/ J : ; Library of the Museum OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, AT HARVARD COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Pounded by private subscription, in 1861. aw OS at ata Sa atata law Deposited by ALEX. AGASSIZ. THE hein oem TR TY. INSTITUTED MDCCCXLIV. This volume is issued to the Subscribers to the Ray Sociuty for the Year 1892. LONDON: MDCCCXCIII. A MONOGRAPH OF THE JEWEL gsisb PHYTOPHAGOUS HYMENOPTERA. (CYNIPIDA ann APPENDIX.) Ni Ollis EN). BY PETER CAMERON. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE RAY SOCIETY. MDCCCXCIII. SY _ MCZ LIBRARY HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE. MA USA PRINTED BY ADLARD AND SON, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE, E.C., AND 20, HANOVER SQUARE, W. PREFACKEH. THE present volume concludes this work. In the four volumes are described 382 species of Tenthre- dinidee, 9 of Cephide, 5 of Siricide, one of Orysside, and 179 of Cynipide, in all 576 species. The Appendix brings up our information to date, more particularly as regards the nomenclature and biology of the groups. As will be seen, considerable alteration has been made in the definitions of the genera, their number, as compared with what Thomson and myself have adopted, being greatly increased. The only remark I make on this subject is that if exotic species are to be treated according to the same method a large number of genera or sub-genera will have to be created. The Bibliography I have endeavoured to make as complete as possible; but, owing to the difficulty of getting access to many foreign magazines and Transactions of Societies, I have no doubt that many papers have been omitted. In conclusion I have to thank my correspondents for their valuable assistance ; and more particularly as regards this volume I have to thank Prof. G. L. Mayr, Prof. J. W. H. Trail, the Rev. T. A. Marshall, M.A., Mr. G. C. Bignell, Mr. J. H. Fletcher, and Dr. J.T. Oudemans for much help. SALE, CHESHIRE; March, 1893. WO LAs b A MONOGRAPH OF THE BRITISH PHYTOPHAGOUS HYMENOPTERA. VOL. IV. CYNIPIDA. Tribe CYNIPINA. (Tus taxonomic characters of this tribe have been detailed in vol. i, p. 157.) The Hogg. The egg is elongated, rounded at the top, becoming gradually narrower until it terminates in a long pe- duncle, which may be hardly longer than the egg itself, or seven or eight times longer thanit. This peduncle is not peculiar to the eggs of the Cynipide, it being found to exist in certain groups of Ichnewmonide (e.g. Tryphon) and Chalcidide (e. g. Lewcaspis) ; but in the Cynipide, according to Adler,* it differs in this respect from the others, that with them the peduncle is at the anterior, in T'ryphon, &c., at the posterior pole of the egg. The use of the peduncle is somewhat * Zeits. f. wissen. Zool., xxxv, 2238. VOL. IV. 2 THE LARVA. problematical, but Adler’s suggestion that it is respiratory appears to be founded on some solid grounds: e.g. those species which have very long peduncles are those which place the eggs in posi- tions where they cannot receive oxygen from the plant—the spring generations, which have their eggs placed in the leaves where they can get oxygen from them, have it short ; while the winter generations, as a rule, have it long. The peduncle is always placed uppermost. The number of eggs laid is frequently very great. It is certain that the ovaries of some species can con- tain about 600 to 700 eggs; but as many as 1400 flies have been reared from a gall of Andricus radicis. In this case, however, it is certain that this gall was the conjoint work of two or more individuals. The labour of oviposition with the sexual broods which lay in leaves is comparatively easy; but in other cases the work is long and laborious. Thus Biorhiza aptera takes over three days to complete its egg-laying. It has first to pierce the bud with its ovipositor to make tunnels in which to introduce the eggs to the centre of the bud, where they form a solid mass. A noteworthy feature in the eggs of the Cynipide is their swelling, which takes place after being intro- duced into the plant. The Larva. The larva is footless, white and fleshy, has thirteen segments, and possesses little power of locomotion, as might be expected, except with some species—e. g. Andricus saliens, which can make the galls jump. As may be surmised, the duration of the larval life varies with the spring and winter broods; while a month is sufficient for Spathegaster baccarum, two or three years are necessary for others. In other words, while one year is sufficient to complete the cycle of life for some species, Andricus radicis requires two, this THE IMAGO. 3 extra length of time being taken up with the agamic winter form. The development of this gall is not con- tinuous ; for in October, or month following the laying of the eggs, a slight growth takes place, followed by a cessation of development during the winter, owing to the inactive growth of the plant, to be resumed in the spring. A curious point is that in many winter forms cases are met with wherein the larve remain unchanged for several years. I believe this is fre- quently the case with Andricus gemme and A. glandiwm. How far this is owing to atmospheric influences or to more subtle causes it is difficult to say. @é The Pupa is, like the larva, white and fleshy. It has the an- tenn placed along the breast, the legs alongside of them enveloped in pellicles, and the wings appear as bag-like protuberances on the sides of the thorax. The Imago. Apart from their peculiarities of oviposition, which offer interesting features, the flies do not show many points of interest. They are exceedingly sluggish, seldom flying any distance. So far as we know they take no food, and do not frequent flowers like so many of the parasitic Cynipide. ‘They do, however, imbibe water, as may be often witnessed. Many of them have a habit, when alarmed, of tucking the appendages close to the body and dropping motionless to the ground. A noteworthy point is that some of the species, e.g. Biorhiza aptera, appear in the dead. of winter during snow and frost, and even with the atmosphere at freezing point proceed to lay their eggs. The males differ from the females in having the antennz longer and thinner, and in having one or two joints more; there is no difference in coloration, A, SPECIFIO DISTINCTIONS. but they are smaller, and the abdomen especially is shorter and differently shaped. The sexual forms are more active and fly about more than do the agamic. From the sexual females the agamic differ fre- quently in many particulars. Generally they are larger and more bulky in shape; there is often a difference in coloration; the autumn form may be wingless, the spring winged, or, as in B. terminalis, the spring brood may sometimes be wingless as well as the autumnal. The agamic generation, again, live longer than the other. Sometimes there is a difference in the palpi, as in the autumn form of Biorhiza megaptera having four joints in the maxillary and two in the labial, while the spring brood has one joint more in both. More remarkable still, there may be a difference in the oral apparatus in the larve. The difference in the form of the ovipositor 1s very marked —a difference not only in size, but in form: in the spring generation it may be short, with the boring apparatus straight and not much longer or even shorter than the ovipositor itself; while in the other brood it may be much larger and longer, with the borer curved round it. As a whole the gall-making Cynipide are larger than the parasitic. Black is a prominent colour for their bodies, but many are brown, fulvous, or yellow, and a few reddish. The specific distinctions are often very obscure; indeed, in not a few instances the flies cannot be separated at all; e.g. Andricus albopunctatus, A. calli- doma, A. Malpigh, A. 4-lineatus, &c.,and many species of Cynips. In those cases the only trustworthy criterion of specific distinctness is furnished by the galls. Colour may occasionally afford a good character —e.g. Trigonaspis megaptera, but in others it is quite worthless. The structure and number of joints in the antenne, the form of the wing-cells, the sculpture of the thorax, and to a certain extent the clothing of the body, the length of the parapsidal furrows, and the PARTHENOGENESIS. 5 form of the head behind the eyes give the best specific characters. The Cynipina are chiefly known from the Pale- arctic and Nearctic zoological regions. Very pro- bably they are found wherever oaks and roses abound. They are abundant in the United States of America, are known from Mexico (Cynips, Aulaw, Synergus), and from Northern India. One genus (Hschatocerus, Mayr) is recorded from the Banda Oriental, where it forms galls on acacia. The genus Rhodophilus, Mayr, comes from the Cape of Good Hope, galling Rhus lucidwm. A few species are common to Hurope and America, e.g. Rhodites rose, Aulax glechome. Cynips is practically absent from the northern paris of Hurope, but is prevalent in the centre and south of Hurope. It is rare in the United States. Parthenogenesis and Alternation of Generation Until the time of Hartig the many anomalous features in connection with the natural history of the gall insects received but scant if any attention. Hartig in 1843* became aware of the fact that cer- tain species appeared to have no males, and in the course of his experiments. bred no less than 9—10,000 examples of Dryophanta foli out of 28,000 galls, every one being a female. Hartig surmised, from his ana- tomical examination of the insects, that they were hermaphrodite; but his observations on this point were speedily disproved by von Siebold.t+ A survey of the subject at that time led to the generalisation that those species which appear in spring or early summer were bisexual, while those whose galls appeared in the autumn were without exception agamic. On the supposition that this was so, it followed that the spring gall-flies must lay eggs * Germ. Zeit., 111, 398. + L. c., iv, 362—388. 6 ALTERNATION OF GENERATION. which remain (on the assumption that they were not dimorphic) dormant till the following spring. In the case of a species like D. foli, whose larval, pupal, and imaginal existence is short, it followed that the egg must remain undeveloped in the bud. The species of the restricted genus Cynips stand on a different footing, for we now undoubtedly know that they are without exception unisexual; but we are also aware that it is the larva, not the egg, which remains dormant. The subject remained in this state for many years until 1861, when Baron Osten Sacken (Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1861) emitted the view that the males did exist, but that they lived in separate galls—an opinion on which there was no proof available. Three years later the well-known American naturalist, B. D. Walsh, produced evidence to show that Cynips spongi- fee, O.8., caused a large round swelling on the leaves of Quercus tinctoria, and that the insect issuing from this gave origin to another gall, known as Cynips aciculata—the one appearing in the spring in a bi- sexual form, the other in the autumn being agamic. Walsh looked upon this as a case of dimorphism. Bassett, another American entomologist, placed the matter on a Glearer footing by showing how some bisexual spring forms, living in a distinct gall, gave origin to a unisexual brood living in a differently constructed gall in the autumn. Riley, the American State Entomologist, also eluci- dated the subject by showing that C. operator, O.S., which comes out of a “large woolly gall, the de- formation of a bud which grows on our black oaks in spring, produces in summer a common gall-fly (C. q. operator, O. S.), which is bisexual. The female oviposits between the acorn and cupule of the pre- vious year’s setting, aud the result is a pip-like gall - (C. operatola, Rly) embedded in that position, and generally half exposed. These fall with the acorn to the ground, and the second spring generation suc- ALTERNATION OF GENERATION. a ceeding give forth flies which are all female, and which produce the woolly galls of spring’”’ (Johnson’s Cyclopzedia, p. 422). From this and other observa- tions Riley deduces the fact that there can be little doubt that “all species known only in the female sex exist also in the bisexual form, though the gall pro- ducing this last may present an entirely different appearance from that producing the former’? (l.c.). That, however, is too trenchant a surmise, for in Hurope at least we know species only existing in the female sex. But it was not until the classic researches of Adler appeared that the natural history of the Cynipide was thoroughly elucidated. By a series of careful and long-continued elaborate studies he proved that, at least so far as the North Huropean species were concerned, there is no one species with two sexes but has an autumnal agamic form—that there was an alter- nation of a bisexual with a unisexual form—that here we had a case of alternation of generations, and not of dimorphism, as was surmised by Walsh. ~ How are we to explain the occurrence of this remarkable phenomenon? We find (1) species (but not on the oak) with only one generation, and haviug. males and females ; (2) species on oak with one gene- ration and no male ; and (8) species with two genera- tions, the one sexual, the other (autumnal and winter) agamic. In the first division there is undeniable evi- dence of parthenogenesis; and, further, as the case of Rhodites rose testifies, it is clear that the males have disappeared as the faculty of virgin reproduction in- creased. From this fact, and from the considerations given in vol.i, p. 29, and un, p. 218, we may fairly assume that those of the second section had at one time males. So far, therefore, as these two groups are concerned, there is nothing unusual, since we find the same phenomenon in the Tenthredinide and in other insects; but in the third division we have a state of matters much more unusual and complex, and conse- 8 ALTERNATION OF GENERATION. quently more difficult of explanation. Indeed, at present no adequate elucidation of the origin of the phenomenon has been given. . Had the agamic generation at one timea g ? On this point Adler makes the following highly interest- ing observations. Alluding to the manner of coition, he says, ‘‘ In repose, with those flies which havea long ovipositor the entire boring apparatus is retained inside the abdomen; if fecundation took place with it in this position it would be necessary that the penis of the ¢ was equal in length to the ovipositor rolled in a spiral. But it is infinitely shorter; further, it is only when the ovipositor is extended that the vagina becomes accessible to the g. Now, as the agamic generations have preserved the habit of extending their organs, does not that indicate that they had at one time males?” (Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., xxxv, p. 236). Again, did the second form originate from the present agamic or bisexual form? Both lay eggs; and although we have no direct observation on the point, it may be fairly surmised that the only difference between them, as between other sexual and parthe- nogenetic egos, is that the former extrudes both and the latter only one of the “polar bodies.” The first “‘ polar body”’ is extruded from all eggs, and in the fertilised eggs the second is replaced by the male sperm. Following out his ideas on cyclical generation in the Aphide, or, as he calls them, the “‘ homoptéres monoiques,’ Lichtenstein regards the agamic form as a larval stage equivalent to the migratory form of, e.g., Phylloxera. In his Considérations nouvelles sur la Génération des Pucerons, p. 18, Lichtenstein defines for the Aphidee four forms, as follows : The first—the ‘‘ Souche monoique ’’—terminates in a large insect, living a long time, always readily recog- nisable by its size, especially with the gallicolous Species. AGAMIC SPECIES. 9 The second—the “ Hmigrants ’’—only live the time necessary to transplant their buds to other plants. The third—the ‘‘ Bourgeonnants’’—reproduce with- out limit so long as they have the necessary food, heat, and moisture. And the fourth—the “ Bupieres” —-carry in the womb the sexual pupe (or at least the separate sexes) which should copulate and furnish the fertile eggs. Lichtenstein regards the agamic Cynips as a larval stage equivalent to the migratory form of the Aphis. The gist of this theory is that a single egg gives, after a series more or less long of various forms, sexual individuals, male and female; and further, with the same insects, the winged form, which appears twice in the cycle of their existence, is no other than a larval form of transition, and is not sexual in at least one of its forms. Under this view he arranges the Cynips eycle thus : ; 1. Gufs de la femelle fécondée et larve en provenant dans la galle dure d’automne. Les fondateurs (Pseudogyna fundatrix). 2. Ailés €migrants sams sexe, tous identiques, avec une longue tariére en spirale et allant piquer les bourgeons (Neuroterus lenticularis). Les émigrants (P. magrans). 3. Gufs-bourgeons et larves en provenant, qui s’entourent d’une galle charnue en forme de groseille. Les bourgeonnants (P. gemmans). 4, Les insectes sexués (Spathegaster baccar um, Li.), males et femelles. Les sexués (Sexuata). I can hardly agree to this larval view of the agamic form, more particularly when we find their ovaries and eggs normal, their modes of oviposition identical ; when, in fact, we can explain the phenomenon by the theory of parthenogenesis—that, in brief, we have here no case of budding. Again, as above pointed out, we have strong reasons for believing that at one time the agamic females had males. Our agamic species, or at least those at present known in only one sex, are— Cynips Kollart. Andricus 4-lineatus. 10 PARASITES AND INQUILINES. Andricus margimalis. — albopunctatus. — seminationis. — solitarius. — glandule. — Clementine. Dryophanta agama. — disticha. The first five are certainly agamic, but at present we have no definite information about the others. Andricus amenti (a spring bisexual form) is sure to have an autumn agamic form. The galled acorns I have found seem to point to an unknown species. Parasites and Inquiline or Guest Flies. The insects which live at the expense of the galls, or gall insects, are exceedingly numerous. They are of three classes :—First, inquilines; second, parasites ; and thirdly, commensals. The inquilines are species of Synergus, Ceroptres, or Sapholytus, all forms nearly related to the true gall makers. They do not make galls themselves, but deposit their eggs in galls already formed ; live in the gall substance; and, as a rule, kill the larva of the maker. The parasites are chiefly Chalcidide, small brilhant blue or green metallic Hymenoptera, which devour the larve and pupe of the gall or inquiline flies. The most con- spicuous of these parasitic genera are Callimome and Torymus, which have a more or less elongated ovipositor to enable them the better to penetrate into the galls, the ovipositor with some of them being three times longer than the body ; Hupelmus, Orymus, Megastigmus, Hurytoma. These Chalcidide may confine their attacks to one gall or to many, e.g. Hupelmus annu- lata, H. Degeert, Hurytoma vagabunda, and species of Olinw. So far as my observations go these are all ex- ternal feeders, and feed on the pupa as well as on the PARASITES. 11 larva. Chapman (Ent. M. M., ix, 13) records a Chalcid feeding on the imago of Biorhiza aptera. The eggs are not always laid in the body of the victim. The third class—the commensals—are mostly found in the large galls, such as those of Andricus ter- minalis, and feed on the gall mass without, as a rule, interfering with the development of the host. Cetonia, Balaninus, and various moths devour the tissue. As an example of the manner in which the terminalis galls afford lodging and food to insects, it may be here recorded that the late Francis Walker (Zool., 1846, p. 1454) reared the following from a mass of ter minalis galls; namely, Coleoptera, 9 species, 191 specimens ; Orthoptera, 1 species, 5 specimens; Neuroptera (Psocus), 2 species, hundreds of examples ; Cynipide, 4 or 5 species, 30,246 specimens; parasitic Hymen- optera, 45 species, 24,417 specimens; Diptera, 38 species, 23 specimens; Lepidoptera, 5 species, 9 — examples; Hemiptera, 5 species, 51 specimens ; Arachnide and Acari, 5 or 6 specimens. Total, 75 species, 55,000 specimens and upwards. The chief works, from the biological point of view, on the parasites 0 of gall-flies are— Ratzeburg. Forstinsecten. Mayr. Die Huropaischen Torymiden (Ver. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxiv, 1874; Die Chalcidier-Gattung Olinx (l. c., xxvii); Die Arten Chalcidier-Gattung Hury- toma (I. c., xxviii). Giraud. Liste des éclosions d’Insectes observées par le Dr. Joseph Etienne Giraud, recueillie et annotée par M. le Dr. Alexander Laboulbene (Ann. Soe. Hnt: Fr., 1877, 397). Kirchner. Catalogus Hymenopterorum Hurope. Kaltenbach. Die Pflanzen-feinde. The purely descriptive works are those of— Walker. In the Entomological Magazine and in his Monographia Chalciditum (1839). Haliday. In the Entomological Magazine. 12 GALLS. Foerster. Hymenopterologische Studien, 11; his Beitr. zur Monographie der Pteromalinen, 1841. Nees ab Hsenbeck. Uymen. Ichneumon. affin. Monogr., vol. ii (1834). Thomson. Hymen. Scan., iv and v. Thanks to the admirable monographs of Mayr on the Torymina, Oline, and Hurytoma, the identification of these groups is rendered comparatively simple ; but some of the others, and more particularly Pteromalina and Tetrastichus, are in the utmost confusion. The number of Ichneumonide and Braconide parasitic on the Cynipide 1s comparatively small. Galls. All the galls of the Cynipide are completely closed, none of them being open as we find them in Hemip- tera and some Diptera. As regards texture and con- sistence they may be divided into the soft and succu- lent, and the hard and woody ; as regards position on the plant they fall into two groups: first, those which are entirely external from the plant, being only at- tached to it by a small part, e.g. Rhodites eglanterie ; and secondly, those which are more or less embedded in the plant tissue, e. g. Rhodites spinosissime. Again the galls may have many cells (polythalamous), or have one only (monothalamous); but the latter, by the influence of inquilines, may be made polythala- mous. Forms and Origin of Galls. The forms of galls are endless. They may be round, spherical, lenticular, oval, or perfectly flat. They may be permanently attached to the tree (Cynips Kollarv), or, when ripe and the larva at maturity, may drop immediately to the ground from the leaf or bud, or may drop before the larva is fully developed, the FORMS AND ORIGIN OF GALLS. 13 gall remaining inert until the early spring, when growth sets in. In texture we find equal variety. They may be perfectly smooth, or rough and reticu- lated. From the perfectly glabrous galls of Neuwro- terus baccarwm there is every transition, from the shortly-haired galls of Newroterus lenticularis to the galls of Andricus ramuli, which are enveloped in enor- mously long hair. A few galls exude a glutinous secretion (Andricus Sieboldi, A. glutinosus). In Rho- dites we have galls with four or five stout spines, and others where the gall is thickly spined all over. In herbaceous plants the galls usually take the form of strumous swellings, as also in Rubus. The colour of the galls is, as a rule, at first with many, ¢.g. Andricus radicis, Cynips Kollari, white, or white with pink, the latter apparently being deve- loped by sunlight, and is probably altered chlorophyll. The catkin galls are greenish, getting brownish with age. Other galls remain always green. Every part of the plant is attacked by the gall-flies. The roots, the trunk, the leaf, either on its surface, edge, or veins and midrib, the ¢ and ? flowers, and the fruit are all utilised. As a rule each form con- fines its attack to one particular part of the plant, but there are exceptions to this. Thus the gall of Newroterus baccarum (spring form) is found on the leaves and on the @ catkin, Andricus radicis on the roots and on the trunk. We know also of cases where different plants are used. At least two Huro- pean species are polyphagous. Buorhiza aptera has been found at roots of beech (Curtis), firs (Masters), vine (Magretti), and Diastrophus rubi has been re- corded as having been found on the galled tops of Pteris aquilina. Aulax hieracii, besides attacking various species of Hieraciwm, occurs on Cistws and on Triticum. Apart from the case of B. aptera, no species of Cynips, Andricus, Dryophanta, _Biorlza, and Neuroterus are found on plants other than the oak. 14 FORMS OF GALLS. How are we to account for the various forms, colour, and texture of galls? I believe largely to the action of natural selection in developing them, so that their forms, texture, clothing, and colour may afford protection, directly or indirectly, to the tenants. These means of defence may be classified as follows. First, Size-—Bearing in mind that the larva in- habits the centre of the gall only where it occupies a cell of its own size, surrounded by a thickened wall, it is obvious that the greater the distance between the centre and the external layer, the better it is protected from the attacks of its enemies. Hence largeness of size is a powerful aid to the larva: first, from the attacks of Chalcidide and ichnemunos, very few of which have sufficiently long ovipositors to reach the centre of a gall like Cynips hungarica; and second, from the inquilines (Synergi), which can live in the galls without disturbing the legitimate tenant. I have several times reared Synergi and the Cynips from C. Kollart galls ; the inquiline in these instances being in a cell near the edge of the gall, as shown in PI. II, fig. 6, a. Further, those large galls are made chiefly by species of the genus Oynips, which is a unisexual genus; the larva, pupa, or imago remaining in them during the greater part of the year, and hence are liable to attacks for a long period. ‘The space be- tween the larval chamber and the circumference, at first spongy or fungoid-like in texture, becomes with age converted into a mass of powdery substance, which is certainly highly astringent from the presence of tannic acid. Inexperienced birds, we know, peck into the galls for the larva; and in doing so get this bitter dust into their mouths—not, it may be imagined, to their relish ; while, again, the larve themselves contain some noxious compound. One of the best examples of this class is the well-known ‘‘ Dead Sea apples ” (Cynips imsana) — “ Which tempt the eye, But turn to ashes on the lips.” FORMS OF GALLS. 15 Nor must the hard and woody nature of these large galls be omitted from mention as a means of defence, for obviously they can be attacked by insects only during the short period they are soft. Conversely, the small size of the gall is a protec- tion—first, by hiding it, making it less easily seen by parasites; and secondly, by its small size offering sustenance to only one inquiline—e. g. Andricus nudus, albipes, pilosus. Second, Colowr.—Colour as a protection is best seen in the small catkin galls. At first green, like the young catkins, they with age become brownish, like the old catkins; and this resemblance is, in some of them, further increased by their being pilose, e.g. Andricus amenity. Third, Smell.—This phenomenon is _ doubtless accompanied by some noxious principles which make the larvee unpalatable to birds, &c.; and is, as men- tioned above, found chiefly in the larger species which inhabit large galls all the yearround. Both the larva and imago may give out an offensive odour. Cynips Kollari and Dryophanta foli are cases in point. The smell given out is usually bug-lke, but Paszlavszky (Wien. Ent. Zeit., 1883, 130) mentions that foli has the smell of ripe apples ; A. radicis of lemon; A. Sieboldi and Cynips tinctoria of caramel, or fresh malt, with a trace of bug-smell. According to the same authority, the foli individuals bred from the sessile oak have the smell much more intense than those from the pedunculated. Of the Bedeguar gall-flies, Réaumur says (Mémoir, ii, p. 494) that they have a quality which he had not met with in other gall-flies, namely, that they have a smell which is attractive to cats. Fourth, Clothing and Texture——The long hairs sur- rounding the galls of many species, often (especially when young) more or less glutinous, afford protection to the larve. In other species the surface exudes a glutinous secretion. 16 FORMS OF GALLS. Oynips glutinosa is a well-known example of this. Giraud (Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1859, p. 342) relates that this exudation glues small insects to the gall, and this observation is confirmed by Paszlavszky,* who has found Hemiteles (an ichneumon), Torymids, and. other gall parasites so attached. In our own country we have an even more interesting case in Andricus Sieboldi, whose galls give out a secretion which, as was first pointed out by Dr. Adler,t is much relished by ants, which, as stated by the same author, cover them with sand and earth, so as not to be caught them- selves when getting the liquid. I have myself noticed the ants at the gall secretion, but the galls were not covered. The spines on galls, as in the American Rhodites bicolor, must also be a protection. From observation, and from a study of the published notes in the rearing of parasites and inquilines, it seems to me clear that the smooth galls have a larger number of parasites than the hairy, rough, or glutinous ones. As another means of protection may be mentioned the short duration of some galls on the tree, e. g. Andricus aprilinus; the fallmg to the ground when ripe of many bud-galls, where they are lost among the herbage, &c., to which their colour assimilates, being at first green, then becoming brownish; the dropping to the earth of Newroterus lenticularis before it is fully grown or the larva mature, thus reducing the period during which it can be attacked by parasites. So, too, the larva chamber in Andricus curvator being loose, and surrounded by a large empty space, may pro- tect it. The springing habit of some gall larvae may also do so. This fact was first alluded to by Olivier (Hist Ins., u, p. 318); then a fuller description of the jumping habits of Andricus saliens was given by Kollar, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1857, p. 518, and by Giraud, l. c., 1859, p. 852. According to the latter, they can * Wiener Ent. Zeit., ii, p. 131. + Zeit. f. wissen. Zool., xxxv, p. 172. ORIGIN OF GALLS. 7 leap from one to two inches ; and when a number are confined in a box, the noise they make by falling on the leaves is like the rain falling on a window. Riley* describes the jumping galls of Andricus saltatorius as presenting a curious spectacle from their keeping up a constant jumping or bouncing movement on the eround. Itis obvious that the movement is effected by the larva bringing the head in contact with the anus, thus forming an empty space at either end of the gall; and when the ends are brought into them again, the gall is set in motion by the sudden expan- sion of the larva. It is well understood that the forms, colours, &c., of external feeding caterpillars (see vol. 1, p. 46, e¢ seq., for information on this point as regards saw-fly larve) have been evolved by natural selection for their pro- - tection from insects and other enemies. Obviously, as regards the hidden gall larva, its form and texture could not be affected in the same manner. But it is clear that the gall stands in the same relationship to the larva as its skin does to the external feeding caterpillar. The gall larva itself, being hidden, did not afford means for natural selection to act upon; but the gall did; and hence we see developed, for the protection of the larva, the various contrivances I have just enumerated. But while, to my mind, we can explain, as I have described, the forms of galls, it is not so easy to explain the origin of the galls as galls, without refer- ence to their forms and structures. The theories promulgated by the early naturalists, on the origin of galls have practically no scientific value. Some attributed their origin to spontaneous generation. One author concluded that the eggs were drawn up with the sap from the ground to the leaves, &c., on which they were found. Redi,+ who had himself suc- cessfully exploded the theory of spontaneous genera- tion, had an equally absurd method of accounting for * Johnson’s Cyclopedia, p. 423. + Experienze intorno alla Generazione d’ Insetti, 1668. VOL. IV. 18 THEORIES OF GALL ORIGIN. galls. He assumed that the plant had a vegetable soul, this vegetable soul presiding at the origin of galls, with their eggs, larvae, and imagos; while it, again, gave issue to fruits. Linné explained the matter by asserting that the galls were formed by the outflow of sap from the wounded parts. Malpighi (Opera Omnia, De Gallis, 1679) may be said to be the first scientific observer of galls. Indeed, considering the time in which he lived, his descriptions and figures of galls are wonderfully accu- rate—much more so than those of Réaumur. Malpighi noticed a fly oviposit in the leaf. He observed that a liquid exuded, and from this he concluded that the galls were caused by a process of fermentation ; the liquid inserted acting as a ferment on a supposed ‘vitriolic acid ’’ which existed in the plant. Réaumur (Mémoirs, vol. iii) advocated a theory of mechanical irritation by the ovipositor, the egg (for Réaumur was aware that the ege increased in size after being deposited in the plant) larva, and also to a supposed increase of temperature in the egg. He* compared the egg with its supposed higher tempera- ture contrasted with the plant to a small furnace giving heat to all the surrounding fibres, this heat assisting in their growth. The French naturalist, in his exa- mination of the ovipositor, found that it varied in form in different species. This diversity of form would act differently when inserted in the plant, and hence would lead to differently shaped galls being formed. As re- gards the structure and consistence of the galls, he states that it was easy to account for them by each species absorbing during its development different juices. Thus spongy galls, like Andricus terminalis, absorbed juices which developed spongy structures ; woody galls, which gave origin to hard and woody formations, from woody structures. Lacaze-Duthiers (Annales des Sciences naturelles, Botanique, xix, 31) advocates what may be called * Mémoirs, ili, p. 504. THEORIES OF GALL ORIGIN. 19 the infection theory. Just as the germ of smallpox inserted into a human subject gives issue to smallpox and not scarlet fever—as each infectious disease had its origin in its own specific germ,—so it was assumed that each gall-fly was provided with a specific poison peculiar to itself, which produced its own specific gall-structure. Until recent years this theory was the one which was held in most general repute. Darwin, apparently on the strength of Lacaze-Duthiers’ memoir, accepted it without question. ‘l'hus (Animals and Plants under Domest., 1, p. 384) he says, ‘‘ As the poisonous secre- tion of insects belonging to various orders has the special power of affecting the growth of various plants ; as a slight difference in the nature of the poison suffices to produce widely different results ; and, lastly, as we _ know that the chemical compounds secreted by plants are eminently liable to be modified by changed condi- tions of life, we may believe it possible that various parts of a plant might be modified through the agency of its own altered conditions’. Again, he Says, “When we seethe symmetricaland complex outgrowths caused by a minute atom of the poison of a gall insect, we may believe that slight changes in the chemical nature of the sap or blood would lead to extraordi- nary modifications of structure’”’ (Origin of Species, (p. 572). In the same work (p. 9) he says further, “as the complex and extraordinary outgrowths which in- variably follow from the insertion of a minute drop of poison by a gall-producing insect show us what singular modifications result, in the case of plants, from a chemical change in the nature of sap.” Prof. Riley accepts also this view. In the article “Gall Insects,” in Johnson’s Cyclopedia, p. 422, he says, ‘* With the ovipositor . . . the female pierces the plant tissues, and therein consigns an egg’, together with a small quantity of a peculiar poisonous fluid. Under the influence of this fluid the gall rapidly deve- lops, and is generally fully formed before the egg 20 THEORIES OF GALL ORIGIN. hatches;’’ but this latter remark does not hold with the Cynipide, as has been shown already. Sir James Paget likewise supports the infection theory. Thus he says, ‘‘ In these and other similar diseases in plants we have, it seems, hundreds of specific diseases due to as many hundreds of specific morbid poisons; for the most reasonable, if not the only reasonable theory of these diseases is, that each insect infects or inoculates the leaf or other structure of the chosen plant with a poison peculiar to itself. The poison may be merely deposited; but in the in- stances best for study it is inserted in the plant structure, whether leaf or any other: and the wound for inserting it, the poisoned wound, may be made either with part of the oral apparatus, or, as in most of the true galls, with the ovipositor, through which one or more eggs are passed with the virus, and are left among actively living structures of the plant. The little wound closes; the virus, whether an oral or an ovarian secretion, remains; and the result of its influence on the plant structures and their con- tained protoplasm is the formation of the gall or other morbid product.’ Further on he gays, ‘“‘ We find hundreds of different forms of galls, and we may be nearly sure that there are as many kinds of morbid poisons produced by gall insects, each form answering toadifferent insect” (An Addresson Hlementary Patho- logy, London, 1880). Now in considering this question it must be borne in mind that very many insects, of divers orders and modes of life, cause the formation of galls. Hymenop- tera as represented by Cynipidee, Tenthredinide, and Chalcididz. The order of Diptera furnishes many expo- nents; some beetles; the Hemiptera, especially the plant lice, all form galls. Further, a large number of galls are caused by minute four-footed mites (Phytop- tus); and, again, some are formed by Anguillide, and even by Rotifera. And Fungi originate more or less clearly defined galls. Unquestionably it may be con- THEORIES OF GALL ORIGIN. 21 cluded that the origin of so many gall-structures by so many differently constructed insects—by insects differing in mode of oviposition, in habits and form of larvee, &¢.—is hardly explainable by any one theory. Thus the instrument of oviposition in some gall-mak- ing beetles is the mouth; with most insects it is the ovipositor; while the Aphide cause gall-structures apparently by sucking the plants to obtain food for themselves and progeny. Hven in the Hymenoptera we find two radical distinctions in habits of the insects, as has already been pointed out (vol. 1, p. 185),—that is to say, in the Tenthredinide the gall is already formed before the larva quits the egg; while in the Cynipide the birth of the larva is synchronous with the formation of the gall—until the larva is born and commences feeding there is no gall-formation. Let us see what takes place when a Cynips ovi- posits in the leaf or bud, as the case may be. What is the first factor in gall-formation ? This; the growth of the larva, as has already been pointed out. The second is that the ege must be laid in, or in contact with, the cambium layer. The cambium layer is the seat of active growth inthe plant. It is formative, not formed matter. Itis most active naturally inthe spring. The catkin galls are quickest in coming to maturity, the birth of the larva and gall and its development to the fly state occupying only afew days. The galls formed on the young leaves are not much behind the catkin ones in rapidity of growth; while, on the other hand, those found on the bark or roots take many months in coming to maturity. Whenever the larva ceases feeding no further growth takes place on those galls which remain attached, except with twig galls like those of Andricus iflator, which continue growing along with the twig long after the fly has escaped. On the other hand, there are galls which drop off in an immature state in the autumn, resuming growth in the spring. Hven some of the succulent galls can be detached before maturity without their development 22 THEORIES OF GALL ORIGIN. being stopped, provided they are kept in the open air and supplied plentifully with moisture. When the larval irritation sets in there is clearly a flow of sap to the affected part, and that, too, in greater abundance than to those parts not affected. The irritation continues with the growth of the gall, and the gall assumes very rapidly a definite form. It is conceivable that the mode of irritation may not be uniform in all species, and obviously the results pro- duced cannot be alike when applied to different parts of a plant. We cannot conceive of galls formed on catkins, or young or even old leaves, having the same complicated structure as those in direct relationship with the woody tissues. In other words, the seat of origin of the gall has necessarily a direct relation to its morphology and form. I do not think that the form of the ovipositor has anything to do with the matter ; for although we do find considerable diversity in the egg-laying apparatus, yet that diversity has relation to the position in which the eggs are to be laid—those ovipositing in buds, for example, requiring a longer ovipositor to enable them to pierce the scales than a species laying eggs in leaves. There is also a difference in the form of the egg; yet that also has reference to the position in which they are placed, as explained when treating of the eges. Of any dif- ference in the form of the larva we have no evidence ; and certainly the wound made by the ovipositor, per se, cannot be held accountable for the growth of the gall, for the latter may take weeks or even months after being in the plant before it grows. As for there being any evidence of a chemical or molecular difference in the fluid which the gall-flies undoubtedly secrete, there is none whatever. Lacaze- Duthiers, arguing from the unquestionable fact that the venom of wasps and bees differed in strength as shown by its different degrees of virulence, concluded that a like diversity existed in the gall-fly venom. It must, however, be remembered that the function of THEORIES OF GALL ORIGIN. 23 the venom of gall-flies and wasps is different, it being in the latter for defence or offence against other insects. Apart from strength of virulence, it may also be stated that there is a chemical difference in Some wasp venom, as is shown by some of them being more alkaline, in contradistinction to the usual acid nature of most species. But, as regards the Cynipide secretion, we have no evidence of any chemical or molecular difference; while the analogy to contagia is hardly applicable, since these are living organisms which cause changes in the animal system by their growth and multiplication. The only infor- mation we have of the nature of the gall-fly venom is that given by Beyerinck,* who describes it as tasteless and smell-less, and as a substance which, when injected into the hand, produces no ill effect - whatever, while the poison of wasps does so when injected in the same way; and, finally, we know from direct observation that its use is to close the hole made by the ovipositor when the eggsare laid. Again, Paszlavsky (Terms. Fiizetek, v) states that he has seen Lhodites rose give out during oviposition a transparent fluid clear as water, which flowed over the branchlets and leaflets. Even in the Tenthredinide, where larval irritation can have nothing to do with the growth of the gall, apparently one of its uses is to keep the wound made by the saw for the reception of the eggs from closing in and crushing them. So far, therefore, as regards the Cynipide we may conclude (1) that there is no evidence that the venom has anything to do with the origin of the gall,— on the other hand, there is every reason to believe that its use is to close the wound; and (2) that as observation shows that the mechanical irritation pro- duced by the birth and growth of the larva is the primary factor in gall genesis, we may fairly conclude that the theory of mechanical irritation is more in consonance with observed facts than the infection one. -* Ueber d. ersten Entwick. einiger Cynipidengallen, p. 179. 24. FOOD PLANTS. How we are to account for the origin of the saw- - fly galls is a question difficult of explanation. There can be here only three factors: (1) the wound made by the saw; (2) the growth—the swelling up—of the ego; and (3) the venom ejected by the fly. Beyerinck, it may be added, adopts the latter theory for the saw- fly galls. So far as my observations go, I do not find any marked difference in the mode of oviposition of the gall and non-gall making saw-flies. I have noticed with some of the latter incipient gall-formation fol- lowing oviposition. No doubt the distinction between the two lies in the fact that the former brings its eggs in contact with the cambium layer, the latter not. The larval irritation theory may further be sup- ported by the observation of the distortion and enlarge- ments caused in galls by the inquiline flies. Further information on this matter may be had in the above-mentioned memoir of Lacaze-Duthiers, Recherches pour servir a Vhistoire des galles, 1. c.; by M. W. Beyerinck, Beitrage tot de Morphologie der Plantengallen, 1877, and in his Beobachtungen uber die ersten Hntwickelungsphasen einiger Cynipi- dengallen, 1882; in Frank’s Die Krankheiten der Pflanzen, Breslau, 1881; Meyer, Pflanzen-Pathologie, 1841; Courchet, Etude sur les Galles causées par les Aphidiens, Acad. d. Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier, 1881; and Hollis, Trans. Linn. Soc., 1875, who gives an admirable historical réswmé of the subject. Food Plants. Apart from the oak, the food plants of the Huropean Cynipidee are— Losa canina, eglanteria, rubiginosa, spinosissima, &c., attacked by the various species of Rhodites. Rubus fruticosus, &c., by Diastrophus rubi. . FOOD PLANTS. 25 Potentilla argentina, by Diastrophus Mayri, Reinh. — bens: by Xenophanes potentille, Devil. —- — foveicollis, Thoms. — eeneiilan Dy — brevitarsis. Acer pseudo-platanus, by Pediaspis acerina, Bremi. Lapsana communis, by Limaspis lapsane, Karsch. Phenzxopus (Lactuca) vumineus, by Limaspis phoenixo- podus, Mayr. Centawrea scabiosa, by Phanacis centawree, Foerster ; Aulax scabiose, Gir. ; and A. Rogenhoferi, Wachtl. — salamatina, by Aulax Inchtenstemi, Mayr. — jacea, paniculata, and scabiosa, by Aulax jacee, Schenck. Mieracium boreale, &c., by Aulaw Meracit. Tragopogon major and orientalis, by Aulaw tragopo- ginits, Thoms. Hypochzris radicata, by Aulax hypocheridis, Kieffer. Artemisia, by Aulax artemisiz. Serratula heterophylla, by Aulaw serratule, Mayr. Salvia officinalis, by — — salvix, Gir. Scorzonera humilis, by — _ scorzonere, Gir. Glechoma hederacea, by — glechome, Hte. Nepeta pannomee, by — Kerneri, Wachtl. Papaver rheeas, by — minor, Htg.; and papaveris, Perris. Innaria vulgaris, by — eracn. Valerianella olitorva, by — valerianelle, Thoms. Oytisus capitatus, by — hhieraci. Fagus, by Biorhiza aptera. Pinus, by aa = Vitis, by — — Pteris aquilina, by Diastrophus rubi. Triticum repens, by Aulax hieraci. Obs. The root form of Pediaspis sorbi is stated by its discoverer, Tisch- bein, to form galls on the roots of Sorbus aucuparia ; but Mayr (Eur. Cyun., p. 2) does not mention Sorbus as a food plant, giving Acer pseudo- platanus as the host for both forms. 26 SYNOPSIS OF GALLS. Mr. A. R. Rolfe (Ent., xiv, 54, and xvi, 29) records finding at Kew, on— Quercus toza, Bose., &c.—Neuroterus lenticularis, N. baccarum, and Cynips Kollart. Q. lusitanica—N. lenticularis, N. baccarum, N. fumi- pennis, N. numismatis, and Dryophanta divisa. Q. lusitanica, var. infectoria—N. numismatis, N. lenticularis, N. ostreus, N. baccarum, and Andricus curvator. Q. lusitanica, var. Turneri—N. numismatis, C. Kollari, and D. longwentris. Q. glandulifera, Bl. (Japanese evergreen oak)— Newro- terus baccarum, Andricus curvator, Andr. gemme, D. diwisa. Q. Farnetto—N. lenticularis. The galls of N. lenticularis, it may be added, on Q. cerris, are at Kew of a deep pink or purple colour, quite different from anything found on the native oak. I am indebted to Mr. Rolfe for the specimens figured in Pl. VIII, fig. 4. Synopsis of the British Gails. (2) On plants other than oak. (9) On Rosa. (4) Large, polythalamous, covered with long reddish hair. Rthodites rose. (3) Small, on leaves, without hair. (6) The gall with four or five stout spines. R. rosarum. (5) The gall without spines. (8) Spherical, regular, lightly attached to the leaf, falling off, not grown into the tissue of the plant; monothalamous, poly-- thalamous when inhabited by Periclistus canine. On con- mon rose. Rh. eglanteriz. 8 (7) Irregular, on the leaves or twigs, grown into the woody part of the plant, usually not becoming detached. On R. spino- sissima. Rh. spinosissime. 9 (10) On Rubus. Large strumous enlargements of the stem. Diastrophus rubi. 10 (43) On Composite. 11 (12) On various species of Hieraciwm. Swellings on the stem. Aulax hieracii. 12 (18) On Hypochxris. Long spindle-shaped swellings on the stem. Aulax hypocheridis. IS or > wn SYNOPSIS OF GALLS. Oy (14) On Centaurea scabiosa. Large swellings on the stems. Aulax scabiose. (17) On Potentilla. Irregular swellings as regards form and size on the leafstalks and stolons. (16) On Potentilla tormentilla. Xenophanes brevitarsis. (15) On P. reptans. X. potentille. (18) On Nepeta glechoma. Irregular soft swellings on the stem and leaves. Aulax glechome. (19) On Papaver. In the capsules, which may or may not be swollen. ; Aulax papaveris. (20) On Triticum. Swellings on the roots. Aulax hieraci. (110) On the common oak (Q. sessiliflora or Q. pedunculata). (45) Situated on the under side of the leaf. (27) Round, soft, and succulent, green or white, often with rosy cheeks. (26) Appearing in the spring or early summer; diameter not more than 6 mm.; green, projecting a little through the upper side of the leaf. (25) Smooth, glabrous, length 5—6 mm. Neuroterus baccarum. (24) Covered with long white hairs. Length4mm. UN. tricolor. (23) Appearing in the autumn; whitish-yellew. Diameter 8— 12 mm. Dryophanta folt. (28) Oval or ovoid, smooth, glabrous, pallid green or yellow, or brownish-yellow, spotted with pink dots, moderately hard, situated on the veins between two brownish sheaths, which remain after the gall has fallen; in August and September. Andricus ostreus. (29) Reniform, small, green, succulent, usually crowded together ; September and October. Length 1—2 mm. Trigonaspis renum. (86) Semi-spherical; hard and woody; depressed at top and bottom. (81) Without gloss, the skin rough with projecting points, whitish- yellow, often with red rings or spots. Length 5—7 mm. Dryophanta longiventris. (30) Smooth, without warts or bands or reddish rings. (33) Gall with two chambers; cylindrical-spheroidal, flattened above, with a raised point in the centre; under side con- cave. : Dryophanta disticha. (32) Gall with one chamber. (35) Very shining, broader than high, the sides usually more or less reddish ; larval chamber small, the walls thick. D, divisa. (34) Not very shining, higher than broad, the sides without red, the larval chamber large, the walls thin. D. agama. (29) Flat, lenticular, circular, often irregular. (38) Sunk, as it were, in the surface of the leaf, not projecting much on either side, circular, green, with striz proceeding from the centre to the circumference; May and June. Neuroterus vesicatria. (37) Not sunk in the leaf, but attached to it by a point; frequently gregarious; in the autumn. _ (40) Round, depressed in the centre, covered with golden silky depressed hair. N. numismatis. (39) Flat, not covered with golden hair. SYNOPSIS OF GALLS. (42) Almost glabrous, whitish-yellow to red, the centre raised, the margin turned up, irregular, scattered on leaf. N, leviusculus. (41) Covered with stellate hairs ; gregarious. (44) The sides flat, not distinctly curled up; the top broadly concave; the bottom glabrous, pale yellow, seldom red. N. lenticularis. (43) The sides curled up; the top concave; the bottom pilose; red or brownish-red. N. fumipennis. (52) Situated on the margin of the leaf, without an inner gall. (47) Smooth, ovoid. glabrous, seed-like, greenish-yellow. Length 1—2 mm. ; in June and July. Neuroterus albipes. (46) More or less spindle-shaped or oblong. (49) Shortly stalked, green, often with red longitudinal lines ; the apex ending ina point. Length 6—8 mm. ; in October. Andricus seminationis. (48) Not stalked. (51) The surface granular, shining, greenish-yellow, often red- dish, spotted with small pale spots, brownish when old. Length 4 mm.; in May, on young half-grown leaves. Dryophanta verrucosa. (50) The surface glabrous, irregularly ribbed or keeled longitu- dinally, green. Length 4—5 mm.; in June and July, in fully developed leaves" Andricus marginalis. (53) An irregular, often globular or oval swelling at the base or footstalk of the leaf, green, smooth; a large central cavity, containing a small, brown, ovoid, seed-like, free inner gall. And. curvator. (54) A small elongate swelling on the midrib or leafstalk. Andricus testaceipes and A. noduli. (53) In the leaf-buds. (56) Polythalamous, large (often 1 inch in diameter), whitish- yellow, soft and spongy, in the terminal buds. May and June. Biorhiza terminalis. (55) Monothalamous, not spongy in texture. (62) In twigs on the trunk or near the ground, soft. (59) Bare, roundish, soft, whitish with reddish cheeks; usually found near the ground among moss in May, on adventi- tious buds. Length 5—7 mm. Trigonaspis megaptera. (58) Pilose, ovate. (61) Violet, sometimes bluish-green, covered with a very short velvety pubescence; in June. 3mm. Dryophanta Taschenbergi. (60) Greenish or greyish-green, covered with longish white hair; in May and June. 2 mm. D. similis. (86) In twigs on the branches. (64) Large, round, greenish to yellow, with red cheeks when young, brown when old, not falling off when mature. Length from 10 mm. Cynips Kollari. (63) Small, dropping off when mature, elongate or ovate. (68) Covered with hair. (67) Spindle-shaped; not pedunculate; covered densely with long, woolly, brownish-white hair. Length 5—8 mm. Andricus solitarius. °- 67 68 69 70 71 72 78 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 8d, 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 SYNOPSIS OF GALLS. 29 (68) Not spindle-shaped; the base dilated ; covered with white silky depressed hair; the larval chamber separated from the bottom by a hollow space. And. glandule. (65) Glabrous. (72) Spindle-shaped, with a more or less longish peduncle; green, often with reddish lines. (71) The peduncle as long or nearly as long as the gall; June— August. Length 7—12 mm. And. callidoma. (70) The peduncle very short; October. 6—8 mm. And. Malpighit. (69) The galls oval or oblong, or irregular. (78) The galls not at all enveloped in the leaf-buds. (75) The gall very small (about 1—2 mm.), ovoid, granular, green ; June. And. gemmatus. (74) The gall not small, oblong, longer than broad. (77) Green, spotted with white, the apex without a sharp point. Length 5—6 mm.; May and June. And. albopunctatus. (76) Not spotted with white, covered with short whitish hair; finely rugose, often keeled, brownish-yellow, reddish when young. And. Clementine. (79) More or less enveloped in the leaf-buds. (80) The gall completely enveloped in greatly developed leaf- scales, forming a miniature artichoke-like body. Length from 20 mm. And. fecundatriz. (79) The gall not completely enveloped in the leaf-scales. (82) Irregularly pea-shaped, thin-walled; green or yellowish- white; in April or beginning of May ; not much enveloped in the leaf-scales, not woody. And. aprilinus. (81) Globular or ovoid, tapering towards the apex, hard and woody, appearing in the autumn. (84) Globular, 3—4 mm., green and smooth when fresh, when old reticulated ; its apex only appearing out of the bud, blunt, usually yellowish. And. globuli. (83) Ovoid, the apex sharply pointed. 2—3 mm. (86) The apex with a distinct nipple-like point, of a darker colour than the rest of the gall. And. collaris. (85) The apex not ending in a dark nipple-like point. And. autumnalis. (88) The apex of a terminal twig inflated, the inflation longer than broad, the cavity large, containing a loose small brownish inner gall. . And. curvator and inflator. (89) The twigs or leafstalk, or the midrib inhabited by the larve, which cause more or less perceptible irregular swellings. And. noduli. (94) On the roots. (91) Polythalamous, large, brown, irregular, from one to three inches in length. ~ And. radicis. (92) Monothalamous, situated on the rootlets, often in clusters, irregular in shape. Biorhiza aptera. (93) In the bark, on the thick roots, or on the trunk, where there is a wound, the gall sunk in jthe young wood, cup- -shaped, conical at apex, the top falling off when old. And. corticis. (92) A swelling on the trunk where a wound has been, not differ- ing from the root-galls. And. radicis. 30 ~ COLLECTING AND PRESERVING. 94 (95) On young branches, covered with earth or vegetation, gre- garious, conical, hard, woody, deeply furrowed, reddish and juicy when young, giving out an exudation. And. Sieboldit. 95 (109) On the catkins. 96 (99) The galls small and enveloped in a mass of poy hair. 97 (98) The mass of hair large, dense. From 20 mm.; June. And. ramuli. 98 (97) The mass of hair small, not dense; in May and June. And. cirratus. 99 (96) The galls not enveloped in a mass of woolly hair. bp 100 (101) The galls pilose, brownish. And. amenti and A. pilosus. 101 (100) The galls glabrous. 102 (103) Globular, succulent, green with reddish cheeks. Newroterus baccarum. 103 (104) Spindle-shaped, shortly pedunculated; green, tinged with red. And. seminationis. 104 (103) Oblong or oval. 105 (106) Irregular, the sides more or less keeled. 106 (105) The sides keeled or furrowed all over; the base not con- tracted. Length 3 mm. And. quadrilineatus. 107 (104) The sides with only one stout keel, the base contracted. Length about 1 mm. A, Schlechtendali. 108 (103) Oval or oblong, regular, the sides not keeled ; 1—2 mm. A, nudus. 109 (95) In the young half-developed acorns, which are somewhat distorted. Andricus ?. 110 (20) On Quercus cerris. 111 (110) In the acorns. And. glandiwm. 112 (111) On the catkins, very irregular, aed together. And. xstivalis. 113 (110) In the leaf-buds, elongate-ovate, about 2:5 mm.; more or less gregarious. And. circulans. Collecting, Preserving, and Breeding of Gall-flies. The imagos may readily be collected by beating the food plants over an umbrella, or by sweeping under or on them. They may be preserved either by cumming them on cards, or (and, in my opinion, far better for purposes of examination) by sticking them on fine pins or on silver wire, the latter bemg inserted into small pieces of the pith of the Jerusalem artichoke. The objection to the carding is that the face is hid— sometimes an important organ to examine; while, again, it may be necessary to see the mesopleura. In view of the fact that so many of the species are so much alike—indeed, in many cases not discernible in the perfect state from each other—the breeding of COLLECTING AND REARING. 31 the flies from the galls is a matter of great importance ; to rear them is not always an easy matter. Probably no rearing case is better than ordinary jelly-cans whose tops have been ground smooth, so that a glass plate may fit them closely. In these cans should be placed sand, which has been thoroughly boiled or burnt to destroy any organic matter there may have been in it. When this has been moistened the pots are fit for use. In selecting galls for rearing purposes one point must be kept in view, namely, that only mature galls should be selected to rear from; for it is practically useless to attempt breeding from half-grown galls, although it must also be said that by keeping some semi-developed galls moistened and exposed to the atmosphere they may grow even when detached from the plant. Still the rule must be, only attempt breed- ing from mature galls. The spring galls do not afford much difficulty. The chief point is to see that they are not kept too moist, and this may be avoided by taking the lid off the case occasionally, because, if this is not done, the galls are very liable to turn mouldy. On the other hand, care must be taken that they do not turn too dry; if this happens the galls shrink up and destroy the insects. The autumnal galls give much more trouble than the spring, as might be expected from the longer period they remain in the galls, especially those which come out in the spring. With these there is only one way of successfully rearing them, and that is to keep them outside, exposed to all the atmospheric changes. In rearing from the galls of the autumnal Newro- tert it must be recollected that when they fall from the leaves in the autumn they are not fully developed ; but by keeping them outside, and with plenty of air and moisture, they will be devoloped all right im the spring. In breeding gall-flies great care must be taken to keep each species in a separate pot, or otherwise grave errors may be made in the records of the rearings oe OLASSIFICATION. of parasites and inquilines. The latter, it may be - added, are much more easily bred than the gall-flies themselves. Classification. The origin of the name “ Cynips”’ has been already discussed (vol. in, p. 140). Westwood was the first who separated generically any of the species from Cynips by forming the genus Biorhiza. Hartig added ten more, namely, Andricus, Newroterus, Teras, hodites, Diastrophus, Spathogaster, Trigonaspis, Aulax, Ce- roptres, and Synergus, the last two being inquiline Species, as he was the first to discover. Hartig’s primary generic character was the length of the radial cellule and the position of the areolet ; next followed the form and number of the joints of the antenne ; while for subsidiary characters he took the form of the scutellum, the texture of the thorax, and the num- ber of joints in the maxillary and labial palpi. In 1859 (Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien) Giraud erected the genus Dryocosmus, and ten years later Foerster formed some more genera, and brought the whole to a focus according to the lights of his time. His synoptical table is here reproduced : 1 (42) Wingless or winged ; in the latter the areolet lies quite close to the base of the radial cellule. 2 (5) Wingless. : 3 (4) Antenne 14—15-jointed. Biorhiza, West. 4 (3) Antenne 13-jointed. Apophyllus, Htg. 5 (2) Winged. 6 (13) Radial cellule closed on the fore margin. 7 (10) Scutellum with an impression. 8 (9) The first abscissa of the radius angular, broken. Pediaspis, Tisch. _ 9 (8) The first abscissa of the radius only slightly elbowed. Bathyaspis, Foerst. 10 (7) Scutellum without an impression. 11 (12) Radial cellule short and broad. Rhodites, Htg. 12 (11) — — elongate. Hololexis, Htg. 13 (6) — — open at fore margin. 14 (15) Mesonotum without parapsidal furrows. Ameristris, Foer. 15 (14) — with parapsidal furrows. 16 (21) Fovew at the base of scutellum united. 17 (18) 18 (16) 19 (20) 20 (19) 21 (16) 22, (25) 23 (24) 24, (23) 25 (22) 26 (27) 27 (26) 28 (29) 29 (28) 30 (33) 31 (32) 32 (31) 33 (30) 34 (37) 35 (36) 36 (35) 37 (34) 38 (39) 39 (38) 40 (41) 41 (40) 42, (1) 43 (54) 4d. (47) SYNOPSIS OF GENERA. 33 Scutellum laterally margined. Dryocosmus, Gir. — not margined. Mesonotum quite smooth, with complete deep parapsidal fur- rows; scutellar fovez in front transverse. Entropha. Mesonotum not completely smooth, the parapsidal furrows not deep; scutellar fovez in front curved. Spathogaster, Htg. Scutellar fovez separated. The first and second joints of the flagellum equal, or the first shorter than the second. Antenne with the ¢ 14-, with the ? 13-jointed; the first two joints of the flagellum unequal ; basal fovea of scutellum very large ; radial cellule not twice as long as wide. Isocolus. Antenne with the ¢ 15-, with the 2 13-jointed; the first two joints of flagellum of equal length; basal fovea of the scutellum small; radial cellule twice longer than wide. Synophrus. The first joint of flagellum longer than the second. The second joint of hinder tarsi not as long as the last. Dryoteras, Foer. = Teras, Htg. The second tarsal joint as long as the last. Metanotum very strongly declivous; the apex of the scutellum lying very high over the base of the abdomen ; the first joint of the flagellum very strongly incised at the apex, much broader than at the base. Trigonaspis. Metanotum not very strongly declivous; the apex of the scutellum not very high over the base of the abdomen; the first joint of the flagellum at the apex not broader than at the base. Mesonotum quite smooth. Face sharply striated; central area of mesonotum with a more or less complete central furrow. Diastrophus. Face not striated ; middle lobe of mesonotum without a central furrow. Inodora. Mesonotum not quite smooth. Mesonotum alutaceous, rugose, bare or shortly haired; the apex of the abdomen not bearing silky hair; the antennz and legs not stiffly haired. Mesonotum transversely rugulose. Callirhytis. — not transversely rugulose. Andricus. — punctured, not rugulose; covered more or less thickly with long hairs. Abdomen at the apex covered with silky, woolly hairs. Cynips. — — — _notcovered with silky, woolly hairs. Antennz and legs with coarse, stiff, erect hairs. Dryophanta. — — — without coarse, stiff, erect hairs. Aphilothriz. Winged, seldom wingless; the areolet lying distant from the base of the radial cellule. The second abdominal segment at the base smooth, without furrows. The second abscissa of the radius curved; radial cellule at the base and apex open; areolet absent. VOLe TV. ; 3 34 45 (46) 4G (45) 47 (44) 48 (51) 49 (50) 50 (49) 51 (48) 52 (53) 53 (52) 54 (43) 55 (56) 56 (55) SYNOPSIS OF GENERA. Scutellar fovee reaching to the middle of the scutellum; radial area at the base, not curved; the second and the following segments finely punctured. Hubothrus. Scutellar fovese not reaching to the middle of the scutellum ; radial cellule at the base sinuately enlarged. Liposthenus. The second abscissa of the radius not curved; radial cellule at the base and apex closed ; areolet present. Radial cellule on the fore margin closed. Mesopleure striated; the first and second joints of the flagel- lum equal in length. Periclistus. Mesopleure alutaceous; the first joint longer than the second. Phanacis. Radial cellule open. Mesonotum quite smooth. Xestophanes. — not — Aulau. The second abdominal segment striolated. Radial cellule open. Sapholytus. _ — closed. Synergus. Obviously the discovery already alluded to by Adler of the occurrence of alternation of generation in the family upset the older genera, and made a revision in view of the new facts imperative. This needful work was admirably done by Professor G. L. Mayr, of Vienna. His synopsis of the genera, so far as our Fauna is concerned, is as follows: Synopsis of the Genera as defined by Professor Mayr*. 1 (4) 1G) 3 (2) Females. Wingless. Furrows of the parapsides complete; antenne 14-jointed; a short, thickish keel between the antennz; head swollen behind the eyes; ventral spine 1—13 times longer than broad. Biorhiza. Furrows of the parapsides incomplete; antenne 13—14-jointed; no keel between the antenne; head not swollen behind; ventral spine 2—2% times longer than broad. Trigonaspis. Winged. Petiole rugosely longitudinally striated ; the second and third abdominal segments without any visible suture; face obliquely striated; frontal keels usually reaching to the ocelli; radial cellule closed; antennz 14-jointed. Synergus. Petiole smooth, not striated; frontal keels absent. Face with two distinct parallel keels going from the antennz to the base of the clypeus; antenne 12-jointed ; scutellum with two fovee at the base; third abdominal segment longer than the second, closely united, but still with the suture * Die Genera der Gallen bewohnenden Cynipiden, Wien, 1881. 8 (7) 9 (10) 10 (9) 11 (12) 12 (11) 13 (14) 14 (13) 15 (16) 16 (15) 17 (18) 18 (17) 19 (20) 20 (19) 21 (24) 22, (23) 23 (22) SYNOPSIS OF GENERA. 35 visible ; the third segment covering the greater part of the abdomen ; radial cellule closed ; claws bifid. Ceroptres. Face without keels. Hypopygium ploughshare-shaped, ending in a sharp point and without a distinct ventral spine; mesopleure with a distinct longitudinal furrow, sometimes punctured; radial cellule completely closed; claws simple. thodites. Hypopygium not ending in a sharp point; incised beneath, and having a ventral spine. Scutellum not separated from the mesonotum by a suture; no ridge-like border behind the depression at the base; parapsidal furrows absent, or, if present, only reaching to the middle; antenne and tibie not hairy; antenne 13—15- jointed. Neuroterus. A suture between the mesonotum and scutellum; a ridge-like border behind the fovez. Abdomen, especially from the third segment to the apex, closely covered with silky hair; antennz, head, and legs completely pilose; head not swollen behind; parapsidal furrows complete; scutellum broader than long, with two fovez at the base. Cynips. Abdomen not silky haired. Cheeks with a sharp furrow; antenne 14-jointed; the fla- gellum thin, attenuated towards the apex; parapsidal fur- rows sharp and complete; mesonotum polished; fovez at base of scutellum separated by a sharp keel; metanotum with two curved carine; second joint of tarsi as long as the - terminal, claws bifid; abdomen red. Trigonaspis. Cheeks without a furrow; the apex of flagellum not thinner than the middle. Front, vertex, mesonotum, and mesopleure shining, smooth, glabrous; antenne 13—14-jointed; scutellum with two sharply separated fovez at base; pronotum with two small fovez near the middle; metanotum with two parallel carine; claws simple. Xestophanes. Head and mesothorax not shining and polished. Second and third abdominal segments without a suture, so that there are only six segments apparent; cheeks without furrows ; face laterally striated; head not swollen behind the eyes ; metanotum with two parallel keels; pronotum not narrowed in the middle, and with two not very distinct keels; mesonotum finely punctured and pilose; antennz 12-jointed, the third joint shorter than the fourth or equal to it; claws bifid. Periclistus. Second and third abdominal segments not united. Cheeks more than half as long as the eyes, without a furrow; last joint of the flagellum not thicker than the fifth or sixth; pronotum scarcely narrowed in the middle; parap- sidal furrows complete; two sharply separated foveze at base of scutellum ; ventral spine at the most scarcely longer ree broad; antenne 13--14-jointed; radial cellule short, road. Claws bifid; mesonotum polished. Diastrophus Claws simple; mesonotum closely shagreened or punctured, opaque. Aulax. 36 24. (21) 25 (26) 26 (25) 27 (28) 28 (27) 10 (9) 11 (12) 12 (11) 13 (14) SYNOPSIS OE GENERA. Cheeks half as long as the eyes; apical joints of flagellum thicker than the fifth or sixth; pronotum small; radial cellule long, narrow, open. Base of scutellum with two sharply separated fovee ; carine of metanotum straight and parallel, seldom curved or diverging towards the apex; parapsidal furrows sharp and complete; antenne and tibie not covered with hairs, the third joint longer than the fourth. : Andricus. Base of scutellum with a transverse furrow, or with two sharply separated fovez; in the latter case the keels on metanotum curved. Claws single; antenne and tibie not covered with stiff hairs; base of the scutellum with two fovee; mesonotum polished; body yellowish. Biorhiza. Claws bifid; antennze and tibie closely covered with stiff hairs ; a transverse furrow at base of scutellum; the agamic form hairy, especially on the legs and antenne; thorax Opaque, shagreened ; sexual form polished, glabrous. Dryophanta, _ Males. Petiole rugosely longitudinally furrowed ; face sharply stri- ated; frontal keels seldom short and indistinct; radial cellule closed; antennze 15-jointed, third joint sometimes enlarged. Synergus. Petiole not longitudinally furrowed. Face with two parallel keels between the antenne and cly- “peus; antenne 15-jointed, the third joint enlarged and as long as the fourth ; base of scutellum with two fovee ; meta- notum with two parallel carine. Ceroptres. Face without keels. Mesopleurz on lower side with a stout, often punctured or reticulated longitudinal furrow; third antennal joint the longest ; radial cellule closed; claws simple. Rhodites. Mesopleurz without a longitudinal furrow. No transverse keel behind the depression at base of scutel- lum; abdomen petiolated; parapsidal furrows absent or indistinct. Neuroterus. A transverse keel behind the fovez at base of scutellum. Cheeks with a sharp furrow; antenne longish, thin, 15- jointed, the joints at least three times as long as thick; mesonotum polished; the furrows complete; metanotum with two keels ; two fovez at base of scutellum, separated by a sharp keel. Trigonaspis. Cheeks without a furrow. Second and third abdominal segments amalgamated, with scarcely a trace of suture; abdomen not petiolated; antennz 14-jointed; radial cellule closed; claws bifid; mesonotum finely rugosely punctured. Periclistus. Second and third abdominal segments not closely amalga- mated; the suture quite distinct. ; Vertex, front, mesonotum, and mesopleure polished, glabrous ; pronotum with two fovez in front, polished between them ; antenne 14-jointed; claws simple; radial cellule open in front. Xestophanes. GENUS RHODITES. 37 14(13) Only the mesonotum polished ; pronotum without fovez. 15 (18) Cheeks at least half as long as the eyes; the radial cellule not usually elongated ; abdomen not petiolate. 16 (17) Claws bifid; mesonotum shining, impunctate; antenne 14- jointed. Diastrophus. 17 (16) Claws simple; mesonotum shagreened, opaque; antenne 14— 15-jointed. Aulax. 18 (15) The cheeks less than one-half longer than the eyes; radial cellule open, longish, narrow. 19 (20) Keels of mesonotum straight and parallel or very short; antenne 14—15-jointed ; parapsidal furrows complete, deep; two distinctly separated fovez at base of scutellum ; abdomen scarcely petiolated. Andricus. 20 (19) Keels of median segment hardly curved; antennz 15-jointed. 21 (22) Reddish-yellow; antenne thick, third joint longer than fourth; strongly emarginated ; mesonotum shining; claws simple; abdomen scarcely petiolated. Biorhiza. 22 (21) Mesonotum not reddish-yellow; the antennz thin, the third joint emarginate ; abdomen petiolated; claws bifid. Dryophanta. Obs.—The male of Cynips is unknown. Genus RHOoDITES. Rhodites, Hartig, Germs. Zeit., ii, 186; Mayr, Genera, 18. Hololexis, Foerster, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1869, 330. Apical ventral segment elongate, ploughshare-shaped, ending in a sharp point. Antenne 14—15-jointed, situated above the middle of the face; the flagellum filiform, its first joint longer than the second. Radial cellule completely closed, short, the areolet when present placed close to its base. Cheeks without furrows, as long or nearly as long as the space from the bottom of the eyes to the top. Head not dilated behind the eyes. Parapsidal furrows complete, or obliterated in front. Scutellum large, bifoveate or not at the base. Mesopleure with a longitudinal furrow extending from the fore to the middle cox (except with the American R. dichloceros, O. S.), the furrow rugosely punctured. The ¢ has the third antennal joint curved, and is very rare, the genus, in fact, being more or less parthenogenetic. The areolet is present or absent; and the wings are more or less infuscated, seldom clear hyaline. The head and thorax are black, but the abdomen is frequently yellowish. Without exception the species are found as gall- makers on roses. Six or seven species are known from Hurope, and about the same number from North America. Rhodites is a very easily recognised genus; the 38 RHODITES EGLANTERIA. ploughshare-shaped apical ventral segment and the longitudinal furrow on the mesopleure being two points in which it differs from all the other genera. Hololewis, Foerster, merely differs from [hodites in having the radial cellule elongate in opposition to the short and broad area of Rhodites, eglanterie being a typical form of it. A. Radial cellule elongate; the basal abscissa of the radius curved, not angled ; cubitus obsolete. 1. RHODITES EGLANTERIA. Px igs, call; El xi tiontS oe Rhodites eglanteriwx, Htg., Germ. Zeit., ii, 194; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 92, 93, and 123; Mayr, Cyn., 19, Taf. iti, fig. 15; EKurop. Cyn.,3; Taschen., Hym. Deut., 135 ; Thoms., Opuse., viii, 792; Fitch, Trans. Essex Field Club, ii, 125, fig. 7. Hololexis eglanterizx, Foer., Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1869, 333. Black; abdomen and legs reddish-yellow, the latter paler in tint than the former; the abdomen at the apex and beneath more or less blackish, the legs at the base more or less blackish, the tarsi infus- _ cated; wings smoky, with a griseous tinge; antenne blackish to brown, longish, slender, the third joint about one third longer than the fourth. Shining; the mesonotum aciculated laterally; the scu- tellum finely rugose, the basal foveze indistinct; parapsidal furrows complete, narrow. The ¢ has the abdomen with more black than red. Length 2°5—3'5 mm. Hasily known by the elongated radial cellule, and by the curved basal abscissa of the radius. Gall.—Pea-shaped, with a diameter of from 3 to 5 mm.; smooth, or more seldom beset with little tubercles ; green, frequently with reddish cheeks, or more rarely reddish entirely; sometimes greenish- yellow. They are found either on the upper or lower side of the leaf, and may even occur on the leaf-stalk ; they are attached only by a small point to the stalk or RHODITES EGLANTERIA, 39 leaf-vein, and the attached part does not show on the other side of the leaf by a projection. The inner cell is large, the bounding wall of parenchymatous cells being thin, seldom being much more than 1 mm. in thickness. When the galls have been attacked by the inqui- line Periclistus canine they become larger, more irregular, and instead of having one large cell they contain several, united by a spongy tissue (see EPOX sie. 3). The galls are usually found on Rosa canina, less frequently on R. rubiginosa, and I once found them on fi. eglanteria and f. spinosissima. When ripe the galls fall to the ground, and give forth the insect in the following spring. The galls of Rhodites centifole (a species not yet - found in this country) cannot, so far as I can make out, be distinguished from those of R. eglanteriz. The galls of the former, however, are said to be found only on the leaves of Rosa centifolia. Rh. (Hololewis) vrufipes, Foerster, is said also to have galls ike those of f. eglanteriex; but it is difficult or impossible to say wherein the differences between the galls or insects lie. Parasites. — Hemiteles wimbecilus, Gr.; Torymus difficilis, Nees.; T. congener, Foer.; T. viridis, Foer. ; T. eglanteriez, Mayr; Oligostenus stigma, Fab.; Hulo- phus imunctus, Nees.; Pteromalus inflexus, Foer.; Tetrastichus longicaudatus, Ratz.; T. obtustatus, Gir. ; T. rosarum, Foer. Brischke (Schr. d. Naturf. Ges. z. Danzig v.) records Torymus auratus, T. tipularum, Lett., Tetrastichus lep- toneurus, Pteromalus pilosus (T. pilosellus ?), T. in- crassatus, Ratz., T. Neostatensis, Ratz., Hurytoma rose, and Orthopelma luteolator. Commonly distributed in Britain. Continental distribution: Sweden, Germany, and Holland. 40 RHODITES ROSA. B. Radial cellule short, triangular ; the basal abscissa angled or elbowed in the middle ; the areolet present. 1 (4) Legs for the greater part red. : 2 (3) Abdomen reddish, the radial cellule with a smoky fascia. Rose. 3 (4) Abdomen blackish or brownish-black; the radial cellule without a smoky fascia. Spinosissime. 4 (1) Legs for the greater part blackish. Nervosus. 2, RHODITES ROSA. Pl. X, fig. 2, galls; Pl. XII, fig. 10, ¢; 10, head. Cynips rose, Linn., ee 917; Fab., H.S., ii, 100, 2; S. P., Diplolepis bedequaris, Geof., H. I., 11, 310, 2. Rhodites rose, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 194; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 92, 122; Tasch., Hym. Deut., 134; Marshall, EH.M.M., iv, 173; Mayr, Cyn. Gall., 15, pl. xv, fig. 12; Europ. Cyn., 4 and 5; Thoms., Opusc., viii, 791; Osten Sacken, Proce. Ent.Soc. Phil.,1863,40; Fitch, Trans. Essex Field Club, ii, 126, fig. 6. Black; abdomen red, with the apex black; legs reddish, the base more or less black ; wings somewhat irregularly griseous, the apex from the base of radial cellule infuscated or brownish. Vertex and meso- notum opaque, closely and finely aciculate; the third antennal joint twice the length of the fourth. The ¢ has the abdomen for the greater part black, the second antennal joint as long as broad; the legs are more broadly black at the base than in the 9. Length 3°5 to 4-5 mm. The maker of the well-known “ bedeguar”’ or pin- cushion galls of the common rose. They form a woody mass on the stem, either low down or ter- minal in position; contain numerous cells, and are covered all over with long greenish to reddish moss-like hair. In size they are about an inch on the average in diameter, but may be smaller or greater. Occasionally single galls, either abortive or containing only one cell, are met with on a leaf. The explanation of the galls being found on a leaf is that the gall really originates from a leaf, and not from a bud or stem, as might at first thought be ex- RHODITES ROSA. 41 pected. According to Paszlavsky* the normal bede- guars originate from three leaflets, and possibly the explanation of the finding of the small more or less abortive galls on a leaf is to be found in the fact that the eggs were laid in one leaf only. There is a variety on the Continent which is quite glabrous. I believe I once found it in Scotland, but at the time took it for a curious variety of R. SPINOSISSUMB. As with most of the species which form many- celled galls, the labour of oviposition is long and laborious. The bedeguar was formerly used medicinally, and, according to the late Mr. Ashmead (as quoted by A. Miller, Zool. s. s., p. 1206), the farmers at Harro- gate gather them to make an infusion for the cure of - diarrhoea in cows. fi. rose has the g, mm comparison with the ¢, exceedingly rare; and there can be no doubt, from the observations of Adler (D. EH. Z., xxi, 209), that it is parthenogenetic. This also appeared to be the case in America, for, according to Osten Sacken (Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., 1863, p. 47), out of 200 specimens he only gotone g. Itis attacked by numerous parasites, namely, Porizon harpwrus, Gr.; Hemiteles luteolator (very abundant); Torymus longicaudis, Ratz.; T. pwr- _purascens, Fab.; T. bedeguaris, L.; T. rosarum, Gir. ; T. macropterus, Ratz.; Hupelmus Degeeri, Dal.; Oligo- stenus stigma, Fab.; Pteromalus fuscipalpis, Foer.; P. inflexus, Foer.; P. pilosus, Ratz.; P. festivus, Foer. ; Hurytoma abrotam, Ill.; H. rose, Nees.; H. xthiops, Ratz.; and, as inquiline, Periclistus Brandt, Htg. Brischke (Schr. d. Naturf. Ges. z. Danzig v.) gives as parasites Hupelmus Bedeguaris, Hurytoma nodularis ; and, as inquiline, Synergus ruficornis, Htg. Of universal distribution in Hurope; found also in North America (see Osten-Sacken, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., 1863, p. 40). * Terms. Fuzetk, v. 42, RHODITES SPINOSISSIMA. 3. RHODITES SPINOSISSIMA. PE My fie .o, gall sel xan sticeaemeor Rhodites spinosissime, Giraud, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien., 1859, 367 ; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 92, 94, and 124; Taschen., Hym. Deut., 135; Mayr, Cyn. Gallen, 16, pl. ui, f. 13; Hurop. Cyn., 3 and 4. Black ; the abdomen black or fuscous-black, the legs pale yellowish, the coxee blackish at the base, the hind femora infuscated above in the middle; wings hyaline, a little infuscated in the middle. Vertex and mesonotum finely punctured and shagreened ; the antennz stoutish, the third joint twice the length of the fourth; scutellum opaque, finely Sean 2 to 2°5 mm. Hasily known by the dark abdomen and _ hyaline unspotted wings. The ¢ I have not seen. The gall of this species is hard, woody, and very irregular in form. It occurs both in the leaves and stem, and in either case forms an integral part of the plant, in the latter part extending frequently to the pith, and firmly embedded in it. It is polythalamous. Some of the galls are as regular and spherical as those of R. eglanterre, and of about the same size; but, generally speaking, it is very seldom that we find them so regular as those of the last species, while the galls of the latter are distinguished by being only very slightly attached to the plant and readily dropping off. They may occupy almost entirely one side of a leaf, and part of the leaf may extrude through the gall (see Pl. XI, fig. 5). In certain cases when this happens the gall has the appearance of several galls being amalgamated. On the stem the galls form irregular pithy swellings. They may project through both sides of the leaf or on one only; they may occupy the entire Jeaf except a fringe of it; may be smooth or bear little projections, or even spines; in colour may be green, dull red, or very fiery red. Besides being on the leaves and twigs they also occur on the leaf-stalk, on the flower-buds, even on the RHODITES NERVOSUS. 43 petals. As a rule polythalamous, specimens are some- times found with only one cell. I have found three separate monothalamous galls on one leaf. Those on the twigs remain attached; those on the leaves fall with them, and apparently the gall-bearing leaves drop off earlier than the others. In this country I have only found the galls on Rosa spinosissima, on which along our shores it has a wide distribution, being found from Sutherlandshire to the south of Hngland. On the Continent it has been found on f. canina. Mr. Inchbald (Zool. 8. 8., 7824) describes a “* Cynips rose-spinosissime,” which T cannot identify satisfac- torily from the shortness of the description: ‘ Colour black; antenne geniculate, hairy; head and thorax dull black, pitted and dotted over with pale pile; abdomen shining black; legs black, with the tarsi paler. Insect much smaller than Cynips rose.” Itis evidently not spinosissime, Gir., nor does it agree with the species of Periclistus. As parasites it has Torymus macropterus, T. diffi- cilis, Nees., Megastigmus transversus, Walker, Ptero- malus inflecus, Foer., P. incrassatus, Ratz. (Brischke) ; Tetrastichus aurantiacus, Ratz., T. rosarwm, Foer. ; and as inquiline Periclistus canine. : Continental distribution: Germany. 4 RHODITES NERVOSUS. Pl. XI, fig. 4, gall; Pl. XI, fig. 9, ¢. Rhodilus nervosus, Curtis, B. E., 688, pl. cecxx; Marshall, KH. M. salve , Rhodites rosarum, Giraud, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1859, 366; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 92, 94, and 129; Taschen., Hym. Deut., 185; Mayr, Oyn. Gallen, 18, Taf. i, f. 18; Europ. Cyn aoe Fitch, Trans. Essex Field Club, 1, 125, fig. 7. Cf. also Gray, Proc. Ent. Soc., 1858, p. 94. Black; the fore-legs with the knees and tibie pale ochreous; the middle tibiz usually obscure reddish-yellow; the hind legs dark 44, RHODITES NERVOSUS. fuscous or brownish; abdomen yellowish-red, the hypopygium brownish- black ; wings pale fuscous, the nervures brownish, shining; the meso- notum closely aciculate; the parapsidal furrows distinct, and there is a short furrow between them at the base; scutellum finely rugose, irregularly keeled, projecting at the base between the fovee. The third antennal joint hardly one-fourth longer than the fourth. 9. Length 3 to 3'5 mm. ; The cubitus is usually present, but may be very faint; the keels on the scutellum are not so well developed in the smaller as in the larger examples; the quantity of yellow on the four anterior legs varies, and some specimens have the wings more deeply suffused than others. The g I have never seen, nor has it been described by any author. Gall.—Irregularly pea-shaped, bearing five or less stout, sharp-pointed spines, smaller, as long, or longer than the gall itself; smooth, sometimes bearing small warts; green, spotted with red when old, and becom- ing brownish when they fall from the leaf. In dia- meter they vary from 4 to 6 mm. ; they are unicellular, the cell large, the bounding wall being about | mm. in. thickness. ‘The gall is attached by a narrow point to the leaf-vein on the under side, the mark of attach- ment not being visible on the upper side of the leaf. It is found in July, and falls to the ground when ripe. When attacked by Periclistus canine the galls are larger, more irregular, usually paler, and are poly- thalamous, as in [hodites eglanterre. ‘The parasites are Torymus macropterus, Pteromalus eminens, Foer., P. inflewus, Foer., Tetrastichus obtusatus, Gir. The galls have been recorded from Rosa canina, R. arvensis, f. rubigmosa, and fh. causacica. I believe I once found them on R. eglanteria. I think there is no doubt about this being nervosus. Curtis’s description is as follows: “ Black, shining, obscurely punctured, and slightly pubescent ; antenne 14-jointed, as long as the body, two basal joints brownish ; ocelli very large; post-scutellum rugose, with three parallel ridges; abdomen very smooth and GENUS AULAX. 4d ochreous, the lower sheath brown; wings pale fuscous, iridescent, the nervures brown, edges of the marginal cell suffused; anterior legs pale ochreous, interme- diate brown, hinder piceous, base of all the thighs darker ; apical joint of tarsi fuscous. Distinguished from #. rosx by the large ocelli, cari- nate scutel, dark hinder legs, the absence of the brown splash on the ocast of the upper wings, and of the areolet. _July. Dover.” Gloucester, West Wickham, London district. Continental distribution : Germany, Austria. Genus AULAX. Aylax, Hartig, Germ. Zeit., 11, 186. Aulax, Mayr, Genera, 20. TIsocolus, Foerster, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1869, 330. Eubothrus, Foerster, 1. c., 331. LInposthenus, Foerster, 1. c., 331. Head and thorax aciculate, coriaceous, or punctured. Cheeks with- out furrows, as long as the length of the eyes. Antenne 13—14- 9, 6 14—15-jointed, the third joint with the latter curved; the third joint may be longer or shorter than the fourth. Pronotum sometimes with two parallel keels in the middle. Parapsidal furrows complete. Scutellar foveze distinct, clearly separated. Scutellum separated from the mesonotum by a furrow. The two keels on the median segment are either parallel or diverging at the apex. Abdomen sessile, seldom compressed, the second segment longer than the others, of different length. The radial cellule is of different lengths, broad at the base, open or more or less closed; the areolet present or absent. Claws simple. The species of Aulax bear considerable resemblance to those of Synergus, but may easily be known by the petiole not being striolate nor two-jointed. They have the head and thorax black, with the abdomen and lees more or less testaceous or yellowish. There are about a dozen Huropean species known, which form gall-hke swellings on various herbaceous plants. | The peculiarities of Foerster’s Isocolus, Hubothrus, and Luposthenus (here sunk in Aulax) may be seen by reference to the table on pp. 33, 34. 46 AULAX GLECHOMA. A. Antenne 14-jointed in ¢, 15-am 6. 1 (4) Mesonotum glabrous, shining, more or less impunctate in the centre. 2 (3) Antennz brownish-red; scutellum rugose ; wings without areo- let. Glechome. 3 (2) Antenne black; scutellum not more strongly. sculptured than the mesonotum ; areolet present. Hypocheridis. 4 (1) Mesonotum pubescent, opaque. Papaveris. 1. AULAX GLECHOMA. JB, OG tle, alls 12th NE, cies, Ih Aulax glechomx, Htg., Germs. Zeits., 111, 342; Mayr, Cyn. Gall., i, Lated, toon Hurop. Oyue ds noms. Opusc., vii, 809; Fitch, Trans. Hssex. Field Club, ui, 130, fig. 15. Diastrophus glechome, Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 90 and 126. Inposthenus glechome, Foer., Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1869, 336. For gall cf. Réaumur, Ins., ii, pl. xlu, figs. 1—5 ; and Malpighi, Opera, pl. ix, fig. 24. Black; the legs and antennz yellowish-rufous; the scape blackish ; the flagellum darker coloured than the legs; the coxe brownish or blackish ; abdomen dark brown, the base more or less dark testaceous ; wings hyaline, the nervures fuscous; areolet obsolete. The centre of the mesonotum smooth and shining, the sides aciculate; glabrous, parapsidal furrows reaching to the middle; scutellum rugose, broadly depressed above. Propleuree and mesopleure in front transversely striolate. 9. The second segment forms at least two-thirds of the length of the abdomen. Length 23 to 2? mm. The galls of this species are found on the leaves or stem of Nepeta glechoma, or on both. In shape they are very irregular ; they may be spherical, pear-shaped, or of no definite form; they may occur singly or in groups, separated or united ; in colour green—entirely green, or green with pink or red, this latter being more particularly the case with young species. They are covered with long white hair, but this gets rubbed off with age, and the galls are then glabrous. They are polythalamous. At first soft and succulent, with age they get hard and woody. AULAX HYPOCHARIDIS. AW They are found from June to September. The galls of this species are eaten in France by the peasants, according to Réaumur (Mém., il, p. 416). He says, “ Dans certaines années ot elle en étoit chargée, les paysans se font avisés de manger de ces pommes du lierre terrestre, et les ont trouvées bonnes. J’en ai gouté, leur faveur aromatique m’a paru tenir beaucoup de celle que Vodoratu fait imaginer que la plante doit avoir: au reste, il faut cueillir de ces galles de bonne heure, pour ne pas les avoir trop séches et trop filamenteuses. Je ne scais pour tant si elles pourront jamais parvenir a étre mises au rang des bons fruits.”’ The known parasites are Torymus splendens, T. glechome, Foer., T. cingulatus, Nees., T. rosarum, Gir., Hupelmus brachypterus, Gir., H. Degeeri, Dalman, Pteromalus glechome, Foer., Tetrastichus glechome, Gir., Hurytoma rufipes, Brischke, and the ichneumon Pezomachus diastrophi, Gir. Widely distributed in England and Scotland; also in the Isle of Man, where it was found by Miss Constance Abrahall. Sweden, Germany, France. Obs.—The Cynips glechome, Linn., is not this species, as is shown by the terms “ thorace villosa.” 9, AULAX HYPOCHARIDIS. Pl. IX, fig. 5, gall. Aulaw hypocheridis, Kieffer, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien., xxxvii, 205 Black; antenne filiform, 14-jointed, black, with a greyish pubes- cence ; the third joint somewhat longer than thefourth. Face striated, the front and vertex shagreened. Thorax shining; mesonotum almost glabrous, very finely but clearly wrinkled. Scutellum without median furrow ; at the base with two large fovee ; in front of the same sculpture as the mesonotum. Wings hyaline ; radial cellule open at the base at top. Areolet distinct. Legs reddish-yellow; base of coxe and tarsal joints black. Abdomen very shining (Kieffer). | Length 2:1—2:2 mm, 48 | AULAX PAPAVERIS. -Galls take the form of spindle-shaped or oval swell- ings on the petioles of Hypochxris radicata, some of them reaching a length of 40 mm. and a diameter of ~7mm. In colour they do not differ from the stems, the swelling taking place in the pith. Internally they contain numerous oval cells, usually placed nearer the centre than the edges. The surface is smooth, or beset with little warts, and furrowed longitudinally ; but the furrows are, of course, more widely apart, and wider and more irregular than in the unaffected parts of the stem. Found in Wales by Dr. Vice, and also recorded from South Devon (cf. Briggs., Hnt., 1875, p. 233). Hurytoma cynipsea, Boh., is a parasite. Continental distribution: Austria, Italy (cf. Low, © Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1884, 326). 3. AULAX PAPAVERIS. Pl. VIL, fig. 1, gall. Diplolepis papaveris, Perris, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1839, 98. Aulax rheadis, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 1846, 195; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 96, 100, and 127; Tasch., Hym. Deut., 133; Mayr, Cyn. Gallen, 22, Taf. ii, f. 19; Europ. Cyn., 7; Thoms., Opusce., viii, 800; Westwood, Gard. Chron., 1885, p: 152, — minor, Htg., Germs. Zeits., 11, 196 ; Mayr, Eur. Cyn., 7. Black; the legs yellowish-testaceous; the abdomen brownish or black, the base often castaneous; the antennze dark brown, almost black; wings hyaline, the nervures fuscous; areolet distinct. Meso- notum opaque, pubescent, closely and uniformly aciculate; pleure finely punctured; scutellum finely and closely rugose, sometimes furrowed in the centre; parapsidal furrows reaching beyond the middle. The ¢ has the coxe, trochanters, and base of femora more or less blackish; in the 2 also the base of coxe may be infuscated. Length 12 to 25 mm. In some examples the furrow on the scutellum is distinct enough, but it is absent in many. I should say that A. minor, Htg., is only a var. of AULAX PAPAVERIS. 49 papaveris.; according to the diagnosis of Hartig and Mayr it simply differs from papaveris in the antennze being ‘‘ brown,” often yellowish or reddish at the base, the scutellum without a furrow, and the abdomen in @ more or less yellowish-red or castaneous-brown beneath. I find, however, so much variation on all these points, as also in size, among specimens reared from capsules collected at the same time, that I can scarcely look upon minor as a good species. : This insect galls in the seed-vessels of the poppy (P. dubius and rheas). The capsules may be distorted and enlarged, or hardly at all. Internally we notice two changes: the entire gall may be converted (as in the typical papaveris, which is also enlarged) into a “spongy mass, in which the round larval cells are irre- gularly embedded in the mass, the septa being en- tirely obliterated; or (as in the typical minor) the septa remain, and the larval cells are placed between and usually completely separated from each other ; these capsules being very little, if at all, enlarged or distorted. If distinct, both papaveris and minor are found in Britain. The species has been found in Berwickshire by Mr. James Hardy; at Hereford by Dr. T. A. Chapman; and Westwood records it from Guildford. The parasites are Pezomachus papaveris, Foer.; Raptrocnenis papaveris, Foer.; Lochites papaveris, Mayr; Holaspis militaris, Boh.; Orymus papaveris, Perris ; Cerrospilus arcuatus, Ratz. Continental distribution: Sweden, Germany, Austria. B. Antenne, ? 12—13-, ¢ 14-jointed. 1 (2) The hinder margin of the fore wings ciliated; the abdomen more or less at the base and the legs reddish; the third joint of the antenne longer than the fourth. Mieraci. VOL. IV. A, 50 AULAX HIERACII. 2 (1) The hinder margin of the fore wings not ciliated; abdomen entirely, and the legs for the greater part, black; scutellar fovee large; the third and fourth joints of the antenne about equal. Scabiosx. 4, AULAX HIERACII. PL IX, fiz. 1; Pl. XI, fig. 1 (graminis); Pl. XII, fig. 11 Cynips hieracii, Bouché, Naturg. d. Ins., 164. Aylax sabaudi, Htg., Germs. Zeit., i, 195. Aulax hieracti, Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 99; Mayr, Cyn. Gallen, 9, Taf. i, fig. 4; Hurop. Cyn., 8. Aulax graminis, Cam., Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glas., 1875, 322; Mayr, Cyn. Gallen, 6, fig. 1. Black; the legs and the basal half of abdomen ferruginous; the antenne dark ferruginous to brown, the basal two joints always darker than the others; the coxe often more or less fuscous. Wings clear hyaline; the nervures pale fuscous; the apex ciliated; areolet present. Mesonotum sub-opaque, strongly aciculate; pleurz aciculate; parap- sidal furrows complete; abdomen shining, impunctate. ? and @. Length 2 to 2°38 mm. The amount of ferruginous colour on the abdomen and antenne varies ; in the ¢ the abdomen is usually entirely black. | In coloration it is not unlike A. papaveris, but the 13-jointed antennee and the distinct parapsidal fur- rows separate it from the poppy species. A. gramims cannot be distinguished by any charac- ters, structurally or in coloration, from Mieracw ; and I am inclined to think that the two are identical not- withstanding that they are found on different plants. This seems the more likely from the fact that A. hieracit has been bred from galls on Linaria vul- garis and Cytisus capitatus (cf. Mayr, Hur. Cyn., 8). The galls are found chiefly on Hieracium sylvaticum and H. boreale. ‘They are found on all parts of the plant, but more particularly on the stem, not far from the flower-head. I have seen them also on the roots, and they may affect even the flowers. As may be seen by a reference to the figures on Pl. IX, in form they are very variable, this being also the case as AULAX SCABIOSA. 51 regards size. They are hard, usually coloured like the stem, but with age get paler, and contain numerous larval cells of the usual form irregularly distributed through the mass. In size I have found them from a quarter to over an inch and a half in length. The outer surface is more or less thickly haired, but old examples are usually glabrous. On Triticum the larvee live in the roots, which they do not distort very much. Several live in cells together, as in Hieraciwm. The parasites are Torymus hieracui, Mayr; T. chlo- rinus, Foer.; T. euchloris, Bohm.; T. rubi, Schr. ; Hurytoma signata, Nees; H. flavo-scapularis, Ratz. ; Decatoma hieracti, Gir.; Systole castaniventris, Gir. ; Tetrastichus quercis, Walker ; Pteromalus awrantiacus, Ratz.; Tetrastichus Andrewu, Ratz.; T. planiusculus, Foerster. The species is of wide distribution in Britain and in Hurope. | 5. AULAX SCABIOSA. Pl. XI, fig. 2, gall. Diastrophus scabiosz, Giraud, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1859, 368. TIsocolus scabios, Foerster, l. c., 1869, 334. Aulaz scabiose, Mayr, Eur. Cyn., 10; Cyn. Gallen, 11, fig. 6. Aulax centaurese, Thoms., Opuse. Ent., 809, 19. Black; the knees, tibiz, and tarsi ferruginous; wings hyaline; the nervures reddish; the areolet absent; the fore wings not ciliated. Head and thorax opaque, transversely rugose; the face and pleure aciculated. Scutellum coarsely rugose, without a longitudinal furrow. Abdomen shining; the second abdominal segment at the apex and the following distinctly punctured. Antenne blackish; the third and fourth joints subequal. Median segment and collar covered with greyish pubescence. Length 3mm. 2. The gall is found as large, strumous, spindle- shaped swellings on the stems of Centawrea scabiosa. These may be as long as two or three inches, and contain numerous cells scattered irregularly through the medullary tissue. 502 XESTOPHANES POTENTILLA. Foerster founds his “ genera” Isocolus and Hubo- thrus on this species. The species has only been found at Tapley Pike, near Buxton, in this country (cf. Fitch, EHnt., x, p. 124). 7 Continental distribution: Sweden, Germany, Aus-_ tria. Genus XESTOPHANES. Xestophanes, Foerster, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1869, 337. Antenne 2 13—14-jointed. Face, occiput, mesonotum, and meso- pleurz shining, glabrous. Scutellum with two distinct fovee; two minute foveee on the pronotum in the middle behind. Parapsidal furrows abbreviated or entire. Median segment with two parallel keels. Radial cellule short, broad, open at fore margin, closed at base. Second and third abdominal segments united, sometimes with a furrow. Abdomen for the greater part, and legs pallid. Claws of fore tarsi entire. The ¢ with the antenne 14-jointed; the third joint curved. The species of this genus are confined to Potentilla. From the allied genera it is readily recognised by the glabrous shining head and mesothorax. Besides our two species only one other is known, namely, X. foveicollis, '‘homs., which differs from them in having the pronotum and metathorax ‘‘ dense eriseo-tomentosis.” 1 (2) Third antennal joint not longer than the fourth; fourth joint of hinder tarsi longer than wide; parapsidal furrows incom- plete. Potentille. 2 (1) Third antennal joint perceptibly longer than the fourth; fourth joint of hinder tarsi not longer than wide; the parapsidal furrows complete. Brevitarsis. 1. XESTOPHANES POTENTILLA. Pl. XII, fig. 8, 2. 38a, antenna; 36, hind tarsus. PL Ovi ie veal: Cynips potentille, De Vill., Linn. Ent., ii, 77. Aylax splendens, Htg., Germs. Zeits., 11, 196. Aulax potentille, Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 96, 99, and 126; Mar- shall, H. M. M., iv, 275 (?); Mayr, Cyn. Gallen, 12, Taf. 1, fig. 9; Hurop. Cyn., 10. Aulax abbreviatus, Thoms., Opusc. Ent., 1877, 805. XESTOPHANES POTENTILLA. 53 Black, shining, impunctate ; the abdomen and legs reddish-yellow, the latter paler in tint than the abdomen, the former more or less infuscated above towards the apex; wings hyaline; the nervures fus- cous; antenne brownish, fuscous at the apex; parapsidal furrows obsolete in front; the third joint of the antenne not perceptibly longer than the fourth; the fourth joints of the hinder tarsi twice longer than broad. In the ? the second abdominal segment is shorter, in the ¢ longer, than the third. Length 1°5 to 2°5 mm. The galls are found on the stems and leaf-stalks of Potentilla reptans. They form irregular swellings, usually of numerous cells, which may or may not project as roundish protuberances from the general mass. Intexture they are hard and woody; in colour they may be greenish, reddish, or purplish at first, becoming brownish with age. They may form spindle- shaped swellings of from 10 to 15 mm. in length, but also they may be spherical or oval; and, as in brevi- tarsis, small isolated single cells may be found. They may occur singly or in groups from the roots upwards, and a series of small galls may be united to form a necklace-like body. Diastrophus Mayri, Reinh., forms somewhat similar swellings on the stem of Potentilla argentea. Cynips brevicornis, Curtis (B. H., 688, 19), clearly represents either potentille or brevitarsis, but which | cannot make out to my satisfaction. His description is “ Black, shining; abdomen bright ferruginous ; legs bright ochreous; tips of tarsi fuscous ; mandibles and antenne ferruginous, the latter brownish towards the apex; not much longer than the head and thorax ; 13-jointed ; terminal joint longest. 14 lines. °* Dover.” As parasites there have been recorded Torymus globiceps, Nees, T. ater, Nees, Oligosthenus tibialis, Hulophus nitidulus, Hurytoma abrotans, Nees, Encyrtus zephyrinus, Dalman, Siphonura brevicauda, Nees, Pezomachus potentille, Gir. Thomson (Opus. Ent., 804) records Hurytoma rufipes from his Aulaw fovei- frons. 54 GENUS PERICLISTUS. The species is found in Devonshire and Kent. Continental distribution: Sweden, Germany. 9, XESTOPHANES BREVITARSIS. Pl. IX, fig. 3, gall; Pl. XII, fig. 12, antenna ; 12a, tarsus. Aulax brevitarsis, Thoms., Opusc., 1877, p. 805. Xestophanes tormentille, Schlecht., Ent. Nach., 1880, p. 176; Mayr, Eur. Cyn., 10 Similar in coloration and size to X. potentille, but readily separated from it by the third antennal joint being perceptibly longer than the fourth, by the parapsidal furrows being complete, and by the fourth joint of the hinder tarsi being hardly longer than wide. Length 22mm. °. The gall is found on the stems of Potentilla tor- mentilla, on which they may occur singly as oval or spherical swellings, or a number may be loosely or tightly massed together. Some of the larger masses are not distinguishable from the galls of X. potentille on P. reptans. The colour is at first green, then purple or brownish, and they are slightly pubescent. The average length of an individual gall is about 3mm.; the conglomerated galls may reach a length of 20 mm. Of wide distribution in Scotland. Continental distribution: Sweden, Germany, Aus- tria. Genus PERICLISTUS. Periclistus, Foerster, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1869, p. 337. Antenne, 2 12-, ¢ 14-jointed, filiform, the third joint usually shorter than the fourth. Face striolate laterally. Pronotum with two diverg- ing carine. Mesothorax finely punctate or alutaceous, pubescent. Scutellum with two well-marked fovese. Parapsidal furrows straight, parallel. Anterior claws bidentate. Radial cellule open at fore margin. The second and third abdominal segments united. Median segment with two parallel keels. PERICLISTUS BRANDTI. 55 The species of this genus are inquilines in the galls of Rhodites and Diastrophus. They are black, with the legs reddish-yellow, the abdomen blackish or brownish, and the mesothorax is pilose. Only two Huropean and four North American species are known. 1 (2) Parapsidal furrows reaching almost to the base of the meso- notum; mesopleurz completely striated. Brandti. 2 (1) Parapsidal furrows incomplete; mesopleure with a clear, shining, impunctate space. Canine. 1. PrEricListus BRANDTI. Pl. XIII, fig. 2, 2. Cynips Brandti, Ratzeburg, Berl. Jahr. d. Pharm., 1832; Brandt and Ratzeburg, Medic. Zool., u, 1833, 151. Aulax Brandti, Htg., Germ. Zeits., ii, 196; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 96 and 97; Marshall, H. M. M., iv, 274; Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 11; Thoms., Opusce., viii, 800. Black; the legs reddish-yellow, the coxe blackish, the antenns blackish; head and thorax opaque, rather strongly aciculate, the parapsidal furrows reaching to the base of the mesonotum or nearly so. The ¢ has the antenne testaceous, except the base and apical joints, which are darker coloured. . Length 2°5 to 3 mm. A larger and stouter species than canine, and easily distinguished from it by the presence of the parapsidal furrows. An inquiline in the galls of Rhodites rose. I have seen several examples from England, but have no record of the precise locality. I have taken it in Clydesdale. On the Continent it is found in Sweden and Germany. 56 SAPHOLYTUS CONNATUS. 2, PERICLISTUS CANINA, Pl. XIU, fig. 3, 2. Aylax canine, Htg., Germs. Zeits., 11, 196; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 96 and 98; Tasch., Hym. Deut., 133; Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 11; Thoms., Opusc., viii, 800. Black ; the antenne brownish or fuscous, darker at the scape; the legs pale reddish-yellow, the coxee for the greater part black, opaque, finely shagreened; the mesopleure for the greater part shining and impunctate behind. The ¢@ is similar, and has generally the antenne more or less testa- ceous at the base. Length 1°5 to 2 mm. Common in the galls of Rhodites eglanterix, several living in one gall, which they enlarge and distort. Widely distributed. Sweden, Germany. Genus SAPHOLYTUS. Sapholytus, Foerster, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1869, 337; Mayr, 1. c. xxii, 693. Agrees with Synergus except that the radial cellule is open, and like that genus it is inquiline in oak-galls. The frontal groove is short; the marginal nervure does not reach to the margin of the wing. Besides the one here recorded there are two other Huropean species, namely, 8. Haimi, Mayr, from galls on the Turkey oak, and S. undulatus; also on the Turkey oak in Cynips cerricola. 1. SAPHOLYTUS CONNATUS. TO UE Tes BO Synergus connatus, Htg., Germs. Zeits., 11, 198. — erythroneurus, Htg., 1. c., 198. Sapholytus connatus, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 722; Thoms., Opuse. Ent., 798. GENUS CEROPTRES. 57 Black; the antenna and legs rufo-testaceous; the coxe and hind femora more or less blackish; wings hyaline; the nervures pallid- yellow; front very finely punctured, almost smooth; mesonotum finely transversely rugulose. Antenne, 9 13-, ¢ 15-jointed; the third joint not twice the length of the fourth. Apex of petiole smooth. Frontal keels obsolete. Length 1—2°5 mm. I have two bred males with the hinder tibize infus- cated. Rare in galls of Andricus noduli, Clydesdale. Sweden, Germany, Austria. Genus CEROPTRES. Ceroptres, Hartig, Germ. Zeit., ii, 186. Face with two distinct parallel keels, proceeding from the antenne to the clypeus. Antenne with 12 jointsin ?, 15 in @; the antennez in 9 thickened towards the apex; the third jointas long asthe fourth; in 6 not incised or thickened. Pronotum in front with two acute con- verging keels. Parapsidal furrows incomplete. The scutellar fovez small and indistinct. Median segment with two parallel straight keels and with a squarish median area. The second and third abdo- minal segments connate, occupying almost the whole abdomen ; in the 9 the second segment is shorter than thethird. Radial cellule closed. Claws bifid. : The separating suture between the second and third abdominal segments is not easily seen, and was over- looked by. Hartig. The systematic position of Ceroptres has given rise to some divergence of opinion as to its affinities. Hartig, as was pointed out (vol. in, p. 152), divided the family into two groups according as the second or third abdominal segment was the larger of the two. Hartig himself, not recognising the suture between the second and third segments, looked upon them as one only, and consequently he located Ceroptres with the gall-making and inquiline species. Schenck and Foerster, however, were aware of the presence of this suture, and seeing that the second segment was shorter than the third transferred Ceroptres to the Figitina, with which otherwise it has no affinity, either in habits or in its general body structure. We have, 58 CEROPTRES ARATOR. however, already pointed out that the relative lengths of the second and third abdominal segments cannot be regarded as a character of prime importance for pur- poses of classification, inasmuch as there are genuine gall-makers, e.g. Xenophanes, which have the second shorter than the third. We therefore follow Hartig, Mayr, and Thomson in retaining Ceroptres near the gall-makers and Synergi, with which in other respects it has so many points of agreement. Mayr describes in his Monograph only two species, namely, C. arator and C. cerri; but Hartig described O. clavicornis, C. melanonerus and socialis, forms which the learned Austrian Hymenopterist was un- able to recognise. 1. CEROPTRES ARATOR. Pl. XIII, fig. 4, 2; 4a, antenna. Ceroptres arator, Htg., Germs. Zeits., 111, 343; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 724, 1. Black ; the antennz and legs yellow ; the scape and cox more or less black ; wings hyaline, the nervures testaceous. Head and mesonotum finely punctured, shining, abdomen impunctate, very shining, the base ferrugineous, pilose laterally. The face bears two acute longitudinal keels. Length 1—2 mm. The other Huropean species of Ceroptres (C. cerri) is not likely to occur in this country, being found only in the galls of the Quercus cerris. I have only seen specimens from Clydesdale in the galls of Andricus noduli. Billups (Proc. Ent. Soc., 1884, 14) records rearing it from the galls of Cynips Kollari. Sweden, Germany, Austria. GENUS SYNERGUS. 59 Genus SYNERGUS. Synergus, Hartig, Germ. Zeit., ii, 186; Mayr, Genera, 3. Face with coarse, oblique, radiating furrows. Petiole rugosely dis- tinctly longitudinally striolate. Radial cellule closed. The second and third abdominal segments connate. Cheeks without a furrow; longer than the eyes. Antenne, 2 14-, ¢ 15-jointed, the third joint in the latter curved, sometimes enlarged; spindle-shaped. Parapsidal furrows complete. Median segment with two parallel keels. Abdomen com- pressed. Claws cleft. The front with a pair of keels which usually reach near to the lateral ocelli. The sculpture of the thorax varies from alutaceous to rugose; the mesosternum is striolate; the second and third abdominal segments amalgamated, seldom with the suture visible. The general features relating to the history of the guest gall-flies have been already indicated. They issue earlier into the fly state than the insects on which they prey, a circumstance, indeed, rendered necessary from their having to deposit their egos In . the galls when these are very young. Asa rule they distort the galls to a more or less extent, and it is probable that many of the abortive galls owe this fact to the action of the inquilines. They may either enlarge or reduce the gall. A well-marked example of the former we have in Rhodites eglanterie®; of the latter Newroterus ostreus may be cited, but in this case apparently only one larva has been in it, or at least has come out of the gall. When several live in one gall, say in Dryophanta divisa, they are separated from each other by partitions apparently formed of the substance of the gall and some secretion of the larva. As has already been pointed out, the larger galls may afford nourishment to the maker and to one or more .inquilines, while it is of not uncommon occurrence for a gall to yield inquilines and chalcid parasites, the latter having preyed upon one of the inquiline larve. The inquilines, as has been indicated by Mayr, are divisible, as regards habits, into two groups, namely, those which winter in the galls, z.e. those 60 GENUS SYNERGUS. which oviposit in autumnal galls, leaving them early in the spring; and those which live in the spring galls, leaving them in July or about that time, the latter species living in the galls only a short period compared to those which winter. Whether all the summer broods live in two distinct galls, a spring and autumn one, is not clear. A species like S. radiatus might well live in the galls of Newroterus baccarwm in May, come forth and oviposit in Andricus solitarius, remaining in this gall to the following spring, if it were not the fact that it issues from Andricus solitarius in July of the same year. Our winter galls are— Synergus melanopus. — Reinhard. — apralis. — werassatus. — Tscheki. — pallicornis. — nervosus. — tristis. — vulgaris. — thawmacera. The spring species are— Synergus albipes. — facials. — radiatus. — thawmacera. The last-mentioned species is stated by Mayr to winter in the galls of Biorhiza renum. It is difficult to find a group of Hymenoptera wherein the separation of the species is more per- plexing, or where the specific characters are more plastic. There is hardly a single specific point wherein we do not find extreme variability. Colour we could hardly expect to find very stable in those insects ; and, indeed, the amount of variation in this respect in all the species is very great and often ex- GENUS SYNERGUS. 61 cessive. The sculpture of the thorax might be held at first sight to afford some criterion of specific dis- tinctness; but experience and observation show that the difference in this respect is very great indeed. In species like S. incrassatus, for example, the normal coarsely coriaceous sculpture of the thorax may be alutaceous merely, particularly in smaller-sized speci- mens. Indeed, the intensity of sculpture appears to have some relationship to the amount of nourishment the larva has had, abundant food yielding large speci- mens, poor and insufficient food small and stunted examples. It is not easy to find even structural characters which are constant. Thus the length of the second antennal joint in normal specimens of S. melanopus gives a fairly good specific character ; but in abnormal examples it does not, as they have it as in S. Reinhardt. The form of the radial cellule is not of much importance, while the colour of the nervures is very inconstant. Further, the frontal lamine in stunted examples become very indistinct, however well marked they may be in larger forms. On the other hand, the species oviposit with tolerable con- stancy in the same galls; and in truth it is only by rearing the species that undoubtedly typical examples are to be had. Mayr in his excellent monograph describes twenty- two Huropean species ; besides which there are a few species described by Hartig which he was unable to determine to his satisfaction. The genus is, as might be expected, common in North America, and is also known from Mexico. A. Second abdominal segment at the apex, broadly and closely punctured. 1 (2) Second antennal joint in ¢ shorter than broad, in 2 as broad as long; head reddish, black on the top (typical form only). Melanopus. 2 (1) Second antennal joint in ¢ and ? longer than broad. Reinhard. 62 SYNERGUS MELANOPUS. There are five other species of this group, namely, S. evanescens, Mayr, from galls of Andricus gemme and other Continental species ; S. pallidipennis, Mayr, from galls of Cynips lignicola and C. conifica, C. tinc- toria, and C. coriaria; S. flavipes, Htg., from galls of Dryophanta macroptera; S. Hayneanus; Htg., from galls of Cynips tinctoria and OC. lignicola; and SN. ruficornis, from galls of Andricus globuli. All the species overwinter in the galls. 1. SYNERGUS MELANOPUS. Pl. XI, fig. 5, ¢; Synergus melanopus, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 1841, 347; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 695. Diplolepis rufipes, Fonsc., Ann. Soc. Nat., 1832, 193 (nec Fal.), artim. Synergus orientalis, Htg., 1. c., 347. — socialis, Htg., 1. c., iv, 413. Black ; the head rufous, the vertex and occiput in the centre, black ; legs rufous, the cox for the greater part, the front femora slightly at the base, the intermediate to the middle (generally), the greater part ot the posterior and the greater part of the hind tibiz, blackish, or fus- cous; abdomen more or less brownish to ferruginous; antennse rufous, the apical half more or less infuscated. Front rugosely punc- tured; mesonotum coarsely and rugosely transversely striolated, the space between the striz smooth or nearly so, the striz interrupted by the parapsidal and central furrows. Petiole strongly punctured behind; second antennal joint about as long as broad. Frontal lamine straight, reaching to the hinder ocelli; facial keel obsolete; apex of second segment of abdomen closely and distinctly punctured. The ¢ has the second antennal joint shorter than broad, the third ene and curved. I have seen males with the femora without any ack. Length 2—5 mm. The best character to distinguish typical examples of this species from S. Keinhardi is to be found in the longer second antennal joints of the latter. The rufous colour of typical Melanopus is characteristic, but on the other hand the head may be entirely black. The length of the second antennal joint in the male and female is not constant, and may take the proportion it has in Reimhardi; the legs may be SYNERGUS REINHARDI. 63 entirely rufous except at the base; the abdomen may be more or less rufous and punctured at the base; the quantity of testaceous or rufous colour on the antenne varies, and, as in most of the species, the size and deepness of the puncturing varies. In this country it has only been reared from the galls of CO. Kollari, but on the Continent it frequents the galls of Cynips argentea, O. hungarica, C. tinctoria, C. lignicola, C. conglomerata, C. glutinosa, C. coriaria, C. polycera, C. caliciformis, C. amblycera, C. caput- meduse, C. calicis; Aphilothria gemme, A. lucida, and A. Clementine. Rare in this country. Clydesdale. London district (Billups), Devonshire (Bignell). Continental distribution: Austria and Hungary, . Germany. 2. SyNERGUS REINHARDI. Synergus Reinhardt, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 698. Black; the antenne, except at the apex, all the knees, the apex of the front femora, the fore tibize and tarsi, the middle tibie and tarsi in front, and more or less of the hind tarsi, rufo-testaceous; wings clear hyaline; the nervures pallid to the radial cellule, then fuscous; radial cellule shortish, wide, the radial nervure curved. Vertex closely ru- gosely punctured; mesonotum coarsely, transversely, rugosely punc- tured in front and laterally, at apex transversely striolated. Facial keel very distinct; frontal laminz stout, parallel, not reaching to the hind ocelli. Second antennal joint longer than broad. Nervures fuscous to testaceous. Length 2°5—3'5 mm. One of the largest species. The ¢@ has the second antennal joint longer than thick. From galls of C. Kollari in June of the second year ; in Austria found in the galls of Cynips argentea, C. tinctoria, O. glutinosa, C. caliciformis, C. caput-meduse, C. calicis. I have taken it in Clydesdale and Sutherlandshire, and Mr. Bignell has bred it at Plymouth. Continental distribution: Austria. 64 SYNERGUS INCRASSATUS. B. Second abdominal segment, if punctured at all, only on the upper side at the apex. 3. SYNERGUS APICALIS. I KO ley Oh Synergus apicalis, Htg., Germs. Zeits., 111, 349; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 705 ; Thoms., Opusc., 796, 7. — wtmmnarginatus, Htg., 1. c., 348. — erythrostomus, Htg., 1. c., 348. Black; the oral region and the lower part of the face and cheeks and legs pale rufo-testaceous; the antenne testaceous at the base, the rest infuscated; the coxe black, the basal half of the fore and the greater part of the hind femora infuscated; the hind tibie slightly infuscated. Second antennal joint longer than broad; frontal keels short, not reaching to the ocelli. Front finely punctured; mesonotum trans- versely rugosely striolate; the striz interrupted; mesopleure acutely striolate; wings clear hyaline; the nervures pallid, testaceous to fuscous; the radial cellule three times longer than broad. The ¢ has the head yellowish, with the vertex and front in the middle black, sometimes with the face blackish; the antenne have the basal half yellow; the legs are of a clearer yellow than in the 9? ; the coxee and femora more or less infuscated. Length 1—1°5 mm. One of the smallest species. Reared in June from galls of Andricus nodul. Mayr reports it also from the galls of Cynips lignicola, C. conglomerata, C. am- blycera, Andricus gemme, and Newroterus albiwpes ; but he suggests that the specimens may actually have issued from the twigs on which these galls were, rather than that they really come from the galls of A. nodul. Rare. Clydesdale. Sweden, Germany, Austria. 4, SYNERGUS INORASSATUS. Synergus incrassatus, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 707; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 707; Thomson, Opusce. Ent., 793. Black; the antennez and legs rufo-testaceous; the coxz and hind femora more or less black, the anterior sometimes infuscated; wings SYNERGUS TSOHEKI. 65 hyaline, the nervures dark rufous; the radial cellule hardly twice longer than broad. Front rugose. Mesonotum with stout, curved, transverse striolations, between which the surface is smooth; mego- pleure shining, longitudinally striated. Second antennal joint hardly longer than broad; the third about one fourth longer than the fourth. Frontal lamine narrow, thinning towards the ocelli. Posterior part of petiole broadly rounded from apex to base. Facial keel blunt. The ¢ has the third antennal joint curved, greatly thickened, espe- cially at the apex, and twice the length of the fourth ; the second joint broader than long; the head, except the front and vertex in the centre, is rufo-testaceous ; the coxe may be infuscated; the alar nervures are darker. Length 2°5—3°5 mm. A distinct species, especially through the thickened antennz in both sexes and the round petiole. Common. Found only on root galls; namely, on those of Andricus radicis, A. corticis, and A. Sieboldit. In size it varies considerably, as it does also in the depth of the sculpture; while in colour I have seen specimens with the head and thorax dull brownish, and the abdomen reddish. Sweden, Germany, Austria. 5. SyneRcus TSCHEKI. Pl. XII, fig. 6. Synergus Tscheki, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 708. Black; the antennes and legs rufo-testaceous; the base of the antenne, the cox, the four anterior femora broadly at the base, the posterior almost entirely, and the greater part of the hinder tibie fuscous or fuscous-black; the wings hyaline, the nervures fuscous to testaceous. Front and mesonotum coriaceous, alutaceous, the latter sometimes transversely rugulose in the middle. The second antennal joint in the ? is a little longer than broad; in the ¢ as long as broad; in the ¢ the curved and thickened third joint is somewhat longer than the fourth. The radial cellule a little more than twice longer than broad, Apical half of petiole sometimes aciculate, especially in the larger specimens. Length 2—2°5 mm. The coloration of the antenne and legs varies, especially as regards the quantity of the fuscous colour, but the base of the antenne is never yellow. A specimen reared from the galls of Dryophanta VOL. IV. 9) 66 SYNERGUS PALLICORNIS. scutellarts has the apex of the petiole punctured above. A series bred from the gall of Dryophanta divisa have the tibiz and the tarsi infuscated. Bred in April and May from the galls of Dryophanta divisa, D. scutellaris, Neuroterus numismatis, N. lenti- cularis, N. ostreus, and N. fumipennis, all-of the second ear. 7 Commonly distributed. Austria, Germany. 6. SYNERGUS PALLICORNIS. Synergus pallicornis, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ui, 709; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 709; Thomson, Opusce., 797. — australis, Htg., l.c., iv, 414. — flavicornis, Htg., 1. c., ii, 198. _ nigripes, Htg., J. ¢., ii, 197 (?). Black; the antenne and legs pale yellow to reddish-yellow; the four fore femora at base, and the greater part of the hinder, fuscous to blackish; the basal joint of the antennz, and sometimes the apical joints, infuscated; wings pure hyaline, the nervures pure pale yellow. Second joint of antenne longer than broad; in ¢ the third joint is curved, and nearly twice the length of the fourth. Vertex shining, finely rugulose; the frontal lamine straight, reaching to the hinder ocelli. Mesonotum alutaceous, usually transversely rugulose in the me or coriaceous. Radial cellule fully three times longer than road. Length 1:5— 2 mm. The antenne may be entirely yellow; the hind tibize may be infuscated, and the sculpture of the mesonotum shows considerable variety, ranging from alutaceous merely, to transversely striolated. It comes nearest to S. T'scheki, from which it is not always very easily separated. The g of T'scheki may be recognised by the third antennal joint not being much longer than the fourth. In the ? the antennz at the base are always blackish. The radial cellule is shorter, being not much more than twice longer than broad. Itis a very variable, and difficult to recognise, species. Reared by Mr. Bignell from Dryophanta scutellaris, SYNERGUS ALBIPES. 67 and by myself from D. longiventris and from galled acorns, but these latter examples have the antennz infuscated. On the Continent Mayr records it from the galls of Cynips Hartigi, C. argentea, C. hungarica, C. tinctoria, C. Kollari, C. lignicola, C. conglomerata, C. glutinosa, C. coriaria, C. polycera, C. caput-meduse, C. calicis, Dryophanta folii, D. longiventris, D. divisa, D. agama, D. disticha, D. cornifex. Sweden, Germany, Austria. 7. SYNERGUS ALBIPES. Synergus albipes, Htg., Germs. Zeits., iii, 349; Mayr, Verh. : z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 712. — erythrocerus, Htg., 1. c., 349. Black ; the antenne and legs clear rufo-testaceous, often pure yellow ; the cox, the four anterior femora at the base, the posterior except at base and apex, infuscated or blackish ; the wings hyaline, with lemon- yellow nervures. Second antennal joint somewhat longer than broad; the third and fourth joints subequal. Front and mesonotum coria- ceous, the latter sometimes finely transversely rugulose. Radial cellule about two and a half times longer than wide. Petiole at apex pyriform. The ¢ has the thickened third joint longer than the fourth. Length 1—2 ¢, 1:5—2 mm. ?. It is difficult to find any very tangible points wherein this species differs clearly from pallicornis. Generally the sculpture is finer and closer, and the fourth antennal joint is proportionately longer; moreover the times of appearance are different, albipes issuing in early summer from the same year’s galls, pallicornis from the second year’s galls. I have it from the galls of Spathegaster baccarum, S. tricolor, and Dryophanta divisa. Mayr records it from Biorhiza synaspis, Andricus curvator, Dryophanta agama, and D. disticha. Not uncommon. Germany, Austria. 68 SYNERGUS TRISTIS. 8. SYNERGUS NERVOSUS. Pl. XII, fig. 4. Synergus nervosus, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 197; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 713, 16; Thomson, Opusce., 795, 5. ; — tibialis, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 197. — nigricornis, Htg., |. c., iii, 347 (?). Black ; the antennez fuscous, or fuscous with a testaceous tinge; the basal joints darker ; legs rufo-testaceous ; the coxe, the anterior femora at the base, the greater part of the posterior, and the hinder tibiz fuscous or fuscous-black ; wings with the nervures pale fuscous. Front coriaceous; mesonotum finely transversely coriaceous, the keels distinct. Second joint of the antennz longer somewhat than broad. The ¢ similar in coloration, the second antennal joint broader than long, the third joint curved in the middle and thickened at the apex. Length 1:5—2 mm., 2—2'5 mm. Differs from S. vulgaris and tristis in having the antennz and hinder tibiz infuscated, and the radial cellule is more sharply pointed at the apex. Thave it from the galls of Andricus autumnalis and A. callidoma, and Mayr reared it from the galls of A. collaris. Sweden, Germany, Austria. 9. SYNERGUS TRISTIS. Synergus tristis, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 715, 17. Black ; the legs testaceous, the front femora broadly fusco-brownish at the base, the posterior for the greater part blackish; the tibize more or less fuscous, the hinder darker than the anterior, which have usually a testaceous tinge; antenne fuscous, the 2—3 joints and the apical (especially beneath) testaceous; wings hyaline, with fuscous nervures ; the radial cellule somewhat two and a half times longer than broad at the widest part. Front and mesonotum coriaceous, the apex of the mesonotum finely transversely striolate. Frontal laminze moderately distinct. Second antennal joint longer than broad. The ¢ has the antenne lighter coloured than in the 9, the third joint thickened, about one-fourth longer than the fourth. Length 1:5—1°8, 9 1:°5—2°5 mm. It is not easy to hit upon any very satisfactory characters whereby to separate this species from S. T'scheki ; generally the latter may be known by the antenne being rufo-testaceous, and the tibize not in- SYNERGUS FAOCIALIS. 69 fuscated. Still I have reared from Dryophanta divisa galls examples of T'scheki which have the antenne and tibize infuscated. A further noteworthy difference lies in Tscheki issuing from the galls in the autumn, while tvistis emerges in the spring. Mr. Bignell and myself have bred it from Neuroterus ostreus in the spring, and Mayr from Andricus wrne- forms. Not common, seemingly. Austria. 10. SYNERGUS VULGARIS. Synergus vulgaris, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 198; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 715. Black ; the antenne and legs reddish-testaceous, the first joint of the antennz more or less infuscated; the apical joints more or less fuscous; the cox, the base of the four front femora, and the greater part of the posterior femora blackish; alar nervures pallid fuscous. Vertex and front coarsely punctured; frontal lamine clearly defined ; facial keel moderately distinct. Mesonotum coarsely transversely rugulose. Second antennal joint a little longer than broad. The ¢ has the head rufo-testaceous, except the front, vertex, and occiput; the antenne are entirely rufo-testaceous, with sometimes the basal joint more or less infuscated; the third joint acutely bent in the centre ; the legs are not so much infuscated. Length 2—3 mm. A species not difficult to recognise. I have it from the galls of Andricus callidoma. On the Continent it is known from the galls of Cynips tinctoria, C. lignicola, C. glutimosa, C. caput-meduse, C. calicis, Andricus gemmex, A. solitaria, A. Clementine, A. wrnexformis, A. glandium. It issues in March in the house. Clydesdale. Germany, Austria. 11. SyNERGUS FACIALIS. le XSite. le Synergus facialis, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 199; Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 717, 19. _— bispimus, Htg., 1. c., ili, 349. 70 SYNERGUS RADIATUS. Diplolepis galle-pomiformis, Fonse., Ann. Sc. Nat., xxvi, 1832, 195, partim. Black; the head except the front above, vertex, the antenne, and legs rufo-testaceous ; the hinder coxeze more or less black; the abdomen fuscous-piceous or obscure red or testaceous, never quite black; wings hyaline, the nervures pallid rufo-yellow; the radial cellule longer than broad, acute at the apex; the basal abscissa of the radius curved, the apical straight. Punctation on head and thorax moderately coarse, transverse on the mesonotum; mesopleure longitudinally striolated ; frontal laminz distinct, not reaching to the hind ocelli; facial keel indistinct. Length 1:5—2'5 mm. One of the commonest species. Common in the galls of Biorhiza terminalis; also in those of Andricus curvator, A. albopunctata, A. solitaria, A. ramuli, Spa- thegaster baccarum, S. tricolor, Trigonaspis megaptera, and on the Continent in those of Cynips glutinosa. It appears in July. Sweden, Germany, Austria. 12. SYNERGUS RADIATUS. Synergus radiatus, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 718, 20. Black; the antennz and legs reddish-testaceous; the cox for the greater part blackish; vertex and front finely, in some examples transversely, rugulose; mesonotum strongly coriaceous or rugulose, sometimes transversely. Frontal laminz distinct. Length 1:5—2°5 mm. Closely allied to S. facialis, differing in having the head black except at the oral region, the sculpture much finer, and the coxe are for the greater part black. Common in the galls of Spathegaster baccarum ; also in those of Andricus albopunctata, A. curvator, A. solitaria, and A. ramuli. Mr. Bignell has bred it from A. glandule. Widely distributed and common. Ap- pears in June. Germany, Austria. GENUS DIASTROPHUS. 71 13. SYNERGUS THAUMACERA. Cynips thaumacera, Dal., Anal. Ent., 1823, 96. Synergus Klugii, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 199. — luteus, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 199. -— carinatus, Htg., Germs. Zeits., iti, 348 (P). — thaumacera, Mayr, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxii, 719, 21; Thomson, Opusc., 796, 6. Black ; the antennze, head (except the vertex), and legs bright rufo- testaceous ; alar nervures fuscous; antennee thickened. The second antennal joint is about as long as broad; the third joint considerably longer than the fourth. Front punctured or finely coriaceous; meso- notum transversely rugulose. Frontal lamine usually indistinct. Mesopleure aciculate. The ¢ has the second antennal joint usually thicker than long; the third greatly elongated and swollen, especially at the apex. Length 1—2, ¢ 1—3 mm. A well-marked species from the thickened antennz. The coloration of the head, particularly in the 2, is very variable, varying as it does from almost entirely black to almost entirely rufo-testaceous, but in the latter case the vertex is usually black; the antennz also may be infuscated at the base and the apex; the thorax and abdomen, too, may be more or less rufous. I have only’ reared it from the galls of Biorhiza megaptera and renum, but it is also known from the galls of Cynips cerricola, And. singularis, A. cydoniz, Spathegaster baccarum, S. tricolor, S. nervosus, and S. glandiformis. Common. Sweden, Germany, Austria. Genus DIASTROPHUS. Diastrophus, Hartig, Germs. Zeits., ii, 186. Antenne, ? 13—14-jointed, ¢ 14-jointed. Cheeks without furrows, more than half aslong as the eyes. The face on each side finely striolate. Mesonotum smooth, shining, glabrous; the parapsidal furrows complete. Scutellum separated from the mesonotum by a keel; at its base are 72 DIASTROPHUS RUBI. two large fover, distinctly separated from one another or not. Median segment with two parallel keels. Abdomen sessile, globular, not com- pressed, the second segment with the ? occupying half of the total length, and having the ventral spine as long as thick. Wings ciliated, the radial cellule moderate or short, broad at the base, open in front; the areolet absent or present, placed near its base. Claws bifid. The antenne are stout; the joints are all clearly separated, the third being the longest in both sexes, and in the ¢ is incised; the others from the fifth being of equal length and thickness; the apical being somewhat thinner, especially in the @. The species of Diastrophus are black, with the abdomen sometimes brownish, and the legs yellowish. The genus comes nearest to Aulax, which is readily known from it by the thorax being aciculate or aluta- ceous, not shining and polished. There are three Huropean species,—two, rubi and Mayri, forming galls on Rubus ; the other, D. aphidi- vorus, being parasitic on an Aphis; and four North American species are known. 1 (2) Scutellar fovese distinctly separated; the scutellum not furrowed down the centre. Rubi. 2 (1) Scutellar fovez confluent ; scutellum furrowed down the centre. Aphidivorus. 1. DIASTROPHUS RUBI. PIOUX, fe. 2; alll (Plo XTi, fei, 2. Diastrophus rubi, Htg., Germs. Zeits., 1, 194; iv, 410; Marshall, E.M.M., iv, 223 ; Tasch., Hym. Deut., 1238; Mayr, Cyn. Gallen, 14; Eur. Cyn., 12. Andricus Hartigi, Marshall, E. M. M., iv, 101. For gall and larva see Réaumur, Mém., t. 3, pl. xxxvi, figs. 1— 5; and Malpighi, Opera, ii, tab. xvii, fig. 61. Black; legs reddish-yellow, the coxe at the base fuscous; antenne, 9 13-, ¢ 14-jointed, fuscous-black ; the four or five basal joints more or less reddish ; wings hyaline, the nervures blackish or brownish ; the basal abscissa of radius curved slightly, Gand 2. The ¢ has the third joint of the antennz curved. Length 2—2'5 mm. The face and sides of the thorax are aciculate ; the tegule vary from black to red; the oral region is DIASTROPHUS RUBI. 73 usually reddish; generally the abdomen is black, but it may be piceous; and the ventral surface is often reddish; the thorax also may have fulvous or reddish blotches ; the areolet may be obsolete or semi-obsolete. The nearest allied species is D. Mayri, Reinhard, which agrees with it very closely, but may be best known by the antennz being 14-jointed in both sexes (sometimes, however, 15-jointed in ¢ according to Reinhard); the thorax and abdomen are more slen- derly built, the basal abscissa of the radius is thicker and geniculately curved, and the areolet is never defined. D. Mayri forms galls on Potentilla argentea. Gall.—Forms irregular, spindle-shaped swellings on the stems of Rubus fruticosus, R. cesius, and R. ideus ; smooth, or beset with small elevations caused by the larval chambers; or more or less of it may be thickly covered with small spines, and may even bear large spines. They are green when young; get brownish when old. In length they range from two to eight inches. They contain numerous oval larval cells, embedded in the medullary sheath; the cells have a distinct wall of a yellower colour than the pith, and have an average diameter of about 24 mm.; and are, as a rule, situated quite close to the outer rim or back. Parasites —Torymus cynipoides, Gir. (this is pro- bably a MS. name), 7. macropterus, T. rubi, Schenck, Eupelmus annulicornis, Encyrtus ruborum,* Gir., Deca- toma quercicola, Foer., Hurytoma quercicola, Foer., H. diastrophi, Gir., EH. abrotani, Pteromalus incras- satus, Rtz. (Brischke). Local, but with a wide range. Sweden, Germany, Austria, France. * This is on the authority of Giraud (Ann. Soc. Ent. Fc., 1877, p. 423), but there is probably a mistake here. 74 GENUS ANDRICUS. 2. DIASTROPHUS APHIDIVORUS. Pl. XIII, fig. 7, 2. Diastrophus (?) aphidivorus, Cameron, Proc. Lit. and Phil. Soc. Trans., Manr., ii (4), 67. Black; the antenne testaceous ; the legs rufo-testaceous; the tips of the tarsi black; wings almost hyaline, the nervures fuscous, thick. Antennz stout, a little longer than the body ; the third joint sinuate, a little longer than the fourth. Head large, a little wider than the thorax, shining, impunctate. Prothorax large, finely rugose, semi- perpendicular in the middle. Mesonotum shining, obscurely striated at the base; the parapsidal furrows distinct at the base. Scutellum rugosely punctured, depressed in the centre; the basal fovee large, wider than long, curved, united. Metapleure rugosely punctured. Abdomen shining; the second and third segments subequal, apical ventral segment bluntly ploughshare-shaped, not projecting beyond the apex. Hind tibiew curved; the metatarsus twice the length of the second joint; claws apparently simple; wings ample; the radial cellule open at base and apex and in front; narrow, elongate; the third abscissa of the radius curved ; cubitus nearly complete. ¢. Length nearly 13 mm. Differs from Diastrophus proper in the claws being simple, in the scutellar fovee being confluent, and there is a depression in the centre of the scutellum. Bred by Rey. T. A. Marshall at Barnstaple from the Aphis of the nettle. Genus ANDRICUS. Andricus, Hartig, Germs. Zeits., ii, 185. . Callirhytis, Foerster, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1869, 335. Aphilothrix, Foerster, 1. c., 336. Antenne, 9 12—15-jointed, ¢ 14—16-jointed, the third joint longer than the fourth; without hairs. Cheeks rarely with a furrow, either as long as or shorter than half the length of the eyes. Head with the agamic forms always dilated behind the eyes, with the female sexual forms often, with the ¢ seldom dilated. Parapsidal furrows complete, sharp. Scutellar fovess sharply separated. The median segment with the keels straight and parallel, or curved as in A. ostreus. Abdomen compressed, the segments distinctly separated, the ventral horn pro- jecting, moderately long. Wings with the radial cellule open, elongate, the areolet generally present. The claws bifid, except in Callirhytis, which has them simple; Callirhytis being further distinguished by having the mesonotum transversely rugulose. GENUS ANDRICUS. (45) The genus contains some undoubted agamic species. The sexual forms have, with the exception of A. inflator and A. curvator, the antenne 13-jointed ; the last- mentioned having them 14-jointed. They are further to be known from most of the agamic species by having the mesonotum, especially posteriorly, very shining and glabrous, at the best having only the centre of the mesonotum slightly pilose. With two exceptions (amenti and ramuli) they are black, with the legs more or less dark, light, or citron yellow. As usual, the spring forms are much smaller than the agamic. These have the antenne 13—15-jointed ; few, however, of our species having them 18-, and none 15-jointed. Some of them, e.g. glandule, albopwnc- tata, collaris, have the mesonotum glabrous and shining as in the sexual forms. Very few are entirely black, and many of them are very variable in coloration. In both forms the head may be widened behind the eyes. Generally this and the following genera (the oak- frequenting species) are to be known from the pre- ceding by the cheeks being at least half as long as the eyes, while the radial cellule is much narrower and longer. It is worthy of remark that at Kew Gardens two species are found on the Turkey oak (Quercus cerris), these species neither here nor on the Continent being known to frequent Q. robur. As Q. cerris is an im- ported tree, not native, it may be presumed that the gall-flies have been introduced in some way also. A. Claws simple; mesonotum transversely rugulose (Species 1). 76 ANDRIOUS GLANDIUM. 1. ANDRICUS GLANDIUM. Pl. VIII, fig. 2. Andricus glandium, Giraud, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1859, 355 ; Mayr, Hichengallen, 66, fig. 92; Hur. Cyn., 12. — rufescens, Mayr, 1. c., 13. Agamic Form.—Black ; the basal five or six joints of the antenne, the orbits almost entirely, the oral region, the knees, the fore-tibiz and the tarsi, ferruginous. Often the abdomen is more or less brownish towards the apex. Wings hyaline. Bare: the head dilated behind the eyes; cheeks with a sharp keel; the face aciculate; the mesonotum trans- versely rugulose; scutellum coarsely reticulated or transversely rugulose behind. Parapsidal furrows usually complete. Length 3 mm. The quantity of ferruginous colour on the head varies considerably, and some examples are almost devoid of it. The larvee live in the acorns of Quercus cerris, in irregular cells in the inside; the cells being variable. as regards the number in an acorn, and as to their form. The acorns are seldom distorted or bent to any appreciable extent by the larve. The cells are placed all round the acorn, are white, and surrounded by a thickened wall; in length and breadth they vary, some being 3 and others only 2 mm. in length. They are found in the autumn. The general expe- rience seems to be that they take from three to four years to come to maturity; while numbers of them appear, even when kept outside, never to change at all. No parasites have been bred from the galls, and the only inquiline is Synergus vulgaris. Sexual Form.—This I have not seen, nor am I aware that the gall has been described. Mayr’s description is— 2 reddish-yellow, the thorax without black, and with reddish-yellow metanotum ; the abdomen at the apex above blackish-brown. Parap- sidal furrows complete; the scutellum coarsely rugulose; the wings eee Dyan shortly ciliated on the hinder edge of themiddle. Length & reddish-yellow, the vertex between the ocelli infuscated; the abdomen behind more or less brownish. Antenne 16-jointed (the ? ANDRIOUS OSTREUS. Ct antenne unknown to Mayr), the joints from the fifth to the terminal diminishing but slightly in length ; mesonotum and scutellum as with the 9. Wings ciliated. \ Length 2 mm. In this country it is only known from Kew Gardens, where it is found only on Quercus cerris. On the Continent it is found in Austria and France. The only other species of Callirhytis is Andricus Hartigi, Foer., the gall of which has not been described. B. Claws bifid. 1. Keels on median segment bulging outwardly, not straight and parallel. 2. ANDRIOUS OSTREUS. Pl. VI, fig. 3, gall; Pl. XIII, fig. 9, ¢. Neuroterus ostreus, Giraud, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1859, 350 ; Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxv, 199, pl. x, fig. 19; Lichten. Cyn., 64, pl. x, fig. 19; Mayr, Hichengallen, 47, pl. vi, fig. 67; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 68, 72, and 105. Andricus ostreus, Mayr, Eur. Cyn., 14. Dark brownish-black, the head and thorax streaked occasionally with dark rufous; the legs rufous-yellow, the base brownish; sometimes the rufous tinge is absent. Antenne longish, thin, very slightly and gradually thickened towards the apex. Head and mesonotum finely shagreened; the scutellum rugose. Wings longish, very slightly fulvous tinted, the apex with longish ciliz. Thorax finely pilose, more thickly on the scutellum, shining ; abdomen shining, glabrous. Ventral sheath triangular, much longer than broad. Length 2—23 mm. Gall.—Found in August and September on (as a rule) the midrib on the under side of the leaf; and at the base is situated between two brownish membranes as long, or even longer than, the length of the gall. The gall is from 1 to 2 mm. in length, roundish or ovoid or oval; whitish or greenish with pink spots when young, becoming whitish-yellow when old; smooth, shining, and bare. Often the pink or red- 78 ANDRIGUS FEOUNDATRIX. dish spots are absent. The basal membranes remain attached to the midrib, but the galls fall to the earth before the larve are grown. The galls become ripe in October, the flies issuing from them in that month except on rare occasions, when they remain undeveloped until the following year. Asarule the galls are attached to the leaves about three weeks, their resting-places on the midrib being indicated by the basal membranes. The species is readily known by the bulging curved keels on the median segment. The antennez and the wings too are longer than usual, and the former are thinner, shaped more like those of Newroterus than of typical Andricus. Synergus Tscheki and SW. tristis are the inquilines. Giraud records Ptieromalus bisignatus, Gir., as a parasite. Hurytoma rose is another. Adler observed ostreus lay its eggs in the leaf-buds in Octo- ber, but it also appears in March. 2. Keels on the median segment straight and parallel. 8. ANDRICUS FEOUNDATRIX. Pl. III, figs. 3 and 3 a (fecundatria, pilosus), gall; Pl. XIV, figs. 1 and la (fecundatria, pilosus). Cynips gemme, Lin. Fn. Sv., 1525. — fecundatrix, Htg., Germs. Zeits., iti, 325. — gemme, Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 54, 57, 113, and 134. Aphilothriz gemmzx, Mayr, Hichengallen, 23, pl. iui, fig. 28; ‘Fitch, Essex Field Club, ii, 136. — fecundatriz, Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxv, pl. x, fig. 10; Licht. Cyn., 37, pl. i, fig. 10. Andricus fecundatriz, Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 23. — pilosus, Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxv, 180, pl. x, fig. 10 a; Licht., Cyn., 40, pl. i, fig. 10a; Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 19. Agamic Form.—Black or fuscous-black ; the abdomen with a brownish tint, reddish at base and apex, paler at the sides; the legs brownish- black; the knees and anterior legs in front brownish-red ; the fore-tibiza strongly and thickly covered with erect hairs ; the middle of the vertex ANDRICUS FECUNDATRIX. 79 and thorax rugose; head and thorax with a sericeous pubescence ; there are two broad, glabrous, smooth longitudinal stripes on the outer half of the parapsidal furrows. Length 4—4'5 mm. Comes nearest to A. globuli, from which it may be known by the vertex being much more strongly punc- tured. _ The gall is found on young oaks as arule, and chiefly on the pedunculated form. It les enveloped in the leaf-bud, the scales of which become enormously deve- loped, so as to give the gall the appearance of a minia- ture artichoke, the size of which may reach three quarters of aninch. At the bottom of this imbricated mass is found the gall proper, which is green at first, becoming brownish towards maturity ; in shape like a pear, the narrow end being at the base: it is hard and woody, and about 10 mm. in length. Fully developed examples show a small roundish, more or less shin- ing impression, with a small conical mass in the centre. At first itis attached to the bud, but when mature loosens itself and falls to the earth. In certain cases the fly may issue in the following spring, but not un- frequently the larva may remain unchanged for three or four years. The number of abortive galls seems to be very large, this, apparently, not being caused by - Inquilines. Some larve appear never to change, but die in the galls. : 7 The inquilines are Synergus melanopus, 8. apicalis (but Mayr suggests that this may have come from the galls of Andricus 3-lineatus), S. vulgaris, and on the Continent S. evanescens, Mayr. There are few parasites, the only species recorded being Syntomaspis caudatus (Brischke), Torymus regius, Nees (inconstans, Walker) ; Megastigmus dor- salis, Fab.; Hurytoma signata, Nees; EH. rose, Meso- polobus fascuventris, West. ; Hntedon leptonewrus, and Oline trilineata. It is worthy of remark that the moth Carpocapsa juliana is a common inhabitant of the galls. There can be no doubt that Linné describes the 80 - ANDRIOUS GLOBULI. gall of this species under the name of gemme ; but it is not equally clear that he has described the insect. His short description—“ (frisea seu testacea, ocult fuser, antennz subfusce, longitudine corporis ’’—may refer to a Synergus. Sexual Form.—Black, shining; the scape of the antenne brown; joints 2—5 yellowish-testaceous, the rest fuscous; the legs yellowish- testaceous, the anterior femora at the base, the posterior except at the base and apex, infuscated ; the coxe black at the base. Face aciculate, the pronotum finely punctured, the scutellum rugose. Wings hyaline, the nervures fuscous-black. Abdomen dull black, the ventral surface brownish. Head not dilated behind, and frequently castaneous or brownish. The ¢ has the antenne darker, the basal joints black; joints 2—3 dark yellow; the rest brownish, paler beneath; the apex of the femora, tibize, and tarsi pallid yellow. Scutellum shagreened; the fore-coxe at the base are brownish, the middle and hinder are for the greater part black; the third antennal joint only slightly curved, narrowed at the base. Length 1°5 mm. Gall—Found in the & catkins in May. Length 2 mm., oval, narrowed a little towards the apex, some- times as broad there as at the base; dull green when young, brown when old, covered thickly with long white hair; the surface rough. The gall is usually found singly, but three or more may be occasionally be placed close together. (See A. amenti.) Commonly distributed in Britain. Continental distribution: Sweden, Germany, Aus- tria, Switzerland, France. 4, ANDRICUS GLOBULI. PL. IV, figs. 1 (globult) and 1 a (inflator) ; galls. Cynips globuli, Htg., Germs. Zeits., 11, 336; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 54, 59, and 114; Kirchner, Cat., 23. _ Aphilothriz globuli, Mayr, Hichengallen, 24, pl. iv, fig. 30; Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxv, 174, pl. x, fig. 8; Licht. Cyn., 32, pl. i, fig. 8; Fitch, Essex Field Club, 11, 136, fig. 25. Andricus globuli, Mayr, Kurop. Cyn., 23. — mflator, Htg., Germs. Zeits., 1, 191; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 74, 75, 76, and 119; Mayr, Hichen- gallen, 29, pl. iv, figs. 38 and 38a; Europ. ANDRIOUS GLOBULI. 81 Cyn., 20; Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., XXKV, 176, pl. x, fig. 8a; Licht. Cyn., 34, pleat fig. Ba; Kirchner, "Cat., 26. Cynips inflator, Thoms., Opuse. ) (8%. Agamic Form.—Black; the abdomen brownish, more or less red at the base and apex; legs brownish-red, the coxe and four posterior tibiz infuscated ; antennz brownish; mesonotum punctured, but not closely ; the vertex ‘only punctured slightly ; ; there is one smooth and glabrous longitudinal line along the parapsidal furrows ; the fore-tibiz with stiff, erect, longish hairs. Agamic ?. Length 4 mm. Gall.—Found, as a rule, in the terminal leaf-bud, enveloped by the scales so that only the apex is visible. Conical, 3—5 mm. in length, green when young, pale when old; the apex terminating in a conical point or wart, usually of a more or less reddish or yellowish colour. When young the surface is soft and sappy, which surface, on drying, forms irregular reticulations or wrinkles. The inner surface next to this sappy matter is also reticulated. This gall is easily known from those of autwmnalis and collarvs by the shape being much shorter, more elobular, broader, and by the reticulated surface ; it is also greener, and projects more out of the bud. I have not succeeded in rearing this insect myself. According to Adler, although the larva reaches its full development in October, it does not change then, nor even in the following spring, but remains un- changed till the autumn, coming out of the gall in the fly state in the April following, thus taking two years to reach full maturity. Adler says that only one egg is placed in each bud; and the laying of this one egg occupies the fly twenty minutes. The only inquilines recorded are Newroterus para- siticus, Htg.; Synergus nervosus, Hte.; S.- vulgaris, S. ruficorns, Htg.; and the only known parasites are Stphonura chalybea, Rtz. (cf. Schlectendal, Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1870, 343); Torymus regius, Fab. ; Megastigmus dorsalis (Giraud) ; Hurytoma rose. Sexual Form.—Black ; the abdomen reddish beneath ; the base of the antenne and legs reddish. yellow, the hind coxe black at a base, the VOL. IV. 82, ANDRIGUS GLOBULI. hind tibiz infuscated. Moderately shining, the mesonotum shagreened throughout; mesopleure more or less “striolate, the twelfth and thirteenth antennal joints clearly longer than broad ; the apical joints scarcely thickened. The ¢ is similar in coloration. Length 2 mm. May be known from curvator by the less shining mesonotum, which is shagreened uniformly all over; by the less thickened antennz (towards the apex), of which the joints are all longer than broad; and by the striated mesopleure. _ The gall-fly emerges in June. Forms a swelling on the terminal twigs of oaks 10—15 mm. in length, of somewhat irregular form, smooth and green when young, becoming black or dark brown when old, the surface then becoming irregular. The internal cavity is longish, narrow, of nearly equal width, and has the small, loose, ovoid inner gall at its bottom, the cavity not being much wider than the inner gall, and at the top at least is lined with a membrane. ‘The gall originates in a terminal bud, and when the fly quits the gall in June the swelling still continues to grow, and may become surrounded with leaves or twigs. Curvator, it may be noted, forms terminal swellings like those of inflator; but these are seldom so elon- gated, and the internal cavity is larger, and more particularly wider. The parasites bred from this species are Mega- stigmus dorsalis, Torymus awratus, Fouse. ; Decatoma Neest, Foer. (Giraud); Pteromalus dissectus, Walk. (Giraud); P. Hrichsom, Rtz. (Giraud). The only inquiline is Sapholytus connatus, Htg. (Mayr). Rare and local. Continental: Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Aus- tria. ANDRICUS RADICIS. 83 5. ANDRICGUS RADICIS. Pl. IV, figs. 8 (radicis) and 3a (3-lmeatus), galls; Pl. XIV, figs. 2 (radicis) and 2 a (3-lineatus). Cynips radicis, Fab., EH. 8. Suppl., 213, 10; Syst. Piez., 146, 11 ; Htg., Germs. Zeits., 11, 207; iv, 402; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 56, 62, and 121; Marshall, E. M. M., iv, 7; Kaltenbach, Pfi., 667. Aphilothria radicis, Mayr, Hichengallen, 6, pl. i, fig. 1; Adler, Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., xxxv, 167, pl. x, fig. 5; Licht. Cyn., 22, pl. i, fig. 5; Fitch, Essex Field Club, ii, 132, fig. 17. Andricus trilineatus, Htg., Germs. Zeits., uu, 191; Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 18; Marshall, EH. M. M., iv, 101. _ noduli, Htg., Germs. Zeits., 11,191; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 74, 75, 78, 111, and 119; Mayr, Hichengallen, ii, pl. i, fig. 9; Adler, Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., xxxv, 169, pl. x, fig. 5a; Licht. Cyn., 24, pl. i, fig.5a; Marshall, H. M. M., iv, 102; Kaltenbach, Pfi., 667. — radicis, Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 26. Agamic Form.—Brownish-red on the head and thorax, the abdomen without the brownish tinge; the occiput, three brownish broad stripes on the mesonotum, the mesonotum more or less at the base, the greater part of the mesopleure behind, the propleure in part, the base of the coxe, the centre of the median segment, and a large roundish spot on either side of the top of the second abdominal segment, black; the hinder tibize more or less, and the claws, infuscated. Antenne with the basal four or five joints brownish-red, the others more or less infuscated, usually paler beneath. Head and thorax shagreened, densely covered with a silky pubescence; abdomen shining, the second segment with a large part of its lower and hinder border covered thickly with white hair; the third segment is finely aciculate. Wings hyaline; from the areolet run two (often very indistinct) narrow, faint, diverging streaks to near the edge of the wing. Length 4—6 mm. Gall polythalamous, sometimes composed of hun- dreds of cells (Westwood relates having reared 1100 specimens from a gall 5 inches long by 17 inches broad—cf. Int., u, p. 128), and found at the roots of oaks or afew feet up the trunk. At first they are whitish, sometimes marked with pink or red, smooth and soft; becoming with age quite hard and woody, and the surface frequently rough and irregular. The single cells are irregular, usually roundish or oval. 84 ANDRIOUS RADICIS. The form of the gall is very irregular; it may be pear-shaped, round, or oval; and on the trunk espe- cially it may take the form ofa mere swelling. As has already been pointed out (p. 2), 1t seems very possible that more than one individual may unite to form such large galls as those mentioned above. . The only inquiline is Synergus wncrassatus, Htg. Of parasites there are Torymus nobilis, T. erucarum (Cynipidis, W1k.), T. amenus, T. radicis, Gir. (Giraud) ; Pteromalus quercinus, Gir. (Giraud); Tetrastichus quercis, Wlk. (Giraud) ; Hurytoma rose. The first development of the gall takes place in September; but the growth which then takes place is very slight, and stops during the winter, until, with the spring and the renewed life of the tree engendered by the heat, the gall recommences growth and soon reaches its full development. I have found the flies out as early as February, and alive in the galls in December; but these examples were, no doubt, specimens whose development had taken a year longer. Sexual Form.—Brownish-red; the head and thorax marked with black, or for the greater part black; abdomen also more or less black: the legs pale testaceous; wings hyaline. Head dilated behind the eyes. Vertex and mesonotum finely shagreened; scutellum finely rugose. The ¢ is more shining, and has the head and thorax black, the legs of a clearer obscure yellow, the hinder femora and tibiz often infus- cated; the antenne testaceous at the base, the rest more or less infus- cated. Length 1—3 mm. A very variable species, not only in size, but in coloration and punctation. The variations may be best described by giving a description of the large and small forms. Large Form (2 mm.).—Brownish-red ; three broad lines on the mesonotum ; scutellar fovez, and apex of abdomen above, black ; the legs ight brownish-yellow ; the hind femora and tibiz infuscated ; antennze with the basal joints pale brown, the others slightly infus- ANDRIOUS RADIOIS. 85 cated. Head and thorax strongly aciculate, the scutellum distinctly rugulose; head and thorax with the pubescence thick and longish; the dilatation behind the eyes distinct (= A. trilineatus). Small Form (1—14 mm.).—Head and thorax black . or fuscous-black; the sutures of the mesonotum sometimes yellowish-red ; the abdomen reddish-yellow, blackened at the apex above; the legs pale yellow- red; the base of the coxe blackish; antennez yellow- ish-red ‘at the base, the rest fuscous; punctation on head and thorax very fine, sometimes obsolete; the dilatation behind eyes indistinctly developed. Between the two extremes there are numerous intermediate variations. Gall.—Found in twigs, or more rarely on the petioles of the leaves, usually gregariously. They are oval or ovoid, about 2 mm. in length, embedded in the wood or in the bark, or partly in both. The galls have no very distinctly lined membrane. When they occur in numbers, the petiole, more particularly on twigs, becomes irregularly distorted, with raised points where the galls are. When the insects escape they leave a round exit hole by means of which the presence of the galls is easily noticed. The flies escape early in the autumn. The sexual has fewer parasites and inquilines than the larger agamic form. ‘They are Ceroptres arator, Sapholytus connatus, Htg.; and Synergus apicalis, and according to Kaltenbach, Synergus vul- gavris. The parasites are Megastigmus dorsalis and Pteromalus quercinus, Gir. (Giraud). Very widely distributed in Britain. Continental distribution: Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France. 86 ANDRICUS SIEBOLDII. 6. ANDRICUS SIEBONDII. PlenViy toe 4 (Sieboldit) and 4a (testacetpes), galls ; 12, xy, fies. 3 (Sieboldit) and 3 a (testaceipes). Cynips Sieboldii, Htg., Germs. Zeits., iv, 406. — corticalis, Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 63. Aphilothriz Sieboldii, Mayr, Hichengallen, 8, pl. 1, - 53 Adler, Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., XXXV, ia, pl. x, fig. 6; Licht. Cyn., Qi, splat fig. 6; Fitch, Essex Field Club, P33, fig. 19, Andricus testaceipes, Htg., “Germs. Zeits., ii, 191; Adler, 1. ¢., 172; pl. x, fig.6a; Mayr, Europ. Cra 18 and 28 ; Licht. Cyn., 28, pl. 1 fig. 6 a; Kaltenbach, Pfil., 666. _— Sieboldi, Maye Europ. Cyn., 25. Rufous or brownish-red, sometimes the sutures of thorax and base of scutellum more or less blackish; median segment blackish; legs uni- formly brownish-red, sometimes with the hind tibize infuscated. Scu- tellum finely punctured. Second abdominal segment impunctate, uni- colorous, the hair narrow only on the anterior portion of the segment ; the third segment finely punctured. Wings hyaline; in the third cubital cellule is a single indistinct, faint, narrow streak. Antenne infuscated, paler at the base. Agamic ?. Length 3°5—4'5 mm. This species comes near to radicis, but is smaller than it, has the body almost unicolorous, less pilose, the second segment is only haired at the apex, and wants the two marks found in radicis, the faint line in third cubital cellule does not diverge, and the thorax is less pilose. Gall.—Found on small branches of young oaks, especially near the earth, which frequently covers them. They are gregarious, conical, dilated at the base, woody and hard. When young the colour on the upper region is reddish or pink, and covered with a bloom and a gummy secretion. When old the sur- face becomes longitudinally striolated, the exterior bloom disappearing. The larval chamber occupies the lower dilated part, which is sunk deeply in the branch. The height of the gall is from 6 to 8 mm., whereof about the third will be sunk in the branch. ANDRICUS SIEBOLDII. 87 Sometimes these galls occur so thickly on a branch as to kill it. The fact of ants feeding on the exudation has been already mentioned (p. 16). The inquiline is the root and bark-frequenting Synergus incrassatus, and the parasites Torymus nobilis and Hurytoma rose. Adler says that the galls of Sieboldii are “in a high degree exposed to the attacks of various parasites of the genera Torymus and Syner- gus,’ but no names are given. Mayr bred Olinw tr- lineata and Hurytoma rose from them. Sexual Form.—Black, shining ; legs yellow, abdomen for the greater part reddish-yellow, the apical half or so blackish above, the ventral surface paler, hypopygium brownish. Antenne dark brown, the basal three or four joints pale yellow. Hind coxe brownish at the base; tegule and a spot (sometimes absent) at the base of the mesonotum brownish-yellow. Scutellum opaque, coarsely aciculate or finely rugu- lose. Face aciculate. Mesonotum more or less at the base pilose. Head elongate, distinctly dilated behind the eyes. The ¢ almost agrees with the ? in colouration; the third antennal joint is slightly dilated and curved. Length 1‘5—2 mm. Agrees with trilineatus in having the head widened behind the eyes, but differs in the black head and thorax. Gall.—Forms an elongated swelling on the midrib towards the centre of the leaf, in the petiole, or even on the very young twigs. There is only one cell, but the swelling extends considerably beyond the part where the larva lives ; itis from 13 to 2 mm. in length, and is surrounded internally by a fine white cellular substance. In colour it is green, differing but slightly from the colour of the leaf. Synergus apicalis and Ceroptres arator are supposed to be reared from the galls of testaceipes, but they really may have been from those of noduli, the petiole galls of which may have been mistaken for those of testacewpes. ‘The parasite is Megastigmus dorsalis. Rare and local in Scotland and England. Continental distribution: Switzerland, Germany, Austria. 88 ANDRICUS CORTIOIS. 7. ANDRICUS CORTICIS. PL. IV, figs. 4 (corticis) and 4a (gemmatus) ; Pl. XVII, fig. 3. Cynips corticis, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 190; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 55, 59, 121, and 135; Kaltenbach, Pf, eee Kirchner, Cat., 23; Thoms., Opuse., Aphilothri« corticis, Mayr, Hichengallen, 7, pl. i, fig. 3; Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxv, 173, pl. x, fig. 7; Licht. Cyn., 30, pl. i, fig. 7. Andricus corticis, Mayr, Hurop. Cyn., 25. — gemmatus, Adler, 1. c., 174, pl. x, fig. 7a; Licht. Cyn., dl, pl. i, fig. 7a; Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 19. Brownish-black, the face and orbits brownish-red, and the base of the antenne red; the rest brownish, the thorax darker coloured than the abdomen, especially at the sides; the knees pale; thorax smooth, sericeous, the second abdominal segment igen) pilose towards the base. Agamic 2. Length 33—4 mm. Gall.—The gall appears in April, and is found on the thick roots or on the trunk where a wound has been. When young it is hemispherical or oval, succulent, fleshy, and covered with a reddish or pinkish-yellow skin. This early top gall drops off when mature, leaving the gall proper embedded in the bark below its surface. They are gregarious, convex, with a large cell and with thick walls. The top falls off with the escape of the insects, leaving a rugged rim, showing a circle of canals on the outer edge. The galls are not easily seen until the insects have left; then the hole makes them readily visible. The inquiline is Synergus incrassatus, the parasite Torymus corticis, Gir. (Giraud). Sexual Form.—Black, shining; legs yellowish-red; the coxe at the base, the hinder, except at the apex, and hinder tibiee brownish ; antenne | brownish, yellow at the base; ventral surface of abdomen brownish- The & has the colour of the femora much lighter in tint; otherwise asin 9. Length 1;—2 mm. Appears in July. ~~ ANDRICUS COLLARIS. 89 Gall.—Found on adventitious buds in May and June. Length hardly 2 mm. Oval, sometimes nar- rowed at the apex; base smooth, green when young, ereenish-white or brownish when older. Sometimes it is found on the apex of young leaves. Widely distributed. Continental distribution: Sweden, Germany, Austria. 8. ANDRICUS COLLARIS. Pl. V, figs. 5 (curvator) and 5 a (collaris); Pl. XIV, fies. 4 (curvator), 4a, b (collaris); Pl. XIX, fig. 2. Cynips collaris, Htg., Germs. Zeits., u, 190; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 54, 61, and 115. Aphilothri« collaris, Mayr, Hichengallen, 25, 32, pl. iv, fig. 32; Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxv, 177, pl. x, fig. 9; Licht. Cyn., 35, fig. 9; Fitch, Trans. Essex Field Club, ii, 137, fig. 27. Andricus collaris, Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 22. Cynips curvator, Thoms., Opuse. 785. Andricus curvator, Htg., Germs. Zeits., 1,191; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 74, 76, and 109; Mayr, Hichen- gallen, 40, pl. v, fig. 56; Adler, Zeits. wits) Zool ns xxexv, 7S.) pli ox, te: Oar Licht. Cyn., 36, pl. i, fig. 9 a; Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 20; Fitch, Trans. Essex Field Club, 140, fig. 33. Black, shining, the face finely rugose ; the mouth, the five to six basal joints of the flagellum of the antenne, the pronotum, the base of the meso- notum, the sides, and two narrow lines on the black part, the scutellum, the sides and ventral surface of the abdomen, and legs (the coxe black, reddish at the apex) reddish; the legs of a clearer and more yellowish tinge than the rest of the body. Abdomen very sparsely pilose at the base. Wings hyaline. Agamic ?. Length 3°3—5 mm. What I have called ‘‘ black ’’ may be brownish or brownish-black, and the quantity of red on the thorax and abdomen may be more or less than what I have noted in my bred specimens described above—some Specimens, in fact, being very light and others very dark coloured. A specimen of the very light type of coloration is figured on Pl. XIV, fig. 40. 90 ’ ANDRIOUS COLLARIS. Gall.—Found in the terminal or lateral leaf-buds, hidden asa rule by the scales, so that only the apex is visible. Hard, woody, conical or oval, sometimes almost roundish; smooth, the apex narrowed to a point, forming a blunt cone surrounded by a zone differently coloured from the rest of the gall, being usually brownish at the extreme apex, the rest being yellowish. Schenck (1. c.) says that the galls remain in the bud after the larvee have come to maturity; but I believe that it is only those galls tenanted by the inquilines which stick to the buds, those frequented by the host falling to the ground. The flies come out in April of the second year, remaining thus eighteen months in the gall. The inquilines are Synerqus nervosus, and, according to Schlectendal, S. H. Z., 1870, 341, S. pallipes (pro- bably a variety of S. Tschekt). The same author bred Hurytoma verticillata, Nees, from the galls. Brischke records Syntomaspis cau- datus as a parasite. Sexual Form.—Black, shining, the base of the antenne pale; thelegs testaceous; the coxe at base, the base of the four anterior femora, and the posterior, except at the apex, blackish or brownish; wings clear hyaline, shining; the mesonotum impunctate or only punctured at the sides; the mesopleure shining, impunctate; pronotum transversely striolate; the scutellum rugulose. Antenne thickened towards the apex, the twelfth and thirteenth joints not much longer than broad. The ¢ is similar, has the antenne lighter in tint, and with the third antennal joint curved and thickened a little. Length 1;—2 mm. Gall.—Forms irregular swellings on young aborted leaves, or on the sides of more or less developed leaves. At first they are hard and solid, but with growth they expand and form a large internal cavity of a more or less circular form, inside of which is the brownish egg-shaped inner gall loose. In colour they are always green, like the young leaves. Sometimes they form terminal swellings which become hard and bark-like externally, from which twigs and leaves may ANDRICUS RAMULI. } 91 be developed as in inflator. Found in May and June, the flies issuing in the latter month. The outer gall may be single, or have two cavities divided by a septum. © The insect emerges in June. Synergus albipes, S. facialis, and S. radiatus are common inquilines in these galls. Brischke (Schr. d. Naturf. Ges. zu Dantzig, v) gives as inquilines Periclistus Brandti, Synergus api- calis, and S. thawmacera ; and as parasites Ptieromalus meconotus, P. Sawesenti, Entedon cecidomycarnus, Meso- polobas fascriventris, Telenomus phalenarum, Platy- mesopus Hrichson, and Decatoma biguttata. Hurytoma rosé is a common parasite. Of parasites there have been been noted Torymus abdominalis, T. auratus, Fons.; Syntomaspis dubius, Nees (Giraud); Decatoma Neesi, Foerster (Giraud) ; Pieromalus dissectus, Walk. (Giraud); P. Hrichson, Rtz. (Giraud); P. jucundus, Walk. (Giraud); P. cordairit, Rtz. (Kirchner); Pleurotropis metallicus, Nees; Hulophus metallicus, Nees, and Hlachestus petro- latus, Nees. S (Giraud); Siphonura viridizenea, Rtz. (Kirchner); Hulophus levissimus, Rtz. (Kirchner) ; Entedon scianurus, Rtz (Kirchner) ; Hupelmus annu- latus, Nees (Giraud). Of universal distribution. Continental distribution: Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Austria. 9. ANDRICUS RAMULI. Pl. VI, figs. 2 (ramuli) and 2 a (autumnalis); Pl. XV, fig. 1 (ramuli) ¢. Cynips quercus-ramuli, Linn., Syst. Nat., i, 918; Marshall, HK. M., iv, 8. Teras amentorum, Htg., Germs. Zeits., iv, 408. Andricus ramuli, Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 74, 80, and 120; Mayr, Hichengallen, 56; Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxv, 186, pl. x, fig. 13a; 92 ANDRIOUS RAMULI. Licht. Cyn., 47, pl. i, fig. 13a; Mayr, Eur. Cyn., 15; Fitch, Trans. Essex Field Club, ii, 146, fig. 46. Cynips autumnalis, Htg., Germs. Zeits., iii, 3386; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 54, 61, and 115. Aphilothria autumnalis, Mayr, Kichengallen, 24, 31, pl. iv, fig. 31; Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxv, 185, pl. x, fig. 18, Licht. Cyn., 46, pl. i, fig. 18. Black; abdomen reddish-brown below, blackish above ; legs yellowish- red, the coxee brownish at the base; antennz brownish, the basal two joints yellowish-red. Wings hyaline. Agamic ?. Length 25—3 mm. Gall.—Found in the terminal leaf-buds, half hidden by the scales. Green when young, the shape an elongated oval, with a wart or conical point at the apex; when young covered with a succulent matter, giving it a brownish colour when old; the mner gall with longitudinal striations, not reticulations as in _globuli. When old the outer skin falls away. ‘Found at the end of September and beginning of October, and falls to the earth at the middle of the latter month. It ig shorter and more spherical than the gall of collaris, but still being longer than broad; the collaris gall, too, wants the brownish succulent outer skin found in autumnalis ; it is greenish, not brownish, the conical point is more distinct, and there is no coloured ring. From the gall of globuli it is easily known by being longer than broad ; like it, it has a succulent coat, but it does not become reticulated. ‘The inquiline recorded by Mayr is Synergus nervosus, and Schlectendal gives S. variolosus, Htg., a species not identified by Mayr in his monograph (8. H. Z., 1870, p. 348). Brischke records Synergus ruficornis and S. apicalis. The latter authority gives Megastigmus dorsalis, Fab., as a parasite. The galls drop to the earth in October, the flies coming out of them in April of the second year. Sexual Form.—Reddish-yellow, shining; the vertex finely shagreened; the mesonotum finely punctured, dull; the pleure shining and impune- tate, the abdomen above more or less brownish; antenne entirely yellow; wings hyaline. ANDRICUS RAMULI. 93 The ¢ similarly coloured, the abdomen as a rule more widely infus- cated; the third antennal joint is slightly curved. Length 1:5—2 mm. The amount of fuscous on the abdomen varies. The only British species with which it can be con- founded is amenti, which may be known by the black mesosternum. | The galls of this species are easily recognised by their forming a large mass like a ball of white wool. The size of the ball varies according to the number of galls composing it; for it is not made by one gall, but by aseries of from 10 to 30 small, irregularly oval, brown, hard woody galls, each of which bears long, white, wool-like hair. With age the hair becomes of a brownish-yellow colour, losing the white colour of its youth. At first the hair is more or less glutinous. Sometimes the mass contains only one or two galls, in which case it might be mistaken for the gall of cirratus ; but the latter appears earlier, the flies also coming out sooner. The galls originate from the ¢ catkins, which are usually seen issuing from the woolly mass; but I have seen specimens which appear to issue from a leaf-bud ; although it may really have been a flower- bud, the flowers of which had been aborted by the action of the gall-flies. The inquilines are Synergus facialis, Htg., S. radi- atus, Mayr, and Ceropires arator, but the last may have come out of the twig galls of Andricus noduli. Parasites.—Torymus auratus, Decatoma Neesi, Foer. (Giraud) ; Hurytoma semirufa, Gir. (Giraud); Ptero- malus Ratzeburgi, Gir. (Giraud); Olina debilis, Gir. (Giraud) ; O. gallarwm (Brischke). I have found a Tortrix larva feeding on the galls. Of universal distribution, but local. Continental distribution : Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Austria. 94. ANDRIOCUS AMENTI. 10. ANDRICUS AMENTI. Pl. VII, fig. 7. Andricus amenti, Giraud, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1859, 360; Mayr, Hichen gallen, 57, pl. vii, fig. 82; Europ. Cyn., 14. Reddish-yellow; the mesosternum black, the antennze infuscated towards the apex; the vertex infuscated, finely shagreened, shining ; mesonotum much more strongly and sharply shagreened; mesopleurze shining, impunctate; wings hyaline. 9? and ¢. Length 13 mm. The agamic form is unknown. That it has one may be taken for granted, but whether it is one of the galls at present known merely in the agamic state or some unknown form can only at present be con- jectured. Gall.—Found in June on the ¢ catkins. Length about 2mm. Cubital, rounded and narrowed at the base, tapering gradually to the apex; greenish when fresh, brownish when old, covered sparsely with soft pale hairs, the surface, when old, rough. As a rule the galls are in clusters of three or four. Sometimes the apex is nipple-shaped. The gall is very similar to that of pilosus, but gener- ally the latter may be known by being’ somewhat larger, not so globular, stouter, and not tapering so much at the apex, which is, as a rule, nearly as broad as at the base ; the hair is longer. No inquiline is known from it, but Giraud, its de- scriber, gives Pteromalus dissectus, Wlk., P. Ratze- burg, Gir., and Olinw debilis, Gir., as parasites. In this country it is only known from Braemar, where it was taken by Prof. Trail, and from Kew (Rolfe). Continental distribution: Austria. ANDRICUS QUADRILINEATUS. 95 11. ANDRICUS QUADRILINEATUS. Pl. VIII, fig. 3, gall; Pl. XV, fig. 4. Andricus quadrilineatus, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 190; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 74, 77, and 111; Mayr, Hichengallen, pl. vii, fig. 84 (85); Europ. Cyn., 21; Fitch, Trans. Essex Field Club, 146, fig. 47. Cynips 4-lineatus, Thoms., Opusc. Ent., 784. Andricus flavicornis, Schenck, 1. c., 75 and 80. — pedunculi, 1. c., 74, 77, 111. _— ambiguus, 1. c., 111. — verrucosus, 1. c., 112. = glabrusculus, 1. c., 112. Aphilothria quadrilineatus, Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxv, 204, pl. ui, fig. 22; Licht. Cyn., 69, pl. ui, fig. 22. Shining, finely shagreened, scutellum finely rugose, the pleure and median segment bearing a short whitish pubescence; brownish-red, two lines on the median lobe of the mesonotum, and one on the lateral and the scutellar fovee black; vertex and antenne infuscated or blackish; legs testaceous or pale brownish, the base of coxe, tro- chanters, and more or less of femora infuscated. Wings clear hyaline, the nervures dark brownish; the cubitus and base of radial cellule very slightly infuscated. @. Length 23—3 mm. A very variable species, and impossible to be sepa- rated by any tangible characters from A. albopunctatus, A. callidoma, A. Malpighti, and A. seminationis. The gall is found on the male catkins, usually gre- gariously. Their normal form is ovoid, but may be spherical, especially when attacked by Synergi; the surface is longitudinally furrowed, but not very regu- larly ; at first the colour is whitish or reddish, then brownish, or brownish with a green tinge, almost glabrous. In length it is from 23 to 4mm. It appears in May, and falls to the earth with the catkins, the insect emerging in the following spring, or even in > the spring of the second year. A few specimens show a short blunt peduncle. On the whole it is rather a variable gallin form. The various species named by Schenck after the galls only were founded on these variations. 96 ANDRIOCUS MARGINALIS. Adler says that the species is found exceptionally on the leaves. The Synergus is facialis. The parasites are Torymus auratus and Olina tri- lineata, Mayr. Commonly distributed. 12. ANDRICUS MARGINALIS. Pl. VIII, figs. 5 and 6, gall. Cynips marginalis, Schlechtendal, S. H. Z., 1870, 397; Mayr, Hichengallen, 52, pl. vi, fig. 76. Aphilothriz marginalis, Adler, Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., xxxv, 208, pl. xi, fig. 21; Licht., Cyn., 68, pl. ui, fig. 21. Andricus marginalis, Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 21. Not to be known from A. quadrilineatus in the imago state. Neither as regards the gall or insect is this to be known from A, 4-lineatus. I have no doubt that it is only Andricus quadrilimeatus, the galls of which, as already indicated, occur on the leaves, and we know of other instances of the same species having galls in the catkins and leaves. The gall of this species is found on the edge of the leaf, its position there being indicated by an incision ; or it may be placed at the top of the leaf on the mid- rib, it being there also shown by an incurvation. It is sessile, and in form it is very irregular, varying from conical to roundish. The colour is green when fresh, and may be marked with reddish. The surface is smooth and glabrous, and is irregularly furrowed. longitudinally. When old it is dark brown or dark whitish-yellow. : The galls are found in May, in which month they ripen, yielding the flies in the same month or in June. Those galls which have been “stung” by inquilines remain attached for a long time to theleaves. I have bred Olinw trilineata from them. A common if somewhat local species. Continental distribution: Sweden, Germany, Austria. ANDRICUS CIRRATUS. 97 12. ANDRICUS CIRRATUS. Pl. VI, figs. 1 (Cirratus) and la (Callidoma) gall; Pl. XV, fig. 8. Cynips callidoma, Thoms., Opusc. Ent., 784 (?). Aphilothria callidoma, Adler, xxxv, 182, pl. x, fig. 11; Licht. Cyn, Al, pl. i, fig. 11. Andricus cirratus, Adler, 1. c., 182, pl. x, fies Io; Mayr; Burop. Cyn., 19 and 28; Licht. Cyn., 42, pl. i, fig. lla. — eallidoma, Mave. Europ. Cyn., 19, 21, and 28. The agamic form is not to be recognised from the same form of A. quadrilineatus (see p. 95). The remarkable gall of this insect issues from a leaf-bud (usually from small twigs), and occurs be- tween June and October. It differs from all other galls in having a long peduncle at either end, the basal being the larger, and is, when normally deve- loped, longer than the gall itself, the apical peduncle being much shorter, the longest I have seen not being much more than half the length of the gall. The gall proper is elongated, fusiform, broadly or sharply rounded at the ends; the surface generally smooth, elabrous when mature; the colour green or whitish- green, sometimes with reddish longitudinal stripes, and some examples are longitudinally furrowed. The galls rarely hang downwards, usually they stand out obliquely from the buds. The galls containing the makers fall to the ground when ripe, but those with inquilines remain attached ; while, again, these latter vary considerably in shape, and have the peduncles very short or absent entirely. The largest gall I have seen has the basal peduncle 12, the gall 8, and the apical peduncle 5 mm. in length. Malpighi (Opera Omnia, t. 1, p. 122, fig. 44) figures a similar gall to this, but it may be the callidoma of Giraud (Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, p. 348), which differs from Adler’s species in having the surface of the gall ‘“‘couverte d’une pubescence trés apparent, VOL. IV. 98 ANDRIOUS CIRRATUS. dirigée de haut en bas, et marquée de quelques cotes longitudinales tantdét assez saillantes et tantot presque effacées.”” Mayr (Cyn. Gallen, p. 21) says that calh- doma, Gir., and callidoma, Adler, are different Species, and that the galls only through the pubes- cence are to be distinguished. As regards this latter point I may add that I have some young galls and some half-developed ones, inhabited by inquilines of calidoma, which bear a distinct whitish pubescence, depressed, moderately long, and directed from base to apex, but not very thick. As regards the distinction between the flies, | am unable to fix upon any tangible characters from the description of Giraud and Adler by means of which they could be recognised; and therefore I am inclined to look upon the two as iden- ticala, 1 It is worthy of note that the bud from which the gall originates 1s not distorted in any way. Inquilines.—Synerqus nervosus and 8. vulgaris. Giraud says that he has bred Ceroptres from the gall (1. c.), but no speciesis mentioned. Ratzeburg records Siphonura brevicauda as a parasite. Sexual Form.—Black, shining; the abdomen brownish-red, darker above; the legs uniformly citron-yellow (except the coxe at base); the antenne yellowish-testaceous, somewhat infuscated at theapex. Wings clear hyaline; the tegule and a line on the pronotum pallid-yellow. The ¢ similar. Length 1°5 mm. Readily known by the uniform citron-yellow legs. Gall.—Found in the ¢ catkins in May. Length about 2 mm. ; oval, rounded at base and apex; green when young, brownish and rough when old. From its base there issues from the stamens long white woolly hairs, which may be three or four times as long as the gall itself. They usually are placed in clusters at the bud, and form a mass of wool about 5—/ mm. in length and breadth. The catkins are shortened by the galls, and seldom project much beyond the bud. I have found the galls of callidoma in Glen Moriston ANDRICUS MALPIGHTI. 99 in June; in Mugdoch Wood in July and August. Fitch records it from Rayleigh; and Mr. Bignell takes it at ~ Plymouth. Continental distribution: Germany. 13. Anpricus MALPIGHII. Pl. VII, fig. 2, gall. Aphilothria Malpighti, Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool. xxxv, 183, pl. x1, fig. 12. Andricus nudus, Adler, 1. c., 184, pl. xi, fig. 12 a. — Malpighit, Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 2 The agamic form not distinguishable from A. quadrilineatus. Gall.—Found in the buds in October. Spindle- shaped, shortly pedunculate, the apex pointed; green, smooth, often with reddish stripes. It differs from the gall of callidoma in having the peduncle much shorter, and may even want it entirely ; the former is thicker and shorter, and it appears in October, while callidoma is found so early as June. It is, however, to be remarked that when the galls of callidoma are attacked by Synergi the peduncle is shortened, so that in this case the distinction between the two is rather vague. Sexual Form.—Black, the abdomen paler, beneath testaceous, the legs pale yellow; the four anterior coxze at the base, the hinder for the greater part, brownish; sometimes the femora are infuscated ; the joints of the tarsi blackish. Antennze with the basal four or five joints yel- lowish; the others darker or fuscous. The 3 has the femora and tibiz blackish ; only the two basal antennal joints are yellow. Length 15 mm. Gall.—Found in May on the ¢ catkins, placed usually between the stamens. Length barely 13 mm. Bare, green when young, yellowish at atari In shape an elongated oval, the apex narrowed perceptibly. Sometimes with a distinct nipple-like point at the apex. 100 ANDRICUS ALBOPUNOTATA. The insects are easily bred if the galls are collected well on in May. I know the species only from Mugdoch Wood, near Glasgow. Continental distribution : Germany. 14. ANDRICUS ALBOPUNCTATA. Pl. VI, fig. 4, gall. Cynips majalis, Giraud, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1868, li (gall). — albopunctata, Schlechtendal, Stett. Ent. Zeits., 1870, 376. Aphilothria albopunctata, Mayr, Hichengallen, 67, pl. i; Adler, Zeits. f. wiss. Zool., xxxv, 205, pl. xi, fig. 23; Lichten., Cyn., 71, pl. u, fig. 23; Fitch, Trans. Essex Field Club, ii, 138, fig. 29. Andricus albopunctata, Mayr, Kurop. Cyn., 21. Similar in size, form, and coloration to A. 4-/ineatus. The gall is found in the buds in May and June, but not in those having leaves. It is conical, sometimes with a sharp point at the apex, but more usually rounded there. In colour green, spotted with white ; the surface smooth, shining, unicellular, hard, and woody. It is found in May and June, and falls to the ground very shortly after making its appearance. Length 5—6 mm. The colour varies somewhat, some examples being brownish or yellowish-green. According to Schlechtendal the fly comes out in November. I have had them in March. I have bred both Synergus radiatus and S. facialis, from the galls. Brischke gives Torymus rubricipes as a parasite. Common. Continental distribution : Germany, Austria, France. ANDRICUS GLANDULA. 101 15. ANDRICUS SEMINATIONIS. Pl. V, fig. 3, gall. Cynips seminationis, Giraud, Verh. z.-b. ges. Wien, 1859, 373; Mayr, Cyn. Gallen, 63, fig. 88. Aphilothriz seminationis, Adler, Zeit. wiss. Zool., 1880, 202, pl.. xi, fig. 20; Licht. Cyn., 67. Cynips inflorescentiz, Schlecht., S. H. Z., 1870, 396 (gall only). Andricus seminationis, Mayr, Eur. Cyn., 21. Only the agamic form is known, and it is not dis- tinguishable from A. 4-lineatus. The gall is found on the catkins of the sessile oak. It is of the same form as that of A. callidoma, but the peduncle is very short or quite aborted. Spindle- shaped, sometimes of an elongated ovoid form ; slightly _ pubescent when young, glabrous when mature; white with pink stripes when fresh, yellowish or brownish when mature; sometimes the sides bear indistinct keels. The flower branch may be thickened or dis- torted by the galls. They are found also on the leaves, which may be incised where the galls are seated. They are found in May, become ripe in June, the imagos appearing in the following spring. I have bred Synergus facialis from the galls; and Mayr, besides this species, S. albipes, Htg. The para- site is Hurytoma rose. I only know this species from Mugdoch Wood. Continental distribution: Germany, Austria. 16. ANDRICUS GLANDULA. Pl. VU, fig. 5, gall; Pl. XV, fig. 5. Cynips glandulz, Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 62. Aphilothria glandule, Mayr, Cyn. Gall., 26, pl. iv, fig. 34. Andricus glandule, Mayr, Kur. Cyn., 20. Reddish-brown ; the mesonotum minutely punctured, the scutellum | much more coarsely ; the scutellar foveze and middle of median segment 102 ANDRICUS SOLITARIUS. black; antennz fuscous-black ; upper surface of abdomen blackish- brown; sometimes the head in part and streaks on the mesonotum brownish ; legs reddish-yellow, tibiee brownish. Mesonotum alutaceous, aciculate, a longitudinal furrow between the parapsidal furrows. Length 3 mm. Gall.—This is an easily recognised gall from the long white glistening hair with which it is covered, and from the truncated apex with a nipple-like point in the middle, the base being swollen. It issues from the lateral buds ; is woody in texture; the base when fully developed is as wide as the gall is long; the top is narrowed, sometimes depressed ; and the nipple-like point is glabrous and yellowish. The colour is green, but more or less whitish from the long, silky, recurved, glabrous hairs. The dilated basal region, when freely developed, contains a cavity which is separated from the upper larval chamber, which occupies the narrowed upper region. When young or when the gall has been distorted by inquilines the base is not dilated, and its centre may be either hollow or filled up with a spongy substance. Mr. Bignell has reared Synergus radiatus from the galls. Of extensive range in this country, but not common. Clydesdale, Lymm, Nottingham, Devonshire (Bignell). The insect emerges in the spring, and is probably agamic. Continental distribution: Germany, Austria. 17. ANDRICUS SOLITARIUS. Pl. VIL, fig. 4; Pl. XV, fig. 3. Diplolepis solitarius, Fonsc., Ann. Sc. Nat., 1832, t. xxvi, 184. Cynips ferruginea, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 189; Sch., Nass. Cyn., 55, 62, 116, and 134. Aphilothriz solitaria, Mayr, Hichengallen, 23, pl. iii, fig. 29; Fitch, Trans. Essex Club, ii, 136, fig. 24. Andricus solitarius, Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 25. ANDRICUS SOLITARIUS. 108 Yellowish-ferrugineous; the pro- and mesonotum more or less, the scutellarfovee and the centre of the median segment blackish; the vertex and pleure sometimes infuscated; the basal joints of the antenne pale yellow, the apical infuscated; legs pale yellow, the base of coxe and sometimes the hind tibie and tarsi infuscated ; wings distinctly smoky, especially before the cubitus. Head and thorax with the pubescence close, short, and white; the third abdominal segment impunctate; the second covered with a whitish pubescence to the apex; ventral sheath three times longer than broad. Head and thorax shagreened, opaque. Length 2—3 mm. Hartig and Schenck describe the body as being entirely ferrugineous-red ; but this is certainly not the case with the specimens I have bred, these having the head and thorax infuscated. From corticis, Sieboldii, and radicis it may be known by the third abdominal segment not being punctured, and the head and thorax not being so thickly haired; from fecundatriz and globuli by the head and thorax not being black. A gall well marked from its being thickly covered with ferrugineous hair. It is found either issuing from a terminal bud or from a lateral one along with a developed leaf, the gall in the latter case being placed above the leaf. It is spindle-shaped, pointed, and narrowed at the apex, this terminal point being some- times curved and bare or nearly so. When in the axillary bud the gall at the base is bordered by small bracts. It is woody and hard in texture, and contains one large larval chamber. When young it is green, but soon becomes ferrugineous or reddish-brown. Length about 7 mm. It is found from July to August, and becomes ripe in September. When the galls have been a long time in the twigs the pubescence gets completely rubbed off, its colour then being dark brown. The only flies I have myself obtained were some which I cut out dead from the galls in the spring; but how long they were dead 1 am unable to say. Mayr gives September as the time in which the flies emerge ; if so, it may be concluded it may have a bisexual generation. May that be Andricus amenti? Beyer- 104 ANDRIOUS CLEMENTINA. inck (Beob. it. d. ersten Entw. einiger Cynipiden- gallen, p. 138) gives Newroterus aprilinus as the spring generation, but apparently in error. Not uncommon in Scotland; also in Nottingham- shire (Rothera and Ransom), and Fitch includes it in his list of Essex galls (1. c.). The inquilines are Synergus vulgaris, 8. facials, and S. radiatus. Hupelmus azwreus is given as a parasite by Ratze- burg, and Mayr bred Olina trilineata, sibi., and Hury- toma setigera, Mayr. _ Continental distribution: France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria. 18. ANDRICUS CLEMENTIN®. Pl. VI, fig. 3, gall; Pl. XV, fig. 2. Cynips clementinee, Giraud, z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1869, 349. Andricus clementinze, Mayr, Hur. Cyn., 24. Dark brown or reddish-brown, covered with long, thick, stiff hair; the head for the greater part, the orbits always, and the mesopleure more or less spotted with reddish-brown; the apex and ventral surface of abdomen brownish-red ; legs dark brownish-black; the knees and under side of the femora reddish-brown. Wings clear hyaline, large. Abdomen short. Antenne dark brown, bearing white bristly hair; 14-jointed. Length 4—43 mm. This gall is elongated at base and apex, the elonga- tion forming a nipple-like point; the colour is dark yellow ; the surface is rugose or granular, and bears several flattish projections of a deeper colour than the gall itself, and incurved hairs of a glistening white colour, these being especially thick at the apex. The length is about 5 mm., and they are found in the leaf-buds. The inner larval chamber is free, being separated from the yellowish outer layer of cells by a small space. Found in late autumn (October to November) on ANDRICUS OCIROULANS. 105 Quercus sessiliflora ; the flies come out in February and March, according to Mayr. Mayr gives Synergus melanopus and S. vulgaris as inquilines. I can find no mention of any parasites except Olinx trilineata, Mayr, recorded by Mayr. I have only found this species in Cadder Wilderness, near Glasgow. Continental distribution : Sweden (?), Austria. The following gall is found at Kew Gardens on Quercus cerris. 19. ANDRICUS CIRCULANS. FIV, hey calls Pix, fea G6. &. Andricus circulans, Mayr, Cyn. Gallen, 30; Eur. Cyn., 17. Black ; the coxe dark brownish; the femora somewhat dull reddish- yellow, more or less infuscated in the middle; the tibie and tarsi red- dish-yellow; wings hyaline, the nervures pale fuscous; the antennz brownish, the second joint and the base of the third paler than the others. Front and vertex finely and sharply punctured; the meso- notum with the puncturing finer and more shining; the scutellum coarsely rugose ; the mesopleure finely longitudinally striated. ¢?. Length 2 mm. The ¢ similar in punctation and colouring; the antenne 14-jointed. The galls are found on the axillary leaf-buds of Quercus cerris gregariously, one, four, or eight being found in a bud; and they may be packed so closely together that they become compressed and flattened. They are glabrous, well hid in the bud, in colour vary- ing from brownish-yellow to bright red; thin-walled ; in shape an elongate ovoid, and in length 2—5 mm. Miss Ormerod found at Kew some galls which, although not quite typical, yet still may safely be re- ferable to A. circulans. My figure is taken from a specimen I had from Prof. Mayr. According to the latter authority, the normal time 106 ANDRIOCUS MSTIVALIS. for the flies issuing from the galls is towards the middle of April. Mayr reared Ceroptres cerri and some Pteromalide from the galls. Mayr found the galls in stubs near Vienna. 20. ANDRICUS ASTIVALIS. Pl. IV, fig. 5, gall. Andricus cstivalis, Giraud, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1859, 35 b; Mayr, Hichengallen, 55, fig. 79; Hur. Cyn., 16; Kaltenbach, Pfl., 672. Black; head and thorax opaque; the antennz, tegule, legs, and ventral surface reddish-testaceous; the wings hyaline, the nervures reddish. The antenne stouter than usual, 14-jointed, the joints beyond the third moniliform ; the third twice longer than broad, curved at the base, dilated at the apex. Head and thorax rugulose, sparsely covered with a pale pubescence; opaque; the mesopleure opaque, finely and closely coriaceous. Length 2—23 mm. The galls occur in masses on the male flowers of Quercus cerris. At the base the galls are closely pressed together, but not at the apex, the apex being very much wider than the base. The gall proper is at the bottom, and is surrounded by a wall which springs from the base and goes above it, leaving a large, empty, cup-shaped space in the centre. The all is hard and woody, and contains one or two cells, the cells being ovate, and having a length of from 25+08 mm. The colour of the gall is whitish or greenish-white, and much paler than the outer skin and the surrounding membrane, which is brownish, more or less mottled with yellow. In shape it is roughly conical, with a projecting point at the apex. The outer membrane becomes shrunk and twisted, and frequently curls inwardly over the top. The size of the mass of galls varies, some being as large as a walnut. The petiole bearing the galls becomes thickened and somewhat twisted. ANDRIOUS ASTIVALIS. 107 The flies appear at the beginning of July. It is not known if they have an agamic generation. From the experience of Giraud the ¢ must be very rare, for among 200 examples he only found four males. Mayr records Torymus regius, and Giraud Hlachestus gallicolus, Gir., as parasites, and the latter gives his Aulax pinnatus as an inquiline. Austria. I introduce this species on the authority of a which I captured at Loch Lomond, and which agrees very well with a type I had from Prof. Mayr. If not estivalis, it is certainly different from any of our other British species. The following table shows the time of appearing of the species : Agamie. Time of appearing. Sexual form. Time of appearing. Fecundatriz ...... April IMDIOSIIS “shecnoaasene June. Globula .........005. TE UGTIOT ero obaeAne cs i BAGS 20.0... . 000 5 Trilineatus ...... August. Steboldi ......... i Testacewpes ...... ” COPLCUS oss 000 00 i Gemmatus......... as Collomis is sic. ‘ Curvator ......... June. Autumnalis ...... 6 FCCNUULE mentee ee July. Unknown ......... — AINE chides June. Callidoma.......... April Cirratus ...sc00s ” Malpighii......... — NUMUS wireeccsseee > Clementine ...... = Solitarwus ......... September Glandulz ......... April Seminationis ... Bs Marginalis ...... 20 = = Quadrilineatus... 3 = — Albopunctatus ... 3 ; ata sd Ostreus® .......5. October—March = — Glandium ......... — Rufescens ........: P Unknown ......... — Circulans ......... April. Unknown ......... — Alistivalis’ ......... July & August. *Adler suspected that Newroterus aprilinus was the spring form of this species, but Beyerinck (Beob. i. d. e. Entwick. einiger Cynipiden-Gallen, p. 37) states 108 ANDRIOUS AISTIVALIS. that he has bred from ostreus galls a sexual form which lives in small bud-galls; he does not describe either the insect or gall, and names it Newroterus furunculus. The following unknown galls may be here described. Miss Ormerod (Ent., xu, p. 193) describes and figures the under-noted galls, which are probably formed by an Andricus. “The bud-gall (Pl. XVII, fig. 8, after Ormerod) which is figured both natural size and magnified, much resembles a stunted form of A. collaris, but is much smaller, and remains to maturity buried in the bud- cells. I have found it rather numerously in winter and spring, but as it does not make the shghtest show externally, and the buds in which it is contained are not distinguishable from the others, I have only come on it accidentally during search for possible winter developments of details of gall-growth, and the gall- maker has been too much crushed to rear for defini- tion. It is somewhat oval in shape, single-chambered, with a thin crisp wall, and from the varying conditions in which I have found it, appears to form (accom- panying the growth of its larval tenant) during the latter part of the winter and beginning of spring, the imago quitting it before the season of expansion of the healthy buds. I conjecture that this very minute gall is much sought after by birds, as in the seasons when I have found most of it I have noticed the buds frequently torn open, and there is no other bud-gall common in the district at that time so far as I am aware. “The other gall (Pl. XVII, fig. 9, after Ormerod) figured is very unusual in appearance, and has caused such complete distortion of all the surrounding erowths as to make it difficult to convey with the pencil any characteristic forms. As seen magnified, it much resembles an abnormal form of Andricus inflator. It, however, consists of two oval cells. These are rather thin-walled, placed side by side, and OYNIPS. | 109 occupying the entire width and about two-thirds of the length of the irregular hollow chamber formed by the swollen base of the stem in which they are con- * tained, the outer walls of the gall-cells and the inner walls of the gall chamber being adnate for (approxi- mately) half the cell surface. The gall-cells are not quite an eighth of an inch in length, and were deserted when I found the specimen—the only one which I have seen of this kind, and differing so much from any normal state of bud-gall with which I am acquainted, that possibly a figure may be of some interest.” In the H. M. M., iv, p. 146, there is the following note from the Rev. T. A. Marshall :—‘‘ Among the insects referred to is a genuine Cynips reared by Mr. Parfitt from ‘woody galls near the base of oaks.’ ” Although no existing description fits this specimen, it may be the C. ilicis of Fabr. (S. Piez., 145, No. 10: ‘“‘ Atra, nitida, thorace pedibusque pallide flavis’’). CyNIps P “Head, prothorax, and scutellum rufo-testaceous, coriaceous, hardly pubescent; declivity of the meta- thorax and the abdomen black. Legs testaceous; coxee and a line on the middle and hinder femora and tibize blackish; tarsi broken off. Antenne 14- jointed, testaceous, the last four or five joints black. Hyes fuscous. Head large, as broad as the pro- thorax, subrugose. Prothorax transversely rugose, the parapsidum suture very distinct. Scutellum coarsely rugose-punctate, red, bordered all round with black; in the black hinder margin are two smooth foveole. Abdomen two-thirds as broad as the thorax, raised and compressed at the apex, which forms a sharp carina above; shining black, reddish laterally at the base. Ovipositor testaceous. Wings hyaline, the nervules pale testaceous, except the apical half of the subcostal, the basal transverse vein, 110 OYNIPS GEMMA. the base of the radial cell, and the outer side of the areolet, which are black and incrassated. Long 1; alar exp. 3 lines.” What this species may be I know not. CyNIPs GEMM” P Pl. IV, fig. 2 (after Ormerod); Pl. XVII, fig. 7. Cynips gemmea, Giraud, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1859, 372; Mayr, Hichengallen, xxxiii, fig. 43. Miss Ormerod (EK. M. M., xii, 197) relates finding a gall at Isleworth which may be this little-known species. She says, “‘ The gall is about a quarter of an inch in diameter, irregularly spherical, about two- thirds of it above the upper surface of the leaf thickly beset with spines, for the most part simple, but in some cases branched. The colour yellowish-green with a mixture of rose, especially on the spines. Internally the gall is single-chambered, with a hard woody wall, about a quarter of the diameter of the gall in thickness.” Miss Ormerod alludes to the resemblance of these galls to the descriptions of Giraud and to the figures of Mayr. Gemmeis very little known, and the maker not at all. I am indebted for a few specimens to Prof. Mayr, and I figure them on Pl. XVII, fig. 7, to show their resemblance to those figured by Miss Ormerod. There are also the acorn galls found by myself in Clydesdale, from which, however, I only reared Synergi. The acorns were about half the ordinary size, apparently not distorted outwardly, and the two Synergi lived in oval cells. Rothera (Hnt., xi, p. 206) states that he found at Ollerton a thin, shelly, uni- locular gall lying loosely within the acorn case, and containing a large, fat, white, mandibulate larva, closely resembling that of C. Kollar. OYNIPS. 111 Genus CYNIPS. Cynips, Linné, Syst. Nat., Ed. xii, p. 917; Hartig, Zeits. f. Ent., u, p. 185; Mayr, Genera, p. 28. Abdomen from the third segment covered thickly with silky pubes- cence, this being also the case with the legs, head, and thorax. Head dilated behind the eyes. Parapsidal furrows distinct, nearly parallel. Scutellum broader than long, and with two fovee at its base, these being closed internally by a sharp ridge. Antenne 14-jointed (in our species); stout, the second joint longer (in our species) than broad. Claws on anterior tarsi bidentate. Radial cellule elongate, lanceolate at apex, open at fore-margin. Agamic. This genus is well known by the rich silky pubes- cence on the abdomen, that organ in the other genera being glabrous. It is further distinguished by being unisexual. The species are the largest known among the gall-making group. Of the eighteen Huropean species described, only one, C. Kollari, is native. One Huropean species (C. conifica, Htg.) has the antennee 13-jointed. The genus Aphelonyw, Mayr, has the abdomen silky haired, but it differs from Cynips in having the anterior tarsi with the claws entire, the antennz longer and more slender, the parapsidal furrows not complete, the scutellum as long as broad, and with an entire transverse fovea at its base. So far as we at present know, all the species of Cynips are agamous, and only exist in the agamic condition, the spring bisexual generally found in Andricus, &c., being unknown. The genus contains the largest species in the family, their galls also being, at least for the monothalamous galls, the largest. The majority of these remain attached to the buds until they drop off from the effects of the weather. In them the insects remain for the greater part of the year unchanged. As in Andricus, many of the species cannot be separated in the imaginal state ; but the galls are very distinct, and not a few of them very striking in appearance. Highteen Huropean 112 OYNIPS KOLLARI. species are known, almost entirely from the middle and south. The genus is unknown in Scandinavia, and it is a moot point if our own species (Kollart) is really native. 1. Cynips Ko.nart. Pl. II, figs. 6 and 6a; Pl. XVI, fig. 6. Cynips Kollari, Htg., Germs. Zeit., iv, 403; Mayr, Hichen- gallen, xvi, fig. 18; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., do and 64; Mayr, Hur. Cyn., 30; Mayr and Newman, Ent., No. 1385, 1874, 241; Fitch, Trans. Essex Field Club, 135, fig. 22. Cynips lignicola, Marshall, EH. M. M., iv, 7; cf. also Stainton, Trans. Ent. Soe., 1855; Proce) pando Zool., 1855, 4747 ; Parfitt, Zool., 1856, 5074. Reddish-yellow; the scutellar fovez, the median segment, and more or less of the abdomen above black; the legs paler than the body; the fore-tibiz with short depressed hairs ; ; the antenne 13-jointed; the basal joint paler than the SUES: ; wings hyaline, with a reddish tinge. 2. Length 4—5 mm. According to Mayr, Cymps corruptriw, Schl., C. aries, Gir., C. lignicola, Htg., C. tinctoria, OC. calici- forms, and C. galeata, Gir., cannot be distinguished from Kollari in the imago state, but the galls are very different with all of them. This gall-fly was long known as the Devonshire gall, apparently from its having been first noticed in Devonshire. It was first brought before the entomologists of this country in 1854 by Mr. Rich, who reported it as being very abundant in Somersetshire and Gloucester (‘ Proce. Ent. Soc.,’ 2nd series, vol. in, p. 35). Mr. Stainton stated (l.c.) that he had noticed the galls in Devon- shire for the last four or five years; Mr. Parfitt that he had seen them about 1848 ; and lastly, Mr. Jordan (l.c., p. 40) remarked that he had observed them twenty years before, which would bring the earliest notice of the galls in this country to, say, 1834. CYNIPS KOLLARI. 113 That at first the gall was very local there can be no doubt, for we have the clearest evidence of its gradual extension over Britain during the last thirty years. On this point Dr. Jordan (E. M. M., vii, p. 51) remarks of Kollari: ‘‘ Although noticed by me in Devon certainly for forty years at least (since we used its galls as marbles when I was quite a child), yet it did not reach Birmingham until 1860, when it was first noticed by me in the town, a fact not to be wondered at, considering how often its galls were brought from the south by tourists; it was not, how- ever, until the autumn of 1866 that it was first seen by me invading Birmingham, along the hedges on the Worcestershire side; the two streams have now met, and CO. Kollari is now found in both town and country.” That has practically been my own experience in Scot- land, where it now extends into Sutherlandshire. Various attempts have been made to utilise these galls for ink-making purposes, but without any prac- tical result, owing to the paucity of tannic acid they contain as opposed to the Aleppo and other galls— only some 17 as against over 50 per cent. The only use made of them is for ornamenting fancy baskets, fern cases, &. That the species is injurious in many instances there can be no doubt. It only frequents stub or young oaks, not over three or four feet high. These, when they appear in numbers in nurseries, they fright- fully distort, and not infrequently render saleless. As parasites there have been recorded Torymus regius = Devoniensis, Parfitt, and Megastigmus stig- maticans, these two being not uncommonly bred from them in this country; Decatoma sp. (Walker). Mr. Fitch (Hnt., vi, 243) bred from a small bunch of galls: Orymrus punctiger, a Hurytoma, a Pteromalus, a Torymus allied to inconstans, a ‘‘ small black Hymenopteron quite unknown to Mr. Walker,” a ‘“‘n. g. allied to intedon.” Giraud bred Macrocentrus marginator, Nees, from the galls. VOL. IV. 8 114 GENUS TRIGONASPIS. The inquilines are Synergus pallicornis, melanopus, and Reinhardi, all of which have been reared from them here. Kaltenbach (Pfl., 668) gives S. facialis also as an inquiline, and, as indicated on p. 58, Billups records the rearing of Ceroptres arator from the galls, but it is quite possible that the specimens were reared from the twig galls of Andricus nodult. The empty galls are much utilised by various out- living insects for purposes of pupation. Fitch (Ent., 1879, p. 118) gives a list of the insects and their parasites raised by Mr. Weston from a lot of the galls. These included six species of Lepidoptera, seven beetles, and thirty Hymenoptera. The latter included Dineura Degeeri (a birch-feeding species), Hmphytus togatus, and Harpiphorus lepidus; nine species of Ichneumonidex, one Braconid, Hurytoma rose, Synto- maspis caudata, Torymus regius, Megastigmus stigma- ticans (the latter no doubt parasitic on the gall larvee), a Lamprotatus, Pteromalus tibialis (also a gall larva parasite), two species of Homalus (H. auratus and H. ceruleus), two Crabronide, Odynerus trifascatus, and the bee, Prosopis rupestris. The flies emerge in August or September. Distribution: Germany, Austria. Genus TRIGONASPIS. Trigonaspis, Hartig, Germs. Zeit., ii, 186; Mayr, Genera, 30. Biorhiza, Westwood, Int., ii, 56 (part). Agamic.—Apterous; parapsidal furrows incomplete ; antennz 13 to 14 jointed ; no keel between the antennz ; head not dilated behind ; ventral thorn 2 to 24 times as long as thick. The third joint of the antenne twice as long as the fourth, the sixth to twelfth not longer, as thick. Scutellum separated from the mesonotum by a slight transverse furrow. Sexual—Antenne 14-jointed 9, 15-jointed ¢; flagellum rather slender, tapering towards the apex. Parapsidal furrows complete, distinct. Scutellar foveze shallow, separated by a sharp furrow; the keel in front of them distinct, acute. Scutellum rugose. Median seg- ment with the keels parallel. Abdomen shorter than the head aud TRIGONASPIS MEGAPTERA. 115 thorax united, smooth, shining; with the ¢ petiolate. Wings large, the radial cellule elongate, open; areolet distinct. Head and thorax black ; abdomen reddish-yellow. The wingless agamic form can only be confounded with Biorhiza, which is much larger than it, has a carina between the antenns, the head dilated more behind the eyes, the ventral spine only 1 to 13 times longer than wide, and the parapsidal keels complete. The sexual form is easily known by the reddish- yellow abdomen and large wings. There are only two Huropean species known, and the sexual form is one of the best marked in the whole family. 1. TRIGONASPIS MEGAPTERA. Pl. I, fig. 4 (megaptera, renuwm) ; Pl. XV, fig. 7 (megaptera). Cynips megaptera, Pz., F. G., Heft 79, 7. Trigonaspis crustalis, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 195; Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxi, 198, pl. xi, fig. 18a; Licht., Cyn., 62, pl. ii, fig. 18 a. — megaptera, Marshall, KE. M. M., iv, 272; Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 31. Cynips crustalis, Thoms., Opuse, 782, 4. Biorhiza renum, Giraud, Verh. z.-b. ges. Wien, 1859, 362; Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxi, 197, pl. xi, fig. 18; Licht., Cyn., 61, pl. ii, fig. 18. Trigonaspis renum, Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 31. Agamic Form.—Apterous, yellowish-red, the abdomen darker, with the legs paler than the body; thorax punctured, opaque, abdomen shining ; the vertex finely shagreened. Antenne 13-jointed, the last joint twice the length of the penultimate; claws simple, dilated at the base. Length 1°5 mm. The only other European species is B. synaspis, Htg., which may be known from ours by the claws being cleft, and by the antenne having 14 joints. Gall.—Small, 1—2 mm., irregularly kidney-shaped, greenish yellow, sometimes reddish; soft, succulent, usually crowded together along the nervures. Length 2to 3 mm. Found in the autumn, falling when 116 ‘TRIGONASPIS MEGAPTERA, ripe. The insects are very difficult to rear, and are very irregular in the length of time which they take to reach maturity. As Giraud has pointed out (I. ¢.), the galls inhabited by the gall-maker become black, regular and ovoid in shape; while those tenanted by parasites retain the irregular shape and the fresh colour. 7 The only British inquiline is Synergus thawmacera, but on the Continent S. varius, Htg., has been bred by Mayr; S. vulgaris by Giraud; Hartig mentions S. tibialis, Htg., as having been reared by him, and Brischke 8S. ruficornis and 8. pallicornis. Giraud bred Mesopolobus fasciiventris, West., Calli- mome fuscicrus, Gir., and von Schlechtendal a ¢ Tory- mus. Brischke records Pteromalus Sawesenw, Pleuro- tropis cyrriphidum, and Mesopolobus fascuventris. Sexual Form.—Black, very shining; the abdomen bright reddish- yellow, darkened at the apex; the legs yellowish-red, paler in tint than the abdomen, the coxe at base infuscated; antenne dull reddish-brown at the base, the apex darker; wings large, clouded at the base of the radial cellule and before the cubitus, the nervures dark fuscous; vertex ‘shagreened; pronotum obliquely striolated, scutellum irregularly cori- aceous, depressed in the middle above; pleure shining. The ¢ similar, with the third joint distinctly curved. Length, 2 3:5to45mm., ¢ 2:5 to3 mm. Gall.—Roundish, oval, or ovoid, of rather variable form and size; soft, smooth, succulent, white or creamy-white with reddish cheeks, sometimes almost entirely red; the central cavity small. Length from 3 to 8 mm. When old they shrivel up and become wrinkled. They are found at the roots or on the trunks of old oaks at a distance of 1 to3 feet from the ground, and arise from small buds, not from the bark, as might be supposed from a cursory examination. They are found either singly or in masses, and are frequently hidden by moss. They appear in May. - The inquilines are Synergus thaumacera and Syner- gus erythrocerus according to Hartig, and S. facialis and S. pallicornis according to Brischke. As parasites it possesses Syntomaspis fastuosa ; GENUS BIORHIZA. _ 18) Torymus flavipes, Wlk.; T. amenus; Callimome rubri- ceps, Latr., according to Brischke, who also gives Limneria exareolata as a parasite. Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Austria. Genus BIioRHIZA. Biorhiza, Westwood, Int.. ii, 56, App.; Mayr, Genera, 31. Apophyllus, Hartig, Germs. Zeit., 11, 185. Teras, Hartig, 1. c. Dryoteras, Foerster, Verh. z.-b. ges. Wien, 1869, 331. Agamic.—Apterous. Parapsidal furrows entire, acute; a blunt keel between the antenne ; head dilated behind the eyes; ventral spine one to one and a half times as long as thick. A transverse furrow at the base of the scutellum. Antenne 14-jointed; the third joint longer than the fourth. Mesothorax contracted in the middle. Abdomen large, somewhat compressed, longer than the head and thorax united. Cheeks hardly half the length of the eyes. Metanotal keels above parallel, then diverging, and converging again at the apex. Claws simple. On the mesonotum only the space between the furrows is smooth, the rest being aciculate. Sexual Form.—The 2 agrees very closely with the agamic, but is usually winged; the wings having an open radial cellule, the radial cellule moderately long; the first abscissa of the radius curved; the areolet well defined. The antenne are 14-jointed; the third joint longer than the fourth. Mesonotum smooth, impunctate all over; the mesonotum not contracted in the middle. The abdomen as long as the head and thorax. At the base of the scutellum are two distinctly separated fovee. The ¢ has the antenne 16-jointed, the third joint curved; the head not dilated behind the eyes. It is noteworthy that the sexual female may have the wings rudimentary or wanting; in which case it approximates in the shape of the thorax to the agamic. The & so far as I know is never apterous nor with rudimentary wings. The colour of both forms is yellowish. There is only one Huropean species, and one is known from North America, 118 BIORHIZA TERMINALIS. Bl1ORHIZA TERMINALIS. Pl. I, fig. .5 (terminalis); Pl. III (aptera) fig. 4; Pl. XV, figs. 9 (aptera), 9a (terminalis); PI. XVII, fig. 8 (aptera). Cynips quercus terminalis, Fab., E. 8. Supp. 213; Thoms. Opusce., 782. Teras terminalis, Marshall, E.M.M., iv, 148; Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxi, 194, pl. xi, fig.17 a; Licht., Cyn., 58, pl. ii, fig. 17 a. Biorhiza terminalis, Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 32. Cynips aptera, Fab., HE. 8. ii, 104; Thoms. Opusc., 782. Biorhiza aptera, Marshall, H.M.M., iv, 172; Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxi, 192, pl. xi, fig. 17; Licht., Cyn., 56, pl. ii, fig. 17; Mayr, Hurop. Cyn., 32. Agamic Form.—Apterous; yellow and red; the apical half of the antenne and the apex of the abdomen more or less blackish ; vertex, front, and occiput opaque, closely punctured; mesonotum more shining, especially in the middle, more or less punctured in front; the meso- pleure richly pilose, shagreened, propleurz, closely punctured ; scu- tellum flat, finely punctured, a deep and wide furrow at its base; par- apsidal furrows generally complete and distinct. Length 3°5 to 75 mm. The species varies greatly in length, and the smaller specimens have the sculpture much less clearly indicated than in the larger examples, while further the parapsidal furrows and the furrow at the base of the scutellum become more or less obsolete. Gall.—Found on the roots of oaks. Form and size irregular, the latter ranging from 5 to 20mm. At first soft, white, marked with reddish, it becomes with age very hard and woody, and in colour brownish. They occur gregariously or solitarily, and the number of larval chambers varies. The fly issues in December and January; climbs up the trunk of a tree, chooses a suitable bud, places its head downwards, tunnels the bud from right to left with the ovipositor, and then inserts the eggs, which are found almost in a mass at the bottom of the bud. No inquiline is known from this gall. The parasite is Torymus nobilis. BIORHIZA TERMINALIS. 119 Sexual Form.—Yellow to yellowish-red; the apical half or so of the antenne and the dorsum of abdomen more or less blackish; wings hyaline, the nervures pale fuscous. Head aciculate, somewhat opaque, the mesothorax more shining, slightly and very finely punctured, the pleure shining, impunctate; parapsidal furrows distinct; scutellum ny and finely rugosely punctured, and with two fovee at its ; ae 3mm. The ¢ is always winged, but the ? not infrequently has the wings rudimentary or entirely obsolete, in which case there is a slight change in the convexity of the scutellum. | Gall_—The well-known Oak or King Charles’ apple, and worn by country boys in England on the 29th May. Found on the terminal buds, very rarely in the lateral. In size very variable, the average having a diameter of about 20 mm.; soft, spongy, white with rosy cheeks when young, older greyish or pale brownish-yellow. In the interior are found a large number of larval chambers of a yellowish-white colour; these cells being united by a spongy substance, soft and solid when young, becoming dry and friable when old. They occur in May and June, the flies coming out at the end of May or early in June. I have never had any Synergus other than facialis from these galls, nor has any one else, so far as I am aware, except Walker, who records S. socialis as an inquiline. Socialis is a synonym of melanopus. He bred it in June of the same year, and alsoin March and April of the following year. The latter observation 1s, however, not consistent with what we know of the history of 8. facialis, which always appears in June to July of the same year, so that it is quite possible that Walker may have really bred melanopus. On the other hand it may be that facialis, sometimes like so many of the true gall-makers, may take some months longer than usual to reach maturity. Walker, it may be added, states that ‘‘ a few speci- mens of other species of Cynipites appeared in the summer,” but no further indication is given as to what these were. 120 BIORHIZA TERMINALIS. The parasites are rather numerous, but it does not follow that all those bred from the galls prey on ter- minalis, some of them feeding possibly on the inqul- lines. Torymus abdominalis, Boh., = cingulatus, Nees, = cyniphidum, Ratz.; T. regius, Nees, = inconstans, Walk. ; longicaudis, Ratz., = leucopterus, Walk.; T.. auratus, Fons., = viridissimus, Boh., = autumnalis, Walk., = confinis, Walk., = mutabilis, Walk., = lep- tocerus, Walk., = minutus, Walk., = muscarwm, Nees, = propinquus, Foer. = nanus, Foer., = appropin- quans, Ratz., = gallarum, Ratz. Syntomaspis caudata, Nees, = crinicaudis, Ratz.; Megastigmus dorsalis, F., — Bohemanni, Rtz , = xanthopygus, Foer.; Hurytoma rosx, Decatoma biguttata, by Brischke, D. immaculata, by Walker, and D. signata, by Ratzeburg; Hupelmus urozonus, Olinw scianewrus, Rtz., sec. Mayr, = Hue- doreschus, Walk. ; Hulophus gallarwm, Li. (probably the specimens recorded under this name from these galls are only O. scianeurus) ; H. agathyllus, Walk. ; #. rami- cornis (Brischke); Tetrastichus Diaphantes, Walk. Walker records the following species of Pteromalus : naubolus, ovatus, domesticus, delectus, fuscipennis, fus- civentris, hilaris, platynotus, planus, decidens, semifas- ciatus, dubius, all described by himself. Ratzeburg gives as parasites, or at least as frequenters of the galls: Pteromalus Oordari, Ratz.; meconotus, Ratz.; steno- notus, Ratz. ; leucopezus, Ratz. (?) ; gallicus, Ratz. ; and Dufowrii, Ratz.; Platymesopus Westwoodi, Ratz.; P. Erichsoni, Ratz. Walker bred a Cerraphon and Inos- tenna Boscit, and Ratzeburg Dendrocerus Lichtenstein, Walk., all three pertaining to the Ozxyura. Various species of _Ichneumonide and Braconide have been reared, but the majority preyed without doubt on casual dwellers in the galls, namely Pimpla calobata, Gr., P. caudata, Ratz., and P. alternans, Gr.; Hemi- teles areator, Pz., H. coactus, Ratz., and H. puncta- tus, Ratz. (Ratzeburg); Lampronota segmentata, F. ; Cryptus hortulanus, Gr. The Braconide recorded are: Bracon caudatus, Apanteles breviventris, Ratz. ; GENUS DRYOPHANTA, ~ 121 Microtypus Wesmaelia, Ratz.; and Microdus rufipes, ~ Wesm. Commonly distributed i in Europe. Genus DRYOPHANTA, ~~” Dryophanta, Foerster, Verh. z. fi, Ges. Wien, 1869, 335 ; Mayr. Genera, 35. Liodora, Foerster, |. c. Cheeks without furrow, half as long as the eyes. Antenne 14 9°, longish, the third joint not much longer than the fourth. Parapsidal furrows entire; in some species there is a transverse furrow at the base of the scutellum ; keels on the median segment recurvate. Abdo- men longer than the head and thorax; the second segment sometimes at the apex above produced. Claws bifid. Wings elongate; the radial cellule open, long, and narrow, the areolet present. Head, thorax, and legs thickly haired; the antenne and tibiw with long, stiff, erect hair. Ventral spine pilose. Thorax more or less punctured or aciculate. The sexual forms have the body only very sparsely haired, the mesonotum without sculpture, and the antenne and legs without stiff hairs. The head is not dilated behind the eyes; the ventral spine not thickly haired. The ¢ has the antenne 15-jointed, the third joint emarginate, the abdomen petiolate. The species are blackish, variegated with brownish, the legs reddish-brown, more or less black. The agamic females are mostly easily separated, but the sexual forms are so much alike that it is impossible to distinguish them. Besides our species there are three other Pale- arctic species known, namely D. pubesescentis, Mayr (= foli, Schenck, perhaps only a race of foliv), D cornifex, Htg., and D. flosculi, Gir. 122 SYNOPSIS OF THE SPECIES. 153 On BO bdo - Table of the Species. Agamic form. | Time of appearing. Sexual form. /Time of appearing. TDF OUGO. sooendosnnee January and | D. Taschenbergi | May and June. February D. longiventris...; | November DRStMltS saacen eee 60 D. divisa wi... | October and | D. verrucosa...... 66 November D. agama... a Unknown ......... D. disticha ...... 2 Unknown ......... Synopsis of the Species. (8) Antennz and legs thickly covered with long, stiff, erect hairs; neal and thorax for the greater part brownish-red. Agamic ~ orms. (7) Abdomen elongate; the second segment tongue-shaped, produced at the apex ; projecting acutely above. (6) The entire mesonotum thickly and uniformly haired. (5) The twelfth antennal joint as broad as long; the femora reddish- yellow, sometimes lined with black. Folit. (4) The twelfth antennal joint broader than long, the femora brownish. Longiventris. (3) The mesonotum not pilose all over. Agama. (2) The second abdominal segment not produced greatly, and ending before the extreme apex; not.acute or elongate. Divisa and disticha. (1) Head and legs not thickly covered with long stiff hairs; the head and thorax black; shining. Sexual forms. A. Abdomen elongate ; the second segment produced to the apex; tongue-shaped; projecting acutely above (Species 1 to 3). 1. DRYOPHANTA FOLII. Pi 1, fig: OB (fol); Pi Wl, fie. a (aschenberguy, Pl. XVI, fig. 2 (folii). Cynips quercus folii, Linn., 8. N., i, p. 918. Diplolepis scutellaris, Oliv., Ene. Méth., v. 282. DRYOPHANTA FOLII. 123 Cynips folii, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 187; Thoms., Opusc., 790. — scutellaris, Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 56. Dryophanta scutellaris, Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool.,. xxxv, 186, pl. xi, fig. 14; Licht., Cyn., 48, pl. ii, fig. 14. folii, Mayr, Baro Cyn., 36. Shamhennatens Taschenbergi, Schlecht., S. H..Z., 1870, p. 391; Adler, Zeits. WISS. Zool., XXX, 188, pl. xi, fig. l4a; Licht., Cyn., 50, pl. i, fig. 14a. Dryophanta Taschenbergi, Mayr, Hurop. Cyn., 35. — Agamic form. —Black ; the orbits, sometimes the pleura, more or less of the mesonotum and of the scutellum, reddish-brown ; the legs black, with the femora reddish-yellow, and tibice more or less brownish ; wings elongate, hyaline, the nervures pitchy, the base of the radial cellule and the cubitus blackish, the nervures there thickened; the twelfth an- tennal joint as long as broad; antennz brownish-black, the first and second joints sometimes reddish. Length 3 to 3:5 mm. The femora are often lined with black. The hairis long and thick, and is equally distributed over the mesonotum, in which respect it differs from agama. Gall.—The largest of the pea-shaped galls found on the underside of the leaf, but as regards its size it is well to note that in this respect it varies from 3 to 12 mm. in diameter. It is found on the mid rib on the underside of the leaf, to which it is attached by a very small part only. It is spherical, smooth, some- times with minute warts, yellowish- white, with usually the cheeks broadly bright red; soft and spongy, drying up when old, the surface then becom- ing irregular and gibbous. It is found in July, falls to the earth when ripe, and delivers the fly in October. The only inquilines mentioned by Mayr are Syn- ergus pallicorms, S. Tscheki, Sapholytus connatus, but Hartig gives S. vulgaris and Newroterus parasiticus as tenants. The parasites are Syntomaspis lazulina, Torymus abdominalis, T. regius, Decatoma biguttata, ’ Burytoma setigera, Mayr ; H. rose. Kirchner mentions also Torymus incertus, Foer.; Pteromalus jucundus, Foer. ; and P. fasciculatus. Ratzeburg records Porizon clavi- 124 DRYOPHANTA LONGIVENTRIS. ventris, Gir. ; Bracon aterrimus, Ratz. ; and Orthostigma gallarum, Ratz. Fitch (Hnt., ix, 123) states Mr. Rothera bred (as named by Mr. Walker) Hurytoma nodularis, Megastigmus dorsalis, Callimome elegans, and C. antennatus. Sexual Form.—Black, very shining, impunctate; scutellum opaque, finely rugose; very shortly and sparsely pilose; pleure shining, impunctate; legs yellowish or reddish-yellow, black at the base, the femora infuscated; wings hyaline, with a yellowish smoky tinge at the base. 2 and ¢. Gall.—F ound in the adventitious buds at the foot of old oaks early in May. It is oval, rounded at the apex, about 3 mm. in length, violaceous and velvety when young, the latter quality being caused by the surface being covered with microscopic whitish pile. The shell is thin, the larva occupying the entire inte- rior of the gall. When old, the violet tinge and the velvety aspect disappear. Length 3 mm. Sometimes three or more galls are found touching each other; but they are also found singly. This gall has a considerable resemblance to that of similis; but it may be known from the latter by being, as a rule, 1 mm. longer, by the apex being broadly rounded, by the deeper violaceous tinge and more distinct velvety texture, and by the surface not bearing long white hairs. A gall apparently that of Taschenbergi was found on Quercus cerris at Kew by Miss Ormerod, and is fioured, Ent., x, 43. Common. 2, DRYOPHANTA LONGIVENTRIS. Pl. II, figs. 1 (longiventris) and 1 a (swmilis). Cynips longiventris, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 188. Dryophanta longiventris, Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxi, 189, pl. ii, fig. 15; Licht. Cyn., 51, DRYOPHANTA LONGIVENTRIS. 125 pl. ii, fig. 15; Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 36. Spathegaster shinies Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxv, 190, pl. xi, fig. 15 a; Licht., Se 52, plu. fig. 15a; Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 35 : The only tangible points in which this species differs from folw are that the twelfth antennal joint is perceptibly longer than broad and that the femora are brownish. The sexual form cannot be separated. Gall (agamic).—Found in August, becoming ripe in October, when the flies leave them. They are situated on the nervures (the central or lateral) somewhat irre- gular in shape, hard and woody, about 7 to 8 mm. long, and about 4 to 5 mm. in height; the surface rough, gibbous, the gibbosities and the general surface whitish- yellow, marked frequently with reddish bands; the red forming continuous bands or irregular spots. The central cavity small, the walls being thick. The apex is not depressed. The inquiline is 8. pallicornis, and, according to Brischke, S. apicalis. Parasites: Syntomaspis cyanea, S. lazulina, Torymus abdominalis, T. regius, Hurytoma rose. Brischke gives Callumome longiventris, Kalten- bach Hntedon cyniphidium, and Ratzeburg Hlachestus cyniphidium as parasites. Gall (sexual).—Found on the adventitious buds on old oaks, sometimes also from those issuing from the bark, and also from the small twigs. Length about 2mm.; ovoid, pointed at the apex, green, velvety, covered with long whitish hairs, which are sometimes so numerous as to give the gall a whitish appearance. It is found in May or at the end of April, the flies coming out early in May as a rule. Distribution : common. Germany, Austria, Switzerland. 126 DRYOPHANTA AGAMA. 38. DRYOPHANTA AGAMA. Pl. I, fig. 2. Cynips agama, Htg., Germs. Zeits., 11,188. Dryophanta agama, Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 36; Hichengallen, 37. The abdomen is formed as in foli and longiventris, with which it agrees closely in coloration of the body; but the legs are yellowish- red with only the coxe at base blackish; the antenne are brownish- black, sometimes yellowish-red at the base, and the mesonotum has the hinder part in the centre very smooth and shining and almost glabrous; the fore part of the mesonotum too not being so thickly haired as in folti. It is also asmaller species. The twelfth antennal joint is distinctly longer than broad, as in longiventris. Length 3 mm. The sexual form is unknown, but we have no definite evidence that it may not have a spring form. Gall.—Length averaging 4 mm., oval or ovoid ; the colour pale yellowish, seldom or never with red or pink on the sides; the surface marked with asperities ; the central hollow large, the shell being thin; found on the underside of the leaves, on the veins, in July and August. Easily known from the galls of divisa by being smaller, more globular, and by the large central cavity. | | The inquilines are Synergus pallicorms and S. albipes, and, according to Brischke, S. apicalis. Parasites : Syntomaspis cyanea; S. eurynotus, Foer. (Giraud) ; Torymus pubescens, Foer.; T. regius, Hurytoma signata (Kaltenbach) ; Hupelmus wrozonus, Pteromalus fascicu- latus, Foer.; P. fuscipalpis, Foer. Brischke records Torymus cultriventus, Ratz. (Mayr gives as the host of this species Harmomyia Fag), T. abdominalis, Deca- toma biguttata, and Hurytoma rose. Not common, and local. Germany, Austria. _DRYOPHANTA DIVISA. 127 B. Second abdominal segment not produced greatly to the apex above, and ending before the extreme apex, not produced above, nor acute, nor elongate. 4 DRYOPHANTA DIVISA. Pl. Il, figs. 4 (divisa) and 4 a (verrucosa) ; Pl. XVI, figs. 1 (divisa) and 1 a (verrucosa). Cynips divisa, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 188. Dryophanta divisa, Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxi, 190, pl. xi, fig. 16; Licht., Cyn., 53, pl. ii, fig. 16. Spathegaster verrucosus, Schlecht., S. EH. Z., 1870, 389; Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., xxxi, 191, pl. xi, fig. 16a; Licht., Cyn., 54, pl. ii, fig. 16a; Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 35. Brownish-red ; the antenne, three large marks on the mesonotum ; the scutellar fovea, the middle of the mesopleurz, and the abdomen, black; the legs reddish-brown, the tint being redder than on the body ; the base of coxe and sometimes the tibie infuscated; the mesonotum and mesopleure thickly haired; the mesonotum punctured in front. Length 3 to 43 mm. The gall is smaller than that of longiventris, but is similar in shape, and, like it, is found on the veins on the underside of the leaf. The surface is smooth, glabrous, hard and woody, whitish-yellow, with cheeks usually bright red; the top as a rule is depressed in the centre. The larval cavity small, the walls being thick. Frequently the surface bears a few minute warts; also the red colour may be entirely absent ; and with age the colour becomes brownish. Over a dozen may be found on a single leaf. Found from July onwards; the flies emerge in October. : Inquilines, Synergus pallicornis, S. Tscheki, and S. albipes. Parasites, Syntomaspis cyanea, T. abdominalis, T. regis, Hurytoma setigera, Mayr; H. rose, Pteromalus merassatus (Brischke); Syntomaspis lazulina is re- 128 DRYOPHANTA DISTICHA. corded by Giraud; Pteromalus Sawesenii, Ratz., by Ratzeburg ; Torymus pubescens, Foer.; Hurytoma sig- nata, Nees; Hupelmus wrozonus, Dlm.; Pteromalus fasciculatus, Foer., by Kaltenbach; Hurytoma squama, Wilk. ?; Decatoma biguttata, Swed. ? oe Fitch (Hnt., 1x, 150). The galls frequently occur in enormous quantities, covering and bending down the leaves. The speci- mens frequented by Synergi are often very minute. Gall (sexual).—Found early in May when the leaves are beginning to expand, and generally on the ter- minal buds. They are usually on the young leaves, issuing from the mid-rib, or from the edge, the leaf being considerably distorted thereby ; they may be also found in the buds. They are about 4 mm. in length, rounded at base and apex, the apex, if anything, being slightly narrower than the base. The shell is very thin, the colour greenish or greenish-yellow, when young sometimes marked with red; the texture granu- lar, without any pubescence, but covered with minute liquid- -bearing vesicles. Common. | Germany, Austria, Seer) 5. DRYOPHANTA DISTICHA. Pl. I, fig. 3. Cynips disticha, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 188; Schenck, Nass. Cyn., 58. Aphilothriz disticha, Mayr, Hichengallen, 38, pl. v, fig. 53. Andricus disticha, Mayr, Eur. Cyn., 37. A species not easily separated from divisa, but normally sized examples may usually be known by the mesonotum in front being less strongly pilose and smoother; the mesopleure bear punctures and with a large, smooth, and bare spot in the middle. Gall.—Semicircular at the top, a little longer than wide, and nearly as high as it is long; pale yellow, smooth; at bottom narrowed towards the centre GENUS NEUROTHRUS. 129 which is depressed, the depression having a raised point by means of which it is attached to the leaf; above there is a semicircular depression, with an elongated elevation in its middle. Length 5—6 mm. ; width 3—4 mm.; height 4 mm. Inquilines.—Synergus pallicornis, S. albipes, and, if Brischke be correct, S. thawmacera. Parasites.—Syntomaspis cyaneus, S. regius, Hurytoma setigera, Mayr; H. rose. Kirchner records Siphonura Schmidti, Rtz., and S. brevicaudis, Rtz.; Brischke, Syntomaspis caudatus, Torymus abdominalis, T. awratus, Decatoma biguttata, Hurytoma signata, Pteromalus Saxe- sentt, Mesopolobus fasciwentris, Torymus variolosus, Olina gallarum, and Torymus abbreviatus, Boh. (= chloromerus, W1k.). Rare. Germany, Austria, Switzerland. Genus NEUROTERUS. Neuroterus, Htg., Germ. Zeits., ii, p. 185; Mayr, Eur. Cyn., 37 p. 37. Spathegaster, Htg., 1. c., 186. Ameristus, Foerster, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1869, 333. Manderstjernia, Radoszkowsky, Bull. Mosc., 1866, xxxix, 304, tab. ix, fig. 4, Scutellum not separated from mesonotum bya suture. Antenne, 9 138—15-jointed, ¢ 15-jointed, in 2 thickened towards the apex. Parapsidal furrows present, or more often incomplete. Cheeks short, furrowed or not furrowed. Scutellar depression complete, angled, without a keel at its fore border, except indistinctly in aprilinus. Abdomen lenticular, compressed, in ¢ petiolate. Wings with an elon- gated radial cellule, open at fore margin, but may be closed in aprilinus ; hyaline or spotted with smoky patches, or entirely smoky. Claws simple or bifid. Antenne and legs without depressed, longish, stiff hairs. Maxillary palpi 4-, labial 2-jointed. In the agamic form the abdomen is longer, larger, and more compressed than in the sexual, the ovipositor being also longer (occupying the entire abdominal cavity) and more or less spiral (in Jeviwsculis com- pletely spiral), instead of bemg short and straight as in the summer brood. In colour the species are black, with lighter-coloured legs ; red is never seen in Newro- VOL. IY. ) 130 NEUROTERUS LENTICULARIS. terus, but through immaturity some of the specimens are brownish. The galls of the agamic broods are flat, lenticular or button-shaped, and generally covered with hairs, and always found on the leaves, frequently in large numbers; the galls of the sexual summer brood are pea-shaped, soft, and succulent, as in baccarum and tricolor, sunk in the leaf, as in vesicatrixv, or small and hard, as in albipes. The genus is well marked by the absence of a suture between the scutellum and mesonotum. It contains eleven European species, and various species are known from North America. A. Parapsidal furrows distinct. 1. N&UROTERUS LENTICULARIS. Pl. III, figs. 1 (lenticularis) and 1 a (baccarum) ; Pl. XVI, figs. 4 (lenticularis) and 4 a (baccarwm). Cynips lenticularis, Olivier, Ent. Méth., vi, 281. Neuroterus Malpighii, Hte. .. Germs. Zeits, . i, 192; Tasch., Hym. Deut., 137; Thoms. .. Opusc., 788, 21. Neuroterus lenticularis, Adler, B. H. Z., xxi, 231; Zeits. wiss. Zool., 1880, 156, pl. x, tig. 1; Licht. Cyn., 7, pl. i, fis. ibe Mayr, Hurop. Cyn., 39; Eichengallen, 45, pl. vi, fig. 63; Schenck, “Beitrage, 67 and 106. Cynips quercus-baccarum, Linn., 8. N., ii, 917. Spathegaster interruptor, Htg., 1. ¢., ui, 341. —_— baccarum, Htg.,1.c.; Tasch., Hym. Deut., 135; Marsh, HE. M. M., iv, 125 and 225; Thoms., Opuse., 789; Zeits. wiss. Zool., 1880, 160, pl. x, fig. 1 a; Licht., Cyn., 13, pl. i, fig. 1a; Mayr, Europ. Cyn., 38 ; Hichengallen, 49, pl. vi, fig. 70; Schenck, Beitrage, 84 and 107. For galls, see also Malpighi, Opera Omnia, pl. vii, fig. 15; Réaumur, Ins., ii, pl. xl, figs. 8—10; Smith, Trans. Ent. Soc,, 1839; Proc., p. 43. Agamic Form.—Black, shining ; the antenne brownish, the basal two or three joints of the flagellum yellowish; legs yellowish, more or less of the coxe and base of femora blackish; wings hyaline, the first NEUROTERUS LENTICULARIS. 131 cubital cellule with a small fuscous cloud. Mesonotum shagreened, finely striated along the furrows. Ovipositor longer than the abdomen. Length 2—5 mm. Hasily known from the sexual form by the long curved ovipositor. Gall—More or less circular, usually pale yellow, sometimes brownish-red in colour; average diameter 43 mm.; flat beneath, with a minute knob by which it is attached to the leaf; above with the edges slightly curled up, and with a large conical elevation in the centre; the surface covered densely with radiating stellate hairs. It is worthy of remark that the galls of this species found on the Turkey oak at Kew Gardens are always of a deep purple colour. Inquilines.—Synergus Tscheki, Mayr, in April. Parasites.—Torymus auratus, T. hibernans, Mayr ; T. sodalis, Mayr; T’. fuscicruw, Giraud; Syntomaspis cau- data, Pteromalus dissectus, W\k. (Giraud) ; and P. tibialis, West. (Giraud). Also Decatoma biguttata according to Brischke, Pezomachus gallarwm, Giraud; Plewro- tropis sosarmus (Fitch). Walker (Ent., vi, 504) records Hurytoma signata; and Ratzeburg, on the authority of Tischbein’s rearings, Hntedon flavomacu- lata and Megastigmus dorsalis. As has been just stated, the sexual females lay their eggs in young oak leaves about the middle of June; the galls make their appearance in July, and fall to the earth in September or October. In the winter the galls swell up, becoming strongly convex ; the larva grows, and in the natural state becomes a pupa and imago in March or April. The eggs are laid in the leaf-buds, the ovipositor being introduced at the top and inserted between the scales. The number of galls found on a leaf is sometimes very great, exceeding 150, and occasionally they occur im enormous numbers. When they do so the leaves become very distorted ; and, owing to the galls being so closely packed together, they are very irregular in shape. 132 NEUROTBRUS LENTICULARIS. The parasitic Torymus I have found as an external feeding larva on the Newroterus in April; it lays its egos in the galls in September. Sexual Form.—Black; antenne brownish, the basal 2—5 joints brownish or clear yellow; legs yellow, the coxe at the base only or entirely black. Thorax and vertex opaque or semi-opaque, aciculated, especially on the lateral lobes of the mesonotum close to the furrows of the parapsides, where the aciculation becomes striated or wrinkled ; the middle lobe more shining, but very slightly aciculated. Scutellum strongly wrinkled. Wings longish, broad at the apex, hyaline or sub- hyaline, a brown splash in first cubital cellule. Ovipositor short. The ¢ has the third joint a little curved. Length 2—235 mm. The furrows of the mesonotum tend to become obsolete; the brown spot in the cubital cellule is not always present or clearly defined; the base of abdo- men may be brownish, and the femora in the ¢ are occasionally suffused with fuscous. Gall.—Berry-shaped or pea-shaped, spherical, smooth, soft, succulent, green with reddish cheeks, or entirely ereen; found on the under side of the leaf, in which case the attached base appears through the upper surface, or on the male catkins. The larval chamber surrounded by a whitish layer. The catkin galls generally smaller than the leaf ones. When the flies leave, the galls shrivel up, except those inhabited by inquilines. Diameter from 3 to 6 mm. Found in May and early in June, the insects escaping at the middle of June. } Inquilines.—Synergus facials, Htg., S. radiatus, Mayr, and S. albipes, all in the same year; likewise S. apicalis and S. ruficornis, according to Brischke. Parasites.—Torymus abdominals, T. incertus, T. re- gius, T. auratus, Hurytoma rose, Hupelmus annulatus, Nees (Giraud); Pteromalus ummaculatus, West. (Gi- raud); Tetrastichus atroceruleus, Nees (Giraud). According to Mr. C. G. Barrett, the Tortrix Scia- phila communana lives in the galls. The galls being so soft and succulent, the develop- ment of the flies of necessity must proceed rapidly, or otherwise they would perish through the galls NEUROTERUS FUMIPENNIS. 133 drying up or becoming rotten. By the middle of June most of the females have laid their eggs on the under side of tender and youngish leaves of the oak. Widely distributed. 2. NEUROTERUS PUNCTATUS. Spathegaster punctatus, Bignell, H. M. M., iii (2), 176. “Black; legs flavous, upper side of hind coxe, antenne except the first two or three joints, which are lighter fuscous. Hyes not so large nor so prominent as those of baccarum. Thorax: the mesonotum trilobate, with deep furrows continued to the scutellum, where the punctures are very shallow, the sides closely punctured. Wings hyaline. “ Length 2°5 mm. “ At first sight it has all the appearance of Spathe- gaster baccarwm, but when closely examined the sculp- ture of the thorax separates it from that species, and the wings are free from fuscous clouds. “Tn baccarum the mesosternum is separated from the mesonotum by a raised rounded ridge, much more prominent than that of the species now described, and the furrows on the mesonotum are much shallower and shorter (Bignell, 1. c.).”’ Bred by Mr. Bignell from oak buds which appa- rently were not expanded or distorted. The inquiline is Saphylotus connatus. Plymouth. 3. NEUROTERUS FUMIPENNIS. Pl. I, figs. 1 (tricolor) and 1 a (fumipennis) ; Pl. XVI, 7 Bo fh Neuroterus fumipennis, Htg., Germs. Zeits., ii, 339; Tasch., Hym. Deut., 137; Mayr, Hichen- gallen, 45, pl. 11, fig. 64; Hurop. Cyn., 38; Thoms., Opusc., 789; Adler, B. E. Z., xxi, 232 ; Zeits. wiss. Zool., 1880, 164, pl. x, fig. 4; Licht., Cyn., 18, pl. i, fig. 4. 1384 NEUROTERUS FUMIPENNIS. Spathegaster tricolor, Htg., 1. c., 341; Schenck, Beitrage, 107 and 135; Mayr, Eichengallen, 49, pl. vi, fig. 71; Europ. Cyn., 38; Adler, Zeits. wiss. Zool., 1880, 165, pl. x, fig. 4a; Licht., Cyn.,19, pl. i, fig. 4 a. — varius, Schenck, Beitrage, 87. Agamic Form.—Black; antennz brownish, the basal three joints and legs yellow; cox generally brownish; wings hyaline, a brownish splash i in first cubital cellule. Mesonotum: finely and distinctly acicu- lated, striated or wrinkled at the sides, the centre less strongly shagreened and more shining; scutellum shagreened strongly and str iated. Length 2—2°8 mm. It is difficult to distinguish this species from numismatis; the mesonotum is, however, generally more strongly aciculated, the basal two joints of the antennze are yellow, and the legs are usually of a much clearer yellow than in the other species. Gall.—This gall resembles very closely that of lenticularis, from which it is not always easily recognised. It is smaller, never exceeding 3 mm., is much redder in tint; the border is more distinctly curled up, the centre being thus more depressed, and instead of being gradually raised there, there is only a small knob-like elevation; the under side bears stellate hairs, but not so thiekly as the upper side; and it is also darker on the lower side, being never whitish or yellowish as in lenticularis ; and, lastly, it is much less gregarious. The larva does not develop till April, pene later in its period of development than lenticularis and numis- matis, the imago not appearing till May. Inquiline.—Synergus Tscheke. Parasite.—Torymus sodalis. Sexual Form.—Black; the two basal joints of the antennz clear brown, tegule light testaceous, legs yellowish-red, abdomen broadly yellowish at the base. Head and mesonotum aciculated, the middle lobe of mesonotum more shining, but slightly aciculated in some speci- mens. Scutellum rugose. Wings subhyaline at the base, the apex smoky ; a large smoky cloud at the end of the first cubital, and a smaller one at the end of radial cellules. 2°. Length 2 mm, NEUROTERUS LAVIUSCULTIS. 1385 The antenne are often brownish towards the apex ; the amount of yellow at the base of abdomen varies; the apex, too, may be yellowish, and the ovipositor is testaceous. Gall.—Found in June and July on the under side of the leaves or on the leaf peduncle; small, roundish, whitish or pale yellow, covered with long, glistening, white hairs, which fall off at maturity ; generally many occur on one leaf. Diameter 3 mm. It is a later species than baccarum, the flies not making their appearance before the middle of July. The gall, as well as that of fuwmipennis, is found on young shrubs or on the twigs growing at the foot of old oaks. With age the galls become bare, in which state they can hardly be known from those of bac- carum. ‘lhe central cavity is, however, longer in t- color. Inquilines.—Synerqus albipes, Hte., 8. facialis, Htg., and S. thawmacera, Dalm., all in June and July of the same year. Parasites.— Hurytoma rose ; and Mr. Rothera (Ent., x, 235) bred a Torymus and a Pteromalus from them. Widely distributed in Hurope. 4, NEUROTERUS LEVIUSCULIS. Pl. I, figs. 2 (albipes) and 2 a (leviusculis). Neuroterus leviusculis, Schenck, Beitrage, 70; Mayr, Hichen- gallen, 46, pl. vi, fig. 65 ; Europ. Cyn., 38 ; Adler, B. E. Z., xxi, 232; Z. wiss. Zool., 1880, 161, pl. x, fig. 2; Licht., Cyn., 14, pl. 15 fig. 2. — pexiaxformis, seuleonte 8 E. Z., 1870, 384. Spathegaster albipes, Schenck, Beitri age, 85 ; Mayr, Eicnen- gallen, 50, pl. vi, fig. 72 ; Europ. Cyn., 39; Adler, B. H. Z., xxi, 232; Z. wiss. Zool., 1880, 162, pl. x. fig. 2a; Licht., Cyn., 15, pl. ii, fig. 2 a. Agamiec Form.—Black ; legs brownish or brownish-black, the apices of all the joints yellow, and sometimes more or less of the anterior tibiz. Antenne brownish-black, sometimes with the basal two joints yellowish beneath, the last two joints indistinctly separated. Head 136 NEUROTERUS LEVIUSCULIS. and thorax shining, vertex distinctly aciculated, mesonotum finely aciculated at the sides and indistinctly in the centre, which is strongly shining. Abdomen compressed laterally, subovate, elongated. Wings hyaline, immaculate. Length 2—3 mm. The coloration of the legs is variable, some speci- mens having a greater amount of yellow on the tibie and femora than others. The subovate abdomen, which is longer than the head and thorax together, shining thorax, brownish legs, and immaculate wings serve to distinguish it from lenticularis and numismatis. Gall.—In shape irregularly circular, often more or less incised, flat, bare, without stellate hairs; the colour green, greenish-yellow, or reddish; the sides some- times raised or curled, the centre with a distinct small knob, this being sometimes surrounded by hairs. It is found on the under side of the leaf, and never occurs in great numbers on one leaf. Length 4 mm. From both lenticularis and fumipennis this gall is to be usually recognised by the surface being bare or but very sparsely haired. On the average it is smaller than lenticularis, from which it differs in the very distinct, clearly defined central knob, that of lenticu- laris not being anything so distinct. Itis larger than fumipennis, and it is seldom that its border is so clearly curled up as in that form. Inquiline.—Synergus Tscheki in April. Parasites.—Torymus sodalis, T. hibernans. Sexual Form.—Black, smooth, shining; the basal four or five joints of antenne yellow, the rest often brownish or brownish- yellow, espe- cially at the apex and on the under side; legs whitish-yellow, the cox, the greater part of femora, and sometimes the tibiz brownish, seldom entirely whitish-yellow ; ovipositor testaceous; wings hyaline, imma- culate ; nervures fuscous or pallid. The ¢ has atrace of aciculation on the mesonotum; the third joint of the antennez but slightly curved, the petiole generally short, other- wise asin 9. Length 1—1:‘7 mm. The smallest species, and easily known by the hya- line wings and white legs, more or less darkened on the coxee and femora. Gall.—Found on the edges of the leaves, the part NEUROTERUS NUMISMATIS. 137 where the gall is being contracted orincised. Length 1—2 mm., more or less oval, usually with a point at the apex; yellowish-white, smooth, sometimes slightly pilose. The imago escapes in June, and, like the other Neuroteri, oviposits in the tender leaves. Apart from its position on the leaf, I am unable to find any definite characters whereby the gall can be known from those of Andricus nudus and A. gemmatus. Inquiline.—Synergus apicalis, Htg. Common and of wide distribution, but not nearly so abundant as the common spanegle gall (lenticularis). 5. NEUROTERUS NUMISMATIS. Pl. III, figs. 2 (nwmismatis) and 2a (vesicatria) ; Pl. XVI, figs. 3 (nwmismatis) and 3 a (vesicatriz). Cynips numismatis, Oliv., Enc. Meth., v, 787. Neuroterus Reaumuri, Htg., Germs. Zeit., 11, 192; Schenck, Beitrage, 67. — numismatis, Mayr, Hichengallen, 44, pl. vi, fig. 62; Europ. Cyn., 39; Adler, D. E. Z., xxi, 232; Z. wiss. Zool., 1880, 163, pl. x, fig. 3; Licht., Cyn., 16, pl. 1, fig. 3. Spathegaster vesicatriz, Sigtibveltes. Y B. Ver. Zwickau, 1871, 33 ; S. E. Z., 1870, 387; Mayr, Hichen- gallen, 51, pl. vi, fig. 74; Europ. Cyn., 39; Adler, l. c., 163, pl. x, fig. 3a; Licht., Cyn., pl. u, fig. 3 a. Agamic Form.—Black ; antenne brownish-black, somewhat lighter at the base; legs brownish, brownish-yellow, or fuscous. Wings hyaline, a brownish spot at the base of the first cubital cellule. Mesonotum shining, especially in the centre; very finely aciculated; scutellum shagreened. Length 2—23 mm. Gall.—Round, averaging 2 mm. in diameter, a large circular depression in the centre, the depression being wider than the sides; bare and reddish, the sides closely covered with golden, depressed, silky hairs. Found on the under side of the leaf, generally in numbers. 1388 NEUROTERUS APRILINUS. This is commonly known as the “ button gall.” These galls are found from July onwards. The imagos escape in April, and lay their eggs in the leaf- buds. Inquilines.—Synergus Tscheki, Mayr, in April. Parasites. — Torymus fuscicrue, Giraud. Walker (Zool., iv, 145) records Callumome mutabilis, Platyme- sopus tibialis, Hurytoma curta, H. xthiops, Boh., Hu- pelmus urozonus; and Fitch (Ent., x, 69) Plewrotropis sosarmus. Sexual Form.—Black ; antenne brownish, the second and the greater part of the third yellow ; legs yellow; the coxe, except at apex, and femora more or less black ; the trochanters and hind tibize sometimes brownish. Wings hyaline, a very faint smoky cloud at end of first cubital cellule. Vertex aciculated; mesonotum smooth, shining, the parapsidal furrows generally obsolete ; scutellum smooth, shining, scarcely aciculated. Length 1°5—2 mm. Gall.—tIrregularly semicircular or oval, 2—3 mm., pale green; a swelling in the leaf, projecting from both sides; on the top in the centre is a small raised point, from which radiate to the circumference minute keels. The under surface bears no knob, nor has it distinct keels. It is raised on both sides hardly § mm. from the surface of the leaf. There is no inner gall, and the larva escapes by the upper side. The gall is found at the end of May and in diene: and the female oviposits in the tender leaves. Common and of wide distribution. 6. NEUROTERUS APRILINUS. PL. V, fig. 2. Spathegaster aprilinus, Gir., Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1859, 363; Mayr, Hichengallen, 32, pl. iv, fig. 42; Europ. Cyn., 37; Adler, Z. wiss. Zool., 201, pl. x, he. I9@5) iichtes Cyn., 65, pl. xi, fig. 19a; Beyerinck, Beob. u. d. ersten Entwickel. einiger Cynipiden Gallen, p. 138. NEUROTERUS APRILINUS. 139 _ Neuroterus Schlechtendali, Mayr, Hichengallen, 62; Schlech- tendal, W. EH. Z., 99—106; F. Loew, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1884, 323. Black ; the base of the legs brownish; the apex of femora broadly, the tibiz and tarsi lemon-yellow; wings hyaline. Antenne 14-jointed, thickish ; the second joint thicker than long. The furrows on the cheeks distinct. Mesonotum shagreened; parapsidal furrows shallow, indistinct. Median segment with basal area bounded by circular keels, Claws simple. Radial cellule often closed. Length 23 mm. M The 14-jointed, stout antennz, the second joint being thicker than long, and the simple claws, suffi- ciently distinguish this species. The gall is found at the end of April or beginning of May in the terminal or axillary leaf-buds; on those buds, namely, whereof the leaves have not begun to grow. In form they are very variable, being conical, oval, or ovoid, and may at the apex terminate in a point. The colour when young is green or yellowish-green, and they may also be tinged with red; with age they become brownish. They are smooth and glabrous, thin-walled; internally contain one to five cells separated by thin walls, these cells being larger than common, so that the larva is not closely surrounded by the wall as is usual, but is able to move freely. Hxternally the cells are indicated by bulgings or by keels. The size is variable. The larger specimens project one-half or three-fourths out of the buds, but the smaller not if at all, the buds in this case being enlarged or distorted. With age they shrivel up. They are found from the 15th April to the beginning of May, and grow to maturity very quickly, yielding up the insects within three days from the appearance of the galls. I have unfortunately not had at hand a fresh specimen for ‘figuring, and the dried galls are hardly characteristic of the fresh. Mayr records Ceroptres arator as its inquiline, but suggests that it may really have issued from the twig 140 NEUROTERUS APRILINUS. gall of Andricus noduli. Mayr bred Platymesopus tibialis, Westw., from the galls. There seems to be some doubt as to the agamic form of this species. Adler (Zeits. f. wissen. Zoologie, xxxv, 200) suggested, from a certain resemblance and from the form of the ovipositor, that it was Newroterus ostreus. Beyerinck, on the other hand (Beob. u. d. ersten Entwick. einiger Cynipiden Gallen, p. 138), re- lates that he has bred Newroterus aprilinus from the galls of Andricus solitaria. Von Schlechtendal (1. c¢.), how- ever, concludes from his observations that Newroterus Schlechtendali, Mayr, is the agamic form, and this view is further confirmed by the observations of Dr. F. Loew. Again, there can be little doubt, as Mayr has shown, that ostreus, being an Andricus, can hardly be the agamic form of a Newroterus. Sexual Form.—Black, shining ; mandibles, basal half of the antennz and legs rufo-testaceous; the apical half of the antenne, the femora and tibie infuscated ; the coxe fuscous; the antenne 13-jointed; the second antennal joint ovate and equal in length to the first; the third a little longer than the fourth; the front, vertex, mesonotum, and abdomen polished and very shining; parapsidal furrows abbreviated or obsolete; scutellum punctate, rugulose, in front in the middle some- what smooth (Mayr). 2. Length 0:9—1:1 mm. Mayr says that the thirteenth joint in some specimens appears to be composed of two amalgamated. The gall is very small, and is found on the oak catkins in May. It is 1 mm. in length, contracted at the base, dilated from a little below the middle through a stout keel, which proceeds from there to the top of the gall, where the keels become contracted. The part surrounded by the two keels is somewhat triangular. They are flattened laterally ; when fresh, green and bare, becoming brownish with age. The part of the catkin from which they spring is dilated. Not very common in England and Scotland, Ger- many, Austria. NEUROTERUS POLITUS. 141 B. Parapsidal furrows obsolete. 7. NEUROTERUS POLITUS. Neuroterus politus, Htg., Germs. Zeit., ii, 193; 11,339 ; Marshall, E. M. M., iv, 125 “Minute, black ; mouth, base of the antenne, and the legs dull testa- ceous, coxe black at the base. Mesonotum smooth, shining, without sutural lines or punctures. Scutellum shining in the middle, opaque and punctured at the sides. Wings hyaline; the basal transverse vein, the subcostal, and the base of the radial cell brown, distinct, but not suffused ; the areolet and other veins decolorous, obsolete. @. “ Var.—The femora and tibize more or less fuscous. * Length $, alar exp. 2 lines. “* Several times taken on oak trees in Leicestershire ”’ (Marshall, 1. c.). The history of this species is unknown, and except by Marshall (1. c.) it has not been described or recorded by anyone since described by Hartig. I have never seen it myself. Newroterus (Ameristus) parasiticus is said by Hartig to come out of the galls of Andricus globult. APPENDIX. I Have unfortunately very little to add of new infor- mation from Britain about the saw-flies ; but since the publication of Volumes I and II great attention has been paid to them by several diligent students on the Continent. Brischke has added greatly to our knowlege of the life-histories of the Tenthredinides ; to von Stein we owe many excellent papers; while Pastor Konow has revolutionised the classification by creating a large number of new genera, besides limiting the older ones in conformity with these new ideas, after the analytical method now so prevalent. TENTHREDINIDES. So far as regards our species the only new genus erected by Konow is Ithogogastera, but he also has formed a genus Hnearsioneura for Macrophya Sturm, Klug. Ihave given Konow’s definitions for our genera. Tenturepo (B. HE. Z., xxvii, 236). Hyes strongly converging beneath, reaching to the base of the clypeus; frontal area distinct, furrowed down the centre. Antennal joints becoming attenuate towards the apex. Our species belonging to Zenthredo as thus limited a TENTHREDO FLAVA. 143 Tenthredo flava. — lwida. — coryli. ===) Fcolon: — solitaria. — velox. — rufiwentris. — balteata. — Lachlanana. — monihata. — dispar. == -Sscoweca. — atra. — mandibularis. — mesomela. — obsoleta. — olivacea. — macula and bicincta are placed by Konow in Allantus. Tentorepo FLava (Vol. I, p. 74). The larva of this species is described and figured by Brischke, p. 3, Taf. vii, fig. 9. It feeds on Aigopo- diwm podagr aria. It is 22 mm. long, of a beautiful bright reddish-brown colour, and has the dorsal vessel bordered on either side by a brown longitudinal line. At the base of each segment on either side of the dorsal vessel is a brown line proceeding backwards obliquely towards the feet. At the beginning of each segment are two darker lines which form a pointed angle, the apex of which is directed towards the legs, the lines to it from the back being darker than those from the feet to the back. The head is small, shortly pilose ; the claws are brown. On each segment are two _ transverse rows of white tubercles. When young the ground colour is darker and greener. At the last moult it becomes smooth and brighter in tint. 144 '\BNTHREDO SOLITARIA. enrtHREDO Livipa (Vol. I, p. 75). Brischke (1. c., 115) gives as the food plants of this species Viburnum opulus, Rosa, Salix caprea, Corylus avellana, Sorbus aucuparia, and Pteris aquilina ; Lon- cera, the food plant given by Kaltenbach, not being mentioned. Brischke describes the larva as being light grey, the back hght brown running into green or even olive- ereen through being mottled by darker streaks and Spots; it is transversely wrinkled, the dorsal vessel darker. Oneach segment are oblique stripes pointing posteriorly, jomed by another stripe from the opposite direction; each segment has two transverse rows of warts, there being also warts in the lateral folds over the legs. These folds bear upon each segment two brown spots placed obliquely, and under these is another single spot. Head shining, shortly haired, and orange- yellow, the eye spots black. At the last moult the larva becomes shining yellow, with black dorsal streak, from which runs obliquely a similarly coloured stripe. As usual it is quite smooth. Tenthredo punctula, K\., 1s not the g of livida, but is a distinct species (cf. Stein, W. H. Z., 1884, 309). TENTHREDO coryLI (Vol. I, p. 77). T. biguttata is not the g of this species, but 7. mtermedia, Klug. TeNTHREDO soLirARtA (Vol. I, p. 79). Brischke describes the larva (1. c., 116, pl. vii, fig. 4) as feeding on Sorbus aucuparia. It is 25 mm. long, greyish-brown ; the back is broadly dark brown, with a still darker dorsal vessel, from which runs backward obliquely a stripe on each segment. Hach segment TENTHREDO RUFIVENTRIS. 145 has further 2—8 transverse rows of brown warts, ending in a short brown hair. Hach segment (except the first three) has over the legs a brownish splash. The head is shining, with black eye spots; the claws are brown. At the last moult the larva is shining; the markings remain, but are brighter. TeNTHREDO VELOX (Vol. I, p. 80). The ¢ of this species is 7’. biguttata, Klug. THNTHREDO RUFivENTRIS (Vol. I, p. 81). _ A specimen of this species from Pitlochry in Perthshire has the pleurz quite black; one from Plymouth has the pleure and sternum white, splashed with red, and the head white except above. The larva is described by Brischke (1. c., 118, pl. vin, fig. 6). It feeds on Salia caprea, XS. awrita, S. heliw, Alnus glutinosa and A. incana, Spirea ulmaria, and Pieris aqulina. It is 22 mm. long, transversely wrinkled, light brown, the back of a darker brown with still darker reticulated markings. On each seg- ment before the middle of the fore margin are stripes which proceed obliquely backwards, bordered by a hghter colour. Over the legs are scattered spots and points, and each segment has two rows of distinct white warts. Head reddish-brown, shining, shortly pilose, the top of a darker brown. At the last moult it becomes shining, redial. brown or brick-red, with two dark brown oblique stripes on each segment. The eggs (in one case ten on a leaf) are placed in openings in the leaf. The young larve are like the old, but brighter coloured, and have a bright brown head. VOL. IY. 10 146 TENTHREDO ATRA. TreNnTHREDO BALTEATA (Vol. I, p. 83). The larva I have figured on Pl. XIII, fig. 3 a—d, Vol. I, and it feeds on Pleris aqulina. It is 20 mm. long, transversely wrinkled, the back and upper half of the sides dark green, the lower half of the sides of a lighter green; the head pale orange, with dark eye- spots and antenne. On each segment are two trans- verse rows of small warts. At the last moult it be- comes entirely orange-red, smooth, and shining. Found commonly in August and September. TENTHREDO LacHLANIANA (Vol. I, p. 84). Konow (D. HE. Z., 1890, 254) quotes doubtfully 7. pecilopus, Mose., and P. pwcila, Hvers., asthe ¢. The species has been taken at York (Wilson) and Headley Lane (Billups). TENTHREDO DISPAR (Vol. I, p. 86). This is regarded by Konow (D. EH. Z., 1890, p. 254) as a variety of atra. TrnTHREDO ATRA (Vol. I, p. 88). The references to the larva given by Rudow, Dours, and André are no doubt wrong; for its food- plants are given by Brischke (1. ¢., 114, pl. vu, fig. 2) as Lamium album and Mentha aquatica. He describes it as 20 mm. long, transversely wrinkled, bright green, above with a clearer tint, through which the dorsal vessel shows as a dark stripe. Hach segment except the last has two transverse rows of white spiny warts, the first row on each side of the dorsal vessel is com- TENTHREDO MESOMELA. 14:7 posed of three, the second of four warts; the lateral folds over the legs bear also warts. The stigmas are light brown. Head shortly haired, the front and vertex opaque, marked with blackish points extending from the eyes to the base of the antenne. Between the eyes is a brownish splash. The anal fold is vel- vety pilose; the claws are light brown. It feeds in July. TENTHREDO MANDIBULARIS (Vol. I, p. 89). Brischke. describes the larva (l.c., p. 113, Taf. vu, fig. 11). It is 22 mm. long, transversely wrinkled, and shortly pilose. The ground colour is a bright erey, the back to the orange-coloured stigmas deep black. Hach segment bears laterally a longish orange- yellow spot, the second and third segments having in addition in front an orange splash; the first segment has none. On the ground colour are small black spots, mostly three on each segment. The head is shining black, the lower half reddish-brown. At the last moult the larva seems shorter, more cylindrical, shining blackish-brown ; the ventral surface and legs grey ; the orange-coloured spots are darker. The food-plants are Petasites officinalhs and Tussi- lago farfara, on which it is found from August to October. TENTHREDO MESOMELA (Vol. I, p. 98). Konow (D. EH. Z., 1890, 254) sinks obsoleta, Klug, and arctica, Thoms., as varieties of this species. Brischke (1. c., 112, pl. vu, fig. 10) describes the larva, and his description differs from mine. The food-plants he gives as Polygonum persicaria and Arctium lappa. The colour of the larva is given as bright ash-green, and it is shortly and finely pilose. The back is dark brownish-grey, with some darker markings. On each 148 TENTHREDO PUNCTULATA. seoment is a bright grey bordered triangle, close to which is a darker spot. The back is mottled with many dark spots and streaks; on the end of these there is on each segment a darker shade, and there are likewise two transverse rows of white warts. In the clear colour on the sides of each segment is found a brownish stripe, besides many dots. Head shining black, shortly pilose ; the face dark brown. He says it is found in September and October. TeNTHREDO OLIVACEA (Vol. I, p. 95). This species has been found at York by Mr. Wilson. Ruococastera (D. H. Z., xxvii, 338). Hyes parallel or almost parallel with one another, uot reaching to the base of the mandibles; vertex thick, much broader than long, the sutures distinct. Antenne short, the third joint longer than the fourth. Humeral cellule in hind vice appendiculate. Blotch distinct. TENTHREDO PUNCTULATA (Vol. I, p. 96). For the larva of this species I am indebted to Mr. J. H. Fletcher, who found it on Corylus avellana, and I have had them figured on Pl. XIII, fig. 4, Vol. Il. Brischke’s figure and description do not agree with mine. He describes it (1. c., ii, pl. vii, fig. 8) as 20 mm. long, cylindrical, transversely wrinkled, and bright grey, often varying into reddish; the back dirty dark green, and clearly separated by the white stigmal line ; the stigmas themselves are black. On each segment are two transverse rows of white warts and many spots and dots; the dorsal vessel, frequently TENTHREDO VIRIDIS. 149 brighter margined, appears darker. At the base of the ventral legs is a brownish longitudinal streak, and over the thoracic legs is a broader stripe; the claws of the latter are ines FL. Head reddish-brown, shortly haired, shiny ; eye-spots black ; mandibles blackish. At the last moult the larva becomes smooth, shining, yellowish-brown, the dorsal vessel bordered on each side by a brownish line. On the sides are on each segment many brown transverse streaks and points, which often form oblique lines, running from the back to the sides. He says it is found from August to October on Salia caprea, Sorbus aucuparia, and Alnus incana. TENTHREDO ViRIDIS (Vol. I, p. 97). The larve are described by Brischke (I. c., 110, pl. vu, fig. 7). He found them on Circexa lutetiana, Stellaria holostea, Ranunculus repens, Salix helix, 8. aurita, and Alnus incana. He says that the eggs are placed in a sheath 10 mm. long, 13 mm. broad, divided into ten divisions, like the segments of a larva, in each of which is an egg. The full-grown larva is 15 mm. in length, bright greenish-grey; the back to the black stigmas somewhat darker, mottled with brownish-black spots and points. The sides have some dark spots, usually a larger spot under the stigmas, and some small streaks and points upon the side pads at the base of the feet. On each segment are two transverse rows of white warts, between which stand minute white points. Head covered with short white hairs; at the eye-spots is a black mark, and there is a broader frontal spot between them. The orbital sutures suffused with reddish-brown. Antenne moderately long. At the last moult the larva is smooth, without warts, transversely wrinkled and brick-red, and having on the back some transverse streaks, On the head only the eye-spots are black. 150 GENUS TENTHREDOPSIS. 'eNTHREDO GiBBosa (Vol. I, p. 101). This should be called aucupariz, Klug. Genus TENTHREDOPSIS. This difficult and most variable genus has been re- vised by Pastor Konow (D. H. Z., xxvii, p. 306, e¢ seq., and Revue d’Hntomologie, 1x). In the former 'work he renames the genus Thomsonia, but reverts to the original in his later papers. He lays particular stress on the aid to be derived from the study of the g genital organs :—“‘ Organs extremely important to know the characters which constitute a species; but as it is very difficult for the author to describe these hidden organs of very small size, or for the reader to recognise the differences indicated, I have preferred, in constructing the ana- lytical tables, to choose the characters visible exte- riorly; but these characters, sometimes so variable, require a most careful attention to avoid being mistaken in using these tables’? (Konow, Revue d’ Ent. ix). . It is to be regretted that beyond the observations of Brischke recorded below nothing is known about the early stages of these variable insects. ‘There can be no doubt that extensive rearings from the larve would throw great light on the specific distinctions of the insects. Of T. brevispina, Thoms., he says that he found the larva on various species of grasses, on Juncus, Pim- pinella sawifraga, Artemisia campestris, and Sarotham= nus scoparius. They are 15—20 mm. long, transversely wrinkled, bare, bright green, with two transverse rows of fine white warts oneach segment. The bluish- green back is bordered on each side with a fine white line, and over the stigmas and under the white dorsal GENUS TENTHREDOPSIS. io line is a smaller darker stripe. Head shining, shortly haired; eye-spots black; antenne and mandibles brown. At the last moult it becomes shining, grass- ereen. It is not very clear what this (brevispina, Brischke) species may be. Brischke says that not only did he breed T’. brevispina from these larvee, but also P. tilix, Pz., anda & of P. nassata; the latter being the nassata of Thoms. = cordata. He further describes (I. c., 107, pl. vu, fig. 6) the larva of 7. scutellaris, Pz., as a feeder on Anthriscus sylvestris, Artemisia campestris, and on grasses in September and October. Itis 15 mm. long, becoming attenuate posteriorly, transversely wrinkled, with a comparatively large head. The ground colour is greyish-white. On the back is a brown central line ; on each side of this is a line of light brown spots, then a line of smaller brown spots, followed by a clearly separated, broader, deep brown lateral stripe; on which, on segments 3—4, are white warts arranged obliquely. Over the feet is a brown mark. Stigmas brown. The anal segment bears about five hairs, and has only the middle and the broad lateral stripe. Head shining, shortly haired, light brown, and bears the dorsal, the narrow, and the broad lateral body stripes. In front there are five lines converging to the centre, the oral region having a triangular line. Mandibles and claws brown. At the last moult it is shining without warts, with the dorsal stripe lighter and narrower, and the head without the dark markings. Brischke says that sometimes the Le have green instead of brown markings. Our species, on Konow’s views, aa now stand thus: 1. (2) Antennz longer than the abdomen; spurs reaching to the middle of the abdomen ; hypopygium very long. T. cordata, Foure. 2. (1) Antenne not longer than the abdomen; spurs not reaching to the sued of the metatarsus ; hypopygium moderate or sma, 152 TENTHREDOPSIS GYNANDROMORPHA. 3. (4) Pleurz rugose, opaque; transverse radial nervure interstitial ; antenne ringed with white. T. gynandromorpha, Rudow. 4, (3) Pleurz not rugose, shining, smooth; radial nervure not inter- stitial ; antennze not ringed with white. Rin. 5. (6) Clypeus sharply incised. T’. excisa, Th., and semirufa, Kriech. 6. (5) Clypeus truncated or only waved at the apex. ; 7. (11) Tegule white or pale. 8. (9) Body for the greater part yellowish. ° T. Raddatz, Knw., and dorsalis, Lep. 9. (10) Body black, with the abdomen laterally fulvous. T. lividiventris, Cam. 10. (9) Body black, with the abdomen broadly red in the middle. © T. picticeps, Cam., flavomaculata, Cam. (? var. Raddatz7). 11. (7) Tegule black. 12. (13) Body black; abdomen bounded with red. T. scutellaris, T. Coqueberti, F., T. nigronotata, Cam. 13. (14) Body black; abdomen entirely black, or with the sides laterally fulvous. T. tristis, T. fulviceps. 14, (13) Body rufous; head for the greater part black. 1’, nigriceps, Cam, TENTHREDOPSIS GYNANDROMORPHA. Tenthredo gynandromorpha, Rudow, 8. E. Z., 1871, 390. Perineura gynandromorpha, André, Species, 416, 422 ; Cat., 53*. Thomsonia gynandromorpha, Konow, D. H. Z., xxviii, 328. Tenthredopsis gynandromorpha, Konow, Rev. d’Ent., ix, p. 68. Black, shining; the 6—8 joints of the antenne and scutellum white; the apex of the anterior femora and the anterior tibize and tarsi reddish-brown; the 3—7 abdominal segments red; wings hyaline ; the base of the stigma white. Antenne shorter than the abdomen ; the apex of the clypeus with a shallow emargination, almost truncate ; the head punctured, slightly dilated behind the eyes; the sutures on vertex shallow. Mesonotum with a distinct punctation; pleure coarsely rugosely punctured. Transverse radial nervure interstitial or nearly so; the second recurrent nervure at a distance from the trans- verse cubital. Spurs short. 9. Length 10 mm. The head in my specimen is entirely black; but, according to Konow, it may bear two small white spots. a well-marked species from the coarsely punctured pleuree and white ring on the antenne. One example from Clydesdale. Continental distribution: Germany, Croatia, Spain (J. J. Walker). TENTHREDOPSIS NIGRONOTATA. ae TENTHREDOPSTS coRDATA (Vol. I, p. 104). Konow unites this species (= nassata, Thoms.), microcephala, femoralis, and caliginosa into one species, which he names Thomson. If he is correct in this view it seems to me that no new name is required, but that the oldest name, namely, cordata, Foure, should be used. He refers my 3 to Coqueberti (agnobilis), and in this he is correct. The real & of cordata (Thomsom, Knw.) I have never seen. Itis described by Konow as “ rufescens, capite et mesonoto magis minusve albo et fusco-macu- latis ; segmento ventrali late et semi-circulariter emar- ginato,” the latter being a characteristic in which it differs from the other species, the males of which have the apex of the last ventral segment “ rotundatum vel leniter emarginatum.”’ TENTHREDOPSIS NIGRONOTATA (Vol. I, p. 106). Konow doubtfully refers this species to his 7. elegans (described in full, D. EH. Z., xxx, 335), and I think the two are identical. He describes elegans, “‘ minor gra- cilis, nigra; albo picta; pedibus et femine segmentis intermediis abdominis rufis; tarsis posticis nigrican- tibus ; capitis clypeo albido sulphureo ; antennis tenu- ibus, abdomen longitudine equantibus. Mas: abdo- mine fere toto nigro, segmento secundo dense punctato, seomento ultimo ventrali apice rotundoto. Femina capite, pronoto, pectore, coxis uberius albomaculatis vel maxima parte nigris, cingulo rufo abdominis interdum linea dorsali nigra interrupto. - Long. 11— 12 mm.” There is no trace of white on the breast or pronotum on mgronotata, and only a small white spot on the hinder pronotum. The tarsi in elegans are described as dark, not distinctly hghter before the apex. The antennz 154 TENTHREDOPSIS PICTICEPS. in nigronotata are of the length of the abdomen; the second recurrent nervure is interstitial. Elegans is recorded from France, Germany, Swit- zerland, and Austria. TENTHREDOPSIS IGNOBILIS (Vol. I, p. 107). This is the @ of 7. Coqueberti (which name it will bear), 7. nigricollis, ¢ and 3, being the same species. The form ignobilis has the hinder femora only black at the base and at the extreme apex. The ? was described by Konow as 7. Braunsw (D. H. Z., xxviii, 335). T. conjungens, Kriechbaumer, and 1’. limbilabris, Kriech, are also synonyms (cf. Regens. b. Corresp.- Blatt., 1884, p. 17). The ¢ of this species was, as has just been men- tioned, referred by me to cordata. It is to be readily known from the other males by the posterior wings not having a bordering nervure round the apex. There are two well-marked forms: one, the typical, with the legs (especially the hinder) for the greater part blackish, the other with them entirely reddish, except the 2—5 hinder tarsal joints ; the other form having these joints white also. I have also seen speci- mens with the apex of the abdomen blackish, and another with a row of black dots down the side. The T. ignobilis, Klug, is a true Tenthredo. TENTHREDOPSIS PrcTicEePs (Vol. I, p. 110). This species is probably, as Herr Konow himself suggests, TJ. dubia, Knw. The second transverse cubital nervure is interstitial ; the antenne are nearly as long as the abdomen. TENTHREDOPSIS ORNATA, 155 TENTHREDOPSIS TRISTIS (Vol. I, p. 111.) I cannot find that this species is described by Konow in his Revision. It appears to be related to his T. arrogans. ‘The head is dilated behind the eyes, the tegulz are black, the antennz about as long as the abdomen, the apex of clypeus not quite transverse. TENTHREDOPSIS ORNATA (Vol. I, p. 111). According to Konow there are two species of Ten- thredopsis with incised clypeus allied to this, namely, stigma, F. = dorsalis, Spin., = Mistrio, Klug, and semirufa, Kriechbaumer (Regens. Corresp.-Blatt., 1884, 15. We have, I believe, the latter species. T. senurufa is smaller than ornata (8 mm. as against 10—14 mm. for the latter); the antenne are more slender, and as long as the abdomen; the second abdo- ‘minal segment is only black in the middle, in ornata entirely black ; the hind femora are broadly black at the apex, in ornata only very slightly, if at all; the tibiz are black at the apex, in ornata entirely red, and the coxe are broadly lined with white. The arrange- ment of the white markings is the same in both species ; the stigmas are white at the base; in semirufa the second recurrent nervure is received near the second transverse cubital; in both species there are two black lines on the ventral surface; ornata has the wings of a clearer hyaline colour. According to Konow, YT. dorsalis, Spin. (see vol. i, p. 111), is a synonym of 7. stigma, Fab., = histrio, Klug, and ornata, André, non Lep. In my opinion ornata, Lep., = excisa, Thoms. The examples I have seen of ornata, Lep., have no black on the femora or tibize; but von Stein states that they are often entirely or partly black (cf. W. E. Z., 1884, 357). 156 TENTHREDOPSIS INORNATA. TaNTHREDOPSIS FULVICEPS (Vol. I, p. 112). Konow (Revue d@’ Ent.,ix, 1890, p. 74) says, ** Vraisem- blablement la 7. fulviceps, Cam., appartiendra a cette espéce ’—that is to T. pavida, Lep., = FMriesei, Knw. (D. EH. Z., xxvii, 335), but he describes the antenneg as “longioribus ”’ and “‘ eracilibus ’’—terms which cannot well apply tothe short (not longer than the abdomen), thick antenne of fulviceps ; pavida, again, having the three middle segments of abdomen entirely ferrugi- nous. No mention, either, is made of the broad fulvous band round the eyes found in fulviceps. In the latter the middle furrow on the vertex is deep and distinct. TENTHREDOPSIS LIVIDIVENTRIS (Vol. I, p. 118). This species is not T’. tessellata, Klug, as suggested by Konow, that species having the clypeus incised, while in lividiventris it is completely transverse. TENTHREDOPSIS NIGRICEPS (Vol. I, p. 114). This differs from all the reddish species in having the tegule black, the thorax densely pubescent, and the mesopleure are finely but distinctly punctured. TENTHREDOPSIS SAuNDERSI (Vol. I, p. 114). This may be an extreme variety of T. Raddatz. TENTHREDOPSIS INORNATA (Vol. I, p. 116). This species is distinct from T. Raddatz, particu- larly from the head being less developed behind the 'BNTHREDOPSIS NASSATA. 157 eyes. It is not Z. nassata, L. see. Konow, which has the spurs reaching to the middle of the meta- tarsus, this being not the case with inornata. In that species there is no furrow on the vertex in the middle, and the antenne are thicker towards the middle; they are a little shorter than the abdomen. From dorsalis it may be known by the darker colour, wanting the whitish-yellow and shorter antenne. TENTHREDOPSIS NAssata (Vol. I, p. 117). This is an exceedingly puzzling form. Thomson, as will have been seen, refers nassata, L., to cordata (described from the 3), while Konow refers it to the yellowish species, but not that which I have described. That he treats as a new species, which he names 1’. Raddata (D. H. Z., xxvii, p. 334). Neither among my Continental nor British species can I find a speci- men which I can identify as nassata, Knw. As regards Raddatz, there can, I think, be no doubt at all that the ? is exceedingly variable, and I should be inclined to place T. albomaculata, Sauwndersi, dorsivittata as forms of it. Furthermore, Konow (I. c., p. 81) de- scribes a var. indocilis, ‘“‘ nigra, abdominis medio rufo, 9 et 3S, pectus et mesonoti lobus medius nigris; lobis lateralibus interdum fusco-plagiatis,”’ of which he says that it may belong to a distinct species ; but imasmuch as he could not find any distinctive characters taken from the structure, he places them as varieties of addatzi. The same remark applies to 7’. flavomaculata, and T’. picticeps may also be-an extreme form of Raddatz. These two forms certainly agree with Raddatzt im having the tegule pale, a point in which they differ from our other black and red species. The g I have described is the right male of Rad- datz, but I may point out that in most examples there is a V-shaped yellow mark onthe mesonotum. Thisis probably the ¢ Thomson has described under sordida, 158 PACHYPROTASIS SIMULANS. TTENTHREDOPSIS SoRDIDA (Vol. I, p. 118). This is 7’. dorsalis, Lep. (Mon., 87, No. 252), accord- ing to Konow, and is not the sordida, Kl. The ? is tolerably constant, except in the amount of black on the abdomen. The ¢ is very variable; the legs may bear no black ; the mesopleure are usually black, but may have white markings; the mesonotum is, in most specimens, black, but may have a triangular white mark on the middle lobe, as in the ¢ of 7’. Raddatz. The third abdominal segment is punctured, and the quantity of black on the abdomen varies. It is not easy to distinguish the ¢ from that of Raddatz ; but that usually may be separated by the larger size, reddish-yellow abdomen, by the greater expansion of white on the breast and pleure ; by the sharp keel on the base of the abdomen, and by the interstitial second recurrent nervure. T’. sordida, K1., nec Thoms., Cam., has the body of a lighter, whitish-yellow colour, and may be otherwise known by the ventral surface of the abdomen having on each side a black longitudinal line. I have never seen a British example of it. Genus PACHYPROTASIS. P. simunans (Vol. I, p. 128). Brischke (1. c., 97, pl. vi, fig. 12) describes and figures the larva, and, as his description differs from that given by Kaltenbach, I reproduce it. He found it on Solidago virgaurea. In length 16—17 mm.; cylin- drical, transversely wrinkled, except on the last seg- ment. Body a bright bluish-green or bright green, the wrinkles with a bluish-white powder, and the sides have a stripe of a bluish-green colour. Head bright brownish, somewhat shining, but mostly whitish ALLANTUS CINGULUM. 159 pruinose. There is a brownish dash over the black eye-spots, and there isa darker vertical spot. Stigmas small, black, the stigmal line white. Legs somewhat brownish. At the last moult the larva is shining, uniformly yellowish-green. Brischke, it may be added, quotes simulans, K1., as a synonym of levicollis, Thoms. Genus Autantus (Vol. I, p. 139). Konow’s definition of Allantus is, inter alia “ an- tennze before the apex more or less distinctly thickened. Vertex on each side over the antenne truncated or slightly emarginate, and between the antennz not or very little furrowed.” ALLANTUS SCROPHULARIA (Vol. I, p. 141). Konow (D. EH. Z., 1890, 253) regards A. propinqua, K]., as a good species, and not a variety of the above. ALLANTUS TRICINOTUS (Vol. I, p. 143). This should be called A. vespa, Rtz. (Degeer, 72), this being the earliest name. ALLANTUS quapRicINoTUS (Vol. I, p. 144). This is the true zona, Klug (Berl. Mag., 1818, 186) _ (nec Thoms.), which name it will have to bear, as it is very doubtful if it is the same as Uddman’s species. ALLANtTUS cIncuLUM (Vol. I, p. 152). All the examples I have seen are, in my opinion, referable to cingulum, K1., the ¢ of which is the Ten- 160 ALLANTUS TENULUS. thredo bicincta, Fab. (Syst. Piez., 29, 3), and hence our species must be called Allantus bicinctus, Fab. Kirby (List of Hymen., 1, p. 238) adopts the name of virgata, Foure. (Ent. Par. i, p. 367, 12), for bicincta, Fab., az an earlier name, quoting cingulum, Kl., as a synonym, as also 4-cinctus, Thoms. ; and states that the species appears in Stephens’ Collection as A. zonula. The reference to 4-cinctus, Thoms., is an error. Ac- cording to Kirby (1. c., p. 241), Stephens’ type of A. fasciatus, Scop., = zonula, K1., is A. cingulum. According, then, to Kirby, A. fasciatus, Scop. (Ent. Carn., 278), is British, and not having a specimen for description, I reproduce Klug’s. The base of the an- tenne, clypeus, labrum, mandibles, palpi, the edge of the pronotum and tegule, the basal segment of abdo- men above, the fifth segment entirely, and the eighth and ninth above, yellow. Legs yellow; the coxe, the outer side of middle and the hinder femora, the apices of the tarsal joints, especially on the hinder, blackish. Spurs black. Wings hyaline; the nervures brown, the apical nervures paler. Stigma yellow, brownish at the apex. Length 8—9 mm. It has the head and mesonotum smooth, shining. Attantus TenuLuUS (Vol. I, p. 153). For “ tenulus” read ‘* temulus.” It has been pointed out by Rogenhofer and von Dalia Torre* that the Tenthredo temula, Scop., 1s identical, not with Allantus Rossii, Pz., but with Tenthredo bicincta, Linné, nec Fab. ; and, as temulus has priority by three years over — bicincta, the former name must be adopted. For the Allantus temulus of this work the name of Rossi, Pz., must be used. * Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1881, p. 595. DOLERUS TRIGEMINUS. 161 ALLANTUS MARGINELLUS (Vol. I, p. 145). Von Stein has poimted out (Ent. Nacht., 1885, p- 115) that under the name of marginellus, Fab., two good species have been confounded, namely, margi- nellus, Fab., and omissus, Foerster (S. E. Z., 1844, p. 289) = viennensis, Pz. (he described it as the Ten- thredo viennensis, Schrank, which is probably an Hm- phytus), marginellus, Thoms. = viennensis, André. All the examples I have in my collection are referable to omissus, which is to be known from marginellus = succinctus, Lep., by having the head and thorax opaque and strongly punctured. Genus DotERvs (Vol. I, p. 157). The species with oblong eyes, almost emarginate in the inner side, namely, palmatus, vestigialis, and pratorum, have been formed by Konow (D. E. Z., 1890, 240) into a distinct genus, namely, Loderus, Konow. Doxerus patmatus (Vol. I, p. 161). Konow has separated the palmatus, Thoms., from the palmatus, K1., as a new species, under the name of— DOoOLERUS TRIGEMINUS. D. EH. Z., xxviii, 346. Our form belongs to it, and not to palmatus, K1., which differs from it in having the head contracted behind the eyes, the sheath of the saw before the apex not emarginate, and having a small tooth there; while the ¢ has only white on the first, fifth, and sixth abdo- minal segments ; trigeminus having the head dilated VOL. IV. 162 - DOLERUS LATERITIUS. behind the eyes, the sheath before the apex emarginate slightly and without a tooth, and the ¢ has white on the fourth to the sixth abdominal segments. Von Stein, however (Ent. Nacht., 1887, p. 170), sinks trigeminus as a variety of palmatus, KI., and in this view Konow himself (D. E. Z., 1890, p. 251) agrees. Doterus tripticatus (Vol. I, p. 162). The & of this species is D. tremulus, KI. (Berl. Mag., vii, 228), and Konow and von Stein propose to use this as the specific name; but inasmuch as 3-pli- catus was printed before tremulus I prefer to retain this designation. The g I have described differs from tremulus in having the thorax coloured like the ¢, 1. e. yellow with three black marks, and the base of the abdomen is not black. Whether the 3g I have described is a variety of the & of triplicatus, or if 1t belongs to a new species, is a point which I cannot make out from the material at — my command, but I can find nothing like it described. Dotervs LatTeRitivs (Vol. I, p. 163). Konow adopts the name of madidus for this species (D. H. Z., 1890, p. 251, and 1886, p. 79); lateritius, Kl., ¢, being a composite form according to him, having madidus as 3 for one part, and uliginosus, K1., for the other. In the ¢ the polished space on the eighth abdominal segment occupies at least one half the — length of the segment, while in wliginosus it is short and broadly triangular, and does not occupy more than one-third of it. D. Lamprechti, Kuw. (D.H. Z., 1879, p. 341), is a synonym. The larva as described by Brischke (l.c., 45, Taf. ii, fig. 7) feeds on Juncus glomeratus. It is 25 mm. long, bright greenish-yellow on the ground colour, the back DOLERUS PALUSTRIS. 163 is broadly darker grey, on the sides with a darker border, the dorsal vessel being also darker. Stigmas brown, and over them is a black roundish spot, which is small on the first and last segments. Head bright reddish-brown, with an oblique black streak on each side on the vertex, there being another short one between the eye-spots. Antennz conical, smooth, brown. It appears in August. DotEerus FuLViventRIs (Vol. I, p. 164). Brischke (1. c., 44, Taf. 11, fig. 5) bred this species from a larva of which he did not know the food-plant. It was 20 mm. long, grass-green in colour, transversely wrinkled, and finely shagreened. On the lateral pads are short needle-like hairs, these being also sparsely spread over the body. The dorsal vessel is darker, the stigmas small, brown, and placed on bright-coloured pads ; the last two segments have a brown lateral line. Head broader than long, and appears triangular when viewed laterally. It is shining but alutaceous, and in colour “‘ bone-yellow ;” the vertex and a short streak on each side are light brown. Across the black eye- spots is a blackish-brown oblique streak, and under is a lighter one contracted in the middle. The an- tenn conical, bone-yellow; mouth brown. It was found at the end of August. Von Stein (Ent. Nacht., 1884, p. 102) refers D. ger- manicus, Fab., to lateritius ; but if Konow be correct in making out lateritius, KL., to be a compere species, I prefer to follow his nomenclature. Donerus PaLustRis (Vol. I, p. 166). D. savatilis, Htg. (Blattw., 233), is no doubt a variety ; and, as stated above, uliginosus, which I quoted doubtfully as the g, is referred by Konow to lateritius, ex pt. 164 DOLERUS CORACINUS. The larva is figured, vol. ii, Pl. XIII, figs. 5 and 5a, on Juncus. Dotrrvs antious (Vol. I, p. 165). Our species appears to me to be the true anticus, Klug, and not brevicornis, Thoms., non Zad. = Thom- som, Knw. (Hym. Sc., i, p. 288), as stated by Konow (D. HE. Z., 1890, p. 251). Doterus pusius (Vol. I, p. 167). D. timidus, K1., is regarded by Konow (D. E. Z., 1890, p. 251) as a variety of this species. Do.eRus TiInotIPENNIs (Vol. I, p. 169). This is not D. fumosus, Zad. (Besch. neuer oder wenig bekan., Blattw., p. 22; Konow, D. H. Z., 1879, p. 352), which is easily known from it by the vertex not being limited by furrows laterally. Dotervus coracinus (Vol. I, p. 174). Konow (D. H. Z., 1879, p. 346) tabulates three species with oval apex of the middle lobe of the meso- notum, namely, coracinus, Kl. = mtens, Zad. ; anthra- cinus, Hte. = cewrulescens, Hte., 3; and atricapillus, Htg., known to him only at that time from the ¢ sex. In his catalogue of the European saw-flies (D. E. Z., 1890, p. 251) he gives also these three, but with dif. foeont names, to wit nitens, Zad. = coracinus, Hte., Cam., non Klug; coracinus, Kl. = caerulescens, Htese $; and anthracinus, Kl. = atricapillus, Htg., ¢ = brachygaster, Htg., ?. DOLERUS ANTHRAOCINUS. 165 Our coracinus is certainly the coracinus of the earlier paper of Konow; whether the coracimus of Klug and Hartig are different is not very clear to me, but very possibly the two are distinct ; e. g. Klug’s species has the wings hyaline, Hartig’s and mine hyaline suffused with brownish; the cenchri in Klug’s are white, mine has them fuscous. Neither Klug nor Hartig de- scribes the position of the transverse radial nervure. There can be no doubt about our species being nitens, Zad. DotErus anTHRAcINUS (Vol. I, p. 175). This is probably the anthracinus of Konow’s first paper, now apparently referred by him to coracinus, Klug. It can hardly be anthracinus, Htg., for that author states that it has the head almost bare, while our species has the head covered with white hair, and the tibial spurs pale brownish. _ It does not agree very well with the description of brachygaster, for the abdo- men is longer than the head and thorax united, the colour is not bluish-black, the fore calcaria are not brownish-red, and the wings are not ‘‘dunkel.” It is not coracinus, K1., for that is distinctly bluish. I am inclined to regard our form as a new species. Under the name of Dolerus anthracinus, K1., Brischke describes a larva which fed on Carex and grass. What the species may be seems doubtful ; the g he describes is the $ of jfissus, which he quotes as a synonym, as also leucobasis, Htg. He quotes Thomson’s anthra- cimus as being the same, so it is very likely possilensis. The larva is 17 to 18 mm. long, shining, transversely wrinkled, greenish-yellow, a green dorsal and lateral stripe. Head reddish-yellow, eye-spots black, mouth brown ; stigmas black, and over the base of the legs and the lateral pads is a blackish splash. The anal segment is bordered with black, and on each side is a black spot. 166 DOLERUS POSSILENSIS. Dotzrvs Fissus (Vol. I, p. 176). The ¢ of this species is described by Thomson under anthracinus. Konow refers planatus, Htg., to hematodes, and he gives varispinus, Htg., non Thoms., as a synonym (D. H. Z., 1890, 251). Doterus conacRa (Vol. I, p. 170). Brischke has described the larva of this species (1. c., 45, T. u, fig. 6). It is 20 mm. long, yellowish- green ; down the back is a darker dirty green line, and there is a broader similarly coloured line along the sides, the upper border of which is sharply defined. Legs with brown claws. Head shining; eye-spots black; the antennz conical, brown. The younger larvee have on the stripes and over the legs black streaks. Brischke fed them on “ grass ”’ in June. Douervs ostoneus (Vol. I, p. 177). This is not, it appears to me, as quoted by Konow (D. H. Z., 1890, 251), brevicorns, Zad., as that has the thorax entirely punctured, while in oblongus the sides close to the wings and base of scutellum are very little punctured, and the abdomen is shining, in- stead of being, as in brevicornis, without lustre; nor are the calcaria ‘‘ very stout, needle-like,” of “ unusual length,’ and “‘ conical.” | Do.erus PossinEnsis (Vol. I, p. 178) = anthracinus, Thoms., non Kl. = varispinus, Knw., non Htg. = coruscans, Kuw. (D. H. Z., 1890, p. 251), which name it will bear. STRONGYLOGASTER. 167 Dotervs varisrinus (Vol. I, p. 179). According to Konow, varispinus, Htg., non Thoms., is a variety of fissus. Our species, it appears to me, is D. leucopterus, Zad. (Beschr., 26), said by Konow to be = picipes, Kl. (Berl. Mag., viii, 303). D. leu- copterus, however, is said to have the cenchri white. Doterus anevs (Vol. I, p. 182). D. elongatus may be a large form of this. Genus STRONGYLOGASTER (Vol. I, p. 185). Konow (D. E. Z., iv, p. 19) has split up Strongylo- gaster, Dbm., into three genera, as follows : 1. (4) Third antennal joint longer than the fourth. 2. (3) Antenne slender, in the middle more or less thickened, the first joint often thicker than the second; the other joints short, conical, longer than broad. Stromboceras, g. nov. a (2) Antenne stout, short, of equal thickness, the first joint scarcely thicker than the second, that very short, transverse. Strongylogaster. 4. (1) The third antennal joint as long or shorter than the fourth; the antenne filiform ; the sheath of the saw at the apex trifid. Trinax. STROMBOCERAS. To this is referred delicatulus. Srroneytocaster (Vol. I, p. 185). Our species are filicis, cingulatus, 168 SELANDRIA SERVA. TRINAX. The species are continua, Knw. = meta, Thoms., Cam., non Klug; mixta, Kl., non Cam. = femoralis, Cam.; macula, Kl. ; Sharpr. SELANDRIA APHRTA (Vol. I, p. 199). The Selandria aperta, Htg., is identical with Selan- dria cinereipes, K1., non Blennocampa cinereipes, Htg. (cf. Konow, D. E. Z., 1886, p. 81). Sexanpria suRva (Vol. I, p. 194). The larva is described by Brischke (1. c., 90, pl. vi, fig. 5), and by von Stein (Ent. Nacht., 1880, p. 251), but their descriptions do not quite agree. Brischke describes it as 18 mm. in length, cylindrical, the thoracic segments somewhat thickened, transversely wrinkled, and bearing short conical white warts and short hairs. The ground colour is greenish-yellow, darker or lighter if the larve eat the leaves or the flowers. Head shiny, bright yellowish-brown. On the body are five longitudinal rows of black points, each segment, except the first and last two having five of these points. The points on the middle row are small, the two lateral rows have them larger, while the two rows over the legs have them still larger. Over the thoracic legs is a black spot. Between and behind the black eye-spots is a small black point ; the antenne and mouth are dark. Atthe last moult they become stouter, bright grass-green, paler at the sides, without the black points and warts, the skin regularly transversely wrinkled, the dorsal vessel appears as a fine yellow stripe; the head brownish-yellow, with TAXONUS AGRORUM. 169 black eye-spots. The food-plant is Hanunculus acris, on which the larve feed in June. SELANDRIA STRAMINETPES (Vol. I, p. 197). The larva is described by Brischke (1. c., 91, pl. vi, fig. 6). In length 15 mm., cylindrical, somewhat thickened in front, finely transversely wrinkled, beauti- ful grass-green in colour, with the stigmas small and black. Head bright ochre-yellow with black eye- spots, the legs with brownish claws. The young larvee are similar, but more yellowish in tint. They feed on Pteris aquilina in July. It will be seen that this larva resembles that of S. analis very closely, the chief distinction apparently being in the colour of the head. Taxonus acrorum (Vol. I, p. 201). . The larva, according to Brischke (1. ¢., 93, pl. vi, fig. 7), is found on the raspberry (Rubus ideus). It is 18—19 mm. long, cylindrical, narrowed towards the apex, and has many transverse wrinkles. The head is higher than broad; the front and vertex have short, the face longer hairs. Front and vertex bright brownish-yellow, dull, the face shinmg and more greenish in tint, eye-spots black, the antennz short. Over the eyes 1s a dark brown spot, which is frosted like the entire upper part of the head with white, the mouth brown. The body is bright bluish-green, frosted with white transverse wrinkles, except that the last seement wants the latter. ‘he dorsal vessel appears as a greenish stripe ; the stigmas are elliptical and brownish-red. At the last moult the larva becomes entirely bright green and shining. It appears in July. 170 PHIOILOSOMA FLETCHERI. Taxonus EquisuTr (Vol. I, 202). Brischke (1. c., 93, pl. vi, fig. 8) gives Polygonum persicaria as the food-plant. According to Konow (D. H. Z., 1890, p. 250), 7. sticticus, . K1., is distinet from equisett. . TAXONUS GLABRALIS (Vol. I, p. 204). As food-plants Brischke gives (I. c., 94, pl. vi, fig. 9) Polygonum persicaria and Lythrum salicaria. Taxonus FietcHeri (Vol. I, p. 205). Konow, in his Catalogue of Huropean Tenthredinidee (D. H. Z., 1890, p. 250), smks this as a synonym of T. albipes, Thoms. I have not sufficient material at hand to offer a definite opinion on the matter. Taxonus GLoTTiaNus (Vol. I, p. 206). This was described from a ¢?. Pa@omosoma PuLvERATUM (Vol. I, p. 211). Von Stein (D. H. Z., 1889, p. 137) describes the & of this species. It only differs from the ¢ in the colour being darker and its eye smaller. Pacitosoma Frercueri (Vol. I, p. 213). This is T. (Hmphytus) immersa, Kl. (Berl. Mag., viii, 284) ; Hmphytus immersus, Htg. (Blattw., 250). Mr. Champion has taken it at Southampton. A ERIOOAMPA OVATA. 171 specimen from Chertsey (Billups) has the femora of a much clearer reddish tint and without black, the white at the base of the tibie not so great, and the three apical segments have no white or luteous marks. The antennee are shorter a little than the abdomen, thickish, the third and fourth joints subequal; abdomen with the segments largely marked with white on either side, the last segment with a. triangular (A-shaped) depression ; the femora and tibiz reddish-yellow; the tibize fuscous, the joints white at the base. Paciiosoma Gurratum (Vol. I, p. 215). Konow (D. H. Z., xxviii, p. 32) describes this species under the name of carbonaria, Kuw., and 1. ¢., 1890, he gives guttatum, Thoms., as a Synonym. Guttatum, Fall., non Thoms., he refers to impressum, Kl., and submuticum, Thoms. ‘here can be no doubt that the latter two are identical, but it also appears to me that impressum (as Klug himself suggests, Berl. Mag., vii, 113) is identical in all probability with ~ carbonaria, Scop., Ent. Carn., 279, 733. -This is also the opinion of Rogenhofer and von Dalla Torre (Vehr. z.-b. ges. Wien, 1881, 596), who say that the descrip- _ tion and the fairly good figure agree with impressum. As Fallin had mixed up two species under the name of guttatum, Thomson had the choice of applying the name to either of them, and I propose to retain his name, and for submuticwm that of carbonarium, Scop. Hrrocampa ovata (Vol. I, p. 221). Konow (D. H. Z., 1890, 250) reserves the name of . Hriocampa for ovata, L., umbratica, K1., and dorpatica, Knw. For the other species he creates the genus— 172 ERIOCAMPA LIMAOCINA. Eriocamporpes (D. H. Z., 1890, 239), which he defines thus : Body short, ovate ; head semispherical, not margined behind ; eyes reaching to the base of the mandibles ; antennes attenuate at the apex, thickened at the middle ; wings with two radial and four cubital cel- lules; transverse basal nervure inserted before the base of the cubital cellules ; first recurrent nerves not parallel ; lanceolate cellule with an oblique nervure; claws with a tooth at the base. ‘The chief point of distinction between them and Eriocampa is that in the latter the transverse basal nervure is received at the base of the cubital cellules, and is parallel with the transverse cubital nervures ; while with Hriocampoides it is curved and received at a distance from the cubital cellules, as in Hoplo- campa, &e. HriocamMpa ANNuLIPES (Vol. I, p. 222). The larvee of this species I have found to be destruc- tive to beech hedges, and Brischke (1. c., 84) found them feeding on Vaccinium myrtillus and V. uliginoswm. Hriocampa vaRipxs (Vol. I, p. 228). Brischke (1. c., 85) gives as the food-plants of the larvee Populus tremula and Salia aurita. HriocaMpa Limactna (Vol. I, 224). An additional food-plant is Cydonia vulgaris (Brischke, 1. c.). GENUS BLENNOCAMPA. 173 Hriocampa o1nxia (Vol. I, p. 226). The shiny larva of this species lives on oaks. Hriocampa ros# (Vol. I, p. 227). Konow (D. E. Z., 1886, p. 109) states that in Klug’s collection in Berlin exthiops, Kl. (= rose), is repre- sented by two g of Blennocampa cimereipes, Htg. (con- fusa), one & B. altermpes, one & B.confusa, three ¢ Hrioc. rosx, a ¢ Monophadnus, and a § Monophadnus, and proposes that rose should be called xthiops. In my opinion less confusion will be caused by using the name rose. Moreover Fabricius is the original de- scriber, not Klug. Genus Buennocampa (Vol. I, 229). Konow (D. E. Z., 1886, 183 et seg.) groups Blenno- campa, sensu lat., with Fenusa, Fenella, and Mesoneura, into a tribe, and has further created several new “ venera.”’ His classification is as follows : 1. The second recurrent nervure joined to the second transverse cubital or received in the second cubital cellule. 2. 1’. The second recurrent nervure received in the third cubital cel- lule. 3. 2. Transverse median nervure of the posterior wings at thesmost interrupted at the apex of the first discoidal cellule, preessternum of the mesosternum, or only indistinctly indicated. : Mesoneura, Htg. 2’, Transverse median nervure of the posterior wing absent or only indicated at the base; preesternum of the mesosternum separated by a distinct furrow. 13 3. yes from the base.of the mandibles more or less distant. A. 3’. Cheek appendage linear or not present. 8. 4, Posterior wings of the @ surrounded by a bordering nervure; sheath of the ? (seen from the side) equally narrowed or more or less sharply pointed. Periclista, g. n. 174 Oe Il’. 12! 13’. 14’. PERICLISTA. Posterior wings of the ¢ not bordered; sheath of the ? at the apex needle-like or rounded. 5. Claws simple; cheek appendages approximately of the length of the second antennal joint. Pareophora, g. n. Claws at the base with a (often very small) tooth; cheek appen- dage either only half the length of the second antennal joint, or even shorter. 6. Posterior wings with closed discoidal cellule. - if . Posterior wings without closed discoidal cellule. 12. Third antennal joint at least one-third longer than the fourth; antenne short and rather thick; sheath at the apex thorn-like, produced. Ardis, g.n. . Third antennal joint only as long as the fourth; antenne slender and thin, almost filiform; sheath at the apex "rounded. Rhadinocerzea, g. n. Third antennal joint shorter than the fourth. Phymatocera, Dbm. Third antennal joint longer than the fourth. 9. Cubitus in the anterior wings not or very slightly angled, usually with four cubital cellules. 10. . Cubitus at the commencement very strongly angled, and almost a right, at the apex a rounded angle forming; the first two cubital cellules united. 14. The presternum of the mesosternum separated by a distinct suture. Tomostethus, g.n. Mesosternum without presternum. 11. Posterior wings without closed discoidal cellule, the third cubital nervure in a similar direction with the transverse radial, and is usually continuous with it. 12. Posterior wings with closed discoidal cellule. 13. The front ocellus lies on the under half of a line which touches the upper border of both eyes. Blennocampa, Htg. The front ocellus lies over this line. Eintodecta, g. n. Posterior wings with a closed discoidal cellule, and with transverse median nervure. Monophadnus, Htg. Posterior wings with two closed discoidal cellules and without transverse median nervure. Pseudodineura, Knw. Anal cellule in the hind wings absent; the humeral nervure in the fore-wings distinct, and bends against the brachial nervure, so that the lanceolate cellule appears widely contracted. Kaliosysphinga, Tischb. Aspe cellule in the hind wings closed ; the humeral nervure in the fore-wings absent or is straight. 15. Antenne 9- or rarely 10-jointed. Fenusa, Leach. . Antenne 11—14-jointed. Fenella, West. PERICLISTA. Konow, D. E. Z., 1886, i, 86. Body ovate ; eyes oblong, remote from the base of the mandibles ; antenne moderate, filiform, the third joint longer than the fourth, presternum of meso- BLENNOCAMPA NIGRIPES. 175 sternum not distinct, transverse basal nervure inter- stitial, claws bifid. Posterior wings with one dis- coidal cellule ; the apical margin in the g with a sur- rounding nervure. Sheath acuminate at apex. To this section belong lineolata (i, p. 241) and melanocephala (p. 245). Biennocampa Lingouata (Vol. I, p. 241). Our species is the true lineolata, Klug; B. pubes- cens, Zad., and B. albipennis, Zad. (which both belong to Periclista), being distinct from this and from one another. PAREOPHORA. Konow, D. E. Z., 1886, 187. Body short, ovate; eyes oblong, situated at a dis- tance from the base of the mandibles ; antenne mode- rate, filiform, the third joint distinctly longer than the fourth ; transverse basal nervure joined to cubital ; posterior wings with one discoidal cellule; claws simple ; sheath blunt at the apex. BLENNOCAMPA NiGRIPES (Vol. I, p. 246). The ¢$ of this species is B. luridiventris, Klug (Berl. Mag., vii, 104), and this name is adopted by Konow; but inasmuch as nigripes is placed before luridiventris in Klug’s paper, and, further, as it is the best known name, I prefer to adopt it. _ The larva of B. nigripes is described and figured by Brischke (1. c., 73, pl. vii, fig. 14). It feeds in July on Prunus spinosa, and is 10 mm. in length, cin at the thoracic region, and is rather darkish grey in colour and dull im tint; the eye-spots black. Hach 176 BLENNOOAMPA BIPUNOTATA. segment bears two rows of white cleft spines, there being eight longitudinal rows of these, while the first and last segments have longer simple spines, these spines being sharply differentiated from the darker ground colour. The small shining head is shortly pilose, the mouth brown. : ARDIS. Konow, D. E. Z., 1886, 188. Body elongate-ovate; eyes oblong, situated at a slight distance from the base of the mandibles. An- tenn short, thickish, slightly attenuate at the apex, the third joint not twice the length of the fourth ; the transverse basal nervure interstitial ; hind wings with one discoidal cellule, the sheath at the apex ending in a sharp point. Our species are— Blennocampa suleata (Vol. I, p. 286). — bipunctata (Vol. I, p. 242). Brennocampa Breunctata (Vol. I, p. 242). Brischke (1. c., 74, Taf. iv, fig. 10) describes and figures the larva of what he calls B. bipunctata, KI). It agrees exactly in description of the larva and its habits with the larva of Pecilosoma candidatum (vol. 1, p. 210); and as Brischke quotes Selandria candidata, Voll., as a synonym, although a reference to Vollen- livoen’s plate would have shown that his candidata was not a Blennocampa but a Paocilosoma, it looks as if some mistake had been made in the identification of the species. BLENNOGAMPA. 177 T'OMOSTETHUS. Konow, D. EH. Z., 188, 214. Body short, ovate, thickish ; head wide, hardly nar- rower than the thorax; antennez short, thick, pilose, the third joint almost double the length of the fourth ; eyes reaching near to the basé of the mandibles ; transverse basal nervure received shortly before the base of the cubital; claws simple. Posterior wings with or without a discoidal cellule. The species of this section are— (a) With one discoidal cellule in hind wings: Panne migrita (Vol. I, p. 235). — micans (Vol. I, p. 287). — Juscipennis (Vol. I, 247). (6) With no discoidal cellule: Blennocampa fuliginosa (Vol. I, p. 249). —- ephippium (Vol. L, p. 248). Ny B. micans not being Klug’s (which is a Khad- mocera), I propose to call it brachycera. BLENNOCAMPA. Body ovate; head small, eyes reaching to the base of the mandibles or at a slight distance from them; antennze moderate, thin, pilose, the third joint longer than the fourth, the third transverse cubital nervure interstitial, often parallel with the transverse radial ; the third cubital cellule acutely angled on lower side; transverse median nervure received always long before the middle of first discoidal cellule ; hind wings without a discoidal cellule ; claws bifid. Our species are— Blennocampa assimilis (Vol. I, p. 256). — pusilla (Vol. I, p. 258). VOL. IV. 12 178 BLENNOCAMPA ALCHEMILLA, Blennocampa cinereipes (Vol. I, p. 249). — alternipes (Vol. II, p. 220). — subcana (Vol. I, p. 252). — subserrata (Vol. I, p. 250). — alchemille (Vol. I, p. 251). — betuleti (Vol. I, p. 255). — nana (Vol. I, p. 254). BLENNOCAMPA PUSILDA. The third joint of the antennz in this species is nearly twice the length of the fourth, and not as stated. BLENNOCAMPA ALTERNIPES. This species agrees with pusilla in having the third antennal joint about twice the length of the fourth, while in confusa it is only half. It is Thomson’s cinereipes. BLENNOOAMPA . CINEREIPES. Our species is the cineretpes, Htg., Konow, but not of Thomson, which = alternipes. As has been already pointed out, the cinereipes, Kl., is a Selandria = S. aperta, Htg. B. cinereipes, Htg., has been renamed confusa by Konow (D. H. Z., xxx, 82). BLENNOCAMPA ALCHEMILLA. This is wncta, Kl]. and Thomson, and B. tenwicorns, Kl. (Berl. Mag., viii, 113), non Htg. It is described by Brischke as B. spiree (1. c., 282). He found the larvee on Spirea ulmaria, BLENNOCAMPA GENICULATA. 179 BLENNOCAMPA ASSIMILIS. The larva feeds on Galiwm aparine in June. It is 13—14 mm. long, rather rounded and cylindrical. The ground colour is bright greyish-green ; the back bluish, always blending into the ground colour; and at the sides the ground colour is often of a yellow tint ; before the last segments the blue is broken off by a clear space. The segments are covered with many small warts, each ending in a black microscopic hair. On the lateral folds over the legs are whitish bristles. The fore-legs are short and thick; the first joint is shining black, and the basal joint has a black plate. Head brown, shortly haired; on the vertex are two large black spots, and on the sides over the black eye-spots is a larger dark brown spot, there being also one on the face; the mouth dark brown. The young larvee brighter ; the dorsal stripe is smaller, and the head almost without the dark spots. MoNnoPHADNUS. Body ovate; cheek appendages linear; antennz moderate, the third joint longer than the fourth ; pro- sternum not distinct; the transverse radial nervure rarely interstitial; posterior wings with one closed discoidal cellule ; claws bifid or simple. BuEennocampa GENrouLatTa (Vol. I, p. 238). My description of the ¢ of this species was taken from bred specimens, which had the abdomen con- tracted, thus showing the antennz to be longer in proportion to the body than they really are, they being, as I find from caught specimens, somewhat 180 BLENNOCAMPA ALBIPES. longer than the abdomen only. The anterior knees also are broadly white. B. longicornis is a different species, it differing from B. geniculata, iter alia, in having the transverse radial nervure not interstitial. BLENNOCAMPA SERICANS (Vol. I, p. 238). According to Konow, B. sericans, Htg., is an Ardis, having B. plana, Kl., for its g. Our species is a Monophadnus, Knw., and is Blennocampa elongata, Kl. (Berl. Mag., vii, 214). Hartig (Blattw., 269) made elongatus a Blennocampa, 1. e. without a closed discoidal cellule in the hind wing, and in this he is followed by André, but Konow (D. EH. Z., 1886, 245) makes it a Monophadnus, Knw. Konow (1. c., 188) states that in Klug’s collection elongata is represented by two ¢ B. alternipes, one 3 B. subcana, one ? to an unknown Monophadnus, one ¢ B. sericans, Htg., and one B. elongata, KI. M. elongatus is one of the largest species, and not difficult to recognise by the long abdomen, thickly covered towards the apex with long silky hair, by the bifid claws, by the short antenne, and by the large antennal fovea with another round fovea on either side of it. | It has been taken by Mr. Wilson at York. BLENNOCAMPA ALBIPES (Vol. I, p. 240). Konow separates from albipes, Gml. rosarum, Brischke (l.c., 81, pl. v, fig. 5). Our species is not albipes, Gml., sec. Konow; but rosarwm, Br. = albipes, Thoms. (non Knw.). B. emarginata, Thoms., is albipes, Gml., sec. Konow. See D. H. Z., 1886, p. 245. The larva of rosarwm is described by Brischke (l.c., 81, pl. v, fig. 6). It is 12—13 mm. long, of a - SCOLIONEURA. 181 beautiful green colour ; the head shortly pilose, shin- ing, often with a brown stripe from the vertex to the mouth. Claws brown; eyes black; antenne conical, brown ; mandibles brownish-red. Hach segment has fine white transverse folds and two transverse rows of raised warts bearing reddish-brown spines. On the first and last segments stand somewhat brighter warts with two points, while the warts on the other seg- ments have three. In every transverse row are six warts; then follow still smaller spined warts, and the oblique skin folds over the legs have also spines. Usually the lateral folds bear 3—4 spines. The last segment bears two transverse rows of single thorns, and the border of the anal fold is likewise thorned. When young the larve are pale yellow, with white spines and bright brown head. Before the last moult the spines, &c., are cast off. It feeds on the young branches and young buds of the rose. . The description of the larva given on p. 240, Vol. I, refers of course to B. albipes, Gml., sec. Knw., of which I have not seen a British specimen. BLENNOCAMPA NANA and B. setuuert (Vol. I, pp. 204, | 255). In his revision (D. HE. Z., 1886, p. 215) Konow places the above in Blennocampa, Kuw.; but in D. H. Z., 1890, p. 239, he creates a new genus— SCOLIONEURA. Head small, ovate, eyes reaching to the base of the mandibles; antennz slender, filiform; metasternal prosterna not often semi-distinct; the transverse basal nervure in front wings curved; the first recurrent not parallel; the transverse radial interstitial or not; the 182 HOPLOCAMPA ORATAGI. s third cubital cellule with its posterior lower angle less acute; the hind wings without a closed cellule; the claws with a wide tooth close to the base. He remarks that these two species cannot remain in Blennocampa owing to the striking length of the transverse basal nervure, and to the claws having a broad basal tooth, the true Blennocampe having the claws cleft equally in two, the inner being more slender than the outer. HopLocaMpa FERRUGINEA (Vol. I, p. 259). According to Kirby (List of Hymen., i, 165) this is a synonym of Tenthredo apicaris, Foure. (Ent. Par., 1, 376). If this be so apicaris is the earlier name, and should be adopted; but I am not at all satisfied as to this. Brischke (l.c., 68) suspects that the larvee live in unripe cherries. Hoprtocampa cRATHGI (Vol. I, p. 261). The larva, according to Brischke, lives in the unripe fruit of Cratzgus. The young larva is shining, trans- versely wrinkled, with a large head; whitish-yellow, in the back reddish-brown. ‘The thoracic legs above, the anal legs, the base of the claspers, the penultimate segment above, greyish. The very shining head is greyish-black; the face and mouth bright reddish- yellow, the former with greyish shades; the apex of the sharp-toothed mandibles brownish-red; the eyes black; the antennze conical. ‘The full-fed larva is 5 mm. long, brighter, the thoracic legs being also brighter ; the back reddish ; the head brownish-yellow ; the front, vertex and the hinder part of the head black ; a brown spot on the face; the apex of the mandibles reddish-brown. Brischke says they have only twenty legs. EMPHYTUS TENER. 183 Hoptocampa ruvILIcoRNIS (Vol. I, p. 263). According to Kirby (List of Hym., i, 167) this is fulvicornis, Panz., non Fab. Emueuytus tocatus (Vol. I, p. 268). Kirby (List of Hym., i, 196) refers this to Ten- thredo ferruginosa, Gmel., Syst. Nat., i, pt. 5, p. 2667, n. 123; but this seems to me doubtful. Hmpuytvs FiLicornis (Vol. I, p. 276). The larva feeds on oaks, as related by Brischke (l.c., 51, pl. xi, fig. 12). It is 16—17 mm. long, transversely wrinkled, cylindrical, clear bluish-green, dusted with white. The round head is shining and bright bluish ; behind the black eye-spots is a darker shade. Mouth reddish-brown. After the last moult the larva is a beautiful bright green, somewhat shin- ing and with orange-coloured head. It is found in June; the flies appearing in September and October, like those of serotinus. Stephens must have been in error when he says he found them in June. EMPHYTUS GROSSULARIZ (Vol. I, p. 279). This is pallipes, Spinola (Ins. Lig., ii, p- 19), which is the earliest name. Epnytus TENER (Vol. I, p. 280). Von Stein (Ent. Nacht., 1887, 210) has pointed out that T. tenera, Fall.,is not the same as patellatus, K1., “184 PHYLLOTOMA FUMIPENNIS. for tenera is stated to have all the tibiz) white and the wings ‘‘ subnigricantes.” Empuytus pert (Vol. I, p. 281). Brischke describes the larva (1.c., 53, pl. 1, fig. 14). It is found in September on Salix triandra. It is 11—12 mm. long, transversely wrinkled, the thoracic part thickened ; the ground colour of the almost trans- parent body is bright greenish-grey; the back is broad darker grey, generally running into the ground colour. The skin bears microscopic warts, giving it a rough appearance. The head is brownish-red, shining, shortly haired, the upper part to behind the black eye- spots dark brownish-black. This does not agree with Bouché’s description. Genus Puytiotoma (Vol. I, p. 282). Konow (D. E. Z., 1890, p. 283) forms Phyllotoma, Heptamelus, Hriocampoides, and Hoplocampa into a sub-tribe, Hoplocampides, distinguished by the trans- verse basal nervure being received before the origin of the cubital and not parallel with the recurrent, and the lanceolate cellule not being appendiculate. 2a. PHYLLOTOMA FUMIPENNIS. Cameron, E. M. M., 1888, p. 218. Black, the abdomen above with various tints; the palpi, the labrum, the inner orbits of the eyes broadly, the tegule, a thin line on the base. of the pronotum, the trochanters, the knees broadly, and the tibize beneath, white; the tibie above fuscous black; wings dark fuscous throughout, the tarsi blackish, paler at the junction of the joints; spurs pale; antenne as long as the abdomen, densely covered with pale pubescence, the apical joints brownish beneath; 12-jointed ; the third joint one-half longer than the fourth. Head densely pilose; the pleure sparsely covered with longish whitish hair. Wings large, . broad; the third cubital cellule dilated at the apex, as long as the first ; the recurrent nervures received before the middle of the cellules. Length 4°5 mm. FENUSA QUERCUS. 185 In the table given in Vol. I, p. 284, this species will come in as follows : 5 (2) Antenne 12—13-jointed; wings for the greater part smoky. 5a (5b) Wings uniformly fuscous; tegule and a narrow line on the pronotum white ; legs black, the trochanters, knees, and tibiee beneath, white; abdomen ochreous above. Fumipennis. 5b (5a) Wings smoky, hyaline at the apex; tegule black; legs pale yellow, black at the base; abdomen not ochreous above. Ochropoda. P. fumipennis is a smaller and broader species than ochropoda, the abdomen especially being broader and ~ not much longer than the head and thorax united; the head between the antennze is broader, flatter, and does not project so much, the antennz also being more widely separated. | Taken at Norwich on alder by Mr. J. B. Bridgman. Genus Frnusa (Vol. I, p. 290). As already (p. 173) indicated, Konow places Fenusa and Henella among the Blennocampides, and separates Ulm, Pumila, and Melanopoda from them into Kalio- syphinga, Tisch., the latter being distinguished from Fenusa and Fenella by “ there being no anal cellule in the hind wings, and by the humeral nervure distinctly bending towards the brachial nervure, so that the lan- ceolate cellule appears widely contracted, Fenella and Fenusa having a closed anal cellule in the hinder wings, while the humeral nervure in the fore-wings is absent or straight. In Fenella (at least in migrita and West- woodi, the only species known to me from autopsy) there is no closed anal cellule in the hind wings. Fenusa quercts (Vol. II, p. 222). Mr. Fletcher is now of opinion that he was in error in supposing that this insect mined the leaves of the 186 ATHALIA ANOILLA. oak, and that it was really an external feeding larva. It may be a Scolionewra. Fenosa pumitio (Vol. I, p. 298). This is referable to Konow’s genus Hntodecta, and is = to Blennocampa lanceolata, Thoms. (Hym. Scand., i, p. 211). Characteristic is the bend at the base of the transverse basal nervure, which joins the costa before reaching the cubital nervure. The pumilio of Thomson is no doubt a different species, and has been named Fenusa Thomson by Konow (D. EH. Z., 1886, p. 276). Fenusa BeTULe (Vol. I, p. 300). This is nigricans, Klug, no doubt. Fenusa HortuLana (Vol. I, p. 296). A specimen from Hayling Island (Billups) has the middle lobe of the mesonotum testaceous. Fenusa hortulana has been taken at Chobham by Mr. Champion. ATHALIA ANCILLA (Vol. I, p. 306). It is doubtful if this is identical with A. SLIGO Ns. Thoms., which name it had better retain. Brischke (l. c., p. 67, pl. iv, fig. 2) describes the larvee of A. Mitelaviv Tenglete ‘ne name of rose. CLADIUS VIMINALIS. 187 Dineura verna (Vol. II, p. 16). As already (p. 173) indicated, this species is trans- ferred by Konow from the Nematina to the Blenno- campides, owing to the transverse basal nervure being received considerably in front, close to or interstitial with the transverse costal = Mesoneura. Konow has also formed for fuscula, parvula, and mentiens, Thoms., a new genus, Pseudodinewra, distin- guished from Mesonewra inter alia by the second cubital cellule receiving only one recurrent nervure, while in Mesonewra it receives both. It is difficult to say in which cellule the recurrent nervures in despecta, Cam., are received, owing to the absence of the second transverse cubital nervure: in sumulans from the position of the third transverse cubital and the second recurrent in the third cubital cellule, it very likely may be a Pseudodineura, and selandrwformis may be one also. Konow places fuscula, K1., in Pseudodineura, but if so, no great reliance can be placed on the position of the recurrent nervures, for Klug expressly states (Berl. Mag., vi, 71) that fuscula belongs to the few species which have two recurrent nervures in the second cubital cellule. D. despecta, Htg.,is placed by Konow in Mesoneura, and he further states that parvula, Thoms. = fuscula, Ki. Our species does not appear to be despecta, Htg., sec. Knw.; it agrees best with the description of par- vula, Thoms. Parvula, Klug, has hyaline wings. Cuiapius viminauis (Vol. II, p. 29). This species occurs in the United States of America, where it was discovered by Mr. Lintner, and named by him Auwlacomerus lutescens (Fourth Report on the 188 CLADIUS BRULLAT. Injurious and other Insects of the State of New York, 1888, p. 45, figs. 20—22. Aulacomerus has no relationship with Cladius. Crapius Bruuiai (Vol. II, p. 35). I have treated tristis, Zad., as a synonym of this Species; and this is also the opinion of von Stein (Ent. Nacht., 1886, p. 27), who says that the typical examples he possesses differ in no ways from the specimens of Bruller he has bred from the raspberry and bramble feeding larvee. But Konow (D. H. Z., 1886, p. 75) states that the fiubus feeding larve are those of C. tener, Lad. I have re-examined my bred examples, as also those reared from the raspberry larve by Mr. Fletcher ; and they do not agree with the description of tener ; particularly in the latter having the wings “albis pellucidis,” the tibiz and tarsi “‘lutiscentibus,”’ not ** pallidis,” while in tristis the wings are broadly fus- cous or smoky in the middle. Konow himself states (l.c.) that tener easily distinguishes itself from tristis through its uncoloured wings, and also that it differs from it in the apex of the sheath being strongly trian- gularly widened at the apex, which is certainly not the case with our species. The amount of fuscous or smoky tint in the wings varies, aS it does also in intensity. Mr. Fletcher has bred a g which has them uniformly subhyaline. The coxe, too, may be white wholly or in part, and the apex of the coxe may be white; the tegule may be for the greater part testaceous. The frontal area is not indicated. It is possible that Brullz may be distinct from tristis, but I do not place much confidence in the white trochanters of Brullzi. Zaddach (Beob., 1883, p. 22) separates Brullexi from tristis by the wings and trochanters being white; trisiis having the wings NEMATUS. 189 brownish coloured, and the trochanters black. Thom- son, however, distinctly says of Brullxi, ‘“alis basin versus pleurumque subfumate.” Brischke describes neither the larvee of tener, Brullzxi, nor éristis. For our species I propose to retain the name of tristis, because (Supposing the two are identical) the imago of Brullzi was not described by Dahlbom; and Zaddach’s description and name have priority over Thomson’s. Nemartus (Vol. II, p. 44). Konow has split up the old genus Nematus into ten. He includes in the tribe Nematina, besides these, Cladius and its sub-genera, Trichocampus and Prio- phorus, Huura, Dineura, Hemichroa, and Camponiscus. His arrangement is as follows: . 1. Lanceolate cellule in the middle widely constricted. 2. Lanceolate cellule petiolate. 6. 2. The second and third cubital cellules each receiving a recurrent nervure. 3. The second cubital cellule receiving both recurrent nervures. }. 3. The third to fifth, sometimes also the sixth and seventh in the 4, having a longer or shorter process; in the ¢ compressed, and terminating at the apex in a short process. Cladius, Tl. Antennal joints without process at the apex. 4, 4, The third antennal joint at the base constricted underneath in the d, with a short, stumpy fork ; in the ? with a sharp edge. Trichocampus, Htg. Antenne without any peculiarity. Priophorus, Latr. 5. With one radial cellule. Camponiscus Newm. With two radial cellules. Hemichroa, Steph. 6. With two radial cellules, the intercostal transverse nervure anas- tomosing behind the transverse discoidal. Dineura, Dbm. With one radial cellule; the intercostal transverse nervure received before the transverse discoidal. Z 7. The apex of the clypeus more or less deeply emarginate or 8. incised. Clypeus transverse. 17. 8. The second transverse cubital nervure absent. Euura, Newm. The fore-wings with four cubital cellules. - 9. The claws at the apex bifid. 10 The claws before the apex with a small tooth, not parallel with it. 15. 190 NEMATUS FULVIPES. 10. ales 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. The 4, before the apex of the eighth dorsal segment, with a small, blunt, more or less awl-shaped process; the 9 with the an- tennz towards the apex scarcely attenuated, almost filiform. Small flies of 3 to 5 mm. in length; the stigma often pale at the base; the sheath of the saw often pointed posteriorly ; gall- makers. Pontania, Costa. The eighth dorsal segment with the ¢ broad, bluntly triangular or hardly elongate before the apex ; the antenne towards the apex distinctly attenuated ; the stigma never pale at the base; sheath never acuminate ; the body larger. 11. The last ventral segment at the apex bluntly triangularly elon- gated; sheath normal; the posterior legs simple. 12. The last ventral segment of the ¢ at the apex emarginate, not incised; the sheath very broad, or the hinder tibiz and tarsi thickened. ; Mesonotum and pleure shining; antennz long and slender, usually paler beneath the head, seen from the front almost round; the labrum not longly projecting; the sheath usually very small and weak. Pteronus, Jur. Mesonotum and pleure opaque througha very fine and close punctur- ing; antenne short, stout, sharply attenuated towards the apex ; head more or less triangular, with a long projecting labrum ; stigma posteriorly longly pointed ; sheath thick and strong. Amauronematus, Knw. Hinder tibie at the apex and hinder tibiz broadly widened. Oresus, Leach. Hinder tibie and tarsi weakly thickened or simple. Hinder tibiew and tarsi thickened, the former longitudinally fur- rowed. Holcocneme, Knw. Hinder tibiz and tarsi simple ; the sheath very thick. Nematus, Jur. Hinder tibie and tarsi thickened. 14, Hinder legs simple. 16. Front with distinct pentagonal area. Pachynematus, Kuw. Front convex without a pentagonal area. Pentagonal area more or less distinct; the last dorsal abdominal segment in the ¢ with a keel reaching to the apex; the sheath simple. Lygzeonematus, Knw. Front concave, or with an indistinct pentagonal area; the keel on the last dorsal segment not reaching to theapex; the sheath broad, with distinct brush-plates. 18. Clypeus transverse; the first transverse cubital nervure absent or indistinct. Pristiphora, Latr. Clypeus emarginate; the first transverse cubital nervure distinct. Micronematus, Knw. Nematus Futvipes (Vol. II, p. 56). N. brevis, Htg., is treated by Konow as a distinct species from fulvipes. NEMATUS LARICIVORUS. 191 NEMATUS ABBREVIATUS (Vol. IT, p. 60). Nematus abbreviatus is, according to Konow, a Micronematus ; if so ours is a different species, differ- ing from Micronematus in having the clypeus trun- eated and the first transverse cubital nervure obsolete. Our species is a Pristiphora. The pentagonal area is subdistinct; the claws have a subapical tooth. The length should be 5 mm. Nematus HIBERNICUS (Vol. II, p. 58). Konow refers N. hibernicus to Micronematus ; but it does not agree with the description of that section, inasmuch as my species has the first transverse cubital nervure very indistinct. . lla. NEMATUS LARICIVORUS. Nematus lariciworus, Zaddach, Schr. Ges. Kénig, xxiv, p. 147, Taf. i, fig. le. Black ; the labrum, palpi, tegule, the pronotum at the tegule, and the legs white; the coxe broadly at the base, the four anterior femora at the base, the hinder almost wholly, the apex of the hind tibix, and the hind tarsi entirely, black; the orbits in front narrowly brownish ; the antennz fulvous, blackish on the upper side. Wings hyaline; the costa and stigma yellowish testaceous; the costa palest at the base; the stigma inclining to fuscous at the base. Antenne as long as the thorax and abdomen united, densely pilose, slightly compressed; the 3—5 joints subequal. Head covered with short greyish pile, distinctly punctured ; frontal area obsolete; clypeus transverse. Thorax shortly pilose, opaque, and punctured above; a fine keel down the middle lobe of the mesonotum; cenchri large, pallid. Abdomen shining, finely shagreened, the last segment above with an A-shaped impression in the centre, enclosing a raised, somewhat pear-shaped part; cerci longish. Legs covered with white pile; claws apparently simple. The first transverse cubital nervure is faint; the third cubital cellule a 192 NEMATUS OBLONGUS. little wider than long; the second transverse cubital nervure received about its own length in front of, the transverse basal nervure received a little in front of the middle of the cellule; the second cubital cellule has a horny point. , The 9, according to Zaddach, has the antenne black, the coxe only black at the base, and the femora are less strongly marked with black. Length 7 mm. The femora want the reddish tinge so conspicuous in the femora of appendiculatus ; the vertex and front are much more strongly punctured, as is also the mesonotum; the hind tarsi are entirely black, and the apex of the hind tibiz is more distinctly and uni- formly so; the third cubital cellule is shorter, and is not dilated at the apex, and the pubescence is darker. The larva feeds on Larix in August. It is 10 mm. long, green, the dorsal vessel darker and bordered with white; over the legs is a white longitudinal line ; the head shining, the eye-spots black. Brischke says there-are two generations in the year. Plymouth (C. G. Bignell). Prussia. Nematvus osioneus (Vol. II, p. 69). In E. M. M., xxi, 193, I have suggested that this may be identical with N. laricis, Htg. On re-exami- nation I am inclined to doubt this; in fact, from the obsolete pentagonal area, and from the shorter body form, I should be inclined to refer oblongus to Pristi- phora rather than to Lygenematus, to which group Konow refers laricis. The first transverse cubital nervure is quite distinct. NEMATUS CRASSICORNIS. 193 Nematus mous (Vol. II, p. 74). Brischke (1. c., new series, vi, p. 2) bred this species from a smooth, bluish-green larva, transversely wrin- kled, with a darker dorsal vessel bordered on either side with white, which fed at the end of June on Vaccinium myrtillus. I have noticed this larva at Rannoch, but failed to rear the imago. 8a. NEMATUS CRASSICORNIS. Nematus crassicornis, Htg., Blattw., 204. Black; the apex of the coxe, the trochanters, the base and apical three-fourths of the four anterior femora, the posterior femora at base and apex, the four anterior tarsi, the basal three-fourths of the hind tibize and the tegule white; the labrum brownish towards the apex. Wings hyaiine, somewhat suffused in the middle; the costa white; the stigma dark fuscous; the nervures fuscous. Head sbining, shortly pilose, the front and vertex punctured, but not strongly; pentagonal area obsolete; the antennal fovea small; clypeus distinctly roundly but not deeply incised; the apex of labrum transverse. Palpi white towards the apex; thorax shortly but rather densely pilose; the mesonotum obsoletely punctured ; cenchri clear white. Abdomen longer than the head and thorax united; the anal segment and cerci reddish; the latter short, thick, about three times longer than broad. Antenne as long as the thorax and abdomen united, moderately stout, distinctly tapering towards the apex; the third joint slightly curved beneath and a little longer than the fourth; the flagellum black above, reddish- brown beneath. First transverse cubital nervure almost obsolete; the second cubital with a horny point; the third cubital cellule about one- fourth longer than broad, dilated towards the apex. Claws with a subapical tooth. The ¢ has the antenne thicker, the third joint distinctly curved, the flagellum entirely red. The last segment of the abdomen above projects in the middle, this middle part being raised and separated from the sides by furrows. : Length 7mm. ?,6mm. ¢. I have seen several English examples of this species. Characteristic (for the group) is the incised clypeus. Germany. VOL. IV. ey 194 NEMATUS HM@MORRHOIDALIS. 20a. NEMATUS PALLIPES. Tenthredo pallipes, Fallén, Acta Holm., 1808, 110, 48. Nematus pallipes, Thomson, Hym. Sc., i, 97, 20. Nematus carinatus, Htg., Blattw., 199, 28. This species has been taken by Mr. C.G. Champion at Aviemore in Inverness-shire. It comes nearest to N. astutus and N. lativentris, but differs from both in the legs and stigma being yellowish-testaceous; the hind femora are only slightly lined with black; and in par- ticular the apex of the middle lobe of the mesonotum is U-shaped, not v-shaped as in the other species. N. breadalbanensis 1s a narrower species than it; has the antennz longer and thinner; the abdomen is longer; the femora and coxee are broadly black; the rest of the legs whitish, not reddish-testaceous; the spurs are shorter, and the transverse basal nervure is received nearer the middle of the cellule. The keel on the mesonotum is indistinct, and there is also an indistinct keel on the scutelluam in my example of pallipes. The third cubital cellule is longer and more dilated at the apex than it is in astutus, and the wings are of a much more decided fulvous tint. Nematus c@ruLEocareus (Vol. IT, p. 82). Konow refers vicinus, Lep., to crassus. Nematus H@Morruorpais (Vol. II, p. 96). Konow gives pallicerus, Htg., as a synonym; while, as will be seen (p. 99), I have treated it as identical with capree. Nematus circumscriptus, Foer., is no doubt distinct from capreex. NEMATUS PALLIATUS. 195 Nematus turaipus (Vol. IT, p. 103). Konow reduces this as a synonym of N. brachy- notus, Foer. (Vehr. ver. Rhein., 1x, 295, pl. v, fig. 138). NEMATUS CANALICULATUS (Vol. JO je. MOG). N. stenogaster, Foer. = fullax, teste Konow. Nematus STRONGYLOGASTER, Wolle We joe 1s) Konow quotes doubtfully N. fuscomaculatus, Foer., and N. incompletus, Foer., as synonyms; but both differ in having the light colour whitish-yellow, espe- cially on the head, whilst here it is brownish or tes- taceous. Nematus tactsrus (Vol. IT, p. 116). Kriechbaumer (C. B. Ver. Regenst., xxxiv, p. 110) has shown that this species is melanaspis, Htg. (S. EH. Z., i, p. 27); and the species has also been described by Brischke and Zaddach under the name of N. sulphureus, Schr. Ges. Konig, xvi, pl. u, fig. 14; l. ¢., xxiv, p. 337). Zaddach did not place it among the green Nematu. Nemarus patzratus (Vol. II, p. 120). A synonym of this species is perhaps N. hypo- wanthus (ef. von Stein, Hnt. Nacht., 1884, p. 352). 196 NEMATUS V-FLAVUM. Nematus mruraris (Vol. IT, p. 125). I have already (1. c., p. 116) indicated some doubt as to this being the true miliaris, Pz. The first copy of Panzer’s work I examined had the figure coloured more like our species than any other; but another copy had it coloured more like croceus, and a re-exa- mination has convinced me that the name miliaris should be applied to croceus. Our miliaris is to be called microcercus, Thoms. Nematvs trpiatis (Vol. II, p. 180). Continental authors adopt the name of hortensis for this species ; but inasmuch as Newman’s description was published in January, and presumably before the appearance of Hartig’s book, I consider that the name tibialis should apply. Nematvus consosrinus (Vol. II, p. 131.) Konow (D. HE. Z., 1890, p. 245) refers wmbrinus, Zad., to leucotrochus, Htg. ; but this is not the opinion of Zaddach himself, who referred it to consobrinus. Nematus consucatus (Vol. II, p. 140). A synonym of this: species is awrantiacus, Voll., non Hteg. bons Nematus V-ruavom (Vol. II, p. 142). This is a Nematus as limited by Konow, 7. e. it belongs to the luteus group. The clypeus is not quite so sharply incised as in luteus. NEMATUS FLAVESCENS. 197 Nematus croceus (Vol. II, p. 144). As already indicated, this should be called N. miliaris, Pz. NEMATUS CADDERENSIS (Vol. II, p. 147). Konow in his catalogue sinks this as a synonym of N. miliaris (croceus); but the larve are so different, as will be seen by comparing my figure with the figures of miliaris, as given by Vollenhoven and Brischke, that I cannot accept this view. 98a. NEMATUS FAGI. Nematus fagi, Zaddach, Schr. Ges. Konig, xvi, Taf. v, fig. 1. The imago of this species is not to be distinguished from miliaris (croceus) by any appreciable characters. The larva is, however, so very different, that we may conclude that the two are quite distinct. It feeds on the beech, eating the leaves along the edges. It is green, shining, rather cylindrical, the dorsal vessel darker, the skin rough, and along the sides are irregularly arranged black points. Head shining, the vertex fuscous ; eye-spots black. Found in July. Sale, Cheshire. Nematous FLAvescens (Vol. II, p. 149). Our species is a Pteronus, while pallescens, Htg., 18 given by Konow as a Pachynematus with olivaceus, Thoms., and ruficeps, Zadd., as synonyms. Our species is certainly identical with varius, Brischke and Zaddach, and agrees perfectly, with a type I had 198 NEMATUS ALBIPENNIS. from Zaddach under the name of dilutus. As Ste- phens’ name is in any case the earliest, no change is required in the nomenclature beyond the excision of the name pallescens as synonym. Nemarus Guorrianus (Vol. II, p. 148). Konow accepts my suggestion (I. c., p. 149) that this is identical with N. ferrugineus, Foer. Nematus antennatus (Vol. II, p. 155). Konow is no doubt correct in sinking this as a synonym of aurantiacus, Htg., non Cam., Thoms., Vollenhoven. Nematus avrantiacus (Vol. II, p. 173). This is not, as stated, aurantiacus, Htg. What it may be I am unable to say. Nematus Aupreennis (Vol. II, p. 175). Konow treats N. confusus as a distinct species from albipenms. If Konow’s views of the limits of the genera are to be accepted, our species will be arranged as follows: PRISTIPHORA. Conjugata (Vol. IT, p. 140). Betule (Vol. II, p. 188). Quercis (Vol. II, p. 52). Pallidiventris (Vol. II, p. 108). Oblonga (Vol. II, p. 69). Abbreviata (Vol. II, p. 60). ‘PACHYNEMATUS. 199 Appendiculata (Vol. II, p. 66). Fulvipes (Vol. II, p. 56). Puncticeps (Vol. II, p. 59). Crassicornis (Vol. IV, p. 198). Ruficornis (Vol. II, p. 62). Fletcheri (Vol. IT, p. 65). Laricivora (Vol. IV, p. 191). Nigricollis (Vol. IT, p. 66). Funerula (Vol. I, p. 69). LYG#ONEMATUS. Body elongated, ovate; clypeus truncated at the apex; pentagonal area more or less distinct; claws with a subapical tooth. ‘The eighth abdominal seg- ment in the ¢ keeled, the keel shghtly produced at the apex. The saw-sheath simple. Hrichsoni (Vol. II, p. 50). Ambiguus (Vol. II, p. 70). Compressicornis (Vol. II, p. 55). Lativentris (Vol. II, p. 78). Leucopodius (Vol. II, p. 79). Mollis (Vol. I, p. 74). Breadalbanensis (Vol. II, p. 76). Pallipes, Fall. (Vol. IV, p. 194). Whitei (Vol. IT, p. 75). Fraternus (Vol. II, p. 73). Scoticus (Vol. II, p. 72). Astutus (Vol. II, p. 77). Parvicornis (Vol. IT, p. 80). PACHYNEMATUS. ' Body short, thickish; clypeus emarginate at the apex ; the claw stout, armed with a subapical tooth ; the antenne in the g¢ compressed, in ? shortish, 200 HOLCOONEME. subsetaceous, usually blackish. The eighth abdo- minal segment in the g at the apex largely and widely, and the hypopygium subtriangularly pro- duced. The sheath short, thickish. Turgidus (Vol. II, p. 103). Caprez (Vol. IT, p. 99). Rumicis (Vol. II, p. 179). Imperfectus (Vol. II, p. 105). Canaliculatus (Vol. II, p. 106). Thomsgoni (Vol. II, p. 87). Clibrichensis (Vol. IT, p. 88). Apicalis (Vol. II, p. 89). Leucogaster (Vol. II, p. 112). Conductus (Vol. II, p. 111). Obductus (Vol. II, p. 110). Subbifidus (Vol. II, p. 139). Albipennis (Vol. II, p. 175). NEMATUS. This includes only the ruficapillus group, namely : Abdominalis (Vol. II, p. 158). Ruficapillus (Vol. II, p. 158). Aurantiacus (antennatus) (Vol. II, p. 155). Bilineatus (Vol. Il, p. 156). Caledonicus (Vol. II, p. 159). V-flavum (Vol. II, p. 14:2). -Acuminatus (Vol. II, p. 160). HoLcOcNEME. Body large; apex of clypeus emarginate ; claws at apex bifid or with a subapical tooth; head and thorax strongly punctured and but little shining; stigma ovate at base, acuminate towards the apex, black; hinder tibiz and tarsi thickened, the former grooved ; PTERONUS. 201 the ¢ hypopygium at apex emarginate. Sheath small, thickish. i rhea Crassa (Vol. II, p. 81). ; Coeruleocarpa (Vol. II, p. 82). Lucida (Vol. ITI, p. 84). AMAURONEMATUS, Knw. Body large ; the apex of the clypeus incised ; claws bifid at the apex; antennz: short, substaceous, usu- ally black; the stigma elongate, at the base ovate, the apex acuminate; head, mesonotum, and meso- pleure finely and closely punctured, opaque; head subtriangular, the labium longly produced. Sheath thick, usually large. Histrio (Vol. IT, p. 91). Glenelgensis (Vol. II, p. 93). Heemorrhoidalis (Vol. II, p. 96). Humeralis (Vol. II, p. 96). Arcticus (Vol. II, p. 181). Longiserra (Vol. II, p. 94). Placidus (Vol. II, p. 90). Preronus, Jur. Body large, hard; clypeus incised at the apex; claws bifid ; antennz long, almost always pale beneath ; stigma of one colour; mesonotum and mesopleura shining, not sometimes sparsely punctured ; head sub- rotund; labium not sometimes slightly prominent. The eighth dorsal abdominal segment at the apex sub- triangularly produced; the apex of the hypopygium narrow and subtruncately rounded. Sheath small, slim, the apex never acuminate. Bipartitus (Vol. II, p. 176). Togatus (Vol. IT, p. 184). Pavidus (Vol. II, p. 171). 202 PONTANIA. Flavescens (Vol. II, p. 149). Ferrugineus (glottianus) (Vol. II, p. 148). Dorsatus (Vol. II, p. 151) Fagi (Vol. IV, p. 197). Miliaris (croceus) (Vol. IT, p. 144). Cadderensis (Vol. II, p. 147). Bergmanni (Vol. II, p. 123). Microcercus (miliar is) ( (Vol. II, p. 125). Sylvestris (Vol. I, p. 124). Glutinose (Vol. II, p. 126). Salicivorus (Vol. Il, p- 128). Curtispina (Vol. Ti p. 121). Viridescens (Vol. IT, p. 122). Palliatus (Vol. I, p. ‘120. Melanaspis, Htg. (lactens) (Viol Ip: 116). Maculiger (Vol. II, p. 118). Orbitalis (Vol. I, p. 119). Zetterstedti (Vol. IL p. 135). Pulchellus (Vol. II, p. 114). Tibialis (Vol. II, p. 130). Myosotidis (Vol. Eps 33): Monticola (Vol. II, p. 133). Strongylogaster (Vol. II, p. 113). Consobrinus (Vol. II, p. 131). Ribesii (Vol. IT, p. 168). Collinus (Vol. II, p. 167). Melanocephalus (Vol. II, p. 165). Salicis (Vol. II, p. 163). PoNTANIA. Body small, soft; clypeus incised at the apex; claws bifid at the apex; stigma usually of two colours. The eighth dorsal segment produced in the middle, narrow, obtuse, black. The ¢? antenne subfiliform ; the sheath usually acuminate at the apex. Leucosticta (Vol. II, ples): Leucostigma (Vol. II, p. 190). PHCILOSOMA GUTTATUM. 203 Vacciniella (Vol. II, p. 191). Albicarpus (Vol. IT, p. 192). Purpureze (Vol? Il; p: 193): Nigrolineata (Vol. II, p. 194). Ischnocerus (Vol. II, p. 195). Baccarum (Vol. II, p. 197). Salicis-cinerez (Vol. II, p. 198). Bella (Vol. II, p. 200). Curticornis (Vol. II, p. 202). Gallicola (Vol. II, p. 202). Herbacez (Vol. II, p. 205). Bridgmani (Vol. IT, p. 208). Alienata (Vol. II, p. 207). Crassispina (Vol. II, p. 207). Vesicator (Vol. II, p. 183). Xanthogaster (Vol. II, -p. 177). Scotaspis (Vol. II, p. 182). SELANDRIA CINEREIPES (APERTA). Brischke (Schr. Natur. Ges. z. Danzig, vi, p. 5) found the larva of this species on Myosotis. It is 14 mm. in length, dull, transversely wrinkled, with many raised warts on the sides, and raised pro- tuberances on the somewhat thickened thoracic seg- ments. The ground colour is bright grey, the back to the stigmal line blackish-grey merging into blue; the head and claws are black. Brischke found the larve in October, apparently about to spin up. P@cILOSOMA GUTTATUM. A larva found by Brischke on Viola tricolor and Polygonum yielded an imago which that entomologist doubtfully refers to P. guttatum. 204 AULAX SOABIOSA. Emeuytus TENER (Vol. I, p. 280). H. Olivier (Bull. Ent. Soc. Fr., 1890, Ixxvii) de- scribes the larva of this species as being very injurious to vines, through the ¢ laying its eggs in the pruned twigs of the vines, the larve boring their way down the twigs, devouring as they do so the medul- lary canal, thus causing the branches to wither. The larva, according to Olivier, is of a beautiful delicate green colour. It is obvious that in this country the larva apne have some other food-plant than the vine. See Vol. I, p- 281, for Stein’s observations on its habits. SELANDRIA SERVA (ante, p. 168). From a note by von Stein the larva described by Brischke under the name of Selandria serva is really that of Sciopteryx costatus (cf. Hnt. Nacht., ix, p. 24:7). AULAX SOABIOSE (ante, p. 51). As indicated, Aulax scabiose ig recorded on the authority of Mr. H. A. Fitch. I had, however, over- looked a subsequent note of that gentleman (Hnt., xii, 131) to the effect that, having sent the bred imago to Prof. Mayr, that authority reported that the species was not Aulax scabiosxe, but a new species between A. scabiose and A. areolatus. The gall of A. scabiose is as figured (after Mayr), while the gall formed by the new species is monothalmous, and ‘“ consists of .an irregular oviform swelling on the midrib, situate at the base of the leaf, where it shoots forth from the petiole ; it is but slightly lighter in colour than the leaf .PARTHENOGENESIS. 205 itself, which it resembles in structure and in the amount of the pubescence ”’ (Fitch, Ent., x, 125). The fly has a well-defined areolet. BIoRHIZA TERMINALIS. Besides some of the above-mentioned parasites Reinhard records Hupelmus Geert, Dal., Syphonura variolosa, Ns., Pteromalus fascicularis, Foerst., P. naucus, Foerst., P. cynipis, L., Bracon tmmutator (SH. Z., 18707p. 386). Common all over this country and on the Continent. PARTHENOGENESIS. The only new case I have to record is that of Hrio- campa annulipes. I induced virgin females to lay egos, which produced males. In Cheshire I have found this species to be injurious to beech hedges. LIST OF FOOD-PLANTS. (See also Vol. I, pp. 32—41.) Ranunculus acris.—Selandria serva, F. — sceleratus.—Blennocampa ephippium. — repens.—Tenthredo scalaris. Hepatica triloba.—Dineura hepatice, Br. Stellaria holostea.—Tenthredo scalaris. Tilia europsea.—Blennocampa tenuicornis, K].; Nematus ruficornis. Acer campestre.—Fenusa hortulana; Creesus septentrionalis. Lycopus ewropeus.—Athalia scutellarie. Prunus.—Hoplocampa ferruginea, Pz.; H. brevis, K.; H. fulvicornis, Kl.; Blennocampa nigripes, Kl.; Nematus pruni, Zad.; N. cheilon, Zad. Viola tricolor.—Selandria cinereipes. Cratzgus oxyacantha.—Hoplocampa crategi; Nematus crategi, Zad.; N. Fletcheri, Cam. Pyrus.—Cladius padi, Tenthredo punctulata, T. livida, T. fagi. Rubus.—Blennocampa alternipes, Taxonus agrorum, Nematus flavi- comus, Tischb. Rosa.—Blennocampa rosarum, Br.; EHriocampa livonensis, Gim. ; Tenthredo livida ; Cyphona gemmata. Geum urbanum.—Fenusa Gei, Br. Pimpinella saxifraga.—Tenthredopsis brevispina, Brischke; T. scu- tellaris. Symphytum oficinale—Tenthredo procera, K]. Spirea ulmaria.—Tenthredo rufiventris. Mentha aquatica.—Pachyprotasis viridis ; Tenthredo atra. Petasites.—Tenthredo mandibularis. T. procera. Arctium lappa.—Tenthredo mesomela. Artemisia campestris.—Tenthredopsis scutellaris ; T. brevispina. Solidago virgaurea.—Pachyprotasis rape; P. levicollis. Vaccinium myrtillus.—EHriocampa annulipes. Lythrum salicaria.—Taxonus glabratus. Lamium album.—Tenthredo atra. Galium aparine.—Blennocampa assimilis. Cydonia vulgaris.—Hriocampa limacina. Polygonum.—Tenthredo mesomela, Taxonus equiseti, Pecilosoma gut- tatum ? (cf. Brischke, antea, p. 203). Plantago.—Pachyprotasis viridis, Br. Populus tremula.—Kriocampa varipes, K1].; Nematus canaliculatus. Saliz.—Tenthredo rufiventris ; Hmphytus perla, K1].; Pcecilosoma im- pressum; Harpiphorus lepidus; Camponiscus aurita, Zad.; Ne- matus varius, Lep., Zad.; N. levis, Zad.; N. vagus, Zad.; N. lucolenus, Zad. Betula alba.—Pecilosoma candidatum, Fall. sec. Br.; Fenusa minima, Br.; N. puncticeps; N. dispar, Zad.; N. pecilonotus, Zad. LIST OF FOOD-PLANTS. 207 Carpinus betule.—Creesus Brischkei, Zad. Alnus.—Tenthredo punctulata; T. rufiventris. Fagus sylvatica.—Eriocampa annulipes. Quercus robur.—Emphytus apicalis, K1.; E. tibialis, Pz. Pinus, Lariz, Abies, &e—Camponiscus ovatus, Zad.; Nematus larici- soe Zad.; N. bufo, Br.; N. lariciphagus, Br.; N. Wesmaeli, isch. Festuca.— Dolerus hematodus, D. cenchris. Juncus.—Dolerus gonagra; D. lateritius; Tenthredopsis brevispina, Brischke. Carex.— Dolerus anthracinus. Pteris aquilina.—Tenthredo livida; T. rufiventris. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Inst of the Principal Papers published in Journals and Transactions of Scientific Societies. For Titles of Complete Works see Vol. I, pp. 321—325. Adler, H. Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Cynipiden. D. E. Z., 1877, 209—248. — Lege-Apparat. und Hierlegen der Gallwespen. L. c., 305—332. — Ueber den Generationswechsel der Hichengallen. Zeitschr. f. Wissen. Zool., xxxv, 1881, 151—246. André, Edm. Notes Hymenopterologiques. Catalogue raisonné des Tenthredines recueilles en Syrie et en Palestine en 1880 par Elzéar Abeille de Perrin, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1881, 383—362. — Description de quelques Tenthrédines orientales inédites. L. c., 437 —443. — Blennocampa melanopygia, Costa. LL. c., 444—448. Ascherson, P. Die springenden Tamarisken Fruchte und LEichen- gallen. Abh. Ver. Bremen, xii, 53—58. Ashmead, W. H. On the Cynipidous Galls of Florida, and Descrip- tions of New Species. Proc. Ent. Soc. A. N.S., ix—xx, xxiv—xxvill, 1881 ; and 1885, x—xix. —A Bibliographical and Synonymical Catalogue of the North American Cynipide, with Descriptions of New Species. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., xii, 291—304. — Synopsis of the North American Sub-families and Genera of Cyni- pide. L.c., xiii, 59, 64. — On the Cynipidous Galls of Florida, with Descriptions of New Species and Synopsis of the Described Species of North America. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., xiv, 125—158. — On the Hymenoptera of Colorada (New Cynipide and Tenthredi- nid). Bull. Colorada Biol. Assoc., No. 1, 189. Ballion, H. Ueber Tenthredo flavicornis und T. luteicornis. Bull. Mosce., xxxv, 441—448, Barnes, J. Ravages of Oak-galls. Gardener’s Chronicle, 1868, 295. Barrett, C. G. Note on the Lepidopterous Inquilines (in the galls of Andricus gemme, Biorhiza terminalis, and Cynips Kollari). E. M. M. iv, 153." BIBLIOGRAPHY. 209 Bassett, H. F. On Dimorphism in the Cynipide. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., iii, 197; Proc. Ent. Soc., 1873, xv. — Habits of certain Gall Insects of the Genus Cynips; Agamic Repro- duction among the Oynipide. Proc. Am. Ass. Advancement of Science, xxvi, 302—3806 (1877). i — hist of the North American Cynipide. Am. Nat., xvi, 246. — Arrangement of the North American Cynipide after Dr. Mayr. L. c., 1882, 329. — Descriptions of several Supposed New Species of Cynips, with Remarks on the Formation of certain Galls. Proe. Ent. Soc. Phil., i, 823—333. — Descriptions of several New Species of Cynips and a New Species of Diastrophus. LL. c., ii, 679—691. 5 — Galls found in Plants of the Genus Rubus. Can. Ent., ii, 98—100. — New Species of Cynipide. L. c., xii, 51—57, 75—79, 92—113. — Description of a New Species of Cynips. Am. Nat., xv, 149. — A Short Chapter in the History of the Cynipidous Gall-flies. Psyche, v, 285—238. ; — New Species of North American Cynipide. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., xvii, 59—92, 1890. Bennett, G. Description of a New Species of Saw-fly (Perga Eucalypti). Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, 209. —and Scott, A. W. Description of a Species of Perga or Saw-fly found feeding upon the Eucalyptus citriodora. Proc. Zool. Soc., 1859, 209, pl. 1xii. Beijerinck, M. W. Hin Beleg zu der von Dr. Adler entdeckten Hetero- gonie von Cynipiden. Zool. Anzeiger, 1880, 179; Ent. Nachr., 1880, 45. — Over het cecidium van Nematus caprese aan Salix amygdalina. Verl. A. K. Amst. (3), iii, 1I—21; Arch. Neer., xxi, 475—492. Berlese, A. Materiali per un Catalogo dei Tentredinei Italiani. Bull. Ent. Ital., xxi, 206—237; xxii, 144—202. Bignell G. C. Aphilothrix radicis, Synergus incrassatus. Ent., xiv, 66. — A New Species of Cynipide. EH. M. M., 1892, 176, 177. Billups, T. R. Blennocampa aterrima. Ent., xx, 161. B. alternipes, e:, 162! Boheman, C.H. Spitsbergens Insekt Fauna. Oef., 1863, 563 (Nematus frigidus). : Boie, F. HEmntomolog. biologische Notizen. 8S. H. Z., 1848, 338 (Fenusa rubt). ‘ — Beobachtungen und Bemerkungen. S. E. Z., 1855, 48—50. Boisduval, J. A. Sur les ravages causés aux poiriers par la Tenthredo adumbrata, Kl. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4), vi. Bold, T. J. Capture in Northumberland of a Saw-fly New to Britain (Strongylogaster filicis). E.M.M., x, 69. Borries, H. Om Slaegten Ibalia, Latr. Ent. Med., iii, 53—57. — Bidrag til Danske Insekters Biologi. Ent. Med., i, 199 (Phyllotoma aceris). VOL, IV. 14 210 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bosc, L. A. G. Sur un nouveau genre d’Insectes de ’ordre des Hymén- optéres. Bull. d. Sc. par la Soc. Philomatique de Paris, 1818, 116 (Pinicola Juli). Bouché, P. F. Bemerkungen iber einige Blattwespen Larven. S. EH. Z., 1846, 289—291. — Ueber die Larve von Tenthredo (Nematus) capree in Beitragen zur Kenntniss der Insectenlarven. S. E. Z., 1847, 164. Bremi-Wolf, J. J. Beschreibung einiger Hymenopteren. S. E. Z., 1849, 92. — Beitrage zu einer Monographie der Gallmiicken. L. c., p. 64 (Cynips acerina = Pediaspis sorbi). Bridgman, J. B. Zara fasciata and its Parasite, Mesoleius sepulchralis. EK. M. M., xx, 228. — The Fauna of Norfolk—Tenthredinide. Trans. Norwich Soc, Nat. Hist., iv, 524—536. | Brischke, G. Nematus helicinus, sp.nov. S. H. Z., 1850, 409. — Die Pflanzen-Deformationen (Gallen) und ihre Erzeuger in Danzigs Umgebung. Schr. d. Naturg. Ges. zu Danzig, v. — Nachtrag zu den Beobachtungen ueber die Blatt- und Holzwespen. Schr. d. Naturg. Ges. zu Danzig, vi (2). ; — Ueber Parthenogenesis bei den Blattwespen. Schr. Ges. Danz., (2), vi, 168—172. — Zweiter Nachtrag zu den Beobachtungen ueber die Blatt- und Holzwespen. L. ¢., vii. — Hinige fiir Westpreussen order tithberhaupt neue: Ichneumoniden und Blattwespen. Schr. Ges. Danz. (2), vii, 102—107. —and Zaddach. Beobachtungen ueber die Arten der Blatt- und Holzwespen. Sch. Phys. Oecon. Gesell. in Kénigsberg: Cim- bicidee, 1862, 204—78 ; Hylotomide, 1863, 83—124; Lydide, 1865, 104—202; Nematide, 1875, 283—89; 1882, 283—356; 1883, 121— 170. Schr. d. Naturg. Ges. in Danzig, 1883, 201—328. Bronn. Lethza geognostica. Uebersicht der fossilen Pflanzen und Thiere (Hylotoma, Pteronus, Tenthredo, Cephites), 1850. an Brullé, A. Expédition scientifique de Morée, ii, part 1, 387395, 1832. — Sur les Transformations du Cladius difformis. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., i, 308—811, pl. ii, figs. 10O—12, 1832. Burmeister, H. Athlophorus Klugii, ein neue Gattung der Blattwespen. Tn Jubelfeier der von 50 Jahren am 27 November, 1797, began- genen Promotion des Geb. Ober. Medic. Rath. Dr. Klug. Halle, 1847. Cameron, Peter. Contributions to a Knowledge of the Scotch Cyni-. pide. Trans. Glas. Soc. of Field Nat., 11, 44—51. — Note on Leaf-galls. Scot. Nat., 1, 266. — Tenthredinide in Rannoch. Scot. Nat., ii, 358. Ren — A New British Saw-fly, and on Cresus varus. Scot. Nat., ii, 274. — Tenthredinide in the Glenelg Valley, Inverness-shire; Capture of Lyda erythrocera at Rannoch; Note on the Larve of Synergus ; Biorhiza renum near Glasgow. Scot. Nat., ii, 62, 63. — Occurrence of Three New British Saw-flies in Scotland, Scot. Nat., 1i, 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Pe 1a Cameron, Peter (continued)— — Memoirson Tenthredinide. L.c., ii, 11—15, 113—116, 158—160, 196 —296. — On the Parasites and Inquilines of Nematus gallicola. Scot. Nat., ii, 111—116. — On Saw-fly Larvee and Ichneumons. Scot. Nat., ii, 111, 160. — Note on the Larva of Synergus. Scot. Nat., ii, 111, 161. — Nematus Wittewalli, a Saw-fly New to Britain. Scot. Nat., i, 202. — Tenthredinide in Braemar. Scot. Nat., iv, 10. — Notes on Scotch Hymenoptera. Scot. Nat., iv, 11. — Does Alternation of Generations or Dimorphism occur in European Cynipide ? Scot. Nat., iv, 152. — Occurrence of Pecilosoma pulveratum, Retz, a Saw-fly New to Britain. E. M. M., x, 69. — Note on Camponiscus Healzi, Newman. H. M. M., x, 84. — On the Occurrence of Cenoneura Dahlbomi, Thoms.,a Genus and Species of Tenthredinidze New to Britain. EH. M. M., x, 85. — Occurrence of the Galls of Cynips ferruginea, Htg. LL. c., 85. — Addition of Two Species to the British List of Tenthredinide. EK. M. M., x, 160. — Four Species of Nematus New to Britain. EH. M. M., x, 211, 212. -- Descriptions of Two Species of Tenthredinide New to Science from Scotland. EH. M. M., x, 220—223. — Additions to the British List of Tenthredinide. EH. M. M., xi, 65. — Notes on British Tenthredinidx, with Description of a New Species of Nematus. H. M. M., xi, 107, 109. — Description of a New Species of Eriocampa from Seopa with Note on a Variety of Taxonus equiseti, Fall. HE. M. M., xi, 128, 129. — Descriptions of Three New Species of Tenthredinide from Scotland. BR. M. M., xii, 127—131. — Descriptions of Five New or Little-known Species of British Tenthre- dinide. L. c., xii, 189—193. — Notes on British Terebrant Hymenoptera. LL. c., 226—228. — On the Species of Nematus described in the Entomological Maga- zine, L. c., 228. — Notes on British Tenthredinide, with Descriptions of Two New Species. HE. M. M., xi, 250. — Description of a New Species of Nematus from Corsica (N. Mar- shall). HE. M. M., xu, 9. — Occurrence in Bene of Cladius Brullzi, Dahlbom. L. c., 42. — Note on the Gall of Andricus radicis. L. c. — Occurrence in Britain of the Galls of Nematus glandium, Gir. L. ¢., 83. — Note on the Larva of Abia sericea, Linn. L. c., 111. — pales oh British Tenthredinide and Cynipide. E. M. M., xiii, 73, 196 — oteye on the British Species of Blennocampa. HH. M. M., xiv, (ie — Description of a New Species of Nematus of the luteus-group from Sutherlandshire. EH. M. M., xiv, 58, 59. — Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Tenthredinidz and Siricidee, chiefly from the East Indies, in the Collection of the British Museum, Trans, Ent, Soc., 1876, 459—471. 212 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Cameron, Peter (continued)— — Descriptions of New Genera and Species of East Indian Tenthre- dinide. Trans. Ent. Soc., 1877, 87—92. — Note on Cladius Drewseni, ‘Thoms. L.c. — Notes on British Tenthredinide and Cynipide. EH. M. M., xiii, 173—178, 196—201. — On some New Genera and Species of Tenthredinide. Trans. Ent. Soce., 1878, 141—152. — On the Larve of the Tenthr edinidz, with Special Reference to Pro. o- tective Resemblance. Trans. Ent. Soc., xiv, 193—199. — Notes on British Tenthredinide. E. M. M., xiv, 265—268. — On Parthenogenesis in the Tenthredinidx and Alternation of Gene- ‘rations in the Cynipide. E. M. M., xv, 12. = — On some New or Little-known British Hymenoptera. Trans. Ent. Soc., 1879, 107—119. — Description of « New Species of Strongylogaster from Scotland. K. M. M., xvi, 63, 64. — Further Notes on the Coloration of Saw- fly Larve. Trans. Ent. Soc., 1880, 71—76. — Notes on Tenthr edinidas and Cynipide. EH. M. M., xvi, 990294, 247—250, 265—267; xvii, 66, 67. — On Parthenogenesis in the Tenthredinide. L. ¢., 76—79. — Description of a New Species of Dolerus (scoticus), from Scotland. HK. M. M., 1. c., 206. — On Parthenogenesis in the Tenthredinide. EH. M. M., 1. c., 271. — Notes on Hymenoptera, with Description of New Species (Tenthre- dinidz). ‘Trans. Ent. Soc., 1881, 563—576. — Notes on Tenthredinide. E. M. M., xix, 132—135, 193—195, 271, 272; xxi, 26, 265—267. — Descriptions of Ten New Species of Nematus from Britain. Trans. Ent. Soc., 1882, 531—540. — On Parthenogenesis i in the Tenthredinide. H. M. M., xxi, 103, 104. — A New Species of Nematus from England. HE. M. M., xxi, 80. — A Synopsis of the British Species of Cimbecidina, Hylotomina, Lophyrina, Lydina. EH. M. M., xxii, 47—51, 83—85, 117—123. —Is pea eune Megalodontes (or Tarpa) really British ? E. M. M., xxi, 164 _ ze eee of the British Species of Cephina. EH. M. M., xxii, — Hymenopterological Notes. EH. M. M., xxiii, 193—195. — On some New or Little-known British Parasitic Cynipide. E. M. M., xxiv, 209—211. . — Description of a New Species of Phyllotoma (P. fumipennis), with Note on Nematus crassicornis, Htg. EH. M. M., xxiv, 218, 219 — Hymenopterological Notes—Notes on British Cynipide. EH. M. M., 1890, 313, 314. — Synonymical Notes on Cynipide and Formicide. H. M. M., 1892, 67. — List of Scottish Cynipide that form Galls on Oak. Scot. Nat., ii - (2), 300—302, — Descriptions of Sixteen New Species of Parasitic Cynipide, chiefly from Scotland. Trans. Ent. Soc., 1883, 365—374. — A Monograpk of the British Species of Phenusa. Proc. Nat. Hist. Soe. Glas., 1876, 5—15. — A Monograph of the British Species of Cladius, Illiger. L. c., 15—27. — Addendum to Monograph of Phxnusa. LL. c., 95, 96. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 213 Cameron, Peter (continued)— — Description of a New Species of Nematus from Scotland. L. c., 1876, 260. — Notes on Hymenoptera observed in Inverness-shire. L. c., 1876, 290—294. — On the Habits of Nematus femoralis (Zaddach). L. c., 295—299. — On the British Species of the Genus Cresus. LL. c., 300—302. — On some New or Little-known British Hymenoptera. lL. c¢., 304—314. — A Monographie Revision of the British Species of Phyllotoma. L. ¢c., 315—321. — Notes on Cynipide (Aulax graminis, n.s.). L. ¢., 321—324., — On the Hymenoptera of Kingussie. L. c., 1876, 86—90. — On a New Species of Blennocampa (B. alchemille), with Remarks on the Species allied thereto. L. c., 1876, 107—110. — Observations on the Study of the Phytophagous Hymenoptera. L. ¢., 1877, 141—152. — Notes on Clydesdale Hymenoptera. L. c., 201—207. _ aes to the Hymenoptera of Sutherlandshire. L.c., 1878, A8—252. — On the Old-World Species of Athalia. L. c., 1877, 129—182. — A New Species of Allantus (A. breviventris) from Salonica. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glas., 1885, 277, 278. - — On the Habits of Huura (olim Cryptocampus). LL. c., 1885, 388—41. — On the Origin of the Forms of Galls. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glas., v, 1885, 38—41. — On some Hymenoptera (chiefly undescribed) from Japan and the Pacific (Dolerus bimaculatus, D. Lewisii, Abia japonica, Abia Lewis). Proc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glas., i (2), 263—270. — Biological Notes (Abundance of Galls of Newroterus). lL. ¢., 295—304. —_— Pa Parthenogenesis in the Hymenoptera. L. c. (n.s.), u, 194— 201. — Descriptions of Twenty-three New Species of Hymenoptera. Mem. Lit. and Phil. Soc. Man. (Selandria Rothneyi ex Bengal, Onychia striolata ex Bengal, Hmphytus aztecus ex Mexico, and New Parasitic Cynipide ex Britain) (4), 159—183. — On the British Species of Allotrinz, with Descriptions of other New Species of Parasitic Cynipide. Mem. Lit. and Phil. Soc. Man. (4), ii, 53, 69. — Hymenopterological Notices. Mem. Soc. Man. (4), iv, 182—194 (Hennedyia, gen. nov., Tenthredinide). — Biologia Centrali Americana. Hymenoptera: 1, Tenthredinide, 1—67; ae Cephide, 67; Siricide, 68, 69; Orysside, 69, 70; Cynipide, 70—76. Capron, Ed. Tenthredinide at Shiere. EH. M. M., xxu, 229. Carpentier, L. Notes sur quelques larves des Tenthrédides (sic). Mém. Soc. L. N. Fr., vii, 65—69. C.D. On the Ravages produced by Nematus caprex. Loud. Mag., ili, 422—424, 1834, Chapman, T. A. Note on the Occurrence of Chalcidideous Larve on the Imago of Cynips [Biorhiza aptera}. EH. M. M., iv, 13. 214: BIBLIOGRAPHY. Cockerell, T. D. A. The Evolution of Insect Galls. Ent., xxii, 73. Comstock, J. H. Locust Saw-fly, Nematus similaris, Norton. Rep. U.S. Dep. Agric., 1879, 222—224. — A Sawfly Borer in Wheat. Bull. Cornell Exper. Station, xi, 127— 142 (Cephus pygmexus). Coquillett, D. W. Larve of Tenthredinide tabulated and described. Tenth Report Illinois State Ent., 1881, 63—71. Corbelli, R. Una Nuova specie di Tentredinidi. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xl, 159 (Macrophya Bertolini). Costa, A. Storia della Tenthredine produttrice delle galle delle foglie del Salice [Pontania = Nematus gallicola]. Atti dell’ Acad. Pon- taniana, vi, 281—296, 1852. — Miscellanea Entomologica. Atti Acc. Napoli (2), i, 10, pl. u, fig. 10 (Cephus politissimus, sp. n.); iv, 19 (Tenthredinide from Brazil); v, 15, 15 (Harpiphorus teniatus and Macrophya trochan- terica), vi, 76. — Miscellanea Entomologica, Memoria terza. Rend. Acc. Napoli (2), iv, 172-3 (New Tenthredinide from Greece). — New Species of Tenthredinide from Australia, Brazil, and Italy. Annuario del Museo Zoologico d. R. Universita di Napoli, u, 1864. — Annuario, jul, 26 and 449, 1866 (four new Tenthredinide). — Miscellanea Entomologica. Atti Acc. Napoli (2),iv, 1—19 (Tenthre- dinide of Greece—Laurentia, gen. nov., near Pristiphora). Cresson, EH. T. Catalogue of the Described Species of Tenthredinide and Uroceride inhabiting North America. Proc. Ent. Soc. Phil., i, 33—39. — Hymenoptera Texana. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., iv, 153—292. — Descriptions of North American Hymenoptera. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., viii, 152. — Catalogue of the Tenthredinide and Uroceridz of North America. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., viii, 53—68. — Synopsis of the Hymenoptera of America North of Mexico, together with a Catalogue of the Described Species and Bibliography. Part I, Families and Genera. Tr. Am. Ent. Soc. Sup., vol. 1887; 1—154, 1886. PartII, Catalogue of Species and Bibliography, 1887, 155— dol. Crussard. Le Céphe pygmée ver de la Tige du Blé, son histoire, ses ravages, moyen assuré de la détruire. Neufchateau, 1883. Curtis, John. Observations on the Natural History and Hconomy of the Turnip Saw-fly and its Black Caterpillar, called the Black Palmer, Black Canker, Black Ink, Black Slug, and Nigger and Negro. Journ. Agric. Soc. of England, ii, 364—389, t. 1, 1841. — Description of the Nests of Two Hymenopterous Insects inhabiting Brazil, and of the Species by which they were constructed. Trans. Linn. Soc., xix, 249—259, pl. xxxi, 1844. — On the Economy of a New Species of Saw-fly. Ann. Nat. Hist., vi, 3938, 1850; Trans. Linn. Soc., xxi, 39—41, pl. v. Dahlbom, A. G. Beobachtungen uber das Hierlegen, den Embryo und die Larve der Cimbex fasciata. Okens Isis., 1837, 76. — Beonachtungen tiber der Hierlegen, den Embryo und die Larve des Nematus conjugatus. Okens Isis., 1837, 108. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 215 Dahlbom, A. G. (continued)— — Bemerkung. iiber die Larve des Emphytus succinctus. 8. EH. Z., 1848, 176. — Ueber die Verschiedenheiten zwischen Linne’s N. ribesii u. conjugatus. L. ¢., 177. — Ueber die Verschiedenheiten zwischen Linné’s und Degeer’s Ten- thredo salicis. lL. c., p. 178. — Ueber das Hierlegen und den Larvenzustand der Tenthredo crassa, Fall. L.c., p.178. — Bestatigung der Vermuthung, dass Blattwespen sich be Hungernoth einaunder angreifen und auffressen. L. ¢., p. 181. — Bemerkungen iber die von Blattwespen herriihrenden gallapfel, L. c., p. 182. Dahlbom et Sichel. Remarques sur quelques espéces européennes du genre Sivex. Bull. Ent. Fr., 1859, 83, 84. Dale, J. C. Nematus ribesii, Trichiosoma lucorum (the larva ejects from the pores of the body a white liquid in thin fountain-like columns). Mag. Nat. Hist., vii, 423, 424, 1834. Dalla Torre, K. W. Tenthredopsis, Costa. Ent. Nachr., viii, 169. — Hymenopterologische Notizen. Wien. Ent. Z., viii, 124 and 209 (Zygosis, Dicerea, Onychia, Aspicera). _— Zur Nomenclatur der Cynipiden. L. c., xi, 131, 1382. — Die Kuropaischen Hoplocampa Arten. Ent. Nachr., xv, 165—169. Dalman, J. W. Nagra nya Insect-Genera. R. Vet.. Acad., 1, and Stockholm, 122—125. (Xyela pusilla, X. longula), 1819. Damianitsch, R. Hymenopterologische Beitrige. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xvi, 993—996. (Cephus brachypterus, C. Eberti.) Dewitz, H. Hymenopteren von Portorico. (Schizocerus Zaddachi, sp. nov.) B.E. Z., xxv, 1881, 197. Dietrich, K. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kanton Zirich einheimischen Insekten. Hymenoptera. Mtt. Schweiz. Ent. Ges., ii, 347. (Tenthredinide.) Dominique, J. Notes pour servir 4 la connaissance des Tenthrédinides delOuest. Bull. Soc. Sci. Natur. Ouest. Fr., i, 20—30, 235. Doubleday, E. Larva of Cresus septentrionalis. Ent. Mag., i, 318, pl. i, fig. 5. — Note on the Larva of Strex gigas. Proc. Zool. Soc., 1849, 95. Douglas, J. W. Tenthredo testudinea, Klug. H. M. M., xx, 70, 71. Drewsen, J. C. Note sur le Cimber femorata. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., iv, 169, 1835. Dufour, L. Etudes pour servir 4 Vhistoire du Nematus ribesit. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1847 (2), v, 571—581. — Dissertation sur le Nematus Degeert. LL. c., 588—589. — Recherches sur l’anatomie des Hyménoptéres de la famille des Urocerates. Comp. rendu Ac. Scien., xxxviii, 484—488; Ann. Sc. Natur., i, 201—236, 1854. — Description d’une nouvelle espéce de Cephus (C. nigripennis). Ann. ree. ane Fr., 1861, 13, t. i, f. 16; cf. also Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. D Urban, W.S. M. Galls on the Oak. E. M. M., ii, 141, 142. 216 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Eckstein, K. Zur Biologie der Gattung Lyda, Fab. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. f. Syst., v, 425—436. Eversmann, E. S. Fauna Hymenopterologica Volgo-Uralensis, ex- hibens Hymenopterorum Species, quas in provinciis Volgam fluvium inter et Montes Uralensis sitis observavit et nunc descripsit. Bull. Mos., 1847, 3—64:. Fabre, J. H. Souvenirs entomologiques: études sur l’instinct et les Meeurs des Insectes. Quatriéme Série, Paris, 1891; chap. xviii, Sirex gigas. ~ Fallén, OC. F. Fédrsok till Uppstillning och beskrifning pa de i Sverige funne arter af Insect Slagtet Tenthredo, Linné. Kong. Vetenskaps Acad. Handlingar, Stockholm, 1807, 179—209; 1808, 37—64, 98—124, 219—227. L.c., 33, 109, 138, 1812. — Specimen novam Hymenoptera disponendi Methodum exhibens cum tab enea. Diss. Acad. Lunde, 1813. Fennell, J. A. A Singularity in the Larva of Tenthredo amerine : Device for entrapping Insects. Mag. Nat. Hist., series 1, xvi, 157, 1833. Fischer von Waldheim. Observata quedam de Hymenopteris Rossicis. Guérin, Mag. de Zool., v, 1843. Fitch, EH. A. Additional Parasites of Cynips lignicola. Ent., 1872, 243. — New and Rare British Gall-producers observed since the Year 1872) dus e:, x, 2 — British Oak-galls. EH. M. M., xi, 109. [The record of Dryo- cosmus cerriphilus, Gir., as a British insect is an error. | — Aphilothria globuli, Hart., a Gall-maker New to Britain. Ent., - 1874, 24. — The Breeding of Gall-flies. Ent., 1875, 170—172. — Gall on Hypochexris radicata. LL. ¢., 233. — Parasites and Inquilines of Andricus terminalis. Ent., 1876, 29—42. — New and Rare British Gall-producers observed since the Year 1872. Ent., 1877, 27—29. — Inhabitants of Kollari Galls. L. c., 44. —A ee (Oxyura) bred from Gall of Andricus terminalis. Ent., 1879, 24. — Hedychrum bred from Cynips Kollari gall. L. e. — Hymenoptera bred from Cynips Kollari galls. Ent., 1879, 113— 119. — Gall on the Great Knapweed. Ent., 1879, 131. [See ante, p. 204. ] — The Galls of Essex: a Contribution to the List of the Insect Fauna of the County. Epping Forest and Essex Nat. Field Club, ui, 98—156. Fletcher, James. The Larch Saw-fly, Nematus Hrichsoni. Rep. Ent. Soc., Ontario, 1884, 72, 77. Fletcher, J. HE. Note on Dimorphism and Alternation of Generation in the Cynipide. H. M. M., xiv, 265. — Notes on Tenthredinide. EH. M. M., xviii, 127. — On Parthenogenesis in Tenthredinide. HE. M. M., xviii, 127, 180. — List of Cynipide taken in Worcestershire. Hnt., xii, 10. — Additions to the Casual Inhabitants of Galls. Ent., xiv, 21. BIBLIOGRAPHY. DAWA Fletcher, J. EH. (continued)— — Notes on Tenthredinide. E. M. M., xix, 206, 207. — On Parthenogenesis in Tenthredinide and Alternation of Genera- tions in Cynipide. EH. M. M., xvi, 269, 270. Fockeu, H. Les Hymenoptérocécedies du Saule. Rev. Biol., iii, 35—40. Forster, A. Einige neue Arten‘aus der Familie der Blattwespen. S. E. Z., 1844, 262—287. — Neue Blattwespen. Verh. des Naturh., Ver. d. preuss. Rhein., xi, 265—350, 421—436, 1854. — Eine Centurie neuer Hymenoptera. Verh. d. Nat., Ver. d. Rhein. und Westph., vii, 287. Tenthredo pictipes, i, 1850. — Die 2te Centurie neuer Hymenoptera. Verh. ver. pr. Rhein., 256 —258 (Hucoela decipiens, EH. sculpturata, EH. rufula, Dolerus ochroneurus), 1. c., 143. N. Gen. Phanacis [ Ph. centawreee], 1. c., 145. — Ueber Gallwespen. Vehr. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1869, 327—370. Fonscolombe, Boyer J. C. Description des Insectes de la famille des Diplolépaires que se trouvent aux environs d’ Ae Ann. Sc. Nat., 1832, t. xxvi, 184, 198. Foulques de Villaret. Mémoire sur quatre nouvelles espéces de Ten- thrédines. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., i, 303, pl. 11, 1832. Fou, W. J. Report on the Hymenoptera collected in West Greenland (Nematus borealis). Ent. News, 1892. Frauenfeldt, G. Von. Die Gallen. Versuch die durch Insecten an der Pflanzen verursachten Auswiichse nach ihren Haupttypen und Wachsthumsverhaltnissen naturgemass zu gruppiren. Sitzb. d. Mathem. Naturw. Wien, xv, 121, 255—266. — Zoologische Miscellen. Vergrosserung der Hier bei Nematus fuscus, Lep., und Tenthredo, sp. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1864, 693—695. — Weiterer Mittheilung tiber die Rapswespe. L. c., 1866, 839—843. — Zoologische Miscellen. Xiphidria camelus. LL. c., 1868, 885, 886. — Dritter Beitrage zur Fauna Dalmatiens. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xi, 102. (Hylotoma, sp. n., 105; Cephus, sp. n.) Frey-Gessner, Fr. Kohl, and Kreichbaumer. Die Typen zu Jurine’s Werk, Nouvelle methode de classer les Hyménoptéres et les Diptéres. M. T. Schw., Ent. Gess., vi, 387—396. Freymouth. Beschreibung neuer arten Blattwespen die von Fedts zenko im halo Taravschane gesammelt sind, nebst einer synop- tischen Tabelle fiir die asiatischen und europaischen Tarpa. Soe. Imp. des Amateurs des Sc. Nat. Moscow, 1870, 213. Froggatt, W. W. Notes on the Life History of certain Saw-flies (Perga), with Description of a New Species. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales (2), v, 283—288. — Descriptions of a New Genus and Two New Species of Tenthre- dinide. LL. c., 487—490. Gillette, C. P. Notes on certain Cynipide, with Descriptions of New Species. Psyche, v, 183—188, 214—221. — New Cynipide. Ent. Am., vi, 2195, 1890. — Descriptions of New Cynipidze in the Illinois State Generator of Natural History. Bull. llinois Lab. Nat. Hist., 11, 191—206. 218 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Gimmerthal, B. A. Einige in Livland aufgefundene und benannte Siigewespen. Bull. Mose., vii, 122—128, 1834. — Beschreibung einiger neuen in Livland aufgefundenen Insecten, ii. Bull. Mose., ix, 431—447, 1836. — Beschreibung einiger neuen Blattwespen. 8. EH. Z. 1844, 36. — Hiniges iiber die Blattwespen im Allgemeinen nebst einer Ueber- sicht der Gattungscharactere und die bis hierzu in Livland und Kurland beobachteten Arten mit einigen Bemerkungen daran Arbeiten des Naurforsch. Vereins in Riga, i, 23—60, 1847. — Beobachtete Metamorphose einer neuen Fliegenspecies und einer bereits bekannten Blattwespen (Nematus appendiculatus). Arbeit. d. Naturforsch. Vereins in Riga, 1848, 330. Giraud, J. E. Note sur quelques Hyménoptéres (Xiphydria dromedarius et ses Parasites). Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, iv, 603—608, 1854. . — Observations sur quelques espéces d’Hyménopteres rares ou peu connues trouvés dans les environs de Vienne. L. ¢c., vi, 187, 188, 1856. (Onychia et Callispidia, Nematus abdominalis, Pz.) — Description de quelques Hyménoptéres nouveaux ou rares. L. c., vil, 181—184, 1857 (Tenthredinide, n. sp.). — Description de deux Hyménoptéres nouveaux du genre Lyda, accom- pagnée de quelques observations sur les espéces connues de ce genre que se trouvent en Autriche. L. c., xi, 81—92. — Signalements de quelques espéces nouvelles des Cynipides et de leurs Galles. IL. c., 1859, 337. — Enumération des Figitides de ’Autriche. L. c., 1860, 123. — Description et Metamorphoses d’une nouvelle Tenthrédine du genre Selandria (S. aylostet). L. c., xii, 1297. — Miscellanies hyménoptérologiques: II. Observations sur les fausses chenilles épineuses que vivent sur le chéne, et biologie de la Dineura verna, Kl. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1 (5), 375. — Note sur le Janus femoratus, Curtis, Hyménoptere de la famille des Tenthrédines. Am. Soc. Hym. Fr., 1870, 27—30. — Communication sur diverses galles du chéne, et sur les Insectes qui les forment. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1886, 197—200. Gliemann. Geographische Beschreibung von Island Altona (Ten- thredo, 2 sp.), 1824. Gorski. Notice sur le fausses chenilles qui détruisent le parenchyme des feuilles des cerisiers. Analecta ad Entomographicum imp. ross., 186—203, 1652. Goureau. Notes sur les ravages produits sur les vinetiers du Berbéris par la larve de l Hylotoma enodis. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4), 11, 15. — Note sur le Hylotoma enodis et Nematus ribis. lL. c., 1857, 28. — Sur les meurs du Cephus compressus. Ii. c., 131, vi, 17, 1858. Gradl, H. Aus der Fauna des Egerlandes. Ent. Nachr., vii, 294—300 (Cephosoma, gen. nov.; Dolerus rufipes, Phyllotoma nigrescens, Nematus superbus). — Verzeichniss europaischer Hautfligler. LL. c., 1882, 129—155. Guérin-Méneville. Urocerus Lefebvre. Mag. de Zoologie, 1833, No. 68. — Notices sur quelques Insectes nuisbles au Froment, au Seigle, a. Porge et au Tréfle. Mém. de la Soc. Roy. et. Centr. d’ Agriculture, Paris, 1843. \ BIBLIOGRAPHY. 219 Hagen, H. On the Natural History of Gall Insects. Can. Ent., x,. 85—94 (1878). Handlirsch, A. Die Metamorphose zweier Arten der Gattung Anacharis, Dalm. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxxvi, 235—237, pl. vii, f. 1—4. Harrington, W. H. Note on Oryssus Sayi and North American Species. Can. Ent., xiv, 81—86. — New Species of Canadian Tenthredinidz. Canad. Ent., xxi, 95—99. Hartig, G. L. and Th. Forstlichen und forst. naturwissenschaftliches Conversations-Lexicon, Berlin, 1834. Hartig, Th. Hymenopterologische Mittheilungen. Stett. Ent. Zeit., 1840, 19—28. Gen. Trichiosoma, ii, Uebersicht der Nematiden. Republished Ent. Nach., 1884, 317—326, by Kriechbaumer. — Ueber die Familien der Gallwespen. Germ. Zeit., ii, 1840, 176; Erster Nachtrag, ii, 1841, 322; Zweiter Nachtrag, iv, 1843, 395. Healy, Charles. Life Histories of Saw-flies: Phyllotoma melanopyga, Ent. iv, 176—178 (= microcephala); Phyllotoma tormentillz, But., No. 58, 140, 141; Phyllotoma microcephala, Ent., 60, 177 (= vagans, Fall.); Fenusa fuliginosa?, Ent., No. 63, 1869, 225; Druida parviceps, Ent., No. 62, 1869, 208; Fenusa pumila, Ent. 62, 211, 212; Fenusa ulmi, Ent., No. 68, 297 ; Fenusa pygmzxa, Ent., No. 68, 300. — Observations on the Economy of the Saw-fly (Phyllotoma aceris, McLach.) that mines the Leaves of Maple. E. M. M., iv, 105. Heeger, E.—Naturgeschichte der Akorn-Blattwespe Tenthredo (Dolerus) nigra. Sitzun. der Math.-Natur., Kl. de Konig Acad. zu Wien, vii, 214—217, Taf. vii, 1851. Heer, Oswald. Die Insecten fauna der Tertidrgebilde von Oeningen und Radoboj in Croatien, part 11 (Cephites). Herrich-Schaffer. — Fortgesetzt von Panzer Deutschlands Insecten, Hefte 120—129, 1834. Heyden, L. von. Beitrage zur Kentnniss der Hymenopteren Fauna der weiteren Umgegend von Frankfurta/M. Ber. Senck. Ges., 1887, 65. Hope, J. F. Note on Sirex juvencus. Proc. Ent. Soc., 1836, 96. . Huart, V. A. Une nouvelle espéce de Lyda. Nat. Can., xi, 144—149, Inchbald, Peter. Cryptocampus angustus (willow-gall saw-fly). E.M. M., i, 47. — Note on Cresus septentrionalis. BH. M. M., v, 21. — Note on the Currant Gall on Salia herbacea. E. M. M., v, 21. — Aulax sabaudi, one of the Cynipide bred from a Gall on Mieracium boreale. EH. M. M., ui, 46, 47. Jack, J. G. Notes on Three Species of Hylotoma. Psyche, vi, 10, 11. Jakowlew, A. Quelques matériaux pour servir 4 la connaissance de la distribution géographique des Mouches a Scie (Tenthredinide) en Russie. Hor. Ent. Ross., xx. 286—241. — Insecta in itinere cl. N. Przewalskii in Asia centrali, novissime lecta Tenthredinide. Hor. Ent. Ross., xxi, 160—164. — Quelques nouvelles espéces des Mouches a Scie de Empire Russe. Hora. Ent. Ross., xxii, 368—375. — Diagnoses Tenthredinidarum novarum ex Rossia europxa, Sibiria, Asia, India, et confinum. Hor. Ent. Ross., xxvi, 1—62. 22.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Karsch, F. Neue Zoocecidien und Cecidozoen. Zeits. f. d. ges. Naturw., 1880, 286. Kawall, H. Entomologische Notizen aus Kurland. S. E. Z., 1858, 65—72. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Hymenopteren Fauna Russlands, Bull. Mosce., xxxvii, 293—303. Kerville, H. G. de. Sur le Larve de Monophadnus aridis. Bull. Soc.. Ent. Fr., 1884, 150—152. Kidd, H. W. Notes on the Woolly Gall of the Oak. HE. M. M., ll, 141. Kieffer, J. J. Aulaw hypochzridis, sp. nov. Verh. z-b. Ges. Wien, xxxvii, 205, 206. — Les Hymenoptera-Cécidies de Lorraine. Feuill. Nat., xxi, 230—234, 227—254; t. c. xxii, 4d—46. Kirby, W. F. Description of a New Species of Saw-fly from Albania. Ann. N. H. (5), xviii, 497. — Descriptions of several New Genera and Species of Chalcidide and Tenthredinide. Journ. Linn. Soc., xx, 28—37. — Descriptions of New Species of Tenthredinide, Cynipide, and Chalcidide in the British Museum. Ann. N. H. (6), iv, 141—144. — Description of a New Species of Saw-fly from Greece. H. M. M., xx, 215 Kirchner, L. Verzeichniss in der Gegend von Kaplitz, Budweiser Kreises in Bohmen vorkommenden Aderfliigler. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1854, 285 —290. Klug, F.* Die Blattwespen nach ihren Gattungen und Arten zusam- mengestellt. Magazin der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin, ii, 261—283. Tarpa und Lyda, 1808. —L. a vi, 45—62, Lophyrus 276—310; Pterygophorus und Hylotoma, 1814. — L.c., vii, 120—131, Tenthredo. —L.c., viii, 42—84, 110—116, 179—219, 273—307 (Tenthredo), 1818. — Die Blattwespen der Fabricischen Sammlung. Wiedemanns Zoolo- gische Mag., ii (3), 64—91, Altona, 1819. — Uebersicht der Tenthredinide der Sammlung der Berliner Entomo- logischen Museum. Jahrbucher der Insectenkunde Berlin, 223— 253, and of ii, figs. 5, 10, 1834. — Versuch einer Darstellung der Familien und Arten der Blattwespen Gattung Cimbex Fab. L.c., 1, 1829. Kollar, V. Ueber springende Cynips-Gallen auf Quercus cerris. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1857, 518. — Die Cerr. Hichen Blattwespe Tenthredo (Hmphytus) cerris. Denk- schr. der Wien. Akad. d. Wiss., 1850, 48. Konow, F. W. Bemerkungen ueber Blattwespen. D. H. Z., xxviii, 305—354. : — Bemerkungen iiber Blattwespen. D. EH. Z., xxx, 73, 82. — Ueber die Blattwespen Gattungen Strongylogaster, Dahlb., und Selan- dria, Klug. W. EH. Z., iv, 19—26. * The whole of Klug’s papers on Saw-flies have been republished in one volume (4to.) by Kriechbaumer, Berlin, 1886. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 221 Konow, F. W. (continued)— — Ueber Blattwespen. W. E. Z., iv, 295—301. — Sieben neue Allantus Arten. W. H. Z., v, 17—21. — eae mehrere neue und einige schon bekannte Eeenen. lees, —41. — Ueber einige Blattwespen. L. c., 107. — Die Europaischen Blennocampen. LL. c., 183, 211, 243, 267. — Eee een d’une espéce nouvelle de Tenthr ade. Rev. d. Ent., v, 7 — Zwei neue erent der Blattwespen Gattung Thomsonia. W. E. Z., 1884, 307, 308. — Ueber einige Blattwespen. W. EH. Z., 1886, 108—110 (Tenthredopsis, Costa, Eriocampa thiops, F. Auengments). — Bemerkungen ueber Blattwespen. D. EH. Z., xxx, 1886, 73—82. — Description de quelques espéces nouvelles de Tenthrédines, et tableau analytique du genre Abia. Rev. d’Ent., vi, 1—5. me griechische und einige andere Blattwespen. Wile Ziowivas — 28. — Nachtrag zuden Blennocampiden. W. E. Z., vi, 273—283. — Hine neue Macrophya. Art. Svc. Ent., i, 112, 113. — Zwei neue Blattwespen-Arten. S. B. Akad. Berlin, 1888, 187—193. — Die Blattwespen Gattung Allantus, Jur. D. EH. Z., xxxii, 209—220. — Tenthredinide Europe. Deut. E. Zeit., 1890, 225—255. — Tableaux analytique et systématique du genre Tenthredopsis, Costa. Rev. d’Ent., ix, 63—80. — Neue palearctische Blattwespen. W. HE. Z., ix, 8—13. — Bemerkungen und Nachtrage zum Catalogus Tenthredinidarum Hurope. D. EH. Z., 1891, 209—220. — Neue Blattwespen. Hine neue Athalia aus Arabia. Neue Kauka- sische Tenthrediniden. W. H. Z., x, 41—49. — Analytische Uebersicht der europaischen Arten der Tenthrediniden Gattung Schizocera, Latr. W. EH. Z., 1892, 11—22. Kessler. Die Lebensgeschichte von Ceutorhynchus sulcicollis, Gyll., und Nematus ventricosus, Kl. - Cassel, 1866. Kriechbaumer, J. Hymenopterologische Beitrige. Neue Blattwespen der Gattung Allantus. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xix, 586—597. — TE a a C. B. Ver. Regenst., xxxiv, "9—20, 135—148, 145—151. — Ueber Cimbex venusta. Stett. BH. Z., 1874, 417, 418. — Hymenopterologische Mittheilungen von Hartig. Revidirt mit einem Vorworte versehen. Hnt. Nachr., 1884, 317—326. — Blattwespen Studien. Ent. Nachr., vii, 98 —101 (Hylotoma Graeffei, H. pallipes, Allantus monozonus). — Zwei neue Macrophya Arten. Ent. Nachr., xvi, 188. Lacaze-Duthiers, H. Recherches sur Varmure génitale femelle des Insectes. Ann. Scien. Natur. (3), xii, 353—374; xiv, 17—52, 1849-50. — Recherches pour servir 4 Vhistoire des Galles. Ann. Sc. Nat. Bot., (3) xix, 332. Landsell, H. An Apterous Saw-fly. Ent., xviii, 247, Latreille, P. A. Mémoire sur un nouveau genre d'Inseete (Oryssa) présenté a l’Inst. le 28 flor., an. iv, 1795. 992 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Latreille, P. A. (continued)— — Hist. nat. Insectes. Ency. Méthodique, viii, 557—561; Oryssa, 678—696; Pamphillus, 1811. Lesne, P. Sur le genre Cimbex. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1889, exlviil. Lethierry, L., and Carpentier, L. Matériaux pour le Catalogue des Hyménoptéres du Nord, du Pas de Caluis, de la Somme, et de VOise (Tenthrédinides). Mém. Soc. L. N. Fr., vii, 240—253. — Matériaux pour le Catalogue des Hyménoptéres du Nord, du Pas de Calais, de la Somme, et de ’Oise. Mém. Soc. Linn. d. Nord Fr., vi, 247—267 (Tenthredinides). — Le Perineura Konowi, Leth. Bull. Soc. L. Nord Fr., viii, 218. Lewis, R. H. Case of Maternal Attendance on the Larva by an Insect of the Tribe of Terebrantia, belonging to the Genus Perga, observed at Hobarton, Tasmania. Trans. Ent. Soc., 1, 232—234. Lichtenstein, Jules. Alternation of Generation in the Cynipide. E. M. M., xviii, 225. — Les Cynipides monoiques. Petit Nouvelle Entom., 1878, 225. — Yur Generationswechsel der Cynipiden. Ent. Nachr., iv, 159. Ivebel, R. Die Zoocecidien (Pflanzen-deformationen) und ihre Erzeuger in Lothringen. Zeit. f. Naturw., lix, 531—579. — Die Zoocecidien (Pflanzen-deformationen) der Holzewachse Loth- ringen. Ent. Nachr., xviii, 257—287. Lintner, J. A. Fourth Report on the Injurious and other Insects of the State of New York—Amphibolips prunus, pp. 42—44; Aulaco- merus lutescens, 44—46 (= Cladius viminalis). Liéw, Fr. Zoologische Notizen, i. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xvi, 953-4 (Cephus compressus on Pyrus. Life-history of Lyda imanita). — Zool. Notizen, ii. Lyda inanita, |. ¢., xvii, 747. — Bemerkungen ueber Cynipiden. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1884, 321— 326 (1, Chilaspis nitida and C. Loww; 2, Neuwroterus aprilinus, Giraud; Neuroterus Schlechtendali, Mayr; 3, Xestophanes brevi- tarsis, Thom. = tormentillz, Schlecht.; 4, Aulaz hieracii, Bouché ; 5, Cynipidengallen an Hypochzeris radicata, Linn.). Lucas, H. I’histoire naturelle des Animaux articulés de l Algérie: iii, Hyménoptéres (Exploration scientifique de l’Algérie), 1849. —Un mot sur le Diastrophus rubi. Ann. Soc. Ent., Fr., 1862, 369— 372. : — Note sur le Lophyrus pini, L., et sur son. parasite le Torymus obso- letus, F. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. (4), iv. — Notice sur Cimbex amerine trouvée sur les murailles de Sebastopol. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1857, 30. — Parasites of Cimbex amerinz (Mesochorus testaceus, Gr., and Cam- poplex, sp.). Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1858, 17. ; — Note sur le Cimbex amerinz comme habitent le nord de 1’Afrique. Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1860, 22. Mehachion, R. Additions, &c., to the British Tenthredinide, E. M. M., iv, 102. ‘ — Additional Notice respecting the Maple-mining Saw-fly (Phyllotoma _ aceris), E. M. M., iv, 123. BIBLIOGRAPHY. We MeLachlan, R. (continued)— — Three Species of Tenthredinide New to Britain. EH. M. M., x, 113. — Phyllotoma melitta, Newman = Fenusa betulz, Zaddach. E. M. M., vi, 213. — Tenthredo olwacea of Klug, a New British Saw-fly. E.M.M., v, 44. Maeklin. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der geographischen Verbreitung der Insecten im Norden, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Fauna Scandinaviens und Finland. S. E. Z., 1857, 86. Magretti, P. Varieta e specie nuove di Imenotteri Terebranti, Ten- thredinidei. Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital., xviii, 1886. — Imenotteri di Siria, raccolti dall’ avoti Augusto Medema, con descrizione di alcune specie nuove. Ann. Mus. Genov. (2), ix. — Varieta e specie nuove d’ Imenotteri, Terebranti, Tentredinidei. Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital., xviii, 24—29. — Di una galla di Cinipide trovata sulle radici della vite (Vitis vini- fera). L.c., xvii, 207, 208. — Varieta ed anomalie osservato in alcune specie di Tenthredini. L, ¢., xiv, 239—241. — Recerche microscopiche sopra i liquidi discrezione e di arcologione nelle larve d’alcuni Imenotteri, Tentredinidei. Bull. Scient., iv, 58, 59. Malley, F. W. Another Strawberry Saw-fly (Monostegia ignota). Ins. Life, 11, 137—140, figs. Manning. Notes upon the Black Caterpillar, or Larva of Athalia centifolie. Proc. Ent. Soc., 11, 1839, 64. Marshall, D. Account of the Black Canker Caterpillar which destroys the Turnips in Norfolk. Phil. Trans., lxxiii, 217, 222, 1783. Marshall, T. A. On some British Cynipide. E. M. M., iv, 6, 101, 124, 146, 171, 223, 271. — Hymenoptera (Cynipide). Ent. Ann., 114—121. — On some British Cynipide. EH. M. M., xi, 178. ee Martlett, C. The Final Moulting of Tenthredinid Larve. Proc. Ent. Soe. Wash., ii, 115—117. — Notes on a Red Cedar Saw-fly. Trans. Kansas Acad., x, 80—82. Mayr, G. L. Beschreibung einer neuen Gallwespen. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, xxx, 5 (Andricus Adleri). — Hine neue Cynipide aus Mexico. Verh. z.-b. Wien, xxxvi, 369. Mayr’s work on the Central European Oak-galls has been translated, with notes, by F. Walker and EH. A. Fitch in the Entomologist, as follows :—Aphilothrix radicis, Ent., vii, 2; Biorhiza aptera, 3; Aphilothri« corticis, 50; A. rhizomatis, 51; A. Sieboldii, 52 ; Cynips cerricola, 73; Dryocosmus cerriphilus, 75; Dryophanta macroptera, 98; Andricus noduli, 99; Cynips Hartigi, 145; C. funicicola, 146 ; C. conifica, 170; Aphilothria serotina, 170; Trigonaspis meguptera, 193; Cynips argentea, 194; C. hungarica, 217; C. tinctoria, 218; C. Kollari, 241 ; C. lignicola, 265; C. conglomerata, 266; CO. gluti- nosa, Gir., vill, 73; C. coriaria, 75 ; C. polycera, 97 ; C. caliciformis, 99; C. amblycera, 121; C. galeata, 121; Aphilothrix lucida, 145. A. gemme, 146; A. solitaria, 169; A. globuli, 254; A, autumnalis 255; A. collaris, 289; A. callidoma, 290; A. glanduls, if,1; A. cle. 294 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Mayr (continued)— mentinse, 2; Synophus politus, 26; Andricus terminalis, 28; A. in- flator, 50; A. curvator, 51; A. cireularis, 51; A. Burgundus, 74; Spathegaster Giraudi, 75; 8. aprilinus, ix, 76; ? Cynips aries, 77; C. gemmea, 78; Biorhiza renum, 115; B. synaspis, 117; Dryo- phanta scutellaris, 121; D. foli, 123; D. longiventris, 146; D. divisa, 147; D. agama, 149, 150; D. disticha, 171; D. cornifex, 172; Andricus urnxformis, 192; A. curvator, 195; A. testaceipes, 219; petioli, 219; A. multiplicatus, 220; A. cydoniz, 245; A. nitidus, 246; A. crispator, 268; Neuroterus numismatis, x, 67; N. lenticu- laris,86; N. fumipennis, 121; N. leviusculus, 122; N. lanuginosus, 160; N. ostreus, 161; N. saliens, 172; N. minutulus, 173; Spathe- gaster baccarum, 206; 8. tricolor, 234; S. albipes, 235; 8S. verru- cosa, 249; S. vesicatriz, 250; S. nervosa, 297; S. marginalis, 298 ; A. estivalis, xi, 31; A. grossularize, 33; A. ramuli, 87; A. amenti, 114; A. occultus, 115; A. 4-lineatus, 183; ) Phyto Hymen. tv. Platie 13, ce Constance Hoskyns-Abrahall ith ad nat West Newman imp PLATE XIII. . 1.—Aulax glechome. . 2.—Periclistus Brandtiv. . 3.—Perielistus canine. . 4.—Ceroptres arator. 4a, antenna. . 9.—Saphylotus connatus. . 6.—Diastrophus rubt. 6a, antenna. . (.—Diastrophus aphidivorus. 7 a, antenna. . 8.—Andricus amenti. . 9.—Andricus ostreus. Faas! Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. hie: Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. PLATE XIV. 1.—Andricus fecundatria. 1 a.—Andricus pilosus. 9.—Andricus radicis. 9 a.—Andricus trilineatus. 3.—Andricus Sieboldiu. 3 a.—Andricus testaceipes. 4.—Andricus curvator. 4.a.—Andricus collaris. 4b.—Andricus collaris. Phyto Hymen, ww Plate 14 West, Newman im p i - Rae etre | Phyto. Hymen iv. PlatelS. eS, ee ee Constance HoskynsAb rahallbthad nat. West Newman imp Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Vie. Fig. PEATE. XV. 1.—Andricus ramuli. 2.—Andricus Clementine. 3.—Andricus solitartus. 4,—Andricus quadrilineatus. 5.—Andricus glandule. 6.—Andricus curculans. 7.—Trigonaspis megaptera. 8.—Andricus cirratus. 9.—Bvorhiza aptera. 9 a.—Brorhiza terminalis. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Vig. Fig. Vig. PLATE XVI. 1.—Dryophanta divisa. 1 a.—Dryophanta verrucosa. 2.—Dryophanta folw. 3.—Newroterus numismatis. 3 a.—Neuroterus vesicatria. 4,.—Neuroterus lenticularis. 4 a.—Neuroterus baccarum. 5.—Neuroterus fumipennis. 6.—Cynips Kollar. 7.—Newroterus punctatus. Phyto. Hymen. iv. Platel@ yon, = Constance Hoskyns-Abrahall lithad nat, sh Newman tmp. Phyto Hymen. iv. Plate XVII. Constance HoskynsAbrahall lhthad nat West, Newman inp PUATE XWil, Fig. 1—Xestophanes potentille, gall. Fig. 2.—Andricus albopunctata, ovipositor. Fig. 3.—Andricus corticis, gall. Fig. 4.—Cynips Kollari, larva, 3 figures; 4a, pupa, 3 figures. Fig. 5.—Cynips gemme, gall. Figs. 6, 6a.—Gall of Andricus sp. (after Ormerod), see p. 108, where fig. 8 is printed in error for fig. 6. Fig. 7.—Gall of Andricus sp. (after Ormerod), see p- 108, where fig. 9 is printed in error for fig. 7. Fig. 8.—Biorhiza aptera, gall. Cr. eee 3 irae wa in PLATE XVIII. Fig. 1.—Transverse section of gall of Rhodites spinosissime. Fig, 2.—Longitudinal section of gall of Aulax hie- racw. 2a, transverse section. Fig. 3.—Transverse section of gall of Andricus albopunctata. 3a, longitudinal section. Phyto Hymen. iv Plate XVIII Constanee Hoskyns-Abrahall sc adnat. West,Newmamn imp. Phyto Hymen. w Plate XIX. 6) ! pacer aeceny A SA SS. DPD PESTA = Z de ae Arr Ca ai ENF a aS Pep Ul we weva . Constance Hoskyns-Abrahall scadmnat. WestNewman imp. — " PLATE XIX. Fig. 1.—Transverse section of gall of COynps Kollari. Fig. 2.—Transverse section of gall of Andricus curvator. Fig. 3.—Transverse section of gall of Trigonaspis megapterda. Fig. 4.—Longitudinal section of gall of Neuroterus lenticularis ; 4a. transverse section of gall of Newroterus lenticularis. Fig. 5.—Transverse section of gall of Newroterus baccarum. pS ¢ et atete ahah ghate! ‘ Conese «¢ Corte kets rere ceeds 4 ‘ ‘ DAA AS BEE Poche er ra he ae CAG ata ‘ e ve ke aa rr eae 4.4 < 488 ‘ « oe *, 4, « tet AEE 44a t G at eee aay 4 ‘ ee ace *,) fe « Ee we fe steed SONU PCR PO 4 Ea hetateteke “ < ee 4 Cates eee 4 oot folk vedce SOE EEG ‘4 4 < < < nN er ‘ t € ate cK) 4¢ « < ¢ one 4.44.04 eae we nag rm) SS ut 3,4 hte <4, on ty