthus the corollas are red, the calyx seg- ments are devoid of any glandular trichomes, the pedicels are densely hirtellous with conspicuously septate hairs, and at least the lowermost leaf blades are oblong-obovate or oblong-elliptic. The specific epithet is from the Greek épvdpés, red, and avéos, flower, alluding to the color of the corolla. 10. Habracanthus putumayensis Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 163 Herba vel suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel in nodis bifariam pilosis, pilis plus minusve patulis, septatis; lamina foliorum ovata vel rhombeo-ovata, apice breviter acuminata (apice ipso subobtuso), basi cuneata, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, supra dense pilosa, pilis debilibus, ascendentibus, septatis, subtus aliquanto pilosa, pilis praecipue in costa et venis lateralibus positis, cystolithis paginae superioris nigris, obscuris, paginae inferioris albis, pluribus, sub lente conspicuis; petioli subtus glabri, in canale plus minusve pilosi; paniculae terminales, oblongae, ramis infimis foliis suffultis, ramis superioribus bracteis deltoideo-ovatis, apice rotundatis suffultis, bracteis ultimis parvis, triangularibus, subacutis, rhache et rhachillis glabris vel parce hirtellis, pedicellis aliquanto brevibus, glabris; calycis segmenta extus glabra vel apice pilis paucis ascendenti- bus septatis praedita, intus glandulosa; corolla purpurea, glabra, tubo subcylindrico, labio superiore lineari, apice acuto, cincinnato vel contorto, labio inferiore patulo, ovato, conduplicato, apice 3-lobato, lobis ovatis, obtusis; stamina exserta, glabra; stylus exsertus; stigma parvum; ovarium glabrum. Herbs or suffrutescent plants probably up to 1 m. high or more (only tips available for study); stems subquadrangular, glabrous or bifariously pilose in the nodal region, the hairs more or less spreading, up to 1 mm. long, septate; leaf blades ovate or rhombic-ovate, up to 12 cm. long and 5 cm. wide near middle, gradually narrowed to a short-subacuminate tip (the tip itself subobtuse) cuneate at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface conspicuously pilose, the hairs flaccid, ascending, up to 1 mm. long, septate, pilose on the costa and lateral veins (about 12 pairs), the cystoliths up to 0.144 mm. long, those of the upper surface black and inconspicuous, of the lower surface white, numerous and very conspicuous under a lens; petioles up to 3 cm. long, 1 mm. thick, the lower surface glabrous, the channels more or less pilose; panicles purple, up to 30 cm. long and 5 em. broad, moderately dense, the lower branches subtended by typical stem leaves, the upper by deltoid-ovate leaf-like sessile bracts, rounded at tip, the lowermost of these about 4 mm. long and 2.5 mm. 440 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM wide, the others successively smaller, all glabrous or sparingly hirtel- lous, the ultimate bracts triangular, about 3 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base, subacute; rachis and rachilla glabrous or bearing a few scattered hairs up to 0.32 mm. long, these ascending and septate; pedicels erect, up to 2 mm. long, glabrous, ascending; calyx 5 mm. long, glabrous or bearing a few acute hairs up to 0.16 mm. long on the outer surface, the inner surfaces glandular; corolla purple, glab- rous, up to 23 mm. long, the tube up to 10 mm. long, about 2 mm. broad at base, enlarged to 2.5 mm. at 2 mm. above base, narrowed Ficure 163.—Habracanthus putumayensis Leonard (Schultes €F Villarreal 7740): a, Leaf blade; b, tip of panicle; ¢, basal node of same; d, calyx segment; ¢, corolla. (a-c, Natural size; d, 6 times natural size; ¢, 234 times natural size.) to 2 mm. at 4 mm. above base, thence enlarged to 3 mm. at mouth, the upper lip erect, 13 mm. long, linear-lanceolate, about 1 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to an acute tip, the lower lip spreading, 8 mm. long and wide, conduplicate, the tip 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, about 1 mm. long and wide, obtuse; stamens exserted 15 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous, the anthers 4 mm. long and 1.25 mm. thick, muticous at both ends; style exceeding the stamens about 4 cm., the two stigma lobes minute, rounded; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 44] Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2124999, collected in Portachuelo, Valley of Sibundoy, Comisaria of Putumayo, Colombia, 2,250-2,400 meters altitude, May 31, 1946, by Richard Evans Schultes and Mardoqueo Villarreal (No. 7740). Isotype: US No. 2125000. 11. Habracanthus floriferus Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 164 Suffrutex, caulibus subteretibus, glabris, cystolithis subpuncti- formibus; lamina foliorum ovata, aliquanto magna, apice breviter acuminata, basi lata cuneata vel laminae foliorum supremorum basi rotundatae vel obtusae, integra vel undulata, supra parce pilosa, laxe pilosula praecipue in venis, costa et venis lateralibus et venulis crasse reticulatis prominentibus, supra venulis aliquanto obscuris, cysto- lithis sub lente gracilibus sed conspicuis; petioli longi, glabri, cysto- lithis minutis, pluribus, parallelis; paniculae floriferae terminales, densae vel sublaxae, ramis subhelicoideis, 1-vel 2-furcatae; paniculae inferiores parvae, forsan steriles, apetalae, calycibus reductis, parvis; bracteae ramos panicularum subtendentes ovatae vel suborbiculares vel superiores rotundatae et apiculatae, basi rotundatae, sessiles; bracteolae lanceolatae, acutae; rhachis et rhachilla glabrae vel parce pilosulae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, glabra, graciliter nervata; corolla purpurea, glabra, apicibus labiorum paulo _hirtellorum excepta, labio superiore erecto, lincari, apice curvato vel cincinnato, apice cucullato et acuto, labio inferiore patulo, ovato, apice rotundato, 3-lobato, lobis brevibus, rotundatis; stamina exserta, glabra, antheris linearibus, utrinque muticis; ovarium glabrum. Suffrutescent plants up to 3 meters high; stems subterete, glabrous, the cystoliths subpunctiform; leaf blades ovate, up to 19 cm. long and 8.5 em. wide, short-acuminate, broadly cuneate at base or the smaller uppermost blades rounded to obtuse, rather thin, entire or undulate, sparingly pilose above with flaccid, septate hairs 1 mm. long or more, obscurely pilosulous beneath, especially on costa, lateral veins (10 to 12 pairs), and veinlets, these prominent beneath, rather obscure above, the cystoliths slender but prominent under a lens, up to 0.2 mm. long; petioles up to 8 cm. long, glabrous, the cystoliths minute, numerous and parallel; flower-bearing panicles terminal, up to 10 cm. long and about 6 cm. broad, dense to sublax, the stem bearing small axillary, mostly sterile cymes up to 2 cm. long, the branches of the inflorescence subhelicoid, usually once-forked; bracts subtending the branches of the inflorescence ovate to suborbicular, 1 to 1.5 em. long, about 1 cm. wide, the lowermost acute, the upper rounded and apiculate, rounded and sessile at base, the rachis and rachilla glabrous or rather sparingly pilosulous, the hairs up to 0.3 mm. long, the pedicels up to 3 mm. long, sparingly hirtellous; bracts subtending the flowers lanceolate, about 4 mm. long and 1.25 mm. wide near base, 388179—57——_9 4492 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM acute; calyx 8 mm. long, glabrous, the segments lanceolate, 7 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, acute, faintly 3- to 5-nerved, the cystoliths obscure, the calyces of the sterile lower axillary inflorescences 2 to 3 mm. long; corolla purple, glabrous except the tips of the lips (these hirtellous, the hairs about 0.2 mm. long and ascending), 2.5 cm. long from the base to tip of the upper lip, the tube 3 mm. broad at base, a) Ficure 164.—Habracanthus floriferus Leonard (Cuatrecasas 8519): a, Leaf blade; b, hairs from margin of leaf blade; c, the upper flower-producing portion of the panicle; d, one of the lowermost nodes from the sterile basal portion of the panicle; ¢, calyx; f, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, 42 times natural size; c, d, natural size; ¢, about 4 times natural size; f, 544 times natural size.) narrowed to 2.5 mm. at 6 mm. above base, 4 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip linear, 1 cm. long, 1.25 mm. wide, the tip recurved or curled, cucullate and acute, the lower lip spreading, ovate, 1 cm. long, 7 to 8 mm. wide, rounded and 3-lobed at tip, the lobes 0.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens exserted 25 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers linear, 6 mm. long, 0.5 LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 443 mm. broad, muticous at both ends; ovary glabrous; mature capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1799125, collected at the Quebrada del Rio Hacha, below Gabinete, Cordillera Occidental, Comisaria de Caqueté, Colombia, 2,100 to 2,250 meters altitude, March 23, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 8519). 12. Habracanthus callianthus Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 165 Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, deorsum glabris, sursum parce lutescenti-strigillosis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata vel late oblongo-lanceolata, graciliter acuminata, saepe plus minusve curvata (apice ipso obtuso), basi cuneata, submembranacea, integra vel leviter undulata, glabra vel parce et minute hirtella, pilis subappressis, costa et venis lateralibus subtus conspicuis, supra obscuris; petioli aliquanto longi, glabri vel parce et minute hirtelli, paniculae ter- minales, ovoideae, foliiferae, rhache et rhachillis et pedicellis plus minusve hirtellis, pilis recurvatis; bracteae ramos inflorescentiae subtendentes foliaceae cordatae, acutae, sessiles vel subsessiles; bracteolae lanceolatae, glabrae vel parce hirtellae; calycis segmenta linearia, acuminata (apice plus minusve curvato), glabra vel minute et parce hirtella; corolla coccinea, glabra, labio superiore lineari, apice obtuso, recurvato vel cincinato, labio inferiore patulo, ovato, apice 3-lobato, lobis brevibus, rotundatis; stamina exserta, antheris linear- ibus, utrinque muticis; capsulae clavatae, glabrae; semina suborb- icularia, subbrunnea, plus minusve muricata. Herbs up to 1.5 meters high; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or rather sparingly yellowish-strigillose, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-ovate or broadly oblong-lanceolate, up to 18 cm. long and 7 cm. wide, short and rather slenderly acuminate, often more or less curved (the tip itself blunt), cuneate at base, moderately thin, entire or lightly undulate, minutely pilosulous above on the surfaces, pilosulous beneath on the veins and veinlets, the costa and lateral veins (10 or 12 pairs) moderately prominent beneath, the veinlets coarsely reticulate, obscure; petioles up to 5 cm. long and 2 mm. thick, glabrous or bearing a few minute hairs; panicles ovoid, terminal, usually up to 20 cm. long and 10 cm. broad, more or less diffuse to rather dense, especially at and near the tip, the branches forked with a flower in the fork, the lowermost branches of the panicle subtended by foliage leaves, the upper with cordate, acuminate, sub- sessile bracts up to 3 cm. long, the uppermost and flowers subtended by lanceolate acuminate bracts up to 6 mm. long and 1.25 mm. wide near base, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the rachis and rachilla more or less hirtellous, the hairs recurved, up to 0.25 mm. long, the pedicels up to 8 mm. long and 0.38 mm. thick, moderately to rather 444 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM densely hirtellous with recurved hairs up to 0.3 mm. long; calyx segments linear, up to 12 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide near base, acuminate (the tip more or less recurved), glabrous or bearing a few minute hairs on margins and near the tip; corolla scarlet, up to 24 mm. long, glabrous, the upper lip about 1 cm. long and 2 mm. wide, the tip obtuse, recurved or coiled, the lower lip ovate, spreading, 1 AYN A WAL y YS \) eae Ae l/ | Ve Ws u Ny v i Wain ih. ! <> Ficure 165.—Habracanthus callianthus Leonard (a, Pennell 2667; b-h, Grant 9011). a, Leaf; 6, tip of panicle; ¢, basal node of panicle; ¢, branch of inflorescence from near its base; ¢, portion of rachilla enlarged to show pubescence; f, calyx; g, corolla; h, anther. (a, b, Half natural size; c, d, natural size; ¢, 30 times natural size; f, about 4 times natural size; g, twice natural size; h, 6 times natural size.) cm. long and about 8 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes 1 mm. long, the middle one 2 mm. wide, the lateral ones 1.5 mm. wide, all rounded; stamens exserted about 1 cm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers linear, about 6 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, rounded at both ends; pistils slightly exceeding the stamens, glabrous, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 445 the stigma minute; capsules clavate, 12 mm. long, 5 mm. broad, 2.5 mm. thick, glabrous; retinacula 2.5 mm. long, narrowed to the truncate fimbriate tip; seed suborbicular, oblique at base, about 2.5 mm. in diameter, brownish, muricate at least near the margins. Type in the U.S. National Herbarium, No. 2059078, collected in a clearing in temperate forests 3 km. southwest of Charquita and 25 km. west-southwest of Bogotaé, Department of Cundinamarca, Co- lombia, 2,800 meters altitude, April 13, 1944, by Martin L. Grant (No. 9011). Also of this species are Cuatrecasas’ No. 209 (US), collected in a dense forest of La Hondonada, Salto de Tequendama, 2,250 to 2,300 meters altitude, October 2, 1938, and Pennell’s No. 2667 (GH, NY), collected in a forest below El Pejfion, southwest of Sibate, 2,600 to 2,800 meters altitude, October 29, 1917. Both collections are from the Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia. The specific epithet is from the Greek xad\\.-, beautiful, and avAos, flower. 13. Habracanthus pilosus Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 166 Herba, caulibus debilibus, subteretibus, pilosis, pilis patulis, sep- tatis; lamina foliorum lanceolata vel oblongo-elliptica, acuta vel breviter acuminata (apice ipso subacuto), basi cuneata, membranacea, integra aliquanto dense pilosa et ciliata, pilis ascendentibus, costa et venis lateralibus inconspicuis; petioli pilosi; paniculae foliiferae laxae, floribus paucis, ramis simplicibus vel 1-furcatis, rhachis et rhachillis abundante pilosis, pilis patulis, acutis, conspicue septatis, pilis paucis in glandula parva conica terminantibus intermixtis; bracteae ultimae subulatae parvae, pilosae, apice recurvatae; calycis segmenta subulata, apice gracilia (apice ipso subobtuso), pilosa, pilis patulis septatis; corolla rubra, tubo deorsum piloso, pilis patulis, septatis, sursum glabro, labio superiore oblongo, apice rotundato, labio inferiore ovato, 3-lobato, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina exserta, glabra, antheris muticis et minute apiculatis; capsulae clavatae, glabrae; retinacula gracilia, recta vel leviter curvata, apice rotundata, erosa; semina brunnea, levia vel leviter rugosa, basi obliqua. Herbs; stems weak, 1 to 2 mm. in diameter, subterete, pilose, the hairs spreading, up to 1.5 mm. long, septate; leaf blades lanceolate to oblong-elliptic, up to 6 cm. long and 2 cm. wide, acute to short- acuminate (the tip itself subacute), cuneate at base, thin, entire, rather densely pilose on both surfaces and ciliate, the hairs ascending, up to 1 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (about 6 pairs) barely prominent beneath, obscure above; petioles up to 2 cm. long, pilose; panicles lax, few-flowered, leafy, the branches simple or once-forked, 446 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM the rhachis and rachilla rather copiously pilose, the hairs spreading, conspicuously septate, occasionally a few of the hairs terminating in a minute brownish conical gland, the leaflike bracts subtending the branches of the inflorescence 1 to 3 cm. long, 5 to 15 mm. wide; bracts subtending the flowers subulate, up to 2 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide at base, pilose, the tips usually recurved; calyx 12 mm. long at maturity, rather densely pilose with septate spreading hairs Figure 166.—Habracanthus pilosus Leonard (Grant t§ Fosberg 9343): a, Tip of plant; b, node of inflorescence showing the bracts subtending the pedicels; c, portion of rachilla enlarged to show pubescence; d, calyx; ¢, a glandular and an acute-tipped trichome from calyx segment; f, tip of corolla; g, anther. (a, Natural size; b, 6 times natural size; c, 74 times natural size; d, 2}4 times natural size; ¢,40 times natural size; f, 3 times natural size; g, 844 times natural size.) up to 1.5 mm. long, the segments subulate, 1 mm. wide at base, gradu- ally narrowed into a slender bluntish tip; corollas pale to dark red, 2 to 2.5 cm. long, the lower half rather sparingly pilose with septate hairs, these spreading and up to 0.5 mm. long, the upper half glabrous, the tube 1.5 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 1 mm. at 3 mm. above base, thence abruptly expanded to 5 mm., the lips erect or suberect, the upper lip oblong, 7 mm. long, 2 mm. wide near base, the tip rounded LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 447 and entire, not contorted, the lower lip equaling the upper, ovate, 4.5 mm. wide, 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, about 3 mm. long, the middle one about 2 mm. wide at base, the lateral ones about 1 mm. wide, all rounded; stamens exserted about 1 cm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers 4.5 mm. long and about 1 mm. broad, blunt and minutely apiculate; style slightly exceeding the stamens, the stigma minute; capsule clavate, 13 mm. long, about 5 mm. broad, 2 mm. thick, glabrous; retinacula 2 mm. long, slender, straight or slightly curved, the tips rounded, erose; seeds brown, 3 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, 0.75 mm. thick, smoothish or slightly roughened, oblique at base. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045428, collected in temperate forest around San Isidro, 7 km. south of Gachala, Cordillera Oriental, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,200 meters alti- tude, May 27, 1944, by Martin L. Grant and F. R. Fosberg (No. 9343). Earl L. Core’s No. 591 (US), collected in dense forest in the vicinity of Los Andes, on the Rio Blanco, southeast of Guasca, ‘9,300 ft.” altitude, April 19, 1944, is also of this species. The corollas of the holotype were stated to be pale red, and those of Core’s No. 591 dark red. 14. Habracanthus killipii Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 167 Herba vel suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, antrorse strig- osis vel glabratis; lamina foliorum ovata vel oblongo-ovata, subacuta vel breviter acuminata, basi angustata, aliquanto membranacea, integra vel undulata, supra nitida, glabra vel parce hirsuta, pilis ascendentibus, cystolithis sum lente prominentibus, subtus pilosula, pilis curvatis, ascendentibus, praecipue in costa et venis positis, venis et venulis crasse reticulatis, subtus aliquanto prominentibus; paniculae terminales, magnae, graciles, laxae, pedunculis et ramis panicularum minute strigosis, pilis paucis patulis glandulosis intermixtis; pedicelli graciles minute hirtelli vel strigosi; bracteae infimae foliaceae; brac- teae superiores minutae, subulatae, parce hirtellae; calycis segmenta linearia, angusta, apice acuta, minute hirtella, pilis rigidis, ascenden- tibus; corolla claro-punicea, glabra, tubo anguste campanulato, labio superiore lanceolato, apice agnustato, rotundato, labio inferiore sub- erecto, ovato, apice trilobato, lobis anguste triangularibus, apice obtusis; stamina exserta, filamentis puniceis, glabris, antheris utrinque muticis; ovarium glabrum. Herbs or shrubby plants up to 2 meters high; stems subquadrangu- lar, upwardly strigose or glabrate, the hairs up to 0.25 mm. long; leaf blades ovate to oblong-ovate, up to 10 cm. long and 3 mm. wide, subacute to short-acuminate, narrowed at base, rather thin, entire or undulate, the upper surface nitid, glabrous to sparingly hirsute, 448 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM the hairs up to 0.75 mm. long, ascending, the cystoliths rather promi- nent under a lens, about 0.08 mm. long, the lower surface pilosulous, the hairs confined chiefly to costa and veins (8 to 10 pairs), up to 0.2 mm. long, curved and ascending, the cystoliths prominent under a lens; petioles up to 2 mm. long, puberulous, the hairs appressed or ascending, up to 0.16 mm. long; flowers borne in loose terminal pan- Figure 167.—Habracanthus killipti Leonard (Killip & Smith 19966): a, Tip of plant; b, calyx and bracts; ¢, portion of calyx segment enlarged to show pubescence; d, corolla; é, tip of lower lip of corolla. (a, Natural size; b, 244 times natural size; c, 6 times natural size; d, ¢, 144 times natural size.) icles up to 30 cm. long and 10 cm. broad, the branches slender, ascend- ing, few-flowered, the lower internodes of the inflorescence finely strigose or hirtellous, up to 4 cm. long, becoming shorter toward tip of panicle, the internodes of the ultimate branches about 1 cm. long and bearing in addition to the appressed hairs a few longer (0.75 mm.) more spreading ones, the lowermost branches of the LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 449 inflorescence subtended by leaves similar but somewhat smaller than the main stem leaves, the upper branches of the inflorescence sub- tended by subulate bracts 2 to 3 mm. long and about 3 mm. wide at base, sparingly hirtellous; pedicels about 3 mm. long, minutely strigose or hirtellous; calyx deeply segmented, the segments linear, 7 to 10 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to an acute tip, minutely hirtellous, the hairs rigid, ascending, up to 0.16 mm. long; corolla bright red, 2.5 mm. long, glabrous, the tube 1 cm. long, 2.5 mm. wide at base, narrowed at 2 mm. above base to 1.5 mm., thence expanded to 5 mm. at mouth, the upper lip about 1 cm. long, 4 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a blunt tip, usually more or less contorted, the lower lip more or less spreading, 1.5 mm. long, ovate, 8 mm. wide slightly below the middle, thence narrowed to 3 mm. at tip and terminated by 3 narrowly triangular lobes about 2.5 mm. long, the middle one 1.5 mm. wide at base, the lateral ones 1 mm. wide, all obtuse; stamens slightly exserted beyond the lower lip, the filaments glabrous and bright red, the anthers 3 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1355119, collected in dense woods on the road from Pamplona to Toledo, crossing the divide between Rio Teja (Maracaibo drainage) and Rio Mesme (Orinoco drainage), Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia, 2,800 to 3,000 meters altitude, February 27-28, 1927, by E. P. Killip and Albert C. Smith (No. 19966). Isotypes: GH, NY. The species is also represented by Killip and Smith’s No. 20451, collected along stream in woods in the vicinity of Loso, north of Toledo, Department of Norte de Santander, 2,200 to 2,400 meters altitude, March 6-7, 1927 (GH, NY, US). Habracanthus killipii is characterized by its rather thin and rela- tively small leaf blades, bright red corollas, and slenderly branched large lax panicles. 15. Habracanthus charien Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 168 Herba gracilis, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subquadrangu- laribus, puberulis, pilis antrorse ascendentibus; lamina foliorum lance- olato-ovata, subobtusa vel breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, aliquanto firma, integra, supra hirtella, pilis curvatis, ascendentibus, rigidis, subtus pilis rigidis subadpressis, rectis vel leviter curvatis praecipue in costa et venis positis, utrinque venis aliquanto conspicuis, cystolithis obscuris; petioli graciles, hirtelli; paniculae longae, graciles, ramis infimis ramosis, ramis ultimis race- mosis, racemis laxis floribus paucis; pedunculi graciles, quadrangu- lares, hirtelli; pedicelli brevissimi, hirtelli; rami infimi paniculae foliis ovatis suffulti; rami ultimi ct flores bracteis linearibus, acutis, 450 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM parce hirtellis, pilis rigidis, rectis, ascendentibus suffulti; bracteolae nullae; calycis segmenta 5, lineari-lanceolata, apice subacuta, dorso hirtella, pilis ascendentibus, rigidis, fere rectis (pilis paucis glandulosis), intus glabra; corolla rosea, lobis extus pilosis, alibi glabra, tubo sub- cylindrico, lobis ellipticis, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, glabra; styli glabri; stigma subcapitatum, obscure bilobatum; ovarium glabrum. Ficure 168.—Habracanthus charien Leonard (Grant 9439): a, Tip of plant to show upper portion of inflorescence; b, portion of undersurface of leaf blade to show pubescence and cystoliths; c, portion of rachis enlarged to show pubescence; d, node of inflorescence to show bracts; e, calyx; f, portion of calyx segment enlarged to show pubescence; g, anther; h, style. (a, Natural size; b, 10 times natural size; c, 25 times natural size; d, h, 5 times natural size; ¢, 3 times natural size; f, 37 times natural size; g, about 7 times natural size.) Herb up to 60 cm. high; stems erect or ascending, slender, sub- quadrangular, puberulous, the hairs upwardly ascending, curved, septate (the septa black), up to 0.2 mm. long, the internodes of the stems up to 9.5 cm. long; leaf blades lance-ovate, up to 3 cm. long and 1 cm. wide, subobtuse to short-acuminate with a blunt tip, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, IIL 451 narrowed at base, rather firm, entire, the upper surface hirtellous, the hairs mostly curved, ascending, rigid, up to 0.3 mm. long, the hairs of the lower surface confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins, rigid, subappressed, straight or slightly curved, up to 0.4 mm. long, the venation of both leaf surfaces moderately conspicuous, the cystoliths obscure; petioles slender, up to 5 mm. long, hirtellous; panicles slender, up to 30 cm. long and 5 cm. broad, the lowermost branches paniculate, the upper branches racemose, the flowers in each raceme few (usually 2 to 5 or 6), or the flowers in or near the tip of the panicle solitary; peduncles slender, up to 3 cm. long, quad- rangular, 0.25 mm. in diameter, hirtellous, the hairs similar to those of the stems; pedicels short, not more than 1.5 mm. long and 0.3 mm. in diameter, hirtellous, the medial and lowermost branches of the panicle subtended by leaves, these progressively smaller toward tip of the inflorescence, the uppermost branches subtended by bracts, these linear, up to 4 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, acute, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs straight, rigid, ascending, up to 0.2 mm. long; bracts subtending the flowers similar but somewhat smaller; bractlets none; calyx deeply segmented, the segments 5, linear-lanceolate, 8.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near the base, subacute at the tip, mod- erately hirtellous dorsally, and ciliate, the hairs ascending, rigid, nearly straight, up to 0.16 mm. long, an occasional one gland-tipped, the inner surface of segments glabrous; corolla rose, 11-15 mm. long, glabrous except the lobes, these pilose dorsally, the hairs mostly spreading, up to 0.5 mm. long, white, the tube subcylindric, 1.5 mm. in diameter, the lobes elliptic, 7 mm. long, 3 mm. wide, rounded or obtuse, the posterior lobe subcucullate; stamens barely excerted, 7 mm. long, glabrous, the anthers 2.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad; style 4 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma subcapitate, incon- spicuously bilobed; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045429, collected in temperate forest, Cerro Negro, Hato Grande, on ridge east of Rio Muchindote, 15 km. east of Gacheté, Department of Cundina- marca, Colombia, 2,735 meters altitude, June 13, 1944, by Martin L. Grant (No. 9439). Isotype: US. The specific epithet is from the Greek yapiev, meaning slender and graceful. Compared with other Colombian species, Habracanthus charien is unique in its small rose corollas with narrow tube, small throat, subequal lips (the upper lip relatively broad and not contorted) and in its short, barely exserted stamens. The species might possibly represent a new genus. 452 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 16. Habracanthus smithii Leonard, sp. nov. FicurEe 169 Herba, caulibus subteretibus, glabris, cystolithis pluribus, minutis, parallelis, conspicuis; lamina foliorum ovata vel oblongo-ovata, apice graciliter acuminata, plus minusve curvata, basi rotundata et in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel leviter undulata, utrinque glabra vel in costa et venis lateralibus parce hirsuta, cysto- lithis pluribus et conspicuis; petioli glabri, cystolithis conspicuis; paniculae magnae, terminales, pyramidatae vel anguste ovoideae, ramis pluribus, floribus erectis, pedicellis gracilibus, rhachibus et pedicellis dense pilosis, pilis patulis, albidis, apice glandulis elongatis terminatis; bracteae parvae, anguste triangulares, acutae, glanduloso- pilosae; calycis segmenta _ lineari-lanceolata, acuta, graciliter 5-nervata, intus glabra, extus glanduloso-pilosa; corolla rubra, gland- uloso-pilosa, valde ventricosa, apice curvata, labio superiore plus minusve erecto, oblongo-obovato, apice rotundato, labio inferiore leviter patulo, 3-lobato, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina exserta basi tubi corollae inserta, glabra, antheris oblongis, leviter curvatis; capsulae clavatae, glabrae; semina 4, brunnea, ovoidea, basi obliqua, plana, muricata. Herbs up to 3 meters high or more; stems subterete, glabrous, the cystoliths minute and parallel, 0.03 to 0.16 mm. long, conspicuous and numerous toward tips of stems; leaf blades ovate or oblong-ovate, up to 23 cm. long and 11 cm. wide, slenderly and somewhat abruptly acuminate, the tip more or less curved, decurrent on the petiole from a rounded base, moderately firm, entire or shallowly undulate, both surfaces glabrous or the costa and lateral veins (about 12 pairs) sparingly hirsute, the cystoliths rather numerous and prominent, 0.48 to 0.96 mm. long; petioles (including winged portion) up to 12 em. long, the wing up to 3 cm. broad at its widest part at base of leaf blade, glabrous, with numerous parallel cystoliths; panicle terminal, py- ramidal or rather narrowly ovoid, 20 to 46 cm. long and 4 to 11 em. broad, the flowers rather numerous, erect or suberect on slender pedicels 1 to 1.5 em. long, the lowermost branches of the panicle subtended by narrow leaves, the inflorescence branches dichotomously or cincinnally branched, forming lax subhelicoid cymes, the entire inflorescence densely pilose with whitish spreading hairs up to 1 mm. long, terminated by elongated glands ; bracts narrowly triangular, 2 to 2.5 mm. long, about 0.5 mm. wide at base, acute, glandular-pilose; calyx 10 to 15 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments linear- lanceolate, 0.75 to 1.5 mm. wide, acute, densely glandular-pilose without, glabrous within, delicately 5-nerved; corollas red, 18 to 20 mm. long, pilose with long spreading glandular hairs, the tube 3 mm. broad at base, enlarged to 3 mm. at 3 mm. above base, thence abruptly LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 453 enlarged to 10 mm. at middle and again narrowed to 6 or 7 mm. at mouth, strongly ventricose, curved at tip, the upper lip oblong-obovate, more or less erect, 7 mm. long, 2mm. wide at base, 3.5 mm. wide above middle, rounded and entire at tip, the lower lip slightly spreading, 5 mm. long, 10 mm. wide, 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, 2 mm. long, 3.75 mm. wide, rounded; stamens exserted 4 to 15 mm. beyond the mouth Ficure 169.—Habracanthus smithii Leonard (Killip &% Smith 19257): a, Section (about middle) of inflorescence; b, basal portion of leaf blade; ¢, tip of leaf blade; d, portion of leaf blade (upper surface) enlarged to show cystoliths; ¢, bracts; f, corolla; g, portion of pedicel enlarged to show trichomes. (a-c, Half natural size; d, 4 times natural size; e, 7 times natural size; f, natural size; g, about 30 times natural size.) of the corolla and inserted at its base, glabrous; anthers 5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad, oblong and slightly curved; style slightly exceeding the stamens, glabrous, the stigma minute, obtuse; capsules clavate, glabrous, 16 mm. long, the seed-bearing portion 4 mm. wide and about 3 mm. thick, the solid stipe 6 mm. long and 3 mm. wide; seed 4, brown, 454 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM ovoid, oblique at base, 3 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, 0.75 mm. thick, muricate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1354534, collected in dense woods on the west side of Mount Pefia Blanca, near Charta, Department of Santander, Colombia, 2,500 to 2,600 meters altitude, February 11, 1927, by E. P. Killip and A. C. Smith (No. 19257). Isotypes: GH, NY. Araque-M, and Barkley’s No. 188.341, collected in dense humid forests east of Bucaramanga, Department of Santander, Colombia, about 2,000 meters altitude, December 18, 1948, is also of this species. Habracanthus smith can be readily recognized by its large, densely glandular-pilose panicles of red flowers with conspicuously ventricose corollas. 17. Habracanthus xanthothrix Leonard, sp. nov. FicurE 169a Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, sursum bifariam pubescenti- bus, pilis flavidus, retrorse curvatis, conspicue articulatis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, acuminata (apice ipso subobtuso), basi angustata, aliquanto firma, integra, supra hirsuta, pilis flavidis cur- vatis, articulatis, subtus dense hirsuta, pilis curvatis, flavidis, arti- culatis, utrinque pilis praecipue in costa et venis positis, costa et venis prominentibus, venulis crasse reticulatis; petioli in canalibus hirsuti, subtus glabri; paniculae terminales, grandes, laxae, foliaceae, ramulis dense et bifariam pilosis, pilis patulis vel retrorsis, articulatis; bracteae ramulos subtendentes subulatae, parvae, parce ciliatae, minute hir- sutae; pedicelli hirsuti, pilis retrorsis vel patulis articulatis; calycis segmenta oblonga, acuta, hirsuta, pilis flavis, articulatis, pilis acutis et pilis eglandulosis intermixtis; corolla flava, parce pubescens, tubo infundibuliformi, leviter sacciformi, labio superiore anguste lineari, acuto, labio inferiore triangulari-ovato, apice 3-lobato, lobis brevibus; stamina exserta, antheris lineari-oblongis, minute apiculatis. Herbs up to 1 m. high or more, 4 mm. in diameter at about the middle, subquadrangular, glabrous or bifariously pubescent at. tip, the hairs yellowish, retrorsely curved, up to 0.5 mm. long, conspicu- ously jointed (under lens); leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 16 cm. long and 5.5 em. wide, acuminate, the tip itself bluntish, narrowed at base, moderately firm, entire, the upper surface hirsute with yellowish jointed curved hairs up to 0.75 mm. long, the lower surface more densely hirsute with similar hairs, these on both surfaces confined mostly to the veins and veinlets, the costa and lateral veins (about 14 pairs) prominent, the veinlets conspicuously and rather coarsely reticulate; petioles 2.5 cm. long, the channels hirsute with hairs similar to those of the leaf blades, the lower rounded portion glabrous; flowers borne in large open leafy terminal panicles, the branches densely and bifariously pilose with yellowish jointed spreading retrorse LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 455 hairs up to 1 mm. long, the bracts subtending the ultimate branches subulate, 5 mm. or less long, acuminate, 1 mm. broad at base, ciliate, sparingly and minutely hirsute with hairs up to 0.5 mm. long; pedicels 5 mm. long, about 0.75 mm. thick, these and the calyx moderately hirsute with yellowish spreading or retrorse jointed hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, some of these gland-tipped; calyx 8 mm. long, the segments oblong, about 7 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, acute; corolla 2 cm. long, yellow, sparingly pubescent the hairs more or less spreading, about 0.16 mm. long, the base of the corolla tube 2 mm. broad, 2.75 mm. broad at 2 mm. above base, then narrowed to 2.5 mm., thence en- 14d Ficure 169a.—Habracanthus xanthothrix Leonard (Kgie 4671): a, Leaf and node of stem; b, tip of inflorescence; c, calyx; d, portion of calyx enlarged to show hairs. (a, Half natural size; b, natural size; c, 2}4 times natural size; d, 50 times natural size.) larged to 6 mm. at mouth, the throat moderately saccate, the upper lip narrowly linear, 8 mm. long and 2 mm. wide at base, acute, the lower lip triangular-ovate, 8 mm. long, 5 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes about 0.25 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad; stamens exserted 5 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube; anthers linear-oblong, 2.5 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, minutely apiculate at base; ovary glabrous; disk 1 mm. high; capsules not seen. Type in the Herbarium of the Botanical Museum of the University of Copenhagen, collected at Nufiez, Department of Cundinamarca, 456 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Colombia, 2400 meters altitude, June 11, 1952, by M. Kgie (No. 4671), The specific epithet is from the Greek favs, yellow, and Olé, hair. 18. Habracanthus xantholeucus Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 170 Suffrutex, caulibus subteretibus, glabris vel sursum minute puberu- lis, pilis appressis ; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata vel oblongo-elliptica, apice breviter acuminata, aliquando curvata, basi cuncata, aliquanto tenuis, integra vel leviter et obscure undulata, utrinque parce et minute puberula, pilis rigidis, ascendentibus vel appressis, in costa et venis praecipue positis; petioli subtus glabri, in canale puberuli, pilis sub- appressis; paniculae foliiferae, laxac, ramis 1- vel 2-furcatis, rhache et rhachillis aliquanto dense hirtellis, pilis subbrunneis vel leviter curvatis, pedicellis erectis vel ascendentibus, dense hirtellis, pilis acutis et pilis glandulosis intermixtis; paniculae inferiores axillares reductae, parvae, forsan steriles, apetalae, calycibus reductis, parvis; bracteae ultimae subulatae, acutae (apice ipso subobtuso), sparse et minute hirtellae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuta (apice ipso subobtuso), hirtella, pilis rigidis, patulis, ascendentibus, pilis longioribus gland- ulosis intermixtis; corolla citrina, tubo subcylindrico, glabro, labio superiore anguste lineari, apicem versus externe minute hirtella, apice obtuso, labio inferiore patulo, conduplicato, ovato, apice 3-lobato, lobis brevibus, rotundatis; stamina exserta, glabra, antheris linearibus; ovarium glabrum. Shrub up to 5 meters high; stems subterete, glabrous or the upper portions minutely puberulous the hairs appressed, up to 0.16 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-ovate or oblong-elliptic, up to 30 cm. long and 11 cm. wide, short-acuminate, the tip sometimes curved, cuneate at base, rather thin, entire or shallowly and obscurely undulate, both surfaces minutely and sparingly puberulous, the hairs rigid, up to 0.16 mm. long, ascending to appressed, confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins (14 to 16 pairs), these, including the coarsely reticulated vein- lets, rather conspicuous beneath, less so above, the cystoliths few and inconspicuous; petioles up to 7 cm. long and 1.5 mm. thick, the lower surface glabrous, the channel puberulous with subappressed_ hairs about 0.2 mm. long; panicles leafy, lax, up to about 10 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, the branches once or twice forked usually with a flower in the fork, the lowermost axillary panicles small, reduced, perhaps sterile, the calyces small, the rachis and rachilla rather densely hirtel- lous with light brownish spreading or slightly recurved hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, the pedicels up to 5 mm. long, erect or ascending, densely hirtellous with rigid spreading hairs 0.24 to 0.32 mm. long, a few of the*longer ones gland-tipped, the ultimate bracts subulate, about 3 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 457 slender bluntish tip, sparingly and minutely hirtellous; calyx 9 mm. long (the small ones of the sterile lowermost panicles only 2 or 3 mm. long), hirtellous with rigid acute spreading or ascending hairs about 0.16 mm. long intermixed with slightly longer gland-tipped ones, the calyx segments 1 to 1.5 mm. wide at base, thence gradually narrowed to a slender bluntish tip; corolla lemon-yellow, the lower portion glabrous, the upper parts sparingly and minutely hirtellous, the length Ficure 170.—Habracanthus xantholeucus Leonard (Grant 9 Fosberg 9326): a, Basal portion of leaf blade; 6, upper half of same; ¢, panicle; d, node of stem showing small sterile axillary panicles; ¢, calyx; f, portion of pedicel enlarged to show pubescence; g, corolla. (a, b, Half natural size; c, d, g, natural size; ¢, 2/2 times natural size; f, 24 times natural size.) of the corolla from base to tip of the upper lip about 3 cm., the tube 10 to 12 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad at base, 3 mm. at mouth, the upper lip narrowly linear, 23 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, obtuse at tip, the lower lip spreading-ovate, conduplicate, 12 mm. long, 10 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes about 1 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens exserted 22 mm. beyond the mouth of the tube, glabrous, the anthers 388179--57——10 458 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM linear, 4 mm. long and barely 1 mm. broad; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045426, collected in temperate forest at San Isidro, 8 km. south of Gachald, Cordillera Oriental, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,450 meters altitude, May 26, 1954, by Martin L. Grant and F. R. Fosberg (No. 9326). Isotype: US. Habracanthus xantholeucus is well marked among other Colombian species of the genus by the remarkably long, straight upper lip of the lemon-yellow corollas. The specific epithet is from the Greek word £avOdXevxos, meaning pale yellow, in allusion to the color of the corolla. 19. Habracanthus ampelinus Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 171 Suffrutex, aliquando subscandentes, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel bifariam minute strigosis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, graciliter acuminata, basi cuneata, aliquanto firma, integra vel un- dulata, utrinque hirtellis pilis rigidis, subappressis vel ascendentibus, praecipue in costa et venis positis; petioli plus minusve graciles, subtus glabri, in canalibus minute strigosis; paniculae longae et magnae, terminales, bracteis infimis foliaceis, bracteis ultimis linearibus, parce hirtellis, rhache et rhachillis dense hirtellis, pilis rigidis, patulis; pedicelli dense hirtelli, pilis acutis et pilis longioribus glandulosis intermixtis; calycis segmenta lanceolata, parce vel aliquanto dense hirtella, pilis patulis, rigidis, acutis et pilis glandulosis intermixtis; corolla plus minusve pilosa, aurantiaco-coccinea, tubo anguste in- fundibuliformi, labio superiore erecto, anguste lineari, apice acuto, labio inferiore ovato, conduplicato, apice 3-lobato, lobis oblongo-ovatis, obtusis; stamina exserta, glabra, antheris muticis; ovarium glabrum. A shrub 2 meters high or sometimes becoming subscandent and reaching 3 meters or more in length; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or bifariously and minutely strigose, the hairs up to 0.28 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 15 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, slenderly acuminate, cuneate at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, hirtellous, the hairs rigid, subappressed or ascending, up to 0.2 mm. long, confined mostly to costa and lateral veins (about 10 pairs), the venation rather prominent; cystoliths minute, up to 0.32 mm. long, some of them punctiform; petioles rather slender, up to 10 cm. long and 1.25 mm. thick, glabrous beneath, the channels minutely strigose; panicles terminal and axillary forming large complex inflorescences up to 30 cm. long and 23 em. broad, leafy, the ultimate bracts linear, up to 0.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs more or less spreading, about 0.08 mm. long; rachis and rachilla hirtellous, the hairs spreading, about 0.08 mm. long; pedicels up to 1.5 cm. long, hirtellous; calyx 6 to 8 LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 459 mm. long, sparingly to moderately hirtellous, the hairs spreading, the acute ones up to 0.16 mm. long, septate, the glandular trichomes scattered, up to 0.5 mm. long, the calyx segments up to 7 mm. long, lanceolate, acute, 1.25 mm. wide near base; corolla rather sparingly pilose (the hairs more or less spreading, ca. 3 mm. long, septate), orange-red, paler distally, the tube 2.5 mm. broad at base, gradually enlarged to 8 mm. at throat, the upper lip erect, narrowly linear, Ficure 171.—Habracanthus ampelinus Leonard (Grant 9647): a, Tip of panicle; b, portion of inflorescence about 15 cm. below tip; c, leaf; d, portion of leaf blade (upper surface) enlarged to show pubescence; ¢, ultimate bracts; f, calyx; g, portion of calyx segment enlarged to show pubescence. (a, b, Natural size; ¢, half natural size; d, 8 times natural size; ¢, 34 times natural size; f, 5 times natural size; g, about 40 times natural size.) 16 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, acute at tip, the lower lip spreading, ovate, conduplicate, 11 mm. long, 12 mm. wide at base, 3-lobed, the lobes oblong-ovate, about 4 mm. long, 1.75 mm. wide, obtuse at tip; stamens exserted 2 cm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous, the anthers 4.5 mm., long, 1.5 mm. broad, muticous at both ends; style slightly longer than the stamens, the stigma lobes rounded, very minute; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045430, collected in temperate forest at Salitre, Taguaté Valley, 6 km. west of Gutiérrez 460 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM and 45 km. south of Bogoté, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,715 meters altitude, July 23, 1944, by Martin L. Grant (No. 9647). Isotype: US. Also of this species is F. R. Fosberg’s No. 20901 (US), collected on a steep, densely wooded slope, where it was occasional, at Rio del Nevado, east end of the Cordillera Las Cruces, south of Rfo Arroz across from El Capitolis, in the Sumapaz region, Intendencia of Meta, 2,675 meters altitude, August 27, 1943. The specific epithet alludes to the vinelike nature often attained by this species. 20. Habracanthus caucensis Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 172 Suffrutex gracilis, fere procumbens, inflorescentiis erectis, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel sursum parce puberulis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata et cuneata, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, remote strigosis, pilis supra praecipue in costa et venis lateralibus conspicuis positis, venulis crasse reticulatis, cystolithis sub lente conspicuis; petioli parce puberuli; paniculae diffusae terminales et axillares, ramis furcatis, gracilibus, rhache et rhachillis parce hirtellis; bracteae ramos panicularum subtendentes ovatae, sessiles, apiculatae; pedicelli graciles, cystolithis minutis praediti; bracteae flores sub- tendentes lineares, apice acutae, glabrae vel parce et minute hirtellae; calycis segmenta lineari-lanceolata, apice subacuta, trinervata, glabra vel pilis glanduliferis plus minusve numerosis praedita; corolla ru- bescens, glabra, anguste infundibuliformis, labio superiore lineari, apice rotundato, graciliter trinervato, labio inferiore patulo, ovato, apice trilobato, lobis brevibus, rotundatis; stamina exserta, antheris linearibus; capsulae clavatae, glabrac; retinacula subacuta, apice erosa; semina plana, suborbicularia, muricata, basi obliqua. Slender shrubby plants 1 to 2 meters long, usually procumbent with erect inflorescences; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or the upper portions very sparingly puberulous; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 15.5 cm. long and 5 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed and cuneate at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, remotely strigillose, the hairs up to 0.25 mm. long, those of the under surface confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins (about 10 pairs), these and the coarsely reticulated veinlets moderately conspicuous, the cystoliths numerous and rather conspicuous under a lens; petioles up to 3 cm. long and 1 mm. thick, sparingly puberulous; flowers borne in diffuse terminal and axillary panicles up to 14 em. long and about 6 cm. broad, the terminal and axillary panicles often continuous, the branches of the panicle dichotomously forked, often with a flower in the fork, slender, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs more LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 461 or less spreading, up to 0.3 mm. long; bracts subtending the branches of the panicle ovate, sessile, 1 cm. long and about 8 mm. wide, apic- ulate or the lowermost pair much larger, up to 4 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate; bracts subtending the flowers linear, about 3 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide, acute at tip, glabrous or minutely hirtellous; pedicels slender, up to 4 mm. long, 0.25 to 0.5 mm. thick, Ficure 172.—Habracanthus caucensis Leonard (a, Fosberg 19941; b-h, Cuatrecasas 23468): a, Leaf; b, lowermost node of inflorescence; ¢, tip of inflorescence; d, a pair of bracts subtending lateral branches near base of panicle; ¢, portion of rachis from upper part of panicle enlarged to show pubescence; f, calyx segment; g, trichome from calyx; 4h, corolla. (a, Half natural size; b, c, natural size; d, 1% times natural size; ¢, about 20 times natural size; f, 4 times natural size; g, 150 times natural size; h, 1% times natural size.) glabrous with scattered minute cystoliths; calyx segments linear- lanceolate, 6 to 7 mm. long and 1 mm. wide (the tip acute and blunt- ish), 3-nerved, glabrous or bearing a few more or less spreading glan- dular trichomes up to 0.5 mm. long; corolla wine-red, glabrous, the tube about 1 cm. long, 3 mm. broad near base, narrowed at 4 mm. above base to 2 mm., thence enlarged to 3 mm. at mouth, the upper 462 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM lip erect, linear, 7 mm. long, 2 mm. wide near base, somewhat narrowed toward the rounded tip, delicately 3-nerved, the lower lip spreading, ovate, about 8 mm. long and 7 mm. wide, terminated by 3 rounded lobes about 0.5 mm. long; stamens glabrous, exserted about 2 cm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anthers linear, 2.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. thick; pistil not seen; capsules clavate, 13 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, 2 mm. thick, glabrous; retinacula 2.5 mm. long, subacute and erose; seed flattened, suborbicular, about 2 mm. long and broad, muricate or pebbled, oblique at base. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1950035, collected in woods at Aguabonita, valley of the Rio San José, Moscopdn Region, Cordillera Central, Department of Cauca, Colombia, 2,280 meters altitude, January 30, 1947, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 23468). Also of this species is Fosberg’s No. 19941 (US), collected in thick brushy ground-cover under trees in mossy, ridge-type, wet forests with deep humus, at the head of Rio Villalobos, southwest of Pitalito, on the boundary between the Departments of Huila and Cauca, Colombia, 2,300 meters altitude, February 6, 1943. 21. Habracanthus antipharmacus Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 173 Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel parce pilosis, pilis appressis, inconspicuis, cystolithis parallelis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata vel oblonga-elliptica, subacuta vel breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi sensim angustata in petiolum decurrens, membranacea, integra vel undulata, supra parce hirsuta, pilis curvatis, ascendentibus, albidus, septatis, subtus glabra, costa et venis lateral- ibus prominentibus, cystolithis raris, magnis; petioli glabri vel in canal- ibus hirtelli, pilis subappressis vel ascendentibus, cystolithis parallelis, magnis, conspicuis; paniculae terminales, anguste ovoideae, aliquanto laxae, ramis gracilibus, furcatis, leviter recurvatis, rhachibus dense pilosis, pilis rectis, patulis, acutis, vitreis, pilis longioribus glandulosis intermixtis; pedicelli erecti; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuta, puberula et pilosa, pilis brevioribus rigidus, vitreis, acutis vel obtusis, pilis longioribus aliquanto raris, glandulosis, elongatis intermixtis; corolla glabra, coccinea, apice aurea, tubo basi angusto, abrupte dilatato, valide ventricoso, in fauce leviter angustato, labio superiore anguste obovato, erecto, plus minusve recurvato, obtuso, labio in- feriore brevi, trilobato, lobis suborbicularibus; stamina exserta, glabra, antheris linearibus, curvatis; capsulae clavatae, subtiliter pubescentes, pilis gracilibus, ascendentibus, curvatis; retinacula angusta, basi dilatata, apice subobtusa; semina subnigra, plana, suborbicularia apice tuberculata. Subshrubs up to 130 cm. high; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or inconspicuously and sparingly appressed-pilose, the hairs up to LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 463 0.48 mm. long, the cystoliths parallel, up to 0.35 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-ovate or oblong-elliptic, up to 10 cm. long and 7 cm. wide, subacute or short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), gradually narrowed to an acute base and decurrent on the petiole, thin, entire or undulate, the upper surface sparingly hirsute, the hairs curved, ascending, up to 0.32 mm. long, whitish, septate, the lower surface ay 4 Pky y Ficure 173.—Habracanthus antipharmacus Leonard (Grant 10731): a, Basal portion of leaf blade; b, tip of same; ¢, portion of the under surface of a leaf blade enlarged to show cystoliths; d, section of inflorescence (about middle); ¢, calyx (flowering stage), pedicel and bracts; f, pubescence of rachis; g, a large gland-tipped trichome from calyx; h, one of the glandular hairs from calyx; 1, corolla; 7, capsule valve; &, portion of capsule enlarged to show pubescence. (a, b, d, Half natural size; c, about 17 times natural size; ¢, 1, 144 times natural size; f, about 28 times natural size; g, kh, about 45 times natural size; j, twice natural size; k, about 38 times natural size.) glabrous, the costa and lateral veins (10 to 12 pairs), prominent beneath, less so above, the cystoliths scattered but large and nearly straight, up to 0.27 mm. long; petioles (unwinged portion) up to 6 cm. long, 1 to 1.5 mm. thick, glabrous or the channels hirtellous, the hairs ascending or subappressed, the cystoliths large, conspicuous and parallel; panicles narrowly ovoid, rather lax, up to 30 cm. long 464 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM and 11 cm. broad, broadest below middle and gradually narrowed to tip, the peduncle about 6 cm. long, hirtellous, the lowermost internode of the inflorescence 2 cm. long, the others successively smaller towards tip, the branches slightly curved, usually (except the uppermost) forked, these and the main rachis densely pilose with straight spreading acute glassy hairs 0.16 mm. long, these inter- mixed with longer glandular ones up to 0.64 mm. long, the flowers usually 8 or fewer to a branch, erect, the pedicels up to 38 mm. long, the pubescence that of the branches; calyx 4 to 7 mm. long, becoming 10 to 12 mm. long at maturity, deeply segmented, the segments lanceolate, in flower 4 to 6 mm. long, in fruit 11 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near base, thence gradually narrowed to a slender tip, puberulous and pilose, the hairs spreading, the small ones ca. 0.07 mm. long, numerous, rigid, glassy and blunt tipped or acute, the large ones up to 0.73 mm. long, rather scattered, blackish, gland-tipped; corolla 1.5 to 2 cm. long, glabrous, scarlet with yellow tip, 2 to 2.5 mm. broad at base, abruptly enlarged at 3 mm. above base to 7 mm., thence narrowed to 4 mm. at throat, the upper lip narrowly obovate, erect, more or less recurved, 3 to 4 mm. long, about 1.25 mm. wide, obtuse and entire at tip, the lower lip broadly ovate, about 3 mm. long and 5 mm. wide, the lobes suborbicular, about 2 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide; stamens exserted 10 to 15 mm. beyond the lips of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers linear, 4 mm. long, 0.75 mm. broad, slightly curved; capsule clavate, 12 to 13 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, 3 mm. thick, the solid basal stipe about 3 mm. long, finely pubescent, the hairs slender, curved and ascending; retinacula 3 mm. long, slender from an enlarged base, the tip subobtuse; seeds 4, flat, blackish, suborbicular, 3 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad, the tip tuberculate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium No. 2045439, collected in subtropical forest on the Sierra Perij4, 6 km. east-northeast of Manaure, 42 km. east of Valledupar and 7 km. from the Venezuelan border, Department of Magdalena, Colombia, 1,735 meters altitude, February 1, 1945, by Martin L. Grant (No. 10731). Isotype: US. Oscar Haught’s No. 4510 (US), collected in “Africa,” Sierra Perijé, Department of Magdalena, Colombia, about 1,500 meters altitude, December 16, 1944, is also of this species. Haught states in his label data that his plant was an erect herb up to 1.5 meters high, the flowers very showy, either all red, or red tipped more or less with bright yellow (in some plants more than half the corolla yellow), and that the species was very abundant locally, growing along streams and on moist slopes. Habracanthus antipharmacus with its bicolored corollas suggests at once Lindau’s H. diversicolor. The two species are closely related but if carefully compared show certain differences. In H. diversicolor LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 465 the leaf blades are rounded above the winged petiole instead of being gradually narrowed into the petiole wing, and the inflorescence is denser with the shorter ascending rigid branches, the branches of the forks widely spreading. In H. antipharmacus the branches are slender, spreading, recurved, and the branches of the forks are only slightly spreading and longer and more slender. Grant tells us that the root is used as a remedy for snake bite, thus suggesting the specific epithet, av7--, against, and ¢4pyaxov, venom. 22. Habracanthus macrochilus Lindau Habracanthus macrochilus Lindau, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5: 669. 1897. Type col- lected in the Province of Ocafia, Department of Norte de Santander, Colom- bia, in woods at 2,700 meters altitude by Schlim (No. 429). Photograph of type material of the Berlin Herbarium (Field Mus. No. 8890) in the U. S. National Herbarium. Shrubby plants with terete pubescent branches; leaf blades oblong, pubescent, 4 to 7 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. wide or smaller, the tip promi- nently acuminate, attenuate at base, the cystoliths striiform; petioles slender, 5 to 7 mm. long; panicles subdichotomous, terminal, longer than the leaves or axillary and shorter than the leaves and terminating the lateral branches, the lateral panicles lax and few-flowered, the terminal dense; calyx segments 12 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, unequal, becoming 18 to 19 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide at maturity, glandular- pubescent; corolla purple,’ the tube 14 mm. long, 2 mm. wide at base, and 3 mm. wide at tip, the upper lip 28 mm. long and 4 mm. wide at base, narrowed to a subobtuse tip, the lower lip 28 mm. long, 10 mm. wide at middle, 4 mm. wide at tip and 3-toothed, the teeth 1.5 mm. long, obtuse; filaments 35 mm. long, inserted at tip of corolla tube and long-exserted; anthers 3.5 mm. long; style 50 mm. long, exserted; capsule 14 mm. long, 3 mm. wide, glabrous, the solid stipe 5 mm. long; seeds 4. No specimens seen. Description compiled from the original. The specific epithet is from the Greek words paxpés, long, and xetXos, lip. Lindau states in his discussion that his new species differs from the others known in the large lips of the corolla, and the long calyx segments, which, like the inflorescence, are coarsely pubescent. 23. Habracanthus oresbius Leonard, sp. nov. FicureE 174 Frutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, apice aliquanto dense puberulis, pilis subbrunneis, appressis, septatis, deorsum glabratis; hirtellis, pilis subbrunneis, appressis, septatis, deorsum glabratis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, acuminata (apice ipso subacuto), basi cuncata, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque puberula, 2 According to Lindau’s description, but the original label of Schlim says ‘‘rouge foncée,’’ i. e., dark red. 466 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM pilis rigidis, subappressis, septatis, subbrunneis, subtus praecipue in costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus positis, cystolithis pluribus, sub lente conspicuis; petioli dense hirsuti, pilis brunneis; paniculae terminales ovoideo-pyramidatae, densae, ramis panicularum bracteis foliaceis ovatis acutis vel acuminatis sessilibus suffultis, rhache et rhachillis dense brunneo-hirtellis, pilis patulis vel ascendentibus, pedicellis hirtellis, pilis patulis, conspicue septatis; bracteae flores subtendentes lanceolatae, acutae, parce ciliolatae et hirtellae, cysto- lithis conspicuis; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuta, aliquanto parce hirtella et ciliolata, pilis ascendentibus; corolla rubra, glabra, tubo anguste infundibuliformi, labio superiore erecto, lineari, apice obtuso vel rotundato, labio inferiore patulo, ovato, apice rotundato, trilobato. lobis brevibus, rotundatis; stamina exserta, glabra; stylus exsertus, glaber; stigma minutum; capsulae clavatae, glabrae, retinaculis rectis vel leviter curvatis, apice anguste cucullatis, rotundatis, erosis; semina plana, brunnea, levia vel basi leviter muricata, aliquanto obliqua. Shrubs; stems subquadrangular, the tips rather densely puberulous, the hairs appressed, brownish, septate, up to 0.25 mm. long, the lower portions of the stem glabrate; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 19 cm. long and 7 cm. wide, acuminate (the tip itself subacute), narrowed to a cuneate base, rather firm, entire or undulate, puberulous, the hairs up to 0.32 mm. long, rigid, subappressed, septate, brownish, those of the lower surface confined chiefly to costa and veins, these as well as the coarsely reticulated veinlets prominent on the lower surface, the cystoliths numerous and conspicuous under a lens, up to 0.2 mm. long; petioles up to 3 cm. long, 1.5 mm. thick, densely hirsute with brownish hairs; flowers borne in rather dense pyramidal-ovoid terminal panicles, up to 15 cm. long and 6 cm. broad near the base, the branches of the inflorescence subtended by leaflike cordate sessile ovate acute or acminate bracts, the lowermost about 2 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide, the rachis and rachilla densely brown-hirtellous, the hairs spreading or ascending, septate; pedicels up to 3 mm. long, densely hirtellous with conspicuously septate spreading hairs up to 0.65 mm. long; bracts subtending the flowers lanceolate, up to 9 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, acute at tip, sparingly ciliolate and hirtellous, the cystoliths conspicuous; calyx segments lanceolate, up to 13 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to an acute tip, rather sparingly hirtellous and ciliolate, the hairs about 0.3 mm. long, some of them glandular; corolla red, glabrous, the tube 13 mm. long, 2.56 mm. wide just above base, narrowed at 4 mm. above base to 1.5 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 3.5 mm. at mouth, the upper lip erect, linear, 15 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, obtuse or rounded at tip, in dry material coiled and contorted, lower lip spreading, ovate, 6.5 mm. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 467 wide, rounded at tip, terminated by 3 low lobes, these 0.5 mm. long, the middle one 1.5 mm. wide, the lateral ones about 1 mm. wide; stamens exserted 18 mm. beyond mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous, linear, the anthers 4 mm. long and 0.5 mm. thick; style exserted about 2.5 em. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous, the stigma minute; capsule clavate, 15 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, 2 mm. thick, glabrous; retinacula 2.25 mm. long, straight or slightly curved, Ficure 174.—Habracanthus oresbius Leonard (Pennell 7556): a, Leaf; b, panicle; ¢, portion of rachis enlarged to show pubescence; d, a hair from rachis; ¢, calyx segment (outer surface); f, upper half of calyx segment showing cystoliths and marginal hairs (inner surface); g, one of the hairs of the calyx segment; h, corolla; i, seed. (a, Half natural size; b, natural size; c, 16 times natural size; d, g, 100 times natural size; ¢, f, 3 times natural size; h, about 14 times natural size; 1, about 4 times natural size.) narrowly cucullate, the tip rounded and erose; seeds flattish, brown, orbicular, 3 mm. wide and broad, 1.25 mm. thick, smooth or slightly muricate, somewhat oblique at base. Type in the Gray Herbarium, collected in forest at San José, San Antonio, Department of Cauca, Colombia, 2,400 to 2,700 meters altitude, June 30, 1922, by Francis W. Pennell (No. 7556). Isotypes: NY, US. 468 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Also of this species is Pennell and Killip’s No. 7436 (GH), collected in a bushy forest in the same locality as the type on June 28, 1922. The specific epithet is from the Greek word dpécBuos, living on mountains. 24. Habracanthus corei Leonard, sp. nov. Fraure 175 Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris, cystolithis nu- merosis minutis brunneis praeditis; lamina foliorum late elliptica vel ovata, apice graciliter sed breviter acuminata, basi rotundata in petiolum decurrens, tenuis, integra, in pagina superiore aliquanto pilosa, subtus pilis patulis vel ascendentibus praecipue in costa et venis aliquanto prominentibus positis, venulis crasse reticulatis, cystolithis obscuris, brunneis; petioli glabri, cystolithis minutis ob- scuris praeditis; paniculae longae, aliquanto angustae, sursum densae et confluentes, inferiores distantes, ramis infimis foliis parvis suffultis, rhache et rhachillis dense hirtellis, pilis plus minusve patulis; pedicelli hirtelli; bracteae flores subtendentes lanceolatae, subacutae, ciliolatae, aliquanto hirtellae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, subacuta, ciliolata, parce et minute hirtella, pilis ascendentibus, apice pilis paucis glan- dulosis praedita; corolla glabra, anguste infundibuliformis, labio supe- riore lineari, obscure trinervato, apice rotundata, torto, labio inferiore patulo, ovato, apice 3-lobato, lobis brevibus, rotundatis; stamina exserta, erecta, antheris linearibus, glabris; pistillum glabrum; stigma minutum. Shrubs; stems subquandrangular, glabrous, the cystoliths minute, brownish, parallel; leaf blades broadly elliptical or ovate, up to 14 em. long and 8.5 em. wide, slenderly short-acuminate, short-cuneate (5 mm. long) from a rounded base, thin, entire, sparingly pilose above, sparingly pilosulous beneath, the hairs confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins (about 10 pairs), spreading or ascending, up to 0.48 mm. long, the veinlets coarsely reticulate, these and the costa and lateral veins rather prominent especially beneath, the cystoliths obscure, brownish; petioles up to 4 cm. long and 1.75 mm. thick, glabrous, the cystoliths minute and obscure; flowers ascending, borne in a narrow rather dense panicle up to 26 cm. long or more and 4 cm. broad, the lower branches distant, subtended by small ovate short-petioled (5 mm. long) leaves up to 5 em. long and 2.5 cm. wide, but in other re- spects similar to the main stem leaves; bracts subtending the flowers 8 min. long and 1.25 mm. wide, the tips subacute, ciliolate and moder- ately hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, the rachis and rachilla rather densely hirtellous, the hairs more or less spreading, up to 0.46 mm. long; pedicels up to 1 mm. long, hirtellous; calyx segments lance- olate, 5.5 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide near base, subacute, ciliolate and rather sparingly and minutely hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, ascending, bearing near tip a few gland-tipped spreading trichomes up LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 469 to 0.46 mm. long; corolla glabrous, the tube 18 mm. long, 3 mm. broad just above base, narrowed at 8 mm. above base to 2 mm., 5 mm. broad at throat, the upper lip erect, linear, 15 mm. long, 2.25 mm. wide, rounded and entire at tip, obscurely 3-nerved, curled or contorted when dry, the lower lip spreading, ovate, 11 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes 1 mm. long, the middle one 1.5 mm. wide, the lateral] | . \ an ) At OA of ON) A, “of hy Ficure 175.—Habracanthus corei Leonard (Core 1200): a, Leaf; 8, the lowermost node of inflorescence; c, tip of inflorescence; d, node of inflorescence to show uppermost bracts; ¢, node of rachis to show bracts; f, calyx segment; g, trichome from tip of calyx segment; fh, corolla; i, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, ¢, natural size; d, twice natural size; e, 244 times natural size; f, i, 5 times natural size; g, 40 times natural size; h, about 1% times natural size.) ones about 1 mm. wide, all rounded; stamens exserted 2 cm. beyond mouth of the corolla tube, erect, glabrous; anthers linear, 3.5-4.5 mm. long, about 1 mm. broad; pistil about as long as the stamens, glabrous, the stigma minute; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045391, collected in dense shade along stream on the south slope of Cerro San Pedro, 470 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Department of Cauca, Colombia, 2,500 meters altitude, September 10, 1944, by Earl L. Core (No. 1200), Habracanthus corei differs from the majority of the Colombian species in its broadly elliptic leaf blades and the very sharply acu- minate, short-petioled, cordate inflorescence leaves. The color of the corolla is not apparent in the dried material. It was probably some shade of red. 25. Habracanthus lamprus Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 176 Suffrutex gracilis, caulibus subquadrangularibus, deorsum glabris, sursum hirtellis; lamina foliorum ovata, breviter acuminata, basi late cuneata et in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto membranacea, integra vel undulata, pilosa et ciliolata, pilis septatis, ascendentibus vel sub- appressis, costa et venis lateralibus subtus prominentibus, supra obscuris; petioli aliquanto crassi, pilosi; paniculae terminales et axil- lares (eae in axillis foliorum parvorum) aliquanto densae, rhache dense pilosa, pilis patulis, rhachillis et pedicellis gracilibus pubescentibus, pilis ascendentibus; bracteae ramos inflorescentiae subtendentes con- spicuae, foliaceae, cordatae, sessiles vel subsessiles ; bracteolae anguste lanceolatae, apice obtusae, pilosae; calycis segmenta anguste tri- angularia, acuta, deorsum glabra, apice parce hirtella, pilis minutis acutis et pilis glandulosis intermixtis; corolla atrorubens, glabra, anguste infundibuliformis, labio superiore lineari, apice cincinnato vel contorto, labio inferiore patulo, ovato, conduplicato, apice rotundato, 3-lobato, lobis brevibus, rotundatis; stamina exserta, glabra, antheris linearibus; ovarium glabrum. Slender erect shrub up to 1 m. high, the stems subquadrangular, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous near the inflorescence; leaf blades ovate, up to 11 cm. long and 5.8 cm. wide, short-acuminate, rather broadly cuneate at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately thin, entire or undulate, rather densely pilose, the hairs up to 1 mm. long, septate, ascending or subappressed, the margins ciliate, the costa and lateral veins (about 10 pairs) moderately prominent beneath, less so above, the cystoliths minute, up to 0.128 mm. long, obscure; petioles up to 1.5 cm. long and 1.25 mm. thick, pilose; panicles ovoid, up to 16 cm. long and 5 cm. wide, moderately dense, the several short, axillary panicles only 1 to 2 cm. long; bracts sub- tending the branches of the panicle conspicuous, leaf-like, cordate, sessile or subsessile, the lowermost pair up to 4 cm. long and 3 cm. wide, becoming gradually smaller toward tip of panicle, all short- acuminate, the pubescence that of the stem leaves, the rachis densely pilose, the hairs spreading, up to 0.5 mm. long, the rachilla and pedicels (up to 5 mm. long and 0.28 mm. thick) pubescent with ascending hairs up to 0.16 mm. long or occasionally a few of them longer; bracts LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III A471 subtending the flowers, narrowly lanceolate, 2 to 3 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide, blunt at tip, pilose; calyx 5 mm. long, glabrous below, sparingly hirtellous toward tip, the small acute hairs intermixed with gland-tipped trichomes about 0.5 mm. long, the segments narrowly triangular, 1.25 mm. wide at base, acute; corolla dark red, glabrous, 1.5 cm. long, the tube 3 mm. broad near base, narrowed at 4 mm. above base to 2 mm., the throat 2.5 to 4 mm. broad, the upper lip ' . iy) toy \, é Ficure 176.—Habracanthus lamprus Leonard (Haught 6031): a, Tip of plant showing panicle and leaf; b, portion of rachilla enlarged to show pubescence; ¢, calyx; d, tip of calyx segment enlarged to show hairs and glandular trichomes; ¢, corolla; f, anther, (a, Half natural size; b, d, 20 times natural size; ¢, 514 times natural size; ¢, 2% times natural size; f, 544 times natural size.) linear, 12 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, the upper part curled and contorted, the tip itself rounded, the lower lip spreading, oval, 10 mm. long, 8 mm. wide, conduplicate, the tip rounded, 3-lobed, the lobes low, 0.75 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, rounded; stamens exserted about 12 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers linear, 4.5 mm. long, 1.25 mm. thick; style exserted about 2 cm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, the stigma minute; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. 472 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1995096, collected along the highway between San Cayetano and Pacho, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,800 meters altitude, August 2, 1947, by Oscar Haught (No. 6031). Haught states that the flowers were a very dark red and very showy. The specific name is from the Greek Aapympés, bright, radiant, in allu- sion to its attractive flowers. 26. Habracanthus congestus Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 177 Herba vel suffrutex, caulibus subteretibus, glabris, cystolithis subpunctiformibus; lamina foliorum magna, ovata vel obovata, apice breviter acuminata, basi cuneata, integra vel undulata, aliquanto firma, utrinque conspicue pilosa, pilis ascendentibus, costa et venis lateralibus aliquanto conspicuis, cystolithis obscuris vel nullis ; panicula terminalis, densa, apice subacuta, paniculae axillares minores, rhache parce hirtella, pilis ascendentibus vel patulis, rhachillis aliquanto dense hirtellis, pilis subbrunneis, septatis; bracteae ramos panicularum subtendentes suborbiculares, apiculatae, sessiles; bracteac ultimae lineari-lanceolatae, subacutae, parce hirtellae ; calycis segmenta lanceolata, graciliter 3-vel d-nervata, subacuta, apice parce hirtella, pilis rigidis acutis, ascendentibus, pilis glanduliferis intermixtis; corolla rubra, parva, glabra, labio superiore erecto, lineari, apice subobtuso, curvato vel cincinnato, labio inferiore patulo, ovato, conduplicato, apice 3-lobato, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina exserta, glabra; ovarium glabrum. Herbs or suffrutescent plants up to 2.5 meters high, stems subterete, glabrous, the cystoliths subpunctiform; leaf blades ovate or obovate, up to 20 cm. long and 11 cm. wide, short-acuminate at tip (?), cuneate at base, entire or undulate, moderately firm, rather densely and conspicuously pilose, the hairs ascending, about 1 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (about 12 pairs) moderately conspicuous, the cysto- liths inconspicuous or absent; terminal panicle narrow, dense, 17 cm. long, 2 to 3 cm. broad, subacute at tip, the axillary panicles 1 or more pairs, 8 cm. long and 2 cm. broad, the rachises sparingly hirtellous, the hairs ascending or spreading, about 0.28 mm. long, the rachilla rather densely hirtellous with light brownish septate ascending hairs about 0.08 mm. long, the bracts subtending the branches of the inflorescence suborbicular and apiculate, sessile, the lowermost pair about 10 mm. long and 16 mm. wide, the others successively smaller toward the tip of the inflorescence, the ultimate bracts linear-lance- olate, 4 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, subacute, sparingly hirtellous; calyx segments lanceolate, 5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, sub- acute, delicately 3- to 5-nerved, sparingly hirtellous with rigid acute ascending hairs ca. 0.1 mm. long and intermixed with these a few gland-tipped trichomes up to about 0.5 mm. long; corolla red, about LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 473 14 mm. long, glabrous, the upper lip erect, about 8 mm. long, and 1 mm. wide, subobtuse, curled at tip, the lower lip spreading, about 10 mm. long, ovate, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes ovate, about 2 mm. long, rounded; stamens exserted 10 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous, the anthers 4 mm. long, 1 mm. thick; style slightly longer than the stamens, the stigma minute; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Ficure 177.—Habracanthus congestus Leonard (von Sneidern 2646): a, Upper half of panicle; b, lowermost part of panicle; c, leaf blade; d, portion of leaf blade enlarged to show pubescence; ¢, calyx; f, portion from near tip of calyx segment enlarged to show pubes- cence. (a, Half natural size; b, ¢, natural size; d, 4 times natural size; ¢, 6 times natural size; f, 40 times natural size.) Type in the Stockholm Herbarium, collected in virgin forests of La Plata, Department of Huila, Colombia, 2,600 meters altitude, March 25, 1939, by Kjell von Sneidern (No. 2646). Characters making Habracanthus congestus easy to separate from other Colombian species are its narrow congested panicle, small red flowers, and large ovate or obovate hairy leaf blades. The specific name congestus alludes to the narrow dense panicles. 388179—57——11 474 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 27. Habracanthus diversicolor Lindau Habracanthus diversicolor Lindau, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5: 669. 1897. Syntypes: Agua Obispo, Province of Truxillo, Venezuela, altitude 2,300 meters, Funck & Schlim (No. 791) (photograph in the U. 8. National Herbarium, Field Mus. No. 8888). Province of Ocafia, Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia, altitude 2,300 meters, Schlim 458; La Baja, Province of Pam- plona, Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia, 3,000 meters altitude, Funck & Schlim 1309. Herbaceous or suffrutescent plants up to 3 meters high; stems sub- quadrangular, glabrous or bifariously puberulent, the hairs retrorsely recurved, 0.16 mm. long; leaf blades ovate, up to 20 cm. long and 8.5 cm. wide, slenderly acuminate, the rounded base decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface nitid, sparingly hirsute, the hairs septate, ascending, up to 0.4 mm. long, those of the lower surface smaller and confined mostly to costa and lateral veins (about 10 pairs), the cystoliths prominent under a lens; petioles (unwinged portion) up to 4.5 cm. long, glabrous or the chan- nels sparingly hirsute; panicle terminal, slenderly pyramidal, up to 40 cm. long or more and 9 cm. broad, the branches rigid, numerous, dichotomously or cincinnally branched, the flowers few and often erect, the rachises densely pubescent with spreading hairs, eglandular ones up to 0.3 mm. long and others up to 0.4 mm. long and tipped with elongated glands intermixed, the lower branches of the panicle sub- tended by large cordate-ovate subsessile leaflike bracts (2 to 8 em. long and 1 to 6 cm. wide), the other branches subtended by small subulate bracts about 1 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide at base, carinate and rather densely pubescent; pedicels 1 to 4 mm. long, densely pu- bescent with spreading hairs; calyx segments linear, 6 to 12 mm. long, 1 to 1.25 mm. wide, acute or subacute, densely pubescent with spread- ing glandular and eglandular hairs intermixed, the glandular ones longer than the eglandular ones (up to 0.25 mm. long); corolla red with yellow tinge (Killip & Smith), glabrous, the tube 10 to 15 mm. long, slightly subventricose, 2.5 mm. broad near base, narrowed to 2mm. at 2.6 mm. above the base, 5.5 to 6 mm. broad at middle, and 3 to 4 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip linear, 3.5 mm. long, about 1.5 mm. wide, entire, the lower lip of 3 lobes, the middle lobe 1.5 mm. long and broad, the lateral ones 1.5 mm. long and 2 mm. wide; stamens exserted, the filaments up to 28 mm. long, glabrous above, sparingly and finely pubescent toward base, the anthers 2 to 4 mm. long, curved; style up to 30 mm. long; capsules clavate, 13 to 14 mm. long, 3 to 4 mm. broad, 2 mm. thick, glabrous, the solid stipe 5 mm. long; retinacula 2.5 mm. long, rounded at tip and slightly erose; seeds 4, lenticular, suborbicular, about 2.5 mm. long and broad, 0.75 mm. thick, black, minutely and obscurely tuberculate. Norte DE SANTANDER: Woods along stream near Tapatd, Culagé Valley, 1,500 to 2,100 meters, March 3-8, 1927, Killip & Smith 20157 (US). LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 475 28. Habracanthus pennellii Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 178 Herba, caulibus sursum subquadrangularibus, aliquanto parce bifariam hirtellis, pilis plus minusve patulis, deorsum subteretibus et glabratis, cystolithis paucis, minutis; lamina foliorum ovata, apice subobtusa vel breviter apiculata (apice ipso obtuso et plus minusve apiculato) basi angustata, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque plus minusve dense hirsuta, pilis ascendentibus, septatis, Ficure 178.—Habracanthus pennellii Leonard (Pennell 10414): a, Section of the middle portion of a terminal panicle; b, tip of inflorescence; ¢, leaf; d, node of inflorescence to show bracts; e, portion of rachis enlarged to show pubescence; f, tip of a calyx segment enlarged to show trichomes; g, tip of a trichome; h, corolla. (a-c, Natural size; d, 5 times natural size; ¢, about 16 times natural size; f, 3 times natural size; g, about 150 times natural size; h, 244 times natural size.) subtus praecipue in costa et venis lateralibus conspicuis positis; petioli graciles, hirtelli; paniculae terminales et axillares inferiores subtiles, interruptae, ramis 1- vel 2-furcatis, foliis parvis cordatis, acutis, sessilibus suffultis, rhache et rhachillis dense brunneo-hirtellis, pilis plus minusve patulis, septatis, pedicellis gracilibus, puberulis; bracteae flores subtendentes lineares, subobtusae, parce hirtellae; calycis seg- menta lineari-lanceolata subito acuta, parce puberula, pilis parvis 476 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM acutis paucis pilis glandulosis intermixtis; corolla rubra, glabra, tubo angusto, labio superiore lineari, erecto, apice obtuso, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, apice 3-lobato; stamina exserta, glabra, antheris linearibus; capsulae clavatae, glabrae; semina brunnea (matura), suborbicularia, plana, basi obliqua. Herbs up to 1 meter high or more; stems subterete and glabrate below, subquadrangular and rather sparingly hirtellous in two lines toward tip, the hairs mostly spreading, septate, ca. 0.4 mm. long, the cystoliths few, minute; leaf blades ovate, up to 5 em. long and 2.8 cm. wide, subobtuse or short-apiculate, narrowed at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces more or less hirsute, the hairs ascending, mostly up to 0.6 mm. long, septate, those of the lower surface confined mostly to the costa and lateral veins (7 or 8 pairs), the venation not noticeably conspicuous but more so beneath than above; petioles rather slender, up to 1 cm. long and 0.75 mm. thick, hirtellous, the hairs similar to those of the leaf blades; branches of the panicle 1 to 4 at each node, terminal and axillary, scattered for some distance along the stems forming long interrupted panicles, the terminal portion ovoid, up to 15 cm. long and 7 cm. broad, the upper branches of the panicles subtended by ovate-cordate leaflike bracts up to 12 mm. long and 9 mm. wide, these sessile, acuminate and acute at tip, the margins undulate, the surfaces sparingly hirtellous, the rachis and rachilla densely brown-hirtellous, the hairs more or less ascending, septate, up to 0.4 mm. long, the pedicels 3 to 5 mm. long and 0.25 to 0.5 mm. wide, the ultimate internodes of the branches of the inflorescence puberulous, the hairs up to 0.1 mm. long, the bracts subtending the flowers and ultimate forks linear, 1 to 2 mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide, subobtuse, sparingly hirtellous; calyx segments linear- lanceolate, up to 7 mm. long, and 1 mm. wide, abruptly acute, spar- ingly puberulous, some of them bearing in addition to the minute acute hairs several conspicuously longer glandular ones (up to 0.5 mm. long); corolla “lake-red,” glabrous, 12 mm. long, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 3 mm. above base to 1.5 mm., thence cylindrical or nearly so to tip, the upper lip erect, linear, about 4 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, obtuse at tip, the lower lip ovate, more or less spreading, 3-lobed at tip; stamens exserted 4 mm. beyond mouth of corolla tube, glabrous, the anthers linear, 2.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide; capsules clavate, about 12 mm. long, 3 mm. broad and 1.5 mm. thick, glabrous; retinacula 2.5 mm. long, obtuse and erose at the rather narrow obtuse tip; seed whitish and strongly muricate, becoming brown and more or less smooth at maturity, then suborbicular, flat- tened, slightly oblique at base, 2.5 mm. long and broad, 0.5 mm. thick. Type in the Gray Herbarium, collected along stream in forest, Rio LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III A477 San Raphael, below Cerro Tatam4, Department of Caldas, Colombia, 2,500 to 2,800 meters altitude, September 7-11, 1922, by Francis W. Pennell (No. 10414). Habracanthus pennellir is closely related to and resembles in many respects H. scolnikae from the Department of Antioquia. In H. pennellit the calyx lobes, although they bear scattered glandular trichomes like H. scolnikae, are linear and abruptly acute instead of being gradually narrowed from the base to a slender tip. The leaf blades of H. scolnikae, although small and ovate like those of H. pennellii, are acutely acuminate instead of subobtuse or bluntly short- acuminate. The corollas also are different in the two species: H. scolnikae has sulphur-yellow corollas reaching 15 mm. in length, where- as those of H. pennellii are lake-red and not over 12 mm.long. Both species are rank herbs with relatively thick tumid stems. Only the uppermost leaves are represented by the type material of H. pennellii. The lower stem leaves might possibly be much larger than the dimensions given in the description. 29. Habracanthus microcalyx Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 179 Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel sursum parce et bifariam puberulis, pilis recurvatis et subappressis; folia caulina ignota; lamina foliorum panicularum aliquanto parva, ovata, breviter acuminata, basi cuneata, aliquanto firma, integra, glabra vel parce hirtella, pilis rigidis; petioli graciles, parce et minute hirtelli, cysto- lithis minutis et aliquanto inconspicuis; paniculae terminales et axillares, densae, multi-ramosae, ramis glabris vel parce puberulis, pilis recurvatis, cystolithis sub lente aliquanto conspicuis; pedicelli eraciles, puberuli, pilis patulis vel recurvatis, septatis; calycis seg- merta subulata, apice recurvata, pilis paucis, acutis et pilis glandu- losis longioribus intermixtis praedita; corolla rubra (?), glabra, tubo anguste infundibuliformi, labio superiore erecto, oblongo- elliptico, apice subobtuso, labio inferiore patulo, ovato, apice trun- cato, 3-lobato, lobis brevibus, rotundatis; stamina ignota; ovarium glabrum. Herbs; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or the upper portions sparingly and bifariously puberulous, the hairs up to 0.1 mm. long, recurved and subapressed; stem leaves not seen, those of the panicles narrowly ovate, up to 6 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate, cuneate at base, moderately firm, entire, glabrous or sparingly hir- tellous, the hairs rigid, up to 0.1 mm. long; petioles slender, about 0.5 mm. long, sparingly and minutely hirtellous, the cystoliths minute and rather inconspicuous; panicles dense, much branched, terminal and axillary, occurring for some distance along the stems, the internodes 5 to 12 cm. long, the branches of the panicles dicho- 478 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM tomous, 3 to 8 cm. long, slender, 1 to 0.25 mm. thick, glabrous or sparingly puberulous, the hairs up to 0.13 mm. long, recurved, the cystoliths rather conspicuous under a lens; pedicels up to 2 mm. long, 0.25 mm. thick, rather densely puberulous with spreading or recurved septate hairs up to 0.16 mm. long; calyx up to 8 mm. long, glabrous or bearing on the margins and tips of the segments a few gland- tipped trichomes up to 0.32 mm. long intermixed with minute rigid acute hairs about 0.08 mm. long, the segments subulate, 1 mm. AT RSS - — ‘ so 3 aD _\ ( —< wy 1 x | 6 ~ ; a \ yi RY ~ . dp \, \! | Mi i Figure 179.—Habracanthus microcalyx Leonard (Ariste-Joseph A 224): a, Node showing axillary panicle; , leaf from inflorescence; ¢, calyx; d, tip of calyx segment enlarged to show hairs; ¢, corolla. (a, b, Natural size; c, about 3 times natural size; d, 40 times natural size; ¢, 244 times natural size.) wide at base, gradually narrowed into a slender recurving tip; corolla 17 mm. long, red (?), glabrous, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, nar- rowed to 1 mm. at 2 mm. above base, thence gradually enlarged to 3 mm. at mouth, the upper lip oblong-elliptic, erect, 8 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, subobtuse and entire at tip, the lower lip spreading, ovate, 9 mm. long, 7 mm. wide, truncate and 3-lobed at tip, the lobes 1 mm. long, about 2 mm. wide, rounded; stamens not seen; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 888432, collected at Bogoté, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 1911, by Bro. Ariste-Joseph (No. A224). LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 479 30. Habracanthus hylobius Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 180 Herba ramis elongatis, caulibus subquadrangularibus, deorsum glabris, sursum plus minusve puberulis, pilis curvatis ; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovato vel oblongo-elliptica, breviter acuminata vel acuta, basi cuneata, plus minusve firma, integra vel obscure et leviter undulata, utrinque parce puberula, pilis praecipue in costa et venis lateralibus positis, venulis crasse reticulatis, cystolithis parvis sed multis et sub lente conspicuis; petioli aliquanto puberuli; paniculae terminales et axillares, ramis furcatis, floribus plus minusve secundis, rhache et rachillis aliquanto dense hirtellis, pilis patulis vel recurvatis, septatis, pedicellis erectis vel ascendentibus, hirtellis, ramis infimis foliis parvis suffultis; bracteae subulatae, acutae, parce hirtellae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, apice gracilia (apice ipso subobtuso), minute et parce hirtella, pilis acutis parvis septatis patulis vel ascendentibus et pilis glandulosis paucis longioribus intermixtis; corolla punicea, glabra, tubo anguste infundibuliformi, labio superiore erecto, lineari, apice recurvato, subacuto, labio in- feriore patulo, ovato, apice rotundato, 3-lobato, lobis ovatis, brevi- bus, obtusis; stamina exserta, glabra, antheris oblongis, utrinque muticis; capsulae clavatae, glabrae; retinacula fere recta, minute et graciliter striata, apice subacuta, obscure lacerata; semina plana, suborbicularia, albida (immatura), brunnea (matura), levia, margini- bus muricatis. Herbs up to 1 meter high, the branches elongate; stems subquad- rangular, glabrous below, more or less puberulous toward tip, the hairs curved, up to 0.11 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-ovate or oblong- elliptic, up to 18 cm. long and 7 cm. wide, short-acuminate, acute at base, rather firm, entire or obscurely undulate, both surfaces rather sparingly puberulous, the hairs confined chiefly to the costa and lateral veins (usually about 12 pairs), the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, sub- appressed, the venation rather prominent especially on the lower surface of the blades, the veinlets coarsely reticulate, the cystoliths minute but conspicuous under a lens; petioles 1 to 5 cm. long, sparingly puberulous; panicles terminal and axillary, the axillary ones borne for a considerable distance down the stems, the dense terminal part of the inflorescence ovoid-pyramidal, up to 22 cm. long and 12 cm. broad, the flowers more or less secund on the forked branches of the inflorescence, often with a flower in the fork, the rachis and rachilla rather densely hirtellous, the hairs spreading or recurved, up to 0.11 mm. long, sep- tate, the pedicels erect or ascending, usually 1 to 3 mm. long, hirtel- lous, the hairs similar to those of the rachilla, the main nodes of the inflorescence bearing small leaves, the ultimate nodes producing subulate bracts up to about 6 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, gradually narrowed from base into a slender tip, sparingly hirtellous; fully 480 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM developed calyces 10 to 12 mm. long, minutely and sparingly hirtel- lous, the acute hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, spreading or ascending, septate, these intermixed with spreading gland-tipped trichomes up to 0.25 mm. long, the segments of the calyx 9 to 10 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed into a rather bluntish tip; corollas Ficure 180.—Habracanthus hylobius Leonard (von Sneidern 647): a, Leaf; b, branch of inflorescence from near the base of the terminal panicle; c, tip of same; d, one of the ultimate nodes of the panicle showing bracts; e, portion of a rachilla enlarged to show pubescence; f, calyx; g, portion of calyx segment from near its tip, enlarged to show pubescence; h, corolla; 7, tip of the upper lip of corolla; j, lower lip of same; k, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, c, natural size; d, f, i, j, 3 times natural size; ¢, 32 times natural size; g, 40 times natural size; h, twice natural size; &, 6 times natural size.) bright red, glabrous, 20 to 25 mm. long, 3 mm. broad at base, en- larged to 3.5 mm. at just above base, then again slightly narrowed and then gradually enlarged to 5 mm. at the mouth of corolla tube, the upper lip erect, linear, 12 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, subcarinate, the tip more or less recurved and curled, subacute, the lower lip spreading, ovate, 12 mm. long, 7.5 mm. wide, rounded and 3-lobed LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 481 at tip, the lobes 1 mm. long and broad, obtuse; stamens exserted about 15 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers oblong, 4 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad, rounded at both ends; style slightly exceeding the stamens, glabrous, the stigma minute; capsules clavate, 12 mm. long, 4.5 mm. wide, 2.5 mm. thick; retinacula 2 mm. long, minutely and delicately striate, nearly straight, the upper portion oblong, the tip subacute, obscurely lacerate; seed suborbicular, flattish, about 2 mm. in diameter and 0.5 mm. thick, whitish, becom- ing brown at maturity, more or less muricate, becoming smooth at maturity except at margins. Type in the herbarium of the Riksmuseet, Stockholm, collected in virgin forest at Munchique, near the village of El Tambo, Depart- ment of Cauca, Colombia, 2,500 meters altitude, April 26, 1936, by Kjell von Sneidern (No. 647). The following are paratypes: Cauca: Virgin forests at La Costa, near the village of El Tambo, 1,800 meters altitude, March 7, 1935, von Sneidern 491 (S); 900 meters altitude, March 19, 1936, von Sneidern 621 (S); 1,600 meters altitude, May 28, 1936, von Snetdern 703 (8). Western bank of the Rio Munchique, Cordillera Occidental, 2,400 meters altitude, July 23, 1948, H. Garcia-Barriga, J. G. Hawkes & M. Villarreal, 12945 (US). Cerro de Munchique, Cordillera Occidental, above the Rio Tambito, 2,000 to 2,500 meters altitude, July 16, 1939, H. Pérez-Arbeldez & J. Cuatrecasas 6260 (Col). CuNDINAMARCA: Wet forested hillside, along the road from Bogoté to Fusaga- sugd4, near San Miguel, eastern Cordillera, April 30, 1944, EB. P. Killip 38086 (US). Salto de Tequendama, 2,800 meters altitude, July 1855, Triana s.n. (Col). Huiua: Virgin forest at La Plata, 2,600 meters altitude, March 14, 1939, Kjell von Snetdern 2645 (8). Touma: Aguadita, January 27, 1938, Bro. Laureano Javier 17 (US). Quindio, 2,300 meters altitude, February 1852, Trianas.n. (Col). Without DEFINITE LOCALITY: J. Trianas.n. (NY). Mutts 1508 (US). The specific epithet is from the Greek t\dfios, living in the woods. 31. Habracanthus scolnikae Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 181 Suffrutex, caulibus quadrangularibus, parce hirtellis, pilis retrorse appressis vel interdum paulo patentibus, deorsum glabratis, nodis tumidis; lamina foliorum ovata vel oblongo-ovata, breviter acuminata, basi rotundata vel obtusa vel acuta in petiolum decurrens, utrinque inconspicue puberula, pilis subappressis vel subpatentibus, costa et venis lateralibus aliquanto conspicuis, cystolithis minutis, paucis, incon- spicuis; petioli graciles, strigosi; paniculae terminales et axillares, tenues, ramis 1- vel 2-furcatis, foliis parvis sessilibus, cordatis suffultis, rhachibus et pedicellis gracillimis, parce vel aliquanto hirtellis, pilis ascendentibus, septatis; bracteae parvae, subulatae, minute ciliatae; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, acuminata (apice ipso sub- obtusa), parce et minute hirtella, apice aliquando pilis minutis paucis glandulosis praedita, glandulis brunneis, elongatis; corolla sulphurea, 482 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM glabra, tubo subcylindrico, labio superiore lineari, apice rotundata, labio inferiore suborbiculari, 3-lobato, lobis brevibus, rotundatis; stamina exserta, glabra, antheris linearibus, utrinque muticis; stigma minutum; capsulae clavatae, glabrae; semina subbrunnea, muricata. Suffrutescent plants up to 2 meters high; stems subquadrangular (the angles rounded), sparingly puberulous, the hairs closely and re- Ficure 181.—Habracanthus scolnikae Leonard (Scolnik, Barva-Lopez€9 Barkley 19 An. 199): a, Tip of plant to show inflorescence; b, a lower node to show tumescence and small lateral panicles; c, cross-section of stem near node to show pith area; d, calyx; ¢, portion of pedicel enlarged to show pubescence; f, a trichome from near tip of calyx segment; & portion of marginal region of calyx segment enlarged to show ciliation; h, corolla; 1, anther; j, retinaculum; &, capsule valve. (a, Natural size; b, c, h, twice natural size; d, 3 times natural size; ¢, 50 times natural size; f, g, 30 times natural size; 7, 344 times natural size; 7, 54 times natural size; &, 144 times natural size.) trorsely appressed, or a few somewhat spreading, up to 0.13 mm. long, the lower portion of the stems 9 mm. in diameter or more, glabrate, the nodes swollen, the internodes 10 cm. long, the pith white and about 7 mm. in diameter; leaf blades ovate to oblong-ovate, up to 7 cm. long and 3.8 cm. wide, short-acuminate, rounded, obtuse or acute at base and decurrent on the petiole, thin, entire, both sur- faces inconspicuously puberulous, the hairs subappressed or spreading, LEONARD—-THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 483 up to 0.5 mm. long, the costa, lateral veins (7 or 8 pairs) and the coarsely reticulate veinlets moderately conspicuous, the cystoliths minute, sparse, inconspicuous, up to 0.16 mm. long; petioles slender, the unwinged portion up to 2 cm. long, strigose; flowers borne in small delicate terminal and axillary racemes 3 to 8 cm. long and 2 to 4.5 cm. broad, the peduncles 0.5 to 5 cm. long, sparingly and inconspicuously hirtellous, the branches of the panicle once or twice forked (sometimes with a flower in the first fork) and subtended by subsessile cordate acuminate recurved leaves 0.5 to 4 cm. long and 0.3 to 2 cm. wide, the pedicels and secondary branches of the panicle subtended by subulate bracts 2 to 5 mm. long and about 0.5 mm. wide, acute, minutely ciliate and sparingly hirtellous or glabrate, the lowermost internodes about 12 mm. long, the others successively shorter, the pedicels 1 to 4 mm. long, both the pedicels (0.24 mm. thick) and branches very slender, sparingly to moderately hirtellous, the hairs ascending, up to 0.16 mm. long, septate; calyx segments narrowly triangular, 5 to 8 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender bluntish tip, sparingly and minutely hirtellous, the hairs ascending, the segments sometimes bearing at or near the tips a few long (0.4 mm.) hairs tipped by conical elongated brownish glands; corolla sulphur yellow, glabrous, reaching 15 mm. in length, the tube 3 mm. broad at base, enlarged at 2 mm. above base to 3.5 mm., thence narrowed at 4 mm. above base to 2.5 mm., from there gradually enlarged to 3.5 mm. at mouth, the upper lip linear, 7 mm. long, 1 mm. wide (flower young), rounded at tip, the lower lip suborbicular, 5 mm. long and 4 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes 0.5 mm. long, and 0.75 mm. wide, rounded; stamens exserted about 7 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, glabrous, the anthers 3.5 mm. long, 1.25 mm. broad, rounded at both ends; style slightly exceeding the stamens, glabrous, the stigma minute; capsules clavate, glabrous, 15 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, 3 mm. thick; retinacula 2 mm. long, linear-cucullate at tip, inconspicuously erose; seed light brownish (immature), 2 mm. long and broad, strongly muricate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1995126, collected in a damp woods on a pdéramo 10 km. east of Sons6n, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 2,700 meters altitude, March 18, 1949, by Rosa Scolnik, Nemesio Barva Lépez, and Fred A. Barkley (No. 19An.199). Garcia-Barriga’s No. 4857, collected at Yanaca, Maripi, Depart- ment of Antioquia, July 22, 1936, may also be of this species. The relatively small thin leaf blades, numerous small delicate panicles of sulphur yellow flowers, and all the main branches of the panicles being subtended by small, sessile, cordate, pointed leaves are characters marking Habracanthus scolnikae. 484 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 34. HANSTEINIA Oerst. Hansteinia Oerst. Nat. For. Kjébenhavn Vid. Medd, 1854: 142. 1854. Named for Dr. Johannes Hanstein. Type species: Hansteinia gracilis Oerst. Type collected by Oersted in Costa Rica. Galeottia Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 311. 1847. Based on a single species, G. gracilis Nees, from Veracruz, México. Glockeria Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 728. 1847. A renaming of Galeoitia Nees, non Rupr. (1842), non A. Rich. (1845); non Glockeria Goeppert, Nov. Act. Acad. Caes. Leop. 17: 379, pl. 39, figs. 2,3. 1836. Herbaceous or shrubby plants; flowers borne usually in terminal and axillary loose thyrsiform panicles; bracts small and subulate, calyx segments 5, narrow, equal; corollas red or yellow, tubular, narrow, usually constricted just above the ovary, thence abruptly and somewhat obliquely enlarged and oblong, often slightly constricted again at mouth, the upper lip erect, entire, the lower scarcely distinct from the corolla tube, 3-lobed; stamens 2, attached at tip of corolla tube, exserted, the anthers 1-celled, obtuse; capsules glabrous, clavate 4-seeded, the lower half stipiform and solid; seed compressed, lenticular, roughened. Four species have been described in this genus, one from Bolivia and three from México and Central America. 1. Hansteinia charitopes Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 182 Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris, cystolithis in- conspicuis; lamina foliorum oblongo-lanceolata, aliquanto graciliter acuminata, basi cuneata, aliquanto tenuis, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra vel supra in costa inconspicue strigosa, venis subtus prominentibus, supra obscuris, cystolithis sub lente conspicuis; paniculae longae, angustae, laxae; bracteae ultimae parvae, tri- angulari-subulatae, inferiores foliaceae; rhachis et rhachillae glabrae, cystolithis minutis sed sub lente conspicuis; pedicelli graciles, glabri, cystolithis minutis conspicuis; calyx parvus, segmentis lineari-lanceolatis, acutis, glabris vel apice pilis paucos minutis gerentibus, cystolithis minutis sub lente conspicuis; corolla rubra, apice subpurpurea, glabra, tubo basi angusto, supra abrupte dilatato, labiis erectis, subaequalibus, labio superiore ovato, rotundato, labio inferiore trilobato, lobis suborbicularibus, apice rotundatis; stamina inclusa, glabra, antheris utrinque muticus; stylus leviter exsertus; stigma minutum; ovarium glabrum. Erect herbs up to 1.5 meters high; stems subquadrangular, glabrous, the cystoliths inconspicuous, up to 0.112 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-lanceolate, up to 16 cm. long and 4 cm. wide, rather slenderly acuminate at tip, cuneate at base, rather thin, entire or undulate, both surfaces glabrous or the costa of the upper surface inconspicuously strigose, the costa and lateral veins and veinlets conspicuous beneath, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 485 obscure above, the cystoliths up to 0.08 mm. long, conspicuous under a lens; flowers borne in a long narrow lax panicle, the small triangular- subulate bracts (3 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base) gradually inter- grading into the stem leaves; rachis and rachilla glabrous, bearing minute cystoliths, these conspicuous under a lens; ultimate bracts subulate or linear-subulate, 1.5 to 2.5 mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide, the cystoliths minute but conspicuous; pedicels slender, up to 15 mm. long and 0.25 mm. thick, glabrous and bearing minute cystoliths; calyx 4 mm. long, glabrous except a few minute acute hairs at tips Ficure 182.—Hansteinia charitopes Leonard (Fosberg 19791): a, Upper half of panicle; b, lower node of panicle; ¢, leaf blade; d, bracts; ¢, calyx; f, anther; g, corolla. (a, d, Natural size; c, half natural size; d, 5 times natural size; ¢, 6 times natural size; f, 7 times natural size; g, 144 times natural size.) of the segments, these linear-lanceolate, 3.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide at base, acute, bearing numerous minute cystoliths (0.032 to 0.08 mm. long) conspicuous under a lens; corolla 2 cm. long, red, purplish toward tip (Fosberg), glabrous, the tube 1.5 mm. broad at base, at 3 mm. above base abruptly enlarged to 8 mm., 6 mm. broad at throat, the lips erect, subequal, 3.5 mm. long, the upper lip ovate, 2.5 mm. wide, rounded, the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes 2 mm. long and broad, obtuse; stamens reaching the tips of the corolla lips, glabrous, the anthers 4 mm. long, 1.5 mm. thick, muticous; style 486 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM slightly exserted, the stigma minute; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045407, collected on a steep slope in a wet forest at the headwaters of the Rio Fortalecillas, just below Paso de Las Cruces, 39 km. east of Neiva, Department of Huila, Colombia, 2,300 meters altitude, January 19, 1943, by F. R. Fosberg (No. 19791). Isotype: US. The specific epithet is from the Greek xapird&rns, meaning graceful. 35. STENOSTEPHANUS Nees Stenostephanus Nees in Mart. Fl. Bras. 9: 91. 1847. Zrevés, narrow, and arépavos, crown or wreath, alluding possibly to the narrow thyrsoid panicle. Type species: Stenostephanus lobeliaeformis Nees. Type collected in damp woods of Serra dos Orgiios, Brazil, by Khotzky. Herbs or shrubs; leaves usually thin, ovate, oblong or oblong- obovate; flowers red, yellow or pink, borne in a narrow terminal thyr- soid panicle; bracts subtending the flowers small; calyx 5-parted, the segments linear, equal; corolla contracted at base into a short narrow portion, upwardly abruptly enlarged and ventricose, narrowed slightly in throat, the limb bilabiate, the lips short, the upper narrow, entire, the lower lip shortly 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, obtuse or rounded; stamens 2; staminodes sometimes present; anthers 1-celled; style filiform, about as long as the stamens, the stigma minute; capsules clavate, the lower half stipiform, solid and sterile, the upper half more or less compressed, 4-seeded, the seed orbicular, flattened, usually verrucose. Six species have been described, all from South America. eo Figure 196.—Justicia chrysocoma Leonard, a-g (Killip (9 Smith 16797) and Justicta rohris Vahl, h-m (Killip t? Smith 21100): a, Tip of plant showing inflorescence and leaves; b, bract; c, bractlet; d, calyx; ¢, pubescence from margin of bract; f, corolla; g, anther; h, bract; i, bractlet; 7, calyx; &, pubescence from margin of bract; /, corolla; m, anther. i(a, Half natural size; b-d, h-j, twice natural size; ¢, 12 times natural size; f, /, natura sze; g, 344 times natural size; k, 10 times natural size; m, 3 times natural size.) glandular ones), up to 35 mm. long, the tube 3 mm. broad at base, enlarged to 4 mm. and reduced to 3 mm. at 4 mm. above base, thence gradually enlarged to 4 or 5 mm. at mouth, the lips subequal, 12 to 528 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 15 mm. long, the upper lip erect, ovate, about 8 mm. wide at base, obtuse at tip, the lower lip strongly recurved, about 5 mm. wide near tip, 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, 3 to 5 mm. long, obtuse or rounded, the middle one 2 mm. wide, the lateral ones slightly narrower; stamens exserted, reaching tip of the upper lip of the corolla, the filaments flat, adnate to the corolla tube about 5 mm. below its mouth, glabrous or bearing a few minute hairs near base, the anther lobes slightly superposed, nearly parallel, 2mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, the lower cell ending in a blunt whitish tail about 0.5 mm. long and 0.25 mm. broad ; pistil slightly shorter than the stamens, sparingly and minutely hirtellous; capsules clavate, 15 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, 3 mm. thick, finely hirtellous, the hairs about 125y long, those at the tip spreading, the others retrorse; retinacula 2 mm. long, flat and truncate at tip; seeds suborbicular, flattened, about 2.5 mm. broad and long, strongly papillose. Type in the U.S. National Herbarium, No. 1352491, collected in a thicket between Surata and California, Department of Santander, Colombia, 1,740 to 2,000 meters altitude, January 8-11, 1927, by K. P. Killip & Albert C. Smith (No. 16797). Isotypes: GH, NY. MAGDALENA: Forest near stream above Manaure, 800 meters altitude, Haught 3947 (US). Cincinati, Giacometto 80 (US). SANTANDER: Woods between El Roble and Toma, 1,500 to 1,900 meters, Killip & Smith 19391 (GH, NY, US). Thicket in the Rfo Suraté Valley, between El Jaboncillo and Suratdé, 1,500 to 1,800 meters altitude, Killip & Smith 16462 (GH, NY, US). Justicia chrysocoma is closely related to J. rohrit, the inflorescences of the two species being quite similar in general appearance. Several striking differences exist, however. In J. chrysocoma, the leaf blades, especially on the lower surface, the petioles, stems, and internodes of the inflorescence are densely subtomentose with golden hairs, the bracts, bractlets, and calyces, as well as the internodes of the inflorescence, bear no patelliform hairs, and the corollas are pink or red. On the other hand, in J. rohrii the stems are minutely puber- ulous, the leaves are almost, if not entirely, glabrous, the bracts, bractlets, and calyces, as well as the internodes of the inflorescence, bear, in addition to the pointed hairs, some terminating in large patelliform glands, and the corollas are white or yellowish. There is also a marked difference in size. The plants of J. rohrii rarely exceed 2 meters in height, whereas those of J. chrysocoma may reach as much as 6 meters. The characters delineating J. chrysocoma are not so well marked in Haught’s No. 3947. A fair percentage of the hairs of the inflores- cence is patelliform, and the tomentum is neither so dense nor of so LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 529 golden a yellow as in typical specimens. Haught’s plant seems to be intermediate between J. chrysocoma and J. rohrii. The specific epithet, chrysocoma, is from the Greek xpvadkopos, golden-haired. 17. Justicia chrysea Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 197 Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus (angulis rotundatis) deorsum retrorse puberulis vel glabratis, pilis curvatis, sursum hirsutis, pilis rectis vel leviter curvatis, patulis vel plus minusve retrorsis, fulvis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata vel oblongo-elliptica, acuta vel breviter acuminata, basi obtusa vel acuta, aliquanto firma, integra, supra hirsuta, pilis ascendentibus vel subappressis, fulvis, subtus hirsuta, pilis praecipue in costa et venis prominentibus positis, cystolithis supra minutis et inconspicuis, subtus pluribus et conspicuis; petioli hirsuti; rami apice dense aureo-hirsuti, pilis patulis, longis; pedunculi terminales, solitarii, quadrangulares, dense aureo-hirsuti, apice furcati; spicae solitariae vel plures, rhachibus et pedunculis dense hirsutis; bracteae firmae, lanceolatae, acutae, glabrae vel apice parce hirsutae, marginibus dense ciliatis, pilis fulvis, longis, costa prominente; brac- teae firmae, subulatae, carinatae, ciliatae; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, graciliter acuta, sursum ciliata; corolla pallide lilacina, deorsum glabra, sursum hirsuta, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore triangulo-ovato, acuto, labio inferiore 3-lobato, lobis parvis, rotund- atis; stamina vix exserta, lobis antherarum superpositis, glabris, suberectis, lobo inferiore basi calcarato; capsulae (immaturae) clav- atae, sursum puberulae, deorsum glabrae; retinacula leviter curvata, apice anguste cucullata. Herbs; stems subquadrangular with rounded angles, the lower parts retrorsely puberulous or glabrate, the hairs curved, about 0.1 mm. long, the upper portions hirsute, the hairs straight or slightly curved, spreading or more or less retrorse, yellowish brown, up to 1.5 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-ovate or oblong-elliptic, up to 10.5 cm. long and 4 cm. wide, acute or short-acuminate (the tip itself subacute), obtuse or acute at base, moderately firm, entire, the upper surface moderately hirsute, the hairs ascending or subappressed, up to 1.5 mm. long, yellowish brown, the lower surface hirsute, the hairs densest on costa and lateral veins (about 10 pairs), these prominent beneath, less so above, the hairs similar to those of the upper surface, the cystoliths minute and obscure on the upper surface, more numerous and conspicuous on the lower surface; petioles up to 3 cm. long, those of the upper leaves more or less densely hirsute, those of the lower leaves glabrate or puberulous, the tip of the branches densely golden hirsute, the hairs mostly spreading and up to 1.5 mm. long; peduncles terminal, solitary, up to 7 cm. long, quadrangular, densely hirsute 530 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM with golden spreading or slightly retrorse hairs up to 1.5 mm. long, branching at tip and producing 1 to several spikes up to 5 cm. long and 8 mm. broad, the rachis, like the peduncles, densely hirsute; bracts firm, lanceolate, 8 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide, gradually nar- Ficure 197.—Justicia chrysea Leonard (Cuatrecasas 13731): a, Tip of plant showing in- florescence and leaves; b, bract; ¢, one of a pair of bractlets and the calyx; d, hairs on margin of bractlet; e, anther. (a, Natural size; b, c, 4 times natural size; d, 26 times natural size; ¢, 8 times natural size.) rowed from below middle to an acute tip, glabrous or sparingly hirsute dorsally except the margins, these rather densely ciliate, the hairs mostly ascending, those near base up to 1.5 mm. long, the others about 0.75 mm. long, all yellowish brown, the costa broad, low but prominent, flanked by 2 pairs of marginal nerves; bractlets firm, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 531 subulate, 6 mm. long, about 0.5 mm. wide, carinate, ciliate, the hairs spreading or ascending, up to 0.5 mm. long; calyx 5.5 mm. long, the tube glabrous, the segments narrowly triangular, 0.75 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed from base to a slender tip, the lower portion glabrous, the upper ciliate, the hairs up to 0.5 mm. long; corolla (am- mature) light lilac, about 6 mm. long, the lower portion glabrous, hirsute above, the lips rather densely so, the upper lip triangular- ovate, acute, the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes about 1 mm. long, rounded; stamens reaching the tip of the subequal lips, the lobes super- posed, about 1 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad, glabrous, the cells sub- vertically attached to the connective, the lower cell calcarate at base, the tail about 0.25 mm. long, blunt and whitish, the style about as long as the stamens, the stigma minute; capsule (immature) about 1 em. long, clavate, the upper half moderately puberulous, the lower solid stipate portion glabrous; retinacula 1.5 mm. long, the tip slightly curved, narrowly cucullate; seed not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1852681, collected in the valley of the Rio Anchicayé, Quebrada del Danubio, Department of El Valle, Colombia, 300 to 350 meters altitude, December 20, 1942, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 13731). Justicia chrysea should be readily recognizable because of the dense golden stiffish hairs, especially those clothing the branchlets. The specific epithet is from the Greek word, xpiceos, golden. 18. Justicia chaetocephala (Mildbr.) Leonard, comb. nov. Beloperone chaetocephala Mildbr. Notizblatt Bot. Gart. Berlin 11: 70. 1930. Type in the Berlin Herbarium, collected at La Portada, Santa Marta, Department of Magdalena, Colombia, 250 meters altitude, December 23, 1926, by Arnold Schultze, No. 679. Photograph US (Field Mus. No. 8925). Name is from xalrn, hair, and xepadn, head. Slender, sometimes half scandent shrubs up to 1.5 meters high; stems subquadrangular, 4-sulcate, glabrous to moderately puberulous, the hairs curved, subappressed, about 0.25 mm. long; internodes 1 to 9 em. long; leaf blades elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, 3 to 12 cm. long, 1 to 5 cm. wide, acuminate, acute to obtuse at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous or the costa puberulous, the cystoliths numerous and conspicuous under a lens, the lower sur- face more or less minutely punctate, sparingly to moderately puberu- lous, the hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, spreading or ascending, the cys- toliths usually less conspicuous than above, the costa and lateral veins (5 to 7 pairs) more prominent than above; petioles rather slender, up to 3 cm. long, puberulous; flowers borne in crowded terminal subcapitate corymbs; lower bracts usually foliaceous, lanceolate, about 2 cm. long and 5 mm. wide, slenderly acuminate; upper bracts linear-filiform, up to 4 cm. long, 0.5 to 0.75 mm. wide, more or less triangular in cross 532 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM section, rather densely hirtellous, the hairs ascending, 0.5 mm. long, sometimes a few additional gland-tipped hairs present; bractlets similar but slightly shorter; calyx up to 13 mm. long, deeply seg- mented, the segments lanceolate, 1.5 to 2 mm. wide, acuminate, rather sparingly hirtellous and ciliate, the hairs ascending, up to 0.5 mm. long; corolla 3.5 to 4 cm. long, bright red, scarlet or pink, sparingly glandular-pubescent, the hairs 75 to 150u long, the tube 2.5 cm. long, 3 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 4 mm. above base to 2.5 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 5 mm. at mouth, the upper lip erect, lance-ovate, 2.5 cm. long, 6 mm. wide near base, bidentate at tip, the lobes 1 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, spreading from a rounded sinus, the lower lip spreading, 3-lobed, about 2 cm. long, the lobes obovate, subequal, about 1 cm. long and 7 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens exserted about 12 mm. beyond mouth of corolla tube, the filaments glabrous; anther cells widely divergent, slightly superposed, the upper cell horizontal, 2.5 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, muticous at base, the lower cell 3 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad, the basal spur white, blunt, 0.3 mm. long, the connective about 1 mm. broad; pistil exserted 1 em. beyond mouth of corolla tube, glabrous; ovary glabrous. Endemic. Limited to damp forests or thickets of Magdalena. Haught’s No. 3716 was collected at 300 meters altitude. Vageler’s No. 22, a paratype probably in the Berlin Herbarium, was cited by Mildbraed. This was collected in a forest at Banco, Department of Magdalena. MacpatENna: Road to east from Becerril, about 60 km. northeast of Chiriguana, Haught 2302 (US). Forest of Cerro Chimichagua, about 4 km. north of Chimi- chagua, Haught 2360 (US). Damp forest near Codazzi, Haught 3716 (US). Forests near La Jagua, 40 km. northeast of Chiriguand, Cyril Allen 628 (GH); Haught 2283 (US); Haught 3645 (US). Bushland, lower Magdalena, Dawe 440 K, US). Wareoun LOCALITY: Mutts 3904 (US). 19. Justicia croceochlamys Leonard, sp. nov. Fiaure 198 Herba vel suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel sursum bifariam strigosis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, subacuta vel breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata et in petiolum decurrens, firma, undulata, glabra, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus; petioli glabri; thyrsus terminalis, subhelicoideus, pedunculis et internodiis inflorescentiae quadrangularibus, bifariam et retrorse hirsutis; bracteae infimae foliaceae; bracteae cymas subten- dentes graciliter lanceolatae, glabrae vel parce hirsutae; bracteae flores subtendentes filiformes, longae, flavae, graciliter striatae, parce ciliatae; bracteolae bracteis similes sed longiores; calycis segmenta flava, lanceolata, graciliter acuta, striata, ciliata; corolla longa, alba, parce glanduloso-pubescens, tubo subcylindrico, intus basi dense hirsuto, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 533 labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore erecto, oblongo-ovato, apice emarginato, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, 3-lobato, lobis ob- longis, apice rotundatis; stamina exserta, in labio antico corollae declinata, lobis antherarum leviter superpositis, lobo superiore obliquo, inferiore fere recto, basi calcarato; ovarium glabrum. Ficure 198.— Justicia croceochlamys Leonard (Cuatrecasas 7383): a, Tip of plant to show inflorescence and leaves; b, portion of leaf blade (under surface) in detail to show venation; c, bract and bractlets; d, one of the calyx segments; ¢, anther. (a, b, Natural size; c, d, 244 times natural size; ¢, about 3 times natural size.) Herbs or suffrutescent plants up to 70 cm. high; stems subquad- rangular, the angles rounded, glabrous or the tips bifariously strigose, the hairs up to 0.5 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 25 cm. long and 7 cm. wide, subacute to short-acuminate (the tip itself 534 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM blunt), narrowed to base and decurrent on the petiole, firm, undulate, glabrous, the costa, lateral veins (9 or 10 pairs) and veinlets prominent, but more so beneath than above; petioles up to 1.5 cm. long, glabrous; flowers borne in terminal subhelicoid thyrsi up to 7 em. long and 5 cm. wide, the peduncles about 1 cm. long, these and the internodes of the inflorescence (the lowermost 1 cm. long, the others successively shorter) quadrangular, enlarging at tip, bifariously and retrorscly hirsute, the hairs about 0.75 mm. long, whitish; bracts subtending the lowermost cymes leaflike, about 3 cm. long and 1 cm. wide, those subtending the cymes slenderly lanceolate, up to 4 cm. long and 2.5 mm. wide, glabrous or sparingly hirsute, those subtending the flowers filiform, up to 3 cm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, yellow, finely striate, sparingly ciliate, the hairs up to 1 mm. long; bractlets similar to the bracts but somewhat longer; calyx yellow, 18 mm. long, the tube about 1 mm. long, the segments lanceolate, about 2 mm. wide, gradually narrowed from below middle to a slender tip, finely striate, ciliate, the hairs up to 0.75 mm. long; corollas about 4 em. long, rather sparingly glandular-pubescent without, white, the tube subcylindrical, about 8 mm. broad at mouth and 5 mm. at base, slightly narrowed at about 5 mm. above base, densely hirsute within at base, the lips subequal, the upper lip erect, oblong-ovate, 6 mm. wide near base, emarginate at tip, the lower lip more or less spreading, 3-lobed nearly to the base, the lobes oblong, about 4 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens almost reaching the tip of the upper lip of the corolla, the anther lobes slightly superposed, the upper lobe obliquely attached, 4 mm. long, the lower nearly vertical, about 5 mm. long, calcarate, the tail 0.5 mm. long, both lobes pilose dorsally; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1774448, collected in woods at San José del Guaviare, Cafio Grande, Comisarfa del Vaupés, Colombia, 240 meters altitude, November 2, 1939, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 7383). Philipson, Idrobo & Fernandez’ No. 1579 (BM, US), collected in dense humid forest along the Rio Guapaya, Sierra de la Macarena, Intendencia del Meta, 450 meters altitude, November 26, 1949, is also of this species. The relatively long and very slender yellow flower bracts serve to distinguish Justicia croceochlamys, which apparently has no close relative in Colombia. The specific epithet is from the Greek xpdxeos, yellow, and xdapbs, bract. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 535 20. Justicia bracteosa (Mildbr.) Leonard, comb. nov. Beloperone bracteosa Mildbr. Notizblatt Bot. Gart. Berlin 11: 69. 1930. Type in the Berlin Herbarium, collected at Aracataca, at the southern base of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Department of Magdalena, Colombia, 50 meters altitude, December 17, 1925, by Arnold Schultze (No. 234). Photograph US (Field Mus. No. 8923). The specific epithet, bracteosa, alludes to the conspicuous bracts. Erect, sparingly branched leafy shrubs up to 2.5 meters high; stems quadrangular, glabrous or finely puberulous, 4-sulcate (herbarium material), the internodes 1.5 to 8 cm. long and 4 to 6 mm. in diameter; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 28 cm. long and 12 cm. wide, acumi- nate, acute or the larger leaves obtuse at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous or minutely appressed pub- erulous, the hairs 0.25 mm. long, the lower surface glabrous or nearly so, the cystoliths of both surfaces obscure, 125 to 150 long, the costa and lateral veins (about 12 pairs) prominent beneath, less so above; petioles 2 to 5 cm. long, glabrous or sparingly puberulous, 1.5 to 2 mm. broad; inflorescence a dense ovoid-cylindrical panicle up to 30 cm. long and 8 cm. broad, usually acute at tip, one or more of the lateral stem branches often bearing smaller panicles; bracts conspicuous, greenish white, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, up to 4 cm. long, 5 to 6 mm. wide near base, filiform-acuminate, narrowed at base, thin, entire, finely; pubescent and; ciliate, the hairs white, ascending, about 0.5 mm. long, the costa rather prominent, the lateral veins obscure; bractlets similar to the bracts but somewhat narrower and shorter; calyx about 10 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments lanceolate, 7 to 8 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, acuminate, thin, greenish- white, softly and rather densely pubescent, except the glabrous basal portion, the hairs ascending, up to 1 mm. long; corolla lemon- yellow (Pennell), 25 to 33 mm. long, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, abruptly contracted to 1.5 mm. at 2.5 mm. above base, thence grad- ually enlarged to 4 mm. at throat, the upper lip erect, narrowly ovate, 13 mm. long, 5 mm. wide near base, thence gradually narrowed to a blunt tip, the lower lip spreading, about 15 mm. long, cuneate, 4 mm. wide near tip, gradually narrowed to base, 3-lobed, the lobes sub- equal, up to 2.5 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens 15 mm. long, adnate to corolla tube slightly below mouth, the filaments glabrous or minutely and sparingly hirtellous near base, the anther cells about 2 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad, superposed, one about 0.5 mm. above the other, the lower cell calcarate at base, the spur 0.75 mm. long, 0.25 mm. thick, rounded at tip, the connective narrow; style about 28 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma minute and capitate; 536 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM capsules clavate, 13 mm. long, 3.5 mm. broad, 3 mm. thick, finely pubescent, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, ascending at tip of capsule, the others retrorse; retinacula about 2 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide, flattened and truncate at tip; seed ovate, 3 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad near base, narrowed to a rounded tip. muricate. Vernacular names: “Cresta de gallo” (Bro. Elias) and “oallito”’ (Schultze). Justicia bracteosa is usually found in wooded regions at rather low altitudes (mostly from 20 to 500 meters). The densely bracted slender panicles, although greenish in color, nevertheless very con- spicuous, according to Haught. ATLANTICO: Barranquilla, Bro. Elias 1498 (US). Woods at Hacienda Riodulce, Los Pendales, Dugand & Jaramillo 4096 (US). Luruaco, Apolinar-Angel 488 (US); Bro. Elias 496 (Bog, US). Piojé, Bro. Elias 670 (US). Arroyo del Higu- erén, Usiacuri, Dugand & Garcia-Barriga 2272 (US). Usiaeurf, Bro. Elias 1180 (US). Botfvar: Buenavista, east of Sineé, Pennell 4021 (GH, US). Cartagena, Bro. Heriberto 276 (US): Bro. Hilarino-Angel 50 (US). Macpa.ena: Barro Blanco, Haught 4750 (US). Damp woods near Valledupar, Haught 3928 (US). SANTANDER: Bucaramanga, Sandeman 5999 (KK), Roadside north of Pescadero, on the Rfo Sogamoso, Steere 7095 (US). Dry sandy bank of Rio Chicamocha, Araque-M, & Barkley 188.275 (US). 21. Justicia chaponensis Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 199 » S} Herba, caulibus erectis, subquadrangularibus, sulcatis, sulcis in- conspicuis, puberulis et etiam pilosis, pilis magnis rectis, late patentibus, badiis, et parvis subappressis, curvatis intermixtis; lamina foliorum lanceolato-clliptica, apice acuta, basi angustata et in petiolem breviter decurrens, firma, undulata, supra dense pilosa, pilis ascendentibus, badiis, costa puberula et etiam longe pilosa, subtus pilosa, mar- ginibus ciliata, costa et venis utrinque prominentibus, cystolithis obscuris vel nullis; petioli aliquanto crassi, pilosi; spicae plures, axillares vel terminales, erectae vel ascendentes, floribus densis et secundis, pedunculis brevibus, rhachibus puberulis et etiam longe puosis, pilis longis, patulis, badiis; bracteae quadrifariae, dorsales steriles, ventrales flores subtendentes; bracteae steriles lineares, pilosae, pilis longis, fere in margine positis, badiis; bracteae flores subtendentes late elliptico-obovatae, cuspidatae, firmae, parce pilosae et dense ciliatae, pilis plus minusve patulis, badiis; bracteolae anguste lineares, dense ciliatae, pilis longis patulis, badiis; calycis segmenta 5, lanceolata, acuminata, parce hirtella et ciliata, pilis ascendentibus, costa obscura; corollae desunt; capsulae clavatae, basi glabrae, apice hirtellac, pilis patulis vel retrorse appressis. Herbs up to 1.6 meters high; stems erect, subquadrangular, in- conspicuously sulcate, both puberulous and pilose, the longer hairs LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 537 mostly spreading, straight, up to 2.25 mm. long, septate but not conspicuously so, the smaller hairs recurved and subappressed, up to 0.28 mm. long; leaf blades lance-elliptic, up to 18 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, acute at tip, narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, firm, undulate, the upper surface rather densely pilose, the hairs ascending, similar to those of the stem as are also the additional small curved hairs of the costa, the pubescence of the lower surface Ficure 199.—Justicia chaponensis Leonard (Lawrance 60): a, Node showing inflorescence and leaves; b, portion of stem enlarged to show pubescence; ¢, a hair from the stem; d, bract and bractlet; ¢, calyx; f, valve of capsule. (a, Half natural size; b, twice natural size; c, 10 times natural size; d, 3 times natural size; ¢, 5 times natural size; f, 3 times natural size.) similar to that of the upper except for the absence of the small curved hairs on the costa, the margins ciliate, the venation of both surfaces (lateral veins 9 to 10 pairs) rather prominent, the veinlets coarsely reticulate but not conspicuously so, the cystoliths minute and obscure, sometimes lacking; petioles up to 1.5 cm. long, pilose; spikes axillary, several pairs produced at each node, up to 12 em. long and about 1 cm. broad, the flowers secund, rather crowded, erect or ascending; ped- uncles up to 1 cm. long, pilose; rachis both pilose with long spreading 388179—57——15 538 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM hairs and puberulous with short curved subappressed ones; dorsal bracts sterile, linear, pilose, the hairs up to 3.25 mm. long, mostly marginal, more or less spreading, brown; ventral bracts broadly ellip- tic obovate, long-cuspidate, 12 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, acuminate, rather firm, sparingly pilose and densely ciliate, the hairs more or less spreading, reddish brown, up to 3.25 mm. long; bractlets narrowly linear, 8 or 9 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, rather densely ciliate, the hairs similar to those of the bracts; calyx 5 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments 5, lanceolate, 3.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, sparingly hirtellous and ciliate, the hairs ascending, up to 0.48 mm. long, the costa evident but rather obscure; corolla not seen; capsules clavate, about 10 mm. long, 3 mm. broad and 2 mm. thick, glabrous toward base, sparingly hirtellous toward tip, the hairs spreading or retrorse and subappressed, up to 0.2 mm. long; retinacula 1.5 mm. long, obtuse and more or less fimbriate at tip; seeds not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1482402, collected in thick low forest in the region of Mount Chapén, Department of Boyacd, Colombia, “3,500 feet’’ altitude, May 27, 1932, by A. E. Lawrance (No. 60). Isotype: GH. Justicia chaponensis is closely related to and resembles in some respects J. hyperdasya and J. pampolystachys. The leaf blades of these species are more of an ovate shape and the bracts subtending the flowers are larger, elliptic or suborbicular in shape, and obtuse and apiculate at the tip. No corollas could be found on either of the two sheets cited, but according to the label notes they were mauve with purple stripes. They are probably small in size and somewhat similar to those of the two related species. 22. Justicia unguiculata Leonard, sp. nov. Fiaure 200 Herba recta, parce ramosa, basi aliquando decumbens, caulibus subquadrangularibus (angulis rotundatis), sursum bifariam_pilosis, pilis longioribus patulis et pilis minutis recurvatis intermixtis, deorsum aliquando glabratis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata, acuta vel acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi acuta, aliquanto tenuis, integra vel undulata, supra glabra vel parce hirtella, pilis appressis, praecipue in costa et venis positis, subtus hirsuta ct hirtella, pilis in costa et venis longis, plus minusve patulis, pilis intercostalibus minutis appressis, cystolithis minutis, subpunctiformibus; petioli pilosi; spicae terminales et axillares, erectae vel ascendentes, laxae, floribus secundis, rhachibus bifariam et minute strigosis pilis longioribus parvulis intermixtis; bracteae suborbiculares, apice obtusae vel rotundatae, apiculatae, basi unguiculatae (unguiculis gracilibus), LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 539 ciliatae, pilis longis, patulis; bracteolae subulatae, glabrae vel apice pilosae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, parva, acuminata, glabra vel apice ciliata; corolla parva, lilacina, minute pubescens, tubo sub- cylindrico, labio superiore erecto, trianguli-ovato, apice bilobato, lobis minutis, rotundatis, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, cuneato, trilobato, lobis ovatis, apice rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, lobis Ficure 200.—Justicia unguiculata Leonard (a-f, Schiefer 813A; g, Schtefer 813): a, Tip of plant showing inflorescence and leaves; b, portion of leaf blade (under surface) to show pubescence; c, bract; d, bractlet; ¢, calyx; f, corolla lips; g, anther. (a, Natural size; b, about 234 times natural size; c, twice natural size; d, 3 times natural size; ¢, 4 times natural size; f, 344 times natural size; g, 6 times natural size.) antherarum superpositis, rectis, glabris, lobo inferiore basi calcarato; capsulae parvae, clavatae, glabrae; retinacula curvata, apice tenuia, leviter cucullata, erosa; semina suborbicularia plana, brunnea, tuberculosa. Herbs up to about 30 cm. high, erect or sparingly branched, some- times decumbent at base, the stems subquadrangular (the angles 540 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM rounded), pilose, the hairs up to 2 mm. long, these intermixed with minute retrorsely recurved hairs, both kinds of hairs more or less bifariously arranged, the lowermost portions of the stem sometimes terete and glabrate; leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 15 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, acute to acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed from below middle to an acute base, rather thin, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the hairs mostly con- fined to the costa and lateral veins, up to 0.48 mm. long, appressed, the lower surface hirsute and hirtellous, the hairs confined to costa and lateral veins, more or less spreading, up to 1.5 mm. long, those of the intercostal areas up to 0.38 mm. long and appressed, the venation (lateral veins 8 to 10 pairs) scarcely prominent, the eystoliths (?) minute and subpunctiform; petioles up to 1 em. long, pilose; flowers secund, borne in rather lax spikes up to 6 em. long and 1 to 1.5 cm. broad, these forming terminal leafy panicles usually up to about 6 cm. broad, the spikes erect or ascending, the internodes of the inflorescence (lowermost up to 14 mm. long) and rachises bifariously and minutely strigose with additional spreading brownish hairs (up to 2 mm. long) present in more or less abundance; bracts subtending the flowers loosely imbricate, suborbicular, about 6 mm. in diameter, obtuse or rounded and apiculate at apex, unguiculate at base (the claw slender, 4 to 5 mm. long), ciliate, the hairs spreading, mostly up to 1.5 mm. long, the flat surfaces glabrous or the costa and lateral veins (usually 2 pairs) minutely and sparingly strigose; bractlets subulate, barely 0.5 mm. wide, thin, glabrous except the pilose tips; calyx 4 to 5 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments lanceolate, 0.5 mm. wide, acuminate (the tips slender), glabrous or bearing a few scattered hairs; corolla about 14 mm. long, lilac, minutely pubescent, the tube about 1.5 mm. broad at base, 3.5 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip erect, triangular-ovate, 3 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to tip, this bilobate, the lobes about 0.25 mm. long and wide, rounded, the lower lip more or less spreading, cuneate, 6 mm. wide at base of lobes, these ovate, about 4 mm. long and 2 to 3 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens exserted about 2 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anthers 1.75 mm. long, the lobes superposed, vertically attached to the connective, glabrous, the lower lobe calearate, the tail about 0.25 mm. long, blunt; capsules clavate, 1 em. long, 3 mm. wide, 1.5 mm. thick, glabrous; retinacula 1.5 mm. long, the tip rounded, thin, shallowly cucullate, erose; seed suborbicular, about 1.5 mm. in diameter and 0.5 mm. thick, brown, tuberculate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2029221, collected at Villavicencio, Intendencia of Meta, Colombia, July 12, 1945, by Helen Schiefer (No. 813A). LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 541 Also of this species are Helen Schiefer’s No. 813 (GH) collected with the type and Cuatrecasas’ No. 13198 at El Banco, at the con- fluence of the Rios Cubugén and Cobaria, in the region of Sarare, Department of Norte de Santander, altitude 320 meters, November 15, 1941. Justicia unguiculata is easily recognized among other Colombian species by its conspicuous ungulate ciliated bracts. These are strik- ingly similar to those of Jacobinia azxiologa but are much smaller. The closest relative is probably Justicia pilosa (Nees) Lindau of Pert. This it resembles in many respects, especially as to the inflorescences. The ovate leaf blades of the Peruvian species however are much smaller, the uppermost barely exceeding the spikes or even shorter, and gradually narrowed from below the middle to an obtuse tip. In size they rarely exceed 5 cm. in length and 2.5 cm. in width, whereas the thinner blades of J. wnguiculata are as much as 15 cm. long and 6 em. wide and are often slenderly acuminate. The specific epithet, wnguiculata, alludes to the unguiculate or clawed bracts. 23. Justicia pampeolystachys Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 201 Frutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus (angulis rotundatis), pilosis, pilis brunneis, patulis vel ascendentibus, longis; lamina foliorum ovata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, sub- membranacea, integra vel undulata, supra parce pilosa, pilis brunneis, appressis vel ascendentibus, subtus aliquanto dense pilosa, cystolithis obscuris; petioli dense pilosi; spicae plures, terminales et axillares, imbricatae, bracteis imbricatis, secundis, rhache hirtella, pilis curvatis; bracteae suborbiculares, apiculatae, basi cuneatae, membranaceae, glabrae vel supra pilos paucos ferentes, marginibus dense ciliatis, pilis patulis, brunneis, nitidis, septatis; bracteolae lineari-subulatae, apice longe ciliatae, deorsum glabrae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, apice subulata, glabra vel apice paullo pilifera, costa gracili; corolla cacrulea, hirtella, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore ovato, apice rotundato, emarginato, labio inferiore patulo, 3-lobato, lobis suborbiculatis, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis planis, submembranaceis, costa conspicua, lobis antherarum superpositis, loculo inferiore calearato; capsulae clavatae, parvae, glabrae vel apice parce hirtellae; retinacula apice tenuia, anguste cucullata. Shrubs; stems subquadrangular (the angles rounded and separated by 4 narrow light brown grooves), pilose, the hairs brown, spreading or ascending, up to 4 mm. long; leaf blades ovate, up to 10 em. long and 5 em. wide, short-acuminate, the tip blunt, narrowed at base, rather thin, entire or undulate, the upper surface sparingly pilose, the hairs brown, appressed or ascending, up to 2.25 mm. long, the lower surface 542 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM more densely pilose with similar hairs, the costa and lateral veins (6 to 8 pairs) barely conspicuous, the cystoliths obscure above, more prominent beneath; petioles up to 2 cm. long, densely pilose with long hairs; spikes numerous and crowded, terminal and in the axils of the upper leaf blades, 6 to 8 cm. long, 13 to 14 mm. broad, the bracts closely imbricate, secund, the rachis slender, hirtellous, the hairs curved, about 0.5 mm. long; bracts suborbicular, about 8 mm. in diameter, apiculate, the apicula about 1 mm. long, abruptly narrowed to a small cuneate base, 1.5 to 2 mm. long, thin, glabrous or the upper surface bearing a few brown hairs up to 2 mm. long, the margins fom ay \ etn ee ep ak Ficure 201.— Justicia pampolystachys Leonard (Klug 1724): a, Portion of plant showing lower part of the inflorescence and a leaf blade; b, bract and bractlet; ¢, a trichome from margin of bract; d, calyx; ¢, corolla; f, stamen (a, Half natural size; b, ¢, twice natural size; c, 13 times natural size; d, 4 times natural size; f, 6 times natural size.) densely ciliate with spreading nitid brown hairs up to 3 mm. long and about 10-jointed; bractlets linear-subulate, 3 to 10 mm. long, ciliate toward tip with spreading brown hairs up to 2 mm. long; calyx 5 mm. long, the segments lance-subulate, thin, glabrous or bearing 1 to several hairs at or near tip, these up to 1 mm. long, the costa delicate; corolla blue, 13 mm. long, moderately pubescent except at base, the hairs about 0.2 mm. long, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 1.5 mm. at middle, the throat 3 mm. broad, lips subequal, 5 mm. long, the upper lip ovate, 3.5 mm. wide at base, narrowed to a rounded emarginate tip, the lower lip broadly cuneate, 7 mm. wide near tip, 3-lobed, the lobes suborbicular, rounded, the middle lobe 3.25 mm. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 543 wide, the lateral lobes 2.25 mm. wide; stamens attached near throat, the filaments 4 mm. long, flattened, membranous, terminating a slender vascular strand, the anther cells superposed, the upper about 0.25 mm. above the lower, or the cells contiguous, the upper cell 0.75 mm. long, the lower 1 mm. long, the base tipped by a blunt white tail 0.5 mm. long; capsule clavate, about 6 mm. long, 2 mm. broad and 1.5 mm. thick, 4-seeded, glabrous; retinacula 1 mm. long, thin and narrowly cucullate at tip; mature seed not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1517999, collected in forest in the vicinity of Umbria, Comisarfa of Putumayo, Colombia, 325 meters altitude, October to November 1930, by G. Klug (No. 1724). The specific epithet is from the greek words, waumodus Very Many, and ordxus, spike. 24, Justicia hyperdasya Leonard, sp. nov. FicurEe 202 Herba, caulibus ascendentibus, subquadrangularibus, sulcatis, bifariam subtomentosis etiam pilosis, pilis longis, patulis, nitidis, septatis, brunneis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, membranacea, undulata, supra aliquanto pilosa, pilis ascendentibus, subtus dense pilosa, cystolithis obscuris vel nullis; petioli breves, dense pilosi, pilis longis, patulis, brunneis; spicae terminales et axillares, bracteis imbricatis et secundis, rhache angulata, glabra vel aliquanto hirtella, pedunculis brevibus, pilosis; bracteae ellipticae, obtusae, apice apiculatae, basi cuneatae, membranaceae, utrinque glabrae vel parce pilosae, marginibus dense ciliatis, pilis patulis, septatis, nitidis, brunneis; bracteolae lineari- subulatae, ciliatae, pilis longis; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuminata, apice parce pilosa, deorsum glabra; corolla alba, aliquanto hirtella, tubo subcylindrico, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore oblongo, erecto, apice rotundato et emarginato, labio inferiore patulo, 3-lobato, lobis obovatis, rotundatis; stamina brevia, vix exserta, loculis an- therarum superpositis, loculo inferiore calcarato; capsulae parvae, clavatae, glabrae, vel apice parce hirtellae; retinacula apice obtusa et subcucullata; semina plana, subbrunnea, leviter tuberculata. Herbs up to 30 cm. high or more, ascending; stems subquadrangular, grooved, both pilose and bifariously subtomentose, the longer hairs spreading, nitid, septate, up to 5 mm. long, those arranged in lines about 0.5 mm. long, dense and retrorsely curved; leaf blades oblong- ovate, up to 12 cm. long and 5.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed at base, rather thin, undulate, the upper surface moderately pilose, the hairs ascending, brown, nitid, septate, the lower surface densely pilose, the hairs similar to those of the upper surface, the costa and lateral veins (6 to 8 pairs) obscure above, less so beneath, the cystoliths obscure or lacking; petioles up to 1.5 cm. 544 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM long, densely pilose, the hairs resembling those of the stem; spikes terminal and axillary, up to 5 cm. long and 1 cm. wide, the bracts closely imbricate, secund, the rachis angled, glabrous or moderately hirtellous with curved hairs, the peduncle up to 5 mm. long, pilose; bracts elliptic, up to 14 mm. long and 13 mm. wide, obtuse and apiculate (the apiculus about 0.5 mm. long), cuneate at base, thin, the Ficure 202.—Justicia hyperdasya Leonard (a-d, f, Cuatrecasas 7542; ¢, Cuatrecasas 7536): a, Tip of plant showing leaves and inflorescence; b, portion of stem enlarged to show pubescence; c, bract, bractlet and calyx; d, a calyx segment; e, corolla; f, valve of capsule. (a, Half natural size; b, c, twice natural size; d, 344 times natural size; e, natural size; f, 244 times natural size.) costa and veins rather prominent, both surfaces glabrous or bearing a few scattered hairs, the margin densely ciliate with nitid spreading septate brown hairs up to 4 mm. long; bractlets linear-subulate, up to 7 mm. long, and 0.5 mm. wide at base, ciliate, the hairs similar to those of the bracts; calyx 4 mm. long, the segments lanceolate, 3.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, slenderly acuminate, bearing several LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 545 trichomes (up to 1.5 mm. long) at and near tip, otherwise glabrous; corolla white, about 2 cm. long, moderately hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.28 mm. long, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, 3.5 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip oblong, erect, 6.5 mm. long, about 3 mm. wide, rounded and emarginate at tip, the lower lip spreading, 3-lobed, the lobes obovate, 5 mm. long, 3 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens about 4 mm. long, the cells superposed, nearly vertically attached, about 1 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, the lower cell terminated by a conspicuous white tail 0.5 mm. long, this flattened and rounded at tip; capsule 8 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad and 1.5 mm. thick, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous near tip; retinacula 1 mm. long, narrowed, blunt and sub- cucullate at the tip; seed brownish, ovate, 2 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, faintly tuberculate. Type in the Herbario Nacional Colombiano, collected in woods along the Rfo Guayabero, Comisaria del Vaupés, Colombia, 240 meters altitude, Nov. 8, 1939, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 7536). Cuat- recasas’ No. 7542 (Col), collected on the same day nearby, is also of this species. Justicia hyperdasya is closely related to J. pampolystachys Leonard, differing chiefly in its herbaceous nature, the white flowers, and oblong or oblong-ovate leaf blades. J. pampolystachys is a shrub with blue flowers and ovate leaf blades. The specific epithet is derived from the greek brépdacus, meaning very hairy. 25. Justicia schultesii Leonard, sp. nov. FicurE 203 Suffrutex, caulibus quadrangularibus, sursum dense cinereo- pilosis, pilis patulis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, breviter acu- minata (apice ipso obtuso vel rotundato), basi angustata et in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque pilosa, pilis ascendentibus, costa et venis lateralibus subtus prominent- ibus, supra obscura; spicae solitariae vel 2, terminales et subterminales; bracteae quadrifariae; bracteae dorsales ovatae, subacutae, basi angustatae vel rotundatae, leviter obliquae, ciliatae, pilosae; bracteae ventrales ellipticae, acutae, basi angustatae, ciliatae, puberulae; bracteolae lineares, ciliatae, glabrae vel plus minusve pilosae; calycis segmenta lineari-lanceolata, apice gracilia, puberula, costa prominente; corolla alba, aliquanto parva, deorsum sursum pubescens, tubo hypocrateriformi, labio superiore erecto, triangulari, apice angustato, obtuso, leviter emarginato, labio inferiore cuneato, apice trilobato, lobis ovatis; stamina vix exserta, glabra, lobis superpositis, rectis, connectivo gracili, lobo inferiore calcarato; capsulae clavatae, pubes- centes; semina plana, glabra. Shrubs; stems quadrangular, at least the upper portion densely gray-pilose, the hairs spreading, up to 2 mm. long; leaf blades oblong- 546 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM elliptic, up to 17 cm. long and 5.5 cm. wide, obscurely short-acuminate (the tip itself obtuse or rounded), narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire or undulate, ciliate, both surfaces pilose, the hairs ascending, up to 2 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (7 or 8 pairs) rather prominent beneath but obscure above, the cystoliths minute and scattered; spikes solitary or paired, terminal Ficure 203.— Justicia schultesti Leonard (Schultes 8 Cabrera 13322): a, Tip of stem showing a leaf and the inflorescence; b, bract (dorsal); c, bract (ventral); d, calyx and one of a pair of bractlets; ¢, lower corolla lip; f, upper lip of same; g, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, c, 3 times natural size; d, 344 times natural size; ¢, f, 244 times natural size; g, 9 times natural size.) and subterminal, up to 4 cm. long and 12 to 17 mm. broad; peduncles up to 5 mm. long, these and the rachises densely pilose; bracts quad- rifarious, those of the dorsal ranks ovate, 10 or 11 mm. long and 8 mm. wide, subacute, narrowed or rounded and more or less oblique at base, ciliate with hairs more or less spreading and up to 1.5 mm. long, their upper faces evenly pilose with ascending hairs mostly 0.5 to 1 mm. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 547 long, the ventral bracts elliptic, 10 or 11 mm. long, 4.5 mm. wide, acute at both ends, ciliate, their faces puberulous with hairs up to 0.16 mm. long or those on the costa and lateral veins somewhat longer (0.5 to 1 mm. long); bractlets linear, 8 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, ciliate, the flat surfaces glabrous or more or less pilose dorsally; calyx seg- ments 5, linear-lanceolate, 5.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide near the base, gradually narrowed into a slender tip, puberulent, the costa rather prominent; corolla white, about 2 cm. long, the lower half glabrous, the upper half finely pubescent, the tube 2.5 mm. broad near base, 3.5 mm. broad at throat, the upper lip erect, triangular, 3.5 mm. wide at base, narrowed to an obtuse slightly emarginate tip, the lower lip ovate, about 1 cm. long and 6.5 mm. wide at middle, rounded and 3-lobed at tip, the lobes ovate, 1 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide at base; stamens slightly exserted beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous, the anthers 3 mm. long, the lobes superposed, nearly vertical, the connective slender, about 0.5 mm. long and 0.2 mm. wide, the lower anther cell spurred, the spur 0.25 mm. long, rounded at tip; capsules clavate, pubescent, 7.5 mm. long, the fruiting portion about 3 mm. wide and thick, the lower half solid, 1 mm. wide near base of stipe, 2 mm. wide at base of seed-bearing cavity; retinacula 1.75 mm. long, the tip thin, subcucullate, rounded and more or less erose; seeds lenticular, about 2.5 mm. in diameter, glabrous. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2124632, collected on the Cerro Isibukuri, along the Rio Kananari, Comisaria of Vaupés, Colombia, 250 to 700 meters altitude, August 4, 1951, by Richard Evans Schultes and Isidoro Cabrera (No. 13322). Isotype: US. 26. Justicia carthaginensis Jacq. Justicia carthaginensis Jacq. Enum. 11. 1760. Jacquin’s “Enumeration” was republished without change again in 1762. The specific epithet means “found in Cartagena.” Adhatoda carthaginensis Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 403. 1847. Herbaceous or suffrutescent, up to 1.5 meters high; stems erect or ascending, branched, subquadrangular (the angles rounded), shallowly sulcate, glabrous or rather densely hirtellous, the hairs straight or curved, spreading or retrorse, up to 0.5 mm. long, whitish; leaf blades ovate, elliptic-ovate or broadly lanceolate, 2 to 8 cm. long, 1.5 to 5 cm. wide, short to rather slenderly acuminate with blunt or acutish tips, or sometimes acute, obtuse or even rounded, narrowed or occa- sionally rounded “at* base and ‘decurrent on‘ the petiole, glabrous to rather densely hirtellous, the lower surface even velvety to touch, the costa and veins (7 or 8 pairs) moderately prominent on both sur- faces, the cystoliths usually 150 to 250y long; petioles up to 2 cm. long, glabrous to hirtellous; flowers borne in dense terminal bracted spikes 2 to 7 cm. long and about 2 cm. broad; bracts spathulate, usu- 548 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM ally 10 to 15 mm. long and 2.5 to 6 mm. wide, rounded or obtuse at tip, more or less apiculate, narrowed from about the middle to a slender claw, subglabrous to moderately hirtellous and ciliate, the hairs spreading or ascending, up to 0.5 mm. long, some of them gland- tipped, the cystoliths usually conspicuous; bracts subtending the flowers narrowly spathulate, usually 7 to 10 mm. long and 1 to 3 mm. wide, rounded or obtuse, more or less hirtellous with glandular and eglandular hairs; calyx segments 5, narrowly lanceolate, 10 to 11 mm. long, 1 to 1.5 mm. wide, slenderly pointed, white- margined, more or less hirtellous and ciliate; corollas reddish purple, violet, or rarely white, glabrous to sparingly hirsute, the hairs up to 0.1 mm. long, sometimes a few of them gland-tipped, the tube 1.5 mm. long, 4 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 3 mm. above base to 3mm., thence gradually expanded to about 4 mm. at mouth, the upper lip erect, triangular-ovate, about 10 mm. long and wide, rounded and notched at tip, the lower lip spreading, up to 17 mm. long, 3- lobed, the middle lobe 8 mm. wide, the lateral ones 7 mm. wide, all ovate and rounded at tip; stamens exserted about 5 mm. beyond mouth of corolla tube, the filaments 11 mm. long, glabrous, the anther lobes 2.2 mm. long, spreading, the upper lobe attached 1 mm. above the short-spurred lower lobe; style 20 to 22 mm. long, sparsely hirtellous toward base; stigma more or less 2-lobed; capsules clavate, 16 mm. long, 6 mm. broad and 3 mm. thick, subobtuse at tip (the solid basal portion 7 mm. long), puberulous, the hairs spreading or the lower ones retrorse; retinacula stout, 3 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, flattened, rounded at tip, this entire or coarsely erose; seeds only slightly flat- tened, almost spherical, puberulous or glabrate, 2.5 to 3 mm. in diam- eter, whitish, or black at maturity. Justicia carthaginensis is usually found on slopes, in waste places, and thickets, these occasionally coastal. Although more common at lower altitudes, it has been found as high as 1,300 meters. The species exhibits considerable variation. The upper lip of the corollas of Killip and Smith’s No. 14711 was reported to be trans- versely white-barred at center. This may be a common character, but color markings are usually not apparent in dried herbarium material. The width of the bracts is especially variable. For in- stance, those of H. H. Smith’s No. 566 from Bonda are fully 7 mm. wide with broadly rounded, almost truncate, and subemarginate apiculate tips, and those of Pennell’s No. 2722 are barely 1 mm. wide and sub- acute. The pubescence of most of the specimens cited is sparse, but Haught’s No. 4391 from Fonseca is dense, and soft and velvety to the touch. None of these characters, however, are consistent enough to warrant the maintenance of varieties or forms. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 549 Aridntico: Isolated bush formations about Barranquilla, Lehmann 4062 (K), Torregroza, Araque-M., & Barkley 18At.502 (US), 18At.504 (US), 18At.522 (US); Bro. Elias 351 (US). Puerto Colombia, Bro. Elias 1034 (GH, NY, US); Pennell 12046. Dryish woods along the Isabel Lépez road, near Usiacurf, Dugand «& Garcia-Barriga 2343 (US). Woods in Arroyo Cagén, Usiacurf, Dugand & Garcia- Barriga 2354 (US). Botfivar: Thickets along river at Calamar, Killip & Smith 14711 (GH, NY, US). Ramparts of Cartagena, Schott 6 (NY). Thicket at Sincelejo, Pennell 4071 (GH, NY, US). Coastal thicket on Tierrabomba Island, Killip & Smith 14148 (GH, NY, US). Cunpinamarca: Open bush formation about La Boca, Lehmann 6107 (K). Puente Natural de Icononzo, near Pandi, Uribe-Uribe 1683 (US); Pennell 2812 (NY). Between Fusagasugé and Pandi, Pennell 2722 (GH, NY). MacpaLena: On elay soil at Barro Blanco, Haught 4753 (US). Damp places in dry forest near Bonda, H. H. Smith 566 (in part) (Ph, NY, US). Along streams at Cerrején, Haught 6716 (US). Irrigated lands near seashore at Ciénaga, H. H. Smith 566bis (GH, NY, US). Roadside near Fonseca, Haught 4391 (US). Los Olivos, cast of Santa Marta, Giacometto 1000 (US). Rio Frio, Sait “C” (US). 27. Justicia erythrantha Leonard, sp. nov. Ficurn 204 Suffrutex, caulibus subteretibus, glabris vel in nodis minute et parce strigosis, cystolithis minutis et subpunctiformibus; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata, acuta vel acuminata vel breviter acuminata, basi angustata, integra vel undulata, subtus in axillis venarum pilosa, alibi glabra vel minute et parce strigosa, pilis praecipue in costa et venis positis, cystolithis minutis et obscuris; spicae terminales et axillares, pedunculis subquadrangularibus, plus minusve _planis, glabris vel minute strigosis, rhache puberula, pilis sursum curvatis, brevibus; bracteolae lanceolatae, acuminatae, basi angustatae, ali- quanto tenues, venosae (costa prominente), plus minusve dense glanduloso-papillosae, marginibus ciliatis; calycis segmenta parva, tenuia, acuta, parce glanduloso-papillosa, pilis paucis longis intermixtis, marginibus ciliolatis; corolla rubra, aliquanto tenuiter pubescens, pilis patulis, rectis vel leviter curvatis, tubo subcylindrico, labio superiore erecto, oblongo-ovato, apice bilobato, lobis parvis, rotun- datis, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, cuneato, 3-lobato, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, in labio antico corollae declinata, lobis antherarum superpositis, perpendicularibus, lobo inferiore caudato; capsulae aliquanto parvae, clavatae, glabrae; retinacula apice rotundata, erosa; semina 4, cordata, plana, brunnea, muricata. Shrubs up to 1.5 meters high; stems subterete, glabrous or the nodes minutely and sparingly strigose, the cystoliths minute and subpunctiform; leaf blades oblong-ovate to ovate, up to 14 cm. long and 4.5 cm. wide, acute to acuminate or short-acuminate, narrowed at base, rather firm, entire or undulate, the axils of the lower surface pilose, otherwise glabrous or minutely and sparingly strigose, the hairs confined chiefly to the costa and lateral veins (7 or 8 pairs), 550 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM the venation rather obscure, the cystoliths minute (about 0.08 mm. long), often obscure; flowers borne in terminal and axillary spikes up to 6 cm. long and about 1.5 cm. broad, the peduncles up to 2 cm. long, subquadrangular, more or less flattened, glabrous or sparingly and minutely strigose, the rachis puberulous, the hairs upwardly curved, up to 0.16 mm. long; bracts lanceolate, 10 to 12 mm. long, 3 to 4 mm. wide, acuminate, narrowed at base, rather thin and veiny (the costa prominent), more or less minutely glandular-papillose, rather spar- ingly ciliate, the hairs 0.2-0.4 mm. long; bractlets linear-lanceolate, about 9 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, rather sparingly glandular- Ficure 204.—Justicia erythrantha Leonard (Killip, Dugand t§ Jaramillo 38284): a, Node toward tip of plant showing a spike, branchlets and leaf blade; b, portion of leaf blade (under surface) enlarged to show pubescence and cystoliths; c, bract and bractlets; d, calyx segment; ¢, tip of corolla; f, anther; g, capsule valve. (a, ¢, Natural size; b, twice natural size; c, 3 times natural size; d, 7 times natural size; f, 6 times natural size; g, twice natural size.) puberulous with a few larger eglandular hairs intermixed with the smaller ones, the margins ciliate with hairs up to 0.45 mm. long; calyx 4 mm. long, the segments lanceolate, 3 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, acute, thin, sparingly glandular-papillose and like the bracts and bractlets with a few longer eglandular hairs intermixed, the margins ciliolate with hairs about 0.13 mm. long; corolla red, about 3 cm. long, finely and rather sparingly pubescent, the hairs spreading, straight or slightly curved, up to 0.16 mm. long, the tube 2.5 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 1.75 mm. at 3 mm. above base, thence gradually enlarged to 3.5 mm. at mouth, the upper lip erect, oblong- LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 551 ovate, 17 mm. long and 8 mm. wide at base, the tip bilobate, the lobes about 0.5 mm. long and broad, rounded, the lower lip more or less spreading, cuneate, 7 mm. wide at base of the lobes, these 3, ovate, about 3.5 mm. long, rounded; stamens reaching within 2 mm. of tip of the upper lip of the corolla and partially enfolded by it, the anthers about 4 mm. long, the lobes superposed, vertically attached, their tips overlapping about 0.5 mm., the base of the lower lobe apiculate or caudate, the tail about 0.25 mm. long; style reaching within 0.5 mm. of the tip of the upper lip of the corolla, the stigma minute and conical; capsules about 1 cm. long, 4 mm. wide and 2.5 mm. thick, 4-seeded, glabrous, the tip obtuse, the solid basal portion 3.5 mm. long and 3 mm. wide; retinacula about 2 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, curved, the tip rounded and erose; seeds cordate, flattened, brown, about 2.5 mm. long and broad, muricate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1855848, collected along stream in woods at Hacienda El] Cucharo, between Tocaima and Pubenza, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 350 meters altitude, May 7, 1944, by E. P. Killip, A. Dugand and R. Jaramillo (No. 38284). Also of this species are Francis W. Pennell’s No. 2831 (GH, NY, US), collected in woods at Natural Bridge, Pandi, Department of Cundinamarca, 800 to 900 meters altitude, December 1-3, 1917; Triana’s specimen (K) collected in the ‘Province of Cauca” 1853, Oscar Haught’s No. 2396, collected in forest near the mouth of the Rio Totare, Department of Tolima, about 300 meters altitude, October 28, 1938, and Lorenzo Uribe-Uribe’s No. 2309, collected between Tocaima and Pubenza, Cundinamarca. Characterizing Justicia erythrantha are the rather short spikes, the ovate acuminate bracts, and the red corollas. The specific epithet is from the Greek words epv@pds, red, and aos, flower. 28. Justicia leptochlamys Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 205 Herba, caulibus deorsum teretibus, glabris, sursum subquadran- gularibus, glabris vel bifariam puberulis, pilis subbrunneis, patulis vel retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum lanceolata, acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, aliquanto tenuis, integra vel undulata, glabra vel subtus costa parce hirtella, cystolithis pluribus et conspic- uis; petioli brevi, plus minusve minuti hirtelli; spicae terminales vel laterales, pedunculis brevibus, gracilibus, hirtellis, rhache glabra; bracteae rhombico-ovatae, acutae vel subacuminatae, basi angustatae, tenues, integrae, parce ciliatae, cystolithis conspicuis; bracteolae anguste lanceolatae, anguste acuminatae, apice ciliatae; calycis seg- menta subulata, glabra vel parce hirtella, ciliolata; corolla alba, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore erecto, integro, labio inferiore plus 562 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM minusve patulo, 3-lobato; stamina exserta, lobis antherarum super- positis; capsulae clavatae, glabrae vel apice minute hirtellae; semina ovata, plana, glabra. Herbs up to | meter high; stems terete or the upper portions sub- quadrangular, glabrous or puberulous in 2 lines, the hairs brownish, up to 0.15 mm. long, spreading or retrorsely recurved, the internodes 1 to 4 cm. long; leaf blades lanceolate, up to 9 cm. long and 1.5 em. wide, acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base, rather thin, entire or undulate, glabrous or the costa of the lower surface sparingly hirtellous, the lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) obscure, the cystoliths of both surfaces numerous and conspicuous under a lens, up to 0.24 mm. Ficure 205.—Justicia leptochlamys Leonard (Pennell 4529): a, Tip of plant showing inflorescence and leaves; b, bract; ¢, bractlet; d, calyx. (a, Natural size; b-d, twice natural size.) long; petioles up to 0.5 cm. long, more or less minutely hirtellous; spikes terminal and lateral, up to 3 cm. long and 1.5 cm. broad, rather lax at maturity, the peduncles about 0.5 mm. long, hirtellous, the hairs septate, up to 0.46 mm. long, the rachis glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the cystoliths usually conspicuous under a lens; bracts rhombic-ovate, up to 13 mm. long and 7 mm. wide, acute or sub- acuminate, narrowed at base, thin, entire, sparingly ciliate with hairs up to 0.75 mm. long, otherwise glabrous or nearly so, the cystoliths conspicuous under a lens but less numerous than on the leaf blades; bractlets narrowly lanceolate, up to 8 mm. long and 1 mm. wide near base, slenderly acuminate, ciliate toward tip, otherwise glabrous; calyx 4 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments subulate, about 0.5 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, glabrous LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 553 or sparingly hirtellous and ciliolate; corolla white, about 1 cm. long, 1 mm. broad at base and mouth, narrowed to 0.5 mm. above base, the lips about 2 mm. long, the upper lip erect, entire, the lower more or less spreading, 3-lobed at tip, the stamens exserted beyond the mouth of the corolla tube but not exceeding the corolla lips, the an- thers 1.5 mm. long, 0.25 mm. thick, superposed, vertically attached to connective; capsule 7 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, 1 mm. thick, minutely hirtellous toward tip, becoming glabrous; retinacula about 3 mm. long, flat and rounded at tip; seed ovate, flattened, about 3 mm. long and 2 mm. broad, glabrous. Type in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, col- lected on the Rio Esmeralda, between Las Dantas and Puerto Canoa, Department of Bolivar, Colombia, 400 to 800 meters altitude, February 27, 1918, by Francis W. Pennell (No. 4529). The specific epithet is from the greek derrés, thin or delicate, and xraubs, bract. 29, Justicia gutierrezii Leonard, sp. nov. FicurE 206 Arbor parva, caulibus subteretibus, dense strigosis vel subtomen- tosis, pilis subbrunneis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, breviter acuminata (apice ipso subobtuso) basi angustata, aliquanto firma, integra, supra glabra vel parce ect minute strigosa, costa et venis dense strigosis, subtus aliquanto dense et molliter strigosa vel sub- tomentosa; petioli graciles, dense strigosi vel subtomentost; spicae terminales et axillares, bracteis quadrifariis dorsalibus sterilibus, ventralibus flores subtendentibus, pedunculo breviter et rhache dense hirsutis vel subtomentosis; bracteae dorsales ovatae, subobtusae, apice subapiculatae, basi obtusae, submembranaceae, hirsutae, ciliatae, costa et venis aliquanto prominentibus; bracteae ventrales late oblanceolatac, acutae, basi angustatae, submembranaceae, hirsutae et ciliatae; bracteolac lanceolatae acuminatae, basi angustatae, parce hirsutae, ciliatae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, graciliter acumi- nata, ciliata; corolla alba, sursum parce pilosa, deorsum glabra, tubo aliquanto angustato, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore erecto, triangulo-ovato, apice angustato, subacuto, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, obovato, trilobato, lobis oblongo-ovatis, rotundatis, lateralibus leviter incurvatis; stamina vix exserta, loculis antherarum super- positis, rectis, lobo inferiore basi calcarato. Small trees; stems subterete, rather densely strigose or subtomentose with light brownish hairs up to 0.5 mm. long; leaf blades oblong- elliptic, up to 12 em. long and 5 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt) narrowed at base, rather firm, entire, the upper surface glabrous or sparingly and minutely strigose, the costa and lateral veins (about 6 pairs) more densely so, the hairs up to 0.28 mm. long, 388179—57——_16 554 CONTRIBUTIONS ‘FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM the lower surface rather densely and softly strigose or hirsute, the venation rather prominent, the cystoliths obscure or lacking; petioles up to 3.5 cm. long, slender, densely strigose or subtomentose; spikes terminal and subterminal, up to 2.5 cm. long and 12 mm. broad, the bracts closely imbricate, quadrifarious and secund, the peduncles up to 1 cm. long, these and the rachises densely hirsute or subtomentose with ascending hairs; dorsal bracts sterile, ovate, 11 mm. long and 8 mm. wide, subobtuse and subapiculate, obtuse at base, submembrana- A i Q:| Ficure 206.— Justicia gutierrexii Leonard (Gutierres-V €% Schultes 606): a, Tip of plant showing leaves and inflorescence; b, dorsal view of spike; c, ventral view of spike; d, dorsal bract; ¢, bract, bractlet, and tip of calyx (from ventral side of spike); f, one of the calyx segments; g, corolla; h, stamen. (a, g, Natural size; b, c, half natural size; d-f, twice natural size, h, 4 times natural size.) ceous, hirsute and ciliate, the hairs up to 1.25 mm. long, spreading or ascending, the costa and about 4 pairs of lateral veins rather promi- nent; ventral bracts (those subtending the flowers) broadly oblance- olate, 14 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, acute, gradually narrowed from about the middle to base, submembranaccous, hirsute and ciliate, the hairs up to 2 mm. long, the costa and a pair of lateral veins rather promi- nent; bractlets lanceolate, 9 mm. long and 1.5 to 2 mm. wide, acumi- nate, pilose and ciliate; calyx 1 cm. long, the segments lanceolate, 0.75 mm. wide, slenderly acuminate, ciliate and sparingly hirsute; LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 555 corolla white, about 2.5 cm. long except the glabrous basal portion, sparingly pilose, the hairs spreading or retrorsely ascending, up to 0.5 mm. long, the lips subequal, the upper lip erect, 1 cm. long, triangular-ovate, 3.5 mm. wide near base, rather gradually narrowed to a subacute tip, the lower lip more or less spreading, obovate, 4 mm. wide near middle, 3-lobed, the lobes oblong-ovate, 3 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide, rounded, the outer lobes slightly incurved; stamens reach- ing the tip of the upper lip, slender, glabrous, flattened, subhyaline, the anther-lobes superposed, 1.25 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, vertically attached to the connective, this about 0.75 mm. long, the lower anther lobe calcarate, its tail about 0.5 mm. long, white, the upper anther-lobe subacute at the base; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1953042, collected along the Rio Apoporis, on the Cerro de ‘El Castillo,’’ Comisaria of Caqueté, Colombia, January 16, 1944, by G. Gutiérrez-V. and R. E. Schultes (No. 606). Isotype: Valle. The bracts, bractlets, and calyx of the dried specimens are red. 30. Justicia macarenensis Leonard, sp. nov. FicuRE 207 Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel bifariam puberulis, pilis subbrunneis, septatis, retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum oblongo- elliptica vel oblongo-lanceolata, anguste acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, firma, integra vel undulata, supra glabra, costa et venis lateralibus obscuris, subtus glabra, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus, parce puberulis, cystolithis inconspicuis; petioli puberuli, pilis apice acutis vel cyathiformibus; spicae terminales et subterminales, oblongae, pedunculis bifariam puberulis, pilis sub- brunneis; bracteae rubrae vel aeneo-purpureae, anguste ovatae, obtusae, basi rotundatae, glabrae vel plus minusve puberulae, parce ciliolatae, costa et venis prominentibus, venulis crasse reticulatis; bracteolae oblongo-lanceolatae, acutae, tenues, glabrae vel basi parce strigosae, parce ciliatae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, anguste acumi- nata, puberula, pilis acutis et glandulosis intermixtis; corolla alba vel lobis subrubris, basi glabra, sursum pubescens, tubo aliquanto an- gustato, labiis aequalibus, labio superiore erecto, lanceolato, acuto, labio inferiore patulo, trilobato, lobis lateralibus oblongis, rotundatis; stamina exserta, filamentis glabris, planis, lobis antherarum super- positis, lobo inferiore breviter calcarato; ovarium glabrum. Herbs up to 70 cm. high; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or puber- ulous in 2 lines, the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, brownish, septate, retrorsely curved; leaf blades oblong-elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, up to 25 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, slenderly acuminate (the tip itself blunt), gradually narrowed to base, firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous, the venation obscure, the lower surface glabrous except the costa and lateral veins, these prominent and rather spar- 556 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM ingly puberulous, the cystoliths inconspicuous; petioles up to 2.5 cm. long, puberulous, some of the hairs cyathiform; spikes 1, terminal, or if two terminal and subterminal, oblong, up to 12 cm. long and 2 cm. broad, the peduncles ca. 1 cm. long, puberulous in 2 lines, the rachis puberulous with brownish hairs about 0.16 mm. long; bracts red or bronze purple, oblong-ovate, 4—5 cm. long, 16 mm. broad near base, Ficure 207.—Justicia macarenensis Leonard (Philipson, Idrobo &§ Ferndndez 1578): a, Tip of plant showing spike and leaf blades; b, bract; ¢, bractlet; d, calyx segment; ¢, a glandular hair from calyx segment; f, tip of corolla to show lips; g, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, c, f, natural size; d, twice natural size; ¢, about 60 times natural size; g, 4 times natural size.) obtuse at apex, rounded at base, thin, sparingly ciliate (the hairs up to 0.75mm. long), other wise glabrous except the more or less puberulous costa, the veins and the coarsely reticulate veinlets prominent; bractlets oblong-lanceolate, 17 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, acute, thin, glabrous or sparingly strigose toward base, sparingly ciliate, coarsely reticulate-veined; calyx 11 mm. long, deeply segmented, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 557 the segments 5, lanceolate, 10 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near base, slenderly acuminate, ciliate toward tip, moderately puberulous with blackish glandular hairs 50 to 125y long (appearing as dark specks under a lens), these, intermixed with acute hairs, sometimes also present on the bractlets; corolla white or the lobes sometimes reddish, up to 32 mm. long, rather densely pubescent, except the enlarged lower glabrous portion, the tube 3 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 2.5 mm. at 3 mm. above base, thence gradually enlarged to 4 mm. at mouth, the lips equal, 11 mm. long, the upper lip erect, lanceolate, about 2 mm. wide, acute, the lower lip somewhat spreading, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes 2.5 mm. long, the middle lobe 1.5 mm. wide, the lateral ones 0.75 mm. wide, all rounded at tip; stamens exserted 8 mm. beyond mouth of corolla tube, the filaments flat and glabrous; anthers 5 mm. long, the lobes vertical, superposed, the upper 1 mm. above the lower, the upper lobe 2 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, muticous, the lower 2.5 mm. long, muticous or briefly and bluntly spurred; ovary glabrous; capsules not scen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2025712, collected in dense humid forest on the bank of the Rfo Guapaya, Sierra de la Macarena, Intendencia of Meta, Colombia, 450 meters altitude, November 26, 1949, by W. R. Philipson, J. M. Idrobo, and A. Fern- fndez, No. 1578. Isotype in the British Museum. The following also represent the species: Mera: Rocky side of shaded ravine along the Rfo Duda, at Uribe, altitude 770 meters, December 21, 1942, Fosberg 19492 (US). Vicinity of the Los Micos landing strip on the left bank of the Rfo Giiejar, on the Sabanas de San Juan de Arama, 500 meters altitude, January 22, 1951, Jesus M. Idrobo & Richard E. Schultes 1218 (US). The thin veiny reddish bracts and narrow white or reddish corollas are characters by which Justicia macarenensis can be readily recog- nized. 31. Justicia pharmacodes Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 208 Suffrutex ramosus, caulibus subquadrangularibus, puberulis vel deorsum glabratis, pilis curvatis, subappressis vel paucis patulis; lamina foliorum ovata vel oblongo-ovata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata et in petiolum breviter decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, supra parce puberula, subtus aliquanto puberula, pilis minute curvatis, ascendentibus, cystolithis obscuris; petioli aliquanto longi, puberuli; spicae axillares, aliquanto breves; pedunculi longi, erecti vel ascendentes, puberuli, rhache puberula; bracteae suborbiculares, apice obtusae vel rotundatae, minute apiculatae, basi unguiculatae, puberulae, costa et venis lateralibus obscuris; bracteolae ellipticae, apice late obtusae vel rotundatae, minute apiculatae, basi unguiculatae, puberulae; bracteae 558 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM et bracteolae pilis minutis glandulosis in marginibus praeditae; calycis segmenta parva, 5, lanceolata, acuta, apice parce hirtella, pilis subappressis vel ascendentibus, curvatis; corolla alba, lineis purpureis insignis, puberula, tubo lato, brevi, labio superiore erecto, late cucullato, apice marginibus rugosis, labio inferiore lato, 3-lobato, lobis ovatis, apice rotundatis, marginibus rugosis; stamina in labio antico corollae declinata, glabra vel deorsum parce furfuracea, lobis antherarum leviter superpositis, lobo inferiore caudato; capsulae clavatae, glabrae. Branching shrubs up to 3 meters high; stems subquadrangular, puberulous or the lower portions glabrate, the hairs up to 0.48 mm. long, curved, mostly subappressed, a few ascending; leaf blades ovate or oblong-ovate, up to 25 cm. long and 10 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface spar- ingly puberulous, the lower surface moderately puberulous but more densely so than the upper, the hairs up to 0.32 mm. long, curved and ascending, the cystoliths obscure, the venation moderately prominent (the lateral veins 8 to 10 pairs); petioles up to 6 cm. long, puberulous; flowers borne in axillary spikes, these usually 2 to 5 cm. long and 2 to 2.5 cm. broad, sometimes subcapitate, the peduncles erect or as- cending, up to 10 cm. long, puberulous; rachis puberulous, the lower- most internode 4 mm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip; bracts suborbicular, up to 13 mm. long and 7 mm. wide, broadly obtuse or rounded at the apex and minutely apiculate, unguiculate at base, the narrowed portion 4 to 6 mm. long and 1 to 2.5 mm. wide, the entire blade puberulous, the costa and lateral veins evident but not prominent; bractlets elliptic, up to 1 cm. long and 4 to 4.5 mm. wide, broadly obtuse and minutely apiculate at apex, unguiculate at base, the entire bractlet puberulous, both bracts and bractlets often bearing glandular marginal hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, these intermixed with the shorter eglandular ones; calyx 4.5 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments 5, lanceolate, 4 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, acute, hirtellous and ciliolate toward tip, the hairs ascending or subappressed, curved, up to 0.13 mm. long; corolla [18 ‘mm. long, white, marked with purple lines, puberulous, the hairs straight or curved, up to 0.2 mm. long, the corolla tube about 1 cm. long, 4 mm. broad at base, 10 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip erect, ovate, 8 mm. long, about 12 mm. wide, cucullate, enclosing the stamens, the lower lip about 13 mm. long and 1 cm. wide at base of the 3 lobes, these ovate, 8 mm. long and 6 mm. wide, rounded, the margins of both lips crinkled at tip; stamens 18 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly scurfy toward base; anthers 3.5 mm. long and 2 mm. broad, slightly superposed, the lower lobe terminating LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 559 in a short tail about 0.1 mm. long; capsules clavate, glabrous, 2 cm. long, 6 mm. broad, 3 mm. thick, the broad seed-containing portion obscurely and irregularly furrowed, the solid stipe 15 mm. long and 4 mm. broad; retinacula 4.5 mm. long, nearly straight, rounded at tip; seeds not seen, but, as indicated by the retinacula, 2 in number (one pair abortive). Ficure 208.—/Justicia pharmacodes Leonard (a-f, Haught 4072; g, Haught 3816): a, Tip of plant; b, bract; c, marginal pubescence of bract; d, bractlet and calyx; ¢, corolla; f, anther; g, capsule valve. (a, Half natural size; b, d, twice natural size; c, 28 times natural size; ¢, natural size; f, 5 times natural size; g, 1}4 times natural size.) Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1708866, collected near stream in forest, vicinity of Manaure, Department of Magdalena, 700 meters altitude, April 13, 1944, by Oscar Haught (No. 4072). Paratypes are Haught’s No. 3999 (US), collected near Barrancas, 170 meters altitude, February 16, 1944, and his No. .3816 (US), collected in the forest 12 km. north of Codazzi, both localities in the Department of Magdalena, and Schlim’s No. 887 (K), collected in 560 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM forest at the foot of the Sierra Nevada, at Riohacha, Department of Magdalena. Haught tells us in his label notes that this species is strictly a forest plant and is probably poisonous. It dries with a peach-kernel odor and is not eaten by stock. The flowers are early deciduous, opening in the early morning and falling by noon. The spathulate bracts remind one of J. carthaginensis, but that species does not have long-pedunculate inflorescences, and its bracts are relatively narrower and the leaf blades smaller. The specific epithet is from the Greek ¢appyaxédys, meaning poisonous. 32. Justicia phytolaccoides Leonard, sp. nov. Ficurr 209 Herba vel suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel sursum aliquanto strigosis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata vel ovato- lanceolata, acuta vel breviter acuminata vel aliquando obtusa, basi acuta vel obtusa vel rotundata, plus minusve obliqua, firma, integra vel leviter undulata, glabra vel costa et venis lateralibus parce strigosa, subtus venis prominentibus, cystolithis sub lente prominentibus; petioli crassi, glabri vel parce strigosi; spicae 1 vel plures, terminales vel axillares, breviter pedunculatae, rhache puberula; bracteae obovatae, obtusae, crassae, minute puberulae et ciliolatae, costa et venis laterali- bus prominentibus, venulis crasse reticulatis; bracteolae oblongo- lanceolatae, subacutae, minute puberulae et ciliolatae, costa et venis prominentibus; calycis segmenta oblongo-lanceolata, minute punctata, ciliata; corolla caerulea, albolineata, puberula, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore erecto, ovato, apice angustato (apice ipso obtuso), labio inferiore 3-lobato, lobis suborbicularibus, rotundatis; stamina exserta, lobis superpositis, lobo superiore mutico, clavato-pubescente, lobo inferiore glabro, caicarato, filamentis planis, glabris; capsulae glabrae, apice acutae, minute puberulac; retinacula ligulata, apice tenuia, rotundata; semina brunnea, plana, tuberculata. Herbs or shrubs up to 2 meters high; stems subtetragonal, glabrous or the upper portions sparingly to moderately strigose, the hairs more or less in two rows; leaf blades oblong-ovate or ovate-lanceolate, up to 25 cm. long and 11 cm. wide, acute to short-acuminate or occasion- ally obtuse at apex, acute to obtuse or rounded and more or less oblique at base, rather firm, entire or undulate, glabrous or the costa and lateral veins (8 to 12 pairs) sparingly strigose, the venation prominent beneath, less so above, the cystoliths numerous, conspicuous under a lens, about 0.28 mm. long; petioles rather stout, up to 6 em. long, glabrous or sparingly strigose; spikes solitary and terminal or sometimes both terminal and axillary, up to 11 em. long, 2 em. broad, the peduncles usually about 5 mm. long, these and the rachis puber- ulous; bracts obovate, averaging 17 mm. long and 8 mm. wide, obtuse at tip, narrowed to 3 mm. at base, firm, entire, minutely puberulous LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 561 and ciliolate, veiny, the costa and about 6 pairs of lateral veins prom- inent, the veinlets coarsely reticulate; bractlets oblong-lanceolate, 10 mm. long, 3 mm. wide, subacute, 1.75 mm. wide at base, minutely puberulous and ciliolate, the costa and lateral veins (3 or 4 pairs) prominent; calyx 12 mm. long, deeply segmented, minutely punctate Ficure 209.—Justicia phytolaccoides Leonard (Haught 6242): a, Tip of stem showing spike and leaf; b, bract; ¢, bractlet; d, calyx segment; ¢, anther. (a, Half natural size; b-d, twice natural size; e, 344 times natural size.) and ciliolate, the segments oblong-lanceolate, 10 mm. long, 2.75 mm. wide; corollas 3 cm. long, blue, lined with white, puberulous except the enlarged glabrous basal portion, this 4 mm. broad at base, the corolla tube narrowed at 7 mm. above base to 3 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 4 mm. at mouth, the upper lip erect, ovate, 15 mm. long, 562 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 5 mm. wide, narrowed to an obtuse tip, the lower lip spreading, 15 mm. long, ovate, suborbicular, 3-lobed, the middle lobe 3.5 mm. long and 4 mm. wide, rounded, the lateral lobes 3 mm. wide, obtuse, some- what oblique; stamens exserted 12 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anthers 3.5 mm. long, the lobes superposed vertically or nearly so, the upper lobe muticous, dorsally densely pubescent, the lower lobe glabrous, calcarate, the tail blunt, about 0.75 mm. long, the filaments flattened, glabrous; capsules clavate, 16 to 18 mm. long, 5 mm. wide, 3.5 mm. thick, acute, finely puberulous; retinacula ligulate, 2.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, the tip thin, whitish, rounded; seed 4 mm. long, 3.25 mm. wide, 1 mm. thick, brown, tuberculate. Type in the U.S. National Herbarium, No. 2045848, collected along stream at San Antonio, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 200 meters altitude, June 14, 1948, by Oscar Haught (No. 6242). Other collections are: Antioquia: Dry rocks of Rfo Magdalena at Angostura de Nare, André 447 (K). CunpiInaMARCA: Hacienda Paramillo, on road between Guaduas and Alto de Aguaclara, 1,040-1,320 meters altitude, July 24, 1947, Garcta-Barriga 12353 (US); 12646 (US). SANTANDER: San Juan Valley in the vicinity of Puerto Berrfo, between Carare and Magdalena Rivers, 100-700 meters altitude, June 15, 1935, Haught 1788 (US) ; June 24, 1935, Haught 1807 (US). Along stream in forest at San Fernando, between Puerto Berrfo and Rfo Carare, 300 meters altitude, June 30, 1939, Haught 2853 (US). Touma: Cafién del Rfo Gualf, on the road from Fresno to Faldn, 1,120-1,700 meters altitude, December 5, 1939, Garcia-Barriga 8341 (US). Faldn, region of “‘Calamonte,”’ 1,120 meters altitude, December 7, 1939, Garcta-Barriga 8346 (US). WitTHOUT LOCALITY: Mutis 892 (US); 1503 (US). Garcia-Barriga (No. 12353) describes the flowers of his collection as being “amarillas.”” This may possibly be an error since some of the bluish coloration still remains in one of the dried corollas. Aside from this possible color variation, Garcia-Barriga’s specimen is identical with the other specimens cited. The flowers of Haught’s No. 1807 were rose, lined with white, showing that there is some color variation. 33. Justicia xanthostachya Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 210 Frutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, sursum strigosis, pilis rigidis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica vel oblongo-ovata, apice subacuta, basi acuta, aliquando firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra vel parce strigosa, costa et venis prominentibus, cystolithis obscuris vel nullis; petioli parce strigosi; spicae terminales, solitariae vel plures paniculam laxam terminalem formantes, pedunculis sub- quadrangularibus, strigosis, rhachibus hirtellis, pilis albis patulis; bracteae membranaceae, imbricatae, sulphureo-flavae, elliptico-ovatae, utrinque acutae, hirtellae, pilis crassis glandulosis et pilis gracilibus LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 563 eglandulosis intermixtis, costa et venis lateralibus gracilibus; bract- eolae bracteis similes sed minores; calycis segmenta puberula, pilis papilliformibus, crassis, glandulosis et pilis gracilibus eglandulosis intermixtis; corolla clara sulphureo-flava, hirtella, pilis patulis vel retrorsis, tubo subcylindrico, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore erecto, oblongo-ovato, acuto, labio inferiore oblongo-obovato, apice trilobato, lobis suborbicularibus, apice rotundatis; stamina exserta, Ficure 210.—Justicia xanthostachya Leonard (Kalbreyer 930): a, Tip of plant; b, node of stem to show leaf blades; c, tip of leaf; d, bract; ¢, bractlet; f, segment of calyx; g, portion of bract enlarged to show pubescence; h, anther. (a-c, Half natural size; d-f, twice natural size; g, 234% times natural size; h, 444 times natural size.) labium superiorem aequalia, lobis antherarum superpositis vertica- libus, lobo inferiore caudato; ovarium nitidum, papillosum. Shrubs up to 2 meters high; stems subquadrangular, upwardly strigose, the hairs up to 0.11 mm. long, rigid; leaf blades oblong- elliptic or oblong-ovate, up to 24 cm. long and 6.5 cm. wide, subacute at tip, acute at base, rather firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface drying dark olive-green, glabrous or sparingly strigose, the hairs up to 0.19 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (14 to 16 pairs) promi- 564 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM nent on both surfaces, the lower surface drying light olive-green, nitid and sparingly strigose, the cystoliths obscure or lacking; petioles up to 1.5 cm. long, sparingly strigose; flowers borne in terminal spikes up to 7 cm. long and 3 cm. broad, these solitary or several, forming a loose panicle; peduncles up to 3 em. long, subquadrangular, strigose; rachis hirtellous, the hairs spreading, up to 0.11 mm. long, white; bracts imbricate, bright sulphur yellow, elliptic-ovate, up to 28 mm. long, and 11 mm. wide, acute at both ends, hirtellous, up to 0.13 mm. long, some heavy and gland-tipped, others slender and eglandular, the costa and 2 or 3 pairs of lateral veins evident but not prominent; bractlets similar to the bracts but smaller, up to 18 mm. long and 6 mm. wide; calyx 15 mm. long, puberulous, the hairs a mixture of heavy subpapillate gland-tipped ones and fine slender eglandular ones, all spreading and up to 0.16 mm. long; corolla 3 em. long, bright sulphur yellow, hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, spreading or retrorse, the tube subcylindric, 3 mm. broad at base, constricted at 4 mm. above base to 2.5 mm. thence abruptly enlarged to 4 mm., then gradually to 5 mm. at mouth, the upper lip more or less erect, oblong-ovate, about 1 cm. long and 4 mm. wide, acute, the lower lip more or less spreading, oblong-obovate, 1 cm. long, 3.5 mm. wide at base of the three lobes, these suborbicular, 1.5 mm. long and rounded at the tip, the middle lobe about 2 mm. wide, the lateral ones some- what narrower; stamens reaching tip of the upper corolla lip, the filaments glabrous, at least above, the anthers 4 mm. long, the cells superposed and vertically attached to the connective, each 2 mm. long and 0.5 mm. thick, the lower cell tailed, the tail about 0.75 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide; style about 3 cm. long, sparingly and minutely hirtellous near base, otherwise glabrous, the stigma minute and bilobed; ovary nitid, papillose; capsules not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected at Carmen, between Ocafia and Pamplona, Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia, “‘25-3000’” altitude, January 27, 1879, by W. Kalbreyer (No. 930). This well marked species should be easily recognized by its showy bright sulphur-yellow glandular spikes. There are apparently no close relatives. The specific epithet is from the Greek £av6és, yellow, and oraxus, spike. 34. Justicia rehrii Vahl Ficure 196 Justicia rohrit Vahl, Symb. 3: 6. 1794. Type locality: Cajenna (Guyane Frangaise). Collected by Rohr. Beioperone rohriti Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 415. 1847. Based on Justicia rohriit Vahl. Photograph US (Field Mus. No. 22159). Beloperone rohrit Nees 6 latifolia Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 415. 1847. Type locality: Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia. Collected by Bertero. Type LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 565 in the Delessert Herbarium. Photograph of type in the U. S. National Herbarium (Field Mus. No. 7849). Beloperone sanmartensis Rusby, Descr. So. Am. Pl. 128. 1920. Type collected in low damp parts of the dry forest region near Mamatoca, Santa Marta, Department of Magdalena, Colombia, 100 feet altitude, November 1898, by H. H. Smith, No. 96 (Ph, NY [holotype], 8, US). Shrub up to 2 meters high or more; stems stout, obtusely quad- rangular, broadly sulcate, minutely puberulous; leaf blades ovate, oblong-ovate, elliptic or somewhat obovate, 15 to 30 em. long, 7 to 16 cm. wide, short-acuminate or acute, usually narrowed to an obtuse, rounded or subcordate base although occasionally acute, rather thin, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous or sparingly and min- utely puberulous, the hairs subappressed, the costa impressed, this and the lateral veins rather obscure, the lower surface glabrous or the costa and veins (14 or 15 pairs) minutely and inconspicuously puber- ulous, the venation prominent, the cystoliths of both surfaces minute (about 0.3 mm. long) and obscure; petioles 2 to 7 cm. long, minutely puberulous; panicles terminal, up to 22 cm. long and 8 cm. broad, more or less narrowed toward tip; peduncles stout, up to 5 cm. long, appressed-puberulous; lowermost nodes of the inflorescence sub- tended by small leaves; branches of the inflorescence ascending, up to 9 cm. long, the internodes both of the branches and the rachis densely hirtellous, the longer hairs gland-tipped, up to 0.5 mm. long, the flowers and bracts crowded and more or less secund; lowermost bracts subtending the flowers ovate, 12 mm. long, 9 mm. wide near base, acute (the tip itself obtuse), rounded at base, densely hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.3 mm. long, some of them terminating in large patel- liform glands, the costa rather prominent, the lateral veins delicate, the bractlets oblong-elliptic, 12 mm. long, 5 mm. wide, acute, narrowed at base, the pubescence and venation that of the bracts, the succeed- ing bracts and bractlets similar to the lowermost but becoming gradu- ally smaller toward tip of the inflorescence branches; calyx 13 mm. long, deeply segmented, the pubescence and venation that of the bracts and bractlets, the segments lanceolate, slenderly acute, 2.25 mm. wide; corolla white or pale yellow, up to 3 cm. long, rather densely pubescent except the lower glabrous portion, the hairs spreading, or retrorse, up to 1 mm. long, the tube 2.25 mm. broad at base, enlarged to 3 mm. slightly above base and narrowed to 2.25 mm. at 4 mm. above base, thence gradually enlarged to 4 mm. at throat, the lips subequal, about 15 mm. long, the upper lip erect, ovate, acute, 7 mm. wide at base, the lower lip recurved, 3-lobed, 4 mm. wide at base of lobes, the lobes oblanceolate, 7 mm. long, 2 mm. wide near tip, rounded; stamens exserted, reaching tip of the upper corolla lip, the filaments glabrous, the anther cells obliquely attached to the con- nective and superposed, the upper lobe 2.25 mm. long and 0.75 mm, 566 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM broad, blunt at base, borne at a 40-degree angle from the horizontal, the lower lobe 2.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, vertical, the lower tip terminated by a blunt tail 0.5 mm. long; styles slightly shorter than the stamens, essentially glabrous; capsules clavate, 12 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, about 3 mm. thick, the solid stipitate basal portion 4 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, the outer surface finely pubescent, the hairs up to 0.25 mm. long, those at and near the tip spreading, the others retrorse; retinacula 3 mm. long, thin, whitish and subtruncate at tip; seed suborbicular, flattened, about 2.5 mm. long and broad, strongly papillose. Limited in Colombia apparently to the arid forested coastal belt of the Santa Marta region. The following note accompanies H. H. Smith’s No. 96: “Shrub, 4-6 ft. Common locally in low damp parts of the dry forest region below 1000 ft. Flowers Nov.—Dec. pale yellow.” MaGDALENA: Guamacito, Record 35 (NY). Arid coastal belt south of Santa Marta, Killip & Smith 21100 (NY, US). 35. Justicia cabrerae Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 211 Herba ramosa, caulibus ascendentibus, in nodis basalibus radicanti- bus, subquadrangularibus, puberulis, pilis retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum ovata vel elliptica, apice obtusa, basi angustata et in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, costa et venis lateralibus puberulis, cystolithis nullis; petioli puberuli; spicae ter- minales, anguste ovoideae, rhachibus puberulis; bracteae ovatae vel ellipticae, acutae, basi angustatae, parce puberulae, ciliatae, pilis patulis vel ascendentibus; bracteolae lineari-lanceolatae, ciliatae; calycis segmenta lineari-lanceolata, apice gracilia, hirtella; corolla alba, deorsum glabra, labiis minute hirtellis, tubo hypocrateriformi, labio superiore erecto, ovato-lanceolato, apice obtuso, emarginato, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, apice trilobato, labio medio ovato, obtuso, lobis lateralibus triangularibus, apice obtusis; stamina vix exserta, glabra, antheris superpositis, rectis, connectivo lato; ovarium apice hirtellum. Branching herbs up to 20 em. high, ascending, rooting at the lower nodes; stems subquadrangular, puberulous, the hairs retrorsely curved, up to 0.16 mm. long; leaf blades ovate to elliptic, up to 8 cm. long and 4 cm. wide, obtuse at tip, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire or undulate, the costa and lateral veins (8 pairs) puberulous, the hairs similar to those on the stems, the intercostal areas essentially glabrous or minutely hirtellous toward the margins with narrowly triangular septate hairs, the venation rather obscure, at least not prominent, the cystoliths lacking; petioles up to 1.5 cm. long, puberulous; spikes terminating the branches form- ing poorly defined leafy panicles, the spikes themselves narrowly LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 567 ovoid, up to 5 cm. long and 1.5 to 2 cm. broad, the rachis puberulous; bracts ovate to elliptic, 1 to 1.5 cm. long, 6 to 10 mm. wide, acute, narrowed at base, the flat surfaces sparingly puberulous, the margins ciliate with spreading or ascending hairs up to 1.5 mm. long, pinnately veined, the veinlets coarsely reticulate; bractlets linear-lanceolate, 9 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, ciliate with hairs up to 1 mm. long, the flat surfaces essentially glabrous; calyx 5 mm. long, the segments 5, linear-lanceolate, 4.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, narrowed to a Figure 211.— Justicia cabrerae Leonard (a, d, e, Schultes €% Cabrera 12701; b, ¢, f, Schultes €$ Cabrera 12679): a, Tip of plant to show inflorescence and leaves; b, bract; ¢, calyx and one of a pair of bractlets; d, upper lip of corolla, ¢, lower lip showing middle and one of the lateral lobes; f, anther. (a, Natural size; b, 3 times natural size; ce, 4 times natural size; f, 11 times natural size.) slender tip, the upper part hirtellous (the hairs at tip up to 0.25 mm. long), the lower portion glabrous; corolla white, about 2 cm. long, glabrous except the lips, these minutely hirtellous, the tube 2 mm. broad near the base, about 4.5 mm. broad at throat, the upper lip erect, ovate-lanceolate, 4 mm. long and 2 mm. wide at base, obtuse and emarginate at tip, the lower lip more or less spreading, ovate, 7 mm. long, 6 mm. wide at base of lobes, these 4 mm. long, the middle one ovate, 4 mm. wide at base, the lateral ones triangular, 2.5 mm. 568 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM wide at base, all three lobes obtuse at tip; stamens glabrous, slightly exserted beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anther cells 1.5 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide, superposed, vertical, about 0.5 mm. apart, the upper one on a short slender stalk about 5 mm. long, the connec- tive 0.25 mm. wide; style as long as the stamens, the stigma 2-lobed, the lobes lanceolate, slightly recurved, 0.75 mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide; top of ovary and the base of the style sparingly hirtellous, the hairs straight, ascending or spreading, up to 0.8 mm. long; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2124630, collected at Soratama, along the Rio Apaporis, between Rio Pacoa and Rio Kananari, about 250 meters altitude, June 20, 1951, by Richard Evans Schultes and Isidoro Cabrera (No. 12701). Schultes and Cabrera’s No. 12679 (US), collected on a flood bank on the same date and in the same general region as the type, is also of this species. 36. Justicia leucerythra Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 212 Herba vel suffrutex, caulibus erectis, quadrangularibus, glabris vel bifariam puberulis, pilis retrorse curvatis, subappressis; lamina foli- orum oblongo-ovata vel elliptica vel oblongo-obovata, acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, aliquanto firma, integra vel un- dulata, utrinque glabra vel costa et venis lateralibus puberulis, cystolithis inconspicuis et raris; petioli glabri vel puberula, pilis curvatis; spicae 1 vel plures, terminales vel subterminales, oblongae, apice obtusae vel truncatae, pedunculatae, rhache puberula, pilis curvatis, subappressis; bracteae ovatae, acutae vel breviter acumi- natae, basi angustatae, firmae, glabrae vel parce strigosae, pilis appressis, ciliatae, costa et venis (crasse reticulatis) aliquanto promi- nentibus; bracteolae lanceolatae, apice acuto, sensim angustatae, parce et minute strigosae et ciliatae, costa prominente, venis lateralibus obscuris; calycis segmenta 5, lineari-lanceolata, ciliolata, minute et parce strigosa; corolla punicea vel aliquando rubra, subiliter pubescens, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore lanceolato, acuto, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, 3-lobatis, lobis oblongis, apice rotundatis; stamina exserta, lobis antherarum superpositis, plus minusve obliquis, lobo inferiore basi breviter calcarato, lobo superiore mutico, filamentis planis, glabris; capsulae (immaturae) clavatae, glabrae; semina suborbiculata, plana, muriculata, subrubra. Slender erect herbs (becoming suffrutescent at maturity) up to 1 meter high; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or puberulous, the hairs retrorsely curved, subappressed, arranged more or less in two rows; leaf blades oblong-ovate, elliptic or oblong-obovate, 20 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base, rather firm, entire or undulate, the costa and lateral veins (6 to 8 LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 569 pairs) puberulous, the cystoliths often inconspicuous and scattered; petioles up to 3 cm. long, glabrous or puberulous with curved hairs; spikes one or several, terminal and subterminal, up to 7 cm. long and 2.5 cm. broad, obtuse or truncate at tip, the peduncles usually about 1 em. long, the rachis sparingly puberulous, the hairs curved, sub- appressed, about 0.2 mm. long; bracts ovate, ca. 18 mm. long, 8 mm. wide, acute or short-acuminate, narrowed to base, firm, glabrous or sparingly strigose (hairs appressed, white, ca. 75u long), sparingly ciliate with hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, the veins coarsely reticulate, Ficure 212.—Justicia leucerythra Leonard (Haught 6729): a, Tip of plant showing leaves and inflorescence; b, bract; ¢, bractlet; d, calyx; ¢, corolla; f, anther; g, pistil. (@, Half natural size; b-d, twice natural size; ¢, g, natural size; f, 4 times natural size.) these and the costa rather prominent; bractlets lanceolate, up to 8 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, gradually narrowed to an acute tip, sparingly and minutely strigose and ciliate, the costa prominent, the lateral veins obscure; calyx 5 mm. long, 5-parted, the segments linear- lanceolate, 4.5 mm. long, ca. 0.6 mm. wide, ciliolate, minutely and sparingly strigose; corolla pink or occasionally red, up to 33 mm. long, finely pubescent, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, the tube 22 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 1.5 mm. at 3 mm. above base, thence gradually enlarged to 3 mm. at mouth, the lips subequal, 11 mm. long, the upper 388179—57——17 570 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM lip lanceolate, 8 mm. wide, acute, the lower lip more or less spreading, 3-lobed, the lobes oblong, 10 mm. long, 4.5 mm. wide, rounded at tip, delicately veined; stamens exserted 8 mm. beyond mouth of the corolla tube, the anthers 3 mm. long, the lobes 0.5 mm. long, superposed, somewhat obliquely attached to the connective (0.5 mm. broad), the upper lobe muticous, the lower terminating at base in a short blunt spur 0.25 mm. long, the filaments flat, glabrous; ovary glabrous; style 2.5 em. long, glabrous; stigma bilobed, minute; capsules (immature) 10 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, 2.5 mm. thick; seed orbicular, flattened, reddish, muriculate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2046312, collected in flood-plain forest at Cerrején, Department of Magdalena, Colombia, 100 meters altitude, December 3, 1949, by Oscar Haught (No. 6729). ArLAntico: Woods around Los Pendales, Hacienda Riodulee, altitude 20 to 50 meters, Dugand & Jaramillo 4160 (US). Luruaco, Bro. Apolinar 490 (US). Piojé, Bro. Elias 681 (US). Puerto Colombia, Bro. Elias 1411 (GH, NY, US). Arroyo del Higuerén, Usiacurf, 100 meters altitude, Dugand & Garcia-Barriga 2287 (US). Macpa.ena: Forest east of Codazzi, 200 meters altitude, Haught 3739 (US). Fucurinca, Romero-Castafieda 557 (Ch, US). Hacienda Juan Leén, 150 meters altitude, Haught 4763 (US). Justica leucerythra bears a general resemblence to the Peruvian species J. glabribracteata Lindau., but in that species the bracts are relatively broader and often obtuse or rounded instead of sharply acute, and the capsules are more or less hirtellous. The specific epithet is from the Greek devxépvdpos, meaning pink, in allusion to the pink corollas. 37. Justicia enarthrocoma Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 213 Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, bifariam pilosis, pilis curvatis, plus minusve patulis, septatis, aureo-brunneis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata vel oblongo-obovata, plus minusve panduri- formis, acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, aliquanto tenuis, integra vel undulata, supra subnitida, glabra vel costa parce puberula, subtus glabra, costa et venis lateralibus puberulis, pilis aureobrunneis, septatis, cystolithis parvis, inconspicuis; petioli breves, hirtelli; spicae terminales vel subterminales, pedunculis glabris vel parce pilosulis, rhache glabra; bracteae oblongo-ellipticae, acutae, basi subobtusae, tenues, glabrae, parce ciliatae; bracteolae oblongo- lanceolatae, acutae, basi sessiles et obtusae, glabrae, costa prominente; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuta, aliquanto tenuia, costa prominente; corolla coccinea, basi glabra, deorsum aliquando pilosa, pilis retrorse curvatis vel patulis, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore erecto, ovato, apice bilobato, lobis rotundatis, labio inferiore patulo, trilo- bato, lobis oblongo-ovatis, apice rotundatis; stamina exserta, fila- LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 571 mentis glabris, antherarum lobis obliquis, leviter superpositis, basi muticis vel minute apiculatis; ovarium glabrum; styli glabri. Shrub up to 2 meters high, a little branched, the stems subquad- rangular, the hairs curved, more or less spreading, arranged in 2 rows, conspicuously septate, golden brown; leaf blades oblong-ovate or obovate (some of them slightly panduriform), ca. 20 cm. long, 7 cm. Ficure 213.—Justicia enarthrocoma Leonard (Grant 10900): a, Tip of stem, showing leaf and inflorescence; b, hair from upper portion of stem; ¢, bract; d, bractlet; ¢, calyx; f, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, 36 times natural size; c—e, slightly less than natura] size; f, 344 times natural size.) wide, acuminate, narrowed at base, rather thin, entire or undulate, the upper surface subnitid, glabrous or the costa bearing a few small hairs, the cystoliths 0.25 mm. long, inconspicuous, the lower surface glabrous except the costa and lateral veins (9 or 10 pairs), these hiretellous with ascending golden brown septate hairs up to about 0.25 mm. long, the cystoliths about 0.2 mm. long, inconspicuous, sometimes drying 572 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM blackish in young leaves; petioles up to 5 mm. long, hirtellous; spikes terminal or subterminal, the peduncles up to 3 cm. long, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the rachis glabrous, marked by a few parallel cystoliths; bracts oblong-elliptic, 25 mm. long, 10 mm. wide, acute, obtuse at base, thin, glabrous, sparingly ciliate, the veinlets coarsely but rather obscurely reticulate; bractlets oblong-lanceolate, 11.5 mm. long, 3.5 mm. wide, acute, obtuse at base, thin, glabrous, the costa rather prominent, the lateral veins delicately and coarsely reticulate; calyx 12.5 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments lanceolate, 1.5 mm. wide at middle, acute, rather thin, the costa prominent, the 6 or more pairs of lateral veins obscure; corolla scarlet, up to 6 cm. long, except the glabrous basally enlarged portion, rather densely pilose with spreading or retrorsely curved brownish septate hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, the tube 3 mm. wide at base, enlarged to 4 mm. at 3 mm. above base and contracted to 1.5 mm. at 6 mm. above base, thence gradually enlarged to 6 mm. at mouth, densely and retrorsely pilose at and below the insertion of the stamens within the tube, the lips subequal, the upper lip erect, ovate, 12 mm. long, 10 mm. wide near base, 2 mm. wide near tip, bilobed, the lobes 0.75 mm. long, rounded, the lower lip spreading, 13 mm. long, 3-lobed, the lobes oblong-ovate, 11 mm. long, 4.25 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens exserted 15 mm. beyond mouth of corolla tube, the filaments glabrous, the anthers 3.5 mm. long, the cells slightly superposed and somewhat obliquely attached by a connective about 0.5 mm. wide, muticous or minutely apiculate at base; ovary glabrous; style glabrous, rather short; mature capsule not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045441, collected in- subtropical forest 12 km. east of Codazzi in the Espiritu Santo Valley of the Sierra de Perijé, Cordillera Oriental, and 13 km. from the Venezuelan border, Department of Magdalena, Colombia, 1,250 meters altitude, February 11, 1945, by Martin L. Grant (No. 10900). Justicia enarthrocoma is closely related to J. leucerythra, differing in the subpanduriform leaf blades, the septate golden brown hairs on stems and young leaf blades, and the much larger scarlet corollas, these with a bilobed upper lip. The specific epithet is from the Greek évapOpos, jointed, and xéyn, hair. 38. Justicia sanchezioides Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 214 Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel parce bifariam strigosis, pilis plus minusve curvatis; lamina foliorum oblongo- elliptica vel late lanceolata, apice acuta vel breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, firma, integra vel leviter undulata, glabra, costa et venis lateralibus subtus prominentibus, supra obscuris; petioli crassi, glabri vel minute strigosi; paniculae terminales, spicarum unilateralium compositae; pedunculi dense plus minusve bifariam LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 573 hirsuti, pilis curvatis, subbrunneis vel purpureis; rhachis hirsuta, pilis plus minusve glandulosis; bracteae acutae et bracteolae acuminatae subaequales, lanceolatae, intus glabrae vel apice hirsutae, extus ali- quanto hirsutae, marginibus ciliatae, pilis ascendentibus, nervis obscuris; calycis segmenta 5, lanceolata, apice angustata, intus strigosa, extus hirtella, pilis subflavis; corolla rosea, parce pubescens, pilis plus minusve glandulosis, tubo sursum gradatim ampliato, labio superiore erecto, oblongo-ovato, apice obtuso, labio inferiore patulo, cuneato, apice trilobato, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina exserta, filamentis planis, glabris vel deorsum parce et minute hirtellis, lobis antherarum superpositis, basi albo-caudatis; ovarium glabrum. Suffrutescent plants up to 3 meters high; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or sparingly and bifariously strigose, the hairs more or less curved; leaf blades oblong-elliptic to broadly lanceolate, ca. 28 cm. long, 8 cm. wide, acute to short-acuminate, narrowed at base, firm, entire or shallowly undulate, glabrous, the costa and lateral veins (10 to 15 pairs) prominent beneath, obscure above, the cystoliths numerous and rather prominent under a lens, up to 0.3 mm. long; petioles stout, up to 1.5 cm. long and 2 mm. in diameter, glabrous or minutely strigose; inflorescence a terminal panicle composed of several unilateral spikes up to 12 cm. long and about 1 cm. wide, the peduncles up to 2 cm. long, densely and more or less bifariously hirsute, the hairs curved, about 0.3 mm. long, brownish or purple, the rachis similarly hirsute or some of the hairs spreading and glandular; bracts and bractlets subequal, lanceolate, the inner surface glabrous or hirsute toward tip, the outer surface moderately hirsute, the hairs yellowish brown, about 0.5 mm. long, the margins ciliate with ascending hairs, the bracts 18 mm. long and 3 mm. wide near base, acute, the bractlets slightly longer than the bracts, 1 to 2 mm. wide, acuminate, both bracts and bractlets ob- scurely nerved; calyx 17 mm. long, the segments 5, lanceolate, 15 mm. long, 2 mm. wide at middle, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, strigose within, hirtellous without, the hairs yellowish, about 0.3 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins obscure; corolla 6.5 cm. long, pale purple (‘‘cférdeno pélida,’”’ Cuatrecasas) or bright rose (Klug), the tube rather gradually ampliate upwardly, the basal portion (5 mm. long) 2 mm. in diameter, thence expanding to 6 mm. at throat, sparingly and finely pubescent, some of the hairs glandular, the upper lip erect, oblong-ovate, up to 37 mm. long and 8 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to 2 mm. at the rounded subtruncate tip, the lower lip spreading, 7 mm. wide near tip, gradually narrowed to 5 mm. at base, the 3 lobes ovate, 4 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, rounded; stamens reaching to 7 mm. below tip of the upper lip of the corolla, the fila- ments flat, glabrous or sparingly and minutely hirtellous toward 574 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM base, the anther cells slightly superposed, 2.5 mm. long, 1.25 mm. broad, caudate at base, the tails whitish, about 0.5 mm. long; pistil extending about 5 mm. beyond the stamens, the stigma capitate; ovary glabrous. “i, Je in) fh Life iy y Li OTS Ficure 214.—Justicia sanchexioides Leonard (Cuatrecasas 10581): a, Tip of plant showing inflorescence and leaf blade; b, bract; ¢, bractlet; d, a marginal hair from bract; ¢, tip of bractlet enlarged to show pubescence (dorsal surface); f, a glandular hair from a bractlet; g, a segment of the calyx (dorsal surface); A, corolla; 7, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, ¢, g, natural size; d, f, 40 times natural size; ¢, 10 times natural size; h, about 14% times natural size; i, 5 times natural size.) Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1798530, collected in the wet forests along the Rio Putumayo at Puerto Ospina, Comisarfa of Putamayo, Colombia, 230 meters altitude, November 14, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 10581). Caqueth: Florencia, December 1930 Pérez-Arbeldez 746 (US). Putumayo: Forests at Umbria, 325 meters altitude, October to November, 1930, Klug 1693 (US). Mocoa, May 23, 1899, Sprague 387 (IX). SANTANDER: San Gil, Apolinar-Maria 92 (GH). Forests of Soto, Schlim 1093 (K). LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 575 Justicia sanchezioides is easily recognized by its inflorescence of unilateral spikes, the narrow bracts and bractlets (these similar), the large pink flowers, and large glabrous leaf blades. 39. Justicia homeea Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 215 Suffrutex gracilis, caulibus subquadrangularibus (angulis rotund- atis), minute et antrorse strigosis, pilis aureo-brunneis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata, apice breviter acuminata, basi subobtusa, firma, undulata vel leviter et obscure crenulata, utrinque glabra, costa et venis subtus conspicuis parce strigosis excepta, venulis graciliter reticulatis, cystolithis pluribus et conspicuis; petioli aliquanto longi, minute strigosi, pilis aureo-brunneis; spicae magnae, binae vel ternae, densae, axillares et terminales, bracteis quadrifariis, pedunculis et rhachibus subquadrangularibus, dense hirtellis, pilis ascendentibus, rigidis, rectis; bracteae paululum obovatae, acutae, sessiles, valde parallelo-nervatae, aliquanto dense puberulae, pilis subpapilliformibus, vel apice pilis paucis longioribus eglandulosis praeditae, marginibus ciliatis; bracteae similes sed minores; calycis segmenta lineari- lanceolata, acuta, puberula, pilis papillosis glandulosis et pilis long- ioribus eglandulosis intermixtis; corolla rosea, dense et retrorse hirtella, pilis rigidis, tubo subcylindrico, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore erecto, oblongo-ovato, apice rotundato, labio inferiore valde recurvato, cuncato, trilobato, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis sursum glabris, basi auriculatis, dense pilosis, pilis rectis, patulis, subalbidis, antheris glabris, lobis verticalibus superpositis, lobo inferiore caudato; ovarium glabrum. Slender shrubs up to 2 meters high; stems subquadrangular, the angles rounded, minutely and antrorsely strigose, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, golden brown; leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 26 cm. long and 11.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate, subobtuse at base, firm, undulate or shallowly and indistinctly crenate, both surfaces glabrous except the costa and lateral veins, these conspicuous especially beneath and sparingly strigose, the hairs up to 0.24 mm. long, the veinlets delicately reticulate beneath, the cystoliths numerous and con- spicuous under a lens, up to 0.32 mm. long; petioles up to 4 cm. long and 2.75 mm. thick, minutely strigose with yellowish hairs; flowers borne in dense axillary and terminal spikes, these borne in pairs or in threes, up to 10 cm. long and 13 mm. thick, the bracts quadrifarious, the peduncles about 1 cm. long, these and the rachis subquadrangular, densely hirtellous with yellowish ascending straight rigid hairs up to 0.2 mm. long; bracts slightly obovate, 11 mm. long, 4.25 mm. wide slightly above the middle, acute, sessile, strongly parallel-nerved (4 to 6 pairs of lateral nerves), rather densely puberulous with erect straight glandular subpapillate hairs up to 0.03 mm. long and bearing 576 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM toward tip a few additional ascending eglandular hairs up to 0.24 mm. long, the inner surface essentially glabrous, the margins ciliate with hairs about 0.16 mm. long; bractlets similar but smaller (6.5 mm. long, 2 mm. wide); calyx 1 cm. long, the segments linear-lanceolate, 8.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, the pubescence similar to that of the bracts and bractlets; corolla rose color, 2.3 cm. long, densely and retrorsely Ficure 215.— Justicia homoea Leonard (Haught 4565): a, Tip of plant; 5, bract; c, portion of bract to show nature of pubescence; d, bractlet; ¢, calyx segment; f, tip of corolla; & portion of corolla tube enlarged to show nature of pubescence; h, base of stamen; 1, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, d, ¢, 3 times natural size; ¢, g, 44 times natural size; f, twice natural size; A, 6 times natural size; 1, 5 times natural size.) hirtellous with rigid hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, the tube rather narrowly cylindric, 2.5 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 5 mm. above base to 1.5 mm., thence enlarged to 2 mm. at the throat, the lips subequal, 8 mm. long, the upper lip erect, oblong-ovate, about 4 mm. wide near base, 1 mm. wide at tip, rounded, the lower lip strongly recurved, cuneate, about 6 mm. wide at base of the lobes, these 3, ovate, 3.5 mm. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 577 long, the middle one 2 mm. wide, the lateral ones slightly narrower, all rounded; stamens reaching tip of the upper lip of the corolla, the filaments flat, glabrous except the auriculate base, the auricles densely pilose with straight spreading whitish hairs about 0.32 mm. long, the anthers 3.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. broad, glabrous, the cells superposed and vertically attached to the connective, the cells about equal in length, the lower one caudate, the tail about 0.75 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide, rounded at tip; style exserted about 5 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous toward tip, hirtellous toward base, the stigma minute, subcapitate; ovary glabrous except the hirsute tip, the hairs ascending, up to 0.32 mm. long, capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1995082, collected in wet forest southeast of Chigorodo, 40 km. south of Turbo, Depart- ment of Antioquia, Colombia, 50 meters altitude, April 15, 1945, by Oscar Haught (No. 4565). Justicia homoea has the same habit and general appearance as J. phlebophylla Leonard (Haught, No. 4564); in fact, plants of the two species were growing in the same colony. Both are slender shrubs 2 meters high, with large, almost glabrous, veiny leaves bearing numer- ous conspicuous cystoliths. The spikes of the two species are, how- ever, definitely dissimilar. Those of J. homoea have oblong, slightly obovate, strongly nerved bracts up to 11 mm. long and 4.25 mm. wide and the flowers are 4-ranked; in J. phlebophylla the flowers are secund and the bracts are ovate and 3 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide. The corolla of the latter is purple, marked with light lines; that of J. homoea is rose color. The specific epithet is from the Greek word $no.os, meaning similar, in allusion to its resemblance to J. phlebophylla. 40. Justicia filibracteolata Lindau Justicia filibracteolata Lindau, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5: 673. 1897. Type col- lected along the Rio Guacaica near Manizales, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 1,800 meters altitude, September 14, 1883, by F. C. Lehmann, No. 3094. Photograph of type (B) in the U.S. National Herbarium (Field Mus. No. 8826). Dianthera secunda (Vahl) Griseb. var. holionit Hochr. Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 6: 287. 1910. Type collected at La Paila, Department of Cauca, Colombia, June 6, 1853, by I. F. Holton, s. n. Holotype NY, isotype K. Herbs rarely over 1 meter high, erect or ascending, simple or mod- erately branched; stems obscurely quadrangular, shallowly sulcate, at least above, glabrous or sparingly puberulous, the hairs curved and subappressed, about 0.25 mm. long, disposed more or less in 2 rows, the internodes of the stems up to 12 cm. long but usually 6 cm. or less; leaf blades lanceolate, up to 20 cm. long and 6 cm. wide but averaging 15 cm. in length and 3 cm. in width, acuminate, often slenderly so (the tip itself acute or obtuse), narrowed at base, rather thin, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous or sparingly to 578 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM moderately hirsute, the hairs up to 0.75 mm. long, more or less curved, the lower surface glabrous or very sparingly hirtellous or occasionally rather densely so, the hairs curved, up to 0.38 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (9 or 10 pairs) prominent, the cystoliths of both surfaces small but rather prominent under a lens, up to 0.2 mm. long; petioles 1 to 1.5 cm. long or occasionally up to 4 cm. long, the channels more or less densely puberulous with curved hairs; flowers borne in dense panicles usually up to 10 cm. long and 3 em. broad, the flowers and bracts more or less secund, the rachises and peduncles rather densely puberulous, the hairs retrorsely curved, about 0.1 mm. long, the pedun- cles 2 to 6 cm. long, the lower branches of the panicle often borne in the axils of the uppermost leaf blades; bracts subulate, usually up to 12 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, keeled, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, brownish; bractlets subulate, up to 3 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous ; calyx 1 cm. long, deeply segmented, the segments lanceolate, 9 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide slightly above middle, rather densely hirtellous, the hairs straight, brownish, up to 0.3 mm. long, the costa, veins and reticulated veinlets prominent; corolla 2 to 4 cm. long, pink, purple, violet or lilac, glabrous below, finely pilose toward tip, the hairs spreading, up to 0.4 mm. long, the nerves conspicuous, the tube 1 cm. long, 2.5 mm. broad at base, gradually enlarged to 4 mm. at mouth, the upper lip oblong-elliptic, more or less erect, 12 mm. long, 4 mm. wide at middle, plicate, dorsally pilose, minutely glandular- puberulous on the upper surface, rounded and emarginate at tip, the lower lip ovate, spreading, 13 mm. long, 9 mm. wide, transversely fluted, saccate, 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, rounded, 3 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide; stamens exserted 8 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, the filaments glabrous or bearing a few hairs near the base, the staminal plaits densely and retrorsely pilose, the anther lobes slightly super- posed, the connective 0.75 mm. broad, the upper lobe 1.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. broad, white-puberulous on margin, muticous and subapic- ulate at base, the lower cell 1 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad, white- puberulous on margin, tipped by a white tail about 0.2 mm. long; style 17 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma minutely bilobed; capsule short-clavate, 8 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, 2.5 mm. thick (the solid basal portion 3.5 mm. long), rather sparingly and finely puberulous, the hairs white, up to 0.15 mm. long, retrorsely ascending except at tip of capsule, there spreading; retinacula 2 mm. long, curved, the tip thin, obtuse, subcucullate, minutely lacerate; seeds 4, ovate, flattened, 2.5 long, 2 mm. broad, about 0.5 mm. thick, glabrous, the margin re- curved over a concave surface and bordered by a row of flattish hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, these merging to form a thin lamina toward base of seed. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 579 The species is partial to forests and thickets, often growing along streams. It occurs at various altitudes (50 to 2,000 meters) but seems to be most common between 1,000 and 2,000 meters. Antroguta: Cocorndé, Bro. Daniel 1790 (US). Fredonia, Archer 638 (US); Toro 842 (NY). Jericé, Bro. Daniel & Bro. Tomds 3366 (US). Medellin, Archer 871 (US). Turbo, Haught 4772 (US); 4773 (US). Santo Domingo, Scolnik, Araque & Barkley 19 An. 439 (US). Caupas: La Sombra, east of Apia, Pennell 10273 (GH, NY). Rfo Quindfo, above Armenia, Pennell, Killip & Hazen 8697 (GH, Ph, NY, US). Cauca: Timbiquf, Lehmann B. T. 4385 (K, NY). Cuocé: Cupica, Fernandez 350 (US). Quebrada Guarapo, near Andagoya, Killip 35198 (US). Cunprnamarca: Choachf, January 18, 1854, Holton s.n., (NY). La Esperanza Garcia-Barriga 3067 (US). Paime, Ariste-Joseph 1082 (US). Guaduas, Uribe- Uribe 2336 (US). Eu Vauie: Valley of Albdn, between Quebradita del Retiro and Rfo Albdn, Cuatrecasas 22620 (US). Cuchilla, east of Zarzal, Pennell, Killip & Hazen 8505 (GH, NY, US). Mera: Macoya Guafa, Rio Meta, Cuatrecasas 4139 (Col). Norte pp SANTANDER: Vicinity of Chindcota, Killip & Smith 20807 (US). Villamarina, between Pamplona and Cucuta, Garganta-F dbrega 782 (US). SanTANDER: Vicinity of California, Killip & Smith 17031 (U8). Vicinity of Charta, Killip & Smith 19040 (GH, US). Touima: Buenavista, Triana s.n. (Col, NY). Libano, Pennell 3390 (GH, NY, US). Wirnovut LocaLity: Mutis 1512 (US). KEY TO THE VARIETIES Stems glabrous, puberulous or sparingly hirtellous. Leaf blades lanceolate, acuminate (usually slenderly so) narrowed at base; corollas pink, red, purple or red-violet__--.------------ var. filibracteclata Leaf blades ovate to oblong-ovate, obtuse, acute or short-acuminate at tip, rounded or abruptly narrowed at base; corollas blue--------- var. azurea Stems rather densely pilose or hirsute, the hairs more or less disposed in two lines. Inflorescence conspicuously gray-pilosulous- ----------------- var. pubescens Inflorescence not gray-pilosulous, the hairs brownish. Corollas white___.._------------------------------------>- var. leucantha Corollas orange-yellow- -------------------------------- var. aurantiaca Corollas lilac___-.------------------------------------77> var. lilacina 40a. Justicia filibracteolata Lindau var. azurea Leonard, var. nov. Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, puberulis, pilis retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum ovata vel oblongo-ovata, obtusa, vel acuta vel breviter acuminata (apice ipso acuto), basi rotundata vel acuta, in petiolum decurrens, utrinque glabra vel costa et venis parce puberulis; bracteae et bracteolae et calycis segmenta minute hirtella et ciliolata; corolla azurea. Herbs about 1.8 meters high, stems subquadrangular, puberulous, the hairs retrorsely curved; leaf blades ovate to oblong-ovate, obtuse, acute, or short-acuminate (the tip itself acute), rounded or narrowed 580 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM at base and decurrent on the petiole; petioles up to 2 cm. long, puber- ulous with recurved hairs; rachises, bracts, bractlets and calyx seg- ments minutely hirtellous and ciliolate; corolla blue. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1772289, collected in thicket along the Rio Dagua, near Cisneros, Department of El Valle, Colombia, 300 to 500 meters altitude, May 5, 1939, by E. P. Killip (No. 35589). 40b. Justicia filibracteolata Lindau var. pubescens Lindau Justicia filibracteolata Lindau var. pubescens Lindau, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5: 674. 1897. Type collected in the vicinity of Ocafia, Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia, 3,500 meters altitude, by L. Schlim, No. 196. Suffrutescent subscandent herbs up to 1 meter high or more; stems and leaf blades moderately to rather densely hirsute, the hairs up to 0.6 mm. long, more or less curved, spreading or ascending; bracts, bractlets, and calyx densely gray-pilosulous, the hairs more or less spreading, white, up to 0.5 mm. long; calyx segments often purple; corolla pinkish red to bright red. Justicia filibracteolata var. pubescens is a forest plant usually found between 1,600 and 2,200 meters altitude. Cunpinamarca: La Palma, road to Pacho along the Rio Murca, Garcta- Barriga 12417 (US). El Pefién, Hacienda Curiche, Garcia-Barriga 12467 (US). Norte DE SANTANDER: Woods in the vicinity of Toledo, Killip & Smith 20080 (GH, NY, US). SANTANDER: Vicinity of California, Killip & Smith 17042 (GH, NY, US). Vicinity of Suraté, Killip & Smith 16491 (GH, NY, US), 16816 (GH, NY, US). San Juan Valley, vicinity of Puerto Berrio, Haught 1862 (US). 40c. Justicia filibracteolata Lindau var. leucantha Leonard, var. nov. Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, dense bifariam pilosis, pilis retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum magna, oblongo-elliptica; corolla alba. Suffrutescent herbs up to 1 meter high or more; stems subquad- rangular, pilose, the hairs retrorsely curved, disposed in two lines, brownish, up to 1 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 20 cm. long and 9 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself acute), narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, the upper surface glabrous to sparingly pilose, the lower surface more densely so, the hairs of both surfaces brownish, up to 1.5 mm. long, subappressed to ascending, more numerous on costa and veins of the lower leaf-surface than else- where; corolla white; capsules densely puberulous, in other respects similar to the typical variety. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1853617, collected at 500 meters altitude at Villavicencio, Intendencia of Meta, Colombia, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 4513). Isotype in the U. S. National Her- barium, No. 2056178, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 581 The following also represent the variety: Cunpinamarca: Moist forest between Pipiral and Susumuco, southeast of Quetame, Pennell 1714 (GH, NY). Mera: Dense humid forests on the bank of Rio Guapaya, Sierra de la Ma- carena, Philipson, Idrobo & Fernandez 1580 (BM, US). Rich soil of damp rocky woods along the Rfo Guatiqufa, vicinity of Villavicencio, Araque & Barkley 18M.015 (US); 18M.026 (US); 18M.027 (US). Ocoa, near Villavicencio, Schiefer 828 (GH). Villavicencio, Killip 34855 (US); Sprague 139 (K). Along the Rio Guamal between Acacfas and San Martin, 430 meters altitude, Uribe-Uribe 1320 (US). The heavy brownish bifarious pilosity of the stems, the large oblong-elliptic short-acuminate leaf blades, and the white corollas are characters of Justicia filibracteolata var. leucantha which readily separate it from the typical variety. Pennell’s No. 1714 was collected between 1,100 and 1,300 meters, the other specimens cited were from between 350 and 500 meters. The specific epithet leucantha is from the greek devxds, white, and &v6os, flower. 40d. Justicia filibracteolata Lindau var. aurantiaca Leonard, var. nov. Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, pilosis, pilis brunneis, plus minusve bifariam dispositis; lamina foliorum plus minusve dense pilosis; corolla aurantiaca. Suffrutescent; stems subquadrangular, these and the rachises rather densely pilose, the hairs brownish, up to 2 mm. long, more or less disposed in two rows; leaf blades oblong-lanceolate, up to 17 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, acute or short-acuminate, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, both surfaces pilose, the younger leaves densely so, the hairs brownish, up to 1.5 mm. long, subappressed to spreading; petioles about 1 cm. long, pilose at least above; bracts and calyx segments conspicuously ciliate, the hairs up to 0.75 mm. long, mostly spreading, brownish; corollas orange-yellow. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1773531, collected at Villavicencio, Intendencia of Meta, Colombia, 500 meters altitude, November 11, 1938, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 4701). Justicia filibracteolata var. aurantiaca seems to be more closely related to the variety pubescens than to the typical variety. 40e. Justicia filibracteolata Lindau var. lilacina Leonard, var. nov. Herba vel suffrutex, caulibus plus minusve bifariam pilosa, pilis brunneis, lamina foliorum saepe magna, oblongo-elliptica, acuta vel breviter acuminata; corolla lilacina. Herbs becoming suffrutescent; stems subquadrangular, pilose, the hairs brownish, curved, up to 1 mm. long, more or less disposed in two rows; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 20 em. long and 8.5 cm. wide, acute or short-acuminate, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole; corollas lilac. 582 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1799251, collected in woods between Sucre and La Portada, Comisarfa del Caqueté, Colom- bia, 1,200 to 1,350 meters altitude, April 5, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 9147). Mera: Stones on river bank, Rfo Guapaya, Sierra de la Macarena, 450 meters altitude, November 29, 1949, Philipson, Idrobo & Fernandez 1627 (BM, US); 1634 (BH). Putamayro: Umbrfa, Klug 1768 (GH, 8, US). 41. Justicia porphyrocoma Leonard, sp. nov. Fiaure 216 Herba vel suffrutex, ascendens, in nodis radicans, caulibus sub- quadrangularibus, deorsum glabris, sursum retrorse pilosis, pilis septatis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, acuta vel acuminata, basi angustata, supra dense pilosa, pilis purpureis, curvatis, ascendentibus, conspicue septatis, subtus plus minusve glabra, costa et venis hirtellis, pilis parvis, patentibus, cystolithis obscuris; petioli graciles, plus minusve pilosi; spicae terminales, pedunculo aliquanto longo, quad- rangulari, bifariam hirsuto, pilis ascendentibus, rhache glabra vel parce hirtella; bracteac lanceolatac, acutae, glabrae, cystolithis minutis, parallelis, conspicuis; bracteolae lanceolatae, glabrae vel apice hirtellae; calycis segmenta anguste lanceolata, acuminata, glabra, marginibus minute ciliolatis exceptis, pilis ascendentibus, cystolithis plus minusve conspicuis; corolla ignota; capsulae clavatae, glabrae; retinacula angusta, curvata, apice acuta; semina plana, subbrunnea, muricata. Herbs or suffrutescent plants up to 60 cm. high or more, ascending, rooting at the nodes; stems subquadrangular, about 4 mm. in diameter near base, the lower parts glabrous, the upper parts retrorsely pilose, the hairs up to 0.6 mm. long, conspicuously septate; leaf blades oblong- elliptic, up to 10 cm. long and 2.5 em. wide, acute to acuminate, nar- rowed at base, the upper surface rather densely pilose, the hairs purplish, curved, ascending, up to 0.75 mm. long, conspicuously septate; the lower surface more or less glabrous except the costa and veins (about 8 pairs), these hirtellous, the hairs ascending, about 0.28 mm. long, the cystoliths obscure; petioles up to 1.5 cm. long, rather slender, more or less pilose; flowers borne in terminal spikes up to 6 cm. long and 15 mm. broad; peduncles 2 to 3 cm. long, quad- rangular, bifariously hirsute, the hairs ascending, the rachis glabrous or sparingly hirtellous; bracts lanceolate, about 5 mm. long and 2 mm. wide, acute, glabrous, the cystoliths minute, parallel, conspicuous; bractlets lanceolate, about 6.5 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, acute, glabrous or hirtellous near tip; calyx 22 mm. long, glabrous, deeply segmented, the segments narrowly lanceolate, 1.5 mm. wide, acu- minate, minutely ciliolate, the hairs ascending, the cystoliths more or LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 083 less conspicuous; corollas not seen; capsules clavate, 18 mm. long, 4mm. broad, 3 mm. thick, glabrous, the retinacula 2 mm. long, curved, narrow, acute at tip; seed (immature) ovoid, flattened, about 2 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, brownish, muricate. Ficure 216.—Justicia porphyrocoma Leonard, sp. nov. (Ariste- Joseph “B”): a, Tip of plant to show leaves and inflorescence; b, a hair from the upper surface of a leaf blade; ¢, node of inflorescence to show a bract and bractlet; d, a small portion of a bract to show cystoliths and ciliolated margin; ¢, a calyx segment; f, valve of a capsule, dorsal view. (a, Natural size; 6, 25 times natural size; ¢, 214 times natural size; d, about 9 times natural size; ¢, 13g times natural size; f, twice natural size.) Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1122813, collected at Paime, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 1922, by Bro. Ariste-Joseph (No. ‘B’’). The specific epithet is from the Greek ropdipeos, purple, and «dyn, hairs, in allusion to the pubescence of the upper surface of the leaf blades. 584. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 42. Justicia periplocifolia Jacq. Justicia periplocifolia Jacq. Collect, Suppl. 5, pl. 7, fig. 2.1796. Type collected at Caracas, Venezuela, by Jacquin. Photograph of type in the Vienna Her- barium in the U. S. National Herbarium (Field Mus. No. 32730). Justicia reflexiflora Vahl, Enum. 1: 157. 1804. Type collected on gravelly mountain, St. Thomas, West Indies, by Richard. Adhatoda periplocifolia Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 395. 1847. Based on Justicia pertplocifolia Jacq. Adhatoda reflexiflora Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 398. 1847. Based on Justicia reflexiflora Vahl. Suffrutescent plants, sometimes weakly clambering over small bushes; stems terete or the upper portions obscurely quadrangular, glabrous or the nodes bearing a few minute curved subappressed hairs; leaf blades usually narrowly lanceolate, but sometimes oblong- ovate, up to 16 cm. long and 2.5 cm. wide, acuminate, often slenderly so, narrowed, obtuse orrounded at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces glabrous or the costa and lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) sparingly puberulous, the hairs subappressed, up to 0.15 mm. long, the venation obscure, the cystoliths minute and inconspicuous; petioles up to 1 cm. long, minutely puberulous; flowers sessile, axillary or the uppermost forming dense to lax spikes, these sometimes up to 6 cm. long and 2.5 cm. broad; bracts and bractlets subequal, linear- lanceolate, 15 mm. long, the bracts 1.5 mm. wide, the bractlets 1 mm. wide, both bracts and bractlets slenderly acuminate, sparingly hirtel- lous, the hairs ca. 0.2 mm. long, usually some of them glandular; calyx 12 mm. long, deeply segmented, sparingly hirtellous, the segments lanceolate, 1.5 mm. wide, slenderly acuminate, white-margined; corolla up to 4.5 cm. long, rose-red, sparingly pubescent, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, some of them glandular, the corolla tube up to 2.5 cm. long, 3 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 4 mm. above base to 2 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 5.5 mm. at mouth, the upper lip conical-ovate, 2 cm. long, erect, 8 mm. wide at base, 1.5 mm. wide at tip, rounded or shallowly emarginate, the lower lip spreading, oblong, 10 mm. wide, trilobate at tip, the lobes ovate, 7 mm. long, 4 mm. wide at base, rounded; stamens exserted 15 mm. beyond mouth of the corolla, the filaments flat, glabrous, the anther lobes superposed, the connective 0.5 mm. wide, the upper lobe 2.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, the lower 3.5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, the base tipped by a white blunt sigmoid tail 1 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide ; Style reaching tip of stamens, glabrous or bearing a few minute hairs toward base; capsules clavate, 15 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, 5 mm. thick (the solid basal portion flat, 7 mm. long, 4 mm. wide), obtuse, finely puberulous; retinacula 2.5 mm. long, the tip flat and bidentate; seed subspherical, 3 mm. in diameter, 2 mm. thick, minutely gray tomentose, the coating deciduous leaving the seed reddish brown to black, smooth and nitid. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 585 Occasional in northern South America but more general in México and the West Indies. Thickets, slopes, and banks, limited more or less to coastal regions. Arauca: Rfo Casanare, Barranco de Atahuarpa, altitude 120 meters, Cuatrecasas 4269. 43. Justicia sciota Leonard, sp. nov. Fieurn 217 Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi an- gustata, firma, integra, utrinque glabra vel costa et venis prominenti- bus, puberulis, cystolithis prominentibus; petioli glabri; spicae axil- lares, solitariae vel binae, graciles, pedunculis et rhachibus minute et parce strigosis; bracteae subulatae, subcarinatae, parce strigosae; bracteolae anguste triangulares, acutae, parvae; calycis segmenta parva, triangularia, acuta, ciliata; corolla alba, puberula, tubo ali- quanto angusto, labiis subaequalibus, Jabio superiore triangulo-ovato, apice rotundato et emarginato, labio inferiore oblongo, trilobato, lobiis oblongo-ovatis, apice rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis glabris, lobis antherarum superpositis, rectis, glabris, lobo inferiore subacuto; ovarium glabrum. Herbs up to 130 cm. high; stems subquadrangular, glabrous; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 20 cm. long, 7 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed at base, firm, entire, both surfaces glabrous or the costa and lateral veins (7 or 8 pairs) sparingly puberu- lous, the hairs curved, about 0.2 mm. long, the venation rather prominent, more so beneath than above, the cystoliths prominent beneath, up to 0.2 mm. long, obscure above; petioles up to 15 cm. long, glabrous; spikes solitary or in pairs, up to 4 cm. long and 8 mm. broad, rather dense, the peduncles (up to 3 cm. long) and rachises minutely and sparingly strigose, the hairs up to 0.1 mm. long; bracts subulate, subcarinate, 5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide near base, sparingly strigose, the hairs about 0.1 mm. long; bractlets narrowly triangular, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, sharply acute, ciliate; calyx 3 mm. long, the segments nearly triangular, 0.75 mm. wide at base, sharply acute, ciliate, bearing several small trichomes at tip; corolla white, pu- berulous, up to 38 mm. long, the tube 2.5 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 1.5 mm. at 3 mm. above base, thence gradually enlarged to 5 mm. at mouth, the lips up to 11 mm. long, the upper lip triangular ovate, 5 mm. wide at base, emarginate and rounded at tip, the lower lip oblong, 5 mm. wide at base, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes oblong-ovate, about 8 mm. long, the middle lobe 4 mm. wide, the lateral slightly narrower, all rounded; stamens exserted about 10 mm. beyond mouth of corolla, the filaments glabrous the anthers superposed, almost vertically attached, the connective 1.5 mm. long between points of 388179 —57-——18 586 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM attachment and 0.5 mm. wide, the lobes 2.25 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, glabrous, the lower lobe subacute at base; ovary glabrous; capsule not seen. Type in the Herbarium of the Missouri Botanical Garden, No. 1014436, collected in forest at Poponte, in the Magdalena Valley, Ficure 217,— Justicia sciota Leonard (Cyril Allen 844): a, Tip of plant showing inflorescence and leaf blade; 5, bract, bractlet and calyx; c, bractlet enlarged to show pubescence; d, calyx segment; ¢, corolla; f, anther. (a, Half natural size; 6, 34% times natural size; c, d, 6 times natural size; ¢, natural size; f, 4 times natural size.) Department of Magdalena, Colombia, December 12, 1924, by Cyril Allen (No. 844). Isotype: K. The specimens examined had dried to a dark olive-black color. The corollas of the Kew specimens were much smaller (about 24 mm. long) than those of the Missouri sheet. The specific epithet is from the Greek oxww7rés, meaning shaded. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 587 44, Justicia phlebophylla Leonard, sp. nov. Fieure 218 Frutex gracilis, caulibus quadrangularibus, sursum minute antrorse strigosis, pilis subflavis, deorsum glabris; lamina foliorum oblongo- ovata vel elliptica, apice acuta vel breviter acuminata, basi acuta vel obtusa vel rotundata, firma et aliquanto chartacea, glabra vel subtus in costa minute strigosa, cystolithis pluribus et conspicuis; petioli crassi, glabri vel parce et minute strigosi; spicae solitariae vel plures, terminales, floribus secundis dense praeditae, pedunculis minute strigosis vel subglabris, rhache dense puberula, pilis brunneis; bracteae arcte appressae, ovatae, acutae, valde 5-7-nervatae, puberulae; bracteae flores subtendentes triangulares, acutae, striato-nervatae, minute hirsutae et ciliolatae; bracteolae triangulares, acutae, ciliatae; calycis segmenta lineari-lancecolata, acuta vel subacuta, obscure striata, graciliter et parce pubescentia et ciliata; corolla aliquanto parva, purpurea, in fauce albo-lineata, tubo subcylindrico, labio superiore erecto, triangulo-ovato, apice acuto, labio inferiore patulo, 3-lobato, lobis rotundatis; stamina exserta, filamentis in margine pilis minutis glandulosis praeditis, lobis antherarum superpositis, rectis, lobo inferiore breviter albo-calcarato; ovarium apice pubescens. Slender shrub; stems quadrangular, glabrous below, the upper portions minutely and upwardly strigose, the hairs yellowish, up to 0.11 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-ovate to elliptic, up to 20 cm. long and 10.5 em. wide, acute or short-acuminate, acute, obtuse or rounded at base, firm and somewhat chartaceous, both surfaces glabrous or the costa beneath minutely and inconspicuously strigose, the cystoliths numerous and conspicuous; petioles up to 5.5 cm. long and 2.25 mm. thick, glabrous or sparingly and minutely strigose; spikes one to several, terminal, up to 8 cm. long and 1 cm. broad, densely flowered, the peduncles up to 4 em. long, minutely strigose to subglabrous, the rachis densely brown-puberulous with hairs up to 0.2 mm. or occa- sionally longer, the flowers secund; sterile bracts opposite the flowers closely appressed to the rachis, ovate, 3 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide near base, acute, strongly 5- to 7-nerved, puberulous like the rachis; bracts subtending the flowers triangular, 3 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, acute, striate nerved, minutely hirsute and ciliolate; bractlets triangu- lar, 1.75 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, acute, ciliate, the basal hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, otherwise glabrous or nearly so, the cystoliths minute but conspicuous on both bracts and bractlets; calyx 1 cm. long, the segments subulate, 6-8 mm. long, 0.5-1 mm. wide, acuminate, striate, finely and sparingly pubescent and ciliate, the hairs up to 0.25 mm. long; corolla 3 cm. long, rather densely pubescent with hairs variously curved and about 0.16 mm. long, purple with light lines on the medial inner surface of lips and throat, the corolla tube 2 mm. 588 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM broad at base, narrowed to 1.5 mm. at 4 mm. above base, thence gradually enlarged to 5 mm. at mouth, the upper lip erect, triangular, about 5 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, the lower lip spreading, oblong with narrowed base, 6.5 mm. wide, trun- Ficure 218.— Justicia phlebophylla Leonard (a, b, d-g, Haught 4564; c, Hodge 6978): a, Tip of plant showing leaf and inflorescence; b, portion of leaf blade bordering costa (under surface) enlarged to show veinlets and cystoliths; ¢, portion of spike, ventral view; d, bract, a bractlet and calyx; ¢, a calyx segment; f, corolla; g, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, about 4 times natural size; c, natural size; d, 2}4 times natural size; ¢, 4 times natural size; f, twice natural size; g, 8 times natural size.) cate at tip and 3-lobed, the lobes rounded, 1 mm. long, the middle one 2.5 mm. wide, the lateral ones 2 mm. wide; stamens almost reaching the tip of the upper lip of the corolla, the filaments bearing a row of minute glandular hairs, the anthers 3 mm. long and 0.75 mm. thick, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 589 the lobes superposed, 1.5 mm. long, vertically attached to the con- nective, the lower lobe terminating in a blunt white spur 0.5 mm. long; ovary pubescent at tip; capsules not seen. Type in the U.S. National Herbarium, No. 1995081, collected along a stream in wet forest southeast of Chigorodo, 40 km. south of Turbo, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 50 meters altitude, April 15, 1945, by Oscar Haught (No. 4564). ANTIOQuIA: Dense damp forests between Rio Guapé and Rfo Leén, 100 meters altitude, March 18, 1948, Eduardo Rutz Landa, Rafael Rivera, & Fred A. Barkley 18C.430 (US). Trail through rain forests near Villa Arteaga, 150 meters altitude, December 6, 1948, F. Lépez & M. J. Sanchez 41 (US); August 4 to 8, 1947, W. H. Hodge 6978 (US). The dense spikes, with small triangular bracts, the slender calyx segments, and the relatively large, papery, conspicuously veiny leaf blades covered with cystoliths are the distinguishing characteristics of J. phlebophylla. The specific epithet is from the Greek dey, vein, and ivory, leaf. 45. Justicia malacophylla Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 219 Frutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, sursum dense hirtellis vel plus minusve tomentosis, pilis appressis vel ascendentibus vel patulis, deorsum teretibus, glabratis, cortice cinereo, nodis tumidis; lamina foliorum lanceolato-ovata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, firma, integra vel undulata, supra hirsuta, pilis ascendentibus vel subappressis, costa et venis lateralibus dense hir- sutis, pilis patulis, subbrunneis, subtus dense et molliter hirsuta, pilis rectis vel leviter curvatis, patulis, subbrunneis, costa et venis promi- nentibus, cystolithis utrinque subter pilis obscuris; petioli dense hirsuti; paniculae terminales, foliosae, ramis spicatis, erectis vel suberectis; pedunculi et rhaches dense et molliter hirsuti, pilis sub- brunneis ascendentibus; bracteae lanceolatae, apice subobtusae, dense et molliter hirsutae; bracteolae bracteas similes sed angustiores; calycis segmenta 5, lanceolata, acuminata, aliquanto dense hirtella, saepe erecta; corolla aliquanto magna, rubra, minute pubescens, pilis rectis, patulis, tubo anguste infundibuliformi, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore oblongo-ovato, apice bilobato, lobis rotundatis, mar- ginibus subhyalinis et glabris, labio inferiore suberecto, 3-lobato, lobis oblongis, apice rotundatis; stamina exserta, filamentis glabris, lobis antherarum superpositis, recte ad connectivo annexis, lobo inferiore breviter caudato; capsulae clavatae, subobtusae, glabrae, retinaculis curvatis, oblongis, apice rotundatis; semina (immatura) brunnea, plana, muricata, glabra. Shrubs; stems hirtellous or more or less tomentose, densely so near the tips, the hairs appressed, ascending or spreading, 0.3 to 0.5 mm. 590 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM long, the main stems terete, glabrate, up to 6.5 mm. in diameter or more, the bark gray, the nodes swollen; leaf blades lance-ovate, up to 10.5 cm. long and 4 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), Ficure 219.— Justicia malacophylla Leonard (Cuatrecasas 20941): a, Tip of plant to show leaves and inflorescence; 6, node and basal portion of branch from lower part of stem; ¢, portion of under side of leaf blade enlarged tu show pubescence; d, node of inflorescence to show calyx and scars left by fallen bracts and bractlets (one bractlet remaining); e, node of inflorescence from near the tip to show bract and bractlets; f, corolla; g, anther. (a, Natural size; 5, about half natural size; c—e, twice natural size; f, 144 times natural size; g, about 6 times natural size.) narrowed and acute at base, firm, entire or undulate, the upper sur- face hirsute, the hairs ascending to subappressed, up to 0.5 mm. long, the costa densely hirsute with brownish spreading hairs, it and the LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 591 lateral veins obscure, the lower surface densely and softiy hirsute, the hairs straight or slightly curved, 0.5 mm. long, light brownish, erect, the costa and lateral veins prominent, the cystoliths of both surfaces obscured by the pubescence; petioles 5 to 15 mm. long, densely hirsute; flowers borne in leafy panicles of erect or suberect spikes up to 11 cm. long and 8 mm. broad (excluding corollas), the panicles up to 17 cm. long and 6 cm. broad, the peduncles up to 2.5 cm. long, the lowermost internodes of the rachis 5 mm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip of spikes, both peduncle and rachis densely and softly hirsute with light brownish ascending hairs; bracts lanceolate, 8 mm. long, 2.25 mm. wide, obtusish at tip, densely and softly hirsute; bractlets 1.25 mm. wide, in other respects similar to the bracts; calyx 6.5 mm. long, deeply divided: into:5 segments, these lanceolate, 1.75 mm. wide near base, acuminate, rather densely hirtellous, erect or appressed to the ovary; corolla up to 4.7 cm. long, red, minutely pubescent with straight spreading hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, the tube 2.5 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 4 mm. above base to 1.5 mm. thence gradually enlarged to 7 mm. at throat, the lips subequal, 22 mm. long, the upper lip erect, oblong-ovate, 8 mm. wide at base, bilobed at apex, the lobes rounded, 0.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, the margins subhyaline and glabrous, the lower lip suberect, 3-lobed, the lobes oblong, 1 cm. long, 2.6 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens ex- serted 15 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the filaments glabrous, the anthers 5 mm. long, the lobes superposed, 2.75 mm. long, 0.75 mm. broad, vertically attached to the connective, the basal end of the lower lobe terminating in a blunt whitish tail; capsules clavate, 17 mm. long, 4.25 mm. broad, 3.5 mm. thick, subobtuse, glabrous; retinacula curved, oblong, 2 mm. long, the tip rounded; seed (im- mature), glabrous, brown, flattened, muricate, the projections rounded. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1900474, collected in the Quebrada de los Osos, in the valley of the Rio Bugalagrande, Cordillera Central, Department of El Valle, Colombia, 2,170 meters altitude, April 20, 1946, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 20941). Justicia malacophylla has apparently no close relatives among the Colombian species of Acanthaceae. The specific epithet is from the Greek and was suggested by the soft velvety leaves, padaxés, soft, and #tAnov, leaf. 46. Justicia pelianthia Leonard, sp. nov. FiaurE 220 Frutex parvus, caulibus subquadrangularibus (angulis rotundatus), minute et plus minusve bifariam strigosis, sursum pilis aureo-brunneis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica vel obovata, apice subobtusa et apiculata, basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, supra glabra, costa et venis lateralibus minute 592 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM strigosis exceptis, subtus glabra, costa et venis dense et minute strigosis exceptis, pilis aureo-brunneis, cystolithis conspicuis; petioli aliquanto crassi, minute strigosi; panicula terminalis, ramis spicatis, floribus paucis, secundis, internodiis panicularum minute bifariam strigosis, pilis aureo-brunneis, pedicellis brevibus, subglabris; bracteae infimae foliaceae, bracteae summae et bracteolae parvae, lanceolatae, acutae, firmae, minute strigosae, pilis aureo-brunneae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuta, firma, strigosa vel puberula, pilis curvatis, minutis, aureo-brunneis; corolla purpurea, parce et minute pubescens, pilis patulis, glandulosis, tubo corollarum subcylindrico, labio supe- riore recto, lineari-oblongo, apice rotundato et leviter emarginato, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, oblongo, apice truncato, leviter 3-lobato, lobis rotundatis vel obtusis; stamina exserta, lobis anthe- rarum superpositis, lobo superiore horizontali, lobo inferiore plus minusve recto, basi calcarato; ovarium glabrum. Small shrub; stems subquadrangular (the angles rounded), minutely strigose, the hairs averaging 0.13 mm. in length, more or less bifari- ously arranged on the lower portion of the stem, those of the upper part of the stem golden-brown; leaf blades oblong-elliptical or obo- vate, up to 21 cm. long and 9 cm. wide, subobtuse and apiculate, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, rather firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous except costa and lateral veins, these minutely strigose, the hairs similar to those of the stems, the cystoliths prominent, the lower surface glabrous except the costa and lateral veins (10 to 12 pairs) these densely but minutely strigose, the hairs golden-brown, up to 0.32 mm. long, those of the costa confined chiefly to its margins, the cystoliths conspicuous, 0.25 to 0.32 mm. long; petioles up to 3.5 cm. long, rather stout, minutely strigose like the stems; flowers secund, borne in a terminal panicle about 16 cm. long and broad, the lateral branches of the inflorescence composed of 1 to 3 rather loose spikes, these few-flowered, up to about 3 cm. long, the peduncle 2 mm. long, the lowermost internodes of the panicle 2 cm. in length, the others successively shorter towards the tip of the inflorescence, all of the internodes minutely and densely golden-brown strigose, the hairs averaging 0.2 mm. in length, more or less bifariously arranged, the pedicels up to 2 mm. long, glabrous or nearly so, the lowermost branches of the inflorescence subtended by small leaves, the other branches by lanceolate bracts, these up to 5 mm. long and 1.25 mm. wide, acute, firm, strigose with minute golden-brown hairs; bractlets resembling the bracts; calyx 7 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments lanceolate, 3.5 mm. wide at about the middle, acute, firm, 3-nerved, strigose or puberulous, the hairs curved, averaging 0.13 mm. in length, golden-brown; corollas purple, up to 6.5 cm. long, sparingly and minutely pubescent, the hairs spreading, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 593 up to 0.2 mm. long, gland-tipped, the corolla tube subcylindric, about 2.5 mm. broad at base, 5 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip erect, linear-oblong, 3.3 cm. long, about 6 mm. wide near base, 3 mm. wide near the rounded shallowly emarginate tip, the lower lip more Ficure 220.— Justicia pelianthia Leonard (Cuatrecasas 11157): a, Node and leaf; b, basal branch of inflorescence; ¢, node of inflorescence to show bracts and one of a pair of bractlets; d, a segment of the calyx; ¢, dorsal portion of calyx segment enlarged to show hairs and cystoliths; f, tip of corolla; g, pubescence of corolla; h, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, f, natural size;c, d, about twice natural size; ¢, about 8}4 times natural size; g, 114 times natural size; h, about 4 times natural size.) or less spreading, oblong, 3.5 cm. long, 1 cm. wide, truncate and shal- lowly 3-lobed at tip, the lobes rounded or obtuse, 2.5 mm. wide and 1 mm. long; stamens glabrous, exserted 2.5 cm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anther lobes superposed one about 0.5 mm. 594 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM above the other, the upper lobe horizontally attached, the lower more or less vertical and terminated at base by a white blunt spur 0.5 mm. long; style slightly shorter than the stamens; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1798544, collected in wet woods between Quebrada de la Hormiga and San Antonio del Giiamués, Comisarfa of Putumayo, Colombia, 330 meters altitude, December 18, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 11157). Justicia pelianthia is readily recognized by its large erect purplish corollas, by the flowers being secund in short spikes, these forming a broad, rather flat panicle, and by the minute golden-brown pubescence of the panicle branches. Apparently it has no close relatives among the Colombian species. The specific epithet is from the Greek meds, livid, and é&vOeov, blossom. 47. Justicia anabasa Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 221 Suffrutex scandens, caulibus subquadrangularibus, substrigosis, demum glabratis, pilis curvatis, rigidis; lamina foliorum ovata vel elliptica, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, ali- quanto firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque parce hirsuta, costa et venis lateralibus aliquanto hirsutis, pilis curvatis, rigidis, cystolithis obscuris; petioli dense hirsuti, pilis antrorse curvatis, rigidis; racemi axillares et terminales, laxi, pedunculis et rhachibus subquadrangulari- bus, hirsutis, pilis curvatis, plus minusve patulis; bracteae flores subtendentes parvae, oblongo-ovataec, acutae, subcarinatae, parce hirsutae; bracteae ramos racemi subtendentes oblongae, obtusae, hirsutae et ciliatae vel bracteae infimae foliiformes; calycis segmenta linearia, acuta, aliquanto hirsuta, pilis antrorse ascendentibus vel subappressis, pilis marginalibus longioribus, ascendentibus; corolla brunneo-aurantiaca, deorsum pallida, aliquanto hirsuta, pilis plus minusve patulis vel basi retrorsis, glandulosis et eglandulosis inter- mixtis, tubo anguste infundibuliformi, labiis curvatis, subaequalibus, labio superiore oblongo-ovato, apice bilobato, lobis aliquanto parvis, apice rotundatis, labio inferiore leviter patulo, oblongo-ovato, 3- lobato, lobis aliquanto parvis, apice rotundatis; stamina labium corollae aequalia vel subaequalia, filamentis glabris, lobis antherarum glabris, superpositis, verticalibus, lobo inferiore breviter caudato; pistillum exsertum labium corollae excedens, glabrum vel parce et minute hirtellum; stigma minute, rotundatum; ovarium glabrum. Woody vine; stems subquadrangular, hirsute to substrigose, the hairs upwardly curved, up to 0.26 mm. long, rigid, septate but not conspicuously so, the lower parts of the stems glabrate; leaf blades ovate to elliptic, up to 8 cm. long and 4 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base, moderately firm, entire or LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 595 undulate, both surfaces sparingly hirsute except the costa and lateral veins (about 5 pairs), these inconspicuous and rather densely hirsute, the hairs curved and rigid, up to 0.4 mm. long; cystoliths very obscure; petioles up to 8 mm. long, densely hirsute with rigid upwardly curved hairs; flowers borne in axillary few-flowered racemes (2-4 pairs of flow- ers), these both terminal and axillary, and borne for some distance along the stems, up to 5 cm. long; peduncles 10 to 20 mm. long, 0.75 to 1.25 mm. thick, subquadrangular, hirsute, the hairs curved, more or , Figure 221.—Justicia anabasa Leonard (Killip 8 Smith 16091): a, Tip of branch to show inflorescence and leaves; b, portion of under surface of leaf blade enlarged to show pubescence; ¢, calyx and bract; d, portion of calyx segment enlarged to show pubescence; ¢, upper lip of corolla, f, lower lip of corolla, g, anther; 4, portion of corolla enlarged to show pubescence. (a, Natural size; b, 442 times natural size; ¢, 214 times natural size; d, 16 times natural size; ¢, f, about 3 times natural size; g, about 6 times natural size; h, about 37 times natural size.) less spreading, up to 0.32 mm. long, the rachis similar to the peduncles, the internodes usually 10 to 15 mm. long, slender; calyx sessile or sub- sessile at the tips of the slender pedicel-like branches, these 5 to 8 mm. long, hirsute like the rachis and bearing an apical pair of oblong- ovate bracts 0.75 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, acute, subcarinate, spar- ingly hirsute; bracts subtending the flower-bearing branches oblong, about 3 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, obtuse, hirsute and ciliate or the lowermost pair broader and leaflike; calyx 7 to 8 mm. long, the seg- 596 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM ments linear, 6.5 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide, acute, moderately hirsute, the hairs up to 1 mm. long, ascending to upwardly subappressed or the marginal ones longer (up to 0.25 mm. long) and ascending; corollas “burnt orange, paler proximally” (Killip & Smith), 3 to 3.5 em. long, rather densely hirsute, the hairs more or less spreading ex- cept toward base, here retrorse, up to 0.13 mm. long, some of them gland-tipped, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 3 mm. above base to 1.5 mm., thence enlarged, first abruptly, then gradually to 5 mm. at mouth, the lips subequal, curved, about 2 cm. long, the upper lip oblong-ovate, about 4 mm. broad near base, thence gradually narrowed to a 2-lobed tip, the lobes about 1.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, rounded at tip, the lower lip slightly spreading, oblong-ovate, about 4 mm. wide at base, 3-lobed, the lobes oblong, about 2 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens exserted, reaching within 2 mm. of the tip of the upper lip and partially enfolded by it, the filaments glabrous, the anthers cells curved, 2.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, glabrous, superposed and attached vertically to the connective, their lower and upper tips overlapping 1.25 mm., the lower cell calcarate, the tail blunt at tip; style slightly exceeding the lips of the corolla, glabrous except at base, here sparingly and minutely hirtel- lous, the stigma bilobed, the lobes minute and rounded; ovary glabrous; capsule not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1351865, collected in woods in the vicinity of Las Vegas, Department of Santander, Colom- bia, 2,600 to 3,000 meters altitude, December 21-23, 1926, by E. P. Killip and Albert C. Smith (No. 16091). Isotypes: GH, NY. Justicia anabasa has apparently no close relatives. The specific epithet is from the Greek word dvaféca, meaning ascending or climb- ing, in allusion to the habit of the plant. 48. Justicia aurantiaca Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 222 Frutex vel suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris; lamina foliorum elliptica, breviter acuminata, basi angustata, membranacea, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra, cystolithis nullis; petioli aliquanto graciles, glabri; cymae subhelicoideae, axillares et terminales, pedunculo glabro, subquadrangulari; internodia inflorescentiae apice dilatata, glabra vel bifariam et parce hirtella, pilis subappressis; bracteolae nullae; calyx anguste campanulatus, sermentis lanceolatis, acutis, membranaceis, glabris, obscure nervatis; corolla aurantiaca, glabra, aliquanto magna, tubo anguste infundibuliformi, labio superi- ore erecto, oblongo-ovato, apice subacuto, labio inferiore patulo vel recurvato, cuneato, 3-lobato, lobis oblongo-ovatis, rotundatis; stam- ina exserta, glabra, lobis antherarum superpositis, recte ad connectivo annexis, lobo inferiore basi breviter caudato; pistillum stamina leviter LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 597 excedens; stigma minutum, bilobatum, lobis inaequalibus, rotundatis; ovarium glabrum. Shrubs or suffruticose herbs up to 1.5 meters high or more; stems quadrangular, glabrous; leaf blades elliptic, up to 21 cm. long and 10 cm. wide, short-acuminate, narrowed at base, thin, entire or undulate, glabrous on both surfaces; cystoliths lacking; petioles up to 4 cm. long, glabrous; flowers borne in axillary and terminal sub- helicoid cymes 2.5 to 4 cm. long (excluding corollas), the peduncles Ficure 222.— Justicia aurantiaca Leonard (Grant t Fosberg 9341): a, Tip of plant showing leaves and inflorescence; 5, portion of cyme; ¢, ultimate node of inflorescence to show pubescence; d, bract; ¢, calyx; f, anther. (a, b, Half natural size; c, 4 times natural size; d, 3 times natural size; ¢, 2}4 times natural size; f, 5 times natural size.) 1 cm. long, subquadrangular, glabrous, the internodes of the inflores- cence up to 5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. in diameter at base, 2 mm. broad at their tips, glabrous or bifariously and sparingly hirtellous, the hairs about 0.1 mm. long and subappressed; bracts thin, cuneate, up to 1 em. long, up to 6 mm. wide at tip, truncate or subemarginate, glabrous; calyx narrowly campanulate, 1 cm. long, the segments lanceolate, 8 mm. long, 1.75 mm. wide, gradually narrowed from 2.5 mm. above base to an acute tip, thin, glabrous, obscurely nerved; corollas orange, glabrous, up to 5.8 cm. long, 2.5 mm. broad near base, thence gradu- 598 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM ally enlarged to 6 mm. at throat, the upper lip erect, oblong-ovate, 2.2 cm. long, 6 mm. wide, subacute at tip, the lower lip spreading or recurved, cuneate, 2.5 cm. long, 1 cm. wide near tip, the 3 lobes oblong- ovate, 7 mm. long, the lateral ones 3.5 mm. wide, the middle one 5 mm. wide, all rounded; stamens exserted 1.5 cm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous, the anthers 4.25 mm. long, the cells 3.25 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, superposed and vertically attached to the connective, the lower cell briefly caudate; pistil slightly exceeding the stamens, the stigma minute, unequally bilobed, the lobes ovate, rounded; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045427, collected in temperate forest at San Isidro, 7 km. south of Gachalé, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,200 meters altitude, May 27, 1944, by Martin L. Grant and F. R. Fosberg (No. 9341). Also of this species is Grant’s No. 10278, collected in temperate forest at Toquiza, Gazaunta Valley, Cordillera de Helicona, 15 km. northwest of Medina, Cundinamarca, 2,135 meters altitude, Septem- ber 24, 1944. Justicia aurantiaca can be easily recognized by the cuneate trun- cate bracts and large orange flowers. 49. Justicia jacobinioides Leonard, sp. nov. FIGuRE 223 Herba ramosa, caulibus subquadrangularibus, angulis acutis, glab- ris vel parce pubescentibus, pilis retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum ovata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, firma, integra vel undulata, parce hirtella, subtus pilis praecipue in costa et venis prominentibus, cystolithis obscuris vel nullis; petioli breves, parce hirtelli; paniculae parvae, laxae, axillares, floribus ternis, pedunculis primariis et secundartis aequalibus, parce hirtellis, quad- rangularibus, angulis acutis; bracteae ramorum paniculae parvae foliaceae; bracteae flores subtendentes oblongae, acutae, ciliatay glabrae vel subglabrae; calycis segmenta oblonga, acuta, 3-nervata, nervis prominentibus, extus glabra, in marginibus parce hirtella, intus minute et parce hirtella; corolla rutila, basi glabra, sursum aliquanto dense puberula, labio superiore anguste ovato, erecto, apice 2-lobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, obovato, basi cuneato, apice rotundato, breviter trilobato, lobis rotundatis; stamina exserta sed labiis corollae breviora, lobis antherarum superpositis, basi breviter caudatis; ovarium glabrum. Erect branched herbs up to 1 meter high; stems subquadrangular, the angles minutely acute, glabrous or sparingly pubescent, the hairs retrorsely curved, about 0.16 mm. long; leaf blades ovate, up to 6 cm. long and 2.5 em. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base, firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces sparingly hirtellous, ~~ LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 599 the hairs of the lower surface confined chiefly to the costa and lateral veins, the hairs up to 0.3 mm. long, more or less curved, the venation (lateral veins 5 to 7 pairs) prominent beneath, less so above, the cystoliths obscure or lacking; petioles up to 5 mm. long and 1 mm. thick, sparingly hirtellous; flowers (1 to 3) borne in small axillary panicles up to 3 cm. long, the peduncles up to 11 mm. long, the sec- ondary peduncles up to 8 mm. long, both primary and secondary peduncles sparingly hirtellous with more or less curved hairs, sub- Ficure 223.— Justicia jacobinioides Leonard (Kalbreyer 1043): a, Tip of plant; 8, tip of a calyx segment; c, corolla; d, anther. (a, c, Slightly over natural size; b, about 4 times natural size; d, 5 times natural size.) quadrangular, the angles acute; bracts subtending the secondary peduncles leaflike, ovate, 4 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, subacute at tip, narrowed at base, sparingly hirtellous, the petioles about 1 mm. long; bracts subtending the flowers oblong, 1.5 mm. long, about 0.5 mm. wide, acute, ciliate, the flat surfaces glabrous or nearly so; calyx 1 cm. long, the segments 5, oblong, 8.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, acute, conspicuously 3-nerved, the outer surface glabrous or bearing a few small hairs near or on the margins, the inner surface sparingly and minutely hirtellous; corollas, from base to tips of the lips, 4.4 cm. 600 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM long, puberulous except the glabrous basal portion, yellowish-red, the tube 2.5 mm. broad at base, expanding at 8 mm. above base to 4 mm., the upper expanded portion cylindric, the upper lip narrowly ovate, 2 cm. long, 7 mm. wide at base, thence gradually narrowed to a small 2-lobed tip, the lobes about 0.75 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, rounded, the lower lip ascending, 18 mm. long, 6.5 mm. wide just above middle, the basal portion cuneate, the tip rounded and minutely 3-lobed, the lobes 0.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide, rounded; stamens exserted about 13 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla; anther lobes superposed, 3 mm. long, 1 mm. thick, both lobes short-caudate at base; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected in border of forest at La Obrell, between Ocafia and Pamplona, Department of Norte de San- tander, March 25, 1879, by W. Kalbreyer (No. 1043). Justicia jacobinioides may be related to J. aurantiaca. The two species have similar calyces and anthers, and the corollas are of the same general shape. The corollas of J. aurantiaca, however, are strictly glabrous instead of rather densely puberulous and the leaf blades are much larger, thinner, and glabrous. Moreover, the inflorescence of J. jacobinioides is axillary, whereas in J. aurantiaca it is terminal and more compound. 50. Justicia novogranatensis Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 224 Suffrutex, caulibus subteretibus, glabris vel in nodis parce antrorse strigosis; lamina foliorum obloago-ovata, acuminata (apice ipso ob- tuso), basi angustata et in petiolum breviter decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, glabra vel parce hirsuta, costa et venis lat- eralibus aliquanto strigosis exceptis, cystolithis obscuris; petioli glabri aa vel in canalibus hirtellis; spicae rigidae laxae, fere rectae, ascendentes,” pedunculis aliquanto longis, subteretibus, glabris vel parce strigosieg) rhachibus subteretibus vel in nodis planis, glabris vel parce pubes- centibus, pilis ascendentibus vel subappressis; flores solitarii, in Nnodis rhachium; bracteae lanceolatae, graciliter acuminatae, glabrae vel parce hirtellae et ciliolatae; bracteolae lanceolatac, acuminatae, glabrae vel parce hirtellae et ciliolatae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, graciliter acuminata, glabra vel parce hirtella et ciliata, costa et nervis obscuris; corolla aliquanto magna, minute hirtella, pilis rigidis, an- guste triangularibus, patulis, tubo aliquanto angusto, labiis subaequal- ibus, labio superiore oblongo-ovato, apice angustata, rotundata, emar- ginato, labio inferiore cuneato, plus minusve patulo, 3-lobato, lobis oblongis, apice obtusis; stamina in labio antico corollae declinata, filamentis glabric, basi retrorse hirtellis exceptis, antheris glabris, lobis superpositis rectis, lobo inferiore obscure caudato; capsulae clavatae, glabrae; semina (immatura) papillosa. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 601 Suffrutescent plants; stems subterete, glabrous or sparingly and antrorsely strigose near the nodes, the hairs straight, up to 0.32 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 10 cm. long and 4.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire, undulate, glabrous or sparingly hirsute except the costa and lateral veins, these strigose, Ficure 224.— Justicia novogranatensis Leonard (Triana s. n., Popayan): a, Tip of plant; b, bract; ¢, bractlet; d, calyx; ¢, corolla; f, portion of corolla tube to show pubescence; g, anther. (a, Half natural size; b-d, 444 times natural size; ¢, slightly more than natural size; f, 23 times natural size; g, 244 times natural size.) the hairs up to 0.32 mm. long, straight or nearly so, the cystoliths obscure; petioles rather slender, up to 1 cm. long, glabrous or the channel hirtellous; spikes axillary, lax, nearly straight, rigid, ascend- ing, up to 10 cm. long and 6 mm. broad, the peduncles up to 4 cm. long and 1.75 mm. thick, subterete, glabrous or sparingly strigose, the lowermost internodes of the spikes up to 2 cm. long, the others 8881798—57——-19 602 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM successively shorter, somewhat flattened near the nodes, glabrous or sparingly pubescent, the hairs ascending to subappressed, up to 0.2 mm. long, the flowers in pairs; bracts lanceolate, 6 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide near the middle, slenderly acuminate, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous and ciliolate, the hairs about 0.08 mm. long; bractlets lanceolate, 4.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide, acuminate, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous and ciliolate; calyx 5.5 mm. long, the segments 5, these lanceolate, 5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous and cilio- late, the costa and a pair of lateral nerves evident when viewed against a strong light; corolla about 3 cm. long, minutely hirtellous with rigid narrowly triangular spreading hairs, the tube narrow, 1.5 mm. broad at base, gradually enlarged to 5 mm. at mouth, the lips subequal, about 16 mm. long, the upper lip oblong-ovate, 5 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to an emarginate rounded tip 1 mm. wide, the lower lip more or less spreading, cuneate, about 4 mm. wide at the base of the 3 lobes, these oblong, 7 mm. wide near the middle, the tip obtuse; stamens exserted 13 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla and not quite reaching the tip of the upper lip and partly enfolded by it, the filaments glabrous except near base, there bearing a band of retrorse hairs about 0.13 mm. long, the anthers glabrous, their cells superposed, attached nearly vertically to the connective, each about 3.5 mm. long and 1 mm. thick, the lower cell obscurely caudate; style reaching the tip of the upper corolla lip, glabrous, the stigma rounded, minute and bilobate; capsule clavate, about 17 mm. long, 6 mm. broad and 3 mm. thick, glabrous; retinacula oblong, curved, 1 mm. long, rounded and flattened at tip; seed (immature) papillose. / Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected in the “Province de Pre- payan,” Department of Cauca, Colombia, 1,300 meters altitude, July 1853, by J. Triana (No. 4084-1). Isotypes: Col, NY. There is a photograph apparently of the same Triana collection in the Berlin Herbarium (Field Mus. No. 8912) that bears an unpublished name of Lindau’s. The color of the corolla is not apparent in the dried material but is probably red. 51. Justicia secunda Vahl Justicia secunda Vahl, Symb. Bot. 2: 7. 1791. Type collected in Trinidad by Rohr. Rhytiglossa secunda Nees in DC. Prodr.11:340. 1847 (except var. 8). Based on Justicia secunda Vahl. Rhacodiscus secundus Bremekamp, Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Sect. 2, 45: 53. 1948. Suffrutescent; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or sparingly puberulous, the hairs retrorsely curved, subappressed; leaf blades f oes / LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 603 ovate to oblong-ovate, up to 15 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, acute to short-acuminate (the tip itself acute), subcordate, rounded, obtuse or acute at base, sometimes obliquely so, moderately firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces glabrous except the costa and lateral veins (6 to 8 pairs), these more prominent beneath than above, puberulous with recurved hairs about 0.2 mm. long; petioles slender, up to 2 cm. long, the channels puberulous with minute curved hairs; panicles terminal, small at first but becoming large and much branched, up to 17 cm. long and 8 cm. broad, the flowers secund and crowded on the branches of the panicles or distant (5 to 7 mm.) with age, the rachises moderately puberulous with curved hairs; bracts subu- late or narrowly triangular, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, keeled, the lowermost pairs about 7 mm. long, the succeeding bracts sub- tending the flowers triangular, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, sharply acute, the lower branches of the panicles subtended by small narrow leaf blades; bractlets subulate, up to 2 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide at base; calyx up to 7 mm. long, deeply segmented, hirtellous with a mixture of glandular hairs (0.08 mm. long) and eglandular ones (up to 0.3 mm. long), the segments of the calyx oblong-lanceolate, 1.25 mm. wide, acute, thin and herbaceous, ciliate; corollas dull crimson, 3 cm. long, the upper portions sparingly puberulous, some of the hairs glandular, the tube about 12 mm. long and 3 mm. broad, the lips subequal, 22 mm. long, the upper one erect, narrowly ovate, about 7 mm. wide near base, rounded and entire at tip, the lower lip spreading, oblong, about 6 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes ovate, 2.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens lying in upper lip and barely reaching its tip, the filaments glabrous; anther lobes subparallel, subequally attached by a connective 0.5 mm. broad, one lobe 2 mm. long, the other 1.5 mm. long, both about 0.5 mm. broad; style slightly shorter than the stamens, sparingly and minutely hirtellous, the stigma minute and subcapitate; capsule short-clavate, about 1 cm. long, 4.56 mm. broad, 2.5 mm. thick (the solid stipitate portion 5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. thick and 2.5 mm. broad) puberulous, some of the hairs gland- ular; retinacula 2 mm. long, the tip thin, erose, subcucullate; seeds 4, glabrous, slightly roughened. Justicia secunda, common in the West Indies but rare in Colombia, is very closely related to Lindau’s J. filibracteolata. Superficially the two species resemble each other very closely, differing in the shorter bracts and bractlets of J. secunda. In J. filibracteolata the panicles usually remain compact and the branches of the inflorescence do not tend to become elongated as in J. secunda. MaapaLena: Near Bonda, Santa Marta region, ‘1000 ft.” altitude, H. H. Smith 377 (Ph, NY, US). 604 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 51a. Justicia secunda Vahl var. leucantha Leonard, var. nov. A var. typica lamina foliorum lanceolata, corolla alba recedit. Shrubby, leaf blades lanceolate, up to 16 cm. long and 4 cm. wide, acuminate; corolla white, in other respects similar to the typical variety. Type in the U.S. National Herbarium, No. 533522, collected along the Agua Dulce Road, Santa Marta region, Department of Magdalena, Colombia, ‘800 feet” altitude, by H. H. Smith (No. 1413). Isotypes: NY, Ph. 52. Justicia atacta Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 225 Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris, sursum cystolithis crassis parallelis praeditis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata, apice breviter acuminata, basi angustata, rotundata, plus minusve panduri- formis, membranacea, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus, cystolithis minutis et inconspicuis; petioli breves, glabri, crassi; paniculae valde graciles, axillares, pe- dunculo et rhache gracilibus, sulcatis glabris vel parce hirtellis, ramis paniculae parvis, spicatis vel paniculatis, floribus plus minusve se- cundis; bracteae flores subtendentes subulatae, parvae, apice graciles (apice ipso obtuso), carinatae, parce hirtellae, pilis rigidis, ascendenti- bus; bracteolae bracteolis similes sed longiores; calycis segmenta parva, lanceolata, acuminata, parce hirtella; corolla parva, glabra, viridi- alba, tubo brevi, cylindrico, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore ovato, erecto, apice minute bilobato, lobis rotundatis, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, 3-lobato, lobis brevibus et latis, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis gracilibus, glabris, lobis antherarum leviter superpositis, verticalibus, lobo inferiore minute caudato, con- nectivo aliquanto lato; ovarium glabrum. Shrubby plants with glabrous subquadrangular stems, their tips densely covered with thick parallel cystoliths; leaf blades oblong- ovate, up to 30 cm. long and 13 cm. wide, short-acuminate at tip, rounded at base, pandurate, thin, entire or undulate, glabrous, the costa and lateral veins (about 12 pairs) moderately prominent espe- cially beneath, the cystoliths minute and inconspicuous; petioles about 3 mm. long, thick and glabrous; panicles very slender, axillary up to 30 cm. long and 8 mm. broad, the peduncle up to 10 cm. long, glabrous, sulcate, 1.25 mm. thick, the lowermost node of the rachis 4 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward the tip of the raceme, all sulcate, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous; flowers more or less secund, crowded in small slender spikes or panicles, several of these at each axil of the main rachis; bracts subtending the spikes or secondary panicles narrowly triangular, up to 3 mm. long and 0.3 mm. wide at base, subcarinate, narrowed to a slender tip, glabrous or hirtellous toward tip; bracts subtending the flowers subulate, about LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 605 1.25 mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide, gradually narrowed from base to a slender bluntish tip, carinate, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs rigid, ascending, 0.8 mm. long; bractlets similar but slightly longer; pedicels 1.5 mm. long, slender, glabrous; calyx 2.5 mm. long, the segments 5, lanceolate, 2mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide near base, narrowed to a slender tip, sparingly hirtellous with rigid ascending hairs 0.32 mm. long, the costa evident but not prominent; corollas greenish white, about 5 mm. long, sparingly and finely pubescent, the tube subcylindric, Ficure 225.—Justicia atacta Leonard (Fosberg 21244): a, Tip of plant; , spike; ¢, bract; d, bractlet; ¢, calyx; f, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, 444 times natural size; ¢, d, 12 times natural size; ¢, 8 times natural size; f, 6 times natural size.) 3.5 mm. long and 1 mm. broad at base, enlarged to 1.5 mm. from just above base to throat, the lips about 3 mm. long, the upper lip erect, oblong-ovate, about 1.5 mm. wide, minutely bilobed at tip, the lobes rounded, the lower lip more or less spreading, 1.5 mm. wide near base of the 3 lobes, these 1.5 mm. wide, 0.75 mm. long, rounded; stamens 3 mm. long, their filaments very slender, glabrous, the anthers glab- rous, the cells slightly superposed, attached vertically to a relatively broad connective, the upper cell 1.75 to 2 mm. long, the lower 1.5 606 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM mm. long and short-caudate; style slightly longer than the stamens; stigma minute and bilobate; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045413, collected in a shaded wet place in rather scrubby, brushy woods on white clay soil, 2 km. east of Barbacoas and just south of the Rio Telemb{, Depart- ment of Narifo, Colombia, 100 meters altitude, October 13, 1943, by F. R. Fosberg (No. 21244). Isotype: US. Cuocé: Juntos de Tamand, March 1853, Triana s.n. (K, Col). San Pablo, March 1853, Triana s.n. (K). Justicia atacta has a strong superficial resemblance to a Pseuder- anthemum, having panduriform leaf blades and a long very slender inflorescence, the extremely small spicate or paniculate branches simulating the clusters of pediceled flowers in Pseuderanthemum. Yet a close examination of the flowers reveals superposed anther lobes, the lower one tailed, and no staminodes. The specific epithet is from the Greek éraxros, meaning irregular or atypical. 53. Justicia ephemera Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 226 Suffrutex vel frutex, caulibus ramosis, sursum subquadrangularibus, bifariam pilosis, pilis patulis, plus minusve rectis, deorsum sub- teretibus, glabratis; lamina foliorum oblongo-eclliptica, aliquanto subito sed graciliter acuminata, basi panduriformis, cordata, ali- quanto firma, integra vel leviter crenata, glabra vel parce hirsuta, costa et venis subtus prominentibus, supra obscura, cystolithis minutis et obscuris; petioli brevi, crassi, glabri vel in canalis marginibus pilos paucos gerentes; flores plures, secundi in spicis dispositi, his paniculas terminales pyramidatas formantibus, pedunculis et inter- nodiis panicularum bifariam hirsutis; bracteae triangulares, acutae, parce hirsutae; bracteolae bracteis similes sed minores; calycis linearia, graciliter trinervata, obtusa, glabra vel apice hirtella et ciliata, pilis rigidis, ascendentibus; corolla alba, tubo brevi et lato, labiis aequalibus, labio superiore ovato, apice obtuso, labio inferiore trilobato, lobis ovatis apice rotundatis; stamina inclusa, glabra, lobis antherarum leviter superpositis, obliquis, basi diversis; ovarium papillosum. Suffrutescent herbs or shrubs up to 2 meters high; stems much branched, their upper portions subquadrangular, bifariously pilose, the hairs up to 0.8 mm. long, more or less straight and spreading, the lower portions of the stems subterete and glabrate; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 16 cm. long, and 6.5 cm. wide, rather abruptly but slenderly acuminate, gradually narrowed to a panduriform cordate base, moderately firm, entire or shallowly crenate, glabrous or bearing a few spreading marginal hairs at base, the costa and lateral veins LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 607 (5 or 6 pairs) moderately prominent, more so beneath than above, the cystoliths numerous but minute and rather obscure, up to 0.13 mm. long; petioles very short and rather thick, up to 1 mm. long, glabrous or bearing a few hairs on the margins of the channels; flowers numerous and secund in spikes up to 6 cm. long, these forming terminal pyramidal panicles up to 10 cm. long and 13 cm. broad, the nodes of the panicle bearing 1 or 2 pairs of branches, the peduncles up to 3.5 cm. long, quadrangular, bifariously hirsute, the lowermost node of the central axis of the panicle bearing a pair of leaves, the blades oblong-elliptic, up to 7 em. long and 2 cm. wide, abruptly and Ficure 226.— Justicia ephemera Leonard (Haught 4775): a, Tip of plant; }, portion of the under surface of leaf blade enlarged to show veining and cystoliths; ¢, node of inflores- cence; d, inflorescence node from near tip; ¢, calyx segment; f, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, about 6 times natural size; c, d, 4 times natural size; ¢, § times natural size; f, 12 times natural size.) slenderly acuminate, narrowed to base, the petioles about 2 mm. long and ciliate on the margins of the channels, the internodes of the panicle similar to the peduncles but successively shorter and more densely hirsute toward the tips, the uppermost bracts narrowly triangular, 2.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, narrowed to an acute tip, sparingly hirsute, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long; bractlets similar to the bracts but only about half as large; calyx segments linear, 2.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, subobtuse, glabrous except the margins toward tips, these ciliate with rigid ascending hairs up to 1 mm. long, the costa and a pair of lateral nerves slender and obscure; 608 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM corolla white, 8-12 mm. long, the tube short and relatively broad, 1 mm. broad at base, 1.25 mm. at 1 mm. above base, thence enlarged to 3 mm. at throat, the lips equal, 4.5-6 mm. long, the upper lip ovate, about 2 mm. wide, obtuse at tip, the 3 lobes of the lower lip ovate, 3.5 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens included, 3.5 mm. long, glabrous, the anther lobes somewhat superposed, about 1 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, obliquely attached to the connective, the bases divergent; pistil 2.5 mm. long, the style minute, 2-lobed ; stigma glabrous; ovary papillose; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1995088, collected in a forest at Turbo, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, less than 50 meters altitude, March 28, 1946, by Oscar Haught (No. 4775). Also of this species is Haught’s No. 4554, collected in low wet forest near Vijagual, 30 km. south of Turbo, Department of Antioquia, 40 meters altitude, April 12, 1945. Justicia ephemera is a well-marked species apparently without near relatives. The panduriform leaf blades are like many of those in Pseuderanthemum. Staminodes, however, so constant in Pseuder- anthemum, are definitely absent in this species. Haught states that the flowers are fragrant forming a showy inflorescence during the mornings but falling by afternoon. The plant is said to be in bloom only two or three days. The specific epithet is from the Greek word éjuepos, meaning ephemeral or short-lived, in allusion to the fugacious blossoms. 54. Justicia chloanantha Leonard, sp. nov. FiGuRE 227 Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus (angulis rotundatis), glabris vel bifariam parce puberulis, pilis parvis, varie curvatis, cystolithis subpunctiformibus, minutis; lamina foliorum oblongo- ovata vel oblongo-elliptica, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi acuta in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto tenuis, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra vel parce strigosa, costa et venis prominentibus strigillosis; petioli puberuli; paniculae terminales, ramis patulis, pedunculo subquadrangulari, puberulo, pilis sursum curvatis, parvis, ramis panicularum puberulis; flores in apicibus ramorum spissi, sessiles vel subsessiles; bracteae ramos ultimos panicularum sud- tendentes lanceolatae, acutae, parvae, parce ciliatae, costa prominente; bracteae et bracteolae flores subtendentes subulatae, parvae, acutae, apice ciliatae; calycis segmenta 5, parva, lineari-lanceolata, acuta vel graciliter acuminata, aliquanto tenuia, glabra vel in costa et margini- bus parce ciliata, pilis dorsalibus aliquando glandulosis; corolla viridi- alba, tubo subcylindrico, parce et minute pubescente, labio superiore erecto, ovato, apice obtuso, labio inferiore cuneato, 3-lobato, lobis suborbicularibus; stamina exserta, in labio antico corollae declinata, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 609 lobis antherarum superpositis, rectis, lobo superiore et connectivo hirtellis, lobo inferiore basi calcarato; capsulae clavatae, glabrae vel parce hirtellae, pilis patulis, glandulosis; retinacula curvata, apice rotundata; semina (immatura) tuberculata. wloyg wd a ef iS} Ficure 227.—Justicia chloanantha Leonard (a-e, h, Cuatrecasas 11137; f, g, Cuatrecasas 10933): a, Node from near tip of plant showing leaf blade and branch of the inflores- cence; b, node from tip of inflorescence showing bracts, bractlets and calyx; ¢, bractlet; d, bract; ¢, a segment of the calyx; f, corolla; g, anther; 4, dorsal view of capsule valve. (a, Half natural size; b, twice natural size; c, d, 10 times natural size; ¢, 7}4 times natural size; f, about twice natural size; g, 8 times natural size; A, 3 times natural size.) 610 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Shrubby plants up to 1 meter high; stems subquadrangular (the angles rounded) glabrous or bifariously and sparingly puberulous, the hairs about 0.16 mm. long, variously curved, the cystoliths numerous, minute and subpunctiform; leaf blades oblong-ovate or oblong- elliptic, up to 22 cm. long and 9 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), acute at base and decurrent on the petiole, rather thin, entire or undulate, sparingly strigose, or glabrous except the minutely strigose costa and lateral veins (about 9 pairs), the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, the costa and veins rather prominent beneath, less so above, the cystoliths about 0.2 mm. long; petioles up to 3 cm. long, puberu- lous; flowers borne in terminal and axillary panicles up to 12 em. long and 7 cm. broad, the branches spreading, the peduncles up to 12 em. long, subquadrangular, puberulous, the hairs upwardly curved, about 0.2 mm. long, the lowermost internodes of the panicles up to 5 cm. long, the others successively shorter towards the tips of the branches, these like the peduncles puberulous, the branches of the panicles subtended by small leaf blades usually 1 to 3 cm. long and 3 to 7 mm. wide, the flowers usually 6.to 10, crowded at the tips of the branches of the inflorescence, sessile or subsessile (pedicels up to 0.75 mm. long); bracts subtending the ultimate branches of the inflorescence lanceolate, up to 5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide, acute, sparingly ciliate, the costa prominent; bracts subtending the flowers subulate, up to 4 mm. long and about 0.25 mm. wide, acute, sparingly ciliate; bractlets similar to the bracts but shorter, up to 2.25 mm. long; calyx 5 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments 5, linear-lanceolate, 0.5 mm. wide, acute or slenderly acuminate, rather thin, glabrous or the costa and margins sparingly ciliate, the hairs up to 0.57 mm. long, the costal hairs sometimes gland-tipped; corolla greenish white (the tip white), 15 to 16 mm. long, the tube subcylindric, 1.5 mm. broad at base, 2 mm. broad just above base, 2.5 mm. broad at mouth, sparingly and minutely pubescent, the upper lip erect, ovate, 4 mm. long, 5mm. wide near base, narrowed to a blunt tip, the lower lip 5 mm. long, 3-lobed, 5 mm. wide near base of lobes, the lobes suborbicular, about 1.25 mm. in diameter; stamens reaching tip of upper lip, the anthers 1.5 mm. long, the lobes superposed, attached to the connective almost vertically, the upper lobe and part of connective hirtellous, the lower lobe glabrous, terminated at base by a whitish spur about 0.3 mm. long, the filaments glabrous; style slightly exceeding the stamens, glabrous toward tip, sparing hirtellous toward base; capsules clavate, about 12 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad, 1.5 mm. thick, glabrous or bearing a few spreading glandular hairs about 0.38 mm. long; retinacula 1.5 mm. long, slender, curved, rounded at tip; seed (immature) tuberculate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1798543, collected in the wet forests along the Rio San Miguel at the Quebrada de la LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 61] Hormiga, Comisaria of Putumayo, Colombia, 290 meters altitude, December 17, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 11137). Also of this species is Cuatrecasas’ No. 10933 (Col), collected in wet forests of the Rfo San Miguel at the mouth of the Rio Conejo, Colombian-Ecuadorian border, 300 meters altitude, December 9, 1940, and Sprague 396 (K), collected at Mocoa, Putumayo, May 25, 1899. Justicia chloanantha has no close relatives among the Colombian species. A similarity of the inflorescences suggests Justicia cuzcoensis Lindau of Pert, but that species has much smaller, ovate, and more hairy leaf blades (up to 9 cm. long and 4 cm. wide) and yellowish white and purplish corollas. The specific epithet is from the Greek xAoaves, greenish, and av6os, flower. 55. Justicia helonoma Leonard, sp. nov. FIGURE 228 Frutex, caulibus quadrangularibus, glabris vel sursum parce bifariam tomentosis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica vel oblongo- obovata, utrinque subacuta, firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra vel foliorum juvenilium subtus parce hirtella, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus, venulis crasse reticulatis; petioli breves, crassi, glabri; paniculae terminales, laxae, ramis in spicas compactas terminantibus, pedunculis et internodiis panicularum quadrangulari- bus, glabris vel parce hirtellis; bracteae flores subtendentes triangu- lares, acutae (apice ipso obtuso), firmae, parce hirtellae et ciliolatae, nervis 3, crassis sed non conspicuis, pilis parvis, rigidis, ascendentibus vel subappressis; bracteolae anguste triangulares, subacutae, carinatae, parce hirtellae et ciliatae; calycis segmenta 5, lanceolata, acuta et minute hirtella et ciliolata, pilis rectis vel leviter curvatis, ascendenti- bus; corolla aliquanto parva, subpurpurea, hirtella, pilis fere rectis, rigidis, patulis vel retrorsis, tubo subcylindrico, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore erecto, oblongo, apice emarginato, labio inferiore cuneata, aliquanto patulo, 3-lobato, lobis oblongo-ovatis, apice rotundatis; stamina exserta, filamentis sursum glabris, deorsum hirtellis, lobis antherarum superpositis, rectis, lobo inferiore caudato; ovarium hirtellum. Shrub about 1 meter high; stems quadrangular, glabrous or, near the tips, sparingly and bifariously tomentose, the hairs up to about 1 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-elliptic or oblong-obovate, up to 23 cm. long and 10 cm. wide, subacute at both ends, firm, entire or undulate, glabrous or the younger leaves sparingly hirtellous beneath, the costa and lateral veins (usually 8 pairs) prominent but more so beneath than above, the veinlets coarsely reticulate, the cystoliths obscure; petioles 5 mm. long, 2.5 mm. thick, glabrous; flowers borne in spikes up to 5 cm. long and up to 8 mm. broad, these forming an open ter- minal panicle up to 17 cm. long and 10 cm. broad, the lowermost 612 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM internodes of the panicle up to 8 cm. long, the peduncles of the spikes up to 2.5 cm. long, both the peduncles and the internodes of the panicle quadrangular and glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the nodes of the panicle bearing a pair of small leaves (their blades about 1.5 cm. long and 8 mm. wide); bracts subtending the flowers triangular, 3.5 mm. long and 2 mm. wide at base, acute (the tip itself blunt), firm, sparingly hirtellous and ciliate, the hairs rigid, mostly straight, up to 0.16 mm. Ficure 228.— Justicia helonoma Leonard (Haught 1754): a, Tip of plant; b, bract; ¢, bractlet; d, calyx; ¢, corolla; f, portion of corolla tube enlarged to show pubescence; g, anther. (a, Half natural size; 5, c, 6 times natural size; d, 3 times natural size; ¢, 144 times natural size; f, 50 times natural size; g, 644 times natural size.) long or the marginal hairs somewhat longer, ascending to subap- pressed, the 3 nerves thick and broad but not conspicuous; bractlets narrowly triangular, 1.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, subacute and carinate, sparingly hirtellous and ciliate; calyx 9 mm. long, sparingly hirtellous, the segments lanceolate, 6 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed upwardly to a slender acute tip, ciliolate, the hairs straight or slightly curved, up to 0.16 mm. long; corolla 19 mm. long, purplish, hirtellous, the hairs rigid, mostly straight, spreading or LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 613 retrorse, up to 0.13 mm. long, the corolla tube 11 mm. long, 2.25 mm. broad near the base, 3 mm. broad at throat, the upper lip erect, oblong, 8 mm. long, 3 mm. wide at base, the tip 1 mm. wide, emar- ginate, the lower lip somewhat spreading or ascending, cuneate, 9 mm. long, 5 mm. wide at base of the 3 lobes, these oblong-ovate, about 4 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, rounded; stamens exserted 6 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, the filaments glabrous toward tip, hirtellous toward base, the anthers 2 mm. long, 0.75 mm. broad, the lobes superposed, vertically attached to the connective, the lower cell tailed, the tail about 1 mm. long, bent vertically to the axis of the lobe; style exserted about 2 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, hirtellous, the stigma minutely bilobed; ovary hirtellous toward tip; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1661616, collected in swamp-forest at Puerto Araujo, on the Rio Carare, Department of Santander, Colombia, 100 to 700 meters altitude, June 6, 1935, by Oscar Haught (No. 1754). Haught’s No. 2186, a shrub 1 meter high with red-purple flowers collected in flood-plain forest at Raizudo, Department of Santander, about 200 meters altitude, April 28, 1937, also represents the species. Justicia helonoma has no close relatives among the species treated in this paper. The large, more or less succulent, glabrous leaf blades and narrow panicled spikes of purplish flowers should serve as char- acters by which it can be readily recognized. The specific epithet is from the Greek word édovéyos, alluding to the swampy habitat. 56. Justicia pectoralis Jacq. Justicia pectoralis Jacq. Enum. Pl. Carib. 11. 1760. Type locality: ‘‘Insulis Caribaeis.”’ Dianthera pectoralis Gmel. Syst. Nat. 36. 1796. Based on Justicia pectoralis Jacq. Stethoma pectoralis Raf. Fl. Tellur. 4: 61. 1836 [1838]. Psacadocalymma pectorale Bremekamp, Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Sect. 2, 45: 55. 1948. Herbs up to 1 meter high; stems weak, erect or ascending, simple or moderately branched, often rooting at the lower nodes, subquad- rangular, shallowly and coarsely grooved, glabrous or hirsutulous, the hairs retrorsely curved, up to 0.5 mm. long, disposed more or less in two lines, the internodes 1 to 7 cm. long, the cystoliths numer- ous, subpunctiform; leaf blades narrowly to rather broadly lanceolate, 3 to 11 em. long, 3 to 25 mm. wide, acuminate (the tip itself acute to obtuse), acute to obtuse at base, entire or undulate, moderately firm, the upper surface glabrous or the costa hirtellous, the hairs curved, up to 0.2 mm. long, the cystoliths prominent under a lens, 125 to 200u long, the lower surface glabrous, the cystoliths obscure, 614 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM the costa and lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) barely prominent but more so than above; petioles slender, 2 to 12 mm. long, hirtellous, the hairs curved, about 0.2 mm. long; flowers borne in rather loose terminal panicles usually 5 to 16 cm. long and up to 6 cm. broad, the branches paired or verticillate, simple or the lower ones branched, subterete, puberulous, the eglandular hairs numerous, spreading, 50y long, the glandular ones fewer, stouter, 75, long, with broad turbinate tips, the lower internode usually 2 or 3 em. long, the others succes- sively shorter toward tip of panicle; lower bracts narrowly lanceolate, 5 to 10 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, acuminate, costate, glabrous or the margins and costa more or less hirtellous, the succeeding bracts subulate, 1 to 2 mm. long, about 0.2 mm. wide at base, acuminate, costate, puberulous with glandular and eglandular hairs; bractlets similar to the bracts but smaller; calyx 5-parted, deeply segmented, the segments subulate, 2.5 mm. long, about 0.25 mm. wide at base, acuminate, puberulous with both glandular and eglandular hairs; corollas white, lilac, or purple, up to 8 mm. long, the throat trans- versely plicate, sometimes spotted with dark purple, the outer surface of the corolla moderately pubescent, the hairs spreading, 125 to 175u long, the tube about 1 mm. broad at base, 1.5-2.5 mm. broad at throat, the upper lip triangular, erect, 2.5 mm. wide at base, terminating in a subtubular oblong subcucullate tip 1.5 mm. long and 1 mm. broad, the tip itself truncate and coarsely erose, the lower lip more or less spreading, cuneate, 4 mm. wide near tip, 3-lobed, the lobes 1.5 mm. long, the middle one 2 mm. wide, the lateral ones 1.5 mm. wide, all rounded; stamens attached to corolla tube, their free portions 2.5 mm. long, exserted about 1 mm. beyond throat of the corolla, the filaments glabrous except the adnate portion, this pilose, the hairs retrorse, the anther lobes equally attached or slightly superposed, borne on a connective about 0.25 mm. wide; style 7 mm. long, glabrous or bearing a few minute hairs near base; capsules clavate, 8 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad, puberulous, the eglandular hairs intermixed with a few glandular ones; retinacula 2 mm. long, the tip rounded; seed flattish, 1.5 mm. broad, reddish brown, roughened. Justicia pectoralis is closely related to J. comata, but typical plants of the former can be readily recognized by their terminal inflorescence with subterete glandular puberulous branches. The inflorescence of J. comata, on the other hand, is often both terminal and lateral with flattened branches, these hirtellous, usually bearing few if any gland- ular hairs. The species is found in woods, waste places, and in cultivated fields LEONARD—-THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 615 in the West Indies as well as in continental tropical America. It prefers the lower altitudes, usually below 600 meters. Botfvar: Quebrada in forest, Tierra Alta, on the Rio Sind, Pennell 4654 (GH, US). Forests of Boca Verde on the Rfo Sind, Pennell 4206 (in part) (NY). MacpaLENa: Thin dry woods of Minca, Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Cardona, Gutiérrez & Barkley 18C.049 (US). Forest of Poponte, Cyril Allen 913 (Mo). Santa Marta region, H. H. Smith 1407 (Ph, US). Vaupts: Cachivera de Jirijirimo, on the Rio Apaporis, Schultes & Cabrera 14033 (US); 14079 (US); Garcia-Barriga 13718 (US). Soratama, Rfo Apaporis, Schultes & Cabrera 12575 (US), 16124 (US). Raudal Itapinima, on the Rfo Kuduyari, Schultes, Baker & Cabrera 18556 (US). Raudal de Jirijirimo, Rfo Apaporis, November 27, 1951, Schultes & Cabrera 14568 (US), 14619 (US), 14941A (US). Wirsovr tocauity: Apolinar-Marta 157 (GH). Humboldt collected a specimen of this species at Turbaco, Department of Bolivar. 56a. Justicia pectoralis Jacq. var. stenophylla Leonard, var. nov. Herba parva compacta; folia numerosa, lamina anguste lanceolata ; inflorescentia parva. Herbs usually not exceeding 20 cm. in height, erect or ascending, the internodes of the stems short, usually less than 2 cm. long; leaf blades numerous, narrowly lanceolate, 2 to 6 cm. long, 1 to 5 mm. wide; inflorescence often becoming dense, up to 10 cm. long but usually 3 to 6 cm. long. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1320301, collected at Jiramena, Llano de San Martin, Intendencia of Meta, Colombia, 220 meters altitude, January 1856, by J. Triana. Isotype: Col. Ex Vatie: Buenaventura, Triana (Col, K). Cali, Duque 1339 (Cali). Vaurts: Banks of the Rio Pacoa, Schultes & Cabrera 15244 (US). Vernacular names: Abrojo, descansé, rojizo. The original herbarium label on the isotype sheet bears the following note: “Fortificante para lavar los nifios.” On the label of the Cali sheet, Duque gives the following information: ‘“‘Hierba de 30 cm. de altura, erecta, notable porque sirve para orlar las eras o lineas di- visorias de la geometria de los parques.” 57. Justicia comata (L.) Lam. Dianthera comata L. Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 850. 1759. Type locality: Jamaica. Justicia comata Lam. Encyl. 1: 632. 1783. Based on Dianthera comata L. Leptostachya comata Nees in DC, Prodr. 11: 381. 1847. Psacadocalymma comatum Bremekamp, Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch. Afd. Natuurk., Sect. 2, 45: 55. 1948. Herbs up to 1 meter high; stems weak, ascending to nearly erect, more or less branched, often rooting at the lower nodes, subquadran- gular (the angles rounded), more or less grooved, glabrous or sparingly 616 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM puberulous (the hairs about 0.25 mm. long, spreading or retrorse and disposed more or less in 2 lines) or occasionally pilose with spreading hairs up to 3.5 mm. long, the cystoliths numerous, parallel, 100 to 200 y long; leaf blades lanceolate to oblong or oblong-ovate, usually about 6 cm. long and 2 em. wide but occasionally reaching a length of 15 cm. and a width of 4 cm., acuminate or acute at apex, rounded, obtuse or narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, entire or shallowly undulate, moderately firm, both surfaces glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the costa and lateral veins (about 6 pairs) obscure, the cystoliths slender, about 150y long, not often conspicuous; petioles up to 2 cm. long (including winged portion), the uppermost leaves often subsessile; inflorescence terminal or axillary, the flowers secund in slender simple or branched spikes, these fascicled or the lowermost disposed in peduncled umbels, the peduncles up to 5 cm. long, the spikes forming in aggregate a terminal panicle or sometimes a paniculate inflorescence involving nearly the entire plant, the branches of the inflorescence very slender and almost filiform, more or less angular, minutely hirtellous, often with longer (up to 300x) gland-tipped hairs intermixed; bracts subtending the flowers lanceo- late, barely 1.6 mm. long and 0.35 mm. wide, sharply acute, glabrous, strongly costate; bractlets about 1 mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide, in other respects similar to the bracts; calyx 2.5 mm. long, the segments narrowly lanceolate, 2mm. long, about 0.5 mm. wide at base, slenderly acute, glabrous; corollas white, lilac, light blue, purplish white, rose or greenish pink (Pennell), often marked with purplish lines or spots, 4.5 to 7 mm. long, glabrous or the upper part of the tube bearing a few minute spreading hairs, the tube ca. 1.2 mm. broad at the base, slightly enlarged upwardly, contracted at about the middle, here ca. 1.5 mm. wide, thence ampliate to the throat, this 2 to 3.5 mm. wide, the limb bilabiate, the upper lip erect, ovate, 2.5 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide, rounded or obtuse at tip, the lower lip spreading, triangular, 1.5 mm. wide at base, 3 mm. wide near tip, 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, 0.5 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, obtuse; stamens exserted about 2 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the filaments slender, pilose at base, otherwise glabrous; anthers purple, the cells obliquely attached to a relatively broad connective, the upper 0.5 mm. long, and 0.25 mm. wide, the lower one smaller, the connective about 0.25 mm. broad; style exserted about 3 mm. beyond mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous; capsules clavate, 4 to 5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad and 1 mm. thick, 4-seeded, sparingly hirtellous or glabrate; retinacula about 0.75 mm. long, narrowly cucullate at tip; seeds reddish brown, some- what flattened, barely 1 mm. in diameter, about 0.25 mm. thick, roughened or indistinctly papillose. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 617 Justicia comata, distributed throughout tropical America, generally grows at low elevations of 500 meters or less, but may be found occasionally as high as 2,000 meters. It is weedy in nature, and is equally at home in damp or dryish thickets, on slopes, in woods, on river banks, in waste places in general, on margins of ponds or small streams, or even growing in shallow water. As to be expected of a species of such an extensive range, considerable variation is exhibited. Plants in wet situations, especially those growing in water, tend to produce long narrow leaf blades gradually narrowed to a subsessile base. Killip’s No. 34261 and von Sneidern’s Nos. 494 and 2644 are plants of this nature. The leaf blades of these plants vary from 4 to 17 cm. in length but rarely exceed 13 mm. in width. Moreover, Killip’s specimen shows a transition stage between the aquatic form and the typical form, which has broader blades with rounded or obtuse bases. Plants with strictly terminal inflorescences rather strongly hirtellous or even puberulous with a predominance of glandular hairs are likely to be confused with J. pectoralis. Killip & Garcia’s No. 33598 is such a plant. Remarkable also is the development of pilosity in Pennell’s No. 1473 and Killip & Smith’s No. 14719. In these the hairs of the stems are white, spreading, straight, and up to 3.5 mm. long. Amazonas: Trail bordering a thicket near the Amazon, near Letitia, Hermann 11287 (US). Rfo Hamacayacu, between the Amazon and Putumayo watersheds, Schultes 8248 (US). Antioquia: Forest along river opposite Boca Carare, Pennell 3822 (GH, NY). Damp area west of Santa Fé de Antioquia, Barkley, Skolnik & Gémez 413 (US). Margin of open pool, Valparaiso, Pennell 10811 (Ph, US). Botfvar: Ditch in thicket along river, Calamar, Killip & Smith 14719 (US). Vicinity of Cartagena, Bro. Heriberto 367 (US). Desiccated place at edge of thicket, Chint, Pennell 4098 (GH). Edge of thicket, Sincé, Pennell 4041 (GH, US). Swampy lagoon-filled plateau, Hacienda Martinica, in the region of Sind, 15 km. from Monterfa, Bechara, Araque & Barkley 19Bo.094 (US). Quebrada in forest at Tierra Alta, on the Rfo Sind, Pennell 4657 (GH, US). Cauca: Cultivated fields at Cali, Duque 1051 (Cali). River bank, El Tambo, von Sneidern 494 (S); 2644 (S). Guayabal, on the Rfo Micay, Cuatrecasas 14111 (Ch). Et Cxocé: Rich damp mountain valley near El Pifién, Araque & Barkley 19Ch.112 (US). Clearing along Quebrada Jella, vicinity of Bahia Solano near Ciudad Mutis, Killip & Garcia 33598 (US). Rich sandy plateau along the Rfo Atrato, near Quibdo, Araque & Barkley 19Ch.058 (US); Archer 1925 (NY, US); 2220 (US). CunpinaMaArca: Junin, Triana s.n. (Col). La Esperenza, Granjo Cafetera Enrique Soto, Gutierrez 416 (Ch, Med, US). Ex Vater: Barco, Rio Cajambre, Cuatrecasas 17093 (US). Rfo Anchicay4, between Sabaletas and Quebrada del Tdtabro, Cuatrecasas 22063 (US). Rio Naya, between Puerto Merizalde and Meregildo, Cuatrecasas 14345 (US). Rio Yurumanguf, between Isla de Golondro and La Amargura, Cuatrecasas 16060 388179—57——20 618 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM (US). Swamp at Santa Rosa, Killip 11565 (Ph, US). Woods at Veneral, Rfo Yurumanguf, Cuatrecasas 15916 (US); 16003 (Cali). Huta: Rfo Cabrera, about 18 km. northeast of Villavieja, upper basin of the Rfo Magdalena, 450 m., Galen Smith 1199 (US). MAGDALENA: Carare, André 301 (GH). Santa Marta region, H. H. Smith 1208 (Ph, US); 1416 (Ph, US). Meta: Puerto Lépez, Rio Matico, Cuatrecasas 3577 (US). In water of small stream in dense forest southeast of Villavicencio, Killip 34261 (US). Moist forest at Villavicencio, Pennell 1473 (GH). SANTANDER: Alluvial thicket at Badillo, Rfo Magdalena, Pennell 3927 (GH, US). Marsh in the vicinity of Puerto Wilches, Killip & Smith 14936 (Ph, US). Totima: Running water along the Ambalema-Ibague railroad near Caldas, Haught 2388 (US). Vicuapa: Puerto Carrefio, Rio Orinoco, Cuatrecasas 3978 (US). WITHOUT DEFINITE LOCALITY, Mutis 1488 (US). 58. Justicia namatophila Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 229 Suffrutex gracilis, caulibus ramosis, subquadrangularibus, sursum puberulis, pilis curvatis, deorsum glabratis; lamina foliorum lanceo- lata, anguste acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, aliquanto firma, undulata, supra parce strigosa, subtus costa et venis minute strigosis, cystolithis minutis et obscuris; petioli breves; paniculae axillares, graciles, ramosae, puberulae, pilis curvatis; bracteae et bracteolae lineares vel subulatae, strigosae; calycis segmenta subulata, hirtella, pilis plus minusve patulis; corolla purpurea, retrorse hirsuta, labiis venosis, labio superiore erecto, ovato, acuto, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, 3-lobato, lobis obovatis, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, filamentis planis, glabris, antheris superpositis, lobis obliquis, glabris, lobo inferiore caudato; capsulae clavatae, puberulae, pilis patulis vel retrorsis; semina brunnea, plana, ovata, papillosa. Slender suffrutescent plants up to 50 cm. high; stems branched, subquadrangular, puberulous with upwardly curved whitish hairs about 0.1 mm. long, the lower suffruticose portions glabrate, the internodes 1 to 4 cm. long; leaf blades lanceolate, up to 11 em. long and 1.5 cm. wide, slenderly acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed to a subsessile base, moderately firm, undulate, the upper surface sparingly strigose, the hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, the lower surface minutely strigose, the hairs about 0.2 mm. long and confined chiefly to costa and veins (6 or 7 pairs), these slender and scarcely prominent, the cystoliths obscure and minute; petioles up to 3 mm. long, puberu- lous with curved hairs; flowers borne in slender axillary dichotomously and trichotomously branched panicles up to 6 cm. long, the peduncles usually 1 to 3 cm. long, 0.5 to 0.75 mm. in diameter, flattened, these and the branches of the inflorescence puberulous with curved hairs; pedicels slender, 2 mm. long, 0.28 mm. thick, puberulous, the hairs curved; bracts subtending the lowermost pair of branches of the panicle linear, 4 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, strigose, the subsequent LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 619 bracts subulate, 1.5 to 2.5 mm. long, strigose; bractlets minute, subu- late; calyx 6 mm. long, hirtellous, the hairs mostly spreading, rigid, up to 0.15 mm. long, the segments subulate, 5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base; corolla purple, 15 mm. long, retrorsely hirsute, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, the lower half of the tube 1 mm. broad, the mouth 4 mm. broad, the lips veiny, the upper lip erect, ovate, 4 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide, acute, the lower lip more or less spreading, Ficure 229,.—Justicia namatophila Leonard (Haught 2135): a, Tip of plant to show leaves and inflorescence; b, portion of inflorescence enlarged to show calyx; c, anther; d, corolla. (a, Half natural size; b, 3 times natural size; c, 7 times natural size; d, 1}4 times natural size.) 5 mm. long, 3-lobed, the lobes obovate, rounded, the middle lobe 2.5 mm. wide, the lateral ones 1.5 mm. wide; stamens slightly exserted beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, about 4.5 mm. long, the fila- ments flattened, glabrous, the anthers lobes slightly superposed and obliquely attached to the connective, the lobes 0.75 mm. long, glabrous, the lower lobe caudate, the tail about 0.15 mm. long; pistil slightly longer than the stamens, curved at tip, the stigma lobes minute and 620 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM rounded; capsules clavate, 11 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, 1.5 mm. thick, puberulous, the hairs straight, spreading or retrorse, about 0.1 mm. long, the solid stipitate portion of the capsule 5 mm. long; retinacula 1 mm. long, the tip flattened, rounded; seed dark brown, strongly flattened, ovate, 1.75 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, strongly papillose. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1740624, collected along a stream in the Quebrada Pontond, about 18 km. west of La Dorada, Department of Caldas, Colombia, 400 meters altitude, December 30, 1936, by Oscar Haught (No. 2135). Justicia namatophila is a well marked species easily recognized by its narrowly lanceolate leaf blades and numerous axillary panicles with slender branches and the subulate calyx segments. The specific epithet is derived from the Greek words vaya, running water, and dtdos, loving. 59. Justicia martiana (Nees) Lindau Leptostachya martiana Nees ex Benth. Bot. Voy. Sulphur 147. 1844. Type from Guayaquil, Ecuador, Sinclair. Justicia martiana Lindau, Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenf. 4, Abt. 3b: 350. 1895. Based on Leptostachya martiana Nees. Herbs; stems subquadrangular, coarsely sulcate, hirsute, the hairs spreading or ascending, borne more or less in two lines, the cystoliths slender, parallel, up to 0.15 mm. long; leaf blades narrowly lanceolate, up to 16 cm. long and 22 mm. wide, slenderly acuminate, narrowed or rounded at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces glabrous or minutely and sparingly hispid, the hairs up to 0.3 mm. long, the cystoliths of the upper surface easily seen under a lens, up to 0.28 mm. long; petioles up to 12 mm. long, glabrous or rather sparingly hirtellous; flowers borne in dense terminal panicles, branch- ing at base and composed of verticillasters of numerous slender ascending spikes, the panicles up to 25 cm. long and 12 cm. broad at base, the spikes up to 4 cm. long, the lowermost internode of the main rachis about 2 cm. long, the others successively shorter towards tip of inflorescence, the internodes of the spikes 2 to 7 mm. long, these and the main rachis rather densely hirsute, the hairs variously curved and up to 1.5 mm. long, the flowers secund; bracts subtending the verticillasters subulate, up to 5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous; bractlets up to 3 mm. long, subulate, carinate, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the bracts and bractlets subtending the flowers similar to those subtending the verticillasters but slightly smaller; calyx 4 mm. long, deeply segmented, minutely hirtellous, the hairs ascending, up to 0.1 mm. long, the segments subulate, up to 0.5 mm. wide near base; corolla blue (Klug), sparingly pubescent (the hairs up to 0.13 mm. long), 6 mm. long, the upper lip 2.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, emarginate at tip, the lower lip spreading, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 621 3 mm. long, about 3 mm. wide, 3-lobed, the lobes rounded, about 1 mm. in diameter; stamens 2.5 mm. long, the filaments slender, the anther lobes slightly superposed, somewhat obliquely attached, the upper 0.4 mm. long and 0.2 mm. wide, the lower slightly shorter, both rounded at base, the connective 0.25 mm. wide; style 5 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma minutely bilobed and rounded. Woods, ditches, and grassy meadows in Colombia, Brazil, French Guiana, and Ecuador. Justicia martiana is closely related to J. comosa but can be easily recognized by its large dense hirsute panicles. The species shows considerable variation. The flowers vary from white to blue. Schom- burgk’s No. 305, the type of var. hispida Nees, from French Guiana, has a glandular pubescent inflorescence and ovate leaf blades with rounded or subcordate bases. Klug’s specimens, cited here, have slenderly lanceolate leaf blades gradually narrowed to the base, but those of Uribe-P., although likewise narrowly lanceolate, are rounded at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole. The capsules of Schom- burgk’s plant are 4 mm. long, 2.25 mm. wide, and about 1 mm. thick, short-clavate and rather densely hirtellous. Caquetd: Without locality, Uribe-P. s. n. (US). Putumayo: Forest of Umbrfa, 325 meters, Klug 1742 (GH, NY, US). 60. Justicia laevilinguis (Nees) Lindau Rhytiglossa laevilinguis Nees in Mart. Fl. Bras. 9, pt. 7: 120. 1847. Several syntypes, all from Brazil, are cited; a photograph (US) of a Sellow specimen without specific locality probably represents type material (Field Mus. No. 8838). Rhytiglossa obtusifolia Nees, loc. cit. Two syntypes are cited: Buenos Aires, Argentina (Herb. Arnott), and Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Sellow; there is a photograph (US) of a specimen in the Berlin Herbarium collected in Brazil (without specific locality) by Sellow that may be type material (Field Mus. No, 8848). Justicia laevilinguis Lindau, Bot. Jahrb. Engler 19, Beibl. 48: 20. 1894. Dianthera laevilinguis Durand & Jackson, Ind. Kew. Suppl. 1: 132. 1902 (at- tributed erroneously to Lindau). Justicia obtusifolia Lindau Bull. Herb. Boiss. Ser. 2, 3: 633. 1903. Based on Rhytiglossa obtusifolia Nees. Herbs; stems simple or moderately branched, erect or ascending and rooting at the lower nodes, more or less succulent, 4-sulcate, glabrous or sparingly and retrorsely pilose, the hairs septate, up to 1 mm. long; leaves sessile or the lowermost short-petioled (up to 3 mm. long), linear or narrowly lanceolate, up to 13 cm. long and 23 mm. wide, slenderly acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), acute, obtuse or rounded at base, both surfaces glabrous or the costa of the lower surface bearing a few scattered hairs, the cystoliths minute and incon- spicuous; spikes terminal and axillary, up to 6 cm. long, rather slender, the flowers secund, the rachis glabrous, its internodes up to 622 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 5 mm. long at maturity, the peduncles up to 7 em. long, glabrous or nearly so; bracts triangular, up to 2 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, acuminate, glabrous; bractlets subulate, 1 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, glabrous; calyx up to 7 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments linear-lanceolate, 0.75 mm. wide, acuminate, glabrous or sparingly ciliolate toward tip, the minute delicate cystoliths rather prominent under a lens; corolla white, tinged with violet, blue violet or purple, glabrous or minutely and _ sparingly pubescent, rarely over 15 mm. long, the tube 6 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad at base, 3 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip obovate, up to 1 cm. long and 4.5 mm. wide, rounded, entire, the lower lip spreading, up to 13 mm. long and about 15 mm. wide, 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, about 6 mm. long and wide, rounded, delicately veined; stamens exserted about 3 mm. above mouth of corolla tube, glabrous, the anther cells superposed, the upper cell horizontal, 1.25 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, the lower vertical, 1.75 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, acute at base, both cells glabrous, the connective about 0.5 mm. wide; capsules ovate-stipitate, 17 mm. long, 6 mm. wide, 0.75 mm. thick (the solid stipe 7 mm. long and 0.75 mm. thick and 0.5 mm. wide), acute at tip, glabrous; retinacula 3 mm. long, slightly curved, bidentate at tip; seed suborbicular, 5 mm. long, 5.5 mm. broad, barely 0.5 mm. thick, gray or flecked brown, glabrous, the margin thin, lacerate or toothed at tip and base. Justicia laevilinguis, a plant of swampy regions, is widely distrib- uted throughout tropical America. In spite of its great range, speci- mens are not often collected, probably because it is not abundant in any particular place. The specimens cited were all from below 50 meters altitude. Its broad strongly flattened capsules and thin orbicular eray or brown flecked, thin-margined seeds are unique. ArLAntico: Barranquilla and vicinity, Bro. Elias 287 (US); Bro. Paul B-19 (US). Borfvar: River marsh at Magangué, Pennell 3948 (NY); 3958 (GH, NY, US). MaapaLena: Savanna, Chiriguan4, Cyril Allen 25 (Mo). Wet soil, El Blanco, Pennell & Rusby 24 (NY). 61. Justicia idiogenes Leonard, sp. nov. FIGuRE 230 Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, sursum dense hirsutis, pilis patulis, deorsum glabratis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, apice acuta vel acuminata (apica ipso obtuso), basi angustata, aliquanto firma, integra, supra glabra, subtus hirtella, pilis praecipue in costa et venis positis, curvatis, ascendentibus, cystolithis minutis, inconspicuis; petioli hirsuti; spicae axillares, solitariae vel binae, plus minusve curvatae, floribus secundis, pluribus et densis, rhache et pedunculo gracilibus, hirtellis; bracteae spathulatae, obtusae vel rotundatae, basi angustatae, aliquanto hirtellae et ciliatae; bracteolae LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 623 similes sed paulo angustiore; calycis sementa lanceolato-subulata, glabra; corolla alba (interdum lilacina), parva, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore erecto, ovato, apice subobtuso et emargianto, labio inferiore 3-lobato, plus minusve patulo, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, lobis antherarum leviter superpositis, glabris, lobo inferiore calcarato, filamentis planis, subhyalinis; capsulae parvae, clavatae, parce hirtellae; retinacula fere recta, apice tenuia; semina suborbicularia, plana, nigra, glabra. Shrubs up to 1.5 meters high; stems subquadrangular, up to 5 mm. in diameter, densely hirsute, the hairs coarse, spreading, up to 0.65 mm. long, the lower portions of the stems glabrate; leaf blades oblong- Th Ficure 230.—Justicia idiogenes Leonard (a, b, Cuatrecasas 1073/; c-e, Klug 1813): a, Tip of plant to show inflorescence and leaves; b, calyx, bract and bractlet; c, bract; d, stamen; ¢, capsule valve. (a, Half natural size; b, 4 times natural size; ¢, 544 times natural size; d, 6 times natural size; ¢, 1}4 times natural size.) elliptic, up to 25.5 em. long and 9 em. wide, acute to subacuminate (the tip itself subobtuse), narrowed at base, rather firm, entire, the upper surface glabrous, the lower surface hirtellous, the hairs confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins, curved, ascending, about 0.2 mm. long, the venation rather prominent, more so beneath than above, the cystoliths minute and inconspicuous, blackish; petioles up to 13 mm. long, hirsute; spikes solitary or in pairs, axillary, subsessile, up to 6 cm. long, 5 mm. broad, more or less curved, the flowers secund, numerous, crowded, the rachis slender, hirtellous, the peduncle short; bracts spathulate, 4.25 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide 624 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM near tip, obtuse or rounded, narrowed and slender toward base, rather sparingly hirtellous and ciliolate; bractlets similar but narrower (0.75 mm. wide); calyx 4 mm. long, glabrous, the segments lance- subulate, about 0.25 mm. wide at base; flowers white (lilac and red- brown, Klug 1813), 8 mm. long, glabrous, 1.5 mm. broad at base, 2.5 mm. broad at mouth, the lips subequal, 2.5 mm. long, the upper lip ovate, erect, 2 mm. wide near base, obtusish and emarginate at tip, the lower lip more or less spreading, 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens slightly exserted beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anther lobes slightly superposed, 0.75 mm. long, 0.25 mm. broad, glabrous, the lower cell calcarate, the fila- ments flat and subhyaline; stigma slightly exceeding the upper lip of the corolla; capsules (Klug 1813) clavate, sparingly hirtellous, 8 mm. long, 3.5 mm. broad, 1.5 mm. thick, the stipitate solid basal portion 1.25 mm. broad; retinacula 1.5 mm. long, nearly straight, the margins and tip thin; seeds suborbicular, flat, black, smooth. Type in the U.S. National Herbarium, No. 1798533, collected in damp forests along the Rio Putumayo at Puerto Porvenir, Comisaria of Putumayo, Colombia, 230 to 250 meters altitude, November 22, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 10757). The following specimens also may be of this species: Klug’s No. 1813, collected in the forests of Umbria, Comisaria of Putumayo, 325 meters altitude, October or November 1930, and Richard Evans Schultes’ No. 3538, collected along the Rio San Miguel, in the vicinity of Conejo, Putumayo, 300 meters altitude, April 2-5, 1942. Klug’s specimen differs from the type in its lilac and red-brown (not white) flowers and in the slightly wider and more slenderly stipitate bracts. It does not seem expedient, however, to assign specific or varietal rank to this plant until further material can be examined. Schultes’ specimen was taken from a large herb and was called in the Kofén vernacular, ‘chu-ru-ko-pu.” The specific epithet is from the Greek idoyerys, meaning peculiar of its kind, in allusion to the peculiar curved secund spikes. 62. Justicia fusagasugana Leonard, sp. nov. FIGURE 231 Herba ramosa, caulibus subteretibus, dense bifariam hirtellis, pilis retrorse curvatis, nodis tumidis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata vel lanceolata, apice obtusa, acuta vel acuminata, basi rotundata vel cuneata, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, hirtella, pilis patulis, plus minusve curvatis; petioli dense hirtelli; flores sessiles vel in spicis brevibus dispositi, terminales et axillares, rhachibus hirtellis; bracteae lineari-subulatae, carinatae, parce hirtellae, pilis acutis et pilis glandulosis intermixtis; segmenta calycis lanceolata, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 625 ciliolata, extus parce hirtella, intus papillosa, marginibus albis et subhyalinis; corolla lilacina, minute pubescens, tubo angusto hypo- crateriformi, labio superiore anguste ovato, labio inferiore cunei- formi, 3-lobato, lobis rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, lobis antherarum rectis, superpositis, lobo inferiore caudato; ovarium dense puberulum. Branching herbs up to 1 meter high; stems subterete, rather densely hirtellous, the hairs more or less disposed in two lines, re- trorsely curved, up to 0.4.mm. long, the nodes swollen; leaf blades oblong-ovate to lanceolate, up to 8 cm. long and 2.5 cm. wide, obtuse, Ficure 231.—Justicia fusagasugana Leonard (André 1517): a, Node of stem showing inflorescence; b, bracts; ¢, tip of bract enlarged to show type of hairs; d, calyx; ¢, section of calyx segment (outer surface) enlarged to show hyaline margins; f, anther. (a, Natural size; b, 34 times natural size; c, 25 times natural size; d, 3 times natural size; ¢, f, 10 times natural size.) acute or acuminate, rounded to narrowed at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, hirtellous, the lower surface sometimes densely so, the hairs up to 0.4 mm. long, mostly spreading and more or less curved; petioles up to 1.5 cm. long, hirtellous, usually densely so; flowers several, borne in close axillary clusters or sometimes in short axillary spikes up to 1.5 cm. long with hirtellous rachises; bracts linear-subulate, up to 8 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, carinate, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs 0.25 mm. long, some of them gland- tipped; calyx segments lanceolate, 9 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, 626 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 0.5 mm. wide at middle, thence gradually narrowed into a slender tip, ciliolate, the outer surface sparingly hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.25 mm. long, the inner surface papillose, the margins whitish and subhyaline; corolla lilac, sparingly and minutely pubescent, the tube 9 mm. long, the throat about 4 mm. broad, the upper lip narrowly ovate, about 6 mm. long, the lower cuneiform, 11 mm. long, 3-lobed, the lobes 2.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens exserted, reaching to middle of lips of the corolla, the anther lobes superposed and vertical, 1.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, the lower one caudate, the tail 0.75 mm. long; ovary densely puberulent; cap- sules not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected at Fusagasugi, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 1,780 meters altitude, February 4, 1876, Ed. André (No. 1517). Cundinamarca: Tocaima, 500 meters altitude, January 1858, Triana s. n. (Col). Justicia fusagasugana is closely related to and superficially resembles the Mexican J. furcata Jacq. The habit of growth, leaf blades, stems, and inflorescences of the two species are very similar. The bracts and calyces are, however, definitely different. In J. furcata, the bracts are thick, narrowly obovate, up to 3 mm. wide and broadest above the middle, acute at tip, the costa prominent, and the calyces are notice- ably larger and their segments oblong instead of slenderly acuminate. 63. Justicia scytophylla Leonard, sp. nov. FIGuRE 232 Herba vel suffrutex, caulibus ramosis, subquadrangularibus, angulis rotundatis, deorsum leviter sulcatis, glabris, sursum bifariam hirtellis, pilis albis, curvatis; lamina foliorum lanceolata, apice acuta, basi obtusa, breviter in petiolum decurrens, coriacea, integra vel undulata, glabra vel in costa et area marginali parce hirtella, costa et venis lateralibus et venulis crasse reticulatis utrinque prominentibus, cystolithis nullis; petioli breves, minute puberuli, pilis subappressis; spicae densae, terminales, rhachibus minute pubcrulis, pilis curvatis, pedunculis bifariam puberulis; bracteae parvae, anguste lanceolatae, acutae, ciliatae, parce et minute hirtellae, costa prominente; bracteolae subulatae, costa prominente, ciliatae et parce hirtellae; calycis seg- menta lanceolata, apice acuta, gracilia, ciliata, parce et minute hir- tella; corolla hypocrateriformis, sursum pubescens, deorsum glabra, labio superiore anguste ovato, apice bilobato, lobis parvis, obtusis, labio inferiore cuncato, 3-lobato; stamina vix exserta, glabra, lobis antherarum superpositis, minute dorsale pilosis, connectivo lato; capsulae clavatae, pubescentes. Herbs or suffrutescent plants; stems branching, subquadrangular, the angles rounded, the lower portions shallowly grooved, glabrous, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 627 the upper parts bifariously hirtellous, the hairs white, variously curved, up to 0.45 mm. long; leaf blades lanceolate, up to 6.5 cm. long and 12 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to an acute tip, narrowed or obtuse at base and briefly decurrent on the petiole, coriaceous, entire or undulate, glabrous or the costa and marginal regions sparingly hirtellous, the hairs on the costa curved, subap- pressed, up to 0.24 mm. long, those on and near the margins of the leaf blades rigid, mostly ascending and about 0.08 mm. long, the costa, lateral veins (about 7 pairs) and the coarsely reticulated veinlets prominent on both surfaces of the leaf blade, the cystoliths not apparent; petioles 1 to 3 mm. long, finely puberulous with subappressed hairs; flowers borne in dense spikes 1 to 2.5 cm. long and 5 to 10 mm. broad, these terminating the branches, the rachises minutely puberul- Ficure 232.—Justicia scytophylla Leonard (Schultes & Cabrera 17545): a, Portion of stem 5 cm. below spike; b, spike; c, bract; d, calyx and bractlets; ¢, upper lip of corolla; f, anther. (a, b, Natural size, c, ¢, 344 times natural size; d, 3 times natural size; f, about 9 times natural size.) ous with more or less curved hairs, only a few of which exceed 0.16 mm. in length; peduncles up to 3 cm. long, bifariously puberulous with curved hairs; bracts narrowly lanceolate, 4.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide near the middle, acute, sparingly and minutely hirtellous and ciliate, the costa prominent; bractlets subulate, 5 mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide at base, the hairs and costa similar to those of the bracts; calyx seg- ments 5, lanceolate, 5.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide near base and middle, thence narrowed into a slender tip, sparingly and minutely hirtellous 628 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM and ciliate, the hairs up to 0.08 mm. long; corolla 8 mm. long, the upper part finely and rather sparingly pubescent, the lower part glabrous, the tube 1.5 mm. broad at base, 2 mm. broad at the throat, the upper lip rather narrowly ovate, 6 mm. long, 2 mm. wide at base, narrowed from middle to a minutely bilobed tip 0.5 mm. wide, the lobes 0.25 mm. long, obtuse, the lower lip subovate, about 6 mm. long and 4 mm. wide, rather shallowly 3-lobed at tip; stamens about 3 mm. long, slightly exserted, the filaments slender, glabrous, the anther cells super- posed, 0.75 mm. long, 0.25 mm. thick, minutely pilose dorsally, the connective 0.25 mm. wide; capsules clavate, 7 mm. long, the seed- bearing part 4 mm. long, 3 mm. broad and about 2 mm. thick, the surface rather densely pubescent, the hairs spreading near tip, retrorse toward base of capsule; retinacula 1.5 mm. long, the tip thin, oval, cucullate. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2124584, collected along the Rio Piraparan4, a tributary of the Rio Apaporis, Comisarfa of Vaupés, September 18, 1952, by Richard Evans Schultes and Isidoro Cabrera (No. 17545). Isotype: US. The color of the corolla is not apparent in the dried material. The specific epithet is from the Greek oxizos, leather, and #b\dov, leaf, in allusion to the coriaceous texture of the leaf blades. 64. Justicia killipii Leonard, sp. nov. FIGURE 233 Herba ascendens, caulibus subquadrangularibus, minute et sub- tiliter et retrorse strigosis; lamina foliorum ovata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi acuta vel obtusa, aliquanto firma, integra, utrinque glabra, costa et venis lateralibus subtus prominentibus, strigosis, cystolithis gracilibus et aliquanto obscuris; petioli strigosi vel hirtelli; spicae trifurcatae, terminales, angustae, pedunculo com- muni longo, quadrangulari, hirsuto, pilis ascendentibus, pedunculis secundariis brevioribus hirsutis; bracteae spicas subtendentes an- guste lanceolatae, carinatae, hirsutae, pinnati-nervatae; bracteae flores subtendentes lanceolatae, subacutae, parce hirtellae, pilis fere mar- ginalibus patulis vel ascendentibus, rectis vel suberectis, costa at nervis prominentibus; bracteolae anguste triangulares, acutae, parce hirtellae, costa et nervis lateralibus prominentibus; calycis segmenta hirtella (pilis glandulosis leviter curvatis) et puberula (pilis patulis, glandulosis), costa et nervis prominentibus; corolla alba, minute hirtella, pilis rectis, plus minusve patulis, labio superiore erecto, oblongo-ovato, apice subacuto, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, cuneiformi, 3-lobato, lobis suborbicularibus; stamina exserta, in labio antico corollae declinata, filamentis sursum glabris, deorsum retrorse hirsutis, lobis antherarum superpositis, verticalibus, lobo inferiore LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 629 caudato; capsulae clavatae, hirtellae et puberulae, pilis patulis glandu- losis et pilis longioribus acutis, rigidis, patulis vel basi retrorsis vel apice ascendentibus intermixtis; retinacula leviter curvata, apice alba, truncata, erosa. Herbs up to 25 cm. high, ascending; stems subquadrangular, minutely and finely retrorsely strigose, the hairs up to 0.11 mm. long; leaf blades ovate, up to 9 cm. long and 4.8 cm. wide, short-acuminate Ficure 233.—Justicia killipii Leonard (Killip 35469): a, Tip of plant; b, portion of leaf (under side) in detail to show hairs and cystoliths; c, bracts, a bractlet and calyx; d, calyx; ¢, portion of bract enlarged to show pubescence; f, tip of corolla; g, anther. (a, Half natural size, b, 20 times natural size; c, d, 4 times natural size; ¢, 25 times natural size; f, 144 times natural size; g, 9 times natural size.) (the tip itself blunt), acute to obtuse at base, rather firm, entire, glabrous on both surfaces except the strigose costa and lateral veins (8 or 9 pairs) of the lower surface, the cystoliths slender, up to 0.24 mm. long, rather obscure; petioles up to 1 cm. long, sparingly strigose or hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long; flowers borne in trifurcate spikes up to 7 cm. long and 5 mm. broad, the common peduncle 10.5 cm. long, subquadrangular, 1.5 mm. thick, hirsute, the hairs ascending, 630 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM up to 0.32 mm. long, septate, the secondary peduncle of central spike 17 mm. long, those of the lateral ones 15 mm. long, all hirsute, the bracts subtending the 3 spikes lanceolate, 7 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide, carinate, closely penninerved, hirsute, the hairs mostly marginal and costal; bracts subtending the flowers narrowly ovate, subacute, 4.5 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide at base, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs mostly marginal, up to 0.19 mm. long, spreading or ascending, straight or nearly so, the costa and lateral nerves (2 or 3 pairs) prominent; bract- lets narrowly triangular, 4 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, sparingly hirtellous, acute, costa and lateral nerves 1 or 2 pairs, prominent: calyx 7 mm. long, hirtellous and puberulous, the longer hairs eglandu- lar, shghtly curved, up to 0.19 mm. long, the smaller hairs straight, spreading, up to 0.06 mm. long, tipped by small spherical glands, the costa and the 2 pairs of lateral nerves prominent; corolla 15 mm. long, white, minutely hirtellous, the hairs straight or slightly curved, more or less spreading, the tube 6 mm. long, 2 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 3 mm. above base to 1.5 mm., thence enlarged to 2 mm. at throat, the upper lip erect, oblong, about 9 mm. long, 3 mm. wide near base, acutish at tip, the lower lip more or less spreading, about 7 mm. long, cuneate, 2 mm. wide at base of the lobes, these suborbicular, about 1.25 mm. in diameter, the stamens reaching the tip of and partly lying in the upper lip of the corolla, declinate, the filaments glabrous except at base, here retrorsely hirsute, the hairs about 0.16 mm. long, straight, slender; anthers 2.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. thick, the cells superposed, vertically attached to the connective, the lower cell terminating in a blunt tail 0.5 mm. long; capsules clavate, about 1 cm. long, 2 mm. broad, 1.75 mm. thick, both hirtellous and puberulous, the longer hairs rigid, eglandular, spreading or retrorse toward base and ascend- ing toward tip, up to 0.13 mm. long, the smaller hairs spreading, up to 0.06 mm. long, glandular; retinacula 4, about 2 mm. long, white, truncate, erose. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1772180, collected in dense forests at Istmina, on the Rio San Juan, Intendencia of Chocé, Colombia, about 75 meters altitude, April 29, 1939, by E. P. Killip (No. 35469). Cuoco: Rio San Juan, vicinity of Palestina, 0-40 meters, May 29, 1946? Cuatrecasas 21428 (Valle). Justicia killipii is closely related to J. sterea Leonard but can be separated by its smaller size, the more ovate-shaped leaves and the much larger spikes. The plants of J. sterea often exceed 70 cm. in height, thus being at least twice as high as those of J. killipid; their elliptic leaves are up to 13.5 cm. long and 5.5 cm. wide instead of only 9 cm. long and 4.8 cm. wide, and their spikes are only 3 em. long instead of 7 cm. LEONARD—-THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 631 65. Justicia graphophylla Leonard, sp. nov. FiaurE 234 Herba magna, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel in nodis parce pubcrulis, pilis rizidis, antrorse appressis, cystolithis multis, sub- punctiformibus; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, breviter acuminata (apice gracili), basi angustata, firma, undulata, utrinque glabra, costa et venis lateralibus et venulis crasse reticulatis prominentibus, cysto- lithis utrinque multis, conspicuis; petioli glabri vel parce strigosi; spicae axillares et terminales; pedunculi antrorse hirtelli, pilis rigidis; rhaches subquadrangulares, dense hirtellae, pilis rigidis, antrorse sub- appressis; bracteae infimae subulatae, carinatae, conduplicatae, parce hirtellae, pilis rigidis ascendentibus, cystolithis multis et conspicuis; bracteae supremae subulatae vel anguste triangulares, parvae, acumi- natae, carinatae, parce hirtellae, cystolithis multis et conspicuis; bracteolae bracteis similes vel leviter breviores; calycis segmenta anguste linearia, parce hirtella, pilis rigidis, ascendentibus, cystolithis multis, conspicuis; corolla alba, labio anteriore violaceo-maculato, tubo angusto, basi glabro, sursum aliquanto dense hirtello, pilis plus minusve patulis, rigidis, labio superiore erecto, oblongo-ovato, apice rotundato, emarginato, labio inferiore patulo vel recurvato, oblongo, intus glandu- loso-papilloso, apice 3-lobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis, lobo medio cucullato; stamina exserta labium corollae aequalia vel leviter brevi- ora, filamentis glabris, lobis antherarum hirsutis, superpositis, ver- ticalibus, lobo inferiore breviter caudato; ovarium glabrum. Large herbs, probably up to 1 meter high or more; stems subquad- rangular, glabrous or sparingly puberulous at the nodes, the hairs rigid, upwardly appressed, the cystoliths numerous, subpunctiform; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 17 cm. long and 8 cm. wide, short- acuminate, the tip slender, narrowed at base, firm, undulate, both surfaces glabrous, the costa, lateral veins (usually 8 pairs) and the coarsely reticulated veinlets prominent, the cystoliths of both surfaces numerous and conspicuous, 0.24 mm. long; petioles 2 to 2.5 em. long, glabrous or sparingly strigose; spikes axillary and terminal, usually about 6 cm. long; peduncles 8 to 13 mm. long, upwardly hirtellous, the hairs rigid, subappressed, mostly about 0.11 mm. long; rachis sub- quadrangular, about 0.75 mm. in diameter, densely hirtellous with rigid upwardly subappressed hairs, the internodes up to about 8 mm. long, the lowermost pair of bracts subulate, 4 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, carinate and conduplicate, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs ascending, rigid, about 0.16 mm. long, the cystoliths numerous and conspicuous, the upper bracts subulate or narrowly triangular, about 1.5 to 2.5 mm. long, narrowed from base to a slender tip, carinate, sparingly hirtellous and covered with cystoliths; bractlets similar to the bracts, equaling them or slightly shorter; calyx segments narrowly linear, 8.5 mm. long, about 0.75 mm. wide, sparingly hirtellous, the 632 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM hairs rigid and ascending, up to 0.2 mm. long, the cystoliths numerous, parallel and conspicuous; corolla white with the anterior lip spotted with violet (Pennell), 26 mm. long, rather densely hirtellous except at base, the hairs more or less spreading, up to 0.24 mm. long, rigid, the corolla tube narrow, 2 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 5 mm. above base to 1.5 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 2.5 mm. at mouth, Ficure 234.—Justicia graphophylla Leonard (Pennell 4500): a, Section of plant showing node, internode, leaf, peduncle and lowermost pairs of bracts (spikes fragmented); b, portion of leaf blade (under surface) enlarged to show veins and cystoliths; ¢, lower- most pair of bracts; d, section of spike showing bracts, a bractlet and calyx; ¢, section of calyx segment enlarged to show nerves, pubescence and cystoliths; f, corolla; g, portion of lower lip of corolla enlarged to show capitate-glandular hairs; 4, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, about 14 times natural size; ¢, d, 4 times natural size; ¢, 12 times natural size; f, twice natural size; g, about 30 times natural size; A, 7 times natural size.) the upper lip erect, oblong-ovate, 12 mm. long, 4 mm. wide at base, 0.75 mm. wide at tip, rounded, emarginate, the lower lip spreading or recurved, the inner surface papillose, oblong, 5 mm. wide, 3-lobed at tip, the lobes about 1 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, rounded, the middle one cucullate; stamens exserted, equaling or slightly shorter than the corolla lips, the filaments glabrous, the anthers 3.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, dorsally hirsute, the cells superposed and vertically attached LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 633 to the connective, the cells slightly overlapping, the lower one short- caudate, the tail rounded at tip, about 0.32 mm. long; ovary hirtellous. Type in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, collected in forest of Boca Antizales, on the Rio Esmeralda, Department of Bolivar, Colombia, 800 to 1,200 meters altitude, February 26, 1918, by Francis W. Pennell (No. 4500). Justicia graphophylla bears a close relationship to J. phlebophylla and resembles it in many respects, especially in the large glabrous or nearly glabrous leaf blades, these densely covered by cystoliths. In J. phlebophylla, the rachis of the spike is heavy and the flowers secund; the rachis does not show any tendency to fragmentation as in J. graphophylla. The specific epithet is from the Greek ypadw, engrave or draw, and ¢iAdov, leaf, in allusion to the design formed by the conspicuous cystoliths. 66. Justicia petraea Leonard, sp. nov. Fiaurp 235 Suffrutex, caulibus ascendentibus, fere simplicibus, sursum sub- quadrangularibus, basi in nodis radicantibus, hirtellis, pilis subbrun- neis, retrorse curvatis, deorsum teretibus, retrorse puberulis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata vel oblongo-elliptica, apice breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi obtusa vel rotundata, aliquanto firma, integra, utrinque glabra vel parce hirsuta, costa et venis lateralibus subtus prominentibus, supra obscuris, cystolithis prominentibus; petioli crassi, hirtelli; spicae terminales, simplices vel furcatae, pedunculis et rhachibus aliquanto hirtellis, pilis brunneis, plus minusve patulis; bracteae parvae, anguste lanceolatae, apice obtusae, firmae, sub- carinatae, striatae, hirtellae; bracteolae lineari-lanceolatae, apice obtusae, hirtellae; calycis sezgmenta anguste lanceolata, apice acuta, parce hirtella, graciliter 3-nervata; corolla alba, labiis purpureo- lineatis, parce puberula, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore oblongo- ovato, apice rotundatis; stamina exserta, antherae lobis superpositis, lobo inferiore calcarato, calcare apice cucullato, rotundato, connectivo calcarato, pubescente, filamentis sursum glabris, basi retrorse hirtellis, pilis rigidis, rectis; capsulae clavatae, aliquanto hirtellae, pilis acutis et pilis brevioribus glandulosis intermixtis; semina plana, obscure muricata. Suffrutescent plants up to 1.15 meters high or more; stems ascend- ing, mostly simple, subquadrangular, hirtellous, the hairs brownish, about 0.28 mm. long, retrorsely curved, the lower portions of the stems subterete, glabrate or sparingly and retrorsely puberulous, the horizontal portions rooting at the nodes; leaf blades oblong-ovate or oblong-elliptic, 14 cm. long, 5.5 em. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself obtuse or rounded), obtuse or rounded at base, rather firm, entire, both surfaces glabrous or sparingly hirsute, the hairs brownish, 388179—57——21 634 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM up to 1.5 mm. long, ascending or subappressed, up to 1.5 mm. long, those of costa and lateral veins (10 to 12 pairs) smaller, up to 0.5 mm. long, the venation prominent beneath, less so above, the cysto- liths numerous and conspicuous, up to 0.25 mm. long; petioles stout, 2 to 4 mm. long, hirtellous with brownish ascending hairs up to 0.2 mm. long; spikes terminal, single or forked, up to 12 cm. long, the secondary peduncles about 2.5 cm. long, the lowermost internode of ago — Su. Figure 235.— Justicia petraea Leonard (C. L. Collenette 614): a, Tip of plant; b, portion of under surface of leaf blade enlarged to show pubescence and cystoliths; ¢, bract; d, bractlet; ¢, calyx; f, portion of capsule enlarged to show pubescence; g, anther (front view); hk, same (lateral view). (a, About half natural size; 5, 10 times natural size; c-e, 5 times natural size; f, about 20 times natural size; g, h, 8 times natural size.) the rachis 1.5 em. long, the others successively shorter toward tip of spike, these and the peduncles rather densely hirtellous, the hairs brown, more or less spreading, up to 0.3 mm. long; bracts subtend- ing spikes subulate, 4 or 5 mm. long, about 1 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a blunt tip, subcarinate, firm, hirtellous lke the rachis; bracts subtending the flowers subulate, the lowermost pair linear-lanceolate, 3.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, blunt at tip, striate, hirtellous, the others successively smaller toward tip of spike; bractlets LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 635 linear, up to 3.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, blunt at tip, hirtellous; calyx 6 mm. long, the segments narrowly lanceolate, 5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide near the base, gradually narrowed to an acute tip, sparingly hirtellous with spreading or ascending hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, delicately 3-nerved; corolla 13 mm. long, white with mauve markings on lip, rather sparingly puberulous, the hairs spreading, up to 0.13 mm. long, the lips subequal, 6 mm. long, the upper one oblong-ovate, about 3 mm. wide, rounded at tip, the lower one cuneate, 7 mm. wide at base of the 3 lobes, these ovate, 3 mm. long, the middle one 3 mm. wide at base, the lateral ones 2 mm. wide, all rounded at tip; stamens slightly exserted, the anthers 2 mm. long, dorsally pubescent, the cells vertical or slightly oblique at maturity, superposed, 1 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, the lower one calcarate, the tail 0.5 mm. long, cucullate and rounded at tip, the connective spurred, the filaments glabrous except at base, here retrorsely hirtellous with straight rigid hairs up to 0.24 mm. long; capsules 4-seeded, clavate, 1 cm. long, 2 mm. broad, 1.5 mm. thick, rather sparingly hirtellous, the hairs more or less spreading, up to 0.11 mm. long or a few at the tip of the capsule reaching 0.18 mm. in length, the acute hairs intermixed with shorter gland-tipped ones; retinacula curved or bent at middle, 1.5 mm. long, the tip rounded, thin, obscurely erose; seeds flat, about 2 mm. in diameter, light brown, obscurely tuberculate. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected on rocks in narrow gorge near stream, Gorgona Island (off coast of Cauca), Colombia, ‘200 ft.” altitude, October 18, 1924, by C. L. Collenette (No. 614). Justicia petraea may be related to J. sterea, a species with a similar inflorescence but with the leaf blades acute at base and the petioles longer. The specific epithet is from the Greek zerpaios, meaning living on or among rocks, in allusion to its habitat. 67. Justicia sterea Leonard, sp. nov. Fiaure 236 Herba recta, rigida, caulibus simplicibus vel parce ramosis, sub- quadrangularibus, sursum bifariam retrorse strigosis, pilis minutis, deorsum glabris, cystolithis minutis et parallelis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, apice breviter acuminata et saepe curvata, basi angustata, firma, crassa, integra, supra glabra, subtus glabra, costa et venis prominentibus minute strigosis exceptis, cystolithis conspicuis sed plus minusve raris; petioli crassi, minute strigosi; spicae bifurcatae, pedunculis aliquanto longis, hirtellis, pilis brunneis, recurvatis, rhache hirtella, pilis plus minusve rectis et patulis; bracteae spicas sub- tendentes subulatae, acutae, carinatae, cystolithis densis conspicuis parallelis; bracteae flores subtendentes anguste triangulares, acutae, hirsutae et ciliatae, cystolithis parallelis, prominentibus; bracteolae similes sed angustiores; calycis segmenta 5, parva, lanceolata, acuta, 636 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 3-nervata, costa et marginibus parce ciliolata; corolla alba, aliquanto puberula (pilis eglandulosis et pilis glandulosis intermixtis), aliquanto parva, tubo subcylindrico, labio superiore erecto, oblongo, apice minute bilobato, lobis rotundatis, labio inferiore patulo, cuneato, trilobato, lobis rotundatis; stamina exserta, in labio antico corollae declinata, lobis antherarum superpositis, rectis, lobo inferiore calcarato; ovarium apice hirsutum. Stuff erect herbs up to 66 cm. high or more; stems simple or spar- ingly branched, subquadrangular, the upper portion bifariously and retrorsely strigose (the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long), glabrous below, Figure 236.—Justicia sterea Leonard (Cuatrecasas 16811): a, Tip of plant to show leaf and inflorescence; b, portion of leaf blade (lower surface) enlarged to show pubescence and cystoliths; ¢, bract and bractlets; d, margin of bract (near tip) enlarged to show pubescence; ¢, calyx segment (inner surface); f, tip of calyx segment (outer surface); g, tip of corolla; A, portion of inner surface of upper lip enlarged to show glandular pubescence; 7, anther. (a, Half natural size; b, g, 3 times natural size; ¢, 5 times natural size; d, 18 times natural size; ¢, f, 444 times natural size; h, 30 times natural size; i, 15 times natural size.) the cystoliths minute and parallel; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 13.5 cm. long and 5.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate, the tips often curved (the tip itself blunt), narrowed at base, firm and fleshy, entire, the upper surface glabrous, the lower surface glabrous except the costa and lateral veins (8 or 9 pairs), these minutely strigose, the venation prominent beneath, obscure above, the cystoliths conspic- uous under lens but more or less scattered ; petioles up to 2 em. long and 1.75 mm. thick, minutely strigose; flowers borne in terminal forked spikes up to 3 cm. long and 6 mm. broad, the peduncle up to LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 637 6 cm. long, hirtellous, the hairs brownish, recurved, up to 0.16 mm. long, the rachis hirsute, the hairs similar to those of the peduncle but straighter and more spreading, the bracts subtending the spikes subulate, 6 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, acute, carinate, hirsute, the cystoliths dense, parallel, conspicuous where not obscured by the hairs; bracts subtending the flowers narrowly triangular, 3 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, acute and ciliate, densely covered by parallel cystoliths; bractlets similar to the bracts but slightly narrower; calyx segments 5, about 5 mm. long, lanceolate, acute, 3-nerved, the costa and margins sparingly ciliolate; corolla white, rather sparingly puberulous, some of the hairs glandular, the upper lip erect, oblong, 6.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a minutely bilobed tip 0.5 mm. wide, the lower lips spreading, cuneate, about 3 mm. wide at the base of the lobes, these 3, rounded, about 1.5 mm. long and wide; stamens barely reaching the tip of the upper corolla lip and partly enfolded by it, the anther lobes superposed, vertically attached to the connective, each lobe about 0.75 mm. long, the lower one spurred, the style slightly longer than the stamens; ovary hirsute at the tip. Type in the herbarium of the Facultad de Agronémia del Valle, Palmira, Colombia, collected at La Trojita, on the Rio Calima, Department of El Valle, Colombia, 5 to 50 meters altitude, February 19 to March 10, 1944, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 16811). The label on the type sheet bears the following notes by J. Cuatre- casas: “‘Hierba erguida, rigida. Hoja herbacea, crasiuscula, verde grisacea; bracteas y calices verde pélidas. Corola blanca.” Justicia sterea has apparently no close relatives, except perhaps J. petraea or J.hodgei. The specific epithet is from the Greek o7epeds, meaning stiff or rigid, in allusion to the habit of the plant. 68. Justicia sciera Leonard, sp. nov. FicurRE 237 Herba parva ascendens, caulibus in nodis radicantibus, sursum glabris vel retrorse puberulis; lamina foliorum oblonga, apice obtusa, basi rotundata, aliquanto firma, integra, glabra vel subtus costa minute hirtella, pilis curvatis, costa et venis prominentibus, cysto- lithis prominentibus; petioli longi, graciles, glabri vel minute hirtelli; spicae terminales, pedunculo longo et rhache puberulis; bracteae spathulatae, minute et parce puberulae et ciliolatae, obtusae, basi anguste cuneatae; bracteolae oblanceolatae, apice rotundatae, basi angustatae, parce puberulae et ciliolatae; calycis segmenta lanceo- lata, acuminata, parce puberula et ciliolata; corolla ignota; capsulae clavatae, aliquanto parvae, glabrae vel apice pilis paucis minutis praeditae; retinacula leviter curvata, marginibus graciliter striata, apice plana, obtusa, erosa; semina subbrunnea, cordata, muricata. 638 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Ascending herbs up to 20 cm. high; stems rooting at the lower nodes, subquadrangular, glabrous or retrorsely puberulous, the hairs up to 0.38 mm. long; leaf blades oblong, up to 7 em. long and 28 mm. wide, obtuse at tip, rounded at base, moderately firm, entire, glabrous Figure 237.—Justicia sciera Leonard (Gutiérrez-V. 1300): a, Tip of plant showing leaves and inflorescence; b, portion of upper part of stem enlarged to show pubescence; ¢, portion of leaf blade (under surface) enlarged to show cystoliths; d, bract; ¢, bractlet; f, calyx segment; g, capsule valve; h, retinaculum. (a, Natural size; b, about 30 times natural size; ¢, 10 times natural size; d—f, 3 times natural size; g,2 times natural size; h, 644 times natural size.) or the costa of the lower surface roughened by minute curved hairs, the venation rather prominent beneath (the lateral veins 6 or 7 pairs) obscure above, the cystoliths rather prominent under a lens; petioles slender, up to 4 cm. long, glabrous or roughened by minute curved hairs; flowers borne in terminal spikes up to 4 cm. long and 2 cm. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 639 broad, the peduncle 1.5 cm. long, this and the rachis puberulous; bracts spathulate, 12 mm. long, 3 to 3.5 mm. wide near tip, obtuse, gradually narrowed to base; bractlets oblanceolate, 1 cm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, rounded at tip, gradually narrowed to base, both bracts and bractlets sparingly puberulous and ciliolate, the costa moderately prominent; calyx segments lanceolate, 7 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, sparingly puberulous and ciliolate; corolla not seen; capsules clavate, 12 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad, about 1 mm. thick, glabrous or bearing a few minute subap- pressed hairs toward tip, these about 0.06 mm. long; retinacula 2.5 mm. long, slightly curved, the margins finely striate, the tip flattened, obtuse, erose; seed brownish, cordate, flattened, about 2.5 mm. long and 2 mm. broad, muricate, the projections low and rounded. Type in the herbarium of the Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad Nacional, Medellin, Colombia, collected in a damp shady place on the bank of the Rfo Verde de los Montes, in the Municipio de Sonsén, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, January 31, 1947, by Gabriel Gutiérrez-V. (No. 1300). The flowers, according to label notes, are lilac. Apparently there are no close relatives. The specific epithet is from the Greek oxvepés, meaning ‘‘in the shade.” 69. Justicia stereostachya Leonard, sp. nov. Friaure 238 Herba, caulibus rectis vel ascendentibus, subquadrangularibus, deorsum glabris, sursum bifariam hirsutis, pilis curvatis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, acuta vel breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma et subcoriacea, integra vel undulata, supra glabra, obscure viridis (sicca), cystolithis sub lente conspicuis, subtus olivacea, glabra, costa et venis conspicuis, aliquanto puberulis, pilis subappressis; petioli breves, strigillosi; spicae terminales, solitariae vel ternae, rigidae, pedunculis gracilibus, acute quadrangularibus, hirsutis, pilis curvatis, patulis vel ascendentibus, septatis, rhache plana, hirsuta; bracteae ovatae, firmae, ciliatae, hirsutae, pilis rectis, septatis, acutis vel cyathiform- ibus, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus, cystolithis conspicuis (sub lente); bracteolae ovatae, parvae, acutae, plus minusve hirsutae; calycis segmenta rigida, lanceolata, acuta, glabra vel pilos cyathi- formibus ferentes, costa prominente; corolla lilacina, puberula, pilis patulis, glandulosis, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore triangulato- ovato, apice obtuso et apiculato, labio inferiore cunciformi, plicato, 3-lobato, lobis orbicularibus, rotundatis; stamina exserta, lobis superpositis et contiguis, verticalibus, lobo inferiore calcarato ; capsulae graciliter clavatae, puberulae, pilis appressis; semina (im- matura) plana, apice rotundata, basi oblique subcordata, glabra. 640 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Erect or ascending herbs up to 40 cm. high or more; stems sub- quadrangular, glabrous below, the upper portions bifariously hirsute, the hairs about 0.3 mm. long, curved; leaf blades oblong-elliptical, up to 13 cm. long and 5.2 em. wide, acute or short-acuminate (the tip Figure 238.—Justicia stereostachya Leonard (Cuatrecasas 13061): a, Tip of plant showing leaf blades and spike; b, calyx, bracts and bractlets; c, hairs from dorsal region of bract; d, corolla; e¢, pubescence of corolla; f, anther; g, capsule valve; h, seed. (a, Natural size; b, about 3 times natural size; c, 30 times natural size; d, twice natural size; ¢, 4 times natural size; f, 7}4 times natural size; g, 114 times natural size; h, 6 times natural size.) itself obtuse), narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, rather firm and leathery, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous, drying dull green, minutely alveolar, the costa and lateral veins (6 to 8 pairs) obscure, the cystoliths conspicuous under a lens, up to LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 641 0.24 mm. long, the lower surface drying light olive-green, glabrous except costa and lateral veins, these conspicuous, moderately puberu- lous, the hairs curved, up to 0.11 mm. long, subappressed; petioles 5 mm. long, appressed-puberulous; spikes solitary or in 3’s, rigid, up to 5 em. long and 4 mm. broad, the peduncles slender, up to 2.4 cm. long, sharply quadrangular, 0.75 mm. thick gradually increased to 1.75 mm. at base of first pair of bracts, there somewhat fiattened, hirsute, the hairs straight or curved, spreading or ascending, septate, the rachis flattened, the lower internodes about 6 mm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip of the spike, the hairs similar to those of the peduncles; bracts ovate, 3 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, acute, firm, hirsute, the hairs about 0.2 mm. long, erect, septate, some of them cyathiform, the margins ciliate, the costa prominent, the cysto- liths conspicuous; bractlets ovate, 1.75 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, acute, the pubescence that of the bracts; calyx 6 mm. long, the segments rigid, lanceolate, 4 mm. long, 1 mm. wide slightly above middle, acute, glabrous or bearing a few cyathiform hairs, sparingly ciliate, the costa and a pair of lateral nerves prominent; corolla lilac, densely puberulous with spreading glandular hairs about 0.8 mm. long, except the lower portion, this glabrous, the tube 6 mm. long, the basal portion 2.5 mm. broad, narrowed at middle to 2 mm., thence enlarged to 2.5 mm. at throat, the lips subequal, about 6 mm. long, the upper lip triangular-ovate, 3 mm. broad at base, obtuse and apiculate at tip, the lower lip cuneiform, 5 mm. wide near tip, 3-lobed, the lobes orbicular, the middle one 2.5 mm. wide, the lateral ones 1.75 mm. wide, all rounded, the throat swollen and plaited; stamens exserted 5 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, the lobes 1 mm. long, superposed and contiguous, attached vertically to the connective, the lower cell spurred, the spur ligulate, curved, flattened, rounded at tip, the filaments flattened, their ventral surface densely glandular- puberulous; style about as long as the stamens; ovary glabrous; capsules slenderly clavate, 1 cm. long, 2 mm. broad, 1.5 mm. thick, puberulous, the hairs appressed, about 0.1 mm. long, the retinacula 1.5 mm. long; seed (immature) flattened, 2.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, rounded at tip, obliquely subcordate at base, glabrous. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1850311, collected in the valley of the Rio Cubugén, between El Carafio and El Indio, in the vicinity of Sarare, Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia, 470 to 600 meters altitude, November 12, 1941, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 13061). Justicia stereostachya can be easily recognized by its rigid spikes, densely glandular corollas with swollen plaited throat, and by the leathery leaf blades. The specific epithet is from the greek orepeds, rigid, and ordxvus, spike. 642 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 70. Justicia hodgei Leonard, sp. nov. FiaurE 239 Suffrutex, caulibus quadrangularibus vel deorsum subteretibus, glabris vel in nodis hirtellis, pilis rigidis fere patulis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata vel oblongo-elliptica, breviter acuminata, apice saepe curvata, basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, glabra vel costa et venis prominentibus parce et minute hirtellis, pilis rigidis, cystolithis obscuris; petioli aliquanto crassi, glabri vel minute hirtelli; spicae solitariae, terminales, densae vel basi in maturitate laxae, pedunculis quadrangularibus, minute et parce hirtellis, rhachibus minute hirtellis, pilis rigidis fere patulis; bracteae ovatae, acutae (apice ipso obtuso), glabrae, marginibus ciliolatis, pilis rigidis, patulis vel ascendentibus; bracteolae lanceolatae, parvae, acutae, glabrae, marginibus ciliolatis, ambis bracteis et bract- eolis cystolithis crassis conspicuis praeditis; calycis segmenta lanceo- lata, graciliter acuminata, glabrae vel subglabrae, marginibus cilio- latis, cystolithis paucis gracilibus; corolla aliquanto parva, lilacina, dense hirtella, pilis rigidis, patulis, tubo subcylindrico, labio superiore erecto, oblongo-ovato, apice emarginato, labio inferiore trilobato, lobis oblongo-ovatis, apice rotundatis, marginibus ciliolatis; stamina vix exserta, lobis antherarum superpositis, lobo superiore obliquo, inferiore verticali, obscure caudato; capsulae clavatae, minute hirtellae, pilis rigidis, patulis. Suffrutescent plants up to 1 meter high; stems quadrangular or the lower parts subterete, glabrous or hirtellous at the nodes, the hairs rigid, up to 0.13 mm. long, mostly spreading; leaf blades oblong-ovate or oblong-elliptic, up to 21 cm. long and 9 cm. wide, short-acuminate, the tip often curved, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, rather firm, entire or undulate, glabrous or the costa and veins sparingly and minutely hirtellous, the hairs rigid, up to 0.08 mm. long, the venation prominent beneath, less so above, the cystoliths obscure; petioles up to 1 cm. long, 1.5 mm. thick, glabrous or sparingly and minutely hirtellous; spikes solitary, terminal, dense or, at maturity, lax toward base, up to 5 cm. long and 15 mm. broad, the peduncles up to 2 cm. long, quadrangular, minutely and sparingly hirtellous, the rhachis minutely hirtellous, the hairs rigid, for the most part about 0.13 mm. long, or a few at the nodes as much as 0.32 mm. long, mostly spreading; bracts ovate, 4 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide near base, acute (the tip itself blunt), glabrous except the margins, these ciliolate with rigid spreading or ascending hairs up to 0.16 mm. long; bractlets lanceolate, 2.25 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, acute, glabrous except the ciliolate margins, both bracts and bractlets densely covered with thick conspicuous parallel cystoliths up to 0.13 mm. long; calyx 7-8 mm. long, the segments lanceolate, 6 mm. long, 1.75 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to a slender acute tip, obscurely . ay LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 643 and delicately 3-nerved at base, glabrous except the margins, these ciliolate, the cystoliths few, slender, rarely over 0.06 mm. long; corolla about 12 mm. long, lavender, densely hirtellous, the hairs rigid, spreading, up to 0.13 mm. long, the tube subcylindric, 2 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip erect, oblong-ovate, emarginate at tip, the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes oblong-ovate, rounded at tip, ciliolate; stamens slightly exserted but not extending beyond the corolla lips, ees © ee See = VASES 2a Bee Ficure 239.—Justicia hodgei Leonard (Hodge 6504): a, Tip of plant; b, bract; ¢, portion of bract enlarged to show marginal hairs and cystoliths; d, bractlet; ¢, calyx segment; f, upper lip of corolla (immature); g, lower lip of corolla (immature); h, anther. (a, Natural size; b, d, 744 times natural size; c, 25 times natural size; e, 5 times natural size; f, g, 24% times natural size; h, 8 times natural size.) the anther lobes superposed, 1.25 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, the upper lobe obliquely, the lower vertically attached to the connective and obscurely subcaudate at base; capsules clavate, 18 mm. long, about 3 mm. broad and 2 mm. thick, minutely hirtellous, the hairs mostly spreading, rigid, up to 0.03 mm. long, some of them gland- tipped. Type in the Gray Herbarium, collected on floor of rain forest along 644 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM the Rfo Carare, Department of Santander, Colombia, 300 to 400 meters altitude, September 28, 1945, by W. H. Hodge (No. 6504). Isotype: Med. Justicia hodgei resembles and may be related to J. sterea. The latter species has, however, a forked spike and white corollas, these rather sparingly pubescent with slender hairs. In JJ. hodgei the spikes are simple and the corollas are lavender and densely clothed with minute spreading rigid hairs. Because of the scarcity of material it was not desirable to dissect the single immature corolla and capsule. 71. Justicia hygrobia Leonard, sp. nov. Fiaurr 240 Herba, caulibus rectis vel ascendentibus, subquadrangularibus, glabris; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, breviter sed aliquanto graciliter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, firma, undulata, glabra vel in costa et venis prominentibus puberula, cysto- lithis conspicuis; petioli aliquanto crassi, glabri vel parce puberuli; flores in spicis vel paniculis laxis dispositi, pedunculo subquadrangulari, obscure strigoso, rhache hirtella, pilis retrorse curvatis; bracteae parvae, anguste ovatae, acutae, 3-nervatae, parce hirtellae, pilis leviter curvatis, ascendentibus; bracteolae lanceolatae, parvae, con- duplicatae, hirtellae; calycis segmenta lineari-lanceolata, acuta, ali- quanto tenuia, hirtella, pilis patulis (paucis glandulosis) vel ascen- dentibus; corolla lilacina, parva, hirtella, pilis leviter et retrorse curvatis (paucis glandulosis), tubo subeylindrico, labiis subequalibus, labio superiore suberecto, oblongo-ovato, subcucullato, labio inferiore patulo, 3-lobato, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina in labio antico corollae declinata, filamentis glabris vel basi parce hirtellis, lobis antherarum superpositis, suberectis, lobo inferiore calcarato; pistillum hirtellum, stamina aequans; capsulae clavatae, pubcrulac, apice pilis patulis deorsum retrorsis praeditac; retinacula curvata apice plana, rotundata, erosa; ovula 4. Herbs up to 40 cm. high or more; stems erect or ascending, sub- quadrangular, glabrous, the lower portions 5.5 mm. in diameter or more; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 18 cm. long and 6.8 cm. wide, shortly but rather slenderly acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed at base, firm, undulate, glabrous or inconspicuously puberulous along costa on the lower surface, the venation prominent, more so beneath than above, the lateral veins usually 6 pairs, the cystoliths rather prominent, up to 0.38 mm. long; petioles up to 1.5 cm. long, glabrous or sparingly puberulous, 1.75 mm. thick; flowers borne in terminal spikes, these often branched at or near base to form a loose panicle; peduncles up to 3 cm. long, subquadrangular, minutely and incon- spicuously rstigose; rachis hirtellous, the hairs retrorsely curved, up to 0.16 mm. long, the lowermost internode of the rachis 8 mm. long, the others successively shorter toward the tip of the inflorescence; LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 645 bracts narrowly ovate, 5.5 mm. long, 1.75 mm. wide near base, acute, 3-nerved, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs slightly curved, ascending, up to 0.2 mm. long; bractlets lanceolate, 5 mm. long, about 1 mm. wide at base, conduplicate, hirtellous with minute ascending straight or slightly curved hairs; calyx 11 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments 5, linear-lanceolate, 0.75 mm. wide, narrowed to a slender Ficure 240.— Justicia hygrobia Leonard (Cuatrecasas 10848): a, Tip of plant showing leaf and inflorescence; b, bract; ¢, portion of bract (medial dorsal) enlarged to show hairs and cystoliths; d, bractlet; e, calyx; f, portion of calyx segment to show hairs and cystoliths. (a, Natural size; 6, d, 4 times natural size; c, f, about 20 times natural size; e, twice natural size.) tip, rather thin, hirtellous, the hairs spreading or ascending, up to 0.13 mm. long, some of spreading ones gland-tipped; corollas lilac, about 12 mm. long, hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, slightly and retrorsely curved, some of them gland-tipped, the tube about 2 mm. broad at base, 4 mm. broad at mouth, the lips subequal, 7 mm. long, the upper lip oblong-ovate, about 3 mm. wide, subcucullate, 646 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM enfolding the stamens, the lower lip spreading, about 3.5 mm. wide, 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, rounded; stamens reaching the tip of the upper lip, the filaments glabrous or bearing a few hairs near base, the anthers 2.5 mm. long, the lobes superposed one above the other, subvertically attached to the connective, the lower lobe terminating in a blunt white spur 0.5 mm. long; pistil equalling the stamens, hirtellous; capsules clavate, 12 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, 1.5 mm. thick, 4-seeded, puberulous, the hairs up to 0.06 mm. long, spreading or retrorse; retinacula 1.5 mm. long, curved or bent, the tip flat, rounded, erose. Type in the U.S. National Herbarium, No. 1798535, collected in wet forests along the Rio Putumayo at Puerto Ospina, Comisarfa of Putumayo, Colombia, 230 meters altitude, November 29, 1940, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 10848). The holotype specimen is forked at the tip, the two branches about 20 cm. long and each bearing at the tip of the single internode (about 12 cm. long) a pair of leaves and an inflorescence. This mode of forking may or may not be normal for the species. The lobation of the lips was not discernible in the immature corollas of the type material. The species apparently has no close relatives and is probably confined to the Putumayo region. The specific epithet is from the Greek word bypé8i0s, meaning “living in wet places.” Justicia sanctae-martae Lindau Justicia sanclae-martae Lindau, Bot. Jahrb, Engler 21: 377. 1895. Type collected in the vicinity of Santa Marta, Department of Magdalena, Colom- bia, by Dr. Alfons Stuebel. Suffrutescent, branches green-striate, the cystoliths punctiform; leaf blades oblong, abruptly acuminate at tip, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, the costa of the upper surface puberulous, otherwise glabrous, the cystoliths prominent; spikes dense, terminal and axillary; bracts obovate, stipitate, those of the middle part of the spike 1 cm. long and 5 mm. wide, glandular-pubescent; bractlets lanceolate, glandular-pilose at tip; calyx segments equal, puberulous, 6 mm. long, 1 mm. wide; corolla tube 12 mm. long, 3 mm. broad at base, 4 mm. broad at tip, the upper lip 10 mm. long, 3 mm. wide, the lower 12 mm. long, the segments 5 mm. long and wide; filaments 19 mm. long, the anthers 2 mm. long, the upper lobe minutely spurred; capsules 13 mm. long, 5 mm. wide, puberulous, the stipe 5 mm. long and 3 mm. wide; seeds subglobose, nitid, black, 12.5 mm. in diameter. Dr. C. E. B. Bremekamp treats this species as a synonym of Justicia carthaginensis (Flora of Suriname 4: 241. 1938). LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 647 Justicia sp. E. P. Killip & Hernando Garcia’s No. 33571 undoubtedly represents an undescribed species of Justicia. Their specimens were collected in dense forest along the Quebrada Jillita, Department of Chocé, 50-100 meters altitude, February 1939. The plant from which the specimens were taken was about 50 cm. high and bore white flowers. Collo- quially called ‘“‘yerbabuenilla,” it was used as a remedy for snake bites. The specimen deposited in the National Herbarium is an ascending branched herb about 40 cm. high, the stems subquadrangular, bi- fariously hirtellous with retrorsely curved white septate hairs up to 0.22 mm. long; the internodes of the stem are short and rather numerous, not exceeding 2 cm. in length. The leaf blades are ovate, up to 23 mm. long and 14 mm. wide, obtuse or rounded at tip and narrowed at base, rather firm, entire or undulate, nitid, glabrous or the margins and the costa and lateral nerves (these moderately con- spicuous) bearing a few rigid ascending ‘hairs about 0.2 mm. long; petioles thick, about 1.5 mm. long, sparingly hirtellous. The speci- men examined was definitely sterile without the faintest vestige of a flower. Leptostachya crinita Nees Leptostachya crinita Nees in Benth. Voy. Sulphur 147, 1844. Type locality: Colombia. Type collected by Sinclair. Stems repent at base, glabrous; leaf blades oval-oblong, obtuse at the tip, long-decurrent on the petiole at base; spikes more or less umbellate, half as long as the leaves, forming a panicle at the tip of the stem; rachis pilose with spreading hairs; anther cells blunt. No specimen seen. Description compiled from the original. The brief description suggests a close relationship with Justicia comata. Rhytiglossa oblonga Nees Orthotactus oblongus Nees in Benth. Voy. Sulphur 147. 1844. Type collected in Colombia by Sinclair. Rhytiglossa oblonga Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 343. 1847. Herb; stems geniculate and rooting at the lower nodes, hoary towards tip; leaf blades oblong, the lower 7 to 8 inches long and 2 inches wide, the upper 4 to 5 inches long and 1.5 inches wide, all gradually narrowed to a blunt tip, acute at base, glabrous, thin, flaccid; spikes in the axils of the upper leaves and shorter than the blades; bracts rhombic-ovate, acuminate, ciliate, veiny; corolla 2-lipped, the upper lip bifid, the lower one 3-lobed, the lobes oval, obtuse, puberulous. No specimens seen. Description compiled from the original. 648 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 37. PELECOSTEMON Leonard, gen. nov. Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus; laminae foliorum ali- quanto magnae, apice acuminatae, basi cuneatae, integrae, cystolithis parvis sed conspicuis; paniculae terminales, angustae, puberulae, pilis acutis et pilis glandulosis intermixtis; bracteae parvae, subulatae ; calycis segmenta 4, linearia; corolla hypocrateriformis, labiis duobus, labio superiore apice rotundato, labio inferiore trilobato, lobis ro- tundis; stamina 2, lobo uno antherarum normali, lobo altero in ala triangulari apice acuta incurva reducto; stigma parvum, bilobatum; ovarium glabrum. Shrubs; stems subquadrangular; leaves rather large, acuminate, narrowed at base, entire, the cystoliths small but conspicuous under a lens; petioles short; spikes lax, erect, forming a narrow terminal panicle, this minutely puberulous with a mixture of glandular and eglandular hairs; bracts small and subulate; calyx segments 4, linear; corolla 2-lipped, the upper lip rounded at the tip, the lower lip 3-lobed; stamens 2, the anthers each with one fertile cell, the other reduced to a thin triangular wing terminating in an acute curved tip; stigma minute, bilobed. Pelecostemon differs from Justicia in its peculiar anthers. The name, of Greek origin and derived from ré\exus, halberd, and OTH MWY, stamen, was suggested by a fancied resemblance of the anther to a certain type of ancient battle-ax. 1. Pelecostemon trianae Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 241 Suffrutex, caulibus glabris vel in nodis parce pilosis; lamina foliorum oblongo-obovata, breviter acuminata, basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra, nitida, costa et venis lateralibus et venulis crasse reticulatis subtus prominentibus, supra plus minusve obscuris; spicae erectae, laxae, paniculam terminalem formantes, pedunculis subquadrangularibus, glabris, nitidis vel sursum parce puberulis, pilis glandulosis et eglandu- losis intermixtis, rhachibus aliquanto dense puberulis, pilis glandulosis et eglandulosis intermixtis; bracteae glabrae vel basi puberulae, ciliatae; calycis segmenta linearia, ciliata, intus hirsuta, pilis sub- appressis, extus puberula, pilis glandulosis et eglandulosis intermixtis ; corolla (immatura) parce hirsuta; stamina inclusa (?); ovarium gla- brum. Suffrutescent; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or sparingly pilose; leaf blades oblong-obovate, up to 24 em. long and 6.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces glabrous and nitid, the costa and lateral veins (7 or 8 pairs) prominent beneath, less so above, the cystoliths rather loosely scattered but prominent under a LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 649 lens, averaging 0.11 mm. in length; flowers borne in loose spikes up to about 9 cm. long, these several, erect, forming a loose panicle about 16 cm. long, the peduncle 4 cm. long, subquadrangular, glabrous, nitid or the upper portion minutely and sparingly puberulous with glandular and eglandular hairs up to 0.64 mm. long, the lowermost internodes of the panicle 3 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward the tip of the inflorescence, the pubescence that of the peduncle Ficure 241.—Pelecostemon trianae Leonard (Triana, Villavicencio): a, Inflorescence; b, node showing leaf; ¢, portion of the under surface of a leaf blade enlarged to show cystoliths; d, node of inflorescence; ¢, calyx; f, portion of calyx segment (inner surface) enlarged to show pubescence; g, same (outer surface); h, portion of rachis enlarged to show pubes- cence; 7, anther. (a, b, Half natural size; c, 9 times natural size; d, twice natural size; e, 3 times natural size; f-h, about 10 times natural size; 7, 7 times natural size.) 388179—57——22 650 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM but somewhat denser; lowermost pair of bracts subulate, 7 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, carinate, glabrous or bearing a few small hairs near the tip; bracts subtending the flowers subulate, 4 to 5 mm. long, about 1 mm. wide at base, glabrous or puberulous near the base like the rachis, ciliate with rigid ascending hairs about 0.8 mm. long; bractlets similar to the bracts but smaller, 3 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide at base; calyx 11 to 12 mm. long, the segments 4, linear, 0.75 mm. wide, ciliate, the inner surface hirtellous with ascending or subappressed hairs up to 0.13 mm. long, the outer surface puberulent with more or less spreading glandular and eglandular hairs mostly less than 0.5 mm. long; corolla (im- mature) 4 mm. long, sparingly hirsute, the upper lip 1.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, rounded at tip, the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes 1.5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, rounded; stamens 3 mm. long, the fertile cell 2.5 mm. long and 1.5 mm. broad, blunt at base, the sterile cell repre- sented by a membranous triangular wing incurved at base, the filaments glabrous; style glabrous toward tip, hirtellous toward base; stigma bilobed, minute; capsules not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected at Villavicencio, Intendencia of Meta, Colombia, December 1855, by J. Triana. 38. JACOBINIA Nees ex Moric. Jacobinia Nees ex Moric. Pl. Nouv. Am. 156, Pl. 92. 1846. Origin of name unknown. Type species Jacobinia lepida Nees ex Moric. Type locality: Brazil. Cyrtanthera Nees in Mart. Fl. Bras. 9: 99. 1847. Derivation: xvprés, curved, and dvOnpés, anther. The first of the species described, and the one illus- trated, C. magnifica Nees, may be the lectotype. Sericographis Nees in Mart. Fl. Bras. 9: 107. 1847. Derivation: snpixés, silken, and ypadis, style, probably in allusion to the conspicuous cystoliths. The first of the 12 species described, and the one illustrated, S. rigtda Nees, may be the leetotype. Herbs or shrubs; leaf blades usually oblong or ovate, entire, petioled; flowers sessile or short-pedicellate in the axils of bracts, solitary, cymose, spicate or paniculate; calyx 5-parted, the segments usually narrow; corolla usually red or yellow, the tube usually elongate, straight or curved, the limb 2-lipped, the upper lip narrow, erect, entire or shallowly 2-lobed, the lower lip 3-lobed; stamens 2, the anther cells more or less unequal, muticous, the connective narrow, ovules 2 in each cell. About 120 authentic species have been described, all from tropical America. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 651 KEY TO THE SPECIES Bracts large and conspicuous, orbicular or oblong, 1.5 to 2 em, long. Flowers borne in a dense terminal thyrse up to 8 cm. broad; corollas lilac, red or pink____.------------------------- ~------------------ 1. J. carnea Flowers borne in terminal or axillary spikes up to 3 cm. broad; corollas pale yellow_____------------------------------------------- 2. J. axiologa Bracts small and inconspicuous, spathulate, or triangular, up to 5 mm. long. Calyx segments up to 16 mm. long; flowers yellow__-_-------- 3. J. amphibola Calyx segments up to 3 mm. long; flowers red or orange, the spicate branches up to 7 cm. long. Flowers borne in cymose panicles___---------------------- 4. J. spicigera Flowers borne in axillary spikes up to 7 em. long_------------ 5. J. tinctoria 1. Jacobinia carnea (Lindl.) Nicholson Justicia carnea Lindl. in Edward’s Bot. Reg. 17: pl. 1397. 1831. Type a cul- tivated plant, originally introduced from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Cyrtanthera magnifica, Nees in Mart. Fl. Bras. 9: 100. 1847. Type locality: Brazil. Jacobinia carnea Nicholson, Illustr. Dict. Gard. 2: 206. 1885. Jacobinia magnifica Lindau in Engl. & Prantl, Pflanzenfam. IV. 3b: 351. 1895. Based on Cyrtanthera magnifica Nees. Herbs or suffrutescent plants up to 2 meters high; stems subquad- rangular, grooved (the angles rounded), glabrous or minutely puber- ulous with curved hairs; leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 25 cm. long and 7 cm. wide, acuminate (the tip itself blunt), acute to rounded at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, undulate or entire, both surfaces sparingly and inconspicuously hirtellous or puberulous, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, subappressed, the venation rather prominent, the cystoliths obscure to conspicuous; petioles up to 5 cm. long, puberulous; thyrsi sessile or subsessile, solitary, terminal, dense, up to 19 cm. long and 8 cm. broad, the rachis puberulous, the lowermost thyrsulas subtended often by small leaf blades, the upper thyrsulas by elliptic bracts 2 cm. long and 1 cm. wide (these reduced in size towards tip of thyrse), obtuse or rounded, moderately firm, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, sparingly ciliate, the hairs up to 0.8 mm. long; bracts subtending the flowers oblong, 2 cm. long, 1.5 cm. wide, rounded at tip, glabrous and ciliate; bractlets lanceolate, 15 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, narrowed to an obtuse tip, glabrous and ciliate, the venation of both bracts and bractlets obscure; calyx 11 mm. long, the segments lanceolate, 10 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, acute, subhyaline, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous and ciliate near tip, the costa and lateral nerves delicate; corolla lilac, red or pink,sparingly glandular-puberulous (the hairs spreading, up to 0.2 mm. long), up to 6.5 cm. long, 4 mm. broad at base, abruptly narrowed to 2.5 mm. at 4 mm. above base, thence gradually expanded to 5 mm. at throat, the upper lip erect, arched and bilobed at tip, the lobes about 1 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide, rounded, the lower lip spreading or recurved, 652 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 3-lobed, cuneate, 8 mm. wide at base of lobes, these ovate, about 3 mm. long and 2 mm. wide, rounded; stamens barely reaching the tip of the upper corolla lip, the anther lobes slightly superposed, 3 mm. long and 1.25 mm. broad, the filaments flattened, 0.75 mm. wide; pistil slightly longer than the stamens, the stigma bilobed, minute and rounded; capsules not seen. Vernacular names: “Tango rojizo’”’ and “Isopo rojizo” (Duque 1570A). The specimens in the U. S. National Herbarium are from Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Ecuador. Cultivated plants of this species are often found in parks and gardens. Cauca: La Hermita on the road to Puracé, vicinity of Popaydn, 1,760 to 1,820 meters altitude, July 17, 1948, Garcia-Barriga & Hawkes 12685 (US). Ex Vau.e: Cultivated in Cali, 1,000 meters, Duque 1570A (US). 2. Jacobinia axiologa Leonard, sp. nov. FIGuRE 242 Suffrutex, caulibus quadrangularibus, deorsum glabris, sursum bifariam pilosis, pilis patulis, brunneis, septatis; lamina foliorum ovato-lanceolata vel oblongo-elliptica, graciliter acuminata, basi acuta vel obtusa vel rotundata vel subcordata, aliquanto firma, integra vel leviter crenata, glabra, vel juventute pilos*paucos-ferens, subtus aliquanto dense hirsuta, pilis patentibus vel ascendentibus, pilis praecipue in costa et, venis Jateralibus’ prominentibus positis, cysto- lithis minutis, saepe punctiformibus; petioli crassi, brunneo-pilosi, pilis septatis; spicae terminales et aliquando laterales solitariae, vel 2 vel 3, pedunculis et rhachibus hirtellis; bracteae infimae foliosae; bracteae flores subtendentes orbiculares apice abrupte acuminatae, apice ipso gracili, basi ungulatae, ungula gracili, supra glabrae, subtus puberulae, pilis glandulosis et pilis paucis longioribus eglandulosis intermixtis, marginibus ciliatis; bracteolae lanceolatae, subhyalinae, glabrae vel apice pilos rigidos ferentes; calycis segmenta 4, anguste triangularia, acuminata, glabra vel apice pilos paucos rigidos ferentes, basi ciliolata; corolla flava, apice hirtella, pilis patulis, deorsum glabra, tubo subcylindrico, labiis aequalibus, labio superiore oblongo, apice 2-lobato, lobis parvis, rotundatis, labio inferiore patulo, 3-lobato, lobis anguste ovatis, apice rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, antheris angustis, lobis parellelis, basi obtusis; capsulae clavatae, planae, glabrae; retinacula recta vel leviter curvata, acuta; semina suborbic- ularia, plana, pallida, leviter rugosa, papillosa. Suffrutescent plants up to 2 meters high; stems quadrangular, glabrous or the upper portions bifariously pilose with spreading hairs, sometimes densely so, the hairs 1.5 mm. long, brown, septate; leaf blades ovate-lanceolate or oblong-elliptic, up to 32 cm. long and 11 cm. wide, acuminate, often slenderly so, gradually narrowed ie LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 653 from about the middle to an acute, obtuse or often a narrow rounded or subcordate base, moderately firm, entire or shallowly crenate, the upper surface glabrous or bearing on the younger leaves a few scattered ascending hairs 0.75 mm. long, the lower surface rather densely Ficure 242.—Jacobinia axiologa Leonard (Haught 1986): a, Basal portion of leaf blade; b, tip of leaf blade; c, portion of spike (middle); d, basal node of inflorescence; ¢, one of the hairs from basal node; f, bract; g, pubescence of lower surface of bract; A, one of a pair of bractlets; 7, a calyx segment; J, tip of corolla; k, anther. (a-d, Half natural size; ¢, 14 times natural size; f, twice natural size; g, 41 times natural size; h, 1, 3 times natural size; 7, 3 times natural size; k, 8 times natural size.) hirsute, the hairs spreading or ascending, up to 1.5 mm. long, densest on the costa and lateral veins (9 or 10 pairs), the venation prominent beneath, less so above, the cystoliths minute, many of them puncti- form; petioles rather stout, up to 7 cm. long and 3 mm. in diameter, 654 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM brown-pilose, often densely so, the hairs spreading, up to 1.5 mm. long, septate; flowers borne in terminal and sometimes axillary spikes, these solitary, paired or in threes and up to 20 cm. long and 3 cm. broad, the peduncles (up to 3 em. long) and rhachis hirtellous; bracts subtending the spikes and lowermost flowers lanceolate, leaflike, up to 3 cm. long and 1 em. wide; typical bracts subtending the flowers orbicular, 1.5 em. long, 1 cm. wide, abruptly and slenderly acuminate, the slender tip about 3 mm. long, abruptly narrowed at middle to a slender claw, the upper surface glabrous, the lower puberulous with minute erect papular hairs and a few longer curved eglandular ones intermixed, the margins ciliate with spreading hairs up to 1 mm. long; bractlets lanceolate, 3.25 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near base, slenderly acuminate, subhyaline, glabrous or bearing a few curved stiff hairs about 0.18 mm. long, sparingly ciliolate; calyx 4-parted, 5 mm. long, deeply segmented, the segments narrowly triangular, about 0.5 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed from base to a slender tip, thin, glabrous except at tip, here bearing a few stiff curved ascending hairs about 0.18 mm. long, sparingly ciliolate toward base; corolla pale yellow, 2.5 to 3 em. long, sparingly hirtellous at tip, otherwise glabrous, the tube about 2 mm. broad at base, slightly constricted above base, the mouth 4.5 mm. broad, the lips subequal, 7 mm. long, the upper lip suberect, oblong, about 3 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to 1 mm. near tip, 2-lobed, the lobes about 0.5 mm. long and broad, rounded, the lower lip somewhat spreading, 3-lobed, narrowly ovate, about 5 mm. long, rounded at tip; stamens reaching within about 2 mm. of the tip of the upper lip and lying in it, glabrous, the anthers 2.5 mm. long, the lobes narrow and parallel and rounded at base, the connective very narrow; pistil about as long as the stamens, sparingly hirtellous; capsules 13 to 15 mm. long, 5 mm. wide and 2.5 mm. thick, 4-seeded, glabrous, the solid stipitate portion about 6 mm. long and 2 mm. broad; retinacula straight or slightly curved, about 2.5 mm. long, acute; seed suborbicular, 5 mm. long and 4 mm. broad, 0.75 mm. thick, whitish, faintly wrinkled, papillose. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1742247, collected about 20 km. south of El Centro, in the vicinity of Barranca Bermeja, Magdalena Valley, between the Rios Sogamoso and Carare, Depart- ment of Santander, Colombia, 100 meters altitude, September 29, 1936, by Oscar Haught (No. 1986). Also of this species are Haught’s No. 1672, collected at Camp Carare IV in the vicinity of Puerto Berrio, between the Rio Carare and Rio Magdalena, Department of Santander, 100 to 700 meters altitude, April 25, 1935 (US), and Hodge’s No. 6511, collected in rain LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 655 forest along the Rio Carare, Department of Santander, 300 to 400 meters altitude, September 28, 1945 (GH, Med). Jacobinia aziologa apparently has no close relative in Colombia. It is readily recognizable by its peculiar orbicular apiculate clawed bracts. Hodge states that the flowers of his No. 6511 were creamy white. The specific epithet is from the Greek 4£6\oyos, meaning remarkable or worthy of mention. 3. Jacobinia amphibola Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 243 Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi acuta, obtusa vel rotundata, aliquanto firma, undulata vel leviter serrata, supra glabra vel subglabra, subtus puberula, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus, venulis crasse reticulatis; petioli aliquanto graciles, glabri vel parce puberuli; paniculae terminales, glabrae, ramis sub- quadrangularibus; bracteae ramos ultimos panicularum subtendentes lineares, parvae, glabrae, apice obtusae vel rotundatae; bracteae flores subtendentes spathulatac, obtusae, glabrae; bracteolae nullae; calycis segmenta 5, lanceolata, acuta, graciliter nervata; corolla flava, glabra, tubo subcylindrico, labio superiore erecto, oblongo, apice bilobato, lobis trianguli-ovatis, obtusis, incurvatis, labio inferiore patulo, cuneato, 3-lobato, lobis trianguli-ovatis, apice rotundatis, erosis, lobo medio plus minusve emarginato; stamina exserta, glabra, lobis antherarum parallelis, basi subapiculatis, connectivo angusto; ovarium glabrum;. Suffruticose plants up to 1 meter high; stems subquadrangular, glabrous, the internodes up to 12 cm. long or more; leaf blades ob- long-ovate, up to 13 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), acute, obtuse or rounded at base, rather firm, undu- late or shallowly serrate, the teeth low (0.5 mm. long) and broad, the upper surface glabrous or nearly so, the lower surface puberulous, the hairs (up to 0.16 mm. long) confined more or less to the veins, the costa and lateral veins (about 6 pairs) prominent beneath, less so above, the veinlets coarsely reticulate, cystoliths not apparent; petioles rather slender, up to 3 cm. long, glabrous or sparingly puberu- lous; flowers borne in terminal panicles about 10 cm. long and 6 cm. broad, the lowermost internodes of the panicle about 2 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward the tip of the inflorescence, all glabrous and subquadrangular; bracts subtending the ultimate branches of the inflorescence linear, about 3 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide, obtuse or rounded, glabrous, those subtending the flowers spath- ulate, 5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide near tip, narrowed to 1 mm. at 1.5 mm. below tip, obtuse, glabrous; bractlets lacking; calyx 2 cm. long, glabrous, the segments 5, lanceolate, up to 16 mm. long and 3.5 mm. 656 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM wide, acute, the costa and 2 pairs of lateral nerves slender but rather prominent; corolla yellow, glabrous, up to 4.8 em. long, the tube subcylindric, 7 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 3 mm. at 5 mm. above base, 6 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip suberect, oblong, 1.8 cm. long, 5.5 mm. wide, bilobed at tip, the lobes triangular-ovate, Ficure 243.—Jacobinia amphibola Leonard (Cuatrecasas 23467): a, Leaf; b, branch of panicle; ¢, bract; d, tip of corolla to show lips, stamens and style; ¢, anther; f, ovary. a, b, Natural size; c, 5 times natural size; d, 114 times natural size; ¢, 4 times natural size; f, 6 times natural size.) 3 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, obtuse, incurved, the lower lip cuneate, about 12 mm. long, 11 mm. wide at base of lobes, the lobes triangular-ovate, 2.5 mm. long, the middle lobe 4.5 mm. wide, the lateral ones 3.25 mm. wide, all rounded and erose at tip, the middle one more or less emarginate; stamens exserted about 2 cm. above the mouth of the corolla tube, glabrous, the anthers 4 mm. long, the lobes LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 657 1 mm. broad, parallel (the connective narrow), subapiculate at base; style about as long as the stamens, glabrous; ovary glabrous, 4- ovuled; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1950034, collected at Aguabonita, valley of the Rio San José, in the vicinity of Moscopan, Department of Cauca, Colombia, 2,280 meters altitude, January 30, 1947, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 23467). Fosberg’s No. 20115 (US), collected in a wet forest on a flat ridge- top northwest of Quebrada la Candela, Rio Naranjo, 20 km. southwest of San Agustin, Department of Huila, Colombia, 2,100 to 2,300 meters altitude, February 13, 1943, is also of this species. Cuatrecasas gives on his label the following notes: “Suffrutex 1 met. Hoja verde brillante, haz verde grisaceo envés, peciolo y nervios violdiceos. Caliz amarillo con méargenes verdosos. Corola amarilla. Anteras violetas.” Fosberg’s collection was from an herb less than a meter tall with a yellow-green calyx and yellow corolla. This species is doubtfully placed in the family Acanthaceae. Should it belong in the genus Jacobinia, the shallowly toothed leaves and the lack of cystoliths and bractlets would be unique. The specific name is from the Greek d&udiBodos, meaning ambiguous or doubtful. 4, Jacobinia spicigera (Schlecht.) L. H. Bailey Justicia spicigera Schlecht. Linnaea 7: 395. 1832. Type locality: Jalapa, México. Collected by G. Schiede in 1829. Jacobinia spicigera L. H. Bailey, Stand. Cycl. Hort. 1715. 1915. Based on Justicia spicigera Schlecht. Shrub up to 2 meters high; stems subquadrangular, bifariously pubescent (the hairs curved) or glabrate; leaf blades lance-oblong to ovate, up to 17 cm. long and 7 cm. wide, acute to acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed or rounded at the base and decurrent on the petiole, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the hairs curved, up to 0.5 mm. long; petioles up to 2 cm. long, glabrous or the channels hirtel- lous; flowers secund on the branches of axillary or terminal cymose panicles usually up to 7 cm. long, the branches of the inflorescence glabrous or bifariously hirtellous, the peduncles usually up to 2 cm. long; bracts and bractlets triangular, about 1.5 mm. long, acute; calyx segments lanceolate, up to 3 mm. long, acute, glabrous; corollas glabrous, red or orange, 3 to 4.5 em. long, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, slightly narrowed above base, thence gradually enlarged to 5 mm. at mouth, the lips about 1.5 mm. long, the upper lip narrowly ovate, erect, acute, the lower lip erect or somewhat spreading, 3- lobed, the lobes 2 to 3 mm. long, rounded; stamens barely reaching the tip of the upper lip of the corolla, the lobes slightly superposed, nearly parallel, about 2 mm. long; mature capsules not seen. 658 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM The Lehmann notes relating to the cited specimens are as follows: “Up to 2 m. high, soft-wooded shrub with squarrose irregular rami- fication. Leaves yellow-green. Flowers scarlet. Grows in dense, luxuriant forests around Dabeiba, western slopes of the West Andes of Antioquia, 300-500 m.” The species is common in México and Central America and has been found in Trinidad, where it is probably only in cultivation. Antioquia: Dabeiba, Lehmann 4740 (K). 5. Jacobinia tinctoria (Oerst.) Hemsl. Sericographis tinctoria Oerst. Nat. For. Kjébenhavn. Vid. Medd. 1854: 150. 1854. Type locality: Woods in the vicinity of Cartago, Costa Rica. Jacobinia tinctoria Hemsl. Biol. Centr. Amer. Bot. 2: 522. 1882. Based on Sericographis tinctoria Oerst. Glabrous shrubs or suffrutescent plants up to 2 meters high; stems subquadrangular, the angles rounded; leaf blades lanceolate to oblong- lanceolate, up to 10.5 cm. long and 3 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed at base, firm, entire, glabrous, the cystoliths minute and obscure; petioles up to 1 cm. long, glabrous; flowers secund, born in lax axillary spikes up to 7 cm. long, the peduncles up to 2 cm. long, glabrous; the rachis quadrangular, glabrous, its internodes for the most part about 5 mm. long; bracts and bractlets triangular-subulate, up to 2 mm. long, and 0.75 mm. wide near base, glabrous; calyx segments triangular-subulate, 1.5 to 2.5 mm. long and about 1 mm. wide near base, ciliate, the hairs spreading, up to about 0.2 mm. long; corollas 3 to 3.5 cm. long, red, glabrous, nitid, the tube rather slender, 2 mm. wide near base, reduced to 1.5 mm. at 3 mm. above base, thence gradually enlarged to 5 mm. at throat, the lips subequal, the posterior lip ovate, 12 mm. long, 5 to 6 mm. wide at base, subobtuse at tip, the lower lip oblong, erect or somewhat spreading, 5 mm. wide near tip, 3-lobed, the lobes about 1 mm. long and 1.25 mm. wide, rounded; stamens barely reaching the tip of the lips, the anther lobes slightly superposed and obliquely attached to the connective, 2.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. broad, the filaments flattened, glabrous; capsules not seen. Vernacular names: Azul (Idrobo & Ferndndez 243; Lehmann B. T. 428, B. T. 438, 7851) and panciga (Duque 1701) Jacobinia tinctoria is a cultivated plant in Colombia often planted in parks, gardens, or patios. The leaves and young branches macerated in water yield a deep blue dye which in a diluted solution can be used as a substitute for indigo for washing white clothes. The species occurs more frequently in Central America, where it may have originated. According to Lehmann’s notes, his No. 7851 was taken from “Densely bushy and erect shrubs 2 m. in height. Leaves seagreen. Flowers LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 659 dark vermilion, yellow at base.” The plants from which his No. B. T. 428 was taken were propagating by slender underground rooting branches. Cauca: El Tambo, Corregimiento de Lépez, 1,750 meters altitude, August 23, 1949, Idrobo & Fernandez 243 (US). Ev Vaute: Cali, 1,000 meters altitude, June 15, 1938, Duque 1701 (U8). Popaydn (cultivated), Lehmann B. T. 428 (K, NY), B. T. 488 (K, NY), 7851 (K). Toro, 970 meters altitude, October 7, 1943, Cuatrecasas 15275 (GH, US). DOUBTFUL SPECIES Jacobinia lindaviana Rusby Jacobinia lindaviana Rusby, Deser. So. Am. Pl. 128. 1920. The type has not been available for study. Following is the orig- inal description: “A glabrous shrub, the branchlets short, stout and leafy. Petioles 3 mm. long, slender; blades 15-30 mm. long, 10-20 mm. wide, ovate, rounded at the base, obtuse at summit, dark-green, thickish, the veins dark, strongly ascending. Flowers few, in the upper axils, subsessile, 2-bracteolate at the base of the calyx, the bracts minute, subulate. Calyx 10 mm. long, the lobes lanceolate, acuminate, acutish. Corolla-tube 15 mm. long, nearly straight, dilating very near the summit, the lobes partially destroyed by insects in my specimen. The short stamens equalling the corolla tube, the longer ones exserted, the lower anther cell with about two-thirds of its length below the base of the upper, which is short mucronate. Style not equalling the longer stamens, stout, sharply declined, above. “Species dedicated to Dr. Lindau who has kindly confirmed my determination. “Collected at Playa Brava on the northern coast of Colombia, on a dry, rocky hillside on June 6, 1899, by Herbert H. Smith, who reports it as a foot high, and having crimson Flowers. (No. 2821).” 39. CHAETOCHLAMYS Lindau Chaetochlamys Lindau in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 3: 490. 1895. From the Greek xairn, hair, and xAauis, bract. The name was probably suggested by the rather conspicuous filiform bracts and bractlets. The genus is based on 3 species, C. macrosiphon (Kuntze s. n., Bolivia), C. marginata (Kuntze s. n., Paraguay), and C. rusbyi (Kuntze s. n., Bolivia). The first of these can be considered as the type species. Herbs or suffrutescent plants; leaf blades ovate to lanceolate; flowers borne in short spikes, these crowded in a terminal congested head; bracts and bractlets narrow; calyx segments 5, narrow; corolla hypocrateriform, the limb 2-lipped, the upper lip 2-lobed, the lower lip 3-lobed; stamens 2, exserted, the anther lobes affixed at different heights, the lower lobe spurred; stigma capitate; capsules clavate, 4-seeded. Some 14 species have been described in this genus, all from tropical America. 660 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 1, Chaetochlamys columbiensis Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 244 Suffrutex, caulibus subteretibus, sursum bifariam retrorse puberulis, pilis curvatis, deorsum lignosis, glabris, cortice cinereo; lamina foliorum ovata, apice obtusa vel subacuta, basi acuta vel obtusa, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, supra glabra vel in costa strigosa vel hirsuta, pilis appressis vel curvatis et ascendentibus, cystolithis pluribus et conspicuis, subtus glabra vel in costa et venis parce hirtella, cystolithis pluribus densis et conspicuis; petioli breves, glabri vel in canale parce puberuli; capitula terminalia, foliis ovatis suffulta; bracteae lanceolatae, virides et foliaceae, acutae, venosae, glabrae vel intus basi puberulae, marginibus ciliatis, pilis ascendentibus; bracteolae anguste lanceolatae, apice graciles (apice ipso obtuso), glabrae vel intus basi puberulae, marginibus ciliatus; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuminata, apice curvata, costa prominente, marginibus ciliatis, pilis conspicuis, albis, patulis vel ascendentibus; corollae pur- purea, hirtella vel basi extus glabra, pilis patulis, tubo subcylindrico, labio superiore erecto, anguste ovato, apice bilobato, lobis oblongis, rotundatis, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, 3-lobato, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina exserta, lobis antherarum superpositis, obliquis, lobo inferiore calcarato; capsulae ovoideae, abrupte acutac, glabrae; retinacula fere recta, apice tenuia, erosa; semina subsphacrica, sub- brunnea, glabra. Suffrutescent herbs up to 50 cm. high; stems simple or moderately branched, subterete, bifariously puberulous, the hairs retrorsely curved, up to about 0.16 mm. long, the internodes 2 to 5 cm. long, the lower woody portions of the stems glabrous, the bark gray; leaf blades ovate, up to 6 cm. long and 2.5 em. wide, obtuse to subacute at tip, acute to obtuse at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous or the costa strigose or hirsute, the hairs about 0.16 mm. long, appressed or curved and ascending, the cystoliths numerous and conspicuous, up to 0.1 cm. long, the lower surface glabrous or the costa bearing a few scattered hairs, the cystoliths conspicuous, crowded and numerous; petioles up to 4 mm. long, glabrous or the channels sparingly puberulous; flowers borne in green terminal sessile heads about 2 cm. long and 2 to 3 em. broad, these subtended by a pair of ovate leaves up to 5 cm. long and 2 cm. wide; bracts lanceolate, green and leaflike, up to 1.8 em. long and 3.5 mm. wide, acute, veiny, the surfaces glabrous except the puberulous lower inner surface, the margins ciliate, the hairs ascending, up to 1 mm. long; bractlets narrowly lanceolate, up to 15 mm. long and 1.75 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip (the tip itself blunt), glabrous except a small puberulous area at base of inner surface and the ciliate margins; calyx segments lanceolate, up to 12.5 mm. long and 2 mm. wide near base, acuminate, the tip curved, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 661 the costa prominent, bearing dorsally a few ascending hairs up to 1 mm. long, the margins ciliate, the hairs white, spreading or ascending, up to 1.5 mm. long; corollas purplish-red, rather copiously hirtellous except the glabrous basal portion, the hairs spreading, up to 0.16 mm. long, the tube 3 mm. broad at base, enlarged to 4 mm. immediately above base, thence gradually narrowed to 3 mm. at mouth, the upper lip erect, narrowly ovate, 1 cm. long, 3 mm. wide at base, narrowed to a slender bilobed tip, the lobes oblong, 2 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, rounded, the lower lip more or less spreading, about 10 mm. long, 3-lobed, the lobes ovate, about 7 mm. long and 6.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens exserted about 4 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, the Ficure 244.—Chaetochlamys columbiensis Leonard (Haught 2414): a, Tip of plant to show inflorescence and leaves; b, portion of leaf blade (medial area and lower surface) to show cystoliths; ¢, bract; d, bractlet; ¢, a calyx segment; f, corolla; g, anther; 4, a capsule valve (dorsal surface); i, retinaculum. (a, Natural size; b-e, twice natural size; f, 1% natural size; g, 7 times natural size; h, 145 times natural size; i, 4 times natural size.) anther lobes superposed and obliquely attached to the connective, about 2 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad, the lower lobe bluntly spurred, the spur 0.26 mm. long and broad; capsules ovoid, 14 mm. long, 6 mm. wide, 3 to 4 mm. thick, abruptly acute, glabrous, 4-seeded; retinacula nearly straight, 2.25 mm. long, the tip 1 mm. wide, thin, erose; seeds subspherical, light brown, glabrous. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1707050, collected near Guataquicito, Department of Tolima, Colombia, 500 meters altitude, November 3, 1938, by Oscar Haught (No. 2414). Pérez Arbeldez’s No. 3105 (US), collected at Purificaci6én, Depart- ment of Tolima, July 3, 1934, and Killip, Dugand and Jaramillo’s 662 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM No. 38289 (US), collected at the Hacienda El Cucharo between Tocaima and Pubenza, Department of Cundinamarca, 350 meters altitude, May 7, 1944, are also of this species. Chaetochlamys columbiensis has the general appearance of C. ctliata Lindau from the State of Pard, Brazil, but that species has larger flowers (the tube 25 mm. long instead of 18 to 20 mm. and its upper lip entire instead of bilobed) and larger leaf blades (10 to 12 cm. long and 4 cm. wide). 40. CHAETOTHYLAX Nees Chaetothylax Nees in Mart. Fl. Bras. 9: 153, pl. 26. 1847. Type species C. tocantinus Nees. Type collected on the Rio Tocantins, Province of Goyaz, Brazil, by Pohl. Derivation of epithet: xairn, hair, and @ddat, sack, in allusion to the vestigial lower anther lobe. In plate 26 this is pictured as a short hair, although in most species the lower lobe is shaped much like the upper but much smaller and evidently sterile. Herbs; leaf blades ovate to oblong; flowers more or less secund, borne in short dense terminal and axillary spikes, these often forming panicles; bracts narrow, ending in filiform tips, hirtellous and ciliate; calyx segments 4, resembling the bracts; corollas white or some shade of purple, finely pubescent, the tube narrow, the lips subequal, the upper lip narrowly ovate, the lower deeply 3-lobed, the lobes rounded; stamens, slightly exserted but not exceeding the corolla lips, the upper anther lobe oblong, 1-celled, the lower lobe reduced or vestigial, or, 2s in the type species, hairlike, the lobes separated by a slender filiform connective; capsule clavate, 4-seeded; seed papillose or otherwise roughened. About a dozen species are now recognized, these all confined to tropical America. KEY TO THE SPECIES Spikes relatively narrow, up to 5 mm. broad____-_-__-__-------- 1. C. umorosus Spikes 8 mm. or more broad. Corollas white__-____-_--------------------------------- 2. C. leucanthus Corollas violet or magenta. Leaf blades up to 12 cm. long; corollas magenta, up to 2.8 em. long_--------------------------------------------- 3. C. haughtii Leaf blades up to 6 em. long; corollas violet, up to 1.4 em. long. 4. C. huilensis 1. Chaetothylax umbrosus Nees Chaelothylax umbrosus Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 313. 1847. Two syntypes are cited: Nova Granada [Colombia], Goudot, and St. Xaver [Argentina], Tweedie 1262. Herbs up to 80 cm. high; stems branched, subquadrangular, bifariously pilose, the hairs variously curved, ca. 0.5 mm. long, the cystoliths numerous, conspicuous, parallel, in some plants arranged in striae; leaf blades ovate to oblong, up to 9 cm. long and 3.5 em. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 663 wide, subacute and aristate at tip, the seta about 1 mm. long, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire, hirsute, the upper surface usually sparingly so, the hairs of the lower surface often rather dense and evenly distributed, straight or slightly curved, spreading or ascending, up to 1 mm. long, the cystoliths numerous and prominent; flowers borne in numerous terminal and axillary spikes, these frequently forming large panicles, the spikes oblong, usually up to 1.5 cm. long, although at times as much as 3 cm. long, mostly 3 to 5 mm. broad (the flowers secund), sessile or short-pedun- culate (1 mm.), the rachis puberulous; bracts lanceolate, 3.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, ciliate, the hairs ascending, up to 0.5 mm. long, the flat surfaces glabrous, the costa prominent; calyx segments linear, 7 mm. long, 0.75 mm wide, narrowed to a slender tip, ciliate, the hairs up to 0.25 mm. long, the dorsal surface hirtellous with straight gland- tipped hairs ca. 0.06 mm. long; corollas violet to white, about 1.5 cm. long, finely pubescent except at base, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, mostly retrorsely curved, the tube 1.25 mm. broad at base, narrowed just above ovary to 1 mm., the throat 1.5 mm. broad, the upper lip erect, narrowly ovate, 4.5 mm. long, 2 mm. wide at base, obtuse or rounded at lip, the lower lip 4 mm. long, deeply 3-lobed, the lobes obovate, 1.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens exserted 2 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the upper lobe 0.75 mm. long and 0.25 mm. thick, the lower lobe affixed about 0.5 mm. below the upper, vestigial; capsule clavate, 7 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad and thick, minutely and rather sparingly puberulous; retinacula truncate or irregular at tip; mature seed not seen. No Colombian specimens examined. The description is based on material from Argentina. 2. Chaetothylax leucanthus Leonard, sp. nov. FIGuRE 245 Herba, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, plus minusve ramosis, hirtellis, pilis albidis, plus minusve retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum oblonga vel elliptica, apice acuta et cuspidata, basi cuneata et in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra, hirtella, cystolithis obscuris; petioli hirtelli; paniculae terminales et axillares, densae, ex spicis densis floribus secundis compositae; bracteae lineari-subulatae, apice aristatae, ciliatae et aliquanto hirtellae, pilis leviter curvatis, ascendentibus; calycis segmenta lineari-subulata, ciliata et parce hirtella; corolla alba, tenuiter pubescens, basi glabra excepta, pilis retrorse curvatis, tubo anguste cylindrico, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore anguste ovato, apice emarginato, labio inferiore trilobato, lobis obovatis, obtusis; stamina vix exserta, glabra, lobis antherarum superpositis, lobo superiore fertili, lobo inferiore sterili, parvo; capsulae 664 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM clavatae, minute pubescentes, pilis retrorse ascendentibus; semina (immatura) papillosa. Herbs up to 30 cm. high, erect or ascending; stems more or less branched, subquadrangular, up to 1.75 mm. thick, hirtellous, the hairs fine, more or less retrorsely curved, whitish, up to 0.38 mm. long; leaf blades ovate, oblong or elliptic, up to 5 em. long and 2 em. wide, acute and cuspidate at tip, the cusp up to 1 mm. long, narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire, both surfaces moderately and evenly hirtellous, the hairs on the costa and lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) up to 0.67 mm. long, straight or slightly curved, spreading or ascending, the cystoliths obscure; petioles up to Figure 245.—Chaetothylax leucanthus Leonard (Pennell 3985): a, Tip of plant to show leaves and inflorescence; b, bract; ¢, calyx; d, portion of calyx segment from near the middle enlarged to show pubescence; e, corolla; f, anther. (a, Natural size; b, 444 times natural size; c, 3 times natural size; d, 12 times natural size; ¢, 3 times natural size; f, 13 times natural size.) 0.5 cm. long, hirtellous, the hairs ca.0.38 mm. long, curved ; flowers borne in terminal and axillary panicles of dense straight or slightly curved, more or less 1-sided spikes, these up to 2 cm. long and 8 mm. broad, the lowermost internodes about 1.5 mm. long, hirtellous, the others successively shorter toward tip of spike, the panicles subtended by small leaves, the bracts linear-subulate, 7 mm. long, 0.4 mm. wide, gradually narrowed to a whitish aristate tip 1 mm. long, ciliate and rather sparingly hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.67 mm. long, slightly curved and ascending; calyx segments 1 cm. long, in other respects similar to the bracts; corolla 13 mm. long, finely pubescent except at base, the hairs retrorsely curved, up to 0.28 mm. long, the tube nar- LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 665 rowly cylindric, 0.75 mm. broad, the throat 1 mm. broad, the upper lip narrowly ovate, 2.5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide at base, emarginate at tip, the lower lip 3-parted nearly to base, the lobes obovate, about 3 mm. long, the middle lobe 2 mm. wide, the lateral lobes 1.5 mm. wide, all obtuse; stamens glabrous, exserted 2.5 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, the upper anther lobe 0.75 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, the lower anther lobe affixed 0.5 mm. below the upper, sterile and reduced; capsule clavate, 5 mm. long, about 2 mm. broad and 1 mm. thick, minutely pubescent, the hairs up to 0.08 mm. long, retrorsely ascend- ing; seed (immature) papillose. Type in the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, collected at edge of thicket in Buenavista, east of Sincé, Department of Bolivar, Colombia, 100 to 200 meters altitude, January 24, 1918, by Francis W. Pennell (No. 3985). Isotype in the Gray Herbarium. Pennell’s No. 4236 (NY), collected in a forest at Boca Verde, on the Rio Sint, Department of Bolivar, Colombia, 100 to 300 meters altitude, February 13-14, 1918, is also of this species. The specific epithet is from the Greek evxds, white, and &v6os, flower. 3. Chaetothylax haughtii Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 246 Herba gracilis, caulibus bifariam pilosis, pilis patulis vel retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum oblonga, apice acuta vel subacuminata, interdum curvata, basi cuneata et in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra, supra glabra vel subglabra, costa parce hirtella, cystolithis pluribus, subtus aequaliter hirtella, pilis patulis vel as- cendentibus, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus; petioli hirtelli; spicae terminales et axillares, leviter curvatae, densae, floribus se- cundis, pedunculis brevibus, hirtellis, pilis curvatis; bracteae lineari- lanceolatae, hirtellae, costa prominente; calycis segmenta lanceolato- subulata, aliquanto et parce hirtella, costa prominente; corolla purpureo-rubra, parce hirtella, tubo anguste cylindrico, labiis sub- aequalibus, labio superiore suberecto, anguste ovato, apice minute bilobato, labio inferiore patulo, trilobato, lobis obovatis, obtusis; stamina vix exserta, lobis antherarum superpositis, lobo superiore fertili, lobo inferiore sterili, parvo; ovarium glabrum. Slender herbs up to 1 meter high; stems subquadrangular, pilose, the hairs spreading or retrorsely curved, up to 0.68 mm. long, more or less bifariously arranged; leaf blades oblong, up to 12 cm. long and 3.5 cm. wide, acute or subacuminate and sometimes curved at tip, cuneate at base and decurrent on the petiole, rather firm, entire, the upper surface glabrous or nearly so, except the costa, this sparingly hirtellous, the cystoliths numerous, the lower surface evenly hir- tellous, the hairs straight or slightly curved, spreading or ascending, up to 0.28 mm. long except those of the costa and lateral veins (6 388179—57——23 666 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM or 7 pairs), these up to 0.96 mm. long, the venation of the lower surface prominent, that of the upper obscure, the margins ciliolate; petioles (unwinged portion) up to 2 ecm. long, hirtellous; flowers secund, borne in dense slightly curved terminal and axillary spikes up to 2 cm. long and about 8 mm. broad; peduncles up to 5 mm. long, hirtellous with curved hairs, the lowermost pair of bracts leaflike, oblong-lanceolate, up to 12 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, acute, hirtellous, the succeeding bracts linear-lanceolate, up to 6 mm. long Figure 246.—Chaetothylax haughtii Leonard (Haught 3775): a, Node showing leaf and spike; b, bract; ¢, calyx; d, corolla; ¢, posterior lip of corolla; f, middle lobe and one of the lateral lobes of the lower lip of the corolla; g, anther. (a, Natural size; b, 4 times natural size; ¢, 344 times natural size; d, 144 times natural size; ¢, f, 5 times natural size; g, 12 times natural size.) and 0.5 mm. wide, hirtellous, the costa prominent; calyx segments narrowly lance-subulate, up to 1 cm. long and 0.75 mm. wide, mod- erately to sparingly hirtellous, some of the hairs minute and gland- tipped, the costa prominent, this and the basal portion and marginal area of the segments whitish; corolla magenta, 28 mm. long, rather sparingly hirtellous, glabrous at base, the hairs more or less spreading, up to 0.18 mm. long, the tube narrowly cylindric, 1 mm. broad, enlarged at base and mouth to 1.5 mm., the lips about 4 mm. long, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 667 the upper one suberect, narrowly ovate, minutely bilobed at tip, the lower lip spreading, 3-lobed nearly to base, the lobes obovate, 3.5 mm. long, the middle one 3 mm. wide above middle, the lateral ones 2 mm. wide, all obtuse; stamens barely exserted, glabrous, the anthers 2-lobed, the lobes 1-celled, superposed, the upper lobe fertile, 0.75 mm. long and 0.25 mm. broad, the lower lobe affixed about 0.25 mm. below the upper, vestigal and sterile, about 0.25 mm. long; style about as long as the stamens; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1709430, collected on trail from Codazzi to Sierra, Department of Magdalena, Colombia, 500 meters altitude, October 23, 1943, by Oscar Haught (No. 3775). 4, Chaetothylax huilensis Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 247 Herba, caulibus quadrangularibus, plus minusve ramosis, erectis vel ascendentibus, bifariam hirsutis, pilis rectis et patulis vel retrorse curvatis; lamina foliorum ovata, apice obtusa vel acuta et aristata, basi cuneata, aliquanto firma, integra, supra parce hirtella, pilis ascendentibus, subtus aequaliter hirtella, pilis rectis et patulis vel curvatis et ascendentibus, cystolithis pluribus sed obscuris; petioli hirtelli; paniculae terminales et axillares, densae, foliatae, ex spicis parvis densis formatae; bracteae lineares, ciliatae, hirsutae, pilis albis, plus minusve patulis, costis prominentibus; calycis segmenta linearia, apice filiformia, conspicue ciliata et pilosa, pilis fere patulis et rectis, costa obscura; corolla violacea, tubo subcylindrico, basi elabro, sursum aliquanto dense hirtello, pilis rectis et patulis vel retrorse curvato, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore anguste ovato, apice minute bilobato, labio inferiore plus minusve patulo, 3-lobato, lobis obovatis, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, lobis antherarum superpositis, lobo superiore fertili, lobo inferiore sterili, parvo; capsulae clavatae, minute et parce pubescentes, pilis retrorse curvatis; semina papillosa. Herbs up to 30 cm. high or more; stems more or less branched, subquadrangular, erect or ascending, hirsute, the hairs straight and spreading or retrorsely curved, up to 1 mm. long, more or less arranged in 2 rows; leaf blades ovate, up to 6 cm. long and 3 cm. wide, obtuse to acute and often aristate (the awn up to 3 mm. long), cuneate at base, rather firm, entire, the upper surface sparingly hirtellous, the hairs ascending, 0.67 mm. long, the lower surface more densely and evenly hirtellous, the hairs on costa and veins (5 or 6 pairs) mostly straight and spreading, up to 0.67 mm. long, the others curved and ascending and usually less than 0.5 mm. long, the cystoliths rather numerous but obscure; petioles (unwinged portion) up to 1 cm. long, hirtellous; flowers borne in dense terminal and axillary subsessile panicles up to 2.5 cm. long and broad, these composed of dense spikes 1.5 cm. long and 8 to 10 mm. broad and intermixed with small leaves, 668 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM the lowermost internodes of the spikes 1 mm. long, the others succes- sively shorter, sparingly hirtellous; bracts linear, up to 12 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, ciliate and hirsute, the hairs white, straight, mostly spreading, up to 0.75 mm. long, the costa prominent; calyx segments narrowly linear, up to 11 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, gradually nar- rowed into a filiform tip, conspicuously ciliate and pilose, the hairs white, mostly straight and spreading, up to 1 cm. long, the costa ob- scure, apparent only toward base; corollas violet, 1.5 cm. long, the tube subcylindric, 1 mm. broad at base, enlarged to 1.5 mm. just above the ovary, thence narrowed to 0.75 mm., 1.5 mm. wide at throat, Ficure 247.—Chaetothylax huilensis Leonard (a, b, S. Galen Smith 1164; c-f, Rusby &9 Pennell 486): a, Stem node and leaf; b, tip of plant showing inflorescence; c, bract; d, calyx; ¢, corolla; f, anther. (a, b, Natural size; c, d, 3 times natural size; ¢, twice natural size; f, 8 times natural size.) glabrous at base, otherwise rather densely hirtellous with white straight spreading or retrorsely curved hairs up to 0.25 mm. long, the upper lip narrowly ovate, about 3.5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base, the tip minutely bilobed, the lower lip 3.5 mm. long, 3-lobed nearly to base, the lobes obovate, the middle one 1.5 mm. wide, the lateral ones slightly narrower, all rounded; stamens exserted 1 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, glabrous, the upper anther lobe 0.75 mm. long and 0.5 mm. broad, the lower lobe affixed 0.75 mm. below the upper, about 0.5 mm. long, sterile, the connective between the 2 lobes slender: capsules clavate, whitish, 7 mm. long, about 2 mm. broad and 1.25 LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 669 mm. thick, minutely and sparingly pubescent, the hairs up to 0.08 mm. long and retrorsely recurved, the retinacula 1.5 mm. long, the tips up to 0.25 mm. broad and suberose, the seed flattened, about 2 mm. in diameter, papillose. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1041358, collected in a quebrada thicket in the Cordillera Oriental, east of Neiva, Colombia, 700 to 1,500 meters altitude, July 31, 1917, by H. H. Rusby and Francis W. Pennell (No. 486). Isotypes: GH, NY. S. Galen Smith’s No. 1164 (US), collected on a dissected plateau at Cabrera Lajas, about 11 km. east of Villavieja, on the road to Baraya, Department of Huila, 460 meters altitude, July 7, 1950, is also of this species. SUPPLEMENT The specimens cited or described in this supplement were received after the publication of Parts I and II. The page number in parentheses after the species heading indicates where the entry would occur in Parts I or IT. PART I 1. STAUROGYNE Wall. 2. Staurogyne leptocaulis Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 7.) FIGuRE 248 Herba gracilis, caulibus decumbentibus, subteretibus, pilosis, pilis debilibus, albis, appressis vel subappressis; lamina foliorum oblongo- elliptica, apice obtusa, basi cuncata, firma, integra, puberula et pilosa, pilis minutis, acutis, rigidis, ascendentibus et pilis alteris longis, albis, gracilibus, ascendentibus; petioli breves, pilosi; spicae terminales et laterales, graciles, apice interdum curvatae, rhache pilosa; bracteae oblongae, foliis similes sed minores; bracteolae oblongo-lineares, ob- tusae, pilosae, ciliatae; pedicelli breves, pilosi; calycis segmenta an- guste lanceolata, acuminata, segmentum posterius quam 4 anteriora angustius, dense pilosa, pilis gracilibus, albis, ascendentibus; corolla alba, puberula, basi glabra, labio superiore brevi, erecto, bilabiato, lobis rotundatis, labio inferiore patulo, trilobato, lobis rotundatis, plus minusve emarginatis; stamina inclusa; capsulae parvae, oblongae, glabrae vel apice parce pubcrulae; semina minuta, brunnea, globosa, verrucosa. Delicate herbs up to 13 cm. high; stems decumbent, producing erect branches from the nodes, 0.5 to 0.75 mm. in diameter, subterete, reddish brown, pilose, the hairs white, appressed to subappressed, up to 0.6 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 25 mm. long and 4 mm. wide, obtuse at tip and cuneate at base, firm, entire, both sur- faces puberulous and pilose, the minute hairs rigid, acute, up to 0.03 mm. long, the long hairs weak, white, up to 2 mm. long, both long and short hairs ascending, the mature blades becoming more or less gla- brate at maturity, the lower surface more densely pilose than the upper; petioles up to 2 mm. long, pilose; spikes both terminal and lateral, up to 4 cm. long and 5 to 10 mm. broad, the rachis pilose, the hairs similar to those of the stem; bracts at tip of spike about 5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide, becoming, toward base, larger and intergrading 671 672 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM into the stem leaves; bractlets oblong-linear, 2.5 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide, obtuse and ciliate; pedicels 0.5 mm. long, pilose; calyx 5 mm. long, the segments narrowly lanceolate, acuminate (tip itself blunt), the posterior segment 0.5 to 0.75 mm. wide, the anterior seg- ments 4, about 0.25 mm. wide, all densely white-pilose, the hairs similar to those of the stem; corolla white, puberulous above, glabrous at base, 5 to 6 mm. long, the tube 2.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. in diam- Ficure 248,—Staurogyne leptocaulis Leonard (Sprague 27): a, Branch; b, node of stem enlarged to show leaf in detail; c, portion of leaf blade (upper surface) enlarged to show pubescence; d, bractlet; ¢, calyx; f, lower lip of corolla; g, upper lip of same. (a, Natural size; b, twice natural size; c, 10 times natural size; d, 8 times natural size; é, 5 times natural size; f, g, 444 times natural size.) eter at base and 1.25 mm. at mouth, the upper lip about 1 mm. long, bilobed, the lobes rounded, the lower lip 2.5 mm. long, 3-lobed, the middle lobe obovate, 2 mm. long, 1.4 mm. wide, rounded and shallowly emarginate, the lateral lobes oblong, 1.25 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide, rounded; stamens included, the shorter pair reaching about the middle of the corolla tube, the longer pair reaching the mouth of the corolla; style about 2 mm. long, glabrous, the stigma bilobed, the lobes minute; capsules 4 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide and 0.5 mm. thick, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 673 glabrous below, puberulous at tip; seed spherical, brown, about 0.25 mm. in diameter, verrucose. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected on llano at edge of woods at Cabuyaro, on the Rio Meta, Meta, Colombia, January 7, 1899, by T. A. Sprague (No. 27). Isotype: K. Staurogyne leptocaulis is readily distinguishable from S. lepida- gathoides Leonard (described from the Department of Bolivar) by its slenderer spikes and narrower leaf blades. In S. lepidagathoides the latter are as much as 7.5 cm. long and 2.5 cm. wide. The specific name is from the Greek demrés, slender, and xavdés, stem. 2. ELYTRARIA Michx. 1. Elytraria imbricata (Vahl) Pers. (Page 7.) AttAntico: Thin dry woods in the vicinity of Puerto Colombia, Barkley & Gutiérrez 1836 (US). Thin shrubby woods south of Barranquilla, Torreyroza, Araque-M. & Barkley 18At.521 (US). Botfvar: Southwest of Monterfa, Araque-M. & Barkley 19Bol.83 (US). MaaepaLena: Open forests of Cerrején, Haught 6711 (US). Wet sandy soil on the bank of the Rio Manzanares near Santa Marta, Giacometto 1049 (US). 4. MENDONCIA Vell. 1. Mendoncia aspera (Ruiz & Pav.) Nees. (Page 14.) Vaupgs: Soratama, on the Rio Apaporis between Rfo Pacoa and Rfo Kananarf, Schulies & Cabrera 13710 (US). 3. Mendoncia lindavii Rusby. (Page 15.) Antioquia: Road between El Socorro and Mulato, east of Argelia, Core 825 (US). Rio Samand, near the road to Sonsén, Uribe-Uribe 2151 (US). Wet woods of the Fuentes Termales de Santo Domingo, Scolnik, Araque-M. & Barkley 19An.478 (US). Meta: Plaza Bonita, Sierra de la Macarena, Philipson, Idrobo & Ferndndez 1496 (BM, US). 3a. Mendoncia lasiophyta Leonard. (Page 16.) Mendoncia lastophyta, Leonard, Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harvard Univ. 16: 92, pl. xv. 1953. Type collected in the vicinity of Leticia, on the Rfo Amazonas, Comisarfa de Amazonas, Colombia, November 1948, by Richard Evans Schultes & Francisco Lépez, No. 10400K (US, 1989479). Isotype: US 1989478. Mendoncia lasiophyta is a rampant liana, clambering over grasses and low shrubs. The leaf blades are large, orbicular or suborbicular, and firm, but somewhat papery, and the lanceolate bracts, up to 4 cm. long are, like the stout peduncles, clothed with a dense yellowish brown tomentum. The corollas, exserted for about half their length beyond the bracts, are red. The specific epithet, derived from dasios, 674 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM shaggy, and ¢u7dév, plant, alludes to the densely fulvous-tomentose inflorescence, leaves, and stems. Its closest relative is M. gigas Lindau, of Peru. 4. Mendoncia pedunculata Leonard. (Page 16.) Vaupks: Cafio Churruco, highland above the Rfo Apaporis in the vicinity of Soratama (above mouth of Rio Kananarf), about ‘900 feet” altitude, January 31, 1952, Schultes & Cabrera 15113 (US). 9. Mendoncia hirsuta (Poepp. & Endl.) Nees. (Page 21.) Vicuapa: Amanavén, November 22, 1948, Romero 1225 (US). Dense woods along the Rio Guaviare in the regién de Amanabel, 250 meters altitude, November 23, 1948, Araque-M & Barkley 18 Vi. 128 (US). 9a, Mendoncia trichota Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 21.) Figure 248a Suffrutex volubilis, caulibus sulcatis, subteretibus, pilosis et puberulis, pilis longis patulis brunneis et parvis albidis intermixtis; Figure 248a.—Mendoncia trichota Leonard (Koie 5043): a, Lower portion of leaf; b, upper portion of leaf; ¢, portion of stem; d, bract. (a, b, Half natural size; c, d, natural size.) lamina foliorum grandis, ovata, apice acuminata, basi cordata, tenuis, integra, ciliata, utrinque pilosa, pilis ascendentibus, longis, brunneis, e basi stellata orientibus, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus, venulis crasse reticulatis; petioli pilosi; flores axillares, fasciculati; LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 675 pedicelli pilosi; bracteae ellipticae, utrinque obtusae vel rotundatae, apice mucronulatae, recurvatae, extus dense brunneo-pilosae, intus puberulae; drupa ellipsoidalis, leviter compressa, puberula. Large vines; stems grooved, subterete, 5 mm. in diameter (near flowering node), pilose and puberulous, the long hairs mostly spread- ing, up to 7 mm, long, brown, the small hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, whitish, spreading; leaf blades ovate, up to 25 cm. long and 18 cm. wide, acuminate at tip, cordate at base, rather thin, entire, ciliate, both surfaces pilose, the hairs ascending, mostly 3 to 6 mm. long, brownish, arising from stellate bases, these bases larger and more conspicuous on the upper surface than on the lower, the costa and lateral veins (4 pairs) rather prominent, the veinlets coarsely reticu- late; petioles up to 8 cm. long, 2.5 mm. in diameter, the pubescence that of the stems; flowers axillary, in threes, at least the lowermost; pedicels 4 cm. long, 1.25 mm. in diameter, the pubescence that of the stems; bracts elliptic, 3 cm. long, 11 to 17 mm. wide, obtuse or rounded at both ends, mucronate at tip, the mucro 5 to 8 mm. long, rigid, densely brown pilose, the hairs similar to those of the stems, the inner surface puberulous, the hairs up to 0.3 mm. long, mostly spreading; corollas not seen; drupe (mature ?) ellipsoidal, slightly flattened, 22 mm. long, 9 mm. broad, 6.25 mm. thick, puberulous, the hairs up to 0.5 mm. long. Type in the Botanical Museum of the University of Copenhagen, collected at Tres Esquinas, on the Rfo Caqueté, Intendencia de Amazonas, Colombia, 200 meters altitude, August 1952 by M. Kgie (No. 5043). Mendoncia trichota is well marked by its large thinnish cordate leaves and its dense brownish pilosity. Its nearest relative is Men- doncia cordata Leonard, based on a specimen collected in the forest along the Rio Anchicayé, Department of El Valle, Colombia, by J. Cuatrecasas (No. 15216). From this M. trichota differs in its predominantly longer hairs, the dense (under lens) understory of minute hairs on the stems, the larger leaf blades, and the smaller bracts. The leaf blades of M. cordata are up to 20 cm. long and 14 cm. wide and the hairs of the under surface are denser, giving it a velvety touch that is lacking in M. trichota, with its more scattered hairs. The bracts of M/. cordata are as much as 3.5 cm. long and 2.5 cm. wide, but in M. trichota do not exceed 3 cm. in length and 1.7 cm. in width. The specific epithet is from the Greek word rpixwrés, meaning provided with hairs. 10. Mendoncia villosa (Klotzch & Karst. ex Nees) Leonard. (Page 21.) CuUNDINAMARCA: Guaduas, on road to Paramillo, 1,000 meters altitude, January 8, 1953, Uribe-Uribe 2496 (US). 676 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Meta: Rio Giejar, north of La Macarena, Sabanas de San Juan de Arama, 500 meters altitude, August 23, 1950, Jdrobo 566 (US). 12. Mendoncia sprucei Lindau. (Page 23.) NoRTE DE SANTANDER: Tall forest east of Rfo Valegra, Municipal de Chitagé4, Cordillera Oriental, 2,000 meters altitude, November 16, 1942, Fosberg 19129 (US). 12a. Mendoncia phalacra Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 23.) FIGuRE 248b Planta volubilis, caulibus subteretibus, leviter sulcatis, glabris; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, breviter acuminata et apiculata, basi acuta vel obtusa vel rotundata, firma, subcoriacea, integra, utrinque glabra, costa et venis lateralibus mediocriter prominentibus; petioli plus minusve sulcati, glabri; flores solitarii vel gemini, axillares; pedicelli sulcati, glabri, apice subquadrangulares, deorsum teretes; bracteae oblongo-ellipticae, apice rotundatae et mucronulatae, plus Figure 248b.—Mendoncia phalacra Leonard (Garcta-Barriga 14403): a, Portion of plant; b, bracts; c, drupe. (a, Half natural size; b, c, natural size.) minusve recurvatae, basi rotundatae, virides, glabrae, costa obscura; drupa obovoidea, leviter compressa, apice obliqua, glabra, flava. Vine; stems shallowly grooved, subterete, glabrous, 3 mm. in diameter near the fruiting nodes; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 12.5 cm. long and 7.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate and bluntly apiculate, entire, both surfaces glabrous, the costa and lateral veins (4 pairs) moderately prominent; petioles 1.5 to 2.5 cm. long, more or less sulcate, glabrous; flowers solitary or in pairs in the axils of the upper leaves; peduncles up to 4 cm. long, toward base terete and 1 mm. in diameter, gradually enlarged to 3 mm. at the subquadrangular tip, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 677 sulcate, glabrous; bracts oblong-elliptic, up to 3 cm. long and 1.5 cm. wide, rounded and mucronulate, the tip of the bract and the mucro more or less recurved, rounded at the base, green, glabrous, the costa faint; mature corollas not seen; drupe 17 mm. long, 1 cm. broad, 7 mm. thick, obtuse, flattened and oblique at tip, yellow, glabrous. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2173522, collected at Jino-Gojé, between the Rios Piraparané and Popeyaké, in the Rio Apaporis valley, Vaupés, Colombia, 250 meters altitude, September 3 to 11, 1952, by H. Garcfa-Barriga (No. 14403). Mendoncia phalacra is unique in being strictly glabrous and in the rounded, more or less recurved, mucronulate tips of the bracts, which are very noticeable. The species has no close relatives among those known to grow in Colombia. The specific epithet is from the Greek word ¢adaxpés, meaning smooth or glabrous. 17a. Mendoncia garciae Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 31.) FIGurE 248¢ Frutex volubilis, caulibus leviter sulcatis, subteretibus, basi glabratis, apice dense pilosis, pilis arcte appressis, brunneis; lamina foliorum elliptica, apice acuta vel abrupte acuminata, basi rotundata, Ficure 248c.—Mendoncia garciae Leonard (Garcia-Barriga 14399): a, Node showing leaves. both upper and lower surface, and portion of stem; b, bracts and pedicel; ¢, drupel (a, Half natural size; b, c, natural size.) firma, supra parce puberula, integra, subtus dense et molliter tomen- tosa, pilis flavescentibus, costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus, supra arcte impressis; petioli dense pilosi, pilis appressis, subbrunneis; flores axillares; pedicelli teretes, dense tomentosi, pilis mollibus, subtilibus, subbrunneis; bracteae oblongo-ovatae, apice rotundatae et mucronatae, basi rotundatae, externe dense tomentosae, pilis mollibus, 678 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM subflavi-brunneis, costa obscura, intus glabrae; drupa subobovoidea, leviter compressa, apice obtusa et obliqua, glabra. Shrubby vine up to 3 meters high; stems subterete, shallowly sulcate, 4.5 mm. in diameter toward tip, densely and upwardly pilose, the hairs brown, up to 2.5 mm. long, closely appressed, the older portions of the stems glabrate; leaf blades elliptic, up to 10 em. long and 7.5 cm. wide, abruptly acute to short-acuminate, rounded at base, firm, entire, the upper surface sparingly puberulous, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, more or less curved, the lower surface yellowish and densely and softly tomentose, the hairs up to 0.75 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (4 pairs) very prominent, the veinlets coarsely reticulate, the venation of the upper surface conspicuously impressed ; petioles 1.5 cm. long, 2 mm. in diameter, densely appressed-pilose with brownish hairs; corollas not seen (yellow, Garcia-Barriga); flowers axillary, one or more (?) in each axil; pedicels 2.5 cm. long, 1.5 mm. in diameter, terete, densely tomentose with soft fine brownish hairs up to 2 mm. long; bracts oblong-ovate, 2 cm. long, 1 cm. wide, rounded and mucronate, the mucro about 1 mm. long but obscured by the dense tomentose pubescence covering the outer surface of the bracts, the hairs soft, yellowish brown, about 2 mm. long, the costa obscure, the inner surface of the bracts glabrous; drupes 1.5 cm. long, 8 mm. broad, 6 mm. thick, obtuse and oblique at tip, somewhat flattened, glabrous. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2173519, collected at Jino-Gojé, between the Rios Piraparang and Popeyaké, in the valley of the Rio Apaporis, Vaupés, Colombia, 250 meters altitude, September 3 to 11, 1952, by H. Garcia-Barriga (No. 14399). Mendoneia garciae is easily recognized by its thick, elliptic, almost suborbicular leaf blades, with yellowish brown-tomentose lower surfaces and subglabrous, veiny upper surfaces. There are apparently no close relatives. 19. Mendoncia gracilis Turrill. (Page 33.) Cauca: Quindio, Triana (IK). 5. THUNBERGIA Retz. 1. Thunbergia alata Bojer. (Page 41.) Cauca: Cuchilla del Tambo, Jdrobo & Fernandez 30 (US). 2. Thunbergia fragrans Roxb. (Page 43.) Antioquia: Thin woods in the vicinity of Antioquia, Barkley & Arboleda-R. 3 (US). 3. Thunbergia grandiflora Roxb. (Page 44.) ATLANTICO: Barranquilla, Bro. Elias 1408 (Ch). Cuocé: Along the Rio Atrato, in the vicinity of Quibdé, Araque-M. & Barkley 19Ch.034 (US). LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 679 3a. Thunbergia grandiflora Roxb. forma alba Leonard, f. nov. (Page 44.) A forma typica corolla alba recedit. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1443113, collected at Barranquilla, Department of Atlintico, Colombia, December 1929, by Brother Elias (No. 794). 3b. Thunbergia grandiflora Roxb. forma citrina Leonard, f. nov. (Page 44.) A forma typica corolla citrina recedit. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2105913, collected at Pato, in the drainage of Rio Nechi, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, June 23-25, 1944, by Joseph A. Ewan (No. 15833). Label note: ‘‘Cultivated vine in garden; fls. showy, lemon yellow, leaves glossy green.” The leaf blades of the type are rather narrowly ovate, 12 cm. long and 5.5 em. wide, slenderly acuminate, subcordate at base, coarsely and bluntly toothed and some of them obscurely lobed. In other respects it resembles the typical form. 6. BRAVAISIA DC. 1. Bravaisia integerrima (Spreng.) Standl. (Page 47.) The citation for Bravaisia floribunda DC. given on page 46 is erroneous. At the time of the publication of the genus Bravaisia, DeCandolle provided a combined generic and specific description. The citation should be: Bravaisia floribunda DC, Bibl. Univ. Genéve n. ser. 17: 132. 1838. The type was collected near Caracas, Venezuela, by Vargas. The other synonyms and specimens mentioned above on page 46 under B. floribunda should be deleted. AtL&ntico: A common tree at Convento, near Galapa, Dugand 412 (Ch). El Prado, near Barranquilla, Dugand 168 (Ch). In an arroyo at Juanmina, Dugand & Jaramillo 4094 (US). Near Puerto Colombia, Dugand 13 (Ch). Tubard, Elias 952 (US). Sabanilla Lagoon, Dugand 83 (Ch). El Pajar forest, Dugand 542 (Ch). MagpaLena: On the Rio Rancheria, near Barrancas, Haught 3989 (US). 7. TRICHANTHERA H. B. K. 1. Trichanthera gigantea (Humb. & Bonpl.) Nees. (Page 49.) AnrioquiaA: Rain forest near Villa Arteaga, Lépez & Sanchez 61 (US). Cauca: In field along the Rfo San Juan, Core 1501 (US). El Tambo, Kjell von Sneidern 2652 (US), 2653 (US). Huita: East of San Antonia Fortalecillas, Little 7930 (US). Mera: Dense forest on bank of the Rio Guapaya, Sierra de la Macarena, Philipson, Idrobo & Fernéndez 1639 (US). 2. Trichanthera corymbosa Leonard. (Page 50.) SANTANDER: In open, more or less dry forests north of Bucaramanga, Araque- M. & Barkley 188.212 (US). 680 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 8. SANCHEZIA Ruiz & Pav. On page 51 above, a mention of the type was omitted. There were two species described by Ruiz and Pavon, of which I chose S. ovata as lectotype (Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 16: 484. 1926). 1. Sanchezia pennellii Leonard. (Page 52.) Amazonas: Lowland along the Rfo Caquetd, at La Pedrera, Schultes & Cabrera 17714 (US). Catpas: Near Salamina, on the Rfo Pozo, Bro. Tomds 2452 (US). Cunpinamarca: Villetta, André 512 (K). Chipaque to Coqueza, André 513 (K). Mera: On river bank in dense humid forests of Plaza Bonita, Sierra de la Macarena, Philipson, Idrobo & Ferndéndez 1722 (US). SANTANDER: Tagual, André 266 (K). Vaupks: Mesa La Lindosa, 15-20 km. south of San José de Guaviare, Idrobo & Schultes 682 (US). Rfo Guaviare, near San Fernando, 250 m. alt., Araque M. & Barkley 18Va.068 (US). 2a. Sanchezia thinophila Leonard. (Page 53.) Sanchezia thinophila, Leonard, Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harvard Univ. 16: 94, pl. 16. 1953. Type collected along the Rfo Loretoyacu, Trapecio Amazénico, Intendencia of Amazonas, Colombia, about 100 meters altitude, October 20-30, 1945, by Richard Evans Schultes, No. 6607 (US, 1995537). Schultes states that the type was taken from a plant growing on a sandy beach at the mouth of the Rfo Loretoyacu. This suggested the specific epithet, thinophila, from the Greek 6s, beach, and gidos, loving. 2b. Sanchezia thinophila Leonard forma glabra Leonard, f. nov. (Page 53.) A forma typica folia glabra recedit. A shrub with yellow flowers and red bracts collected in the same general locality as the type of the typical form. Type in the U. 8. National Herbarium, No. 1989366, collected along the Rio Loretoyacu, Trapecio Amazénico, Intendencia de Amazonas, Colombia, altitude about 100 meters, November 1945, by Richard Evans Schultes (No. 6937). 3. Sanchezia lutea Leonard. (Page 53.) Cauca: Marshy jungle on bank of stream near sea level, Gorgona Island, Collenette 557 (K). 9. HYGROPHILA R. Br. 1. Hygrophila guianensis Nees. (Page 58.) Antioquia: Wet places at Copacabana, Bro. Daniel 3965 (US). Meta: Wet rocky forest along the Rio Guatiqufa, in the vicinity of Villa- vicencio, Araque-M. & Barkley 18M.041 (US). Putumayo: Wet forest on steep slope of ridge above Sachamates and opposite LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 681 the mouth of Quebrada Patoyaco, on the Rfo Susunga (upper Rio Mocoa), 17 km. west of Mocoa, Fosberg 20386 (US). SANTANDER: Pailas, 5 km. from Pie de Cuesta, Araque-M. & Barkley 185.247 (US). 2. Hygrophila tyttha Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 60.) Ficure 249 Herba gracilis, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, simplicibus vel parce ramosis, acute quadrangularibus vel angulis anguste alatis, glabris vel in nodis tumidis parce hirtellis; lamina foliorum lineari- Ficure 249.—Hygrophila tyttha Leonard (aj, Killip 35383; k, Cuatrecasas 16672): a, Plant; b, node showing inflorescence; ¢, interpetiolar hairs; d, bract; ¢, calyx; f, portion of mature calyx segment to show pubescence; g, tip of young calyx lobe; h, upper por- tion of corolla to show stamens; i, anther; 7, valve of capsule; k, seed, moistened to show gelatinous pilosity. (a, Natural size; b, twice natural size; c, 12 times natural size; d, ¢, 344 times natural size; f, 35 times natural size; g, 6 times natural size; h, 244 times natural size; i, 18 times natural size; 7, twice natural size; &, 10 times natural size.) lanceolata, apice obtusa, basi perspicue angustata, in superficie glabra, costa et venis lateralibus obscuris parce hirtellis, marginibus aliquando parce ciliolatis, cystolithis parvis, raris, inconspicuis; flores axillares, pedicellis planis, anguste alatis; bracteae lanceolatae, acutae vel obtusae, glabrae vel in costa parce hirtellae et in marginibus albidis 388179—57——24 682 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM parce ciliolatae; pili interpetiolares plani, albidi, septati; calyx parvus tubo glabro, segmentis linearibus, subcarinatis, glabris vel parce hirtellis et ciliatis, pilis ascendentibus; corolla alba vel lilacina, puberula, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina inclusa, antheris linearibus; capsulae lineares, obtusae et apiculatae, glabrae; retinacula brevia, acuta; semina brunnea, plana, apice rotundata, basi obliqua (sicca), marginibus madefacta mucoso-pilosis. Slender herbs up to 30 cm. high; stems erect or ascending, simple or sparingly branched forming dense clumps, sharply quadrangular or the angles narrowly winged, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous at the nodes, these more or less swollen, the basal portion of the stems 1 to 1.5 mm. in diameter; leaf blades linear-lanceolate, up to 5 cm. long and 1.5 to 4.5 mm. wide, gradually narrowed to an obtuse tip and into a slender base, glabrous except the costa (prominent) and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs, obscure), these sparingly hirtcllous, the margins of the leaves sometimes sparingly ciliolate, the cystoliths usually small, scattered and inconspicuous; interpetiolar hairs whitish, up to 0.64 mm. long, flattened, septate; flowers axillary, solitary or several in a cluster, the pedicels up to 3 cm. long, flattened, narrowly winged; bracts subtending the pedicels lanceolate, 5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide, acute to obtuse, glabrous, the costa and margins whitish, the costa sparingly hirtellous and the margins sparingly ciliolate with hairs about 0.2 mm. long; calyx 5 mm. long, the tube glabrous, the segments linear, about 5 mm. long, subcarinate, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous and ciliate, the hairs ascending, about 0.2 mm. long; corolla white or lilac, 7 mm. long, puberulous, the lobes ovate, 1.5 mm. long and 1.25 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens included, the longer pair 3.5 mm. long, the shorter 1.5 mm. long, the anthers linear, 1 mm. long, 0.25 mm. broad; capsules linear, 10 mm. long, 1.25 mm. broad, 0.75 mm. thick, obtuse and apiculate, glabrous; retinacula 0.35 mm. long, acute; seed usually 16 in each capsule, brown, flattened, ca. 1 mm. long, 0.6 mm. wide, 0.25 mm. thick, rounded at tip, oblique at base, glabrous when dry but mucilaginous-pilose when moistened. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1772097, collected on the sandy and gravelly bank of Rfo San Juan, near Andagoya, In- tendencia of Chocé, Colombia, 60 meters altitude, April 27, 1939, by E. P. Killip (No. 35383). Also represented by: En Vauie: Rfo Cajambre, at Barco, Cuatrecasas 17101 (US). Rio Calima, between La Herradura de Ordéfiez and Pefia de Campotriste, Cuatrecasas 16672 (US). Rfo Calima, between Pailén and El Coco, Cuatrecasas 21246 (US). Rfo LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 683 Naya, between Puerto Merizalde and Meregildo, Cuatrecasas 14346 (US). Wet rocky soil on edge of Rfo Sabaletas, at Sabaletas, km. 29 of highway from Buena- ventura to Cali, Killip & Cuatrecasas 38856 (US). The specimens cited were all collected at low altitudes (5 to 80 meters). The plants, often forming dense clumps, are of a bright green color. Killip states that it is a characteristic plant along the Rio San Juan. The species is unique in the genus Hygrophila because of its small size, hence its name from the Greek rur@s. 10. BLECHUM P. Br. 1, Blechum brownei Juss. f. puberulum Leonard. (Page 62.) Antioquia: Damp shaded place 2 km. north of Antioquia, Gutiérrez & Barkley 170.036 (US). Open places in rich alluvial soil in the vicinity of Medellin, Barkley 170.345 (US). Along trail, 3 km. west of Santa Fé de Antioquia, Barkley, Barros-N. & Alvarez-D. 381 (US); Rios-C., Barkley & Betancourt-O. 605 (US). Trail near the Rfo Ampurrumiad6, Gutiérrez & Barkley 17C.174 (US). ArtAntico: Hacienda El Paraiso, on the bank of Rio Magdalena between Palmar de Varela and Ponedera, Dugand 4420 (US). Botfvar: Hacienda Martinica in the vicinity of Sind, 15 km. from Monteria, Bechara, Araque-M. & Barkley 19Bo.085 (US). Rich soil west of Monterfa, near the Rio Sind, Cervantes, Araque-M. & Barkley 19Bo.054 (US). Ex Vatue: La Paila, Holton s.n. (NY). Near Queremal, Core 1482 (US). Huma: Wet silt near river and rice fields, Rfo Cabrera, 18 km. northeast of Villavieja, S. Galen Smith 1203 (US). MaapaLena: Santa Marta, Bertero s.n. (Mo). 11. PHAULOPSIS Willd. 1. Phaulopsis oppositifolia (Wendl.) Lindau. (p. 65). Micranthus oppositifolius Wendl. Bot. Beob. 39. 1798. Phaulopsis parviflora Willd. Sp. Pl. 3: 342. 1800 (nom. illegit.). Phaulopsis oppositifolia Lindau in Engler & Prantl, Nat, Pflanzenfam. Nachtr. II-IV, Teil. 1: 305. 1897 (as oppositifolius). On page 64 above, I adopted the original spelling “Phaylopsis”’ ; however, when this genus was added to the list of nomina conservanda the etymologically correct spelling Phauwlopsis was adopted. The specific epithet parviflora was superfluous when published, and must be replaced by the earlier oppositifolia. The fact that the genus Micranthus Wendland has been rejected in favor of Phaulopsis does not render specific names published unter Micranthus illegitimate. Mera: Villavicencio, Bro. Apollinaire C (US), E (US), F (US). About 12 km. southeast of Villavicencio, 400 meters altitude, January 9, 1989, Haught 2532 (US). 684 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 12. RUELLIA Plum. ex L. Dipteracanthus Nees ex Wall. The species D. ciliatus mentioned as the type on page 66 is a lectotype rather than a type. Bremekamp (Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Afd. Natuurk., sect. 2, 45: 15, 1948) chose another species, D. prostratus (Poiret) Nees, as lectotype in 1948, and his choice must be followed. Stemonacanthus. The species S. salviifolius is a lectotype, the fourth of five original species; it was chosen because it is the one illustrated by Nees. Arrhostozylum. On page 66, I stated that the type of this genus is A. larum Nees, but this was an error. There were 18 original species in the genus, of which the third, A. glabrum Nees, was chosen as lectotype by Bremekamp (loc. cit.) because it is the species illustrated by Nees. Bremekamp’s choice must be followed. 1. Ruellia fulgida Andr. var. angustissima (Hochr.) Leonard. (Page 69.) CunpinaMarca: Santandercito, Uribe-Uribe 2207 (US). Cauca: Open forests about Popaydn, Lehmann 7850 (K). La Paila, Holton 23 (NY). Norte DE SANTANDER: Ocafia, Schlim 136 (K). 2. Ruellia tolimensis Leonard. (Page 71.) CunDINAMARCA: Fusagasugd4, André 1445 (K). 3. Ruellia potamophila Leonard. (Page 73.) Ku Vater: Forest at Cisneros, 300 to 500 meters altitude, Sept. 21, 1922, Killip 11477 (GH, NY). Mera: Dense humid forest in ravine, Cafio Cierno, Sierra de la Macarena, Philipson, Idrobo & Jaramillo 2046 (BM). Along path at Guapayita, between the Rio Giiejar and Cafio Guapayita, Cordillera La Macarena, 500 to 600 meters altitude, December 1950, Idrobo & Schultes 920 (US). 6. Ruellia paniculata L. (Page 76.) AtLAntTiIco: Luruaco, Bro. Apolinar-Angel 496 (US). Bolivar: Desert scrub savanna, Caribbean coast, 7 km. east of Cartagena, Grant 10706 (US). Macpatena: Pantano, Rfo Hacha, Schlim 894 (K). 7. Ruellia inundata H. B. K. (Page 77.) At.LANTico: Hacienda El Parafso on the banks of the Rfo Magdalena between Palmar de Varela and Ponedera, Dugand 4427 (US). 8. Ruellia tuberosa L. (Page 79.) Antioquia: Damp woods 2 km. north of Antioquia, Guttérrez-V. & Barkley 170.041 (US). Woods near Antioquia, Barkley, Klevens & Gutiérrez-V. 17C.380 (US). Dry rocky soil along road to sea 1 km. east of Puente de Occidente, Bark- ley, Barros-N. & Alvarez-D. 393 (US); Scolnik, Araque-M. & Barkley 19An.317 (US). Damp place 3 km. west of Santa Fé de Antioquia, Scolnik, Rios-C. & Betancourt-O. 624 (US). Botivar: Hacienda El Covao, Monterfa, on the banks of the Rio Sind, Garcia- Barriga 13415 (US); Cervantes, Araque-M. & Barkley 19Bo.066 (US). CunpinaMmarca: Viotdé to Toacima, André 1713 (K). LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 685 Huta: Sand bar at Cabrera Lajas, about 11 km. east of Villavieja, on the road to Baraya, upper Rfo Magdalena basin, S. Galen Smith 1137 (US). Road from Villavieja to Colombia, upper Rfo Magdalena basin, Mason 13978 (UC). Maqpatrena: Along weedy roadside in cultivated grounds of Prado de Magda- lena, Santa Marta, Fosberg 22126 (US). Norte DE SANTANDER: Cicuta, Miguel de Garganta-Fébrega 902 (US). In rather dry, sandy, rocky soil near the Rio Pamplonita, east of Cicuta, Araque-M. & Barkley 18NS.153 (US). In rather dry, rocky soil along the Rfo Peralonso in the vicinity of Santiago, Araque-M. & Barkley 18N8.106. (US). Totima: Open bushwoods above Prado and near La Unién, Lehmann 6410 (K). 9. Ruellia macrophylla Vahl. (Page 80.) Magpaena: Tucurinca, Romero 597 (Ch). Temperate forests 8 km. east- northeast of Manaure and 44 km. east of Valledupar, Sierra de Perijé, Grant 10764 (US). Subtropical forest in the Espfritu Santo Valley, 15 km. east of Codazi, Sierra Perijé, Grant 11000 (US). DEPARTMENT?: Valle de Caesar, Dawe 616 (K). 11. Ruellia ischnopoda Leonard. (Page 84.) Antioquta: Loreto, Toro 859 (NY). El Boqueré6n, along road to sea in vicin- ity of Medellin, Uribe-Uribe 2273 (US). CunpinaMarca: Barroblanco, near Fusagasug4, André 1439 (K). On bank of the Rfo Magdalena at Guataqui, André 1881 (K). Narifto: La Unién, in the Rio Cauca valley, André 2916 (K). Touma: Dry heaps of rubble around Guadelupe and Suaza, Lehmann 8692 (NY, K). Rfo Saldafia, Haught 6382 (US). 13. Ruellia rusbyi Leonard. (Page 88.) Cauca: La Vibora, Lehmann 4478 (K). Los Arboles, in the Rfo Cauca Valley, André 2848 (K). Touma: Pitalito, Sprague 246 (K). 15. Ruellia humboldtiana (Nees) Lindau. (Page 89.) Stemonacanthus humboldtianus Nees in Benth. London Journ. Bot. 4: 6365. 1845 [humboltianus]. The above citation is the first publication, two years earlier than that cited above on page 89, i. e. Nees in DC. Prodr. 11: 206. 1847. This brings up a peculiar nomenclatural difficulty. Bentham was preparing his list of the British Guiana collections of Schomburgk, and Nees contributed a description of his proposed new species in advance of its intended publication in the Prodromus. The Bentham publication came out earlier, but it does not cite the intended type (a Humboldt collection from the Aragua Valley, Venezuela), but only a Schomburgk collection from British Guiana, which Nees was con- sidering a new variety—S. humboldtianus var. 8. ‘The short specific description is however based on the Humboldt specimen, even though this is not cited, and consequently it must be considered the type. The Schomburgk specimen has not been examined; it very probably represents a different species. 686 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM In DC. Prodromus, Nees lists under the typical variety (called var. a) a Linden collection (Linden 1526) from Cuba. This was an error; Nees very likely intended to list this specimen under his var. 8. In any case, this collection, as shown by a photograph of a specimen, does not represent 22. humboldtiana. On page 89 above, I stated that it might be an undescribed species, but further study indicates that it is R. macrophylla Vahl, a species rather common in Cuba. CunDINAMARCA: Subtropical forest in the Gazaunta Valley, 9 km. northwest of Medina, Cordillera Oriental, Grant 10388 (US). Mera: Between Quetame and Villavicencio, Lehmann 8822 (K). Rain forest, Rfo Ocoa, 9 km. southeast of Villavicencio, Fosberg 20160 (US). Moist forest just west of Servita in the canyon of Rfo Negro, 10 km. west-northwest of Villa- vicencio, Fosberg 21445 (US). Between Servita and Villavicencio, 300-900 meters, Triana 4043-3 (Kk). 16, Ruellia tubiflora H. B. K. (Page 91.) Cunpinamarca: Between Rfo Seco and Parada, Province of Tequendama, Triana 4043-1 (Col, K).! Guaduas, Uribe-Uribe 2335 (US). San Antonio, Haught 6256 (US). NorvTE DE SANTANDER: Aguachica, Ocafia, Schlim 779 (K). SANTANDER: Consuelo, Kalbreyer 2049 (KX). Totima: Shaded forest near watercourse, Chicoral, Haught 6385 (US), 6429 (US). Mariquita, Uribe-Uribe 2567 (US). 16a. Ruellia tubiflora H. B. K. var. tetrastichantha (Lindau) Leonard. (Page 92.) Botivar: Forests between Las Dantes and Puerto Canoa, Pennell 4542 (NY). Cunpinamanca: Cordillera de Viota, on the road to Fusagasuga, Triana 4043-5 (KK), Murra; Susumuco, André 900 (K). Villavicencio, Paul H. & Dorothy O. Allen 3229 (Mo); Pérez-Arbeldez 5343 (Herbarium of Pérez-Arbeléez). Between Susumuco and Villavicencio, 300-1000 meters, Triana 32-4 (K). 16b, Ruellia tubiflora H. B. K. var. tetrastichantha (Lindau) Leonard f. bicolor Leonard. (Page 92.) Cauca: La Costa, El Tambo, von Sneidern 864 (S). Meta: In rich soil in damp rocky woods on the bank of Rfo Guatiqufa, in the vicinity of Villavicencio, Araque-M. & Barkley 18M.058 (US). Guapayita, on trail between the Rfo Giiejar and Cafio Guapayita, Cordillera de Macarena, Idrobo & Schuites 916 (US). Dense humid forests on the Rfo Giiejar south of the El Mico Airstrip of Camp 1, Cordillera de Macarena, Philipson, Idrobo & Fernandez 13864 (US). Los Micos, along the Rfo Giiejar, Sabanas de San Juan de Arama, Cordillera de Macarena, Idrobo & Schultes 568 (US). Moist shady place along stream, Villavicencio, Sandeman 5821 (K). Villavicencio, André 1014 (1X); Sprague s.n. (KK); Pennell 1478 (NY). 16c. Ruellia tubiflora H. B. K. var. tetrastichantha (Lindau) Leonard forma caesiolineata Leonard, f. nov. (Page 93.) A forma typica corolla labio inferiore caesiolineato recedit. A shrub 8 feet high; corolla white with lavender lines on the lower lip, 7 cm. long, the tube 5 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 2 em. 1 The Kew specimen is erroncously numbered ‘4041-1,’ according toa copy of the Triana catalog in the possession of Dr. Cuatrecasas, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 687 above base to about 3 mm., thence rather abruptly enlarged to a cylindrical throat 1.5 cm. broad, the limb about 4 cm. broad. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045436, collected in tropical forest at San Mateo, Gazaguan Valley, 6 kilometers north- west of Medina, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 800 meters altitude, October 6, 1944, by Martin L. Grant (No. 10431). Iso- type: US. 16f. Ruellia tubiflora H. B. K. var. parviflora Leonard forma alba Leonard. (Page 94.) Leaf blades lanceolate, 2.5 to 6 cm. long and 0.8 to 2 cm. wide. AMAzoNAS: Soratama, on the Rio Apaporis between Rio Pacoa and Rio Kananarf, Schultes & Cabrera 13570 (US). 17. Ruellia lorentziana Griseb. (Page 94.) Touma: Piedras, on the Rio Chipalo, André 1865 (KX). 17a. Ruellia aurantiaca Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 95.) Ficure 249a Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, subtomentosis; lamina foliorum ovato-lanceolata, apice acuminata (apice ipso subobtuso), basi rotundata vel acuta, aliquanto firma, crenata, supra glabra, subtus puberula, pilis praecipue in costa et venis positis, venis utrinque obscuris, cystolithis prominentibus; petioli puberuli, pilis fere appressis; spicae terminales et subterminales, floribus in fasciculis basi interruptis apice confluentibus; bracteae fasciculas subtendentes foliaceae; bracteae flores subtendentes oblongae, apice rotundatae, ciliatae et utrinque parce pilosae, pilis patulis vel ascendentibus, extus costa subtomentosa, pilis curvatis et appressis; calycis segmenta linearia pilosa et ciliata, pilis patulis vel ascendentibus; corolla pallide aurantiaca hypocrateriformis, pubescens, lobis orbicularibus, emar- ginatis; stamina vix exserta, antheris oblongis, utrinque rotundatis, filamentis glabris; capsulae clavatae, puberulae, pilis retrorsis apice ascendentibus; retinacula gracilia linearia recta et leviter curvata, apice plana et fimbriata. Suffrutescent, probably up to 1 meter high; stems quadrangular, subtomentose, the hairs up to 1 mm. long; leaf blades ovate-lanccolate, 16 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, rounded to acute at base, acuminate at tip (the tip itself subobtuse), moderately firm, crenate, the upper surface glabrous, the lower puberulous, the hairs confined chiefly to the costa and veins (10 to 12 pairs), subappressed, up to 0.25 mm. long, the venation rather obscure, the cystoliths prominent, up to 0.16 mm. long; petioles up to 4 cm. long, puberulous, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, mostly appressed; flowers borne in fascicles, these sessile, forming up to three terminal and subterminal spikes, the longer 9 cm. long and all about 2 cm. broad, the fascicles interrupted 688 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM toward base of spikes and confluent toward tip; bracts subtending the fascicles leaflike, mostly up to 2.5 cm. long and up to 8 mm. wide; bracts subtending the flowers oblong, 8 to 10 mm. long and 2.5 to 4 mm. wide, rounded at tip, ciliate and loosely pilose, the hairs spreading or ascending, up to 1.5 mm. long, dorsally the costa sub- tomentose with appressed, curved hairs up to 0.25 mm. long; calyx FIGuRE 249a.—Ruellia® aurantiaca Leonard (André 1203): a, Leaf; b, tip of inflorescence; ¢, floral bract; d, calyx segment; ¢, corolla; f, capsule valve. (a, Half natural size; b, e, natural size; c, 2} times natural size; d, 2% times natural size; f, twice natural size.) parted nearly to base, the segments linear, 12 mm. long, gradually narrowed from 1 mm. wide at base to a slender obtuse tip, pilose and ciliate with spreading or ascending hairs up to 1.5 mm. long, the dorsal surface bearing additional appressed hairs up to 0.25 mm. long; corolla light orange, pubescent (the hairs variously curved, up to 0.5 mm. long), up to 3 cm. long, the tube 2 mm. broad at base, gradually en- LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 689 larged to 2.5 at 2 cm. above base, thence expanded into a funnelform throat 7 mm. broad at mouth, the lobes orbicular, about 7 mm. in di- ameter, emarginate, thelimb about 2 cm.broad, the longer pair of stamens slightly exserted beyond the mouth of the mouth of the corolla, the shorter pair more or less included, the anthers oblong, 4 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, rounded at both ends, the filaments glabrous, the style about 2 cm. long, glabrous toward tip, minutely and sparingly puber- ulous toward base; capsules clavate, about 12 mm. long, 5mm. broad, 1.5 mm. thick, puberulous, the hairs ascending at tip, retrorse toward base, up to 0.3 mm. long; retinacula slender, linear, slightly curved, thin and fimbriate at tip, about 0.5 mm. wide; seeds not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected in the woods about Salitre, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 400 meters altitude, January 5, 1876, by Edouard André (No. 1203). There seem to be no close relatives of this species in Colombia. The specific epithet was suggested by the color of the corolla. 18. Ruellia geminiflora H. B. K. (Page 95.) In the discussion on page 95 above regarding the various varieties of Ruellia geminiflora proposed by Nees under the name Diptera- canthus geminiflorus, I stated that none of these have been validly published except 6 and e. Of course, they were validly published; I intended to say that they had not been validly transferred to the genus Ruellia, except for the two varieties mentioned. CunpinaMARcA: Hacienda Tobia, Nocaima, Garcia-Barriga s.n. (Col). Cauca: Woods in the District of Saladito, 15 km. west of Cali, Alma Moldenke, Willard & Barkley 18VC.000 (US). Eu Vatue: Upper Rio Dagua, 1400-1600 meters, Lehmann 5505 (K). Huiva: Flats along stream in dissected plateau in the upper basin of the Rio Magdalena about 5 km. north of Villavieja, Mason 13817 (US). Maapaena: Poponte, Cyril Allen 934 (K). Mera: La Poyata, Garcia-Barriga 5196 (Col). Norve pE SANTANDER: Ocafia, Kalbreyer 1257 (K). Touima: Wooded bank of stream west of Chaparral, S. Galen Smith 1272 (UC). Near Piedras, André 1859bis (K). 18a. Ruellia geminiflora H. B. K. var. angustifolia (Nees) Griseb. (Page 96.) ANTIOQUIA: Open woods on Cerro “El Volador,”’ east of Medellin, Araque-M. & Barkley 18An.360 (US). Mera: Cabuyaro, Sprague 52 (K). 19a. Ruellia obtusa Nees f. albiflora Leonard f. nov. (Page 97.) A forma typica corolla alba recedit. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2025721, collected near Sahagiin, on the road to Cereté, Department of Bolivar, Colombia, 120 meters altitude, June 1, 1950, by H. Garcia-Barriga (No. 13454). Ruellia obtusa f. albiflora is an herb up to 1 meter high. It resem- bles the typical form except for its white flowers. 690 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 20. Ruellia colorata Baill. (Page 98.) Cauca: Popaydn, Lehmann 3164 (K). 22. Ruellia pennellii Leonard. (Page 101.) ANTIoQuIa: Woods in the Quebrada de Barigamo, between Pavarandocito and Mutata, in the vicinity of Uraba, Uribe-Uribe 2029 (US). Botfvar: Forest at Tierra Alta, on the bank of the Rfo Sint, Pennell 4178 (in part) (GH). Caquerf: Without locality, C. Uribe-P. (US). Maapatena: Isla Brava, André 402 (K). 22a. Ruellia grantii Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 102.) Figure 250 Herba, caulibus quadrangularibus, angulis acutis, pilosis vel sub- tomentosis, pilis appressis, albidis; lamina foliorum ovata vel oblongo- ovata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi cuneata, aliquanto Figure 250.—Ruellia grantii Leonard (Grant 10013): a, Inflorescence; b, stem node and leaf; c, portion of under surface of leaf blade enlarged to show venation and cystoliths; d, bract and bractlets; ¢, calyx; f, portion of capsule near its base enlarged to show pubescence; g, tip of lowermost retinaculum; A, same of upper retinaculum. (a. b, Natural size; c, d, twice natural size; ¢, 2% times natural size; f, 10 times natural size; g, h, 8 times natural size.) firma, undulata vel crenato-serrata, supra glabra vel pilos paucos ferens, subtus parce vel aliquanto dense pilosa, pilis praecipue in costa et venis positis, appressis vel ascendentibus, costa et venis et venulis prominentibus, cystolithis aliquanto obscuris; petioli pilosi, pilis ap- pressis; spicae terminales, bracteis et bracteolis prominentibus, lance- LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 691 olatis, pilosis et ciliolatis, apice subacutis vel subobtusis; calycis seg- menta linearia (apice ipso obtuso), ciliata et parce pilosa, pilis patulis vel ascendentibus, costa prominente; corolla alba, minute pubescens, tubo hypocrateriformi, lobis suborbicularibus; stamina plus minusve inclusa, filamentis sursum glabris, basi puberulis, antheris linearibus; capsulae clavatae, dense puberulae, apice pilis patulis vel ascendenti- bus, basi pilis retrorsis; retinacula suberecta, inferiora apice rotundata, laciniata, superiora apice acuminata, minute laciniata; semina brunnea, madefacta dense mucoso-tomentosa. Herb up to 0.5 meter high; stems quadrangular, the angles sharp or the lower portions subquadrangular, pilose to subtomentose, the hairs appressed, whitish, up to 0.5 mm. long; leaf blades ovate to oblong-ovate, up to 13 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), cuneate at base, rather firm, undulate or crenate- serrate, the upper surface glabrous or bearing a few scattered hairs, the lower surface sparingly to rather densely pilose, especially the costa and lateral veins (about 10 pairs), the hairs appressed to ascend- ing, up to 0.16 mm. long, the venation prominent beneath, less so above, the cystoliths rather obscure, up to 0.112 mm. long; petioles up to 4 cm. long, appressed-pilose, the hairs similar to those on the stems; flowers borne in terminal spikes up to 7 cm. long and 3 cm. broad, the bracts and bractlets conspicuous, lanceolate, moderately pilose and ciliate, the hairs up to 1.25 mm. long, ascending, the bracts 2 cm. long and 0.5 mm. wide or the lowermost larger, the bractlets 1.5 em. long and 2.25 mm. wide, both bracts and bractlets subacute to subobtuse; calyx about 14 mm. long, the segments linear, about 12 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide, gradually narrowed to a blunt tip, ciliate and sparingly pilose, the hairs spreading or ascending, up to 1.25 mm. long, the costa prominent; corolla 3.5 cm. long, white, mi- nutely pubescent, the tube 2.5 mm. in diameter, expanding from about the middle to 8 mm. at throat, the lobes suborbicular, about 7 mm. in diameter; stamens reaching or slightly exceeding the mouth of the corolla, the filaments glabrous except toward the puberulous base, the anthers linear, 3 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide; capsules 14 mm. long, clavate, 4 to 5 mm. broad, 3 mm. thick, rather densely pubescent, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, ascending or spreading at and near tip, retrorse toward base, the retinacula nearly straight, 4 mm. long and 0.5 mm. wide near base, acute to rounded and more or less fimbri- ate at tip; seed brown, about 3 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide and 0.5 mm. thick, mucilaginous-tomentose when moistened. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045435, collected on creek bank in subtropical forest in the Quebrada Playén, in the Rio Manzanares Valley, 20 km. west of La Esperanza and 42 km. west of Villavicencio, Cordillera Oriental, Intendencia of Meta, Colombia, 692 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 1,200 meters altitude, August 29, 1944, by Martin L. Grant (No. 10013). Isotype: US, 2107000. Ruellia grantit should be easy to recognize in the field by its stiff habit, square stems and largish spikes with conspicuous narrow bracts and bractlets, and by the white, puberuious corollas. 22b. Ruellia macarenensis Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 102.) Figure 251 Herba decumbens, caulibus parce ramosis, subquadrangularibus, glabris vel parce bifariam pilosis, lineis stipularibus dense pilosis, pilis albis, rectis, ascendentibus, cystolithis pluribus, parallelis : lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata, apice graciliter falcato-acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, utrinque minute strigosa, pilis in costa et venis lateralibus aliquanto prominent- ibus positis, cystolithis conspicuis; petioli aliquanto breves, subtus glabri, supra et in marginibus canalis plus minusve dense pilosi; flores axillares; bracteae oblongo-lanceolatae, foliaceae; pedunculi breves, crassi; calycis segmenta anguste lanceolata, subaequalia, graciliter acuminata, intus glabra, extus parce pilosa, in marginibus dense ciliata; corolla magna, alba (?), parce pubescens, pilis in venis positis, tubo basi angusto, supra magno, plus minusve ventricoso, lobis mag- nis, suborbicularibus; stamina inclusa, filamentis glabris, basi puber- ulis exceptis. Decumbent herbs up to 1.5 meters long; stems sparingly branched, subquadrangular, glabrous or sparingly pilose in two lines, the hairs up to 0.38 mm. long, the stipular lines between the bases of the petioles densely pilose, the hairs white, straight, ascending, up to 0.7 mm. long, the cystoliths numerous, parallel, up to 0.16 mm. long, obscure; leaf blades oblong-ovate, up to 14 cm. long and 4 em. wide, slenderly falcate-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed and cuneate at base and decurrent on the petiole, both surfaces minutely strigose, the hairs confined to costa and lateral veins (6 or 7 pairs), up to 0.7 mm. long, the venation moderately prominent, the cystoliths conspicuous, up to 0.16 mm. long; petioles 5 to 10 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly pilose beneath, the channels and margins densely pilose; flowers solitary in the axils of the upper leaves, each subtended by a pair of leaflike bracts, these oblong-lanceolate, up to 2 cm. long and 5 mm. wide, acute; pedicels 1 mm. long, stout; calyx segments nar- rowly lanceolate, subequal, 16 to 20 mm. long, 1.75 mm. wide, grad- ually narrowed to a slender tip, the margins densely ciliate with white spreading or ascending hairs up to 1.5 mm. long, the inner surface glabrous, the outer rather sparingly pilose toward tip; corolla 6 cm. long, white (?), sparingly pubescent, the hairs confined to the nerves, spreading, up to 0.75 mm. long, the tube 3 mm. broad at base, grad- ually narrowed to 2 mm. at 2 cm. above base, thence abruptly enlarged to 16 mm. at throat, the enlarged portion about 2.5 cm. long and LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 693 somewhat ventricose, the lobes suborbicular, about 12 mm. in diam- eter; stamens included, the longer pair 2 cm. long, the shorter 1.5 cm. long, the filaments glabrous except at base, here minutely puberu- lous, the anthers 4.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad; style slightly exceeding the stamens in length, glabrous except at base, here puberulous, the stigma lobes very unequal, one linear, 2.25 mm. long and 0.3 mm. Ficure 251.—Ruellia macarenensis Leonard (S. Galen Smith 8 Idrobo 1486): a, Tip o plant; b, portion of leaf blade (lower surface) enlarged to show pubescence and cystoliths c, portion of stem enlarged to show cystoliths; d, node of stem; ¢, bract; f, calyx; g, portion of calyx segment enlarged to show ciliation; A, anther; i, stigma. (a, Half natural size; b, c, about 5 times natural size; d, ¢, 2}4 times natural size; f, 1, twice natural size; g, 714 times natural size; 4, 4}4 times natural size.) wide, the other ovate, rounded, about 0.75 mm. long and wide; capsule not seen. Type in the Herbarium of the University of California, No. 941780, collected in dense forest on north bank of the Rio Giiejar near its junction with the Rio Zanza, at the northern end of the Cordillera Marcarena, Intendencia of Meta, 500 meters altitude, August 20, 1950, by S. Galen Smith and Jestis M. Idrobo (No. 1486). Isotype: US. 694. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Ruellia macarenensis resembles in a general way FR. puri Mart. of Brazil, but that species has longer corollas with a much more slen- der tube (lower narrow portion 1 mm. broad and as much as 5 em. long and the expanded upper portion about 1 em. long and 5 mm. wide at mouth) and its leaf blades are less slenderly acuminate and falcate. The plants from which the type specimens were obtained were hanging from the steep river bank. They were sparingly branched and were from 0.5 to 1.5 meters long. 25. Ruellia lasiostachya Leonard. (Page 106.) Caxpas: Piedra de Moler, on the banks of the Rfo de la Vieja, André 2406 (I). Mera: Servita, 900 meters, Triana 32-2 (K). 26a. Ruellia gorgonensis Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 107). FIGURE 252 Herba, caulibus simplicibus vel parce ramosis, erectis vel as- cendentibus, subquadrangularibus, dense pilosis, pilis longis, rigidis, brunneis, vitreis, plus minusve patulis; lamina foliorum ovata vel oblonga-ovata, subacuta vel breviter acuminata, basi acuta vel obtusa, in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integro vel leviter dentata, utrinque pilosa, pilis rigidis, subbrunneis, ascendentibus, costa et venis lateralibus supra obscuris, subtus prominentibus, pilis longis rigidis et pilis parvis appressis intermixtis praeditis, cystolithis prominentibus; petioli pilis longis patulis et pilis parvis appressis intermixtis praediti; flores plures sessiles in fasciculis parvis dispositi, bracteis magnis foliiformibus suffulti; bracteolae lineares vel spathula- tae, pilosae, pilis rigidis; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuminata, parce hirsuta; corolla dilute lilacina, minute pubescens, pilis patulis, tubo deorsum anguste cylindrico, sursum hypocratiformi et leviter ventricoso, lobis suborbicularibus; stamina inclusa, filamentis glabris; ovarium hirtellum. Simple or sparingly branched herbs up to 1.6 meters high; stems erect or ascending, subquadrangular, densely pilose, the hairs rigid, brownish, vitreous, more or less spreading, up to 3.5 mm. long; leaf blades ovate to oblong-ovate, up to 14 cm. long and 5.5 cm. wide, subacute to short-acuminate, acute to obtuse at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire or shallowly and obscurely dentate, both surfaces rather densely pilose with rigid brownish ascending hairs up to 2.5 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (5 or 6 pairs) of the upper surface obscure, those of the lower surface promi- nent and in addition to the long rigid spreading hairs mostly bearing numerous small (about 0.16 mm. long) appressed ones, the cystoliths prominent, up to 0.2 mm. long; petioles 5 to 10 em. long, bearing both long rigid spreading hairs and smaller closely appressed ones; flowers borne in small clusters, the calyces and bractlets hidden by the ter- minal leaves or, in mature plants, the flower clusters arranged in LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 695 terminal spikes usually about 6 cm. long, the clusters subtended by small subsessile lanceolate leaves, these mostly 1.5 to 5 em. long and 0.5 to 1.5 cm. wide, acuminate to acute (the tips often curved), the pubescence that of the main stem leaves, each flower subtended by a pair of linear or spatulate pilose bractlets up to 1 cm. long and Figure 252.—Ruellia gorgonensis Leonard (a-d, Cheesman 533; e-g, Longfield 381): a, Tip of plant; 6, trichome from stem; ¢, portion of under surface of leaf blade enlarged to show pubescence and cystoliths; d, same for marginal portion of leaf blade; ¢, bractlets; f, calyx; g, tip of calyx segment. (a, Natural size; b, 12 times natural size; ¢, d, ¢, twice natural size; f, 4 times natural size; g, 7 times natural size.) 2 mm. wide; mature calyx 6.5 mm. long, the segments lanceolate, 5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide near base, thence gradually narrowed into a slender tip, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs about 0.16 mm. long, subappressed or ascending, confined mostly to the costa and tips of the segments; corolla pale pink or lavender, minutely pubescent, the narrow portion of the corolla tube (except at base) densely so with 696 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM more or less spreading hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, the lower half of the corolla tube narrowly cylindric, 1.5 mm. in diameter, the upper por- tion funnelform, slightly ventricose, 12 mm. broad at mouth, the limb 2 cm. broad, the lobes suborbicular, about 7 mm. in diameter; stamens included, attached near the summit of the narrow portion of the corolla tube, the filaments of the longer pair about 7 mm. in length, those of the shorter pair 5 mm., all glabrous, the anthers 2.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad; stigma reaching the tip of the shorter pair of stamens, the developed lobe flat, oblong, rounded; ovary and style hirtellous with minute spreading or ascending hairs; capsules not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected in a dense jungle near shore of Gorgona Island (west of Cauca), Colombia, Oct. 8, 1942, by L. E. Cheesman (No. 533). C. Longfield’s No. 381, collected in a clearing formed by fallen trees in an old wet jungle near seashore of Gorgona Island, ‘11-7-24,” is also of this species. fiuellia gorgonensis is probably related to R. putumayensis, which it rather closely resembles. The leaf blades of R. putumayensis, however, are elliptic rather than ovate and the corolla white and striped with lilac. DOUBTFUL SPECIES Dipteracanthus leucanthus Nees in Benth. Pl. Hartweg. 236. 1846. Type col- lected at Guaduas, Province of Cundinamarca, Colombia. Represented in the U. 8. National Herbarium by a photograph (Field Mus, No. 26597). This appears to be Ruellia tubiflora H. B. K. 14. TELIOSTACHYA Nees The synonym Lepidagathis Willd., given on page 112, is to be deleted. It is a valid genus. ‘The intention above was Lepidagathis sensu auctt. plur., non Willd. 2. Teliostachya lanceolata Nees. (Page 114.) Meta: Rich soil of damp rocky woods on the banks of the Rfo Guatiqufa in the vicinity of Villavicencio, Arague-M. & Barkley 18M.054 (US). 2a. Teliostachya lanceolata Nees var. crispa Nees. (Page 114.) Mera: On stones on the bank of the Rfo Guapaya, Sierra de la Macarena, Philipson, Idrobo & Fernéndez 1627a (BM). 3. Teliostachya petraea Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 114.) Figure 253 Herba, caulibus erectis, basi decumbentibus, in nodis radicantibus, quadrangularibus, glabris vel aliquanto parce strigosis, internodiis summo glanduloso-puberulis, pilis patulis; lamina foliorum lanceolata, apice fere obtusa, basi cuneata, in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra, glabra vel pilis paucis praedita, supra obscure squamosa, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 697 cystolithis obscuris; spicae terminales cylindricae vel anguste ovoideae, densae; bracteae lanceolatae vel oblanceolatae, acutae, glabrae vel parce puberulae, pilis aliquis glandulosis; bracteolae lineari-lance- olatae, parce puberulae, pilis glandulosis, costa prominente; calycis segmenta inaequalia, segmentum posterius anguste oblongo-ovatum, aristatum, parce puberulum, pilis glandulosis, costa et nervis lateral- ibus prominentibus, segmenta anteriora et lateralia lineari-oblonga, costa et nervis prominentibus, parce puberulis, pilis paucis glandulosis; rhachis hirtella, pilis acutis et glandulosis intermixtis; corolla parva, alba, glabra, labio superiore oblongo, apice emarginato, labio inferiore Ficure 253.—Teliostachya petraea Leonard (Schultes 9 Cabrera 15342): a, Tip of plant; b, portion of uppermost internode enlarged to show glandular pubescence; ¢, calyx; d, bract; ¢, bractlet. (a, Natural size; b, 40 times natural size; c-e, 4 times natural size.) 3-lobato, lobis suborbicularibus; stamina inclusa; capsulae cylindricae, acutae, apice puberulae; semina plana, subbrunnea, glabra. Herbs up to 20 cm. high; stems erect from procumbent rooting bases, quadrangular, up to 1.25 mm. in diameter, glabrous or sparingly strigose (the hairs up to 0.4 mm. long and upwardly appressed) except the internode immediately below the spike, this, in addition to the appressed acute hairs, more or less densely glandular-puberulent, the glandular hairs spreading and up to 0.13 mm. long; leaf blades lanceolate, up to 15 mm. long and 8 mm. wide (averaging 5 mm. in width), obtuse at tip, cuneate at the base and decurrent on the petiole, rather firm, entire, glabrous or bearing a few scattered ascending hairs, the upper surface obscurely squamose, the costa and lateral 388179 —57——25 698 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM veins (4 or 6 pairs) barely prominent, the cystoliths obscure; spikes terminal, up to 3.5 cm. long and 1 cm. broad, cylindric or narrowly ovoid, usually rounded at tip, dense, the flowers solitary or in pairs, the lowermost 1 or 2 nodes subtended by leaves, the others by bracts, these lanceolate or oblanceolate, about 5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide, firm, acute, glabrous or sparingly puberulous, the costa and lateral pair of nerves prominent; bractlets linear-lanceolate, 3.5 mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide, acute, sparingly glandular-puberulent, the hairs spreading or ascending, up to 0.11 mm. long; calyx segments unequal, the posterior segment narrowly oblong-ovate, 6 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, aristate, the awns about 1 mm. long, sparingly glandular- puberulent, the hairs similar to those of the bracts and bractlets, the costa and 2 pairs of lateral nerves prominent, the anterior and lateral segments (the anterior segments connate at base) linear-oblong, 5 mm. long, 0.5 to 0.75 mm. wide, acute and minutely aristate, the costa and a pair of lateral nerves prominent, the pubescence similar to that of the posterior segment, the rachis hirtellous with a mixture of glandular and acute spreading or ascending hairs up to 0.16 mm. long; corolla white, glabrous, 6 to 7 mm. long, the upper lip oblong, 4.5 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide at base, minutely bilobed at tip, the lower lip 3.5 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, 3-lobed, the lobes suborbicular, the middle lobe 1.5 mm. in diameter, the lateral pair about 1 mm.; capsules cylindric, acute, puberulous at tip, otherwise glabrous, 4 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, about 0.5 mm. thick; retinacula 0.5 mm. long; seed lenticular, light brown, glabrous, about 1 mm. broad and long. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2124583, collected on quartzite rocks of falls at Raudal Yayacopi (La Playa), Rio Apaporis, Amazonas-Vaupés, ‘‘800 feet”’ altitude, February 15, 1952, by Richard Evans Schultes and Isidoro Cabrera (No. 15342). Teliostachya petraea, when compared with other species of the genus, can be easily separated by its glandular pubescence. The specific epithet is from the Greek zerpaios, living on rocks. PART II 15. NERIACANTHUS Benth. S. Moore (Journ. Bot. Brit. & For. 65: 221. 1927) reduced the genus Neriacanthus to Salpinzantha Hooker (Bot. Mag. Curtis pl. 4158. 1845), but I am inclined to regard the two as distinct. Neriacanthus has dense spikes with large, closely imbricated, ascending bracts, and corollas with narrow tubes abruptly expanding into a rather con- spicuous limb. ‘These characters contrast strongly with those of Salpinzantha, which has loose spikes with distant spreading flowers LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 699 subtended by minute bracts, and corollas with gradually expanded tubes and relatively small lobes, which do not form a sharply dif- ferentiated limb. 2. Neriacanthus lehmannianus (Lindau) Lindau. (Page 124.) In the note on page 123 regarding the type of Neriacanthus lehmannianus Lindau, I quoted Lindau in saying that Lehmann 7852 came from Ecuador; this type collection was actually from Colombia, from the Andes west of Cali, in the Department of El Valle, as cited below. Cauca: Headwaters of the Rfo Pinche, west of Argelia, Core 1324 (US). Timbiqui, upper Rio Mangii, Lehmann B. T. 449 (K). In dense forest, no further data, Core 1322. Ex Vays: Forest above La Cumbre, Pennell & Killip 5789 (KX). San Antonio, Lehmann 2966 (K). Dense damp forest on the watershed of the west Andes of Cali, Lehmann 7852 (K). Semishade in rainforest above Cali, Sandeman 140 (K). WIiTHovT LocaLity: Langlassé 44 (K). 16. STENANDRIUM Nees 3. Stenandrium dulce (Cav.) Ness. (Page 127.) CuNDINAMARCA: La Boca del Monte, on the western edge of the highland of Bogoté, Lehmann 6442 (K). Facatativd, André 665 (K). 4, Stenandrium humboldtianum Nees, (Page 127.) Fiaure 254 Stenandrium humboldtianum Nees, DC. Prodr. 11: 284. 1847. Type collected at ‘‘Atures, Maypures’” by Humboldt. Atures is on the east bank of the Rio Orinoco and in Territorio Federal of Amazonas, Venezuela, but Maypures is located on the west bank several miles south of Atures in the Comisaria, of Vichada in Colombia. Thus the exact type locality is uncertain. EMENDED DESCRIPTION: Suffrutescent herbs up to 30 cm. high; stems woody at base, 5 mm. in diameter (the internodes 1 to 2.5 cm. long), decumbent, pilose, the upper part densely so, the hairs spreading, about 1.5 mm. long; leaf blades oblong, up to 20 cm. long and 6.6 cm. wide, acute or short-acuminate (the tip itself subacute), long-cuneate at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, both surfaces rather densely pilose, the hairs ascending, up to 1.25 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (about 12 pairs) moderately prominent beneath, less so above, the cystoliths not apparent; petioles (unwinged portion) up to 3 cm. long, pilose; flowers borne in axillary spikes 3 to 4 cm. long, becoming 6 to 8 cm. long at maturity, the spikes solitary or in 3’s, the lateral pair branching from the lowermost node of the spike and shorter than the central spike, the peduncles up to 25 cm. long, somewhat flattened toward tip, the pubescence moderately dense, consisting of a mixture of long acute hairs up to 1 mm. long, minute acute hairs up to 0.13 mm. long and slender gland-tipped ones up to 0.32 mm. long, all more or less spreading, the pubescence of the rachis similar to that of the peduncles, the lowermost internode of the spike 700 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM up to 14 mm. long, the others successively shorter toward the tip of the spike, the lowermost pair of bracts lanceolate, 6 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, the others similar in size but progressively smaller toward tip of spike, all entire, acute (the tip itself blunt), the pubescence similar to that of the peduncle, but with a predominance of the longer acute hairs on the costa of the lower surface, the costa flanked by Ficure 254.—Stenandrium humboldtianum Nees (Ewan 15622): a, Node with a leaf and flower branch; b, portion of peduncle enlarged to show pubescence; c, one of the lower- most bracts; d, bractlet; ¢, calyx; f, corolla; g, capsule valve; A, retinaculum; 1, seed. (a, Half natural size; b, about 30 times natural size; c-e, about 3 times natural size; f, 1% times natural size; g, about twice natural size; h, 10 times natural size; 1, 5 times natural size.) several pairs of prominent parallel nerves, the bractlets lanceolate, 2.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, acute, entire, puberulous; calyx regular, about 4 mm. long, the segments lance-subulate, about 1.5 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to a sharp apex, rigid, erect, strongly ciliolate near tip, conspicuously parallel-nerved dorsally; corolla glabrous, bright pink (Ewan), up to 18 mm. long, the tube narrowly cylindrical, 15 mm. long, 2.25 mm. broad at base, rather abruptly narrowed to 1 mm. just above base, expanding at throat to about 2 mm., the lobes subequal, obcordate, 6 mm. long, 5.5 mm. wide, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 701 rounded and emarginate at tip; stamens included; capsules ovoid, 8 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, 2 mm. thick, glabrous, yellowish, nitid, bearing several irregular purple spots near tip of each valve; retinacula about 2 mm. long, slender and cucullate at tip; seeds reddish-brown, ovoid, oblique at base, 3 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide, 0.75 mm. thick, obscurely and minutely papillose. Stenandrium humboldtianum Nees is definitely caulescent, even though Nees starts his description with the word “acaule.” The photograph of Humboldt’s specimen in the Berlin Herbarium, the specimen cited by Nees, shows, in addition to a flowering tip of a plant, a section of stem (about 6 cm. long) with a pair of attached leaves. CuUNDINAMARCA; On moist shaded slope beneath trees in the valley of Quebrada Chiniata, 7 km. east of Hilo, 2,480 meters altitude, May 1, 1944, Ewan 15622 (Tulane University Herb., US). La Maria, between the Quebradas La Marta and La Victoria, Garcia-Barriga 12595 (Col). 17. APHELANDRA R. Br. 1. Aphelandra runcinata Klotzsch. (Page 135.) ANTIogurA: Alto de Santa Elena, Medellin, Uribe-Uribe 1857 (US). Quebrada Naranjal, tributary of the Rio Aures, Cordillera Central, Ewan 15732 (US). Cunpinamarca: Rocky massif east of Santandercito, Uribe-Uribe 2115 (US). WITHOUT LocaLity: Purdie (IK). 3a. Aphelandra grangeri Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 139.) Figure 255 Suffrutex spinosus, caulibus subteretibus, deorsum glabris, sursum puberulis, pilis plus minusve appressis; lamina foliorum oblongo- elliptica vel oblongo-lanceolata, apice acuta vel subacuta, basi obtusa vel rotundata, glabra, supra nitida, coriacea, serrato-dentata, dentibus triangularibus, spina acuta terminatis, subtus costa et venis promi- nentibus, supra obscuris; petioli breves, parce puberuli; bracteae interpetiolares parvae, rhombicae, integrae vel dentatae, spinosae; spicae terminales sessiles, rhache dense puberula; bracteae foliis similes sed minores; bracteolae lanceolatae, acuminatae, costa spina terminata, glabrae vel parce puberulae, ciliatae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuminata, apice spina terminata, glabra vel parce pube- rula, conspicue ciliata, costa prominente, nervis lateralibus pluribus; corolla dense pubescens, tubo anguste hypocrateriformi, leviter ventricoso, labio superiore erecto, lineari, apice bilobato, lobis oblongis, rotundatis et emarginatis, labio inferiore trilobato, lobis suborbicula- ribus; stamina vix exserta, antheris glabris, apice arachnoideis, fila- mentis basi minute pilosis, sursum glabris; ovarium glabrum. 702 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Shrubs; stems glabrous, subterete, their tips puberulous, the hairs more or less appressed, up to 0.25 mm. long; leaf blades oblong- elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, up to 9 cm. long and 3 cm. wide, acute or subacute, rounded or obtuse at base, glabrous, nitid above, coria- ceous, the margins serrate-dentate, the teeth triangular, 2 to 5 mm. high, terminating in sharp spines up to 3 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (8 to 10 pairs) prominent beneath, obscure above; petioles up to 3 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly puberulous, the Ficure 255.—Aphelandra grangeri Leonard (Granger &9 Rodriguez-A 10): a, Leaf, b, spike; c, bract; d, bractlet; ¢, one of the calyx segments; f, anther. (a, Natural size; b, two- thirds natural size; c, 144 times natural size; d, ¢, twice natural size; f, 534 times natural size.) hairs similar to those of the stems; interpetiolar bracts small, rhombic or suborbicular, up to 2 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, tipped by a spine about 1.25 mm. long, sometimes bearing a pair of lateral spines about 0.5 mm. long; flowers borne in terminal spikes up to 3.5 cm. long and 1.5 cm. broad (the corollas excluded), sessile, the rachis densely puberulous, the hairs similar to those of the stems, the lower- most internode up to 8 mm. long, the others successively shorter toward the tip of the spike; bracts resembling the leaf blades but LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 703 smaller, the lowermost about 3 cm. long and 10 mm. wide, the other successively smaller toward tip of spike; bractlets lanceolate, up to 9 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide near the base, slenderly acuminate, terminating in a spine about 1.5 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly puberulous, except the margins, these ciliate, the hairs more or less spreading, up to 0.5 mm. long; calyx segments lanceolate, 9 mm. long, 3 mm. wide near base, acuminate, terminated by a sharp spine about 0.5 to 1 mm. long, glabrous or bearing a few minute dorsal hairs, the margins densely ciliate, the hairs more or less spreading, about 0.5 mm. long, the costa prominent, the lateral nerves numerous and rather prominent; corolla 4 cm. long, rather densely pubescent, the hairs spreading, up to 0.25 mm. long, the corolla tube 3 mm. broad at base, enlarged to 4 mm. just above the base, then narrowed to 3 mm. at 1 cm. above base, thence enlarged to 7.5 mm. at throat, the upper lip becoming erect, linear, about 1 cm. long, 3 mm. wide, bilobed at tip, the lobes oblong, about 3 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, rounded and emarginate at tip, the lower lip divided to base into 3 suborbicular lobes, these 4 mm. long and 3.5 mm. wide, rounded; stamens reaching the throat of the corolla, the anthers 4.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad, glabrous, the filaments minutely pilose at base, glabrous above; style 3.5 cm. long, glabrous, the stigma cupular and fimbriate; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045423, collected on the Finca Las Mercedes, near Silvia, Department of Cauca, Colombia, 3,300 meters altitude, 1943, by J. S. Granger and C. Rodriguez-A. (No. 10). Isotype: US. Aphelandra grangeri is related to A. euopla, which it closely re- sembles, but from which it can, however, be readily separated by its strongly ciliated calyx segments and bractlets. In A. euopla these are at most only very sparingly ciliate. The color of the corolla is not apparent in the dried material. 4, Aphelandra porphyrocarpa Leonard. (Page 140.) EMENDED DESCRIPTION: Corolla yellow, densely pubescent (the hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, more or less spreading), up to 5.5 em. long from base to tip of upper lip, the tube funnelform, slightly ventricose, 6 mm. broad at base, narrowed gradually to about 4 mm. near the middle, thence enlarged to 1 cm. at mouth, the upper lip erect, 2 to 2.5 cm. long, 6 mm. wide at base, 1 cm. wide at base of the 2 lobes, these obovate, about 8 mm. long, 7 to 8 mm. wide near tip, rounded, the lower lip more or less spreading, divided nearly to base into 3 obovate lobes 8 to 9 mm. long and 7 mm. wide, rounded, the longer pair of stamens reaching nearly to tip of the upper lip, the anthers 704 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM of both pairs linear, about 7 mm. long and 2 mm. broad, these and the filaments glabrous. Hurua: Ravine in temperate forest, between Hacienda Balsillitas, Meta, and F1 Cedral, ‘9000 ft.” altitude, June 16, 1944, Elbert L. Little 8030 (US). Moist wet soil of temperate forest at Hacienda Pensilvdnica, 15 km. east of Baraya, Cordil- lera Oriental, ‘8100 ft.” altitude, June 24, 1944, Elbert L. Little No. 8135 (US) 4a. Aphelandra gilva Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 142.) FiaurE 256. Frutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel sursum sub- strigosis, pilis fere appressis; lamina foliorum late oblongo-lanceolata, apice acuta, basi angustata, incisa, lobis triangularibus, ascendentibus, marginibus serratis, apice spina acuta fulva armatis, supra glabra vel parce hirtella, pilis praecipue in costa et venis positis, subtus aliquanto dense hirtella, costa et venis lateralibus et venulis crasse reticulatis utrinque aliquanto prominentibus; petioli crassi, parce hirtelli; bracteae interpetiolares flabelliformes, spinis 4-7, acutis fulvis armatae, bracteis et spinis deorsum parce hirtellis, spinis apice vernicosis; spicae (maturae) longae terminales, solitariae, angustae, deorsum plus minusve laxae, rhache hirtella, pilis appressis vel ascendentibus; bracteae lanceolatae, graciliter acutae, apice recurvatae (maturae), marginibus serratae, dentibus et apice spinis armatae, glabrae vel parce hirtellae; bracteolae lanceolatae, apice graciliter acutae, apice spina terminatae, integrae, minute ciliatae, glabrae vel parce hirtellae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuta, gracili- ter puberula et ciliolata, chartacea; corolla gilva, basi glabra vel parce hirtella, sursum dense tomentosa, pilis fulvis, labio superiore erecto vel leviter recurvato, obovato, bilobato, lobis ovatis, rotund- atis, labio inferiore ascendente vel recurvato (maturo), profunde trilobato, lobis suborbicularibus, rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, antheris glabris, filamentis glabris vel basi parce pilosis; ovarium glabrum. Shrubs; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or the upper portions hirtellous, the hairs for the most part closely appressed, up to 0.7 mm. long; leaf blades broadly oblong-lanceolate in outline, up to 30 cm, long and 10 cm. wide (from tip to tip of lobes), acute at apex, terminating in a yellowish spine 1.5 mm. long, gradually narrowed from middle to a cuneate base, deeply incised, the lobes triangular, ascending, up to 4 cm. long and 3.5 cm. wide at base, acute and ter- minated by spines up to 5 mm. long, the entire margin irregularly serrate, the teeth triangular, the larger ones about 4 mm. long and 6 mm. wide, all terminated by sharp yellowish spines 1 to 4 mm. long, the upper surface glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, confined chiefly to the costa and lateral veins (about 12 pairs), the lower surface drying light brownish, more densely LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 705 hirtellous, the hairs about 0.5 mm. long, confined mostly to the costa, veins and veinlets, the latter coarsely reticulate, the hairs interspersed with scattered small glandular particles, the venation rather promi- nent beneath, less so above; petioles up to 2.5 cm. long and 3 mm. thick, sparingly hirtellous; interpetiolar bracts flabelliform, armed with 4 to 7 sharp ascending yellowish spines, the lowermost 1.5 mm. Ficure 256.—Aphelandra gilva Leonard (Ewan 16501): a, Lower half of leaf blade; b, upper half of same; c, lowermost node of spike; d, interpetiolar bract; e¢, bractlet; f, calyx segment; g, corolla; A, upper lip of corolla; i, anther. (a, b, Half natural size; c, % natural size; d, 6 times natural size; ¢, 3 times natural size; f, 3}4 times natural size; g, h, 144 times natural size; i, 3 times natural size.) long, the others increasing in length to 13 mm. for the middle one, the surface of the bracts sparingly hirtellous except the glabrous varnished tip of the spines; spikes terminal, solitary, up to 30 cm. long at maturity, about 3 cm. broad, more or less lax toward base, the rachis hirtellous with ascending or appressed hairs up to 0.6 mm. long; bracts (mature) lanceolate, 2 cm. long, 4 mm. wide, slenderly acute, terminated by a spine about 1 mm. long, the tip recurved at 706 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM maturity, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the margins armed with spine-tipped teeth, the spines from 1 to 3 mm. long; bractlets lanceo- late, 8 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, terminated by a spine 0.5 mm. long, the margins entire and minutely ciliolate, the surface glabrous or sparingly hirtellous; calyx segments lanceolate, 1 cm. long, 3.5 mm. wide, acute, finely puberulous and ciliolate, chartaceous; corolla pale cream-yellow (Ewan), about 3 cm. long, the tube densely yellowish-tomentose ex- cept the basal portion, this glabrous or sparingly hirtellous with ap- pressed hairs, the base 5 mm. broad, the mouth 6 mm. broad, the upper lip erect or slightly recurved, obovate, 1 cm. long, 5 mm. wide at base, 8 mm. wide near tip, bilobed, the lobes ovate, rounded, the lower lip ascending, or recurved at maturity, 5 mm. long, 3-lobed, the lateral lobes 4 mm. long and broad, the middle one somewhat smaller, all rounded; stamens reaching or slightly exceeding the upper lip of the corolla, the anthers 7.5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, rounded at each end, glabrous; filaments glabrous except a few small hairs at base; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045402, collected in a heavy thicket near Rio Tellez, in the vicinity of Funes, Cordillera Oriental, Department of Narifio, Colombia, 2,600 meters altitude, December 1, 1944, by Joseph A. Ewan (No. 16501). Isotype: US 2144296. Aphelandra gilva is close to A. porphyrocarpa, but distinct from this species in its acute calyx segments and incised leaf blades. In A. porphyrocarpa the calyx segments are rounded, mucronate and dentate at tip, and the leaf blades are shallowly incised. The specific epithet gilva, pale yellow, alludes to the color of the corolla. 5. Aphelandra acanthus Nees. (Page 143.) Cauca: Forests of El Tambo, von Sneidern 1512 (8). Narifto: Sparsely wooded brushy ravine, Quebrada Panacual, 8 kilometers south of Piedrancha, Rfo Guabo drainage, Fosberg 21113 (US). Touma: Quindio, Holton 592 (K, NY); Purdie (K). Rosalito to Murillo, in forest, Pennell 3132 (NY). WItTHOovT LocaLity: Purdie (K). 7. Aphelandra huilensis Leonard. (Page 147.) Totima: Rfo Hereje, near Albania, 2,000 meters altitude, November 20, 1944, Core 1619 (US). 11, Aphelandra crispata Leonard. (Page 152.) Purumayo: Mocoa and vicinity, Schultes & Cabrera 19093 bis. 15. Aphelandra botanodes Leonard. (Page 157.) The type can be identified a little more definitely; it bears the annotation ‘N. g. post 80 Lagochilium, no. 5,” which refers to the Triana catalog, a typescript of which is in the possession of Dr. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 707 Cuatrecasas. This annotation indicates that Triana considered this plant to belong to a new genus to be inserted after Acanthaceae genus No. 80 [Lagochilium]; the “no. 5” indicates the species, which is actually in the catalog No. 5 of Lagochilium. The Triana specimen from San Pablo cited above as possibly the same species is Lagochilium No. 6 of the catalog. 15a. Aphelandra andrei Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 157.) Figure 257 Herba, caulibus ascendentibus, basi in nodis radicantibus, aliquanto dense hirsutis, pilis appressis vel ascendentibus; lamina foliorum oblonga, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, aliquanto membranacea, integra, utrinque pilosa, pilis ascendentibus vel subappressis; petioli pilosi; inflorescentia terminalis, trifurcata, spicis parvis, pedunculo gracili, plus minusve dense piloso, pilis sub- appressis vel patulis, pedunculis secundariis quam spicis brevioribus, dense pilosis, rhache dense hirsuta, pilis ascendentibus, albidis; bracteae oblongae, apice acutae, basi angustatae, membranaceae, integrae, utrinque hirtellae, pilis ascendentibus, marginibus ciliatae, costa et nervis lateralibus gracilibus; bracteolae anguste lineares, apice acuminatae, acutae, extus sursum dense pilosae, intus glabrae, striato-nervatae; calycis segmenta anguste lanceolata, acuta, apice minute puberula, deorsum glabra, striata-nervata; corolla deorsum glabra, sursum aliquanto pubescens, pilis plus minusve curvatis, ascendentibus, tubo anguste infundibuliformi, labio superiore bilobato, lobis suborbicularibus emarginatis, labio inferiore 3-lobato, lobis obcordatis; stamina vix exserta; ovarium apice hirsutum, deorsum glabrum. Herbs up to 30 cm. high, the stems ascending, rooting at the lower nodes, rather densely hirsute, the hairs close and upwardly appressed or on the upper portions of the stem ascending, 0.5 to 0.75 mm. long; leaf blades oblong, up to 8 cm. long and 2.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), narrowed at base, rather thin, entire, both surfaces moderately pilose, the hairs ascending to subappressed, about 0.75 mm. long; petioles slender, up to 4 cm. long, more or less pilose; spikes in 3’s terminating a slender peduncle 7 cm. long, this rather densely pilose with hairs 0.75 mm. long, some of them more or less spreading, others appressed, each spike about 1.5 cm. long and 1 cm. broad, borne on secondary densely pilose peduncles up to 7 mm. long, the three spikes subtended by a pair of small leaves 18 mm. long and 8 mm. wide, subobtuse and narrowed at base to a winged petiole about 3 mm. long, the pubescence that of the stem leaves, the rachis densely hirsute with ascending whitish hairs about 0.75 mm. long; bracts thin, oblong, 7 mm. long and 4 mm. wide, acute at tip, nar- rowed at base, thin, entire, both surfaces hirtellous, the hairs up to 708 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 0.5 mm. long, mostly ascending, the margins ciliate, the costa and 1 or 2 pairs of lateral nerves slender; bractlets narrowly linear, 5.5 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, the outer surface pilose, densely so toward the tip, the inner surface glabrous, striate-nerved; calyx segments narrowly lanceolate, acute, 0.75 mm. wide, striate-nerved, minutely puberulous toward the tip; corolla 18 mm. long, the lower half glabrous or nearly so, the upper half rather densely pubescent, the hairs up to 0.28 mm. long, more or less curved, ascending, the tube 1.5 mm. broad at base, enlarged over Figure 257.—Aphelandra andrei Leonard (André 4661): a, Tip of plant; b, bracts ¢, bractlet; d, calyx segment; ¢, ovary; f, lower lip of corolla; g, upper lip of same. (a, Half natural size; b-d, 2% times natural size; ¢, 6 times natural size; f, g, 3 times natural size.) ovary to 2mm., then narrowed to 1.25 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 4mm. at mouth, the upper lip about 3 mm. long and 4 mm. wide, bilobed, the lobes 2 mm. long and wide, rounded and emarginate at tip, the lower lip 4 mm. long, 3-lobed, the lobes obcordate, 2 mm. long and wide, emarginate; stamens reaching the mouth of the corolla tube; ovary glabrous except the hirsute tip; capsules not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected in shade of virgin forests at San Ignacio, “Cordillera Orientalis Bogotensis,” Colombia, January 1876 by Edouard André (No. 4661). Aphelandra andrei belongs to the Lagochilium group of Nees, plants midway between Stenandrium and Aphelandra. It is probably near- est to A. botanodes, as indicated by its small size, herbaceous habit, and trifurcate inflorescences of 3 small spikes. It differs strikingly, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 709 however, from that species in its rather densely hirsute stems and entire bracts. 16a. Aphelandra quadrifaria Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 158.) FiaurRE 258 Herba, caulibus erectis vel ascendentibus, subteretibus, dense antrorse strigosis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, apice subobtusa, basi cuneata, in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, parce hirsuta, pilis appressis vel ascendentibus, praecipue in costa et venis subtus positis, venis subtus aliquanto prominentibus, supra obscuris, petioli strigillosi; spica terminalis, pedunculis dense strigillosis; bracteae conspicuae, subchartaceae, ovatae, apice acutae et apiculatae, glabrae, deorsum integrae, sursum serratae, costa et venis et venulosis crasse et conspicue reticulatis prominentibus; bracteolae lanceolatae, subhyalinae, subchartaceae, acuminatae, car- inatae, minute ciliolatae, obscure striato-nervatae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, subhyalina, subchartacea, acuta, apice spinescentia, glabra vel inconspicue ciliolata, graciliter striato-nervata; corolla flava, parce et minute hirtella, labiis subaequalibus, labio superiore cuneato, bilobato, lobis rotundatis, labio inferiore 3-lobato, lobis rotundatis; stamina vix exserta, antheris glabris, apice arachnoideis, filamentis parce pilosis; ovarium glabrum. Herbs up to 35 cm. long; stems suberect or ascending, subterete, strigose, the hairs upwardly directed, up to 0.25 mm. long, the internodes up to 5 cm. long; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 10 cm. long and 4.5 cm. wide, subobtuse at tip, cuneate at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire or undulate, sparingly hirsute, the hairs appressed or ascending, up to 0.5 mm. long, confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins (9 or 10 pairs), these and the coarsely reticulate veinlets moderately prominent beneath, obscure above; petioles up to 1.5 cm. long, appressed-hirtellous, the hairs resembling those on the stem; spikes terminal, up to 3 cm. long and 1.5 to 2 cm. broad (excluding spread of corollas), the peduncles about 2 mm. long, densely sericeous-strigose, the bracts quadrifarious, subchartaceous, ovate, up to 12 mm. long and 10 mm. wide at middle, the lower half entire, the upper half serrate, the teeth (about 5) ascending, abruptly acuminate from a broad base, about 1 mm. long, the tip of the bracts acute and apiculate, the base broadly cuneate, both surfaces glabrous, the costa and 1 or 2 pairs of lateral nerves prominent; veinlets coarsely and prominently reticulate; bractlets lanceolate, subhyaline, sub- chartaceous, 4.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide just above base, acuminate, carinate, minutely ciliolate, the hairs ascending, the costa prominent and bearing a few small hairs; calyx segments lanceolate, 7 mm. long, subchartaceous and subhyaline, acute and terminating in weak spines about 1 mm. long, glabrous or inconspicuously ciliolate, delicately striate-nerved, the posterior segment about 2 mm. wide, the lateral 710 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM segments 1 mm. wide, the anterior ones 1.5 mm. wide; corolla yellow, sparingly and minutely hirtellous, 2 cm. long, the tube 2 mm. wide at base, narrowed to 1.25 mm. at 2mm. above base, the throat 4 to 5 mm. broad, the lips ascending, about equal, 6 to 7 mm. long, the upper lip cuneate, about 6 mm. wide near tip, bilobed, the lobes 3 mm. long, 3.5 mm. wide, rounded, the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes obovate, about 5 mm. long, the middle one 6 mm. wide, the lateral ones 3.5 mm. wide, all rounded; stamens slightly exserted but not exceeding the lips, Ficure 258.—Aphelandra quadrifaria Leonard (Grant 9811): a, Tip of plant; }, bract; ¢, bractlet; d, posterior calyx segment; ¢, one of the anterior segments; f, one of the lateral segments; g, upper lip of the corolla; h, lower lip. (a, Natural size; b-f, about 3 times natural size; g, h, about twice natural size.) the anthers glabrous except the arachnoid cohering tips, the filaments sparingly pilose; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. 8. National Herbarium, No. 2045431, collected in subtropical forest in the San Antonio Valley, 15 km. southeast of Gutiérrez and 60 km. south of Bogoté, Cordillera Oriental, Depart- ment of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 1,575 meters altitude, August 2, 1944, by Martin L. Grant (No. 9811). Isotype: US 2144013. The nearest relative of Aphelandra quadrifaria seems to be A. silvicola, which it superficially resembles. That species has variegated LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 711 leaves and smaller bracts, these rather densely and softly appressed- pubescent and with fewer teeth on their margins. The specific epithet alludes to the 4-ranked bracts of the spikes. Kalbreyer’s No. 1849, collected in forest shade on the Rio Verde, Department of Antioquia, 4,500-5,000 feet altitude, June 27, 1880, is also of this species. The following notes are on the Kalbreyer sheet: “4-12 inch stem, repent, If. glossy green, thin; fl. bright yellow with purple veinlets.”’ 16b. Aphelandra fosbergii Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 158.) Ficure 259 Herba, caulibus subteretibus, ascendentibus, nodis infimis radicanti- bus, hirsutis, pilis ascendentibus vel appressis, subbrunneis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, apice breviter acuminata (apice ipso subacuto), basi angustata in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque hirsuta, pilis subappressis vel as- Ficure 259.—A phelandra fosbergii Leonard (Grant & Fosberg 9319): a, Tip of plant; b, bract; c, bractlet; d, calyx segment; ¢, upper portion of corolla. (a, Half natural size; b-d, twice natural size; ¢, slightly over natural size.) cendentibus, subbrunneis, subtus costa et venis aliquanto prominenti- bus, supra obscuris; petioli pilosi; spica terminalis solitaria, brevis, rhache dense subbrunneo-pilosa; bracteae ovatae, herbaceae, acumina- tac, intus glabrae vel basi parce hirsutae, extus hirsutae, pilis praecipue in costa et venis positis, ciliatae; bracteolae anguste lanceolatae, striato-nervatae, intus glabrae, extus hirsutae, pilis ascendentibus; calycis segmenta anguste lanceolata, sursum hirsuta et ciliata, deorsum glabra; corolla rosea, parce et minute pubescens, tubo anguste hypocrateriformi, labiis subaequalibus, ascendentibus, labio superiore obcordato, labio inferiore trilobato, lobis suborbicularibus, rotundatis; stamina inclusa; ovarium glabrum. 712 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Herbs up to 30 cm. high; stems subterete, ascending, rooting at the lower nodes, hirsute, the hairs ascending or spreading, light brown, up to 1.5 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 6.5 cm. long and 2 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself subacute), nar- rowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces hirsute, the hairs up to 1.25 mm. long, ascending or subappressed, light brownish, the costa and lateral veins (about 6 pairs) more or less prominent beneath (hidden somewhat by the pubescence), obscure above; petioles about 0.5 cm. long, pilose, the hairs similar to those of the stem; spikes terminal, solitary, about 1.5 cm. long and broad, the rachis densely brownish pilose; bracts ovate, herbaceous, 2 cm. long and 16 mm. wide (at least the lower- most pair), acuminate, the margins ciliate (hairs up to 1 mm. long) and bearing about 4 slender ascending teeth up to (the lowermost) 4 mm. long, the upper or inner surface glabrous or sparingly hirsute at base, the lower or outer surface hirsute, the hairs mostly borne in the costal region but diminishing toward the margins; bractlets narrowly lanceolate, 12.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide, striate-nerved, the inner surface glabrous, the outer hirsute, the hairs up to 1.5 mm. long, ascending; calyx 12 mm. long, the segments narrowly lanceolate, the upper half hirsute and ciliate, the lower half glabrous, in other respects resembling the bractlets; corolla rose, sparingly and minutely pubescent, 22 mm. long, narrowly hypocrateriform, the lower part of the tube about 1 mm. broad, the mouth 2.5 mm. broad, the lips subequal, about 8 mm. long, ascending, the upper obcordate, about 6 mm. wide, the lower 3-lobed, the lobes suborbicular, about 3 mm. long, the middle one 4 mm. wide, the lateral 3 mm. wide, all rounded; stamens reaching the mouth of the corolla tube, the anthers about 1.5 mm. long; ovary glabrous, tipped by a few straight erect white hairs about 0.38 mm. long; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2059099, collected in temperate forest at San Isidro, 8 km. south of Gachala, Cordillera Oriental, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,450 meters altitude, May 26, 1944, by Martin L. Grant and F. R. Fosberg (No. 9319). Aphelandra fosbergii is nearest A. silvicola. In that species, however, the leaf blades have colored veins and the teeth of the bracts are all low instead of sharp and slender. 20a. Aphelandra phalacra Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 166.) Fiaurn 260 Herba, caulibus ascendentibus, subquadrangularibus; folia reflexa, lamina foliorum oblonga, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso vel rotundato), basi angustata, glabra; spica terminalis sessilis: rhachis glabra; bracteae erectac vel ascendentes, lanceolatae, glabrae vel minute et inconspicue papilloso-puberulae, costa et nervis lateralibus LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 713 conspicuis; bracteolae paucae, subulatae, carinatae, glabrae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuminata, apice tenuia, glabra, striato-nervata, costa prominente; corolla pubescens, pilis plus minusve patentibus; stamina vix exserta; ovarium glabrum vel apice minute hirsutum. Herbs; stems ascending, subquadrangular, glabrous; leaves reflexed, the blades oblong, up to 8 cm. long and 4 cm. wide, short-acuminate, (the tip itself obtuse or rounded), narrowed at base, glabrous; petioles up to 2 cm. long, glabrous; spike solitary, terminal, sessile, 5 cm. Ficure 260.—Aphelandra phalacra Leonard (Jervise s. n.): a, Tip of plant; b, bract; ¢, bractlet; d, calyx segment; ¢, ovary. (a, Half natural size, b-d, twice natural size; e¢, 3 times natural size.) long and 10 mm. wide (if bracts are not spreading), the rachis glabrous; bracts lanceolate, 2 cm. long, 6.25 mm. wide near the middle, 3 mm. at base, minutely dentate, glabrous or very minutely and incon- spicuously papillose, puberulous, the costa and a pair of lateral nerves prominent, several additional pairs less so; bractlets subulate, 4 mm. long, 0.25 mm. wide at base, carinate, the costa prominent, glabrous; calyx segments lanceolate, 7 mm. long, 1.25 mm. wide at base, narrowed to a fine slender tip, glabrous, the costa prominent, 888179—57——26 714 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM striate-nerved; corolla pubescent, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, more or less spreading, the tube about 2 mm. broad at base, 5 mm. broad at mouth; stamens slightly exserted, glabrous at least above; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected in Antioquia, Colombia, by W. Jervise. Aphelandra phalacra is very closely related to A. lonchochlamys and may be merely a form of that species. It differs in being strictly glabrous in all parts except for a very minute and inconspicuous papillar puberulence sometimes present on the bracts. The leaf blades are relatively shorter and broader. The specific epithet is from the Greek ¢adaxpés, meaning smooth. The flowers are too poorly preserved to describe the lips; their color is not apparent in the dried material. 27. Aphelandra lamprantha Leonard. (Page 178.) Meta: Dense humid forest of Plaza Bonita, Sierra de la Macarena, 400 meters altitude, November 14, 1949, Philipson, Idrobo & Fernandez 1419 (BM). 28. Aphelandra lasia Leonard. (Page 181.) CUNDINAMARCA: Woods east of Guaduas, 1,100 meters altitude, June 1952, Uribe-Uribe 2337 (US). 30. Aphelandra deppeana Schlecht. & Cham. (Page 185.) Meta: Woods along the Rfo Casanare, at Esmeralda, Cuatrecasas 3810 (Col). Vaupts: Calamar, on the Rfo Unilla, Cuatrecasas 7339 (Col). 34a. Aphelandra diachyla Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 191.) Ficure 261 Herba, caulibus glabris subquadrangularibus; lamina foliorum oblanceolata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso rotundato), basi an- gustata, costa et venis aliquanto obscuris, cystolithis obscuris vel nullis; petioli glabri; racemi terminales vel subterminales, laxi, pedunculo longo, glabro, rhachibus parce et minute hirtellis, floribus sessilibus; bracteae oblanceolatae, acutae (apice ipso obtuso), glabrae, venis obscuris; bracteolae anguste triangulares, parvae, glabrae, venis obscuris; calycis segmenta lanceolata, apice acuta, striato- nervata, apice minute et parce hirtella et ciliolata; corolla glabra, tubo angusto, lobis obovatis, apice obtusis; stamina inclusa; ovarium glabrum. Herbs; stems glabrous, subquadrangular; leaf blades oblanceolate, up to 21 cm. long and 5.8 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself 1 mm. wide and rounded), gradually narrowed from above middle to base, moderately firm, entire, both sides glabrous, the costa and veins (8 to 10 pairs) scarcely prominent, cystoliths obscure or lacking; petioles up to 15 mm. long and 1.5 mm. thick, glabrous; panicles terminal or subterminal, about 12 cm. long and 6 cm. broad, the inter- node between the 2 pairs of branches 3.5 cm. long, the peduncle 8 cm. long, 1.75 mm. thick, the flowers solitary and sessile in the axils of LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 715 the bracts, the lower internodes of the flower-bearing branches 5 to 19 mm. long, the peduncles glabrous, the rachises sparingly and minutely pubescent, the hairs up to 0.06 mm. long, ascending; bracts oblanceolate, up to 14 mm. long and 4 mm. wide, narrowed from above the middle to a small obtuse tip, glabrous, the veins ob- scure; bractlets narrowly triangular, 2.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to tip, ciliolate, the hairs 0.06 mm. long, b isa Ficure 261.—A phelandra diachyla Leonard (Triana s. n.): a, Node and leaf; b, inflorescence; ¢, corolla; d, bract; ¢, bractlet; f, calyx segment. (a, Half natural size; b, two-thirds natural size; c, twice natural size; d, 24 times natural size; ¢, 7 times natural size; f, 5 times natural size.) the flat surfaces glabrous, the costa and a pair of nerves conspicuous through transmitted light; calyx 5 mm. long, the segments lanceolate, 1.25 mm. wide near base, gradually narrowed to an acute tip, striate- nerved, minutely and sparingly hirtellous and ciliolate at tip, other- wise glabrous, conspicuously striate-nerved through transmitted light; corollas glabrous, up to 2 cm. long (from base of tube to tip of corolla lobes), the tube 11.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad at base, slightly en- 716 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM larged over the ovary, narrowed to 0.75 mm. near tip, the mouth 2.5 mm. broad, the corolla lobes obovate, 7 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, obtuse at tip, delicately nerved; stamens included, 2 mm. long, the filaments slender, 0.5 mm. long; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected at San Pablo, Intendencia of Choc6, Colombia, 100 meters altitude, March 1853, by J. Triana. Isotype: Col. On page 157 above, I referred this collection to Aphelandra botanodes, but it differs in the more open inflorescence and in the entire, more distant bracts. The specific epithet is from the Greek é.dxvdos, meaning succulent. 36. Aphelandra lasiophylla. (Page 193.) The type can be more definitely identified by the number “4074-10,” which appears on the label. In the typescript of the Triana catalog this appears (by error?) as 4072-10.” 36a. Aphelandra pinarotricha Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 193.) Fiaure 262 Suffrutex, caulibus dense pilosis, pilis sordidis, patulis vel ascen- dentibus; lamina foliorum oblonga, breviter acuminata (apice ipso subobtuso), basi angustata, firma, integra, pilosa, pilis sordidis, pat- ulis vel ascendentibus, praccipue in costa et venis positis; petioli dense pilosi; spicae 1 vel 3, terminales et laterales, pedunculis longis, dense pilosis, pilis sordidis, rhache aliquanto pilosa, excavata; brac- teae lanceolatae, subacutae, deorsum et apice pilosae, pilis ascen- dentibus, obscure nervatae; bracteolae lanceolatae, parce pilosae, ciliatae, graciliter nervatae; calycis segmenta aequalia, acuta, glabra vel apice parce et graciliter ciliolata, striato-nervata; corolla auran- tiaca, deorsum glabra, sursum graciliter pubescens, tubo aliquanto anguste infundibuliformi, labio superiore erecto, ovato, subacuto, labio inferiore erecto vel patulo, 3-lobato, lobis lanceolatis, acutis; stamina exserta, antheris et filamentis glabris; ovarium glabrum. Shrubs; stems subquadrangular, densely pilose, the hairs sordid, spreading or ascending, up to 2 mm. long; leaf blades oblong, up to 7 cm. long and 2.2 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself subobtuse), narrowed at base, firm, entire, pilose, the hairs spreading or ascending, sordid, confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins (about 10 pairs), these rather prominent beneath but obscure above; petioles up to 1 cm. long, densely pilose; spikes usually 3, terminal and subterminal, up to 4 cm. long and 2 cm. broad (excluding corollas), the peduncle of the terminal spike about 1 cm. long, those of the lateral spikes 3 to 4 cm. long, all densely and sordidly pilose, the hairs spreading or ascending, the rhachis moderately pilose, furrowed; bracts lanceolate, 16 mm. long, 5 mm. wide, subacute, the lower half pilose with ascend- ing hairs up to 2 mm. long, the upper half becoming glabrous just LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 717 below the tip, ciliate, obscurely nerved; bractlets lanceolate, 9 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, acute, sparingly pilose dorsally, ciliate, delicately nerved; calyx 8 mm. long, the posterior segment 3 mm. wide, the anterior segments 1.5 mm. wide, the lateral segments 1 mm. wide, all acute, glabrous, finely ciliolate at tip, striate-nerved; corolla orange, the lower part glabrous, the upper part finely pubescent (the hairs mostly up to 0.5 mm. long), 4 cm. long from base of tube to tip of upper lip, the tube narrowly funnelform, 2.5 mm. broad at base, Ficure 262.—Aphelandra pinarotricha Leonard (Grant, Killip & Fosberg 9124): a, Tip of plant; b, bract; c, bractlet; d, posterior calyx segment; ¢, an anterior segment of the calyx; f, a lateral segment; g, corolla lips; h, anther. (a, Natural size; -g, about twice natural size; h, 3 times natural size.) 4 to 5 mm. broad at mouth, the upper lip erect, ovate, 4 mm. wide at base, 6 mm. wide at middle, subacute, the lower lip 17 mm. long, 5 mm. wide at base, erect to spreading, 3-lobed, the middle lobe lance- olate, 12 mm. long, 3.5 mm. wide just below middle, acute, the lateral lobes linear, 10 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, acute; stamens exserted 12 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla, the anthers 4.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. broad, acute at both ends, glabrous, the filaments glabrous; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. 718 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045424, collected in temperate forest between Sibaté and Fusagasugé, 35 km. southwest of Bogota, Cordillera Oriental, Department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, 2,650 meters altitude, April 30, 1944, by Martin L. Grant, KE. P. Killip, and F. R. Fosberg (No. 9124). Aphelandra pinarotricha is somewhat like A. phlogea from the De- partment of Magdalena, but that species has a glandular pubescence, and much larger leaves, flowers and bracts. Its stems are glabrous. The specific epithet is from the Greek mivapés, sordid, and @pit, hair. 37. Aphelandra conformis Leonard. (Page 195.) CuNDINAMARCA: Forest above El Colegio, La Mesa, 6,000 ft. altitude, April 8, 1917, Mrs. Tracey 152 (K). 41. Aphelandra arisema Leonard. (Page 202.) The isotype in the Herbario Nacional Colombiano bears the anno- tation “80. Lagochilium, no. 2,” which identifies it with the entry in the Triana catalog. Cauca: Marshy jungle, Gorgona Island, Collenette 630 (K). 43. Aphelandra cuatrecasasii Leonard. (Page 205.) Ex Vatie: Quebrada La Brea, near Cérdoba, Core 1558 (US). 46. Aphelandra pilosa Leonard. (Page 211.) Vaupts: Circasia, sandy savannah with quartzite base along the Rfo Vaupés, “about 800 feet’? altitude, November 1951, Schultes& Cabrera 19633 (US). Savannah of Yapobodd, along the Rfo Kuduyarf (tributary to the Rfo Vaupés), “700-800 ft.”’ altitude, Nov. 18, 1952, Schultes, Baker & Cabrera 18455 (US). 49a. Aphelandra grantii Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 218.) FiqureE 263 Frutex vel arbor parva, caulibus subteretibus, sursum pilosis, pilis albidis appressis, deorsum glabratis; lamina foliorum oblongo-ovata vel oblongo-obovata, breviter sed graciliter acuminata, basi cuneata et in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel leviter undulata, glabra vel parce hirsuta, pilis appressis vel ascendentibus, nitida, subtus costa et venis lateralibus prominentibus, supra obscuris; petioli glabri vel parce hirsuti; spicae plures, terminales, pedunculis ascendentibus, appresso-hirsutis, pilis albidis; rhachis dense albo- floccosa; bracteae ovatae, subacutae, coriaceae, marginibus scariosis, parce ciliatis, costa et nervis lateralibus aliquanto prominentibus; ocelli plures, elliptici, nitidi, brunnei; bracteolae anguste ovatae, acutae, plus minusve falcatae, carinatae, carina dense albo-floccosa, in margine glabrae, ciliatae; calyx glaber vel apice parce puberulus, graciliter striatus, segmento posteriore ovato, subacuto, segmentis lateralibus oblongis, apice truncatis et apiculatis, parce ciliatis, segmentis anterioribus oblongo-ovatis, acutis, parce ciliatis; corolla cinnabarina, papilloso-puberula, base glabra, tubo hypocrateriformi, leviter curvato et ventricoso, labio superiore erecto, bilabiato, lobis LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 719 anguste triangularibus, acuminatis, labio inferiore trilobato, lobo leviter curvato et ventricoso, labio superiore erecto, bilabiato, lobis lateralibus parvis, triangularibus, cum labio superiore basi connatis; stamina vix exserta, antheris glabris vel apice arachnoideis, filamentis sursum glabris, deorsum hirtellis; ovarium glabrum. Shrubs up to 5 meters high; stems subterete, pilose, the hairs white, closely appressed, up to 0.5 mm. long, the lower portions of the stems glabrate; leaf blades oblong-ovate to oblong-obovate, up to 23 Ficure 263.—A phelandra grantii Leonard (Grant 10363): a, Tip of plant; b, leaf; ¢, bract; d, bractlet; ¢, posterior segment of calyx; f, one of the anterior segments of the calyx; g, tip of corolla; h, portion of corolla tube enlarged to show pubescence. (a, g, Natural size; b, half natural size; cf, about 4 times natural size; h, about 50 times natural size.) cm. long and 6.5 cm. wide, somewhat abruptly but slenderly acumi- nate, cuneate at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire or slightly undulate, glabrous or very sparingly hirsute with appressed or ascending hairs up to 0.5 mm. long, the costa and main lateral nerves (about 12 pairs) prominent beneath, obscure above, the upper surface more or less nitid; petiole (unwinged portion) up to 3 cm. long, glabrous or sparingly hirsute, the hairs similar to those of the blades; spikes several (5 or 7), borne in a terminal paniculate 720 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM inflorescence, up to 5 cm. long and 11 mm. broad, the peduncles ascending, about 2 cm. long, appressed-hirsute, the hairs about 0.5 mm. long, whitish, the lowermost nodes of the inflorescence producing leaves similar to those of the stem but somewhat smaller, the peduncles bearing at their tips a pair of lanceolate acuminate appressed-hirsute bracts 5.5 mm. long and 2 mm. wide, and sometimes just below these a pair of small narrow leaves about 12 mm. long and 2 mm. wide; rachis densely white-floccose; bracts subtending the flowers ovate, 6 mm. long and 4 mm. wide just below the middle, subacute, coria- ceous, glabrous or essentially so, the margins scarious and sparingly ciliate, the costa and 2 pairs of lateral nerves rather prominent; ocelli usually 5, elliptic, up to 0.32 mm. long and 0.16 mm. wide, nitid, brown; bractlets narrowly ovate, 5 mm. long, 1 mm. wide, acute, somewhat falcate, carinate, dorsally white-floccose, except the thin nearly glabrous ciliate margins; calyx 6 mm. long, glabrous or sparingly puberulous at tip, the posterior segment ovate, 2.5 mm. wide just below the middle, subacute, essentially glabrous, finely striate, the lateral segments oblong, 1.5 mm. wide, truncate and apiculate, finely striate, glabrous, inconspicuously ciliate at tip, finely striate, the an- terior segments oblong-ovate, 2 mm. wide, acute, sparingly ciliate at tip, finely striate; corolla orange-scarlet, 4.5 cm. long, papillose- puberulous except base and the subscarious margins of the upper lip, the tube 4.5 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 8 mm. above base to 1.5 mm., thence enlarged to 8 mm. at throat, the tube slightly curved and ventricose, the upper lip erect, 14 mm. long, 2-lobed, the lobes narrowly triangular, 4.5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, acuminate, the lower lip usually recurved or coiled, lanceolate, about 15 mm. long and 5 mm. wide above base, slenderly acuminate, the lateral lobes adnate to the upper lip, the free portions triangular, about 0.5 mm. long and broad; stamens exserted 5 mm. beyond the mouth of the corolla tube, the anthers 4 mm. long, 1 mm. wide near base, acute and minutely arachnoid at tip, puberulous dorsally, the filaments hirtellous toward the base, the upper portions glabrous; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen, Type in the U. 8S. National Herbarium, No. 2045433, collected in subtropical forest at Cafio de la Muerta, in the Gazaunta Valley, 15 km. northwest of Medina, Department of Cundinamarca, Colom- bia, 1,950 meters altitude, October 4, 1944, by Martin L. Grant (No. 10363). Isotype: US. Aphelandra grantii is closely related to A. parvispica. Its leaf blades are larger than those of A. parvispica, reaching 23 em. in length and 6.5 cm. in width, whereas those of A. parvispica do not exceed 19 cm. in length or 5 cm. in width. The color of the corolla is orange-scarlet, in contrast with the red flowers of A. parvispica, LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 721 and the stems, especially the upper portions, are noticeably pilose instead of being essentially glabrous. Its spikes are broader and the ocelli are relatively large and conspicuous under a lens; in A. parvispica the ocelli are small or even lacking. 51. Aphelandra barkleyi Leonard. (Page 223.) Mera: Between Acacias and San Martin, 430 meters, July 28, 1946, Uribe- Tribe 1319 (Col). Touma: “Andes de Mariquita,” Quindfo, Triana s.n. (K). 55. Aphelandra trianae Leonard. (Page 232.) The holotype bears only the notation ‘New Granada, Dr. J. Triana’; the data cited on page 232 come from the isotype specimen in the Herbario Nacional Colombiano. 57. Aphelandra macrophylla Leonard. (Page 237) Aphelandra tetragona Nees B grandis Nees (DC. Prodr. 11: 295. 1847), based on Moritz 1272 from Mérida, Venezuela, is a synonym of this species. A specimen in the Kew Herbarium, collected by Moritz (no data) is probably his No. 1272. Norvte DE SANTANDER: Ocafia, Schlim 258 (KK). Witnovt Locauity: Triana (K). 57a. Aphelandra coccinantha Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 237.) FIGuRE 264 Frutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, puberulis, pilis subbrunneis, appressis; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, breviter acuminata, basi acuta, firma, integra vel undulata, supra parce hirsuta, subtus aequaliter et aliquanto dense hirsuta, pilis ascendentibus vel ap- pressis, subbrunneis, costa et venis lateralibus et venulis crasse reticulatis prominentibus, supra obscuris; petioli aliquanto longi et crassi, hirtelli, pilis appressis; spicae multae, ternae, paniculam magnam terminalem ferentes, pedunculis pubescentibus, pilis ap- pressis vel subtomentosis, rhache floccosa, pilis brunneis; bracteae ovatae, glabrae, basi et marginibus tomentosae, ciliatae; ocelli terni, prominentes; bracteolae minutae, lineari-lanceolatae, glabrae, sub- hyalinae; calycis segmenta striato-nervata, glabra vel apice parce ciliolata, segmentum posterius ovatum, subobtusum, segmenta later- alia et anteriora lanceolata, subacuta; corolla coccinea, papilloso- puberula, basi glabra excepta, tubo anguste hypocrateriformi, leviter curvato et subventricosa, labio superiore erecto, ovato, bilobato, lobis triangularibus, acutis, labio inferiore trilobato, lobo medio lanceolato, recurvato, graciliter acuminato, intus puberulo, lobis lateralibus parvis, triangularibus, subobtusis, cum labio superiore basi connatis; stamina vix exserta, antheris utrinque acutis, glabris vel apice arachnoideis, filamentis basi hirtellis, sursum glabris; ovarium glabrum. Shrubs up to 3 meters high; stems subquadrangular, puberulous, the hairs upwardly appressed, up to 0.32 mm. long, brownish; leaf blades 722 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM oblong-elliptic, up to 22 cm. long and 10.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate, acute at base, moderately firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface sparingly hirsute, the hairs 0.5 mm. long, the lower surface rather densely and evenly hirsute, the hairs ascending or appressed, about 0.5 mm. long, light brownish, the costa, lateral veins (18 to 20 pairs) Ficure 264.—A phelandra coccinantha Leonard (Fosberg 19131): a, Node with basal portion of leaf blade; b, tip of leaf blade; c, lowermost node of inflorescence showing a branch with 3 spikes; d, bract; ¢, ocelli; f, bractlet; g, posterior calyx segment; h, one of a pair of anterior calyx segments; 7, one of a pair of lateral calyx segments; 7, tip of corolla; k, upper lip of corolla spread to show detail. (a-c, Half natural size; d, f-1, 3 times natural size; ¢, 10 times natural size; 7, about 144 times natural size; k, twice natural size.) and coarsely reticulated veinlets prominent beneath, obscure above; petioles up to 4 mm. long and 2 or 3 mm. thick, the pubescence that of the stems; spikes numerous, in 3’s, forming a terminal panicle about 25 cm. long and 12 cm. broad, the peduncles up to 4 cm. long, the secondary peduncles 8 to 10 mm. long, all closely appressed-pubescent LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 723 or subtomentose, the rachis floccose, the hairs brown; bracts reddish- green (Fosberg), ovate, 7 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, subacute, coriaceous, tomentose, the margins tomentose-ciliate, the glands in groups of three, elliptic, brown, well-defined, 0.46 mm. long, 0.16 mm. wide; bractlets linear-lanceolate, 2.5 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide, subobtuse, glabrous, subhyaline, the posterior calyx segment ovate, 7 mm. long, 3 mm. wide near base, ciliolate toward tip, otherwise glabrous, striate- nerved, subobtuse, lateral segments lanceolate, 1 mm. wide, the an- terior segments lanceolate and 1.5 mm. wide, subacute, in other respects resembling the posterior segment; corolla scarlet, 4 to 5 cm. long, papillose-puberulent except the glabrous base, the corolla tube 1.5 mm. broad at base, slightly enlarging over the ovary, 8 mm. broad at mouth, the lips 12 mm. long, the upper lip erect with acuminate recurved tips, ovate, 7 mm. wide near base, the terminal lobes tri- angular, finely pilose on inner surface, 5 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide at base, the middle lobe of the lower lip recurved, lanceolate, 4.5 mm. wide at middle, slenderly acuminate, puberulous on the inner surface, the lateral segments small, subtriangular, subobtuse, adnate to the lowermost part of the upper lip; stamens nearly reaching the tip of the upper lip, the anthers 4.5 mm. long, 1 mm. broad, acute at both ends, arachnoid dorsally, otherwise glabrous, the filaments hirtellous at base, glabrous toward tip; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045405, collected on forested hill east of the Rio Valegré and south of Quebrada Valegra, in the Municipio of Chitagi, Department of Norte de Santander, Colombia, 2,000 meters altitude, November 16, 1942, by F. R. Fosberg (No. 19181). Alphelandra coccinantha would follow A. macrophylla in the key. It differs, however, from that species in its relatively shorter leaf blades, these evenly and rather densely hirsute beneath instead of glabrous or subglabrous. In A. macrophylla, furthermore, the panicles are smaller and the spikes are noticeably shorter and thicker, and, lastly, the corollas are orange-red instead of scarlet asin A. coccinantha. The specific epithet is from the Greek kdkkwvos, scarlet, and dros, flower. 60. Aphelandra incarnata Leonard. (Page 243.) Antroquta: Dense forests around Savaletas, 200-500 meters altitude, Lehmann 7845 (K). Coun aManca: San Antonio, 200 meters altitude, June 14, 1948, Haught 6243 (US). 60a. Aphelandra trichota Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 244.) Fiaure 265 Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, dense _hirsutis, pilis patulis vel retrorse subappressis; lamina foliorum oblongo-obovata, apice breviter acuminata (apice ipso subobtuso), basi cuneata, in 724 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, supra parce hirsuta, subtus dense hirsuta, pilis patulis vel ascendentibus, costa et venis prominentibus; petioli breves, dense hirsuti; spicae 1 vel 3, terminales, sessiles vel subsessiles, magnae et longae, rhache glabra vel puberula; bracteae obovatae, apice obtusae et apiculatae, subchartaceae, glabrae, striato-nervatae; bracteolae lanceolatae, basi subcarinatae, apice acutae, pilosae, pilis appressis, striato-nervatae ; calycis segmenta glabra vel apice parce puberula et ciliata, striato- Figure 265.—A phelandra trichota Leonard (Fosberg &F Fassett 21809): a, Node with basal portion of leaf; b, tip of leaf blade; c, leaf, reduced to show shape; d, bract; e, ocellus; f, bractlet; g, posterior calyx segment; A, an anterior segment; 7, a lateral segment. (a, b, Half natural size; c, about % natural size; d, natural size; ¢, about 40 times natural size; f-7, twice natural size.) nervata, segmentum superiorus ovatum, subobtusum, segmenta inferiora lanceolata; corolla ignota; capsulae obtusae, glabrae, minute punctatae, nitidae; retinacula linearia, apice rotundata et cucullata; semina brunnea, obovata, glabra vel apice minute puberula. Shrubs up to 2 meters tall; stems subquadrangular, densely hirsute, the hairs spreading or retrorsely subappressed, up to 1.5 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-obovate, up to 36 cm. long and 12 cm. wide, short- acuminate at tip (the tip itself subobtuse), cuneate at base and LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 725 decurrent on the petiole, rather firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface sparingly hirsute, the lower rather densely so, the hairs spread- ing or ascending, up to 1.5 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (about 16 pairs) prominent on the lower surface, obscure on the upper; petioles (unwinged portion) stout, 5 to 10 mm. long, densely hirsute; spikes terminal, solitary or in 3’s, sessile or subsessile, up to 45 cm. long and 2.5 cm. broad, the rachis glabrous to puberulous with sub- appressed hairs up to 0.28 mm. long; bracts obovate, up to 30 cm. long and 13 mm. wide between middle and tip, obtuse and minutely apiculate, chartaceous, orange-red (Fosberg & Fassett), glabrous, striate-nerved, the nerves becoming reticulate toward margin; ocelli numerous, minute (the larger about 0.32 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide), confined in an irregular oval area about 3 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide; bractlets lanceolate, subcarinate, 1 cm. long, 3 mm. wide near base, thence gradually narrowed to an acute tip, appressed- pilose, striate-nerved; calyx 1 cm. long, the posterior segment ovate, 5 mm. wide near base, subobtuse, the anterior segments lanceolate, 3 mm. near base, acute, the lateral segments lanceolate, 2.5 mm. wide near base, acute and apiculate, all glabrous or sparingly puberul- ous and ciliolate, striate-nerved; corollas not seen; capsules 13 mm. long, 6 mm. broad, about 4 mm. thick, obtuse and minutely punctate, glabrous, nitid; retinacula linear, 3.5 mm. long, rounded and cucullate at tip; seeds brown, obovate, 4.5 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, 1.75 mm. thick, glabrous or the upper margin rather minutely puberulous. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045416, collected in thick forest on steep slope at Jord4n, on the north side of the Cuchillo de Los Micos, 20 km. north-northwest of Velez, 8 km. south-southeast of Landazuri, Department of Santander, Colombia, 1,100 meters altitude, April 17, 18, 1944, by F. R. Fosberg and N. C. Fassett (No. 21809). Isotype: US 2144298. Aphelandra trichota can be recognized by its densely hirsute stems, large leaves, hirsute on the lower surface, and large spikes. The specific epithet is from the Greek rprxwrés, meaning beset with hairs. 61. Aphelandra sericantha Leonard. (Page 246.) The type specimen can be identified a little more definitely by the number “4074-1” appearing on the label; in the Triana catalog, this appears as ‘4072-1,’”’ perhaps by error. 62. Aphelandra hartwegiana Nees. (Page 248.) DeparTMENT (?): Playa, Lehmann 9047 (K). 726 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 66. Aphelandra sericophylla Leonard. (Page 255.) The type can be identified a little more accurately by the number appearing on the label, namely “4074-5”; in the Triana catalog this appears (by error?) as “4072-5.” CunpinaMArca: Hacienda Cucharo, between Tocaima and Pubenza, 1,000 meters altitude, April 14, 1952, Uribe-Uribe 2308 (US). 68. Aphelandra crenata Leonard. (Page 261.) Antioquia: Urabd4, 100 meters altitude, January 17, 1947, Uribe-Uribe 1502 (Col). 69. Aphelandra glabrata Willd. ex Nees. (Page 262.) Totima: Along stream east of Chaparral, about 38 km. on road to Coyaima, Cordillera Central, S. Galen Smith 1314 (US). 70a. Aphelandra atecmarta Leonard, sp. nov. (Page 265.) FIaurE 266 Suffrutex, caulibus subquadrangularibus, puberulis, pilis appressis, albidis; lamina foliorum oblonga, apice breviter acuminata, basi cuneata, in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto tenuis, integra vel undulata, supra glabra vel costa et venis lateralibus parce et minute birtellis, subtus aequaliter puberula, pilis appressis, costa et venis aliquanto prominentibus; petioli puberuli, pilis appressis; spicae solitariae, terminales, rhache glabra, pedunculo brevi; bracteae ovatae, acutae, glabrae vel minute ciliolatae, striato-nervatae, areola elliptica opaca pro ocellis substituta; bracteolae falcato-lanceolatae, acutae, costa et apice dense et molliter hirsutae, pilis plus minusve appressis, margin- ibus glabrae vel parce et minute papillosae; segmenta calycis glabra vel apice pilis paucis praedita, parce et minute papillosa, segmentum superius ovatum, subobtusum, segmenta anteriora lanceolata, acuta, segmenta lateralia lanceolata, subobtusa et apiculata; corolla auran- tiaca, papillosa, basi glabra, tubo subcylindrico vel anguste hypo- crateriformi, labio superiore erecto, ovato, apice bilobato, lobis anguste triangularibus acuminatis,labio inferiore trilobato,lobo medio ascen- dente, ovato acuto, lobis lateralibus parvis, triangularibus, subacutis, cum labio superiore basi connatis; stamina vix exserta, glabra, antheris utrinque acutis, apice arachnoideis; ovarium glabrum., Shrubs up to 2 meters high; stems subquadrangular, puberulous, the hairs closely and upwardly appressed, whitish, up to 0.2 mm. long; leaf blades oblong, up to 28 cm. long and 10 cm. wide, short-acuminate, narrowed from about the middle to a cuneate base and decurrent on the petiole, rather thin, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous or the costa sparingly and minutely puberulous, the lower surface evenly hirtellous, the hairs appressed, resembling those of the stem, the costa and lateral veins (about 12 pairs) moderately prominent ; petioles (unwinged portion) up to 4 cm. long, the pubescence that of the stem ; spikes solitary, terminal, up to 23 cm. long and 1.5 em. broad, the LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 727 rachis glabrous; peduncle 5 mm. long, appressed-puberulous; bracts orange (Grant), ovate, 13 mm. long, 11 mm. wide, acute (the tip itself obtuse), glabrous or minutely ciliolate, striate-nerved, the glandular area dull, oval, about 1.5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide; bractlets falcate- lanceolate, 12-14 mm. long, about 3 mm. wide at middle, acute, Figure 266.—Aphelandra atecmarta Leonard (Grant 9167): a, Basal part of leaf; b, tip of leaf; c, leaf reduced to show shape; d, tip of spike; ¢, base of spike; f, bract; g, bractlet; h, posterior calyx segment; 7, a lateral calyx segment; j, an anterior calyx segment; k, tip of corolla; J, portion of corolla enlarged to show pubescence. (a, b, d, ¢, Half natural size; c, % natural size; fi, 244 times natural size; k, natural size; J, about 30 times natural size.) the costal region and tip densely and softly hirsute, the hairs more or less appressed, up to 0.25 mm. long, the marginal region (about 1 mm. wide) glabrous and sparingly and minutely papillose; calyx 1.5 cm. long, the segments glabrous, rather sparingly and minutely papillose dorsally and tipped by a few minute hairs, the posterior segment ovate, about 6 mm. wide, subobtuse, the anterior segments lanceolate, about 4 mm. wide, acute, the lateral segments lanceolate, about 3.5 mm. wide, subobtuse and apiculate; corolla orange, up to 6 cm. long, 728 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM papillose except the glabrous basal portion, the tube subcylindrical or rather narrowly infundibuliform, 3 to 4 mm. wide at or near base, 7 mm. wide at mouth, the upper lip erect, ovate, bilobed at tip, the lobes narrowly triangular, 3 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, acumi- nate, the middle lobe of lower lip ascending, oval, acute, about 10 mm. wide at middle, the lateral lobes adnate to the upper lip, the free portion triangular, subacute, 1.5 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at point of attachment; stamens reaching the tip of the upper lip, the anthers glabrous except the arachnoid tip, 7 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, acute at both ends, the style glabrous or sparingly pilose at base; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2045425, collected in temperate forest on the Caraucha Range, east of Ibama, 13 km. east of Yacop{, near the Boyacd border, Department of Cundinamarca, 2,250 meters altitude, May 8, 1944, by Martin L. Grant (No. 9167). Isotype: US, 2144299. Aphelandra atecmarta in the key would follow A. crenata, but it differs in having entire instead of crenate leaves. The spikes of A. crenata, too, are shorter and more compact. The specific epithet is from the Greek dréxyapros, meaning without distinctive mark. 73. Aphelandra lingua-bovis Leonard. (Page 270.) Cuocé: Fairly common between La Oveja and Quibd6é, April 1, 2, 1931, Archer 1731 (US). 76. Aphelandra pharangophila Leonard. (Page 277.) EL VatLE: Timba, von Sneidern 1113 (8). 22. PACHYSTACHYS Nees 1. Pachystachys riedeliana Nees. (Page 291.) Ex Vatie: Thickets along the Rfo Dagua at Cisneros, 300-500 meters altitude, May 5, 1939, Killip 35590 (US). 23. PSEUDERANTHEMUM Radlk. It appears that the citation given above on page 292, 1. e., Radlk. in Sitzungsb. Math. Phys. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen 13: 289. 1883, is incorréct, even though it is the one usually given. At this place the name is a nomen nudum, for there is only a listing of species and no description. Nor is there any reference to a description of the genus under another name. Pseuderanthemum is said to be the Eranthemum of authors not Linnaeus, and there is mention of Nees’ treatment (in DC. Prodromus), but Nees included in Eranthemum the species of true Hranthemum as well as those that Radlkofer wished to separate as Pseuderanthemum, and did not provide any description of the latter as a group. The species were mostly those grouped by Nees and LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 729 briefly characterized as ‘‘Parvibracteatae,” but included also a species (E. palatiferum) from another section of the genus. Radlkofer gave a reference also to two papers by T. Anderson, but at these places Anderson merely listed several species as Hranthemum and did not give any generic description. Apparently, the first valid publication of Pseuderanthemum must be attributed to Lindau, and the citation will be: Pseuderanthemum Radlkofer ex Lindau, in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. IV. 3b: 330. 1895. No one species seems to have a particular claim as a lectotype, and so the species illustrated by Lindau (op. cit. fig. 183), P. bicolor Schrank) Radlkofer, may appropriately be chosen. EMENDED KEY TO THE SPECIES (PAGB 292) Tips and bases of the seeds bearing a spiny crest; panicles large and many-flowered. 1. P. ctenospermum Tips and bases of the seed without a spiny crest (P. chilianthium bearing a single spinelike projection at base of seed). A. Leaves of each pair very unequal, the larger alternating with the smaller of the next succeeding pair. Tips of the leaf blades slenderly acuminate_-_---~-------- 2. P. chilianthium Tips of leaf blades short-acuminate, the tip itself blunt... 3. P. diachylum A. Leaves of each pair equal or subequal. B. Leaf blades ovate; corolla tube 2 cm. long or more, very slender. Leaf blades sessile or subsessile, rounded at base, those subtending the lowermost branches of the inflorescence similar to the main stem leaves but somewhat smaller___-------------------------- 4. P. cladodes Leaf blades abruptly narrowed into long winged petioles, those subtending the lowermost branches of the inflorescence orbicular or suborbicular, sessile or subsessile, differing noticeably from the main stem leaves. Flowers dark red; bracts subtending the flowers triangular, up to 2 mm. long_----------------------------------------- 5. P. haughtit Flowers purple; bracts subtending the flowers lanceolate or oblanceolate, up to 4mm. long._------------------------------ 6. P. idrobot B. Leaf blades elliptic to oblong or lanceolate, rarely ovate, the petioles short. C. Calyx with some glandular hairs. Leaf blades (lower surface) glabrous or bearing a few scattered minute hairs; cystoliths black__...-.----------------- 7. P. leiophyllum Leaf blades (lower surface) definitely puberulous or hirtellous; cysto- liths whitish. Lobes of the corolla conspicuously purple-dotted_. 8. P. poecilanthum Lobes of the corolla uniformly colored. Corollas greenish yellow___--------------------- 9, P. galbanum Corollas not greenish yellow, usually violet, purple, pink, or white. Base of the leaf blades (dried material) strongly recurved and crisped making the blades apparently subpanduriform. 10. P. micranthum 388179—57——27 730 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Bases of the leaf blades (dried material) flat, not noticeably recurved and crisped. Corollas pure white-_.....--.--_..- oo 11. P. ellipticum Corollas violet, purple, or pink. Corollas pale pink, the lobes up to 7 mm. long; leaf blades gland-dotted beneath... -__-..-_-_-----. 12. P. ewantt Corollas violet, the lobes up to 3.5 mm. long; leaf blades not gland-dotted beneath__-____________- 13. P. pennellai C. Calyx without gland-tipped hairs. Leaf blades predominantly 2 cm. wide or less. Calyx glabrous. ______- 2 eee 14. P. lanceum Calyx puberulous - _- _- - oe ee ee ee ee ee eee eee 15. P. sneidernit Leaf blades, or at least some of them, 2.5 em. wide or more. Rachis glabrous; leaf blades predominantly obtuse or rounded at tip...-.--.----.------- eee eee eee ---- 16. P. atropurpureum Rachis pubescent; leaf blades acuminate. D. Flowers borne in racemes, these simple or forked or 3-parted at the lowermost node. Leaf blades (dried material) flat at base.-_ 17. P. potomophilum Leaf blades (dried material) recurved and crisped at base so as to give the blades a subpanduriform appearance. Flowers solitary or several at each node of the inflorescence; leaves firm. _.---------------------- 18, P. hylophilum Flowers few to numerous at each node of the inflorescence; leaves thin_.___.____-_____-_--_-___- 10. P. micranthum D. Flowers borne in panicles. Corollas densely glandular-papillose. Pedicels stout, 1 mm. long or less_____-_-__.19. P. chaponense Pedicels slender, up to 4 mm. long___-------- 20. P. thelothriz Corollas sparingly puberulous or pubescent. Tube of the corolla narrow, the throat 1.5 mm. broad; branches of the panicle few (2 or 3)____-------- 21. P. slenosiphon Tube of the corolla relatively broad; branches of the panicle several (3 or more). Shrubs; margins of the basal part of the leaf blades recurved and crisped to give the blade a subpanduriform appear- ance___.-.---------- ween ene eee 22. P. cuatrecasasit Herbs; margins of the basal portions of the leaf blades flat, not noticeably recurved and crisped. Tips of the leaf blades slenderly acuminate; panicle open, the branches straight and more or less spreading, up up to 9 em. long__-_---------.-------- 23. P. dawei Tips of the leaf blades abruptly and shortly acuminate; panicles dense, the branches suberect, up to 4 cm. long. 24. P. chocoense 1. Pseuderanthemum ctenospermum Leonard, sp. nov. Figure 267 Suffrutex, caulibus erectis, quadrangularibus, plus minusve crassis, glabris vel parce puberulis, pilis curvatis; lamina foliorum oblongo- elliptica, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens (lamina foliorum summorum basi plus minusve auriculata), firma et crassa, integra vel undulata, supra glabra, cysto- LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 731 lithis minutis, subtus glabra, costa et venis prominentibus, puberulis vel strigosis, cystolithis minutis, venulis crasse reticulatis; petioli alati, glabri vel parce strigosi; paniculae terminales, in nodis ramis pluribus et aliquando floribus sessilibus vel subsessilibus praeditae, pedunculis et rachibus subquadrangularibus, striatis, hirtellis, pilis curvatis, patulis vel ascendentibus, subbrunneis, septatis; bracteae ramos infimos subtendentes foliaceae; bracteae ramos superiores sub- tendentes lineares; bracteae flores subtendentes triangulares, acutae (apice ipso obtuso), parce hirtellae et ciliatae; bracteolae lineares, apice subobtusae, parce hirtellae; pedicelli graciles, puberuli, pilis patulis vel ascendentibus, subbrunneis; calycis segmenta anguste triangularia, apice graciliter acuta, parce hirtella, pilis ascendentibus; corollae parvae, lilacinae, parce puberulae, pilis fere patulis aliquis glandulosis, tubo cylindrico, lobis ovatis, subobtusis; stamina inclusa, glabra, lobis antherarum basi leviter divergentibus; staminodia parva, oblanceolata, glabra; capsulae clavatae, basi graciles, parce puberulae, pilis fere patulis, glandulosis; retinacula gracilia, curvata, apice rotun- data; semina brunnea, plana, glabra, suborbicularia, apice et basi cristis spinosis praedita, spinis albidis, triangularibus, minute striatis, retrorse hirtellis, pilis rigidis, minutis. Erect shrubby plants up to 1 meter high; stems quadrangular, more or less fleshy, glabrous or sparingly puberulous, the hairs variously curved, up to 0.24 mm. long; leaf blades oblong-elliptic, up to 15 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, the uppermost leaves more or less auriculate at. base, firm and fleshy, entire or undulate, the upper surface glabrous, the cystoliths minute, up to 0.1 mm. long, the lower surface glabrous except the costa and lateral veins (12 to 16 pairs), these sparingly puberulous or strigose, the hairs up to 0.32 mm. long, the cystoliths similar to those of the upper surface, the venation prominent, the veinlets coarsely reticulate, the axils of the leaves often bearing small leafy shoots; petioles winged nearly to the base, glabrous or sparingly strigose; panicles terminal, up to 15 cm. long and broad, the nodes bearing 1 to several pairs of branches and sometimes ad- ditional sessile or subsessile flowers (flowering branches also occurring in the axils of the upper stem leaves) ; peduncles 5 cm. long, the lower- most internode 3 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward the tips of the branches, both peduncle and internodes of the inflorescence subquadrangular, striate, hirtellous, the hairs variously curved, spread- ing or ascending, up to 0.28 mm. long, septate, brownish; bracts sub- tending the lowermost branches of the inflorescence leaflike, about 2 cm. long and 5 mm. wide, those subtending the upper branches of the inflorescence linear, 10 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide or smaller; bracts subtending the flowers triangular, 3 mm. long and 1.5 mm. wide at 732 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM base, acute (the tip itself blunt), sparingly hirtellous and ciliate; bractlets linear, about 2.5 mm. long and 0.25 mm. wide, bluntish at tip, sparingly hirtellous; pedicels 5 to 7 mm. long, rather slender, puberulous, the hairs spreading or ascending, brownish, up to 0.16 mm. long; calyx 5 mm. long, the segments 5, narrowly triangular, 4 mm. sted! —— ae epee i =a = = meagre Te Done Ficure 267.—Pseuderanthemum ctenospermum Leonard (Cuatrecasas 16433): a, Stem node showing leaves; b, lower node of panicle; ¢, portion of internode of panicle enlarged to show pubescence; d, node from near tip of panicle to show bract and bractlets; e, calyx segment; f, corolla; g, a portion of corolla tube enlarged to show pubescence; h, stamens; i, capsule valve; 7, a portion of capsule valve from near its tip enlarged to show pubescence; &, seed. (a, Half natural size; b, natural size; c, 21 times natural size; d, 3 times natural size; ¢, about 64 times natural size; f, h, 3 times natural size; g, 45 times natural size; 1, twice natural size; J, 23 times natural size; k, 7 times natural size.) LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, II 733 long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender tip, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs ascending, up to 0.13 mm. long; corollas up to 12 mm. long, lilac, rather sparingly puberulous, the hairs mostly spreading, up to 0.1 mm. long, some of them gland-tipped, the tube cylindric, 1.5 mm. in diameter, the lobes ovate, 4 to 5 mm. long, 2.5 to 3 mm. wide, subobtuse; stamens included, 3.25 mm. long, glabrous, the anthers 1.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide near base, the lobes slightly divergent; staminodes about 1 mm. long, oblanceolate, glabrous; capsules clavate, about 18 mm. long, 4 mm. wide and 1.5 mm. thick, sparingly puberulous, the hairs mostly spreading, 0.1 mm. long, gland-tipped, the solid basal portion of the capsule slender, 12 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad, 2 mm. thick; retinacula slender, 2.5 mm. long, curved, the tip rounded; seed suborbicular, 3 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide and 0.5 mm. thick, brown, glabrous, bearing on the upper edge a crest of usually 7 triangular whitish spines, these about 0.75 mm. long, the anterior one multiple, and bearing also on the projecting basal edge a similar but shorter crest of 2 or 3 spines, all of the spines striate, whitish, broad-based, retrorsely hirtellous with rigid hairs about 0.02 mm. long. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1852484, collected along the Rio Calima at La Trojita, Department of El] Valle, Colombia, 5-50 meters altitude, February 19 to March 10, 1944, by J. Cuatre- casas (No. 16433). Collected also in the same general region are the following: In dense forest along the Rio Dagua, about 20 kilometers east of Buena- ventura, 40 meters altitude, February 15, 1939, H. P. Killip and Hernando Garcia, No. 33318 (US). Highway between Buenaventura and Cali at Km. 100, 100 meters altitude, December 5, 1946, Haught, No. 5323 (US). Wet forests of Chuare, Cauca, 90 meters altitude, December 24, 1946, Haught, No. 5390 (US). ‘Andes de Mariquita, Antioquia,” 2,200 meters altitude, February 1852, Triana (K). According to the label notes, Haught’s No. 5390 was taken from an epiphyte with very succulent shoots 1 meter long and having a showy purple inflorescence, and his No. 5323 was taken from an erect suffrutescent plant 1 meter high or less which possessed a showy inflorescence with the axes and flowers light purple. Killip and Garcia describe their No. 33318 as an herb 80 cm. high, the stems in clusters bearing distichous panicles, and with both flowers and inflorescence branches pink. The type sheet bears the following note: “Sufrutex de ramas erguidas 1 m.; hojas rugosas, verde grisdceas; bracteas, céliz y corola lilas.”’ Pseuderanthemum ctenospermum can be easily recognized by its peculiar crested seed and rather large rugose leaves. This comblike crest suggests the specific epithet taken from the Greek xreis, comb, and ozépya, seed. 734 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 2, Pseuderanthemum chilianthium Leonard, sp. nov. FicuRE 268 Herba erecta vel interdum suffrutex scandens, caulibus apice subquadrangularibus, glabris vel parce puberulis, pilis ascendentibus vel subappressis, cystolithis paucis vel aliquando multis et contiguis et parallelis, deorsum caulibus parce ramosis, teretibus, glabris, cortice pannoso; folia per paria inaequalia; lamina foliorum oblongo- oblanceolata vel oblongo-obovata, plus minusve panduriformis, tenuiter acriter acuminata (apice angusto gracili), basi angusta, subcordata, aliquando firma, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra vel parce puberula, nitida, pilis ascendentibus, subtus costa et venis lateralibus et venulis crasse reticulatis prominentibus, supra obscuris, cystolithis utrinque obscuris; petioli crassi, breves, glabri vel parce hirtelli, cystolithis pluribus; flores plures in paniculis terminalibus pyramidalibus magnis positi; pedunculi et rhaches parce hirtelli, pilis ascendentibus; pedicelli graciles, hirtelli; bracteac parvae, subu- latae, parce hirtellae; calycis segmenta parva, linearia, parce hirtella, pilis ascendentibus; corolla lilacina, tubo basi glabro, sursum parce puberulo, pilis glandulosis et eglandulosis intermixtis, lobis corollarum ovatis, apice rotundatis; stamina inclusa; staminodia parva; capsulae clavatae, glabrae vel pilos paucos minutos glandulosos papilliformes ferentes; semina plana, ovata, glabra vel apice truncata, crenata, dense puberula, basi spina parva praedita. Herbs or shrubs usually up to 2 meters high but sometimes becoming scandent and reaching 10 meters in height, the upper portions of the stems subquadrangular, glabrous or sparingly puberulous, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, subappressed or ascending, septate, the cystoliths few or sometimes numerous and parallel, the lower portions of the stems tough, woody, subterete, glabrous, sparingly branched, the bark brown and becoming shredded; leaves of each pair unequal, the smaller leaf of each pair alternating with the larger of the next pair, the blades oblong-lanceolate or oblong-obovate, up to 30 cm. long and 9 em. wide, slightly panduriform, more or less slenderly acuminate, the tip slender, narrowed to a rounded narrow subcordate base, rather firm, entire or undulate, both surfaces nitid, glabrous or sparingly puberulous, the hairs ascending, the costa, lateral veins (14 to 16 pairs) and the coarsely reticulated veinlets prominent beneath, obscure above, the cystoliths obscure; petioles thick (unwinged portions), glabrous or sparingly hirtellous, the cystoliths sometimes numerous; flowers numerous, borne in terminal pyramidal panicles up to 30 cm. long and 26 cm. wide, the nodes bearing 3 or 4 branches, the branches of the ultimate nodes slender, 1 to 3 em. long, several- flowered, dichotomously branched, forming lax dichasia or the flowers sometimes secund on the racemes; peduncles up to 6 em. long, these and the rachises sparingly to rather densely hirtellous, the hairs LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 735 ascending, up to 0.25 mm. long, septate, the pedicels slender, hir- tellous, up to 5 mm. long; bracts subulate, up to 1 cm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at the base, sparingly hirtellous, the lowermost often foliaceous; calyces up to 4.5 mm. long, the segments 4 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to an acute tip, sparingly hirtellous with ascending hairs about 0.06 mm. long; corollas purplish blue or lilac, 10 to 17 mm. long, sparingly puberulous with a mixture of glandular papilliform hairs (about 0.03 mm. long) and curved ascending Ficure 268.—Pseuderanthemum chilianthium Leonard (Killip 35270): a, Node of stem to show pair of dissimilar leaves; b, portion of lower surface of leaf blade enlarged to show pubescence; ¢, branch of panicle; d, calyx; ¢, corolla; f, portion of corolla tube enlarged to show pubescence; g, stamen and staminode; h, capsule valve, i, seed. (a, c, Half natural size; b, 5 times natural size; d, 344 times natural size; ¢, A, twice natural size; f, 40 times natural size; g, 7 times natural size; i, 5 times natural size.) 736 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM eglandular ones up to 0.13 mm. long, the corolla tube cylindric, 1 cm. long, 2 mm. broad at base, narrowed to 1.5 mm. at 2 mm. above base, thence gradually enlarged to 2 mm. at mouth, or the tube of the smaller flowers only about 7 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base and 1 mm. wide at their narrowest point, the corolla lobes oval, 4 to 6 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide, rounded at the tip; stamens included, those of the smaller flowers 1.5 mm. long, the anthers 0.75 mm. long, the staminodes 0.5 mm. long, the stamens of the larger flowers 3.5 mm. long with anthers 1 mm. long, the staminodes 1 mm. long; capsules 16 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, about 2 mm. thick, the solid basal stipe about 1 cm. long and 1.25 mm. broad, the surface of the capsule glabrous or bearing a few small papilliform glandular hairs near tip, the retinacula curved, about 1.75 mm. long, the tip rounded, thin, finely striate and subfimbriate; seed ovate, flat, 3 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide, the margin winged, the wing 1.5 mm. long at tip of seed, obtuse, rather densely puberulous with whitish hairs, the basal angle bearing a small, spikelike projection. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1772005, collected in the Corcovada Region of the upper Rfo San Juan, in a dense forest on a ridge along the Yeractif Valley, Intendencia of Chocé ,Colombia, 200 to 275 meters, April 24, 25, 1939, by E. P. Killip (No. 35270). AnTIoguia: Mariquita, 2,200 meters altitude, February 1852, Triana s.n. (K)° Cauca: Damp forests at Coteje, along the Rio Timbiquf, 0 to 500 meters altitude, February 1898, Lehmann s.n. (K). Cuocé: Between Carmen de Atrato and Tutunendo, 500-600 meters, July 25, 26, 1944, Garcia-Barriga 11128 (US). La Concepefon, 15 km. east of Quibdé, 75 meters altitude, April 20 to May 23, 1931, W. A. Archer 2097 (US). Be- tween La Oveja and Quibd6, April 1-2, 1931, W. A. Archer 1673 (US). Tutunendo, 20 km. north of Quibdé, 80 meters altitude, May 19, 20, 1931, W. A. Archer 2120 (US). Damp woods along the Rfo Huanchiradé (Cuenea del Atrato), June 2, 3, 1949, Rosa Scolnik 1636 (NY). Ex Vatie: Quebrada del Corosal, Rio Cajambre, 0-5 meters altitude, May 17, 1944, Cuatrecasas 17736 (NY). San Isidro, Rfo Cajambre, 5-100 meters altitude, May 2-5, 1944, Cuatrecasas 17317 (NY). Mera: Tiramena, Llano de San Martin, 250 meters altitude, J. Triana s.n, (Col). Pseuderanthemum chilianthium must be an attractive plant with its large dense panicles of lilac flowers. Archer states that the pedicels are also colored like the corollas. Archer’s No. 2120, representing the small flowered form, has lavender colollas with darker stripes on the lobes. The plant of the holotype had leaves deep purple beneath. More material should be examined before any of these variations can be used as characters on which to base varieties or closely related species. The specific epithet is from the Greek xtdo-, thousand, and &vdeov, blossom, in allusion to its numerous flowers. LEONARD—-THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 737 3. Pseuderanthemum diachylum Leonard, sp. nov. FicurE 269 Herba erecta, succulenta, caulibus subquadrangularibus, nitidis, deorsum glabratis, sursum parce puberulis, pilis curvatis, septatis, cystolithis parallelis, inconspicuis, raris; folia per paria inaequalia; lamina foliorum oblongo-elliptica, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi acuta vel obtusa, in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra, undulata, supra nitida, parce puberula, pilis appressis, septatis, cystolithis inconspicuis, costa et venis lateralibus obscuris, subtus pubcrula, pilis praecipue in costa et venis prominentibus positis, venulis crasse reticulatis, cystolithis inconspicuis; petioli (pars non alatus) breves, parce hirtelli; paniculae terminales, floribus in nodis 4 vel 5 productis, pedicellis gracilibus sed aliquanto brevibus, dense hirtellis, pilis ascendentibus, pedunculo longo, subquadrangulari, minute striato, aliquanto dense hirtello, pilis retrorse curvatis, septatis; bracteae triangulares, aliquanto parvae, acutae (apice ipso obtuso), carinatae, hirtellae, pilis ascendentibus, septatis, ciliatae; bracteolae parvae, triangulares, acutae, hirtellae; calycis segmenta subulata, nitida, minute et parce hirtella, pilis glandulosis et eglandulosis intermixtis; corolla dilute purpurea, parce hirtella, pilis minutis, glandulosis et eglandulosis intermixtis, tubo subcylindrico, lobis corollae ovatis apice rotundatis; stamina inclusa, filamentis glabris vel basi pilis paucis praeditis, antheris glabris; staminodia parva, linearia; ovarium glabrum. Erect succulent herbs up to 60 cm. high, stems subquadrangular, nitid, sparingly puberulous with curved septate hairs up to 0.24 mm. long, the lower portions of the stem glabrate, the cystoliths straight, parallel, up to 0.11 mm. long, inconspicuous and scattered; leaves of a pair noticeably unequal, the larger leaves alternate with the smaller of the succeeding pair, the blades oblong-elliptic, up to 21 cm. long and 7.5 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself obtuse), acute to obtuse at base and decurrent on the petiole, rather thick, entire or undulate, the upper surface nitid, sparingly puberulous, the hairs up to 0.19 mm. long, septate, appressed, the cystoliths inconspicuous, up to 0.08 mm. long, the costa and lateral veins (about 8 pairs) obscure, the lower surface puberulous, the hairs confined chiefly to costa and veins, these and the coarsely reticulated veinlets conspicuous, the cystoliths inconspicuous; petioles (unwinged portion) up to 4 mm. long, with the winged portion up to 3.5 cm. long, the wings gradually enlarged from base to 1 cm. wide at foot of blade, the petiole sparingly hirtellous; panicles terminal, about 10 cm. long and 5 cm. broad, each node producing a large and a small branch, these alternating through- out the panicle, the flowers as many as 4 or 5 at each node, the peduncle 8.5 cm. long, subquadrangular, about 2 mm. thick, finely striate, rather densely hirtellous, the hairs retrorsely curved, up to 0.2 mm. 738 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM long, septate, the lowermost internode of the panicle 3 cm. long, the others successively shorter toward tip of the inflorescence, all hirtellous, the hairs spreading or ascending, septate and up to 0.2 mm. long; bracts triangular, up to 5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a blunt tip, carinate, hirtellous, the hairs ascending, mostly marginal and dorsal, septate; bractlets triangular, up to 3 mm. Ficure 269.—Pseuderanthemum diachylum Leonard (Haught 5489): a, Tip of plant; b, a pair of stem leaves; c, portion of leaf blade, lower surface, to show venation; d, portion of inflorescence from node showing bract, bractlets and flowers; ¢, portion of calyx enlarged to show pubescence; f, stamen and staminode. (a-c, Half natural size; d, natural size; ¢, 30 times natural size; f, 6/4 times natural size.) long, 1.25 mm. wide at base, acute, hirtellous; pedicels slender, up to 3 mm. long, densely hirtellous with ascending hairs up to 0.13 mm. long; calyx up to 4 mm. long, the segments subulate, 3 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide near base, nitid, minutely and sparingly hirtellous, the hairs about 0.06 mm. long, some of them gland-tipped; flowers showy, light purple, 16 mm. long, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.1 LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 739 mm. long, some of them gland-tipped, the tube 1 mm. broad at base, narrowed at 2 mm. above base to 0.75 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 2 mm. at throat, the lobes ovate, 8 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens reaching the mouth of the corolla tube, the filaments 0.75 mm. long, glabrous or bearing a few minute hairs at base, the anthers 1.75 mm. long, 0.5 mm. broad, glabrous; staminodes linear, 0.5 mm. long; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1995094, collected in a wet forest glade along the Rio Nuqui, Intendencia of Chocé, Colombia, about 300 meters altitude, January 25, 1947, by Oscar Haught (No. 5489). Pseuderanthemum diachylum is characterized by its large leaves, attractive light purple flowers, and succulent texture. The plant from which the type was taken was the only one seen by the collector. The specific epithet is from the Greek, é.axvdos, meaning succulent. 4. Pseuderanthemum cladodes Leonard, sp. nov. FiGurRE 270 Herba, caulibus gracilibus, profuse ramosis, striatis, aliquanto pilosis, pilis patulis; lamina foliorum ovata, graciliter acuminata, basi rotundata, hirsuta, pilis saepe in costa et venis positis, cystolithis sub lente conspicuis pyriformibus; petioli breves vel nulli; spicae laxae, paucae, paniculam formantes; bracteae ramos panicularum subtendentes foliaceae sed minores, sessiles; bracteae flores sub- tendentes lanceolatae, parvae, acuminatae, parce hirtellae; rhachis hirsuta; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuta, parce hirtella; corolla lilacino-rubra, tubo angustissimo, lobis plus minusve patulis, obovatis, apice rotundatis; stamina inclusa; staminodia parva; capsulae clavatae, parce puberulae, pilis minutis, glandulosis; semina muricata. Herbs up to 1 meter high; stems slender and profusely branched, furrowed, moderately pilose, the hairs spreading, up to 0.58 mm. long, evenly or sometimes bifariously distributed, the lowermost internodes 10 cm. long or more; leaf blades ovate, up to 6.5 cm. long and 3.5 cm. wide, slenderly acuminate, rounded at base, hirsute, the hairs mostly confined to the costa and lateral veins (4 or 5 pairs), up to 0.5 mm. long, the upper surface bearing numerous crowded whitish cysto- liths, these very conspicuous under a lens and up to 0.13 mm. long; petioles about 4 mm. long, rather sparingly hirsute and con- spicuously marked by cystoliths; flowers borne in lax spikes, these both terminal and axillary, up to 18 cm. long, forming loose terminal panicles up to 30 cm. long, the lowermost pairs of bracts subtending the axillary spikes resembling the stem leaves but slightly smaller and sessile, the other pairs progressively smaller toward tip of panicle, the lowermost pair of bracts subtending the flowers suborbicular, about 5 mm. in diameter, sessile, long-apiculate, the succeeding 740 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM floral bracts lanceolate, up to 3 mm. long and 1 mm. wide at base, acuminate, sparingly hirtellous, the lowermost internode of the flowering spike 1.5 to 2 cm. long, the others successively shorter, these and the internodes of the panicle hirsute, the hairs similar to those of the stems, the flowers borne in pairs at the nodes of the spike (sometimes accompanied by one or more rudimentary flowers) ; calyx about 5 mm. long, the segments lanceolate, 3 mm. long, 0.5 mm. Ficure 270.—Pseuderanthemum cladodes Leonard (Lehmann 7266): a, A lower node showing leaf blade; b, inflorescence; ¢, portion of leaf blade (upper surface) showing cystoliths; d, bracts; e, calyx; f, stamen and staminode. (a, Natural size; b, half natural size; c, 20 times natural size; d, 4 times natural size; ¢, 5 times natural size; f, 10 times natural size.) wide at base, sparingly hirtellous; corolla lilac-red (Lehmann), glabrous, the tube up to 2.5 cm. long, very slender, 1.25 mm. in diameter at base, gradually reduced to 0.75 mm. about the middle and thence enlarged to 2 mm. at mouth, the lobes more or less spreading, obovate, about 8 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens included, 2.5 mm. long, glabrous; anthers 1.5 mm. long, 0.25 mm. broad; staminodes 0.5 mm. long; capsules clavate, 1.8 cm. long, the LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 741 slender solid stipe 7 mm. long, 1 mm. in diameter, glabrous, the seed-bearing portion 3 mm. broad and about 1 mm. thick, sparingly puberulous, the hairs spreading, 0.11 mm. long, gland-tipped; seed flat, whitish, muricate. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected in a forest glade along the Rio Sucio, between Dabeiba and Uramita, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 400 to 800 meters altitude, October 1891, by F. C. Lehmann (No. 7266). According to Lehman’s notes the plants of this species are ‘Weeds up to 1 m. in height with profusely ramified and thin stems.” The leaves are “dark sap-green” and the flowers ‘“‘ilac-red.”’ The specific epithet is from the Greek xAadwdns, abounding in young shoots, in allusion to the branching habit of the plant. 5. Pseuderanthemum haughtii Leonard See page 293. 6. Pseuderanthemum idroboi Leonard See page 295. 7. Pseuderanthemum leiophyllum Leonard See page 297. 8. Pseuderanthemum poecilanthum Leonard See page 299. 9. Pseuderanthemum galbanum Leonard, sp. nov. FiaurE 271 Frutex, caulibus deorsum glabris, sursum puberulis, pilis curvatis; lamina foliorum aliquanto magna, apice breviter acuminata (apice ipso rotundato), basi angustata, in petiolum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra, utrinque glabra vel subtus in costa parce et minute puberula, cystolithis obscuris et raris; petioli breves, minute puberuli, pilis curvatis; racemi solitarii, terminales, rhache et pedunculis dense et minute puberulis, pilis glandulosis et acutis intermixtis; bracteae (par infimum sterile) lanceolatae, graciliter acutae, minute hirtellae, pilis glandulosis et acutis, plus minusve patulis intermixtis; bracteolae ovatae vel lanceolatae, acutae, aliquanto parce et minute hirtellae; pedicelli dense hirtelli, pilis glandulosis et acutis intermixtis; calycis segmenta anguste lanceolata, acuta, pilis glandulosis et acutis inter- mixtis; corolla galbana; capsulae graciles, minute hirtellae, pilis patulis vel ascendentibus, glandulosis et acutis intermixtis; semina brunneo- purpurea, plana, suborbicularia, crasse rugosa. Shrubs up to 3 meters high; stems glabrous below, the upper por- tions puberulous, the hairs upwardly curved, up to 0.13 mm. long; leaf blades oblong, up to 19 cm. long and 9 cm. wide, short-acuminate (the tip itself rounded), narrowed at base and decurrent on the petiole, moderately firm, entire, both surfaces glabrous or the lower 742 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM minutely and sparingly puberulous on costa, cystoliths obscure and scattered; petioles up to 1 cm. long (including the wing at the base of the blade, this 6 to 7 mm. wide), minutely puberulous with upwardly curved hairs; racemes solitary, terminal, narrow and lax, the flower- bearing portion about 9 cm. long and 8 mm. broad, the peduncle 4 cm. long, the lowermost internode of the raceme 2 em. long, the Ficure 271.—Pseuderanthemum galbanum Leonard (Garcia-Barriga 14377): a, Tip of plant; b, portion of rachis enlarged to show pubescence; ¢, leaf; d, calyx, pedicel, bracts and bractlets; ¢, portion of calyx segment enlarged to show pubescence; f, valve of capsule; g, seed. (a, c, Half natural size; b, ¢, about 50 times natural size; d, 3 times natural size; f, natural size; g, 344 times natural size.) others successively shorter toward tip of inflorescence, both peduncle and rachis rather densely and minutely hirtellous with both glandular and acute hairs, these spreading or ascending and up to 0.25 mm. long; bracts (the lower pair without flowers) lanceolate, slenderly acute, the larger ones 4 mm. long and about 0.75 mm. wide at base, minutely hirtellous with a mixture of more or less spreading glandular and acute hairs; bractlets ovate to lanceolate, 2 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, acute, rather sparingly and minutely hirtellous; pedicels LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 743 rather stout, up to 2.5 mm. long, rather densely hirtellous with minute glandular and acute hairs; calyx segments narrowly lanceolate, 6.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, narrowed to a slender acute tip, minutely and more or less densely hirtellous with glandular and acute hairs; corolla not seen (greenish yellow, Garcia-Barriga); capsules minutely hirtellous with glandular and acute, spreading or ascending hairs (up to 0.16 mm. long), the solid stipe about 1.5 cm. long, 2 mm. broad, curved after dehiscence, the seed-bearing tip (4-seeded) 12 mm. long, 8 mm. broad, 3 mm. thick, subacute; seed brownish-purple, flattened, suborbicular, 4 mm. broad and long, 2 mm. thick, coarsely wrinkled, the wrinkles more pronounced toward margins of seed. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2144877, collected in Cafio Unguyd, at Jino-Gojé, between the Rios Piraparand and Popeyak&, tributaries of Rio Apaporis, Amazonas-Vaupés, Colombia, 250 meters altitude, September 3-11, 1952, by H. Garcfa-Barriga (No. 14377). In many respects Pseuderanthemum galbanum resembles P. poecilanthum; the inflorescence, the shape and size of the bracts and bractlets, and the pubescence of the two species are practically identical. There are, however, several striking differences. P. poecilanthum is herbaceous, rarely if ever exceeding 30 cm. in height, the leaves are relatively smaller, and the flowers white with conspicu- ously purple-spotted lobes. In contrast, P. galbanum is a shrub or small tree as much as 3 meters high; its leaves are relatively larger, and the corollas are greenish yellow. It is to the color of the corolla that the specific epithet, galbanum, alludes. 10. Pseuderanthemum micranthum Leonard, sp. nov. FiIGuRE 272 Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel parce et minute hirtellis, fere ascendentibus, cystolithis subpunctiformibus; lamina foliorum oblanceolata, breviter acuminata (apice ipso obtuso), basi cuneata, marginibus recurvata et crispata, siccitate subpanduriformis tenuis, integra vel undulata, glabra, costa et venis minute hirtellis, pilis ascendentibus excepta, subtus costa venis et venulis crasse reticulatis prominentibus, supra obscuris; racemi graciles, laxt, terminales, solitarii vel terni, floribus in nodis paucis vel multis, pedunculis glabris vel parce hirtellis, rhache aliquanto dense puberula, pilis curvatis, pedicellis gracilibus, puberulis; bracteae triangulares, glabrae vel parce puberulae, acutae; bracteolae triangulares, parvae; calycis segmenta lanceolata, acuta, minute hirtella, pilis acutis, ascendentibus, pilis minutis glandulosis intermixtis; corolla parva, sursum puberula, basi glabra, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina inclusa; ovarium minute hirtellum. 744 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Herbs; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or sparingly and minutely hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.2 mm. long, mostly ascending, the cys- toliths subpunctiform; leaf blades oblanceolate, up to 18.5 cm. long and 5.5 cm. wide slightly above middle, short-acuminate (the tip itself blunt), gradually narrowed to a crisped recurved apparently subpanduriform base, thin, entire or undulate, glabrous except the costa and veins (8 to 10 pairs), these minutely hirtellous with ascend- Ficure 272.—Pseuderanthemum micranthum Leonard (Triana s. n.): a, Leaf and node; 3, inflorescence; ¢, inflorescence (Col); d, node of inflorescence; ¢, a segment of the calyx; f, portion of calyx segment enlarged to show pubescence; g, corolla. (a-c, Half natural size; d, 3 times natural size; ¢, 15 times natural size; f, 40 times natural size; g, 4 times natural size.) ing hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, the costa, lateral veins and the coarsely reticulated veinlets prominent on the lower surface, obscure on the upper, the cystoliths scattered and inconspicuous; flowers usually several to numerous, forming dense fascicles up to 1 cm. broad and 0.5 cm. long at the nodes of the slender, lax, simple, forked or 3-parted racemes, the peduncles up to 10 em. long, glabrous or sparingly hirtel- lous, bearing a pair of lance-ovate, acuminate, subsessile leaves up to LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 745 15 mm. long and 4 mm. wide, the lowermost internode of the raceme up to 7 cm. long, the others successively shorter, the rachis rather densely puberulous, the hairs upwardly curved, up to 0.3 mm. long; pedicels slender, up to 1.5 mm. long, puberulous; bracts subtending the flowers triangular, 1.5 mm. long and 0.75 mm. wide, glabrous or sparingly puberulous; bractlets similar but smaller; calyx segments 2 mm. long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, gradually narrowed to a slender acute tip, minutely hirtellous, the acute hairs up to 0.1 mm. long, ascending, these intermixed with a few shorter gland-tipped hairs; corolla 6 mm. long, puberulous toward tip, the tube 0.5 mm. broad, the mouth 1 mm. broad, the lobes ovate, 1.5 mm. long, about 1 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens included; ovary minutely hirtellous; capsules not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected in the “Province of Buena- ventura,’ Department of El Valle, Colombia, 1,600 meters altitude, July 1853, by J. Triana (No. 101-1). Isotype: Col. The corollas of the type material were probably immature and thus smaller than fully developed ones. The color of the flower was not apparent in the dried material. The specific epithet is from the Greek ptxpds, Small, and av6os, flower. 11. Pseuderanthemum ellipticum Turrill See page 301. Catpas: Thicket along stream east of Balen, Pennell 10625 (GH). CunpinaMarkCca: Densely wooded mountain in the vicinity of Laguna de Pedro Palo, 3 km. north of Tena, Municipio of Tena, 2,080 meters, May 19, 1952, Fernandez & Mora 1442 (US). 12. Pseuderanthemum ewanii Leonard See page 302. CUNDINAMARCA: Quebrada Chiniata, Ewan 15629 (US, isotype). 13. Pseuderanthemum pennellii Leonard See page 304. 14. Pseuderanthemum lanceum (Nees) Radlk. See page 305. 15. Pseuderanthemum sneidernii Leonard See page 306. 16. Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum (Bull) Bailey See page 307. 17. Pseuderanthemum potamophilum Leonard See page 308. Putumayo: San José, Sprague s.n. (K). 388179—57 28 746 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 18. Pseuderanthemum hylophilum Leonard See page 310. 19. Pseuderanthemum chaponense Leonard See page 312. 20. Pseuderanthemum thelothrix Leonard, sp. nov. Fiaure 273 Herba, caulibus basi plus minusve suffrutescentibus, erectis vel ascendentibus, subquadrangularibus, glabris vel sursum minute puberulis, pilis appressis; lamina foliorum ovata vel oblonga, plus minusve abrupte acuminata (apice ipso acuto, subinde curvato), basi angustata vel rotundata, in petiolum alatum decurrens, aliquanto firma, integra vel undulata, supra parce puberula, subtus minute et aliquanto dense puberula, pilis brunneis, curvatis, subappressis; petioli minute puberuli; flores solitarii vel in cymas parvas positi, paniculam plus minusve laxam terminalem formantes, pedunculo et rhache et pedicellis gracilibus, minute hirtellis, pilis curvatis, ascen- dentibus; bracteae subulatae vel lanceolato-subulatae, subglabrae vel parce et minute hirtellae; calycis segmenta linearia parce hirtella; corolla alba, tubo basi glabro excepto minute glanduloso-puberula, lobis corollae spathulatis, apice rotundatis; stamina inclusa, glabra; staminodia glabra, gracilia. Herbs, sometimes suffrutescent at base; stems erect or ascending, up to 30 cm. high or more; stems quadrangular, glabrous or the upper portions minutely puberulous, the hairs upwardly appressed, up to 0.2 mm. long; leaf blades ovate to oblong, up to 12 cm. long and 6 cm. wide, more or less abruptly acuminate (the tip itself acute and some- times curved), rounded or narrowed at base, passing into a winged petiole, moderately firm, entire or undulate, the upper surface spar- ingly puberulous, the hairs up to 0.28 mm. long, the lower surface rather densely and minutely puberulous, the hairs brownish, curved, subappressed, up to 0.2 mm. long, the cystoliths obscure or lacking; petioles up to 5 cm. long, the wing 1 to 1.5 cm. wide at base of blade, gradually narrowed to or below the middle of the petiole, the petiole itself minutely brown-puberulous; flowers solitary or in cymules up to 2 cm. long, several to each node forming a rather loose terminal raceme up to 7 cm. long and 2 to 3 cm. broad at base, the lowermost internode of the inflorescence about 2 cm. long, the others successively shorter, the peduncles 3 to 4 em. long, these and the branches of the panicle including the pedicels (slender and up to 5 mm. long) minutely hirtellous, the hairs ascending, curved, up to 0.13 mm. long; nodal bracts lance-subulate, up to 8 mm. long and 1 mm. wide near base, the bracts subtending the pedicels similar but smaller, 1.5 to 3 mm. long, 0.25 to 0.5 mm. wide at base, all subglabrous to sparingly and minutely hirtellous with curved hairs; calyx segments linear, 5 mm. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 747 long, 0.5 mm. wide at base, rather sparingly and minutely hirtellous; flowers white, the tube (8 mm. long and about 1 mm. in diameter) densely covered without by minute glandular hairs up to 0.05 mm. long, the corolla lobes spathulate, about 5 mm. long, 2 mm. wide above middle, rounded at tip, papillose but less densely so than the tube; stamens included, reaching within 1.5 mm. of the mouth of Ficure 273.—Pseuderanthemum thelothrix Leonard (Core 819): a, Tip of plant; 6, stem node showing leaf and branchlet; c, node of inflorescence (second from base); d, calyx; ¢, corolla; f, portion of corolla tube enlarged to show pubescence; g, stamen and staminode. (a, b, Half natural size; c, 1}4 times natural size; d, 344 times natural size; ¢, 3 times natural size; f, about 70 times natural size; g, 5 times natural size.) the corolla tube, glabrous, the filaments 1.25 mm. long, the anthers 1.5 mm. long, 0.75 mm. broad; staminodes slender, 0.5 mim. long; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 2105340, collected in moist thicket along road between Alto del Tigre and El Socorro, east of Argelia, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, 900 to 1,710 meters altitude, June 1, 1944, by Earl L. Core (No. 819). 748 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Pseuderanthemum thelothriz is near P. chaponense in its relationship and general appearance. The pedicels of P. chaponense, however, do not exceed 1 mm. in length, whereas in this new species they are noticeably slender and are usually as much as 5 mm. long. The specific epithet is from the Greek 67, nipple, and 6pié, hair, in allusion to the papillose puberulence of the corolla. 21. Pseuderanthemum stenosiphon Leonard See page 314. Botivar: Edge of forest at Antizales, Pennell 4453 (NY). 22. Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii Leonard See page 316. Cauca: Forest at La Gallera, Killip 7742 (GH); 7783 (GH). In primitive forest of La Costa, vicinity of El Tambo, 800 to 1,000 meters altitude, von Sneidern 493 (S); 612 (S); 617 (S); 775 (8); 809 (S); 822 (8). Munchique, vicinity of Tambo, 2,500 meters altitude, von Sneidern 821 (8). Ex Vauie: Woods of La Laguna, valley of the Rfo Sanjuniquin, 1,250-1,400 meters altitude, December 10-20, 1943, Cuatrecasas 15506 (US). The specimens cited above are all large-leaved plants closely resembling Killip’s No. 7742. The leaves of the type specimen, Cuatrecasas’ No. 21646, are atypical in size, being the smaller leaves of terminal secondary branches. The leaf blades of Killip’s No. 7742 are as much as 18 cm. long and 5.5 cm. wide. 23. Pseuderanthemum dawei Turrill See page 318. Ex Vatte: La Cumbre, Killip 5962 (GH, NY). WITHOUT DEFINITE LocaLiry: “Andes de Mariquita i Antioquia,’’ 2,200 meters altitude, February 1852, Triana s.n. (Col). 24. Pseuderanthemum chocoense Leonard, sp. nov. Ficure 274 Herba, caulibus subquadrangularibus, glabris vel in nodis parce hirtellis, pilis ascendentibus; lamina foliorum obovata, breviter acuminata, basi cuneata, submembranacea, integra vel undulata, utrinque glabra, costa et venis lateralibus parce hirtellis; petioli parce hirtelli, aliquanto breves; panicula modice densa, anguste ovoidea, apice acuta, rhachibus aliquanto dense pubescentibus, pilis septatis, pedunculo aliquanto longo, hirtello; bracteae infimae lanceolatae, apice acutae, subobtusae, recurvatae, intus glabrae, extus hirtellae; bracteae flores subtendentes lanceolatae, carinatae, hirtellae; pedicelli graciles, aliquanto parce hirtelli; calycis segmenta anguste lanceolata, apice acuta, glabra vel apice parce hirtella; corolla sursum puberula, basi glabra, lobis ovatis, rotundatis; stamina inclusa; staminodia parva, curvata; ovarium glabrum. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 749 Herbs; stems subquadrangular, glabrous or sparingly hirtellous at and near the nodes, the hairs ascending, 0.28 mm. long; leaf blades obovate, up to 16 cm. long and 5.8 em. wide above middle, short and rather abruptly acuminate (the tip itself blunt), narrowed at base, rather thin, entire or undulate, both surfaces glabrous except costa and lateral veins (8 to 10 pairs), these sparingly hirtellous, the hairs up to 0.16 mm. long, subappressed, the venation of both sur- faces scarcely prominent but more so beneath than above; petioles Ficure 274.—Pseuderanthemum chocoense Leonard (Triana s. n. “Prov. del Choco”): a, Tip of plant; 6, a branch of the inflorescence; ¢, hairs from a portion of the rachis; d, calyx segment; ¢, stamen and staminode; f, ovary. (a, Half natural size; b, 2}4 times natural size; c, 70 times natural size; d, 4 times natural size; ¢, f, 10 times natural size.) up to 6 mm. long and 1.25 mm. thick, sparingly hirtellous, the hairs similar to those on the stems; panicles rather dense, up to 8 cm. long and 3 cm. broad, narrowly ovoid and acute at tip, the branches (1 to 2 pairs at each node) mostly 3 to 4 cm. long, the rachises rather densely pubescent with ascending hairs up to 0.25 mm. long, these conspicuously septate under a lens, the peduncle 4.5 cm. long, 1.75 mm. thick, hirtellous, the hairs similar to those of the rachises but not so numerous, the first internode of the panicle 2.5 cm, long, 750 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM the others successively shorter; bracts subtending the branches of the panicle lanceolate, 6 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide near base, narrowed to an acute bluntish recurved tip, the inner surface glab- rous, the outer hirtellous, the hairs similar to those of the rachises; bracts subtending the flowers lanceolate, 3 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide at base, carinate, hirtellous; pedicels up to 5 mm. long, rather sparingly hirtellous; calyx 5 mm. long, the segments narrowly lanceo- late, 4 mm. long, 0.75 mm. wide near base, narrowed to an acute tip, glabrous or bearing a few hairs on tips and margins; corolla 1 em. long, moderately puberulous except the glabrous base (the hairs about 0.08 mm. long), the tube 1.5 mm. broad at base, narrowed above ovary to 0.75 mm., thence gradually enlarged to 1.5 mm. at mouth, the lobes ovate, about 2 mm. long and 1.25 mm. wide, rounded at tip; stamens included, 2.5 mm. long, the anthers 1.5 mm. long, the staminodes 1 mm. long, curved; ovary glabrous; capsules not seen. Type in the Kew Herbarium, collected in the “Prov. del Chocé,” Colombia, 150 meters altitude, March 1853, by J. Triana (No. 101-5). The color of the corolla is not apparent in the dried material. APPENDIX LIST OF NUMBERED SPECIMENS Parts I-III ALFaro-P., 8. 27. Hygrophila guianensis ALLEN, CYRIL 25. Justicia laevilinguis 368. Odontonema _bracteolatum parviflorum 628. Justicia chaetocephala 839. Elytraria imbricata 841. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 844. Justicia sciota (type) 845. Aphelandra pulcherrima 865. Ruellia macrophylla 866. Odontonema bracteolatum 876. Trichanthera gigantea 912. Teliostachya alopecuroidea 913. Justicia pectoralis 934. Ruellia geminiflora var. ALLEN, Pau H., AND ALLEN, Dororny O. 3229. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrastich- antha AnprRE, Enovarp 266. 287. 301. 402. 447, 512. 513. Sanchezia pennellii Aphelandra glabrata Justicia comata Ruellia pennellii Justicia phytolaccoides Sanchezia pennellii Sanchezia pennellii 665. Stenandrium dulce 900. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrastichan- tha 1014. Ruellia tubiflora var. chantha f. bicolor 1055. Aphelandra lamprantha (type) 1094. Justicia ischnorachis 1203. Ruellia aurantiaca (type) 1439 Ruellia ischnopoda tetrasti- 1445. Ruellia tolimensis 1517. Justicia fusagasugana (type) 1658. Aphelandra conformis (type) 1713. Ruellia tuberosa 1859bis. Ruellia geminiflora 1865. Ruellia lorentziana 1881. Ruellia ischnopoda 2047. Aphelandra acanthus 2406. Ruellia lasiostachya 2848. Ruellia rusbyi 2916. Ruellia ischnopoda 4661. Aphelandra andrei (type) ANTONIO-MIGUEL, BROTHER 121. Ruellia fulgida var. angustissima APOLINAR-ANGEL, BROTHER 488, 490. 491, 496. 515. 704. 762. Justicia bracteosa Justicia leucerythra Aphelandra pulcherrima Ruellia paniculata Ruellia macrophylla Hygrophila guianensis Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum ApotinaR-Maria, BROTHER 92. Justicia sanchezioides 157. Justicia pectoralis AraqueE-M., Jorar, & BaRrKLEY, Frep A. 18An.360. Ruellia geminiflora var. an- gustifolia 19An.032. Aphelandra blandii 19At.081. Aphelandra pulcherrima 19Bo.033. Aphelandra pulcherrima 19Bol.83. Elytraria imbricata 19Ch.034. Thunbergia grandiflora 19Ch.058. Justicia comata 19Ch.112. Justicia comata 18M.015. Justicia filibracteolata var. leucantha 751 752 18M.018. Justicia ischnorhachis 18M.026. Justicia filibracteolata var. leucantha 18M.027. Justicia filibracteolata var. leucantha 18M.033. Aphelandra barkleyi (type) 18M.041. Hygrophila guianensis 18M.054. Teliostachya lanceolata 18M.058. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetras- tichantha f. bicolor 18NS8.106. Ruellia tuberosa 18N8.153. Ruellia tuberosa 188.212. Trichanthera corymbosa 188.247. Hygrophila guianensis 188.275. Justicia bracteosa 188.316. Tetramerium nervosum 188.321. Tetramerium nervosum 188.341. Habracanthus smithii 18Va.068. Sanchezia pennellii 18Vi.128. Mendoncia hirsuta ARAQuUE-M., JorcE; Oratora, An- TONIO; & BARKLEY, Frep A. 18NS8.066. Aphelandra pulcherrima ARCHER, W. A. 14. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 47. Thunbergia alata 88. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 460. Hygrophila guianensis 523. Trichanthera gigantea 574. Trichanthera gigantea 638. Justicia filibracteolata 818. Mendoncia gracilis 871. Justicia filibracteolata 899. Hygrophila guianensis 1093. Aphelandra runcinata 1354. Dicliptera scandens (type) 1417. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 1640. Justicia archeri (type) 1673. Pseuderanthemum chilianthium 1708. Mendoncia glabrescens 1731. Aphelandra lingua-bovis 1803. Sanchezia pennellii 1925. Justicia comata 2003. Aphelandra dolichantha 2012. Aphelandra lingua-bovis (type) 2097. Pseuderanthemum chilianthium 2120. Pseuderanthemum chilianthium 2174. Sanchezia lutea (type) 2220. Justicia comata CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM ARISTE-JOSEPH, BROTHER A224. Habracanthus microcalyx (type) A360. Aphelandra glabrata A375. Pseuderanthemum atropur- pureum A946. Ruellia paniculata A973. Ruellia tubiflora 1019, Aphelandra glabrata 1055. Thunbergia alata 1061. Trichanthera gigantea 1081. Aphelandra grandis 1082. Justicia filibracteolata 1085. Kalbreyeriella rostellata BARKLEY, Frep A. 17C.345, Blechum brownei f. puberulum BarkKLEY, Frep A., & ARAQuE-M., JORGE 20. Ruellia tuberosa 21. Ruellia tuberosa 22. Ruellia lorentziana BarkKLeY, Frep A.; ARAQUE-MOoLINA, JoraE; & Gémez-J., JAVIER 406. Justicia chlorostachya 424, Aphelandra runcinata BaRKLEY, Frep A., & ArBoLepa-R., L. L. 3. Thunbergia fragrans BarkLEy, Frep A.; Barros-N., Ovipio; & Atvarez-A., Ricarpo 381. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 393. Ruellia tuberosa BarkLeY, Frep A.; Correa-V., Jatro; & Pérez-F., César A. 102. Justicia chlorostachya BaRKLEY, Frep A.; Correa-V,, Jarno; & Posapa-S., SAMUEL 101. Aphelandra runcinata BarkKLEY, Frep A., & GuttfRrRez-V., GABRIEL 1834. Ruellia paniculata 1835. Ruellia inundata 1836. Elytraria imbricata 1857. Dicliptera assurgens LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III BaRKLEY, FreD A.; KuEVENS, MILTON Jon; & GutT1£RREz-V., GABRIEL 17C.380. Ruellia tuberosa BarRKLEY, Frep A.; Rfos-C., Danio; & Bretrancourt-O., ALBERTO 618. Aphelandra scolnikae BaRKLEY, FRED A.; SKOLNIK, Rosa; & G6MEz, JAVIER 413. Justicia comata BaRKLEY, FRED A.; ScoLNnik, Rosa; & Orozco, TomAs G. 523. Aphelandra scolnikae (type) BARKLEY, FrED A.; ScoLNIK, Rosa; & Ramirez, Emitio 522. Justicia chlorostachya BECHARA-ZAINUM, JUAN; ARAQUE-M., Jorasu; & BARKLEY, Frep A. 19Bo.085. Blechum brownei f. puber- ulum 19Bo.094. Justicia comata 19Bo.218. Aphelandra pulcherrima BILLBERG, JOHAN I. 1. Tetramerium nervosum 3. Ruellia paniculata 113. Elytraria imbricata CamiLo, H. ANTONIO 78. Sanchezia lutea Carpona-GonzALEz, Luis; Gutiir- REZ-V., GABRIEL; & BARKLEY, FRED A, 18C.049. Justicia pectoralis 18C.077. Aphelandra daemonia 18C.089. Odontonema bracteolatum CERVANTES, JULIO; ARAQUE-M., JoRGE; & BARKLEY, FRED A. 19Bo.054. Blechum brownei f. puber- ulum 19Bo.066. Ruellia tuberosa CurErEsMAN, L. E. 533. Ruellia gorgonensis (type) 753 CoLLENETTE, C. L. 557. Sanchezia lutea 630. Aphelandra arisema 614. Justicia petraea (type) Corn, Ear L. 591. Habracanthus pilosus 819. Pseuderanthemum thelothrix (type) 825. Mendoncia lindavii 1200. Habracanthus corei (type) 1322. Neriacanthus lehmannianus 1324. Neriacanthus lehmannianus 1377. Kalbreyeriella rostellata 1482. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 1501. Trichanthera gigantea 1558. Aphelandra cuatrecasasii 1619. Aphelandra huilensis CuaTREcasas, J. 209. Habracanthus callianthus 214. Dicliptera sciaphila (type) 1088. Ruellia tuberosa 1119. Ruellia tuberosa 1924. Trichanthera gigantea 1985. Teliostachya lanceolata var. crispa 3577. Justicia comata 3810. Aphelandra deppeana 3816. Aphelandra deppeana 3978. Justicia comata 4046. Aphelandra deppeana 4139. Justicia filibracteolata 4195. Aphelandra deppeana 4269. Justicia periplocifolia 4422. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 4513. Justicia filibracteolata var. leu- cantha (type) 4518. Justicia ischnorhachis 4535. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrastich- antha 4536. Ruellia humboldtiana 4538. Aphelandra barkleyi 4591. Ruellia tubiflora’ var. (type) 4627. Sanchezia lutea 4631. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrastich- antha 4701. Justicia filibracteolata var. auran- tiaca 4709. Justicia ischnorhachis 4727. Ruellia geminiflora 6878. Aphelandra deppeana hirsuta 754 7075. 7223. 7317. 7339. 7383. 7442. 7456. 7478. 7536. 7542. Ruellia humboldtiana Aphelandra pilosa (type) Ruellia humboldtiana Aphelandra deppeana Justicia croceochlamys Sanchezia pennellii Aphelandra impressa Aphelandra pilosa Justicia hyperdasya (type) Justicia hyperdasya 7586. Teliostachya lanceolata 7640. Ruellia geminiflora var. angusti- folia 8519. Habracanthus floriferus (type) 8740. Habracanthus cuatrecasasii (type) 8859. Mendoncia coccinea 9052. Aphelandra pilosa 9064. Mendoncia pilosa 9147. Justicia filibracteolata var. cina (type) 10524. Justicia polygonoides 10529. Ruellia tubiflora 10529a. Ruellia tolimensis (type) 10562. Aphelandra pilosa 10581. Justicia sanchezioides (type) 10629. Pseuderanthemum potamophil- um (type) 10656. Aphelandra pilosa 10671. Pseuderanthemum poecilanthum (type) 10733. Trichanthera gigantea 10757. Justicia idiogenes (type) 10848. Justicia hygrobia (type) 10918. Sanchezia pennellii 10919. Sanchezia putumayensis 10933. Justicia chloanantha 11007. Aphelandra impressa 11027. Ruellia colorata 11044. Teliostachya lanceolata 11051. Sanchezia pennellii 11086. Pseuderanthemum potamophil- um 11109. 11134. 11137. 11157. 11231. 11241. lila- Sanchezia speciosa Mendoncia cuatrecasasii (type) Justicia chloanantha (type) Justicia pelianthia (type) Sanchezia parvibracteata Hygrophila guianensis 11271. Kalbreyeriella gigas (type) 11276. Ruellia tubiflora var. parviflora f. alba (type) 11352. Aphelandra crispata (type) 11435. Habracanthus aglaiis (type) CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 11631. 12873. 12883. 12897. 12976. Aphelandra phobera Aphelandra macrophylla (type) Aphelandra parvispica (type) Aphelandra macrophylla Ruellia humboldtiana 13061. Justicia stereostachya (type) 13109, in part. Mendoncia coccinea var. elliptica 13109, in part. Mendoncia sprucei 13198. Justicia unguiculata 13374. Aphelandra impressa 13382. Justicia ischnorhachis 13437. Trichanthera gigantea 13731. Justicia chrysea (type) 14111. Justicia comata 14236. Hygrophila guianensis 14345. Justicia comata 14346. Hygrophila tyttha 14461. Thunbergia alata 14510. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 14530. Ruellia malacosperma 15035. Ruellia potamophila 15160. Kalbreyeriella rostellata 15205. Mendoncia glabrescens 15216. Mendoncia cordata (type) 15275. Jacobinia tinctoria 15303. Justicia chlorostachya 15317. Pseuderanthemum — hylophilum (type) 15388. Kalbreyeriella rostellata 15400. Aphelandra arborescens (type) 15436. Aphelandra leiophylla (type) 15438. Justicia chlorostachya 15468. Dicliptera sarcochroma (type) 15506. Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii 15625. Neriacanthus grandiflorus (type) 15916. Justicia comata 16003. Justicia comata 16060. Justicia comata 16069. Aphelandra hartwegiana 16322. Sanchezia pennellii 16334. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 16355. Aphelandra hartwegiana 16424. Ruellia colombiana (type) 16433. Pseuderanthemum _ ctenosper- mum (type) 16444. Justicia chlorostachya 16672. Hygrophila tyttha 16705. Aphelandra cuatrecasasii (type) 16811. Justicia sterea (type) 16847. Mendoncia glabrescens 17093. Justicia comata 17101. Hygrophila tyttha LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 17182. 17231. 17238. 17317. 17529. 17605. 17736. 18314. Mendoncia glabrescens Aphelandra hartwegiana Mendoncia glabrescens (type) Pseuderanthemum chilianthium Mendoncia litoralis (type) Aphelandra hartwegiana Pseuderanthemum chilianthium Mendoncia gracilis 18484. Aphelandra phobera (type) 18515. Habracanthus pycnostachys (type) 18656. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 18716. Teliostachya lanceolata 18751. Aphelandra arborescens 18783. Dicliptera cuatrecasasii (type) 19710. Ruellia isechnopoda 20236. Aphelandra euopla (type) 20941. Justicia malacophylla (type) 20947. Dicliptera driophila (type) 21205. Sanchezia pennellii 21206. Aphelandra hartwegiana 21246. Hygrophila tyttha 21428. Justicia killipii 21641. Mendoncia microchlamys 21646. Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii (type) 22063. Justicia comata 22210. Justicia chlorostachya 22266. Justicia chlorostachya 22283. Aphelandra porphyrolepis (type) 22284. Aphelandra taborensis (type) 22620. Justicia filibracteolata 22631. Trichanthera gigantea 22728. Kalbreyeriella rostellata 22764. Thunbergia alata 22770. Justicia polygonoides 23321. Aphelandra acanthus 23462. Aphelandra huilensis 23467. Jacobinia amphibola (type) 23468. Habracanthus caucensis (type) 23848. Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii 23866. Hygrophila guianensis 23929. Habracanthus pycnostachys 23947. Ruellia potamophila Cuatrecasas,J., & Garcfa-Barriaa, H. 9820. Dicliptera garciae (type) Cuarrecasas, J.; Scuuttes, R. E.; & Smiry, E. 12419. Habracanthus trichotus (type) 12511. Justicia fuchsiifolia (type) 12516. Aphelandra parvispica 750 Curran, H. M. 54. Trichanthera gigantea 99, Aphelandra deppeana 111. Aphelandra deppeana 222. Bravaisia integerrima 264a. Ruellia obtusa 308. Bravaisia integerrima 317. Bravaisia integerrima 321. Aphelandra pulcherrima 415. Ruellia tuberosa DANIEL, BROTHER 897. Hygrophila guianensis 1790. Justicia filibracteolata 2172. Aphelandra runcinata 2970. Dicliptera danielii (type) 2974. Mendoncia gracilis 3965. Hygrophila guianensis 4024. Aphelandra runcinata var. pilosa DanI£L, BrorHER, & TomAs, BROTHER 2589. Aphelandra blandii 3366. Justicia filibracteolata Dawe, M. T. Stenandrium dulce Mendoncia lindavii Justicia chaetocephala Ruellia macrophylla Aphelandra runcinata Ruellia macrophylla Pseuderanthemum dawei (type) Aphelandra pilosa 201. 229. 440. 616. 766. 789. 847. 900. DryYanpv_er, E. 47. Trichanthera gigantea 413. Thunbergia fragrans 681. Aphelandra arborescens 2140. Neriacanthus lehmannianus 2288. Neriacanthus lehmannianus 2337. Ruellia geminiflora DuaGanp, A. 13. Bravaisia integerrima 83. Bravaisia integerrima 168. Bravaisia integerrima 412. Bravaisia integerrima 542. Bravaisia integerrima 580. Bravaisia integerrima 1063. Ruellia paniculata 3605. Pseuderanthemum atropurpure- um 756 3623. 3630. 3633. 3639. 4014. 4420. 4427. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM Elytraria imbricata Ruellia inundata Ruellia paniculata Elytraria imbricata Ruellia inundata Blechum brownei f. puberulum Ruellia inundata Dua@anp, A., & Garcfa-Barnrica, H. 2272. 2273. 2287. 2318. 2324. 2343. 2354. 2362. 2369. 2371. 2383. 2384. 2436. 2445. 2493. 2535. 2539. 2545. 2549. Justicia bracteosa Aphelandra pulcherrima Justicia leucerythra Elytraria imbricata Bravaisia integerrima Justicia carthaginensis Justicia carthaginensis Ruellia paniculata Ruellia obtusa Dicliptera assurgens Ruellia obtusa Blechum brownei f. puberulum Ruellia inundata Ruellia paniculata Odontonema bracteolatum Barleria cristata Ruellia obtusa Ruellia paniculata Aphelandra pulcherrima Duaanp, A., & JARAMILLO, R. 2701. 2725. 2740. 2767. 2797. 2798. 2800. Aphelandra pulcherrima Elytraria imbricata Ruellia paniculata Elytraria imbricata Ruellia inundata Dicliptera vahliana Aphelandra pulcherrima 2852. Odontonema bracteolatum 2920. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrasti- chantha f. bicolor 3113. Ruellia humboldtiana 3117. Aphelandra pilosa 3242, Ruellia obtusa 3280. Ruellia obtusa 3871. Mendoncia gracilis 4053. Aphelandra pulcherrima 4061. Barleria micans 4091. Ruellia paniculata 4094. Bravaisia integerrima 4096. Justicia bracteosa 4154. Barleria micans THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 4153. Odontonema bracteolatum var. parviflorum 4155. Ruellia macrophylla 4160. Justicia leucerythra 4164. Blechum brownei f. puberulum Duaug, J. M. 1051. Justicia comata 1339. Justicia pectoralis phylla 1396. Thunbergia fragrans 1446. Ruellia lorentziana 1570A. Jacobinia magnifica 1660. Habracanthus pycnostachys 1701. Jacobinia tinctoria 1804. Thunbergia fragrans var. steno- Exias, BroTuer 143. 160. 234. 247. 287. 351. 433. 440. 444, 473, 487. 496. 502. 622. 670. 676. 681. 695. 705. 707. 720. 735. 742. 746. 753. Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum Elytraria imbricata Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum Ruellia obtusa Justicia laevilinguis Justicia carthaginensis Ruellia paniculata Aphelandra pulcherrima Bravaisia integerrima Nelsonia brunelloides Bravaisia integerrima Justicia bracteosa Barleria cristata Asystasia gangetica Justicia bracteosa Blechum brownei f. puberulum Justicia leucerythra Ruellia macrophylla Aphelandra pulcherrima Ruellia inundata Ruellia paniculata Barleria micans Odontonema bracteolatum Ruellia inundata Barleria cristata 788. Ruellia macrophylla 794. Thunbergia grandiflora f. (type) 821. Ruellia paniculata 857. Ruellia inundata 860. Aphelandra pulcherrima 915. Klytraria imbricata 952. Bravaisia integerrima 974. Bravaisia integerrima alba LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 980. Barleria cristata 988. Ruellia obtusa 1034. Justicia carthaginensis 1155. Ruellia inundata 1180. Justicia bracteosa 1265. Bravaisia integerrima 1375. Ruellia paniculata 1385. Ruellia inundata 1408. Thunbergia grandiflora 1411. Justicia leucerythra 1498. Justicia bracteosa 1507. Bravaisia integerrima Ewan, JOSEPH A. Stenandrium humboldtianum Dicliptera ewanii (type) Pseuderanthemum ewanii (type) 15732. Aphelandra runcinata 15833. Thunbergia grandiflora f. citrina (type) 16501. Aphelandra gilva (type) 16785. Ruellia tubiflora var. parviflora (type) 15622. 15628. 15629. FERNANDEZ, A. 264 Aphelandra fernandezii (type) 30U. Justicia filibracteolata 354. Aphelandra hartwegiana FrrnAnpez, A., & Mora, L. E. 1442. Pseuderanthemum ellipticum Fossere, F. R. 19129. 19131. 19492. 19791. 19941. 20115. 20160. 20386. 20901. 21113. 21244, 21438. 21445, 22126. Mendoncia sprucei Aphelandra coccinantha (type) Justicia macarenensis Hansteinia charitopes (type) Habracanthus caucensis Jacobinia amphibola Ruellia humboldtiana Hygrophila guianensis Habracanthus ampelinus Aphelandra acanthus Justicia atacta (type) Dicliptera assurgens Ruellia humboldtiana Ruellia tuberosa FossBera, F. R., & Fassett, N. C. 21733. Habracanthus syscius (type) 21809. Aphelandra trichota (type) 757 Foster, M. B. 2360. Ruellia tuberosa Nicotas, & Scuum, Lovis JOSEPH FUNCK, 694. Ruellia tuberosa GABRIEL, H. ANTONINO 6. Stenandrium dulce Garcfa-Barnriga, H. Justicia filibracteolata Trichanthera gigantea Blechum brownei f. puberulum Thunbergia alata Habracanthus scolnikae Ruellia geminiflora 5126. Ruellia humboldtiana 5131. Ruellia geminiflora var. angusti- folia 5158. Ruellia geminiflora 5177. Dicliptera ochrochlamys (type) 5181. Phaulopsis oppositifolia 5196. Ruellia geminiflora 5304. Mendoncia lindavii 6327. Hygrophila guianensis 7658. Trichanthera gigantea 7720. Mendoncia odorata 8337. Mendoncia gracilis 8341. Justicia phytolaccoides 8346. Justicia phytolaccoides 10998. Ruellia longifilamentosa 11128. Pseuderanthemum chilianthium 11524. Hygrophila guianensis 11727. Aphelandra deppeana 12049. Pseuderanthemum atropurpur- eum 12114. Trichanthera gigantea 12137. Ruellia tuberosa 12148. Ruellia tuberosa 12193. Trichanthera gigantea 12203. Trichanthera gigantea 12268. Aphelandra lasia 12273. Aphelandra acanthus 12322. Ruellia fulgida var. sima 12323. Aphelandra lasia 12347. Dicliptera columbiana 12353. Justicia phytolaccoides 12355. Dicliptera columbiana (type) 12358. Aphelandra glabrata 3067. 4314. 4702. 4704. 4857. 5107. angustis- 758 12381. Justicia polygonoides 12390. Hygrophila guianensis 12394. Mendoncia lindavii 12417. Justicia filibracteolata var. pub- escens 12467. Justicia filibracteolata var. pub- escens 12473. Odontonema ampelocaule (type) 12478. Ruellia longifilamentosa 12543. Trichanthera gigantea 12589. Pseuderanthemum ellipticum 12595. Stenandrium humboldtianum 12646. Justicia phytolaccoides 13415. Ruellia tuberosa 13454. Ruellia obtusa f. albiflora (type) 13653. Justicia neurochlamys 13718. Justicia pectoralis 14096. Justicia neurochlamys (type) 14377. Pseuderanthemum galbanum (type) 14399. Mendoncia garciae (type) 14403. Mendoncia phalacra (type) Garcfa-Barriaa, H., & Hawxss, J. G. 12685. Jacobinia magnifica Garcfa-Barriga, H.; Hawkgs, J. G.; & VILLARREAL, M. 12945. Habracanthus hylobius 12960. Justicia chlorostachya GaRGANTA-FABREGA, MiaueL Dr 782. Justicia filibracteolata 902. Ruellia tuberosa 1075. Ruellia tuberosa GIACOMETTO, JUAN 78. Odontonema parviflorum 80. Justicia chrysocoma 94. Odontonema bracteolatum 1000. Justicia carthaginensis 1049. Elytraria imbricata bracteolatum — var. GranceEr, J. S., & Ropriaurz-A., C. 10. Aphelandra grangeri (type) Grant, Martin L. 9011. Habracanthus callianthus (type) 9167. Aphelandra atectmarta (type) CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 9439. Habracanthus charien (type) 9647. Habracanthus ampelinus (type) 9811. Aphelandra quadrifaria (type) 10013. Ruellia grantii (type) 10278. Justicia aurantiaca 10363. Aphelandra grantii (type) 10388. Ruellia humboldtiana 10431. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrasti- chantha f. caesolineata (type) 10706. Ruellia paniculata 10731. Habracanthus antipharmacus (type) 10764. Ruellia macrophylla 10900. Justicia enarthrocoma (type) 11000. Ruellia macrophylla Grant, Martin L., & Fossere, F. R. 9319. Aphelandra fosbergii (type) 9326. Habracanthus xantholeucus(type) 9341. Justicia aurantiaca (type) 9343. Habracanthus pilosus (type) Grant, Martin L.; Kitup, HE. P.; & Fossere, F. R. 9124. Aphelandra pinarotricha (type) GuEvaRaA-AMORTEGUI, B. 260. Aphelandra grandis (type) 267. Pseuderanthemum ellipticum 315. Kalbreyeriella rostellata GUTIERREZ-V., GABRIEL 410. Thunbergia grandiflora 416. Justicia comata 1146. Aphelandra runcinata 1300. Justicia sciera (type) GuT1£éRREz-V., GasrigL, & BARKLEY, Frep A. 17C.036. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 170.041. Ruellia tuberosa 17C.174. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 17C.523. Blechum brownei f. puberulum GuTIGRREZ-V., GABRIEL, & SCHULTES, RicHARD EVANs 506. Aphelandra schultesii 606. Justicia gutierrezii (type) 789. Mendoncia pedunculata 936. Aphelandra schultesii (type) 1315. 1379. 1464. LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III Havuaut, Oscar Aphelandra incarnata (type) Odontonema coccineum Aphelandra crenata (type) 1496a. Ruellia aquatica 1497. 1498. 1538. 1561. 1580. 1581. 1603. 1672. 1750. 1754. 1762. 1788. 1799. 1807. 1821. 1835. 1862. Aphelandra mollis Ruellia pennellii Sanchezia pennellii Ruellia pennellii Ruellia pennellii Justicia daidalea (type) Justicia daidalea Jacobinia axiologa Aphelandra straminea (type) Justicia helonoma (type) Ruellia aquatica (type) Justicia phytolaccoides Mendoncia gilva (type) Justicia phytolaccoides Mendoncia lindavii Sanchezia pennellii Justicia filibracteolata var. pubes- cens 1936. 1948. 1986. 2055. 2086. 2099. 2098. 2135. 2138. 2186. 2283. 2302. 2360. 2364. 2388. 2396. 2414. Aphelandra grandis Aphelandra haughtii (type) Jacobinia axiologa (type) Odontonema coccineum (type) Aphelandra haughtii Ruellia pennellii Aphelandra incarnata Justicia namatophylla (type) Teliostachya lanceolata var. crispa Justicia helonoma Justicia chaetocephala Justicia chaetocephala Justicia chaetocephala Ruellia ischnopoda (type) Justicia comata Justicia erythrantha Chaetochlamys columbiensis (type) 2449. 2458. 2494, 2501. 2528. 2532. 2536. 2560. 2569. Aphelandra glabrata Ruellia humboldtiana Mendoncia odorata (type) Aphelandra deppeana Aphelandra barkleyi Phaulopsis oppositifolia Aphelandra pilosa Justicia ischnorhachis Ruellia tubiflora var, tetrasti- chantha f. bicolor (type) 2596 759 . Ruellia geminifolia var. angusti- folia 2613. 2812. 2841. 2853. 3632. 3645. 3659. 3716. 3727. 3739. 3746. Aphelandra deppeana Ruellia humboldtiana Odontonema coccineum Justicia phytolaccoides Justicia aéthes (type) Justicia chaetocephala Ruellia macrophylla Justicia chaetocephala Odontonema bracteolatum Justicia leucerythra Ruellia macrophylla var. puberula (type) 3759 3775 3816. 3864. 3865. 3928. 3929. 3930. 3931. 3944. 3945. 3946. 3947. 3974, 3989. 3999. 4021. 4072. 4282. 4384. 4391. 4484. 4510. 4545, 4549, 4554. 4564. 4565. 4699. 4723. 4750. 4751. 4753. 4760. 4763. 4766. 4772. 4773. 4775. . Aphelandra pulcherrima . Chaetothylax haughtii (type) Justicia pharmacodes Ruellia inundata Elytraria imbricata Justicia bracteosa Siphonoglossa calcarea (type) Ruellia inundata Tetramerium nervosum Aphelandra phlogea (type) Aphelandra lasia (type) Odontonema bracteolatum Justicia chrysocoma Pseuderanthemum haughtii(type) Bravaisia integerrima Justicia pharmacodes Ruellia paniculata Justicia pharmacodes (type) Mendoncia speciosa Ruellia obtusa Justicia carthaginensis Odontonema bracteolatum Habracanthus antipharmacus Sanchezia pennellii Trichanthera gigantea Justicia ephemera Justicia phlebophylla (type) Justicia homoea (type) Aphelandra hartwegiana Kalbreyeriella rostellata Justicia bracteosa Ruellia inundata Justicia carthaginensis Tetramerium nervosum Justicia leucerythra Ruellia paniculata Justicia filibracteolata Justicia filibracteolata Justicia ephemera (type) 760 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM 4922. 4929. 4953. 4976, Mendoncia mirabilis (type) Ruellia chariessa (type) Justicia polygonoides Blechum haughtii (type) 5174, Aphelandra phobera 5323. Pseuderanthemum ctenosper- mum 5337. Aphelandra craura (type) 5390. Pseuderanthemum ctenosper- mum 5489. Pseuderanthemum diachylum (type) 5528. Aphelandra incarnata 6013. Razisea spicata 6031. Habracanthus lamprus (type) 6108. Aphelandra runcinata var. stram- inea (type) 6179. Dicliptera haughtii (type) 6242. Justicia phytolaccoides (type) 6243. Aphelandra incarnata 6256. Ruellia tubiflora 6382. Ruellia ischnopoda 6383. Justicia infelix 6385. Ruellia tubiflora 6429. Ruellia tubiflora 6711. Elytraria imbricata 6716. Justicia carthaginensis 6729. Justicia leucerythra (type) 6730. Aphelandra daemonia Hawkgs, J. G. 587. Aphelandra mildbraediana HERIBERTO, BROTHER 100. Ruellia tuberosa 136. Elytraria imbricata 188. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrasti- chantha 268. Aphelandra pulcherrima 276. Justicia bracteosa 303. Ruellia paniculata 304. Ruellia paniculata 312. Elytraria imbricata 357. Aphelandra deppeana 367. Justicia comata 410. Thunbergia fragrans 415. Aphelandra pulcherrima 460. Ruellia macrophylla HERMANN, F. J. 10926. Trichanthera gigantea 10942. Ruellia humboldtiana THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 10973. Aphelandra deppeana 11102. Ruellia geminiflora var. angusti- folia 11117. Ruellia tubiflora var. stichantha f. bicolor 11156. Teliostachya alopecuroidea 11198. Ruellia geminiflora 11287. Justicia comata tetra- HEeRNANDEZ-C., JORGE 809. Dicliptera uribei HILARINO-ANGEL, BROTHER 50. Justicia bracteosa 97. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 109. Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum Hopag, W. H Justicia hodgei (type) Jacobinia axiologa Aphelandra hodgei (type) Habracanthus hispidulus (type) Aphelandra runcinata Justicia phlebophylla Aphelandra lingua-bovis Odontonema stenostachyum Aphelandra hartwegiana 6504. 6511. 6513. 6585. 6605. 6978. 7012. 7034. 7053. Hotton, I. F. 10. Sanchezia pennellii 23. Ruellia fulgida var. angustissima 25. Ruellia ischnopoda 282. Ruellia tubiflora 592. Aphelandra acanthus 594. Justicia polygonoides 595. Aphelandra glabrata 597. Ruellia geminiflora 598. Ruellia lorentziana 600. Ruellia ischnopoda Iproso, J. M. 536. 566. Pseuderanthemum idroboi (type) Mendoncia villosa Iproso, J. M., & FernAnpez, A. 30. Thunbergia alata 243. Jacobinia tinctoria Iproso, J. M., & ScHuttres, RicHarpD EVANS 568. Ruellia tubiflora var. antha f. bicolor 631. Aphelandra pilosa tetrastich- LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE 682. Sanchezia pennellii 825. Justicia cystolithosa (type) 840. Aphelandra impressa 885. Aphelandra crenata 916. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrastich- antha, f. bicolor 920. Ruellia potamophila 959. Justicia ischnorhachis 1079. Justicia charadrophila (type) 1207. Aphelandra lamprantha 1218. Justicia macarenensis 1223. Aphelandra deppeana 1283. Justicia cystolithosa JoHNsoN, WitiiaM, & BARKLEY, Frep A. 18C.409. Aphelandra glabrata 18C.448. Ruellia colombiana Ka.BREYER, W. 344. Aphelandra nana 611. Aphelandra mildbraediana 794. Aphelandra lasia 930. Justicia xanthostachya (type) 1043. Justicia jacobinioides (type) 1171. Justicia fuchsiifolia 1252. Syringidium atropurpureum (type) 1257. Ruellia geminifiora 1524. Kalbreyeriella rostellata 1849. Aphelandra quadrifaria 2049. Ruellia tubiflora Kiuurp, E. P. Blechum brownei f. puberulum Blechum brownei f. puberulum Hygrophila guianensis Aphelandra pharangophila (type) Pseuderanthemum dawei Justicia chlorostachya Mendoncia gracilis Aphelandra phobera Dicliptera killipii (type) Justicia chlorostachya Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii 7786. Justicia chlorostachya 8335. Dicliptera pilosa 11175. Mendoncia pennellii 11451. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 11477. Ruellia potamophila 11565. Justicia comata 388179—57——29 5078. 5290. 5294. 5676. 5692. 5699. 6147. 6796. 6818. 7684. 7742. 7783. OF COLOMBIA, III 761 11584. 11635. 11788. 34261. 34330. folia 34345. Trichanthera gigantea 34354. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrastich- antha f. bicolor 34355. Justicia filibracteolata var. leu- cantha 34361. Ruellia humboldtiana 34377. Mendoncia lindavii 34489. Aphelandra barkleyi 34738. Aphelandra dolichantha 34738bis. Kalbreyeriella rostellata 34747. Ruellia potamophila (type) 34807. Kalbreyeriella rostellata 34839. Hygrophila guianensis 34890. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 34892. Fittonia argyroneura 34938. Aphelandra cuatrecasasii 35008. Sanchezia pennellii 35198. Justicia filibracteolata 35270. Pseuderanthemum chilianthium (type) 35365. Thunbergia fragrans 35374. Aphelandra killipii (type) 35383. Hygrophila tyttha (type) 35386. Teliostachya lanceolata 35399. Sanchezia pennellii 35469. Justicia killipii (type) 35534. Fittonia argyroneura 35574. Justicia infelix (type) 35586. Aphelandra glabrata 35589. Justicia filibracteolata var. azu- rea (type) 35590. Pachystachys riedeliana 35666. Justicia chlorostachya 37107. Ruellia macrophylla var. lutea (type, Venezuela) 38086. Habracanthus hylobius Mendoncia gracilis Ruellia geminiflora Aphelandra dolichantha Justicia comata Ruellia geminiflora var. angusti- Kmur, E. P.; Barxury, Frep A.; & DANIEL, BROTHER 39837. Aphelandra runcinata var. pilosa (type) Kup, FE. P., & Cuarrecasas, J. 38856. Hygrophila tyttha 38857. Ruellia pennellii 39123. Aphelandra garciae 762 Kiturp, E. P.; Duganp, A.; & Jara- MILLO, R. 38155. 38237. 38257. 38284. 38289. 383 46. Aphelandra glabrata Aphelandra glabrata Ruellia lorentziana Griseb. Justicia erythrantha (type) Chaetochlamys columbiensis Aphelandra longispica (type) Kiuip, E. P., & Garcia, Hernanpo 33318. Pseuderanthemum mum 33400. 33444, 33532. 33559. 33576, 33589, 33598. 35639. 33671. 33678. 33889. ctenosper- Blechum brownei f. puberulum Aphelandra dolichantha Aphelandra garciae (type) Ruellia pennellii Aphelandra incarnata Trichanthera gigantea Justicia comata Aphelandra hartwegiana Justicia chlorostachya (type) Neriacanthus lehmannianus Neriacanthus lehmannianus Kip, E. P., & Hazen, Tracy EB. 8795. Justicia chlorostachya 11152. Neriacanthus lehmannianus Kinuip, E. P., & Smirn, ALBERT C. 14148. 14186. 14212. 14288. 14310. 14516. 14711, 14719. 14767. 14895. 14936. 14979. 15368. 15452, 16091. 16138. 16283. 16355. 16426. Justicia carthaginensis Elytraria imbricata Ruellia obtusa Elytraria imbricata Aphelandra pulcherrima Aphelandra pulcherrima Justicia carthaginensis Justicia comata Blechum brownei f. puberulum Mendoncia lindavii Justicia comata Megaskepasma erythrochlamys Mendoncia rosea (type) Trichanthera gigantea Justicia anabasa (type) Aphelandra runcinata Aphelandra albert-smithii (type) Barleria micans Trichanthera gigantea 16462. Justicia chrysocoma 16491. Justicia filibracteolata var. pu- bescens 16797. Justicia chrysocoma (type) ~ CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 16816. Justicia filibracteolata var. pu- bescens 17031. Justicia filibracteolata 17042. Justicia filibracteolata var. pu- bescens 19040. Justicia filibracteolata 19257. Habracanthus smithii (type) 19262. Aphelandra runcinata 19359. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrasti- chantha 19391. Justicia chrysocoma 19966. Habracanthus killipii (type) 20080. Justicia filibracteolata var. pu- bescens 20140, Trichanthera corymbosa (type) 20157. Habracanthus diversicolor 20451. Habracanthus killipii 20504. Trichanthera gigantea 20534. Trichanthera gigantea 20807. Justicia filibracteolata 20891. Trichanthera gigantea 20931. Aphelandra pulcherrima 20932. Odontonema bracteolatum 20978. Ruellia tuberosa 21100. Justicia rohrii Kiuurp, E. P., & Vareta, GuILLERMO 34685. Aphelandra acanthus Kuve, G. Sanchezia putumayensis (type) Justicia sanchezioides Ruellia putumayensis (type) Mendoncia glomerata (type) Justicia pampolystachys (type) Justicia martiana Mendoncia aspera Justicia filibracteolata var. lila- 1653. 1693. 1696. 1710. 1724, 1742. 1760. 1768. cina 1813. Justicia idiogenes 1918. Mendoncia pedunculata Kore, M. 4671. Habracanthus xanthothrix (type) 5043. Mendoncia trichota (type) 5056. Dicliptera koiei (type) Lanauassk, E. 44. Neriacanthus lehmannianus LAUREANO-JAVIER, BROTHER 17. Habracanthus hylobius - LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III LAWRANCE, A. E. 18. Aphelandra chaponensis (type) 60. Justicia chaponensis (type) 69. Mendoncia lindavii 198. Razisea spicata 201. Aphelandra parviflora (type) 234. Kalbreyeriella rostellata 243. Aphelandra lawranceae 244, Aphelandra lawranceae (type) 252. Aphelandra lawranceae 258. Dicliptera batilliformis (type) 264. Mendoncia microchlamys (type) 291. Aphelandra parviflora 363. Mendoncia odorata 367. Kalbreyeriella rostellata 441. Pseudoranthemum chaponense (type) 491. Ruellia viridiflora (type) 501. Pseuderanthemum chaponense f. lilacinum (type) 502. Cyphacanthus atopa (type) 564. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrasti- chantha f. bicolor 565. Aphelandra boyacensis (type) 601. Aphelandra alexandri (type) 680. Aphelandra adscendens (type) 694. Kalbreyeriella rostellata 761. Mendoncia pennellii LEHMANN, F. C. B.T.428. B.T.435. B.T.438. B.T.449. B.T.654. lum B.T.1165. Aphelandra pharangophila 1854. Thunbergia alata 1887. Pachystachys riedeliana 2966. Neriacanthus lehmannianus 3040. Trichanthera gigantea 3164. Ruellia colorata 3335. Ruellia ischnopoda 4062. Justicia carthaginensis 4104. Odontonema coccineum 4478. Ruellia rusbyi 4739. Ruellia fulgida var. angustissima 4740. Jacobinia spicigera 4985. Fittonia argyroneura 5505. Ruellia geminiflora 5506. Aphelandra sericophylla 5600. Fittonia argyroneura Jacobinia tinctoria Justicia filibracteolata Jacobinia tinctoria Neriacanthus lehmannianus Blechum brownei f. puberu- 763 5601. 6107. 6410. 6442, 7266. 7440, 7574, 7845. 7846. 7849, 7850. Justicia chlorostachya Justicia carthaginensis Ruellia tuberosa Stenandrium dulce Pseuderanthemum cladodes (type) Aphelandra colombiensis (type) Aphelandra runcinata Aphelandra incarnata Aphelandra runcinata Dicliptera vahliana Ruellia fulgida var. angustissima 7851. Jacobinia tinctoria 7852. Neriacanthus lehmannianus (type) 8534. Pseuderanthemum dawei 8632. Aphelandra puberula 8692. Ruellia ischnopoda 8822. Ruellia humboldtiana 9047. Aphelandra hartwegiana 9048. Encephalosphaera vitellina (type) LINDEN, J. J. 703. Odontonema bracteolatum var. parviflorum LirtLe, EvBert L. 7930. Trichanthera gigantea 8030. Aphelandra porphyrocarpa 8135. Aphelandra porphyrocarpa LONGFIELD, C. 381. Ruellia gorgonensis Léprz, F., & Sancuez, M. J. 41. Justicia phlebophylla 53. Odontonema stenostachyum (type) 61. Trichanthera gigantea Mason, Hrrbert L. 13817. Ruellia geminiflora 13978. Ruellia tuberosa Mesa-B., D. 82. Hygrophila guianensis Mercatr, R. D. 30019. Ruellia tuberosa Mercatr, R. D., & Cuatrecasas, J. 30075. Ruellia pennellii 764 Mo.LpENKE, ALMA; WILLARD, Luts; & BaRKLEY, Frep A. 18VC.000. Ruellia geminiflora Monina, FELIX 35, Habracanthus heliophilus (type) Muotis, Jos# CELESTINO 440. 720. 725, 892. 894. 895. 916. 924, 1488. 1489. 1494. 1498. 1500, 1501, 1502. 1503. 1504, 1508. 1509. 1512. 1943. 1944. 3904. Ruellia ischnopoda Aphelandra glabrata Justicia polygonoides Justicia phytolaccoides Mendoncia lindavii Mendoncia villosa Mendoncia mutisii (type) Mendoncia lindavii Justicia comata Aphelandra deppeana Aphelandra aurantiaca Ruellia ischnopoda Pseuderanthemum pennellii Aphelandra straminea Aphelandra longispica Justicia phytolaccoides Aphelandra glabrata Habracanthus hylobius Aphelandra chaponensis Justicia filibracteolata Aphelandra mutisii (type) Aphelandra phobera Justicia chaetocephala NIeMEYeER, ERNESTINE H. 1. Sanchezia pennellii 27. Ruellia macrophylla NovaL, Marra D1 Pauma, & BarkKLey, Frep A, 18C.484. Aphelandra runcinata Pau, BroTHer B-7. Elytraria imbricata B-19, Justicia laevilinguis B-26. Dicliptera vahliana B-34. Ruellia paniculata B-36. Ruellia inundata C-11. Ruellia obtusa 25. Pseuderanthemum 42. Ruellia paniculata atropurpureum PENNELL, FRANcIS W. 1384. Mendoncia sprucei CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 1397. Mendoncia lindavii 1473. Justicia comata 1475. Mendoncia lindavii 1478. Ruellia tubiflora var. chantha f. bicolor 1551. Hygrophila guianensis 1630. Ruellia humboldtiana 1714. Justicia filibracteolata var. leu- cantha 2191. Stenandrium dulce 2667. Habracanthus eallianthus 2700. Pseuderanthemum ellipticum 2722. Justicia carthaginensis 2783. Ruellia geminiflora 2812. Justicia carthaginensis 2831. Justicia erythrantha 2842. Thunbergia alata 3132. Aphelandra acanthus 3218. Hygrophila guianensis 3320. Aphelandra pharangophila 3390. Justicia filibracteolata 3397. Justicia chlorostachya 3675. Ruellia geminiflora 3752. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 3798. Sanchezia pennellii (type) 3822. Justicia comata 3927. Justicia comata 3948, Justicia laevilinguis 3958. Justicia laevilinguis 3983. Staurogyne lepidagathoides (type) 3985. Chaetothylax leucanthus (type) 4021. Justicia bracteosa 4026. Tetramerium nervosum 4028. Ruellia inundata 4030. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 4037. Dicliptera vahliana 4041. Justicia comata 4057. Aphelandra deppeana 4071. Justicia carthaginensis 4098. Justicia comata 4101. Trichanthera gigantea 4104. Barleria micans 4108. Aphelandra pulcherrima 4115. Ruellia macrophylla 4178, in part. Ruellia macrophylla 4178, in part. Ruellia pennellii 4182. Ruellia colombiana 4206, in part. Justicia polygonoides 4206, in part. Justicia pectoralis 4236. Chaetothylax leucanthus 4436. Pseuderanthemum _ stenosiphon (type) tetrasti- LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 4453. 4499, 4500. 4526. Pseuderanthemum stenosiphon Dicliptera megalochlamys (type) Justicia graphophylla (type) Ruellia colombiana 4529. Justicia leptochlamys (type) 4542. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrasti- chantha 4573. Sanchezia pennellii 4580. Aphelandra hartwegiana 4581. Aphelandra incarnata 4654. Justicia pectoralis 4657. Justicia comata 4658. Ruellia pennellii (type) 4697. Bravaisia integerrima 4728. Ruellia paniculata 4743. Ruellia paniculata 4750. Dicliptera vahbliana 4764. Ruellia obtusa 4779. Dicliptera vahliana 5475. Ruellia geminiflora 5676. Aphelandra glabrata 6047. Ruellia geminiflora 7556. Habracanthus oresbius (type) 7622. Justicia chlorostachya 9704. Aphelandra acanthus 10158. Aphelandra runcinata 10184. Ruellia pennellii 10273. Justicia filibracteolata 10291. Thunbergia alata 10320. Dicliptera hazenii 10347. Justicia chlorostachya 10414. Habracanthus pennellii (type) 10593. Hygrophila guianensis 10601. Mendoncia pennellii (type) 10624. Aphelandra arborescens 10625. Pseuderanthemum ellipticum 10684. Pseuderanthemum pennellii (type) 10798. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 10802. Thunbergia alata 10811. Justicia comata 10940. Aphelandra runcinata 10974. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 12046. Justicia carthaginensis 12047. Ruellia obtusa 12069. Elytraria imbricata PENNELL, Francis W., & Kiuuip, E. P. 5759. 5789. 5970. 6193. 7392. Justicia chlorostachya Neriacanthus lehmannianus Ruellia geminiflora Trichanthera gigantea Aphelandra phobera 765 7436. Habracanthus oresbius 8270. Hygrophila guianensis 12131. Justicia chlorostachya PENNELL, Francis W.; Kiuurp, E. P.; & Hazen, Tracy E. 8414. 8493. 8505. Justicia polygonoides Hygrophila guianensis Justicia filibracteolata 8572. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 8630. Hygrophila guianensis 8630a, Pseuderanthemum ellipticum 8635. Thunbergia alata 8637. Hygrophila guianensis 8695. Dicliptera hazenii (type) 8697. Justicia filibracteolata PENNELL, Francis W., & Russy, H. H. 18. Ruellia obtusa 24. Justicia laevilinguis 199a. Hygrophila guianensis Pérez-ARBELAEZ, FE. 35. Aphelandra barkleyi 50. Ruellia humboldtiana 379. Thunbergia grandiflora 382. Thunbergia fragrans 385. Pseuderanthemum atropurpureum 399. Ruellia lorentziana 417. Aphelandra glabrata 576. Ruellia tubiflora var. antha 577. Thunbergia fragrans 587. Justicia pleurolarynx 733. Fittonia verschaffeltii 746. Justicia sanchezioides tetrastich- 2380. Hygrophila guianensis 2471. Ruellia tuberosa 2518. Ruellia lorentziana 3031. Stenandrium dulce 3105. Chaetochlamys columbiensis 3106. Dicliptera nanodes (type) 3148. Pseuderanthemum atropurpure- um 4890. Ruellia tuberosa 5343. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrastich- antha Pérez-ARBELAEZ, E., & CUATRECASAS, J. 5320. Aphelandra runcinata 5346. Thunbergia alata var. bakeri 5369. Hygrophila guianensis 766 5788. 5977, 6183. 6260. 6267. 6332. 6333. 6372, 8132. 8336. Dicliptera driophila Dicliptera caucensis (type) Justicia chlorostachya Habracanthus hylobius Justicia chlorostachya Trichanthera gigantea Thunbergia alata Justicia infelix Trichanthera gigantea Ruellia grisea (type) Puitipson, W. R., & Iprozso, J. M, 1794. Justicia cystolithosa Puittrson, W. R.; Ipropo, J. Mu; & FERNANDEZ, A, 1351, Aphelandra barkleyi 1364. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrastich- antha f. bicolor 1419. Aphelandra lamprantha 1496. Mendoncia lindavii 1578. Justicia macarenensis (type) 1579. Justicia croceochlamys 1580. Justicia filibracteolata var. leu- cantha 1627. Justicia filibracteolata var. lila- cina, 1627a. Teliostachya crispa 1634. Justicia filibracteolata var. lila- cina 1639. Trichanthera gigantea 1722. Sanchezia pennellii lanceolata var. Puitirson, W. R.; Iprono, J. M.; & JARAMILLO, R. 2046. Ruellia potamophila 2146. Justicia cystolithosa 2183. Justicia oreopola (type) Pirrrer, H. 610. Neriacanthus lehmannianus 1506. Fittonia verschaffeltii Pring, Greorce H. 36. Stenandrium dulce Recorp, 8. J. 35. Justicia rohrii 36. Aphelandra daemonia CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Rfos-C., Danito; BARKLEY, Frep A.; & BeTancourt-O., ALBERTO 605. Blechum brownei f. puberulum Romero-CasteNepa, R. 34. Bravaisia integerrima 257. Ruellia macrophylla 557. Justicia leucerythra 583. Aphelandra daemonia 597. Ruellia macrophylla 608. Odontonema bracteolatum var. parviflorum 1225. Mendoncia hirsuta Rurz-L., Epuarpo; Rivera, RAFAEL; & Barkiey, Frep A. 18C.316. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 18C.388. Aphelandra incarnata 18C.430. Justicia phlebophylla Russy, H, H. 4799. Ruellia obtusa Russy, H. H., & Penneun, Francis W. 167. 250. 398. 409. 470. 486. 487. 510. 548. 891. 1000. 1060, 1104, 1163, 1178. Ruellia tuberosa Ruellia tubiflora Ruellia geminiflora Aphelandra glabrata Aphelandra anomala (type) Chaetothylax huilensis (type) Dicliptera rhombochlamys (type) Ruellia rusbyi Ruellia rusbyi Aphelandra porphyroecarpa (type) Ruellia rusbyi (type) Ruellia ischnopoda Ruellia ischnopoda Ruellia tuberosa Blechum brownei f. puberulum SANDEMAN, CHRISTOPHER 140. Neriacanthus lehmannianus 5814. Justicia ischnorhachis 9821. Ruellia tubiflora’ var. chantha f. bicolor 5999. Justicia bracteosa tetrasti- SARMIENTO, A. 6. Justicia chlorostachya LEONARD—-THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III ScHIEFER, HELEN 757, Ruellia humboldtiana 790. Mendoncia lindavii 791. Aphelandra schieferae (type) 813. Justicia unguiculata 813A. Justicia unguiculata (type) 828. Justicia filibracteolata var. cantha 851. Aphelandra barkleyi leu- Scuiim, Louis JosSEPH 136. 258. 278. 537. 779. 780. Ruellia fulgida var. angustissima Aphelandra macrophylla Aphelandra deppeana Aphelandra mildbraediana Ruellia tubiflora Aphelandra nana (type) 887. Justicia pharmacodes 894. Ruellia paniculata 1093. Justicia sanchezioides Scuort, A. 5. Dicliptera vahliana 6. Justicia carthaginensis Scuuttes, Ricoarp Evans Fittonia verschaffeltii Ruellia colorata Justicia idiogenes Sanchezia thinophila (type) 6630. Aphelandra aurantiaca 6937. Sanchezia thinophila f. glabra (type) 8248. Justicia comata 3480. 3507. 3538. 6607. ScHu.tes, RicHarpD Evans; BAKER, R. E. D.; & Caprera, Istporo 18455. Aphelandra pilosa 18556. Justicia pectoralis Scuuttes, Ricuarp Evans, & Buack, Gronrce A. 8317. Justicia blackii (type) 8697. Justicia blackii Scuuttes, Ricnarp Evans, & CABRERA, IsIDORO 12575. Justicia pectoralis 12679. Justicia cabrerae 12701. Justicia cabrerae (type) 12703. Justicia chlorostachya 13322. Justicia schultesii (type) 767 13570. Ruellia tubiflora var. parviflora f. alba 13710. Mendoncia aspera 14033. Justicia pectoralis 14079. Justicia pectoralis 14568. Justicia pectoralis 14619. Justicia pectoralis 14941A. Justicia pectoralis 15113. Mendoncia pedunculata 15244, Justicia pectoralis var. steno- phylla 15342. Teliostachya petraea (type) 16124. Justicia pectoralis 17545. Justicia seytophylla (type) 17714. Sanchezia pennellii 19093. Kalbreyeriella cabrerae (type) 19093bis. Aphelandra crispata 19095. Kalbreyeriella cabrerae 19633. Aphelandra pilosa Scuuttses, Ricwarp Evans, & Lépsz, FRANCISCO 10400K. Mendoncia lasiophyta (type) Scuuttes, Ricuarp Evans, & VILLA- RREAL, MARDOQUEO 7740. Habracanthus putumayensis (type) ScoLnix, Rosa 1636. Pseuderanthemum chilianthium Scotn1K, Rosa; AraquE-M., JoreE; & BARKLEY, FRED A. 19An.317. Ruellia tuberosa 19An.439. Justicia filibracteolata 19An.340. Habracanthus erythranthus (type) 19An.478. Mendoncia lindavii Scotnik, Rosa; BarKuEy, Frep A.; & PreNa, Luis 554. Aphelandra scolnikae ScoLnik, Rosa; Barkiey, Frep A.; & Saiz-A., Luis E. 428. Justicia chlorostachya ScoLnIxk, Rosa; Barva Léprez, NEMESIO; & BARKLEY, Frep A. 19An,199. Habracanthus scolnikae (type) 768 Scounik, Rosa; Rfos-C., Danmo; & Betancourt-O., ALBERTO 624. Ruellia tuberosa SILVANO-J., BROTHER 178. Ruellia fulgida var. angustissima Smiru, Herserr H. 81. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 89. Hygrophila guianensis 96. Justicia rohrii (Beloperone sanmar- tensis, type) 377. Justicia secunda 381. Ruellia macrophylla 566. Justicia carthaginensis 746. Ruellia tuberosa 1137. Mendoncia speciosa 1208. Justicia comata 1358. Justicia rhodoides (type) 1359. Ruellia paniculata 1389, in part. Odontonema_bracteo- latum 1389, in part. Odontonema bracteo- latum var. parviflorum (type) 1390. Odontonema rubrum 1407. Justicia pectoralis 1408. Tetramerium nervosum 1409. Blechum brownei f. puberulum 1410. Ruellia inundata 1411. Dicliptera sanctae-martae (type) 1412. Elytraria imbricata 1413. Justicia secunda var. (type) 1414. Aphelandra mildbraediana (type) 1415. Aphelandra daemonia (type) 1416. Justicia comata 1488. Dicliptera vahliana 1869. Bravaisia integerrima 1973. Tetramerium nervosum 2114. Blechum brownei f. puberulum leucantha Smiru, 8. GALEN 1137. 1164. 1199. 1203. 1272. 1314. Ruellia tuberosa Chaetothylax huilensis Justicia comata Blechum brownei f. puberulum Ruellia geminiflora Aphelandra glabrata Situ, 8. Gauen, & IpRopo, Jests M. 1486. Ruellia macarenensis (type) CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM SNEIDERN, KJELL VON 311. 491, 493. 494, 612. 617. 621. 624, 647. 700. 703. 711. 775. 809. 821. Hygrophila guianensis Habracanthus hylobius Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii Justicia comata Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii Habracanthus hylobius Justicia chlorostachya Habracanthus hylobius (type) Justicia chlorostachya Habracanthus hylobius Justicia chlorostachya Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii 822. Pseuderanthemum cuatrecasasii 864. Ruellia tubiflora var. tetrastichan- tha 868. Aphelandra sneidernii (type) 869. Aphelandra puberula (type) 923. Aphelandra silvicola (type) 958. Justicia chlorostachya 971. Ruellia pennellii 1012. Ruellia pennellii 1032. Dicliptera caucensis 1061. Ruellia geminiflora 1062. Ruellia geminiflora 1113. Aphelandra pharangophila 1240. Trichanthera gigantea 1512. Aphelandra acanthus 2643. Ruellia ischnopoda 2644. Justicia comata 2645. Habracanthus hylobius 2646. Habracanthus congestus (type) 2647. Ruellia caucensis (type) 2649. Aphelandra huilensis (type) 2650. Bilechum brownei f. puberulum 2651. Ruellia geminiflora 2652. Trichanthera gigantea 2653. Trichanthera gigantea 5042, Pseuderanthemum sneidernii (type) 5075. Ruellia potamophila 5080. Aphelandra lingua-bovis 5293. Kalbreyeriella rostellata Soro-Herrera, GENTIL 944, Aphelandra glabrata Spracus, T, A, 12. Justicia ischnorhachis LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 27. Staurogyne leptocaulis (type) 52. Ruellia geminiflora var. angustifolia 139. Justicia filibracteolata var. leu- cantha 246. Ruellia rusbyi 387. Justicia sanchezioides 394. Aphelandra lonchochlamys (type) 396. Justicia chloanantha 402. Mendoncia spraguei (type) 601. Aphelandra ochrolarynx (type) SrTEERE, WILLIAM C. 7095. Justicia bracteosa TARRAGON, Huco Du; ARAQuE-M., Jorce; & Barkuey, Frep A. 18Cu.100. Stenandrium dulce TomAs, BROTHER 770. Aphelandra runcinata 2452. Sanchezia pennellii Toro, RAFAEL A. 12. Thunbergia alata 78. Trichanthera gigantea 554. Thunbergia fragrans 842. Justicia filibracteolata 859. Ruellia ischnopoda 943. Pseuderanthemum leiophyllum (type) 960. Mendoncia gracilis 1175. Kalbreyeriella rostellata 1260. Aphelandra runcinata var. pilosa 1369. Thunbergia fragrans TorreGROZA, MANUEL; ARAQUE-M., Jorce; & Barkuey, Frep A. 18At.502. Justicia carthaginensis 18At.504. Justicia carthaginensis 18At.521. Elytraria imbricata 18At.522. Justicia carthaginensis 388179—57——30 769 Tracry, Mrs. 152. Aphelandra conformis Urise-URIBE, LORENZO 343. Dicliptera uribei (type) 1319. Aphelandra barkleyi 1320. Justicia filibracteolata var. leu- cantha 1436. Aphelandra glabrata 1437. Aphelandra uribei (type) 1502. Aphelandra crenata 1505. Aphelandra hartwegiana 1517. Aphelandra glabrata 1683. Justicia carthaginensis 1754. Pseudteranthemum ellipticum 1857. Aphelandra runcinata 1862. Aphelandra xanthantha (type) 2029. Ruellia pennellii 2115. Aphelandra runcinata 2151. Mendoncia lindavii 2207. Ruella fulgida var. angustissima 2273. Ruellia ischnopoda 2308. Aphelandra sericophylla 2309. Justicia erythrantha 2335. Ruellia tubiflora 2336. Justicia filibracteolata 2337. Aphelandra lasia 2496. Mendoncia villosa 2567. Ruellia tubiflora WALKER, FRED 1205. 1282. Ruellia tuberosa Dicliptera assurgens Yerres-AGREDO, SILVIO 202. Justicia chlorostachya Yerres, Fumio; Briain, Enrique; & d ? bl BarRKLEY, Frep A. 18C.300. Aphelandra incarnata ERRATA Parts I and II Page iii (of Part I), line 14: For “72” read ‘‘73.” Page 5, line 20: For “Henrich” read “Heinrich.” Page 7, line 2: For “Buena Vista” read “Buenavista.” Page 8, line 15: For “appressed-ovate” read “appressed, ovate.” Page 8, fifth line from bottom: Delete ‘Mare Caribe.” Page 8, second line from bottom: For “Sonto” read “Santo.” Page 10, line 11: Delete the line reading “Type species: Justicia brunelloides Lam. Type locality: Java,” and substitute “There were two original species, N. campestris R. Brown and N, rotundifolia R. Brown, of which the first may be chosen as lectotype.”’ Page 12, line 14: For 1874” read “1847.” Page 12, line 16: For ‘“Nees” read “Karsten ex Nees”’; for ‘‘Engelio” read “Engel.” Page 12, line 26: For “Type” read “Lectotype.” Page 17, line 1: For “rotudatae” read “rotundatae.” Page 18, line 23: For “palide’’ read “pallide.” Page 18, line 26: For “hisuta” read “hirsuta.” Page 21, line 27: For “1947” read “1847.” Page 22, line 11: After “Crucis” add “oppidum.”’ Page 22, line 12: For ‘‘Provincia” read “Provinciae”’. Page 23, line 9 from bottom: For “dipositi’’ read ‘‘dispositi.”’ Page 26, line 14: For “Santurario” read “Santuario.” Page 29, line 18 from bottom: For “1790” read “1825.” Page 30, line 25: For “Cubujén” read “Cubugén.” Page 36, line 9: For “1260” read “1280.” Page 36, line 11: For ‘‘Bayaca” read ‘“Boyaca.” Page 43, line 2: For “1639” read “1369.” Page 44, line 17: For “species” read “series.” Page 44, line 18: For “at” read “in,” Page 44, line 19: For “at” read “in.” Page 44, line 5 from bottom: For “Phaylopsis” read “Phaulopsis.” Page 45, line 19: For “stamens 2 or 3” read “stamens 2 or 4.” Page 45, line 20 from bottom: For “Bignonaceae” read “Bignoniaceae.” Page 46, line 20: For “arborea” read “arboreus.”’ Page 46, line 20: For “pl. 149” read “pl. 189.” Page 49, line 4 from bottom: For 4213” read “4314.” Page 49, last line: For ‘“Freijito” read “Frejito.” Page 50, line 16: For “Tricanthera” read “Trichanthera.” Page 50, line 18: For “March 4” read “March 3-8.” Page 52, line 19: Add ‘10’? after “Holton.” Page 52, line 21: For “Bermega” read “‘Bermeja.”’ Page 55, line 13: For “fasiculis” read “fasciculis.” Page 58, line 6 from bottom: For ‘“Porcesito” read “Porcecito.” Page 58, line 5 from bottom: For “Killip & Hazen’ read “Pennell, Killip, & Hazen.” Page 59, line 12 from bottom: For “Neuva” read “Nueva.” 770 LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 771 Page 60, line 18: For ‘‘Phaylopsis’’ read ‘‘Phaulopsis.” Page 60, line 22: For ‘‘Type species Ruellia blechum L.” read ‘Lectotype: Blechum brownei Jussieu.” Page 60, line 9 from bottom: For ‘‘disseptiment”’ read “‘dissepiment.”’ Page 61, line 7 from bottom: For ‘‘the type” read ‘‘their types.” Page 62, line 6: For “Landa, Rivera, & Barkley’ read “Ruiz-Landa, Rivera, & Barkley.” Page 62, line 12: For ‘654” read “‘B. T. 654.” Page 62, line 19: For ‘‘Gordona”’ read ‘“‘Gorgona.” Page 62, line 28: For ‘‘Playa Barba” read ‘‘Playa Brava.” Page 62, line 16 from bottom: For “hirellis’’ read “‘hirtellis.”’ Page 65, line 7 from bottom: For ‘Appollinaire’”’ read ‘‘A pollinaire.”’ Page 66, line 9: For ‘‘musilaginous” read ‘“mucilaginous.” Page 66, line 15: For ‘‘Wall.” read ‘Nees in Wall.” Page 66, line 23: For ‘‘Verat.” read ‘‘Vratisl.”’ Page 69, line 9: For ‘“‘plubescent”’ read ‘pubescent.” Page 69, line 5 from bottom: For ‘‘Santandersito” read ‘‘Santandercito.” Page 69, line 3 from bottom: For “Holton 599” read ‘Holton 23.” Page 74, line 5: For ‘Cauca”’ read “El Valle;” for “Gordona” read “‘Gorgona.”’ Page 74, line 16: For ‘‘puberulentes” read ‘‘puberulentae.”’ Page 74, line 13 from bottom: For “unludate” read “undulate.”’ Page 76, line 7-10: Delete these lines. Page 76, line 19: For “Ruellia paniculata H. B. K.” read “Dipteracanthus tur- bacensis Nees.” Page 77, line 22: After “Syst.” add ‘ed. 2.” Page 79, line 12: For ‘Pennell & Rusby’ read “‘Rusby & Pennell.” Page 79, line 23: Transfer the entry ‘“Tocaima, Pérez-Arbeldez 2471 (US)” from the Department of Tolima up to the Department of Cundinamarca (line 13). Page 80, line 23: For ‘‘Apollinar’” read ‘A polinar.”’ Page 81, line 8: For ‘‘pediceli’” read ‘‘pedicelli.”’ Page 84, line 14: For “Palmarrosa” read “Palmarosa.”’ Page 84, line 21: For “1069” read ‘‘1060.” Page 88, line 9: For ‘‘Wein” read ‘‘Wien.” Page 90, line 22: For “Guadas” read ‘“‘Guaduas.”’ Page 91, line 18 from bottom: For “Susumoco” read “Susumuco.”’ Page 91, line 11 from bottom: Add ‘‘and dros, flower.”’ Page 92, line 9: For ‘‘Collecter?”’ read ‘‘Heriberto.” Page 92, line 13: For “‘forcibus’”’ read ‘‘faucibus.” Page 98, line 18 from bottom: For ‘‘petiolun” read “petiolum.”’ Page 95, line 10: For “29431” read ‘39431.” Page 95, line 8 from bottom: For ‘‘Vergel” read ‘‘Verjel.” Page 97, line 17 from bottom: For ‘4348’ read 4384.” Page 98, line 19: For “pubescentia” read ‘‘pubescens.” Page 100, line 2 from bottom: For “Tierra Alba” read ‘Tierra Alta.” Page 100, last line: Add ‘‘March 7-10, 1918.” Page 102, line 10: For ‘‘decumbentae’”’ read ‘‘decumbentes.”’ Page 108, line 12: For ‘‘Johnsion” read ‘‘Johnson.”’ Page 108, last line: For ‘‘calvatae” read ‘“‘clavatae.’”’ Page 104, line 6 from bottom: Add “No. 1661618” after “Herbarium.” Page 104, line 5 from bottom: Add ‘Vicinity of Puerto Berrio” after “Camp VI.” Page 106, line 18 from bottom: For ‘‘oraxus” read “ord us.” Page 106, line 12 from bottom: For “bracteoli” read “bracteolae.” Page 106, line 11 from bottom: For “angularis’’ read ‘“‘angularibus.”’ 772 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Page 107, line 4 from bottom: For “November” read ‘“‘October-November.”’ Page 108, line 4: For “tenuia” read “tenuis.” Page 109, line 6 from bottom: For ‘“Jaques’”’ read “Jacques.” Page 109, line 5 from bottom: For ‘1634” read ‘'1606.” Page 109, line 3 from bottom: For “Type” read “Lectotype.” Page 111, line 4 from bottom: For “‘ordéyos’” read ‘“ordxus.”’ Page 112, line 3: For “radically” read “‘radially.”’ Page 112, line 10: For ‘‘Type” read ‘Lectotype.’ Page 112, line 12: For “‘Lepidagathis Willd.” read “Lepidagathis sensu auctt. non Willd.” Page 112, line 12: For “1801” read 1800.” Page 112, line 3 from bottom: For “‘alopecurotdes”’ read “alopecuroidea.”’ Page 113, line 8 from bottom: For “Brass.” read ‘Bras.” Page ii (of Part IT), line 8: For ‘'106” read ‘‘105.” Page 121, line 19: For ‘‘pendunculi” read ‘‘pedunculi.”’ Page 122, line 6 from bottom: For “bank” read “side of the valley.” Page 124, line 9: For “Hazen & Killip” read ‘Killip & Hazen.” Page 125, line 22: For ‘‘Colombia” read “Columbia.” Page 125, line 23: Delete parenthesis after “Hooker” and insert parenthesis at end of sentence. Page 127, line 11 from bottom: For ‘‘83”’ read 85.” Page 133, line 23: For “earmine” read ‘‘carmine.” Page 135, line 7 from bottom: For ‘‘Subita” read “‘Subata.” Page 136, line 7: Insert “(US)” after 4024.” Page 136, line 8: Insert “(NY)” after “1260.” Page 136, line 7 from bottom: For “integrading” read “intergrading.” Page 137, line 4 from bottom: For ‘“‘tooth-leaved” read “toothed-leaved.”’ Page 145, line 12 from bottom: For “unde” read ‘‘under.”’ Page 145, line 11 from bottom: For ‘‘pos”’ read ‘‘pos-.” Page 145, line 3 from bottom: For “amarillo” read “amarilla.” Page 149, line 2 from bottom: For ‘Tabor’ read “El Tabor.” Page 152, line 1: For 179548” read ‘'1798548.” Page 157, line 20: For “Boraywéns’”’ read ‘‘Boravewdns.”’ Page 160, line 6 from bottom: For “Rhombochamys”’ read ‘“Rhombochlamys.”’ Page 166, line 9: For ‘“Caqueté&”’ read ‘‘Putumayo,”’ Page 170, line 10 from bottom: For “bank” read “side of the valley.” Page 181, line 25: For “pleurumque”’ read ‘“‘plerumque.” Page 183, line 21 from bottom: For “Scheide”’ read ‘‘Schiede.”’ Page 191, line 18 from bottom: For ‘Riksmuseet, Stockholm” read “Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.” Page 191, line 16 from bottom: For ‘‘Kew’’ read ‘“Riksmuseet, Stockholm.” Page 197, line 1: For ‘‘aliquando” read ‘‘aliquanto,”’ Page 197, line 5 from bottom: For “these” read ‘“‘this.”’ Page 202, line 7: For the garbled Greek word read ‘“‘éapisnyos.”’ Page 204, line 4: For “Department” read “Intendencia.” Page 204, line 5: For ‘'27” read “20-30.” Page 212, line 17 from bottom: For ‘supper’ read ‘upper.’ Page 214, line 6 from bottom: For “1.75” read ‘0.5-0.7.”’ Page 217, line 21: For “glaborous’”’ read “glabrous.” Page 218, line 4 from bottom: Delete the word “et.” Page 219, line 2: For “lucenti’’ read ‘“‘lucentes.”’ Page 220, line 6: Transfer parenthesis from after ‘‘Isotypes” to before the word. Page 224, line 10 from bottom: For “‘ofter’’ read ‘‘often.”’ LEONARD—THE ACANTHACEAE OF COLOMBIA, III 773 Page 234, line 12 from bottom: For “‘pendunculis” read ‘‘pedunculis.’’ Page 242, line 12: For ‘“pendunculatae” read “pedunculatae.” Page 245, line 7: For “‘pracecipue’’ read ‘‘praecipue.”’ Page 246, line 12 from bottom: For “Cauca” read ‘‘Caldas,” Page 255, line 6 from bottom: For “Limbo” read “Limba; for “100” read “800.” Page 256, first line of legend to figure 92: For ‘‘Limbo” read “Limba.” Page 258, bottom line: For ‘‘Department” read ‘‘Intendencia.” Page 261, line 24: For “Nees” read ‘‘Willd. ex Nees.’ Page 262, line 9 from bottom: For ‘‘Herrera’’ read “Soto Herrera.” Page 263, line 16: For ‘‘Suffretescent” read ‘“Suffrutescent.”’ Page 269, line 2 from bottom: For “April 30” read ‘April 20-May 23.” Page 272, line 6 from bottom: For “Department” read ‘‘Intendencia.”’ Page 273, line 4: For ‘“acutae’”’ read “acuta.” Page 279, line 24: For “bank” read “side of the valley,” for “Sanguinini”’ read “Sanquininf.”’ Page 283, line 11: For “braceteolae’”’ read “bracteolae.” Page 290, line 7: Add parenthesis after ‘1947’; for ‘“naxos” read “raxus.” Page 302, line 5: For 8630” read ‘8630a.”’ Page 302, line 19: For “petoli” read “‘petioli.” Page 307, line 7 from bottom: For ‘1: 619. 1875” read “n. ser. 3: 619. 1875.” Page 312, line 9: For “bank” read “‘side of the valley.” Page 312, line 17 from bottom: For “‘bractolae’”’ read “‘bracteolae.”’ Page 314, line 13 from bottom: Before “fasciculis’” add “floribus in.” Page 318, line 17: For “in the valleys of the Cali and Pichindé rivers” read “on Rio Pichindé, in the valley of Rio Cali.” Page 318, line 15 from bottom: For “142565” read ‘'1423565.” INDEX [Synonyms in italics, Abrojo____-___.-_--_-------_- 615 Acanthaceae____________---_-- 1, 2, 4 Acanthoideae_______- 2,4, 44, 119, 323 Acanthus__________------- 1, 3, 5, 28 mollis.._._...____----------- spinosus__._.......-..-.------ 3 Adhatoda_____.._-_------------ 487 carthaginensis____.-.-------- 547 hyssopifolia._._.........------ 487 periploctfolia.._.._.__.------- 584 refleciflora_......----------- 584 zeylanica....--2 2222 -e 487 Afromendoncia________-------- 11 Amasonia integerrima_________- 46 Anamti_________-_____--__--__- 8 Ancylogyne_._.--------------- 51 capttata___.____..-_-------- 51 macrocnemis__...-.--------- 51 munita._...------ eee 51 peruviand_______-._--_-__--- 51 Andrographideae_______.___--- 285 Aphanandrium__..---------- 120, 123 lehmannianum_..--------- 120, 123 Aphelandra__-___- 1, 2, 3, 119, 120, 127, 128, 157, 280, 282, 286, 324, 701 acanthus.. 129, 141, 142, 144, 147, 706 acutifolia_.......--.-------- 168 adscendens________--- 129, 158, 160 albert-smithii_ ____ 132, 232, 233, 234 alexandri_..--22_ ___- 131, 191, 192 andrei__.___________--_-- 707, 708 anomala__________ 130, 185, 186, 190 arborescens_______ 134, 277, 278, 279 arisema_________- 131, 200, 201, 718 aristei____ 132, 228, 229, 230, 232, 280 arnoldii__......__--___--- 129, 153 atecmarta___....- __- 726, 727, 728 aurantiaca___._.___._.----.-- 3, 130, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 173, 191 barkleyi_____- 132, 221, 222, 223, 721 blandii.__________ 133, 259, 267, 268 botanodes____..__---------- 129, 155, 156, 157, 706, 708, 716 boyacensis________ 131, 198, 199, 200 chaponensis_______ 133, 273, 274, 275 cirsioides.____..____-------- 139 coccinantha__________- 721, 722, 723 colombiensis_ — - __- 131, 196, 197, 198 conformis____.__- 131, 194, 195, 718 craura___-_______ 131, 207, 208, 209 crenata_. 133, 259, 260, 261, 726, 728 crispata_________- 129, 151, 152, 706 cuatrecasasii______ 131, 204, 205, 718 daemonia____- 130, 132, 223, 225, 226 deppeana___-_----- 130, 181, 183, 714 Page numbers of principal entries in boldface.] Aphelandra—Continued diachyla__._..___._______- 714, 715 131, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209 euopla____---_--- 129, 138, 139, 703 fascinator______._---_-__- 131, 191 fernandezii__________-_ 133, 270, 272 flava__..-___-__--_---- 230, 279, 280 fosbergii____.______-_------ 711, 712 garciae_______ 133, 256, 258, 259, 270 gilva_._.._-___------- 704, 705, 706 glabrata__.._..._..-_-------- 133, 254, 256, 261, 262, 268, 726 glischrochlamys ween nee 130, 186, 188 grandis___________ 132, 226, 207° 228 grangeri__________---- 701, 702, 703 grantii_______._-_---- 718, 719, 720 haenkeana___.-------------- 183 hartwegiana____...-..------- 133, 246, 261, 268, 725 haughtii__._______ 132, 234, 239, 241 hodgei___________ 133, 252, 262, 264 huilensis.._..-.-- 129, 146, 147, 706 impressa__ ___ 130, 168, 175, 178, 179 incarnata_____ 132, 242, 243, 244, 723 killipii___ 131, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206 lamprantha______- 130, 176, 178, 714 lasia______-_- 130, 179, 180, 181, 714 lasiophylla_______- 131, 192, 193, 716 lawranceae___._------ 131, 192, 195 leiophylla_____-_- 130, 169, 170, 171 lingua-bovis_______--------- 133, 223, 268, 270, 275, 728 lonchochlamys____ 1380, 165, 166, 714 longispica___. 133, 252, 265, 266, 267 lyrata_._..______--------- 129, 150 lyrata var. arguta____-..---- 150 lyrata var. latibractea____.-_- 150 lyrata var. laxior__._..--_---- 150 macrophylla_____.___-------- 132, 218, 234, 236, 237, 239, 721, 723 melgariensis one ----- eee 280 mildbraediana_._.---- 132, 218, 220 mollis__.._.._..-_---- 129, 154, 158 mutisii____._.______-- 129, 136, 137 nana___--___--__----- 130, 171, 173 ochrolarynx____.------ 129, 160, 162 parviflora. _____..---_---- 129, 153 parvispica__..._._..---------- 132, 216, 218, 237, 720, 721 pectinata_._.._.------------- phalacra__-_-.--.---- 712, 713, ria pharangophila___..__-------- 134, 275, 276, 277, 728 phlogea__..------ 130, 189, 190, 718 775 76 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Aphelandra—Continued Beloperone—Continued phobera____-_-_-___- 129, 143, 144, 145 rohriz var. latifolia_..._.___-- 564 pilosa________ 181, 209, 211, 212, 718 sanmaritensis__.__-.__________ 565 pinarotricha____~ = _ 716, 717, 718 steyermarkiit_.-...._-._______- §23 porphyrocarpa_____ ~~ 129, | Bignonia bibracteata_______ ___ - 46 140, 141, 703, 706 Blechum___-__-__-_- 2, 45, 60, 683 porphyrolepis_____ 129, 148, 149, 150 angustius one eee ee 3, 63, 326 prismatica__.-__---_--- 200] brownei____-_-____- 60, 61, 683, 771 puberula_____ 1380, 166, 167, 168, 175 brownei f. puberulum_ 60, 61, 63, 683 pulcherrima____~__~ 2 ee 128, costaricense___-_-____-__ 63 131, 183, 212, 216, 218, 220, 226,) haughtii_.-....-__________ 60, 62, 63 228, 234, 259, 262, 272, 275. | Bravaisia__......-__________ 2, 45, 679 quadrifaria________---_____ 709,710] floribunda____-_-_________ 45, 46, 679 quercifolia_____22 2-2 129,150} integerrima____._________ 46, 47, 679 repanda____..-...-.-..--___- 166 | Campanula morada___________- 94 runcinata____.____ 129, 134, 150, 701 | Canchelahua dulce____________ 125 runcinata var. pilosa_______ 129, 135 | Canilla de golero____._________ 332 runcinata var. straminea___ 129, 135 | Canilla de laura______________- 332 schiedeana____.-- 2-28 280 | Chaetochlamys_________ 323, 487, 659 schieferae________ 131, 213, 215, 216) ciliata, 2 ee 662 schultesii_______ 132, 237, 238, 239 columbiensis__________ 660, 661, 662 seolnikae_____________ 133, 252, 254 macrosiphon________________ 659 sericantha___.____ 133, 245, 246, 725 marginata_._______-. 228 659 sericophylla_______ 133, 254, 256, 726] rusbvi___________-__-___ 659 silvicola______ 129, 157, 158, 710, 712 | Chaetothylax_______ 324, 487, 662 sinclairiana____..22---______ 243 haughtii___.__--_ 2 662, 665, 666 sneidernii_________ 130, 167, 174, 175 huilensis____________- 662, 667, 668 straminea____-_-- 22 leucanthus__..________ 662, 663, 664 250, 252, 264, 265, 267 tocantinus._________ 2-2 Lee 662 aborensis____. 130, 181, 182, 183, 277 umbrosus____._.-.--- 2 __- 662 tetragona_____ 128, 234. 259, 272, 275 | Chu-ru-ko-pu________ = 624 letragona var. grandis____-___ 721 | Cilantro de monte______-_______ 8 trianae_______ 132, 230, 231, 232, 721} Contortae____________________ 44 trichota______- 2 __ 723, 724, 725 | Cresta de gallo..._______ 135, 218, 5386 uribei__--- 2 130, 162, 164 | Cryphiacanthus__..-_.___-___- 66, 324 xanthantha_______ 133, 248, 249,250] barbadensis.__._____________ 66, is Aphelandreae______________- 119, 120) Culantro________.___________- Aphragmia__--_---------____- 66 | Cyphaeanthus_ _ ____ 119, 120, 282, 394 vaenket___---- ee 66,77} atopus_____________2____- 283, 284 Aro-blaneo__.. 2-2-2 48 | Cyrtanthera_____..--- 22 ee 650 Arrhostozylum__..-- ~~~. 66,684] magnifica... 2-8 650, 651 fulgidum var. angustissimum_- 68 | Descansé______________-__ 615 glabrum_—--- 2 ee 684 | Dianthera______.__-- ee 487 harlwegianum—.-- 2-22 90] americana____...--..-___--- 487 lawum_..-.2 22. 66, 684 comata._..----------------- 615 Asystasia__.. 2-2 = 120, 287, 323] laevilinguis__....._-._____-- 621 coromandelinna_....222- 2228 288 pectoralis_____.......-_-_--- 613 gangetiea__-.. 2 2 ee 288] pleurolaryne____._._.____--- 512 intrusa____-_--- ee 287| secunda var. holtonii_....__-_- 577 Asystasieae___-. 22 ee 119, 287 | Dicliptera_________ 1, 60, 323, 325, 327 Agul__ ee 658 assurgens_____________ 328, 330, 332 Babosa_______-- ee 207] batilliformis______ 329, 376, 377, 378 Barleria____..--2222 2 2,44,109] bogotensis________ 328, 329, 339, 340 anomala__._-._.---_-____ 46 caucensis.__...__._-_.--___ 328, 342 cristata. 22222 110, 111 chinensis.__________________ 327 discolor_._.......-.---_-._____ 110 columbiana_______ 330, 384, 386, 387 micans____--------22- 8 110} compacta____________- 330, 386, 387 prionitis...--.-..2 2 109 conformis._________._____ 328, 344 Barlerieae__._-2 222 ee 44,109] cuatrecasasii__ 328, 329, 348, 350, 368 Beloperone.....-...--_________. 488 danielii__-_____________ 329, 362, 363 amherstiae_--_.-. 22 488| driophila__.__________ 329, 352, 353 bracteosa__ ee 535] ewanii_____-__________ 329, 356, 357 brastliana_________-- ee 488] garciae___.---2_-____e 329, 354, 355 chaetocephala__...-.....----- 531 haughtii_-.....--____- 329, 358, 359 gullata__ 2-22 3] hazenii--.._.._-______ 329, 368, 370 rohrit__...--.--.---2 ee 564] inamoena______._____- 329, 371, 372 INDEX 777 Dicliptera—Continued Gilletiella____...__._______-_- 11 killipii_--.--------_-- 329, 350, 351 | Glockeria___....._...---------- 484 koiel_____.._--------- 329, 360, 361 | Graptophylleae____-..------ 119, 289 megalochlamys__------------ 329, | Graptophyllum_______-_---_-- 289 373, 374, 378, 386 | Gymnostachyum verschaffeltti_.-. 407 nanodes____-_--------- 329, 382, 384 | Habracanthus____-____-- 324, 419, 486 ochrochlamys__-_-_---- 328, 346, 347| aglatis______--------- 419, 428, 429 pilosa_____--------------- 328, 341} ampelinus____-_--__-- 420, 458, 459 rhombochlamys---_---- 329, 380, 381| antipharmacus_______------- 420, sanctae-martae____ 329, 378, 379, 380 462, 463, 464, 465 sarcochroma_-__-_-- 329, 366, 367, 368] callianthus____---___- 420, 443, 444 scandens____________- 329, 364, 365 eaucensis_____________ 420, 460, 461 sciaphila__------- 328, 334, 335, 336 charien__.._-__---- 420, 449, 450, 451 trianae_______---- 328, 332, 333, 334 congestus__..--.------ 421, 472, 473 uribei________-_------ 328, 336, 338 corei________-.--- 420, 468, 469, 470 vahliana_________---- 328, 331, 332 cuatrecasasii______.__- 419, 426, 427 Diclipterinae____-_------------ 325| cyaneus______--_------ 419, 425, 426 Dipteracanthus__.__.--------- 66, 684} diversicolor._____----- 421, 464, 474 angustifolius_....._.--------- 96| erythranthus____-- 420, 436, 438, 439 ciliatus__....-.-.---------- 66, 684| floriferus____-__------ 420, 441, 442 geminiflorus___.------------ 95,689] heliophilus__..__------ 420, 434, 435 geminiflorus var. angustifolius_ 95, 96| hispidulus__.____- 420, 432, 433, 434 geminiflorus var. erectus _ ----- 95| hylobius__------------ 421, 479, 480 geminiflorus var. hirsutior - - — - 95| killipii-.-----_--- 420, 447, 448, 449 geminiflorus var. procumbens_ - 95] lamprus____---------- 421, 470, 471 geminiflorus var. subacaulis - -- 95| macrochilus.__-..---------- 420, 465 haenket___....-------------- 77| microcalyx._._-----~- 421, 477, 478 leucanthus__...-.----------- 696 oresbius________-__--- 420, 465, 467 paniculatus._...------------- 76 pennellii___.._______-- 421, 475, 477 prostratus_......------------ 684] pilosus__.______------ 420, 445, 446 turbacensis______----------- 76,771| putumayensis_____---- 420, 439, 440 Ebermaiera_...-.------------- 5| pyenostachys--__- 419, 430, 431, 432 humilis_.......------------- 5| scolnikae. 421, 438, 477, 481, 482, 483 Elytraria__._._..---------- 2,5, 7,673| silvaticus_..._._-_.--------- 419 apargiifolia___..._.---------- 8| smithii--.__.____- 420, 452, 453, 454 frondosa___.__---_---------- 7 syscius.___._____-- 419, 421, 422, 423 imbricata__.......__------ 7,9, 673 trichotus________- 419, 423, 424, 425 scorptoides____.__----------- 7| xantholeucus___-_-- 420, 456, 457, 458 squamosa____-_------------- 8| xanthothrix__.______-- 420, 454, 455 tridentala___..___----------- 7| Hansteinia_______-_- 324, 419, 484, 486 virgata_..___._.------------ 7| charitopes___._.---------- 484, 485 Encephalosphaera_ ------------ gracilis__.__._.__.------------ 484 120, 280, 286, 324 Hemisandra__...__------------ 127 lasiandra__.........-------- aurantiaca.......---------- 127, 168 vitellina_______..___------ 280, 281 | Hygrophila_____._------ 2, 45, 58, 680 Engelia___-..---------------- 12| angustifolia.....-....------- 58 tovarensis_........._--_----- 12 conferta......_.------------ 58 villosa._.._..-_------------- 12,21} guianensis._____.-------- 58, 59, 680 Enredadera blanea______-_---- 42| rivularis_._....____---.------- 60 Eranthemum. -___------- 292, 728, 729| tyttha____-____------------ 681 alatum________------------- Hygrophileae__.__------------ 44, 57 atropurpureum_.__-------- 307, 308 | Imbricatae_------------- 44, 119, 323 lanceum__....-__------------ 305 | Isoglosseae_____-------- 119, 323, 404 palatiferum_._.__.._-------- 729 | Isoglossinae_...-_.------------ 418 Erythracanthus__-.-.---------- 5 | Isopo rojizo_.__..------------- 652 racemosus___----_---------- 5 | Jacobinia__________----- 324, 487, 650 Escobilla de ratén_________---- 77| amphibola_______----- 651, 655, 656 Fittonia_.._--.--------- 323, 404, 405] axiologa_____- 541, 651, 652, 653, 6° argyoneura____------- 405, 406,407) earnea_____.__________- 3, 651, 770 gigantea_._.....---------- 405, 407} jenida 650 verschaffeltii____.--------- 405,407} jindaviana......___________- 659 Galeottia_._.....--..----------- 484 en an gracilis__-_______----------- 4g4| magnifica___.----------- 3, 651, 770 Gallito....___________..____.. 536| spicigera_---------------- 651, 657 Gerardia_________________---_- 126 tinetoria_____._-_-------- 651, 658 dulcits__....._....---------- 126 | Jasmin____._._--------------- 95 778 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Justicia__ 2 127, 324, 487, 647, 648 | Justicia— Continued adhatoda_____._..._________ 487| leucerythra___ 490, 568, 569, 570, 572 aéthes. ~~. ______ 489, 524, 525 luctda__...---- 2 388 anabasa_____ | 491, 594, 595, 596 macarenensis_____ 490, 555, 556, 557 archeri___________ 489, 505, 507, 508] malacophylla_____ 491, 589, 590, 591 assurgens____.2 ee 330} martiana_.____...____- 492, 620, 621 atacta______ 491, 604, 605, 606 melgariensis.__.....---- 8 280 aurantiaca________ 491, 596, 597, 598 namatophila______ 492, 618, 619, 620 blackii._-_--.-.2--_____ 489, 508,509] neurochlamys_____ 489, 517, 518, 519 bracteolata.._~..22-_-_ 398| novogranatensis_______ 491, 600, 601 bracteosa_..--_.____._ 489, 535, 536 obtusifolia__..~2 2 621 brasiliana_ 222222 488] oreopola_...______ 489, 503, 504, 505 breviflora._...--- 2-28. 514} pampolystachys.____________ 490, brunelloides______-__-________ 10, 770 538, 541, 542, 545 cabrerae___-. 490, 566, 567] pectoralis_________ 492, 613, 614, 617 carnea____ 2-2 ee 651] pectoralis var. stenophylla__ 492, 615 carthaginensis__.____________ 490,| pelianthia________ 491, 591, 593, 594 547, 548, 560, 646 periplocifolia____...-. 22 = 491, 584 chaetocephala_____________ 489, 531| petraea__________ 492, 633, 634, 635 chaponensis___..-_ 489, 536,537, 538| pharmacodes___.______ 490, 557, 559 charadrophila____ _ 489, 501, 502, 503} phlebophylla__._-._...-_ 491, chinensis_..-.-.-2 22 327 577, 587, 588, 589, 633 chloanantha______ 491, 608, 609, 611 phytolaccoides________ 490, 560, 561 chlorostachya_____ 488, 495, 496,519} pilosa__--.- == 541 chrysea_______ = 489, 529, 530, 531 pleurolarynx____.___2 = __ 489, 512 chrysocoma._. 489, 525, 527, 528, 529 polygonoides__ 489, 512, 513, 514, 525 coccinea.-_------ 2 ee 388} porphyrocoma____-____ 490, 582, 583 comata___ 488, 492, 614, 615, 617, 647 pulcherrima_._.------- 127, 212 ertstata__-...2 22 127] reflewiflora_.-._-.. 222 584 croceochlamys- - _ - 489, 532, 533, 534 rhodoides_________ 489, 519, 520, 521 cuzcoensis__....2-___-______ 611 rohrii________ 490, 527, 528, 529, 564 cystolithosa___ 488, 492, 494, 495,503] rubra__________.......__ 396 daidalea______ 489, 521, 522, 528,524] sanchezioides.____ 490, 572, 574, 575 enarthrocoma_____ 490, 570, 571,572] sanctae-martae____-_-_- 8 646 ephemera_________ 491, 606, 607, 608 scabra_______ ee 127 erythrantha______ 490, 549, 550, 551 schultesii.___._______- 490, 545, 546 filibracteolata_____ 490, 491, 577, 603] sciera.....2-_ 492, 637, 638 filibracteolata var. aurantiaca_ 579 sciota_.__-_ 2-2 491, 585, 586 581 seytophylla__.__-______ 492, 626, 627 filibracteolata var. azurea_.__._ 579] secunda__....._______ 491, 602, 603 filibracteolata var. leucantha. 579, secunda var. leucantha_____ 491, 604 580, 581 sessilis. ___2- 222 521 filibracteolata var. lilacina__ 579, 581 spicigera_______---__ ee 657 filibracteolata var. pubescens_ 579, 580] sterea____ 492, 630, 635, 636, 637, 644 fuchsiifolia_______ 489, 514, 516, 517 stereostachva_____ 492, 639, 640, 641 furcata__.-.--- 2 626] steyermarkii-_--____________- 523 fusagasugana_____ 492, 624, 625, 626 unguiculata_______ 489, 538, 539, 541 gangetica____-________ 288| xanthostachya_______- 490, 562, 563 glabribracteata_...--_____ 570 | Justicieae______________ 119, 323, 487 graphophylla_____ 492, 631, 632, 633 | Kalbreyeriella___-_______ 324, 404, 408 gutierrezii_.-_--_______ 490, 553, 554 cabrerae__----- 408, 409, 411 helonoma___._____ 491, 611,612,613] gigas_.--.-_______ 408, 412, 414, 415 hodgei___________ 492, 642, 643, 644] rostellata.....-_______ 408, 411, 415 homoea________ 490, 575, 576, 577 | Lagochilium_..____-_________ 127, hygrobia_____________ 492, 644, 645 157, 202, 286, 707, 708, 718 hyperdasya___ 490, 538, 543, 544, 545 maximilianum__....-- 127 hyssopifolia_..-...._.________ 487] molle_...- 154 idiogenes_____________ 492, 622, 623 | Lepidagathis______ 7, 111, 112, 696, 772 imbricata___-___.._2----_____ 7| alopecurotdea___._-________- 112, 772 infelix_...._______ 489, 510, 511, 512 cristata__..222 22 _- 112 tnterrupta_.....-.---_ 397 | Leptostachya_..._.___________- 488 ischnorhachis_ 489, 498, 499, 501, 505 comata__---- 222s 615 jacobinioides______ 491, 598, 599, 600| crinita....-_-____ 647 killipii, -.222_2 2 492, 628, 629, 630 martiana__.- 2s 620 laevilinguis___________ 492, 621, 622 martiana var. hispida___.____ 621 leptochlamys_________ 490, 551,552] virgata__..___-_-_______ 488 leptophylla__________-_______ 508| wallichtt__....--22- 22 488 INDEX 779 Lila____--------------------- 111] Neriacanthus_._ 119, 120, 123, 324, 698 Mee-né-ku-ru________________- 407| grandiflorus___.____._____-_ 121, 122 Megaskepasma___.__---- 324, 404,417} lehmannianus____- 121, 122, 123, 699 erythrochlamys.____---_-- 417,418} purdieanus____.__---- 120, 121, 123 Mendoncia_-_______- 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 673 | Odontonema___________- 323, 387, 388 albida_....___._.._-.----___- 12,38| ampelocaule___-__- 388, 393, 394, 396 aspera _____-__---------- 12, 14,673| amplexicaule__..._.._._____- 391 coccinea.....-..--------- 12, 13, 29 bracteolatum __ ___ 388, 397, 398, 399 coccinea var, elliptica___-___- 13, 30] bracteolatum var. parviflorum_. 388, coccinea var. sparatteria_____ 13, 30 399, 400 cordata____------ 13, 16, 17, 18, 675 coccineum___________- 388, 389, 391 cuatrecasasii__._-.--.---_- 14, 37, 38| interruptum______---_--_- 388, 397 fulva__.-.-.-.-_--_-----_-_-_- 30] lucidum___________________-_ 388 garciae__.-_--___--_.-_-_- 677,678| rubrum__________-------- 388, 396 gigas__.._.-._--___----_____- 674 schomburgkianum-_-------- 396, 397 gilva__..-__--_----_--__- 14, 33, 34] stenostachyum____ 388, 391, 392, 393 glabrescens__--_------- 13, 23, 24, 26 strictum____._____------_--- 388 glomerata__.--------- 13, 27, 28, 38 | Odontonemeae_-______--- 119, 323, 325 gracilis._...__._.______ 13, 32, 36, 678 | Odontoneminae_____________-_- 387 hirsuta_..____.-__---___ 13, 21, 674 | Onychacanthus___...---------- 45 lasiophyta.__..-...--.______ 673| arboreus___..---.------------ 46 lindaviil_._-_-------_-___-- 12, 15, 673 berlandierianus _o--- eee eee 45, 46 litoralis._._....-----_--- 13, 31, 32 cumingit__.---------------- 45, 46 microchlamys-_-__-_------- 14, 39,40] spectosus__._..-.------------ 46 mirabilis. .......-..__-__- 13, 18, 19] Oreja de mula______-_-_---_-- 97 mutisii___._.__________ 14, 36, 37, 38 | Orthotactus_.__.._._.__---------- 488 odorata_____--------- 14, 34, 35, 36| oblongus_______._------------ 647 pedunculata__-..-___-_- 13, 16, 674 venosus_.____.-------------- 488 pennellii___.___.._-_____- 13, 25, 26| Pachystachys___ 120, 289, 290, 323, 728 phalacra___-__----------- 676,677| albiflora__..__._-------------- 290 pilosa_____.-..--------__-_- 12, 14 coccinea___.__-------------- 291 puberula_____.-.--_---______ 13, 22| riedeliana___________- 290, 291, 728 rosea___..------------_- 13, 28, 29| Palo de agua__________________ 46 selloviana__.--.---_--_-___- 22 | Panciga________-------------- 658 speciosa__________--______ 13, 18, 19 | Pelecostemon_______---- 324, 487, 648 splitgerberiana____..____.-__- 22] trianae_.......___-----_-- 648, 649 spraguei_____-__--------_--- 13, 20} Petalidieae___________________ 44, 60 sprucei__.__------------ 13, 23, 676 | Petalidium_-_-_---_---------- 60 trichota____.-___--------- 674, 675 | Phaulopsis_...___-.------ 683, 770, ee velloziana.._.._-.------------ 29| oppositifolia.....----------- 683 velloziana var. sparatteria.-_-_-- 30| parviflora_______------------ 683 villosa____----_--_ - 13, 21, 22, 676 | Phaylopsis_.. 2, 44, 60, 64, 683, 770, 771 Mendoncioideae_.._..-..----- 2,4, 10 parviflora. _.....------------ 64, 65 Mendozia__....-.------------- 12} Picigallo_______-------------- 213 aspera_..------------------ 12, 14] Pico de ave______-__------------ 42 hirsuta.__--------.---------- 21| Pié de gallo__.____------------ 213 pilosa__....-----------_---- 14| Pisigallo__..._._.._----------- 213 puberula___..--------------- 22 | Porphyrocoma______---------- 415 puberula var. micropus.—_---- 22 | Porphyrocominae___.-_-------- 404 pubescens__._---------------- 22 | Psacadocalymma____----------- 488 racemosa_-.---------------- 12 comatum__...-------------- 615 selloviana__._....--.--------- 22 pectorale..__...._._.----------- 613 velloziana__.._....-__-------- 29 | Pseuderanthemeae_______-__- 119, 291 velloziana var. sparatteria__-__-_ 30| Pseuderanthemum----_------ 120, 291, Mentha pulegium_______-____- 60 292, 323, 388, 606, 608, 728 Meyenia__________-__-------- 40 alatum_.........----------- 295 Micranthus__.---------------- 683| atropurpureum____---------- 293, oppositifolius__...__..__--_-- 683 307, 308, 730, 745 Monochlamys__-___.---------- 11 bicolor______..._-_--------- 729 Nacedero__.___-_------------- 48| chaponense___-___-_----- 293, 312, Nelsonia______________--_--- 2, 5, 10 313, 314, 730, 746, 748 albicans.........----------- 10 chaponense f. lilacinum____ 313, 314 brunelloides___...--.-------- 10,11] chilianthium__-_--_- 729, 734, 735, 736 campestris_..-..------------ 770| chocoense_-_-.-------- 730, 748, 749 rotundifolia__...___.._.------- 770 cladodes____.__.------- 729, 739, 740 Nelsonioideae.___..__..---_--- 2,4! cordatum____.-------------- 319 780 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM Pseuderanthemum—Continued Ruellia—Continued etenospermum._-. 729, 730, 732, 733 | geminiflora var. hirsutior—____ 95 cuatrecasasil..-_-_--.---- _-- 293,| gigantea___________________- 47, 48 316, 317, 318, 730, 748 gorgonensis__________- 694, 695, 696 cuspidatum.__. 2222 295| grantii---________________ 690, 692 dawei____________ 293, 318, 730, 748 grisea___-__ ee 67, 81, 82 diachylum_______- 729, 737, 738, 739| humboldtiana_______ 67, 89, 685, 686 ellipticum____ 292, 301, 305, 730,745] inundata_______________ 67, 77, 684 ewanli______- 292, 302, 303, 730, 745 ischnopoda_ .-- 67, 82, 83, 84, 86, 685 galbanum________ 729, 741, 742, 743 lasiostachya_______ 68, 105, 106, 694 haughtii__ 292, 293, 294, 295, 729, 741| longifilamentosa_____._______ 67, 88 hylophilum_______-_._._- ~~ 293,| lorentziana____-_______- 68, 94, 687 310, 311, 312, 730, 746] macarenensis__________ 692, 693, 694 idroboi__. 292, 295, 296, 297, 729, 741| macrophylla_______________- 67, lanceum___._____- 293, 305, 730, 745 73, 79, 81, 685, 686 leiophyllum____ ~~ ee 292, macrophylla var. lutea_____ 81 297, 298, 299, 729, 741] macrophylla var. puberula__._ 67, 80 micranthum______ 729, 730, 743, 744] macrophylla var. pubescens___ 80 pennellii______ 292, 304, 305, 730, 745] malacosperma___________ 67, 68, 73 poecilanthum_____--_------- 292, nudiflora____-_------------- 78 299, 300, 301, 729, 741, 743| obtusa.__.._.__________ 68, 94, 96 potamophilum_____-_-___-__ 29 3, obtusa f. albiflora. _________- 689 308, 309, 310, 730, 745 paniculata__________ 67, 76, 684, 771 sneidernii_____ 293, 306, 307, 730, 745] pennellii___ 68, 100, 101, 102, 103, 690 stenosiphon__._-.-.----_-___- 293, potamophila______ 67, 71, 72, 73, 684 314, 315, 316, 730, 748 | = =purdieana_________________- 90 thelothrix_______- 730, 746, 747, 748) = puri-_-_-_-__-_ ee 694 Pseudocalyx____-_ 2-8 40} putumayensis______ 68, 106, 107, 696 Raiz preta__.-.---_- ee 30] ruiziana..-_-.2- 22k 84 Razisea____________ 324, 387, 400, 408] rusbyi___________ 7, 86, 87, 88, 685 spicata______.--------____ 400, 401 sprucei___.-----___- 2 eee 109 Rhacodiscus secundus__....----- 602 stwebelit__-- ee 90 Rhombochlamydeae________- 119, 285] = tetrastichantha___...222-_____ 91 Rhombochlamys_-___..________ 119, tolimensis..________. 67, 70, 71, 684 285, 286, 324,772] tuberosa________- 66, 67, 78, 94, 684 elata__.-_-__.___ Le 285, 286, 287] ~=tubiflora______ 68, 89, 90, 91, 686, 696 rosulata______ 160, 285, 286, 287, 772| ~~ tubiflora var. hirsuta._....___ 67, 93 Rhyltiglossa___-.-. 22 ee 488| tubiflora var. parviflora__ 68, 93, 687 ctliata__.---- ee 488] tubiflora var. parviflora f. alba. 68, eckloniana___________-_-___- 488 93, 687 laevilinguis__..---.--.------ 62] tubiflora var. tetrastichantha__ 68, oblonga__-.--..--- 2 647 91, 686 obtustfolia_ 22222 ee 621 tubiflora var. tetrastichantha origanoides____--.-___---___- 488 f. bicolor_____________ 67, 92, 686 polygonoides__. ~~. 513,514] tubiflora var. tetrastichantha secunda__ 2-8 ee 602 f. caesiolineata____._______ 686 Rojizo___--------- ee 615| tubiflora var. tetrastichantha Rompebarringa._____________- 48 f. flava_..-.-__________- 68, 92, 93 Ruellia____ 1, 2, 3, 45, 48, 49, 60, 66, 684 turbacensis____.._-__..______- 76 albicaults__.. 222-2 ee 77| uribei_--_-_______ 68, 106, 108, 109 alopecuroidea_..--__--____- 111, 112 viridiflora. _____________- 68, 98, 99 aquatica_..__..___ 68, 103, 104, 105 viscosa. ee 76 aurantiaca_._.- _ 687, 688 | Ruellieae_______-_ 44, 65, 292 blechum_..-- 2-2-8 60, 771 | Salpinxantha________-_.__2 698 caucensis______-__- 67, 84, 85, 86, 88 | Sancarano__--------__..------ 46 chariessa________________ 67, 74, 75 | Sanchezia____________ 2, 3, 45, 51, 680 clandestina__________________ 78 lutea__.---- 51, 53, 54, 680 colombiana____________ 68, 102, 103 oblonga. ______---_----_--_- 51 colorata___________-___- 68, 97, 690 ovata____--- ee 680 duleis_22- 22k 125,126] parvibracteata__________- 51, 56, 57 fulgida_________________ 68, 69, 684| parviflora______-____________ 55 fulgida var. angustissima_____ 67, pennellii__.--_--..._-__-__- _. 51, 680 68, 69, 684 putumayensis__.-__.-._-- 51, 55, 56 geminiflora_________- 68, 95, 96, 689} speciosa________.... 2 2 _- 3. 51, 52 geminiflora var. angustifolia_ 68, sprucet var. salvadorensis..._- 56 95, 96, 6891 sylvestris..........________- 56 INDEX 781 Sanchezia—Continued Teliostachya—Continued thinophila______------------ 680| cataractae......--.------- 111, 112 thinophyla f. glabra_-_.------ 680] diffusa___-_-----------.----- 111 Sancho arafia________--------- 46 lanceolata__..--_----- 112, 113, 696 San Joaquin____-------------- 308| lanceolata var. crispa__ 112, 114, 696 San José. ____.--------------- 308| petraea____---------- 696, 697, 698 Scorodozylum__-.-------------- 66 | Tetramerium- _-------- 3, 64, 324, 325 hartwegianum_-------------- 66,90} nervosum_-___------------ 325, 326 Sericographis__._..------------- 650 polystachyum____--_-------- 325 rigida_..------------------- 650 | Thunbergia_._----------- 2, 3, 40, 678 tinctoria__.-._--------------- 658| alata_..------------- 40, 41, 42, 678 Siphonoglossa-_-_-_-------- 323, 387, 402| alata var. alba____-_---_---- 42 calcarea_..._.------------ 402,403] alata var. bakeri-.-..------- 41, 42 ramosa_______-------------- 402 aurantiaca__._____---------- 42 Soldado parado_-_-_------------ 8| aurantiaca subvar. doddsii_--- 42 Staurogyne____------------- 2,5,671} capensis___----.------------ 41 agrestis. __.-.-------------- 7| cordifoltia__----------------- 43 argentea_____-------------- 5| fragrans_...--------- 41, 42, 43, 678 lepidagathoides- -_------ 5,6, 7,673] fryeri-_-------------------- leptocaulis___--------- 671, 672,673| grandiflora__..--------- 41, 43, 67 3 Stemonacanthus_—_------------ 66,684] grandiflora f. alba__..__----- 679 humboldtianus_......------- 89, 686 grandiflora f. citrina____----- 679 macrophyllus_....----------- lutea__......--------------- 42 salviifolius_...------------- 66, 64 sulphurea_____------------- 42 Stenandrium_-_-_-_--- 119, 120, 124, 127,| volubilis___.....------------- 42 157, 286, 324, 699, 708 | Thunbergioideae_ ___-_------- 2, 4, 40 corymbosum_-__-_--------- 124, 125 | Thyrsacanthus___-------------- 388 dulee________--------- 125, 126, 699| barleriotdes____------------- 388 humboldtianum_-__---------- 125,| bracteolatus....------------- 400 127, 699, 700, 701 interruptus.....------------- 397 mandioccanum_____--------- 124| ruber_____---------------- 396, 397 radicosum______.--------- 124, 125 | Titirigallo_......--.---------- 213 Stenostephanus_ - --- 324, 415, 419, 486 | Trichanthera_ - - - - 2, 44, 45, 47, 48, 679 lobeliaeformis_____---------- 486 corymbosa_-__----------- 48, 50, 679 puberulus -___--------------- 486| gigantea___....--------- 48, 49, 679 Stethoma pectoralis___---------- 613 | Trichanthereae_____--_-------- 44, 45 Syringidium____.------- 324, 404, 415 | Verbena squamosa___---------- 7,8 atropurpureum_-____.------ 415, 416 | Yerbabuenilla_________-------- 647 Tango rojizo____-------------- 652 | Yuca de puerco.-__------------ 78 Teliostachya_.. 2, 44, 109, 111, 112, 696 | Yuca-e-puerco-_-___------------ 78 alopecuroidea------------- 111, 112 | Yuquilla____--__------------- 95 O