photocopy only if necessary do not put in bookdrop Price 8s. (mler 8 Mk.). A MONOGRAPHIC REVISION & SYNOPSIS OF THE TRICHOPTERA OP THE EUROPEAN FAUNA. BY ROBERT M?LACHLAN, F.L.S., Membre titulaire de la Socttt6 Imperiale des Amis des Sciences Naturellej, c., dv Moscou ; Honorary Member of the New Zealand Institute, of the Society pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, and of the Entomological Society of the Netherlands ; Member of the Entomological Societies of London, France, Stettin, Belgium, Italy ; $c. JOHN VAX VOORST, 1, PATERNOSTER Ro\v, E.G. BERLIN : FEIEDLAXDER & SOHN, 11, CART.STRASSK. XAPIER, PRINTER, SEYMOUR STREET, X.\V. NOTICE. Tin- parts of this work will appear at irregular intervals ; and they will vary in the number of pages and platen, and alno in price. I'ai-t i (pp. 1-46, plates i-v) was published in December, 1874. Cn-i'peration is earnestly desired from those Entomologists who actions of European Trichoptera, or who may be able to • •Main them ; more especially from Spain, Italy, Corsica, Sicily. \lgeria, &c. 3'.'. Limes Grove, Lewisham, London: May, 1875. ADDITIONAL EREATA IN PART I. •"• . line 9 from top, for " affected " read " effected." ., first line of foot-note, for " Dipsuedoptis " read " Dipseudopsis. „ 40, line 10 from top, for " indeutical" read " identical." Plate 1. E.l.lcLachkn del. INDEX-WINGS, PALPL&c G. Jarman sc. Plate 11 N N.r/hal&noLdes . RMcLadhkn del. NEUROMA G.Jarrr..i:n sc. Plate 111 R.Mla/\ ^ Z RMcLaeWari del. LEPTOCERID&-. HYDROPSYCHIDfiL. GJarmaB sc. • PlaDe VI. HYDROPSYCH1DA, . ar man sc. PMeVil. RMMikndel. RHYACOPHILIDA. HYDROPTILIDA-. G.Jarmansc. University of Toronto Library DO NOT REMOVE THE CARD FROM THIS POCKET Acme Library Card Pocket Under Pat. "Kef. Index *Ue Made by LIBRARY BUREAU ^ "